Brenner and Rector's The Kidney, 8th Edition

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Brenner and Rector's The Kidney, 8th Edition

CONTRIBUTORS Zaid A. Abassi, DSc Tomas Berl, MD Associate Professor, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Faculty

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Pages 2290 Page size 492.75 x 634.5 pts Year 2011

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Tomas Berl, MD

Associate Professor, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology; Principal Investigator, Department of Vascular Surgery, Rambam Medical Center, Haifa, Israel

Professor of Medicine and Head of Renal Diseases and Hypertension, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, Colorado

Extracellular Fluid and Edema Formation

Nada M. Abou Hassan, MD Medicine Chief Resident, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon Microvascular and Macrovascular Diseases of the Kidney

Michael Allon, MD Professor of Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama Interventional Nephrology

Sharon Anderson, MD Professor of Medicine, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon Renal and Systemic Manifestations of Glomerular Disease

Mohammed Javeed Ansari, MBBS, MRCP(UK) Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Staff Physician, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts Clinical Management

Gerald B. Appel, MD Professor of Clinical Medicine, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons; Director, Clinical Nephrology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, New York Secondary Glomerular Disease

Allen I. Arieff, MS, MD Professor of Medicine Emeritus, University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco; Attending Physician, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California Neurologic Aspects of Kidney Disease

Michael B. Atkins, MD Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Deputy Director, Division of Hematology/Oncology, and Director, Cutaneous Oncology and Biologic Therapy Programs, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts Renal Neoplasia

Kamal F. Badr, MD Founding Dean, Lebanese American University, Beirut, Lebanon Microvascular and Macrovascular Diseases of the Kidney

Disorders of Water Balance

Daniel G. Bichet, MD, MSc Professor of Medicine and Physiology, and Canada Research Chair in Genetics of Renal Diseases, Université de Montréal; Nephrologist, Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada Inherited Disorders of the Renal Tubule

Peter G. Blake, MB, MSc, FRCPC, FRCPI Professor of Medicine and Chair of Nephrology, University of Western Ontario; Staff Nephrologist, London Health Sciences Centre, London, Ontario, Canada Peritoneal Dialysis

Jon D. Blumenfeld, MD Professor of Clinical Medicine, Weill Medical College of Cornell University; Director, Hypertension Section and The Susan R. Knafel Polycystic Kidney Disease Center of The Rogosin Institute, New York-Presbyterian Hospital; Attending Physician, Department of Medicine, The Rockefeller University Hospital, New York, New York Primary and Secondary Hypertension

Alain Bonnardeaux, MD Associate Professor of Medicine, Université de Montréal; Nephrologist, Hôpital MaisonneuveRosemont, Montréal, Québec, Canada Inherited Disorders of the Renal Tubule

Joseph V. Bonventre, MD, PhD Robert H. Ebert Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Director, Renal Division, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts Genomics and Proteomics in Nephrology

William D. Boswell, Jr., MD Associate Professor of Radiology, and Associate Chairman, Department of Radiology, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California; Chief of Radiology, USC/Norris Cancer Center, Los Angeles, California Diagnostic Kidney Imaging

Barry M. Brenner, MD Samuel A. Levine Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Director Emeritus, Renal Division, and Senior Physician, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts The Renal Circulations and Glomerular Ultrafiltration; Nephron Endowment; Adaptation to Nephron Loss; Renal and Systemic Manifestations of Glomerular Disease


Matthew D. Breyer, MD

Fredric L. Coe, MD

Professor of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee; Senior Medical Fellow II, Biotherapeutics Discovery Research, Eli Lilly and Company Corporate Center, Indianapolis, Indiana

Professor of Medicine and Physiology, and Director, Kidney Stone Prevention Program, Pritzker School of Medicine, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

Arachidonic Acid Metabolites and the Kidney

Dennis Brown, PhD Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Director, Massachusetts General Hospital Program in Membrane Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts Cell Biology of Vasopressin Action

Louise M. Burrell, MB, ChB, MRCP, MD, FRACP, FAHA Professor of Medicine, University of Melbourne, Melbourne; Senior Clinician, Austin Health, Victoria, Australia Vasoactive Peptides and the Kidney

David A. Bushinsky, MD Professor of Medicine and of Pharmacology and Physiology, University of Rochester School of Medicine; Chief, Nephrology Division, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, New York Nephrolithiasis

Riccardo Candido, MD, PhD Diabetic Centre, Azienda per i Servizi Sanitari n. 1 Triestina, Trieste, Italy Vasoactive Peptides and the Kidney

Anil Chandraker, MB, ChB, FRCP Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Associate Physician, Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Research Associate, Children’s Hospital Boston, Boston, Massachusetts Transplantation Immunobiology

Ingrid J. Chang, MD Instructor of Medicine, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee Extracorporeal Treatment of Poisoning

Devasmita Choudhury, MD Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School; Director of In-center and Home Dialysis, VA North Texas Health Care Systems, Dallas VA Medical Center, Dallas, Texas Aging and Kidney Disease

Peale Chuang, MD Fellow, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee Hemodialysis

Michael R. Clarkson, MD, MRCPI Senior Lecturer in Clinical Nephrology, University College Cork School of Medicine; Consultant Nephrologist, Cork University Hospital, Wilton, Cork, Ireland Acute Kidney Injury


Mark E. Cooper, MB, PhD, FRACP, FAHA, FASN Professor of Medicine (Eastern Clinical School), Monash University; Senior Endocrinologist, Alfred Hospital; Head, Diabetes and Metabolism Division, Baker Heart Research Institute, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Vasoactive Peptides and the Kidney

Josef Coresh, MD, PhD, MHS Professor of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Medicine, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland Epidemiology of Kidney Disease

Ramzi S. Cotran, MD* Former Frank B. Mallory Professor of Pathology, Harvard Medical School; Former Chair, Department of Pathology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Children’s Hospital Boston, Boston, Massachusetts Urinary Tract Infection, Pyelonephritis, and Reflux Nephropathy

Gary C. Curhan, MD, ScD Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health; Physician, Renal Division, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts Diet and Kidney Disease

Vivette D’Agati, MD Professor of Pathology, Department of Pathology, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons; Chief, Renal Pathology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, New York Secondary Glomerular Disease

M.R. Davids, MD Professor of Medicine, and Chief of Nephrology, Stellenbosch University School of Medicine, Cape Town, South Africa Interpretation of Electrolyte and Acid-Base Parameters in Blood and Urine

Marc E. De Broe, MD Professor in Nephrology, University of Antwerp, Wilrijk/Antwerpen, Belgium Tubulointerstitial Diseases

Paul E. De Jong, MD Professor of Nephrology, Nephrologist, and Chief, Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands Specific Pharmacologic Approaches to Clinical Renoprotection


Dick de Zeeuw, MD

Steven Fishbane, MD

Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands

Professor of Medicine, SUNY Stony Brook School of Medicine, Stony Brook; Chief, Division of Nephrology, Winthrop-University Hospital, Mineola, New York

Specific Pharmacologic Approaches to Clinical Renoprotection

Hematologic Aspects of Kidney Disease; Erythropoietin Therapy in Renal Disease and Renal Failure


Matthew Dollins, MD Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine, Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana Intensive Care Nephrology

Thomas D. DuBose, Jr., MD Tinsley R. Harrison Professor and Chair of Internal Medicine, and Professor of Physiology and Pharmacology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine; Chief of Internal Medicine Service, North Carolina Baptist Hospital, Winston-Salem, North Carolina Disorders of Acid-Base Balance

Lance D. Dworkin, MD Professor of Medicine, Vice Chairman for Research and Academic Affairs, and Director, Division of Kidney Diseases and Hypertension, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University; Director, Division of Kidney Diseases and Hypertension, Rhode Island and The Miriam Hospitals, Providence, Rhode Island The Renal Circulations and Glomerular Ultrafiltration

David H. Ellison, MD Professor of Medicine, and Head, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Oregon Health and Science University; Oregon Health and Science University Hospital; Portland VA Medical Center, Portland, Oregon Diuretics

Joseph A. Eustace, MB, MRCPI, MHS Senior Lecturer in Clinical Nephrology, University College Cork School of Medicine; Consultant Nephrologist, Cork University Hospital, Wilton, Cork, Ireland Epidemiology of Kidney Disease; Acute Kidney Injury

Ronald J. Falk, MD Doc J. Thurston Distinguished Professor of Medicine, University of North Carolina; Chief, Division of Nephrology, UNC Health Care, Chapel Hill, North Carolina Primary Glomerular Disease

Robert A. Fenton, PhD Assistant Professor, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark Urine Concentration and Dilution

Jay A. Fishman, MD Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Associate Director, Transplantation Center, and Director, Massachusetts General Hospital Transplant Infectious Disease and Compromised Host Program, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts Xenotransplantation

John J. Friedewald, MD Assistant Professor, Division of Nephrology/ Hypertension, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, Illinois Acute Kidney Injury

Jørgen Frøkiaer, MD, DMSc Professor of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Aarhus; Chief Consultant, Aarhus University Hospital—Skejby, Aarhus, Denmark Urinary Tract Obstruction

Ladan Golestaneh, MD, MS Assistant Professor of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine; Medical Director of Inpatient Dialysis and CRRT, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, New York Gender and Kidney Disease

Rujun Gong, MD, PhD Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Kidney Diseases and Hypertension, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University; Medical Research Scientist, Division of Kidney Diseases and Hypertension, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, Rhode Island The Renal Circulations and Glomerular Ultrafiltration

William G. Goodman, MD Medical Affairs Director, Nephrology Therapeutic Area, Amgen Inc., Thousand Oaks, California Vitamin D, Calcimimetics, and Phosphate-Binders

Jared J. Grantham, MD Harry Statland Professor of Nephrology, Associate Dean for Medical Graduate Studies, and Consultant, The Kidney Institute, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas Cystic Diseases of the Kidney

M.L. Halperin, MD, FRCPC, FRS Emeritus Professor, University of Toronto School of Medicine; Attending Physician, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Interpretation of Electrolyte and Acid-Base Parameters in Blood and Urine


Bradley M. Denker, MD Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Physician, Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Chief of Nephrology, Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates, Boston, Massachusetts



L. Lee Hamm, MD

Hassan N. Ibrahim, MD, MS

Chair, Department of Internal Medicine, Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana

Assistant Professor of Medicine, and Director, Renal Fellowship Program, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Renal Acidification

Marc R. Hammerman, AB, MD Chromalloy Professor of Renal Diseases in Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine; Physician, Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri Tissue Engineering and Regeneration

Donna S. Hanes, MD Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland Antihypertensive Drugs

Raymond C. Harris, Jr., MD Ann and Roscoe R. Robinson Professor of Medicine, Director, Vanderbilt Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, and Director, Vanderbilt O’Brien Center for the Study of Renal Disease, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine; Staff Physician/ Nephrologist, Veterans Administration Hospital, Nashville, Tennessee Arachidonic Acid Metabolites and the Kidney

Jonathan Himmelfarb, MD Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington, Vermont; Director, Division of Nephrology and Transplantation, Maine Medical Center, Portland, Maine Hemodialysis

Jason D. Hoffert, PhD Physiologist, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Bethesda, Maryland Urine Concentration and Dilution

Thomas H. Hostetter, MD Professor of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, New York Pathophysiology of Uremia

Stephen I-Hong Hsu, MD, PhD R. Glenn Davis Associate Professor in Clinical and Translational Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Hypertension and Dialysis, Department of Medicine, University of Florida College of Medicine; Nephrologist, Division of Nephrology, Hypertension and Dialysis, Department of Medicine, Shands Healthcare at the University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida Genomics and Proteomics in Nephrology

Donor and Recipient Issues

Ajay K. Israni, MD, MS Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Minnesota School of Medicine; Adjunct Assistant Professor of Epidemiology and Community Health, University of Minnesota School of Public Health; Attending Nephrologist, Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota Laboratory Assessment of Kidney Disease: Clearance, Urinalysis, and Kidney Biopsy

Hossein Jadvar, MD, PhD, MPH, MBA Associate Professor of Radiology and Biomedical Engineering, and Director of Research, Department of Radiology, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California Diagnostic Kidney Imaging

Karin A.M. Jandeleit-Dahm, MD, PhD, FRACP Associate Professor of Medicine (Eastern Clinical School), Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Vasoactive Peptides and the Kidney

J. Charles Jennette, MD Kenneth M. Brinkhous Distinguished Professor, University of North Carolina; Chair, UNC Health Care, Chapel Hill, North Carolina Primary Glomerular Disease

Eric Jonasch, MD Assistant Professor, Genitourinary Medical Oncology, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas Renal Neoplasia

K.S. Kamel, MD, FRCPC Professor, University of Toronto School of Medicine; Chief, Nephrology, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Interpretation of Electrolyte and Acid-Base Parameters in Blood and Urine

Abbas A. Kanso, MD Nephrology Fellow, Division of Nephrology, Metro Health Medical Center, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio Microvascular and Macrovascular Diseases of the Kidney

John J. Iacomini, PhD

S. Ananth Karumanchi, MD

Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Associate Biologist, Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Associate Scientist, Children’s Hospital Boston, Boston, Massachusetts

Associate Professor of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Harvard Medical School; Attending Physician, Nephrology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts

Transplantation Immunobiology

Hypertension and Kidney Disease in Pregnancy

Bertram L. Kasiske, MD

Moshe Levi, MD

Professor, University of Minnesota School of Medicine; Director, Division of Nephrology, and Medical Director, Kidney Transplant, Hennepin County Medical Center; Medical Director, Kidney Transplant and Pancreas Transplant, University of Minnesota Medical Center-Fairview, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Professor of Medicine, Physiology and Biophysics, and Vice Chair of Medicine for Research, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado

David K. Klassen, MD Professor of Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland Antihypertensive Drugs

Mark A. Knepper, MD, PhD Senior Investigator, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Bethesda, Maryland Urine Concentration and Dilution

Radko Komers, MD, PhD Research Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon Renal and Systemic Manifestations of Glomerular Disease

Bruce C. Kone, MD Dean and Folke H. Peterson Dean’s Distinguished Professor, University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, Florida Metabolic Basis of Solute Transport

Michael A. Kraus, MD Clinical Chief of Nephrology, Indiana University School of Medicine; Medical Director, Home Dialysis and Acute Dialysis, and Co-Chief of Nephrology, Clarion Health Partners, Indianapolis, Indiana Intensive Care Nephrology

Jordan Kreidberg, MD, PhD Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Department of Nephrology, Children’s Hospital Boston, Boston, Massachusetts Embryology of the Kidney

John H. Laragh, MD Professor of Clinical Medicine in Cardiothoracic Surgery, Weill Medical College of Cornell University; Director, Cardiovascular Center, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, New YorkPresbyterian Hospital, New York, New York Primary and Secondary Hypertension

Aging and Kidney Disease

S.H. Lin, MD Professor, Tri-Services General Medical School; Director, Dialysis Service, Division of Nephrology, Tri-Services General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan Interpretation of Electrolyte and Acid-Base Parameters in Blood and Urine

Valerie A. Luyckx, MD Assistant Professor, Division of Nephrology and Immunology, Department of Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Nephron Endowment

David A. Maddox, PhD Professor of Internal Medicine, University of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine; Coordinator of Research and Development, VA Medical Center; Director of Basic Research, Avera Research Institute, Sioux Falls, South Dakota The Renal Circulations and Glomerular Ultrafiltration

Kirsten M. Madsen, MD, DMSc Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, Florida Anatomy of the Kidney

Colm C. Magee, MD, MPH, MRCPI Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Staff Physician, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts Clinical Management

Daniella Magen, MD Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology; Senior Physician, Pediatric Nephrology Unit, Meyer Children’s Hospital, Rambam Health Care Campus, Haifa, Israel Stem Cells in Renal Biology and Medicine

Michael Mauer, MD Department of Pediatric Nephrology, University of Minnesota Hospital and Clinic, Minneapolis, Minnesota Diabetic Nephropathy

Ivan D. Maya, MD, FACP Assistant Professor of Medicine and Radiology, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Associate Director of Interventional Nephrology, University of Alabama Hospitals, Birmingham, Alabama Interventional Nephrology

Andrew S. Levey, MD

Sharon E. Maynard, MD

Dr. Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman Professor of Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine; Chief, Division of Nephrology, Tufts-New England Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts

Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Renal Diseases and Hypertension, George Washington University Medical School, and George Washington University Hospital, Washington, D.C.

Risk Factors and Kidney Disease

Hypertension and Kidney Disease in Pregnancy


Laboratory Assessment of Kidney Disease: Clearance, Urinalysis, and Kidney Biopsy; Donor and Recipient Issues



Christopher W. McIntyre, MBBS, MD

Jean Mulder, MD

Associate Professor and Reader in Vascular Medicine, School of Graduate Entry Medicine and Healthcare, University of Nottingham Medical School at Derby; Honorary Consultant Nephrologist, Derby City General Hospital, Derby, United Kingdom

Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts

Prescribing Drugs in Kidney Disease

Lawrence P. McMahon, MD, FRACP Director of Nephrology, Western Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Cardiovascular Aspects of Chronic Kidney Disease

Vandana Menon, MD, PhD, MPH Assistant Professor of Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine, and Tufts-New England Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts Risk Factors and Kidney Disease

Timothy W. Meyer, MD Professor of Medicine, Stanford University, Stanford; VA Palo Alto Health Care System, Palo Alto, California Pathophysiology of Uremia

Edgar L. Milford, MD Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Staff Physician, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts Clinical Management

William E. Mitch, MD Gordon A. Cain Professor of Medicine, and Director, Division of Nephrology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas Diet and Kidney Disease

Orson W. Moe, MD Director, Charles and Jane Pak Center for Mineral Metabolism and Clinical Research, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas; Professor, Internal Medicine, Parkland Memorial Hospital, and St. Paul Hospital, Dallas, Texas Renal Handling of Organic Solutes; Nephrolithiasis

Sharon M. Moe, MD Professor of Medicine, and Vice Chair for Research, Department of Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine, and Roudebush VA Medical Center, Indianapolis, Indiana Mineral Bone Disorders in Chronic Kidney Disease

Bruce A. Molitoris, MD Director of Nephrology, Indiana University School of Medicine, and Roudebush VA Medical Center; Indiana University Hospital; Clarion Hospital; Veterans Affairs Hospital, Indianapolis, Indiana Intensive Care Nephrology

David B. Mount, MD Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School; Attending Physician, Renal Division, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Division of General Internal Medicine, VA Boston Health Care System, Boston, Massachusetts Transport of Inorganic Solutes: Sodium, Chloride, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, and Phosphate; Disorders of Potassium Balance

Endocrine Aspects of Kidney Disease

Patrick H. Nachman, MD Associate Professor of Medicine, UNC Kidney Center, University of North Carolina, and UNC Health Care, Chapel Hill, North Carolina Primary Glomerular Disease

Nazih L. Nakhoul, PhD Research Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana Renal Acidification

Gerjan Navis, MD Professor of Experimental Nephrology, and Nephrologist, Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands Specific Pharmacologic Approaches to Clinical Renoprotection

Joel Neugarten, MD Professor of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine; Site Director, Renal Division, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, New York Gender and Kidney Disease

Søren Nielsen, MD, PhD, DMSc Professor of Cell Biology and Pathophysiology, and Director, The Water and Salt Research Center, Institute of Anatomy, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark Anatomy of the Kidney; Cell Biology of Vasopressin Action

Allen R. Nissenson, MD Professor of Medicine, Associate Dean, and Director, Dialysis Program, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, California Erythropoietin Therapy in Renal Disease and Renal Failure

Paul J. Owen, MBBS Research Fellow in Renal Medicine, School of Graduate Entry Medicine and Healthcare, University of Nottingham Medical School at Derby, Derby, United Kingdom Prescribing Drugs in Kidney Disease

Randall K. Packer, PhD Professor of Biology and Deputy Chair of Biology Department, George Washington University, Washington, D.C. Urine Concentration and Dilution

Manuel Palacín, DSc Full Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Barcelona; Group Leader, Molecular Medicine Program, Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB), Barcelona, Spain Renal Handling of Organic Solutes

Biff F. Palmer, MD

Jochen Reiser, MD, PhD

Professor of Internal Medicine, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas; Physician, Parkland Health and Human Services, Dallas, Texas

Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Associate Physician, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts

Endocrine Aspects of Kidney Disease

Associate Professor of Clinical Radiology, and Chief, Body Imaging Division, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California Diagnostic Kidney Imaging

Patrick S. Parfrey, MD, FRCP(C) University Research Professor, Memorial University; Research Chief, and Staff Nephrologist, Eastern Health, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada Cardiovascular Aspects of Chronic Kidney Disease

Hans-Henrik Parving, MD, DMSc Professor and Chief Physician, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark Diabetic Nephropathy

Norberto Perico, MD Head, Laboratory of Drug Development, Clinical Research Center for Rare Diseases “Aldo e Cele Daccò”, Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, Bergamo, Italy Tubulointerstitial Diseases

Martin R. Pollak, MD Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Physician, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts Disorders of Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphate Balance; Inherited Disorders of Podocyte Function

Susan E. Quaggin, MD Canada Research Chair in Vascular Biology, The Samuel Lunnenfeld Research Institute, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Embryology of the Kidney

L. Darryl Quarles, MD Summerfield Endowed Professor of Nephrology, Vice Chairman, Department of Internal Medicine, and Director, The Kidney Institute and Division of Nephrology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas Vitamin D, Calcimimetics, and Phosphate-Binders

Hamid Rabb, MD, FACP Associate Professor of Medicine, and Physician Director, Kidney Transplant Program, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland Acute Kidney Injury

Inherited Disorders of Podocyte Function

Giuseppe Remuzzi, MD Professor in Nephrology, and Director of Division of Nephrology and Dialysis, Azienda Ospedaliera Ospedali Riuniti di Bergamo; Director of Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, Negri Bergamo Laboratories, Bergamo, Italy Tubulointerstitial Diseases

Eberhard Ritz, MD Professor of Nephrology, Dialysis, and Transplantation, Sektion Nephrologie, Med. Universitätsklinik, Heidelberg, Germany Diabetic Nephropathy

Robert H. Rubin, MD Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Associate Director, Division of Infectious Diseases, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts Urinary Tract Infection, Pyelonephritis, and Reflux Nephropathy

Ernesto Sabath, MD Physician, Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro, Queretaro, Mexico Plasmapheresis

David H. Sachs, MD, AB, DES Professor of Surgery and Immunology, Harvard Medical School, Boston; Director of the Transplantation Biology Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, Massachusetts Xenotransplantation

Souheil Saddekni, MD Professor of Radiology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama Interventional Nephrology

Alan D. Salama, MBBS, MA, PhD, FRCP Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant Physician, Imperial College London; Honorary Consultant Physician, Hammersmith Hospital, London, United Kingdom Attaining Immunologic Tolerance in the Clinic

Mark J. Sarnak, MD, MS Associate Director, Research Training Program, Division of Nephrology, Tufts-New England Medical Center; Associate Professor of Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts Risk Factors and Kidney Disease

Jai Radhakrishnan, MD

Ramesh Saxena, MD, PhD

Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons; Director, Renal Fellowship Program, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, New York

Associate Professor of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Dallas, Texas

Secondary Glomerular Disease

Approach to the Patient with Kidney Disease


Suzanne L. Palmer, MD



Mohamed H. Sayegh, MD

John C. Stivelman, AB, MD

Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School; Director, Transplantation Research Center, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Children’s Hospital Boston, Boston, Massachusetts

Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine; Chief Medical Officer, Northwest Kidney Centers, Seattle, Washington

Transplantation Immunobiology; Attaining Immunologic Tolerance in the Clinic

Asher D. Schachter, MD, MMSc, MS Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School; Division of Nephrology, Children’s Hospital Boston, Boston, Massachusetts Genomics and Proteomics in Nephrology

Gerald Schulman, MD Professor of Medicine, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine; Professor of Medicine, Director of Hemodialysis, and Co-Director of Clinical Trials Center in Nephrology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee Hemodialysis

Ajay Sharma, MD Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Western Ontario; Pediatric Nephrologist, London Health Sciences Centre, London, Ontario, Canada Peritoneal Dialysis

Sharon R. Silbiger, MD Professor of Clinical Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine; Director, Internal Medicine Residency Program (AECOM/Montefiore), Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, New York Gender and Kidney Disease

Ajay K. Singh, MB, MRCP Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Clinical Director, Renal Division, and Director of Dialysis Services, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts Endocrine Aspects of Kidney Disease

Karl L. Skorecki, MD Annie Chutick Professor and Chair in Medicine (Nephrology), Technion—Israel Institute of Technology; Director of Medical and Research Development, Rambam Health Care Campus, Haifa, Israel Extracellular Fluid and Edema Formation; Stem Cells in Renal Biology and Medicine

James P. Smith, MD Clinical Fellow, Nephrology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee Extracorporeal Treatment of Poisoning

Stuart M. Sprague, DO Professor of Medicine, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago; Chief, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Evanston Northwestern Healthcare, Evanston, Illinois Mineral Bone Disorders in Chronic Kidney Disease

Erythropoietin Therapy in Renal Disease and Renal Failure

Maarten W. Taal, MB, ChB, MMed, MD, FCP(SA), FRCP Special Lecturer, University of Nottingham Medical School at Derby; Consultant Renal Physician, Derby City General Hospital, Derby, United Kingdom Adaptation to Nephron Loss

Eric N. Taylor, MD, MSc Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Associate Physician, Renal Division, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts Disorders of Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphate Balance

Stephen C. Textor, MD Professor of Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine; Vice-Chair, Nephrology and Hypertension Division, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota Renovascular Hypertension and Ischemic Nephropathy

Ravi Thadhani, MD, MPH Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Director of Clinical Research in Nephrology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts Hypertension and Kidney Disease in Pregnancy

C. Craig Tisher, MD Professor, Departments of Medicine, Pathology, and Anatomy and Cell Biology, and Dean Emeritus, University of Florida College of Medicine; Attending Physician, Shands Hospital, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida Anatomy of the Kidney

Nina E. Tolkoff-Rubin, MD Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Director, Hemodialysis and Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Units, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts Urinary Tract Infection, Pyelonephritis, and Reflux Nephropathy

Vicente E. Torres, MD, PhD Professor of Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine; Chair, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation, Rochester, Minnesota Cystic Diseases of the Kidney

Robert D. Toto, MD Mary M. Conroy Professorship in Kidney Disease, Department of Internal Medicine, and Director, Patient Oriented Research in Nephrology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Dallas, Texas Approach to the Patient with Kidney Disease

Joseph G. Verbalis, MD

Stephen H. Wright, PhD

Professor of Medicine and Physiology, and Interim Chair of Medicine, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.

Professor of Physiology, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson, Arizona

Disorders of Water Balance

Bernardo C. Vidal, Jr., MSc

Genomics and Proteomics in Nephrology

David G. Warnock, MD Marie K. Ingaus Professor of Medicine, Director, Division of Nephrology, and Director, Office of Human Research, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama Interventional Nephrology

Matthew R. Weir, MD Professor of Medicine, and Director, Division of Nephrology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland Antihypertensive Drugs

Christopher S. Wilcox, MD, PhD George E. Schreiner Chair of Nephrology, and Professor of Medicine, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. Diuretics

Joseph Winaver, MD Professor, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel Extracellular Fluid and Edema Formation

Christopher G. Wood, MD Associate Professor, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas Renal Neoplasia

Renal Handling of Organic Solutes

Alan S. L. Yu, MB, BChir Associate Professor of Medicine, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California; Attending Nephrologist, Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center, Los Angeles, California Transport of Inorganic Solutes: Sodium, Chloride, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, and Phosphate; Disorders of Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphate Balance

Kambiz Zandi-Nejad, MD Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Attending Physician, Renal Division, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts Disorders of Potassium Balance

Mark L. Zeidel, MD Herrman L. Blumgart Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Chair, Department of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts Urinary Tract Obstruction

Israel Zelikovic, MD Associate Professor of Pediatrics/Nephrology and Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology; Director, Pediatric Nephrology Unit, Meyer Children’s Hospital, Rambam Health Care Campus, Haifa, Israel Stem Cells in Renal Biology and Medicine


Research Assistant, Population Genetics Group, Genome Institute of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore


PREFACE For the past 35 years, one of my main professional activities has been devoted to the formidable task of editing the serial editions of Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney, initially with my colleague Dr. Floyd C. Rector, Jr., and for the past four editions as sole editor. The greatest challenge has been to recognize and incorporate an ever-increasing body of new knowledge that has spurred enormous progress in nephrology. As the treadmill spins faster and faster, the task for each edition has been to meet this challenge for our readership in ways that ensure clarity, accuracy and extensive documentation. As readers approach this Eighth edition, they will immediately appreciate our radical change in book design, with vibrant cover art and pages in full color to enhance visual appeal and illustration clarity. Despite growth in knowledge, we have beseeched authors to adhere to strictly assigned length limitations and to emphasize literature published since 1990, since older references are readily available in cited reviews and previous editions. As a result, overall book length is less than the previous edition, despite growing from 66 to 70 chapters. To more effectively integrate the ever-enlarging knowledge base in renal physiology, pathophysiology, clinical diagnosis and therapeutics, we have also initiated a radical reorganization of the textbook into 12 sections, each distinguished by separate color code. This is the first such reorganization since publication of the First edition in 1976. Of the 70 chapters, one-fourth are entirely new titles, one-fourth have been completely revised by newly invited authors and for the remaining half each chapter has undergone major updates and revisions, often with addition of new co-authors. Through the collective efforts of our very able contributors, the intellectual and practical value of this new edition of Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney has not only been continued but further strengthened. There are now 161 contributors to the Eighth Edition (compared to 151 in the Seventh Edition), and 73 of these 161 (over 40%) are new to this edition. The new organization in 12 sections proceeds as follows: Section I: Normal Renal Function: Molecular, Cellular, Structural and Physiological Principles. This section devoted to basic renal structure and function is made up of nine chapters, dealing in detail with embryology, anatomy and topography, hemodynamics, tubule solute transport, urinary acidification, concentration and dilution, and the cellular actions of vasopressin. The principles outlined enable the reader to approach subsequent considerations of pathogenesis, pathophysiology and clinical nephrology in the most rational way possible. Section II: Integrated Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition. Of the seven chapters in this section, two deal with vasoactive peptides and arachidonate metabolites, molecules that greatly influence renal function. These are followed by in-depth discussions of disorders of sodium and water, acid-base, potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphate homeostasis. Section III: Epidemiology and Risk Factors in Kidney Disease. This novel section contains five chapters dealing with epidemiology, risk factor assessment, and the increasingly recognized roles of nephron endowment, gender and aging on renal disease risk and outcomes.

Section IV: Pathogenesis of Renal Disease. In this section of seven chapters, experienced clinicians describe the approach to the patient with known or suspected kidney disease, and how to apply the most cost-effective diagnostic assessments by laboratory evaluation and radiologic and other new imaging procedures. This very extensive imaging library is in itself a comprehensive primer for the nephrologist. Also reviewed in this section are the growing number of interventional approaches made possible by these ingenious new imaging procedures. Finally, this section includes two chapters dealing with the fundamental renal and systemic adaptations to nephron injury and chronic loss of renal function, providing insight into the mechanisms that ultimately contribute to the progression of renal disease and its attendant systemic complications. Section V: Disorders of Kidney Function. The ten chapters in this section deal with the major clinical entities that constitute the full spectrum of acute and chronic kidney disease. Pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy of acute kidney injury, primary and secondary glomerulopathies, micro- and macrovascular disorders of the kidney, tubulo-interstitial disease, diabetic nephropathy, urinary tract infection, obstruction, nephrolithiasis, and renal neoplasia are extensively reviewed by authors with vast clinical experience in each of their assigned areas. Section VI: Genetic Basis of Kidney Disease. The three chapters devoted to this very active area of renal research address the inherited podocytopathies and tubule transport disorders as well as the various cystic diseases of the kidney, with thorough discussions of relevant genetic abnormalities and current understanding of how mutational events lead to clinical manifestations of disordered renal structure and function. Section VII: Hypertension and the Kidney. This section of five chapters deals with the important clinical entities of primary and secondary hypertension, renovascular disease and ischemic nephropathy, and hypertension and kidney disease in pregnancy. Treatment for these conditions has evolved considerably, and these advances are thoroughly reviewed in two relevant chapters on antihypertensive drugs and diuretics, again by recognized experts. Section VIII: The Consequences of Renal Failure. The six chapters in this section examine the biochemical and pathophysiological consequences of advancing renal insufficiency on cardiovascular, hematologic, endocrine, neurologic and musculoskeletal systems, areas in which new research findings have shed considerable light on causes and management of these systemic manifestations of the uremic state. Section IX: Conservative and Pharmacological Management of Kidney Disease. This section of five chapters reviews in detail the best available dietary and pharmacologic therapies for patients with progressive kidney disease, including specific pharmacologic approaches to renoprotection, and the rational uses of erythropoietic stimulating proteins, vitamin D analogs and calcimimetic and phosphate binding agents. The final chapter in this section updates our knowledge of faulty drug metabolism in the patient with advancing renal disease


and the necessary precautions that must be applied to drug use in this at-risk population. Section X: Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure. In five chapters in this section the major treatment modalities of hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and plasmapheresis are reviewed, along with the special challenges that increasingly confront nephrologists in the setting of the intensive care unit and in the patient in whom intentional or accidental poisoning necessitates extracorporeal treatment for toxin-removal and life support. Section XI: Renal Transplantation. The three chapters in this penultimate section deal with the still-challenging treatment modality of renal transplantation, with extensive reviews of relevant basic immunology, specific issues related to both the organ donor and recipient, and principles of management of the early and later phases of the post-transplant clinical response. Section XII: Frontiers in Nephrology. In these final five chapters, experts working at the cutting edge of the frontiers that hold great promise for nephrology are asked to foresee the future from their unique vantage points. Can we ultimately attain immunologic tolerance, achieve success with xenotransplantation, engineer the regrowth of normal renal parenchyma, and utilize stem cells and the promise of genomics and proteomics to advance our diagnostic and therapeutic horizons in nephrology? The answers to these provocative challenges will hopefully spur dramatic improvements in the care of our deserving patients with end stage renal disease. As was the case with previous editions of Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney, our goal for the Eighth edition is to educate and update all those concerned with the workings of the kidney in health and disease, i.e., medical and graduate students, internists, pediatricians, urologists and of course nephrologists, from trainees to highly experienced clinicians and scientists. But even a two-volume, extensively illustrated, updated and abundantly referenced tome cannot by itself encompass the full universe of nephrology of 2008 and beyond. In recognition of this limitation, we have systematically labored to construct a formidable Library of Nephrology consisting of several regularly revised and updated Companion Volumes, including Therapy in Nephrology and Hypertension, second edition, edited by Hugh Brady and Christopher Wilcox, Hypertension, second edition, edited by Suzanne Oparil and Michael Weber, Chronic Kidney Disease, Dialysis, and Transplantation, second edition, edited by Brian Pereira, Mohamed Sayegh, and Peter Blake, Acute Renal Failure, edited by Bruce Molitoris and William Finn, Acid-Base and Electrolyte Disorders, edited by Thomas DuBose and Lee Hamm, Diagnostic Atlas of Renal Pathology, edited by Agnes Fogo and Michael Kashgarian and Pocket Companion, edited by Michael Clarkson and Barry Brenner. The aim of these, and several additional volumes now in preparation or planned, is to assist the active and often time-constrained renal physician

and scientist in acquiring familiarity with the latest advances in contemporary nephrology. Keeping pace can also be achieved by utilizing the e-dition of the Eighth edition, which provides immediate electronic access to the entire text and its myriad of tables and figures, all of which can be readily downloaded in PowerPoint format for individual use. Moreover, since our four year cycle for new editions still leaves time gaps for those most in immediate need of new information, I now routinely scan dozens of relevant journals each month and prepare abstracts of articles that I believe contain important new information. These abstracts are posted at frequent intervals directly into the page of the electronic text dealing with the exact topic so as to create a constantly updated e-dition, in effect a living textbook. My goal for the Eighth edition is the most user-friendly informational resource possible in nephrology via print and electronic formats. I am particularly indebted to our many renowned and devoted authors whose scholarly and practical contributions constitute the essence of this enterprise. For their adherence to deadlines, page and content constraints, I am in their debt. Nor could my goal have been accomplished without the extraordinary efforts of my local editorial associates, Gabriela Salomé Álvarez and Anna Elizabeth Besch, and the highly professional and devoted staff of Elsevier. I especially thank Susan Pioli, Publishing Director, Arlene Chappelle, Senior Developmental Editor, and Mary B. Stermel, Senior Project Manager, for their guidance, technical excellence, and unrelenting support. I also thank Berta Steiner for overseeing the production of the edition and Steven Stave for his innovative book design. My appreciation also extends to our many devoted readers who have reacted so favorably to previous editions and offered encouragement and sound advice over the years. It is to them and the betterment of their patients that our efforts are ultimately directed. Finally, to my family and friends, for their continued acceptance of my benign neglect due to the assumption of this and all too many other time-consuming projects, I express my heartfelt gratitude and unbounded love. And soon their patience will be rewarded. Just as blazing embers eventually grow dimmer, I recognize that now is the appropriate time to begin the orderly transition of responsibility for future editions of Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney, as well as the other components of our Library of Nephrology, to a new generation of editors. An international team consisting of Drs. Glenn M. Chertow (San Francisco, California, USA), Philip A. Marsden (Toronto, Canada), Karl L. Skorecki (Haifa, Israel), Maarten W. Taal (Derby, United Kingdom) and Alan S. L. Yu (Los Angeles, California, USA) will join me in developing the Ninth edition and I am certain that with their exceptional abilities and dedication to task the future excellence of Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney, and indeed our entire Library will be assured. Barry M. Brenner, M.D. Boston, 2007

CHAPTER 1 Mammalian Kidney Development: Embryology, 3 Development of the Urogenital System, 3 Development of the Metanephros, 3 Development of the Nephron, 4 The Nephrogenic Zone, 5 Branching Morphogenesis— Development of the Collecting System, 6 Renal Stroma and Interstitial Populations, 6 Development of the Vasculature, 6 Model Systems to Study Kidney Development, 7 Organ Culture, 7 Transgenic and Knockout Mouse Models, 8 Non–mammalian Model Systems for Kidney Development, 8 Genetic Analysis of Mammalian Kidney Development, 11 Interaction of the Ureteric Bud and Metanephric Mesenchyme, 12 Formation of the Collecting System, 14 Positioning of the Ureteric Bud, 14 Molecular Biology of Nephron Development: Tubulogenesis, 15 Molecular Analysis of the Nephrogenic Zone, 15 Molecular Genetics of the Stromal Cell Lineage, 15 Molecular Genetics of Vascular Formation, 16 The Juxta-Glomerular Apparatus and the Renin-Angiotensin System, 18 Nephron Development and Glomerulogenesis, 19

Embryology of the Kidney Susan E. Quaggin • Jordan Kreidberg Over the past several decades, the identification of genes and molecular pathways required for normal renal development have provided insight into our understanding of obvious developmental diseases such as renal agenesis and renal dysplasia. However, many of the genes identified have also been shown to play roles in adultonset and acquired renal diseases such as focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. The number of nephrons present in the kidney at birth, which is determined during fetal life, predicts the risk of renal disease and hypertension later in life; a reduced number is associated with greater risk.1–3 Discovery of novel therapeutic targets and strategies to slow and reverse kidney disease, requires an understanding of the molecular mechanisms that underlie kidney development.

MAMMALIAN KIDNEY DEVELOPMENT: EMBRYOLOGY Development of the Urogenital System The vertebrate kidney derives from the intermediate mesoderm of the urogenital ridge, a structure found along the posterior wall of the abdomen in the developing fetus.7 It develops in three successive stages known as the pronephros, the mesonephros, and the metanephros (Fig. 1–1), although only the metanephros gives rise to the definitive adult kidney. However, earlier stages are required for development of other organs, such as the adrenal gland and gonad that also develop within the urogenital ridge. Furthermore, many of the signaling pathways and genes that play important roles in the metanephric kidney appear to play parallel roles during earlier stages of renal development, in the pronephros and mesonephros. The pronephros consists of pronephric tubules and the pronephric duct (also known as the precursor to the Wolffian duct) and develops from the rostral-most region of the urogenital ridge at 22 days of gestation (humans) and 8 days post coitum (d.p.c.; mouse). It functions in the larval stages of amphibians and fish, but not in mammals. The mesonephros develops caudal to the pronephric tubules in the

mid-section of the urogenital ridge. The mesonephros becomes the functional excretory apparatus in lower vertebrates and may perform a filtering function during embryonic life in mammals. However, it largely degenerates before birth. Prior to its degeneration, endothelial, peritubular myoid, and steroidogenic cells from the mesonephros migrate into the adjacent adrenogonadal primordia, which ultimately form the adrenal gland and gonads.10 Abnormal mesonephric migration leads to gonadal dysgenesis, a fact that emphasizes the intricate association between these organ systems during development and explains the common association of gonadal and renal defects in congenital syndromes.11,12 In males, production of testosterone also induces the formation of seminal vesicles, tubules of the epididymis, and portions of the vas deferens from the Wolffian duct.

Development of the Metanephros The metanephros is the third and final stage, and gives rise to the definitive adult kidney of higher vertebrates; it results from a series of inductive interactions that occur between the metanephric mesenchyme and the epithelial ureteric bud at the caudal end of the urogenital ridge. The ureteric bud (UB) is first visible as an outgrowth at the distal end of the Wolffian duct at approximately 5 weeks of gestation in humans or 10.5 days post coitus (d.p.c.) in mice. The metanephric mesenchyme (MM) becomes histologically distinct from the surrounding mesenchyme and is found adjacent to the UB. Upon invasion of UB into the MM at 11.5 d.p.c. in mice and 5 weeks in humans, signals from the MM cause the UB to branch into a T-tubule and then to undergo dichotomous branching, giving rise to the urinary collecting system and all of the collecting ducts (Fig. 1–2). Simultaneously, the UB sends reciprocal signals to the MM, which is induced to condense along the surface of the bud. Following condensation, a subset of MM aggregates adjacent and inferior to the tips of the branching ureteric bud. These collections of cells are known as pre-tubular aggregates, which undergo mesenchymalto-epithelial conversion to become the renal vesicle (Fig. 1–3). 3


Development of the Nephron The renal vesicle segments and proceeds through a series of morphological changes to form the glomerulus and components of the tubular nephron from the proximal convoluted tubule to the distal nephron. These stages are known as

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FIGURE 1–1 Three stages of mammalian kidney development. The pronephros (P) and mesonephros (M) develop in a rostral-to-caudal direction and the tubules are aligned adjacent to the Wolffian or nephric duct (WD). The metanephros develops from an outgrowth of the distal end of the Wolffian duct known as the ureteric bud epithelium (UB) and a cluster of cells known as the metanephric mesenchyme (MM). Cells migrate from the mesonephros (M) into the developing gonad (G), which develop in close association with one another. (Adapted from Saxen L: Organogenesis of the Kidney. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987.)

comma shape, S-shape, capillary loop, and mature stage and require precise proximal-to-distal patterning and structural transformation (see Fig. 1–3). Remarkably, this process is repeated 600,000 to 1 million times in each developing human kidney as new nephrons are sequentially born at the tips of the UB throughout fetal life. The glomerulus develops from the most proximal end of the renal vesicle that is furthest from the UB tip.13,14 Distinct cell types of the glomerulus can first be identified in the S-shape stage, where presumptive podocytes appear as a columnarshaped epithelial cell layer. A vascular cleft develops and separates the presumptive podocyte layer from more distal cells that will form the proximal tubule. Parietal epithelial cells differentiate and flatten becoming Bowman’s capsule, a structure that surrounds the urinary space and is continuous with the proximal tubular epithelium. Concurrently, endothelial cells migrate into the vascular cleft. Together with the glomerular visceral epithelial cells, the endothelial cells produce the glomerular basement membrane, a major component of the mature filtration barrier. Initially the podocytes are connected by intercellular tight-junctions at their apical surface.15 As glomerulogenesis proceeds, the podocytes revert to a mesenchymal-type phenotype, flatten and spread out to cover the increased surface area of the growing glomerular capillary bed. They develop microtubular-based primary processes and actin-based secondary foot processes. During this time, the intercellular junctions become restricted to the basal aspect of the podocyte and eventually are replaced by a modified adherens-like structure known as the slit diaphragm (SD).15 At the same time, the podocyte foot processes of adjacent cells become highly inter-digitated. The slit diaphragms function as signaling centers as well as structural components of the renal filtration apparatus that connect foot processes of adjacent podocytes and link the SD to the specialized cytoskeleton that supports foot process structure.17–19 Mesangial cell ingrowth follows the migration of endothelial cells and is required for development and patterning of the capillary loops that are found in normal glomeruli. The endothelial cells also flatten considerably and capillary lumens are formed due to apoptosis of a subset of endothelial cells.20 At the capillary loop stage, glomerular endothelial cells develop fenestrae, transmembrane pores that are found in semi-permeable capillary beds exposed to high flux. Positioning of the foot processes on the glomerular basement membrane and

0.5 mm

FIGURE 1–2 Organ culture of rat metanephroi dissected at T-tubule stage. Within 84 hours, dichotomous branching of the ureteric bud has occurred to provide basic architecture of the kidney. Bottom panel is stained with dolichos biflorus agglutin—a lectin specific for the UB. (Adapted from Saxen L: Organogenesis of the Kidney. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987.)

0 hrs

24 hrs

60 hrs

84 hrs

Loose mesenchyme



1 4


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S-shape Distal

FIGURE 1–3 Schematic diagram of nephron development. As described in the text, reciprocal interaction between the ureteric bud and metanephric mesenchyme results in a series of welldefined morphologic stages leading to formation of the nephron. (From Mugrauer G, Alt FW, Ekblom P: N-myc proto-oncogene expression during organogenesis in the developing mouse as revealed by in situ hybridization. J Cell Biol 107:1325–1335, 1988. Copyright 1988, The Rockefeller University Press.)

Proximal Tubule elongation

Podocyte folding


Proximal Podocyte capsule

spreading of podocyte cell bodies are still incompletely understood, but share many features of synapse formation and neuronal migration.21,22 In the mature stage glomerulus, the podocytes, fenestrated endothelial cells, and intervening glomerular basement membrane (GBM) comprise the filtration barrier that separates the urinary from the blood space. Together, these components provide a size- and charge-selective barrier that permits free passage of small solutes and water but prevents the loss of larger molecules such as proteins. The mesangial cells are found between the capillary loops (approximately 3 per loop); they are required to provide ongoing structural support to the capillaries and possess smooth-muscle cell-like characteristics that have the capacity to contract, which may account for the dynamic properties of the glomerulus. The tubular portion of the nephron becomes segmented in a proximal-distal order, into the proximal convoluted tubule, the descending and ascending loops of Henle, and distal convoluted tubule. The latter portion connects to the collecting ducts, which are derived from the ureteric bud derivatives and not from the original mesenchymal component of the metanephric rudiment. Fusion events between the MM- and UB-derived portions of the nephron are required, although are poorly understood at present.

Although all segments of the nephron are present at birth and filtration occurs prior to birth, maturation of the tubule continues in the postnatal period. Increased levels of transporters, switch in transporter isoforms, alterations in paracellular transport mechanisms, and permeability and biophysical properties of tubular membranes have all been observed to occur postnatally.23 Although additional studies are needed, these observations emphasize the importance of considering developmental stage of the nephron in interpretation of renal transport and may explain the age of onset of symptoms in inherited transport disorders; some of these issues may be recapitulated in acute renal injury.

The Nephrogenic Zone After the first few rounds of branching of the ureteric bud derivatives, and the concomitant induction of nephrons from the mesenchyme, the kidney begins to become divided between an outer cortical region where nephrons are being induced, and an inner medullary region where the collecting system will form. As growth continues, successive groups of nephrons are induced at the peripheral regions of the kidney, known as the nephrogenic zone (Fig. 1–4). Thus, within the developing kidney, the most mature nephrons are found in

Embryology of the Kidney

2 Epithelial ureter bud

within the nephrogenic zone. Originally, the ureteric bud derivatives are branching within a surrounding mesenchyme. Ultimately, they form a funnel-shaped structure in which a cone-shaped grouping of ducts or papilla sits within a funnel or calyce that drains into the ureter. The mouse kidney has a single papilla and calyce, whereas a human kidney has 8 to 10 papillae, each of which drains into a minor calyce, with several minor calyces draining into a smaller number of major calyces.


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Renal Stroma and Interstitial Populations FIGURE 1–4 The nephrogenic zone. As described in the text, nephrons are continually produced in the nephrogenic zone throughout fetal life. CM, condensing mesenchyme; UB, ureteric bud; PTA, pretubular aggregate; S, stromal cell lineage (spindle-shaped cells).

the innermost layers of the cortex, and the most immature nephrons in the most peripheral regions. At the extreme peripheral lining, under the renal capsule, a process that appears to nearly exactly recapitulate the induction of the original nephrons can be observed, where numerous ureteric bud-like structures are inducing areas of condensed mesenchyme. Indeed, whether there are significant molecular differences between the induction of the original nephrons and these subsequent inductive events is not known. Also unknown is whether there exists a stem-like population of cells within or adjacent to the nephrogenic zone. It is apparent from the histology of the nephrogenic zone that the mesenchyme condensed around these derivatives of the ureteric bud must continually replenish itself, as well as provide a substrate for the induction of successive rounds of nephrons. However, it is not known whether there is a small subset of cells that have the stem-like properties of self-renewal and differentiation, or whether these properties apply to the whole population of condensed mesenchyme present in the nephrogenic zone.

Branching Morphogenesis— Development of the Collecting System The collecting system is composed of hundreds of tubules through which the filtrate produced by the nephrons is conducted out of the kidney and to the ureter and then the bladder. Water and salt absorption and excretion, NH3 transport and H+ ion secretion required for acid-base homeostasis also occur in the collecting ducts, under different regulatory mechanisms, and using different transporters and channels than are active in the tubular portions of the nephron. The collecting ducts are all derived from the original ureteric bud. So, whereas each nephron is an individual unit separately induced and originating from a distinct pretubular aggregate, the collecting ducts are the product of branching morphogenesis from the ureteric bud. Considerable remodeling is involved in forming collecting ducts from branches of ureteric bud, and how this occurs remains incompletely understood.24 The branching is highly patterned, with the first several rounds of branching being somewhat symmetrical, followed by additional rounds of asymmetric branching, in which a main trunk of the collecting duct continues to extend towards the nephrogenic zone, while smaller buds branch as they induce new nephrons

For decades in classic embryologic studies of kidney development, emphasis has been placed on the reciprocal inductive signals between MM and UB. However, in recent years, interest in the stromal cell as a key regulator of nephrogenesis has arisen.14,25–27 Stromal cells also derive from the metanephric mesenchyme, but are not induced to condense by the UB. Two distinct populations of stromal cells have been described: cortical stromal cells exist as a thin layer beneath the renal capsule while medullary stromal cells populate the interstitial space between the collecting ducts and tubules (see Fig. 1–8). Cortical stromal cells also surround the condensates and provide signals required for ureteric bud branching and patterning of the developing kidney. Disruption or loss of these stromal cells leads to failure of UB branching, a reduction in nephron number, and disrupted patterning of nephric units with failure of cortical-medullary boundary formation. A reciprocal signaling loop from the UB exists to properly pattern stromal cell populations. Loss of these UB-derived signals leads to a buildup of stromal cells beneath the capsule that are several layers thick. As nephrogenesis proceeds, stromal cells differentiate into peritubular interstitial cells and pericytes that are required for vascular remodeling, and production of extracellular matrix responsible for proper nephric formation. These cells migrate from their position around the condensates to areas between the developing nephrons within the medulla. Although stromal cells derive from MM, it is not yet clear if MM that give rise to stromal cell and nephric lineages derive from the same progenitor cell or a different cell.

Development of the Vasculature The microcirculations of the kidney include the specialized glomerular capillary system responsible for production of the ultrafiltrate and the vasa rectae, peritubular capillaries involved in the countercurrent mechanism. In the adult, each kidney receives 10% of the cardiac output. Vasculogenesis and angiogenesis have been described as two distinct processes in blood vessel formation. The first refers to de novo differentiation of previously nonvascular cells into structures that resemble capillary beds, whereas angiogenesis refers to sprouting from these early beds to form mature vessel structures including arteries, veins, and capillaries. Both processes are involved in development of the renal vasculature. At the time of UB invasion (11 d.p.c.; all timing given is for mice), the MM is avascular but by 12 d.p.c. a rich capillary network is present and by 14 d.p.c. vascularized glomeruli are present. Transplantation experiments support a model whereby endothelial progenitors within the MM give rise to renal vessels in situ,28 although the origin of large blood vessels is still debated. At 13 d.p.c., capillaries form networks around the developing nephric tubules and by 14 d.p.c., the hilar artery and first-order interlobar renal artery branches can be identified. These branches


FIGURE 1–5 Metanephric organ explants. A, In situ analysis for Pax2 that marks pretubular aggregates (PTA) and the ureteric (UB) and Wolffian duct (WD). B, Immunohistochemical stain for proximal tubular cell brush border (red) and pan cytokeratin (green) marks the developing nephrons and ureteric bud, respectively.

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will form the cortico-medullary arcades; and interlobular arteries that branch from these arcades. Further branching produces the glomerular afferent arterioles. From 13.5 d.p.c. onward, endothelial cells migrate into the vascular cleft of developing glomeruli, where they undergo differentiation to form the glomerular capillary loops. The efferent arterioles carry blood away from the glomerulus to a system of fenestrated peritubular capillaries that are in close contact with the adjacent tubules and receive filtered water and solutes reabsorbed from the filtrate. These capillaries have few pericytes. In comparison, the vasa recta, which surround the medullary tubules and are involved in urinary concentration are also fenestrated but have more pericytes. They arise from the efferent arterioles of deep glomeruli. The peritubular capillary system surrounding the proximal tubules is well developed in the late fetal period, whereas the vasa rectae mature 1 to 3 weeks postnatally.

MODEL SYSTEMS TO STUDY KIDNEY DEVELOPMENT Organ Culture The Kidney Organ Culture System: Classical Studies Metanephric kidney organ culture (Fig. 1–5) formed the basis for extensive classical studies of embryonic induction. Parameters of induction such as the temporal and physical constraints on exposure of the inductive tissue to the mesenchyme were determined, as were the time periods during which various tubular elements of the nephron were first observed in culture.

Mutant Phenotypic Analyses As originally shown by Grobstein, Saxen, and colleagues in classical studies of embryonic induction, the two major components of the metanephric kidney, the mesenchyme and the ureteric bud, could be separated from each other, and the isolated mesenchyme could be induced to form nephron-like tubules by a selected set of other embryonic tissues, the best example of which is embryonic neural tube.7,29 This phenomenon can be distinguished from placing the whole metanephric rudiment, including the ureteric bud, in culture, in that when the whole rudiment is placed in culture, there is induction of nephrons, branching of the ureteric bud, and continued growth of the rudiment. In contrast, when neural tube is used to induce the separated mesenchyme, there is terminal


differentiation of the mesenchyme into tubules, but not significant tissue expansion. The isolated mesenchyme experiment has proven useful in the analysis of renal agenesis phenotypes, where there is no outgrowth of the ureteric bud. In these cases the mesenchyme can be placed in contact with neural tube to determine whether it has the intrinsic ability to differentiate. Most often, when the renal agenesis is due to the mutation of a transcription factor, tubular induction is not rescued by neural tube, as could be predicted for transcription factors, which would be expected to act in a cellautonomous fashion.6 In the converse situation, in which renal agenesis is caused by loss of a gene function in the ureteric bud, such as EMX-2, it is usually possible for embryonic neural tube to induce tubule formation in isolated mesenchymes.30 Therefore the organ culture induction assay can be used to test hypotheses concerning whether a particular gene is required in the mesenchyme or ureteric bud. Recently, as chemical inhibitors specific for various signal transduction pathways have been synthesized and become available, it has been possible to add these to organ cultures and observe effects that are informative about the roles of specific pathways in development of the kidney. Examples are the use of MAP kinase inhibitors and inhibitors of the Notch signaling pathway.

Anti-Sense Oligonucleotides and siRNA in Organ Culture Several studies have described the use of antisense oligonucleotides and more recently, siRNA molecules, to inhibit gene expression in kidney organ culture. Among the earliest of these was the inhibition of the low affinity nerve growth factor receptor, p75 or NGFR, by anti-sense oligonucleotides,31 a treatment that decreased the growth of the organ culture. A subsequent study could not duplicate this phenotype,32 though there were possible differences in experimental techniques.33 An additional study using anti-sense oligonucleotides to Pax2 also showed this gene to be crucial in the mesenchymal to epithelial transformation.8,9 More recently, one report has demonstrated that siRNA to the WT1 and Pax2 genes can inhibit early nephron differentiation.34

Organ Culture Microinjection A novel approach to the organ culture system has also yielded insights as to a possible function of the WT1 gene in early kidney development. A system was established to microinject and electroporate DNA plasmid expression constructs into the condensed mesenchyme of organ cultures.35

Embryology of the Kidney


8 The results with this system are described in the section on Wt1.

CH 1

Transgenic and Knockout Mouse Models Over the past two decades, the generation and analysis of knockout and transgenic mice have provided tremendous insight into kidney development (Table 1–1).36,37 Although homologous recombination to delete genes within the germline also known as standard “knockout” technology has provided information about the biological functions of many genes in kidney development, several disadvantages exist. Disruption of gene function in embryonic stem (ES) cells may result in embryonic or perinatal lethality, precluding the functional analysis of the gene in the kidney that develops relatively late in fetal life. Additionally, many genes are expressed in multiple cell types, and the resulting knockout phenotypes can be complex and difficult or impossible to dissect. The ability to limit gene targeting to specific renal cell types overcomes some of these problems and the temporal control of gene expression permits more precise dissection of a gene’s function. A number of mouse lines exist that may be used to target specific kidney cell lineages (Table 1–2; Fig. 1–6). As with any experimental procedure, numerous caveats exist that the investigator must take into account in interpretation of data (reviewed in Refs 38, 39); these include determining the completeness of excision at the locus of interest, the timing and extrarenal expression of the promoters, and general toxicity of expressed proteins to the cell of interest. In spite of these caveats, they remain a powerful tool. The next generation of targeting includes improved efficiency using BAC targeting approaches, siRNA and microRNA approaches, and large genome-wide targeting efforts already underway at many academic and pharmaceutical institutions. In contrast to gene targeting experiments where the gene is known at the beginning of the experiment (reverse genetics), random mutagenesis represents a complimentary phenotype-driven approach (forward genetics). Random mutations are introduced into the genome at high efficiency by chemical or “gene-trap” mutagenesis. Consecutively, large numbers of animals are screened systematically for specific phenotypes of interest. As soon as a phenotype is identified, test breeding is used to confirm the genetic nature of the trait. The mutated gene is then identified by chromosomal mapping and positional cloning. There are two major advantages to genome-wide based approaches compared to reverse genetics: (1) most knockouts lead to major gene disruptions, which may not be relevant to the subtle gene alterations that underlie human renal disease; (2) many of the complex traits underlying congenital anomalies and acquired diseases of the kidney are unknown, making predictions about the nature of the genes that are involved in these diseases difficult. One of the most powerful and well-characterized mutagens in the mouse is the chemical mutagen, N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU). It acts through random alkylation of nucleic acids inducing point mutations in spermatogonial stem cells of injected male mice.40,41 This results in multiple point mutations within the spermatogonia of the male, who is then bred to a female mouse of different genetic background. Resulting F1 offspring are screened for renal phenotypes of interest (e.g., dysplastic, cystic) and heritability. Mutations may be complete or partial loss-of-function, gain-of-function, or altered function and can be dominant or recessive. The specific locus mutation frequency of ENU is 1 in 1000. Assuming a total number of 25,000 to 40,000 genes in the mouse genome, a single treated male mouse should have between 25 and 40

different heterozygous mutagenized genes. In the case of multigenic phenotypes, segregation of the mutations in the next generation allows the researcher to focus on monogenic traits. In each generation, 50% of the mutations are lost, and only the mutation underlying the selected phenotype is maintained in the colony. A breeding strategy that includes backcrossing to the female genetic strain enables rapid mapping of the ENU mutation that occurred on the male genetic background. The screening in ENU-mutagenesis experiments can focus on dominant or recessive renal mutations. Screening for dominant phenotypes is popular as breeding schemes are simple and a great amount of mutants can be recovered through this approach. About 2% of all F1 mice display a heritable phenotypic abnormality.42,43 A number of large ENU mutagenesis projects are now underway, with mutant strains available to interested researchers. It is possible to design “sensitized screens” on a smaller scale, which increases the ability to identify genes in a pathway of interest. For example, in renal glomerular development, the phenotype of a genetic mouse strain with a tendency to develop congenital nephrosis (e.g., CD2AP haploinsufficiency44) may be enhanced or suppressed by breeding to a mutagenized male. The modifier gene may then be mapped using the approach outlined earlier. This approach has been successfully used to identify genes involved in neural development,45,46 but has not yet been exploited to full potential by the renal community. Other genome-wide approaches that have led to the discovery of novel genes in kidney development and disease include gene trap consortia,47,48 and transcriptome/proteome projects.49 The interested reader is referred to the following web site:

Non-mammalian Model Systems for Kidney Development Organisms separated by millions of years of evolution from humans, still provide useful models to study the genetic basis and function of mammalian kidney development. This stems from the fact that all of these organisms possess excretory organs designed to remove metabolic wastes from the body, and that genetic pathways involved in other aspects of invertebrate development may serve as templates to dissect pathways in mammalian kidney development. In support of the latter argument, elucidation of the genetic interactions and molecular mechanism of the Neph1 ortholog and nephrinlike molecule—SYG1 and SYG2—in synapse formation in C. Elegans is providing major clues to the function of these genes in glomerular and slit diaphragm formation and function in mammals.50 The excretory organs of invertebrates differ greatly in their structure and complexity and range in size from a few cells in C. elegans, to several hundred cells in the Malpighian tubules of Drosophila, to the more recognizable kidneys in amphibians, birds, and mammals. In the soil nematode, C. elegans, the excretory system consists of a single large H-shaped excretory cell, a pore cell, a duct cell, and a gland cell.51,52 C. elegans provides many benefits as a model system: the availability of powerful genetic tools including “mutants by mail”, a short life and reproductive cycle, a publicly available genome sequence and resource database (, the ease of performing genetic enhancersuppressor screens in worms and the fact that they share many genetic pathways with mammals. Major contributions in our understanding of the function of polycystic and ciliarelated genes have been made from studying C. elegans. The PKD1 and PKD2 homologs, LOV1 and LOV2, are involved in cilia development and function of the mating organ required for mating behavior.53,54 Strides in understanding the function


Kidney Phenotype

Human (Naturally Occurring Mutation)

Aplasia (Variable) WT-1

Gonad, mesothelium, heart, lung


Genital tract, gonad

Wilms tumor, WAGR, DenysDrash Renal hypoplasia, VUR, and optic nerve colobomas


Defect in intermediate mesoderm transition, failure of pronephric duct formation Genital tract, gonad Genital tract, gonads, anterior head Distal limbs, vas deferens Skeleton, many visceral abnormalities including renal hypoplasia, dysplasia UB failure, enteric neurons Reduced UB branching Short tail, UB failure

Emx-2 Lim-1 Hox-A11/D11 Retinoic acid receptor αγ/αβ2 GDNF, c-ret, GRFα1 Integrin-α8 Danforth Short Tail KAL mutation Heparan sulfate 2-sulfotransferase


Townes-Brock syndrome (anal, renal, limb, ear anomalies)

62, 74 64 71 65, 178

26 86 84, 179 220 Nail-patella syndrome

221 160, 180 91


Polycystic kidney disease (tubularselective)


Renal cysts (tubular-selective) Zellweger syndrome

182 183 OMIM*214100

Renal hypoplasia and cysts

Lama5;Mr51 Lama5;Mr5G2

67–69, 173–177 87 218

Increased branching of UB

PKD1, PKD2 Renal cysts Later phenotypes (Glomerular, vascular, glomerular basement membrane) PDGFB/PDGFR-β Lack of mesangial cells, ballooned glomerular capillary loop MPV-17 Nephrotic syndrome Integrin-α3 Reduced UB branching, glomerular defects, poor foot process formation, lung CD151 Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, massive proteinuria, disorganized GBM, tubular cystic dilation Col4a3 Alport syndrome Col4a3/a4 Col4a5 Col4a1


Hirschsprung disease

Branchio-oto-renal syndrome (branchial fistulae, deafness) Branchio-oto-renal syndrome

Dysplasia/Hypoplasia/Low Nephron Mass FoxD1 (BF-2) Reduced UB branching/stromal patterning defects BMP-7 Reduced MM survival Wnt-4 Failure of MM induction AP-2 MM failure, craniofacial and skeletal defects Cyclooxygenase-2 Oligonephronia Lmx-1b Renal dysplasia, skeletal abnormalities FGF-7 Small kidneys, reduction in nephron number

HNF1β VHL Peroxisomal assembly factor-1 Bcl-2 MKS1

CH 1 8, 9

30 66 217 12, 14, 16

Lack of UB branching and mesenchymal condensation

Severe renal dysplasia/renal agenesis

Increased Branching Slit2/robo2 Cysts KIF3A


Kallman syndrome (olfactory bulb agenesis)

EYA-1 (Eyes absent-1) Six1 Gremlin Sal1


Proteinuria prior to the onset of foot process effacement Defective glomerulogenesis, abnormal GBM, poor podocyte adhesion, loss of mesangial cells Ballooned capillary loop, proteinuria Nephrotic syndrome

Meckel syndrome (multicystic dysplasia, neural tube defect) AD PKD

222 184 157, 158 223 98

End stage kidney failure, regional skin blistering, sensorineural deafness

Intracerebral hemorrhage and strokes

228 185, 186 187 188 189 190, 191 192 193 194 Continued

Embryology of the Kidney

Mouse (Knockout or Mutation) Other Affected Organs



Summary of Knockout and Transgenic Models for Kidney Development


CH 1


Summary of Knockout and Transgenic Models for Kidney Development—cont’d

Kidney Phenotype

Mouse (Knockout or Mutation) Other Affected Organs


No glomerular permeability defect (podocyte-selective) No baseline defects; proteinuria with albumin loading Abnormal GBM Various collecting system defects

Perlecan heparan sulfated sites Entactin-1 Angiotensin II type-2 receptor Eagle-Barrett (prune belly) syndrome BMP-4 (heterozygous) Foxc1 (Mfl) Mf2 Glypican-3 Notch2 Pod1/tcf21

FoxC2 Kreisler (maf-1) Nephrin Neph 1 Podocin

Renal hypoplasia/dysplasia, hydroureter, ectopic uterovesical junction Renal duplication, multiple ureters, hydroureter/hydronephrosis Small kidneys with few nephrons Disorganized tubules and medullary cysts Lack of glomerular endothelial and mesangial cells Lung and cardiac defects, sex reversal and gonadal dysgenesis, vascular defects, disruption in UB branching, impaired podocyte differentiation, dilated glomerular capillary, poor mesangial migration Impaired podocyte differentiation, dilated glomerular capillary loop, poor mesangial migration Abnormal podocyte differentiation Absent slit diaphragms Abnormal slit diaphragm function, FSGS Congenital nephrosis, FSGS, vascular defects

PLCε1 GNE/MNK (M712T) FAT1 NCK1/2 CD2AP Alpha-actinin 4 VEGF-A Angiopoietin2 ILK1 VHL

Hyposialation defect, foot process effacement, GBM splitting, proteinuria and hematuria Foot process fusion, failure of foot process formation Failure of foot process formation (podocyteselective) FSGS, immunotactoid nephropathy Glomerular developmental defects, FSGS Endotheliosis, disruption of glomerular filtration barrier formation, nephrotic syndrome (podocyte-selective) Cortical peritubular capillary abnormalities Nephrotic syndrome (podocyte-selective) RPGN (podocyte-selective)

Human (Naturally Occurring Mutation)

References 224 195

CAKUT syndrome (−) Abdominal wall musculature, VUR, cryptorchidism

196 143, 144, 147 89 101

Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome

197 198–201 103, 104 11, 111


Congenital nephrosis of the Finnish variety

159 162 48 166, 202

Steroid-resistant FSGS Diffuse mesangial sclerosis; FSGS Hereditary inclusion body myopathy

225 226 203 17


169 167, 168 118, 119 131 204 137

VUR, vesicoureteral reflux; UB, ureter bud; MM, metanephric mesenchyme; AD, autosomal dominant; PKD, polycystic kidney disease; VHL, von Hippel-Lindau; GBM, glomerular basement membrane; FSGS, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis; RPGN, rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis.

FIGURE 1–6 Glomeruli expressing cyan fluorescent protein (A) or beta galactosidase (B). Transgenic mice were generated using the nephrinpromoter to direct expression of either CFP or beta-galactosidase specifically to developing and mature podocytes.





Conditional Mouse Lines for the Kidney


Renal Expression

Extrarenal Expression

Kidney androgen promoter 2

Proximal tubules



γ-Glutamyl transpeptidase

Cortical tubules



CH 1

Na/glucose cotransporter (SGLT2)

Proximal tubules




Proximal tubules




Principal cells of collecting duct

Testis, vas deferens



Collecting ducts, Ureteric bud, Wolffian bud, ureter

Spinal cord, dorsal root ganglia



Renal tubules, collecting ducts, ureteric bud, Wolffian duct, mesonephros

Müllerian duct


Embryology of the Kidney

Tamm-Horsfall protein

Thick ascending limbs of loops of Henle

Testis, brain





212, 213






Juxtaglomerular cells, afferent arterioles

Adrenal gland, testis, sympathetic ganglia, etc.



Stromal cells



Metanephric mesenchyme



Metanephric mesenchyme

Neural tube, neural crest

of the slit diaphragm have also been made from C. elegans as described earlier. In Drosophila, the “kidney” consists of Malpighian tubules that develop from the hindgut and perform a secretion reabsorption filtering function.55 They express a number of mammalian gene homologues (e.g., Cut, members of the Wingless pathway) that have subsequently been shown to play major roles in mammalian kidney development. Furthermore, studies on myoblast fusion and neural development in Drosophila—two processes that may not appear to be related to kidney development at first glance—have provided major clues into development and function of slit diaphragms.56 Mutations in the Neph ortholog Irregular chiasm C-roughest (IrreC-rst) are associated with neuronal defects and abnormal patterning of the eye.57,58 The pronephros, which is only the first of three stages of kidney development in mammals, is the final and only kidney of jawless fish, whereas the mesonephros is the definitive kidney in amphibians. The pronephros found in larval stage zebra fish consists of two tubules connected to a fused, single, midline glomerulus. The zebrafish pronephric glomerulus expresses many of the same genes found in mammalian glomeruli including VEGFA, NPHS1, NPHS2, Wt1 and contain podocytes and fenestrated endothelial cells.59 Advantages to the zebra fish as a model system include its short reproductive cycle, transparency of the larvae with easy visualization of defects in pronephric development without sacrificing the organism, availability of the genome sequence, the ability to rapidly knockdown gene function using morpholino oligonucleotides, and the ability to perform functional studies of filtration using fluorescently tagged labels of varying sizes.60 These features lend the zebra fish to both forward and reverse


215, 216

genetic screens and currently, there are several labs performing knockdown screens of mammalian homologues in zebra fish and genome-wide mutagenesis screens to study renal function. The pronephros of Xenopus has also been used as a simple model to study early events in nephrogenesis. Similar to the fish, the pronephros consists of a single glomus, paired tubules, and a duct. The fact that Xenopus embryos develop rapidly outside the body (all major organ systems are formed by 6 days of age), the ease of injecting DNA, mRNA, and protein and ability to perform grafting and in vitro culture experiments establish the frog as a valuable model system to dissect early inductive and patterning cues.61

GENETIC ANALYSIS OF MAMMALIAN KIDNEY DEVELOPMENT Much has been learned about the molecular genetic basis of kidney development over the past 15 years. This understanding has primarily been gained through the phenotypic analysis of mice carrying targeted mutations that affect kidney development. Additional information has been gained by identification and study of genes that are expressed in the developing kidney, even though the targeted mutation, or “knockout”, either has not yet been done, or the knockout has not affected kidney development or function. In this section, we categorize the genetic defects based on the major phenotype and stage of disrupted development. It must be emphasized that many genes are expressed at multiple time stages of renal development and may play pleiotropic roles that are not yet entirely clear.


Interaction of the Ureteric Bud and Metanephric Mesenchyme

The molecular analysis of the initiation of metanephric kidney development has included a series of classical experiments using organ culture systems that allow separation of CH 1 the ureteric bud and metanephric mesenchyme, and more recently, the analysis of many gene targeted mice whose phenotypes have included various degrees of renal agenesis. The organ culture system has been in use since the seminal experiments, beginning in the 1950s, of Grobstein, Saxen, and colleagues. These experiments showed that the induction of the mesenchymal to epithelial transformation within the mesenchyme required the presence of an inducing agent, provided by the ureteric bud. The embryonic neural tube was found to be able to substitute for the epithelial bud, and experiments involving the placement of the inducing agent on the opposite side of a porous filter from the mesenchyme provided information about the degree of contact required between them. A large series of experiments using the organ culture provided information about the timing of appearance of different proteins normally observed during the induction of nephrons, and the time intervals that were crucial in maintaining contact between the inducing agent and the mesenchyme to obtain induction of tubules. The work with the organ culture system provided an extensive framework on which to base further studies of organ development, and remains in extensive use to this day. However, the modern era of studies on the early development of the kidney began with the observation of renal agenesis phenotypes in gene targeted or knockout mice, the earliest among these, the knockout of several transcription factors including the Wilms’ Tumor-1 gene, also known as WT-1,6 Pax-2,9 Eya-1,62 Six-1,63,64 Sall-1,65 Lim-1,66 and Emx-2.30 The knockout of several secreted signaling molecules such as GDNF,67–69 GDF-11,70 Gremlin71 or their receptors, including c-Ret72 and GFRα-173 also resulted in renal agenesis, at least in the majority of embryos.

Renal Agenesis Phenotypes from Transcription Factor Mutations In embryos with the phenotype of renal agenesis, the most common observation is for there to be a histologically distinct patch of mesenchyme located in the normal location of the metanephric mesenchyme, but for there to be no outgrowth of the ureteric bud. An exception is the Eya-1 mutant embryo, where this distinct patch of mesenchyme is not found, suggesting that Eya-1 expression may indeed be the earliest determinant of the metanephric mesenchyme yet identified (Fig. 1–7). Together, the phenotypes of these knockout mice have provided an initial molecular hierarchy of early kidney development. There is evidence for at least three major pathways involved in determining the appearance and early function of the metanephric mesenchyme. One is the Eya-1/Six-1 pathway, which has also been implicated in kidney development through the study of humans with urogenital defects. Eya1 and Six1 mutations are found in humans with branchiooto-renal (BOR) syndrome.74 It is now known, through in vitro experiments, that Eya1 and Six1 form a regulatory complex that appears to be involved in transcriptional regulation.75,76 Interestingly, a phosphatase activity is associated with this complex.76 Moreover, Eya and Six family genes are co-expressed in several tissues in mammals, Xenopus and Drosophila, further supporting a functional interaction of these genes.62–64,77,78 Direct transcriptional targets of this complex appear to include the pro-proliferative factor cMyc.76 In the Eya1-deficient urogenital ridge, it has recently been demonstrated that, unlike with some other renal agenesis phenotypes, there is no histologically distinct group of

Stroma Mesenchyme UB

S Foxd1 Pod1 Rar␤Rarα

? M





WT1 Eya-1 Six1

Wnt9b BMP7



UB outgrowth α8 integrin Emx2

UB position Slit2/robo2

Wolffian duct Pax2, lim1

FIGURE 1–7 Reciprocal interactions occur between all three major compartments of the metanephros (stroma, mesenchyme, and ureteric bud (UB)). Pretubular aggregate is shown on right side. Selected molecules that play key roles in these interactions are shown for simplicity. The Pax2/GDNF loop underlies a push to UB branching whereas the Wnt side represents induction of nephrons.

cells in the normal location of the metanephric mesenchyme.79 Consistent with this finding, Six1 is either not expressed or highly diminished in expression in the location of the metanephric mesenchyme of Eya1 −/− embryos.76–79 These findings may identify Eya1 as a gene involved in early commitment of this group of cells to the metanephric lineage. Although Six1 and Eya1 may act in a complex together, the Six1 phenotype is somewhat different, in that a histologically distinct mesenchyme is present at E11.5, without an invading ureteric bud, similar to the other renal agenesis phenotypes.63,64 Eya1 is expressed in the Six1−/− mesenchyme, suggesting that Eya1 is upstream of Six1. Additionally, Sal1 and Pax2 are not expressed in the Six1 mutant mesenchyme, though Wt1 is expressed.63,64,79 (There are discrepancies in the literature about Pax2 expression in Six1 mutant embryos, which may reflect the exact position along the anterior-posterior axis of the urogenital ridge of Six1 mutant embryos from which sections are obtained.) A second pathway in the metanephric mesenchyme involves Pax-2 and GDNF. In Pax2 −/− embryos, Eya1, Six1 and Sal1 are expressed,79 suggesting that the Eya-1/Six-1 pathway is not downstream, but may be upstream of Pax-2. Through a combination of molecular and in vivo studies, it has been demonstrated that Pax2 appears to act as a transcriptional activator of GDNF,80 the major growth factor attracting and maintaining outgrowth of the ureteric bud and its derivative branches. The third major pathway involves WT-1 and VEGF-A.35 A novel approach to the organ culture system involving microinjection and electroporation has also yielded insights as to a possible function of the WT1 gene in early kidney development. Over-expression of WT1 from an expression construct led to high-level expression of vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A). The target of VEGF-A appeared to be Flk-1 (VEGFR-2) expressing angioblasts at the periphery of the mesenchyme. Blocking signaling through Flk-1, if done when the metanephric rudiment was placed in culture,

Genes Required by the Ureteric Bud in Early Kidney Development Genes expressed by the ureteric bud are also crucially involved in the inductive events of early kidney development. Examples include the transcription factor Emx-2 and c-Ret, the receptor for GDNF. C-Ret is a receptor tyrosine kinase, and presumably transduces signals to the epithelial cells of the bud that result in continued branching and proliferation. Interestingly, the failure of ureteric bud growth and branching of the GDNF homozygous mutant embryos can be rescued in situations in which the embryo also carries a transgene that specifically directs GDNF expression in the ureteric bud, and not in the mesenchyme. This autocrinelike rescue of ureteric bud growth and branching indicates that the pattern of branching is not determined by a specific pattern of GDNF expression in the mesenchyme; rather, any local source of GDNF elicits the usual pattern of branching.

Signaling Factors in Early Kidney Development The signaling pathways described in the metanephric mesenchyme were identified by mutation of transcription factors. Presumably these transcription factors direct the expression of genes that encode proteins that act within the cell, in addition to genes encoding secreted molecules that act to convey signals from one group of cells to an adjacent or nearby group of cells. As previously mentioned, it has been demonstrated that Pax2 regulates the expression of GDNF, and WT1 regulates VEGF-A. In the case of other signaling molecules, it has yet to be determined what transcription factors control their expression in different cell types within the early kidney. Nevertheless, several groups of signaling molecules have been identified to be of great importance in early kidney development. Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) have been implicated in the very early stages of differentiation of the nephron. Conditional mutation of fibroblast growth factor receptors in the mesenchyme results in renal agenesis with a ureteric bud, with expression of early markers such as Eya1 and Six1 in the vicinity of the ureteric bud, but without expression of slightly later markers such as Six2 or Pax2, and no branching of the bud or induction of nephrons.81 Two groups have published conditional mutations in the FGF8 gene, which eliminate expression of FGF8 in the mesenchyme of the early kidney.82,83 Failure to properly express FGF8 did not block formation of a WT1 and Pax2-expressing condensed mesenchyme, but Wnt4-expressing pretubular aggregates were not present, and consequently S-shaped bodies, the precursor of the nephron, never developed.82,83 Interestingly, these conditionally mutant kidneys were smaller with fewer branches of the collecting ducts, suggesting that nephron differentiation may have a role in driving continued branching morphogenesis of the collecting system. Two members of the Wnt family of signaling molecules are expressed by the ureteric bud, Wnt 11 and Wnt 9b. The Wnt

family was originally discovered as the Wingless mutation in 13 Drosophila, and in mammals as genes found at retroviral integration sites in mammary tumors in mice. Wnt11 is expressed at the tips of the buds, and decreased branching is observed in its absence, though there is no specific effect on the induction of the mesenchymal to epithelial transformation. In contrast, Wnt9b, which is expressed in the entire CH 1 ureteric bud except the very tips, appears to be the vital molecule expressed by the bud that induces the mesenchyme. In the absence of Wnt 9b, the bud merges from the Wolffian duct and invades the mesenchyme, which condenses around the bud, but pretubular aggregates do not form, and there is no mesenchymal to epithelial transformation. No further branching of the bud is observed. Thus, Wnt 9b is the closest candidate identified to date, which is likely to be the crucial molecule produced by the bud that stimulates induction of the nephrons. A third member of the Wnt family, Wnt 4, is expressed in the pretubular aggregate, and is required for the mesenchymal to epithelial transformation.84 In Wnt4 mutant embryos, pretubular aggregates are present but they fail to undergo the mesenchymal to epithelial transformation into the tubular precursor of the mature nephron, indicating a role for Wnt4 in the formation of epithelial cells from mesenchyme.84 The role of Wnt signaling has been studied in vitro, by exposing isolated metanephric mesenchymes to fibroblast cultures transfected with Wnt-expressing DNA vectors. Several Wnt’s were found to be able to induce the mesenchymal to epithelial transformation, similar to that observed using embryonic neural tube. In considering these experiments in light of the more recently published Wnt 9b phenotype, it is worth considering whether the neural tube induction experiment can be viewed as a recapitulation of the Wnt 4 or Wnt 9b function, or both. As previously noted, a distinction between the induction by the ureteric bud versus neural tube, is that the bud stimulates both proliferation and mesenchymal to epithelial transformation, whereas the neural tube, or Wnt 4 expression by fibroblasts, only stimulates differentiation, without significant proliferation. On the other hand, both the classical neural tube experiment and the Wnt-expressing fibroblast experiment seemingly bypass a step normally observed in kidney development, that of formation of the pretubular aggregate inferior to the tips of the bud. Instead, aggregates form randomly within the isolated mesenchyme. Therefore, the neural tube rescue experiments are more consistent with a Wnt 4 rather than a Wnt 9b function. Further experimentation will be needed, however, to determine whether Wnt 9b, in the absence of the bud, can stimulate proliferation in addition to differentiation, in order to determine whether the expression of Wnt 9b is the major criterion that distinguishes the induction by the bud from induction by neural tube. The bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) family of proteins is an additional family of secreted signaling proteins that plays a crucial role in the developing kidney. Bmp-7 is first expressed in the ureteric bud, and then in the condensed mesenchyme.85,86 In the absence of Bmp7, the first round of nephrons are induced, but there is no further kidney development.85,86 It has been suggested that this first round of nephrons might result from maternal contribution of Bmp7 across the placenta, and it is not known whether Bmp7 is absolutely required for the induction of nephrons.

Embryology of the Kidney

blocked expression of Pax2 and GDNF, and consequently the continued branching of the ureteric bud and induction of nephrons by the bud. Addition of the Flk-1 blockade after the organ had been in culture for 48 hours had no effect, indicating that the angioblast-derived signal was required to initiate kidney development, but not to maintain continued development. The signal provided by the angioblasts is not yet known, nor is it known whether WT1 is a direct transcriptional activator of VEGF-A. Flk-1 signaling is also known to be required to initiate hepatocyte differentiation during liver development.

Adhesion Proteins in Early Kidney Development A current theme in cell biology is that growth factor signaling often occurs coordinately with signals from the extracellular

14 matrix transduced by adhesion receptors such as members of the integrin family. α8β1 integrin is expressed by cells of the metanephric mesenchyme,87 which binds a novel molecule named nephronectin,88 expressed on the ureteric bud. In most α8 integrin mutant embryos, the ureteric bud arrests its outgrowth upon contact with the metanephric mesenchyme.87 In CH 1 a small portion of embryos, this block is overcome, and a single, usually hypoplastic, kidney develops. Thus, the interaction of α8β1 integrin with nephronectin must have an important role in the continued growth of the ureteric bud into the mesenchyme. This phenotype also implies that there is something about the interaction of ureteric bud cells with the metanephric mesenchyme, which distinguishes it from the interaction of the ureteric bud with the undifferentiated mesenchyme of the urogenital ridge, through which it must briefly pass before encountering the metanephric mesenchyme. Whether α8β1 integrin:nephronectin signaling occurs in concert with growth factor signaling is not yet known.

Formation of the Collecting System Formation of the collecting system is the result of the branching morphogenesis of the ureteric bud and its derivative branches, followed by extensive remodeling of those initial branches, to finally form the papillary region of the medulla, as well as the collecting ducts within the cortex and outer medulla. The overall structure of the kidney is largely patterned by the collecting system, and understanding the pathways that drive the formation of the collecting system will be an essential component of understanding how the kidney derives its overall structure. The molecular events crucial to the development of the collecting system occur largely as interactions between the mesenchymal cells and the epithelial derivatives of the ureteric bud. This is especially true in the early phases of kidney development, when the epithelial branches of the bud are surrounded by mesenchyme. At later stages of development, when the cortex and medulla form distinct areas of the kidney, and nephrons and stromal cells compose much of the cortex, it is presently much less clear what the important cellular interactions are, even when it is known what molecules are important. Several families of secreted growth factors have been demonstrated to be important in the patterning of the collecting system, including members of the BMP,89 sonic hedgehog,90 and FGF families.91 The role of GDNF, required for initial outgrowth of the bud and to drive continued branching, was previously discussed. Conditional gene targeting of FGF receptor 2 (but not of FGFR1) in the ureteric bud results in greatly decreased branching of the bud.92 Mice carrying a mutation of FGF7 have smaller collecting systems,91 though this phenotype is not as severe as the conditional mutation of FGFR2, implying that additional FGFs are probably involved in branching of the ureteric bud. The role of FGF8 in the mesenchyme, with regard to nephron development, was previously discussed. Whether FGF8 or another FGF is also driving development of the collecting system is not clear, but it is interesting to note that mutations that block induction of nephrons also tend to eliminate further branching and growth of the derivative branches of the ureteric bud. The role of BMP7 in early kidney development has been discussed in a previous section. Two other prominent members of the BMP family, BMP2 and 4, also have significant roles in formation of the collecting system,89 which were more difficult to decipher, as mouse embryos carrying mutations in these factors undergo embryonic demise too early to identify an effect on kidney development. In organ culture, BMP7 stimulates branching, whereas BMP2 was found to inhibit branching of the derivatives of the ureteric bud.93,94 Further study of the role of BMP2 utilized a constitutively

active form of the BMP2 receptor, ALK3, specifically expressed in the derivatives of the ureteric bud. This resulted in medullary dysplasia, resembling medullary cystic disease observed in humans.95 It appears that BMP2 signaling normally acts to suppress a proliferation signal mediated by smad signaling and β-catenin, which acts to stimulate expression of the proproliferative transcription factor c-Myc.96 Diminished branching is also observed in kidneys of sonic hedgehog (shh)-deficient embryos.90 This phenotype bears resemblance to the renal dysplasia observed in humans with mutations of the Gli3 gene, which encodes an effector of the Shh signaling pathway.97 Increased expression of Pax2 and Sal1, required for normal kidney development, as well as cell cycle regulatory genes N-myc and cyclin D1, were observed in Shh-deficient kidneys.97 Interestingly, the Shh-deficient kidney phenotype was rescued by inhibiting signaling through Gli3, providing genetic confirmation that Gli3 is a regulator of the Shh pathway.97 Targeted mutation in mice of the α3 integrin gene, discussed later in regard to its role in glomerular development, also results in a poorly formed papilla, with fewer collecting ducts and increased interstitium.98 α3β1 integrin is expressed in the ureteric bud and collecting ducts.99 In vitro, α3β1 integrin appears to have a role both in cell-matrix and cell-cell interaction,100 but the latter role has not been verified in vivo, though α3β1 integrin is expressed basolaterally in developing tubules, consistent with both roles. As integrins are known to signal in coordination with growth factor receptors, it will be of interest to determine if α3β1 integrin is involved in any of the signaling pathways discussed previously in this section.

Positioning of the Ureteric Bud A final aspect of kidney development that is of great relevance to renal and urological congenital defects in humans relates to the positioning of the ureteric bud. Incorrect position of the bud, or duplication of the bud, results in abnormally shaped kidneys, and/or incorrect insertion of the ureter into the bladder, and resultant ureteral reflux that can pre-dispose to infection and scarring of the kidneys and urological tract. FoxC1 is a transcription factor of the Forkhead family, expressed in the intermediate mesoderm and the metanephric mesenchyme adjacent to the Wolffian duct. In the absence of Foxc1, the expression of GDNF adjacent to the Wolffian duct is less restricted than in wild-type embryos, and there are resultant ectopic ureteric buds, giving rise to duplex ureters, one of which is a hydroureter, and to hypoplastic kidneys.101 Additional molecules that regulate the location of ureteric bud outgrowth are slit2 and ROBO2, signaling molecules best known for their role in axon guidance in the developing nervous system. Slit is a secreted factor, and ROBO is its receptor. Slit2 is mainly expressed in the Wolffian duct, whereas Robo2 is expressed in the mesenchyme.102 In embryos deficient in either Slit2 or ROBO2, there are ectopic ureteric buds, similar to the Foxc1 mutant. (Dissimilar to the Foxc1 phenotype was the observation that none of the ureters in Slit2/ROBO2 mutants failed to undergo the normal remodeling that results in insertion in the bladder; instead, the ureters remained connected to the nephric duct.102) The domain of GDNF expression is expanded anteriorly in the absence of either Slit2 or ROBO2. The expression of Pax2, Eya1, and Foxc1, all thought to regulate GDNF expression, was not dramatically different in the absence of Slit2 or ROBO2, suggesting that Slit/ROBO signaling was not upstream of these genes. It is possible that Slit/ROBO signaling is regulating the point of ureteric bud outgrowth, by regulating the GDNF expression domain downstream of Pax2 or Eya1. An alternative explanation is that Slit/ROBO are acting independently

of GDNF, and that the expanded GDNF domain is a response to, rather than a cause of, ectopic ureteric buds.

Molecular Biology of Nephron Development: Tubulogenesis

Molecular Analysis of the Nephrogenic Zone The molecular biology of the nephrogenic zone remains largely to be explored, especially that pertaining to whether there exists a population of kidney stem cells. As noted, the histology of this zone resembles the early developing kidney, with condensed mesenchyme, which expresses Pax2 and low levels of Wt1, surrounding ureteric bud-like structures. Unknown is

Molecular Genetics of the Stromal Cell Lineage In recent years, a key role for the stromal cell lineage in kidney development was discovered largely through the analysis of knockout mice. FoxD1 (formerly BF2) is a winged helix transcription factor; in the kidney it is only expressed in stromal cells that are found in a rim beneath the renal capsule and as a layer of cells surrounding the mesenchymal condensates.26 Despite the restricted distribution of FoxD1-positive cells, major defects in the development of adjacent renal tubules and glomeruli were observed in FoxD1 KO mice. These results demonstrate that stromal cells are required for nephrogenesis and furthermore that the model of reciprocal signaling between the UB and condensates must be extended to include the stromal cell compartment14 (Fig. 1–8). Pod1 (tcf21/capsulin/epicardin), a member of the basichelix-loop-helix family of transcription factors, is also expressed in the stromal cell lineage, as well as in condensing MM.110,111 Pod1 is also expressed in a number of differentiated renal cell types that derive from these mesenchymal cells and include developing and mature podocytes of the renal glomerulus, cortical and medullary peritubular interstitial cells, pericytes surrounding small renal vessels, and adventitial cells surrounding larger blood vessels. The defect in nephrogenesis observed in Pod1 KO mice is similar to the defect seen in BF2 knockout mice, with disruption of branching morphogenesis and an arrest and delay in glomerulogenesis and tubulogenesis. Analysis of chimeric mice that are derived from Pod1 KO embryonic stem cells and GFP-expressing embryos, demonstrated both cell autonomous and non-cellautonomous roles for Pod1 in nephrogenesis.112 Most strikingly, the glomerulogenesis defect is rescued by the presence of wild-type stromal cells (i.e., mutant cells will epithelialize and form nephrons normally as long as they are surrounded by wild-type stromal cells in keeping with the model outlined in Figs. 1–7 and 1–8). In addition, there is a cell autonomous requirement for Pod1 in stromal mesenchymal cells to allow differentiation into interstitial cell and pericyte cell lineages of the cortex and medulla as Pod1 null ES cells were unable to contribute to these populations. Although many of the defects in the Pod1 mutant kidneys phenocopy those seen in the BF2 mutant kidneys, there are important differences. In the kidneys of Pod1 KO mice, there are vascular anomalies and absence of pericyte differentiation that were not reported in FoxD1 mutant mice. These differences might result from the broader domain of Pod1 expression, which also includes the condensing mesenchyme, podocytes and medullary stromal cells, in addition to the stromal cells that surround the condensates. In contrast to FoxD1, Pod1 is not highly expressed in the thin rim of stromal cells found immediately beneath the capsule, suggesting that FoxD1 and Pod1 might mark early and late stromal cell lineages, respectively, with overlap in the stroma that surrounds the condensates.27 However, definitive co-labeling studies to address this issue have not been performed. As both Pod1 and FoxD1 are transcription factors it is interesting to speculate that they might interact or regulate the expression of a common stromal “inducing factor”.

Embryology of the Kidney

While gene targeting and other analyses have identified many genes involved in the initial induction of the metanephric kidney and the formation of the pre-tubular aggregate, much less is presently known about how the pre-tubular aggregate develops into the mature nephron, a process through which a simple tubule elongates, convolutes, and differentiates into multiple distinct segments with different functions. In considering how this segmentation occurs, it has been considered whether there will be similarities to other aspects of development, such as the limb or neural tube, where there is segmentation along various axes. The Notch group of signaling molecules has been implicated in directing segmentation of the nephron. Notch family members are transmembrane proteins whose cytoplasmic domains are cleaved by the γ-secretase enzyme, upon the interaction of the extracellular domain with transmembrane ligand proteins of the delta and jagged families, found on adjacent cells.103 Thus, Notch signaling occurs between adjacent cells, in contrast to signaling by secreted growth factors, which may occur at a distance from the growth factor-expressing cells. The cleaved portion of the Notch cytoplasmic domain translocates to the nucleus, where it has a role in directing gene expression. Mice homozygous for a hypomorphic allele of Notch2 have abnormal glomeruli, with a failure to form a mature capillary tuft.104,105 Because null mutants of notch family members usually result in early embryonic lethality, further analysis of Notch family function in kidney development has made use of the organ culture model. When metanephric rudiments are cultured in the presence of a γ-secretase inhibitor,106,107 there is diminished expression of podocyte and proximal tubule markers, in comparison with distal tubule markers and branching of the ureteric bud. When the γ-secretase inhibitor is removed, there seems to be a better recovery of expression of proximal tubule markers, in comparison with markers of podocyte differentiation. Similar results were observed in mice carrying targeted mutation of the PSEN1 and PSEN2 genes that encode a component of the γ-secretase complex.108 These results, while requiring confirmation from mice carrying conditional mutations in notch genes themselves, suggest that Notch signaling is involved in patterning the proximal tubule and glomerulus. Similar results were obtained from mice with mutations in the gene encoding γ-secretase. There is one example so far of a transcription factor being involved in the differentiation of a specific cell type in the kidney. The phenotype is actually found in the collecting ducts, rather than in the nephron itself, but is discussed in this section as it is demonstrative of the types of phenotypes it is expected will be found as additional mutant mice are examined. Two cell types are normally found in the collecting ducts— principal cells, which mediate water and salt reabsorption, and intercalated cells that mediate acid-base transport. In the absence of the Foxi1 transcription factor, there is only one cell type present in collecting ducts, and many acidbase-transport proteins normally expressed by intercalated cells are absent.109

how this population of condensed mesenchyme is maintained; 15 whether it self-replenishes, such that it could be regarded as a stem-like population, or whether there is a subset of cells within the condensed mesenchyme that are the stem-like cells. Alternatively, there may be a population of cells, not within the condensed mesenchyme itself, which both self-replenishes and gives rise to successive populations of condensed mesen- CH 1 chyme in each successive layer of the nephrogenic zone. At present, no molecular markers have been identified that distinguish a subset of cells that might be a stem-like population, apart from the condensed mesenchyme as a whole.


CH 1




FIGURE 1–8 Populations of cells within the metanephric mesenchyme. As described in the text, these populations are defined by morphologic and molecular characteristics. Metanephroi from a 14.5 d.p.c (A) and 15.5 d.p.c. (B) Pod1/lacZ mouse are stained with lacZ. Pod1-expressing cells stain blue. Stromal cells (S; pink in C) are seen surrounding condensing mesenchyme (CM). Metanephrogenic population (green in C) remain unstained. By 15.5 d.p.c. a well-developed interstitial compartment is seen and consists of peritubular fibroblasts, medullary fibroblasts, and pericytes. Loose and condensed mesenchymal cells are also observed around the stalk of the ureteric bud in B. v, renal vesicle; po, podocyte precursors; sp, stromal pericytes; int, interstitium. C, Schematic diagram of mesenchymal populations include the metanephrogenic precursors (in green), uninduced mesenchyme (white), condensing mesenchyme around the UB tips and stalk (blue) and stromal cell lineage (pink). (Reproduced with permission from Developmental Dynamics.)

FIGURE 1–9 Developing glomeruli stained with an antibody to the GFP (green fluorescent protein). Control glomerulus from a wild-type mouse. S-shape, capillary and mature glomeruli in an 18.5 d.p.c. metanephros from a Flk1-GFP mouse strain. All endothelial cells express the GFP protein that is expressed under control of the endogenous Flk1/VEGFR-2 promoter. (Reproduced with permission from the Journal of American Society of Nephrology.)

Vitamin A deficiency has been associated with a variety of birth defects, including renal dysplasia; vitamin A is the ligand for retinoic acid receptors (RARs) including RARA and RARB2, both of which are expressed in the stromal cell lineage. Mice that lack both of these receptors and thus have decreased vitamin A signaling, demonstrate decreased branching of the UB, patterning defects in the stromal cell lineage with a buildup of stromal cell layers beneath the capsule and defects in nephron patterning.14,27,113 Transgenic overexpression of the tyrosine kinase receptor, c-ret, under the regulation of a ureteric bud-specific promoter from the Hoxb7 gene rescued the observed defects although retinoic acid treatment alone could not. Taken together, these results show that a vitamin A dependent signal is required in stromal cells for UB branching and that UB branching is required to pattern the stroma.

Molecular Genetics of Vascular Formation Vasculogenesis and angiogenesis both contribute to vascular development within the kidney. Endothelial cells may

be identified through the expression of the tyrosine kinase signaling receptor, VEGFR –2 (flk1/KDR).114 Reporter mouse strains that carry lacZ or GFP cDNA cassettes “knocked into” the VEGFR-2 locus, permit precise snapshots of vessel development, as all the vascular progenitor and differentiated cells in these organs express a blue or green color (Fig. 1–9). Use of other knock-in strains allows identification of endothelial cells lining arteriolar or venous vessels.115 Over the past decade, a number of growth factors and their receptors have been identified that are required for vasculogenesis and angiogenesis. Gene deletion studies in mice have shown that VEGF-A and its cognate receptor VEGFR-2 are essential for vasculogenesis.114,116 Mice that are null for the VEGF-A gene die at 9.5 days post coitum (d.p.c.) due to a failure of vasculogenesis while mice lacking a single VEGF-A allele (i.e., they are heterozygotes for the VEGF-A gene) die at 11.5 d.p.c. also from vascular defects.116 These data demonstrate gene dosage sensitivity to VEGF-A during development. In the developing kidney, podocytes and renal tubular epithelial cells express VEGF-A117 and continue to express it constitutively in the adult kidney, while the cognate tyrosine-kinase receptors for VEGF-A, VEGFR-1 (Flt1), and

FIGURE 1–10 Transmission electron micrographs of the glomerular filtration barrier from a wild-type (left) or transgenic mouse with selective knockout of VEGF from the podocytes. Podocytes (po) are seen in both but the endothelial layer (en) is entirely missing from the knockout mouse leaving a “capillary ghost.” Immunostaining for WT1 (podocytes/green) and PECAM (endothelial cells/red) confirms the absence of capillary wall in VEGF knockouts. (Adapted from Eremina V, Sood M, Haigh J, et al: Glomerular-specific alterations of VEGF-A expression lead to distinct congenital and acquired renal diseases. J Clin Invest 111:707–716, 2003.)

for development and maintenance of the specialized glomer- 17 ular endothelia and demonstrate a major paracrine signaling function for VEGF-A in the glomerulus. Furthermore, tight regulation of the dose of VEGF-A is essential for proper formation of the glomerular capillary system; the molecular basis and mechanism of dosage sensitivity is unclear at present and is particularly intriguing given the documented CH 1 inducible regulation of VEGF-A by hypoxia inducible factors (HIFs) at a transcriptional level. Despite this, it is clear that in vivo, a single VEGF-A allele is unable to compensate for loss of the other. Immortalized podocyte cell lines express a variety of VEGF receptors opening up the possibility that VEGF-A also plays an autocrine role in the developing glomerulus120–122; however, the functional relevance of these findings for the glomerulus in vivo is unclear at present. A second major receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signaling pathway required for maturation of developing blood vessels is the Angiopoietin-Tie signaling system. Angiopoietin 1 stabilizes newly formed blood vessels and is associated with loss of vessel plasticity and concurrent recruitment of pericytes or vascular support cells to the vascular wall.123 The molecular switch or pathway leading to vessel maturation through activation of Tie2 (previously known as Tek), the major receptor for Ang1 is not known and appears to be independent of the PDGF signaling system that is also required for pericyte recruitment. Ang1 knockout mice die at 12.5 d.p.c precluding analysis of its role in glomerular development. In contrast, it is proposed that Ang2 functions as a natural

Embryology of the Kidney

VEGFR-2 (Flk1/KDR) are predominantly expressed by all endothelial cells. Which non-endothelial cells might also express the VEGF receptors in the kidney in vivo is still debated, although renal cell lines clearly do and metanephric mesenchymal cells express VEGFR-2 in organ culture as outlined earlier. Conditional gene targeting experiments and cell-selective deletion of VEGF-A from podocytes demonstrates that VEGFA signaling is required for formation and maintenance of the glomerular filtration barrier.118,119 Glomerular endothelial cells express VEGFR-2 as they migrate into the vascular cleft. Although a few endothelia migrate into the developing glomeruli of VEGFlox/lox/Pod-Cre mice (mice with selective deletion of VEGF from podocytes), likely due to a small amount of VEGF-A produced by presumptive podocytes at the S-shaped stage of glomerular development prior to Cre-mediated genetic deletion, the endothelia failed to develop fenestrations and rapidly disappeared leaving capillary “ghosts” (Fig. 1–10). Similar to the dosage sensitivity observed in the whole embryo, deletion of a single VEGF-A allele from podocytes also led to glomerular endothelial defects known as endotheliosis that progressed to end-stage kidney failure at 3 months of age; as the dose of VEGF-A decreased, the associated endothelial phenotypes became more severe (Fig. 1–11). Upregulation of the major 164 angiogenic VEGF-A isoform in developing podocytes of transgenic mice led to massive proteinuria and collapse of the glomerular tuft by 5 days of age. Taken together, these results show a requirement for VEGF-A




Perinatal death





CH 1



Collapsing glomerulopathy

FIGURE 1–11 Vascular endothelial growth factor dose and glomerular development: Photomicrographs of glomeruli from mice carrying different copy numbers of the VEGF gene within podocytes. A total knockout (loss of both alleles;−/−) results in failure of glomerular filtration barrier formation and perinatal death; a single hypomorphic allele (hypo/−) leads to massive mesangiolysis in the first weeks of life and death at 3 weeks of age; loss of one copy (+/−) results in endotheliosis (swelling of the endothelium) and death at 12 weeks of age. Overexpression (20-fold increase in VEGF;++++) results in collapsing glomerulopathy. (Adapted from Eremina V, Baeld HJ, Quaggin SE: Role of the VEGF-A signaling pathway in the glomerulus: evidence for crosstalk between components of the glomerular filtration barrier. Nephron Physiol 106:32–37, 2007.)

antagonist of the Tie2 receptor, as Ang2 can bind to this receptor but fails to phosphorylate it in endothelial cultures.124,125 Consistent with this hypothesis is the fact that overexpression of Ang2 in transgenic mice results in a phenotype similar to the Ang1 or Tie2 KO mice. Ang1, Ang2, Tie2, and Tie1 (an orphan receptor for this system) are all expressed in the developing kidney.126–130 Whereas Ang1 is quite broadly expressed in condensing mesenchyme, podocytes, and tubular epithelial cells, Ang2 is more restricted to pericytes and smooth muscle cells surrounding cortical and large vessels as well as in the mesangium. Angiopoietin 2 KO mice are viable but exhibit defects in peritubular cortical capillary development; the mice died prior to differentiation of vasa rectae precluding analysis of the role of Ang2 in these other capillary beds.131 Both angiopoietin ligands function in concert with VEGF, although precise degree of crosstalk between these pathways is still under investigation. (VEGF and Ang1 work together to promote sprouting.) Chimeric studies showed that the orphan receptor Tie1 is required for development of the glomerular capillary system, because Tie1 null cells are not able to contribute to glomerular capillary endothelium.132 The Ephrin-Eph family is a third tyrosine kinase dependent growth factor signaling system that is expressed in the developing kidney; in the whole embryo, it is involved in neural sprouting and axon finding as well as in arterial/venous specification of arterial and venous components of the vasculature.133,134 Ephrins and their cognate receptors are expressed widely during renal development. Overexpression of EPH4 leads to defects in glomerular arteriolar formation whereas conditional deletion of EphrinB2 from perivascular smooth muscle cells and mesangial cells leads to glomerular vascular abnormalities.135,136 How this occurs is not entirely clear as Ephrin B2 has a dynamic pattern of expression in the developing glomerulus, beginning in podocyte precursors and rapidly switching to glomerular endothelial cells and mesangial cells.115 An additional pathway that is likely to play a role in glomerular endothelial development and perhaps of the entire vasculature of the kidney, is the CXCR4-SDF1 axis. CXCR4, a chemokine receptor is expressed by bone marrow derived cells, but is also expressed in endothelial cells. SDF-1 (Cxcl12), the only known ligand for CXCR4 is expressed in a dynamic segmental pattern in the podocyte-endothelial compartment and later in the mesangial cells of the glomerulus.137 Embryonic deletion of CXCR4 results in glomerular developmental defects with a dilated capillary network (presented at American Society of Nephrology, 2005). Mice carrying a hypomorphic allele of Notch 2, which is missing 2 epidermal growth factor (EGF) motifs are born with a reduced number of glomeruli that lack both endothelial and mesangial cells as discussed in the section on nephron segmentation.103,104

There is evidence from other model systems that vascular development is required for patterning and terminal differentiation of adjacent tissues. For example, vascular signals and basement membrane produced by adjacent endothelial cells are required for differentiation of the islet cells of the pancreas.138,139 In the kidney, it is possible that vascular signals are required for branching morphogenesis, and patterning of the nephron and may explain some of the defects observed in KO mice such as Pod1 (Tcf21) mutants. Given the complex reciprocal interactions between tissue types, these signals will be a challenge to sort out, but with the increasing arsenal of genetic tools, should be possible.

The Juxta-Glomerular Apparatus and the Renin-Angiotensin System The juxtaglomerular apparatus consists of juxtaglomerular cells that line the afferent arteriole, the macula densa cells of the distal tubule, and the extraglomerular mesangial cells that are in contact with intraglomerular mesangium.140 Reninexpressing cells may be seen in arterioles in early mesonephric kidneys in 5-week human fetus and in metanephric kidney by week 8, at a stage prior to hemodynamic flow changes within the kidney. Recently, Gomez and colleagues generated a Renin-knockin mouse that expresses Cre recombinase in the renin locus.141 Offspring of matings between the reninCre and a reporter strain that expresses beta-galactosidase or GFP upon Cre-mediated DNA excision showed that reninexpressing cells may be found within MM and give rise not only to JG cells, but also to mesangial cells, epithelial cells, and extrarenal cells including interstitial Leydig cells of the XY gonad and cells within the adrenal gland. Although most of these cells cease to express renin in the adult, they appear to re-express renin in stress conditions and are recruited to the afferent arteriole. The only known substrate for renin, angiotensinogen, is converted to angiotensin I and angiotensin II by angiotensin converting enzyme.142 The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis is required for normal renal development. In humans, the use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in early or late pregnancy have been associated with congenital defects including renal anomalies.143,144 Two subtypes of angiotensin receptors exist145: AT1 receptors are responsible for most of the classically recognized functions of the RAS including pressor effects and aldosterone release mediated through angiotensin; functions of the type 2 receptors have been more difficult to characterize, but generally seem to oppose the actions of the AT1 receptors. Genetic deletion of angiotensinogen146,147 or the ACE148,149 result in hypotension, and

Nephron Development and Glomerulogenesis Mesangial Cell Ingrowth Mesangial cells grow into the developing glomerulus and come to sit between the capillary loops. Gene deletion studies have demonstrated a critical role for PDGF-B/beta receptor signaling in this process. Deletion of PDGF-B, which is expressed by glomerular endothelia, or the PDGF beta receptor that is expressed by mesangial cells, results in glomeruli with a single balloon-like capillary loop, instead of the intricately folded glomerular endothelial capillaries of wild-type kidneys. Furthermore, the glomeruli contain no mesangial cells.157 Endothelial-cell specific deletion of PDGF-B results in the same glomerular phenotype and show that production of PDGF-B by the endothelium is required for mesangial migration.158 In turn, mesangial cells and the matrix they produce are required to pattern the glomerular capillary system. Loss of podocyte-derived factors such as VEGF-A also lead to failure of mesangial cell ingrowth, likely through primary loss of endothelial cells and failure of PDGF-B signaling. A number of other knockouts demonstrate defects in both vascular/capillary development and mesangial cell ingrowth. Transcription factors expressed by podocytes including Pod1 and Foxc2 show defects in mesangial cell migration (Fig. 1–12).49,111 What factors are disrupted in these mutant mice to result in the phenotype are not yet known but emphasize the importance of “crosstalk” between cell compartments within the glomerulus.

Glomerular Epithelial Development Presumptive podocytes are observed at the most proximal end of the S-shape body at the furthest point away from the ureteric bud tip. They form as columnar epithelial cells in apposition to the developing vascular cleft. A number of transcription factors have been identified that are expressed

within developing and mature podocytes including: Wilms 19 tumor suppressor 1, Pod1 (tcf21), Kreisler (maf1), Foxc2, and lmx1b (Fig. 1–13).6,49,110,111,159,160 Genetic deletion studies have shown that Pod1, Foxc2, lmx1b, and Kreisler are all required for elaboration of podocyte foot processes and spreading of podocytes around the glomerular capillary beds. Pod1 appears to function upstream of Kreisler, as the latter factor is down- CH 1 regulated in glomeruli from Pod1 KO mice.159 Transcriptional programs regulated by these factors are incompletely known, however, Pod1, Foxc2, and lmx1b knockout mice all display remarkably similar glomerular phenotypes with major podocyte developmental/maturation defects together with capillary loop, glomerular basement membrane, and mesangial ingrowth abnormalities. It is believed that loss of podocyteexpressed factors regulated by these proteins leads to the dramatic arrest in development resulting in abnormal capillary loop stage glomeruli. Immunostaining and gene expression profiling performed in glomeruli from each of these mutant mice have identified reduced expression of some common downstream effector molecules including collagen alpha 4. In turn, a podocyte-specific protein, podocin (NPHS2) is reduced in the glomeruli of Foxc2, lmx1b, and Pod1 KO mice.49,161 Mutations in lmx1b are associated with nail patellar syndrome in humans, a disease characterized by absent patellae and nephrotic syndrome in a subset of patients. All of these genes are expressed from the S-shape stage onward and remain constitutively expressed in adult glomeruli. WT1 is also expressed in presumptive and mature podocytes. As WT1 knockout mice fail to develop any kidneys, the role of WT1 in the developing and mature podocyte is not entirely clear. However, a series of experimental models support an important role for WT1 in the podocyte. The null phenotype was largely rescued using a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) containing the human WT1 gene5; depending on the level of WT1 expression, these mice developed crescentic glomerulonephritis or mesangial sclerosis, defects in the glomerulus reminiscent of some of the human phenotypes observed with Denys Drash syndrome resulting from mutations in the KTS isoform of WT1.5 Transgenic mice expressing a Denys-Drash mutant WT1 allele under the regulation of a podocyte-specific promoter also developed glomerular disease with abnormalities observed in the adjacent endothelium.4 Alpha 3 integrin KO mice also demonstrate defects in glomerular development with specific abnormalities in podocyte maturation.98 Alpha 3 integrin forms a heterodimer with β1 integrin and is expressed by podocytes. Loss of this integrin results in poorly formed foot processes and abnormalities in adjacent glomerular basement membrane. Elaboration of foot processes during development requires the interaction of an

Embryology of the Kidney

defects in formation of the renal papilla and pelvis. Humans have one AT1 gene while mice have two: AT1a and AT1b. Mice carrying a knockout for either AT1 receptor alone exhibit no major defects,150,151 while combined deficiency phenocopies the angiotensinogen and ACE phenotypes.152,153 While AT2 receptor expression is markedly up-regulated in the embryonic kidney, genetic deletion of the AT2 receptor does not cause major impairment of renal development.154,155 However, an association between AT2 receptor-deficiency and malformations of the collecting system, including VUR (vesicoureteral reflux) and ureteropelvic junction obstruction, has been reported.156

FIGURE 1–12 Glomeruli from wild-type (A) or Pod1 knockout mice (B). Note dilated capillary loop and poor ingrowth of mesangial cells (me).




CH 1 FIGURE 1–13 Molecular basis of glomerular development. Key factors are shown; time point of major effect observed in knockout or transgenic studies is identified. Many factors play roles at more than one time point. *Mutations identified in patients with glomerular disease. (Top panel adapted from Saxen.)

FIGURE 1–14 Foot processes (fp) are seen surrounding a capillary loop of a newborn wild-type mouse. In the right panel, a capillary loop from a NCK1/2 knockout mouse shows complete lack of foot process formation. En, glomerular endothelial cell. (Adapted from Jones N, Blasutig IM, Eremina V, et al: Nck adaptor proteins link nephrin to the actin cytoskeleton of kidney podocytes. Nature 440:818– 823, 2006.)

adaptor signaling molecule, NCK, with slit diaphragm proteins. The slit diaphragm is a specialized intercellular junction that connects foot processes of adjacent podocytes. In mature glomeruli, the slit diaphragm appears as a dense band on transmission electron micrographs. In 1998, Karl Tryggvason’s group identified the nephrin (NPHS1) gene and showed that mutations in this gene cause congenital nephrosis of the Finnish (CNF) variety.162 Glomeruli from infants with CNF, lack slit diaphragms and die from renal failure and nephrotic syndrome unless they receive renal replacement therapy. Nephrin is a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily and makes up a major structural component of the slit diaphragm. Recently, it was shown that the nephrin molecule contains 3 intracellular tyrosine residues (1176, 1193, 1217) that can be phosphorylated leading to recruitment of the SH2 adaptor proteins, NCK 1 and 2.17,18 In vitro, this association leads to reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton, the backbone of foot

process structure. Mice born with podocyte-selective deletion of the NCK1 and 2 genes exhibit congenital nephrosis and fail to form any foot processes (Fig. 1–14), emphasizing the biologic link between the slit diaphragm and cytoskeleton in vivo. The phenotype observed in Nck-deficient mice is similar to that of FAT1 KO mice, with complete absence of foot process formation and podocyte effacement. FAT1 is a large protocadherin expressed in podocytes. In contrast, Nephrin KO mice exhibit narrowed slits with loss of the diaphragm but the degree of foot process effacement or fusion varies and may be dependent on mouse strain. Additional proteins of the slit diaphragm and cytoskeleton have been identified that play major roles in glomerulogenesis and in human disease. Three Nephrin-like molecules exist (neph1–3) that are also expressed in podocytes and interact with other slit diaphragm proteins.163,164 Mice generated through a gene-trap screen with loss of Neph1 function develop focal segmental glomerulo-

Maturation of Glomerular Endothelial Cells and Glomerular Basement Membrane Following migration into the glomerular vascular cleft, endothelial cells are rounded and capillaries do not possess a lumen. During glomerulogenesis, lumens form through apoptosis of a subset of endothelial cells and the endothelial cells flatten considerably and develop fenestrations and a complex glycocalyx. This process is believed to be dependent on a TGFβ1-dependent signal.227 Loss of these specialized features of the glomerular endothelium as in endotheliosis, leads to disruption of the filtration barrier and protein loss, emphasizing that this layer of the GFB plays a major role in permselectivity. Another chapter in the book deals with properties and development of the glomerular basement membrane although informative knockouts are included in Table 1–1 for com-

pleteness. It is important to note that components are pro- 21 duced by both podocytes and glomerular endothelium and that a number of vital growth factors, such as VEGF-A are stored and processed in the GBM.

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sclerosis (FSGS), suggesting that these molecules are also important for function of the slit diaphragm.48 NPHS2 (podocin) is a homologue of the Caenorhabditis elegans mechanosensory channel (MEC), MEC2, and co-localizes with nephrin at the slit diaphragm. Mutations in NPHS2 have been identified in patients with steroid-resistant congenital autosomal recessive FSGS.165 Although foot process effacement is a feature of the NPHS2 KO mice, vascular defects are also observed and suggest that podocin or the slit diaphragm (or both) may regulate components of the crosstalk between podocytes and endothelium.166 Mutations in alpha actinin 4, a component of the actin cytoskeleton, were identified in autosomal dominant FSGS, a disease with its onset in adulthood.167 Pollak and colleagues hypothesized that the mutant actinin functions in a dominant negative manner to cause the phenotype. Interestingly, ACTN4 KO mice also develop glomerular disease, despite the proteins rather ubiquitous expression.168 Clearly, elucidation of the mechanism(s) is important, and will provide exciting insights into glomerular biology. CD2AP (CD2-associated protein), is an SH3 domain containing protein in lymphoid cells and podocytes that interacts with the cytoplasmic tail of nephrin and with the actin cytoskeleton.169 Null CD2AP mice rapidly develop massive proteinuria and mesangial sclerosis, a finding that highlights the interplay of all of these molecules in the glomerulus. CD2AP heterozygous mice are susceptible to glomerular disease and exhibit glomerular lesions at 12 to 18 months that are similar to immunotactoid glomerulopathy in humans.44,170 CD2AP has been implicated in endocytosis and lysosomal sorting and may be required to clear immunoglobulins that are normally filtered at the glomerulus. Consistent with this hypothesis, the investigators showed that a large proportion of CD2AP heterozygous mice develop FSGS-like lesions when injected with a nephrotoxic antibody.170 Mutations in TRPC6 channel underlie another inherited form of AD-FSGS in patients. Some, but not all, of the identified mutations lead to activation of the channel and increased influx of calcium inside the cell.171,172 TRPC6 is expressed in podocytes but also other glomerular cell types. Elucidation of the mechanism whereby TRPC6 leads to glomerular disease is exciting and may provide a mechanism that is amenable to pharmacologic intervention. From all of these studies, it follows that intrinsic proteins and functions of podocytes play a key role in the development and maintenance of the permselective properties of the glomerular filtration barrier; however, as outlined earlier in the section on vascular development, podocytes also function as vasculature supporting cells producing VEGF and other angiogenic growth factors. It is likely that endothelial cells also produce factors required for terminal differentiation of podocytes, although these factors are currently unknown.


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CHAPTER 2 Gross Features, 25 The Nephron, 25 Renal Corpuscle (Glomerulus), 27 Juxtaglomerular Apparatus, 37 Proximal Tubule, 39 Thin Limbs of the Loop of Henle, 50 Distal Tubule, 55 Connecting Tubule, 61 Collecting Duct, 63 Cortical Collecting Duct, 63 Outer Medullary Collecting Duct, 68 Inner Medullary Collecting Duct, 70 Interstitium, 76 Cortical Interstitium, 76 Medullary Interstitium, 76 Lymphatics, 79 Innervation, 80

Anatomy of the Kidney Kirsten M. Madsen • Søren Nielsen • C. Craig Tisher Knowledge of the complex structure of the mammalian kidney provides a basis for understanding the multitude of functional characteristics of this organ in both healthy and diseased states. In this chapter, gross observations coupled with light microscopic and ultrastructural information and examples of immunohistochemical localization of selected channels, transporters, and regulatory proteins are presented using illustrative material derived from a variety of laboratory animals and humans.


Kidneys are paired retroperitoneal organs situated in the posterior part of the abdomen on each side of the vertebral column. In the human, the upper pole of each kidney lies opposite the twelfth thoracic vertebra, and the lower pole lies opposite the third lumbar vertebra. The right kidney is usually slightly more caudal in position. The weight of each kidney ranges from 125 g to 170 g in the adult male and from 115 g to 155 g in the adult female. The human kidney is approximately 11 cm to 12 cm in length, 5.0 cm to 7.5 cm in width, and 2.5 cm to 3.0 cm in thickness. Located on the medial or concave surface of each kidney is a slit, called the hilus, through which the renal pelvis, the renal artery and vein, the lymphatics, and a nerve plexus pass into the sinus of the kidney. The organ is surrounded by a tough fibrous capsule, which is smooth and easily removable under normal conditions. In the human, as in most mammals, each kidney is supplied normally by a single renal artery, although the presence of one or more accessory renal arteries is not uncommon. The renal artery enters the hilar region and usually divides to form an anterior and a posterior branch. Three segmental or lobar arteries arise from the anterior branch and supply the upper, middle, and lower thirds of the anterior surface of the kidney (Fig. 2–1). The posterior branch supplies more than half of the posterior surface and occasionally gives rise to a small apical segmental branch. However, the apical segmental or lobar branch arises most commonly from the anterior division. No collateral circulation has been demonstrated between individual segmental or lobar arteries or their subdivisions. Not uncommonly, the kidneys receive aberrant arteries from the superior mesenteric, suprarenal, testicular, or ovarian arteries. True accessory arteries that arise from the abdominal aorta usually supply the lower pole of the kidney. The arterial and venous circulations in the kidney are described in detail in Chapter 3 and are not discussed further in this chapter. Two distinct regions can be identified on the cut surface of a bisected kidney: a pale outer region, the cortex, and a darker inner region, the medulla (Fig. 2–2). In humans, the medulla is divided into 8 to 18 striated conical masses, the renal pyramids. The base of each pyramid is positioned at the corticomedullary boundary, and the apex extends toward the renal pelvis to form a papilla. On the tip of each papilla are 10 to 25 small openings that represent the distal ends of the collecting ducts (of Bellini). These openings form the area cribrosa (Fig. 2–3). In contrast to the human kidney, the kidney of the rat and of many other laboratory animals has a single renal pyramid and is therefore termed “unipapillate.” Otherwise, these kidneys resemble the human kidney in their gross appearance. In humans, the renal cortex is about 1 cm in

thickness, forms a cap over the base of each renal pyramid, and extends downward between the individual pyramids to form the renal columns of Bertin (Fig. 2–4; see Fig. 2–2). From the base of the renal pyramid, at the corticomedullary junction, longitudinal elements termed the “medullary rays of Ferrein” extend into the cortex. Despite their name, the medullary rays are actually considered a part of the cortex and are formed by the collecting ducts and the straight segments of the proximal and distal tubules. The renal pelvis is lined by transitional epithelium and represents the expanded portion of the upper urinary tract. In humans, two and sometimes three outpouchings, the major calyces, extend outward from the upper dilated end of the renal pelvis. From each of the major calyces, several minor calyces extend toward the papillae of the pyramids and drain the urine formed by each pyramidal unit. In mammals possessing a unipapillate kidney, the papilla is directly surrounded by the renal pelvis. The ureters originate from the lower portion of the renal pelvis at the ureteropelvic junction, and in humans they descend a distance of approximately 28 cm to 34 cm to open into the fundus of the bladder. The walls of the calyces, pelvis, and ureters contain smooth muscle that contracts rhythmically to propel the urine to the bladder.

THE NEPHRON The functional unit of the kidney is the nephron. Each human kidney contains about 0.6 × 106 to 1.4 × 106 nephrons,1–3 which contrasts with the approximately 30,000 nephrons in each adult rat kidney.4,5 The essential components of the nephron include the renal or malpighian corpuscle (glomerulus and Bowman’s capsule), the proximal tubule, the thin limbs, the distal tubule, and the connecting tubule. The origin of the nephron is the metanephric blastema. Although there has not been universal agreement on the origin of the connecting tubule, it is now generally believed to derive from the metanephric blastema.6 The collecting duct system, which includes the initial collecting tubule, the cortical collecting duct (CCD) in the medullary ray, the outer medullary collecting duct (OMCD), and the inner medullary collecting duct 25





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FIGURE 2–1 Diagram of the vascular supply of the human kidney. The anterior half of the kidney can be divided into upper (U), middle (M), and lower (L) segments, each supplied by a segmental branch of the anterior division of the renal artery. A small apical segment (A) is usually supplied by a division from the anterior segmental branch. The posterior half of the kidney is divided into apical (A), posterior (P), and lower (L) segments, each supplied by branches of the posterior division of the renal artery. (Modified from Graves FT: The anatomy of the intrarenal arteries and its application to segmental resection of the kidney. Br J Surg 42:132, 1954.)


FIGURE 2–2 Bisected kidney from a 4-year-old child, demonstrating the difference in appearance between the light-staining cortex and the darkstaining outer medulla. The inner medulla and papillae are less dense than the outer medulla. The columns of Bertin can be seen extending downward to separate the papillae.

FIGURE 2–3 Scanning electron micrograph of papilla from a rat kidney (upper center), illustrating the area cribrosa formed by slit-like openings where the ducts of Bellini terminate. The renal pelvis (below) surrounds the papilla. (Magnification, ×24.)


Capsule Cortex

Medulla Renal columns (of Bertin)

FIGURE 2–4 Diagram of the cut surface of a bisected kidney, depicting important anatomic structures.

Renal pyramid

Renal vein

Corticomedullary junction

Renal pelvis Perirenal fat in renal sinus


Ureter Arcuate artery

(IMCD), is not, strictly speaking, considered part of the nephron because embryologically it arises from the ureteric bud. However, all of the components of the nephron and the collecting duct system are interrelated functionally. Two main populations of nephrons are recognizable in the kidney: those possessing a short loop of Henle and those with a long loop of Henle (Fig. 2–5). The loop of Henle is composed of the straight portion of the proximal tubule (pars recta), the thin limb segments, and the straight portion of the distal tubule (thick ascending limb, or pars recta). The length of the loop of Henle is generally related to the position of its parent glomerulus in the cortex. Most nephrons originating from superficial and midcortical locations have short loops of Henle that bend within the inner stripe of the outer medulla close to the inner medulla. A few species, including humans, also possess cortical nephrons with extremely short loops that never enter the medulla but turn back within the cortex. Nephrons originating from the juxtamedullary region near the corticomedullary boundary have long loops of Henle with long descending and ascending thin limb segments that enter the inner medulla. Many variations exist, however, between the two basic types of nephrons, depending on their relative position in the cortex. The ratio between long and short loops varies among species. Humans and most rodents have a larger number of short-looped than long-looped nephrons. On the basis of the segmentation of the renal tubule, the medulla can be divided into an inner and an outer zone, with the outer zone further subdivided into an inner and an outer stripe (see Fig. 2–5). The inner medulla contains both descending and ascending thin limbs and large collecting ducts, including the ducts of Bellini. In the inner stripe of the outer medulla, thick ascending limbs are present in addition to descending thin limbs and collecting ducts. The outer stripe of the outer medulla contains the terminal segments of the pars recta of the proximal tubule, the thick ascending limbs (partes rectae of the distal tubule), and collecting ducts. The division of the kidney into cortical and medullary zones and the further subdivision of the medulla into inner and outer zones are of considerable importance in relating renal structure to the ability of an animal to form a maximally concentrated urine.

Renal Corpuscle (Glomerulus) The renal corpuscle is composed of a capillary network lined by a thin layer of endothelial cells; a central region of mesangial cells with surrounding mesangial matrix material; the visceral epithelial cells and the associated basement membrane; and the parietal layer of Bowman’s capsule with its basement membrane (Figs. 2–6 through 2–8). Between the two epithelial layers is a narrow cavity called Bowman’s space, or the urinary space. Although the term renal corpuscle is more precise anatomically than the term glomerulus when referring to that portion of the nephron composed of the glomerular tuft and Bowman’s capsule, the term glomerulus is employed throughout this chapter because of its common use. The visceral epithelium is continuous with the parietal epithelium at the vascular pole, where the afferent arteriole enters and the efferent arteriole exits the glomerulus. The parietal layer of Bowman’s capsule continues into the epithelium of the proximal tubule at the so-called urinary pole. The average diameter of the glomerulus is approximately 200 µm in the human kidney and 120 µm in the rat kidney. However, glomerular number and size vary significantly with age and gender as well as birth weight. The average glomerular volume has been reported to be 3 to 7 million µm3 in humans1–3 and 0.6 to 1 million µm3 in the rat.4,5 In the rat, juxtamedullary glomeruli are larger than glomeruli in the superficial cortex. However, this is not the case in the human kidney.7 The glomerulus is responsible for the production of an ultrafiltrate of plasma. The filtration barrier between the blood and the urinary space is composed of a fenestrated endothelium, the peripheral glomerular basement membrane (GBM), and the slit pores between the foot processes of the visceral epithelial cells (Fig. 2–9). The mean area of filtration surface per glomerulus has been reported to be 0.203 mm2 in the human kidney8 and 0.184 mm2 in the rat kidney.9

Endothelial Cells The glomerular capillaries are lined by a thin fenestrated endothelium (Fig. 2–10; see Fig. 2–9). The endothelial cell nucleus usually lies adjacent to the mesangium, away from

Anatomy of the Kidney

Papillae Renal artery

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Outer stripe


MTAL Inner stripe



OMCD FIGURE 2–5 Diagram illustrating superficial and juxtamedullary nephron. CCD, cortical collecting duct; CNT, connecting tubule; CTAL, cortical thick ascending limb; DCT, distal convoluted tubule; IMCDi, initial inner medullary collecting duct; IMCDt, terminal inner medullary collecting duct; MTAL, medullary thick ascending limb; OMCD, outer medullary collecting duct; PCT, proximal convoluted tubule; PST, proximal straight tubule; TL, thin limb of loop of Henle. (Modified from Madsen KM, Tisher CC: Structural-functional relationship along the distal nephron. Am J Physiol 250:F1, 1986.)







FIGURE 2–6 Light micrograph of a normal glomerulus from a rat, demonstrating the four major cellular components: mesangial cell (M), endothelial cell (E), visceral epithelial cell (V), and parietal epithelial cell (P). MD, macula densa. (Magnification, ×750.)


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Anatomy of the Kidney

FIGURE 2–7 Scanning electron micrograph of a cast of a glomerulus with its many capillary loops (CL) and adjacent renal vessels. The afferent arteriole (A) takes its origin from an interlobular artery at lower left. The efferent arteriole (E) branches to form the peritubular capillary plexus (upper left). (Magnification, ×300.) (Courtesy of Waykin Nopanitaya, PhD.)


FIGURE 2–8 Electron micrograph of a portion of a glomerulus from normal human kidney in which segments of three capillary loops (CL) are evident. The relationship between mesangial cells (M), endothelial cells (E), and visceral epithelial cells (V) is demonstrated. Several electrondense erythrocytes lie in the capillary lumens. BS, Bowman’s space. (Magnification, ×6700.)






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FIGURE 2–9 Electron micrograph of normal rat glomerulus fixed in a 1% glutaraldehyde solution containing tannic acid. Note the relationship among the three layers of the glomerular basement membrane and the presence of the pedicels (P) embedded in the lamina rara externa (arrowhead). The filtration slit diaphragm with the central dense spot (arrow) is especially evident between the individual pedicels. The fenestrated endothelial lining of the capillary loop is shown below the basement membrane. A portion of an erythrocyte is located in the extreme lower right corner. BS, Bowman’s space; CL, capillary lumen. (Magnification, ×120,000.)


FIGURE 2–10 Scanning electron micrograph demonstrating the endothelial surface of a glomerular capillary from the kidney of a normal rat. Numerous endothelial pores, or fenestrae, are evident. The ridge-like structures (arrows) represent localized thickenings of the endothelial cells. (Magnification, ×21,400.)

Visceral Epithelial Cells The visceral epithelial cells, also called podocytes, are the largest cells in the glomerulus (see Fig. 2–6). They have long cytoplasmic processes, or trabeculae, that extend from the main cell body and divide into individual foot processes, or pedicels, that come into direct contact with the lamina rara externa of the GBM (see Figs. 2–8 and 2–9). By scanning electron microscopy, it is apparent that adjacent foot processes are derived from different podocytes (Fig. 2–11). The podocytes contain a well-developed Golgi complex, and lysosomes are often observed. Large numbers of microtubules,

microfilaments, and intermediate filaments are present in the 31 cytoplasm13 and actin filaments are especially abundant in the foot processes26 where they connect the slit membrane with the GBM. In the normal glomerulus, the distance between adjacent foot processes near the GBM varies from 25 nm to 60 nm (see Fig. 2–9). This gap, referred to as the filtration slit or slit pore, CH 2 is bridged by a thin membrane called the filtration slit membrane27,28 or slit diaphragm,29 which is located approximately 60 nm from the GBM. A continuous central filament with a diameter of approximately 11 nm can be seen in the filtration slit diaphragm.27 Detailed studies of the slit diaphragm in the rat, mouse, and human glomerulus have revealed that the 11-nm-wide central filament is connected to the cell membrane of the adjacent foot processes by regularly spaced cross bridges approximately 7 nm in diameter and 14 nm in length, giving the slit diaphragm a zipper-like configuration (Fig. 2–12).29,30 The dimensions of the pores between the cross bridges are approximately 4 × 14 nm. The slit diaphragm has the morphologic features of an adherens junction31 and the ZO-1 protein that is specific to tight junctions has been localized to the sites where the slit diaphragm is connected to the plasma membrane of the foot processes.32 The molecular structure of the slit diaphragm has long escaped identification, and its role in establishing the permselective properties of the filtration barrier has been a matter of dispute. However, there is evidence that a newly identified protein, nephrin, may constitute a key component of the filtration barrier.33 Nephrin is the product of the gene that is mutated in congenital nephrotic syndrome of the Finnish type (NPHS1).34,35 Based on the deduced amino acid sequence, nephrin is a transmembrane protein that belongs to the immunoglobulin family of adhesion molecules.35 Nephrin is expressed in the visceral epithelial cells in the glomerulus, where it is located exclusively in the slit diaphragm.36,37 This suggests that nephrin and the slit diaphragm are essential components of the glomerular filtration barrier, as illustrated in the hypothetical model of the filter in Figure 2–13. A second protein, CD2-associated protein (CD2AP) has recently been identified in the slit diaphragm.38 CD2AP is an adapter molecule that binds to the cytoplasmic domain of nephrin and is believed to connect nephrin to the cytoskeleton.39,40 Deletion of CD2AP is also associated with congenital nephrotic syndrome and morphologically with effacement or fusion of foot processes.39 Therefore, both nephrin and CD2AP appear to be required for normal filtration to occur. The gene responsible for familial steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome has also been identified.41 Its product, podocin, is an integral membrane protein that is expressed in the foot process membrane at the site of insertion of the slit diaphragm.42,43 Podocin is connected to both nephrin and CD2AP. Various membrane components have been identified on the surface of the visceral epithelial cells. Kerjaschki and coworkers44 identified and characterized the principal sialoprotein on the urinary surface of the podocytes and termed it “podocalyxin.” The human glomerular C3b receptor45 and the Heymann nephritis antigen (gp330 or megalin)46 have also been identified in the plasma membrane of the visceral epithelial cell. In Heymann nephritis induced in the Lewis rat, this antigen reacts with an antibody directed against a constituent of the microvilli that form the brush border of the proximal tubule.46 The visceral epithelial cells then undergo capping on their surface and the antigen-antibody complex is shed into the subepithelial space adjacent to the GBM. There is evidence that pathogenic epitopes are present in all four clusters of ligand-binding repeats in megalin. Injection of domain-specific antibodies against each of the four megalin fragments produced glomerular immune deposits indicative of passive Heymann nephritis in rats.47

Anatomy of the Kidney

the urinary space, and the remainder of the cell is irregularly attenuated around the capillary lumen (see Fig. 2–8). The endothelium is perforated by pores or fenestrae, which in the human kidney range from 70 nm to 100 nm in diameter (see Fig. 2–10).10 Thin diaphragms have been observed extending across these fenestrae and electron microscopic studies using a modified fixation method reported the presence of filamentous sieve plugs in the fenestrae.11 The function of these plugs remains to be established and it is not known whether they represent a significant barrier to the passage of macromolecules. Recent studies have confirmed the presence of electron-dense filamentous material in the fenestrae and also demonstrated a thick filamentous surface layer on the endothelial cells.12 Nonfenestrated, ridge-like structures termed cytofolds are found near the cell borders. In both human and rat kidney, an extensive network of intermediate filaments and microtubules is present in the endothelial cells, and microfilaments surround the endothelial fenestrations.13 Knowledge of the exact functions of the cytoskeleton in these cells is incomplete. The surface of the glomerular endothelial cells is negatively charged because of the presence of a surface coat or glycocalyx rich in polyanionic glycosaminoglycans and glycoproteins that are synthesized by the endothelial cells.14 Recent studies have suggested that the endothelial cell glycocalyx contributes to the chargeselective properties of the glomerular capillary wall and thus may constitute an important part of the filtration barrier.15 The glomerular endothelial cells synthesize both nitric oxide (NO), previously called endothelium-derived relaxing factor, and endothelin-1, a vasoconstrictor.16 The synthesis of NO is catalyzed by endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), which is expressed in glomerular endothelial cells.17 Receptors for vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) are expressed on the surface of the glomerular endothelial cells.18 VEGF is produced by the glomerular visceral epithelial cells and is an important regulator of microvascular permeability.18,19 In vitro studies in endothelial cells of different origins have demonstrated that VEGF increases endothelial cell permeability and induces the formation of endothelial fenestrations,20,21 and VEGF-induced formation of fenestrae has also been demonstrated in renal microvascular endothelial cells.22 Gene deletion studies in mice have demonstrated that VEGF is required for normal differentiation of glomerular endothelial cells23,24 and there is evidence that VEGF is important for endothelial cell survival and repair in glomerular diseases characterized by endothelial cell damage.25 Thus, VEGF produced by the visceral epithelial cells plays a critical role in the differentiation and maintenance of glomerular endothelial cells and is an important regulator of endothelial cell permeability. The endothelial cells form the initial barrier to the passage of blood constituents from the capillary lumen to Bowman space and they contribute to the charge-selective properties of the glomerular capillary wall through their negatively charged glycocalyx. Under normal conditions, the formed elements of the blood, including erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets, do not gain access to the subendothelial space.


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FIGURE 2–11 Scanning electron micrograph of a glomerulus from the kidney of a normal rat. The visceral epithelial cells, or podocytes (P), extend multiple processes outward from the main cell body to wrap around individual capillary loops. Immediately adjacent pedicels, or foot processes, arise from different podocytes. (Magnification, ×6000.)

FIGURE 2–12 Electron micrograph showing the epithelial foot processes of normal rat glomerulus preserved in a 1% glutaraldehyde solution containing tannic acid. In several areas, the slit diaphragm has been sectioned parallel to the plane of the basement membrane, revealing a highly organized substructure. The thin central filament corresponding to the central dot observed on cross section (see Fig. 2–9) is indicated by the arrows. (Magnification, ×52,000.)


Slit x x













Foot process membrane

In many diseases associated with proteinuria, the foot processes are replaced by a continuous cytoplasmic band along the GBM. This process is commonly referred to as foot process fusion or effacement. Similar ultrastructural changes have been described in the rat kidney after intra-arterial infusion of protamine sulfate, a polycationic substance that interacts with anionic sites on the cell membrane.48 Furthermore, perfusion of rat kidneys with neuraminidase, which removes sialic acid, causes a detachment of both endothelial and epithelial cells from the GBM,49 suggesting that negatively charged sites on these cells are important for the maintenance of normal structure and function of the filtration barrier. More recent evidence has assigned a possible role for the plasma membrane protein, podoplanin, in the maintenance of podocyte shape. A single intravenous injection of antipodoplanin immunoglobulin G antibodies into rats induced rapid and reversible flattening of foot processes and heavy albeit transient proteinuria.50 It has also been demonstrated that podoplanin is transcriptionally down-regulated in puromycin aminonucleoside nephrosis, in which there is flattening of foot processes and proteinuria.51 Therefore, anionic sites on the podocytes as well as the presence of an intact slit diaphragm are important in establishing the permselective properties of the filtration barrier. The visceral epithelial cells are capable of endocytosis, and the heterogeneous content of their lysosomes most likely reflects the uptake of proteins and other components from the ultrafiltrate. In conditions associated with heavy proteinuria, an increase occurs in the number of protein droplets in the cytoplasm of the podocytes. For a detailed discussion of the structure, cell biology, and function of the glomerular podocyte, the reader is referred to a recent review article by Pavenstadt and colleagues.52

Mesangial Cells The mesangial cells and their surrounding matrix material constitute the mesangium, which is separated from the capillary lumen by the endothelium (see Figs. 2–6 and 2–8). Zimmermann provided the first detailed description of the mesangium by light microscopy in 1933 and proposed the current nomenclature based on his theory of the development of the glomerulus by invagination.10 It was not until the advent of the electron microscope, however, that the mesangial cell was distinguished clearly from the endothelial cell and described in detail.53,54 The mesangial cell is irregular in shape, with a dense nucleus and elongated cytoplasmic processes that can extend around the capillary lumen and insinuate themselves between the GBM and the overlying


Foot process membrane

endothelium (see Fig. 2–8). In addition to the usual complement of subcellular organelles, mesangial cells possess an extensive array of microfilaments composed at least in part of actin, α-actinin, and myosin.55 There is an especially heavy concentration of microfilaments situated along the paramesangial region and within the mesangial cell processes adjacent to the glomerular capillaries.56 The contractile mesangial cell processes appear to bridge the gap in the GBM encircling the capillary, and bundles of microfilaments interconnect opposing parts of the GBM, an arrangement that is believed to prevent capillary wall distention secondary to elevation of the intracapillary hydraulic pressure.55,56 The mesangial cell is surrounded by a matrix material that is similar to but not identical with the GBM; the mesangial matrix is more coarsely fibrillar and slightly less electron dense. The mesangial matrix contains sulfated glycosaminoglycans57 as well as large amounts of fibronectin, laminin, and various collagens.58,59 Several cell surface receptors of the βintegrin family have been identified on the mesangial cells, including α1β1, α3β1, and the fibronectin receptor, α5β1.60–62 An additional α-chain, α8, has been identified on mesangial cells in human as well as rat and mouse kidneys.63 The α8β1 integrin receptor can also serve as a receptor for fibronectin. The integrin receptors mediate attachment of the mesangial cells to specific molecules in the extracellular mesangial matrix and link the matrix to the cytoskeleton. The attachment to the mesangial matrix is important for cell anchorage, contraction, and migration, and ligand-integrin binding also serves as a signal transduction mechanism that regulates the production of extracellular matrix as well as the synthesis of various vasoactive mediators, growth factors, and cytokines.64 As reviewed by Schlondorff,65 the mesangial cell in all likelihood represents a specialized pericyte and possesses many of the functional properties of smooth muscle cells. In addition to providing structural support for the glomerular capillary loops, the mesangial cell has contractile properties and is believed to play a role in the regulation of glomerular filtration. Mesangial cells also exhibit phagocytic properties and participate in the clearance or disposal of macromolecules from the mesangium.65,66 Finally, mesangial cells are involved in the generation and metabolism of the extracellular mesangial matrix and participate in various forms of glomerular injury.64,65 The contractile properties of cultured mesangial cells are well established. Studies employing antibodies against actin, α-actinin, and myosin documented their colocalization with microfilaments in the rat mesangial cell.55 Cell contraction is

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Anatomy of the Kidney

FIGURE 2–13 Diagram illustrating hypothetical assembly of nephrin forming the filter of the podocyte slit diaphragm. Nephrin molecules from adjacent interdigitating foot processes are shown in different shades of purple. X indicates proteins interacting with nephrin and connecting with the plasma membrane. (From Tryggvason K: Unraveling the mechanisms of glomerular ultrafiltration: Nephrin, a key component of the slit diaphragm. J Am Soc Nephrol 10:2440, 1999.)

34 stimulated by a variety of vasoactive agents, including angiotensin II, vasopressin, norepinephrine, thromboxane, leukotrienes, and platelet-activating factor.65,67,68 In contrast, such agents as PGE2, atrial peptides, and dopamine cause relaxation of cultured mesangial cells, in most instances by increasing intracellular levels of cyclic guanosine monophosCH 2 phate (cGMP).65 Furthermore, receptors for angiotensin II, vasopressin, and platelet-activating factor have been demonstrated on the mesangial cell.65,67 The location of the mesangial cell in the intercapillary or centrilobular stalk region, combined with its contractile and relaxant properties, makes this cell an ideal candidate to participate in the control of glomerular filtration. It is possible that mesangial cell contraction decreases glomerular filtration by reducing blood flow through selected capillary loops, thereby eliminating their contribution to the process of filtration.65 The local generation of autacoids, such as PGE2, by the mesangial cell, may provide a counterregulatory mechanism to oppose the effect of the vasoconstrictors. Morphologic aspects of the phagocytic properties of the mesangial cells are well documented.66 Uptake of tracers such as ferritin,53 colloidal carbon,69 aggregated proteins,70 and immune complexes has been described, and investigators have suggested that phagocytosed material may be cleared from the mesangium by cell-to-cell transport to the extraglomerular mesangial region at the vascular pole of the glomerular tuft.69 Although some have reported that much of the phagocytic capability of the mesangium resides in the bone marrow–derived resident monocyte-macrophages, a population of cells possessing immune region–associated antigens (Ia),71,72 there is evidence that the mesangial cell is also capable of phagocytosis. Studies in cultured mesangial cells have demonstrated phagocytosis of opsonized zymosan, which was associated with the production of prostaglandins, reactive oxygen species, and lipoxygenase products.73 Endocytosis of immune complexes by mesangial cells was found to be associated with stimulation of PGE2 and plateletactivating factor and was dependent on Fc receptor activity.74 Thus, there is evidence that both the Ia-bearing cell and the mesangial cell possess phagocytic capability. Mesangial cells produce prostaglandins, and several vasoactive substances are known to influence this production.65 In addition to their proposed role in counter-regulating the effect of vasoconstrictors, prostaglandins can influence local cell proliferation and the production of cytokines, including platelet-derived growth factor, interleukin-1, and epithelial growth factor. This interaction among cytokines, mesangial cells, and prostaglandins may be important for understanding the mechanisms of the glomerular injury that is associated with mesangial cell proliferation and mesangial expansion in a host of kidney diseases.

Glomerular Basement Membrane The GBM is composed of a central dense layer, the lamina densa, and two thinner, more electron-lucent layers, the lamina rara externa and the lamina rara interna (see Fig. 2–9). The latter two layers measure approximately 20 nm to 40 nm in thickness.10 The layered configuration of the GBM results in part from the fusion of endothelial and epithelial basement membranes during development.75 Several investigators have provided estimates of the width of the GBM of peripheral glomerular capillary loops. Jørgensen and Bentzon76 reported a geometric mean of 329 nm in 24 patients who showed no clinical evidence of renal disease. In a quantitative study of the GBM in five healthy individuals, Østerby77 calculated a mean width of 310 nm. Steffes and co-workers78 determined the GBM width in a large group of donor kidneys for transplantation and found a significantly thicker basement membrane in men (373 nm) than in women (326 nm). For the purpose of comparison with the

human, the thickness of the GBM in the rat was found to be 132 nm.79 Like other basement membranes in the body, the GBM is composed primarily of collagen IV, laminin, entactin/nidogen, and sulfated proteoglycans.58,59,80–82 In addition, the GBM contains specific components, such as laminin 11, distinct collagen IV α chains, and the proteoglycans agrin and perlecan,57,82,83 that most likely reflect its specialized function as part of the glomerular filtration barrier. Collagen IV is the major constituent of the GBM.84 As reviewed by Kashtan,85 six isomeric chains, designated α1 through α6 (IV), comprise the type IV collagen family of proteins.86 Of these six chains, α1 through α5 have been identified in the normal GBM.85 The six chains, α1 through α6 (IV), are encoded by genes located on human chromosomes 2, 13, and X. There is evidence that distinct networks of type IV collagen exist in different basement membranes. Although networks of α1/α2 (IV) chains are ubiquitous in all basement membranes, the GBM also contains networks of α3/α4/α5 (IV) chains, which are restricted in distribution. The exact significance of the restricted networks remains unclear, but they may reflect specialization of function.85 Mutations in the genes encoding α3, α4, and α5 (IV) chains are known to cause Alport syndrome, a hereditary basement membrane disorder associated with progressive glomerulopathy.84,85 The GBM possesses fixed, negatively charged sites that may influence the filtration of macromolecules. Caulfield and Farquhar87 demonstrated the existence of anionic sites in all three layers of the GBM with use of the cationic protein lysozyme. Additional studies employing cationic ferritin and ruthenium red, a cationic dye, revealed a lattice of anionic sites with a spacing of approximately 60 nm (Fig. 2–14) throughout the lamina rara interna and lamina rara externa, which might contribute to the formation of the charge barrier.88 Kanwar and Farquhar89,90 demonstrated that the anionic sites in the GBM consist of glycosaminoglycans rich in heparan sulfate. Their removal by enzymatic digestion resulted in an increase in permeability of the GBM to ferritin91 and to bovine serum albumin,92 suggesting that glycosaminoglycans play a role in establishing the permeability properties of the GBM to plasma proteins (see Fig. 2–14). It has also been suggested that the glycosaminoglycans might serve as anticlogging agents in the GBM.93 The glomerular capillary wall functions as a sieve or filter that allows the passage of small molecules but almost completely restricts the passage of molecules the size of albumin or larger. Physiologic studies have established that the glomerular capillary wall possesses both size-selective and charge-selective properties.94 To cross the capillary wall, a molecule must pass sequentially through the fenestrated endothelium, the GBM, and the epithelial slit diaphragm. The fenestrated endothelium, with its negatively charged glycocalyx, excludes formed elements of the blood and probably plays a role in determining the access of proteins to the GBM. The exact role of the GBM in establishing the glomerular filtration barrier remains somewhat controversial. Ultrastructural tracer studies have provided evidence that the GBM constitutes both a size-selective and a charge-selective barrier. Caulfield and Farquhar95 infused dextrans of different molecular weights into rats and demonstrated that filtration depended on the size of the molecule and that the GBM was the main barrier to filtration. Rennke and co-workers96,97 used ultrastructural tracers such as ferritin and horseradish peroxidase with isoelectric points varying from 4.5 to 11.5 to examine the effect of molecular charge on the filtration of macromolecules. These studies demonstrated that the clearance of cationic molecules greatly exceeded that of neutral and anionic molecules. Furthermore, the electrostatic barrier appeared to be located mainly in the GBM. Subsequent


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Anatomy of the Kidney FIGURE 2–14 Transmission electron micrographs of glomerular filtration barrier in normal rats perfused with native anionic ferritin (A) or cationic ferritin (C) and in rats treated with heparitinase before perfusion with anionic (B) or cationic (D) ferritin. In normal animals, anionic ferritin is present in the capillary (Cap) but does not enter the glomerular basement membrane (GBM), as shown in A. In contrast, cationic ferritin binds to the negatively charged sites in the lamina rara interna (LRI) and lamina rara externa (LRE) of the GBM (see C). After treatment with heparitinase, both anionic (B) and cationic (D) ferritin penetrates into the GBM, but there is no labeling of negatively charged sites by cationic ferritin. En, endothelial fenestrae; fp, foot processes; LD, lamina densa; US, urinary space. (Magnification, ×80,000.) (From Kanwar YS: Biophysiology of glomerular filtration and proteinuria. Lab Invest 51:7, 1984.)

36 studies reported that removal of negatively charged glycosaminoglycans resulted in increased permeability of the GBM to ferritin and albumin.91,92 Taken together these studies provided convincing experimental evidence that the GBM plays a major role in establishing a charge-selective filter in the glomerulus. However, the role of the GBM as the main deterCH 2 minant of charge selectivity was challenged subsequently because studies in the isolated GBM failed to demonstrate charge selectivity in vitro.98 Because of the unique structure of the negatively charged filtration slit diaphragm and recent advances in its molecular characterization demonstrating that lack of distinct proteins associated with the slit diaphragm leads to massive proteinuria, it is now generally accepted that this structure plays a major role in establishing the ultrafiltration characteristics of the glomerular capillary wall. Most investigators, however, believe that the existence of all of the three structural components of the filtration barrier placed in series is important for the normal permeability properties of the glomerulus. A detailed discussion of glomerular permeability and the filtration barrier is provided in a recent review article by Deen and colleagues.98

range from 1200 nm to 1500 nm.10 The basement membrane is composed of multiple layers, or lamellae, which increase in thickness with many disease processes. At both the vascular pole and the urinary pole, the thickness of Bowman’s capsule decreases markedly. In certain disease processes, such as rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, the parietal epithelial cells proliferate to contribute to the formation of crescents.

Peripolar Cells

Ryan and colleagues99 have described a peripolar cell that they believe is a component of the juxtaglomerular apparatus. It is located at the origin of the glomerular tuft in Bowman’s

Parietal Epithelial Cells The parietal epithelium, which forms the outer wall of Bowman’s capsule, is continuous with the visceral epithelium at the vascular pole. The parietal epithelial cells are squamous in character, but at the urinary pole there is an abrupt transition to the taller cuboidal cells of the proximal tubule, which have a well-developed brush border (Figs. 2–15 and 2–16). The parietal epithelium of the capsule was described in detail by Jørgensen.10 The cells are 0.1 µm to 0.3 µm in height, except at the nucleus, where they increase to 2.0 µm to 3.5 µm. Each cell has a long cilium and occasional microvilli up to 600 nm in length. Cell organelles are generally sparse and include small mitochondria, numerous vesicles that are 40 nm to 90 nm in diameter, and the Golgi apparatus. Large vacuoles and multivesicular bodies are rarely, if ever, seen. The thickness of the basement membrane of Bowman’s capsule is variable but has been found to

FIGURE 2–15 Scanning electron micrograph depicting the transition from the parietal epithelial cells of Bowman’s capsule (foreground) to the proximal tubule cells, with their well-developed brush border, in the kidney of a rat. (Magnification, ×3200.)

FIGURE 2–16 Scanning electron micrograph illustrating the appearance of the surface of the parietal epithelial cells adjacent to the early proximal tubule at the urinary pole (lower left). Parietal epithelial cells possess a single cilium, and their lateral cell margins are accentuated by short microvilli (arrowheads). (Magnification, ×12,500.) (Courtesy of Jill W. Verlander, DVM.)

Juxtaglomerular Apparatus The juxtaglomerular apparatus is located at the vascular pole of the glomerulus, where a portion of the distal nephron comes into contact with its parent glomerulus. It has a vascular and a tubule component. The vascular component is composed of the terminal portion of the afferent arteriole, the initial portion of the efferent arteriole, and the extraglomerular mesangial region. The tubule component is the macula densa, which is that portion of the thick ascending limb that is in contact with the vascular component.101–103 The extraglomerular mesangial region, which has also been referred to as the polar cushion (polkissen) or the lacis, is bounded by the cells of the macula densa, the specialized regions of the afferent and efferent glomerular arterioles, and

the mesangial cells of the glomerular tuft (the intraglome- 37 rular mesangial cells). Within the vascular component of the juxtaglomerular apparatus, two distinct cell types can be distinguished: the juxtaglomerular granular cells, also called epithelioid or the myoepithelial cells, and the agranular extraglomerular mesangial cells, which are also referred to as the lacis cells or pseudo-meissnerian cells of CH 2 Goormaghtigh.

Juxtaglomerular Granular Cells The granular cells are located primarily in the walls of the afferent and efferent arterioles, but they are also present in the extraglomerular mesangial region.101,103–105 They exhibit features of both smooth muscle cells and secretory epithelial cells and therefore have been called myoepithelial cells.101 The juxtaglomerular granular cells are believed to represent modified smooth muscle cells. They contain myofilaments in the cytoplasm and, except for the presence of granules, are indistinguishable from the neighboring arteriolar smooth muscle cells. They also exhibit features suggestive of secretory activity, including a well-developed endoplasmic reticulum and a Golgi complex containing small granules with a crystalline substructure.101,106 The juxtaglomerular granular cells are characterized by the presence of numerous membrane-bound granules of variable size and shape (Fig. 2–17).105 Some of these granules, termed

FIGURE 2–17 Transmission electron micrograph of juxtaglomerular apparatus from rabbit kidney, illustrating macula densa (MD), extraglomerular mesangium (EM), and a portion of an arteriole (on the right), containing numerous electron-dense granules. (Magnification, ×3700.)

Anatomy of the Kidney

space and is interposed between the visceral and parietal epithelial cells. The base of these cells rests on the basement membrane of Bowman’s capsule, and the opposite surface is exposed to the urinary space. They contain multiple membrane-bound electron-dense granules and are separated from the afferent arteriole only by the basement membrane of Bowman’s capsule.99 The peripolar cells are especially prominent in sheep, but they have also been identified in other species, including humans, and have been localized predominantly in glomeruli in the outer cortex.100

38 protogranules, have a crystalline substructure and are believed to represent precursors that fuse to form the larger mature granules.105,107 In addition to these so-called specific granules, lipofuscin-like granules are commonly observed in the human kidney.104,106 There is convincing evidence that the specific granules CH 2 represent renin or its precursor. As early as 1945, Goormaghtigh proposed that the granular cells were the source of renin. That hypothesis was later proven correct by immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization studies as well as biochemical studies demonstrating renin enzyme activity in the juxtaglomerular apparatus.103,105 Immunohistochemical studies demonstrated the presence of both renin and angiotensin II in the juxtaglomerular granular cells, with activities being highest in the afferent arteriole.108 Through use of the immunogold technique in combination with electron microscopy, renin and angiotensin II were found to coexist in the same granules.105 Studies using in situ hybridization techniques demonstrated renin messenger RNA (mRNA) in the juxtaglomerular cells in normal kidneys, thus providing evidence that these cells produce renin.109 Histochemical and immunocytochemical studies also have demonstrated the presence of lysosomal enzymes, including acid phosphatase and cathepsin B, in renin-containing granules of the juxtaglomerular epithelioid cells, suggesting that these granules may represent modified lysosomes.105

Extraglomerular Mesangium The extraglomerular mesangium is also called the lacis or the cells of Goormaghtigh. It is located between the afferent and efferent arterioles in close contact with the macula densa (see Fig. 2–17). The extraglomerular mesangium is continuous with the intraglomerular mesangium and is composed of cells that are similar in ultrastructure to the mesangial cells.101,103 The extraglomerular mesangial cells possess long, thin cytoplasmic processes that are separated by basement membrane material. Under normal conditions, these cells do not contain granules; however, juxtaglomerular granular cells are occasionally observed in the extraglomerular mesangium. The extraglomerular mesangial cells are in contact with the arterioles and the macula densa, and gap junctions are commonly observed between the various cells of the vascular portion of the juxtaglomerular apparatus.110,111 Gap junctions have also been described between extraglomerular and intraglomerular mesangial cells, suggesting that the extraglomerular mesangium may serve as a functional link between the macula densa and the glomerular arterioles and mesangium.111 Moreover, there is evidence that mesangial cell damage and selective disruption of gap junctions eliminate the tubuloglomerular feedback response.112

Macula Densa The macula densa is a specialized region of the thick ascending limb adjacent to the hilus of the glomerulus (see Fig. 2–17). Only those cells immediately adjacent to the hilus are morphologically distinctive and form the macula densa. They are low columnar cells and exhibit an apically placed nucleus. With electron microscopy,101,102 the cell base is seen to interdigitate with the adjacent extraglomerular mesangial cells to form a complex relationship. Although mitochondria are numerous, their orientation is not perpendicular to the base of the cell, and they are rarely enclosed within plications of the basolateral plasma membrane. The position of the Golgi apparatus is lateral to and beneath the cell nucleus. In addition, other cell organelles, including lysosomes, autophagic vacuoles, ribosomes, and profiles of smooth and granular endoplasmic reticulum, are located principally beneath the cell nucleus. The basement mem-

brane of the macula densa is continuous with that surrounding the granular and agranular cells of the extraglomerular mesangial region, which in turn is continuous with the matrix material surrounding the mesangial cells within the glomerular tuft. The macula densa cells lack the lateral cell processes and interdigitations that are characteristic of the thick ascending limb. Ultrastructural studies have provided evidence that the widths of the lateral intercellular spaces in the macula densa vary, depending on the physiologic status of the animal.113 This finding, coupled with the demonstrated absence of Tamm-Horsfall protein in the macula densa,114 has prompted some investigators to suggest that, in contrast to the thick ascending limb, where the presence of this glycoprotein may contribute to the water impermeability, the macula densa may be relatively permeable to water.103 Furthermore, direct visualization of the isolated perfused macula densa by use of differential interference contrast microscopy has revealed reversible dilatation of the lateral intercellular spaces between the macula densa cells with reduction of luminal osmolality.115 Morphologic evidence suggests that the autonomic nervous system is involved in the regulation of the function of the juxtaglomerular apparatus. Electron microscopic studies have demonstrated the existence of synapses between granular and agranular cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus and autonomic nerve endings.116 On serial sections of the rat juxtaglomerular apparatus, Barajas and Müller117 analyzed the frequency of contacts between axons and the various cellular components of the juxtaglomerular apparatus. Nerve endings, principally adrenergic in type, were observed to be in contact with approximately one third of the cells of the efferent arteriole and with somewhat less than one third of the cells of the afferent arteriole in the region of the juxtaglomerular apparatus. The frequency of innervation of the tubule component of the juxtaglomerular apparatus was far less. Electron microscopic autoradiography demonstrated uptake of tritiated norepinephrine in axons in contact with afferent and efferent arterioles, which suggests that the nerves are adrenergic in character.118 Extensive studies by Kopp and DiBona119 provided convincing evidence that renin secretion is modulated by renal sympathetic nerve activity, which is consistent with the existence of neuroeffector junctions on renin-positive granular cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus. The juxtaglomerular apparatus represents a major structural component of the renin-angiotensin system. The role of the juxtaglomerular apparatus is to regulate glomerular arteriolar resistance and glomerular filtration and to control the synthesis and secretion of renin.120,121 The cells of the macula densa sense changes in the luminal concentrations of sodium and chloride, presumably via absorption of these ions across the luminal membrane by the Na+-K+2Cl cotransporter,122,123 which is expressed in the macula densa.124 This initiates the tubuloglomerular feedback response by which signals generated by acute changes in sodium chloride concentration are transferred via the macula densa cells to the glomerular arterioles to control the glomerular filtration rate. Signals from the macula densa, in response to changes in luminal sodium and chloride, are also transmitted to the renin-secreting cells in the afferent arteriole.121 Renin synthesis and secretion by the juxtaglomerular granular cells are controlled by several factors, including neurotransmitters of the sympathetic nervous system, glomerular perfusion pressure (presumably through arteriolar baroreceptors), and mediators in the macula densa.121,125,126 There is increasing evidence that the macula densa control of renin secretion is mediated by NO, cyclooxygenase products such as PGE2, and adenosine.121,126,127

NO.144,146 In addition to serving as a mediator of the tubulo- 39 glomerular feedback response, adenosine appears to be required for the inhibition of renin secretion that occurs in response to an increased NaCl concentration at the macula densa.127 CH 2

Proximal Tubule The proximal tubule begins abruptly at the urinary pole of the glomerulus (see Fig. 2–15). It consists of an initial convoluted portion, the pars convoluta, which is a direct continuation of the parietal epithelium of Bowman’s capsule, and a straight portion, the pars recta, which is located in the medullary ray (see Fig. 2–5). The length of the proximal tubule is approximately 10 mm in the rabbit,147 8 mm in the rat, and 4 nm to 5 mm in the mouse,148 compared with approximately 14 mm in the human. The outside diameter of the proximal tubule is about 40 µm. In the rat, three morphologically distinct segments—S1, S2, and S3— have been identified.149 The S1 segment is the initial portion of the proximal tubule; it begins at the glomerulus and constitutes approximately two thirds of the pars convoluta. The S2 segment consists of the remainder of the pars convoluta and the initial portion of the pars recta. The S3 segment represents the remainder of the proximal tubule, located in the deep inner cortex and the outer stripe of the outer medulla. The structural features that distinguish the cells in the three segments in the rat have been described in detail by Maunsbach149 and are illustrated in Figures 2–18 through 2– 20. The S1 segment has a tall brush border and a well-developed vacuolar-lysosomal system. The basolateral plasma membrane forms extensive lateral invaginations, and lateral cell processes extending from the apical to the basal surface interdigitate with similar processes from adjacent cells. Elongated mitochondria are located in the lateral cell processes in proximity to the plasma membrane. The ultrastructure of the S2 segment is similar to that of the S1 segment; however, the brush border is shorter, the basolateral invaginations are less prominent, and the mitochondria are smaller. Numerous small lateral processes are located close to the base of the cell. The endocytic compartment is less prominent than in the S1 segment. However, the number and size of the lysosomes vary among species and between males and females, and numerous large lysosomes are often observed in the S2 segment of the male rat.147,149 In the S3 segment, lateral cell processes and invaginations are essentially absent, and mitochondria are small and randomly distributed within the cell. The length of the brush border in the S3 segment varies among species. It is tall in the rat, fairly short in the rabbit, and intermediate in length in the human kidney. Considerable species variation is also observed in the vacuolar-lysosomal compartment in the S3 segment. In the rat149 and the human,150 endocytic vacuoles and lysosomes are small and sparse, whereas in the rabbit, large endocytic vacuoles and numerous small lysosomes are present in the S3 segment.147 Peroxisomes are present throughout the proximal tubule. They increase in number along the length of the proximal tubule and are most prominent in the S3 segment. Three segments have also been described in the proximal tubule of the rabbit151,152 and the rhesus monkey.153 However, according to Kaissling and Kriz,151 in the rabbit the S2 segment is not clearly demarcated morphologically and represents a transition between the S1 and S3 segments. Interestingly, a recent ultrastructural study found no evidence of structural segmentation along the proximal tubule of the mouse.148 Only the pars convoluta and the pars recta have been positively identified and described in the nondiseased human kidney.150 Because most functional studies have

Anatomy of the Kidney

At least two immunologically distinct isoforms of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) are present in the juxtaglomerular apparatus, a fact that, when coupled with complementary physiologic observations, indicates that NO may be an important regulator of the functions of the juxtaglomerular apparatus. Several investigators have demonstrated immunostaining of macula densa cells with antibodies directed against the neuronal isoform of nitric oxide synthase (nNOS),17,128–130 and the mRNA for nNOS has also been demonstrated in macula densa cells by in situ hybridization.17,129 In addition, the endothelial isoform of nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) is expressed in endothelial cells of both the glomerular arterioles and the glomerular capillary tuft.17 The localization of NOS in the macula densa and glomerular endothelial cells was confirmed by use of an independent histochemical technique to detect reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)–dependent diaphorase activity, which has served as a marker for NOS.17,130 In functional studies, it has been reported that NO regulates renin release both in vivo and in vitro.131–133 Macula densa–controlled renin secretion plays an important role in the adaptation of tubuloglomerular feedback that occurs during long-term perturbations of macula densa sodium chloride concentration.121 Several investigators have provided evidence that NO modulates the tubuloglomerular feedback response.128,134–136 NO is believed to cause a resetting of the feedback mechanism, probably via its effect on renin secretion and by reducing ecto-5′-nucleotidase (CD73) activity (discussed later), but it is not a mediator of the response.121,126,136,137 Therefore, although NO blunts glomerular arteriolar constriction and is important for regulation of the feedback mechanism, it is not required for the feedback response to occur.136 In contrast, there is evidence that adenosine may play a role as a mediator of the tubuloglomerular feedback response, as discussed in detail by Schnermann and Levine.138 Mice lacking the type 1 adenosine receptor had a completely abolished feedback response, supporting a role for adenosine as a physiological mediator in this process.139 Moreover, mice with a genetic deletion of the ecto-5′nucleotidase (CD73), an enzyme converting extracellular AMP to adenosine, has a markedly impaired tubuloglomerular feedback response.140 The stimulation of renin secretion in response to a decrease in macula densa sodium chloride concentration is abolished by inhibition of NOS, indicating that NO produced in the macula densa stimulates renin secretion.132,133 There is also evidence that prostaglandins generated by the cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes are involved in macula densa–controlled renin secretion.141 Harris and co-workers142 using both in situ hybridization and immunohistochemical techniques, have demonstrated that COX-2 is expressed in the macula densa and that its expression is up-regulated in animals receiving a low-salt diet. Inhibition of COX-2 prevents macula densa– mediated stimulation of renin secretion143 and causes a decrease in the expression of renin in the kidney.144 Studies in COX-2 knockout mice demonstrated a significant decrease in renin expression and activity compared with wild-type animals, and the increase in renin mRNA expression observed in wild-type mice in response to a low-salt diet was abolished in COX-2 knockout animals.145 These studies indicate that COX-2 products such as PGE2 are involved in the regulation of renin production and secretion. Therefore, there is both structural and functional evidence that both NO and COX2–generated prostaglandins participate in the signaling pathway between the macula densa and the renin-producing cells in the afferent arteriole. The exact relationship between the two mediators remains to be established. However, studies suggest that the increase in COX-2 expression in the macula densa in response to a low-salt diet is mediated by


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FIGURE 2–18 Transmission electron micrograph of S1 segment of rat proximal tubule. The cells are characterized by a tall brush border, a prominent endocyticlysosomal apparatus, and extensive invaginations of the basolateral plasma membrane. (Magnification, ×10,600.)

distinguished between the convoluted and the straight portions of the proximal tubule rather than the S1, S2, and S3 segments, the former distinction is used in the following description.

Pars Convoluta The individual cells of the pars convoluta are extremely complex in shape as described for the S1 segment of the rat proximal tubule (Fig. 2–21).154 From the main cell body, large primary ridges extend laterally from the apical to the basal surface of the cells. Lateral processes large enough to contain mitochondria extend outward from the primary ridges and interdigitate with similar processes from adjacent cells. These lateral processes can be demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy (Fig. 2–22). At the luminal surface of the cells, smaller apical lateral processes extend outward from the primary ridges to interdigitate with those of adjacent cells. Small basal villi that do not contain mitochondria are found along the basal cell surface (see Fig. 2–21).

As a result of the extensive interdigitations of lateral and basal processes between adjacent cells, a complex extracellular compartment is formed. It is referred to as the basolateral intercellular space (Fig. 2–23; see Fig. 2–22). This space is separated from the tubule lumen by a specialization of the plasma membrane called the zonula occludens, or tight junction.155 The zonula occludens forms a continuous band around the luminal surface of each cell, where the outer leaflets of the plasma membrane of adjacent cells appear to be fused, resulting in a pentilaminar appearance of the tight junction. Early tracer studies employing high-molecular-weight substances such as ferritin,156 peroxidase,157 and hemoglobin155 failed to provide morphologic evidence of a pathway between proximal tubule cells. However, physiologic and electrophysiologic studies have revealed the presence of a low-resistance shunt pathway in parallel with a high-resistance pathway across the apical and basal plasma membranes of the proximal tubule cell.158–160 The low-resistance pathway is believed to be formed by the tight junction and the lateral intercellular space. In ultrastructural studies of in vivo perfused rat proxi-


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Anatomy of the Kidney FIGURE 2–19 Transmission electron micrograph of S2 segment of rat proximal tubule. The brush border is less prominent than in the S1 segment. Note numerous small lateral processes at the base of the cell. (Magnification, ×10,600.)

mal tubules, Tisher and Yarger161 demonstrated that both ionic and colloidal lanthanum were capable of penetrating the entire region of the tight junction from either the luminal or the peritubular surface of the cell. These results were confirmed by Martinez-Palomo and Erlij162 thus providing further support for the existence of a paracellular pathway in the proximal tubule. Freeze-fracture electron microscopy of proximal convoluted tubules of mouse,163 several other species of animals including rat and rabbit,164 and human kidney165 has revealed that the tight junction is formed by one or two strands. These strands are equivalent to ridges on the P face (that half of the plasma membrane adjacent to the cytoplasm of the cell) and grooves on the E face (that half of the plasma membrane adjacent to the intercellular space). In the proximal convoluted tubule of the rat, up to 10% of the strands forming the tight junction are discontinuous,164 which may explain the ability of lanthanum to penetrate the tight junction of the proximal convoluted tubule. Thus, morphologic as well as physiologic data provide evidence for the presence of a paracellular shunt pathway between cells of the mammalian proximal convoluted tubule. Immediately beneath the tight junction is a second specialized region of the plasma membrane, termed the intermediate junction or zonula adherens.155 It is a seven-layered structure formed by the two adjacent, triple-layered plasma mem-

branes separated by a narrow upper extension of the intercellular space. Dense condensations of cytoplasm are located adjacent to the regions of the plasma membranes that form the intermediate junction. Desmosomes, or maculae adherentes, are also found in the proximal convoluted tubule, distributed randomly at variable distances beneath the intermediate junction. These seven-layered structures are also formed by the two adjacent plasma membranes and the intervening intercellular space. However, they are disk-shaped rather than belt-like in configuration and they are responsible for cell-cell adhesion. Gap junctions are present in small numbers in mammalian and invertebrate renal proximal tubules.166 They are specialized connections between adjacent cells where the plasma membranes are separated by a 2-nm gap that contains characteristic subunits. The gap junction is believed to provide a pathway for the movement of ions between cells. The intercellular space is open toward the basement membrane, which separates it from the peritubular interstitium and capillaries. The thickness of the basement membrane gradually decreases along the proximal tubule. In the rhesus monkey, it decreases in thickness from approximately 250 nm in the S1 segment to 145 nm in the S2 segment and to only 70 nm in the S3 segment.153 In the rat, the basement membrane of the proximal convoluted tubule was found to be 143 nm in thickness.167


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FIGURE 2–20 Transmission electron micrograph of S3 segment of rat proximal tubule. The brush border is tall, but the endocytic-lysosomal apparatus is less prominent than in the S1 and S2 segments. Basolateral invaginations are sparse, and mitochondria are scattered randomly throughout the cytoplasm. (Magnification, ×10,600.)

FIGURE 2–21 Schematic drawing illustrating three-dimensional configuration of proximal convoluted tubule cell. (From Welling LW, Welling DJ: Shape of epithelial cells and intercellular channels in the rabbit proximal nephron. Kidney Int 9:385, 1976.)


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Anatomy of the Kidney FIGURE 2–22 Scanning electron micrograph of proximal convoluted tubule illustrating prominent lateral cell processes. Arrow on adjacent proximal convoluted tubule denotes small basal processes. (Magnification, ×8200.) (From Madsen KM, Brenner BM: Structure and function of the renal tubule and interstitium. In Tisher CC, Brenner BM (eds): Renal Pathology with Clinical and Functional Correlations. Philadelphia, JB Lippincott, 1989, p 606.)

The lateral cell processes and invaginations of the plasma membrane serve to increase the intercellular space and the area of the basolateral plasma membrane, where the sodiumpotassium adenosine triphosphatase (Na+,K+-ATPase) or Na+ pump is located.168,169 Morphometric studies of the proximal convoluted tubule in the rabbit have demonstrated that the area of the lateral surface equals that of the luminal surface and amounts to 2.9 mm2/mm tubule.170 Elongated mitochondria are located in the lateral cell processes in close proximity to the plasma membrane (see Fig. 2–23), an arrangement that is characteristic of epithelia involved in active ion transport. With standard transmission electron microscopy, these organelles appear rod-shaped and tortuous; however, studies using high-voltage electron microscopy of 0.5- to 1.0-µm-thick sections have revealed that many mitochondria in the proximal tubule are branched and anastomose with one another.171 A system of smooth membranes, called the paramembranous

cisternal system, is often observed between the plasma membrane and the mitochondria. The function of the paramembranous cisternal system is not known, but studies suggest that it is in continuity with the smooth endoplasmic reticulum.172 The cells throughout the proximal tubule contain large quantities of smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum, and free ribosomes are also abundant in the cytoplasm. A welldeveloped Golgi apparatus is located above and lateral to the nucleus in the midregion of the cell. It is composed of four basic elements: smooth-surfaced sacs or cisternae, coated vesicles, uncoated vesicles, and larger vacuoles. The cisternae form parallel stacks that possess a convex surface, the cis side, and a concave surface, the trans side, from which small, coated vesicles appear to bud off (Fig. 2–24). An extensive system of microtubules is located throughout the cytoplasm of the proximal tubule cells.


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FIGURE 2–23 Electron micrograph of the pars convoluta of the proximal tubule from a normal human kidney. The mitochondria (M) are elongated and tortuous, occasionally doubling back on themselves. The endocytic apparatus, composed of apical vacuoles (AV), apical vesicles (V), and apical dense tubules (arrows), is well developed. G, Golgi apparatus; IS, intercellular space; L, lysosome; Mv, microvilli forming the brush border; TL, tubule lumen. (Magnification, ×15,000.)


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Anatomy of the Kidney

FIGURE 2–24 Electron micrograph of a Golgi apparatus from a normal human proximal tubule. Small vesicles (arrows) consistent with the appearance of primary lysosomes are seen budding from the larger cisternal profiles (CP). M, mitochondrion. (Magnification, ×32,900.) (From Tisher CC, Bulger RE, Trump BF: Human renal ultrastructure. I. Proximal tubule of healthy individuals. Lab Invest 15:1357, 1966.)

FIGURE 2–25 Transmission electron micrograph of the apical region of a human proximal tubule, illustrating the endocytic apparatus, including coated pits, coated vesicles, apical dense tubules, and endosomes. (Magnification, ×18,500.)

A well-developed brush border forms the apical or luminal surface of the proximal convoluted tubule. It is formed by numerous finger-like projections of the apical plasma membrane, the microvilli (see Figs. 2–18 through 2–20). Morphometric studies performed on isolated segments of rabbit proximal convoluted tubules found that the brush border increases the apical cell surface 36-fold.170 On cross section, 6 to 10 filaments, approximately 6 nm in diameter, can be seen within individual microvilli, often extending downward into the apical region of the cell for considerable distances. A network of filaments, called the terminal web, is located in the apical cytoplasm just beneath and perpendicular to the microvilli.173 The filaments of the microvilli are actin filaments. Immunocytochemical studies have demonstrated the presence of the cytoskeletal proteins, villin and fimbrin, in the microvillar core, whereas myosin and spectrin were found in the terminal web.174 It is well established that the protein composition of the brush border membrane is different from that of the basolateral membrane.175 Biochemical studies have reported the presence of alkaline phosphatase, aminopeptidase, 5′-nucleotidase, and Mg2+-ATPase activity within brush border membranes from the kidney cortex while Na+-K+-ATPase is present in the basolateral plasma membrane.175 Furthermore, immunocytochemical studies have demonstrated microdomains with different glycoproteins in brush border membranes. The Heymann nephritis antigen (gp330 or megalin) is located mainly in the apical invaginations between the microvilli, whereas maltase, a disaccharidase, is concentrated on the microvilli.176 Ecto-5′-

nucleotidase, which is involved in the generation of adenosine, is also expressed in the brush border of the proximal tubule.177 The pars convoluta of the proximal tubule contains a welldeveloped endocytic-lysosomal apparatus that is involved in the reabsorption and degradation of macromolecules from the ultrafiltrate.178 The endocytic compartment consists of an extensive system of coated pits, small coated vesicles, apical dense tubules, and larger endocytic vacuoles without a cytoplasmic coat (Fig. 2–25). The coated pits are invaginations of the apical plasma membrane at the base of the microvilli that form the brush border. The cytoplasmic coat of the small vesicles is similar in ultrastructure to the coat that is present on the cytoplasmic side of the coated pits. Immunocytochemical studies have demonstrated that this coat contains clathrin,179 a protein believed to play a role in receptormediated endocytosis. The Heymann nephritis antigen demonstrated in brush border membranes from the proximal tubule is also located mainly in the clathrin-coated pits and clathrin-coated vesicles.176,180 A large number of lysosomes are present in the proximal convoluted tubule. Lysosomes are membrane-bound, heterogeneous organelles that contain a variety of acid hydrolases, including acid phosphatase, and various proteases, lipases, and glycosidases (Fig. 2–26).178,181 They vary considerably in size, shape, and ultrastructural appearance. Lysosomes are involved in the degradation of material absorbed by endocytosis (heterophagocytosis), and they often contain multiple electron-dense deposits that are believed to


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FIGURE 2–26 Electron micrographs illustrating the appearance of different types of lysosomes from human proximal tubules. A, Lysosomes. Several mitochondria (M) are also shown. (Magnification, ×15,500.) B, Early stage of formation of an autophagic vacuole. (Magnification, ×23,500.) C, Fully formed autolysosome containing a mitochondrion undergoing digestion. (Magnification, ×28,500.) D, Autolysosome, containing a microbody undergoing digestion. A multivesicular body (arrow) is also shown. (Magnification, ×29,250.) (From Tisher CC, Bulger RE, Trump BF: Human renal ultrastructure. I. Proximal tubule of healthy individuals. Lab Invest 15:1357, 1966.)

represent reabsorbed substances such as proteins (see Fig. 2–26). Lysosomes also play a role in the normal turnover of intracellular constituents by autophagocytosis, and autophagic vacuoles containing fragments of cell organelles are often seen in the proximal tubule (see Fig. 2–26).181 Lysosomes containing nondigestible residues are called residual bodies, and they can empty their contents into the tubule lumen by exocytosis. Multivesicular bodies that are part of the vacuolar-lysosomal system are often observed in the cytoplasm of the proximal convoluted tubule. They are believed to be involved in membrane retrieval or membrane disposal (or both). Studies using the weak base N-(3-((2,4-dinitrophenyl)amino) propyl)-N-(3-aminopropyl) methylamine dihydrochloride (DAMP), in combination with immunocytochemical techniques at the ultrastructural level, to identify intracellular acidic compartments in the proximal tubule of the rat and rabbit found that lysosomes and a population of endosomes were acidic.182,183 In agreement with these observations, biochemical studies demonstrated the presence of an electrogenic H+ pump in endosomes isolated from the kidney cortex.184 Furthermore, immunocytochemical studies using antibodies to the vacuolar H+ pump demonstrated labeling of both endosomes and the apical plasma membrane at the base of the microvilli, thus confirming that an H+-ATPase exists in these structures.185 Polybasic cationic drugs, such as aminoglycoside antibiotics, are absorbed and accumulate in acidic organelles in the proximal tubule.186 Certain heavy metals also accumulate in renal lysosomes, probably because they are bound to protein in the tubule fluid and undergo endocytosis.187 Long-term exposure to mercuric chloride was found to cause both structural and functional

changes in the lysosomal system of the proximal tubule of the rat.188,189 The vacuolar-lysosomal system plays an important role in the reabsorption and degradation of albumin and lowmolecular-weight plasma proteins from the glomerular filtrate.178,190,191 Proteins are absorbed from the tubule lumen by endocytosis or pinocytosis (Fig. 2–27). By this process, the protein becomes located in invaginations of the apical plasma membrane—the so-called coated pits—which pinch off to form small coated vesicles. The coated vesicles fuse with endosomes and the absorbed protein is transferred through the endosomal compartment to the lysosomes, where it is catabolized by proteolytic enzymes. The apical dense tubules are part of the vacuolar system and are believed to be involved in the recycling of membrane back to the apical plasma membrane.192 Interestingly, binding sites for insulin are present on both the apical and basolateral plasma membrane. However, the uptake of insulin is much greater from the luminal side than from the peritubular side.193 Under normal conditions, the vacuolar-lysosomal system is most prominent in the S1 segment.147,149 In proteinuric states, however, with large amounts of protein being presented to the proximal tubule cells, large vacuoles—the socalled protein droplets—and lysosomes can be observed in the proximal tubule, especially in the S2 segment. In agreement with these ultrastructural observations, biochemical studies on individual tubule segments have demonstrated that under normal nonproteinuric conditions, the activity of the lysosomal proteolytic enzymes, cathepsins B and L, is significantly higher in the S1 segment than in the S2 and S3 segments of the proximal tubule.147,194 In proteinuric conditions, the activity of cathepsins B and L in the proximal tubule is increased, and activity is highest in the S2 segment.194 Studies in the isolated perfused rat kidney,195 in vivo micropuncture studies,196 and studies using isolated perfused rabbit proximal tubule,197,198 have provided evidence that the absorption of protein by the proximal tubule is a selective process determined by the net charge, size, and configuration of the protein molecule and possibly by the presence of preferential endocytic sites on the apical plasma membrane. Based on studies by Farquhar and co-workers199 and by Christensen and Birn,200 it is now generally accepted that the reabsorption of numerous proteins and polypeptides by the proximal tubule is mediated by megalin, a multiligand endocytic receptor. Kerjaschki and Farquhar180 purified megalin (gp330) from rat kidney brush border membrane and demonstrated that it represents the antigen for rat Heymann nephritis. Megalin was subsequently cloned and found to be a 600-kD glycoprotein belonging to the low-densitylipoprotein receptor gene family.201 The receptor-associated protein, RAP, which binds to megalin, is also an antigen for Heymann nephritis. RAP is believed to function as a chaperone for megalin.199 Immunocytochemical studies have demonstrated that megalin is located in the brush border, coated pits, endocytic vesicles, and apical dense tubules in the proximal tubule, particularly in the S2 segment (Fig. 2–28).176,202,203 As reviewed in detail by Christensen and Birn,200 megalin serves as a receptor for numerous ligands, including lowmolecular-weight proteins,204 polypeptide hormones,204 albumin,205 vitamin-binding proteins,206–208 and polybasic drugs such as aminoglycosides.209 Orlando and co-workers204 demonstrated that megalin binds and internalizes insulin, and evidence was also provided from ligand blotting assays that megalin serves as a receptor for various low-molecularweight polypeptides including β2-microglobulin, lysozyme, prolactin, cytochrome C, and epidermal growth factor. Moestrup, Christensen, Nykjaer, and their co-workers206–208 demonstrated that megalin serves as the principal receptor for the


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Coated vesicles

FIGURE 2–27 Schematic drawing of the endocytic-lysosomal system in a proximal tubule cell.

Late endosome


Nucleus Autophagosome

Primary lysosome Digestion products Lysosome


FIGURE 2–28 Transmission electron micrograph (magnification, ×35,000) illustrating immunogold localization of megalin in a proximal tubule cell from normal mouse kidney. Labeling of megalin is seen on microvilli (MV), coated pits (arrows), and the apical endocytic apparatus. Inset is a higher-magnification (×53,000) micrograph illustrating the labeling of coated pits (large arrowheads), apical endosomes (arrows), and apical dense tubules (small arrowheads). (From Christensen EI, Willnow TE: Essential role of megalin in renal proximal tubule for vitamin homeostasis. J Am Soc Nephrol 10:2224, 1999.)

Anatomy of the Kidney

Apical vacuole or early endosome

48 carrier proteins of various vitamins, including vitamin B12, vitamin D, and retinol, suggesting that megalin may play a role in vitamin metabolism and homeostasis.210 Other studies demonstrated a loss of components of the endocytic apparatus and increased excretion of low-molecular-weight proteins in the urine of megalin-deficient mice, providing further CH 2 support for the role of megalin in proximal tubule reabsorption of protein.210,211 A second multiligand endocytic receptor, cubilin, which is identical to the intestinal intrinsic factor–cobalamin receptor, has been identified in the proximal tubule.200,212 Cubilin is a 460 kD glycoprotein that binds to megalin. It is expressed in the brush border and in the endocytic compartment in a pattern similar to that of megalin.200 Studies by Christensen, Birn, and their co-workers212,213 demonstrated that cubilin binds several ligands present in the glomerular ultrafiltrate, including albumin and various vitamin-binding proteins, and that both megalin and cubilin are essential for the reabsorption of these proteins in the proximal tubule. The proximal convoluted tubule plays a major role in the reabsorption of Na+, HCO3−, Cl−, K+, Ca2+, PO43−, water, and organic solutes such as glucose and amino acids. Approximately half of the ultrafiltrate is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule. Fluid reabsorption is coupled to the active transport of Na+, and little change occurs in the osmolality or in the Na+ concentration of the tubule fluid along the proximal tubule, indicating that fluid reabsorption in this segment is almost isosmotic.214 The rate of fluid absorption from the proximal tubule to the peritubular capillaries is influenced by the hydraulic and oncotic pressures across the tubule and capillary wall. Changes in these parameters cause significant ultrastructural changes in the proximal tubule, especially in the configuration of the lateral intercellular spaces.215,216 In the early 1990s Preston and co-workers cloned a water channel protein, CHIP28 or aquaporin-1 (AQP1), from human erythrocytes.217,218 AQP1 is believed to mediate osmotic water permeability in red blood cells as well as in renal tubule cells. Immunocytochemical studies219–221 using antibodies to AQP1 demonstrated the presence of this water channel protein in both the proximal tubule (Fig. 2–29) and the descending thin limb, segments known to have high osmotic water permeability. Labeling was observed in both the apical and the basolateral plasma membrane, which indicates that water is reabsorbed across the epithelium through these channels in response to the existent osmotic gradient. AQP8222,223 is also expressed in the renal proximal tubule where it is located mainly in intracellular structures with little or no expression at the plasma membrane.224 Biophysical studies in Xenopus oocytes and yeast have revealed that AQP8 conducts water as well as ammonia/ammonium and formamide.225,226 AQP8 gene knockout mice have no major phenotype. Thus, the role of AQP8 remains to be established. Aquaporin-11 (AQP11) is a channel protein with unusual pore-forming NPA (asparagine-proline-alanine) boxes.227 Immunocytochemical studies have demonstrated intracellular expression of AQP11 in the proximal tubule228 as well as in AQP11-transfected CHO-K1 cells. A predominantly intracellular expression has also been reported in other cell types including cells in the brain.229 AQP11-null mice exhibit vacuolization and cyst formation of the proximal tubule.228 The mice appeared normal at birth, but developed polycystic kidneys and died before weaning due to advanced renal failure. Interestingly, primary cultured proximal tubule cells from AQP11-null mice exhibited an endosomal acidification defect. However, the physiological role of AQP11 in the proximal tubule remains to be identified. Sodium reabsorption by the proximal tubule is an active process driven by Na+,K+-ATPase, which is located in the

basolateral plasma membrane, as demonstrated by both histochemical230 and immunocytochemical169 studies. The active transport of Na+ out of the cell across the basolateral membrane creates a lumen-to-cell concentration gradient for Na+. The transport of various anions and organic solutes is coupled with the transport of Na+ down its concentration gradient.231 The main anions transported together with Na+ are HCO3− and Cl−. HCO3− reabsorption takes place primarily in the early proximal tubule and is secondary to H+ secretion, which is mediated predominantly by an Na+/H+ exchange mechanism located in the brush border membrane.232,233 Studies in several laboratories have demonstrated expression of the Na+/H+ exchanger isoform, NHE3, in the brush border of the proximal tubule.234,235 In addition, there is evidence that active H+ secretion mediated by an H+-ATPase occurs in the proximal tubule.236 An H+-ATPase has been demonstrated in brush border membrane vesicles237 as well as in endosome vesicles isolated from the kidney cortex.184 Immunocytochemical studies using antibodies to a renal H+-ATPase have revealed labeling of both endosomes and coated pits at the base of the brush border microvilli, which supports the presence of H+-ATPase at both sites.185 Studies in mice lacking the NHE3 have confirmed the importance of NHE3 for bicarbonate and fluid reabsorption in the proximal convoluted tubule.238,239 The expression and activity of NHE3 is regulated by various hormones, including angiotensin II and aldosterone.240,241 The regulation involves multiple signaling pathways and molecules such as PKA/cAMP and EPAC,242 NHERF-1,243,244 and Rho GTPases.245 It has also been suggested that mechanosensory pathways involving the microvilli may play a role in the regulation of NHE3 in the proximal tubule.246 Bicarbonate reabsorption in the proximal tubule is mediated by an electrogenic Na+/HCO3− co-transporter, NBC1, with a stoichiometry of 3 HCO3− for each Na+.247,248 NBC1 belongs to a superfamily of bicarbonate transporters that includes the anion exchangers (AE) and the sodium bicarbonate cotransporters (NBC).249 NBC1 in the proximal tubule was the first sodium bicarbonate co-transporter to be identified. It was cloned initially from Ambystoma250 and later from both human251 and rat kidney.252 In situ hybridization studies in the rabbit kidney demonstrated that NBC1 mRNA was present only in the renal cortex where it was localized to the proximal tubule.253 Subsequent immunofluorescence studies in rat and rabbit254 and high-resolution electron microscopic studies in the rat kidney255 revealed that NBC1 was expressed exclusively in the basolateral plasma membrane of the S1 and S2 segments of the proximal tubule (Fig. 2–30). This is in agreement with the results of physiologic studies demonstrating that bicarbonate is reabsorbed primarily in the initial part of the proximal tubule.233 Humans with mutations in NBC1 develop permanent proximal renal tubular acidosis with associated ocular abnormalities consistent with NBC1 being the primary pathway for basolateral bicarbonate transport.256 The proximal tubule is a major site of ammonia production in the kidney.257–259 Ammonia is produced in the mitochondria from the metabolism of glutamine. At the pH that exists in the proximal tubule cells, ammonia combines with H+ to form NH4+, which is secreted into the tubule lumen.260

Pars Recta The pars recta of the proximal tubule consists of the terminal portion of the S2 segment and the entire S3 segment. The epithelium of the S3 segment is simpler than that of the S1 and S2 segments.149,151 Basolateral invaginations of the plasma membrane are virtually absent, mitochondria are small and randomly scattered throughout the cytoplasm, and the intercellular spaces are smaller and less complex (Fig. 2–31;


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C FIGURE 2–29 Immunolocalization of aquaporin-1 water channels in the rat proximal tubule. A and B, Light micrographs of cryosections, illustrating immunostaining of the apical and basolateral plasma membrane of the S3 segment of the proximal tubule with use of a horseradish peroxidase technique. (Magnification: A, ×670; B, ×800.) C, Electron micrograph of cryosubstituted Lowicryl section, illustrating immunogold labeling of microvilli and apical invaginations of the S3 segment of the proximal tubule. (Magnification, ×48,000.)

Anatomy of the Kidney



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FIGURE 2–30 Transmission electron micrograph illustrating immunogold localization of NBC1 in the basal part of a proximal convoluted tubule cell from normal rat kidney. Labeling of NBC1 is seen on the cytoplasmic side of the basolateral plasma membrane. (Magnification, ×68,000.) (From Maunsbach AB, Vorum H, Kwon TH, et al: Immunoelectron microscopic localization of the electrogenic Na/HCO(3) cotransporter in rat and ambystoma kidney. J Am Soc Nephrol 11:2179, 2000.)

see Fig. 2–20). These morphologic characteristics are in agreement with results of biochemical studies demonstrating that Na+,K+-ATPase activity is significantly lower in the pars recta than in the pars convoluta.261 In addition, studies examining transport parameters in individual segments of the proximal tubule have demonstrated that fluid reabsorption in the S3 segment is significantly less than in the S1 and S2 segments.262 The morphologic appearance of the pars recta varies considerably among species. In the rat, the microvilli of the brush border measure up to 4 µm in length, whereas in the rabbit and human kidney they are much shorter. The vacuolarlysosomal system is less prominent in the S3 segment of the proximal tubule. However, in both rabbit and human, many small lysosomes with electron-dense membrane-like material are common in the S3 segment.147,150 The specific role of lysosomes in this segment is not known. Peroxisomes are common in the pars recta. In contrast to lysosomes, the peroxisomes are surrounded by a 6.5-nmthick membrane and do not contain acid hydrolases.181 Peroxisomes are irregular in shape and vary considerably in appearance among species. In the rat, small, circular profiles can be observed just inside the limiting membrane, and rod-shaped structures often project outward from the organelle. In addition, a small nucleoid is often present in peroxi-

somes in the rat proximal tubule. In the proximal tubule of both rabbit and human, electron-dense structures called marginal plates are located at the periphery of the organelle (see Fig. 2–31). The functional significance of the peroxisomes in the kidney is not known with certainty; however, they are believed to be involved in lipid metabolism and to play a role in fatty acid oxidation. They have a high content of catalase, which is involved in the degradation of hydrogen peroxide, and of various oxidative enzymes, including L-α-hydroxy-acid oxidase and D-amino acid oxidase.263,264 The pars recta of the proximal tubule is involved in the secretion of organic anions and cations and it is a portion of the nephron that is often damaged by nephrotoxic compounds, including various drugs and heavy metals. Woodhall and colleagues152 examined the secretion of p-aminohippuric acid, an organic anion, in individual S1, S2, and S3 segments of superficial and juxtamedullary proximal tubules of the rabbit and found that secretion was significantly higher in the S2 segment of both nephron populations. In similar studies of organic cation transport, McKinney265 demonstrated that the secretion of procainamide was greatest in S1 segments of superficial nephrons and in S1 and S2 segments of juxtamedullary nephrons. Recent studies from several laboratories have identified a family of transporters involved in the uptake of organic anions and cations across the basolateral membrane into the cells of the proximal tubule.266 The organic ion transporters play an important role in the excretion of numerous commonly used drugs, including various antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, loop diuretics, and the immunosuppressive drug cyclosporine.266 The uptake of organic anions, including p-aminohippuric acid, from the blood into the proximal tubule cells is mediated by an organic anion transporter, OAT1, which has been cloned267–269 and found to be expressed in the proximal tubule by both in situ hybridization267,268 and immunohistochemistry.270,271 In the kidney, OAT1 is present only in the basolateral plasma membrane of the proximal tubule, and studies in the rat have demonstrated that OAT1 is expressed predominantly in the S2 segment of the proximal tubule.271 Organic cation transporters, OCT1 and OCT2, have also been demonstrated in the proximal tubule of the rat.272 By in situ hybridization, expression of both OCT1 and OCT2 was detected in all three segments of the proximal tubule. By immunohistochemistry, OCT1 was observed mainly in S1 and S2 segments, whereas OCT2 was expressed in S2 and S3 segments.272 The aquaglyceroporin AQP7, which is abundantly expressed in the testis273 has also been demonstrated in the proximal tubule brush border274,275 but exclusively in the part recta. AQP7 knockout mice fail to reabsorb glycerol and exhibit marked glyceroluria276 indicating a role for AQP7 in glycerol metabolism.

Thin Limbs of the Loop of Henle The transition from the proximal tubule to the descending thin limb of the loop of Henle is abrupt (Figs. 2–32 and 2–33) and marks the boundary between the outer and inner stripes of the outer medulla. Short-looped nephrons originating from superficial and midcortical glomeruli have a short descending thin limb located in the inner stripe of the outer medulla. Close to the hairpin turn of the short loops of Henle, the thin limb continues into the thick ascending limb. Long-looped nephrons originating from juxtamedullary glomeruli have a long descending thin limb that extends into the inner medulla and a long ascending thin limb that continues into the thick


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Anatomy of the Kidney FIGURE 2–31 Low-magnification electron micrograph of a segment of the pars recta of a proximal tubule from a human kidney. The microvilli on the convex apical cell surface are not as long as those from the pars recta of the rat. The lysosomes are extremely electron-dense. The clear, single- membrane-limited structures at the base of the cell to the right represent lipid droplets. (Magnification, ×10,400.) (Courtesy of R.E. Bulger, PhD.)

ascending limb. The transition from the thin to the thick ascending limb forms the boundary between the outer and inner medulla (see Fig. 2–5). Nephrons arising in the extreme outer cortex may possess short cortical loops that do not extend into the medulla. Considerable effort has been expended toward identification of the histotopographic organization of the renal medulla in several laboratory animals. Most mammals, including rabbits, guinea pigs, prairie dogs, cats, dogs, pigs, and humans, have a simple medulla in which the vascular bundles contain only descending and ascending vasa recta. The thin limb segments of both short- and long-looped nephrons are located outside the vascular bundles.277 In contrast, most animals with a high urine concentrating ability, such as the rat,278 mouse,279 and desert sand rat (Psammomys obesus),280 have a complex medulla in which the descending thin limbs of the short-looped nephrons are incorporated into the vascular bundles in the outer medulla together with the vasa recta. Descending thin limbs from long-looped nephrons descend through the outer medulla outside the vascular bundles, in the so-called interbundle regions. In

most species studied thus far, the inner medulla appears to lack the discrete compartmentalization that is characteristic of the outer medulla.281 Recent 3-D reconstruction studies of the mouse nephron indicate that a highly complex structural relationship exists between the thin limb segments and the thick ascending limbs in the outer medulla of the mouse.282 Early ultrastructural studies demonstrated that the cells of the initial part of the descending thin limb of Henle were complex because of extensive interdigitation with one another, whereas the cells of the ascending thin limb near the transition with the thick ascending limb, and thin limb cells in the inner medulla, were less complex in configuration. Dieterich and associates283 later described the presence of four types of epithelia (types I through IV) in the thin limbs of the mouse kidney and devised a classification based on the ultrastructural characteristics of the cells and their location within the different regions of the medulla. Subsequent studies in other species, including rat,277 rabbit,151 hamster,284 and P. obesus,280,281 confirmed the existence of four morphologically distinct segments in the thin limb of Henle


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FIGURE 2–32 Transmission electron micrograph from rabbit kidney, illustrating the transition from the pars recta of the proximal tubule to the descending thin limb of the loop of Henle. (Magnification, ×4500.) (From Madsen KM, Park CH: Lysosome distribution and cathepsin B and L activity along the rabbit proximal tubule. Am J Physiol 253:F1290, 1987.)

FIGURE 2–33 Scanning electron micrograph from a normal rat kidney depicting the transition from the terminal S3 segment of the proximal tubule (above) to the early descending thin limb of Henle (below). Note the elongated cilia projecting into the lumen from cells of the proximal tubule and the thin limb of Henle. (Magnification, ×4500.)

Type I

Type II

Type III

Type IV

FIGURE 2–34 Diagram depicting the appearance of the four types of thin limb segments in rat kidney. (See text for explanation.)

In all animals studied thus far, type I epithelium is extremely 53 thin and has few basal or luminal surface specializations, the latter in the form of microvilli (see Fig. 2–34). There is a virtual absence of lateral interdigitations with adjacent cells, and cellular organelles are relatively sparse. Microbodies have not been identified in the thin limbs of the loop of Henle. Tight junctions between cells are intermediate in CH 2 depth with several junctional strands, which suggests a tight epithelium.285–287 Type II epithelium is taller and exhibits considerable species differences. In the rat,278 mouse,283 P. obesus,281 and hamster,284 the type II epithelium is complex and characterized by extensive lateral and basal interdigitations and a well-developed paracellular pathway (Fig. 2–35). The tight junctions are extremely shallow and contain a single junctional strand, which is characteristic of a leaky epithelium. The luminal surface is covered by short blunt microvilli, and cell organelles, including mitochondria, are more prominent than in other segments of the thin limb. In the rabbit,151 the type II epithelium is less complex. Lateral interdigitations and paracellular pathways are less prominent, and tight junctions are deeper.286 As in the rat and mouse, the luminal surface is covered with short microvilli, and many small mitochondria are present in the cytoplasm. In comparison with type II epithelium, type III epithelium is lower and has a simpler structure. The cells do not interdigitate, the tight junctions are intermediate in depth, and fewer microvilli cover the luminal surface. Type IV epithelium (see Fig. 2–34) is generally low and flattened and possesses relatively few organelles. It is characterized by an absence of surface microvilli but has an abundance of lateral cell processes and interdigitations as well as prominent paracellular pathways. The tight junctions are shallow and are characteristic of a leaky epithelium. The basement membrane of the thin limb segments varies greatly in thickness from species to species and in many animals is multilayered. A secreted phosphoprotein, osteopontin, is constitutively expressed in the type I and especially the type II epithelium of the descending thin limb in the inner stripe of the outer medulla.288,289 The function of osteopontin in the descending thin limb is unknown. Freeze-fracture studies have confirmed the structural heterogeneity along the thin limb of the loop of Henle in the rat,287 rabbit,286 and P. obesus.285 Segmental as well as species

FIGURE 2–35 Transmission electron micrograph of type II epithelium of the thin limb of the loop of Henle in the inner stripe of the outer medulla of rat kidney. (Magnification, ×11,800.)

Anatomy of the Kidney

(Fig. 2–34). In these animals, type I epithelium is found exclusively in the descending thin limb of short-looped nephrons. Type II epithelium forms the descending thin limb of long-looped nephrons in the outer medulla. This epithelium gives way to type III epithelium in the inner medulla. Type IV epithelium forms the bends of the long loops and the entire ascending thin limb to the transition into the thick ascending limb at the boundary between the inner and outer medulla.

54 differences were found in the number of strands and the depth of the tight junctions. The most striking finding in these studies was an extremely high density of intramembrane particles in both the luminal and the basolateral membrane of type II epithelium in all animals studied. Biochemical studies in isolated nephron segments,290 as well as histochemical CH 2 studies,230 demonstrated significant levels of Na+,K+-ATPase activity in type II epithelium of the thin limb in the rat. Little or no activity was present in other segments of the rat thin limb or in any segment of the rabbit thin limb.291 The functional significance of these observations is not known. However, physiologic studies determining the permeability properties of isolated perfused segments of descending thin limbs from different species have demonstrated that the permeability of the type II epithelium to Na+ and K+ is higher in the rat and hamster than in the rabbit,292 supporting the described ultrastructural and biochemical differences among species in this epithelium. Studies of salt and water permeability in descending thin limb segments from the hamster have demonstrated that both type I and type II epithelia are highly permeable to water, whereas the permeability to Na+ and Cl− is significantly higher in type II than in type I epithelium.293 In contrast, urea permeability is higher in the type I epithelium.293 No evidence has been found for active transport of Na+ or Cl− in the thin limb of the loop of Henle. In support of the reported permeability characteristics of the different thin limb segments, immunohistochemical studies have demonstrated high levels of expression of the water channel protein, AQP1, in the descending thin limb and especially in the type II epithelium of long-looped nephrons in the outer medulla (Fig. 2–36).219,294 There is no AQP1 immunoreactivity in the ascending thin limb and AQP1 is not expressed in the innermost part of the type I epithelium of short-looped nephrons. Detailed studies by Pannabecker and Dantzler have described the heterogeneity in the expression of AQP1 in descending thin limbs in the inner medulla. Those investigators reported that descending

thin limbs that form loops more than 1 mm below the base of the inner medulla express AQP1 only in the initial portion of the segment, leaving almost 60% of the inner medullary segment of long-looped thin descending limbs with no detectable AQP1 expression.295 Moreover, AQP1 stainable descending thin limbs and collecting ducts were separated into two distinct lateral compartments, suggesting that water transport may occur between these compartments.296 Interestingly, the innermost part of the thin descending limb of short-looped nephrons that lacks AQP1 does express high levels of the urea transporter, UT-A2, as demonstrated at both the mRNA297 and protein level (Fig. 2–37).298–302 There is also weak expression of UT-A2 mRNA and protein in the type III epithelium of the descending thin limb of long-looped nephrons in the outer portion of the inner medulla.297,298,300–302 The expression of UT-A2 in the descending thin limb is upregulated by vasopressin,301,302 although specific receptors for vasopressin have not been detected in this segment. The urea transporter is believed to be involved in urea recycling in the renal medulla, a process that is important for the maintenance of medullary hypertonicity.303 The thin limbs of the loop of Henle play an important role in the countercurrent multiplication process that is responsible for the maintenance of a hypertonic medullary interstitium and for the dilution and concentration of the urine.303 According to the passive model of the countercurrent multiplier mechanism described by Kokko and Rector,304 the descending thin limb epithelium is permeable to water but has a low permeability to Na+ and Cl−; this allows water to be extracted from the tubule fluid as the thin limb descends through the hypertonic interstitium of the medulla. In contrast, the ascending thin limb is largely impermeable to water but highly permeable to Na+ and Cl−, which causes salt to diffuse out of the tubule. A kidney-specific chloride channel, ClC-K1, was cloned from rat kidney and was found to be expressed in the ascending thin limb.305 Immunohistochemical studies revealed that ClC-K1 is expressed exclusively in



BM FIGURE 2–36 Transmission electron micrograph illustrating immunogold labeling of aquaporin-1 in the descending thin limb (DTL) of a long-looped nephron from rat kidney. Labeling of aquaporin-1 is seen in both the apical and basolateral plasma membrane. BM, basement membrane. (Magnification, ×120,000.) (From Nielsen S, Kwon TH, Christensen BM, et al: Physiology and pathophysiology of renal aquaporins. J Am Soc Nephrol 10:647, 1999.)

Anatomy of the Kidney

important for the maintenance of a hypertonic interstitium 55 and for the urine concentration mechanism. The cells in the renal medulla are exposed to a hypertonic environment. To protect the cells against extreme changes in tonicity and allow them to maintain cell volume, intracellular organic osmolytes, including sorbitol, myoinositol, glycerophosphorylcholine, and betaine, are generated and accumu- CH 2 late in the cells in the renal medulla.313,314 Several genes are known to be regulated in response to hyperosmotic stimuli. Some of these osmoprotective genes include the sodium/ myo-inositol cotransporter, aldose reductase (catalyzes the enzymatic conversion of glucose to sorbitol), and heat shock protein 70.315 The regulation of the osmoprotective genes appears to be mediated via the tonicity-responsive element (TonE)/TonE-binding protein (TonEBP) pathway,316,317 which is activated during hyperosmotic stimuli.318 Mice lacking the TonEBP gene suffer from increased mortality and exhibit an altered medullary morphology with atrophy of the renal medulla.319 Consistently, mice lacking the TonEBP gene have a reduced renal expression of osmoprotective genes.319

Distal Tubule The distal tubule is composed of three morphologically distinct segments: the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle (pars recta), the macula densa, and the distal convoluted tubule (pars convoluta). Studies of rat kidney320 and rabbit kidney151 revealed that the cortical thick ascending limb extends beyond the vicinity of the macula densa and forms an abrupt transition with the distal convoluted tubule. Therefore, the macula densa is a specialized region of the thick ascending limb.

Thick Ascending Limb FIGURE 2–37 Light micrograph illustrating immunoperoxidase staining of the urea transporters UT-A2 in the descending thin limb of short-looped nephrons (closed arrows) and UT-A1 in the inner medullary collecting duct (arrowhead) in normal rat kidney. Open arrow indicates weak UT-A2 immunolabeling in descending thin limb segments of long-looped nephrons in the outer part of the inner medulla. (Magnification, ×20.) (Courtesy of Young-Hee Kim, PhD.)

this segment, where it is located in both the apical and basolateral plasma membrane.306 Expression of ClC-K1 in the ascending thin limb has also been demonstrated in the human kidney.307 The presence of ClC-K1 in the ascending thin limb is in agreement with results of physiologic studies demonstrating that this segment is highly permeable to chloride.308,309 Mice lacking ClC-K1 became dehydrated after water deprivation and were not able to concentrate their urine in response to vasopressin, indicating that ClC-K1 is essential for the urinary concentrating mechanism.310 The passive model for the countercurrent multiplier system is supported by both functional and immunohistochemical studies. However, for this model to work the permeability of the ascending thin limb to outward movement of Na+ and Cl− must be considerably higher than the permeability to inward movement of urea from the interstitium. Evidence from studies in isolated thin limb segments from hamster311 and chinchilla312 suggests that the difference between the permeabilities of Na+ and urea in the ascending thin limb may not be sufficient to account for the osmolality gradient in the inner medulla. Various mathematical models (reviewed by Knepper and Rector303) have also failed to explain the countercurrent multiplication process and the concentration of solutes in the inner medulla on the basis of purely passive mechanisms. However, it is generally accepted that the permeability properties of the thin limb epithelium are extremely

The thick ascending limb, or pars recta, represents the initial portion of the distal tubule and can be divided into a medullary and a cortical segment (see Fig. 2–5). In long-looped nephrons, there is an abrupt transition from the thin ascending limb to the thick ascending limb, which marks the boundary between the inner medulla and the inner stripe of the outer medulla. In short-looped nephrons, the transition to the thick ascending limb occurs shortly before the hairpin turn. From its transition with the thin limb, the thick ascending limb extends upward through the outer medulla and the cortex to the glomerulus of the nephron of origin, where the macula densa is formed. At the point of contact with the extraglomerular mesangial region, only the immediately contiguous portion of the wall of the tubule actually forms the macula densa. The transition to the distal convoluted tubule occurs shortly after the macula densa. The cells forming the medullary segment in the inner stripe of the outer medulla measure approximately 7 µm to 8 µm in height.151,321 As the tubule ascends toward the cortex, cell height gradually decreases to approximately 5 µm in the cortical thick ascending limb of the rat321 and to 2 µm in the terminal part of the cortical thick ascending limb of the rabbit. Welling and coworkers322 reported an average cell height of 4.5 µm in the cortical thick ascending limb of the rabbit kidney. The cells of the thick ascending limb are characterized by extensive invaginations of the basolateral plasma membrane and interdigitations between adjacent cells. The lateral invaginations often extend a distance of two thirds or more from the base to the luminal border of the cell. This arrangement is most prominent in the thick ascending limb of the inner stripe of the outer medulla (Fig. 2–38). Numerous elongated mitochondria are located in lateral cell processes, and their orientation is perpendicular to the basement membrane. The mitochondria resemble those in the proximal tubule but contain very prominent granules in the matrix. Other subcellular organelles in this segment of the nephron include a


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FIGURE 2–38 Transmission electron micrograph from a thick ascending limb in the outer stripe of the outer medulla of the rat. Note the deep, complex invaginations of the basal plasma membrane, which enclose elongated mitochondrial profiles and extend into the apical region of the cell. (Magnification, ×13,000.)

well-developed Golgi complex, multivesicular bodies and lysosomes, and abundant quantities of smooth- and roughsurfaced endoplasmic reticulum. Numerous small vesicles are commonly observed in the apical portion of the cytoplasm. The cells are attached to one another via tight junctions that are 0.1 µm to 0.2 µm in depth in the rat.155 Intermediate junctions are also present, but desmosomes appear to be lacking. In the rat, ultrastructural tracer studies using colloidal lanthanum have demonstrated that the tracer readily penetrates the tight junction, which suggests the presence of a potential paracellular shunt pathway for movement of solute and fluid.323 Scanning electron microscopy of the thick ascending limb of the rat kidney has revealed the existence of two distinct surface configurations of the luminal membrane.320 Some cells have a rough surface because of the presence of numerous small microprojections, whereas others have a smooth surface that is largely devoid of microprojections except along the apical cell margins (Fig. 2–39). Most cells possess one cilium; some have two cilia. The rough-surfaced cells possess more extensive lateral processes radiating from the main cell body than do the smooth-surfaced cells. In contrast, small vesicles and tubulovesicular profiles are more numerous in the apical region of the smooth-surfaced cells. A predominance of cells with the smooth-surface pattern is observed in the medullary segment. As the thick limb ascends toward the cortex, the number of cells with a rough surface pattern increases, and luminal microprojections and apical lateral invaginations become more prominent. Consequently, the surface area of the luminal plasma membrane is significantly greater in the cortical than in the medullary thick ascending limb.321 The functional significance of the two surface configurations is not known; however, physiologic studies have provided evidence for the presence of two func-

tionally distinct cell types in the medullary thick ascending limb of the hamster.324 One cell type has a low Cl− conductance in the basolateral membrane, and the other has a high basolateral Cl− conductance. Immunohistochemical studies of the localization of ROMK channels in the rat kidney have also demonstrated cellular heterogeneity along the thick ascending limb.325,326 Some cells exhibited strong ROMK immunoreactivity in the apical plasma membrane, whereas other cells showed little or no labeling for ROMK. Tamm-Horsfall protein is a glycoprotein that is produced and secreted by the thick ascending limb. It has been demonstrated along the luminal membrane of the thick ascending limb of both the rat114 and human327 kidney, and by use of the immunogold technique, labeling was found mainly over apical vesicles.328 The functional significance of Tamm-Horsfall protein in the distal tubule is not known. The thick ascending limb is involved in active transport of NaCl from the lumen to the surrounding interstitium. Because this epithelium is almost impermeable to water, the reabsorption of salt contributes to the formation of a hypertonic medullary interstitium and the delivery of a dilute tubule fluid to the distal convoluted tubule. The reabsorption of NaCl in both the medullary and the cortical segments of the thick ascending limb is mediated by a Na+-K+-2Cl− cotransport mechanism,329–332 which is inhibited by loop diuretics such as furosemide and bumetanide.332 The cDNA sequences for a kidney-specific bumetanide-sensitive Na+-K+-2Cl− cotransporter (BSC-1 or NKCC2) have been cloned from rat,333 rabbit,334 and mouse.335 The expression of the transporter in the cortical and medullary thick ascending limb was subsequently confirmed by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction on microdissected tubule segments336 as well as by in situ hybridization.124,337 Immunohistochemical studies using antibodies against a fusion protein or peptides based


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FIGURE 2–39 Scanning electron micrograph illustrating the luminal surface of rat medullary thick ascending limb. The white asterisk denotes smooth-surfaced cells; the black asterisk identifies rough-surfaced cells. (Magnification, ×4300.) (From Madsen KM, Verlander JW, Tisher CC: Relationship between structure and function in distal tubule and collecting duct. J Electron Microsc Tech 9:187, 1988.)

on the sequence of the cloned cDNAs demonstrated the presence of BSC-1 in the apical plasma membrane of the thick ascending limb in the rat.337–339 Different splice variants of NKCC2 have been located in rat kidney. They are distributed spatially throughout the thick ascending limb. In situ hybridization revealed that the F isoform was most highly expressed in the inner stripe of the outer medulla, isoform A was mostly expressed in the outer stripe of the outer medulla and cortex, and isoform B was expressed mainly in the macula densa.335,340,341 An AF splice variant has also been detected in the thick ascending limb. Flux studies investigating three of the splice variants (A, B, and F) have demonstrated marked differences in their kinetics, especially in their affinity for Na+, K+, and Cl−.342 The function of the AF splice variant remains obscure and it does not appear to be functional when expressed in Xenopus oocytes.343 Moreover, it exerts a dominant-negative effect on the A or F splice variants by forming nonfunctional heterodimers when expressed together in Xenopus oocytes.340 In addition, the A, F, and AF variants are regulated differently in response to water loading and furosemide administration.340 Three phosphorylation sites have been described in NKCC2 corresponding to Thr99, Thr104, and Thr117 in rabbit NKCC2.344 Gimenez and Forbush have provided evidence for the involvement of these phospho-sites in the regulation of NKCC2 cotransport activity in the oocyte expression system. They found that deletion of all three phosphorylation sites abolished the increase in NKCC2 transport normally observed during exposure to hypertonic media and that the phosphosites worked in concert to increase transport during hyper-

tonic stimulation.344 Moreover, the A, B, and F splice variants all experienced the same amount of activation when expressed in Xenopus oocytes and exposed to hypertonic media.344 Chronic vasopressin administration strongly up-regulates the expression of the Na+-K+-2Cl− cotransporter in the thick ascending limb.345 The energy for the reabsorptive process is provided by the Na+,K+-ATPase that is located in the basolateral plasma membrane. Biochemical346 and histochemical230 studies have demonstrated that Na+,K+-ATPase activity is greatest in that segment of the thick ascending limb that is located in the inner stripe of the outer medulla, which also has a larger basolateral membrane area and more mitochondria than does the remainder of the thick ascending limb.321 In agreement with these observations, physiologic studies using the isolated perfused tubule technique have demonstrated that NaCl transport is greater in the medullary segment than in the cortical segment of the thick ascending limb.347 However, the cortical segment can create a steeper concentration gradient and therefore can achieve a lower NaCl concentration and a lower osmolality in the tubule fluid.348 Thus, an excellent correlation exists between the structural and functional properties of the thick ascending limb. Studies by Good and colleagues349,350 provided evidence that the thick ascending limb is involved in HCO3− reabsorption in the rat. The reabsorption of HCO3− is Na+ dependent and is inhibited by amiloride, which indicates that it is mediated by an Na+/H+ exchanger.349 The identity of the Na+/H+ exchanger isoform responsible for HCO3− reabsorption in the thick ascending limb was established by immunohistochemical studies demonstrating strong expression of NHE3 in the

235 351 58 apical plasma membrane. Immunohistochemical studies also demonstrated labeling for carbonic anhydrase IV in the rat thick ascending limb, thus providing additional support for a role of this part of the nephron in acid-base transport in the rat. Activation of adenylate cyclase by various peptide hormones was shown to inhibit HCO3− reabsorption in the CH 2 thick ascending limb.352 There is no evidence for HCO3− reabsorption or carbonic anhydrase activity in the thick ascending limb of the rabbit,233 and NHE3 is not expressed in this segment in the rabbit.234 The mechanism of base exit across the basolateral plasma membrane is not known with certainty. However, studies in rat, mouse, and human kidneys have demonstrated that a Cl−/HCO3− exchanger, AE2, is expressed in the thick ascending limb, suggesting that this transporter may be, at least in part, responsible for HCO3− exit from the cells.353–355 Moreover, a recent immunohistochemical study revealed that an electroneutral sodium bicarbonate cotransporter, NBCn1, is also expressed in the basolateral membrane of the medullary thick ascending limb in the rat.356 NBCn1 was expressed only in the renal medulla, and there was no labeling of the cortical thick ascending limb.356 In addition to its role in producing a dilute tubule fluid and a hypertonic interstitium and in the reabsorption of bicarbonate, the thick ascending limb is involved in the transport of divalent cations such as Ca2+ 357 and Mg2+ 358 The extracellular Ca2+/polyvalent cation-sensing receptor, which was originally cloned from bovine parathyroid gland359 and subsequently from rat kidney,360 is strongly expressed in the distal tubule, particularly in the cortical thick ascending limb.361,362 It modulates various cellular functions in response to changes in extracellular Ca2+ and other polyvalent cations and is believed to play a central role in mineral ion homeostasis.363,364 The function of the thick ascending limb is regulated by a variety of hormones, including vasopressin, parathyroid hormone, and calcitonin, which exert their effects through activation of the adenylate cyclase system. However, significant differences exist between segments, as well as between species, in the response to these hormones.365 Vasopressin stimulates adenylate cyclase activity365 and NaCl reabsorption366,367 in the medullary thick ascending limb of both the rat and the mouse but has little or no effect on this segment in the rabbit.365,367 In contrast, vasopressin has less effect on adenylate cyclase activity in the cortical thick ascending limb365 and does not stimulate NaCl transport in this segment.366 In mice, acute vasopressin administration increases the phosphorylation of the Na+K+-2Cl− co-transporter (BSC1/NKCC2) in the thick ascending limb in the inner stripe of the outer medulla, whereas the cortical thick ascending limb appears unresponsive.368 Recent data has provided direct evidence for shuttling of NKCC2 in response to cAMP administration. Addition of dibutyryl cAMP to rat medullary thick ascending limb suspensions increases surface expression of NKCC2, whereas preincubation of suspensions with tetanus toxin (which inactivates VAMP-2 and VAMP-3), blocks the effect of dibutyryl cAMP on NKCC2 surface expression and transport.369 Prolonged administration of vasopressin to Brattleboro rats with hereditary diabetes insipidus was found to cause hypertrophy of the cells of the medullary thick ascending limb.370 Furthermore, vasopressin stimulated Cl− reabsorption in the isolated perfused medullary thick ascending limb from Brattleboro rats,371 providing further support for the role of vasopressin in the regulation of ion transport in this segment. Drug-induced hypothyroidism in rats is associated with a decrease in cell height and basolateral membrane area in the medullary thick ascending limb.372,373 Given that a decrease in vasopressin-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity has been reported in the medullary thick ascending limb in a similar model of hypothyroidism,374 it is conceivable that the reduction in cell size observed in

this segment was caused by an impairment of vasopressinstimulated ion transport. Segmental differences in the response of the thick ascending limb to parathyroid hormone have also been demonstrated. Whereas parathyroid hormone stimulates adenylate cyclase activity in the cortical thick ascending limb of all species studied, it has no effect in the medullary segment.365 In agreement with these findings, physiologic studies demonstrated that parathyroid hormone stimulates the reabsorption of Ca2+ 357 and Mg2+ 358 in the cortical thick ascending limb but has no effect on ion transport in the medullary segment. In contrast, calcitonin and glucagon stimulate adenylate cyclase activity and ion transport in both the cortical and the medullary segments of the thick ascending limb.375

Distal Convoluted Tubule The distal convoluted tubule, or pars convoluta, measures approximately 1 mm in length.151,376 It begins at a variable distance beyond the macula densa and extends to the connecting tubule that connects the nephron with the collecting duct. The transition from the thick ascending limb is abrupt (Fig. 2–40). The cells of the distal convoluted tubule resemble those of the thick ascending limb but are considerably taller. By light microscopy, the cells appear tall and cuboid, and they contain numerous mitochondria. The cell nuclei occupy a middle to apical position. The distal convoluted tubule lacks the well-developed brush border and the extensive endocytic apparatus that are characteristic of the pars convoluta of the proximal tubule. Scanning electron microscopy has demonstrated that the luminal surface of the distal convoluted tubule differs substantially from that of the thick ascending limb (Fig. 2–41; compare with Fig. 2–39). The distal convoluted tubule is covered with numerous small microprojections, and the lateral cell margins are straight, without the apical interdigitations that are characteristic of the thick ascending limb. The individual cells possess one centrally placed cilium, and occasionally two cilia are observed. The epithelium of the distal convoluted tubule is characterized by extensive invaginations of the basolateral plasma membrane and by interdigitations between adjacent cells similar to the arrangement in the thick ascending limb. Transmission electron microscopy reveals numerous elongated mitochondria that are located in lateral cell processes and are closely aligned with the plasma membrane. They are oriented perpendicular to the basement membrane and often extend from the basal to the apical cell surface (Fig. 2–42). The junctional complex in this segment of the nephron is composed of a tight junction, or zonula occludens, which is approximately 0.3 µm in depth, and an intermediate junction, or zonula adherens.155 Tracer studies have demonstrated that the tight junction is freely permeable to both colloidal and ionic lanthanum.161,162 These observations, together with the demonstration of a relatively low transepithelial electrical resistance,377 suggest the existence of a potential paracellular shunt pathway for solute and water movement in this segment of the nephron. Lysosomes and multivesicular bodies are common in the cells of the distal convoluted tubule, but microbodies are absent. The Golgi complex is well developed, and its location is lateral to the cell nucleus. The cells contain numerous microtubules and abundant quantities of rough- and smoothsurfaced endoplasmic reticulum and free ribosomes. The basement membrane is complex, often multilayered, and frequently irregular in configuration. Numerous small vesicles are located in the apical region of the cells. Electron microscopic studies examining the uptake of electron-dense tracer from the luminal side showed no uptake of anionic ferritin in the distal convoluted tubule. However, cationic ferritin was absorbed into small apical vesicles and multivesicular bodies, suggesting that these vesicles may be involved in


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FIGURE 2–41 Scanning electron micrograph illustrating the appearance of the luminal surface of a distal convoluted tubule from rat kidney. Microvilli are prominent, but there is a marked absence of lateral interdigitations in the apical region of the cells. The cell boundaries are accentuated by taller microvilli. (Magnification, ×3000.) (Modified from Madsen KM, Verlander JW, Tisher CC: Relationship between structure and function in distal tubule and collecting duct. J Electron Microsc Tech 9:187, 1988.)

Anatomy of the Kidney

FIGURE 2–40 Micrographs depicting the abrupt transition (arrows) from the thick ascending limb of Henle (below) to the distal convoluted tubule (above). A, Light micrograph of normal rat kidney. (Magnification, ×775.) B, Scanning electron micrograph of normal rabbit kidney. (Magnification, ×2700.) (B, Courtesy of Ann LeFurgey, PhD.)


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FIGURE 2–42 Transmission electron micrograph illustrating a typical portion of the pars convoluta segment of the distal tubule of a rat. The ultrastructural features closely resemble those of the pars recta of the distal tubule (see Fig. 2–38). (Magnification, ×10,000.)

FIGURE 2–43 Light micrograph of initial collecting tubules (asterisks) of a cortical collecting duct in a rat kidney. One tubule is situated just beneath the surface of the capsule (top of picture) and hence is easily accessible to micropuncture. This segment of the cortical collecting duct corresponds to the so-called late distal tubule as defined at the micropuncture table. (Magnification, ×360.)

some form of transport or in membrane recycling in the distal convoluted tubule.378 Investigators working with micropuncture techniques arbitrarily defined the distal tubule as that region of the nephron that begins just after the macula densa and extends to the first junction with another renal tubule. With that definition, however, the distal tubule can be formed by as many as four different types of epithelia. In general, the “early” distal tubule corresponds largely to the distal convoluted tubule and the short segment of the thick ascending limb that extends beyond the macula densa, whereas the “late” distal tubule actually represents the connecting tubule and the first portion of the collecting duct, which is usually referred to as the initial collecting tubule (Fig. 2–43).376,379 (A more detailed

discussion of the anatomy of this region of the renal tubule can be found in the next section, which describes the connecting segment or connecting tubule.) Micropuncture studies in the rat have demonstrated net NaCl reabsorption and K+ secretion in the distal tubule.377 Because the microscopic anatomy of the segments under study was not carefully defined at the time, it was not possible to state with certainty whether these functional properties were limited to the early distal tubule or whether they occurred along the entire “distal tubule.” Stanton and Giebisch,380 using in vivo microperfusion, succeeded in perfusing short segments of the rat distal tubule. They demonstrated that Na+ is reabsorbed in both early and late segments, whereas K+ is secreted only in the late segment of the distal

(TRPV5) channels, was virtually absent in NCC-deficient 61 mice. In contrast, the late DCT appeared intact with normal expression of ENaC, TRPV5, and the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger. The connecting tubule exhibited a marked epithelial hypertrophy accompanied by an increased apical abundance of ENaC. Reduced glomerular filtration and enhanced fractional reabsorption of Na+ and Ca2+ upstream and of Na+ downstream of CH 2 the DCT provided some compensation for the Na+ transport defect in the DCT. Thus, loss of NCC leads to major structural remodeling of the renal distal tubule that goes along with marked changes in glomerular and tubular function, which may explain some of the clinical features of Gitelman syndrome. A modest reduction of dietary potassium induced a marked reduction in plasma potassium and elevated renal potassium excretion in NCC null mice, which was associated with a pronounced polydipsia and polyuria of central origin.395 The distal convoluted tubule is also involved in the reabsorption of Ca2+ and has a higher Ca2+, Mg2+-ATPase activity than any other segment of the nephron.396 Immunohistochemical studies using antibodies to the erythrocyte Ca2+, Mg2+ATPase demonstrated labeling of the basolateral plasma membrane of the distal convoluted tubule cells,397 and immunoreactivity for a vitamin D–dependent Ca2+-binding protein has also been observed in this segment.398 Because of the heterogeneity of the distal tubule, there has been some confusion regarding the functional properties of this segment of the nephron.377 Early micropuncture studies in the rat demonstrated that a hypotonic tubule fluid was delivered to the early distal tubule. In the presence of vasopressin, the tubule fluid approached isotonicity somewhere beyond the midportion of the distal tubule. From these data, investigators concluded that vasopressin-induced osmotic water flow occurs along the entire length of the distal tubule that is accessible to micropuncture. In a combined morphologic-physiologic study performed in rats with hereditary hypothalamic diabetes insipidus, Woodhall and Tisher379 could not find morphologic evidence, in the form of cell swelling and intercellular space dilatation, of transepithelial water flow in the early distal tubule (distal convoluted tubule). Vasopressin-induced osmotic water flow was evident, however, in the late distal tubule (connecting segment and initial collecting tubule). Subsequently, studies using the isolated perfused tubule technique demonstrated that osmotic water permeability in the distal convoluted tubule of the rabbit was low and unaffected by exposure of the tubule to exogenous vasopressin.399 These data agree with the demonstration that adenylate cyclase activity in the distal convoluted tubule is not increased after vasopressin stimulation.365 The combined data suggest that the distal convoluted tubule, like the thick ascending limb, is relatively impermeable to water.

Anatomy of the Kidney

tubule, corresponding to the connecting segment and the initial collecting tubule. These findings agree with the results of a combined structural-functional study from the same laboratory, which demonstrated significant morphologic changes in the connecting segment and initial collecting tubule of the rat during K+ loading but no changes in the distal convoluted tubule.381 Ultrastructural changes were also seen in the connecting tubule and cortical collecting duct of the rabbit after ingestion of a high-potassium, low-sodium diet, whereas no changes occurred in the distal convoluted tubule.382 After ingestion of a high-sodium, low-potassium diet, an increase occurred in cell height and in basolateral membrane area in the rabbit distal convoluted tubule.382 The distal convoluted tubule has a higher Na+,K+-ATPase activity than any other segment of the nephron.261,291 As in the thick ascending limb, Na+,K+-ATPase is located in the basolateral membrane and provides the driving force for ion transport in this segment. Reabsorption of sodium and chloride is a main function of the distal convoluted tubule. It is mediated by a thiazide-sensitive Na+/Cl− cotransporter, TSC or NCC, that is distinct from the Na+ K+ 2Cl− co-transporter, BSC-1, present in the thick ascending limb.377 The TSC mRNA and protein are expressed exclusively in the distal convoluted tubule, as revealed by in situ hybridization383 and immunohistochemistry.384,385 By immunoelectron microscopy, TSC was localized to the apical plasma membrane and apical cytoplasmic vesicles.385,386 The expression of the thiazide-sensitive cotransporter in the rat distal convoluted tubule is up-regulated by the mineralocorticoid, aldosterone.387 In agreement with this observation, immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization studies demonstrated that the mineralocorticoid receptor as well as the enzyme that confers mineralocorticoid specificity, 11-βhydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2, are expressed in the distal convoluted tubule of the rat.388,389 Studies in the rat have distinguished between the early segment, DCT1, and the late segment, DCT2, of the distal convoluted tubule.388,389 The thiazide-sensitive cotransporter was expressed throughout the distal convoluted tubule, whereas a Na+/Ca2+ exchanger and a calcium-binding protein, calbindin—proteins normally expressed only in the connecting segment—were found in DCT2 but not in DCT1. A similar distinction between DCT1 and DCT2 could not be established in the mouse kidney, where both the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger and calbindin were expressed in most of the distal convoluted tubule.390 The sodium transport–related proteins in the distal tubule have been reviewed in detail by Bachmann and colleagues.389 Detailed studies by Kaissling and colleagues391–393 demonstrated that the ultrastructure and the functional capacity of the distal convoluted tubule and connecting tubule are highly dependent on the delivery and uptake of sodium. Animals treated with a loop diuretic, furosemide, and given sodium chloride in their drinking water exhibited a striking increase in epithelial cell volume and in basolateral membrane area in the distal convoluted tubule and connecting tubule, and in vivo microperfusion studies demonstrated increased rates of sodium reabsorption in these nephron segments. The observed structural and functional changes were independent of changes in extracellular fluid volume and levels of aldosterone and vasopressin.391–393 Gitelman syndrome, an autosomal recessive renal tubulopathy caused by loss-of-function mutations in NCC/TSC, is characterized by mild renal sodium wasting, hypocalciuria, hypomagnesemia, and hypokalemic alkalosis. Studies in NCC-deficient mice394 demonstrated that these animals have significantly elevated plasma aldosterone levels and exhibit hypocalciuria, hypomagnesemia, and compensated alkalosis. Immunofluorescent detection of distal tubule marker proteins and ultrastructural analysis revealed that the early DCT, which physiologically lacks epithelial Na+ (ENaC) and Ca2+

Connecting Tubule The connecting tubule (or connecting segment) represents a transitional region between the distal nephron and the collecting duct, and it constitutes the main portion of the late distal tubule as defined in the micropuncture literature. The connecting tubules of superficial nephrons continue directly into initial collecting tubules, whereas connecting tubules from midcortical and juxtamedullary nephrons join to form arcades that ascend in the cortex and continue into initial collecting tubules (Fig. 2–44; see Fig. 2–43).151,400 In the rabbit, the connecting tubule is a well-defined segment composed of two cell types: the connecting tubule cell and the intercalated cell.151,382 In most other species, however, including rat,376,379 mouse,382 and human,401 there is a gradual transition from the distal convoluted tubule to the cortical collecting duct, and the connecting tubule is not clearly

62 CS



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Cortico-medullary junction FIGURE 2–44 Diagram of the various anatomic arrangements of the distal tubule and cortical collecting duct in superficial and juxtamedullary nephrons. (See text for detailed explanation.) ATL, ascending thick limb (of Henle); CS, connecting segment; DCT, distal convoluted tubule; G, glomerulus; ICT, initial collecting tubule; MD, macula densa; MRCT, medullary ray collecting tubule.

demarcated because of intermingling of cells from neighboring segments. The connecting tubule in the rat measures 150 µm to 200 µm in length.379 It is composed of four different cell types: connecting tubule cells, intercalated cells, distal convoluted tubule cells, and principal cells, which are similar to principal cells in the cortical collecting duct. The connecting tubule cell is characteristic of this segment. It is intermediate in ultrastructure between the distal convoluted tubule cell and the principal cell and exhibits a mixture of lateral invaginations and basal infoldings of the plasma membrane.402 Connecting tubule cells are taller than principal cells and have an apically located nucleus. Mitochondria are fewer and more randomly distributed than in the distal tubule. A main function of the connecting tubule cells is potassium secretion (see later discussion). At least two configurations of intercalated cells are present in the connecting tubule. In the rabbit, a “black” form and a “gray” form have been described.151 Investigators found both configurations to be rich in mitochondria, but the flat and spherical vesicles characteristic of intercalated cells were much more common in the gray cell. In the rat, variations were also reported in the density of the cytoplasm of intercalated cells in the connecting tubule.376 Two configurations of intercalated cells, type A and type B, were described in both the connecting tubule and the cortical collecting duct of the rat.403 In the connecting tubule, type A cells were more numerous than type B cells, and they resembled the gray cells described in the rabbit. More recently, a third type of intercalated cell was identified in the connecting tubule of both rat and mouse.404,405 This cell has been referred to as the nonA-nonB type of intercalated cell. In the mouse, this is the most prevalent form of intercalated cell in the connecting tubule.404 The function of the intercalated cells in the connecting tubule is not known with certainty. However, ultrastructural changes have been demonstrated in the type A intercalated cells in both the connecting tubule and the cortical collecting duct of rats with acute respiratory acidosis, indicating that these cells may be involved in acid secretion, as are the intercalated cells in the outer medullary collecting duct. The functional properties and immunohistochemical features of the intercalated cells have been studied extensively and are described later. Both morphologic and physiologic studies have provided evidence that the connecting tubule plays an important role

in K+ secretion, which is at least in part regulated by mineralocorticoids.377 Free-flow micropuncture studies in rats demonstrated high levels of K+ secretion in the superficial distal tubule.406 In a combined structural-functional study, Stanton and co-workers381 demonstrated that chronic K+ loading, which stimulates aldosterone secretion, caused an increase in K+ secretion by the late distal tubule and a simultaneous increase in the surface area of the basolateral plasma membrane of connecting tubule cells and principal cells of both the connecting tubule and the initial collecting tubule, which indicates that these cells are responsible for K+ secretion. No changes were observed, however, in the cells of the distal convoluted tubule. Studies in the rabbit revealed a similar increase in the basolateral membrane area of the connecting tubule cells after ingestion of a high-potassium, low-sodium diet.382 Studies in adrenalectomized rats demonstrated a decrease in K+ secretion in the superficial distal tubule407 as well as a decrease in the surface area of the basolateral membrane of the principal cells in the initial collecting tubule.408 Both structural and functional changes could be prevented by aldosterone treatment, which indicates that K+ secretion in the connecting tubule and initial collecting tubule is regulated by mineralocorticoids. Immunocytochemical studies have demonstrated staining for kallikrein in the connecting tubule cells in the vicinity of the juxtaglomerular apparatus at the vascular pole of the glomerulus.409,410 Immunostaining was observed in the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, the cytoplasmic vesicles, and the plasma membrane, suggesting that kallikrein may be both produced and secreted by the connecting tubule cells.409 The connecting tubule is an important site of calcium reabsorption in the kidney. Immunohistochemical studies have demonstrated the presence of an Na+/Ca2+ exchanger,383,411 as well as a Ca2+-ATPase,397,412 in the basolateral plasma membrane of the connecting tubule cells. Strong expression of a vitamin D–dependent calcium-binding protein, calbindin D28K, has also been demonstrated in the connecting tubule cells.398,412,413 The exact role of calbindin in these cells is not known. Interestingly, treatment with cyclosporine is associated with a striking decrease in calbindin expression in the connecting tubule and with increased excretion of calcium in the urine.413 Immunohistochemical studies in rats388,411 revealed that a subpopulation of cells in the late part of the distal convoluted tubule, at the transition to the connecting tubule, expresses both the thiazide-sensitive cotransporter, TSC, and the Na+/ Ca2+ exchanger, which are traditionally considered specific for distal convoluted tubule cells and connecting tubule cells, respectively. In the rat kidney, the vasopressin V2 receptor and the vasopressin-regulated water channel, AQP2, are also expressed in the connecting tubule,414 and AQP2 immunoreactivity has been demonstrated in connecting tubule cells in both rats and mice.404 In the rabbit the connecting tubule constitutes a distinct segment with respect to both structure and function, and there is no co-expression of TSC and the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger in any cells in the distal convoluted tubule or connecting tubule.384 Furthermore, vasopressin has no effect on either adenylate cyclase activity or water permeability in the connecting tubule of the rabbit.415 Biochemical studies on isolated nephron segments have demonstrated that parathyroid hormone and isoproterenol stimulate adenylate cyclase activity in this segment.365 Subunits of the amiloride-sensitive sodium channel, ENaC, which are responsible for sodium absorption in the collecting duct, are also highly expressed in the connecting tubule as well as in DCT2.416 Studies in collecting duct-selective gene knockout mice generated by exploiting the CRE/LoxP approach revealed that selective deletion of alpha ENaC in the collecting duct system with retained expression in the

COLLECTING DUCT The collecting duct extends from the connecting tubule in the cortex through the outer and inner medulla to the tip of the papilla. It can be divided into at least three regions, based primarily on their location in the kidney. These include the cortical collecting duct, the outer medullary collecting duct, and the inner medullary collecting duct. The inner medullary segments terminate as the papillary collecting ducts, or ducts of Bellini, which open on the surface of the papilla to form the area cribrosa (see Fig. 2–3). Traditionally, two types of cells have been described in the mammalian collecting duct: principal or light cells, and intercalated or dark cells. Principal cells are the major cell type; they were originally believed to be present in the entire collecting duct, whereas

intercalated cells disappear in the inner medulla. However, 63 there is both structural and functional evidence that the cells in the terminal portion of the inner medullary collecting duct constitute a distinct cell population.421 Furthermore, at least two, and in certain species three, configurations of intercalated cells have been described in the cortical collecting duct.403,404 Therefore, significant structural axial heterogeneity CH 2 exists along the collecting duct.

Cortical Collecting Duct The cortical collecting duct can be further subdivided into two parts: the initial collecting tubule and the medullary ray portion (see Fig. 2–5). The cells of the initial collecting tubule are taller than those of the medullary ray segment, but otherwise no major morphologic differences exist between the two subsegments. The cortical collecting duct is composed of principal cells and intercalated cells, the latter constituting approximately one third of the cells in this segment in the rat,404,422 the mouse,404,405 and the rabbit.423 Principal cells have a light-staining cytoplasm and relatively few cell organelles (Fig. 2–45). They are characterized by numerous infoldings of the basal plasma membrane that are restricted to the basal region of the cell below the nucleus. The infoldings do not enclose mitochondria or other cell organelles, which causes the basal region to appear as a light rim by light microscopy. Lateral cell processes and interdigitations are virtually absent.424 Mitochondria are small and scattered randomly in the cytoplasm. A few lysosomes, autophagic vacuoles, and multivesicular bodies are also present, as are roughand smooth-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum and free ribosomes. Scanning electron microscopy of the luminal surface of the principal cells reveals a relatively smooth membrane covered with short, stubby microvilli and a single cilium (Fig. 2–46). Intercalated cells in the cortical collecting duct have a dense-staining cytoplasm and therefore have been called dark cells (Fig. 2–47). They are characterized by the presence of various tubulovesicular membrane structures in the

FIGURE 2–45 Transmission electron micrograph of a principal cell from the cortical collecting duct of a normal rat kidney. Note the extensive infoldings of the basal plasma membrane. (Magnification, ×11,000.) (From Madsen KM, Tisher CC: Structural-functional relationship along the distal nephron. Am J Physiol 250:F1, 1986.)

Anatomy of the Kidney

DCT2 and connecting tubule failed to produce major phenotypic changes.417 In contrast, global gene knockout of the alpha subunit was postnatally lethal.418 Thus, the DCT2 and connecting tubule represent the major aldosterone-sensitive pathway for sodium reabsorption. In contrast to these observations, collecting duct specific AQP2 gene-knock out animals developed using the same CRE/LoxP approach exhibited a dramatic phenotype with severe polyuria.419 Mice with global AQP2 gene knockout died postnatally within 2 weeks with severe hydronephrosis.419 Thus, in contrast to ENaC (with regard to sodium reabsorption), expression of AQP2 in the entire connecting tubule and collecting duct is essential for water balance regulation.419 Recent studies have reported that in experimental forms of diabetes insipidus (either in vasopressin-deficient Brattleboro rats or in rats with lithium-induced nephrogenic DI), exogenous aldosterone markedly reduced remnant apical AQP2 with increased basolateral AQP2 targeting. This was paralleled by a marked further increase in urine production. Conversely, increased apical AQP2 and reduced urine output were seen in response to treatment with spironolactone, a mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist.420


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FIGURE 2–46 Scanning electron micrograph illustrating the luminal surface of a rat cortical collecting duct. The principal cells possess small, stubby microprojections and a single cilium. Two configurations of intercalated cells are present: type A (arrows), with a large luminal surface covered mostly with microplicae, and type B (arrowhead), with a more angular outline and a surface covered mostly with small microvilli. (Magnification, ×5900.) (From Madsen KM, Verlander JW, Tisher CC: Relationship between structure and function in distal tubule and collecting duct. J Electron Microsc Tech 9:187, 1988.)

FIGURE 2–47 Transmission electron micrograph from rat cortical collecting duct illustrating type A (right) and type B (left) intercalated cells. Note differences in density of cytoplasm and in apical microprojections. (Magnification, ×5300.) (From Madsen KM, Verlander JW, Tisher CC: Relationship between structure and function in distal tubule and collecting duct. J Electron Microsc Tech 9:187, 1988.)


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Anatomy of the Kidney FIGURE 2–48 Higher-magnification transmission electron micrograph illustrating the apical region of an intercalated cell from rat kidney. Note especially the large number of tubulocisternal profiles (solid arrows), invaginated vesicles (open arrows), and small coated vesicles with the appearance of clathrin vesicles (arrowheads). (Magnification, ×38,000.)

cytoplasm and prominent microprojections on the luminal surface. In addition, numerous mitochondria and polyribosomes are located throughout the cells, which also contain a well-developed Golgi apparatus. Previous studies have described two distinct populations of intercalated cells, type A and type B, in the cortical collecting duct of the rat,403,425 each constituting approximately 50% of the intercalated cells in this segment (see Fig. 2–47). Type A intercalated cells are similar in ultrastructure to intercalated cells in the outer medullary collecting duct. They have a prominent tubulovesicular membrane compartment that includes both spherical and invaginated vesicles and flat saccules or cisternae that appear as tubular profiles on section (Fig. 2–48). The cytoplasmic face of these membrane structures is coated with characteristic club-shaped particles or studs, similar to the coat that lines the cytoplasmic face of the apical plasma membrane.426 The ultrastructural appearance of the apical region of type A intercalated cells can vary considerably, depending on the physiologic state. Some cells have numerous tubulovesicular structures and few microprojections on the luminal surface, whereas other cells have extensive microprojections on the surface but only a few tubulovesicular structures in the apical cytoplasm. The type B intercalated cell has a denser cytoplasm and more mitochondria than the type A cell, which gives it a darker appearance (see Fig. 2–47). Numerous vesicles are present throughout the cytoplasm, but tubular profiles and studded membrane structures are rare in the cytoplasm of type B cells. The apical membrane exhibits small, blunt microprojections, and often a band of dense cytoplasm without organelles is present just beneath the apical membrane. Morphometric analysis in the rat has demonstrated that type B intercalated cells have a smaller apical membrane area but a larger basolateral membrane area when compared with type A cells.403 By scanning electron microscopy, two different surface configurations have been described in the rat.403 Type A cells have a large luminal surface covered with microplicae or a mixture of microplicae and microvilli; type B cells have a smaller, angular surface with a few microprojections, mostly in the form of small microvilli (see Fig. 2–46).

Both type A and type B intercalated cells are present in the cortical collecting duct of the mouse.405 However, the type B cells are less common than in the rat. More recent studies have identified and characterized a third type of intercalated cell in both rat404 and mouse.404,405 This so-called nonA-nonB type of intercalated cell constitutes approximately 40% to 50% percent of the intercalated cells in the connecting tubule and initial collecting duct of the mouse but is fairly rare in the rat.404 Kaissling and Kriz151 described both light and dark manifestations of intercalated cells in the collecting duct of the rabbit. The light form was most commonly observed in the outer medulla, whereas the dark form was observed mainly in the cortex. Flat and invaginated vesicles were present in both cell configurations. The two manifestations of intercalated cells in the rabbit possibly correspond to type A and type B intercalated cells in the rat. Scanning electron microscopy has also revealed different surface configurations of intercalated cells in the collecting duct of the rabbit.423 Cells with either microplicae or microvilli, or both, have been described, but their relationship to the two cell types has not been investigated. Cells with microvilli are prevalent in the cortex, however. Most intercalated cells in the cortical collecting duct of the rabbit bind peanut lectin on the luminal surface427 and are believed to correspond to the type B intercalated cells. In the rat, the binding of various lectins to intercalated cells varies between the cortical collecting duct and outer medullary collecting duct,428 and peanut lectin labels all cells in the collecting duct of the rat.429 Histochemical and immunocytochemical studies have demonstrated high levels of carbonic anhydrase in intercalated cells,430–432 which suggests that these cells are involved in tubule fluid acidification in the collecting duct. The cortical collecting duct is capable of both reabsorption and secretion of HCO3−. Studies using the isolated perfused tubule technique have demonstrated that cortical collecting tubules from acid-loaded rats433 and rabbits434,435 reabsorb HCO3− (i.e., secrete H+), whereas tubules from HCO3−-loaded or deoxycorticosterone-treated rats433,436 and rabbits434,437,438 secrete HCO3−.

Both morphologic and immunocytochemical studies have provided evidence that the type A intercalated cells are involved in H+ secretion in the cortical collecting duct of the rat.439 In a study of the effect of acute respiratory acidosis on the cortical collecting duct of the rat, Verlander and colleagues403 demonstrated a significant increase in the surface CH 2 area of the apical plasma membrane of type A intercalated cells. No ultrastructural changes were observed in type B intercalated cells. Similar ultrastructural findings were reported in intercalated cells in the outer cortex of rats with acute metabolic acidosis; however, no distinction was made between type A and type B cells.440 Immunocytochemical studies using antibodies to the vacuolar H+-ATPase and the erythrocyte anion exchanger, band 3 protein, (now known as AE1) have confirmed the presence of two types of intercalated cells in the cortical collecting duct of both mouse and rat. Type A intercalated cells have an apical H+-ATPase (Fig. 2–49)404,405,441–445 and a basolateral band 3–like Cl−/HCO3− exchanger, AE1,404,405,441,446,447 which indicates that they are involved in H+ secretion. In contrast, type B intercalated cells have the H+-ATPase in the basolateral plasma membrane and in cytoplasmic vesicles throughout the cell (see Fig. 2–49A), and they do not express AE1.404,405,441,447 There is convincing evidence that type B cells secrete HCO3− by an apical Cl−/HCO3− exchanger that is distinct from AE1, the anion exchanger in the type A cells. Recent studies have demonstrated that a novel anion exchanger, pendrin, is expressed in a subpopulation of cells in the renal cortex.448,449 Pendrin is structurally unrelated to AE1, and mutations in the gene encoding pendrin causes Pendred syndrome, a genetic disorder associated with deafness and goiter.450 Immu66





nohistochemical studies revealed that pendrin expression is restricted to the apical region of AE1–negative intercalated cells (see Fig. 2–49B), suggesting that pendrin might represent the long sought-after apical Cl−/HCO3− exchanger of type B intercalated cells.448,451 Immunogold electron microscopy confirmed that pendrin is located in the apical plasma membrane and apical cytoplasmic vesicles of type B (Fig. 2–50) as well as in nonA-nonB intercalated cells in the connecting tubule and cortical collecting duct of both mouse and rat.451 Elegant microperfusion studies in isolated cortical collecting duct segments from alkali-loaded mice deficient in pendrin demonstrated a failure to secrete HCO3−, compared with tubules from wild-type mice,448 indicating that pendrin is important for HCO3− secretion in the cortical collecting duct. This conclusion is also supported by studies in the rat demonstrating that the expression of pendrin in the renal cortex is significantly increased in chronic metabolic alkalosis and decreased in chronic metabolic acidosis.452 In addition, ultrastructural studies have demonstrated changes in type B intercalated cells during experimental conditions designed to stimulate HCO3− secretion in the collecting duct.443,444 Recent studies have focused on the possible role of pendrin in hypertension. Deoxycorticosterone induces hypertension and metabolic alkalosis in mice. However, pendrin-deficient mice appear resistant to deoxycorticosterone-induced hypertension and more sensitive to deoxycorticosterone induced metabolic alkalosis.453 In addition, Wall and co-workers454 found that during NaCl restriction, Cl− excretion and urinary volume were increased in pendrin-deficient mice compared with wild-type animals, suggesting that pendrin may play a role in renal Cl− conservation. Recent studies examining pendrin

FIGURE 2–49 Light micrograph illustrating immunostaining for (A) the vacuolar H+-ATPase and the anion exchanger, AE1, and (B) pendrin and AE1 in serial sections of the mouse cortical collecting duct with use of a horseradish peroxidase technique. In A, type A intercalated cells (arrows) have strong apical labeling for H+-ATPase and basolateral labeling for AE1, whereas type B intercalated cells (arrowheads) have basolateral and diffuse labeling for H+-ATPase and no AE1. In contrast, type B intercalated cells have apical labeling for pendrin (B). PT, proximal tubule. (Differential interference microscopy; magnification, ×800.) (Courtesy of Jin Kim, MD, Catholic University, Seoul, Korea.)


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FIGURE 2–50 Transmission electron micrograph illustrating immunogold localization of pendrin in a type B intercalated cell from rat kidney. Labeling of pendrin is seen in the apical plasma membrane (arrows) and in small vesicles (arrowheads) in the apical cytoplasm. M, mitochondrion; N, nucleus. (Magnification, ×46,000.) (Courtesy of Tae-Hwan Kwon, MD, University of Aarhus, Denmark.)

regulation in response to changes in chloride balance have demonstrated an inverse relationship between pendrin expression and the level of chloride loading and provided evidence that distal chloride delivery may be the chief regulator of pendrin expression.455,456 Taken together, these findings suggest a prominent role for pendrin in chloride transport in the connecting tubule and cortical collecting duct. Recently researchers cloned the cDNA of a member of the AE family of anion exchangers, AE4, from rabbit collecting duct cells and demonstrated that the AE4 protein is expressed in the apical membrane of type B intercalated cells in the rabbit kidney.457 Whether AE4 is expressed in intercalated cells in rodents remains to be established. In the rabbit cortical collecting duct, about 70% of the intercalated cells bind peanut lectin, which has been considered a marker of HCO3-secreting cells in the rabbit, and originally it was reported that the remainder of the intercalated cells were labeled with antibodies to band 3 protein.427 However, subsequent studies458 reported immunostaining for band 3 protein in about 40% of the intercalated cells, including some of the peanut lectin–positive cells, indicating that binding of peanut lectin may not be specific for type B intercalated cells. Finally, studies by Verlander and colleagues459 revealed that in the rabbit approximately 50% of the intercalated cells in the connecting tubule and 30% to 40% of the intercalated cells in the cortical collecting duct were band 3 positive. These investigators also demonstrated staining for peanut lectin in band 3–positive intercalated cells in the outer medulla of acidotic rabbits, thus raising further doubt about the specificity of peanut lectin as a marker of type B intercalated cells.

Interestingly, in the cortical collecting duct of the rabbit, band 3 immunoreactivity is located mainly in intracellular vesicles and multivesicular bodies in a subpopulation of intercalated cells, and there is little labeling of the basolateral plasma membrane.460 Moreover, immunocytochemical studies have demonstrated that H+-ATPase is located in intracellular vesicles in most intercalated cells in the rabbit cortical collecting duct, and only a minority of intercalated cells have H+-ATPase immunoreactivity in the apical plasma membrane characteristic of type A intercalated cells.461 These observations suggest that, under normal conditions, most type A intercalated cells in the rabbit cortical collecting duct are not functionally active. However, after chronic ammonium chloride loading there is increased band 3 immunolabeling in the basolateral plasma membrane and increased labeling for H+ATPase in the apical plasma membrane of intercalated cells in the cortical collecting duct of the rabbit.462 A subpopulation of intercalated cells in the rabbit cortical collecting duct exhibits H+-ATPase immunolabeling in the basolateral plasma membrane, which is characteristic of type B intercalated cells.461 Physiologic studies using pH-sensitive dyes to monitor changes in intracellular pH have provided evidence for HCO3− secretion by an apical Cl−/HCO3− exchange mechanism in peanut lectin–positive intercalated cells in the rabbit cortical collecting duct.463,464 Because these cells are more prevalent than cells with basolateral H+-ATPase, it is likely that some of the cells with diffuse labeling for H+ATPase also represent HCO3−-secreting cells. It has been suggested that the type A and type B configurations of intercalated cells could represent different functional states of the same cell population and that these cells may

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68 change polarity in response to changes in the acid-base status of the animal.465 Support for this hypothesis was provided by the presence of H+-ATPase in the apical membrane of the acid-secreting type A cell and in the basolateral membrane of the type B cell, which might suggest a reversed polarity.442 However, there is no evidence that a reversal of intercalated CH 2 cell polarity occurs in vivo, and AE1 and pendrin have never been observed in the same cell in the kidney. The observation that AE1 is expressed only in type A intercalated cells,447 whereas pendrin is expressed only in type B and nonA-nonB intercalated cells,451 is more consistent with the concept that type A and type B cells represent structurally and functionally distinct cell types. This concept is also supported by studies demonstrating that distinct members of the chloride channel gene family are expressed in the two types of intercalated cells. ClC-3 mRNA is present only in type B intercalated cells, whereas ClC-5 mRNA is expressed in type A intercalated cells.466 A major function of the cortical collecting duct is the secretion of K+. This process is, at least in part, regulated by mineralocorticoids, which stimulate K+ secretion and Na+ reabsorption in the isolated perfused cortical collecting duct of the rabbit.467,468 Treatment with mineralocorticoids has also been shown to stimulate Na+,K+-ATPase activity in individual segments of the cortical collecting duct of both rat469 and rabbit.291,470 Morphologic studies of the collecting duct of rabbits given a low-sodium, high-potassium diet382 and of rabbits treated with deoxycorticosterone471 demonstrated a significant increase in the surface area of the basolateral plasma membrane of the principal cells. The observed changes were similar to those reported in principal cells in the connecting segment and in the initial collecting duct of rats on a high-potassium diet,381 indicating that these cells are responsible for K+ secretion in the connecting tubule and cortical collecting duct. Sodium is absorbed through an amiloride-sensitive sodium channel, ENaC, which is located in the apical plasma membrane of connecting tubule cells and in principal cells along the entire collecting duct.472,473 The amiloride-sensitive sodium channel is composed of three homologous ENaC subunits, α, β, and γ, which together constitute the functional channel.474 Immunohistochemical472,473 and in situ hybridization studies472 have demonstrated that all three subunits are expressed in connecting tubule cells and principal cells in the collecting duct. However, high-resolution immunohistochemistry and immunogold electron microscopy revealed that α-ENaC was expressed in both the apical plasma membrane and apical cytoplasmic vesicles, whereas β-ENaC and γ-ENaC appeared to be located in small vesicles throughout the cytoplasm.473 The activity of ENaC in the collecting duct is regulated by aldosterone and vasopressin as well as other hormonal systems via mechanisms that involve complex signaling pathways and incorporate changes in expression and subcellular trafficking of ENac subunits. In mice receiving a high sodium diet, which is associated with a low plasma aldosterone level, α-ENaC was not detectable and β- and γ-ENaC were distributed throughout the cytoplasm.475 In mice given a low-sodium diet, which is associated with high plasma aldosterone levels, all three subunits of ENaC were expressed in the apical and subapical region of the connecting tubule cells and in principal cells of the cortical collecting duct. In the medullary collecting duct, however, cytoplasmic staining for β- and γENaC was still observed.475 Vasopressin increases the abundance of all three ENaC subunits in the rat kidney476 and angiotensin II also plays a role in the regulation of ENaC.477,478 Epithelial Na+ transport is regulated in large part through trafficking mechanisms that control ENaC expression at the apical cell surface. Delivery of ENaC to the cell surface is

regulated by aldosterone (and corticosteroids) and vasopressin, which increase ENaC synthesis and exocytosis. Endocytosis and degradation is at least in part controlled by a PPPXYXXL motif in the C terminus of alpha, beta, and gamma ENaC that serves as a binding site for Nedd4-2, an E3 ubiquitin protein ligase that targets ENaC for degradation.479 Mutations that delete or disrupt this so-called PY motif cause accumulation of channels at the cell surface, resulting in Liddle syndrome.480,481 Nedd4-2 is central for ENaC regulation by aldosterone and vasopressin; both induce phosphorylation of Nedd4-2 residues, which blocks Nedd4-2 binding to ENaC. Thus, aldosterone and vasopressin regulate epithelial Na+ transport in part by altering ENaC trafficking to and from the cell surface (for recent review see Ref 479). An essential role of serum- and glucocorticoid-regulated kinase (sgk1) in the regulation of ENaC has also been established.482 A series of studies have also underscored a role of proteolytic processing in the activation and regulation of ENaC.483–485 Recent immunohistochemical studies also provide evidence that aldosterone-mediated ENaC targeting may (at least in certain experimental conditions) occur via mineralocorticoid receptor-independent mechanisms. This conclusion is based on the observation that targeting of ENaC subunits is maintained in the presence of spironolactone,486 a mineralocorticoid receptor blocker, and it is consistent with previous findings regarding non-genomic effects of aldosterone.487 Abnormal regulation of ENaC is associated with salt retention or wasting by the collecting duct (reviewed by Shaefer488). Certain single-gene defects affecting ENaC or its regulation by aldosterone cause severe hypertension, whereas others cause sodium wasting and hypotension. Such gene defects underscore the role of the collecting duct in maintaining normal extracellular volume and blood pressure. Changes in the regulatory actions of other hormones, such as vasopressin, and various autocrine and paracrine regulators, such as norepinephrine, dopamine, and prostaglandin E2, which inhibit the antinatriuretic effects of vasopressin, may also be associated with abnormal regulation of sodium reabsorption and lead to sodium retention or wasting, as seen in hypertension, congestive heart failure, or cirrhosis. Recent studies have provided evidence for dysregulation of ENaC via enhanced apical targeting in experimental conditions with severe sodium retention such as in various forms of nephrotic syndrome489,490 and in CCl4-induced liver cirrhosis.491 However, ENaC dysregulation in such conditions is only one of several factors because adrenalectomized animals also have sodium retention, suggesting that dysregulation of the alpha-1 subunit of the Na+,K+-ATPase may also play a significant role.492,493

Outer Medullary Collecting Duct The collecting duct segments in the outer and inner stripe of the outer medulla are abbreviated OMCDo and OMCDi, respectively. The outer medullary collecting duct is composed of principal cells and intercalated cells. In the rat422 and mouse,405 intercalated cells constitute approximately one third of the cells in both the OMCDo and the OMCDi, and a similar ratio between the two cell types is found in the OMCDo of the rabbit. In the rabbit OMCDi, however, the number of intercalated cells varies between animals. In some animals intercalated cells are present only in the outer half, where they represent 10% to 15% of the total cell population. Principal cells in the outer medullary collecting duct are similar in ultrastructure to those in the cortical collecting duct. The cells become slightly taller, however, and the number of organelles and basal infoldings decreases as the collecting duct descends through the outer medulla. Whether principal cells in the outer medullary collecting duct are


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Anatomy of the Kidney FIGURE 2–51 Transmission electron micrograph of an intercalated cell in the outer medullary collecting duct of a normal rat kidney. The cell has a prominent tubulovesicular membrane compartment and many microprojections on the apical surface. (Magnification, ×10,000.) (From Madsen KM, Tisher CC: Response of intercalated cells of rat outer medullary collecting duct to chronic metabolic acidosis. Lab Invest 51:268, 1984.)

functionally similar to those in the cortical collecting duct is not known with certainty. They express Na+,K+-ATPase in the basolateral plasma membrane169 and the amiloride-sensitive sodium channel in the apical plasma membrane,472,473 and they are believed to be involved in Na+ reabsorption; however, there is no evidence that they secrete K+ as in the cortical collecting duct. In fact, the OMCDi is a site of K+ reabsorption, at least in the rabbit.494 In the rat, intercalated cells in the outer medullary collecting duct are similar in ultrastructure to type A intercalated cells in the cortical collecting duct (Fig. 2–51). In the OMCDi, the cells become taller and less electrondense, and little or no difference in the density of the cytoplasm exists between intercalated cells and principal cells in this segment. The main characteristics of the intercalated cells in the outer medulla include numerous tubulovesicular structures in the apical cytoplasm and prominent microprojections on the luminal surface. Scanning electron microscopy has revealed that intercalated cells are covered with microplicae and often bulge into the tubule lumen. The outer medullary collecting duct plays an important role in urine acidification,435 which is believed to be a primary function of this segment. There is evidence that H+ secretion in the OMCDi is an Na+-independent electrogenic process,495 similar to that described in the turtle urinary bladder.496 In the turtle bladder, H+ secretion is mediated by an N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive H+-translocating ATPase that has been isolated in a microsomal fraction from bladder epithelial cells.497,498 A similar H+-ATPase has been isolated from bovine499 and rat500 renal medulla. Furthermore, biochemical studies on isolated tubule segments have demonstrated the presence of N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive H+-ATPase

activity in both the cortical collecting duct and the outer medullary collecting duct. The activity varies with the acidbase status of the animal,501,502 and it is stimulated by mineralocorticoids.503,504 Morphologic studies have demonstrated characteristic ultrastructural changes in intercalated cells in the collecting duct after stimulation of H+ secretion. In rats with acute respiratory acidosis426 or chronic metabolic acidosis,505 an increase occurred in the surface area of the apical plasma membrane concomitant with a decrease in the number of tubulovesicular structures in the apical cytoplasm. These findings are similar to those reported in the carbonic anhydrase-rich cells in the turtle urinary bladder after stimulation of H+ secretion.506 On the basis of these observations, it was suggested that membrane containing the H+-ATPase is transferred from the tubulovesicular structures to the luminal membrane in intercalated cells in response to stimulation of H+ secretion. Subsequent immunocytochemical studies using antibodies against the H+-ATPase from bovine renal medulla confirmed the presence of an H+-ATPase in the tubulovesicular structures and apical membrane of intercalated cells.507 These studies, together with the demonstration that antibodies against band 3 protein (AE1) label the basolateral membrane of intercalated cells, provided convincing evidence that these cells are involved in acid secretion in the collecting duct. Finally, there is now convincing evidence that mutations in the human H+-ATPase gene lead to renal tubular acidosis (extensively reviewed by Wagner and co-workers508). There is evidence that an H+,K+-ATPase is present in the collecting duct, where it plays an important role in K+ reabsorption as well as H+ secretion.509 Biochemical studies

+ + 70 have demonstrated H ,K -ATPase activity in individual segments of both the cortical collecting duct and the outer medullary collecting duct of the rat510 and the rabbit.510,511 The activity was inhibited by omeprazole and Sch-28080, both of which are potent inhibitors of the gastric H+,K+ATPase. In addition, H+,K+-ATPase activity was found to CH 2 increase in rats receiving a potassium-deficient diet,510 which suggests that the transporter may be involved in K+ reabsorption. Transport studies in the isolated perfused OMCDi of rabbits receiving a potassium-deficient diet demonstrated K+ reabsorption and H+ secretion that were inhibited by omeprazole.512 Immunohistochemical studies have revealed that antibodies to the gastric H+,K+-ATPase label the intercalated cells in the collecting duct of both the rat and the rabbit.513 Subsequent in situ hybridization studies confirmed the expression of the gastric isoform of H+,K+-ATPase in intercalated cells of rat and rabbit collecting duct.514,515 Therefore, intercalated cells are capable of both electrogenic H+ secretion, mediated by a vacuolar-type H+-ATPase, and electroneutral H+ secretion in exchange for K+, mediated by an H+,K+-ATPase. However, the two processes seem to be regulated differently. A study examining the role of aldosterone and dietary potassium in the regulation of ATPase activity in the collecting duct reported that H+-ATPase activity is dependent on plasma aldosterone levels, whereas H+,K+ATPase activity varies with changes in dietary potassium.516 An isoform of the α-subunit of the colonic H+-K+-ATPase, encoded by the HK-alpha 2 gene has been shown to be expressed in the kidney, where it mainly localizes to the outer medullary collecting duct principal cells.517,518 Additionally, transgenic mice expressing green fluorescent protein after the H+,K+-alpha 2 promoter, show fluorescence in the collecting duct system.519 The colonic H+-K+-ATPase isoform has been shown to be regulated by chronic Na+ and K+ depletion517,518 and in IMCD-3 cells vasopressin and forskolin stimulates H+,K+-Alpha 2 mRNA abundance as does overexpression of cAMP/Ca2+-responsive elements binding protein.520 Immunohistochemical studies have also demonstrated that a splice variant of the colonic isoform of the H+,K+-ATPase is expressed in the apical domain of both intercalated cells and principal cells in the rabbit collecting duct.521 Generation of colonic H+,K+-ATPase deficient mice showed no apparent renal phenotype in either normal or K+-depleted mice.522 Secretion of ammonia/ammonium by the collecting duct is an important component of net acid secretion. However, NH4+-specific transporters have not been identified with certainty in the kidney. Recent studies have reported that members of the Rhesus protein superfamily are expressed in the kidney and, based on sequence homology and structural similarities between the human Rhesus associated glycoprotein (RhAG) and the methylammonium and ammonium permease/ammonium transporters in yeast and bacteria,523 it was suggested that these proteins may function as NH4+ transporters in the kidney.524,525 Recently two nonerythroid Rhesus glycoprotein homologs, RhBG526 and RhCG,527 were cloned from both mouse and human. Determination of their tissue-specific expression demonstrated high abundance in the kidney, adding further attention to their role in ammonium transport.526,527 Indeed, subsequent studies revealed that these proteins, when expressed in yeast or in Xenopus oocytes, were capable of ammonium transport,528–530 suggesting that they could play a major role in renal ammonium transport. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that RhBG and RhCG are coexpressed in cells along the connecting tubule and collecting duct531–533 with strong immunoreactivity in intercalated cells.531,533 The RhCG protein is predominantly expressed in the apical plasma membrane

whereas RhBG is expressed in the basolateral membrane.532,533 Moreover, RhCG appears to be regulated in response to chronic metabolic acidosis, whereas RhBG remained unchanged.534,535 The generation and detailed phenotyping of a RhBG deficient mice, did not reveal any phenotypical changes, suggesting that RhBG my not contribute significantly to distal tubular ammonium excretion.536 Further studies are needed to establish the exact role of these proteins in renal ammonium transport.

Inner Medullary Collecting Duct The inner medullary collecting duct extends from the boundary between the outer and inner medulla to the tip of the papilla. As the collecting ducts descend through the inner medulla, they undergo successive fusions, which result in fewer tubules that have larger diameters (Fig. 2–52). The final ducts, the ducts of Bellini, open on the tip of the papilla to form the area cribrosa (see Fig. 2–3). The epithelium of the ducts of Bellini is tall, columnar, and similar to that covering the tip of the papilla.151,537 There are considerable species differences regarding the length of the papilla, the number of fusions of the collecting ducts, and the height of the cells.277,537 In the rabbit, the height of the cells gradually increases from approximately 10 µm in the initial portion to approximately 50 µm close to the papillary tip, where the tubules form the ducts of Bellini. In the rat the epithelium is considerably lower, and the increase in height occurs mainly in the inner half, from approximately 6 µm to 15 µm at the papillary tip.421,537 The inner medullary collecting duct has been subdivided arbitrarily into three portions: the outer third (IMCD1), middle third (IMCD2), and inner third (IMCD3).421,538,539 The IMCD1 is similar in ultrastructure to the OMCDi, but most of the IMCD2 and the IMCD3 appear to represent a distinct segment.539 The inner medullary collecting duct was originally believed to be a functionally homogeneous segment. However, transport studies have provided evidence that two functionally distinct segments exist in the inner medulla: an initial portion, the IMCDi, which corresponds to the IMCD1, and a terminal portion, the IMCDt, which includes most of the IMCD2 and the IMCD3. In the following text, the terminology IMCDi and IMCDt is used to distinguish these two functionally distinct segments of the inner medullary collecting duct. In both rat538 and mouse,405 the IMCDi consists of principal cells (Fig. 2–53) and intercalated cells, the latter constituting approximately 10% of the total cell population.538 Both cell types are similar in ultrastructure to the cells in the OMCDi and are believed to have the same functional properties. In the rabbit, the IMCDi is often composed of only one cell type, similar in ultrastructure to the predominant cell type in the OMCDi.151 However, in some rabbits, intercalated cells can be found in this segment. In the rat, the transition from the IMCDi to the IMCDt is gradual and occurs in the outer part of the IMCD2.421,539 The IMCDt consists mainly of one cell type, the inner medullary collecting duct cell. It is cuboid to columnar with a lightstaining cytoplasm and few cell organelles (Fig. 2–54). It contains numerous ribosomes and many small, coated vesicles resembling clathrin-coated vesicles. Small, electrondense bodies representing lysosomes or lipid droplets are present in the cytoplasm, often located beneath the nucleus. The luminal membrane has short, stubby microvilli that are more numerous than on principal cells, and they are covered with an extensive glycocalyx. Infoldings of the basal plasma membrane are sparse. By scanning electron microscopy, the luminal surface of inner medullary collecting duct cells is


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FIGURE 2–52 Scanning electron micrographs of normal papillary collecting duct of a rabbit. A, The junction between two subdivisions at low magnification (×600). B, Higher magnification view (×4250), illustrating the luminal surface of individual cells with prominent microvilli and a single cilium. (A, Courtesy of Ann LeFurgey, PhD. B, From LeFurgey A, Tisher CC: Morphology of rabbit collecting duct. Am J Anat 155:111, 1979.)

FIGURE 2–53 Transmission electron micrograph of a principal cell from the initial portion of the rat inner medullary collecting duct (IMCDi). Few organelles are present in the cytoplasm, and apical microprojections are sparse. (Magnification, ×11,750.) (From Madsen KM, Clapp WL, Verlander JW: Structure and function of the inner medullary collecting duct. Kidney Int 34:441, 1988.)


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FIGURE 2–54 Transmission electron micrograph of cells from the terminal portion of rabbit inner medullary collecting duct (IMCDt). The cells are tall, possess few organelles, and exhibit small microprojections on the apical surface. Ribosomes and small coated vesicles are scattered throughout the cytoplasm. (Magnification, ×7000.)

covered with numerous small microvilli (Figs. 2–55 and 2– 56). However, these cells lack the central cilium that is characteristic of principal cells.539 The functional properties of the inner medullary collecting duct have been studied mainly by in vivo micropuncture of the exposed rat papilla or by microcatheterization through a duct of Bellini.277,421 Use of these techniques has established that the inner medullary collecting duct is involved in the reabsorption of Na+, Cl−, K+, and urea and water. Only a few studies using the isolated perfused tubule technique had been performed until recently540 because of difficulties in dissection of this segment of the collecting duct. Sands and Knepper541 described an improved method of microdissection and perfusion of segments of the inner medullary collecting duct from both rat and rabbit. Use of this technique has revealed significant functional differences between the IMCDi and the IMCDt.541,542 In the absence of the antidiuretic hormone, vasopressin, the IMCDi is impermeable to both urea and water, whereas significant permeabilities for both urea and water were demonstrated in the IMCDt. Vasopressin stimulated water permeability in both segments of the inner medullary collecting duct, but urea permeability was stimulated only in the IMCDt. There is evidence that salt and water transport in the inner medullary collecting duct is regulated by atrial natriuretic peptides.

Studies in the isolated perfused IMCDt have demonstrated that atrial natriuretic peptides cause a significant decrease in vasopressin-stimulated osmotic water permeability but have no effect on urea permeability.543 Furthermore, evidence indicates that cGMP is the second messenger mediating the effect of atrial natriuretic peptides on the collecting duct.544,545 Urea transport in the IMCDt is a facilitated process that is mediated by specific transport proteins located in the plasma membrane of the inner medullary collecting duct cells.300 The renal urea transporters, UTA, belong to a large family of urea transporters that also include the erythrocyte urea transporter, UT-B, which is expressed in the descending vasa recta.298,300 The UT-A1 and UT-A2 isoforms were first cloned from rabbit inner medulla546 and subsequently also from rat inner medulla.547 Studies of the segmental distribution of these transporters by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry revealed that UT-A1 was expressed exclusively in the IMCDt, whereas UT-A2 was expressed in the descending thin limb of Henle’s loop (see Fig. 2–37).297–299 A third isoform, UT-A3, has also been identified in the IMCDt.548 UT-A1 and UT-A3 are expressed exclusively in IMCD cells and immunocytochemistry has revealed that UT-A1 is present in the apical region of the IMCD,299,549 whereas UT-A3 is localized both intracellularly and in the basolateral membrane.548,550 To


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FIGURE 2–56 Scanning electron micrograph of the terminal portion of rabbit inner medullary collecting duct (IMCDt). The cells are tall and covered with small microvilli on the luminal surface. Small lateral cell processes project into the lateral intercellular spaces. (Magnification, ×6000.) (From Madsen KM, Clapp WL, Verlander JW: Structure and function of the inner medullary collecting duct. Kidney Int 34:441, 1988.)

Anatomy of the Kidney

FIGURE 2–55 Scanning electron micrograph from the middle portion of the rat inner medullary collecting duct. The luminal surface is covered with small microvilli, and some cells possess a single cilium. (Magnification, ×10,500.) (From Madsen KM, Clapp WL, Verlander JW: Structure and function of the inner medullary collecting duct. Kidney Int 34:441, 1988.)

74 assess the role of inner medullary urea transport in kidney function, Fenton and colleagues developed a mouse model by deleting both UT-A1 and UT-A3 using standard gene targeting techniques (UT-A1/3−/− mice) and found that the animals exhibited a urinary concentrating defect.551 However, there were no differences in inner medullary Na+ and Cl− conCH 2 centrations between UT-A1/3−/− mice and wild-type control mice indicating that NaCl accumulation in the inner medulla was not dependent on either IMCD urea transport or accumulation of urea in the inner medullary interstitium. Thus, the passive countercurrent multiplier mechanism in the form originally proposed by Stephenson (see review in Ref 303) and by Kokko and Rector304 where NaCl reabsorption from Henle’s loop depends on a high IMCD urea permeability, cannot completely explain how NaCl is concentrated in the inner medulla. Physiologic studies have provided evidence that the inner medullary collecting duct is involved in urine acidification. Microcatheterization experiments estimating in situ pH demonstrated a decrease in pH along the inner medullary collecting duct,552 and micropuncture of the papillary collecting duct revealed reabsorption of bicarbonate, which could be inhibited with acetazolamide.553,554 In addition, microcatheterization studies demonstrated an increase in net acid secretion in the inner medullary collecting duct of rats with acute and chronic metabolic acidosis.555,556 The mechanism of H+ secretion in this segment of the collecting duct is not known. In the rat, intercalated cells are present in the IMCDi. They are similar in ultrastructure to intercalated cells in the outer medullary collecting duct, and they exhibit immunostaining for both H+-ATPase and AE1, which suggests that they are involved in H+ secretion. Urine acidification has been demonstrated along the papillary portion of the collecting duct, where there are no intercalated cells, which indicates that the inner medullary collecting duct cells must also be involved in H+ secretion; however, carbonic anhydrase has not been demonstrated in inner medullary collecting duct cells of adult animals, and these cells are also negative for AE1. An H+-ATPase has been isolated from both bovine499 and rat500 renal medulla, but the exact cellular origin of this ATPase is not known. Although there is no immunoreactivity for either H+-ATPase or H+,K+ATPase in inner medullary collecting duct cells in vivo, studies in cultured inner medullary collecting duct cells have demonstrated acid secretion mediated by H+-ATPase557 as well as H+,K+-ATPase.558 Moreover, acid secretion mediated by an H+,K+-ATPase was demonstrated in isolated perfused IMCDt segments from the rat kidney.559 Interestingly, studies in AQP1-deficient mice revealed strong H+ATPase immunoreactivity in the apical plasma membrane of IMCD cells and increased H+ATPase protein expression in the inner medulla of AQP1 null mice compared with wild-type mice.560 Recently studies have also demonstrated the presence of NBCn1 in IMCD cells implicating a role of this transporter in regulation of urinary acidification.561,562 The epithelium of the collecting duct is tight and relatively impermeable to water in the absence of the antidiuretic hormone, vasopressin. Freeze-fracture examination of the cortical collecting duct and outer medullary collecting duct has revealed relatively complex tight junctions with 6 to 10 individual strands or ridges that form an anastomosing network in all species studied.163,563 As the medullary collecting duct descends toward the papillary tip, both the depth and the number of strands that form the tight junction gradually decrease.564 This observation is in agreement with the studies of Tisher and Yarger,161,565 who demonstrated that the tight junctions of the cortical and outer medullary segments of the collecting duct resist penetration by the extracellular tracer lanthanum, whereas those

of the inner medullary collecting duct are permeable to lanthanum. In the presence of vasopressin, all segments of the collecting duct become permeable to water. Morphologic changes, including cell swelling, dilatation of intercellular spaces, and an increased number of intracellular vacuoles, have been demonstrated along the entire collecting duct in association with vasopressin-induced osmotic water reabsorption (Fig. 2–57).379,566–568 Vasopressin binds to specific receptors on the surface of the basolateral plasma membrane, which stimulates adenylate cyclase to generate cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), the second messenger for activation of the water transport system in the apical membrane. Freeze-fracture studies have demonstrated characteristic intramembrane particle aggregates in the apical membrane of vasopressin-responsive cells in the collecting duct.569,570 Demonstration of a correlation between the frequency of particle aggregates in the apical membrane and water permeability of the epithelium suggested that these aggregates represent water channels. Subsequent studies demonstrated that similar particle aggregates exist in the membrane of tubulovesicles, the so-called aggrephores, in the apical cytoplasm, and it was hypothesized that vasopressin increases water permeability by stimulating the fusion of vesicles containing water channels with the apical membrane.571 In the collecting duct the intramembrane particle clusters are present in the principal cells and in the inner medullary collecting duct cells. Furthermore, specific vasopressin receptors have been demonstrated on the basolateral membrane of the principal cells.572 Transmission electron microscopy revealed the presence of coated pits in the luminal plasma membrane of principal cells; these coated pits correspond to the location of intramembrane particle clusters, which suggests that endocytosis plays a role in the regulation of water permeability.573 Studies using horseradish peroxidase as a marker of endocytosis demonstrated that removal of vasopressin stimulates endocytosis in principal cells of the collecting duct in the rabbit,574 which suggests that water channels are internalized from the luminal membrane. Similar studies in Brattleboro rats with hereditary diabetes insipidus also indirectly suggested that insertion and retrieval of water channels in the principal cells are regulated by vasopressin.575 Since the cloning and characterization of AQP1, the water channel protein in the proximal tubule and descending thin limb, an entire family of aquaporins has been cloned and sequenced. The complementary DNA for the vasopressinregulated water channel, AQP2, was cloned from a rat kidney library by polymerase chain reaction amplification using degenerate oligonucleotide probes based on the published sequence of AQP1.217,576 Using antibodies generated to synthetic peptides based on the sequence for AQP2, Nielsen and co-workers577 demonstrated selective labeling of principal cells and inner medullary collecting duct cells along the entire collecting duct of the rat (Fig. 2–58). Immunolabeling was localized to the apical plasma membrane and small subapical vesicles. There was no labeling of other cells in the kidney. Subsequent immunohistochemical studies demonstrated that AQP3 and AQP4 are expressed in the basolateral plasma membrane representing exit pathways for water reabsorbed through AQP2 channels.578–580 Thus, the water channels demonstrated in the collecting duct are distinct from the water channel responsible for the high water permeability in the proximal tubule and descending thin limb of the loop of Henle. The regulation of AQP2 involves both short-term and long-term mechanisms and is described in detail in this volume (see Chapter 8). Briefly, studies in isolated perfused tubules581 and in whole animals582–584


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Anatomy of the Kidney



FIGURE 2–57 Light micrographs of cortical collecting ducts of rats with hypothalamic diabetes insipidus. A, Tissue preserved during water diuresis in the absence of exogenous vasopressin. B, Tissue preserved after the water diuresis was interrupted by intravenous administration of exogenous vasopressin. Note the presence of cell swelling and marked dilatation of the intercellular spaces. (Magnification: A, ×960; B, ×960.)


A FIGURE 2–58 A, Light micrograph of 50-µm vibratome section of rat kidney illustrating immunolocalization of the vasopressin-sensitive aquaporin-2 water channel in the collecting duct using a horseradish peroxidase procedure. B, Immunoelectron microscopy of the vasopressin-sensitive aquaporin-2 water channel in the collecting duct using an immunogold procedure. The labeling of aquaporin-2 is seen in the apical plasma membrane of principal cells in the inner medullary collecting duct and the labeling is associated with the apical plasma membrane and intracellular vesicles (×20,000). (A, Courtesy of Jin Kim, MD, Catholic University, Seoul, Korea.)

76 revealed that vasopressin acutely regulates collecting duct water permeability, and hence body water balance, by inducing a translocation of AQP2 from vesicles to the apical plasma membrane. On a longer-term basis vasopressin regulates the expression of AQP2.577,585 A series of detailed studies have been devoted to elucidate and characterize the regulation of CH 2 AQP2, including signaling pathways, cytoskeletal elements, targeting receptors, and associated regulatory proteins (see Chapter 8). Mutations in AQP2 or in vasopressin V2-receptors lead to very severe forms of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.586 Dysregulation of AQP2 expression, as well as of AQP3 expression is associated with a number of acquired forms of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus such as lithium-induced polyuria, hypokalemia, hypercalcemia, and post-obstructive polyuria.586–588 Conversely up-regulation of AQP2 expression has been seen in conditions with water and sodium retention such as congestive heart failure589,590 and CCl4-induced liver cirrhosis.491

INTERSTITIUM The renal interstitium is composed of interstitial cells and a loose, flocculent extracellular matrix material consisting of sulfated and nonsulfated glucosaminoglycans.591,592 The amount of interstitial tissue in the cortex is limited, and the tubules and capillaries are often directly opposed to each other. The interstitium constitutes 7% to 9% of the cortical volume in the rat.593,594 Three percent of the 7% represents the interstitial cells, and the remaining 4% represents the extracellular space.591 In humans, the relative volume of cortical interstitial tissue has been found to be 11.7% ± 5.5% in kidneys from patients younger than 36 years of age and 15.7% ± 3.0% in older patients.595 Bohle and associates596 reported a mean cortical interstitial volume of 9% with a range of 5% to 11% in 20 kidneys, but the age of the patients was not given. Hestbech and co-workers597 reported similar values, with a mean of 13.6% and a range of 6.3% to 21.3%, in 13 kidneys from patients 33 to 65 years of age. Kappel and Olsen598 evaluated 54 donor kidneys that were unsuitable for transplantation and reported a range of 7.1% to 37.1%, with values dependent on age. In the medulla, a gradual increase occurs in interstitial volume, from 10% to 20% in the outer medulla to approximately 30% to 40% at the papillary tip in both the rat and the rabbit.537,594 In a study using the volume of distribution of inulin and similar extracellular markers, the interstitial volume in the rat kidney was found to constitute approximately 13% of the total kidney volume; in the rabbit kidney, the value was 17.5%.599

Cortical Interstitium The cortical interstitium can be divided into a wide interstitial space, located between two or more adjacent renal tubules, and a narrow or slit-like interstitial space, located between the basement membrane of a single tubule and the adjacent peritubular capillary.600,601 Whether such a division has any functional significance is unknown; however, it is of interest that approximately two thirds of the total peritubular capillary wall faces the narrow compartment and that this portion of the vessel wall is fenestrated.593 This relationship might facilitate the control of fluid reabsorption across the basolateral membrane of the proximal tubule by Starling forces. There are two types of interstitial cells in the cortex: one that resembles a fibroblast (type 1 cortical interstitial cell)

(Fig. 2–59) and another, less common mononuclear or lymphocyte-like cell (type 2 cortical interstitial cell).591,600 Type 1 cells are positioned between the basement membranes of adjacent tubules and peritubular capillaries. They have a stellate appearance and contain an irregularly shaped nucleus and a well-developed rough- and smooth-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum. Type 2 cells are usually round, with sparse cytoplasm and few cell organelles. Studies by Kaissling and Le Hir602 demonstrated antigen-presenting dendritic cells among the fibroblasts in the peritubular interstitium in both cortex and outer medulla of the normal rat kidney. The interstitial space contains a loose, flocculent material of low density and small bundles of collagen fibrils. Immunocytochemical staining of immature and mature human kidney has revealed types I and III collagen and fibronectin in the interstitium of the cortex.603 Type V collagen has been described in the cortical interstitium of the rat.604 There is evidence that the peritubular, fibroblast-like interstitial cells are the site of erythropoietin production in the kidney. In situ hybridization studies using sulfur 35–labeled probes detected erythropoietin mRNA in peritubular cells in the kidney cortex of anemic mice.605 This localization was confirmed by Bachmann and co-workers,606 who demonstrated colocalization of erythropoietin mRNA and immunoreactivity for ecto-5´-nucleotidase, a marker of the fibroblast-like interstitial cells in the renal cortex,607 thus identifying the erythropoietin-producing cells in the renal cortex as being interstitial cells. The lymphocyte-like interstitial cells in the cortex are believed to represent bone marrow-derived cells.

Medullary Interstitium Bohman601 described three types of interstitial cells in the rat renal medulla. Type 1 cells are the prominent, lipidcontaining interstitial cells and resemble the type 1 cells in the cortex. However, they do not express erythropoietin mRNA and do not contain ecto-5′-nucleotidase.606,607 They are present throughout the inner medulla and are also found in the inner stripe of the outer medulla. The type 2 medullary interstitial cell is a lymphocyte-like cell that is virtually identical to the mononuclear cell (type 2 interstitial cell) described previously in the cortex. It is present in the outer medulla and in the outer part of the inner medulla. It is free of lipid droplets, but lysosome-like bodies are often observed. Type 2 cells are sometimes found together with type 1 cells. The type 3 cell is a pericyte that is located in the outer medulla and the outer portion of the inner medulla. It is closely related to the descending vasa recta, where it is found between two leaflets of the basement membrane. These three types of interstitial cells are also found in the rabbit.600 Most interstitial cells in the inner medulla are the lipidcontaining type 1 interstitial cells,608 which are often referred to as the renomedullary interstitial cells. They have long cytoplasmic projections that give them an irregular, starshaped appearance. The cells are often arranged in rows between the loops of Henle and vasa recta, with their long axes perpendicular to those of adjacent tubules and vessels, thus resembling the rungs of a ladder (Fig. 2–60). The elongated cell processes are in close contact with the thin limbs of Henle and the vasa recta, but direct contact with collecting ducts is observed only rarely. Often, a single cell is in contact with several vessels and thin limbs.601 The long cytoplasmic processes from different cells are often connected by specialized cell junctions that vary in both size and shape and contain elements of tight junctions, intermediate junctions, and gap junctions.609,610


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Anatomy of the Kidney FIGURE 2–59 Transmission electron micrograph of type 1 cortical interstitial cell (asterisk) from rat. A peritubular capillary is located at right center. (Magnification, ×9300.)

Several investigators have described the ultrastructure of the type 1 medullary interstitial cells in rat,601 rabbit,600,608 and human kidney. They contain numerous lipid inclusions or droplets in the cytoplasm that vary considerably in both size and number (Fig. 2–61). An average diameter of 0.4 µm to 0.5 µm has been reported in the rat, but profiles of up to 1 µm in diameter were also observed.611 The droplets have a homogeneous content, but they have no limiting membrane; however, they are often surrounded by whorls of smooth cytomembranes with a thickness of 6 nm to 7 nm. The cells contain large amounts of rough endoplasmic reticulum that often is continuous with elements of the smooth cytoplasmic membranes. Mitochondria are sparse and scattered randomly in the cytoplasm. A small number of lysosomes are present, but endocytic vacuoles are sparse, although interstitial cells are capable of endocytosis of particulate material. Cavallo612 reported that the type 1 interstitial cells in the inner medulla of the rat kidney contain endogenous peroxidase activity in the endoplasmic reticulum, in the perinuclear cisterna, and in small cytoplasmic vesicles. In contrast, no activity was observed in interstitial cells in the outer medulla or the cortex. An unusual type of cylindrical body, measuring 0.1 µm to 0.2 µm in diameter and up to 11 mm in length and believed to be derived from the endoplasmic reticulum, has been described in the type 1 interstitial cells.591,613–615 These structures were observed originally in dehydrated rats and were believed to represent a response to severe dehydration,613 but subsequent studies demonstrated their presence under normal

conditions.614 The wall of the cylinders consists of two triplelayered membranes, each measuring 6 nm in thickness, and connections between the walls and the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum have been observed.613 The functional significance of these cylindrical structures remains unknown. The number and size of the lipid inclusions in the type 1 medullary interstitial cells vary considerably, depending on the physiologic state of the animal616,617 and on the species.608 In the rat, lipid droplets constitute 2% to 4% of the interstitial cell volume, and the volume depends largely on the physiologic state of the animal.611 The lipid droplets were originally reported to decrease in both size and number after 24 hours of dehydration,617 but in a later study Bohman and Jensen611 were unable to confirm these findings. However, an increase occurred in both the size and the number of lipid droplets in water-loaded rats, whereas the interstitial cells were almost depleted of lipid inclusions in water-loaded rabbits.608 Although the lipid droplets and the diuretic state of an animal seem to be related, the exact nature of this relationship remains to be established. The function of type 1 interstitial cells (renomedullary interstitial cells) is not known. They probably provide structural support in the medulla because of their special arrangement that is perpendicular to the tubules and vessels. The close relationship between these cells and the thin limbs and capillaries also suggests a possible interaction with these structures. Because of the presence of a well-developed endoplasmic reticulum and prominent lipid droplets, researchers


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FIGURE 2–61 Higher-magnification electron micrograph illustrating the relationship between the electron-dense lipid droplets, which almost fill the type 1 interstitial cells, and the granular endoplasmic reticulum (arrows). Wisps of basement membrane–like material adjacent to the surface of the cells are contiguous with the basement membrane of the adjacent tubules (lower right). (Magnification, ×12,000.)

FIGURE 2–60 Light micrograph of the renal medullary interstitium from a normal rat. The lipid-laden type 1 interstitial cells bridge the interstitial space between adjacent thin limbs of Henle (TL) and vasa recta (VR). (Magnification, ×830.)

have suggested that the type 1 interstitial cells may also be secretory in nature.618 The lipid droplets are not secretory granules in the usual sense, however, because they have no limiting membrane and there is no evidence that they are secreted by the cell. The droplets have been isolated from homogenates of the renal medulla of both rat619,620 and rabbit.621 They consist mainly of triglycerides and small amounts of cholesterol esters and phospholipids.620 The triglycerides are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, including arachidonic acid.619,621 The renomedullary interstitial cells are a major site of prostaglandin synthesis. Studies using tissue cultures of renal medullary interstitial cells demonstrated synthesis of prostaglandins by these cells,622,623 with the major product being PGE2.624 However, prostaglandin synthetase activity has been found in rabbit collecting duct cells, which suggests

that prostaglandin synthesis is not limited to the interstitial cells.625 Prostaglandin synthesis in the renomedullary interstitial cells is mediated by COX-2.626 The expression of COX-2 in these cells increases in response to water deprivation and hypertonicity.144,626 Binding sites for several vasoactive peptides, including angiotensin II, are present in renomedullary interstitial cells,627,628 and there is evidence that angiotensin may be involved in the regulation of prostaglandin production in the renal medulla.629 Using histochemical techniques, Kugler630 demonstrated aminopeptidase A (EC, an angiotensinase that is capable of degrading angiotensin, in the type 1 renomedullary interstitial cells of rat, rabbit, golden hamster, and guinea pig. Therefore, another possible mechanism to control angiotensin stimulation of prostaglandin production seems to be present in the medulla. The type 1 renomedullary interstitial cells may have an endocrine antihypertensive function.622 Muirhead and coworkers demonstrated that transplantation of renal papillary tissue631,632 and cultured renomedullary interstitial cells622 into hypertensive animals was followed by a decrease in blood pressure. The lipid droplets may be related to the antihypertensive function of the interstitial cells, but the precise mechanism has yet to be established. Finally, the interstitial cells are responsible for the synthesis of the glycosaminoglycans, in particular hyaluronic acid, which are present in the matrix material of the interstitium.633

Little is known about the function of the type 2 and type 3 medullary interstitial cells. Bohman591 suggested that the type 2 cells are probably phagocytic, but the function of type 3 cells remains unknown.

Interstitial fluid can leave the kidney by two different lymphatic networks, a superficial capsular system and a deeper hilar system.634,635 Our knowledge of the distribution of lymphatics within the kidney, however, is restricted. Intrarenal lymphatics are embedded in the periarterial loose connective tissue around the renal arteries and are distributed primarily along the interlobular and arcuate arteries in the cortex.634–636 Kriz and Dieterich636 believed that the cortical lymphatics begin as lymphatic capillaries in the area of the interlobular arteries and that these capillaries drain into the arcuate lymphatic vessels at the region of the corticomedullary junction (Fig. 2–62). The arcuate lymphatic vessels drain to hilar lymphatic vessels through interlobar lymphatics. Numerous valves have been described within the interlobar and hilar lymphatic channels.636 Similar findings were reported by Bell and associates635 in both calves and dogs. In the horse, glomeruli are often completely surrounded by lymphatic channels, whereas in the dog, only a portion of the glomerulus is surrounded by lymphatics.635 Electron microscopic studies in the dog kidney after injection of India ink into capsular lymphatic vessels revealed the presence of small lymphatic channels, in close apposition to both proximal and distal tubules, in addition to the interlobular arteries.637 An electron microscopic study of the lymphatic system in the dog kidney demonstrated the existence of cortical intralobular lymphatics

Capsular lymphatics

Anatomy of the Kidney


closely associated with terminal arteries, arterioles, renal 79 corpuscles, and tubule elements.638 Morphometric analysis revealed that the cross-sectional area of interlobular lymphatics was almost twice that of intralobular lymphatics in the cortex. The volume density of renal cortical lymphatics was 0.17%.638 Similar morphometric studies in the rat, hamster, and rabbit revealed volume densities of cortical lymphatics CH 2 of 0.11%, 0.37%, and 0.02%, respectively.639 A less extensive system of lymphatic vessels is present within and immediately beneath the renal capsule.635,636 The lymphatic vessels of the renal capsule drain into subcapsular lymphatic channels that lie adjacent to interlobular arteries located just beneath the renal capsule. These lymphatic vessels appear to provide continuity between the major intrarenal lymphatic vessels within the cortex (interlobular and arcuate lymphatic vessels) and the capsular lymphatic vessels; thus, in some animals, a continuous system of lymphatic drainage has been observed from the renal capsule, through the cortex, and into the hilar region (Fig. 2–63). In the dog kidney, two types of tributaries have been described in association with the surface lymphatics.640 So-called communicating lymphatic channels were found in small numbers, usually in association with an interlobular artery and vein; these lymphatics penetrated the capsule and appeared to represent a connection between the hilar and capsular systems. The second type of vessel, the so-called perforating lymphatic channel, penetrated the capsule alone or in association with a small vein; these channels appeared to repre-


Subcapsular lymphatics

Interlobular artery Interlobular vein Arcuate artery Arcuate vein

Interlobular lymphatics Arcuate lymphatics

Interlobular lymphatics

Hilar lymphatics FIGURE 2–62 Diagram of the lymphatic circulation in the mammalian kidney. (Modified from Kriz W, Dieterich HJ: [The lymphatic system of the kidney in some mammals. Light and electron microscopic investigations]. Z Anat Entwicklungsgesch 131:111, 1970.)

FIGURE 2–63 Light micrograph of a sagittal section through the cortex and outer medulla of a dog kidney. A capsular lymphatic (C) was injected with India ink. Intrarenal lymphatics (arrows) follow the distribution of the interlobular arteries in the cortex. (Magnification, ×10.) (From Bell RD, Keyl MJ, Shrader FR, et al: Renal lymphatics: The internal distribution. Nephron 5:454, 1968.)

80 sent a primary pathway for lymph drainage from the superficial cortex. From a study in the dog kidney, investigators concluded that intramedullary lymphatics do not exist in this species, and they suggested that interstitial fluid from the medulla may drain to the arcuate or interlobar lymphatics.641 It has also been suggested that plasma proteins are CH 2 cleared from the medullary interstitium through the ascending vasa recta.642–644 On microscopic examination, the wall of the interlobular lymphatic vessel is formed by a single endothelial layer and does not have the support of a basement membrane.636 The arcuate and interlobar lymphatic vessels are similar in appearance, although the latter possess valves.

because the conclusions were based largely on the presence of acetylcholinesterase.647 The afferent renal nerves are found principally in the pelvic region, the major vessels, and the corticomedullary connective tissue.653 Most, although not all, afferent renal nerves are unmyelinated.659 Largely on the basis of immunocytochemical localization of calcitonin gene–related peptide, a marker of afferent nerve fibers, Barajas and co-workers653 suggested that these immunoreactive nerve fibers may be involved in baroreceptor and afferent nerve responses to changes in arterial, venous, interstitial, or intrapelvic pressure.

References INNERVATION The efferent nerve supply to the kidney arises largely from the celiac plexus, with additional contributions originating from the greater splanchnic nerve, the intermesenteric plexus, and the superior hypogastric plexus.645 The postganglionic sympathetic nerve fiber distribution generally follows the arterial vessels throughout the cortex and outer stripe of the outer medulla.646 Adrenergic fibers have been observed lying adjacent to smooth muscle cells of arcuate and interlobular arteries and afferent arterioles.647–649 An extensive innervation of the efferent arteriolar vessels of the juxtamedullary glomeruli, which eventually divide to form the afferent vasa recta, has been described.648,650 However, quantitation of monoaminergic innervation by autoradiography revealed a higher density of norepinephrine-containing nerves associated with the afferent rather than the efferent arteriole.649 Newstead and Munkacsi650 reported the existence of large bundles of unmyelinated nerve fibers that accompanied the efferent arterioles from the region of the juxtamedullary glomeruli to the level of the inner stripe of the outer medulla. Nerve fibers and nerve endings were no longer present at the site at which the smooth muscle layer of the efferent arterioles and arteriolae rectae gave way to the pericytes surrounding the arterial vasa recta, which begin in the deep inner stripe of the outer medulla. There is also evidence for the presence of transitory adrenergic fibers in the inner medulla of the cat kidney.651 For some time, controversy has existed regarding the presence of direct tubule innervation in the renal cortex. Nerve bundles arising from perivascular nerves have been described in proximity to both proximal and distal tubules.652 Structures termed varicosities, which are believed to represent nerve endings, have been described as being in close contact with proximal and distal tubules, often in the vicinity of the hilus of the glomerulus and the juxtaglomerular apparatus,117,652,653 and in the connecting segment and the cortical collecting duct.654 Autoradiographic studies have also revealed that injected tritiated norepinephrine is associated with both proximal and distal convoluted tubules, which indicates monoaminergic innervation of these tubules.655 The thick ascending limb of Henle receives the largest nerve supply.655 Both myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers have been demonstrated in the corticomedullary region and in perivascular connective tissue.656 Electron microscopic autoradiography revealed that tritiated norepinephrine is concentrated mainly on unmyelinated fibers, suggesting that these fibers are adrenergic in nature.656 There is evidence that renal nerves possess fibers containing neuropeptide Y, a potent vasoconstrictor,657,658 as well as immunoreactive somatostatin and neurotensin.658 Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide immunoreactive nerve fibers are also well documented in the kidney.658 Earlier studies describing cholinergic nerve fibers within the renal parenchyma have fallen into disrepute

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CHAPTER 3 Major Arteries and Veins, 91 Organization and Function of the Intrarenal Microcirculations, 92 Hydraulic Pressure Profile of the Renal Circulation, 92 Structure of the Glomerular Microcirculation, 93 Cortical Postglomerular Microcirculation, 94 Medullary Microcirculation, 98 Total Renal Blood Flow, 101 Intrarenal Blood Flow Distribution, 101 Cortical Blood Flow, 101 Redistribution of Cortical Blood Flow, 102 Medullary Blood Flow, 102 Regulation of Renal Circulation and Glomerular Filtration, 102 Vasomotor Properties of the Renal Microcirculations, 102 Role of Endothelial Factors in the Control of Renal Circulation and Glomerular Filtration, 105 Tubuloglomerular Feedback Control of Renal Blood Flow and Glomerular Filtration, 106 Other Hormones and Vasoactive Substances Controlling Renal Blood Flow and Glomerular Filtration, 113 Neural Regulation of Glomerular Filtraion Rates, 117 Determinants of Glomerular Ultrafiltration, 117 Hydraulic Pressures in the Glomerular Capillaries and Bowman Space, 118 Glomerular Capillary Hydraulic and Colloid Osmotic Pressure Profiles, 119 Determination of the Ultrafiltration Coefficient, 119 Selective Alterations in the Primary Determinants of Glomerular Ultrafiltration, 120

The Renal Circulations and Glomerular Ultrafiltration Rujun Gong • Lance D. Dworkin • Barry M. Brenner • David A. Maddox Under resting conditions, about 20% of the cardiac output in humans perfuses the kidneys, organs that constitute only about 0.5% of the human body mass. This rate of blood flow, approximately 400 mL/100 g of tissue per minute, is much greater than that observed in other vascular beds ordinarily considered to be well perfused, such as heart, liver, and brain.1 From this enormous blood flow (about 1 L/minute) only a small quantity of urine is formed (about 1 mL/ minute). Although the metabolic energy requirement of urine production is great— about 10% of basal O2 consumption— examination of the renal arteriovenous O2 difference reveals that blood flow far exceeds metabolic demands. In fact, the high rate of blood flow is essential to the process of urine formation. Traditionally, reviews of the renal circulation have focused on whole-organ blood flow, as measured by arterial flowmeters or by clearance techniques, and on the variations in this flow induced by pharmacologic agents. Technologic advances, however, now permit both a more precise definition of renal vascular anatomy and direct measurements of microvascular pressures, flows, resistances, and permeabilities in regions of mammalian kidneys previously considered inaccessible. The results obtained make it clear that the kidney contains several distinct microvascular networks, including the glomerular microcirculation, the cortical peritubular microcirculation, and the unique microcirculations that nourish and drain the inner and outer medulla. In this chapter, we consider (1) the intrarenal organization of these discrete microcirculatory networks, (2) the total and regional renal blood flows, and (3) the physiologic factors that regulate these flows. For detailed discussions of the effects of pharmacologic agents on renal blood flow and intrarenal blood flow distribution, the reader is referred to Chapters 45 and 46.

MAJOR ARTERIES AND VEINS The human renal artery usually divides just before entry into the renal parenchyma. The anterior main branch further divides into four segmental arteries, which supply the apex of the kidney, the upper and middle segments of the anterior surface, and the entire lower pole, respectively. The posterior main branch supplies the remainder of the kidney; an occasional branch from this trunk supplies blood to the apex. These segmental arteries are end arteries, there being no anastomoses between their branches at any level of division.2 Therefore, obstruction of an arterial vessel should lead to complete ischemia and infarction of the tissue in its area of distribution. In fact, ligation of individual segmental arteries has frequently been performed in the rat to reduce renal mass and produce the remnant kidney model of chronic renal failure. Morphologic studies in this model reveal the presence of ischemic zones adjacent to the totally infarcted areas. These regions contain viable glomeruli that appear shrunken and crowded together, demonstrating that some portions of the renal cortex may have partial dual perfusion.3 The anatomic distribution of segmental arteries just described is most common; however, other patterns may occur.4,5 Not infrequently, “accessory” renal arteries may result from precocious division of the renal artery at the aorta. These vessels, which most often supply the lower pole,6 are not in fact accessory because each is the sole arterial supply of some part of the organ.2 Such additional arteries are found in 20% to 30% of normal individuals. Within the renal sinus of the human kidney, division of the segmental arteries gives rise to the interlobar arteries, which extend toward the cortex along the columns of Bertin located between adjacent medullary pyramids. These vessels, in turn, give rise to the arcuate arteries, whose several divisions tend to lie in a plane parallel to the kidney surface at the border between the cortex and outer medulla. From the arcuate arteries, the interlobular arteries branch more or less sharply, most often as a common 91

92 trunk that divides two to five times as it extends toward the kidney surface7–10 (Fig. 3–1). Afferent arterioles leading to glomeruli arise from the smaller branches of the interlobular arteries (Fig. 3–2). Except for the terminal portion of the afferent arteriole, the wall structure of the intrarenal arteries and CH 3

FIGURE 3–1 Low-power photomicrograph of silicone-injected vascular structures in human renal cortex. The tissue has been made transparent by dehydration and clearing procedures after injection. Interlobular arteries (some indicated by arrows) arise from arcuate arteries (not seen) and extend toward the kidney surface. The glomeruli, visible as small round objects, arise from the interlobular vessels at all cortical levels. (Magnification ×5.) (Courtesy of R Beeuwkes, Ph.D.)

the afferent arterioles resembles that of vessels of similar size in other locations. The capillary network of each glomerulus is connected to the postglomerular (peritubular) capillary circulation by way of efferent arterioles. Venous connections between peritubular capillaries and veins are made at every cortical level. Superficial veins drain the region near the kidney surface. These lie within the cortex and may run parallel to the capsule before descending along the interlobular axes.10 Interlobular veins, close to the corresponding arteries, drain the bulk of the cortex. As these converge they are joined by vessels from the medullary rays and veins returning from the medulla in vascular bundles. Unlike the arterial system, which has no collateral pathways, the venous vessels anastomose at several levels.2,8 Convergence at the arcuate and interlobar veins gives rise to several main trunks that join to form the renal vein. The large veins of the renal hilum have no clear segmental organization, and because of the earlier anastomoses, obstruction of one large venous channel usually leads to diversion of blood flow to the others. The pattern of the renal arterial system is similar in most of the mammals commonly used experimentally. Nomenclature is also similar. For example, the main arterial branches that lie beside the medullary pyramid are called interlobar, even in animals that have but a single lobe. The absence of arterial anastomoses seems to be a general finding.10 In contrast to the similarity in arterial vessels, the venous pattern shows more marked species differences. The canine kidney has a major outer cortical venous system that is drained by way of the interlobular axes.9,10 Superficial cortical veins are also a feature of the feline kidney, but in this species these vessels are subcapsular and extend around the surface of the kidney to join with the renal vein at the hilum.8,11 This arrangement has permitted experiments involving separate collection of the venous drainage from the superficial and deep cortex.12 In the ringed seal, the subcapsular system is so developed that virtually the entire venous outflow of the kidney is directed to the peripheral plexuses. This species differs from most other mammals in that no arcuate venous system exists and no major vein of consequence emerges from the renal hilum.13 In the hamster, rat, and mouse, superficial veins are absent and blood leaves the cortex entirely by way of interlobular veins descending in a direction perpendicular to the capsule.8,14 Such veins can also be seen in photographs of injected rabbit kidneys.15 Anastomoses between the arcuate vessels of the venous system appear to be a consistent finding in all species except the seal.


FIGURE 3–2 Photomicrograph of a single interlobular artery and glomeruli arising from it as seen in a cleared section of a silicone rubber–injected human kidney. Afferent arterioles (arrows) extend to glomeruli. Efferent vessels emerging from glomeruli branch to form the cortical postglomerular capillary network. The photomicrograph is oriented so that the outer cortex is at the top and the inner cortex is at the bottom. (Magnification ×25.) (Courtesy of R Beeuwkes, Ph.D.)

Based on studies of the vasculature of a unique set of juxtamedullary nephrons16,17 most of the preglomerular pressure drop between the arcuate artery and the glomerulus occurs along the afferent arteriole (Fig. 3–3). The pressure drop between the systemic vasculature and the end of the interlobular artery in both the superficial and juxtamedullary microvasculature, however, can be as much as 25 mm Hg at normal perfusion pressures, with the majority of that pressure drop occurring along the interlobular arteries (see Fig. 3–3 and Refs 17, 18). Approximately 70% of the postglomerular hydraulic pressure drop takes place along the efferent arterioles with approximately 40% of the total postglomerular resistance accounted for by the early efferent arteriole (see

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FIGURE 3–3 Hydraulic pressure profile in the renal vasculature. Filled squares and triangles denote values (mean ± 2 SD) obtained from a variety of micropuncture studies in euvolemic and hydropenic rats, respectively. Values obtained from studies of the squirrel monkey are shown as open diamonds. Values shown by open inverted triangles and open squares were obtained by micropunture of juxtamedullary nephrons in the Sprague-Dawley rat. In these studies the arcuate artery ( was perfused with whole blood (at the perfusion pressures shown) and hydraulic pressures measured at downstream sites including the interlobular artery (Interlob. art.), the proximal (Early a.a.) and distal (Late a.a.) portions of the afferent arteriole, the glomerular capillaries ¯GC), the proximal (Early e.a.) and late (Late e.a.) segments of the efferent arte(P riole, the peritubular capillaries (PC), and the renal vein (R.V.). (See Refs 18 and 551 for sources of data.)

A FIGURE 3–4 Photomicrograph of a silicone-injected and cleared canine glomerulus. The afferent arteriole (A) enters at the bottom of the photograph. The efferent arteriole (E) extends upward. The vascular tuft has been teased apart slightly to reveal the distinctive dilation in the early part of the efferent vessel. (Magnification ×360.) (Reprinted with permission from Barger AC, Herd JA: The renal circulation. N Engl J Med 284:482, 1971.)

Fig. 3–3). Of note, studies using this preparation now demonstrate that the very late portion of the afferent arteriole (last 50 µm–150 µm) and the very early portion of the efferent arteriole (first 50 µm–150 µm) provide a large portion of the total pre- and postglomerular resistance (see Fig. 3–3).

Structure of the Glomerular Microcirculation The glomerulus and glomerular filtration are discussed in detail in a later part of this chapter. Structurally, the glomerulus consists of an enlargement of the proximal end of the tubule to incorporate a vascular tuft. The vascular structure of the tuft is strikingly similar in different species and appears to be genetically defined, at least in its major divisions. For example, vascular pathways of the injected canine glomerulus, shown in Figure 3–4, are similar to those of a human glomerulus drawn from a reconstruction by Elias (Fig. 3– 5).19,20 The efferent vessel is formed by an abrupt and distinctive convergence of the glomerular capillary pathways (see Figs. 3–4 and 3–5). Elger and co-workers21 provided a detailed ultrastructural analysis of the vascular pole of the renal glomerulus. They described significant differences in the structure and branching patterns of the afferent and efferent arterioles as they enter and exit the tuft. Afferent arterioles lose their internal elastic layer and smooth muscle cell layer prior to entering the glomerular tuft. Smooth muscle cells are replaced by granular cells that are in close contact with the extraglomerular mesangium. Upon entering, afferent arterioles branch immediately and are distributed along the surface of the glomerular tuft. These primary branches have wide lumens and immediately acquire features of glomerular capillaries, including a fenestrated endothelium, characteristic glomerular basement membrane, and epithelial foot processes. In contrast, the efferent arteriole arises deep within the tuft, from the convergence of capillaries arising from multiple lobules. Additional tributar-

FIGURE 3–5 Human glomerular capillary pathways, as reconstructed by Elias. This drawing shows the abrupt connections of capillary pathways to the efferent arteriole. Such connections are apparent in the dog glomerulus (see Fig. 3–4). This diagram does not indicate the details of the capillary walls or membranes. The dashed arrow indicates a short pathway between afferent and efferent arterioles. (From Elias H, Hossmann A, Barth IB, Solmor A: Blood flow in the renal glomerulus. J Urol 83:790–798, 1960.)

ies join the arteriole as it travels toward the vascular pole. The structure of the capillary wall begins to change even before the vessels coalesce to form the efferent arteriole, losing fenestrae progressively until a smooth epithelial lining is formed. At its terminal portion within the tuft, endothelial cells may bulge into the lumen, reducing its internal diameter. Typically, the diameter of the efferent arteriole within the tuft is significantly less than that of the afferent arteriole.

The Renal Circulations and Glomerular Ultrafiltration

Pressure (mm Hg)

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FIGURE 3–6 Photomicrograph of a silicone-injected and cleared glomerulus from a dog in which only relatively large-diameter channels have filled. In contrast with the glomerulus shown in Figure 3–4, with its myriad of small pathways, the simple structure of this capillary tuft is striking. Such variability of intraglomerular perfusion may play a role in regulating filtration rate in mammals (see text). (Reprinted with permission from Barger AC, Herd JA: The renal circulation. N Engl J Med 284:482, 1971.)

Depending on the location of the final confluence of capillaries, efferent arterioles may acquire a smooth muscle cell layer, which is observed distal to the entry point of the final capillary. The efferent arteriole is also in close contact with the glomerular mesangium as it forms inside the tuft and with the extraglomerular mesangium as it exits the tuft. This precise and close anatomic relationship between the afferent and efferent arterioles and mesangium is of uncertain physiologic significance, but is consistent with the presence of an intraglomerular signaling system that may participate in the regulation of blood flow and filtration rate. The appearance of the vascular pathways within the glomerulus may change under different physiologic conditions. In injection studies, some glomeruli show only simple, largediameter paths (Fig. 3–6), whereas other glomeruli nearby may show a myriad of small pathways, as in Figure 3–4. This may result from variability in the degree of filling of available intraglomerular pathways.21 Intermittent flow within glomeruli has been reported in amphibian species,22 and Hall23 has suggested that variation in filling of different intraglomerular pathways is a means of regulating filtration by altering the filtration surface area and axial resistance to blood flow. For a given cross-sectional area, small channels have much higher resistance than large channels. Some insight into the mechanism by which intraglomerular flow patterns might be changed has been obtained. The glomerular mesangium has been shown to contain contractile elements24 and exhibit contractile activity when exposed to angiotensin II (AII).25 Mesangial cells, which possess specific receptors for angiotensin II, undergo contraction when exposed to this peptide in vitro.26 Three-dimensional reconstruction of the entire mesangium in the rat suggests that approximately 15% of capillary loops may be entirely enclosed within armlike extensions of mesangial cells that, together with the body of the mesangial cell, are anchored to the extracellular matrix.27 Contraction of these cells might alter local blood flow and filtration rate as well as alter the intraglomerular distribution of blood flow and total filtration surface area. Many hormones and other vasoactive substances capable of altering the glomerular ultrafiltration coefficient bring about this adjustment by altering the state of contraction of mesangial cells. Recent studies have employed newer imaging techniques to more accurately assess the three-dimensional structure of the glomerular tuft. Yu and co-workers28 applied scanning

electron microscopy to mouse glomeruli that were fixed by an in vivo cryotechnique with freeze substitution, as opposed to more conventional methods. This technique maintained open capillary lumens and may preserve the ultrastructure of the glomerulus closer to the living state. Kaczmarek29 applied confocal microscopy of normal rats to more precisely reveal the lobular structure of glomeruli and to estimate the average length of the capillary network. He proposed that threedimensional models based on confocal data were much easier to generate than reconstructions based on serial sections. In addition, Antiga and colleagues30 developed an automated method to produce a three-dimensional model of the glomerular capillary network using digitized images of serial sections of a tuft. This method was used to produce a topographic map of the glomerulus and to derive data on the length, radius, and spatial configuration of capillary segments. More recently, a novel technology, termed two-photon microscopy, has been applied to optimize three-dimensional, multicolor imaging and single-cell segmentation of glomerular components in either biopsy or intravital kidney tissue.31 A detailed discussion of the various driving forces and physiologic modulators of the glomerular ultrafiltration process are provided later. The sieving characteristics of the glomerular capillary wall for macromolecules are considered in Chapter 26.

Cortical Postglomerular Microcirculation Vascular Patterns The precise description of efferent vascular patterns in each cortical region has been achieved through careful microscopic examination of kidneys after vascular injection with appropriate media, usually silicone rubber.11,32–35 More recently, microcomputed tomography has allowed visualization of injected renal microvessels without sectioning the kidney.36 From these studies, it has become clear that the appearance of efferent arterioles, and of the peritubular capillary networks arising from them, varies markedly from one cortical region to another37 (see Fig. 3–8). This intracortical heterogeneity may have important physiologic consequences. Indeed, some functional characteristics of the cortical circulation suggest that at least three different circulations exist in parallel within the cortex (see “Intrarenal Blood Flow Distribution”). In the outermost, or subcapsular, region of the cortex, the efferent arterioles give rise to a dense capillary network that surrounds the convoluted tubule segments arising from the superficial glomeruli (rectangle 1 in Fig. 3–7). There is evidence suggesting that this arrangement is of great importance for reabsorption of water and electrolytes in proximal tubule segments of superficial nephrons (see Chapter 9). In contrast, the efferent arterioles originating from the comparatively fewer juxtamedullary glomeruli (rectangle 4 in Fig. 3–7) extend into the medulla and give rise to the medullary microcirculatory patterns: an intricate capillary network in the outer medulla and long, unbranched capillary loops, the so-called vasa recta, in the inner medulla. More localized, inner cortical capillary networks may also arise from juxtamedullary glomeruli (rectangle 4 in Fig. 3–4). The arrangement of the medullary microcirculation plays an important role in the process of concentration of urine (see Chapter 9). Differences in wall structure are also observed when one compares the efferent arterioles of juxtamedullary glomeruli with those of other nephrons. Superficial and midcortical efferent arterioles are smaller in diameter than juxtamedullary

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FIGURE 3–7 Diagram showing the vascular and tubule organization of the kidney in the dog. In the right-hand portion of the figure, nephrons arising from glomeruli in outer, middle, and inner cortex are shown to scale. Cortex (C), outer medulla (OM), and inner medulla (IM) are indicated. The left portion of the figure illustrates the pattern of glomeruli (G) arising from afferent arterioles (AA). The efferent vessels (EV) from these glomeruli divide to form the peritubular capillaries. At the kidney surface, proximal convoluted tubules (PCT) are associated with a dense capillary network arising from division of superficial efferent arterioles (rectangle 1). In the middle and inner cortex, convoluted tubule segments are located close to interlobular arteries and are perfused by a complex peritubular capillary network, usually derived from the efferent vessels of many glomeruli (rectangles 2 and 4). Midway between interlobular vessels, loops of Henle are grouped together with collecting ducts (CD). The peritubular capillary network of this region, derived from midcortical efferent arterioles, is largely oriented parallel to the tubular structures of the medullary ray (rectangle 3). In the inner or juxtamedullary cortex, glomeruli have efferent arterioles that extend downward and divide to form outer medullary vascular bundles (rectangle 4). A dense outer medullary capillary network arises from these bundles. Only thin limbs of Henle extend with collecting ducts to the papillary tip. These are accompanied by vasa recta extending from the cores of the vascular bundles. For simplicity, venous vessels have not been shown. (Modified from Beeuwkes R III, Bonventre JV: Tubular organization and vascular tubular relations in the dog kidney. Am J Physiol 229:F695, 1975.)


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vessels,10,15,38,39 and usually possess only one layer of smooth muscle cells (Fig. 3–8A). The larger juxtamedullary efferent arterioles (see Fig. 3–8B) characteristically display two to four layers of smooth muscle cells. The endothelial layer consists of a large number of longitudinally arranged cells.39,40 Kriz and Kaissling41 have described basal lamina material filling irregular, wide spaces between the smooth muscle and endothelial cell layers in efferent arterioles of both superficial and deep nephrons. The complex microcirculatory architecture described, with its striking “vertical” heterogeneity, is further complicated by the existence of a “horizontal” heterogeneity: near the interlobular arteries, a dense capillary network, with no definable orientation, is formed by efferent arterioles and enmeshes both proximal and distal convoluted segments (see rectangles 2 and 4 in Fig. 3–7). However, when one examines the central portion of the lobule, in the region of the medullary rays (see Chapter 2), less dense capillary networks are found, most of them oriented parallel to the tubule structures with which

they are associated, namely cortical segments of loops of Henle and collecting ducts (see rectangle 3 in Fig. 3–7). This variability in cortical efferent arteriolar branching patterns, whose physiologic significance is unknown, is further illustrated in Fig. 3–9. The cortical venous circulation also shows a high degree of regional variability. The most superficial cortex is drained, at least in humans, dogs, and cats, by way of the superficial cortical veins.8,10,12 In middle and inner cortex, venous drainage is achieved mainly by the interlobular veins. The dense peritubular capillary network surrounding the interlobular vessels (see rectangles 2 and 4 in Fig. 3–7) drains directly into the interlobular veins through multiple connections, whereas the less dense, long-meshed network of the medullary rays (see rectangle 3 in Fig. 3–7) appears to anastomose with the interlobular network and thus drain laterally. The medullary circulation also shows two different types of drainage: the outer medullary networks typically extend into the medullary rays before joining interlobular veins, whereas

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The Renal Circulations and Glomerular Ultrafiltration



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FIGURE 3–8 Transmission electron micrographs of efferent arterioles. A, A vessel arising from a superficial glomerulus of a rabbit. The thick basal lamina frequently broadens to lakelike structures (*) underneath the endothelium. (Magnification ×2400.) B, A vessel derived from a juxtamedullary glomerulus in the rat. Note the many profiles of endothelial cells (*). (Magnification ×1800.) (Adapted from Kriz W, Kaissling B: Structural organization of the mammalian kidney. In Seldin DW, Giebisch G (eds): The Kidney: Physiology and Pathophysiology. New York, Raven Press, 1985, p 281.)







FIGURE 3–9 Photomicrographs of glomeruli and efferent vessels as observed in silicone-injected and cleared canine kidneys. A and B, Superficial cortex. Near the kidney surface, many glomeruli have long efferent arterioles that extend to, or nearly to, the surface before dividing (A). Other glomeruli located at the same cortical level are nearly obscured by the surrounding dense peritubular capillary network (B). The glomerulus is indicated by an arrow. C, D, and E, Midcortex. In the midcortex, most glomeruli are located near the interlobular arterioles. Although the peritubular capillary network often remains close to its parent glomerulus (C), many midcortical glomeruli have efferent arterioles that extend to perfuse the tubule structures of many nephrons in the medullary ray. Such efferent arterioles are long and simply branched (D and E). F, Inner cortex. In the inner, or juxtamedullary cortex, many glomeruli are associated with long efferent arterioles that divide in the outer medulla to form characteristic vascular bundles. Here, the contribution of two such efferent vessels to a vascular bundle is shown. Typically, such bundles are formed from efferent arterioles of 10 or more glomeruli. All panels are shown at approximately the same magnification. Scale bar in A equals 0.5 mm. (Modified from Beeuwkes R: Efferent vascular patterns and early vascular-tubular relations in the dog kidney. Am J Physiol 221:1361, 1971.)

the long vascular bundles of the inner medulla (vasa recta) converge abruptly and join the arcuate veins (see later section on medullary circulation).

Vascular-Tubule Relations Diagrams of renal vascular and tubule organization in earlier textbooks often showed nephrons that were associated throughout their entire length with the postglomerular network arising from the same glomerulus. However, given

the limited spatial extent and local venous drainage of cortical efferent networks, this description is now recognized as incorrect. The development of suitable double-injection techniques permitted vascular-tubule relationships to be defined in detail.10,35,42,43 In such studies, the blood vessels are injected with a colored silicone rubber. Then, after the tissue is cleared, selected nephrons in all cortical regions are injected with silicone materials of contrasting color. Because only single nephrons are made visible, their relationships to

Peritubular Capillary Dynamics The same Starling forces that control fluid movement across all capillary beds govern the rate of fluid movement across peritubular capillary walls. Because of a large drop in hydraulic pressure along the efferent arteriole, the oncotic pressure difference across the walls of peritubular capillaries exceeds the hydraulic pressure difference, thereby favoring fluid movement into the capillaries. The absolute amount of movement resulting from this driving force also depends on the peritubular capillary surface area available for fluid uptake and the hydraulic conductivity of the capillary wall. Values for the hydraulic conductivity of the glomerular capillaries far exceed those of all other microvascular beds measured thus far, including the peritubular capillaries. This difference is offset by the much larger total surface area of the peritubular capillary network. For detailed values, the reader is referred to Chapter 7 of the 7th Edition of this book. The electron microscope shows that the endothelium of the peritubular capillary is fenestrated. In the rat, it has been estimated that approximately 50% of the capillary surface is composed of fenestrated areas.38 Unlike the glomerular

capillaries, peritubular capillary fenestrations are bridged by 97 a thin diaphragm38 that is negatively charged.48 Beneath the fenestrae of the endothelial cells lies a basement membrane that completely surrounds the capillary. Glomerular and peritubular capillaries are distinguished, however, by the absence in the latter of an epithelial structure comparable to the glomerular podocyte. For the most part, peritubular capillaries CH 3 are closely apposed to cortical tubules so that the extracellular space between the tubules and capillaries constitutes only about 5% of the cortical volume.49 The tubular epithelial cells are surrounded by the tubular basement membrane, which is distinct from and wider than the capillary basement membrane. Numerous microfibrils connect the tubular and capillary basement membranes.50 The function of these fibrils is uncertain, but as reviewed elsewhere,51 they may help limit expansion of the interstitium and maintain close contact between the tubular epithelial cells and peritubular capillaries during periods of high fluid flux. Thus, the pathway for fluid reabsorption from the tubular lumen to the peritubular capillary is composed in series of the epithelial cell, tubular basement membrane, a narrow interstitial region containing microfibrils, the capillary basement membrane, and the thin membrane closing the endothelial fenestrae.51 Like the endothelial cells, the basement membrane of the peritubular capillaries possesses anionic sites.48 The electronegative charge density of the peritubular capillary basement membrane is significantly greater than that observed in the unfenestrated capillaries of skeletal muscle and similar to that observed in the glomerular capillary bed. Although the function of the anionic sites in the peritubular capillaries is uncertain, by analogy to the glomerulus, it is likely that they are an adaptation to compensate for the greater permeability of fenestrated capillaries, allowing free exchange of water and small molecules while restricting anionic plasma proteins to the circulation. In fact, some workers have reported that the renal peritubular capillaries are more permeable to both small and large molecules than are other beds.52 This conclusion is based on tracer studies in which the renal artery was clamped or the kidney removed before fixation. Because normal plasma flow conditions appear necessary for the maintenance of the glomerular permeability barrier,53 it is likely that these high stop-flow peritubular permeabilities are also due to the unfavorable experimental conditions employed. Indeed, studies by Deen and associates54 indicate that, at least under free-flow conditions, the permeability of these vessels to dextrans and albumin is extremely low. Because the peritubular capillary uptake process is in series with all cellular mechanisms for tubule fluid reabsorption, it is ideally situated to modulate the rate of tubule fluid reabsorption. In fact, even the diameter or total number of functioning peritubular capillaries may be important in the regulation of proximal fluid reabsorption.55 Typically, however, alterations in peritubular capillary hydraulic pressure or intracapillary oncotic pressure lead to major alterations in proximal tubule reabsorption. During volume expansion, the correlation between physical factors and proximal tubule fluid reabsorption is sufficiently strong that it is possible to model the reabsorptive mechanism as if transcapillary exchange were the only regulatory process involved, implying that peritubular capillary uptake is rate-limiting for reabsorption. However, a number of micropuncture and microperfusion studies indicate that alterations in peritubular capillary oncotic or hydraulic pressure do not always result in parallel changes in proximal tubule fluid transfer.56 Furthermore, significant changes in proximal reabsorption may occur in the absence of detectable variations in Starling forces (i.e., direct inhibition of ion pumps in epithelia). In actuality, the interaction between blood vessel and tubule is undoubtedly quite complex. Ott and colleagues57 determined that the state of hydration affected the ability of

The Renal Circulations and Glomerular Ultrafiltration

nearby peritubular capillaries can be evaluated. Vasculartubule relationships on the kidney surface have also been defined by techniques based on conventional micropuncture, and such studies have yielded additional valuable information.33,44 Cortical vascular-tubule relations have been described most completely in the canine kidney.10,35,45 These studies show that, except for convoluted tubule segments in the outermost region of the cortex, the efferent peritubular capillary network and the nephron arising from each glomerulus are dissociated. In addition, even though many superficial proximal and distal convoluted tubules are perfused, at least in part, by pertitubular capillaries arising from the parent glomerulus of the same nephron, the loops of Henle of such nephrons, descending in the medullary ray, are perfused successively by blood emerging from many midcortical glomeruli through efferent arterioles that extend directly into the ray (see Fig. 3–7). The early divisions of such efferent arterioles probably supply only a small region of tubule, because typical networks extend only about 1 mm. Nephrons originating from midcortical glomeruli have proximal and distal convoluted tubule segments lying close to the interlobular axis in the region above the glomerulus of origin. This region is perfused by capillary networks arising from the efferents of more superficial glomeruli (see Fig. 3–7). It is in the inner cortex, however, that this dissociation between individual tubules and the corresponding postglomerular capillary network is most apparent (see Fig. 3–7). The convoluted tubule segments of these nephrons lie above the glomeruli, surrounded either by the dense network close to the interlobular vessels or by capillary networks arising from other inner cortical glomeruli. In the human kidney, efferent vessel patterns and vasculartubule relationships are similar to those of the dog.42,43 Vascular-tubule relationships in the superficial cortex of the rat have also been defined in micropuncture studies. In general, a close association between the initial portions of peritubular capillaries and early and late proximal tubule segments of the same glomerulus has been shown.34,46,47 However, this close association does not mean that each vessel adjacent to a given tubule necessarily arises from the same glomerulus. In fact, Briggs and Wright44 have found that, although superficial nephron segments and stellate vessels arising from the same glomerulus are closely associated, each stellate vessel may serve segments of more than one nephron. Thus, of 142 stellate vessels studied, only one third were entirely surrounded by convoluted tubule segments arising from a single nephron.

98 peritubular capillary oncotic pressure to alter proximal reabsorption. They found that increasing oncotic pressure increased proximal reabsorption in volume-expanded animals but not in hydropenic animals. This finding is consistent with a model of proximal tubule function that envisions the magnitude of back-leakage, into the tubule lumen, of fluid origiCH 3 nally transported into the intercellular spaces as an important factor in the control of net proximal reabsorption.58 During volume expansion, decreasing capillary uptake leads to increased hydraulic pressure in the interstitial space between the tubules and the peritubular capillaries. Increased renal interstitial pressure would, in turn, reduce fluid flux out of the lateral intercellular spaces. In contrast, during hydropenia, transport of solute into the lateral intercellular spaces might be reduced to the point at which changes in oncotic pressure would have little effect on proximal reabsorption. In fact, a variety of studies support an association between renal interstitial pressure and Na excretion,59 although some investigators have suggested that the augmenting effect of increased interstitial pressure on Na excretion depends on sites distal to the proximal tubule. Haas and colleagues60 reported that only proximal tubules of deep nephrons were sensitive to changes in renal perfusion pressure, suggesting that these nephrons may be more responsive to changes in interstitial pressure. More recently, Granger and co-workers61 suggested that alterations in cortical interstitial pressure may be a major determinant of capillary uptake in settings where the oncotic pressure gradient across the capillary wall is absent or low. This occurs experimentally in isolated kidneys perfused with colloid-free solutions62 or when interstitial pressure is artificially reduced by exposing the kidney to subatmospheric pressure,63 and in vivo in older animals in which interstitial protein concentration and oncotic pressures approach plasma levels.64 In these settings, peritubular capillary uptake of fluid persists despite the absence of a significant oncotic pressure gradient. Evidence suggests61 that the interstitial hydrostatic pressure rises in this setting, possibly as a result of ongoing transport of solute into the peritubular interstitium, which has limited ability to expand due to the presence of the microfilaments described above that bridge that space. Increased interstitial pressure creates a favorable hydrostatic pressure gradient for fluid movement into the capillary, which also does not collapse due to the same cytoskeletal support system. Because the peritubular capillaries that surround a given nephron are derived from many efferent vessels, regulatory processes related to capillary factors need not be viewed as a mechanism only for balancing filtration and reabsorption in a single nephron. Instead, assuming that capillary dynamics throughout the cortex are the same as has thus far been defined for the microcirculation of the superficial cortex, we may consider that, within broad regions of the cortex, all tubule segments are surrounded by capillary vessels that are operating in a similar reabsorptive mode. Thus, the function of the cortex as a whole may reflect the average reabsorptive capacity of all cortical peritubular vessels. This is obviously a first approximation. For further discussion of the factors that regulate proximal tubule fluid reabsorption, the reader is referred to Chapter 5.

Medullary Microcirculation Vascular Patterns The precise location of the boundary between the renal cortex and medulla is difficult to discern because the medullary rays of the cortex merge imperceptibly with the medulla. In general, the sites at which the interlobular arteries branch into arcuate arteries, or the arcuate arteries themselves, mark this boundary. When considering the medullary circulation,




∗ B FIGURE 3–10 Longitudinal section of kidney of the sand rat (Psammomys obesus) after arterial injection of Microfil silicone rubber and clearing. A, The low-power magnification reveals distinct zonation of the kidney (c, cortex; OS and IS, outer and inner stripes of the outer medulla, respectively; IZ, inner medulla). The inner medulla is long and extends a short distance below the bottom of the picture. Giant vascular bundles, including a mixture of descending and ascending vasa recta, traverse the outer medulla to supply blood to the inner medulla. B, The outer medulla at a higher magnification. Between the vascular bundles (three are visible), a rich capillary plexus (asterisk) supplies the tubule segments present in this zone. (From Bankir L, Kaissling B, de Rouffignac C, Kriz W: The vascular organization of the kidney of Psammomys obesus. Anat Embryol 155:149, 1979.)

most focus on its relation to the countercurrent mechanism as facilitated by the parallel array of descending and ascending vasa recta. However, although this configuration is characteristic of the inner medulla, the medulla also contains an outer zone, which contains two morphologically distinct regions, the outer and inner stripes (Figs. 3–10 and 3–11). The boundary between the outer and inner medullary zones is defined by the beginning of the thick ascending limbs of Henle.65 In addition to the thick ascending limbs, the outer medulla contains descending straight segments of proximal tubules (pars recta), descending thin limbs, and collecting ducts (see Fig. 3–11). The inner stripe of the outer medulla is the region in which thick ascending limbs overlap with thin descending limbs. Each of these morphologically distinct medullary regions is supplied and drained by an independent, specific vascular system. The blood supply of the medulla is entirely derived from the efferent arterioles of the juxtamedullary glomeruli.8,14,35,66 Infrequent aglomerular vessels mark sites where corresponding glomeruli have degenerated.67 Depending on the species and the method of evaluation, it has been estimated that from 7% to 18% of glomeruli give rise to efferents that ultimately supply the medulla.66,68 As already discussed, efferent













Outer stripe








Inner stripe







arterioles of juxtamedullary nephrons are larger in diameter and possess a thicker endothelium and more prominent smooth muscle layer than arterioles originating from superficial glomeruli.39–41 In the rat, cat, and dog, afferent arterioles supplying juxtamedullary glomeruli also differ and are distinguished by the presence, at their origins from the interlobular arteries, of intra-arterial “cushions,” smooth muscle cell–like structures that protrude into the lumen of the vessel.69 These structures are not found in a variety of other mammalian species, including humans.8 Although their function is unknown, these cushions are ideally located to regulate blood flow to the deeper medullary structures. Although the vasculature of the outer medulla displays both vertical and lateral heterogeneity, in general, both the outer and inner stripes contain two distinct circulatory regions. These are the vascular bundles, formed by the coalescence of the descending and ascending vasa recta, and the interbundle capillary plexus. The descending vasa recta arise from the efferent arterioles and descend through the outer stripe of the outer medulla to supply the inner stripe of the outer medulla and the inner medulla (see Fig. 3–10). Within the outer stripe, the descending vasa recta also give rise, via small side branches, to a complex capillary plexus. Early studies suggested that this capillary network was limited and, therefore, not the main blood supply to this region. Instead, it was thought that nutrient flow was provided by the ascending vasa recta rising from the inner medulla and the inner stripe. This was further suggested by the large area of contact between ascending vasa recta and the descending proximal straight tubules within this zone (Fig. 3–12).38,68,70 Using resin casting and scanning electron microscopy, Yamamoto and co-workers71 visualized a dense capillary network perfusing the entire outer medulla.




Within the inner stripe, the two vascular regions are even more easily identified (see Figs. 3–11 and 3–13). The exact organization of the ascending and descending vasa recta within the vascular bundles displays significant interspecies variation (discussed later). The interbundle region contains the tubules, including the metabolically active thick ascending limbs. Nutrient and O2 supply to this energy-demanding tissue is by a dense capillary plexus arising from a few descending vasa recta at the periphery of the bundles. Approximately 10% to 15% of total renal blood flow is directed to the medulla, and of this probably the largest portion perfuses this inner stripe capillary plexus. Ultrastructurally, medullary capillaries resemble their counterparts within the cortex and consist of a flattened endothelium encased in a thin basal lamina. Fenestrations, which are bridged by a thin diaphragm, are regularly and densely distributed throughout the non-nuclear regions of the endothelial cells.41 The rich capillary network of the inner stripe drains into numerous veins, which, for the most part, do not join the vascular bundles but ascend directly to the outer stripe. These veins subsequently rise to the cortical-medullary junction as wide, wavy channels and the majority joins with cortical veins at the level of the inner cortex. A minority of the wavy veins may extend within the medullary rays to regions near the kidney surface.8,10 Thus, the capillary network of the inner stripe makes no contact with the vessels draining the inner medulla. The inner medulla contains thin descending and thin ascending limbs of Henle, together with collecting ducts (see Fig. 3–11). Within this region, the straight, unbranching vasa recta descend in bundles, with individual vessels leaving at every level to divide into a simple capillary network

The Renal Circulations and Glomerular Ultrafiltration


PCT FIGURE 3–11 Three populations of nephrons based on location of their glomeruli are depicted schematically: superficial (SF), midcortical (MC), and juxtamedullary (JM) nephrons. The major nephron segments are labeled as follows: ATLH, ascending thin limb of Henle; CCT, cortical collecting tubule; CS, connecting segment; CTALH, cortical thick ascending limb of Henle; DCT, distal convoluted tubule; DTLH, descending thin limb of Henle; ICT, initial collecting tubule; IMCT, inner medullary collecting tubule; MTALH, medullary thick ascending limb of Henle; OMCT, outer medullary collecting tubule; PCD, papillary collecting duct; PCT, proximal convoluted tubule; PR, pars recta. Transport characteristics of these segments are discussed in the text. (From Jacobson HR: Functional segmentation of the mammalian nephron. Am J Physiol 241:F203, 1981.)


Outer stripe

Inner stripe




CH 3



























∗ ∗ S ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ S S ∗ ∗ ∗ S T S ∗ ∗  T ∗






Inner medulla







∗ L





∗ ∗

∗ ∗





∗ L




FIGURE 3–12 Electron micrograph showing cross sections of both outer stripe and inner stripe of outer medulla and a cross section of inner medulla. C, collecting duct; P, pars recta; S and L, thin descending limbs of short and long loops, respectively; T, thick ascending limb. Triangles indicate arterial descending vasa recta; asterisks indicate venous ascending vasa recta. In the outer stripe, note the large area of contact between ascending vasa recta and pars recta and the paucity of interstitial space. In the inner stripe, part of a vascular bundle is shown in the upper right half of the photograph, and the interbundle region is shown in the lower half. Note that the thin descending limbs of short loops are surrounded by venous vasa recta ascending from the inner medulla. The wall of these vessels adapts to available space between the descending vasa recta and the thin limbs, offering a large area of contact with these descending structures. Thin limbs of long loops lie in the interbundle region and are surrounded by vessels belonging to the interbundle capillary plexus. In the inner medulla, note abundant interstitium surrounding all tubule and vascular structures. Walls of tubules and vessels are not in direct contact. (Outer stripe is from rabbit kidney; inner stripe and inner medulla are from rat kidney.) Bar is approximately 30 (µm). (Adapted from Bankir L, de Rouffignac C: Urinary concentration ability: Insights derived from comparative anatomy. Am J Physiol 249:R643, 1985.)

FIGURE 3–13 Coronal section of a human kidney after arterial silicone injection and clearing. Complete injection of the renal vascular system enables the intense vascularity of the organ to be visualized. Although the renal papilla (arrow) has often been considered to be relatively poorly vascularized, this injection study shows that capillary density of the papilla is at least as great as that found in the cortex. (Actual size.)

characterized by elongated links.68 These capillaries converge to form the venous vasa recta. Within the inner medulla the descending and ascending vascular pathways remain in close apposition, although distinct vascular regions can no longer be clearly discerned. The venous vasa recta rise toward the outer medulla in parallel with the supply vessels to join the

vascular bundles. Thus, the outer medullary vascular bundles include both supplying and draining vessels of the inner medulla.40 Within the outer stripe of the outer medulla, the vascular bundles spread out and traverse the outer stripe as wide, tortuous channels that lie in close apposition to the tubules, eventually emptying into arcuate or deep intertubular veins.68 The venous pathways within the bundles are both larger and more numerous than the arterial vessels, suggesting lower flow velocities in the ascending (venous) than in the descending (arterial) direction.72,73 The importance of the close apposition of the arterial and venous pathways within the vascular bundles for maintaining the hypertonicity of the inner medulla is discussed in Chapter 9. The number of inner medullary vessels is large; studies show that the capillary volume fraction of the inner medulla is nearly twice that of the cortex.9,74 However, because of the long lengths and narrow diameters of these vessels, they can be filled by arterial injection only with great difficulty. If an injection is continued long enough, the intense vascularity of the inner medulla becomes apparent, as shown in Figure 3–14. Morphologists have recognized important differences in the structure of the ascending and descending vasa recta. The descending vasa recta possess a contractile layer composed of smooth muscle cells in the early segments that evolve into pericytes by the more distal portions of the vessels. Immunohistochemical studies demonstrate that these pericytes contain smooth muscle alpha-actin, suggesting that they may serve as contractile elements and participate in the regulation of medullary blood flow.75 These vessels also display a continuous endothelium that persists until the hairpin turn is reached and the vessels divide to form the medullary capillaries. In contrast, ascending vasa recta, like true capillaries, lack a contractile layer and are characterized by a highly fenestrated endothelium.76,77 Although the precise functional role of these anatomic differences is not known, it is of interest that essentially identical morphologic patterns are found in the rete mirabile of the swim bladder of fishes, a structure

Medullary Capillary Dynamics The functional role of the medullary peritubular vasculature is basically the same as that of cortical peritubular vessels. These capillaries supply the metabolic needs of the tissues near them and are responsible for the uptake and removal of water extracted from collecting ducts during the process of urine concentration. However, because the concentration process is based on the maintenance of a hypertonic interstitium, medullary blood flow must not only avoid washing out the solute gradient but also assist in its formation. These processes are discussed in detail in Chapter 9.

TOTAL RENAL BLOOD FLOW FIGURE 3–14 Sagittal section of rat (A) and Mongolian gerbil (Meriones shawii) (B) kidneys after arterial injection with Microfil silicone rubber, showing deep cortex, outer and inner stripes of the outer medulla, and early inner medulla (from top to bottom of each micrograph, respectively). In the inner stripe, vascular bundles (arrowheads) alternate with interbundle capillary plexuses (asterisk). The functional separation between the two adjacent compartments is present in both species but is amplified in the desert-adapted Mongolian gerbil. Bar = 600 (µm) (A) and 350 (µm) (B). (From Bankir L, Bouby N, Trinh-Trang-Tan MM: Organization of the medullary circulation: Functional implications. In Robinson RR (ed): Nephrology: Proceedings of the IXth International Congress of Nephrology. New York, Springer-Verlag, 1984, pp 84–106.)

that serves a countercurrent exchange function (gas exchange) quite independent of urine concentration.78,79

Vascular-Tubule Relations The mechanism of urine concentration requires coordinated function of the vascular and tubule components of the medulla (see Chapter 9). In species capable of marked concentrating ability, medullary vascular-tubule relations show a high degree of organization with at least three functionally distinct compartments, each favoring particular exchange processes by the juxtaposition of specific tubule segments and blood vessels. In addition to anatomic proximity, the absolute magnitude of these exchanges is greatly influenced by the permeability characteristics of the structures involved, which may vary significantly among species.80 For a further discussion of the anatomic relations and permeability characteristics of various medullary structures as they relate to mechanisms of urine concentration, the reader is referred to Chapter 9. Most of our detailed knowledge of vascular-tubule relations within the medulla is based on histologic studies of rodent s pecies.14,40,41,70,71,75,81 In the inner medulla, descending and ascending vasa recta are interspersed with thin limbs of the loops of Henle in a homogeneous and apparently random manner (see Fig. 3–12). Although the relative number of these structures varies considerably among species, this overall

Total renal blood flow in humans typically exceeds 20% of the cardiac output. For detailed discussion of methods of measurements, the reader is referred to Chapter 7 of the previous, 7th Edition of this book. Renal blood flow in women is slightly lower than in men, even when normalized to body surface area. Early clearance measurements by Smith82 revealed that renal blood flow in women averaged 982 ± 184 (SD) mL/minute/1.73 m2 of body surface area. The wide range of normal in these subjects is illustrated by 95% confidence intervals encompassing a range between 614 and 1350 mL/ minute/1.73 m2. In men, Smith found that normalized renal blood flow averaged 1209 ± 256 (SD) mL/minute/1.73 m2. Later studies using other methods have consistently yielded measurements with similar means and wide ranges.82 Amith found renal plasma flow averaged 592 ± 153 mL/minute/ 1.73 m2 in women and 654 ± 163 mL/minute/1.73 m2 in men.83 In children between 6 months and 1 year of age, normalized renal plasma flow is approximately half that of adults, but it increases progressively and reaches the adult level at about 3 years of age.84 After age 30, renal blood flow decreases progressively with age; at 90 years it is about half that at 20 years.85

INTRARENAL BLOOD FLOW DISTRIBUTION Cortical Blood Flow It has long been recognized that the perfusion rate in different regions of the kidney is not uniform, especially after trauma or hemorrhage.86 Experimentally, the existence of several compartments having different flow rates has been recognized from the dispersion of transit times and uptake rates of injected indicators and the presence of multiple components in the washout curves of radioactive tracers. Accordingly, there has been much interest in determining whether differences in flow rate are associated with definable anatomic

The Renal Circulations and Glomerular Ultrafiltration

organization of the inner medulla is well conserved. As 101 already discussed, the inner stripe of the outer medulla contains two distinct territories, the vascular bundles and the interbundle regions (see Figs. 3–10, 3–12, and 3–14). In most mammals, the vascular bundles contain only closely juxtaposed descending and ascending vasa recta running in parallel. The tubule structures of the inner stripe, including thin CH 3 descending limbs, thick ascending limbs, and collecting ducts, are found in the interbundle regions and are supplied by the dense capillary bed described earlier.40 Commonly, the interbundle territory is organized with the long loops of the juxtamedullary nephrons lying closest to the vascular bundles. The shorter loops arising from superficial glomeruli are more peripheral and, therefore, closer to the collecting ducts. The vascular bundles themselves contain no tubule structures.

102 regions and whether correlations exist between renal blood flow distribution and renal function. Because the regions of interest lie within the interior of the organ, considerable experimental ingenuity has been required, and no single technique for estimating regional flow has yet become generally accepted. Furthermore, because of differences in observations CH 3 made with different methods and under different experimental conditions, results have often been difficult to interpret. To date, no clear correlation between intrarenal blood flow distribution and renal function has been established. For a detailed discussion of methods of measurements, the reader is referred to Chapter 7 of the 7th Edition of this book.

Redistribution of Cortical Blood Flow The redistribution of renal cortical blood flow has been extensively investigated using numerous different animal models. Studies of renal blood flow distribution after hemorrhage were among the first performed. They were provoked by the report of Trueta and colleagues11that, in shock states, renal blood flow appeared to be shunted through the medulla. This phenomenon, observed in qualitative studies of the distribution of India ink and radiographic contrast media, was subsequently termed “cortical ischemia with maintained blood flow through the medulla.”87 Trueta’s observations suggested a medullary bypass or shunt during hemorrhage or shock, including the rapid appearance of arterially injected contrast medium in the renal vein during systemic hypotension and the visible pallor of the superficial cortex at a time when radiographs showed considerable amounts of contrast medium in the outer medullary area.11 Although 60 years have passed since Trueta’s original proposal, only the qualitative observation of relative outer cortical ischemia with hemorrhage is accepted; neither the quantitative magnitude nor the mechanism of the flow redistribution associated with hemorrhage has been established.

Medullary Blood Flow Medullary blood flow constitutes about 10% to 15% of total renal blood flow.86 For detailed methods of measurements, the reader is again referred to the 7th Edition of this book. In terms of flow per unit tissue mass, estimates of outer medullary flow range from 1.3 to 2.3 mL/minute/g of kidney, inner medullary flow between 0.23 and 0.7 mL/minute/g, and papillary flow between 0.22 and 0.42 mL/minute/g. Although these medullary flows are less than one fourth as high as cortical flows, medullary flow is still substantial. Thus, per gram of tissue, outer medullary flow exceeds that of liver, and inner medullary flow is comparable to that of resting muscle or brain.83 The fact that such large flows are compatible with the existence and maintenance of the inner medullary solute concentration gradient attests to the efficiency of countercurrent mechanisms in this region. Besides, the hematocrit in the vasa recta is approximately one half that of arterial blood.88 Autoregulatory ability has been observed89 and is discussed in more detail later. Medullary blood flow is highest under conditions of water diuresis and declines during antidiuresis.90 This decrease depends, at least in part, on a direct vasoconstrictive action of vasopressin on the medullary microcirculation.91 Acetylcholine,92 Lameire,88 vasodilator prostaglandins,93,94 kinins,95 adenosine,96,97 atrial peptides,98,99 and nitric oxide100 may increase, and angiotensin II,101 vasopressin,91,102 endothelin,103 and increased renal nerve activity104 may decrease, medullary flow. The role of these hormones in normal physiology is still uncertain; however, alterations in medullary blood flow may be a key determinant of medullary tonicity and, thereby, solute transport in the loops of Henle. In addition, and reviewed by Mattson,105

the medullary circulation may play an important role in the control of sodium excretion and blood pressure.

REGULATION OF RENAL CIRCULATION AND GLOMERULAR FILTRATION Vasomotor Properties of the Renal Microcirculations Whether mediated by neural, humoral, or intrarenal physical factors, the regulation of the renal circulation ultimately depends on resistance changes resulting from the constriction or relaxation of vascular smooth muscle. The vessels up to and including the interlobular arteries contain smooth muscle in many layers, enclosed within elastic intimal and adventitial sheaths. Afferent arterioles contain less smooth muscle— only one or two layers—and lack intimal and adventitial laminae.40 Near the glomerular pole, smooth muscle cells around the entire circumference of the arteriole are modified to form the granular cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus.106,107 The hydraulic pressure within glomerular capillaries depends on afferent and efferent arteriolar resistances, increasing with selective efferent constriction or afferent dilation. Flow within the glomerular capillaries, on the other hand, is reduced by an increase in resistance of either vessel. As early as 1924, Richards and Schmidt22 recognized the potential role of contractile elements in the control of glomerular capillary flow and pressure. Functional proof of afferent and efferent vascular reactivity has come from micropuncture studies of glomerular dynamics. Click and colleagues108 grafted renal tissue from neonatal hamsters into the cheek pouch of adult hamsters. Such grafts developed primitive glomerular circulations with visible afferent and efferent vessels. Local application of norepinephrine or angiotensin II by means of micropipettes resulted in clearly visible constriction of both vessel types. Afferent vessels responded more strongly to norepinephrine, whereas efferent vessels were more sensitive to angiotensin II.108 This technique has also been used to demonstrate the presence of myogenic responses to alterations in extravascular pressure in afferent arterioles whereas efferent arterioles responded passively to changes in applied pressure.109 Steinhausen and co-workers110 applied epi- and transillumination microscopic techniques to the split, hydronephrotic rat kidney. At 6 to 8 weeks after unilateral ureteral ligation, the tubule system had undergone atrophy; however, the vascular system remained relatively intact. The kidney was split at its large curvature, immobilized, and placed in a tissue bath. This preparation permits the arcuate artery, interlobular artery, afferent arteriole, and efferent arteriole to be visualized and studied in situ during perfusion with systemic blood. Changes in the diameter of these vessels have been measured in response to systemically or locally applied vasoactive substance. The effect of acute, intravenous infusion of angiotensin II on the pre- and postglomerular circulation was assessed. The diameter of the large, preglomerular vessels decreased in a dose-dependent fashion, with the interlobular artery displaying the greatest percent reduction. Significant but less constriction was observed in efferent arterioles. Studies in which perfusion pressure was held constant indicated that preglomerular constriction resulted primarily from receptormediated effects of angiotensin II on these vessels. When angiotensin II was infused chronically, an attenuated vascular response was observed. In other studies using this technique, dilation of the preglomerular vasculature has been observed during infusion of low doses of dopamine111 and after administration of a Ca2+ channel blocker.112,113 Atrial peptide infused intravenously dilated the preglomerular vessels but caused postglomerular vasoconstriction.104 Subsequently, Gabriels

and co-workers114 examined the effects of diadenosine phosphates, which bind to A1 and P2 purinoceptors, on afferent and efferent vessels using this technique. These agents induced transient constrictions that were more prominent in intralobular arteries and afferent arterioles than in efferent arterioles. Loutzenhiser and co-workers112,113,115 employed a modification of the hydronephrotic kidney technique in which the kidney is mounted and perfused in vitro to examine the response of the afferent arteriole to various stimuli. They112 found that low concentrations of adenosine produced a vasodilation in afferent arterioles that had been previously constricted by exposure to pressure. They115 also observed complex responses to prostaglandin E2 in this preparation, which elicited both vasodilator and vasoconstrictor responses in the afferent arteriole via different receptors. More recently, Loutzenhiser and co-workers113 examined the kinetic aspects of the myogenic response in afferent arterioles by examining pressure-dependent vasoconstriction and vasodilation in this model. They found that high systolic pressures elicited a contractile response even when mean arterial pressure was reduced. These data suggest that the main role of the afferent


0.1nM ANG II



Diameter ␮m




** **

FIGURE 3–15 Effect of angiotensin II on the blood- perfused juxtamedullary nephron microvasculature. Top, Vessel insidediameter responses to angiotensin II (AII). Each line denotes observations of a single vessel segment during control, angiotensin II, and recovery periods. Bottom, Estimation of angiotensin II–induced changes in segmental vascular resistance, calculated from data in upper panel. **P < .01. (From Navar LG, Gilmore JP, Joyner WL, et al: Direct assessment of renal microcirculatory dynamics. Fed Proc 45:2851, 1986.)




0 Arcuate artery

Interlobular Mid-afferent Late afferent artery arteriole arteriole

Efferent arteriole



4 1 Radius4


(• 10–4 ␮m–4)

0.1nM ANG II 2

1 Control 0 Arcuate artery

Interlobular Mid-afferent Late afferent artery arteriole arteriole

Efferent arteriole

The Renal Circulations and Glomerular Ultrafiltration

arteriolar constriction is to protect the glomerular capillary 103 bed from increases in pulse pressure, rather than autoregulation per se. In vitro perfusion of rat kidney has also been utilized to assess segmental vascular reactivity directly in the juxtamedullary nephrons that lie in apposition to the pelvic cavity.116 To expose these nephrons, the perfused kidney is removed CH 3 and bisected along its longitudinal axis. The intact papilla, left on one half of the kidney, is lifted back, exposing the pelvic mucosa, which is then removed to reveal the underlying vessels. Applying epifluorescence videomicroscopy to these structures, the inside diameters of the various renal vascular segments can be determined.116 The effects of angiotensin II on segmental diameters as measured by this technique are shown in Figure 3–15 (Top). Angiotensin II reversibly decreased the diameters of both pre- and postglomerular vessels. The estimated effects of the alterations in vessel caliber on segmental resistance are summarized in Figure 3–15 (Bottom). This analysis suggests that despite the large changes in arcuate and interlobular artery diameter, the majority of the increase in resistance occurs near the glomerulus. This is due to the fact that equivalent changes in

PGE2 (10)

Afferent arteriole

PGI2 (10) ACh (11) DA (8)


% Relaxation

80 60 40 PGD2 (6)


BK (5) 0

ADO (4)

PGF2 (4) –12 –11








Concentration (log M) ADO (7)

PGI2 (8)

Efferent arteriole

DA (6) ACh (7)

100 BK (8) 80 % Relaxation

104 diameter elicit greater effects on resistance in smaller than in larger vessels.117 In fact, the exact anatomic distribution of preglomerular vascular resistance has been a matter of debate. Initially, it was assumed that resistance at the level of the afferent arteriole was responsible for the entire pressure drop from the CH 3 aorta to the glomerular capillaries. However, subsequent data obtained using a variety of other techniques suggests that this is not correct. Interlobular arteries respond to changes in perfusion pressure118 and to a broad spectrum of vasoactive substances in vivo110,111 and in vitro.119–122 Examination of vascular casts suggests that even interlobar arteries may be involved.123 Direct measurements of interlobular artery pressure indicate that the afferent arteriole accounts for approximately 50% of preglomerular vascular resistance.124 In fact, hydraulic pressure has been observed to decline in a continuous manner from the arcuate artery to the distal afferent arteriole in the split hydronephrotic kidney preparation,125 which allows visualization and direct puncture of the entire renal vascular tree. These data are also consistent with findings in other vascular beds.126 Edwards developed an in vitro technique to study the reactivity of isolated segments of interlobular arteries and superficial afferent and efferent arterioles dissected from rabbit kidneys.119 All three types of vessels responded with a dosedependent decrease in luminal diameter when norepinephrine was added to the system. In contrast, only efferent arteriolar segments showed a similar dose-dependent vasoconstriction in response to angiotensin II. The reasons for the differences between the sites of action of angiotensin II shown by this technique and those shown by the techniques described earlier are uncertain. The isolated vessel technique has also been utilized to assess the renal vascular reactivity to a variety of vasodilator substances.120,121 As shown in Figure 3–16, dopamine, acetylcholine, and prostaglandins E2 and I2 (prostacyclin) all dilate the afferent arteriole of the rabbit, whereas bradykinin, adenosine, and prostaglandins D2 and F2α do not. The efferent arteriole dilated in response not only to dopamine, acetylcholine, and prostacyclin but also to bradykinin and adenosine. Prostaglandins E2, D2, and F2α had no effect on this vessel. Ito and colleagues127 developed an in vitro approach to study changes in preglomerular resistance using the isolated perfused afferent arteriole with its glomerulus attached. Angiotensin II and endothelin produce afferent arteriolar constriction in this preparation that is modulated by nitric oxide.128 The afferent arteriolar response to angiotensin II was also enhanced when the NaCl concentration at the macula densa was raised.129 In contrast to angiotensin II, Ren and co-workers101 found that angiotensin 1–7 induced dilation in afferent arterioles that was not mediated by either angiotensin II AT1 or AT2 receptors. Numerous studies indicate that preglomerular vessels including the arcuate artery, interlobular artery, and afferent arteriole do constrict in response to exogenous and endogenous AII.127,130–134 The efferent arteriole, however, has a 10fold to 100-fold greater sensitivity to AII.130,131,133 The vasoconstrictor effects of AII are blunted by the endogenous production of vasodilators including the endothelium-derived relaxing factor nitric oxide as well as cyclooxygenase and cytochrome P450 epoxygenase metabolites in the afferent but not the efferent arteriole.115,127,130,135–138 AII-simulated release of NO in the afferent arteriole occurs through activation of the AT1 receptors.139 AII increases the production of prostaglandins in afferent arteriolar smooth muscle cells (both PGE2 and PGI2) and PGE2, PGI2, and cAMP all blunt AII-induced calcium entry into these cells138 potentially explaining, at least in part, the different effects of AII on vasoconstriction of the afferent and efferent arteriole.137,138 PGE2 was without effect on AII-induced vasoconstriction of the efferent

60 40 20

PGF2 (3) PGD2 (4) PGE2 (6)

0 –12 –11








Concentration (log M) FIGURE 3–16 Relaxation response of afferent (top) and efferent (bottom) arterioles to acetylcholine (ACh), dopamine (DA), bradykinin (BK), adenosine (ADO), and prostaglandins (PGE2, PGI2, PGD2, and PGF2α). Tone was induced with 3 × 107 M norepinephrine. Numbers in parentheses represent numbers of arterioles. (From Navar LG, Gilmore JP, Joyner WL, et al: Direct assessment of renal microcirculatory dynamics. Fed Proc 45:2851, 1986.)

arteriole.115 The effects of PGE2 on AII-induced vasoconstriction of the afferent arteriole are concentration-dependent with low concentrations acting as a vasodilator via interaction with prostaglandin EP4 receptors whereas high concentrations of PGE2 act on prostaglandin EP3 receptors to restore the AII effects in that segment.115 While AII infusion alone has little effect on single nephron glomerular filtration rate (SNGFR) when combined with cyclooxygenase inhibition AII causes marked reductions in SNGFR as well as glomerular plasma flow rate (QA) suggesting an important role for endogenous vasodilatory prostaglandins in ameliorating the vasoconstrictor effects of AII.140 Because AII increases renal production of vasodilatory prostaglandin production this may serve as a feedback loop to modulate the vasoconstrictor effects on AII under chronic conditions when the renin angiotensin system is stimulated.18 In addition to causing renal vasoconstriction, reduced blood flow, and glomerular capillary hypertension, AII causes a decrease in the glomerular ultrafiltration coefficient (Kf).18,140,141 As discussed later in “Determinants of Glomerular Ultrafiltration” Kf is the product of the surface area available

Role of Endothelial Factors in the Control of Renal Circulation and Glomerular Filtration Endothelial cells were once considered to be simple cells that passively lined the vascular tree. We now recognize that these cells produce a number of substances that can profoundly alter vascular tone, including vasodilator substances such as prostacyclin and the endothelium-derived relaxing factor, NO, as well as vasoconstrictor substances such as the endothelins. These factors play an important role in the minuteto-minute regulation of renal vascular flow and resistance.

Nitric Oxide

In 1980, Furchgott and Zawadzki150 demonstrated that the action of the vasodilator acetylcholine required the presence of an intact endothelium to be vasorelaxant. The binding of

acetylcholine and many other vasodilator substances to 105 receptors on endothelial cells leads to the formation and release of an endothelial relaxing factor subsequently determined to be NO.151,152 NO is formed from L-arginine153 by a family of enzymes that are encoded by separate genes called nitric oxide synthases (NOSs) that are present in many cells, including vascular endothelial cells, macrophages, neurons,154 CH 3 glomerular mesangial cells,155 macula densa,156 and renal tubular cells. Once released by the endothelium, NO diffuses into adjacent and downstream vascular smooth muscle cells,157 where it activates soluble guanylate cyclase leading to cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) accumulation.145,158–162 Cyclic GMP reduces phosphatidyl inositol hydrolysis and calcium influx and intracellular calcium release, thereby reducing the amount of calcium available for contraction hence promoting relaxation.163 In addition to stimulation by acetylcholine, NO formation in the vascular endothelium increases in response to bradykinin,145,164–167 thrombin,168 platelet activating factor,169 endothelin,170 and calcitonin gene-related peptide.165,171–173 Increased flow through blood vessels with intact endothelium or across cultured endothelial cells resulting in increased shear stress, also increases NO release159,164,167,174–178 and elevated perfusion pressure/shear stress increased NO release from afferent arterioles.179 Both pulse frequency and amplitude modulate flowinduced NO release.174 In the kidney nitric oxide (NO) has numerous important functions including the regulation of renal hemodynamics, maintenance of medullary perfusion, mediation of pressurenatriuresis, blunting of tubuloglomerular feedback, inhibition of tubular sodium reabsorption, and modulation of renal sympathetic neural activity. The net effect of NO in the kidney is to promote natriuresis and diuresis.180 Experimental studies also support the presence of an important interaction between NO, angiotensin II, and renal nerves in the control of renal function.181 Renal hemodynamics are continuously affected by endogenous NO production as evidenced by the fact that nonselective NOS inhibition results in marked decreases in renal plasma flow rate (RPF), an increase in mean arterial blood pressure (AP), and generally a reduction in GFR.182–184 These effects are largely prevented by the simultaneous administration of excess L-arginine.182 Selective inhibition of neuronal NOS (nNOS or type I NOS), which is found in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle, the macula densa, and efferent arterioles,156,185 decreases GFR without affecting blood pressure or renal blood flow (RBF).186 Because eNOS (endothelial NOS or type II NOS) is found in the endothelium of renal blood vessels including the afferent and efferent arterioles and glomerular capillary endothelial cells,156 differences in the effects of inhibition of NO formation on RBF from generalized NOS inhibition versus specific inhibition of nNOS appear to be related to the distinct distribution of eNOS versus nNOS in the kidney. Both acute and chronic inhibition of NO production results in systemic and glomerular capillary hypertension, an increase in preglomerular (RA) and efferent arteriolar (RE) resistance, a decrease in Kf, and decreases in both QA and SNGFR.146,147,187–189 These responses to NO inhibition are largely mediated through the actions of AII and endothelin.127,128,187,190 Administration of nonpressor doses of an inhibitor of NO formation through the renal artery yielded an increase in preglomerular resistance and a decrease in SNGFR and Kf but no effect on efferent resistance was observed unless systemic blood pressure increased.147 These studies suggested that the cortical afferent, but not efferent, arterioles were under tonic control by NO. However, others have found that the renal artery, arcuate and interlobular arteries and the afferent and efferent arterioles have all been shown to produce NO and constrict in response to inhibition of endogenous NO production.17,127,128,130,157,191,192 In agreement with this finding, other investigators193,194 have reported that

The Renal Circulations and Glomerular Ultrafiltration

for filtration (S) and hydraulic conductivity of the filtration barrier (k) and is one of the primary determinants of SNGFR. A decrease in Kf induced by AII could be the result of either a decrease in S or k. As noted earlier, glomerular AII receptors are found on the mesangial cells, glomerular capillary endothelial cells, and podocytes. Because AII causes contraction of mesangial cells142 one possibility is that contraction of the mesangial cells reduces effective filtration area by blocking flow through some glomerular capillaries but no direct evidence has been obtained that would support this hypothesis. Alternatively the AII-induced decrease in Kf could be the result of a decrease in hydraulic conductivity rather than a reduction in the surface area available for filtration.141 A role for glomerular epithelial cells in the effects of AII on Kf is suggested by the fact that they possess both AT1 and AT2 receptors and respond to AII by increasing cAMP production.143 Alterations in epithelial structure or the size of the filtration slits were not detected, however, following infusion of AII at a dose sufficient to decrease glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and Kf and increase blood pressure144 and the mechanisms by which AII causes a reduction in Kf have not yet been determined. Just as the renal vascular effects of AII are moderated by production of vasodilator prostaglandins and nitric oxide, AII-induced changes in Kf are also be affected by such substances. Endogenous prostaglandins help to prevent the reduction in Kf caused by AII.140 The vasoconstrictive effect of AII on glomerular mesangial cells is markedly reduced by endothelial derived relaxing factor (EDRF, now known to be nitric oxide, NO—see later).145 Mesangial cells co-incubated with endothelial cells have increased cGMP production induced by NO release from the endothelial cells resulting in decreased vasoconstrictive effects of AII, indicating that local NO production can modify the effects of agents such as AII.145 Whether a similar effect would be observed for glomerular epithelial cells co-incubated with endothelial cells and whether either would translate into protection from AIIinduced alterations on glomerular capillary surface area or hydraulic conductivity is not known but inhibition of NO production in the normal rat does produce a marked decrease in Kf.145–147 Arima and co-workers148 examined angiotensin II AT2 receptor–mediated effects on afferent arteriolar tone. When the AT1 receptor was blocked, angiotension II caused a dosedependent dilation of the afferent arteriole that could be blocked by disruption of the endothelium or by simultaneous inhibition of the cytochrome P-450 pathway. These data suggest that AT2 receptor vasodilation in efferent arterioles is endothelium-dependent, possibly via the synthesis of epoxyeicosatrienoic acids via a cytochrome P450 pathway, partially blocking the vasoconstrictor effects of AII.148,149

106 NO dilates both efferent and afferent arterioles in the perfused juxtamedullary nephron. Controversy exists regarding the role of the reninangiotensin system in the genesis of the increase in vascular resistance that follows blockade of NOS. Studies of in vitro perfused nephrons191 and of anesthetized rats in vivo195 CH 3 suggest that the increase in renal vascular resistance that follows NOS blockade is blunted when angiotensin II formation or binding is blocked. NO inhibits renin release while acute AII infusion increases cortical NOS activity and protein expression and chronic AII infusion increases mRNA levels for both eNOS and nNOS.196,197 AII increases NO production in isolated perfused afferent arterioles via activation of the AT1 AII receptors.198 On the other hand, Baylis and colleagues199 reported that inhibition of NOS in the conscious rats had similar effects on renal hemodynamics in the intact and angiotensin II–blocked state. This suggests that the vasoconstrictor response of NOS blockade is not mediated by angiotensin II. In a later study, workers in this laboratory200 showed that when the angiotensin II level was acutely raised by infusion of exogenous peptide, acute NO blockade amplified the renal vascoconstrictor actions of angiotensin II. In agreement with this finding, Ito and co-workers127 showed that intrarenal inhibition of NO enhanced angiotensin II– induced afferent, but not efferent, arteriolar vasoconstriction in the rabbit. Similar results have also been obtained in dogs.135 These data suggest that NO modulates the vasoconstrictor effects of angiotensin II on glomerular arterioles in vivo in settings where angiotensin II levels are elevated.

Endothelin Endothelin, a potent vasoconstrictor derived primarily from vascular endothelial cells, was first described by Yanagisawa and colleagues.201 There are three distinct genes for endothelin, each encoding distinct 21 amino acid isopeptides termed ET-1, ET-2, ET-3.201–203 Endothelin is produced following cleavage by endothelin converting enzyme of the 38–40 amino acid proendothelin which, in turn, is produced from proteolytic cleavage of prepro-endothelin (∼212 amino acids) by furin.204,205 ET-1 is the primary endothelin produced in the kidney including arcuate arteries and veins, interlobular arteries, afferent and efferent arterioles, glomerular capillary endothelial cells, glomerular epithelial cells, and glomerular mesangial cells of both rat and human206–216 and acts in an autocrine or paracrine fashion or both217 to alter a variety of biologic processes in these cells. Endothelins are extremely potent vasoconstrictors and the renal vasculature is highly sensitive to these agents.218 Once released from endothelial cells, endothelins bind to specific receptors on vascular smooth muscle, the ETA receptors, that bind both ET-1 and ET-2.217,219–222 ETB receptors are expressed in the glomerulus on mesangial cells and podocytes with equal affinity for ET-1, ET-2, or ET-3.217,219,220,223–225 There are two subtypes of ETB receptors, the ETB1 linked to vasodilation and the ETB2 linked to vasoconstriction.226 An endothelin-specific protease modulates endothelin levels in the kidney.227 Endothelin production is stimulated by physical factors including increased shear stress and vascular stretch.228,229 In addition a variety of hormones, growth factors, and vasoactive peptides increase endothelin production including transforming growth factor-β, platelet-derived growth factor, tumor necrosis factor-α, angiotensin II, arginine vasopressin, insulin, bradykinin, thromboxane A2, and thrombin.206,207,211,213,216,230–233 Endothelin production is inhibited by atrial and brain natriuretic peptides acting through a cyclic GMP-dependent process227 and by factors that increase intracellular cyclic AMP and protein kinase A activation such as β-adrenergic agonists.211 Typically, intravenous infusion of ET-1 induces a marked, prolonged pressor response201,234 accompanied by increases in

preglomerular and efferent arteriolar resistances and a decrease in renal blood flow and GFR.234 Infusion of subpressor doses of ET-1 also decreases whole kidney and single nephron GFR and blood flow,235–239 again accompanied by increases in both preglomerular and postglomerular resistances and filtration fraction.235,239,240 Vasoconstriction of afferent and efferent arterioles by endothelin has been confirmed in the split, hydronephrotic rat kidney preparation241,242 and in isolated perfused arterioles.128,131,243 In both micropuncture239 and isolated arteriole131 studies, the sensitivity and response of the efferent arteriole exceeded those of the afferent vessel. Endothelin also causes mesangial cell contraction.244,245 Finally, other studies have suggested that the vasoconstrictor effects of the endothelins can be modulated by a number of factors221,246 including endothelium-derived relaxing factor,128 bradykinin,247 and prostaglandin E2248 and prostacyclin.248,249 There are multiple endothelin receptors; most is known about the ETA and ETB receptors, which have been cloned and characterized.220,250,251 According to the traditional view, ETA receptors, abundant on vascular smooth muscle, have a high affinity for ET-1 and play a prominent role in the pressor response to endothelin.252 ETB receptors are present on endothelial cells where they may mediate NO release and endothelial-dependent relaxation.251 However, the distribution and function of ETA and ETB receptors vary greatly among species and, in the rat, even according to strain. In the normal rat, both ETA and ETB receptors are expressed in the media of interlobular arteries, afferent and efferent arterioles. In interlobar and arcuate arteries only ETA receptors were present on vascular smooth muscle cells.253 ETB receptor immunoreactivity is sparse on endothelial cells of renal arteries, while there is strong labeling of peritubular and glomerular capillaries as well as vasa recta endothelium.253 ETA receptors are evident on glomerular mesangial cells and pericytes of descending vasa recta bundles.253 In the rat, endogenous endothelin may actually tonically dilate the afferent arteriole and lower Kf via ETB receptors.254 However, ETB receptors on vascular smooth muscle also mediate vasoconstriction in the rat and this is potentiated in hypertensive animals.255 Endothelin stimulates the production of vasodilatory prostaglandins238,249,256–258 yielding a feedback loop to modify the vasoconstrictor effects of endothelin. ET-1, ET-2, and ET-3 also stimulate NO production in the arteriole and glomerular mesangium via activation of the ETB receptor.128,168,170,257,259 Resistance in the renal and systemic vasculature are markedly increased during inhibition of nitric oxide production and these effects can be partially reversed by ETA blockade or inhibition of endothelin-converting enzyme, indicating the dynamic interrelationship between nitric oxide and endothelin effects.260,261 The vasoconstrictive effects of AII may be mediated, in part, by a stimulation of endothelin-1 production that acts on endothelin type A (ETA) receptors to produce vasoconstriction.231,232 Indeed chronic administration reduces renal blood flow, an effect prevented by administration of a mixed ETA/ETB receptor antagonist suggesting that endothelin contributes importantly to the renal vasoconstrictive effects of AII.232

Tubuloglomerular Feedback Control of Renal Blood Flow and Glomerular Filtration The nephron is organized in a manner such that each tubule that leaves the glomerulus returns again to come in contact with it in a specialized nephron segment lying between the end of the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle and the distal convoluted tubule. The specialized cells in this region are the known as the macula densa cells and they sit adjacent


Tubule lumen

Na 2CI K↑


1 Macula densa

Transmission ATP


3Na 2K AMP 2












Extraglomerular MC

4 Ca2↑

Renin secretion ↓

Granular cells

Afferent arteriole

FIGURE 3–17 Proposed mechanism of tubuloglomerular feedback (TGF). The sequence of events (numbers in circles) are (1) uptake of Na+, Cl−, and K+ by the Na+/2Cl−/K+ cotransporter on the luminal cell membrane of the macula densa cells; (2) intracellular or extracellular production of adenosine (ADO); (3) ADO activation of adenosine A1 receptors triggering an increase in cytosolic Ca2+ in extraglomerular mesangial cells (MC); (4) coupling between extraglomerular MC and granular cells (containing renin) and smooth muscle cells of the afferent arteriole (VSMC) by gap junctions allowing propagation of the increased [Ca2+]i resulting in afferent arteriolar vasoconstriction and inhibition of renin release. Local angiotensin II and nNOS activity modulate the response. (Figure reproduced by permission from Vallon V: Tubuloglomerular feedback and the control of glomerular filtration rate. News Physiol Sci 18:169–174, 2003.)

adenosine to the afferent arteriole causes vasoconstriction via activation of the adenosine A1 receptor and addition of an A1 receptor antagonist blocked both the effects of adenosine and of high macula densa [NaCl].272 Of note, the effects only occur when adenosine is added to the extravascular space and do not occur when adenosine is added to the lumen of the macula densa.272 These results are consistent with the proposed scheme in Figure 3–17, which suggests that an increase in [NaCl] to the macula densa stimulates Na+/K+-ATPase activity leading to increased adenosine synthesis followed by constriction of the afferent arterioles via A1 receptor activation.272 Efferent arterioles preconstricted with norepinephrine vasodilate in response to an increase in [NaCl] at the macula densa, an effect blocked with adenosine A2 receptor antagonists but not by blocking the A1 receptor.273 The changes in efferent arteriolar resistance are in opposite direction to that of the afferent arterioles, which vasoconstrict in response to increased [NaCl] at the macula densa.272,274 The net result would be decreased glomerular blood flow, decreased glomerular hydraulic pressure, and a reduction in SNGFR. Extracellular ATP attenuates the TGF system.275 The tubuloglomerular feedback (TGF) response is blunted by AII antagonists and AII synthesis inhibitors and is absent in knockout mice lacking either the AT1A angiotensin II receptor or angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and systemic infusion of AII in ACE knockout mice restores

CH 3

The Renal Circulations and Glomerular Ultrafiltration

to the cells of the extraglomerular mesangium, which fill the space in the angle formed by the afferent and efferent arterioles of the glomerulus of the same nephron. This anatomical arrangement of macula densa cells, extraglomerular mesangial cells, vascular smooth muscle cells, and renin-secreting cells of the afferent arteriole, is known as the juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA). The JGA is ideally suited for a feedback system whereby a stimulus received at the macula densa might be transmitted to the arterioles of the same nephron to alter renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate. Changes in the delivery and composition of the fluid flowing past the macula densa have now been shown to elicit rapid changes in glomerular filtration of the same nephron with increases in delivery of fluid out of the proximal tubule resulting in decreases in SNGFR and glomerular capillary hydraulic pressure (PGC) of the same nephron.262,263 This feedback between delivery of fluid to the macula densa and filtration rate, termed tubuloglomerular feedback, provides a powerful mechanism to regulate the pressures and flows that govern glomerular filtration rate in response to acute perturbations in delivery of fluid out of the proximal tubule. Changes in delivery of Na+, Cl−, and K+ are thought to be sensed by the macula densa through the Na+/2Cl−/K+ cotransporter on the luminal cell membrane of the macula densa cells.263 Alterations in Na+, K+, and Cl− reabsorption result in inverse changes in SNGFR and renal vascular resistance, primarily in the preglomerular vessels.263 Agents such as furosemide that interfere with the Na+/2Cl−/K+ cotransporter in the macula densa cells inhibit the feedback response.262 Evidence now indicates that adenosine and possibly ATP play a central role in mediating the relationship between Na+, Cl−, K+ transport at the luminal cell membrane of the macula densa and glomerular filtration rate of the same nephron. This is illustrated in Figure 3–17 adapted from Vallon.264 According to this scheme increased delivery of solute to the macula densa results in concentration-dependent increases in solute uptake by the Na+/2Cl−/K+ cotransporter. This, in turn, stimulates Na+/K+-ATPase activity on the basolateral side of the cells leading to the formation of ADP and subsequent formation of adenosine monophosphate (AMP). Dephosphorylation of AMP by cytosolic 5′ nucleotidase or endo-5′ nucleotidase bound to the cell membrane yields the formation of adenosine.264 AMP might also be be extruded into the interstium where it is converted to adenosine by ecto-5′ nucleotidases. According to the scheme shown in Figure 3–17 once adenosine leaves the macula densa cells or is formed in the adjacent interstitum it interacts with adenosine A1 receptors on the extraglomerular mesangial cells resulting in an increase in [Ca2+]i.265 The increase in [Ca2+]i may occur via in part basolateral membrane depolarization through Cl− channel followed by Ca2+ entry into the cells via voltage-gated Ca2+ channels.266 As indicated in Figure 3–17 gap junctions then transmit the calcium transient to the adjacent afferent arteriole leading to vasoconstriction and renin release.264 Macula densa cells respond to an increase in luminal [NaCl] by releasing ATP at the basolateral cell membrane through ATP-permeable large conductance anion channels, possibly providing a communication link between macula densa cells and adjacent mesangial cells via purinoceptors receptors on the latter.267 Several lines of evidence support the role for adenosine in mediating tubuloglomerular feedback. Intraluminal administration of an adenosine A1 receptor agonist enhances the TGF response.268 In addition tubuloglomerular feedback is completely absent in adenosine A1 receptor-deficient mice despite the fact that the animals had plasma renin activities that were twice normal.269,270 Blocking adenosine A1 receptors or by inhibition of 5′-nucleotidase reduce tubuloglomerular feedback efficiency and combining the two inhibitors nearly completely blocked tubuloglomerular feedback.271 Addition of

with the requirements for sodium balance and the TGF system resets at a new sodium delivery rate.276 The TGF system then continues to operate around this new setpoint. The resetting of the TGF system may thus be the result of sustained increases in GFR and distal delivery rather than the cause of the resetting.276,291,292

Renal Autoregulation Many organs are capable of maintaining relative constancy of blood flow in the face of major changes in perfusion pressure. Although the efficiency with which blood flow is maintained differs from organ to organ (being most efficient in brain and kidney), virtually all organs and tissues, including skeletal muscle and intestine, exhibit this property, termed autoregulation. The ability of the kidney to autoregulate renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate over a wide range of renal perfusion pressures was first demonstrated by Forster and Maes293 and subsequently confirmed by others.294,295 Figure 3–18 shows typical patterns of autoregulation for the dog and rat kidney. Autoregulation of blood flow requires parallel changes in resistance with changes in perfusion pressure. However, if efferent arteriolar resistance declined significantly when perfusion pressure was reduced, glomerular capillary pressure and GFR would also fall. Therefore, the finding that both renal plasma flow and GFR are autoregulated suggests that the principal resistance change is in the preglomerular vasculature. In support of this hypothesis, early micropuncture studies in the rat indicate that pressures in postglomerular surface microvessels remain relatively constant despite variations in perfusion pressure throughout the autoregulatory range.296–299 Subsequent studies using the Munich-Wistar rat, which has glomeruli on the renal cortical surface that are readily accessible to micropuncture, afforded an opportunity to observe the renal cortical microvascular adjustments that take place in response to variations in renal arterial perfusion pressure. Figure 3–19 summarizes the effects in the normal hydropenic rat of graded reductions in renal perfusion pressure on glomerular capillary blood flow rate, mean glomerular capillary hydraulic pressure (PGC), and preglomerular (RA) and efferent arteriolar (RE) resistance.300 As shown in Figure 3–19, graded reduction in renal perfusion pressure from 120 mm Hg to 80 mm Hg resulted in only a modest decline in glomerular capillary blood flow, whereas further reduction in perfusion pressure to 60 mm Hg led to a more pronounced decline. Despite the decline in perfusion pressure from 120 mm Hg to 80 mm Hg, values of PGC fell

Dog 100 90 RBF, % of control

276–280 AII enhances tubuloglomer108 tubuloglomerular feedback. ular feedback via activation of AT1 receptors on the luminal membrane of the macula densa.281 Acute inhibition of the AT1 receptor in normal mice blocked tubuloglomerular feedback and reduced autoregulatory efficiency.278 These results indicate that AII plays a central role in modulating tubulogloCH 3 merular feedback and that this response is mediated through the AT1 receptor. The macula densa is a site of immunocytochemical localization of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS or NOS 1).282 Nitric oxide derived from nNOS in the macula densa provides a vasodilatory influence on tubuloglomerular feedback, decreasing the amount of vasoconstriction of the afferent arteriole than otherwise would occur.282,283 Increased distal sodium chloride delivery to the macula densa stimulates nNOS activity and also increases activity of the inducible form of cyclooxygenase (COX-2) to generate metabolites that also participate in counteracting TGF-mediated constriction of the afferent arteriole.282,284 Macula densa cell pH increases in response to increased luminal sodium concentration and may be related to the stimulation of nNOS.285 Inhibition of macula densa guanylate cyclase increases the TGF response to high luminal [NaCl] further indicating the importance of NO in modulating TGF.274 Ito and Ren, using an isolated perfused complete JGA preparation, found that microperfusion of the macula densa with an inhibitor of nitric oxide production led to constriction of the adjacent afferent arteriole.286 When the macula densa was perfused with a low sodium solution, however, the response was blocked, indicating that solute reabsorption is required.286 Microperfusion of the macula densa with the precursor of nitric oxide, L-arginine, blunts tubuloglomerular feedback, especially in salt depleted animals.287–289 Thus it appears that the afferent arteriole acutely vasodilates in response to NO, blunting TGF. An increase in NO production may also inhibit renin release by increasing cGMP in the granular cells of the afferent arteriole,290 thereby accentuating its vasodilatory effects. Of note, however, Schnermann and co-workers reported that when nitric oxide production is chronically blocked in knockout mice lacking nNOS tubuloglomerular feedback in response to acute perturbations in distal sodium delivery is normal.276 They did observe, however, that the presence of intact nNOS in the JGA is required for sodium chloridedependent renin secretion.276 The tubuloglomerular feedback system, which elicits vasoconstriction and a reduction in SNGFR in response to acute increases in delivery to the macula densa, appears to secondarily activate a vasodilatory response. Stimulation of NO production in response to increased distal salt delivery under conditions of volume expansion would be advantageous by resetting tubuloglomerular feedback and limiting TGF-mediated vasoconstrictor responses. Tubuloglomerular feedback responses might be temporally divided into two opposing events. The initial, rapid (seconds) tubuloglomerular feedback response would yield vasoconstriction and a decrease in GFR and PGC when sodium delivery out of the proximal tubule is acutely increased. The same increase in delivery would be expected with time (minutes) to decrease renin secretion, which in the face of a continued stimulus such as volume expansion, would reduce AII production and allow filtration rate to increase, thereby helping to increase urinary excretion rates. The rapid tubuloglomerular feedback system would prevent large changes in GFR under such conditions as spontaneous fluctuations in blood pressure that might otherwise occur, thereby maintaining tight control of distal sodium delivery in the short term.276 Schnermann and co-workers hypothesized that the juxtaglomerular apparatus functions to maintain tight control of distal sodium delivery only for the short term.276 Over the long term, renin secretion is controlled by the JGA in accordance

80 Rat

70 60 50 70





Renal arterial pressure, mm Hg FIGURE 3–18 Autoregulatory response of total renal blood flow to changes in renal perfusion pressure in the dog and rat. In general, the normal anesthetized dog exhibits greater autoregulatory capability to lower arterial pressure than does the rat. (From Navar LG, Bell PD, Burke TJ: Role of a macula densa feedback mechanism as a mediator of renal autoregulation. Kidney Int 22:S157, 1982.)

200 GBF nL/min


0 40 PGC mm Hg

30 20 10 0 4.0



1010 dynⴢsⴢcm–5 2.0 60 80 100 120 Mean arterial pressure, mm Hg FIGURE 3–19 Glomerular dynamics in response to reduction of renal arterial perfusion pressure in the normal hydropenic rat. As can be seen, glomerular ¯GC) remained blood flow (GBF) and glomerular capillary hydraulic pressure (P relatively constant over the range of perfusion pressure examined, primarily as a result of a marked decrease in afferent arteriolar resistance (RA). RE, efferent arteriolar resistance. (Adapted from Robertson CR, Deen WM, Troy JL, Brenner BM: Dynamics of glomerular ultrafiltration in the rat. III. Hemodynamics and autoregulation. Am J Physiol 223:1191, 1972.)

only modestly on average, from 45 mm Hg to 40 mm Hg. Further reduction in perfusion pressure from 80 mm Hg to 60 mm Hg resulted in a further fall in PGC (from 40 mm Hg to 35 mm Hg). Calculated values for RA and RE are shown in Figure 3–19. The better autoregulation of glomerular capillary blood flow in the perfusion pressure range 80 mm Hg to 120 mm Hg was due to the more pronounced fall in RA than occurred in the lower range of perfusion pressure. Over the range of renal perfusion pressure from 120 mm Hg to 60 mm Hg, RE tended to increase slightly. In that study when plasma volume was expanded, RA declined while RE increased as renal perfusion pressure was lowered so that PGC and ∆P were virtually unchanged over the entire range of renal perfusion pressures.300 In plasma-expanded animals, the mean glomerular transcapillary hydraulic pressure difference (∆P) exhibited nearly perfect autoregulation over the entire range of perfusion pressures because of concomitant increases in RE as RA fell.300 These results indicate that autoregulation of GFR is the consequence of the autoregulation of both glomerular blood flow and glomerular capillary pressure. The medullary circulation has also been shown to possess autoregulatory capacity.301,302 Cohen and co-workers89 demonstrated that vasa recta blood flow remained relatively constant for the pressure range 85 mm Hg to 125 mm Hg. Mattson and associates303 reported that outer and inner medullary blood flow in rats decreased when perfusion pressure was reduced below 100 mm Hg. In contrast, simultaneously measured superficial and deep cortical blood flows were well autoregulated in this range. Thus, the autoregulatory range of the medulla may be narrower than that of the cortex and altered responses of the postglomerular circulation of deep

Renal Autoregulatory Mechanisms Cellular Mechanisms Involved in Renal Autoregulation Autoregulation of the afferent arteriole and interlobular artery is blocked by administration of L-type calcium channel blockers, inhibition of mechanosensitive cation channels, and a calcium-free perfusate.309–312 The autoregulatory response thus involves gating of mechanosensitive channels producing membrane depolarization and activation of voltagedependent calcium channels leading to an increase in intracellular calcium concentration and vasoconstriction.309,313,314 Indeed calcium channel blockade almost completely blocks autoregulation of renal blood flow.315,316 The autoregulatory capacity of the afferent arteriole is attenuated by intrinsic metabolites of the cytochrome P450 epoxygenase pathway while metabolites of the cytochrome P450 hydroxylase pathway enhance autoregulatory responsiveness.317 Autoregulation of both GFR and RBF occur in the presence of inhibition of nitric oxide but values for RBF were reduced at any given renal perfusion pressure as compared with control values.183,318–320 In the isolated perfused juxtamedullary afferent arteriole the initial vasodilatation observed when pressure was increased was of shorter duration when endogenous nitric oxide formation was blocked but the autoregulatory response was unaffected.313 Cortical and juxtamedullary preglomerular vessels in the split hydronephrotic kidney also autoregulate in the presence of NO inhibition.192 The majority of evidence therefore suggests that NO is not essential at least for the myogenic component of renal autoregulation, though nitric oxide may play a role in tubuloglomerular feedback (see later discussion).193 Several other vasoactive substances have been implicated in the autoregulation of renal blood flow, including various vasoactive eicosanoids,321–323 kinins,324 and the reninangiotensin system323,325 but definitive evidence in favor of any of these is lacking. Kaloyanides and co-workers326 found that autoregulation of renal blood flow and GFR persists when prostaglandin synthesis is inhibited. On the other hand, Schnermann and co-workers323 have shown renal autoregulatory ability to be severely impaired by indomethacin

The Renal Circulations and Glomerular Ultrafiltration


nephrons to changes in perfusion pressure might account for 109 this difference. Preglomerular vessels including the afferent arterioles and vessels as large as the arcuate and interlobular arteries participate in the autoregulatory response. In the split, hydronephrotic rat kidney preparation, Steinhausen and co-workers118 observed dilation of all preglomerular vessels from the arcuate CH 3 to interlobular arteries in response to reductions in perfusion pressure from 120 mm Hg to 95 mm Hg. The proximal afferent arteriole did not respond to pressure changes in this range but did dilate when perfusion pressure was reduced to 70 mm Hg. The diameter of the distal afferent arteriole did not change at any pressure. Also consistent with an important role of large, preglomerular vessels in the autoregulatory response, Heyeraas and Aukland304 reported that interlobular arterial pressure remained constant when renal perfusion pressure was reduced by 20 mm Hg, again suggesting that these vessels contribute importantly to the constancy of outer cortical blood flow in the upper autoregulatory range. A number of observations suggest that the major preglomerular resistor is located close to the glomerulus, at the level of the afferent arteriole.99,305–307 As in superficial nephrons, direct observations of perfused juxtamedullary nephrons revealed parallel reductions in the luminal diameters of arcuate, interlobular, and afferent arterioles in response to elevation in perfusion pressure. However, because quantitatively similar reductions in vessel diameter produce much greater elevations in resistance in small than in large vessels, the predominant effect of these changes is an increase in afferent arteriolar resistance.308

110 infusion. Suppression of renin release by high-salt diets and administration of desoxycorticosterone also yielded conflicting results.327 Although many studies have shown that angiotensin II plays an important role in regulating TGF mechanism,280,322,328 intrarenal administration of angiotensin II antagonists has not been associated with impairment of CH 3 renal blood flow autoregulation.329–333 As noted previously, autoregulation of renal blood flow is demonstrable in denervated and isolated organ preparations and is therefore thought to be independent of circulating humoral or neurogenic factors but governed instead by a mechanism or mechanisms intrinsic to the kidney.299,334 Several hypotheses have been proposed to account for this phenomenon including (1) a role for an intrinsic myogenic mechanism first proposed by Bayliss,335 (2) a role for the tubuloglomerular feedback system, and (3) a role for a metabolic mechanism. The Myogenic Mechanism for Autoregulation According to the myogenic theory arterial smooth muscle contracts and relaxes in response to increases and decreases in vascular wall tension.335 Thus, an increase in perfusion pressure, which initially distends the vascular wall, is followed by a contraction of resistance vessels, resulting in a recovery of blood flow from an initial elevation to a value comparable to the control level. Renal blood flow thus tends to remain relatively constant. This autoregulatory mechanism has also been proposed for other organs.336,337 Lush and coworkers338,339 presented a model of myogenic control of renal blood flow based on the assumption that flow remains constant when the distending force and the constricting forces, determined by the properties of the vessel wall, are equal. The constricting force is envisioned to have both a passive and an active component, the latter sensitive to stretch in the vessel. Several lines of evidence indicate that such a myogenic mechanism is important in renal autoregulation. Autoregulation of renal blood flow is observed even when tubuloglomerular feedback is inhibited by furosemide suggesting an important role for a myogenic mechanism.134 This myogenic mechanism of autoregulation occurs very rapidly, reaching a full response in 3 to 10 seconds.134 Autoregulation occurs in all of the preglomerular resistance vessels of the in vitro blood-perfused juxtamedullary nephron preparation.317,340–343 Of note the afferent arteriole in this preparation was able to constrict in response to rapid changes in perfusion pressure even when all flow to the macula densa was stopped by resection of the papilla indicating an important role for a myogenic mechanism in autoregulation.340 Isolated perfused rabbit afferent arterioles respond to step increases of intraluminal pressure with a decrease in luminal diameter.119 In contrast, efferent arteriolar segments showed vasodilation when submitted to the same procedure, probably reflecting simple passive physical properties. Autoregulation is also observed in the afferent arteriole and arcuate and interlobular artery of the split hydronephrotic kidney,192,309–322,344 but again the efferent arteriole did not autoregulate in this model.192 Further evidence that the renal vasculature is indeed intrinsically responsive to variations in the transmural hydraulic pressure difference was obtained by Gilmore and co-workers109 who provided direct evidence for myogenic autoregulation in renal vessels transplanted into a cheek pouch of the hamster. In this nonfiltering system, contraction of afferent but not efferent arterioles was observed in response to increased interstitial pressure in the pouch. However, it should be noted that, in vivo, efferent arteriolar resistance may increase in response to decreases in arterial pressure,300,345 and this may result from increased activity of the renin-angiotensin system. These data may also explain why autoregulation of GFR is more efficient than autoregulation of renal blood flow.

The autoregulatory threshold can be reset in response to a variety of perturbations. Autoregulation in the afferent arteriole is greatly attenuated in diabetic kidneys and may contribute to the hyperfiltration seen in this disease.344 Autoregulation is partially restored by insulin treatment or by inhibition of endogenous prostaglandin production (or both).344 Autoregulation in the remnant kidney is markedly attenuated 24 hours after the reduction in renal mass and is again restored by cyclooxygenase inhibition, suggesting that release of vasodilatory prostaglandins may be involved in the initial response to increase SNGFR in the remaining nephrons after acute partial nephrectomy.346 Much higher pressures than normal are required to evoke a vasoconstrictor response in the afferent arteriole during the development of spontaneous hypertension.347 The intermediate portion of the interlobular artery of the spontaneously hypertensive rat exhibits an enhanced myogenic response, with a lower threshold pressure and a greater maximal response.310 Both the afferent arterioles and the interlobular arteries of the Dahl salt-sensitive hypertensive rat exhibit a reduced myogenic responsiveness to increases in perfusion pressure in rats fed a high-salt diet.348 Thus, alterations in autoregulatory responses of the renal vasculature occur in a variety of disease states for the control of renal blood flow and glomerular ultrafiltration. Autoregulation Mediated by Tubuloglomerular Feedback The tubuloglomerular feedback (TGF) mechanism has been suggested as an alternative to the myogenic response to explain the autoregulation of renal blood flow and GFR. This system is envisioned to operate through the following sequence as described in detail later. Increased arterial pressure augments renal blood flow and glomerular capillary hydraulic pressure. These alterations cause GFR and therefore delivery of solute to the distal tubule to rise. Increased distal delivery is sensed by the macula densa, which activates effector mechanisms that increase preglomerular resistance, reducing renal blood flow, glomerular pressure, and GFR. A number of observations support this hypothesis. Perfusion of the renal distal tubule at increasing flows causes reduction in glomerular blood flow and GFR.349 Furthermore, as reviewed by Navar and colleagues,193,307 a variety of experimental maneuvers that cause distal tubule fluid flow to decline or cease induce afferent arteriolar vasodilation and interfere with the normal autoregulatory response. In addition, Moore and Casellas350 found that infusion of furosemide into the macula densa segment of juxtamedullary nephrons significantly abrogated the normal constrictor response of afferent arterioles to increased perfusion pressure. A similar observation was made by Takenaka and co-workers.343 These studies suggested that the autoregulatory response in juxtamedullary nephrons was mainly dependent on the TGF mechanism. To examine the mechanisms responsible for autoregulation, investigators have studied spontaneous oscillations in proximal tubule pressure and renal blood flow and the response of the renal circulation to high-frequency oscillations in tubule flow rates or renal perfusion pressure.351 Oscillations in tubule pressure have been observed in anesthetized rats at a rate of about three cycles per minute.352 These spontaneous oscillations do not correlate with changes in blood pressure,352 can be induced by maneuvers that alter NaCl delivery to the macula densa,352 vary from nephron to nephron,353,354 and are eliminated by loop diuretics,355 findings consistent with the hypothesis that they are mediated by the TGF response. To examine this hypothesis, HolsteinRathlou351 induced sinusoidal oscillations in distal tubule flow in rats at a frequency similar to that of the spontaneous fluctuations in tubule pressure. Varying distal delivery at this rate caused parallel fluctuations in stop-flow pressure (an

Autoregulation Mediated by Metabolic Mechanisms The metabolic theory predicts that, given the relative constancy of tissue metabolism, a decrease in organ blood flow leads to local accumulation of a vasodilator metabolite, maintaining blood flow at or near its previous level.360–364 Some investigators believe this mechanism is valid for the kidney as well.362 A strong objection to this theory is related to the unique relationship between renal blood flow and renal metabolism.365 The latter is determined mainly by Na reabsorption (see Chapter 4), which in turn is roughly proportional to GFR (glomerulotubular balance). Because it has been demonstrated in many species that GFR varies in proportion to renal blood flow under physiologic conditions, it follows that renal metabolism should also vary directly with renal blood flow. If it is true that some vasodilator metabolite plays a major role in the autoregulation of renal blood flow, then elevation in the latter would increase the production of the putative vasodilator, leading to further elevation in renal blood flow and rendering autoregulation of this parameter impossible.365 Recent evidence indicates, however, that adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and its metabolites adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and adenosine have important effects on renal vascular smooth muscle and thus may provide a metabolic link to autoregulation.

Role of Purine Nucleotides in Autoregulation and Renal Hemodynamics


Adenosine Triphosphate Navar193 proposed that adenosine triphosphate (ATP) may function as a metabolic regulator tubuloglomerular feedback and autoregulation of renal blood flow. ATP is present in and required for the function of all cells. ATP is released from CH 3 vascular smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells366 as well as from ATP-releasing nerve fibers or “purinergic” nerve fibers.366–368 When ATP is released from the nerves or other types of cells into the extracellular space it activates two types of purinoceptors, the P2X and the P2Y receptors, resulting in vasoconstriction.322,369–372 Activation of P2X purinoceptors by ATP leads to increases in intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) through an initial rapid influx through nonselective ligand-gated cation channels followed by sustained entry through opening of voltage-dependent L-type calcium channels.369,370,373,374 ATP also activates P2Y receptors leading to activation of phospholipase C, formation of 1,4,5trisphosphate, and mobilization of intracellular calcium stores promoting vasoconstriction.369,370,373,375 Superfusion with ATP leads to vasoconstriction of arcuate arteries, interlobular arteries, and the afferent arteriole with effects on the afferent arteriole being stronger and lasting longer than in the other vessels, but ATP does not constrict the efferent arteriole.369,371,372,374,376 ATP promotes a transient vasoconstriction in the arcuate and interlobular arteries followed by a gradual return to control diameter.374 In the afferent arteriole ATP induces a rapid initial vasoconstriction (vessel diameter ∼70% smaller than control) followed by a gradual relaxation to a final diameter still at least 10% smaller than control.374 This suggests that the vasoconstrictor effects of ATP may be more prolonged in the afferent arteriole than in other preglomerular vessels. These results indicate a unique role for ATP in the selective control of preglomerular resistance. Despite the ability of ATP to promote vasoconstriction when applied from the extravascular side of the blood vessel,369,371,372,374,376 intrarenal infusion of ATP leads to renal vasodilatation rather than vasoconstriction.162,319 ATP from the luminal side of the blood vessel activates P2Y purinoceptors on vascular endothelial cells leading to increased synthesis and release of nitric oxide as well as stimulation of the production of prostacyclin resulting in vasodilatation.162,319 The net effect of ATP on renal vascular resistance in vivo may depend on whether the ATP is delivered from the blood side or the interstitial side, and NO and prostacyclin production stimulated by ATP in the endothelium may modulate any direct vasoconstrictive effects of this compound on the renal circulation.369,371,372,374,376 Thus ATP serves as a metabolic regulator of renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate. Majid and co-workers318 found that infusion of ATP in large enough amounts to saturate the P2 purinergic receptors completely blocked autoregulation that was then fully restored adjustments in renal blood flow. Interstitial levels of ATP decrease with reductions in perfusion pressure, which would decrease ATP-induced preglomerular vasoconstriction.377 These results thus suggest that ATP-mediated effects on autoregulation are significant.

The Renal Circulations and Glomerular Ultrafiltration

index of glomerular capillary pressure), probably mediated by alterations in afferent resistance, again consistent with dynamic regulation of glomerular blood flow by the TGF system. To investigate the role of this system in autoregulation, Holstein-Rathlou and colleagues356 examined the effects of sinusoidal variations in arterial pressure at varying frequencies on renal blood flow in rats. Two separate components of autoregulation were identified, one operating at about the same frequency as the spontaneous fluctuations in tubule pressure (the TGF component) and one operating at a much higher frequency consistent with spontaneous fluctuations in vascular smooth muscle tone (the myogenic component). Subsequently, Flemming and co-workers357 reported that renal vascular responses to alterations in renal perfusion pressure varied considerably depending on the dynamics of the change and that rapid and slow changes in perfusion pressure could have opposite effects. They suggested that slow pressure changes elicited a predominant TGF response, whereas rapid changes invoked the myogenic mechanism. Despite these observations, the conclusion that the TGF system plays a central role in autoregulation is complicated by several factors. First, there is the process of glomerulotubular balance, by which proximal tubule reabsorption increases as GFR rises. This mechanism would tend to blunt the effects of alterations in GFR on distal delivery. In addition, the persistence of autoregulatory behavior in nonfiltering kidneys358 and in isolated blood vessels suggests that the delivery of filtrate to the distal tubule is not absolutely required for constancy of blood flow, at least in superficial nephrons. Consistent with this view, Just and colleagues134,359 demonstrated in the conscious dog that although TGF contributes to maximum autoregulatory capacity of renal blood flow, autoregulation is observed even when tubuloglomerular feedback is inhibited by furosemide suggesting an important role for a myogenic mechanism. Finally, it should be noted that the myogenic and TGF mechanisms are not mutually exclusive and Aukland and Hien360 have proposed a model of renal autoregulation that incorporates both systems. Because the myogenic and TGF responses share the same effector site, the afferent arteriole, interactions between these two systems are unavoidable and each response is capable of modulating the other. The prevailing view is that these two mechanisms act in concert to accomplish the same end, a stabilization of renal function when blood pressure is altered.361

Adenosine Diphosphate Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) acts as a vasodilator by activating ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channels resulting in membrane hyperpolarization whereas ATP closes the channel leading to membrane depolarization.378–380 When intracellular ATP levels are decreased and ADP concentrations are increased (such as inhibition of glycolysis) vasodilatation occurs380,381 suggesting that [ADP] and/or the ATP/ADP ratio plays a significant role in regulating renal vascular tone. Exogenous ADP does not affect the renal vasculature380 but alterations in intracellular ADP concentrations may play an

112 important role in modulating renal vascular resistance and glomerular ultrafiltration by its effects on the KATP channel. The vasodilatation induced by ADP is, at least in part, endothelium-dependent.379 These data suggest a potential role for ADP in the metabolic control of renal hemodynamics and autoregulation but further studies are needed. CH 3 Adenosine The metabolism of ATP generates the purinergic agonist adenosine, which binds to the P1 class of purinergic receptors that preferentially bind adenosine over ATP, ADP, or AMP.366,382 Four subtypes of membrane bound G protein-coupled adenosine receptors of the P1 class have been identified; the A1, the A2a, the A2b, and the A3 receptor.366,383,384 Low levels of adenosine (nanomolar concentrations) activate A1 receptors resulting in inhibition of adenylate cyclase activity, mobilization of intracellular Ca2+, and vasoconstriction whereas activation of either type of A2 receptors by higher adenosine levels (micromolar concentrations) stimulates adenylate cyclase activity and promotes vasorelaxation.384–387 Adenosine-induced vasodilation of afferent arterioles occurs via activation of adenosine A2A receptors.387 Intracellular adenosine formation is an important component in the macula densa cells for tubuloglomerular feedback control of glomerular filtration rate (see later) and thus is involved in that component of autoregulation. Delivery of solute to the macula densa cells increases Na+/2Cl−/K+ transport at the luminal cell membrane leading to increased basolateral Na+/K+-ATPase activity and the formation of ADP. Conversion of ADP to AMP by intracellular phosphodiesterase and subsequently to adenosine by intracellular 5′nucleotidase results in adenosine formation with subsequent effects on vascular tone and renin production of the adjacent arterioles as presented in the earlier discussion of tubuloglormerular feedback. An additional pathway leading to adenosine production is the transport of intracellular cAMP to the extracellular compartment leading to the production of adenosine by membrane bound ectophosphodiesterase and ecto-5′-nucleotidase.384,388 This extracellular adenosine may then directly regulate vascular tone through interaction with vascular adenosine receptors and indirectly affect tone by inhibition of renin release from juxtaglomerular cells via activation of A1 receptors,389 the adenosine brake hypothesis, to block production of the vasoconstrictor AII.384,388,390 Intravenous infusion of adenosine results in a transient renal vasoconstriction followed by vasodilatation and an increase in RBF.391,392 The initial vasoconstriction is potentiated and the duration of the contraction prolonged by NO inhibition suggesting that at least a portion of the recovery from adenosine-induced renal vasoconstriction is mediated by increases in NO production392 and indeed adenosine stimulates NO production in vascular endothelial cells.386 Both A1 and A2b adenosine receptors are present in afferent and efferent arterioles and activation of the A1 receptor by low concentrations of adenosine results in vasoconstriction of these vessels whereas activation of the A2b receptors by high concentrations of adenosine results in vasodilatation.112,376,393,394 Selective blockade of the A2a receptors significantly augmented the vasoconstrictor response of the arterioles to adenosine indicating that adenosine-mediated vasoconstriction is modified by vasodilatory influences of adenosine A2a receptor activation.393 A1 adenosine receptors in the afferent arteriole are selectively activated from the interstitial side resulting in vasoconstriction suggesting a paracrine role for adenosine in the control of GFR.391 Vasoconstriction of the afferent and efferent arterioles in response to addition of adenosine to the bathing solution is prevented by adenosine receptor blockade.395 Adenosine concentrations in cortical and medullary interstitial fluid averaged 23 nM and 55 nM, respectively, in animals on

a low (0.15%) sodium diet and increased markedly to 418 nM and 1040 nM in the cortex and medulla, respectively for rats on a high-salt (4%) diet.396 High adenosine levels under conditions of a high-salt diet may contribute to a decrease in macula densa-mediated reductions in renin secretion.397 Intravenous infusion of adenosine in conscious, healthy humans results in a decrease in GFR with only slight (nonsignificant) declines in renal plasma flow398 whereas administration of a selective A1 antagonist produces increases in GFR399 suggesting that under normal circumstances adenosine concentrations are low enough to activate the vasoconstrictor response via A1 receptors but activation of A2A receptors provides counteracting vasodilatation. Glomerular mesangial cells constrict in response to adenosine via A1 receptors.265 Based on the effects of adenosine on the mesangial cell, an adenosine-induced decrease in GFR may be related, in part, to a decrease in the glomerular ultrafiltration coefficient (Kf). Specific adenosine A1 receptor antagonists block tubuloglomerular feedback-mediated reductions in glomerular pressure in response to increases in delivery of fluid out of the proximal tubule suggesting that at least part of the vasoconstrictor effect of adenosine is mediated through the tubuloglomerular feedback loop and thus might affect autoregulation.400 Because of the link between local adenosine concentrations and the divergent hemodynamic responses that can result, adenosine plays an important role in the control of renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate.

Other Factors Involved in Autoregulation Studies have shown that endothelium-dependent factors might play a role in the myogenic response of renal arteries and arterioles to changes in perfusion pressure. For example, in 1992 Hishikawa and co-workers401 reported that increased transmural pressure increased NO release by cultured endothelial cells. In addition, Tojo and co-workers402 used histochemical techniques to demonstrate the presence of NOS in the macula densa, suggesting that NO also participates in the TGF response. More recent studies suggest that NO produced by the macula densa can dampen the TGF response.287 In fact, studies have examined the role of this endothelial factor in the autoregulatory response. In dogs, inhibition of production of endothelium-dependent relaxing factor leads to an increase in blood pressure and a decline in basal renal vascular resistance; however, autoregulatory ability is unimpaired.183 On the other hand, Salom and co-workers403 reported that inhibition of NO production causes a greater decline in renal blood flow in the kidneys of rats perfused at hypertensive compared with normotensive pressure. This suggests that increased NO production might modulate the vasoconstrictor response to an increase in perfusion pressure. Consistent with this view are the data of Imig and co-workers,404 who utilized the isolated perfused juxtamedullary nephron technique to examine the response of the preglomerular circulation to an increase in perfusion pressure in the presence and absence of NOS blockade. They found that pressure-induced contraction of the interlobular artery and afferent arteriole was enhanced when NO production was inhibited. Elevations in transmural pressure also increase endothelin release by cultured endothelial cells and this was not altered by the presence of a calcium channel blocker, nifedipine, or a channel activator, gadolinium.405 These findings suggest that endothelin, via a mechanism other than extracellular Ca2 influx, may play a role in pressure-induced control of renal blood flow. Of note, endothelin production is also stimulated by a rise in sheer stress.229 However, infusions of endothelin produce a prolonged constrictor response that is ill suited to an autoregulatory role,224,225,239 and there is little or no evidence linking this factor to the minute-to-minute control of renal vascular resistance in normal animals.

Other Hormones and Vasoactive Substances Controlling Renal Blood Flow and Glomerular Filtration Prostaglandins

Norepinephrine Systemic infusion of norepinephrine increases arterial blood pressure and induces vasoconstriction of the preglomerular vessels and the efferent arteriole, resulting in a decrease in QA but with unknown effects on Kf.413 PGC and ∆P increase with norepinephrine infusion, however, so that SNGFR is relatively unchanged.413 Like angiotensin II, norepinephrine constricts the arcuate artery, the interlobular arteries, and the afferent and efferent arterioles as well as mesangial cells.130,133,313,411,423,414 Vasoconstriction of the afferent and efferent arterioles occurs via activation of α1 receptors.415 This is partially counterbalanced, however, by activation of cycloxygensase-2 (COX-2) to increase production of the prostaglandins PGE2 and PGF2α.414

Antidiuretic Hormone Antidiuretic hormone (ADH or arginine vasopressin, AVP) at low doses causes renal vasodilatation in the dog416 whereas

Leukotrienes and Lipoxins Leukotrienes are a class of lipid products formed from arachidonic acid following activation of the 5-lipoxygenase enzymes glutathione-S-alkyl-transferase and glutamyl transpeptidase.427 Leukotrienes known to affect glomerular filtration and renal blood flow are leukotrienes C4 (LTC4), leukotriene D4 (LTD4), and leukotriene B4 (LTB4). LTC4 and LTD4 are potent vasoconstrictors428 whereas LTB4 produces moderate renal vasodilatation and an increase in renal blood flow with no change in GFR in the normal rat.429 Intravenous infusion of LTC4 increases renal vascular resistance leading to a fall in renal blood flow and GFR as well as a decrease in plasma volume and cardiac output.430,431 The decline in renal blood flow is partially but not completely reversed by saralasin (AII receptor antagonist) and indomethacin (inhibitor of cyclooxygenase), indicating (1) involvement of angiotensin II and cyclooxygenase products in the response to LTC4 and (2) an additional direct effect of LTC4 on the renal resistance vessels.431 Similarly LTD4 induced a marked decrease in Kf, a rise in renal vascular resistance, particularly in RE, a fall in QA and SNGFR, and a rise in PGC and ∆P during blockade of AII and control of renal perfusion pressure demonstrating a direct effect of this leukotriene on renal hemodynamics.432 Inflammatory injury also activates the 5-, 12-, and 15lipoxygenase pathways in neutorphils and platelets to form acyclic eicosanoids called lipoxins (LX) of which there are two main types, LXA4 and LXB4.433 The lipoxins produce diverse effects on renal hemodynamics. LXB4 and 7-cis-11trans-LXA4 produce renal vasoconstriction.434 By contrast intrarenal infusion of LXA4 induces a marked reduction in preglomerular hydraulic resistance (RA) without affecting RE, thereby resulting in an increase in PGC and ∆P.435 The specific vasodilatation of the preglomerular vessels by LXA4 was blocked by cyclooxygenase inhibition indicating that vasodilatory prostaglandins were responsible for this effect.434,435 Unique to this compound, LXA4 produced vasodilatation while simultaneously causing a reduction in Kf.434 Because PGC, ∆P, and QA were increased, however, SNGFR also increased.435

Platelet-Activating Factor Platelet-activating factor (PAF) (1-O-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero3-phosphorylcholine) is a phospholipid involved in allergic reactions and inflammatory processes.436 In the kidney PAF is both produced and metabolized by glomerular mesangial cells.437 Intrarenal infusion of low dose PAF results in renal

The Renal Circulations and Glomerular Ultrafiltration

Processing of linoleic acid (an essential polyunsaturated fatty acid in the diet) by the liver yields arachidonic acid (AA) that is then stored in membrane phospholipids. Following interaction of a variety of hormones and vasoactive substances with their membrane receptors phospholipase A2 (PLA2) is activated resulting in the release of AA from the cell membranes, allowing the enzymatic action of cyclooxygenase to process arachidonic acid into prostaglandins (PG) PGG2 and subsequently PGH2. PGH2 is then converted into a number of biologically active prostaglandins including PGE2, prostacyclin (PGI2), PGF2α, PGE1, PGD2, and thromboxane (TxA2) (see Chapter 11). PGE1, PGE2, and PGI2 are vasodilator prostaglandins that generally increase renal plasma flow yet produce little or no increase in GFR and SNGFR, in part due to a large decline in Kf.406–408 PGE1 infusion yields little or no increase in SNGFR despite an increase in QA due to a large decline in Kf, with little or no change in ∆P or πA.408 During blockade of endogenous prostaglandin production infusion of PGE2 or PGI2 induce large declines in SNGFR and QA accompanied by an increase in renal vascular resistance (particularly RE), increases in PGC and ∆P, and a decline in Kf.409 Additional blockade of AII recep- tors during cyclooxygenase inhibition yielded marked vasodilatation in response to PGE2 or PGI2 resulting in a return of SNGFR and QA equal to or greater than control values, a fall in PGC below control values, and a return of Kf to normal.409 Thus, the renal vasoconstriction induced by exogenous PGE2 or PGI2 appears to be mediated by induction of renin and AII production. Vasodilatation at the whole kidney level resulting from PGI2 infusion during cyclooxygenase and AII inhibition has not always been observed.410 Topical application (but not luminal) of PGE2 to the afferent arteriole increased the vasoconstrictive effect of AII and norepinephrine whereas PGI2 only attenuated norepinephrine-induced vasoconstriction.411 PGE2 also constricted interlobular arteries but neither prostaglandin produced vasodilatation of vessels preconstricted by AII.411 Indomethacin alone induced vasoconstriction of all pre- and postglomerular resistance vessels of superficial and juxtamedullary nephrons suggesting that vasodilatory prostaglandins normally modulate endogenous vasoconstrictors.412 The combination of cyclooxygenase inhibition with an ACE inhibitor caused vasodilatation of pre- but not postglomerular vessels of the cortical nephrons due to the effects of continued NO production on preglomerular vessels.412 These data taken together indicate that there could indeed be differences in the response to vasoactive prostaglandins between superficial and deep nephrons.

acute intravenous infusion of AVP in Munich-Wistar rats 113 undergoing a chronic water diuresis does not change SNGFR or QA but markedly decreases Kf.417 SNGFR was maintained despite the fall in Kf because of a decline in proximal tubule hydraulic pressure that resulted in a rise in ∆P. By contrast chronic administration of AVP or the V2 agonist dDAVP causes a large increase in GFR in the conscious rat in direct CH 3 relationship with increases in urine osmolality suggesting possible renal vasodilatation, but glomerular dynamics were not studied in this model.418–420 AVP-induced renal vasodilatation appears to be mediated by increased nitric oxide production421,422 and vasodilatory prostaglandins and a vasoconstrictor effect is unmasked when prostaglandin production is blocked.423 Arginine vasopressin has been shown to constrict afferent and efferent arterioles and mesangial cells by activating V1 subtype vasopressin receptors.424–426 However, when afferent arterioles were pretreated with a V1 receptor antagonist and constricted with norepinephrine, AVP caused vasodilatation, an effect blocked by a V2 receptor antagonist.426 This suggests that AVP causes vasoconstriction through interaction with V1 receptors and causes vasodilatation through interaction with V2 receptors and both are present on the same vessel.426

114 vasodilatation and an increase in renal blood flow mediated through enhanced nitric oxide production.169,438 Higher intrarenal doses of PAF, by contrast, result in AII-independent renal vasoconstriction and a decrease in Kf resulting in declines in both SNGFR and QA.437,439,440 These effects were blocked by inhibition of cyclooxygenase suggesting that PAF CH 3 stimulates production of vasoconstrictor cyclooxygenase products such as thromboxane A2. Indeed concomitant administration of a thromboxane A2 receptor antagonist resulted in a PAF-induced increase in renal plasma flow and GFR.439 PAF in picomolar concentrations causes vasodilatation of afferent arteriole through stimulation of NO production whereas nanomolar doses result in vasoconstriction.440 PAF in nanomolar concentrations also constricts the efferent arteriole, an effect that is attenuated by pretreatment with indomethecin.441 Possibly related to the PAF-induced decrease in Kf, PAF constricts mesangial cells, probably through increased production of thromboxane A2.439 Endothelin increases PAF production by isolated glomeruli and blockade of PAF receptor binding prevents endothelin-induced renal vasoconstriction as well as endothelin-induced contraction of isolated glomeruli and mesangial cells, suggesting that PAF may be a mediator of the effects of endothelin.442

Acetylcholine Acetylcholine is a potent vasodilator that increases renal blood flow without changing SNGFR.403,408,443 The interlobular arteries and afferent and efferent arterioles vasodilate in response to acetylcholine and the effects can be prevented by muscarinic receptor antagonists.120,408,443 As a consequence of the decrease in renal vascular resistance QA increased in response to acetylcholine in the rat as did ∆P (RA decreased more than RE so that PGC and ∆P increased), yet SNGFR remained unchanged because of a marked decline in Kf.408 Acetylcholine-induced renal and systemic vasodilatation is mediated in part through the stimulation of NO

production,150,172,191,313,403,444–446 enhanced production of vasodilatory prostaglandins,166,403,447 and production of a putative endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF) that hyperpolarizes adjacent vascular smooth muscle.447–453 Figure 3–20 summarizes the mechanisms by which a number of vasodilators including acetylcholine and bradykinin might lead to vasodilatation. Acetylcholine acts on muscarinic receptors of the endothelium to increase endothelial intracellular [Ca2+]i leading to opening of Ca2+-activated K+ channels and endothelial membrane hyperpolarization.453 By way of myoendothelial gap junctions hyperpolarization of adjacent smooth muscle cells results in closure of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, a decrease in [Ca2+]i, and vasodilatation.452,453 The increase in endothelial [Ca2+]i following stimulation of the muscarinic receptors also triggers the production of nitric oxide and prostanoids in the endothelium, which hyperpolarize the underlying smooth muscle by activation of ATPsensitive K+ channels.451 Thus acetylcholine can stimulate three endothelium-dependent vasodilatation pathways, the production of vasodilatory prostaglandins, the production of nitric oxide, and the production of EDHF.454

Bradykinin Bradykinin is a potent vasodilator that produces large increases in renal blood flow due to dilation of both the preglomerular blood vessels and the efferent arteriole mediated through the bradykinin B2 receptor.408,455–457 Although in the rat bradykinin had no significant effects on ∆P, the increase in QA that might be expected to increase SNGFR failed to do so because Kf fell to levels half of those seen in normal rats.408 Figure 3–20 summarizes potential mechanisms of bradykinininduced vasodilatation. Bradykinin stimulates inositol (1,4,5)trisphosphate production and increased cytosolic free [Ca2+] in cultured mesangial cells, glomerular epithelial cells, and vascular endothelial cells.314,412,458,459 Subsequent activation

FIGURE 3–20 Potential mechanisms involved in endothelium-dependent vasodilatation in response to agonists such as acetylcholine, bradykinin, or ATP. Coupling of agonists to G-protein coupled receptors activates the beta isoform of protein kinase C (PKC-β) leading to the production of inositol 3,4,5, trisphosphate (IP3) with subsequent rapid release of intracellular calcium stores followed by increased calcium influx through store-operated calcium channels (SOC). Increased [Ca2+]i opens intermediate or small Ca2+-activated K+ channels (IKCa and/or sKCa, respectively) leading to endothelial cell membrane hyperpolarization. The hyperpolarization may activate K+IR channels, contributing to the hyperpolarization. Endothleial shear stress may also active these channels. Coupling of endothelial cell hyperpolarization to adjacent vascular smooth muscle cells through gap junctions may then close voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCC) leading to a fall in smooth muscle intracellular calcium concentration and vasodilatation. Agonist-induced increases in endothelial cell [Ca2+]i also increases production of NO and cyclooxygenase and epoxygenase-derived vasodilator compounds, which when combined with hyperpolarization, yields smooth muscle vasodilatation. (Figure reproduced by permission from Jackson WF: Silent inward rectifier K+ channels in hypercholesterolemia. Circ Res 98:982–984, 2006.)

Glucocorticoids Chronic administration of glucocorticoid hormones increases glomerular filtration rate as a direct consequence of an increase in plasma flow since Kf, πA, and ∆P are unaffected.466,467 For cortisol renal vasodilatation involves stimulation of NO production.467 Volume retention, tubuloglomerular feedback, and alterations in eicosanoid production do not appear to be involved in the renal response to glucocorticoids.466

Insulin Insulin, necessary for tissue glucose metabolism, is also a vasoactive hormone important in the regulation of blood pressure and glomerular filtration rate.468 Insulin is a vasodilator in the systemic and renal vasculature, acting in part through a stimulation of nitric oxide formation.469–472 Vasodilatation in response to insulin can still take place during inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis, however and this effect is mediated in part through increased production of the metabolite adenosine.473 In normal rats acute insulin infusion (during euglycoemic clamp) decreases preglomerular and efferent arteriolar resistance resulting in increases in QA, SNGFR, and ∆P.474 Early insulin-dependent diabetes is characterized by high rates of renal blood flow and glomerular filtration due, in part, to elevations in atrial natriuretic peptide and vasodilatory prostaglandins.474,475 Insulin administration in diabetic animals produces preglomerular vasoconstriction rather than the vasodilatation seen in normal animals resulting in decreases in QA, PGC and ∆P, and SNGFR.474 The increase in preglomerular resistance observed following insulin infusion in the diabetic animal could be related to a stimulation of vasoconstrictor prostaglandin (thromboxane A2) and endothelin production that might obviate any vasodilatory effects of insulin.206,474

Insulin-Like Growth Factor Insulin-like growth factor (IGF) is produced as two peptides hormones, IGF-I and IGF-II, which upon secretion, are >99% bound to IGF-binding proteins that regulate the bioavailability of IGFs.476 IGF-1 is produced in several portions of the nephron including mesangial cells that also contain IGF-1 receptors.476,477 High dietary protein intake (which increases GFR) increases IGF-1 production and increases the bioavail-

ability of the peptide, whereas decreased protein intake or 115 fasting decrease IGF-1 production and increase binding protein levels.476 The response to acute IGF-1 administration is vasodilatation of preglomerular blood vessels and the efferent arteriole leading to increases in GFR and RPF.478–483 Administration of IGF-1 to either non-starved (12h food restriction) or in rats with short-term starvation (60–72 h food CH 3 restriction), which would have low levels of circulating IGF1, resulted in increases in SNGFR and QA.478 The increase in SNGFR was a consequence of the large increases in QA and a near doubling of Kf because PGC and ∆P were unaffected by IGF-1.478 Increases in vasodilatory prostaglandins and nitric oxide production combined with stimulation of the renal kalikrein/kinin system are largely responsible for the renal vasodilatation induced by IGF-1.479,481,484 Inhibition of the effects of AII by IGF-1149 may be responsible for the increase in Kf observed with IGF-I infusions.478

Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide (CGRP) Calcitonin-gene related peptide (CGRP) is a 37-amino acid peptide that is an important cardiovascular vasodilator that also causes renal vasodilatation yielding an increase in renal blood flow and GFR while decreasing systemic blood pressure.485 Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and two other peptides, long-acting natriuretic peptide and vessel dilator, all increase circulating CGRP threefold to fourfold with the effects of ANP on CGRP being of shorter duration than with the other two peptides.486 Immunohistochemical staining of CGRP-containing nerves and nerve terminals are observed in the main renal artery, arcuate arteries, interlobular arteries, afferent arterioles including the juxtaglomerular apparatus, and the veins, with some staining of the efferent arterioles.487 CGRP by itself does not affect the diameter of isolated afferent or efferent arterioles,488 but CGRP produced a dose-dependent inhibition of myogenic reactivity in the afferent arteriole and vasodilatation of both afferent and efferent arterioles preconstricted by AII.488–490 CGRP can also induce vasodilatation in norepinephrine-contracted afferent, but not efferent, arterioles.488,489 CGRP reverses renal vasoconstriction and the accompanying reduction in GFR in the kidney induced by endothelin485 as well as norepinephrine-induced constriction in the isolated perfused kidney.491 Calcitonin, by contrast, had no vasodilatory effects on either the afferent or efferent arteriole.489 The renal vasodilatory effects of CGRP are mediated at least in part through stimulation of the production of NO.171–173,485,492 CGRP also increases the production of cAMP in isolated glomeruli489 as well as in the whole kidney493 suggesting a role for cAMP in the vasodilatation produced by CGRP. Pretreatment with indomethacin does not block the renal vasodilatation and increase in GFR observed with CGRP administration indicating that prostaglandins are not involved in the response to CGRP.485

Relaxin Relaxin, an ovarian hormone secreted by the corpus luteum in pregnancy, appears to be involved in the endothelin-nitric oxide-cGMP pathway responsible for the renal vasodilatation seen in the first two trimesters.494–496 Relaxin is a potent vasodilator and chronic administration of relaxin to virgin females increases in GFR and RPF and produces a decrease in plasma osmolality and hematocrit suggesting plasma volume expansion494,496 similar to that seen in pregnancy.497 Relaxin antibodies block the gestational elevation of GFR and RPF and prevent the reduction in myogenic activity of small renal arteries.498 In addition chronic administration of relaxin to either overiectomized rats or to male rats results in an increase in GFR and RPF indicating that estrogen and progesterone are not necessary for the vasodilatory effects of relaxin.494,496 Acute blockade of NO production completely reverses chronic

The Renal Circulations and Glomerular Ultrafiltration

of Ca2+-dependent potassium channels and activation of chloride channels leads to membrane depolarization and relaxation.166,460–462 Low concentrations of bradykinin induce vasodilatation of isolated afferent and efferent arterioles in the rat120 mediated via bradykinin B2 receptors.412 In the rabbit low concentrations of bradykinin (10–12 mol/L to 10–10 mol/L) dilate the afferent arteriole via B2 receptor activation while high concentrations (10−9 mol/L to 10−8 mol/L) result in vasoconstriction.456 By contrast, high concentrations of bradykinin cause vasodilatation of the efferent arteriole in that species.456 Vasoconstriction of the afferent arteriole to high concentrations of bradykinin appears to be mediated through vasoconstrictor prostanoids.463 Bradykinin-induced vasodilatation of the afferent arteriole is mediated by cyclooxygenase vasodilator products including PGE2 and epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs) via increased epoxygenase activity.464 When the efferent arteriole is perfused in a retrograde fashion with bradykinin the response, acting through B2 receptors, is a dose-dependent vasodilatation that is independent of either NO or cyclooxygenase metabolites.463 Instead the vasodilator effects in that segment under such conditions are mediated by cytochrome P450 metabolites, probably EETs.463 In the absence of cyclooxygenase inhibitors bradykinin infused orthograde through the afferent arteriole induces the glomerular release of a vasoconstrictor (20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid, 20-HETE) that blunts the vasodilator effects of bradykinininduced release of EETs from the efferent arteriole and glomerulus.465

116 relaxin-induced hyperfiltration and hyperperfusion indicating that relaxin stimulates NO production.496 The vasodilatory effects of chronic relaxin administration are completely reversed by a specific ETB receptor antagonist or a NOS inhibitor.494,498 Pressure-induced myogenic reactivity is reduced in small renal and mesenteric arteries isolated from midCH 3 gestational rats leading to a greater increase in diameter in response to a greater increase in pressure than normal.499 Myogenic reactivity of these vessels was restored to levels seen in vessels obtained from virgin rats when the vessels from the pregnant animals were incubated with NOS inhibitors, a selective ETB receptor antagonist, or had the endothelium removed.499 Thus plasma volume expansion and the renal vasodilatation and glomerular hyperfiltration observed in pregnancy appear to be largely mediated through the release of relaxin leading to activation of ETB receptors, increased NO production, and increased GFR and RPF.

Natriuretic Peptides Increased left atrial pressure such as that induced by blood volume expansion leads to natriuresis and diuresis500,501 caused by release of an atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP).502 ANP is synthesized as part of a larger (151 amino acid) preprohormone (preproANP) and is stored in the atria as a high molecular weight 126 amino acid precursor, proANP.503 Upon release from the atria proANP is cleaved yielding two polypeptides including the 28 amino acid active form of the peptide, ANP.503 Other ANP-like natriuretic compounds include brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) and two ANP-like natriuretic peptides produced by the kidney, one a natriuretic peptide containing 32 amino acids known as urodilatin (URO)460,504,505 and a C-type natriuretic peptide (C-ANP).506,507 Receptors for ANP have been identified in the glomerulus,508 the arcuate and interlobular arteries, and the afferent and efferent arterioles.509 ANP A-Type receptors mediate the vascular response to ANP in the afferent and efferent arterioles but ANP binds to both ANP Type-A and ANP Type-C receptors.509 The biological effects of URO are mediated by cGMP following interaction with an ANP A-type receptor whereas C-ANP binds to both C-ANP type and B-ANP type receptors but only exerts its effects through the ANP B-Type receptor located primarily in the glomerulus, the afferent arteriole, and distal portions of the nephron.149,506,507,509,510 The C-ANP dilates afferent arterioles via a prostaglandin/nitric oxide pathway. A third type of ANP receptor, the ANP C-type receptor, serves to clear natriuretic peptides with no vasoactive effects.509 ANP stimulates secretion of URO resulting in large increases in circulating URO.511 Glomerular ANP receptor density is down-regulated in rats on a high-salt diet and upregulated in rats on a low-salt diet.508,512 ANP stimulates NO production and increases guanylate cyclase activity and cyclic GMP production in the kidney.446 Acute and chronic blood volume expansion and increased atrial pressure increase plasma levels of ANP and BNP.513–516 Systemic blood pressure decreases and GFR, filtration fraction, and salt and water excretion increase in response to exogenous ANP.98,513,516,517 Studies in the hydronephrotic kidney preparation demonstrated increased glomerular blood flow in a dose-dependent manner in response to both ANP and urodilantin.412 In the euvolemic rat, pretreatment with an ANP receptor antagonist resulted in a significantly lower GFR during subsequent ANP infusion than was observed in control rats receiving vehicle prior to the ANP infusion,475,518 again suggesting a role for ANP in the control of GFR in the normal rat. Renal hemodynamics are not altered by ANP antibody administration or ANP receptor antagonists in rats with myocardial infarction or congestive heart failure.516,519 ANP receptor antagonists decreased GFR in DOCA-salt hypertension, a model associated with elevated ANP and BNP levels.515 Infusion of ANP antibodies into diabetic animals that already had

elevated baseline values of GFR and RPF reduced GFR toward normal animal levels, indicating that high endogenous ANP contributes to hyperfiltration in early diabetes.475,514 The effect of natriuretic peptide inhibition on GFR and RPF is greatest under conditions of high levels of endogenous natriuretic peptides such as chronic high sodium intake.520 Elevated prostacyclin and PGE2 production also contribute to the hyperfiltration seen in diabetes.514,521 Atrial natriuretic peptide increases SNGFR without altering QA in the rat resulting in an increase in filtration fraction.98 Unique among vasoactive agents, ANP induces preglomerular vasodilatation (arcuate arteries, interlobular arteries, and afferent aterioles) but efferent arteriolar vasoconstriction.98,412,506,509 As a consequence PGC and ∆P increased with little effect on Kf indicating that the increase in SNGFR was almost entirely the consequence of the increase in ∆P.98 The preglomerular vasodilatation and efferent arteriolar constriction occurred even when AII receptors were blocked or renal perfusion pressure was controlled.98 Similar to the effects of ANP, urodilatin also produces dosedependent vasodilatation of the arcuate and interlobular arteries and afferent arteriole, vasoconstriction of the efferent arteriole, and a net increase in glomerular blood flow in both cortical and juxtamedullary nephrons.412 Low-dose URO inhibits the renin-angiotensin system whereas high concentrations of URO activate it leading to variable effects on RPF and GFR depending on the dose used.412,518,522,523 Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition (ACEI) combined ACEI and cyclooxygenase inhibition (CYOI), and endothelin receptor blockade reduced the URO-induced vasodilatation of the preglomerular vessels.412 URO-induced vasoconstriction of the efferent arteriole is exaggerated by NO blockade and was completely blocked by combined AII and cyclooxygenase inhibition, by bradykinin receptor blockade, and by endothelin blockade.412 C-ANP induces dose-dependent vasodilatation of both the preglomerular and postglomerular vessels and a large increase in renal blood flow.509

Parathyroid Hormone Parathyroid hormone (PTH) has renal hemodynamic effects in addition to regulating calcium and phosphate transport in the kidney. Intrarenal infusion of PTH (1–34) produces a dose-dependent increase in RBF when given at low enough doses to prevent a fall in blood pressure.524 Low-dose PTH administered intravenously to thyroparathyroidectomized (TPTX) animals or high-dose PTH to normal animals causes a marked reduction in Kf.525 PTH in the rat caused a decline in SNGFR without affecting QA, PGC, or ∆P owing to the reduction in Kf.525 In the dog SNGFR did not decrease despite the decline in Kf because of a small increase in ∆P.526 Intravenous administration of PTH in some studies increases renal blood flow in the intact animal.527 Trizna and Edwards observed relaxation of isolated norepinephrine-contracted afferent and efferent arterioles in response to PTH that was completely blocked by a specific PTH antagonist.528 These data indicate that PTH is a vasodilator, but in vivo administration of PTH can secondarily lead to the release of counteracting vasoconstrictor substances. Parathyroid hormone increases cAMP production in glomeruli, vascular endothelial cells, mesangial cells, and proximal tubules.528–531 If prostaglandin synthesis is inhibited, subsequent administration of PTH results in reductions in both SNGFR and QA and a decrease in Kf.409 When prostaglandin synthesis inhibition and AII receptor blockade are combined, the effects of PTH on glomerular hemodynamics are completely abolished and Kf returns to normal.409 PTH also stimulates NO and cGMP production.531 Thus the effects of PTH appear to be mediated through stimulation of cAMP production leading to enhanced renin/AII production532 and a reduction in Kf. The hemodynamic effects of AII, in turn,

are modulated by enhanced production of nitric oxide and vasodilatory prostaglandins.

Parathyroid Hormone-Related Protein (PTHrP)

Adrenomedullin Adrenomedullin (ADM) is a 52 amino acid peptide that was isolated from human pheochromocytoma in the adrenal medulla that induces hypotension.539 Messenger RNA for ADM is found in a number of organs including the kidney.540,541 ADM induces arterial vasodilatation via interaction with CGRP1 receptors542 and both ADM and CGRP stimulate cAMP formation in glomeruli and glomerular mesangial cells, but ADM is more potent.543,544 Intrarenal administration of ADM increases renal blood flow and GFR whereas intravenous infusion decreases RBF in the absence of changes in GFR.543,545–547 The increase in RBF induced by ADM occurs even in the presence of a CGRP antagonist and both the renal artery and outer cortical glomeruli have high affinity ADM binding sites specific to ADM and have a very low or no affinity for CGRP.543,547 ADM inhibits PDGF-induced ET-1 production in mesangial cells suggesting that its vasodilatory capability is mediated, in part, through reduced vasoconstrictor production.544 This peptide may therefore play a role, indirectly or directly, in the control of glomerular filtration rate and renal blood flow.

Neural Regulation of Glomerular Filtration Rate The renal vasculature including the afferent arteriole and the efferent arteriole, the macula densa cells of the distal tubule, and the glomerular mesangium are richly innervated.18,548 Innervation includes renal efferent sympathetic adrenergic nerves548,549 and renal afferent sensory fibers containing

The Renal Circulations and Glomerular Ultrafiltration

PTH-related protein (PTHrP) has an amino acid sequence at the N-terminus that is similar to PTH and binds to and acts through a common PTH/PTHrP receptor.533 PTHrP is found in the media of smooth muscle cells and in endothelial cells of all renal microvessels including the afferent and efferent arterioles, the interlobular and arcuate arteries, and the macula densa as well as in the visceral and parietal cells of the glomerulus and the tubules.534 Intrarenal infusion of PTHrP in the rat at low doses increased RBF and GFR in the absence of changes in heart rate or mean arterial pressure similar to effects seen with PTH.524,535 Both PTH and PTHrP cause renal vasodilatation in the isolated kidney ruling out a role for the renal nerves or stimulation of other extrarenal hormones in producing the effects.536 Preglomerular vessels vasodilate in response to either PTH or PTHrP in almost an identical fashion535 and both PTH and PTHrP stimulate renin release.531 This may account for the failure of the efferent arteriole in the intact animal to vasodilate in response to PTH or PTHrP in the absence of angtiotensin II inhibition535 because that segment is more sensitive to AII. In accord with that hypothesis isolated perfused afferent and efferent arterioles both vasodilate in response to PTHrP as well as PTH.528 PTHrP as well as PTH stimulates adenylate cyclase activity and cAMP formation in isolated glomeruli, vascular endothelial cells, and cultured mesangial cells as well as in the isolated kidney.529–531 Both PTH and PTHrP stimulate activation of endothelial-derived NO production via PTH/PTHrP receptors and mediated by the calcium/calmodulin pathway,530 and inhibition of NOS markedly reduces PTHrP-induced vasorelaxation.534,537 PTHrP also inhibits endothelin-1 production in cultured endothelial cells, possibly mediated through increased NO and cGMP production.537,538 Thus PTHrP may play an important role in the local regulation of renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate.

peptides such as calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and 117 substance P.18,548 Acetylcholine is a potent vasodilator of the renal vasculature (discussed previously), suggesting a role for this neurotransmitter in the control of the renal circulation. Sympathetic efferent nerves are found in all segments of the vascular tree from the main renal artery to the afferent arteriole (including the renin-containing juxtaglomerular cells) CH 3 and the efferent arteriole548,549 and play an important role in the regulation of renal hemodynamics, sodium transport, and renin secretion.550 Afferent nerves containing CGRP and substance P are localized primarily in the main renal artery and interlobar arteries, with some innervation also observed in the arcuate artery, the interlobular artery, and the afferent arteriole including the juxtaglomerular apparatus.548,549 Peptidergic nerve fibers immunoreactive for neuropeptide Y (NPY), neurotensin, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, and somatostatin are also found in the kidney.551 Neuronal nitric oxide synthase-immunoreactive neurons have now been identified in the kidney.548,552 The NOS-containing neuronal somata are seen in the wall of the renal pelvis, at the renal hilus close to the renal artery, along the interlobar arteries, the arcuate arteries, and extending to the afferent arteriole suggesting they have a role in the control of renal blood flow.548,552 They were also present in nerve bundles having vasomotor and sensory fibers suggesting they might modulate renal neural function.548,552 In micropuncture studies of the effects of renal nerve stimulation (RNS), RNS alone increased RA and RE resulting in a fall in QA and SNGFR without any effect on Kf.553 When prostaglandin production was inhibited by indomethacin, however, the same level of RNS produced even greater increases in RA and RE accompanied by very large declines in QA and SNGFR and decreases in Kf, PGC, and ∆P.553 When saralasin was administered as a competitive inhibitor of endogenous AII in conjunction with indomethacin, RNS had no effect on Kf, but both RA and RE were still increased, and ∆P was slightly reduced.553 The release of norepinephrine by RNS enhances AII production to yield arteriolar vasoconstriction and reduction in Kf. The increase in AII production may then enhance vasodilator prostaglandin production,553,554 which partially ameliorates the constriction. Continued vasoconstriction by RNS during blockade of endogenous prostaglandins and AII suggests that norepinephrine has separate vasoconstrictive properties by itself. In agreement with this suggestion are the findings that norepinephrine causes constriction of preglomerular vessels.137 Inhibition of nitric oxide synthase results in a decline in SNGFR in normal rats but not in rats with surgical renal denervation suggesting that nitric oxide normally modulates the effects of renal adrenergic activity.555 This modulation does not appear, however, to be related to sympathetic modulation of renin secretion.556 Renal denervation in animals undergoing acute water deprivation (48 h duration) or with congestive heart failure produces increases in SNGFR, QA, and Kf.557 This suggests that the natural activity of the renal nerves in these settings plays an important role in the constriction of the arterioles and reduction in Kf that were observed.557 The vasoconstrictive effects of the renal nerves in both settings were mediated in part by a stimulatory effect on AII release, together with a direct vasoconstrictive effect on the preglomerular and postglomerular blood vessels.557 These studies demonstrate the important role of the renal nerves in pathophysiological settings.

DETERMINANTS OF GLOMERULAR ULTRAFILTRATION The filtration of a nearly protein-free fluid from the glomerular capillaries into Bowman space represents the first step in

118 the process of urine formation. Electrolytes, amino acids, glucose, and other endogenous or exogenous compounds with molecular radii smaller than 20 Å are freely filtered while molecules larger than ∼50 Å are virtually excluded from filtration.551,558–562 This process of ultrafiltration of fluid is governed by the net balance between the transcapillary CH 3 hydraulic pressure gradient (∆P), the transcapillary colloid osmotic pressure gradient (∆π), and the hydraulic permeability of the filtration barrier (k), which determine the rate of fluid movement (Jv) across any given point of a capillary wall based on the expression: J V = k ( ∆P − ∆π ) = k [(PGC − PT ) − ( π GC − π T )]


where PGC and PT are the hydraulic pressures in the glomerular capillaries and Bowman space, respectively, and πGC and πT are the corresponding colloid osmotic pressures. The protein concentration of the fluid in Bowman space is essentially zero and thus πT is also zero. Total glomerular filtration rate for a single nephron (SNGFR) is equal to the product of the surface area for filtration (S) and average values along the length of the glomerular capillaries of the right-hand terms in Equation 1, yielding the expression: SNGFR = kS × ( ∆P − ∆π ) = K f PUF


Kf, the glomerular ultrafiltration coefficient, is the product of S and k while PUF, the mean net ultrafiltration pressure, is the difference between the mean transcapillary and colloid osmotic pressure differences, ∆P and ∆π, respectively. The barrier for ultrafiltration consists of the glomerular capillary endothelium with its fenestrations, the glomerular basement membrane, the filtration slits between glomerular epithelial cell foot processes, and ultimately the filtration slit diaphragm within the filtration slits. Mathematical modeling based on known ultrastructural detail and the hydrodynamic properties of the individual components of the filtration barrier

suggests that only ∼2% of the total hydraulic resistance is accounted for by the fenestrated capillary endothelium whereas the basement membrane accounts for nearly 50%.563–565 The filtration slits between the glomerular epithelial foot processes account for the remaining hydraulic resistance with the majority of that resistance residing in the filtration slit diaphragm.563,564 A reduction in the frequency of the filtration slits is an important factor in controlling filtration in some disease states.564,566

Hydraulic Pressures in the Glomerular Capillaries and Bowman Space The first direct measurements of PGC in the Munich-Wistar rat were obtained 36 years ago by Brenner and co-workers560 who found that PGC* averaged 46 mm Hg. Many studies subsequently confirmed the original observations demonstrating that values for PGC average 43 mm Hg to 49 mm Hg (Fig. 3–21) with similar values found in the squirrel monkey.567 Because PGC is nearly constant along the length of the capillary bed the transcapillary hydraulic pressure difference averages 34 mm Hg in the hydropenic Munich-Wistar rat (see Fig. 3–21). Coupling these hydraulic pressure measurements with direct determinations of efferent arteriolar protein concentrations of superficial nephrons568 permits direct determination of all of hydraulic and oncotic pressures that govern glomerular ultrafiltration at the beginning and end of the capillary network. The early direct measurements of PGC were obtained in the hydropenic rats that exhibit a surgically induced reduction in plasma volume and glomerular filtration rate.569 As shown in Figure 3–21, following restoration of plasma volume to the *PGC represents the average value for the mean pulsatile glomerular capillary hydraulic pressure as measured along the whole glomerulus.551





QA 100 (nL/min)

40 SNGFR (nL/min) SNFF = 0.36 0.30 .01 .01


D 0

CA = 5.3 CA = .1

5.7g/dL .1

0 8 6 Kf 4 (nL/min·mm Hg)



2 0

Hydraulic pressure 40 (mm Hg)



RE 20 Hydropenia Euvolemia

Hydropenia Euvolemia


Preglomerular (RA) and 2 efferent arteriolar (RE) resistance 10 –5 0 (10 dyn·s/cm )

FIGURE 3–21 Glomerular ultrafiltration in the MunichWistar rat. Each point represents the mean value reported for studies in hydropenic and euvolemic rats provided food and water ad libitum until the time of study. Only studies using male or a mix of male and female rats are shown. Values of the ultrafiltration coefficient, Kf, shown by filled circles in panel D denote minimum values because the animals were in filtration pressure equilibrium. Open circles represent unique values of Kf calculated under conditions of filtration pressure disequilibrium πE/ ∆P ≤ 0.95). (See Refs 18 and 551 for data sources.)

Determination of the Ultrafiltration Coefficient Single nephron glomerular filtration rates equals the ultrafiltration coefficient (Kf) times the net driving force for ultrafiltration averaged over the length of the glomerular capillaries (PUF) (Equation 2). Under conditions of filtration pressure equilibrium determination of a unique value of PUF is not possible because an exact ∆π profile cannot be defined but if a linear rise in ∆π between the afferent and efferent ends of the glomerular capillaries is assumed a maximum value for PUF can be determined (curve C, dashed line in Fig. 3–22). Using this maximum value for PUF and measured values of SNGFR, a minimum estimate of Kf can be obtained. This minimum estimate of Kf in the hydropenic Munich-Wistar rat averages 3.5 ± 0.2 nl/(min·mm Hg) (Fig. 3–21, panel D). In the euvolemic Munich-Wistar rat Kf increases with age with little differences noted between sexes when body mass is taken into account (Fig. 3–23). Under conditions of filtration pressure equilibrium changes in glomerular plasma flow rate (QA) (in the absence of significant changes in πA or ∆P) are predicted to result in proportional changes in SNGFR.570 This occurs because in the absence of changes in any other determinants of SNGFR an increase in QA slows the rate of increase of plasma protein concentration and therefore ∆π along the glomerular capillary network. This shifts the point at which filtration equilibrium is achieved toward the efferent end of the glomerular capillary network, effectively increasing the total capillary surface area exposed to a positive net ultrafiltration pressure and increases the magnitude of the local PUF at any point along

Glomerular Capillary Hydraulic and Colloid Osmotic Pressure Profiles Figure 3–22 depicts the glomerular capillary hydraulic and oncotic pressure profiles for hydropenic and euvolemic Munich-Wistar rats using the mean values determined from the studies shown in Figure 3–21. Plasma oncotic pressure at the efferent end of the glomerular capillary (πE) rises to a value that, on average, equals ∆P yielding a reduction in net local ultrafiltration pressure, PUF, [PGC − (PT + πGC)] from approximately 17 mm Hg at the afferent end of the glomerular capillary network to essentially zero by the efferent end in hydropenic animals. The equality between πE and ∆P is referred to as filtration pressure equilibrium. As seen in Figure 3–21, panel D, filtration pressure equilibrium (πE/ ∆P ≅ 1.00) is almost always observed in the hydropenic Munich-Wistar but is present in only ∼40% of the studies in the euvolemic Munich-Wistar rat, suggesting that the normal condition in the glomerulus of the conscious animal is poised on the verge of disequilibrium. PUF declines between the afferent end and efferent ends of the glomerular capillary network in the hydropenic animal primarily due to the rise in πGC because ∆P remains nearly constant along the glomerular capillaries (see Fig. 3–22). The decline in PUF depicted by Curve A in Figure 3–22 shows that

GLOMERULAR PRESSURES IN THE MUNICH-WISTAR RAT Hydropenia Afferent end 46 12 17 17 mm Hg


Pressure (mm Hg)

FIGURE 3–22 Hydraulic and colloid osmotic pressure profiles along idealized glomerular capillaries in hydropenic and euvolemic rats. Values shown are mean values derived from the studies shown in Figure 3–21. ∆P = PGC − PT and ∆π = πGC − πT, where PGC and PT are the hydraulic pressures in the glomerular capillary and Bowman space, respectively, and πGC and πT are the corresponding colloid osmotic pressures. Because the value of πT is negligible, ∆π essentially equals πGC. PUF is the ultrafiltration pressure at any point. The area between the ∆P and ∆π curves represents the net ultrafiltration pressure, PUF. Curves A and B in the left panel represent two of the many possible profiles under conditions of filtration pressure equilibrium whereas Line D represents disequilibrium. Line C represents the hypothetical linear ∆π profile.



Efferent end 46 12 34 0 mm Hg

SNGFR = 27 nL/min QA = 76 nL/min


Afferent end PGC PT GC PUF 50

Efferent end

50 14 19 17 mm Hg

50 14 33 3 mm Hg

SNGFR = 45 nL/min QA = 155 nL/min

40 P











10 0

10 1 0 Fractional distance along idealized glomerular capillary


The Renal Circulations and Glomerular Ultrafiltration

this decline in PUF (the difference between ∆P and ∆π curves) 119 is nonlinear. This is because (1) filtration is more rapid at the afferent end where PUF is greatest, and (2) the relationship between plasma protein concentration and colloid osmotic pressure is nonlinear (see refs 18, 551). The exact profile of ∆π along the capillary network cannot be determined under conditions of filtration pressure disequilibrium and Curves A CH 3 and B in Figure 3–22 are only two of many possibilities.

“euvolemic” state by infusion of isooncotic plasma yields single nephron glomerular filtration rates (SNGFR) substantially higher in euvolemic animals than in hydropenic rats primarily as a consequence of a marked increase in glomerular plasma flow (QA) associated with a fall in preglomerular (RA) and efferent arteriolar (RE) resistance values. Because surface glomeruli are not available in most experimental animals the stop-flow technique has been used by a number of investigators to estimate PGC and comparisons of glomerular capillary pressure calculated using the stop-flow technique (PGCSF) with direct determinations of PGC generally indicate that PGCSF provides a reasonable estimate of PGC with PGCSF generally being ∼2 mm Hg greater than that for PGC measured directly.18




B 200

40 SNGFR (nL/min)

CH 3

QA (nL/min) 100

20 0






8 Kf 4 (nL/min·mm Hg)


0 8

45 Hydraulic pressure (mm Hg) 40


RA 6 Preglomerular (RA) and efferent arteriolar (R E) 4 resistance (1010 dyn·s/cm–5)



FIGURE 3–23 Maturational alterations in the determinants of glomerular ultrafiltration in the euvolemic MunichWister rat. In panels A, B, C, and D filled symbols denote values obtained from female rats whereas open symbols were from studies of male or male plus female rats. In panel E the filled symbols denote values of RA whereas open symbols are values of RE. In panel E the circles were from studies of male or male plus female rats whereas squares were from studies of female animals. Each point represents the mean value for a given study. (See Refs 18 and 551 for sources of data.)

2 30 0


400 0 Body weight (g)


the glomerular capillary network. This is illustrated in Figure 3–22, which shows that even in the absence of changes in ∆P or plasma protein concentration an increase in QA can result in a change in the profile from that seen with curve A to that of curve B while still achieving filtration pressure equilibrium. For curve B, however, PUF is significantly greater than with curve A, and hence SNGFR will increase proportionately. If QA increases enough, ∆π no longer rises to an extent that πE equals ∆P, and filtration pressure disequilibrium is obtained.570 Under these conditions a unique profile of ∆π can be derived, PUF can be accurately determined, and a unique value of Kf can be calculated.570 The first unique determinations of Kf in the Munich-Wistar rat were obtained by Deen and colleagues using iso-oncotic plasma volume expansion to increase QA sufficiently to produce filtration pressure disequilibrium.570 Under these conditions Kf was found to exceed the minimum estimate obtained in hydropenic rats by 37%, averaging 4.8 nl/(min·mmHg). This value remained essentially unchanged over a twofold range of changes in QA, however, suggesting that changes in QA per se did not affect Kf.570 Filtration pressure equilibrium is generally achieved when QA is less than 130 nl/min whereas QA values greater than 130 nl/min generally yield filtration pressure disequilibrium.18 The values of Kf for all of the studies in euvolemic Munich-Wistar rats shown in Figure 3–21 averaged 5.0 ± 0.3 nl/(min·mm Hg) and are similar to those obtained in plasma expanded Munich Wistar rats in which only unique values of Kf were obtained (4.8 ± 0.3 nl/(min·mm Hg)).551,570 Measured values of ∆P are slightly higher in euvolemic rats than in hydropenic animals (see Fig. 3–21), but this is offset by higher plasma protein concentrations (CA and hence πA), so that PUF at the afferent end of the glomerular capillary network is nearly identical in euvolemia versus hydropenia. Thus SNGFR euvolemic rats is higher primarily as a result of increases in QA (see Fig. 3–21), yielding a greater value of PUF (see Fig. 3–22).

0 400

Kf is the product of the total surface area available for filtration and the hydraulic conductivity of the filtration barrier (k). Total capillary basement membrane area per glomerulus (As) in the rat has been determined to be equal to ∼0.003 cm2 in superficial nephrons and 0.004 cm2 in the deep nephrons.571 Only the peripheral area of the capillaries surrounded by podocytes participates in filtration and that peripheral area available for filtration (Ap) has been estimated to be 0.0016– 0.0018 and 0.0019–0.0022 cm2 in the superficial and deep glomeruli, respectively, or about half that of the total.571 Using these estimates of Ap and a value of Kf of ∼5 nl/(min·mm Hg) as determined by micropuncture techniques, then k = 45– 48 nl/(s·mm Hg·cm2). These estimates of k for the rat glomerulus are all 1 to 2 orders in magnitude higher than those reported for capillary networks in mesentery, skeletal muscle, omentum, or in peritubular capillaries of the kidney.18,551 This very high glomerular hydraulic permeability permits very rapid rates of filtration across glomerular capillaries despite mean net ultrafiltration pressures (PUF) of only 5 mm Hg to 6 mm Hg in hydropenia and 8 mm Hg to 9 mm Hg in euvolemia.

Selective Alterations in the Primary Determinants of Glomerular Ultrafiltration Alterations in any of the four primary determinants of ultrafiltration, QA, ∆P, Kf, and πA, will affect glomerular filtration rate. The degree to which selective alterations will modify SNGFR has been examined by mathematical modeling570 and compared with values obtained experimentally.18

Glomerular Plasma Flow Rate (QA) Because protein is normally excluded from the glomerular ultrafiltrate, conservation of mass dictates that the total amount of protein entering the the glomerular capillary network from the afferent arteriole equals the total amount leaving at the efferent arteriole:



For Equation 3, QE = efferent arteriolar plasma flow rate, and CA and CE are the afferent and efferent arteriolar plasma concentrations of protein, respectively. This can be expressed as: QACA = (QA − SNGFR)CE


SNGFR = (1 − (CA/CE)) × QA


with SNFF = 1 − (CA/CE)


where SNFF is the single nephron filtration fraction. Although the relationship between colloid osmotic pressure (π) and protein concentration deviates from linearity,572 Equation 4 can be approximated as: SNGFR ≅ (1 − (πA/πE)) * QA Because at filtration pressure equilibrium πE = ∆P, SNGFR ≅ (1 − (πA/∆P)) * QA

(7) (8)

Under conditions of filtration pressure equilibrium, filtration fraction [≅ (1 − (πA/∆P)] is constant if πA and ∆P are unchanged. SNGFR will then vary directly with changes in QA (Equation 8). Increases in QA great enough to produce disequilibrium (πE less than ∆P) yields a fall in CE, a decrease in SNFF (Equation 5), and SNGFR no longer varies linearly with QA. Brenner and colleagues first demonstrated the plasma flow dependence of GFR573 and as shown in Figure 3–24 increases in glomerular plasma flow are associated with increases in SNGFR in studies of rats, dogs, nonhuman primates, and humans. Because filtration pressure equilibrium

100 SNFF =





Transcapillary Hydraulic Pressure Difference (DP) Isolated changes in the glomerular transcapillary hydraulic pressure gradient are also predicted to affect SNGFR.570 Until ∆P exceeds the colloid osmotic pressure at the afferent end of the glomerular capillary there is no filtration. Once that point is reached SNGFR increases as ∆P increases, but the rate of increase is nonlinear because the rise in SNGFR at any given fixed value of QA results in a concurrent (but smaller) increase in ∆π. Because ∆P is normally 30 mm Hg to 40 mm Hg (see Fig. 3–21), changes in ∆P generally result in relatively minor variations in SNGFR.

Glomerular Capillary Ultrafiltration Coefficient (Kf) The glomerular ultrafiltration coefficient is reduced in a variety of kidney diseases, in part as a consequence of a reduction in surface area available for filtration as glomerulosclerosis progresses. In addition, the hydraulic permeability of the glomerular basement membrane is inversely related to ∆P, indicating that Kf, the product of surface area and hydraulic conductivity, may be directly affected by ∆P.574 The hydraulic conductivity of the GBM and Kf, are also affected by the plasma protein concentration (see later discussion). Because filtration pressure equilibrium is generally observed at low values of QA, reductions in Kf do not affect SNGFR until Kf is reduced enough to produce filtration pressure disequilibrium. At low QA values increases in Kf above normal values move the point of equilibrium closer to the afferent end of the capillaries but have little affect on SNGFR.18,570 For high QA values filtration pressure disequilibrium occurs and there is a more direct relationship between Kf and SNGFR.570

SNGFR (nL /min)

Colloid Osmotic Pressure (pA) Single nephron glomerular filtration rate and SNFF are predicted to vary reciprocally as a function of πA.570 This is because changes in πA are associated with alterations in Kf, thereby offsetting variations in PUF that occur with changes in πA.18 These divergent results can be partially explained by the results from studies of isolated glomerular basement membranes by Daniels and co-workers, who observed a biphasic relationship between albumin concentration and hydraulic permeability.574 They observed lower values of hydraulic permeability at albumin concentrations of 4 g/dl than at either 0 or 8 g/dl, but they did not study the effects of extremely high protein concentrations (e.g., 11 g/dl).574 Their studies suggest a primary effect on hydraulic conductivity,574 but the mechanism is unknown.






200 QA (nL /min) Rats


Squirrel monkey


References Humans

FIGURE 3–24 Relationship between SNGFR and glomerular plasma flow rate. Values from studies in rats are denoted by open circles whereas data from dogs are presented as filled squares. Also shown are values from primates including the squirrel monkey (filled circle) and humans (filled triangles). The values for SNGFR and QA for humans were calculated by dividing whole kidney GFR and renal plasma flow by the estimated total number of nephrons/kidney (one million). Each point represents the mean value for a given study. (See Refs 18 and 551 for sources of data.)

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The Renal Circulations and Glomerular Ultrafiltration

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CH 3

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The Renal Circulations and Glomerular Ultrafiltration

512. Ballermann BJ, Hoover RL, Karnovsky MJ, Brenner BM: Physiologic regulation of atrial natriuretic peptide receptors in rat renal glomeruli. J Clin Invest 76(6):2049– 2056, 1985. 513. Lee RW, Raya TE, Michael U, et al: Captopril and ANP: Changes in renal hemodynamics, glomerular-ANP receptors and guanylate cyclase activity in rats with heart failure. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 260(1):349–354, 1992. 514. Perico N, Benigni A, Gabanelli M, et al: Atrial natriuretic peptide and prostacyclin synergistically mediate hyperfiltration and hyperperfusion of diabetic rats. Diabetes 41(4):533–538, 1992. 515. Hirata Y, Matsuoka H, Suzuki E, et al: Role of endogenous atrial natriuretic peptide in DOCA-salt hypertensive rats. Effects of a novel nonpeptide antagonist for atrial natriuretic peptide receptor. Circulation 87(2):554–561, 1993. 516. Abassi Z, Haramati A, Hoffman A, et al: Effect of converting-enzyme inhibition on renal response to ANF in rats with experimental heart failure. 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CHAPTER 4 ATP and Active Transport, 130 Energy Consumption to Conduct Solute Transport, 131 P-type ATPases, 132 Vacuolar H+-ATPases, 134 ATP-Binding-Cassette Transporters, 134 Energy Production to Fuel Solute Transport, 135 Mitochondrial ATP Production, 135 Glycolysis, 139 Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle, 139 Ketone Body Metabolism, 139 Fatty Acid Oxidation, 140 Pentose-Phosphate Shunt, 140 Gluconeogenesis and Its Role in Solute Transport, 140 Coupling of Active Solute Transport and ATP Production, 141 Whole Kidney Studies, 141 Correlation Between Na+ Transport and QO2 Along the Nephron, 141 Coupling of Na+,K+-ATPase and Mitochondrial Oxidative Phosphorylation, 142 ATP-sensitive Ion Channels and Coupling to Cation Transport, 144 ATP (Purinergic) Receptors Modulating Active Na+ Transport, 145 AMP-activated Protein Kinase Coupling Ion Transport and Metabolism, 145 Functional Coupling of Glycolysis with Ion Pumps, 146 Renal Substrate Preferences, 146 Whole Kidney and Regional Profiles of Metabolism, 146 Segmental Profiles of Nephron Metabolism, 146 Solute Transport and Energy Availability During Hypoxic or Ischemic Conditions, 150 Effects of L-Arginine Metabolism on Solute Transport and Cellular Energetics, 151 L-Arginine Metabolism, 151 Effects of NO on Renal Solute Transport, 151 Effects of NO on Mitochondrial Respiration, 151 Summary and Conclusions, 152


Metabolic Basis of Solute Transport Bruce C. Kone

The normal kidney encounters extreme metabolic demands even under physiologic conditions. The reabsorption of 99% of the 180 L of glomerular ultrafiltrate each day expends considerable metabolic energy and requires commensurate levels of energy production. Accordingly, though contributing less than 1% of the total body mass, the kidney basally consumes 10% of the total body oxygen, a value surpassed only by the heart among parenchymal organs. The functional capacity of the kidney to perform active transport and biosynthetic processes is dependent on its energy supply. The energy needed to perform such work is chiefly derived from biologic oxidation (O2requiring) reactions that convert metabolic substrates into high-energy compounds such as ATP. These oxidative processes, in particular mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, account for roughly 95% of total renal ATP production, although nonoxidative ATP generation, principally glycolysis (lactate generation from glucose). generates a greater share of ATP to support active solute transport in certain nephron segments. Through their direct or indirect influence on electrochemical gradients, membrane ionic conductances, membrane permeability, and ion pump activity, metabolic components exert considerable control over transepithelial solute transport. Given this level of importance to renal function, the relationship between renal solute transport and metabolism has been the subject of extensive study over the past century. This chapter reviews the elements that couple ATP synthesis to solute transport, the preferred metabolic substrates for these processes, and the integration of individual nephron segments in generating and consuming energy to conduct solute transport.

ATP AND ACTIVE TRANSPORT Since membranes are generally impermeable to ions distributed across them, ionmotive pumps are used to interconvert chemical energy derived from the hydroly-

sis of ATP (ATP → ADP + Pi) or other highenergy phosphate molecules into an electrochemical gradient to drive transport against a concentration gradient. This process is termed primary active transport (Fig. 4–1). In the kidney, the principal mechanism for primary active transport is the Na+,K+-ATPase, an enzyme that serves to maintain the low concentration of Na+ and high concentration of K+ in the intracellular environment. Secondary active transport refers to transport that allows solutes to move along an electrochemical gradient, without chemical modification or direct consumption of energy (see Fig. 4–1). Thus, the energy stored in the steep Na+ gradient generated by the Na+,K+-ATPase can be used to direct Na+-coupled transport of sugars, amino acids, and a variety of other solutes along the nephron. H+-ATPases and Ca2+ATPases in the plasma membranes of specific renal tubular epithelial cells can also generate ion gradients that can fuel Na+independent secondary active transport. Indeed the H+-ATPase in the brush border membrane of the proximal tubule appears to be a significant energy-consuming process in certain species. Finally, the energy stored in the Na+ gradient generated by the Na+,K+ATPase can be indirectly used to drive the transport of other ions and organic molecules. As one example, peptide transport in the proximal tubule is driven by a H+ gradient across the brush border membrane. As another example, the Na+/H+ exchanger, a secondary active transport system located in the brush border membrane, couples the influx of Na+ into the cell with the efflux of H+ from the cell and is thus principally responsible for the existence of this H+ gradient (see Fig. 4–1). The driving force for the Na+/H+ exchanger, a transmembrane Na+ gradient, is in turn generated and maintained by the Na+,K+-ATPase, a primary active transport system in the basolateral membrane of these cells. In tertiary active transport, the H+ gradient generated by the operation of the Na+,K+-ATPase and Na+/H+ exchanger is used to drive the tertiary active transport of Cl− across the brush border membrane via a Cl−/HCO3− exchanger (see Fig. 4–1).

131 FIGURE 4–1 Active transport processes in renal epithelial cells. Models of three epithelial cells are shown to illustrate the different modes of active transport. Primary active transporters (in this example, the Na+,K+-ATPase) use the energy derived from ATP hydrolysis to power the transport of solutes across the plasma membrane against their electrochemical gradients. Secondary active transporters utilize the energy in the electrochemical gradient (in this example, Na+) generated by the primary active transport process to drive the influx of efflux of a coupled solute. Tertiary active transport links the transport of a solute (in this example, Cl−) to the gradient (in this case, H+) created by the secondary active transport process.

CH 4

Metabolic Basis of Solute Transport

FIGURE 4–2 Major classes of transport ATPases in the kidney. M = membrane-spanning domain; C = catalytic domain; MDR1 = multi-drug resistance protein 1.

ENERGY CONSUMPTION TO CONDUCT SOLUTE TRANSPORT The intracellular ionic composition differs markedly from that of the extracellular fluid, and maintenance or restoration of this condition requires the input of energy. As previously emphasized, primary active transport processes make direct use of ATP, whereas secondary active transport makes use of the potential energy stored in transmembrane ion gradients. Various classes of ATP-driven solute pumps perform primary active transport. Many schemes exist to classify these pumps, but for simplicity, three broad classes important for renal transport are considered here (Fig. 4–2 and Table 4–1). These energy-requiring pumps provide for all solute transport along the nephron either by conducting the transport themselves or by establishing electrochemical gradients that allow the solute transport by secondary or tertiary active transport processes. In general, the distribution and level of expression of specific ATPases along the nephron correlates with the demands for solute transport and the required metabolic machinery (e.g., mitochondria, enzymes for ATP synthetic pathways) to support the transport. Numerous studies have also established that the activities and level of expression of these active transporters in specific nephron segments respond to changes in overall ion balance, hormones, and autocoids. P-type ATPases are an evolutionarily conserved family of over 300 ATP hydrolysis-driven ion pumps that form an acyl-


Major Classes of Inorganic IonTranslocating ATPases Active in Kdney and Their Structural and Functional Characteristics

Ion Pump


Subunit Structure

Ionic Stoichiometry









Ca -ATPase



Ca2+: (H+):ATP







F1F0 12 subunits



phosphate intermediate as part of the reaction mechanism and bear a seven amino acid signature motif, beginning with the aspartate to which the terminal phosphate of ATP is attached during the enzymatic cycle. These enzymes share four highly conserved protein domains ten transmembrane domains, as well as highly conserved phosphorylation and ATP-binding sites. The activity of most P-type ATPases is tightly controlled by extraregulatory domains or protein subunits. The Na+,K+-ATPase and the closely related gastric H+,K+-ATPase (H+,K+-ATPase α1 subunit) are the only members of the P-type ATPase family comprising more than one

132 subunit. On the basis of sequence similarities, phylogenetic analyses, and substrate specificities, Axelsen and Palmgren1 classified this superfamily into 5 families and 11 subfamilies. The type Ia ATPases include the B subunit of the bacterial Kdp K+-ATPase. Type Ib ATPases transport heavy metals such as Cu2+, Cd2+, and Zn2+. Mutations in the ATP7A and ATP7B CH 4 genes encoding Cu2+-ATPases are responsible for Menkes disease and Wilson’s disease, respectively. The type II subfamily transports non–heavy metal cations and includes the sarcoplasmic-endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPases (SERCA; group IIa; three SERCA genes in humans); the secretory pathway Ca2+-ATPases (SPCA; two genes in humans), which transport both Ca2+ and Mn2+ in the Golgi lumen and therefore play an important role in the cytosolic and intra-Golgi Ca2+ and Mn2+ homeostasis; the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPases (PMCA; group IIb, four genes in humans); and type IIc with the four isoforms of the Na+,K+-ATPase α-subunit and the gastric and “nongastric” H+,K+-ATPase α -subunits. The type III family is expressed only in plants and fungi and includes ATPases involved in the transport of Mg2+ and H+. Type IV subfamily members are exclusively expressed in eukaryotic cells and translocate phospholipids, rather than cations, from the outer and inner leaflet of membrane bilayers,2 and may play a role in vesicular (protein) trafficking in yeast. Finally, the recently identified type V subfamily, which is also exclusively expressed in eukaryotic cells, has been implicated in cellular Ca2+ homeostasis and endoplasmic reticulum function in yeast. Vacuolar H+-ATPases (V-ATPases) are a family of multisubunit ATP-dependent H+ pumps responsible for acidification of intracellular organelles, including endosomes, lysomes, secretory vesicles, Golgi, and clathrin-coated vesicles, and of luminal or interstitial spaces. The V-ATPases are large multimeric complexes and differ from P-type ATPases in that they do not form a phosphoenzyme intermediate and are resistant to vanadate inhibition. ATP-binding–cassette (ABC) transporters are a superfamily of proteins that couple ATP hydrolysis to the transport of a wide array of molecules across biologic membranes. Fortynine ABC protein genes exist on human chromosomes. Eukaryotic ABC proteins were originally recognized as drug efflux pumps involved in the multidrug resistance of cancer cells, but it is now appreciated that they have multiple physiologic roles and their dysfunction can be often associated with human diseases. Collectively, they are known to transport a diverse array of drugs and toxins, conjugated organic anions comprising dietary and environmental carcinogens, pesticides, metals, metalloids, and lipid peroxidation products. They are recognized by their shared modular organization and by two sequence motifs that make up a nucleotide-binding fold. The functional protein generally contains two nuclear-binding folds and two transmembrane domains, typically consisting of six membrane-spanning αhelices.3 ABC proteins that confer drug resistance include (but are not limited to) P-glycoprotein (ABCB1), the multidrug resistance protein 1 (MDR1, gene symbol ABCC1), MDR2 (gene symbol ABCC2), and the breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP, gene symbol ABCG2). Proteins of the ABC transporter superfamily have been implicated in the outward transport, or “flopping,” of choline-containing phospholipids.2 Multidrug resistance protein (MDR) 3 (ABCB4) specifically translocates phosphatidylcholine from the inner to the outer leaflet of the bilayer when expressed in LLC-PK1 cells.4 MDR1 (ABCB1) protein, a broad-range xenobiotic transporter, translocates choline-containing lipids, including short-chain analogs of phosphatidylcholine, glucosylceramide, and platelet-activating factor. Studies of extracellular acidification rates in MDR1-transfected and null cells indicate that Pglycoprotein is tightly coupled to the metabolic state of the cell. The energy required for P-glycoprotein activation relative to the basal metabolic energy in glucose-deficient cells

was double that of glucose-fed cells, suggesting cellular protection by P-glycoprotein even under conditions of starvation.5 Unlike P-glycoptorein and MDR1, ABCG2 is a half-transporter that must homodimerize to acquire transport activity. ABCG2 is found in a variety of stem cells and may protect them from exogenous and endogenous toxins. Its expression is upregulated under low-oxygen conditions, consistent with its high expression in tissues exposed to lowoxygen environments. ABCG2 interacts with heme and other porphyrins and protects cells and/or tissues from protoporphyrin accumulation under hypoxic conditions.6

P-type ATPases Na+,K+-ATPASE. The Na+,K+-ATPase is an oligomeric membrane protein that couples the hydrolysis of one ATP molecule to the translocation of three Na+ and two K+ ions against their electrochemical gradients to maintain or restore the normally high K+ and low Na+ concentrations inside mammalian cells. The Na+,K+-ATPase plays a central role in the regulation of the membrane potential, cell ion content, and cell volume. In renal tubular epithelial cells, this enzyme is distributed in the basolateral membrane, and it provides the principal driving force for net Na+ reabsorption and the secondary active transport of other ions and organic solutes. The specific activity of the purified Na+,K+-ATPase from renal medulla, approximately 10,000 ATP/min/enzyme molecule, is among the highest of any tissue.7,8 Studies in the isolated perfused rat kidney suggest that the Na+,K+-ATPase directly accounts for about half of the total Na+ reabsorbed by the kidney.9 Structurally, the minimal functional unit of the enzyme is a heterodimer of α and β subunits. The ∼100-kD α-subunit is responsible for ATP hydrolysis, cation transport, and ouabain binding, whereas the ∼40- to 60-kD (depending on the degree of glycosylation) β-subunit appears to play a role in the occlusion of K+, the modulation of the K+ and Na+ affinity of the enzyme, and directing the holoenzyme to the plasma membrane. The K0.5 for ATP of the enzyme is between 5 and 400 µM,7,8 so that the ATP concentration in most cells is saturating for the enzyme. Four α- and three β-subunit isoforms have been identified, and these exhibit different tissue distributions and produce Na+,K+-ATPase isozymes with different transport properties.7,8 The α1β1 enzyme is found in nearly every tissue and is the principal isozyme of the kidney. The renal expression of the other Na+,K+-ATPase isoforms has been debated.10–12 The α2 and α3 isoforms have been detected in renal cortex, medulla, and papilla and using RT-PCR,11 in situ hybridization,10 and differential [3H]ouabain titration analysis.12 Measurement of mRNA and protein levels together with [3H]ouabain titration data, however, indicates that the α2- and α3-isoforms constitute less than or equal to 0.1% of the α1β1 enzyme of the kidney.12 In contrast to the widespread expression of α1 and β1, the other α- and β-isoforms exhibit more restricted patterns of expression. The α2-isoform is expressed principally in adipocytes, skeletal and cardiac muscle, and brain. The α3-isoform is abundant in nervous tissues, whereas the α4isoform is a testis-specific isoform.7,8 The β2-isoform is present primarily in skeletal muscle, pineal gland, and neural tissues. Estimates of mRNA abundance by RNase protection assay showed that β2 constituted only 5% of the total β subunit mRNA.11 β3 is present in testis, retina, liver, and lung.13 The expression pattern of the Na+,K+-ATPase isoforms is under developmental and hormonal controls and may vary in pathologic states. However, no consistent data have emerged to indicate significant changes in the α1β1 enzyme predominance in the kidney under such transitions. The distribution of the Na+,K+-ATPase α-subunit in the kidney has been extensively examined, using immunohistochemistry, Western blots, in situ hybridization, and RT-PCR






PCT PR TDL TAL MTAL CTAL DCT CCD MCD FIGURE 4–3 Relative levels of Na+,K+-ATPase activity measured in individual segments of the rat nephron. CCD, cortical collecting duct; CTAL, cortical thick ascending limb of Henle’s loop; DCT, distal convoluted tubule; MCD, outer medullary collecting duct; MTAL, medullary thick ascending limb of Henle’s loop; PCT, proximal convoluted tubule; PR, pars recta (proximal straight tubule); TAL, thin ascending limb of Henle’s loop; TDL, thin descending limb of Henle’s loop. (Data are normalized to that of the DCT and are redrawn from Katz AI, Doucet A, Morel F: Na+-K+-ATPase activity along the rabbit, rat, and mouse nephron. Am J Physiol 237:F114–F120, 1979.)

analysis of mRNA levels in microdissected nephron segments. In the aggregate, these studies indicate that the highest levels of Na+,K+-ATPase expression are in the medullary thick ascending limb of Henle’s loop (MTAL), cortical thick ascending limb of Henle’s loop (CTAL), and the distal convoluted tubule (DCT). Lower levels are evident in the proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) and cortical collecting duct (CCD), and very low levels are expressed in glomeruli, descending and ascending thin limbs of Henle (DTL and ATL, respectively), outer medullary collecting duct (OMCD), and inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD). These data correlate with studies in rabbit, rat, and mouse that have examined the amount of Na+,K+-ATPase hydrolytic activity and specific binding of [3H]ouabain in isolated nephron segments, indicating that the highest activity is in the MTAL, CTAL, and DCT, intermediate activity is in the PCT and CCD, and very low activity is in the proximal straight tubule (PST), DTL, and ATL14,15 (Fig. 4–3). The distribution and relative abundance of the Na+,K+-ATPase along the nephron are generally comparable among these three species. Moreover, the differences in activity from different segments of the nephron appear to be the result of differences in pump number rather than differences in enzyme turnover rates or ATP dependence. ElMernissi and Doucet15 found that Na+,K+-ATPase hydrolytic activity and specific binding of [3H]ouabain to its single site on the Na+,K+-ATPase α-subunit were similar along the nephron. In addition, the Na+,K+-ATPase has been shown to be regulated in a tissue-specific and isoform-specific fashion by direct interaction with at least five of the seven members of the FXYD family, including FXYD1 (phospholemman), FXYD2 (the γ-subunit), FXYD3 (Mat-8), FXYD4 (corticosteroid hormone–induced factor [CHIF]), and FXYD7, all members of the FXYD family of type II transmembrane proteins.16 In addition, a dominant-negative mutation in FXYD2 has been linked to cases of autosomal dominant renal magnesium wasting.17 A signature FXYD motif in the N-terminus and conserved glycine and serine residues in the transmembrane domain characterizes the FXYD proteins. The γ-subunit is expressed principally in the kidney, and CHIF is expressed in the medullary collecting duct and in the epithelium of the distal colon.16 Two principal subtypes of the 8- to 14-kD hydrophobic polypeptide, termed “γa” and “γb,” have been

characterized in rat kidney. Both isoforms are highly expressed 133 with the Na+,K+-ATPase α1-subunit in the MTAL, whereas γa is specific for cells in the macula densa and principal cells of the CCD but is not expressed in the CTAL. In contrast, γb is present in the CTAL.16 It is becoming increasingly apparent that the γ-subunit is a component of the renal Na+,K+-ATPase and that this subunit may influence kinetic properties of CH 4 the holoenzyme. The γ-subunit decreases the apparent Na+ affinity of the Na+,K+-ATPase, increases the apparent affinity for ATP, and increases the K+ antagonism of cytoplasmic Na+ activation.16 In contrast, CHIF increases the apparent Na+ affinity of the Na+,K+-ATPase.16 CHIF knockout mice exhibit twofold higher urine volumes and an increased glomerular filtration rate under K-loaded conditions. In addition, treatment of K+-loaded mice for 10 days with furosemide resulted in increased mortality in the knockout mice but not in the wild-type group. These findings are consistent with an effect of CHIF on the Na+,K+-ATPase of the OMCD and IMCD.18 H+,K+-ATPASES. The H+,K+-ATPases are a family of integral membrane proteins closely related to the Na+,K+-ATPase. The H+,K+-ATPase in vertebrates exists as an α/β heterodimer and is encoded by at least two distinct genes. The H+,K+-ATPase α1-subunit (HKα1, also termed the “gastric” H+,K+-ATPase) was originally cloned from rat stomach,19 and cDNAs encoding the HKα1-subunit have since been cloned from a wide range of species, including humans. The H+,K+-ATPase α2subunit (HKα2, also termed the “colonic” or “non-gastric” H+,K+-ATPase) was first cloned from rat colon,20 and an orthologous gene product ATP1AL1 has been characterized in humans.21 Alternative splicing gives rise to HKα2 N-terminal splice variants in rabbit22 and rat,23 but these are not encoded by the mouse or human genes.24 The members of the H+,K+ATPase gene family appear to participate in the control of body K+ balance, renal HCO3− absorption, the enhanced ammonium secretion in the IMCD during chronic hypokalemia, and intracellular Na+ regulation in the macula densa.25 The two isoforms differ in their tissue distribution, response to chronic K+ depletion, and inhibitor sensitivity. The HKα1subunit is expressed in stomach and the medullary collecting ducts,26 but not distal colon, and is inhibited by low concentrations of Sch-28080 but not by ouabain,27 and its expression in the collecting duct is not affected by chronic hypokalemia.26 In contrast, the HKα2-subunit is expressed in the medullary collecting ducts28 and distal colon, but not stomach,20 is Sch-28080–resistant and partially ouabain-sensitive,27 and its expression in the collecting duct is upregulated by chronic hypokalemia.28 From an energetics standpoint, both H+,K+ATPase isoforms are believed to have identical stoichiometries for ATP. Ca2+-ATPASE. The human plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA) isoforms are encoded by at least four separate genes. The diversity of these enzymes is further amplified by tissuespecific alternative splicing within regulatory sites, which generate multiple subtypes of each isoform. The functional enzyme is thought to consist an ∼115-kD monomer. The enzyme isolated from kidney is calmodulin-dependent and has a K0.5 for Ca2+ of approximately 0.7 µM, which correlates with the value obtained for ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake in basolateral membrane vesicles from kidney cortex.29 Differences in the structure and localization of PMCA splice variants confer specific regulatory properties that may have consequences for proper cellular Ca2+ signaling. The isoforms are expressed in a tissue-dependent manner, with PMCA1 and PMCA4 widely expressed among tissues, whereas PMCA2 and PMCA3 are expressed predominantly in brain and skeletal muscle.30 PMCA in concert with the NCX1 Na+/ Ca2+ exchanger regulates intracellular Ca2+ concentrations and mediates both basal and hormone-stimulated Ca2+ efflux by distal tubules. Among nephron segments, the DCT possesses the highest Ca2+-ATPase activity31 and exhibits the strongest

Metabolic Basis of Solute Transport

Relative Na,K-ATPase activity


134 immunocytochemical reactivity for PMCA protein expression.32 Magocsi and colleagues33 reported the presence of multiple PMCA isoform mRNAs detected by RT-PCR in the kidney. PMCA1 was found in cortex, outer medulla, and inner medulla, PMCA2 in cortex and outer medulla, and PMCA3 in outer medulla (the PMCA4 cDNA sequence was CH 4 unknown at that time). RT-PCR of cDNA generated from microdissected rat tubules demonstrated PMCA2 expression exclusively in proximal tubules, CTALs, and distal tubules.33 In a subsequent RT-PCR analysis by another laboratory, mRNAs for PMCA1 and PMCA2 were discovered to be abundant in the glomerulus, PCT, DTL, DCT, and CCD. PMCA3 mRNA was identified in the DTL and CTAL, and PMCA4 was found throughout the nephron.34 The concordance of data obtained in human, rat, and mouse indicates that PMCA1 and PMCA4 are the principal transcripts and protein expressed in kidney,32 whereas PMCA2 mRNA constitutes less than 2% of the total PMCA mRNA in the kidney and PMCA3 could not be detected. Molecular studies in immortalized mouse DCT cells (mDCT) demonstrated that PMCA1 and PMCA4 are the isoforms in these cells.32 Transcripts of the SERCA3 isoforms, which like the other SERCA members is inhibited by thapsigargin but unlike the others does not appear to be regulated by phospholamban, have also been detected in kidney.35 However, the physiologic role of this pump in the kidney is unknown. Cu2+-ATPASES. The Menkes protein ATP7A and the Wilson’s disease protein ATP7B are monomeric proteins with eight predicted transmembrane domains that export Cu2+, and possibly other metals, from the cytoplasm to an intracellular organelle. The Menkes protein is essential for efficient dietary Cu2+ uptake in the small intestine but also in the delivery of Cu2+ to the brain across the blood-brain barrier and recovery of Cu2+ from the proximal tubules of the kidney. Patients with Menkes disease exhibit defective Cu2+ efflux. Under normal Cu2+ conditions, both ATP7A and ATP7B are located in the trans-Golgi network where they provide Cu2+ to secreted cuproenzymes.36 When intracellular Cu2+ levels rise, ATP7A traffics to the plasma membrane to export the excess Cu2+. Patients with Menkes disease and Wilson’s disease both suffer Cu2+ accumulation in proximal tubules. In some Wilson’s disease patients this Cu2+ accumulation causes tubular dysfunction, resulting in the increased urinary amino acid and Ca2+ excretion. In situ hybridization and immunolocalization studies have demonstrated that both Atp7a and Atp7b are expressed in glomeruli; however, Atp7b is also seen in the kidney medulla.37

Vacuolar H+-ATPases In the kidney, V-ATPases play an important role in H+ secretion in the proximal tubule and along the length of the distal tubule and collecting duct. Immunohistochemical, biochemical, and physiologic studies demonstrated that the V-ATPase is present in proximal tubules, TALs, DCT, and intercalated cells of the collecting duct.38 Several heritable diseases have been attributed to defects in genes that encode V-ATPase subunits, including renal tubular acidosis and osteopetrosis.39 The renal V-ATPases can be inhibited by N,N′dicyclohexyl carbodiimide (DCCD), the sulfhydryl reagent N-ethylmaleimide, and more specifically, by the macrolide antibiotic bafilomycin A. The H+ : ATP stoichiometry of the V-ATPase has been suggested to be up to 3 : 1, and the Km for ATP of the purified V-ATPases is roughly 150 µM. V-ATPases are composed of a cytoplasmic catalytic domain (V1), responsible for ATP hydrolysis, and a transmembrane domain (V0), responsible for H+ translocation. The V1 domain consists of eight distinct subunits (A–H), with an aggregate molecular mass of ∼570 kD. The 260-kDa V0 domain complex is composed of 5 subunits (subunits a-d).38 The V-ATPase in kidney

is regulated at multiple levels from changes in gene transcription and protein synthesis, to alterations in membrane insertion and interaction with heterologous proteins. Monogenic defects in two subunits (ATP6V0A4, ATP6V1B1) of the VATPase have been observed in patients with distal renal tubular acidosis.38 As discussed later, recent work suggests that the V-ATPase may also be functionally coupled to ATP production from glycolysis.

ATP-Binding-Cassette Transporters P-GLYCOPROTEINS. P-glycoproteins are ABC transporters originally discovered as drug pumps in multidrug-resistant cancer cells, but have since been found in many normal tissues. The 170-kD multidrug resistance transporter (MDR) confers resistance by active, ATP-dependent extrusion of a broad range of drugs that do not share obvious structural characteristics. These include anticancer drugs, immunosuppressive agents such as cyclosporine and FK506, cardiac glycosides, and antibiotics.3 Humans have two known P-glycoprotein genes, ABCB1 and ABCB4 (formerly known as MDR1 and MDR3), whereas rodents have three genes, termed mdr1a, mdr1b, and mdr2. The human MDR1 and mouse mdr1a and mdr1b encode an ∼170-kD plasma membrane ATPase (Km ∼ 38 µM ATP) that transports a wide range of structurally unrelated drugs, steroids, and phospholipids, and thereby confers multidrug resistance. In contrast, MDR3 and its ortholog mouse mdr2 encode P-glycoproteins that are phosphatidylcholine translocases and that have limited ability to transport numerous drugs, although they may transport some drugs in cell culture systems.40 In the kidney, the MDR1 mRNA and protein are expressed in mesangial cells, proximal tubule, TAL, and collecting duct.41 In mesangial42 and proximal tubule cells, P-glycoprotein has been shown to transport xenobiotics. Human MDR2 was localized to the of proximal tubules by double and triple immunofluorescence microscopy.43 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE REGULATOR. Cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR), another member of the ABC transporter family, couples ATP signaling with ion transport. CFTR is regulated by phosphorylation of its regulatory R domain and ATP hydrolysis at two nucleotide-binding domains, but it is unique among the ABC transporter family in that it functions as a Cl− channel. Mutations of this transporter lead to a defect of epithelial Cl− secretion causing the disease cystic fibrosis. CFTR transcripts have been identified in all nephron segments, and the encoded protein participates in Cl− secretion in the distal tubule and the principal cells of the CCD and IMCD.44 Although patients with cystic fibrosis do not manifest serious renal dysfunction, they do have impaired ability to concentrate and dilute the urine and to excrete certain drugs.44 In addition to Cl− secretion, CFTR has also been shown to secrete ATP directly45 or to modulate other ATP release channels.46 In this manner, CFTR may regulate other ionic conductances, such as the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC)47 and ATP-regulated K+ channels (Kir 1.1., also known as ROMK)48 in the collecting duct. The effect of CFTR on the renal K+ secretory channel is mediated by protein kinase A, which may provide a functional switch designating the distribution of open and ATP-inhibited K+ channels in apical membranes. Recent studies also revealed that overexpression of CFTR promotes cell volume recovery from swelling or a regulatory volume decrease, enhances both constitutive and volume-sensitive ATP release, and through purinergic receptors, facilitates autocrine control of cell volume.49 CFTR requires the hydrolysis of ATP for activity and has been shown to interact physically with AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), with activation of AMPK resulting in an inhibition of CFTR in epithelial cells colonic and pulmonary epithelial cells (detailed later).50


Mitochondrial ATP Production Oxidative Phosphorylation In 1924, Otto Warburg characterized the O2 transferring component of the “respiratory enzyme” and established the phenomenon of cellular respiration. A few years later, Lohmann, Fiske, and Subbarow isolated ATP from muscle extract, and in 1937, Kaclkar reported the link between cellular respiration and ATP synthesis. In 1961, Mitchell proposed the chemiosmotic theory, which states that the energy stored in an electrochemical gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane could be coupled to ATP synthesis. Although this theory met with controversy until the mid-1970s, it has now gained widespread acceptance.



FIGURE 4–4 Mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. The mitochondrial electron transport chain conducts the oxidation of NADH or FADH2, generates an H+ gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane to drive ATP synthesis, and consumes O2. The proteins that make up the electron transport chain are integral membrane proteins of the inner mitochondrial membrane. Substrate-level dehydrogenase reactions within the mitochondrial space generate NADH, which contributes 2 electrons (e−1) to complex I. These electrons are sequentially transferred to complexes III and IV, with O2 as the final acceptor. Ubiquinone (UQ) and cytochrome c (cyt c) function as mobile carriers of electrons between complexes. The flow of electrons from higher to lower redox potentials generates energy that is used to extrude 10 to 12 H+ from the matrix space. The H+ gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane is used to drive ATP synthesis by the ATP synthase (F1F0ATPase, complex V). An adenine nucleotide translocase, which exchanges ATP4− for ADP3−, and a PO4−/OH− exchanger in the inner mitochondrial membrane function to deliver and extrude ADP, Pi, and ATP.

Metabolic Basis of Solute Transport

The various metabolic pathways that support and regulate solute transport along the nephron are highly integrated and interdependent. The oxidation of carbohydrate, lipid, and protein is tightly coupled to the generation and utilization of energy. The tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and β oxidation of fatty acids are tightly linked to mitochondrial electron transport via the supply and demand of nicotinamide and flavin nucleotides. Similarly, electron transport is tightly coupled to oxidative phosphorylation and the supply and demand for ADP and ATP. Given its high transport demands, the kidney favors the more efficient ATP generation of aerobic metabolism (36 ATP produced per glucose consumed) over anaerobic metabolism (e.g., 6 ATP per glucose consumed in anaerobic glycolysis). Studies using diverse experimental methods in a variety of species, including humans, have provided a model of the relative contributions and intrarenal localization of specific metabolic pathways that fuel renal solute transport under physiologic and pathophysiologic conditions. These methods have included studies in the intact organism, isolated perfused kidney, renal tissue slices, tubule suspensions, and isolated nephron segments. Techniques applied to these studies have included measurements of 14CO2 production from 14C-labeled substrates, oxygen consumption (QO2), ATP contents, and NADH fluorescence, 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, blood oxygen level–dependent (BOLD)-MRI, and others.

Oxidative phosphorylation occurs in the mitochondrial 135 inner membrane and includes the oxidation of metabolic fuels by O2 and the associated transduction of energy into ATP. The electron transport chain, or respiratory chain, is a system of mitochondrial enzymes and redox carrier molecules that transfer reducing equivalents (electrons), obtained from the oxidation of respiratory substrates, to O2 (Fig. 4–4). CH 4 It comprises five enzyme complexes (complexes I–V), ubiquinone (or coenzyme Q), and cytochrome c. This set of enzymes consists of NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I), succinate : ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex II), ubiquinone : cytochrome c oxidoreductase (complex III, cytochrome reductase, cytochrome bc1), cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV, cytochrome oxidase), and ATP synthase (complex V, F1F0ATPase). Other membrane-bound enzymes, such as the energy linked transhydrogenase, fulfill ancillary roles. The crystal structures of the major complexes of the electron transport chain (except complex I) have been established, permitting detailed analyses of the mechanism of H+ pumping coupled to electron transport in the mitochondria. The first step in the oxidation process involves transfer of electrons from NADH to complex I. Alternatively, electrons can transfer from FADH2 to complex II. Because the latter complex does not move H+, oxidation of FADH2 results in the movement of fewer H+ across the membrane and the production of less ATP. Hence, NAD-linked substrates give consistently higher ADP : O ratios (∼2.5) compared with FAD-linked substrates, such as succinate (ADP : O ratio ∼1.5). Variability of coupling may occur under some conditions but is generally not significant. The fractional values result from the coupling ratios of proton transport. An additional revision of ADP : O ratio may be required because a recent report of the structure of ATP synthase suggests that the H+ : ATP ratio is 10 : 3, rather than 3, consistent with ADP : O ratios of 2.3 with NADH and 1.4 with succinate.51 After entry into the respiratory chain, electrons are transferred sequentially to coenzyme Q, complex III), cytochrome c, complex IV, and finally to O2, which is reduced to H2O (see Fig. 4–4). The free energy released by the fall in redox potential of the passing electrons during electron transfer drives the translocation of H+ via complexes I, II, and IV from the mitochondrial matrix to the inner mitochondrial space. This process generates a H+ electrochemical potential gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane of 200 to 230 mV,52 which is known as the proton-motive force. The H+ then

136 reenters the matrix via the F1F0-ATPase of complex V (ATP synthase), driving ATP synthesis. The F1F0-ATPase complex (Mr ∼500,000) contains at least 12 distinct subunits, several of which are present in multiple copies. The catalytic F1 head group, which contains three nucleotide binding sites, is connected by an oligomycin-sensitive stalk to a H+-conducting F0 CH 4 baseplate embedded in the mitochondrial inner membrane. Three H+ are thought to pass through the membrane for each molecule of ATP manufactured by the complex. An increase in Na+,K+-ATPase activity, therefore, decreases the intramitochondrial phosphorylation potential ([ATP]/[ADP][Pi]), which results in more rapid H+ entry via the F1F0-ATPase, a dissipation of the H+ gradient, and more rapid electron transfer along the electron transport chain to extrude H+ and increase QO2. The proton-motive force arises both from the change in membrane potential from the net movement of positive charge across the inner mitochondrial membrane and the pH gradient. Of these two components, the membrane potential contributes most of the energy stored in the gradient. The H+ gradient can also be dissipated by the presence of the uncoupling proteins UCP1, UCP2, UCP3, or by other transport processes for various ions and small molecules. Additional transporters influence the membrane potential of the inner mitochondrial membrane, and thereby the proton-motive force. The adenosine nucleotide translocator, which conducts the electrogenic 1 : 1 exchange of ADP3− for ATP4−, a phosphate transporter, which imports PO4− in exchange for OH−, and a constitutive proton H+ leak reside in the inner mitochondrial membrane protein (see Fig. 4–4). The voltagedependent anion channel localizes to the outer mitochondrial membrane. In addition to the proteins involved in the TCA cycle, the electron transport chain, and ATP synthesis, a number of other factors, including shuttles and transporters, are required for oxidative phosphorylation. Mitochondrial carrier proteins, integral membrane proteins that transport metabolites and cofactors across the inner membrane of mitochondria, are also required for ATP synthesis, the TCA cycle, fatty acid β-oxidation, and the malate shuttle. Under certain stresses, such as free radical–mediated damage, mitochondria experience an irreversible autocatalytic collapse, with a loss of the normal membrane potential and a failure of ATP production, termed the mitochondrial permeability transition. The transition involves the integration of adenine nucleotide transporter subunits and other outer membrane proteins into a large pore, which allows free entrance of small ions to the mitochondrial interior. Atractyloside inactivates the ATP/ADP antiporter and favors pore formation, whereas bongkrekic acid and cyclosporine inhibit the process. Mitochondria that undergo the permeability transition release pro-apoptotic molecules.

Oxygen Consumption, Respiratory Control, and Coupled Respiration Much of our understanding of mitochondrial respiration has come from studies of QO2 in cells and isolated mitochondria. When normal mitochondria are incubated in an isotonic medium containing substrate and phosphate, ADP addition promotes a sudden increase in QO2 as the ADP is converted into ATP. This active state of respiration, termed “state 3” respiration, distinguishes the maximal QO2 that is coupled to ATP production. In permeabilized proximal tubules for example, ADP stimulates QO2 by four- to fivefold over baseline.53 The subsequent slower rate of QO2 after all the ADP has been phosphorylated to form ATP is referred to as state 4. The ratio of QO2 in state 3 to that in state 4 is termed the respiratory control index, and it reflects the O2 uptake (oxidation of NADH and/or FADH2) by intact mitochondria and the simultaneous conversion of ADP and inorganic phosphate into ATP. Because the catalytic site for ATP synthesis by the

F1F0-ATPase is in the mitochondrial matrix, respiratory control is likely related to the availability of ADP and the kinetics of its transport by the adenine nucleotide translocase, a hypothesis first proposed by Chance and Williams in the 1950s.54 Coupled respiration refers to O2 uptake dependent on the presence of ADP and Pi. Respiratory control reflects the fact that the oxidation of NADH and FADH2 is coupled to the H+ transport across the mitochondrial inner membrane. If the movement of H+ through the F1F0-ATPase to drive ATP synthesis does not dissipate the H+ gradient, the energy required for H+ translocation would exceed that derived from electron transfer and thus inhibit further electron transport. Competing hypotheses have been proposed to explain the factor(s) responsible for respiratory control. Lemasters and Sowers55 proposed that the kinetics of the adenine nucleotide translocase, an inner mitochondrial membrane protein that exchanges cytosolic ADP3− for intramitochondrial ATP4, governs the rate of ATP synthesis. The adenine nucleotide translocase operates in parallel with a Pi/OH− exchanger in the inner mitochondrial membrane that uses the H+ gradient to drive Pi entry (see Fig. 4–4). Inhibitors of the adenine nucleotide translocase, such as atractyloside, caused inhibition of ADP influx, respiration, and ATP synthesis.55 However, it is unclear whether [ADP] itself or the [ATP]/[ADP] ratio preferentially regulates the translocase. The near-equilibrium hypothesis of Erecinska and Wilson56 proposed that respiration and ATP synthesis are mainly regulated by the phosphorylation potential and the NADH/NAD+ ratio. However, oxidative phosphorylation may not always be near equilibrium, and relative proximity to equilibrium does not necessarily exclude the contributions of the electron transport chain, H+ leak, F1F0-ATPase, or adenine nucleotide translocase to regulation of essential fluxes. In some instances, for example, respiration rate may correlate better with [ADP] than with phosphorylation potential, and may be relatively insensitive to mitochondrial NADH/NAD+ ratio. Although it is clear from these considerations that mitochondrial respiratory control is a complex process potentially involving ATP, ADP, Pi, the NAD redox state, cytochrome c, O2, and other factors as signals, there is compelling evidence to support the concept that the dynamics of cytosolic ATP, ADP, and Pi participate in the coupling between mitochondrial respiration and active transport. QO2 measurements also provide important insights into the coupling of active Na+ transport and cellular respiration (Table 4–2). As noted earlier, the state 3 rate of respiration provides an index of the maximal rate at which mitochondrial oxygen consumption is coupled to ATP production. Because tubule cells are impermeable to ADP, the tubules are first permeabilized by additions of low concentrations of digitonin, before addition of ADP. Assays of carbonylcyanide-mchlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP)–uncoupled QO2, provide similar information about mitochondrial respiratory capacity in the intact cell. The oligomycin-sensitive component of basal QO2 represents that directly related to ATP synthesis. In proximal tubules, oligomycin inhibits at least 80% of basal QO2.57 The ouabain-sensitive rate of respiration indicates that proportion of respiration devoted to the operation of the Na+,K+-ATPase and of secondary active transport coupled to the Na+,K+-ATPase. The value of ouabain-sensitive QO2 varies among nephron segments ranging from 8% in the OMCD to 60% of total QO2 in the PCT, according to the proportionate needs of active Na+ transport (see Fig. 4–8). The basal, ouabain-insensitive respiration reflects mitochondrial respiration devoted to Na+-independent processes, such as the operation of other primary and secondary active transport processes (e.g., H+-ATPase, Ca2+-ATPase), synthesis of DNA, RNA, protein, lipids, and glucose (gluconeogenesis), mitochondrial H+ leak, and substrate interconversions. For unclear reasons, the basal, ouabain-insensitive QO2 is considerably


Components of QO2 Interpretation


Basal rate, composed of Primary and secondary active transport not coupled to the Na+,K+-ATPase (e.g., H+-ATPase) Biosynthetic functions (lipids, glucose) Cell growth and repair Substrate interconversions and transformations


Na+,K+-ATPase and secondary active transport coupled to the Na+,K+-ATPase


Maximal activation of the Na+,K+-ATPase; should be completely inhibited by ouabain

CCCP uncoupled

Maximal mitochondrial respiratory capacity


QO2 coupled to ATP synthesis from mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation

QO2 can be used to dissect mechanisms that couple active Na+ transport and mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. The ouabain-insensitive QO2 provides a measurement of basal QO2 that is independent of Na+ transport. The ouabain-sensitive rate is related to active Na+ transport mediated by the Na+,K+-ATPase. The nystatin-stimulated QO2 tests the integrity of the functions of and links between Na+ entry, Na+,K+-ATPase, and mitochondrial respiration. The carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP)uncoupled QO2 and the oligomycin-sensitive of QO2 provide information regarding mitochondrial integrity and function.

Mitochondrial Substrate Entry Many important metabolites show an asymmetrical distribution across the mitochondrial inner membrane. Therefore, normal operation of the respiratory chain requires highly specific transporters to control the movement of substrates across the membrane. These include electroneutral uptake mechanisms for phosphate, malate, succinate, 2-oxoglutarate, and citrate, as well as several exchangers for organic solutes (Fig. 4–5). In general, these transporters exploit directly or


Inner Mitochondrial Membrane Cytosolic side ATP4–

ADP3– Intramitochondrial Matrix H2PO4–

Pi /OH Exchanger OH– ATP-Mg/Pi Exchanger Glutamate/OH Exchanger

FIGURE 4–5 Major metabolite transporters in the mitochondrial inner membrane. These transporters permit the selective accumulation of organic solutes in the mitochondrial matrix that can be metabolized by the TCA cycle and other mitochondrial enzymes, as well as ADP and Pi needed for ATP synthesis. These pathways are driven directly or indirectly by the H+ gradient (matrix side alkaline), membrane potential (matrix side negative), and/or solute gradients.

Pyruvate/OH Exchanger Glutamate/Aspartate Exchanger 2-Oxoglutarate/Malate Exchanger Dicarboxylate Exchanger Tricarboxylate Exchanger

ATP-Mg2– HPO4– Glutamate– OH–


Pyruvate (monocarboxylates, ketones) Glutamate–





Malate– (succinate, oxaloacetate) Dicarboxylate2– (HPO42–, malate, succinate oxaloacetate) Tricarboxylate3– (citrate, isocitrate, malate, succinate, phosphoenolpyruvate)

Glutamine Uniporter


Carnitine Uniporter


Neutral Amino Acid Uniporter

Serine, threonine

Metabolic Basis of Solute Transport

QO2 Parameter

higher in isolated renal cells and tubules (40%–90%), com- 137 pared with measurements in whole kidney ( fatty acids > lactate > glutamine (Fig. 4–13). However, some variability in this hierarchy exists among species. The proximal tubule has also significant endogenous fuels, likely neutral lipids, that support about half of the respiratory energy in the absence of exogenous substrates.

glucose lactate β-OHB



147 DCT

CTAL glutamine pyruvate acetate ketone bodies

glucose lactate fatty acids acetate ketone bodies



OMCD MTAL Outer Medulla

Inner Medulla

Uchida and Endou146 analyzed the ability of exogenous substrates to support ATP content in individual mouse proximal tubules. ATP production by glucose alone was minimal in the early proximal tubule (S1) but was significant in the late proximal tubule (S3). Based on the support of ATP content, these investigators concluded that glutamine and lactate were the preferred substrates in proximal tubules. Similarly, studies in rabbit cortical tubule suspensions enriched for PST and PCT showed differences in the metabolic responses to glucose. In glucose-containing buffer, PST segments were able to maintain QO2 and ATP contents at levels significantly higher than PCT segments.147 These differential responses between PST and PCT were glucosedependent and suggested that the PCT cannot utilize glucose to support oxidative metabolism, whereas PST segments can oxidatively metabolize this substrate. Because these differences in glucose utilization do not correlate with the distribution of glycolytic enzyme activities, differential metabolic regulation of these enzymes may determine the ability of each segment to utilize glucose. Glucose cotransported with Na+ stimulated ouabain-sensitive QO2 and NADH oxidation, indicating that it preferentially stimulated ATP utilization.148 In contrast, lactate maintains normal ATP content, stimulates QO2, and increases NADH content in both the PCT and the PST.97,146 Substrate-starved proximal tubules demonstrate an increased QO2 and/or NADH fluorescence when provided TCA cycle intermediates, such as succinate, citrate, and malate, as well as glutamine and acetate.97,146 β-hydroxybutyrate and glutamine supported ATP content in all proximal tubule segments.146 Of the various substrates studied, the short-chain fatty acids butyrate, valerate, and heptanoate most dramatically stimulated QO2 and NADH fluorescence.97 Harris and coworkers90 demonstrated that butyrate supported, to a greater extent than lactate, glucose, or alanine, the high rates of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation needed to sustain maximal rates of Na+,K+-ATPase activity, provoked by nystatin addition. In another study, addition of fatty acids (butyrate or valerate) or TCA intermediates (succinate or malate) to proxi-

glucose lactate glutamine β-OHB



ATL glucose lactate

mal tubules incubated in lactate, alanine, and glucose resulted in enhanced Na+-dependent phosphate transport in the absence of net fluid flux or ATP content.149 Butyrate was also shown to enhance the capacity of isolated, nonperfused PSTs to regulate volume under hypo-osmotic conditions by promoting NaCl transport.150 Gullans and coworkers76,144 showed that succinate stimulated gluconeogenesis, hyperpolarized the plasma membrane potential, and promoted intracellular K+ accumulation without altering Na+,K+-ATPase activity. Thus, the proximal tubule responds to a variety of substrates to support ion transport but has varied metabolic capabilities and substrate preferences along its length. THIN LIMBS OF HENLE. Relatively few studies have investigated the metabolic profile of the thin ascending limb of Henle or TDL. These segments have few mitochondria and limited oxidative metabolism. In studies of microdissected TDLs from short- and long-looped nephrons, ATP was depleted when the tubules were incubated in the absence of exogenous substrate at 37°C,151 indicating limited endogenous fuel stores. In the presence of exogenous substrates, however, TDLs from long-loop nephrons exhibited two to three times greater ATP contents per mm tubule length than did TDLs from short-loop nephrons. Glucose and pyruvate were the preferred substrates to sustain cellular ATP in TDLs from both short- and long-loop nephrons. ATP production from glutamine, β-hydroxybutyrate, and lactate was significant in TDLs from long-loop nephrons, whereas in TDLs from shortloop nephrons, glutamine was the preferred substrate, and β-hydroxybutyrate and lactate provided minimal metabolic support.151 The tubules exhibited a tight coupling of ATP production and active Na+ transport. When active Na+ transport was stimulated by the ionophore monensin, ATP levels were depleted, and conversely, ouabain inhibition of Na+ transport resulted in increased ATP levels.151 There have been no published studies profiling the metabolic pathways of the thin ascending limbs of Henle. CTAL. 14C-labeled substrate studies demonstrated that glucose and lactate both efficiently generated 14CO2 in the CTAL.70 Glutamine, glutamate, malate, 2-oxoglutarate, and

CH 4

Metabolic Basis of Solute Transport

FIGURE 4–13 Substrate preferences along the nephron. Summary of preferred substrates to fuel active transport in nephron segments as gleaned primarily from studies using QO2, ion fluxes, 14CO2 generation from 14C-labeled substrates, ATP contents, and NADH fluorescence. β-OHB, β-hydroxybutyrate.

lactate glutamate citrate fatty acids

glucose lactate pyruvate fatty acids β-OHB

152 148 palmitate were also oxidized, but to a lesser degree. The ATP content of CTALs was maintained in the presence of glucose, β-hydroxybutyrate, or lactate, but glutamine was ineffective.146 The isolated perfused CTAL of the rabbit nephron utilizes glucose and/or pyruvate, acetate, β-hydroxybutyrate, acetoacetate, and butyrate to energize active Na+ CH 4 transport as measured by short-circuit current.153 Glutamine, glutamate, citrate, 2-oxoglutarate, and succinate were less effective in supporting maximal rates of transepithelial Na+ transport. Substrate removal resulted in a substantial decrease in Isc over 10 minutes, indicating limited endogenous energy stores. Lactate was produced from glucose under aerobic conditions, and lactate synthesis was greatly enhanced when antimycin A was used to inhibit mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation.154 The CTAL exhibits a tight coupling of active Na+ transport and QO2. Ouabain inhibits about 40% to 50% of the QO2 in CTALs in the presence of glucose, lactate, and alanine. Inhibition of active Na+ transport with ouabain or furosemide abrogated 14CO2 production with 14C-labeled lactate as substrate, indicating a tight coupling of active Na+ transport and lactate oxidation.152 In addition, some studies indicate that enzymes active in fatty acid oxidation are active in the CTAL and that CO2 can be formed from palmitate. Other work, however, demonstrated that proprionate, caprylate, and oleate did not support active Na+ transport in this segment, suggesting an inability of the CTAL to metabolize odd-chain or long-chain fatty acids.155 In the aggregate, these studies indicate that the preferred exogenous substrates to fuel active Na+ transport in the CTAL are glucose, lactate, pyruvate, ketone bodies, and fatty acids. MTAL. The TAL exhibits the highest rates of active Na+ transport among nephron segments, and possesses abundant mitochondria156 and a high QO2 to meet these energy demands.157,158 In fact, the QO2 in the MTAL is nearly 50% greater than that of the proximal tubule.159 The MTAL has substantial endogenous energy reserves. In the absence of exogenous substrates, QO2 is 85% of that achieved in the presence of substrate.158 Studies by Eveloff and coworkers,157 using pharmacologic inhibitors to block glycolysis, fatty acid oxidation, and amino acid transferase, showed that the endogenous fuels included glycogen, fatty acids, and amino acids. These endogenous fuels were inadequate to support fully nystatin-stimulated Na+,K+-ATPase activity, but addition of exogenous glucose stimulated QO2 by nearly 20% and sustained higher rates of nystatin-stimulated QO2. In the presence of glucose, inhibition of fatty acid oxidation had less inhibitory effect on QO2. The short-chain fatty acid butyrate as well as acetoacetate and acetate but not lactate, further augmented QO2 in the presence of glucose. These results suggested that the tubules were substrate-limited in the absence of fatty acids or ketone bodies. Glucose, acetate, malate, and succinate fully supported QO2 in the MTAL.157 Inhibition of salt transport by furosemide or ouabain markedly decreased glucose oxidation.160 Substrate oxidation assessed by measuring 14CO2 production from tracer amounts of 14C-labeled substrates in microdissected MTALs showed that glucose, 2-oxoglutarate, palmitate, lactate, glutamate, and glutamine were utilized as fuels, whereas the TCA cycle intermediates succinate, citrate, and malate were not significantly oxidized.70 Leucine, a branched-chain amino acid, is also used as metabolic fuel by this nephron segment, although to a fivefold lower extent than glucose.160 In a separate study, glucose, βhydroxybutyrate, and lactate supported normal ATP content, whereas glutamine was only partially effective in restoring ATP content. Compared with the proximal tubule, TAL segments exhibit a greater capacity for anaerobic metabolism to support cellular functions but still require mitochondrial respiration for

maintenance of active Na+ transport. In in vitro microperfusion studies of isolated rabbit CTALs, removal of substrates led to a rapid decline in transepithelial Na+ transport, measured as short-circuit current. Addition of glucose from the basolateral side sustained short-circuit current, indicating that the CTAL of rabbit utilizes glucose to energize Na+ reabsorption. However, when mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation was poisoned with cyanide, glucose was only minimally superior to lactate in supporting transport. Studies in both rat154 and mice146 CTALs demonstrated that inhibition of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation resulted in activation of glycolysis, but this was insufficient to maintain normal rates of NaCl transport. The MTAL exhibits a greater capacity for anaerobic glycolysis but, like the CTAL, requires ATP production from mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation to maintain active Na+ transport. In the rat MTAL, lactate generation from glucose is greatly enhanced after chemical inhibition of cellular respiration,154 but insufficient to support normal ATP levels.146 Chamberlin and Mandel158 tested the effects of anoxia on Na+,K+-ATPase activity, ATP content, extracellular K+ release, and QO2 in suspensions of rabbit MTALs. Under oxygenated conditions, the tubules exhibited efficient coupling between oxidative metabolism (six ATP/ O2) and Na+,K+-ATPase (two K+/ATP). When anoxic, the tubules released K+, indicating substrate limitation of Na+,K+ATPase activity. However, this rate was accelerated with complete Na+,K+-ATPase blockade by ouabain, indicating a reserve of Na+,K+-ATPase activity even in anoxia. Anaerobic metabolism maintained 73% of cellular ATP during 10 min of anoxia, and iodoacetate, an inhibitor of glycolysis, produced a 57% decline in ATP levels and a 33% decline in K+ content during anoxia. Thus, glycolysis contributes significant energy during anoxia but is insufficient to maintain the high rates of active transport conducted by this segment. DISTAL CONVOLUTED TUBULE. The metabolic profile and substrate preferences of the DCT are not as clearly described as for other nephron segments. Vinay and coworkers161 established that this segment is glycolytic. The DCT contains abundant mitochondria, Na+, K+-ATPase activity,162 high ATP levels (as compared with the proximal tubule),163 and contains enzymatic activities that would support utilization of glucose, fatty acids, and ketone bodies.68,135 In isolated DCTs from the mouse provided glucose, lactate, β-hydroxybutyrate, or Lglutamine as single substrates, lactate and β-hydroxybutyrate were preferred substrates for ATP maintenance. ATP contents were supported at somewhat lower levels by glucose alone, and glutamine did not increase ATP levels over basal conditions.146 Bagnasco and coworkers154 found that microdissected DCTs produced lactate with glucose as the only substrate and that inhibition of respiration with antimycin A increased lactate production by 98%. A single report of CO2 production from 14C-labeled substrates demonstrated glucose oxidation in isolated DCT,164 but no data are published concerning QO2 in this segment. CORTICAL COLLECTING DUCT. Oxidative metabolism provides the majority of the support of cellular ATP content and active Na+ transport in this nephron segment. In measurements of metabolic CO2 production from 14C-labelled lactate or glucose in microdissected nonperfused tubules, ouabain decreased by more than 50% the CO2 production by CCD, indicating tight coupling of oxidative metabolism to active Na+ transport. Similarly, blockade of Na+ entry steps with amiloride reduced the rate of CO2 production to an extent almost similar to that obtained with ouabain.165 Substrate deprivation for 30 min at 37°C produced no change in ATP content of the isolated rat CCD, indicating significant endogenous fuels.166 ATP production was greater from glucose than from lactate, β-hydroxybutyrate, or glutamine.146 Likewise, in the isolated perfused rabbit CCD, endogenous substrates supported a small component of Na+ transport.167 Inhibition of

metabolism in this tissue.101 Studies of suspensions of dog 149 IMCDs incubated under aerobic and anaerobic conditions demonstrated that glucose is the preferred substrate for this segment, even if lactate can be oxidized under aerobic conditions.172 Glycogen consumption also occurs and to a greater extent during anoxia.172 Under aerobic conditions, the net oxidation of glucose to CH 4 CO2 contributes significantly to the cellular energetics. In studies of isolated rat IMCDs, lactate production was at least three times greater than other distal nephron segments.154 In another study, aerobic glycolysis accounted for more than 20% of the ATP production in the IMCD.171 Cohen postulated that that the high rate of aerobic glycolysis in the presence of an adequate O2 supply stems from the small mass of mitochondria in relation to the amount of work done by the papillary tissue. The limited ATP synthesis from mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation shifts both the phosphorylation state ([ATP]/[ADP][Pi]) and the cytoplasmic redox state ([NAD+]/[NADH]) of the IMCD cells to a more reduced state, enhancing glycolytic rates and enabling these cells with few mitochondria to sustain substantial active transport in a low O2 environment. Given the low density of mitochondria in the IMCD and the low PO2 it encounters, the IMCD relies to a greater degree on anaerobic glycolysis to sustain normal ion transport rates. Stokes and colleagues171 reported that glycolysis increased by 56% and was able to maintain the cellular ATP level at 65% of control values when mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation was inhibited with rotenone. Similarly, Bagnasco and colleagues154 found that antimycin A treatment resulted in a 28% increase in lactate production from glucose. In studies that examined the metabolic determinants of K+ transport in the rabbit IMCD, glucose as sole substrate augmented basal QO2 and cell K+ content by about 12% each, whereas iodoacetic acid, an inhibitor of glycolysis, or rotenone, an inhibitor of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, promoted a release of cell K+, indicative of substrate limitation of the Na+,K+-ATPase.173 Similarly, in dog IMCD, anoxia resulted in a shift to glycolytic production of ATP, but both the apparent ATP turnover and the activity of the Na+, K+-ATPase were reduced.172 Collectively, these data indicate that both glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation are required to maintain optimal cellular K+ gradients and ATP levels in the IMCD. In addition, Kinne and coworkers101 posit that substrate recycling helps to conserve carbohydrate. Based on IMCD cell isolation studies, they propose that sorbitol, taken up by neighboring interstitial cells, is converted into fructose and then recycled to the collecting duct cells. This cycle might represent a beneficial adaptation to low O2 tension, low substrate supply, and extreme changes in extracellular osmolality in this region. In summary, a variety of methodologies, both to examine specific metabolic pathways and to define intrarenal heterogeneity of metabolism, have been applied to the study of renal metabolism along the nephron. Differences are evident among cell types and are in large part dictated by the local environment and the requirements of the specific cell type to perform active Na+ transport. Though differences in mechanisms for substrate uptake differ among nephron cell populations, substrate availability is not generally rate-limiting under physiologic conditions in the kidney. To date, work has principally focused on the proximal tubule and the IMCD, so much is to be learned about the metabolism in other segments of the nephron. Because most studies have sought to isolate single metabolic pathways and used single substrates to analyze substrate preferences in substrate-starved cells, little is known about true preferences when multiple substrates are present and what factors may govern such preferences. There also appears to be considerable interspecies differences in metabolic profile among nephron segments, and very

Metabolic Basis of Solute Transport

mitochondrial respiration in the isolated rat CCD with antimycin A caused a significant decrement in cell ATP level within 5 min. Rabbit nonperfused CCDs subjected to hyperosmotic challenge undergo a regulatory volume increase in the presence of extracellular Na+ that is supported by butyrate,168 suggesting a role for fatty acids in this process, despite the relative low activity of enzymes for fatty acid oxidation present in the rat CCD.169 Nonaka and Stokes170 examined the role of metabolism in the support of CCD ion transport using transepithelial electrical measurements and concurrent determination of lumen-tobath Na+ flux. Glucose provided the better support of Na+ transport than lactate, pyruvate, glutamine, glutamate, alanine, and several short-chain fatty acids. With glucose absent, near-maximal support of Na+ transport was provided by lactate, butyrate hexanoate, or acetate. Hering-Smith and Hamm167 assayed lumen-to-bath 22Na+ flux and HCO3− in microperfused rabbit CCDs before and after metabolic substrate changes or application of metabolic inhibitors. Both Na+ reabsorption, predominantly a principal cell function in the CCD, and HCO3− secretion, predominantly an intercalated cell process, were inhibited by antimycin A but were not significantly affected by inhibitors of glycolysis or the hexosemonophosphate shunt pathway.167 Basolateral perfusion of glucose and acetate best supported Na+ reabsorption, whereas either glucose or acetate fully maintained HCO3− secretion. In addition, luminal glucose to some degree supported HCO3− secretion, but not Na+ transport. The investigators concluded that principal cells and intercalated cells differ not only in their morphology and function but also in their metabolic support of transport.167 OMCD. The OMCD is a major site of H+ secretion along the nephron and is largely responsible for the final acidification of the urine. The OMCD appears to have appreciable endogenous fuels, presumably glycogen, as evidenced by the fact that substrate deprivation for 30 min at 37°C resulted in no change in ATP content of the isolated, nonperfused rat OMCD.166 Likewise, HCO3− secretion in the isolated perfused rabbit OMCD was fully supported by endogenous substrates.167 The segment exhibits has considerable reliance on oxidative metabolism. Addition of cyanide to inhibit mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation depleted greater than 95% of the ATP content of isolated rabbit OMCD cells in the absence of glucose fuels.166 Anaerobic glycolysis can also contribute significantly to cellular energetics. Inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation with antimycin A resulted in an ∼350% increase in lactate production from the isolated rat OMCD.154 The OMCD has relatively low rates of active Na+ transport and, in the rabbit, exhibits a relatively low level of ouabain-sensitive QO2. Active Na+ transport appears to be tightly coupled to oxidative metabolism. Ouabain decreased by more than 50% the CO2 production from radiolabeled glucose in isolated, nonperfused rat OMCD, indicating that oxidative metabolism was substantially coupled to active Na+ transport.165 IMCD. A major function of the IMCD is the final absorption of about 5% of filtered Na+. Studies in isolated rat IMCD cells showed that ouabain-sensitive QO2 is only 25% to 35%,171 and accordingly, ATP turnover is relatively low.172 Cellular energetics are largely dependent upon glucose availability under aerobic or anaerobic conditions,172 although these cells appear to have considerable endogenous substrates. Stokes and colleagues171 found that, in the absence of any exogenous substrate, respiration and ATP contents were near-normal, but lactate production was markedly decreased. Based on 13C-NMR analysis of IMCD cell suspensions, enzyme assays on cell homogenates, and enzymatic determination of metabolites and cofactors, the major pathways of glucose metabolism in the IMCD are aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis, the pentose-phosphate shunt, and gluconeogenesis, although the latter two pathways represent minor ones for glucose

150 little is known about nephron heterogeneity of metabolism in humans.

CH 4

SOLUTE TRANSPORT AND ENERGY AVAILABILITY DURING HYPOXIC OR ISCHEMIC CONDITIONS Several investigators have explored the ability of isolated nephron segments supplied selected substrates to maintain active transport and ATP levels in the face of environmental or chemical inhibitors of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. These studies sought to determine whether endogenous fuel reserves were sufficient to maintain active transport and ATP content, whether ATP-generation derived from anaerobic glycolysis was enhanced, and whether ATP from glycolytic metabolism could support cellular functions when mitochondrial oxidative respiration was limited. In the rabbit proximal tubule, disparate results have been obtained depending on the experimental model. Glycolysis, measured as lactate production from glucose, was not appreciably evident under aerobic conditions or when mitochondrial respiration was inhibited with antimycin A.154 In contrast, Dickman and Mandel,174 using different means to inhibit oxidative, namely hypoxia (1% O2) or inhibition of the respiratory chain with rotenone, showed that suspensions of rabbit proximal tubules can generate lactate and ATP through anaerobic glycolysis to maintain 90% of basal ATP levels. In addition, a differential susceptibility of proximal tubule segments to hypoxia, related at least in part to differences in glycolytic capacity, was discovered: The PCT, with its more limited glycolytic capacity, was more vulnerable to hypoxia than the PST.175 Finally, in ischemia, the reduced ATP/ADP ratio would be predicted to increase the open probability of the K-ATP channels independently from pump activity, leading to detrimental imbalance of pump and K+ leak. Weinberg and coworkers176,177 conducted a comprehensive analysis of proximal tubule metabolism following hypoxia/ reoxygenation. During hypoxia/reoxygenation, the cells developed severe energy deficits, respiratory inhibition, and diminished mitochondrial membrane potential. The decreased respiration persists for substantial periods of time before onset of the mitochondrial permeability transition and/or loss of cytochrome c. Interestingly, there is a high level of resistance to development of complex I dysfunction during hypoxia-reoxygenation in these cells, implicating events upstream of complex I to be important for the energetic deficit.177 The function of both the F1F0-ATPase and the adenine nucleotide translocase are largely intact, and uncoupling appears to play the principal role in the mitochondrial dysfunction.176 Provision of supplements, as substrates for anaerobic ATP generation, during either hypoxia or only during reoxygenation abrogated these abnormalities. Provision of the citric acid cycle metabolites α-ketoglutarate plus malate during either hypoxia or reoxygenation promotes mitochondrial anaerobic metabolism to increase ATP production by substrate-level phosphorylation and energization by anaerobic respiration in electron transport complexes I and II and provide succinate to bypass the complex I block when aerobic metabolism resumes. Accumulation of nonesterified fatty acids appears to underlie the energetic failure of reoxygenated proximal tubules. Moreover, lowering levels of nonesterified fatty acids is a major contributor to the benefit from supplementation with α-ketoglutarate and malate.176 Compared with the proximal tubule, TAL segments exhibit a greater capacity for anaerobic metabolism to support cellular functions but still require mitochondrial respiration for maintenance of active Na+ transport. In in vitro microperfusion studies of isolated rabbit CTALs, removal of substrates led to a rapid decline in transepithelial Na+ transport, mea-

sured as Isc. Addition of glucose from the basolateral side sustained the Isc, indicating that the CTAL of rabbit utilizes glucose to energize salt reabsorption. However, when mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation was poisoned with cyanide, glucose was only minimally superior to lactate in supporting transport.153 In studies in both rat154 and mice146 CTALs, inhibition of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation resulted in activation of glycolysis, but this was insufficient to maintain normal rates of NaCl transport. The MTAL exhibits a greater capacity for anaerobic glycolysis but, like the CTAL, requires ATP production from mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation to maintain active Na+ transport. In the rat MTAL, lactate generation from glucose is greatly enhanced after chemical inhibition of cellular respiration154 but insufficient to support normal ATP levels.146 Chamberlin and Mandel158 tested the effects of anoxia on Na+,K+-ATPase activity, ATP content, extracellular K+ release, and QO2 in suspensions of rabbit MTALs. Under oxygenated conditions, the tubules exhibited efficient coupling between oxidative metabolism (six ATP/O2) and Na+,K+-ATPase (two K+/ATP). When anoxic, the tubules released K+, indicating insufficient Na+,K+-ATPase activity. However, this rate was accelerated with complete Na+,K+-ATPase blockade by ouabain, indicating a reserve of Na+,K+-ATPase activity even in anoxia. Anaerobic metabolism maintained 73% of cellular ATP during 10 min of anoxia, and iodoacetate, an inhibitor of glycolysis, produced a 57% decline in ATP levels and a 33% decline in potassium content during anoxia. Thus, glycolysis contributes significant energy during anoxia but is insufficient to maintain the high rates of active transport conducted by this segment. Given the fact that requirement the MTAL in vitro requires mitochondrial respiration to maintain normal ATP contents and transport rates, it is somewhat surprising that the MTAL in vivo sustains high active transport rates despite the low O2 tension of this region. The countercurrent flow of the vasa recta, coupled with the high rates of active solute transport and gradient generation by the MTAL, results in a steep corticomedullary gradient of oxygen, ranging from a PO2 of 50 mm Hg in the cortex to 10 to 20 mm Hg in the medulla.178 The tenuous balance of oxygen supply and demand in the relatively hypoxic renal medulla places this nephron segment at high risk for hypoxic cellular dysfunction and injury. Prasad and coworkers179 used the noninvasive technique blood oxygenation level–dependent (BOLD) MRI, a method that exploits deoxygenated blood as an endogenous source of contrast, to demonstrate the dynamics of intrarenal oxygenation in humans. Furosemide, which inhibits active Na+ reabsorption and QO2 in the MTAL, increased medullary PO2 in healthy young adults, whereas acetazolamide, which principally inhibits solute reabsorption in the proximal tubules, had no effect on medullary PO2.179 Indeed, Brezis and coworkers180 suggested that decreased transport workload in the MTAL may help to spare it from injury. In the isolated rat kidney perfused with hypoxic solutions, furosemide-treated kidneys exhibited 86% lower fraction of MTALs showing severe damage compared with vehicle-treated kidneys. Given the low density of mitochondria in the IMCD and the low PO2 it encounters, the IMCD relies to a greater degree on anaerobic glycolysis to sustain normal ion transport rates. In IMCD cell suspension from rabbit, glucose augmented basal QO2 and cell K+ content by about 12% each, and iodoacetic acid, an inhibitor of glycolysis, promoted a release of cell K+. However, inhibition of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation with rotenone demonstrated that glycolysis alone could not maintain cell K+ content.173 In dog IMCD, anoxia resulted in a shift to glycolytic production of ATP, but both the apparent ATP turnover and the activity of the Na+, K+ATPase were reduced.172 Thus, both glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation are required to maintain optimal cellular K+


is a semi-essential amino acid that is metabolized to several molecules that influence renal function, including NO, L-proline, or polyamines. L-Arginine is the only known substrate for all NO synthase isoforms and, as such, helps to regulate the potent effects of NO on solute transport and metabolism in the kidney.



The uptake, recycling, and degradation of L-arginine modulate NO production. The amino acid is transported into renal tubular epithelial cells by the cationic amino acid transporter (CAT) family of system y(+), proteins. In some cell types, CAT-2 activity is coordinately induced with NO synthase activity to support higher substrate demands of the enzyme. CAT-1 mRNA is expressed predominantly in the collecting ducts and vasa recta in the inner medulla, where L-arginine uptake by this transporter is important in the production of NO and maintenance of blood flow in the renal medulla.181 In addition to the importance of L-arginine uptake for NO generation, L-citrulline, which is formed as a byproduct of the NO synthase reaction, can be recycled to L-arginine by consecutive actions of argininosuccinate synthetase and argininosuccinate lyase. Immunolocalization studies in mouse kidney determined that both enzymes are expressed predominantly in the proximal tubule.182 In agreement with this work, studies examining the fate of radiolabeled Lcitrulline documented substantial generation of radiolabeled L-arginine in the proximal tubule, predominantly in the proximal convoluted tubule.183 In addition to its metabolism via NO synthases, L-arginine can be metabolized by arginase to ornithine and then via ornithine decarboxylase to growth stimulatory polyamines, and by arginine decarboxylase to agmatine following the action of arginine decarboxylase (Fig. 4–14).184 These latter pathways effectively decrease intracellular arginine available for NO production. There is likely competition for substrate among the various arginine metabolic pathways, and the products of these enzymes appear to have a regulatory role on the various pathways.184 Immunolocalization studies have






H2O arginase urea

FIGURE 4–14 Pathways of L-arginine metabolism. ADC, arginine decarboxylase; BH4, tetrahydrobiopterin, a necessary cofactor for NOS activity; NO, nitric oxide; NOS, NO synthase.

shown that the arginase II isoenzyme is strongly expressed in 151 the outer stripe of the outer medulla, presumably in the proximal straight tubules, and in a subpopulation of the proximal convoluted tubules in the cortex.185 Similarly, within the mouse and rat nephron, ornithine decarboxylase activity is found exclusively in the proximal tubule, primarily in the proximal convoluted tubule.186 Filtered ornithine reabsorbed CH 4 along the PCT may be a major source of ornithine for ornithine decarboxylase.

Effects of NO on Renal Solute Transport In the proximal tubule, NO has been reported to both stimulate and inhibit net fluid and HCO3− flux, but only inhibitory effects of NO have been found on the Na+/H+ exchanger and Na+,K+-ATPase activity in this segment.187 In the MTAL, NO inhibits net Cl− and HCO3− absorption, effects in part mediated by a direct inhibitory action of NO on the Na+-K+-2Cl− cotransporter and the Na+/H+ exchanger.187 In contrast, NO stimulates the activity of apical K+ channels in this segment.188 In the collecting duct, NO inhibits Na+ absorption and vasopressin-stimulated osmotic water permeability.187 In addition, Lu and coworkers189 demonstrated that NO inhibits apical Na+ channels in the CCD and linked this mechanism to the inhibition of the basolateral small-conductance K+ channel. NO has also been reported to inhibit the H+-ATPase of intercalated cells of the collecting duct.190 In the dog, nonselective NO synthase inhibitors renal increase QO2 and TNa+/QO2. Rats treated with nonselective NO synthase inhibitors exhibited increased TNa+/QO2, and these inhibitors also increased QO2 in proximal tubules in vitro at presumed lower levels of vectorial NaCl transport, suggesting that this effect was not mediated by influences on sodium transport alone. Thus, nonselective NO synthase inhibition increases the oxygen costs of kidney function via angiotensin II–independent mechanisms.191

Effects of NO on Mitochondrial Respiration Experiments on isolated mitochondria and intact cells have shown that NO plays important roles in regulating mitochondrial QO2, membrane potential, ATP production, and free radical generation.192 Several groups demonstrated that NO potently and reversibly inhibits cytochrome oxidase through interactions with complex IV and S-nitrosation of complex I193 with very rapid binding and dissociation kinetics and reduces the affinity of the enzyme for O2.194 In addition, mounting evidence indicates that an NO synthase, recently identified as the full-length neuronal NO synthase isoform with unique post-translational modifications, is expressed in mitochondria and produces NO under physiologic conditions.195 Transcripts for this mitochondrial NO synthase were detected in kidney.195 Although mitochondria cannot release physiologically relevant levels of NO, they produce biologically active nitrates through arginine-independent mechanisms, which raises the possibility that modulating mitochondrial functions can alter nitrate metabolism. In the aggregate, these findings suggested that NO might serve as a physiologic regulator of cellular respiration. Studies in renal tubules and isolated mitochondria indicated that NO could potently and reversibly inhibit respiration at nanomolar concentrations. There were no differences in sensitivity to NOmediated inhibition between outer medullary and cortical tubules. The result suggested that, because of its low PO2, the renal outer medulla may be more vulnerable to hypoxia, not simply because of the low PO2 as such, but more likely because of the competition between NO and O2 to control respiration.196

Metabolic Basis of Solute Transport

gradients and ATP levels in the IMCD. In addition, Kinne and coworkers101 postulated that substrate recycling helps to conserve carbohydrate. Based on IMCD cell isolation studies, they propose that sorbitol, taken up by neighboring interstitial cells, is converted into fructose and then recycled to the collecting duct cells. This cycle might represent a beneficial adaptation to low oxygen tension, low substrate supply, and extreme changes in extracellular osmolality in this region.

In addition to limiting cellular respiration, the inhibition of cytochrome oxidase by NO also shifts the electron transport chain to a more reduced state, favoring the formation of superoxide anions (O2−) at the level of complexes I and III of the electron transport chain. The O2− can then be converted by superoxide dismutase into hydrogen peroxide or, dependCH 4 ing on intracellular redox conditions, react with NO to form peroxynitrite (ONOO−).197 Both reactive species can produce alteration of solute transport pathways, cell damage, and apoptosis. The attendant depletion of the glutathione pool and enhanced production of ONOO− in the mitochondria promotes the induction of the permeability transition pore, which collapses the membrane potential and leads to mitochondrial swelling, rupture of the outer mitochondrial membrane, release of pro-apoptotic factors, and apoptosis.198 152

SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The heterogeneity of renal transport systems to maintain cellular homeostasis is coupled in a dynamic and interactive manner to a diverse, but highly integrated system of metabolic pathways that effect or influence energy production. A family of ion-translocating ATPases mediates the primary active transport of Na+, K+, Ca2+, and perhaps Cl−, drives the secondary active transport of other ions and solutes, and consumes the majority of the renal energy supply. To address these demands, kidney epithelial cells have a high capacity for mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation to generate ATP. Studies in whole kidney, isolated tubules, and renal cells have demonstrated that the energy demands of active Na+ transport are coupled to the availability and synthesis of ATP, often indexed by QO2. The coupling factors between these processes appear to be the cytosolic concentrations of ATP, ADP, and Pi. These adenine nucleotides also influence ATPsensitive K+ channels and link the activity of the Na+ pump with the K+ leak in at least some nephron segments. There is considerable variability along the nephron among ion transport demand, specific ion transport pathways, metabolic substrate preferences to fuel ion transport, and biochemical pathways and mitochondrial density used to generate ATP and reducing equivalents. In addition to its role as a metabolic fuel, ATP and its metabolites serve as autocrine and/or paracrine regulators of solute transport via activation of P2 purinergic receptors in the kidney. Similarly, the generation of NO from L-arginine affects both specific ion transport mechanisms and mitochondrial respiration. Finally, a wealth of data indicate that the ion transport mechanisms and metabolic processes that support and regulate them along the nephron are subject to complex control by changes in local and systemic environmental conditions (e.g., diet, hormones, drugs, dysfunction of other organs). The extent to which the responses of ion transport and metabolism remain coordinated is largely predictive of successful adaptation to the environmental challenge.

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CH 4

Metabolic Basis of Solute Transport

184. Blantz RC, Satriano J, Gabbai F, Kelly C: Biological effects of arginine metabolites. Acta Physiol Scand 168:21–25, 2000. 185. Miyanaka K, Gotoh T, Nagasaki A, et al: Immunohistochemical localization of arginase II and other enzymes of arginine metabolism in rat kidney and liver. Histochem J 30:741–751, 1998. 186. Levillain O, Hus-Citharel A, Morel F, Bankir L: Arginine synthesis in mouse and rabbit nephron: Localization and functional significance. Am J Physiol 264:F1038–F1045, 1993. 187. Ortiz PA, Garvin JL: Role of nitric oxide in the regulation of nephron transport. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 282:F777–F784, 2002. 188. Lu M, Wang X, Wang W: Nitric oxide increases the activity of the apical 70-pS K+ channel in TAL of rat kidney. Am J Physiol 274:F946–F950, 1998. 189. Lu M, Giebisch G, Wang W: Nitric oxide links the apical Na+ transport to the basolateral K+ conductance in the rat cortical collecting duct. J Gen Physiol 110:717–726, 1997. 190. Tojo A, Guzman NJ, Garg LC, et al: Nitric oxide inhibits bafilomycin-sensitive H+ATPase activity in rat cortical collecting duct. Am J Physiol 267:F509–F515, 1994. 191. Deng A, Miracle CM, Suarez JM, et al: Oxygen consumption in the kidney: Effects of nitric oxide synthase isoforms and angiotensin II. Kidney Int 68:723–730, 2005. 192. Moncada S, Erusalimsky JD: Does nitric oxide modulate mitochondrial energy generation and apoptosis? Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 3:214–220, 2002. 193. Burwell LS, Nadtochiv SM, Tompkins AJ, et al: Direct evidence for S-nitrosation of mitochondrial complex I. Biochem J 15:627–634, 2006.

CHAPTER 5 Sodium and Chloride Transport, 156 Proximal Tubule, 156 Loop of Henle and Thick Ascending Limb, 166 Distal Convoluted Tubule, Connecting Tubule, and Collecting Duct, 172 Potassium Transport, 180 Proximal Tubule, 180 The Loop of Henle and Medullary K+ Recycling, 181 K+ Secretion by the Distal Convoluted Tubule, Connecting Tubule, and Cortical Collecting Duct, 181 K+ Reabsorption by the Collecting Duct, 182 Regulation of Distal K+ Transport, 183

Transport of Inorganic Solutes: Sodium, Chloride, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, and Phosphate David B. Mount • Alan S. L. Yu


Sodium (Na+) is the principal osmole in extracellular fluid; as such, the total body Calcium Transport, 185 content of Na+ and Cl−, its primary anion, Calcium Homeostasis, 185 determine the extracellular fluid volume. Renal Handling of Calcium, 186 Renal excretion or retention of salt (Na+-Cl−) Regulation of Renal Calcium is thus the major determinant of the extraHandling, 190 cellular fluid volume, such that genetic lossMagnesium Transport, 192 in-function or gains-in-function in renal Magnesium Homeostasis, 192 Na+-Cl− transport can be associated with relaRenal Magnesium Handling, 193 tive hypotension or hypertension, respecRegulation of Renal Magnesium tively. On a quantitative level, at a glomerular Handling, 195 filtration rate of 180 liters/day and serum Na+ of ∼140 mM, the kidney filters some Phosphate Transport, 196 25,200 millimoles per day of Na+; this is Phosphate Homeostasis, 196 equivalent to ∼1.5 kilograms of salt, which Renal Handling of Phosphate, 197 would occupy roughly ten times the extracelRegulation of Renal Phosphate lular space.1 Minute changes in renal Na+-Cl− Handling, 200 excretion can thus have profound effects on the extracellular fluid volume; furthermore, 99.6% of this filtered Na+-Cl− must be reabsorbed to excrete 100 millimoles per day. Energetically, this renal absorption of Na+ consumes one molecule of ATP per 5 molecules of Na+.1 This is gratifyingly economical, given that the absorption of Na+-Cl− is driven by basolateral Na+/K+-ATPase, which has a stoichiometry of three molecules of transported Na+ per molecule of ATP. This estimate reflects a net expenditure, however, because the cost of transepithelial Na+-Cl− transport varies considerably along the nephron, from a predominance of passive transport by thin ascending limbs to the purely active transport mediated by the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron (distal convoluted tubule, connecting tubule, and collecting duct). The bulk of filtered Na+-Cl− transport is reabsorbed by the proximal tubule and thick ascending limb (Fig. 5–1), nephron segments which utilize their own peculiar combinations of paracellular and transcellular Na+-Cl− transport; whereas the proximal tubule can theoretically absorb as much as 9 Na+ molecules for each hydrolyzed ATP,1 paracellular Na+ transport by the thick ascending limb doubles the efficiency of transepithelial Na+-Cl− transport (6 Na+ per ATP).2 Finally, the “fine-tuning” of renal Na+-Cl− absorption occurs at full cost1 (3 Na+ per ATP) in the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron, while affording the generation of considerable transepithelial gradients. The nephron thus constitutes a serial arrangement of tubule segments with considerable heterogeneity in the physiological consequences, mechanisms, and regulation of transepithelial Na+-Cl− transport. These issues will be reviewed in this section, in anatomical order, with an emphasis on particularly recent developments. 156

Proximal Tubule A primary function of the renal proximal tubule is the near-isosomotic reabsorption of two thirds to three quarters of the glomerular ultrafiltrate. This encompasses the reabsorption of approximately 60% of filtered Na+-Cl− (see Fig. 5–1), such that this nephron segment plays a critical role in the maintenance of extracellular fluid volume. Although all segments of the proximal tubule share the ability to transport a variety of inorganic and organic solutes, there are considerable differences in the transport characteristics and capacity of early, mid, and late segments of the proximal tubule. There is thus is a gradual reduction in the volume of transported fluid and solutes as one proceeds along the proximal nephron. This corresponds to distinct ultrastructural characteristics in the tubular epithelium, moving from the S1 segment (early proximal convoluted tubule), to the S2 segment (late proximal convoluted tubule and beginning of the proximal straight tubule), and the S3 segment (remainder of the proximal straight tubule) (Fig. 5–2). Cells of the S1 segment are thus characterized by a tall brush border, with extensive lateral invaginations of the basolateral membrane.3 Numerous elongated mitochondria are located in lateral cell processes, with a proximity to the plasma membrane that is characteristic of epithelial cells involved in active transport. Ultrastructure of the S2 segment is similar, albeit with a shorter brush border, fewer lateral invaginations, and less prominent mitochondria. In epithelial cells of the S3 segment, lateral cell processes and invaginations are essentially absent, with small mitochondria that are randomly distributed within the cell.3 The extensive brush border of proximal tubular cells serves to amplify the apical cell surface that is available for reabsorption; again, this amplification is axially distributed, increasing apical area 36-fold in S1 and 15-fold in S3.4 At the functional




1.8 CCD 60%



7% 1.4


OMCD 2–3%



1.0 Osm 0.8





Amino acids

IMCD 0.2 DLH 0


Glucose 0

20) gene family of tetraspan transmembrane proteins. The repertoire of claudins expressed by proximal tubular epithelial cells may thus determine the high paracellular permeability of this nephron segment. At a minimum, proximal tubular cells coexpress claudin-2, -10, and -11.25,26 The robust expression of claudin-2 in proximal tubule is of particular interest because this claudin can dramatically decrease the resistance of transfected epithelial cells.22 Consistent with this cellular phenotype, targeted deletion of claudin-2 in knockout mice generates a “tight” epithelium in the proximal tubule, with a reduction in Na+-Cl− reabsorption.27 The reabsorption of HCO3− and other solutes from the glomerular ultrafiltrate would be expected to generate an osmotic



Lumen FIGURE 5–5 Freeze fracture electron microscopy of tight junctions in mouse proximal and distal nephron. A, Proximal convoluted tubule, a “leaky” epithelium; the tight junction contains only one junctional strand, seen as a groove in the fracture face (arrows). B, Distal convoluted tubule, a “tight” epithelium. The tight junction is deeper and contains several anastamosing strands, seen as grooves in the fracture face. (From Claude P, Goodenough DA: Fracture faces of zonulae occludentes from “tight” and “leaky” epithelia. J Cell Biol 58:390–400, 1973.)

gradient across the epithelium, resulting in a hypotonic lumen. This appears to be the case, although the absolute difference in osmolality between lumen and peri-tubular space has been a source of considerable controversy.18 Another controversial issue has been the relative importance of paracellular versus transcellular water transport from this hypotonic lumen. These issues have both been elegantly addressed through characterization of knockout mice with a targeted deletion of Aquaporin-1, a water channel protein expressed at the apical and basolateral membranes of the proximal tubule. Mice deficient in Aquaporin-1 have an 80% reduction in water permeability in perfused S2 segments, with a 50% reduction in transepithelial fluid transport.28 Aquaporin-1 deficiency also results in a marked increase in luminal hypotonicity, providing definitive proof that near-isosmotic reabsorption by the proximal tubule requires transepithelial water transport via Aquaporin-1.18 The residual water transport in the proximal tubules of Aquaporin-1 knockout mice is mediated in part by Aquaporin-7.29 Alternative pathways for water reabsorption may include “co-transport” of H2O via the multiple Na+-dependent solute transporters in the early proximal tubule30; this novel hypothesis is, however, a source of considerable controversy.31 A related issue is the relative importance of diffusional versus convective transport of Na+-Cl−, also known as “solvent drag”, across the paracellular tight junction11; convective transport of Na+-Cl− with water would seem to play a lesser role than diffusion, given the evidence that the transcellular pathway is the dominant transepithelial pathway for water in the proximal tubule.18,28,29

Transcellular Na+-Cl- transport Apical Mechanisms Apical Na+-H+ exchange plays a critical role in both transcellular and paracellular reabsorption of Na+-Cl− by the proximal

Transport of Inorganic Solutes: Sodium, Chloride, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, and Phosphate


tubule. In addition to providing an entry site in the transcel- 159 lular transport of Na+, Na+-H+ exchange plays a dominant role in the robust absorption of HCO3− by the early proximal tubule32; this absorption of HCO3− serves to increase the luminal concentration of Cl−, which in turn increases the driving forces for the passive paracellular transport of both Na+ and Cl−. Increases in luminal Cl− also help drive the apical CH 5 uptake of Cl− during transcellular transport. Not surprisingly, there is a considerable reduction in fluid transport of perfused proximal tubules exposed to concentrations of amiloride that are sufficient to inhibit proximal tubular Na+-H+ exchange.33 Na+-H+ exchange is predominantly mediated by the NHE proteins, encoded by the nine members of the SLC9 gene family; NHE3 in particular plays an important role in proximal tubular physiology. The NH3 protein is expressed at the apical membrane of S1, S2, and S3 segments.34 The apical membrane of the proximal tubule also expresses alternative Na+-dependent H+ transporters,35 including NHE8.36 Regardless, the primacy of NHE3 in proximal Na+-Cl− reabsorption is illustrated by the renal phenotype of NHE3-null knockout mice, which have a 62% reduction in proximal fluid absorption37 and a 54% reduction in baseline chloride absorption.38 Much as amiloride and other inhibitors of Na+-H+ exchange revealed an important role for this transporter in transepithelial salt transport by the proximal tubule,33 evidence for the involvement of an apical anion exchanger first came from the use of anion transport inhibitors; DIDS, furosemide, and SITS all reduce fluid absorption from the lumen of PT segments perfused with solutions containing Na+-Cl−.15,33 In the simplest arrangement for the coupling of Na+-H+ exchange to Cl− exchange, Cl− would be exchanged with the OH− ion during Na+-Cl− transport (Fig. 5–6). Evidence for such a Cl−-OH− exchanger was reported by a number of groups in the early 1980’s, using membrane vesicles isolated from the proximal tubule (reviewed in Ref 39). These findings could not however be replicated in similar studies from other groups.39,40 Moreover, experimental evidence was provided for the existence of a dominant Cl−-formate exchange activity in brush border vesicles, in the absence of significant Cl−-OH− exchange.40 It was postulated that recycling of formate by the back-diffusion of formic acid would sustain the net transport of Na+-Cl− across the apical membrane. Vesicle formate transport stimulated by a pH gradient (H+-formate cotransport or formate-OH− exchange) is saturable, consistent with a carriermediated process rather than diffusion of formic acid across the apical membrane of the proximal tubule.41 Transport studies using brush border vesicles have also detected the presence of Cl−-oxalate exchange mechanisms in the apical membrane of the PT,42 in addition to SO42−-oxalate exchange.43 Based on differences in the affinities and inhibitor sensitivity of the Cl−-oxalate and Cl−-formate exchange activities, it was suggested that there are two separate apical exchangers in the proximal nephron, a Cl−-formate exchanger and a Cl−-formate/ oxalate exchanger capable of transporting both formate and oxalate (see Fig. 5–6). The physiological relevance of apical Cl-formate and Cloxalate exchange has been addressed by perfusing individual proximal tubule segments with solutions containing Na+-Cl− and either formate or oxalate. Both formate and oxalate significantly increased fluid transport under these conditions, in rabbit, rat, and mouse proximal tubule.38 This increase in fluid transport was inhibited by DIDS, suggesting involvement of the DIDS-sensitive anion exchanger(s) detected in brush border vesicle studies. A similar mechanism for Na+Cl− transport in the distal convoluted tubule (DCT) has also been detected, independent of thiazide-sensitive Na+-Cl− cotransport.44 Further experiments indicated that the oxalateand formate-dependent anion transporters in the PT are



B Cl






Slc26a6 Slc26?












NHE-3 Na




H 2K

Tubular lumen







CH 5



Tubular lumen




FIGURE 5–6 Transepithelial Na+-Cl− transport in the proximal tubule. A, In the simplest scheme, Cl− enters the apical membrane via a Cl−-OH− exchanger, coupled to Na+ entry via NHE-3. B, Alternative apical anion exchange activities that couple to Na+-H+ exchange and Na+-SO42− cotransport; see text for details.

coupled to distinct Na+ entry pathways, to Na+-SO42− cotransport and Na+-H+ exchange, respectively.45 The coupling of Cl−-oxalate transport to Na+-SO42− cotransport requires the additional presence of SO42−-oxalate exchange, which has been demonstrated in brush border membrane vesicle studies.43 The obligatory role for NHE3 in formate stimulated Cl− transport was illustrated using NHE3-null mice, in which the formate effect is abolished38; of note, oxalate stimulation of Cl− transport is preserved in the NHE3-null mice. Finally, tubular perfusion data from superficial and juxtamedullary proximal convoluted tubules suggest that there is heterogeneity in the dominant mode of anion exchange along the PT, such that Cl−-formate exchange is absent in juxtamedullary PCTs, in which Cl−-OH− exchange may instead be dominant.46 The molecular identity of the apical anion exchanger(s) involved in transepithelial Na+-Cl− by the proximal tubule has been the object of more than two decades of investigation. A key breakthrough was the observation that the SLC26A4 anion exchanger, also known as pendrin, is capable of Cl−formate exchange when expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes.47 However, expression of SLC26A4 in the proximal tubule is minimal or absent in several species, and murine Slc26a4 is quite clearly not involved in formate-stimulated Na+-Cl− transport in this nephron segment.48 There is however robust expression of SLC26A4 in distal type B intercalated cells49; the role of this exchanger in Cl− transport by the distal nephron is reviewed elsewhere in this chapter (see Na+-Cl− transport in the CNT and CCD; Cl− transport). Regardless, this data for

SLC26A4 led to the identification and characterization of SLC26A6, a widely expressed member of the SLC26 family that is expressed at the apical membrane of proximal tubular cells. Murine Slc26a6, when expressed in Xenopus oocytes, mediates the multiple modes of anion exchange that have been implicated in transepithelial Na+-Cl− by the proximal tubule, including Cl−-formate exchange, Cl−-OH− exchange, Cl−-SO42−, and SO42−-oxalate exchange.50 However, tubule perfusion experiments in mice deficient in Slc26a6 do not reveal a reduction in baseline Cl− or fluid transport, indicative of considerable heterogeneity in apical Cl− transport by the proximal tubule.51 Candidates for the residual Cl− transport in Slc26a6-deficient mice include Slc26a7, which is expressed at the apical membrane of proximal tubule52; however, this member of the SLC26 family appears to function as a Cl− channel rather than as an exchanger.53 It does however appear that Slc26a6 is the dominant Cl−-oxalate exchanger of the proximal brush border. The usual increase in tubular fluid transport induced by oxalate is thus abolished in Slc26a6-knockout mice,51 with an attendant loss of Cl−-oxalate exchange in brush border membrane vesicles.54 Somewhat surprisingly, Slc26a6 mediates electrogenic Cl−OH− and Cl−-HCO3− exchange,50 and most if not all the members of this family are electrogenic in at least one mode of anion transport.55 This begs the question of how the electroneutrality of transcellular Na+-Cl− transport is preserved. Notably, however, the stoichiometry and electrophysiology of Cl−-base exchange differ for individual members of the family; for example, Slc26a6 exchanges one Cl− for two HCO3− anions,

Basolateral Mechanisms As in other absorptive epithelia, basolateral Na+/K+-ATPase activity establishes the Na+ gradient for transcellular Na+-Cl− transport by the proximal tubule and provides a major exit pathway for Na+. To preserve the electroneutrality of transcellular Na+-Cl− transport16 this exit of Na+ across the basolateral membrane must be balanced by an equal exit of Cl−. Several exit pathways for Cl− have been identified in proximal tubular cells, including K+-Cl− cotransport, Cl− channels, and various modalities of Cl−-HCO3− exchange (see Fig. 5–6). Several lines of evidence support the existence of a swelling-activated basolateral K+-Cl− cotransporter (KCC) in the proximal tubule.59 The KCC proteins are encoded by four members of the cation-chloride cotransporter gene family; KCC1, KCC3, and KCC4 are all expressed in kidney. In particular, there is very heavy co-expression of KCC3 and KCC4 at the basolateral membrane of the proximal tubule, from S1 to S3.60 At the functional level, basolateral membrane vesicles from renal cortex reportedly contain K+-Cl− cotransport activity.59 The use of ion-sensitive microelectrodes, combined with luminal charge injection and manipulation of bath K+ and Cl−, suggest the presence of an electroneutral K+-Cl− cotransporter at the basolateral membrane proximal straight tubules. Increases or decreases in basolateral K+ increase or decrease intracellular Cl− activity, respectively, with reciprocal effects of basolateral Cl− on K+ activity; these data are consistent with coupled K+-Cl− transport.61,62 Notably, a 1 mM concentration of furosemide, sufficient to inhibit all four of the KCCs, does not inhibit this K+-Cl− cotransport under baseline conditions.61 However, only 10% of baseline K+ efflux in the proximal tubule is mediated by furosemide-sensitive K+Cl− cotransport, which is likely quiescent in the absence of cell swelling. Thus the activation of apical Na+-glucose transport in proximal tubular cells strongly activates a bariumresistant (Ba2+) K+ efflux pathway that is 75% inhibited by 1 mM furosemide.63 In addition, volume regulatory decrease (VRD) in Ba2+-blocked proximal tubules swollen by hypotonic conditions is blocked by 1 mM furosemide.59 Cell swelling in response to apical Na+ absorption64 is postulated to activate a volume-sensitive basolateral K+-Cl− cotransporter, which participates in transepithelial absorption of Na+-Cl−. Notably, targeted deletion of KCC3 and KCC4 in the respective knockout mice reduces VRD in the proximal tubule.65 Furthermore, perfused proximal tubules from KCC3-deficient mice have a considerable reduction in transepithelial fluid transport,66

suggesting an important role for basolateral K+-Cl− cotransport 161 in transcellular Na+-Cl− reabsorption. The basolateral chloride conductance of mammalian proximal tubular cells is relatively low, suggesting a lesser role for Cl− channels in transepithelial Na+-Cl− transport. Basolateral anion substitutions have minimal effect on the membrane potential, despite considerable effects on intracellular CH 5 Cl− activity,67 nor for that matter do changes in basolateral membrane potential affect intracellular Cl−.61,62 However, as with basolateral K+-Cl− cotransport, basolateral Cl− channels in the proximal tubule may be relatively inactive in the absence of cell swelling. Cell swelling thus activates both K+ and Cl− channels at the basolateral membranes of proximal tubular cells.68–70 Seki and colleagues71 have reported the presence of a basolateral Cl− channel within S3 segments of the rabbit nephron, wherein they did not seen affect of the KCC inhibitor H74 on intracellular Cl− activity. The molecular identity of these and other basolateral Cl− channels in the proximal nephron is not known with certainty, although S3 segments have been shown to exclusively express mRNA for the swelling-activated CLC-2 Cl− channel72; the role of this channel in transcellular Na+-Cl− reabsorption is not known. Finally, there is functional evidence for both Na+dependent and Na+-independent Cl−-HCO3− exchange at the basolateral membrane of proximal tubular cells.10,67,73 The impact of Na+-independent Cl−-HCO3− exchange on basolateral exit is thought to be minimal.67 For one, this exchanger is expected to mediate Cl− entry under physiological conditions.73 Second, there is only a modest difference between the rate of decrease in intracellular Cl− activity between the combined removal of Na+ and Cl− versus Cl− and HCO3− removal, suggesting that pure Cl−-HCO3− exchange does not contribute significantly to Cl− exit. In contrast, there is a 75% decrease rate of decrease in intracellular Cl− activity after the removal of basolateral Na+.67 The Na+-dependent Cl−-HCO3− exchanger may thus play a considerable role in basolateral Cl− exit, with recycled exit of Na+ and HCO3− via the basolateral Na+-HCO3− cotransporter NBC1 (see Fig. 5–6). Molecular candidates for this Na+-dependent Cl−-HCO3− exchanger have emerged from the human, squid, and Drosophila genomes74; however, immunolocalization in mammalian proximal tubule has not as yet been reported.

Regulation of Proximal Tubular Na+-Cl- Transport Glomerulotubular Balance A fundamental property of the kidney is the phenomenon of glomerulotubular balance, wherein changes in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) are balanced by equivalent changes in tubular reabsorption, thus maintaining a constant fractional reabsorption of fluid and Na+-Cl− (Fig. 5–7). Although the distal nephron is capable of adjusting reabsorption in response to changes in tubular flow,75 the impact of GFR on Na+-Cl− reabsorption by the proximal tubule is particularly pronounced (Fig. 5–8). Glomerulotubular balance is independent of direct neurohumoral control, and thought to be mediated by the additive effects of luminal and peri-tubular factors.76 At the luminal side, changes in GFR increase the filtered load of HCO3−, glucose, and other solutes, increasing their reabsorption by the load-responsive proximal tubule6 and thus preserving a constant fractional reabsorption. Changes in tubular flow rate have additional stimulatory effects on luminal transport, in both the proximal and distal nephron.75 In the proximal tubule, increases in tubular perfusion clearly increase the rate of both Na+ and HCO3− absorption, due to increases in luminal Na+-H+ exchange.75 Increases in GFR during volume expansion are also accompanied by a modest increase in the capacity of Na+-H+ exchange, as measured in

Transport of Inorganic Solutes: Sodium, Chloride, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, and Phosphate

whereas SLC26A3 exchanges two Cl− anions for one HCO3− anion.55 Co-expression of two or more electrogenic SLC26 exchangers in the same membrane may thus yield a net electroneutrality of apical Cl− exchange. Alternatively, apical K+ channels in the proximal tubule may function to stabilize membrane potential during Na+-Cl− absorption.56 Another puzzle is why Cl−-formate exchange preferentially couples to Na+-H+ exchange mediated by NH3 38 (see Fig. 5–6), without evident coupling of Cl−-oxalate exchange to Na+-H+ exchange or Cl−-formate exchange to Na+-SO42− cotransport; it is evident that Slc26a6 is capable of mediating SO42−-formate exchange,50 which would be necessary to support coupling between Na+-SO42− cotransport and formate. Scaffolding proteins may serve to cluster these different transporters together in separate “micro-domains”, leading to preferential coupling. Notably, whereas both Slc26a6 and NHE have been reported to bind to the scaffolding protein PDZK1, distribution of Slc26a6 is selectively impaired in PDZK1 knockout mice.57 Petrovic and colleagues58 have also reported a novel activation of proximal Na+-H+ exchange by luminal formate, suggesting a direct effect of formate per se on NHE3; this may in part explain the preferential coupling of Cl−-formate exchange to NHE3.

162 brush-border membrane vesicles, with the opposite effect in volume contraction.75 Notably, influential experiments from almost four decades ago, performed in rabbit proximal tubules, failed to demonstrate a significant effect of tubular flow on fluid absorption.77 This issue has been revisited by Du and co-workers, who CH 5 TF/p Inulin (end-proximal) 4 3

y  2.270.0034x

2 1 0 10

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Single nephron filtrate (nl/min-g KW)

FIGURE 5–7 Glomerulotubular balance; fractional water absorption by the proximal tubule does not change as a function of single nephron GFR. (From Schnermann J, Wahl M, Liebau G, Fischbach H: Balance between tubular flow rate and net fluid reabsorption in the proximal convolution of the rat kidney. I. Dependency of reabsorptive net fluid flux upon proximal tubular surface area at spontaneous variations of filtration rate. Pflugers Arch 304:90–103, 1968.)

Absolute fluid reabsorption (nl/min)

16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0






12 14 16 18

20 22 24

SNGFR (nl/min) FIGURE 5–8 Glomerulotubular balance; linear increase in absolute fluid reabsorption by the late proximal tubule as a functional of single nephron GFR (SNGFR). (From Spitzer A, Brandis M: Functional and morphologic maturation of the superficial nephrons. Relationship to total kidney function. J Clin Invest 53:279–287, 1974.)


150 5g/dl Albumin 2.5g/dl Albumin


5g/dl Albumin 2.5g/dl Albumin

125 JHCO3 (pmol/min/mm)

1.4 Jv(nl/min/mm)

recently reported a considerable flow-dependence of fluid and HCO3− transport in perfused murine proximal tubules76,78 (Fig. 5–9). These data were analyzed using a mathematical model that estimated microvillus torque as a function of tubular flow78; accounting for increases in tubular diameter, which reduce torque, there is a linear relationship between calculated torque and both fluid and HCO3− absorption.76,78 Consistent with an effect of torque rather than flow per se, increasing viscosity of the perfusate by the addition of dextran increases the effect on fluid transport; the extra viscosity increases the hydrodynamic effect of flow and thus increases torque. The mathematical analysis of Du and assoicates provide an excellent explanation of the discrepancy between their results and those of Burg and co-workers.77 Whereas Burg and colleagues performed their experiments in rabbit,77 the more recent report utilized mice76,78; other studies that had found an effect of flow utilized perfusion of rat proximal tubules, presumably more similar to mouse than rabbit.75 Increased flow has a considerably greater effect on tubular diameter in rabbit proximal tubule, thus reducing the increase in torque. Mathematical analysis of the rabbit data77 thus predicts a 43% increase in torque, due to a 41% increase in tubule diameter at a threefold increase in flow; this corresponds to the statistically insignificant 36% increase in volume reabsorption reported by Burg and colleagues (Table 2 in Ref 77). Pharmacological inhibition reveals that tubular flow activates proximal HCO3− reabsorption mediated by both NHE3 and apical H+-ATPase.76 The flow-dependent increase in proximal fluid and HCO3− reabsorption is also attenuated in NHE3-deficient knockout mice.76,78 Inhibition of the actin cytoskeleton with cytochalasin-D reduces the effect of flow on fluid and HCO3− transport, suggesting that flow-dependent movement of microvilli serves to activate NHE3 and H+ATPase via their linkage to the cytoskeleton (see Fig. 5–13 for NHE3). Peritubular factors also play an important, additive role in glomerulotubular balance. Specifically, increases in GFR result in an increase in filtration fraction and an attendant increase in postglomerular protein and peritubular oncotic pressure. It has long been appreciated that changes in peritubular protein concentration have important effects on proximal tubular Na+-Cl− reabsorption79; these effects are also seen in combined capillary and tubular perfusion experiments (reviewed in Ref 76). Peritubular protein also has an effect in isolated perfused proximal tubule segments, where the effect of hydrostatic pressure is abolished.76 Increases in peritubular protein concentration have an additive effect on flowdependent activation of proximal fluid and HCO3− absorption (see Fig. 5–9). The effect of peritubular protein on HCO3− absorption, which is a predominantly transcellular phenom-

1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4

FIGURE 5–9 Glomerulotubular balance; flow dependent increases in fluid (Jv) and HCO3− (JHCO3) absorption by perfused mouse proximal tubules. Absorption increases when bath albumin concentration increases from 2.5 g/dl to 5 g/dl. (From Du Z, Yan Q, Duan Y, et al: Axial flow modulates proximal tubule NHE3 and H-ATPase activities by changing microvillus bending moments. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 290:F289–96, 2006.)

100 75 50 25

0.2 0.0 0





Perfusion rates (nl/min)



0 0


10 15 20 25 Perfusion rates (nl/min)


- All (low) - α1 adr. - β adr. - Insulin - GC



-Dopamine -PTH -All (high)

- AVP - PTH - β adr. - Calcitonin - Glucagon - Insulin -GC


Outer medulla outer stripe

Outer medulla inner stripe

CCD - Insulin - AVP - MC - BK - α2 adr. - Dopamine - ET -PGE2

- All - PGE2 - ET - BK - ANP/Urod. - PAF - Dopamine - Ca2




IMCD Inner medulla

12 cNa (mmol · kg1)

Neurohumoral Influences Fluid and Na+-Cl− reabsorption by the proximal tubule is affected by a number of hormones and neurotransmitters. The major hormonal influences on renal Na+-Cl− transport are shown in Figure 5–10. Renal sympathetic tone exerts a particularly important stimulatory influence, as does angiotensin II (AII); dopamine is a major inhibitor of proximal tubular Na+-Cl− reabsorption. Unilateral denervation of the rat kidney causes a marked natriuresis and a 40% reduction in proximal Na+-Cl− reabsorption, without effects on single nephron GFR or on the contralateral innervated kidney.80 In contrast, low-frequency electrical stimulation of renal sympathetic nerves reduces proximal tubular fluid absorption, with a 32% drop in natriuresis and no change in GFR.81 Basolateral epinephrine and/ or nor-epinephrine stimulate proximal Na+-Cl− reabsorption via both α- and β-adrenergic receptors. Several lines of evidence suggest that α1-adrenergic receptors exert a stimulatory effect on proximal Na+-Cl− transport, via activation of basolateral Na+/K+-ATPase and apical Na+-H+ exchange; the role of α2-adrenergic receptors is more controversial.82 Liganddependent recruitment of the scaffolding protein NHERF-1 by β2-adrenergic receptors resorts in direct activation of apical NHE3,83 bypassing the otherwise negative effect of downstream cyclic AMP (cAMP—see later). Angiotensin II (ANGII) has potent, complex effects on proximal Na+-Cl− reabsorption. Several issues unique to ANGII deserve emphasis. First, it has been appreciated for three decades that this hormone has a biphasic effect on the proximal tubule84; stimulation of Na+-Cl− reabsorption occurs at low doses (10−12 to 10−10 M), whereas concentrations greater than 10−7 M are inhibitory (Fig. 5–11). Further complexity arises from the presence of AT1 receptors for ANGII at both


8 4 0

Change in

enon,17 suggests that changes in peritubular oncotic pressure do not affect transport via the paracellular pathway. However, the mechanism of the stimulatory effect of peritubular protein on transcellular transport is still not completely clear.76

4 8 12







Angiotensin concentration (M) FIGURE 5–11 The biphasic effect of angiotensin II (ANGII) on proximal tubular Na+-Cl− absorption. The steady-state Na+ concentration gradient (∆CNa) is plotted as a function of peritubular ANGII concentration; low concentrations activate Na+-Cl− absorption by the proximal tubule, whereas higher concentrations inhibit. (From Harris PJ, Navar LG: Tubular transport responses to angiotensin. Am J Physiol 248:F621–630, 1985.)

luminal and basolateral membranes in the proximal tubule.85 ANGII application to either the luminal or peritubular side of perfused tubules has a similar biphasic effect on fluid transport, albeit with more potent effects at the luminal side.86 Experiments using both receptor antagonists and knockout mice have indicated that the stimulatory and inhibitory effects of ANGII are both mediated via AT1 receptors, due to signaling at both the luminal and basolateral membrane.87 Finally, ANGII is also synthesized and secreted by

CH 5

Transport of Inorganic Solutes: Sodium, Chloride, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, and Phosphate

FIGURE 5–10 Neurohumoral influences on Na -Cl absorption by the proximal tubule, thick ascending limb, and collecting duct. Factors that stimulate (→) and inhibit (⵫) sodium reabsorption are as follows: ANGII, angiotensin II (low and high referring to pico- and micromolar concentrations); adr, adrenergic agonists; AVP, arginine vasopressin; PTH, parathyroid hormone; GC, glucocorticoids; MC, mineralocorticoids; PGE2, prostaglandin E2; ET, endothelin; ANP/Urod, atrial natriuretic peptide and urodilatin; PAF, platelet-activating factor; BK, bradykinin. PCT, proximal convoluted tubule; PST, proximal straight tubule; MTAL, medullary thick ascending limb of loop of Henle; CTAL, cortical thick ascending limb; CCD, cortical collecting duct; OMCD, outer medullary collecting duct; IMCD, inner medullary collecting duct. (Redrawn from Feraille E, Doucet A: Sodiumpotassium-adenosinetriphosphatase-dependent sodium transport in the kidney: hormonal control. Physiol Rev 81:345–418, 2001.)


164 the proximal tubule, exerting a potent autocrine effect on proximal tubular Na+-Cl− reabsorption.88 Proximal tubular cells thus express mRNA for angiotensinogen, renin, and angiotensin-converting enzyme,82 allowing for autocrine generation of ANGII. Indeed, luminal concentrations of ANGII can be 100–1000-fold higher than circulating levels of the CH 5 hormone.82 Proximal tubular and systemic synthesis of ANGII may be subject to different control. In particular, Thomson and co-workers have recently demonstrated that proximal tubular ANGII is increased considerably after high-salt diet, with a preserved inhibitory effect of losartan on proximal fluid reabsorption.89 These authors have argued that the increase in proximal tubular ANGII after a high-salt diet contributes to a more stable distal salt delivery.89 The proximal tubule is also a target for natriuretic hormones; in particular, dopamine synthesized in the proximal tubule has negative autocrine effects on proximal Na+-Cl− reabsorption.82 Proximal tubular cells have the requisite enzymatic machinery for the synthesis of dopamine, using L-dopa reabsorbed from the glomerular ultrafiltrate. Dopamine synthesis by proximal tubular cells and release into the tubular lumen is increased after volume expansion or high-salt diet, resulting in a considerable natriuresis.90,91 Luminal dopamine antagonizes the stimulatory effect of epinephrine on volume absorption in perfused proximal convoluted tubules,92 consistent with an autocrine effect of dopamine released into the tubular lumen.90 Dopamine primarily exerts its natriuretic effect via D1-like dopamine receptors (D1 and D5 in human); as is the case for the AT1 receptors for ANGII,85 D1 receptors are expressed at both the apical and luminal membranes of proximal tubule.93 Targeted deletion of the D1A94 and D5 receptors95 in mice leads to hypertension, by mechanisms that include reduced proximal tubular natriuresis.94 The natriuretic effect of dopamine in the proximal tubule is modulated by atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), which inhibits apical Na+-H+ exchange via a dopamine-dependent mechanism.96 ANP appears to induce recruitment of the D1 dopamine receptor to the plasma membrane of proximal tubular cells, thus sensitizing the tubule to the effect of dopamine.97 The inhibitory effect of ANP on basolateral Na+/K+ATPase occurs via a D1-dependent mechanism, with a synergistic inhibition of Na+/K+-ATPase by the two hormones.97 Furthermore, dopamine and D1 receptors appear to play critical permissive roles in the in vivo natriuretic effect of ANP.98,99 Finally, there is considerable crosstalk between the major anti-natriuretic and natriuretic influences on the proximal tubule. For example, ANP inhibits ANGII dependent stimulation of proximal tubular fluid absorption,100 presumably via the dopamine-dependent mechanisms discussed earlier.96 Dopamine also decreases the expression of AT1 receptors for ANGII in cultured proximal tubular cells.101 Furthermore, the provision of L-dopa in the drinking water of rats decreases AT1 receptor expression in the proximal tubule, suggesting that dopamine synthesis in the proximal tubule “resets” the sensitivity to ANGII.101 ANGII signaling through AT1 receptors decreases expression of the D5 dopamine receptor, whereas renal cortical expression of AT1 receptors is in turn increased in knockout mice deficient in the D5 receptor.102 Similar interactions have been found between proximal tubular AT1 receptors and the D2-like D3 receptor.103 Regulation of Proximal Tubule Transporters The apical Na+-H+ exchanger NHE3 and the basolateral Na+/ K+-ATPase are primary targets for signaling pathways elicited by the various anti-natriuretic and natriuretic stimuli discussed earlier; NHE3 mediates the rate-limiting step in transepithelial Na+-Cl− absorption,78 and as such is perhaps the dominant target for regulatory pathways. NHE3 is regulated

by the combined effects of direct phosphorylation and interaction with scaffolding proteins, which primarily regulate transport via changes in trafficking of the exchanger protein to and from the brush border membrane (see Fig. 5–2).34,104,105 Increases in cyclic AMP (cAMP) have a profound inhibitory effect on apical Na+-H+ exchange in the proximal tubule. Intracellular cAMP is increased in response to dopamine signaling via D1-like receptors and/or PTH-dependent signaling via the PTH receptor, whereas ANGII-dependent activation of NHE3 is associated with a reduction in cAMP.106 PTH is a potent inhibitor of NHE3, presumably so as to promote distal delivery of Na+-HCO3− and an attendant stimulation of distal calcium reabsorption.105 The activation of protein kinase A (PKA) by increased cAMP results in direct phosphorylation of NHE3; although several sites in NHE3 are phosphorylated by PKA, the phosphorylation of serine 552 (S552) and 605 (S605) been specifically implicated in the inhibitory effect of cAMP on Na+-H+ exchange.107 “Phosphospecific” antibodies that specifically recognize the phosphorylated forms of S552 and S605 were recently utilized to demonstrate dopamine-dependent increases in the phosphorylation of both these serines.108 Moreover, immunostaining of rat kidney revealed that S552-phosphorylated NHE3 localizes at the coated pit region of the coated pit region of the brush border membrane,108 where the oligomerized inactive form of NHE3 predominates.109 The cAMP-stimulated phosphorylation of NHE3 by PKA thus results in a redistribution of the transporter from the microvillar membrane to an inactive, sub-microvillar population (Fig. 5–12). The regulation of NHE3 by cAMP also requires the participation of homologous scaffolding proteins that contain protein-protein interaction motifs known as PDZ domains (named for the PSD95, Discs large (Drosophila), and ZO-1 proteins in which these domains were first discovered) (Fig. 5–13). The first of these proteins, NHE Regulatory Factor-1 (NHERF-1), was purified as a cellular factor required for the inhibition of NHE3 by PKA.104 NHERF-2 was in turn cloned by yeast two-hybrid screens as a protein that interacts with the C-terminus of NHE3; NHERF-1 and NHERF-2 have very similar effects on the regulation of NHE3 in cultured cells. The related protein PDZK1 interacts with NHE3 and a number of other epithelial transporters, and is required for expression of the anion exchanger Slc26a6 at brush border membranes of the proximal tubule.57 NHERF-1 and NHERF-2 are both expressed in human and mouse proximal tubule cells; NHERF-1 colocalizes with NHE3 in microvilli of the brush border, whereas NHERF-2 is predominantly expressed at the base of microvilli in the vesicle-rich domain.104 The NHERFs assemble a multi-protein signaling complex in association with NHE3 and other epithelial transporters and channels. In addition to NHE3 they bind to the actin-associated protein ezrin, thus linking NHE3 to the cytoskeleton104; this linkage to the cytoskeleton may be particularly important for the mechanical activation of NHE3 by microvillar bending, as has been implicated in glomerulotubular balance (see earlier).76,78 Ezrin also functions as an anchoring protein for PKA, bringing PKA into close proximity with NHE3 and facilitating its phosphorylation (see Fig. 5–13).104 Analysis of knockout mice for NHERF-1 has revealed that it is not required for baseline activity of NHE3; as expected, however, it is required for cAMP-dependent regulation of the exchanger by PTH.104 One longstanding paradox has been that β-adrenergic receptors, which increase cAMP in the proximal tubule, cause an activation of apical Na+-H+ exchange.82 This has been resolved by the observation that the first PDZ domain of NHERF-1 interacts with the β2-adrenergic receptor in an agonist-dependent fashion; this interaction serves to disrupt the interaction between the second PDZ domain and NHE3, resulting in a stimulation of the exchanger despite the catecholamine-dependent increase in cAMP.104

Luminal DA, 105mol/L


Bath DA, 105 mol/L


CH 5


1 2

3 4 5







10 11 12





Actin FIGURE 5–13 The scaffolding protein NHERF (NHE Regulatory Factor) links the Na+-H+ exchanger NHE3 to the cytoskeleton and signaling proteins. NHERF binds to ezrin, which in turn links to protein kinase A (PKA) and the actin cytoskeleton. NHERF also binds to the SGK-1 protein kinase, which activates NHE-3. PDZ, PSD95, Discs large (Drosophila), and ZO-1 domain; SGK-1, serum and glucocorticoid-induced kinase-1. (Redrawn from Weinman EJ, Cunningham R, Shenolikar S: NHERF and regulation of the renal sodium-hydrogen exchanger NHE3. Pflugers Arch 450:137–144, 2005.)

As discussed earlier, at concentrations greater than 10−7 M (see Fig. 5–11) ANGII has an inhibitory effect on proximal tubular Na+-Cl− absorption.84 This inhibition is dependent on the activation of brush border phospholipase A2, which results in the liberation of arachidonic acid.86 Metabolism of arachidonic acid by cytochrome P450 mono-oxygenases in turn generates 20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (20-HETE)

and epoxyeicosatrioenoic acids (EETs), compounds that inhibit NHE3 and the basolateral Na+/K+-ATPase.82,110 EETs and 20-HETE have also been implicated in the reduction in proximal Na+-Cl− absorption that occurs during pressure natriuresis, inhibiting Na+/K+-ATPase and retracting NHE3 from the brush border membrane.111 Anti-natriuretic stimuli such as ANGII acutely increase expression of NHE3 at the apical membrane, at least in part by inhibiting the generation of cAMP.106 “Low-dose” ANGII (10−10 M) also increases exocytic insertion of NHE3 into the plasma membrane, via a mechanism that is dependent on phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase).112 Treatment of rats with captopril thus results in a retraction of NHE3 and associated proteins from the brush border of proximal tubule cells.113 Glucocorticoids also increase NHE3 activity, due to both transcriptional induction of the NHE3 gene and an acute stimulation of exocytosis of the exchanger to the plasma membrane.114 Glucorticoid-dependent exocytosis of NHE3 appears to require NHERF-2, which acts in this context as a scaffolding protein for the glucocorticoid-induced serinethreonine kinase SGK1 (see also Regulation of Na+-Cl− transport in the CNT and CCD; aldosterone).115 The acute effect of dexamethasone has thus been shown to require direct phosphorylation of serine 663 in the NHE3 protein by SGK1.116 Finally, many of the natriuretic and anti-natriuretic pathways that influence NHE3 have parallel effects on the basolateral Na+/K+-ATPase (see Ref 82 for a detailed review). The molecular mechanisms underlying inhibition of Na+/K+ATPase by dopamine have been particularly well characterized. Inhibition by dopamine is associated with removal of active Na+/K+-ATPase units from the basolateral membrane,117 analogous somewhat to the effect on NHE3 expression at the apical membrane. This inhibitory effect is primarily mediated by protein kinase C (PKC), which directly phosphorylates the α1 subunit of Na+/K+-ATPase, the predominant α subunit in the kidney.82 The effect of dopamine requires phosphorylation of serine 18 of the α1 subunit by PKC; this phosphorylation event does not affect enzymatic activity of the Na+/ K+-ATPase, but rather induces a conformational change that enhances the binding of PI 3-kinase to an adjacent prolinerich domain. The PI-3 kinase recruited by this phosphory-

Transport of Inorganic Solutes: Sodium, Chloride, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, and Phosphate

FIGURE 5–12 The effect of dopamine on trafficking of the Na+-H+ exchanger NHE3 in the proximal tubule. Microdissected proximal convoluted tubules were perfused for 30 minutes with 10−5 mol/L dopamine (DA) in the lumen or the bath, as noted, inducing a retraction of immunoreactive NHE3 protein from the apical membrane. (From Bacic D, Kaissling B, McLeroy P, et al: Dopamine acutely decreases apical membrane Na/H exchanger NHE3 protein in mouse renal proximal tubule. Kidney Int 64:2133–2141, 2003.)

166 lated α1 subunit then stimulates the dyamin-dependent endocytosis of the Na+/K+-ATPase complex via clathrin-coated pits.117

CH 5

Loop of Henle and Thick Ascending Limb The loop of Henle encompasses the thin descending limb, the thin ascending limb, and the thick ascending limb (TAL). The descending and ascending thin limbs function in passive absorption of water 118 and Na+-Cl−,119–121 respectively, whereas the TAL reabsorbs ∼30% of filtered Na+-Cl− via active transport. There is considerable cellular and functional heterogeneity along the entire length of the loop of Henle, with consequences for the transport of water, Na+-Cl−, and other solutes. The thin descending limb begins in the outer medulla after an abrupt transition from S3 segments of the proximal tubule, marking the boundary between the outer and inner stripes of the outer medulla. Thin descending limbs end at a hairpin turn at the end of the loop of Henle. Short-looped nephrons that originate from superficial and midcortical nephrons have a short descending limb within the inner stripe of the outer medulla; close to the hairpin turn of the loop these tubules merge abruptly into the TAL (see also later). Long-looped nephrons originating from juxtamedullary glomeruli have a long ascending thin limb that then merges with the TAL. The TALs of long-looped nephrons begin at the boundary between the inner and outer medulla, whereas the TALs of short-looped nephrons may be entirely cortical. The ratio of medullary to cortical TAL for a given nephron is a function of the depth of its origin, such that superficial nephrons are primarily composed of cortical TALs whereas juxtamedullary nephrons primarily possess medullary TALs.

Transport Characteristics of the Descending Thin Limb It has long been appreciated that the osmolality of tubular fluid increases progressively between the corticomedullary junction and the papillary tip, due to either active secretion of solutes or passive absorption of water along the descending thin limb.122 Subsequent reports revealed a very high water permeability of perfused outer medullary thin descending limbs, in the absence of significant permeability to Na+-Cl−.123 Notably, however, the permeability properties of descending thin limbs vary as a function of depth in the inner medulla and inclusion in short-versus long-looped nephrons.124,125 Descending thin limbs from short-looped nephrons contain “type I” cells—very flat, endothelial-like cells with intermediate-depth tight junctions suggesting a relative tight epithelium (reviewed in 124, 125). The epithelium of descending limbs from long-looped nephrons is initially more complex, with taller type II cells possessing more elaborate apical microvilli and more prominent mitochondria. In the lower medullary portion of long-looped nephrons these cells change into a type III morphology, endothelial-like cells similar to the type I cells from short-looped nephrons.124 The permeability properties appear to change as a function of cell type, with a progressive axial drop in water permeability of long-looped descending limbs; the water permeability of descending thin limbs in the middle part of the inner medulla is thus ∼42% that of outer medullary thin descending limbs.126 Furthermore, the distal 20% of descending thin limbs have a very low water permeability.126 These changes in water permeability along the descending thin limb are accompanied by a progressive increase in Na+-Cl− permeability, although the ionic permeability remains considerably less than that of the ascending thin limb.125 Consistent with a primary role in passive water and solute absorption, Na+/K+-ATPase activity in the descending thin

limb is almost undetectable,14 suggesting that these cells do not actively transport Na+-Cl−; those ion transport pathways that have been identified in descending thin limb cells are thought to primarily contribute to cellular volume regulation.127 In contrast to the relative lack of Na+-Cl− transport, transcellular water reabsorption by the thin descending limb is a critical component of the renal countercurrent concentrating mechanism.118,123 Consistent with this role, epithelial cells of the descending thin limbs express very high levels of the Aquaporin-1 water channel, at both apical and basolateral membranes.128 The expression is highest in type II cells of descending thin limbs in the outer medulla,128 which have the highest Aquaporin-1 content of all the tubule segments along the nephron.129 Aquaporin-1 is also expressed in type I cells of short-looped nephrons128; notably, however, Aquaporin-1-expressing cells in descending limbs from shortlooped nephrons extend into segments that do not express Aquaporin-1, just prior to the juncture with thick ascending limbs.128 In addition, the terminal sections of deep descending limbs of long-looped nephrons, which do not exhibit appreciable water permeability,126 do not express Aquaporin1.130 The analysis of knockout mice with targeted deletion of Aquaporin-1 has dramatically proven the primary role of water absorption, as opposed to solute secretion, in the progressive increase in osmolality along the descending thin limb.122 Homozygous Aquaporin-1 knockout mice thus have a marked reduction in water permeability of perfused descending thin limbs, resulting in a vasopressin-resistant concentrating defect.118

Na+-Cl- Transport by the Thin Ascending Limb Fluid entering the thin ascending limb has a very high concentration of Na+-Cl−, due to osmotic equilibration by the water-permeable descending limbs. The passive reabsorption of this delivered Na+-Cl− by the thin ascending limb is a critical component of the passive equilibration model of the renal countercurrent multiplication system.119,120 Consistent with this role, the permeability properties of the thin ascending limb are dramatically different from those of the descending thin limb, with a much higher permeability to Na+-Cl−125 and vanishingly-low water permeability.131 Passive Na+-Cl− reabsorption by thin ascending limbs occurs via a combination of paracellular Na+ transport121,132,133 and transcellular Cl− transport.134–136 The inhibition of paracellular conductance by protamine thus selectively inhibits Na+ transport across perfused thin ascending limbs, consistent with paracellular transport of Na+.132 As in the descending limb, thin ascending limbs have a modest Na+/K+-ATPase activity (see Fig. 5–4); however, the active transport of Na+ across thin ascending limbs for only an estimated 2% of Na+ reabsorption by this nephron segment.137 Anion transport inhibitors134 and chloride channel blockers135 reduce Cl− permeability of the thin ascending limb, consistent with passive transcellular Cl− transport. Direct measurement of the membrane potential of impaled hamster thin ascending limbs has also yielded evidence for apical and basolateral Cl− channel activity.136 This transepithelial transport of Cl−, but not Na+, is activated by vasopressin, with a pharmacology that is consistent with direct activation of thin ascending limb Cl− channels.138 Both apical and basolateral Cl− transport in the thin ascending limb appears to be mediated by the CLC-K1 Cl− channel, in co-operation with the Barttin subunit (see also Na+-Cl− transport in the thick ascending limb; basolateral mechanisms). Immunofluorescence139 and in situ hybridization140 indicate a selective expression of CLC-K1 in thin ascending limbs, although single-tubule RT-PCR studies have suggested additional expression in the thick ascending limb, distal convoluted tubule, and cortical collecting duct.141 Notably, immunofluorescence and immunogold labeling indicate that

cellular and transcellular conductances for Na+ and Cl−, 167 respectively, in thin ascending limbs. Finally, CLC-K1 associates with “Barttin”, a novel accessory subunit identified via positional cloning of the gene for Bartter syndrome with sensorineural deafness144 (see also Na+-Cl− transport in thick ascending limb: basolateral mechanisms). Barttin is expressed with CLC-K1 in thin ascending CH 5 limbs, in addition to TAL, distal convoluted tubule, and αintercalated cells.141,144 Rat CLC-K1 is unique among the CLC-K orthologs and paralogs (CLC-K1/2 in rodent, CLCNKB/NKA in humans) in that it can generate Cl− channel activity in the absence of co-expression with Barttin139,145; however, its human ortholog CLC-NKA is non-functional in the absence of Barttin.144 Regardless, Barttin co-immunoprecipitates with CLC-K1,141 and increases expression of the channel protein at the cell membrane.141,145 This “chaperone” function seems to involve the transmembrane core of Barttin, whereas domains within the cytoplasmic carboxy terminus modulate channel properties (open probability and unitary conductance).145

Thick Ascending Limb

Apical Na+-Cl- Transport The thick ascending limb (TAL) reabsorbs ∼30% of filtered Na+-Cl− (see Fig. 5–1). In addition to an important role in the defense of the extracellular fluid volume, Na+-Cl− reabsorption by the water-impermeable TAL is a critical component of the renal countercurrent multiplication system. The separation of Na+-Cl− and water in the TAL is thus responsible for the capacity of the kidney to either dilute or concentrate the urine. In collaboration with the countercurrent mechanism, Na+-Cl− reabsorption by the thin and thick ascending limb increases medullary tonicity, facilitating water absorption by the collecting duct. The TAL begins abruptly after the thin ascending limb of long-looped nephrons and after the Aquaporin-negative segment of short-limbed nephrons.128 The TAL extends into the renal cortex, where it meets its parent glomerulus at the

P 0.001 P 0.0001 n4


150 n.s. 100



n6 n6 CLC-K1/ CLC-K1/

5 0




P 0.0001


Vd (mV)

Efflux coefficient (Ke) of isotopes ( 105 cm/sec)



P 0.05


10 CLC-K1/ CLC-K1/ 22Na


4.02  0.36 n10 CLC-K1/

3.03  0.24 n11 CLC-K1/

0.63  0.06 n16 CLC-K1/


FIGURE 5–14 Role of the CLC-K1 chloride channel in Na+ and Cl− transport by thin ascending limbs. Homozygous knockout mice (CLC-K1−/−) are compared to their littermate controls (CLC-K1+/+). A, Efflux coefficients for 36Cl− and 22Na+ in the thin ascending limbs; Cl− absorption is essentially abolished in the knockout mice, whereas there is no significant effect of CLC-K1 deficiency on Na+ transport. B, The diffusion voltage induced by a transepithelial Na+-Cl− gradient is reversed by the absence of CLC-K1, from +15.5 mV in controls to −7.6 mV in homozygous knockout mice. This change in diffusion voltage is due to the dominance of paracellular Na+ transport in the CLC-K1 deficient −/− mice, leading to a lumen-negative potential; this corresponds to a marked reduction in the relative permeability of Cl− to that of Na+ (PCl /PNa), from 4.02 to 0.63. (From Liu W, Morimoto T, Kondo Y, et al: Analysis of NaCl transport in thin ascending limb of the loop of Henle in CLC-K1 null mice. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 282:F451–457, 2002.)

Transport of Inorganic Solutes: Sodium, Chloride, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, and Phosphate

CLC-K1 is expressed exclusively at both the apical and basolateral membrane of thin ascending limbs,139 such that both the luminal and basolateral Cl− channels of this nephron segment136 are encoded by the same gene. Homozygous knockout mice with a targeted deletion of CLC-K1 have a vasopressin-resistant nephrogenic diabetes insipidus,142 reminiscent of the phenotype of Aquaporin-1 knockout mice.118 Given that CLC-K1 is potentially expressed in the thick ascending limb (TAL),141 dysfunction of this nephron segment might also contribute to the renal phenotype of CLC-K1 knockout mice; however, the closely homologous channel CLC-K2 (CLC-NKB) is clearly expressed in TAL,141 where it can likely substitute for CLC-K1. Furthermore, loss-offunction mutations in CLC-NKB are an important cause of Bartter syndrome,143 indicating that CLC-K2, rather than CLCK1, is critical for transport function of the TAL. Detailed characterization of CLC-K1 knockout mice has revealed a selective impairment in Cl− transport by the thin ascending limb.121 Whereas Cl− absorption is profoundly reduced, Na+ absorption by thin ascending limbs is not significantly impaired (Fig. 5–14). The diffusion voltage induced by a transepithelial Na+-Cl− gradient is reversed by the absence of CLC-K1, from +15.5 mV in homozygous wild-type controls (+/+) to −7.6 mV in homozygous knockout mice (−/−). This change in diffusion voltage is due to the dominance of paracellular Na+ transport in the CLC-K1 deficient −/− mice, leading to a lumen-negative potential; this corresponds to a marked reduction in the relative permeability of Cl− to that of Na+ (PCl/PNa), from 4.02 to 0.63 (see Fig. 5–14). The inhibition of paracellular transport by protamine has a comparable effect on the diffusion voltage in −/− mice versus +/− and +/+ mice that have been treated with NPPB to inhibit CLC-K1; the respective diffusion voltages are 7.9 mV (−/− plus protamine), 8.6 mV (+/− plus protamine and NPPB), and 9.8 (+/+ plus protamine and NPPB). Therefore, the paracellular Na+ conductance is unimpaired and essentially the same in CLC-K1 mice, when compared to littermate controls. This study thus provides elegant proof for the relative independence of para-

168 vascular pole; the plaque of cells at this junction form the macula densa, which function as the tubular sensor for both tubuloglomerular feedback and tubular regulation of renin release by the juxtaglomerular apparatus. Cells in the medullary TAL are 7 µM to 8 µM in height, with extensive invaginations of the basolateral plasma membrane and interdigitations CH 5 between adjacent cells.3 As in the proximal tubule, these lateral cell processes contain numerous elongated mitochondria, perpendicular to the basement membrane. Cells in the cortical TAL are considerably shorter, 2 µM in height at the end of the cortical TAL in rabbit, with less mitochondria and a simpler basolateral membrane.3 Macula densa cells also lack the lateral cell processes and interdigitations that are characteristic of medullar TAL cells.3 However, scanning electron microscopy has revealed that the TAL of both rat146 and hamster147 contains two morphological subtypes, a roughsurfaced cell type (R cells) with prominent apical microvilli and a smooth-surfaced cell type (S cells) with an abundance of sub-apical vesicles.3,148 In the hamster TAL, cells can also be separated into those with high apical and low basolateral K+ conductance and a weak basolateral Cl− conductance (LBC cells), versus a second population with low apical and high basolateral K+ conductance, combined with high basolateral Cl− conductance (HBC).136,147 The relative frequency of the morphological and functional subtypes in the cortical and medullary TAL suggests that HBC cells correspond to S cells and LBC cells to R cells.147 Morphological heterogeneity notwithstanding, the cells of the medullary TAL, cortical TAL, and macula densa share the same basic transport mechanisms (Fig. 5–15). Na+-Cl− reabsorption by the TAL is thus a secondarily active process, driven by the favorable electrochemical gradient for Na+ established by the basolateral Na+/K+-ATPase.149,150 Na+, K+, and Cl− are co-transported across by the apical membrane by an electroneutral Na+-K+-2Cl− cotransporter; this transporter generally requires the simultaneous presence of all three ions, such that the transport of Na+ and Cl− across the epithelium is mutually co-dependent and dependent on the luminal presence of K+.151–153 Of note, under certain circumstances apical Na+-Cl− transport in the TAL appears to be K+-

Na, K KCC4 Na K 2CI




30 pS


ROMK K 70 pS Lumen ()


CLC-NKB, Barttin


Ca2, Mg2 FIGURE 5–15 Transepithelial Na+-Cl− transport pathways in the thick ascending limb (TAL). NKCC2, Na+-K+-2Cl− cotransporter-2; ROMK, renal outer medullary K+ channel; CLC-NKB, human Cl− channel; Barttin, Cl− channel subunit; KCC4, K+-Cl− cotransporter-4.

independent; this issue is reviewed below (see Regulation of Na+-Cl− transport in the TAL). Regardless, this transporter is universally sensitive to furosemide, which has been known for more than three decades to inhibit transepithelial Cl− transport by the TAL.154 Apical Na+-K+-2Cl− cotransport is mediated by the cation-chloride cotransporter NKCC2, encoded by the SLC12A1 gene.155 Functional expression of NKCC2 in Xenopus laevis oocytes yields Cl−- and Na+dependent uptake of 86Rb+ (a radioactive substitute for K+) and Cl−- and K+-dependent uptake of 22Na+.155–157 As expected, NKCC2 is sensitive to micromolar concentrations of furosemide, bumetanide, and other loop diuretics.155 Immunofluorescence indicates expression of NKCC2 protein along the entire length of the TAL.155 In particular, immunoelectron microscopy reveals expression in both rough (R—see earlier) and smooth (S) cells of the TAL (also see earlier).148 NKCC2 expression in subapical vesicles is particularly prominent in smooth cells,148 suggesting a role for vesicular trafficking in the regulation of NKCC2 (see Regulation of Na+-Cl− transport in the TAL). NKCC2 is also expressed in macula densa cells,148 which have been shown to possess apical Na+-K+-2Cl− cotransport activity.158 This latter observation is of considerable significance, given the role of the macula densa in tubuloglomerular feedback and renal renin secretion; luminal loop diuretics block both tubuloglomerular feedback159 and the suppression of renin release by luminal Cl−.160 Alternative splicing of exon 4 of the SLC12A1 gene yields NKCC2 proteins that differ within transmembrane domain 2 and the adjacent intracellular loop. There are thus three different variants of exon 4, denoted “A”, “B”, and “F”; the variable inclusion of these cassette exons yields the NKCC2A, NKCC2-B, and NKCC2-F proteins.155,157 Kinetic characterization reveals that these isoforms differ dramatically in ion affinities.155,157 In particular, NKCC2-F has a very low affinity for Cl− (Km of 113 mM) and NKCC2-B has a very high affinity (Km of 8.9 mM); NKCC2-A has an intermediate affinity for Cl− (Km of 44.7 mM).157 These isoforms differ in axial distribution along the tubule, with the F cassette expressed in inner stripe of the outer medulla, the A cassette in outer stripe, and the B cassette in cortical TAL.161 There is thus an axial distribution of the anion affinity of NKCC2 along the TAL, from a low-affinity, high-capacity transporter (NKCC2-F) to a highaffinity, low-capacity transporter (NKCC2-B). Although technically compromised by the considerable homology between the 3′ end of these 96 base-pair exons, in situ hybridization has suggested that rabbit macula densa exclusively expresses the NKCC2-B isoform.162 Notably, however, selective knockout of the B cassette exon 4 does not eliminate NKCC2 expression in the murine macula densa, which also seems to express NKCC2-A by in situ hybridization.163 These NKCC2-B knockout mice do however have a shift in the sensitivity of both tubuloglomerular feedback and tubular regulation of renin release.163 It should be mentioned in this context that the Na+-H+ exchanger NHE3 functions as an alternative mechanism for apical Na+ absorption by the TAL. There is also evidence in mouse cortical TAL for Na+-Cl− transport via parallel Na+-H+ and Cl−-HCO3− exchange,164 although the role of this mechanism in transepithelial Na+-Cl− transport seems less prominent than in the proximal tubule. Indeed, apical Na+-H+ exchange mediated by NHE3 appears to function primarily in HCO3− absorption by the TAL.165 There is thus a considerable upregulation of both apical Na+-H+ exchange and NHE3 protein in the TAL of acidotic animals,166 paired with an induction of AE2, a basolateral Cl−-HCO3− exchanger.167 Apical K+ Channels Microperfused TALs develop a lumen-positive potential difference (PD) during perfusion with Na+-Cl−.168,169 This

that the 70 pS channel was distinct from ROMK. This paradox 169 has been resolved by the observation that the 70 pS channel is absent from the TAL of ROMK knockout mice, indicating that ROMK proteins form a subunit of the 70 pS channel.180 ROMK activity in the TAL is clearly modulated by association with other proteins, such that co-association with other subunits to generate the 70 pS channel is perfectly compatible CH 5 with the known physiology of this protein. ROMK thus associates with scaffolding proteins NHERF-1 and NHERF-2 (see Proximal tubule, neurohumoral influences), via the C-terminal PDZ-binding motif of ROMK; NHERF-2 is co-expressed with ROMK in the TAL.181 The association of ROMK with NHERFs serves to bring ROMK into closer proximity to the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator protein (CFTR).181 This ROMK-CFTR interaction is in turn required for the native ATP and glybenclamide sensitivity of apical K+ channels in the TAL.182 Paracellular Transport Microperfused TALs perfused with Na+-Cl− develop a lumenpositive transepithelial potential difference (PD)168,169 generated by the combination of apical K+ secretion and basolateral Cl− efflux.149,150,170 This lumen-positive PD plays a critical role in the paracellular reabsorption of Na+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ by the TAL (see Fig. 5–15). In the transepithelial transport of Na+, the stoichiometry of NKCC2 (1Na+ : 1K+ : 2Cl−) is such that other mechanisms are necessary to balance the exit of Cl− at the basolateral membrane; consistent with this requirement, data from mouse TAL indicate that ∼50% of transepithelial Na+ transport occurs via the paracellular pathway.2,183 For example, the ratio of net Cl− transepithelial absorption to net Na+ absorption through the paracellular pathway is 2.4 +/− 0.3 in microperfused mouse medullary TAL segments,183 the expected ratio if 50% of Na+ transport occurs via the paracellular pathway. In the absence of vasopressin, apical Na+-Cl− cotransport is not K+-dependent (see Regulation of Na+-Cl− transport in the TAL), reducing the lumen-positive PD; switching to K+-dependent Na+-K+-2Cl− cotransport in the presence of vasopressin results in a doubling of Na+-Cl− reabsorption, without an effect on oxygen consumption.2 Therefore, the combination of a cation-permeable paracellular pathway and an “active transport” lumen-positive PD,149 generated indirectly by the basolateral Na+/K+-ATPase,184 results in a doubling of active Na+-Cl− transport for a given level of oxygen consumption.2 Unlike the proximal tubule,12 the voltage-positive PD in the TAL is generated almost entirely by transcellular transport, rather than diffusion across the lateral tight junction. In vasopressin-stimulated mouse TAL segments, with a lumen-positive PD of 10 mV, the maximal increase in Na+-Cl− in the lateral interspace is ∼10 mM.183 Tight junctions in the TAL are cation-selective, with PNa/PCl ratios of 2 to 5.149,183 Notably, however, PNa/PCl ratios can be highly variable in individual tubules, ranging from 2 to 5 in a single study of perfused mouse TAL.183 Regardless, assuming a PNa/PCl ratio of ∼3, the maximal dilution potential in the mouse TAL is between 0.7 mV to 1.1 mV, consistent with a dominant effect of transcellular processes on the lumen-positive PD.183 The reported transepithelial resistance in the TAL is between 10 and 50 Ω-cm2; although this resistance is higher than that of the proximal tubule, the TAL is not considered a “tight” epithelium.149,184 Notably, however, water permeability of the TAL is extremely low, Br−=NO3−>I−.141,144,191 CLC-NKB/Barttin channels are activated by increases in extracellular Ca2+ and are pH-sensitive, with activation at alkaline extracellular pH and marked inhibition at acidic pH.144 CLC-NKA/Barttin channels have similar pH and calcium sensitivities, but exhibit higher permeability to Br.144 Strikingly, despite the

in function of the TAL, but exibit instead a renal tubular aci- 171 dosis.197 The renal tubular acidosis in these mice has been attributed to defects in acid extrusion by H+-ATPase in αintercalated cells197; however, this phenotype is conceivably due to reduction in medullary NH4+ reabsorption by the TAL,203 due to the loss of basolateral NH4+ exit mediated by CH 5 KCC4.199 Finally, there is also evidence for the existence of Ba2+sensitive K+ channel activity at the basolateral membrane of TAL,204–206 providing an alternative exit pathway for K+ to that mediated by KCC4. These channels may function in transepithelial transport of K+, which is however only 1) to filtration folInherited Aminoacidurias in lowed by complete reabsorption (fractional Humans, 233 excretion ∼0), and everything in between (Fig. 6–1). The kidney participates in homeostasis by adjusting the body content of specific solutes in the body as well as concentration of specific solutes in certain body fluid compartments; usually in the plasma. To achieve these regulatory functions, there must be sensing mechanisms for both the pool size and the concentration of the solute. Unlike inorganic solutes such as sodium or potassium, with organic solutes, the total pool is difficult to define as these solutes are constantly being synthesized and metabolized. For glucose, the maintenance of a discrete plasma concentration is clearly important. For amino acids and organic cation and anions, it is less clear whether plasma levels are as tightly regulated. The renal regulation of this latter group of organic solutes is more concerned with external balance and adjustment of urinary concentrations. A filtration-reabsorption design is absolutely critical to maintain a high GFR, which is required for the complex metabolism and homeothermy of terrestrial mammals as tubular reabsorption salvages all the valuable solutes (e.g., sodium, bicarbonate, glucose) that would have otherwise be lost in the urine (see Fig. 6–1). In addition to allowance of high GFR, filtration-reabsorption commences by disposing everything and then selectively reclaims and retains substances the organism desires to keep in the appropriate amount. All that is not reclaimed is excreted. This mechanism economizes on genes and gene products required to identify and excrete the myriad of undesirable substances. In the filtration-secretion or secretion mode, the burden is on the kidney to recognize the substrates to be secreted. Therefore, in contrast to glucose transport (reabsorption), which is highly specific to certain hexose structures, organic anion and cation transport (secretion) can engage hundreds of structurally distinct substrates. Unlike the handling of a lot of other solutes described in this textbook, the reabsorption and secretion of organic solutes are primarily performed by the proximal tubule with little or no contribution past the pars recta. This chapter summarizes the physiology, cell, and molecular biology of organic solute transport in the kidney, and highlights certain aspects of clinical relevance. Although only renal mechanisms will be covered in this chapter, it is 214

important to note that homeostasis of organic solutes involves the concerted action of multiple organs.

GLUCOSE Physiology of Renal Glucose Transport Overview Plasma glucose concentration is regulated at about 5 mM with balanced actions of glucose ingestion, glycogenolysis, and gluconeogenesis against glucose utilization and in some circumstances renal glucose excretion. Although transient increments and decrements of plasma glucose is tolerated in post-prandial and fasting states, neither hypoglycemia nor hyperglycemia is desirable for the organism. The robust metabolic rate of mammals mandates a high glomerular filtration rate (GFR) so the loss of glucose through the ultrafiltrate will be colossal if not reclaimed. Therefore the main physiologic task of the kidney is to retrieve as much glucose as possible so the normal urine is glucose-free. This was described by Cushny as early as 1917.5

Renal Glucose Handling Plasma glucose is neither protein-bound nor complexed with macromolecules and is filtered freely at the glomerulus. Glucose reabsorption by the proximal tubule increases as the filtered load increases (Plasma [glucose] × GFR) until it reaches a threshold (TmGlucose) that represents the maximal reabsorptive capacity of the proximal tubule, then glycosuria ensues (Fig. 6–2). This concept was first inducted by the classic studies of Shannon and is still quite valid today.6 With normal GFR, the value of plasma glucose for glycosuria to occur is about 11 mM or 200 mg/dl. One can predict that glycosuria will occur at lower plasma glucose concentrations in physiologic states of hyperfiltration such as pregnancy or a unilateral kidney (e.g., nephrectomy, transplant allograft, etc.). In these circumstances, glycosuria may not indicate significant hyperglycemia. Conversely, in patients with renal insufficiency, it will take a plasma glucose concentration of more than 11 mM






100 Secretion Fractional excretion


⬎1 75

CH 6



Fractional excretion


Reabsorption FIGURE nephron.


0 S1

6–1 Secretory and reabsorptive modes of the mammalian


Glucose excretion (UglucoseV)







FIGURE 6–3 Relative magnitude of glucose transport characteristics in different segments of the proximal tubule. Jmax, maximal glucose transport rate; Km, affinity constant for glucose. (Data from Barfuss DW, Schafer JA: Differences in active and passive glucose transport along the proximal nephron. Am J Physiol 241:F322, 1981.)


TABLE 6–1 Reabsorbed TmGlucose

Filtered glucose (Plasma [glucose] ⫻ GFR) FIGURE 6–2 Urinary glucose excretion and tubular reabsorption as a function of filtered load. Tubular reabsorption increases linearly with filtered load as a part of glomerulotubular balance. When reabsorption reaches the tubular capacity (Tmglucose), glucose starts appearing in the urine. The plasma glucose concentration for the given GFR is the glycosuric threshold.

(200 mg/dl) for glycosuria to occur. The reduced filtered load for a given plasma glucose concentration is partially counterbalanced by lower TmGlucose (see Fig. 6–2) but glycosuria still occurs at a higher plasma glucose concentration. Some of the whole organism values for renal glucose handling in humans are summarized in Table 6–1.7 Microperfusion data for rabbit proximal tubules indicate that the maximal rate of glucose transport slows as one progresses from S1 to S3 (Fig. 6–3).1 However, the affinity for glucose rises, with a Michaelis constant (Km; concentration of substrate where half maximal rates of transport is attained) of approximately 2 mM in S1 to 0.4 mM in S3.1 The net result of different Na+-glucose carrier kinetics along the length of the proximal tubule is that S1 can reabsorb glucose with higher capacity but the S3 can decrease the tubule fluid glucose concentration to a much lower level. Theoretically, a single uniform segment cannot perform both high-capacity and high-gradient glucose absorption. Transport studies with brush border membrane vesicles and molecular cloning methods have now firmly established the existence of two Na+-glucose transport systems with kinetic characteristics consistent with earlier microperfusion findings.

Renal Glucose Handing in Humans under Physiologic States

Excretion rate

2.7 µmoles/min (3.4 mmoles/day)

Urinary concentration

0.50 mM–0.65 mM

Reabsorptive capacity

1.85–2.17 mmoles/min


(2664–3125 mmoles/day)

When Na+ and glucose move as a net positive charge into the negatively charged cell interior, it partially depolarizes the cell interior. Consequently, when glucose is removed from the luminal solution, the PD becomes more negative (i.e., it hyperpolarizes).8,9 Using microelectrodes from the basolateral membrane to measure cell hyperpolarization, Biagi and coworkers found that elimination of Na+-glucose cotransport results in 14 mV of hyperpolarization in S1 and early S2 and about 4 mV in late S2.10 Na+-glucose transport accounts for approximately 15% of the apical membrane current and for about half of the luminal negative PD in the early PCT. Aronson and Sacktor first described Na+-dependent glucose transport in renal brush border vesicles in 1974.11,12 The two major Na+-glucose transporters are distinguished by their glucose transport capacity; their affinities for glucose, Na+, and phlorhizin; and their location within the kidney. In the outer cortex, where the S1 and S2 segments of the proximal tubule are located, there is predominantly a high-capacity, low-affinity glucose transport system.13–15 The low-affinity system has a Km for glucose of approximately 6 mM. The transporter carries one Na+ per glucose with a Km for Na+ of 228 mM.14 Phlorhizin binds and inhibits the transporter with a dissociation constant (Kd) of 1 mM to 2 mM.14 In the outer medulla, where S3 is located, there is a highaffinity system with a Km for glucose of approximately 0.3 mM, carrying two Na+ per glucose.13,14,16 The coupling of two Na+ to one glucose allows the cotransporter to utilize the square of the electrochemical driving force of Na+ to energize glucose uptake. The S3 transporter has a K0.5 for Na+ of approximately 50 mM. Although the S3 transporter binds phlorhizin

Renal Handling of Organic Solutes

% of S1


216 with a Kd of 1 mM to 2 mM, it inhibits glucose transport with a Kd of 50 mM. The S3 transporter has an affinity for D-galactose that is more than 10-fold higher than that of the S1 transporter.13 CH 6

Molecular Biology of Renal Glucose Transport Proteins Cell Model of Proximal Tubule Glucose Transport Glucose reabsorption in the proximal tubule cell occurs in two steps: (1) carrier-mediated, Na+-glucose cotransport across the apical membrane, followed by (2) facilitated glucose transport and active Na+ extrusion across the basolateral membrane (see Fig. 6–2). Electroneutrality is maintained by either paracellular Cl− diffusion or Na+ back-diffusion, depending on the relative permeabilities of the intercellular tight junction to Na+ and Cl− (Fig. 6–4). Two specific Na+-

coupled carriers (sodium glucose cotransporter SGLT-1 and SGLT-2) have been identified in the proximal tubule cell apical membrane that bind Na+ and glucose in the tubule fluid. A third gene SGLT-3 has been cloned from a porcine kidney cell line and is transcribed in kidney.17 SGLT3 has been studied in heterologously expressed system but its localization and functional role in the kidney is undetermined so the current paradigm still contains only SGLT-1 and -2 (see Fig. 6–4). The translocation of the Na+ and glucose across the apical cell membrane is driven by the electrochemical driving force for Na+ from tubule fluid to cell and is therefore termed “secondary active transport.” Exit of glucose across the basolateral membrane does not consume energy but is mediated by specific carriers belonging to the GLUT gene family (see Fig. 6–4). SGLT-1 and -2 belongs to a broader group of solute carriers called SLC5, which currently encompasses 11 members in the human genome of which 6 are Na+-glucose cotransporters.18

Transporter Proteins Lumen

↓ [Na⫹] ⫺70 mV

Early Proximal (convoluted)


High capacity Low affinity

Blood 3Na⫹ ~







↓ [Na⫹] ⫺70 mV

Late Proximal (straight)


3Na⫹ ~



Low capacity High affinity





FIGURE 6–4 Model of proximal tubule glucose absorption. The Na+-K+ATPase lowers cell [Na+] and generates a negative interior voltage. This drives the uphill Na+-coupled glucose entry from the apical membrane via the SGLT transporters 1 and 2. Glucose leaves the basolateral membrane via the facilitative glucose transporters GLUT1 and GLUT down its electrochemical gradient.


Apical Entry Molecular studies have confirmed with striking fidelity the physiologic data on glucose transport obtained in perfused tubules and membrane vesicles. It has been known since the 1960s that patients with the rare congenital disorder of glucose-galactose malabsorption have a partial defect in renal absorption of glucose,19–24 but patients with renal glycosuria have normal intestinal glucose transport.20 This finding led to the conjecture that one of the two renal glucose transporters may also be found in the intestine. Hediger and co-workers cloned the intestinal Na+-glucose transporter and found expression in both intestine and kidney.23,24 Within the kidney, it was later shown to be expressed almost exclusively in the S3 segment of the proximal tubule.25 Sequence comparison showed similarity to the proline transporter of Escherichia coli, the Na+-dependent neutral amino acid transporter, and the Na+-dependent myo-inositol transporter. This transporter, termed SGLT-1, has a Km for glucose of 0.4 mM, is inhibited by 5 mM to 10 mM of phlorhizin, and binds two Na+ with a Km for Na+ of 32 mM (Table 6–2).24 The high affinity allows SGLT-1 to reclaim even low concentrations glucose from the urinary lumen. The 2Na+: 1 glucose stoichiometry squares the electrochemical driving force of the lumen-to-cell Na+ gradient. These properties are virtually identical to those of the S3 glucose transport system determined from earlier microperfusion studies and transport studies in membrane vesicles.

Na+-coupled Glucose Transporter Family SGLT1



Gene name




Human chromosome







Genetic disease

Intestinal glucose galactose malabsorption

Familial renal glycosuria

Amino acids




Tissue distribution

Kidney, intestine


Kidney, intestine, liver spleen

Renal expression

Proximal straight tubule

Proximal convoluted tubule


Affinity glucose (K0.5, mM)




Hexose selectivity

Gluc = Gal

Gluc >> Gal

Gluc >> Gal

Affinity sodium (K0.5, mM)




Substrate stoichiometry Gluc, Glucose; Gal, Galactose.


2Na : glucose


Na : glucose

2Na+: glucose

fication based on sequence dendrograms has been proposed 217 (see Table 6–3). A thorough discussion is beyond the scope of this book. Several excellent reviews are available.40–42 At present, the two isoforms that are believed to be important for transepithelial glucose transport are GLUT1 and GLUT2 (see Fig. 6–4). The first member of the GLUT family to be discovered was GLUT-1, cloned via an antibody to the red CH 6 blood cell glucose transporter. The carrier has a high affinity for glucose (1 mM to 2 mM) and is found at variable levels in virtually all nephron segments.43,44 Its expression may correlate with nutritive requirements of the cell,45 and it is probably also the mechanism for glucose exit in S3.46 GLUT-2 is a high-capacity, low-affinity (15 mM to 20 mM) basolateral transporter found in tissues with large glucose fluxes, such as intestine, liver, and pancreas, and the S1 segment of the PCT.47,48 GLUT-4 is the insulin-responsive glucose transporter found almost exclusively in fat and muscle.49,50 This transporter has also been found in glomeruli and renal microvessels.51 The regulation of this and other glucose transporters in diabetes is discussed elsewhere.40,52 The role of GLUT-2 in renal glucose transport has been demonstrated by the presence of renal glycosuria in mice with GLUT-2 deletion53 as well as in humans with GLUT-2 mutations who present interestingly with Fanconi syndrome, which is glycosuria with generalized proximal tubule dysfunction.54,55 Transcripts of some of the other GLUT transporters have been detected in the kidney but their roles are unclear.

Basolateral Exit The relationships between glucose transport in the proximal tubule basolateral membrane and glucose transport in other tissues has been clarified with the discovery of a large gene family termed the GLUT genes. There are now 17 known members of the GLUT gene family (Table 6–3).40 One classi-

Monogenic Defects of Glucose Transport


Renal Handling of Organic Solutes

Hediger and colleagues cloned a second glucose transporter termed SGLT-2.26,27 This clone exhibits 59% homology to SGLT-1 and is expressed in kidney, but not intestine.28 SGLT-2 confers phlorhizin-sensitive (1 mM to 5 mM) glucose transport with a Km for glucose of approximately 1.6 mM. One Na+ is bound per glucose with a Km for Na+ of 200 mM to 300 mM (see Table 6–2). In situ hybridization localized SGLT-2 to the cortex in S1 proximal tubule segments. SGLT-2 is most likely the previously described “low-affinity” glucose transporter. SGLT-1 and SGLT-2 are responsible for bringing glucose into the proximal tubule cell via secondary active transport, but clearly a different system is needed to return this glucose from the cell to the blood. The transporter was found to be inhibited by phloretin and cytochalasin B, but not phlorhizin.29,30 Although stereospecific for D-glucose, it also transports 2-deoxy-D-glucose and 3-O-methyl-D-glucose, but not α-methyl-D-glucoside.31 These characteristics are similar to those of proteins found in polarized intestinal and liver cells and to those of the insulin-sensitive D-glucose transporters in red blood cells, muscle cells, and adipocytes.32 Another cDNA from the SGLT family was cloned from a pig kidney cell line and then subsequently human now termed SGLT3.33–35 SGLT-3 resembles SGLT-2 in terms of its low affinity for glucose and high specificity for glucose over other hexose substrates, but it functions more like SGLT-1 in terms of its tissue distribution and 2 : 1 Na+: glucose stoichiometry (see Table 6–2).36–38 The SGLT-3 transcript is present in the kidney but in low levels39; nephron segmental distribution is not yet available. At present, SGLT-3 has been characterized in expression systems but its role in the kidney is unclear.

Renal Glucose Transport in Diseases States SGLT-1 The best characterized monogenic disease in the SGLT family is glucose-galactose malabsorption due to inactivating mutation of SGLT1 gene (OMIM 182380).56–60 This rare autosomal recessive disease presents in infancy with an intestinal

Facilitative Sugar Transporters



Glut Class

Renal Expression




All nephron segments Proximal tubule basolateral membrane S2




Proximal tubule basolateral membrane S1








mRNA in situ in thick ascending limb




mRNA in situ in proximal straight tubule
















mRNA present




mRNA present













No gene product


No gene product


No gene product


No gene product


218 phenotype. The osmotic diarrhea resolves upon cessation of dietary glucose, galactose, and lactose; substrates of SGLT-1. The diarrhea returns when rechallenged with one of more these substrates. The diagnosis of the disease can be readily confirmed by oral administration of glucose or galactose (2 g/ kg) followed by lactic acid determination in breath. Patients CH 6 with inactivating mutations of SGLT-1 exhibit some degree of renal glycosuria.19,22,61 In general the severity is very mild and reduction of tubular maximal absorptive capacity was not always demonstrable.62 This is in keeping though with the low capacity late proximal tubule SGLT-1 transport system. Renal Glycosuria There is considerable controversy as to the inheritance pattern (autosomal dominant versus recessive), clinical classification of the reabsorptive defect (glucose threshold versus maximal absorptive capacity, versus both), and associated overlapping defects with aminoaciduria in this syndrome.63,64 Due to the lack of intestinal defect and the renal-restricted distribution of SGLT-2, the SGLT-2 gene has been repeatedly proposed as the candidate for renal glycosuria. To date, the strongest evidence that SGLT2 is the major transporter involved in the reabsorption of glucose from the glomerular filtrate comes from the analysis of one patient with autosomal recessive renal glycosuria with a homozygous nonsense mutation in exon 11 of SGLT2, and a heterozygous mutation at the same position in both parents and a younger brother.65 In contrast, the linkage of the autosomal dominant form of renal glycosuria to the HLA complex on chromosome 6 are not supportive of the SGLT transporters being causative.66 Based on circumstantial evidence, an autoimmune mechanism has been proposed for this disease.67 It is possible that this entity represents a heterogeneous group of disorders. Diseases of GLUTs The first patient with Fanconi–Bickel syndrome68 had hepatorenal glycogenosis and renal Fanconi syndrome.69 This child presented at age 6 months with failure to thrive, polydipsia, and constipation followed later in childhood by osteopenia, short stature, hepatomegaly, and a proximal tubulopathy consisting of glycosuria, phosphaturia, aminoaciduria, proteinuria, and hyperuricemia. The liver was infiltrated with glycogen and fat. Disturbance of glucose homeostasis includes fasting hypoglycemia and ketosis and postprandially hyperglycemia. A mutation in the GLUT2 gene was demonstrated by Santer and co-workers.70 Most patients with the Fanconi– Bickel syndrome are homozygous for the disease-related mutations consistent with an autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance. Some patients have been shown to be compound heterozygotes.71 The mechanism by which GLUT2 mutation cause the proximal tubulopathy is unclear. It is conceivable that impaired basolateral exit of glucose in the proximal convoluted tubule can lead to glucose accumulation and glycotoxicity. GLUT2 gene deletion in rodents leads to glucose-insensitive islet cells but proximal tubulopathy was not described.72 GLUT1 mutations presents with primarily a neurologic syndrome with no documented renal involvement.68,73,74 Pharmacologic Manipulation of SGLT Antidiabetic therapy traditionally targets several broad levels: gut glucose absorption, insulin release, and insulin sensitivity. One additional strategy is providing a glucose sink to alleviate hyperglycemia and the ravages of glycotoxicity without actual direct manipulation of insulin secretion or sensitivity. If one decreases the capacity of proximal absorption, the same filtered load will lead to higher glycosuria resulting in lower plasma glucose concentration (Fig. 6–5). In addition to providing a glucose sink, the proximal osmotic diuresis can potentially act via tubuloglomerular feedback and reduce GFR, especially in the setting of diabetic hyper-

filtration. One advantage of this approach is the self-limiting effect. Increased filtered load from hyperglycemia in the presence of reduced proximal reabsorption increases glycosuria (see Fig. 6–5). Once hyperglycemia is corrected and filtered load is reduced, the renal glucose leak ceases even if the drug is still on board (see Fig. 6–5). This approach is receiving increasing attention75 with new technical advances in high through-put screening.76 A variety compounds with widely divergent structures has been shown to inhibit SGLT function.77–83 Glycemic control with these agents has been shown in animal models.84–86 The long-term consequence of escalated glycosylation of epithelial proteins exposed to the urinary lumen has not been examined. Because hyperglycemia fluctuates, so does osmotic diuresis. The staccato natriuresis may present a challenge in control of extracellular fluid volume.

ORGANIC CATIONS Physiology of Renal Organic Cation Transport Overview The kidney is capable of clearing the plasma of a vast array of compounds that share little in common other than possessing a net positive charge at physiological pH. These “organic cations” (OCs) include a structurally diverse array of primary, secondary, tertiary, or quaternary amines, although compounds that have non-nitrogen cationic moieties (e.g., phosphoniums87) can also interact effectively with what is frequently referred to as the “classical organic cation secretory pathway”.88 Studies employing the techniques of stop flow, micropuncture, and microperfusion identified the renal proximal tubule (RPT) as the principal site of renal OC secretion.89–91 Although a number of endogenous OCs are actively secreted by the proximal tubule (e.g., N1-methylnicotinamide (NMN), choline, epinephrine, and dopamine; see Ref 90), an equally, if not more important function of this process is clearing the body of xenobiotic compounds,18,89 including a wide range of alkaloids and other positively charged, heterocyclic dietary constituents; cationic drugs of therapeutic or recreational use; or other cationic toxins of environmental origin (e.g., nicotine). Importantly, the secretory process is also a site of clinically significant interactions between OCs in humans. For example, therapeutic doses of cimetidine retard the renal elimination of procainamide2,92 and nicotine.93

The Cellular Basis of Renal Organic Cation Secretion Renal OC secretion involves the concerted activity of a suite of distinct transport processes arranged in series (i.e., in the basolateral [peritubular] and apical [luminal] poles of RPT cells); or in parallel (i.e., within the same pole of RPT cells). In developing a model for the functional basis of this complexity, it is useful to consider the “Type I” and “Type II” classifications for different structural classes of organic cations developed to describe OC secretion in the liver.94 In general, Type I OCs are comparatively small (generally 500 Da) and frequently polyvalent, including d-tubocurarine, vecuronium, and hexafluorenium. Although the kidney plays a quantitatively significant role in the secretion of selected Type II OCs, the liver plays the predominant role in


Decreased proximal absorption


CH 6

Activates TG feedback

Glycosuria Normoglycemia

Decreased proximal absorption

Increased glucose excretion


FIGURE 6–5 Effect of SGLT inhibition. Inhibition of proximal absorption leads to increased glucose excretion. Proximal osmotic diuresis activates tubuloglomerular (TG) feedback and reduces hyperfiltration. Right panel shows self-adjusting features of the renal glucose sink. As plasma glucose level falls, so does filtered load and glycosuria ceases even proximal absorption is still inhibited.

excretion (into the bile) of large hydrophobic cations (e.g., see Ref 95). In contrast, renal excretion is a predominant avenue for clearance of Type I OCs. Thus, although the processes associated with the renal handling of Type II OCs will be briefly described as currently understood, the renal transport of Type I OCs of substrates will be the central focus of this discussion. The reader is directed to recent reviews that consider the molecular biology and physiology of MDR1 (P-gp) in more depth.96–98 Basolateral Organic Cation Entry Figure 6–6 shows a model for transcellular OC transport by RPT that is consistent with studies employing isolated renal plasma membranes and intact proximal tubules89,99 and supported by recent molecular data. The first step in transcellular OC secretion involves OC entry into RPT cells from the blood across the peritubular membrane. For Type I OCs this entry step involves either an electrogenic uniport (facilitated diffusion), driven by the inside-negative electrical potential difference (PD),100 or an electroneutral antiport (exchange) of OCs100,101 (it is likely that these two mechanisms represent alternative modes of action of the same transporter(s)102). The PD across the basolateral membrane of RPT cells is in the order of 50 mV to 60 mV (inside negative103,104), which is sufficient to account for an accumulation of OCs within proximal cells to levels approximately 10 times that in the blood. A hallmark of peritubular OC uptake is its broad selectivity, frequently termed “multispecificity”.105 Studies by Ullrich and colleagues on the structural specificity of peritubular OC transport in microperfused rat proximal tubules in vivo indi-

cated a clear correlation between an increase in substrate hydrophobicity and an increase in interaction with basolateral OC transporters,105,106 although it is also clear that steric factors influence this interaction.107–109 The molecular identity of the transport processes responsible for basolateral entry of Type I OCs is relatively clear. OCT1 (organic cation transporter 1; SLC22A1), OCT2 (SLC22A2), and OCT3 (SLC22A3) are electrogenic uniporters that are expressed in the basolateral membrane of renal proximal tubule cells (although their individual levels of expression display marked species differences). Significantly, elimination of OCT1 and OCT2 activity (in OCT1/OCT2 null mice) completely eliminates active secretion of TEA.3 The molecular biology of each of these processes is discussed in more detail in an upcoming section. The process(es) responsible for basolateral entry of Type II OCs into RPT cells is(are) not clear. The bulky ring structures that characterize Type II OCs generally render them substantially more hydrophobic than Type I OCs and, in the liver, generally makes Type II OCs (e.g., rocuronium) substrates for one or more homologues of the organic anion transporting polypeptide (OATPs) family of transporters.110 However, (in the rat) renal OATP expression is typically low, compared to the liver (the sole exception being Oatp5, the function and location of which in rat kidney is unknown, and for which no human ortholog has been identified111). It is likely that the marked hydrophobicity of most Type II OCs results in a substantial diffusive flux across the peritubular membrane that provides Type II OCs with a passive, electrically conductive avenue for entry into proximal cells.

Renal Handling of Organic Solutes

Decreased proximal absorption

220 Lumen







CH 6 H⫹




Na⫹ OCT3





OCⴙ (I)

OCⴙ (I)




Carnitine Choline


⫺60 mV

~ 2K⫹

FIGURE 6–6 Schematic model of the transport processes associated with the secretion of organic cations (OCs) by renal proximal tubule cells. Circles depict carrier mediated transport processes. Arrows indicate the direction of net substrate transport. Solid lines depict the principal pathways of OC transport; dotted lines indicate pathways that are believed to be of secondary importance; dashed line indicates diffusive movement. Na+-K+-ATPase; maintains the K+ gradient associated with the inside negative membrane potential and the inwardly directed Na+ gradient, both of which represent driving forces associated with active OC secretion. OCT1, OCT2, and OCT3; support electrogenic facilitated diffusion associated with basolateral uptake of Type I OCs (these processes are also believed to support electroneutral OC/OC exchange, as indicated by the outwardly directed arrows). MDR1; supports the ATP dependent, active luminal export of Type II OCs. NHE3; the Na+/H+ exchanger that plays a principal role in sustaining the inwardly directed hydrogen electrochemical gradient that, in turn, supports activity of transport processes mediated by physiologically characterized Type I OC/H+ exchanger, which includes MATE1 (the broadly specific process that accepts TEA as a prototypic substrate) and the narrowly specific process that accepts guanidine as a substrate, and OCTN1; supports electroneutral OC/H+ exchange but with selectivity properties that make it distinct from process 7. OCTN2 supports Na+-carnitine cotransport and the electrogenic flux of TEA and selected Type I substrates, as well as mediated exchange of TEA for Na+-carnitine. Finally, there is a physiologically characterized electrogenic choline reabsorption pathway.

Apical Organic Cation Exit Exit of Type I OCs across the luminal membrane involves carrier-mediated antiport of OC for H+ (see Fig. 6–6), a process observed in brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) isolated from human, rabbit, rat, dog, chicken, and snake kidneys.89 Luminal OC efflux is the rate-limiting step in trans-tubular OC secretion.112 It is unlikely that net OC secretion requires a transluminal H+-gradient. Indeed, in the early proximal tubule, where the pH of the tubular filtrate is on the order of 7.4 (i.e., the same as plasma), tubular secretion exceeds that of later segments112 even though it is in these latter regions where an inwardly directed H+ gradient is most likely to develop.113 Instead, it is the electrically silent nature of the exchanger (which involves the obligatory 1 : 1 exchange of monovalent cations114) that, even in the absence of an inwardly directed H+ gradient, will permit OCs to exit the electrically negative cytoplasm of RPT cells and develop a luminal concentration as large as (or larger than, if there is an inwardly

directed H+ gradient) that in the cytoplasm. Net transepithelial secretion, therefore, is a consequence of combining luminal OC/H+ exchange with the electrically driven flux of OCs across the basolateral membrane. From an energetic perspective, OC/H+ antiport is the active step in the earlier outlined scenario because it depends on the displacement of H+ away from electrochemical equilibrium, a state maintained through the activity in the luminal membrane of the Na+/H+ exchanger115,116 and, to a lesser extent, a V-type H-ATPase (not shown in figure).117 The basolateral Na,K-ATPase, ultimately, drives OC secretion by (1) maintaining the inside negative membrane potential that supports concentrative uptake of OCs across the basolateral membrane (the result of the developed K+ gradient); and (2) sustaining the inwardly directed Na gradient that drives the aforementioned luminal Na+/H+ exchange. Evidence on the structural specificity of luminal OC transport indicates that, as with the peritubular transport process, binding of substrate to the OC/H+ exchanger is profoundly influenced by substrate hydrophobicity and, to a lesser extent, the 3D structure of the substrate.118 At least two distinct OC/H+ exchangers, distinguished by their substrate selectivities, have been described in renal cortical BBMV. One, which is regarded as being the principal avenue for luminal OC secretion, displays a very broad selectivity and accepts TEA as a substrate.118 The second displays mechanistically similar characteristics to this former process, but displays a narrower selectivity and accepts guanidine as a substrate.119 Two members of the SLC22A family are suspected to play a role in mediating apical efflux of (at least) selected OC substrates. OCTN1 (organic cation transporter-novel 1; SLC22A4) supports mediated exchange of TEA and H+ and, consequently, it has been suggested to contribute to luminal OC/H+ exchange activity.120 However, the kinetics, selectivity, and tissue distribution of OCTN1 do not fit the physiological profile of the OC/H+ exchanger of renal BBMV,18 making it unlikely that OCTN1 is a major contributor to renal secretion of Type I OCs. OCTN2 (SLC22A5) is unique in displaying both Na+ coupled transport of carnitine (and structurally related zwitterions121) and the electrogenic uniport of TEA and selected Type I OCs.122 The potential significance of OCTN2 in mediating apical OC export is evident in the observation that a genetic defect in Octn2 in the jvs mouse is associated with a marked decrease in renal clearance of TEA.3 The recent cloning from human and mouse kidney of a member of the MOP (Multidrug/Oligosaccharidyl-lipid/Polysaccharide) superfamily of multidrug/H+ exchangers123 offers the promise of identifying the principal elements in luminal OC/H+ exchange. The multidrug and toxicant extruder, MATE1, supports TEA/H+ exchange and in the human is expressed in the apical membrane of renal proximal tubules and in the canalicular membrane of hepatic cells123 (i.e., locations known to contains OC/H+ exchange activity). Moreover, the kinetics and selectivity of the process123,124 are consistent with those of OC/H+ exchange characterized in isolated renal BBMV, further supporting the contention that MATE1 may comprise a quantitatively significant element in luminal OC secretion. The apical export of Type II OCs is likely to involve the multidrug resistance transporter, MDR1 (ABCB1), which is expressed in the apical membrane of RPT cells and has been implicated in the apical efflux of Type II OCs (and other bulky hydrophobic substrates) in in vitro studies.125–127 However, whereas the influence of MDR1 in biliary excretion of Type II OCs is evident (e.g., in studies employing Mdr1 knockout mice)128; the quantitative influence of MDR1 on renal secretion is less clear. For example, whereas biliary excretion of doxorubicin is markedly decreased in Mdr1 knockout mice, urinary clearance increases.129 Similarly, elimination of Mdr1

activity in knockout mice is associated with marked changes in the distribution of Type II OCs across brain, intestinal, and hepatic barriers, whereas the renal phenotype in these animals is modest.128

Organic Cation Reabsorption Whereas secretion dominates the net flux of OCs transported by the proximal tubule, net reabsorption has been reported for a few cationic substrates, most notably choline.89,90,137,138 The apical membrane of renal proximal tubule cells expresses an electrogenic uniporter that accepts choline and structurally similar compounds with relatively high affinity.139,140 In contrast, the apical OC/H+ exchanger has a low affinity (but high capacity) for choline.139 Consequently, choline is effectively reabsorbed when plasma concentration do not exceed the comparatively low, physiological concentrations (10 µM to 20 µM), and is secreted when concentrations are raised to levels >100 µM.138

Substrate Interactions and Renal Clearance of Organic Cations The renal OC secretory process has sufficient transport capacity to extract >90% of many OCs, when present in low (clinically relevant) concentrations, during a single passage of blood through the kidney.141 The presence of multiple OCs in the blood can result in competition between these compounds for one or more common elements in the OC secretory pathway, leading to decreased rates of elimination of one or more of these compounds with resultant elevation(s) in their blood levels (see Fig. 6–6). This has been shown to occur when the antiarrhythmic, procainamide, is administered with either cimetidine or ranitidine (Fig. 6–7).2,92,142,143 The clinical impact of such interactions will depend on the therapeutic index of the drugs in question.

CH 6



0.1 0







Time (hr) FIGURE 6–7 Effect of drug-drug competition at the level of renal organic cation secretion on mean plasma concentration-time profiles of procainamide ) and n—acetylprocainamide ( ) in six subjects with ( ) or ( without ( ) co-administration of cimetidine. (From Somogyi A, McLean A, Heinzow B: Cimetidine-procainamide pharmacokinetic interaction in man: Evidence of competition for tubular secretion of basic drugs. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 25:339, 1983.)

Molecular Biology of Renal Organic Cation Transport The cloning in 1994 of OCT1144 by Gründemann and Koepsell resulted in a rapid increase in understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of renal OC transport. As outlined earlier, strong evidence supports the conclusion that basolateral entry of Type I OCs into RPT cells occurs by a (species specific) combination of the activities of OCT1, OCT2, and OCT3; and that apical exit of Type I OCs includes a combination of the activities of MATE1, MATE2, OCTN1, and OCTN2. The OCTs and OCTNs are all found within the SLC22A family of solute carriers and share a common set of structural features that place them within the Major Facilitator Superfamily (MFS) of transport proteins,145 whereas the MATEs are members of the Multidrug/Oligosaccharidyl-lipid/Polysaccharide (MOP) superfamily.146 Renal secretion of Type II OCs involves MDR1 in the luminal membranes of proximal tubular cells, although the role its activity plays in clearance of these compounds from the body is currently the subject of speculation. Following is a discussion of the molecular characteristics of the earlier listed transport proteins.

Basolateral Organic Cation Transporters Organic Cation Transporters Basolateral OC transport is dominated by the combined activity of three members of the SLC22A family of transport proteins, OCT1 (SLC22A1), OCT2 (SLC22A2), and OCT3 (SLC22A3).18 As MFS transporters, they share several structural characteristics including 12 transmembrane spanning helices (TMHs), cytoplasmic N- and C-termini, a long cytoplasmic loop between TMHs 6 and 7, and several conserved sequence motifs.18,147 Several additional features are unique to the OCT members of SLC22A, including a long (∼110

Renal Handling of Organic Solutes

Renal secretion of TEA and procainamide by isolated perfused rabbit RPT shows a marked axial heterogeneity that differs from that of secretion of PAH130,131 with a profile of TEA secretion of S1 > S2 > S3,112 and a profile of procainamide secretion of S1 = S2 > S3.132 This axial distribution of secretory function is correlated (in rat and rabbit) with a marked difference in the distribution of distinct basolateral transporters, with OCT1 expression dominating in the early proximal tubule and OCT2 expression dominating in the mid and later portions of the proximal tubule.133,134 Despite these differences, the kinetics of basolateral TEA uptake, as determined in isolated, non-perfused tubules, is effectively the same in all three segments,133 suggesting that the apical exit step for OCs is both rate limiting and the source of the axial heterogeneity observed for TEA secretion.112 Consistent with this conclusion is the observation that the maximal rate of TEA/H+ exchange is significantly higher in rabbit renal BBMV isolated from outer cortex (enriched in membranes from S1/S2 segments) than from outer medulla (enriched in S3 segments135). We can summarize the current, overall understanding of the cellular processes associated with secretion of organic cations as follows: Type I OCs enter RPT cells across the peritubular membrane via electrogenic facilitated diffusion (mediated by one or more OCT transporters) and leave cells across the luminal membrane via electroneutral exchange for H+ (possibly by means of one or more MATE and/or OCTN transporters). Type II OCs diffuse into proximal cells across the peritubular membrane and are exported into the tubule filtrate via the primary active MDR1 transporter. Importantly, considerable overlap appears to exist in the selectivity of these parallel transport pathways.110,136


Plasma concentration (µg/ml)

Axial Distribution of Organic Cation Transport in the Renal Proximal Tubule










Renal clearance of TEA (ml/h)

222 amino acid residues) extracellular loop between TMHs 1 and 2, as well as a distinguishing sequence motif.148 The human orthologs of OCT1, OCT2, and OCT3 contain 554, 555, and 556 amino acid residues, respectively, and several consensus sites for PKC-, PKA-, PKG-, CKII-, and/or CaMII-mediated phosphorylation located within or near the long cytoplasmic CH 6 loop between TMHs 6 and 7, or in the cytoplasmic C-terminal sequence.147,149 The long extracellular loop between TMHs 1 and 2 contains three N-linked glycosylation sites in all three homologs. Elimination of these sites is associated with both decreased trafficking of protein to the membrane and with changes in apparent affinity for substrate,150 the latter observation suggesting that the configuration of the long extracellular loop influences the position of TMHs 1 and 2, which are elements of the hydrophilic “binding cleft” common to the OCTs and in which substrate is suspected to bind (4,151; and discussed later). The human genes for OCT1, OCT2, and OCT3 have 11 coding exons.152 Several alternatively spliced variants of OCT1 have been described. rOCT1A lacks putative TMHs 1 and 2 and the large extracellular loop that separates those two TMHs, yet supports mediated transport of TEA.153 In the human, four alternatively spliced isoforms of OCT1 are present in human glioma cells,154 a long (full-length) form and three shorter forms. Only the long form (hOCT1G/L554) supports transport when expressed in HEK293 cells.154 Human kidney expresses at least one splice variant of OCT2. Designated hOCT2-A, it is characterized by the insertion of a 1169 bp sequence arising from the intron found between exons 7 and 8 of hOCT2155 resulting in a truncated protein that is missing the last three putative TMHs (i.e., 10, 11, 12). Despite the absence of the last three TMHs, hOCT2-A retains the capacity to transport TEA and cimetidine, though guanidine transport is lost. In the rat and rabbit, OCT1 expression appears to dominate basolateral OC entry in the early (S1 segment) of renal proximal tubule, whereas OCT2 expression appears to dominate the mid and late (S2 and S3) segments of RPT.133,134 In the human kidney it is likely that basolateral OC transport is dominated by activity of OCT2. OCT2 is heavily expressed in the human kidney, and the relative expression profile of mRNAs coding for OCT1, OCT2, and OCT3 in human renal cortex is 1 : 100 : 10.156 However, the observation that, in the rabbit, OCT1 activity dominates OC transport in the early proximal tubule, despite the fact that OCT2 mRNA expression is >10 times larger,133 suggests that it would be premature to conclude that OCT1 (and OCT3) have no influence on renal clearance of selected compounds by human kidney. The relative role of OCTs expressed in the proximal tubule may also be influenced by their site of expression. In the rodent, as in the rabbit, OCT expression in the early proximal tubule is dominated by OCT1, whereas OCT2 expression is restricted to the later portions of the RPT.3,134 Jonker and colleagues3 found that targeted elimination of OCT1 actually resulted in an increase in renal clearance of TEA (presumably reflecting the increase in plasma TEA levels that resulted from the elimination of OCT1-mediated hepatic clearance of TEA), and elimination of OCT2 had no effect on renal clearance of TEA (Fig. 6–8). In other words, the level of functional expression of each transporter was sufficient to maintain fractional clearance of TEA at control levels in the absence of the other. Importantly, the elimination of both OCT1 and OCT2 completely eliminated active clearance of TEA (see Fig. 6–3),3 indicating that (in the mouse) OCT3 plays no significant role in renal clearance of TEA. Indeed, mice in which OCT3 has been eliminated display no apparent renal phenotype157 (although OCT3 may still play a role in the renal elimination of substrates for which it displays a particularly high affinity133). Thus, under normal conditions, transporters restricted to later portions of the RPT may see little or no substrate if


0 Wild-type


FIGURE 6–8 Renal clearance of TEA in wild-type and Oct1/2−/− mice. Renal clearance was calculated by dividing the amount of TEA excreted in the urine over 60 minutes by the plasma AUC(0–60). The estimated GFR was approximately 21 ml/h for both genotypes and is indicated with a dashed line. (From Jonker JW, Wagenaar E, Van Eijl S, et al: Deficiency in the organic cation transporters 1 and 2 (Oct1/Oct2 [Slc22a1/Slc22a2]) in mice abolishes renal secretion of organic cations. Mol Cell Biol 23:7902, 2003.)

that compound is effectively cleared by transporters located in “upstream” portions of the tubule. Transport capacity in later portions of the tubule may only come into play when the activity in the early RPT is saturated or inhibited, as may occur in the event of a drug-drug interaction. All the OCTs share a common transport mechanism (i.e., electrogenic uniport). Transport is independent of extracellular Na+ and H+, with membrane potential providing the driving force for transport of cationic substrates.102,158 The transport of positively charged substrates is electrogenic, as shown directly in studies characterizing the saturable inward currents that result from exposing Xenopus oocytes injected with the cRNA for OCT1,102 OCT2,158 or OCT3159 to increasing concentrations of substrate. Koepsell and colleagues102 showed that membrane potential provides the driving force for OCT1-mediated TEA, NMN, and choline uptake, and that OCT1 can also support the electrogenic efflux of substrate in the presence of energetically favorable outwardly directed substrate gradients, as well as electroneutral OC/OC exchange. Although the three OCTs display marked overlap in substrate selectivity, they are also distinguished by their selectivities for specific compounds. For example, OCT1 and OCT2 generally have a similar affinity for TEA (20 µM200 µM)133 whereas OCT3 has a very low affinity for TEA (∼2 mM160); Cimetidine has a much higher (50-fold) affinity for OCT2 than OCT1,161 whereas tyramine has a higher affinity (20-fold) for OCT1 than OCT2161; and all three homologs display a similar, comparatively high affinity for MPP.162 In general, the three homologs all support transport of a structurally diverse array of Type I OCs,133 and interact with a limited number of neutral and even anionic substrates.163 With respect to the latter observation that OCTs can interact with (selected) neutral or anionic substrates, Ullrich and colleagues observed “cross-over” interactions of a number of what they referred to as “bisubstrates” with both cation and


cussed earlier, of asymmetrical binding properties on the 223 extracellular versus intracellular face of the transporter.170 Organic Cation Transporter Structure The elucidation of the crystal structure of two MFS transporters, LacY,173 and GlpT,174 and the discovery that these two proteins share a marked structural homology (i.e., a CH 6 common helical fold) despite having a low sequence homology (90%),181 suggest that variation in the renal clearance of metformin has a strong genetic component, and that genetic variation in OCT2 may explain a large part of this pharmacokinetic variability. Common variants of OCT2, as well as genetic variants of OCT1, OCTN1, and OCTN2, may alter protein function and could cause inter-individual differences in the renal handling of organic cation drugs. Genetic variants of all these processes have been identified in human populations179–181,212–214 and studies in heterologous expressions systems have confirmed that common (typically, with occurrences in specific population groups of >1%) SNPs result in substantial changes in transporter activity. Further studies examining the pharmacokinetic phenotypes of individuals harboring genetic variants that change transport function should help to define the roles of each transporter in renal elimination.211 Furthermore, such studies may help identify particular genetic variants that lead to susceptibility to drug toxicities resulting from drug-drug interactions.

Renal Handling of Organic Solutes

paratively high concentrations of Na+ and carnitine in the plasma (and filtrate) should maximize the operation of OCTN2 as a reabsorptive pathway for carnitine, rather than as an electrogenic pathway for Type I OC reabsorption, and in the presence of elevated cytoplasmic levels of a suitable Type I substrate (e.g., TEA), OCTN2 would mediate the secretory efflux of that molecule (e.g., Na-carnitine/TEA exchange) (see Fig. 6–6).

ORGANIC ANIONS Organic Anion Physiology Organic anions represent an immensely broad group of solutes being transported by the kidney, which renders it barely justifiable to be discussed in a single section. An organic anion can be loosely defined as any organic compound that bears a net negative charge at the pH of the fluid in which the compound resides. These can be endogenous substances, or exogenously acquired toxins or drugs. The physiology can be poised for conservation with extremely low fractional excretion similar to glucose. Such is the case with metabolic intermediates like mono- and di-carboxylates (Fig. 6–1; fractional excretion ≈ 0). On the other end, the system can gear itself for elimination utilizing combined glomerular filtration and secretion (Fig. 6–1; fractional excretion >>1). In addition to the large range of fractional excretion, this group of transporters also has the broadest array of substrates that spans compounds with completely disparate chemical structures. Multi-specificity in substrate recognition is a prevalent feature within each gene family and across different families of organic anion transporters. The precise analysis of the field of renal anion excretion was ushered by the seminal work of Marshall and co-workers who studied the elimination of dyes and arrived at the



PAH (mass/time) Maximal secretory rate

Filtered Secreted

Plasma [PAH] CPAH (volume/time)

226 conclusion that mammalian renal tubules possess high capacity secretory function.215,216 This was followed by the classical studies of Smith and associates who described the tubular secretion of p-aminohippurate (PAH) and provided a marker for estimating renal blood flow (RPF) by PAH clearance for decades that followed.217 Reabsorptive physiology was illusCH 6 trated in the previous section on glucose. Figure 6–5 illustrates the secretory nature of the proximal tubule using PAH as a surrogate. In low plasma concentrations, PAH has a fractional excretion of >>1 and PAH clearance (CPAH) approaches renal plasma flow (RPF) as most of the PAH is removed from the plasma in a single pass. As plasma PAH increases, both filtered and secreted PAH increases and CPAH remains a good estimate of RPF. When the secretory maximal is reached and subsequently exceeded, the commensurate increment in excretion is contributed solely by increasing filtered load. At this stage, CPAH starts to gradually drift further below RPF toward the value of GFR (Fig. 6–10). Classic studies using stop-flow, micropuncture, and microperfusion218–220 in multiple species have demonstrated that organic anions are secreted in the proximal tubule. The study of Tune and co-workers definitely demonstrated uphill transport from peritubular fluid into urinary lumen.220 As noted earlier, the secretory mode mandates broad substrate recognition and one simply cannot afford to devote one gene per compound that the organism wishes to excrete. Table 6–4 is



FIGURE 6–10 Illustration of filtration-secretion using PAH clearance (CPAH). PAH clearance = GFR + PAH secretion. For a given GFR, both secreted and filtered PAH increases with increasing plasma [PAH]. At this point, CPAH approximates renal plasma flow (RPF). With increasing plasma [PAH], maximal secretion is reached and any further increase in CPAH is due to increasing filtered PAH. At high plasma [PAH], CPAH numerically drifts towards GFR.

Classes of Organic Anions Transported by the Proximal Tubule

Endogenous Metabolic intermediates

α-ketoglutarate, succinate, citrate


PGE1, PGE2, PGD2, PGF2a, PGI2, TxB2

Cyclic nucleotides



Urate, folate, bile acids, oxalate, 5-HIA, HVA

Metabolic Conjugates Sulfate

Estrone sulfate, DHEAS,


Estradiol glucuronide, salicylglucuronide


Acetylated sulphonamide


PAH, o-hydroxyhippurate


CTFC, DCVC, N-acetyl-S-farnesyl–cysteine

Drugs Antibiotics

β-lactam, cepham, tetracycline, sulphonamide


Acyclovir, amantadine, adefovir


Salicylates, indomethacin,


Loop diuretics, thiazides, acetazolamide


ACE inhibitors, ARB


Methotrexate, azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, 5-FU





Environmental Toxins Fungal products

Ochratoxin A & B, aflatoxin G1, patulin


2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid

PG, prostaglandins; Tx, thromboxane; 5-HIA, 5-Hydroxyindoleacetate; HVA, homovanillic acid; DHEAS, dihydroxyepiandronesterone sulfate; PAH, p-amino hippurate; CTFC, S-(2-chloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethyl)L-cysteine; DCVC, S-(1,2-dichlorovinyl)-L-cysteine; ACE inhibitors, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin receptor blockers; 5-FU, 5-fluorouracil.

Molecular Biology of Organic Anion Transporters Several families of solute transporters can be included in this discussion. Three will be mentioned: the dicarboxylatesulphate transporters (NaDC/NaS SLC13 family), the organic anion transporters (OAT SLC22 family), and the organic anion transporting polypeptides (OATP SLC21 family). A


detail account is beyond the scope of this chapter. The reader 227 is referred to several excellent recent reviews.224–231

NaDC (SLC13A) Family These transporters function to reclaim filtered solutes and are functionally directly opposite to the next group of secretory proteins. This family is related by similarities in primary CH 6 sequences but the isoforms are quite distinct in their function. The nomenclature is still in a state of evolution and five genes are identified to date (Table 6–5).229,230 NaS1 is a lowaffinity sulfate transporter232 expressed at the proximal tubule apical membrane (see Table 6–5)233 but does not take organic anions. NaS2 and NaCT are not expressed in the kidney (see Table 6–5). These proteins will not be discussed. NaDC1 and NaDC3 are the main transporters of interest in this discussion. NaDC1 NaDC1 was first cloned by Pajor’s group234–237 and subsequently by others.238,239 NaDC1 is found on apical membranes of both the renal proximal tubule and small intestine where it mediates absorption of tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates from the glomerular filtrate or the intestinal lumen. The preferred substrates of NaDC1 are 4-carbon dicarboxylates such as succinate, fumarate, and α-ketoglutarate. Citrate

Organic Anion Transporters

NaDC Family Name

Gene Name

Human Chromosome

Renal Proximal Tubule Localization

Transport Mode/substrate (All Na+-dependent)





Sulphate, thiosulfate selenate





Succinate, citrate, α-ketoglutarate





Succinate, citrate, α-ketoglutarate










Citrate, succinate, pyruvate


Gene Name

Human Chromosome

Renal Proximal Tubule Localization

Transport Mode/substrate (Na+-independent)





OA dicarboxylate exchange





OA dicarboxylate exchange





OA dicarboxylate exchange





OA dicarboxylate exchange





Urate OA exchange




Human Chromosome

Renal Tubule Localization

Transport Mode/substrate (Na+-independent)

OAT Family

OA, organic anion (broad substrate specificity).


Gene Name




PT: basolateral

Digoxin, ouabain, T3




CCD: basolateral



3q21 11q13


Bile salts, estrogen conjugates PG’s, T3, T4, antibiotics ouabain, ochratoxin A PG’s Estrogen conjugates, antibiotics





Estrogen conjugates, antibiotics





Bile salts, estrogen conjugates, PG’s, T3, T4, antibiotics

PT, proximal tubule; CCD, cortical collecting duct; T3, thyroid hormone; PGs, prostaglandin.

Renal Handling of Organic Solutes

an illustrative but incomplete inventory that demonstrates the extremely broad substrate spectra of organic anion handling by the kidney. It is impossible to fathom any structural similarities among these compounds. In addition, the number of substances transported far exceeds the number of proteins required to excrete these substance. This is not unlike proteins such as P-glycoprotein (ATP-binding cassette multidrug resistance protein) or the multi-ligand receptor megalin where the ability to engage with multiple compounds is intrinsic to their biologic function.221,222 The classical microperfusion study from Fritzch and co-workers proposed a minimal requirement of a hydropic region in the anion to be a substrate.223 The protein structure that permits this broad range of substrate to be bound and transported is unknown but undoubtedly fascinating.



↓ [Na⫹] ⫺70 mV H⫹



3Na⫹ NaDC1

CH 6



Cit2⫺ ⫹ ATP

⫹ Aconitase

citrate lyase pHi

TCA cycle

OA2⫺ Acetyl-CoA



FIGURE 6–11 Proximal tubule citrate absorption and metabolism. The Na+K+-ATPase generates the low cell [Na+]. As a secondary active transporter NaDC1 uses the electrochemical gradient to pick up filtered citrate, which metabolized in the cytoplasm or the mitochondria. Ambient and cytoplasmic pH increase citrate uptake and metabolism. (1) Acidification of urinary lumen titrates citrate to the divalent transported species; (2) NaDC1 is directly activated by pH and chronic low pH increases expression of NaDC1 (circled arrow); (3) Intracellular acidification increases the expression of ATP citrate lyase and aconitase (circled arrows).

exists mostly as a tricarboxylate at plasma pH, but in the proximal tubule lumen, because of apical H+ transport, citrate3− is titrated (citrate3−/citrate2− pK 5.7–6.0) and is taken up in protonated form as citrate2−. The Km for dicarboxylates ranges between 0.3 mM and 1 mM. Transport of one divalent anion substrate is coupled to three Na+ ions. Once absorbed across the apical membrane, cytosolic citrate is either metabolized through ATP citrate lyase, which cleaves citrate to oxaloacetate and acetyl CoA, or transported into the mitochondria where it can be metabolized in the tricarboxylic acid cycle to neutral end products such as carbon dioxide (Fig. 6–11).240,241 When a divalent organic anion is converted to neutral products, two H+ are consumed, which renders citrate2− an important urinary base. NaDC3 NaDC3 has a wider tissue distribution and much broader substrate specificity than NaDC1. NaDC3 is expressed on basolateral membranes in renal proximal tubule cells,242 as well as liver, brain, and placenta. The basolateral location of NaDC3 was mapped to a motif in its amino-terminal cytoplasmic domain.243–246 The Km for succinate in NaDC3 is lower than NaDC1 (10 µM-100 µM).246 Similarly, NADC3 displays a much higher affinity for α-ketoglutarate247 than does NaDC1.248 Like NaDC1, NaDC3 is sodium-coupled and electrogenic so it is very unlikely that NaDC3 will mediate citrate efflux from the proximal tubule into the peritubular space. It is more likely that the NaDC3 helps support the outwardly directed α-ketoglutarate gradient required for OAT transporters to perform organic anion exchange (see later). In fact, the activity of NaDC3 has been shown to support approximately 50% of the OAT-mediated uptake of the organic anion fluorescein across the basolateral membrane in isolated rabbit renal tubules249 with half of this effect reflecting the accumulation of exogenous α-ketoglutarate from the blood, and the other half arising from “recycling” endogenous α-ketoglutarate that exited the cell in OAT-mediated exchange for the organic anion substrate.

OAT (SLC22A) Family Two features of these transporters should once again be emphasized—their high capacity for substrate and tremen-

dously diverse substrate selectivity (see Table 6–4). The importance of these proteins in rescuing the organism from succumbing to toxins cannot be over-emphasized. The uptake of substrates from the basolateral membrane of the proximal tubule is a thermodynamically uphill process utilizing tertiary active transport (Fig. 6–12). The Na+ and voltage gradient generated by the Na+-K+-ATPase drives the accumulation of the dicarboxylate α-ketoglutarate in the proximal tubule via NaDC3, which in a tertiary fashion (thrice removed from ATP hydrolysis) energizes uptake of organic anions into the proximal tubule (see Fig. 6–12). Endogenously produced αketoglutarate from deamination and deamidation of glutamine (ammoniagenesis) may also participate in the exchange process. Some of the organic anions transported may be endogenous or relatively innocuous exogenous compounds but many of the substrates (see Table 6–4) are toxins. Although its function is in defending the body, the proximal tubule cells cannot afford a self-sacrificial approach as the end result can be destruction of the very mechanism that secretes these toxins. There exists detoxifying mechanism in the proximal tubule cell that protects the cell while the toxins are en route to the apical membrane to be disposed. The details of these mechanisms are still elusive but current data in isolated proximal tubules and cell culture models suggests compartmentalization that may serve to sequester the toxins from imparting their harmful effects.250 Basolateral Transporters More than half a century after the seminal paper from Homer Smith’s laboratory251 that described PAH secretion into the urine, the “PAH transporter” was cloned by several laboratories almost contemporaneously.252–254 The OAT members OAT1 and OAT3 are present in the basolateral membrane of the proximal tubule (see Fig. 6–12, Table 6–5). OAT1mediated uptake of PAH is stimulated by an outwardly directed gradient of dicarboxylates such as α-ketoglutarate, indicating that OAT1 is an organic anion-dicarboxylate exchanger.255 The substrate selectivity of OAT1 is extremely broad with affinities for substrate that are comparable to that reported for the functional PAH transport system. OAT3 is localized in the basolateral membrane of the kidney and, like OAT1, has a broad extra-renal expression.256 OAT3 also has a promiscuous substrate list comparable to that of OAT1.231 The purpose for the OAT1/3 redundancy in the kidney is unclear. OAT2 was originally identified from the liver and its expression in the kidney appears to be weaker than OAT1 and OAT3.257 It transports PAH, dicarboxylates, prostaglandins, salicylate, acetylsalicylate, and tetracycline.231 Apical Transporters There is no overlap of polarized expression of OATs in the proximal tubule. OAT4 was cloned from the kidney and is expressed in the apical membrane of the proximal tubule.258 When characterized in oocytes, it transports PAH, conjugated sex hormones, prostaglandins, and mycotoxins in an organic anion/dicarboxylate exchange mode and is capable of bidirectional movement of organic anions.259 It is not known whether OAT4 represents an exceptional OAT-mediated luminal uptake, although it is hard to fathom from the list of candidate substrates why OAT will participate in absorption. The other apical transporter is URAT1, which is renal-specific in its expression.260 The human URAT1 appears to be quite specific for urate transport.260 As discussed later, the role of URAT1 as a urate transporter was proven at the whole organism levels from an experiment of nature in humans with renal hypouricemia.

OATP (SLCO) Family This family of organic anion transporting polypeptides is expressed widely in the brain, choroid plexus, liver, heart, heart, intestine, kidney, placenta, and testis261 and, like the





~ 2K⫹




CH 6





COO⫺ R FIGURE 6–12 NaDC (green), OAT (blue), and OATP (black) families of anionic transporters in the proximal tubule. OA−, organic anion; Ur−, urate. The intracellular transport and sequestration of organic anions are not understood.







? Ur⫺ URAT1









OATs, they also have a wide spectrum of substrates.262 The first member oatp1 was cloned from rat liver by Meier’s group as a sodium-independent bile acid transporter.263 Eleven human isoforms and even more rodent isoforms have been appended to the OATP family.224,264 In place of the older nomenclature of SLC21A, a new nomenclature has recently been assigned to the OATP family of solute transporters,226,231 which subdivides the OATP superfamily into multiple subfamilies (reviewed in Ref 226). A comprehensive discussion of this complex classification is beyond the scope of this chapter. One noteworthy point is that there are considerable inter-species differences that engender difficulties in extrapolating rodent data to humans. Among human OATPs, only OATP4C1 is predominantly and definitively expressed in the kidney. The myriad of rodent isoforms that have not been confirmed in humans will not be discussed in this section (an excellent account can be found in two recent reviews).226,231 One important compound carried by OATP2C1 is the cardiac glycoside digoxin.264 OATP4C1 is expressed exclusively in the basolateral membrane of proximal tubular cells and mediates the high-affinity transport of digoxin (Km: 7.8 µM) and ouabain (Km: 0.38 µM), as well as thyroid hormones such as triiodothyronine (Km: 5.9 µM). The apical pathway for digoxin has been presumed to be an ATP-dependent efflux pump such as P-glycoprotein.

Clinical Relevance of Organic Anion Transporters NaDC1 The role of NaDC1 in physiology and pathophysiology has been well studied. Citrate has multiple functions in mam-


malian urine and the two most important ones are as a chelator for urinary calcium, and as a physiologic urinary base.265 It is a tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediate, and the majority of citrate reabsorbed by the proximal tubule is oxidized to electroneutral end products so H+ is consumed in the process rendering citrate a major urinary base (see Fig. 6–11). Calcium associates in a one-to-one stoichiometry. The highest affinity and solubility is a monovalent anionic (Ca2+Citrate3−)− complex.265 The final urinary excretion of citrate is determined by reabsorption in the proximal tubule and the most important regulator of citrate reabsorption is proximal tubule cell pH. Acid loading increases citrate absorption by four mechanisms (see Fig. 6–11): (1) Low luminal pH titrates citrate3− to citrate2− which is the preferred transported species266; (2) NaDC1 is also gated by pH such that low pH acutely stimulates its activity267; (3) Intracellular acidosis increases expression of the NaDC1 transporter268 and insertion of NaDC1 into the apical membrane; (4) Intracellular acidosis stimulates enzymes that metabolize citrate in the cytoplasm and mitochondria.268,270 This is a well concerted response and an appropriate response of the proximal tubule to cellular acidification is hypocitraturia. Although perfectly adaptive from an acid-base point of view, this response is detrimental to prevention of calcium chelation. All conditions that lead to proximal tubular cellular acidification (e.g., distal renal tubular acidosis, high-protein diet, potassium deficiency) are clinical risk factors for calcareous nephrolithiasis. Hypocitraturia can cause kidney stones by itself or by acting with other risk factors such as hypercalciuria, and therapy with potassium citrate has been shown to reverse the biochemical defect and reduce stone recurrence.271

Renal Handling of Organic Solutes



230 URAT1 and Hyperuricosuria The model for renal handling of uric acid has been rather controversial with a popular but yet unproven paradigm of tandem filtration-reabsorption-secretion-reabsorption. Molecular identity and functional evidence of the proteins involved are just beginning to emerge. The current model suggest that CH 6 apical urate absorption is mediated by URAT1,260,272–274 whereas apical secretion is mediated the ATP-binding cassette protein MRP4273,274 and the galectin-9/uric acid transporter (UAT).275–277 A host of uricosuric substances such as probenecid, phenylbutazone, sulfinpyrazone, benzbromarone, and some nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents inhibits URAT1 from the luminal side.278 The angiotensin II receptor losartan, which lowers blood uric acid via its uricosuric actions279 also inhibits URAT1. Mutations of URAT1 (SLC22A12) cause idiopathic renal hypouricemia.260,280 This is a rare autosomal recessive disorder seen in Japanese and Iraqi Jews. The lack of functional URAT1 transporter leads to hypouricemia and hyperuricosuria resulting in crystalluria and kidney stones. Some patients can get exercise-induced acute renal failure from likely a combination of rhabdomyolysis and acute urate nephropathy.281 Sequencing of SLC22A12 in Japanese cohorts with idiopathic renal hypouricemia revealed two patients who did not have missense mutations in this gene.280 This suggests that non-coding sequences or additional loci related to urate transport or metabolism could be involved in renal hypouricemia.

AMINO ACIDS Physiology of Renal Amino Acid Transport Overview The amino acid, cystine, was discovered in the urine of a patient suffering from urolithiasis in 1810.282 We know now that the presence of this amino acid in the urine reflected the failure of this patient to reabsorb cystine properly. In fact, the filtered load of amino acids is comparatively large: with a total concentration of free amino acids in the plasma on the order of 2.5 mM,283 the result is a daily filtered load at the glomerulus of some 400+ mmoles. Indeed, Cushny recognized in 1917284 that potent reabsorptive mechanisms must be found in the tubular walls of the nephron to recover amino acids because almost none of the filtered load is actually lost in the urine. As with the other substrates discussed in this chapter, the powerful techniques of stop flow, micropuncture, and microperfusion identified the renal proximal tubule (RPT) as the principal site of renal amino acid reabsorption.283 However, although net transepithelial reabsorption typically predominates, there is also a physiologically important influx of many amino acids from the blood into renal cells across the basolateral membrane. The situation is further complicated by tubular amino acid metabolism. Renal glutamine breakdown, for example, plays a key role in acid-base balance by yielding NH3 for urinary acid excretion, and renal conversion of citrulline to arginine is the most important source of this dibasic amino acid in the whole body.284,285 Finally, unlike the other transport processes highlighted in this chapter that are generally restricted in their distribution to cells of the proximal tubule, all cells of the renal nephron express an array of distinct amino acid transporters that play important roles in supporting the metabolic needs of the cells. In addition, amino acid transporters distributed in cells of Henle’s loop play critical roles in generating large medullary concentrations of amino acid that serve a protective role against the

high ionic strength associated the urine concentrating mechanism.286–289 These latter process are, however, beyond the scope of the present discussion and the reader is directed to reviews that consider them in detail.288,289 The detailed discussion of the tubular and organ physiology of renal amino acid transport, as deduced from classical studies employing intact single renal tubules and perfused organs, is also beyond the scope of the present treatment, and the reader is directed to the discussion of these data by Silbernagl.283 Here we focus our attention on the molecular and cellular physiology of the multiple amino acid transport processes of the proximal tubule.

Molecular Biology of Amino Acid Transport Overview The renal reabsorption of amino acids occurs mainly in the proximal convoluted tubule (S1-S2 segments),283 and the absorption of these compounds occurs in the small intestine.290 The plasma membrane of epithelial cells in these two locations has a similar set of amino acid transporters (Fig. 6– 13). Trans-epithelial flux of amino acids from the intestinal or renal tubular lumen to the intercellular space requires transport through apical and basolateral plasma membranes. Several amino acid transporters have been identified in the apical domain: (1) for neutral amino acids B0AT1 (system B0), ASCT2 (system ASC), SIT (system Imino), and PAT1 (also representing system Imino; reviewed in Ref 291); (2) for dibasic amino acids, the heterodimer complex rBAT/b0,+AT (system b0,+); and (3) for dicarboxylic amino acids, EAAC1 (system XAG−). Transporters localized in the basolateral domain of these cells are the heterodimers 4F2hc/y+LAT1 (system y+L) and 4F2hc/LAT2 (exchanger L for all neutral amino acids), and TAT1 (SLC16A10; aromatic amino acid (Trp) transporter). Several of these transporters present higher expression in the renal proximal convoluted (S1 and S2 segments) than in the straight tubule (S3 segment): rBAT/b0,+AT,292 4F2hc/y+LAT1,293 and 4F2hc/LAT2,293,294 B0AT1,295,296 ASCT2,297 and SIT.298,299 PAT1 is expressed in kidney, but its expression pattern along the nephron has not been studied.300 Transporter ATB0,+ (SLC6A14; system B0,+: Na+ and Cl− dependent co-transporter for neutral and dibasic amino acids), which is not shown in Figure 6–13, is expressed in distal ileum and colon but not in kidney, indicating a role for this transporter in the absorption of amino acids produced by bacterial metabolism.301 Neutral amino acids are mainly absorbed in the small intestine and reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule by system B0. B0AT1 accounts for system B0 activity (electrogenic Na+ co-transport of neutral amino acids) (see Fig. 6–13). Two additional B0-like activities are expressed in the proximal straight tubule; the molecular identity of these transporters is unknown (reviewed in Ref 291). Mutations in B0AT1 cause Hartnup disease, characterized by wastage of all neutral amino acids in urine, with the exception of proline, hydroxyproline, glycine, and cystine.302 This observation suggests that other transporters also mediate the reabsorption of proline. Indeed, renal iminoglycinuria, characterized by aminoaciduria of proline and glycine, also indicates that specific transporters contribute to the reabsorption of these amino acids. PAT1 and SIT are candidate transporters underlining the molecular bases of this disorder. PAT1 is a H+ co-transporter of proline, glycine and alanine303 whereas SIT is Na+ co-transporter of proline and hydroxyproline (see Fig. 6–13).298,299 Although PAT1 is proton-dependent, sustained uptake in epithelial cells appears to be Na+-dependent because removal of H+ is coupled to the Na+ -gradient via the Na+/H+ exchanger.300 Recently, Broer and co-workers291 proposed a model for renal reabsorption of proline and glycine. PAT1, SIT, and B0AT1


Lys-Gly H⫹



Pro (CI⫺)

Pro, Gly Ala H⫹ Na⫹

231 aa°


CH 6




PEPT 1-2



? SiT1

? PAT1



K⫹ aa⫹,CssC

Lys ⴙ


aa° K⫹

4F2 y⫹LAT1 hc

ATP ase


Na⫹ aa°

together will reabsorb proline at the convoluted tubule with a capacity exceeding normal kidney load. In contrast, reabsorption of glycine will approach the capacity of two transporters (glycine is not a substrate for SIT): PAT1 and B0AT1. SIT would be the major player for intestinal reabsorption of proline in the small intestine. This model predicts that PAT1 mutations would result in iminoglycinuria: iminoglycinuria without intestinal phenotype may be caused by two mutated alleles in PAT1, whereas one mutated PAT1 allele would lead to isolated glycinuria. In contrast, iminoglycinuria with a defect in intestinal proline transport may be due to mutations in SIT. The possibility that a third gene is involved in renal iminoglycinuria cannot be ruled out. Indeed, the murine Slc6a18-knockout model presents with hyperglycinuria.304 SLC6A18 codes for the orphan transporter XT2, which is expressed in the proximal straight tubule.305 System b0,+ mediates the influx of cystine and dibasic amino acids in exchange with neutral amino acids efflux (see Fig. 6–13). The high intracellular concentration of neutral amino acids drives the direction of this exchange. The membrane potential (negative inside) favors the influx of dibasic amino acids (i.e., with a net positive charge at neutral pH) and the intracellular reduction of cystine to cysteine favors the influx of cystine. As a result, patients with cystinuria presents with urinary hyperexcretion of cystine and dibasic amino acids but not other neutral amino acids. Interestingly, the mean and range (i.e., 5th-95th centile limits) of cystine, lysine, arginine, and ornithine in the urine of patients with mutations rBAT and in b0,+AT are almost identical (see patients AA with phenotype I and patients BB with non-I phenotype in Table 6–6). This result is expected because all b0,+AT heterodimerizes with rBAT in renal brush-border membranes, constituting the holotransporter b0,+.292 Cystinuric patients may show almost no cystine reabsorption in kidney, whereas dibasic amino acid reabsorption in this organ remains intact (reviewed in Ref 292). This observation indicates that b0,+ is the main reabsorption system for cystine, but other transporters also participate in the reabsorption of dibasic amino acids. The

4F2 hc

? TAT1

? A


molecular identity of these transporters is currently unknown. The intracellular concentration of neutral amino acids is a major determinant of the active uptake of cystine and dibasic amino acids via system b0,+. Apical (e.g., B0AT1) and basolateral (e.g., system A) co-transporters of Na+ and neutral amino acids should contribute to the high intracellular concentration of neutral amino acids (see Fig. 6–13). Moderate hyperexcretion of dibasic amino acids occurs in Hartnup disorder,306 suggesting coordinated function between systems B0 and b0,+: a defective system B0 will reduce the intracellular concentration of neutral amino acids, which drives the influx of dibasic amino acids via system b0,+. In contrast, the impact of system A on renal reabsorption is unknown. The electrochemical gradient of Na+ drives the active transport of the Na+ cotransporters of neutral amino acids B0 and A. Thus, system b0,+ mediates active transport of cystine and dibasic amino acids with a tertiary active mechanism of transport. Apical PEPT1 (SLC15A1) and PEPT2 (SLC15A1) are expressed in the small intestine and in kidney, respectively.307 These transporters co-transport H+ with di- and tripeptides. The physiological role of PEPT2 in kidney is largely unknown.308 The contribution of PEPT1 to the assimilation of amino acids has not been properly evaluated in mammals or humans, but it is assumed that absorption of di- and tripeptides accounts for a significant proportion of the intestinal absorption of amino acids.307 A deeper study of the phenotype of the Slc15A2-knockout mouse308 and generation and study of the PEPT1 model may answer these questions. Meanwhile, the role of PEPT1 in amino acid nutrition is supported by observations of the lack of pathology associated with amino acid malabsorption in cystinuria and in many patients with Hartnup disorder. Patients with cystinuria do not show pathology, with the exception of cystine urolithiasis. It is believed that absorption of di- and tri-peptides via PEPT1 compensate for the defective absorption of cystine and dibasic amino acids via system b0,+. Similarly, phenotype severity in Hartnup disorder is reduced in well-nourished patients.

Renal Handling of Organic Solutes

FIGURE 6–13 Proximal tubule model for amino acid transporters involved in renal and intestinal reabsorption of amino acids. Transporters with a proven role in renal reabsorption or intestinal absorption of amino acids are colored, whereas those expressed in the plasma membrane of epithelial cells of the proximal convoluted tubule (or of the small intestine) but with no direct experimental evidence supporting their role in reabsorption, are shown in light blue. Amino acid fluxes in the reabsorption direction are in red. PEPT1 and PEPT2 are expressed in the small intestine and kidney, respectively.


CH 6


Urine Amino Acid Excretion in Patients Classified by Genotype and Clinical Type of Cystinuria


Cystinuria Type


Urine Amino Acid Excreted (mmol/g creatinine) Cystine







1.66 [0.65–3.40]

6.58 [2.65–11.6]

3.14 [0.23–8.37]

1.74 [0.59–3.44]




0.78, 2.12, 5.56

3.31, 5.72, 11.4

1.23, 2.82, 7.03

0.72, 1.64, 1.92













Non-I carriers








1.62 [0.50–3.30]

6.51 [1.72–14.7]

3.45 [0.50–6.15]

2.20 [0.30–4.77]


0.26*, 0.44*, 0.80

1.64*, 2.45, 3.88

0.02*, 0.12*, 0.15*

0.04*, 0.27*, 0.29*



1.82 [0.43–3.18]

4.58 [1.57–8.72]

1.54 [0.21–3.51]

1.33 [0.47–2.45]







The mean of the amino acid levels for each group is indicated, with the exception of categories with less than 11 patients, where individual data points are shown. When applicable, the 5th and 95th percentile limits are in square brackets. *Excretion values below fifth percentile of homozygotes of cystinuria Type non-I (BB) in carriers of cystinuria Type non-I. A, allele SLC3A1 mutated; B, allele SLC7A9 mutated; +, normal allele. N, number of patients. Extracted from Font-Llitjos M, Jimenez-Vidal M, Bisceglia L, et al: New insights into cystinuria: 40 new mutations, genotype-phenotype correlation, and digenic inheritance causing partial phenotype. J Med Genet 42:58, 2005.

The heterodimer 4F2hc/y+LAT1 has a basolateral location and accounts for system y+L activity (the electroneutral efflux of dibasic amino acids in exchange with neutral amino acids plus sodium) (see Fig. 6–13). Mutations in y+LAT1 cause lysinuric protein intolerance (LPI), which is characterized by hyperdibasic aminoaciduria and malabsorption of dibasic amino acids. On the one hand, wastage of lysine in urine in LPI and cystinuria are similar, whereas that of arginine and ornithine are less severe in LPI than in cystinuria (see Table 6–6). Regarding the renal reabsorption of dibasic amino acids, these findings indicate that: (1) lysine appears to be a preferred substrate for basolateral efflux via 4F2hc/y+LAT1, and (2) other basolateral transporters mediate efflux of arginine and ornithine. The molecular identity of these transporters is unknown. On the other hand, LPI produces a larger depletion of the three dibasic amino acids in plasma than cystinuria (see Table 6–6). All these observations suggest that malabsorption of dibasic amino acids is more severe in LPI than in cystinuria. Two reasons may account for this: (1) the contribution of the apical peptide transporter PEPT1 cannot compensate for the basolateral defect associated with LPI (see Fig. 6–13); and (2) 4F2hc/y+LAT1 is probably the main basolateral system for intestinal absorption of dibasic amino acids. The basolateral 4F2hc-LAT2 heterodimer is an exchanger with broad specificity for small and large neutral amino acids with characteristics of system L (see Fig. 6–13).294 This transporter may be involved in intestinal absorption and renal reabsorption of neutral amino acids. Indeed, LAT2 knockdown experiments in the polarized opossum kidney cell line OK, derived from proximal tubule epithelial cells, demonstrated that LAT2 participates in the transepithelial flux of cystine, and the basolateral efflux of cysteine and influx of alanine, serine, and threonine.309 To our knowledge, no inherited human disease has yet been related to LAT2 mutations. Therefore, a final demonstration of the role of LAT2 in reabsorption requires the generation of LAT2-knockout mouse models. The model proposed in Figure 6–13 for renal reabsorption of amino acids requires a basolateral efflux system for neutral amino acids. A defective amino acid transport system for this efflux would increase the intracellular concentration of these compounds, resulting in their hyperexcretion in urine and intestinal malabsorption. Candidate transporters for this function may be found within transporter families SLC16 and SLC43. Amino acid transporters in these families mediate

facilitated diffusion and may therefore mediate the efflux of neutral amino acids from the high intracellular concentration to the interstitial space. T-type amino acid transporter 1 (TAT1; SLC16A10) transports aromatic amino acids in a Na+and H+-independent manner.310,311 TAT1 is expressed in human kidney and small intestine with a basolateral location and can function as a net efflux pathway for aromatic amino acids.312 Thus, TAT1 may supply parallel exchangers (systems y+L and L) with recycling uptake substrates that could drive the efflux of other amino acids. The SLC16 family (also named MCT for monocarboxylate transporters) holds members that transport monocarboxylates and also thyroid hormones. Several members within this family are orphan transporters.313 Knockout murine models for TAT1, and their related orphan transporters expressed in kidney cortex and small intestine, may help to identify the basolateral transporters involved in reabsorption of neutral amino acids. LAT3314 and LAT4315 within family SLC43 mediate the facilitated diffusion of neutral amino acids with characteristics of system L. Neither of these two transporters is expressed in epithelial cells of the renal proximal convoluted tubule or the small intestine. Interestingly, the SLC43 family has a third member with no identified transport function (EEG1316). Functional and tissue-expression studies are required to ascertain the role of EEG1 in the reabsorption of amino acids. The bulk (>90%) of filtered acidic amino acids is reabsorbed within segment S1 (i.e., the first part of the proximal convoluted tubule).317,318 Two apical acidic transport systems have been described in the proximal tubule: one of high capacity and low affinity and the other of low capacity and high affinity.319 The Na+/K+-dependent acidic amino acid transporter EAAC1 (also named EAAT3), which localized to chromosome 9p24320 (system XAG−) is expressed mainly in the brush-border membranes of segments S2 and S3 of the nephron (see Fig. 6–13).321 The transport characteristics of SLC1A1 correspond to the high-affinity system.322 The Slc1a1-knockout mouse develops dicarboxylic aminoaciduria,323 demonstrating the role of this transporter in renal reabsorption of dibarboxylic amino acids. Mutational analysis of SLC1A1 in patients with dicarboxylic aminoaciduria has not been performed. The apical low-affinity transport system for acidic amino acids in kidney has been characterized in brush-border membrane preparations,324 but its molecular entity remains elusive. At renal basolateral plasma membranes, a high-affinity Na+/K+-dependent trans-



Primary Inherited Aminoacidurias Prevalence


1 : 7000

Inheritance AR/ADIP

Very rare


Lysine Protein Intolerance

∼200 cases


Hyperdibasic aminoaciduria Type 1

Very rare


Isolated lysinuria

Very rare


Hartnup disorder

1 : 26000


Renal familial iminoglycinuria

1 : 15000


Dicarboxylic amino aciduria

Very rare





Transport System

2p16.3 19q13.1

112 73







y +L















SLC6A19 ? SLC1A1 (?)


KO null

Imino(?)† ‡


AR, autosomal recessive; ADIP, autosomal dominant with incomplete penetrance; AD, autosomal dominant; AR?, familial studies in the very few cases described for these diseases suggest an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. *Three phenotypes of cystinuria, depending on the obligate heterozygotes, are considered: Type I (with AR inheritance), Type non-I (ADIP inheritance), and Mixed Type (combination of both). † The amino acids hyperexcreted in patients with renal familial iminoglycinuria (glycine and proline) suggest defects in Imino system. ‡ Slc1a1-null knockout mice present dicarboxylic aminoaciduria, pointing to this gene as a candidate for the human disease.

port system for acidic amino acids has been reported,325 but its molecular structure has not been identified. GLT1 (i.e., the glial high-affinity glutamate transporter,326,327 also named EAAT2; SLC1A2) may be responsible for this activity. GLT1 mRNA is expressed in rat kidney cortex and porcine small intestine328,329 but the expression of GLT1 protein has not been studied in kidney or intestine. Slc1a2-knockout mice show lethal spontaneous epileptic seizures330 but the renal phenotype in these mice has not been examined.

Inherited Aminoacidurias in Humans Overview Primary inherited aminoacidurias (PIA) are caused by defective amino acid transport, which affect renal reabsorption of these compounds and may also affect intestinal absorption as well. Several PIA have been described (Table 6–7). Inherited disorders of renal tubule like the renal Fanconi syndrome (MIM: 134600), which is a generalized dysfunction of the proximal tubule that results in wasting of phosphate, glucose, amino acid and bicarbonate, or cystinosis (MIM: 219800; 219900), affecting lysosomal efflux of cystine are not discussed in this chapter. Neither are the inherited defects of amino acid metabolism resulting in aminoaciduria (e.g., homocystinuria, MIM 236200) described in this chapter. Plasma membrane transport of dibasic amino acids (i.e., basic amino acids) is abnormal in four inherited diseases: 1. Cystinuria (MIM 220100; 600918), in which patients present hyperexcretion of cystine and dibasic amino acids (first described by Sir Archibald Garrod in 1908).331 There is phenotypic variability in obligate heterozygotes (i.e., silent or hyperexcretors of amino acids).332 2. Lysinuric protein intolerance (LPI) (also named hyperdibasic aminoaciduria type 2, or familial protein intolerance; MIM 222700) (first described in Finland).333 3. Autosomal dominant hyperdibasic aminoaciduria type I (MIM 222690).334 4. Isolated lysinuria described in one Japanese patient.335 Cystinuria and LPI are caused by defective amino acid transporter systems b0,+ and y+L respectively. These two transporters belong to the family of heteromeric amino acid transporters (HAT).336,337 Mutations in the two subunits of system b0,+ (rBAT and b0,+AT) causes cystinuria.338,339 whereas mutations in one of the two subunits of system y+L (y+LAT1), but

not in the other subunit (4F2hc), produce LPI.340,341 At the molecular level, the relationship between LPI, and the very rare autosomal dominant hyperdibasic aminoaciduria type I, and isolated lysinuria is unknown. Plasma membrane transport of zwitterionic amino acids (i.e., neutral amino acids at physiological pH) is defective in three inherited diseases: 1. Hartnup disorder (MIM 234500), in which patients present hyperexcretion of neutral amino acids (first described in two siblings of the Hartnup family).342 2. Renal familial iminoglycinuria (MIM 242600) is an autosomal recessive benign disorder in which individuals present hyperexcretion of proline and glycine (first described in the sixties).343,344 There is phenotypic complexity in this disorder345,346; (1) renal iminoglycinuria with defective intestinal absorption and normal heterozygotes; (2) renal iminoglycinuria without intestinal phenotype and normal heterozygotes; and (3) renal iminoglycinuria without intestinal phenotype and isolated glycinuria in heterozygotes. 3. Isolated cystinuria (MIM 238200), in which patients present hyperexcretion of cystine but not dibasic amino acids.347 Hartnup disorder is due to a defective amino acid transport system B0 (also named neutral brush border) caused by mutations in B0AT1 (SLC6A19).296,348 The relationship between isolated cystinuria and cystinuria at the molecular level is unknown. The molecular basis of iminoglycinuria is unknown but candidate genes are291: SLC36A1 (coding for transporter PAT1),300 SLC6A20 (coding for transporter SIT [also called IMINO]),298,299 and SLC6A18 (coding for the orphan transporter XT2). Plasma membrane transport of dicarboxylic amino acids is defective in Dicarboxylic aminoaciduria (MIM 222730).349,350 The molecular basis of this disease is unknown but the glutamate transporter EAAC1 (SLC1A1351) is an obvious candidate because the murine knockout of Slc1a1 presents dicarboxylic aminoaciduria.323

Defects Associated with Heteromeric Amino Acid Transporters Heteromeric amino acid transporters (HATs) are composed of a heavy subunit and a light subunit (see Table 6–2).337,352,353 These are unique features among mammalian plasma membrane amino acid transporters. Two homologous heavy

CH 6

Renal Handling of Organic Solutes

Isolated cystinuria


234 subunits from the SLC3 family have been cloned, rBAT (i.e., related to b0,+ amino acid transport) and 4F2hc (i.e., heavy chain of the surface antigen 4F2hc, also named CD98 or fusion regulatory protein 1 [FRP1]).354 Ten light subunits (SLC7 family members from SLC7A5 to SLC7A14) have been identified. Six of these are partners of 4F2hc (LAT1, LAT2, y+LAT1, y+LAT2, CH 6 asc1, and xCT); one forms a heterodimer with rBAT (b0,+AT); two (asc2 and AGT-1) appear to interact with as yet unknown heavy subunits355,356; and the last one (arpAT) may interact with rBAT, 4F2hc, or an unidentified heavy subunit.357 Two light subunits are not present in humans: asc2 is not found in the genome sequence and arpAT is heavily inactivated in this genome.357 Members SLC7A1-4 of family SLC7 correspond to system y+ isoforms (i.e., cationic amino acid transporters; CATs) and related proteins, which on average show T) was found with an A>T transversion at position -2 of the acceptor splice site in intron 6 of SLC7A7. This inactivates the normal splice site acceptor and activates a cryptic acceptor 10 bp downstream with the result that 10 bp of the ORF are deleted and the reading frame is shifted. This mutation has been found in all Finnish LPI patients (i.e., “the Finnish mutation”).408 These two seminal studies also identified LPI-specific SLC7A7 mutations in Spanish and Italian patients, and established that mutations in SLC7A7 cause LPI. The fact that system y+L activity is present in LPI erythrocytes or fibroblasts409,410 indicates the expression of a distinct y+L transporter isoform in these cells, most probably y+LAT-2. Additional studies showed the nonsense mutation W242X and the insertion 1625insATAC as the most prevalent mutations in the south of Italy411 and the nonsense mutation R410X as the most prevalent in Japan. A total of 26 SLC7A7 mutations of any kind (large genomic rearrangements, missense and nonsense mutations, splicing mutations, insertions and deletions) has been described in 106 patients with LPI (>90% allele explained).412 No LPIassociated mutations have been reported in SLC3A2, coding for the heavy subunit of y+LAT-1 (4F2hc). This strongly suggests that SLC7A7 is the only gene involved in the primary cause of LPI. It is believed that mutations in SLC3A2 would be deleterious. 4F2hc serves as the heavy subunit of six other HAT (see earlier). Therefore, a defect in 4F2hc will result in six defective amino acid transport activities expressed in many cell types and tissues. Indeed, the murine Slc3a2 knockout is lethal.413 Functional studies in oocytes and transfected cells showed that frameshift mutations (e.g., 1291delCTTT, 1548delC, and the Finnish mutation) produce a severe trafficking defect (e.g., the mutated proteins do not localize to the plasma membrane when co-expressed with 4F2hc).408,414 In contrast, the missense mutations G54V and L334R inactivate the transporter (e.g., the mutated proteins reach the plasma membrane when co-expressed with 4F2hc but no transport activity is elicited).408,414 Mutation E36del showed a dominant negative effect when expressed in Xenopus oocytes.415 The molecular basis for this effect is not yet fully understood. Pathophysiology of Lysinuric Protein Intolerance Lysinuric protein intolerance is a multisystemic disease. Some of the symptoms of this disease, like the renal and intestinal phenotypes, are easily explained by a defect in the basolateral amino acid transport system y+L. Urea cycle malfunction is a characteristic of patients with LPI after weaning. Patients with LPI have a decreased tolerance for nitrogen and present with hyperammonemia after ingestion of even moderate amounts of protein. The malfunction of the urea cycle in LPI is less severe than that caused by defects in the enzymes of the cycle. y+LAT1 is not expressed in hepatoytes.402,405 It is believed that urea cycle malfunction is due to diminished availability of the intermediates of this cycle because of their low concentration in plasma (“intermediate functional deficiency hypothesis”). The mechanisms underlying the LPIassociated immune-related disorders (e.g., alveolar proteinosis,

but normal increase in plasma glycine, shows that the baso- 239 lateral efflux of the intracellularly delivered lysine is defective in LPI. In patients with cystinuria, the cleaved glycine and lysine cross the epithelial cell normally because the defect is apical (i.e., system b0,+) (see Fig. 6–13). The defect in the basolateral system y+L explains the renal and the intestinal phenotypes in LPI. The protein y+LAT-1 has a basolateral CH 6 location in epithelial cells. System y+L (i.e., the 4F2hc/y+LAT1 heteromeric complex) mediates the efflux of cationic amino acids by exchange with extracellular neutral amino acids and sodium (see Fig. 6–13). Thus, the loss of transport function of the LPI-associated y+LAT-1 mutations results in a defective basolateral efflux of dibasic amino acids in the intestinal absorptive and renal reabsorptive epithelial cells.

Hartnup Disorder The original patients with Hartnup disorder presented cerebellar ataxia, tremor, nystagmus, pellagra-like photosensitive skin rash, and delayed intellectual development. Hartnup disorder affects the renal reabsorption and intestinal absorption of neutral amino acids with the exception of proline, hydroxyproline, glycine, and cystine. Pellagra-like symptoms (i.e., niacin deficiency) are frequent in patients with this disorder. Low tryptophan availability (i.e., defective renal and intestinal reabsorption of the amino acids) appears to be at the basis of the niacin deficiency: tryptophan and niacin deficiencies are thought to generate similar symptoms because this amino acid is a major source of NAD(P)H in humans. In this regard, pellagra-like symptoms respond to nicotinic acid supplementation. The incidence of Hartnup disorder has been estimated at 1 in 26,000 in newborn screening programs.306 The trait is transmitted in autosomal recessive fashion, but clinical manifestations are probably modulated by environmental and genetic factors.426 System B0 neutral amino acid transporter has been considered the defective transporter in Hartnup disorder. Large neutral amino acids are mainly absorbed in the small intestine and reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule (i.e., S1-S2 segments) by the apical system B0 (reviewed in Ref 291). Functional studies in renal and intestinal brush-border membrane vesicles and derived cell models defined system B0 (B for broad and 0 for neutral charge427) as a transporter serving a broad spectrum of neutral amino acids. System B0 mediates co-transport of Na+ and neutral amino acids with 1 : 1 stoichiometry, where Na+ and amino acid affects each other’s kinetic parameters (reviewed in Ref 291). Broer’s group demonstrated that mouse B0AT1 (previously the orphan XTR2-related transporter) when expressed in Xenopus oocytes induces Na+-dependent and Cl-independent transport of neutral amino acids with broad specificity, matching the characteristic of system B0.295,428 Apparent Km for neutral amino acids ranges from 1 mM to 10 mM with the following substrate specificity (one letter code for amino acids): M=L=I=V > Q=N=C=F=A > S=G=Y=T=H=P > W.428 The human ortholog showed similar transport characterisics.296,348 Human B0AT1 mRNA is expressed mainly in kidney and small intestine, and to a lesser extent in colon, pancreas, and prostate.296,348 Mouse B0AT1 was localized to the brush-border membrane of the epithelial cells of the renal proximal convoluted tubule (S1-S2 segments) and of the small intestine with a gradient of expression from the crypts toward the tip of the microvilli.295,296 Human B0AT1 gene (SLC6A19) localized to chromosome 5p15.33,348 and Hartnup disorder to chromosome 5p15 in Japanese families transmitting the disease.429 Thus, SLC6A19 was an obvious functional and positional candidate gene for Hartnup disorder. In 2004, two independent studies demonstrated that mutations in SLC6A19 are associated with Hartnup disorder and confirmed the recessive mode of inheritance.296,348 Patients

Renal Handling of Organic Solutes

erythroblastophagia, and glomerulonephritis) are unknown. In addition, individual phenotypic variability precluded establishment of genotype/phenotype correlations.408,411 Thus, Finnish patients with LPI, all with the same Finnish mutation in homozygosis, show a wide range of phenotypic severity ranging from nearly normal growth with minimal protein intolerance to severe cases with hepatosplenomegaly, osteoporosis, alveolar proteinosis, and severe protein intolerance. In the following part of this section, the mechanisms that explain the renal and intestinal pathophysiology in LPI are discussed. Table 6–9 compares plasma and urine levels for several amino acids in patients with LPI and cystinuria. Plasma concentrations of the dibasic amino acids (i.e., lysine, arginine, and ornithine) are usually subnormal (one third to one half of the normal values), but occasionally may fall within the normal range. Similarly, but to a lesser extent, plasma dibasic and cystine concentrations are lower in patients with cystinuria.416 This observation indicates that the defects in renal reabsorption and intestinal absorption of dibasic amino acids may have a greater impact in LPI than in cystinuria, and therefore produce a larger depletion of these amino acids in plasma. In contrast to dibasic amino acids, the plasma concentrations of the neutral amino acids glutamine and alanine are increased in patients with LPI (see Table 6–9), and to a lesser extent serine, glycine, citrulline, and proline. The considerable increase in plasma glutamine and alanine in LPI is believed to be the result of the large amount of waste nitrogen not incorporated into urea as a result of urea cycle malfunction. In LPI, urinary excretion and renal clearance of lysine is massively increased, whereas that of arginine and ornithine is moderately augmented417: lysine excretion is 10-fold and 30-fold that of arginine and ornithine in LPI patients, respectively (see Table 6–8). In contrast, lysine excretion is only twofold to threefold higher than that of arginine and ornithine in patients with cystinuria. Renal reabsorption of lysine is comparable in LPI and cystinuria, whereas hyperexcretion of arginine and ornithine are lower in LPI than in cystinuria (see Table 6–8). These observations indicate that the LPI-defective transporter (y+LAT-1/4F2hc) may have a more pronounced role in the reabsorption of lysine than of the other dibasic amino acids. In contrast to cystinuria, where cystine excretion in urine is four times lower than that of lysine, in LPI there is only a slight increase of renal cystine excretion (see Table 6–8). This may be explained by the large tubular lysine load (i.e., caused by the reabsorption defect of lysine) that competes for absorption through the apical system b0,+, and shares uptake of cystine and dibasic amino acids in exchange with other neutral amino acids. The increased plasma concentration of serine, glycine, citrulline, proline, alanine, and glutamine in LPI explains hyperexcretion of these amino acids, and their renal clearance is within the normal range. The defect in kidney and intestine in LPI is located in the basolateral membrane and thus affects the basolateral efflux of dibasic amino acids.418,419 An oral load with the dipeptide lysyl-glycine increased glycine plasma concentrations, but plasma lysine remained almost unchanged in patients with LPI, whereas both amino acids increased in plasma of control subjects or in patients with cystinuria.420,421 Figure 6–13 shows the present knowledge on the molecular bases of the intestinal absorption of dibasic amino acids. At the luminal membrane of the enterocyte, the transport of oligopeptides (not shared with amino acids) is mediated by PEPT1.422 A major route for dibasic amino acids across the apical membrane is system b0,+ (i.e., the transporter defective in cystinuria). The absorbed peptides are hydrolyzed to release amino acids in the cytoplasm of the enterocyte423–425 and are able to cross the basolateral membrane only as free amino acids. The lack of increased plasma lysine after the lysyl-glycine load,



D173N β1

β2 EL3 EL4b

CH 6



EL2 out 1b 5





L 1a







6b in



IL5 E501K


FIGURE 6–15 The predicted topology is based on the crystal structure of LeuTAa from bacteria Aquifex aeolicus.409 There is a structural repeat, not based on amino acid sequence, in the first ten transmembrane (TM) helices of LeuTAa, relating TM1–TM5 (pink triangle) and TM6–TM10 (blue triangle) by a pseudo-twofold axis located in the plane of the membrane. LeuTAa is a bacterial homolog of Na+/Cl−-dependent neurotransmitter transporters (family SLC6), to which the defective Hartnup disorder transporter (B0AT1) belongs. Amino acid sequence homology of B0AT1 and LeuTAa is ∼20% and covers the whole sequences (CLUSTAL alignment; data not shown). Major amino acid sequence differences between LeuTAa and the eukaryotic SLC6 transporters are located at the N- and C termini, between TM3 and TM4, and between extracellular α-helices EL4a and EL4b (these segments are longer in B0AT1 and in other SLC6 eukaryotic transporters). The positions of the substrate leucine and the two sodium ions are shown as a yellow triangle and two blue circles, respectively. Residues interacting with the substrate and ions are located within and surrounding the unwound regions between TM1a and TM1b, and TM6a and TM6b, as well as in TM3 and TM8. Hartnup disorder-specific missense B0AT1 mutations are indicated within the LeuTAa topology. Rectangle, α-helix. Arrow, β-sheet. (Figure modified from Smith DW, Scriver CR, Simell O: Lysinuric protein intolerance mutation is not expressed in the plasma membrane of erythrocytes. Hum Genet 80:395, 1988.) Location of mutations within the topology of SLC6 transporters. R57C destroys a saline bridge with Asp486 holding the position of TM1b, which interacts with the amino acid substrate and the two Na+ ions. Leu242 involves the extracellular β1 sheet, and L242P, most probably, disrupt this structure. Glu501 in TM10 interacts with one of two water molecules that hold the structure of the unwound residues between TM6a and TM6b, which interact with the amino acid substrate and one of the Na+ ions. Mutation E501K most probably affects the folding of this unwound region. Finally, mutation D173N is a conservative amino acid substitution affecting a residue not conserved among the SLC6 transporters in the extracellular α–helix EL2.

from the Hartnup family were homozygotes for mutation IVS8+2T>G affecting the donor splice consensus sequence of exon 8.296 In seven Australian pedigrees, six distinct mutations that cosegregated with the disorder were identified (three missense, one nonsense, and two splice site mutations), including one Australian family transmitting the Hartnup family mutation in one allele. In the Australian population, D173N and R240X mutations occur at a frequency of 1 in 140 and 1 in 1000 people, respectively. Four further mutations were identified in three Japanese families (one missense, one nonsense, and two small deletions causing frameshift).296 In total, 10 Hartnup disorder-specific SLC6A19 mutations have been identified in 13 independent pedigrees. This implies that ∼73% of the independently studied alleles have been identified (19 of 26 alleles). Recently the crystal structure of a prokaryotic homolog (LeuTAa from Aquifex aeolicus) of the SLC6 family has been reported.430 This structure will be very useful to ascertain the molecular events underlining the defects associated with Hartnup disorder mutations. The four Hartnup disorderspecific SLC6A19 missense mutations (R57C, D173N, L242P, E501K) were checked for function in oocytes.296,348 These mutations showed no transport function, with the exception of the most common mutation D173N, which has residual transport activity (∼50%). Figure 6–15 shows the location of these mutations within the topology of SLC6 transporters. R57C destroys a saline bridge with residue Asp486. This bond helps to hold the position of TM1b, which interacts with the amino acid substrate and the two Na+ ions. Leu242 involves the first of two residues constituting the extracellular β1 sheet, and mutation L242P, most likely, disrupt this structure. Glu501 in TM10 interacts with one of two water molecules that holds the structure of the unwound residues

between TM6a and TM6b, which interact with the amino acid substrate and one of the Na+ ions. Then, mutation E501K most probably affects the folding of this unwound region. Finally, mutation D173N is a conservative amino acid substitution affecting a residue not conserved among the SLC6 transporters in the extracellular α–helix EL2. Then, not surprisingly, this mutation retains significant transport activity.348 Genetic Heterogeneity and Phenotype Variability Taken together, these results demonstrated that mutations in SLC6A19 cause Hartnup disorder. However, individuals that display Hartnup-like aminoaciduria without apparent mutations in SLC6A19 (in two American pedigrees296) have been reported; similar results have been described by the Australian Hartnup Consortium.291 Indeed, genetic linkage of Hartnup disorder with the 5p15 region has been excluded in an American family.296 This finding indicates that additional Hartnup disorder genes may be involved and remain to be identified. Five candidate neutral amino acid transporters have been excluded (genetic linkage exclusion and/or lack of co-segregating mutations) as causative genes of the disorder348: SLC3A2 (4F2hc), SLC7A8 (LAT2), SLC1A5 (ASCT2 or ATB0), SLC6A18 (orphan Xtrp2), and SLCA20 (orphan XT3). A system B0-like activity in the proximal straight tubule (S3 segment), which has not yet been identified, is an obvious candidate for Hartnup disorder.291 Patients with Hartnup disorder display a wide phenotype range. This was described in the original report of the Hartnup family: of the four siblings with clear aminoaciduria, two presented severe clinical symptoms, one had mild symptoms, and one was asymptomatic. Symptoms most likely appear in individuals with subnormal plasma amino acid levels (reviewed in Ref 426). Intestinal absorption of peptides, via

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PEPT1, is thought to compensate for the lack of amino acid transport in Hartnup disorder (see Fig. 6–13).307 This compensation has two consequences. On the one hand, in developed societies, characterized by high protein intake, most patients will remain asymptomatic. Only a limited number of patients will display symptoms (e.g., subnormal body weight, episodes of diarrhea, pellagra-like rash, etc.).431 On the other hand, genetic factors may predispose individuals to a more severe deficiency in amino acid uptake. The phenotype of Hartnup disorder could be influenced by the amino acid transporters, which participate in the renal reabsorption and intestinal absorption of amino acids: other apical transporters for neutral amino acids (e.g., the B0-like activity in the proximal straight tubule) and basolateral transporters. Polymorphisms in these transporters may contribute to heterogeneity in the phenotype of Hartnup disorder.

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CH 6

Renal Handling of Organic Solutes

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CHAPTER 7 Renal Acidification

Carbonic Anhydrase and CO2 Transport, 248 Carbonic Anhydrase, 248 CO2 Transport, 250

L. Lee Hamm • Nazih L. Nakhoul

Proximal Tubule, 250 Mechanisms of H+ and HCO3− Transport, 251 Regulation of Proximal Tubule Acid-Base Transport, 254

The kidneys have two major roles in acidbase homeostasis: (1) reabsorption of the bicarbonate (HCO3−) filtered at the glomeruLoop of Henle and Thick lus (∼4000 mmoles to 4500 mmoles per day Ascending Limb, 257 depending on glomerular filtration rate (GFR) Regulation of HCO3− Transport in and plasma bicarbonate); and (2) excretion of the Thick Ascending Limb, 258 acid and ammonium (NH4+) to accomplish Distal Nephron, 259 production of “new” bicarbonate to replace Distinct Features of Specific that consumed by dietary or endogenous Distal Tubule Segments, 260 metabolic acids. As will be discussed, both Cellular Mechanisms of H+ functions rely on H+ secretion in the various − Secretion and HCO3 segments of the nephron. Dietary and endogReabsorption, 262 enous acids usually amount to about 1 mEq/ − Cellular Mechanisms of HCO3 Kg body weight per day on a typical Western Secretion, 264 diet.1 Regarding the reabsorption of filtered Regulation of Distal Nephron HCO3−, the proximal tubule accounts for the Acid-Base Transport, 265 majority (∼75% to 80%) of this reabsorption as illustrated in Figure 7–1. Without this Ammonium Excretion, 266 reabsorption, as in proximal renal tubular Ammoniagenesis, 266 + acidosis, HCO3− spills into the urine, lowerNH4 and NH3 Transport, 267 ing plasma HCO3− and causing metabolic acidosis. However, normally almost all of the filtered HCO3− is reabsorbed. The second function of the kidneys is to generate “new” HCO3−; “new” HCO3− refers to HCO3− that is produced by the kidneys, but that was not filtered at the glomerulus. Production of new HCO3− is also critical in regulating plasma HCO3− concentration and hence acid-base balance. This is accomplished in two ways: excretion of titratable acid (TA) and excretion of NH4+. Titratable acid refers to acid excreted that has titrated urinary buffers. Titratable acid equals the amount of acid (H+) that is added to tubular fluid along the nephron, thus titrating urinary buffers. Titratable acid is a function of both urine pH and buffering capacity.2 Excretion of H+ (or the equivalent) produces HCO3− in a HCO3−/CO2 buffered physiologic system in which pCO2 is in essence fixed by pulmonary excretion. Although HCO3−/CO2 is not the only physiologic buffer system, it reflects the status of all the physiologic buffers. Phosphate is the principal urinary buffer, but creatinine, citrate, and a variety of organic solutes also function as urinary buffers to some extent.2 Urinary NH4+ accomplishes production of “new” HCO3− and excretion of acid indirectly; in contrast to prior concepts this does not occur directly via NH3 acting as a proton acceptor (NH3 + H+ ↔ NH4+). Total ammonia, NH3 + NH4+, is predominantly NH4+ at physiologic pH (because the pKa of NH4+ is ∼9) as discussed subsequently. Excretion of NH4+ produces “new” bicarbonate from the metabolism of glutamine to HCO3− and NH4+.3 Addition of HCO3− to plasma is the physiologic equivalent of acid excretion. The production of new HCO3−, or equivalently excretion of acid, is quantified as net acid excretion (NAE). Urinary NAE is usually calculated as NAE = NH4+ + TA − HCO3−. Urinary HCO3− is subtracted because the loss of a HCO3− in the urine is equivalent to the gain of acid. Urinary HCO3− is usually small. The urine also contains a variety of organic anions such as citrate, which if retained, rather than excreted, could be metabolized to HCO3−. However, this loss of organic anions has not traditionally been thought to contribute to overall acid-base balance in humans (see discussion of organic acids). 248

This chapter will cover carbonic anhydrase, then the mechanisms of acid-base transport along the nephron and separately the generation and excretion of NH4+. Carbonic anhydrase is important in most nephron segments for acid-base transport and will be covered initially. The prior editions of this text have thoroughly reviewed the development of current concepts of acid-base transport and therefore some aspects that were covered extensively before will be abbreviated. References are selective with emphasis on more recent work. More extensive historical references have been provided in earlier editions.4 Prior decades of study of acid-base physiology focused on identifying mechanisms of acid-base transport along the nephron. After clearance studies that relied on indirect inferences about specific nephron segment transport properties, initial studies of proximal tubule transport beginning in the 1960s used in vivo micropuncture of rat superficial proximal tubules.5 Beginning in the late 1970s, in vitro microperfusion studies, using rabbit and later rat and mouse, expanded the types of studies that could be performed6,7; in vivo microperfusion of rat proximal tubules later accomplished similar control of both luminal and basolateral composition. In a similar time frame, studies of transport by membrane vesicles, particularly from the apical and basolateral membranes of the proximal tubule, were extremely valuable in identifying and characterizing mechanisms of acid-base transport. The past decade has been noted for the molecular identification and understanding of acidbase transporters, and the signaling that regulates them; emphasis will be placed on these aspects.

CARBONIC ANHYDRASE AND CO2 TRANSPORT Carbonic Anhydrase Carbonic anhydrase (CA) is an important aspect of HCO3− transport all along the nephron. This zinc metalloenzyme catalyzes the reversible reaction8–11: CO2 + OH− ↔ HCO3−

Cortical pCO2 ~ 65 mm Hg EPT pH 7.06 – HCO3 18

EDT pH 6.7

LDT pH 6.4-6.7 FD~6%

Renal Acidification

LPT pH 6.7-6.9 HCO3– 7-9 FD~20%

Loop pH 7.30 HCO3– 22 FD~17%

involved in acid-base transport. CA II is quite sensitive to 249 inhibition by a variety of sulfonamides. In the proximal tubule, cytosolic CA functions to continuously provide both cellular H+ for luminal secretion and HCO3− for extrusion across the basolateral membrane (see model figures in later sections); both H+ and HCO3− derive from H2O and CO2 as in the earlier equation. Similar functions pertain to both H+ CH 7 secretion and HCO3− secretion in more distal nephron segments. An important, but still not completely defined, aspect of CA function now appears to be direct binding and interaction with HCO3− transporters such as AE1 and NBC114,15; such interactions may also extend both to other CA, such as CA IV, and to other acid-base transporters such as NHE1.16–18 CA II also appears to be important in the development of intercalated cells of the collecting duct.19 CA IV is less abundant but critically important in several nephron segments, particularly the proximal tubule where large amounts of HCO3− are reabsorbed.20,21 The apical distribution of CA IV is shown in Figure 7–2. CA IV is bound to the apical membrane by a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) moiety. The presence of functional luminal CA prevents a spontaneous acid disequilibrium pH that would inhibit significant HCO3− reabsorption (see later discussion of proximal tubule).22 Usually a GPI linkage is only associated with apical localization of a membrane protein, but CA IV is also found in the basolateral membranes of some nephron segments (not shown well in Figure 7–2, but well documented). The mechanism of basolateral localization (such as alternately spliced isoform of CA IV or immunologically overlapping isoform) is unknown. CA IV is present on the basolateral membrane of the proximal tubule, probably facilitating HCO3− efflux from the cell.21,23,24 CA IV is also present on the apical and basolateral membranes of the thick ascending limb (TAL).21 The importance of membrane bound CA, as distinct from cytosolic CA, has been studied using relatively impermeant CA inhibitors such as benzolamide and also CA inhibitors chemically bound to polymers such as dextran. Such inhibitors can block activity of extracellular CA, but presumably not cytosolic CA. These studies have demonstrated a critical role of both luminal and basolateral membrane bound CA in the proximal tubule.25–27 Similar studies have also demonstrated the importance of luminal carbonic anhydrous in some distal nephron segments such as the inner stripe portion of outer medullary collecting duct.28 Direct studies of luminal pH have also been used to establish the presence or absence of functional luminal CA. These studies suggest that most segments of the collecting duct and the final portion of the proximal tubule, the S3 segment, do not have luminal CA.29–33 However, some segments of the distal tubule and collecting duct (inner stripe portion of the outer medullary collecting duct in rabbit and initial inner medullary collecting duct of rat) have functional luminal CA.30,31 Those nephron segments without luminal CA are expected to secrete H+ or reabsorb HCO3− at lower rates and luminal pH will be lower (for the same rate of H+ secretion). The lower luminal pH particularly in the distal collecting duct may augment NH4+ secretion by keeping NH3 concentration lower (see later discussion). Recent studies demonstrate that both CA II and CA IV increase with metabolic acidosis, facilitating increased rates of acid-base transport.34–36 Two other isozymes of membrane bound CA have been recently found in kidney, CA XII and CA XIV.37–39 CA XII is in the basolateral membranes of the TAL, the distal tubule, and principal cells of the collecting duct.37,40 CA XII is also present in the proximal tubule and collecting tubules of some species.41 CA XIV is present in the proximal tubule and thin descending limb.38 Identifying the functional roles of these enzymes and integration of these findings with prior studies of CA activity will be important in the future.

Urine pH 5.6

FIGURE 7–1 Model of over-all bicarbonate reabsorption and lumen pH profile along the nephron. Derived from data in control rats in references 162 and 163. pH and HCO3− concentration values are shown for the following sequential nephron segments: early superficial proximal tubule (EPT), late superficial proximal tubule (LPT), bend of Henle’s loop (loop), early superficial distal tubule (EDT), and late superficial distal tubule(LDT). FD is fractional delivery of HCO3− to those sites where measured. The pCO2 in the renal cortex has been determined to be ∼65 mm Hg.48–51 See text for additional details.

In physiologic solutions this is equivalent to the more commonly written equation: CO2 + H2O ↔ H2CO3 ↔ HCO3− + H+ The uncatalyzed rate of this reaction is very slow, but the catalyzed rate with carbonic anhydrase is accelerated by several orders of magnitude. The presence of CA both inside cells and on the apical and basolateral membrane of tubular epithelial cells greatly accelerates acid-base transport, particularly HCO3− reabsorption. In the absence of CA, H+ secretion into the tubule lumen will result in an H+ concentration significantly above equilibrium values (a lower pH-H+ higherthan equilibrium due to the slow equilibration of the previous equation going from right to left). This is a so-called acid disequilibrium pH. A higher H+ concentration (lower pH) will impede further H+ secretion whether via Na-H exchange or H+ ATPase, the two main mechanisms of H+ secretion (discussed later). The mammalian isoenzymes appear to share three zinc binding histidine residues8; the bound zinc metal is crucial for the functional activity of CA.8,10 Because of the importance of CA for acid-base transport, the distribution of CA in the kidney has been studied for many years. Initially these studies used histochemical approaches (Hanson’s cobalt-phosphate) to detect hydratase activity in tissue sections.12 Later studies used functional approaches with CA inhibitors. More recent studies have used immuncytochemical methods and molecular methods to detect mRNA for specific isoforms of CA. A great difficulty in integrating these studies is the apparent differences among experimental species and humans. An additional difficulty has been differences between varying techniques and even different antibodies in the same species. These differences have been well reviewed earlier.4,8,13 Although there are more than a dozen isoforms of mammalian CA, two isoforms of carbonic anhydrase have been best studied in the kidney, cytosolic CA II and membrane bound CA IV.8 CA II is present in most cells along the nephron


CH 7

FIGURE 7–2 CA IV staining distribution. A, Corticomedullary boundary of a rat kidney. On left, apical aspects of S2 segments of the proximal tubule within the cortex are heavily stained for CA IV. On right, proximal S3 segments in the outer stripe of the outer medulla are negative. With other methods basolateral membranes were also stained. Thick ascending limbs (arrows) are positive, but collecting ducts (CD) are unstained. B, Outer stripe of the outer medulla. The CA IV-positive tubules are thick ascending limbs of Henle (arrows). The proximal S3 segments are unstained, and both intercalated and principal cells in collecting ducts (CD) are negative. (From Brown D, Zhu XL, Sly WS: Localization of membraneassociated carbonic anhydrase type IV in kidney epithelial cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 87:7457–7461, 1990.)

Despite the importance of CA, complete inhibition of CA activity in vivo only reduces whole kidney HCO3− reabsorption by 30% to 40%.42 In vivo, the proximal tubule continues to reabsorb 20% of the filtered load,42 and the loop of Henle and distal nephron reabsorb significant HCO3−.20,43 The mechanism of the residual HCO3− reabsorption in vivo appears to be HCO3− gradients from tubule lumen to interstitium during luminal volume absorption.4,20 Consistent with this mechanism, little if any HCO3− reabsorption occurs in nephron segments perfused in vitro during CA inhibition; in this case there are only small transepithelial HCO3− gradients.

CO2 Transport CO2 diffusion across cell membranes is critical for HCO3− transport, as discussed in the section on the proximal tubule in particular. For instance, CO2, with H2O, provides for the cellular H+ to be secreted across the apical membrane and HCO3− to be transported across the basolateral membrane. Rapid CO2 diffusion across cell membranes is predictable based on high lipid solubility of CO2.44 And in fact, very high CO2 permeability has been measured in intact proximal tubules.45,46 However, CO2 diffusion through aqueous solutions is facilitated by CA.45,47 Surprisingly, measurements of pCO2 in most structures of the renal cortex reveal levels higher than arterial pCO2 (or renal venous blood) by as much as 25 mm Hg.48–51 This has been attributed to the process of H+/HCO3− transport in the proximal tubule, but more importantly to metabolic CO2

production, coupled with a counter-current type vascular exchange of CO2 in the cortex.4,52–54 The urine pCO2 is also significantly greater than arterial pCO2 during bicarbonaturia; in fact, the urine minus blood pCO2 gradient has been used to index distal nephron H+ secretion. The origin of the elevated urine pCO2 derives from H+ secretion into the collecting duct lumen, combining with HCO3−.55,56 In this setting two factors contribute to the high CO2: first, slow uncatalyzed rate of CO2 formation in the absence of luminal CA in the collecting duct lumen, and second, the countercurrent system in the medulla and low surface area : volume ratio in the renal pelvis and remaining urinary tract, slowing diffusion of CO2.4,55,56

PROXIMAL TUBULE The proximal tubule reabsorbs 75% to 80% of the filtered bicarbonate. The general features of HCO3− reabsorption are shown in Figure 7–3: apical H+ secretion, basolateral Na+ coupled HCO3− exit from the cell, and facilitation by both membrane bound and cellular carbonic anhydrase. Apical H+ secretion occurs by both an apical Na-H exchanger and a H+ATPase. The apically secreted H+ reacts with luminal HCO3− to form CO2 and H2O that are readily permeable across all membranes of the proximal tubule. This initial process removes luminal HCO3−. To complete the process of net transepithelial HCO3− reabsorption, cellular HCO3− derived from CO2 + H2O is transported across the basolateral membrane.

2 K



Na 3 HCO3

3 Na

CH 7

FIGURE 7–3 Model of HCO3− reabsorption in the proximal tubule. See text for details.





Tubule Lumen




Both the apically secreted H+ and the basolaterally transported HCO3− derive from CO2 + H2O → HCO3− + H+; the CO2 can be conceptualized as derived from luminal HCO3−→ CO2. Each of the reactions of HCO3− + H+ ↔ CO2 + H2O (in the lumen net HCO3− + H+ → CO2 + H2O; in the cell, net CO2 + H2O → HCO3− + H+) is catalyzed (accelerated) by carbonic anhydrase, both cytoplasmic and membrane bound on the apical and basolateral membranes; in the absence or inhibition of carbonic anhydrase, net transepithelial HCO3− reabsorption is markedly inhibited.42 The proximal tubule is composed of three specific subsegments (S1, S2, and S3) and differs between juxtamedullary and superficial nephrons57–59; the acid-base transport in these subsegments differ both quantitatively (e.g., S1 higher rates of transport than S3) and qualitatively to some extent as will be discussed in more detail later.60,61 However, many of the mechanisms and regulation of acid-base transport are similar among these areas. The main differences appear to be lower rates of HCO3− reabsorption and some different mechanisms in the late proximal tubule (identified as the terminal proximal straight tubule).

Mechanisms of H+ and HCO3- Transport Conceptually, HCO3− reabsorption could occur by either direct HCO3− (or base) reabsorption, or secretion of acid (or H+). The mechanism of HCO3− reabsorption was determined to be H+ secretion rather than direct HCO3− reabsorption more than three decades ago.5 Investigators demonstrated an acid disequilibrium pH using microelectrodes in the proximal tubule lumen during carbonic anhydrase inhibition.5,62 An acid disequilibrium pH (explained earlier) implies H+ secretion, rather than base absorption.4 The acid disequilibrium pH was only seen with inhibition of luminal CA because normally membrane bound CA is active in the proximal tubule. HCO3− reabsorption across the luminal membrane was also found to be sodium dependent, chloride independent, and electroneutral.7,63,64 Subsequently, studies demonstrated that the mechanism of H+ secretion involves a Na-H exchanger that exchanges one luminal Na+ for one cellular H+; this was shown first using brush border membrane vesicles and later with intact tubules.65–67 Membrane vesicle experiments demonstrated acid transport with an imposed sodium gradient, and sodium transport with an imposed pH gradient. Additional vesicle experiments demonstrated that the Km for Na+


is ∼5 mM to 15 mM and that the exchanger is sensitive to amiloride and its analogs.66,68,69 Similar features were subsequently found in intact tubules.70–73 The high affinity (low Km) for sodium implies that the exchanger will always be maximally saturated for sodium in the proximal tubule in vivo. The competitive inhibition by amiloride and its analogs has been a key feature in identifying Na-H exchangers experimentally.68,74 This exchange process is responsible for ∼2/3 of proximal HCO3− reabsorption and is also the major mode of Na+ reabsorption in the proximal tubule. The driving force for transport is the Na+ concentration gradient from lumen to cell (∼140 mM and ∼10–20 mM in lumen and cell, respectively) maintained by basolateral Na-K ATPase. The luminal Na+ concentration is constant ∼140 mEq/L along the length of the proximal tubule due to the near equivalent reabsorption of Na+ and water. The apical membrane Na-H exchanger has now been determined to be NHE-3 (Na-H Exchanger 3), a member of the ubiquitous family of Na-H exchangers that regulate intracellular pH and volume, and respond to growth factors, in many cell types.75 NHE-3 is a 93 kD molecule with 10–13 transmembrane domains and consensus phosphorylation sites for PKA and PKC.75–77 NHE-3 is distinct from NHE-1, the first cloned and more ubiquitous Na-H exchanger, particularly in tissue distribution and regulation. In contrast to the presence of NHE-1 in most cell types and on the basolateral aspect of many epithelial cells, NHE-3 is restricted to the kidney (predominantly cortex) and intestine, and in these cell types is located on the apical membrane. The regulatory mechanisms are also quite distinct.75 Many of the molecular features of NHE-3 have been determined and are discussed elsewhere in this volume and also recently reviewed.75,78 Immunohistochemical studies and studies of NHE-3 knockout animals are the most definitive in indicating a predominant role for NHE-3 in mediating most of proximal HCO3− reabsorption.78–86 In NHE-3 knockout mice, proximal tubule HCO3− and volume reabsorption is significantly reduced (leaving most remaining HCO3− reabsorption mediated by a bafilomycin sensitive mechanism); a mild acidosis is present, partially compensated by increased distal tubule acid secretion.81,82,84 This is illustrated in Figure 7–4, which shows the overall reduction of HCO3− and fluid reabsorption in NHE-3 knock-out animals, the lack of response to the amiloride analog EIPA, and the bafilomycin sensitive HCO3− reabsorption (related to H+-ATPase discussed later) in both control and knock-out animals. Immunohistochemical studies

Renal Acidification


252 have demonstrated NHE-3 appropriately localized to the apical membranes of proximal tubules (and thick ascending limbs) (Fig. 7–5).79,80 Some evidence has supported the possible role of other (possibly unidentified) NHE isoforms in proximal tubule apical transport,86,87 but this remains controversial. Some studies have suggested a possible role for CH 7 NHE-2, but most immunohistochemical studies and knock-


B 150


1.5 100

JV (nL/min/mm)

* *



FIGURE 7–4 HCO3− and fluid reabsorptive rates (JHCO3 and Jv, respectively) in wild-type and NHE3 null mice. Effects of inhibitors: EIPA, ethylisopropylamiloride to inhibit Na-H exchange; BAF, bafilomycin to inhibit H+-ATPase; SCH, Sch-28080 to inhibit H-K-ATPase. *Significant difference from control (P < 0.05). (From Wang T, Yang CL, Abbiati T, et al: Mechanism of proximal tubule bicarbonate absorption in NHE3 null mice. Am J Physiol 277:F298–F302, 1999.)


0.5 *



















0 Control



JHCO3 (pmole/min/mm)

out mice do not suggest a proximal tubule location or function.88–90 Similarly, NHE-1 deficient animals do not have systemic acid-base abnormalities.91 However, Na-H exchange in the late proximal tubule may not be NHE-3.79 Recently NHE-8 has been localized to the proximal tubule and may play a role in acid excretion.92 The exchanger in the proximal tubule also transports other cations such as lithium and




CD S1 S2







FIGURE 7–5 Immunohistochemical demonstration of NHE-3 distribution in the rat kidney. Shown are staining in the apical membranes of proximal tubules (P) and thick ascending limb (T), but no staining in the distal tubule (D) or glomerulus (G). A, Cortical labyrinth, Immunostaining fro NHE-3. The proximal brush border is stained from the beginning of the proximal tubule (P). The luminal membranes of the macula densa cells (MD) are weaker stained than those of thick ascending limb cells. NHE-3 protein staining ceases at the transition (arrow heads) of the thick ascending limb (T) to the dista convoluted tubule (D). B, Medullary ray. Immunostaining for NHE-3 showing that the luminal membranes of thick ascending limbs (T) are heavily stained, collecting ducts (CD) are unstained; weak staining of S2 segments of the proximal tubules in the medullary ray compared to strong staining of S1 in the cortex. (From Amemiya M, Loffing J, Lotscher M, et al: Expression of NHE-3 in the apical membrane of rat renal proximal tubule and thick ascending limb. Kidney Int 48:1206–1215, 1995.)

HCO3− reabsorption115,116; the transporter SLC26A6 (CFEX, 253 PAT1) is probably at least one of the responsible transport proteins.117–119 Basolateral HCO3− extrusion from the proximal tubule cell is also necessary to accomplish net transepithelial HCO3− reabsorption (see Fig. 7–3). HCO3−, derived from CO2 and H2O in the presence of cytoplasmic CA, is transported into CH 7 the basolateral interstitium and capillary blood. The major mechanism of this was first suggested from experiments on salamander proximal tubules; these experiments demonstrate that changes in basolateral HCO3− or sodium concentration simultaneously altered intracellular pH and sodium concentration, and altered basolateral membrane voltage (Fig. 7–6).120 These changes were independent of Cl− and sensitive to 4-acetamido-4-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2′disulfonate (SITS).120 Subsequent experiments using mammalian tubules121–124 and basolateral membrane vesicles125,126 demonstrated results consistent with coupled Na and HCO3− co-transport, carrying negative charge (more HCO3− than Na transported). The driving force for basolateral Na-HCO3− co-transport is the cell negative transmembrane voltage, maintained by the high cell-to-interstitium K+ gradient. To achieve basolateral HCO3− extrusion based on the known ionic content and voltage of the proximal tubule, the stoichiometry should be three HCO3− per Na+127,128; this has been demonstrated both in tubules and in membrane vesicles.123,129 Several studies demonstrated that the transported base is HCO3− and not OH−.23,125,126 Carbonate (CO3−2) has been suggested by one study to be a transported species130; it would be the electrical and acid-base transport equivalent of two HCO3−. This has not been confirmed with the cloned transporter, discussed later. The basolateral Na- HCO3− co-transporter has now been cloned (named NBC transporter for Na bicarbonate cotransporter) and found to be distantly related to the red cell Cl−/HCO3− exchanger AE1.131,132 The basolateral NBC in the

Renal Acidification

NH4+93,94 (see later discussion). An important physiologic feature is that the transport rate of the apical Na-H exchanger is augmented by intracellular acidosis via both kinetic and allosteric mechanisms95 (see later discussion). The proximal tubule also has a second mechanism of H+ secretion, a Na+ independent electrogenic ATPase that was first identified in membrane vesicles.96 Subsequent work has identified this as an apical membrane, multi-subunit vacuolar type H+ATPase like that in the distal nephron, discussed later.97–101 In addition to the vesicle studies, experiments in intact tubules have also been consistent with an apical H+ATPase: electrophysiologic studies showing a lumen positive voltage in the appropriate setting, cell pH measurements demonstrating Na+ independent intracellular pH recovery from acid loads, and response of HCO3− reabsorption and cell pH to inhibitors of H+ATPase.102–105 The vacuolar H+ATPases are blocked by DCCD (N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide), NEM (N-ethylmaleimide), and more specifically by bafilomycin A1.105,106 The most convincing evidence has been the immunocytochemical staining for subunits of the vacuolar H+ATPase.107 The H+ATPase mechanism accounts for much, if not all, of the remaining 1/3 of HCO3− reabsorption in the proximal tubule not mediated by Na-H exchange. This is illustrated by the knock-out of NHE-3 experiments in Figure 7–4. The proximal tubule apical membrane also exhibits Cl−/ base (OH− or HCO3−) exchange,108–112 but the role in acid-base transport is doubtful because net HCO3− reabsorption is independent of Cl−.113,114 The predominant role of Cl−/base exchange is in fluid reabsorption. Cl−/base exchange in parallel with Na-H exchange (Na and Cl− moving into the cell, and H+ and base moving into the lumen) will result in no net effect on acid-base transport but result in NaCl absorption. The apical membrane also has other Cl−/anion exchangers (the anions formate and oxalate in particular) that can augment net NaCl reabsorption, but these are probably not involved in


Lumen: Bath:



7.5 pHi 7.0 FIGURE 7–6 Electrogenic Na-HCO3− co-transport in the basolateral membrane of the Ambystoma proximal tubule. VI and V3 represent basolateral membrane potential and transepithelial potential, respectively. Basolateral Na+ removal causes both cell acidification and basolateral depolarization. Basolateral SITS (4-acetamido-4-isothiocyanostilbene2,2′-disulfonate, 0.5 mM) blocks these changes. (From Boron WF, Boulpaep EL: Intracellular pH regulation in the renal proximal tubule of the salamander. Basolateral HCO3− transport. J Gen Physiol 81:53–94, 1983.)

0 20 V1 (mV) 40 60

5 0 V3 (mV) 5 10 5 min

254 proximal tubule is the NBC1 isoform first cloned from the salamander Ambystoma131 and later from human.132 The human gene is designated SLC4A4. NBC1 (also called kNBC for kidney NBC) encodes a 1035 amino acids protein with predicted size of 116 kDa several potential phosphorylation sites, and 12 predicted membrane spanning segments.133 The CH 7 NBC transporter in the late proximal tubule may not be NBC1.134 Other isoforms are known to be electroneutral.15,133,135 All of the NBC are sensitive to inhibition by DIDS (4,4′Diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2′-Disulfonic Acid), SITS, and other disulfonic stilbenes. The large family of HCO3− transporters also includes a K+/HCO3− cotransporter and a Na+-dependent Cl−/HCO3− exchanger. These features are discussed in more detail in another chapter. Although the physiologic studies discussed earlier suggest that NBC-1 functions in a 3 : 1 HCO3−: Na+ mode, some experiments support that it can also operate in a 2 : 1 mode in certain circumstances.136–140 These recent experiments suggest that cAMP through PKA phosphorylates the C-terminus of NBC1 and changes the stoichiometry to 2 : 1.138–140 There may also be some interaction in this process with CA.141 For the basolateral membrane, both Na+ dependent Cl−/ HCO3− exchange142–145 and Na+ independent Cl−/HCO3− exchange (in the S3 segment)126,146,147 have also been found, but the role in transepithelial acid-base has not been established. Variable evidence exists for basolateral Na-H exchange in some proximal segments of some species147–149; when present basolateral Na-H exchange would not function in transepithelial HCO3− reabsorption, but to regulate cell volume and pH as in other cells. Citrate and other organic anions are also reabsorbed in the proximal tubule. Changes in their reabsorption and urinary excretion could alter acid-base balance in that these organics anions can be metabolized to HCO3− if reabsorbed. Thus, this reabsorption prevents the loss of excess “potential base” into the urine. In fact, in the rat, urinary excretion of citrate and other organic anions contributes substantially to the excretion of alkali, for instance in the recovery from metabolic alkalosis.150–153 And urinary citrate and other organic anions increase in the urine with alkalosis, and decrease with acidosis.2 In humans, urinary citrate does change in the appropriate direction with acid-base changes—a decrease in excretion with acidosis or acid loads, and an increase in excretion with alkalosis or alkali loads, but the magnitude is usually sufficiently small (usually ∼5–10 mEq/day) that major influences on systemic acid-base balance are limited.154 Other organic acids and their anions, in particular lactate and acetate, have been shown to modulate intracellular pH, at least in salamander proximal tubules, and probably only in the absence of CO2 and HCO3−.155–157 The proximal tubule has high ionic permeabilities for H+ and HCO3−, and also for CO2 discussed earlier.45,158,159 The high H+ permeability results in little H+ transport because of the low concentrations of free H+. The high CO2 permeability does allow rapid equilibration of CO2 in the adjacent structures of the kidney (e.g., tubule lumen, cell, and interstitium); see earlier discussion. The large paracellular HCO3− permeability limits net HCO3− reabsorption in the late proximal tubule (where luminal HCO3− concentration is low compared with peritubular concentrations) and hence allows greater delivery of HCO3− out of the proximal tubule.160 Therefore, because of this relatively large permeability of the proximal tubule to HCO3−159 and the thermodynamics of Na-H exchange,161 the proximal tubule is only able to lower the luminal pH to ∼6.7 and the luminal HCO3− to ∼7 mM to 8 mM.162,163 (Regarding the thermodynamics, because the NaH exchanger is a neutral exchanger driven by the Na gradient, which is ∼140 mM lumen: ∼10 mM to 20 mM cytoplasm or 10 : 1, the induced H+ gradient can theoretically only be ∼10 : 1 H+ concentration or 1 pH unit.) Therefore, the proximal tubule

is a “high capacity, low gradient” system for H+/HCO3− transport in contrast to the distal nephron discussed later. Continued Na-H exchange, even when the luminal fluid has reached a plateau phase HCO3− level, is important however for net NaCl reabsorption.

Regulation of Proximal Tubule Acid-Base Transport Acid-base transport in the proximal tubule is a complex process, responding in most circumstances to maintain acidbase homeostasis, but also responding to a variety of hormones that are not necessarily homeostatic for acid-base balance. For instance, in some disease states, these hormones may actually cause or perpetuate acid-base disorders. Metabolic alkalosis for example is often perpetuated by renal retention of HCO3− and urinary acid excretion; and the proximal tubule participates in this process. In the proximal tubule, HCO3− reabsorption may increase secondary to angiotensin II, increased filtered load of bicarbonate, decreased HCO3− backleak across the paracellular pathway, and potassium deletion—each discussed later.

Acid-Base Balance and Peritubular pH In general, the proximal tubule responds to systemic acidbase changes (either frank acid-base disorders or acid or base loads) in a direction to restore acid-base balance. So, acidosis or acid loads increase proximal tubule H+ secretion and HCO3− reabsorption, and alkalosis or base loads decrease H+ secretion and HCO3− reabsorption. The responses to acidosis or decreases in peritubular pH are complex, apparently involving a variety of both intrinsic mechanisms and systemic hormonal mechanisms. In addition, there are different mechanisms for acute and chronic responses to acid or base loads. With decreases in peritubular pH (either increased pCO2 or decreased HCO3− concentration), proximal tubule HCO3− reabsorption increases; and the opposite occurs with increases in peritubular pH.57,164–170 (There are some conflicting data on acute increases in CO2.168,171 Also, the amount of HCO3− reabsorption in vivo will also depend on the filtered load and concentration of HCO3−, which may be reduced in metabolic acidosis.172) Decreases in cell pH, which result from HCO3− exit on the Na-HCO3− cotransporter with decreases in basolateral HCO3−,73 stimulate apical H+ secretion via the apical Na-H exchanger. This will occur via kinetic effects with increased cell H+ concentrations, but intracellular acidosis also has an allosteric stimulation of the Na-H exchanger.95 This is illustrated in Figure 7–7. An allosteric activation of Na-H exchange is a feature of most isoforms of NHE, and appears to depend on amino acid residues in the C terminus portion of the molecules.173 These changes occur immediately. There is also acute exocytic insertion of vesicles (probably containing both H+-ATPase and NHE-3) into the brush border apical membrane, at least with acidosis caused by increased CO2.174 As discussed later, NHE-3 exists associated with other proteins and in different domains of the apical region of the cell; the precise steps of exocytic insertion and retrieval are not known, but are being actively investigated. Boron and colleagues have also demonstrated that H+ secretion in the proximal tubule is directly stimulated in response to basolateral CO2, apparently independent of pH; they have postulated that there is a “CO2 sensor” in the proximal tubule.175–178 This CO2 sensor mechanism appears to interact with angiotensin II and to involve a tyrosine kinase.179,180 Over a more prolonged period of acidosis (days), a variety of other adaptive changes occur to increase HCO3− reabsorption even more.181,182 With chronic acidosis, Na-H exchange in the brush border increases and Na-HCO3− co-transport in basolateral membranes increases, whether studied in cells


Na influx





CH 7 0


Renal Acidification


Hi(nM) 20








pHi 7.47


pHi 6.90

Amiloride Na content (nmol per mg protein)

FIGURE 7–7 Allosteric regulation of Na-H exchange in proximal tubule brush border membrane vesicles. Upper panel. Sodium influx as a function of intravesicular pH. The insert shows the same data expressed as a function of intravesicular H+ concentration, showing a non-linear (sloping upward) increase of Na transport with decreasing pH, increasing H+. Lower panel. Sodium efflux from vesicles at two intravesicular pH values. The remaining sodium content is plotted as a function of time in the presence and absence of amiloride at intravesicular pH values of 7.47 and 6.90. At the lower intravesicular pH, there is a greater rate of amiloride-sensitive sodium efflux. The effect of pH in this case can not be a substrate effect of more H+ for exchange with Na+. (From Aronson PS, Nee J, Suhm MA: Modifier role of internal H+ in activating the Na+-H+ exchanger in renal microvillus membrane vesicles. Nature 299:161–163, 1982.)

Na influx (nmol per min per mg protein)





80 0

or membrane vesicles.183–188 The increase in basolateral Na-HCO3− co-transport with metabolic acidosis may result from post-translational modifications of NBC-1 because protein levels do not change.189 Some of the effects of acidosis (perhaps exocytic insertion) can occur in vitro, in as little time as two hours.190 Similar types of changes are seen with respiratory acidosis, and opposite changes with alkalosis186,191–193; however, some investigators have not found the same results with respiratory acidosis.194,195 With acidosis, there is an increase in NHE3 protein in the apical membrane brush border, but not an increase in NHE3 mRNA in vivo; there is, however, an increase in NHE-3 mRNA in the OKP cell culture model.196 The increase in NHE-3 protein in the apical membrane results predominantly from increased exocytic insertion from subapical membrane vesicles, but there may be increased protein translation as well.197–199 Hormones also play a critical role in the response to acidosis. These include endothelin-1 (ET-1), glucocorticoids, and possibly PTH. With acidosis, increases in renal endothelin1200,201 and cortisol from the adrenal202 occur and may play significant roles (see later discussion). Alpern and colleagues have proposed and experimentally supported the elegant

30 0 Time of efflux (s)


scheme illustrated in Figure 7–8 whereby endothelin is an integral autocrine or paracrine component of the mechanism whereby acidosis causes adaptation in NHE-3. These aspects are presented later in the section on endothelin. In sum, the response to acidosis is complex, involving multiple steps and separate mechanisms. Key elements are turning out to be intrinsic allosteric responses of NHE-3, hormonal responses that secondarily up-regulate Na-H exchange, and exocytic insertion of NHE-3.

Potassium Depletion

Potassium depletion also increases proximal tubule HCO3− reabsorption.167 There is an increase in both the apical Na-H exchanger and the basolateral Na-HCO3− co-transporter.203 These changes may result in large part from low potassium inducing an intracellular acidosis and resulting adaptive changes in the transporters.204,205

Extracellular Volume, luminal Flow Rate, and Delivery of HCO3-

Increases in luminal HCO3− concentration, usually accompanied by increased luminal pH, increase proximal HCO3−


↓ Intracellular pH

tensin II, catecholamines, or dopamine causing changes in Na-H exchange.224

Pyk2 activation

Hormones A variety of hormones modulate proximal tubule acid-base transport. Some of these effects are involved in the response to acidosis and alkalosis as discussed earlier, but others are not involved in acid-base homeostasis, and the acid-base effects appear collateral.

C-Src activation

CH 7

?? ERK activation ↑ c-Fos/c-Jun expression and AP-1 activity ↑ Endothelin-1expression ↑ ET-1/ETB signaling

Cortisol ↑ NHE3 mRNA and protein

↑ NHE3 phosphorylation and trafficking to apical membrane ↑ Apical Na−H exchange FIGURE 7–8 Signal transduction mechanism of acidosis-induced adaptation of Na-H exchange proposed by Alpern and colleagues. (Adapted from Laghmani K, Preisig PA, Alpern RJ: The role of endothelin in proximal tubule proton secretion and the adaptation to a chronic metabolic acidosis. J Nephrol 15 Suppl 5:S75–S87, 2002.)

reabsorption.160,166 This increased reabsorption is due to an increased rate of H+ secretion by the apical Na-H exchanger, probably due to positive kinetic effects of decreases in the luminal H+ concentration.160,166,206,207 As Na-H exchange increases, cell pH will rise and stimulate basolateral NaHCO3− co-transport out of the cell. Alpern4,208 has noted that this HCO3− concentration effect will attenuate the effects of other influences on HCO3− reabsorption. For instance, if a hormone stimulates HCO3− reabsorption, this will decrease luminal HCO3− concentration, which will in turn secondarily decrease HCO3− reabsorption, attenuating the original change. Increasing luminal flow also increases proximal tubule HCO3− reabsorption. This occurs both by increases in mean luminal HCO3− concentration, which will have effects as discussed earlier and by a direct effect of flow rate on Na-H exchange.167,209,210 This effect of flow rate on the apical Na-H exchanger appears to be a direct effect, possibly on an apical diffusion barrier.211 Chronic changes in luminal flow rate in vivo (induced experimentally by hyperfiltration from uninephrectomy, renal mass reduction, or high protein diets) cause additional long-term adaptive increases in both the apical Na-H exchanger and the basolateral Na-HCO3− cotransporter.212–215 An important consequence of increasing proximal HCO3− reabsorption with increasing delivery (glomerulotubular balance for HCO3−) is prevention of excessive delivery downstream and urinary excretion. Volume expansion usually leads to a reduction in proximal HCO3− reabsorption.165,216–218 This is in spite of the fact that extracellular volume expansion may increase GFR, filtered HCO3−, and luminal flow, factors discussed earlier that could increase proximal HCO3− reabsorption. Part of the effect of volume expansion to decrease HCO3− reabsorption is via increased HCO3−permeability,165 but part is due to an effect on H+ secretion.219 PTH may also be involved in this process.220 Hypertension, and the often associated natriuresis, has been associated with a redistribution of NHE-3 in the proximal tubule also.221–223 In contrast, volume contraction or low dietary sodium is often accompanied by increased proximal tubule HCO3− reabsorption. This may be secondary to angio-

Endothelin-1 Endothelin-1 (ET-1), acting on the ETB receptor in proximal tubules, may be a critical factor in the response to acidosis as discussed above and illustrated in Figure 7–8.201,225 Renal ET-1 is produced in response to acidosis,201,226,227 and its effects on the ETB receptor are critical in the NHE-3 response to acidosis.225 Acidosis, and decreases in intracellular pH, increase ET-1 synthesis in the kidney, specifically by microvascular endothelial cells and proximal tubule cells.225–227 ET-1 in low concentrations (10–13 M) increases proximal tubule reabsorption228; high concentrations inhibit reabsorption. Both apical Na-H exchange as well as basolateral NaHCO3− cotransport increase with low concentrations of ET-1.229,230 The ETB receptor is responsible for these acid-base effects.201,231 ETB activation leads to phosphorylation of NHE3 and its insertion in the apical membrane.199–201,225,232 In ETB receptor deficient mice, acid ingestion does not lead to normal apical insertion of NHE-3 and ET-1 does not lead to increased Na-H exchange activity; however, there is normal urinary excretion of titratable acid and NH4+.201 Distal tubule effects of ET-1 are discussed later. The signal transduction mechanisms whereby acidosis and/or low intracellular pH stimulate ET-1 synthesis has been extensively studied by Alpern’s group in cultured proximal tubule cells (OKP), and to a lesser extent in vivo; the mechanism appears to involve sequential activation of Pyk2 (a non-receptor tyrosine kinase), c-Src (another non-receptor tyrosine kinase), followed by ERK activation, and c-fos/c-jun (immediate early genes) activating the AP-1 promoter site of the ET-1 gene.225,233–236 ET-1 stimulation leads to a calcium and tyrosine kinase dependent phosphorylation, membrane insertion, and hence activation of NHE-3; other proteins such as paxillin and p125FAK are phosphorylated in this process as well.199,200,231–233 Similar signaling pathways have been implicated in the stimulation of basolateral Na-HCO3− co-transport.237,238 Glucocorticoids Glucocorticoids also are an important component of the response to metabolic acidosis.187,202 Metabolic acidosis increases cortisol,239 which is necessary for the increase in Na-H exchange activity in response to metabolic acidosis.187 Glucocorticoids increase Na-H exchange by multiple steps, but importantly include an increased translation and insertion of NHE-3 protein into the apical membrane.202,240–242 Cortisol may also increase NHE-3 mRNA.243 Glucocorticoids increase NBC1 mRNA levels and activity in the proximal tubule.244,245 Therefore, glucocorticoids appear to be a parallel and perhaps synergistic pathway with ET-1/ETB in the response to acidosis. Glucocorticoids also stimulate ammonium excretion, discussed later. Thus, glucocorticoids represent one of the hormone systems that integrate the response to acidosis.246 Glucocorticoids are also important in the development and maturation of proximal tubule transport.247 Parathyroid Horomone Parathyroid hormone (PTH) acutely decreases proximal HCO3− reabsorption via increases in cAMP.248–250 PTH increases cAMP, which activates PKA. PTH via PKA immediately phosphorylates NHE-3 and inhibits activity, and over a slightly longer time frame NHE-3 undergoes phosphorylationdependent endocytosis.251–254 This endocytosis is microtubule

Angiotensin II Angiotensin II increases HCO3− reabsorption by increases in apical H+ secretion and basolateral HCO3− transport.264 Angiotensin II produced by the proximal tubule may stimulate luminal receptors to stimulate HCO3− reabsorption.265 Angiotensin II increases exocytic insertion and activity of NHE3.266–268 Basolateral Na-HCO3− transport is also directly stimulated.269,270 The mechanisms of these responses include decreased cAMP, activation of protein kinase C, and activation of tyrosine kinase (src)/MAPK pathways.271–274 Other Hormones Other hormones also can regulate proximal tubule acidbase transport, but in some cases the physiologic and pathophysiologic implications are not well understood. Insulin,275 dopamine,276–278 thyroid hormone,279 glucagon,280 adenosine,281,282 cholinergic agents,283,284 and others modulate proximal tubule HCO3− transport. For instance, dopamine modulates apical Na-H exchange and this has anticipated effects on sodium balance, but particular systemic acidbase changes are not known. Catecholamines stimulate HCO3− reabsorption.285,286 α-2 receptors activate NHE-3 by interacting with NHERF (Na-H exchanger regulatory factor)287 discussed later. Activation of adenosine A1 receptor inhibits NHE-3 via a PKC and phospholipase C mechanism involving calcineurin homologous protein interaction.288 Neuronal and inducible nitricoxide synthase also modulate HCO3− reabsorption.289,290 Common Acute Signal Transduction Mechanisms Several hormones and perhaps other signals share some common acute signal transduction mechanisms in the proximal tubule.263 A number of hormones such as PTH and catecholamines (in addition to angiotensin II discussed earlier) function at least in large part via changes in cAMP and protein kinase A (PKA). As recently reviewed thoroughly by Moe,263 phosphorylation of the carboxy-terminal domain of NHE-3 and endocytosis of NHE-3 appear to be key events. The exact mechanism whereby phosphorylation leads to decreased activity is still being investigated; both endocytosis and intrinsic changes in NHE-3 may be involved, and co-factors discussed later are likely necessary.263 Trafficking of NHE-3 between the apical membrane and other compartments is also a common theme (see discussion of acidosis, PTH, endothelin). In addition to NHE-3 phosphorylation by PKA, endocytosis can also be regulated by a phosphatidylinositol 3′ kinase-dependent pathways.291 NHERF (also known as EBP50) is a protein cofactor that is important for cAMP mediated regulation of NHE-3 activity.292–294 NHERF, a 55 kD phosphoprotein with two PDZ domains, links ezrin, NHE-3, and PKA to the actin cytoskeleton.292,293 This linkage allows NHE-3 phosphorylation and inactivation.295–298 NHERF may also regulate basolateral Na-HCO3− co-transport.257,258 The α2-adrenergic receptor can

directly associate with NHERF through its PDZ domain, pro- 257 viding a mechanism of regulation of NHE-3 activity.287 Reorganization of the cytoskeleton may also be involved in inactivation of NHE-3 by cAMP.299 The PDZ-based adaptor Shank2 is another protein likely involved in trafficking of NHE-3.300 Linkage of NHE-3 to megalin may also be important. Recent CH 7 studies demonstrated that NHE-3 exists as both 9.6 and 21 S oligomers in the renal brush border.301,302 The lighter fraction localizes to the microvilli, not associated with megalin, and is functionally active. The denser fraction contains NHE-3 associated with megalin in the intermicrovillar region of the brush border and is not active. Shifting of NHE-3 between these two fractions and domains may be an important mechanism of acute regulation.301,302

Renal Acidification

and dynamin dependent. NHERF, Na-H exchange regulatory factor discussed later, may also be involved. PTH also inhibits basolateral Na-HCO3− co-transport.255,256 NHERF is necessary for this inhibition of Na-HCO3− co-transport.257,258 The chronic effects of PTH may differ substantially. PTH levels rise in metabolic acidosis and may be important in the ultimate adaptive increase in net acid excretion (both TA and ammonium). Although there may be a transient increase in urinary HCO3−, PTH effects on the loop of Henle and distal nephron are to increase acid excretion.259–261 Consistent with an adaptive chronic role of PTH via stimulating cAMP, on a chronic basis cAMP (and hormones that stimulate cAMP) may actually increase Na-H exchange.262 The acute hormonal regulation of NHE-3 is a complex mechanism that is an intense area of investigation; this area is discussed more later and has recently been reviewed thoroughly.263

LOOP OF HENLE AND THICK ASCENDING LIMB The loop of Henle (including the thick ascending limb, TAL) reabsorbs much of the HCO3− that leaves the proximal tubule (see Fig. 7–1); this represents 10% to 20% of the total filtered HCO3−.303–305 The amount of HCO3− reabsorbed in vivo in the loop of Henle has been determined using micropuncture to measure the HCO3− delivery to the end of the superficial proximal tubule and to the early distal tubule, see Figure 7–1. Between these two sites, several distinct nephron segments exist: the late proximal tubule, the thin descending and ascending limbs, and the medullary and cortical TAL. Probably only the late proximal tubule and the thick ascending limbs account for the active HCO3− reabsorption and most of this HCO3− reabsorption probably occurs in the TAL as discussed in detail later.306,307 The amount of HCO3− reabsorbed by the late proximal tubule in vivo is relatively small. This is probably due to limited amount of delivered HCO3− from the early proximal tubule and a limited intrinsic capacity of this segment to reabsorb HCO3−. This is supported by in vivo studies, which indicate that fractional delivery (FD) of HCO3− at the late superficial proximal tubule is minimally different from that at the bend of the loop of Henle (see Fig. 7–1). However these data are complicated by the fact that measurements in the loop of Henle are derived from deep (or juxtamedullary nephrons) whereas measurements in the late proximal tubule are drawn from outer cortical nephrons. Importantly, in the descending loop of Henle, the luminal HCO3−concentration rises toward the bend of the loop of Henle as water is abstracted with minimal HCO3− reabsorption (see Fig. 7–1). Subsequently, reabsorption of HCO3− in the TAL is resumed, which lowers luminal HCO3− before the start of the distal tubule. As will be discussed, HCO3− reabsorption in the TAL is concentration dependent and therefore the rise in luminal HCO3− concentration before this segment is physiologically important. The general features of HCO3− reabsorption in the thick ascending limb are shown in Figure 7–9. Although specific properties may differ between cortical and medullary TAL (and among experimental species) HCO3− reabsorption, like in other segments, is dependent on luminal H+ secretion and basolateral efflux of HCO3−. As expected, HCO3− reabsorption in the TAL can be inhibited by CA inhibitors.303,308 Apical Na-H exchange mediates most, if not all, of H+ secretion in the TAL.308 This has been demonstrated by in vitro and in vivo inhibitor and ion substition experiments.303,308,309 NHE-3 is likely the dominant isoform; NHE-3 has been demonstrated by immunohistochemical studies and specific functional inhibitor studies.79,310–312 NHE-2 is present in the apical membrane,89 and could be functionally active.313 Na-H exchange in the TAL is usually relatively pH independent and is inhibited by hyperosmolality in contrast to other epithelia.312,314


TAL Cell

Tubule Lumen Na

CH 7



Na K or NH4



Na K or NH4

independently regulating the transport of specific solutes (and simultaneously cell pH and volume) in a segment in which Na+, Cl−, HCO3−, and ammonium are reabsorbed in single cell types.


FIGURE 7–9 Model of acid-base transporters in the thick ascending limb. See text for details. (Adapted from Hamm LL, Alpern RJ: Cellular mechanisms of renal tubular acidification. In Seldin DW, Giebisch G (eds): The Kidney: Physiology and Pathophysiology. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000, pp 1935–1979.)

H-ATPase is present in the apical membrane of the TAL,107 and some HCO3− reabsorption in the loop is sensitive to bafilomycin, although some of this could be late proximal tubule sensitivity.303 Because HCO3− reabsorption in the TAL in vitro is predominantly Na dependent, a major role for H+ATPase in HCO3− reabsorption is unlikely.312 A K+-dependent HCO3− transport pathway, possibly a K+-HCO3− cotransporter was also identified in the apical membrane of medullary TAL.315 This mechanism, driven by a large cell to lumen K+ concentration gradient, opposes transepithelial HCO3− reabsorption. The molecular identity and physiological role of this mechanism are not yet clear. Renal excretion of NH4+ plays a very important role in renal acid base transport. In the TAL, NH4+ is predominantly reabsorbed, which is counter to what is expected if acid is to be excreted. Yet reabsorption of NH4+ by the TAL is necessary for establishing a medullary high concentration of NH4+ that is needed for regulating acid secretion into the collecting duct. In general, NH4+ is transported in the TAL by substituting for K+, which it resembles in size and charge. The apical mechanisms responsible for reabsorbing NH4+ include Na+/ K/2Cl− and K+ channels. Other mechanisms include a K/H exchanger and Na+-H exchange.316 Transport of NH4+ is discussed in details in a later section. Na-HCO3− co-transport at the basolateral membrane may mediate HCO3− transport into the peritubular fluid from the TAL cell.317 Electroneutral NBC 2 (also known as NBCn1) is thought to be the predominate isoform, at least in the medullary portion of the TAL.318,319 But, basolateral Cl−/ HCO3− exchange and K-HCO3− transport are present and may be important mediators of transepithelial HCO3− transport.320–324 AE2 (anion exchanger 2) is present in abundance in the TAL325,326 and may mediate some of the adaptive changes that occur in acid-base transport.327,328 A basolateral Na-H exchanger, NHE-1 and probably NHE-4, is also present and likely functions in part to regulate apical Na-H exchange, as discussed later.148,329,330 The specific role of each of these multiple transporters is not clear, but might be important in

Regulation of HCO3- Transport in the Thick Ascending Limb Systemic acid-base balance, particularly metabolic acidosis, regulates HCO3− reabsorption in the loop of Henle and thick ascending limb.331,332 NHE-3 and basolateral Na-HCO3− cotransport increase in response to acidosis.319,333 Similar adaptations occur for NH4+ transport as discussed later. In contrast, as metabolic alkalosis and respiratory acid base disturbances do not cause major changes in HCO3− transport in the TAL.304,334 This apparent lack of adaptation may result from opposing influences of the acid-base status and sodium delivery (discussed later) in the experimental models studied. NHE-3 does change with metabolic alkalosis.335 Thick ascending limb HCO3− reabsorption increases as luminal HCO3− concentration increases.303,308 Therefore, the increasing concentration of HCO3− in the descending loop of Henle as H2O is reabsorbed is physiologically important for TAL HCO3− reabsorption. As shown in Figure 7–1, the concentration of HCO3− delivered to the TAL is above 20 mM, significantly greater than the ∼7 mM to 10 mM concentration at the end of the proximal tubule.336 Changes in dietary sodium and a variety of hormones also modulate loop and TAL HCO3− transport. Increases in dietary sodium increase loop and TAL HCO3− reabsorption measured in vivo and in vitro respectively.331,332 Although prior studies had suggested that aldosterone might increase TAL HCO3− transport,304 recent studies reported that aldosterone inhibits TAL HCO3− reabsorption by a non-genomic mechanism inhibition of NHE3 action.337,338 Therefore, the effects of dietary sodium could be secondary to changes in aldosterone because aldosterone would be suppressed with high dietary sodium. In contrast, physiologic doses of glucocorticoids, or supraphysiologic doses of aldosterone, restore loop of Henle HCO3− reabsorption after adrenalectomy.339 Changes in NHE-3 expression do not appear to be responsible for the effects of dietary sodium.335 A variety of other hormones alter TAL HCO3− transport: angiotensin II, nerve growth factor, prostaglandin PGE2, PTH, and glucagon. Angiotensin II inhibits TAL HCO3− reabsorption in contrast to its effects in the proximal tubule.340 The physiologic importance of these hormonal effects has not been clearly delineated yet. PTH increases loop acid secretion, which has been proposed to be an important component of the response to acidosis.260,261 The role of changes in HCO3− transport in the TAL are difficult to determine in vivo because of the large amount of bicarbonate reabsorption upstream in the proximal nephron and the final regulation of urine acidification in the collecting duct. The signaling pathways for regulation of TAL HCO3− transport are diverse: extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), cytochrome P-450, and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K), and the cAMP pathway.340–345 A novel mechanism of regulation of TAL HCO3− transport is regulation of apical Na-H exchange by basolateral Na-H exchange.329,346 NHE1 is proposed to control activity of NHE3, and consequently HCO3− reabsorption, by a mechanism involving a change in cellular polymerized actin.347 Both NHE-1 and NHE-4 are likely present in the basolateral membrane of the TAL.148,329,330 Hyper- and hypo-osmolality also affect HCO3− transport in the TAL.343,348–350 Hypertonicity inhibits HCO3− reabsorption and hypotonicity stimulates HCO3− reabsorption. These actions depend on a tyrosine kinase dependent pathway.349

ADH, which will lead to medullary hypertonicity, also directly reduces TAL HCO3− reabsorption.345,351,352 Loop diuretics stimulate TAL HCO3− reabsorption, possibly via increases in cell sodium, but also possibly secondary to medullary hypotonicity.304,353

The distal nephron is responsible for the final regulation of acid excretion. To accomplish this, the distal nephron reabsorbs the remaining filtered bicarbonate, generates titratable acid, and “traps” NH4+ for excretion into the final urine.162,163 All of these functions result from H+ secretion just as in the preceding nephron segments. The distal nephron does have a limited capacity for H+ secretion and normally reabsorbs only ∼5% to 10% of the filtered HCO3−. The distal nephron is composed of several distinct segments including the distal convoluted tubule, the connecting segment, the cortical collecting duct, the medullary collecting duct (outer and inner stripe portions), and the inner medullary collecting duct (with initial and terminal portions). Some of these segments also have multiple cell types. Despite these different cell types, several segments share features of acid secretion, depicted in Figure 7–10. The differences between segments will be detailed later. The cell model in Figure 7–10 is derived mostly from work in the type A or α intercalated cells (IC) in the cortical collecting duct (CCD), and from prior studies in the turtle bladder model epithelium,354,355 but similar mechanisms exist in most acid secreting cells of the distal nephron. (Types A and B IC are sometimes used to only indicate rat cells, whereas α and β are used for rabbit IC cells; here, A and B refer to any experimental species.) The turtle bladder, an ancestral and embryologic relative of the collecting tubule, was used extensively in the past as an in vitro model of distal nephron acid-base transport and established many of the mechanisms now accepted in mammalian distal nephron.354,356 These studies established that active, electro-

Type A IC

Tubule Lumen


Renal Acidification


genic H+ secretion, independent of other ions and HCO3−, 259 mediates apical acidification. (One study suggested primary base absorption in the turtle bladder, but this has not been confirmed.357) In the CCD, type A IC are the prototypical acid secreting cells interspersed among more numerous principal cells. The principal cells are responsible for most of Na+, K+, and H2O transport. A vacuolar-type H+ ATPase mediates CH 7 much of the H+ secretion by the type A IC. A Cl−/HCO3− exchanger, anion exchanger 1 or AE1 (also called band 3 protein), on the basolateral membrane mediates HCO3− extrusion into the interstitium and peritubular blood. Another H+ pump, H-K-ATPase (probably of at least two types discussed later), is also important for H+ secretion, at least with some conditions such as K+ deficiency. An apical Na-H exchanger (NHE-2) also secretes H+ in the distal convoluted tubule and connecting segment.88,310,358 A unique feature of acid-base transport in the distal nephron is HCO3− secretion; this occurs by type B or β intercalated cells in the CCD and connecting tubule, discussed later. The general mechanism of HCO3− secretion is modeled in Figure 7–11 and discussed in detail later. HCO3− secretion is electroneutral, independent of Na+, and coupled to Cl− reabsorption. The driving force for HCO3− secretion is likely basolateral H+ATPase as discussed later, with apical HCO3− transport occurring via an apical chloride bicarbonate exchanger. This apical exchanger is likely pendrin, discussed later. Bicarbonate secretion was originally described in CCD from alkali loaded rabbits, but was subsequently shown in the superficial distal nephron and CCD of rats, and in CCD of mice.359–362 Metabolic alkalosis (and recovery from metabolic alkalosis), mineralocorticoids (possibly via metabolic alkalosis), and isoproterenol stimulate HCO3− secretion363–367; and acid loads inhibit HCO3− secretion.365,368 (The time frame over which HCO3− secretion is stimulated in metabolic alkalosis has not been studied in detail and may depend on the experimental model used.) The process of HCO3− secretion occurs simultaneously with H+ secretion by a separate cell type (see discussion of interconversion of cell types later)369–371; whether net

Type B IC

Tubule Lumen




HCO3 HCO3 Pendrin





FIGURE 7–10 Model of acid-base transport in the H+ secreting type A intercalated cells of the cortical collecting duct. See text for details. (Adapted from Hamm LL, Alpern RJ: Cellular mechanisms of renal tubular acidification. In Seldin DW, Giebisch G (eds): The Kidney: Physiology and Pathophysiology. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000, pp 1935–1979.)

FIGURE 7–11 Model of HCO3− secreting type B intercalated cells of the cortical collecting duct. See text for details. (Adapted from Hamm LL, Alpern RJ: Cellular mechanisms of renal tubular acidification. In Seldin DW, Giebisch G (eds): The Kidney: Physiology and Pathophysiology. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000, pp 1935–1979.)

− 260 HCO3 reabsorption or secretion occurs depends on the relative magnitude of the two processes in the CCD and distal tubule. Both type A and B IC cells in the distal nephron have abundant cytoplasmic carbonic anhydrase as discussed earlier. In contrast, functional luminal membrane bound carCH 7 bonic anhydrase is present in only a minority of cells along the distal nephron. Although these general models of acid-base transport pertain to several acid-base transporting cells along the distal nephron, there are differences among the various segments and between experimental species. These differences will be discussed later. The unique characteristics of each segment have been studied with different techniques (e.g., in vivo micropuncture, microperfusion, cell culture) because of the relative inaccessibility of each segment.

Distinct Features of Specific Distal Tubule Segments Distal Tubule Micropuncture studies of rats usually define the distal tubule as beginning after the macula densa and extending to the first junction with another tubule. Defined this way, the distal tubule includes four distinct morphologic segments: a short segment of the TAL, the distal convoluted tubule, the connecting segment, and the initial collecting tubule (see Chapter 1). However, the exact morphology depends on species; and function has essentially only been examined in rats, with few exceptions. Micropuncture studies in rats have clearly shown H+ secretion (or HCO3− reabsorption) in the superficial distal tubule of the rat.170,372–378 Although both the early and late distal tubule secrete H+, only the more distal aspects of the superficial distal nephron (connecting tubule) have intercalated cells. The early superficial distal nephron (predominantly distal convoluted tubule) secretes H+ via both an apical Na-H exchanger (likely NHE-2) and H+ ATP.310,358,379 The late superficial distal tubule (connecting segment and initial collecting duct) secretes H+ via a H+ ATPase, and probably H+-K+-ATPase.380 The colonic isoform of H-K-ATPase is particularly prominent in the apical membranes of some cells of the connecting segment and early CCD.381,382 The late superficial distal tubule (and connecting segment specifically) also secretes HCO3− with alkali loading.352,361,383–385 Net HCO3− transport (the sum of secretion and reabsorption) varies with diet, acid loading, and other conditioning in vivo and also with luminal flow rate.386 Studies using variations in luminal Cl− demonstrate that both HCO3− reabsorption and HCO3− secretion are present in the late distal tubule, just as in the cortical collecting duct described in the next section.358,387

Cortical Collecting Duct (CCD) The CCD has been the most studied of the distal nephron segments in vitro, and findings in these cells have been used to extrapolate to other distal nephron segments. In a pivotal group of studies, McKinney, Burg, and colleagues demonstrated that the rabbit CCD in vitro can either reabsorb or secrete HCO3−, depending on the acid-base conditioning of the animals.359,388,389 These studies were later extended to the rat CCD.360,390,391 As implied earlier, many studies suggest that HCO3− reabsorption (H+ secretion) and HCO3− secretion are separate processes mediated by distinct cell types, type A and B IC as in Figures 7–10 and 7–11.392 Most CCD from untreated normal rabbits secrete HCO3− when studied in vitro332,359,393–395; in contrast, most CCD from untreated rats reabsorb HCO3−.390,391 Simultaneous processes of HCO3− secretion and reabsorption are probably occurring in separate IC types in both species. The existence of two distinct, opposing processes has been inferred from HCO3−

flux studies that selectively inhibit HCO3− reabsorption (with removal of luminal HCO3− or peritubular Cl−) or alternatively inhibit HCO3− secretion (with removal of luminal Cl− or basolateral HCO3− ).365,368,391 HCO3− reabsorption is also blocked by disulfonic stilbenes such as SITS and DIDS added to the basolateral aspect.394,396 HCO3− secretion is not inhibited by luminal addition of stilbenes as discussed later. Simultaneous HCO3− secretion and H+ secretion was also demonstrated in rabbit CCD by measuring an acid disequilibrium pH in CCD with net HCO3− secretion.32 H+ secretion (often measured as HCO3− reabsorption) has actually been studied most clearly in outer medullary collecting ducts in which no HCO3− secretion occurs; H+ secretion in the CCD is thought to have the same mechanisms.32 H+ secretion in both outer medullary collecting duct (OMCD) and CCD is electrogenic (lumen-positive transepithelial voltage with inhibition of Na+ transport) and sodiumindependent.388,396 CCD HCO3− secretion is electroneutral, Na+- independent, and coupled to Cl− absorption.389,394,395,397 Both reabsorption and secretion of HCO3− are inhibited by acetazolamide. Acid loads in vivo increase net HCO3− reabsorption in the CCD. However, the predominant effect of acid loads is inhibition of unidirectional HCO3− secretion, with a smaller effect of stimulation of unidirectional HCO3− reabsorption.365,368,384,398–400 HCO3− secretion is increased by mineralocorticoids given in vivo (at least in alkalotic animals).365 CCD H+ secretion may also be increased by mineralocorticoids, both by direct stimulation and by stimulation of Na+ transport and a lumen negative transepithelial voltage.396 The existence of separate functional and morphologic IC types is again analogous to findings in the turtle urinary bladder. The rat CCD has at least two distinct morphologic types of IC, both containing carbonic anhydrase.401–403 The type A cell has a mixture of apical microplicae and microvilli, apical intramembranous rod-shaped particles (which are associated with H-ATPase as described later), apical immunoreactivity for H-ATPase, and basolateral AE-1 (or band 3 protein).107,402,404,405 In contrast, type B IC have few apical microvilli, H-ATPase, and rod-shaped particles on the basolateral membrane, but no AE1.402,404–407 Pendrin is also located on the apical membranes of rat (and mouse) type B IC408,409 (see Figs. 7–10 to 7–13). In the rabbit CCD, which has been studied more functionally, IC do not separate as clearly into types based on morphology.410 All rabbit CCD ICs contain both apical and basolateral rod-shaped particles, although to varying extent.410 Rabbit ICs, however, are functionally distinct and have distinct polarization of certain transport proteins. Type A IC from rabbit CCD have apical H-ATPase and basolateral AE-1.411,412 As expected with basolateral Cl−/ HCO3− exchange, type A IC alkalinize on removal of basolateral Cl−.413,414 These cells also exhibit endocytosis of luminal fluorescent macromolecules, presumably reflecting in part recycling of apical membrane H-ATPase as discussed later.174,413,414 type A IC in the rabbit CCD are relatively infrequent in the outer cortex, but become more abundant toward the medulla.415,416 Type B (or HCO3− secreting) IC from rabbit, the predominant IC type in the outer cortex, have expected rapid changes in intracellular pH (pHi) with changes in luminal Cl− or HCO3−, and cell acidification on removal of basolateral Cl−. These cells can be identified by apical labeling with peanut lectin.369,370,411,414 Rabbit B IC (peanut lectin positive) usually have diffuse staining for H-ATPase, rather than basolateral staining as in the rat type B IC.412 ICs also express H,K-ATPase as discussed later.382,417,418 Both A and B ICs have basolateral Cl− channels and basolateral Na-H exchange to regulate intracellular pH.370,419,420 Besides type A and B IC, other types or intermediate phenotypes have been demonstrated. Some H+ secreting IC do not exhibit luminal endocytosis, a property of prototypical type A IC.416 Also, other ICs, sometimes referred to as rat G


CH 7

Renal Acidification

FIGURE 7–12 Illustration of AE-1 and H-ATPase distribution in cells of the CCD. A, Cryostained section showing CCD from rat with acute metabolic alkalosis immunostained with monoclonal antibody to H+-ATPase. Basolateral H+ATPase staining of type B IC is shown by arrowhead. Closed arrow indicates type A with apical H+-ATPase. B, CCD taken from rat with acute metabolic acidosis, immunostained with polyclonal antibody to AE1. Basolateral AE1 staining of type A IC is shown with closed arrow. Arrowhead indicates type B IC with no AE1 staining. (From Sabolic I, Brown D, Gluck SL, Alper SL: Regulation of AE1 anion exchanger and H(+)ATPase in rat cortex by acute metabolic acidosis and alkalosis. Kidney Int 51:125–137, 1997.)



FIGURE 7–13 Demonstration of H-ATPase in both apical membrane and subapical vesicles of intercalated cell. High magnification transmission electron micrograph of the apical region of an intercalated cell from rat OMCD labeled for H+-ATPase using immunogold cytochemistry. Gold particles (black dots) label numerous apical membrane vesicles as well as the apical plasma membrane. (From Verlander JW, Madsen KM, Tisher CC: Structural and functional features of proton and bicarbonate transport in the rat collecting duct. Semin Nephrol 11:465–477, 1991.)

262 or rabbit γ or also as “non-A, non-B” IC, have been defined by studies of intracellular pH or atypical labeling by various antibodies.421,422 Non-A, non-B IC are also seen in the mouse.423 In the studies of intracellular pH, these cells are typically identified by both apical and basolateral Cl−/HCO3− exchange; these cells typically bind peanut lectin on the apical memCH 7 brane. Other cells have apical H-ATPase, but no basolateral AE1.423 The exact morphologic characteristics, functional features, and adaptive responses for these atypical cells have not been clarified. The conjecture that these cells represent a versatile cell type, able to respond to acid or base loads, remains unproved, but as discussed later there is growing evidence for significant functional modification of some CCD ICs with acid loads.414,424,425 Perhaps corresponding to the diversity and spectrum of cell types, studies of the cellular distribution of H-ATPase in rat CCD and OMCD show a range of staining patterns: from predominantly apical location, to predominantly cytoplasmic, to predominantly basolateral, depending on the acid-base status of the animal.426 The IC are interspersed between more numerous principal cells (PC, ∼1/3 of CCD cells) which mediate sodium, water, and most of potassium transport under normal conditions.427 Although PC have several acid-base transporters on the basolateral membrane: Na-H exchanger, Na+- independent Cl−/ HCO3− exchanger, and Na/HCO3− cotransporter,370,428,429 these cells are not likely involved in transepithelial acid-base transport under normal conditions. As in many cells, these transporters in PC probably function to regulate pHi. No apical membrane acid-base transporters have been shown in PC.370,429 Also, immunocytochemical and electron microscopy studies do not show H-ATPase, AE-1, pendrin, or significant H-KATPase.107,409–411,417 Therefore PC (and the analogous granular cells of the turtle bladder) are not normally involved in transepithelial acid-base transport.430 Therefore, different types of ICs mediate acid-base transport in the CCD, with separate processes of HCO3− reabsorption and HCO3− secretion, occurring in separate cell types. The specific transporters mediating these processes and the regulation are discussed later.

Outer Medullary Collecting Duct (OMCD) The OMCD differs from the CCD in that this segment only reabsorbs HCO3−; HCO3− secretion has not been found.390,393,431 For this reason, many studies have used this segment to better identify mechanisms of H+ secretion. OMCD HCO3− reabsorption is Na independent and coupled to basolateral Cl−/HCO3− exchange.431–433 In contrast to the CCD, HCO3− reabsorption is relatively insensitive to inhibition by carbonic anhydrase.431 ICs constitute 1/3 of the OMCD cells in the rat.403 In the rabbit, the outer most part, the “outer stripe” (OMCDos), has ICs, but the inner stripe portion (OMCDis) has predominantly cells that differ morphologically from both PCs and ICs and have been termed “inner stripe cells”.410,434 Although, only some OMCDis cells stain for apical H-ATPase and basolateral AE-1, all have at least some apical intramembranous rod-shaped particles associated with H-ATPase.107,410,412 The OMCDis does not reabsorb Na+, and has a lumen positive transepithelial voltage from H+ secretion. The H+ secreting ICs of the OMCD are similar in almost all respects to the type A ICs of the CCD described earlier and represented in Figure 7–10: apical or cytoplasmic H-ATPase, Na-independent H+ extrusion sensitive to NEM, basolateral AE-1, basolateral Cl−/HCO3− exchange, H-K-ATPase, and no peanut lectin binding.411,412,416,417,419,435–438 H-K-ATPase mediates significant HCO3− reabsorption in the OMCDis, particularly in potassium depleted rabbits.439–441 OMCDis intercalated cells also have an apical electroneutral EIPA-sensitive, DIDSinsensitive Na-HCO3− cotransporter (NBC3) that functions predominantly in intracellular pH homeostasis.442 As with many epithelial cells, these cells express basolateral Na-H

exchange, probably functioning to regulate intracellular pH rather than to participate in transepithelial acid-base transport.419 The electrophysiologic properties of both PCs and ICs have been characterized. ICs have a Cl− selective basolateral membrane, and virtually no measurable ionic conductance across the apical membrane.443 In contrast to the most segments of the distal nephron, the rabbit OMCDis has functional luminal carbonic anhydrase, indicated by the lack of an acid luminal disequilibrium pH.30 This may facilitate a higher rate of HCO3− reabsorption.

Inner Medullary Collecting Duct (IMCD) Morphologically and functionally, the IMCD has initial (first ∼1/3 of IMCD) and terminal segments, IMCDi and IMCDt respectively (see Chapter 1).444,445 The rat IMCDi contains ∼10% ICs; but in the rabbit, the cells of the IMCDi are more homogeneous and resemble the inner stripe cells discussed earlier.445 The IMCDt cells are homogeneous without ICs and are referred to as IMCD cells.410,445 The IC of the IMCD are similar to the IC of prior segments. Although the cells of the IMCDi have apical rod-shaped particles and membraneassociated CA, the IMCDt does not have these characteristics and yet secretes H+.410,445 Immunoreactivity for H-ATPase, AE1, and H-K-ATPase has usually been demonstrated in only IC of the IMCD, but may be present in lower density in other cells based on functional studies discussed later. The IMCD has been studied in the rat in vivo with micropuncture and micro-catheterization techniques.446,447 The IMCD has luminal acidification, sodium-independent HCO3− reabsorption, and an acid disequilibrium pH (at least during systemic bicarbonate infusion).56,448–455 Limited in vitro microperfusion studies of acid-base transport in the IMCD have been reported. Although, earlier studies found no luminal acidification in the rabbit IMCD,456 Wall and colleagues found low rates of H+ secretion and HCO3− reabsorption in the rat IMCD (both IMCDi and IMCDt) perfused in vitro.457,458 Similar to the OMCDis, the IMCDi has functional luminal CA; this is not found in IMCDt.31 However, there have been a relatively large number of cell culture and cell suspension studies of IMCD cells. These studies demonstrate both Na+-dependent and Na+independent H+ transport.446,459–467 H-ATPase clearly mediates H+ secretion in cultured IMCD cells.446,468 NEM-sensitive ATPase activity (ascribed to H-ATPase) is found in the IMCDi.469,470 However, as discussed later, H-K-ATPase also participates in H+ secretion as demonstrated by both cell culture and intact tubule studies.458,471 As discussed for other collecting duct cells, a basolateral Na-H exchanger functions in pHi regulation, not likely in transepithelial transport.460,472 Basolateral Cl−/HCO3− in the IMCD is likely mediated by AE1 and AE2.473–475 Basolateral Na-coupled HCO3− transport has also been found in IMCD cells.476 In sum, the IMCD clearly secretes acid and participates in the regulation of final acidification, but the exact cellular localization of many key acid-base transport proteins has not been well defined except in IC.

Cellular Mechanisms of H+ Secretion and HCO3- Reabsorption H+ ATPase

Primary H+ secretion as the mechanism of acid secretion in the distal nephron has been demonstrated by studies showing an acid luminal disequilibrium pH in the superficial distal tubule, in the cortical and outer medullary collecting tubules, and in papillary collecting tubules.22,30,32,56,396,453,477 An apical membrane H+-ATPase is thought to be responsible for most of the H+ secretion along the collecting duct,98,478 but H-KATPase discussed below likely contributes, particularly in certain conditions (see later discussion). This H+ ATPase is a member of the “vacuolar-type” H+ translocating ATPase that

H-K-ATPase H-K-ATPases also probably have a significant role in distal nephron acid secretion, especially with potassium deficiency.418,440,500,501 These were first identified as K-ATPase activity in distal tubules that is insensitive to sodium and ouabain, but sensitive to inhibitors of the gastric H,KATPase.502,503 Importantly, functional evidence for a role in H+ secretion was then found in perfused rabbit collecting ducts.440,504 Functionally, H+ secretion by H,K-ATPase has usually been identified by inhibition with K+ removal or by the use of inhibitors such as omeprazole or SCH28080 (Schering-Plough, Kenilworth, NJ).440 H-K-ATPases exchange H+ and K+ in an electroneutral manner. At least two isoforms of H-K-ATPase, gastric and colonic, are in the kidney; and strong evidence supports at

least one additional type of H-K-ATPase in the distal nephron. 263 These pumps are K-dependent ATPases of the E1,E2 class (P-type ATPase) Each have a unique α subunit (α1 for gastric and α2 for the colonic isoform) and a β subunit (a unique isoform for the gastric or the β subunit of Na-K-ATPase for the colonic pump).440,500,501,505–507 The human ortholog of the α2 gene is probably ATP1AL1, also known as α4.508,509 The CH 7 colonic α2 subunit has at least two molecular variants.382,510,511 The gastric isoform is sensitive to omeprazole and SCH28080, but not to ouabain; and the colonic isoform is sensitive to ouabain, but not SCH28080. Another isoform α3 has been found in toad bladder but not in mammals.512 At least three distinct types of H-K-ATPases have been determined in studies of the enzyme activities,500 but the correlation with transport studies is not totally clarified. The identity of a third isoform in mammals (in addition to gastric and colonic) has not been established. The isoforms of H-K-ATPase, which mediate acid-base and potassium transport in the collecting duct during various conditions has remained uncertain. Heterologous expression studies in Xenopus oocytes do not correspond well with functional studies in perfused kidney tubules. For instance, colonic H-K-ATPase expressed in oocytes is sensitive to ouabain, but not to SCH28080; however, in the distal tubule, studies have identified acid secretion sensitive to SCH28080, simultaneous with up-regulation of colonic H-K-ATPase, and down-regulation of gastric H-K-ATPase.500 Studies are on-going to identify additional isoforms, particularly ones up-regulated with potassium deficiency.513–515 Although animals with knockouts for either gastric or colonic H+-K+-ATPase have normal acid-base status,516,517 compensatory adaptations may occur. New evidence for a novel form of H-K-ATPase comes from mice with no gastric isoform; CCD from these animals during potassium depletion have a ouabain and SCH28080 insensitive, K+ dependent H+ secretion.515 Potassium deficiency stimulates omeprazole and SCH28080 sensitive HCO3− absorption and colonic H-K-ATPase mRNA, particularly in the medullary collecting duct.358,439,518–524 Gastric H-K-ATPase may be stimulated in the CCD with potassium depletion. Metabolic acidosis also stimulates H-K-ATPase activity.520,525 In the OMCDis, 35% to 70% of HCO3− reabsorption is via H-K-ATPase under normal conditions,441,518 but increased HCO3− reabsorption in response to metabolic acidosis is from increased H-ATPase.398,441,519 The acute response to respiratory acidosis may be H,K-ATPase, at least in the CCD.526 The role of H-K-ATPase in bicarbonate secretion is not clear; although there is functional and mRNA expression data suggesting a role,363,527 H-K-ATPase in the type B IC is at the apical membrane.381,528,529 A role in sodium transport has been proposed because sodium can substitute for potassium to accomplish sodium absorption and low Na diets up-regulate H-K-ATPase activity.530–532 NH4+ may also substitute for H+ and then H-K-ATPase secrete NH4+.533–535 The cellular distribution of H-K-ATPase in the distal nephron is complex, with differences found with various species, with technique (e.g., immunocytochemistry versus in situ hybridization studies), and even with different antibodies.381,382,418,536 Both colonic and gastric isoforms are clearly located in ICs, but may also be present in certain principal cells (connecting segment cells) and even in some aspects of the TAL and macula densa.381,382,536 As mentioned earlier, colonic type H-K-ATPase and H-K-ATPase activity has been found on the apical membrane of type B IC; the function there is uncertain.382,418,520,537

Renal Acidification

acidifies many intracellular organelles such as lysosomes, clathrin-coated vesicles, endosomes, Golgi-derived vesicles, endoplasmic reticulum, and chromaffin granules.97,98,479 The H-ATPase is related by sequence and structure to the F1F0 HATPases, which includes mitochondrial ATP synthetase.100,480 The vacuolar H-ATPases contain 8–10 subunits with a total molecular weight of 500 kD to 700 kD. This class of H-ATPases is inhibited by NEM, 7-chloro-4-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1, 3-diazole (NBD-Cl), DCCD, omeprazole, and bafilomycin, but resistant to vanadate, azide, and oligomycin.106,480 The initial evidence for H-ATPase mediating urine acidification derived from turtle bladder experiments.354,481,482 The evidence that H-ATPase mediates urine acidification is considerable. First, the physiology of distal tubule H+ secretion correlates well with an electrogenic, sodium-independent ATP-requiring process.356,396,433 Second, antibodies against HATPase stain the apical plasma membranes of ICs.107,404,406 Third, OMCDis have H+ secretion that is sensitive to luminal NEM.437 Also purified H-ATPase forms arrays of stud-like structures in liposomes that are identical to structures found in apical membranes of H+ secreting cells.483 And, finally as described in other chapters, mutations in subunits of HATPase cause distal renal tubular acidosis.484,485 Regulation of H+ ATPase occurs predominantly via recycling between the apical membrane and subapical vesicles, reviewed in Ref. 98. Insertion occurs in response to intracellular acidification or increased pCO2; these cause an increase in cell calcium that may be crucial.413,468,486,487 This process is also microtubule/microfilament dependent and similar to mechanisms of neurosecretory exocytosis, involving SNARE and SNAP proteins.487,488 H+ATPase is electrogenic and therefore influenced by the effects of electrogenic Na+ reabsorption in Na+ transporting segments. (Parallel anion channels are present to shunt current in intracellular organelles, but not in most distal nephron H+ secreting cells; the superficial distal tubule may be an exception.489) An additional mechanism of regulation may be regulated assembly and disassembly of the H-ATPase subunits.490,491 Also, cytosolic regulatory proteins of H+-ATPase have been identified, although the role remains uncertain.492,493 An intriguing possible aspect of regulation is interaction with several glycolytic enzymes.494,495 Transcriptional and translational regulation appears to be a less important mechanism of regulation, although the 31 kD subunit increases in IC with acidosis.426,496 NEM sensitive ATPase increases with acidosis, but the mechanism is not clarified.469,497 Basolateral H+-ATPase likely mediates HCO3− secretion from type B IC; see later discussion. The distal tubule H+ATPase shares most subunits with the proximal tubule H+ATPase, except that the 56 kD subunit in the distal nephron is the B1 or “kidney isoform” and that in the proximal tubule is a distinct B2 subunit or “brain isoform”.498 Other subunits also differ.499

Basolateral Chloride-Bicarbonate Exchange

The basolateral HCO3− transport step in the H+ secreting cells of the distal nephron is Cl−/HCO3− exchange. Inhibition of

− − 264 basolateral Cl /HCO3 exchange inhibits acid secretion and − HCO3 reabsorption in the collecting duct.431,432,455 Studies of pHi in IC of rabbit are also consistent with basolateral Na-independent Cl−/HCO3− exchange.414,416,419,438 Conductive pathways or significant sodium-coupled pathways for HCO3− transport are not present in most distal tubule H+ secreting CH 7 cells.419,438,474 In the rat IMCDi, a basolateral HCO3− conductance has been found, without a basolateral Cl− channel.538 This Cl−/HCO3− exchanger is a kidney form of AE1, also known as band 3 protein, the red blood cell exchanger involved in CO2 transport. Although a single gene encodes both the red cell and the kidney AE1, an alternate start site leads to an mRNA in the kidney, which has exons 1 through 3 deleted.326,539,540 Therefore, the kidney AE 1 protein has a truncated N-terminus. The truncated part of the cytoplasmic domain is not directly involved in Cl−/HCO3− exchange.541,542 Antibodies to AE1 stain the basolateral membranes of H+ secreting mitochondria rich cells of the turtle bladder and type A ICs of rat, rabbit, and human collecting ducts.404,405,411,542,543 AE1 (both renal and red blood cell forms) exchanges one chloride for one bicarbonate ion in an electroneutral fashion. The interstitium-to-cell chloride concentration gradient will therefore drive HCO3− extrusion from the cell. The driving force for basolateral Cl−/HCO3− exchange is the interstitium-to-cell Cl− concentration gradient because most studies of pHi in the collecting tubule suggest that the intracellular HCO3− is close to or below plasma HCO3−.414,416,419,438 Cell Cl− will be low due to basolateral Cl− channels and the cell negative voltage. The basolateral membranes of H+ secreting cells are predominantly Cl− conductive.443,544–547 At least one study has reported that the Km for Cl− in the OMCDis is in a range such that physiologic changes in extracellular [Cl−] could alter H+ secretion.438 In contrast, another study suggests that the exchanger is always saturated with Cl−.419 Basolateral AE1 in the collecting duct does adapt to acid-base conditions.548,549 AE2 is also on the basolateral membrane of collecting duct cells, particularly in the inner medulla.325,473,550,551 AE4 discussed later may also mediate some of basolateral HCO3− extrusion.552 SLC26A7 may also be another mechanism of basolateral Cl−/HCO3− exchange in the OMCD.553,554

expression and distribution appears to be regulated as expected for a HCO3− secretory process, increasing with alkali loads and mineralocorticoids and decreasing with acid loads.408,565–568 Pendrin expression appears to respond particularly to chloride balance and may participate in blood pressure regulation.568–571 A novel anion exchanger AE4 has been proposed to account for apical Cl−/HCO3− exchange, at least in the rabbit.572 However, recent studies have shown characteristics of AE4 that do not seem compatible with a general role in CCD HCO3− secretion: DIDS sensitive, basolateral membrane distribution in type A IC in rats, and lack of change with acid-base perturbations.552 In rabbits, AE4 is present on the apical membranes of type B IC. Although an electroneutral apical Cl−/HCO3− exchanger clearly mediates mammalian HCO3− secretion, the situation is more complex in the turtle bladder, involving both electroneutral Cl−/HCO3− exchange and a separate electrogenic component during stimulation with alkaline loads, cAMP, or vasoactive intestinal peptide.573–576 This process has not been demonstrated in mammalian distal tubules.

Basolateral H+ Extrusion

Cellular Mechanisms of HCO3- Secretion

HCO3− secretion in the CCD is active and acetazolamide sensitive.389 The active driving force for HCO3− secretion is basolateral H extrusion and most evidence supports predominantly H-ATPase. Again, key findings were first identified in turtle bladder.577,578 HCO3− secretion is insensitive to ouabain, peritubular amiloride, and removal of sodium.389,395,411 (One study did show a decrease in HCO3− secretion with removal of sodium.389) In the rat, H-ATPase antibodies stain the basolateral membrane of a portion of the IC in the CCD.107,404,406,426 In rabbit CCD however, diffuse cytoplasmic staining, rather than basolateral staining, for H-ATPase, is seen in most lectin positive cells (type B ICs).412 However, H-ATPase is clearly seen in the basolateral membrane of some IC.579 Rod-shaped particles associated with H-ATPase are present in both membranes of rabbit CCD ICs and in the basolateral membrane of some rat ICs.407,410 Although Na-H exchange is present on the basolateral membranes of type B ICs, no evidence supports a role in HCO3− secretion.370 There also appears to be a basolateral Na dependent Cl−/HCO3− exchange mechanism in type B IC.580 The possible role of H-K-ATPase is discussed earlier.

Apical Chloride-Bicarbonate Exchange

Other Transporters

HCO3− secretion from the type B IC occurs via an electroneutral, DIDS insensitive Cl−/HCO3− exchange process now thought to be pendrin (discussed later). The transport properties were demonstrated by transepithelial flux studies and directly demonstrated by studies of pHi in rabbit ICs.370,389,394,395,414,416,420,555 The exchanger also mediates Cl− selfexchange (at a rate greater than Cl−/HCO3− exchange) and is activated by cAMP.364,394,420,556–558 The relative DIDS resistance in vivo is an unusual feature of HCO3− transporters that is not shared by many transporters in heterologous expression systems. The apical Cl−/HCO3− exchanger in type B ICs is not likely the same protein as the basolateral Cl−HCO3− exchanger in type A IC. In addition to functional differences, the apical membranes of type B IC do not stain with antibodies to AE1, in contrast to the basolateral membranes of type A IC.404,405,411,543 However, some investigators have suggested that AE1 could be responsible, just exhibiting different properties in the type B IC.559–563 Pendrin (SLC26A4), the gene product previously cloned as responsible for Pendred Syndrome, an autosomal recessive deafness and goiter, localizes to the apical membrane of HCO3− secreting type B IC and non-A, non-B IC. (Pendrin was originally identified as an iodine transporter.) CCD from mice deficit in pendrin do not secrete HCO3−.362,408,564 Pendrin

Basolateral Cl− channels are present in both type A and type B ICs. In type A IC, Cl− channels presumably recycle Cl− across the basolateral membrane, extruding Cl−, which enters the cells on the basolateral Cl−/HCO3− exchanger. A predominant basolateral Cl− conductance has been clearly demonstrated by electrophysiologic techniques in some H+ secreting cell types.443,544,545 The apical membranes of H+ secreting cells from intact tubules do not appear to possess functional Cl− channels, despite the usual association of vacuolar H-ATPase with Cl− channels.443,544,545 In contrast some cultured collecting duct cells do have apical Cl− channels.581 The chloride channel ClC-5 has been found to colocalize with H-ATPase in type A ICs, but its function there is unknown.582 ClC-5, which also is located in the proximal tubule, may function in endocytosis rather than in transepithelial transport.582 Cl− channels are also present in the basolateral membranes of type B ICs.547 cAMP appears to activate basolateral Cl− channels in type B ICs in conjunction with acceleration of apical Cl−/HCO3− exchange.556,558 Also, low concentrations of intracellular HCO3− activate these channels.7,557,583 Recently, the chloride channel ClC-3 has been localized to type B ICs.584 A basolateral Na-H exchanger (NHE-1) is present in most cells of the distal nephron.370,437 This basolateral NHE-1 prob-

Regulation of Distal Nephron Acid-Base Transport Acid-Base Balance and pH The distal nephron usually responds appropriately to systemic acid-base changes (e.g., increasing HCO3− reabsorption and H+ secretion with acidosis). However, a number of factors also regulate distal nephron acid-base transport. Acute or chronic acidosis stimulate distal nephron acidbase transport in several distal segments (reviewed extensively in Refs. 4, 386, 397, 589). In vivo, systemic acid-base changes alter U-B pCO2 (an index of distal nephron H secretion,56,590,591 HCO3− transport in the superficial distal tubule,380,384,399 and inner medullary H+ secretion.452 In vitro, acutely lowering basolateral pH by either lowering peritubular HCO3− or raising pCO2 increases collecting duct luminal acidification and bicarbonate reabsorption.592–594 Acute reductions in peritubular HCO3− will stimulate basolateral Cl−/ HCO3− exchange, and the reduction in intracellular pH will stimulate insertion of H+ ATPase into the apical membrane from subapical vesicles.486,549 As discussed earlier, this insertion process is calcium and microtubule/microfilament dependent, similar to mechanisms of neurosecretory exocytosis.488,593,595 A similar process may occur for basolateral AE1.549 Some, but not all, studies demonstrate that increased peritubular pCO2 increases HCO3− reabsorption in the OMCDos and OMCDis.592,593 Acute changes in peritubular Cl− will also alter HCO3− transport due to effects on the basolateral Cl−/HCO3− exchanger in type A IC; peritubular Cl− will also alter transport in type B IC.370,371,596 With low luminal Cl−, the HCO3− secretory process will be inhibited. This may be relevant to the maintenance and recovery from metabolic alkalosis. Luminal pH also acutely alters H+ secretion. Decreasing luminal pH will inhibit the H-ATPase due to increased lumen to cell H+ gradient.597 However, luminal pH has minimal effects on cell pH or passive fluxes of HCO3− or H+, because the distal nephron has low apical membrane and paracellular permeabilities.371,374,438,474,592 However, luminal HCO3− and pH do influence the pH of type B ICs based on the apical Cl−/HCO3− exchanger.371 Chronic changes in acid-base balance in vivo induce more persistent adaptations in the distal nephron. With acid loading in vivo, HCO3− secretion decreases and the type B IC undergo morphologic and functional changes.30,359,368,389,400,414,598 Similar persistent changes in transport are seen in superficial distal tubules and IMCD.361,383,457 Some of these effects can occur rapidly with in vivo treatment.391 In segments such as the distal tubule and the CCD that can reabsorb or secrete HCO3−, changes in HCO3− secretion appear to be predominant over changes in HCO3− reabsorption,365,368,399 although some data in the rat CCD show significant changes in both processes.391 In the CCD, interconversion between type B and type A intercalated cells has been proposed as a major mechanism of adaptation.414,563 In further studies, Schwartz, Al-Awqati, and colleagues have demonstrated possible reversal of polarity of Cl−/HCO3− exchange. Although this was initially

shown only in cultured cells,559,561,599 more recent studies in 265 freshly isolated CCD demonstrate similar findings. With acid media incubation, some type B IC not only lost apical Cl−/ HCO3− exchange, but acquired basolateral Cl−/HCO3− exchange, an effect mediated in part by the extracellular protein hensin.400,424,563,600,601 In fact, recent studies suggest that cyclosporine may cause distal renal tubular acidosis by intefering CH 7 with hensin’s function.602 However, total interconversion of cell type remains controversial. Immunocytochemical studies do show changes in the distributions of intercalated cells with particular patterns of staining for H+-ATPase with acid or alkali loads.426 Respiratory acidosis induces distinct changes in type A cells but no clear evidence of interconversion of cell types.402 The presence of numerous “atypical” cells in the CCD, discussed earlier, which are neither classic type A IC or classic type B IC, raises the issue of whether there are “hybrid cells,” which can modulate transport phenotype within some spectrum. Regulation of H+-ATPase at the mRNA level is not thought to be a major mechanism of the response to acidosis,426 but there is some evidence of increases in at least the 31 kD subunit of H+-ATPase in acidosis.496 With acidosis, AE1 mRNA and protein increase.548,603 Regulation of pendrin expression and localization may mediate changes in HCO3− secretion.565,566 The “signal” for these adaptive changes might not be pH per se because systemic pH is not necessarily changed; endothelin discussed later has been proposed to be such a signal.226 Renal cortical acid content may be altered even when systemic pH is normal.604 Acid loads in the form of protein induce distal tubule transport adaptations without major changes in systemic pH.361,375,605

Renal Acidification

ably regulates intracellular pH and volume, but not transepithelial acid-base transport. Electroneutral NBC-3 (or NBCn1) is present in the apical membrane of type A IC and OMCD cells, and in the basolateral membranes of type B IC and IMCD cells.585–587 Little, if any, function in transepithelial acid-base transport is known.139,442 Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is also located in the collecting duct and could regulate other transporters, but its function in the collecting duct is unknown.588

Sodium delivery, Transepithelial Voltage, Angiotensin, and Mineralocorticoids Classic studies demonstrated that sodium delivery and the accompanying anion have marked influences on distal nephron acidification.606–608 Increasing sodium delivery, especially with non-reabsorbable anions, increases H+ secretion, particularly with volume depletion or increased mineralocorticoids.607 Because almost all of the mechanisms of H+ secretion in the distal nephron are Na+ independent, an indirect mechanism must be invoked: electrogenic H+ secretion responding to transepithelial voltage.356,609 Increasing sodium delivery, poorly reabsorbable anions (anions other than chloride), and mineralocorticoids will increase the lumen negative transepithelial voltage and secondarily H+ secretion. This electrogenic response has been shown directly in CCD and OMCDis.396,433,610 Chloride concentration gradients may also alter H+ secretion by altering transepithelial voltage.596,610 Changes in luminal Cl− and peritubular Cl− will alter HCO3− reabsorption and secretion by effects on the apical and basolateral Cl−/HCO3− transporters; low luminal Cl− will limit HCO3− secretion in the collecting duct.387,395,596 Cl− delivery in vivo will be important because the Km for luminal Cl−/HCO3− exchange in B IC is approximately 5 mM to 10 mM.558 Luminal flow rate and HCO3− delivery also influence HCO3− transport in the rat superficial distal tubule.372,374,383 Mineralocorticoids are important determinants of net acid excretion.611,612 In addition to the indirect voltage effects described earlier, mineralocorticoids directly stimulate H+ATPase.396,433 This effect is directly seen in the OMCDis, which has no sodium reabsorption.433 A rapid nongenomic stimulation of H+ATPase has recently been reported in OMCD.613 Mineralocorticoids also stimulate IMCD H+ secretion.614 In contrast to the effects on H+ secretion, mineralocorticoids also stimulate bicarbonate secretion by type B IC, an effect that may be secondary to metabolic alkalosis.360,365,615 Angiotensin II has been reported to have a variety of direct effects on distal nephron acid-base transport.616 Angiotensin II increases HCO3− reabsorption in the superficial distal

617,618 However, it increases HCO3− secretion in the CCD 266 tubule. and decreases HCO3− reabsorption in the OMCD.619,620


Hypokalemia or potassium depletion increases HCO3− reabsorption in the superficial distal tubule.372,373 Similar findings 621 CH 7 have been made in the collecting duct. These findings parallel the increased ammonium production and enhanced proximal tubule HCO3− reabsorption with potassium depletion. Increased membrane insertion of H-ATPase in K depletion is a possible mechanism of the distal effects because an increased number of rod-shaped particles is found in ICs.622 However, stimulation of distal nephron H-K-ATPase activity is likely very important as discussed previously.439,500,502,623 Increased H-K-ATPase will cause both increased potassium reabsorption and increased H+ secretion. As reviewed, the mRNA of the colonic isoform of H-K-ATPase increases with potassium depletion, but the functional activity is sensitive to SCH28080, which should not affect the colonic isoform.500,523,524,624 Another, so far unidentified, H-K-ATPase isoform may be induced by hypokalemia.500,515 Alternatively, the properties of existing isoforms may be altered in potassium depletion.

Endothelin Endothelin may be particularly important in the distal nephron, just as in the proximal tubule.625 Endothelin-1 levels in the renal interstitium increase with acidosis and stimulate superficial distal tubule H+ secretion via the ETB receptor.226,626 Endothelin-1 is released from microvascular endothelia cells.626 The increased HCO3− reabsorption may be due to increased Na-H exchange and decreased HCO3− secretion.380,626 Recent in vitro studies indicate that the ETB receptor regulates the adaptation of the cortical collecting duct to metabolic acidosis, and that the NO-guanylate cyclase component of ETB receptor signaling mediates down-regulation of HCO3− secretion.627

to historical concepts, physiologically NH3 is not an effective buffer because most is already protonated as NH4+. The manner in which NH4+ excretion in the urine represents acid excretion depends on the metabolism of glutamine. Complete deamidation of glutamine yields two NH4+ ions, and complete metabolism of the carbon skeleton of glutamine yields two HCO3−. (The carbon skeleton can alternatively be converted to glucose, as indicated in Figure 7–14, which is ultimately metabolized elsewhere to HCO3−.) Therefore, glutamine metabolism produces both NH4+, which is excreted into the urine and HCO3−, which is returned to the blood.3 Because the excretion of NH4+ is linked quantitatively to the production of HCO3− conceptually (just as urinary H+ excretion as titratable acid is linked to production of HCO3−), excretion of NH4+ represents acid excretion. NH4+ that is not excreted in the urine will be metabolized in the liver to produce urea, a process consuming HCO3−, with no overall effect on acid-base balance. Therefore, only the NH4+ excreted into the urine is linked to the production of HCO3− and is the equivalent of acid excretion. NH4+ production results predominantly from the metabolism of glutamine (see Fig. 7–14).4,633,634 Although all nephron segments appear to be capable of producing NH4+, the proximal tubule is quantitatively the most important and also the segment where there is adaptation to acidosis, in terms of both NH4+ production and key ammoniagenesis enzymes.635–638 Many of the steps of NH4+ production and secretion into the urine are regulated by acid-base and potassium balance, as discussed later.

Ammoniagenesis Ammoniagenesis and the response to acidosis have been extensively reviewed,634,634,639 and will only be briefly

Other Hormones A variety of other hormones also modulate distal nephron acid-base transport, but the physiologic significance is not as certain. PTH stimulates distal nephron acidification,259,261,449,628 and PTH increases with acidosis.261 A significant part of the effect of PTH may be from increased distal delivery of phosphate.628 Vasopressin also increases distal nephron acidification.352,617,629 In contrast, angiotensin II increases CCD HCO3− secretion619 but increases HCO3− reabsorption in rat distal tubule.617 Prostaglandin E2 inhibits and indomethacin stimulates HCO3− reabsorption in the OMCDis to some extent.630 Prostacyclin (PGI2) increases rat distal tubule HCO3− secretion and alkali loads increase urinary metabolites of PGI2.631 Isoproterenol increases HCO3− secretion in the CCD via a cAMP-dependent mechanism.394 In contrast, HCO3− reabsorption increase in response to isoproterenol in the rat distal tubule617 and cAMP in the rabbit OMCDis.630 Glucagon stimulates HCO3− secretion in the rat superficial distal tubule in vivo.632

AMMONIUM EXCRETION Urinary excretion of ammonium (NH4+) accounts for approximately two thirds of net acid excretion usually, but can represent an even larger proportion of net acid excretion with acid loads. Production of NH4+ occurs predominantly from the metabolism of glutamine in the proximal tubule. NH4+ is a weak acid with a pKa of approximately 9.0: NH4+ → NH3 + H+ At physiologic pH, most of total ammonia (NH4+ and NH3) is in the form of NH4+. Based on this pKa, at pH 7 the ratio of NH4+ to NH3 is approximately 100 : 1. Therefore in contrast

Gln Gln


NH3 H+

NH3 NH4 Na




HCO3 Malate

Na H




HCO3 Glucose

FIGURE 7–14 Major pathway of ammoniagenesis in the proximal tubule (with a cartoon of one large mitochondria). Gln, glutamine; glu, glutamate; αKG, alpha-ketoglutarate; GA, glutaminase I; GDH, glutamate dehydrogenase; PEPCK, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase; PEP, phosphoenolpyruvate; TCA, tricarboxylic acid cycle enzymes; OAA, oxaloacetate. (Adapted from Curthoys NP, Gstraunthaler G: Mechanism of increased renal gene expression during metabolic acidosis. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 281:F381–F390, 2001.)

NH4+ and NH3 Transport Total ammonia transport has often been considered to occur by free lipophilic diffusion of NH3 across all cell membranes and trapping of NH4+ in the acidic tubular lumen. This simple concept has gradually been replaced over the past several years with information that NH4+ transport occurs on a variety of membrane transporters and that NH3 diffusion does not occur across all tubule segments with equally high permeability.659–663 Although permeabilities to NH3 are high, particularly in the proximal tubule, NH3 concentrations are not in equilibrium,659,664–667 as expected for CO2. As discussed earlier, total ammonia is produced predominantly in the proximal tubule and NH4+ produced there is preferentially secreted into the tubule lumen. However, a

substantial portion of NH4+ produced in the kidneys exits via 267 the renal veins, instead of being excreted into the urine.668 Secretion of ammonia in the proximal tubule occurs by both NH3 diffusion and by NH4+ transport on the apical Na-H exchanger.93,94 NH4+ transport on the Na-H exchanger was first demonstrated in membrane vesicles, but later also demonstrated to occur in intact mouse proximal tubules in vitro.93,94 CH 7 However, studies using rat proximal tubules in vivo demonstrated that total ammonia transport probably occurs nearly equally by NH3 diffusion and NH4+ movement on the Na-H exchanger.669–671 (Experimentally, NH4+ transport is difficult to separate from parallel NH3 and H+ transport.) NH3 diffusion is facilitated by a low luminal pH created by H+ secretion; this keeps the luminal NH3 concentration low. And NH4+ secretion will be accelerated by stimuli that increase Na-H exchanger activity. Therefore, both NH3 transport and NH4+ transport on the Na-H exchanger will be accelerated by increased activity of the Na-H exchanger. NH4+ transport in the proximal tubule may also occur via a barium-sensitive K+ pathway.672 NH4+ may substitute for K+ on the basolateral NaK-ATPase673,674 and there may also be a basolateral K+/NH4+ exchanger.675 Angiotensin II and increasing luminal flow rate stimulate NH4+ production and secretion into the proximal tubule lumen.654,676 In normal conditions, total ammonia is secreted by the early proximal tubule and is reabsorbed to some extent late in the proximal tubule; with chronic acidosis, ammonia secretion also occurs in the late proximal tubule, stimulated by angiotensin II.665,677 More than 20% of ammonia produced in the proximal tubule is released across the basolateral membrane and reaches the renal venous blood.634,665 Although NH4+ is produced and secreted in the proximal tubule, much of the NH4+ does not simply traverse down the tubule lumen. Total ammonia delivered to the loop of Henle is higher than that at the end of the superficial proximal tubule, but is considerably less at the beginning of the superficial distal tubule. Therefore, total ammonia is lost or reabsorbed in the ascending loop of Henle and/or thick ascending limb.163,666,678,679 Ammonia may be secreted into the descending limb of Henle (and perhaps late proximal straight tubule) but is then reabsorbed in the thick ascending limb.306 The total ammonia lost in the loop of Henle, however, is eventually secreted into the collecting duct for excretion into the urine. The reabsorption and concentration of total ammonia by the loop of Henle and thick ascending limb indicates recycling and countercurrent concentration for total ammonia, creating high concentrations in the deep medulla.660 Total ammonia concentrations in the renal interstitium increase from the outer medullary region to higher concentrations in the deep papilla as illustrated in Figure 7–15. This creates a concentration driving force for secretion into the late collecting duct. NH3 concentrations in the loop of Henle will be increased by the high luminal pH values (see earlier discussion of medullary concentration of HCO3− in the loop as water is extracted); and NH3 concentrations in the collecting duct will be decreased by H+ secretion. NH4+ reabsorption in the thick ascending limb is the driving force for medullary concentration of total ammonia. NH4+ is absorbed despite the simultaneous reabsorption of HCO3−; therefore NH4+ transport in the TAL occurs in a direction opposite to that expected for non-ionic diffusion of NH3 and “trapping” of NH4+.306 In fact, non-ionic diffusion of NH3 is limited in the TAL because of an apical membrane that has a low permeability to NH3.661,680 (Initially the low NH3 permeability, relative to NH4+ entry in TAL, was interpreted as an impermeable apical membrane661; later analysis has suggested that the NH3 permeability is only relatively low compared to NH4+ entry, probably due to a small surface area compared to the basolateral membrane.681–683) NH4+ is transported from the lumen of the thick ascending limb by several mechanisms: substitution for K+ on both the

Renal Acidification

described (see Fig. 7–14). Ammoniagenesis is increased by both acute and chronic acidosis.633 Several enzymes involved in ammoniagenesis appear to be most important in this regulation: glutaminase I, glutamate dehydrogenase, and PEPCK. However, multiple steps are involved. Release of glutamine from muscles and glutamine uptake into proximal tubule cells from both the luminal fluid and from the basolateral aspect of the cells is stimulated by acidosis.640,641 Uptake of glutamine from the cytoplasm into mitochondria then occurs via a specific transporter that is stimulated by acidosis.642 Mitochondrial glutaminase I (also called phosphatedependent glutaminase) then initiates the most important pathway of ammoniagenesis. Glutaminase is present in other nephron segments, but in these locations is not regulated by acid-base balance nor is quantitatively as significant.637 Glutaminase I deamidates glutamine to yield glutamate and one NH4+. When ammoniagenesis is stimulated, an additional NH4+ results from the oxidative deamination of glutamate (also yielding alpha ketoglutarate) by glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) in the mitochodria. Glutaminase I and GDH are both up-regulated by acid loads, predominantly by an increase in mRNA stability of these enzymes.643–646 With glutaminase, the increase in mRNA stability may result from a pH responsive binding of zeta-crystallin/NADPH : quinone reductase to an eight-base AU sequence in the 3′-untranslated region of the mRNA. Metabolism of alpha-ketoglutarate by alphaketoglutarate dehydrogenase and Krebs cycle enzymes results in malate, which is then transported from the mitochondria to the cytoplasm. Alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase is also stimulated by acidosis. Malate is converted to oxaloacetate and finally to phosphoenolpyruvate by phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK). PEPCK, in addition to glutaminase and GDH, is also importantly regulated by acid-base homeostasis. PEPCK is induced by mRNA transcription.639 Increased transcription of PEPCK occurs via an acidosis induced phosphorylation of p38 MAPK and activating transcription factor2 (ATF-2) acting via the cAMP-response element-1 site of the PEPCK promoter.647 The phosphoenolpyruvate can be metabolized to either produce glucose or further metabolized to yield HCO3−. NH4+ can be produced by other metabolic pathways (such as gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase) but these are thought to be less important.634 Chronic hypokalemia, probably via an intracellular acidosis, also stimulates ammoniagenesis.205,648,649 In contrast, hyperkalemia reduces both ammoniagenesis and NH4+ transport in the TAL and consequent transfer into the collecting duct.634,650–652 Angiotensin II increases ammoniagenesis and transport of ammonia from the proximal tubule cell into the lumen.653,654 Other hormones such as insulin, PTH, dopamine, and alpha adrenergic agonists also increase ammoniagenesis.633,655 As discussed earlier, glucocorticoids increase with acidosis, and in turn glucocorticoids also stimulate ammoniagenesis.239,656,657 Prostaglandins inhibit ammoniagenesis.658





CH 7




NH3 NH4 100% H



75-120% H NH3

59% Increasing Interstitial Ammonia

Na H NH3



FIGURE 7–15 Overall scheme of ammonia transport along the nephron. Numbers (%) refer to percentage of delivery to each site compared to final urine; data from 2, 163, 665, 666, 678, 679. These numbers are shown to illustrate the large addition of ammonia in the proximal tubule, the high concentrations in the loop of Henle, and the loss of ammonia before the distal tubule. (Adapted from Hamm LL, Alpern RJ: Cellular mechanisms of renal tubular acidification. In Seldin DW, Giebisch G (eds): The Kidney: Physiology and Pathophysiology. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000, pp 1935–1979.)

NH3 Medullary accumulation




Na-K-2Cl transporter (also known as BSC1 or NKCC2) and the apical membrane K+ channel.680,684 The Na-K-2Cl transporter in the TAL is enhanced in metabolic acidosis and by the increase in glucocorticoids that occurs with acidosis.685,686 In addition, there is a separate NH4+ conductance (amiloride sensitive) and an electroneutral K+/NH4+ (or H+) exchanger (verapamil and barium sensitive).315,675,687,688 NH4+ can also be transported on Na-H exchangers and Na-K-ATPase as discussed earlier. Also some NH4+ may be driven through the paracellular pathway by the lumen positive voltage; this has been estimated to account for some 35% of TAL NH4+ transport.684,689 Consistent with the physiologic importance of the TAL for NH4+ transport, NH4+ transport in the TAL is increased by acidosis and decreased by increasing potassium concentration.332,650,684 However, NH4+ and HCO3− reabsorption are also increased with metabolic alkalosis induced by NaHCO3 loading (a response inappropriate for correction of the alkalosis), probably secondary to the increased delivery of NaCl to this segment in vivo.332 Ammonia secretion along the collecting duct is critical for urinary excretion. Total ammonia secretion in the collecting duct occurs in large part by non-ionic diffusion of NH3, driven by the concentration gradient for NH3, which is maintained by high medullary interstitial concentrations of NH3.33,457,679,690 As discussed earlier, NH3 concentrations increase deeper in the medulla. This secretion is abetted by H+ secretion and an acid luminal disequilibrium pH in most segments of the collecting duct615,659; without H+ secretion, collecting duct luminal pH and NH3 concentrations would rise concurrently as NH3 entered. Although non-ionic diffusion of NH3 has been presumed (with some experimental verification) to account for much of total ammonia transport in the collecting duct, recent evidence suggests that facilitated transport, perhaps via Rh proteins discussed later, may account for a significant portion of this transport across both apical and basolateral membranes.691,692

In the collecting duct, total ammonia may be transported across the basolateral membrane by NH4+ substitution for potassium on the Na-K-ATPase.693–695 NH4+ may serve as a proton source for acid secretion.696 There is competition between K+ and NH4+, so that NH4+ uptake increases with lower interstitial K+ concentrations.697 NH4+ transport across the apical membrane may occur on H-K-ATPase, by substitution for potassium, particularly in states of potassium deficiency.533–535 Recent studies have shown that NH3 can be transported by water channels (AQP1),698,699 but the physiologic importance of this has not been established. Although, NH4+ can be transported on the Na-K-2Cl co-transporter (BSC2) in the inner medullary collecting duct and is upregulated by acidosis, this transporter does not greatly alter acid-base transport.700–703 An NH4+/K+ exchanger that is sensitive to verapamil and SCH28080 has also been described in cultured inner medullary collecting duct cells.704 Recently, two new described membrane proteins belonging to the erythrocyte Rh family have been proposed to be involved in NH3 and/or NH4+ transport (for a review see Refs. 663, 705). In the kidney, RhCG and RhBG are respectively expressed in the apical and basolateral membranes of the intercalated cells of the distal nephron including the connecting tubule and the cortical and medullary collecting ducts.706,711 However, localization in CCD principal cells is also found and RhCG is also found on the basolateral membranes depending on species.712–714 Metabolic acidosis causes increased RhCG protein and redistribution within cells, whereas no changes in RhBG are found.713,714 Several studies indicate that these membrane proteins act as carriers of NH4+ transport. RhCG and RhBG were reported to be electroneutral NH4+-H+ exchangers.715,716 Other studies proposed that RhCG actually transports NH3717 and possibly CO2.718 When expressed in oocytes, Rhbg was reported to be an electrogenic NH4+ transporter.719 Based on recently resolved crystallographic structure of bacterial Amt-B (a related protein), Rh glycoproteins

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689. Garvin JL, Burg MB, Knepper MA: Active NH4+ absorption by the thick ascending limb. Am J Physiol 255:F57–F65, 1988. 690. Sajo IM, Goldstein MB, Sonnenberg H, et al: Sites of ammonia addition to tubular fluid in rats with chronic metabolic acidosis. Kidney Int 20:353–358, 1981. 691. Handlogten ME, Hong SP, Westhoff CM, Weiner ID: Basolateral ammonium transport by the mouse inner medullary collecting duct cell (mIMCD-3). Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 287:F628–F638, 2004. 692. Handlogten ME, Hong SP, Westhoff CM, Weiner ID: Apical ammonia transport by the mouse inner medullary collecting duct cell (mIMCD-3). Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 289:F347–F358, 2005. 693. Wall SM, Koger LM: NH+4 transport mediated by Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase in rat inner medullary collecting duct. Am J Physiol 267:F660–F670, 1994. 694. Wall SM: Ouabain reduces net acid secretion and increases pHi by inhibiting NH4+ uptake on rat tIMCD Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase. Am J Physiol 273:F857–F868, 1997. 695. Wall SM, Davis BS, Hassell KA, et al: In rat tIMCD, NH4+ uptake by Na+-K+-ATPase is critical to net acid secretion during chronic hypokalemia. Am J Physiol 277:F866– F874, 1999. 696. Wall SM: NH+4 augments net acid secretion by a ouabain-sensitive mechanism in isolated perfused inner medullary collecting ducts. Am J Physiol 270:F432–F439, 1996. 697. Wall SM, Fischer MP, Kim GH, et al: In rat inner medullary collecting duct, NH uptake by the Na,K-ATPase is increased during hypokalemia. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 282:F91–102, 2002. 698. Nakhoul NL, Hering-Smith KS, Abdulnour-Nakhoul SM, Hamm LL: Transport of NH(3)/NH in oocytes expressing aquaporin-1. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 281:F255– F263, 2001. 699. Holm LM, Jahn TP, Moller AL, et al: NH3 and NH4+ permeability in aquaporinexpressing Xenopus oocytes. Pflugers Arch 450:415–428, 2005. 700. Wall SM, Trinh HN, Woodward KE: Heterogeneity of NH+4 transport in mouse inner medullary collecting duct cells. Am J Physiol 269:F536–F544, 1995. 701. Wall SM, Fischer MP: Contribution of the Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl(−) cotransporter (NKCC1) to transepithelial transport of H(+), NH(4)(+), K(+), and Na(+) in rat outer medullary collecting duct. J Am Soc Nephrol 13:827–835, 2002. 702. Kaplan MR, Plotkin MD, Brown D, et al: Expression of the mouse Na-K-2Cl cotransporter, mBSC2, in the terminal inner medullary collecting duct, the glomerular and extraglomerular mesangium, and the glomerular afferent arteriole. J Clin Invest 98:723–730, 1996. 703. Ikebe M, Nonoguchi H, Nakayama Y, et al: Upregulation of the secretory-type Na(+)/ K(+)/2Cl(−)-cotransporter in the kidney by metabolic acidosis and dehydration in rats. J Am Soc Nephrol 12:423–430, 2001. 704. Amlal H, Soleimani M: K+/NH4+ antiporter: a unique ammonium carrying transporter in the kidney inner medulla. Biochim Biophys Acta 1323:319–333, 1997. 705. Nakhoul NL, Hamm LL: Non-erythroid Rh glycoproteins: A putative new family of mammalian ammonium transporters. Pflugers Arch 447:807–812, 2004.

CHAPTER 8 Vasopressin—The Antidiuretic Hormone, 280 The Vasopressin V2 Receptor (V2R)—A G-Protein Coupled Receptor, 281 The Aquaporins—A Family of Water Channel Proteins, 286

Cell Biology of Vasopressin Action Dennis Brown • Søren Nielsen

Intracellular Pathways of AQP2 Trafficking, 291 Regulation of AQP2 Trafficking, 293 Long-Term Regulation of Water Balance, 297


The antidiuretic hormone, vasopressin (VP) plays a multifaceted role in urinary concentration in mammals via activation of a G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR), the vasopressin receptor (V2R). VP increases the water permeability of renal collecting ducts by stimulating the plasma membrane accumulation of a water channel, aquaporin 2 (AQP2); it stimulates NaCl reabsorption by thick ascending limbs of Henle to increase the osmolality of the medullary interstitium; it facilitates the transepithelial movement of urea along its concentration gradient in terminal portions of the collecting duct, an important facet of the renal concentrating mechanism that allows high levels of urea to be excreted without reducing urinary concentrating ability. Many of the proteins that are involved in fluid and electrolyte transport in the kidney have now been identified and in several cases their function has been verified in animal models, providing a critical link between molecular function and animal physiology. This chapter will focus on two of the major protein elements that constitute the vasopressin-activated renal concentrating mechanism, the V2R and AQP2. Other critical channels and transporters that contribute to urinary concentration are dealt with elsewhere in this volume. We will address functionally relevant properties of the V2R and AQP2 proteins that have emerged over the past few years, and we will update our understanding of signaling cascades, protein–protein interactions, membrane transport, intracellular trafficking, and synthesis and degradation pathways—areas that continue to evolve rapidly as the powerful new tools of genomics and proteomics are applied to renal physiology. However, in the face of an explosion of information related to the genetic and protein components that interact in these pathways, it becomes even more critical to integrate this information into whole organ and whole animal physiology in order to fulfill the promise of the emerging “Systems Biology” revolution as it applies to the renal concentrating mechanism.

VASOPRESSIN—THE ANTIDIURETIC HORMONE Arginine vasopressin, a nine amino acid peptide, is the antidiuretic hormone of most mammals, although members of the pig family have a slightly different peptide known as lysine vasopressin (LVP) in which a lysine replaces the arginine in position 8 of the molecule. VP is synthesized in cells of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus, and the hormone is transported to nerve terminals in the posterior pituitary where it is stored in secretory granules. Secretion of VP is stimulated by a variety of factors, most notably an increase in plasma osmolality, but also by plasma volume.1 A recent study indicates that vasopressin gene transcription is activated by decreased plasma volume, but not by increased plasma osmolality,2 whereas another report shows increased VP heteronuclear RNA (hnRNA) levels in the hypothalamus after acute salt loading of rats.3 The secretion of vasopressin in response to plasma osmolality is very sensitive, and a change in osmolality as small as 1% can cause a significant rise in plasma VP levels, which then activates regulatory systems necessary to retain water and restore osmolality to normal. Although the physiological response of VP to volume is less sensitive, with a 5% to 10% decrease in volume required to stimulate VP secretion, VP has important clinical applications in the control of vasodilatory shock.4,5 Finally, the usual mammalian form of VP, arginine VP (AVP), is an effective agonist for all vasopressin receptor isoforms—the V1a and V1b/V3 forms that are located mainly in blood vessels and hepatocytes,6 and the pituitary,7–9 respectively—as well as the V2R that is expressed in the kidney10 and in some other tissues, including the inner ear.11,12 A modified form of AVP, known as desamino d-arginine8 vasopressin (dDAVP), is specific for the V2R and has little or no V1-related pressor effect. It is, therefore, commonly used in studies (or in the clinical situation) when V2R activation is required in the absence of the V1 effect.


Structure of the V2R Homologs of the V2R have been cloned from several mammalian species including human, pig, and rat, and the receptor sequences are more than 90% identical. The membrane topology of the receptor and several functionally important features are illustrated in Figure 8–2. These include (1) an extracellular N-terminus with a consensus site for N-linked glycosylation (N22), (2) a cytoplasmic carboxy terminus and large intracellular loop that contain multiple sites for serine and threonine phosphorylation, and probably play a role in receptor desensitization, internalization, sequestration, and recycling,33,34,36,37 (3) conserved sites for fatty acylation (palmitoylation), which may serve as an additional membrane anchor in the C-terminal tail, and be involved in membrane accumulation or in endocytosis and MAPK signaling,38,39 (4) two highly conserved cysteine residues in the second and third extracellular loops, which may form a disulfide bridge that is important for correct folding of the molecule and stabilization of the ligand binding site, (5) hydrophobic residues at the C-terminus, including a dileucine motif, which are involved in ER to Golgi transfer, and in receptor folding that is required for receptor transport from the ER.40


Upon binding of VP, the V2R assumes an active configuration and promotes the disassembly of the bound heterotrimeric Gprotein, Gs, into Gα and Gβγ subunits.29 GDP-GTP exchange occurs on the alpha subunit. This G-protein is located on the CH 8 basolateral plasma membrane of TAL and principal cells.41,42 The activated Gsα then stimulates adenylate cyclase (AC), resulting in an increase in cAMP levels in the cell. In the rat kidney, several AC isoforms are expressed, but AC-6 is the predominant isoform in the adult rat kidney, and AC-4, -5, and -9 have lower expression levels.43 The calmodulin-sensitive AC-3 is also expressed in the collecting duct, however, and the vasopressin-induced increase in cAMP and AQP2 trafficking in principal cells has been reported to be calmodulindependent.31,32 The liganded V2R interacts with Gs via its cytosolic domain, and the third intracellular loop of the V2R is involved in this interaction.44,45 A peptide corresponding to this loop inhibits V2R signaling though Gs when introduced into cells expressing the V2R.46 Interestingly, this same peptide also reduces VP binding to the V2R by converting the receptor from a high to a low affinity state. A complex cross-talk mechanism also results in activation of an inhibitory GTP-binding protein, which down-regulates the vasopressin response.28,29 Other factors involved in a blunting of the vasopressin response are receptor downregulation and desensitization. This results at least in part from a decreased number of receptors at the cell surface as receptors are internalized via clathrin-coated pits.47,48 The level of V2R mRNA also decreases rapidly after an elevation of plasma AVP.49 Many additional mechanisms that downregulate the vasopressin response have been described. These include destruction of cAMP by cytosolic phosphodiesterases50 and inhibition of the vasopressin response by prostaglandins,51 dopamine,52,53 adenosine receptor stimulation,54 adrenergic agonists,55,56 endothelin-1,57 and bradykinin.58

Cell Biology of Vasopressin Action

The V2R is a 371 amino acid protein10,13—a member of the family of seven membrane-spanning domain receptors that couple to heterotrimeric G-proteins.14 In the kidney, it is expressed on the plasma membrane of collecting duct principal cells and epithelial cells of the thick ascending limb of Henle. The V2R is also expressed in the endolymphatic sac in the inner ear,11,12,15,16 and on endothelial cells in a variety of tissues, where it may be involved in a vasodilatory response that includes NO generation and Von Willebrand factor secretion.17–19 The presence of vasopressin receptors on these cell types has been demonstrated by a variety of techniques, including functional and morphological assays of vasopressin action both in situ and in isolated tubule and cellular preparations from the kidney.20–25 Attempts to localize the V2R using specific antibodies have met with variable success, and some studies have even reported a significant apical staining for the V2R in renal tubules, in addition to the expected basolateral staining and staining inside the cell.26,27 Considerable use has also been made of cell culture systems, especially LLC-PK1 cells from porcine kidney, to evaluate ligand receptor interactions and signal transduction mechanisms via stimulatory and inhibitory heterotrimeric GTPbinding proteins.28 A variety of transfected cell systems, both epithelial and non-epithelial, have proven valuable in elucidating several aspects of the V2R signaling cascade following ligand binding, as well as intracellular pathways of V2R recycling, down-regulation, and desensitization. In target cells, the V2R is activated by the binding of its ligand, AVP, which stimulates adenylyl cyclase activity and increases cytosolic cAMP levels.29 The increase in cAMP activates protein kinase A (PKA) and results in the PKA-mediated phosphorylation of several proteins. As will be discussed in more detail later, the vasopressin-sensitive water channel AQP2 is itself phosphorylated under these conditions and accumulates in the apical plasma membrane of collecting duct principal cells, thus increasing transepithelial water permeability and facilitating osmotically driven water reabsorption from the tubule lumen into the renal interstitium (Fig. 8–1). In addition, intracellular calcium is also increased by VP via a mechanism involving interaction with calmodulin,30 a phenomenon that is also involved in the regulated trafficking of AQP2.31,32

Interaction of V2R with Heterotrimeric G-Proteins

The V2R Enters a Lysosomal Degradative Pathway after Internalization G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR) are constitutively expressed on the plasma membrane and are down-regulated following ligand binding. Ligand-induced changes in receptor conformation are followed by receptor phosphorylation, desensitization, internalization, and sequestration. Phosphorylation triggers the binding of β-arrestin to the V2R.33,59 Arrestins uncouple GPCRs from heterotrimeric G-proteins, effectively producing a desensitized receptor.60 Arrestinreceptor complexes are also capable of recruiting the clathrin adaptor protein AP-2, an important component of the endocytotic mechanism,61 and the complex is then internalized via clathrin-mediated endocytosis.47,48 In most cases, hormone ligands dissociate from their receptors in acidic endosomes, and the receptors subsequently reappear at the cell surface in a process known as receptor recycling. However, different GPCRs recycle back to the cell surface at different rates. The β2-adrenergic receptor (β2AR) is a so-called “rapid recycler”, and pre-stimulation levels of the β2AR are restored on the cell surface within an hour of ligand-induced internalization.33 In contrast, the same process requires several hours in the case of the V2R.33,34,62 An earlier study35 showed that the vasopressin ligand is delivered to lysosomes after binding to the V2R, as are many other ligands that are internalized by receptor-mediated endocytosis, but the fate of the actual vasopressin receptor was not followed in this report. It is known that the V2R forms a stable complex with β-arrestin throughout the




Recycling vesicle

Exocytic insertion

CH 8







Gαs Exocytic retrieval




cAMP Gαs





Gαs P P








Recycling vesicle

D Microtubule



Dynein Dynactin



Protein kinase A P P P P


ATP Protein kinase A cAMP Gαs Recycling? Gαs



o G DI




cAMP Gαs Protein kinase A










o G DI




Exocytic insertion

VAMP-2 P-Myosin Myosin RLC RLC ? MLCK CaM


NSF Syntaxin-4


? Exocytic retrieval




? Ca

ATP cAMP Protein Gαs Recycling? kinase A

V2R RyR1 Intracellular Ca -store

Gαs AQP4




FIGURE 8–1 Overview of vasopressin-controlled short-term regulation of AQP2 trafficking in AQP2-containing collecting duct cell. Signaling cascades and molecular apparatus involved in vasopressin regulation of AQP2 trafficking are shown. A, Vasopressin binding to the G-protein-linked V2-receptor stimulates adenylyl cyclase leading to elevated cAMP levels and activation of protein kinase A. AQP2 is subsequently translocated to the apical plasma membrane. B, Role of AQP2phosphorylation in AQP2 recruitment to the plasma-membrane. Protein kinase A phosphorylates AQP2-monomers and phosphorylation of at least three of four AQP2 monomers in an AQP2-tetramer is associated with translocation to the plasma membrane. It is currently unknown if dephosphorylation of AQP2 is necessary for endocytosis of AQP2. C, Overview of cytoskeletal elements, which may be involved in AQP2-trafficking. AQP2 containing vesicles may be transported along microtubules by dynein/dynactin. The cortical actin web may act as a barrier to fusion with the plasma-membrane. D, Changes in the actin cytoskeleton associated with AQP2-trafficking to the plasma membrane. Inactivation of RhoA by phosphorylation and increased formation of RhoARhoGDI complexes seem to control the dissociation of actin fibers seen after vasopressin stimulation. E, Intracellular calcium signaling and AQP2-trafficking. Increases in intracellular Ca2+ concentration may arise from stimulation of the V2 receptor. The existence and potential role of other receptors and pathways affecting Ca2+ mobilization is still uncertain but may potentially include AT1 receptors. The downstream targets of the calcium signal are unknown. F, Vesicle targeting receptors and AQP2-trafficking. A number of vesicle targeting receptors, for example, SNARE-proteins have been localized to the AQP2-containing collecting duct cells and cultured cells. The exact role of these remains to be established. V2R, vasopressin-V2-receptors; AC, adenylyl cyclase, PKA, cAMP and protein kinase A (PKA).


CH 8

FIGURE 8–2 Membrane topology of the vasopressin receptor (V2R). The 371 amino acid protein has seven membrane spanning domains, an extracellular N-terminus, and a cytoplasmic C-terminus. Several features of the molecule are illustrated. Residue N22 is a putative N-glycosylation site; a functionally important disulfide bridge occurs between cysteines 112 and 192; the dileucine motif LL339–340 is an endocytotic signaling motif; C341/342 are sites of palmitoylation; phosphorylation sites (serine and threonine residues) between T347 and S364 play a critical role in V2R internalization and recycling. Potential sites of phosphorylation by GRK are indicated with asterisks. (Figure slightly modified from an original kindly provided by Dr. Daniel Bichet, University of Montreal.)

internalization pathway33,63 and this prolonged association of β-arrestin with the V2R could be responsible for the intracellular retention, but not the final destination of the receptor.37 Recent immunofluorescence, biochemical, and ligand binding data have now clearly shown that much of the V2R that is internalized after vasopressin addition to cells enters a lysosomal degradation compartment, and that reestablishment of baseline levels of vasopressin binding sites (V2R) at the cell surface requires de novo protein synthesis.64,65 Furthermore, VP stimulation leads to rapid, β-arrestin–dependent ubiquitination of the V2R and increased degradation.66 The process of internalization and delivery to lysosomes can be followed using transfected cells expressing the V2R coupled to green fluorescent protein (GFP). Real-time spinning disk confocal microscopy shows that after ligand binding, the V2R-GFP moves from a predominant plasma membrane location to a perinuclear vesicular compartment (Fig. 8–3).67 Colocalization of the V2R-GFP construct with Lysotracker, a marker of acidic late endosomes and lysosomes, after VP-induced internalization of V2R-GFP is shown in Figure 8–4, indicating that the perinuclear vesicles are predominantly lysosomes.64 Western blotting also reveals a timedependent degradation of the V2R after internalization that is completely inhibited by chloroquine (a lysosome inhibitor) but not by lactacystin (a proteasome inhibitor). Furthermore, re-establishment of pre-stimulation levels of the V2R at the cell surface is significantly inhibited by cycloheximide, illustrating the requirement for new protein synthesis in this process.64 In summary, the V2R—classified as a “slow-recycling” GPCR—appears to be mainly degraded in lysosomes after ligand-induced internalization. This pathway may have evolved to allow the V2R to function in the harsh environment of the renal medulla, which can be acidic and of high osmolality.68 Normally, receptors and ligands dissociate in the acidic endosomal environment, but the V2R must actually



D FIGURE 8–3 Spinning disk confocal microscopy (live cell imaging) of LLCPK1 cells stably expressing V2R-GFP seen at various times (0–90 min) after addition of the ligand, vasopressin (VP). Initially, most of the V2R-GFP is located on the plasma membrane (A). After VP treatment, the V2R-GFP is downregulated from the cell surface and is progressively internalized (B, C) into a perinuclear compartment that is seen as a bright fluorescent patch (indicated with an arrow in each panel). The degree of internalization can be easily followed in the same cells using this technique. After VP treatment for 90 minutes, virtually no plasma membrane V2R-GFP is detectable—it is all concentrated in an area close to the nucleus (D). (Figure adapted from a review by Brown D: Imaging protein trafficking. Nephron Exp Nephrol 103:e55–61, 2006.)

associate with VP in the acidic renal medulla. Thus, the V2RVP pair should be resistant to pH-induced dissociation, and the delivery of both the ligand and receptor to lysosomes may be required in order to terminate the physiological response to VP.

Cell Biology of Vasopressin Action



CH 8





Diabetes Insipidus (Central and Nephrogenic) Diabetes insipidus is the generic name for conditions affecting the VP, V2R, AQP2 axis that result in a failure to maximally concentrate the urine. Patients with this disease produce large amounts of dilute urine—up to 20 L per day in extreme cases.69,70 Clinically, this condition is recognizable soon after birth, and if not corrected can result in severe dehydration, hypernatremia, and damage to the central nervous system. The molecular basis for many of these related disorders has been examined and elucidated thanks to the cloning and sequencing of the key proteins involved, the V2R13 and the vasopressin-sensitive collecting duct water channel, AQP2,71 as well as the gene coding for the vasopressin/neurophysin/glycopeptide precursor protein from which active vasopressin is derived by further processing.72,73

Congenital Central Diabetes Insipidus The autosomal dominant form of familial neurohypophyseal (central) diabetes insipidus (adFNDI) has been linked to over 40 different mutations of the gene encoding the vasopressinneurophysin II (AVP-NPII) precursor. Most of these mutations

FIGURE 8–4 In non-stimulated LLC-PK1 cells expressing V2R-GFP, the patterns of staining for Lysotracker (A)—a marker of acidic lysosomes and late endosomes—and the V2R-GFP (B) are distinct, with most of the V2R-GFP at the plasma membrane (although some intracellular V2R is also present). After VP-induced down-regulation, the V2R-GFP is internalized as shown in Fig. 8–3, and accumulates in vesicles, many of which are also stained with Lysotracker (C, D). These data indicate that internalized V2R is mainly trafficked to lysosomes for degradation. (Figure adapted from Bouley R, Lin HY, Raychowdhury MK, et al: Downregulation of the vasopressin type 2 receptor after vasopressin-induced internalization: Involvement of a lysosomal degradation pathway. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 288:C1390–1401, 2005.)

have been located in either the signal peptide or the neurophysin II moiety, but a mutation in the portion of the gene coding for the VP protein has also been identified.74 A threegeneration kindred with severe adFNDI was found to cosegregate with a novel missense mutation in the part of the AVP-NPII gene encoding the AVP moiety.75 Normally, newly synthesized pre-pro-AVP-NPII is translocated into the endoplasmic reticulum, where the signal peptide is removed, enabling the prohormone to fold, form the appropriate intrachain disulfide bonds, and dimerize. This conformation permits the prohormone to move to the Golgi where it is packaged into neurosecretory granules, cleaved into its individual moieties (AVP, NPII, and copeptin), and transported along the axon to be stored in nerve terminals until release. Many studies over the past several years have documented that mutations leading to adFNDI result in impaired folding or dimerization of the mutant precursor (or both). This interferes with normal intracellular trafficking and processing of the prohormone through the regulated secretory pathway.75,76 The congenital (or acquired) absence of a functional vasopressin hormone can be generally treated by administration of vasopressin or dDAVP, usually via nasal aerosol. In this form of the disease, the V2R and the AQP2 genes and proteins are unaffected, and VP administration leads to the re-

Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) on the other hand, results from a loss of an appropriate response of the kidneys to circulating vasopressin, and in most cases cannot be treated simply by administering vasopressin. As for central DI, NDI can be congenital/hereditary or acquired.69,77,84,85 CNDI was first described over 50 years ago86 and genetic linkage studies in several families established that the predominant form is an X-linked trait.87,88 Acquired disease is more frequent than hereditary NDI, and of all causes, lithium-induced NDI is the most common.84,89 This will be addressed in more detail in a later section of this chapter, along with other acquired forms of the disease. Distinct forms of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus are produced by a variety of gene mutations that result in defective targeting and/or function of the V2R or the AQP2 water channel.69,85,90–93 Type I CNDI (congenital nephrogenic DI), the more frequent X-linked form, is a recessive disease caused by mutations in the vasopressin receptor.93 Type II CNDI is an autosomal recessive disease resulting from mutations in the AQP2 water channel91–94 although an autosomal dominant form of CNDI has also been described.95,96

Mutations in the V2R Close to 200 disease-causing mutations have been identified in the V2R97 (see Fig. 8–2), many of which result in the production of a non-functional receptor by target cells in the kidney.98 While this is predominantly an X-linked disease (the V2R gene is located on the X-chromosome), some very rare female cases have been described, which are believed to be associated with aberrant X-chromosome inactivation.99 Some of the mutations result in the appearance of premature stop codons, others result in frame shifts that result in nonsense protein sequences, whereas others are single point mutations that cause an amino acid replacement at critical locations in the receptor. Mutations in the V2R sequence that allow the production of a full-length or near full-length protein could result in CNDI by interfering with different aspects of the receptor-ligand signal transduction cascade. For example (1) the receptor could be expressed normally at the cell surface, but not bind vasopressin, (2) the receptor could bind its ligand normally at the cell surface, but fail to couple to its stimulatory GTP-binding protein, so that adenylyl cyclase is not activated, (3) the mutated receptor may be incorrectly folded and might be retained for degradation in the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), and may never reach the cell surface—this is an example of a targeting mutation, (4) changes in the ability of the receptor to be phosphorylated may affect several aspects of function, including trafficking and desensitization.91,100 The R137H mutation produces NDI because it is constitutively desensitized via an arrestinmediated mechanism—the mutant V2R is phosphorylated

and sequestered in arrestin-containing vesicles even in the 285 absence of agonist.101 Interestingly, this mutation can result in either severe or mild NDI, indicating that genetic or environmental modifiers (or both) may affect the final phenotype within affected members of the same family.102 Some mutations in the V2R have been associated with specific functional defects that are believed to explain the CH 8 loss of receptor function. For example, many of the missense mutations that have been described (R181C, G185C, and Y205C) result in the addition of cysteine residues in the extracellular loops, and this is believe to interfere with the disulfide bond formation that connects the first and second loops in the wild-type receptor. However, a newly discovered Y205H mutation also abolishes receptor function and leads to NDI, suggesting that loss of the tyrosine is the cause of dysfunction, rather than the addition of a cysteine at least at residue 205.103 Many mutations cause folding defects that are recognized by cellular quality control mechanisms, leading to retention and degradation in intracellular compartments. However, different mutations are handled in different ways, and some temporarily escape from the ER before being rerouted back to this compartment for degradation. Cell transfection experiments have shown that whereas the L62P, DeltaL62-R64, and S167L mutants are trapped in the ER, the R143P, Y205C, InsQ292, V226E, and R337X mutant receptors actually reach the ER/Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC) before being rerouted to the ER. Differences in the folding characteristics of these receptors that allow interactions with different sets of accessory proteins are thought to explain these differences.94

Cell Biology of Vasopressin Action

establishment of urine concentration.77–80 An animal model of CDI, the Brattleboro rat, has proven to be an invaluable system in which many of the consequences of defective urinary concentration resulting from an absence of functional VP have been elucidated.81,82 A single base pair deletion in the neurophysin domain of the vasopressin gene was identified in these animals.83 This frameshift mutation results in the loss of a stop codon and abnormal processing of the neurophysin/vasopressin/glycopeptide precursor, leading to a failure in the production, storage, and secretion of vasopressin.72 The ability to convert these rats from non-concentrators to concentrators simply by administering exogenous VP has resulted in many important discoveries on the vasopressin signaling cascade that will be alluded to later.

Correcting the Defect: Approaches to Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus Therapy Involving the V2R Several approaches have been considered as potential therapeutic strategies in X-linked forms of NDI that involve V2R mutations. These have developed from our increased understanding of the cell biology and signaling pathways that are involved in the response to VP. If the mutated V2R is mistrafficked in cells but is otherwise functional, then persuading the mutant receptor to move to the cell surface would be therapeutically beneficial. This strategy is also being explored for other diseases of protein trafficking, including cystic fibrosis, in which a single point mutation prevents efficient delivery of the CFTR protein to the cell surface. Instead, it is retained intracellularly and degraded. A variety of approaches including the use of chemical-induced or drug-induced rescue of cell surface expression have been attempted. Among the first chemical chaperones to be tested for the V2R were substances such as glycerol and dimethylsulfoxide. Additional reagents (thapsigargin/curcumin and ionomycin) that modify calcium levels in cellular compartments were also tested.105 However, their reported efficacy in partially restoring transport activity to cells and tissues expressing the ∆F508 CFTR mutation that leads to cystic fibrosis106,107 has subsequently been contested in an independent study.108 Furthermore, of 9 V2R mutants tested, the surface expression of only one of them—V2R-V206D—was increased using these reagents.105 However, the use of V2R antagonists to increase cell surface expression and functionality of mutant V2R protein seems more promising.109 Small, cell permeant non-peptidic antagonists were shown to rescue the cell surface appearance of 8 mutant receptors that were tested, whereas a non-permeable antagonist had no positive effect.110,111 Importantly, the antagonist SR49059, which was shown to be effective in three

286 patients harboring the R137H V2R mutation, acts by improving the maturation and cell surface targeting of the mutant receptor.112 Furthermore, the pharmacological V2R antagonist SR121463B resulted in greater maturation and surface expression of the V2R mutations V206D and S167T than chemical chaperones.105 CH 8 Finally, aminoglycoside antibiotics are known to suppress premature stop codons in some cases. In the case of the V2R, an E242X mutation produces a premature stop codon in humans, and when introduced into mice, this mutation causes NDI. However, urine concentrating ability can be restored by administering the antibiotic Geneticin (G418) to mice, and the AVP-mediated cAMP response is increased by G418 in cultured cells expressing this V2R mutation.113 This provides a potential means of suppressing NDI that is caused by a premature stop codon in the V2R.

Extracellular T









THE AQUAPORINS—A FAMILY OF WATER CHANNEL PROTEINS The first water channel (aquaporin) was identified and characterized as a Nobel Prize winning discovery by Peter Agre and his associates in 1988.114 This protein—originally known as CHIP28—is now known as aquaporin 1 (AQP1).115–117 Functional studies in Xenopus oocytes (injected with AQP1 mRNA) and liposomes (reconstituted with purified AQP1 protein)117–119 confirmed its role as the long-sought erythrocyte transmembrane water channel protein whose existence had been proposed for many years prior to its ultimate identification. The AQP1 protein is homologous to the lens fiber channel-forming protein MIP26 (Major Intrinsic Protein of 26 kDa, now renamed AQP0), which was cloned several years earlier120 but whose physiological function was a matter of speculation. AQP1 is expressed in many cells and tissues with high constitutive water permeability, in addition to erythrocytes, including proximal tubules and thin descending limbs of Henle in the kidney,121,122 the choroid plexus,123 reabsorptive portions of the male reproductive tract that are embryologically related to renal tubules,124 parts of the inner ear,125 and many others.126,127 AQP2, the collecting duct vasopressin-sensitive water channel was then discovered by homology cloning from the renal medulla,71 and a variety of studies that are described in more detail later confirmed that it is the principal cell water channel that is involved in distal urinary concentration ion the kidney.128–132 Other aquaporins were subsequently discovered in rapid succession, and at the time of writing,12 mammalian homologs are known. Although aquaporins show considerable homology among different mammalian species,133 homology among the different aquaporins from the same species may be as little as 35%. Aquaporins have also been found in virtually all species examined, including bacteria and plants. The membrane topography and some key features (e.g., phosphorylation sites) of the aquaporins (AQP2) are illustrated in Figure 8–5.

Other Permeability Properties of Aquaporins Aquaporins were so named because they function as transmembrane water channels. However, the single channel water permeability of different aquaporins varies greatly. AQP1, AQP2, and AQP4 have high permeabilities whereas and AQP0 and AQP3 have much lower permeabilities.134 Furthermore, some aquaporins including AQP3, AQP8, and AQP9 also allow the passage of other molecules, including urea, glycerol, ammonia, and other small solutes.134–141 Based on



FIGURE 8–5 Membrane topology of the aquaporin 2 (AQP2) water channel. This 271 amino acid protein spans the lipid bilayer six times. Both N- and Ctermini are in the cytoplasm. Phosphorylation sites for PKC, PKA, and casein kinase II (CKII) are shown.

such properties and phylogenetic considerations, aquaporins were divided into one of two groups, the “orthodox set” (aquaporins) and the “cocktail set” (aquaglyceroporins).142 Distinct physiological functions for aquaporins in the transport of non-water molecules, including glycerol, are beginning to emerge.143 Remarkably, water channels do not allow the passage of protons, a property that was first shown using isolated apical endosomes from rat kidney papilla.144,145 Crystallographic evidence has provided a structural explanation for their ability to prevent proton conductance.146 This and other structural features of the aquaporins that contribute to their remarkable specificity will be described in more detail later. However, some results in oocytes and liposomes indicate that AQP1 serves as a CO2 channel,147–150 (reviewed in Ref 151) whereas whole animal studies using AQP1-deficient mice have refuted this claim.152 Other groups examining the potential role of erythrocyte AQP1 in CO2 transport have produced data in favor147 or against153,154 a role of AQP1 in this process. Recent developments have not reached a final consensus, and the role of AQP1 in transmembrane CO2 permeability in mammalian cells remains controversial.155 Support of this idea, however, comes from plant systems in which aquaporinmediated CO2 permeability is reported to be an important step in the photosynthetic process.156–158 Although some aquaporins including AQP1159 and AQP8 have been reported to allow passage of ammonia in some expression systems, including yeast and oocytes,135,138 the physiological relevance of this has been questioned in AQP8 knockout mice.160 AQPs 7 and 9 have both been implicated in arsenite transport in mammalian cells.161

Aquaporin 2: The Vasopressin-Sensitive, Collecting Duct Water Channel Many studies have localized aquaporin mRNA or protein (or both) in a wide range of cell types, and aquaporins have been attributed a wide range of functions in the normal physiology of many tissues and organ systems. This section will focus on aquaporin 2 (AQP2), which was identified as the VPregulated water channel in kidney collecting duct principal cells.71 VP stimulation of the kidney collecting duct results


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in the accumulation of AQP2 on the plasma membrane of principal cells via a membrane trafficking mechanism that involves the recycling of AQP2 between intracellular vesicles and the cell surface (Fig. 8–6).94,128–130,134,162,163 However, it should be mentioned that AQP3, present in the basolateral membrane of principal cells,137 is also regulated at the expression level by vasopressin or dehydration (or both),164 although no evidence for an acute regulation of this basolateral channel has been forthcoming. Hormonal (VP) stimulation of the collecting duct epithelium increases its plasma membrane water permeability, which in turn allows the luminal fluid to equilibrate osmotically with the surrounding interstitium. The osmolality in the renal inner medulla reaches about 1200 mOsm/kg in humans, and thus the urine can reach the same concentration in the presence of vasopressin. The mechanism by which the apical plasma membrane of collecting duct principal cells shifts from a low-to-high permeability state upon vasopressin action is the subject of much of the remainder of this chapter, and involves the redistribution of AQP2 from cytoplasmic vesicles to the plasma membrane under the influence of a signaling cascade that is triggered by the binding of VP to the V2R in these cells. Although AQP2 was discovered in the kidney, it is also expressed in a limited number of non-renal epithelia. These are the vas deferens of the male reproductive tract,165,166 the inner ear in which its expression is regulated by vasopres-






sin,15,16 and the colon.167 Interestingly, AQP2 in the vas deferens is inserted into the apical plasma membrane in a non-regulated, constitutive pathway, implying that the same aquaporin can be regulated in different ways depending on the cell type in which it is expressed.166

Intramembranous Particle Aggregates— An Early Morphological Hallmark of Membrane Water Permeability The “cell biological” era of vasopressin action can be considered to have begun in 1974, when Chevalier and colleagues described an alteration in the appearance of frog urinary bladder plasma membranes in parallel with an increase in epithelial water permeability induced by another neurohypophyseal hormone, oxytocin.168 Freeze-fracture electron microscopy revealed numerous small aggregates of intramembranous particles (IMPs), which represent integral membrane proteins, on the apical plasma membranes of frog bladder epithelial cells under these conditions. The correlation between this membrane structural change and hormonally induced transepithelial water flow was strengthened by a large body of subsequent work from several groups.169–173 The data suggested that the IMP aggregates were water-permeable patches, and that the individual IMPs in each aggregate were

Cell Biology of Vasopressin Action

FIGURE 8–6 Increased plasma membrane expression of AQP2 in principal cells of Sprague Dawley kidney perfused in the presence of 5 mM mβCD (an endocytosis inhibitor) or 4 nM dDAVP for 60 minutes. Kidneys were then fixed, sectioned, and immunostained using anti-AQP2 antibodies. Examples of tubules sectioned transversely from the inner stripe of the outer medulla (A, C, E) and longitudinally in the inner medulla/papilla (B, D, F) are illustrated. Under control conditions (A, B), AQP2 has a cytosolic distribution in principal cells. After perfusion with 5 mM mβCD (C, D), AQP2 shows an increased apical localization in principal cells of the inner stripe and inner medulla. After perfusion with 4 nM dDAVP, a similar and expected increased apical localization of AQP2 in medullary collecting ducts is seen in the isolated perfused kidney preparation. dDAVP also induced a basolateral localization of AQP2 in the inner medulla (F and arrows, inset) but not in the inner stripe (E) principal cells. Bar = 40 µm.


288 the morphological correlate of a putative (but not yet identified at that time) water channel protein that spanned the lipid bilayer. In support of this idea, apical plasma membrane IMP aggregates or IMP clusters were induced by VP administration in both amphibian epidermis and the mammalian collecting CH 8 duct.174,175 IMP clusters were not present in mice with hereditary diabetes insipidus that cannot concentrate their urine.176 In the amphibian epidermis, both ADH and isoproterenol stimulate water flow, and both caused IMP aggregates to appear.177 In all three target epithelia (amphibian urinary bladder and skin, and mammalian collecting duct), there was a dose response relationship between the number of IMP aggregates in the membrane, and the magnitude of the water permeability response.

AQP4 Splice Variants and Orthogonal Arrays of Intramembranous Particles The IMP aggregates seen by freeze-fracture EM in toad epidermis are virtually identical to the characteristic orthogonal arrays of IMPs (OAPs) that have now been identified as AQP4.178–180 These AQP4 arrays are present on the basolateral plasma membrane of collecting duct principal cells where AQP4 is located,181–183 as well as on other cell types that express AQP4 including gastric parietal cells184,185 and astroglial cells.178 AQP4 is an unusual water channel in that two splice variants are expressed—known as M1 and M23—due to the presence of alternative transcription initiation sites in the AQP4 gene.186,187 Two recent reports have shown that M23 is more abundant in most cells, and that this variant arranges into typical orthogonal arrays when expressed in cultured cells.188,189 M1 expression does not result in orthogonal arrays but interestingly, M1 co-expression in cells along with M23 actually is disruptive to OAP formation. Furthermore, the single channel water permeability of M23 when arranged into OAPs is significantly greater than that of M1, which does not form OAPs. These data raise the intriguing possibility that OAP formation enhances membrane water permeability due to AQP4, and that M1 expression and incorporation into the membrane disrupts OAPs and may decrease membrane water permeability. Interestingly, the water permeability of AQP4 expressed in LLC-PK1 cells and oocytes was reported to be gated (decreased) by PKC phosphorylation of residue S180, without any apparent change in membrane distribution of this protein,190,191 but the expression of OAPs in these cells was not examined. Thus, it is possible that the basolateral membrane permeability of collecting duct principal cells may be modulated by AQP4 phosphorylation. Indeed there is one report showing that the basolateral membrane permeability of collecting ducts from the outer and inner medulla increases after dehydration and/or vasopressin (desmopressin) action, but the aquaporin responsible for this was not clearly identified.192 However, it is unlikely to be AQP4 because the cell swelling effect was abolished by mercuric chloride, and AQP4 is known to be insensitive to this inhibitor.193 Another basolateral aquaporin, AQP3, is up-regulated at the transcriptional level by VP164 and could be responsible for the increased basolateral permeability. Furthermore, AQP2 can also be inserted into basolateral membranes of principal cells under some conditions, and thereby increase the permeability of this membrane domain.194–196

Aquaporin 2 Recycling: The “Shuttle Hypothesis” of Vasopressin Action Based on many studies using vasopressin-sensitive amphibian epithelia, it was proposed that “water channels” are located on intracellular vesicles that fuse with the apical

plasma membrane upon vasopressin stimulation, and then are retrieved back into the cell by endocytosis after vasopressin washout. The internalized water channels can then be re-inserted back into the plasma membrane upon subsequent re-stimulation by vasopressin. This so-called “shuttle hypothesis” of vasopressin action, proposed by Wade and associates in 1981,173 was an elegant idea that has guided studies on the cell biology of vasopressin action for the past two decades. Developments in aquaporin cloning and expression in various cell systems, as well as in vivo studies, over the past decade have allowed a direct examination of many of the subcellular mechanisms underlying vasopressin regulation of collecting duct water permeability. The basic principles of the shuttle hypothesis (i.e., that water channels [AQP2] recycle between an intracellular vesicle pool and the plasma membrane [Fig. 8–1]) have withstood the test of time, but the details of this process remain to be fully elucidated at the cellular and mechanistic level. The following sections will provide an update on specific parts of the recycling itinerary of AQP2, and will outline the current state of our understanding of the regulation of the complex pathways that lead to a VP-induced increase in collecting duct water permeability.

Vasopressin-Regulated Trafficking of AQP2 in Collecting Duct Principal Cells AQP2 was first identified by Fushimi and colleagues and sequencing of this protein from rat allowed several groups to develop antibodies against AQP2.71,195,196 These reagents were used to show that AQP2 is abundantly expressed in the apical plasma membrane of collecting duct principal cells, as well as in numerous intracellular vesicles.195 This distribution was consistent with the shuttle hypothesis of VP action (see Fig. 8–1). The onset and offset phase of VP action were then examined in vitro and in vivo, and the immunocytochemical data showed clearly that VP induced a striking and reversible redistribution of AQP2 from intracellular vesicles to the apical plasma membrane of principal cells (see Fig. 8–6).197–200 Rapid internalization of AQP2 was induced by VP washout in isolated perfused collecting ducts, and in whole animals infused with a V2R antagonist or water loading.201–203 These studies, taken together, provided strong evidence that vasopressin acutely regulates the osmotic water permeability of collecting duct principal cells by inducing exocytosis of AQP2 from intracellular vesicles to the apical plasma membrane, and that AQP2 removal from the membrane by endocytosis restores the low baseline water permeability of the apical plasma membrane of principal cells. The internalized AQP2 that accumulates in endosomes after VP withdrawal follows a complex intracellular pathway prior to re-insertion into the plasma membrane. Studies in cells stably transfected with AQP2 have shown that recycling of AQP2 can occur in conditions in which protein synthesis is inhibited (see later), indicating that de novo protein synthesis is not required for this process to occur.204 However, not all AQP2 is recycled. There is significant accumulation of AQP2 in larger cellular structures including multivesicular endosomes (MVEs) in response to treatment of rats with a VP antagonist.201 Late endosomes often have the appearance of MVBs, and proteins in this compartment could be moved to lysosomes for degradation, be transferred to a recycling compartment via vesicular carriers that bud from the MVB, or be directly transported to the cell surface via other distinct transport vesicles that derive from the MVBs. It has been shown that AQP2 is “secreted” into the tubule lumen, where it can be found partially associated with small vesicles called exosomes in the urine.205,206 The amount of AQP2 in the urine increases in conditions of antidiuresis when more AQP2 is present in the apical membrane of principal cells. The physiological

relevance of this urinary excretion of AQP2 is unknown but interestingly, urinary AQP2 correlates with the severity of nocturnal enuresis in children, and lowering urinary calcium levels (by low calcium diet) has a beneficial effect in reducing the severity of the enuresis and reducing AQP2 secretion in hypercalcemic children treated with dDAVP.207

Expression of Aquaporins in Xenopus Oocytes Xenopus oocytes were the first expression system that was used to demonstrate that aquaporin 1 (CHIP28) was a functional transmembrane water channel.117 This system has been used in many subsequent studies to assess the water (and solute) permeability of virtually all mammalian aquaporins. Membrane permeability resulting from injection of an appropriate mRNA is measured by computer-assisted analysis of oocyte swelling in response to a hypotonic buffer, as initially described by Verkman and colleagues.208 This system has also proven useful in assessing the function of mutated aquaporins including those that are known to cause NDI in humans, posttranslational modifications (phosphorylation, glycosylation), as well as potential modifiers of aquaporin permeability by co-expressing proteins such as CFTR.209 Many of the mutant AQP2 proteins are not expressed at the cell surface of oocytes, probably due to folding defects that cause retention and ultimate degradation in the rough endoplasmic reticulum or retention (or both) in the Golgi apparatus.96,210,211 Oocytes have also been useful for dissection of the role of aquaporin oligomerization in cell surface expression.212

Expression of Aquaporins in Non-Epithelial Cells Expression systems such as CHO cells have been extremely useful for morphological and functional studies on the different aquaporins. However, by definition, they cannot be used for studies on factors that regulate the polarized expression of aquaporins in renal epithelia. Freeze-fracture studies on transfected CHO cells revealed that the AQP1 protein assembles as a tetramer in the lipid bilayer,213,214 a result in agreement with biochemical cross-linking data215 and with data from cryo- and atomic force microscopy of 2D crystals of AQP1.216–218 Transfection of CHO cells with AQP4 cDNA showed that this protein forms a characteristic pattern of orthogonal IMP arrays (OAPs) that are found in several cell types, including collecting duct principal cells (on the basolateral plasma membrane).180,182 A comparison of membrane IMP organization in CHO cells expressing AQPs 1–5 showed that only AQP4 forms OAPs, that AQP2 does not spontaneously form IMP aggregates, and that AQP3 has a limited tendency to form small, densely packed clusters of IMPs.219 When various AQP2 mutations were expressed in CHO cells, important information was gathered concerning the abnormal intracellular location and the defective functional activity of these proteins.210 CHO cells were also used to demonstrate that chemical chaperones could increase the delivery of misfolded AQP2 protein to the cell surface, a potentially important observation in terms of managing autosomal CNDI.220,221

Expression of AQP2 in Polarized Epithelial Cells Transfected Cells Expressing Exogenous AQP2 Early observations revealed that renal epithelial cell lines that are commonly used for cell biological studies (LLC-PK1,

Cell Biology of Vasopressin Action

Reconstitution of Aquaporin Expression in Non-Polarized Cells

MDCK, OMCD, IMCD, OK) showed little or no endogenous 289 expression of AQP2. Cultures of cells from the inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD) showed a progressive loss of AQP2 mRNA expression over the first 4 days of culture.222 Transcription of the AQP2 gene appears to be rapidly inactivated in these cells cultures and was shown, at least in part, to be mediated by repressors present in its 5′-flanking region.222 CH 8 Several laboratories, therefore, developed stably transfected cells and used them to dissect intracellular processes related to AQP2 trafficking and V2R signaling. cAMP-dependent translocation of AQP2 was first reconstituted in LLC-PK1 cells (Fig. 8–7),223 and subsequently in transfected rabbit collecting duct epithelial cells,224 MDCK cells,225 and primary cultures of inner medullary collecting duct cells.226 Two lines of stably transfected LLC-PK1 and MDCK renal epithelial cells were produced that retained constitutive (AQP1) and vasopressin-regulated (AQP2) membrane localization of these aquaporins.204,223,225,227 AQP1-transfected LLC-PK1 and MDCK cells showed constitutive plasma membrane expression of the protein, whereas AQP2-transfected LLC-PK1 cells had a baseline intracellular vesicular labeling that relocated to the plasma membrane only after increasing cytosolic cAMP levels with forskolin or vasopressin stimulation (see Fig. 8–7). Interestingly, transfected MDCK cells also show constitutive membrane AQP2 expression under baseline conditions unless they are pre-treated with indomethacin, which is presumed to reduce cAMP levels and induce AQP2 internalization in these cells.225 After indomethacin treatment, AQP2 can then be returned to the cell surface by vasopressin/forskolin exposure of the cells. Functional studies showed that AQP1transfected cells had a high constitutive water permeability, whereas AQP2- transfected cells acquired the same degree of permeability only after stimulation.223 Similar data were obtained using transformed rabbit collecting duct epithelial cells.224 Tissue slices228,229 and isolated papillary collecting ducts230 have also been used to dissect vasopressin and forskolinstimulated AQP2 trafficking events. These systems more closely mimic the in vivo situation than pure cell culture models, and may be very useful to elucidate many of the signaling cascades that are involved in regulating AQP2 trafficking or that are involved in modulating the vasopressin response.

Cells Expressing Endogenous AQP2 Endogenous expression of AQP2 has been reported in a collecting duct cell line known as mpkCCD(cl4).231,232 These cells have the advantage that factors regulating AQP2 expression at the transcriptional levels can be addressed because endogenous flanking regions that contain promoter, repressor, and enhancer elements are presumably present. The involvement of the tonicity-responsive enhancer binding protein (TonEBP) in regulating AQP2 gene transcription in response to hypertonicity was demonstrated using mpkCCD(cl4) cells.233 These cells have not yet been used extensively to address questions related to VP-induced AQP2 trafficking, however.

Expression of Multiple Basolateral Aquaporins (AQP2, AQP3, and/or AQP4) in Principal Cells Although VP regulates collecting duct water permeability by modulating the amount of AQP2 in the apical plasma membrane of principal cells, AQP2 is also localized in the basolateral plasma membrane of these cells in some regions of the collecting duct. The bipolar expression of AQP2 is most evident in the inner medulla (see Fig. 8–6F) and the cortical connecting segment.195,198,234,235 In the inner medulla, basolateral expression of AQP2 is increased by VP and oxytocin.194,196


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Intriguingly, the basolateral membrane of principal cells contains two other aquaporins—AQP3 and AQP4—although their relative abundance varies in different regions of the collecting duct, with AQP3 expression being predominant in the cortex and decreasing toward the inner medulla, with the reverse pattern for AQP4, which is most abundant in the inner medulla.164,183 No AQP4 expression could be detected in the connecting segment.236 In view of this apparent redundancy of basolateral aquaporin expression in some principal cells, the physiological role of basolateral AQP2 is unclear. Whether all three of these aquaporins are ever co-expressed in the same basolateral membrane has not been definitively examined, but clearly the following AQP pairs can be present in the basolateral membrane of the same principal cell: AQP2/AQP3 (connecting segments), AQP2/AQP4 (inner medulla), and AQP3/AQP4 (outer medulla). Although AQP2 and AQP3 have similar water permeabilities, AQP3 may also function as a solute channel under normal circumstances. However, AQP3 knockout mice have a severe concentrating defect, indicating an important role in the urinary concentrating mechanism.237 In addition, AQP3 message and protein are both up-regulated by VP,164 although trafficking to the membrane appears not to be acutely regulated by VP. AQP4 on the other hand has a much greater single channel water permeability than AQP2 and AQP3; this may be due to the arrangement of the M23 AQP4 variant into tightly packed OAPs within the plasma membrane.189 Interestingly, the involvement of AQP4 in urine concentration is less clear cut than that of AQP2 and AQP3. First, AQP4 knockout mice

FIGURE 8–7 Immunofluorescence staining for AQP2 in LLC-PK1 cells expressing wild-type AQP2 (A–C) or a mutant in which the S256 residue has been replaced by alanine (S256A) (D). Under baseline conditions, both wildtype (A) and the S256A mutation (not shown) are mainly located on intracellular vesicles, with very little plasma membrane staining. After vasopressin (VP) treatment, the wildtype AQP2 relocates to the plasma membrane (B), whereas the S256A mutation remains on intracellular vesicles (not shown). However, when endocytosis is inhibited in these cells by application of the cholesteroldepleting drug methyl-β-cyclodextrin (MBCD), both wild-type and S256A AQP2 accumulate at the cell surface (C, D). This result shows that both wt AQP2 and S256A AQP2 are constitutively recycling between intracellular vesicles and the plasma membrane, and that inhibiting endocytosis (using MBCD) is sufficient to cause membrane accumulation, even in the absence of S256 phosphorylation of AQP2.

have only a minor concentrating defect that becomes detectable only after water deprivation,238 although the water permeability of isolated collecting ducts from these animals is reduced to about 25% of that measured in wild-type tubules.239 Second, kangaroo rats that can concentrate their urine to more than 5000 mOsm/kg do not express AQP4 in any cell type in their kidneys, indicating that AQP4 is not necessary for the extreme concentrating ability of these rodents.240 Indeed, the complete absence of AQP4 from kangaroo rat kidneys suggests that expression of this channel might even be detrimental in some way to maximal urinary concentration. As mentioned earlier, the amount of AQP2 at the basolateral membrane of principal cells in some collecting duct regions appears to be regulated. Both VP and oxytocin have been reported to cause basolateral AQP2 insertion in the inner medullary collecting duct,194,195 and one report has shown that basolateral membrane water permeability in this region is increased after VP treatment in a mercurial-sensitive manner, ruling out the contribution of the mercurial-insensitive AQP4 to this process.192 Recent data indicate that interstitial osmolality may be at least partially responsible for the basolateral targeting of AQP2 in the inner medulla and in MDCK cells.196 However, hypertonicity cannot be the only factor involved in this change in polarity of AQP2 insertion because cortical connecting segments in an isotonic environment also show an abundant basolateral insertion of AQP2.234,235 Furthermore, a recent study found basolateral AQP2 in IMCD cells in vasopressin-deficient Brattleboro rats

Apical and Basolateral Expression of AQP2 in Cell Cultures In the original study describing trafficking of AQP2 expressed exogenously in transfected cells,223 AQP2 was inserted into the basolateral plasma membrane of LLC-PK1 cells after vasopressin stimulation (see Fig. 8–7). In MDCK and rabbit collecting duct cells, a predominant apical insertion of exogenous AQP2 was described.224,225 However, in primary cultures of IMCD cells, AQP2 is inserted both apically and basolaterally, but the predominant pattern in vitro reflects basolateral insertion.31,226 This pattern is reminiscent of the basolateral expression of AQP2 that is seen in IMCD cells in the renal inner medulla in situ.195 Thus, regulated trafficking of AQP2 occurs in a variety of transfected cell lines, and these unique targeting properties can be used to examine how polarity signals on proteins are interpreted by different cell types, and how they are translated by the intracellular transport machinery. Studies on transfected epithelial cells have also shown that motifs in the sixth transmembrane domain of AQP2, including a dileucine motif, are involved in regulated trafficking of this water channel.243 Domain-swap experiments however, show that while the cytoplasmic C-terminus of AQP2 is necessary for regulated insertion of AQP2, it is not sufficient, implying that other domains of the protein play a role in this process.244 One study has identified an AQP2 mutation causing NDI in humans that adds a C-terminal extension containing both a tyrosine- and a leucine-based basolateral targeting motif to the AQP2 protein.242 Presumably, if active in humans, this would lead to basolateral insertion of AQP2 in the collecting duct and would prevent the VP-induced increase in epithelial permeability.

INTRACELLULAR PATHWAYS OF AQP2 TRAFFICKING As discussed earlier, early studies using model amphibian epithelia led to the shuttle hypothesis of water channel trafficking, according to which water channels were stored in intracellular vesicles before insertion into the apical plasma membrane following VP stimulation of target cells. Thus, the water channels were said to be part of a “regulated” membrane recycling pathway. More recent data have shown that

in fact, AQP2 is recycled continually between intracellular 291 vesicles and the cell surface. This section will describe the known pathways that AQP2 passes through during its recycling itinerary. The potential mechanisms by which this pathway is regulated will be discussed in a later section.

Role of Clathrin-Coated Pits in Water Channel Recycling Clathrin-coated pits concentrate and internalize selected populations of many plasma membrane proteins, including receptors (with or without their cognate ligands), transporters, and channels. The role of clathrin-coated pits in V2R internalization has been shown previously.47,63 Based on morphological studies on collecting duct principal cells in situ, it was proposed that coated pits were also involved in the endocytotic step of water channel recycling long before aquaporins were identified.245 IMP clusters believed to represent water channels were shown to correspond to sites of clathrincoated pit formation at the cell surface.245 Studies using horseradish peroxidase to follow apical membrane endocytosis during vasopressin stimulation of principal cells supported a role of clathrin-mediated endocytosis in water channel retrieval from the plasma membrane, and the rate of endocytosis was increased by VP washout to terminate the permeability response.246,247 These early studies were confirmed by direct visualization of AQP2 in clathrin-coated pits by immunogold electron microscopy (Fig. 8–8).250 A relationship between IMP clusters first described more than two decades earlier174,175 and AQP2 endocytosis was shown using a technique known as fracturelabeling. In a transfected cell culture system (LLC-PK1 cells), AQP2 is concentrated in these coated-pit related IMP clusters after stimulation of the cells with forskolin followed by a 10minute washout period (see Fig. 8–8).250 Thus, IMP clusters in principal cells are markers of endocytotic, but probably not exocytotic events, and may result from a concentration of AQP2 protein into clathrin-coated membrane domains during the internalization phase of the vasopressin-induced recycling process. Whether exocytosis of AQP2 from intracellular stores results in the immediate formation of detectable membrane IMP clusters (representing patches of AQP2) at the sites of vesicle fusion with the plasma membrane remains uncertain. Finally, when clathrin-mediated endocytosis was inhibited by the expression of a dominant negative form of the protein dynamin in LLC-PK1 cells, AQP2 accumulated on the plasma membrane and was depleted from cytoplasmic vesicles.250 Dynamin is a GTPase that is involved in the formation and pinching off of clathrin-coated pits to form clathrin-coated vesicles.248,249 The dominant negative form has a single point mutation K44A that renders the protein GTPase-deficient, and arrests clathrin-mediated endocytosis.

AQP2 Localization in Intracellular Compartments during Recycling Observations on the complex recycling pathways followed by AQP2 have been greatly facilitated by studies on transfected cells. Recycling of the AQP2 protein was directly demonstrated in cycloheximide-treated, AQP2-transfected LLC-PK1 cells, in which several rounds of exo- and endocytosis of AQP2 could be followed despite the complete inhibition of de novo AQP2 synthesis.204 Several studies have been carried out to identify the intracellular compartments in which AQP2 resides during this recycling process. After internalization from the plasma membrane via clathrin-coated pits, AQP2 enters an early endosomal compartment that can be identified using antibodies against EEA1 (early endosomal antigen 1).252

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in vivo.234 The physiological role of basolateral AQP2 and the signaling events that lead to basolateral delivery are the subject of ongoing research in several laboratories. The apical to basolateral distribution of AQP2 in connecting segments and cortical collecting ducts can also be modified by aldosterone in rats with two types of diabetes insipidus. In lithium-treated rats, aldosterone treatment increases urine output even more than lithium alone, and causes a significant redistribution of AQP2 to the basolateral plasma membrane in these cortical segments.241 A similar effect is seen in aldosterone treated Brattleboro rats that lack endogenous vasopressin. Although the mechanism for this profound effect on AQP2 polarity is unknown, it is clearly independent of VP action. However, in humans, a frameshift mutation in AQP2 that results in basolateral targeting when expressed in polarized MDCK cells causes NDI.242 This shows that, as expected, increased basolateral expression of AQP2 is not sufficient to increase transepithelial water permeability in the collecting duct. Whether basolateral AQP2 represents a mechanism to further increase the water permeability of the basolateral membrane under some conditions (despite the presence of other water channels in the same membrane), or whether it represents a transient step in an indirect apical targeting pathway for the AQP2 protein remains uncertain.



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However, in collecting duct principal cells in situ, the endosomes that are formed during water channel recycling are highly specialized because they are non-acidic, and lack important functional subunits of the vacuolar H+ATPase.144,145 It has been reported that after forskolin washout from transfected MDCK cells, AQP2 enters an apical storage compartment that is sensitive to wortmannin and LY294002, which are phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitors. In the same cells, AQP2 is localized in a subapical recycling compartment that is distinct from organelles such as the Golgi, the TGN (trans-Golgi network), and lysosomes.252 Furthermore, this AQP2 compartment does not contain transferrin receptor, and it is distinct from vesicles that contain Glut4 (another recycling protein) in adipocytes that co-express AQP2 and Glut4.253 Stimulation of these coexpressing cells with forskolin results in the membrane accumulation of AQP2, but not of Glut4. Similarly, stimulation of cells with insulin causes membrane accumulation of Glut4 but not AQP2.253 Together, these data suggest that prior to insertion into the cell surface, AQP2—like Glut4 in smooth muscle cells and adipocytes—is located in specialized vesicles that are not

FIGURE 8–8 Aquaporin 2 is internalized by clathrin-coated pits. A, immunogold labeling of AQP2 in clathrin-coated pit (arrow) at the apical plasma membrane of collecting duct principal cells. An antibody against an external epitope of AQP2 was used. Panels B and C show labelfracture images of LLC-PK1 cells expressing AQP2. Immunogold label for AQP2 is located in IMP clusters on the membrane (B, arrows) and is associated with membrane invaginations that resemble clathrin-coated pits (C, arrows). Bars = 0.25 µm.

easily identified using markers of known intracellular compartments, although in the adipocyte system AQP2 showed significant overlap with the distribution of vesicle associated membrane protein (VAMP) 2. Whether these vesicles represent a novel organelle that appears in cells transfected with AQP2, or whether AQP2 usurps an already existing pathway and modifies it based on intrinsic signals within the AQP2 sequence, remains unclear. It is likely that as newly synthesized AQP2 is loaded into transporting vesicles as it exits the TGN, the fate of the vesicles is indeed determined by signals on the AQP2 protein itself that will be discussed in more detail later. However, experiments in which the recycling of AQP2 has been artificially interrupted show that in transfected LLC-PK1 cells, AQP2 can be concentrated in a clathrin-positive, Golgi-associated compartment by lowering the incubation temperature of the cells to 20°C, or by incubating cells with bafilomycin, an inhibitor of the vacuolar H+ATPase.254 This accumulation occurs even in the presence of cycloheximide, an inhibitor of protein synthesis, indicating that recycling AQP2 is also accumulating in this juxta-nuclear compart-

the role of phosphorylation by various kinases, the involve- 293 ment of the actin cytoskeleton, and the gradual discovery of accessory interacting proteins. However, as will be pointed out, several fundamental questions related to the cell biology of VP action remain unanswered, the most important of which is precisely how phosphorylation of AQP2 on residue S256 induces membrane accumulation of this CH 8 water channel.

AQP2 is a Constitutively Recycling Membrane Protein

The AQP2 sequence contains several putative phosphorylation sites for kinases including protein kinase A (PKA) and protein kinase G (PKG), protein kinase C (PKC), Golgi casein kinase, and casein kinase II (see Fig. 8–5). A recent study using phosphoproteomics on inner medullary protein samples identified an additional site at S261 on AQP2 that may be a MAP kinase site.268 Most work has focused on the role of PKA-induced phosphorylation of S256 in the vasopressininduced signaling cascade because this site appears to be critical to the vasopressin-induced membrane accumulation of AQP2.269,270 Upon VP binding to the V2R, activation of protein kinase A by increased levels of cytosolic cAMP leads to phosphorylation of S256 on the cytoplasmic C-terminus (see Fig. 8–1). This S256 residue is required for a cAMPinduced increase in water permeability of oocytes expressing AQP2.271 Phosphorylation could in theory modulate the water permeability of AQP2 already in the plasma membrane, or it could be involved in the regulated trafficking of vesicles containing AQP2 and insertion of AQP2 into the plasma membrane. The permeability of AQP4190,191 and of several plant water channels is regulated by phosphorylation,272,273 and some structural features of the phosphorylationdependent gating mechanism were recently elucidated for SoPIP2, a spinach plasma membrane aquaporin.274 In addition, the ion channel properties of AQP0 (MIP26) are modulated by a calcium/calmodulin-mediated event.275 Some reports have suggested that PKA-induced phosphorylation may increase the permeability of AQP1 to cations,276–278 but this result is controversial and has not been repeated in other laboratories.279 However, evidence against a role of phosphorylation in gating AQP2 was obtained by Lande and colleagues280 who showed that the water permeability of isolated kidney papillary vesicles containing AQP2 was not modified significantly by PKA or phosphatase treatment of the AQP2containing vesicles. However, a more direct assessment of the effect of phosphorylation on AQP2 permeability in systems overexpressing AQP2 or using purified protein in liposomes has not been performed to date. In contrast, regulation of membrane permeability by AQP2 trafficking has been established in a variety of experimental systems. Using a point mutation of AQP2, serine 256 to alanine (S256A) expressed in LLC-PK1 cells, it was clearly shown that phosphorylation of the S256 residue by PKA is required for the VP-induced accumulation of AQP2 in the plasma membrane.269,270 VP also stimulates S256 phosphorylation of native AQP2 in collecting duct principal cells in situ.281,282 The in vivo importance of S256 phosphorylation was shown by the identification of a mutant AQP2 in a patient with NDI that destroys the consensus PKA phosphorylation site. This S254L mutation, when expressed in epithelial cells, is retained in intracellular vesicles and is not phosphorylated upon forskolin addition.283 Furthermore, PKA and several protein kinase A anchoring proteins (AKAPs) are enriched in AQP2-immunopurified vesicles from IMCD cells. Inhibition of forskolin-induced AQP2 translocation with a peptide that

Whereas AQP2 was originally believed to be present in subapical vesicles awaiting a signal (VP stimulation) to move to the cell surface, it is now clear that AQP2 in fact recycles continually between intracellular vesicles and the cell surface, both in transfected cells in culture and in principal cells in situ. In this respect, AQP2 resembles the glucose transporter, Glut4, which also recycles constitutively, but whose plasma membrane accumulation is increased by insulin.260–262 This provides the opportunity to modulate the plasma membrane content of AQP2 by increasing the rate of exocytosis, decreasing endocytosis, or both. Indeed such a dual action of VP was predicted by Knepper and Nielsen263 by comparing mathematical models of VP-induced permeability changes to actual experimental data from isolated perfused collecting ducts. Data showing that AQP2 recycles constitutively have been obtained by blocking the AQP2 recycling pathway either in an intracellular perinuclear compartment identified as the TGN as discussed earlier,254 or at the cell surface.250,264 When cells are infected with a dynamin K44A virus, clathrinmediated endocytosis is arrested, and in parallel, AQP2 accumulates at the plasma membrane in a VP-independent manner.250 This process takes several hours as the mutant dynamin is expressed in cultured cells and the endogenous wild-type dynamin is overwhelmed. A more rapid means of preventing clathrin-mediated endocytosis is to treat cells with the cholesterol-depleting drug, methyl-βcyclodextrin.265,266 When this was done in LLC-PK1 cells expressing AQP2, the water channel accumulated at the plasma membrane in a matter of minutes, indicating that it is recycling rapidly through the plasma membrane and that inhibition of endocytosis is sufficient to cause membrane accumulation of AQP2 (Fig. 8–7C).264 Importantly, this drug also causes a significant accumulation of AQP2 in the apical membrane of collecting duct principal cells in situ (Fig. 8–6C),267 confirming the relevance of the cell culture studies to the intact organ. This observation raises the exciting possibility that inhibition of endocytosis is a potential pathway by which AQP2 can be accumulated at the cell surface of collecting duct principal cells in patients with X-linked NDI. How recent insights into AQP2 trafficking and signaling might provide novel strategies to alleviate the symptoms of NDI will be discussed in more detail later.

REGULATION OF AQP2 TRAFFICKING Our understanding of AQP2 recycling continues to evolve in parallel with new discoveries related to the targeting and trafficking of membrane proteins in general. These include the discovery of alternative signaling pathways for AQP2 trafficking in addition to the “conventional” cAMP pathway,

Role of Phosphorylation in AQP2 Trafficking

Cell Biology of Vasopressin Action

ment. It is known that the 20°C block prevents exit of proteins from the trans Golgi,255 and that clathrin-coated vesicles are enriched in this cellular compartment.256 However, some portions of the so-called “recycling endosome”, which is located in a similar juxtanuclear region of the cells, also have clathrin-coated domains.257 Therefore, the AQP2 could be recycling either via the trans Golgi, via a specialized clathrincoated recycling endosome, or both. Indeed recycling AQP2 is at least partially colocalized with internalized transferrin in recycling endosomes in LLC-PK1 cells258 and is partially colocalized with rab11, a marker of the recycling endosomal compartment, in subapical vesicles.259

294 prevents PKA-AKAP interaction demonstrated that, besides its enzymatic activity, tethering of PKA to subcellular compartments is essential for AQP2 translocation.284,285 Of particular interest and importance is the finding that the rat AKAP Ht31 directly interacts with the actin modifying GTPase RhoA, which plays a crucial role in modulating AQP2 trafCH 8 ficking (see later). Most recently, an AKAP18 splice variant— AKAP18δ—was shown to colocalize with AQP2 in IMCD cells. Elevation of cAMP caused the dissociation of AKAP18δ and PKA suggesting a role for this novel AKAP in the VP response.286 However, more recent data have shown that phosphorylation of AQP2 at S256 is not necessary for its exocytotic insertion into the plasma membrane. As indicated earlier, AQP2 follows a constitutive recycling pathway and the S256A mutant, from which the PKA phosphorylation site is absent, also accumulates on the plasma membrane upon inhibition of endocytosis with either K44A dynamin or methyl-β-cyclodextrin (Fig. 8–7D).264 Thus, while VP-induced accumulation of AQP2 at the cell surface requires S256 phosphorylation, exocytotic insertion of AQP2 into the plasma membrane is independent of this phosphorylation event. However, dephosphorylation of AQP2 at S256 is not necessary for its internalization. Prostaglandin E2 stimulates removal of AQP2 from the surface of principal cells when added after AVP treatment, but does not alter the phosphorylated state of AQP2.282 In support of this, it was shown in cell cultures that PKC-mediated endocytosis of AQP2 is also independent of the phosphorylation state of this water channel and in addition, the AQP2 mutant S256D—which mimics the phosphorylated state of the channel—is constitutively expressed mainly at the cell surface in overexpressing cells.287 However, internalization of S256D AQP2 can be induced by treating cells with either PGE2 or dopamine, but only after pre-exposing the cells to forskolin.288 The authors concluded that PGE2 and dopamine induce internalization of AQP2 independently of AQP2 dephosphorylation, and that preceding activation of cAMP production is necessary for PGE2 and dopamine to cause AQP2 internalization. These data imply that phosphorylation of another intracellular target or targets (presumably by forskolin-stimulated elevation of cAMP) is necessary for AQP2 endocytosis to occur, but these proteins remain to be identified. Preventing dephosphorylation of AQP2 with the phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid also has the expected effect of increasing cell surface accumulation of AQP2 in cultured cells but surprisingly, the same effect of okadaic acid was observed in the presence of the PKA inhibitor H-89. The authors concluded that okadaic acid stimulates the membrane translocation of AQP2 in a phosphorylation-independent manner.289 The transduction mechanism responsible for this effect remains to be determined, but these data support the idea that AQP2 can accumulate on the plasma membrane in an S256 phosphorylation-independent manner. The mechanism by which phosphorylation of AQP2 on residue S256 affects the steady-state redistribution of AQP2 is unknown. No other phosphorylation sites on AQP2 have yet been shown to be involved in its VP-induced membrane accumulation, although one report has suggested that a Golgi casein kinase mediated phosphorylation of S256 is involved in the passage of AQP2 through the Golgi apparatus in its biosynthetic pathway.290 One possibility is that phosphorylation results in a modified interaction of vesicles with the cytoskeleton, via microtubule or microtubule motors (or both). These proteins are a driving force for intracellular vesicle movement, and must be brought into play in order for vesicles to be transported through the cytosol in the direction of the plasma membrane. Alternatively, phosphorylation could inhibit the endocytotic step of AQP2 recycling, leading to accumulation at the cell surface, although results

discussed earlier show that phosphorylated AQP2 can still be internalized.

Actin, Actin-Associated Proteins, and AQP2 Trafficking The literature on the role of actin in water channel trafficking dates back over three decades, but its role in this process still remains unclear. Actin has been shown to associate directly with AQP2,291,292 implying a functional relationship that remains to be clearly demonstrated. VP exposure was reported to depolymerize actin in the toad bladder and collecting duct principal cells,169,293,294 allowing water channel containing vesicles to break through the “actin barrier” and fuse with the plasma membrane. However, actin depolymerization resulting from the inactivation of RhoA, a GTPase that regulates the actin cytoskeleton, increases the membrane accumulation of AQP2 and membrane water permeability in cultured cells even in the absence of VP.295,296 Cytochalasins, which disrupt actin filaments, markedly inhibit the vasopressin response in target epithelia,297–300 but such treatment increases AQP2 membrane accumulation in cultured renal epithelial cells in some studies.295,296 Although actin depolymerization was originally believed to simply remove a physical barrier that prevented vesicles fusion with the plasma membrane, it is now clear that the role of actin in vesicle trafficking and vesicle endo- and exocytosis is much more complex.

Role of Actin Polymerization in AQP2 Trafficking The potential role of actin in AQP2 membrane insertion was directly examined in transfected CDB cells in culture. Exposure of these cells to Clostridium toxin B, which inhibits RhoGTPases that are involved in regulating the actin cytoskeleton,301 caused actin depolymerization and an accumulation of AQP2 in the plasma membrane.296 A similar AQP2 translocation was seen in cells treated with the downstream Rho kinase inhibitor, Y-27632.295 This occurred in the absence of any detectable elevation of intracellular cAMP. Conversely, expression of constitutively active RhoA in these cells induced stress fiber formation, indicating actin polymerization, and inhibited the normal AQP2 translocation response to forskolin. Although these data provide strong evidence for a major regulatory role of the actin cytoskeleton in the vasopressin-induced trafficking of AQP2 from intracellular vesicles to the cell surface, it remains unclear whether the net accumulation of AQP2 under these conditions is due to increased exocytosis or decreased endocytosis. There is a considerable body of evidence showing that actin depolymerization inhibits endocytosis, although whether apical and/or basolateral endocytosis is most affected remains a matter of debate.302–304 Interestingly, actin depolymerization was sufficient to provoke membrane accumulation of AQP2 in either the apical or the basolateral plasma membrane, depending on the transfected cell type that was examined.295,296 In contrast to the data discussed earlier, showing membrane accumulation of AQP2 after actin depolymerization, a more recent study using transfected MDCK cells reported that AQP2 was concentrated in an EEA1-positive early endosomal compartment upon actin filament disruption by either cytochalasin D or latrunculin.259 These contrasting effects may reflect the use of different model systems, and the physiological role played by actin on AQP2 trafficking in renal principal cells in situ remains to be determined.

Identification of Actin-Associated Proteins Potentially Involved in AQP2 Trafficking Many studies in other systems have implicated actin and associated proteins such as the myosins, as well as microtubules (see later), in sequential transport steps of vesicle

Microtubules and AQP2 Trafficking Many studies have shown that vesicles can move along microtubules and that such transport may be driven by microtubule mechanoenzymes or motors.316–318 It is, therefore, not surprising that microtubule-depolymerizing agents such as colchicine and nocodazole have long been known to partially inhibit the VP-induced water permeability increase in target

epithelia.298–300,319–322 Colchicine treatment disrupts the apical 295 localization of AQP2 in rat kidney principal cells, and causes it to be scattered on vesicles throughout the cytoplasm.197 Furthermore, cold treatment, which depolymerizes microtubules, also inhibits the vasopressin response, indicating that caution must be exercised in the interpretation of data from cell or tissue preparations that involve a cold incubation CH 8 step as part of the experimental procedure.229 However, relatively little insight is available concerning the mechanism(s) by which AQP2-containing vesicles interact with the microtubule network in a regulated manner. As is the case for the actin cytoskeleton, microtubules have an array of accessory proteins that are necessary for their biological activity. Two large protein families are of particular importance for microtubule-based vesicle movement—these are ATPases known as motor proteins, the dyneins,323 and the kinesins.324 The ones with minus end-directed motors such as dynein will transport vesicles toward the microtubuleorganizing center whereas plus end-directed motors (such as kinesin) will transport vesicles in the opposite direction.325–327 Both immunoblotting using immunoisolated vesicles and double-immunogold microscopy revealed that dynein and dynactin, a protein complex thought to link dynein to microtubules and vesicles, are associated with AQP2-bearing vesicles,328 consistent with the view that microtubule motor proteins are involved in the vasopressin-regulated trafficking of AQP2-bearing vesicles. Furthermore, early studies had shown that an inhibitor of the dynein ATPase, erythro-9-[3(2-hydroxynonyl)] adenine (EHNA), significantly reduced the effect of VP on water flow in the amphibian urinary bladder model system.329 However, although treatment of transfected epithelial cells with nocodazole or colchicine to depolymerize microtubules resulted in a dispersion of AQP2 vesicles throughout the cytoplasm, forskolin-induced membrane accumulation was apparently not inhibited in these cells as judged by immunofluorescence staining.259 Even in earlier work using toad bladder and collecting duct epithelia, the effect of VP on transepithelial water flow was only partially inhibited by microtubule disruption (about 65% in collecting ducts)320; this could be accounted for by a reduction in aquaporin delivery that might not be detectable without careful quantification. This also supports the idea that microtubules are involved in the long-range trafficking of vesicles toward the plasma membrane, but that the final step of approach and fusion involves a cooperative interaction between the microtubule and actin-based cytoskeleton.306,326,330,331 Thus, in cells in which AQP2 containing vesicles are already quite close to the cell surface, AQP2 delivery to the membrane might be less dependent on intact microtubules. Furthermore, recent studies have shown that a protein complex exists at the plus ends of microtubules that is involved in cellular processes involving force generation at the interface between microtubule ends and the actin-rich cortical cytoskeleton.332 Thus, the delivery of AQP2 vesicles to the sub-plasma membrane region probably involves both microtubules and the actin cytoskeleton, as well as their respective cohorts of accessory and motor proteins that are also involved in membrane trafficking processes in most cell types. Most of the specific protein–protein interactions, as well as their regulation, which render the process VP-sensitive in the case of AQP2 trafficking in the collecting duct remain to be elucidated.

Cell Biology of Vasopressin Action

trafficking.305,306 Several actin-associated proteins appear to be involved in AQP2 trafficking, and in some cases have been localized on or close to vesicles that contain AQP2 by immunocytochemistry or immuno-isolation of vesicles coupled to mass spectrometry/proteomic analysis.307 Immunogold localization showed that myosin I, an actin-associated motor protein is associated with AQP2 containing vesicles.308 Various myosin isoforms including myosin 1C, non-muscle myosins IIA and IIB, myosin VI, and myosin IXB were associated with vesicles prepared for the proteomic analysis by immunoprecipitation with AQP2 antibodies, although the profile of identified proteins indicates that virtually all compartments in the secretory and recycling pathways were represented in the immunoprecipitated material.307 Myosin light chain kinase, the myosin regulatory light chain (MLC), and the IIA and IIB isoforms of the non-muscle myosin heavy were also found in rat IMCD cells and were implicated in a calcium/calmodulin regulated pathway leading to AQP2 membrane accumulation.309 These data supported previous work from the same group that Ca2+ release from ryanodinesensitive stores plays an essential role in vasopressinmediated aquaporin-2 trafficking via a calmodulin-dependent mechanism.31 A role of Epac (exchange protein directly activated by cAMP) in VP-induced calcium mobilization and AQP2 exocytosis in perfused collecting ducts has also been shown.310 However, the role of calcium in the vasopressin response was questioned by another group who provided capacitance data in support of a cAMP-dependent, but calcium-independent exocytotic process after VP stimulation.311 In another study, AQP2-interacting proteins were identified by mass spectrometry in a complex containing ionized calcium binding adapter molecule 2, myosin regulatory light chain smooth muscle isoforms 2-A and 2-B, alphatropomyosin 5b, annexin A2 and A6, scinderin, gelsolin, alpha-actinin 4, alpha-II spectrin, and myosin heavy chain nonmuscle type A.312 The proteins were suggested to comprise a multiprotein motor complex involved in AQP2 trafficking. Interestingly, the gelsolin-like protein adseverin is much more highly expressed in collecting duct principal cells than gelsolin (which is abundant in intercalated cells), indicating that it might be a physiologically important player in calcium-activated actin remodeling in these cells.313 In addition to myosins, moesin, a member of the ERM (ezrinradixin-moesin) family of scaffolding proteins, has also been implicated in the apical trafficking process.314 The GTPase Rap1 and the signal-induced proliferation-associated gene-1 (SPA-1) may also have a role in regulating AQP2 trafficking.315 Activation of Rap1 was found to inhibit AQP2 plasma membrane targeting, possibly by increasing actin polymerization. This effect is most likely mediated by SPA-1. Based on these studies, it is clear that actin and its complex array of regulatory proteins play critical roles in the membrane accumulation and recycling of AQP2. However, the precise steps in the pathway, and how these processes are regulated by vasopressin have not been established in any detail, other than to show that disruption of the cytoskeleton has end results compatible with a perturbation of the physiologically regulated process. How AQP2 interaction with the cytoskeleton is affected by phosphorylation, for example, is completely unknown.

SNARE Proteins and AQP2 Trafficking As for most if not all membrane fusion events, it has been postulated that the docking step for vasopressin-induced exocytosis of AQP2-bearing vesicles could be mediated by vesicle targeting proteins.333–336 The final delivery steps of vesicle tethering, docking, and fusion involve a complex series of

296 protein–protein interactions that are combined under the name “the SNARE hypothesis”.337–341 This process requires a complex interaction between integral membrane proteins, the “SNAREs”, present in the vesicle (v-SNAREs) and the target membrane (t-SNAREs) as has been suggested for docking of synaptic vesicles to the presynaptic plasma membrane in CH 8 the central nervous system. In the synapse, this core complex consists of a v-SNARE (VAMP-2) and two t-SNAREs (syntaxin-1 and SNAP-25),342 which form a 7S core complex that binds the ATPase NSF (“N-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor”) via an intervening soluble NSF attachment protein (a-SNAP) to form a larger 20S complex. The formation of this complex is thought to be vital to the eventual vesicle fusion process. In the collecting duct principal cell, several proteins of the SNARE complex are associated with AQP2-containing vesicles or the apical plasma membrane (or both) of principal cell cells. These include VAMP-2,336 the t-SNAREs syntaxin4334 and SNAP23,343 and Hrs-2, an ATPase that may regulate exocytosis via interaction with SNAP25.344 Other proteins that are involved in exocytotic processes in other cell types, such as rab3, rab5a, and a synaptobrevin II-like protein,345 as well as cellubrevin346 have also been identified in isolated vesicles containing AQP2. Several additional SNARE proteins, including syntaxin-7, syntaxin-12, syntaxin-13 were identified in a proteomic screen using vesicles immunoisolated with anti AQP2 antibodies.307 However, as mentioned earlier, such isolated vesicles represent a mixed population that contain AQP2, but are not all in the exocytotic pathway. While a role of some of these proteins in exocytosis is likely by analogy with other secretory pathways, the functions of most of these SNARE proteins in AQP2 trafficking have not been formally examined. One exception is VAMP 2/synaptobrevin. Studies on collecting duct cells in culture have shown that treatment with tetanus toxin, which cleaves VAMP2, abolishes vasopressin-induced AQP2 translocation to the plasma membrane.347 Interestingly, the related protein cellubrevin, also present in principal cells,346 is involved in the exocytosis of the vacuolar ATPase in proton secreting cells of the epididymis,348 which closely resemble intercalated cells of the collecting duct. Thus, SNARE proteins are part of a ubiquitous fusion machinery that is required for vesicle exocytosis. Whether they have any specific features in principal





cells that allow them to be specifically regulated upon vasopressin action to modulate AQP2 insertion into the plasma membrane is unknown and requires additional studies.

cAMP-Independent Membrane Insertion of AQP2—Potential Strategies for Treating Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus Important progress has been made in the past 3 or 4 years in our understanding of intracellular signaling or alternative trafficking pathways that bypass the V2R, cAMP, PKA cascade and that allow membrane accumulation of AQP2 even in the absence of a functional V2R. This is especially important for the generation of novel strategies to alleviate the symptoms of X-linked NDI, in which a mutated V2R is defective for a number of reasons, as described earlier. Principal cells in these patients still produce AQP2, but the defective V2R signaling mechanism means that it does not accumulate at the cell surface in order to increase urine concentration upon an increase in circulating VP levels. Recent developments in understanding the cell biology of AQP2 trafficking have provided some hope that AQP2 can in fact accumulate at the cell surface independently of VP signaling in collecting ducts of these patients. Two promising approaches will be discussed below.

Activation of a cGMP Signaling Pathway In both cell cultures (Fig. 8–9) and principal cells in kidney slices in vitro (Fig. 8–10), several hormones and drugs that increase cGMP levels also induce AQP2 accumulation at the cell surface. These include sodium nitroprusside (a nitric oxide donor), L-arginine (which stimulates nitric oxide synthase), and atrial natriuretic peptide.228 Similar data showing that ANP increases AQP2 surface expression in vivo after 90 minutes of infusion have also been reported.349 This effect was paralleled by an increased apical expression of EnaC, and may represent a direct or a compensatory effect to increase sodium and water reabsorption, which would prevent volume depletion in response to prolonged ANP infusion. Importantly, it has also been shown that elevation of intracellular

FIGURE 8–9 Effect of activation of the cGMP pathway on AQP2 membrane accumulation in cells and tissues. Immunofluorescence staining of an AQP2-c-myc construct expressed in LLC-PK1 epithelial cells. Under basal conditions, the AQP2 is located on intracellular, perinuclear vesicles (A, CON). After 10 minutes stimulation with the nitric oxide donor sodium nitroprusside (SNP) to increase cGMP (B), forskolin (FK) to increase cAMP (C), or with a permeant cGMP analog (D), AQP2 is relocated to the plasma membrane. Bar = 10 µm.


CH 8

Cell Biology of Vasopressin Action


B FIGURE 8–10 The nitric oxide donor, sodium nitroprusside (SNP), has a vasopressin-like effect on AQP2 distribution in principal cells. Rat kidney slices were incubated in vitro without (A) or with SNP for 15 minutes. A marked redistribution of AQP2 to the apical plasma membrane is induced by SNP treatment (B, arrows) compared to the scattered intracellular location of AQP2 under non-stimulated conditions (A). See Ref 284 for more details. Bar = 20 µm.

cGMP using the phosphodiesterase (PDE5) inhibitor sildenafil citrate (Viagra) also increases cell surface expression of AQP2 both in vitro and in vivo (Fig. 8–11).350 Although no significant increase in urinary concentration was detectable in rats treated with Viagra for 90 minutes, possibly due to increased renal blood flow as a result of vasodilatation, this observation nevertheless provides a strategy to induce the VP-independent cell surface accumulation of AQP2. Adaptation of this approach to the human condition will require further dose-response studies, as well as the potential development of PDE5 inhibitors that may be more selective for tubular epithelial cells, or that may be delivered more specifically to these cells at an appropriate concentration to elicit the required response.

Inhibition of AQP2 Endocytosis As discussed earlier, it is now evident that AQP2 recycles constitutively between the cell surface and intracellular vesicles. It has been shown using dominant negative dynamin (K44A dynamin) and methyl-β-cyclodextrin treatment that AQP2 accumulation at the cell surface can be achieved simply by blocking endocytosis250,264 (Figs. 8–6C, D and 8–7C, D). It has also been shown that endocytosis of AQP2 is stimulated by PGE2 (or dopamine) under some conditions288 and that activation of PKC by PMA treatment of cells also stimulates AQP2 endocytosis, independently of its S256 phosphorylation state.287 Thus, an attractive possibility is to modulate the endocytotic pathway in X-linked NDI as a means of

FIGURE 8–11 Viagra stimulates membrane accumulation of AQP2 in rat kidney inner stripe collecting duct principal cells after acute in vivo treatment of Brattleboro rats. Animals were injected with saline, dDAVP, or sildenafil through the jugular vein. Injection of saline was used as a control (A) and compared to 25 mg/kg dDAVP (B) and (C) 4 mg/kg of sildenafil. In controls (A), AQP2 is diffusely located throughout the subapical cytoplasm of principal cells. dDAVP (B) and sildenafil (C) both induce a marked redistribution of AQP2, which appears as a narrow, brightly stained band at the apical pole of principal cells, consistent with plasma membrane staining (arrows). Bar = 10 µm.

increasing its cell surface expression. Potential approaches are to decrease prostaglandin production using specific COX2 inhibitors, or to use a discovery approach to screen small chemical libraries for specific inhibitors of endocytosis that might be applied in vivo. For example, such a strategy was recently used to identify a small chemical named “dynasore” that is a specific inhibitor of the dynein GTPase, a protein critically involved in clathrin and caveolinmediated endocytosis.351

LONG-TERM REGULATION OF WATER BALANCE (see also Chapter 13) In addition to the acute regulation of collecting duct water permeability and body water balance, long-term regulation of water balance also plays an important role in the homeostatic response. De Wardener and colleagues showed several decades ago that prolonged dehydration is as potent as acute vasopressin treatment in increasing urinary concentration, while water

298 loading efficiently reduced the urinary concentrating capacity.352 Although multiple nephron segments are involved in these effects, Lankford and colleagues353 demonstrated that part of this long-term adaptational regulation occurs in the kidney collecting duct; isolated perfused collecting tubules dissected from thirsted rats displayed much higher osmotic CH 8 water permeability than tubules from water-loaded rats. It was later shown that AQP2 expression levels markedly increase in response to dehydration with an increased abundance of AQP2 in the apical plasma membrane.195 Both vasopressindependent and -independent signal transduction pathways are involved in this process.198,354–357 Thus, collecting duct water permeability and body water balance are regulated in a concerted fashion by short-term and long-term mechanisms, both critically involving AQP2. Other studies have also documented that the expression of AQP3, a water channel that is abundantly expressed in the basolateral plasma membranes of collecting duct principal cells, is also regulated by vasopressin358 suggesting that adaptational regulation of AQP3 may also be involved. DDAVP treatment of vasopressin-deficient Brattleboro rats results in a significant increase in AQP3 expression (in addition to AQP2), whereas AQP1 and AQP4 remain unchanged.358 The key role of AQP3 in urinary concentration was demonstrated in transgenic mice lacking AQP3, which had a very severe urinary concentrating defect.237 One complicating factor is that the expression of AQP2 was (surprisingly) markedly down-regulated in the cortex and outer medulla but not in the inner medulla of these knockout mice. The mechanisms responsible for this segment-specific down-regulation of AQP2 remain unknown. There are major differences in the different segments also with regard to the expression and localization of AQP2.234 Because most water is reabsorbed in the proximal regions (i.e., the connecting tubule and cortical collecting duct) reduced expression of AQP2 in the renal cortex could contribute to the development of severe polyuria in AQP3 knockout mice. Because AQP4 is not present or only present at low levels in the CNT and CCD,163,235,236 it would not be able to provide a compensatory exit route for basolateral water flow, which it may accomplish in the IMCD where AQP4 is abundantly expressed. Moreover AQP2 is normally present in the basolateral plasma membrane in the CNT (at least in the rat) and could therefore also potentially be involved in basolateral exit of water.234,235 Thus, the absence of AQP4 and reduced levels of both apical and basolateral AQP2 may participate in the polyuria in AQP3-deficient mice. However, the precise role of basolateral AQP4 in urinary concentration is also unclear, because (1) AQP4 knockout mice have only a slight impairment of concentrating ability,238 and (2) AQP4 is completely absent from kidneys of the desert rodent, which can concentrate urine up to 5000 to 6000 mOsm/ kg.240 Clearly, further studies are needed to provide a better understanding of the functional interactions among the different collecting duct aquaporins.

AQP2 and Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus Hereditary nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, resulting in the inability to produce a concentrated urine, can be a result of mutations in the V2R, as described earlier, or can be a result of mutations in the AQP2 water channel. The latter form is characterized mainly as an autosomal recessive disorder,359 although some mutations causing a dominant phenotype have been described.95 In addition, there are several known forms of acquired NDI that also lead to a concentrating defect, and these are much more common than the hereditary forms of the disease. Many of these disorders have now been associated with alterations in the expression of AQP2 in principal

cells. This section will summarize both hereditary and acquired NDI with emphasis on the role of AQP2 in these pathological conditions.

Autosomal Recessive Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus and Mutations in AQP2 Important data on the role of AQP2 in non X-linked NDI was obtained by examining the AQP2 molecule in human disease.360 In the first patient studied211 two distinct point mutations were found that resulted in a substitution of Cys for Arg187, and Pro for Ser216. The R187C mutation occurs in a region of the third extracellular loop that is strongly conserved in members of the aquaporin family. The S216P mutation is located in the last transmembrane domain of AQP2. When mRNAs coding for these mutated proteins (which had the predicted size of 29 kD) were expressed in Xenopus oocytes, no increase in membrane osmotic water permeability was detected above that seen in water-injected controls.211 Mutations in the AQP2 gene that result in production of a full-length protein could have at least two consequences that would result in a loss of principal cell vasopressinsensitivity; (1) the production of an AQP2 channel that is still vasopressin-sensitive, and is inserted into the plasma membrane after vasopressin action, but has lost the capacity to function as a water channel; (2) the production of a water channel that is still functional, but that is no longer targeted to the plasma membrane after vasopressin action. Oocyte expression studies have shown that the missense mutations R187C and S216P are impaired in their delivery to the cell surface.361 The trapped form of these AQP2 mutants is a 32 kD high mannose form, indicating that the protein is blocked in the RER361 in much the same way as the ∆F508 CFTR mutation is trapped inside the RER. Recent data indicate that some point mutations, including mutations in asparagine residue 123, significantly affect AQP2 water permeability.362 The plasma membrane expression of this mutation was only slightly decreased from that shown by the wild-type protein in oocytes. Most recently, an additional AQP2 mutation has been found that causes the protein to be blocked at the level of the Golgi apparatus.96 An unusual dominant form of autosomal NDI due to a single nucleotide deletion (727∆G) was ascribed to the ability of the mutated AQP2 monomers to form tetramers with normal protein in heterozygotes, and to block the delivery of the entire tetramer to the plasma membrane. The AQP2 tetramers were retained in late endosomes and lysosomes.95 In addition, a frameshift mutation in the AQP2 molecule has been identified in some patients that causes basolateral targeting of AQP2 in epithelial cells in culture.242 This mutation results in the addition of both a leucine- and a tyrosine-based basolateral targeting motif to the AQP2 COOH terminus.

Acquired Water Balance Disorders Acquired forms of NDI are much more common than the hereditary forms described earlier, and they arise as a consequence of drug treatments, electrolyte disturbances, following urinary tract obstruction, as well as a variety of other causes that are listed in Table 8–1. There is considerable experimental support for the view that dysregulation of AQP2 plays a fundamental role in the development of polyuria associated with multiple acquired forms of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus,357 and some quantitative data on AQP2 levels in various experimental conditions is summarized in Figure 8–12. Dysregulation of AQP3 often accompanies AQP2 downregulation and may also participate in the development of


Physiologic or Pathophysiologic Conditions Associated with Altered Abundance or Targeting (or Both) of Aquaporin-2 Increased Abundance of AQP2

With Polyuria

With Expansion of Extracellular Fluid Volume Vasopressin infusion (SIADH) Congestive heart failure Hepatic cirrhosis (CCI4-induced noncompensated)? Pregnancy

Genetic defects Brattleboro rats (central DI) DI +/+ Severe mice (low cAMP) AQP2 mutants (human) V2 receptor variants (human)* Acquired NDI (rat models) Lithium treatment Hypokalemia Hypercalcemia Postobstructive NDI Bilateral Unilateral Low-protein diet (urinary concentrating defect without polyuria) Water loading (compulsive water drinking) Chronic renal failure (5/6 nephrectomy model) Ischemia-induced acute renal failure (polyuric phase in rat model) Cisplatin-induced acute renal failure Calcium channel blocker (nifedipine) treatment (rat model) Age-induced NDI With Altered Urinary Concentration without Polyuria Nephrotic syndrome models (rat models) PAN-induced Adriamycin-induced Hepatic cirrhosis (CBL, compensated) Ischemia-induced acute renal failure (oliguric phase in rat model)

With Polyuria Osmotic diuresis (DM model in rat)

350 300 250 200 150 100 50

Li th iu H m yp H o U ype -K rin r ar -C y a ob st H r ea rt f Pr ailu eg re na nc y Pu ro Ad my ria cin m yc in


C on tro l C en D I  tra / l DI m ic e

AQP2 expression (% of control)

cAMP, cyclic adenosine monophosphate; CBL, common bile duct ligation; CCI4, carbon tetrachloride; DI, diabetes insipidus; DM, diabetes mellitus; NDI, nephrogenic diabetes insipidus; PAN, puromycin aminonucleoside; SIADH, syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone. *Reduced V2-receptor density has a profound effect on AQP2 targeting and expression.


Water VP escape retention FIGURE 8–12 Quantitation of AQP2 levels in various conditions of fluid and electrolyte imbalance, including acquired NDI.

polyuria, but this has not been examined in as great a depth as the AQP2 contribution. Moreover, in some forms of acquired NDI, defects in the expression of important renal sodium transporters that participate in the urinary concentrating ability have also been encountered.

Lithium Treatment One per thousand of the population is on lithium treatment in the Western world, and of these 20% to 30% develop clini-

cally significant polyuria. Rats treated with lithium for 1 month showed a dramatic decrease in AQP2 expression both in the inner medulla as well as in cortical and outer medullary parts of the collecting duct.363,364 This down-regulation was paralleled by the progressive development of severe polyuria with a daily urinary output matching their own weight. The reduction in AQP2 expression was originally believed to result from an impairment in the production of cAMP in collecting duct principal cells, consistent with the presence of a cAMP-responsive element in the 5′ untranslated region of the AQP2 gene365,366 and with the recent demonstration that mice with inherently low cAMP levels also have low expression of AQP2.367 However, recent data have shown that the reduction in AQP2 levels is independent of adenylyl cyclase activity and cytosolic cAMP concentration.368 Blood dDAVP levels were clamped in Brattleboro lacks lacking endogenous VP, and these animals showed no difference in dDAVP-induced cAMP generation between kidneys of rats with lithium-induced NDI and control rats. These data were supported by in vitro experiments using the collecting duct cell line mpkCCD(c14)—lithium did not alter VP-stimulated cAMP elevation in these cells, but it did decrease AQP2 mRNA levels.368 Thus, the mechanism by which lithium reduces AQP2 expression remains unknown. There was a very slow recovery in AQP2 expression and restoration of urinary concentration after cessation of lithium treatment364 consistent with clinical findings. Kwon and colleagues363 used two different treatment protocols—one leading to moderate lithium-induced NDI and one leading to severe lithium-induced NDI. In both protocols there was a dramatic

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Reduced Abundance of AQP2


300 down-regulation of AQP2 expression and a comparable down-regulation also of the basolateral AQP3 to less than 10% of control levels. Thus, down-regulation of AQP3 may also play a significant role. Interestingly, lithium treatment also caused a marked decrease in the fraction of principal cells in collecting duct in cortex and inner medulla369 with a CH 8 parallel increase in the population of intercalated cells. This architectural restructuring of the collecting duct, together with down-regulation of collecting duct aquaporins, is likely to be important in lithium-induced NDI. After a 4-week recovery period (cessation of lithium treatment), urine production, AQP2 protein levels, as well as the fraction of principal cells returned completely to control levels.369 The mechanism underlying the change in principal/intercalated cell ratio after lithium treatment remains unclear, but other procedures such as chronic carbonic anhydrase inhibition by acetazolamide also increase the intercalated cell population in the medulla, implying a phenotypic plasticity of collecting duct epithelial cells.370 In addition to the large increase in urinary water excretion, lithium-induced NDI is also associated with significant sodium wasting.371 The molecular explanation for this has been investigated by functional and biochemical analysis. Kwon and colleagues did not find changes in the expression levels of proximal tubule and thick ascending limb sodium transporters that could be ascribed any role in the sodium wasting or in the reduced urinary concentrating ability.363 However, amiloride had a lower effect on sodium excretion in rats with lithium-induced NDI than in controls, suggesting that potential changes in the epithelial sodium channel ENaC function could be involved in the sodium wasting.372 Immunoblotting and immunocytochemical analysis demonstrated a marked reduction in protein expression levels of alpha, beta, and gamma subunits in the cortical and outer medullary collecting duct principal cells in rats with lithium-induced NDI,373 but there were no changes in proximal tubule and thick ascending limb sodium transporters, consistent with the data of Kwon and colleagues.363 Thus reduction in ENaC subunits appears to represent the molecular background for the sodium wasting observed in lithium treatment. Interestingly, treatment of rats with amiloride attenuates the severity of lithium-induced NDI in rats,374 and in humans,375,376 presumably due to an inhibition of lithium uptake into principal cells via the ENaC channel.

Hypokalemia and Hypercalcemia Hypokalemia and hypercalcemia are both associated with significant vasopressin-resistant polyuria, and both were associated with a reduced expression of AQP2 levels and polyuria in rats.377,378 The polyuria associated with these conditions is less severe than that seen in lithium-induced NDI and consistent with this, a less marked reduction in AQP2 was observed. In addition, expression of AQP2 is reduced in hypercalcemic rats contributing to the development of polyuria.379 With regard to hypercalcemia, it was found that in addition to down-regulation of AQP2, the expression levels of AQP1 and AQP3 protein were also reduced.379 Hypercalcemia is known to be associated with sodium absorption defects in the thick ascending limb, which would affect the counter current multiplication system. Wang and associates examined the protein expression levels of several key sodium transporters, including the vasopressin-regulated bumetanidesensitive sodium potassium 2 chloride co-transporter BSC-1 or NKCC-2.380 BSC-1 expression was markedly reduced both in cortex and in the inner stripe of the outer medulla (ISOM). Also ROMK protein expression was reduced. In contrast there was no reduction in NHE3 and Na, K-ATPase (alpha subunit) in ISOM. Thus reduced TAL BSC-1 and ROMK in hypercalcemia is likely to participate in the known defect in TAL sodium reabsorption and hence in the impaired urinary

concentration together with reduced AQP2 and AQP3 expression in the collecting duct.

Ureteral Obstruction Chronic urinary outflow obstruction with impaired ability of the kidney to concentrate urine is a common condition amongst elderly men, whereas acute obstruction can also cause a similar concentrating defect at all ages. Rat models in which one or both ureters were reversibly obstructed381,382 showed that after 24 hours, AQP2 expression was markedly reduced, even before release of the obstruction. Following release of the obstruction, there was a vasopressin-resistant and persistent polyuria, and an increase in solute-free water clearance. Although urine output was almost normalized after a week, the animals still had a concentrating defect. Consistent with this, AQP2 expression levels were significantly reduced to about 25% of control levels 2 days after release of obstruction and remained at about 50% of controls at 7 days. Thus, the persisting concentrating defect is likely to be related to the continued depression in AQP2 levels.381 Interestingly, unilateral ureteral obstruction also showed significantly reduced renal AQP2 levels indicating that local intrarenal factors are involved in the signaling pathways resulting in reduced expression. Thus there is increasing evidence that down-regulation of AQP2 expression plays a major role for the development of polyuria associated with acquired forms of NDI. This has been further supported by additional studies showing a marked down-regulation of collecting duct aquaporins (AQP2–4) as well as proximal tubule AQP1.383 Moreover ureteral obstruction and release of ureteral obstruction is also associated with a marked down-regulation of key renal sodium transporters including the TAL transporters involved in countercurrent multiplication.384 Thus there is growing evidence that many of the energy-consuming processes involved in urinary concentration are dramatically down-regulated in conditions that result in obstruction of the urinary tract. However, there is very little information regarding the signaling processes that are responsible for this downregulation. In support of a role of inflammatory processes, alpha-MSH treatment of rats with ureteral obstruction or release of obstruction markedly prevented the down-regulation of several key aquaporins and sodium transporters. In particular, the down-regulation of AQP1 and Na,K-ATPase was significantly inhibited.385 Importantly, it has been found that acute ureteral obstruction leads to marked upregulation of COX-2 in the inner medulla and that selective COX-2 inhibition prevents the observed dysregulation of AQP2, BSC-1, and NHE3.386 These data indicate that COX-2 may be an important factor contributing to the impaired renal water and sodium handling in response to bilateral ureteral obstruction.

Cirrhosis and Congestive Heart Failure In some conditions with extracellular fluid expansion such as hepatic cirrhosis and congestive heart failure, which are known to be associated with hyponatremia and a defect in urinary dilution, an increase in AQP2 expression has been found, for example in rats with severe CCl4-induced hepatic cirrhosis.387,388 In contrast, conditions with compensated biliary hepatic cirrhosis showed a reduction in AQP2 expression.389 In experimental congestive heart failure, a marked increase in AQP2 expression and apical targeting was observed,251,390 but no change in AQP2 expression was noted in rats with compensatory heart failure.251 Vasopressin-V2receptor antagonist treatment of rats with severe congestive heart failure normalized AQP2 expression and eliminated sodium and water retention.390 Both observations support the view that dysregulation of AQP2 may play a significant role in the development of water retention and hyponatremia. A baroreceptor-mediated increase in circulating vasopressin is

ACKNOWLEDGMENT Work from the laboratories of the authors was carried out with the support of National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grant DK38452 (DB) and a grant from the National Danish Research Foundation (Grundforskningsfonden; SN) and the Danish Medical Research Council (SN). We thank our many excellent

colleagues for their invaluable contributions to our research 301 endeavors over the past several years.

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likely to play a key role in the increase in AQP2 expression and targeting. It remains to be established why vasopressinescape does not take place in rats with congestive heart failure in contrast to what is seen in normal experimental SIADH rats.391 It should be emphasized that other mechanisms including changes in NaCl transporter expression are also likely to play a major role in the development of sodium and water retention. Recently, it was demonstrated that the expression of BSC-1 (or NKCC2) in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle was increased in rats with mild congestive heart failure.392 Moreover, vasopressin-mediated renal water reabsorption (evaluated by the aquaretic response to selective V(2)-receptor blockade) was significantly increased. Losartan treatment normalized expression of BSC-1 and decreased the protein expression levels of AQP2. This was associated with normalization of daily sodium excretion and normalization of the aquaretic response to V(2)-receptor blockade. Together, these results indicate that, in rats with congestive heart failure, losartan treatment inhibits increased sodium reabsorption through BSC-1 in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle and water reabsorption through AQP2 in the collecting ducts, which in part may result in an improved renal function. Dysregulation of AQP2 (as well as AQP3 and AQP1) is also associated with multiple other water balance disorders including experimental nephrotic syndrome,393,394 low-protein feeding,395 experimentally induced chronic renal failure,396 and experimental ischemic renal failure.363,397 There is substantial evidence that the down-regulation of AQP2 in many pathological conditions is a primary event in acquired NDI. The changes in AQP2 expression in kidney cortex are identical with those seen in the inner medulla377 indicating that a local effect of interstitial tonicity is not a major factor. Moreover, treatment with the loop diuretic furosemide causes the washout of the medullary osmotic gradient by blocking salt reabsorption in the loop of Henle, but resulted in no significant change in AQP2 expression after either 1 or 5 days treatment.357,377 This also indicates that the high urine flow itself is not responsible for the decrease in AQP2 expression in experimental NDI. Indeed homozygous Brattleboro rats express substantial levels of intracellular AQP2 in principal cells (although less than in normal rats), despite high urine volume. This is further supported by the observation that AQP2 expression was increased in polyuric, glycosuric streptozotocin-diabetic rats that had a raised AQP2 level,398 probably as a consequence of increased circulating vasopressin. These results strengthen the view that the decrease in AQP2 is, at least in part, a cause rather than a consequence of the polyuria. Thus, dysregulation of aquaporins is likely to play a significant role in a variety of water balance disorders associated with common and often severe kidney, liver, and heart diseases. Studies are underway in many laboratories to fully examine the signal transduction pathways, and to define the exact role of dysregulated expression and targeting in the development of these conditions. Further analysis of aquaporins and aquaporin cell biology, in combination with our increasing understanding of ion channel and transporter expression and function in the kidney, is expected to provide further insights into the molecular understanding of water balance and its disorders.


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386. Norregaard R, Jensen BL, Li C, et al: COX-2 inhibition prevents downregulation of key renal water and sodium transport proteins in response to bilateral ureteral obstruction. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 289:F322–F333, 2005. 387. Fujita N, Ishikawa SE, Sasaki S, et al: Role of water channel AQP-CD in water retention in SIADH and cirrhotic rats. Am J Physiol 269:F926–F931, 1995. 388. Ishikawa SE, Schrier RW: Pathophysiological roles of arginine vasopressin and aquaporin-2 in impaired water excretion. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 58:1–17, 2003. 389. Johansson I, Karlsson M, Shukla VK, et al: Water transport activity of the plasma membrane aquaporin PM28A is regulated by phosphorylation. Plant Cell 10:451–459, 1998. 390. Xu DL, Martin PY, Ohara M, et al: Upregulation of aquaporin-2 water channel expression in chronic heart failure rat. J Clin Invest 99:1500–1505, 1997. 391. Ecelbarger CA, Nielsen S, Olson BR, et al: Role of renal aquaporins in escape from vasopressin-induced antidiuresis in rat. J Clin Invest 99:1852–1863, 1997. 392. Staahltoft D, Nielsen S, Janjua NR, et al: Losartan treatment normalizes renal sodium and water handling in rats with mild congestive heart failure. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 282:F307–F315, 2002. 393. Apostol E, Ecelbarger CA, Terris J, et al: Reduced renal medullary water channel expression in puromycin aminonucleoside–induced nephrotic syndrome. J Am Soc Nephrol 8:15–24, 1997. 394. Fernandez-Llama P, Andrews P, Nielsen S, et al: Impaired aquaporin and urea transporter expression in rats with adriamycin-induced nephrotic syndrome. Kidney Int 53:1244–1253, 1998. 395. Sands JM, Naruse M, Jacobs JD, et al: Changes in aquaporin-2 protein contribute to the urine concentrating defect in rats fed a low-protein diet. J Clin Invest 97:2807– 2814, 1996. 396. Kwon TH, Frokiaer J, Knepper MA, et al: Reduced AQP1, -2, and -3 levels in kidneys of rats with CRF induced by surgical reduction in renal mass. Am J Physiol 275:F724–F741, 1998. 397. Kwon TH, Frokiaer J, Fernandez-Llama P, et al: Reduced abundance of aquaporins in rats with bilateral ischemia-induced acute renal failure: prevention by alpha-MSH. Am J Physiol 277:F413–F427, 1999. 398. Nejsum LN, Kwon TH, Marples D, et al: Compensatory increase in AQP2, p-AQP2, and AQP3 expression in rats with diabetes mellitus. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 280:F715–F726, 2001. 399. Brown D: Imaging protein trafficking. Nephron Exp Nephrol 103:e55–e61, 2006.


CH 8

Cell Biology of Vasopressin Action

371. Timmer RT, Sands JM: Lithium intoxication. J Am Soc Nephrol 10:666–674, 1999. 372. Thomsen K, Bak M, Shirley DG: Chronic lithium treatment inhibits amiloridesensitive sodium transport in the rat distal nephron. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 289:443– 447, 1999. 373. Nielsen J, Kwon TH, Toftgaard A, et al: Regulation of ENaC in Rats with Lithium Induced Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus. J Am Soc Nephrol 13:278A, 2002. 374. Feuerstein G, Zilberman Y, Hemmendinger R, et al: Attenuation of the lithiuminduced diabetes-insipidus-like syndrome by amiloride in rats. Neuropsychobiology 7:67–73, 1981. 375. Batlle DC, von Riotte AB, Gaviria M, et al: Amelioration of polyuria by amiloride in patients receiving long-term lithium therapy. N Engl J Med 312:408–414, 1985. 376. Kosten TR, Forrest JN: Treatment of severe lithium-induced polyuria with amiloride. Am J Psychiatry 143:1563–1568, 1986. 377. Marples D, Frokiaer J, Dorup J, et al: Hypokalemia-induced downregulation of aquaporin-2 water channel expression in rat kidney medulla and cortex. J Clin Invest 97:1960–1968, 1996. 378. Sands JM, Flores FX, Kato A, et al: Vasopressin-elicited water and urea permeabilities are altered in IMCD in hypercalcemic rats. Am J Physiol 274:F978–F985, 1998. 379. Wang W, Li C, Kwon TH, et al: AQP3, p-AQP2, and AQP2 expression is reduced in polyuric rats with hypercalcemia: Prevention by cAMP-PDE inhibitors. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 283:F1313–F1325, 2002. 380. Wang XY, Beutler K, Nielsen J, et al: Decreased abundance of collecting duct urea transporters UT-A1 and UT-A3 with ECF volume expansion. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 282:F577–F584, 2002. 381. Frokiaer J, Christensen BM, Marples D, et al: Downregulation of aquaporin-2 parallels changes in renal water excretion in unilateral ureteral obstruction. Am J Physiol 273:F213–F223, 1997. 382. Frokiaer J, Marples D, Knepper MA, et al: Bilateral ureteral obstruction downregulates expression of vasopressin- sensitive AQP-2 water channel in rat kidney. Am J Physiol 270:F657–F668, 1996. 383. Li C, Wang W, Kwon TH, et al: Downregulation of AQP1, -2, and -3 after ureteral obstruction is associated with a long-term urine-concentrating defect. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 281:F163–F171, 2001. 384. Li C, Wang W, Kwon TH, et al: Altered expression of major renal Na transporters in rats with unilateral ureteral obstruction. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 284:F155–F166, 2003. 385. Li C, Wang W, Kwon TH, et al: Alpha-MSH treatment prevents downregulation of AQP1, AQP2 and AQP3 expression in rats with bilateral ureteral obstruction. J Am Soc Nephrol 13:272A, 2002.

CHAPTER 9 The Kidney Can Regulate Water Excretion without Large Changes in Solute Excretion, 308 A Parallel Organization of Structures in the Renal Medulla is Critical to Urinary Concentrating and Diluting Process, 308 Renal Tubules, 308 Vasculature, 312 Medullary Interstitium, 312 Renal Pelvis, 312 General Features of the Urine Concentration and Dilution Process, 313 Sites of Urine Concentration and Dilution, 313 Mechanism of Tubule Fluid Dilution, 313 Mechanism of Tubule Fluid Concentration, 314

Urine Concentration and Dilution Mark A. Knepper • Jason D. Hoffert • Randall K. Packer • Robert A. Fenton THE KIDNEY CAN REGULATE WATER EXCRETION WITHOUT LARGE CHANGES IN SOLUTE EXCRETION

The tonicity of body fluids is controlled predominantly through the regulation of renal water excretion. The kidney also carries out several other homeostatic functions, including regulation of extracellular fluid volume (through control of NaCl excretion), regulaMolecular Physiology of Urinary tion of systemic acid-base balance (through Concentrating and Diluting control of net acid excretion), regulation Processes, 321 of systemic K balance (through the control of Transport Proteins Involved in K+ excretion), and maintenance of nitrogen Urinary Concentration and balance (through excretion of urea). Water Dilution, 321 excretion and the excretion of individual Use of Knockout Mice to Study solutes must be regulated independently to the Urinary Concentrating allow all of the homeostatic functions of Mechanism and Vasopressin the kidney to be performed simultaneously. Action, 323 Thus, when water intake changes in the absence of changes in solute intake or of Ammonium Accumulates in the changes in metabolic production of waste Renal Medulla, 325 solutes, the kidney can excrete the appropriate amount of water without marked perturbations in solute excretion (i.e., without disturbing the other homeostatic functions of the kidney). This phenomenon, shown in Figure 9–1, occurs as a result of operation of the renal concentrating and diluting mechanism, the focus of this chapter. Figure 9–1 highlights several important features of the concentrating and diluting mechanism viewed from the perspective of whole-kidney function. The major effector in the regulation of renal water excretion is the antidiuretic hormone vasopressin. Vasopressin is a peptide hormone secreted into the peripheral plasma by the posterior pituitary gland (see Chapter 8). As shown in the upper panel of Figure 9–1, the kidney is capable of wide variations in water excretion (i.e., urine flow) in response to changing levels of vasopressin in the peripheral plasma. Water excretion is typically more than 100-fold lower in extreme antidiuresis (high vasopressin level) than in extreme water diuresis (low vasopressin level). These large changes in water excretion are achieved without substantial changes in the steady-state rate of total solute excretion (measured as osmolar clearance). As shown in the bottom panel of Figure 9–1, this behavior is dependent on the ability of the kidney to concentrate and dilute the urine. When water excretion is rapid because of a low circulating vasopressin level, the urine is diluted to an osmolality less than that of plasma (290 mOsm/kg H2O). When water excretion is low because of a high circulating vasopressin level, the urine is concentrated to an osmolality much higher than that of plasma. Under normal circumstances, the circulating vasopressin level is determined by osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus that trigger increases in vasopressin secretion (by the posterior pituitary gland) when the osmolality of the blood rises above a threshold value, about 292 mOsm/kg H2O. This mechanism can be subverted when other inputs to the hypothalamus (e.g., associated with 308

arterial underfilling, severe fatigue, or physical stress) override this osmotic mechanism. Such non-osmotic stimuli, coupled with continued water intake, explain the hyponatremia that occurs in severe congestive heart failure and cirrhosis.1 Similar circumstances (stress induced vasopressin secretion coupled with continued water intake) are believed to be responsible for the hyponatremia seen in marathon runners2 and for the high incidence of hyponatremia seen in Coalition troops during the 2003 invasion of Iraq.3

A PARALLEL ORGANIZATION OF STRUCTURES IN THE RENAL MEDULLA IS CRITICAL TO URINARY CONCENTRATING AND DILUTING PROCESS The ability of the kidney to vary water excretion over a broad range, without altering steady-state solute excretion, would not be predicted from simple consideration of sequential transport processes along the nephron.4 Urine concentration and dilution cannot be explained by simple models based on the sequential action of several nephron segments. Instead, it is necessary to consider the parallel interactions between nephron segments that result from its folded or looped structure (see Chapter 2). An understanding of these interactions depends on knowledge of the regional architecture of the renal medulla and medullary rays illustrated in Figure 9–2. The nomenclature used for the various renal tubule segments is summarized in Table 9–1. Except where indicated, we follow the terminology recommended by Kriz and Bankir5 on behalf of the Renal Commission of the International Union of Physiological Sciences.

Renal Tubules Loops of Henle Two populations of nephrons merge to form a common collecting duct system (see Fig. 9–2). One population (short-looped



10 100 Rate of [Lys8]-vasopressin infusion (␮U/min/100 g BW)



Water excretion


Medullary ray

CH 9

Outer stripe


Inner stripe

Solute excretion (Cosm)


Short-looped nephron Long-looped nephron


Osmolality of urine

1000 800 600

Osmolality of plasma



mOsm/kg H2O

1200 Collecting duct

200 0


10 100 Rate of [Lys8]-vasopressin infusion (␮U/min/100 g BW)

FIGURE 9–1 Steady-state renal response to varying rates of vasopressin infusion in conscious rats.212 A water load (4% of body weight) was maintained throughout the experiments to suppress endogenous vasopressin secretion. Although the urine flow rate was markedly reduced at higher vasopressin infusion rates, the osmolar clearance changed little. (Data from Atherton JC, Green R, Thomas S: Influence of lysine-vasopressin dosage on the time course of changes in renal tissue and urinary composition in the conscious rat. J Physiol 213:291–309, 1971.)

nephrons) has loops that bend in the outer medulla. The other population (long-looped nephrons) has loops that bend at various levels of the inner medulla. Figure 9–3 shows three examples of long loops of Henle in mouse as traced using computer reconstruction techniques from serial histological sections through the kidney, providing a realistic view of the course of individual tubules. In rats, more than 70% of long loops of Henle bend in the outer half of the inner medulla, and progressively fewer loops extend to deeper levels of the inner medulla. The loops of Henle receive the effluent from the proximal convoluted tubules. They carry tubule fluid into and out of the renal medulla, establishing countercurrent flow between the two limbs of the hairpin loop as emphasized in Figure 9–3. Several discrete nephron segments compose the loop of Henle (see Figs. 9–2 and 9–3, and Table 9–1). In Figure 9–3, proximal tubule segments are depicted as blue-green and thin limbs of Henle are depicted as green. The descending part of the loop consists of the S2 proximal straight tubules in the medullary rays, the S3 proximal straight tubule in the outer

FIGURE 9–2 Mammalian renal structure.81 Major regions of the kidney are shown on the left. Configurations of a long-looped and a short-looped nephron are depicted. The major portions of the nephron are proximal tubules (medium blue), thin limbs of loops of Henle (single line), thick ascending limbs of loops of Henle (green), distal convoluted tubules (lavender), and the collecting duct system (yellow). (Modified from Knepper MA, Stephenson JL: Urinary concentrating and diluting processes. In Andreoli TE, Fanestil DD, Hoffman JF, Schultz SG (eds): Physiology of Membrane Disorders, 2nd ed. New York, Plenum, 1986, pp 713–726.)

stripe of the outer medulla, and the thin descending limbs in the inner stripe of the outer medulla and the inner medulla. The descending thin limbs of short loops of Henle (SDL) differ structurally and functionally from the descending thin limbs of long loops of Henle (LDL).6 The SDLs are not depicted in Figure 9–3 but their arrangement in the renal outer medulla is illustrated in Figure 9–4 (labeled in green). As can be seen, the SDLs tend to be organized in a ring-like pattern surrounding the vascular bundles of the outer medulla (Fig. 9–4, inset). Long-looped descending limbs in the outer medulla (LDLOM) differ morphologically and functionally from long-looped descending limbs in the inner medulla (LDLIM).7–10 The transition from the LDLOM to the LDLIM is gradual; it often occurs a considerable distance into the inner medulla. Figure 9–5 shows a computerized reconstruction of the inner medullary portions of several long loops of Henle from rats featuring labeling with antibodies to aquaporin-1 (AQP1) and the ClCK1 chloride channel.11 AQP1, a marker of the LDLOM in the outer medulla, is present in LDLs for a variable distance into the inner medulla. ClC-K1 labeling, marking the thin ascending limb-type epithelium, is first seen at variable distances before the loop bends, consistent with many morphological studies that have demonstrated that the DL-to-AL transition

Urine Concentration and Dilution




309 100


Cortical labyrinth

CH 9

Medullary ray Outer stripe of outer medulla FIGURE 9–3 The courses of three long-loop nephrons from mouse as determined by computer reconstruction from histological images. Color codes: proximal tubule segments, blue-green; thin limbs segments, green; thick ascending limb segments, red; distal convoluted tubule, purple; connecting tubules, yellow. (From Zhai XY, Thomsen JS, Birn H, et al: Three-dimensional reconstruction of the mouse nephron. J Am Soc Nephrol 17:77–88, 2006.)

Inner stripe of outer medulla

Inner medulla


Nomenclature for Renal Tubule Segments*

Major Segment



Region of Kidney

Proximal convoluted tubule

Early proximal convolution Cortical labyrinth


Cortical labyrinth Late proximal convolution PCT(S2)

Loop of Henle

Early proximal straight Late proximal straight Descending thin limb of short loops Descending thin limb of long loops, outer medulla Descending thin limb of long loops, inner medulla Ascending thin limb Medullary thick ascending limb Cortical thick ascending limb


Medullary rays Outer medulla (outer stripe) Outer medulla (inner stripe) Outer medulla (inner stripe) Inner medulla Inner medulla Outer medulla Medullary rays


Distal convoluted tubule Connecting tubule


Cortical labyrinth Cortical labyrinth

Collecting ducts

Initial collecting tubule Cortical collecting duct Outer medullary collecting duct, outer stripe Outer medullary collecting duct, inner stripe Inner medullary collecting duct, initial part Inner medullary collecting duct, terminal part


Cortical labyrinth Medullary rays Outer medulla Outer medulla Inner medulla (base) Inner medulla (papilla)

*Terminology is based on that proposed by the Renal Commission of the International Union of Physiological Sciences5 with two exceptions: (1) Terminology for descending thin limb subsegments based on that proposed by Imai and colleagues6 is used because it is more literally descriptive of the locations and topography of the segments; (2) Expanded terminology for the inner medullary collecting duct is based on studies53,218 demonstrating two distinct inner medullary collecting duct subsegments.


CH 9

Urine Concentration and Dilution

FIGURE 9–4 Triple immunolabeling of rat renal medulla showing localization of UT-A2 (green) marking late SDL segments, von Willebrand factor (blue) marking endothelial cells of vasa recta, and aquaporin-1 (red) marking LDLOM segments and early SDL segments. Inset shows a cross section of a vascular bundle demonstrating that UT-A2 positive SDL segments surround the vascular bundles in the deep part of the outer medulla. Labels in this diagram: IM, inner medulla; IS, inner stripe of outer medulla; OS, outer stripe of outer medulla: VBa, vascular bundles in outer part of inner stripe; VBb, vascular bundles in inner part of inner stripe. (From Wade JB, Lee AJ, Liu J, et al: UTA-2: A 55 kDa urea transporter in thin descending limb whose abundance is regulated by vasopressin. Am J Physiol 278:F52–F62, 2000.)

occurs before the loop bend. A substantial portion of the inner medullary LDL (presumably the LDLIM) did not express either AQP1 or ClC-K1. Overall, the ascending part of the loop of Henle consists of the ascending thin limbs (which are present only in long loops), the medullary thick ascending limbs in the inner stripe of the outer medulla, and the cortical thick ascending limbs in the medullary rays. (Medullary and cortical thick ascending limbs are shown in red in Figure 9–3.)

Distal Tubule Segments in the Cortical Labyrinth After exiting the loop of Henle, tubule fluid enters the distal convoluted tubules in the cortical labyrinth (violet tubules in Fig. 9–3). Several distal tubules merge to form a connecting

FIGURE 9–5 The inner medullary courses of several long-loop nephrons from rat as determined by computer reconstruction from immunolabeled histological sections. Colors: aquaporin-1, red; ClC-K1, green; no labeling, light blue. (From Pannabecker TL, Abbott DE, Dantzler WH: Three-dimensional functional reconstruction of inner medullary thin limbs of Henle’s loop. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 286:F38–F45, 2004 and Zhai XY, Thomsen JS, Birn H, et al: Threedimensional reconstruction of the mouse nephron. J Am Soc Nephrol 17:77–88, 2006.)

tubule arcade in most mammalian species. (Connecting tubules are depicted as yellow in Figure 9–3.) The arcades ascend upward through the cortical labyrinth in association with the interlobular arteries and veins.12 The connecting tubule cells of the arcades express both aquaporin-2 (the vasopressin-regulated water channel) and the vasopressin V2subtype receptor,13 suggesting that, like the collecting ducts,

312 the arcades are sites of regulated water absorption (see later). The arcades deliver their tubule fluid to initial collecting tubules in the superficial cortex and finally to the cortical collecting ducts. In rats and rabbits, five or six nephrons combine to form a single cortical collecting duct.14 In mice, six to seven nephrons merge to form a single collecting CH 9 duct.15

Collecting Duct System The collecting duct system spans all the regions of the kidney between the superficial cortex and the tip of the inner medulla (see Fig. 9–2). The collecting ducts are arrayed parallel to the loops of Henle in the medulla and medullary rays. Like the loop of Henle, the collecting duct system is composed of several morphologically and functionally discrete tubule segments (see Table 9–1). In general, the collecting ducts descend straight through the medullary rays and outer medulla without joining other collecting ducts. However, repeated joinings occur in the inner medulla, which results in a progressive reduction in the number of inner medullary collecting ducts (IMCDs) toward the renal papillary tip.14 This reduction in the number of collecting ducts, combined with the progressive reduction in the number of loops of Henle reaching successive levels of the inner medulla, accounts for the tapered structure of the renal papilla.

Vasculature The major blood vessels that carry blood into and out of the renal medulla are called the vasa recta. The descending vasa recta receive blood from efferent arterioles of juxtamedullary nephrons and supply blood to the capillary plexuses at each level of the medulla. The capillary plexus in the outer medulla is considerably more dense and much better perfused than the plexus in the inner medulla.16 Blood from the capillary plexus of the inner medulla feeds into ascending vasa recta. (Ascending vasa recta are never formed directly from descending vasa recta in a loop-like structure.) Ascending vasa recta from the inner medulla traverse the inner stripe of the outer medulla in close physical association with the descending vasa recta in vascular bundles.17 In many animal species, the vascular bundles are surrounded by the thin limbs of short loops of Henle (SDLs) as shown in Figure 9–4. Here the SDL segments are labeled with an antibody to the UT-A2 urea transporter, suggesting a route for urea recycling from the vasa recta to the short loops of Henle. The capillary plexus of the outer medulla is drained by vasa recta that ascend through the outer stripe of the outer medulla separate from the descending vasa recta.18 The counterflow arrangement of vasa recta in the medulla promotes countercurrent exchange of solutes and water. This exchange is abetted by the presence of aquaporin-1 water channels19,20 and the UT-B urea transporters21,22 in the endothelial cells of the descending portion of the vasa recta. Countercurrent exchange provides a means of reducing the effective blood flow to the medulla while maintaining a high absolute perfusion rate.23 The low effective blood flow that results from countercurrent exchange is thought to be important to the preservation of solute concentration gradients in the medullary tissue (see later). In contrast to the medulla, the cortical labyrinth has a high effective blood flow. The rapid vascular perfusion to this region promotes the rapid return of solutes and water absorbed from the nephron to the general circulation. The rapid perfusion is thought to maintain the interstitial concentrations of most solutes at levels close to those in the peripheral plasma. The medullary rays of the cortex have a capillary plexus that is considerably sparser than that of the cortical labyrinth. Consequently, the effective blood flow to the medullary

FIGURE 9–6 Alcian blue staining of normal rat kidney showing distribution of hyaluronic acid with high levels in inner medulla. Bar is 2 mm. (From Knepper MA, Saidel GM, Hascall VC, Dwyer T: Concentration of solutes in the renal inner medulla: Interstitial hyaluronan as a mechano-osmotic transducer. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 284:F433–F446, 2003.)

rays has been postulated to be lower than that of the cortical labyrinth.4

Medullary Interstitium The renal medullary interstitium is a complex space that contains fluid, microfibrils, extracellular matrix, and interstitial cells.24 In the outer medulla and the outer portion of the inner medulla, the interstitium is relatively small in volume,4 which may be important in limiting diffusion of solutes upward along the medullary axis. The interstitial space is much larger in the inner half of the inner medulla.4 A gelatinous matrix found in this region contains large amounts of highly polymerized hyaluronic acid (HA), consisting of alternating D-glucuronate and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine moieties.25 Figure 9–6 shows a rat kidney labeled with a dye (Alcian Blue) that binds selectively to HA showing its distribution in the kidney. The inner medullary HA interstitial matrix (stained blue in Fig. 9–6) has recently been proposed to play a direct role in generation of an inner medullary osmotic gradient through its ability to store and transduce energy from the smooth muscle contractions of the renal pelvis25 (see later).

Renal Pelvis Urine exits the collecting duct system and enters the renal pelvis at the tip of the renal papilla (Fig. 9–7; compare with Fig. 9–6). The renal pelvis (or the calyx in multipapillate kidneys) is a complex intrarenal urinary space surrounding the renal papilla. The renal pelvis (calyx) has extensions called fornices and secondary pouches whose lumens contact portions of the renal outer medulla. Although a transitional epithelium lines most of the pelvic space, a simple cuboidal epithelium separates the pelvic space from the renal parenchyma.26 It has been proposed that solute and water transport could occur across this epithelium, modifying the composition of the renal medullary interstitial fluid.27 The renal pelvic (calyceal) wall (see Fig. 9–6) contains two smooth muscle layers.28 Contractions of these smooth muscle layers are responsible for powerful peristaltic waves that appear to displace the renal papilla downward with a “milking” action.29 The peristaltic waves have been reported



Pelvic space


AD: 290 WD: 100


CH 9

Plasma 290 Outer medulla

Pelvic wall Papillary interstitium Pelvic wall

Inner medulla To bladder


FIGURE 9–7 Pattern of urine flow in papillary collecting ducts and renal pelvis. Urine exits the papillary collecting ducts (ducts of Bellini) at the tip of the renal papilla and is carried to the urinary bladder by the ureter. (Compare with Figure 9–6.) Under some circumstances, a fraction of the urine may reflux backward in the pelvic space and contact the outer surface of the renal papilla. Solute and water exchange across the papillary surface epithelium has been postulated (see text).

to intermittently propel the urine along the collecting ducts. The contractions compress all structures in the renal inner medulla including the collecting ducts, the loops of Henle, and the interstitium.30 The contractions have been proposed to furnish part of the energy for concentrating solutes in the inner medulla,25 as discussed subsequently.

GENERAL FEATURES OF THE URINE CONCENTRATION AND DILUTION PROCESS Sites of Urine Concentration and Dilution The sites of tubule fluid concentration and dilution along the mammalian nephron have been investigated by micropuncture studies in rats and other rodents. These results are summarized in Figure 9–8. The tubule fluid in the proximal convoluted tubule is always approximately isosmotic with plasma, regardless of whether the kidney is concentrating or diluting the urine.31,32 In contrast, the fluid in the early distal convoluted tubule is always hypotonic, regardless of the osmolality of the urine. The earliest site along the nephron where differences in tubule fluid osmolality between antidiuresis and water diuresis can be detected is the late distal tubule. At this site, the tubule fluid becomes isosmotic with plasma during antidiuresis, but remains hypotonic during water diuresis. Between the late distal tubule and the final urine, the tubule fluid osmolality rises to a level greater than that of plasma during antidiuresis but remains hypotonic during water diuresis. On the basis of the foregoing observations, it has been concluded that the chief site of dilution of tubule fluid is the loop of Henle and that the dilution process

Vasa recta 1200

Loop 1200


AD: 1150 WD: 65

FIGURE 9–8 Typical osmolalities (in mOsm/kg H2O) found in various vascular (left) and renal tubule (right) sites in rat kidneys. AD, antidiuresis (i.e., high vasopressin); WD, water diuresis (i.e., low vasopressin). Fluid in the proximal tubule is always isosmotic with plasma (290 mOsm/kg H2O). Fluid emerging from the loop of Henle (entering the early distal tubule) is always hypotonic. Osmolality in the late distal tubule increases to plasma level only during antidiuresis. Final urine is hypertonic when the circulating vasopressin level is high, and hypotonic when the vasopressin level is low. A high osmolality is always maintained in the loop of Henle and vasa recta. During antidiuresis, osmolalities in all inner medullary structures are nearly equal. Osmolalities are somewhat attenuated in the loop and vasa recta during water diuresis (not shown). (Based on micropuncture studies; see text.)

in the loop occurs regardless of whether the final urine is dilute or concentrated. During water diuresis, further dilution occurs in the collecting ducts.33 The chief site of urine concentration is beyond the distal tubule (i.e., in the collecting duct system). The following sections consider in turn the mechanism of urinary dilution and of urinary concentration.

Mechanism of Tubule Fluid Dilution Micropuncture measurements in rats have revealed that the hypotonicity of the fluid in the early distal tubule is due chiefly to a reduction in luminal NaCl concentration relative to the proximal tubule.34 In principle, a low luminal NaCl concentration could result from active NaCl absorption from the loop of Henle or water secretion into the loop. However, micropuncture studies, using inulin as a volume marker, demonstrated net water absorption from the superficial loop of Henle during antidiuresis,35 which rules out the possibility of water secretion as a mechanism of tubule fluid dilution. Thus, we can conclude that luminal dilution occurs because of NaCl reabsorption in the loop of Henle in excess of water absorption. The mechanism of dilution has been demonstrated in classic studies of isolated perfused rabbit thick ascending limbs of loops of Henle.36,37 NaCl is rapidly absorbed by active transport, which lowers the luminal NaCl concentration and osmolality to levels below those in the peritubular fluid. The osmotic water permeability is low, which prevents dissipation of the transepithelial osmolality gradient by water

Urine Concentration and Dilution


314 fluxes. Details of the active NaCl transport process at a cellular level are discussed later in the section “Molecular Physiology of Urinary Concentrating and Diluting Processes. The hypotonicity of tubule fluid is maintained throughout the distal tubule and collecting duct system during water diuresis, abetted by the low osmotic water permeability of the CH 9 collecting ducts when circulating levels of vasopressin are low (see Chapter 8). Although the dilute state is sustained in the collecting ducts, the solute composition of the tubule fluid is modified in the collecting duct system, chiefly by Na absorption and K secretion. Active NaCl reabsorption by the collecting ducts is responsible for the further dilution of the collecting duct fluid beyond that achieved in the thick ascending limbs.33

Mechanism of Tubule Fluid Concentration When circulating vasopressin levels are high, extensive net water absorption occurs at sites between the late distal tubule and the final urine (i.e., in the collecting ducts).35 Measurements along the IMCDs of antidiuretic hamsters demonstrated directly that water is absorbed in excess of solutes, with a resulting rise in osmolality along the collecting ducts toward the papillary tip.38 Thus, the collecting duct fluid is concentrated chiefly by water absorption, rather than by solute addition. The osmotic driving force for water absorption along the collecting ducts is present because of the existence of an axial osmolality gradient in the renal medullary tissue, with the highest degree of hypertonicity at the papillary tip. Such an osmolality gradient was initially demonstrated by Wirz and colleagues39 in a classic study that used an ingenious microcryoscopic method to measure the osmolality in the lumens of individual renal tubules in tissue slices from quick-frozen rat kidneys. The measurements revealed that in antidiuretic rats, there was a continuous osmolality gradient throughout the medullary axis, including both the outer medulla and inner medulla, with the highest osmolality in the deepest part of the inner medulla, the papillary tip. Furthermore, in the medulla, the osmolality was about as high in the large tubules (presumably collecting ducts) as in the small tubules (presumably loops of Henle); this demonstrates that the high tissue osmolality was not simply a manifestation of a high osmolality in a single structure, namely, the collecting duct. Consistent with this view, Wirz demonstrated by micropuncture that the osmolality of vasa recta blood, sampled from near the papillary tip in antidiuretic hamsters, was virtually equal to that of the final urine.31 Subsequently, Gottschalk and Mylle,32 using micropuncture in antidiuretic hamsters, confirmed that the osmolality of the fluid in the loops of Henle, the vasa recta, and the collecting ducts was approximately the same (see Fig. 9–8), in support of the view that the collecting duct fluid is concentrated by osmotic equilibration with a hypertonic medullary interstitium. Furthermore, in vitro studies demonstrated that collecting ducts have a high water permeability in the presence of vasopressin40,41 as is required for osmotic equilibration. The mechanism by which the corticomedullary osmolality gradient is generated is considered later. The overall axial osmolality gradient in the renal medulla is composed of gradients of several individual solutes. However, the principal solutes responsible for the osmolality gradient are NaCl and urea, as demonstrated initially in dog kidneys by Ullrich and Jarausch42 by use of the tissue slice analysis technique. These data are summarized in Figure 9–9. The increase in NaCl concentration along the corticomedullary axis occurs predominantly in the outer medulla, with only a small increase in the inner medulla. In contrast,

FIGURE 9–9 Cortico-medullary gradients of urea, sodium, and chloride in kidneys of antidiuretic dogs. Summary of data from Ullrich and Jarausch.42 (From Giebisch G, Windhager EE: Urine concentration and dilution. In Boron WF, Boulpaep EL (eds): Medical Physiology. Philadelphia, Saunders, 2006, pp 828–844.)

the increase in urea concentration along the corticomedullary axis occurs predominantly in the inner medulla, with little or no increase in the outer medulla. Although some aspects of the process that generates the renal medullary solute gradient are in doubt, the major aspects are well understood, viz. the mechanism of generation of the NaCl gradient in the outer medulla and the mechanism of urea accumulation in the inner medulla. In the following, we will emphasize these well understood aspects first and then briefly address the frontiers of our knowledge.

Generation of An Axial NaCl Gradient in the Renal Outer Medulla: Countercurrent Multiplication The concept of countercurrent multiplication originally evolved from a consideration of industrial processes that separate and concentrate economically useful products (e.g., countercurrent extraction and distillation). In these processes, a single stage (given the appropriate energy input) is capable of modest concentration of one component. However, the effect of a single stage (“single effect”) can be multiplied by successive applications of the effect. Werner Kuhn, a Swiss applied physical chemist, and his colleagues used this concept to provide an explanation for the corticomedullary osmolality gradient in the renal medulla.43–45 They showed, using mathematical techniques, that a small concentration difference (single effect) between the ascending and descending limbs of a hairpin counterflow system could be multiplied by the countercurrent flow to obtain an axial gradient much larger than the transverse concentration difference between the limbs. They demonstrated the feasibility of such a concept by constructing physical counterflow models that developed axial solute concentration gradients. In the following paragraphs, we develop in greater detail the conceptual basis of the countercurrent multiplier model. Figure 9–10A shows a hypothetical single-stage process that provides a starting point for consideration of the

A. Single stage

B. Cascade


C. Countercurrent multiplier (discrete)

Input Dilute output



Dilute output

D. Continuous countercurrent multiplier Input

Dilute output

E. Continuous countercurrent multiplier with collecting duct Input Input

Dilute output


CH 9

H2O 2










Concentrated output



Concentrated output


Concentrated output


Concentrated output

Conceptual development of the countercurrent multiplier hypothesis based on the work of Kuhn and associates.43–45 See text for explanation.

countercurrent multiplication concept. We assume that a volume of fluid containing a dissolved solute can be added to such a single stage and, with an appropriate energy input, can be divided into two smaller volumes, one slightly more concentrated than the input, one slightly less concentrated. If the more concentrated output were reintroduced into the same single stage and similarly divided into two smaller volumes, the overall action would be to concentrate a fraction of the original starting fluid more than could have been achieved by a single stage applied only once. If the concentrated output of a single stage is “y” times more concentrated than the input, then the two steps would concentrate the output R = y2 times more than the original input. That is, the single effect y is multiplied to obtain the overall concentration ratio R. Similarly, if there are “n” successive applications of a single stage, the single effect will be multiplied n times, and the overall concentration ratio R will be yn. It is evident that by such a scheme, the action of a single stage with a modest single-stage concentration ratio can be multiplied to yield any arbitrary overall concentration ratio R. Instead of successive applications of a single stage, it is theoretically feasible to stack several such stages in a cascade so that all can operate simultaneously in a steady-state operation (Fig. 9–10B). In this configuration, the concentrated output from a given stage is passed downward to the next stage to be further concentrated. As with the sequential operation of a single stage, this scheme can multiply the single effect of an individual stage to yield any arbitrary overall concentration ratio, given enough stages. The disadvantage of such a scheme is that the volume of fluid reaching each successive stage will be progressively smaller, and the volume of the overall effluent at the bottom of the stack would approach zero as the number of stages n became large. This drawback is avoided, however, if the more dilute output from each stage is passed upward to the next stage, allowing recycling of the fluid (Fig. 9–10C). This change results in a countercurrent arrangement, with the upward-flowing fluid interacting with the downward-flowing fluid at each stage. This countercurrent multiplication scheme allows several concentrating stages to interact to produce a relatively large volume of concentrated fluid at the bottom of the stack. Kuhn and colleagues recognized that it was a simple matter to extend the countercurrent multiplier scheme involving several discrete stages shown in Figure 9–10C to a continuous-flow scheme in which discrete stages are replaced by ascending and descending streams whose interaction is dis-

tributed uniformly throughout their lengths, as would have to exist in the loop of Henle (Fig. 9–10D). A small concentration difference between the counterflowing descending and ascending streams could result in a large axial concentration gradient. The development of the concept by Kuhn and colleagues43–45 that such a continuous countercurrent scheme could explain urine concentration was a landmark event in renal physiology. The terminology derived from the stagewise process was retained in the description of renal countercurrent multiplication. Thus, the term “single effect” (Einzeleffekt, individual effect), which referred to the action of an individual stage, was retained to denote a small solute concentration difference between ascending and descending limbs, although in fact discrete individual stages do not exist. Hydrostatic pressure was initially considered a possible energy source for creation of a single effect in the loop of Henle.43 High pressure on the descending limb side of the loop could theoretically force water to exit the lumen, thus concentrating the descending limb luminal fluid relative to the ascending limb fluid. The realization that hydrostatic pressures in the descending limb lumen were not likely to be high enough to provide a substantial osmolality difference between the two limbs led Kuhn and Ramel45 to describe a model in which active NaCl transport out of the ascending limb lowered its concentration with respect to that of the descending limb (see Fig. 9–10D). Later studies in isolated perfused thick ascending limbs demonstrated that this renal tubule segment indeed has the capability of generating a transepithelial osmotic gradient as required.36,37 A continuous countercurrent multiplier is capable of producing a small volume of concentrated output, which in theory could be withdrawn from the bend of the hairpin loop (see Fig. 9–10D). However, Hargitay and Kuhn44 recognized that a more realistic scheme would include a third tube (a “collecting duct”) that equilibrates osmotically with the loop fluid to produce a concentrated output (Fig. 9–10E). Such a scheme has the advantage that it can concentrate solutes in the collecting ducts other than those responsible for the axial osmolality gradient in the loop. The volume flow into the collecting duct must be considerably less than in the loop for a significant overall concentrating effect to be maintained. Figure 9–10 depicts a countercurrent multiplier that works strictly by recycling NaCl between ascending and descending limbs of the loop of Henle, thus increasing the

Urine Concentration and Dilution

Concentrated output


in residence time of water molecules serves to concentrate the renal medulla. It is now generally accepted that the axial osmolality gradient in the outer medulla is generated by countercurrent multiplication driven by active NaCl transport in the thick ascending limbs. However, as discussed in greater detail subsequently, this basic mechanism does not exist in the inner medulla of the kidney. Indeed, the ascending limb of Henle’s loop in the inner medulla has thin limb morphology and little or no capacity for active NaCl transport.41,50–52 The solute responsible for most of the inner medullary osmolality gradient is urea (see Fig. 9–9). Mechanisms responsible for urea accumulation in the inner medulla are discussed next.

316 mean residence time of Na and Cl ions in the renal medulla. Subsequent work has revealed that early portions of the descending limbs of long-loop nephrons are highly permeable to water7,8,10 due to the expression of high levels of aquaporin-1 in the apical and basolateral plasma membrane of descending limb cells.19,46–48 Thus, as shown in Figure 9– CH 9 11, countercurrent multiplication works not only by NaCl recycling into the descending limb, but also by water shortcircuiting from the descending limb.49 The water reabsorbed from the descending limb is rapidly returned to the general circulation by the vasa recta, thus reducing the mean residence time for water molecules in the renal medulla. Either an increase in residence time of solute particles or a decrease

Descending limb 1. High water permeability 2. Osmotic equilibration

Accumulation of Urea in Renal Inner Medulla: Facilitated Urea Transport, Diffusion Trapping, and Urea Recycling

Ascending limb 1. Active NaCI absorption 2. Low water permeability 3. Luminal dilution


Urea accumulation in the inner medulla is dependent on differential urea permeability along the collecting duct system (Fig. 9–12). The pattern of urea permeability differences among tubule segments has been defined chiefly using the isolated, perfused tubule technique. Figure 9–12 shows a long loop of Henle, a short loop of Henle, and the collecting ducts with each segment distorted so that its width is proportional to the urea permeability coefficient in that segment. Among collecting duct segments, a high urea permeability has been found only in the terminal part of the IMCD.53 The urea permeability of the terminal IMCD is regulated by vasopressin, increasing to extremely high values within minutes of vasopressin exposure.41,54,55 This action of vasopressin is mediated by cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cyclic AMP).56 As discussed subsequently, the high urea permeability of the terminal part of the IMCD is due to the presence of specialized phloretin-sensitive urea transporters in the apical and basolateral plasma membranes of the IMCD cells. The low urea permeability of the collecting duct system proximal to the terminal IMCD is due to a lack of urea transporter expression. The mechanism of urea accumulation in the renal medulla is shown in Figure 9–13.57 The accumulation process is a result of passive urea absorption from the IMCDs. The tubule fluid entering the collecting duct system in the renal cortex has a relatively low urea concentration. During antidiuresis, water is osmotically absorbed from the urea-impermeable parts of the collecting duct system in the cortex and outer medulla. This causes a progressive increase in luminal urea concentration along the connecting tubules, cortical


Increasing osmolality





FIGURE 9–11 Countercurrent multiplication in the renal outer medulla. The thick ascending limb actively reabsorbs NaCl, but because of low water permeability, water is not reabsorbed, resulting in luminal dilution necessary for ‘single effect’. The descending limb is highly permeable to water due to high levels of expression of aquaporin-1. Hypertonic NaCl reabsorbed from ascending limb drives osmotic water reabsorption from descending limb, resulting in short-circuiting of water back to the general circulation (see text). (From Knepper MA, Nielsen S, Chou C-L: Physiological roles of aquaporins in the kidney. Curr Top Membr 51:121–153, 2001.)

Long loop

Short loop

Medullary rays

Outer medulla

Collecting duct

PST (1.5)

CTAL (1.5)

Outer stripe

PST (2.1)

MTAL (1.4)

PST (2.1)

MTAL (1.4)

Inner stripe

LDLOM (1.5)

MTAL (0.7)

SDL (7.5)

MTAL (0.9)

CCD (0.4)

OMCD (3.5) IMCDi (3.4)

Inner medulla

LDLIM (13.5)

ATL (19)

IMCDt (69)

FIGURE 9–12 Urea permeabilities of mammalian renal tubule segments. The width of each segment in the diagram is distorted to be proportional to the urea permeability of that segment. Numbers in parentheses are measured values for the permeability coefficient (×10−5 cm/sec). Values are from isolated perfused tubules studies.54,68,70,71,214–216 Abbreviations for renal tubule segments are the same as in Table 9–1.

Other solutes

Urea permeable

Inner stripe


Concentration of urea by water absorption

Osmolality (percent of total)


Outer stripe

Medullary ray

Cortical labyrinth


CH 9 Urea 60


40 NUN 20

Na salts

K salts

Inner medulla

H2O Na salts

0 Interstitium

H2O Urea

Absorption of urea into medullary interstitium

Urea FIGURE 9–13 Diagram of mammalian collecting duct system showing principal sites of water absorption and urea absorption. Water is absorbed in early part of the collecting duct system, driven by an osmotic gradient. Because urea permeabilities of cortical collecting duct, outer medullary collecting duct and initial IMCD are very low, the water absorption concentrates urea in the lumen of these segments. When the tubule fluid reaches the terminal IMCD, which is highly permeable to urea, urea rapidly exits from the lumen. This urea is trapped in the inner medulla as a result of countercurrent exchange.

collecting ducts, and outer medullary collecting ducts. Then, when the tubule fluid reaches the terminal IMCD, which is highly permeable to urea, urea can exit rapidly from the lumen to the inner medullary interstitium. The urea is trapped in the inner medullary interstitium because the effective blood flow is low owing to countercurrent exchange by the vasa recta (see later). Because the urea permeability of the terminal IMCD is extermely high, particularly in the presence of vasopressin, urea nearly equilibrates across the IMCD epithelium under steady-state conditions. This allows urea in the intersititum to almost completely balance osmotically the high urea concentration in the collecting duct lumen, preventing the osmotic diuresis that would otherwise occur (Fig. 9–14). Close association of descending and ascending vasa recta facilitates countercurrent exchange of urea between the two structures.23 The concentration of urea in the ascending vasa recta exiting the inner medulla approaches the concentration in the descending vasa recta entering the inner medulla, which minimizes the washout of urea from the inner medulla. The permeability of the vasa recta to urea is extremely high (>40 × 10−5 cm/sec),21,41 which abets the countercurrent exchange process. Countercurrent exchange cannot completely eliminate loss of urea from the inner medullary interstitium because the volume flow rate of blood in the ascending vasa recta normally exceeds that in the descending vasa recta.58 The water added to the vasa recta derives from the IMCDs and descending limbs, both of which reabsorb water during antidiuresis. Because the mass flow rate of urea is the product of the urea concentration and the volume flow rate,


FIGURE 9–14 Solutes that account for osmolality of medullary interstitium and tubule fluid in the inner medullary collecting duct during antidiuresis in rats. Urea nearly equilibrates across the IMCD epithelium as a result of rapid facilitated urea transport. Although the osmolalities of the fluid in the two spaces are nearly equal, the non-urea solutes can differ considerably between the two compartments. Typical values in untreated rats are presented. Values can differ considerably in other species and in the same species with different diets. NUN, non-urea nitrogen.

the higher volume flow rate in the ascending vasa recta will ensure that the inner medullary vasculature continually removes urea from the inner medulla. Quantitatively, the most important loss of urea from the inner medullary interstitium is thought to occur via the vasa recta.59 Recycling pathways limit the loss of urea from the inner medulla. Flow in the ascending vasa recta and ascending limb of the loop of Henle tends to carry urea out of the inner medulla. These losses are minimized by urea recycling pathways, which return to the inner medulla much of the urea that leaves through the vasa recta or ascending limbs. Three major urea recycling pathways are described in Figure 9–15.59 Recycling of Urea through the Ascending Limbs, Distal Tubules, and Collecting Ducts Urea exiting the inner medulla in the ascending limbs of the long loops of Henle is carried through the thick ascending limbs, the distal convoluted tubules, and the early part of the collecting duct system by the flow of tubule fluid35 (Fig. 9–15A). When it reaches the urea-permeable part of the collecting duct in the inner medulla, it passively exits into the inner medullary interstitium, completing the cycle. Recycling of Urea through the Vasa Recta, Short Loops of Henle, and Collecting Ducts Micropuncture studies of non diuretic rats have revealed that the delivery of urea to the superficial distal tubule exceeds the delivery out of the superficial proximal tubule.35,60,61 This implies that, in addition to urea recycling via the long loops as described in Figure 9–15A, net urea addition occurs along the short loops of Henle. To explain this finding, it has been proposed60,62 that urea leaving the inner medulla in the vasa recta is transferred to the descending limbs of the short loops of Henle (Fig. 9–15B). The urea that enters the short loops can then be carried through the superficial distal tubules and back to the inner medulla by the collecting ducts where it is

Urine Concentration and Dilution

Outer medulla



Urea impermeable

Collecting Duct Water Absorption

318 DCT


CH 9



Cortex Outer stripe Outer medulla



Inner stripe


Inner medulla





= Flow in tubules = Flow between tubules FIGURE 9–15 Pathways of urea recycling in the mammalian kidney. Solid lines represent a short-looped nephron (left) and a long-looped nephron (right). Transfer of urea between nephron segments is indicated by dashed arrows labeled a, b, and c corresponding to recycling pathways described in the text. tAL, thin ascending limb; CD, collecting duct; DCT, distal convoluted tubule; DL, descending limb; PST, proximal straight tubule; TAL, thick ascending limb; vr, vasa recta. (From Knepper MA, Roch-Ramel F: Pathways of urea transport in the mammalian kidney. Kidney Int 31:629–633, 1987.)

reabsorbed, completing the recycling pathway. Transfer of urea from the vasa recta to the short loops of Henle is facilitated by a close physical association between the vasa recta and the descending limbs of the short loops in the vascular bundles of the inner stripe of the outer medulla.18,63 The recent finding that the urea transporter UT-A2 is selectively expressed in the thin descending limb of short loops of Henle64,65 provides support for this hypothesis. However, recent research using mathematical modeling66 and UT-A2 knockout mice67 (see later) has raised doubts about the importance of this pathway. Recycling of Urea between Ascending Limb and Descending Limb Studies in isolated perfused thick ascending limbs have revealed that the urea permeability of thick ascending limbs from the inner stripe of the outer medulla is too low to permit a substantial amount of urea absorption.68,69 However, similar studies in segments from the outer stripe and medullary rays have demonstrated a higher urea permeability.68,70 It has been proposed that urea reabsorbed from these thick ascending limbs enters neighboring proximal straight tubules, completing a recycling pathway between the ascending limb and descending limbs of the loop4 (Fig. 9–15C). The urea transfer between thick ascending limbs and proximal straight tubules is facilitated by the parallel relationship between these two structures in the outer stripe and in the medullary rays. The transfer may also depend on a relatively attenuated effective blood flow in these regions. Urea secretion into the proximal straight tubules can occur by active transport,71 by passive diffusion,70 or by a combination of both. Urea presumably enters the proximal straight tubules of both short and long loops of Henle. The urea that enters the short-looped nephrons will be carried back to the inner medulla by the flow of tubule fluid through the superficial distal tubules and collecting ducts, reentering the inner medullary interstitium by reabsorption from the terminal IMCD. The urea that enters proximal straight tubules of long loops returns to the inner medulla directly through the descending limbs.

The process of urine concentration consists of two relatively independent components: (1) countercurrent processes that generate a hypertonic medullary interstitium by concentrating NaCl and urea (discussed earlier); and (2) osmotic equilibration of the tubule fluid in the medullary collecting ducts with the hypertonic medullary interstitium to form a hypertonic final urine. In this section, we discuss the mechanism of the latter. Water excretion is regulated by vasopressin (see Fig. 9–1) largely as a result of its effect on the water permeability of the collecting ducts. The cellular mechanism of this response is discussed in considerable detail elsewhere (see Chapter 8). When the water permeability is low in collecting ducts because of a low circulating level of vasopressin, relatively little water is absorbed in the collecting ducts. The dilute fluid exiting the loops of Henle remains dilute as it passes through the collecting duct system, yielding a large volume of hypotonic urine. When the water permeability of the collecting ducts is high because of a high circulating level of vasopressin, water is rapidly reabsorbed along the collecting duct system by osmosis, drawn by the osmolality gradient between the lumen and the peritubular interstitium. The osmolality of the final urine approaches that of the inner medullary interstitium, which results in formation of a small volume of hypertonic urine. Micropuncture studies have demonstrated that the late distal tubule is the earliest site along the renal tubule where water absorption increases during antidiuresis.31 The “distal tubule”, as defined by micropuncturists, is made up of three segments, the distal convoluted tubule, the connecting tubule, and the initial collecting tubule. Osmotic water permeability is difficult to measure in these segments owing to their short length. The evidence available indicates that the distal convoluted tubule has a low water permeability and does not express any of the known water channels. In contrast, the connecting tubule expresses both the type 2 vasopressin receptor (V2R) and the vasopressin-regulated water channel aquaporin-2 (AQP2) and is presumably the segment responsible for distal tubular osmotic equilibration in micropuncture studies.13 In addition, AQP2 is expressed in the initial collecting tubule as well as the cortical collecting duct.72 Thus, among the segments making up the portion of the distal tubule accessible by cortical micropuncture (distal convoluted tubule, connecting segment, and initial collecting tubule), only the connecting segment and the initial collecting tubule appear to exhibit vasopressin-regulated water transport. The amount of water absorption in the connecting segment and initial collecting tubule required to raise tubule fluid to isotonicity is considerably greater than the additional amount required to concentrate the urine above the osmolality of plasma in the medullary portion of the collecting duct system.4 Consequently, most of the water reabsorbed from the collecting duct system during antidiuresis enters the cortical labyrinth, where the effective blood flow is high enough to return the reabsorbed water to the general circulation without diluting the interstitium. If such a large amount of water were absorbed along the medullary collecting ducts, it would be expected to have a significant dilutional effect on the medullary interstitium and impair concentrating ability.73,74 During water diuresis, a corticomedullary osmolality gradient persists, although it is attenuated.75–77 In the absence of vasopressin, the water permeability of the collecting ducts is low but not zero.54,78 Consequently, some water is absorbed by the collecting ducts during water diuresis. Most of the water absorption occurs from the terminal part of IMCDs, where the transepithelial osmolality gradient is highest and the basal water permeability is also highest. In fact, more water is absorbed from the terminal collecting ducts during

Determinants of Concentrating Ability Figure 9–16 summarizes the major determinants of urinary concentrating ability based on the classical theoretical analysis of Stephenson.80 We present this here because it provides a basis for understanding the effects of vasopressin and specific gene knockouts on the concentrating process discussed later (in section titled “Molecular Physiology of Urinary Concentrating and Diluting Processes”). Obviously, active transport of NaCl from the thick ascending limb (factor 2) and collecting duct water permeability (factor 4) are two determinants that are self evident from the foregoing description of the urinary concentrating mechanism. In addition, the “distal delivery” of NaCl and water to the loop of Henle (factor 1) is an important determinant because it places an upper bound on the amount of NaCl actively absorbed by the thick ascend-

FIGURE 9–16 for details.

Major determinants of urinary concentrating ability. See text

ing limb to drive the countercurrent multiplier mechanism. 319 Finally, the fluid delivery to the medullary collecting duct (factor 3) has an underappreciated effect on the concentrating process. Too much delivery saturates the water absorption process along the medullary collecting ducts and is associated with interstitial dilution owing to rapid osmotic water transport. Too little fluid delivery to the medullary collecting CH 9 ducts, even in the absence of vasopressin, results in sustained osmotic equilibration across the collecting duct epithelium owing to the non-zero osmotic water permeability of the IMCD.54,73,78

An Unanswered Question: Concentration of NaCl in the Renal Inner Medulla As described in Figure 9–9, tissue slice studies have demonstrated that the corticomedullary osmolality gradient is made up largely of a NaCl gradient in the outer medulla and a urea gradient in the inner medulla. Accordingly, in the foregoing we have emphasized the process that concentrates NaCl in the outer medulla (classic countercurrent multiplication) and the process responsible for urea accumulation in the inner medulla (passive urea absorption from the inner medullary collecting duct plus diffusion trapping). Not addressed was the origin of the small NaCl gradient in the renal inner medulla (see Fig. 9–9), as well as the energy source for concentration of non-urea solutes in the inner medullary interstitium. These remain unanswered questions. Presumably a countercurrent multiplication process is responsible for the inner medullary NaCl and osmolality gradient, but what is the single effect? As discussed earlier, the single-effect mechanism in the outer medulla is active NaCl transport out of the water-impermeable thick ascending limb, diluting the luminal fluid relative to the interstitium. However, repeated studies of thin ascending limbs41,50–52 have failed to show evidence for such an active transport process in the inner medulla. General analysis of inner medullary concentrating processes indicates that, to satisfy mass balance requirements, either an ascending stream (thin ascending limbs or ascending vasa recta) must be diluted relative to the inner medullary interstitium, or a descending stream (descending thin limbs, descending vasa recta, or collecting ducts) must be concentrated locally relative to the inner medulla.25,81,82 In previous versions of this chapter (in earlier editions) and in published review papers,25,82,83 we have categorized possible single effect mechanisms for inner medullary concentrating processes. In the following, we summarize the three mechanisms that garnered the greatest interest in the current literature. The Kokko-Rector Stephenson Model: The “Passive Mechanism” Kokko and Rector84 and Stephenson85 simultaneously proposed a model by which the osmolality in the ascending thin limb could be lowered below that of the interstitium entirely by passive transport processes in the inner medulla. This formulation is generally referred to as the “passive model” or the “passive countercurrent multiplier mechanism”. In this model, rapid efflux of urea from the inner medullary collecting duct causes osmotic withdrawal of water from the thin descending limb, concentrating NaCl in the lumen. The highly concentrated NaCl is then proposed to exit passively from the thin ascending limb, thus diluting the luminal fluid, providing a single effect for countercurrent multiplication. This model requires that the thin descending limb be highly permeable to water but not NaCl or urea, whereas the thin ascending limb would have to be permeable to NaCl but not water or urea. Previously objections to the model have been made largely on the basis of the high urea permeabilities that have been measured in the thin descending limb86 and thin ascending limb.25 Recent studies in mice87,88 in which

Urine Concentration and Dilution

water diuresis than during antidiuresis owing to a much larger transepithelial osmolality gradient.73 A high rate of water absorption from the IMCDs is thought to contribute to the reduction of the medullary interstitial osmolality during water diuresis by its dilutional effect. The fall in inner medullary tissue osmolality during water diuresis results largely from an increase in tissue water content74,79 associated with the higher rate of water absorption from the collecting ducts, although reductions in the quantities of urea and NaCl in the medullary tissue have also been documented.

320 facilitated urea transport from the inner medullary collecting duct was eliminated via a gene knockout strategy provided strong evidence that seemingly rules out the passive model (see later). Specifically, when the UT-A1 and UT-A3 urea transporter genes were deleted, urea accumulation in the inner medulla was largely eliminated, but inner medullary CH 9 NaCl accumulation was not affected in contradiction to the passive model (see “UT-A1/3 knockout” later). A more thorough discussion of the Kokko-Rector-Stephenson passive countercurrent multiplier model may be found in the corresponding chapter on urinary concentration and dilution in previous editions of this book. Lactate-Driven Concentrating Mechanism Because of a failure of models accounting only for urea, NaCl, and water to explain solute gradients in the inner medullary interstitium, consideration has been given to possible other solutes that could play a role.89 In such a model, an unspecified solute may be assumed to be added continuously to the inner medullary interstitium. Such a solute would have to be generated de novo via a chemical reaction that generates more osmotically active particles than it consumes. In a subsequent mathematical modeling study, Thomas and Wexler90 confirmed that addition of such a solute to the inner medullary interstitium could theoretically explain the concentration gradient along the inner medullary axis by driving water absorption from the thin descending limb. This action would concentrate NaCl in the descending limb, establishing a gradient for NaCl efflux from the ascending limb and dilution of the ascending limb lumen relative to the interstitium. This model is like the Kokko-Rector-Stephenson passive model discussed earlier except that the external solute substitutes for urea. Thomas91,92 has proposed that the “external solute” is lactate, generated by anaerobic glycolysis (the predominant means of ATP generation in the inner medulla) in the proportion of two lactate ions per glucose molecule consumed: glucose → 2 lactate + 2 H+ The success of the proposed model in generating a medullary osmotic gradient depends on the fate of the H generated. If the H ions titrate bicarbonate, they will remove two osmotically active particles (HCO3 ions) causing net disappearance of osmotically active particles: glucose + 2 HCO3 → lactate + 2 CO2 Because CO2 readily permeates lipid bilayers, it is unlikely to be osmotically effective. Alternatively, if the H ions titrate buffers other than bicarbonate, such as phosphate or NH3, net generation of osmotically active particles can occur. Thus far, this hypothesis has not been pursued experimentally. Recent mathematical modeling studies re-evaluating factors involved in inner medullary lactate accumulation suggest that countercurrent exchange of glucose from descending (DVR) to ascending vasa recta (AVR) in the outer medulla (OM) and upper inner medulla (IM) may severely limit lactate generation in the deepest part of the inner medulla,93 raising doubts about the feasibility of the lactate generation model. Hyaluronan as a Mechano-Osmotic Transducer As proposed by Schmidt-Nielsen,94 the contractions of the smooth muscle of the pelvic wall may provide energy for the inner medullary concentrating mechanism by compressing the spongelike interstitial hyaluronan matrix. Following this proposal, Knepper and collaborators25 have described a periodic (non–steady state) concentrating model of the inner medulla (summarized later in this section) based on the assumption that the inner medullary interstitium consists of a semisolid viscoelastic hyaluronan gel rather than being a freely flowing aqueous medium.

Hyaluronan (or “hyaluronic acid”) is a glycosaminoglycan (GAG). GAGs consist of unbranched polysaccharide chains composed of repeating disaccharide units. Aside from hyaluronan, the family of mammalian GAGs include dermatan sulfate, chondroitin sulfates, keratan sulfate, heparan sulfate, and heparin. Hyaluronan differs from the other GAGs because it is not covalently linked to proteins to form proteoglycans and is not sulfated.95 In contrast to the other GAGs, which are produced in the Golgi apparatus, hyaluronan is synthesized at the plasma membrane by an integral membrane protein, hyaluronan synthase (HAS).96,97 Three mammalian HAS genes are recognized, namely, HAS1, HAS2, and HAS3. All three HAS proteins produce hyaluronan on the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane and transport it across the plasma membrane to the extracellular space. Therefore, hyaluronan secretion is not dependent on vesicular trafficking. Because of the importance of GAGs in the structure of connective tissues such as cartilage, tendon, bone, synovial fluid, intervertebral disks, and skin, the physico chemical properties of these substances have been thoroughly investigated.98 As shown in Figure 9–6, hyaluronan is extremely abundant in the renal inner medullary interstitium.99,100 Other GAGs are present in the inner medulla, but in much lower amounts. The hyaluronan in the inner medulla is produced by a specialized interstitial cell (the type 1 interstitial cell) that forms characteristic “bridges” between the thin limbs of Henle and vasa recta.101 Thus, the inner medullary interstitium can be visualized as being composed of a compressible, viscoelastic hyaluronan matrix. The compression of hyaluronan in the medullary interstitium by the peristaltic contractions of the pelvic wall can hypothetically serve to generate a single effect for inner medullary concentration without measurable changes in hydrostatic pressure.25 During inner medullary compression due to the contraction of the pelvic wall, the compression of the hyaluronan matrix stores some of the mechanical energy generated from the smooth muscle contraction. This compression does not require a generalized increase in hydrostatic pressure, but simply involves a direct mechanical compression of the hyaluronan matrix as one would compress a steel spring. After passage of a peristaltic wave, the compressed hyaluronan springs back from its compressed state, exerting an elastic force that can theoretically drive water efflux from the descending limb of the loop of Henle and other waterpermeable structures. This water efflux would concentrate solutes in the tubule lumens. In the descending limb, the total solute concentration would thereby rise above that of the surrounding interstitium, satisfying the requirement for an inner medullary single effect, which could be multiplied by the counterflow between ascending and descending limbs. Thus, hyaluronan compression and relaxation would facilitate an energy conversion starting with ATP hydrolysis in the smooth muscle cells of the pelvic wall, leading to an increase in electrochemical potential due to concentration of solutes in the tubule lumen. Hyaluronan has other properties that would enhance the concentrating process.102 It is a large (1000 kD to 10000 kD) polyanion. Its charge is due to the COO (carboxylate) groups of the glucuronic acid subunits. It is strongly hydrophilic and adopts a highly expanded, stiffened random-coil conformation that occupies a huge volume relative to its mass. The extended state of hyaluronan owes partly to repulsive electrostatic forces exerted by neighboring carboxylate groups, which maximize the distance between neighboring negative charges, and partly by the constraints of the glycosidic bonds that prefer somewhat extended conformations. This creates a swelling pressure (turgor) that allows the hyaluronan matrix to generate the elastic-like force (resilience) that resists compression. When hyaluronan is compressed, as occurs in a

meniscus in the knee joint in response to load bearing, the repulsive force of neighboring carboxylate groups is overcome in part by condensation of cations (chiefly Na) forming a localized crystalloid structure. Thus, compression of a hyaluronan gel results in a decrease of the local sodium ion activity in the gel.25 In aqueous solutions in equilibrium with the gel, the NaCl concentration will be decreased secondary to the compression-induced reduction in Na activity within the gel. Therefore, the free fluid that is expressed from the hyaluronan matrix during the contraction phase would have a lower total solute concentration than that of the gel as a whole. The slightly hypotonic fluid expressed from the interstitial matrix is likely to escape the inner medulla via the ascending vasa recta, the only structure that remains open during the compressive phase of the contraction cycle.103 As a consequence, an ascending stream (the ascending vasa recta) would have a lower total solute concentration than the interstitium as a whole, creating a single effect for medullary concentration during the compression phase of the pelvic contraction cycle. The HAS2 gene has been knocked out in mice.104 However, the mice die during fetal development due to cardiac developmental abnormalities, preventing the evaluation of the inner medullary concentrating process in these mice. Thus, either a targeted deletion in the inner medullary interstitial cells or an inducible knockout of HAS2 would be needed for the studies to address a role for hyaluronan in the inner medullary concentrating mechanism.

CH 9

Urine Concentration and Dilution



FIGURE 9–17 Grid showing sites of expression of water channels, urea transporters, and ion transporters important to the urinary concentrating process. See text for details.




Transport Proteins Involved in Urinary Concentration and Dilution Figure 9–17 summarizes the renal tubule sites of expression of water channels (aquaporins), urea transporters, and ion transporters important to the urinary concentrating process. In the following, we summarize the roles of these transport proteins in urinary concentrating and diluting mechanisms. We emphasize these proteins as molecular targets for vasopressin action.

Aquaporins Abundant expression of aquaporin-1 in the LDL-OM, LDLIM, and the early part of the SDL accounts for the high water permeability in these segments.19,46–48 In contrast, the ascending limb segments (ATL, MTAL, and CTAL) do not express any known water channel, accounting for the low osmotic water permeability measured in these segments.36,37,51 Aquaporin-2 is a major target for vasopressin action in the CNT and throughout the collecting duct system.105 Aquaporin-2 is regulated in two ways by vasopressin: (1) short-term regulation of aquaporin-2 trafficking to and from the apical plasma membrane106; and (2) long-term regulation of aquaporin-2 abundance,107 chiefly through transcriptional mechanisms.108 Aquaporin-2 is chiefly expressed apically throughout the collecting duct system. The basolateral component of water transport across CNT cells and collecting duct principal cells is mediated by aquaporin-3109 and aquaporin-4.110 Aquaporin3 is the dominant basolateral water channel in the CNT and early parts of the collecting duct system, whereas aquaporin-4 predominates in the outer medullary and inner medullary collecting ducts.110 The abundance of aquaporin-3, but not that of aquaporin-4 is regulated by the long-term effect of vasopressin.109–111 The regulation of aquaporin-3 occurs via changes in aquaporin-3 mRNA levels.108

257 H1





533 H2N

1 H2N







720 H3


929 COOH UT-A1




929 COOH UT-A2


460 COOH


720 H3



FIGURE 9–18 Urea transporters derived from UT-A gene. UT-A1 and UT-A3 are driven by the same promotor and are identical through amino acid 459. Use of an alternative exon inserts a stop codon that terminates UT-A3 after amino acid 460 (an aspartic acid). UT-A2 is identical to the terminal 397 amino acids of UT-A1 and is driven by an alternative promotor in intron 13 of the mouse gene.117 Numbers indicate amino acid sequence number.

Urea Transporters The three urea transporters shown in Figure 9–17 are derived from the same gene, UT-A (Fig. 9–18). The transcription of UT-A1 and UT-A3 is driven by the same promotor and are expressed in the terminal part of the IMCD.64,87,112–116 In contrast, transcription of UT-A2 is driven by a downstream promotor present in an intron117 and is expressed in the late portion of the SDL (see Fig. 9–4).64,65 The presence of UT-A2 is presumably responsible for the high urea permeability of the LDL-IM and the SDL (see Fig. 9–12) but the high urea permeability of the ATL is not attributable to any known urea transporter. We speculate that the high urea permeability of the ATL is due to paracellular urea movement. The extremely high urea permeability of the terminal IMCD corresponds to the localization of UT-A1 and UT-A3 (see also “Knockout Mice”, later). All three of the UT-A urea transporters expressed in the kidney are regulated by vasopressin. UT-A2 protein abundance has been shown to be increased in the LDL-IM and SDL

65 322 in response to long-term treatment with vasopressin. This may be an indirect effect of vasopressin because V2 receptors have not been demonstrated in the LDL or SDL. Isolated perfused terminal IMCD segments exhibit a rapid increase in urea permeability in response to vasopressin.54,118 This may be in part due to direct phosphorylation of UT-A1119 although CH 9 the phosphorylation site has not yet been identified. Exposure of Xenopus oocytes injected with UT-A1 or UT-A3 cRNA to PKA agonists (cAMP/forskolin/IBMX) caused a significant increase in passive urea transport, whereas these agents had no effect in UT-A2 injected oocytes.117 These results suggest that both UT-A1 and UT-A3 are targets for the short-term action of vasopressin working though cyclic AMP. New studies have demonstrated that UT-A2 activity can also be acutely regulated by both vasopressin and its second messengers in cultured MDCK cells.120 Long-term vasopressin stimulation or water deprivation has resulted in a decrease in UT-A1 protein abundance in the IMCD.121,122 Changes in osmolality could be responsible.

Na Transporters and Channels NHE3 The Na-H exchanger, NHE3, is the major absorptive pathway for Na in the proximal tubule. Immunocytochemical studies have demonstrated that it is also expressed in the thin descending limb of Henle (LDL-OM) and the thick ascending limb (MTAL and CTAL)123 (Fig. 9–19). NHE3 activity in the MTAL is increased by hypotonicity through activation of a PI 3-K-dependent pathway, which is inhibited by vasopressin working through cAMP.124 Thus, vasopressin has the net effect to inhibit NHE3 activity in the thick ascending limb of Henle. Na-K-2Cl Cotransporters Both of the known Na-K-2Cl cotransporters are expressed in the kidney. The ubiquitous form, NKCC1, is expressed in the basolateral plasma membrane of the inner medullary collecting duct,125 where it is thought to play a role in NaCl secretion.55 It is also present in the basolateral plasma membrane of outer medullary alpha-intercalated cells.126 The “renal” Na-K-Cl cotransporter isoform, NKCC2, is expressed in the apical plasma membrane of the cells of the MTAL (see Fig. 9–19) and the CTAL127–129 as well as the macula densa.129 NKCC2 is regulated on a long-term basis by vasopressin, which increases the abundance of NKCC2 protein in the thick ascending limb.130 This effect is associ-

Lumen (⫹ voltage)




Na⫹ CI⫺ K⫹




ATP Na⫹ K⫹

CI⫺ K⫹





FIGURE 9–19 Ion transporters in thick ascending limb cell. Ion transporters and channels that account for net NaCl transport across the thick ascending limb epithelium. Transporters regulated by vasopressin indicated in green. Transporters not known to be regulated by vasopressin in red. Tight junctional pathway for cations is via a junctional protein called paracellin or claudin-16.217

ated with an increase in maximal urinary concentrating capacity.131 Vasopressin also acutely increases NaCl absorption in the MTAL,132,133 in part by regulating trafficking of NKCC2 to the apical plasma membrane134,135 in association with phosphorylation of the N-terminal tail of NKCC2.134 NCC and ENaC The thiazide-sensitive Na-Cl cotransporter NCC and the amiloride-sensitive sodium channel ENaC are important targets for the action of aldosterone in the regulation of sodium excretion.136,137 NCC is expressed in distal convoluted tubule cells,136,138–140 whereas ENaC is expressed predominantly in the connecting tubule, initial collecting tubule, and cortical collecting duct.141,142 Both NCC143 and the beta- and gamma- subunits of ENaC143,144 are increased in abundance by the long-term action of vasopressin. Furthermore, vasopressin acutely increases Na absorption in the rat cortical collecting duct145,146 by increasing apical Na entry via the amiloride-sensitive Na channel ENaC.147 The increase in apical ENaC activity has been proposed to be due to vasopressin-induced trafficking of ENaC-containing vesicles from intracellular stores to the apical plasma membrane.148 Increasing NaCl absorption via the action of vasopressin on NCC in the distal convoluted tubule and ENaC activity in the connecting tubule and cortical collecting duct can have an important positive effect on urinary concentrating ability by reducing fluid delivery to the medullary collecting ducts (see Fig. 9–16). Chloride Channels Two closely related chloride channel (ClC) paralogs, ClC-K1 and ClC-K2 are expressed in renal tubule segments. Strong expression of ClC-K1 is found in both the apical and basolateral plasma membrane of the thin ascending limb of Henle.149 Although generally viewed as being predominantly or exclusively expressed in the thin ascending limb, there is evidence from RT-PCR studies in microdissected tubules that ClC-K1 is expressed in the thick ascending limb and distal convoluted tubule as well.150 In contrast, there is general agreement that the chloride channel ClC-K2 is broadly expressed basolaterally along the nephron from the thick ascending limb (see Fig. 9–19) through the collecting ducts.150–152 Isolated perfused tubule studies have demonstrated that vasopressin increases chloride conductance in the thin ascending limb of hamster,153 presumably by affecting unit conductance or localization of ClC-K1 chloride channels. ROMK Potassium Channel The ROMK potassium channel, an ATP-sensitive inwardly rectifier potassium channel, has been localized to the thick ascending limb, distal convoluted tubule, connecting tubule, and collecting duct system by in situ hybridization154 and immunocytochemistry.155,156 ROMK is expressed predominantly or entirely in the apical plasma membrane in these segments.155–157 ROMK is critical in the active NaCl transport process in the thick ascending limb of Henle (see Fig. 9–19) and consequently plays an important role in urinary concentration and dilution. Vasopressin has a long-term effect to increase the abundance of ROMK protein in thick ascending limb cells,158 thus contributing to the long-term effect of vasopressin to increase NaCl transport in this segment.159 In the connecting tubule and collecting duct, ROMK is responsible for the potassium secretion process that regulates urinary potassium excretion and systemic potassium balance. The later process is strongly regulated by vasopressin.145 This secretory process may be an indirect consequence of vasopressin’s action to increase Na entry via ENaC, which results in apical plasma membrane depolarization and an increase in the electrochemical driving force for K movement through

ROMK.160 An alternative view is that the open probability of the ROMK channel may be regulated by vasopressin in a process that is mediated by CFTR, a cAMP responsive protein.161,162

Use of Knockout Mice to Study the Urinary Concentrating Mechanism and Vasopressin Action Expression of a number of the transporters depicted in Figures 9–17, 9–18, and 9–19 as well as the vasopressin V2 receptor have been deleted in mice using targeted gene deletion approaches. The phenotypes of these mice have been informative with regard to the role of these gene products in the urinary concentrating mechanism. This section summarizes the key studies.

Aquaporin-1 Knockout (AQP1 KO) Mice Verkman and colleagues developed a mouse model in which aquaporin-1 expression was deleted in all tissues.166 In comparison with wild-type littermates, AQP1 knockout mice had reduced urinary osmolality that was not increased in response to water deprivation. Indeed, the urinary concentrating defect was so severe that after 36 hours of water deprivation, the average body weight decreased by 35% and serum osmolality increased to greater than 500 mOsm/kg H2O. Although proximal tubule fluid absorption is markedly impaired in these mice, distal delivery of NaCl and water was not impaired, owing to a TGF-mediated reduction in glomerular filtration rate.167 However, the function of the thin descending limb (LDL-OM and LDL-IM), normally a site of aquaporin-1 expression, was markedly impaired. The osmotic water permeability of isolated perfused LDL segments from AQP1 KO mice was markedly reduced compared to control animals.168 As discussed earlier (see Fig. 9–11), rapid water absorption from the thin descending limbs has been found to be a key component of the countercurrent multiplication process, and presumably impairment of LDL water absorption is largely responsible for the concentrating defect in AQP1 KO mice. In addition, descending vasa recta, a second renal medullary site of aquaporin-1 expression19 also displayed a marked reduction in osmotic water permeability in AQP1 KO mice compared to controls.20 Hence, countercurrent exchange processes involving the descending vasa recta are likely to be impaired in AQP1 KO mice. Thus, the concentrating defect in AQP1 KO mice is likely to be due to impairment of both countercurrent multiplication and countercurrent exchange in the renal medulla.

Aquaporin-2 Knockout (AQP2 KO) Mice Despite the strong evidence implicating an essential role of AQP2 in the urinary concentrating mechanism, a suitable mouse model to examine its function has only recently been developed. In 2001, a mouse knock-in model of AQP2 dependent nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) was generated by inserting a T126M mutation into the mouse AQP2 gene.169 This mutation results in a mouse equivalent of humans with a form of autosomal NDI. Although the mutant mice appeared normal at birth, they failed to thrive and generally died within 1 week. Analysis of the urine and serum revealed serum

Urine Concentration and Dilution

K-Cl cotransporter, KCC4 K-Cl cotransport was first detected in the basolateral plasma membranes of isolated, perfused thick ascending limbs by Greger and Schlatter.163 Molecular cloning164 followed by immunohistochemical studies165 demonstrated that KCC4 is likely to be the basolateral K-Cl cotransporter in the thick ascending limb (see Fig. 9–19). This cotransporter also appears to be expressed in the distal convoluted tubule and the connecting tubule.165

hyperosmolality and low urine osmolality, typical charac- 323 teristics of a defective urinary concentrating mechanism. Forward genetic screening of ethylnitrosourea-mutagenized mice isolated another mouse model of NDI with a F204V mutation in AQP2. These mice survived beyond the neonatal period and had a much milder form of NDI.170 Recently, two other mouse models have been developed CH 9 that allow the role of AQP2 in the adult mouse to be examined. One model, developed by Nielsen and colleagues, makes use of the Cre-loxP system of gene disruption to create a collecting duct specific deletion of AQP2.171 Another model with complete AQP2 protein deletion in the CD was accomplished by tamoxifen-inducible Cre-recombinase expression in homozygous mice in which loxP sites were introduced in introns of the mouse AQP2 gene.172 The major phenotype in both of these mouse lines is severe polyuria, with average basal urine volumes approximately equivalent to bodyweight. However, despite the polyuria, with free access to water, plasma concentrations of electrolytes, urea, and creatinine are not different in knockout mice compared to controls, and neither was the estimated GFR. Thus, despite having normal renal function (presumably normal active Na+ transport along the nephron), there is a major defect in the urinary concentrating mechanism in these mice. This defect confirms that AQP2 is responsible for the majority of transcellular water reabsorption in the collecting duct system.

Aquaporin-3 Knockout (AQP3 KO) Mice AQP3 knockout mice have been generated by targeted gene deletion and found to have a greater than threefold reduced osmotic water permeability of the basolateral membrane of the cortical collecting duct compared to wild-type control mice.173 AQP3 null mice are markedly polyuric (10-fold greater daily urine volume than controls), with an average urine osmolality of less than 300 mOsm/kg H2O. However, unlike AQP1 or AQP2 null mice, AQP3 KO mice are able to raise their urine osmolalities to a modest degree after either water deprivation or the administration of the vasopressin analog dDAVP. It is likely that when AQP3 is deleted, the reduced osmotic water permeability of the basolateral membrane results in a decrease in transepithelial water transport in the connecting tubule, initial collecting tubule and cortical collecting duct, where AQP3 is normally the predominant basolateral water channel. The relatively severe polyuria in this model is consistent with the view from micropuncture data that the majority of post-macula densa fluid reabsorption in the normal kidney is from the cortical portion of the collecting duct system.4

Aquaporin-4 Knockout (AQP4 KO) Mice AQP4 null mice have been generated by standard gene deletion methods.174 Isolated perfused tubule studies demonstrated a fourfold decrease in IMCD osmotic water permeability, indicating that AQP4 is responsible for most of the water movement across the basolateral membrane in this segment.175 Despite this reduced water permeability in the IMCD, in hydrated mice, there was no difference in urine osmolality compared to controls and no difference in serum electrolyte concentrations. However, there was a small (15%–20%) but significant reduction in maximal urine osmolality in AQP4 null mice after 36 hours of water deprivation, and this reduced urine osmolality could not be further increased by vasopressin administration, indicating a mild urinary concentrating defect. Why does deletion of AQP4 manifest a modest decrease in urinary concentrating ability while another basolateral water channel AQP3 manifests a profound concentrating defect? The answer to this is based on the normal distribution of water transport along the collecting duct (discussed earlier).4 The amount of water reabsorbed osmotically in the cortical portion of the collecting duct system (where AQP3 is

324 predominant) is much greater than that absorbed in the medullary collecting ducts (where AQP4 is the predominant basolateral water channel).

UT-A1/3 Urea Transporter Knockout Mice In 2004, a mouse model was reported in which the two colCH 9 lecting duct urea transporters, UT-A1 and UT-A3, were deleted by standard gene targeting techniques (UT-A1/3−/− mice).87 Isolated perfused tubule studies demonstrated a complete absence of phloretin-sensitive and vasopressin-regulated urea transport in IMCD segments from UT-A1/3−/− mice. UTA1/3−/− mice on either a normal protein (20% protein by weight) or high-protein (40%) diet had a significantly greater fluid intake and urine flow, resulting in a decreased urine osmolality, than wild-type animals. However, UT-A1/3−/− mice on a low-protein diet did not show a substantial degree of polyuria. In this latter condition, hepatic urea production is low and urea delivery to the IMCD is predicted to be low, thus rendering collecting duct urea transport largely immaterial to water balance. Studies investigating the maximal urinary concentrating capacity of UT-A1/3−/− mice showed that after an 18-hour water restriction, mice on a 20% or 40% protein intake are unable to reduce their urine flow to levels below those observed under basal conditions, resulting in volume depletion and loss of body weight. In contrast, UTA1/3−/− mice on a 4% protein diet were able to maintain fluid balance. Thus, the concentrating defect in UT-A1/3−/− mice is caused by a urea-dependent osmotic diuresis; greater urea delivery to the IMCD results in greater levels of water excretion. These results are compatible with a model for the role of urea in the urinary concentrating mechanism proposed in the 1950s by Berliner and colleagues.23 They hypothesized that luminal urea in the IMCD is normally osmotically ineffective because of the high concentrations of urea in the inner medullary interstitium, which balance osmotically the luminal urea and thus prevent the osmotic diuresis that would otherwise occur. UT-A1/3−/− mice have been exploited to study the mechanism responsible for Na and Cl accumulation in the inner medulla. For many years, a model independently proposed by Stephenson and by Kokko and Rector in 197284,85 has been the chief paradigm for concentration of Na and Cl in the inner medulla (see earlier). In this mechanism, known colloquially as the ‘Passive Mechanism’, the generation of a passive electrochemical gradient that drives Na and Cl exit from the thin ascending limb is indirectly dependent on rapid absorption of urea from the IMCD (see earlier for full description). This model would predict that UT-A1/3−/− mice, which lack facilitated urea transport in the IMCD would fail to accumulate Na and Cl to a normal degree. However, two independent studies in UT-A1/3−/− mice failed to demonstrate the predicted decline in inner medullary Na and Cl concentration, despite a profound decrease in urea accumulation in the renal inner medulla.87,88 Thus, the passive\pard\plain concentrating model in the form originally proposed by Stephenson and by Kokko and Rector, where NaCl reabsorption from Henle’s loop depends on a high IMCD urea permeability, is not the mechanism by which NaCl is concentrated in the inner medulla. Overall, the results with UT-A1/3−/− mice demonstrate that the primary role of IMCD urea transporters in the urinary concentrating mechanism is in their ability to prevent a urea-induced osmotic diuresis when urea excretion rates are high.87,88,176

UT-A2 and UT-B Urea Transporter Knockout Mice UT-A2 knockout mice have recently been developed and some aspects of their renal phenotype have been described.67 On a normal level of protein intake (20% protein), the UT-A2 null mice do not have significant differences in daily urine output compared to control mice and even after a 36-hour

period of water deprivation, differences in urine output and urine osmolality are not observed. Furthermore, UT-A2 knockout mice do not have an impairment of urea or chloride accumulation in the inner medulla. Only on a low-protein diet (4% protein), did the UT-A2 knockout mice have a somewhat reduced maximal urinary concentrating capacity compared to wild-type controls, associated with a reduction in urea accumulation in the inner medulla. These results are surprising, considering the role that UT-A2 has been proposed to play in urea recycling in the renal medulla,65 a process postulated to play a key role in maintenance of a high inner medullary urea concentration. Therefore, they call into question either the importance of UT-A2 in urea recycling or the importance of urea recycling in the concentrating mechanism. In contrast, mice in which UT-B, the erythrocyte and vasa recta urea transporter, was deleted demonstrated a moderate decrease in maximal urinary osmolality (averaging 2403 mOsmol/kg H2O in UT-B null mice and 3438 mOsmol/kg H2O in wild-type mice). These findings suggest that urea transport by UT-B in the erythrocyte or vasa recta is important for the urinary concentrating process.177,178 In addition, a selective defect in urea accumulation is observed in the renal medullae of the UT-B knockout mice, compatible with the idea that UT-B is important for countercurrent exchange of urea in the renal medulla.

NHE3 and NKCC2 Knockout Mice Both of the major apical Na transporters mediating Na entry in the thick ascending limb (see Fig. 9–19) have been knocked out in mice, namely NHE3179 and NKCC2.180 From the perspective of the urinary concentrating mechanism, the renal phenotypes are much different and a comparison is informative. The NHE3 knockout mice are viable and the chief elements of the renal phenotype are associated with the fact that NHE3 is the major Na entry pathway in proximal tubule cells. These animals manifest a marked reduction in proximal tubule fluid absorption and a compensatory decrease in glomerular filtration rate owing to an intact tubulo-glomerular feedback mechanism.181 On ad libitum water intake, they manifest a moderate increase in water intake associated with lower urinary osmolalities,182 although urinary osmolality in the NHE3 knockout mice still averaged 1737 mOsmol/kg H2O and maximal urinary osmolality was not evaluated. The NHE3 knockout mice exhibited a marked decrease in renal NKCC2 expression182,183 despite elevated circulating levels of vasopressin. Thus, NHE3 mice retain the ability to concentrate the urine although they may exhibit a concentrating defect associated with a reduction in NKCC2 expression. In contrast, NKCC2 knockout mice were not viable because of perinatal renal fluid wasting and dehydration resulting in death prior to weaning.180 Although these mice could be induced to survive by treatment with indomethacin and fluid administration, extreme polyuria, hydronephrosis, and growth retardation could not be abrogated. Why does deletion of NKCC2 result in such a severe phenotype, when deletion of NHE3, a transporter responsible for reabsorption of far more Na, results in a viable mouse capable of maintaining extracellular fluid volume? The answer appears to be in the special role that NKCC2 plays in the macula densa in the mediation of tubulo-glomerular feedback. Tubulo-glomerular feedback allows NHE3 knockout mice to maintain a relatively normal distal delivery through a decrease in glomerular filtration rate, whereas NKCC2 mice cannot compensate in this manner because the transporter is necessary for the feedback to occur.

NKCC1 Knockout Mice NKCC1, expressed in the basolateral plasma membrane of the IMCD cells and intercalated cells, has also been knocked out

in mice.184 NKCC1 null mice had a reduced capacity to excrete free water relative to wild-type mice, and also had a blunted increase in urinary osmolality following vasopressin administration, suggesting abnormalities in vasopressin signaling in the collecting duct.185

NCC and ENaC Knockout Mice

ClC-K1 Knockout Mice In 1999, Matsumura and colleagues generated CLC-K1 null mice (Clcnk1−/−) and have made use of this model to examine the role of CLC-K1 in the urinary concentrating mechanism.192 Microperfusion studies determined that there was drastically reduced transepithelial chloride transport in the tAL of knockout mice. Physiological studies revealed that Clcnk1−/− mice had significantly greater urine volume and lower urine osmolality compared to controls. Even after a 24-hour period of water deprivation knockout mice were unable to concentrate their urine. This observed polyuria was insensitive to dDAVP administration. The studies demonstrated that the polyuria observed in CLC-K1 null mice is due to water diuresis and not osmotic diuresis such as would be expected with NaCl wasting. Solute analysis of the inner medulla of Clcnk1−/− mice determined that the concentrations of urea, Na, and Cl were approximately half those of controls, resulting in a significantly reduced osmolality of the papilla. These studies demonstrate that the ClC-K1 chloride channel, expressed chiefly in the thin ascending limb, is necessary for maintenance of a maximal osmolality in the inner medullary tissue. The findings in the Clcnk1−/− mice, therefore emphasize the importance of rapid chloride exit (and presumably Na exit) from the thin ascending limb to the inner medullary concentrating process. As discussed earlier, all inner medul-

ROMK Knockout Mice Expression of the ROMK potassium channel (Kir1.1) has been deleted in mice by Lorenz and colleagues.193 These mice CH 9 manifest early death associated with hydronephrosis and severe dehydration, consistent with the known role of ROMK in active NaCl absorption in the thick ascending limb (see Fig. 9–19). About 5% of these mice survived the perinatal period, but surviving adults still manifested polydipsia, polyuria, impaired urinary concentrating ability, hypernatremia, and reduced blood pressure. From these animals, a line of mice has been derived that has a greater survival rate and no hydronephrosis in adults, albeit possessing higher water excretion rates.194 Interestingly, these mice do not exhibit hyperkalemia, indicating that the connecting tubule or collecting duct principal cells (or both) must be capable of secreting K via some other pathway, presumably flowdependent, Ca2+-activated K channels referred to as “Maxi-K” channels.195

Vasopressin V2 Receptor Knockout Mice In 2000, Yun and colleagues created a mouse model of Xlinked NDI (XNDI), by introducing a nonsense mutation (Glu242stop) into the mouse V2 receptor gene.196 This mutation is known to cause XNDI in humans. This particular mutation was chosen as it has been shown that the encoded mutant receptor is retained intracellularly and completely lacks functional activity, thus mimicking the functional properties of many other disease-causing V2R mutants. Male V2R mutant mice (V2R−/y) died within 7 days after birth. Urine osmolalities, collected from the bladders of 3day-old pups, were significantly lower than controls. Serum electrolyte analysis revealed that V2R−/y pups have increased Na+ and Cl− levels, indicative of a severe state of hypernatremia. In control mice, an intraperitoneal injection of the V2R agonist dDAVP resulted in a significant increase in urine osmolality, whereas there was no effect in V2R−/y mice. Analysis of adult female V2R+/− mice revealed that the mice have polyuria, polydipsia, and a reduced urinary concentrating ability; consistent with NDI. Furthermore, they have an approximate 50% decrease in total AVP binding capacity, resulting in an approximately 50% decrease in dDAVPinduced intracellular cAMP levels. Taken together, the results obtained from this loss-of-function mutation in the V2R are consistent with the general view that the antidiuretic effects of AVP result from an initial interaction between AVP and the V2R, resulting in increased intracellular cAMP and eventually promoting water reabsorption in the kidney collecting duct via aquaporins. The implication is that there is no other significant compensatory event that can generate cAMP and increase water permeability in the renal collecting duct.

AMMONIUM ACCUMULATES IN THE RENAL MEDULLA Ammonium can be concentrated in urine to concentrations of several hundred millimolar.197 Production of a final urine with a high NH4+ concentration depends on two processes: (1) trapping of NH4+ in the renal medulla, which raises the medullary interstitial NH4+ concentration to well above that present in the cortex; and (2) diffusion trapping in the collecting ducts (i.e., parallel H+ and NH3 transport), which raises the luminal concentration of NH4+ above that present in the medullary interstitium. A substantial corticomedullary NH4+ gradient develops in antidiuretic rats and is regulated according to the acid-base state of rats, such that the gradient is markedly increased by

Urine Concentration and Dilution

Both of the major apical Na transporters mediating Na entry beyond the macula densa have been knocked out in mice, namely NCC186 and ENaC.187–189 The renal phenotypes are much different and a comparison is informative. The NCC knockout mice appear to have a mildly altered phenotype with only a small decrease in blood pressure. On a normal diet they are not polyuric, but with restriction of potassium intake they develop hypokalemia and consequent polyuria, associated with an apparent central defect in the regulation of vasopressin secretion.190 Only after prolonged hypokalemia do these animals develop evidence of NDI with suppressed aquaporin-2 expression in the kidney.190 In contrast to the NCC knockouts, knockout of any of the ENaC subunits results in a severe phenotype with neonatal death. In the alpha ENaC knockouts, early death appears to be due to failure to adequately clear fluid from the pulmonary alveoli after birth,187 whereas the beta and gamma ENaC knockout mice appear to die of hyperkalemia and sodium chloride wasting.188,189 When alpha ENaC expression was deleted selectively from the renal collecting ducts, leaving intact ENaC expression in the renal connecting tubule and non-renal tissues, the mice were viable and exhibited only a very mild phenotype with little or no difficulty in maintaining homeostasis in the face of salt or water restriction.191 Urinary osmolality after a 23-hour period of water restriction was not different from wild-type mice. Thus, Na absorption from the renal collecting duct via ENaC does not appear to be necessary for urinary concentration. Thus, NCC deleted only from the distal convoluted tubule or ENaC deleted only from the collecting duct results in a very mild phenotype, presumably because one can compensate for the other with regard to sodium balance. It remains unclear whether the severity of the phenotype seen when any ENaC subunit is deleted globally is chiefly because of the importance of ENaC in non-renal tissues or is related to the role of ENaC in the connecting tubule, which is conserved in the collecting duct-only alpha ENaC deletion mice.

lary models not including active NaCl transport from the thin 325 ascending limb must include rapid NaCl (and urea) exit from the thin ascending limb as a component of the model.




Outer medulla

Inner medulla

Desc. limb

Asc. limb H+

Increasing total ammonia concentration

NH3 H+





NH4 H+



CH 9

NH4 concentration, mM





4 Urinary pH: 6.33 ⫾ 0.26 + Urinary [NH4]: 77 ⫾ 30 mM 0 FIGURE 9–20 Corticomedullary NH4 gradient in canine renal medulla. NH4 concentrations were measured in tissue water from slices from cortex and medulla of untreated dogs. (Plotted from data of Robinson RR, Owen EE: Intrarenal distribution of ammonia during diuresis and antidiuresis. Am J Physiol 208:1129–1134, 1965.)

NH+4? NH3?

systemic acid loading.198 Similar medullary NH4+ gradients have been found in dogs (Fig. 9–20).199 Micropuncture studies have shown that NH4+ concentrations in the inner medullary vasa recta of rats (and presumably in the medullary interstitium) greatly exceed values in the cortex or peripheral plasma.200 NH4+ is produced in the mammalian proximal tubule as part of the overall renal process that regulates systemic acidbase balance. The increased NH4+ production in the proximal tubule in response to acid loading in rats is associated with increased activity of several ammoniagenic enzymes. Acid loading in rats increases glutaminase, glutamate dehydrogenase, and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase mRNA levels,201,202 contributing to increased NH4+ production and secretion in the proximal tubule.203 The trapping of NH4+ in the medullary interstitium is thought to occur by a countercurrent multiplication process analogous to the countercurrent multiplication of Na+ (Fig. 9–21). Studies in isolated perfused tubules have demonstrated NH4+ absorption from the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle against an NH4+ concentration gradient,204,205 which identifies a single effect for the countercurrent NH4+ multiplier. The NH4+ absorption from the thick ascending limb occurs by direct NH4+ transport. Most of the NH4+ absorption is active, resulting from coupled Na+-NH4+-Cl− transport in the apical membranes of the thick ascending limb cells. NH4+ absorbed from the thick ascending limb is presumably secreted into the proximal straight tubule and thin descending limb, which creates a recycling pathway around the loop of Henle (see Fig. 9–21). Studies by Flessner and colleagues206 have demonstrated that the long-looped thin descending limb in the outer medulla is permeable to both NH4+ and NH3, providing a pathway for passive secretion of NH4+ actively absorbed from the thick ascending limb. For a high concentration of NH4+ to be delivered to the interstitium of the inner medulla, some of the NH4+ recycled around the loop must be reabsorbed by either the thin ascending limb or the inner medullary part of the descending limb. Studies of isolated perfused thin ascending limbs207 from the inner medullae of chinchillas and rats suggest that direct passive NH4+ efflux from this segment is the most likely pathway of NH4+ delivery to the inner medullary interstitium.

FIGURE 9–21 Countercurrent multiplier for NH4 in renal medulla. Active absorption of NH4 from thick ascending limb of loop of Henle provides a single effect for countercurrent multiplication (see text). (Modified from Good DW, Knepper MA: Ammonia transport in the mammalian kidney. Am J Physiol 248: F459–F471, 1985.)

The ammonium that accumulates in the medullary interstitium is then transported from the medullary interstitium into collecting duct cells and is subsequently secreted into the collecting duct lumen, where NH4+ can be concentrated to levels much higher than in the interstitium.200 A number of specific mechanisms for transport of NH4+ across the collecting duct epithelium have been proposed. Wall and co-workers208 demonstrated active NH4+ transport across basolateral membranes by substitution for K+ on the Na+,K+ATPase. Recent studies by Weiner and associates209,210 suggest that both apical and basolateral transport of NH4+ into medullary collecting duct cells of rats is mediated in part by the putative NH4+ transporter RhB-glycoprotein. However, in mice, elimination of RhBG expression by genetic inactivation did not disrupt urinary NH4+ excretion nor did it inhibit NH4+ uptake across the basolateral membrane of cortical collecting duct cells in microperfused tubules,211 raising doubts about the role of RhBG in renal ammonia transport. In order for NH4+ to accumulate in urine to concentrations as high as several hundred millimolar,197 the most likely mechanism appears to be parallel H+ and lipid phase NH3 diffusion (diffusion trapping) across the plasma membranes of collecting duct cells.

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CH 9

Urine Concentration and Dilution

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CHAPTER 10 Renin-Angiotensin System, 333 Angiotensinogen, 334 Renin, 334 Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme, 336 Angiotensins and Angiotensinases, 338 Angiotensin II Receptors, 338 Renin-Angiotensin System Knockout or Transgenic Models, 340 Physiologic Effects of the Renin-Angiotensin System, 341 Intrarenal Renin-Angiotensin System, 343 Pathophysiologic Effects of the Renin-Angiotensin System in the Kidney, 343 Future Perspectives of the Renin-Angiotensin System, 345 Endothelin, 346 Structure, 346 Synthesis and Secretion, 346 Physiologic Actions of Endothelin on the Kidney, 346 Endothelin and Renal Pathophysiology, 347 Summary, 349 Urotensin II, 349 Role in the Kidney, 350 Summary, 350 Kallikrein-Kinin System, 350 Kininogens, 351 Kallikreins and Kallikrein Inhibitors, 351 Kinin Generation, 351 Kinin Receptors, 352 Kininases, 352 Physiologic Functions of the Kallikrein-Kinin System: Focus on the Kidney, 352 Kallikrein-Kinin System Function in Renal Diseases, 353 Summary, 354 The Natriuretic Peptides, 354 Atrial Natriuretic Peptide— Structure, Processing, and Synthesis, 354 Brain Natriuretic Peptide, 355 Natriuretic Peptide Receptors, 355 Clearance Receptor, 355 Neutral Endopeptidase, 355 Renal Actions of the Natriuretic Peptides, 355 Therapeutic Uses of the Natriuretic Peptides, 355 Summary, 356

Vasoactive Peptides and the Kidney Riccardo Candido • Louise M. Burrell • Karin A. M. Jandeleit-Dahm • Mark E. Cooper RENIN-ANGIOTENSIN SYSTEM The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) cascade has been viewed historically as an integral component of cardiovascular and renal regulation primarily to maintain and modulate blood pressure and water and sodium balance. Recently, the RAS has proved to be an important regulator of cardiovascular and renal structure and function, in addition to salt and water balance. The RAS has been implicated in the pathophysiology of various diseases including hypertension, cardiac hypertrophy, and myocardial infarction as well as various progressive renal diseases.1–3 Of particular interest are newly described roles for the RAS in other situations such as retinal neovascularization4 and hepatic fibrosis.5 For this reason, there has been a major effort in the past several years to understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms governing the biosynthesis and the activity of the RAS components, so that novel means might be developed to control their activities. In the classic view of the RAS (Fig. 10–1), the glycoprotein angiotensinogen is secreted into the circulation by the liver, where it is cleaved by renin, an aspartyl protease produced by the juxtaglomerular (JG) cells, to release the decapeptide angiotensin (Ang) I. This peptide is an inactive intermediate, and it is further processed by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), a metalloprotease, into the eight–amino acid peptide Ang II. Ang II binds to high-affinity cell surface receptors, the most well known are the Ang II subtype 1 (AT1) and Ang II subtype 2 (AT2) receptors, which cause a remarkably diverse range of physiologic effects.6 In addition, Ang II can be formed via non-ACE and nonrenin enzymes including chymase, cathepsin G, cathepsin A, chymostatin-sensitive Ang II-generated enzyme (CAGE), tissue plasminogen activator, and tonin.7 Ang II induces vascular smooth muscle constriction and raises peripheral vascular resistance. In response to Ang II, renal proximal tubular epithelium increases absorption of salt and water. Within the adrenal gland, zona glomerulosa

cells are stimulated to produce aldosterone, which in turn regulates sodium reabsorption from the distal tubule. Ang II elevates the resistance of both efferent and afferent arterioles in the kidney and increases filtration fraction. In the heart, Ang II is associated with positive inotropy and in the brain, it induces a variety of responses including the onset of thirst and increased vasopressin release.8 These and other actions of Ang II act to increase intracellular volume, peripheral vascular resistance, and blood pressure. In addition to its effects on fluid homeostasis, Ang II has been found to have a myriad of local tissue influences, ranging from growth and repair to a role in ovulation.9 Given the physiologic diversity of Ang II, it is not surprising that pharmaceutical companies sought inhibitors of this vasoactive peptide at the level of synthesis and action. Three strategies have already been developed: inhibition of the enzymatic action of renin, inhibition of the enzymatic action of ACE, and competitive inhibition of the binding of Ang II to cell surface receptors. ACE inhibitors and, increasingly, Ang II receptor antagonists are now widely prescribed for the treatment of hypertension, heart failure, myocardial infarction, diabetic nephropathy, and other proteinuric renal diseases. During the development of angiotensin II receptor antagonists, peptidic and nonpeptidic inhibitors were developed that discriminate between the two major classes of angiotensin II receptors (AT1 and AT2).10 Whereas the AT2 inhibitors are still under experimental investigation, the AT1 receptor blockers have been extensively evaluated in large clinical trials and have been shown to demonstrate significant beneficial end-organ effects not only in hypertension but also in both cardiac11 and renal diseases. In addition to the circulating RAS, there are complete RASs within a variety of tissues and organs, the functions of which are quite varied. Local synthesis of all the components of the RAS has been demonstrated within the kidney. Messenger RNA (mRNA) for both angiotensinogen and renin is found in the JG cells and renal tubular 333


Alternative pathways

Classic pathway Angiotensinogen

Non-renin enzymes • t-PA • Cathepsin G • Tonin

CH 10

Renin Angiotensin I

• CAGE • Cathepsin G and A • Chymase

Bradykinin, substance P, enkephalins FIGURE 10–1 Enzymatic cascade of the RAS: classic and alternative pathways. CAGE, chymostatin-sensitive angiotensin II–generated enzyme; t-PA, tissue plasminogen activator.


Angiotensin II Inactive products

Angiotensin receptors (AT1, AT2, AT3, AT4)

cells.12 AT1 receptors are found on the efferent and afferent arterioles of the glomerulus as well as in mesangial and tubular epithelial cells. Expression of AT2 receptor mRNA is highly localized to interlobular arteries. However, emulsion autoradiography and immunohistochemical staining have recently localized AT2 receptors in the glomeruli and proximal tubules,13,14 albeit at much lower levels. Multiple functions have been proposed for the intrarenal RAS.15 Ang II constriction of the afferent arteriole would have the effect of reducing glomerular flow and glomerular capillary pressure, with a corresponding decrease in glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Conversely, constriction of the efferent arteriole, while also reducing flow, would increase glomerular pressure and GFR. The action of Ang II on mesangial cells results in a morphologic appearance of contraction with a corresponding decrease in the glomerular capillary ultrafiltration coefficient. In the proximal tubule, Ang II regulates sodium and pH balance through modulation of the activity of the sodium/ hydrogen (Na+/H+) antiporter. Indeed, there is much compelling evidence that locally produced components of the RAS may play an important role in both the physiology and the pathophysiology of renal function. This chapter discusses each component of the RAS and its physiologic and pathophysiologic roles in the kidney.

Adrenal angiotensinogen mRNA is most abundant in the zona glomerulosa, consistent with local angiotensin II production being involved in the regulation of aldosterone production. In the heart, both atria and ventricles have lower levels of angiotensinogen mRNA.18 Angiotensinogen is found in cerebrospinal fluid, and this is the source of locally produced cerebrospinal fluid Ang II, which appears to be involved in the regulation of thirst and blood pressure through effects on paraventricular structures. Like α1-antitrypsin, angiotensinogen is an acute-phase reactant and production by the liver is markedly elevated in response to stresses such as bacterial infection and tissue injury. Finally, Ang II, the final active product of the RAS, participates in a positive feedback loop that stimulates the hepatic production of angiotensinogen. This feedback loop would have the effect that during periods of high Ang II production, the peptide stimulates production of its own precursor protein to ensure constant availability of Ang II. Ang II also increases angiotensinogen mRNA production in the kidney and liver,19 whereas renin appears to inhibit angiotensinogen release.


Renin is produced and stored in granular JG cells, which are modified smooth muscle cells found in the media of afferent arterioles.2,20 Renin is synthesized as an inactive precursor form, preprorenin. Cleavage of the signal peptide from the carboxyl terminus of preprorenin results in prorenin, which is also considered to be biologically inactive. Subsequent glycosylation and proteolytic cleavage leads to the formation of renin, a 37- to 40-kDa proteolytic enzyme. Both prorenin and renin are secreted from JG cells. Because prorenin is the major circulating form, it is postulated that significant conversion of prorenin to renin follows secretion. Proreninactivating enzymes have been localized to neutrophils, endothelial cells, and the kidney.2 In addition to JG cells, renin production has also been detected in the submandibular gland, liver, brain, prostate, testis, ovary, spleen, pituitary, thymus, and lung.2 Circulating renin, however, appears to be derived almost entirely from the kidney. Within the circulation in humans, active renin cleaves a leucine-valine bond within angiotensinogen (Fig. 10–2) to form the decapeptide Ang I. Based on measurements of the enzymatic activity of renin, several investigators have sug-

Plasma angiotensinogen is the source of Ang I in all animal species. Physical isolation of this protein has shown that it is heterogeneous in molecular weight (52–60 kDa). The variance in molecular size appears to stem from a difference in glycosylation. The human angiotensinogen gene is 12 kilobases long, consisting of five exons and four introns, and is present as a single copy in the human genome.16 Human angiotensinogen has 452 and rat has 453 predicted amino acids. The liver is the primary site of angiotensinogen mRNA and protein synthesis. Angiotensinogen mRNA expression has also been demonstrated in the central nervous system, kidney, heart, vascular tissues, adrenal glands, fat, and leukocytes. In the kidney, both in situ studies and reverse transcriptionpolymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) reveal that angiotensinogen gene expression is most abundant in the cortex, primarily within the proximal tubule, with smaller amounts in the glomerulus and even less in the outer and inner medulla.12,17





Renin cleavage site Asp-Arg-Val-Tyr-Ile-His-Pro-Phe-His-Leu


ACE cleavage site

CH 10 Asp-Arg-Val-Tyr-Ile-His-Pro-Phe


Aminopeptidase A cleavage site Arg-Val-Tyr-Ile-His-Pro-Phe


Aminopeptidase B cleavage site Val-Tyr-Ile-His-Pro-Phe

gested that inhibitors of renin are present in plasma. Indeed, a number of renin-inhibiting substances such as phospholipids, neutral lipids, unsaturated fatty acids, and synthetic analogs of natural renin substrate have been identified.21 Recently, Nguyen and colleagues have reported, for the first time, the existence of a functional receptor of renin that was localized to the mesangium of glomeruli.22 The renin receptor is able to trigger intracellular signalling by activating the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase (ERK1 and ERK2) pathway. It also acts as a cofactor by increasing the efficiency of angiotensinogen cleavage by receptor-bound renin, thereby facilitating Ang II generation and action on a cell surface.22 These findings emphasize the role of the cell surface in Ang II generation and open a new perspective on renin effects, independent of Ang II.

Renin Secretion The majority of renin production occurs in the JG apparatus, where these specialized smooth muscle cells of afferent arterioles contain electron-dense granules that are the major storage sites for renin.2 Renin-containing cells are found throughout the afferent glomerular arteriole, with greatly increased density near the glomerular hilum, hence the term JG cells.2 Direct secretion of renin into the afferent arteriolar plasma appears to be facilitated by the fenestrated endothelium overlying JG cells. Such fenestrations are a feature commonly observed in endocrine organs, supporting the concept of the JG apparatus as an endocrine structure. Between the afferent and the efferent glomerular arterioles at the glomerular hilum lies a region containing lacelike (lacis) cells (also termed Goormaghtigh cells or extraglomerular mesangium), the so-called polkisen. The extraglomerular mesangium is in direct contact with both the macula densa region of the ascending limb of the loop of Henle and the intraglomerular mesangium. Lacis cells have numerous cell processes extending from their ends and have connecting gap junctions suggesting electrical coupling to each other and to cells of the glomerular mesangium and glomerular arterioles. The region of the macula densa of the thick ascend-

TABLE 10–1


Mechanisms Regulating Renin Secretion

Renal baroreceptors Mechanisms involving the macula densa Neural mechanisms Endocrine and paracrine mechanisms Intracellular mechanisms

ing limb of Henle (so named because of its appearance of tightly packed nuclei) is in close apposition with the lacis cells as well as the cells of afferent and efferent glomerular arterioles. However, macula densa cells and lacis cells are not joined by gap junctions, despite their close relationship. Rather, the intercellular matrix between macula densa and lacis cells appears continuous, and the basolateral surface of macula densa cells is irregular, with spaces between the cells varying in size, depending on the rate of fluid reabsorption at this site. The renal vasculature and tubules are richly innervated, yet nerve endings do not seem to make direct contact with macula densa or lacis cells. The possible role of innervation to the adjacent vascular or ascending limb cells in the function of the JG apparatus remains to be fully elucidated. Several mechanisms are involved in the control of renin secretion (Table 10–1). RENAL BARORECEPTORS. In the kidney, renin secretion is controlled by at least two independent mechanisms: a renal baroreceptor and the macula densa. Renin secretion is inhibited by increased pressure or stretch within the afferent arteriole. By contrast, renin secretion increases in response to decreased stretch. In support of this concept, alterations in renal perfusion pressure were shown to result in changes in renal renin release, even when the confounding influences of the macula densa mechanism and renal innervation were eliminated. It is thought that diminished JG cell stretch

Vasoactive Peptides and the Kidney

FIGURE 10–2 Comparison of the structure of the RAS components and sites of enzymic cleavage.

336 hyperpolarizes the cells, resulting in a fall in intracellular calcium concentration and increase renin release. MECHANISMS INVOLVING THE MACULA DENSA. Renin secretion is also related to the composition of tubule fluid at the macula densa.23 Renal arterial infusions of sodium chloride inhibit renin secretion. Volume expansion with sodium chloride has a more profound inhibitory effect on renin secretion than comparable expansion with dextran, presumably because of an effect of sodium chloride at the macula densa. Initial studies assumed sodium dependence of renin secretion, but CH 10 later observations have suggested that suppression of plasma renin activity (PRA) by administration of sodium is dependent upon the concomitant administration of chloride (Cl−). In fact, sodium fails to suppress PRA when administered with other anions. Similarly, PRA is suppressed by potassium chloride and choline chloride but not by potassium bicarbonate or lysine glutamate. Sodium chloride transport, rather than load, appears to be the important signal. Macula densa cells do not have direct contact with the renin-secreting granular cells in the afferent arteriolar wall. Thus, ion transport plus subsequent second-messenger signaling is necessary. In addition, it has been proposed that adenosine released from adenosine triphosphate (ATP) hydrolysis in macula densa cells serves as the chemical signal that inhibits renin release. Another influence may be the fluid resorption into the lacis cells leading to a stretch receptor mechanism controlling renin release. Mesangial cells appear to contain voltage-activated calcium (Ca2+) channels, as well as Ca2+-activated Cl− channels, so that changes in extracellular Cl− concentration might directly affect granular cells. Indeed, whole cell patch-clamp studies have shown a large Ca2+-activated Cl− conductance in plasma membrane JG granular cells. Arachidonic acid metabolites may also be important in renin release, and arachidonic acid infusion increases PRA (see later). It also appears that nitric oxide (NO) may modulate renin release from the macula densa.23 NEURAL MECHANISMS. Renin release is modulated by the central nervous system, primarily via the sympathetic nervous system. Nerve terminals are present on the JG apparatus, and renin secretion is stimulated by electrical stimulation of the renal nerves, by infusion of catecholamines, and by increasing sympathetic nervous system activity. Based primarily on experiments with adrenergic antagonists and agonists, the neural component of renin secretion appears to be mediated by beta-adrenergic receptors, specifically beta1-receptors.21 Beta-adrenergic stimulation of renin release appears to involve activation of adenylate cyclase and the formation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). ENDOCRINE AND PARACRINE MECHANISMS. Several endocrine and paracrine hormones regulate renin secretion by the kidney. Arachidonic acid, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), 13,14dihydro-PGE2 (a metabolite of PGE2) and prostacyclin stimulate renin secretion from renal cortical slices in vitro and from both filtering and nonfiltering denervated kidneys in vivo.21 Renin release is also stimulated by other agonists that act through cAMP, namely histamine, parathyroid hormone, glucagon, and dopamine.21 Whether or how these agonists play a role in the day-to-day physiologic control of renin release is still not fully understood. Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) has been shown to inhibit renin release from isolated JG cells (see later). Other inhibitory hormones include vasopressin, endothelin, and adenosine.20,23 It has been postulated that adenosine may serve as the macula densa–derived signal that suppresses renin release in response to enhanced solute transport by ascending limb cells. Inhibition of renin release by endothelin suggests a possible paracrine regulation of renin release.20 Regulation of renin secretion by Ang II is probably the most physiologically relevant.24 Ang II inhibits renin secretion and renin gene expression in a negative feedback loop. Treatment

of transgenic mice bearing the human renin gene with an ACE inhibitor increases renin expression in the kidney by 5- to 10-fold.25 Similarly, ACE inhibition in rats augments renal renin mRNA expression, an effect that is reversed by infusion of Ang II.26 Indeed, ACE inhibition has been shown to be associated with a marked increase in cells with a JG phenotype expressing renin protein.27 The effects of Ang II on renin are believed to be direct and not dependent on changes in renal hemodynamics or tubular transport. INTRACELLULAR MECHANISMS. Most investigators have shown that increased extracellular Ca2+ concentrations inhibit renin secretion both in vitro and in vivo and attenuate stimulation of renin release by catecholamines. As previously reported, ANP inhibits renin release. The mechanisms whereby ANP and NO, and thus cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), inhibit renin release need further clarification. The sum effect of ANP on renin release probably depends on the integration between a variety of concomitant stimuli that either augment or inhibit renin release. Renin secretion is invariably augmented by agonists that stimulate adenylate cyclase activity in JG cells. The finding of a cAMP-responsive element in the renin gene and the finding that forskolin, a diterpene that directly activates adenylate cyclase activity, markedly enhances renin release further indicate that cAMP is an important second messenger in renin release. Renin release in vitro is increased by direct exposure of renal cortical slices to dibutyryl cAMP, with in vivo infusion of dibutyryl cAMP also augmenting renin release. The phosphodiesterase inhibitor theophylline, which increases cAMP levels, enhances the actions of PGE2 on renin release, providing further evidence that cAMP acts as the second messenger for renin release. cGMP has an important function in the regulation of vascular tone, and an increase in intracellular cGMP induces a vasorelant action. However, no consistent link between glomerular cGMP and renin release has been identified.28

Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme ACE is a zinc-containing dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase that is responsible for the cleavage of the dipeptide His-Leu from the carboxyl end of Ang I to form the octapeptide Ang II (see Fig. 10–2). The main site of synthesis of ACE is in the pulmonary vasculature and, it has a molecular weight of approximately 200 kDa. The structure of ACE has now been determined with the recent crystallization of this enzyme.29 The analysis of the three-dimensional structure of ACE by Natesh and colleagues29 shows that it bears little similarity to that of carboxypeptidase A. This new finding provides the opportunity to design domain-selective ACE inhibitors that may exhibit new pharmacologic profiles. Whereas renin is extraordinarily precise in its substrate specificity, ACE is enzymatically far more promiscuous. Indeed, many other small peptides (enkephalins, substance P, luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone) can be cleaved by this enzyme. Moreover, ACE cleaves bradykinin into inactive fragments (see later) and thus functionally degrades this potent vasodilator. The same enzyme produces the pressor substance Ang II and inactivates the vasodepressor kinins. It is perhaps because of this wide diversity of substrates that inhibitors of ACE are so effective in the treatment of hypertension and other cardiovascular and renal diseases. ACE is also located in plasma and in endothelium of pulmonary and other vascular beds, including the kidney. This enzyme is ubiquitous and has an enormous capacity to convert Ang I to Ang II. Thus, the conversion step has not been regarded as rate limiting for Ang II production. Many tissues produce ACE, but it is the production of the enzyme by vascular endothelial cells that is thought to be most impor-

minuria, left ventricular hypertrophy, and coronary artery 337 disease, as well as with renal complications in diabetes.40,41 In addition, we recently demonstrated that the D allele of the ACE gene was associated with renal failure in patients with essential hypertension.42 Further observations suggest that the ACE genotype may influence the response to ACE inhibitor therapy. In particular, it has been observed that the beneficial short- and long-term renoprotective effects of ACE inhibition are lower in albuminuric diabetic patients homozygous for the deletion compared with the insertion polymorphism of the ACE gene.43,44 By contrast, Parving’s group45 has CH 10 demonstrated that treatment with the AT1 receptor blocker losartan offers similar short-term renoprotective and blood pressure–lowering effects in albuminuric hypertensive type 1 diabetic patients with the ACE II and DD genotype, indicating that there is no evidence for an interaction between ACE genotype and blockade of the AT1 receptor. However, this finding remains to be confirmed. Recently, the classical view of the RAS has been challenged by the discovery of the enzyme ACE2. In addition, there is increasing awareness that many agiotensin peptides other than Ang II have biologic activity and physiologic importance.46 Two separate groups have described the first human homolog of ACE.47,48 ACE-related carboxypeptidase (ACE2), like ACE, is a membrane-associated and -secreted enzyme. The ACE2 and ACE catalytic domains are 42% identical in amino acid sequence, and conservation of exon-intron organization further indicates that the two genes evolved from a common ancestor.47 In contrast to ACE, however, ACE2 is highly tissue specific. Whereas ACE is expressed ubiquitously in the vasculature, human ACE2 is restricted to the heart, kidney, and testis.47 In addition to endothelial expression, ACE2 is present in smooth muscle in some coronary vessels and focally in tubular epithelium of the kidney. Both ACE and ACE2 cleave Ang I, but their activities are distinct. Whereas ACE is a dipeptidase, ACE2 removes the single C-terminal Leu residue to generate Ang 1-9 (Fig. 10–3). Ang 1-9 has been identified in vivo in rat and human plasma, but its function is unknown.49 Ang 1-9 is then subjected to further cleavage by ACE to yield Ang 1-7, a vasodilator.46,50 In addition, Ang II can be degraded by ACE2 to also yield Ang 1-7 (see Fig. 10–3). Thus, ACE2 may function to limit the vasoconstrictor action of Ang II not only by its inactivation but also by the formation of a counteracting vasodilatory angiotensin, Ang 1-7. Although Ang II is considered to be the main effector of the RAS, the reported vasodilatory actions of Ang 1-7,46,50 taken together with the discovery of ACE2 and its potential involvement in both Ang II degradation and Ang 1-7 production, adds another level of complexity to the RAS. Thus, the identification and characterization of ACE2 has uncovered an exciting new area of cardiovascular and renal physiology as well as providing possible novel therapeutic targets. In addition, an unexpected function of ACE2 has recently been identified and characterized. Specifically, ACE2 is a functional receptor for coronaviruses, including the coronavirus that cause severe acute respiratory syndrome, and is involved in mediating virus entry and cell fusion.51 Although not directly relevant to cardiovascular function, this would indicate that the RAS including ACE2 has multiple roles in physiology and various pathophysiologic states.52 Indeed, a recent study53 has shown that ACE2 mRNA levels are reduced in animal models of hypertension and ACE2 knockout mice exhibit severe defects in cardiac contractility that are restored by concomitant ACE ablation. These findings support the concept that ACE2 acts in a counter-regulatory manner to ACE and may play an important role to modulate the balance between vasoconstrictors and vasodilators in the heart and kidney. Recent immunohistochemical studies have shown that in the kidney, both ACE2 and ACE protein

Vasoactive Peptides and the Kidney

tant for the regulation of blood pressure. Nascent ACE protein contains a 29–amino acid signal sequence, and its NH2 terminus is extruded from the cell. A COOH-terminal hydrophobic anchor sequence secures the protein to the luminal face of the endothelial cell membrane. Thus, Ang II is formed at the luminal surface of endothelial cells in close proximity to vascular smooth muscle, a critical target organ for this vasoconstrictor. Studies have examined the ACE levels in human sera, and although levels vary by up to fourfold among individuals, no significant association with clinical hypertension has been identified.30,31 ACE exists as two isozymes transcribed from a single gene by the differential utilization of two different promoters. In addition, a soluble form of ACE exists that is presumably derived from the vascular endothelium. The larger isozyme, termed somatic ACE, is present as an ectoenzyme in vascular endothelial cells and other somatic tissues including the renal proximal tubule. Analysis of the cDNA shows that somatic ACE contains 1306 amino acids. A striking feature of the ACE sequence is the presence of two internal homologous domains, each of which in now known to be catalytic. Each domain is composed of 357 amino acids, and overall the two domains are 68% identical in amino acid sequence. Human ACE in encoded by a single gene located on chromosome 17.31 It spans 21 kilobases and is made up of 25 exons.32 Each of the two homologous domains of the enzyme is encoded by a cluster of eight exons (exons 4 to 11 and exons 16 to 23). The similarity of the exon-intron organization of the two clusters strongly suggests that the mammalian ACE gene is the result of an ancestral gene duplication event. The testis has a distinct form of ACE that is shorter and has only one catalytic site. Whereas the testicular form of ACE seems to be under the control of androgens, DNA elements possibly responsive to glucocorticoids and cAMP have been found in the upstream region of the endothelial promoter.33 Also, it has been shown that the gene expression of the endothelial ACE is down-regulated by plasma Ang II levels34 and upregulated by ACE inhibitors35 and dexamethasone.36 Within the kidney, ACE has been localized to glomerular endothelial cells and the proximal tubule brush border.21 Several potential roles for proximal tubule brush border ACE have been considered. It has been postulated that ACE may play a role in the cleavage of dipeptides from filtered proteins for subsequent uptake and processing by epithelial cells, a role suggested by localization of ACE in intestinal microvilli, a site without Ang II receptors. ACE probably also serves to form Ang II within proximal tubule fluid, thereby affecting reabsorption. In blood vessels, ACE may be located in vascular cells other than the endothelium.37 In most cells, ACE appears to be located on the external surface of the cell membrane, although there is some evidence that it may also be located intracellularly. It has been demonstrated by Diet and coworkers38 that ACE is expressed in lipid-laden macrophages within the atherosclerotic plaques in humans. Recently, our group has confirmed and extended these observations to diabetes-induced atherosclerotic lesions. We observed that ACE gene expression was significantly increased in diabetic vessels and that ACE protein expression was consistently found to be at the site of macrophage accumulation within the atherosclerotic plaques.39 Moreover, recently, our group has demonstrated that ACE is highly expressed in areas of active fibrogenesis in bile duct–ligated livers in the rat suggesting a key role for the RAS in the pathogenesis of liver fibrosis.5 The role of plasma ACE is still unknown. Interestingly, studies have shown that a deletion polymorphism of the ACE gene is associated with an increase in plasma ACE levels and with target organ damage in hypertension. Specifically, the D allele of the ACE gene has been associated with microalbu-


Ang I 1Asp-Arg-Val-Tyr-Ile-His-Pro-Phe-His-Leu10



Ang II 1Asp-Arg-Val-Tyr-Ile-His-Pro-Phe8

Ang I-9 1Asp-Arg-Val-Tyr-Ile-His-Pro-Phe-His9

FIGURE 10–3 A schema showing where ACE and ACE2 cleave angiotensin (Ang) I as well as how the cleavage products are processed by the two peptidases.

CH 10 ACE2

ACE Ang I-7


are localized to tubular epithelial cells.54 Furthermore, we have reported that ACE2 protein expression is reduced in the diabetic kidney and that this reduction is prevented by ACE inhibitor therapy, suggesting that ACE2 might have a renoprotective role in diabetes.54 Given the findings of altered expression levels of ACE2 in the diseased kidney, it is postulated that there is an important role for ACE2 in angiotensin metabolism, renal physiology, and potentially, a variety of renal diseases.55

Angiotensins and Angiotensinases Ang II has a very short biologic half-life. After intravenous injection, the pressor response in animals lasts only 1 to 3 minutes. This very rapid effect would suggest rapid uptake from the circulation and/or degradation. Seventy percent or more of Ang II is removed in one circulation, through the liver or the femoral or vascular beds. However, Ang II passes undestroyed through the pulmonary circulation. AMINOPEPTIDASES. Ang II, with aspartic acid in position 1, is most susceptible to cleavage by an acid aminopeptidase, known as aminopeptidase A, angiotensinase A, or more precisely, glutamyl aminopeptidase. Glutamyl aminopeptidase is a metalloprotease containing zinc. In vivo, cleavage by glutamyl aminopeptidase is the step that usually begins the degradation of Ang II.56 Removal of aspartic acid from Ang II forms the heptapeptide Ang 2-8, also called Ang III (see Fig. 10–2). This heptapeptide is a less potent vasoconstrictor than Ang II, but it is at least as potent as the octapeptide in the adrenal zona glomerulosa and central nervous system. Indeed, it has been postulated that Ang III is the principal effector of the RAS in the brain. Ang III is even more rapidly hydrolyzed than Ang II in vivo. Like Ang II, the heptapeptide is first cleaved by aminopeptidase action into the hexapeptide Ang 3-8 or Ang IV (see Fig. 10–2). The enzyme most active in its further cleavage is arginyl aminopeptidase (angiotensinase B or aminopeptidase B). Another enzyme, aminopeptidase N, can convert Ang III into the hexapeptide Ang IV. Other aminopeptidases that cleave angiotensins include leucyl aminopeptidase, alanyl aminopeptidase, and dipeptidyl peptidase I (also known as cathepsin C). Ang IV, another breakdown product once thought to be a virtually inactive peptide, has been demonstrated by Kerins and colleagues57 to be the form of angiotensin that stimulates endothelial expression of plasminogen inactivator inhibitor (PAI)-1. This effect appears to be mediated via the stimulation of an endothelial AT4 receptor because neither AT1 nor AT2 receptor antagonists could inhibit the Ang IV-induced PAI-1

gene expression.57,58 There is also some evidence that Ang IV is involved in the pathogenesis of some renal diseases. ENDOPEPTIDASES. Angiotensins are susceptible to hydrolysis by several classical endopeptidases, including trypsin and chymotrypsin, which probably never gain access to these peptides either at their origin in the circulation or at their targets outside of the gut. The endopeptidase most likely to be involved in limiting the duration of action of angiotensin is neutral endopeptidase (NEP), also called enkephalinase. This enzyme has also been throughly studied for its action on ANP (see later). NEP can directly convert Ang I to Ang 1-7.59 Whereas Ang I is the primary substrate for the formation of Ang 1-7, the heptapeptide may be formed also from Ang II by the cleavage of the Pro7-Phe8 bond by prolyl-endopeptidase and a prolyl carboxypeptidase.60 Formerly considered physiologically inactive, Ang 1-7 has been recently demonstrated to have effects on the vasculature and on kidney function. In the vasculature, it produces opposite effects to the growth promoting and constrictor actions of Ang II. In the kidney, Ang 1-7 exerts important regulatory effects on the long-term control of arterial pressure, particularly to counterbalance the actions of Ang II. Infusion of Ang 1-7 into the renal artery stimulates marked diuresis and natriuresis.61–63 Ang 1-7 is hydrolyzed at the Ile5-His6 bond to form Ang 1-5 and the dipeptide His-Pro by ACE.64,65 This observation suggests that chronic treatment with ACE inhibitors is able to prolong the half-life of Ang 1-7.66 Thus, ACE constitutes a critical convergence point between the pressor and proliferative properties of Ang II and the depressor and antiproliferative actions of Ang 1-7, similarly to that observed for bradykinin (see later).

Angiotensin II Receptors Ang II is known to interact with at least two distinct Ang II receptor subtypes, designated AT1 and AT2.67 The characterization of Ang II receptor subtypes was made possible by the discovery and development of selective nonpeptide Ang II receptor antagonists, namely losartan (AT1-selective) and PD123319 (AT2-selective).68 Virtually all the known biologic actions of Ang II, including vasoconstriction, release of aldosterone, stimulation of sympathetic transmission, and cellular growth, are mediated by the AT1 receptor.68,69 The functional role of the AT2 receptor is not fully understood. Recent studies have described a possible role for AT2 receptors in mediating antiproliferation, apoptosis, differentiation, and possibly vasodilation.70,71 However, recent evidence indicates that proinflammatory, growth stimulatory, and profibrogenic effects of Ang II may not be solely transduced

through AT1 receptors, but also involve activation of AT2 receptors.

AT1 Receptors

AT2 Receptors The AT2 receptor is characterized by its high affinity for PD123319, PD123177, and CGP42112 and its very low affinity for losartan and candesartan.68 Ang II binds to the AT2 receptor with similar affinity as to the AT1 receptor.67 The AT2 receptor has been cloned in a variety of species, including human,95,96 rat,97 and mouse.98,99 The AT2 receptor is also a seven transmembrane domain receptor, encoded by a 363–amino acid protein with a molecular mass of 41 kDa, and shares only 34% sequence identity with the AT1 receptor.100 The AT2 receptor gene has been mapped in humans to chromosome X.95 Previously, various second messengers coupled to the AT2 receptor have been described and include indirect negative coupling to guanylate cyclase (inhibition of cGMP production)100 and activation of potassium channels.101 There have been new insights into AT2 receptor signalling pathways, including activation of protein phosphatases and protein dephosphorylation, the NO-cGMP system, and phospholipase A2 (release of arachidonic acid). In particular, stimulation of AT2 receptors leads to activation of various phosphatases, such as protein tyrosine phosphatase, MAP kinase phosphatase 1 (MKP-1),102,103 SH2-domain–containing phosphatase 1 (SHP-1)104 and serine/threonine phosphatase 2A,105 resulting in the inactivation of extracellular signalregulated kinase (ERK), opening of potassium channels and inhibition of T-type Ca2+ channels.106 It has been confirmed that the AT2 receptor is a G-protein–coupled receptor13 and that an inhibitory G-protein (Gi) is linked to the AT2 receptor signalling mechanism.107 In the human heart, the AT2 receptor is localized mainly to fibroblasts in interstitial regions, with a lower degree of binding seen in the surrounding myocardium.108,109 Moreover, AT2 receptors are highly expressed in the adrenal medulla of most species, but expression is much lower in humans.6,110 In human kidneys, the AT2 receptor is localized to glomeruli, tubules, and renal blood vessels.14 Using emulsion autoradiography, our group demonstrated the presence of AT2 receptors in the glomeruli and proximal tubules of adult rat kidney.13 These findings are similar to those reported by Ozono and coworkers14 who demonstrated, using immunohistochemistry and Western blot analysis, that the AT2 receptor is localized mainly to glomeruli, but it is also found at low levels in cortical tubules and interstitial cells. Because the AT2 receptor is highly abundant in fetal tissues, it is believed to play an important role in fetal development. However, AT2 receptor knockout mice appear to develop and grow normally (see later), suggesting that AT2 receptors may

Vasoactive Peptides and the Kidney

AT1 receptors selectively bind biphenylimidazoles, including losartan, candesartan, and irbesartan, with high affinity and are rather insensitive to tetrahydroimidazolpyridines, such as PD123319 and PD123177.68 The gene for the AT1 receptor was first cloned from rat vascular smooth muscle cells72 and bovine adrenal gland.73 The AT1 receptor gene product consists of 359 amino acids and has a molecular mass of 41 kDa. The human genome contains a unique gene coding for the AT1 receptor, which is localized on chromosome 3.74 The AT1 receptor belongs to the seven transmembrane class of G-protein–coupled receptors.75 The transmembrane domain and the extracellular loop play an important role in Ang II binding.76 The binding site for Ang II is different from the binding site for AT1 receptor antagonists, which interact only with the transmembrane domain of the receptor.77 Like most G-protein–coupled receptors, the AT1 receptor is also subject to internalization when stimulated by Ang II, a process dependent on specific residues on the cytoplasmic tail.78 There are five classical signal transduction mechanisms for the AT1 receptor: activation of phospholipase A2, phospholipase C, phospholipase D, and L-type Ca2+ channels and inhibition of adenylate cyclase. It has been observed that activation of the AT1 receptor stimulates growth factor pathways, such as tyrosine phosphorylation and phospholipase C-gamma, leading to activation of downstream proteins, including MAP kinases, janus kinases (JAK), and the signal transducers and activators of transcription (STAT) proteins.79,80 Ang II–stimulated cellular proliferation and growth has been defined in adrenal medulla and vascular smooth muscle cells. These growthlike effects have been linked to cardiovascular and kidney diseases. The tissue distribution of AT1 receptors has been studied extensively in humans and animals. AT1 receptors are found primarily in the brain, adrenal glands, heart, vasculature, and kidney, serving to regulate blood pressure and fluid and electrolyte balance. AT1 receptors have been demonstrated in the central nervous system of the rat,81 rabbit,82 and human.83,84 AT1 receptors are localized to areas of the brain that are exposed to blood-borne Ang II, such as the circumventricular organs, including the subfornical organ, median eminence, vascular organ of the lamina terminalis, anterior pituitary, and the area postrema in the hindbrain.81 Furthermore, other regions of the hypothalamus, nucleus of the solitary tract, and ventrolateral medulla in the hindbrain also contain a high density of AT1 receptors.81 AT1 receptors have also been identified in the adrenal gland of rodents, primates, and humans,6 where they are localized mainly to the zona glomerulosa of the cortex and chromaffin cells of the medulla. In the heart, the highest density of AT1 receptors is found in the conducting system.85 Punctate AT1 receptor binding is found in the epicardium surrounding the atria, with low binding seen throughout the atrial and ventricular myocardium.86 Moreover, AT1 receptors in the vasculature, including the aorta, pulmonary, and mesenteric arteries, are present at high levels on smooth muscle cells and at low levels in the adventitia.87 The anatomic distribution of the AT1 receptor in the kidney has been mapped in various species.87 High levels of AT1 receptor binding occur in glomerular mesangial cells and renal interstitial cells located between the tubules and the vasa recta bundles within the inner stripe of the outer medulla.88 Moreover, moderate binding is localized to proximal convoluted tubular epithelia.

Ang II stimulation of AT1 receptors in blood vessels causes 339 vasoconstriction, leading to an increase in peripheral vascular tone and systemic blood pressure. AT1 receptors in the heart are known to mediate the positive inotropic and chronotropic effects of Ang II on cardiomyocytes.89 Ang II is also known to mediate cell growth and proliferation in cardiac myocytes and fibroblasts, as well as in vascular smooth muscle cells.90,91 Ang II induces the expression and release of various endogenous growth factors, including basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1 and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF).90,91 It is now clear CH 10 that these long-term trophic effects of Ang II occur as a result of activation of AT1 receptors.92 It is well documented that AT1 receptor activation mediates the Ang II–induced release of catecholamines from the adrenal medulla and aldosterone from the adrenal cortex.93 Finally, in the kidney Ang II influences sodium and water reabsorption from the proximal tubules and inhibits renin secretion from the macula densa cells via the AT1 receptor.94

340 not be as crucial as previously thought for fetal development.111,112 In mice lacking the AT2 receptor, the drinking response is impaired and locomotion is reduced. In addition, the animals exhibit an increase in the vasopressor response to Ang II. It has been demonstrated that the AT2 receptor is involved in the production of cGMP,113 NO,114 and prostaglandin F2α115 in the kidney, suggesting an important role in renal function, including vasodilatation and blood pressure regulation. In addition, evidence suggests that, in the kidney, AT2 receptor 116 CH 10 stimulation induces the bradykinin/NO pathway. Our group has explored the renal expression of the AT2 receptor in subtotally nephrectomized rats and the effects of AT2 receptor blockade on renal injury.117 In that study, we observed increased gene expression of the AT2 receptor in the kidney, whereas no global differences in AT2 receptor protein expression and binding were found between remnant and control kidneys. However, the AT2 receptor protein was identified specifically in the injured tubules after renal mass reduction. Treatment with the AT2 receptor blocker PD123319 significantly reduced tubulointerstitial injury, tubular cell proliferation, renal inflammatory cell infiltration, and proteinuria.117 These findings suggest a key role for the AT2 receptor in mediating kidney damage in certain contexts.

Other Angiotensin Receptors There is mounting evidence for the existence of additional angiotensin receptors, which are pharmacologically distinct from AT1 and AT2 receptors. The angiotensin AT4 receptor is a novel binding site that displays high specificity and affinity for the hexapeptide fragment Ang IV, but with low affinity for Ang II.118 The binding of Ang IV to the AT4 receptor is insensitive to both losartan and PD123319 but is selectively blocked by the peptide antagonist divalinal-Ang IV.119 Although it is not clear yet whether the AT4 receptor belongs to the Gprotein–coupled receptor superfamily as reported for the AT1 and AT2 receptor subtypes, it has been demonstrated that this transmembrane protein is distributed in many tissues, and in particular, in the brain and kidney. Harding and colleagues120 have shown that the AT4 receptor is preferentially concentrated in the outer stripe of the medulla. Moreover, using autoradiography Handa and coworkers121 localized AT4 receptors to the cell body and apical membrane of convoluted and straight proximal tubules not only in the outer medulla but also in the cortex of rat kidney. The same authors demonstrated that human proximal tubular epithelial cells contain functional AT4 receptors that are pharmacologically similar to the AT4 receptor described in more distal segments of the nephron and other renal cells.122,123 The functional role of this receptor remains to be fully clarified, but it has been suggested that it may play an important role in mediating cerebral and renal blood flow, memory retention, and neuronal development.118 Studies using the selective Ang 1-7 antagonist A-779 provide evidence for an Ang 1-7 receptor distinct from the classical Ang II receptors AT1 and AT2.124,125 Recent studies by Santos and colleagues126 have identified the G protein– coupled receptor Mas as a functional receptor for Ang 1-7 because it binds Ang 1-7 and is involved in mediating biologic actions of this angiotensin peptide. Because Ang 1-7 counteracts Ang II, these findings clearly widen the possibilities for treating cardiovascular diseases using agonists for the Ang 1-7-Mas axis. Another atypical angiotensin binding site, loosely termed the AT3 receptor, has also been identified in cultured mouse neuroblastoma cells and binds Ang II with high affinity, but has low affinity for Ang III and no affinity for losartan or PD123319.127

Renin-Angiotensin System Knockout or Transgenic Models Targeted gene manipulation has provided significant insights into the physiologic and pathologic roles of the RAS in regulating blood pressure, cardiovascular homeostasis, renal function, and development (Table 10–2). In angiotensinogendeficient mice, who have complete loss of plasma immunoreactive Ang I,128 the systolic blood pressure was approximately 20 to 30 mmHg lower than in wild-type mice.128 Similarly, in ACE-deficient mice, markedly reduced blood pressure was observed, and interestingly, there was also severe renal disease.129,130 The renal papilla in these mice was markedly reduced, and the intrarenal arteries exhibited vascular hyperplasia associated with a perivascular inflammatory infiltrate. Moreover, these animals could not effectively concentrate urine and had an abnormally low urinary sodium–to-potassium ratio despite reduced levels of aldosterone. Deletion of the gene encoding the AT1A receptor subtype in mice is associated with a significant reduction in blood pressure and an attenuated pressor response to infused Ang II.131,132 Conversely, in AT1B receptor knockout mice, systemic blood pressure is normal, suggesting that the AT1A receptor subtype is the major receptor involved in blood pressure regulation.133 Deletion of either the AT1A or the AT1B receptor in mice is not associated with impaired development, survival, or tissue abnormalities.131,132,134 However, deletion of both receptor subtypes results in decreased blood pressure, impaired growth, and renal abnormalities, a phenotype similar to that seen with deletion of angiotensinogen or ACE.134,135 Thus, the AT1B receptor, although considered to be of less importance, may compensate for the effects seen in AT1A knockout mice. In contrast to AT1 receptor gene deletion, targeted deletion of the AT2 receptor gene in mice results in raised blood pressure and enhanced sensitivity to the pressor effects of Ang II.111,112 This suggests that the AT2 receptor mediates a vasodepressor effect and may functionally oppose the effects mediated by the AT1 receptor, possibly via bradykinin and NO.136 Although AT2 receptors are abundant in fetal tissues, such as the heart, kidney, and brain, AT2 receptor knockout mice apparently develop and grow normally.111,112 However, these mice have impaired drinking responses to water deprivation and reduced exploratory behavior.111,112 More recently, it has been reported that mice lacking the AT2 receptor exhibit anxiety-like behavior137 and have increased sensitivity to pain.138 Thus, the AT2 receptor may also play a role in modulating behavioral effects, mood, and the threshold for pain. The RAS has been the focus of the largest number of transgenic studies reported in the renal literature using animal models overexpressing various components of the RAS.139 Rats transgenic for either the human renin or the human angiotensin gene have normal plasma Ang II levels despite high circulating levels of renin or angiotensinogen.140,141 These negative findings can be explained by the species specificity of the renin-angiotensinogen interaction. Human renin does not act on rat angiotensinogen, and human angiotensinogen does not serve as a substrate for rat renin.140 However, transgenic mice expressing both human angiotensinogen and human renin genes under the control of the appropriate human promoter142 develop hypertension and renal fibrosis. Administration of the ACE inhibitor lisinopril to these mice significantly decreased the glomerulosclerosis index without decreasing systolic blood pressure. These results suggest that activation of the renal RAS induces renal sclerosis independently of systemic hypertension. Findings from other animal models support the hypothesis that endogenous Ang II produced locally plays a role in the formation of renal

TABLE 10–2

Differential Phenotypes Among Various Renin-Angiotensin System Knockout Models Systolic Blood Pressure

Fetal Kidney Development

Postnatal Kidney Development

AGT −/−

Very low (reduction of 20 mm Hg)


Hypertrophy of renal arteries and arterioles, atrophy of the papilla, focal areas of tubular dropout, interstitial inflammation and fibrosis

Renin −/−

Very low (reduction of 20 mm Hg)


Similar to that observed in AGT −/− model

ACE −/−

Very low (reduction of 20 mm Hg)


Similar to that observed in AGT −/− model

AT1A/AT1B −/−

Very low (reduction of 20 mm Hg)


Similar to that observed in AGT −/− model

AT1A −/−

Moderately low (reduction of 12 mm Hg)


Normal or slight dilatation of the renal pelvis, mild compression of the papilla, shortening of the renal papilla, and reduction in the area of the inner medulla

AT1B −/−




AT2 −/−

High (increase of 13 mm Hg)



ACE −/−, ACE knockout model; AGT −/−, angiotensinogen knockout model; AT1A −/−, angiotensin II subtype 1A receptor knockout model; AT1B −/−, angiotensin II subtype 1B receptor knockout model; AT1A/AT1B −/−, angiotensin II subtype 1A and 1B receptors knockout model; AT2 −/−, angiotensin II subtype 2 receptor knockout model; Renin −/−, renin knockout model.

fibrosis, independent of alterations in systemic vascular resistance.143 Mullins and coworkers140,144 introduced the mouse Ren-2 gene into normotensive rats, thus creating a transgenic strain that expresses high levels of Ren-2 mRNA in many sites including the adrenal gland and to a much lesser extent the kidney. In these rats, fulminant hypertension develops between 5 and 10 weeks of age. Treatment with low-dose ACE inhibitors or Ang II antagonists normalized blood pressure.145 Despite severe hypertension in Ren-2 transgenic rats, the systemic RAS was not stimulated and plasma levels of active renin, angiotensinogen, Ang I, and Ang II were lower than those seen in control animals.144 By contrast, the plasma concentration of prorenin was dramatically elevated. This increase in prorenin originated mainly from the adrenal glands with adrenalectomy normalizing blood pressure in these rats.140 Because the activation of the RAS has been implicated in the progression of chronic renal disease, Ganten and collegues140 studied progression of glomerular sclerosis after subtotal nephrectomy in Ren-2 transgenic rats. Compared with blood pressure–matched spontaneously hypertensive rats, the transgenic animals had significant acceleration of glomerulosclerosis, consistent with a pathogenetic role for the intrarenal RAS in the progression to renal failure. Similarly, it has been observed that induction of diabetes in Ren-2 transgenic rats was associated with glomerulosclerosis, tubulointerstitial fibrosis, and decline in renal function, features not observed in other rodent models of diabetes.146 Moreover, blocking the RAS with either an ACE inhibitor or an AT1 receptor blocker preserves renal function and attenuates renal structural damage in this model. These effects on renal disease progression appear to be due to attenuation of expression and activation of the local RAS and not solely the result of reducing systemic blood pressure because an equihypotensive dose of an endothelin antagonist

failed to confer a similar degree of renoprotection in this model.

Physiologic Effects of the Renin-Angiotensin System The predominant function of the RAS is regulation of vascular tone and renal salt excretion in response to changes in extracellular fluid volume or blood pressure. Ang II represents the effector limb of this hormonal system, acting on several organs, including the vascular system, heart, adrenal glands, central nervous system, and kidney. We focus on the renal effects of Ang II.

Effects of Angiotensin II on Renal Hemodynamics In the kidney, the primary action of Ang II is on the smalldiameter resistance arterioles supplying the glomeruli. It is well established that both endogenous and exogenous Ang II affect preglomerular (afferent) as well as efferent arteriolar tone. The tendency of the filtration fraction to rise is due to smaller reductions in GFR relative to a larger decrease in renal blood flow. This is interpreted as consistent with a predominant action of Ang II on the postglomerular (efferent) arterioles. Micropuncture studies indicate that Ang II usually decreases the filtration coefficient and increases permeability to macromolecules.147 The precise in vivo role of the contractile mesangial cells in producing changes in capillary hydraulic conductivity and/or capillary surface area is not fully known.147 SEGMENTAL VASCULAR RESISTANCE. Early studies on single nephron function demonstrated that Ang II increases total resistance as a result of contraction of preglomerular arteries and afferent and efferent arterioles.147,148 The most

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Vasoactive Peptides and the Kidney



342 convincing in vivo evidence for direct actions of Ang II on the afferent arteriole was obtained during infusion of Ang I or Ang II into the renal artery. Several studies using direct microscopic visualization and calcium-sensitive dye fluorescence provide convincing evidence that Ang II constricts both afferent and efferent arterioles, with similar potency or slightly greater effects on the efferent arteriole.149,150 There are high concentrations of Ang II in the vicinity of the JG apparatus and glomerular arterioles with at least a hundredfold increase in intrarenal versus systemic Ang II concentrations 151 CH 10 (nM versus pM). PARACRINE/AUTOCRINE AGENTS. In addition to direct effects on vascular smooth muscle cells, Ang II can stimulate release of other vasoactive factors from endothelial cells. Accordingly, the vascular actions of Ang II can be modulated by paracrine and autocrine agents produced in response to Ang II, with either buffering or amplifying effects. The most common integrated response to Ang II is net vasoconstriction. Within the kidney, these secondary vasoactive agents may originate from endothelial, vascular smooth muscle, or mesangial cells (and perhaps reno medullary interstitial cells). Most widely known are the protective or opposing effects provided by NO and vasodilator products of arachidonic acid metabolism, notably PGE2, PGI2, and possibly epoxyeicosatrienoic acid. Endothelin-1 may be another endothelial factor that regulates Ang II–induced vasoconstriction.152 Ang II can increase gene expression and synthesis of endothelin-1 in vascular smooth muscle cells.153 Blockade of both endothelin A and endothelin B receptors with bosentan attenuates the vasoconstrictor and proteinuric effects of chronic Ang II infusion.154 Other modulatory factors include adenosine and ATP, dopamine, and lipoxygenase and cytochrome P-450 metabolites derived from arachidonic acid.148

Effects of Angiotensin II on Renal Autoregulatory Mechanisms The renal vasculature plays an important role in protecting the glomerulus and tubules from large changes in arterial pressure that occur during normal daily activity as well as during stress. These autoregulatory mechanisms continually adjust renal vasomotor tone to counterbalance fluctuations in arterial pressure to maintain renal blood flow and GFR constant, thereby blunting the natriuretic effects of increases in arterial pressure.147 Whole kidney blood flow studies show that renal blood flow is regulated near constancy during acute changes in systolic arterial pressure between 90 and 180 mmHg. Such renal autoregulation is thought to be mediated by two basic mechanisms, both of which involve the afferent arteriole. One is a pressure-induced myogenic response of vascular smooth muscle cells in the interlobular arteries and afferent arterioles. The other is a tubuloglomerular feedback (TGF) loop involving the JG apparatus. This TGF system functions as a negative feedback system, regulating afferent arteriolar tone as a function of solute delivery and transport by macula densa cells at the start of the distal tubule.

Effects of Angiotensin II on Tubular Transport Direct actions of Ang II on tubular transport function have been suggested for more than 2 decades. In sodium-depleted dogs, chronic blockade of Ang II formation decreased blood pressure and increased urinary sodium excretion, independent of any changes in circulating aldosterone levels. Similarly, it has been observed that in sodium-depleted dogs with activation of the RAS, increases in sodium excretion in response to increases in arterial pressure were attenuated, compared with dogs maintained on normal sodium diets. Furthermore, with administration of the ACE inhibitor captopril, absolute and fractional sodium excretion increased at

all levels of arterial pressure, an effect that could not be explained by changes in the filtered load of sodium. These studies and others provide compelling evidence that increases in fractional sodium excretion in response to RAS blockade are greater than can be accounted for by associated changes in GFR or renal blood flow. Accordingly, it is suggested that Ang II exerts direct stimulatory effects on tubular transport. In the proximal tubule, Ang II plays a central role in promoting the reabsorption of sodium, fluid, and bicarbonate (HCO3−). A luminal Na+/H+ exchanger is activated by Ang II, resulting in sodium uptake from the lumen into the cells.155,156 The increased activity of the Na+/H+ exchanger promotes HCO3− transport by the basolateral Na+/ HCO3− cotransporter, which may be directly affected by Ang II.157,158 Ang II also increases basolateral Na+-K+-ATPase activity in the proximal tubule, thereby contributing to sodium transport.155 In addition, Ang II can modify sodium-independent H+ secretion by insertion of H+-ATPase–containing vesicles into the brush border membrane.159 Finally, Garvin160 has investigated the effect of Ang II on glucose and fluid absorption in isolated, perfused rat proximal tubules and determined that Ang II stimulates Na+/glucose cotransport in this nephron segment. There is a well-characterized biphasic effect of Ang II on transport activities in the proximal tubule. Low concentrations of Ang II (10−9 M) inhibit transport. Most studies suggest that both inhibitory and stimulatory effects of Ang II are mediated by the AT1 receptor subtype.68,69 This notion is supported by the use of specific antagonists against AT1 and AT2 receptors in a number of studies.161,162 For example, Quan and Baum163 demonstrated that luminally applied AT1 or AT2 receptor antagonists decreased endogenous Ang II–stimulated proximal tubule volume reabsorption. Clearly, studies assessing transport in tubules isolated from both AT1 and AT2 receptor-deficient mice may clarify the role of these receptor subtypes on proximal tubule transport. Some studies suggest that the inhibitory effects of highdose Ang II on transport may be mediated via AT2 receptors in the proximal tubule. Jacobs and Douglas164 have localized AT2 receptor function to apical membranes of rabbit proximal tubule cells, associated with stimulation of arachidonic acid release through phospholipase A2. It has been suggested that the effect described previously appears to be mediated by a novel mechanism involving the AT2 receptor, with coupling to the G protein β-γ subunit and stimulation of phospholipase A2 activity, arachidonate release, p21ras, and MAP kinase.165 Effects of Ang II on other sites within the nephron have also been reported, including stimulation of bicarbonate transport in the superficial loop of Henle and stimulation of apical Na+/H+ exchange in the early distal tubule. In the late distal tubule, Ang II activates apical amiloride-sensitive sodium channels on principal cells and also potently stimulates bicarbonate reabsorption at this site in an AT1 receptor– dependent manner. The effects of Ang II on the collecting duct have been less well studied, with lower concentrations of Ang II having no effect on bicarbonate transport.166 Ang II appears to directly modulate water transport in the inner medulla, with AT1 receptors having been identified in these inner medullary collecting ducts.167 Finally, there is indirect evidence for interactions of Ang II and AT1 receptors in renomedullary interstitial cells, which may be important in the regulation of the renal medullary microcirculation. These cells are situated in the medullary interstititum between and anchored closely into the basement membranes of the loop of Henle and vasa recta blood vessels.168 These cells are distinct from two other cell types, macrophages and dendritic cells, which are also present in the renal medullary interstitium.169 A number of studies have been performed exploring

the effects of Ang II in inducing vasoconstriction of medullary blood vessels. These effects are considered partly to occur via paracrine actions on renomedullary interstitial cells in addition to direct actions on these vessels.

Intrarenal Renin-Angiotensin System

Pathophysiologic Effects of the Renin-Angiotensin System in the Kidney Most forms of progressive renal disease lead to a common histologic end point: the end-stage kidney, which is usually fibrotic and reduced in mass. In both humans and animals with chronic renal disease, the evolution of glomerulosclerosis is characterized by progressive involvement of segments within individual glomeruli, eventual global sclerosis and a decrease in the number of glomeruli, and obliteration of tubular structures.21 Impairment of glomerular and tubular function correlates to a certain extent with histologic changes.21 Tubular atrophy is manifested by a progressive impairment of the kidney’s capacity to concentrate the urine or excrete acid.21 A number of kidney diseases, and their progression to end-stage renal failure, are driven by the autocrine, paracrine, and endocrine effects of Ang II. Moreover, despite the beneficial effects of ACE inhibitors,179,180 the findings that the systemic RAS is not activated in most types of chronic renal disease has led to the suggestion that it is the local intrarenal RAS that may be a particularly important determinant in the progression of renal disease (Fig. 10–4).


Growth factors and cytokines (TGF-β PDGF bFGF MCP-1 TNF-␣)

Intracellular second messengers (PKC NF-κB MAPK)

Kidney functional and structural alterations (albuminuria, glomerulosclerosis, tubulointerstitial injury)

END-STAGE RENAL DISEASE FIGURE 10–4 Pathophysiologic mechanisms for the intrarenal RAS in mediating renal injury. bFGF, basic fibroblast growth factor; MAPK, mitogenactivated protein kinase; MCP-1, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1; NF-κB, nuclear factor-κB; PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor; PKC, protein kinase C; TGF-β, transforming growth factor-β; TNF, tumor necrosis factor.

Vasoactive Peptides and the Kidney

Although traditionally the RAS has been thought primarily as an endocrine system that delivers circulating Ang II to target tissues, significant insights have been generated during the past 20 years regarding the capacity of kidney tissue to directly synthesize Ang II. It has now been convincingly shown that the major components of the RAS (angiotensinogen, renin, ACE, and AT1 and AT2 receptors) are synthesized within the kidney, in both glomeruli and tubules.24,170,171 Renin production and secretion from the JG apparatus are controlled by intrarenal as well as by systemic factors. Ang II is clearly produced within the kidney, and ACE, which is found on peritubular and capillary endothelial cells, plays a role in its production. It has been demonstrated that intrarenal Ang II production occurs within the kidney in the interstitium, within JG cells, and within tubular cells.24,170,171 The interstitium has long been considered to be an important site for the RAS within the kidney. Renin, angiotensinogen, Ang I, and Ang II are present not only in the intravascular compartment of the kidney but also in renal lymph with the interstitium containing high levels of Ang II.172 The colocalization of renin and Ang II in JG cell granules originally led to the concept that Ang II may also be synthesized in JG cells. Indeed, it has been shown that Ang II peptides are generated within JG cells, presumably by a mechanism which involves the action of endogenous renin on internalized, exogenous angiotensinogen.173 mRNAs for angiotensinogen, renin, ACE, and AT1 and AT2 receptors have been localized to proximal tubule cells, and the corresponding proteins have also been identified in this segment by immunohistochemistry.24,170,171 In studies performed by Seikaly and coworkers174 and Braam and colleagues,175 the lumen of the proximal tubule was shown to contain concentrations of Ang II ranging from 100- to 1000fold higher than the concentrations normally present in plasma. It appears that Ang II may be formed within proximal tubule cells, and secreted into the tubular lumen, or converted from intraluminal Ang I by the presence of apical membrane–bound ACE.176 Interestingly, in rats maintained on salt-restricted diets, Tank and coworkers177 reported a significant increase in proximal tubule renin mRNA expression, suggesting an enhanced capacity for local Ang II generation. Several studies by our group reported similar findings of proximal tubular renin expression in association with immunoreactive Ang II in two different models of progressive renal injury, subtotal nephrectomy,178 and diabetes in transgenic Ren-2 rats.146 Together, these data indicate that the proximal tubule has an endogenous RAS and that locally generated Ang II could exert autocrine and/or paracrine effects in this segment. Advances have also been made in our understanding of the distribution of Ang II receptors along the nephron. Radioligand binding studies demonstrated that Ang II binding sites were present in discrete nephron segments in the rat, including the proximal convoluted tubule (where the density of receptors is highest), pars recta, loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubule, and cortical and medullary collecting ducts. It appears that the majority of tubular Ang II receptors are of the AT1 subtype. Immunohistochemical studies have revealed the presence of AT1 receptors along the entire nephron, on apical and basolateral membranes of proximal tubule cells, but also in other segments including the macula densa, distal tubule, and inner medullary collecting ducts.167 There is evidence that AT1 receptors are also expressed on renomedullary

interstitial cells and that these receptors are regulated in a 343 manner similar to those in glomerular mesangial cells during alterations in the activity of the RAS. In contrast, it is estimated that up to 10% to 15% of intrarenal Ang II receptors in the adult may be of the AT2 subtype. AT2 receptors are abundant in the fetal kidney, with diminished expression immediately after birth. In the adult rat kidney, these receptors have been localized to cortical and medullary tubular segments, with up-regulation following sodium depletion.14 CH 10

344 Effects of Angiotensin II on the Kidney In Vitro Studies Diabetes mellitus, systemic hypertension, and inflammatory disease are important causes of chronic progressive renal disease.181–183 The glomerular findings in these diseases include mesangial expansion and excessive accumulation of extracellular matrix proteins.181–183 This leads to glomerular capillary obliteration and decline in the GFR, ultimately leading to renal failure.184 The three major cell types in the glomerulus, mesangial, endothelial, and epithelial are all implicated in progresCH 10 sive renal diseases and respond to Ang II. Besides its hemodynamic effects in the kidney, Ang II has been shown to have various important direct actions on mesangial cells. Indeed, these nonhemodynamic effects of Ang II may play a crucial role in Ang II–mediated glomerular injury. In cultured murine mesangial cells, Ang II stimulates cellular hypertrophy, and this effect is blocked by AT1 receptor antagonism.185 On the other hand, other investigators186,187 have shown that Ang II causes not only cellular hypertrophy but also proliferation in mesangial cells. Accumulating evidence supports the notion that TGF-β1 plays a key role in progression of glomerulosclerosis by directly enhancing mesangial hypertrophy and extracellular matrix production.188,189 The treatment of rat mesangial cells with Ang II increased mRNA and protein levels for TGF-β1 and extracellular matrix components including biglycan, fibronectin, and collagen type I. Furthermore, a neutralizing antibody to TGF-β1 blocked Ang II–induced mesangial cell hypertrophy. A wide range of other in vitro findings, including assessment of PAI-1 and fibronectin expression, supports the notion that TGF-β1 is a key mediator in Ang II–induced glomerulosclerosis. A range of inflammatory pathways is also activated by Ang II in cultured mesangial cells. This includes activation of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) and increased expression of the NF-κB–dependent chemokine, monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1.190 An inhibitor of NF-κB activation, the antioxidant, pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate, inhibited not only Ang II–induced NF-κB activation but also MCP-1 gene expression.190 Cultured rat glomerular endothelial cells have been found to possess not only AT1 receptors but also AT2 receptors. Ang II treatment stimulated mRNA and protein synthesis of RANTES, a chemokine with chemoattractant properties for macrophages/monocytes.191 This effect was blocked by the AT2 receptor ligands PD123177 and CGP-42112, but not by the AT1 receptor antagonist losartan, suggesting a possible role for the endothelial AT2 receptor in Ang II–induced RANTES expression and the subsequent development of glomerular inflammation.191 Glomerular epithelial cells, which play an important role in the glomerular filtration barrier, have both AT1 and AT2 receptors. Ang II has been shown to increase cAMP accumulation in these cells via the AT1 but not the AT2 receptor.192 However, the significance of this observation is as yet unknown. Studies on cultured renomedullary interstitial cells have suggested that interactions between Ang II and these cells may exert several important influences in the kidney in a manner similar to that seen with respect to Ang II and mesangial cells.193 Like mesangial cells, in which AT1A receptors are expressed and Ang II stimulates protein synthesis,194 Ang II also acts in these cells on AT1A receptors to increase [3H]-thymidine incorporation and induces extracellular matrix accumulation.195 The proliferative effects of Ang II on renomedullary interstitial cells in vitro may be physiologically important both in maintaining normal structural arrangements in the renal medulla and in the pathogenesis of progressive renal disease.196 In Vivo Studies Ang II infusion in vivo in rats leads to glomerulosclerosis.197 A range of cellular and molecular mechanisms linking glo-

merular injury to Ang II have been identified in these studies.198 Continuous Ang II infusion in rats led to dramatic up-regulation of alpha-smooth muscle actin in glomerular mesangial cells and desmin in epithelial cells.199 Continuous administration of Ang II in rats for 7 days caused increases in glomerular expression of TGF-β1 and collagen type I.200 Moreover, infusion of Ang II in rats for 4 days significantly stimulated glomerular expression of chemokine RANTES and increased glomerular macrophage/monocyte influx. Notably, oral treatment with the AT2 receptor antagonist PD123177 did not affect blood pressure but did attenuate glomerular RANTES expression and glomerular macrophage/monocyte influx.191 Our group13 has demonstrated that subcutaneous infusion of Ang II for 14 days in normotensive rats induced proliferation and apoptosis of proximal tubular epithelial cells. The administration of the AT2 receptor antagonist PD123319 or the AT1 receptor antagonist valsartan was associated with a reduction in renal injury and attenuation of cell proliferation and apoptosis following Ang II infusion.13 Furthermore, in that study, Ang II infusion was associated with increased osteopontin gene and protein expression, which could be reduced by treatment with either AT1 or AT2 receptor blockers. These findings on the matrix protein osteopontin should be interpreted in the light of recent findings from microarray studies in vascular smooth muscle cells in which osteopontin was shown to be a gene that is highly responsive to exogenous Ang II.201 Interestingly, our findings indicated that not only the AT1 but also the AT2 receptor have a role in mediating Ang II–induced proliferation and apoptosis in proximal tubular cells and expression of osteopontin. These observations are in agreement with other studies previously mentioned, which suggest a role for the AT2 receptor in mediating cellular processes, including cell recruitment in the kidney.191

Role of the Renin-Angiotensin System in the Pathophysiology of Kidney Diseases

Studies by Hostetter and Brenner21 first suggested that increases in capillary pressure and/or flow cause glomerular injury. Furthermore, Anderson and colleagues21 showed in the subtotally nephrectomized rat model that chronic ACE inhibition normalized both systemic and glomerular capillary pressure. These striking hemodynamic effects were associated with prevention of glomerular injury in the remnant kidney. More recent studies, in the same experimental model (remnant kidney model), demonstrated that the Ang II antagonist candesartan significantly reduced the expression of glomerular alpha-smooth muscle actin and desmin, while decreasing urinary albumin excretion and attenuating glomerulosclerosis.202 Although the glomerulus is often the primary site of injury in renal disease, it is the extent of tubulointerstitial rather than glomerular injury that correlates most closely with and predicts future loss of renal function in patients with primary glomerular disease. Following subtotal nephrectomy, our group demonstrated that renin synthesis is suppressed at the JG apparatus but appears de novo in the tubular epithelium. Furthemore, we observed in the same study that the JG apparatus and tubule responded in a divergent manner to ACE inhibition with regard to renin synthesis. As seen in an intact kidney, ACE inhibition led to increased JG apparatus renin expression with proximal extension into the afferent arteriole, whereas in the tubule, this intervention led to suppression of renin production.203 These findings provide evidence that within the kidney, the regulation of the RAS differs between the JG apparatus and the tubules. The relevance of this altered pattern of renin synthesis is confirmed by concomitant de novo appearance of the effector molecule of the RAS, Ang II in the renal tubule in response to subtotal

Role of the Renin-Angiotensin System in the Pathophysiology of Diabetic Nephropathy Diabetic nephropathy is the leading cause of end-stage renal disease in the Western world. Measurements of circulating components of the RAS in experimental or human diabetes mellitus do not appear to accurately predict the state of activation of the RAS or its response to blockade at the kidney level.210 Although measurements of components of the RAS in plasma have, in general, suggested suppression of this system in diabetes, there is increasing evidence for activation of the local intrarenal RAS in the diabetic kidney. Indeed, in the proximal tubule, there is evidence for up-regulation of renin and angiotensinogen expression.211,212 An increase in ACE levels within the glomerulus has been reported in diabetes, as have direct effects of high extracellular glucose levels on mesangial cell expression of RAS components. Despite the possibility of increased local production of Ang II, several studies have described suppression of AT1 and AT2 receptor mRNA and protein expression in the diabetic kidney.213 It remains to be determined whether the balance of

intrarenal AT1 and AT2 receptors is important in determining 345 the cellular responses to Ang II in diabetic nephropathy. The importance of the RAS in mediating the kidney damage in diabetes has been demostrated by a large number of clinical and experimental studies showing that ACE inhibitors as well as AT1 receptor antagonists decrease proteinuria and slow the progression of diabetic nephropathy in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.214–217 Studies by Hostetter and Brenner21 first showed that increases in glomerular capillary pressure and flow were responsible for the above-normal elevation of GFR in diabetic rats. The hemodynamic abnormalities in rats CH 10 with diabetes were different from those observed in rats with renal insufficiency, as a result of subtotal nephrectomy. Specifically, diabetic rats exhibited an increase in glomerular capillary pressure without any increase in systemic blood pressure. Chronic Ang II blockade, however, was found to reduce glomerular pressure in diabetes as well as in experimental renal insufficiency. These hemodynamic changes were associated with protection of the glomerulus from accelerated renal sclerotic injury that was seen in experimental diabetes. Increased TGF-β and type IV collagen expression have been demonstrated in experimental diabetic nephropathy218,219 as well as in human diabetic nephropathy.220 Although most studies of diabetic nephropathy have addressed the glomerular changes, there is increasing interest in the tubulointerstitial abnormalities in this disease. Indeed, tubulointerstitial changes in diabetic nephopathy are closely related to declining renal function. In a series of studies in diabetic rodents, investigators have explored the effects of agents that interrupt the RAS on growth factors and extracellular matrix protein expression. These studies have demonstrated renoprotective effects of these agents in both hypertensive and normotensive models of diabetic nephropathy. In particular, the tubulointerstitial lesions observed in experimental diabetes were attenuated by ACE inhibition in association with reduced proximal tubular TGF-β expression.221 A range of other Ang II–mediated effects that are relevant to diabetic kidney disease include stimulation of proliferative cytokines such as PDGF, induction of oxidative stress, activation of NF-κB, and enhancement of expression of chemokines and cytokines that are proinflammatory such as RANTES and MCP-1.221

Vasoactive Peptides and the Kidney

nephrectomy. The expression of renin by tubular epithelial cells described in this study may reflect a phenotypic change that occurs as a nonspecific response to injury.178 Activation in this model of the tubular RAS was associated with an increased expression of TGF-β1 within the tubular epithelium and an increase in collagen IV expression. Interruption of the RAS by ACE inhibition was associated with disappearance of aberrant tubular expression of renin and Ang II in association with the restoration of high levels of renin expression in the JG apparatus. Furthermore, ACE inhibition significantly reduced expression of the Ang II–induced mediator of renal fibrosis, TGF-β1 in association with amelioration of the functional and structural manifestations of renal injury.178 It has been recently demonstrated that the integrity of the podocyte and specifically the slit diaphragm is crucial to the process of glomerular filtration.204 The recently discovered protein nephrin is a major constituent of the molecular structure of the slit pore, and its absence has been implicated in the pathogenesis of the congenital nephrotic syndrome of the Finnish type.205 Down-regulation of nephrin has been implicated in various models of proteinuria including puromycin aminonucleoside nephrosis,206 mercuric-chloride–treated rat,207 and more recently, in the diabetic rat and subtotal nephrectomy model.117 In the subtotal nephrectomy model, it was observed that increased proteinuria was associated with reduced gene and protein expression of this slit diaphragm protein. This alteration in nephrin expression was prevented by both the AT1 receptor blocker valsartan and the AT2 receptor antagonist PD123319, suggesting a role for the RAS in influencing expression of nephrin. In addition, both antagonists were antiproteinuric in association with reduced cellular proliferation. Moreover, it seems that the combination of the AT1 and the AT2 receptor antagonists may confer additive renoprotective effects. Although not extensively reviewed here, a role for Ang II per se in a range of other renal diseases has been described including cyclosporine nephrotoxicity, deoxycortocosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt hypertension, and ureteral obstruction. Unlike the role of Ang II in the progression of chronic renal failure, there is less direct evidence that the RAS is involved in the mediation of acute kidney injury (AKI). However, PRA and renal renin content increase in experimental ischemic renal failure.208 An important pathogenic role for the RAS in the development of AKI during hypertensive crises in scleroderma has long been recognized, and this was one of the first conditions in which ACE inhibitors were considered appropriate therapy.209

Future Perspectives of the Renin-Angiotensin System Twenty years ago, it was assumed that Ang II, the main effector of the RAS, was a systemic circulating hormone that was considered primarily to be a peripheral vasoconstrictor involved in blood pressure regulation, a regulator of glomerular filtration, and a secretagog for aldosterone. Major scientific advances in this area have changed this simple view of Ang II, and it is increasingly recognized that specific organs exhibit their own local RASs, which act independently from their systemic counterparts interacting with specific Ang II receptors. In parallel with these findings, it became clear that Ang II has many additional properties above and beyond being a simple vasoconstrictor. In fact, it has been clearly demonstrated that Ang II is directly involved in the control of tubular transport and cell growth and that it has profibrogenic and proinflammatory effects. In addition, it has gradually become clear that not only Ang II but also related peptides such as Ang III, Ang IV, and Ang 1-7 have specific effects independent of the parent peptide. Among the local RASs, the renal RAS has been particularly characterized. It is now known that specific cell populations such as renal proximal tubular cells exhibit all components of the RAS. The RAS plays a major role in the pathogenesis of hypertension, cardiovascular, and

346 renal diseases. Moreover, the RAS has been demonstrated to mediate the progression of glomerular and tubulointerstitial injury in numerous experimental and clinical conditions. These observations provide a clear explanation for the beneficial effects observed for the ACE inhibitors and AT1 receptor blockers in renal diseases. The future elucidation of the increasing complexity of this system will greatly assist in the rational use of agents that interrupt the RAS in chronic progressive renal injury. CH 10

ENDOTHELIN Structure Endothelins (ETs) are potent endothelium-derived vasoconstrictor peptides first described by Yanagisawa and coworkers in 1988. Three structurally and pharmacologically distinct ET isoforms (endothelin-1, -2, and -3 [ET-1, -2, and -3]) have been described. All three isoforms consist of 21 amino acids, are highly homologous, and share a common structure. ET-1 is considered to be the most dominant isoform in the cardiovascular system.

Synthesis and Secretion ETs are synthesized via posttranslational proteolytic cleavage of specific prohormones. Dibasic pair specific processing endopeptidases, which recognize Arg-Arg or Lys-Arg paired amino acids, cleave prepro ETs and reduce their size from approximately 203 to 39 amino acids. These proETs are subsequently proteolytically cleaved by ET-converting enzymes, yielding mature ETs. These endothelin-converting enzymes (ECEs) are the key enzymes in the endothelin biosynthetic pathways that catalyze the conversion of big ET, the biologically inactive precursor of mature ET. ECEs are type II membrane bound metalloproteases and share significant amino acid sequence identity with neutral endopeptidase 24.11. Therefore, it is not surprising that the majority of ECE inhibitors also possess potent NEP inhibitory activity. Polarized endothelial cells secrete the majority of the ET-1 into the basolateral compartment.222 Secretion occurs at a constant level, suggesting constitutive pathways. However, a variety of triggers stimulate ET synthesis via transcriptional regulation (Table 10–3). ET stimulation is endothelium dependent and requires de novo protein synthesis because protein synthesis inhibitors such as cycloheximide prevent the release of the mature peptide. However, ET production is not exclusively released by the endothelium but also by nonvascular tissues, albeit at much lower levels than by endothelial cells. Numerous cells in the kidney produce ETs, including glomerular endothelial cells,223 glomerular epithelial cells,224 mesangial cells,225 and tubular epithelial cells.226 The kidney synthesizes ET-3 as well as ET-1.226 In microdissected rat kidney nephron segments, ET-1 mRNA was reported to be in glomeruli and innermedullary collecting ducts but was undetectable in other nephron segments.227,228 ECE mRNA has been found to be more abundant in the renal medulla than in the cortex. However, in disease states such as chronic heart failure, there is up-regulation of ECE mRNA expression, predominantly in the renal cortex.229 In human kidney, ECE-1 was localized to endothelial and tubular epithelial cells in the cortex and medulla of kidneys.230 ETs bind to two G-protein–coupled receptors, the ET(A) and ET(B) receptors.231,232 The specific distribution of the two distinct ET receptors has been determined using RT-PCR in microdissected rat nephrons. ET(A) receptors are found in the proximal straight tubule, and both ET receptor subtypes are

TABLE 10–3

Endothelin Gene and Protein Expression Stimulation

Vasoactive Peptides Angiotensin II Bradykinin Vasopressin Endothelin-1 Epinephrine Insulin Glucocorticoids Prolactin

Growth Factors Epidermal growth factor Insulin-like growth factor Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) Coagulation Thrombin Thromboxane A2 Tissue plasminogen-activating factor

Inflammatory Mediators Endotoxin Interleukin-1 Tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) Interferon-β

Other Calcium Hypoxia Shear stress Phorbol esters Oxidized low-density lipoproteins Inhibition

ANP BNP Bradykinin Heparin Prostacyclin Protein kinase A activators Nitric oxide ACE inhibitors

found in glomeruli and in the afferent and efferent arterioles. The ET(B) receptor has been demonstrated in the proximal convoluted tubule, cortical inner and outer medullary collecting duct, and medullary thick ascending limb. ET(B) receptors have also been identified on podocytes.233

Physiologic Actions of Endothelin on the Kidney The kidney is both the source and an important target for ETs. The effects of ETs include regulation of vascular and mesangial tone, regulation of sodium and water excretion, and cell proliferation and matrix formation. The highest concentrations of ET are found in the renal medulla, where it mediates natriuretic and diuretic effects through the ET(B) receptor and is regulated by sodium intake.234 The ET(B) receptor is considered to exert predominantly renoprotective effects such as natriuresis and vasodilation via NO and prostaglandins. ET exerts its hemodynamic effects in almost all vessels, but the sensitivity of the different vascular beds to this peptide varies considerably. The renal and the mesenteric vasculatures have the greatest susceptibility to the actions of endothelins. ET-1 increases renal vascular resistance via contraction of the glomerular arterioles and arcuate and interlobular arteries and decreases blood flow.235 Long-lasting vasoconstriction that is mediated by the ET(A) receptor is temporarily preceded by transient vasodilation. Vasodilation results from ET(B) receptor mediated release of NO but possibly also involves PGE2 synthesis and cAMP release from mesangial cells.235 ET(B) receptors may also be involved in the clearance of ET-1 from the plasma.236 Micropuncture techniques have demonstrated that ET-1 results in a decline in net filtration pressure and a reduction in the glomerular ultrafiltration coefficient, as a result of constriction of pre- and postglomerular arterioles, reduction of blood flow, and mesangial contraction. ET also influences tubular reabsorption and secretion. In the glomerular tuft, mesangial cells are important targets for ETs. ET-1 induces mesangial cell contraction and mito-

Endothelin and Renal Pathophysiology The kidney is an important source and target for ETs. ET has been implicated in several disorders associated with the renal endothelium including cyclosporine toxicity, vascular rejection of kidney transplants, various forms of AKI and chronic renal failure, and hepatorenal syndrome (Table 10–4). Renal vasoconstriction and reductions in GFR are characteristic of these disorders. In chronic progressive renal injury of diverse etiologies, the promitogenic and proinflammatory actions of ET may be even more important.

Acute Renal Ischemia The role of ET has been extensively investigated in a range of renal disorders including acute renal ischemia, cyclosporineinduced nephrotoxicity, and renal allograft rejection. In these experimental models, ET(A) and dual ET(A)/ET(B) antagonists have, in general, demonstrated a degree of renoprotection, although this has not been a universal finding.238–241

Chronic Renal Disease/Fibrosis The renal ET system appears to be involved in the pathogenesis of kidney fibrosis as well as blood pressure regulation by regulating tubular sodium excretion. It has been demonstrated that renal tubular cells synthesize ETs and that protein overload of these cells induces a dose-dependent increase in the synthesis and release of ET-1.242,243 This peptide accumulates in the interstitium and participates in the activation of a sequence of events that leads to interstitial inflammation and, ultimately, renal scarring. In several animal models of proteinuric progressive nephropathies, the enhanced renal ET-1 expression as well as the excretion of the peptide in the urine correlated with urinary protein excretion. Similarly, in patients with chronic renal disease an association has been found between increased urinary ET-1 excretion and renal damage. In nephrotic patients, not only is ET-1 localized to endothelial cells but de novo expression of ET-1 also occurs in tubular cells, suggesting a possible relationship between proteinuria and renal ET-1 production.244 In patients with remission of proteinuria, urinary ET-1 levels decreased, whereas in patients with persistent proteinuria, ET-1 levels remained elevated. Transgenic mice models selectively overexpressing the ET gene represent an opportunity to investigate directly the

mechanisms of ET-mediated vascular and renal changes. 347 Human ET-1 transgenic mice demonstrate heightened expression of ET-1 in the kidney.245 Although blood pressure was similar to that in control animals, the kidneys of these animals demonstrated interstitial fibrosis and glomerulosclerosis in association with increased extracellular matrix protein expression both in the glomeruli and in the interstitium. From studies in mice with overexpression of ET-1, it was observed that ET did not directly cause hypertension but triggered renal injury that led to increased susceptibility to salt-induced hypertension.246 Indeed, the ET antagonist CH 10 bosentan was effective in reducing renal fibrosis in this model independent of effects on blood pressure.247,248 A strong argument in favor of ET-1 as a mediator of renal injury derives from preclinical studies with selective and nonselective ET receptor antagonists that have become available over the last decade. These studies, performed in Ren-2 transgenic animals and in the subtotal nephrectomy model, have demonstrated variable findings on renal protection and suggest that ET antagonists are not as effective as agents that interrupt the RAS.

Diabetic Nephropathy ETs may contribute to both the pathogenesis and the progression of diabetic nephropathy by at least two separate mechanisms. First, ET acts as a vasoconstrictor with subsequent cortical and inner medullary hypoperfusion. Second, as a trophic agent, ET causes extracellular matrix deposition, a prominent pathologic feature of diabetic nephropathy. Nevertheless, compared with the role of the RAS in the development and progression of diabetic nephropathy, the effects of the ET system remain less clear. In diabetic population studies, measuring plasma and urine ET levels have been conflicting. In general, in uncomplicated type 1 or 2 diabetes, plasma ET-1 levels are usually not elevated. If albuminuria is present, plasma ET-1 levels may be elevated and could reflect generalized endothelial dysfunction and damage. Furthermore, correlations between plasma ET-1 levels and the degree of albuminuria have been demonstrated. In the presence of diabetic macrovascular complications, plasma ET-1 levels are consistently elevated. There is now accumulating evidence that smoking aggravates and accelerates diabetic and nondiabetic nephropathies by increasing the renal ET-system and impairing endothelial vasodilation.249 The effect of glucose per se on ET production remains controversial.250–253 In high glucose conditions, mesangial cells lose their contractile response to ET-1 in association with filamentous F-actin disassembly and a reduction in cell size. Loss of the contractile response of mesangial cells to ET-1 occurs in the presence of normal Ca2+ signalling and normal myosin light chain phosphorylation. Recently, it has been shown that these changes are mediated by protein kinase C-ζ.254–256 In contrast, if mesangial cells are exposed to high glucose, mesangial cell p38 responsiveness to ET-1, Ang II, and PDGF, and consequent CREB (cAMP responsive element binding) phosphorylation are enhanced through a PKCindependent pathway.256 Insulin itself has been shown to stimulate ET-1 release and ET- receptor gene expression.250 Rats on a high-fructose diet develop hyperinsulinemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and hypertension and subsequently develop renal and cardiac injury. A novel dual ET(A/B) inhibitor, enrasentan, has been reported to prevent the rise in blood pressure as well as renal and cardiac injury in this model.257 In several different animal models of type 1 and 2 diabetes, plasma ET-1 levels were increased. However, most of these studies were unable to detect any change at the receptor level.258,259 Studies performed by our group using in vitro autoradiographic techniques did not show a significant

Vasoactive Peptides and the Kidney

genesis. Contraction of the mesangium by ET-1 may reduce glomerular ultrafiltration in vivo, as is the case in postischemic renal failure (see later). ET synthesis in endothelial and mesangial cells is increased after exposure to proinflammatory agents and shear stress (see Table 10–3), supporting the view that ET-1 serves as a biologic signal in glomerular injury and inflammation. A large number of proinflammatory stimuli induce ET-1 synthesis, including Ang II, TGF-β, thromboxane A2, thrombin, hypoxia, and shear stress. In glomerular injury, infiltrating inflammatory cells such as macrophages, neutrophils, and mast cells may also become important sources of ET-1. Receptor interactions with ET trigger cell contraction, proliferation, and matrix synthesis. In vitro, ET-1 stimulates proliferation of human renal interstitial fibroblasts and gene expression of collagen I, TGF-β, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1, and TIMP-2. All these effects are blocked by ET(A) receptor blockade.237 In response to injury, stimulation of ET isopeptide synthesis may cause complex rearrangement of actin microfilament bundles and transform mesangial cells from a quiescent to an activated status. The resulting long-term changes in glomerular cell phenotype would then contribute to progressive renal disease and, ultimately, glomerulosclerosis and tubulointerstitial injury.


TABLE 10–4

Endothelin and Renal Pathophysiology


ET Antagonists

Renal Effect

Renal ablation

ET(A) FR139317 Bosentan

Proteinuria ↓ Renal injury ↓ Proteinuria ↓ Renal injury ↓, survival ↑ No beneficial effect on fibrosis, renal injury, proteinuria Combination no additional effect to AT1 blocker GSI all treatments ↓ Better on GSI and TI, not on albumin excretion Response to exogenous big ET ↓ No adverse effect on creatinine clearance or proteinuria GSI ↓ Only ET(A) TI ↓ No effect on glomerular hypertrophy Serum creatinine and proteinuria, plasma and urinary ET-1 ↓

Bosentan, ET(A) blocker BMS 193884 Bosentan + AT1 blocker ACEi vs ET(A) and combination

CH 10

ET(A) 127722 ET(A) PD 155080 ET(A) BMS 182874 or ET(A/B) Ro 46-2005 ET(A) LU 135252

BP Effect

Reference 242


389 390

No effect ↓

391 392

No effect



Transgenic ET-1 mice


Renal fibrosis ↓

No effect


SHR + salt

ET(A) blocker LU 135252

Albuminuria ↓ vascular hypertrophy ↓

No effect


PA nephrosis

NEP/ECE inhibitor CGS 26302

Renal injury ↓


PHN nephritis

ET(A) LU 135252 and trandolapril

Both proteinuria ↓ GSI and TI ↓ Combination superior



ET(A) blocker FR 139317 ET(B) blocker ET(A/B) PD 142893 and ET(A) blocker ET(A) 135252 or ET(A/B) 224332

Matrix proteins↓, chemokines and cytokines ↓

398 262 262 243

Both: ECM ↓ Fibronectin ↓ Collgen IV ↓ Proteinuria ↓ 50%


6 months diabetes

ET(A) LU135252 or trandolapril

Thickening of glomerular basement membrane ↓ matrix deposition ↓ fibronectin and collagen ↓


Diabetic Ren2

Bosentan versus valsartan

No effect on glomerulosclerosis index, tubulointerstitial injury TGF-β and collagen IV

Diabetic SHR

Bosentan + amlodipine NEP/ECE and NEP/ACE

Similar to cilazapril TGF-β, collagen and fibrosis ↓ Renal injury ↓ Renal injury ↓

No effect on ECM or growth factors Proteinuria ↓, glomerular damage ↓


269 ↓


Galactose feeding


Renal injury ↓


DOCA salt renal fibrosis

ET(A) A 127722 AT1 (candesartan) and combination

Improved hemodynamics but no effect on renal injury in all treatment groups


Radiocontrast nephropathy

ET(A) 127722

Plasma creatinine ↓ Proteinuria ↓


Stroke prone SHR

ET(A) BMS 182874 ET(A) BMS 182874

Survival ↑, renal injury ↓ TGF-β, bFGF, MMP-2, procollagen I ↓

Chronic renal allograft rejection


No prevention of rejection, no improvement of survival Prevention of rejection

ET(A) Proliferative nephritis


Proteinuria and injury ↓, renal function↑, urinary ET-1 excretion ↓

No effect

271 402 403 404

BP normal


ACEi, ACE inhibitor; BP, blood pressure; ECE, endothelin-converting enzyme; ECM, extracellular matrix; ET, endothelin; GSI, glomerulosclerotic index; MMP-2, matrix metalloproteinase-2; NEP, neutral endopeptidase; TI, tubulointerstitial injury.

Human Studies ET antagonism in experimental hypertension may result in regression of vascular damage, prevention of stroke and renal failure, and improvement of heart failure. Whether the same is true in human hypertension remains to be established.271,272 In humans, moderate to severe hypertension was associated with enhanced expression of pre-pro ET1 mRNA in the endothelium of subcutaneous resistance arteries.273 Severity of blood pressure, salt-sensitivity, and insulin resistance may be common denominators of involvement of the ET system in hypertension. In essential hypertension, bosentan reduced blood pressure to a similar extent to enalapril without reflex neurohumoral activation.274 In 47 patients with essential hypertension, salt-depleted–salt-sensitive hypertensive patients exhibited enhanced catecholamine-stimulated ET-1 release. This response pattern was associated with a better response to ET blocker treatment than in nonselected patients.275

Summary ETs are important at several stages in embryonic development, in normal postnatal growth, and in cardiovascular and renal homeostasis under healthy conditions. In addition, there is now overwhelming evidence that ET-1 plays an

important pathophysiologic role in conditions of decompen- 349 sated vascular homeostasis. ET receptor antagonists hold the potential to improve the outcome in patients with various cardiovascular disorders. Most of the progress has been achieved in heart failure and pulmonary hypertension with some exciting preliminary data in the field of atherosclerosis. With respect to renal disease, inhibitors of the RAS appear to be superior to inhibition of the ET system. Thus, if there is a role for ET antagonists in renal disease, it is likely to be in the context of concomitant RAS blockade. CH 10

UROTENSIN II Urotensin II (U-II) was initially isolated from the goby urophysis, a neurosecretory system in the caudal portion of the spinal cord of fish that is functionally similar to the human hypothalamic-pituitary system.276 Named urotensin for its smooth muscle–stimulating activity, it has notably hemodynamic, gastrointestinal, reproductive, osmoregulatory, and metabolic functions in fish. Subsequntly, homologs of U-II were identified in tissues of many other animals such as rat and ultimately man.277,278 Human U-II, cloned in 1998, is a cyclic dodecapeptide that is derived from post-translational processing of two distinct precursors (Fig. 10–5), which are alternate splice variants.279,280 In 1999, Ames and colleagues demonstrated that U-II was the ligand for the rat orphan receptor known as GPR14/SENR, which had been cloned by two independent groups.279 The U-II receptor, known as UT, is a seven transmembrane, Gprotein–coupled receptor encoded on chromosome 17q25.3.281 It shares significant structural similarity with somastatin receptor subtype 4 and the opioid receptors. It has been demonstrated, ex vivo, that vessels taken from UT receptor knockout mice fail to vasoconstrict in the presence of U-II, demonstrating that this receptor is required for U-II–mediated vasoconstriction.282 Binding of U-II to UT leads to activation of the G protein, leading to activation of protein kinase C, calmodulin, and phospholipase C, as evidenced by inhibition of vasoconstriction by specific inhibitors to these enzymes.281,283 U-II has also been demonstrated to be a vascular smooth muscle mitogen. Further studies have linked U-II to the ERK/ MAP and RhoA/Rho kinase pathways.284,285

Prepro-Urotensin II isoform a (139 aa)

Prepro-Urotensin II isoform b (124 aa) Urotensin converting enzyme Mature Urotensin II (11 aa) H2N-Glu-Thr-ProAsp-Cys-Phe-Trp-Lys-Tyr-Cys-Val-COOH S


FIGURE 10–5 Comparison of the structure of urotensin II and its precursors and sites of enzymic cleavage.

Vasoactive Peptides and the Kidney

difference in renal ET receptor distribution between control and streptozotocin-diabetic rats.260 In various animal models of diabetes, there have been reports showing renoprotection by treatment with ET(A) blockade. For example, the renoprotective effect of ET(A) blockade with FR 139317 was associated with a reduction in the mRNA levels of various extracellular matrix proteins including type IV collagen and laminin as well as a reduction in cytokines and growth factors including TNF-α, PDGF-B, TGF-β, and bFGF.261,262 Blockade of the ET(B) receptor alone by selective ET(B) blockers has not proven to be beneficial in diabetic nephropathy and had no effect on extracelluar matrix deposition or growth factor expression.261 The ET(B) receptor is now thought to confer renoprotection by increasing natriuresis and diuresis as well as by promoting vasodilation. Indeed, diabetic ET(B) receptor–deficient rats develop severe low-renin hypertension and progressive renal failure. These mice have high ET-1 plasma levels, suggesting a clearance role for the ET(B) receptor. This study supports a protective role for the ET(B) receptor in the progression of diabetic nephropathy.263 Further studies exploring nonselective ET(A/B) receptor blockers or ET(A) antagonists in diabetes have not led to consistent findings. These studies performed in animal models of type 1 and type 2 diabetes have demonstrated variable findings on the development and progression of diabetic nephropathy and have confirmed that the RAS plays a more critical role in the physiopathology of experimental diabetic nephropathy than does the ET pathway.264–268 Rather than considering approaches blocking ETdependent events as monotherapy, it may be worth considering these agents as part of a combination regimen. For example, the combination of bosentan and amlodipine conferred similar renoprotection to a treatment with the ACE inhibitor cilazapril as monotherapy in diabetic SHR. These effects occurred in association with reduced urinary excretion of TGF-β, renal fibrosis, and collagen accumulation. However, that study did not include control groups treated with bosentan or amlodipine alone.269 In another study, a novel treatment strategy was employed including a dual inhibitor CGS 26303 that blocked both NEP and ECE (NEP/ ECE). This treatment was shown to be effective in reducing renal injury and blood pressure in diabetic SHR and was similar in efficacy to a dual NEP/ACE inhibitor.270




• Vasodilator effect • Natriuretic effect • Increased epithelial cell proliferation

• Decreased glucose-induced insulin secretion

model,294 perhaps by inhibiting U-II–mediated renal vasoconstriction. Furthermore, palosuran has been reported to decrease albuminuria in a diabetic rat model.295 Clinical studies of palosuran are now in progress to examine its effect on diabetic nephropathy.

Summary Urotensin II

CH 10 Central nervous system

Cardiovascular system

• Increased sympathetic outflow (ACTH and epinephrine) • Increased blood pressure and heart rate (paraventricular and arcuate nuclei) • Decreased blood pressure and heart rate (A1 area) • Increased levels of TSH and prolactin (hypothalamic-pituitary axis)

• Vasoconstriction • Vasodilation • VSMC mitogenesis • Endothelial dysfunction • Positive inotrope • Reflex tachycardia • Cardiomyocyte hypertrophy • Fibrosis • Cardiomyocyte contractility

FIGURE 10–6 Biologic actions of urotensin II in several major organ systems in humans. ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone; VSMC, vascular smooth muscle cells.

Role in the Kidney In fish, U-II affects sodium transport, lipid, and glucose metabolism.276 The urinary human U-II (hU-II) concentration is about three orders of magnitude greater than the plasma concentration.286 U-II may play a role in the regulation of GFR via tubuloglomerular feedback and reflex control of GFR (Fig. 10–6).287 In the kidney, U-II has vasodilator and natriuretic effects (see Fig. 10–6). Increases in renal blood flow and GFR were observed after the infusion of synthetic human U-II into the renal artery of anesthetized rats, and this can be completely inhibited by an NO synthase inhibitor.288 The plasma U-II concentration is twofold higher in patients with renal dysfunction not on hemodialysis and threefold higher in patients on hemodialysis compared with healthy individuals.289 Although there is no correlation between blood pressure and urinary U-II levels, a higher urinary U-II level was observed in patients with essential hypertension, patients with both glomerular disease and hypertension, and patients with renal tubular disorders but not in normotensive patients with glomerular disease.286 Abundant U-II–like immunoactivity is observed in tubular epithelial cells and collecting ducts with lower expression in capillaries and glomerular endothelium in the normal kidney as well as renal clear-cell carcinoma.278,287 In type 2 diabetic patients, plasma and urinary U-II levels are higher in those with renal dysfunction than in those with normal renal function.290 This may be due to increased production of U-II by various organs as well as by renal tubular cells as a result of renal damage.286 In diabetic nephropathy, there are dramatic increases in the expression of U-II and the UT receptor in tubular epithelial cells.291 U-II and its receptor have been extensively investigated in various nonrenal contexts including cardiovascular disease, the nervous system, and diabetes and the metabolic syndrome. U-II appears to have a powerful vasoconstrictor action, promotes fatty acid release, and appears to be highly expressed in certain sites within the peripheral and central nervous systems (see Fig. 10–6).280,281,292,293 There are only very limited renal data including two studies using the specific nonpeptide U-II receptor antagonist palosuran. Intravenous administration of palosuran protected against renal ischemia in a rat

U-II is the most potent vasoconstrictor known, causing endothelium-independent vasoconstriction and endothelium-dependent vasodilation. There is increasing evidence that U-II is associated with renal dysfunction, various cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and hypertension, although the results of some studies are ambiguous. More research is needed to elucidate the physiology and pathophysiology of U-II and its receptor. Plasma and urinary concentrations of U-II are elevated in several cardiorenal and metabolic disease states in humans, including hypertension, heart failure, renal disease, and diabetes. The rapid development of research tools, such as knockout mice and novel UT receptor antagonists, will advance our understanding of the physiology and pharmacology of U-II and the UT receptor and may provide a novel treatment for cardiorenal diseases.

KALLIKREIN-KININ SYSTEM The kallikrein-kinin system (KKS) is a complex multienzymatic system, the main components of which are the enzyme kallikrein, the substrate kininogen, effector hormones or kinins (lysyl-bradykinin, bradykinin), and metabolizing enzymes (several kininases, the most relevant being kininase I and II and NEP) (Fig. 10–7). The kinins were discovered in 1909 when Abelous reported an acute fall in blood pressure induced by experimental injection of urine. Kinins are formed from partial hydrolysis of kininogens by a family of kininogenases called kallikreins. Kinins produce their effects by the binding and activation of specific cell surface receptors. At least two types of kinin receptors have been described, B1 and B2. The B1 receptor is activated predominantly by desArg9bradykinin, a natural degradation product of bradykinin produced by the enzyme kininase I. Although it is generally agreed that B1 receptors are inducible by tissue injury,296 it has been suggested that B1 receptors may also be functionally expressed under normal conditions in the vasculature and the kidney.297,298 The B2 receptor is activated by lys-bradykinin and bradykinin and mediates all the known physiologic actions of kinins, including the regulation of organ blood flow, systemic blood pressure, transepithelial water and electrolyte transport, cellular growth, capillary permeability, and the inflammatory response.299 Kinins have a very short half-life ( SQ2948 > STA2 > U-46619.148,149 Whereas I-BOP, STA2, and U-46619 are agonists, SQ29548 and S145, are potent TP receptor antagonists.150 Studies have suggested that the TP receptor may mediate some of the biological effects of the nonenzymatically derived isoprostanes,151 including modulation of tubuloglomerular feedback.152 This latter finding may have significance in pathophysiological conditions associated with increased oxidative stress.153 Signal transduction studies show the TP receptor activates phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis (PIP2) dependent Ca++ influx.144,154 Northern analysis of mouse tissues revealed that the highest level of TP mRNA expression is in the thymus followed by spleen, lung, and kidney, with lower levels of expression in heart, uterus, and brain.155 Thromboxane is a potent modulator of platelet shape change and aggregation as well as smooth muscle contraction and proliferation. Moreover, a point mutation (Arg60 to Leu) in the first cytoplasmic loop of the TXA2 receptor was identified in a dominantly inherited bleeding disorder in humans, characterized by defective platelet response to TXA2.156 Targeted gene disruption of the murine TP receptor also resulted in prolonged bleeding times and reduction in collagen stimulated platelet aggregation (Table 11–1). Conversely, overexpression of the TP receptor in vascular tissue increases the severity of vascular pathology following injury. Increased thromboxane synthesis has been linked to cardiovascular diseases, including acute myocardial ischemia, heart failure, and inflammatory renal diseases. In the kidney, TP receptor mRNA has been reported in glomeruli and vasculature. Radioligand autoradiography using 125I-BOP suggests a similar distribution of binding sites in mouse renal cortex, but additional renal medullary binding sites were observed.157 These medullary TxA2 binding sites are absent following disruption of the TP receptor gene, suggesting they also represent authentic TP receptors.158 Glomerular TP receptors may participate in potent vasoconstrictor effects of TxA2 analogs on the glomerular microcirculation associated with reduced glomerular filtration rate. Mesangial TP receptors coupled to phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis, protein kinase C activation, and glomerular mesangial cell contraction may contribute to these effects.159

O va ry

U te ru s

Ki dn ey

Ile um

St om ac h Sp le en

Li ve r

H ea rt

Th ym us Lu ng

Br ai n

375 Signaling pathway




Gq/Ca⫹⫹: ␤ catenin

CH 11 EP1












FIGURE 11–10 Tissue distribution of prostanoid receptor mRNA. (Adapted from Bek M, Nusing R, Kowark P, et al: Characterization of prostanoid receptors in podocytes. J Am Soc Nephrol 10:2084–2093, 1999.)

An important role for TP receptors in regulating renal hemodynamics and systemic blood pressure has also been suggested. Administration of a TP receptor antagonist reduces blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs)117 and in angiotensin-dependent hypertension.160 The TP receptor also appears to modulate renal blood flow in AngII dependent hypertension161 and in endotoxemia-induced renal failure.162 Modulation of renal TP receptor mRNA expression and function by dietary salt intake has also been reported.163 These studies also suggested an important role for luminal TP receptors in the distal tubule to enhance glomerular vasoconstriction indirectly via effects on the macula densa and tubuloglomerular feedback (TGF).164 However, recent studies reveal no significant difference in tubuloglomerular feedback between wild type and TP receptor knockout mice.43 Despite the renal effects of thromboxane mimetics, the major phenotype of TP receptor disruption in mice and humans appears to be reduced platelet aggregation and prolonged bleeding time.158 Thromboxane may also modulate the glomerular fibrinolytic system by increasing the production of an inhibitor of plasminogen activator (PAI-1) in mesangial cells.165 Although a specific renal phenotype in the TP receptor knockout mouse has not yet been reported, important pathogenic roles for TxA2 and glomerular TP receptors in mediating renal dysfunction in glomerulonephritis, diabetes mellitus, and sepsis seem likely.

Prostacyclin Receptors The cDNA for the IP receptor encodes a transmembrane protein of approximately 41 kDa. The IP receptor is selectively activated by the analog cicaprost.166 Iloprost and carbaprostacyclin potently activate the IP receptor but also

activate the EP1 receptor. Most evidence suggests the PGI2 receptor signals via stimulation of cAMP generation; however at 1000 fold higher concentrations the cloned mouse PGI2 receptor also signaled via PIP2.167 It remains unclear whether PIP2 hydrolysis plays any significant role in the physiologic action of PGI2. IP receptor mRNA is highly expressed in mouse thymus, heart, and spleen167 and in human kidney, liver, and lung.168 In situ hybridization shows IP receptor mRNA predominantly in neurons of the dorsal root ganglia and vascular tissue including aorta, pulmonary artery, and renal interlobular and glomerular afferent arterioles.169 The expression of IP receptor mRNA in the dorsal root ganglia is consistent with a role for prostacyclin in pain sensation. Mice with IP receptor gene disruption exhibit a predisposition to arterial thrombosis, diminished pain perception, and inflammatory responses.119 PGI2 has been demonstrated to play an important vasodilator role in the kidney170 including in the glomerular microvasculature171 as well as regulating renin release.172,173 The capacity of PGI2 and PGE2 to stimulate cAMP generation in the glomerular microvasculature is distinct and additive,174 demonstrating the effects of these two prostanoids are mediated via separate receptors. IP receptor knockout mice also exhibit salt sensitive hypertension.175 Prostacyclin is a potent stimulus of renal renin release, and studies using IP−/− mice confirm an important role for the IP receptor in the development of renin dependent hypertension of renal artery stenosis.62 Renal epithelial effects of PGI2 in the thick ascending limb have also been suggested176 and IP receptors have been reported in the collecting duct177 but the potential expression and role of prostacyclin in these segments are less well established. Of interest, in situ hybridization also demonstrated

Arachidonic Acid Metabolites and the Kidney




PGI2 Afferent arteriole dilator (IP, EP2, EP4)

TP and EP4 in glomerulus EP4, IP

CH 11 FP receptors in DCT Renin COX-2 in macula densa Angiotensinogen

Macula densa

PCT Angiotensin I

EP1, EP3, EP4


ACE Angiotensin II



Aldosterone mTAL Cortex

EP3 MCD Medulla Vasodilator IP, EP2, or EP4 in vasa recta

EP2 or EP4 in thin descending limbs

FIGURE 11–11

Intrarenal localization of prostanoid receptors.


Adenylate cyclase


Phospholipase C FIGURE 11–12 Prostaglandin receptors are 7-transmembrane G-protein coupled receptors.

TABLE 11–1

Published Phenotypes of Prostanoid Receptor Knockout Mice Knockout Phenotype




No Reduced allergic asthma



++ Afferent arteriole

± Reduced inflammation, pain; increased thrombosis



+ Glomerulus, tubules?

No Prolonged bleeding time, platelet defect



+++ Distal tubules

No Failure of parturition



++++ MCD

No Decreased pain, sensation

K. Watanabe et al, 1997


++ Interstitial, stromal

Impaired ovulation, salt sensitive hypertension (?)

Hizaki et al, 1999; 215, 217, 253


++++ TAL, MCD

± Impaired febrile response, Mild diluting defect

140, 236


+++ Glomerulus, + distal tubules

± Perinatal death from persistent patent ductus arteriosus

140, 236

significant expression of prostacyclin synthase in medullary collecting ducts,178 consistent with a role for this metabolite in this region of the kidney. In summary, whereas IP receptors appear to play an important role regulating renin release and a vasodilator in the kidney, their role in regulating renal epithelial function remains to be firmly established.

DP Receptors The DP receptor has been cloned and like the IP and EP2/4 receptors, the DP receptor predominantly signals by increasing cAMP generation. The human DP receptor binds PGD2 with a high affinity binding of 300 pM, and a lower affinity site of 13.4 nM.179 DP selective PGD2 analogs, include the agonist BW 245C.180 DP receptor mRNA is highly expressed in leptomeninges, retina, and ileum but was not detected in the kidney.181 Northern blot analysis of the human DP receptor demonstrated mRNA expression in the small intestine and retina,182 whereas in the mouse the DP receptor mRNA was detected in the ileum and lung.179 PGD2 has also been shown to affect the sleep-wake cycle,183 pain sensation,122 and body temperature.184 Peripherally, PGD2 has been shown to mediate vasodilation as well as possibly inhibiting platelet aggregation. Consistent with this latter finding, the DP receptor knockout displayed reduced inflammation in the ovalbumin model of allergic asthma.185 Although the kidney appears capable of synthesizing PGD2, its role in the kidney remains

FP Receptors The cDNA encoding the PGF2α receptor (FP receptor) was cloned from a human kidney cDNA library and encodes a protein of 359 amino acid residues. The bovine and murine FP receptors, cloned from corpora lutea similarly encode proteins of 362 and 366 amino acid residues, respectively. Transfection of HEK293 cells with the human FP receptor cDNA, conferred preferential 3H-PGF2α binding with a KD of 4.3 ± 1.0 nM.150,188 Selective activation of the FP receptor may be achieved using fluprostenol or latanoprost.150 3H-PGF2α binding was displaced by a panel of ligands with a rank order potency of: PGF2α = fluprostenol > PGD2 > PGE2 > U4669 > iloprost.166 When expressed in oocytes, PGF2α or fluprostenol induced a Ca++ dependent Cl− current. Increased cell calcium has also been observed in fibroblasts expressing an endogenous FP receptor.189 Recent studies suggest FP receptors may also activate protein kinase C dependent and Rho mediated/PKC independent signaling pathways.190 An alternatively spliced isoform with a shorter carboxy-terminal tail, has been identified that appears to signal via a similar manner as the originally described FP receptor.191 More recent studies suggest these two isoforms may exhibit differential desensitization and may also activate a glycogen synthase kinase/βcatenin coupled signaling pathway.192 Tissue distribution of FP receptor mRNA shows highest expression in ovarian corpus luteum followed by kidney, with lower expression in lung, stomach, and heart.193 Expression of the FP receptor in corpora lutea is critical for normal birth, and homozygous disruption of the murine FP receptor gene results in failure of parturition in females apparently due to failure of the normal pre-term decline in progesterone levels.194 PGF2a is a potent constrictor of smooth muscle in the uterus, bronchi, and blood vessels; however an endothelial FP receptor may also play a dilator role.195 The FP receptor is also highly expressed in skin, where it may play an important role in carcinogenesis.196 A clinically important role for the FP receptor in the eye has been demonstrated to increase uveoscleral outflow and reduce ocular pressure. The FP selective agonist latanoprost has been used clinically as an effective treatment for glaucoma.197 The role of FP receptors in regulating renal function is only partially defined. FP receptor expression has been mapped to the cortical collecting duct in mouse and rabbit kidney.198 FP receptor activation in the collecting duct inhibits vasopressin-stimulated water absorption via a pertussis toxin sensitive (presumably Gi) dependent mechanism. Although PGF2α increases cell Ca++ in cortical collecting duct, the FP selective agonists latanoprost and fluprostenol did not increase calcium.199 Because PGF2α can also bind to EP1 and EP3 receptors166,200,201 these data suggest that the calcium increase activated by PGF2α in the collecting duct may be mediated via an EP receptor. PGF2α also increases Ca++ in cultured

Arachidonic Acid Metabolites and the Kidney

Renal Expression

poorly defined. Intra-renal infusion of PGD2 resulted in dose- 377 dependent increase in renal artery flow, urine output, creatinine clearance, and sodium and potassium excretion.186 Recently, another G-protein coupled receptor capable of binding and being activated by PGD2 was cloned from eosinophils and T-cells (TH2 subset) and designated the CRTH2 receptor.187 This receptor, also referred to by some as the DP2 receptor, bears no significant sequence homology to the family of prostanoid receptors discussed earlier, and couples to increased cell calcium rather than increased cAMP. The use of DP selective agonists should help clarify whether renal CH 11 effects of PGD2 are mediated by authentic DP receptors or the CRTH2 receptor. The recognition of this molecularly unrelated receptor allows for the possibility of existence of a distinct and new family of prostanoid activated membrane receptors.

202,203 suggesting an 378 glomerular mesangial cells and podocytes, FP receptor may modulate glomerular contraction. In contrast to these findings, demonstration of glomerular FP receptors at the molecular level has not been forthcoming. Other vascular effects of PGF2α have been described, including selective modulation of renal production of PGF2α by sodium or potassium loading and AT2 receptor activation.130

Multiple EP Receptors 204 CH 11 Four EP receptor subtypes have been identified. Although these four receptors uniformly bind PGE2 with a higher affinity than other endogenous prostanoids, the amino-acid homology of each is more closely related to other prostanoid receptors that signal through similar mechanisms.149 Thus the relaxant/cAMP coupled EP2 receptor is more closely related to other relaxant prostanoid receptors such as the IP and DP receptors, whereas the constrictor/Ca++ coupled EP1 receptor is more closely related to the other Ca++ coupled prostanoid receptors such as the TP and FP receptors.205 These receptors may also be selectively activated or antagonized by different analogs. EP receptor subtypes also exhibit differential expression along the nephron, suggesting distinct functional consequences of activating each EP receptor subtype in the kidney.204

EP1 Receptors The human EP1 receptor cDNA encodes a 402 amino acid polypeptide that signals via IP3 generation and increased cell Ca++ with IP3 generation. Studies of EP1 receptors may utilize one of several relatively selective antagonists including SC51089, SC19220, or SC53122. EP1 receptor mRNA predominates in the kidney >> gastric muscularis mucosae > adrenal.206 Renal EP1 mRNA expression determined by in situ hybridization is expressed primarily in the collecting duct, and increases from the cortex to the papillae.206 Activation of the EP1 receptor increases intracellular calcium and inhibits Na+ and water reabsorption absorption in the collecting duct,206 suggesting renal EP1 receptor activation might contribute to the natriuretic and diuretic effects of PGE2. Hemodynamic, microvascular effects of EP1 receptors have also been supported. The EP1 receptor was originally described as a smooth muscle constrictor.207 A recent report suggests the EP1 receptor may also be present in cultured glomerular mesangial cells208 where it could play a role as a vasoconstrictor and a stimulus for mesangial cell proliferation. Although a constrictor PGE2 effect has been reported in the afferent arteriole of rat,209 it remains unclear whether this is mediated by an EP1 or EP3 receptor. There does not appear to be very high expression of the EP1 receptor mRNA in preglomerular vasculature or other arterial resistance vessels in either mice or rabbits.210 Other reports suggest EP1 receptor knockout mice exhibit hypotension and hyperreninemia, supporting a role for this receptor in maintaining blood pressure.211

EP2 Receptors Two cAMP stimulating EP receptors, designated EP2 and EP4 have been identified. The EP2 receptor can be pharmacologically distinguished from the EP4 receptor by its sensitivity to butaprost.212 Prior to 1995 literature the cloned EP4 receptor was designated the EP2 receptor, but then a butaprost sensitive EP receptor was cloned,213 and the original receptor reclassified as the EP4 receptor and the newer butaprost sensitive protein designated the EP2 receptor.214 A pharmacologically defined EP2 receptor has now also been cloned for the mouse, rat, rabbit, dog, and cow.215 The human EP2 receptor cDNA encodes a 358 amino acid polypeptide, which signals through increased cAMP. The EP2 receptor may also be distinguished from the EP4 receptor, the other major relaxant EP receptor, by its relative insensitivity to the EP4 agonist

PGE1-OH and insensitivity to the weak EP4 antagonist AH23848.212 The precise distribution of the EP2 receptor mRNA has been partially characterized. This reveals a major mRNA species of ∼3.1 kb, which is most abundant in the uterus, lung, and spleen, exhibiting only low levels of expression in the kidney.215 EP2 mRNA is expressed at much lower levels than EP4 mRNA in most tissues.216 There is scant evidence to suggest segmental distribution of the EP2 receptor along the nephron.215 Interestingly it is expressed in cultured renal interstitial cells, supporting the possibility that the EP2 receptor is predominantly expressed in this portion of the nephron.215 Studies in knockout mice demonstrate a critical role for the EP2 receptor role in ovulation and fertilization.217 In addition these studies suggest a potential role for the EP2 receptor in salt sensitive hypertension.217 This latter finding supports an important role for the EP2 receptor in protecting systemic blood pressure, perhaps via its vasodilator effect or effects on renal salt excretion.

EP3 Receptors The EP3 receptor generally acts as a constrictor of smooth muscle.218 Nuclease protection and northern analysis demonstrate relatively high levels of EP3 receptor expression in several tissues including kidney, uterus, adrenal, and stomach, with riboprobes hybridizing to major mRNA species at ∼2.4 and ∼7.0 kb.219 This receptor is unique in that multiple (more than eight) alternatively spliced variants differing only in their C-terminal cytoplasmic tails, exist.220–222 The EP3 splice variants bind PGE2, and the EP3 agonists MB28767 and sulprostone with similar affinity, and although they exhibit common inhibition of cAMP generation via a pertussis toxin sensitive Gi-coupled mechanism, the tails may recruit different signaling pathways, including Ca++ dependent signaling149,212 and the small G-protein, rho.223 Differences in agonist independent activity have been observed for several of the splice variants, suggesting that they may play a role in constitutive regulation of cellular events.224 The physiologic roles of these different C-terminal splice variants and sites of expression within the kidney remains uncertain. In situ hybridization demonstrates EP3 receptor mRNA is abundant in the thick ascending limb and collecting duct.225 This distribution has been confirmed by RT-PCR on microdissected rat and mouse collecting ducts and corresponds to the major binding sites for radioactive PGE2 in the kidney.226 An important role for a Gi coupled prostaglandin E receptor in regulating water and salt transport along the nephron has been recognized for many years. PGE2 directly inhibits salt and water absorption in both microperfused thick ascending limbs (TAL) and collecting ducts (CD). PGE2 directly inhibits Cl− absorption in the mouse or rabbit medullary TAL from either the luminal or basolateral surfaces.227 PGE2 also inhibits hormone stimulated cAMP generation in TAL. Good demonstrated that PGE2 modulates ion transport in the rat TAL by a pertussis toxin sensitive mechanism.227 Interestingly these effects also appear to involve protein kinase C activation,228 possibly reflecting activation of a novel EP3 receptor signaling pathway, possibly corresponding to alternative signaling pathways as described earlier.223 Taken together, these data support a role for the EP3 receptor in regulating transport in both the collecting duct and TAL. Blockade of endogenous PGE2 synthesis by NSAIDs enhances urinary concentration. It is likely PGE2 mediated antagonism of vasopressin-stimulated salt absorption in the TAL and water absorption in the collecting duct contributes to its diuretic effect. In the in vitro microperfused collecting duct, PGE2 inhibits both vasopressin-stimulated osmotic water absorption and vasopressin-stimulated cAMP generation.199 Furthermore PGE2 inhibition of water absorption and

The EP4 Receptor Like the EP2 receptor, the EP4 receptor signals through increased cAMP.233 The human EP4 receptor cDNA encodes a 488 amino acid polypeptide with a predicted molecular mass of ∼53 kDa.234 Note, care must be taken in reviewing the literature prior to 1995, when this receptor was generally referred to as the EP2 receptor.214 In addition to the human receptor, EP4 receptors for the mouse, rat, rabbit, and dog have been cloned. EP4 receptors can be pharmacologically distinguished from the EP1 and EP3 receptors by insensitivity to sulprostone and from EP2 receptors by its insensitivity to butaprost and relatively selective activation by PGE1-OH.150 Recently an EP4 selective agonist (ONO-AE1–329) and antagonist have been generated212; however to date, their use has not been widely reported. EP4 receptor mRNA is highly expressed relative to the EP2 receptor and widely distributed, with a major species of ∼3.8 kb detected by northern analysis in thymus, ileum, lung, spleen, adrenal, and kidney.216,235 Dominant vasodilator effects of EP4 receptor activation have been described in venous and arterial beds.180,218 A critical role for the EP4 receptor in regulating the peri-natal closure of the pulmonary ductus arteriosus has also been suggested by the recent studies of mice with targeted disruption of the EP4 receptor gene.140,236 On a 129 strain background, EP4−/− mice had nearly 100% peri-natal mortality due to persistent patent ductus arteriosus.236 Interestingly, when bred on a mixed genetic background, only 80% of EP4−/− mice died whereas ∼21% underwent closure of the ductus and survived.140 Preliminary studies in these survivors support an important role for the EP4 receptor as a systemic vasodepressor237; however, their heterogeneous genetic background complicates the interpretation of these results because survival may select for modifier genes that not only allow ductus closure but also alter other hemodynamic responses.

Other roles for the EP4 receptor in controlling blood pres- 379 sure have been suggested, including the ability to stimulate aldosterone release from zona glomerulosa cells.238 In the kidney, EP4 receptor mRNA expression is primarily in the glomerulus, where its precise function is uncharacterized235,239 but might contribute to regulation of the renal microcirculation as well as renin release.240 Recent studies in mice with genetic deletion of selective prostanoid receptors indicated that EP4−/− mice, as well as IP−/− mice to a lesser extent, failed to increase renin production in response to loop diuretic administration, indicating that macula densa-derived CH 11 PGE2 increased renin primarily through EP4 activation.241 This corresponds to recent studies suggesting EP4 receptors are expressed in cultured podocytes and juxtaglomerular apparatus cells.202,240 Finally, the EP4 receptor in the renal pelvis may participate in regulation of salt excretion by altering afferent renal nerve output.242

Regulation of Renal Function by EP Receptors PGE2 exerts myriad effects in the kidney, presumably mediated by EP receptors. PGE2 not only dilates the glomerular microcirculation and vasa rectae, supplying the renal medulla,243 but also modulates salt and water transport in the distal tubule (see Fig. 11–5).244 The maintenance of normal renal function during physiologic stress is particularly dependent on endogenous prostaglandin synthesis. In this setting, the vasoconstrictor effects of angiotensin II, catecholamines, and vasopressin are more effectively buffered by prostaglandins in the kidney than in other vascular beds, preserving normal renal blood flow, glomerular filtration rate (GFR), and salt excretion. Administration of cyclooxygenase inhibiting NSAIDs in the setting of volume depletion interferes with these dilator effects and may result in a catastrophic decline in GFR, resulting in overt renal failure.245 Other evidence points to vasoconstrictor and prohypertensive effects of endogenous PGE2. PGE2 stimulates renin release from the juxtaglomerular apparatus246 leading to a subsequent increase in the vasoconstrictor, angiotensin II. In conscious dogs, chronic intra-renal PGE2 infusion increases renal renin secretion resulting in hypertension.247 Treatment of salt depleted rats with indomethacin not only decreases plasma renin activity, but also reduces blood pressure, suggesting prostaglandins support blood pressure during salt depletion, via their capacity to increase renin.248 Direct vasoconstrictor effects of PGE2 on vasculature have also been observed.210 It is conceivable these latter effects might predominate in circumstances where the kidney is exposed to excessively high perfusion pressures. Thus depending on the setting, the primary effect of PGE2 may be either to increase or decrease vascular tone, effects that appear to be mediated by distinct EP receptors.

Renal Cortical Hemodynamics The expression of the EP4 receptor in the glomerulus suggests it may play an important role regulating renal hemodynamics. Prostaglandins regulate the renal cortical microcirculation and as alluded to earlier, both glomerular constrictor and dilator effects of prostaglandins have been observed.210,249 In the setting of volume depletion, endogenous PGE2 helps maintain GFR by dilating the afferent arteriole.249 Some data suggest roles for EP and IP receptors coupled to increased cAMP generation in mediating vasodilator effects in the preglomerular circulation.42,240,250 PGE2 exerts a dilator effect on the afferent arteriole but not the efferent arteriole, consistent with the presence of an EP2 or EP4 receptor in the preglomerular microcirculation.

Renin Release Other data suggest the EP4 receptor may also stimulate renin release. Soon after the introduction of NSAIDs it was

Arachidonic Acid Metabolites and the Kidney

cAMP generation are both blocked by pertussis toxin, suggesting effects mediated by the inhibitory G protein, Gi.199 When administered in the absence of vasopressin, PGE2 actually stimulates water absorption in the collecting duct from either the luminal or the basolateral side.229 These stimulatory effects of PGE2 on transport in the collecting duct appear to be related to activation of the EP4 receptor.229 Despite the presence of this absorption enhancing EP receptor, in vivo studies suggest that, in the presence of vasopressin, the predominant effects of endogenous PGE2 on water transport are diuretic. Based on the preceding functional considerations, one would expect EP3−/− mice to exhibit inappropriately enhanced urinary concentration. Surprisingly EP3−/− mice exhibited a comparable urinary concentration following dDAVP, similar 24 hour water intake, and similar maximal and minimal urinary osmolality.230 The only clear difference was that in mice allowed free access to water, indomethacin increased urinary osmolality in normal mice but not in the knockout animals. These findings raise the possibility that some of the renal actions of PGE2 normally mediated by the EP3 receptor have been co-opted by other receptors (such as the EP1 or FP receptor) in the EP3 knockout mouse. This remains to be formally tested. The significance of EP3 receptor activation to animal physiology has been significantly advanced by the availability of mice with targeted disruption of this gene.230,231 Mice with targeted deletion of the EP3 receptor exhibit an impaired febrile response, suggesting that EP3 receptor antagonists could be effective antipyretic agents.231 Other studies suggest the EP3 receptor plays an important vasopressor role in the peripheral circulation of mice.210 Studies in knockout mice also support a potential role for the EP3 receptor as an important systemic vasopressor.210,232

380 recognized that endogenous prostaglandins play an important role in stimulating renin release.42 Treatment of salt depleted rats with indomethacin not only decreases plasma renin activity, but also causes blood pressure to fall, suggesting prostaglandins support blood pressure during salt depletion, via their capacity to increase renin. Prostanoids also play a central role in the pathogenesis of renovascular hypertension, and administration of NSAIDs lowers blood pressure in both animals and humans with renal artery stenosis.251 PGE2 induces renin release in isolated pre-glomerular juxta246 CH 11 glomerular apparatus cells. Like the effect of β-adrenergic agents, this effect appears to be through a cAMP coupled response, supporting a role for an EP4 or EP2 receptor.246 EP4 receptor mRNA has been detected in microdissected JGAs,252 supporting the possibility that renal EP4 receptor activation contributes to enhanced renin release. Finally regulation of plasma renin activity and intra-renal renin mRNA does not appear to be different in wild-type and EP2 knockout mice,253 arguing against a major role for the EP2 receptor in regulating renin release. Conversely, one report suggests EP3 receptor mRNA is localized to the macula densa, suggesting this cAMP inhibiting receptor may also contribute to the control of renin release.239

Renal Microcirculation The EP2 receptor also appears to play an important role in regulating afferent arteriolar tone.249 In the setting of systemic hypertension, the normal response of the kidney is to increase salt excretion, thereby mitigating the increase in blood pressure. This so-called pressure natriuresis plays a key role in the ability of the kidney to protect against hypertension.254 Increased blood pressure is accompanied by increased renal perfusion pressure and enhanced urinary PGE2 excretion.255 Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis markedly blunts (although it does not eliminate) pressure natriuresis.256 The mechanism by which PGE2 contributes to pressure natriuresis may involve changes in resistance of the renal medullary microcirculation.257 PGE2 directly dilates descending vasa recta, and increased medullary blood flow may contribute to increased interstitial pressure observed as renal perfusion pressure increases, leading to enhanced salt excretion.243 The identity of the dilator PGE2 receptor controlling the contractile properties of the descending vasa recta remains uncertain, but EP2 or EP4 receptors seem likely candidates.180 Recent studies demonstrating salt sensitive hypertension in mice with targeted disruption of the EP2 receptor217 suggests the EP2 receptor facilitates the ability of the kidney to increase sodium excretion, thereby protecting systemic blood pressure from a high salt diet. Given its defined role in vascular smooth muscle,217 these effects of the EP2 receptor disruption seem more likely to relate to its effects on renal vascular tone. In particular, loss of a vasodilator effect in the renal medulla might modify pressure natriuresis and could contribute to hypertension in EP2 knockout mice. Nonetheless a role for either the EP2 or EP4 receptor in regulating renal medullary blood flow remains to be established. In conclusion, direct vasomotor effects of EP4 receptors as well as effects on renin release may play critical roles in regulating systemic blood pressure and renal hemodynamics.

Effects on Salt and Water Transport COX-1 and COX-2 metabolites of arachidonate have important direct epithelial effects on salt and water transport in along the nephron.258 Thus, functional effects can be observed that are thought to be independent of any hemodynamic changes produced by these compounds. Because biologically active arachidonic acid metabolites are rapidly metabolized, they act predominantly in an autocrine or paracrine fashion

and, thus, their locus of action will be quite close to their point of generation. Thus, one can expect that direct epithelial effects of these compounds will result when they are produced by the tubule cells themselves or the neighboring interstitial cells and the tubules possess an appropriate receptor for the ligand.

Proximal Tubule Neither the proximal convoluted tubule nor the proximal straight tubule appears to produce amounts of biologically active cyclooxygenase metabolites of arachidonic acid. As will be discussed in a subsequent section, the dominant arachidonate metabolites produced by proximal convoluted and straight tubules are metabolites of the cytochrome P-450 pathway.259 Early whole animal studies suggested that PGE2 might have an action in the proximal tubule because of its effects on urinary phosphate excretion. PGE2 blocked the phosphaturic action of calcitonin infusion in thyroparathyroidectomized rats. Nevertheless, studies utilizing in vitro perfused proximal tubules failed to show an effect of PGE2 on sodium chloride or phosphate transport in the proximal convoluted tubule. More recent studies suggest PGE2 may play a key role in the phosphaturic action of FGF23,260 because phosphaturia in hyp mice with X-linked hyperphosphaturia is associated with markedly increased urine PGE2 excretion and phosphaturia was normalized by indomethacin.261 Nevertheless, there are very little data on the actions of other cyclooxygenase metabolites in proximal tubules and scant molecular evidence for expression of classic G-protein coupled prostaglandin receptors in this segment of the nephron.

Loop of Henle The nephron segments making up the loop of Henle also display limited metabolism of exogenous arachidonic acid through the cyclooxygenase pathway, although given the realization that COX-2 is expressed in this segment, it is of note that PGE2 was uniformly greater in the cortical segment than the medullary thick ascending limb. The thick ascending limb has been shown to exhibit PGE2 receptors in high density.262 Studies have also demonstrated high expression levels of mRNA for the EP3 receptor in medullary TAL of both rabbit and rat201 (see earlier section on the EP3 receptor). Subsequent to the demonstration that PGE2 inhibits sodium chloride absorption in the medullary thick ascending limb of the rabbit TAL perfused in vitro, it was shown that PGE2 blocks ADH but not cyclic AMP stimulated sodium chloride absorption in the medullary thick ascending limb of the mouse. It is likely that the mechanism involves activation of Gi and inhibition of adenyl cyclase by PGE2, possibly via the EP3 receptors expressed in this segment.

Collecting Duct System In vitro perfusion studies of rabbit cortical collecting tubule demonstrated that PGE2 directly inhibits sodium transport in the collecting duct when applied to the basolateral surface of this nephron segment. It is now apparent that PGE2 utilizes multiple signal transduction pathways in the cortical collecting duct, including those that modulate intracellular cyclic AMP levels and Ca++. PGE2 can stimulate or suppress cyclic AMP accumulation. The latter may also involve stimulation of phosphodiesterase. Although modulation of cyclic AMP levels appears to play an important role in PGE2 effects on water transport in the cortical collecting duct (see following section), it is less clear that PGE2 affects sodium transport via modulation of cyclic AMP levels.199 PGE2 has been shown to increase cell calcium possibly coupled with PKC activation in in vitro perfused cortical collecting ducts.263 This effect may be mediated by the EP1 receptor subtype coupled to phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis.206

Water Transport

Metabolism of Prostaglandins 15-keto Dehydrogenase The half life of prostaglandins is 3 to 5 minutes and that of TxA2 is approximately 30 seconds. Elimination of PGE2, PGF2α and PGI2 proceeds through enzymatic and nonenzymatic pathways, whereas that of TxA2 is non-enzymatic. The end products of all of these degradative reactions generally possess minimal biologic activity, although this is not uniformly the case (see later discussion). The principal enzyme involved in the transformation of PGE2, PGI2, and PGF2α is 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase (PGDH), which converts the 15 alcohol group to a ketone.267 15-PGDH is an NAD+/NADP+-dependent enzyme that is 30 to 49 times more active in the kidney of the young rat (3 weeks of age) than in the adult. It is mainly localized in cortical and juxtamedullary zones,268 with little activity detected in papillary slices. Its Km for PGE2 is 8.4 µM and 22.6 µM for PGF2α.267 Disruption of this gene in mice results in persistent patent ductus arteriosus PDA, thought to be a result of failure of circulating PGE2 levels to fall in the immediate peripartum period.269 Thus administration of cyclooxygenase inhibiting NSAIDs rescues the knockout mice by decreasing prostaglandins and allowing the animals to survive. Subsequent catalysis of 15-hydroxy products by a delta-13 reductase leads to the formation of 13,14 dihydro compounds. PGI2 and TxA2 undergo rapid degradation to 6-keto-PGF1a and TxB2 respectively.267 These stable metabolites are usually measured and their rates of formation taken as representative of those of the parent molecules.

w/w-1-Hydroxylation of Prostaglandins Both PGA2 and PGE2 have been shown to undergo hydroxylation of the terminal or sub-termi nal carbons by a cytochrome P450 dependent mechanism.270 This reaction may be mediated by a CYP4A family members or CYP4F enzyme. Both CYP4A271 and CYP4F members have been mapped along the nephron.272 Some of these derivatives have been shown to exhibit biological activity.

Cyclopentenone Prostaglandins The cyclopentenone prostaglandins include PGA2, a PGE2 derivative, and PGJ2, a derivative of PGD2. Although it remains

uncertain whether these compounds are actually produced 381 in vivo, this possibility has received increasing attention because some cyclopentenone prostanoids been shown to be activating ligands for nuclear transcription factors, including PPARδ and PPARγ.273–275 The realization that the antidiabetic thiazolidinedione drugs act through PPARγ to exert their antihyperglycemic and insulin sensitizing effects276 has generated intense interest in the possibility that the cyclopentenone prostaglandins might serve as the endogenous ligands for these receptors. An alternative biologic activity of these compounds has been recognized in their capacity to covalently CH 11 modify thiol groups, forming adducts with cysteine of several intracellular proteins including thioredoxin 1, vimentin, actin, and tubulin.277 Studies regarding biological activity of cyclopentenone prostanoids abound and the reader is referred to several excellent sources in the literature.278–280 Although evidence supporting the presence of these compounds in vivo exists,281 it remains uncertain whether they can form enzymatically or are an unstable spontaneous dehydration product of the E and D ring prostaglandins.282

Non-enzymatic Metabolism of Arachidonic Acid It has long been recognized that oxidant injury can result in peroxidation of lipids. In 1990, Morrow and Roberts reported that a series of prostaglandin-like compounds can be produced by free radical catalyzed peroxidation of arachidonic acid that is independent of cyclooxygenase activity.283 These compounds, which are termed “isoprostanes”, are increasingly utilized as a sensitive marker of oxidant injury in vitro and in vivo.284 In addition, at least two of these compounds, 8-iso-PGF2α (15-F2-isoprostane) and 8-iso-PGE2 (15-E2isoprostane) are potent vasoconstrictors when administered exogenously.285 8-iso-PGF2α has been shown to constrict the renal microvasculature and decrease GFR, an effect that is prevented by thromboxane receptor antagonism.286 However, the role of endogenous isoprostanes as mediators of biologic responses remains unclear.

Prostaglandin Transport and Urinary Excretion It is notable that most of the prostaglandin synthetic enzymes have been localized to the intracellular compartment, yet extracellular prostaglandins are potent autocoids and paracrine factors. Thus, prostanoids must be transported extracellularly to achieve efficient metabolism and termination of their signaling. Similarly, enzymes that metabolize PGE2 to inactive compounds are also intra-cellular, requiring uptake of the prostaglandin for its metabolic inactivation. The molecular basis of these extrusion and uptake processes are only now being defined. As a fatty acid, prostaglandins may be classified as an organic anion at physiological pH. Early microperfusion studies documented that basolateral PGE2 could be taken up into proximal tubules cells and actively secreted into the lumen. Furthermore this process could be inhibited by a variety of inhibitors of organic anion transport including PAH, probenecid, and indomethacin. Studies of basolateral renal membrane vesicles also supported the notion that this transport process was via an electroneutral anion exchanger. These studies are of note because renal prostaglandins enter the urine in Henle’s loop, and late proximal tubule secretion could provide an important entry mechanism. Recently a molecule that mediates PGE2 uptake in exchange for lactate has been cloned and christened “PGT” for prostaglandin transporter.287 PGT is a member of SLC21/SLCO:

Arachidonic Acid Metabolites and the Kidney

Vasopressin regulated water transport in the collecting duct is markedly influenced by cyclooxygenase products, especially prostaglandins. When cyclooxygenase inhibitors are administered to humans, rats, or dogs, the antidiuretic action of arginine vasopressin is markedly augmented. Because vasopressin also stimulates endogenous PGE2 production by the collecting duct, these results suggest that PGE2 participates in a negative feedback loop, whereby endogenous PGE2 production dampens the action of AVP.264 In agreement with this model, the early classical studies of Grantham and Orloff directly demonstrated that PGE1 blunted the water permeability response of the cortical collecting duct to vasopressin. In these early studies, the action of PGE1 appeared to be at a precyclic AMP step. Interestingly, when administered by itself PGE1 modestly augmented basal water permeability. These earlier studies have been confirmed with respect to PGE2. PGE2 also stimulates basal hydraulic conductivity and suppresses the hydraulic conductivity response to AVP in rabbit cortical collecting duct.265,266 Inhibition of both AVP stimulated cAMP generation and water permeability appears to be mediated by the EP1 and EP3 receptors, whereas the increase in basal water permeability may be mediated by the EP4 receptor.229 These data are consistent with functional redundancy between the EP1 and EP3 with respect to their effects on vasopressin stimulated water absorption in the collecting duct.

382 organic anion transporting family (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/entrez/viewer.fcgi?db=nucleotide&val=5032094) and its cDNA encodes a transmembrane protein of 100 amino acids that exhibits broad tissue distribution heart, placenta, brain, lung, liver, skeletal muscle, pancreas, kidney, spleen, prostate, ovary, small intestine, and colon.288–290 Immunocytochemical studies of PGT expression in rat kidneys suggest expression primarily in glomerular endothelial and mesangial cells, arteriolar endothelial and muscularis cells, principal cells of the collecting duct, medullary interstitial cells, CH 11 medullary vasa rectae endothelia, and papillary surface epithelium.291 PGT appears to mediate PGE2 uptake rather than release,292 allowing target cells to metabolize this molecule and terminate signaling.293 Other members of the organic cation/anion/zwitterion transporter family SLC22 family have also been shown to transport prostaglandins287 and have been suggested to mediate prostaglandin excretion into the urine. Specifically OAT1 ( nucleotide&val=24497474) and OAT3 (http://www.ncbi.nlm. are localized on the basolateral proximal tubule membrane, where they likely participate in urinary excretion of PGE2.294,295 Conversely members of the multidrug resistance protein (MRP) have been shown to transport prostaglandins in an ATP dependent fashion.296,297 MRP2 (also designated ABBC2) is expressed in kidney proximal tubule brush borders and may contribute to the transport (and urinary excretion) of glutathione conjugated prostaglandins.298,299 This transporter has more limited tissue expression, restricted to the kidney, liver, and small intestine and could contribute not only to renal PAH excretion but also to prostaglandin excretion as well.300

INVOLVEMENT OF CYCLOOXYGENASE METABOLITES IN RENAL PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Experimental and Human Glomerular Injury Glomerular Inflammatory Injury Cyclooxygenase metabolites have been implicated in functional and structural alterations in glomerular and tubulointerstitial inflammatory diseases.301 Essential fatty acid deficiency totally prevents the structural and functional consequences of administration of nephrotoxic serum (NTS) to rats, an experimental model of antiglomerular basement membrane glomerulonephritis.302 Changes in arteriolar tone during the course of this inflammatory lesion are mediated principally by locally released COX and lipoxygenase (LO) metabolites of AA.302 TxA2 release appears to play an essential role in mediating the increased renovascular resistance observed during the early phase of this disease. Subsequently, increasing rates of PGE2 generation may account for progressive dilation of renal arterioles and increases in renal blood flow at later stages of the disease. Consistent with this hypothesis, TxA2 antagonism ameliorated the falls in RBF and GFR two hours postNTS administration, but not at one day. During the later, heterologous, phase of NTS, COX metabolites mediate both the renal vasodilation as well as the reduction in Kf that characterize this phase.302 The net functional result of COX inhibition during this phase of experimental glomerulonephritis, therefore, would depend on the relative importance of renal perfusion versus the preservation of Kf to the maintenance of GFR. Evidence also indicates that COX metabolites

are mediators of pathologic lesions and the accompanying proteinuria in this model. COX-2 expression in the kidney increases in experimental anti-GBM glomerulonephritis303,304 and after systemic administration of lipopolysaccharide.305 A beneficial effect of fish oil diets (enriched in eicosapentaenoic acid), with an accompanying reduction in the generation of COX products, has been demonstrated on the course of genetic murine lupus (MRL-lpr mice). In subsequent studies, enhanced renal TxA2 and PGE2 generation was demonstrated in this model, as well as in NZB mice, another genetic model of lupus. In addition, studies in humans demonstrated an inverse relation between TxA2 biosynthesis and glomerular filtration rate and improvement of renal function following short-term therapy with a thromboxane receptor antagonist in patients with lupus nephritis. More recently, studies have indicated that in humans, as well as NZB mice, COX-2 expression was up-regulated in patients with active lupus nephritis, with colocalization to infiltrating monocytes, suggesting that monocytes infiltrating the glomeruli contribute to the exaggerated local synthesis of TXA2.306,307 COX-2 inhibition selectively decreased thromboxane production, and chronic treatment of NZB mice with a COX-2 inhibitor and mycophenolate mofetil significantly prolonged survival.307 Taken together, these data, as well as others from animal and human studies support a major role for the intrarenal generation of TxA2 in mediating renal vasoconstriction during inflammatory and lupus-associated glomerular injury. The demonstration of a functionally significant role for COX metabolites in experimental and human inflammatory glomerular injury has raised the question of the cellular sources of these eicosanoids in the glomerulus. In addition to infiltrating inflammatory cells, resident glomerular macrophages, glomerular mesangial cells, and glomerular epithelial cells represent likely sources for eicosanoid generation. In the anti-Thy1.1 model of mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis, COX-1 staining was transiently increased in diseased glomeruli at day 6, and was localized mainly to proliferating mesangial cells. COX-2 expression in the macula densa region also transiently increased at day 6.308,309 Glomerular COX-2 expression in this model has been controversial, with one group reporting increased podocyte COX-2 expression304 and two other groups reporting minimal, if any glomerular COX-2 expression.308,309 However, it is of interest that selective COX2 inhibitors have been reported to inhibit glomerular repair in the anti-Thy1.1 model.309 In both anti-Thy1.1 and antiGBM models of glomerulonephritis, the non-selective COX inhibitor, indomethacin, increased monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), suggesting that prostaglandins may repress recruitment of monocytes/macrophages in experimental glomerulonephritis.310 A variety of cytokines have been reported to stimulate PGE2 synthesis and COX-2 expression in cultured mesangial cells. Furthermore, complement components, in particular C5b-9, which are known to be involved in the inflammatory models described earlier, have been implicated in the stimulation of PGE2 synthesis in glomerular epithelial cells. Cultured GEC express predominantly COX-1, but exposure to C5b-9 significantly increased COX-2 expression.

Glomerular Non-Inflammatory Injury Studies have suggested that prostanoids may also mediate altered renal function and glomerular damage following subtotal renal ablation, and glomerular prostaglandin production may be altered in such conditions. Glomeruli from remnant kidneys, as well as animals fed a high protein diet, have increased prostanoid production. These studies suggested an increase in cyclooxygenase enzyme activity per se rather than, or in addition to, increased substrate

gression of diabetic nephropathy.324,325 Schmitz and associ- 383 ates confirmed increases in thromboxane B2 excretion in the remnant kidney and correlated decreased arachidonic and linoleic acid levels with increased thromboxane production because the thromboxane synthase inhibitor U63557A restored fatty acid levels and retarded progressive glomerular destruction.322 Enhanced glomerular synthesis and/or urinary excretion of both PGE2 and TxA2 have been demonstrated in passive Heymann nephritis (PHN), and Adriamycin-induced glomerulopathies in rats. Both COX-1 and COX-2 expression are CH 11 increased in glomeruli with PHN.326 Both thromboxane synthase inhibitors and selective COX-2 inhibitors also decreased proteinuria in PHN. In contrast to the putative deleterious effects of thromboxane, the prostacyclin analog, cicaprost, retarded renal damage in uninephrectomized dogs fed a high sodium and high protein diet, an effect that was not mediated by amelioration of systemic hypertension.327 Prostanoids have also been shown to alter extracellular matrix production by mesangial cells in culture. Thromboxane A2 stimulates matrix production by both TGF-βdependent and -independent pathways.328 PGE2 has been reported to decrease steady state mRNA levels of alpha 1(I) and alpha 1(III) procollagens, but not alpha 1(IV) procollagen and fibronectin mRNA, and to reduce secretion of all studied collagen types into the cell culture supernatants. Of interest, this effect did not appear to be mediated by cAMP.329 PGE2 has also been reported to increase production of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and to mediate angiotensin II-induced increases in MMP-2.330 Whether vasodilatory prostaglandins mediate decreased fibrillar collagen production and increased matrix degrading activity in glomeruli in vivo has not yet been studied; however, there is compelling evidence in nonrenal cells that prostanoids may either mediate or modulate matrix production.331 Cultured lung fibroblasts isolated from patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis exhibit decreased ability to express COX-2 and to synthesize PGE2.332

Arachidonic Acid Metabolites and the Kidney

availability because increases in prostanoid production were noted when excess exogenous arachidonic acid was added. Following subtotal renal ablation, there are selective increases in renal cortical and glomerular COX-2 mRNA and immunoreactive protein expression, without significant alterations in COX-1 expression.311 This increased COX-2 expression was most prominent in the macula densa and surrounding cTALH. In addition, COX-2 immunoreactivity was also present in podocytes of remnant glomeruli, and increased prostaglandin production in isolated glomeruli from remnant kidneys was inhibited by a COX-2 selective inhibitor but was not decreased by a COX-1 selective inhibitor.311 Of interest, Weichert and colleagues have recently reported that in the fawn-hooded rat, which develops spontaneous glomerulosclerosis, there is increased cTALH/macula densa COX-2 and nNOS and juxtaglomerular cell renin expression preceding development of sclerotic lesions.312 When given 24 hours after subtotal renal ablation, a nonselective NSAID, indomethacin, normalized increases in renal blood flow and single nephron GFR; similar decreases in hyperfiltration were noted when indomethacin was given acutely to rats 14 days after subtotal nephrectomy, although in this latter study, the increased glomerular capillary pressure (PGC) was not altered because both afferent and efferent arteriolar resistances increased. Previous studies have also suggested that non-selective cyclooxygenase inhibitors may acutely decrease hyperfiltration in diabetes and inhibit proteinuria and/or structural injury; more recent studies have indicated selective COX-2 inhibitors will decrease the hyperfiltration seen in experimental diabetes or increased dietary protein.313,314 Of note, NSAIDs have also been reported to be effective in reducing proteinuria in patients with refractory nephrotic syndrome. The prostanoids involved have not yet been completely characterized, although it is presumed that vasodilatory prostanoids are involved in mediation of the altered renal hemodynamics. Defective autoregulation of renal blood flow due to decreased myogenic tone of the afferent arteriole is seen after either subtotal ablation or excessive dietary protein and is corrected by inhibition of cyclooxygenase activity. In these hyperfiltering states, tubuloglomerular feedback (TGF) is reset at a higher distal tubular flow rate. Such a resetting dictates that afferent arteriolar vasodilatation will be maintained in the face of increased distal solute delivery. It has previously been shown that the alterations in TGF sensitivity after reduction in renal mass are prevented with the nonselective cyclooxygenase inhibitor, indomethacin. An important role has been suggested for neuronal nitric oxide synthase, which is localized to the macula densa, in the vasodilatory component of TGF.315–317 Of interest, studies by Ishihara and co-workers have determined that this nNOS-mediated vasodilation is inhibited by the selective COX-2 inhibitor, NS398, suggesting that COX-2-mediated prostanoids may be essential for arteriolar vasodilation.45,318 Administration of COX-2 selective inhibitors decreased proteinuria and inhibited development of glomerular sclerosis in rats with reduced functioning renal mass.319,320 In addition, COX-2 inhibition decreased mRNA expression of TGF-β1 and types III and IV collagen in the remnant kidney.319 Similar protection was observed with administration of nitroflurbiprofen (NOF), a NO-releasing NSAID without gastrointestinal toxicity.321 Prior studies have also demonstrated that thromboxane synthase inhibitors retarded progression of glomerulosclerosis, with decreased proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis in rats with remnant kidneys and in diabetic nephropathy, in association with increased renal prostacyclin production and lower systolic blood pressure.322,323 Studies in models of type I and type II diabetes have indicated that COX-2 selective inhibitors retarded pro-

Acute Renal Failure (ARF) When cardiac output is compromised, as in extracellular fluid volume depletion or congestive heart failure, systemic blood pressure is preserved by the action of high circulating levels of systemic vasoconstrictors (norepinephrine, angiotensin II, AVP). Amelioration of their effects within the renal vasculature serves to blunt the development of otherwise concomitant marked depression of renal blood flow. Intrarenal generation of vasodilator products of AA, including PGE2 and PGI2, is a central part of this protective adaptation. Increased renal vascular resistance induced by exogenously administered angiotensin II or renal nerve stimulation (increased adrenergic tone) is exaggerated during concomitant inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis. Experiments in animals with volume depletion have demonstrated the existence of intrarenal AVP-prostaglandin interactions similar to those described earlier for angiotensin II. Studies in patients with congestive heart failure have confirmed that enhanced prostaglandin synthesis is crucial in protecting kidneys from various vasoconstrictor influences in this condition. Acute renal failure accompanying the acute administration of endotoxin in rats is characterized by progressive reductions in RBF and GFR in the absence of hypotension. Renal histology in such animals is normal, but cortical generation of COX metabolites is markedly elevated. A number of reports have provided evidence for a role for TxA2-induced renal vasoconstriction in this model of renal dysfunction.333 In addition, roles for PGs and TxA2 in modulating or mediating

334 384 renal injury have been suggested in ischemia/reperfusion and models of toxin-mediated acute tubular injury including those induced by uranyl nitrate,335 amphotericin B,336 aminoglycosides,337 and glycerol.338 In experimental acute renal failure, administration of vasodilator prostaglandins has been shown to ameliorate injury.339

Urinary Tract Obstruction Following induction of chronic (more than 24 hours) ureteral CH 11 obstruction, renal PG and TxA2 synthesis is markedly enhanced, particularly in response to stimuli such as endotoxin or bradykinin. Enhanced prostanoid synthesis likely arises from infiltrating mononuclear cells, proliferating fibroblast-like cells, interstitial macrophages, and interstitial medullary cells. Considerable evidence, derived from studies utilizing specific enzyme inhibitors, suggests a causal relationship between increased renal generation of this eicosanoid and the intense vasoconstriction that characterizes the hydronephrotic or post-obstructed kidney (reviewed in Ref. 301). In this sense, therefore, hydronephrotic injury can be regarded as a form of sub-acute inflammatory insult in which intrarenal eicosanoid generation from infiltrating leukocytes contributes to the pathophysiologic process. Finally, TxA2 has been implicated in the resetting of the tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism observed in hydronephrotic kidneys.340 Recent studies have also suggested that selective COX-2 inhibitors may prevent renal damage in response to unilateral ureteral obstruction.341,342

Allograft Rejection and Cyclosporine Nephrotoxicity Allograft Rejection Coffman and colleagues demonstrated that acute administration of a TxA2 synthesis inhibitor was associated with significant improvement in rat renal allograft function.343 A number of other experimental and clinical studies have also demonstrated increased TxA2 synthesis during allograft rejection,344,345 leading some to suggest that increased urinary TxA2 excretion may be an early indicator in renal and cardiac allograft rejection.

Calcineurin Inhibitor Nephrotoxicity Numerous investigators have demonstrated effects for cyclosporine A (CY-A) on renal prostaglandin/TxA2 synthesis, and provided evidence for a major role for renal and leukocyte TxA2 synthesis in mediating acute as well as chronic CY-A nephrotoxicity in rats.346 Fish oil-rich diets, TxA2 antagonists, or administration of CY-A in fish oil as vehicle have all been shown to reduce renal TxA2 synthesis and afford protection against nephrotoxicity. Moreover, CY-A has been reported to decrease renal COX-2 expression.347

Hepatic Cirrhosis and Hepatorenal Syndrome Patients with cirrhosis of the liver show an increased renal synthesis of vasodilating PGs, as indicated by the high urinary excretion of PGs and/or their metabolites. Urinary excretion of 2–3-dinor 6-keto-PGF1α, an index of systemic PGI2 synthesis, is increased in patients with cirrhosis and hyperdynamic circulation, thus raising the possibility that systemic synthesis of PGI2 may contribute to the arterial vasodilatation of these patients. Inhibition of cyclooxygenase activity in these patients may cause a profound reduction in renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate, a reduction in sodium excretion, and an impairment of free water clearance.348 The

sodium-retaining properties of NSAIDs are particularly exaggerated in patients with cirrhosis of the liver, attesting to the dependence of renal salt excretion on vasodilatory PGs. In the kidneys of rats with cirrhosis, COX-2 expression increases while COX-1 expression is unchanged; however, in these animals, selective inhibition of COX-1 leads to impaired renal hemodynamics and natriuresis, whereas COX-2 inhibition has no effect.349,350 Diminished renal PG synthesis has been implicated in the pathogenesis of the severe sodium retention seen in hepatorenal syndrome, as well as in the resistance to diuretic therapy.351,352 There is reduced renal synthesis of vasodilating PGE2 in the face of activation of endogenous vasoconstrictors and a maintained or increased renal production of thromboxane A2.348,353 Therefore, an imbalance between vasoconstricting systems and the renal vasodilator PGE2 has been proposed as a contributing factor to the renal failure observed in this condition. However, administration of exogenous prostanoids to patients with cirrhosis is not effective either in ameliorating renal function or in preventing the deleterious effect of NSAIDs.348

Diabetes Mellitus In the streptozotocin-induced model of diabetes in rats, COX2 expression is increased in the cTALH/macula densa region.313,357 COX-2 immunoreactivity has also been detected in the macula densa region in human diabetic nephropathy.354 Studies suggest that vasodilator prostanoids, PGI2 and PGE2, play an important role in the hyperfiltration seen early in diabetes mellitus.355 In streptozotocin-induced diabetes in rats, previous studies indicated that non-selective cyclooxygenase inhibitors acutely decrease hyperfiltration in diabetes and inhibit proteinuria and/or structural injury,356 and more recent studies have also indicated that acute administration of a selective COX-2 inhibitor decreased hyperfiltration.313 Chronic administration of a selective COX-2 inhibitor significantly decreased proteinuria and reduced extracellular matrix deposition, as indicated by decreases in immunoreactive fibronectin expression and in mesangial matrix expansion. In addition, COX-2 inhibition reduced expression of TGF-β, PAI-1, and VEGF in the kidneys of the diabetic hypertensive animals.357 The vasoconstrictor thromboxane A2 may play a role in the development of albuminuria and basement membrane changes with diabetic nephropathy. In addition, administration of a selective PGE2 EP1 receptor antagonist prevented development of experimental diabetic nephropathy.358 In contrast to the proposed detrimental effects of these “vasoconstrictor” prostanoids, administration of a prostacyclin analog decreased hyperfiltration and reduced macrophage infiltration in early diabetic nephropathy by increasing eNOS expression in afferent arterioles and glomerular capillaries.359

Pregnancy Most, but not all, investigators do not report increases in vasodilator PG synthesis or suggest an essential role for prostanoids in the mediation of the increased GFR and RPF of normal pregnancy360; however, diminished synthesis of PGI2 has been demonstrated in humans and in animal models of pregnancy-induced hypertension.361 In the latter, inhibition of TxA2 synthetase has been associated with resolution of the hypertension, suggesting a possible pathophysiologic role.362 A moderate beneficial effect of reducing TxA2 generation, while preserving PGI2 synthesis, by low dose (60– 100 mg/day) aspirin therapy has been demonstrated in patients at high risk for pregnancy-induced hypertension and pre-eclampsia.363,364


Arachidonic Acid Metabolites and the Kidney

The lipoxygenase enzymes metabolize arachidonic acid to form leukotrienes (LTs), hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids (HETEs), and lipoxins (LXs) (Fig. 11–13). These lipoxygenase metabolites are primarily produced by leukocytes, mast cells, and macrophages in response to inflammation and injury. There are three lipoxygenase enzymes, 5-, 12-, and 15lipoxygenase, so named for the carbon of arachidonic acid where they insert an oxygen. The lipoxygenases are products of separate genes and have distinct distributions and patterns of regulation. Glomeruli, mesangial cells, cortical tubules, and vessels also produce the 12-lipoxygenase (12-LOX) product, 12(S)-HETE and the 15-LOX product, 15-HETE. Recent studies have localized 15-LO mRNA primarily to the distal nephron, and 12-LO mRNA to the glomerulus. 5-LO mRNA and 5-Lipoxygenase Activating Protein (FLAP) mRNA were expressed in the glomerulus and the vasa recta.365 In polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) macrophages and mast cells, 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) mediates the formation of leukotrienes.366 5-LO, which is regulated by FLAP, catalyzes the conversion of arachidonic acid to 5-HpETE and then to leukotriene A4 (LTA4).367 LTA4 is then further metabolized to either the peptidyl-leukotrienes (LTC4 and LTD4) by glutathione-S-transferase or to LTB4 by LTA4 hydrolase. Although glutathione-S-transferase expression is limited to inflammatory cells, LTA4 hydrolase is also expressed in glomerular mesangial cells and endothelial cells368; PCR analysis has actually demonstrated ubiquitous LTA4 hydrolase mRNA expression throughout the rat nephron.365 Leukotriene C4 synthase mRNA could not be found in any nephron segment.365 Recently two cysteinyl leukotriene receptors (CysLTR) have been cloned and have been identified as members of the G protein coupled superfamily of receptors. They have been localized to vascular smooth muscle and endothelium of the pulmonary vasculature.369–371 In the kidney the cysteinyl leukotriene receptor type 1 is expressed in the glomerulus, whereas cysteinyl receptor type 2 mRNA has not been detected in any nephron segment to date.365

The peptidyl-leukotrienes are potent mediators of inflam- 385 mation and vasoconstrictors of vascular, pulmonary, and gastrointestinal smooth muscle. In addition, they increase vascular permeability and promote mucus secretion.372 Because of the central role that peptidyl-leukotrienes play in the inflammatory trigger of asthma exacerbation, effective receptor antagonists have been developed and are now an important component of management of asthma.373 In the kidney, LTD4 administration has been shown to decrease renal blood flow and GFR, and peptidyl leukotrienes are thought to be mediators of decreased RBF and CH 11 GFR associated with acute glomerular inflammation. Micropuncture studies revealed that the decreases in GFR are the result of both afferent and arteriolar vasoconstriction, with more pronounced efferent vasoconstriction and a decrease in Kf. In addition both LTC4 and LTD4 increase proliferation of cultured mesangial cells. The LTB4 receptor is also a seven-transmembrane G protein coupled receptor. On PMNs, receptor activation promotes chemotaxis, aggregation and attachment to endothelium. In the kidney LTB4 mRNA is localized to the glomerulus.365 A second, low affinity LTB4 receptor is also expressed,374 which may mediate calcium influx into PMNs, thereby leading to activation. LTB4 receptor blockers lessen acute renal ischemic-reperfusion injury375 and nephrotoxic nephritis in rats,376 and PMN infiltration and structural and functional evidence of organ injury by ischemia/reperfusion are magnified in transgenic mice overexpressing the LTB4 receptor.377 In addition to activation of cell surface receptors, LTB4 has also been shown to be a ligand for the nuclear receptor PPARα.378 15-lipoxygenase (15-LO) leads to the formation of 15-SHETE. In addition, dual oxygenation in activated PMNs and macrophages by 5- and 15-LO leads to formation of the lipoxins. LX synthesis also can occur via transcellular metabolism of the leukocyte-generated intermediate, LTA4, by 12-LO in platelets or adjoining cells including glomerular endothelial cells.379,380 15-S-HETE is a potent vasoconstrictor in the renal microcirculation381; however, 15-LO-derived metabolites

Arachidonic Acid 5-LO



15-(S)-HETE 5-LO


Lipoxin A4

Leukotriene A4 Glutathione-Stransferase Leukotriene C4 OH

Leukotriene D4 COOH

S Cys FIGURE 11–13

Pathways of lipoxygenase metabolism of arachidonic acid.


Leukotriene B4 O



LTA4 hydrolase




386 antagonize proinflammatory actions of leukotrienes, both by inhibiting PMN chemotaxis, aggregation, and adherence and by counteracting the vasoconstrictive effects of the peptidylleukotrienes.382,383 Administration of 15-S-HETE reduced LTB4 production by glomeruli isolated from rats with acute nephrotoxic serum-induced glomerulonephritis, and it has been proposed that 15-LO may regulate 5-LO activity in chronic glomerular inflammation because it is known that in experimental glomerulonephritis, lipoxin A4 (LXA4) administration increased renal blood flow and GFR in large CH 11 part by inducing afferent arteriolar vasodilation, an effect mediated in part by release of vasodilator prostaglandins. LXA4 also antagonized the effects of LTD4 to decrease GFR, although not renal blood flow, even though administration of LXA4 and LXB4 directly into the renal artery induced vasoconstriction. Glomerular micropuncture studies revealed that LXA4 led to moderate decreases in Kf.382 Lipoxins signal through a specific G-protein coupled receptor G protein– coupled receptor denoted ALXR. This receptor is related at the nucleotide sequence level to both chemokine and chemotactic peptide receptors, such as N-formyl peptide receptor.384 It is also noteworthy that in isolated perfused canine renal arteries and veins, LTC4 and LTD4 were found to be vasodilators, which were partially dependent upon an intact endothelium and was mediated by nitric oxide production.385 Recently, a potential interaction between cyclooxygenaseand lipoxygenase-mediated pathways has been reported. Whereas aspirin inhibits prostaglandin formation by both COX-1 and COX-2, aspirin-induced acetylation converts COX-2 to a selective generator of 15-R-HETE. This product can then be released, taken up in a transcellular route by PMNs and converted to 15-epi-lipoxins, which have similar biological actions as the lipoxins.386 Similar to 15-HETE, 12(S)-HETE also potently vasoconstricts glomerular and renal vasculature.379 12(S)-HETE increases protein kinase C and depolarizes cultured vascular smooth muscle cells. Afferent arteriolar vasoconstriction and increases in smooth muscle calcium in response to 12(S)HETE, were partially inhibited by voltage-gated L-type calcium channel inhibitors.387 12(S)-HETE has also been proposed to be an angiogenic factor because in cultured endothelial cells, 12-LO inhibition reduces cell proliferation and 12-LO overexpression stimulates cell migration and endothelial tube formation.388 12/15 LO inhibitors and elective elimination of the leukocyte 12-LO enzyme also ameliorate the development of diabetic nephropathy in mice.389 There is also interaction between 12/15-LO pathways and TGF-β-mediated pathways in the diabetic kidney.390 12(S)-HETE has also been proposed to be a mediator of renal vasoconstriction by angiotensin II, with inhibition of the 12-LO pathway attenuating angiotensin II-mediated afferent arteriolar vasoconstriction and decreased renal blood flow.391 Lipoxygenase inhibition also blunted renal arcuate artery vasoconstriction by norepinephrine and KCl.392 However, 12-LO products have also been implicated as inhibitors of renal renin release.393,394 Although the major significance of LO products in the kidney derives from their release from infiltrating leukocytes or resident cells of macrophage/monocyte origin, there is evidence to suggest that intrinsic renal cells are capable of generating LTs and LXs either directly or through transcellular metabolism of intermediates.395 Human and rat glomeruli can generate 12- and 15-HETE, though the cells of origin are unclear. LTB4 can be detected in supernatants of normal rat glomeruli, and its synthesis could be markedly diminished by maneuvers that depleted glomeruli of resident macrophages, such as irradiation or fatty acid deficiency. In addition, 5, 12, and 15-HETEs were detected from pig glomeruli, and their structural identity confirmed by mass spectrometry. 12-LO products are increased in mesangial cells exposed to

hyperglycemia and in diabetic nephropathy.396 Glomeruli subjected to immune injury release LTB4,397 and LTB4 generation was suppressed by resident macrophage depletion. Synthesis of peptido-LTs by inflamed glomeruli has also been demonstrated,398 but leukocytes could not be excluded as its primary source LXA4 is generated by immune-injured glomeruli.399 Rat mesangial cells generate LXA4 when provided with LTA4 as substrate, thereby providing a potential intraglomerular source of LXs during inflammatory reactions. In non-glomerular tissue, 12-HETE production has been reported from rat cortical tubules and epithelial cells and 12- and 15HETE from rabbit medulla.

Biological Activities of Lipoxygenase Products in the Kidney In early experiments, systemic administration of LTC4 in the rat and administration of LTC4 and LTD4 in the isolated perfused kidney revealed potent renal vasoconstrictor actions of these eicosanoids. Subsequently, micropuncture measurements revealed that LTD4 exerts preferential constrictor effects on post-glomerular arteriolar resistance and depresses Kf and GFR. The latter is likely due to receptormediated contraction of glomerular mesangial cells, which has been demonstrated for LTC4 and LTD4 in vitro (see above). These actions of LTD4 in the kidney are consistent with its known smooth-muscle contractile properties. LTB4, a potent chemotactic and leukocyte-activating agent, is devoid of constrictor action in the normal rat kidney. Lipoxin A4 dilates afferent arterioles when infused into the renal artery, without affecting efferent arteriolar tone. This results in elevations in intraglomerular pressure and plasma flow rate, thereby augmenting GFR.

Involvement of Lipoxygenase Products in Renal Pathophysiology Increased generation rates of LTC4 and LTD4 have been documented in glomeruli from rats with immune complex nephritis and mice with spontaneously developing lupus nephritis.366,399 Moreover, results from numerous physiologic studies utilizing specific LTD4 receptor antagonists have provided strong evidence for the release of these eicosanoids during glomerular inflammation. In four animal models of glomerular immune injury (anti-GBM nephritis, anti-Thy1.1 antibody-mediated mesangiolysis, passive Heymann nephritis, and murine lupus nephritis) acute antagonism of LTD4 by receptor binding competition or inhibition of LTD4 synthesis led to highly significant increases in GFR in nephritic animals.400 The principal mechanism underlying the improvement in GFR was reversal of the depressed values of the glomerular ultrafiltration coefficient (Kf), which is characteristically compromised in immune injured glomeruli. In other studies in PHN, Katoh and colleagues provided evidence that endogenous LTD4 not only mediates reductions in Kf and GFR, but that LTD4-evoked increases in intraglomerular pressure underlie, to a large extent, the accompanying proteinuria.400 Cysteinyl-leukotrienes have been implicated in cyclosporine nephrotoxicity.401 Of interest, 5-lipoxygenase deficiency accelerates renal allograft rejection.402 LTB4 synthesis, measured in the supernates of isolated glomeruli, is markedly enhanced early in the course of several forms of glomerular immune injury.403 Cellular sources of LTB4 in injured glomeruli include PMNs and macrophages. All studies concur as to the transient nature of LTB4 release. LTB4 production decreases 24 hours after onset of the inflammation, which coincides with macrophage infiltration, a major source of 15-LO activity.404 15-HPETE incubation

nous synthesis was inhibited. Intrarenal administration of 387 LTB4 to rats with mild NTS-induced injury was associated with an increase in PMN infiltration, reduction in renal plasma flow rate, and marked exacerbation of the fall in glomerular filtration rate, the latter correlating strongly with the number of infiltrating PMNs/glomerulus, while inhibition of 5-lipoxygenase led to preservation of GFR and abrogation of proteinuria.409 Similarly, both 5-LO knockout mice and wild type mice treated with the 5-LO inhibitor, zileuton, had reduced renal injury in response to ischemia/reperfusion.410 Thus, while devoid of vasoconstrictor actions in the normal CH 11 kidney, increased intrarenal generation of LTB4 during early glomerular injury amplifies leukocyte-dependent reductions in glomerular perfusion and filtration rates and inflammatory injury, likely due to enhancement of PMN recruitment/ activation.

THE CYTOCHROME P450 PATHWAY Following their elucidation and characterization as endogenous metabolites of arachidonic acid, numerous studies have investigated the possibility that cytochrome P450 (CYP450) arachidonic acid metabolites subserve physiologic and/or pathophysiologic roles in the kidney (Fig. 11–14). In whole animal physiology, these compounds have been implicated in the mediation of release of peptide hormones, regulation of vascular tone, and regulation of volume homeostasis. On the cellular level, CYP arachidonic acid metabolites have been proposed to regulate ion channels and transporters and to act as mitogens. CYP450 monooxygenases are mixed-function oxidases that utilize molecular oxygen and NADPH as cofactors411,412 and will add an oxygen molecule to arachidonic acid in a regio- and stereo-specific geometry. CYP450 monooxygenase pathways metabolize arachidonic acid to generate HETEs and epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs), the latter of which can be hydrolyzed to dihydroxyeicosatrienoic acids


5,6-EET O


Arachidonic Acid OH







OH FIGURE 11–14 Pathways of CYP450 metabolism of arachidonic acid.

OH 11,12-EET







O 14,15-EET




Arachidonic Acid Metabolites and the Kidney

decreased lipopolysaccharide-induced tumor necrosis factor (TNF) expression in a human monocytic cell line,405 and HVJliposome-mediated glomerular transfection of 15-LO in rats decreased markers of injury (BUN, proteinuria) and accelerated functional (GFR, renal blood flow) recovery in experimental glomerulonephritis.406 In addition, MK501, a FLAP antagonist, restored size selectivity and decreased glomerular permeability in acute GN.407 The suppression of LTB4 synthesis beyond the first 24 hours of injury is rather surprising, since both PMN and macrophages are capable of effecting the total synthesis of LTB4 (they contain the two necessary enzymes that convert arachidonic acid to LTB4, namely 5-LO and LTA4-hydrolase). It has therefore been suggested, based on in vitro evidence that the major route for LTB4 synthesis in inflamed glomeruli is through transcellular metabolism of leukocyte-generated LTA4 to LTB4 by LTA4-hydrolase present in glomerular mesangial, endothelial, and epithelial cells. Since the transformation of LTA4 to LTB4 is rate-limiting, regulation of LTB4 synthetic rate might relate to regulation of LTA4hydrolase gene expression or catalytic activity in these parenchymal cells, rather than to the number of infiltrating leukocytes. In any case, leukocytes represent an indispensable source for LTA4, the initial 5-LO product and the precursor for LTB4, since endogenous glomerular cells do not express the 5-LO gene.408 Thus, it was demonstrated that the polymorphonuclear (PMN) cell-specific activator, N-Formyl-MetLeu-Phe, stimulated LTB4 production from isolated perfused kidneys harvested from NTS-treated rats to a significantly greater degree than from control animals treated with nonimmune rabbit serum.409 The renal production of LTB4 correlated directly with renal myeloperoxidase activity, suggesting interdependence of LTB4 generation and PMN infiltration. The acute and long-term significance of LTB4 generation in conditioning the extent of glomerular structural and functional deterioration has been highlighted in studies in which LTB4 was exogenously administered or in which its endoge-

411–413 The kidney displays one of the highest CYP450 388 (DHETs). activities of any organ and produces CYP450 arachidonic acid metabolites in significant amounts.387,411,414 HETEs are formed primarily via CYP450 hydroxylase enzymes and EETs and DHETs are formed primarily via CYP450 epoxygenase enzymes.414 The CYP450 4A gene family is the major pathway for synthesis of hydroxylase metabolites, especially 20-HETE and 19-HETE,413,414 whereas the production of epoxygenase metabolites is primarily via the 2C gene family.387,411 A member of the 2J family that is an active epoxygenase is also expressed 415 CH 11 in the kidney. CYP450 enzymes have been localized to both vasculature and tubules.413 The 4A family of hydroxylases is expressed in preglomerular renal arterioles, glomeruli, proximal tubules, the TALH, and macula densa.416 The 2C and 2J families of epoxygenases are expressed at highest levels in proximal tubule and collecting duct.415,417 When isolated nephron segments expressing CYP450 protein have been incubated with arachidonic acid, production of CYP450 arachidonic acid metabolites can be detected. 20HETE and EETs are both produced in the afferent arterioles,418 glomerulus,419 and proximal tubule.420 20-HETE is the predominant CYP450 AA metabolite produced by the TALH and in the pericytes surrounding vasa recta capillaries,421,422 whereas EETs are the predominant CYP450 AA metabolites produced by the collecting duct.423 Renal production of both epoxygenase and hydroxylase metabolites has been shown to be regulated by hormones and growth factors, including angiotensin II, endothelin, bradykinin, parathyroid hormone, and epidermal growth factor.387,412,413 Alterations in dietary salt intake also modulate CYP450 expression and activity.424 Alterations in the production of CYP450 metabolites have also been reported with uninephrectomy, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension.412,413

cells, and its afferent arteriolar vasoconstrictive effects are mediated by closure of KCa channels through a tyrosine kinase- and ERK-dependent mechanism (Fig. 11–15). An interaction between CYP450 arachidonic acid metabolites and nitric oxide has also been demonstrated. NO can inhibit the formation of 20-HETE in renal VSM cells; a significant portion of NO’s vasodilator effects in the preglomerular vasculature appear to be mediated by the inhibition of tonic 20-HETE vasoconstriction, and inhibition of 20-HETE formation attenuates the pressor response and fall in renal blood flow seen with NO synthase inhibition.425,426

Epoxides Unlike CYP450 hydroxylase metabolites, epoxygenase metabolites of arachidonic acid increase renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate.387,412,413 11,12-EET and 14,15-EET vasodilate the preglomerular arterioles independently of COX activity, whereas 5,6-EET and 8,9-EET cause COX-dependent vasodilation or vasoconstriction.427 It is possible that these COX-dependent effects are mediated by COX conversion of 5,6-EET and 8,9-EET to prostaglandin-or thromboxane-like compounds.428 EETs are produced primarily in the endothelial cells and exert their vasoactive effects on the adjacent smooth muscle cells. In this regard, it has been suggested that EETs, and specifically 11,12-EET, may serve as an endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF) in the renal microcirculation.387,429 EET-induced vasodilation is mediated by activation of KCa channels, through cAMP-dependent stimulation of protein kinase C. CYP450 metabolites may serve as either second messengers or modulators of the actions of hormonal and paracrine agents. Vasopressin increases renal production of CYP450 metabolites, and increases in intracellular calcium and proliferation in cultured renal mesangial cells are augmented by EET administration.430 CYP450 metabolites also may serve to modulate the renal hemodynamic responses of endothelin-1, with 20-HETE as a possible mediator of the vasoconstrictive effects and EETs counteracting the vasoconstriction.431,432 Formation of 20-HETE does not affect the ability of ET-1 to increase free intracellular calcium transients in renal vascular smooth muscle intracellular but appears to enhance the sustained elevations that represent calcium influx through voltage-sensitive channels.

Vasculature 20-HETE In rat and dog renal arteries and afferent arterioles, 20-HETE is a potent vasoconstrictor,418 whereas it is a vasodilator in rabbit renal arterioles. The vasoconstriction is associated with membrane depolarization and a sustained rise in intracellular calcium. 20-HETE is produced in the smooth muscle

Bradykinin Acetylcholine Phospholipids


Endothelial cell


Arachidonic acid cP450 (2C)



FIGURE 11–15 Proposed interactions of CYP450 arachidonic acid metabolites derived from vascular endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells to regulate vascular tone.

+ K+

Phospholipase Smooth muscle cell

Angiotensin II

Arachidonic acid

cP450 (4A) Em


20-HETE –

Angiotensin II

Em K+


Endothelin NE Ca2+

CYP450 metabolites have also been implicated in mediation of renal vascular responses to angiotensin II. In the presence of AT1 receptor blockers, angiotensin II produces an endothelial-dependent vasodilation in rabbit afferent arterioles that is dependent on CYP450 epoxygenase metabolites production by AT2 receptor activation.433 With intact AT1 receptors, angiotensin II increases 20-HETE release from isolated preglomerular microvessels through an endothelium-independent mechanism.434 Angiotensin II’s vasoconstrictive effects are in part the result of 20-HETE-mediated inhibition of KCa, which enhances sustained increases in intracellular calcium concentration by calcium influx through voltage-sensitive channels. Inhibition of 20-HETE production reduces the vasoconstrictor response to ANG II by >50% in rat renal interlobular arteries in which the endothelium has been removed.434

Tubuloglomerular Feedback



CYP450 metabolites may also be involved in the tubuloglomerular feedback response.413 As noted, 20-HETE is produced by both the afferent arteriole and macula densa, and studies have suggested the possibility that 20-HETE may either serve as a vasoconstrictive mediator of tubuloglomerular feedback (TGF) released by the macula densa or a second messenger in the afferent arteriole in response to mediators released by the macula densa, such as adenosine or ATP.438 20-HETE may also be a mediator of regulation of intrarenal distribution of blood flow.439,440

Tubules 20-HETE and EETs both inhibit tubular sodium reabsorption.412,413 Renal cortical interstitial infusion of the nonselective CYP450 inhibitor 17-ODYA increases papillary blood flow, renal interstitial hydrostatic pressure, and sodium excretion without affecting total renal blood flow or glomerular filtration rate. High dietary salt intake in rats increases expression of the renal epoxygenase 2C23 and production and urinary excretion of EETs, while decreasing 20-HETE production in renal cortex.411,424 14,15-EET has also been shown to inhibit renin secretion441; furthermore, clotrimazole, which is a relatively selective epoxygenase inhibitor, induced hypertension in rats fed a high salt diet, suggesting a role in regulation of blood pressure.424

Proximal Tubule The proximal tubule contains the highest concentration of CYP450 within the mammalian kidney and expresses minimal cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase activity. The 4A

Arachidonic Acid Metabolites and the Kidney

CYP450 metabolites of AA have been shown to be mediators of renal blood flow autoregulatory mechanisms. When prostaglandin production was blocked in canine arcuate arteries, arachidonic acid administration enhanced myogenic responsiveness, and renal blood flow autoregulation was blocked by CYP450 inhibitors.387,413 Similarly, in the rat juxtamedullary preparation, selective blockade of 20-HETE formation significantly decreased afferent arteriolar vasoconstrictor responses to elevations in perfusion pressure, and inhibition of epoxygenase activity enhanced vasoconstriction,435 suggesting that 20-HETE is involved in afferent arteriolar autoregulatory adjustment, whereas release of vasodilatory epoxygenase metabolites in response to increases in renal perfusion pressure acts to attenuate the vasoconstriction. In vivo studies have also implicated 20-HETE as a mediator of the autoregulatory response to increased perfusion pressure.436 Bradykinininduced efferent arteriolar vasodilation has been shown to be mediated in part by direct release of EETs from this vascular segment. In addition, bradykinin-induced release of 20-HETE from the glomerulus can modulate the EET-mediated vasodilation.437

CYP450 family of hydroxylases that produce 19- and 20- 389 HETE is highly expressed in mammalian proximal tubule.271 CYP450 enzymes of both the 2C and 2J family that catalyze the formation of EETs are also expressed in the proximal tubule.411 Both EETs and 20-HETE have been shown to be produced in the proximal tubule and have been proposed to be modulators of sodium reabsorption in the proximal tubule. Studies in isolated perfused proximal tubule indicate that 20-HETE inhibits sodium transport whereas 19-HETE stimulates sodium transport, suggesting that 19-HETE may serve as CH 11 competitive antagonist of 20-HETE.420,442 Administration of EETs inhibits amiloride-sensitive sodium transport in primary cultures of proximal tubule cells443 and in LLC-PK1 cells, a non-transformed, immortalized cell line from pig kidney with proximal tubule characteristics.444,445 20-HETE has been proposed to be a mediator of hormonal inhibition of proximal tubule reabsorption by PTH, dopamine, angiotensin II, and EGF. Although the mechanisms of 20-HETE’s inhibition have not yet been completely elucidated, there is evidence that it can inhibit Na+/K+-ATPase activity by phosphorylation of the Na+/K+-ATPase alpha subunit through a protein kinase C dependent pathway.446,447 Epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs) may also serve as second messengers in the proximal tubule for EGF448 and angiotensin II.449 In the proximal tubule, angiotensin II has been noted to exert a biphasic response on net sodium uptake via AT1 receptors, with low (10–10–10–11) concentrations stimulating and high (10–7) concentrations inhibiting net uptake.449 Such high concentrations are not normally seen in plasma but may exist in the proximal tubule lumen as a result of the local production of angiotensin II by proximal tubule.450 The mechanisms by which CYPP450 AA metabolites modulate proximal tubule reabsorption have not been completely elucidated, and may involve both luminal (NHE3) and basolateral (Na+/K+ATPase) transporters.443,446 CYP450 arachidonic acid metabolites may modulate the proximal tubule component of the pressure-natriuresis response.451 20-HETE also serves as a second messenger to regulation transport in the thick ascending limb. It is produced in this nephron segment416 and can inhibit net Na-K-Cl cotransport, by direct inhibition of the transporter and by blocking the 70-pS apical K+ channel.452,453 In addition, 20-HETE has been implicated as a mediator of the inhibitory effects of angiotensin II454 and bradykinin455 on TALH transport.

Collecting Duct In the collecting duct, EETs and/or their diol metabolites serve as inhibitors of the hydroosmotic effects of vasopressin, as well as inhibitors of sodium transport in this segment.423,456 The latter effects were specific for 5,6-EET and were blocked by cyclooxygenase inhibitors.456 Patch clamp studies have indicated that the eNaC sodium channel activity in the cortical collecting duct is inhibited by 11,12-EET.457

Role in Mitogenesis In rat mesangial cells, endogenous non-cyclooxygenase metabolites of arachidonic acid modulate the proliferative responses to phorbol esters, vasopressin, and EGF, and agonist-induced expression of the immediate early response genes c-fos and Egr-1 is inhibited by ketoconazole or nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA), but not specific lipoxygenase inhibitors.458 EET-mediated increases in rat mesangial cell proliferation was the first direct evidence that CYP450 arachidonic acid metabolites are cellular mitogens.459 In cultured rabbit proximal tubule cells, CYP450 inhibitors blunted EGF-stimulated proliferation in proximal tubule cells.448 In LLCPKcl4, EETs were found to be potent mitogens,

390 cytoprotective agents, and second messengers for EGF signaling. 14,15-EET-mediated signaling and mitogenesis are dependent upon EGF receptor transactivation, which is mediated by metalloproteinase-dependent release of HB-EGF.460 In addition to the EETs, 20-HETE has been shown to increase thymidine incorporation in primary cultures of rat proximal tubule and LLC-PK1 cells461 and vascular smooth muscle cells.462

Role in Hypertension CH 11 There is increasing evidence that the renal production of CYP450 AA metabolites is altered in a variety of models of hypertension and that blockade of the formation of compounds can alter blood pressure in several of these models. CYP450 AA metabolites may have both pro- and antihypertensive properties. At the level of the renal tubule, both 20HETE and EETs inhibit sodium transport. However, in the vasculature, 20-HETE promotes vasoconstriction and hypertension, whereas EETs are endothelial-derived vasodilators that have antihypertensive properties. Rats fed a high salt diet increase expression of the CYP450 epoxygenase 2C23463 and develop hypertension if treated with a relatively selective epoxygenase inhibitor. Because EETs have antihypertensive properties, efforts are underway to develop selective inhibitors of soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH), which converts active EETs to their inactive metabolites, DHETs, and thereby increase EET levels. Studies in rats indicated that one such sEH inhibitor, 1-cyclohexyl-3-dodecylurea, lowered blood pressure and reduced glomerular and tubulointerstitial injury in an angiotensin II-mediated model of hypertension in rats.464 In DOCA/salt hypertension, administration of a CYP450 inhibitor prevented the development of hypertension.465,466 Angiotensin II stimulates the formation of 20-HETE in the renal circulation,467 and 20-HETE synthesis inhibition attenuates angiotensin II mediated renal vasoconstriction434 and reduced angiotensin II-mediated hypertension.466 The CYP450 4A2 gene is regulated by salt and is overexpressed in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR),468 and production of both 20HETE and diHETEs is increased and production of EETs is reduced.271,469 CYP450 inhibitors or antisense oligonucleotides directed against CYP4A1 and 4A2 lowered blood pressure in SHR.470,471 Conversely, recent studies in humans have indicated that a variant of the human CYP4A11 with reduced 20-HETE synthase activity is associated with hypertension.472 In Dahl salt sensitive rats (Dahl S), pressure-natriuresis in response to salt loading is shifted such that the kidney requires a higher perfusion pressure to excrete the same amount of sodium as normotensive salt resistant (Dahl R) rats,411–413 which is due at least in part to increased TALH reabsorption. The production of 20-HETE and expression of CYP4A protein are reduced in the outer medulla and TALH of Dahl S rats relative to Dahl R, which is consistent with the observed effect of 20-HETE to inhibit TALH transport. In addition, Dahl S rats do not increase EET production in response to salt loading. Studies have indicated that angiotensin II acts on AT2 receptors on renal vascular endothelial cells to release EETs that may then counteract AT1-induced renal vasoconstriction and may influence pressure natriuresis.427,473,474 AT2 receptor knockout mice develop hypertension,475 which is associated with blunted pressure natriuresis, reduced renal blood flow, and glomerular filtration rate and defects in kidney 20-HETE production.475

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The writing of this chapter was supported by grants from the Veterans Administration and National Institute of Diabetes

and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) to RCH (DK39261 and DK62794) and MDB (DK37097 and DK39261).

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Arachidonic Acid Metabolites and the Kidney

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CHAPTER 12 Control of Extracellular Fluid Volume, 398 Afferent Limb: Sensors for Fluid Homeostasis, 398 Efferent Limb: Effectors for Fluid Homeostasis, 402 Pathophysiology of Edema Formation, 419 Local Mechanisms in Interstitial Fluid Accumulation, 420 Renal Sodium Retention and Edema Formation in Congestive Heart Failure, 420 Renal Sodium Retention and Edema Formation in Cirrhosis with Ascites, 437

Extracellular Fluid and Edema Formation Karl L. Skorecki • Joseph Winaver • Zaid A. Abassi


The volume of extracellular fluid (ECF) is maintained within narrow limits in normal human subjects, despite day-to-day variations in dietary intake of salt and water over a wide range. Plasma volume, in turn determined by the total ECF volume and the partitioning of this volume between extravascular and intravascular compartments according to the dictates of the Starling relationship, also remains remarkably constant despite alterations in dietary salt intake (Fig. 12–1). The relationship of ECF volume and, in particular, the volume of the plasma compartment to overall vascular capacitance determines such fundamental indices of cardiovascular performance as mean arterial blood pressure and left ventricular filling volume. Given the rigorous defense of ECF sodium (Na+) concentration, mediated mainly by osmoregulatory mechanisms concerned with external water balance (see Chapter 13), the quantity of Na+ determines the volume of this compartment. Surfeits or deficits of total body water alter serum Na+ concentration and osmolality but contribute little to determining the volume of the ECF. As vascular capacitance and Na+ intake change in response to a given physiologic or pathologic stimulus, the renal excretion of Na+ adjusts to restore ECF volume to a level appropriate to the renewed setting of vascular capacitance. The overall relationship among Na+ intake, ECF volume, and Na+ excretion can be considered in pharmacokinetic terms. Such consideration has led to a shifting steady-state model for overall Na+ homeostasis,1 as opposed to the constant “set-point” model (see also Reinhardt and Seeliger2 and references therein). According to the shifting steady-state model, in any given steady state, total daily Na+ intake and excretion are equal. Acute deviations from a preexisting steady state, consequent to an alteration in Na+ intake or extrarenal excretion, results in an adjustment in renal Na+ excretion. This adjustment in renal Na+ excretion occurs as a result of a new total body Na+ content and ECF volume, and it aims to restore the preexisting steady state. This differs from the “set-point” model, in which the control system aims to reach a constant total body Na+ (“set-point”).2 The establishment of a new steady-state level of Na+ intake and excretion in the shifting steady-state model reflects a new total body Na+ content and ECF volume. Alternatively, an alteration in the capacitance of the extracellular compartment can also result in an adjustment in renal Na+ excretion, whose aim is to restore the preexisting relationship of volume to capacitance. It is clear that the operation of such a system for Na+ homeostasis requires (1) sensors that detect changes in ECF volume relative to vascular and interstitial capacitance and (2) effector mechanisms that ultimately modify the rate of Na+ excretion by the kidney to meet the demands of volume homeostasis. Adjustments in effector mechanisms occur in response to perceived alterations in sensor input, with the aim of optimizing circulatory performance. Derangements in either sensor or effector mechanisms can lead to disordered Na+ balance and disruption of circulatory integrity. Thus, inability of the kidney to precisely adjust the rate of Na+ excretion to a given Na+ intake may result in the development of positive or negative total body Na+ balance. These perturbations, when present over extended periods, may be clinically manifested as hypertension or edema formation in the case of positive Na+ 398

balance or hypotension and hypovolemia in the case of negative Na+ balance. The purpose of this chapter is to summarize current understanding of the various sensor and effector mechanisms thought to be involved in the normal regulation of ECF volume and the disturbances in the mechanisms that occur in edema-forming states, namely, congestive heart failure (CHF) and cirrhosis with ascites.

Afferent Limb: Sensors for Fluid Homeostasis Fluid homeostasis is essential to the maintenance of circulatory stability, so it is hardly surprising that volume detectors reside at several sites within the vascular bed (Table 12–1). For this discussion, it is useful to consider the afferent sensing sites as comprising cardiopulmonary and arterial baroreceptors as well as renal, central nervous system (CNS), and hepatic sensors. Each compartment can be viewed as reflecting a unique characteristic of overall circulatory function, such as cardiac filling, cardiac output, renal perfusion, and fluid transudation into the interstitial space. Sensors within each compartment monitor a physical parameter (e.g., stretch, tension) that serves as an index of circulatory function within that compartment. The mechanisms by which these sensors operate are not fully elucidated, though our understanding has progressed significantly in recent years. In the past, it was assumed that mechanosensing is performed by afferent sensory nerve endings found primarily in blood vessel walls. However, it is now known that the endothelium may also participate in the process of mechanosensing.3 The mechanisms involved include stretch-activated ion channels, protein kinases associated with the cytoskeleton, integrin-cytoskeletal interactions, cytoskeletal-nuclear interactions, and generation of reactive oxygen species.3 It is also known that mechanical stretch and tension impinging on blood vessel cells can result in altered gene expression, mediated through specific recognition motifs within the upstream promoter elements of responsive genes.4 In

Renal Na+ excretion

Filtered loadtubule resorption

Net Na+ Balance + Normal osmoregulation

ECFV vs. capacitance

Mechanisms for Sensing Regional Changes in Body Fludi Volume

Cardiopulmonary volume sensors Atria (neural/humoral pathways) Ventricular and pulmonary sensing sites Arterial volume sensors Carotid and aortic arch baroreceptors Renal volume sensors Central nervous system sensors Hepatic volume sensors

turn, signals emanating from afferent sites engage efferent mechanisms that effect compensatory changes in renal Na+ excretion. Volume expansion results in an integrated sequence of neural reflexes and hormonal responses that enhances the renal excretion of salt and water. Conversely, the reflex response to volume contraction is renal conservation of salt and water.

Cardiopulmonary Volume Sensors Atrial Sensors The cardiac atria possess the distensibility and the compliance necessary to monitor changes in intrathoracic venous volume. Henry and colleagues5 demonstrated that left atrial distention induces diuresis, as a part of a “volume reflex.” Goetz and associates6 provided a clear demonstration of the effectiveness of changes in atrial transmural pressure in controlling Na+ and water excretion in conscious dogs. Since that time, diuresis and natriuresis as a consequence of increasing atrial wall tension and the role of the atria in overall volume homeostasis have been clearly established. In humans, the role of the atria in volume homeostasis can best be illustrated by studies utilizing maneuvers that alter atrial volume and size, such as head-out water immersion (HWI) and exposure to head-down tilt, which causes a redistribution of blood and fluid from the peripheral to the central circulation and nonhypotensive lower body negative pressure (LBNP) that unloads the cardiopulmonary baroreceptors.7–9 HWI results in increases in central blood volume, central venous pressure, and right atrial and pulmonary arterial transmural pressure gradients. After immersion, brisk natriuresis and diuresis ensue, with an increase in fractional excretion of Na+ comparable with that resulting from saline loading.7 In contrast, the application of nonhypotensive LBNP results in a redistribution of blood to the lower limbs, thereby reducing central venous pressure and cardiac filling pressures without causing detectable changes in arterial pressure or heart rate. This maneuver has been shown by echocardiography to reduce

Sensing mechanisms

atrial diameter. In normal human subjects, LBNP has been shown to result in antidiuresis and antinatriuresis without a significant change in renal plasma flow (RPF).8 These findings point clearly to an atrial sensing mechanism for central venous volume that influences renal Na+ and water excretion. Higher degrees of LBNP, at the hypotensive range, have been used as a model to study the cardiovascular adjustments during progression of acute hemorrhagic shock in humans.10 Nevertheless, the use of these maneuvers to selectively load or unload the cardiopulmonary volume receptors must be faced with caution. In particular, HWI has been shown to cause, in addition to central hypervolemia, a significant degree of hemodilution.11 The external hydrostatic pressure of the water reduces the hydrostatic pressure gradient across the capillary wall in the legs, resulting in a net transfer of fluids from the interstitial compartment to the intravascular compartment. The central blood volume expansion is therefore associated with hemodilution and a significant decrease in the colloid osmotic pressure (COP). The importance of hemodilution and the resultant decrease in COP in mediating the natriuresis of volume expansion was underscored by Cowley and Skelton.12 They suggested that the decrease in COP, rather than stimulation of the cardiopulmonary volume receptors, was the predominant cause of natriuresis during saline infusions in dogs. Supporting this notion are the findings of Johansen and co-workers,13 who demonstrated that preventing hemodilution by placing an inflated (80 mm Hg), tight cuff during HWI abolished the natriuresis. These findings suggest that, during HWI, the combined effects of hemodilution and central blood volume expansion, with their associated neuronal and endocrine changes, play a pivotal role in the initiation of natriuresis. NEURAL PATHWAYS. Neural receptors responsive to mechanical stretch or transmural pressure have been described in the atria. These are thought to be branching ends of small medullated fibers running in the vagus nerve.14 Two populations have been described. Type A receptors, concentrated at the entrance of the great veins into the atria, discharge once per cardiac cycle, beginning with atrial systole. The activity of these receptors is not affected by atrial volume. On the other hand, the activity of type B receptors, which discharge with atrial filling, correlates well with atrial size.14 Stretch and tension signals detected at these sites are believed to travel along cranial nerves IX and X to the hypothalamic and medullary centers, in which a series of responses are initiated: inhibition of release of antidiuretic hormone (ADH), mostly left atrium15; a selective decrease in renal but not lumbar sympathetic nerve discharge16,17; and decreased tone in precapillary and postcapillary resistance vessels in the peripheral vascular bed, the latter influencing the magnitude of transudation of interstitial fluid. Reduction in central venous pressure and atrial size by LBNP exerts a stimulatory

CH 12

Extracellular Fluid and Edema Formation

Interstitial Effector mechanisms

TABLE 12–1



Lymphatic return

FIGURE 12–1 Overall scheme for body Na+ balance and partitioning of extracellular fluid volume (ECFV). In the setting of normal osmoregulation, extracellular Na+ content is the primary determinant of ECFV. Overall Na+ homeostasis depends on the balance between losses (extrarenal and renal) and intake. Renal Na+ excretion is determined by the balance between filtered load and tubule reabsorption. This latter balance is modulated under the influence of effector mechanisms, which, in turn, are responsive to sensing mechanisms that monitor the relation between ECFV and capacitance.


Na+ intake

Extrarenal loss

400 effect on renal nerve activity in humans, as assessed by renal norepinephrine (NE) spillover and plasma NE concentration.9,18 Chronic atrial stretch results in adaptation and downward resetting of these neural responses. Thus, it was demonstrated in rhesus monkeys exposed to 10 degrees of head-down tilt that such an adaptation was responsible for a “shift to the left” in the relationship of urinary Na+ excretion versus central venous pressure during saline infusion.19 This suggests that the kidney responds with natriuresis at a significantly lower cardiac filling pressure under these condiCH 12 tions. Of note, cardiac denervation studies in canine models have shown that cardiac nerves are not essential for stimulating plasma renin activity and Na+ retention after an acute deficit, but they are of importance in the restoration of steadystate Na+ balance after repletion.20 Similarly, disruption of long-term suppression of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) in response to chronic volume expansion occurs after cardiac transplantation in humans.21 HUMORAL PATHWAYS. Early experiments showed that interruption of neural pathways during atrial distention did not completely abolish the natriuresis and diuresis associated with this maneuver, indicating that additional factors were operative. These studies suggested a direct humoral mechanism that emanates from the heart and responds to fullness of the circulation. These findings, and the subsequent discovery by de Bold and colleagues22 in 1981 of a factor in atrial extracts with strong natriuretic and vasodepressor activity, led to the eventual isolation and characterization of natriuretic peptides (NPs) of cardiac origin.23 The first and best characterized of these is atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP). This 28–amino acid peptide belongs to the NP family, which comprises at least two additional structurally related peptides B- and C-type NPs (BNP and CNP, respectively) encoded by different genes.24–26 The NPs are discussed in later sections of this chapter, as are effector mechanism for natriuresis induced by these peptides. Numerous studies in animal models and in human subjects confirmed that a directly induced increment in atrial pressure or stretch results in a sharp release of ANP. It has been estimated that, for each rise of 1 mm Hg in atrial pressure, there is an associated rise of approximately 10 to 15 pmol/L in plasma ANP concentration.27 This release occurs by a process of cleavage of mature circulating 28–amino acid COOHterminus peptide, from prohormone located in preformed stores within atrial granules. Stretch-activated ANP release from atrial myocytes is thought to occur in two steps: a Ca2+sensitive and K+ channel–dependent release of ANP from myocytes into the surrounding intercellular space, followed by a Ca2+-independent translocation of the released ANP into the atrial lumen.28 K+-adenosine triphosphate (ATP) channel blockers such as glibenclamide can block stretch-activated ANP release.29 Maneuvers that activate the afferent mechanism for release of ANP include intravascular volume expansion by supine posture, HWI, saline administration, exercise, angiotensin II (AII) administration, tachycardia, and ventricular dysfunction.25,27 In contrast, a decline in plasma ANP concentration follows volume-depleting maneuvers such as Na+ restriction, furosemide administration, and the reduction in central venous pressure associated with application of LBNP. Whereas the understanding of effects of acute alterations in atrial pressure/volume on ANP release is well established, the role of this peptide in the long-term regulation of volume homeostasis remains controversial.30,31 In particular, a role for the NPs in the long-term of chronic response to changes in dietary salt intake could not be demonstrated. In a study in humans with incremental levels of dietary Na+ intake, it was demonstrated that plasma ANP reflected the steady-state Na+ balance, so that the higher the salt intake, the greater the initial plasma ANP level.32 However, the main finding in this study was the contrasting ANP response to

acute oral compared with intravenous Na+ loading: Plasma ANP increased significantly after intravenous saline infusion but not after the oral Na+ loading.32 In other studies in humans exposed to intravenous volume expansion and oral Na+ loading, no direct correlation could be found between the change in plasma ANP level and the degree of natriuresis.30,33,34 The application of gene-targeting technology in mice provided novel insights regarding the diverse biologic functions of the NP family and their receptors, guanylate cyclases A and B (GC-A and GC-B, respectively). John and co-workers35 demonstrated that ANP-gene knockout mice displayed a reduced natriuretic response to acute ECF volume expansion compared with the wild-type mice. However, when the mice were maintained on a high-NaCl (8.0%) or low-NaCl (0.008%) diet for 1 week, their cumulative Na+ and water excretions were comparable with those of wild-type mice. The main perturbation observed in mice with ANP-gene disruption was a significant increase in mean arterial pressure (MAP).35 Additional studies demonstrated that disruption of the gene for ANP or its receptor, GC-A, demonstrated that this system is essential for maintenance of normal blood pressure but, in addition, exerts local antihypertrophic effects on the heart. Disruption of the genes encoding for the other members of the NP family, BNP and CNP or the GC-B, demonstrated that these peptides are probably not involved in the physiologic regulation of renal Na+ excretion, but instead exert local paracrine/autocrine cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)– mediated effects on cellular proliferation and differentiation in various tissues (for recent reviews, see Kuhn26,36). It appears, therefore, that regulation of ECF volume and blood pressure is only one facet of the diverse biologic actions of the NP family. Ventricular and Pulmonary Sensors Ventricular receptors have usually been regarded solely in the context of reflex changes in heart rate and peripheral vascular resistance (PVR). However, several studies in the past suggested that nerve terminals in ventricles and in the pulmonary vasculature may be involved in sensing changes in blood volume. Increased left ventricular pressure in conscious dogs was found to cause a reflex inhibition of plasma renin activity,37 and a coronary baroreceptor reflex, linking increased coronary artery pressure to decreased lumbar and renal sympathetic discharge, has also been detected.38 In the lung, unmyelinated juxtapulmonary capillary (J) receptors have been found (adjacent to pulmonary capillaries) in the interstitium of the lungs.14 The position of these receptors makes them ideally suited to detect interstitial edema before fluid enters the alveolar space. These afferent nerves join those from the atria in cranial nerves IX and X. Nevertheless, the role played by these ventricular and pulmonary receptors to overall regulation of ECF volume and Na+ remains to be determined.

Arterial Sensors The low-pressure receptors described previously assess the fullness of the capacitance system of the vascular tree and may be geared to defend against excessive ECF expansion with the attendant deleterious consequences of pulmonary and systemic venous congestion. However, a primary role of the cardiovascular system is to optimize tissue perfusion. Therefore, it seems logical that sensing mechanisms within the arterial circuit should also have input into overall volume homeostasis and serve to defend primarily against perceived depletion of ECF volume relative to capacitance. An increase in arterial pressure causes vascular distention and baroreceptor deformation. This depolarizes the nerve endings by opening mechanosensitive ion channels and triggers action potential discharge. Baroreceptor activity and sensitivity can be further modified during sustained increases in arterial

Carotid Baroreceptor Histologic and molecular analysis of the carotid baroreceptor has indicated a large content of elastic tissue in the tunica media, which renders the vessel wall in the region highly distensible to changes in intraluminal pressure, thereby facilitating transmission of the stimulus intensity to sensory nerve terminals. Afferent signals from the baroreceptors are integrated in the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS).42 Mapping of the neural projections emanating from the carotid baroreceptor in the NTS of the medulla has been greatly facilitated by measurement of changes in the level of expression of the c-fos proto-oncogene after selective baroreceptor stimulation, which may vary according to different pressure thresholds.43 Occlusion of the common carotid artery was used in the past to alter renal sympathetic activity and Na+ excretion by the kidney in experimental animals. Common carotid arterial occlusion enhances the activity of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and augments renal sympathetic nerve activity. Interestingly, carotid occlusion is sometimes associated with a large natriuresis despite augmented renal sympathetic activation. This is most likely secondary to increases in arterial pressure that result in pressure natriuresis. Moreover, it has been demonstrated in humans that carotid baroreflexes may be modified by maneuvers that alter vascular volume. For example, in normal human subjects, high salt intake blunts the carotid baroreceptors.44 Renal Sensors In addition to its role as a major effector target responding to signals indicating the need for adjustments in Na+ excretion, the kidney participates in the afferent limb of volume homeostasis. The sensor and effector limbs for volume homeostasis are juxtaposed in the kidney. Therefore, volume expansion and depletion may be sensed through alterations in glomerular hemodynamics and possibly renal interstitial pressure that result simultaneously in adjustments in physical forces governing tubule Na+ handling. These are described in greater detail later. The kidney, along with other organs, has the ability to maintain constant blood flow and GFR at varying arterial pressures. This phenomenon, termed autoregulation (see also Chapter 3), operates over a wide range of alterations in renal perfusion pressure (RPP). Changes in RPP are “sensed” by smooth muscle elements that serve as baroreceptors in the afferent glomerular arteriole and respond by adjusting transmural pressure and tension across the arteriolar wall (myogenic response).45 In addition to this myogenic reflex component, the juxtaglomerular apparatus–dependent tubuloglomerular feedback (TGF) contributes to the maintenance of volume homeostasis.45–47 These mechanisms serve to minimize the changes in RPF and GFR when renal perfusion pressure is altered and thus maintain the filtered load of Na+. The juxtaglomerular apparatus is important not only because

of the TGF mechanism but also because of its involvement in 401 the generation and release of renin from the kidney.45,47 The physiologic control of renin release from the cells in the juxtaglomerular apparatus is exerted in three ways, all of which vary with ECF volume, thereby defining the juxtaglomerular apparatus as an important sensing site for volume homeostasis. First, renin secretion has been shown to be inversely related to perfusion pressure and directly related to intrarenal tissue pressure. The release of renin is further augmented when RPP falls below the autoregulatory range. A second mechanism influencing renin secretion is solute delivery to CH 12 the macula densa. An increase in NaCl delivery passing the macula densa results in inhibition of renin release, whereas a decrease has the opposite effect. Sensing at the macula densa site is mediated by the entry of NaCl, through the Na,K,2Cl co-transport mechanism, which further leads to alterations in intracellular calcium concentration.48 Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and adenosine are also involved in the release of renin.48 A third mechanism involved in renin secretion concerns the influence of renal nerves.49 Renal nerve stimulation increases the release of renin via direct activation of β-adrenoceptors on juxtaglomerular granular cells. This activation is followed promptly by release of renin, an effect that can be dissociated from major changes in renal hemodynamics. Sympathetic stimulation also affects intrarenal baroreceptor input, the composition of the fluid delivered to the macula densa, and the renal actions of AII, such that renal nerves may serve primarily to potentiate other controlling signals.49

Central Nervous System Sensors Several studies in the past suggested that certain areas in the CNS may act as sensors to detect alterations in body salt balance. This hypothesis was based primarily on experiments showing that intracerebral administration of hypertonic saline solutions was associated with alterations in renal salt excretion (CNS-induced natriuresis) or in renal nerve activity.50,51 The activity of various neuroendocrine systems in the CNS, in particular the RAAS and ANP, may be also influenced by alterations in Na+ balance. Thus, it was demonstrated that alterations in dietary Na+ intake may regulate the contribution of brain AII in the modulation of baroreflex regulation of renal sympathetic nerve activity.52 Indeed, administration of AII into the cerebral ventricles impairs baroreflex regulation of renal sympathetic nerve activity.52 Neurons that release ANP (ANPergic neurons) are located in the paraventricular nucleus and in a region extending to the anteroventral third ventricle (AV3V). These neurons act to inhibit water and salt intake by blocking the action of AII.53,54 Stimulation of neurons in the AV3V region causes natriuresis and an increase in circulating ANP, whereas lesions in the AV3V region and caudally in the median eminence or neural lobe decrease resting ANP release and the response to blood volume expansion.53,54 However, despite the substantial evidence linking the CNS with the regulation of ECF volume homeostasis, the nature of the sensing mechanisms and their mode of operation remain largely unknown.

Role of the Gastrointestinal Tract in the Regulation of Extracellular Fluid Volume and Sodium Balance

Under normal physiologic conditions, intake of Na+ and water reaches the ECF by absorption from the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). It is, therefore, reasonable to assume that some sensing and controlling mechanisms may exist within the GIT itself that participate in the regulation of ECF volume and Na+ balance. Experimental evidence supporting the latter contention has accumulated in the past 4 decades. Early studies in humans suggested that urinary excretion of an oral Na+ load

Extracellular Fluid and Edema Formation

pressure and in pathologic states associated with endothelial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and platelet activation.39,40 Evidence favoring the presence of volume-sensitive receptors in the arterial circuit in humans originally derived from the classic observations by Epstein and co-workers41 in subjects with arteriovenous (AV) fistulas. Closure of fistulas resulted in prompt natriuresis without changes in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) or RPF, whereas re-establishment of fistula patency reduced urinary Na+ excretion. These responses occurred in spite of a decline in hydraulic pressures in the atria and pulmonary vasculature with fistula closure, suggesting that underfilling of the arterial tree signals the kidney to retain Na+ and vice versa. Such sensors in the arterial (highpressure) circulation exist in the carotid sinus and aortic arch as well as in the renal vasculature.

402 may be faster and more pronounced than the response to the same Na+ load given by intravenous infusion.55 Similarly, studies in experimental animals demonstrated that infusions of hypertonic NaCl directly into the portal vein caused a greater natriuresis than a similar infusion into the femoral vein. These findings were interpreted to suggest the presence of Na+-sensing mechanisms in the splanchnic and/or portal circulations in the GIT. Several mechanisms of neural and hormonal origin have been proposed. CH 12 Hepatic Receptors Two main neural reflexes have been described.56,57 The “hepatorenal” and “hepatointestinal” reflexes originate from receptors in the hepatoportal region. They transduce portal plasma Na+ concentration into hepatic afferent nerve activity and reflexively augment renal Na+ excretion and attenuate intestinal Na+ absorption before a measurable increase in systemic Na+ concentration takes place. Studies in conscious rabbits subjected to intravenous infusion of 20% NaCl solution demonstrated that this procedure caused a marked decrease in renal nerve activity and increased urinary Na+ excretion.58 Similar findings were reported in other species, supporting a role of the “hepatorenal reflex” in the regulation of renal nerve activity and augmentation of urinary Na+ excretion.56,57 In addition, signals originating in hepatoportal sensors can also control the intestinal absorption of an Na+ load. The intraportal infusion of 9% NaCl solution causes depression of Na+ absorption across the jejunum.59 The afferent limbs of this reflex, referred to as the hepatointestinal reflex, are the hepatic nerves, and the efferent limbs travel through the vagus nerve. The chemical inactivation of the NTS abolishes the depressing effect of intraportal NaCl infusion on jejunal absorption, suggesting that the NTS is involved in the hepatointestinal reflex. In conclusion, specialized receptors in the hepatoportal region transfer the signal of an increased portal plasma Na+ concentration into an increase in hepatic afferent nerve activity. These afferent signals, in turn, activate the hepatorenal reflex (augmentation of renal Na+ excretion) and the hepatointestinal reflex (suppression of salt absorption across the intestine). It has been suggested that the hepatoportal receptor senses the Na+ concentration via the bumetanide-sensitive Na+K+2Cl− cotransporter, because the responses of hepatic afferent nerve activity to intraportal hypertonic NaCl injection were suppressed by intraportal infusion of furosemide or bumetanide.60 In addition to chemoreceptors (i.e., Na+ sensors) in the hepatoportal area, the normal human liver also contains mechanoreceptors (baroreceptors). Increased intrahepatic hydrostatic pressure has been shown in the past to be associated with enhanced renal sympathetic activity and renal Na+ retention in various experimental models.61,62 Convincing evidence for a role of the intrahepatic baroreceptors in the modulation of renal salt retention was provided in 1987 by Levy and Wexler.61 These investigators used the model of thoracic caval constriction in dogs to raise intrahepatic pressure without driving fluid from the vascular space as ascites. When venous pressure was increased by 6.6 cm H2O, Na+ balance studies showed a positive cumulative balance that could be prevented by liver denervation.61 Although the nature of the volume- and Na+-sensing mechanism has not been clarified, it is thought to play an important role in the pathogenesis of primary renal Na+ retention associated with intrahepatic hypertension (see Renal Sodium Retention and Edema Formation in Cirrhosis with Ascites). Guanylin Peptides: Intestinal Natriuretic Hormones In addition to the Na+-sensing mechanisms in the liver and GIT, an effector hormonal mechanism linking the gut with the kidney has been sought to account for the phenomenon of postprandial natriuresis. As pointed out previously, it has

been suggested in the past that the natriuretic response of the kidney to an Na+ load is more rapid when the load is delivered orally than when the same load is administered intravenously.55 Although the latter finding remains controversial,63 in the past decade, a novel family of cGMP-regulating peptides has been identified that may act as “intestinal natriuretic hormones.”36,64–67 Guanylin and uroguanylin, the main representatives of the family, are small, heat-stable peptides with intramolecular disulfide bridges that share similarity with the bacterial heat-stable enterotoxins that cause “traveler’s diarrhea.” Guanylin and uroguanylin were first isolated from rat jejunum and opossum urine, respectively.68,69 In the intestine, guanylin and uroguanylin modulate epithelial ion and water transport by a local mechanism of action, which involves binding to and activation of the receptor guanylyl cyclase-C (GC-C), a transmembrane 1050– to 1053–amino acid protein that is present in the intestinal brush border. Guanylin apparently plays a regulatory role in intestinal fluid and electrolyte transport through the second messenger cGMP. GC-C is structurally similar to the membrane-bound GC-A and GC-B, which serve as receptors of the NP family.64,67 In addition to these secretory effects, studies in mice with targeted inactivation of the guanylin gene suggest that this intestinal peptide has an important role in controlling intestinal epithelial cell proliferation and differentiation, via GC-C.36 It has been suggested that guanylin peptides, in particular uroguanylin, may also serve in intrarenal signaling pathways influencing cGMP production in renal cells, thus linking the digestive system and the kidney in the control of Na+ homeostasis.65–67,70 The following arguments favor the latter hypothesis.34,36 First, intestinal guanylin and uroguanylin mRNA levels are modulated by oral salt intake. Second, both peptides may be detected in the circulation, and high concentrations of uroguanylin are excreted in the urine. Moreover, these hormones stimulate renal electrolyte excretion by inducing natriuresis, kaliuresis, and diuresis.67 Finally, Lorenz and co-workers71 recently showed that mice lacking the uroguanylin gene displayed an impaired natriuretic response to oral salt loading, but not to intravenous NaCl infusion. Interestingly, uroguanylin knockout mice exhibited an increase of 10 to 15 mm Hg in their MAP, regardless of the level of dietary salt intake. Taken together, these data highly suggest a role, at least for uroguanylin, as a natriuretic hormone, which adjusts urinary Na+ excretion to balance the levels of NaCl absorbed via the GIT.66 The importance of this system in the control of renal Na+ excretion in humans awaits further clarification.

Efferent Limb: Effectors for Fluid Homeostasis Major renal effector mechanisms include glomerular filtration, peritubular and luminal factors, and humoral and neural mechanisms (Table 12–2). In humans, normal glomerular filtration leads to the delivery of approximately 4000 mmol of Na+/day for downstream processing by the tubules. Of this quantity, the vast majority (>99%) is reabsorbed, leaving the small remainder to escape into the final urine. It is clear from this simple calculation that even minute changes in the relationship between filtered load and fraction of Na+ reabsorbed can exert a profound cumulative influence on overall Na+ balance. However, even marked perturbations in GFR are not necessarily associated with drastic alterations in urinary Na+ excretion, and hence, overall Na+ balance is most often preserved. This preservation of Na+ homeostasis is the consequence of appropriate adjustments in two important protective mechanisms, namely, TGF control of GFR acting through macula densa47 and

TABLE 12–2


Major Renal Effector Mechanisms for Body Fluid Volume Homeostasis



Peritubular and luminal factors Peritubular capillary Starling forces Luminal composition Medullary interstitial composition Transtubular ion gradients

Renal nerves



⌬␲ ⌬␲


CH 12

⌬P 0

10 Glomerular Capillary

⌬P 1

Peritubular Capillary


10 Glomerular Capillary

1 Peritubular Capillary


glomerular-tubule balance (GTB). The latter term describes the ability of proximal tubular reabsorption to adapt proportionally to the changes in filtered load. Indeed, numerous studies in the past revealed that the modest changes in GFR that accompany volume expansion and depletion maneuvers are not sufficient to explain the accompanying adjustments in urinary Na+ excretion. Rather, these studies suggested that local intrarenal factors, acting at the level of the coupling of tubule reabsorption to glomerular filtration, are responsible for regulating urinary Na+ excretion, responding to afferent limb signals that are responsive to volume perturbation. In the following sections, these intrarenal physical factors, acting at the level of the proximal tubule and beyond, are discussed. In addition, the neural and humoral factors that modulate tubule transport, through these physical factors or through direct epithelial transport effects, are considered.

Intrarenal Physical Factors Peritubular Factors Infusions of saline or albumin solutions to experimental animals and humans have been frequently used as a tool to study the mechanisms of the natriuretic response to ECF volume expansion. These experiments were performed usually on an acute basis and, therefore, may bear little relevance to the chronic regulation of ECF Na+ balance. Nevertheless, the findings in many of these investigations led to the notion that alterations in hydraulic and oncotic pressures (Starling forces) in the peritubular capillary play an important role in the regulation of Na+ and water transport, in particular at the proximal nephron. The peritubular capillary network is anatomically connected in series with the glomerular capillary bed through the efferent arteriole, so that changes in the physical determinants of GFR critically influence Starling forces in the peritubular capillaries. In the proximal tubule, the relation of hydraulic and oncotic driving forces to the transcapillary fluid flux is given by the Starling relationship: APR = ˜c − Pi)], in which APR is the absolute rate of reabKr[(πc − πi) −(P sorption of proximal tubule absorbate by the peritubular capillary; Kr is the capillary reabsorption coefficient (the product of capillary hydraulic conductivity and absorptive surface area); πc and Pc are the local capillary oncotic and hydraulic pressures, respectively; and πi and Pi are the corresponding interstitial pressures. πi and Pc are forces that oppose fluid absorption, whereas πc and Pi tend to favor uptake of reabsorbate. The simultaneous determination of these driving forces

FIGURE 12–2 The glomerular and peritubular microcirculations. Left, Approximate transcapillary pressure profiles for the glomerular and peritubular capillaries in normal humans. Vessel lengths are given in normalized, nondimensional terms, with 0 being the most proximal portion of the capillary bed and 1 the most distal portion. Thus, 0 for the glomerulus corresponds to the afferent arteriolar end of the capillary bed, and 1 to the efferent arteriolar end. The transcapillary hydraulic pressure difference (∆P) is relatively constant with distance along the glomerular capillary, and the net driving force for ultrafiltration (∆P − ∆π) diminishes primarily as a consequence of the increase in the opposing colloid osmotic pressure difference (∆π), the latter resulting from the formation of an essentially protein-free ultrafiltrate. As a result of the hydraulic pressure drop along the efferent arteriole, the net driving pressure in the peritubular capillaries (∆P − ∆π) becomes negative, favoring reabsorption. Right, The hemodynamic alterations that are believed to occur in the renal microcirculation in congestive heart failure (CHF). The fall in renal plasma flow (RPF) in CHF is associated with a compensatory increase in ∆P for the glomerular capillary, favoring a greater-than-normal rise in the plasma protein concentration and, hence, ∆π along the glomerular capillary. This increase in the value of ∆π by the distal end of the glomerular capillary also translates to an increase in ∆π in the peritubular capillaries, resulting in the increase in the net driving pressure, responsible for enhanced proximal tubule fluid absorption, that is believed to take place in CHF. The increased peritubular capillary absorptive force in CHF also probably results from the decline in ∆P, a presumed consequence of the rise in renal vascular resistance. (From Humes HD, Gottlieb M, Brenner BM: The Kidney in Congestive Heart Failure: Contemporary Issues in Nephrology, Vol 1. New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1978, pp 51–72.)

allows an analysis of the net pressure favoring fluid absorption or filtration. As a consequence of the anatomic relationship of the postglomerular efferent arteriole to the peritubular capillary, the hydraulic pressure in the peritubular capillary is significantly lower than in the glomerular capillary. The function of the efferent arteriole as a resistance vessel contributes to a decrease in hydraulic pressure between the glomerulus and the peritubular capillary. Also, because the peritubular capillary receives blood from the glomerulus, the plasma oncotic pressure is high at the outset as a result of prior filtration of protein-free fluid. It follows that the greater the GFR relative to plasma flow rate (the filtration fraction), the greater the efferent arteriolar plasma protein concentration and the lower the proximal peritubule capillary hydraulic pressure, consequently favoring enhanced proximal fluid reabsorption (Fig. 12–2). Therefore, in contradistinction to the glomerular and peripheral capillary, the peritubular capillary is characterized by high values of (πc − πi), which greatly exceed (Pc − Pi), resulting in net reabsorption of fluid. The relation of proximal reabsorption to filtration fraction may contribute to Na+retaining and edema-forming states, such as CHF (see Fig. 12–2).

Extracellular Fluid and Edema Formation

Humoral effector mechanisms Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system Antidiuretic hormone Prostaglandins Natriuretic peptides Endothelium-derived factors Endothelins Nitric oxide (endothelium-derived relaxing factor)

Arbitrary Pressure Units

Glomerular filtration rate

Compelling experimental evidence for the relationship between proximal peritubular Starling forces and proximal fluid reabsorption came from a series of a series of in vivo micropuncture and microperfusion studies by Brenner and colleagues.72–75 In the earlier studies, rat efferent arterioles were perfused with various oncotic solutions, and it was shown that APR varied directly with the oncotic force of the perfusate and with constancy of GFR, thus providing evidence that changes in efferent arteriolar protein concentration directly modify proximal reabsorption independent of 72 CH 12 GFR. To determine whether primary decreases in GFR regulate APR through effects on efferent arteriolar protein concentration, rats were studied after partial aortic constriction, a maneuver that reduced the single-nephron GFR (SNGFR) and the APR proportionately and decreased filtration fraction. APR was maintained at control levels with iso-oncotic albumin infusions that returned the efferent arteriolar plasma protein concentration to normal without changing GFR. In this way, the GTB could be modified by the prevailing peritubular oncotic pressure, with the link between GFR and APR again being related to changes in filtration fraction and peritubular capillary oncotic pressure. From these studies, the role of peritubular forces in the setting of increased ECF volume can be summarized as follows: 1. Acute saline expansion results in dilution of plasma proteins and reduction in efferent arteriolar oncotic pressure. SNGFR and peritubular capillary hydraulic pressures may be increased as well, but the decrease in peritubular oncotic pressure in itself results in a decreased net peritubular capillary reabsorptive force and decreased APR. GTB is disrupted because APR falls despite the tendency for SNGFR to rise. 2. Iso-oncotic plasma infusions tend to raise SNGFR and peritubular capillary hydraulic pressures but lead to relative constancy of efferent arteriolar oncotic pressure. APR may therefore decrease slightly, resulting in less disruption of GTB and natriuresis of lesser magnitude than that observed with saline expansion. 3. Hyperoncotic expansion usually increases SNGFR (because of volume expansion) as well as APR, the latter resulting from increased efferent arteriolar oncotic pressure. GTB therefore tends to be better preserved than with iso-oncotic plasma or saline expansion. The possibility that changes in peritubular COP may alter proximal fluid reabsorption was also demonstrated in several studies using the in vitro isolated perfused tubule model.76 Thus, an extensive literature from several laboratories supported the view that movements of fluid and electrolytes across the peritubular basement membrane into the surrounding capillary bed could be modulated by alterations in proximal peritubular capillary Starling forces. Moreover, these studies indicated that the effects might be mediated through corresponding alterations in physical parameters in the peritubular interstitial compartment. Ultrastructural data for the rat suggest that the peritubular capillary wall is in tight apposition to the tubule basement membrane for about 60% of the tubule basal surface. However, irregularly shaped wide portions of peritubular interstitium also exist over about 42% of the tubule basal surface, so a major part of reabsorbed fluid has to cross a true interstitial space before entering the peritubular capillaries. Alterations in the physical properties of the interstitial compartment could conceivably modulate either passive or active components of net proximal tubule fluid transport. The accepted formulation had been that Starling forces in the peritubular capillary regulate the rate of volume entry from the peritubular interstitium into the capillary. Any change in this rate of flux could lead to changes in 404

interstitial pressure that secondarily modify proximal tubule solute transport. This formulation could explain why experimental maneuvers that were known to raise renal interstitial hydrostatic pressure (e.g., infusion of renal vasodilators, renal venous constriction, renal lymph ligation), were associated with a natriuretic response, whereas the opposite effect was obtained with renal decapsulation (see also the section on the role of renal interstitial pressure the mechanism of pressure natriuresis). In theory, interstitial forces could influence active reabsorption of Na+, passive reabsorption, or the rate of back-flux through the paracellular shunt pathway. Because of the relatively highly permeability of the proximal, alterations in bidirectional paracellular flux have been thought to play a dominant role in transducing the effect of alterations in Starling forces on proximal tubular net reabsorption, though the magnitude of these effects and the mechanisms involved were not fully elucidated.77 The discovery of the claudin family of adhesion molecules as an integral component of the tight junction has shed additional light on these processes.78–80 Instead of a “passive” structure, the tight junction is now considered to be a dynamic, multifunctional complex that may be amenable to physiologic regulation by cellular second messengers or in pathologic states.78,79 Among the 24 known mammalian claudin-family members, at least 3, claudin-2, -10, and -11 are located in the proximal nephron of the mouse and others at more distal nephron sites.80,81 Claudin-2 is selectively expressed in the proximal nephron.82 The claudin-family members are thus important candidates for the future study of the influence of Starling forces on fluid reasbsorption. Although paracellular transport was believed to be mediated primarily through passive forces, some evidence also suggests the contribution of active transport processes. Thus, in the presence of active transport, the effects of proteins on fluid transport are enhanced. In addition, studies by Berry and colleagues83 demonstrated no effect on the permeability properties of the proximal tubule and no effect on passive water and solute fluxes. The only active flux modulated by changes in peritubular protein was that of NaCl. On the basis of these observations, peritubular protein concentration would not likely be affecting Na+,K+-ATPase or the Na+/H+ antiporter because one would expect consequent effects on Na+ bicarbonate absorption.84 Luminal Factors in Glomerular-Tubular Balance Although a considerable amount of data supports the role of peritubular capillary and interstitial Starling forces in the regulation of proximal tubule transport, some studies either have not found such effects or have suggested the presence of additional mechanisms. Since the early 1970s, studies utilizing tubular perfusion with plasma ultrafiltrate or native tubular fluid suggested that some constituents of this fluid or intraluminal flow rate per se may be important modulators of proximal fluid reabsorption, independent of peritubular Starling forces (see Romano and co-workers85 and references therein). The flowdependence of proximal reabsorption was likewise supported by studies in isolated perfused proximal tubules of the rabbit nephron.86 A key observation indicated that the presence of a transtubular anion gradient, normally present in the late portion of the proximal nephron, was necessary for the flowdependence to occur.87 A potential mechanism for modulation of proximal Na+ reabsorption in response to changes in filtered load depends on the close coupling of Na+ transport with the cotransport of glucose, amino acids, and other organic solutes. The increased delivery of organic solutes that accompanies increases in GFR might help to augment the rates at which both the solutes and the Na+ chloride are reabsorbed. The dependence of GTB on transtubular anion



Efferent Arteriolar Vasoconstriction

Aortic BP

Aortic Oncotic Pressure

Filtration Fraction Peritubular Capillary Hydrostatic Pressure

Peritubular Capillary Oncotic Pressure

Interstitial Hydrostatic Pressure

Interstitial Oncotic Pressure

Tight Junction Permeability

Volume Absorption & Convective NaCl Absorption

Active NaCl Absorption

Net Organic Solute Absorption

Net NaHCO3 Absorption

Net NaCl Absorption

gradient was explained by the ability of the Cl−HCO3− gradient, generated by the preferential reabsorption of Na+ with bicarbonate in the early proximal tubule, to enhance the “passive” component of Na+ and fluid reabsorption in the proximal nephron. Irrespective of the exact mechanism, an important notion emerged, namely, that states of ECF volume expansion impaired the integrity of the GTB, thus allowing increased delivery of salt and fluid to more distal parts of the nephron. Figure 12–3 presents a schematic outline of the major factors acting on the proximal nephron during a decrease in ECF and effective circulating volume. Physical Factors Acting beyond the Proximal Tubule An extensive series of experimental studies showed that the final urinary excretion of Na+, in response to volume expansion or depletion, can be dissociated from the amount delivered out of the superficial proximal nephron, suggesting that more distal and/or deeper segments of the nephron contribute to the modulation of Na+ and water excretion. Several sites along the nephron, such as loop of Henle, distal nephron, and cortical and papillary collecting ducts, were found, by micropuncture and microcatheterization techniques, to increase or decrease the rate of Na+ reabsorption in response to enhanced delivery from early segments of the nephron. However, direct evidence that these transport processes are mediated by changes in Starling forces per se is lacking. A detailed description of these experiments is not given in the present chapter, but may be found in previous editions of this book as well as in review articles.88 In summary, the following generalizations regarding the intrarenal control of Na+ excretion apply. Provided that ECF volume is held relatively constant, an increase in GFR leads to little or no increase in salt excretion because of a close coupling between the GFR and the intrarenal physical forces acting at the peritubular capillary to control APR. In addition, changes in the filtered load of small organic solutes, and perhaps other as-yet-uncharacterized glomerulus-borne substances in tubule fluid, may influence APR. To the extent that changes, if any, in the load of Na+ delivered to more distal segments also occur, these are matched by more or less parallel changes in distal reabsorptive rates, to ensure a high

degree of GTB for the kidney as a whole. Conversely, ECF volume expansion leads to large increases in Na+ excretion even in the presence of reduced GFR. Changes in Na+ reabsorption in the proximal tubule alone cannot account for this natriuresis of volume expansion, and a variety of mechanisms for suppressing Na+ reabsorption at more distal sites have been invoked. Mechanism of Pressure Natriuresis: Role of Renal Medullary Hemodynamics and Interstitial Pressure in Control of Sodium Excretion The idea that changes in renal medullary hemodynamics may be involved in the natriuresis evoked by volume expansion was initially proposed in the 1960s by Earley and Friedler.89 According to their theory, ECF volume expansion results in an increase in medullary plasma flow (MPF) with a subsequent loss of medullary hypertonicity, thereby decreasing water reabsorption in the thin descending loop of Henle. The decrease in water reabsorption in the thin descending limb lowers the Na+ concentration in the fluid entering the ascending loop of Henle, thus decreasing the transepithelial driving force for salt transport in this nephron segment. At the same time, a similar mechanism was proposed to explain the natriuresis involved in the pressure-natriuresis phenomenon. It was reasoned that increases in RPP produce a parallel increase in MPF that eliminates the medullary osmotic gradient. The concept that alterations in the solute composition of the renal medulla and papilla play a key role in regulation of Na+ transport gained significant support in the 1970s and 1980s, when several micropuncture studies suggested that volume expansion, renal vasodilatation, and increased RPP produced a greater inhibition of salt reabsorption in the loops of Henle of juxtamedullary nephrons than in superficial nephrons. Although measurements of MPF in experimental animals undergoing volume expansion and renal vasodilatation supported the possibility of redistribution of intrarenal blood flow toward the medulla, the validity of the methodologies for intrarenal blood flow measurements used at that time was questioned. The application of newer techniques that allowed a more reliable estimation of changes in medullary blood flow, such as laser-Doppler flowmetry and

CH 12

Extracellular Fluid and Edema Formation

FIGURE 12–3 Effects of hemodynamic changes on proximal tubule solute transport: a summary. (From Seldin DW, Preisig PA, Alpern RJ: Regulation of proximal reabsorption by effective arterial blood volume. Semin Nephrol 11:212–219, 1991.)

406 videomicroscopy, resulted in a renewal of interest in the role of medullary hemodynamics in the control of Na+ excretion, especially in the context of the pressure-natriuresis relationship.90–93 Elevation in blood pressure has been recorded, although not always, following expansion of the ECF and salt loading, though it is not a consistent observation in all studies.30,93 This increase in blood pressure and RPP may lead to an increase in Na+ excretion by the kidney, a phenomenon termed pressure-natriuresis. The importance of pressureCH 12 natriuresis in the long-term control of arterial blood pressure and ECF volume regulation was first recognized by Guyton and associates.93,94 According to this view, the kidneys play a dominant role in controlling arterial pressure by virtue of their ability to alter Na+ excretion in response to changes in arterial blood pressure. For instance, an increase in RPP results in a concomitant increase in Na+ excretion, thereby decreasing circulating blood volume and restoring arterial pressure. It was soon recognized that the coupling between arterial pressure and Na+ excretion occurred in the setting of preserved autoregulation (i.e., in the absence of changes in total RPF, GFR, or filtered load of Na+). Although the mechanism responsible for pressure-natriuresis in a setting of highefficiency autoregulation is unclear, the possibility that the pressure-natriuresis mechanism is triggered by changes in medullary circulation received considerable attention.89,91,95,96 Laser-Doppler flowmetry and servonull measurements of capillary pressure in volume-expanded rats revealed that papillary blood flow was directly related to RPP over a wide range of pressures studied. In contrast, cortical blood flow was well autoregulated, indicating that during alterations in RPP renal medullary blood flow may not be autoregulated to the same extent as cortical blood flow. As mentioned earlier, increase in medullary plasma flow might lead to medullary “washout” with a consequent reduction in the driving force for Na+ reabsorption in the ascending loop of Henle, particularly in the deep nephrons. In addition, the increase in medullary perfusion may be associated with a rise in renal medullary interstitial hydrostatic pressure. Indeed, various physiologic and pharmacologic maneuvers that increase Pi, such as ECF volume expansion, infusion of renal vasodilatory agents, long-term mineralocorticoid escape, and hilar lymph ligation, result in a significant increase in Na+ excretion. Numerous studies established that pressure-natriuresis is associated with elevated Pi that is most evident in the volume-expanded state (see reviews by Granger and colleagues97,98 and references therein). Moreover, prevention of the increase in Pi by removal of the renal capsule significantly attenuated, but did not completely block, the natriuretic response to elevations in RPP. Thus, as depicted in Figure 12–4, elevation in renal perfusion pressure is associated with an increase in medullary blood flow and increased vasa recta capillary pressure, which result in an increase in medullary Pi. This increase of interstitial pressure is thought to be transmitted to the renal cortex in the encapsulated kidney and to provide a signal that inhibits Na+ reabsorption along the nephron. In that regard, the renal medulla may be viewed as a sensor that can detect changes in RPP and initiate the pressurenatriuresis mechanism. It has been suggested that changes in systemic pressure are transmitted to the medullary circulation via shunt pathways connecting preglomerular vessels of juxtamedullary nephrons directly to the postglomerular vasa recta capillaries.89 This might explain how changes in systemic pressures are transmitted to the medulla when RPF and GFR are well autoregulated. Alternatively, it has been suggested more recently that the process of autoregulation of renal blood flow (RBF) leads to increased shear stress in the preglomerular vasculature, so that release of nitric oxide (NO) (see later) and perhaps cytochrome P-450 products of arachidonic acid


Pressure and flow vasa recta

Renal interstitial pressure

Washout of medullary solute gradient

Superficial Nephrons Sodium reabsorption in – proximal tubule – thick ascending limb

Deep Nephrons Sodium reabsorption in – proximal tubule – thin descending limb – thick ascending limb

FIGURE 12–4 Role of the renal medulla in modulating tubular reabsorption of Na+ in response to changes in renal perfusion pressure (RPP). (Adapted from Cowley AW Jr: Role of the renal medulla in volume and arterial pressure regulation. Am J Physiol 273:R1–R15, 1997.)

metabolism, drive the cascade of events that inhibit Na+ reabsorption.99,100 Although a substantial amount of experimental data supports the association between changes in Pi and urinary Na+ excretion, the mechanisms by which these changes decrease tubular Na+ reabsorption, as well as the nephron sites responding to the alterations in Pi, have not been fully clarified.98 As pointed out earlier, it was postulated that elevations in Pi may increase passive back-leak or the paracellular pathway hydraulic conductivity, with a resultant increase in back-flux of Na+ through the paracellular pathways.97 However, the absolute changes in Pi, in the range of 3 to 8 mm Hg in response to increments of about 50 to 90 mm Hg in RPP, are probably not sufficient to account for the decrease in tubular Na+ reabsorption even in the proximal tubule, the nephron segment with the highest transepithelial hydraulic conductivity.90 Nevertheless, considerable evidence from micropuncture studies indicate that pressure-natriuresis is associated with significant changes in proximal fluid reabsorption particularly in deep nephrons, with enhanced delivery to the loop of Henle, although alterations in the pars recta and thin descending limb must also be considered.97 Pressure-induced changes in tubular reabsorption may also occur in more distal parts of the nephron, such as the ascending loop of Henle, distal nephron, and collecting duct.101 Therefore, elevations in RPP can affect tubular Na+ reabsorption by both proximal and distal mechanisms. The finding that small changes in Pi are associated with significant alterations in tubular Na+ reabsorption led to the hypothesis that the changes in Pi may be amplified by various hemodynamic, hormonal, and paracrine factors.85,89,91,95,97 Specifically, the phenomenon of pressure-natriuresis is particularly demonstrable in states of volume expansion and renal vasodilatation and is significantly attenuated in states of volume depletion.97 Among a variety of hormonal and paracrine systems that have been documented to play a role in modulating the pressure-natriuresis relationship, changes in the activity of the RAAS and local production of prostaglandins (PGs) within the kidney received considerable attention over the years.97 Removal of the influence of AII, by either angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or

Humoral Mechanisms Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System The RAAS plays an integral role in the regulation of ECF volume, Na+ homeostasis, and cardiac function.113 This system is activated in situations that compromise hemodynamic stability, such as loss of blood volume, reduced ECF volume, low Na+ intake, hypotension, and increase in sympathetic nerve activity. The RAAS comprises of a coordinated hormonal cascade whose synthesis is initiated by the release of renin from the juxtaglomerular apparatus in response to reduced renal perfusion or fall in arterial pressure.114

Messenger RNA (mRNA) for renin exists in juxtaglomerular 407 cells and in renal tubule cells.115 Renin acts on its circulating substrate, namely angiotensinogen, which is produced and secreted mainly by the liver but also by the kidney.113 ACE, which cleaves angiotensin I (AI) to AII, exists in large amounts in the lung but also on endothelial cells of the vasculature and cell membrane of the brush border of the proximal nephron, heart, and brain.113 AII is considered to be the principal effector of the RAAS, although it is recognized that few smaller metabolic products of AII may have biologic activities.116 Nonrenin (cathepsin G, plasminogen-activating CH 12 factor, tonin) and non-ACE pathways (chymase, cathepsin G) also exist in these tissues and may contribute to tissue AII synthesis.113,114 In addition to its important function as a circulating hormone, AII produced locally acts as a paracrine agent in an organ-specific mode, which might be dissociated from its systemic vasoconstrictor action.117,118 In that respect, the properties of AII as a growth-promoting agent in the cardiovascular system and the kidney have been increasingly appreciated.113,119,120 For instance, local generation of AII in the kidney results in higher intrarenal levels of this peptide in proximal tubular fluid, interstitial fluid, and renal medulla compared with circulating levels. The epithelial cells of the proximal nephron may be an important source for the in situ generation of AII, because these cells show abundant expression of the mRNA for angiotensinogen.121,122 Furthermore, AII is apparently secreted from tubular epithelial cells into the lumen of the proximal nephron.123 This may account for the high proximal tubular fluid concentrations of AII—approximately 1000 times higher than the plasma levels of the peptide.123,124 Moreover, recent data demonstrated that the mechanisms regulating intrarenal levels of AII may be dissociated from those controlling the systemic concentrations of the peptide.125 The biologic actions of AII are mediated through activation of at least two receptors subtypes, AT1 and AT2, encoded by different genes residing on different chromosomes.126,127 Both receptors have been cloned and were found to be Gprotein–coupled, seven-transmembrane polypeptides containing approximately 360 amino acids.113,127–129 In the adult organism, the AT1 receptor subtype mediates most of the biologic activities of AII, whereas the AT2 receptor, expressed primarily in the fetal life, appears to play an important role in cell development and apoptosis.130,131 AT1 is expressed in the vascular poles of glomeruli, juxtaglomerular apparatus, and mesangial cells, whereas AT2 is localized to renal arteries and tubular structure, at a small population.132 Besides their functional distinction, the two receptor types employ different signal transduction pathways. Stimulation of the AT1 receptor activates phospholipase A2, C, and D, resulting in increased cytosolic Ca2+ and inositol triphosphate (IP3) and inhibition of adenylate cyclase. In contrast, activation of the AT2 receptor results in increased NO and bradykinin (BK) levels, leading to elevated cGMP concentrations and vasodilation.133 Besides being an important source of several components of the RAAS, the kidney acts a major target organ to the principal hormonal mediators of this cascade, AII and aldosterone. In the past, it was believed that the major contribution of AII to Na+ homeostasis was the result of its actions as a circulating vasoconstrictor hormone and through stimulation of aldosterone release with subsequent tubular action of aldosterone. However, evidence indicates that AII, via AT1 receptors, exerts multiple direct intrarenal influences, including renal vasoconstriction, stimulation of tubular epithelial Na+ reabsorption, augmentation of TGF sensitivity, modulation of pressure-natriuresis, and stimulation of mitogenic pathways.113 Moreover, exogenous infusion of AII that results in relatively low circulating levels of AII (picomolar range) is highly effective in modulating renal hemodynamic and

Extracellular Fluid and Edema Formation

angiotensin type 1 (AT1) receptor antagonists, potentiates the pressure-natriuretic response, and inhibitors of cyclooxygenase attenuate it.97,102 It is important to note, however, that pharmacologic blockade of these systems only attenuates but does not completely eliminate the pressure-natriuresis response, indicating that they act as modulators and not as mediators of the phenomenon. In recent years, the importance of the endothelial-derived factors in the regulation of renal circulation and excretory function has been recognized. Evidence suggests a role of endothelium-derived NO and P-450 eicosanoids in the mechanism of pressure-natriuresis.90,95,99 NO, generated in large amounts in the renal medulla, appears to play a critical role in the regulation of medullary blood flow and Na+ excretion.96,103 Several studies showed that inhibition of intrarenal NO production can reduce Na+ excretion and markedly suppress the pressure-natriuretic response, whereas administration of the NO precursor improves transmission of perfusion pressure into the renal interstitium and normalizes the defect in pressure-natriuresis response in Dahl salt-sensitive rats.90,101,104,105 Likewise, a positive correlation between urinary excretion of nitrites and nitrates (metabolites of NO) and changes in renal arterial pressure or urinary Na+ excretion was observed in the dog.106 The P-450 eicosanoids are additional endothelium-derived factor(s) that may participate in the mechanism of pressure-natriuresis.99,100 The importance of these agents in the regulation of renal Na+ transport and of renal and systemic hemodynamics, has been recently underscored.107 Taken together, these observations support the hypothesis that alterations in the production of renal NO and eicosanoids may be involved in mediation of the pressureinduced natriuretic response. It is tempting to speculate that acute elevation in RPP in the autoregulatory range results in increased blood flow velocity and shear stress, leading to increased endothelial release of NO. Enhanced renal NO production may increase urinary Na+ excretion either by acting directly on tubular Na+ reabsorption or through its vasodilatory effect on renal vasculature. Finally, McDonough and co-workers108,109 reported that, in response to an increase in RPP, the apical Na+/H+ exchanger in the proximal tubules may be redistributed out of the brush border into intracellular compartments. Concomitantly, basolateral Na+-K+-ATPase activity significantly decreased. Although not fully elucidated, the mechanisms of these cellular events may be related directly to the change in Pi or to changes in intrarenal paracrine agents described previously. A major assumption of the pressure-natriuresis theory indicates that changes in systemic and renal perfusion pressure mediate the natriuretic response by the kidney. As pointed out in a recent comprehensive review by Bie,30 acute regulatory changes in renal salt excretion may occur without a measurable elevation in arterial blood pressure.2,30,110,111 Interestingly, in many of these studies, the natriuresis was accompanied by a decrease in the activity of the RAAS without changes in plasma ANP levels.2,30,110–112 Thus, whereas increases in arterial blood pressure can drive renal Na+ excretion, other “pressure-independent” control mechanisms must operate as well to mediate the “volume-natriuresis.”30

408 tubular function compared with the 10- to 100-fold higher concentrations required for its extrarenal effects. Thus, the kidney appears to be uniquely sensitive to the actions of AII. Furthermore, the synergistic interactions that exist between the renal vascular and tubular actions of AII significantly amplify the influence of AII on Na+ excretion.134 Among the direct renal actions of AII, the effect of the peptide on renal hemodynamics appears to be of critical importance. AII elicits a dose-dependent decrease in RBF but slightly augments GFR, owing to its preferencial vasoconstrictive effect on efferCH 12 ent arteriole, and therefore increases filtration fraction. As noted previously, the increase in filtration fraction in response to AII can be attributed to a predominant increase in efferent arteriolar resistance exerted by the peptide,135 which may further modulate peritubular Starling forces, such as decreasing hyraulic pressure and increasing COP in the interstitium. These peritubular changes eventually lead to enhanced proximal Na+ and fluid reabsorption. It is important to note, however, that changes in preglomerular resistance have also been described during AII infusion or blockade.136,137 These may be secondary to changes in either systemic arterial pressure (myogenic reflex) or increased sensitivity of TGF, because AII does not alter preglomerular resistance when RPP is clamped or adjustments in TGF are prevented.137 In addition, AII may affect GFR by reducing glomerular ultrafiltration coefficient, thereby altering the filtered load of Na+.138,139 This effect is believed to reflect the action of the hormone on mesangial cell contractility and increasing permeability to macromolecules.136 Finally, AII may also influence Na+ excretion through its action on medullary circulation. Because AII receptors are present in high abundance in the renal medulla, this peptide may contribute significantly to the regulation of medullary blood flow.136,140 Indeed, use of fiberoptic probes revealed that AII usually reduces cortical blood flow and medullary blood flow and decreases Na+ and water excretion.113,132 As pointed out earlier, changes in medullary blood flow may affect medullary tonicity, which determines the magnitude of passive salt reabsorption in the loop of Henle, and also modulate pressure-natriuresis through renal interstitial pressure.89,91 The other well-characterized renal effect of AII is a direct action on tubule epithelial transport systems. Infusions of AII to achieve systemic concentrations of 10−12 to 10−11 M markedly stimulated Na+ and water transport, independent of changes in renal or systemic hemodynamics.113,141 AII exerts a dose-dependent biphasic effect on proximal Na+ reabsorption. Peritubular capillary infusion with solutions containing low concentrations of AII (10−12–10−10 M) stimulated Na+ reabsorption, whereas perfusion with solutions containing higher concentrations of AII (>10−7 M) inhibited proximal Na+ reabsorption rate. Similar observations were reported in vitro in isolated perfused rabbit proximal tubule. Quan and Baum142 demonstrated that addition of either the AT1 receptor antagonist losartan or the ACE inhibitor enalaprilat directly into the luminal fluid of the proximal nephron resulted in a significant decrease in proximal fluid reabsorption, indicating tonic regulation of proximal tubule transport by endogenous AII. Several studies provided insight into the specific mechanisms by which AII influences proximal tubule transport. These studies showed that AII enhances proximal tubular Na+ transport through actions at both luminal and basolateral membrane sites. AII increases Na+ and HCO3− reabsorption by stimulation of the apical membrane Na+/H+ exchanger, basolateral membrane Na+/(3)HCO3− symporter, and Na+,K+ATPase.143,144 Thus, AII can affect Na+ chloride absorption by two mechanisms. Activation of the Na+/H+ antiporter can directly increase Na+ chloride absorption. In addition, conditions that increase the rate of Na+ bicarbonate absorption can stimulate passive Na+ chloride absorption by increasing the concentration gradient for passive Cl− diffusion.84 Sodium

reabsorption is further promoted by the action of AII on the Na+,K+-ATPase in the medullary thick ascending limb of henle’s loop (TALH).113 Although the issue of distal action of AII was controversial in the past, more recent studies indicated that AII also regulates Na+ and bicarbonate reabsorption in distal segments of the nephron by modulating Na+/H+ exchange and the amiloride-sensitive Na+ channel.142,145–147 In this context, Wang and Giebisch147 demonstrated that AII stimulates volume reabsorption in the late distal tubule not only via the acid-base transporter but also via Na+ channels.147 Most recently, using isolated perfused cortical collecting duct segments dissected from rabbit kidneys, Peti-Peterdi and colleagues148 clearly showed that AII directly stimulates the Na+ channel activity in this segment. Two additional mechanisms may amplify the antinatriuretic effects of AII mediated by the direct actions of the peptide on renal hemodynamics and tubular transport. The first relates to the increased sensitivity of the TGF mechanism in the presence of AII, and the second to the effect of AII on the pressure-natriuresis relationship. The decrease in distal delivery produced by the action of AII on renal hemodynamics and proximal fluid reabsorption could elicit afferent arteriolar vasodilation via the TGF mechanism, which, in turn, could antagonize the AII-mediated increase in proximal reabsorption. This effect, however, is minimized because AII increases the responsiveness of the TGF mechanism, thus maintaining GFR at a lower delivery rate to the macula densa.149 In addition, infusions of AII have been shown to blunt the pressure-natriuresis relationship and to shift the relationship between Na+ excretion and arterial pressure toward higher pressures.113,150 This “shift to the right” in the pressure natriuresis curve may be viewed as an important Na+-conserving mechanism in situations of elevated arterial pressure. The pharmacologic development of ACE inhibitors and highly specific AII receptor antagonists provided additional insight into the mechanisms of action of AII in the kidney and further suggested that most of the known intrarenal actions of AII, particularly regulation of renal hemodynamics and proximal tubule reabsorption of Na+, HCO3−, are mediated by the AT1 receptor.142,151 However, recent functional studies showed that some part of the AII at the renal level is mediated by AT2 receptors.133 AT2 receptor subtype plays a counteregulatory protective role against the AT1 receptor–mediated antinatriuretic and pressor actions of AII. The accepted concept that AI is merely converted to AII was revised through the demonstration that AI is also a substrate for the formation of Ang-(1-7).152 Moreover, a recently discovered homolog of ACE, ACE2, is responsible for the formation of Ang-(1-7) from AII and for the conversion of AI to Ang-(1-9), which may be converted to Ang-(1-7) by ACE.152,153 Ang-(1-7) may play an important role as regulator of cardiovascular and renal function. Ang-(1-7) possesses opposite effects to those of AII, including vasodilatation, diuresis, and antihypertrophic action.154 Thus, these relatively newly discovered components of the RAAS—ACE2 and Ang-(1-7)—may play a role as negative regulators of the classic ACE system.153 Finally, aldosterone, the second active component of the RAAS, plays an important physiologic role in the regulation of ECF and Na+ homeostasis.155 The primary sites of aldosterone action are the principal cells of the cortical collecting tubule and convoluted distal tubule, inwhich this hormone promotes the reabsorption of Na+ and the secretion of K+ and protons.155,156 Mineralocorticoids may also enhance electrogenic Na+ transport, but not K+ secretion, in the inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD).157 Aldosterone exerts its effects on ionic transport by increasing the number of open Na+ and K+ channels in the luminal membrane and the activity of Na+-K+-ATPase in the basolateral membrane.158 The effect of aldosterone on Na+ permeability appears to be the primary

Antidiuretic Hormone ADH is a nonapeptide (9 a.a) hormone, synthesized in the brain and secreted from the posterior pituitary gland into the circulation in response to an increase in plasma osmolality (via osmoreceptor stimulation) or a decrease in effective circulating volume and blood pressure (via baroreceptor stimulation).165 Thus, ADH plays a major role in the regulation of water balance and the support of blood pressure and circulating volume. ADH exerts its biologic actions through at least

three different G-protein–coupled receptors.166 Two of these 409 receptors, V1A and V2, are abundantly expressed in the cardiovascular system and the kidney and mediate the two main biologic actions of the hormone, namely, vasoconstriction and increased water reabsorption by the kidney. The V1A receptor operates through the phosphoinositide signaling pathway, causing release of intracellular Ca2+ ions. Found in the vascular smooth muscle cells, hepatocytes, and platelets, it mediates vasoconstriction, glycogenolysis, and platelet aggregation, respectively. The V2 receptor, found mainly in the renal collecting duct epithelial cells, is linked to the CH 12 adenylate cyclase pathway, utilizing cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) as its second messenger. Activation of this receptor leads to increased synthesis and recruitment of aquaporin II (AQP II) water channels into the apical membrane of collecting duct cells, thus increasing the water permeability of the collecting duct.167 Under physiologic conditions, the ADH primarily functions to regulate water content in the body by adjusting water reabsorption in the collecting duct according to plasma tonicity. A change in plasma tonicity by as little as 1% causes a parallel change in ADH release. In turn, this alters the water permeability of the collecting duct. ADH’s antidiuretic action results from complex effects of this hormone on principal cells of the collecting duct.167 (1) ADH provokes the insertion of AQP II water channels into the luminal membrane (shortterm response) and increases synthesis of AQP II mRNA and protein (long-term response)—both responses increase water permeability along the collecting duct.167,168 This is considered in detail in Chapter 9. Briefly, activation of V2 receptors localized to the basolateral membrane of the principal cells increases cytosolic cAMP, which stimulates the activity of protein kinase A. The latter triggers an unidentified phosphorylation cascade that promotes the translocation of AQP II from intracellular stores to the apical membrane, which allows the reabsorption of water from the lumen to the cells. Then, the water exits the cell to the hypertonic interstitium via AQP III and AQP IV, localized at the basolateral membrane.169,170 (2) ADH increases the permeability of the IMCD to urea, via activation of the urea transporter (UT-A1), enabling the accumulation of the urea in the interstitium, where it contributes along with Na+ to the hypertonicity of the medullary interstitium, which is a prerequisite for maximum urine concentration and water reabsortpion.167 ADH exerts several effects on Na+ handling at different segments of the nephron, where it increases the Na+ reabsorption via activation of epithelial Na+ channel (EnaC) mainly in the cortical and outer medullary collecting duct (OMCD).167 In addition, ADH may influence renal hemodynamics and reduce RPF, especially to the inner medulla.171 The latter is mediated by the V1Areceptor and may be modulated by the local release of NO and PGs. At higher concentrations (pathophysiologic range), ADH may also decrease total RPF and GFR, as a part of the generalized vasoconstriction induced by the peptide.167 A third receptor for ADH, V3 (V1B), is found predominantly in the anterior pituitary and is involved in the regulation of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) release. In addition to its renal effects, ADH also regulates extrarenal vascular tone through the V1A receptor. Stimulation of this receptor by ADH results in a potent arteriolar vasoconstriction in various vascular beds with a significant increase in systemic vascular resistance (SVR). However, physiologic increases in ADH do not usually cause a significant increase in blood pressure, because ADH also potentiates the sinoaortic baroreflexes that subsequently reduce heart rate and cardiac output.172 Nevertheless, at supraphysiologic concentrations of ADH, such as occur when effective circulating volume is severely compromised (e.g., shock, CHF), ADH plays an important role in supporting arterial pressure and maintaining adequate perfusion to vital organs such as the

Extracellular Fluid and Edema Formation

event because blockade of Na+ channels with amiloride prevents the initial increase in Na+ permeability and Na+-K+ATPase activity.159–161 This effect on Na+ permeability is mediated by several potential mediators including changes in intracellular Ca2+ levels, changes in intracellular pH, and methylation of channel proteins, thus increasing mean open probability of the Na+ channel.159,160 However, the long-term effect of aldosterone on Na+-K+-ATPase activity involves de novo protein synthesis and is regulated at the transcriptional level by serum and glucocorticoid-induced kinase-1 (SGK-1).162,163 The Na+-retaining effect of aldosterone in the collecting tubule occurs in association with an increase in the transepithelial potential difference, which favors K+ excretion. In terms of overall body fluid homeostasis, the actions of aldosterone in the defense of ECF result from the net loss of an osmotically active particle primarily confined to the intracellular compartment (K+) and its replacement with a corresponding particle primarily confined to the ECF (Na+). The effect of a given circulating level of aldosterone on overall Na+ excretion depends on the volume of filtrate reaching the collecting duct and the composition of luminal and intracellular fluids. As noted earlier, this delivery of filtrate is in turn determined by other effector mechanisms (AII, sympathetic nerve activity, and peritubular physical forces) acting at more proximal nephron sites. It is not surprising that Na+ balance can be regulated for a wide range of intake, even in subjects without adrenal glands, and despite fixed low or high supplemental doses of mineralocorticoids. Under these circumstances, other effector mechanisms predominate in controlling urinary Na+ excretion, although often in a setting of altered ECF volume and/or K+ concentration. In terms of blood pressure maintenance, systemic vasoconstriction—another major extrarenal action of AII—may be considered the appropriate response to perceived ECF volume contraction. As mentioned previously, higher concentrations of AII are required to elicit this response than those that govern renal antinatriuretic actions of AII, a situation analogous to the discrepancy between antidiuretic and pressor actions of vasopressin. Transition from an antinatriuretic to a natriuretic action of AII at high infusion rates can be attributed almost entirely to a concomitant rise in blood pressure.150 Over the past few years, increasing evidence suggests that, besides the adrenal glomerulosa, aldosterone may also be produced by the heart and vasculature. It exerts powerful effects on blood vessels,164 independent of actions that can be attributed to the blood pressure rise via regulation of salt and water balance. As observed with AII, aldosterone also possesses significant mitogenic properties. It directly increases the expression and production of transforming growth factorβ and thus is involved in the development of glomerulosclerosis, hypertension, and cardiac injury/hypertrophy.113,155,164 In summary, AII, the principal effector of the RAAS, regulates extracellular volume and renal Na+ excretion through intrarenal and extrarenal mechanisms. The intrarenal hemodynamic and tubular actions of the peptide and its main extrarenal actions (systemic vasoconstriction and aldosterone release) act in concert to adjust urinary Na+ excretion under a variety of circumstances associated with alterations in ECF volume. Many of these mechanisms are synergistic and tend to amplify the overall influence of the RAAS.

410 brain and myocardium. ADH also has a direct, V1 receptor– mediated, inotropic effect in the isolated heart.173 In vivo, however, ADH has been reported to decrease myocardial function,174 the latter attributed due to either cardioinhibitory reflexes or coronary vasoconstriction induced by the peptide. More importantly, ADH has been shown to stimulate cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and protein synthesis in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes and in intact myocardium through a V1dependent mechanism.175,176 These effects are very similar to those obtained with exposure of cardiomyocytes to AII or CH 12 catecholamines, although not necessarily through the same cellular mechanisms. By this growth-promoting property, ADH may contribute to the induction of cardiac hypertrophy and remodeling. Controversy exists regarding the effect of ADH on natriuresis, with some authors finding a natriuretic response with infusions and others finding Na+ retention.177,178 These variations may be due to species differences. Blandford and colleagues179 infused rats with a specific antagonist of V2 receptors, resulting in increased Na+ and water excretion, and suggested that the endogenous activity of ADH is one of Na+ retention. However, in terms of overall volume homeostasis, the predominant influence related to ADH arises indirectly from water accumulation or blood pressure changes. The systemic vasoconstrictor actions of ADH are the effects that would be expected to defend blood pressure in the presence of perceived ECF volume contraction. However, in this regard, potential hypertensive effects of ADH are buffered by a concomitant increase in baroreflex-mediated sympathoinhibition or by an increase in PGE2, resulting in a blunting of vasoconstriction, and by a direct vasodepressor action of V2 receptor activation.178,180,181 Prostaglandins (see also Chapter 11) PGs in the kidney regulate renal function including hemodynamics, renin secretion, growth response, tubular transport processes, and immune response in both health and disease states (Table 12–3).182 Currently, two known principal isoforms of cycloxygenase (COX-1 and COX-2) metabolize arachidonic acid released from membrane phospholipids to PGs (see also Chapter 11). Recently, an additional splice variant of the COX-1 gene, COX-3, isoforms was identified.182 COX-1 and COX-2 catalyze the synthesis of PGH2, which then converted into the various prostanoids.183 COX-1 is constitutively expressed in many cell types, with abundant expresson in renal cells where high immunoreactive levels are found, especially in the collecting duct and medullary interstitial cells of most species.184 In contrast, the expression of COX-2 is inducible and cell-type specific, with prominent renal

TABLE 12–3

expression levels varying among species.185,186 Published studies in dog, rat, and rabbit revealed COX-2 expression in medullary interstitial cells, cells of the TALH, and cells of the macula densa, where expression has been shown to be regulated in response to varying salt intake.187–189 Lower levels of COX-2 were detected in the tubular epithelial cells of the collecting duct.186,190 In human and monkey, COX-2 is expressed in the glomerular podocytes and blood vessels.186 However, a more recent study in humans older than 60 years detected COX-2 in the macula densa and medullary interstitial cells.189 Furthermore, the profile of sensitivity to pharmacologic inhibitors differs between the two isoforms.191,192 The principal eicosanoid metabolites of cyclooxygenase in the kidney are PGI2 (human) and PGE2 (rat), with smaller amounts of PGF2α, PGD2, and thromboxane A2 (TXA2).184 Metabolism of arachidonic acid by other pathways (lipoxygenase, epoxygenase) leads to other products of importance in the modulation of nephron function.184 The major sites for PG production (and hence for local actions) are the renal arteries and arterioles and glomeruli in the cortex and the renal medullary interstitial cells in the medulla, with additional contributions from epithelial cells of the cortical and medullary collecting tubules.184,186,193 Studies have revealed that PGI2 and PGE2 are the prominent products in the cortex of normal kidney, with PGE2 predominating in the medulla.184 The two major roles for the contribution of PGs to volume homeostasis are related to their effect on RBF, on one hand, and on their effect on tubular handling of salt and water, on the other. Table 12–3 lists target structures, mode of action, and major biologic effects of the renal active PGs and TXA2. Some of the information provided by this table is still subject to active research. In balance, it appears that PGI2 and PGE2 have a predominantly vasodilating and natriuretic activity; they also interfere with action of ADH and tend to stimulate renin secretion. TxA2 has been shown to cause vasoconstriction; the importance of the physiologic effects of TxA2 on the kidney is still controversial. The end result of the stimulation of PG secretion in the kidney eventually leads to vasodilation, increased renal perfusion, natriuresis, and facilitation of water excretion. The role of PGs acting as vasodilators in the glomerular microcirculation has been extensively characterized and well established. The cellular targets for vasoactive hormones in the glomerular microcirculation are vascular smooth muscle of the afferent and efferent arteriole and mesangial cells within the glomerulus. Action at these sites governs renal vascular resistance (RVR), glomerular function, and downstream microcirculatory function in peritubular capillaries and vasa recta. In vivo studies showed that intrarenal

Major Renal Biologic Effects of Prostaglandins and Thromboxane


Target Structure

Mode of Action

Direct Consequences


Intrarenal arterioles


Increased renal perfusion (more pronounced in inner cortical and medullary regions)




Increased filtration rate


Efferent arterioles


Increased Na† excretion through increased postglomerular perfusion


Distal tubules

Decreased transport

Increased Na† excretion, decreased maximum medullary hypertonicity


Distal tubules

Inhibition of cAMP synthesis

Interference with ADH action


Juxtaglomerular apparatus

cAMP stimulation (?)

Increased rennin release


Intrarenal arterioles


Decreased renal perfusion

ADH, antidiuretic hormone; cAMP, cyclic adenosine monophosphate; PGE, prostaglandin E; PGI, prostaglandin I; TxA2, thromboxane A2.

on renal Na+ excretion. A number of micropuncture and 411 microcatheterization studies in vivo suggested effects of PGs on urinary Na+ excretion independent of hemodynamic changes.184 Motivated by such findings, investigators sought direct effects of PGs on epithelial transport in individual isolated perfused tubule preparations, taken from various nephron segments. These studies showed that the effects of PGE2 on transport processes vary considerably in different nephron segments.203 In the medullary TALH and the collecting tubule, PGE2 has been reported to cause a decrease in the reabsorption of water, Na+, and chloride.203 This inhibition of CH 12 Na+ reabsorption in the medullary TALH and in the cortical collecting duct is correlated with reduced Na+,K+-ATPase activity. In contrast, in the distal convoluted tubule, PGE2 caused increased Na+,K+-ATPase activity.203 Most likely, the net effects of locally produced PGs on tubular Na+ handling is inhibitory because complete blockade of PGs synthesis by indomethacin in rats receiving a normal or salt-loaded diet increased fractional Na+ reabsorption and enhanced the activity of the renal medullary Na+,K+-ATPase.204 In addition, PGs diminish the renal response to ADH.194,205 Several studies revealed that PGE2 inhibits ADH-stimulated Na+ chloride reabsorption in the medullary TALH and ADH-stimulated water reabsorption at the collecting duct.194,206 Both of these effects would tend to antagonize the overall hydroosmotic response to ADH. However, because no such effect is seen in the cortical TALH, which is capable of augmenting Na+ chloride reabsorption in response to an increased delivered load, and the effects of PGs on solute transport in the collecting tubule remain controversial, no conclusions can be reached with respect to the contribution of direct epithelial effects of PGs to overall Na+ excretion.194 Similarly, it is not surprising that whole animal and clinical balance studies that have examined the effect of PG infusion or prostaglandin synthesis inhibition on urinary Na+ excretion, or that have attempted to correlate changes in urinary PG excretion with changes in salt balance, also yielded conflicting and inconclusive results. One complicating feature stems from the fact that PG excretion rates vary with urine flow rates. Nevertheless, one conclusion can be stated with confidence: PGs have an important influence on urinary Na+ excretion, precisely in the settings in which they are important in preserving GFR, namely, states of vasoconstrictor hormone activation (e.g., Na+-depletion states). A particularly striking illustration of this role emerged from studies using HWI by Epstein and co-workers.207 In these studies, the natriuretic response to HWI was accompanied by an increase in urinary PG excretion. However, inhibition of cyclooxygenase did not blunt the natriuretic response to this central volume-expanding maneuver in salt-replete subjects but did blunt the natriuretic response in salt-depleted individuals. The influence of changes in Na+ intake on renal COX-1 and COX-2 expressions has been studied intensively in the last few years. The expression of COX-2 in the macula densa and TALH is increased by low-salt diet. Similar alteration in COX2 was reported by inhibition of renin angiotensin aldosterone and by renal hypoperfusion.185,189 In contrast, a high-salt diet has been reported to decrease COX-2 expression in the renal cortex.185,189 None of these changes on Na+ intake affected the expression of COX-1 in the cortex of the kidney. In the renal medulla, whereas low-salt diet down-regulated both COX-1 and COX-2, high-salt diet enhanced the expression of these cyclooxygenase isoforms.189 In vitro studies showed that high osmolarity of the medium of cultured IMCD cells induces the expression of COX-2.186 Infusion of nimesulide (a selective COX-2 inhibitor) into anesthetized dogs on normal Na+ diet reduced urinary Na+ excretion and urine flow rate, despite the lack of effect on renal hemodynamics or systemic blood pressure.186 Collectively, these findings suggest that COX-2 is distinctly regulated in the renal cortex and medulla and that

Extracellular Fluid and Edema Formation

infusions of PGE2 and PGI2 cause vasodilation and increased RPF.184 In agreement with these findings, in vitro experiments with isolated renal microvessels showed that both PGE2 and PGE1 attenuate AII-induced afferent arteriolar vasoconstriction and PGI2 antagonizes AII-induced efferent arteriolar vasoconstriction.194 Similarly, PGE2 has been shown to counteract AII-induced contraction of isolated glomeruli and glomerular mesangial cells in culture, and conversely, cyclooxygenase inhibition augments these contractile responses. An inhibitory counterregulatory role of PGs with respect to renal nerve stimulation has been demonstrated in micropuncture studies.195 Therefore, the elimination of the vasorelaxant action of PGE2 and PGI2 at these target sites by treatment with selective and nonselective cyclooxygenase inhibitors is believed to result in an augmented fall in glomerular blood flow. However, this occurs mainly in the setting of heightened vasoconstrictor input, such as occurs during states of real or perceived volume depletion.184,186,192 These conditions, which include overt dehydration, CHF, liver cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, and adults older than 60 years, are invariably associated with activation of pressor mechanisms RAAS, CNS, and ADH.196 The renal vasoconstrictive influences of NE and AII are mitigated by their simultaneous stimulation of vasodilatory renal prostaglandins.196,197 RBF and GFR are thus maintained, averting prerenal azotemia or even ischemic damage to the renal parenchyma. When this PG-mediated counterregulatory mechanism is suppressed by drugs that inhibit cyclooxygenase (e.g., nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs [NSAIDs]), an impairment of renal hemodynamics develops, thereby leading to rapid deterioration in renal function. Although the introduction of selective COX-2 inhibitors has been associated with clear-cut decrease in gastrointestinal bleeding, it is becoming increasingly apparent that COX-2 inhibitors can cause a spectrum of renal effects nearly identical to those observed with the classic, nonselective NSAIDs.198,199 These adverse effects are not surprising in light of the recent laboratory observations indicating that COX-2 is constitutively expressed in the kidney and plays a critical role in regulating renal hemodynamics, excretory function, and renin secretion.198,199 COX-2–derived prostanoids are required for preservation of RPF and GFR, especially in states of ECF volume deficit, and also promote natriuresis and stimulate renin secretion during low Na+ intake or the use of loop diuretics.186,200 Selective COX-2 inhibitors decrease GFR, and renal perfusion and may cause acute renal injury. Moreover, COX-2 inhibitors such as celecoxib or rofecoxib caused Na+ and K+ retention, edema formation, CHF, and hypertension similar to the nonselective COX inhibitors diclofenac and naproxen.186,192 Thus, acute Na+ retention by NSAIDs in volume-depleted healthy adults is extensively mediated by inhibition of COX-2. Whereas the role of PGs in modulating glomerular vasoreactivity in states of varying salt balance is firmly established, the effects of PGs on salt excretion per se are less well established. Certainly, the aforementioned vascular effects of PGs can be expected to have secondary effects on tubule function through the various physical factors described previously in this chapter. One particular consequence of PG-induced renal vasodilatation may be medullary interstitial solute washout. Such a change in medullary interstitial composition could potentially account for the observed increase in urinary Na+ excretion with intrarenal infusion of PGE2.184,201 Studies by Haas and colleagues202 showed that the natriuretic response to PGE2 may be attenuated by preventing an increase in renal interstitial hydraulic pressure, even in the presence of a persistent increase in RBF. The same group demonstrated in rats that the natriuresis usually accompanying direct expansion of renal interstitial volume can be significantly attenuated by inhibition of PGs synthesis. These findings are consistent with the proposal that changes in PGs have a significant effect

+ 412 its expression is altered by Na intake on the one hand and that COX-2 inhibition hampers the urinary Na+ excretion, on the other hand. Finally, it should be recalled that in addition to the hemodynamically mediated and potential direct epithelial effects of PGs already enumerated, PGs may mediate observed physiologic responses to other hormonal agents. The intermediacy of PGs in renin release responses has already been cited. As another example, some, but not all, of the known physiologic effects of BK and other products of the kallikrein-kinin system CH 12 are mediated through BK-stimulated PG production (e.g., inhibition of ADH-stimulated osmotic water permeability in the cortical collecting tubule).194 In addition, some of the renal and systemic actions of AII are mediated via various PG production by both COX-1 and COX-2. For instance, COX-2 inhibitors or COX-2 knockout dramatically augment the pressor effects of AII and reduced medullary blood flow of this hormone.208 In contrast, in COX-1–deficient mice, AII did not reduce the medullary blood flow, suggesting synthesis of COX-2–dependent vasodilators. Moreover, the diuretic and natriuretic effects of AII were absent in COX-2 deficiency. The authors concluded that COX-1 and COX-2 exert opposite effects on systemic and renal function: COX-2 mediates the vasodilatory and natriuretic effects of AII, whereas COX-2 mediates the pressor effect of AII.208

The Natriuretic Peptide Family Major advances have taken place in our understanding of the physiologic and pathophysiologic roles of the NP family in the regulation of Na+ and water balance since the discovery of ANP by de Bold and colleagues.209 ANP is an endogenous 28–amino acid peptide secreted mainly by the right atrium. Besides ANP, the NP family contains at least two other members, BNP and CNP.27 Although encoded by different genes, these peptides share a high similarity in chemical structure, gene regulation, and degradation pathways, yielding a unique hormonal system that exerts various biologic actions on the renal, cardiac, and blood vessel tissues.210,211 ANP plays an important role in blood pressure and volume homeostasis owing to its ability to induce natriuretic/diuretic and vasodilatory responses.212–214 BNP has an amino acid sequence similar to that of ANP, with an extended NH2terminus. In humans, BNP is produced from proBNP, which contains 108 amino acids and, following a proteolytic process, releases a mature 32–amino acid molecule and N-terminal fragment into the circulation. Although BNP was originally cloned from the brain, it is now considered a circulating hormone produced mainly in the cardiac ventricles.215 CNP, which is produced mostly by endothelial cells, shares the ring structure common to all NP members; however, it lacks the C-terminal tail (Fig. 12–5A). The biologic effects of the NPs are mediated by binding the peptide to specific membrane receptors localized to numerous tissues, including vasculature, renal artery, glomerular mesangial and epithelial cells, collecting duct, adrenal zona glomerulosa, and CNS.210 At least three different subtypes of NP receptors have been identified: NP-A, NP-B, and NP-C (see Fig. 12–5B).216 NP-A and NP-B, single transmembrane proteins with a molecular weight (MW) of ∼120 to 140 kDa, mediate most of the biologic effects of NPs. Both are coupled to GC, which contains the protein kinase and GC domains in their intracellular portions.211,217,218 After binding to their receptors, all NPs isoforms (ANP, BNP, and CNP) markedly increase cGMP in target tissues and in plasma. Therefore, analogs of cGMP or inhibition of degradation of this second messenger mimic the vasorelaxant and renal effects of these peptides. The third class of NP-binding sites, NP-C (MW of 60–70 kDa), are believed to serve as clearance receptors because they are not coupled to any known second messenger system.219 ANP-C receptors are the most abundant

type of NP receptors in many key target organs of these peptides.219 Additional routes for the removal of NPs includes enzymatic degradation by neutral endopeptidase 24.11 (NEP), a metalloproteinase located mainly in the lung and the kidney.220 ATRIAL NATRIURETIC PEPTIDE. Both in vivo and in vitro studies, in humans as well as in experimental animals, established the role of ANP in the regulation of ECF volume and the control of blood pressure by acting on all organs/tissues involved in the homeostasis of Na+ and blood pressure212,221,222 (Table 12–4). Therefore, it is not surprising that ANP and NH2-terminal ANP levels are increased in (1) conditions associated with enhanced atrial pressure, (2) systolic or diastolic cardiac dysfunction, (3) cardiac hypertrophy/remodeling, and (4) severe myocardial infarction (MI).222–225 In the kidney, ANP exerts hemodynamic/glomerular effects that increase Na+ and water delivery to the tubule, in combination with inhibitory effects on tubular Na+ and water reabsorption, leading to remarkable diuresis and natriuresis.222,226 In addition to its powerful diuretic and natriuretic activities, ANP also relaxes vascular smooth muscle, thus acting as antagonist to vasoconstriction. The vasodilatory actions of ANP appear to be most evident in the context of antagonizing the concomitant action of such vasoconstrictive influences as AII, endothelin (ET), ADH, and α1-adrenergic input.27,221,226 In addition, ANP reduces cardiac output by shifting fluid from the intravascular to the extravascular compartment, an effect medicated by increased capillary hydraulic conductivity to water.212 In this context, ANP provokes vasodilation, which leads to reduced preload and subsequently to a fall in cardiac output.27,226,227 ANP inhibits the activity of vasoconstrictor systems, such as the RAAS, the SNS, ADH, and ET system, and acts on the CNS to modulate vasomotor tone, thirst, and ADH release.27,226 ANP has also been shown to exert antiproliferative, growth-regulatory properties in cultured glomerular mesangial cells, vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC), and endothelial cells.27,226 Within the kidney, ANP causes afferent vasodilation and efferent vasoconstriction, thus leading to a rise in glomerular capillary pressure, GFR, and filtration fraction (FF).228,229 In combination with increased medullary blood flow, these hemodynamic effects enhance diuresis and natriuresis. However, the overall natriuretic effect of ANP infusion does not require these changes in glomerular function (except to larger doses of the peptide). At the tubular level, ANP inhibits the stimulatory effect AII on Na+,H+ exchanger localized to the luminal side of the proximal tubule.230,231 Likewise, ANP, acting via cGMP, inhibits thiazide-sensitive Na+,Cl− cotransporter in the distal tubule and Na+ channels in the collecting duct, along with inhibition of ADH-induced AQP II incorporation in the apical membrane of these segments of the nephron228,232–234 (see Table 12–4). BRAIN NATRIURETIC PEPTIDE. Administration of BNP to human subjects induces natriuretic, endocrine, and hemodynamic responses similar to those induced by ANP.235 It is well established that BNP is produced and secreted in small amounts by the atrium, compared with the ventricles, which are the major sites of its production.215 Increased volume or pressure overload states such as CHF and hypertension enhance the secretion of BNP from the ventricles. Despite the comparable elevation in plasma levels of ANP and BNP in patients with CHF and other chronic volume-expanded conditions, acute intravenous saline loading or infusion of pressor doses of AII yields different patterns of ANP and BNP secretion.224,236 Whereas plasma levels of ANP increase rapidly, the changes in plasma BNP of atrial origin are negligible, supporting the fact that the atrium contains tiny amounts of BNP, in contrast to the high abundance of ANP.236 Moreover, plasma levels of BNP rise with age. Whereas circulating BNP levels are 26 ± 2 pg/mL in subjects aged 55 to 64




Gly Arg Met Gly Ser Leu Asp Arg Arg Phe Arg Ser Ser Cys Ile Asn Cys Gly Ser Gly Phe Ala Arg Leu Tyr Gly Ser Gln














Gly Phe

Arg Lys Met Asp Arg

Gly Cys



Ile Lys Cys Ser Gly Ser Leu Gly Ser Ser

CH 12

Extracellular Fluid and Edema Formation



Leu Lys Leu Asp Arg Ile



Gly Leu


Ser Gly Ser Met





FIGURE 12–5 A, Amino acid sequences and structures of the three mature members of the natriuretic peptide family: atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), and C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP). B, Schematic model of the structures of the different types of the natriuretic peptide receptors. cGMP, cyclic guanosine monophosphate; GTP, guanine triphosphate; NPR-A, ANP receptor; NPR-B, BNP receptor; NPR-C, CNP receptor. (From Abassi Z, Karram T, Ellaham S, et al: Implications of the natriuretic peptide system in the pathogenesis of heart failure: Diagnostic and therapeutic importance. Pharmacol Ther 102:223–241, 2004.)




Gly Gly Leu Phe Ser Lys Gly Cys

Kinase like domain Guanylyl Cyclase domain

B TABLE 12–4





Physiologic Actions of the Natriuretic Peptides

Target organ

Biologic Effects


Increased glomerular filtration rate by inducing vasodilation of afferent arteriole and vasoconstriction of efferent arteriole Induction of natriuresis by inhibiting Na+, H+ exchanger in proximal tubule, Na+, CI− cotransporter in distal tubule, and Na+ channels in collecting duct Induction of diuresis owing to inhibition of ADH-induced aquaporin II incorporation into collecting duct apical membrane


Reduction in preload leading to reduced cardiac output Inhibition of cardiac remodeling

Hemodynamic Vasorelaxation Elevating capillary hydraulic conductivity Decreased cardiac preload and afterload Endocrine

Suppression of Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis Sympathetic outflow ADH Endothelin


Inhibition of mitogenesis in vascular smooth muscle cells Inhibition of growth factor–mediated hypertrophy in cardiac fibroblasts

414 years, they increase to 31 ± 2 and 64 ± 6 pg/mL in patients aged 65 to 74 years and 75 years or older, respectively.237 Animal and human studies demonstrated the natriuretic effects of pharmacologic doses of BNP. When administered to normal volunteers and hypertensive subjects at low doses, BNP induces a significant increase in urinary Na+ excretion and to a lesser extent in urinary flow.236 Significant natriuresis and diuresis were observed following the infusion of either ANP or BNP to normal subjects. The combination of ANP and BNP did not produce a synergistic renal effect, CH 12 suggesting that these peptides share similar mechanisms of action.236 Moreover, in similarity to ANP, BNP exerts a hypotensive effect in both animals and human subjects. For instance, transgenic mice that overexpress the BNP gene exhibit significant and lifelong hypotension to the same extent as transgenic mice that overexpress the ANP gene.27 Therefore, it is clear that BNP induces its biologic actions through mechanisms similar to those of ANP.27,236 This notion is supported by several findings: (1) Both ANP and BNP act via the same receptors, and both induce similar renal, cardiovascular, and endocrine actions in association with an increase in cGMP production238 (see Table 12–4); (2) BNP suppresses the ACTH-induced aldosterone generation by cultured human adrenal cells.236 Similar results were observed when BNP was infused in vivo.239 The latter may be attributed to the inhibitory effects of BNP on renin secretion, as was shown in dogs.238 In contrast, when BNP was given to humans, no significant change in plasma renin activity (PRA) was obtained. Similar to ANP, the hemodynamic effects of BNP vary according to the dose range and the species. When injected as a bolus at high doses, BNP caused a profound fall in systolic blood pressure; however, when infused at low doses, this peptide failed to change blood pressure or heart rate.27 The effects of BNP have been utilized in the clinical setting in the treatment of the volume overload state of CHF, though recent studies showed a potentially deleterious effect of such therapy on renal function, as is outlined later in the section on CHF. C-TYPE NATRIURETIC PEPTIDE. Although CNP is considered a neurotransmitter in the CNS, most recently it has been shown that endothelial cells produce considerable amounts of this NP, where it plays a role in the local regulation of vascular tone.240 Smaller amounts of CNP are produced in kidney, heart ventricles, and intestine.241,242 In addition, CNP has been found in human plasma, which could be of endothelial or cardiac origin. The physiologic stimuli for CNP production have not been identified, although enhanced CNP mRNA expression has been reported after volume overload.27 Intravenous infusion of CNP decreases blood pressure, cardiac output, urinary volume, and Na+ excretion. Furthermore, the hypotensive effects of CNP are less than those of ANP and BNP, but strongly stimulate cGMP production and inhibit VSMC proliferation.27 Although all three NP forms inhibit the RAAS, CNP (unlike ANP and BNP) failed to induce significant hemodynamic changes in sheep, such as depression of cardiac output, reduction in blood pressure, and plasma volume contraction,27,243 supporting the widely accepted concept that ANP and BNP are the major circulating NPs, whereas CNP is largely considered a local regulator of vascular structure/tone. Although all forms of NPs exist in the brain, their role and significance in the regulation of salt and water balance are not understood. Taken together, the various biologic actions of NPs lead to reduction of effective volume, an expected response to perceived overfilling of the central intrathoracic circulation. Furthermore, all NPs counteract the adverse effects of RAAS, suggesting that the two systems are acting oppositely in the regulation of body fluid and cardiovascular homeostasis. Collectively, NPs are believed to participate in the regulation of Na+ and water balance and blood pressure.

Endothelium-Derived Factors The endothelium has been recognized as a major source of active substances that regulate the vascular tone in health and disease.244–248 The most known representatives of these substances are: ET, NO (or as originally termed, endotheliumderived relaxing factor [EDRF]), and PGI2. It is now well established that these vasoconstricting and vasodilating factors regulate the perfusion pressure of multiple organ systems that are strongly involved in water and Na+ balance, such as the kidney, heart, and vasculature. This section summarizes some of the concepts regarding actions of ET and EDRF/NO relevant to volume homeostasis. ENDOTHELIN. The ET system consists of three vasoactive peptides, namely endothelin 1 (ET-1), endothelin 2 (ET-2), and endothelin 3 (ET-3). These peptides are synthesized and released mainly by endothelial cells and act in a paracrine/ autocrine mode of action.249–251 ET-1, the major representative of the ET family, is the most potent vasoconstrictor known at present.252 All ETs are synthesized by proteolytic cleavage from specific preproETs that are further cleaved to form a 37–39–amino acid precursor, called big ET. Big ET is then converted into the biologically active, 21–amino acid peptide by a highly specific endothelin-converting-enzyme (ECE), a phosphoramidon-sensitive membrane-bound metalloprotease. To date, two isoforms of ECE have been identified: ECE-1 and ECE-2.253 Four differentially spliced isoforms of ECE-1— ECE-1a, ECE-1b, ECE-1c, ECE-1d, are expressed in a variety of tissues including endothelial cells, and process big ET both intracellularly and on the cell surface. ECE-2 is localized mainly to VSMC, and is most likely an intracellular enzyme.253 In ECE-1 knockout mice, tissue levels of ET-1 are reduced by about one third, suggesting that ECE independent pathways are involved in the synthesis of this peptide.254 Recently, Wypij and co-workers255 reported that chymase generates ET-11–21 as well as ET-11–31 peptide. The ETs bind to two distinct receptors, designated ETA and ETB.251,253 The ETA receptor shows a higher affinity for ET-1 than ET-2 and ET-3. The ETB receptor shows equal affinity for each of the three ETs. Both receptors are expressed in a variety of tissues, including blood vessels, kidney, myocardium, lung, and brain.250–253 The vasoconstrictor response to ET is induced by a ETA receptor–mediated increase in cytosolic Ca2+. The endothelium-dependent relaxation is mediated by the ETB receptors via an NO-coupled mechanism. ET is detectable in the plasma of human subjects and many experimental animals and therefore may also act as a circulating vasoactive hormone.249,252 The best known action of ET-1 is vasoconstriction, and its role in vascular homeostasis has been established.251,253 In addition, accumulating evidence indicates that it has a variety of effects on the kidney.250 The kidney is both a source of ET production (mainly the inner medulla) and an important target organ of the peptide. ET-1 is synthesized by the endothelial cells of the renal vessels, and ET-1 and ET-3 are produced by various cell types of the nephron.256 Three major aspects of renal function are affected by ET: (1) renal vascular and mesangial cell tone, (2) renal tubular transport of salt and water, and (3) proliferation and mitogenesis of glomerular mesangial cells. Both ETA and ETB receptors are present in the glomerulus, renal vessels, and tubular epithelial cells, but the vast majority of the ETB subtype are found within the medulla.250 The renal vasculature appears to be most sensitive to the vasoconstrictor action of ET-1 as compared with other vascular beds. Infusion of ET-1 into the renal artery of anesthetized rabbits decreases RPF, GFR, natriuresis, and urine volume.257 Micropuncture studies demonstrated that ET-1 increases afferent and efferent arteriolar resistance (afferent more than efferent), resulting in a reduction in glomerular plasma flow rate. In addition, the ultrafiltration coefficient Kf is reduced owing to contraction of the mesangial cells,

Renal ET production is modulated differently than that in 415 the vasculature. Whereas the vascular (and mesangial) ET generation is controlled by thrombin, AII, and transforming growth factor–β, the renal tubule ET production is under unique control. The nature of such regulation was initially derived from studies examining urinary ET excretion, which was entirely of renal origin.269 Volume expansion in humans increased urinary ET excretion, suggesting an inhibitory action of renal ET on water reabsorption, particularly in collecting duct.250 Today, it is believed that water balance regulates nephron ET production, but it is uncertain whether Na+ CH 12 balance has a direct impact. However, most recently, Sasser and colleagues270 and Pollock and Pollock271 provided evidence that ET-1 plays an important role in the response to high salt and that urinary ET-1 excretion is elevated in rats on a high-salt diet. Water balance may modulate collecting duct fluid reabsorption by altering the medullary tonicity. For instance, increasing the media tonicity with NaCl, raffinose, or mannitol decreased ET-1 synthesis by rat IMCD, MadinDarby Canine Kidney cell line (MDCK), and M1 cortical collecting duct cells.250 Moreover, inducing medullary hypotonicity, as occurred in water load, is most likely associated with augmented synthesis/release of medullary ET, thus provoking water loss. In contrast, medullary hypertonicity during dehydration probably reduces the generation of ET by the collecting duct and thus enhances fluid retention. Although not well established, the existence of such a system, in which collecting duct ET participates in the renal regulation of salt and water transport, is a tempting hypothesis. NITRIC OXIDE. NO, originally described as the EDRF, is a diffusable gaseous molecule produced in endothelial cells of the renal vasculature as well as in tubular epithelial and mesangial cells from its precursor L-arginine by the enzyme NO synthase (NOS), which exists in three distinct isoforms: NOS 1 (bNOS), NOS 2 (iNOS), and NOS 3 (eNOS).272 The use of selective NOS inhibitors and knockout mice has improved the ability to investigate the individual role of the NOS isoforms in the regulation of renal function.273 However, it is difficult to identify the role of NO produced by a given isoform in a given cell type. Therefore, we refer to the renal effects of NO regardless of its enzymatic isoform source. In the past decade, evidence has been provided regarding the importance of locally produced NO in the regulation of renal function, including RPF, salt excretion, and renin release as well as the long-term control of blood pressure.273–275 NO has been shown to exert a tonic vasodilatory action on afferent arterioles and to mediate the renal vasorelaxant action of acetylcholine and BK.273,275 The action of NO is mediated by activation of a soluble GC in adjacent VSMCs, thereby increasing intracellular levels of its second messenger, cGMP.276,277 Evidence now indicates that all NOS isoforms are present in the human and other mammalian kidney.273,276–278 Recent studies have shown that renal NOS activity is regulated by several humoral factors such as aldosterone and salt intake (see later).273 NO plays an important role in the regulation of renal hemodynamics and excretory function,279 best evidenced by the fact that inhibiting of intrarenal NO production results in increased blood pressure and kindey function.280,281 Infusion of NOS inhbitor, NG monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA), into one kidney of anesthetized dogs resulted in a dose-dependent decrease in urinary cGMP levels; decreases in RPF and GFR, antinatriuresis, and antidiuresis; and a decline in fractional Na+ excretion in that kidney compared with the one on the contralateral side.281 In addition, acute NO blockade amplifies the renal vasoconstriction action of AII in isolated micoperfused rabbit afferent arterioles282 and conscious rats,283 suggesting that NO and AII interact in the control of renal vasculature. This notion is supported by the findings that L-NMMA–induced vasoconstriction, decreased RBF, and

Extracellular Fluid and Edema Formation

resulting in a diminished SNGFR. The profound reduction of RPF and concomitant lesser reduction in GFR should result in a rise in FF, but the effect of ET-1 on the FF appears to be variable, with some groups using low doses in a canine model reporting a rise258 and others reporting no significant effect.259 Infusion of ET-1 for 8 days into conscious dogs increased plasma levels of ET by two- to threefold and resulted in increased RVR and decreased GFR and RPF.260 Interestingly, the effect of ET on regional intrarenal blood flow is not homogenous. By using laser-doppler flowmetry, Gurbanov and colleagues261 reported that administration of ET-1 in control rats produced a sustained cortical vasoconstriction and a transient medullary vasodilatory response. These results are in line with previous studies reporting that the medulla predominantly expresses ETB receptors, whereas the cortical vasculature contains a high density of ETA-binding sites.250 The effect of ET on Na+ and water excretion varies and depends on the dose and the source of ET. Systemic infusion of ET in high doses results in a profound antinatriuretic and antidiuretic effect, apparently secondary to the decrease in GFR and RBF.262 However, in low doses or when produced locally in tubular epithelial cells, ET has been claimed to decrease the reabsorption of salt and water, suggesting the presence of ET-1 target sites on renal tubules.263 Also, administration of the ET precursor, big ET, has been shown to cause natriuresis, supporting the notion of a direct inhibitory autocrine action of ET on tubular salt reabsorption. Hoffman and colleagues264 observed that the natriuretic and diuretic actions of big ET-1 can be significantly reduced by ETBspecific blocker, A-192621. Similar results were reported by Pollock265 when the same ETB antagonist was given chronically via osmotic minipump. Furthermore, Gariepy and coworkers266 recently demonstrated that ETB knockout rats have salt-sensitive hypertension and that the luminal ENaC blocker amiloride restores normal arterial pressure in these rats, suggesting that in vivo ETB in the collecting duct tonically inhibits ENaC activity, the final regulator of Na+ balance. Similarly, mice with collecting duct–specific knockout of the ET-1 gene have impaired Na+ excretion in response to Na+ load and develop hypertension with high salt intake.250 The mice also have heightened sensitivity to ADH and reduced ability to excrete acute water load. These findings are in line with in vitro observations that ETB mediates the inhibitory effects of ET-1 on ion and water transport in various medullary tubular segments.250,267 For instance ET-1 in vitro can inhibit Na+ or water transport in the collecting duct and TALH.250 Thus, if vascular and mesangial ET exerts a greater physiologic effect than tubule-derived ET, then RBF is diminished and net fluid retention occurs, whereas if the tubulederived ET effect predominates, salt and water excretion is increased. The ability of ET-1 to inhibit the hydro-osmotic effect of ADH is firmly established. Oishi and co-workers268 examined the response of the isolated perfused IMCD to ET-1 and showed that ADH-stimulated water permeability was reversibly inhibited. The precise mechanism remains to be determined. However, ET-1 reduces ADH-stimulated cAMP accumulation and water permeability in the IMCD.250 In addition, ET-1 mitigates the hydro-osmotic effect of ADH in the cortical collecting duct and the OMCD. Moreover, studies in rabbit cortical collecting duct indicate that ET-1 may inhibit luminal amiloride-sensitive Na+ channels by a Ca2+dependent effect. Taking into account that the medulla contains ETB receptors and the highest ET concentrations in the body and that ETs also inhibit Na+,K+-ATPase in IMCD,250 collectively, these effects may contribute to the diuretic and natriuretic actions of locally produced ET-1. This may also explain the natriuretic effect of ET-1 reported by some investigators, despite the reduction in RBF and GFR.267

416 reduced hydraulic coefficient, Kf, were prevented when the RAAS was blocked, suggesting that some of the major effects of NO are to counterbalance the vasoconstrictive action of AII. In addition, it is evident that NO plays a significant role in regulating TGF and in modulating renin secretion by the juxtaglomerular apparatus.273,284 Inhibition of the NO system by nonselective blockers of NOS results in attenuation of the activity of TGF, augmentation of both its vasoconstriction and its vasodilator capacities, and stimulation of renin secretion.273,284 Most likely, bNOS, which localizes to the CH 12 macula densa, is the major NOS isoform responsible for TGF behavior.279 The involvement of the NO system in the regulation of Na+ balance is well described. In a study by Salazar and colleagues,285 conscious dogs were utilized to examine the role of NO in mediating the arterial pressure and renal excretory response to a prolonged increase in Na+ intake. These investigators demonstrated that, with a normal Na+ diet, NO inhibition induced a significant decrease in natriuresis and diuresis without a change in pressure. In dogs receiving a high-Na+ diet and treated with an NO inhibitor, both arterial pressure and cumulative Na+ balance were higher than in dogs receiving a comparable diet but untreated with NO inhibitors. Shultz and Tolins286 demonstrated that exposure of rats to high-salt intake (1% NaCl drinking water) for 2 weeks induced increased serum concentration and urinary excretion of the NO metabolic products, NO2 + NO3. Urinary NO2 and NO3 and Na+ excretion are significantly correlated. The increase in urinary NO metabolites is attributed to the enhanced expression of all three NOS isoforms in the renal medulla by highsalt intake.273 These findings suggest that NO may have a role in promoting diuresis and natriuresis in both normal and increased salt intake/volume-expanded states.286,287 In line with this notion, using micropuncture technique, Eitle and co-workers288 showed that NO, like ANP, was able to inhibit proximal tubular fluid absorption via a cGMP-mediated mechanism. As mentioned earlier, L-nitroarginine methyl ester (L-NAME) infused directly into the renal medullary interstitium of anesthetized rats reduced the papillary blood flow, in association with decreased Na+ and water excretion, indicating that NO exerts a tonic influence on renal medullary circulation and Na+ excretion.289 It should emphasized that high levels of eNOS in the renal medulla, on one hand, and with the inhibitory effect of NO on Na+,K+-ATPase in the collecting duct, on the other.290 The renal NO system interacts with the local ET system at different levels.267 The inhibition of NOS by L-NAME or of ETB receptor by A-192621 (highly selective ETB antagonist) abolished the diuretic and natriuretic effects of big ET-1 in the kidneys of anesthetized rats.264,291 These findings indicate that NO mediates the diuretic and natriuretic action of locally produced ET-1 in the renal inner medulla. Likewise, substantial evidence indicates that NO inhibits the ADH-enhanced Na+ reabsorption and hydro-osmotic water permeability of the cortical collecting duct.292 Additional support for the involvement of the NO system in Na+ homeostasis is derived from several studies that examined the mechanism of salt-sensitive hypertension. According to these studies, NOS activity, mainly of neuraltype (bNOS), is significantly lower in salt-sensitive rats that were maintained on a high-salt diet than in salt-resistant animals.293,294 In another study, the impaired activity of NOS in salt-sensitive rats was evidenced by a decreased urinary nitrate plus nitrite excretion.293,295 Intravenous administration of L-arginine increased NO production and prevented the development of salt-induced hypertension in Dahl-sensitive rats.295 These findings suggest that bNOS plays an important role in Na+ handling and that decreases in bNOS activity may in part be involved in the mechanism of salt hypertension. The involvement of NO in the abnormality of Na+ handling in this disease state could emerge from an inadequate direct

effect on tubular pumps responsible for Na+ reabsorption in proximal and distal segments. However, it may also be influenced by attenuated inhibitory actions of NO on renin secretion and TGF. In this context, recent studies concluded that NO of macula densa origin blunts the TGF vasoconstriction during high-salt intake in salt-resistant rats, whereas in saltsensitive rats, this response is lost and thus may contribute to salt retention and subsequently to hypertension.296

Renal Nerves Extensive autonomic innervation of the kidney makes an important contribution to the physiologic regulation of all aspects of renal function.195 Sympathetic nerves, predominantly adrenergic, have been observed at all segments of the renal vasculature and tubule.297 Adrenergic nerve endings reach VSMCs and mesangial cells, cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus, and all segments of the tubule: proximal, loop of Henle, and distal. Only the basolateral membrane separates the nerve endings from the tubular cells.298 Initial studies determined that the greatest innervation was found in the renal vasculature, mostly at the level of the afferent arterioles followed by the efferent arterioles and outer medullary descending vasa recta.299 However, high-density tubular innervation was found in the ascending limb of the loop of Henle and the lowest density was observed in the collecting duct, inner medullary vascular elements, and papilla.298,300 It is inferred that the magnitude of the tubular response to renal nerve activation may be proportional to the differential density of innervation. Consistent with these anatomic observations, stimulation of the renal nerve results in vasoconstriction of afferent and efferent arterioles.195,300 Pharmacologic evidence obtained in a variety of experimental animals indicates that the renal vasoconstriction generated by the renal nerves is mediated by the activation of postjunctional α1-adrenoreceptors.301 The presence of high-affinity adrenergic receptors in the nephron also supports a significant role of the renal nerves in tubule function. The α1-adrenergic and most of the α2-adrenergic receptors are found in the proximal tubule and have been localized in the basolateral membranes.302 In the rat, βadrenoreceptors have been found in the cortical TALH and have been subtyped as β1-adrenoceptors.303 The predominant neurotransmitters in renal sympathetic nerves are noradrenaline and, to a lesser extent. dopamine and acetylcholine.300 It is widely believed that changes in the activity of the renal sympathetic nerve play an important role in controlling body fluid homeostasis.195,297,304 Renal sympathetic nerve activity can influence renal function and Na+ excretion through several mechanisms: (1) changes in renal and glomerular hemodynamics, (2) effect on renin release from juxtaglomerular cells with increased formation of AII, and (3) direct effect on renal tubular fluid and electrolyte reabsorption.195 Whether renal hemodynamics is influenced by changes in renal nerve activity within the physiologic range is a matter of debate.197 Application of graded direct electrical renal nerve stimulation produces frequency-dependent changes in RBF and GFR, renal tubule Na+ and water reabsorption, and renin secretion.297,305 The lowest frequency (0.5–1.0 Hz) stimulates renin secretion, followed by increases in renal tubule Na+ and water reabsorption at frequencies of 1.0 to 2.5 Hz. Increasing the frequency of stimulation to 2.5 Hz and higher results in decreases in RBF and GFR.195,305 The decrease in SNGFR in response to enhanced renal nerve activity has been attributed to a combination of increases in both afferent and efferent glomerular resistance and decreases in glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure (∆P) and glomerular ultrfiltation coefficient.195,197,297,306 Micropuncture experiments before and after renal nerve stimulation at different frequencies in MunichWistar rats revealed that the effector loci for vasomotor control by renal nerves localize to the afferent and efferent arteriole.

innervation is required for the normal renal adaptive response 417 to dietary Na+ restriction.312 More direct examination of efferent renal sympathetic nerve activity in humans has been made possible by the measurement of renal NE spillover methodology to elucidate the kinetics of NE release. A study by Friberg and associates313 determined that, in normal subjects, a low-Na+ diet resulted in a fall in urinary Na+ excretion and an increase in NE spillover, with no change in cardiac NE uptake, which supports the concept of a true increase of efferent renal nerve activity secondary to Na+ restriction. Further evidence that the SNS plays a role in Na+ balance in CH 12 humans comes from a study by McMurray and co-workers,314 who demonstrated that low-dose infusion of NE to normal salt-replete volunteers resulted in a physiologic plasma increment of this neurotransmitter in asscociation with antinatriuretic. This reduction in Na+ excretion occurred without any change in GFR but was associated with a significant decline in Li+ clearance, an indication of reduced proximal tubule reabsorption. The cellular mechanisms mediating the tubular actions of NE are believed to include stimulation of Na+,K+-ATPase activity and Na+/H+ exchange in the proximal tubular epithelial cells.195 It is assumed that α1-adrenoreceptor stimulation, acting via phospholipase C, causes an increase in intracellular Ca2+ that activates Ca2+/calmodulin–dependent calcineurin (phosphatase). Calcineurin dephosphorylates Na+-K+-ATPase from its inactive phosphorylated form to its active dephosphorylated form.315 The stimulatory effect of renal nerve on Na+/H+ antiport is mediated through stimulation of α2-adrenoreceptor.195 In addition to its direct action on epithelial cell transport and renal hemodynamics, interactions of renal nerve input with other effector mechanisms may contribute to the regulation of renal handling of Na+. Efferent sympathetic nerve activity influences the rate of renin secretion from the kidney by a variety of mechanisms, directly or by interacting with the renal tubule macula densa and vascular baroreceptor mechanisms for renin secretion.195 The increase in renin secretion is mediated primarily by direct stimulation of β1adrenergic receptors located on juxtaglomerular granular cells.195 Sympathetic activation of renin release is augmented during RPP reduction.195 Studies in the isolated perfused rat kidney suggest that intrarenal generation of AII has an important prejunctional action on renal sympathetic nerve terminal to facilitate NE release during renal nerve stimulation.195 However, the physiologic significance of this facilitatory interaction on tubular Na+ reabsorption remains controversial. Thus, administration of an ACE inhibitor or an AII receptor antagonist attenuated the antinatriuretic response to electrical renal nerve stimulation in anesthetized rats.195 In contrast, when nonhypotensive hemorrhage was used to produce reflex increase in renal sympathetic activity in conscious dogs, the associated antinatriuresis was unaffected by ACE inhibition or AII receptor blockade.316 Sympathetic activity is also a stimulus for the production and release of renal PGs, coupled in series to the adrenergicmediated renal vasoconstriction.195 Evidence indicates that renal vasodilatory PGs attenuate the renal hemodynamic vasoconstrictive response to activation of the renal adrenergic system in vivo and on isolated renal arterioles.195 Micropuncture experiments in Munich-Wistar rats provided evidence that the primary factor responsible for the reduction in the glomerular ultrafiltration coefficient during renal nerve stimulation may be AII rather than NE and that endogenously produced PGs neutralize the vasoconstrictive effects of renal nerve stimulation at an intraglomerular locus rather than at the arteriolar level. Another interaction examined is that between the renal SNS and ADH. Studies in conscious animals showed that ADH exerted a dose-related effect on arterial baroreflex, such

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In addition, although urine flow and Na+ excretion declined with renal nerve stimulation, there was no change in absolute proximal fluid reabsorption rate, suggesting that increased reabsorption occurs in the more distal segments of the nephron. However, earlier studies in the rat found alterations in proximal fluid reabsorption in response to renal nerve stimulation or acute denervation. Studies of the response of the kidney to reflex activation of renal nerves are also supportive of a role for the SNS in regulating renal hemodynamic function and Na+ excretion.298 DiBona and colleagues195 measured renal nerve activity in rats receiving different Na+ diets in response to isotonic saline volume expansion and furosemide-induced volume contraction. A low-Na+ diet resulted in a reduction in right atrial pressure and an increase in renal nerve activity. The high-Na+ diet resulted in opposite changes, that is, an increase in right atrial pressure and a reduction in renal nerve activity. Thus, the relationship between atrial pressure and renal sympathetic nerve activity is both linear and bidirectional, with a gain of approximately −20%/mm Hg rise in atrial pressure.195,307 Other studies in conscious animals, utilizing maneuvers such as HWI and left atrial balloon inflation,308 support the importance of reflex regulation of renal nerve activity. Collectively, these studies demonstrate the reciprocal relationship between ECF volume and renal nerve activity, consistent with the role of central cardiopulmonary mechanoreceptors governing renal nerve activity. These authors also demonstrated that the contribution of efferent renal nerve activity is of greater significance during conditions of dietary Na+ restriction when the need for renal Na+ conservation is maximal. When this linkage between the renal SNS and the excretory kidney function is defected, abnormalities in the regulation of ECF volume and blood pressure may develop.300,309 Several studies that have examined the response of denervated kidneys to various physiologic maneuvers also indicated a role for renal nerves in regulating renal hemodynamic function and Na+ excretion. Early studies showed that acute denervation of the kidney is associated with increased urine flow and Na+ excretion.195 Micropuncture techniques showed that, in euvolemic animals, elimination of renal innervation does not alter any of the determinants of SNGFR, indicating that renal nerves contribute little to the vasomotor tone of normal animals under baseline physiologic conditions. Yet, absolute proximal reabsorption was significantly reduced, in the absence of changes in peritubular capillary oncotic pressure, hydraulic pressure, and renal interstitial pressure.195 Other studies showed that the decrease in tubular electrolyte and water reabsorption following renal denervation is not limited to the proximal nephron, but occurs also in the loop of Henle and the distal nephron segments.195,310 In another micropuncture study, measurements obtained before and after denervation in control rats and rats with experimental CHF or acute volume depletion demonstrated that denervation resulted in diuresis and natriuresis in normal rats but failed to alter any of the parameters of renal cortical microcirculation.311 In contrast, in rats with CHF, denervation caused an amelioration of renal vasoconstriction, by decreasing afferent and efferent arteriolar resistance, and again a natriuresis. This study indicates that in situations in which efferent neural tone is heightened above baseline level, renal nerve activity may profoundly influence renal circulatory dynamics. However, although the basal level of renal nerve activity in normal rats or conscious animal is apparently insufficient to influence renal hemodynamics, it is sufficient to exert a tonic stimulation on renal tubular epithelial Na+ reabsorption and renin release.195 Clinical studies, in which guanethidine was given to achieve autonomic blockade or in patients with idiopathic autonomic insufficiency, revealed that intact adrenergic

418 that low doses of ADH may sensitize the central baroreflex neurons to afferent input, whereas higher doses caused direct excitations of these neurons, resulting in a reduction in sympathetic outflow.195 Nishida and colleagues317 demonstrated that ADH suppresses renal sympathetic outflow and determined that this response depends on the number of afferent inputs from baroreceptors. Simon and associates318 examined the plasma ADH response to renal nerve stimulation in conscious, baroreceptor-intact, Wistar rats. Renal nerve stimulation resulted in an elevated plasma concentration of ADH and CH 12 a rise in arterial pressure. Many studies demonstrated, in both normal and pathologic situations, that increased renal nerve sympathetic activity can antagonize the natriuretic/diuretic response to ANP and that removal of the influence of sympathetic activity enhances the natriuretic action of the peptide.228,319,320 Awazu and co-workers321 noted that, in Wistar rats, renal denervation increased ANP receptors and cGMP generation in glomeruli, resulting in an increase in ultrafiltration coefficient after ANP infusion. In summary, evidence indicates that the renal sympathetic nerves can regulate urinary Na+ and water excretion by changing RVR, by influencing renin release from the juxtaglomerular granular cells, and through a direct effect on tubular epithelial cells. These effects may be modulated via interactions with various other hormonal systems including ANP, PGs and ADH.

Other Factors KININS. The kallikrein-kinin system (KKS) is a complex cascade responsible for the generation and release of vasoactive kinins, that is, BK and related peptides.322 This endogenous metabolic system includes precursors of kinins, known as kininogen, and tissue and circulatory kallikreins. Kinins are produced by many cell types in the body and can be detected in secretory products such as urine, saliva, and sweat, interstitial fluid, and rarely, venous blood. That renal KKS can produce local concentrations of BK much higher than those present in blood is well known.323 Kinins play an important role in hemodynamic and excretory processes through their receptors that include BK-B1, and BK-B2. The BK-B2 receptors mediate most of the actions of kinins and are located mainly in kidney, although they are also detectable in heart, lung, brain, uterus, and testes. Activation of BK-B2 receptors results in vasodilation most likely via an NO- or arachidonic acid metabolites–dependent mechanism.322,324,325 BK is known for its multiple effects on the cardiovascular system, particularly vasodilation and plasma extravasation.322 Besides the vasculature, the kidney is an important target organ of kinins, where they induce diuresis and natriuresis via activation of BK-B2 receptors. These effects are attributaed to an increase in RBF and to inhibition of Na+ and water reabsorption in the distal nephron.323,326 The latter effect is secondary to the observed action of kinins in reducing vascular resistance. Unlike many vasodilators, BK increases RBF without significantly affecting GFR or Na+ reabsorption at the proximal tubule level, but with a marked decrease in the water and salt reabsorption in the distal portions of the nephron, thus contributing to increased urine volume and Na+ excretion. Several studies that utilized transgenic animals enriched our understanding of the physiologic role of the kinins and the interaction between the KKS and the RAAS.323 For instance, in the kidney, AII acting via AT2 receptor stimulates a vasodilator cascade of BK, NO, and cGMP, which is tonically activated only during conditions of increased AII, such as Na+ depletion.327 In the absence of the AT2 receptor, pressor and antinatriuretic hypersensitivity to AII is associated with BK and NO deficiency.326 Furthermore, the involvement of the renal kinins in pressure natriuresis phenomenon

has been documented.98 The heptapeptide angiotensin (Ang)(1–7) is currently considered one of the biologically active end products of the RAAS.323 BK mediates the biologic actions of Ang-(1–7), because rats transgenic to kallikrein gene display significant augmentation in the diuretic and natriuretic actions of Ang-(1–7).323 Because ACE is involved in the degradation of kinins, ACE inhibitors not only attenuate the formation of AII but also may lead to the accumulation of kinins. Therefore, the latter are believed to be responsible in part for the beneficial effects of ACE inhibitors in patients with CHF.328 Based on that, the KKS is believed to play a pivotal role in the regulation of fluid and electrolyte balance, mostly through its renal actions. ADRENOMEDULLIN. Human adrenomedullin (AM) is a 52– amino acid peptide that was discovered over a decade ago by Kitamura and associates329 in extracts of human pheochromocytoma. AM shares structural homology with calcitonin gene–related peptide and amylin.329,330 Like the calcitonin gene, the AM gene is situated in a single locus of chromosome 11. Besides human AM, the amino acid sequence of AM has been determined in many species including rat, canine, mouse, porcine, and bovine. AM is produced from a 185 a.a. preprohormone that also contains a unique 20 a.a. sequence in the NH2-terminus and termed proadrenomedulin NH2terminal 20 peptide (PAMP). PAMP exists in vivo and has biologic activity similar to that of AM. AM-mRNA is expressed in several tissues including atrium, ventricles, vascular tissue, lung, kidney, pancreas, ventricle, smooth muscle cells, small intestine, and brain. The synthesis and secretion of AM are stimulated by chemical factors and physical stress. Among these stimulants are cytokines, corticosteroids, thyroid hormones, AII, NE, ET, BK, and shear stress.331 AM immunoreactivity has been localized in most of the body tissues.330,332 For instance, high concentrations of AM are present in pheochromocytoma, adrenal medulla, cardiac atria, pituitary gland, and at lower levels in cardiac ventricles, VSMC, endothelial cells, renal distal and collecting tubules, digestive, respiratory, reproductive, and endocrine systems.331,332 Interestingly, endothelial cells produce and secrete AM in amounts comparable to that of ET.330 In contrast to the other tissues, the AM synthesized in the adrenal medulla is stored in granules and secreted in a controlled pathway.331 AM acts through a membrane receptor that consists of 395 a.a. that structurally resembles G-protein–linked receptor, containing seven transmembrane domains. AM receptors comprise the calcitonin receptor–like receptor and a family of receptor-activity–modifying protein (RAMPs 1–3).333 Activation of these receptors increases intracellular cAMP, which most likely serves as a second messenger for the peptide.330,334 Since its discovery, AM has undergone intensive investigation in regard to possible participation in the regulation of cardiovascular and volume homeostatsis.335,336 Multiple biologic actions of AM have been reported. The most impressive biologic effect of AM is long-lasting and dose-dependent vasodilation of the vascular system including coronary arteries.330,334,335 Injection of AM into anesthetized rats, cats, or conscious sheep, induced a potent and long-lasting hypotensive response associated with reduction in vascular resistance in the kidney, brain, lung, hind limbs, and mesentery.331 The hypotensive action of AM is accompanied by increases in heart rate and cardiac output owing to positive inotropic effects.331 The vasodilating effect of AM can be blocked by inhibiting NOS, suggesting that NO partly mediates the decrease in systemic vascular resistance.330 Besides its hypotensive action, AM increases RBF via preglomerular and postglomerular arteriolar vasodilation.334,337 The AM-induced hyperperfusion is associated with a dose-dependent diuresis and natriuresis.331,334 These effects result from a decrease in tubular Na+ reabsorption despite the AM-induced hyperfilteration.337 Similar to natriuretic peptides, AM suppresses aldosterone

that natriuretic hormone and the vascular Na+,K+-ATPase 419 inhibitor are the same factor and, furthermore, that this factor played a causative role in the pathophysiology of certain types of hypertension. Indeed, prolonged elevation of circulating EDLF in the rat produces sustained hypertension.365 Similarly, among white patients with essential hypertension, a large fraction has high circulating concentrations of EDLF.365 Moreover, owing to its inhibitory action on the Na+ pump, EDLF increases cytosolic stores of Ca2+ in many types of cells, including VSMC, leading to an increase in vascular resistance.366 In newborns, the inhibition of renal Na+,K+-ATPase CH 12 may enhance elimination of surplus Na+.367 NEUROPEPTIDE Y. Neuropeptide Y (NPY), a 36-residue peptide, is a sympathetic co-transmitter stored and released together with noradrenaline by adrenergic nerve terminals of the SNS. Structurally, NPY shares high homology with two other members of the pancreatic polypeptide family, peptide YY (PYY) and pancreatic polypeptide (PP). These two closely related peptides are produced and released by the intestinal endocrine cells and pancreatic islet cells, respectively, and act as hormones.368,369 Although NPY was originally isolated from the brain and is highly expressed in the CNS, it has been clearly demonstrated that NPY exhibits a wide spectrum of biologic activities in peripheral organs such as the cardiovascular system, the GIT, and the kidney.370–372 Numerous studies utilizing both in vivo and in vitro techniques demonstrated the capacity of the NPY to reduce RBF and increase RVR in various species including rat, rabbit, pig, and humans.372 Despite of the potent vasoconstrictor effect of this peptide on renal vasculature, this effect does not appear to be associated with a similar reduction in GFR. Indeed, most of the studies in which this parameter was evaluated show only minor or no alterations in GFR in response to NPY administration. Considering the potent renal vasoconstrictor action of NPY, a decrease in electrolyte and water excretion could be expected following the administration of the peptide.372 However, the available data at present suggest that NPY may exert either a natriuretic373 or an antinatriuretic374 action, depending on the experimental conditions and the species utilized. Collectively, numerous studies using physiologic and pharmacologic approaches indicated that this peptide has the capacity to alter renal function. In particular, these studies suggest that NPY may exert renal vasoconstrictor and tubular actions that are species dependent and may also influence renin secretion by the kidney. The question of whether NPY plays an important role in the physiologic regulation of renal hemodymaics and electrolyte excretion remains largely unanswered at present.

Extracellular Fluid and Edema Formation

secretion in response to AII and high potassium.330 Furthermore, in cultured VSMC, AM inhibits ET production induced by various stimuli.331 AM acts in the CNS to inhibit both water and salt intake.338 In the hypothalamus, AM inhibits the secretion of ADH, an effect that may contribute to its diuretic and natriuretic actions.338 Taken together, these findings show that AM is a vasoactive peptide of potential importance that may be involved in the physiologic control of renal, adrenal, vascular, and cardiac function. Furthermore, the existence of AM-like immunoreactivity in the glomerulus and in the distal tubule, in association with detectable amounts of AM mRNA in the kidney, suggests that AM plays a renal paracrine role.339 UROTENSIN. Urotensin-II (U-II) is a cyclic peptide originally isolated from the caudal neurosecretory organ of teleost fish.340,341 The human isoform was cloned in 1999 and has been identified as the natural ligand for the orphan G-protein– coupled receptor GPR-14.342–345 The U-II/GPR-14 system is expressed in the CNS, the cardiovascular system, and the kidney of various mammalian species, including humans.345–349 In the human kidney, immunoreactive staining for U-II was detected in the epithelial cells of the tubules, mostly in the distal tubule, with moderate staining in the endothelial cells of the renal capillaries.350 In addition, in fish, some evidence indicates that U-II modulates transepithelial ion (Na+/Cl−) transport.351,352 Human U-II (hU-II) possesses potent vasoactive properties, although these effects are largely dependent on the species and the vascular bed examined.342,353 In the original study by Ames and colleagues,342 hU-II induced a potent vasoconstrictor effect on isolated arteries from nonhuman primates that was an order of magnitude greater than that of ET-1. Since then, hU-II has been considered the most potent mammalian vasoconstrictor identified so far.342,353,354 However, careful analysis of the literature reveals that this general notion may be unjustified and that U-II may exert both vasoconstrictor and vasodilatory effects. These actions depend largely on the animal species as well as on the vascular bed examined.353,354 In the rat, the predominant cardiovascular actions of U-II are hyperemic vasodilatation in the mesenteric and hindquarter vascular beds, associated with hypotension and dose-dependent tachycardia.355 Gibson356 showed that U-II at low concentrations caused relaxation of noradrenaline-precontracted aortic stripes of rats in an endothelium-dependent manner. Evidence also indicates that hU-II may act as a potent vasodilator of human small pulmonary arteries and abdominal resistance arteries.357 Likewise, in the isolated perfused rat heart, U-II elicited a sustained coronary vasodilatation through factors such as COX products and NO.358 These findings may suggest that, although the direct effect of U-II on large vessels is contraction, U-II also relaxes blood vessels by the release of vasodilators from endothelium.359 The involvement of the U-II system in the regulation of renal function in mammals has not been thoroughly investigated. Recently, Zhang and asociates360 demonstrated that hU-II is an NO-dependent renal vasodilator and acts a natriuretic peptide in the rat kidney. Also, recent evidence by Clozel and co-workers361 suggests that the UT-II system may be involved in the pathogenesis of the no-reflow phenomenon of renal ischemia induced by clamping of the renal artery. DIGITALIS-LIKE FACTOR. Hamlyn and co-workers362–364 identified an endogenous ouabain-like compound in human and other mammalian plasma that interacts with the cardenolide receptor on the Na+,K+-ATPase pump and whose mechanism of inhibition was strikingly similar to that of the digitalis glycosides used in the treatment of CHF and certain cardiac arrhythmias. This substance, which was later termed endogenous digitalis-like factor (EDLF), is secreted by the adrenal cortex. The physiologic role of the EDLF has not yet been fully elucidated. However, initial studies hypothesized

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF EDEMA FORMATION Generalized edema formation, the clinical hallmark of ECF volume expansion, represents the accumulation of excessive volumes of fluid in the interstitial compartment and is invariably associated with renal Na+ retention. It occurs most commonly in response to CHF, cirrhosis with ascites, and the nephrotic syndrome. In CHF and cirrhosis with ascites, the primary disturbance leading to Na+ retention does not originate within the kidney. Instead, renal Na+ retention is the response to a disturbance of the circulation induced by disease of the heart or liver. In the nephrotic syndrome, glomerular injury accompanied by heavy proteinuria is associated with Na+ retention and leads to a profound disturbance in circulatory homeostasis. In each of these conditions, the renal effector mechanisms that normally operate to conserve Na+ and protect against an Na+ deficit are exaggerated and continue despite subtle or overt expansion of ECF volume.


Local Mechanisms in Interstitial Fluid Accumulation

Transcapillary fluid and solute transport can be viewed as consisting of two types of flow, convective and diffusive. Bulk water movement occurs via convective transport induced by hydraulic and osmotic pressure gradients.375 Capillary hydraulic pressure is under the influence of a number of factors, including systemic arterial and venous blood pressures, local blood flow, and the resistances imposed by the pre- and CH 12 postcapillary sphincters. Systemic arterial blood pressure, in turn, is determined by cardiac output, intravascular volume, and SVR; systemic venous pressure is determined by right atrial pressure, intravascular volume, and venous capacitance. Na+ balance is a key determinant of these latter hemodynamic parameters. It should also be noted that, conversely, the massive accumulation of fluid in the peripheral interstitial compartment (anasarca) can itself diminish venous compliance and, hence, alter overall cardiovascular performance.376 The balance of Starling forces prevailing at the arteriolar end of the capillary (∆P > ∆π) favors the net filtration of fluid into the interstitium. Net outward movement of fluid along the length of the capillary is associated with an axial decrease in the capillary hydraulic pressure and an increase in the plasma COP. Nevertheless, the local transcapillary hydraulic pressure gradient continues to exceed the opposing COP gradient throughout the length of the capillary bed in several tissues, such that filtration occurs along its entire length.377 In such capillary beds, a substantial volume of filtered fluid must, therefore, return to the circulation via lymphatics. Given this importance of lymphatic drainage, the ability of lymphatics to expand and proliferate and the ability of lymphatic flow to increase in response to increased interstitial fluid formation provide protective mechanisms for minimizing edema formation. Other mechanisms for minimizing edema formation have also been identified. Precapillary vasoconstriction tends to lower capillary hydraulic pressure and diminish the filtering surface area in a given capillary bed. Indeed, excessive precapillary vasodilatation in the absence of appropriate microcirculatory myogenic reflex regulation appears to account for lower extremity interstitial edema associated with Ca2+ entry blocker vasodilator therapy.378 Increased net filtration itself is associated with dissipation of capillary hydraulic pressure, dilution of interstitial fluid protein concentration, and a corresponding rise in intracapillary plasma protein concentration. The resulting change in the profile of Starling forces associated with increased filtration, therefore, tends to mitigate against further interstitial fluid accumulation.379,380 Interstitial fluid pressure is normally subatmospheric. Furthermore, even small increases in interstitial fluid volume tend to augment tissue hydraulic pressure, again opposing further transudation of fluid into the interstitial space.381 The appearance of generalized edema, therefore, implies one or more disturbances in microcirculatory hemodynamics associated with expansion of the ECF volume: increased venous pressure transmitted to the capillary, unfavorable adjustments in pre- and postcapillary resistances, or lymphatic flow inadequate to drain the interstitial compartment and replenish the intravascular compartment. Insofar as the continued net accumulation of interstitial fluid without renal Na+ retention might result in prohibitive intravascular volume contraction and cessation of interstitial fluid formation, generalized edema, therefore, implies substantial renal Na+ retention. Indeed, the volume of accumulated interstitial fluid required for clinical detection of generalized edema (>2–3 L) necessitates that all states of generalized edema are associated with expansion of ECF volume and, hence, body exchangable

Na+ content. In conclusion,t all states of generalized edema reflect past or ongoing renal Na+ retention.

Renal Sodium Retention and Edema Formation in Congestive Heart Failure CHF is a clinical syndrome in which the heart is unable to satisfy the requirements of peripheral tissues for oxygen and other nutrients. This happens most commonly in the setting of a decrease in cardiac output (low-output CHF), but may occur as well when cardiac output is increased, for example, in patients with AV fistula, hyperthyroidism, and beriberi (high-output CHF). In both situations, the kidney responds in a similar manner, that is, by avidly retaining Na+ and water despite expansion of the ECF volume. The syndrome of CHF encompasses pathophysiologic alterations related to a reduction of the distending pressure within the arterial circuit and those that are related to increases in the volume of blood and the filling pressures in the atrium and great veins, behind the failing ventricle. In response to these changes, a series of adjustments occur that result from the operation of circulatory and neurohumoral compensatory mechanisms. These adjustments may be viewed teleologically as tending to support arterial pressure and maintain perfusion to critical organs such as the heart and brain. As long as these adaptations are able to maintain their compensatory role, they may prove to be beneficial (compensated CHF). However, with the development of CHF, excessive activation of these systems may become detrimental by further promoting peripheral vasoconstriction and increasing the abnormal loading conditions in the failing heart. At this turning point, a vicious circle is created (decompensated CHF) in which the “compensatory” mechanisms themselves contribute to further deterioration of the cardiovascular system. From the standpoint of ECF volume homeostasis, two key abnormalities occur in CHF: (1) The perception of an inadequate circulating volume by various sensors within the circulation. (2) A disturbance in the effector arm of volume control, with excessive activation of antinatriuretic vasoconstrictor systems and failure of natriuretic vasodilatory mechanisms, shifting the balance between these systems toward Na+ and water retention by the kidney.

Afferent Limb of Volume Homeostasis in Congestive Heart Failure: Abnormalities in Sensing Mechanisms What constitutes the afferent signal for the continued retention of Na+ and water by the kidney in CHF has been the focus of interest and debate for many years.382–385 The observation that the kidney is intrinsically normal in CHF but continues to retain Na+ and water avidly, despite expansion of the extracellular volume, indicated that it must be responding to “inadequate” signals from the volume regulatory system. This suggests either that a critical sensing area in the vascular tree is “underfilled” or that some sensing mechanisms of body fluid volume fail to detect appropriately the elevated circulating volume. Compelling evidence suggests that both mechanisms may contribute to development of salt and water retention and edema formation in CHF. The recognition of the important role of arterial underfilling in mediating renal salt and water retention dates back to the concepts of “backward failure” and “forward failure” formulated by Starling,386 Harrison,387 and Stead and Ebert388 as well as the concept of “effective circulating volume” suggested in 1948 by Peters.389 According to the theory of “backward failure,” accumulation of blood behind the failing myocardium results in venous congestion with increased capillary pressure, leading to transudation of fluid into the

activated, and the secretion of ADH and renin may be aug- 421 mented, thus promoting Na+ and water retention by the kidney despite a high circulating volume. Gabrielsen and coworkers395 demonstrated that neuroendocrine link between volume sensing and renal Na+ excretion is preserved in compensated CHF. However, the natriuretic response to volume expansion is modulated by the prevailing AII and aldosterone concentrations. Inhibition of AII formation by an ACE inhibitor increased Na+ excretion to the same extent found in control subjects. In contrast, renal free water clearance is attenuated in response to volume expansion in compensated CH 12 CHF despite normal plasma levels of ADH. Greenberg and colleagues396 were the first to report that the firing of atrial receptors in response to saline infusion was markedly attenuated over a wide range of central venous pressures in dogs with CHF induced by pulmonic valve stenosis and tricupid regurgitation. These findings were confirmed and extended in an aortocaval fistula canine model of CHF by Zucker and co-workers397 who demonstrated a reduced firing of type B left atrial receptors in response to dextran volume expansion in the dogs with CHF. In addition, sonomicrometry of the left atrial appendage demonstrated reduced atrial compliance and microscopy indicated loss of nerve ending arborization. Such an attenuated sensitivity of cardiopulmonary reflexes may explain the clinical observation indicating a sustained activation of the SNS in CHF patients with venous congestion,398 a situation that would normally result in suppression of NE release. Likewise, studies using maneuvers that selectively altered central cardiac filling pressures (i.e., head-up tilt or LBNP) showed that patients with CHF, in contrast to normal subjects, usually do not demonstrate significant alterations in limb blood flow, circulating catecholamines, ADH, or renin activity in response to postural stimuli.399,400 This diminished reflex responsiveness may be most impaired in patients with the greatest ventricular dysfunction. In addition to the dysfunction of the cardiopulmonary reflexes, abnormalities in the arterial baroreflex control of the cardiovascular system also exist in CHF.393,394,401 Ferguson and associates402 demonstrated a high baseline muscle sympathetic activity in patients with CHF who failed to respond to activation and deactivation of arterial baroreceptors by infusion of phenylephrine and Na+ nitroprusside, respectively. Depressed function of carotid and aortic baroreceptors were also reported in experimental models of cardiac failure.403,404 These changes were associated with a resetting of receptor threshold to higher levels and a reduced range of pressures over which the receptors function. Multiple abnormalities have been described in cardiopulmonary and arterial baroreceptor control of renal sympathetic activity in CHF. DiBona and co-workers405 demonstrated in rats with coronary ligation an increased basal level of efferent renal sympathetic activity that failed to suppress normally during volume expansion. Similar observations were reported by Dibner-Dunlap and Thames406 in sinoaortic denervated dogs with pacing-induced CHF. In this experimental model, cardiopulmonary receptors were stimulated by volume expansion, and left atrial baroreceptors were stimulated by inflating small balloons at the left atrial-pulmonary vein junctions. With both stimuli, a marked attenuation of the cardiopulmonary baroreflex control of the efferent renal sympathetic activity was found. In a more recent study, DiBona & Sawin407 performed simultaneous recordings of efferent renal sympathetic activity with either single aortic or single vagal nerve units in a rat model of CHF. This study demonstrated that the abnormal regulation of efferent renal sympathetic activity was due to impaired function of both the aortic and the cardiopulmonary baroreflexes. These investigators reported later that the defect in cardiopulmonary baroreceptor was functionally more important than that in arterial baroreceptors

Extracellular Fluid and Edema Formation

interstitium with edema formation and depletion of plasma volume. The decrease in plasma volume then initiates renal Na+ and water retention. In contrast, the concept of “forward failure” emphasized the importance of the failure of the heart as a pump in supplying adequate blood flow to the tissues, similar to the mechanism of acute circulatory failure (shock), such that the kidneys are no longer able to excrete salt in a normal manner. Evidently, both mechanisms contain elements of “underfilling” of the arterial circulation. Many early studies showed that cardiac output was reduced in CHF, in agreement with both the “backward” and “forward” concepts. Thus, the notion that a decrease in cardiac output might be the signal dictating renal Na+ retention in CHF found increasing support over the years.390,391 However, it was soon recognized that situations associated with high cardiac output, such as AV fistula, may be associated with renal salt and water retention and identical neurohormonal responses to those observed in low-output CHF.41 Schrier383–385,392 refined the concept of arterial underfilling in a unifying hypothesis of body fluid volume regulation to explain the continued renal Na+ and water retention in various edematous disorders. According to this view, the relative fullness of the arterial circulation, as determined by the relation between cardiac output and peripheral arterial resistance, constitutes the primary afferent signal for renal retention of salt and water. A decrease in cardiac output is the most obvious reason for arterial underfilling. However, a decrease in peripheral arterial resistance, as a result of diversion of blood flow from the arterial to venous circuit, may provide another afferent signal for arterial underfilling, which causes retention of salt and water by the kidney. Thus, arterial underfilling, caused by either an absolute decrease in cardiac output (low-output CHF) or diversion of blood flow through anatomic or physiologic AV shunt (high-output CHF), initiates the sequence of adaptive neurohormonal and renal hemodynamic responses that result in enhanced Na+ and water reabsorption by the kidney. In that respect, activation of neurohormonal and hemodynamic compensatory mechanisms in CHF is not different from those occurring in true hypovolemia. It is important to note, however, that in contrast to true volume-depletion states, CHF is associated with a rise in intracardiac pressures, which, in theory, should promote natriuresis by activating cadiopulmonary reflexes and the release of ANP. In that respect, the increase in intracardiac pressures in CHF may be substantially higher than in other edema-forming states. Given the potency of these important volume-regulatory cardiopulmonary reflexes, it is conceivable that the blunted natriuresis associated with CHF reflects a disturbance in the afferent signaling mechanisms emanating from these volume-sensing sites. As previously discussed, the sensory information that initiates the neurohumoral responses to changes in volume homeostasis originates from mechanosensitive nerve endings located in the cardiac atria, ventricles, and pulmonary circulation (cardiopulmonary receptors) and the arterial baroreceptors located in the aortic arch and carotid sinus. Information from these nerve endings is carried by the vagal and glossopharyngeal nerves to centers in the medulla and brainstem. In the normal situation, the prevailing discharge from these receptors exerts a tonic restraining effect on the heart and circulation by inhibiting the sympathetic outflow and augmenting parasympathetic activity. In addition, changes in transmural pressure across the atria and great vessels also influence the secretion of ADH and renin and the release of ANP. In CHF, it is widely accepted that both the cardiopulmonary reflexes and the arterial baroreflexes are blunted, such that they can no longer exert an adequate tonic inhibitory effect on sympathetic outflow.393,394 As a result of the diminished inhibitory input from these receptors sites, the SNS is

422 in mediating the augmented efferent renal sympathetic activity.408 Several mechanisms have been implicated in the pathogenesis of the abnormalities in cardiopulmonary and arterial baroreflexes in CHF. Zucker and co-workers397 suggested that loss of compliance in the dilated hearts as well as gross changes in the morphology of the receptors themselves were the mechanisms underlying the depressed atrial receptor discharge in dogs with aortocaval fistula. Additional studies in dogs with pacing-induced CHF raised the possibility that the CH 12 decrease in carotid sinus baroreceptors sensitivity might be related to augmented Na+,K+-ATPase activity in the baroreceptor membranes.403,409 Local perfusion of the carotid sinus with the cardiac glycoside ouabain led to a significant improvement of baroreceptor function.403 Recent studies also demonstrated a role for AII in modulating baroreflex function, suggesting that increased activity of this peptide could be involved in the abnormal reflex regulation in CHF. Specifically, intracerebral or systemic administration of the AT1 receptor antagonist losartan to rats with CHF significantly improved arterial baroreflex control of renal sympathetic activity.394 Similarly, Murakami and colleagues410 demonstrated that intravenous infusion of another AT1 receptor antagonist, L-158,809, resulted in a significant enhancement of baroreflex control of heart rate in conscious rabbits with CHF. In addition, Dibner-Dunlap and co-workers411 reported that treatment with the ACE inhibitor enalaprilat augmented arterial and cardiopulmonary baroreflex control of sympathetic nerve activity in patients with CHF. Taken together, these data support the possibility that high endogenous levels of AII in CHF may contribute to the depressed baroreflex sensitivity observed in CHF. Although most of the studies indicated that the defects in the baroreflex function in CHF reside primarily in the afferent limb of the reflex arch, presumably at the receptor level, it has been suggested that alterations in more central sites may also be involved. As noted earlier, intracerebroventricular administration of an AT1 antagonist improved baroreflex sensitivity in rats with CHF, suggesting that AII may also act on a central component of the reflex arch.394 Indeed, in a study in which AII was injected into the vertebral artery of normal rabbits, a significant attenuation in arterial baroreflex function was observed.412 Furthermore, this effect of AII could be blocked by prazosin, suggesting that the modulation of baroreflex function was mediated via a central α1-adrenoreceptor. As pointed out earlier, the blunted cardiopulmonary and arterial baroreceptor sensitivity in CHF may lead to an increase not only in total sympathetic outflow but also in ADH release and renin secretion. However, compared with the influence on sympathetic outflow, less information links the abnormalities in cardiopulmonary and arterial baroreflexes with enhanced ADH release and renin secretion in CHF. The discovery that ANP is localized at some of the critical volume-sensing sites in the heart raised the possibility that alterations in secretory capacity of this hormone may exist in CHF. Thus, it was suggested that plasma ANP-atrial stretch relationship could be altered in CHF owing to limited reserve of the hormone in atrial storage as a result of a tonically increased stimulus for release of the hormone.413 However, it is unlikely that such a defect could contribute significantly to salt and water retention in CHF for the following reasons. (1) Numerous studies in patients and animal models with CHF consistently demonstrated that circulating levels of the hormone are not depressed but rather elevated in CHF in proportion to the severity of cardiac dysfunction.414–417 (2) It appears that cardiac ventricles become a major source of peptide secretion in CHF, as evidenced by increased tissue immunoreactive ANP and ANP mRNA in ventricles of patients and experimental models of CHF.418–420 (3) Na+ reten-

tion of CHF is not reversed when plasma ANP levels are further increased by exogenous administration of the peptide. The failure of ANP infusion to induce appropriate natriuretic and diuretic responses in patients421 and experimental models of CHF422,423 indicates that the main abnormality in CHF is the development of “resistance” to ANP rather than impaired secretion of the peptide. The disturbances in the sensing mechanisms that initiate and maintain renal Na+ retention in CHF are summarized in Figure 12–6. As indicated, a decrease in cardiac output or a diversion of systemic blood flow (anatomic or physiologic) diminishes the blood flow to the critical sites of the arterial circuit with pressure- and flow-sensing capabilities. The perception of diminished blood flow culminates in renal Na+ retention, mediated by effector mechanisms to be described. An increase in systemic venous pressure promotes the transudation of fluid from the intravascular to the interstitial compartment by increasing the peripheral transcapillary hydraulic pressure gradient. These processes augment the perceived loss of volume and flow in the arterial circuit. In addition, distortion of the pressure-volume relationships as a result of chronic dilatation in the cardiac atria attenuates the normal natriuretic response to central venous congestion. This attenuation is manifested predominantly as diminished neural suppressive response to atrial stretch, which results in increased sympathetic nerve activity and augmented release of renin and ADH.

Efferent Limb of Volume Homeostasis in Congestive Heart Failure: Abnormalities in Effector Mechanisms CHF is also characterized by a series of adaptive changes in the efferent limb of volume control. In many respects, these effector mechanisms for Na+ retention are similar to those that govern renal function in states of true Na+ depletion. These include adjustments in glomerular hemodynamics and tubule transport, which, in turn, are brought about by alterations in neural, humoral, and paracrine systems. However, in contrast to true volume depletion, CHF is also associated with activation of vasodilatory natriuretic agents, which tend to oppose the effects of the vasoconstrictor antinatriuretic systems. The final effect on urinary Na+ excretion is determined by the balance between these antagonistic effector systems, which, in turn, may shift during the evolution of cardiac failure toward a dominance of Na+-retaining systems. The abnormal regulation of the efferent limb of volume control reflects not only the exaggerated activity of the antinatriuretic systems but also the failure of natriuretic vasodilatory systems that are activated in the course of the deterioration in cardiac function. Alterations in Glomerular Hemodynamics CHF in patients and experimental models is characterized by significant alterations in renal hemodynamics that include an increase in RVR, reduced GFR, but an even more marked reduction of RPF, so that the FF is increased.424–427 At the single-nephron level in rats with CHF induced by coronary ligation, Ichikawa and colleagues428 demonstrated that SNGFR was lower than in control rats, but glomerular plasma flow was disproportionately reduced such that single-nephron filtration fraction (SNFF) was markedly elevated. Ultrafiltration coefficient was diminished, and both afferent and efferent arteriolar resistances were elevated, accounting for the diminished single-nephron glomerular plasma flow. The rise in SNFF was due to a disproportionate increase in efferent arteriolar resistance. Similar alterations in glomerular hemodynamics have been reported by Nishikimi and Frolich429 in rats with aortocaval fistula, a high output failure model. In Figure 12–7, a comparison of the glomerular capillary hemodynamic profile in the normal (left) versus the CHF state (right) is

Decreased Cardiac Output

Diversion of Blood Flow Away from the Arterial Circuit


DECREASED ARTERIAL BLOOD FLOW + Loss of intravascular volume into the interstitial space

CH 12

Edema formation Systemic and pulmonary congestion Decreased lymphatic drainage





Chronic dilatation of cardiac chambers Impaired cardiopulmonary reflexes Attenuated natriuretic response to central venous congestion +



FIGURE 12–7 Peritubular control of proximal tubule fluid reabsorption. Current concept of the role of peritubular capillary physical forces in the regulation of proximal tubule. Fluid reabsorption for the normal state (left) and in patients with CHF (right) is depicted. ∆P and ∆π are the transcapillary hydraulic and oncotic pressure differences across the peritubular capillary, respectively. The increase in filtration fraction causes ∆π to rise in CHF. The increase in renal vascular resistance in CHF is believed to reduce ∆P. Both the increase in ∆π and the fall in ∆P enhance peritubular capillary uptake of proximal reabsorbate and thus increase absolute Na+ reabsorption by the proximal tubule. (From Humes HD, Gottlieb M, Brenner BM: The Kidney in Congestive Heart Failure: Contemporary Issues in Nephrology, Vol 1. New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1978, pp 51–72.)

NORMAL Glomerulus

CHF Glomerulus

Peritubular capillary

filtrate Active Transport

Reabsorbate ⌬P

filtrate Active Transport

Lateral Intercellular Space Passive Backleak

Proximal Tubule Cell

illustrated on the left graph of each panel. First, the transmural hydraulic pressure gradient ∆P declines along the distance of the glomerular capillary in both the normal and the CHF states, but compared with the normal state, ∆P in CHF is much higher because of the increased efferent arteriolar resistance. Second, the transmural plasma COP gradient ∆π increases over the length of the glomerular capillary in both states as fluid is filtered in the Bowman space, but it increases to a greater extent in CHF because of the increased filtration fraction. It is evident that a major component of the glomerular hemodynamic alterations in CHF emanates from the disproportionate increase in efferent compared with afferent arteriolar resistance. As outlined in a previous section of this chapter, this alteration is mediated principally by the action

Peritubular capillary Reabsorbate


Lateral Intercellular Space Passive Backleak


Proximal Tubule Cell


of AII. The preferential efferent vasoconstriction induced by AII is considered to be an important adjustment in glomerular hemodynamics to preserve GFR in the presence of reduced RPF.430–432 A study by Cody and associates433 emphasized the importance of this mechanism in the regulation of glomerular filtration in patients with chronic CHF. In these patients, failure to maintain GFR was correlated with a diminished RPF as well as an impaired ability to maintain an adequately high FF. Thus, individuals with the greatest impairment of GFR had the greatest increase in overall RVR and the lowest FF. Moreover, because of the dependency of GFR on AIIinduced efferent arteriolar vasoconstriction in CHF, removal of the influence of AII, for example, by ACE inhibitors, may result in a marked decline in renal function, particularly in

Extracellular Fluid and Edema Formation

FIGURE 12–6 Sensing mechanisms that initiate and maintain renal Na+ retention in CHF. (Adapted from Skorecki KL, Brenner BM: Body fluid homeostasis in congestive heart failure and cirrhosis with ascites. Am J Med 72:323–338, 1982.)

424 patients with preexisting renal failure, massive diuretic treatment, and limited cardiac reserve.431,434

tribution of other factors, such as the direct actions of the renal nerve and of AII on proximal Na+ transport, should not be underestimated. Thus, AII may act by modulating physical factors through its effect on efferent resistance, as well as by augmenting directly proximal epithelial transport, thereby amplifying the overall increase proximal Na+ reabsorption. Distal nephron sites also participate in the enhanced tubule Na+ reabsorption in experimental models of CHF. Micropuncture studies in dogs and in rats with AV fistulas438,439 and in dogs with pericardial constriction440 or chronic partial thoracic vena caval obstruction441 demonstrated enhanced distal nephron Na+ reabsorption. Levy442 showed that the inability of dogs with chronic vena cava obstruction to excrete an Na+ load is a consequence of enhanced reabsorption of Na+ at the loop of Henle. Furthermore, the mechanism leading to the augmented reabsorption of Na+ by the loop of Henle in dogs with constriction of the vena cava seems to involve physical factors determined by renal hemodynamics, much as in the case of the proximal tubule.443 Specifically, renal vasodilatation and elevation of RPP in dogs with vena cava constriction served to prevent the enhanced reabsorption of filtrate by the loop of Henle, thereby permitting a normal natriuretic response to saline loading.

Alterations in Tubular Reabsorption A direct consequence of the glomerular hemodynamic alterations that have been outlined is an increase in the fractional reabsorption of filtered Na+ at the level of the proximal tubule. In Figure 12–2, a comparison of the peritubular capillary hemodynamic profile between the normal state (left) and the CHF state (right) is shown on the right graph of each panel. Compared with the normal state, in CHF, the average CH 12 value of ∆π along the peritubular capillary is increased and that of ∆P is decreased. This favors fluid movement into the capillary and may also reduce back-leakage of fluid into the tubule via paracellular pathways, promoting overall net reabsorption. The peritubular control of proximal fluid reabsorption in normal and CHF states is illustrated schematically in Figure 12–7. The contribution of enhanced fractional proximal Na+ reabsorption in CHF and its dependence on abnormal glomerular hemodynamics have been demonstrated in a number of early experimental and clinical studies. Studies using mannitol infusion in conjunction with clearance techniques,435 pharmacologic blockade of distal nephron transport,436 and mineralocorticoid escape with deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)437 all provided indirect evidence for enhanced proximal Na+ reabsorption and a consequent decrease in delivery of Na+ to more distal sites. Evidence for the dependence of enhanced proximal fractional Na+ reabsorption on altered glomerular hemodynamics in CHF was likewise obtained in the coronary ligation model of MI in rats by Ichikawa and co-workers.428 When the increased SNFF was restored toward normal (with the use of an ACE inhibitor), there was a normalization of proximal peritubular capillary Starling forces and Na+ reabsorption. Notwithstanding the importance of physical factors in determining the increase in proximal reabsorption, the con-

Humoral Mechanisms The homeostatic responses to myocardial failure include activation of vasoconstrictive/antinatriuretic systems, such as RAAS, SNS, ADH, and ETs, which increase vascular resistance and enhance renal water and salt reabsorption. In addition, several vasodilatory/natriuretic substances, such as NPS, NO, prostaglandins PGs, AM, and U-II, are also activated. It is recognized that salt and water homeostasis is largely determined by the fine balance between these vasoconstrictive/antinatriuretic and vasodilator/natriuretic systems, and that the development of positive Na+ balance and edema formation in CHF represents a turning point at which the balance is in favor of the former (Fig. 12–8). This

Increased extracellular volume

ANP Natriuretic peptides Nitric oxide Prostaglandins Adrenomedullin and kinins


Renin-Angiotensin Sympathtic Nerve Activity Vasopressin Endothelin

Vasoconstrictors/ Antinatriuretics

Increased sodium and water excretion

Decreased sodium and water excretion

FIGURE 12–8 Efferent limb of extracellular fluid (ECF) volume control in CHF. Volume homeostasis in CHF is determined by the balance between the natriuretic and the antinatriuretic forces. In decompensated CHF, enhanced activities of the Na+-retaining systems overwhelm the effects of the vasodilatory/natriuretic systems, leading to a net reduction in Na+ excretion and an increase in ECF volume. (Adapted from Winaver J, Hoffman A, Abassi Z, et al: Does the heart’s hormone, ANP, help in congestive heart failure? News Physiol Sci 10:247–253, 1995.)

aspect of CHF became of special interest in the last few years, since a large-scale study on 1906 patients with CHF revealed that impaired renal function is a stronger predictor of mortality than impaired cardiac function.444 These and other reports confirm that, in CHF, the activation of neurohormonal systems in association with renal dysfunction is strictly related to long-term mortality.445

Extracellular Fluid and Edema Formation

Vasoconstrictive/Antinatriuretic Systems RENIN-ANGIOTENSIN-ALDOSTERONE SYSTEM. The activity of the RAAS is enhanced in most patients with CHF in correlation with the severity of cardiac dysfunction.446 Therefore, the activity of this system provides a prognostic index in the CHF patients. It has become increasingly apparent that, despite providing initial benefits in hemodynamic support, continued activation of RAAS contributes to the progression and worsening of CHF.153,447 RAAS activation induces direct systemic vasoconstriction and activates other neurohormonal systems such as ADH, which contribute to maintaining adequate intravascular volume.448 However, numerous studies in patients and in experimental models of CHF established the deleterious role of the RAAS in the progression of cardiovascular and renal dysfunction in CHF.153,449 In particular, the kidney is highly sensitive to the action of the vasoconstrictor agents, especially AII, and a decrease in RPF is one of the most common pathophysiologic alterations in clinical and experimental CHF. Micropuncture techniques demonstrated that rats with chronic stable CHF display depressed glomerular plasma flow rates and SNGFR, as well as elevated efferent arteriolar resistance and FF. Direct renal administration of an ACE inhibitor did not affect renal function in sham-operated control rats but it did normalized it in the rats with experimental CHF. Utilizing a different model of CHF, induced by surgical creation of an aortocaval fistula, our group450 showed that only a certain percentage of animals with AV fistula developed Na+ retention, whereas the rest maintained Na+ balance. The former subgroup is characterized by a marked increase in PRA and plasma aldosterone levels. In contrast, PRA and aldosterone levels in compensated animals were not different compared with those in sham-operated controls. Treatment with the ACE inhibitor enalapril resulted in a dramatic natriuretic response in rats with Na+ retention. The finding that animals with AV fistula either develop Na+ retention or maintain normal Na+ balance was previously demonstrated in dogs with CHF due to AV fistula.451 A similar trend was also observed in patients with CHF. Whereas most CHF patients maintain normal Na+ balance when placed on a lowsalt diet, about 50% of patients develop positive Na+ balance when fed a normal-salt diet. A common feature of both animals and patients with Na+ retention was the activation of the RAAS. In dogs with experimental high-output CHF, the initial period of Na+ retention was associated with a profound activation of the RAAS, and the return to normal Na+ balance was accompanied by a progressive fall in PRA. In sum, these findings clearly demonstrate that activation of the RAAS contributes to the pathogenesis of Na+ and water retention in CHF. The deleterious effects of the RAAS on renal function are not surprising in light of the previously mentioned actions of AII and aldosterone on kidney hemodynamics and excretory function. Activation of AII in response to the decreased pumping capacity of the failing myocardium promotes systemic vasoconstriction in association with the preferential renal vasoconstrictive action on the efferent and afferent arteries and glomerular mesangial cells.113,153,452 In addition, AII exerts both a negative influence on renal cortical circulation in rats with CHF and increases tubular Na+ reabsorption directly and indirectly by augmenting aldosterone release.452 In combination, these hemodynamic and tubular actions lead to avid Na+ and water retention, thus promoting circulatory congestion and edema formation.

Whereas most studies related renal Na+ retention in CHF to 425 elevated levels of renin, AII, or aldosterone,453 other studies found no consistent relationship between RAAS and positive Na+ balance.454 For instance, in dogs with pulmonary artery or thoracic inferior vena cava constriction, the RAAS was activated to a striking degree during the early phase of constriction and was necessary for the support of systemic blood pressure.455 Administration of the ACE inhibitor captopril resulted in systemic hypotension. Over subsequent days, Na+ retention and ECF volume expansion were pronounced and inhibition of converting-enzyme activity was no longer CH 12 accompanied by significant hypotension.455 However, animals with severe impairment of cardiac output remained sensitive to the hypotensive effects of ACE inhibition. Similarly, among patients with CHF, PRA and levels of vasoconstrictor hormones were most elevated in patients with acute, severe, and poorly compensated CHF.455 Levels declined when CHF became stable in the chronic stage. The foregoing experimental and clinical data therefore indicate that the influence of the RAAS in maintaining circulatory homeostasis may depend on the stage of CHF, being most pronounced in acute and decompensated CHF, and least pronounced in chronic stable CHF. However, even though the circulating RAAS is not activated in chronic stable CHF, alterations in renal function can still be corrected by ACE inhibition.456 Therefore, it has been hypothesized that activation of local RAAS in certain tissues including heart, vasculature, kidney and brain may occur in the absence of alterations in the circulating hormone. Schunkert and associates457 studied the relative status of the circulating and intrarenal RAAS by examining the intrarenal expressions of renin and angiotensinogen mRNA in rats with stable compensated CHF 12 weeks after experimental MI induced by coronary artery ligation. Compared with shamoperated control rats, the chronic CHF rats demonstrated no significant difference in the components of the circulating RAAS. However, there was a significant increase in the renal angiotensinogen mRNA level in the CHF rats and a parallel increase in renal AII concentrations, directly correlated with infarct size, suggesting that the magnitude of activation of the tissue RAAS is influenced by the degree of CHF. Long-term ACE inhibition in CHF rats increased renal renin mRNA and enzyme levels but normalized renal angiotensinogen mRNA levels.457 In this context, although originally the RAAS was viewed solely as an endocrine system, increasing evidence suggests that all its components reside within several individual organs, such as kidney, lung, heart, and VSMCs.118,153 Moreover, several studies suggested that, in addition to the mechanical stress exerted on the myocardium due to AII-mediated increased afterload, activation of the local RAAS in these tissues may play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of CHF.117,458 In turn, pressure overload activates the production of locally AII, perhaps more than circulating AII, owing to up-regulation of angiotensinogen and tissue ACE.153 Local AII acts via AT-1 in a functionally independent paracrine/autocrine fashion, where it is believed to play a significant role in the development of cardiac hypertrophy (owing to its growth properties), remodeling and fibrosis, and in the reduced coronary flow, hallmarks of severe CHF.459,460 In support of these observations are the well-established beneficial effects of ACE inhibitors and AT1 blockers (ARBs) in humans and animals with CHF, that is, improved cardiac function, prolonged survival, prevention of end-organ damage, and prevention or regression of cardiac hypertrophy.114,153 In addition, ACE inhibitors and ARBs may offer benefits with respect to endothelial dysfunction, vascular remodeling, and potentiation of the vasodilatory effects of the KKS.113,114,461,462 A significant component of these salutary effects emanate from the blockade of the local RAAS rather than the circulating system.114,153 Similar to AII, the other component of the RAAS, namely, aldosterone seems also to

463 426 act directly on the myocardium. The role of aldosterone in cardiac remodeling has emerged in the last few years. It is widely accepted that structural remodeling of the interstitial collagen matrix is regulated by both AII and aldosterone. Moreover, cardiac aldosterone production is increased in patients with CHF, especially when caused by systolic dysfunction. Convincing evidence for the local production of aldosterone was provided by the finding that CYP11B2 mRNA (aldosterone synthase) is expressed in cultured neonatal rat cardiac myocytes. The adverse contribution of aldosterone to CH 12 the functional and structural alterations of the failing heart was elegantly proved by the use of eplerenone, a specific aldosterone antagonist, in which it prevented progressive left ventricular systolic and diastolic dysfunction in association with reducing interstitial fibrosis, cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, and left ventricular chamber sphericity in dogs with CHF. Similarly, Delyani and co-workers464 reported that eplerenone attenuated the development of ventricular remodeling and reactive but not reparative fibrosis after MI in rats. These findings are in agreement with the results observed in clinical trials. The Randomized Aldactone Evaluation Study (RALES) showed that therapy with spironolactone reduced overall mortality in patients with advanced CHF by 30% compared with placebo.465 Recently, the EPHESUS study showed that addition of eplerenone to optimal medical therapy reduces morbidity and mortality among patients with acute MI complicated by left ventricular dysfunction and CHF.466 Based on the maladaptive actions of locally produced or circulatory AII, one may envision that blocking the formation of this peptide may improve cardiorenal functions in CHF. Indeed, many studies indicate that ACE inhibition improves renal function in patients with CHF and is responsible for the improved cardiac performance and increasing life expectancy of these patients,467–469 whereas others report that renal functional deterioration is a frequent complication.434 The latter may stem from the beneficial effect of AII in helping to maintain glomerular capillary pressure, and thus the GFR, by its preferential constricting action on the efferent arterioles.434 Studies of experimental CHF in animals demonstrated similar variability.470 Some of these discrepancies might be attributable to differences in study design, specific drug use, titration of dose, and hypotensive response. In an elegant study examining this issue,471 detailed analysis of renal function (using inulin and p-aminohippurate clearance) was performed for patients with CHF in New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional classes II and III. After ACE inhibition, a small but insignificant decrease in GFR occurred and a concomitant but not statistically significant increase in RPF with no change in plasma creatinine. Because patients with CHF are unable to escape from the Na+-retaining action of aldosterone and continue to retain Na+ in response to aldosterone, blockade of the latter by spironolactone has substantial natriuresis in these patients.446 In recent years and with the development of selective nonpeptide orally active ARBs, several studies indicated beneficial effects of these drugs on cardiac performance, comparable with those of ACE inhibition.114,472 At the renal level, losartan was able to induce a significant natriuretic response in rats with decompensated CHF, induced by the placement of an aortocaval fistula.473 In a model of ovine heart failure, acute administration of losartan was able to maintain GFR and urinary Na+ excretion despite a fall in RPP.474 Likewise, in dogs with CHF due to rapid atrial pacing, chronic administration of TVC-116, another AII antagonist, prevented the decrease in GFR, RPF, and Na+ excretion.475 Recent clinical studies found no differences between the efficacies of captopril and losartan on cardiac and renal functions in patients with CHF.114,446,476 Overall, the effect of AII receptor blockade or ACE inhibition on renal function in CHF depends on a multiplicity of interacting factors. On the

TABLE 12–5

Converting-Enzyme Inhibition in Congestive Heart Failure

Factors favoring deterioration in renal function Evidence of Na+ depletion or poor renal perfusion Large doses of diuretics Increased urea-to-creatinine ratio Mean arterial pressure < 80 mm Hg Evidence of maximal neurohumoral activation Presence of hyponatremia secondary to ADH activation Interruption of counterregulatory mechanisms Coadministration of prostaglandin inhibitors Presence of adrenergic dysfunction (e.g., diabetes mellitus) Factors favoring improvement in renal function Maintenance of Na+ balance Reduction in diuretic dosage Increase in Na+ intake Mean arterial pressure > 80 mm Hg Minimal neurohumoral activation Intact counterregulatory mechanisms

one hand, RBF may improve as a result of lower efferent arteriolar resistance. Systemic vasodilatation may be associated with a rise in cardiac output. Under such circumstances, reversal of hemodynamically mediated effects of AII on Na+ reabsorption would promote natriuresis. On the other hand, the aim of AII-induced elevation of the SNFF is to preserve GFR in the presence of diminished RPF. In patients with precarious renal hemodynamics, a fall in systemic arterial pressure below the autoregulatory range combined with removal of the AII effect on glomerular hemodynamics may cause severe deterioration of renal function. The net result depends on the integrated sum of these physiologic effects, which, in turn, depends on the severity and stage of heart disease (Table 12–5). As noted previously, in addition to its renal and cardiovascular hemodynamic effects, the RAAS is involved directly in the exaggerated Na+ reabsorption by the tubule in CHF. The most active component of this system, that is, AII, has a dosedependent direct epithelial effect on the proximal tubule that favors active Na+ reabsorption.143,144,477 The predominant effect of the RAAS on distal nephron function is mediated by the action of the second active component, that is, aldosterone, which acts on cortical and medullary portions of the collecting duct to enhance Na+ reabsorption, as outlined in a previous section. Numerous studies reported elevated plasma aldosterone concentration or urinary aldosterone secretion or natriuretic effects of pharmacologic aldosterone antagonists in animal models and human subjects with CHF, despite further activation of other antinatriuretic systems, supporting the pivotal role of this steroid hormone in the mediation of Na+ retention in CHF.478 Variabilities in the relative importance of mineralocorticoid action in the Na+ retention of CHF emerging from these reports should be interpreted in light of the same considerations regarding stage and severity of disease that were noted with respect to the hemodynamic actions of AII. Further evidence about the involvement of the RAAS in the development of positive Na+ balance can be gleaned from studies showing that the renal and hemodynamic response to ANP is impaired in CHF.450 And administration of either losartan or ACE inhibitor restored the blunted response to ANP (for further details, see section on The Natriuretic Peptides).450 Recent studies have demonstrated that omapatrilat, a mixed inhibitor of ACE and NEP, has hemodynamic and clinical benefits in patients with CHF, compared with ACE inhibitors.213,223 Interestingly, the rate of renal dysfunction was significantly less in those on omapatrilat.223 This is of potential beneficial value because renal function frequently

prognosis in patients with CHF is linked by neurohormonal 427 activation, including CNS. An additional mechanism by which renal sympathetic activity may affect renal hemodynamics and Na+ excretion in CHF is through its antagonistic interaction with ANP. ANP has sympathoinhibitory effects.228 In contrast, CNS that retains water and salt in CHF plays a role in reducing renal responsiveness to ANP. For example, it has been demonstrated that the blunted diuretic/natriuretic response to ANP in rats with CHF could be restored by prior renal denervation,485 or administration of clonidine,486 a centrally acting CH 12 α2-adrenoreceptor agonist, which decreases renal sympathetic nerve activity in CHF. These experimental and clinical data indicate that the SNS may play a role in the regulation of Na+ excretion and glomerular hemodynamics in CHF, either by a direct renal action or by attenuating the action of ANP. However, other studies failed to show an ameliorative effect of renal denervation on renal hemodynamics and Na+ excretion in CHF. Thus, in a study by Mizelle and colleagues,487 no differences in renal hemodynamics or electrolyte excretion between innervated and denervated kidneys occurred following chronic unilateral denervation in conscious dogs with CHF induced by rapid ventricular pacing. Similarly, in dogs with reduced cardiac output due to pulmonary constriction, no significant differences in renal hemodynamics or Na+ excretion occurred between the denervated and the intact kidney.488 These discrepant results are probably due to species differences, the presence or absence of anesthesia, and the method of inducing CHF. It is also possible that high circulating catecholamines could interfere with the effects of renal denervation. In summary, the perturbation in the efferent limb of volume homeostasis in CHF is a result of a complex interplay of the SNS and several other neurohormonal mechanisms on the glomeruli and the renal tubules. ANTIDIURETIC HORMONE. Since the early 1980s, numerous studies demonstrated that plasma levels of ADH are elevated in patients with CHF, mostly in advanced CHF with hyponatremia, but also in asymptomatic patients with left ventricular dysfunction.489–492 Potentially, these high circulating levels of ADH could adversely affect the kidney and the cardiovascular system in CHF. The mechanisms underlying the enhanced secretion of ADH in CHF are related to non-osmotic factors such as attenuated compliance of the left atrium, hypotension, and activation of the RAAS.384,493 In a study by Pruszczynski and colleagues494 in patients with CHF, baseline plasma ADH levels were higher and were not suppressed after administration of an oral water load, although marked hypo-osmolality occurred. Although impairment of the baroreflex control mechanism for ADH release could be involved in this phenomenon, a study in humans with CHF by Manthey and co-workers495 found an intact reflex response of ADH to baroreceptor unloading. An early study suggested that AII may stimulate the release of ADH,496 implicating an additional mechanism for increased ADH in CHF; however, a later study indicated that AII does not release ADH.497 Bichet and colleagues498 noted that treatment with captopril or with prazosin resulted in suppression of ADH and improved water excretion in response to water loading in patients with CHF. It is likely that improved cardiac function in response to afterload reduction was responsible for removal of the nonosmotic stimulus to ADH release. It is noteworthy that the observed decline in MAP was considered too small to have an effect on the hormone. This suggests that hemodynamic variables other than MAP alone (e.g., pulse pressure, stroke volume) that improve with afterload reduction therapy may have been sufficient to abrogate the nonosmotic stimulus for ADH release. The most recognized renal effect of ADH in CHF is the development of hyponatremia, which usually occurs in

Extracellular Fluid and Edema Formation

deteriorates during the progression of chronic CHF, and renal impairment is one of the most powerful predictors of prognosis in patients with CHF.223,444 Although patients with CHF have low serum osmolarity, they display increased thirst, most likely owing to the high concentrations of AII, which stimulate thirst center cells in the hypothalamus.446 This behavior may contribute to the positive water balance and hyponatremia in these patients. SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM. Patients with CHF experience progressive activation of the SNS with progressive decline of cardiac function.479 Elevated plasma NE levels are frequently observed in CHF and a strong consensus exists as to the adverse influence of sympathetic overactivity on the progression and outcome of patients with CHF.480 Thus, sympathetic neural activity is significantly correlated to intracardiac pressures, cardiac hypertrophy, and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF).479 Direct intraneural recordings in patients with CHF also showed increased neural traffic, which correlated with the increased plasma NE levels.481 Activation of the SNS not only precedes the appearance of congestive symptoms but also is preferentially directed toward the heart and kidney. Clinical investigations revealed that patients with mild CHF have higher plasma NE in the coronary sinus than in the renal vein.482 At the early stages, increased activity of SNS in CHF restores the hemodynamic abnormalities including hyoperfusion, diminished plasma volume, and impaired cardic function by producing vasoconstriction and avid Na+ reabsorption.459,479 However, chronic exposure to this system induces several long-term adverse myocardial effects including induction of apoptosis and hypertrophy, with an overall reduction in cardiac function, which reduces contractility. Some of these effects may be mediated, in turn, by activation of the RAAS.446,459 Measurements using catecholamine spillover techniques revealed that the basal sympathetic outflow to the kidney is significantly increased in patients with CHF.479,480 The activation of the SNS and increased efferent renal sympathetic activity may be involved in the alterations in renal function in CHF. For example, exaggerated renal sympathetic nerve activity contributes to the increased renal vasoconstriction, avid Na+ and water retention, renin secretion, and attenuation of the renal actions of ANP.228 Experimental studies demonstrated that renal denervation of rats with experimental CHF due to coronary artery ligation resulted in an increase in RPF and SNGFR and a decrease in afferent and efferent arteriolar resistance.311 Similarly, in dogs with low cardiac output induced by vena cava constriction, administration of a ganglionic blocker resulted in a marked increase in Na+ excretion.480 In rats with CHF induced by coronary ligation, the decrease in renal sympathetic nerve activity in response to an acute saline load was less than that of control rats.307 Bilateral renal denervation restored the natriuretic response to volume expansion, implicating increased renal sympathetic nerve activity in the Na+ avidity characteristic of CHF.480 Studies in dogs with high-output CHF induced by aortocaval fistula demonstrated that total postprandial urinary Na+ excretion was approximately twofold higher in renal-denervated dogs compared with control dogs with intact nerves.483 In line with these observations, clinical investigation showed that administration of α-adrenoreceptor blocker dibenamine to patients with CHF caused an increase in fractional Na+ excretion, without a change in RPF or GFR. Treatment with ibopamine, an oral dopamine analog, resulted in vasodilation and positive inotropic and diuretic effects in patients with CHF.484 Marenzi and associates445 found that, for a given degree of cardiac dysfunction, the concentration of NE is significantly higher in patients with concomitant abnormal renal function than in patients with preserved renal function. These findings are similar to those observed by Hillege and colleagues444 and suggest that the association between renal function and

428 advanced stages of the disease and may occur at concentrations much lower than those required for vasoconstriction.499 This phenomenon has been attributed to water retention by the kidney owing to sustained release of ADH, irrespective of plasma osmolality. This notion has been demonstrated in both animal and human studies. In a study by Pruszczynski and colleagues,494 free water clearance and minimal urine osmolality were markedly impaired in patients with CHF compared with control subjects, and only in control subjects was the plasma ADH level correlated with plasma osmolality. Because CH 12 many patients with CHF have positive water balance that results in hyponatremia, it is reasonable to attribute the hyponatremia to the elevated plasma levels of this neuropeptide.500 Mulinari and associates501 demonstrated that administration of an ADH antagonist with dual V1/V2 antagonism to rats with ischemic CHF induced by left coronary ligation resulted in a rise in cardiac output, a decline in PVR, and an increase in urine output of 4- to 10-fold over baseline, confirming the role of ADH in the water retention and the increased vascular resistance of CHF. Recent reports provided further insights into the mechanisms of ADH-mediated water retention in experimental CHF. These studies in animal models of CHF also demonstrated an increased renal expression of AQP II in these animals, suggesting that this may also contribute to the enhanced water reabsorption in the collecting duct.502 It is, therefore, not surprising that initial studies showed that administration of V2 vasopressin receptor antagonists of peptidic and nonpeptidic nature to rats with inferior vena cava constriction,503 dogs with CHF induced by rapid pacing,504 and rats with CHF induced by coronary ligation499 resulted in correction of the impaired urinary dilution in response to acute water load. The mechanism underlying these expected findings relies on the fact AQP II are expressed in the collecting duct and mediate the antidiuretic action of ADH.505 Furthermore, the expression of AQP II and its immunoreactive levels has been reported to be elevated in the kidney of rats with experimental CHF induced by coronary artery ligation.506,507 Oral treatment of these rats with V2 antagonist (OPC31260) induced significant diuresis, a decrease in urinary osmolarity, and increased plasma osmolarity, which were associated with down-regulation of renal AQP II.506 These findings indicate a major role for ADH in the up-regulation of AQP II water channels and subsequently enhanced water retention in experimental CHF. In agreement with the studies in experimental animals, several recent clinical studies demonstrated that chronic treatment with selective V2 and dual V1a/V2 antagonists may be beneficial in the correction of hyponatremia in CHF.500,508,509 For instance, administration of the oral selective V2 receptor antagonist VPA-985 to patients with CHF for 7 days at incremental doses induced significant diuretic response accompanied by increase in plasma Na+ concentration and decreased urine osmolarity.214 Similarly, when YM087, an orally V1/V2 antagonist was given orally to patients with CHF, it increased plasma Na+, reduced osmolarity of the urine, and increased urine output.491,500 Interestingly, Eisenman and colleagues510 demonstrated that low doses of ADH can restore urinary flow in patients with end-stage CHF. This effect may be due to activation of V1 receptor subtype secondary to ANP release. It should be emphasized that, despite the promising therapeutic potential of the nonpeptidic ADH antagonist, care must be taken to avoid excessive or too rapid an aquaretic response, because this may predispose the patients to very serious CNS or even hemodynamic complications, as outlined in Chapter 13. However, in addition to hyponatremia, CHF is characterized by other alterations in renal function. These include a decrease in RBF in particular to the renal cortex, a decrease in GFR, and Na+ retention by the kidney. To what extent, if at all, enhanced levels of ADH are involved in these renal manifestations remains largely unknown.

In addition, ADH can impair cardiac function indirectly through its effect on SVR (increased cardiac afterload) as well as by V2-receptor–mediated water retention leading to systemic and pulmonary congestion (increased preload). In addition, ADH, through a direct endocrine action on cardiomycytes, could contribute to cardiac remodeling, dilatation, and hypertrophy, that might be further exacerbated by the aforementioned abnormalities in preload and afterload. The notion that ADH may potentially contribute to the alterations in renal and cardiac function in CHF through the mechanisms previously discussed is indeed supported by several in vitro and in vivo studies.492 Yet, given that other vasoconstrictor systems may share similar actions in CHF, the key question about the relative role of the increased endogenous ADH, compared with other systems, remains largely unanswered. To answer this question, efficient tools to block the biologic activities of ADH are required. In the past, a number of cyclic and linear derivatives of the natural hormone were designed in an attempt to create effective antagonists of the ADH receptors.511 Although these compounds provided valuable tools for the classification and for mapping the distribution of the ADH receptors, they were largely inefficient as blockers because of their short half-life and the fact that they had agonistic effects as well, especially in humans. In the 1990s, significant progress was made in the development and synthesis of highly selective and potent antagonists for the V1A, V2, and most recently, for the V1B receptor subtypes.512 Likewise, mixed V1A/V2 receptor antagonists are now available. These compounds are small nonpeptide molecules, are orally active, lack agonist effects, and display high affinity and specificity to their corresponding receptors.512,513 The term Vaptan has been coined to name the members of this new class of drugs. Several of these compounds have been utilized in experimental models of CHF and were found to produce hemodynamic improvement with transient decrease in SVR, increase cardiac output, and improve water diuresis.504,514–516 However, these studies examined primarily the acute effects of the drugs, and only limited and incomplete data are available at present on the long-term effects of the drugs in experimental CHF.517,518 Similarly, in patients with CHF, there are only initial reports dealing mainly with the improvement in hyponatremia induced by the drugs.508,509 One additional study reported a beneficial action of a dual V1A/V2 antagonist on right atrial pressure and pulmonary wedge pressure, but no change in cardiac output or SVR.519 In summary, from reviewing the current literature, it is clear that additional data are necessary to clarify the role of ADH in CHF as well as the efficacy of these drugs as a novel treatment in CHF. The question not only is of academic interest but also has important therapeutic implications, given that mortality in CHF remains high despite the effective use of ACE inhibitors. Collectively, these data suggest that ADH is involved in the pathogenesis of water retention and hyponatremia that characterize CHF and that vasopressin receptor antagonist results in remarkable diuresis in both experimental and clinical CHF. ENDOTHELIN. Recent evidence implicated ET-1 in the development and progression of CHF. Furthermore, this peptide is probably involved in the reduced renal function that characterizes the cardiorenal state, by inducing renal modeling, interstitial fibrosis, glomerulosclerosis, hypoperfusion/ hypofiltration, and positive salt and water balance.251,256 The pathophysiologic role of ET-1 in CHF is supported by two major lines of evidence: (1) Several studies demonstrated that the ET system is activated in CHF.247,262,520 (2) Some clinical and experimental studies showed that ET-1 receptor antagonists modify this pathophysiologic process. The first line of evidence is based on the demonstration that plasma ET-1 and

have any beneficial effects on renal function. However, given 429 the marked vasoconstrictor and mitogenic properties of ET-1 and the increased local cardiac-pulmonary-renal production of this peptide in CHF, it is appealing to assume that ET-1 contributes directly and indirectly to the enhanced Na+ retention and edema formation by aggravating kidney and heart functions, respectively.529,539,542–544 However, establishing the importance of ET in the renal hemodynamic and excretory dysfunction in CHF requires further study. Vasodilatory/Natriuretic Systems CH 12 THE NATRIURETIC PEPTIDE SYSTEM. Renal Na+ and water retention in decompensated cardiac failure occurs despite expansion of the ECF volume and in the face of activiation of the NP system. Actually, CHF is the most prominent example of a clinical condition that involves abnormalities in the NP system. Several clinical and experimental studies implicated both ANP and BNP in the pathophysiology of the deranged cardiorenal axis in CHF. ATRIAL NATRIURETIC PEPTIDE. Although initially considered to be a state of ANP deficiency, it soon became evident that plasma levels of ANP levels are frequently elevated in patients with CHF and positively correlate with the severity of cardiac failure as well as with the elevated atrial pressure and other parameters of left ventricular dysfunction.414,417,545 Actually, the highest concentrations of ANP in the circulation occur in CHF. The high levels of plasma ANP are attributed to increased production rather than to decreased clearance. Although volume-induced atrial stretch is the main source for the elevated circulating ANP levels in CHF, enhanced synthesis and release of the hormone by the ventricular tissue in response to AII and ET also contribute to this phenomenon.546,547 Despite the high levels of this potent natriuretic and diuretic agent, patients and experimental animals with CHF retain salt and water owing to attenuated renal responsiveness to NPs. Infusion of pharmacologic doses of synthetic ANP to experimental animals548 and to patients with CHF421,549 also consistently demonstrated an attenuated renal response compared with normal control subjects. However, other beneficial effects accompany the infusion of ANP to patients with CHF, such as hemodynamic improvement and inhibition of activated neurohumoral systems. Hirsch and co-workers550 showed in patients with CHF and Kanamori and associates551 showed in dogs with CHF that ANP is a weak counterregulatory hormone, insufficient to overcome the substantial vasoconstriction mediated by the SNS, the RAAS, and ADH. However, despite the blunted renal response to ANP in CHF, elimination of the source of production of this peptide by surgical means aggravates the activation of these vasoconstrictive hormones in this disease state. For instance, Lohmeier and colleagues552 demonstrated that atrial appendectomy to eliminate the source of ANP production in dogs with CHF due to rapid pacing resulted in substantial increments in PRA and plasma NE as well as marked Na+ and water retention— suggesting that ANP plays a critical role as a suppressor of Na+-retaining systems. Therefore, the increase in circulating NPs is still considered an important adaptive or compensatory mechanism aimed at reducing PVR and effective blood volume. Actually, the Na+ balance in the initial compensated phase of CHF has been attributed in part to the elevated levels of ANP and BNP.213 This notion is supported by the findings that inhibition of NP receptors in experimental CHF induces Na+ retention.515,553 Furthermore, NPs inhibit the systemic vasoconstrictive effect of AII,554 AII-stimulated proximal tubule Na+ reabsorption,230 AII-enhanced secretion of aldosterone,554 and the secretion of ET.555 Therefore, NPs in CHF are an ideal counterregulatory hormone, influencing RPF and Na+ excretion either through their direct renal actions or through inhibition of release or action of other vasoconstrictive agents. Moreover, besides these cardiovascular and endocrine effects,

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big ET-1 concentrations in both clinical CHF and experimental models of CHF are elevated and correlate with hemodynamic severity and symptoms.521,522 Cavero and co-workers523 reported that plasma immunoreactive ET-1 levels are elevated two- to three-fold above normal in dogs with CHF induced by rapid ventricular pacing. Elevated circulating ET-1 levels have also been reported in patients with CHF.251,521 A negative correlation between plasma ET-1 concentration and LVEF has been reported.524 In another study, the degree of pulmonary hypertension was the strongest predictor of plasma ET-1 level in patients with CHF.525,526 Moreover, the 1-year mortality rate among patients who have had an MI strongly correlates with plasma levels of ET measured 3 days after the infarction.527 These prognostic reports are in line with the observation that plasma ET-1 is elevated only in patients with moderate and severe CHF, but not in patients with asymptomatic CHF. The mechanisms underlying the increased plasma levels of ET-1 have not been clarified, although this may be due to either enhanced synthesis of the peptide in the lungs, heart, and circulation by several stimuli such as AII and thrombin or decreased clearance of the peptide by the pulmonary system.251,522,528 Parallel to ET-1, ETA receptors are up-regulated, whereas ETB are down-regulated in the failing human heart.528,529 Whether the activation of ET-1 system in CHF has any pathophysiologic significance is another area of debate. However, increasing plasma ET-1 levels in normal animals to concentrations found in CHF is associated with significant reduction in RBF and increased vascular resistance.530 Bearing in mind that CHF is characterized by reduced RBF associated with increased vascular resistance along elevated levels of ET-1, it is appealing that a cause-and-effect relationship exists between these hemodynamic abnormalities and ET-1 in this disease state. This notion became evident with the development of numerous selective and highly specific ET receptor antagonists.531–534 Experimental studies demonstrated that acute administration of bosentan, a mixed ETA/ETB receptor antagonist, significantly improved renal cortical perfusion in rats with severe decompensated CHF induced by aortocaval fistula formation.535 Similarly, tezosentan, a dual parenteral ET receptor antagonist, reversed the profoundly increased RVR and improved RBF and Na+ excretion in rats with CHF induced by MI.536 This conclusion gained further support from several studies that showed that chronic blockade of ETA by selective antagonists537,538 or by dual ETA/ETB receptor antagonists539 attenuates the magnitude of Na+ retention and prevents the decline in GFR in experimental CHF. These effects are in line with recent observations that infusion of ET-1 to normal rats produced a sustained cortical vasoconstrictor and a transient medullary vasodilatory response.261,494 In contrast, rats with decompensated CHF displayed severely blunted cortical vasoconstriction, but significantly prolonged and preserved medullary vasodilation.290 The significance of these attenuated renovascular effects of ET-1 and big ET in CHF experimental animals is uncertain, but the effect could probably result from activation of vasodilatory systems such as PGs and NO. Indeed, the medullary tissue of rats with decompensated CHF contains higher eNOS immunoreactive levels compared with that in sham controls.290 These findings indicate that ET may be involved in the altered renal hemodynamics and the pathogenesis of cortical vasoconstriction in CHF. Initial clinical studies showed that acute ET antagonism by bosentan decreased vascular resistance and increased cardiac index and cardiac output in patients with CHF, suggesting that ET-1 plays a role in the pathogenesis of CHF by increasing SVR.540 However, in contrast to early studies, recent comprehensive clinical trials demonstrated no benefits from treating CHF patients with bosentan, which actually increased hepatic transaminases and mortality rate.541 Unfortunately, none of these studies examined whether these antagonists

430 TABLE 12–6

Possible Mechanisms Underlying the Renal Resistance to Natriuretic Peptides in Congestive Heart Failure

Release of less active forms of ANP, such as β-ANP and proANP Down-regulation of natriuretic peptide receptors coupled to guanylate cyclase Decreased renal perfusion pressure

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Increased degradation of natriuretic peptides by neutral endopeptidase and of its second messenger, cGMP, by specific phosphodiesterases Activation of antagonizing hormonal systems, such as reninangiotensin-aldosterone system, sympathetic nervous system, ET, and ADH ANP, antinatriuretic peptide; cGMP, cyclic guanosine monophosphate; ET, endothelin.

NPs likely play an important role in promoting salt and water excretion by the kidney in the face of myocardial failure. Indeed, studies in an experimental model of CHF demonstrated that inhibition of the NPs by either specific antibodies to their receptors or the ANP receptor antagonist HS-142–1 causes further impairment in renal function, as expressed by increased RVR and decreased GFR, RBF, urine flow, Na+ excretion, and activation of the RAAS.228,555 A key question, then, related to why salt and water retention occurs in overt CHF, despite the remarkable activation of the NP system? Several mechanisms have been suggested to explain this apparent discrepancy (Table 12–6): 1. Appearance of abnormal circulating peptides such as β-ANP and inadequate secretory reserves compared with the degree of CHF. However, the fact that circulating levels of native biologically active NPs are clearly elevated in CHF indicates that these putative factors cannot account for the exaggerated salt and water retention. 2. Decreased availability of NPs. Because NPs are removed from the circulation by two means, that is, NEP and clearance receptors, increased activity of these routes may theoretically contribute to the decreased effects of these peptides.228 So far, no convincing evidence suggests that up-regulation of clearance receptors exist in the renal tissue of CHF animals or patients, although increased abundance of clearance receptors for NPs in platelets of patients with advanced CHF has been reported.556 In contrast, several studies demonstrated that expression and activity of NEP are enhanced in experimental CHF.557,558 This may contribute to increased elimination of NPs, thus leading to reduced availability of these peptides and consequently to renal resistance to these hormones. Further support for this notion comes from numerous reports wherein NEP inhibition by pharmacologic means has been shown to improve the vascular and renal response to NPs in CHF (see later). It is widely accepted today that the development of renal hyporesponsiveness represents a critical point in the development of positive salt balance and edema formation in advanced CHF. Some studies suggested that renal resistance to ANP actions may present even in the early presymptomatic stage of the disease.559 3. Activation of antinatriuretic systems. The ability of NPs to antagonize the renal effects of AII may be

limited in the presence of markedly impaired RPF such as in CHF.560 Abassi and co-workers451 demonstrated that chronic blockade of the RAAS by enalapril partially but significantly improved the natriuretic response to endogenous and exogenous ANP in rats with CHF induced by aortocaval fistula. The improvement in renal response to ANP was more evident in rats with decompensated CHF than in rats with compensated CHF. It should be emphasized that decompensated CHF is characterized by profound activation of RAAS. These findings are in line with the fact that activation of RAAS in CHF largely contributes to Na+ and water retention by antagonizing the renal actions of ANP. Actually, AII, the main active component of the RAAS, counteracts the natriuretic effects of ANP even under normal conditions.561 Potential mechanisms of this phenomenon may include AII-induced afferent and efferent vasoconstriction, mesangial cell contraction, activation of cGMP phosphodiesterases that attenuate the accumulation of the second messenger of NPs in target organs, and finally, stimulation of Na+,H+exchanger and Na+ channels in the proximal tubule and collecting duct.451 The mechanisms underlying the attenuated renal effects of ANP in CHF are not completely understood. In addition, activation of the SNS antagonizes the renal effects of ANP. Although ANP has inhibitory effects on SNS, the latter is activated in CHF. Overactivity of the SNS leads to vasoconstriction of the peripheral circulation as well as the afferent and efferent arterioles, leading to reduction of RFF and eventually of GFR. These actions, besides direct stimulatory effects of SNS on Na+ reabsorption in the proximal tubule and loop of Henle, contribute to the attenuated renal responsiveness to ANP in CHF. Moreover, the SNS-induced renal hypoperfusion/ hypofiltration stimulates renin secretion, thus aggravating the positive Na+ and water balance. A study by Feng and colleagues486 in a rat model of CHF induced by coronary artery ligation demonstrated that the diuretic and natriuretic response to ANP was increased after pharmacologic sympathetic inhibition using low-dose clonidine. A similar response was produced by bilateral renal denervation procedure in rats with ischemic CHF.485 The beneficial effects of renal denervation could be attributed to up-regulation of NP receptors and cGMP production, as has been demonstrated in normal rats.321 The fact that the NP system plays a beneficial role, counteracting the adverse effects of Na+-retaining and vasoconstrictive hormonal systems in CHF, provides a possible rationale for the use of these peptides in the therapy of CHF. Thus, either increasing the activity of the NPs or reducing the influence of the antinatriuretic systems by pharmacologic means may achieve a shift in the balance in favor of Na+ excretion in CHF. In the interplay between the RAAS and ANP in CHF, the approaches used in experimental studies and in clinical practice included reducing the activity of the RAAS by means of ACE inhibitors or AII receptor antagonists, increasing the activity of ANP or its second messenger, cGMP, or combinations of approaches: A. Administration of NPs. As noted previously, circulating levels of NPs are elevated in CHF in proportion to the severity of the disease. However, the renal actions of these peptides are attenuated and even blunted in severe CHF. Nevertheless, several studies demonstrated that elimination of

the renal and cardiac effects of pharmacologic 431 NEP inhibition in CHF have revealed an enhancement in plasma ANP and BNP levels in association with vasodilation, natriuresis, diuresis, and subsequently in reduction in cardiac preload and afterload. Seymour and colleagues574 demonstrated that inhibition of NEP in dogs with pacinginduced CHF protected endogenous ANP from degradation and caused a sustained natriuretic response. Using rats with CHF induced by aortocaval fistula, Wilkins and associates575 reported CH 12 that thiorphan, an NEP inhibitor, enhanced the natriuretic action of ANP in association with increased urinary cGMP excretion. Similar results were reported by Margulies and colleagues,576 who found that acute inhibition of NEP in dogs with severe CHF produced a dose-related increase in urine flow and Na+ excretion. Because NEP degrades other peptides (e.g., kinins), the latter may also be involved in the beneficial effects of NEP-Is. Candoxatril, the first NEP inhibitor to be released for clinical trials, produces favorable hemodynamic and neurohormonal effects in patients with CHF.577,578 However, acute NEP inhibition in mild CHF results in marked increases in RPF and Na+ excretion, which exceed the increase observed either in control animals or in severe CHF, suggesting a potential therapeutic role for NEP inhibition to enhance renal function in mild CHF.579 In later studies of CHF, apparently the more marked activation of the RAAS serves to attenuates the beneficial renal and hemodynamic actions of NEP-Is, suggesting that mechanisms other than exaggerated NEP activity are involved in the renal resistance to NPs. Moreover, NEP inhibitors do not reduce afterload. Based on the foregoing, it is predicted that a combination of RAAS and NEP inhibitors should be more effective than each treatment alone.580 Indeed, Margulies and co-workers580 reported that AII inhibition potentiated the renal response to NEP inhibition by SQ 28,603 (an NEP inhibitor) in dogs with CHF. These findings led to the development of dual NEP and ACE inhibitors.581 The beneficial effects of these compounds have been evaluated. NEP inhibition prevents the ACE blocker–induced decrease in GFR in dogs with pacing-induced CHF,576,580 suggesting that concurrent inhibition of both NEP and ACE may effectively treat cardiovascular disorders without compromising renal function. D. Vasopeptidase inhibitors (VPIs). The realization that ACE and NEP are involved in the biosynthesis/metabolism of peptides that play a major role in regulating cardiovascular and renal function led to the development of a novel class of drugs, the VPIs, that blocks the activity of both ACE and NEP. Thus, VPIs are novel, highly selective inhibitors of both ACE and neutral NEP. The most famous representative of this family of drugs, omapatrilat (BMS-186716, Vanlev), was synthesized by Robl and associates.582 Since then, numerous VPIs have been synthesized by a number of pharmaceutical companies.583,584 The dual inhibitory actions of these compounds are supposed to offer potential hemodynamic and neurohormonal advantages over the inhibition of either enzymatic system alone. Therefore, it is conceivable that VPIs may be highly beneficial in the treatment of clinical disorders characterized

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NP action using blockers of NPR-A or surgical removal of the atrium aggravates renal function and cardiac performance in experimental CHF.552,555 Therefore, increasing the circulating levels of NPs by the administration of exogenous synthetic peptides was tested in both clinical and experimental CHF and appears to be beneficial under certain circumstances. For example, intravenous administration of ANP to patients with acute CHF improved their clinical status.562 Similarly, injection of BNP reduced pulmonary arterial pressure, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP), right atrial pressure, and systemic blood pressure, in association with increased cardiac output and diuresis.563,564 In light of its beneficial effects, BNP (nesiritide) was approved for the treatment of acute decompensated CHF in the United States in 2001. The observation that these effects occur despite the presence of elevated endogenous levels of NPs suggests that a relative deficiency of these peptides may exist in CHF. Owing to their peptidic nature, NPs are susceptible to degradation by NEP, thus limiting their clinical use to intravenous administration only. B. Inhibitors of the RAAS system. With regard to ACE inhibitors, a large body of evidence attests to their beneficial effects on renal function in CHF. ACE inhibitors decrease mortality and cardiovascular morbidity in various disease states, including post–MI and CHF.565 These beneficial effects are not surprising in light of the maladaptive actions of locally produced or circulating AII and aldosterone. Further evidence regarding the involvement of the RAAS in the development of positive Na+ balance can be inferred from studies showing that the renal and hemodynamic response to ANP is impaired in the AV fistula model of CHF451,473 and in the coronary ligation model566 and that administration of either losartan or ACE inhibitor restores this blunted response to ANP.451,473,567 Of note, both of these therapeutic agents were able to restore the urinary excretion of cGMP in rats with decompensated CHF, suggesting that RAAS contributes to the renal hyporesponsiveness to ANP in CHF by attenuating the generation of this second messenger.451,473 This effect is consistent with the observation that AII induces down-regulation of natriuretic peptide receptor (NPR) in the glomerulus and blood vessels568 or activation of cGMP phosphodiesterase at these tissues.569 In addition, the other active component of the RAAS, namely, the aldosterone, plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of CHF as well, but by distinct mechanisms. Besides promoting Na+ retention, aldosterone contributes to vascular and cardiac remodeling by inducing perivascular and interstitial fibrosis.570 Therefore, the addition of small doses of spironolactone to standard therapy substantially reduces the mortality rate and morbidity in CHF patients.465 C. NEP inhibitors. Correcting the imbalance between the RAAS and the NP systems may also be achieved by enhancing the activity of ANP or cGMP.571,572 This approach utilizes pharmacologic agents that either inhibit the enzymatic degradation of ANP by NEP or block the ANP clearance receptors. Several specific and differently structured NEP inhibitors have been developed in recent years.573 Most of the studies that examined


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by the activation of ACE and NEP, such as CHF and hypertension. Indeed, recent results in both experimental and clinical CHF suggest beneficial hemodynamic and renal effects mediated by the synergistic ACE and NEP inhibition offered by this drug.585–592 For example, short-term administration of omapatrilat to cardiomyopathic hamsters reduced left ventricular systolic and end-diastolic pressure in association with a 40% increase in cardiac output and a decrease in PVR.593 These effects were more potent than those obtained with NEP-I or ACE-I. Long-term treatment of these hamsters with omaptrilat improved the cardiac geometry and survival rate compared with captopril treatment.594 Using a different experimental model of CHF, Troughton and colleagues587,588 showed that omapatrilat reduced cardiac mass and improved cardiac function in both mild and severe heart failure. These results are in agreement with previous studies585,586 demonstrating that aladotril or alatriopril (mixed inhibitor of NEP and ACE) significantly increased cardiac output and attenuated cardiac hypertrophy in experimental CHF induced by pacing or coronary ligation. At the renal level, administration of omapatrilat to dogs with CHF induced significant increases in Na+ excretion and GFR that were greater than the increase produced by ACE-I alone.595 When given in the presence of HS-142 (a blocker of NPR), the renal actions of omapatrilat were significantly attenuated, indicating that NPs partially mediate these effects. Evaluation of cardiac and renal response to omapatrilat in patients with CHF revealed beneficial effects similar to those observed in experimental CHF. In a study that included 48 CHF patients (NYHA classes II–IV), McClean and co-workers590 demonstrated that treatment with omapatrilat for 3 months increased ejection fraction from 24% to 28%, accompanied by a significant natriuresis. The same trend, that is, improvement in left ventricular function was obtained when omapatrilat was tested in a larger population of CHF patients (n = 369).591 Improvement in the clinical status of these patients was accompanied by a reduction of the elevated circulating levels of the prognostic marker BNP. However, decreases in systolic and MAP were observed in CHF patients after long-term treatment with high doses of omapatrilat.591 The IMPRESS study reported a greater improvement in NYHA class and reduction in combined mortality/hospitalization end points for patients with systolic CHF receiving omapatrilat (40 mg/ day) compared with lisinopril, an ACE inhibitor (20 mg/day),592 given for 24 weeks. Interestingly, the one parameter that best differentiated omapatrilat from lisinopril in this study was renal function. In particular, renal function was preserved to a greater extent with omapatrilat compared with that obtained by the ACE inhibitor therapy. Such renoprotection was also observed in experimental CHF, wherein acute VPI, but not ACE inhibition, increased the GFR.583 However, in some studiesNEP and ACE inhibition failed to improve CHF signs or symptoms.596–598 To further establish the superiority of omapatrilat to conventional therapy in CHF, a comprehensive study (the OVERTURE) was carried out.598 In this study,

5770 patients with CHF with NYHA classes II to IV were randomized to either omapatrilat (40 mg once daily) or enalapril (10 mg twice daily) therapy. After about 14.5 months, omapatrilat reduced the risk for death and hospitalization in chronic CHF subjects, but was not more effective than enalapril alone in reducing primary clinical events. Both drugs were well tolerated, but marked elevation of creatinine was less common with omapatrilat compared with ACE inhibitor therapy. In contrast, hypotension and dizziness were more frequent with omapatrilat therapy compared with the ACE inhibitor. An additional fatal reported complication of omapatrilat is the development of angioedema. Although this phenomenon has been well established in patients on ACE-I (0.1%–0.5%), it occurs at greater rates (three times) in patients treated with omapatrilat, especially when the starting dose was greater than 20 mg/day. The incidence of omapatrilatinduced angioedema was higher among AfricanAmericans and African-Caribbeans.599 The mechanisms underlying this life-threatening side effect of omapatrilat are not fully characterized. However, it is widely believed that BK and its metabolite Des-Arg9-BK are implicated in VPIinduced angioedema.599 Because VPIs inhibit both enzymes that inactivate BK (ACE and NEP), they may increase the plasma concentrations of BK dramatically. VPIs are also expected to be of potential therapeutic benefit in hypertension. Several studies have shown greater blood pressure–reducing properties of VPIs in a number of populations when compared with other conventional antihypertensive agents, such as ACE inhibitors and calcium channel antagonists. Omapatrilat has demonstrated long-lasting (>24 hours) and dosedependent hypotensive effects in all tested models of hypertension, independent of the status of the RAAS or the degree of salt retention.583,584 Treatment of hypertensive patients with omapatrilat for 6 weeks had a greater lowering effect on systolic and diastolic blood pressure compared with lisinopril or amlodipine.600 The preferential effect of omapatrilat on systolic blood pressure suggests that this compound improves the compliance and remodeling of large blood vessels. When administered in combination with hydrochlorothiazide (diuretic agent) to hypertensive patients, omapatrilat reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure to a greater extent than hydrochlorothiazide alone.601 Similarly, other members of the VPI family, sampatrilat and fasidotril, provoked significant hypotensive effects in hypertensive black and white patients.223,602 The results of a comprehensive trial (Omapatrilat Cardiovascular Treatment Assessment Versus Enalapril [OCTAVE]) in which 25,302 hypertensive patients who were treated with either omaptrilat (initially 10 mg and titrated to a maximum of 80 mg) or enalapril (initially 5 mg and titrated to a maximum of 40 mg) for 24 weeks demonstrated that omapatrilat provided superior antihypertensive efficacy when used in a setting resembling clinical practice.603 However, angioedema was more common than with enalapril, although life-threatening angioedema was rare. A higher incidence of angioedema was evident in black hypertensive patients as well as in smokers.

cutoff of 162 pmol/L. These authors concluded that NT- 433 proBNP is a marker of integrated cardiorenal function and a potential diagnostic tool for the detection and exclusion of impaired let ventricular function, particularly in the presence of concomitant left ventricular hypertrophy or renal dysfunction.626 Similarly, de Lemos and associates627 demonstrated the ability of circulating BNP, measured within a few days of acute coronary syndromes, to predict risk of mortality, clinical CHF, and new MI, suggesting that activation of this neurohormonal axis may be a common feature among patients at high risk for death after acute MI. Most recently, Richards and CH 12 co-workers628 showed that plasma BNP (or NH2-terminal BNP) and LVEF are complementary independent predictors of major adverse events on follow-up after MI. For example, elevated BNP predicted new MI only in patients with LVEF < 40%. LVEF < 40% coupled to elevated NT-BNP over the group median conferred a substantially 3-year increased risk of death, CHF, and new MI of 37%, 18%, and 26%, respectively. These findings indicate that combined measurement of these two parameters provides risk stratification substantially better than that provided by either alone. The plasma level of BNP is a powerful marker for prognosis and risk stratification in the setting of CHF.629,630 According to Harrison and colleagues,631 BNP levels greater than 240 pg/ml are associated with high relative risk of 6 months’ death in CHF dyspneic patients. Similarly, Berger and co-workers632 found that BNP levels were the only independent predictor of sudden death in arrhythmic CHF patients with an ejection fraction of less than 35%. According to this study, the cut-off value was 130 mg/mL, which is comparable with those suggested by others ∼80 to 100 pg/mL.629,630,633 As many as 40% to 50% of patients with a diagnosis of CHF have normal systolic function, which implicates diastolic dysfunction as the most likely potential abnormality responsible for this disorder. Diastolic heart failure cannot be distinguished from systolic heart failure on the basis of history, physical examination, chest x-ray, and electrocardiogram alone. As a result, indirect and noninvasive assessments of left ventricular filling dynamics have been used to characterize diastolic properties, especially echocardiographic Doppler transmitral velocity measurements. There are four distinct echocardiographic patterns: normal, delayed relaxation, pseudonormal, and restrictive. BNP release appears to be directly proportional to ventricular volume expansion and pressure overload, and elevated BNP levels in patients with normal systolic function correlate with diastolic abnormalities on Doppler studies. Thus, BNP represents a circulating plasma marker providing positive evidence of the presence of diastolic dysfunction, even in asymptomatic patients. Conversely, a reduction in BNP levels with treatment are associated with a reduction in left ventricular filling pressures, a lower readmission rate, and a better prognosis, such that monitoring of BNP levels may provide valuable information regarding treatment efficacy and expected patient outcomes.237,634 In addition, plasma levels of BNP are useful in distinguishing dyspnea caused by CHF or disorders other than CHF, such as pulmonary causes.629,630,633,635 Dao and colleagues633 reported that patients presenting to urgent care units owing to CHF have BNP plasma levels 28-fold those obtained in a non-CHF group. BNP at the cut-off point of 80 pg/mL was highly selective and sensitive for the diagnosis of CHF. According to this study, which included 250 patients, BNP values lower than 80 pg/mL have a negative predictive value of 98% for CHF diagnosis. Plasma levels of BNP in patients with dyspnea owing to CHF were sixfold those obtained in patients without CHF (675 compared with 110 pg/mL). Moderate values of BNP were observed in patients with mild left ventricular dysfunction (346 pg/mL). It is widely believed that a BNP level below 50 pg/mL has strong negative predictive value

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In summary, the obtained clinical and experimental results indicate that VPIs confer advantage in CHF and hypertensive patients over ACE inhibition alone. However, similar to ACE inhibitors, VPIs have adverse side effects, particulary angioedema. Nevertheless, in light of the encouraging beneficial cardiac and vascular effects of VPIs, the latter may serve as a therapeutic tool for the treatment of various cardiovascular diseases. BRAIN NATRIURETIC PEPTIDE. As noted previously, BNP (32 amino acids in human) is structurally similar to ANP, but is produced mainly by the ventricles in response to ventricular stretch and pressure overload.236,604–606 Similar to ANP, plasma levels of BNP are elevated in patients with CHF in proportion to the severity of myocardial systolic and diastolic dysfunction.559,607–614 Wei and co-workers615 reported that plasma levels of BNP are elevated only in patients with severe CHF, whereas the circulating concentrations of ANP are high in mild and severe cases. Similar results were obtained by Rademaker and colleagues,616 who demonstrated that acute rapid atrial pacing in conscious sheep increased the secretion of ANP and BNP by 8.6- and 3.6-fold, respectively; whereas chronic rapid pacing elevated plasma levels of ANP and BNP by 7.8- and 9-fold, respectively. The extreme elevation of plasma BNP in severe CHF probably stems from the increased synthesis of BNP, predominantly by the hypertrophied ventricular tissue, although the contribution of the atria cannot be understated.617 Asymptomatic experimental left ventricular dysfunction in dogs was not associated with enhanced expression of BNP in the ventricles, although the atrial tissue significantly increased the expression of this peptide in both mild and overt CHF.617 Plasma levels of ANP and NH2-terminal ANP increase early in the course of CHF.618 Lerman and co-workers619 and Hall and associates620 demonstrated that left ventricular dysfunction is associated with increased plasma levels of NTproANP (1–98 NH2-terminal). In this context, several studies showed that plasma ANP levels correlate with the severity of symptomatic CHF,621 suggesting that the concentration of circulating ANP may serve as a diagnostic tool in the determination of cardiac dysfunction and as a prognostic marker in the prediction of survival of patients with CHF with a sensitivity and specificity of more than 90%.611 Although echocardiography remains the gold standard for the evaluation of left ventricular dysfunction, numerous studies introduced plasma levels of BNP as a reliable marker for the diagnosis and management of CHF. Actually, in the past few years, the superiority of BNP to ANP as a diagnostic and prognostic factor in CHF has been supported by numerous clinical studies.612,622– 624 These and other studies showed that systemic BNP concentrations are significantly elevated in overt CHF, and these concentrations reflect left ventricular function with fidelity.607,625 Patients diagnosed with CHF have a mean BNP value of 1076 ± 138 pg/mL compared with 38 ± 4 pg/mL in non-CHF subjects presenting to the urgent care unit.237,624 Moreover, plasma levels of BNP correlate with NYHA class number, in which circulating levels of BNP range between ∼200 pg/mL in class I and ∼1000 pg/mL in class IV CHF patients.237 Luchner and associates,626 in their study on NT-proBNP after MI, observed an increase in NT-proBNP in subjects with MI. This increase was particularly pronounced in the presence of significant left ventricular dysfunction and renal dysfunction. Patients with an EF of less than 35% were detected by NTproBNP with sensitivity, specificity, and negative predictive value of 75%, 62%, and 99%, respectively, at an optimal cutoff of 44 pmol/L. Patients with concomitant left ventricular hypertrophy were detected with sensitivity, specificity, and negative predictive value of 90%, 80%, and 99.9%, respectively, at a cutoff of 76 pmol/L. Similar results were obtained for patients with concomitant renal dysfunction at a

434 (96%) in the assessment of patients with dyspnea caused by a disorder of noncardiac origin. In line with this conclusion, the diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity, specificity of BNP at a cut-off of 100 pg/mL were 83.4%, 90%, and 74%, respectively.629,630 According to this and other studies,610 the predictive accuracy of circulating BNP for the diagnosis of CHF equals and even exceeds the accuracy of classic examinations such as x-ray and physical examination. In a large-scale study, Maisel and colleagues629,630 reported that a single determination of circulating BNP level was more accurate than CH 12 both the National Health and Nutrition Examination score and Framingham clinical parameters (the most established criteria in use for the diagnosis of CHF) in differentiating dyspnea of cardiac versus noncardiac origin. This conclusion was supported by a recent prospective, randomized, and controlled study of 452 patients who presented to the emergency department with acute dyspnea. Half of the patients were randomly assigned to a diagnostic strategy involving the measurement of BNP levels with the use of a rapid bedside assay (BNP group), and half of the patients were assessed in a conventional manner (control group). In addition, the median time of discharge and cost of treatment were significantly higher in the former group compared with the latter. Again, measurement of BNP levels for the diagnosis of acute dyspnea of cardiac etiology should be assessed in conjunction with other conventional clinical parameters and not alone. In addition to diagnostic and prognostic applications, circulating BNP and its NT-proBNP have been used as a guide in determining the therapeutic efficacy of typically prescribed drugs for CHF patients, including ACE inhibitors, diuretics, digitalis, and β-blockers.587,588 Kawai and associates636 reported that plasma BNP correlates with left ventricular end-diastolic dimension, LVEF, and left ventricular mass in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy and that administration of carvedilol to these patients for 6 months improved these parameters in most patients in association with decreased BNP levels in responders. Similarly, Motwani and colleagues637 found that BNP, but not ANP, accurately reflects the improvement in the ejection fraction of patients treated with ACE inhibitor following MI. In treated as well as untreated patients with CHF, high levels of BNP are an independent predictor of mortality. Maeda and co-workers638 demonstrated that plasma levels of BNP and interleukin-6 are independent risk factors for morbidity and mortality in patients with CHF after 3 months of optimized treatment. Taken together, these and other findings suggest that a simple and rapid determination of plasma levels of BNP in patients with CHF can be used to assess cardiac dysfunction and serve as a diagnostic and prognostic marker. In addition, measurements of plasma BNP may be useful in titrating relevant therapy. In this context, Troughton and associates587,588 reported that the first cardiovascular event after 6 months of therapy was less frequent in CHF patients whose plasma BNP levels decreased in response to medical treatment. However, it should be emphasized that measurement of plasma levels of either ANP and BNP outside of the broader clinical context is of limited diagnostic value, because the concentrations of these peptides in the circulation are affected by several factors, including age, salt intake, gender, and hemodynamic status. Therefore, a combination of conventional parameters such as clinical and echocardiographic measures taken together with plasma levels of BNP yield better clinical guidelines in patients with CHF than utilizing each tool alone.639 This approach gained further support from a recently published study by Tang and co-workers,640 who reported that in the ambulatory care setting, patients with asymptomatic and symptomatic chronic stable systolic heart failure present a wide range of plasma BNP levels. Nevertheless, still 21% of symptomatic patients display BNP plasma levels below 100 pg/mL.

In light of the reports that BNP is less susceptible to degradation by NEP 24.11 compared with ANP,641,642 it is not surprising that, on a mole-to-mole basis, BNP is a more biologically potent natriuretic agent than the latter.641 With this in mind, the efficacy of exogenous human BNP was examined in patients with decompensated CHF.643 Bolus or sustained infusion of BNP (nesiritide) for short (minutes to hours) and long (hours to days) periods to patients with decompensated CHF (mostly NYHA classes III and IV) resulted in substantial beneficial hemodynamic changes. These changes included reductions in elevated right atrial pressure, pulmonary artery pressure (PAP), PCWP, MAP, and SVR, in association with increased cardiac index, urinary flow rate, and Na+ excretion without activation of neurohumoral systems.563,644–648 The hemodynamic and natriuretic effects of exogenous BNP administration were significantly greater than those obtained following the use of similar doses of ANP in patients with CHF.644 These effects of BNP were associated with enhanced release of cGMP. Comparable results were reported by Abraham and colleagues,649 who found that BNP infusion to patients with CHF improved cardiac performance and suppressed plasma levels of NE and aldosterone, but only one third of the patients showed increased Na+ excretion. The attenuated natriuretic response to BNP in these patients is not surprising in light of the structural similarity between ANP and BNP and the fact that both peptides share the same mechanism of action. Similar attenuated renal responsiveness to BNP, despite elevated plasma levels of this peptide, was reported by Hoffman and co-workers650 in rats with CHF induced by the placement of aortocaval fistula. When BNP was given at low and high subcutaneous doses for 10 days to dogs with experimental CHF, cardiac filling pressure was reduced in association with increased urinary Na+ excretion, urine flow, and RPF.651 After 10 days of treatment, cardiac output was increased and RVR and PCWP decreased, suggesting that chronic administration of BNP via a subcutaneous route may be used as a novel strategy for the treatment of CHF. It should be noted, however, that one of the most adverse effects of recombinant BNP (nesiritide) is dose-related hypotension.564 The later adverse effect may impose serious problem when nesiritide is given with other vasodilators, such as ACE-I.618 Nevertheless, when acutely infused into patients with decompensated CHF, neseritide was less tachycardic or arrhythmogenic than dobutamine.632 When comparing intravenous nesiritide with nitroglycerin in treating patients with CHF, nesiritide displayed more prominent hemodynamic effects, such as reduction in PCWP, compared to standard care plus nitroglycerin or placebo, and these effects were sustained for at least 24 hours. Symptomatic effects, such as improvement in dyspnea, were observed with both drugs, although more pronounced following administration of nesiritide. The hemodynamic and symptomatic improvement with nesiritide, coupled with a safety profile similar to that of nitroglycerin, suggests that nesiritide, along with diuretics, is a useful addition to the initial therapy of patients hospitalized with acutely decompensated CHF.652 C-TYPE NATRIURETIC PEPTIDE. Although CNP is synthesized mainly by endothelial cells, small amounts are also produced by cardiac tissue.653 In contrast to other NPs, CNP is predominantly a vasodilator and has little effect on urinary flow and Na+ excretion, and in some cases, even reduces these parameters.654–656 However, the production of CNP by the endothelium in proximity to its receptors in VSMC suggests that this peptide may play a role in the control of vascular tone and growth.657 In contrast to ANP and BNP, plasma levels of CNP are not increased in CHF; however, local concentrations of CNP are elevated in the myocardium in this disease state.615 In a recent large study (n = 305), Wright and assoicates658 demonstrated that plasma levels of CNP are elevated in patients with symptomatic CHF and that the use of BNP

increased NO levels on ventricle contractility is well docu- 435 mented.278 Based on the foregoing, achieving NO balance by either NO donors or selective NOS inhibitors has emerged as one of the most important therapeutic concepts in addressing and correcting the pathophysiology of CHF.670 Although early clinical trials have yielded encouraging initial results, extensive efforts remain to be investigated in order to verify whether this treatment option is feasible/beneficial. In summary, the endothelium-dependent vasodilatation is attenuated in various vascular beds in CHF. This attenuation may occur in the presence of increased NO production, sug- CH 12 gesting that the vascular NO may be another example of failed vasodilator system in CHF. PROSTAGLANDINS. Although the PGs have little contribution to kidney function in euvolemic and unstressed states, they play an important role in maintaining renal function during setting of pathophysiologic compromise, including CHF. As previously noted, when RBF is impaired, hypoperfusion of the kidney or activation of the RAAS stimulates the release of PGs that exert a vasodilator effect predominantly at the level of the afferent arteriole and promote Na+ excretion by inhibiting Na+ transport in TALH and medullary collecting duct.671–673 Two previous observations suggested a compensatory role of PGs in experimental and clinical CHF: First, plasma levels of PGE2, PGE2 metabolites, and 6-keto-PGF1 were elevated in CHF patients compared with normal subjects.674 Moreover, studies in experimental and human CHF demonstrated a direct linear relationship between the PRA and AII concentrations and levels of circulating and urinary PGE2 and PGI2 metabolites.675 This correlation probably reflects both stimulation of PG synthesis by AII and increased release of renin induced by PGs. A similar counterregulatory role of PGs with respect to the other vasoconstrictors (catecholamines and ADH) may also be inferred. An inverse correlation between serum Na+ concentrations and plasma levels of PGE2 metabolites has been demonstrated. The second approach that established the protective role of renal and vascular prostaglandins in CHF was derived from studies of nonsteroidal anti-inflammaatory drugs (NSAIDs), which inhibit the synthesis of PGs. In various experimental models of CHF, inhibition of PG synthesis was associated with adverse renal hemodynamic consequences.470,495,674 In one of these studies,470 using a rapid ventricular pacing canine model of CHF, the induction of CHF was associated with an elevation in urinary excretion of PGE2. Administration of indomethacin was associated with a significant increase in body weight, serum creatinine, and urea and a significant decline in urine flow rate. In another study of experimental chronic moderate CHF,676 increased urinary excretion of PGE2 was obtained. Administration of indomethacin was associated with a profound increase in RVR and a resultant decrease in RBF, mainly related to afferent arteriolar constriction. On the basis of these observations, it is not surprising to find that patients with hyponatremia accompanied by the most striking activation of the SNS and the RAAS were most susceptible to adverse glomerular hemodynamic consequences after the administration of indomethacin.674 In this regard, Townend and colleagues677 demonstrated that administration of indomethacin to patients with chronic CHF resulted in a significant decrease in RBF and GFR in association with reduced urinary Na+ excretion. These effects were prevented by intravenous infusion of PGE2. In the same study, the authors showed that pretreatment of these patients with indomethacin prior to captopril administration attenuated the captopril-induced increase in RBF. These results suggest that PGs have a significant role in the regulation of renal function in patients with CHF. In addition, these results indicate that captopril-induced improvement in renal hemodynamics is mediated in part by an increase in PG synthesis. In this context, renal PGs also play an important role in mediating

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as a predictor for CHF shows a significant relation to concurrent plasma CNP. These findings suggest a possible peripheral vascular compensatory response to CHF by overexpression of this vasodilatory peptide. Most recently,653 it has been demonstrated that CNP possesses an inhibitory effect on cultured cardiac myocyte hypertrophy, suggesting that overexpression of CNP in the myocardium during CHF may be involved in counteracting cardiac remodeling. NITRIC OXIDE. Recent studies showed that endothelial dysfunction has a fundamental impact on the development of impaired cardiac performance with all the concomitant adverse systemic consequences. It is widely believed that endothelial dysfunction contributes to the increase in vascular resistance in CHF245,247,659 and to the impaired endothelium-dependent vascular responses in correlation to the clinical severity of cardiac dysfunction.247,659–661 Thus, the response to acetylcholine, an endothelium-dependent vasodilator that acts by releasing NO, was found to be markedly attenuated in patients and experimental animals with CHF. Similar observations were reported in isolated vessels from animals with CHF examined in vitro. The mechanisms mediating the impaired activity of the NO system in CHF are largely unknown. Several potential mechanisms have been offered as an explanation. These include a reduction in shear stress associated with the decreased cardiac output,247 downregulation of NOS, decreased availability of the NO precursor L-arginine,660,662 increased levels of dimethyl arginine and overriding activity of counterregulatory vasoconstrictor systems such as the RAAS.660,663 In view of the importance of NO in regulating RBF, it is possible that altered activity of the NO system may be involved in the pathogenesis of the renal hypoperfusion in CHF. The latter possibility is supported by our findings that rats with CHF induced by aortocaval fistula have attenuated NO-mediated renal vasodilation.663 Moreover, this impairment could be reversed by pretreatment with an AT1 receptor antagonist, suggesting that AII may be involved in mediating the impaired NO-dependent renal vasodilatation.663 The resulting imbalance between NO and excessive activation of the RAAS and ET systems explains some of the beneficial effects of ACE-inhibitors, ARBs, and aldosterone antagonists.664 A blunted response to endothelium-dependent vasodilators has been generally equated with a decrease in NOS activity and NO generation. However, several studies demonstrated that patients with CHF have higher plasma levels of NO2 + NO3 and exhibit augmented responsivness to inhibitors of NOS, suggesting that NO generation and release are enhanced in CHF.660,665–668 According to these studies, the NO system in CHF represents another failing counterregulatory mechanisms in the face of the activated vsoconstrictors. In line with this concept, most recently, Abassi and co-workers290 demonstrated that rats with experimental CHF induced by aortocaval fistula express higher abundance of eNOS-mRNA and protein immunoreactivity in the kidney, particularly in the renal medulla. It was speculated that the overexpression of eNOS in the renal medulla may play an important role in the preservation of intact medullary perfusion. In addition, the increased eNOS levels in the cortex, although to a lesser extent than in the medulla, may serve a compensatory mechanism in ameliorating the severe cortical vasoconstriction. An additional issue worthy of consideration is the fact that the myocardium contains all the three isoforms of NOS, and the locally generated NO is believed to play a modulatory role on cardiac function.278,446 Thus, it might be that alterations in the cardiac NO system in CHF contribute to the pathogenesis of cardiac dysfunction and, therefore, indirectly contribute to the impaired renal function.669 Indeed, increasing evidence indicates that iNOS and eNOS overexpression occurs in failing myocardium. The deleterious actions of the

436 the natriuretic effects of ANP in dogs with experimental CHF induced by an AV fistula.678 According to this study indomethacin reduced ANP-induced Na+ excretion and creatinine clearance in these dogs by 75% and 35%, respectively, suggesting a substantial role of PGs in determining their nartiuretic responsiveness to this hormone. Collectively, both human and animal studies indicate that CHF is a “prostaglandin-dependent” state, in which elevated AII and enhanced renal sympathetic nerve activity stimulate renal synthesis of PGE2 and PGI2 that would counteract the vasoCH 12 constrictor effects of these stimuli to maintain GFR and RBF. Therefore, administration of NSAIDs to patients or animals with CHF would leave these vasoconstrictor systems unopposed, leading to hypoperfusion/hypofiltration and subsequently to Na+ and water retention.671 In recent years, several studies reported a close relationship between the consumption of NSAIDs and a significant worsening of chronic CHF, especially in elderly patients taking diuretics.679,680 The exacerbation of this condition was reported in patients taking either nonselective COX inhibitors or selective COX-2 inhibitors. The deleterious effects of the latter on cardiac and renal functions are in line with the relatively high abundance of COX-2 in renal tissue and to a lesser extent in the myocardium and with the observation that the renal immunoreactive levels of this isoform are enhanced in experimental CHF.190 Moreover, the significant increase in the risk of MI with COX-2 inhibitors—rofecoxib and celecoxib—raised serious safety problems in the use of these drugs and led to their withdrawal from the market.681,682 In summary, patients with preexisting CHF or hypertension are at high risk to develop volume overload, edema formation, and deterioration of cardiac function following the use of COX-2 inhibitors to the same or even higher frequencies than observed with use of conventional NSAIDs. ADRENOMEDULLIN. Evidence suggests that AM plays a role in the pathophysiology of CHF. Compared with healthy subjects, in CHF patients, plasma levels of the mature form of AM as well as the glycine extended AM (AM-gly) are elevated in proportion to the severity of cardiac and hemodynamic impairment.331,338,683 For instance, plasma levels of AM in subjects with severe CHF are fivefold higher than in controls, and plasma levels of the peptide fell with effective anti-CHF treatment, such as with carvedilol.336,684–686 The origin of the increased circulating AM appears to be the failing myocardium itself including both the ventricles and, to a lesser extent, the atria.335 In addition, plasma AM levels correlate with plasma concentrations of NE, ANP, BNP, PAP, PCWP, and PRA in these patients, indicating that the more severe the disease the higher the plasma AM levels measured.687,688 Moreover, Jougasaki and associates686,689 reported that ventricular and renal tissue AM were significantly increased in dogs with CHF induced by rapid ventricular pacing, compared with normals. The years following the discovery of AM witnessed intensive investigation in regard to its involvement in the pathophysiology of positive salt and water balance characterizing CHF. Both experimental and clinical studies showed that infusion of AM produced beneficial renal effects in states of volume overload of cardiac origin. For example, brief administration (90 min) of AM into sheep with CHF due to rapid pacing produced a threefold increase in sodium excretion with maintenance of urine output and a rise in creatinine clearance compared with baseline levels in normal sheep.690 Chronic administration of AM for 4 days in sheep with CHF produced a significant and sustained increase in cardiac output in association with enhanced urine volume.335 In light of the positive results in experimental CHF, the effects of acute infusion of AM into patients with CHF have been examined. However, the results obtained were less encouraging as

compared with normal subjects. For example, acute administration of AM to patients with CHF resulted in increased forearm blood flow but to a lesser extent than in normal subjects, suggesting that the AM vascular effects are significantly attenuated in CHF.691 In addition, Lainchbury and colleagues692 demonstrated that AM has no significant effect on urine volume and Na+ excretion in patients with CHF, but remarkably reduced plasma aldosterone levels. Nagaya and co-workers693 extended this study and found that intravenous infusion of human AM into patients with CHF predominantly improved cardiac function as expressed by increased cardiac stroke index, dilatation of the resistant arteries, and urinary Na+ excretion. The improvement in cardiac function following AM infusion is not surprising in light of its beneficial effects on pre- and afterload and cardiac contractility.331 Collectively, the vasodilatory and natriuretic activities of AM, and its origin from the failing heart, suggest that AM acts as a compensatory agent to balance the elevation in SVR and volume expansion in this disease state. However, most recently, the complementary interactions between AM and other vasoactive substances such as ET, NPs and NO in myocardial dysfunction were assessed. Indeed, AM in combination with other therapies such as ACE and NEP inhibitors resulted in hemodynamic and renal benefits greater than those achieved by the agents administered separately.335 In summary, the alterations in the efferent limb of volume regulation in CHF include enhanced activities of vasoconstrictor/Na+-retaining systems as well as activation of counterregulatory vasodilatory/natriuretic systems. The magnitude of Na+ excretion by the kidney and, therefore, the disturbance in volume homeostasis in CHF are largely determined by the balance between these antagonistic systems. In the early stages of CHF, the balancing effect of the vasodilatory/ natriuretic systems is of importance in the maintenance of circulatory and renal function. However, with the progression of CHF, there is a shift of this balance, with dysfunction of the vasodilatory/natriuretic systems and marked activation of the vasoconstrictor/antinatriuretic systems. These disturbances are translated at the renal circulatory and tubular level to alterations that result in avid retention of salt and water, thereby leading to edema formation. UROTENSIN. A role of the U-II/GPR-14 in the pathogenesis of CHF has been suggested, based on the following findings: First, some but not all studies reported that plasma levels of U-II are elevated in patients with CHF, correlating with other markers, such as NH2-terminal BNP and ET-1.340,694,695 In addition, strong expression of U-II was demonstrated in the myocardium of patients with end-stage CHF, in correlation with the impairment of cardiac function.696 This suggests that upregulation of the U-II/GPR-14 system could play a part in the cardiac dysfunction associated with CHF. In view of the documented vasoactive and natriuretic properties of U-II and the finding that the U-II/GPR-14 system may be up-regulated in CHF, several studies examined a possible role of U-II in the regulation of renal function in CHF. A recent set of studies in rats with aortocaval fistula as an experimental model of CHF showed that hU-II acts primarily as a renal vasodilator.697 Moreover, the renal vasodilatory properties of the peptide are augmented in rats with experimental CHF, apparently by an NO-dependent mechanism. Finally, hU-II increased GFR only in rats with CHF, but did not alter urinary Na+ excretion, in either control or CHF rats. However, in contrast to the negligible renal vasodilatory effect in control rats, the peptide produced a prominent and prolonged decrease in RVR associated with a significant increase in RPF and in GFR in rats with experimental CHF. Thus, under these conditions of increased baseline renal vascular tone, hU-II has the capacity to act as a potent vasodilator in the kidney. Furthermore, our findings suggest that this

Renal Sodium Retention and Edema Formation in Cirrhosis with Ascites


Afferent Limb of Volume Homeostasis in Cirrhosis

Abnormalities in renal Na+ and water excretion are commonly found in cirrhosis, in humans as well as in experimental animal models.711,712 Avid Na+ and water retention may lead eventually to ascites, a common complication of cirrhosis and a major cause of morbidity and mortality, with the occurrence of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, variceal CH 12 bleeding, and development of the hepatorenal syndrome.713,714 In similarity to CHF, the pathogenesis of the renal water and Na+ retention in cirrhosis is related not to an intrinsic abnormality of the kidney but to extrarenal mechanisms that regulate renal Na+ and water handling. Indeed, when kidneys from cirrhotic patients are transplanted into recipients with normal liver function, renal Na+ and water retention no longer occurs. Several formulations have been proposed over the years to explain the mechanism(s) by which patients with cirrhosis develop positive Na+ balance and ascites formation. Two major theories put forward to explain the mechanisms of Na+ and water retention in cirrhosis are the “overflow” and the “underfilling” theories of ascites formation. Whereas the occurrence of primary renal Na+ and water retention and plasma volume expansion prior to ascites formation was favored by the “overflow” hypothesis, the classic “underfilling” theory posits that ascites formation causes hypovolemia that further initiates secondary renal Na+ and water retention. In 1988, Schrier and co-workers715 proposed the “peripheral arterial vasodilatation hypothesis” as a mechanism that could explain the retention of Na+ and water in cirrhosis. This concept was promoted in the 1990s as a unifying hypothesis of the disturbance in body fluid volume homeostatsis to explain the mechanism of renal Na+ and water retention also in diverse states of edema formation, in addition to cirrhosis, including pregnancy.383,716,717 At the same time, the importance of NO as a cardinal player in the hemodynamic abnormalities that mediate salt and water retention in cirrhosis became increasingly evident.718,719 The contribution of this molecule, as well as other vasodilatory mechanisms, to generation of the “hyperdynamic” circulation in cirrhosis was further supported by numerous other investigators (see Iwakiri and Groszmann720). In the next sections, these theories are briefly presented, followed by a description of the efferent limb of the volume control system in the regulation of renal handling of Na+ in cirrhosis.

Extracellular Fluid and Edema Formation

increase in renal perfusion is dependent in part on NO production. This is consistent with the finding of Zhang and coworkers360 regarding the importance of NO in the mediation of hU-II–induced renal vasodilatation. In summary, several reports suggest that the U-II/GPR-14 system may participate in the control of renal hemodynamics in the rat. This regulation may be significantly altered in rats with experimental CHF, which could contribute to the adaptive changes in renal function and renal hemodynamic responses in CHF. NEUROPEPTIDE Y AND HEART FAILURE. Because many neurohormonal mediators have been implicated in the pathogenesis of CHF, it is of no surprise that NPY has also been a subject of investigation in this condition, especially because NPY colocalization and release with the adrenergic neurotransmitters suggested excessive corelease with NE from the activated peripheral sympathetic system.698 Indeed, numerous reports demonstrated elevated plasma levels of NPY of patients with CHF, regardless of the etiology of the disease.699–701 This increase correlates with the severity the disease, suggesting that NPY might serve as an independent prognostic factor for CHF severity and outcome.702 Although circulating levels of NPY are elevated in patients with CHF, little information is available concerning the local concentrations of NPY in the myocardium. It appears, however, that NPY levels are not elevated and, in fact, might be rather lower than normal, as is also the case with NE, suggesting that NPY depletion might follow the state of the SNS in general.703 The functional significance of elevated local or systemic levels of NPY in the circulation of patients with CHF is not entirely clear and can only be speculated upon at this time. In light of the complex physiologic actions of NPY, it may be involved in the regulation of cardiac actions. Recent studies by groups of Haramati and Zukowska brought new insights into the role of NPY receptors in chronic CHF. By utilizing an AV fistula to induce CHF in rats, the investigators found that cardiac Y1 receptor gene expression decreases in proportion to the severity of cardiac hypertrophy and decompensation.704 Interestingly, at the same time, Y2 receptor expression was shown to increase markedly in failing hearts.704 Similar patterns of receptor expression change were observed in the kidneys and were also proportional to the degree of renal failure.704 Because Y1 receptor appears to mediate known NPY growth-promoting activities in blood vessels705,706 and myocytes,707 this receptor may play a pathogenic role in development of cardiac hypertrophy in the failing heart. Y2 receptor activation is also strongly implicated in the angiogenic activity of NPY,708 suggesting that up-regulation of this receptor may play an important compensatory role aimed at improving angiogenesis in the ischemic heart. Furthermore, NPY was shown in experimental models of CHF to exert diuretic and natriuretic properties,709 most likely owing to increasing the release of ANP and inhibiting the RAAS,710 thereby facilitating water and electrolyte clearance and reducing congestion. Because the RAAS and the SNS play an important role in the progression of CHF, the higher circulating levels of NPY could be considered as a counteracting mechanism to potentially reduce the progression of CHF. However, NPY acting via Y1 receptors is also a potent mediator of vascular constriction, which could contribute to increases in vascular resistance, including coronary vessel constriction with compromise of cardiac blood flow and blood flow to other essential organs. In summary, a potential role of NPY in the pathogenesis of CHF progression, cardiac, and salt and water homeostasis via actions on vascular, cardiomyocyte, and kidney functions exerted via multiple receptors (Y1, Y2, and Y5) requires further investigation.

The “Overflow” and “Underfilling” Concepts: Role in Disturbed Volume Regulation and Ascites Formation in Cirrhosis Based on studies in patients with cirrhosis, Lieberman and co-workers721 postulated that non–volume-dependent renal Na+ retention is the primary disturbance in Na+ homeostasis in cirrhosis. In their view, this renal Na+ retention leads to total plasma volume expansion, including its nonsplanchnic component. The predilection of the renal salt and water retention to cause ascites was explained by the local alteration of Starling forces in the portosplanchnic bed (“overflow” concept). Strong support for the overflow theory came from the extensive and carefully designed experiments by Levy and co-workers in dogs with experimental cirrhosis (see review by Levy722 and references therein). They studied sequentially the events that led to Na+ retention and ascites after the institution of dimethylnitrosamine cirrhosis in the dog. They were also able to measure directly the changes in volume of the

438 vascular compartments after salt retention. These studies indicated that renal Na+ retention and volume expansion may precede formation of ascites by 10 days. The Na+ retention was reported to occur independent of changes in cardiac output, MAP, splanchnic blood volume, hepatic arterial blood flow, GFR, RPF, aldosterone, and increased renal sympathetic nerve activity.723 Also, elimination of ascites in these cirrhotic dogs with the LeVeen shunt did not prevent salt retention during liberal salt intake. Taken together, these studies supported the view that the initiating event in the renal Na+ retention of cirrhosis is not related to “underfilling.” Rather, CH 12 primary renal Na+ retention has been suggested as a cause. In a series of additional studies in dogs with experimental cirrhosis, intrahepatic hypertension, secondary to hepatic venous outflow obstruction, was suggested to be of primary importance in the induction of salt retention by the kidney.724 In dogs with cirrhosis due to common bile duct ligation and portocaval anastomosis, Levy’s group724 demonstrated that Na+ retention and ascites formation occurred only in dogs with partially or fully occluded portocaval fistulae, but not in dogs with patent portocaval anastomosis and normal intahepatic pressure. For intrahepatic hypertension to act as a primary stimulus for renal Na+ retention, without the intermediary of underfilling, it is necessary to invoke the hepatic volume-sensing mechanisms mentioned earlier in this chapter. In particular, a sensing mechanism that specifically responds to elevated hepatic venous pressure with increased hepatic afferent nerve activity could be a candidate. The relays for these impulses consist of two hepatic autonomic nerve plexuses, one surrounding the hepatic artery and the other the portal vein. Kostreva and co-workers725 delineated a neural reflex pathway composed of these elements that connects hepatic venous congestion to enhanced renal and cardiopulmonary sympathetic activity. Occlusion of the inferior vena cava at the diaphragm was associated with a rise in hepatic, portal, and renal venous pressures and resulted in markedly increased hepatic afferent nerve traffic and renal and cardiopulmonary sympathetic efferent nerve activity. Section of the anterior hepatic nerves eliminated the reflex increase in renal efferent nerve activity.725 Similarly, Levy and Wexler61 showed that denervation of the liver of dogs with vena cava constriction increases urinary Na+ excretion. Such neural networks, or alternatively other, as yet undefined humoral pathways, could provide an anatomic or physiologic basis for the primary effects of alterations in intrahepatic hemodynamics on renal function. This mechanism implies that renal Na+ retention could be a consequence of disturbed hepatic function, independent of input from extrahepatic volume sensors. As a result, renal Na+ retention would occur without reduction and possibly in the face of expansion of all vascular compartments. In contrast, the classic “underfilling” theory suggested that, during the development of cirrhosis, true hypovolemia may occur as a result of transudation of fluid and its accumulation in the peritoneal cavity, mostly in the form of ascites. As a result, true intravascular hypovolemia develops, which, in turn, is sensed by the various components of the afferent volume control system described in previous sections of this chapter. The kidney then responds normally to the perceived hypovolemia by increasing Na+ and water reabsorption along the nephron, through activation of the efferent limb of the volume control system. This response includes activation of the RAAS and the SNS, as well as the nonosmotic release of ADH. This sequence of events results in enhanced renal water and Na+ retention, failure to escape from the Na+-retaining effect of aldosterone, and an impaired capacity to excrete solute-free water. However, such a mechanism would eventually result in further accumulation of Na+ and water and the development of positive Na+ balance.

Several mechanisms were offered to account for the development of the hypovolemia. One such mechanism arose as a consequence of the disruption in the normal Starling relationships that govern fluid movement in the hepatic sinusoids. These, unlike capillaries elsewhere in the body, are highly permeable to plasma proteins. As a result, partitioning of ECF between the intravascular (intrasinusoidal) and the interstitial (space of Disse and lymphatic) compartments of the liver is determined predominantly by the hydraulic pressure gradient along the length of the hepatic sinusoids. Obstruction to hepatic venous outflow promotes enhanced efflux of a proteinrich filtrate into the space of Disse and results in augmented hepatic lymph formation. Such augmented hepatic lymph flow, the main source of ascites formation, has been observed in human subjects with cirrhosis as well as in experimental models of liver disease. Vastly increased hepatic lymph formation is accompanied by increased flow through the thoracic duct. When the rate of enhanced hepatic lymph formation exceeds the capacity for return to the intravascular compartment via the thoracic duct, hepatic lymph accumulates in the form of ascites and the intravascular compartment is further compromised. As liver disease progresses, a fibrotic process surrounds the Kupffer cells lining the sinusoids, rendering the sinusoids less permeable to serum proteins. Under such circumstances, termed capillarization of sinusoids, a decrease in oncotic pressure also promotes transudation of ECF within the hepatic lymph space, much as it does in other vascular beds. Additional consequences of intrahepatic hypertension have also been postulated to contribute to perceived volume contraction. Among these, transmission of elevated intrasinusoidal pressures to the portal vein leads to expansion of the splanchnic venous system, collateral vein formation, and portosystemic shunting. This results in increased vascular capacitance and diversion of blood flow from the arterial circuit.726 Vasodilatation was believed to occur not only in the splanchnic circulation but in the systemic circulation as well and was attributed to refractoriness to the pressor effects of vasoconstrictor hormones such as AII and catecholamines, probably due to an as-yet-undefined uncoupling effect of bile salts.727 Along with diminished hepatic reticuloendothelial cell function, portosystemic shunting allows various products of intestinal metabolism and absorption to bypass the liver and escape hepatic elimination. Among these, endotoxins have been considered to contribute to perturbations in renal function in cirrhosis, possibly secondary to the hemodynamic consequences of endotoxemia or through direct renal effects.728 Elevated levels of conjugated bilirubin and bile acids may result from intrahepatic cholestasis or extrahepatic biliary obstruction. In experimental studies of bile duct ligation, it is difficult to distinguish the effects on renal function of jaundice itself from the effects of cirrhosis that ensue after the bile duct ligation. However, it has been shown that bile acids actually decrease proximal tubular reabsorption of Na+, a direct renal action that would tend to promote natriuresis.729 Nevertheless, the diuretic-like effect of bile salts may also contribute to the underfilling state in cirrhotic patients.729,730 Hypoalbuminemia was proposed as another factor that could contribute to the development of hypovolemia, by diminishing the colloid osmotic forces in the systemic capillaries and hepatic sinusoids. Hypoalbuminemia was believed to occur as a result of decreased synthesis of albumin by the liver as well as dilution caused by ECF volume expansion. The development of hypoalbuminemia is a relatively late event in the course of chronic liver disease. Likewise, a relative impairment of cardiac function could contribute to diminished arterial blood pressure in some cirrhotic patients.730–732 Thus, in some patients, tense ascites

TABLE 12–7

Possible Etiologic Factors Causing “Underfilling” of the Circulation in Patients With Cirrhosis

Peripheral vasodilatation and blunted vasoconstrictor response to reflex, chemical, and hormonal influences Opening arteriovenous shunts, particularly in the portal circulation Increase in the vascular capacity of the portal as well as the nonportal circulation Hypoalbuminemia

Diminished venous return secondary to advanced tense ascites Occult gastrointestinal bleeding from ulcers, gastritis, or varices Volume losses due to vomiting and excessive use of diuretics

reduce venous return (preload) to the heart. Other factors in patients with chronic liver disease may adversely affect cardiac performance, and the concomitant cardiac dysfunction has been termed cirrhotic cardiomyopathy, although the mechanisms behind the cardiac abnormalities are only partly understood.731,732 Finally, volume depletion in cirrhotic patients may be aggravated by vomiting, occult variceal bleeding, and excessive use of diuretics. It is not surprising, therefore, that patients with cirrhosis tolerate hemorrhage or fluid loss very poorly, and they are prone to suffer cardiovascular collapse in the setting of hemodynamic disturbances. Table 12–7 summarizes the various etiologic factors contributing to underfilling of the circulation in patients with advanced liver disease. Two major arguments have been provided in support of the traditional underfilling theory. First, the progression of cirrhosis is characterized by increased neurohumoral activity with stimulation of the RAAS, increased sympathetic activity, and elevated plasma ADH levels. These classic markers of hypovolemia could not be explained by the overflow hypothesis. Second, a salutary improvement in volume homeostasis was observed after volume replenishment in these patients. For example, volume expansion could suppress the RAAS, increase the GFR, and cause a natriuresis and a negative salt balance in patients with cirrhosis. Indeed, several maneuvers of volume expansion, such as reinfusion of ascitic fluid, placement of peritoneojugular LeVeen shunt, HWI, were found to cause a brisk diuretic/natriuretic response in patients with cirrhosis, thus supporting the underfilling concept. Conversely, the main argument against the underfilling theory was that actual measurements of volume content in body fluid compartments failed to show true hypovolemia in most patients with compensated cirrhosis. In fact, when plasma volume was measured in patients with cirrhosis, it was found to be increased, and this increase in many circumstances antedated the formation of ascites.716 In addition, although volume repletion by diverse measures, as described previously, could result in a dramatic improvement and natriuresis, such an improvement is at best temporary and occurs only in a subset of affected patients. Only 30% to 50% of cirrhotic patients exhibit natriuresis during volume expansion or HWI, although the latter procedure effectively suppresses the RAAS. Some of the variability could be due to the fact that the degree of volume replenishment achieved was inadequate in those who failed to respond. Nevertheless, it appears that underfilling cannot be the entire explanation

“Peripheral Arterial Vasodilatation Hypothesis” and the Hyperdynamic Circulation of Cirrhosis In 1988, Schrier and associates715 proposed that primary peripheral vasodilatation, initially in the splanchnic vascular bed and later in the systemic circulation, leads to a “relative underfilling” of the arterial circulation. As a result of the CH 12 discrepancy between the blood volume and the capacitance of the arterial circulation, this perceived underfilling unloads the arterial high-pressure baroreceptors as well as other volume receptors, which, in turn, stimulate a compensatory neurohumoral response. The latter includes activation of the RAAS and the SNS, as well as the nonosmotic release of ADH.383,715,717,733 The “relative” rather than the “absolute” underfilling leads to the apparent decrease in the effective arterial blood volume (EABV) and initiates the compensatory neurohumoral response. According to this theory, the main mechanism initiating the abnormal Na+ and water retention and ascites formation is splanchnic vasodilatation.715 Thus, increased hepatic resistance to portal flow causes a gradual development of portal hypertension, collateral vein formation, and shunting of blood to the systemic circulation. As portal hypertension develops, local production of vasodilators, mainly NO, increases, leading to splanchnic vasodilatation.715,719 In the early stages of cirrhosis, arterial pressure is maintained through increases in plasma volume and cardiac output, in the form of a “hyperdynamic” circulation. However, as the disease progresses, vasodilatation in the splanchnic vascular bed, and presumably in other vascular beds, is so pronounced that EABV decreases markedly, leading to a sustained neurohumoral activation that further results in Na+ and fluid retention.715,734 This hypothesis could, therefore, potentially explain the increased cardiac output and the enhanced neurohumoral changes over the entire spectrum of cirrhosis.716 Moreover, it is now believed that the vasodilatation in cirrhotic patients is not confined only to the splanchnic circulation but may occur in other vascular beds, such as the peripheral systemic and pulmonary circulations as well.720 Thus, decreases in SVR associated with low arterial blood pressure and high cardiac output are clinical manifestations of the hyperdynamic circulation that are commonly seen in patients with cirrhosis. Indeed, the combination of “warm extremities, cutaneous vascular spiders, wide pulse pressure, and capillary pulsations in the nail bed” has been known in cirrhotic patients from the early 1950s.718,720 Pulmonary vasodilatation, associated with the hepatopulmonary syndrome, one of the most severe complications of chronic liver disease, may also be a considered an example of the hyperdynanic circulation caused by increased production of NO (and possibly also carbon monoxide [CO]) in the lung.720,735 It has been also suggested that the hepatorenal syndrome may develop when the heart is not able to compensate any longer for the progressive decrease in peripheral resistance.736 Thus, the hyperdynamic syndrome of chronic liver disease should be considered as a “progressive vasodilatory syndrome” that finally leads to multiorgan involvement, as suggested recently by Iwasaki and Groszmann.720 As pointed out earlier, increased production of NO in the splanchnic vasculature plays a cardinal role in initiating this process.

Extracellular Fluid and Edema Formation

Impaired left ventricular performance, “cirrhotic cardiomyopathy”

for the renal Na+ and water retention that characterizes the 439 cirrhotic patient. Moreover, it may occur only in a limited proportion of patients with cirrhosis, perhaps at a specific stage of their disease.

Role of Nitric Oxide in the Hyperdynamic Circulation of Cirrhosis Considerable evidence now indicates that aberrations in the endothelial vasodilator NO system are involved in the pathogenesis of the hyperdynamic circulation and Na+ and water

716,719,720,737 NO is produced in excess by 440 retention in cirrhosis. the vasculature of different animal models of portal hypertension, when measured by various methods,738–740 as well as in cirrhotic patients.741–743 In the carbon tetrachloride rat model of cirrhosis, this increased production of NO can be detected early in the course of the disease. Niederberger and colleagues740 demonstrated that cGMP, the intracellular messenger of NO, was already increased in the aorta of cirrhotic rats without ascites when the cirrhotic rats begin to retain Na+. This increased vascular NO production is supported by in CH 12 vitro or combined in vivo and in vitro studies that have demonstrated an increased production of NO by the vessels of cirrhotic animals and a role for NO in the impaired vascular responsiveness to vasoconstrictors.744,745 Moreover, removal of the vascular endothelial layer has been demonstrated to abolish the difference in vascular reactivity between cirrhotic and control vessels. Inhibition of NOS has beneficial effects in experimental models of cirrhosis. Niederberger and colleagues746 reversed the high NO production in cirrhotic rats with ascites to normal control levels, by using 7 days of low-dose L-NAME treatment. This normalization of NO production corrected the hyperdynamic circulation. Further studies confirmed that normalization of NO production was accompanied by a marked increase in urinary Na+ and water excretion and a concomitant decrease of ascites in cirrhotic rats.747 These effects of NO inhibition and reversal of the hyperdynamic circulation were associated with a decrease in PRA and in the concentrations of aldosterone and vasopressin. In patients with cirrhosis, the vascular hyporesponsiveness of the forearm circulation to noradrenaline has been shown to be reversed by the administration of the NOS inhibitor, L-NMMA, further supporting the increased vascular synthesis of NO in cirrhosis.748 Inhibition of NO production also corrected the hypotension of cirrhosis. Similar observations, namely, correction of the hyperdynamic circulatory syndrome by inhibition of NOS activity, were reported in a more recent study in patients with compensated cirrhosis.749 An improvement in renal function and Na+ excretion was also observed in these patients, as well as a decrease in plasma NE levels. The main source of the increased systemic vascular NO generation in cirrhosis has been demonstrated to be eNOS in the arterial and splanchnic circulations.719,750 The up-reguation of eNOS appears to be, at least in part, caused by increased shear stress as a result of portal venous hypertension with increased flow in the splanchnic circulation.719,720,737 However, in the rat with portal vein ligation, eNOS up-regulation and increased NO release in the superior mesenteric arteries were found to precede the development of the hyperdynamic splanchnic circulation.751,752 Interestingly, in contrast to the increased NO generation in the splanchnic and systemic circulation, there is also evidence for impaired NO production and “endothelial dysfunction” in the intrahepatic microcirculation in cirrhotic rats.737,753,754 The mechanisms of this paradoxical behavior of the intrahepatic vascular bed is unknown. However, it has been speculated that this “intrahepatic endothelial dysfunction” and NO deficiency may play a significant role in the pathogenesis of the increased hepatic vascular resistance, as well as in the increased intrahepatic thrombosis and collagen synthesis in cirrhosis (for review, see Wiest and Groszman737). Indeed, it is currently believed that the increase in intrahepatic vascular resistance is not merely due to mechanical distortion of the vasculature by fibrosis. Rather, a dynamic process, due to contraction of myofibroblasts and stellate cells, is believed to determine the degree of intrahepatic vascular resistance.712,737 The decrease in NO production due to endothelial dysfunction may shift the balance in favor of vasocostictors (ET, leukotrienes, thromboxane A2, AII,

etc.), thus causing an increase in intrahepatic vascular resistance.737 Indeed, studies utilizing in vivo gene transfer techniques, for delivery of either eNOS or neuronal NOS (nNOS), to livers of rats with experimental cirrhosis, showed that this maneuver is associated with a decrease in portal hyprtension.755,756 It has been clearly shown that eNOS protein is increased in animal models of portal hypertension and that this increase is already detectable in cirrhotic rats without ascites.737,757 However, Iwakiri and co-workers758 demonstrated that mice with targeted deletion of eNOS alone, or with combined deletion of eNOS and iNOS, may develop a hyperdynamic circulation associated with portal hypertension. The latter finding suggests that other vasodilatory agents may be activated in these mice. Indeed, some evidence indicates that PGI2,759 endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF),760 CO,761 AM,762 and other vasodilators may participate in the pathogenesis of the hyperdynamic circulation in experimental cirrhosis (see Iwakiri and Groszmann720). Some evidence also suggests that another isoform of NOS, nNOS, may be involved in the generation of the hyperdynamic circulation and fluid retention in experimental cirrhosis.763 Increased expression of nNOS has recently been suggested to partially compensate for the endothelial isoform deficiency in the eNOS knockout mice.764 In contrast, the role of iNOS remains controversial. Vallance and Moncada765 postulated that endotoxin-mediated induction of iNOS might play a role in the pathogenesis of the arterial vasodilation in cirrhosis. However, in more recent studies, the results were inconclusive, with some groups showing an increased iNOS in arteries of animals with experimental biliary cirrhosis766 but not in other forms of experimental cirrhosis.750,757 Although nonspecific inhibition of NOS may correct the hyperdynamic circulation, use of drugs that preferentially inhibit iNOS and cytokine production has shown varying results, ranging from an amelioration767 to no effect.744 Several cellular mechanisms have been implicated in the up-regulation of eNOS activity in experimental cirrhosis. Elevated shear stress due to the hyperdynamic circulation and portal hypertension may be involved, because this is a well-documented mechanism that up-regulates transcription of the eNOS gene. However, it is believed that additional factors related to the hepatic dysfunction could further stimulate this up-regulation. For example, the activity of eNOS may be regulated at a post-transcripional level by tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4).768 It has been shown in rats with experimental cirrhosis that circulating endotoxins may increase the enzymatic production of BH4, thereby enhancing the activity of eNOS in the mesenteric vascular bed.769 Evidence also indicates that the activity of eNOS in experimental cirrhosis may be modulated by protein-protein interactions, for example, caveolin754 and heat-shock protein 90 (HSP90),770 as well as by direct phosphorylation of eNOS protein.771 However, the relative contribution of the latter mechanisms to the activation of eNOS in cirrhosis remains to be determined.

Efferent Limb of Volume Homeostasis in Cirrhosis: Abnormalities in Effector Humoral Mechanisms The efferent limb of the volume regulation in cirrhosis consists of factors similar to those described in CHF. Neurohumoral activation and alterations in circulating levels of vasoactive substances are believed to play a major role in promoting the enhanced Na+ and water reabsorption by the kidney.711,712,716–718,772,773 The RAAS and the SNS, together with ANP, are considered to be the main endogenous neurohumoral systems involved in Na+ and volume homeostasis in this disease state. There is, however, evidence that other systems, such as renal PGs and ET, might contribute as well.

RAAS with worsening hepatic hemodynamics and decreased 441 survival in patients with cirrhosis. For this reason, ACE inhibitors and ARBs are best avoided in patients with cirrhosis and ascites. SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM. Activation of the SNS is a common feature in patients with chronic liver disease and cirrhosis with ascites.783 Circulating NE levels, as well as urinary excretion of catecholamines and their metabolites, are elevated in patients with cirrhosis and usually correlate with the severity of the disease. Moreover, plasma NE in patients with decompensated cirrhosis may reach levels CH 12 found in ischemic heart disease and is considered to be a grave prognostic sign associated with a high degree of mortality.783 The source of the increased NE levels is enhanced SNS activity, rather than reduced disposal, with nerve terminal spillover from the liver, heart, kidney, muscle, and cutaneous innervation.783–785 A causal relationship between the elevated SNS activity and the impaired Na+ and water was suggested by Bichet and associates.786 In this study, it was demonstrated that increased sympathetic activity, as assessed by plasma levels of NE, correlates closely with Na+ and water retention in cirrhotic patients and thus may be of pathogenetic importance. Evidence also suggests the existence of an increase in efferent renal sympathetic tone in cirrhosis, based on direct recordings in experimental animals, as shown by DiBona and co-workers.787 The same group also demonstrated a defect in the arterial and cardiopulmonary baroreflex control of renal sympathetic nerve activity, in rats with experimental cirrhosis.788 This can explain why volume expansion fails to suppress the enhanced renal sympathetic activity in cirrhosis. Concomitant with the increase in NE release, cardiovascular responsiveness to reflex autonomic stimulation may be impaired in patients with cirrhosis.789 This includes impaired vasoconstrictor response to a variety of stimuli, such as mental arithmetic, LBNP, and the Valsalva maneuver. This interference in the peripheral and central autonomic nervous system in cirrhosis could be explained partially by increased occupancy of endogenous catecholamine receptors, by downregulation of the adrenergic receptors, or by a defect at the level of postreceptor signaling.773,783 It is also possible that the excessive NO-dependent vasodilatation found in cirrhosis could account for the vascular hyporesponsiveness. This assumption is supported by the finding that the hyporesponsiveness to pressor agents is not limited to NE but may be observed in response to AII in patients and experimental animals.727,790 It has been also suggested that metabolic derangements due to hepatic dysfunction may be an additional cause for sympathetic overactivity in cirrhosis.783 In particular, alterations in glucose metabolism, hypoglycemia, and hyperinsulinemia are known to stimulate the activity of the SNS. However, overt hypoglycemia is seldom observed in patients with compensated cirrhosis. Hypoxia is an additional potential factor that may stimulate the SNS in patients with cirrhosis. A negative correlation was found between circulating NE levels and arterial oxygen tension in patients with cirrhosis.791 Moreover, inhalation of oxygen significantly reduced the circulating levels of NE, suggesting a causal relationship between hypoxia and increased SNS activity in these patients. The increase in renal sympathetic tone and plasma NE levels could contribute to the antinatriuresis of cirrhosis by decreasing total RBF, or its intrarenal distribution, or by acting directly at the tubular epithelial level to enhance Na+ reabsorption. It is indeed known that patients with compensated cirrhosis may have a decreased RBF even in early stages, and during the progression of the disease, RBF tends to decline further concomitant with the increase in sympathetic activity.783 In parallel with the increase in sympathetic activity, patients with progressive cirrhosis show also an increase in

Extracellular Fluid and Edema Formation

Vasoconstrictive and Antinatriuretic Systems RENIN-ANGIOTENSIN-ALDOSTERONE SYSTEM. The renal and extrarenal sites and actions of AII and aldosterone that promote renal Na+ retention were considered in previous sections of this chapter. Extrarenal vascular, glomerular microcirculatory, and direct tubular actions are all involved and are mutually interdependent. Both clinical and experimental evidence suggest that the RAAS contributes to Na+ and fluid retention in cirrhosis. Indeed, elevated PRA and aldosterone levels were noted in parallel with the progressive severity of cirrhosis and the increase in Na+ retention. In humans, activation of the RAAS is more commonly noted in patients with ascites than in preascitic patients. It was, therefore, assumed that activation of the RAAS occurs in a relatively advanced stage of the disease. Studies in animal models of cirrhosis tended, in general, to support this notion by showing the temporal relationship between Na+ retention and activation of RAAS.774 Whereas there is no doubt that the RAAS plays a dominant role in the mechanism of Na+ retention in patients with cirrhosis and ascites, evidence suggests that increased activity of this system may also contribute earlier, in the preascitic phase of the disease.775 At this early phase, patients with cirrhosis may develop positive Na+ balance, but their PRA and aldosterone levels are maintained within normal range or even depressed. This finding was believed for years to support the role of the overflow theory in the mechanism of ascites formation. However, Bernardi and co-workers776 found an elevated aldosterone level in preascitic cirrhotic patients that was inversely correlated with renal Na+ excretion, particularly when the patients were standing. This suggested that aldosterone-dependent, Na+ retention can develop in preascitic cirrhosis during standing and that postureinduced activation of the RAAS could already exist at this stage of the disease. Another study demonstrated that renal Na+ retention induced by LBNP was associated with a prominent increase in renal renin and AII excretion.777 Moreover, the same group reported that treatment with the AII receptor antagonist losartan at low dose that did not affect systemic and renal hemodynamics or glomerular filtration was associated with a significant natriuretic response.778 The mechanism by which losartan induced natriuresis in the face of PRA within the normal range was attributed the action of losartan on the local intrarenal RAAS.778,779 Indeed, it has been demonstrated in rats with chronic bile duct ligation that activation of the intrarenal RAAS may occur prior to the circulating system.780 In addition, losartan has been shown to cause a decrease in portal pressure in cirrhotic patients with portal hypertension.781 The mechanisms of the postural-induced activation of RAAS at this early stage of the disease as well as the beneficial effects of low-dose losartan treatment in these patients require further investigation. In contrast, in advanced cirrhosis with ascites, attempts to inhibit AII in Na+-retaining cirrhotic patients yielded variable results. Administration of captopril to cirrhotic patients with ascites resulted in a decrease in both GFR and urinary Na+ excretion, even when given in low doses.782 At this stage of the disease, activation of the RAAS serves to support arterial pressure and maintain adequate circulation. Removal of these actions of the RAAS, either by blocking AII formation or by blocking of its receptor, may lead to deterioration with a profound decrease in RPP. This formulation might be important in the pathogenesis of the hepatorenal syndrome, which is regularly preceded by a state of Na+ retention and may be precipitated by a hypovolemic insult. Abnormalities of the renal circulation characteristic of this syndrome include marked diminution of RPF with renal cortical ischemia and increased RVR, abnormalities consistent with the known actions of AII on the renal microcirculation. It is not surprising, then, that several groups correlated activation of the

442 the activities of two other important pressor systems, namely, the RAAS and ADH.716,773 The marked neurohumoral activation that occurs at relatively advanced stages of cirrhosis probably represent a shift toward a decompensation, characterized by a severe decrease in effective blood volume and perhaps true volume depletion. In this setting, activation of the three pressor systems represents an attempt to support mean arterial blood pressure. A correlation also exists between plasma NE and ADH levels, suggesting that the increased activity of the SNS may stimulate the release of ADH.716,786 A CH 12 direct relationship also exists between plasma NE and the activity of the RAAS, which may imply that the three systems are activated by the same mechanisms and operate in concert to counteract the low arterial blood pressure and the decrease in effective blood volume.383,715,716,783 ANTIDIURETIC HORMONE. Patients with advanced hepatic cirrhosis frequently demonstrate a disturbed capacity to regulate water excretion by the kidney and, consequently, develop water retention with hyponatremia.716,792 Nonosmotic release of ADH is believed to play a dominant role in the mechanism of water retention and the development of hyponatremia in these patients.715,717,792 Bichet and co-workers793 subjected patients with cirrhosis to a standard oral water load and demonstrated that those who were unable to normally excrete the water load had high immunoreactive levels of ADH compared with those patients who exhibited a normal response. These patients also had higher plasma renin and aldosterone levels and lower urinary Na+ excretion, suggesting that the inability to suppress vasopressin was secondary to a decrease in effective arterial blood volume.793 Elevated plasma levels of ADH in association with overexpression of hypothalamic ADH mRNA were found in rats with experimental cirrhosis, together with a diminished pituitary ADH content.794 This suggests an increased synthesis and release of ADH in this experimental model of cirrhosis. In addition, Fujita and colleagues795 reported that the expression of AQP II, the ADH-regulated water channel in the collecting duct, was significantly increased in rats with CCl4-induced cirrhosis. This finding seems to be a consequence of the increased ADH secretion, because blocking of ADH action by an ADH receptor antagonist, OPC-31260, significantly diminished AQP II expression. It is, therefore, possible that up-regulation of AQP II plays an important role in water retention associated with hepatic cirrhosis as well as in other pathologic states.795 As noted in a previous section of this chapter, the biologic actions of ADH are mediated through at least two G-protein– coupled receptors. It is believed that ADH supports arterial blood pressure through its action on the V1 receptors found on the VSMCs, whereas the V2 receptor is responsible for water transport in the collecting duct.716,717 The development of selective blockers of these receptors provided clear evidence for the role of ADH in the induction of water abnormalities in cirrhosis.796 Indeed, compelling evidence now indicates that the administration of a V2 receptor antagonist to cirrhotic patients increased urine volume and decreased urine osmolality (for review, see Ferguson and colleagues796). Serum Na+ concentrations can also be corrected in hyponatremic cirrhotic patients by V2 receptor antagonists.214,796 Similarly, in rats with experimental cirrhosis, treatment with selective nonpeptide V2 receptor antagonists proved to exert beneficial effects by increasing urine flow and decreasing urine osmolality.797,798 It appears that this new class of aquaretic agents may have important clinical applications in the future in the treatment of patients with liver cirrhosis. The role of the V1 receptor was studied by Claria and coworkers799 in rats with cirrhosis and ascites. They administered a selective antagonist of the vascular effect of vasopressin after blocking the actions of AII with saralasin and demon-

strated a pronounced fall in arterial blood pressure. This suggests that ADH, acting via its V1 receptor, is important for the maintenance of arterial pressure and circulatory integrity in cirrhosis.799 Moreover, it argues against the use of nonselective ADH receptor antagonists that block both receptor subtypes in patients with cirrhosis. ADH increases the synthesis of the vasodilatory PGs (PGE2 and PGI2) in several vascular beds, including the kidney. This, in turn, may inhibit the vasoconstrictor action as well as the hydro-osmotic effect of ADH. The modulation of ADH effects by PGE2 is of particular importance in pathophysiologic situations, including cirrhosis. It is known that many patients with cirrhosis and ascites are able to generate positive free water clearance (CH2O) and dilute the urine after a water load, despite an impaired ability to suppress ADH.792 Perez-Ayuso and associates800 offered an explanation for the latter finding by showing that urinary PGE2 was markedly increased in cirrhotic patients with positive free water clearance. Because PGE2 inhibits the hydro-osmotic effect of ADH, it was suggested that, in cirrhotic patients with ascites and positive free water clearance, urinary diluting capacity is enhanced after a water load by increased synthesis of PGE2 in the collecting duct.792,800 ENDOTHELINS. Plasma levels of immunoreactive ET (irET) are markedly elevated in patients with cirrhosis and ascites and in the hepatorenal syndrome801–805 However, the role of ET in the pathogenesis of fluid and Na+ retention in cirrhosis is controversial. Specifically, the causal relationship between an increased level of serum ET and the hemodynamic disturbances in cirrhotic patients (characterized by systemic and splanchnic vasodilation, salt and water retention, and renal vasoconstriction) is still under debate. Although ETs function as autocrine or paracrine agents by interacting with specific receptors located at or near the site of synthesis, a fraction may be released to the general circulation (spillover), where it can have systemic effects. Indeed, a number of studies have shown that there is a net hepatosplanchnic release of ETs in cirrhosis that correlates positively with portal pressure and cardiac output and inversely with central blood volume.802,803,806 Increased local intrahepatic production of ET in the liver is also believed to contribute to the development of portal hypertension, probably through contraction of the stellate cells and a concomitant decrease in sinusoidal blood flow.806 In an attempt to provide further insight into the pathogenic significance of ET-1 in cirrhosis, Martinet and co-workers807 measured ET-1 and its precursor, big ET-1, in the systemic circulation as well as in the splanchnic and renal venous beds of patients with cirrhosis and refractory ascites before and after transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) to provide relief of portal hypertension. They found that the blood levels of both peptides were higher in the vena cava, hepatic vein, portal vein, and renal vein of cirrhotic patients compared with normal controls. One to 2 months after the TIPS procedure, creatinine clearance and urinary Na+ excretion increased, accompanied by a significant reduction of ET-1 and big ET-1 in portal and renal veins. The authors suggested that splanchnic and renal hemodynamic changes occurring in patients with cirrhosis and refractory ascites could be related to the production of ET-1 by the splanchnic and renal vascular beds. However, because the status of other hormones (e.g., renin, aldosterone) was altered as well, it is hard to attribute the change in hemodynamic variables after TIPS to an isolated change in the level of ETs. An opposite effect, namely, an increase in plasma ET-1, was recently reported in response to acute temporary occlusion of TIPS by angioplasty balloon, with a transient increase in portal pressure.808 Interestingly, this was associated with a marked reduction of RPF and increased generation of ET-1 by the kidney.

Vasodilators and Natriuretic Systems PROSTAGLANDINS. The important contribution of PGs to the maintenance of renal function in cirrhosis was noted in previous sections of this chapter, with regard to their modulating effects on the renal hydro-osmotic effect of ADH. Patients with decompensated cirrhosis with ascites, but without renal failure, excrete greater amounts of vasodilatory PGs than do healthy subjects, suggesting that renal production of PGs is increased.196,811 Likewise, in experimental animal models of cirrhosis, mostly rats with CCl4-induced cirrhosis, there is evidence for increased synthesis and activity of renal and vascular PGs.811,812 One may conceive of renal PGs as constituting critical modulators of renal function during disease states involving volume contraction. In the setting of decompensated cirrhosis (presence of ascites and increased activity of endogenous vasoconstrictor systems), the ability to enhance PG synthesis constitutes a compensatory or adaptive response to incipient renal ischemia. The corollary of this formulation is that administration of agents that impair such an adaptation by inhibiting PG synthesis might result in a clinically important deterioration of renal function, primarily in patients with low effective blood volume who are retaining Na+ avidly. Indeed, in several investigations, administration of nonselective inhibitors of COX, such as the NSAIDs indomethacin and ibuprofen, resulted in a significant decrement in GFR and RPF in patients with cirrhosis and ascites, in contrast to healthy subjects. The decrement in renal hemodynamics varies directly with the degree of Na+ retention and the extent of neurohumoral activation, so that patients with high plasma renin and NE levels are particularly sensitive to these adverse effects.811,813 However, the deleterious effects of NSAIDs on renal function were also observed in cirrhotic patients without ascites.196,814 In contrast to nonazotemic patients with cirrhosis and ascites, it has been suggested that patients with hepatorenal syndrome have reduced renal synthesis of vasodilatory PGs.815 This renal PG “deficiency” may be an important factor in the pathogenesis of hepatorenal syndrome that exacerbates renal vasoconstriction and Na+ and fluid retention.811 Yet, an attempt to improve renal function in these patients by treatment with intravenous infusion of PGE2 or its oral analog, misoprostol, was unsuccessful.816

It is now accepted that renal production of PGs is mediated 443 by two isoforms of COX (i.e., COX-1 and COX-2). In contrast to other organs, both isoforms of COX are constitutively expressed in the kidney, but in different locations (see Chapter 11). It was recently demonstrated, by Western blotting analysis, that the COX-2 isoform is strongly up-regulated in kidneys from rats with CCl4-induced cirrhosis with ascites.811 The mechanism(s) responsible for this finding is not clear, although it should be mentioned that up-regulation of COX-2 in the kidney was observed in other situations associated with a decrease in effective arterial blood volume, such as CH 12 low-salt diet and high-output CHF. Nevertheless, despite the increase in COX-2 expression, it is beleived that maintenance of renal function in cirrhosis is dependent primarily on COX1-derived PGs.811 This assumption is based on the finding that administration of SC-236, a selective COX-2 antagonist, spared renal function in cirrhotic rats with ascites, whereas nonselective inhibition of COX led to deterioration in renal function.811,817 Further support for this notion was obtained recently in cirrhotic patients with ascites treated for a short duration with celecoxib, a selective COX-2 antagonist.818 It was shown that short-term administration of celecoxib did not impair renal function in nonazotemic patients with cirrhosis and ascites, as opposed to the nonselective COX antagonist naproxen.818 It should be emphasized that, in these studies, in both patients and experimental animals, administration of the selective COX-2 inhibitor was carried out on a short-term basis. Additional, long-term, studies are required in order to establish the safety of these drugs in patients with advanced cirrhosis. NATRIURETIC PEPTIDES. Plasma levels of ANP are elevated in patients with cirrhosis, despite the reduction in effective circulating volume in the late stages of the disease.819,820 In the preascitic stage of cirrhosis, the increase in plasma ANP may be important for the maintenance of Na+ homeostasis, but with the progression of the disease, the patients develop resistance to the natriuretic action of the peptide.819,820 Although it was suggested that reduced clearance may contribute to the increased levels of ANP in cirrhosis,821 it appears that the high levels of ANP reflect mostly an increased cardiac release rather than impaired clearance of the peptide. In particular, intra-atrial processing of pro-ANP was found to be normal in cirrhotic dogs. Cardiac ANP mRNA levels were found to be increased by 2.8 to 4.1 times in cirrhotic rats compared with controls.822 The stimulus for increased cardiac ANP synthesis and release in cirrhosis has not been fully clarified. Overfilling of the circulation in early cirrhosis, secondary to intrahepatic hypertension–related renal Na+ retention, could be responsible for the increased plasma ANP concentrations at these early stages. Indeed, some studies measured increased left atrial size, in association with increased intervascular volume and plasma ANP concentration, in both ascitic and nonascitic alcoholic cirrhosis patients.823 Wong and co-workers824 measured central blood volume (CBV), that is, the volume of the cardiac chambers, pulmonary circulation, and thoracic vessels, by radionuclide angiography in patients with cirrhosis. Interestingly, the preascitic patients had a significantly elevated CBV with higher left and right pulmonary volumes, despite having normal blood pressure, and normal renin, aldosterone, and NE levels.824 Such an increase in CBV may trigger the release of ANP, as shown by numerous HWI studies in the past.823 More recently, Wong and colleagues825 examined the status of Na+ homeostasis in preascitic cirrhosis by investigating renal Na+ handling in patients with proven cirrhosis without ascites who submitted to a high-Na+ diet for 5 weeks. The authors demonstrated that high Na+ intake results in weight gain and positive Na+ balance for 3 weeks, returning to a complete Na+ balance thereafter. Thus, despite continued high Na+ intake, preascitic patients reach a new steady state

Extracellular Fluid and Edema Formation

Because the kidney is uniquely sensitive to the vasoconstrictor effect of ET-1, it was suggested that ET-1 may play an important role in the pathogenesis of the hepatorenal syndrome.803,804 This is supported by the finding that the high plasma ET-1 levels in patients with the hepatorenal syndrome decreased within 1 week after successful orthotopic liver transplantation and that this decrease in circulating ET-1 was accompanied by an improvement in renal function.809 Recently, the importance of the intrarenal ET system was demonstrated in a rat model of acute liver failure induced by galactosamine, in which renal failure also develops.810 This experimental model shares some of the hallmarks of the hepatorenal syndrome in humans, in particular the marked reduction in renal function with normal renal histology. Plasma concentrations of ET-1 were increased twofold following the onset of liver and renal failure, and there was significant up-regulation of the ETA receptor in the renal cortex. Administration of bosentan, a nonselective ET receptor antagonist, prevented the development of renal failure when given before or 24 hours after the onset of liver injury.810 It is possible that activation of the intrarenal ET system may play a role in the pathogenesis of the hepatorenal syndrome. From that point of view, ET antagonists may represent a potentially beneficial therapy for hepatorenal syndrome.714 However, at present, not enough clinical evidence exists to support this view.



20 UNaV (mEq/hr)

+ 444 of Na balance, thereby preventing fluid retention and the development of ascites. Interestingly, the RAAS and the SNS were suppressed, whereas the ANP concentration was elevated, suggesting that ANP plays an important role in preventing the transition of these patients from the preascitic stage to ascites.825 The factors responsible for maintaining relatively high levels of ANP during the later stages of cirrhosis, associated with arterial underfilling, have not been determined. However, ANP levels do not increase further as patients proceed CH 12 from early compensated to late decompensated stages of cirrhosis. As pointed out earlier, with the progression of the disease, many patients with cirrhosis and ascites lose their ability to respond normally to exogenous administration of ANP or to the high endogenous levels of the peptide.819,820 An extensive series of investigations have been done in many laboratories to document and determine the potential basis for this apparent resistance to ANP. Documentation of ANP resistance was obtained in a study by Skorecki and colleagues,826 who used HWI in a series of patients with cirrhosis. All study subjects experienced with HWI an increase in ANP and in plasma and urinary cGMP, the second messenger for ANP action, but not all subjects responded with a natriuresis. Those who developed natriuresis were termed “responders” as opposed to “nonresponders,” who failed to increase urinary Na+ excretion. No difference in the cGMP response was observed between the responders and the nonresponders. In subsequent human and animal studies that examined the renal response to volume expansion or to infusion of ANP, a similar heterogeneity of response was observed, with nonresponders experiencing equivalent increases in ANP and cGMP but also tending to have more severe and advanced disease.827–829 The potential mechanisms responsible for the diminished natriuretic response in this subgroup of patients are discussed later. Nevertheless, the findings suggest that the interference with the natriuretic action of ANP occurs at a late stage of cellular signaling, beyond cGMP production, because both ANP release and cGMP generation in response to HWI remained intact in the nonresponders. A number of experimental interventions were shown to ameliorate ANP resistance in cirrhosis. These included infusion of endopeptidase inhibitors, BK, kininase II inhibitors, mannitol; renal sympathetic denervation; peritoneovenous shunting; and orthotopic liver transplantation.830–834 Analysis of these and other studies suggests that antinatriuretic factors counterbalance and overcome the natriuretic effect of ANP in later stages of cirrhosis.828 In particular, the two best-studied antinatriuretic systems in cirrohsis are the SNS and RAAS. As discussed previously, the activation of the SNS in cirrhosis is characterized by an increase in circulating NE and increased efferent renal nerve sympathetic activity. When excessive, both may lead to a decrease in RPF and excessive proximal reabsorption of Na+. Indeed, Koepke and associates835 demonstrated that renal denervation reversed the blunted diuretic and natriuretic responses to ANP in cirrhotic rats. With respect to the RAAS, excessive activation of the system and failure to suppress the RAAS with HWI or ANP infusion was clearly associated with resistance to the natriuretic effects of ANP.826 Furthermore, infusion of AII mimicked the nonresponder state by causing patients in the early stages of cirrhosis who still responded to ANP to become unresponsive836 (Fig. 12–9). This effect of AII infusion was reversible and occurred at both proximal (decreased distal delivery of Na+) and distal nephron sites to abrogate ANPinduced natriuresis. The importance of distal Na+ delivery was further confirmed in other studies, which showed that the administration of mannitol to increase distal delivery (as measured by lithium clearance) resulted in an improved natriuretic response to ANP.832,837

* 15




0 BL ANP1 ANP/AII ANP2 FIGURE 12–9 Effect of antiotensin II (AII) infusion in atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)–induced natriuresis, showing Na+ excretion during the four experimental protocols. Response was defined by a natriuresis greater than 0.83 mmol/hr (20 mmol/day). Note that urinary sodium excretion dropped to almost baseline with combined ANP/AII infusion and returned to ANP levels when AII was discontinued. *P < .05 from previous phase of experiment. ANP/ AII, infusion of ANP and AII combined; ANPI, ANP infusion alone; ANP2, ANP alone; BL, baseline. (Adapted from Tobe SW, Blendis LM, Morali GA, et al: Angiotensin II modulates ANP induced natriuresis in cirrhosis with ascites. Am J Kidney Dis 21:472–479, 1993.)

Altogether, five possible factors in ANP resistance were postulated by Warner and colleagues828: (1) impaired delivery of salt and water to distal nephron sites that are normally responsive to ANP; (2) the presence of antinatriuretic forces favoring Na+ retention that override the natriuretic effects of ANP and its distal site of action in the medullary collecting duct; (3) down-regulation of a population of ANP receptors at a distal nephron site, not reflected in plasma or urinary cGMP concentrations (which are elevated in concert with the elevated ANP); (4) biochemical abnormalities in the biologic responsiveness to ANP at a site parallel to or beyond the level of cGMP production (e.g., enhanced degradation); and (5) decreased delivery or effect of permissive cofactors that allow appropriate ANP action at its distal nephron site (e.g., PGs and kinins; salutary effect of endopeptidase and kininase inhibitors). Most of the current evidence does not favor an abnormality in ANP receptor number or action, but rather favors a combined effect of decreased delivery of Na+ to ANPresponsive distal nephron sites (glomerulotubular imbalance due to abnormal systemic hemodynamics and activation of the RAAS) together with an effective antinatriuretic factor overcoming the natriuretic action of ANP at its site of action in the medullary collecting tubule. Therefore, when mannitol was coadministered with ANP to responder patients with cirrhosis, a marked natriuresis was observed, suggesting that increased distal tubular Na+ delivery is essential for the expression of the renal actions of ANP.837 Nonresponder cirrhotic patients did not show increased Na+ delivery to the distal tubule in response to a similar maneuver. There was no difference in the increase of urinary cGMP excretion between responders and nonresponders, indicating that the ANP receptors in the collecting duct are not defective. An overall formulation for the role of ANP in cirrhosis is summarized in Figure 12–10. Na+ retention is initiated early in cirrhosis as a result of hepatic venous outflow block or peripheral vasodilatation. In early disease, this results in intravascular volume expansion and a subsequent rise in plasma ANP. This increase is sufficient to counterbalance the antinatriuretic influences, resulting in Na+ balance, albeit at the expense of an expanded intravascular volume. Secondary to peripheral vasodilatation, the circulation may become progressively more underfilled at later stages of the disease,



disruption of sinusoidial Starling forces

primary renal sodium retention

intravascular volume expansion




antinatriuretic factors


loss of volume into peritoneal compartment

activation of antinatriuretic factors



antinatriuretic factors

FIGURE 12–10 Working formulation for the role of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) in the renal Na+ retention of cirrhosis. The primary hepatic abnormality that is necessary and sufficient for renal Na+ retention is hepatic venous outflow blockade. In early disease, this signals renal Na+ retention with consequent intravascular volume expansion and a compensatory rise in plasma ANP levels. At this stage of disease, the rise in ANP is sufficient to counterbalance the primary antinatriuretic or renal Na+-retaining influences; however, it does so at the expense of an expanded intravascular volume with the potential for overflow ascites. With progression of disease, disruption of intrasinusoidal Starling forces and loss of volume from the vascular compartment into the peritoneal compartment occur. This underfilling of the circulation may attenuate further increases in ANP levels and promote the activation of antinatriuretic factors. Whether the antinatriuretic factors activated by underfilling are the same as or different from those that promote primary renal Na+ retention in early disease remains to be determined. At this later stage of disease, increased levels of ANP may not be sufficient to counterbalance antinatriuretic forces. (From Warner LC, Leung WM, Campbell P, et al: The role of resistance to atrial natriuretic peptide in the pathogenesis of sodium retention in hepatic cirrhosis. In American Society of Hypertension Series, Vol 3: Advances in Atrial Peptide Research. New York, Raven Press, 1989, pp 185–204.)

thereby activating antinatriuretic factors. With further progression of cirrhosis, a disruption of intrasinusoidal Starling forces occurs, increasing the potential for volume loss into the peritoneal compartment and causing ascites. The underfilling of the circulation may attenuate further increases in ANP levels and promote the activation of antinatriuretic factors. At this later stage of disease, increased levels of ANP may not be sufficient to counterbalance the antinatriuretic influences. ANP resistance ensues, leading to a state of persistently positive Na+ balance and clinical decompensation. BNP levels have also been found to be elevated in patients with cirrhosis and ascites, and similar to ANP, its natriuretic effect is also blunted in cirrhotic patients with Na+ retention ascites.838 Recent findings in patients with nonalcoholic cirrhosis suggest that plasma BNP levels may correlate with the severity of the disease and that BNP might be of prognostic value in the progression of cirrhosis.839 However, additional studies are required in order to establish the prognostic value of BNP in cirrhosis, as already recognized for CHF. In summary, two general explanations of Na+ retention complicating cirrhosis have been offered. The overflow mechanism of ascites formation in cirrhosis originally offered by Lieberman and Reynolds721 envisions a volumeindependent stimulus for renal Na+ retention. Possible mediators include adrenergic reflexes activated by hepatic sinusoidal hypertension and increased systemic concentrations of an unidentified antinatriuretic factor as a result of impaired liver metabolism. The underfilling theory, in contrast, postulates “effective” vascular volume depletion. According to the peripheral arterial vasodilation hypothesis, reduced SVR lowers blood pressure and activates arterial baroreceptors, initiating Na+ retention. The retained fluid extravasates from the hypertensive splanchnic circulation, preventing

arterial repletion, and Na+ retention and ascites formation continues. It is quite obvious that neither the underfilling nor the overflow theory can account exclusively for all the observed derangements in volume regulation in cirrhosis. Rather, it is possible that elements of the two concepts may occur simultaneously or sequentially in cirrhosis patients (see Fig. 12– 10). Thus, sufficient evidence suggests that, early in cirrhosis, intrahepatic hypertension due to hepatic venous outflow block signals primary renal Na+ retention with consequent intravascular volume expansion. Whether, at this stage, underfilling of the arterial circuit consequent to vasodilatation also applies remains to be determined. Owing to expansion of the intrathoracic venous compartment at this stage, plasma ANF levels rise. The rise in ANP levels is sufficient to counterbalance the renal Na+ retaining forces; however, it does so at the expense of an expanded intravascular volume, with the potential for overflow ascites. The propensity for the accumulation of volume in the peritoneal compartment and the splanchnic bed results from altered intrahepatic hemodynamics. With progression of disease, there are disruptions of intrasinusoidal Starling forces and loss of volume from the vascular compartment into the peritoneal compartment. These events coupled with other factors such as portosystemic shunting, hypoalbuminemia, and vascular refractoriness to pressor hormones, lead to underfilling of the arterial circuit, without the necessity for measurable underfilling of the venous compartment. This underfilling of the circulation may attenuate further increases in ANP levels and promote the activation of antinatriuretic factors. Whether these antinatriuretic factors activated by underfilling are the same as or different from those that promote primary renal Na+ retention in early disease

CH 12

Extracellular Fluid and Edema Formation

release of ANP


446 remains to be determined. At this later stage of disease, elevated levels of ANP may not be sufficient to counterbalance antinatriuretic influences. It should be noted that, in early cirrhosis, salt retention is isotonic and accompanied by ECF expansion and normonatremia. However, with advancing cirrhosis, defective water excretion supervenes, resulting in hyponatremia, reflecting combined ECF and ICF space expansion. However, it is worth emphasizing that impaired water excretion and hyponatremia in cirrhotic patients with ascites is a marker of the severCH 12 ity of the same accompanying hemodynamic abnormalities that initiate Na+ retention and eventuate in hepatorenal failure. The pathogenesis is primarily related to nonosmotic stimuli for release of vasopressin acting together with additional factors such as impaired distal Na+ delivery. It was demonstrated that certain models of hepatic cirrhosis are associated with increased expression of both AQP II mRNA and AQP II immunoreactivity in the collecting duct. These changes in AQP II density may contribute to the positive water balance and hyponatremia in cirrhosis, although additional studies are needed to fully clarify this matter. The development of new aquaretic drugs that are very effective and the correction of the increased production of NO could provide new perspectives in the treatment of renal Na+ and water retention in cirrhosis.

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Extracellular Fluid and Edema Formation

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CHAPTER 13 Body Fluids: Compartmentalization, Composition, and Turnover, 459 Water Metabolism, 460 Arginine Vasopressin Synthesis and Secretion, 461 Thirst, 468 Integration of Arginine Vasopressin Secretion and Thirst, 469 Disorders of Insufficient Arginine Vasopressin or Arginine Vasopressin Effect, 469 Central Diabetes Insipidus, 469 Osmoreceptor Dysfunction, 473 Gestational Diabetes Insipidus, 475 Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus, 475 Primary Polydipsia, 477 Clinical Manifestations, 477 Differential Diagnosis, 478 Therapy, 480 Disorders of Excess Arginine Vasopressin or Arginine Vasopressin Effect, 484 Variables That Influence Water Excretion, 484 Etiology of Hyponatremia, 485 Hyponatremia with Extracellular Fluid Volume Depletion, 486 Hyponatremia with Excess Extracellular Fluid Volume, 487 Hyponatremia with Normal Extracellular Fluid Volume, 488 Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion, 491

Disorders of Water Balance Joseph G. Verbalis • Tomas Berl

Disorders of body fluids are among the most commonly encountered problems in clinical medicine, largely because many different disease states can potentially disrupt the finely balanced mechanisms that control the intake and output of water and solute. Because body water is the primary determinant of the osmolality of the extracellular fluid (ECF), disorders of water metabolism can be broadly divided into hyperosmolar disorders, in which there is a deficiency of body water relative to body solute, and hypoosmolar disorders, in which there is an excess of body water relative to body solute. Because sodium is the main constituent of plasma osmolality, these disorders are typically characterized by hypernatremia and hyponatremia, respectively. Before discussing specific aspects of these disorders, this chapter first briefly reviews the regulatory mechanisms underlying water metabolism, which, in concert with sodium metabolism, maintains body fluid homeostasis.


Water constitutes approximately 55% to 65% of body weight (BW), varying with age, sex, and amount of body fat, and therefore constitutes the largest single constituent of the body. Total body water (TBW) is distributed between the intracellular fluid (ICF) and the ECF compartments. Estimates of the relative sizes of these two pools differ significantly depending on the tracer used to measure the ECF volume, but most studies in animals and humans have indicated that 55% to 65% of TBW resides in the ICF and 35% to 45% in the ECF. Approximately 75% of the ECF compartment is interstitial fluid and only 25% is intravascular fluid (i.e., blood volume).1,2 Figure 13–1 summarizes the estimated body fluid spaces of an average weight adult. The solute composition of the ICF and ECF differs considerably because most cell membranes possess multiple transport systems that actively accumulate or expel specific solutes. Thus, membrane-bound Na+/K+-ATPase maintains Na+ in a primarily extracellular location and K+ in a primarily intracellular location.3 Similar transporters effectively result in confining Cl− largely to the ECF and Mg2+, organic acids, and phosphates to the ICF. Glucose, which requires an insulin-activated transport system to enter most cells, is present in significant amounts only in the ECF because it is rapidly converted intracellularly to glycogen or metabolites.4 HCO3− is present in both compartments, but is approximately three times more concentrated in the ECF. Urea is unique among the major naturally occurring solutes in that it diffuses freely across most cell membranes5; therefore, it is present in similar concentrations in virtu-

ally all body fluids, except in the renal medulla where it is concentrated by urea transporters (see Chapter 9). Despite very different solute compositions, both the ICF and the ECF have an equivalent osmotic pressure,6 which is a function of the total concentration of all solutes in a fluid compartment because most biologic membranes are semipermeable (i.e., freely permeable to water but not to aqueous solutes). Thus, water will flow across membranes into a compartment with a higher solute concentration until a steady state is reached at which the osmotic pressures have equalized on both sides of the cell membrane.7 An important consequence of this thermodynamic law is that the volume of distribution of body Na+ and K+ is actually the TBW rather than just the ECF or ICF volume, respectively.8 For example, any increase in ECF sodium concentration (Na+) will cause water to shift from the ICF to the ECF until the ICF and ECF osmotic pressures are equal, thereby effectively distributing the Na+ across both extracellular and intracellular water. Osmolality is defined as the concentration of all of the solutes in a given weight of water. The total solute concentration of a fluid can be determined and expressed in several different ways. The most common method is to measure its freezing point or vapor pressure, because these are colligative properties of the number of free solute particles in a volume of fluid,9,10 and to express the result relative to a standard solution of known concentration using units of either osmolality (milliosmoles of solute per kilogram of water, mOsm/kg H2O), or osmolarity (milliosmoles of solute per liter of water, mOsm/L H2O). Plasma osmolality can be measured directly as described previously or calculated by summing the concentrations of the major solutes present in the plasma: Posm (mOsm/kg H2O) = 2 × plasma Na+ (mEq/L) + glucose (mg/dL)/18 + BUN (mg/dL)/2.8 where BUN is the blood urea nitrogen. Both methods produce comparable results under most conditions (the value obtained using this formula is generally within 1% to 2% of that obtained by direct osmometry), as will simply doubling the plasma Na+ because 459


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FIGURE 13–1 Schematic representation of body fluid compartments in humans. The shaded areas depict the approximate size of each compartment as a function of body weight. The numbers indicate the relative sizes of the various fluid compartments and the approximate absolute volumes of the compartments (in liters) in a 70-kg adult. ECF, extracellular fluid; ICF, intracellular fluid; ISF, interstitial fluid; IVF, intravascular fluid; TBW, total body water. (From Verbalis JG: Body water and osmolality. In Wilkinson B, Jamison R [eds]: Textbook of Nephrology. London, Chapman & Hall, 1997, pp 89–94.)

sodium and its accompanying anions are the predominant solutes present in plasma. However, the total osmolality of plasma is not always equivalent to the effective osmolality, often referred to as the tonicity of the plasma, because the latter is a function of the relative solute permeability properties of the membranes separating the two compartments. Solutes that are impermeable to cell membranes (e.g., Na+, mannitol) are restricted to the ECF compartment and are effective solutes because they create osmotic pressure gradients across cell membranes, leading to osmotic movement of water from the ICF to the ECF compartments. Solutes that are permeable to cell membranes (e.g., urea, ethanol, methanol) are ineffective solutes because they do not create osmotic pressure gradients across cell membranes and therefore are not associated with such water shifts.11 Glucose is a unique solute because at normal physiologic plasma concentrations, it is taken up by cells via active transport mechanisms and therefore acts as an ineffective solute, but under conditions of impaired cellular uptake (e.g., insulin deficiency), it becomes an effective extracellular solute.12 The importance of this distinction between total and effective osmolality is that only the effective solutes in plasma are determinants of whether clinically significant hyperosmolality or hypoosmolality is present. An example of this is uremia: A patient with a urea concentration that has increased by 56 mg/dL will have a corresponding 20 mOsm/kg H2O elevation in plasma osmolality, but the effective osmolality will remain normal because the increased urea is proportionally distributed across both the ECF and the ICF. In contrast, a patient whose plasma Na+ has increased by 10 mEq/L will also have a 20 mOsm/kg H2O elevation of plasma osmolality, because the increased cation must be balanced by an equi-

valent increase in plasma anions, but in this case, the effective osmolality will also be elevated by 20 mOsm/kg H2O because the Na+ and accompanying anions will largely remain restricted to the ECF owing to the relative impermeability of cell membranes to Na+ and other ions. Thus, elevations of solutes such as urea, unlike elevations of sodium, do not cause cellular dehydration and, consequently, do not activate mechanisms that defend body fluid homeostasis by increasing body water stores. Both body water and solutes are in a state of continuous exchange with the environment. The magnitude of the turnover varies considerably depending on physical, social, and environmental factors, but in healthy adults, it averages 5% to 10% of the total body content each day. For the most part, daily intake of water and electrolytes is not determined by physiologic requirements but is more a function of dietary preferences and cultural influences. Healthy adults have an average daily fluid ingestion of approximately 2 to 3 L, but with considerable individual variation; approximately one third of this is derived from food or the metabolism of fat and the rest from discretionary ingestion of fluids. Similarly, of the 1000 mOsm of solute ingested or generated by the metabolism of nutrients each day, nearly 40% is intrinsic to food, another 35% is added to food as a preservative or flavoring, and the rest is mostly urea. In contrast to the largely unregulated nature of basal intakes, the urinary excretion of both water and solute is highly regulated to preserve body fluid homeostasis. Thus, under normal circumstances, almost all ingested Na+, Cl− and K+, as well as both ingested and metabolically generated urea, are excreted in the urine under the control of specific regulatory mechanisms. Other ingested solutes, for example, divalent minerals, are excreted primarily by the gastrointestinal tract. Urinary excretion of water is also tightly regulated by the secretion and renal effects of arginine vasopressin (AVP), which is discussed in greater detail in Chapters 8 and 9 and the following section.

WATER METABOLISM Water metabolism is responsible for the balance between the intake and the excretion of water. Each side of this balance equation can be considered to consist of a regulated and an unregulated component, the magnitudes of which can vary quite markedly under different physiologic and pathophysiologic conditions. The unregulated component of water intake consists of the intrinsic water content of ingested foods, the consumption of beverages primarily for reasons of palatability or desired secondary effects (e.g., caffeine), or for social or habitual reasons (e.g., alcoholic beverages), whereas the regulated component of water intake consists of fluids consumed in response to a perceived sensation of thirst. Studies of middle-aged subjects have shown mean fluid intakes of 2.1 L/24 hr, and analysis of the fluids consumed indicated that the vast majority of the fluid ingested is determined by influences such as meal-associated fluid intake, taste, or psychosocial factors rather than true thirst.13 The unregulated component of water excretion occurs via insensible water losses from a variety of sources (cutaneous losses from sweating, evaporative losses in exhaled air, gastrointestinal losses) as well as the obligate amount of water that the kidneys must excrete to eliminate solutes generated by body metabolism, whereas the regulated component of water excretion comprises the renal excretion of free water in excess of the obligate amount necessary to excrete metabolic solutes. Unlike solutes, a relatively large proportion of body water is excreted by evaporation from skin and lungs. This amount varies markedly depending on several factors, including dress, humidity, temperature, and exercise.14 Under the sedentary and temperature-controlled indoor conditions

Arginine Vasopressin Synthesis and Secretion The primary determinant of free water excretion in animals and humans is the regulation of urinary water excretion by circulating levels of AVP in plasma. The renal effects of AVP are covered extensively in Chapters 8 and 9. This chapter focuses on the regulation of AVP synthesis and secretion from the neurohypophysis.

Structure and Synthesis Before AVP was biochemically characterized, early studies used the general term “antidiuretic hormone” (ADH) to describe this substance. Now that AVP is known to be the only naturally occurring antidiuretic substance, it is more appropriate to refer to it by its correct hormonal designation. AVP is a 9–amino acid peptide synthesized in the hypothalamus. It is a composed of a 6–amino acid ringlike structure formed by a disulfide bridge, with a 3–amino acid tail at the end of which the COOH-terminal group is amidated. Substitution of lysine for arginine in position 8 yields lysine vasopressin, the ADH found in pigs and other members of the suborder Suina. Substitution of isoleucine for phenylalanine at position 3 and of leucine for arginine at position 8 yields oxytocin, a hormone found in all mammals as well as many submammalian species.15 Oxytocin has weak antidiuretic activity16 but is a potent constrictor of smooth muscle in mammary glands and uterus. As implied by their names, AVP and lysine vasopressin also cause constriction of blood vessels, which was the property that led to their original

discovery in the late 19th century,17 but this pressor effect 461 occurs only at concentrations many times those required to produce antidiuresis and is probably of little physiologic or pathologic importance in humans except under conditions of severe hypotension and hypovolemia, in which it acts to supplement the vasoconstrictive actions of angiotensin II (Ang II) and the sympathetic nervous system.18 The multiple actions of AVP are mediated by different G-protein–coupled receptors, designated V1a, V1b, and V2. AVP and oxytocin are produced by the neurohypophysis, often referred to as the posterior pituitary gland because the CH 13 neural lobe is located centrally and posterior to the adenohypophysis, or anterior pituitary gland, in the sella turcica. However, it is important to understand that the posterior pituitary gland consists only of the distal axons of the magnocellular neurons that compose the neurohypophysis. The cell bodies of these axons are located in specialized (magnocellular) neural cells located in two discrete areas of the hypothalamus, the paired supraoptic (SON) and paraventricular (PVN) nuclei (Fig. 13–2). In adults, the posterior pituitary is connected to the brain by a short stalk through the diaphragm sellae. The neurohypophysis is supplied with blood by branches of the superior and inferior hypophysial arteries, which arise from the posterior communicating and intracavernous portion of the internal carotid artery. In the posterior pituitary, the arterioles break up into localized capillary networks that drain directly into the jugular vein via the sellar, cavernous, and lateral venous sinuses. Many of the neurosecretory neurons that terminate higher in the infundibulum and median eminence originate in parvicellular neurons in the PVN and are functionally distinct from the magnocellular neurons that terminate in the posterior pituitary because they primarily enhance secretion of adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) from the anterior pituitary. AVP-containing neurons also project from parvicellular neurons of the PVN to other areas of the brain, including the limbic system, the nucleus tractus solitarius, and the lateral gray matter of the spinal cord. The functions of these extrahypophysial projections are still under study. The genes encoding the AVP and oxytocin precursors are located in close proximity on chromosome 20 but are expressed in mutually exclusive populations of neurohypophyseal neurons.19 The AVP gene consists of approximately 2000 base pairs and contains three exons separated by two intervening sequences (Fig. 13–3). Each exon encodes one of the three functional domains of the pre-prohormone, although small parts of the nonconserved sequences of neurophysin are located in the first and third exons that code for AVP and the C-terminal glycoprotein, respectively. The untranslated 5′-flanking region, which regulates expression of the gene, shows extensive sequence homology across several species but is markedly different from the otherwise closely related gene for oxytocin. This promoter region of the AVP gene in the rat contains several putative regulatory elements, including a glucocorticoid response element, a cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) response element, and four activating protein (AP)-2–binding sites.20 Recent experimental data indicated that the DNA sequences between the AVP and the oxytocin genes, the intergenic region, contain critical sites for cell-specific expression of these two hormones.21 The gene for AVP is also expressed in a number of other neurons, including but not limited to the parvicellular neurons of the paraventricular and suprachiasmatic nuclei. Oxytocin and AVP genes are also expressed in several peripheral tissues, including the adrenal medulla, ovary, testis, thymus, and certain sensory ganglia.22 However, the AVP mRNA in these tissues appears to be shorter (620 bases) than its hypothalamic counterpart (720 bases), apparently because of tissue-specific differences in the length of the polyA tails. More importantly, the levels of AVP in peripheral tissues are

Disorders of Water Balance

typical of modern urban life, daily insensible water loss in healthy adults is minimal at approximately 10 ml/kg BW (0.7 L in a 70-kg man or woman). However, insensible losses can increase to twice this level (i.e., 20 ml/kg BW) simply under conditions of increased activity and temperature; and if environmental temperature or activity is even greater, such as in arid environments, the rate of insensible water loss can even approximate the maximal rate of free water excretion by the kidney.14 Thus, in quantitative terms, insensible loss and the factors that influence it can be just as important to body fluid homeostasis as regulated urine output. Another major determinant of unregulated water loss is the rate of urine solute excretion, which cannot be reduced below a minimal obligatory level required to excrete the solute load. The volume of urine required depends not only on the solute load but also on the degree of antidiuresis. At a typical basal level of urinary concentration (urine osmolality = 600 mOsm/kg H2O) and a typical solute load of 900 to 1200 mOsm/day, a 70-kg adult would require a total urine volume of 1.5 to 2.0 L (21–28 ml/kg BW) to excrete the solute load. However, under conditions of maximal antidiuresis (urine osmolality = 1200 mOsm/kg H2O), the same solute load would require a minimal obligatory urine output of only 0.75 to 1.0 L/day, and conversely, a decrease in urine concentration to minimal levels (urine osmolality = 60 mOsm/kg H2O) would obligate a proportionally larger urine volume of 15 to 20 L/day to excrete the same solute load. The previous discussion serves to emphasize that both water intake and water excretion have very substantial unregulated components, and these can vary tremendously as a result of factors that are unrelated to maintenance of body fluid homeostasis. In effect, the regulated components of water metabolism are those that act to maintain body fluid homeostasis by compensating for whatever perturbations result from unregulated water losses or gains. Within this framework, it is clear that the two major mechanisms responsible for regulating water metabolism are pituitary secretion and renal effects of AVP and thirst, each of which is discussed in greater detail.

462 Angiotensin


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PIT Osmolality NST (A2/C2)



VLM (A1/C1)

Baroreceptors FIGURE 13–2 Summary of the main anterior hypothalamic pathways that mediate secretion of arginine vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OT). The vascular organ of the lamina terminalis (OVLT) is especially sensitive to hyperosmolality. Hyperosmolality also activates other neurons in the anterior hypothalamus, such as those in the subfornical organ (SFO) and median preoptic nucleus (MnPO), and magnocellular neurons, which are intrinsically osmosensitive. Circulating angiotensin II (Ang II) activates neurons of the SFO, an essential site of Ang II action, as well as cells throughout the lamina terminalis and MnPO. In response to hyperosmolality or Ang II, projections from the SFO and OVLT to the MnPO activate excitatory and inhibitory interneurons that project to the supraoptic nucleus (SON) and paraventricular nucleus (PVN) to modulate direct inputs to these areas from the circumventricular organs. Cholecystokinin (CCK) acts primarily on gastric vagal afferents that terminate in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST), but at higher doses, it can also act at the area postrema (AP). Although neurons are apparently activated in the ventrolateral medulla (VLM) and NST, most neurohypophyseal secretion appears to be stimulated by monosynaptic projections from A2/C2 cells, and possibly also noncatecholaminergic somatostatin/inhibin B cells, of the NST. Baroreceptor-mediated stimuli, such as hypovolemia and hypotension, are more complex. The major projection to magnocellular AVP neurons appears to arise from A1 cells of the VLM that are activated by excitatory interneurons from the NST. Other areas, such as the parabrachial nucleus (PBN), may contribute multisynaptic projections. Cranial nerves IX and X, which terminate in the NST, also contribute input to magnocellular AVP neurons. It is unclear whether baroreceptor-mediated secretion of oxytocin results from projections from VLM neurons or from NST neurons. AC, anterior commissure; OC, optic chiasm; PIT, anterior pituitary. (From Stricker EM, Verbalis JG: Water intake and body fluids. In Squire LR, Bloom FE, McConnell SK, et al [eds]: Fundamental Neuroscience. San Diego, Academic Press, 2003, pp 1011–1029.)

Vasopressin Signal –23 peptide 1

Vasopressin precursor NH2

Vasopressin gene


9 13 22

Capping site


105 107

145 COOH

Exon A ATG


Exon B Intron I

Exon C Intron II

TGA Poly A site

FIGURE 13–3 The arginine vasopressin (AVP) gene and its protein products. The three exons encode a 145–amino acid prohormone with an NH2-terminal signal peptide. The prohormone is packaged into neurosecretory granules of magnocellular neurons. During axonal transport of the granules from the hypothalamus to the posterior pituitary, enzymatic cleavage of the prohormone generates the final products: AVP, neurophysin, and a COOH-terminal glycoprotein. When afferent stimulation depolarizes the AVP-containing neurons, the three products are released into capillaries of the posterior pituitary. (Adapted from Richter D, Schmale H: The structure of the precursor to arginine vasopressin, a model preprohormone. Prog Brain Res 60:227–233, 1983.)

Osmotic Regulation AVP secretion is influenced by many different stimuli, but since the pioneering studies of antidiuretic hormone secretion by Verney, it has been clear that the most important under physiologic conditions is the osmotic pressure of plasma. With further refinement of radioimmunoassays for AVP, the unique sensitivity of this hormone to small changes in osmolality, as well as the corresponding sensitivity of the kidney to small changes in plasma AVP levels, has become apparent. Although the magnocellular neurons themselves have been found to have intrinsic osmoreceptive properties,29 research over the last several decades has clearly shown that the most sensitive osmoreceptive cells that are able to sense small changes in plasma osmolality and transduce these changes into AVP secretion are located in the anterior hypothalamus, likely in or near the circumventricular organ called the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (OVLT) (see Fig. 13–2). Perhaps the strongest evidence for location of the primary osmoreceptors in this area of the brain are the multiple studies that have demonstrated that destruction of this area disrupts osmotically stimulated AVP secretion and thirst without affecting the neurohypophysis or its response to nonosmotic stimuli.30,31 Although some debate still exists with regard to the exact pattern of osmotically stimulated AVP secretion, most studies to date have supported the concept of a discrete


Plasma vasopressin (pg/mL)

25 Blood pressure or volume



15 Plasma osmolality


CH 13 5

0 ⫺30


⫺10 0 Change (%)



FIGURE 13–4 Comparative sensitivity of AVP secretion in response to increases in plasma osmolality versus decreases in blood volume or blood pressure in human subjects. The arrow indicates the low plasma AVP concentrations found at basal plasma osmolality Note that AVP secretion is much more sensitive to small changes in blood osmolality than to changes in volume or pressure. (Adapted from Robertson GL: Posterior pituitary. In Felig P, Baxter J, Frohman LA [eds]: Endocrinology and Metabolism. New York, McGraw Hill, 1986, pp 338–386.)

osmotic threshold for AVP secretion above which a linear relationship between plasma osmolality and AVP levels occurs (Fig. 13–4).32 At plasma osmolalities below a threshold level, AVP secretion is suppressed to low or undetectable levels; above this point, AVP secretion increases linearly in direct proportion to plasma osmolality. The slope of the regression line relating AVP secretion to plasma osmolality can vary significantly across individual human subjects, in part because of genetic factors33 but also in relation to other factors. In general, each 1 mOsm/kg H2O increase in plasma osmolality causes an increase in plasma AVP level ranging from 0.4 to 1.0 pg/mL. The renal response to circulating AVP is similarly linear, with urinary concentration that is directly proportional to AVP levels from 0.5 to 4 to 5 pg/mL, after which urinary osmolality is maximal and cannot increase further despite additional increases in AVP levels (Fig. 13–5). Thus, changes of as little as 1% in plasma osmolality are sufficient to cause significant increases in plasma AVP levels with proportional increases in urine concentration, and maximal antidiuresis is achieved after increases in plasma osmolality of only 5 to 10 mOsm/kg H2O (i.e., 2%–4%) above the threshold for AVP secretion. However, even this analysis underestimates the sensitivity of this system to regulate free water excretion. Urinary osmolality is directly proportional to plasma AVP levels as a consequence of the fall in urine flow induced by the AVP, but urine volume is inversely related to urine osmolality (see Fig. 13–5). An increase in plasma AVP concentration from 0.5 to 2 pg/mL has a much greater relative effect to decrease urine flow than does a subsequent increase in AVP concentration from 2 to 5 pg/mL, thereby magnifying the physiologic effects of small initial changes in plasma AVP levels. Furthermore, the rapid response of AVP secretion to changes in plasma osmolality coupled with the short half-life of AVP in human plasma (10–20 min) allows the kidneys to respond to changes in plasma osmolality on a minute-to-minute basis. The net result is a finely tuned osmoregulatory system that adjusts the rate of free water excretion accurately to the ambient plasma osmolality primarily via changes in pituitary AVP secretion. The set-point of the osmoregulatory system also varies from person to person. In healthy adults, the osmotic threshold for

Disorders of Water Balance

generally two to three orders of magnitude lower than in the neurohypophysis, suggesting that AVP in these tissues likely has paracrine rather than endocrine functions. This is consistent with the observation that destruction of the neurohypophysis essentially eliminates AVP from the plasma despite the presence of these multiple peripheral sites of AVP synthesis. Secretion of AVP and its associated neurophysin occurs by a calcium-dependent exocytotic process similar to that described for other neurosecretory systems. Secretion is triggered by propagation of an electrical impulse along the axon that causes depolarization of the cell membrane, an influx of Ca2+, fusion of secretory granules with the cell membrane, and extrusion of their contents. This view is supported by the observation that AVP, neurophysin, and the copeptin glycoprotein are released simultaneously by many stimuli.23 However, at the physiologic pH of plasma, there is no binding of either AVP or oxytocin to their respective neurophysins, so after secretion each peptide circulates independently in the bloodstream.24 Stimuli for secretion of AVP or oxytocin also stimulate transcription and increase the mRNA content of both prohormones in the magnocellular neurons. This has been well documented in rats, in which dehydration, which stimulates secretion of AVP, accelerates transcription and increases the levels of AVP (and oxytocin) mRNA,25,26 and hypoosmolality, which inhibits secretion of AVP, produces a decrease in the content of AVP mRNA.27 These and other data indicate that the major control of AVP synthesis resides at the level of transcription.28 Antidiuresis occurs via interaction of the circulating hormone with AVP V2 receptors in the kidney, which results in increased water permeability of the collecting duct through the insertion of the aquaporin-2 (AQP2) water channel into the apical membranes of collecting tubule principal cells (see Chapters 8 and 9). The importance of AVP for maintaining water balance is underscored by the fact that the normal pituitary stores of this hormone are very large, allowing more than a week’s supply of hormone for maximal antidiuresis under conditions of sustained dehydration.28 Knowledge of the different conditions that stimulate pituitary AVP release in humans is therefore essential for understanding water metabolism.

CH 13


Plasma Plasma osmolality AVP (mOsm/kg H2O) (pg/mL)


Thirst osmotic threshold

AVP osmotic threshold

























1 0.5 0

200 100 0

280 278 276

Urine osmolality (mOsmol/kg H2O)

Osmoreceptor afferents


+ –


+ –

Nonosmotic afferents

Drug, hormonal effects


8 12 16 20 24 Urine volume (L/day)

274 272 270

FIGURE 13–5 Relationship of plasma osmolality, plasma AVP concentrations, urine osmolality, and urine volume in humans. Note that the osmotic threshold for AVP secretion defines the point at which urine concentration begins to increase, but the osmotic threshold for thirst is significantly higher and approximates the point at which maximal urine concentration has already been achieved. Note also that, because of the inverse relation between urine osmolality and urine volume, changes in plasma AVP concentrations have much larger effects on urine volume at low plasma AVP concentrations than at high plasma AVP concentrations. (Adapted from Robinson AG: Disorders of antidiuretic hormone secretion. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 14:55–88, 1985.)

AVP secretion ranges from 275 to 290 mOsm/kg H2O (averaging approximately 280–285 mOsm/kg H2O). Similar to sensitivity, individual differences in the set-point of the osmoregulatory system are relatively constant over time and appear to be genetically determined.33 However, multiple factors, in addition to genetic influences, can alter either the sensitivity and/or the set-point of the osmoregulatory system for AVP secretion.33 Foremost among these are acute changes in blood pressure, effective blood volume or both, which are discussed in the following section. Aging has been found to increase the sensitivity of the osmoregulatory system in multiple studies.34,35 Metabolic factors such as serum Ca2+ and various drugs can alter the slope of the plasma AVPosmolality relationship as well.36 Lesser degrees of shifting of the osmsensitivity and set-point for AVP secretion have been noted with alterations in gonadal hormones. Some studies have found increased osmosensitivity in women, particularly during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle,37 and in estrogen-treated men,38 but these effects were relatively minor; others have found no significant sex differences.33 The set-point of the osmoregulatory system is reduced more dramatically and reproducibly during pregnancy.39 Recent evidence has suggested the possible involvement of the placental hormone relaxin40 rather than gonadal steroids or human chorionic gonadotropin hormone in pregnancy-associated resetting of the osmostat for AVP secretion. That multiple factors can influence the set-point and sensitivity of osmotically regulated AVP secretion is not surprising in view of the fact that AVP secretion reflects a balance of bimodal inputs, that is, both inhibitory as well as stimulatory,41 from

pAVP FIGURE 13–6 Schematic model of the regulatory control of the neurohypophysis. The secretory activity of individual magnocellular neurons is determined by an integration of the activities of both excitatory and inhibitory osmotic and nonosmotic afferent inputs. Superimposed on this are the effects of hormones and drugs, which can act at multiple levels to modulate the output of the system. (Adapted from Verbalis JG: Osmotic inhibition of neurohypophyseal secretion. Ann N Y Acad Sci 689:227–233, 1983.)

multiple different afferent inputs to the neurohypophysis (Fig. 13–6).42 Understanding the osmoregulatory mechanism also requires addressing the observation that AVP secretion is not equally sensitive to all plasma solutes. Sodium and its anions, which normally contribute more than 95% of the osmotic pressure of plasma, are the most potent solutes in terms of their capacity to stimulate AVP secretion and thirst, although certain sugars such as mannitol and sucrose are also equally effective when infused intravenously.11 In contrast, increases in plasma osmolality caused by noneffective solutes such as urea or glucose cause little or no increase in plasma AVP levels in humans or animals.11,43 These differences in response to various plasma solutes are independent of any recognized nonosmotic influence, indicating that they are a property of the osmoregulatory mechanism itself. According to current concepts, the osmoreceptor neuron is stimulated by osmotically induced changes in its water content. In this case, the stimulatory potency of any given solute would be an inverse function of the rate at which it moves from the plasma to the inside of the osmoreceptor neuron. Solutes that penetrate slowly, or not at all, create an osmotic gradient that causes an efflux of water from the osmoreceptor, and the resultant shrinkage of the osmoreceptor neuron activates a stretchinactivated noncationic channel that initiates depolarization and firing of the neuron.44 Conversely, solutes that penetrate the cell readily create no gradient and, thus, have no effect on the water content and cell volume of the osmoreceptors. This mechanism agrees well with the observed relationship between the effect of certain solutes like Na+, mannitol, and glucose on AVP secretion and the rate at which they penetrate the blood-brain barrier. Many neurotransmitters have been implicated in mediating the actions of the osmoreceptors on the neurohypophysis. The SON is richly innervated by multiple pathways, including acetylcholine, catecholamines, glutamate, gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA), histamine, opioids, Ang II, and dopamine (see review45). Studies have supported a potential

Nonosmotic Regulation


N –20%

–15% –10%


8 6


Hypervolemia or hypertension

4 2


0 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 Plasma osmolality (mOsmol/kg H2O)

FIGURE 13–7 The relation between the osmolality of plasma and the concentration of AVP in plasma is modulated by blood volume and pressure. The line labeled N shows plasma AVP concentration across a range of plasma osmolality in an adult with normal intravascular volume (euvolemic) and normal blood pressure (normotensive). The lines to the left of N show the relationship between plasma AVP concentration and plasma osmolality in adults whose low intravascular volume (hypovolemia) or blood pressure (hypotension) is 10%, 15%, and 20% below normal. Lines to the right of N indicate volumes and blood pressures 10%, 15%, and 20% above normal. Note that hemodynamic influences do not disrupt the osmoregulation of AVP but rather raise or lower the set-point, and possibly the sensitivity as well, of AVP secretion in proportion to the magnitude of the change in blood volume or pressure. (Adapted from Robertson GL, Athar S, Shelton RL: Osmotic control of vasopressin function. In Andreoli TE, Grantham JJ, Rector FC Jr [eds]: Disturbances in Body Fluid Osmolality. Bethesda, MD, American Physiological Society, 1977, p 125.)

volemia (e.g., >10%–20% reductions in blood pressure or volume). These hemodynamic influences on AVP secretion are mediated at least in part by neural pathways that originate in stretch-sensitive receptors, generally called baroreceptors, in the cardiac atria, aorta, and carotid sinus (see Fig. 13–2). Afferent nerve fibers from these receptors ascend in the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves to the nuclei of the tractus solitarius (NTS) in the brainstem.55 A variety of postsynaptic pathways from the NTS then project, both directly and indirectly via the ventrolateral medulla and the lateral parabrachial nucleus, to the PVN and SON in the hypothalamus.56 Early studies suggested that the input from these pathways was predominantly inhibitory under basal conditions, because interrupting them acutely resulted in large increases in plasma AVP levels as well as in arterial blood pressure.57 However, as for most neural systems including the neurohypophysis, innervation is complex and consists of both excitatory and inhibitory inputs. Consequently, different effects have been observed under different experimental conditions. The baroreceptor mechanism also appears to mediate a large number of pharmacologic and pathologic effects on AVP secretion (Table 13–1). Among them are diuretics, isoproterenol, nicotine, prostaglandins, nitroprusside, trimethaphan, histamine, morphine, and bradykinin, all of which stimulate AVP at least in part by lowering blood volume or pressure,47 and norepinephrine, which suppresses AVP by raising blood pressure.58 In addition, upright posture, sodium depletion, congestive heart failure, cirrhosis, and nephrosis likely stimulate AVP secretion by reducing effective circulating blood volume.59,60 Symptomatic orthostatic hypotension, vasovagal reactions, and other forms of syncope more markedly stimulate AVP secretion via greater and more acute decreases in blood pressure, with the exception of orthostatic hypotension associated with loss of afferent baroregulatory function.61 Almost every hormone, drug, or condition that affects blood

CH 13

Disorders of Water Balance

HEMODYNAMIC CHANGES. Not surprisingly, hypovolemia is also a potent stimulus for AVP secretion in humans,32,47 because an appropriate response to volume depletion should include renal water conservation. In humans as well as multiple animal species, lowering blood pressure suddenly by any of several methods increases plasma AVP levels by an amount that is proportional to the degree of hypotension achieved.32,48 This stimulus-response relationship follows a distinctly exponential pattern, such that small reductions in blood pressure, of the order of 5% to 10%, usually have little effect on plasma AVP, whereas blood pressure decreases of 20% to 30% result in hormone levels many times those required to produce maximal antidiuresis (see Fig. 13–4). The AVP response to acute reductions in blood volume appears to be quantitatively and qualitatively similar to the response to blood pressure. In rats, plasma AVP increases as an exponential function of the degree of hypovolemia. Thus, little increase in plasma AVP can be detected until blood volume falls by 5% to 8%; beyond that point, plasma AVP increases at an exponential rate relation to the degree of hypovolemia and usually reaches levels 20 to 30 times normal when blood volume is reduced by 20% to 40%.49,50 The volume-AVP relation has not been as thoroughly characterized in other species, but it appears to follow a similar pattern humans.51 Conversely, acute increases in blood volume or pressure suppress AVP secretion. This response has been characterized less well than that of hypotension or hypovolemia, but it seems to have a similar quantitative relationship (i.e., relatively large changes, of the order of 10%–15%, are required to alter hormone secretion appreciably).52 The minimal to absent effect of small changes in blood volume and pressure on AVP secretion contrasts sharply with the extraordinary sensitivity of the osmoregulatory system (see Fig. 13–4). Recognition of this difference is essential for understanding the relative contribution of each system to control AVP secretion under physiologic and pathologic conditions. Because day-to-day variations of TBW rarely exceed 2% to 3%, their effect on AVP secretion must be mediated largely, if not exclusively, by the osmoregulatory system. Nonetheless, modest changes in blood volume and pressure do, in fact, influence AVP secretion indirectly, even though they are weak stimuli by themselves. This occurs via shifting the sensitivity of AVP secretion to osmotic stimuli so that a given increase in osmolality will cause a greater secretion of AVP during hypovolemic conditions than during euvolemic states (Fig. 13–7).53,54 In the presence of a negative hemodynamic stimulus, plasma AVP continues to respond appropriately to small changes in plasma osmolality and can still be fully suppressed if the osmolality falls below the new (lower) set-point. The retention of the threshold function is a vital aspect of the interaction because it ensures that the capacity to regulate the osmolality of body fluids is not lost even in the presence of significant hypovolemia or hypotension. Consequently, it is reasonable to conclude that the major effect of moderate degrees of hypovolemia on both AVP secretion and thirst is to modulate the gain of the osmoregulatory responses, with direct effects on thirst and AVP secretion occurring only during more severe degrees of hypo-


Hypovolemia or hypotension Plasma vasopressin (pg/mL)

role for all of these, and yet others, in the regulation of AVP secretion, as has local secretion of AVP into the hypothalamus from dendrites of the AVP-secreting neurons.46 Although it remains unclear which of these are involved in the normal physiologic control of AVP secretion, in view of the likelihood that the osmoregulatory system is bimodal and integrated with multiple different afferent pathways (see Fig. 13–6), it seems likely that magnocellular AVP neurons are influenced by a complex mixture of neurotransmitter systems rather than only a few.

466 volume or pressure will also affect AVP secretion, but in most cases, the degree of change of blood pressure or volume is modest and will result in a shift of the set-point and/or sensitivity of the osmoregulatory response rather than marked stimulation of AVP secretion (see Fig. 13–7).

TABLE 13–1 CH 13

DRINKING. Peripheral neural sensors other than baroreceptors can also affect AVP secretion. In humans as well as dogs, drinking lowers plasma AVP before there is any appreciable decrease in plasma osmolality or serum Na+. This is clearly a response to the act of drinking itself because it occurs independently of the composition of the fluid ingested,62,63 although it may be influenced by the temperature of the fluid because the degree of suppression appears to be greater in response to colder fluids.64 The pathways responsible for this effect have not been delineated, but likely include sensory afferent originating in the oropharynx and transmitted centrally via the glossopharyngeal nerve. NAUSEA. Among other nonosmotic stimuli to AVP secretion in humans, nausea is the most prominent. The sensation of nausea, with or without vomiting, is by far the most potent stimulus to AVP secretion known in humans. Whereas 20% increases in osmolality will typically elevate plasma AVP levels to the range of 5 to 20 pg/mL, and 20% decreases in blood pressure to 10 to 100 pg/mL, nausea has been described to cause AVP elevations in excess of 200 to 400 pg/mL.65 The pathway mediating this effect has been mapped to the chemoreceptor zone in the area postrema of the brainstem in animal studies (see Fig. 13–2). It can be activated by a variety of drugs and conditions, including apomorphine, morphine, nicotine, alcohol, and motion sickness. Its effect on AVP is instantaneous and extremely potent (Fig. 13–8), even when the nausea is transient and not accompanied by vomiting or changes in blood pressure. Pretreatment with fluphenazine, haloperidol, or promethazine in doses sufficient to prevent nausea completely abolishes the AVP response. The inhibitory effect of these dopamine antagonists is specific for emetic stimuli, because they do not alter the AVP response to osmotic and hemodynamic stimuli. Water loading blunts, but does not abolish, the effect of nausea on AVP release, suggesting that osmotic and emetic influences interact in a manner similar to that for osmotic and hemodynamic pathways. Species differences also affect emetic stimuli. Whereas dogs and cats appear to be even more sensitive than humans to emetic stimulation of AVP release, rodents have little or no AVP response but release large amounts of oxytocin instead.66

Drugs and Hormones That Affect Vasopressin Secretion









Morphine (high doses)







Opioid agonists


Morphine (low doses)





Cyclophosphamide IV








Angiotensin II


Lithium Corticotropin-releasing factor Naloxone Cholecystokinin






Plasma vasopressin 300 (pg/mL)


Mean arterial pressure % change

–20 200

295 100 PRA = 2.8



0 –5



10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Minutes


Plasma osmolality mOsm/kg

FIGURE 13–8 Effect of nausea on AVP secretion. Apomorphine was injected at the point indicated by the vertical arrow. Note that the rise in plasma AVP coincided with the occurrence of nausea and was not associated with detectable changes in plasma osmolality or blood pressure. (Adapted from Robertson GL: The regulation of vasopressin function in health and disease. Recent Prog Horm Res 33:333, 1977.)

secretion unless they also lower blood pressure or alter blood 467 volume. The marked rise in plasma AVP elicited by manipulation of the abdominal viscera in anesthetized dogs has been attributed to nociceptive influences,78 but mediation by emetic pathways cannot be excluded in this setting. Endotoxin-induced fever stimulates AVP secretion in rats, and recent data support possible mediation of this effect by circulating cytokines such as interleukin-1 (IL-1) and IL-6.79 Clarification of the possible role of nociceptive and thermal influences on AVP secretion is particularly important in view of the frequency with which painful or febrile illnesses are CH 13 associated with osmotically inappropriate secretion of the hormone. HYPOXIA AND HYPERCAPNIA. Acute hypoxia and hypercapnia also stimulate AVP secretion.80,81 In conscious humans, however, the stimulatory effect of moderate hypoxia (arterial partial pressure of oxygen [PaO2] > 35 mm Hg) is inconsistent, and seems to occur mainly in subjects who develop nausea or hypotension. In conscious dogs, more severe hypoxia (PaO2 < 35 mm Hg) consistently increases AVP secretion without reducing arterial pressure.82 Studies of anesthetized dogs suggest that the AVP response to acute hypoxia depends on the level of hypoxemia achieved. At a PaO2 of 35 mm Hg or lower, plasma AVP increases markedly even though there is no change or even an increase in arterial pressure, but less severe hypoxia (PaO2 > 40 mm Hg) has no effect on AVP levels.83 These results indicate that there is likely a hypoxemic threshold for AVP secretion and suggest that severe hypoxemia alone may also stimulate AVP secretion in humans. If so, it may be responsible, at least in part, for the osmotically inappropriate AVP elevations noted in some patients with acute respiratory failure.84 In conscious or anesthetized dogs, acute hypercapnia, independent of hypoxia or hypotension, also increases AVP secretion.82,83 It has not been determined whether this response also exhibits threshold characteristics or otherwise depends on the degree of hypercapnia, nor is it known whether hypercapnia has similar effects on AVP secretion in humans or other animals. The mechanisms by which hypoxia and hypercapnia release AVP remain undefined, but they likely involve peripheral chemoreceptors and/or baroreceptors, because cervical vagotomy abolishes the response to hypoxemia in dogs.85 DRUGS. As is discussed more extensively in the clinical disorders, a variety of drugs, including nicotine, also stimulate AVP secretion (see Table 13–1). Drugs and hormones can potentially affect AVP secretion at many different sites, as depicted in Figure 13–6. As already discussed, many excitatory stimulants such as isoproterenol, nicotine, high doses of morphine and cholecystokinin act, at least in part, by lowering blood pressure and/or producing nausea. Others, like substance P, prostaglandin, endorphin, and other opioids, have not been studied sufficiently to define their mechanism of action, but they may also work by one or both of the same mechanisms. Inhibitory stimuli similarly have multiple modes of action. Vasopressor drugs like norepinephrine inhibit AVP secretion indirectly by raising arterial pressure. In low doses, a variety of opioids of all subtypes including morphine, met-enkephalin and kappa-agonists inhibit AVP secretion in rats and humans.86 Endogenous opioid peptides interact with the magnocellular neurosecretory system at several levels to inhibit basal as well as stimulated secretion of AVP and oxytocin. Opioid inhibition of AVP secretion has been found to occur in isolated posterior pituitary tissue, and the action of morphine as well as several opioid agonists such as butorphanol and oxilorphan likely occurs via activation of kappa-opioid receptors located on nerve terminals of the posterior pituitary.87 The well-known inhibitory effect of alcohol on AVP secretion may be mediated, at least in part, by endogenous opiates, because it is due to an elevation in the osmotic threshold for AVP release88 and can be blocked in part by

Disorders of Water Balance

The emetic response probably mediates many pharmacologic and pathologic effects on AVP secretion. In addition to the drugs and conditions already noted, it may be responsible at least in part for the increase in AVP secretion that has been observed with vasovagal reactions, diabetic ketoacidosis, acute hypoxia, and motion sickness. Because nausea and vomiting are frequent side effects of many other drugs and diseases, many additional situations likely occur as well. The reason for this profound stimulation is not known (although it has been speculated that the AVP response assists evacuation of stomach contents via contraction of gastric smooth muscle, AVP is not necessary for vomiting to occur), but it is probably responsible for the intense vasoconstriction that produces the pallor often associated with this state. HYPOGLYCEMIA. Acute hypoglycemia is a less potent but reasonably consistent stimulus for AVP secretion.67,68 The receptor and pathway that mediate this effect are unknown; however, they appear separate from those of other recognized stimuli, because hypoglycemia stimulates AVP secretion even in patients who have selectively lost the capacity to respond to hypernatremia, hypotension, or nausea.68 The factor that actually triggers the release of AVP is likely intracellular deficiency of glucose or ATP, because 2-deoxyglucose is also an effective stimulus.69 Generally, more than 20% decreases in glucose are required to significantly increase plasma AVP levels; the rate of fall in glucose is probably the critical stimulus, however, because the rise in plasma AVP is not sustained with persistent hypoglycemia.67 However, glucopenic stimuli are of unlikely importance in the physiology or pathology of AVP secretion, because there are probably few drugs or conditions that lower plasma glucose rapidly enough to stimulate release of the hormone, and furthermore, because this effect is transient. RENIN-ANGIOTENSIN SYSTEM. The renin-angiotensin system has also been intimately implicated in the control of AVP secretion.70 Animal studies have indicated dual sites of action. Blood-borne Ang II stimulates AVP secretion by acting in the brain at the circumventricular subfornical organ (SFO),71 a small structure located in the dorsal portion of the third cerebral ventricle (see Fig. 13–2). Because circumventricular organs lack a blood-brain barrier, the densely expressed Ang II AT1 receptors of the SFO can detect very small increases in blood levels of Ang II.72 Neural pathways from the SFO to the hypothalamic SON and PVN mediate AVP secretion and also appear to use Ang II as a neurotransmitter.73 This accounts for the observation that the most sensitive site for angiotensinmediated AVP secretion and thirst is intracerebroventricular injection into the cerebrospinal fluid. Further evidence in support of Ang II as a neurotransmitter is that intraventricular administration of angiotensin receptor antagonists inhibits the AVP response to osmotic and hemodynamic stimuli.74 The level of plasma Ang II required to stimulate AVP release is quite high, leading some to argue that this stimulus is active only under pharmacologic conditions. This is consistent with observations that even pressor doses of Ang II increase plasma AVP only about two- to fourfold70 and may account for the failure of some investigators to demonstrate stimulation of thirst by exogenous angiotensin. However, this procedure may underestimate the physiologic effects of angiotensin, because the increased blood pressure caused by exogenously administered Ang II appears to blunt the induced thirst via activation of inhibitory baroreceptive pathways.75 STRESS. Nonspecific stress caused by factors such as pain, emotion, or physical exercise has long been thought to cause AVP secretion, but it has never been determined whether this effect is mediated by a specific pathway or is secondary to the hypotension or nausea that often accompanies stressinduced vasovagal reactions. In rats76 and humans,77 a variety of noxious stimuli capable of activating the pituitary-adrenal axis and sympathetic nervous system do not stimulate AVP

89 468 treatment with naloxone. Carbamazepine inhibits AVP secretion by diminishing the sensitivity of the osmoregulatory system; this effect occurs independently of changes in blood volume, blood pressure, or blood glucose.90 Other drugs that inhibit AVP secretion include clonidine, which appears to act via both central and peripheral adrenoreceptors,91 muscimol,92 which acts as a GABA antagonist, and phencyclidine,93 which probably acts by raising blood pressure. However, despite the importance of these stimuli during pathologic conditions, none of them is a significant determiCH 13 nant of physiologic regulation of AVP secretion in humans.

Distribution and Clearance Plasma AVP concentration is determined by the difference between the rates of secretion from the posterior pituitary gland and removal of the hormone from the vascular compartment via metabolism and urinary clearance. In healthy adults, intravenously injected AVP distributes rapidly into a space equivalent in size to the ECF compartment. This initial, or mixing, phase has a half-life between 4 and 8 minutes and is virtually complete in 10 to 15 minutes. The rapid mixing phase is followed by a second, slower decline that corresponds to the metabolic clearance of AVP. Most studies of this phase have yielded mean values of 10 to 20 minutes by both steady-state and non–steady-state techniques,32 consistent with the observed rates of change in urine osmolality after water loading and injection of AVP, which also support a short half-life.94 In pregnant women, the metabolic clearance rate of increases nearly fourfold,95 which becomes significant in the pathophysiology of gestational diabetes insipidus (GDI) (see later discussion). Smaller animals such as rats clear AVP much more rapidly than humans because their cardiac output is higher relative to their BW and surface area.94 Although many tissues have the capacity to inactivate AVP, metabolism in vivo appears to occur largely in liver and kidney.94 The enzymatic processes by which the liver and kidney inactivate AVP involve an initial reduction of the disulfide bridge followed by aminopeptidase cleavage of the bond between amino acid residues 1 and 2. The extent of further degradation and the peptide products that escape into plasma and urine are currently unknown. Some AVP is excreted intact in the urine, but there is disagreement about the amounts and the factors that affect it. For example, in healthy, normally hydrated adults, the urinary clearance of AVP ranges from 0.1 to 0.6 mL/kg/min under basal conditions and has never been found to exceed 2 mL/kg/min, even in the presence of solute diuresis.32 The mechanisms involved in the excretion of AVP have not been defined with certainty, but the hormone is probably filtered at the glomerulus and variably reabsorbed at sites along the nephron. The latter process may be linked to the reabsorption of Na+ or other solutes in the proximal nephron, because the urinary clearance of AVP has been found to vary by as much as 20-fold in direct relation to the solute clearance.32 Consequently, measurements of urinary AVP excretion in humans do not provide a consistently reliable index of changes in plasma AVP, and should be interpreted cautiously when glomerular filtration or solute clearance is inconstant or abnormal.

Thirst Thirst is the body’s defense mechanism to increase water consumption in response to perceived deficits of body fluids. It can be most easily defined as a consciously perceived desire for water. True thirst must be distinguished from other determinants of fluid intake such as taste, dietary preferences, and social customs, as discussed previously. Thirst can be stimulated in animals and humans either by intracellular dehydration caused by increases in the effective osmolality of the ECF or by intravascular hypovolemia caused by losses

of ECF.96,97 As would be expected, many of these same variables provoke AVP secretion. Of these, hypertonicity is clearly the most potent. Similar to AVP secretion, substantial evidence to date has supported mediation of osmotic thirst by osmoreceptors located in the anterior hypothalamus of the brain,30,31 whereas hypovolemic thirst appears to be stimulated both via activation of low- and/or high-pressure baroreceptors98 and circulating Ang II.99 OSMOTIC THIRST. In healthy adults, an increase in effective plasma osmolality of only 2% to 3% above basal levels produces a strong desire to drink.100 This response is not dependent on changes in ECF or plasma volume, because it occurs similarly whether plasma osmolality is raised by infusion of hypertonic solutions or by water deprivation. The absolute level of plasma osmolality at which a person develops a conscious urge to seek and drink water is called the osmotic thirst threshold. It varies appreciably among individuals, likely as a result of by genetic factors,33 but in healthy adults, it averages approximately 295 mOsm/kg H2O. Of physiologic significance is the fact that this level is above the osmotic threshold for AVP release and approximates the plasma osmolality at which maximal concentration of the urine is normally achieved (see Fig. 13–5). The brain pathways that mediate osmotic thirst have not been well defined, but it is clear that initiation of drinking requires osmoreceptors located in the anteroventral hypothalamus in the same area as the osmoreceptors that control osmotic AVP secretion are located.30,31 Whether the osmoreceptors for AVP and thirst are the same cells or simply located in the same general area remains unknown. However, the properties of the osmoreceptors are very similar. Ineffective plasma solutes such as urea and glucose, which have little or no effect on AVP secretion, are equally ineffective at stimulating thirst, whereas effective solutes such as NaCl and mannitol are.11,101 The sensitivities of the thirst and AVP osmoreceptors cannot be compared precisely, but they are probably similar. Thus, in healthy adults, the intensity of thirst increases rapidly in direct proportion to serum Na+ or plasma osmolality and generally becomes intolerable at levels only 3% to 5% above the threshold level.102 Water consumption also appears to be proportional to the intensity of thirst, in both humans and animals and, under conditions of maximal osmotic stimulation, can reach rates as high as 20 to 25 L/day. The dilution of body fluids by ingested water complements the retention of water that occurs during AVP-induced antidiuresis, and both responses occur concurrently when drinking water is available. As with AVP secretion, the osmoregulation of thirst appears to be bimodal, because a modest decline in plasma osmolality induces a sense of satiation and reduces the basal rate of spontaneous fluid intake.102,103 This effect is sufficient to prevent hypotonic overhydration even when antidiuresis is fixed at maximal levels for prolonged periods, suggesting that osmotically inappropriate secretion of ADH (SIADH) should not result in the development of hyponatremia unless the satiety mechanism is impaired or fluid intake is inappropriately high for some other reason, such as the unregulated components of fluid intake discussed earlier.103 Also similar to AVP secretion, thirst can be influenced by oropharyngeal or upper gastrointestinal receptors that respond to the act of drinking itself.63 In humans, however, the rapid relief provided by this mechanism lasts only a matter of minutes and thirst quickly recurs until enough of the water is absorbed to lower plasma osmolality to normal. Therefore, although local oropharyngeal sensations may have a significant short-term influence on thirst, the hypothalamic osmoreceptors ultimately determine the volume of water intake in response to dehydration. HYPOVOLEMIC THIRST. In contrast, the threshold for producing hypovolemic, or extracellular, thirst is significantly

Integration of Arginine Vasopressin Secretion and Thirst A synthesis of what is presently known about the regulation of AVP secretion and thirst in humans leads to a relatively simple but elegant system to maintain water balance. Under normal physiologic conditions, the sensitivity of the osmoregulatory system for AVP secretion accounts for maintenance of plasma osmolality within narrow limits by adjusting renal water excretion to small changes in osmolality. Stimulated thirst does not represent a major regulatory mechanism under these conditions, and unregulated fluid ingestion supplies adequate water in excess of true “need,” which is then excreted in relation to osmoregulated pituitary AVP secretion. However, when unregulated water intake cannot adequately supply body needs in the presence of plasma AVP levels sufficient to produce maximal antidiuresis, then plasma osmolality rises to levels that stimulate thirst (see Fig. 13–5), and water intake increases proportional to the elevation of osmolality above this thirst threshold. In such a system, thirst essentially represents a back-up mechanism called into play when pituitary and renal mechanisms prove insufficient to maintain plasma osmolality within a few percent of basal levels. This arrangement has the advantage of freeing humans from frequent episodes of thirst that would require a diversion of activities toward behavior oriented to seeking water when water deficiency is sufficiently mild to be compensated for by renal water conservation but would stimulate water ingestion once water deficiency reaches potentially harmful levels. Stimulation of AVP secretion at plasma osmolalities below the threshold for subjective thirst acts to maintain an excess of body water sufficient to eliminate the need to drink whenever slight elevations in plasma osmolality occur. This system of differential effective thresholds for thirst and AVP secretion nicely complements many studies that have demonstrated excess unregulated, or “need-free,” drinking in both humans and

animals. Only when this mechanism becomes inadequate to 469 maintain body fluid homeostasis does thirst-induced regulated fluid intake become the predominant defense mechanism for the prevention of severe dehydration.

DISORDERS OF INSUFFICIENT ARGININE VASOPRESSIN OR ARGININE VASOPRESSIN EFFECT Disorders of insufficient AVP or AVP effect are associated with inadequate urine concentration and increased urine output (polyuria). If thirst mechanisms are intact, this is accompanied by compensatory increases in fluid intake (polydipsia) as a result of stimulated thirst in order to preserve body fluid homeostasis. The net result is polyuria and polydipsia with preservation of normal plasma osmolality and serum electrolyte concentrations. However, if thirst is impaired or if fluid intake is insufficient for any reason to compensate for the increased urine excretion, then hyperosmolality and hypernatremia can result, with the consequent complications associated with these disorders. The quintessential disorder of insufficient AVP is diabetes insipidus (DI), which is a clinical syndrome characterized by excretion of abnormally large volumes of urine (i.e., diabetes) that is dilute (i.e., hypotonic) and devoid of taste from dissolved solutes (e.g., insipid), in contrast to the hypertonic sweet-tasting urine characteristic of diabetes mellitus (i.e., honey, in Greek). Several different pathophysiologic mechanisms can cause hypotonic polyuria (Table 13–2). Central (also called hypothalamic, neurogenic, or neurohypophyseal) DI (CDI) is due to inadequate secretion, and usually deficient synthesis of, AVP in the hypothalamic neurohypophyseal system. Lack of AVP-stimulated activation of the V2 subtype of AVP receptors in the kidney collecting tubules (see Chapters 8 and 9) causes excretion of large volumes of dilute urine. In most cases, thirst mechanisms are intact, leading to compensatory polydipsia. However, in a variant of CDI called osmoreceptor dysfunction, thirst is also impaired, leading to hypodipsia. DI of pregnancy is a transient disorder due to an accelerated metabolism of AVP as a result of increased activity of the enzyme oxytocinase/vasopressinase in the serum of pregnant females, again leading to polyuria and polydipsia; accelerated metabolism of AVP during pregnancy may also cause a patient with subclinical DI from other causes to shift from a relatively asymptomatic state to a symptomatic state as a result of the more rapid AVP degradation. Nephrogenic DI (NDI) is due to inappropriate renal responses to AVP. This produces excretion of dilute urine despite normal pituitary AVP secretion and secondary polydipsia, similar to CDI. The final cause of hypotonic polyuria, primary polydipsia, differs significantly from the other causes because it is not due to deficient AVP secretion or impaired renal responses to AVP, but rather to excessive ingestion of fluids. This can result from either an abnormality in the thirst mechanism, in which case it is sometimes called dipsogenic DI, or to psychiatric disorders, in which case it is generally referred to as psychogenic polydipsia.

Central Diabetes Insipidus Etiology CDI is caused by inadequate secretion of AVP from the posterior pituitary in response to osmotic stimulation. In most cases, this is due to destruction of the neurohypophysis by a variety of acquired or congenital anatomic lesions that destroy or damage the neurohypophysis by pressure or infiltration (see Table 13–2). The severity of the resulting hypotonic

CH 13

Disorders of Water Balance

higher in both animals and humans. Studies in several species have shown that sustained decreases in plasma volume or blood pressure of at least 4% to 8%, and in some species 10% to 15%, are necessary to consistently stimulate drinking.104,105 In humans, the degree of hypovolemia or hypotension required to produce thirst has not been precisely defined, but it has been difficult to demonstrate any effects of mild to moderate hypovolemia to stimulate thirst independently of osmotic changes occurring with dehydration. This blunted sensitivity to changes in ECF volume or blood pressure in humans probably represents an adaptation that occurred as a result of the erect posture of primates, which predisposes them to wider fluctuations in blood and atrial filling pressures as a result of orthostatic pooling of blood in the lower body; stimulation of thirst (and AVP secretion) by such transient postural changes in blood pressure might lead to overdrinking and inappropriate antidiuresis in situations in which the ECF volume was actually normal but only transiently maldistributed. Consistent with a blunted response to baroreceptor activation, recent studies have also shown that systemic infusion of Ang II to pharmacologic levels is a much less potent stimulus to thirst in humans106 than in animals, in which it is one of the most potent dipsogens known. Nonetheless, this response is not completely absent in humans, as demonstrated by rare cases of polydipsia in patients with pathologic causes of hyperreninemia.107 The pathways by which hypovolemia or hypotension produces thirst have not been well-defined, but probably involve the same brainstem baroreceptive pathways that mediate hemodynamic effects on AVP secretion,98 as well as a likely contribution from circulating levels of Ang II in some species.108


CH 13

TABLE 13–2

Etiologies of Hypotonic Polyuria

Central (neurogenic) diabetes insipidus Congenital (congenital malformations, autosomal dominant, arginine vasopressin (AVP)–neurophysin gene mutations) Drug-/toxin-induced (ethanol, diphenylhydantoin, snake venom) Granulomatous (histiocytosis, sarcoidosis) Neoplastic (craniopharyngioma, germinoma, lymphoma, leukemia, meningioma, pituitary tumor; metastases) Infectious (meningitis, tuberculosis, encephalitis) Inflammatory/autoimmune (lymphocytic infundibuloneurohypophysitis) Trauma (neurosurgery, deceleration injury) Vascular (cerebral hemorrhage or infarction, brain death) Idiopathic Osmoreceptor dysfunction Granulomatous (histiocytosis, sarcoidosis) Neoplastic (craniopharyngioma, pinealoma, meningioma, metastases) Vascular (anterior communicating artery aneurysm/ligation, intrahypothalamic hemorrhage) Other (hydrocephalus, ventricular/suprasellar cyst, trauma, degenerative diseases) Idiopathic Increased AVP metabolism Pregnancy Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus Congenital (X-linked recessive, AVP V2 receptor gene mutations, autosomal recessive or dominant, aquaporin-2 water channel gene mutations) Drug-induced (demeclocycline, lithium, cisplatin, methoxyflurane) Hypercalcemia Hypokalemia Infiltrating lesions (sarcoidosis, amyloidosis) Vascular (sickle cell anemia) Mechanical (polycystic kidney disease, bilateral ureteral obstruction) Solute diuresis (glucose, mannitol, sodium, radiocontrast dyes) Idiopathic Primary polydipsia Psychogenic (schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive behaviors) Dipsogenic (downward resetting of thirst threshold, idiopathic or similar lesions as with central DI)

diuresis depends on the degree of destruction of the neurohypophysis, leading to either complete or partial deficiency of AVP secretion. Despite the wide variety of lesions that can potentially cause CDI, it is much more common to not have CDI in the presence of such lesions than to actually produce the syndrome. This apparent inconsistency can be understood by considering several common principles of neurohypophyseal physiology and pathophysiology that are relevant to all of these etiologies. The first is that the synthesis of AVP occurs in the hypothalamus (see Fig. 13–2); the posterior pituitary simply represents the site of storage and secretion of the neurosecretory granules that contain AVP. Consequently, lesions contained within the sella turcica that destroy only the posterior pituitary generally do not cause CDI because the cell bodies of the magnocellular neurons that synthesize AVP remain intact and the site of release of AVP shifts more superiorly, typically into the blood vessels of the median eminence at the base of the brain. Perhaps the best examples of this phenomenon are large pituitary macroadenomas that completely destroy the anterior and posterior pituitary. DI is a distinctly unusual presentation for such pituitary adenomas, because destruction of the posterior pituitary by such slowly enlarging intrasellar lesions merely destroys the nerve terminals, but not the cell bodies, of the AVP neurons. As this

occurs, the site of release of AVP shifts more superiorly to the pituitary stalk and median eminence. Sometimes this can be detected on noncontrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a shift of the pituitary “bright spot” more superiorly to the level of the infundibulum or median eminence,109 but often, this process is too diffuse to be detected in this manner. The occurrence of DI from a pituitary adenoma is so uncommon, even with macroadenomas that completely obliterate sellar contents sufficiently to cause panhypopituitarism, that its presence should lead to consideration of alternative diagnoses, such as craniopharyngioma, which often causes damage to the median eminence by virtue of adherence of the capsule to the base of the hypothalamus, more rapidly enlarging sellar/suprasellar masses that do not allow sufficient time for shifting the site of AVP release more superiorly (e.g., metastatic lesions), or granulomatous disease with more diffuse hypothalamic involvement (e.g., sarcoidosis, histiocytosis). With very large pituitary adenomas that produce ACTH deficiency, it is actually more likely that patients will present with hypoosmolality from an SIADH-like picture as a result of the impaired free water excretion that accompanies hypocortisolism, as is discussed later. A second general principle is that the capacity of the neurohypophysis to synthesize AVP is greatly in excess of the body’s daily needs for maintenance of water homeostasis. Carefully controlled studies of surgical section of the pituitary stalk in dogs have clearly demonstrated that destruction of 80% to 90% of the magnocellular neurons in the hypothalamus is required to produce polyuria and polydipsia in this species.110 Thus, even lesions that do cause destruction of the AVP magnocellular neuron cell bodies must cause a large degree of destruction to produce DI. The most illustrative example of this is surgical section of the pituitary stalk in humans. Necropsy studies of these patients have revealed atrophy of the posterior pituitary and loss of the magnocellular neurons in the hypothalamus.111 This loss of magnocellular cells presumably results from retrograde degeneration of neurons whose axons were cut during surgery. As is generally true for all neurons, the likelihood of retrograde neuronal degeneration depends on the proximity of the axotomy, in this case, section of the pituitary stalk, to the cell body of the neuron. This was shown clearly in studies of human subjects in whom section of the pituitary stalk at the level of the diaphragm sella (i.e., a low stalk section) produced transient but not permanent DI, whereas section at the level of the infundibulum (i.e., a “high” stalk section) was required to cause permanent DI in most cases.112 In recent years, several genetic causes of AVP deficiency have also been characterized. Prior to the application of techniques for amplification of genomic DNA, the only experimental model to study the mechanism of hereditary hypothalamic DI was the Brattleboro rat, a strain that was found serendipitously to have CDI.113 In this animal, the disease demonstrates a classic pattern of autosomal recessive inheritance in which DI is expressed only in the homozygotes. The hereditary basis of the disease has been found to be a single base deletion producing a translational frame shift beginning in the third portion of the neurophysin coding sequence. Because the gene lacks a stop codon, there is a modified neurophysin, no glycopeptide, and a long polylysine tail.114 Although the mutant prohormone accumulates in the endoplasmic reticulum, sufficient AVP is produced by the normal allele that the heterozygotes are asymptomatic. In contrast, most all families with genetic CDI in humans that have been described to date demonstrate an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance.115–117 In this case, DI is expressed despite the expression of one normal allele, which is sufficient to prevent the disease in the heterozygous Brattleboro rats. Numerous studies have been directed at understanding this apparent anomaly. Two potentially important clues as to

FIGURE 13–9 Location and type of mutations in the gene that codes for the AVP-neurophysin precursor in kindreds with the autosomal, dominant form of familial central diabetes insipidus (CDI). Each arrow indicates the location of the mutation in a different kindred. The various portions of the precursor protein are designated by the abbreviations AVP, vasopressin; CP, copeptin; NP, neurophysin; SP, signal peptide. Deletion and missense mutations are those expected to remove or replace one or more amino acid residues in the precursor. Those designated stop codons are expected to cause premature termination of the precursor. Note that none of the mutations causes a frame shift or affects the part of the gene that encodes the copeptin moiety, that all of the stop codons are in the distal part of the neurophysin moiety, and that only one of the mutations affects the AVP moiety. All these findings are consistent with the concept that the mutant precursor is produced but cannot be folded properly because of interference with either (1) the binding of AVP to neurophysin, (2) the formation of intrachain disulfide bonds, or (3) the extreme flexibility or rigidity normally required at crucial places in the protein. (Adapted from Rittig S, Robertson GL, Siggaard C, et al: Identification of 13 new mutations in the vasopressin-neurophysin gene in 17 kindreds with familial autosomal dominant neurohypophyseal DI. Am J Hum Genet 58:107, 1996; and Hansen LK, Rittig S, Robertson GL: Genetic basis of familial neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus. Trends Endocrinol Metab 8:363, 1997.)

support this misfolding/neurotoxicity hypothesis by demon- 471 strating abnormal trafficking and accumulation of mutant prohormone in the endoplasmic reticulum with low or absent expression in the Golgi apparatus, suggesting difficulty with packaging into neurosecretory granules.122 However, cell death may not be necessary to decrease available AVP. Normally, proteins retained in the endoplasmic reticulum are selectively degraded, but if excess mutant is produced and the selective normal degradative process is overwhelmed, an alternate nonselective degradative system (autophagy) is activated. As more and more mutant precursor builds up in the CH 13 endoplasmic reticulum, normal wild type is trapped with the mutant protein and degraded by the activated nonspecific degradative system. In this case, the amount of AVP that matures and is packaged would be markedly reduced.123,124 This explanation is consistent with those cases in which little pathology is found in the magnocellular neurons and also with cases of DI in which some small amount of AVP can still be detected. Idiopathic forms of AVP deficiency represent a large pathogenic category in both adults and children. A recent study in children revealed that over half (54%) of all cases of CDI were classified as idiopathic.125 These patients do not have historical or clinical evidence of any injury or disease that can be linked to their DI, and MRI of the pituitary-hypothalamic area generally reveals no abnormality other than absence of the posterior pituitary bright spot and sometimes varying degrees of thickening of the pituitary stalk. Several lines of evidence have suggested that many of these patients may have had an autoimmune destruction of the neurohypophysis to account for their DI. First, the entity of lymphocytic infundibuloneurohypophysitis has been documented to be present in a subset of patients with idiopathic DI.126 Lymphocytic infiltration of the anterior pituitary, lymphocytic hypophysitis, has been recognized as a cause of anterior pituitary deficiency for many years, but it was not until an autopsy called attention to a similar finding in the posterior pituitary of a patient with DI that this pathology was recognized to occur in the neurohypophysis as well.127 Since that initial report, a number of similar cases have been described, including cases in the postpartum period, which is characteristic of lymphocytic hypophysitis.128 With the advent of MRI, lymphocytic infundibuloneurohypophysitis has been diagnosed based on the appearance of a thickened stalk and/or enlargement of the posterior pituitary mimicking a pituitary tumor. In these

Disorders of Water Balance

the etiology of the DI in familial genetic CDI are that (1) severe to partial deficiencies of AVP and overt signs of DI do not develop in these patients until several months to several years after birth and then gradually progress over the ensuing decades,115,118 suggesting adequate initial function of the normal allele with later decompensation and (2) a limited number of autopsy studies suggested that some of these cases are associated with gliosis and a marked loss of magnocellular AVP neurons in the hypothalamus,119 although other studies have shown normal neurons with decreased expression of AVP, or no hypothalamic abnormality. In most of these cases, the hyperintense signal normally emitted by the neurohypophysis in T1-weighted MRI (see later discussion) is also absent, although some exceptions have been reported.120 Another interesting, but as yet unexplained, observation is that some adults in these families have been described in whom DI was clinically apparent during childhood but who went into remission as adults, without evidence that their remissions could be attributed to renal or adrenal insufficiency or to increased AVP synthesis.121 The autosomal dominant form of familial CDI is caused by diverse mutations in the gene that codes for the AVPneurophysin precursor (Fig. 13–9). All of the mutations identified to date have been in the coding region of the gene and affect only one allele. They are located in all three exons and are predicted to alter or delete amino acid residues in the signal peptide, AVP, and neurophysin moieties of the precursor. Only the C-terminus glycopeptide, or copeptin moiety, has not been found to be affected. Most are missense mutations, but nonsense mutations (premature stop codons) and deletions also occur. One characteristic shared by all the mutations is that they are predicted to alter or delete one or more amino acids known, or reasonably presumed, to be crucial for processing, folding, and oligomerization of the precursor protein in the endoplasmic reticulum.115,117 Because of the related functional effects of the mutations, the common clinical characteristics of the disease, the dominant-negative mode of transmission, and the autopsy and hormonal evidence of postnatal neurohypophysial degeneration, it has been postulated that all of the mutations act by causing production of an abnormal precursor protein that accumulates and eventually kills the neurons because it cannot be correctly processed, folded, and transported out of the endoplasmic reticulum. Expression studies of mutant DNA from several human mutations in cultured neuroblastoma cells

Exon 1

Exon 2

Exon 3 82 83 47





14 74


–3 2 –1

20 21 23 24



61 62

67 66 65

Deletion Missense Stop codon

472 cases, the characteristic bright spot on MRI T1-weighted images is lost. The enlargement of the stalk can so mimic a neoplastic process that some of these patients were operated based on a suspicion of a pituitary tumor, but with the finding of lymphocytic infiltration of the pituitary stalk. Since then, a number of patients with a suspicion of infundibuloneurohypophysitis and no other obvious cause of DI have been followed and have shown regression of the thickened pituitary stalk over time.125,126 Several cases have been reported with the coexistence of CDI and adenohypophysitis, and CH 13 these presumably represent cases of combined lymphocytic infundibuloneurohypophysitis and hypophysisis.129,130 A second line of evidence supporting an autoimmune etiology in many cases of idiopathic DI stems is the finding of AVP antibodies in the serum of an many as one third of patients with idiopathic DI and two thirds of those with Langerhans cell histiocytosis X, but not in patients with DI caused by tumors.131 More recently, 878 patients with autoimmune endocrine diseases, but without hypothalamic DI, were screened, and 9 patients were found to have AVP antibodies; upon further testing, 4 of these patients were found to have partial DI and 5 were normal. After a 4-year follow-up, 3 of the normal subjects also had developed partial DI and 1 had progressed to complete DI, but interestingly 2 of the patients who had partial DI at entry were treated with desmopressin (desamino-8-d-arginine vasopressin [DDAVP]) and after 1 year became negative for AVP antibodies and had recovered normal posterior pituitary function.132

Pathophysiology The normal inverse relationship between urine volume and urine osmolality (see Fig. 13–5) means that initial decreases in maximal AVP secretion will not cause an increase in urine volume sufficient to be detected clinically by polyuria. In general, basal AVP secretion must fall to less than 10% to 20% of normal before basal urine osmolality decreases to less than 300 mOsm/kg H2O and urine flow increases to symptomatic levels (i.e., >50 ml/kg BW/day). This resulting loss of body water produces a slight rise in plasma osmolality that stimulates thirst and induces a compensatory polydipsia. The resultant increase in water intake restores balance with urine output and stabilizes the osmolality of body fluids at a new, slightly higher but still normal level. As the AVP deficit increases, this new steady-state level of plasma osmolality approximates the osmotic threshold for thirst (see Fig. 13–5). It is important to recognize that the deficiency of AVP need not be complete for polyuria and polydipsia to occur; it is only necessary that the maximal plasma AVP concentration achievable at or below the osmotic threshold for thirst is inadequate to concentrate the urine.133 The degree of neurohypophysial destruction at which such failure occurs varies considerably from person to person, largely because of individual differences in the set-point and sensitivity of the osmoregulatory system.33 In general, functional tests of AVP levels in patients with DI of variable severity, duration, and cause indicate that AVP secretory capacity must be reduced by at least 75% to 80% for significant polyuria to occur, which also agrees with neuroanatomic studies of cell loss in the SON of dogs with experimental pituitary stalk section110 and of patients who had undergone pituitary surgery.111 Because renal mechanisms for sodium conservation are unimpaired with impaired or absent AVP secretion, there is no accompanying sodium deficiency. Although untreated DI can lead to both hyperosmolality and volume depletion, until the water losses become severe, volume depletion is minimized by osmotic shifts of water from the ICF compartment to the more osmotically concentrated ECF compartment. This phenomenon is not as evident following increases in ECF Na+ concentration, because such osmotic shifts result in a slower increase in the serum Na+ than would otherwise occur.

However, when nonsodium solutes such as mannitol are infused, this effect is more obvious owing to the progressive dilutional decrease in serum Na+ caused by translocation of intracellular water to the ECF compartment. Because patients with DI do not have impaired urine Na+ conservation, the ECF volume is generally not markedly decreased and regulatory mechanisms for maintenance of osmotic homeostasis are primarily activated: stimulation of thirst and AVP secretion (to whatever degree the neurohypophysis is still able to secrete AVP). In cases where AVP secretion is totally absent (complete DI), patients are dependent entirely on water intake for maintenance of water balance. However, in cases in which some residual capacity to secrete AVP remains (partial DI), plasma osmolality can eventually reach levels that allow moderate degrees of urinary concentration (see Fig. 13–10). The development of DI following surgical or traumatic injury to the neurohypophysis represents a unique situation and can follow any of several different well-defined patterns. In some patients, polyuria develops 1 to 4 days after injury and resolves spontaneously. Less often, the DI is permanent and continues indefinitely (see previous discussion on the relation between the level of pituitary stalk section and the development of permanent DI). Most interestingly, a “triphasic” response can occur as a result of pituitary stalk transection.112 The initial DI (first phase) is due to axon shock and lack of function of the damaged neurons. This phase lasts from several hours to several days, and then is followed by an antidiuretic phase (second phase) that is due to the uncontrolled release of AVP from the disconnected and degenerating posterior pituitary or from the remaining severed neurons.134 Overly aggressive administration of fluids during this second phase does not suppress the AVP secretion and can lead to hyponatremia. The antidiuresis can last from 2 to 14 days, after which DI recurs following depletion of the AVP from the degenerating posterior pituitary gland (third phase).135 Recently, transient hyponatremia without preceding or subsequent DI has been reported following transphenoidal surgery for pituitary microadenomas,136 which generally occurs 5 to 10 days postoperatively. The incidence may be as high as 30% when such patients are carefully followed, although majority of cases are mild and selflimited.137,138 This is due to inappropriate AVP secretion via the same mechanism as in the triphasic response, except that in these cases only the second phase occurs (“isolated second phase”) because the initial neural lobe/pituitary stalk damage is not sufficient to impair AVP secretion sufficiently to produce clinical manifestations of DI.139 Once a deficiency of AVP secretion has been present for more than a few days or weeks, it rarely improves even if the underlying cause of the neurohypophysial destruction is eliminated. The major exception to this is in patients with postoperative DI, in which spontaneous resolution is the rule. Although recovery from DI that persists more than several weeks postoperatively is less common, nonetheless welldocumented cases of long-term recovery have been reported.135 The reason for amelioration and resolution is apparent from pathologic and histologic examination of neurohypophyseal tissue following pituitary stalk section.140,141 Neurohypophyseal neurons that have intact perikarya are able to regenerate axons and form new nerve terminal endings capable of releasing AVP into nearby capillaries. In animals, this may be accompanied by a bulbous growth at the end of the severed stalk, which represents a new, albeit small, neural lobe. In humans, the regeneration process appears to proceed more slowly, and formation of a new neural lobe has not been noted. Nonetheless, histologic examination of a severed human stalk from a patient 18 months after hypophysectomy has demonstrated reorganization of neurohypophyseal fibers with neurosecretory granules in close proximity to nearby







2 25% 1






15 10 9

5 10 20

275 280 285 290 295 300 305 Plasma osmolality (mOsmol/kg H2O)

blood vessels, closely resembling the histology of a normal posterior pituitary.141 Recognition of the fact that almost all patients with CDI retain a limited capacity to secrete some AVP allows an understanding some otherwise perplexing features of the disorder. For example, in many patients, restricting water intake long enough to raise plasma osmolality by only 1% to 2% induces sufficient AVP secretion to concentrate the urine (Figs. 13–10 and 13–11). As the plasma osmolality increases further, some patients with partial DI can even secrete enough AVP to achieve near maximal urine osmolalities (Fig. 13–12). However, this should not cause confusion about the diagnosis of DI, because in such patients, the urine osmolality will still be inappropriately low at plasma osmolalities within normal ranges, and they will respond to exogenous AVP administration with further increases in urine osmolality. These responses to dehydration illustrate the relative nature of the AVP deficiency in most cases and underscore the importance of the thirst mechanism to restrict the use of residual secretory capacity under basal conditions of ad libitum water intake. CDI is also associated with changes in the renal response to AVP. The most obvious change is a reduction in maximal concentrating capacity, which has been attributed to washout of the medullary concentration gradient caused by the chronic polyuria. The severity of this defect is proportional to the magnitude of the polyuria and is independent of its cause.133 Because of this, the level of urinary concentration achieved at maximally effective levels of plasma AVP is reduced in all types of DI. In patients with CDI, this concentrating abnormality is offset to some extent by an apparent increase in renal sensitivity to low levels of plasma AVP (see Fig. 13–12). The cause of this supersensitivity is unknown, but it may reflect upward regulation of AVP V2 receptor expression or function secondary to a chronic deficiency of the hormone.142

Osmoreceptor Dysfunction Etiology Extensive literature in animals indicates that the primary osmoreceptors that control AVP secretion and thirst are

7 ⫹


CH 13

5 ⫹



⫹ 2 1 LD 280 290 300 310 Plasma osmolality (mOsmol/kg) FIGURE 13–11 Relation between plasma AVP and concurrent plasma osmolality in patients with polyuria of diverse causes. All measurements were made at the end of a standard dehydration test. The shaded area represents the range of normal. In patients with severe (䉬) or partial (䉱) central DI, plasma AVP was almost always subnormal relative to plasma osmolality. In contrast, the values from patients with dipsogenic (䊊) or nephrogenic (䊏) DI were consistently within or above the normal range. (From Robertson GL: Diagnosis of diabetes insipidus. In Czernichow AP, Robinson A [eds]: Diabetes Insipidus in Man: Frontiers of Hormone Research. Basel, S Karger, 1985, p 176.)


Pitressin ⫹

1200 Urine osmolality (mOsmol/ kg)

FIGURE 13–10 Relation between plasma AVP levels, urine osmolality, and plasma osmolality in subjects with normal posterior pituitary function (100%) compared with patients with graded reductions in AVP-secreting neurons (to 50%, 25%, and 10% of normal). Note that the patient with a 50% secretory capacity can achieve only half the plasma AVP level and half the urine osmolality of normal subjects at a plasma osmolality of 293 mOsm/kg H2O, but with increasing plasma osmolality, this patient can nonetheless eventually stimulate sufficient AVP secretion to reach a near maximal urine osmolality. In contrast, patients with more severe degrees of AVP-secreting neuron deficits are unable to reach maximal urine osmolalities at any level of plasma osmolality. (Adapted from Robertson GL: Posterior pituitary. In Felig P, Baxter J, Frohman LA [eds]: Endocrinology and Metabolism. New York, McGraw Hill, 1986, pp 338–386.)



800 600 400 200



5 10 50 Plasma vasopressin pg/mL


FIGURE 13–12 Relation between urine osmolality and concurrent plasma AVP in patients with polyuria of diverse causes. All measurements were made at the end of a standard dehydration test. The shaded area represents the range of normal. In patients with severe (䉬) or partial (䉱) central DI, urine osmolality is normal or supranormal relative to plasma AVP when the latter is submaximal. In patients with nephrogenic DI (䊏), urine osmolality is always subnormal for plasma AVP. In patients with dipsogenic DI (䊊), the relation is normal at submaximal levels of plasma AVP but is usually subnormal when plasma AVP is high. (From Robertson GL: Diagnosis of diabetes insipidus. In Czernichow AP, Robinson A [eds]: Diabetes Insipidus in Man: Frontiers of Hormone Research. Basel, S Karger, 1985, p 176.)

Disorders of Water Balance




Plasma vasopressin (pg/mL)


Urine volume (L/day)


Urine osmolality (mOsmol/kg H2O)

Plasma vasopressin (pg/mL)


474 located in the anterior hypothalamus; lesions of this region in animals, the so-called AV3V area, cause hyperosmolality through a combination of impaired thirst and osmotically stimulated AVP secretion.30,31 Initial reports in humans described this syndrome as “essential hypernatremia,”143 and subsequent studies used the term “adipsic hypernatremia” in recognition of the profound thirst deficits found in most of the patients.144 Based on the known pathophysiology, all of these syndromes can be grouped together as disorders of osmoreceptor dysfunction.145 Although the pathologies responsible for this condition can be quite varied, all of the CH 13 cases reported to date have been due to various degrees of osmoreceptor destruction associated with a variety of different brain lesions, as summarized in Table 13–2. Many of these are the same types of lesions that can cause CDI, but in contrast to CDI, these lesions usually occur more rostrally in the hypothalamus, consistent with the anterior hypothalamic location of the primary osmoreceptor cells (see Fig. 13–2). One lesion unique to this disorder is an anterior communicating cerebral artery aneurysm. Because the small arterioles that feed the anterior wall of the third ventricle originate from the anterior communicating cerebral artery, an aneurysm in this region,146 but more often following surgical repair of such an aneurysm that typically involves ligation of the anterior communicating artery,147 produces infarction of the part of the hypothalamus containing the osmoreceptor cells.

Pathophysiology The cardinal defect of patients with this disorder is lack of the osmoreceptors that regulate thirst. With rare exceptions, the osmoregulation of AVP is also impaired, although the hormonal response to nonosmotic stimuli remains intact (Fig. 13–13).148,149 Four major patterns of osmoreceptor dysfunction have been described as characterized by defects in thirst and/or AVP secretory responses: (1) upward resetting of the osmostat for both thirst and AVP secretion (normal AVP and thirst responses but at an abnormally high plasma osmo-

1000 Normal reference range

pAVP (pmol/L)


10 Cranial diabetes insipidus Adipsic diabetes insipidus

1 LD

Limit of detection of AVP assay (0.3 pmol/L) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 % decline in mean arterial blood pressure

FIGURE 13–13 Plasma AVP responses to arterial hypotension produced by infusion of trimethephan in patients with central DI (“cranial diabetes insipidus”) and osmoreceptor dysfunction (“adipsic diabetes insipidus). Normal responses in healthy volunteers are shown by the shaded area. Note that despite absent or markedly blunted AVP responses to hyperosmolality, patients with osmoreceptor dysfunction respond normally to baroreceptor stimulation induced by hypotension. (From Baylis PH, Thompson CJ: Diabetes insipidus and hyperosmolar syndromes. In Becker KL [ed]: Principles and Practice of Endocrinology and Metabolism. Philadelphia, JB Lippincott, 1995, p 257.)

lality), (2) partial osmoreceptor destruction (blunted AVP and thirst responses at all plasma osmolalities), (3) total osmoreceptor destruction (absent AVP secretion and thirst regardless of plasma osmolality), and (4) selective dysfunction of thirst osmoregulation with intact AVP secretion.145 Regardless of the actual pattern, the hallmark of this disorder is an abnormal thirst response in addition to variable defects in AVP secretion. Because of this, such patients fail to drink sufficiently as their plasma osmolality rises, and as a result, the new set-point for plasma osmolality rises far above the normal thirst threshold. Unlike patients with CDI whose polydipsia maintains their plasma osmolality within normal ranges, patients with osmoreceptor dysfunction typically have osmolalities in the range of 300 to 340 mOsm/kg H2O. This again underscores the critical role played by normal thirst mechanisms in maintaining body fluid homeostasis; intact renal function alone is insufficient to maintain plasma osmolality within normal limits in such cases. The rate of development and the severity of hyperosmolality and hypertonic dehydration in patients with osmoreceptor dysfunction are influenced by a number of factors. First is the ability to maintain some degree of osmotically stimulated thirst and AVP secretion, which will determine the new set-point for plasma osmolality. Second are environmental influences that affect the rate of water output. When physical activity is minimal and ambient temperature is not elevated, the overall rates of renal and insensible water loss are low and the patient’s diet may be sufficient to maintain a relatively normal balance for long periods of time. Anything that increases perspiration, respiration, or urine output greatly accelerates the rate of water loss and thereby uncovers the patient’s inability to mount an appropriate compensatory increase in water intake.14 Under these conditions, severe and even fatal hypernatremia can develop relatively quickly. When the dehydration is only moderate (plasma osmolality 300–330 mOsm/kg H2O), the patient is usually asymptomatic and signs of volume depletion are minimal, but if the dehydration becomes severe, the patient can exhibit symptoms and signs of hypovolemia, including weakness, postural dizziness, paralysis, confusion, coma, azotemia, hypokalemia, hyperglycemia, and secondary hyperaldosteronism (see subsequent section on Clinical Manifestations). In severe cases, there may also be rhabdomyolysis with marked serum elevations in muscle enzymes and occasionally acute renal failure. However, a third factor also influences the degree of hyperosmolality and dehydration present in these patients. For all cases of osmoreceptor dysfunction, it is important to remember that afferent pathways from the brainstem to the hypothalamus remain intact; therefore, these patients will usually have normal AVP and renal concentrating responses to baroreceptor-mediated stimuli such as hypovolemia and hypotension (see Fig. 13–13)149 or to other nonosmotic stimuli such as nausea (see Fig. 13–8).144,148 This has the effect of preventing severe dehydration, because, as hypovolemia develops, this will stimulate AVP secretion via baroreceptive pathways through the brainstem (see Fig. 13–2). Although protective, this effect often causes confusion, because at some times, these patients appear to have DI, yet at other times, they can concentrate their urine quite normally. Nonetheless, the presence of refractory hyperosmolality with absent or inappropriate thirst should alert clinicians to the presence of osmoreceptor dysfunction regardless of apparent normal urine concentration at some times. In a few patients with osmoreceptor dysfunction, forced hydration has been found to lead to hyponatremia in association with inappropriate urine concentration.143,144 This paradoxical defect resembles that seen in the SIADH and has been postulated to be due to two different pathogenic mechanisms. One is continuous or fixed secretion of AVP because of loss

Gestational Diabetes Insipidus Etiology A relative deficiency of plasma AVP can also result from an increase in the rate of AVP metabolism.95,152 This condition has been observed only in pregnancy, and therefore, it is generally referred to as gestational DI. It is due to the action of a circulating enzyme called cysteine aminopeptidase (“oxytocinase” or “vasopressinase”) that is normally produced by the placenta in order to degrade circulating oxytocin and prevent premature uterine contractions.153 Because of the close structural similarity between AVP and oxytocin, this enzyme degrades both peptides. In some patients, plasma levels of oxytocinase/vasopressinase are markedly elevated above those found normally in pregnancy.152,154 In others, however, oxytocinase/vasopressinase levels are relatively normal, but the effect of the increase in AVP metabolism may be exacerbated by an underlying subclinical deficiency of AVP secretion.155 Some of these patients have been noted to have accompanying preeclampsia, acute fatty liver, and coagulopathies, but causal relations between the DI and these abnormalities have not been identified. The relationship of this disorder to the transient NDI of pregnancy156 is not clear.

Pathophysiology The pathophysiology of GDI is similar to that of CDI. The only exception is that the polyuria is usually not corrected by administration of AVP, because this is rapidly degraded just as is endogenous AVP, but it can be controlled by treatment with DDAVP, the AVP V2 receptor agonist that is more resistant to degradation by oxytocinase/vasopressinase.153 It should be remembered that patients with partial CDI in whom only low levels of AVP can be maintained, or patients with compensated NDI in whom the lack of response of the kidney to AVP may be not be absolute, can be relatively asymptomatic with regard polyuria, but with accelerated destruction of AVP during pregnancy, the underlying DI may become manifest. Consequently, patients presenting with GDI should not be assumed so simply have excess oxytocinase/vasopressinase; rather, these patients should be evaluated for other possible underlying pathologic diagnoses (see Table 13–2).155

Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus Etiology Resistance to the antidiuretic action of AVP is usually due to some defect within the kidney, and is commonly referred to

as NDI. It was first recognized in 1945 in several patients 475 with the familial, sex-linked form of the disorder. Subsequently, additional kindreds with the X-linked form of familial NDI were identified. Clinical studies of NDI indicate that symptomatic polyuria is present from birth, plasma AVP levels are normal or elevated, resistance to the antidiuretic effect of AVP can be partial or virtually complete, and the disease affects mostly males and is usually, although not always,157 mild or absent in carrier females. More than 90% of cases of congenital NDI are caused by mutations of the AVP V2 receptor (see review158 and Chapter 40). Most mutations CH 13 occur in the part of the receptor that is highly conserved among species and/or is conserved among similar receptors, for example, homologies with AVP V1a or oxytocin receptors. The effect of some of these mutations on receptor synthesis, processing, trafficking, and function has been studied by in vitro expression.159,160 These types of studies show that the various mutations cause several different defects in cellular processing and function of the receptor but can be classified into four general categories based on differences in transport to the cell surface and AVP binding and/or stimulation of adenylyl cyclase: (1) the mutant receptor is not inserted in the membrane; (2) the mutant receptor is inserted in the membrane but does not bind or respond to AVP; (3) the mutant receptor is inserted in the membrane and binds AVP but does not activate adenylyl cyclase; or (4) the mutant protein is inserted into the membrane and binds AVP but responds subnormally in terms of adenylyl cyclase activation. Several recent studies have shown a relation between the clinical phenotype and the genotype and/or cellular phenotype.159,161 Approximately 10% of the V2 receptor defects causing congenital NDI are believed to be de novo. This high incidence of de novo cases coupled with the large number of mutations that have been identified hinders the clinical use of genetic identification, because it is necessary to sequence the entire open reading frame of the receptor gene rather than short sequences of DNA; nonetheless, use of automated gene sequencing techniques in selected families has been shown to successfully identify mutations in both patients with clinical disease and asymptomatic carriers.162 Although most female carriers of the X-linked V2 receptors defect have no clinical disease, some females have been reported with symptomatic NDI.157 Carriers can have a decreased maximum urine osmolality in response to plasma AVP levels, but are generally asymptomatic because of absence of overt polyuria. Occasionally, a girl manifests severe NDI due to a V2 receptor mutation, which is likely due to inactivation of the normal X chromosome.163 Congenital NDI can also result from mutations of the autosomal gene that codes for AQP2, the protein that forms the water channels in renal medullary collecting tubules. When the proband is a girl, it is likely the defect is a mutation of the AQP2 gene on chromosome 12, Q12–13164 More than 20 different mutations of the AQP2 gene have been described (see review165 and Chapter 40). The patients may be heterozygous for two different recessive mutations166 or homozygous for the same abnormality from both parents.167 Because most of these mutations are recessive, the patients usually do not present with a family history of DI unless consanguinity is present. Functional expression studies of these mutations show that all of them result in varying degrees of reduced water transport, because the mutant aquaporins either are not expressed in normal amounts, are retained in various cellular organelles, or simply do not function effectively as water channels. Regardless of the type of mutation, the phenotype of NDI from AQP2 mutations is identical to that produced by V2 receptor mutations. Some of the defects in cellular routing and water transport can be reversed by treatment with chemicals that act like “chaperones,”168 suggesting that misfolding of the mutant AQP2 may be responsible for misrouting.

Disorders of Water Balance

of the capacity for osmotic inhibition and stimulation of hormone secretion. These observations, as well as electrophysiologic data,41 strongly suggest that the osmoregulatory system is bimodal (i.e., it is composed of inhibitory as well as stimulatory input to the neurohypophysis [see Fig. 13–6]). The other cause of the diluting defect appears to be hypersensitivity to the antidiuretic effects of AVP, because in some patients, urine osmolality may remain high even when the hormone is undetectable.144 Hypodipsia is also a common occurrence in elderly persons in the absence of any overt hypothalamic lesion.150 In such cases, it is not clear whether the defect is in the hypothalamic osmoreceptors, in their projections to the cortex, or in some other regulatory mechanism. However, in most cases, the osmoreceptor is likely not involved, because both basal and stimulated plasma AVP levels have been found to be normal, or even hyperresponsive, in relation to plasma osmolality in aged humans, with the exception of only a few studies that showed decreased plasma levels of AVP relative to plasma osmolality.151



Water retention

AQP2 expression (% of control)

350 250 200 150 100 50 Pr eg na nc y

re na lf ai lu re re na lf ai lu re H ea rt fa ilu re C hr on ic

ob st r

Ac ut e

U rin ar y

H yp er -C a

H yp oK

Li th iu m

C en tra lD I D I+ /+ m ic e

0 C on tro l

CH 13


FIGURE 13–14 Kidney expression of the water channel aquaporin-2 in various animal models of polyuria and water retention. Note that kidney aquaporin-2 expression is uniformly down-regulated relative to levels in controls in all animal models of polyuria, but up-regulated in animal models of inappropriate antidiuresis. DI +/+, genetic diabetes insipidus; Hyper-Ca, hypercalcemia; Hypo-K, hypokalemia; Urinary obstr, ureteral obstruction. (From Nielsen S, Kwon TH, Christensen BM, et al: Physiology and pathophysiology of renal aquaporins. J Am Soc Nephrol 10:647–663, 1999.)

Similar salutary effects of chaperones have been found to reverse defects in cell surface expression and function of selected mutations of the AVP V2 receptor.169 NDI can also be caused by a variety of drugs, diseases, and metabolic disturbances, among them lithium, hypokalemia, and hypercalcemia (see Table 13–2). Some of these disorders (e.g., polycystic kidney disease) act to distort the normal architecture of the kidney and interfere with the normal urine concentration process. However, experimental studies in animal models have suggested that many have in common a down-regulation of AQP2 expression in the renal collecting tubules (Fig. 13–14, see also Chapters 8 and 9).170,171 The polyuria associated with potassium deficiency develops in parallel with decreased expression of kidney AQP2, and repletion of potassium reestablishes the normal urinary concentrating mechanism and normalizes renal expression of AQP2.172 Similarly, hypercalcemia has also been found to be associated with down-regulation of AQP2.173 A low-protein diet diminishes the ability to concentrate the urine primarily by a decreased delivery of urea to the inner medulla, thus decreasing medullary concentration gradient, but rats on a low-protein diet also appear to down-regulate AQP2, which could be an additional component of the decreased ability to concentrate the urine.174 Bilateral urinary tract obstruction causes inability to produce a maximum concentration of the urine, and rat models have demonstrated a down-regulation of AQP2, which persists for several days after release of the obstruction.175 However, it is not yet clear which of these effects on AQP2 expression are primary or secondary and what cellular mechanism(s) are responsible for the downregulation of AQP2 expression. Administration of lithium to treat psychiatric disorders is the most common cause of drug-induced NDI and illustrates the multiple mechanisms likely involved in producing this disorder. As many as 10% to 20% of patients on chronic lithium therapy develop some degree of NDI.176 Lithium is known to interfere with the production of cAMP177 and produces a dramatic (95%) reduction in kidney AQP2 levels in animals.178 The defect of aquaporins is slow to correct both in experimental animals and in humans, and in some cases, it can be permanent179 in association with glomerular or tubulointerstitial nephropathy.180 Several other drugs that are known to induce renal concentrating defects have also been associated with abnormalities of AQP2 synthesis.181

Pathophysiology Similar to CDI, renal insensitivity to the antidiuretic effect of AVP also results in the excretion of an increased volume of dilute urine, a decrease in body water, and a rise in plasma osmolality, which by stimulating thirst induces a compensatory increase in water intake. As a consequence, the osmolality of body fluid stabilizes at a slightly higher level that approximates the osmotic threshold for thirst. As in patients with CDI, the magnitude of polyuria and polydipsia varies greatly depending on a number of factors, including the degree of renal insensitivity to AVP, individual differences in the set-points and sensitivity of thirst and AVP secretion, as well as total solute load. It is important to note that the renal insensitivity to AVP need not be complete for polyuria to occur; it is only necessary that the defect is great enough to prevent concentration of the urine at plasma AVP levels achievable under ordinary conditions of ad libitum water intake (i.e., at plasma osmolalities near the osmotic threshold for thirst). Calculations similar to those used for states of AVP deficiency indicate that this requirement is not met until the renal sensitivity to AVP is reduced by more than 10-fold. Because renal insensitivity to the hormone is often incomplete, especially in cases of acquired rather than congenital NDI, many patients with NDI are able to concentrate their urine to varying degrees when they are deprived of water or given large doses of DDAVP. New knowledge about the renal concentration mechanism from studies of AQP2 expression in experimental animals (see Chapters 8 and 9) has suggested that a form of NDI is likely associated with all types of DI, as well as with primary polydipsia. Brattleboro rats have been found to have low levels of kidney AQP2 expression compared to Long-Evans control rats; AQP2 levels are corrected by treatment with AVP or DDAVP, but this process takes 3 to 5 days, during which time urine concentration remains subnormal despite pharmacologic concentrations of AVP.182 Similarly, physiologic suppression of AVP by chronic overadministration of water produces a down-regulation of AQP2 in the renal collecting duct.182 Clinically, it is well known that patients with both CDI and primary polydipsia often fail to achieve maximally concentrated urine when they are given DDAVP during a water deprivation test to differentiate among the various causes of DI. This effect has long been attributed to a “washout” of the medullary concentration gradient as a result of the high urine flow rates in polyuric patients, but based

on the results of animal studies, it seems certain that at least part of the decreased response to AVP is due to a downregulation of kidney AQP2 expression. This also explains why it takes time, typically several days, to restore normal urinary concentration after patients with primary polydipsia and CDI are treated with water restriction or antidiuretic therapy.183

Primary Polydipsia Etiology

Pathophysiology The pathophysiology of primary polydipsia is essentially the reverse of that in CDI: The excessive intake of water expands and slightly dilutes body fluids, suppresses AVP secretion, and dilutes the urine. The resultant increase in the rate of water excretion balances the increase in intake, and the osmolality of body water stabilizes at a new, slightly lower level that approximates the osmotic threshold for AVP secretion. The magnitude of the polyuria and polydipsia varies considerably, depending on the nature or intensity of the stimulus to drink. In patients with abnormal thirst, the polydipsia and polyuria are relatively constant from day to day. However, in patients with psychogenic polydipsia, water intake and urine output tend to fluctuate widely, and at times can be quite large.

Disorders of Water Balance

Excessive fluid intake also causes hypotonic polyuria and, by definition, polydipsia. Consequently, this disorder must be differentiated from the various causes of DI. Furthermore, it is apparent that despite normal pituitary and kidney function, patients with this disorder share many characteristics of both CDI (i.e., AVP secretion is suppressed as a result of the decreased plasma osmolality) and NDI (kidney AQP2 expression is decreased as a result of the suppressed plasma AVP levels). Many different names have been used to describe patients with excessive fluid intake, but primary polydipsia remains the best descriptor, because it does not presume any particular etiology for the increased fluid intake. Primary polydipsia is often due to a severe mental illness such as schizophrenia, mania, or an obsessive-compulsive disorder,184 in which case, it is called psychogenic polydipsia. These patients usually deny true thirst and attribute their polydipsia to bizarre motives such as a need to cleanse their body of poisons. Series of polydipsic patients in psychiatric hospital have shown an incidence as high as 42% of patients with some form of polydipsia, and in most reported cases, there is no obvious explanation for the polydipsia.185 However, primary polydipsia can also be caused by an abnormality in the osmoregulatory control of thirst, in which case it has been termed dipsogenic DI.186 These patients have no overt psychiatric illness and invariably attribute their polydipsia to a nearly constant thirst. Dipsogenic DI is usually idiopathic, but it can also be secondary to organic structural lesions in the hypothalamus identical to any of the disorders described as causes of CDI, such as neurosarcoidosis of the hypothalamus, tuberculous meningitis, multiple sclerosis, or trauma. Consequently, all polydipsic patients should be evaluated with an MRI scan of the brain before concluding that excessive water intake is due to an idiopathic or psychiatric cause. Primary polydipsia can also be produced by drugs that cause a dry mouth or by any peripheral disorder causing pathologic elevations of renin and/or angiotensin.107 Finally, primary polydipsia is sometimes caused by physicians, nurses, lay practitioners, or health writers who recommend a high fluid intake for valid (e.g., recurrent nephrolithiasis) or unsubstantiated reasons of health.187 These patients lack overt signs of mental illness but also deny thirst and usually attribute their polydipsia to habits acquired from years of adherence to their drinking regimen.

Occasionally, fluid intake rises to such extraordinary levels 477 that the excretory capacity of the kidneys is exceeded and dilutional hyponatremia develops.188 There is little question that excessive water intake alone can sometimes be sufficient to override renal excretory capacity and produce severe hyponatremia. Although the water excretion rate of normal adult kidneys can generally exceed 20 L/day, maximum hourly rates rarely exceed 1000 mL/hr. Because many psychiatric patients drink predominantly during the day or during intense drinking binges,189 they can transiently achieve symptomatic levels of hyponatremia with total daily volumes of CH 13 water intake under 20 L if it is ingested sufficiently rapidly. This likely accounts for many of the cases in which such patients present with maximally dilute urine, accounting for as many as 50% of patients in some studies, and correct quickly via a free water diuresis.190 The prevalence of this disorder based on hospital admissions for acute symptomatic hyponatremia may have been underestimated, because studies of polydipsic psychiatric patients have shown a marked diurnal variation in serum Na+ (from 141 mEq/L at 7 AM to 130 mEq/L at 4 PM), suggesting that many such patients drink excessively during the daytime but then correct themselves via a water diuresis at night.191 This and other considerations have led to defining this disorder as the psychosis, intermittent hyponatremia, polydipsia (PIP) syndrome.189 However, many other cases of hyponatremia with psychogenic polydipsia have been found to meet the criteria for a diagnosis of SIADH, suggesting the presence of nonosmotically stimulated AVP secretion. As might be expected, in the face of much higher than normal water intakes, virtually any impairment of urinary dilution and water excretion can exacerbate the development of a positive water balance and thereby produce hypoosmolality. Acute psychosis itself can also cause AVP secretion,192 which often appears to take the form of a reset osmostat.184 It is therefore apparent that no single mechanism can completely explain the occurrence of hyponatremia in polydipsic psychiatric patients, but the combination of higher than normal water intakes plus modest elevations of plasma AVP levels from a variety of potential sources appears to account for a significant portion of such cases.

Clinical Manifestations The characteristic clinical symptoms of DI are the polyuria and polydipsia that result from the underlying impairment of urinary concentrating mechanisms, which have already been covered in the previous section discussing pathophysiology of specific types of DI. Interestingly, patients with DI typically describe a craving for cold water, which appears to quench their thirst better.64 Patients with CDI also typically describe a precipitous onset of their polyuria and polydipsia, which simply reflects the fact that urinary concentration can be maintained fairly well until the number of AVP-producing neurons in the hypothalamus decreases to 10% to 15% of normal, after which plasma AVP levels decrease to the range at which urine output increases dramatically. However, patients with DI, and particularly those with osmoreceptor dysfunction syndromes, can also present with varying degrees of hyperosmolality and dehydration, depending on their overall hydration status. It is therefore important to be aware of the clinical manifestations of hyperosmolality as well. These can be divided into the signs and symptoms produced by dehydration, which are largely cardiovascular, and those caused by the hyperosmolality itself, which are predominantly neurologic and reflect brain dehydration as a result of osmotic water shifts out of the central nervous system (CNS). Cardiovascular manifestations of hypertonic dehydration include hypotension, azotemia, acute tubular necrosis secondary to renal hypoperfusion or

193,194 Neurologic manifestations 478 rhabdomyolysis, and shock. range from nonspecific symptoms such as irritability and cognitive dysfunction to more severe manifestations of hypertonic encephalopathy such as disorientation, decreased level of consciousness, obtundation, chorea, seizures, coma, focal neurologic deficits, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and cerebral infarction.193,195 The severity of symptoms can be roughly correlated with the degree of hyperosmolality, but individual variability is marked, and for any single patient, the level of serum Na+ at which symptoms will appear cannot be accuCH 13 rately predicted. Similar to hypoosmolar syndromes, the length of time over which hyperosmolality develops can markedly affect the clinical symptomatology. Rapid development of severe hyperosmolality is frequently associated with marked neurologic symptoms, whereas gradual development over several days or weeks generally causes milder symptoms.193–196 In this case, the brain counteracts osmotic shrinkage by increasing intracellular content of solutes. These include electrolytes such as potassium and a variety of organic osmolytes, which previously had been called “idiogenic osmoles”; for the most part, these are the same organic osmolytes that are lost from the brain during adaptation to hypoosmolality.197 The net effect of this process is to protect the brain against excessive shrinkage during sustained hyperosmolality. However, once the brain has adapted by increasing its solute content, rapid correction of the hyperosmolality can produce brain edema, because it takes a finite time (24– 48 hr in animal studies) to dissipate the accumulated solutes, and until this process has been completed, the brain will accumulate excess water as plasma osmolality is normalized.198 This effect is most often seen in dehydrated pediatric patients who can develop seizures with rapid rehydration,199 but it has been described only rarely in adults, including the most severely hyperosmolar patients with nonketotic hyperglycemic hyperosmolar coma.

Differential Diagnosis Before beginning involved diagnostic testing to differentiate among the various forms of DI and primary polydipsia, the presence of true hypotonic polyuria should be established by measurement of a 24-hour urine for volume and osmolality. Generally accepted standards are that 24-hour urine volume should exceed 50 mL/kg BW with an osmolality less than 300 mOsm/kg H2O.200 Simultaneously, there should be a determination of whether the polyuria is due to an osmotic

Primary Polydipsia n = 26

Urine osmolality (mOsm/kg)


Post AVP Dehydrated or dDAVP

agent such as glucose, or intrinsic renal disease. Routine laboratory studies and the clinical setting will generally distinguish these disorders; diabetes mellitus and other forms of solute diuresis usually can be excluded by the history, a routine urinalysis for glucose, or measurement of the solute excretion rate (urine osmolality x urine volume in liters ∆HCO3−).


CH 14

TABLE 14–5

Respiratory Acid-Base Disorders

Alkalosis Central nervous system stimulation Pain Anxiety, psychosis Fever Cerebrovascular accident Meningitis, encephalitis Tumor Trauma Hypoxemia or tissue hypoxia High altitude, ↓ PaCO2 Pneumonia, pulmonary edema Aspiration Severe anemia Drugs or hormones Pregnancy, progesterone Salicylates Nikethamide Stimulation of chest receptors Hemothorax Flail chest Cardiac failure Pulmonary embolism Miscellaneous Septicemia Hepatic failure Mechanical hyperventilation Heat exposure Recovery from metabolic acidosis

vasodilating effects of CO2 can cause headaches and other signs that mimic increased intracranial pressure, such as papilledema, abnormal reflexes, and focal muscle weakness. The causes of respiratory acidosis are displayed in Table 14–5 (right column). A reduction in ventilatory drive from depression of the respiratory center by a variety of drugs, injury, or disease can produce respiratory acidosis. Acutely, this may occur with general anesthetics, sedatives, βadrenergic blockers, and head trauma. Chronic causes of respiratory center depression include sedatives, alcohol, intracranial tumors, and the syndromes of sleep-disordered breathing, including the primary alveolar and obesityhypoventilation syndromes. Neuromuscular disorders involving abnormalities or disease in the motor neurons, neuromuscular junction, and skeletal muscle can cause hypoventilation. Although a number of diseases should be considered in the differential diagnosis, drugs and electrolyte disorders should always be ruled out. Mechanical ventilation when not properly adjusted and supervised may result in respiratory acidosis. This occurs if carbon dioxide production suddenly rises (because of fever, agitation, sepsis, or overfeeding) or if alveolar ventilation falls because of worsening pulmonary function. High levels of positive end-expiratory pressure in the presence of reduced cardiac output may cause hypercapnia as a result of large increases in alveolar dead space. Permissive hypercapnia has been utilized in the critical care setting with increasing frequency with the rationale of mitigating the barotrauma and volutrauma associated with high airways pressure and peak airways pressure in mechanically ventilated patients with respiratory distress syndrome.23,24 Acute hypercapnia of any cause can lead to severe acidemia, neurologic dysfunction, and death. However, when carbon dioxide levels are allowed to increase gradually, the resulting acidosis is less severe, and the elevation in arterial PCO2 is tolerated more readily. Although hypercapnia is not the goal of this approach, but secondary to the attempt to limit airway pressures, the arterial pH will decline, and the degree of acidemia may be called to the attention of the nephrologist

Acidosis Central Drugs (anesthetics, morphine, sedatives) Stroke Infection Airway Obstruction Asthma Parenchyma Emphysema/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Pneumoconiosis Bronchitis Adult respiratory distress syndrome Barotrauma Mechanical ventilation Hypoventilation Permissive hypercapnia Neuromuscular Poliomyelitis Kyphoscoliosis Myasthenia Muscular dystrophies Multiple sclerosis Miscellaneous Obesity Hypoventilation

intensivist. Furthermore, the magnitude of the acidemia associated with permissive hypercapnia may be augmented if superimposed on metabolic acidosis, such as lactic acid acidosis. This combination is not uncommon in the setting of the critical care unit. Bicarbonate therapy may be indicated with mixed metabolic acidosis–respiratory acidosis, but the goal of therapy with alkali is to not raise the bicarbonate and pH to normal. With low tidal volume ventilation, a reasonable therapeutic target for arterial pH is approximately 7.30.23 Moreover, with hypercapnia in the range of 60 mm Hg, a larger amount of bicarbonate will be necessary to achieve this goal. Bicarbonate administration will further increase the PCO2, especially in patients on fixed rates of ventilation, and add to the magnitude of the hypercapnia. Use of a continuous bicarbonate infusion in this setting should be avoided if possible. Disease and obstruction of the airways, when severe or long-standing, causes respiratory acidosis. Acute hypercapnia follows sudden occlusion of the upper airway or the more generalized bronchospasm that occurs with severe asthma, anaphylaxis, and inhalational burn or toxin injury. Chronic hypercapnia and respiratory acidosis occur in end-stage obstructive lung disease.3 Restrictive disorders involving both the chest wall and the lungs can cause acute and chronic hypercapnia. Rapidly progressing restrictive processes in the lung can lead to respiratory acidosis because the high cost of breathing causes ventilatory muscle fatigue. Intrapulmonary and extrapulmonary restrictive defects present as chronic respiratory acidosis in their most advanced stages. The diagnosis of respiratory acidosis requires, by definition, the measurement of arterial PaCO2 and pH. Detailed history and physical examination often provide important diagnostic clues to the nature and duration of the acidosis. When a diagnosis of respiratory acidosis is made, its cause should be investigated. Pulmonary function studies, including spirometry, diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide, lung volumes, and arterial PaCO2 and oxygen saturation usually provide adequate assessment of whether respiratory acidosis

Respiratory Alkalosis Alveolar hyperventilation decreases PaCO2 and increases the HCO3−/ PaCO2 ratio, thus increasing pH (alkalemia). Nonbicarbonate cellular buffers respond by consuming HCO3−. Hypocapnia develops whenever a sufficiently strong ventilatory stimulus causes CO2 output in the lungs to exceed its metabolic production by tissues. Plasma pH and HCO3− concentration appear to vary proportionately with PaCO2 over a range from 40 to 15 mmHg. The relationship between arterial hydrogen ion concentration and PaCO2 is about 0.7 nmol/L/ mm Hg (or 0.01 pH unit/mm Hg) and that for plasma [HCO3−] is 0.2 mEq/L/mm Hg, or the [HCO3−] will decrease ∼2 mEq/L for each 10 mm Hg.2 Beyond 2 to 6 hours, sustained hypocapnia is further compensated by a decrease in renal ammonium and titrable acid excretion and a reduction in filtered HCO3− reabsorption. The full expression of renal adaptation may take several days and depends on a normal volume status and renal function. The kidneys appear to respond directly to the lowered PaCO2 rather than the alkalemia per se. A 1 mm Hg fall in PaCO2 causes a 0.4 to 0.5 mEq/L drop in HCO3− and a 0.3 nmol/L fall (or 0.003 unit rise in pH) in hydrogen ion concentration, or the [HCO3−] will decrease 4 mEq/L for each 10 mm Hg decrease in PaCO2.2 The effects of respiratory alkalosis vary according to duration and severity but, in general, are primarily those of the underlying disease. A rapid decline in PaCO2 may cause dizziness, mental confusion, and seizures, even in the absence of hypoxemia, as a consequence of reduced cerebral blood flow. The cardiovascular effects of acute hypocapnia in the awake human are generally minimal, but in the anesthetized or mechanically ventilated patient, cardiac output and blood pressure may fall because of the depressant effects of anesthesia and positive-pressure ventilation on heart rate, systemic resistance, and venous return. Cardiac rhythm disturbances may occur in patients with coronary artery disease as a result of changes in oxygen unloading by blood

from a left shift in the hemoglobin-oxygen dissociation 519 curve (Bohr effect). Acute respiratory alkalosis causes minor intracellular shifts of sodium, potassium, and phosphate and reduces serum-free calcium by increasing the proteinbound fraction. Hypocapnia-induced hypokalemia is usually minor.2 Respiratory alkalosis is the most common acid-base disturbance encountered in critically ill patients and, when severe, portends a poor prognosis. Many cardiopulmonary disorders manifest respiratory alkalosis in their early to intermediate stages. Hyperventilation usually results in hypocapnia. The CH 14 finding of normocapnia and hypoxemia may herald the onset of rapid respiratory failure and should prompt an assessment to determine whether the patient is becoming fatigued. Respiratory alkalosis is a common occurrence during mechanical ventilation. The causes of respiratory alkalosis are summarized in Table 14–5 (left column). The hyperventilation syndrome may mimic a number of serious conditions and be disabling. Paresthesias, circumoral numbness, chest wall tightness or pain, dizziness, inability to take an adequate breath, and rarely, tetany may be themselves sufficiently stressful to perpetuate a vicious circle. ABG analysis demonstrates an acute or chronic respiratory alkalosis, often with hypocapnia in the range of 15 to 30 mm Hg and no hypoxemia. Central nervous system diseases or injury can produce several patterns of hyperventilation with sustained arterial PaCO2 levels of 20 to 30 mm Hg. Conditions such as hyperthyroidism, high caloric loads, and exercise raise the basal metabolic rate, but usually, ventilation rises in proportion so that ABGs are unchanged and respiratory alkalosis does not develop. Salicylates, the most common cause of drug-induced respiratory alkalosis, stimulate the medullary chemoreceptor directly. The methylxanthine drugs, theophylline and aminophylline, stimulate ventilation and increase the ventilatory response to carbon dioxide. High progesterone levels increase ventilation and decrease the arterial PaCO2 by as much as 5 to 10 mm Hg. Thus, chronic respiratory alkalosis is an expected feature of pregnancy. Respiratory alkalosis is a prominent feature in liver failure, and its severity correlates well with the degree of hepatic insufficiency and mortality. Respiratory alkalosis is common in patients with gram-negative septicemia, and it is often an early finding, before fever, hypoxemia, and hypotension develop. It is presumed that some bacterial product or toxin acts as a respiratory center stimulant, but the precise mechanism remains unknown. The diagnosis of respiratory alkalosis requires measurement of arterial pH and PaCO2 (higher and lower than normal, respectively). The plasma potassium concentration is often reduced, and the serum chloride concentration increased. In the acute phase, respiratory alkalosis is not associated with increased renal bicarbonate excretion, but within hours, net acid excretion is reduced. In general, the bicarbonate concentration falls by 2.0 mEq/L for each 10 mm Hg decrease in PaCO2. Chronic hypocapnia reduces the serum bicarbonate concentration by 5.0 mEq/L for each 10 mm Hg decrease in PaCO2. It is unusual to observe a plasma bicarbonate concentration below 12 mEq/L as a result of a pure respiratory alkalosis. When a diagnosis of hyperventilation or respiratory alkalosis is made, its cause should be investigated. The diagnosis of hyperventilation syndrome is made by exclusion. In difficult cases, it may be important to rule out other conditions such as pulmonary embolism, coronary artery disease, and hyperthyroidism. The treatment of respiratory alkalosis is primarily directed toward alleviation of the underlying disorder. Because respiratory alkalosis is rarely life-threatening, direct measures to correct it will be unsuccessful if the stimulus remains unchecked. If respiratory alkalosis complicates ventilator

Disorders of Acid-Base Balance

is secondary to lung disease. Workup for nonpulmonary causes should include a detailed drug history, measurement of hematocrit, and assessment of upper airway, chest wall, pleura, and neuromuscular function.3 The treatment of respiratory acidosis depends on its severity and rate of onset. Acute respiratory acidosis can be lifethreatening, and measures to reverse the underlying cause should be simultaneous with restoration of adequate alveolar ventilation to relieve severe hypoxemia and acidemia. Temporarily, this may necessitate tracheal intubation and assisted mechanical ventilation. Oxygen should be carefully titrated in patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic CO2 retention who are breathing spontaneously. When oxygen is used injudiciously, these patients may experience progression of the respiratory acidosis. Aggressive and rapid correction of hypercapnia should be avoided because the falling PaCO2 may provoke the same complications noted with acute respiratory alkalosis (i.e., cardiac arrhythmias, reduced cerebral perfusion, and seizures). It is advisable to lower the PaCO2 gradually in chronic respiratory acidosis, aiming to restore the PaCO2 to baseline levels while at the same time providing sufficient chloride and potassium to enhance the renal excretion of bicarbonate.3 Chronic respiratory acidosis is frequently difficult to correct, but general measures aimed at maximizing lung function with cessation of smoking, use of oxygen, bronchodilators, corticosteroids, diuretics, and physiotherapy can help some patients and can forestall further deterioration. The use of respiratory stimulants may prove useful in selected cases, particularly if the patient appears to have hypercapnia out of proportion to his or her level of lung function.

520 management, changes in dead space, tidal volume, and frequency can minimize the hypocapnia. Patients with the hyperventilation syndrome may benefit from reassurance, rebreathing from a paper bag during symptomatic attacks, and attention to underlying psychologic stress. Antidepressants and sedatives are not recommended, although in a few patients, β-adrenergic blockers may help to ameliorate distressing peripheral manifestations of the hyperadrenergic state. CH 14

METABOLIC DISORDERS Metabolic Acidosis Metabolic acidosis occurs as a result of a marked increase in endogenous production of acid (such as L-lactic acid and keto acids), loss of HCO3− or potential HCO3− salts (diarrhea or renal tubular acidosis [RTA]), or progressive accumulation of endogenous acids, when excretion is impaired because of renal insufficiency.19 The AG, when corrected for the prevailing albumin concentration (Equation 28),20,21 serves a useful role in the initial differentiation of the metabolic acidoses and should always be calculated. A metabolic acidosis with a normal AG (hyperchloremic, or non-AG acidosis) suggests that HCO3− has been effectively replaced by Cl−. Thus, the AG will not change. In contrast, metabolic acidosis with a high AG (see Table 14–3) indicates addition of an acid other than hydrochloric acid or its equivalent to the ECF. If the attendant non-Cl− acid anion cannot be readily excreted and is retained after HCO3− titration, the anion replaces titrated HCO3− without disturbing the Cl− concentration (Equation 29). Hence, the acidosis is normochloremic and the AG increases. The relationship between the rate of addition to the blood of a non–Cl−containing acid, and the rate of excretion of the accompanying anion with secondary Cl− retention determines whether the resultant metabolic acidosis is expressed as a high AG or hyperchloremic variety.19,20

Hyperchloremic (Normal Anion Gap) Metabolic Acidoses The diverse clinical disorders that may result in a hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis are outlined in Table 14–6. Because a reduced plasma HCO3− and elevated Cl− concentration may also occur in chronic respiratory alkalosis, it is important to confirm the acidemia by measuring arterial pH. Hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis occurs most often as a result of loss of HCO3− from the gastrointestinal tract or as a result of a renal acidification defect. The majority of disorders in this category can be reduced to two major causes: (1) loss of bicarbonate from the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea) or from the kidney (proximal RTA) or (2) inappropriately low renal acid excretion (classic distal RTA [cDRTA], or renal failure). Hypokalemia may accompany both gastrointestinal loss of HCO3− and proximal and cDRTA. Therefore, the major challenge in distinguishing these causes is to be able to define whether the response of renal tubular function to the prevailing acidosis is appropriate (gastrointestinal origin) or inappropriate (renal origin). Diarrhea results in the loss of large quantities of HCO3− and HCO3− decomposed by reaction with organic acids. Because diarrheal stools contain a higher concentration of HCO3− and decomposed HCO3− than plasma, volume depletion and metabolic acidosis develop. Hypokalemia exists because large quantities of K+ are lost from stool and because volume depletion causes elaboration of renin and aldosterone, enhancing renal K+ secretion. Instead of an acid urine pH as might be logically anticipated with chronic diarrhea, a pH of 6.0 or more may be found. This occurs because chronic metabolic acidosis and hypokalemia increase renal NH4+

TABLE 14–6

Differential Diagnosis of Hyperchloremic Metabolic Acidosis

Gastrointestinal bicarbonate loss Diarrhea External pancreatic or small bowel drainage Uterosigmoidostomy, jejunal loop Drugs Calcium chloride (acidifying agent) Magnesium sulfate (diarrhea) Cholestyramine (bile acid diarrhea) Renal acidosis Hypokalemia Proximal RTA (type II) Distal (classic) RTA (type I) Hyperkalemia Generalized distal nephron dysfunction (type IV RTA) Mineralocorticoid deficiency Mineralocorticoid resistance (PHA I—autosomal dominant) Voltage defects (PHA I—autosomal recessive) PHA II ↓ Na+ delivery to distal nephron Tubulointerstitial disease Drug-induced hyperkalemia Potassium-sparing diuretics (amiloride, triamterene, spironolactone) Trimethoprim Pentamidine ACE inhibitors and ARBs NSAIDs Cyclosporine, tacrolimus Normokalemia Early renal insufficiency Other Acid loads (ammonium chloride, hyperalimentation) Loss of potential bicarbonate: ketosis with ketone excretion Dilution acidosis (rapid saline administration) Hippurate Cation exchange resins ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARBs, angiotensin II receptor blockers; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; PHA, pseudohypoaldosteronism.

synthesis and excretion, thus providing more urinary buffer, accommodating an increase in urine pH. Therefore, the urine pH may not be less than 5.5. Nevertheless, metabolic acidosis caused by gastrointestinal losses with a high urine pH can be differentiated from RTA. Because urinary NH4+ excretion is typically low in RTA and high in patients with diarrhea,5,6,25 the level of urinary NH4+ excretion (not usually measured by clinical laboratories) in metabolic acidosis can be assessed indirectly6 by calculating the urine anion gap (UAG): UAG = [Na+ + K+]u − [Cl−]u


where u denotes the urine concentration of these electrolytes. The rationale for using the UAG as a surrogate for ammonium excretion is that, in chronic metabolic acidosis, ammonium excretion should be elevated if renal tubular function is intact. Because ammonium is a cation, it should balance part of the negative charge of chloride in the previous expression. Therefore, the UAG should become progressively negative as the rate of ammonium excretion increases in response to acidosis or to acid loading.6,19 Because NH4+ can be assumed to be present if the sum of the major cations (Na+ + K+) is less than the sum of major anions in urine, a negative UAG (usually in the range of −20 to −50 mEq/L) provides evidence that sufficient NH4+ is present in the urine, as might obtain with an extrarenal origin of the hyperchloremic acidosis. Conversely, urine estimated to contain little or no NH4+ has more Na+ + K+ than Cl− (UAG is positive)6,19,25 and would

suggest a renal mechanism for the hyperchloremic acidosis, such as in cDRTA (with hypokalemia) or hypoaldosteronism with hyperkalemia. Note that this qualitative test is useful only in the differential diagnosis of a hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis. If the patient has ketonuria or drug anions in large quantity (penicillins or aspirin) in the urine, the test is not reliable. In this situation, the urinary ammonium (UNH4+) may be estimated additionally from the measured urine osmolality (Uosm), urine [Na+ + K+], which will take into account the salts of ß-hydroxybutyrate and other keto acids, and urine urea and glucose (all expressed in mmol/L): (31)

Urinary ammonium concentrations of 75 mEq/L or more would be anticipated if renal tubular function is intact and the kidney is responding to the prevailing metabolic acidosis by increasing ammonium production and excretion. Conversely, values below 25 mEq/L denote inappropriately low urinary ammonium concentrations. In addition to the UAG, the fractional excretion of Na+ may be helpful and would be expected to be low (50%)

Na+ Na+i

Renal insufficiency (70%)


Diabetes mellitus (50%)

TABLE 14–14

K+i K+

Isolated Hypoaldosteronism in the Critically Ill Patient

Elevated adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol levels in association with a decrease in aldosterone elaboration Inhibition of aldosterone synthase Heparin Hypoxia Cytokines Atrial natriuretic peptide Manifestations of hypoaldosteronism Hyperkalemia Metabolic acidosis Potentiated by K+-sparing diuretics, K+ loads in parenteral nutrition, or heparin

Impaired ammonium excretion is the combined result of hyperkalemia, impaired ammoniagenesis, a reduction in nephron mass, reduced proton secretion, and impaired transport of ammonium by nephron segments in the inner medulla.6,25,58 Hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis occurs in approximately 50% of patients with hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism. Drugs, which may result in similar manifestations, are reviewed later. Isolated Hypoaldosteronism in Critically Ill Patients Isolated hypoaldosteronism, which may occur in critically ill patients, particularly in the setting of severe sepsis or cardiogenic shock, is manifest by markedly elevated ACTH and cortisol levels in concert with a decrease in aldosterone elaboration in response to angiotensin II. This may be secondary to selective inhibition of aldosterone synthase as a result of hypoxia or in response to cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α or interleukin (IL)-1 or, alternatively, as a result of high circulating levels of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP).6,25,59 ANP, a powerful suppressor of aldosterone secretion, may be elevated in congestive heart failure (CHF), with atrial arrhythmias, in subclinical cardiac disease, and in volume expansion. The tendency to manifest the features of hypoaldosteronism, including hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis, is often potentiated by the administration of potassium-sparing diuretics or potassium loads in parenteral nutrition solutions or as a result of heparin administration. The latter suppresses aldosterone synthesis in the critically ill patient (Table 14–14). Resistance to Mineralocorticoid and Voltage Defects Autosomal dominant pseudohypoaldosteronism type I (PHA) is the prototypical example of renal resistance to aldosterone

CCT (principal cell) Figure 14–8 Examples of “voltage” defects in the CCT causing abnormal Na+ transport (and K+ secretion) across the apical membrane of a principal cell: (1) the Na+ channel (ENaC) is blocked or occupied by amiloride, trimethoprim, or pentamidine or is inoperative (autosomal recessive PHA-I), and (2) inhibition of basolateral Na+,K+-ATPase activity by calcineurin-cyclosporine (CSA). As a consequence of impaired Na+ uptake, transepithelial K+ secretion is compromised, leading to hyperkalemia. The pathogenesis of metabolic acidosis, when present, is the result of the unfavorable voltage (which impairs H+ secretion by the type A intercalated cell, not shown) or the inhibition of NH4+ production and transport and the H+,K+-ATPase as a consequence of hyperkalemia.

action. This disorder, which is clinically less severe than the autosomal recessive form discussed later, is associated with hyperkalemia (which can be attributed to impaired potassium secretion), renal salt wasting, elevated levels of renin and aldosterone, and hypotension. Physiologic mineralocorticoid replacement therapy does not correct the hyperkalemia. The autosomal dominant disorder has been shown to be the result of a mutation in the intracellular mineralocorticoid receptor (hMR) in the collecting tubule.60 Unlike the autosomal recessive disorder, this defect is not expressed in organs other than the kidney and becomes less severe with advancing age. Because the decrease in mineralocortoid reduces apical Na+ absorption and activity of the epithelial sodium channel (EnaC), transepithelial potential difference declines and K+ secretion is impaired. The prototype for a “voltage” defect is autosomal recessive PHA I (Fig. 14–8). This disorder is the result of a loss of function mutation of the gene that encodes one of the subunits of the α, β, or γ subunit of the ENaC.61–65 Children with this disorder have severe hyperkalemia and renal salt wasting because of impaired sodium absorption in principal cells of the CCT. In addition, the hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis may be severe and is associated with hypotension and marked elevations of plasma renin and aldosterone. These children also manifest vomiting, hyponatremia, failure to thrive, and respiratory distress. The latter is due to involvement of ENaC in the alveolus, preventing Na+ and water absorption in the lungs.64,66 Patients with this disease respond to a high salt intake and correction of the hyperkalemia. Unlike the autosomal dominant form, autosomal recessive PHA I persists throughout life. A number of additional adult patients have been reported with a rare form of autosomal dominant low-renin

Disorders of Acid-Base Balance

Cardiac disorders Arrhythmia (25%) Hypertension (75%) Congestive heart failure (50%)

CH 14

530 hypertension, which is invariably associated with hyperkalemia, hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis, mild volume expansion, normal renal function, and low aldosterone levels. This syndrome has been designated familial hyperkalemic hypertension, but is also known as pseudohypoaldosteronism type II (PHA II),67 or Gordon’s syndrome. Lifton’s group68,69 identified two genes causing PHA II. Both genes encode members of the WNK family of serine-threonine kinases. WNK1 and WNK4 localize to the CCT. WNK4 negatively regulates surface expression of the Na+-Cl− co-transporter in the connecting 69 CH 14 tubule (NCCT). Loss of regulation of NCCT by WNK4 mutation appears to result in an increase in NCCT function, volume expansion, shunting of voltage, and therefore, reduced K+ secretion in the CCT.69–71 PHA II may be distinguished from selective hypoaldosteronism by the presence of normal renal function and hypertension, the absence of diabetes mellitus and salt wasting, and a kaliuretic response to mineralocorticoids. The acidosis in these patients is mild and can be accounted for by the magnitude of hyperkalemia; the acidosis and renal potassium excretion are resistant to mineralocorticoid administration. Thiazide diuretics consistently correct the hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis, as well as the hypertension, plasma aldosterone, and plasma renin levels. Secondary Renal Diseases Associated with Acquired Voltage Defects In addition to the previous discussion on inherited voltage defects, Table 14–15 outlines a number of acquired renal disorders due to drugs or tubulointerstitial diseases, which are often associated with hyperkalemia.25 Examples of the former include amiloride and the structurally related compounds, trimethoprim (TMP), and pentamidine. As discussed earlier, this explains the occurrence of hyperkalemic hyperchloremic acidosis in patients receiving higher doses of these agents. TMP and pentamidine occupy the Na+ channel, as does amiloride, causing hyperkalemia, which contributes to the acidosis. Additional drugs not related to amiloride include cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitors, cyclosporine, tacrolimus, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory durgs (NSAIDs).72,73 In these disorders, the frequency with which hyperkalemia is associated with metabolic acidosis and decreased net acid excretion as a result of impaired ammonium production or excretion cannot be presumed to be a result of the severity of

TABLE 14–15

Causes of Drug-induced Hyperkalemia

Impaired renin-aldosterone elaboration/function Cyclooxygenase inhibitors (NSAIDs) β-Adrenergic antagonists Spironolactone Converting-enzyme inhibitors and ARBs Heparin Inhibitors of renal potassium secretion Potassium-sparing diuretics (amiloride, triamterine) Trimethoprim Pentamidine Cyclosporine Digitalis overdose Lithium Altered potassium distribution Insulin antagonists (somatostatin, diazoxide) β-Adrenergic antagonists α-Adrenergic agonists Hypertonic solutions Digitalis Succinylcholine Arginine hydrochloride, lysine hydrochloride

impairment in renal function. Hyperkalemia which is out of proportion to the degree of renal insufficiency is typically observed with the nephropathies associated with sickle cell, HIV disease, systemic lupus erythematosis, obstructive uropathy; acute and chronic renal allograph rejection, hypoaldosteronism, multiple myeloma, and amyloidosis.25,74 Tubulointerstitial disease with hyperkalemia and hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis with or without salt wasting may be associated with analgesic abuse, sickle cell disease, obstructive uropathy, nephrolithiasis, nephrocalcinosis, and hyperuricemia.25 Hyperkalemic Distal Renal Tubular Acidosis A generalized defect in CCD secretory function that results in hyperkalemic hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis has been delineated as hyperkalemic distal RTA because of the coexistence of an inability to acidify the urine (UpH > 5.5) during spontaneous acidosis or following an acid load and hyperkalemia. The hyperkalemia is the result of impaired renal K+ secretion and the TTKG or FEK+ is invariably lower than expected for hyperkalemia. Urine ammonium excretion is reduced, but aldosterone levels may be low, normal, or even increased. Hyperkalemic distal RTA may be observed in a wide variety of renal diseases including systemic lupus erythematosis, sickle cell disease, obstructive uropathy, transplantation, and amyloidosis. Drugs may be associated with a number of tubular defects that can be manifest as hyperkalemic distal RTA (see later). Hyperkalemic distal RTA can be distinguished from selective hypoaldosteronism because plasma renin and aldosterone levels are usually high or normal. Typically in selective hypoaldosteronism, the UpH is low and the defect in urinary acidification can be attributed to the decrease in ammonium excretion. In contrast with hypokalemic or cDRTA, patients with hyperkalemic distal RTA do not increase H+ or K+ excretion in response to nonreabsorbable anions (SO42−) or furosemide. Drug-induced Renal Tubular Secretory Defects IMPAIRED RENIN-ALDOSTERONE ELABORATION. Drugs may impair renin or aldosterone elaboration or produce mineralocorticoid resistance and mimic the clinical manifestations of the acidification defect seen in the generalized form of distal RTA with hyperkalemia (see Table 14–15). COX inhibitors (NSAIDs or COX-2-I) can generate hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis as a result of inhibition of renin release.73 βAdrenergic antagonists cause hyperkalemia as a result of altered potassium distribution and by interference with the renin-aldosterone system. Heparin impairs aldosterone synthesis as a result of direct toxicity to the zona glomerulosa and inhibition of aldosterone synthase. ACE inhibitors and ARBs interrupt the rennin-aldosterone system and result in hypoaldosteronism with hyperkalemia and acidosis, particularly in the patient with advanced renal insufficiency or in patients with a tendency to develop hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism (diabetic nephropathy). The combination of potassium-sparing diuretics and ACE inhibitors should be avoided judiciously in diabetics. INHIBITORS OF POTASSIUM SECRETION IN THE COLLECTING DUCT. Spironolactone acts as a competitive inhibitor of aldosterone and inhibits aldosterone biosynthesis. This drug may be a frequent cause of hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis when administered to patients with significant renal insufficiency, in patients with advanced liver disease, or in patients unrecognized renal hemodynamic compromise. Similarly, amiloride and triamterine may be associated with hyperkalemia but through an entirely different mechanism. Both potassium-sparing diuretics occupy and thus block the apical Na+-selective channel (ENaC) in the collecting duct principal cell (see Fig. 14–8). Occupation of ENaC inhibits Na+ absorp-

TABLE 14–16

Hyperkalemic Hyperchloremic Metabolic Acidosis with Trimethoprim

Occurs in 20% of HIV patients on trimethoprin-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) More prevalent with higher doses (>20 mg/kg/day) Hyperkalemia most frequent complication Seen in children and older HIV-negative patients on “conventional” doses

TABLE 14–17

Treatment of Generalized Dysfunction of the Nephron with Hyperkalemia

Alkali therapy (Shohl solution or NaHCO3) Loop diuretic (furosemide, bumetanide) Sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate) Low-potassium diet

Etiology of metabolic acidosis

Avoid drugs associated with hyperkalemia

Voltage defect

In PHA I, add NaCl supplement


tion and reduces the negative transepithelial voltage, which alters the driving force for K+ secretion. Amiloride is the prototype for a growing number of agents, including TMP and pentamidine, that act similarly to cause hyperkalemia, particularly in patients with AIDS. TMP and pentamidine are related structurally to amiloride and triamterene. The protonated forms of both TMP and pentamidine have been demonstrated by Kleyman and Ling75 to inhibit ENaC in A6 distal nephron cells. This effect in A6 cells has been verified in rat late distal tubules perfused in vivo.77 Hyperkalemia has been observed in 20% to 50% of HIV-infected patients receiving high-dose TMP–sulfamethoxazole (SMX) or TMP-dapsone for the treatment of opportunistic infections and as many as 100% of patients with AIDS-associated infections (Pneumocystis carinii) receiving pentamidine for more than 6 days.77 The pathophysiologic basis of the hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis from TMP is displayed in Table 14–16. Because both TMP and pentamidine decrease the electrochemical driving force for both K+ and H+ secretion in the CCT, metabolic acidosis may accompany the hyperkalemia even in the absence of severe renal failure, adrenal insufficiency, tubulointerstitial disease, or hypoaldosteronism. Whereas it has been assumed that such a “voltage” defect could explain the decrease in H+ secretion, it is likely that, in addition, hyperkalemia plays a significant role in the development of metabolic acidosis by direct inhibition of ammonium production and excretion (see Fig. 14–7 and Table 14–12). Cyclosporine (CsA) or tacrolimus (FK 506) may be associated with hyperkalemia in the transplant recipient as a result of inhibition of the basolateral Na+,K+-ATPase, thereby decreasing intracellular [K+] and the transepithelial potential, which together decrease the driving force for K+ secretion (see Fig. 14–8).73 It has been suggested that the specific mechanism of inhibition of the Na+ pump is through inhibition by these agents of calcineurin activity.78 Either drug could also decrease the filtered load of K+ through hemodynamic mechanisms such as vasoconstriction, which decrease GFR and alter the filtration fraction. Treatment In hyperkalemic hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis, documentation of the underlying disorder is necessary and therapy should be based on a precise diagnosis if possible. Of particular importance is a careful drug and dietary history. Contributing or precipitating factors should be considered, including low urine flow or decreased distal Na+ delivery, a rapid decline in GFR (especially in acute superimposed on chronic renal failure), hyperglycemia or hyperosmolality, and unsus-

pected sources of exogenous K+ intake.25 The workup should include evaluation of the TTKG or the fractional excretion of potassium, an estimate of renal ammonium excretion (UAG, osmolar gap, and urine pH), and evaluation of plasma renin activity and aldosterone secretion. The latter may be obtained under stimulated conditions with dietary salt restriction and furosemide-induced volume depletion and the response of potassium excretion to furosemide and fludrocortisone. The decision to treat is often based on the severity of the hyperkalemia. Reduction in serum potassium will often improve the metabolic acidosis by increasing ammonium excretion as potassium levels return to the normal range. Correction of hyperkalemia with sodium polystyrene can correct the metabolic acidosis as the serum potassium declines.6,25 Patients with combined glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid deficiency should receive both adrenal steroids in replacement dosages. Additional measures may include laxatives, alkali therapy, or treatment with a loop diuretic to induce renal potassium and salt excretion (Table 14–17). Volume depletion should be avoided unless the patient is volume overexpanded or hypertensive. Supraphysiologic doses of mineralocorticoids are rarely necessary and, if administered, should be done cautiously in combination with a loop diuretic to avoid volume overexpansion or aggravation of hypertension and to increase potassium excretion.25 Infants with autosomal recessive or dominant PHA I should receive salt supplements in amounts sufficient to correct the volume depletion, hypotension, and other features of the syndrome and to allow normal growth. In contrast, patients with PHA II should receive thiazide diuretics along with dietary salt restriction. Although it may be prudent to discontinue drugs that are identified as the most likely cause of the hyperkalemia, this may not always be feasible in the patient with a life-threatening disorder, for example, during TMP-SMX or pentamidine therapy in the AIDS patient with Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. Based on the previous analysis of the mechanism by which TMP and pentamidine cause hyperkalemia (voltage defect), it might also be reasoned that the delivery to the CCD of a poorly reabsorbed anion might improve the electrochemical driving force favoring K+ and H+ secretion. The combined use of acetazolamide along with sufficient sodium bicarbonate to deliver HCO3− to the CCT and thereby increase the negative transepithelial voltage could theoretically increase K+ and H+ secretion. Obviously with such an approach, aggravation of metabolic acidosis by excessive acetazolamide or insufficient NaHCO3 administration must be avoided. Distinguishing the Types of Renal Tubular Acidosis The contrasting findings and diagnostic features of the three types of RTA discussed in this chapter are summarized in Table 14–18:

CH 14

Disorders of Acid-Base Balance


Fludrocortisone (0.1–0.3 mg/day) Avoid in hypertension, volume expansion, heart failure Combine with loop diuretic

Decreased ammonium production/excretion



TABLE 14–18

Contrasting Features and Diagnostic Studies in Renal Tubular Acidosis


CH 14

Type of RTA Proximal

Classic Distal

Generalized Distal Dysfunction

Plasma [K+]




Urine pH with acidosis



Urine net charge




Fanconi lesion




Fractional bicarbonate excretion




U−B PCO2 H+-ATPase defect HCO3−-Cl− defect Amphotericin B


Low* Low High Normal


Response to therapy

Least readily


Less readily

Associated features

Fanconi syndrome

Nephrocalcinosis/ hyperglobulinemia

Renal insufficiency

U-B PCO2, urine-blood CO2 tension. *See specific defects below.

Disorders of Impaired Net Acid Excretion and Impaired Bicarbonate Reclamation with normokalemia: Acidosis of Progressive Renal Failure A reduction in functional renal mass by disease has long been known to be associated with acidosis.28 The metabolic acidosis is initially hyperchloremic in nature (GFR in the range of 20–30 mL/min) but may convert to the normochloremic, high AG variety as renal insufficiency progresses and GFR falls below 15 mL/min.28,79 The major defect in acidification is due to impaired net acid excretion. When the plasma HCO3− concentration is in the normal range, urine pH is relatively high (≥6.0), and net acid excretion is low. Unlike patients with distal RTA, patients with primary renal disease have a normal ability to lower the urine pH during acidosis.28 The distal H+ secretory capacity is qualitatively normal and can be increased by buffer availability in the form of PO43− or by nonreabsorbable anions. Also in contrast to distal RTA, the U − B PCO2 gradient is normal in patients with reduced GFR, reflecting intact distal H+ secretory capacity. The principal defect in net acid excretion in patients with reduced GFR is thus not an inability to secrete H+ in the distal nephron, but rather an inability to produce or to excrete NH4+. Consequently, the kidneys cannot quantitatively excrete all the metabolic acids produced daily, and metabolic acidosis supervenes.28 Although the acidosis of chronic progressive kidney disease is rarely severe, the argument can be made that the progressive dissolution of bone28 and the impaired hydroxylation of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol by acidosis28,79 warrant treatment. Moreover, chronic metabolic acidosis due to chronic progressive kidney disease prior to dialysis has other deleterious effects including: insulin resistance, suppression of the growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 cascade, increased levels of glucocorticoids, protein degradation, and muscle wasting. The latter is a result of activation of the ubiquitinproteosome pathway. In general, it is accepted that alkali therapy helps to reverse these deleterious effects. An amount of alkali slightly in excess (1–2 mEq/kg/day) of dietary metabolic acid production usually restores acid-base equilibrium and prevents acid retention.28 Fear of Na+ retention in chronic

renal failure as a result of sodium bicarbonate administration appears ill founded. Unlike the case in sodium chloride therapy, patients with chronic renal disease retain administered sodium bicarbonate only as long as acidosis is present. Further sodium bicarbonate then exceeds the reabsorptive threshold and is excreted without causing an increase in weight or in blood pressure unless very large amounts are administered. The clinical guidelines endorsed by the National Kidney Foundation (K/DOQI [Kidney disease outcomes quality initiative]) recommend monitoring of total CO2 in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) with a goal of maintaining the [HCO3−] above 22 mEq/L. Such therapy is based on the view that chronic metabolic acidosis has an adverse impact on muscle and bone metabolism. Also of concern in chronic progressive kidney disease is the use of sevelamer hydrochloride, which has been shown in patients on chronic hemodialysis to result in significantly lower [HCO3−] compared with Ca2+-containing phosphate binders.80 Although related to a lower intake of potential alkali, sevelamer may also provide an acid load.81 Therefore, the clinician should be alert for changes in the [HCO3−] in the face of sevelamer treatment. A number of potential mechanisms exist for the acidosis associated with sevelamer. This agent binds monovalent phosphate in exchange for chloride in the gastrointestinal tract. For each molecule of monovalent phosphate bound, one molecule of HCl is liberated. Upon entry into the small intestine, exposure to pancreatic secretion of bicarbonate would result in the binding of bicarbonate by the polymer in exchange for chloride—much like the mechanism in chloride diarrhea. There may be other drug effects on bicarbonate in the colon as well.82 As kidney disease progresses below a GFR of 15 mL/min, the non-AG acidosis typically evolves into the usual high AG acidosis of end-stage renal disease (see later).80

High Anion Gap Acidoses The addition to the body of an acid load in which the attendant non-Cl− anion is not excreted rapidly results in the development of a high AG acidosis.The normochloremic acidosis is maintained as long as the anion that was part of the original acid load remains in the blood. AG acidosis is caused by the accumulation of organic acids. This may occur if the

Lactic Acidosis Physiology Lactic acid can exist in two forms: L-lactate and D-lactate. In mammals, only the levorotary form is a product of metabolism. D-Lactate can accumulate in humans as a byproduct of metabolism by bacteria, which accumulate and overgrow in the gastrointestinal tract with jejunal bypass or short bowel syndrome. Thus, D-lactic acid acidosis is a rare cause of a high AG acidosis. Hospital chemical laboratories measure routinely L-lactic acid levels, not D-lactic acid levels. Thus, most of the remarks that follow apply to L-lactic acid metabolism and acidosis except as noted. L-lactic acidosis is one of the most common forms of a high AG acidosis. Although lactate metabolism bears a close relationship to that of pyruvate,83 lactic acid is in a metabolic cul-de-sac with pyruvate as its only outlet. In most cells, the major metabolic pathway for pyruvate is oxidation in the mitochondria to acetyl coenzyme A by the enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase within the mitochordria. The overall reaction is usually expressed as: Pyruvate− + NADH ↔ lactate− + NAD + H+

TABLE 14–19


Metabolic Acidosis with High Anion Gap

Conditions associated with type A lactic acidosis Hypovolemic shock Cholera Septic shock Cardiogenic shock Low-output heart failure High-output heart failure Regional hypoperfusion Severe hypoxia Severe asthma Carbon monoxide poisoning Severe anemia

CH 14

Disorders of Acid-Base Balance

anion does not undergo glomerular filtration (e.g., uremic acid anions), if the anion is filtered but is readily reabsorbed, or if, because of alteration in metabolic pathways (ketoacidosis, L-lactic acidosis), the anion cannot be utilized. Theoretically, with a pure AG acidosis, the increment in the AG (∆AG) above the normal value of 10 mEq/L should equal the decrease in bicarbonate concentration (∆HCO3−) below the normal value of 25 mEq/L. When this relationship is considered, circumstances in which the increment in the AG exceeds the decrement in bicarbonate (∆AG > ∆HCO3−) suggest the coexistence of a metabolic alkalosis. Such findings are not unusual when uremia leads to vomiting, for example. Identification of the underlying cause of a high AG acidosis is facilitated by consideration of the clinical setting and associated laboratory values. The common causes are outlined in Table 14–19 and include: (1) lactic acid acidosis (e.g., L-lactic acidosis and D-lactic acidosis), (2) ketoacidosis (e.g., diabetic, alcoholic, and starvation ketoacidoses), (3) toxin- or poisoninduced acidosis (e.g., ethylene glycol, methyl alcohol, or toluene poisoning), and (4) uremic acidosis. Initial screening to differentiate the high AG acidoses should include: (1) a history or other evidence of drug and toxin ingestion and ABG measurement to detect coexistent respiratory alkalosis (salicylates), (2) historical evidence of diabetes mellitus (DKA), (3) evidence of alcoholism or increased levels of βhydroxybutyrate (alcoholic ketoacidosis), (4) observation for clinical signs of uremia and determination of the blood urea nitrogen and creatinine (uremic acidosis), (5) inspection of the urine for oxalate crystals (ethylene glycol), and finally, (6) recognition of the numerous settings in which lactic acid levels may be increased (hypotension, cardiac failure, ischemic bowel, intestinal obstruction and bacterial overgrowth, leukemia, cancer, and with certain drugs).

Conditions associated with type B lactic acidosis Liver disease Diabetes mellitus Catecholamine excess Endogenous Exogenous Thiamine deficiency Intracellular inorganic phosphate depletion Intravenous fructose Intravenous xylose Intravenous sorbitol Alcohols and other ingested compounds metabolized by alcohol Dehydrogenase Ethanol Methanol Ethylene glycol Propylene glycol Mitochondrial toxins Salicylate intoxication Cyanide poisoning 2,4-Dinitrophenol ingestion Non-nucleoside antireverse transcriptase drugs Other drugs Malignancy Seizure Inborn errors of metabolism D-Lactic acidosis Short-bowel syndrome Ischemic bowel Small bowel obstruction Ketoacidosis Diabetic Alcoholic Starvation Other toxins Salicylates Paraldehyde Pyroglutamic acid Uremia (late renal failure)


Normally, this cytosolic reaction catalyzed by the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is close to equilibrium, so that the law of mass action applies and the equation is rearranged as: [NADH] (33) [Lactate− ] = K eq [pyruvate− ][H + ] [NAD+ ] The lactate concentration is a function of the equilibrium constant (Keq), the pyruvate concentration, the cytosolic pH, and the intracellular redox state represented by the pyridine nucleotide concentration ratio [NADH]/[NAD+].83 After rearranging the mass action equation, the ratio of lactate concentration to pyruvate concentration may be expressed as

[NADH] [Lactate− ] = K eq [H + ] [NAD+ ] [Pyruvate− ]


Because Keq and intracellular H+ concentration are relatively constant, the normal lactate-to-pyruvate concentration ratio (1.0/0.1 mEq/L) is proportional to the NADH/NAD+ concentration ratio. The lactate-to-pyruvate ratio is regulated by the oxidation-reduction potential of the cell, therefore. NADH/NAD+ is also involved in many other metabolic redox reactions.83 Moreover, the steady-state concentrations of all these redox reactants are related to one another. Important in considerations in acid-base pathophysiology are the redox pairs β-hydroxybutyrate–acetoacetate and

534 ethanol-acetaldehyde. The ratio of the reduced to the oxidized forms of these molecules is thus a function of the cellular redox potential: [NADH] [Lactate− ] ≈ ≈ + [NAD ] [Pyruvate− ] [β − hydroxybutyrate− ] [ethanol] ∝ − [acetoacetate ] [acetaldehyde]]


If the lactate concentration is high compared with that of pyruvate, NAD+ would be depleted, and the NADH/NAD+ CH 14 ratio would increase. Likewise, all the other related redox ratios previously listed would be similarly affected; that is, both the β-hydroxybutyrate/acetoacetate and the ethanolto-acetaldehyde ratios would increase. In clinical practice, these considerations are of practical importance. If lactate levels are increased as a result of lactic acidosis concurrently with ketone overproduction as a result of diabetic acidosis, the ketones exist primarily in the form of βhydroxybutyrate. Tests for ketones that measure only acetoacetate (such as the nitroprusside reaction, e.g., Acetest tablets and reagent sticks), therefore, may be misleadingly low or even negative despite high total ketone concentrations. Similarly, high levels of alcohol plus ketones shift the redox ratio, so that the NADH/NAD+ ratio is increased. Again, ketones would then be principally in the form of βhydroxybutyrate. This situation is commonly found in alcoholic ketoacidosis (AKA), in which qualitative ketone tests that are more sensitive to acetoacetate are frequently only trace positive or negative, despite markedly increased βhydroxybutyrate levels. The L-lactate concentration can be increased in two ways relative to the pyruvate concentration. First, when pyruvate production is increased at a constant intracellular pH and redox stage, the lactate concentration increases at a constant lactate-to-pyruvate ratio of 10. In contrast, states in which the production of lactate exceeds the ability to convert to pyruvate, so that the NADH/NAD+ redox ratio is increased, an increased L-lactate concentrations is observed, but with a lactate-to-pyruvate ratio greater than 10. This defines an excess lactate state. Therefore, the concentration of lactate must be viewed in terms of cellular determinants (e.g., the intracellular pH and redox state) as well as the total body production and removal rates. Normally, the rates of lactate entry and exit from the blood are in balance, so that net lactate accumulation is zero. This dynamic aspect of lactate metabolism is termed the Cori cycle: Liver, kidney, heart → Glucose 2Lactate− + 2H + ←⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ Muscle, brain, skin, red blood cells, gut


As can be envisioned by this relationship, either net overproduction of lactic acid from glucose by some tissues or underutilization by others results in net addition of L-lactic acid to the blood and lactic acid acidosis. However, ischemia accelerates both lactate production and decreases, simultaneously, lactate utilization. The production of lactic acid has been estimated to be about 15 to 30 mEq/kg/day in normal humans.28 This enormous quantity contrasts with total ECF buffer base stores of about 10 to 15 mEq/kg and with enhanced production can accumulate. The rate of lactic acid production can be increased with ischemia, seizures, extreme exercise, leukemia, and alkalosis.83 The increase in production occurs principally through enhanced phosphofructokinase activity. Decreased lactate consumption more commonly leads to L-lactic acidosis. The principal organs for lactate removal during rest are the liver and kidneys. Both the liver and the kidneys and perhaps muscle have the capacity for increased lactate removal under the stress of increased lactate loads.83 Hepatic utilization of lactate can be impeded by several

factors: poor perfusion of the liver; defective active transport of lactate into cells, or inadequate metabolic conversion of lactate into pyruvate because of altered intracellular pH, redox state, or enzyme activity. Examples of impaired hepatic lactate removal include primary diseases of the liver, enzymatic defects, tissue anoxia or ischemia, severe acidosis, altered redox states, as occurs with alcohol intoxication, fructose, or administration of nucleoside analog reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) such as zidovudine and stavudine in patients with HIV infection83–85 and biguanides such as phenformin or metformin.83,86,87 Deaths have been reported due to refractory lactic acidosis secondary to thiamine deficiency in patients receiving parenteral nutrition formulations without thiamine.88 Thiamine is a cofactor for pyruvate dehydrogenase that catalyzes the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate to acetyl coenzyme A under aerobic conditions. Pyruvate cannot be metabolized in this manner with thiamine deficiency, converting excess pyruvate to hydrogen ions and lactate. The quantitative aspects of normal lactate production and consumption in the Cori cycle demonstrate how the development of lactic acidosis can be the most rapid and devastating form of metabolic acidosis.83,89 Diagnosis Because lactic acid has a pKa of 3.8, lactic acid addition to the blood leads to a reduction in blood HCO3− concentration and an equivalent elevation in lactate concentration; which is associated with an increase in the AG. Lactate concentrations are mildly increased in various nonpathologic states (e.g., exercise), but the magnitude of the elevation is generally small. In practical terms, a lactate concentration greater than 4 mEq/L (normal is 1 mEq/L) is generally accepted as evidence that the metabolic acidosis is ascribable to net lactic acid accumulation. Clinical Spectrum In the classical classification of the L-lactic acidoses (see Table 14–19), type A L-lactic acidosis is due to tissue hypoperfusion or acute hypoxia, whereas type B L-lactic acidosis is associated with common diseases, drugs and toxins, and hereditary and miscellaneous disorders.83 Tissue underperfusion and acute underoxygenation at the tissue level (tissue hypoxia) are the most common causes of type A lactic acidosis. Severe arterial hypoxemia even in the absence of decreased perfusion can generate L-lactic acidosis. Inadequate cardiac output, of either the low-output or the high-output variety, is the usual pathogenetic factor. The prognosis is related directly to the increment in plasma Llactate and the severity of the acidemia.83,87,89 Numerous medical conditions (without tissue hypoxia) predispose to type B L-lactic acidosis (see Table 14–19). Hepatic failure reduces hepatic lactate metabolism, and leukemia increases lactate production. Severe anemia, especially as a result of iron deficiency or methemoglobulinemia, may cause lactic acidosis. Among the most common causes of L-lactic acid acidosis is bowel ischemia and infarction in patients in the medical intensive care unit. Malignant cells produce more lactate than normal cells even under aerobic conditions. This phenomenon is magnified if the tumor expands rapidly and outstrips the blood supply. Therefore, exceptionally large tumors may be associated with severe L-lactic acid acidosis. Seizures, extreme exertion, heat stroke, and tumor lysis syndrome may all cause L-lactic acidosis. Several drugs and toxins predispose to L-lactic acidosis (see Table 14–19). Of these, metformin and other biguanides (such as phenformin) are the most widely reported.83,86,87 The occurrence of phenformin-induced lactic acidosis prompted the withdrawal of the drug from U.S. markets in 1977. Although much less frequent with metformin than with phenformin,

Associated Clinical Features Hyperventilation, abdominal pain, and disturbances in consciousness are frequently present, as are signs of inadequate cardiopulmonary function in type A L-lactic acidosis. Leukocytosis, hyperphosphatemia, hyperuricemia, and hyperaminoacidemia (especially alanine) are common, and hypoglycemia may occur.83 Hyperkalemia may or may not accompany acute lactic acidosis. Treatment of L-Lactic Acidosis GENERAL SUPPORTIVE CARE. The overall mortality in Llactic acidosis is 60% to 70% but approaches 100% with coexisting hypotension.83 Therapy for this condition has not advanced substantively for the last 2 decades. The basic principle and only effective form of therapy for L-lactic acidosis is that the underlying condition initiating the disruption in normal lactate metabolism must first be corrected. In type A L-lactic acidosis, cessation of acid production by improving tissue oxygenation, restoration of the circulating fluid volume, improvement or augmentation of cardiac function, resection of ischemic tissue, and amelioration of sepsis are necessary in many cases. Septic shock requires control of the underlying infection and volume resuscitation in hypovolomic shock. Hypothetically, interruption of the cytokine cascade may be advantageous but not yet applicable. High L-lactate levels portend a poor prognosis almost uniformly, and sodium bicarbonate is of little value. Vasoconstricting agents are problematic because they may potentiate the hypoperfused state. Dopamine is preferred to epinephrine if pressure support is required, but the vasodilator nitroprusside has been suggested because it may enhance cardiac output and hepatic and renal blood flow to augment lactate removal.83 Nevertheless, nitroprusside therapy may result in cyanide toxicity and has no proven efficacy in the treatment of this disorder. ALKALI THERAPY. Alkali therapy is generally advocated for acute, severe acidemia (pH < 7.1) to improve inotropy and lactate utilization. However, in experimental models and clinical examples of lactic acidosis, it has been shown that

NaHCO3 therapy in large amounts can depress cardiac 535 performance and exacerbate the acidemia. Parodoxically, bicarbonate therapy activates phosphofructokinase, thereby increasing lactate production. The use of alkali in states of moderate L-lactic acidemia is controversial, therefore, and it is generally agreed that attempts to normalize the pH or HCO3− concentration by intravenous NaHCO3 therapy is both potentially deleterious and practically impossible. Thus, raising the plasma HCO3− to approximately 15 to 17 mEq/L and the pH to 7.2 to 7.25 is a reasonable goal to improve tissue pH. Constant infusion of hypertonic bicarbonate has CH 14 many disadvantages and is discouraged. Fluid overload occurs rapidly with NaHCO3 administration because of the massive amounts required in some cases. In addition, central venoconstriction and decreased cardiac output are common. The accumulation of lactic acid may be relentless and may necessitate diuretics, ultrafiltration, or dialysis. Hemodialysis can simultaneously deliver HCO3−, remove lactate, remove excess ECF volume, and correct electrolyte abnormalities. The use of continuous renal replacement therapy as a means of lactate removal and simultaneous alkali addition is a promising adjunctive treatment in critically ill patients with L-lactic acidosis. If the underlying cause of the L-lactic acidosis can be remedied, blood lactate will be reconverted to HCO3−. HCO3− derived from lactate conversion and any new HCO3− generated by renal mechanisms during acidosis and from exogenous alkali therapy are additive and may result in an overshoot alkalosis. OTHER AGENTS. Dichloroacetate, an activator of pyruvate dehydrogenase, was suggested in an uncontrolled study as a potentially useful therapeutic agent. In experimental L-lactic acidosis, dichloroacetate stimulated lactate consumption in muscle and, hence, decreased lactate production and improved survival. In nonacidotic diabetic patients, it successfully lowered lactate as well as glucose, lipid, and amino acid levels. Despite encouraging results of short-term clinical use in acute lactic acidosis, a prospective multicenter trial failed to substantiate any beneficial effect of dichloroacetate therapy.93 The drug cannot be used chronically. Methylene blue was once advocated as a means of reversing the altered redox state to enhance lactate metabolism. There is no evidence from controlled studies supporting its use. THAM (0.3 M tromethamine) or other preparations of this type are not effective.83 Tribonat, a mixture of THAM, acetate, NaHCO3, and phosphate, although apparently an effective clinical buffer, has shown no survival advantage in limited clinical trials.94 Ringer’s lactate and lactate-containing peritoneal dialysis solutions should be avoided. D-LACTIC ACIDOSIS. The manifestations of D-lactate acid acidosis are typically episodic encephalopathy and high AG acidosis in association with short bowel syndrome. Features include slurred speech, confusion, cognitive impairment, clumsiness, ataxia, hallucinations, and behavioral disturbances. D-Lactic acidosis has been described in patients with bowel obstruction, jejunal bypass, short bowel, or ischemic bowel disease. These disorders have in common ileus or stasis associated with overgrowth of flora in the gastrointestinal tract and is exacerbated by a high-carbohydrate diet.83 D-Lactate, therefore, occurs when fermentation by colonic bacteria in the intestine accumulates and can be absorbed into the circulation. D-Lactate is not measured by the typical clinical laboratory that reports the L-isomer. The disorder should be suspected in patients with an unexplained AG acidosis and some of the typical features noted previously. While waiting for results of specific testing, the patient should be made NPO. Serum D-lactate levels of greater than 3 mmol/ L confirm the diagnosis. Treatment with a low-carbohydrate diet and antibiotics (neomycin, vancomycin, or metronidazole) is often effective.95–98

Disorders of Acid-Base Balance

metformin-induced lactic acidosis has been reported in association with volume depletion and with contrast dye administration. Fructose causes intracellular ATP depletion and lactate accumulation.83 Inborn errors of metabolism may also cause lactic acidosis, primarily by blocking gluconeogenesis or by inhibiting the oxidation of pyruvate.83 Carbon monoxide poisoning produces lactic acidosis frequently by reduction of the oxygen-carrying capacity of hemoglobin. Cyanide binds cytochrome a and a3 and blocks the flow of electrons to oxygen. Nucleoside analogs in patients with HIV infections can induce toxic effects on mitochondria by inhibiting DNA polymerase gamma. Hyperlactatemia is common with NRTI therapy, especially stavudine and zidovudine, but the serum L-lactate is usually only mildly elevated and compensated.83–85,90 Nevertheless, with severe concurrent illness, pronounced lactic acidosis may occur in association with hepatic steatosis.83,85 This combination carries a high mortality. Propylene glycol is used as a vehicle for intravenous medications and some cosmetics and is metabolized to lactic acid in the liver by alcohol dehydrogenase. The lactate is metabolized to pyruvic acid and shunted to the glycolytic pathway. Scattered case reports have described hyperosmolality with or without L-lactic acidosis when propylene glycol was used as a vehicle to deliver topical silver sulfadiazine cream, intravenous diazepam or lorazepam (in alcohol withdrawal), intravenous nitroglycerin, and etomidate.91,92 A prospective study of nine patients receiving high-dose lorezepam infusions91 showed elevated plasma propylene levels and an elevated osmolar gap. Six of nine patients had moderate degrees of metabolic acidosis.91

536 Ketoacidosis Diabetic Ketoacidosis DKA is due to increased fatty acid metabolism and the accumulation of keto acids (acetoacetate and β-hydroxybutyrate) as a result of insulin deficiency or resistance in association with elevated glucagon levels. DKA is usually seen in insulindependent diabetes mellitus in association with cessation of insulin or an intercurrent illness, such as an infection, gastroenteritis, pancreatitis, or myocardial infarction, which increases insulin requirements temporarily and acutely. The CH 14 accumulation of keto acids accounts for the increment in the AG, which is accompanied, most often, by evidence of hyperglycemia (glucose > 300 mg/dL). In comparison to patients with AKA, described later, DKA is associated with metabolic profiles characterized by a higher plasma glucose, lower β-hydroxybutyrate-to-acetoacetate and lactate-to-pyruvate ratios.27,98,99 TREATMENT OF DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS. Most, if not all, patients with DKA require correction of the volume depletion that almost invariably accompanies the osmotic diuresis and ketoacidosis. In general, it seems prudent to initiate therapy with intravenous isotonic saline at a rate of 1000 mL/hr, especially in the severely volume-depleted patient. When the pulse and blood pressure have stabilized and the corrected serum Na+ concentration is in the range 130 to 135 mEq/L, switch to 0.45% sodium chloride. Ringer lactate should be avoided. If the blood glucose level falls below 300 mg/dL, 0.45% sodium chloride with 5% dextrose should be administered.27,98 Low-dose intravenous insulin therapy (0.1 U/kg/hr) smoothly corrects the biochemical abnormalities and minimizes hypoglycemia and hypokalemia.27,98 Usually, in the first hour, a loading dose of the same amount is given initially as a bolus intravenously. Intramuscular insulin is not effective in patients with volume depletion, which often occurs in ketoacidosis. Total body K+ depletion is usually present, although the K+ level on admission may be elevated or normal. A normal or reduced K+ value on admission indicates severe K+ depletion and should be approached with caution. Administration of fluid, insulin, and alkali may cause the K+ level to plummet. When the urine output has been established, 20 mEq of potassium chloride should be administered in each liter of fluid as long as the K+ value is less than 4.0 mEq/L. Equal caution should be exercised in the presence of hyperkalemia, especially if the patient has renal insufficiency, because the usual therapy does not always correct hyperkalemia. Never administer potassium chloride empirically. The young patient with a pure AG acidosis (∆AG = ∆HCO3−) usually does not require exogenous alkali because the metabolic acidosis should be entirely reversible. Elderly patients, patients with severe high AG acidosis (pH < 7.15), or patients with a superimposed hyperchloremic component may receive small amounts of sodium bicarbonate by slow intravenous infusion (no more than 44–88 mEq in 60 min). Thirty minutes after this infusion is completed, ABGs should be repeated. Alkali administration can be repeated if the pH is 7.20 or less or if the patient exhibits a significant hyperchloremic component but is rarely necessary. The AG should be followed closely during therapy because it is expected to decline as ketones are cleared from plasma and herald an increase in plasma HCO3− as the acidosis is repaired. Therefore, it is not necessary to monitor blood ketone levels continuously. Hypokalemia and other complications of alkali therapy dramatically increase when amounts of sodium bicarbonate exceeding 400 mEq are administered. However, the effect of alkali therapy on arterial blood pH needs to be reassessed regularly, and the total administered kept at a minimum, if necessary.27,98,99 Routine administration of PO43− (usually as potassium phosphate) is not advised because of the potential for hyper-

phosphatemia and hypocalcemia.27,98 A significant proportion of patients with DKA have significant hyperphosphatemia before initiation of therapy. In the volume-depleted, malnourished patient, however, a normal or elevated PO43− concentration on admission may be followed by a rapid fall in plasma PO43− levels within 2 to 6 hours after initiation of therapy. Alcoholic Ketoacidosis Some chronic alcoholics, especially binge drinkers, who discontinue solid food intake while continuing alcohol consumption develop this form of ketoacidosis when alcohol ingestion is curtailed abruptly.27,98,99 Usually the onset of vomiting and abdominal pain with dehydration leads to cessation of alcohol consumption before presentation to the hospital.27,99 The metabolic acidosis may be severe but is accompanied by only modestly deranged glucose levels, which are usually low but may be slightly elevated.27,99 Typically, insulin levels are low and levels of triglyceride, cortisol, glucagon, and growth hormone are increased. The net result of this deranged metabolic state leads to ketosis. The acidosis is primarily due to elevated ketone levels, which exist predominantly in the form of β-hydroxybutyrate because of the altered redox state induced by the metabolism of alcohol. Compared with patients with DKA, patients with AKA have lower plasma glucose concentrations and higher β-hydroxybutyrate-to-acetoacetate and lactate-to-pyruvate levels.27,99 This disorder is not rare and is underdiagnosed. The clinical presentation in AKA may be complex because a mixed disorder is often present and due to metabolic alkalosis (vomiting), respiratory alkalosis (alcoholic liver disease), lactic acid acidosis (hypoperfusion), and hyperchloremic acidosis (renal excretion of ketoacids). Finally, the osmolar gap is elevated if the blood alcohol level is elevated, but the differential should always include ethylene glycol and/or methanol intoxication. TREATMENT. Therapy includes intravenous glucose and saline administration, but insulin should be avoided. K+, PO43−, Mg2+, and vitamin supplementation (especially thiamine) are frequently necessary. Glucose in isotonic saline, not saline alone, is the mainstay of therapy. Because of superimposed starvation, patients with AKA often develop hypophosphatemia within 12 to 18 hours of admission. Treatment with glucose-containing intravenous fluids increases the risk for severe hypophosphatemia. Levels should be checked on admission and at 4, 6, 12, and 18 hours. Profound hypophosphatemia may provoke aspiration, platelet dysfunction, and rhabdomyolysis. Therefore, phosphate replacement should be provided promptly when indicated. Hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia are also common and should not be overlooked.27,99 Starvation Ketoacidosis Ketoacidosis occurs within the first 24 to 48 hours of fasting, is accentuated by exercise and pregnancy, and is rapidly reversible by glucose or insulin. Starvation-induced hypoinsulinemia and accentuated hepatic ketone production have been implicated pathogenetically.27,99 Fasting alone can increase ketoacid levels, although not usually above 10 mEq/L. High-protein, weight-loss diets typically cause mild ketosis but not ketoacidosis. Patients typically respond to glucose and saline infusion.

Drug- and Toxin-induced Acidosis Salicylate Intoxication by salicylates, although more common in children than in adults, may result in the development of a high AG metabolic acidosis, but the acid-base abnormality most commonly associated with salicylate intoxication in adults is respiratory alkalosis due to direct stimulation of the respira-

Toxin-Induced Metabolic Acidoses THE OSMOLAR GAP IN TOXIN-INDUCED ACIDOSIS. Under most physiologic conditions, Na+, urea, and glucose generate the osmotic pressure of blood. Serum osmolality is calculated according to the expression: BUN glucose (mg/dL) Osmolality = 2[Na + ] + + (37) 2.8 18 The calculated and determined osmolalities should agree within 10 to 15 mOsm/kg. When the measured osmolality exceeds the calculated osmolality by more than 15 to 20 mOsm/kg, one of two circumstances prevails. First, the serum Na+ may be spuriously low, as occurs with hyperlipidemia or hyperproteinemia (pseudohyponatremia); or second, osmolytes other than sodium salts, glucose, or urea have accumulated in plasma. Examples include infused mannitol, radiocontrast media, or other solutes, including the alcohols, ethylene glycol, and acetone, that can increase the osmolality in plasma. In these examples, the difference between the osmolality calculated from Equation 37 and the measured osmolality is proportional to the concentration of the unmeasured solute. Such differences in these clinical circumstances have been referred to as the osmolar gap. With an appropriate clinical history and index of suspicion, the osmolar gap becomes a very reliable and helpful screening tool in toxin-associated high AG acidosis. ETHANOL. Ethanol, after absorption from the gastrointestinal tract, is oxidized to acetaldehyde, acetyl coenzyme A, and CO2. A blood ethanol level over 500 mg/dL is associated with high mortality. Acetaldehyde levels do not increase appreciably unless the load is exceptionally high or the acetaldehyde dehydrogenase step is inhibited by compounds such as disulfiram, insecticides, and sulfonylurea hypoglycemia agents. Such agents in the presence of ethanol result in severe toxic-

ity. The association of ethanol with the development of AKA 537 and lactic acidosis has been discussed in the previous section, but in general, ethanol intoxication does not cause a high AG acidosis. ETHYLENE GLYCOL. Ingestion of ethylene glycol, used in antifreeze, leads to a high AG metabolic acidosis in addition to severe central nervous system, cardiopulmonary, and renal damage.98,101,102 The high AG is attributable to ethylene glycol metabolites, especially oxalic acid, glycolic acid, and other incompletely identified organic acids.102 L-Lactic acid production also increases as a result of a toxic depression in the CH 14 reaction rates of the citric acid cycle and altered intracellular redox state.102 Recognizing oxalate crystals in the urine facilitates diagnosis, as does fluoresence of urine by a Wood’s light if the ingested ethylene glycol contains a fluorescent vehicle.101,102 A disparity between the measured blood osmolality and that calculated (high osmolar gap) is often present. Treatment includes prompt institution of osmotic diuresis, thiamine and pyridoxine supplements, 4-methylpyrazole (fomepizole),103 or ethyl alcohol and dialysis.98,101,103 Ethanol or fomepizole should be given intravenously. Competitive inhibition of alcohol dehydrogenase with one of these agents is absolutely necessary in all patients to lessen toxicity because ethanol and fomepizole compete for metabolic conversion of ethylene glycol and alters the cellular redox state. Fomepizole (initiated as a loading dose of 7 mg/kg) offers the advantages of a predictable decline in ethylene glycol levels without the adverse effect of excessive obtundation, as seen with ethyl alcohol infusion. When these measures have been accomplished, hemodialysis should be initiated to remove the ethylene glycol metabolites. At this juncture the intravenous ethanol infusion should be increased to allow maintenance of the blood alcohol level in the range of 100 to 150 mg/dL or greater than 22 mmol/L. METHANOL. Methanol (wood alcohol) ingestion causes metabolic acidosis in addition to severe optic nerve and central nervous system manifestations resulting from its metabolism to formic acid from formaldehyde.98,101 Lactic acids and keto acids as well as other unidentified organic acids may contribute to the acidosis. Because of the low molecular mass of methanol (32 Da), an osmolar gap is usually present. Therapy is generally similar to that for ethylene glycol intoxication, including general supportive measures, ethanol or fomepizole administration, and sometimes, hemodialysis.103 ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL. Rubbing alcohol poisoning is usually the result of accidental oral ingestion or absorption through the skin. Although isopropyl alcohol is metabolized by the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase, as are methanol and ethanol, isopropyl alcohol is not metabolized to a strong acid and does not elevate the AG. Isopropyl alcohol is metabolized to acetone, and the osmolar gap increases as the result of accumulation of both acetone and isopropyl alcohol. Despite a positive nitroprusside reaction from acetone, the AG, as well as the blood glucose, is typically normal, not elevated, and the plasma HCO3− is not depressed. Thus, isopropyl alcohol intoxication does not typically cause metabolic acidosis. Treatment is supportive, with attention to removal of unabsorbed alcohol from the gastrointestinal tract and administration of intravenous fluids. Hemodialysis is effective but not usually necessary. Although patients with significant isopropyl alcohol intoxication (blood levels > 100 mg/dL) may develop cardiovascular collapse and lactic acidosis, watchful waiting with a conservative approach (intravenous. fluids, electrolyte replacement, and tracheal intubation) is often sufficient. Very severe intoxication (>400 mg/dL) is an indication for hemodialysis.98 PARALDEHYDE. Intoxication with paraldehyde is now very rare, but is a result of acetic acid accumulation, the metabolic product of the drug from acetaldehyde and other organic acids.

Disorders of Acid-Base Balance

tory center by salicylates.98 Adult patients with salicylate intoxication usually have pure respiratory alkalosis or mixed respiratory alkalosis–metabolic acidosis.98 Metabolic acidosis occurs due to uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation and enhances the transit of salicylates into the central nervous system. Only part of the increase in the AG is due to the increase in plasma salicylate concentration, because a toxic salicylate level of 100 mg/dL would account for an increase in the AG of only 7 mEq/L. High ketone concentrations have been reported to be present in as many as 40% of adult salicylate-intoxicated patients, sometimes as a result of salicylateinduced hypoglycemia.100 L-Lactic acid production is also often increased, partly as a direct drug effect98 and partly as a result of the decrease in PCO2 induced by salicylate. Proteinuria and pulmonary edema may occur. TREATMENT. General treatment should always consist of initial vigorous gastric lavage with isotonic saline followed by administration of activated charcoal per nasogastric tube. Treatment of the metabolic acidosis may be necessary because acidosis can enhance the entry of salicylate into the central nervous system. Alkali should be given cautiously and frank alkalemia should be avoided. Coexisting respiratory alkalosis can make this form of therapy hazardous. The renal excretion of salicylate is enhanced by an alkaline diuresis accomplished with intravenous NaHCO3. Caution is urged if the patient exhibits concomitant respiratory alkalosis with frank alkalemia because NaHCO3 may cause severe alkalosis and hypokalemia may result from alkalinization of the urine. To minimize the administration of NaHCO3, acetazolamide may be administered to the alkalemic patient, but this can cause acidosis and impair salicylate elimination. Hemodialysis may be necessary for severe poisoning, especially if renal failure coexists, is preferred with severe intoxication (>700 mg/L), and is superior to hemofiltration, which does not correct the acid-base abnormality.98,100

PYROGLUTAMIC ACIDOSIS. Pyroglutamic acid, or 5oxoproline, is an intermediate in the γ-glutamyl cycle for the synthesis of glutathione. Acetaminophen ingestion can rarely deplete glutathione, resulting in increased formation of γglutamyl cysteine, which is metabolized to pyroglutamic acid.104 Accumulation of this intermediate, first appreciated in the rare patient with congenital glutathione synthetase deficiency, has been observed recently in an acquired variety. Those patients observed thus far have severe high AG acidosis and alterations in mental status.104 Many were septic and CH 14 receiving full therapeutic doses of acetaminophen. All had elevated blood levels of pyroglutamic acid, which increased in proportion to the increase in the AG. It is conceivable that the heterozygote state for glutathione synthetase deficiency could predispose to proglutamic acidosis, because only a minority of critically ill patients on acetaminophen develop this newly appreciated form of metabolic acidosis.104 538

Uremia Advanced renal insufficiency eventually converts the hyperchloremic acidosis discussed earlier to a typical high AG acidosis.28 Poor filtration plus continued reabsorption of poorly identified uremic organic anions contributes to the pathogenesis of this metabolic disturbance. Classic uremic acidosis is characterized by a reduced rate of NH4+ production and excretion because of cumulative and significant loss of renal mass.4,5,19,28 Usually, acidosis does not occur until a major portion of the total functional nephron population (>75%) has been destroyed, because of the ability of surviving nephrons to increase ammoniagenesis. Eventually, however, there is a decrease in total renal ammonia excretion as renal mass is reduced to a level at which the GFR is 20 mL/min or less. PO43− balance is maintained as a result of both hyperparathyroidism, which decreases proximal PO43− absorption, and an increase in plasma PO43− as GFR declines. Protein restriction and the administration of phosphate biners reduce the availability of PO43−. TREATMENT OF ACIDOSIS OF CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE. The uremic acidosis of renal failure requires oral alkali replacement to maintain the HCO3− concentration above 20 mEq/L. This can be accomplished with relatively modest amounts of alkali (1.0–1.5 mEq/kg/day). Shohl solution or sodium bicarbonate tablets (325- or 650-mg tablets) are equally effective. It is assumed that alkali replacement serves to prevent the harmful effects of prolonged positive H+ balance, especially progressive catabolism of muscle and loss of bone. Because sodium citrate (Shohl solution) has been shown to enhance the absorption of aluminum from the gastrointestinal tract, it should never be administered to patients receiving aluminum-containing antacids because of the risk of aluminum intoxication. When hyperkalemia is present, furosemide (60– 80 mg/day) should be added. An occasional patient may require chronic sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate) therapy orally (15–30 g/day). The pure powder preparation is better tolerated long term than the commercially available syrup preparation and avoids sorbitol (which may cause bowel necrosis). The powder may be obtained from www. (454 g for $246).

Metabolic Alkalosis Diagnosis of Simple and Mixed Forms of Metabolic Alkalosis Metabolic alkalosis is a primary acid-base disturbance that is manifest in the most pure or simple form as alkalemia (elevated arterial pH) and an increase in PaCO2 as a result of compensatory alveolar hypoventilation. Metabolic alkalosis is one of the more common acid-base disturbances in hospitalized patients, and occurs as both a simple and a mixed disorder.11,104

A patient with a high plasma HCO3− concentration and a low plasma Cl− concentration has either metabolic alkalosis or chronic respiratory acidosis. The arterial pH establishes the diagnosis, because it is increased in metabolic alkalosis and is typically decreased in respiratory acidosis. Modest increases in the PaCO2 are expected in metabolic alkalosis. A combination of the two disorders is not unusual, because many patients with chronic obstructive lung disease are treated with diuretics, which promote ECF contraction, hypokalemia, and metabolic alkalosis. Metabolic alkalosis is also frequently observed not as a pure or simple acid-base disturbance, but in association with other disorders such as respiratory acidosis, respiratory alkalosis, and metabolic acidosis (mixed disorders). Mixed metabolic alkalosis–metabolic acidosis can be appreciated only if the accompanying metabolic acidosis is a high AG acidosis. The mixed disorder can be appreciated by comparison of the increment in the AG above the normal value of 10 mEq/L (∆AG = Patient’s AG − 10), with the decrement in the [HCO3−] below the normal value of 25 mEq/L (∆HCO3− = 25 − Patient’s HCO3−). A mixed metabolic alkalosis–high AG metabolic acidosis is recognized because the delta values are not similar. Often, there is no bicarbonate deficit, yet the AG is significantly elevated. Thus, in a patient with an AG of 20 but a near-normal bicarbonate, mixed metabolic alkalosis–metabolic acidosis should be considered. Common examples include renal failure acidosis (uremic) with vomiting or DKA with vomiting. Respiratory compensation for metabolic alkalosis is less predictable than for metabolic acidosis. In general the anticipated PCO2 can be estimated by adding 15 to the patient’s serum [HCO3−] in the range of HCO3− from 25 to 40 mEq/L. Further elevation in PCO2 is limited by hypoxemia and, to some extent, hypokalemia, which accompanies metabolic alkalosis with regularity. Nevertheless, if a patient has a PCO2 of only 40 mm Hg while the [HCO3−] is frankly elevated (e.g., 35 mEq/L) and the pH is in the alkalemic range, then respiratory compensation is inadequate and a mixed metabolic alkalosis–respiratory alkalosis exists. In assessing a patient with metabolic alkalosis, two questions must be considered: (1) What is the source of alkali gain (or acid loss) that generated the alkalosis? (2) What renal mechanisms are operating to prevent excretion of excess HCO3−, thereby maintaining, rather than correcting, the alkalosis? In the following discussion, the entities responsible for generating alkalosis are discussed individually and reference is made to the mechanisms necessary to sustain the increase in blood HCO3− concentration in each case. The general mechanisms responsible for the maintenance of alkalosis have been discussed in detail earlier in this chapter, but are a result of the combined effects of chloride, ECF volume, and potassium depletion (Fig. 14–9). Hypokalemia is an important participant in the maintenance phase of metabolic alkalosis and has selective effects on (1) H+ secretion and (2) ammonium excretion. The former is a result predominantly of stimulation of the H+,K+-ATPase in type A intercalated cells of the collecting duct. The latter is a direct result of enhanced ammoniagenesis and ammonium transport (proximal convoluted tubule, TALH, medullary collecting duct) in response to hypokalemia. Finally, hyperaldosteronism (primary or secondary) participates in sustaining the alkolosis by increasing activity of the H+,K+ATPase in type A-IC cells as well as the ENaC and the Na+,K+ATPase in principal cells in the collecting duct. The net result of the latter process is to stimulate K+ secretion through K+ selective channels in this same cell, thus maintaining the alkalosis.105 Under normal circumstances, the kidneys display an impressive capacity to excrete HCO3−. For HCO3− to be added to the ECF, HCO3− must be administered exogenously or retained in some manner. Thus, the development of meta-



Figure 14–9 Pathophysiologic basis and approach to treatment of maintenance phase of chronic metabolic alkalosis. Paradoxical stimulation of bicarbonate absorption (H+ secretion) and NH4+ production and excretion is the combined result of Cl− deficiency, K+ deficiency, and secondary hyperaldosteronism. GFR, glomerular filtration rate.

Renal pathophysiologic mechanisms

Proximal H+ secretion



Chloride deficiency



NH4 + production

Distal H+ secretion


Potassium deficiency




bolic alkalosis represents a failure of the kidneys to eliminate HCO3− at the normal capacity. The kidneys retain, rather than excrete, the excess alkali and maintain the alkalosis if one of several mechanisms is operative (see Fig. 14–9): 1. Cl− deficiency (ECF contraction) exists concurrently with K+ deficiency to decrease GFR and/or enhance proximal and distal HCO3− absorption. This combination of disorders evokes secondary hyperreninemic hyperaldosteronism and stimulates H+ secretion in the collecting duct and ammoniagenesis. Repair of the alkalosis may be accomplished by saline and K+ administration. 2. Hypermineralocorticoidism and hypokalemia are induced by autonomous factors unresponsive to increased ECF. The stimulation of distal H+ secretion is then sufficient to reabsorb the increased filtered HCO3− load and to overcome the decreased proximal HCO3− reabsorption caused by ECF expansion. Repair of the alkalosis in this case rests with removal of the excess autonomous mineralocorticoid; saline is ineffective. The various causes of metabolic alkalosis are summarized in Table 14–20. In attempting to establish the cause of metabolic alkalosis, it is necessary to assess the status of the ECF, blood pressure, serum K+, and renin-aldosterone system. For example, the presence of hypertension and hypokalemia in an alkalotic patient would suggest either some form of primary mineralocorticoid excess (see Table 14–20) or a hypertensive patient on diuretics. Low plasma renin activity and normal urinary Na+ and Cl− values in a patient not taking diuretics would also indicate a primary mineralocorticoid excess syndrome. The combination of hypokalemia and alkalosis in a normotensive, nonedematous patient can pose a difficult diagnostic problem. The possible causes to be considered include Bartter or Gitelman syndrome, Mg2+ deficiency, surreptitious vomiting, exogenous alkali, and diuretic ingestion. Urine electrolyte determinations and urine screening for diuretics are helpful diagnostic tools (Table 14–21). If the urine is alkaline, with high values for Na+ and K+ concentrations but low values for Cl− concentration, the diagnosis is usually either active (continuous) vomiting (overt or surreptitious) or alkali ingestion. On the one hand, if the urine is relatively acid, with low concentrations of Na+, K+, and Cl−, the most likely possibilities are prior (discontinuous) vomiting, the posthypercapnic state, or prior diuretic ingestion. If, on the other hand, the urinary Na+, K+, and Cl− concentrations are not depressed, one must consider Mg2+ deficiency, Bartter or Gitelman syndrome, or current diuretic ingestion. In addition to a low serum Mg2+, in most patients, Gitelman syndrome is characterized by a low urine Ca2+. In contrast, the urine calcium is elevated in Bartter syndrome. The diagnostic approach to metabolic alkalosis is summarized in the flow diagram in Figure 14–10.



TABLE 14–20

Causes of Metabolic Alkalosis -

Exogenous HCO3 loads Acute alkali administration Milk-alkali syndrome Effective ECV contraction, normotension, K+ deficiency, and secondary hyperreninemic hyperaldosteronism Gastrointestinal origin Vomiting Gastric aspiration Congenital chloridorrhea Villous adenoma Combined administration of sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate and aluminum hydroxide) Renal origin Diuretics (especially thiazides and loop diuretics) Edematous states Posthypercapnic state Hypercalcemia-hypoparathyroidism Recovery from lactic acidosis or ketoacidosis Nonreabsorbable anions such as penicillin, carbenicillin Mg2+ deficiency K+ depletion Bartter syndrome (loss of function mutations in TALH) Gitelman syndrome (loss of function mutation in Na+-Cl− cotransporter) Carbohydrate refeeding after starvation ECV expansion, hypertension, K+ deficiency, and hypermineralocorticoidism Associated with high renin Renal artery stenosis Accelerated hypertension Renin-secreting tumor Estrogen therapy Associated with low renin Primary aldosteronism Adenoma Hyperplasia Carcinoma Glucocorticoid suppressible Adrenal enzymatic defects 11β-Hydroxylase deficiency 17α-Hydroxylase deficiency Cushing syndrome or disease Ectopic corticotropin Adrenal carcinoma Adrenal adenoma Primary pituitary Other Licorice Carbenoxolone Chewer’s tobacco Lydia Pincham tablets Gain of function mutation of ENaC with ECF volume expansion, hypertension, K+ deficiency, and hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism Liddle’s syndrome

CH 14

Disorders of Acid-Base Balance

Primary causes


540 Exogenous Bicarbonate Loads Chronic administration of alkali to individuals with normal renal function results in minimal, if any, alkalosis. In patients with chronic renal insufficiency, however, overt alkalosis can develop after alkali administration, presumably because the capacity to excrete HCO3− is exceeded or because coexistent hemodynamic disturbances have caused enhanced fractional HCO3− reabsorption. CH 14 TABLE 14–21

Diagnosis of Metabolic Alkalosis

Saline-Responsive Alkalosis

Saline-Unresponsive Alkalosis

Low Urinary [Cl-] (15–20 mEq/L)

Normotensive Vomiting Nasogastric aspiration Diuretics (distant) Posthypercapnia Villous adenoma Bicarbonate therapy of organic acidosis K+ deficiency Hypertensive Liddle’s syndrome

Hypertensive Primary aldosteronism Cushing syndrome Renal artery stenosis Renal failure plus alkali therapy Normotensive Mg2+ deficiency Severe K+ deficiency Bartter syndrome Gitelman syndrome Diuretics (recent)

Bicarbonate and Bicarbonate-Precursor Administration The propensity of patients with ECF contraction or renal disease plus alkali loads to develop alkalosis is exemplified by patients who receive oral or intravenous HCO3−, acetate loads in parenteral hyperalimentation solutions, sodium citrate loads (regional anticoagulation, transfusions, or infant formula), or antacids plus cation exchange resins. The use of trisodium citrate solution for anticoagulation regionally has been reported as a cause of metabolic alkalosis in patients on continuous renal replacement therapy.106,107 Citrate metabolism consumes a hydrogen ion and, thereby, generates HCO3− in liver and skeletal muscle. Dilute (0.1 N) HCl is often required for correction in this setting.107 The risk for alkalosis, in my experience, is reduced when anticoagulant citrate dextrose formula A (ACD-A) is used because less bicarbonate is generated in comparison to hypertonic trisodium citrate administration. Milk-Alkali Syndrome Another cause is a long-standing history of excessive ingestion of milk and antacids. Milk-alkali syndrome is making a comeback because of the use of calcium supplementation (e.g., calcium carbonate) in women for osteoporosis treatment or prevention. Older women with poor dietary intake (“tea and toasters”) are especially prone. In Asia, betel nut chewing is a cause because the erosive nut is often wrapped in calcium hydroxide. Both hypercalcemia and vitamin D excess have been suggested to increase renal HCO3− reabsorption. Patients

Urine [CI–] 20 mEq/L

Chloride-responsive alkaloses

Chloride-unresponsive alkaloses

Urine K+

Gastric fluid loss 30 mEq/d

Nonreabsorbable anion delivery Laxative abuse Severe K+ depletion

Blood pressure

Diuretics* High



Bartter or Gitelman syndrome, or diuretic abuse

Villous adenoma

High Plasma renin

Congenital chloridorrhea High Normal High unilateral renal vein renin


Primary aldosteronism, bilateral adrenal hyperplasia, or licorice abuse

Plasma cortisol


Renovascular HTN JGA tumor * After diuretic therapy


High Malignant or accelerated HTN

Cushing syndrome

Figure 14–10 Diagnostic algorithm for metabolic alkalosis, based on the spot urine Cl− and K+ concentration. JGA, juxtaglomerular apparatus; HTN, hypertension.

with these disorders are prone to develop nephrocalcinosis, renal insufficiency, and metabolic alkalosis.105 Discontinuation of alkali ingestion or administration is usually sufficient to repair the alkalosis.

Normal Blood Pressure, Extracellular Volume Contraction, Potassium Depletion, and Hyperreninemic Hyperaldosteronism

Congenital Chloridorrhea This rare autosomal recessive disorder is associated with severe diarrhea, fecal acid loss, and HCO3− retention. The pathogenesis is due to loss of the normal ileal HCO3−/Cl− anion exchange mechanism so that Cl− cannot be reabsorbed. The parallel Na+/H+ ion exchanger remains functional, allowing Na+ to be reabsorbed and H+ to be secreted. Subsequently, net H+ and Cl− exit in the stool, causing Na+ and HCO3− retention in the ECF.11,105 Alkalosis results and is sustained by concomitant ECF contraction with hyperaldosteronism and K+ deficiency. Therapy consists of oral supplements of sodium and potassium chloride. The use of proton-pump inhibitors has been advanced as a means of reducing chloride secretion by the parietal cells and, thus, reducing the diarrhea.108 Villous Adenoma Metabolic alkalosis has been described in cases of villous adenoma and is ascribed to high adenoma-derived K+ secretory rates. K+ and volume depletion likely cause the alkalosis, because colonic secretion is alkaline.

Renal Origin Diuretics Drugs that induce chloriuresis without bicarbonaturia, such as thiazides and loop diuretics (furosemide, bumetanide, and torsemide), acutely diminish the ECF space without altering the total body HCO3− content. The HCO3− concentration in the blood and ECF increases. The PCO2 does not increase commensurately, and a “contraction” alkalosis results.105 The

Edematous States In diseases associated with edema formation (congestive heart failure, nephrotic syndrome, cirrhosis), effective ECF is diminished, although total ECF is increased. Common to these diseases is diminished renal plasma flow and GFR with limited distal Na+ delivery. Net acid excretion is usually normal, and alkalosis does not develop, even with an enhanced proximal HCO3− reabsorptive capacity. However, the distal H+ secretory mechanism is primed by hyperaldosteronism to excrete excessive net acid if GFR can be increased to enhance distal Na+ delivery or if K+ deficiency or diuretic administration supervenes. Posthypercapnia Prolonged CO2 retention with chronic respiratory acidosis enhances renal HCO3− absorption and the generation of new HCO3− (increased net acid excretion). If the PCO2 is returned to normal, metabolic alkalosis, caused by the persistently elevated HCO3− concentration, emerges. Alkalosis develops immediately if the elevated PCO2 is abruptly returned toward normal by a change in mechanically controlled ventilation. There is a brisk bicarbonaturic response proportional to the change in PCO2. The accompanying cation is predominantly K+, especially if dietary potassium is not limited. Secondary hyperaldosteronism in states of chronic hypercapnia may be responsible for this pattern of response. Associated ECF contraction does not allow complete repair of the alkalosis by normalization of the PCO2 alone. Alkalosis persists until Cl− supplementation is provided. Enhanced proximal acidification as a result of conditioning induced by the previous hypercapnic state may also contribute to the maintenance of the posthypercapnic alkalosis.5 Bartter Syndrome Both classic Bartter syndrome and the antenatal Bartter are inherited as autosomal recessive disorders and involve impaired TALH salt absorption, which results in salt wasting, volume depletion, and activation of the renin-angiotensin system.109 These manifestations are the result of loss of function mutations of one of the genes that encode three transporters involved in vectorial NaCl absorption in the TALH. The most prevalent disorder is a mutation of the gene NKCC2 that encodes the bumetanide-sensitive Na+-2Cl-K+ cotransporter on the apical membrane. A second mutation has been discovered in the gene KCNJ1 which encodes the ATP-sensitive apical K+ conductance channel (ROMK) that operates in parallel with the Na+-2Cl−-K+ transporter to recycle K+. Both defects can be associated with classic Bartter syndrome. A third mutation of the CLCNKb gene encoding the voltagegated basolateral chloride channel (ClC-Kb) is associated only with classic Bartter syndrome and is milder and rarely associated with nephrocalcinosis. All three defects have the same net effect, loss of Cl− transport in the TALH.110 Antenatal Bartter syndrome has been observed in consanguineous families in association with sensorineural deafness; a syndrome linked to chromosome 1p31. The responsible

Disorders of Acid-Base Balance

Gastrointestinal Origin VOMITING AND GASTRIC ASPIRATION. Gastrointestinal loss of H+ results in retention of HCO3− in the body fluids. Increased H+ loss through gastric secretions can be caused by vomiting for physical or psychiatric reasons, through nasogastric tube aspiration, or by a gastric fistula (see Table 14–20).105 The fluid and sodium chloride loss in vomitus or in nasogastric suction results in ECF contraction with an increase in plasma renin activity and aldosterone.105 These factors decrease GFR and enhance the capacity of the renal tubule to reabsorb HCO3−.11 During the active phase of vomiting, there is continued addition of HCO3− to plasma in exchange for Cl−. The plasma HCO3− concentration increases to a level that exceeds the reabsorptive capacity of the proximal tubule. The excess sodium bicarbonate enters the distal tubule, where, under the influence of the increased level of aldosterone, K+ and H+ secretion is stimulated. Because of ECF contraction and hypochloremia, the kidney avidly conserves Cl−. Consequently, in this disequilibrium state generated by active vomiting, the urine contains large quantities of Na+, K+, and HCO3− but has a low concentration of Cl−. On cessation of vomiting, the plasma HCO3− concentration falls to the HCO3− threshold, which is markedly elevated by the continued effects of ECF contraction, hypokalemia, and hyperaldosteronism. The alkalosis is maintained at a slightly lower level than during the phase of active vomiting, and the urine is now relatively acidic with low concentrations of Na+, HCO3−, and Cl−. Correction of the ECF contraction with sodium chloride may be sufficient to reverse these events, with restoration of normal blood pH even without repair of K+ deficits.11 Good clinical practice, however, dictates K+ repletion as well.

degree of alkalosis is usually small, however, because of cel- 541 lular and non-HCO3− ECF buffering processes.11,105 Administration of diuretics chronically tends to generate an alkalosis by increased distal salt delivery, so that both K+ and H+ secretion is stimulated. Diuretics, by blocking Cl− reabsorption in the distal tubule or by increasing H+ pump activity, may also stimulate distal H+ secretion and increase net acid excretion. Maintenance of alkalosis is ensured by the persistence of ECF contraction, secondary hyperaldosteronism, K+ deficiency, enhanced ammonium production, stimulation of the H+,K+-ATPase, and the direct effect of the diuretic CH 14 as long as diuretic administration continues. Repair of the alkalosis is achieved by providing Cl− to normalize the ECF deficit.

542 gene, BSND, encodes a subunit, barttin, that colocalizes with the CLC-Kb channel in the TALH and K-secreting epithelial cells in the inner ear. Barttin appears to be necessary for function of the voltage-gated chloride channel. Expression of ClC-Kb is lost when coexpressed with mutant barttins. Thus, mutations in BSND represent a fourth category of patients with Bartter syndrome.109 Such defects would predictably lead to ECF contraction, hyperreninemic hyperaldosteronism, and increased delivery of Na+ to the distal nephron and, thus, alkalosis and renal K+ CH 14 wasting and hypokalemia. Secondary overproduction of prostaglandins, juxtaglomerular apparatus hypertrophy, and vascular pressor unresponsiveness would then ensue. Most patients have hypercalciuria and normal serum magnesium levels, which distinguishes this disorder from Gitelman syndrome. Bartter syndrome is inherited as an autosomal recessive defect, and most patients studied with mutations in these genes have been homozygotes or compound heterozygotes for different mutations in one of these genes. A few patients with the clinical syndrome have no discernible mutation in any of these four genes. Plausible explanations include unrecognized mutations in other genes, a dominant-negative effect of a heterozygous mutation, or other mechanisms. Recently, two groups of investigators have reported features of Bartter syndrome in patients with autosomal dominant hypocalcemia and activating mutations in the calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR). Activation of the CaSR on the basolateral cell surface of the TALH inhibits function of ROMK. Thus, mutations in CaSR may represent a fifth gene associated with the Bartter syndrome.90 The pathophysiologic basis of the myriad manifestations of Bartter syndrome is displayed in Figure 14–11. Historically, many of these features (e.g., elevated PGE2 and kallikreins), once considered potentially causative, are now realized to be secondary to the genetic defects in TALH solute transport. Distinction from surreptitious vomiting, diuretic administration, and laxative abuse is necessary to make the diagnosis of Bartter syndrome. The finding of a low urinary Cl− concentration is helpful in identifying the vomiting patient. The urinary Cl− concentration in Bartter syndrome would be expected to be normal or increased, rather than depressed. The therapy of Bartter syndrome is generally focused on repair of the hypokalemia by inhibition of the renin-angioAbnormal NKCC2, ROMK, or CICKB in the TALH

NaCI delivery to distal nephron Tubuloglomerular feedback Renal solute wasting

Renin AII Vascular response to pressors

ECV contraction Aldosterone

K+ and H+ secretion

tensin-aldosterone or the prostaglandin-kinin system. K+ supplementation, Mg2+ repletion, propranolol, spironolactone, prostaglandin inhibitors, and ACE inhibitors have been used with limited success. Gitelman Syndrome Patients with Gitelman syndrome resemble the Bartter syndrome phenotype in that an autosomal recessive chlorideresistant metabolic alkalosis is associated with hypokalemia, a normal to low blood pressure, volume depletion with secondary hyperreninemic hyperaldosteronism, and juxtaglomerular hyperplasia.110,111 However, hypocalciuria and symptomatic hypomagnesemia are consistently useful in distinguishing Gitelman syndrome from Bartter syndrome on clinical grounds.11 These unique features mimic the effect of chronic thiazide diuretic administration. A number of missense mutations in the gene SLC12A3, which encodes the thiazide-sensitive sodium-chloride cotransporter in the distal convoluted tubule, have been described and account for the clinical features including the classic finding of hypocalciuria.112 However, it is not clear why these patients have pronounced hypomagnesemia. A recent study has demonstrated that peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with Gitelman syndrome express mutated NCCT mRNA. In a large consanguineous Bedouin family, missense mutations were noted in CLCNKb but the clinical features overlapped between Gitelman and Bartter syndrome. Gitelman syndrome becomes symptomatic later in life and is associated with milder salt wasting than that occurring with the Bartter syndrome. A large study of adults with proven Gitelman syndrome and NCCT mutations showed that salt craving, nocturia, cramps, and fatigue were more common than in sex- and age-matched controls.112 Women experienced exacerbation of symptoms during menses, and many had complicated pregnancies. Treatment of Gitelman syndrome, as with Bartter syndrome, consists of liberal dietary sodium and potassium salts, but with the addition of magnesium supplementation in most patients. ACE inhibitors have been suggested as helpful in selected patients but may cause frank hypotension. After Treatment of Lactic Acidosis or Ketoacidosis When an underlying stimulus for the generation of lactic acid or keto acid is removed rapidly, as occurs with repair of circulatory insufficiency or with insulin, the lactate or ketones can be metabolized to yield an equivalent amount of HCO3−. Thus, the initial process of HCO3− titration that induced the metabolic acidosis is effectively reversed. In the oxidative metabolism of ketones or lactate, HCO3− is not directly produced; rather, H+ is consumed by metabolism of the organic anions, with the liberation of an equivalent amount of HCO3−. This process regenerates HCO3− if the organic acids can be metabolized to HCO3− before their renal excretion. Other sources of new HCO3− are additive with the original amount of HCO3− regenerated by organic anion metabolism to create a surfeit of HCO3−. Such sources include (1) new HCO3− added to the blood by the kidneys as a result of enhanced net acid excretion during the preexisting acidotic period and (2) alkali therapy during the treatment phase of the acidosis. The coexistence of acidosis-induced ECF contraction and K+ deficiency acts to sustain the alkalosis.11,105



Plasma [K+]


Figure 14–11 Schematic representation of the pathogenesis of Bartter syndrome. The primary defect is impairment of solute reabsorption in the thick ascending limb of Henle’s loop (TALH) as a result of an inherited loss of function mutation of NKCC2 (or BSC-1), ROMK, or ClCKB channel. These mutations impair the function of the Na+-2Cl−-K+ transporter.

Nonreabsorbable Anions and Magnesium Ion Deficiency Administration of large amounts of nonreabsorbable anions, such as penicillin or carbenicillin, can enhance distal acidification and K+ excretion by increasing the luminal potential difference attained105 or possibly by allowing Na+ delivery to the CCT without Cl−, thus favoring H+ secretion without Cl−dependent HCO3− secretion.105 Mg2+ deficiency also results in

hypokalemic alkalosis by enhancing distal acidification through stimulation of renin and hence aldosterone secretion.

Extracellular Volume Expansion, Hypertension, and Hypermineralocorticoidism (see Table 14–18) As previously discussed, mineralocorticoid administration increases net acid excretion and tends to create metabolic alkalosis. The degree of alkalosis is augmented by the simultaneous increase in K+ excretion leading to K+ deficiency and hypokalemia. Salt intake for sufficient distal Na+ delivery is also a prerequisite for the development of both the hypokalemia and the alkalosis. Hypertension develops partly as a result of ECF expansion from salt retention. The alkalosis is not progressive and is generally mild. Volume expansion tends to antagonize the decrease in GFR and/or increase in tubule acidification induced by hypermineralocorticoidism and K+ deficiency. Increased mineralocorticoid hormone levels may be the result of autonomous primary adrenal overproduction of mineralocorticoid or of secondary aldosterone release by primary renal overproduction of renin. In both examples, the normal feedback by ECF on net mineralocorticoid production is disrupted and volume retention results in hypertension. These disorders are considered in detail in Chapters 15, 42, and 43. High Renin States associated with inappropriately high renin levels may be associated with hyperaldosteronism and alkalosis. Renin levels are elevated because of primary elaboration of renin or, secondarily, by diminished effective circulating blood volume. Total ECF may not be diminished. Examples of highrenin hypertension include renovascular, accelerated, and malignant hypertension. Estrogens increase renin substrate and, hence, angiotensin II formation. Primary tumor overproduction of renin is another rare cause of hyperreninemic hyperaldosterone–induced metabolic alkalosis.105 Low Renin In these disorders, primary adrenal overproduction of mineralocorticoid suppresses renin elaboration. Hypertension occurs as the result of mineralocorticoid excess with volume overexpansion. PRIMARY ALDOSTERONISM. Tumor involvement (adenoma or, rarely, carcinoma) or hyperplasia of the adrenal gland is associated with aldosterone overproduction. Mineralocorticoid administration or excess production (primary aldosteronism of Cushing’s syndrome and adrenal cortical enzyme defects) increases net acid excretion and may result in metabolic alkalosis, which may be worsened by associated K+

Disorders of Acid-Base Balance

Potassium Ion Depletion Pure K+ depletion causes metabolic alkalosis, although generally of only modest severity. One reason that the alkalosis is usually mild is that K+ depletion also causes positive sodium chloride balance with or without mineralocorticoid administration. The salt retention, in turn, antagonizes the degree of alkalemia. When access to salt as well as to K+ is restricted, more severe alkalosis develops. Activation of the renal H+,K+ATPase in the collecting duct by chronic hypokalemia likely plays a role in maintenance of the alkalosis. Specifically, chronic hypokalemia has been shown to markedly increase the abundance of the colonic H+,K+-ATPase mRNA and protein in the OMCD. In animals, the alkalosis is maintained in part by reduction in GFR without a change in tubule HCO3− transport. In humans, the pathophysiologic basis of the alkalosis has not been well defined. Alkalosis associated with severe K+ depletion, however, is resistant to salt administration. Only repair of the K+ deficiency corrects the alkalosis.

deficiency. ECF volume expansion from salt retention causes 543 hypertension and antagonizes the reduction in GFR and/or increases tubule acidification induced by aldosterone and by K+ deficiency. The kaliuresis persists and causes continued K+ depletion with polydipsia, inability to concentrate the urine, and polyuria. Increased aldosterone levels may be the result of autonomous primary adrenal overproduction or of secondary aldosterone release due to renal overproduction of renin. In both situations, the normal feedback of ECF volume on net aldosterone production is disrupted, and hypertension from volume retention can result. The glucocorticoid- CH 14 remediable form is an autosomal dominant form. GLUCOCORTICOID-REMEDIABLE HYPERALDOSTERONISM. This is an autosomal dominant form of hypertension, the features of which resemble those of primary aldosteronism (hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis and volume-dependent hypertension). In this disorder, however, glucocorticoid administration corrects the hypertension as well as the excessive excretion of 18-hydroxysteroid in the urine. Lifton has demonstrated that this disorder results from unequal crossing over between the two genes located in close proximity on chromosome 8.113 This region contains the glucocorticoid-responsive promoter region of the gene encoding 11-β-hydroxylase (CYP11B1) where it is joined to the structural portion of the CYP11B2 gene encoding aldosterone synthase.113 The chimeric gene produces excess amounts of aldosterone synthase, unresponsive to serum potassium or renin levels, but it is suppressed by glucocorticoid administration. Although a rare cause of primary aldosteronism, the syndrome is important to distinguish because treatment differs and it can be associated with severe hypertension, stroke, and accelerated hypertension during pregnancy. CUSHING DISEASE OR SYNDROME. Abnormally high glucocorticoid production caused by adrenal adenoma or carcinoma or to ectopic corticotropin production causes metabolic alkalosis. The alkalosis may be ascribed to coexisting mineralocorticoid (deoxycorticosterone and corticosterone) hypersecretion. Alternatively, glucocorticoids may have the capability of enhancing net acid secretion and NH4+ production, which may be due to occupancy of cellular mineralocorticoid receptors. MISCELLANEOUS CONDITIONS. Ingestion of licorice, carbenoxolone, chewer’s tobacco, or nasal spray can cause a typical pattern of hypermineralocorticoidism. These substances inhibit 11 β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (which normally metabolizes cortisol to an inactive metabolite), so that cortisol is allowed to occupy type I renal mineralocorticoid receptors, mimicking aldosterone. Genetic apparent mineralocorticoid excess resembles excessive ingestion of licorice: volume expansion, low renin, low aldosterone levels, and a saltsensitive form of hypertension, which may include metabolic alkalosis and hypokalemia. The hypertension responds to thiazides and spironolactone but without abnormal steroid products in the urine. Licorice and carbenoxolone contain glycyrrhetinnic acid, which inhibits 11 β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. This enzyme is responsible for converting cortisol to cortisone, an essential step in protecting the mineralocorticoid receptor from cortisol, and protects normal subjects from exhibiting apparent mineralcorticoid excess. Without the renal-specific form of this enzyme, monogenic hypertension develops. LIDDLE’S SYNDROME. Liddle’s syndrome is associated with severe hypertension presenting in childhood, accompanied by hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis. These features resemble primary hyperaldosteronism, but the renin and aldosterone levels are suppressed (pseudohyperaldosteronism).113 The defect is constitutive activation of the ENaC at the apical membrane of principal cells in the CCD. Liddle originally described patients with low renin and low aldosterone levels that did not respond to spironolactone. The defect in Liddle’s

544 syndrome is inherited as an autosomal dominant form of monogenic hypertension and has been localized to chromosome 16q. Subsequently, this disorder has been attributed to an inherited abnormality in the gene that encodes the β- or the γ-subunit the renal ENaC. Either mutation results in deletion of the cytoplasmic tails of the β- or γ-subunits, respectively. The C-termini contain PY amino acid motifs that are highly conserved, and essentially all mutations in Liddle syndrome patients involve disruption or deletion of this motif. These PY motifs are important in regulating the number CH 14 of sodium channels in the luminal membrane by binding to the WW domains of the Nedd4-like family of ubquitin-protein ligases.114 Disruption of the PY motif dramatically increases the surface localization of ENaC complex, because these channels are not internalized or degraded (Nedd4 pathway), but remain activated on the cell surface.114 Persistent Na+ absorption eventuates in volume expansion, hypertension, hypokalemia, and metabolic alkalosis.113

Symptoms and Treatment Symptoms Symptoms of metabolic alkalosis include changes in central and peripheral nervous system function similar to those in hypocalcemia: mental confusion, obtundation, and a predisposition to seizures, paresthesias, muscular cramping, and even tetany. Aggravation of arrhythmias and hypoxemia in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is also a problem. Related electrolyte abnormalities including hypokalemia and hypophosphatemia are common, and patients may present with symptoms of these deficiencies. Treatment The maintenance of metabolic alkalosis represents a failure of the kidney to excrete bicarbonate efficiently because of chloride or potassium deficiency or continuous mineralocorticoid elaboration or both. Treatment is primarily directed at correcting the underlying stimulus for HCO3− generation and to restore the ability of the kidney to excrete the excess bicarbonate. Assistance is gained in the diagnosis and treatment of metabolic alkalosis by paying attention to the urinary chloride, the arterial blood pressure, and the volume status of the patient (particularly the presence or absence of orthostasis) (see Fig. 14–10). Particularly helpful in the history is the presence or absence of vomiting, diuretic use, or alkali therapy. A high urine chloride and hypertension suggests that mineralocorticoid excess is present. If primary aldosteronism is present, correction of the underlying cause will reverse the alkalosis (adenoma, bilateral hyperplasia, Cushing’s syndrome). Patients with bilateral adrenal hyperplasia may respond to spironolactone. Normotensive patients with a high urine chloride may have Bartter or Gitelman syndrome if diuretic use or vomiting can be excluded. A low urine chloride and relative hypotension suggests a chloride responsive metabolic alkalosis such as vomiting or nasogastric suction. [H+] loss by the stomach or kidneys can be mitigated by the use of proton-pump inhibitors or the discontinuation of diuretics. The second aspect of treatment is to remove the factors that sustain HCO3− reabsorption, such as ECF volume contraction or K+ deficiency. Although K+ deficits should be repaired, NaCl therapy is usually sufficient to reverse the alkalosis if ECF volume contraction is present, as indicated by a low urine [Cl−]. Patients with CHF or unexplained volume overexpansion represent special challenges in the critical care setting. Patients with a low urine chloride concentration, usually indicative of a “chloride-responsive” form of metabolic alkalosis, may not tolerate normal saline infusion. Renal HCO3− loss can be accelerated by administration of acetazolamide (250–500 mg intravenously), a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, if associated conditions preclude infusion of saline (elevated

pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, or evidence of CHF).105 Acetazolamide is usually very effective in patients with adequate renal function, but can exacerbate urinary K+ losses. Dilute hydrochloric acid (0.1 N HCl) is also effective and must be infused centrally. It can cause hemolysis and may be difficult to titrate. If used, the goal should not be to restore the pH to normal, but to a pH of approximately 7.50. Hemodialysis against a dialysate low in [HCO3−] and high in [Cl−] can be effective when renal function is impaired. Patients receiving continuous renal replacement therapy in the intensive care unit typically develop metabolic alkalosis with high bicarbonate dialysate or when citrate regional anticoagulation is employed. Therapy should include reduction of alkali loads via dialysis by reducing the bicarbonate concentration in the dialysate, or if citrate is being used, by infusion of 0.1 N HCl postfiltration.

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CH 14

Disorders of Acid-Base Balance

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CHAPTER 15 Normal Potassium Balance, 547 Potassium Transport Mechanisms, 547 Factors Affecting Internal Distribution of Potassium, 548 Renal Potassium Excretion, 551 Potassium Secretion in the Distal Nephron, 551 Potassium Reabsorption in the Distal Nephron, 552 Control of Potassium Secretion: Aldosterone, 553 Control of Potassium Secretion: The Effect of K+ Intake, 554 Urinary Indices of Potassium Excretion, 555 Regulation of Renal Renin and Adrenal Aldosterone, 555 Consequences of Hypokalemia and Hyperkalemia, 556 Consequences of Hypokalemia, 556 Consequences of Hyperkalemia, 556 Causes of Hypokalemia, 558 Epidemiology, 558 Spurious Hypokalemia, 558 Redistribution and Hypokalemia, 558 Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis, 558 Non-renal Potassium Loss, 559 Renal Potassium Loss, 559 Treatment of Hypokalemia, 565 Causes of Hyperkalemia, 567 Epidemiology, 567 Pseudohyperkalemia, 568 Excess Intake of Potassium and Tissue Necrosis, 568 Redistribution and Hyperkalemia, 568 Reduced Renal Potassium Excretion, 570 Medication-related Hyperkalemia, 571 The Clinical Approach to Hyperkalemia, 573 Management of Hyperkalemia, 573 Antagonism of Cardiac Effects: Calcium, 574 Redistribution of K+ into Cells, 575 Removal of Potassium, 576

Disorders of Potassium Balance David B. Mount • Kambiz Zandi-Nejad

The diagnosis and management of potassium disorders are central skills in clinical nephrology, relevant not only to consultative nephrology but also to dialysis and renal transplantation. An understanding of the underlying physiology is an obligatory component of the approach to hyperkalemic and hypokalemic patients. This chapter reviews those aspects of the physiology of potassium homeostasis judged to be relevant to the understanding of potassium disorders; a more detailed review is provided in Chapter 5. The physiology and pathophysiology of potassium disorders continue to evolve at a rapid rate. The ever-expanding armamentarium of drugs with a potential to affect serum potassium (K+) has both complicated clinical analysis and provided new insight. The evolving molecular understanding of rare disorders affecting serum K+ has also uncovered novel pathways of regulation; whereas none of these disorders constitute a “public health menace”,1 they are experiments of nature that have provided new windows on critical aspects of potassium homeostasis. Finally, the increasing availability of knockout and transgenic mice with precisely defined genetic modifications has provided the unprecedented opportunity to extend the relevant molecular physiology to whole-animal studies. These advances can be incorporated into an increasingly mechanistic, molecular understanding of potassium disorders.1a

NORMAL POTASSIUM BALANCE The dietary intake of potassium ranges from 110 mmoles/day in U.S. men and women. Despite this widespread variation in intake, homeostatic mechanisms precisely maintain serum K+ between 3.5 and 5.0 mmol/L. In a healthy individual at steady state, the entire daily intake of potassium is excreted, approximately 90% in the urine and 10% in the stool. More than 98% of total body potassium is intracellular, chiefly in muscle (Fig. 15–1). Buffering of extracellular K+ by this large intracellular pool plays a crucial role in the regulation of serum K+.2 Thus within 60 minutes of an intravenous load of 0.5 mmol/kg of K+-Cl− only 41% appears in the urine, yet serum

K+ rises by no more than 0.6 mmol/L3; adding the equivalent 35 millimoles exclusively to the extracellular space of a 70 kg man would be expected to raise serum K+ by ∼2.5 mmol/L.4 Changes in cellular distribution also defend serum K+ during K+ depletion. For example, military recruits have been shown to maintain a normal serum K+ after 11 days of basic training, despite a profound K+ deficit generated by renal and extra-renal loss.5 The rapid exchange of intracellular K+ with extracellular K+ plays a crucial role in maintaining serum K+ within such a narrow range; this is accomplished by overlapping and synergistic6 regulation of a number of renal and extra-renal transport pathways.

Potassium Transport Mechanisms (see Chapter 5) The intracellular accumulation of K+ against its electrochemical gradient is an energy-consuming process, mediated by the ubiquitous Na+/K+-ATPase enzyme. The Na+/K+-ATPase functions as an electrogenic pump, given that the stoichiometry of transport is three intracellular Na+ ions to two extracellular K+ ions. The enzyme complex is made up of a tissue-specific combination of multiple α-, β-, and γ-subunits, which are further subject to tissue-specific patterns of regulation.7 The Na+/K+-ATPase proteins share significant homology with the corresponding subunits of the H+/K+-ATPase enzymes (see later discussion on potassium reabsorption in the distal nephron). Cardiac glycosides (i.e., digoxin and ouabain) bind to the α subunits of Na+/K+-ATPase at an exposed extracellular hairpin loop that also contains the major binding sites for extracellular K+.8 The binding of digoxin and K+ to the Na+/K+-ATPase complex is thus mutually antagonistic, explaining in part the potentiation of digoxin toxicity by hypokalemia.9 Although the four α subunits have equivalent affinity for ouabain, they differ significantly in intrinsic K+/ouabain antagonism.10 Ouabain binding to isozymes containing the ubiquitous α-1 subunit is relatively insensitive to K+ concentrations within the physiological range, such that this isozyme is protected from digoxin under conditions wherein cardiac α-2 and α-3 subunits, the probable therapeutic 547


Cellular stores ~3300 mEq K+ ADP + Pi



~ ive ss Pa

Muscle (~2500 mEq K+)

GI intake (~100 mEq/day)


K+ Extracellular fluid (~65 mEq)

CH 15 RBC (~250 mEq) Liver (~250 mEq)

Renal excretion (90-95 mEq/day)

GI excretion (5-10 mEq/day)

Bone (~300 mEq) FIGURE 15–1 Body K+ distribution and cellular K+ flux.

targets,11 are inhibited.10 Genetic reduction in cardiac α-1 content has a negative ionotropic effect,11 such that the relative resistance of this subunit to digoxin at physiological serum K+ likely has an additional cardioprotective effect. Notably, the digoxin/ouabain binding site of α subunits is highly conserved, suggesting a potential role in the physiological response to endogenous ouabain/digoxin-like compounds. Recently, “knockin” mice have been generated that express α-2 subunits with engineered resistance to ouabain. These mice are strikingly resistant to ouabain-induced hypertension12 and to adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)dependent hypertension,13 the latter known to involve an increase in circulating ouabain-like glycosides. This provocative data lends new credence to the highly controversial role of such ouabain-like molecules in hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, modulation of the K+-dependent binding of circulating ouabain-like compounds to Na+/K+-ATPase may underlie at least some of cardiovascular complications of hypokalemia.14 Skeletal muscle contains as much as 75% of body potassium (see Fig. 15–1), and exerts considerable influence on extracellular K+. Exercise is thus a well-described cause of transient hyperkalemia; interstitial K+ in human muscle can reach levels as high as 10 mM after fatiguing exercise.15 Not surprisingly, therefore, changes in skeletal muscle Na+/K+ATPase activity and abundance are major determinants of the capacity for extra-renal K+ homeostasis. Hypokalemia induces a marked decrease in muscle K+ content and Na+/K+-ATPase activity,16 an “altruistic”2 mechanism to regulate serum K+. This is primarily due to dramatic decreases in the protein abundance of the α-2 subunit of Na+/K+-ATPase.17 In contrast, hyperkalemia due to potassium loading is associated with adaptive increases in muscle K+ content and Na+/K+-ATPase activity.18 These interactions are reflected in the relationship between physical activity and the ability to regulate extracellular K+ during exercise.19 For example, exercise training is associated with increases in muscle Na+/K+-ATPase concentration and activity, with reduced interstitial K+ in trained muscles20 and an enhanced recovery of serum K+ after defined amounts of exercise.19 Potassium can also accumulate in cells by coupling to the gradient for Na+ entry, entering via the electroneutral Na+-K+2Cl− cotransporters NKCC1 and NKCC2. The NKCC2 protein is found only at the apical membrane of thick ascending limb (TAL) and macula densa cells (see Figs. 15–2 and 15–9), where it functions in transepithelial salt transport and tubular regulation of renin release.20 In contrast, NKCC1 is widely expressed in multiple tissues,21 including muscle. The cotransport of K+-Cl− by the four K+-Cl− cotransporters (KCC1-

4) can also function in the transfer of K+ across membranes; although the KCCs typically function as efflux pathways driven by the electrochemical gradient,22 they can mediate influx when extracellular K+ increases.21 Whereas the collective role of NKCC1 and the four KCCs in regulating intracellular Cl− activity is increasingly accepted,21 their function in potassium homeostasis is as yet unclear. The efflux of K+ out of cells is largely accomplished by K+ channels, which comprise the largest family of ion channels in the human genome. There are three major subclasses of mammalian K+ channels; the six-transmembrane domain (TMD) family,23 which encompasses both the voltage-sensitive and Ca2+-activated K+ channels, the two-pore, four TMD family,24 and the two TMD family of inward rectifying K+ (Kir) channels.25 There is tremendous genomic variety in human K+ channels, with 26 separate genes encoding principal subunits of the voltage-gated Kv channels and 16 genes encoding the principal Kir subunits. Further complexity is generated by the presence of multiple accessory subunits and alternative patterns of mRNA splicing. Not surprisingly, an increasing number and variety of K+ channels have been implicated in the control of K+ homeostasis and the membrane potential of excitable cells such as muscle and heart.

Factors Affecting Internal Distribution of Potassium A number of hormones and physiological conditions have acute effects on the distribution of K+ between the intracellular and extracellular space (Table 15–1). Some of these factors are of particular clinical relevance, and are therefore reviewed in detail.


The effect of insulin to decrease serum K+ has been known since the early twentieth century.26 The impact of insulin on plasma K+ and plasma glucose is separable at multiple levels, suggesting independent mechanisms.16,27 Notably, the hypokalemic effect of insulin is not renal-dependent.28 Insulin and K+ appear to form a feedback loop of sorts, in that increases in serum K+ have a marked stimulatory effect on insulin levels.16,29 Inhibition of basal insulin secretion in normal subjects by somatostatin infusion increases serum K+ by up to 0.5 mmol/L, in the absence of a change in urinary excretion, emphasizing the crucial role of circulating insulin in the regulation of serum K+.30 Insulin stimulates the uptake of K+ by several tissues, most prominently liver, skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and fat.16,31 It does so by activating several K+ transport pathways, with particularly well-documented effects on the Na+/K+ATPase.32 Insulin activates Na+-H+ exchange and/or Na+-K+2Cl− cotransport in several tissues; although the ensuing increase in intracellular Na+ was postulated to have a secondary activating effect on Na+/K+-ATPase,33 it is clear that this is not the primary mechanism in most cell types.34 Insulin induces translocation of the Na+/K+-ATPase α-2 subunit to the plasma membrane of skeletal muscle cells, with a lesser effect on the α-1 subunit.35 This translocation is dependent on the activity of phosphoinositide-3 kinase (PI-3) kinase,35 which itself also binds to a proline-rich motif in the N-terminus of the α subunit.36 The activation of PI3-kinase by insulin thus induces phosphatase enzymes to dephosphorylate a specific serine residue adjacent to the PI3-kinase binding domain. Trafficking of Na+/K+-ATPase to the cell surface also appears to require the phosphorylation of an adjacent tyrosine residue, perhaps catalyzed by the tyrosine kinase activity of the insulin receptor itself.37 Insulin-stimulated K+ uptake, measured in rats using a “K+ clamp” technique, is rapidly reduced by 2 days of K+ depletion, before a modest drop in plasma K+,38 and in the absence of a change in plasma K+ in rats






CH 15

Disorders of Potassium Balance



Na K K K

FIGURE 15–2 Schematic cell models of potassium transport along the nephron. Cell types are as specified; TAL refers to thick ascending limb. Note the differences in luminal potential difference along the nephron. (From Giebisch G: Renal potassium transport: Mechanisms and regulation. Am J Physiol 274: F817–833, 1998.)






Principal K




Intercalated H ATP

subject to a lesser K+ restriction for 14 days.6 Insulin-mediated K+ uptake is thus modulated by the factors that preserve plasma K+ in the setting of K+ deprivation. In addition to mediating the direct cellular entry of K+, Na+/K+-ATPase and other pathways activated by insulin induce a hyperpolarization of the plasma membrane,39 resulting in increased passive entry of K+. Electroneutral transport pathways are also activated by insulin in peripheral tissue, including Na+-K+-2Cl− cotransport in adipocytes40 and K+-Cl− cotransport in skeletal muscle.41

Sympathetic Nervous System The sympathetic nervous system plays a prominent role in regulating the balance between extracellular and intracellular K+. Again, as is the case for insulin, the effect of catecholamines on plasma K+ has been known for some time42; however, a complicating issue is the differential effect of stimulating α- and β-adrenergic receptors (Table 15–2). Uptake of K+ by liver and muscle, with resultant hypokalemia, is stimulated via β2 receptors.43,44 The hypokalemic effect of catecholamines appears to be largely independent of

45 550 changes in circulating insulin, and has been reported in 46 nephrectomized animals. The cellular mechanisms whereby catecholamines induce K+ uptake in muscle include an activation of the Na+/K+-ATPase,47 likely via increases in cyclicAMP.48 However, β-adrenergic receptors in skeletal muscle also activate the inwardly directed Na+-K+-2Cl− cotransporter NKCC1, which may account for as much as one third of the uptake response to catecholamines.16,49

In contrast to β-adrenergic stimulation, α-adrenergic agonists impair the ability to buffer increases in K+ induced via intravenous loading or by exercise50; the cellular mechanisms whereby this occurs are not known. It is thought that βadrenergic stimulation increases K+ uptake during exercise to avoid hyperkalemia, whereas α-adrenergic mechanisms help blunt the ensuing post-exercise nadir.50 The clinical consequences of the sympathetic control of extra-renal K+ homeostasis are reviewed elsewhere in this chapter.

Acid-Base Status

CH 15

TABLE 15–1

Factors Affecting K+ Distribution between Intracellular and Extracellular Compartments Acute


Effect on Potassium


Enhanced cell uptake


Enhanced cell uptake


Impaired cell uptake


Impaired cell uptake


Enhanced cell uptake

External potassium balance

Loose correlation

Cell damage

Impaired cell uptake


Enhanced cell efflux Chronic


Effect on ATP Pump Density



Adrenal steroids


Exercise (training)






Potassium deficiency


Chronic renal failure


From Giebisch G: Renal potassium transport: Mechanisms and regulation. Am J Physiol 274:F817–833, 1998.

TABLE 15–2

The association between changes in pH and serum K+ was observed some time ago.51 It has long been held that acute disturbances in acid-base equilibrium results in changes in plasma K+, such that alkalemia shifts K+ into cells whereas acidemia is associated with K+ release from the cells.52,53 It is thought that this effective K+-H+ exchange helps maintain extracellular pH. Rather limited data exists for the durable concept that a change of 0.1 unit in plasma pH will result in 0.6 mmol/L change in plasma K+ in the opposite direction.54 However, despite the complexities of changes in K+ homeostasis associated with various acid-base disorders, a few general observations can be made. The induction of metabolic acidosis by the infusion of mineral acids (NH4+-Cl− or H+-Cl−) consistently increases serum K+,52–56 whereas organic acidosis generally fails to increase serum K+.53,55,57,58 Notably, a more recent report failed to detect an increase in plasma K+ in normal human subjects with acute acidosis secondary to duodenal NH4+-Cl− infusion, in which a modest acidosis was accompanied by an increase in circulating insulin.59 However, as noted by Adrogué and Madias,60 the concomitant infusion of 350 ml of D5W in these fasting subjects may have served to increase circulating insulin, thus blunting the potential hyperkalemic response to NH4+-Cl−. Clinically, use of the oral phosphate binder sevelamer in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is associated with acidosis, due to effective gastrointestinal absorption of H+-Cl−; in hemodialysis patients this acidosis has been associated with an increase in serum K+,61 which is ameliorated by an increase in dialysis bicarbonate concentration.62 Metabolic alkalosis induced by sodiumbicarbonate infusion usually results in a modest reduction in plasma K+.52–54,56,63 Respiratory alkalosis reduces serum K+, by a magnitude comparable to that of metabolic alkalosis.52–54,64 Finally, acute respiratory acidosis increases serum K+; the absolute increase is smaller than that induced by metabolic acidosis secondary to inorganic acids.52–54 Again, however, some studies have failed to show a change in serum K+ following acute respiratory acidosis.53,65

Sustained Effects of β– and α–Adrenergic Agonists and Antagonists on Serum K+

Catecholamine Specificity

Sustained Effect on Serum K+

β1 + β2 agonist (epinephrine, isoproterenol)


Pure β1 agonist (ITP)


Pure β2 agonist (salbutamol, soterenol, terbutaline)


β1 + β2 Antagonist (propranolol, sotalol)

Increase; blocks effect of β agonists

β1 Antagonist (practolol, metoprolol, atenolol)

None; does not block effect of β agonists

β2 Antagonist (butoxamine, H 35/25)

Blocks hypokalemic effect of β agonists

α Agonist (phenylephrine)


α Antagonist (phenoxybenzamine)

None; blocks effect of α agonist

ITP, isopropylamino-3-(2thiazoloxy)-2-propanol. *Results refer to the late (after 5 min), sustained effect.

RENAL POTASSIUM EXCRETION Potassium Secretion in the Distal Nephron

Disorders of Potassium Balance

The proximal tubule and loop of Henle mediate the bulk of potassium reabsorption, such that a considerable fraction of filtered potassium is reabsorbed prior to entry into the superficial distal tubules.66 Renal potassium excretion is primarily determined by regulated secretion in the distal nephron, specifically within the connecting segment (CNT) and cortical collecting duct (CCD). The principal cells of the CCD and CNT play a dominant role in K+ excretion; the relevant transport pathways are shown in Figures 15–2 and 15–3. Apical Na+ entry via the amiloride-sensitive epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC)67 results in the generation of a lumen-negative potential difference in the CNT and CCD, which drives passive K+ exit through an expanding list of apical K+ channels. A criti-

cal consequence of this relationship is that K+ secretion is 551 dependent on delivery of adequate luminal Na+ to the CNT and CCD68,69; K+ secretion by the CCD essentially ceases as luminal Na+ drops below 8 mmol/L.70 Dietary Na+ intake also influences K+ excretion, such that excretion is enhanced by excess Na+ intake and reduced by Na+ restriction (Fig. 15– 4).68,69 Basolateral exchange of Na+ and K+ is mediated by the Na+/K+-ATPase, providing the driving force for both Na+ entry and K+ exit at the apical membrane (see Figs. 15–2 and 15–3). Electrophysiological characterization has documented the CH 15 presence of several subpopulations of apical K+ channels in the CCD and CNT, most prominently a small-conductance (SK) 30 pS channel71,72 and a large-conductance, Ca2+activated 150 pS (“maxi-K”) channel.72,73 The higher density and higher open probability of the SK channel suggests that it likely mediates K+ secretion under baseline conditions, hence its frequent designation as the “secretory” K+ channel. The characteristics of the SK channel are particularly close


H2O Na+




3Na+ ATP

Lumen FIGURE 15–3 K+ secretory pathways in principal cells of the connecting segment (CNT) and cortical collecting duct (CCD). The absorption of Na+ via the amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) generates a lumen-negative potential difference, which drives K+ excretion through the apical secretory K+ channel ROMK. Flow-dependent K+ secretion is mediated by an apical voltage-gated, calcium-sensitive maxi-K channel.


(+) 2K+







Cl– K+

A K Excretion, mmol/day•kg

FIGURE 15–4 A, Relationship between steady-state serum K+ and urinary K+ excretion in the dog, as a function of dietary Na+ intake (mmol/day). Animals were adrenalectomized and replaced with aldosterone, dietary K+ and Na+ content were varied as specified. (From Young DB, Jackson TE, Tipayamontri U, Scott RC: Effects of sodium intake on steady-state potassium excretion. Am J Physiol 246:F772–778, 1984.) B, Relationship between steadystate serum K+ and urinary K+ excretion as a function of circulating aldosterone. Animals were adrenalectomized and variably replaced with aldosterone, dietary K+ content was varied. (From Young DB: Quantitative analysis of aldosterone’s role in potassium regulation. Am J Physiol 255:F811–822, 1988.)





Na intake 100


5 Aldo


10 6






Normal Aldo

0.4  Aldo


0 2


4 5 6 Plasma [K], mM




4 5 6 Plasma [K], mM


+ 552 to those of the K channel ROMK, encoded by the Kcnj1 74 gene, and ROMK protein has been localized at the apical membrane of principal cells.75 Definitive evidence that ROMK is the SK channel was obtained from mice with a targeted deletion of both alleles of the Kcnj1 gene; no 30 pS K+ channels were found in apical membranes from the CCD of these mice, with an intermediate channel density in heterozygous mice.73 The observation that ROMK knockout mice are normokalemic with an increased excretion of K+ serves to emphasize that there is considerable redundancy in distal K+ secretory pathways73; recent data suggest that distal K+ excreCH 15 tion in these mice is primarily mediated by maxi-K/BK channel activity (see later discussion).76 Alternative apical K+ secretory pathways in the CNT and/or CCD include the Ca2+-activated maxi-K channel,71 voltagesensitive channels such as Kv1.3,77,78 KCNQ1, and doublepore K+ channels such as TWIK-1.24 Maxi-K channels, also known as “BK” channels, have a heteromeric structure, encompassing functional α-subunits that form the ion channel pore and modulatory β-subunits that affect the biophysical and pharmacological characteristics of the channel complex.71 Maxi-K α-subunit transcripts are expressed in multiple nephron segments, and channel protein is detectable at the apical membrane of principal and intercalated cells in the CCD and CNT.71 Increased distal flow has a well-established stimulatory effect on K+ secretion, due in part to both enhanced delivery and absorption of Na+ and to increased removal of secreted K+.16,68,69 The pharmacology of flowdependent K+ secretion in the CCD is most consistent with maxi-K channels,79 and flow-dependent K+ secretion is reduced in mice with targeted deletion of the α1 and β1 subunits.71 The role of the Kv1.3 and KCNQ1 channels in K+ secretion is less clear. However, Kv1.3 is activated by the aldosteroneinduced kinase SGK (serum and glucocorticoid-induced kinase, see discussion on control of potassium secretion: aldosterone),80 and may serve as a “brake” on aldosteronestimulated K+ excretion by reducing the lumen-negative potential difference.77 KCNQ1 mediates K+ secretion in the inner ear and is expressed at the apical membrane of principal cells in the CCD81; the role of this channel in renal K+ excretion is not as yet known. In addition to K+ channels, a series of studies in the distal nephron have suggested a role for apical K+-Cl− cotransport in K+ secretion.22,68,82 In rat distal tubules, a mixture of distal convoluted tubule (DCT), connecting segment, and initial collecting duct, a reduction in luminal Cl− markedly increases K+ secretion.16,83 The replacement of luminal Cl− with SO4− or gluconate has the same stimulatory effect on K+ secretion; analogous results have been reported in humans subjected to dietary modulation of excreted anions.84 This electroneutral component of K+ secretion is not influenced by luminal Ba2+,16,83 which inhibits K+ secretion through apical K+ channels. These findings have been extended to the rabbit CCD, where a decrease in luminal Cl− from 112 mmol/L to 5 mmol/ L increases K+ secretion by 48%.85 A reduction in basolateral Cl− also decreases K+ secretion without an effect on transepithelial voltage or Na+ transport, and the direction of K+ flux can be reversed by a lumen-to-bath Cl− gradient, resulting in K+ absorption.85 In perfused CCDs from rats treated with mineralocorticoid, vasopressin increases K+ secretion86; because this increase in K+ secretion is resistant to luminal Ba2+(2 mmol/ L), vasopressin may stimulate Cl−-dependent K+ secretion.85 Recent pharmacological studies are consistent with K+-Cl− cotransport mediated by the KCCs22,82; of the three renal KCCs only KCC1 is apically expressed along the nephron (D.B.M., unpublished observations). Other functional possibilities for Cl−-dependent K+ secretion include the parallel operation of apical H+-K+-exchange and Cl−-HCO3− exchange in type B intercalated cells.87

Potassium Reabsorption in the Distal Nephron In addition to secretion, the distal nephron is capable of considerable reabsorption, particularly during restriction of dietary K+.16,66,88,89 This reabsorption is accomplished primarily by intercalated cells in the outer medullary collecting duct (OMCD), via the activity of apical H+/K+-ATPase pumps (see Fig. 15–2). H+/K+-ATPase constitutes the third major class of apical K+ transport in the distal nephron, with evolving roles in distal bicarbonate and K+ reabsorption.90 The H+/K+-ATPase enzymes are of course central to gastric acid secretion, and the availability of pharmacological inhibitors such as omeprazole was critical to the initial identification of their role in K+ homeostasis.88,89 Like the Na+/K+-ATPases, H+/K+-ATPase enzymes are members of the P-type family of ion transport ATPases. Although the HKα-1 (“gastric”) and HKα-2 (“colonic”) subunits are the best known, humans also have an HKα-4 subunit.91 Within the kidney, the HKα-1 subunit is expressed at the apical membrane of at least a subset of type A intercalated cells in the distal nephron.16,91 HKα-2 distribution in the distal nephron is more diffuse, with robust expression at the apical membrane of type A and B intercalated cells and connecting segment cells, with lesser expression in principal cells.92,93 Finally, the human HKα-4 subunit is detectable in intercalated cells of human kidneys.91 The various H+/K+ATPase holoenzymes differ in pharmacological behavior, such that those assembled with the gastric HKα-1 are classically sensitive to the H+/K+-ATPase inhibitors SCH-28080 and omeprazole and resistant to ouabain, whereas the colonic HKα-2 subunit is usually sensitive to ouabain and resistant to SCH-28080.16,94 This pharmacology has helped clarify the role of individual subunits in H+/K+-ATPase activity of the distal nephron, in both normal and K+-restricted animals. K+ deprivation induces a significant absorptive flux of K+ in the inner stripe of the outer medulla, which is largely inhibited by omeprazole and SCH-28080.16,88 Although both HKα-1 and HKα-2 are constitutively expressed in the distal nephron, tubule perfusion of normal animals suggests a functional dominance of omeprazole/SCH-28080-sensitive, ouabain-resistant H+/K+-ATPase activity, consistent with holoenzymes containing HKα-1. K+ depletion significantly increases the overall activity of H+/K+-ATPase in the collecting duct, with the emergence of a ouabain-sensitive H+/K+ATPase activity.16 The limitations of the available pharmacology notwithstanding, these data suggest a dominance of HKα-2 during K+ depletion. This conclusion is supported by the dramatic up-regulation of HKα-2 transcript and protein in the outer and inner medulla during K+ depletion, as reported by multiple laboratories.16,95,96 In contrast, HKα-1 abundance is minimally affected by K+ depletion.95,96 The preceding discussion suggests that the HKα-2 H+/K+ATPase plays a major role in K+ reabsorption by the distal nephron, serving to limit kaliuresis during K+ depletion. Indeed, mice with a homozygous targeted deletion of HKα-2 exhibit lower plasma and muscle K+ than wild-type litter mates when maintained on a K+-deficient diet. However, this appears to be due to marked loss of K+ in the colon rather than kidney because renal K+ excretion is appropriately reduced in the K+-depleted mutant mice.97 Presumably the lack of an obvious renal phenotype in either HKα-198 or HKα297 knockout mice reflects the marked redundancy in the expression of HKα subunits in the distal nephron. Indeed, collecting ducts from the HKα-1 knockout mice have significant residual ouabain-resistant and SCH-28080-sensitive H+/K+-ATPase activities, consistent with the expression of other HKα subunits that confer characteristics similar to the “gastric” H+/K+-ATPase.99 However, more recent data from HKα-1 and HKα-2 knockout mice suggest that compensatory

distribution after aldosterone or Na+-Cl− restriction.110–112 The 553 leading mechanism whereby aldosterone promotes the intracellular redistribution of ENaC subunits has emerged over the past 6 to 7 years, in a spectacular convergence of human genetics and physiology. An aldosterone-induced kinase has thus been shown to regulate the interaction between ENaC channels and proteins discovered through the identification of disease-associated mutations in Liddle syndrome. In cell culture systems, aldosterone strongly and rapidly induces a serine-threonine kinase called SGK-1 (serum and glucocorticoid-induced kinase-1)113; co-expression of SGK CH 15 with ENaC subunits results in a dramatic activation of the channel due to increased expression at the plasma membrane.111 Rapid induction of SGK-1 by aldosterone has also been shown in vivo,114 where it appears to correlate with the redistribution of channel protein to the plasma membrane.111 Unlike the effect on α-ENaC induction, spironolactone does not interfere with intracellular redistribution of ENaC subunits during dietary Na+-Cl− restriction110; this is consistent with the observation that SGK-1 also functions in the activation of ENaC by other hormones, including vasopressin and insulin.16,115 The mechanism underlying the effect of SGK-1 on surface expression of ENaC was recently uncovered via the pathobiology of Liddle syndrome (see also discussion on Liddle syndrome). With one exception,116 autosomal dominant mutations in the β- and γ-ENaC subunits associated with Liddle syndrome affect a so-called PPxY motif in the cytoplasmic C-terminus of the channel proteins, resulting in a gain of function. This PPxY motif was shown to bind to WW domains of the ubiquitin-ligase Nedd4117 and the related protein Nedd4-2; the latter turns out to be the likely physiological regulator of ENaC.118 Co-expression of Nedd4-2 or Nedd4 with wild-type ENaC channel results in a marked inhibition of channel activity due to retrieval from the cell membrane, whereas channels bearing Liddle syndrome mutations are resistant.119 Nedd4-2 is thought to ubiquitinate ENaC subunits, resulting in the removal of channel subunits from the cell membrane and degradation in the proteosome119,120; direct inhibition of channel activity by WW domains may also play a role.121 The circle between ENaC, aldosterone, and SGK-1 was ultimately closed with the observation that Nedd4-2 is a phosphorylation substrate for the latter, such that phosphorylation of Nedd4-2 by SGK abrogates its inhibitory effect on ENaC (Fig. 15–5).122 Aldosterone thus rapidly induces a kinase that inhibits Nedd4-2–dependent retrieval of ENaC from the apical membrane. Aldosterone evidently stimulates Nedd4-2 phosphorylation in vivo123 and reduces Nedd4-2 protein expression in cultured CCD cells.124 The importance of SGK-1 in K+ and Na+ homeostasis is illustrated by the phenotype of SGK-1 knockout mice.125,126 On a normal diet, homozygous SGK-1 −/− mice exhibit normal blood pressure and a normal serum K+, with only a mild

Disorders of Potassium Balance

mechanisms in these mice are not accounted for by ATPasetype mechanisms.100 In an alternative approach, transgenic mice have been generated with generalized over-expression of a “gain-offunction” mutation in H+/K+-ATPase. These mice globally over-express a mutant form of the HKβ subunit, in which a tyrosine-to-alanine mutation within the C-terminal tail abrogates regulated endocytosis from the plasma membrane. The gastric glands of these mice constitutively express H+/K+ATPase at the plasma membrane, with significant gastric hyperacidity.101 They also have higher plasma K+’s than their wild-type litter mates, with approximately half the fractional excretion of urinary K+,102 consistent with increased distal K+ reabsorption. These transgenic mice thus provide indirect evidence for the role of H+/K+-ATPase in K+ homeostasis.

Control of Potassium Secretion: Aldosterone Aldosterone is well established as an important regulatory factor in K+ excretion. However, an increasingly dominant theme is that it plays a permissive and synergistic role (see next section).77,103,104 This is reflected clinically in the frequent absence of hyperkalemia or hypokalemia in disorders associated with a deficiency or an overabundance of circulating aldosterone, respectively (see Hyperaldosteronism and Hypoaldosteronism). Regardless, it is clear that aldosterone and downstream effectors of this hormone have clinically relevant effects on K+ secretion, and that the ability to excrete K+ is modulated by systemic aldosterone levels (see Fig. 15–4). Aldosterone has no effect on the density of apical SK channels,105 despite the fact that it increases transcript levels of the ROMK (KCNJ1) gene that encodes this channel.106,107 Aldosterone does however induce a marked increase in the density of apical Na+ channels in the CNT and CCD,105 thus increasing the driving force for apical K+ excretion. The apical amiloride-sensitive epithelial Na+ channel is composed of three subunits, α-, β-, and γ-, that assemble together to synergistically traffic to the cell membrane and mediate Na+ transport.67 Aldosterone activates this channel complex by multiple mechanisms. First, it uniquely induces transcription of the α-ENaC subunit, via a glucocorticoid-response element in the channel’s promoter.108 This is reflected in an increased abundance of α-ENaC protein in response to either exogenous aldosterone or dietary Na+-Cl− restriction109; the response of α-ENaC to Na+-Cl− restriction is blunted by spironolactone, indicating that the effect is dependent on the mineralocorticoid receptor.110 Second, aldosterone and dietary Na+-Cl− restriction stimulate a significant redistribution of ENaC subunits in the CNT and early CCD, from a largely cytoplasmic location during dietary Na+-Cl− excess to a purely apical

FIGURE 15–5 Coordinated regulation of ENaC by the aldosterone-induced SGK kinase and the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-2. Nedd4-2 binds via its WW domains to ENaC subunits via their “PPXY” domains (denoted PY here), ubiquitinating the channel subunits and targeting them for removal from the cell membrane and destruction in the proteosome. Aldosterone induces the SGK kinase, which phosphorylates and inactivates Nedd4-2, thus increasing surface expression of ENaC channels. Mutations that cause Liddle syndrome affect the interaction between ENaC and Nedd4-2. (From Snyder PM, Olson DR, Thomas BC: Serum and glucocorticoid-regulated kinase modulates Nedd4-2-mediated inhibition of the epithelial Na+ channel. J Biol Chem 277:5–8, 2002.)


Increased surface expression


ENaC Aldosterone

PY Aldosterone WW

Nedd4-2 P P P Nedd4-2 SGK PY

+ − 554 elevation of circulating aldosterone. However, dietary Na -Cl + restriction of these mice results in relative Na -wasting and hypotension, marked weight loss, and a drop in glomerular filtration rate (GFR), despite considerable increases in circulating aldosterone.126 In addition, dietary K+ loading over 6 days leads to a 1.5 mM increase in plasma K+, also accompanied by a considerable increase in circulating aldosterone (∼fivefold greater than that of wild-type litter mate controls).125 This hyperkalemia occurs despite evident increases in apical ROMK expression, compared with the normokalemic litter CH 15 mate controls. The amiloride-sensitive, lumen-negative potential difference generated by ENaC is reduced in SGK-1 knockout mice,125 resulting in a decreased driving force for distal K+ secretion and the observed susceptibility to hyperkalemia. Another novel mechanism whereby aldosterone activates ENaC involves proteolytic cleavage of the channel by serine proteases. A “channel activating protease” that increases channel activity of ENaC was identified some time ago in Xenopus laevis A6 cells.127 The mammalian ortholog, denoted CAP1128 or prostasin,129 is an aldosterone-induced protein in principal cells.129 Urinary excretion of CAP1 is increased in hyperaldosteronism, with a reduction after adrenalectomy. CAP1 is membrane-associated, via a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) linkage127; mammalian principal cells also express two transmembrane proteases, denoted CAP2 and CAP3, with homology to CAP1.130 All three of these proteases activate ENaC by increasing the open probability of the channel, rather than by increasing expression at the cell surface.130 Because SGK increases channel expression at the cell surface,111 one would expect synergistic activation by co-expressed CAP1-3 and SGK; this is indeed the case.130 Therefore, aldosterone activates ENaC by at least three separate synergistic mechanisms; induction of α-ENaC, induction of SGK/repression of Nedd4-2, and induction of the channelactivating proteases (CAP1-3). Aldosterone also has significant effects on the basolateral membrane of principal cells, with dramatic changes in cellular morphology and length of basolateral membranes in response to the hormone.131,132 This is accompanied by an increase in basolateral Na+/K+-ATPase activity, although it has been difficult to determine how much of these cellular and functional changes are due to enhanced Na+ entry via apical ENaC.133,134 It is however known that aldosterone increases the expression of the Na+/K+-ATPase α-1 and β-1 subunits in the CCD135; these effects are evidently independent of ENaC activity.134

Control of Potassium Secretion: The Effect of K+ Intake Despite the evident importance of aldosterone in regulating K+ excretion, it is clear that other factors play important, synergistic roles. Chief among these is peritubular K+, induced experimentally by increases in K+ intake or by variation in tubule perfusion conditions.103,104,136 A high K+ diet in adrenalectomized animals increases apical Na+ reabsorption and K+ secretion in the CCD, a qualitatively similar response to that induced by aldosterone.137 When peritubular K+ is increased, there is a significant activation of basolateral Na+/ K+-ATPase, accompanied by a secondary activation of apical Na+ and K+ channels.138 Increased dietary K+ also significantly increases the density of SK channels in the CCD of normal, along with a modest increase in Na+ channel (ENaC) density.105 Notably, this increase in ENaC and SK density in the CCD occurs within hours of assuming a high K+ diet, with a minimal associated increase in circulating aldosterone.139 In contrast, a week of low Na+-Cl− intake, with almost a 1000fold increase in aldosterone, has no effect on SK channel

density; nor for that matter does 2 days of aldosterone infusion, despite the development of hypokalemia.139 Therefore, despite the important role of aldosterone in “setting the stage” for K+ secretion, other factors affect the density and activity of apical K+ secretory channels in response to increases in dietary K+. Considerable progress has recently been made in defining the signaling pathways that regulate the activity of ROMK, the SK channel, in response to changes in dietary K+. It appears that dietary K+ intake impacts on trafficking of the ROMK channel protein to the plasma membrane of principal cells, with a marked increase in the relative proportion of intracellular channel protein in K+-depleted animals140,141 and clearly defined expression at the plasma membrane of CCD cells from animals on a high-K+ diet.141 The membrane insertion and activity of ROMK is affected considerably by the tyrosine phosphorylation status of the channel protein, such that phosphorylation of tyrosine residue 337 stimulates endocytosis and dephosphorylation induces exocytosis142,143; this tyrosine phosphorylation appears to play a dominant role in the regulation of ROMK by dietary K+.144 Whereas the levels of protein tyrosine phosphatase-1D do not vary with K+ intake, intra-renal activity of the cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases c-src and c-yes are inversely related to dietary K+ intake, with a decrease under high K+ conditions and a marked increase after several days of K+ restriction.145,146 Localization studies indicate co-expression of c-src with ROMK in TAL and principal cells of the CCD.141 Moreover, inhibition of protein tyrosine phosphatase activity, leading to a dominance of tyrosine phosphorylation, dramatically increases the proportion of intracellular ROMK in the CCD of animals on a high-K+ diet.141 As reviewed earlier, maxi-K channels in the CNT and CCD play an important role in the flow-activated component of distal K+ excretion. Flow-stimulated K+ secretion by the CCD of both mice 76 and rats147 is enhanced on a high-K+ diet, with an absence of flow-dependent K+ secretion in rats on a low-K+ diet.147 This is accompanied by commensurate changes in transcript levels for α- and β2–4-subunits of the maxi-K channel proteins in micro-dissected CCDs (β1 subunits are restricted to the CNT71), with a marked induction by dietary K+ loading and reduction by K+ deprivation. Trafficking of maxi-K subunits is also affected by dietary K+, with largely intracellular distribution of α-subunits in K+-restricted rats and prominent apical expression in K+-loaded rats.147 The upstream K+-dependent stimuli that affect the trafficking and expression of ROMK and maxi-K channels in the distal nephron are not as yet known. However, a landmark study recently implicated the intra-renal generation of superoxide anions in the activation of cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases and downstream phosphorylation of the ROMK channel protein by K+ depletion.148 What might the circulating factor(s) be that respond to reduced dietary K+, leading to increases in intra-renal superoxides and a reduced kaliuresis? Potential candidates include angiotensin II (ATII) and growth factors such as IGF-1.148 Regardless, reports of a marked post-prandial kaliuresis in sheep, independent of changes in plasma K+ or aldosterone, have led to the suggestion that an enteric or hepatoportal K+ “sensor” controls kaliuresis via a sympathetic reflex.149 These investigators have reported similar data for humans ingesting oral K+-citrate.150 More recently, Morita and colleagues151 suggested that a bumetanide-sensitive hepatoportal K+ sensor induces a significant kaliuresis in response to infusion of K+-Cl− into rat portal vein, but not the inferior vena cava. Changes in dietary K+ absorption may thus have a direct “anticipatory” effect on K+ homeostasis, in the absence of changes in plasma K+. Such a “feedforward” control has the theoretical advantage of greater stability because it operates prior to changes in plasma K+, which induce the “feedback” element of control.152 Notably, changes in ROMK

A bedside test to directly measure distal tubular K+ excretion in humans would be ideal, however for obvious reasons this not technically feasible. A widely used surrogate is the “transtubular K+ gradient” (TTKG), which is defined as follows: TTKG =

[K + ]urine × Osm blood [K + ]blood × Osm urine

The expected values of the TTKG are largely based on historical data, and are 7 to 8 in the presence of hyperkalemia.155 Clearly water absorption in the CCD and medullary collecting duct is an important determinant of the absolute K+ concentration in the final urine, hence the use of a ratio of urine:plasma osmolality. Indeed, water absorption may in large part determine the TTKG, such that it far exceeds the limiting K+ gradient.156 The TTKG may be less useful in patients ingesting diets of changing K+ and mineralocorticoid intake.157 There is however a linear relationship between serum aldosterone and the TTKG, suggesting that it provides a rough approximation of the ability to respond to aldosterone with a kaliuresis.158 Moreover, the determination of urinary electrolytes provides measurement of urinary Na+, which will determine whether significant pre-renal stimuli are limiting distal Na+ delivery and thus K+ excretion (see also Fig. 15–4). Urinary electrolytes also afford the opportunity to calculate the urinary anion gap, an indirect index of urinary NH4+ content and thus the ability to respond to an acidemia.159 Restraint is always advised, however, to avoid excessive flights of fancy in the physiological interpretation of urinary electrolytes.

Regulation of Renal Renin and Adrenal Aldosterone Modulation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone (RAS) axis has profound clinical effects on K+ homeostasis. Although multiple tissues are capable of renin secretion, renin of renal origin has a dominant physiological impact. Renin secretion by juxtaglomerular cells within the afferent arteriole is initiated in response to a signal from the macula densa,160 specifically a decrease in luminal chloride161 transported through

Aldosterone secretion (pg/min /106 cells)

Urinary Indices of Potassium Excretion

the Na+-K+-2Cl− cotransporter (NKCC2) at the apical mem- 555 brane of macula densa cells.21 In addition to this macula densa signal, decreased renal perfusion pressure and renal sympathetic tone stimulate renal renin secretion.16 The various inhibitors of renin release include angiotensin II, endothelin,162 adenosine,163 ANP,164,165 TNF-α,166 and vitamin D.167 The cGMP-dependent protein kinase type II (cGKII) tonically inhibits renin secretion, in that renin secretion in response to several stimuli is exaggerated in homozygous cGKII knockout mice.168 Activation of cGKII by atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) or nitric oxide (or both) has a marked CH 15 inhibitory effect on the release of renin from juxtaglomerular cells.164,165 Local factors that stimulate renin release from juxtaglomerular cells include prostaglandins,169 adrenomedullin,170 and catecholamines (β-1 receptors).171 The relationship between renal renin release, the RAS, and cycloogenase-2 (COX-2) is particularly complex.172 COX-2 is heavily expressed in the macula densa,173 with a significant recruitment of COX-2(+) cells seen with salt restriction or furosemide treatment.16,173 Reduced intracellular chloride in macula densa cells appears to stimulate COX-2 expression via p38 MAP kinase,174 whereas both aldosterone and angiotensin II (ATII) reduce its expression.172 Prostaglandins derived from COX-2 in the macula densa play a dominant role in the stimulation of renal renin release by salt restriction, furosemide, renal artery occlusion, or angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition.16,175 Renin released from the kidney ultimately stimulates aldosterone release from the adrenal via angiotensin II. Hyperkalemia per se is also an independent and synergistic stimulus (Fig. 15–6) for aldosterone release from the adrenal gland,16,176 although dietary K+ loading is less potent than dietary Na+-Cl− restriction in increasing circulating aldosterone.103 ATII and K+ both activate Ca2+ entry in adrenal glomerulosa cells, via voltage-sensitive T-type Ca2+ channels.16,177 Elevations in extracellular K+ thus depolarize glomerulosa cells and activate these Ca2+ channels, which are independently and synergistically activated by ATII.177 The physiological importance of the K+-dependent stimulation of adrenal aldosterone release is vividly illustrated by the phenotype of mice with a targeted deletion of the KCNE1 K+ channel subunit. These mice have an exaggerated adrenal release of aldosterone when placed on a high K+ diet.178 The KCNE1 gene is expressed in adrenal glomerulosa cells, where it

Disorders of Potassium Balance

phosphorylation status and insulin-sensitive muscle uptake can be seen in K+-deficient animals in the absence of a change in plasma K+,6 suggesting that upstream activation of the major mechanisms that serve to reduce K+ excretion (reduced K+ secretion in the CNT/CCD, decreased peripheral uptake, and increased K+ reabsorption in the OMCD) does not require changes in plasma K+. Finally, we should note in this context that new evidence has stimulated a reappraisal of the role of the CNT in regulated K+ and Na+ handling by the kidney (see also Chapter 5). It has recently been appreciated that the density of both Na+ and K+ channels is considerably greater in the CNT than in the CCD72,153; the capacity of the CNT for Na+ reabsorption may be as much as 10 times greater than that of the CCD.153 Indeed, it is likely that, under basal conditions of high Na+Cl− and low K+ intake, the bulk of aldosterone-stimulated Na+ and K+ transport has occurred prior to the entry of tubular fluid into the CCD.154 The recruitment of ENaC subunits in response to dietary Na+ restriction begins in the CNT, with progressive recruitment of subunits in the CCD at lower levels of dietary Na+.112 With respect to K+ secretion, unlike the marked increase seen in the CCD,105,139 the density of SK channels in the CNT is not increased by high dietary K+ loading; again, this is consistent with progressive, axial recruitment of transport capacity for Na+ and K+ along the distal nephron.

300 250 200

5K 2K

150 100 50 0 0






Log [ANG II] (M) FIGURE 15–6 Synergistic effect of increased extracellular K+ and angiotensin II (ANGII) in inducing aldosterone release from bovine adrenal glomerulosa cells. Dose response curves for ANGII were performed at extracellular K+ of 2 mmol/l (䊊) and 5 mmol/l (䊉). (From Chen XL, Bayliss DA, Fern RJ, Barrett PQ: A role for T-type Ca2+ channels in the synergistic control of aldosterone production by ANG II and K+. Am J Physiol 276:F674–683, 1999.)

Consequences of Hypokalemia

polyuria,202 phosphaturia,210 hypocitraturia,211 and increased ammoniagenesis.201 K+ depletion in rats causes proximal tubular hyper-absorption of Na+-Cl−, in association with an up-regulation of ATII,207 AT1 receptor,212 and the α2-adrenergic receptor213 in this nephron segment. NHE3, the dominant apical Na+ entry site in the proximal tubule, is massively (>700%) up-regulated in K+-deficient rats,214 which is consistent with the observed hyper-absorption of both Na+-Cl− and bicarbonate.201 Polyuria in hypokalemia is due to polydipsia215 and to a vasopressin-resistant defect in urinary concentrating ability.201 This renal concentrating defect is multifactorial, with evidence for both a reduced hydroosmotic response to vasopressin in the collecting duct201 and decreased Na+-Cl− absorption by the TAL.216 K+ restriction has been shown to result in a rapid, reversible decrease in the expression of aquaporin-2 in the collecting duct,217 beginning in the CCD and extending to the medullary collecting duct within the first 24 hours.218 In the TAL, the marked reductions seen during K+ restriction in both the apical K+ channel ROMK and the apical Na+-K+-2Cl− cotransporter NKCC2140,214 reduce Na+-Cl− absorption, and thus inhibit countercurrent multiplication and the driving force for water absorption by the collecting duct.

Excitable Tissues: Muscle and Heart

Cardiovascular Consequences

556 presumably affects the electrophysiological response to increased extracellular K+.178 The adrenal release of aldosterone due to increased K+ is dependent on an intact adrenal renin-angiotensin system,179 particularly during Na+ restriction. ACE inhibitors and angiotensin-receptor blockers (ARBs) thus completely abrogate the effect of high K+ on salt-restricted adrenals.180 Other clinically relevant activators of adrenal aldosterone release include prostaglandins181 and catecholamines,182 via increases in cyclic-AMP.183,184 Finally, ANP exerts a potent negative effect + 185 CH 15 on aldosterone release induced by K and other stimuli, at least in part by inhibiting early events in aldosterone synthesis.186 ANP is therefore capable of inhibiting both renal renin release and adrenal aldosterone release, functions that may be central to the pathophysiology of hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism.


Hypokalemia is a well-described risk factor for both ventricular and atrial arrhythmias.187–189 For example, in patients undergoing cardiac surgery, a serum K+ of 8.0 mmol/L

Absence of P wave Intraventricular blocks, fascicular blocks, bundle branch blocks, QRS axis shift Progressive widening of the QRS complex “Sine-wave” pattern (sinoventricular rhythm), ventricular fibrillation, asystole

CH 15

ticular may not demonstrate electrocardiographic changes, perhaps due to concomitant abnormalities in serum Ca2+. Care should also be taken to adequately distinguish the symmetrically peaked, “church steeple”, T waves induced by hyperkalemia from T wave changes due to other causes.234 Hyperkalemia can also rarely present with ascending paralysis,16 denoted “secondary hyperkalemic paralysis” to differentiate it from familial hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (HYPP). This presentation of hyperkalemia can mimic Guillain-Barré syndrome, and may include diaphragmatic paralysis and respiratory failure.235 Hyperkalemia from a diversity of causes can cause paralysis, as reviewed by Evers and colleagues.236 The mechanism is not entirely clear; however, nerve conduction studies in one case suggest a neurogenic mechanism, rather than a direct effect on muscle excitability.236 In contrast to secondary hyperkalemic paralysis, HYPP is a primary myopathy. Patients with HYPP develop myopathic weakness during hyperkalemia induced by increased K+ intake or rest after heavy exercise.237 The hyperkalemic trigger in HYPP serves to differentiate this syndrome from hypokalemic periodic paralysis (HOKP); a further distinguishing feature is the presence of myotonia in HYPP.237 Depolarization of skeletal muscle by hyperkalemia unmasks an inactivation defect in a tetrodotoxin-sensitive Na+ channel in patients with HYPP, and autosomal dominant mutations in the SCN4A gene encoding this channel cause most forms of the disease.238 Mild muscle depolarization (5–10 mV) in HYPP results in a persistent inward Na+ current through the mutant channel; the normal, allelic SCN4 channels quickly recover from inactivation and can then be re-activated, resulting in myotonia. When muscle depolarization is more marked (i.e., 20–30 mV) all of the Na+ channels are inactivated, rendering the muscle inexcitable and causing weakness (Fig. 15–7). Related disorders due to mutations within the large SCN4A channel protein include HOKP type II,239 paramyotonia congenita,238 and K+-aggravated myopathy.238 American thoroughbred quarter horses have a high incidence (4.4%) of HYPP, due to a mutation in equine SCN4A traced to the sire “Impressive” (see Fig. 15–7).238 Finally, loss-of-function mutations in the muscle-specific K+ channel subunit “MinK-related peptide 2” (MiRP2) have also been shown to cause HYPP; MiRP2 and the associated Kv3.4 K+ channel play a role in setting the resting membrane potential of skeletal muscle.240

Renal Consequences Hyperkalemia has a significant effect on the ability to excrete an acid urine, due to interference with the urinary excretion

A Explanation for paralytic attacks in Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis Patients [K] intake or exercise followed by rest Small increase of extracellular [K] Slight membrane depolarization Opening of Na channels but also switch abnormal Na channels to non-inactivating mode Persistent inward Na current Sustained depolarization of cell membrane Efflux of K Increase of [K]e


Inactivation of normal Na channels Loss of electrical excitability Paralytic attack

FIGURE 15–7 Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (HYPP) due to mutations in the voltage-gated Na+ channel of skeletal muscle. A, This disorder is particularly common in thoroughbred quarter horses; an affected horse is shown during a paralytic attack, triggered by rest after heavy exercise (picture courtesy of Dr. Eric Hoffman). B, Mechanistic explanation for muscle paralysis in HYPP. (From Lehmann-Horn F, Jurkat-Rott K: Voltage-gated ion channels and hereditary disease. Physiol Rev 79:1317–1372, 1999.)

Disorders of Potassium Balance

From Mattu A, Brady WJ, Robinson DA: Electrocardiographic changes and hyperkalemia. Am J Emerg Med 18:721–729, 2000.

+ 558 of ammonium (NH4 ). Whereas hypokalemia increases NH3 production by the proximal tubule, hyperkalemia does not affect proximal tubular ammoniagenesis; urinary excretion of NH4+ is however reduced.241 The TAL absorbs NH4+ from the tubular lumen, followed by countercurrent multiplication and ultimately excretion from the medullary interstitium.242 The NH4+ ion has the same ionic radius as K+, and can be transported in lieu of K+ by NKCC2,243 the apical Na+-K+/NH4+2Cl− cotransporter of the TAL, in addition to a number of other pathways. As is the case for other cations, countercur+ CH 15 rent multiplication of NH4 by the TAL greatly increases the + concentration of NH4 /NH3 available for secretion in the collecting duct. The NH4+ produced by the proximal tubule in response to acidosis is thus reabsorbed across the TAL, concentrated by countercurrent multiplication in the medullary interstitium, and secreted in the collecting duct. The capacity of the TAL to reabsorb NH4+ is increased during acidosis, due to induction of NKCC2 expression.243 Hyperkalemia in turn appears to inhibit renal acid excretion by competing with NH4+ for reabsorption by the TAL244; this may be a major factor in the acidosis associated with various defects in K+ excretion.245

CAUSES OF HYPOKALEMIA Epidemiology Hypokalemia is a relatively common finding in both outpatients and inpatients, perhaps the most common electrolyte abnormality encountered in clinical practice.246 When defined as a serum K+ of less than 3.6 mmol/L, it is found in up to 20% of hospitalized patients.247 Hypokalemia is usually mild, with K+ levels in the 3.0 to 3.5 mmol/L range, but in up to 25% it can be moderate to severe (5.6, ACE-inhibitors, ARBs, and/or mineralocorticoid receptor blockers should be stopped and patient be treated for hyperkalemia. I. If serum K+ is increased but 30 mg/g)





Australia (25+)


2.4 (>200 mg/g)




High risk (V)

Australia, Tiwi (18+)



Ausdiab4 58

Aboriginies 59




China (35–74)

237 15,540




c c

Strong 0.7–8.1


GP (V)

China, Beijing (40+)


8.4 (S)




GP (V)

Japan, Okinawa (30–79)






Okinawa Screening62

GP (V)

Japan, Okinawa GHMA (20+)


47.4 (≥1+)




GP (V)

Pakistan, Karachi (40+)






Thailand, Nonthaburi 1985 (35–55)


2.64 (1+)



Karachi63 64

Thailand EGA


6–21.2 Strong

Source population: GP, general population; PS, probability sampling survey design; V, volunteer sample; Cohort, an existing cohort; Clinical and Workplace populations without specific criteria are noted. S, Albuminuria sex-specific definition: >17 mg/g in men and >25 mg/g in women. C , some calibration of the serum creatinine assay to the MDRD equation laboratory. Age dependence shows the prevalence from youngest to the oldest age group studied.

TABLE 17–4

Incidence of End-Stage Renal Disease in the United States Much more precise data are available on the occurrence of treated ESRD compared with earlier stages of CKD. In the United States, ESRD is tracked by the U.S. Renal Disease

Trends in the Prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease in the U.S.


Prevalence (%)




GFR ≥90 and persistent albuminuria


to more rapid progression or poorer survival in different 619 subgroups is uncertain. In NHANES III, approximately 11.7% of subjects had abnormal urine albumin-to-creatinine ratios and the prevalence was higher at lower levels of kidney function. In the subsample of NHANES III that underwent repeat urine testing, macroalbuminuria always persisted on repeat testing, whereas microalbuminuria persisted in only 54% of patients with an eGFR of greater than 90 mL/min/1.73 m2 and 73% of those with a GFR of 60 to 89. These findings may reflect an initial false-positive result, a subsequent false-negative result, or the presence of intermittent proteinuria—the significance of which is unknown. It is notable that, given the differences in muscle mass between the sexes, the urine protein-tocreatinine threshold level used to define microalbuminuria CH 17 should ideally be gender specific, at approximately 17 to 250 mg/g creatinine in men and 25 to 355 mg/g creatinine in women.72 Such gender specific cutoffs have not entered standard clinical practice. The most widely used non–genderspecific cutoff is an albumin-to-creatinine ratio greater than or equal to 30 mg/g for microalbuminuria. Using this cutoff, the overall prevalence of albuminuria rose significantly from 8.2% in 1988 to 1994 to 10.1% in 1999 to 2000, P = .01, and the estimated proportion of the U.S. population with CKD stages 1 to 4 was 8.8% in 1988 to 1994 and 9.4% in 1999 to 2000 (Table 17–4). Internationally, it is clear that both proteinuria and decreased eGFR are quite common in many settings (see Table 17–3). However, it is hard to relate the prevalence of these markers of CKD to rates of ESRD due to methodologic differences between studies and different reports. A focused comparison of Norway to the United States revealed very similar prevalence rates of albuminuria and CKD stage 3, despite markedly higher treated ESRD incidence in the United States than in Norway. This suggests that factors determining progression from CKD to ESRD, not the least of which are treatment availability and patient management, will be important to understand.57 It is also clear that CKD prevalence rates are substantial in countries with low income in which ESRD treatment is very limited or not available, such as Pakistan.63

Epidemiology of Kidney Disease

damage include renal imaging70 or hematuria, although the latter is less specific for CKD because the bleeding may often originate from the lower genitourinary tract rather than the kidney. Over the last several years, the NHANES have provided a wealth of information regarding the prevalence of CKD and its complications within the United States. The third NHANES was conducted between 1998 and 1994 and included over 15,488 subjects who were older than 20 years and who had available laboratory data. The serum creatinine value that was used to estimate GFR was recalibrated to the original assay used to develop the MDRD equation. Kidney damage was identified using spot urine protein-to-creatinine ratios and adjusted for the estimated degree of persistence over time, based on results from a subsample of 1241 subjects who underwent repeat proteinuria testing approximately 2 weeks after the original test. Recent NHANES are carried out in 2year intervals starting in 1999 to 2000 using similar methods as NHANES III. The smaller sample size (n = 4101) in 1999 to 2000 resulted in less precision in prevalence estimates. Updated results for NHANES 1999–2004 with calibration to standard creatinine should be available by 2008 and preliminary analysis suggest the prevalence of CKD has risen. In NHANES III, the mean (standard error [se]) prevalence estimate for KDOQI-defined mild, moderate, and severe levels of decreased kidney function was 31.2% (0.78), 4.2% (0.25), and 0.19% (0.03).51,71 In NHANES 1999 to 2000, the mean (se) prevalence of mildly reduced GFR had significantly increased to 36.3% (1.26), but estimates were otherwise similar for moderate and severe reductions in GFR at 3.7% (0.37) and 0.13% (0.06), respectively.51 Both surveys showed similar declines in eGFR with age. In NHANES III, the median (95% confidence interval [CI]) eGFR for subjects aged 20 to 29 years was 113 mL/min/1.73 m2 (112–114) and for those aged 70 years and above it was 75 ml/min/1.73 m2 (73–77). Approximately one quarter of all subjects aged over 70 had an eGFR of below 60 mL/min/1.73 m2. Decreased kidney function was more common in women than in men, but this difference disappeared with adjustment for age differences. Early stages of kidney damage were more common among non-Hispanic whites than among non-Hispanic blacks. Odds ratio of CKD in blacks as compared with whites, adjusted for age, gender, history of hypertension, use of hypertensive medications, and history of diabetes in normal, mild, moderate, and severe reductions in GFR were 1.0 (reference), 0.37 (0.32–0.43), 0.56 (0.44–0.71) and 1.1 (0.51–2.37), respectively.71 Prevalence was lowest for Mexican Americans. The extent to which these differences from the pattern of ESRD incidence reflect limitations of equations to estimate GFR or a shorter duration due

1988–1994* †


Prevalence Ratio (95% CI)†

No. in U.S. in 2000,‡ Thousands (95% CI)



1.26 (1.00–1.59)

5,600 (4,000–7,200)

GFR 60–89 and persistent albuminuria



1.27 (1.00–1.61)

5,700 (4,200–7,200) 7,400 (6,000–8,900)


GFR 30–59



0.88 (0.67–1.10)


GFR 15–29



0.68 (0.07–1.44)


Stages 1–4



1.07 (0.93–1.22) 2

300 (24–500) 19,000 (16,300–21.600)

ACR, albumin-to-creatinine ratio; CKD, chronic kidney disease; CI, confidence interval; GFR in ml/min per 1.73 m ; MEC, mobile examination center; NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. *MEC examined respondents with nonmissing serum creatinine measures and estimated GFR >15 and for albuminuria nonmissing ACR data, nonpregnant and not in menses. † Bootstrap CI estimates include variability in the persistence estimates of albuminuria but assume persistence to be the same in the two surveys. ‡ Based on NHANES 1999–2000 prevalence and 200,948,641 adults age 20 yr and older in 2000 census. § From Coresh J, Byrd-Holt D, Astor BC, et al: Chronic kidney disease awareness, prevalence, and trends among U.S. adults, 1999 to 2000. J Am Soc Nephrol 16(1):180–188, 2005.









0 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03


Symbols: % change from previous year

Bars: Rate per million population


FIGURE 17–1 Adjusted U.S. incidence rates of ESRD and annual percent change. (From U.S. Renal Data System: USRDS 2005 Annual Data Report: Atlas of End-Stage Renal Disease in the United States. Bethesda, MD, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, 2005, p 68.)

CH 17 Registry (USRDS) and detailed reports are published annually. The 2005 report includes data up until 2003 and is the year referred to in the following text, unless otherwise stated. In that year, 102,567 new patients commenced treatment with renal replacement therapy in the United States, equivalent to an age-, gender-, and race-adjusted rate of 338 per million population (pmp). Throughout most of the 1980s and early 1990s, the incidence of ESRD increased by 5% to 10% over consecutive years, resulting in an adjusted incidence rate for 1981, 1991, and 2001 of 91, 223, and 334 pmp, respectively (Fig. 17–1). However, in the last several years, this rate of increase has leveled off, and in 2003, for the first time, the adjusted incidence rate actually decreased, albeit marginally, by 2 pmp. The rate for 2004 has decreased by 0.9%. Despite this recent stabilization in the ESRD incidence rate, the absolute number of patients commencing renal replacement therapy continues to rise, increasing by 2% in 2003, in keeping with the overall population aging and growth, particularly among minorities within the United States. Furthermore, even with the stabilization of the incidence rate, on the basis of the anticipated demographic changes in general population and of the sustained increase in diabetes, it is estimated that, by 2015, the incidence (95% CI) rate for ESRD will have increased to 136,166 (110,989–164,550) cases per year.73

Trends and Determinants of End-Stage Renal Disease Incidence Rates The reasons underlying the epidemic growth in incident ESRD and the more recent stabilization of this trend are not completely understood. The incidence of renal replacement therapy will vary with the prevalence of CKD in the general population, the rate of progression of CKD to ESRD, the rate of acceptance of patients onto renal replacement programs, and effects of competing causes of mortality, which result in the death of patients prior to the initiation of dialysis. Furthermore, the relative impact of these different factors with regard to increasing incidence may differ substantially by race.74 PREVALENCE OF CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE. As described earlier, the prevalence of CKD in the general U.S. population as estimated from the NHANES has not demonstrated the dramatic increase seen in ESRD prevalence. Whereas recent analysis of 12,866 enrollees of the Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial (MRFIT) study confirmed that the presence of proteinuria and a low GFR (1 g/day) progress at a faster rate than those with lowgrade proteinuria (≤1 g/day).99,104 For example, in both diabetic and nondiabetic patients with proteinuric renal disease, acceleration of renal disease progression correlates with the level of baseline proteinuria. Even in patients with controlled essential hypertension and no evidence of renal disease, the onset of proteinuria may be a marker of future decline of renal function. Also, the MDRD Study demonstrated that baseline proteinuria was an independent risk factor for progression of renal disease in nondiabetic patients and that the extent of proteinuria reduction might be a measure of the effectiveness of BP control.126 Normal individuals excrete less than 150 mg/day of protein. Loss of protein (albumin) in the urine becomes apparent on reagent test strip tests when the urine contains 300 mg/L or more, or 300 mg or more albumin/g Cr (Table 22–9). The recommended method of screening for abnormal albuminuria is to first measure albumin by urine dipstick test. If the result is negative, it is preferable to obtain a freshly voided morning urine sample (“spot” or “random”) and send it to the laboratory for measurement of albumin and Cr and calculation of the albumin-to-Cr ratio. Collection of a 24-hour urine sample to screen for albuminuria is not recommended; instead, a random specimen should be collected for determination of urine albumin– or protein–to–urine creatinine ratio.101 Under normal circumstances, urinary albumin, measured as the ratio of albumin to Cr, in a random urine sample is less than 30 mg/g Cr. Microalbuminuria, defined as an albumin excretion in the range between 30 and 300 mg/g Cr, is not detected by the routine dipstick method (which, by the way, detects only albumin, not other proteins such as light chains). Macroalbuminuria is defined as an albumin excretion rate of more than 300 mg/g Cr. Both are markers for risk for progression of

Approach to the Patient with Kidney Disease

Cr concentration in a fasting blood specimen to increase the likelihood of an accurate estimate. Also, steady-state serum Cr concentration may change as a result of a long-term change in dietary protein intake.117,119 Thus, high animal protein intake increases, and low animal protein intake decreases, the steady-state serum Cr. Estimating GFR at two time points in a patient who markedly alters his or her dietary animal protein intake in the interim may confound the interpretation of GFR estimation and lead to an erroneous conclusion regarding changes in the patient’s renal function. Finally, it should be remembered that estimating GFR from serum Cr values is subject to inaccuracy and imprecision beyond changes in serum Cr concentration, errors in Cr measurement, and nonstandardization of methods for Cr measurement.120 Recently, cystatin C has been proposed as novel marker for kidney function. Cystatin C is an endogenous smallmolecular-weight protein present in normal human plasma. Its production rate is relatively constant and independent of muscle mass, and it is excreted from the body by the kidney through filtration, not secretion. In these respects, it is a superior marker of filtration function than serum Cr. Moreover, in elderly individuals enrolled in the Cardiovascular Health Study, cystatin C appeared to be a better predictor of clinical outcomes than serum Cr.121

Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg)

716 0









180 Normal

Rate of change in GFR (mL/min/year)

2 4 6

r ⫽ 0.69; P ⬍0.05

8 10 12

CH 22

Independent clinical trial 14


Glomerular filtration rate mL/min/1.73m2


SBP 120 – 30 ⌬GFR ⫽⫺2 mL/min/yr Time to ESRD 20 yrs




SBP ⬎150 ⌬GFR ⫽⫺8 mL/min/yr Time to ESRD 5 yrs

10 ESRD 10





Time (yrs)

B FIGURE 22–5 A, Relationship between blood pressure and decline in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in chronic kidney disease, based on data from clinical trials (see text for details). Results from nine clinical trials, five in patients with diabetic nephropathy and four in patients with nondiabetic nephropathy, indicate that mean rate of decline in GFR is directly associated with level of mean systolic blood pressure (SBP) during the trial. Note that even at normal systolic blood pressure, the rate of decline in GFR in patients with nephropathy is more than twice that associated with aging in normal individuals (dotted horizontal line). B, Effect of an intervention that lowers blood pressure on the rate of decline in GFR and the time of onset of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in a theoretical patient with chronic kidney disease and hypertension.

TABLE 22–9

Microalbuminuria and Macroalbuminuria Microalbuminuria


Definition (mg albumin/mg creatinine)



Routine dipstick test result



Renal significance

At risk for nephropathy

Marker of rapid progression

Effect on cardiovascular risk




Dipstick test for proteinuria Urine albumin/ creatinine ratio

Negative Positive Confirm by random urine protein/cr ratio or 24-hour urine

⬍ 30 mg/g Renal function stable Non-nephrotic normal U/A

Deteriorating renal function (e.g., doubling Scr < 3 months) Nephrotic range proteinuria Abnormal urine sediment

Repeat annually Yes SPEP and UPEP immunofixation

ⱖ 30 mg/g


SPEP or UPEP abnormal Monitor

CH 22 No Observe

FIGURE 22–6 Algorithm for evaluation of proteinuria in chronic kidney disease. ACEi, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors; ANA, antinuclear antibody; ANCA, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody; ARB, angiotensin type 1 receptor blocker; GBM, glomerular basement membrane; HBSAg, hepatitis surface B antigen; Hep C Ab, hepatitis C antibody; Scr, serum creatinine level; SPEP, serum protein electrophoresis; U/A, urinalysis; UPEP, urine protein electrophoresis.

nephropathy in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes and for increased risk of cardiovascular death.94,127 Moreover, more than 300 mg/g of protein is associated with higher risk of progression of kidney disease in hypertensive nephrosclerosis. A simple algorithm for screening and evaluation of proteinuria is illustrated in Figure 22–6. Monitoring proteinuria or albuminuria in CKD can be accomplished without 24-hour urine collection, but instead by repeated determinations of the urine albumin-to-Cr or urine protein–to-Cr. As with screening samples, these determinations should be performed on freshly voided morning urine samples.

Obesity Two recent observational studies indicate that obesity may be an independent risk factor for development of CKD.128,129 These studies raise the possibility that factors other than hypertension and diabetes obesity may play a role in development of kidney disease.

Cardiovascular Disease in Chronic Kidney Disease (see also Chapter 48) CKD is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality.115 Observational studies indicate that rates of both stroke and myocardial infarction are higher in patients with CKD before development of ESRD. For example, Go and co-workers130 reported on the risk of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular hospitalizations among 1.2 million participants in the Northern California KaiserPermanente health care system. They found a graded increase in mortality and cardiovascular hospitalizations as estimated GFR declined. This association was independent of traditional cardiovascular risk factors. In prospective clinical trials, an increased serum Cr value at baseline raised risk for stroke, myocardial infarction, and all-cause cardiovascular mortality.131 These data suggest that CKD, independent of common risk factors such as age, BP, diabetes, and proteinuria, may be an independent coronary heart disease risk factor.

CKD markedly increases the risk of cardiovascular death from cardiac events and stroke.106,116 The mortality risk in patients with CVD is 10- to 30-fold higher than that in normal, age-matched populations. Median survival after an acute myocardial infarction in patients undergoing dialysis is less than 18 months, even in the thrombolytic era. Hypertensive patients with hypercreatininemia are at higher risk of myocardial infarction and stroke,2 and diabetic patients with proteinuria are at greater risk for fatal myocardial infarction and stroke.12 Prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy and congestive heart failure is strikingly elevated in patients with CKD stages 2 through 5,132 including those undergoing dialysis. Morbidity and mortality for congestive heart failure and coronary heart disease are also excessive in CKD. Figure 22–7 illustrates that CVD and CKD may be manifestations of a similar disease process. Cardiovascular and renal disease have the following types of markers in common: clinical,133,134 pathophysiologic (e.g., increased angiotensin II activity, up-regulation of inflammatory and fibrosis producing cytokines),135 histopathologic, biochemical,135 acute and chronic inflammation,135 and subclinical signs of atherosclerosis (e.g., increased common carotid artery intima-media thickness).136,137 Furthermore, the constellation of cardiovascular disease risk factors found in the obesity metabolic syndrome have been linked to higher risk for development of both cardiovascular disease and CKD.138

Assessing Comorbidity Most patients with CKD have comorbidities, the number rising with increasing stage of CKD.70 Extrarenal diseases play a key role in the progression of CKD as well as associated morbidity and mortality.139

Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes accounts for nearly 50% of all new cases of ESRD in the United States and an increasing percentage of cases of ESRD around the world. Recognition of diabetes as a comorbidity is essential in evaluation of CKD.

Approach to the Patient with Kidney Disease

Serologies • ANA, C3, C4 • ANCA • Anti-GBM • HBSAg, Hep C Ab • Cryoglobulin

Treat with ACEi or ARB

Population at risk (e.g., diabetes, hypertension)


with CKD, clinical judgment should be used in determining whether to prescribe folic acid for this purpose.

Dyslipidemia Chronic kidney disease

Progression to ESRD

Fatal non-CV or CV event

Coronary artery disease, LVH, CHF FIGURE 22–7 Competing outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Cardiovascular disease and CKD may be manifestations of a similar CH 22 disease process. Patients with CKD are at high risk for both fatal cardiovascular (CV) and noncardiovascular (non-CV) events as well as progression to endstage renal disease (ESRD). Risk factors for these competing outcomes may be identical. CHF, congestive heart failure; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy.

Assessment of blood glucose control by measurement of hemoglobin A1c should be conducted in patients with diabetes mellitus, because hyperglycemia is associated with progression to nephropathy. Elevated plasma glucose raises the risk of progression to diabetic kidney disease in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.126,140 Undiagnosed and untreated, diabetic kidney disease progresses rapidly. It is critical to evaluate glycemic control and BP in diabetic patients, because optimal management of these risk factors can slow progression of kidney disease. Cardiovascular morbidity is common in patients with CKD and the major cause of death.124,141 Evaluation of cardiac status and function should include a careful history for coronary artery disease and congestive heart failure. This is particularly important in older patients with CKD, who are more than 100-fold more likely to die before development of ESRD than are age-matched normal persons.141 In addition, diabetes is associated with many comorbidities that complicate the course of CKD, including high rates of heart failure and peripheral vascular disease complications.

Homocysteine Studies in CKD and non-CKD populations indicate that hyperhomocysteinemia is a risk factor for cardiovascular death.142 Plasma homocysteine concentration rises with decreasing renal function in CKD.143 The mechanism of hyperhomocysteinemia in CKD is incompletely understood; however, abnormal enzyme activity, substrate limitation, and abnormal renal excretion have all been cited as possible causes.144 Hyperhomocysteinemia is associated with progression of CKD in diabetic and nondiabetic patients but is not an independent risk factor.145 Current guidelines do not recommend measurement of homocysteine level, because whether long-term lowering of homocysteine reduces the risk of either cardiovascular disease or progression of CKD is not known.145 Administration of folic acid, 5 mg/day, in patients with CKD can lower plasma homocysteine levels.146 It remains to be determined whether this therapy decreases cardiovascular complications or affects progression of kidney disease in patients with CKD. Recently, intervention studies using homocysteine in the general population have not demonstrated a reduction in cardiovascular events.147–149 However, the health risk of folic acid in doses of up to 5 mg/day is rather low, and the agent is inexpensive. Until clinical trials determine whether folic acid or other treatment of hyperhomocysteinemia is beneficial in patients

Fasting serum total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and triglyceride levels should be measured in patients with CKD. Clinical evidence indicates that dyslipidemia may contribute to the onset and progression of CKD as well as of cardiovascular disease in patients with CKD.150 Both hypertriglyceridemia and hypercholesterolemia have been associated with declining kidney function.93,151 Dyslipidemia is believed to play a role in both the development of cardiovascular disease and the progression of renal disease in patients with pre-ESRD or kidney transplants regardless of the underlying cause (e.g., diabetes, hypertension).93 The most common dyslipidemia observed in patients with CKD is atherogenic dyslipidemia—a combination of hypertriglyceridemia, low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, and high levels of small, dense LDL particles.152 In addition, isolated hypercholesterolemia and combined hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia are common in patients with CKD and nephrotic syndrome.153,154 Increased levels of lipoprotein (a) are also common in CKD.155 Cardiovascular morbidity and mortality are increased in patients with hypercreatininemia (serum Cr level > 1.4 mg/dL), and most patients with CKD have multiple risk factors, including hypertension, proteinuria, metabolic syndrome, increased lipoprotein (a), hyperhomocysteinemia, anemia, and elevated calcium phosphorous product. Consequently, it is reasonable to expect that treatment of dyslipidemia in this population is at least as important as in populations without renal disorders.156 Two recently completed double-blind randomized placebo-controlled clinical trials in hemodialysis patients and post-transplant patients failed to demonstrate a benefit of statin intervention for major cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.157,158 There are no long-term cardiovascular outcome trials in predialysis populations that have demonstrated a benefit of any lipid-lowering treatment with statins or other lipid-lowering drugs. Current evidence supports use of the Adult Treatment Program (ATP) III guidelines for coronary heart disease in the management of dyslipidemia in patients with CKD.152 The ATP III guidelines focus on LDL cholesterol as the primary target but also recognize the importance of atherogenic dyslipidemia as a risk factor. As noted previously, this pattern of lipid levels is the most common dyslipidemia observed in patients with CKD, including those with type 2 diabetes. Coronary risk equivalent is defined by the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) as the level of risk equivalent to that of a patient with clinical coronary heart disease. CKD is emerging as a coronary heart disease risk equivalent,115 although it has not yet been recognized as such by the NCEP. Several lines of evidence point to CKD as a coronary risk equivalent, including clinical trials showing high prevalence of diabetes mellitus (recognized as a coronary risk equivalent) in CKD epidemiologic studies106,115,141,151,159 and a high prevalence of traditional and nontraditional risk factors for coronary artery disease (see Table 22–2). Finally, the prevalence and magnitude of major risk factors for coronary disease increase as renal failure progresses (e.g., hypertension, insulin resistance, hyperhomocysteinemia).133

Secondary Hyperparathyroidism and Vascular Calcification Derangements in calcium and phosphorus metabolism that develop during the course of CKD are caused by multiple mechanisms, including alterations in dietary intake, development of secondary hyperparathyroidism and hypovitaminosis D, and alterations in calcium-sensing receptor and bone-associated proteins.160 Serum calcium, phosphorus, parathyroid hormone, and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 levels

Malnutrition Malnutrition is common in patients with stages 4 and 5 CKD and is associated with reduced survival.70,172,173 Patients with stages 4 and 5 CKD have reduced energy intake, abnormal levels and metabolism of plasma amino acids, and dysregulation in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism (see later). Clinical evidence indicates that estimation of dietary protein intake is an important component of evaluation of CKD. Malnutrition is identified clinically from a dietary history of decreased energy and nutrient intake along with weight loss, physical signs of muscle wasting, and declining serum albumin, transthyretin, and transferrin levels. Anthropometric analysis indicates that patients with stages 4 and 5 disease have abnormal decreases in midarm muscle circumference and increased scapular, brachial, and thigh skin fold thicknesses. Abnormal amino acid, carbohydrate, and lipid metabolism is also present in patients with stages 4 and 5 CKD.

Markers of Inflammation and Oxidative Stress Currently, routine clinical determinations of markers of inflammation and oxidative stress are not recommended.

Intensive research is ongoing in an effort to elucidate the role 719 of these factors in onset, progression, and complications of CKD.174–176 There is little doubt that inflammation plays an important role in the development and progression of most CKDs. The kidney itself at end stage is characterized histologically in virtually all cases by hallmarks of chronic inflammation, including infiltration by white blood cells and fibrosis. Markers of inflammation, including C-reactive protein, interleukins 1 and 6, and tumor necrosis factor, are elevated in plasma of patients with CKD. These markers correlate with signs and symptoms of malnutrition and may play a pathogenetic role in development and persistence of malnutrition. Currently, these markers are used for experimental purposes but may become useful clinically in the future for monitoring nutrition as CKD progresses.

Metabolic Acidosis Measurement of serum bicarbonate concentration as part of routine electrolyte analysis is essential in patients with CKD. When doubt exists as to the cause of low plasma bicarbonate CH 22 value in a patient with CKD, arterial blood pH and PCO2 should be measured to confirm the presence of metabolic acidosis, concomitant primary respiratory alkalosis, or both. Treatment of metabolic acidosis to raise bicarbonate concentration above 22 mEq/L can reduce the risk of organ dysfunction caused by the effects of metabolic acidosis on brain, heart, bone, muscles, and liver. Metabolic acidosis develops in CKD as a result of failure of the kidney’s normal acid excretion ability. The consequences of chronic metabolic acidosis due to renal failure include loss of calcium from bone, hypercalciuria, fatigue, dyspnea, weakness, and protein catabolism.177 Metabolic acidosis activates ubiquitinsensitive proteasome pathways and branched-chain amino acid dehydrogenate in skeletal muscle cells, leading to greater protein breakdown and decreasing hepatic albumin synthesis.178,179 The precise pH level at which these events occur in humans is not known; however, general practice is to keep serum bicarbonate from declining below 22 mEq/L, and a normal value is desirable.

Anemia Hemoglobin, serum iron, total iron-binding capacity, ferritin, and RBC indices and reticulocyte count must be measured as screening tests for anemia in all patients with CKD. Additional tests for other causes of anemia, such as vitamin B12, folic acid, hemoglobin electrophoresis, and tests for hemolysis should be performed on the basis of the history, physical findings, and results of the initial screen for anemia. Anemia is a major risk factor for morbidity and mortality in CKD, and practice guidelines for its management have been published. Current guidelines define anemia as a blood hemoglobin concentration less than 11 g/dL in premenopausal women and less than 12 g/dL in men and postmenopausal women.180 This definition has led to a higher prevalence of anemia diagnosis in women, because in normal premenopausal women, blood hemoglobin level is lower than that in men.181 Anemia develops in more than 90% of patients with CKD as kidney disease progresses, and is multifactorial.70,182 The major factor in development of anemia is decreased blood level of erythropoietin due to reductions in renal synthesis and secretion of erythropoietin.183 However, uremia contributes to this process in several ways, including direct inhibition of erythropoietin’s effects on erythroprogenitor cells, anorexia leading to reduced intake of hemoglobin substrates (protein, vitamins, iron), decreased RBC life span, and reduced iron absorption. Low blood hemoglobin level due to reduced renal production of erythropoetin may begin in CKD as early as stage 2.184,185 Reduced oxygen-carrying capacity consequent to anemia in CKD results in organ hypoxia, which in turn aggravates uremic symptoms such as fatigue,

Approach to the Patient with Kidney Disease

should be measured in patients with CKD. Although the serum calcium level drops, the serum phosphorus level rises, leading to an abnormal increase in the calcium-phosphorus product, [Ca] × [Pi].161,162 The normal product is about 40 mg2/dL2. Experimentally, even small increases in [Ca] × [Pi] may increase calcification of soft tissue, including vascular tissues. Furthermore, mobilization of calcium and phosphorus from bone as a consequence of elevated parathyroid hormone may worsen the increase in [Ca] × [Pi].162 Also, patients with stages 3 through 5 CKD not on dialysis have an eightfold higher risk for increased coronary artery calcification as detected by electron-beam CT than those without CKD. This increase was largely due to the high calcium burden in coronary arteries of diabetics with CKD.163–169 Hyperphosphatemia activates bone-associated proteins that increase smooth muscle cell proliferation and vascular calcification, including osteocalcin, bone morphogenetic protein 2a (BMP 2a), alkaline phosphatase, and osteonectin, but down-regulates p21, a cyclin-dependent kinase complex that inhibits proliferation.162 The net effect is the development of renal osteodystrophy and vascular calcification. The latter consequence is ominous: It contributes to an acceleration in the rate of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular events in CKD. Increased [C] × [Pi] is associated with greater mortality in patients undergoing hemodialysis as well as with a higher increased coronary artery calcification score in such patients.137,164–169 For this reason, levels of calcium, phosphorus, and calcium-phosphorus product should be evaluated and monitored in all patients with CKD, and early treatment to reduce an elevated [Ca] × [Pi] should be considered.170 In addition, the majority of patients with CKD stage 3 (or higher) have vitamin D deficiency (low plasma 25(OH) vitamin D3 level) in association with secondary hyperparthyroidism. Therefore, measurement of plasma 25(OH) vitamin is recommended by the National Kidney Foundation.170 In this situation, repletion of 25(OH) vitamin D3, the precursor of 1.25 (OH)2 vitamin D3 is recommended to correct vitamin D deficiency and secondary hyperparathyroidism. Outcomes trials in hemodialysis patient populations examining the role of hyperparathyroidism are limited. The Dialysis Cardiovascular Outcomes Revisited (DCOR) trial enrolled more than 2000 patients randomized either to the non–calcium-containing phosphate binder sevelamer HCl or to calcium-containing phosphate binders and followed them for 3 years.171 The results indicate no overall benefit of sevelamer versus calcium-containing binder. However, in subgroup analysis, older (>65 yr) study participants randomized to sevelamer had fewer cardiovascular events.

720 deteriorating cognitive ability, dyspnea on exertion, and reduced physical ability. Anemia also plays an important role in the development of congestive heart failure and left ventricular hypertrophy, the latter being observed in up to 40% of patients with stage 4 CKD and 80% of patients with stage 5 disease.186–197 Left ventricular hypertrophy is associated with subsequent development of ischemic heart disease and congestive heart failure as well as sudden cardiac death.198,199 Both hypertension and anemia are independent risk factors for left ventricular growth in CKD, and the increased risks attributed to hypertension and anemia are similar. Anemia may also be a risk factor for progression of CKD. Several small studies indicate that treatment of anemia may slow the progression of CKD, and mild anemia (hemoglobin < 13.8 g/dL) is associated with a higher risk of ESRD in patients with type 2 diabetes and nephropathy.200 In a recent study involving 88 patients, early treatment of anemia with erythropoietin decreased the incidence of ESRD after 3 years CH 22 follow up. A higher hemoglobin was achieved and maintained during the study. Clinical trials to test whether treatment or prevention of anemia slows progression of CKD are in progress. Finally, anemia is an independent risk factor for all-cause mortality in patients with stage 5 CKD. Thus, for each 1 g/dL decrease in blood hemoglobin level below normal, mortality rate rises 18%. Currently, practice guidelines recommend treatment of anemia attributed to erythropoietin deficiency with erythropoietin and iron (when indicated) to achieve a hemoglobin level of 12 g/dL for both men and women regardless of stage of CKD.180 Therefore, patients with hemoglobin levels less than 11 g/dL are candidates for treatment. This issue is discussed in detail in Chapter 55.

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CH 22

Approach to the Patient with Kidney Disease

CHAPTER 23 Detection and Diagnosis of Kidney Disease, 724 Renal Clearance—Glomerular Filtration Rate, 725 Historical Perspective, 725 Overview, 725 Plasma Urea, 726 Urea Clearance, 727 Serum Creatinine, 727 Creatinine Clearance, 728 Cimetidine-Enhanced Creatinine Clearance, 729 Serum Creatinine Formulas to Estimate Kidney Function, 729 Serum Cystatin C, 730 Inulin, 731 Radionuclide and Radiocontrast Markers of Glomerular Filtration Rate, 732 Normalizing Glomerular Filtration Rate, 734 Applications, 734

Laboratory Assessment of Kidney Disease: Clearance, Urinalysis, and Kidney Biopsy Ajay K. Israni • Bertram L. Kasiske DETECTION AND DIAGNOSIS OF KIDNEY DISEASE

Because patients in early stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD) often exhibit few signs and symptoms, tests for screening and diagnosis are critical in nephrology. Directly or indirectly, these tests measure kidney structure and function. Ideally, they should detect abnormalities early enough to alert patients and physicians to the potential need for therapy that may prevent morbidity and Urinalysis, 735 mortality associated with kidney disease. In Historical Background, 735 addition, tests can help establish a specific Overview, 736 diagnosis that will suggest the correct therapy Chemical Content, 736 and the likelihood of response to treatment. Color, 736 Even in the absence of effective therapy, Specific Gravity, 736 accurate diagnosis of kidney disease helps Urine pH, 736 determine prognosis, which often serves a Protein, 738 useful purpose in its own right. Tests to Formed Elements, 743 determine kidney structure and function can also be important for measuring disease proKidney Biopsy, 747 gression. Once disease has been detected and Historical Perspective, 747 therapy begun, it is desirable to determine Clinical Utility, 747 whether the therapy has been effective, so Indications, 747 that ineffective therapy can be discontinued Patient Preparation, 749 or altered. In any case, it is important to Localization, 750 predict the clinical course of disease to Needle Selection, 750 better inform patients and to help determine Processing of the Specimen, 750 when renal replacement therapy may be Complications, 750 appropriate. Finally, data have now suggested that CKD is an important independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Individuals with mild to moderate reductions in kidney function are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease, and this reduction in kidney function has an adverse effect on the prognosis of cardiovascular disease.1 Microalbuminuria, even in the absence of diabetes, has also been linked to cardiovascular disease.2 Therefore, detecting kidney damage may help identify patients for cardiovascular disease risk factor management. The tests that best detect abnormalities in kidney function are those that measure glomerular filtration rate (GFR). However, measurements of GFR may not be useful for screening purposes in many clinical settings. Patients with early kidney disease may have normal or even increased GFR. Because there is a large amount of physiologic variability among normal individuals, it is

Conflicts: Dr. Kasiske currently receives research support from the Merck/Schering Plough Joint Venture and Bristol-Myers Squibb. In the past 2 years, he received honoraria from Astra-Zenica, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Fujisawa, Merck, Pfizer, and Wyeth. Dr. Israni currently receives research support from Roche and Bristol-Myers Squibb. Support: Supported in part by NIH grant K23-DK062829 to Dr. Israni.


virtually impossible to define limits for normal GFR. Indeed, substantial differences in the amount of structural kidney damage can be demonstrated in patients with identical GFRs. Furthermore, measuring GFR is of little value in establishing a diagnosis once other abnormalities have been detected. Nevertheless, an accurate determination of GFR can provide useful prognostic information and can be particularly helpful in following the clinical course. Guidelines developed by the National Kidney Foundation’s Kidney Disease and Outcomes Quality Initiative (K/DOQI) have defined stages of CKD largely on the basis of levels of GFR.3 Urinalysis is often the most useful test available for detecting early kidney abnormalities. Measuring urine protein level or examining the urine sediment can also help establish a diagnosis or aid the decision whether to subject a patient to biopsy. Examining the microscopic structure of kidney tissue is invaluable in detecting and diagnosing kidney disease. However, major limitations of kidney biopsy include the risk and inconvenience of the procedure as well as the potential for sampling errors. The careful selection of patients who undergo biopsy can be aided by measurements in urine that help screen for kidney injury. The GFR measurement, urinalysis, and kidney biopsy serve complementary roles in the detection and diagnosis of kidney disease. However, the relative usefulness of these tests is, in large part, determined by their sensitivity and specificity. Sensitivity and specificity, in turn, depend on accuracy and precision. Moreover, the prevalence of abnormalities in the population of individuals being tested affects the clinical utility of each of these tests. The sensitivity, or true-positive rate, of a test is the proportion of positive results in patients known to have disease (Table 23–1). The specificity is the proportion of negative results in disease-free individuals. The false-positive rate is the proportion of positive results in disease-free individuals; and the false-negative rate is the proportion of negative results in individuals with

TABLE 23–1

Definitions of Parameters Commonly Used to Assess the Diagnostic Discrimination of a Clinical Test Disease (Total = a + c)

No Disease (Total = b + d)

Test positive (Total = a + b)



Test negative (Total = c + d)



Sensitivity = a/(a + c) Specificity = d/(b + d) False-positive rate = 1 − specificity = b/(b + d) False-negative rate = 1 − sensitivity = c/(a + c) Positive predictive value = a/(a + b) Negative predictive value = d/(c + d)

RENAL CLEARANCE—GLOMERULAR FILTRATION RATE Historical Perspective The modern era of kidney function assessment began with the measurement of urea. Urea was first isolated from human urine by Rouelle in 1773. In the early 1800s, Fourcroy coined the term “urée,” carefully choosing a name that would avoid confusion with “urique,” or uric acid. In 1827, Richard Bright observed that urea accumulated in the blood of patients with dropsy, and he linked this phenomenon to decreased urine urea concentration, proteinuria, and diseased kidneys. One year later, Wöhler synthesized urea from ammonium cyanate; in so doing, he helped discredit the doctrine of vitalism, which was then prevalent. In 1842, Dumas and Cahours dem- CH 23 onstrated that urea was a product of dietary protein catabolism, and in 1903, Strauss introduced blood urea level as a diagnostic test for kidney disease.4 Homer Smith credited Ambard and Weill with one of the first attempts to measure kidney function with a “dynamic” test in 1912.4 These researchers characterized kidney function (K) as blood urea concentration (B) divided by the product of the square root of the rate of urea excretion (D) times the square root of urine urea concentration (U), as follows: K = B( D ⋅ U ) In 1926, Rehberg used exogenous creatinine to measure renal clearance (urine concentration of creatinine times urine flow rate divided by plasma concentration of creatinine) as an estimate of glomerular filtration. In 1928, Addis described kidney function as a urea excretion ratio, or the quantity of urea excreted divided by the concentration in blood. Around the same time, the concept of urea clearance as a measure of kidney function was described in detail by Möller, McIntosh, and Van Slyke.4

Overview GFR is traditionally measured as the renal clearance of a particular substance, or marker, from plasma. The clearance of an indicator substance is the amount removed from plasma, divided by the average plasma concentration over the time of measurement. Clearance is expressed in moles or weight of the indicator per volume per time. It can be thought of as the volume of plasma that can be completely cleared of the indicator in a unit of time. Under the right conditions, measuring the amount of an indicator in both plasma and urine can allow the accurate calculation of GFR (Fig. 23–1). Indeed, if we assume that there is no extrarenal elimination, tubular reabsorption, or tubular secretion of the marker, then GFR can be calculated as follows: Glomerular filtration rate = (U · V)/(P · T) where U is the urine concentration, V is the urine volume, and P is the average plasma concentration of the marker over the time (T) of the urine collection. Unfortunately, tubular secretion, tubular reabsorption, or both, of the indicator can cause renal clearance measurements to give estimates of the GFR that are falsely high or falsely low. Under the right conditions, plasma concentrations of an indicator substance can be completely dependent on renal clearance and can accurately reflect GFR. When the amount of an indicator added to the plasma from an exogenous or

Laboratory Assessment of Kidney Disease: Clearance, Urinalysis, and Kidney Biopsy

disease. Positive predictive value of a test refers to the proportion of individuals with a positive result who have the disease (i.e., the likelihood of disease if the result is positive). Negative predictive value refers to the proportion of individuals with a negative result who are disease-free. The sensitivity and specificity of any test are ultimately dictated by its accuracy (determined by comparison with a “gold standard”) and precision (determined by comparing repeated measurements using the same test). The accuracy and precision of a test that yields values on a continuum also depend on the cutoff value or values used to define what is abnormal. Often, the utility of a test can be determined by examining receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curves generated for each test. ROC curves are plots of the truepositive rate (sensitivity) on the y axis and the false-positive rate (1 − specificity) on the x axis. A perfect test is one in which the ROC is described by a line in which all values for y are between 0 and 100 when x is 0, and all values for y are 100 when x is greater than 0. A worthless test is one in which the ROC curve is described by a line in which y is equal to x for all values of x and y. The utility of a given test depends on the extent to which the ROC curve resembles that of a perfect test. Finally, the number of true-positive and false-positive results and the number of true-negative and false-negative results ultimately depend on the prevalence of dysfunction in the population being screened. Some simple algebraic calculations can easily demonstrate how the prevalence of a disease influences the diagnostic discrimination of a test. Take the case of a hypothetical test evaluating 100 individuals known to have a high prevalence (30%) of disease. The test would appear to be quite reasonable with a sensitivity of 0.90 and a specificity of 0.90. Among the 100 patients tested, a positive result would indicate a 79% likelihood that disease was present, whereas a negative result would indicate a 95% likelihood that disease was absent. If the same test were then applied to a general population of 10,000 individuals in whom the prevalence of disease was 0.3%, the sensitivity and specificity of the test would be unchanged. However, in this population, a positive result would indicate only a 2.6% likelihood of disease, and the number of false-positive results would greatly exceed the number of true-positive results. This chapter reviews the usefulness and limitations of currently available techniques for measuring GFR, examining urine constituents, and assessing kidney structure. In reality, precise data on the sensitivity and specificity of tests of kidney structure and function are often not available, and even when they are, the prevalence (prior probability) of the outcome being measured can be only crudely estimated. Nevertheless, data on sensitivity and specificity are discussed when available. When possible, we make an empirical estimation of the effect of differences in the underlying

prevalence of abnormalities on the diagnostic discrimination 725 of a test.

726 endogenous source is constant, and when there is no extrarenal elimination, tubular secretion, or tubular reabsorption, then the GFR is equal to the inverse plasma concentration of the indicator multiplied by a constant. That constant is the amount excreted by glomerular filtration, which, under steady-state conditions, must equal the amount added to the plasma (see Fig. 23–1). In other words, under these conditions, U · V/T is equal to a constant (C) so that GFR = C/P, and changes in GFR must be inversely proportional to changes in P. This information can be used to define the characteristics of an ideal indicator for measuring GFR (Tables 23–2 and 23–3). Although such an indicator does not exist, its definition can serve as a useful benchmark for comparing the advantages and disadvantages of tests designed to measure GFR. The ideal endogenous indicator would be produced at the same constant rate under all conditions, so that changes in the plasma levels are inversely proportional to changes in GFR multiplied CH 23 Endogenous production

Exogenous addition

Volume of distribution

Plasma concentration

Tubule secretion

Extrarenal elimination

Tubule Glomerular reabsorption filtration

Renal elimination

FIGURE 23–1 Factors influencing the relationship between an indicator used to measure renal function and true glomerular filtration rate (GFR). When tubular secretion and reabsorption of the indicator are nil and plasma concentration is constant, then GFR is equal to renal elimination divided by plasma concentration. Also, if the sum of endogenous production and exogenous addition minus extrarenal elimination is constant, then renal elimination is constant and the GFR is inversely proportional to plasma concentration.

TABLE 23–2

by a constant. This constant would be uniquely determined for an individual patient by measuring the urine excretion rate of the marker (GFR equals the urine excretion rate divided by the plasma concentration). Thereafter, only a single plasma determination would be needed to accurately assess GFR in that patient, unless the renal function was changing so rapidly that a steady state was not achieved. An ideal exogenous indicator would have all of these same characteristics, but should also be safe, easy to administer, and inexpensive. Whether endogenous or exogenous, an ideal indicator would distribute freely and instantaneously throughout the extracellular space. It would not bind to plasma proteins and would be freely filtered at the glomerulus. It would be subject to neither excretion nor reabsorption in the tubules or urinary collecting system. It would be completely resistant to degradation, and its elimination would be entirely dependent on glomerular filtration. It would be easy to measure in plasma and in urine, and nothing would interfere with the assay. Ideally, the inter- and intrapatient coefficient of variation would be low. Obviously, the ideal marker for measuring GFR has yet to be discovered. Nevertheless, a mythical gold standard obeys principles that should be considered in any discussion of methods used to measure GFR. Actual methods will violate these principles in different ways and with different tradeoffs of accuracy and practicality. In the end, these tradeoffs can be tailored to the clinical situation, taking into account estimated prior probabilities, to achieve a maximum amount of information for a minimum cost. The question is not which test is best, but which test is best suited for the clinical situation at hand.

Plasma Urea Urea was one of the first indicators used to measure GFR. Unfortunately, it shares few of the attributes of an ideal marker, and plasma urea has been shown to be a poor measure of GFR. Urea production is variable and is largely dependent on protein intake. Although one quarter of the urea produced is metabolized in the intestine, the ammonia produced is reconverted to urea. Thus, most of the urea is ultimately excreted by the kidneys. With a molecular weight of 60 Da, urea is freely filtered at the glomerulus. However, it can be readily reabsorbed, and the amount of tubular reabsorption is variable. Indeed, medullary collecting duct urea reabsorption is functionally linked to water reabsorption. In states of diuresis and low levels of antidiuretic hormone, the

Formulae for Estimating Glomerular Filtration Rate Using Serum Creatinine and Other Clinical Parameters




(100/Cr) − 12 if male (80/Cr) − 7 if female

ml/min/1.73 m


(Wt · (29.3 − 0.203 · Age)/(Cr · 14.4), if male (Wt · (25.3 − 0.175 · Age)/(Cr · 14.4), if female



(98 − 16 · (Age − 20)/20)/Cr, multiply by 0.90 if female

ml/min/1.73 m2


((140 − Age) · (Wt))/(72 · Cr), multiply by 0.85 if female


Cockcroft and Gault42

((145 − Age)/Cr) − 3, multiply by 0.85 if female

ml/min/70 kg


(27 − (0.173 · Age))/Cr, if male (27 − (0.175 · Age))/Cr, if female



7.58/(Cr · 0.0884) − 0.103 · Age + 0.096 · Wt − 6.66, if male 6.05/(Cr · 0.0884) − 0.080 · Age + 0.080 · Wt − 4.81, if female

ml/min/1.73 m2 (height2)


170 · Cr−.999 · Age−.176 · (0.762 if female) · (1.180 if black) · SUN −.170 · Alb.318

ml/min/1.73 m2



Alb, serum albumin (g/dL); Cr, serum creatinine (mg/dL); SUN, serum urea nitrogen (mg/dL); Wt, body weight (kg).

No influence on the GFR

Serum Creatinine

TABLE 23–3

Constant production Safe Convenient Readily diffusible in extracellular space No protein binding and freely filterable No tubular reabsorption No tubular secretion No extrarenal elimination or degradation Accurate and reproducible assay No compounds interfere

medullary collecting duct is relatively impermeable to urea. However, in states of decreased effective intravascular volume, low urine tubular flow, and increased antidiuretic hormone, urea reabsorption can be substantial.4 Plasma urea, or blood urea nitrogen (BUN), concentration is affected by a number of factors other than alterations in GFR. As indicated previously, increased plasma urea levels accompany decreased urine flow in patients with intravascular volume depletion, as occurs following the administration of diuretics. Congestive heart failure also raises plasma urea, probably by similar mechanisms. Increased plasma levels that are probably caused by increased production are seen with elevated dietary protein intake, gastrointestinal bleeding, and tetracycline use. On the other hand, reduced levels of plasma urea can be seen in patients with alcohol abuse and chronic liver disease.4 Some substances can interfere with the laboratory determination of urea. Substances that can give falsely high urea levels include acetohexamide, allantoin, aminosalicylic acid, bilirubin (very high levels), chloral hydrate, dextran, free hemoglobin, hydantoin derivatives, lipids (lipemia), sulfonamides, tetracycline, thiourea, and uric acid.5 Substances that can give falsely low analytical values of urea include ascorbic acid, levodopa, lipids (lipemia), and streptomycin.6

Urea Clearance Because of tubular urea reabsorption, renal urea clearance usually underestimates GFR. Urea clearance can be as little as one half or less of the GFR as measured by other techniques. As with plasma urea, the state of hydration can markedly influence urea clearance. However, the degree of underestimation of glomerular filtration and the tendency for urea clearance to vary with the state of hydration are both less in patients with markedly reduced renal function. Moreover, because creatinine clearance overestimates GFR, some investigators have suggested that the mean of creatinine and urea clearance would be a reasonable estimate of GFR, at least in patients with low levels of renal function.4 In a large enough sample of patients, errors from tubular reabsorption of urea may negate errors from tubular secretion of creatinine, so that mean urea and creatinine clearances may better approximate the true GFR. However, the factors that affect tubular creatinine secretion and urea reabsorption are different, and any tendency for “two wrongs to make a right” would likely be coincidental and infrequent in a given patient.

Creatinine is a metabolic product of creatine and phosphocreatine, both of which are found almost exclusively in muscle. Thus, creatinine production is proportional to muscle mass and varies little from day to day. However, production can change over longer periods of time if there is a change in muscle mass. Age- and gender-associated differences in creatinine production are also largely attributable to differences in muscle mass.4 Although diet ordinarily accounts for a relatively small proportion of overall creatinine excretion, it is another source of variability in serum creatinine levels. Creatine from ingested meat is converted to creatinine and can be the source for up to 30% of total creatinine excretion. Thus, variability in meat intake can also contribute to variability in serum creatinine levels. The conversion of creatine to creatinine can occur with cooking. Because creatinine is readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, ingesting cooked meat can lead to a rapid increase in serum creatinine levels.4 Creatinine is small (molecular weight 113 Da), does not bind to plasma proteins, and is freely filtered by the renal glomerulus. However, it has long been appreciated that creatinine is also secreted by the renal tubule. Secretion is a saturable process that probably occurs via the organic cation pathway and is blocked by some commonly used medications including cimetidine, trimethoprim, pyrimethamine, and dapsone.4 If tubular secretion of creatinine were constant, differences in serum creatinine and renal clearance could still reflect differences in GFR. However, evidence suggests that the secretion of creatinine varies substantially in the same individuals over time, between individuals, and between laboratories.7,8 Particularly troublesome is the fact that the proportion of total renal creatinine excretion due to tubular secretion increases with decreasing renal function7,9; this feature could have a dampening effect on serial measurements in individuals, because GFR could fall more rapidly than indicated by either serum creatinine or creatinine clearance. Although proportional tubular secretion of creatinine increases with decreasing GFR, total urine creatinine excretion actually declines7 owing to the fact that extrarenal creatinine degradation increases with declining renal function.10,11 Indeed, it has been shown that increased extrarenal creatinine degradation may be sufficient to entirely account for the decrease in urine creatinine excretion associated with declining GFR.10 The extrarenal degradation of creatinine has been attributed to its conversion to carbon dioxide and methylamine by bacteria in the intestine.12 Because of the increase in extrarenal creatinine degradation with declining kidney

Laboratory Assessment of Kidney Disease: Clearance, Urinalysis, and Kidney Biopsy


Urea clearance determinations are made by measuring 727 renal urea excretion. The accuracy of any clearance technique that relies on urine excretion measurements is compromised by problems associated with obtaining accurate urine collections. Twenty-four–hour collections are inconvenient and difficult for most patients to perform. Patients should be instructed to empty the bladder, note the time, and save all subsequent urine, including urine voided at exactly the same time 24 hours from the time of initiation. They should be warned to empty the bladder before defecation to avoid inadvertent loss of urine. The completeness of 24-hour urine collections can be examined by measuring creatinine excretion (see later). Shorter collection times enhance patient compliance but provide samples for only a portion of the day, during which GFR varies in a diurnal pattern. Incomplete bladder emptying can also reduce the accuracy of timed urine collections. Incomplete bladder emptying can be obviated by catheterization, but the discomfort, risk, and inconvenience often make it unacceptable. CH 23

Characteristics of an Ideal Endogenous or Exogenous Marker for Measuring Glomerular Filtration Rate

728 function, plasma creatinine can be expected to underestimate declines in GFR. A number of methods are used to measure creatinine.13–17 The original Folin-Wu method used the Jaffé reaction, which has been used with various modifications since.4 The method of Hare involved the isolation of creatinine by absorption on Lloyd’s reagent.14 The direct alkaline picrate method of Bonsnes and Taussky13 has been used. This method involves the complexing of creatinine with alkaline picrate and measurement using a colorimetric technique. The Jaffé reaction has also been adapted for use on autoanalyzers. Other methods currently in use employ O-nitrobenzaldehyde (Sakaguchi reaction) and imidohydrolase.17 There is probably more variation in what laboratories report as the upper limit of normal for serum creatinine than for any other standard chemistry value.18 In the absence of procedures to remove noncreatinine chromogens, the upper limit of the normal measured by the Jaffé reaction may be as high as 1.6 to 1.9 mg/dL for adults (to covert mg/dL to CH 23 mmol/L, multiply by 88.4). The upper limit of normal for serum creatinine measured by autoanalyzer or the imidohydrolase method is usually 1.2 to 1.4 mg/dL. Some laboratories will report separate normal ranges for men and women and for adults and children. Besides differences in methods, differences in equipment may also affect plasma creatinine concentrations. Miller and co-workers19 evaluated over 5000 laboratories using 20 different instruments to measure creatinine by up to three different alkaline picrate methods and found that the mean serum creatinine concentration on a standardized sample ranged from 0.84 to 1.21 mg/dL. The bias, which describes the systematic deviation from the gold standard measure related to the instrument manufacturer, was greater than that due to the alkaline picrate method. A number of normal plasma constituents can interfere with creatinine measurement. Glucose, fructose, pyruvate, acetoacetate, uric acid, ascorbic acid, and plasma proteins can all cause the Jaffé colorimetric assay to yield falsely high creatinine values.4 The low levels of these substances generally do not interfere with the Jaffé assay of creatinine in urine. Normally, interfering chromogens increase the creatinine result by about 20%, but in some disease states, the interference can be much greater. In diabetic ketoacidosis, for example, spurious elevations in serum creatinine can be significant. Cephalosporin antibiotics can also interfere with the Jaffé reaction.20–23 One study showed that, in marked renal insufficiency, serum creatinine rises and noncreatinine chromogens contribute proportionally less to the total reaction.24 In individuals with normal kidney function, noncreatinine chromogens made up 14% (range 4.5%–22.3%) of the total, whereas in individuals with serum creatinine levels ranging from 5.6 to 29.4 mg/dL, noncreatinine chromogens contributed only 5% (range 0%–14.6%) to the total measured level.24 This same study found no effect of the noncreatinine chromogens on the variability of plasma values. Several modifications in the classic Jaffé assay have been designed to remove interfering chromogens before analysis,16 including deproteinization with specific adsorption of creatinine using Fuller earth and ion-exchange resins, the measurement of Jaffé-positive chromogens before and after the destruction of creatinine with bacteria, and dialysis separation. These methods have largely been replaced by less costly and more convenient autoanalyzer techniques. Autoanalyzer methods utilize the Jaffé reaction, but separate creatinine from noncreatinine chromogens by the rate of color development,16 thus avoiding most of the interference seen with the standard Jaffé method.25 However, very high serum bilirubin levels can cause falsely low creatinine levels.26 Newer techniques measuring true serum creatinine give plasma levels that are slightly lower than those from the Jaffé assay method.16 The imidohydrolase method can be perturbed by extremely

high glucose levels,17 and by the antifungal agent 5flucytosine.4 K/DOQI guidelines recommend that autoanalyzer manufacturers and clinical laboratories calibrate serum creatinine assays using an international standard.3 Serum creatinine is probably the most widely used indirect measure of GFR, its popularity attributable to convenience and low cost. Unfortunately, serum creatinine is very insensitive to even substantial declines in GFR. The GFR measured by more accurate techniques (described later) may be reduced by up to 50% before serum creatinine becomes elevated.4 In addition, the correct interpretation of serum creatinine in the clinical setting is problematic. Failure to consider variation in creatinine production due to differences in muscle mass frequently leads to misinterpretation of serum creatinine levels. This confusion may be compounded by the use of standard normal ranges for serum creatinine levels that appear on routine laboratory reports. For example, a serum creatinine that falls in the “normal” range may indicate a normal GFR in a young, healthy individual. However, the same serum creatinine in an elderly individual could indicate a twofold reduction in GFR owing to a comparable reduction in muscle mass.4 Therefore, K/DOQI guidelines recommend that clinical laboratories report serum creatinine with an estimated GFR using a serum creatinine–based formula3 (see Table 23–2). Muscle mass may also decline over a relatively short period of time. For example, significant declines in creatinine excretion were seen in patients undergoing kidney transplantation, especially those who had chronic declines in allograft function.27 The decline in creatinine excretion was probably due to decreases in muscle mass from multiple causes, including the effects of corticosteroids. As a result of the reduction in muscle mass, changes in serum creatinine underestimated the amount of decline in kidney function.4 Failure to remember the potential effects of tubular secretion on serum creatinine, especially in patients with reduced kidney function, may lead the clinician to believe that renal function is better than it actually is. One study has suggested that tubular secretion of creatinine is significant in patients with nephritic syndrome and decreased serum albumin levels.8 Moreover, the potential for interference from plasma constituents and medications requires the clinician to know what assay is being used to measure serum creatinine. One the basis of whether the reported upper limit of normal for adults is high (1.4–1.9 mg/dL) or low (1.2–1.4 mg/dL), it may sometimes be possible to correctly surmise whether an unmodified alkaline picrate–Jaffé reaction (higher normal limits) or a newer method that removes interference with chromogens (lower normal limits) is being used. The clinician should also be aware of the precision of the assay. Precision is commonly measured by the coefficient of variation, which is the mean of replicate samples divided by the standard deviation.

Creatinine Clearance Measuring creatinine clearance obviates some of the problems of using serum creatinine as a marker of GFR but creates others. Differences in steady-state creatinine production due to differences in muscle mass that affect serum creatinine should not affect creatinine clearance. Extrarenal elimination of creatinine should have little influence on the ability of the creatinine clearance to estimate GFR. However, the reliability of creatinine clearance is greatly diminished by variability in tubular secretion of creatinine and by the inability of most patients to accurately collect timed urine samples. Indeed, some investigators28,29 have argued that the creatinine clearance rate is a less reliable measure of GFR than serum creatinine and should be abandoned. Tubular secretion of creatinine gives a creatinine clearance rate that overestimates the true GFR. The overestimation is

due to effects of diet.4 Thus, under usual clinical conditions, 729 the assumption that plasma creatinine levels are constant during the period of urine collection may not valid and may, in fact, be a source of error. The day-to-day coefficient of variation for serum creatinine is approximately 8%.32,33 Because two creatinine determinations must be made to calculate a creatinine clearance, the coefficient of variation of the creatinine clearance should be higher than that of serum creatinine level. Indeed, the coefficient of variation of creatinine clearance could be expected to be at least 11.3% (the square root of 2 times the square of 8%). This is, in fact, similar to the coefficient of variation for creatinine clearance reported in at least one investigation.33 Other researchers34 have reported a day-to-day coefficient of variation for creatinine clearance, when carried out in the routine clinical setting, as high as 27%.

Cimetidine-Enhanced Creatinine Clearance Because tubular secretion of creatinine is a major limitation of the creatinine clearance, several investigators35,36 have tried to enhance the accuracy of creatinine clearance by blocking tubular creatinine secretion with the histamine-2 receptor antagonist cimetidine. In these studies, cimetidine substantially improved the creatinine clearance estimate of GFR in patients with mild to moderate renal impairment. However, in many patients, tubular secretion of creatinine was not completely blocked, and the cimetidine-enhanced creatinine clearance value still overestimated GFR in these individuals. A cimetidine-enhanced creatinine clearance measurement requires little additional cooperation from the patient than a standard creatinine clearance. Cimetidine is very safe; indeed, one study reported that the incidence of adverse reactions during prolonged treatment of 622 patients with cimetidine (10.9%) was similar to that seen during treatment of 516 patients with placebo (10.1%).37 Because the cimetidineenhanced creatinine clearance rate can be measured in most clinical laboratories, it may especially useful for patients who live in areas in which more expensive GFR measurement techniques are not readily available. Although it will not replace other, more accurate methods for measuring GFR, the cimetidine-enhanced creatinine clearance could prove to be a cost-effective alternative in many clinical situations.

Serum Creatinine Formulas to Estimate Kidney Function The need to collect a urine sample remains a major limitation of the creatinine clearance technique, with or without cimetidine enhancement. Therefore, many attempts have been made to mathematically transform or correct serum creatinine so that it may more accurately reflect GFR (see Table 23–2).29,38–53 Under ideal conditions, GFR, as measured by a marker such as creatinine, should be equal to the inverse of the creatinine value multiplied by a constant rate of creatinine GFR. However, changes in creatinine production, extrarenal elimination, and tubular secretion of creatinine can all create errors in the use of inverse creatinine value to measure changes in GFR. Indeed, none of the shortcomings of using serum creatinine as a marker of GFR is avoided by using inverse creatinine value.4 One of the problems with using creatinine or its inverse as a measure of GFR is that interpatient and intrapatient differences in creatinine production often occur. Variations in creatinine production owing to age- and sex-related differences in muscle mass have been measured and have been

CH 23

Laboratory Assessment of Kidney Disease: Clearance, Urinalysis, and Kidney Biopsy

reduced somewhat if serum and urine creatinine are both measured by the Jaffé method. As discussed, plasma constituents tend to falsely raise the serum creatinine level as measured by the Jaffé assay, while urine creatinine levels are largely unaffected. Thus, creatinine clearance determinations calculated from serum and urine creatinine levels measured with the Jaffé assay tend to be falsely low. In a given population of patients, this error will tend to cancel the error introduced by tubular creatinine secretion, and the creatinine clearance rate GFR. However, the two errors are independent, and the occurrence of opposing errors of the same magnitude in the same patient is largely a result of chance.4 Thus, variability in the precision of creatinine clearance rate as an estimate of true GFR is not reduced and may be increased by this fortuitous combination of errors. Indeed, the creatinine clearance rate determined in 30 patients with a total chromogen method was only 9% higher than inulin clearance, although the true creatinine clearance was 31% higher.4 However, the correlation coefficient with inulin clearance compared with the true creatinine clearance was much better (r = 0.96) than the correlation coefficient for inulin clearance compared with the total chromogen creatinine clearance (r = 0.86), suggesting that the latter technique was more accurate but less precise. Prolonged storage of the urine can introduce error in the creatinine clearance determination by perturbing urine creatinine levels. High temperature and low urine pH enhance the conversion of creatine to creatinine in urine.30 Indeed, storing urine under adverse conditions for 24 hours was shown to cause a 20% increase in the amount of measured urine creatinine.30 This problem can be obviated by refrigerating urine samples and by measuring the urine creatinine level without undue delay. Tubular secretion of creatinine would cause little difficulty if it was constant, and a constant correction factor could be subtracted from creatinine clearance determinations to yield a more accurate estimate of GFR. Unfortunately, interpatient and intrapatient variability in tubular creatinine secretion makes such an approach impossible. The tendency for tubular secretion to rise proportionally with declining levels of kidney function, for example, decreases the usefulness of creatinine clearance determinations as accurate reflections of GFR in patients with kidney disease.9 As mentioned earlier for urea clearance, all renal clearance techniques that rely on measuring a marker of GFR in the urine are subject to the vagaries of urine collection. Variability in the adequacy of timed urine samples can introduce substantial error in the clearance determination. Having patients perform urine collections under direct supervision of trained personnel can enhance the accuracy of timed collections. However, decreasing the duration of urine collection may increase the contribution of errors due to incomplete bladder emptying, especially if urine volumes are not increased with water loading. In addition, short-interval urine collections negate the advantages of time-averaged GFR estimates made from 24-hour urine collection. The cost of the procedure can also be substantially higher if trained personnel are used to directly supervise urine collections in a clinic setting. In principle, the renal clearance of creatinine is the urine creatinine excretion divided by the area under the plasma creatinine concentration time curve over the period of time in which the urine was sampled. In practice, creatinine clearance is usually measured by determining the urine creatinine excretion and sampling a single plasma creatinine value. It is then assumed that the plasma creatinine was constant over the time of the urine collection. Plasma creatinine remains relatively constant over 24 hours if food intake and activity are also constant.31 However, in a 24-hour period, there may be substantial variability in plasma creatinine levels, largely

730 incorporated in formulas to improve the ability of serum creatinine to estimate GFR. The most widely used formula is that of Cockcroft and Gault,42 which reduces the variability of serum creatinine estimates of glomerular filtration measured in a population of men and women of different ages. However, the formula does not take into account differences in creatinine production between individuals of the same age and sex or even in the same individual over time.45,47 The formula systematically overestimates GFR in individuals who are obese or edematous.47 Moreover, it does not take into account extrarenal elimination, tubular handling, or inaccuracies in the laboratory measurement of creatinine that can contribute to error in the serum creatinine estimate of GFR. With readily available parameters and relative simplicity, the Cockcroft-Gault formula has maintained widespread support. In subjects screened for the African-American Study of Kidney Disease and Hypertension pilot study, outpatient 24-hour urine collections and timed creatinine clearances offered no more precision than the CockcroftCH 23 Gault formula, despite requiring substantially more time and effort.8 The GFR has probably never been measured with more accuracy in a large population of patients than it was in the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) Study. The investigators54 used the isotopically measured GFR determinations from the MDRD study to derive a formula for estimating GFR using only readily measurable clinical variables. Significantly, they derived the formula on a randomly selected subset of patients from the whole population, and then tested the formula in the remainder of the population. A formula, sometimes referred to as the MDRD study equation or the Levey formula, uses only serum chemistry values (creatinine, urea, and albumin) and patient characteristics (age, gender, and race). It was able to predict 90.3% of the variability in isotopically measured GFR in the validation sample (see Table 23–2).53 A simplified version requiring only serum creatinine value, age, race, and gender was found to similarly correlate with measured GFR.55 Levey and colleagues53 cautioned against the immediate application of theses formulas in patient subgroups not represented in the initial study, including individuals with normal kidney function, patients with type 1 diabetes, elderly persons, and kidney transplant recipients. It cannot be assumed that formulas to predict kidney function derived from data for one patient population will be valid when applied to another population. For example, few diabetic individuals were included in some of the original studies that examined formulas for predicting GFR. When these formulas were subsequently tested in diabetic patients, they were found by some investigators56 to be inaccurate. Several small studies have indicated some degree of inaccuracy in the use of the MDRD equation for subjects with normal kidney function.57 However, the National Kidney Foundation’s K/DOQI guidelines consider the MDRD equation a reliable measure for GFR in adults,3 and the European Best Practice Guidelines Expert Group on Hemodialysis prefers it over the Cockcroft-Gault equation for individuals with advanced kidney failure.58 Serum creatinine formulas to estimate the GFR may not be reliable in certain individuals. Individuals on a vegetarian diet, consuming creatinine supplements, with unusual muscle mass, with unusual weight (morbid obesity, amputation), or pregnant woman were not included in the study populations that were used to generate these formulas. Likewise, the formulas are not accurate for individuals with normal or nearnormal kidney function57,59 and ethnic groups.60 Therefore, such individuals may have better measurement of clearance utilizing a 24-hour urine sample for creatinine clearance. For example, among healthy individuals such as kidney donors, the MDRD formula underestimated GFR.59 In kidney transplant recipients, the MDRD provided variable results.61

Serum Cystatin C Several low-molecular-weight (LMW) proteins have been evaluated as endogenous markers of GFR, with cystatin C commanding the most attention. The use of serum cystatin C as a marker of GFR was first suggested in 1985, when Simonsen and co-workers62 demonstrated a correlation between reciprocal cystatin C values and 51Cr-labeled ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (51Cr–EDTA) clearance. Since then, numerous investigators63–66 have shown that cystatin C may be a particularly good marker of GFR. Cystatin C is a 13-kD basic protein of the cystatin superfamily of cysteine proteinase inhibitors. It is synthesized by all nucleated cells at a constant rate, fulfilling an important criterion for any endogenous marker of GFR.67,68 In most studies, production of cystatin C is not altered by inflammatory processes,62,63 by muscle mass,69 or by gender.70 One study did find higher levels of cystatin C in males, older patients, and those with greater height and weights. However, the study utilized 24-hour urine collections to determine creatinine clearance as the gold standard for kidney function.71 Another study found that inflammation or immunosuppression therapy may affect cystatin C levels.72 Concentrations of cystatin C are highest in the first days of life and rapidly decrease during the first 4 months, likely due to maturation of the glomerular filtration capacity.73,74 In children older than 1 year, cystatin C levels stabilize and approximate those of adults.73,74 An increase in levels after the 5th decade reflects the age-related decline in GFR and contrasts with stable serum creatinine values, presumably due to a decline in muscle mass with age.75 Because of its LMW and positive charge at physiologic pH, cystatin C freely passes the glomerular filter. It is not secreted, but proximal tubular cells reabsorb and catabolize the filtered cystatin C, resulting in very low urinary concentrations.63,76 Although calculation of GFR using urinary cystatin C is not possible, some investigators77 have speculated that urinary cystatin C could serve as a marker for renal tubular dysfunction. Cystatin C can be measured using any of a number of radioimmunoassays, fluorescent, or enzymatic immunoassays.68 Because these methods are slow and relatively imprecise, widespread clinical use is not feasible. Latex immunoassays employing latex particles conjugated with cystatin C–specific antibody demonstrate greater precision, produce more consistent reference intervals, and are far quicker.68 Particleenhanced turbidimetric immunoassay (PETIA)64,65,70 and particle-enhanced nephelometric immunoassay (PENIA)75,78,79 are the two available versions of latex immunoassay. On the basis of a 2002 meta-analysis, immunonephelometric methods appear to be superior to other assays when measuring cystatin C.80 Studies in a number of patients have shown that serum cystatin C may be more sensitive and specific than serum creatinine value for signifying early changes in isotopically determined GFR.65,66,72 ROC analysis of one of these studies demonstrated superiority of accuracy of cystatin C over creatinine in patients with reduced GFR.64 In addition, small reductions in GFR appear to be detected more easily using cystatin C measurement than with creatinine determination.65,66 Other studies have indicated that cystatin C determination has a greater ability to detect subclinical kidney dysfunction than using creatinine measurement.81 Coll and colleagues81 demonstrated that cystatin C levels rose when GFR fell to 88 mL/min/1.73 m2 and that creatinine levels did not rise until GFR dropped to 75 mL/min/1.73 m2. However, ROC analysis showed no difference in the diagnostic accuracy of the two tests.81 Likewise, several other studies have not shown a significant difference between cystatin C and creatinine determinations, despite a trend toward greater accuracy with cystatin C.82–84 A meta-analysis80 incorporating studies published in 46 articles and 8 abstracts and using

Inulin Inulin was once considered the gold standard of exogenously administered markers of GFR. However, the scarcity and high cost all but eliminated its routine use. Inulin (molecular weight 5200 Da) is a polymer of fructose found in tubers such as the dahlia, the Jerusalem artichoke, and chicory. Inulin is inert and does not bind to plasma proteins. It distributes in extracellular fluid, is freely filtered at the glomerulus, and is neither reabsorbed nor secreted by renal tubules.102 Inulin is readily measured in plasma and urine by one of several colorimetric assays. These assays are time consuming but can be adapted for use on an autoanalyzer. Glucose is also detected in most inulin assays and must, therefore, be either removed beforehand or measured independently in the sample and subtracted. In any case, appropriate care must be taken in patients with high plasma or urine glucose levels, especially if the levels fluctuate during the GFR determination. The renal clearance method for using inulin to measure GFR was originally developed and championed by Homer Smith. Over the years, this technique has been used by many clinical investigators and has been modified only slightly.

Generally, measurements are made under standardized con- 731 ditions. Patients are typically studied in the morning, after an overnight fast. An oral water load of 10 to 15 mL/kg body weight is given before inulin is infused, and additional water is administered throughout the test to ensure a constant urine flow rate of at least 4 mL/min. When a good urine flow has been established, a loading dose of inulin is given, followed by a constant infusion to maintain plasma levels. Once a steady state has been achieved, several timed (generally 30-min) urine collections are carried out. Ideally, a bladder catheter is used to ensure the accuracy of the timed urine collections. Serial plasma levels of inulin are also measured. Inulin clearance is calculated from the plasma level (time averaged), urine concentration, and urine flow rate. Usually, an average of three to five separate determinations is made. Each of these measurements is subject to inaccuracies; indeed, the coefficient of variation between clearance periods is 10%,54 and the coefficient of variation of inulin clearance measured on different days in the same individual is approxi- CH 23 mately 7.5%.54 No doubt, some of the variability in inulin clearance determinations made in the same individual are due to error in measurement, and some are due to true fluctuation in GFR (see later). It has been estimated that a difference of 20 mL/1.73 m2/min in the values of inulin clearances measured in the same individual on 2 separate days predicts a real difference in GFR at P < .05.4 A difference of 27 mL/1.73 m2/min between measurements predicts a real difference at P < .01.4 The renal inulin clearance method has a number of drawbacks. Bladder catheterization is associated with some risk and is not readily accepted by many patients. Although inulin clearance measurements can be carried out using spontaneous voiding, incomplete bladder emptying can introduce additional variability. Unfortunately, no studies have compared inulin clearance results obtained using bladder catheterization with those obtained using spontaneous voiding. Problems with residual urine are most likely to occur in individuals with prostatism and in patients with neurogenic bladder dysfunction. High urine volumes probably help reduce the effect of incomplete bladder emptying, but water loading is itself uncomfortable for many patients. It has been noted that inulin clearance tends to decline during serial urine collections, in part as a result of the difficulty patients have in maintaining a high water intake throughout the procedure. Use of an intravenous cannula and a constant infusion is another source of discomfort and inconvenience. Thus, despite its accuracy, the renal inulin clearance technique is cumbersome and inconvenient. To avoid problems related to urine collection, many investigators have turned to plasma clearance techniques. Plasma clearance can be measured with the use of either a constant infusion or a bolus injection.103 If, during a constant infusion, both the distribution space and the plasma level of inulin are constant, the rate of infusion will be equal to the rate of elimination. The inulin clearance then becomes the rate of infusion divided by the plasma concentration. There is a high degree of correlation between results from this technique and those from the renal clearance method.103 However, maintaining constant plasma concentrations is very difficult,104,105 and the constant infusion technique is rarely used. The bolus injection technique has been used with inulin,106 and this technique is discussed in greater detail in the section on radionuclide and radiocontrast markers of GFR. As previously noted, a number of problems limit the usefulness of inulin as a marker of GFR. Although most data suggest that inulin is freely filtered and is not handled by the renal tubules, this indication may not be true in all clinical situations. For example, it has been suggested that impaired filtration, back-diffusion of inulin, or both can limit its

Laboratory Assessment of Kidney Disease: Clearance, Urinalysis, and Kidney Biopsy

standard measures of GFR suggested superiority of reciprocal cystatin C value over reciprocal serum creatinine level as a marker of GFR.80 Superior correlation coefficients and greater ROC-plot area under the curve (AUC) values were calculated for cystatin C. The authors of this meta-analysis speculated that prior studies indicating a lack of superiority of cystatin C could reflect a type II error or differences caused by assay methods. Cystatin C has also been examined in a diverse number of groups. In children, cystatin C measurement appears to be at least as useful as serum creatinine determination in assessing GFR, although the number of children studied who were younger than 4 years is small. This age subgroup, for which serum creatinine levels have been unreliable, might arguably be most benefited by the measurement of cystatin C to evaluate GFR. Cystatin C has been favorably evaluated in other similar subgroups, including patients with cirrhosis,83 spinal cord injury,85 and rheumatoid arthritis,86 as well as elderly patients.87,88 In diabetic patients, results have been mixed.89,90 In kidney transplant recipients, cystatin C value has been found to be more sensitive than serum creatinine level in detecting decreases in GFR.91,92 However, some investigators have shown that cystatin C values underestimate GFR in this population.93 In one study, levels of cystatin C were significantly higher in 54 pediatric kidney transplant recipients than in 56 control subjects with similar GFR values.93 The reason for this result is not clear. However, corticosteroids have been implicated, given the finding of elevation of cystatin C in asthmatic patients treated with corticosteroids94 and in in vitro experiments demonstrating a dose-dependent rise in cystatin C production in HeLa cells treated with dezamethasone.95 A case-control study of kidney transplant recipients showed a dose-dependent increase in cystatin C in individuals who were receiving corticosteroids compared with those who were not.96 In contrast, corticosteroids did not raise levels of cystatin C in a group of children treated for nephritic syndrome.97 Mixed conclusions of other studies evaluating cystatin C as a marker of GFR in transplant recipients98 and the discrepancy in the effects of corticosteriods illustrate a need for further studies in this population. Furthermore, the cost of the cystatin C assay, the difficulty in making the assay universally available, and the potentially high intraindividual variability in the determination of cystatin C levels are all issues that require attention if this particular marker is to be used in clinical practice.99,100 Currently, there is no standard for serum cystatin C measurement.101

107 732 usefulness in kidney transplant recipients. However, the decline in the use of inulin as a marker of GFR has largely been due to its scarcity and cost.



Any of several radionuclide-labeled and unlabeled radiocontrast markers of GFR can be used in either renal or plasma clearance studies. Estimating GFR by plasma clearance of an intravenous bolus injection of an indicator is convenient and has been used more often than constant infusion or renal clearance techniques. The assumptions underlying the measurement of renal clearance using a single injection technique are critical. Basically, renal clearance is measured as the plasma clearance, or the amount of indicator injected divided by the integrated area of the plasma concentration curve over time.108 Because it is not possible to measure enough samples CH 23 to accurately determine the area under the plasma concentration time curve, estimation of this area is based on mathematical formulations that describe the decline in plasma levels over time. Models used to estimate plasma clearance assume that the volume of distribution and renal excretion are constant over time and that there is no extrarenal excretion. A constant renal excretion has been demonstrated for at least two indicators, 125I-iothalamate and 51Cr-EDTA.109 However, underestimation of GFR with the use of technetium-radiolabeled diethylenetriaminepenta-acetic acid (125mTc-DTPA) may be due to plasma protein binding and decreasing renal clearance over time.110,111 Other researchers112 have shown that there is a small, constant overestimation of plasma compared with renal clearance of 51Cr-EDTA. Although the indicator is eliminated directly from the arterial circulation, it is injected intravenously, and blood samples to measure the plasma clearance are drawn from the venous compartment. The assumption that there is instantaneous equilibration between the arterial and the venous circulation is incorrect.4 Thus, any method used to calculate renal clearance must correct for inaccuracies due to delayed equilibration between the venous and the arterial compartments. Because it is not possible to measure the entire plasma concentration time curve, a limited number of samples must be measured, and an appropriate curve fitted to these points must be used to measure the plasma clearance. Both one- and two-compartment models have been used to measure plasma clearance (Fig. 23–2). In the two-compartment model, the first compartment can be thought of as corresponding to plasma and the second to extracellular fluid.4 Two slopes and two intercepts are derived from plotting plasma values over time after injection.113 One slope and intercept are derived from the initial data that fit a straight line when plotted on a logarithmic scale, and the other slope and intercept are derived from a line that fits the data of the terminal elimination phase. Unfortunately, the two-compartment method, although more accurate than the one-compartment model, requires more frequent plasma sampling. Therefore, most investigators now use a one-compartment model, whereby only values measured during the terminal elimination phase (generally commencing 90–120 min after injection) are sampled. In this model, the slope and intercept of a line plotted on a logarithmic scale are used to calculate clearance by the formula: Clearance = Vo (ln(2))/t1/2 where Vo is the volume of distribution, and t1/2 is the half-time for decay in plasma levels. The value derived from this relationship is multiplied by a constant to correct for systematic errors attributable to overestimation of Vo and a higher con-

B Plasma concentration

Radionuclide and Radiocontrast Markers of Glomerular Filtration Rate

Extracellular fluid

Renal clearance


k1 k2

Time (t) FIGURE 23–2 Plasma disappearance curve for the indicator of GFR after bolus intravenous administration. Dots represent measured concentrations. The line with slope k1 and intercept A is the least-squares best fit of the terminal elimination phase. The line with slope k2 and intercept B represents best fit of the difference between actual values and values calculated from the line fitted to the terminal elimination phase. GFR (one-compartment method) is calculated as Qk1/A, where Q is the quantity of indicator administered. GFR (twocompartment method) is calculated as Qk1k2/(Ak2 + Bk1).

centration of marker in venous compared with arterial blood. The clearance calculated using this simple monoexponential model is surprisingly accurate.4 Also surprising is the fact that as few as two samples yield results that seem to be as accurate as multiple samples.114 Single-sample techniques have also been used to estimate plasma clearance.115 One such method was based on the use of different sampling times dictated by the predicted GFR.115 Tepe and co-workers116 compared different sampling times using monoexponential models for GFR determinations in 139 subjects. They found that a single-sample method was accurate, and that sampling between 60 and 240 minutes after injection was optimal. Other researchers have confirmed that single-sample techniques can give reasonably accurate estimates of GFR that are generally suitable for clinical practice.117,118 Nevertheless, multiple sampling yields a GFR determination that is more accurate than that obtained by single-sample techniques and may, therefore, be more suitable for clinical investigations that must detect small differences in changes in GFR between patients.119 There is some controversy over the applicability of standard adult formulas for calculating GFR in children using single-sample techniques,120,121 and further study is required. Whether single or multiple samples are used with a monoexponential model, it is probably important that the sampling time be adjusted to the level of kidney function.108,119 To sample after only 2 hours may be too soon for patients with normal to moderately decreased kidney function109; a sampling time of 4 to 5 hours after injection is probably more appropriate.108 However, this interval may be too short in individuals with more marked declines in kidney function or in patients with ascites. In such patients, sampling times up to 24 hours may be appropriate.108 The use of radiolabeling and very sensitive highperformance liquid chromatography (HPLC) detection methods have reduced the amount of marker that needs to be administered, and this, in turn, has permitted subcutaneous administration.122 It has been shown that reasonably predictable plasma concentrations can be achieved after subcutane-

most commonly used to measure GFR is 99mTc-DTPA.130,131 733 The radiolabeling of DTPA with 99mTc must be carried out immediately before use owing to the chelate’s instability. The half-life of 99mTc is only 6 hours, so samples must be counted soon after the procedure.123 Protein binding of 99mTc-DTPA may be a significant source of error in some patients.110,111 A comparison of clearance measurements based on whole plasma and protein-free, ultrafiltered plasma found significant differences, especially in patients taking multiple medications.128 All radionuclide markers are radioactive. This fact has begun to erode their acceptance by patients and has been subjected to close monitoring by regulatory agencies. In the United States, the storage and disposal of all radioactive waste has come under growing scrutiny and regulation, and the use of isotopes now requires that a number of conditions be met. The actual amount of radiation delivered to patients is generally considered to be less than the amount received while undergoing most standard radiologic procedures.4 However, the isotope is concentrated in the urine, so CH 23 that exposure of the urinary collecting system may be greater.123 To alleviate this potential problem, patients are advised to maintain a high fluid intake and urine volume after the procedure. There are no long-term follow-up studies to assess the risk of this exposure of the collecting system to radiation. In theory, the use of radioisotopes in children and pregnant women may carry an increased risk of potential problems. In an effort to avoid using radiolabeled compounds, techniques have been developed to measure low levels of iodine in urine and plasma. These techniques permit the use of unlabeled radiocontrast agents, which are inherently rich in iodine, to measure GFR. Radiocontrast agents are of LMW (600–1600 Da), are not protein bound, and are eliminated from plasma mainly by glomerular filtration. The HPLC assay has been used to measure renal clearance of iothalamate sodium (Conray), diatrizoate meglumine (Hypaque), and iohexol (Omnipaque). The sensitivity of the assay allows the use of as little as 1 mL of radiocontrast agent, which can be injected subcutaneously. However, the main disadvantage of HPLC is the expense, time, and labor needed to carry out the assay. A rapid and convenient method has been developed to measure relatively low concentrations of iodine with the use of x-ray fluorescence, and the method has been applied to the measurement of the plasma clearance of iohexol.132,133 The use of iohexol (molecular weight 821 Da) to measure GFR has grown in popularity, probably because of the low incidence of adverse effects, which is attributable to iohexol’s low osmolality and nonionic properties. Plasma clearance determinations using iohexol appear to be comparable with those obtained with the use of other radionuclide-labeled markers and with inulin.134,135 Up to 30 mL of iohexol may be required if samples are measured by x-ray fluorescence, but the amount administered is reduced in patients with decreased kidney function. As little as 5 mL may be needed if more sensitive techniques are used (e.g., HPLC). The technique appears to be safe, an observation that is not surprising because, even in very high-risk diabetic patients with markedly reduced kidney function, nephrotoxicity from radiocontrast agents occurred only at doses above those generally used to measure kidney function.136 The incidence of extrarenal adverse reactions from higher doses of nonionic radiocontrast agents used in radiographic procedures is low. All of the methods that use labeled or unlabeled radiocontrast agents share the risk of allergic reactions. Although this risk is small, none of these agents should be administered to patients who are allergic to iodine. Higher doses of iohexol can also be used when GFR is measured in conjunction with standard urography.137 Extremely low levels of GFR can be measured, and the technique

Laboratory Assessment of Kidney Disease: Clearance, Urinalysis, and Kidney Biopsy

ous injection of a radiolabeled marker such as 125I-iothalamate. Thus, the renal clearance of such a marker can be measured after subcutaneous injection. The measurement of plasma clearance need not require plasma sampling. A gamma camera positioned over the kidneys can be used to measure renal elimination of a radioactive indicator.123,124 Quantitative renal imaging most commonly uses 99mTc-DTPA, radioiodinated iodohippuran (Hippuran), 123I-ortho-iodohippurate, or 99mTc-mercaptoacetyltriglycine (MAG3).123,125 Estimation of GFR has now been combined with computed tomography (CT) using radiocontrast agents.126 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has also been proposed as a method for estimating GFR and renal blood flow.127 In general, GFR determination through quantitative renal imaging is not as precise as that arrived at through plasma sampling.125,128 The advantage of quantitative renal imaging is that additional information pertaining to the anatomy of renal function can be obtained. Indeed, the “split function” or relative contribution to total GFR from each kidney can be calculated. This information can be important in the evaluation of some patients with renal vascular disease and can be crucial in certain circumstances (e.g., in deciding whether or not to carry out a unilateral nephrectomy). Although currently experimental, MRI techniques may someday provide quantitative information on regional cortical and medullary perfusion. Another potential application of techniques that measure isotopes externally may exploit the rapidity with which measurements can be obtained to monitor acute changes in kidney function. Indeed, miniaturized external monitoring devices have been applied to real-time monitoring of kidney function using 99mTc-DTPA.129 It is assumed that, whatever indicator is used to measure plasma clearance, it is not extensively protein bound, is freely filtered, is neither secreted nor reabsorbed by the tubules, and is eliminated only by the kidneys. A number of radionuclide and radiocontrast markers have been developed to measure GFR. In general, they share most of the characteristics of inulin that make it a good indicator of GFR. The popularity of these radionuclide-labeled agents is attributable to their ready availability, ease of administration, relatively low cost, and accuracy of laboratory assay. Probably the most extensively investigated radionuclidebound indicator of GFR has been 51Cr-EDTA.4 It is small (molecular weight 292 Da), appears to have little binding to plasma proteins, and is freely filtered by the glomerulus. Studies in humans have shown that the renal clearance of 51 Cr-EDTA is about 10% lower than that of inulin when both are measured simultaneously. Although the reason for these lower values is not known, it could be due to plasma protein binding, tubular reabsorption, or in vivo dissociation of the nuclide from EDTA. Iothalamate sodium, a derivative of triiodobenzoic acid, is a high-osmolar, ionic radiocontrast agent. It is small (molecular weight 614 Da) and appears to be only slightly bound to plasma proteins. Several studies in humans have found that simultaneously measured renal clearances of 125I-iothalamate and inulin are similar,4 but whether this finding resulted from similar renal handling of inulin and iothalamate or whether there was a fortuitous cancellation of errors due, for example, to plasma protein binding countering the effects of tubular secretion is unclear. The use of 125I-iothalamate to measure kidney function is generally considered safe, although there are virtually no long-term follow-up data. The potential problem of thyroid uptake and concentration of the radionuclide can be avoided by administering a large dose of oral iodine (Lugol’s solution) prior to the procedure. The half-life of 125I is approximately 60 days.4 DTPA (molecular weight 393 Da) has frequently been chelated to radionuclides for use in renal imaging.123 The one

Similarly, salt intake, water consumption, posture, and normal diurnal variation can all affect GFR determinations in normal individuals.4 In women, the menstrual cycle can affect GFR and may be an additional source of physiologic variability.146 The concept of “renal functional reserve” was introduced in studies that demonstrated higher GFR after an oral protein load.147 This development led to an unfortunate confusion between increased function due to structural changes after a reduction in kidney mass and acute increases in GFR of a functional nature (e.g., after an oral protein load).147 In theory, the normal intraindividual physiologic variability in GFR could be reduced if the measurement were made after an acute maneuver that maximized kidney function. However, there are inadequate data to determine whether this is the case. Moreover, such maneuvers substantially increase the complexity and expense of the measurement.

734 has been adapted to determining residual renal function in patients on maintenance hemodialysis.138

Normalizing Glomerular Filtration Rate The measurement of GFR is usually better suited for monitoring disease progression than for detection or diagnosis, for two reasons. The first is the cost and inconvenience of the procedure. Second, the enormous physiologic variability of GFR in healthy individuals makes it difficult to define what a normal GFR should be for an individual patient.4 An understanding of the factors that contribute to this normal variability is essential in interpreting any test of GFR. A number of investigators have attempted to normalize GFR in populations of humans who have no known kidney disease. For years, body surface area (BSA) has been used to normalize GFR.4 Usually, GFR is indexed to BSA; that is, GFR is expressed per unit of BSA. However, at least one report suggested that a regression relationship is more accurate than CH 23 indexing for normalizing GFR to BSA.139 The rationale has been that the weight of the kidney and the basal metabolic rate are proportional to BSA in normal individuals of different age and body size.4 Generally, the DuBois formula for calculating BSA using power functions of height and weight has been used to estimate BSA.4 This formula is less accurate at extremes of age. Obesity may also perturb the otherwise physiologic relationship between BSA and renal hemodynamic function.140 The argument has been made that extracellular fluid volume be used to normalize GFR,141,142 because the purpose of the kidney is to maintain the composition of the extracellular fluid. A comparison of extracellular volume and calculated BSA in normalizing GFR found that the two methods yielded very similar results.143 Like extracellular fluid volume, blood volume is also closely correlated to calculated BSA in adult men and women.4 In addition, both kidney and glomerular size correlate to BSA.144 Thus, to the extent that GFR may be expected to correlate to kidney and glomerular size, the use of BSA to normalize GFR seems to be sound. Blood volume, extracellular fluid volume, and basal metabolic rate can be more accurately predicted with the use of indices of lean body mass than calculated BSA alone. Thus, measures of lean body mass could theoretically be better predictors of normal GFR, at least in adults. However, until this is clearly demonstrated to be the case, the more convenient calculated BSA will, no doubt, continue to be the standard for normalizing GFR.4 Although the variability of GFR measurements in normal individuals can be reduced by taking BSA differences into account, the residual variability is substantial. A number of factors may contribute to this variability. GFR normally declines with age, but does so to a variable extent.4 It is well known that dietary protein intake can affect GFR.145

Cost, safety & convenience

Applications A number of factors should be considered in selecting a clinical test to measure GFR. Unfortunately, the necessary information on accuracy, precision, and expected prevalence of abnormal results is usually not available for each test in each specific clinical situation. However, recognition of how these factors affect the utility of a test, along with crude estimations of these critical parameters, can provide guidance in test selection. Finally, the usefulness of a test to measure GFR is dictated not only by issues of accuracy and precision but also by cost, safety, and convenience. In general, the tests that are most accurate and precise are also those that are most costly and inconvenient (Fig. 23–3). No single test of GFR is ideally suited for every clinical and research application. Rather, the goal should be to select the most accurate and precise test to answer the question being addressed in the safest, most cost-effective, and convenient manner possible in the population being studied. In clinical practice, tests of GFR are most commonly used for (1) screening for the presence of kidney disease, (2) measuring disease progression to determine prognosis and effects of therapy, (3) confirming the need for treatment of end-stage renal disease with dialysis or transplantation, (4) estimating renal clearance of drugs to guide dosing, and (5) assessing GFR as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. For research purposes, tests of GFR are most commonly asked to distinguish differences in the rate of change between two or more experimental groups. Although precise data do not exist, it is probable that none of the currently available tests of renal function is very well suited for detecting early or mild kidney disease in the general population. Nevertheless, there is a legitimate need for tests to identify patients with moderate or marked declines in kidney function in high-risk situations. The cost and inconvenience of creatinine clearance and radionuclide measure-











































Serum creatinine

Inverse serum creatinine

Calculated creatinine clearance


Creatinine Radionuclide Insulin clearance indicator clearance clearance

FIGURE 23–3 Conflict between practicality (cost, safety, and convenience) and accuracy of methods to estimate GFR. On one end of the spectrum, serum creatinine is most practical but least accurate. On the other end of the spectrum, inulin clearance is most accurate but least practical.

kidney function as a gold standard, the ability of these for- 735 mulas to predict pharmacokinetic profiles has not been determined for most therapeutic agents. Many studies have attempted to examine changes in the rate of decline in GFR, determined by inverse creatinine plots or other techniques, to assess the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions. However, measuring changes in the rate of decline is problematic, as previously discussed. Moreover, it has also been shown that a substantial proportion of apparent amelioration in functional declines measured by inverse creatinine or radionuclide determinations of GFR can be attributed to regression to the mean.156 Therefore, comparing the rate of change in GFR between two or more experimental groups has become the most reliable method for studying interventions designed to delay or prevent progression of CKD.102,161 Generally, cost and inconvenience are subordinated to the increased accuracy and precision of radionuclide measurements of GFR in a clinical trial, and these tests are routinely used in that setting. A study of 2250 patients participating in two large, randomized, controlled trials con- CH 23 firmed the reliability of serial determinations of the renal clearance of subcutaneously injected (125I)iothalamate.162 A doubling of serum creatinine has also been used as an end point in a number of clinical trials measuring progression of CKD. Using time to doubling of serum creatinine as an end point avoids the difficult-to-prove assumption that the rate of decline in kidney function is uniformly linear in all patients. It also avoids problems with premature patient dropout. Although the low cost and convenience of using time to doubling of serum creatinine makes this end point particularly attractive, it nevertheless has a number of important limitations.163 First and foremost is the insensitivity of serum creatinine value to changes in GFR. False-positive results may also be problematic. It has been pointed out that changes in serum creatinine value would have given a positive result in the MDRD study, whereas no such benefit could be demonstrated when more accurate methods were used to measure changes in GFR.163 Furthermore, variation in serum creatinine assays and calibration method can have an important impact on the ability to accurately predict levels of kidney function. Coresh and colleagues55 analyzed frozen serum from both the MDRD study and the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) and showed substantial variation in calibration of serum creatinine among laboratories and through time. These errors in calibration became more important with progressively higher GFR values. Therefore, both research and clinical laboratories should consider calibrating serum creatinine to the MDRD study clinical laboratory,55 although this may not be feasible.164 Clearly, better techniques are still needed to measure the progression of CKD in clinical trials, techniques that can reduce the number of patients and duration of follow-up required to assess the effectiveness of therapies.

URINALYSIS Historical Background In common English usage, “urinalysis” is the chemical analysis of urine. However, analysis per se is “the identification or separation of ingredients of a substance,” and as such, urinalysis can take on a much broader meaning. Historically, inspection of the urine for diagnosis is virtually as old as medicine itself. The connection between sweet-tasting urine and diabetes was made as early as 600 BC. Hippocrates used the appearance, color, and consistency of urine to diagnose disease and predict outcomes. In the Middle Ages, prognostication from the examination of urine was raised to an art by the “Pisse Prophets.”4

Laboratory Assessment of Kidney Disease: Clearance, Urinalysis, and Kidney Biopsy

ments of GFR ordinarily preclude their use for these screening purposes. Therefore, serum creatinine has most often been used to screen for the presence of significant renal impairment. For example, serum creatinine is commonly used to screen for impaired renal function in order to identify patients who are at increased risk to develop radiocontrast-induced acute renal failure. Serum creatinine has been shown to be useful in this situation.148,149 Clearly, the number of patients who receive radiocontrast agents would preclude the use of other, more expensive and inconvenient tests for this purpose. Similarly, the high prevalence of essential hypertension in the Western world renders radionuclide determinations of GFR impractical as a first-line screening procedure for a renal cause of hypertension in low-risk individuals. In contrast to the situation for individuals who are unlikely to have kidney disease, the use of more expensive, but more accurate measures of GFR may be warranted in patients at high risk for kidney functional impairment. For example, the prevalence of kidney dysfunction in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and low serum complements may be high enough to justify the use of a radionuclide determination of GFR to screen for kidney dysfunction that could suggest a need for therapy or additional diagnostic tests. Similarly, the high incidence of both acute and chronic kidney allograft rejection could make the use of relatively complex tests of kidney function cost effective. Much effort has been devoted to defining methods for measuring progression of CKD. It has been noted that plots of inverse serum creatinine over time can often be closely fitted (by least-squares method) to a straight line. The use of inverse creatinine value has generally been found to provide fits as good as or better than plots of logarithmically transformed serum creatinine values.4 Serial inverse creatinine values can be corrected for changes in creatinine excretion (measured less frequently than serum creatinine) to reduce error attributable to changes in muscle mass over time.150,151 Because changes in the rate of decline in inverse creatinine may indicate an effect of therapeutic intervention, a method developed to determine whether there is a “breakpoint” of two hinged regression lines has been applied to plots of inverse serum creatinine values.152,153 Changes in kidney function estimated by plots of serial inverse serum creatinine can vary substantially from changes estimated by radionuclide-determined GFR.154,155 Correlation between radionuclide measurements of GFR and changes in creatinine clearance are no better and may be even worse than those for inverse creatinine.155,156 Because spontaneous changes in the slope of inverse creatinine are frequent,151,157 inverse serum creatinine plots are not reliable predictors of the time remaining to dialysis or transplantation or of changes in the rate of functional decline attributable to therapy. Estimating renal clearance of drugs that are predominantly eliminated by glomerular filtration, in the absence of tubular secretion and reabsorption, is yet another potential application for tests of kidney function.158,159 In principle, the rate of drug elimination is often proportional to the GFR. However, because most drugs are either weak acids or weak bases, changes in urine pH can alter tubular handling and affect the relationship between GFR and renal elimination. Competition of drugs for the same secretory pathway can also perturb renal elimination. Nevertheless, impaired renal function is the most common way in which the kidney affects drug levels, and GFR can approximate renal excretion of many drugs. Cost, convenience, and timeliness make creatinine clearance and radionuclide determinations of GFR impractical for guiding drug dosing. Most investigators have used formulas to calculate GFR calculated from age, sex, and serum creatinine values to dose drugs that are excreted primarily by the kidney.160 Although the accuracy of these calculated clearances has been studied with the use of other measures of


The use of test strips dates back at least as far as the invention of litmus paper by Robert Boyle in about 1670. In 1848, Fehling described a chemical test for glucose in the urine, and in 1850, the French chemist Maumenté described a test strip for glucose. At about the same time, chemical tests for protein and blood were described. The early 1900s saw the development of primitive, multitest strips. It was not until 1956 that commercial urine tests strips resembling those used today were marketed.4

Overview There are three ways to obtain a urine specimen: spontaneous voiding, ureteral catheterization, and percutaneous bladder puncture. Although the safety and utility of suprapubic needle aspiration of the bladder has been demonstrated, its use is generally reserved to situations in which urine cannot easily be obtained by other means. It may be particularly useful in infants, for example. Once a specimen is obtained, there are CH 23 countless techniques for examining the urine and its contents. This section reviews only those analytic techniques that are readily available and in common use and focuses on three broad areas: (1) chemical content, (2) protein composition, and (3) formed elements. The discussion of chemical content is limited to tests readily available through the use of reagent strips, such as specific gravity, pH, bilirubin, urobilinogen, nitrite, leukocyte esterase, glucose, and ketoacetate. More specific chemical tests (e.g., tests to diagnose metabolic disorders) are not discussed. Similarly, the measurement and interpretation of urine electrolyte composition are excluded from this section. The discussion on protein composition focuses on proteins from both tubular and glomerular sources. Formed elements include commonly encountered blood cells and casts.4 As with all laboratory procedures and clinical tests, the usefulness of urinalysis techniques depends not only on accuracy and precision but also on prior probabilities of the occurrence of positive results. Studies have found that routine hospital admission or preoperative urinalysis that includes both reagent strip testing and microscopic examination rarely lead to better patient outcomes and are generally not cost effective.165–167 As a result, most investigators have concluded that routine urinalysis should be abandoned in this setting. Whether a more limited approach to routine screening that relies on reagent strip testing without microscopy is more effective remains to be determined.168,169 The probability of a positive result on urinalysis is no doubt greater for patients who are already known to have proteinuria than for otherwise normal patients routinely admitted to a medical ward. Therefore, the utility of examining the urine sediment may be quite different in patients with proteinuria and routinely admitted patients. In one study, in patients who were believed to have kidney disease and, therefore, underwent biopsy, urine microscopy was highly predictive of abnormal kidney histology.170 Data such as these have led to the suggestion that examining the urine sediment is critical in assessing the implications of proteinuria.171 Although accurate data on the sensitivity and specificity of urinalysis techniques are not available for most clinical conditions, an awareness of how individual tests are influenced by the underlying likelihood of disease can be helpful in determining the appropriate use of urinalysis and in assessing the implications of the results.

CHEMICAL CONTENT Color The color of urine is determined by chemical content, concentration, and pH. Urine may be almost colorless if the

output is high and the concentration is low. Cloudy urine is generally the result of phosphates (usually normal) or leukocytes and bacteria (usually abnormal). Black urine is seen in alkaptonuria.4 Acute intermittent porphyria frequently causes dark urine. A number of exogenous chemicals and drugs can make urine green, but green urine may also be associated with Pseudomonas bacteruria and urine bile pigments. The most common cause of red urine is hemoglobin. Red urine in the absence of red blood cells in the sediment usually indicates either free hemoglobin or myoglobin. Red urine and red sediment indicates hemoglobin. In contrast, red urine and clear sediment are most often the result of myoglobin but may also be seen in some porphyrias, or the use of bladder analgesic phenazopyridine, or a variety of other medications, food dyes, or ingestions of beets in some individuals. Finally, redorange urine due to rafampin is one of the better-known drug effects. Among endogenous sources, bile pigments are the most common cause of orange urine.4

Specific Gravity The measurement of the specific gravity is usually included as part of the standard urinalysis. Specific gravity is a convenient and rapidly obtained indicator of urine osmolality. It can be measured accurately with a refractometer or a hygrometer or more crudely estimated with a dipstick. The accuracy and usefulness of the reagent strip method has been debated.172,173 Measurement of specific gravity by dipstick depends on the ionic strength of the urine and the fact that there is generally a linear relationship between ionic strength and osmolality in urine. The strip contains a polyionic polymer with binding sites saturated with hydrogen ions. The release of hydrogen ions when they are competitively replaced with urinary cations causes a change in the pH-sensitive indicator dye.174 Specific gravity values measured by dipstick tend to be falsely high at urine pH less than 6 and falsely low if the pH is greater than 7.175 The effects of albumin, glucose, and urea on osmolality are not reflected by changes in the dipstick specific gravity.172 In newborns, specific gravity measurement with either a refractometer or a reagent strip is inaccurate.176,177 The specific gravity of urine reflects the relative proportion of dissolved solutes to total volume and, as such, is a measure of urine concentration. The normal range for specific gravity is 1.003 to 1.030,174,178 but values decrease with age as the kidney’s ability to concentrate urine decreases. Specific gravity can be used to crudely estimate how the concentration of other urine constituents may reflect total excretion of those constituents179 because specific gravity correlates inversely with 24-hour urine volume.180 Indeed, self-monitoring of urine specific gravity may be useful for stone-forming patients, who benefit from maintaining a dilute urine.173 Specific gravity can be affected by protein, glucose, mannitol, dextrans, diuretics, radiographic contrast media, and some antibiotics. Most clinical decisions should be based only on more accurate determinations of urine osmolality.

Urine pH Urine pH is usually measured with a reagent test strip. Most commonly, the double indicators methyl red and bromthymol blue are used in the reagent strips to give a broad range of colors at different pH values. In conjunction with other specific urine and plasma measurements, urine pH is often invaluable in diagnosing systemic acid-base disorders. By itself, however, urine pH provides little useful diagnostic information. The normal range for urine pH is 4.5 to 7.8. A very alkaline urine (pH > 7.0) is suggestive of infection with a urea-splitting organism, such as Proteus mirabilis. Prolonged storage can lead to overgrowth of urea-splitting

bacteria and a high urine pH. However, diet (vegetarian), diuretic therapy, vomiting, gastric suction, and alkali therapy can also cause a high urine pH. Low urine pH (pH < 5.0) is seen most commonly in metabolic acidosis. A higher value may indicate the presence of one of the forms of renal tubular acidosis. Acidic urine is also associated with the ingestion of large amounts of meat.4

Bilirubin and Urobilinogen

Leukocyte Esterase and Nitrites Dipstick screening for urinary tract infection has been recommended for high-risk individuals, but the issue is controversial. The U.S. Preventative Services Task Force has recommended screening for asymptomatic bacteruria in pregnant women at 12 to 16 weeks’ gestation. The Task Force stated that there was insufficient evidence to recommend for or against the routine screening of elderly women, women with diabetes, or children who are asymptomatic (http:// However, the American College of Physicians and the Canadian Task Force on the Periodic Health Examination have recommended that urinalysis not be used to screen for bacteruria in asymptomatic persons. (http://www.ahrq. gov/clinic/3rduspstf/asymbac/asymbacrs.htm).181 In children, routine screening for bacteruria has also been controversial. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends screening in infancy, early childhood, late childhood, and adolescence.182 However, on the basis of a cost-effectiveness analysis, Kaplan and co-workers183 suggested that a single screening test at school entry would be more effective. Whether dipstick screening for bacteruria is sufficient (without microscopic examination) has also been debated.184 Craver and coworkers185 found that dipstick testing (with microscopic confirmation of positive results) was sufficient and costeffective for children in an emergency department setting. In a study of 5486 urine samples, Bonnardeaux and coworkers186 found that a negative dipstick result was probably sufficient to exclude microscopic abnormalities in the urine. Thus, it seems reasonable that a microscopic examination can be reserved for patients with an abnormal dipstick test result. The esterase method relies on the fact that esterases are released from lysed urine granulocytes. These esterases liberate 3-hydroxy-5-phenyl pyrrole after substrate hydrolysis. The pyrrole reacts with a diazonium salt, yielding a pink to purple color.187 The result is usually interpreted as negative, trace, small, moderate, or large. Urine that is allowed to stand indefinitely results in a greater lysis of leukocytes and a more intense reaction. False-positive results can occur with vaginal contamination. High levels of glucose, albumin, ascorbic acid, tetracycline, cephalezin, cephalothin, or large amounts of oxalic acid may inhibit the reaction.188 Urinary bacteria convert nitrates to nitrites. In the reagent strip test, nitrite reacts with an p-arsanilic acid to form a diazonium compound; further reaction with 1,2,3,4-tetrahyd robenzo(h)quinolin-3-ol, results in a pink color end point.187,189 Results are usually interpreted as positive or negative. High

Glucose Reagent strip measurement of urine glucose level, once used to monitor diabetic therapy, has been almost completely replaced by more reliable methods that measure finger-stick blood glucose level. Urine glucose is less accurately quantitated than blood glucose and is dependent on urine volume. In addition, the appearance of glucose in the urine always occurs later than blood glucose elevations. Thus, the value of the reagent strip glucose is limited almost entirely to screening. Most reagent strips use a glucose oxidase/peroxidase method, which generally detects levels of glucose as low as 50 mg/dL.197 Because the renal threshold for glucose is generally 160 to 180 mg/dL, the presence of detectable urine glucose indicates blood glucose in excess of 210 mg/dL. Large quantities of ketones, ascorbate, and pyridium metabolites may interfere with the color reaction,197,198 and urine peroxide contamination may cause false-positive results. Nevertheless, the appearance of glucose in the urine is a specific indicator of high serum glucose levels. Glucosuria due to a low renal threshold for glucose reabsorption is rare. As a screening test for diabetes, fasting urine glucose testing has a specificity of 98% but a sensitivity of only 17%.199

Ketones Ketones (acetoacetate and acetone) are generally detected with the nitroprusside reaction.200 Ascorbic acid and phenazopyridine can give false-positive reactions. Betahydroxybutyrate (often 80% of total serum ketones in ketosis) is not normally detected by the nitroprusside reaction. Ketones may appear in the urine, but not in serum, with prolonged fasting or starvation. Ketones may also be measured in the urine in alcoholic or diabetic ketoacidosis.

Hemoglobin and Myoglobin Reagent strips utilize the peroxidase-like activity of hemoglobin to catalyze the reaction of cumene hydroperoxide and 3,3′,5,5′-tetramethylbenzidine. Hematuria, or contamination

Laboratory Assessment of Kidney Disease: Clearance, Urinalysis, and Kidney Biopsy

Only conjugated bilirubin is passed into the urine. Thus, the result of a reagent test for bilirubin is typically positive in patients with obstructive jaundice or in jaundice due to hepatocellular injury, whereas it is usually negative in patients with jaundice due to hemolysis. In patients with hemolysis, however, the urine urobilinogen result is often positive. Reagent test strips are very sensitive to bilirubin, detecting as little as 0.05 mg/dL. However, the detection of bilirubin in the urine is not very sensitive for detecting liver disease.4 False-positive test results for urine bilirubin can occur if the urine is contaminated with stool. Prolonged storage and exposure to light can lead to false-negative results.4

specific gravity and ascorbic acid may interfere with the test. 737 False-positive results are common and may be due to low urine nitrates resulting from low diet intake. It may take up to 4 hours to convert nitrate to nitrite, so inadequate bladder retention time can also give false-negative results.189 Prolonged storage of the sample can lead to degradation of nitrites, another source of false-negative results. Finally, several potential urinary pathogens such as Streptococcus faecalis, other gram-positive organisms, Neisseria gonorrhea, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis do not convert nitrate to nitrite.189 Studies have examined the sensitivity and specificity of reagent strip tests for urinary tract infection in different clinical settings and patient populations, including patients attending general medicine clinic,190 patients visiting an emergency department because of abdominal pain,191 in children with neurogenic bladders,192 in children attending a general medical outpatient clinic,193 in men being screened for sexually transmitted disease,194 and in women.195 A metaanalysis of the results of 51 relevant studies compared the CH 23 use of nitrite alone, leukocyte esterase alone, disjunctive pairing (either test result positive), and conjunctive pairing (both test result positive).196 The ROC curves were fitted to the data using logistic transformations and weighted linear regression. This analysis indicated that the disjunctive pairing of both tests is the most accurate approach to screening for infection. However, when the likelihood of infection is high (e.g., when signs and symptoms are present), negative results of both tests are still inadequate to exclude infection. These tests, in combination with other clinical information, may be more useful in situations in which the likelihood of infection is low.

Normal Physiology Normally, large quantities of large high-molecular-weight (HMW) plasma proteins traverse the glomerular capillaries, mesangium, or both without entering the urinary space. Both charge- and size-selective properties of the capillary wall prevent all but a tiny fraction of albumin, globulin, and other large plasma proteins from crossing. Smaller proteins (7.0) can also give false-positive results, as can contamination of the urine with blood. The dipstick technique is sensitive to very small urine protein concentrations (the lower limit of detection is 10–20 mg/dL). However, at these low levels, the major constituent of urine protein may be Tamm-Horsfall protein, and thus, a positive test result may not reflect kidney injury. This is especially likely to occur when the urine volume is low and the concentration is high. When urine volume is high and the urine is maximally dilute, however, a relatively large amount of protein can go undetected. Indeed, total protein excretion approaching 1 g/day may not be detected if urine output is high. If, for example, urine volume is 10 L/day, then the concentration of 1 g of protein would be 10 mg/dL, or below the limit of detection for most reagent strip tests of total protein.4 The consistency of results with the same sample assessed repeatedly or the precision of reagent strip tests of urine total protein concentration is generally poor.204 Variability in interpretation both by the same technologist and among technologists has been examined and has been found to be relatively high. For example, at low levels of urine protein concentration (e.g., 6–39 mg/dL), inconsistent results between different technologists were seen in 19% to 56% of the determinations. At higher concentrations (e.g., 196–328 mg/dL), inconsistencies were seen in 19% to 44%.4 Similar findings were reported in a later study that also found that inconsistencies depended somewhat on the experience of the operator and the type of reagent strip. Inconsistencies were found among experienced technologists in up to 33% of cases and among inexperienced technologists in up to 93% of cases.204 The sensitivity and specificity of reagent strip protein tests have also been assessed using more accurate quantitative determinations as gold standards. Interestingly, the sensitivity of these tests appears to be higher when assessed through the use of samples prepared by adding albumin and globulin to normal, protein-free urine than when assessed using actual patient specimens.204 This difference likely reflects the inability of reagent strips to react to many of the heterogeneous proteins found in human urine. When 20 to 25 mg/dL is used as the limit of detection in clinical specimens, the sensitivity of reagent strips has been found to be only 32% to 46%, and the specificity was 97% to 100%.204 The effect of the sensitivity and specificity on the utility of these reagent strip tests also, of course, depends on the prevalence of proteinuria in the population being screened. In a population with a low prevalence of disease, the low sensitivity of the reagent strip tests suggests that the majority of individuals with proteinuria would be missed.4,204 Urine albumin concentrations can be quantified by a number of assays including 1. Radioimmunoassay can be carried out using a double-antibody technique. Albumin in a urine sample competes with a known amount of radiola-


False-positive rate False-negative rate

30 Rate (%)

740 with standard reagent strips (i.e., in the microalbuminuria range).210,215–220 One of the most extensively investigated methods to screen for microalbuminuria is the immunometric dipstick Micral-Test (Boehringer Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany).210,217 The strip is made up of a series of reagent pads through which the urine sample passes sequentially. Urine is first drawn into a wick fleece and then passes into a buffer fleece that adjusts the sample pH. Next, it passes into a third pad, in which albumin in the sample is bound by a soluble conjugate of antibodies linked to the enzyme βgalactosidase. Excess antibody is then adsorbed on immobilized albumin in the next pad, so that only albumin bound to antibody and enzyme reaches the color pad. There the βgalactosidase reacts with a chemical substrate to produce a red dye, the intensity of which is proportional to the bound albumin concentration. The test strip must be read at precisely 5 minutes.210,217 Another qualitative test that has been examined in several investigations is the Micro-Bumintest (Ames, Miles, Elkhart, CH 23 IN). This test uses a reagent tablet containing the indicator dye bromphenol blue. The intensity of the bluish-green color produced after a drop of urine is placed on the surface of the tablet is proportional to the concentration of albumin.210 A latex agglutination method, Albusure (Cambridge Life Sciences, Cambridge, UK), binds albumin in the urine sample to latex.214 Agglutination occurs when mixed with sheep antihuman antibody. When urine albumin concentrations are greater than 20 mg/L, agglutination is inhibited (antigen excess). Thus, agglutination indicates urine albumin concentration of less than 20 mg/L. A number of studies have examined the sensitivity and specificity of screening methods designed to detect very low levels of albumin in urine.210,215–220 Because these tests are only semiquantitative (i.e., nonparametric), a true coefficient of variation cannot be determined. Nevertheless, in one evaluation of the Micral-Test method, an estimated coefficient of variation of the same sample interpreted by different technicians was 12.4%.219 Experience in reading the Micral-Test was shown to be important.218 Observer concordance for the Micro-Bumintest was found to be 95% in one study.215 A new version of the Micral-Test, Micral-Test II, has been described221; it is designed to react faster, to be less dependent on timing, and to allow a better color comparison to reduce observer variance. Indeed, in one study, the interobserver concordance was 93% with the Micral-Test II.221 Several studies have examined the sensitivity and specificity of the newer reagent strips that measure very low concentrations of urine albumin. Most of these investigations studied patients with diabetes, and most examined the MicralTest,210,216–218,222 the Micro-Bumintest,210,215 or both. In general, these albumin reagent strip tests are more sensitive than standard dipsticks, but they also have a relatively high rate of false-positive results. Moreover, it should be remembered that, for the most part, these reagent strips were tested in populations of diabetic patients with a high prior probability of a positive result. The number of false-positive results would be expected to be much higher in populations in which the prevalence of albuminuria was lower. Because these strips may be in error owing to variation in urinary concentration, these should only be used to approximate urinary protein if the ability to directly measure protein is not available.223,224 All of the qualitative or semiquantitative urine protein and albumin screening tests discussed so far measure only total protein, or albumin concentration. The sensitivity and specificity of these tests can be markedly influenced by fluid intake, the state of diuresis, and the resulting urine concentration. Indeed, in one study, albumin concentration had a low discriminant value for detecting increased albumin excretion in a 12-hour timed urine sample (Fig. 23–5). In an effort to



0 Albumin > Albumin > 10 mg/L 20 mg/L

Albumin > Albumin > 10 mg/L 20 mg/L

Insulin-dependent diabetes (n = 363)

Non-insulin-dependent diabetes (n = 46)

FIGURE 23–5 Comparison of false-positive and false-negative rates when urine albumin concentration was used to predict 12-hour (overnight) excretion greater than 15 µg/min in diabetics. At a concentration cutoff greater than 10 mg/L, the false-positive rate is high. At a concentration cutoff greater than 20 mg/L, the false-positive rate is reduced, but the false-negative rate is high. (Data from Kouri TT, Viikari JSA, Mattila KS, Irjala KMA: Invalidity of simple concentration-based screening tests for early nephropathy due to urinary volumes of diabetic patients. Diabetes Care 14:591–593, 1991.)

correct for problems arising out of variability in urine volume and concentration, many investigators have used the proteinto-creatinine or albumin-to-creatinine ratio in random, or timed urine collections. There is a high degree of correlation between 24-hour urine protein excretion and protein-tocreatinine ratios in random, single-voided urine samples in patients with a variety of kidney diseases.225 It has been suggested that a protein-to-creatinine ratio of greater than 3.0 or 3.5 mg/mg or less than 0.2 mg/mg indicates protein excretion rates of greater than 3.0 or 3.5 g/24 hr or less than 0.2 g/24 hr, respectively.225 However, few studies have systematically examined the sensitivity and specificity or defined optimal levels of detection for protein-to-creatinine ratios in large numbers of patients in different clinical settings. Much of the data on the usefulness of albumin-to-creatinine ratios has been derived from studies of patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.226–229 In most of these investigations, the sensitivity and specificity of albumin-to-creatinine ratios were determined using albumin excretion rates from timed urine collections as a standard. Data from several studies were combined to examine the true- and false-positive rates for albumin-to-creatinine ratios to detect albuminuria in overnight urine.4 Independent of the albumin-to-creatinine ratio cutoff used, the sensitivities and specificities appeared to be reasonable.4 Altogether, these data suggest that albumin-tocreatinine ratios may be useful as a screening test for kidney disease in populations in which the expected prevalence of disease is high (e.g., diabetic persons). Less clear is their potential usefulness in other patient populations in which the prior likelihood of disease may be lower than in patients with diabetes.230 A cross-sectional study by Ruggenenti and co-workers231 found that morning protein-to-creatinine ratios among 177 nondiabetic outpatients with CKD were predictive of declining kidney function. In kidney transplant recipients, protein-to-creatinine ratios have been shown to significantly correlate with measurements of 24-hour urine protein and appear useful as both screening devices and longitudinal tests for following the level of proteinuria.232 Use of the protein-to-

Applications of Urine Protein Measurement Screening for Kidney Disease Although urine protein measurement can be used to assist in the diagnosis of kidney disease and to assess progression and response to therapy (discussed later), it is most commonly used as a screening test. Because screening tests are generally applied to relatively large numbers of patients, convenience and cost are major considerations. To make screening more convenient, a number of methods have been developed to measure urine protein in a single-voided, or “spot,” urine sample, so that timed urine collections can be avoided. In 1982, Viberti and co-workers244 reported that clinical (Albustix-positive) proteinuria subsequently developed in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes in whom albumin excretion rates of 30 to 140 µg/min were measured by radioimmunoassay in timed overnight urine collections. In contrast, patients with less than 30 µg/min did not develop overt proteinuria.244 Viberti and co-workers244 coined the term “microalbuminuria” to indicate increased urine albumin excretion rates in patients with normal urine total protein. A more recent follow-up of the original cohort confirmed that the patients with microalbuminuria not only had a higher risk of developing overt proteinuria but also had a greater risk of dying from cardiovascular disease.245 Similar findings have been reported by others in patients with insulin-dependent

and non–insulin-dependent diabetes.246–249 Some investiga- 741 tors have used 15 to 150 µg/min to define microalbuminuria,248 whereas others have used 20 to 200 µg/min.249,250 Microalbuminuria has also been defined as urine albumin excretion of 30 to 300 mg/day.201 Microalbuminuria has also been defined as a urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio of above 30 mg/g (or 0.03 mg/g) in an untimed urine sample but may vary by race and gender. Thus, others have defined microalbuminuria as 20 to 200 mg/g and 30 to 400 mg/g for males and females, respectively.251 Whatever definition is used, microalbuminuria appears to be an important risk factor for end-organ damage in patients with diabetes. Similarly, in patients with essential hypertension, increased urine albumin excretion ratio (>30 mg/24 hr) is associated with increased cardiovascular mortality. Most studies showing a relationship between microalbuminuria and end-organ damage have used quantitative techniques to measure urine albumin excretion. Although few studies have examined whether other screening techniques predict outcome, there is no reason to believe that the results CH 23 cannot be extrapolated to other screening tests, taking differences in sensitivity and specificity into account. Indeed, albumin-to-creatinine ratios have been shown to predict the subsequent development of overt kidney disease. In a population of diabetic southwestern Native Americans, albumincreatinine ratios of 0.03 to 0.30 mg/mg (microalbuminuria range) were a strong predictor of diabetic nephropathy.252 The recognition that microalbuminuria identifies diabetic patients at risk for subsequent renal and cardiovascular disease complications has given great impetus to developing effective screening tools. Borch-Johnsen and associates,250 using published data, carried out a critical appraisal of screening for microalbuminuria in patients with diabetes. Making a number of assumptions, they performed a cost-benefit analysis of the impact of screening and antihypertensive treatment and concluded that screening and intervention programs are likely to lead to considerable reductions in cost and mortality.250 Even though microalbuminuria has been recommended as a routine test to screen for early diabetic nephropathy, it is important to realize that there are some patients with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes who have decreased GFR due to diabetic nephropathy in the absence of microalbuminuria.253,254 The use of dipstick tests for total protein excretion and microalbuminuria to screen for renal disease has not been rigorously examined in nondiabetic patient populations. Epidemiologic data suggest that even in nondiabetics, proteinuria is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease,2 perhaps because proteinuria is a sensitive indicator of kidney damage. However strong these correlations are statistically (low Pvalue), the amount of unexplained variability (low r-value) is great, suggesting that the sensitivity and specificity for proteinuria detection of kidney injury in the general population could be too low to make this a useful screening tool in an individual patient. Nevertheless, data to assess this are generally not available for individuals who are not diabetic. A cost-effectiveness analysis compared a strategy of annual screening with no screening for proteinuria at age 50 years followed by treatment with an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor or an angiotensin II receptor blocker and found that annual screening was not cost-effective unless selectively directed toward high-risk groups of patients older than 60 years and patients with hypertension.255 Regardless of whether or not measuring urine protein excretion in the general population is a cost-effective approach to the early detection of kidney disease, such screening may be useful when combined with other clinical parameters in estimating vascular disease risk. However, the prospective data needed to assess the utility of this application of urine protein excretion are also incomplete.

Laboratory Assessment of Kidney Disease: Clearance, Urinalysis, and Kidney Biopsy

creatinine ratio has also proved reliable in detecting significant proteinuria in pregnant women,233,234 but the threshold for identifying pregnant women with significant proteinuria is controversial.235–237 Although protein-to-creatinine or albumin-to-creatinine ratios may be more quantitative than a simple dipstick screening procedure, their use has a number of limitations. For example, obtaining protein-to-creatinine or albumin-tocreatinine ratios on morning, first-void samples may underestimate 24-hour protein excretion because of the reduction in proteinuria that normally occurs at night.238 Storage time and temperature may also affect albumin levels in urine,239 and specimens should be analyzed as soon as possible after collection. The fact that urine creatinine must be measured in addition to albumin introduces another source of error. Indeed, the combination of the errors of two measurements is greater than the error of either one alone (the coefficient of variation is the square root of the sum of the two coefficients of variations, each squared). Urine creatinine concentration is extremely variable, so that very different ratios can be obtained in individuals with similar protein excretion rates. Moreover, a number of variables that may interfere with creatinine determinations may affect the ratios.240 Despite these limitations, the urine protein-to-creatinine or albumin-to-creatinine ratio may be useful, especially in individuals in whom urine collection is difficult or impossible. Given the day-to-day variability in albumin excretion and the potential limitations of albumin to creatinine ratio, the American Diabetic Association recommends that at least two or three samples in a 3- to 6-month period should show elevated levels before a patient is deemed to have microalbuminuria.223 A number of analytic tools have been developed to separate and identify individual urinary proteins.241 These techniques include agarose gel electrophoresis, column gel chromatography, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, immunoelectrophoresis, and isoelectric focusing. Proteomic techniques employing mass spectrometry and peptide mass fingerprinting have expanded the number of identified urinary proteins.242,243 However, these latter techniques are generally designed to identify, but not accurately quantitate, urine proteins. Some have been used in clinical laboratories to determine the selectivity of urine protein or to identify monoclonal immunoglobulin heavy and light chains. Otherwise, they have been largely confined to research applications.

The appropriate manner in which to use various tests to screen for renal disease has not been extensively investigated. Because the number of false-positive results on dipstick tests for protein excretion is high, a positive test should probably be followed by tests designed to more accurately quantitate urine protein excretion. However, in some clinical circumstances, the likelihood that a positive dipstick test for urine protein excretion indicates CKD is so low that the screening test should be repeated at a later date before more costly quantitation procedures are undertaken. A positive dipstick test result for protein in a patient with a urinary tract infection, for example, could be dismissed if subsequent posttreatment tests are negative. Fever can cause tubular and glomerular proteinuria that most often disappears when the fever resolves. Congestive heart failure and seizures can also cause transient proteinuria. Light or strenuous exercise is often associated with urine protein excretion that resolves spontaneously.4 It seems clear that, even in the absence of identifiable CH 23 causes of transient proteinuria, some individuals have increases in urine protein excretion that are not associated with kidney disease.256 This proteinuria can be classified in two categories, intermittent or persistent and postural. Several dipstick measurements of urine protein over time can be made to determine whether an individual patient fits in either of these two distinct patterns. Intermittent proteinuria is less well characterized than postural proteinuria, but it appears to be relatively benign in otherwise normal individuals. It has been shown, for example, that mortality after more than 40 years of follow-up of college students with intermittently positive urine protein screens was no different than that of normal individuals. However, few histologic studies including sufficiently large numbers of patients have been carried out to precisely characterize intermittent proteinuria.4 Posture can cause an increase in urine protein excretion in otherwise normal individuals.256 This postural proteinuria should be distinguished from the increase in proteinuria seen in patients with kidney disease who assume an upright posture. Postural proteinuria usually does not exceed 1 g/24 hr. It is usually diagnosed by detecting protein excretion during the day that is absent at night while the patient is recumbent. Kidney histology in patients with postural proteinuria is generally normal or nonspecific.257,258 Patients with postural proteinuria have been shown to have an excellent long-term prognosis.259 Indeed, six patients diagnosed by Thomas Addis had no evidence of kidney disease after 42 to 50 years of follow-up.260 Even in individuals without postural proteinuria or renal disease, levels of urine protein excretion are lower at night than during the day.261 Thus, the timing of urine collection is likely to influence the sensitivity and specificity of screening tests for urine protein excretion. 742

Diagnosis and Prognosis Once proteinuria has been detected by screening, the clinician must not only confirm the results of screening but also precisely quantitate the amount of protein excretion in a timed urine collection. Quantifying urine protein excretion may help to distinguish glomerular from tubular proteinuria. If, for example, a patient’s protein excretion is in the nephrotic range (e.g., >3 g/24 hr), a glomerular source is almost certain. Quantitation of urine protein excretion can also provide useful prognostic information and assist in monitoring the response to therapy. After detection and quantification, determining the composition of urine protein may provide diagnostic information. Higher amounts of albumin and HMW proteins suggest glomerular proteinuria, whereas isolated increases in LMW protein fractions are more suggestive of tubular proteinuria. It is unusual for tubular proteinuria to exceed 1 to 2 g/day, and only a small fraction of protein excretion due to

tubular damage should be albumin. Tubular proteins are heterogeneous; however, α2-microglobulin is often a major constituent. β2-Microglobulin is an LMW (11.8-kDa) protein that has been identified as the light chain of class I major histocompatibility antigens (e.g., human leukocyte antigens [HLAs] A, B, and C).262 β2-Microglobulin is most commonly measured in urine using radioimmunoassay or ELISA. It is freely filtered at the glomerulus and is avidly taken up and catabolized by the proximal tubule. Not surprisingly, therefore, detectable urinary levels of β2-microglobulin have been associated with many pathologic conditions involving the proximal tubule, including aminoglycoside, Balkan endemic nephropathy, heavy metal nephropathies, radiocontrast nephropathy, and kidney transplant rejection.263–268 β2-Microglobulin has also been found to be useful in distinguishing upper from lower urinary tract infection.269 Because urine β2-microglobulin is a nonspecific marker of kidney tubular injury, it is not useful in differentiating among different causes of kidney disease. However, when the likely cause is already known, measurement of β2-microglobulin may be useful in detecting and monitoring injury. Nevertheless, the sensitivity and specificity for this test of tubular injury have generally not been established in different clinical situations in which prior probabilities of various kidney disorders may strongly influence its usefulness. Thus, the test may be useful in monitoring factory workers exposed to heavy metals in whom other causes of tubular injury could be expected to be uncommon. Conversely, measuring β2-microglobulin may be of limited value in diagnosing kidney transplant rejection, because other causes of tubular injury are common in transplant recipients. Glomerular proteinuria can be further characterized as selective or nonselective. Patients with a clearance ratio of immunoglublin G (IgG; an HMW protein)–to-albumin that is less than 0.10 are said to have a selective glomerular proteinuria, whereas those with IgG-to-albumin clearance ratios of greater than 0.50 have a nonselective pattern. In general, selective proteinuria is more often seen in patients with minimal change disease and predicts a good response to treatment with corticosteroids.4 The sensitivity and specificity of determining the selectivity of glomerular proteinuria have not been systematically examined in large numbers of patients with different kidney diseases. Moreover, the cost of the protein separation procedures has limited their widespread clinical use. Plasma cell dyscrasias may produce monoclonal proteins, immunoglobulin, free light chains, and a combination of these. Light chains are filtered at the glomerulus and may appear in the urine as Bence Jones protein. The detection of urine immunoglobulin light chains can be the first clue to a number of important clinical syndromes associated with plasma cell dyscrasias that involve the kidney.4 Unfortunately, urine immunoglobulin light chains may not be detected by reagent strip tests for protein. However, plasma cell dyscrasias may also manifest as proteinuria or albuminuria when the glomerular deposition of light chains causes disruption of the normally impermeable capillary wall.270 The diagnosis of a plasma cell dyscrasia can be suspected when a tall, narrow band on electrophoresis suggests the presence of a monoclonal γ-globulin or immunoglobulin light chain. However, monoclonal proteins are best detected using serum and urine immunoelectrophoresis.4 Once patients have been screened and a diagnosis of kidney disease has been established, measuring the amount of urine protein can provide additional prognostic information and can be used to monitor the response to therapy. The amount of urine protein excretion has consistently been shown to predict subsequent disease progression in different clinical settings: for example, protein excretion correlated with pro-

gression in patients presenting with the nephrotic syndrome271 and in patients with mild renal insufficiency of various causes.272 Similar findings have been reported in patients with IgA nephropathy,273–275 membranous nephropathy,275–277 and type I membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (GN).275 The clinical course and effect of immunosuppressive therapy can also be monitored with sequential quantitation of urine protein excretion.278

Formed Elements Urine Microscopy Methods

Hematuria Gross hematuria may first be detected by a change in urine color. Microscopic hematuria can be detected by dipstick methodology, microscopic examination, or both. These latter methods may be applied as diagnostic tests in patients with

Laboratory Assessment of Kidney Disease: Clearance, Urinalysis, and Kidney Biopsy

The examination of the urine by microscopy remains a useful qualitative and semiquantitative procedure. Efforts to more accurately quantitate formed elements in the urine have been made over the years. For example, Addis measured excretion rates of erythrocytes using timed urine collections. However, formed elements can quickly deteriorate in the urine, and timed collections are difficult for most patients to carry out with accuracy. Moreover, the excretion rate of many formed elements correlates with urine concentration, so that, often, little additional information is gained from the effort made to collect timed specimens.4 For all of these reasons, the use of timed collections to obtain excretion rates of formed elements has not gained widespread acceptance. Quantifying the number of formed elements can still be carried out using untimed specimens and a counting chamber. A number of conditions affect formed elements in the urine, and when possible, these conditions should be optimized. Contamination with bacteria can be minimized through careful attention to collection technique. A midstream, “clean-catch” specimen should be collected when possible; the patient should be instructed to retract foreskin and labia. A high urine concentration and a low urine pH help to preserve formed elements.4 Thus, a first-void morning specimen, which is most likely to be acidic and concentrated, should be used whenever possible. Strenuous exercise and bladder catheterization can cause hematuria, and urine specimens collected to detect hematuria should not be obtained under these conditions. Urine should be examined as soon as possible after collection to avoid lysis of the formed elements and bacterial overgrowth. The specimen should not be refrigerated, because lowering the temperature causes the precipitation of phosphates and urates. It is helpful to first measure the urine specific gravity and pH, so as to judge the density of formed elements according to the concentration and acidity of the specimen. Specimens from concentrated and acidic urine may be expected to have a greater density of formed elements than dilute and alkaline specimens from the same patients. Urine should be centrifuged at approximately 2000 revolutions per minute (rpm) for 5 to 10 minutes or 2500 to 3000 rpm for 3 to 5 minutes. The supernate should be carefully poured off, the pellet resuspended by gentle agitation, and a drop placed on a slide under a coverslip. Most commonly, urine is examined under an ordinary bright-field microscope. However, polarized light can be used to identify anisotropic crystals, and phase-contrast microscopy can enhance the contrast of cell membranes. The urine should first be examined under low power (100x) to best judge the number of formed elements. These elements can then be examined in detail under high power (400x). Generally, the urine is examined unstained, but occasionally, stains can be helpful in distinguishing cell types.

known kidney disease or as screening tools in normal or high- 743 risk individuals. The sensitivity and specificity of screening tests for hematuria have not been thoroughly examined in many pertinent patient populations. Moreover, the cost-tobenefit ratio of screening is often unclear. Who and when to screen for microscopic hematuria are controversial. The most cogent reason to screen for occult hematuria may be to facilitate the early, and potentially lifesaving detection of urologic malignancies. A dipstick test in more than 10,000 adult men undergoing health screening was found to be positive in about 2.5%.279 About one fourth of those who were investigated had cystoscopic abnormalities, including bladder neoplasms in 2 men. However, more than one third of those found to have occult hematuria in this retrospective study did not undergo further investigation. In study of over 2000 men, 4% were found to have occult hematuria, and 1 of these patients was found to have bladder carcinoma.280 Higher detection rates have been reported by other investigators.281 The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force no longer recommends screening for occult hematuria (www. CH 23 The value of screening for occult hematuria in other populations is questionable,282 and the role for occult hematuria screening to detect parenchymal kidney disease is unclear. Even when the urine is red, or when a dipstick-screening test is positive, the sediment should be examined to determine whether red cells are present. Other pigments such as free hemoglobin and myoglobin can masquerade as hematuria. In addition, red blood cells can be detected in the urine sediment when screening tests are negative. An occasional red blood cell can be seen in normal individuals, but generally only one or two cells per high power field. The differential diagnosis of hematuria is broad but for practical purposes can be categorized as originating in the upper or lower urinary tract. Hematuria that is accompanied by red blood cell casts, marked proteinuria, or both is most likely to be glomerular in origin. In the absence of these important findings, distinguishing glomerular from postglomerular bleeding can be difficult. Red blood cells originating in glomeruli have been reported to have a distinctive dysmorphic appearance that is most readily appreciated using phasecontrast microscopy.283–285 Automated blood cell analysis has also been used to determine the number of dysmorphic red cells in urine.286,287 In vitro studies suggest that pH and osmolality changes found in the distal tubule could explain the higher number of dysmorphic red blood cells in patients with glomerular disease.288 The clinical utility of tests to distinguish dysmorphic red cells in the urine has been examined in numerous studies.287,289–293 Most investigators concluded that detecting dysmorphic red cells reliably identified patients with glomerular disease; however, one investigator-blinded, controlled trial found unacceptable interobserver variability.290 A number of investigators have attempted to develop automated methods to detect glomerular hematuria.294–296 These techniques employ cell counters or more sophisticated flow cytometry methods. However, the use of automated cell size determinations in individuals with low-grade hematuria may be particularly unreliable owing to interference from cell debris.295 A meta-analysis of 21 published studies using predetermined criteria for evaluation of dysmorphic urine red cells was carried out.297 All studies originated in referral centers. The weighted average sensitivity and specificity for dysmorphic red cell test detection of glomerular disease were (with 95% confidence intervals): 0.88 (0.86–0.91) and 0.95 (0.93–0.97), respectively. The sensitivity and specificity for the use of abnormal (automated) red blood cell volumes to detect glomerular disease were 1.00 (0.98–1.00) and 0.87 (0.80–0.91). The investigators in this meta-analysis concluded that the negative predictive value of these tests was probably

744 not sufficient to rule out important urologic lesions, especially in a referral setting in which the prevalence of urologic disease may be relatively high. The differential diagnosis of hematuria is broad (Table 23– 4). Kidney vascular causes include arterial and venous thrombosis, ateriovenous malformations, arteriovenous fistula, and the nutcracker syndrome (compression of the left renal vein between the aorta and the superior mesenteric artery).298 Most patients undergoing anticoagulant therapy who have hematuria can be found to have an underlying cause, especially if the hematuria is macroscopic. However, excessive anticoagu-

TABLE 23–4

CH 23

Common Sources of Hematuria

Vascular Coagulation abnormalities Over anticoagulation Arterial emboli or thrombosis Ateriovenous malformations Arteriovenous fistula Nutcracker syndrome Renal vein thrombosis Loin-pain hematuria syndrome (vascular?) Glomerular IgA nephropathy Thin basement membrane diseases (including Alport’s syndrome) Other causes of primary and secondary glomerulonephritis Interstitial Allergic interstitial nephritis Analgesic nephropathy Renal cystic diseases Acute pyelonephritis Tuberculosis Renal allograft rejection Uroepithelium Malignancy Vigorous exercise Trauma Papillary necrosis Cystitis/urethritis/protatitis (usually caused by infection) Parasitic diseases (e.g., schistosomiasis) Nephrolithiasis or bladder calculi Multiple sites or source unknown Hypercalciuria Hyperuricosuria Sickle cell disease

Positive dipstick for hematuria

RBCs in urine?

lation or other coagulopathies can themselves be associated with hematuria. The source of hematuria in patients with sickle cell disease is often unclear, although occasionally, sickle cells may actually be seen in the urine.299 Worldwide, the most common cause of glomerular hematuria is probably IgA nephropathy.300 However, thin basement membrane diseases and other causes of glomerular nephritis are common as well. The differential diagnosis of glomerular hematuria is influenced by the geographic locale and the clinical setting. Thus, in Asia, IgA nephropathy is a very common cause of microscopic hematuria.300 However, in another report, 25 to 30 of otherwise normal candidates for kidney donation who had asymptomatic microscopic hematuria were found to have hereditary nephritis.301 Interstitial nephritis, whether allergic or infectious, is frequently associated with microscopic hematuria. Uroepithelial causes of hematuria include nephrolithiasis, acute and chronic infections, and malignancies. Malignancies are more common in patients who are male, are older, have macroscopic versus microscopic hematuria, are white rather than black, or have a history of analgesic abuse or other toxic exposure. A reasonable approach to the patient with asymptomatic hematuria is to first perform a thorough history and physical examination (Fig. 23–6). If the findings are unenlightening, important clues can sometimes be obtained by examining the urine. Red blood cell casts, significant proteinuria, or both may suggest a glomerular source for the hematuria. For the patients in whom glomerular proteinuria is likely, a kidney biopsy may give the diagnosis. If the source of proteinuria is not evident from the history, physical examination, or urinalysis, a renal ultrasound is probably a reasonable next step. In the young patient (e.g., 40? Yes

Metabolic evaluation & observe


Intravenous pyelogram


Urologic evaluation

FIGURE 23–6 An approach to the patient with hematuria. RBCs, red blood cells.

Other Cells It is difficult to identify the origin of cells that are neither leukocytes nor red blood cells without special stains. Most common are probably squamous epithelial cells. These are shed from the bladder or urethra and are rarely pathologic. Renal tubular cells may appear whenever there has been tubular damage. Transitional epithelial cells are rare but may be seen with collecting system infection or neoplasias.

TABLE 23–5

Diseases Associated with Eosinophiluria4

Common Acute allergic interstitial nephritis Urinary tract infection (upper and lower tract) Unusual Acute tubular necrosis Diabetic nephropathy Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis Polycystic kidney disease Obstruction Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis Postinfectious glomerulonephritis IgA nephropathy Acute cystitis Acute prostatitis Atheroembolic renal disease Renal transplant rejection From Silkensen JR, Kasiske BL: Laboratory assessment of renal disease: Clearance, urinalysis, and renal biopsy. In Brenner BM (ed): Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney, 7th ed. Philadelphia, Saunders, 2004, p 1131.

Podocytes are normally absent or seen in small numbers in 745 urine of normal individuals or those with inactive kidney disease. Although not visible utilizing a microscope, it is possible to visualize these podocytes in urine with immunofluoresence staining and after incubation with antihuman podocalyxin monoclonal antibody PHM-5 (Australian Monoclonal Development, Artarmon, New South Wales, Australia). The number of podocytes in urine or podocyturia increases with active kidney disease even before proteinuria appears and seems to improve with treatment.305 The clinical utility of podocyturia is still being investigated and is not available in the clinical setting.

Urine Fat In the absence of contamination, urinary lipids are almost always pathologic. Lipids are not usually seen as an isolated finding; however, their presence is rarely diagnostic. Lipids usually appear as free fat droplets or oval fat bodies. They have a distinctive appearance but are most readily seen under polarized light as doubly refractile “Maltese crosses.” The CH 23 Maltese cross is indicative of cholesterol and cholesterol esters. Maltese crosses can also be seen with some crystals and with starch granules. Neutral fat can be identified with special lipid stains. Urinary lipids are most commonly associated with proteinuria and are particularly common in patients with the nephrotic syndrome; they can also occur in the absence of heavy proteinuria.4 Urine fat can also be seen in bone marrow or fat embolization syndromes.

Casts Casts are cylindrical bodies severalfold larger than leukocytes and red blood cells. They form in distal tubules and collecting ducts where Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein precipitates and entraps cells present in the urinary space.4 Dehydration and the resulting increased tubular fluid concentration favor the formation of casts. An acid urine is also conducive to cast formation. Observing casts in the urine sediment often provides helpful diagnostic information. The differential diagnosis of cast formation is aided by first considering the type of cast found. A number of different types can be readily distinguished (Fig. 23–7; see also Color Plate IV). Hyaline or finely granular casts can be seen in normal individuals and provide little useful diagnostic information. Cellular casts are generally more helpful. Red blood cell casts, for example, are distinctive and most often indicate glomerular disease. White blood cell casts are most commonly associated with interstitial nephritis but can also be seen in GN. Casts made up of renal tubular epithelial cells are always indicative of tubular damage. Coarsely granular casts often result from the degeneration of different cellular casts. They also contain protein aggregates. Thus, the presence of granular casts is usually pathologic, but nonspecific. Waxy casts are also nonspecific. They are believed to result from the degeneration of cellular casts and, thus, can be seen in a variety of kidney diseases. Pigmented casts usually derive their distinctive color from bilirubin or hemoglobin, and they are found in hyperbilirubinemia and hemoglobinuria, respectively. Fatty casts contain lipid and oval fat bodies (see preceding section).

Crystals and Other Elements A large variety of crystals can be seen in the urine sediment. Most result from urine concentration, acidification, and ex vivo cooling of the sample and have little pathologic significance. However, an experienced observer can gain useful information in patients with microhematuria, nephrolithiasis, or toxin ingestion by examining a freshly voided, warm specimen.306 For example, a large number of calcium oxalate crystals may suggest ethylene glycol toxicity when seen in the right clinical setting. Another example, a large number of uric acid crystals in the setting of acute renal failure suggest tumor lysis syndrome. Calcium oxalate crystals are uniform, small, double pyramids that often appear as crosses in a

Laboratory Assessment of Kidney Disease: Clearance, Urinalysis, and Kidney Biopsy

The differential diagnosis of leukocyturia is broad. White blood cells can enter the urine from anywhere along the excretory system. The presence of other formed elements (e.g., proteinuria and casts) suggests a glomerular source. In the absence of other formed elements, the clinician must look beyond the urine sediment for additional clues to find the origin of urine leukocytes. Unlike red blood cells, there are no effective methods to identify the origin of white blood cells found in the urine. Contamination is a common cause of leukocyturia that should always be considered in the absence of other suggestive clinical findings. Most often, leukocytes in the urine are polymorphonuclear. However, it should not be assumed that all urinary leukocytes are neutrophils. The presence of non-neutrophil white blood cells in the urine—for example, eosinophils—can sometimes be an important diagnostic clue. The association between eosinophiluria and drug-induced hypersensitivity reactions was first reported by Eisenstaedt, in 1951. Since then, a number of investigators have reported on the association between eosinophiluria and kidney disease.4 Wright stain can be used to detect urine eosinophils, but a urine pH less than 7 inhibits Wright stain.302 The use of Hansel stain improves the sensitivity of urinary eosinophil detection over the standard Wright stain.303 In one retrospective investigation, the use of Hansel stain rather than Wright stain improved the sensitivity of using the presence of any urinary eosinophils for detecting acute interstitial nephritis from 25% to 63%303; the positive predictive value was improved from 25% to 50%.303 However, not all patients in this study underwent renal biopsy to establish the diagnosis of interstitial nephritis, and the retrospective inclusion of only patients in whom urinary eosinophils were sought by clinicians makes interpretation of these data difficult. The true sensitivity and specificity of urinary eosinophils for detecting different clinical kidney diseases are unclear. Indeed, the list of diseases that may be associated with eosinophiluria is long and continues to grow (Table 23–5). Moreover, the sensitivity and specificity of eosinophiluria in detecting kidney disease can be expected to vary with the threshold value used.304


CH 23

FIGURE 23–7 Abnormalities in urine sediment stained to enhance detail. A, Red blood cell cast (×900). B, Hyaline cast (×900). C, Hyaline and granular casts (×400). D, Coarse granular cast with adjacent white blood cells (×750). E, Fine and coarse granular cast (×900). F, Oval fat body with adjacent hyalin cast (×400). G, White blood cell cast (×400).

square. Calcium phosphate crystals, conversely, are usually narrow rectangular needles, often clumped in a flower-like configuration. Uric acid crystals form only in an acidic urine, which favors the conversion of relatively insoluble urate salts into insoluble uric acid. Calcium magnesium ammonium

pyrophosphate (so-called triple phosphate) crystals form domed rectangles that take on the appearance of coffin lids. These magnesium ammonium phosphate (struvite) and calcium carbonate-apatite stones occur when ammonia production is increased and the urine pH is elevated to decrease

the solubility of phosphate. This combination of events occurs with urease-producing organisms in the urine, such as Proteus or Klebsiella.

Microorganisms The most common cause of bacteria in the urine is contamination, particularly in specimens that have been improperly collected. The concomitant presence of leukocytes, however, suggests infection. Fungal elements can also be seen, especially in women. Like bacteria, fungi can be contaminants or pathogens. The most common protozoan seen in the urine is Trichomonas vaginalis. Urinary parasites are generally not seen in the urine sediment. In Africa and the Middle East, however, Schistosoma haematobium is common.

KIDNEY BIOPSY Historical Perspective

Clinical Utility A kidney biopsy may be obtained to help establish the diagnosis, suggest prognosis, or direct therapy. The information obtained from a biopsy is still largely qualitative. Although morphometric techniques have been developed to quantify histopathologic alterations, these techniques have been used almost exclusively in research.308 Even in this setting, few data compare the reproducibility of different techniques to quantify kidney biopsy results. Overall, relatively few studies have documented the reproducibility of the qualitative, clinical interpretation of kidney biopsy findings. Marcussen and co-workers309 examined

Indications Since the 1960s, the kidney biopsy has been most instrumental in the development of our understanding of the various types of kidney histopathologic abnormalities that contribute to abnormalities of the urinary sediment. The use of this technique has not only improved our diagnostic acumen but also given new insights into the pathogenesis of human kidney disease. However, as our sophistication and knowledge of the various forms of kidney disease has expanded, questions regarding the routine use of kidney biopsy in all patients with clinical evidence of kidney disease have been articulated. Paone and Meyer311 conducted a retrospective evaluation to determine whether kidney biopsy findings influenced therapeutic judgments. Although a definite or probable diagnosis was ascertained in 77% of patients, therapy was modified in only 19%. In large part, changes in therapy based on biopsy findings were confined to patients with proteinuria, with little change seen in those with hematuria. Although therapy was also unaltered in those with acute or chronic kidney disease, it should be underscored that therapy for these indications is relatively nonspecific. Similarly, Cohen and associates,312 Turner and colleagues,313 and Shah and co-workers314 reported the influence of the kidney histopathology results on physicians’ judgments regarding diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment in patients with diverse types of kidney disease. They reported changes in judgments in more than one half of patients as a result of information gained directly from the biopsy results. Likewise, Richards and co-workers315 conducted a prospective study of 276 biopsies and found that biopsy results altered management in 42% of cases. On the other hand, Whiting-O’Keefe and co-workers316 retrospectively analyzed the case histories of 30 patients who underwent kidney biopsy for severe lupus nephritis. Knowledge of the kidney biopsy failed to improve predictive accuracy scores of estimates of future serum creatinine levels, urine protein levels, renal death, and long-term immunosuppressive therapy. Questions about the role of kidney biopsy in patients with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome have also emerged.317,318 Levey and colleagues319 reported results of a decision analysis suggesting that initial therapy based on clinical data alone could avoid the use of kidney biopsy in all patients. However,

Laboratory Assessment of Kidney Disease: Clearance, Urinalysis, and Kidney Biopsy

The first biopsies of the kidney were likely surgical biopsies performed by the New York gynecologist and surgeon Michael Edelbohls. In 1904, he summarized his experience with therapeutic, surgical stripping of kidneys and mentions that “in a number of cases the diagnosis was confirmed by histological examination of kidney tissue.” Percutaneous kidney biopsy was performed by Ball in 1934, using an aspiration technique to diagnose kidney tumors.4 In the 1940s, kidney tissue was occasionally obtained accidentally during attempts to biopsy the liver. This development inspired Nils Awall, who began to biopsy the kidney in patients with kidney disease on a regular basis in 1944 (using x-ray guidance), although his results were not reported until 1952.4 Antonio Perez-Ara, a pathologist in Cuba, described the use of the cutting Vim-Silverman needle to obtain diagnostic kidney tissue in 1950. His work went largely unnoticed outside of Cuba and was unknown to Poul Iversen and Claus Brun when they began to conduct kidney biopsies in Copenhagen in 1949 using an aspiration needle. Their publication in 1951 brought kidney biopsy to the attention of clinicians everywhere. Biopsies were initially performed in the sitting position, but in the technique described by Robert Kark and Robert Muehrcke in 1954, patients were biopsied in the prone position, with the use of a Vim-Silverman needle and methods similar to those commonly used today. Their introduction of the Franklin-modified Vim-Silverman needle and the initial localization of the kidney with a small atraumatic needle resulted in a better core of tissue and an improved success rate.4 Since these initial reports, the major advances that have been made center on improved localization of the kidney using ultrasound technology307 and the introduction of more automated and smaller biopsy needles. Improved methods of tissue processing, staining, and the correlation of the light-microscopic findings with those of electron microscopy and immunofluorescence techniques4 have led to dramatic increases in our knowledge of kidney disease.

interobserver variation in the interpretation of biopsy speci- 747 mens (light microscopy only) using the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of GN. One hundred biopsy specimens of a variety of glomerular diseases were circulated among members of a panel, who made their diagnosis without knowledge of the interpretation of other panel members. There was very good overall diagnostic agreement, with a κ statistic of 0.61. The highest κ values (best agreement) were reported for crescentic GN (0.81), endocapillary GN (0.79), and membranous GN (0.74), whereas the lowest values were for membranoproliferative GN (0.40) and diffuse mesangial proliferative GN (0.44).309 The reliability of the National Institutes of Heath histologic scoring system for lupus nephritis was shown to be only moderately reproducible in a nonreferral setting.310 Probably as important, there is a virtual absence of data clearly indicating which specific renal histopathologic finding predicts progression of structural injury. In general, the relationship between the extent of tubulointerstitial and vascular damage is better correlated with the level of kidney function than is CH 23 the extent of glomerular injury. A number of studies have inversely correlated the extent of tubulointerstitial damage and fibrosis with kidney function in a variety of kidney diseases.4 Because biopsy results are largely qualitative, the sensitivity and specificity of biopsy findings are often unclear.

748 decision analysis cannot replace prospective trials, and additional studies detailing patient outcomes, quality of life, and complications of therapeutic misadventures are needed before biopsy is abandoned as a diagnostic technique in these patients. It is also important to recognize that kidney biopsy is relatively safe and provides a specific diagnosis that may quickly and efficiently define a therapeutic strategy. At present, there are no specific clinical indications that mandate the use of kidney biopsy, and its utility must be taken in the context of the patients’ needs in terms of diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy. Nonetheless, there are clinical settings in which kidney biopsy is likely to be most useful. In the following section, we provide some guidelines that may be used in defining the relative clinical value of a kidney biopsy.

Nephrotic Syndrome The causes of the nephrotic syndrome are numerous, and the laboratory parameters consistent with this diagnosis are disCH 23 cussed elsewhere. The nephrotic syndrome is either primary or secondary, the latter reflecting either a systemic disease or drug toxicity. Once the secondary forms of the nephrotic syndrome are excluded by appropriate clinical or laboratory data, there remains a group of patients with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome who can be precisely differentiated only by kidney biopsy. This latter category includes minimal change glomerulopathy, focal glomerulosclerosis, and membranous nephropathy. The distribution of these entities is quite different in adults and children, and as a result, different approaches have emerged. In children with the idiopathic nephrotic syndrome, a kidney biopsy is generally not performed initially, and empirical steroid therapy is initiated. This is in large part due to the fact that minimal change glomerulopathy, which is sensitive to steroid therapy, accounts for nearly 80% of cases of the syndrome in children.4 However, in children who have no response to an appropriate course of steroids or have frequent relapses over a year, a kidney biopsy may become indicated. This would allow specific diagnosis and the potential for tailoring therapy with more potent immunosuppressive therapy. In the adult patient, minimal change disease is responsible for 20% to 25% of cases of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome; thus, a propensity for performance of a kidney biopsy has traditionally been followed.311,320 Therefore, empirical treatment of adults, in the absence of a biopsy diagnosis in idiopathic nephrotic syndrome, would expose a high proportion of patients to the adverse effects of corticosteroids unnecessarily. The goals for therapy as well as disease-specific protocols have evolved over the past few years, making the rationale for an initial biopsy more compelling. Richards and colleagues315 reported that a biopsy for nephrotic range proteinuria influenced management in 24 out of 28 cases (86%) that were biopsied. In patients with evidence of elevated levels of serum or urinary light chains in association with proteinuria in the range seen in nephrotic syndrome, a kidney biopsy frequently helps to distinguish amyloidosis from light chain glomerulopathy. In the presence or absence of multiple myeloma, the detection of light chain deposits in the kidney biopsy specimen appears to have prognostic and therapeutic implications.321

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus The diagnosis of SLE is generally established using a variety of clinical and laboratory criteria. Rarely, the diagnosis is first suggested by kidney biopsy findings, particularly when the laboratory test results are negative. However, the yield of kidney biopsy in this clinical situation is low and the information obtained that would affect therapy is relatively low. Kidney involvement in SLE correlates with overall prognosis;

the more severe the kidney involvement, the worse the prognosis.4 In SLE, the principal glomerular lesion is cellular proliferation, which is variably present in amount and distribution. These changes have most frequently formed the basis for a number of histologic classification schema,4 the WHO classification being the most commonly used today. The WHO class is correlated with clinical features such as hypertension, urinary sediment, extent of proteinuria, and reduction in GFR as well as with prognosis. In this system, patients with minimal proliferative glomerular changes (class I) have the best prognosis, whereas those with diffuse proliferative changes (class IV) have the worst prognosis.322 Hence, the treatment is different depending on the biopsy changes. When the types of SLE changes are not clinically evident, a renal biopsy is helpful. In patients with diffuse proliferative glomerular changes, immunosuppressive therapy with high-dose prednisone has consistently demonstrated improved survival of kidney and patient, although no prospective trial has been performed.4 It has been proposed that the biopsy results in this form of SLE may help in the selection of the dose and route of administration of steroids as well as the selection of other immunosuppressive drugs. However, this proposition has not been proved in controlled trials. Some,323,324 but not all,310,325,326 have found the morphologic findings of activity, chronicity of glomerular and interstitial lesions, or both are related to the risk of subsequent progression of kidney disease in a manner independent of their correlation with clinical indicators of severity of kidney disease. In addition, the intraobserver variability when these approaches are used in routine clinical settings makes their utility marginal at best.310 Currently, it appears that the use of more sophisticated quantitative analysis adds little to selection of therapy or prognosticating outcomes. Chagnac and co-workers327 have performed morphometric studies of glomerular capillary surface area on serial biopsy specimens obtained from SLE patients. These investigators reported evidence of progressive loss of glomerular capillary surface area with no or minimal changes in proteinuria, GFR, or serum creatinine value. These studies would suggest that the kidney biopsy findings may be a more sensitive index of progression than clinical features alone. However, the lack of standardization of morphometric analysis and the time to perform these studies does not allow for their routine histopathologic use.

Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis In patients with abnormalities of the urinary sediment consistent with a nephritic syndrome and rapidly progressive loss of kidney function, a kidney biopsy may provide invaluable information. Commonly, patients with this syndrome demonstrate the histologic presence of crescents. Ellis is credited with first noting the relationship between the loss of kidney function and the presence of glomerular crescents.4 Although the number of glomeruli with crescents is variable, most clinical studies that have evaluated outcomes report a poor prognosis when the proportion of glomeruli with circumferential crescents exceed 50%.328 The pathogenesis of rapidly progressive-cresenteric GN is diverse and is most commonly seen with three types of immunologic injury: antiglomerular basement membrane antibody with or without pulmonary hemorrhage (Goodpasture’s syndrome), immune complex disease, and the so-called pauci-immune GN. This last entity is the most frequently diagnosed disease, particularly when systemic illnesses are excluded. Recognition of the association between antineutrophilic cytoplasmic antibodies, systemic vasculitic syndromes, and pauci-immune cresenteric GN has provided new and important insights in the understanding of the pathogenesis of this disease as well as therapeutic strategies that are clinically useful.329 Nonethe-

less, the kidney biopsy still may provide important information about the severity of disease and, thus, has clinical management implications.

Post-Transplantation Biopsy

Asymptomatic Urinary Abnormalities The finding of small quantities of isolated proteinuria is a common clinical problem. In a survey of 68,000 army recruits without a history of hypertension or kidney disease, only 1% were found to have isolated proteinuria.338 Of the 45 patients who underwent biopsy, 33 (73%) had mild mesangial proliferation with or without glomerulosclerosis. If the proteinuria was intermittent or postural, significant glomerular lesions were infrequent. No lesion was serious enough to warrant therapy. Although no changes in kidney function were noted over a 3-year interval in these patients, longer-term follow-up has not been reported. At present, there is no evidence that a kidney biopsy provides more prognostic information than evaluation of the pattern of proteinuria and routine clinical follow-up. Isolated hematuria occurs as commonly as isolated proteinuria.339 Frequently, routine evaluation of the urinary tract will indicate the nonrenal source of the hematuria and kidney

Other Indications A kidney biopsy does not seem indicated in patients with chronic, end-stage renal failure, and biopsy in this setting is probably associated with an increased risk of complications. In patients with acute kidney injury, in whom no obvious cause for rapid deterioration in kidney function can be found, kidney biopsy may be indicated.4 Biopsy in this setting appears valuable mostly for those few patients with acute allergic interstitial nephritis in whom a course of corticosteroids may be of benefit. Cholesterol embolic acute renal failure without the typical clinical presentation has been more commonly observed in older patients with atherosclerotic disease, presenting a diagnostic challenge. Because some of these patients may regain kidney function after prolonged intervals, closer attention to kidney function while on dialysis is appropriate. However, a clear-cut case for the utility of a kidney biopsy for diagnosis, prognosis, or therapy has not been made in patients with acute kidney injury.4 Occasionally, patients with diabetes mellitus may be considered for kidney biopsy, particularly when they present with severe proteinuria in the absence of other manifestations of diabetic microvascular disease or when the duration of the disease is short. In this setting, other kidney diseases, such as idiopathic nephrotic syndrome, can be seen.4

Patient Preparation Before biopsy, the patient should be evaluated for conditions that may increase the risk or worsen consequences of complications. Postbiopsy bleeding can necessitate nephrectomy, and the consequences of this complication are obviously greater in patients with only one functioning kidney. It was once believed that the presence of a solitary (native) kidney was an absolute contraindication to kidney biopsy.342 However, the use of 18-gauge automated needles and direct ultrasound visualization have reduced the risk, and biopsy of a solitary kidney is no longer considered to be contraindicated.343 Most clinicians consider the biopsy of a very small, shrunken kidney to be ill advised. In any case, a practical approach is to first visualize both kidneys with ultrasonography. If the kidneys are reasonable in size, the operator can proceed directly to biopsy under direct ultrasonographic guidance. This approach obviates the need for a second radiologic procedure to assess the size and number of kidneys. Because bleeding is the major complication of biopsy, most clinicians obtain a coagulation profile. A platelet count, prothrombin time, and partial thromboplastin time (and,

Laboratory Assessment of Kidney Disease: Clearance, Urinalysis, and Kidney Biopsy

Biopsy of the transplanted kidney has been established as an important diagnostic and therapeutic technique in the management of patients in whom rejection of the kidney allograft is suspected. It has become particularly important in an era when the differential diagnosis of decreased allograft function includes nephrotoxicity from the immunosuppressive drugs that are most commonly used.330 Although a variety of histologic techniques, including fine-needle aspiration cytology, have been used, the standard needle-core biopsy processed for conventional, light microscopic histology remains the most reliable technique for diagnosis in the setting of kidney allograft dysfunction.331 Several classification systems have been proposed to standardize the interpretation of kidney allograft biopsy specimens, but the Banff classification scheme has been most widely adopted.332 Studies have documented that the interpretation of allograft biopsy findings using the Banff classification system is relatively reproducible and correlates with clinical outcomes.333 Studies have also examined the amount of tissue necessary to reach concordance in the interpretation of kidney allograft biopsy findings. For example, Sorof and associates334 found that two cores (obtained with a 15-gauge needle) were needed to avoid missing moderate or severe acute rejection in almost 10% of cases. Kidney allograft biopsy is generally safe. Most clinicians now carry out the procedure using spring-loaded, automated biopsy needles under direct ultrasound visualization. The principle complication is bleeding. In one study, risk factors for bleeding included biopsy within 30 days of transplantation and the use of a 14-gauge Vim-Silverman rather than an 18-gauge automated needle.335 Other investigators have confirmed the safety and efficacy of allograft biopsy using 18-gauge, automated needles under direct ultrasound visualization.336 Although the most common diagnosis resulting from kidney allograft biopsy is acute rejection, biopsies also play a role in differentiating between acute cellular and acute humoral rejection and also in determining the cause of proteinuria and chronic allograft dysfunction. Recurrence of the original glomerulopathy in the transplanted kidney has been observed with a variety of kidney diseases. Other than focal glomerulosclerosis, most of the other recurrent glomerulopathies appear to have little functional impact outcome after transplantation.4 Biopsy findings, particularly the amount of interstitial fibrosis,337 are useful in predicting the long-term function of the transplanted kidney independent of the underlying cause of kidney damage.

biopsy is not necessary. However, kidney biopsy has been 749 proposed as an accurate and direct way to identify the cause of isolated hematuria. Kidney biopsy is abnormal in over 75% of patients with hematuria in whom proteinuria or reduced kidney function is present.340 In this setting, IgA nephropathy is the most common diagnosis, although hereditary nephritis or thinning of the glomerular basement membrane is also seen.340 Proven, effective, and specific therapies for such entities as IgA nephropathy have not as yet been developed, and thus, the utility of the biopsy to guide therapy has not been shown. Although a number of histopathologic changes predict renal outcomes, several clinical features such as reduced kidney function, proteinuria, and hypertension accurately predict a poor prognosis.341 At present, additional therapeutic or prognostic information is not gained from a kidney biopsy. Richards and colleagues315 reported in a study of 276 native kidney biopsies that the renal biopsies changed management in only 1 out of 36 cases of isolated hematuria. However, for some patients, the specific diagnosis may be useful for genetic CH 23 counseling purposes such as in Alport’s syndrome.

750 possibly, a bleeding time if the patient is uremic) can be used to screen for bleeding tendencies. Although the exact correlation between abnormalities in these coagulation screening tests and postbiopsy bleeding is not known, prudence would dictate that biopsies should be carried out with great reluctance in patients with coagulation abnormalities. Probably the most commonly encountered abnormality is a prolonged bleeding time caused by platelet dysfunction in patients who are uremic. A number of steps can be taken to correct the prolonged bleeding time associated with uremia. They include the use of fresh frozen plasma, arginine vasopressin, and estrogens.344 If the patient is acutely uremic, hemodialysis is usually of value in improving the coagulopathy. Salicylates or nonsteriodal anti-inflammatory drugs should be discontinued, if possible, at least 1 to 2 weeks after the procedure.345 For patients with bleeding diathesis or those undergoing anticoagulation for a thromboembolic disorder, the accepted approach is not clear. Guidelines devised for the management of anticoagulated patients before and after elecCH 23 tive surgery are of uncertain relevance to a kidney biopsy, a closed procedure in which the level of hemostasis cannot be determined.346 Suspending anticoagulation or treating the diathesis is feasible, although many investigators recommend open biopsy with direct visualization of the kidney.347 Alternatively, transjugular kidney biopsy has been successfully performed in some institutions,348 although some centers have reported significant rates of bleeding owing to capsular perforation.348 Significant anemia that would substantially increase risk of bleeding should be corrected before a kidney biopsy is performed. Uncontrolled hypertension can raise the risk of bleeding after biopsy.349 Therefore, it is advisable to control blood pressure before the procedure is undertaken. Having the patient void immediately before the biopsy may help reduce the risk of inadvertently puncturing the bladder. Because a major complication of biopsy can require surgical intervention, it may be advisable to carry out the procedure with the patient fasting in order to reduce the potential risks of vomiting and aspiration during anesthesia induction. However, these risks must be weighed against the risk of hypoglycemia in diabetic patients and the rarity of complications requiring surgical intervention. With the use of direct ultrasound visualization and 18gauge, automated needles, the complication rate from biopsy has been reduced.350,351 Indeed, it is now possible to perform biopsies safely in an outpatient setting,351,352 making the procedure more convenient for both patients and clinicians and greatly reducing cost.

Localization There are few controlled studies comparing the use of different radiographic localization techniques for percutaneous kidney biopsy. Fluoroscopy was used in the past, but adequate imaging of the kidneys often requires intravenous administration of contrast media, which can be nephrotoxic. CT can be used, but the inability to guide the biopsy needle in “real time” makes the procedure somewhat cumbersome.353 The greatest value of CT is likely in morbidly obese patients,354 a group in whom the use of ultrasonography is sometimes limited. Ultrasound with continuous visualization of the biopsy needle, however, usually provides adequate imaging355 and is less costly than CT. It appears that newer techniques using direct ultrasonographic guidance are safer than older techniques; however, ultrasonographic guidance and automated needle devises were introduced simultaneously, making it difficult to determine which of these advances resulted in the apparent reduction in the rate of complications.356

Needle Selection In the past, the Tru-Cut (Travenol) and the Franklin-modified Vim-Silverman needles were most commonly used to perform percutaneous kidney biopsies. Automated, spring-loaded biopsy devices have been developed.356 Some studies, although largely uncontrolled, have suggested that the new automated devices may reduce the incidence of postbiopsy bleeding without reducing the chances of obtaining adequate tissue.357 Automated devices have led to significantly larger sample sizes than with manual devices using comparablegauged needles.345 A prospective, randomized trial involving 100 consecutive allograft biopsy procedures showed a correlation between needle gauge and sample size, with 14-gauge needles providing the largest number of glomeruli per core and the greatest diagnostic success compared with 16-gauge and 18-gauge needles. The complication rates of the three groups were not significantly different, although the 14-gauge needle was associated with more pain.358

Processing of the Specimen Proper interpretation of a kidney biopsy specimen optimally requires examination by light, immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy. Immediate placement of tissue in appropriate fixatives is important to obtain the best histologicstained material. The availability of a pathologist experienced in processing kidney specimens is particularly helpful in preparing adequate kidney tissue. In general, obtaining two cores of cortical tissue usually provides sufficient material for all examinations. Each core is divided longitudinally with a razor blade in order to obtain glomeruli in each section. The majority of the tissue is processed for light microscopy, and the remainder for immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. If difficulty is encountered in obtaining sufficient tissue cores, the small fragments can be processed for electron microscopy, and the remainder processed for immunofluorescence microscopy. Numerous fixatives are available for histologic preparation, and tissue for light microscopy is usually fixed in paraffin or plastic and cut in 2-µm-thick sections, which are routinely stained with hematoxylin and eosin, a silver methenamine stain, and a periodic acid–Schiff or trichrome stain. If amyloidosis is suspected, Congo red and thioflavin T stains are performed. Tissue for immunofluorescence microscopy is placed in pre-cooled isopentane and snap frozen in liquid nitrogen. Frozen sections are cut 4 µm thick and typically stained with fluoresceinated antisera against IgG, immunoglobulin M (IgM), IgA, complement components C3 and C4, fibrin/fibrinogen, and albumin. When indicated, antibodies for specific immunoglobulin light chains or specific cell surface markers can be used. The complement-split product C4d has been found to be an independent predictor of kidney allograft injury and a specific marker for antibody-dependent allograft injury.359 For electron microscopic studies, small (1-µm) pieces of the biopsy specimen are fixed in buffered glutaraldehyde or other suitable fixatives, dehydrated in graded alcohols, embedded in plastic, and sectioned. Ultrathin sections are stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate and examined with a transmission electron microscope. Electron microscopy provides useful diagnostic information in nearly one half of all native kidney biopsy specimens.360 However, to reduce cost, it is reasonable to set aside tissue for electron microscopy until the light-microscopic evaluation of tissue has been completed.

Complications The most common complication of a kidney biopsy is hematuria. Microscopic hematuria occurs virtually in all patients,

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whereas gross hematuria occurs in less than 10% of patients. Gross hematuria has also been associated with intrarenal arteriovenous fistulas.361 The presence of uncontrolled hypertension, anticoagulation, or azotemia increases the risk for hematuria.362 Hematuria usually resolves spontaneously in 48 to 72 hours, although in approximately 0.5 % of patients, hematuria persists for 2 to 3 weeks.342,361 Occasionally, gross hematuria occurs days after the biopsy, but it usually resolves within a few days with rest.342 Transfusions are necessary in 0.1% to 3% of patients.342 Surgery for persistent bleeding is required in less than 0.3% of patients.342,361 Perinephric hematomas occur commonly. In patients who are evaluated by CT immediately after kidney biopsy, hematomas were detected in 57% to 85% of patients.363,364 Most of these are clinically occult, perhaps associated with only a fall in hemoglobin.342 In 1% to 2% of patients, perinephric hematoma is manifested as flank pain and swelling associated with signs of volume contraction and a decrease in hematocrit. Rarely, these hematomas can become infected, requiring antibiotic therapy and surgical drainage,361 and rarely, they lead to chronic hypertension owing to pressure-induced ischemia from a large subcapsular hematoma producing a persistent activation of the renin-angiotensin system.365 Less common complications of renal biopsy include arteriovenous fistulas, aneurysms, and infections. Arteriovenous fistulas can be demonstrated by arteriography in 15% to 18% of patients. They are usually clinically silent, and the majority spontaneously resolve in 2 years.4 Postbiopsy aneurysms have been reported in less than 1% of patients.342 Infections are unusual except in the presence of pyelonephritis. The development of sepsis and bacteremia after kidney biopsy has been reported.4 A number of unusual complications of kidney biopsy have been reported including ileus, lacerations of other abdominal organs, pneumothorax, ureteral obstruction, and dissemination of carcinoma. The mortality associated with 14,492 reported kidney biopsies is 0.12%,361 although only 1 death have been reported since 1980.345


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CH 23

338. Sinniah R, Law CH, Pwee HS: Glomerular lesions in patients with asymptomatic persistent and orthostatic proteinuria discovered on routine medical examination. Clin Nephrol 7:1–14, 1977. 339. Sinniah R, Pwee HS, Lim CM: Glomerular lesions in asymptomatic microscopic hematuria discovered on routine medical examination. Clin Nephrol 5:216–228, 1976. 340. Copley JB, Hasbargen JA: Idiopathic hematuria: A prospective evaluation. Arch Intern Med 147:434–437, 1987. 341. Nomoto Y, Endoh M, Suga T, et al: Minimum requirements for renal biopsy size for patients with IgA nephropathy. Nephron 60:171–175, 1992. 342. Wickre CG, Golper TA: Complications of percutaneous needle biopsy of the kidney. Am J Nephrol 2:173–178, 1982. 343. Mendelssohn DC, Cole EH: Outcomes of percutaneous kidney biopsy, including those of solitary native kidneys. Am J Kidney Dis 26:580–585, 1995. 344. Shemin D, Elnour M, Amarantes B, et al: Oral estrogens decrease bleeding time and improve clinical bleeding in patients with renal failure. Am J Med 89:436–440, 1990. 345. Korbet SM: Percutaneous renal biopsy. Semin Nephrol 22:254–267, 2002. 346. Kearon C, Hirsh J: Management of anticoagulation before and after elective surgery. N Engl J Med 336:1506–1511, 1997. 347. Stiles KP, Yuan CM, Chung EM, et al: Renal biopsy in high-risk patients with medical diseases of the kidney. Am J Kidney Dis 36:419–433, 2000. 348. Abbott KC, Musio FM, Chung EM, et al: Transjugular renal biopsy in high-risk patients: An American case series. BMC Nephrol 3:5, 2002. 349. Christensen J, Lindequist S, Knudsen DU, Pedersen RS: Ultrasound-guided renal biopsy with biopsy gun technique—Efficacy and complications. Acta Radiol 36:276– 279, 1995. 350. Doyle AJ, Gregory MC, Terreros DA: Percutaneous native renal biopsy: Comparison of a 1.2-mm spring-driven system with a traditional 2-mm hand-driven system. Am J Kidney Dis 23:498–503, 1994. 351. Voss DM, Lynn KL: Percutaneous renal biopsy: An audit of a 2-year experience with the Biopty gun. N Z Med J 108:8–10, 1995. 352. Fraser IR, Fairley CK: Renal biopsy as an outpatient procedure. Am J Kidney Dis 25:876–878, 1995.

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CHAPTER 24 Water and Sodium, 757 Polyuria, 757 Defense of the Extracellular Fluid Volume, 764 Potassium and Metabolic Alkalosis, 765 Dyskalemias, 765 Metabolic Alkalosis, 772 Metabolic Acidosis, 774

Interpretation of Electrolyte and Acid-Base Parameters in Blood and Urine K.S. Kamel • M.R. Davids • S.H. Lin • M.L. Halperin

Conclusion, 781

An analysis of laboratory data in blood and urine is essential to make accurate diagnoses and to design optimal therapy for patients with disturbances of water, sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), and acid-base homeostasis.1,2 Our clinical approach and interpretation of these tests rely heavily on an understanding of basic concepts in renal physiology. Hence we begin each section with concepts that help to identify the most important factor(s) that indicate how the kidneys regulate the excretion of these substances and then discuss the tools that utilize the laboratory data to help make a correct diagnosis; consults are presented to illustrate the utility of these tools. At the end of each section, all of the information is integrated to design a clinical approach. Two principles will hold true throughout this chapter. First, there are no normal values for the urinary excretion of water and electrolytes because normal subjects in steady state excrete all ions that are consumed and not lost by non-renal routes. The urine also contains the major nitrogenous metabolic waste, urea—its rate of excretion depends largely on protein intake. Second, data should be interpreted with respect to the prevailing stimulus and the “expected” renal response. In this regard, urine collections done over short periods of time are more valuable than 24-hour urine collections because they more closely reflect the renal response to the prevailing stimulus at that time.

WATER AND SODIUM In this section, we illustrate how to use information about the composition and volume of the urine in the differential diagnosis and management of disorders causing polyuria, an abnormal intracellular fluid (ICF) volume, and/or an abnormal extracellular fluid (ECF) volume.

Polyuria There are three reasons why polyuria may be present; a water diuresis, an osmotic diuresis, and/or a renal medullary concentrating defect.

Water Diuresis Concept SW-1 To move water across a membrane, there must be a channel that allows water to cross that lipid membrane and a driving force (a difference in concentration of “effective” osmoles). Water Channels Vasopressin is released when the concentration of Na+ in plasma (PNa) is >136 mmol/L. This hormone causes the insertion of aquaporin-2 water channels (AQP2) into the luminal membrane of the late distal nephron; AQP2 permit water to be reabsorbed when there is an osmotic driving force.3 Even in the absence of vasopressin, there is a small degree of water permeability in the inner medullary collecting duct (MCD) (basal water permeability).4 Driving Force Water will be drawn from a compartment with a lower to one with a higher “effective” osmolality; the magnitude of the force is enormous (∼19 mm Hg per

mOsm/kg H2O per osmol/L difference). In the renal cortex, fluid with an osmolality of ∼100 mOsm/L enters the late distal convoluted tubule. When AQP2 are present in their luminal membranes, water is reabsorbed because the osmotic pressure difference is ∼200 mOsm/L (interstitial osmolality equals the plasma osmolality (Posm), which is ∼300 mOsm/L for easy math). Hence the osmotic driving force is ∼3800 mm Hg (19 mm Hg × 200 mOsm/L). In the renal inner medulla, the “effective” interstitial osmolality rises ∼twofold (from 300 mOsm/ L to 600 mOsm/L). Because this driving force is even larger, water will be absorbed rapidly until osmotic equilibrium is achieved.

Tools: Water Diuresis Urine Flow Rate When AQP2 are not present in the luminal membrane (absence of vasopressin actions), the urine volume will be equal to the volume of filtrate delivered to the late distal nephron (Fig. 24–1). In subjects consuming a typical western diet, the distal flow rate is high and the peak urine flow rate is 10 ml/min to 15 ml/min (∼14 L/day to 21 L/day). If the urine volume is considerably 2.5 or 3 L/day.

Physiology-based definition: Polyuria is present when the urine volume is “higher than expected” in a specific setting. Using the conventional definition, polyuria is present in this patient. The polyuria is due to a water diuresis because the Uosm is low (Fig. 24–2). Because hyponatremia is present, polyuria is due to primary polydipsia. Using the physiology-based definition, the “expected” urine flow rate in a normal adult that lacks vasopressin actions (PNa is 130 mmol/L) should be at least 10 ml/min or ∼14 L/day.5 Hence a urine volume of 5 L/day in this setting is a low urine volume; in fact, she has a diminished ability to excrete water. Because of a low “effective” ECF volume due to ongoing losses of Na+ and Cl− in sweat, there would be an increased reabsorption of Na+ upstream in the nephron, lowering the distal delivery of filtrate. The combination of this low distal delivery and the presence of basal water permeability in the medullary collecting duct, even in the absence of detectable levels of vasopressin in plasma,4 leads to a diminished ability to excrete water, what we call “trickledown” hyponatremia.6 In support of presence of a low distal delivery of filtrate, her osmole excretion rate is low (80 mOsm/ L × 5 L/day = 400 mosmol/day Vs the usual 600–900 mosmol/ day) which suggests that there is a low rate of excretion of NaCl. What Risks Might You Anticipate with Respect to Her PNa? Because this is a chronic condition, she is in balance and water intake must equal water loss. One route for water loss is her urine (5 L/day); she also has a large loss of water in sweat (volume is not known, perhaps 2 L/day to 3 L/day). Hence she has a daily intake and loss of 7 L to 8 L of water. With such a large throughput of water, she could easily develop a large positive balance of water. This will cause acute hyponatremia, which leads to acute brain cell swelling. There are three possible causes for this large positive balance of water: first, she may drink >8 L of water on a given day (her water intake is not driven by thirst); second, she may lose less water in sweat (e.g., she did not run that day); third, water excretion may decrease suddenly due to a non-osmotic stimulus for the release of vasopressin (e.g., pain, nausea, anxiety, drugs such as “Ecstasy”7). A different risk is osmotic demyelination, which may develop if she had a large negative balance of water and

thereby, too rapid a rise in her PNa, especially if she had a much lower PNa for several days. Moreover, patients with a poor dietary intake are at greater risk of developing osmotic demyelination.8 Because her urine flow rate is determined by the rate of delivery of filtrate to the distal nephron, this delivery may increase if she had a high salt intake (e.g., she ate pizza with anchovies) or was given an infusion of isotonic saline (see Fig. 24–1).

Consult SW-2: What Is “Partial” About Partial Central Diabetes Insipidus?






Vasopressin MCD

1. Central diabetes insipidus - hypodipsia if involves the stat or thirst centers 2. Circulating vasopressinase 3. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus


V2 receptor

4. Decreased medullary osmolality

H2O FIGURE 24–3 Lesion causing a water diuresis. The three circles represent areas in the hypothalamus; the top one labeled “stat” is the sensor (“osmostat”), which detects changes in cell volume in response to a change in the PNa. These cells are linked to the thirst center (lower left) and to the vasopressin (AVP) release center (lower right). Non-osmotic stimuli also influence the release of vasopressin. Vasopressin causes the insertion of water channels in the late distal nephron (lower barrel-shaped structure). The diseases that can lead to an abnormally high urine output are shown to the right.



With a higher PNa the release of vasopressin can be stimulated


Is this a water diuresis? What are the best options for therapy?

Discussion Is This A Water Diuresis? Uosm and urine flow rate: Because his Uosm was 200 mOsm/kg H2O and the urine volume was 4 L/day, this was a water diuresis with a normal osmole excretion rate (800 mosmol/ day) (see Fig. 24–2). Response to dDAVP: He had an adequate renal response to dDAVP because his Uosm rose to 900 mOsm/kg H2O when this hormone was given—this ruled out nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (DI). Hence he has central DI. Because his urine volume was 4 L/day and not 10 L/day to 15 L/day, the diagnosis was “partial central DI”.

Interpretation Although the diagnosis of central DI was straightforward, there were two facts that have not yet been interpreted. First, because he was thirsty, his “osmostat” and thirst center as well as the fibers connecting them appear to be functionally intact (Fig. 24–3). Similarly, because he could excrete concentrated urine (his overnight Uosm was 425 mOsm/kg H2O) when his PNa was 143 mmol/L, his vasopressin release center was also functioning, but only when there was this “stronger stimulus” for the release of this hormone. Therefore a possible site for his lesion was destruction of some but not all of the fibers linking his “osmostat” to his vasopressin release center (Fig. 24–4).9 This could also explain why polyuria was not present overnight. (He stopped his oral water intake several hours prior to going to sleep.) This challenged the diagnosis of partial central DI, or at least our concept of what that diagnosis really implies. Primary Polydipsia On first evaluation, because his PNa was high enough to stimulate the release of vasopressin (143 mmol/L), primary polydipsia was not present at this time. In contrast, his Uosm was consistently ∼90 mOsm/kg H2O and his PNa was 137 mmol/L during the daytime; this suggests that primary polydipsia was present while he was awake. Its basis probably reflects a “learned behavior” to avoid the very uncomfortable feeling of thirst. This interpretation provides a rationale to under-




FIGURE 24–4 Lesion in the CNS causing partial central DI. The three circles represent areas in the hypothalamus, the top one labeled “stat” is the sensor (“osmostat”), the circle on the lower left is the thirst center, and the circle on the lower right is the vasopressin (AVP) release center. The X symbol represents the hypothetical lesion that leads to severing of some but not all of the fibers connecting the “osmostat” to the vasopressin release center.

stand the natural history of, and importantly the options for management for his partial central DI.

What Are The Best Options for Therapy? The major point here is that a higher PNa could stimulate the release of vasopressin. There are two ways to raise the PNa: an input of NaCl or a water deficit. The patient selected oral NaCl tablets to raise his PNa to control his daytime polyuria because of its rapid and reproducible onset. Moreover, this therapy avoids the risk of acute hyponatremia, which may occur if he was given dDAVP and drank an excessive quantity of water. In contrast, he selected water deprivation to raise his PNa overnight to permit him to have undisturbed sleep; he was able to tolerate the thirst that developed.

Osmotic Diuresis with The “Expected” Medullary Osmolality Concept SW-2 When AQP2 water channels are inserted into the luminal membrane of the late distal nephron, the Uosm is equal to the medullary interstitial osmolality. The volume of an osmotic diuresis is directly proportional to the rate of excretion of osmoles and inversely proportional to the medullary interstitial osmolality. Because AQP2 are not present in late distal nephron in the absence of vasopressin, the rate of excretion of osmoles does not influence the urine volume in this setting. Therefore there cannot be an osmotic diuresis and a water diuresis in the same patient at the same time (see Fig. 24–1).

CH 24

Interpretation of Electrolyte and Acid-Base Parameters in Blood and Urine

A 32-year-old healthy male had a recent basal skull fracture. His urine output is ∼4-L/day—this is a consistent finding. The first morning PNa is 143-mmol/L, his Uosm is 200 mOsm/kg H2O in the 24-hour urine collection, and vasopressin levels in plasma were undetectable. When he was given dDAVP, his urine flow rate decreased to 0.5 ml/min and the Uosm rose to 900 mOsm/kg H2O. Two other facts, however, deserve further analysis. First, he was thirsty in the morning when he woke up. Second, his sleep was not interrupted by a need to urinate. In fact his Uosm was ∼425 mOsm/kg H2O in several overnight urines. In random urine daytime collections, his Uosm was 900 mOsm/kg H2O; his PNa at those times was 137 mmol/L. Moreover, his urine flow rate fell to 0.5 ml/min and his Uosm rose to 900 mOsm/kg H2O after an infusion of hypertonic saline.

PNa 140

760 Concept SW-3 The medullary interstitial osmolality falls during an osmotic diuresis because there is less reabsorption of Na+ and Cl− in the medullary thick limb of the loop of Henle (mTAL), largely due to the fact that fluid entering the mTAL has a lower Na+ concentration.10 The “expected” medullary interstitial osmolality is ∼600 mOsm/kg H2O at somewhat high osmole excretion rates and values are closer to the Posm at much higher osmole excretion rates.11

whether these osmoles were derived from catabolism of endogenous proteins.

Consult SW-3: An Unusually Large Osmotic Diuresis in A Diabetic Patient A 50-kg, 14-year-old female has a long history of poorly controlled type 1 diabetes mellitus because she does not take insulin regularly. In the past 48 hours, she was thirsty, drank large volumes of fruit juice, and her urine volume was very high. On physical examination, there was no evidence to imply that her ECF volume was appreciably contracted. The urine flow rate was 10 ml/min over this 100-minute period. Other lab data include: pH 7.33, PHCO3 24 mmol/L, PAnion gap16-mEq/L, PK 4.8 mmol/L, PCreatinine 1.0 mg/dL (88 µmol/L) (close to her usual values), BUN 22 mg/dL (PUrea 8 mmol/L), and hematocrit 0.45. Of note, there was no decrease in her glucose concentration in plasma (PGlucose) despite the excretion of a large amount of glucose (Table 24–1).

Tools: Osmotic Diuresis When evaluating the basis for a large urine volume in a patient with an osmotic diuresis, measure the concentrations of all major solutes in the urine (Fig. 24–5). Osmole excretion rate: This rate should be much >1000 mosmol/ day or 0.5 mosmol/min in an adult during an osmotic diuresis. Uosm: The “expected” Uosm should be more than the Posm; the CH 24 absolute value depends on the osmole excretion rate and the medullary interstitial osmolality. Nature of the urine osmoles: This should be determined by measuring the rate of excretion of the individual osmoles in the urine. As a quick test, however, deduce which solute may be responsible for the osmotic diuresis by measuring the concentrations of likely compounds in plasma (e.g., glucose and urea) and determine if mannitol or a lavage fluid solute was infused. Nevertheless, patients rarely are given a sufficiently large amount of mannitol to be the sole cause of a sustained osmotic diuresis. A saline- induced osmotic diuresis may occur if there was a large infusion of saline or in a patient with cerebral or nephrogenic salt wasting. To diagnose a state of salt wasting, there must be an appreciable excretion of Na+ at a time when the “effective” arterial blood volume is definitely contracted. Source of the urine osmoles: In a patient with a glucose or urea-induced osmotic diuresis, it is important to decide

Questions What is the basis of the polyuria? What dangers do you anticipate for this patient?

Discussion What Is the Basis of the Polyuria? Osmole excretion rate: The product of her Uosm (450 mOsm/L) and urine flow rate (10 ml/min) yields an osmole excretion rate of 4.5 mosmol/min, a value that is ninefold higher than the usual value in an adult (0.5 mosmol/min) (see Fig. 24–5). Uosm: The Uosm of 450 mOsm/kg H2O indicates that this polyuria is due to an osmotic diuresis. In addition, this Uosm is lower than “expected”, probably reflecting the very high osmole excretion rate, which caused a larger fall in her medullary interstitial osmolality. Urine flow rate: The urine flow rate was extremely high for two reasons: the very high osmole excretion rate and the lower than “expected” osmolality in her medullary interstitial compartment. Nature of the urine osmoles: Because her GFR is modestly low and her PGlucose was extremely high (1260 mg/ dL, 70 mmol/L), her filtered load of glucose will be markedly higher than the maximum tubular capacity for its reabsorption; hence, this is likely to be a glucose-induced osmotic diuresis (confirmed by a UGlucose that was 350 mmol/L). Source of the urine osmoles: Of special emphasis, her PGlucose did not decline despite such a high rate of excretion of glucose. To put it into quantitative terms, the total content of glucose in her ECF compartment is 12.6 g (1260 mg/dL × 10 × 10 L ECFV/1000) while she excreted 54 g of glucose (5400 mg/dL × 10 × 1 L/1000). Therefore, she excreted an amount of glucose that is fourfold more than all the glucose she had in her ECF compartment. Accordingly, to maintain this degree of hyperglycemia, she needed an enormous input of glucose over a short period of time. The only likely source of such a large input of glucose was the glucose that was retained in her stomach. As a reference, 1 L of apple juice contains ∼135 g of glucose. For ingested glucose to fuel an osmotic diuresis, this patient would need a rapid rate of gastric emptying. Although the usual effect of hyperglycemia

Polyuria: Uosm 300 mOsm/L Enough osmoles filtered?


Yes Measure osmoles in urine and determine their source

• Intermittent water diuresis • Renal concentrating defect

Organic osmoles


• Glucose, Urea • Mannitol

• NaCl infusion • Diuretic  edema state

FIGURE 24–5 Approach to the patient with polyuria due to an osmotic diuresis. To enter this flow chart, the patient must have a large urine volume with an osmolality that is distinctly higher than the Posm. A bullet symbol denotes the final diagnostic categories.

TABLE 24–1

Data for Consult SW-3 Admission

Glucose Na



mg/dL (mmol/L)

100 min





1260 (70)

5400 (300)

1260 (70)

5400 (300)











is to slow gastric emptying, for some reason this did not occur in this patient.12 What Dangers Do You Anticipate for This Patient? Low ECF volume: Because glucose is an “effective” osmole in the ECF compartment, it helped to maintain her ECF volume. If she had discontinued her ingestion of glucosecontaining beverages long before arriving in hospital, her ECF volume would now be obviously contracted because she would have excreted a large proportion of the glucose in her ECF compartment (e.g., at a rate faster than glucose entry from the GI tract). Cerebral edema: Brain cell swelling may occur if there is a significant fall in her “effective” Posm (2 PNa + PGlucose in mmol/L terms).13 This could occur if she excretes urine with a higher “effective” osmolality than the Posm. This risk would be even greater if she had changed her intake to water rather than sugar-containing beverages.

Urine flow rate = # “Effective” urine osmoles/ [“effective” urine osmoles] In contrast, when the rate of excretion of urea rises by a large amount, urea might not be absorbed fast enough to achieve equal concentrations on both sides of a membrane. Hence, urea may become an “effective” osmole in the inner MCD and obligate the excretion of water. The analysis is not always that simple because urea is a partially “effective” urine osmole if the rate of excretion of electrolytes is low.14,15

Tools Urea Appearance Rate The rate of appearance of urea can be determined from the amount of urea that is retained in the body plus the amount excreted in the urine over a given period of time. The former can be calculated from the rise in the concentration of urea in plasma (PUrea) and assuming a volume of distribution of urea equal to total body water (∼60% body weight). Source of Urea Close to 16% of the weight of protein is nitrogen. Therefore if 100 g of protein were oxidized, 16 g of nitrogen would be formed. Because the molecular weight of nitrogen is 14, there would be 1143 mmol of nitrogen produced. Since urea contains two atoms of nitrogen, 572 mmol urea are produced from the oxidation of 100 g of protein. In terms of lean body mass, because water is its main constituent (80% of weight), each kg has 800 g of water and 180 g of protein.16 Therefore, breakdown of 1 kg of lean mass will produce ∼1000 mmol of urea. One can use this calculation to determine if the source of urea was exogenous or from endogenous breakdown of protein.


A 70-kg male had a recent bone marrow transplant. He was given large doses of corticosteroids. His 24-hour urine volume was 6 L/day and his Uosm was 500 mOsm/kg H2O. He did not receive mannitol, his PGlucose was 180 mg/dl (10 mmol/L), and his BUN was 210 mg/dL (PUrea was 75 mmol/L).

Questions What is the cause of polyuria? What is the major aim of therapy with respect to urea excretion?

Discussion What is the cause of the polyuria? Osmole excretion rate: There is an osmotic diuresis because his osmole excretion rate was 3000 mosmol/day (6 L urine/ day and Uosm of 500 mOsm/kg H2O). Nature of the Osmoles CH 24 His PGlucose was too low for high rates of glucosuria. On the other hand, his PUrea was high enough (75 mmol/L) to produce a sufficient quantity of filtered urea to cause the osmotic diuresis—this was confirmed later when his UUrea was measured (400 mmol/L). Because his urine volume was 6 L, he excreted ∼2400 mmol of urea that day. Source of the Urine Urea These 2400 mmol of urea would be produced from the oxidation of 420 g of protein. On that day, he was given 60 g of protein by nasogastric tube so he oxidized approximately 360 g of endogenous protein. This excretion of urea represents the catabolism of 2 kg of lean body mass (360 g/180 g/ kg). If this were to continue, he would ultimately undergo marked muscle wasting. This can cause a problem because of compromised respiratory muscle function leading to bronchopneumonia. Furthermore, this catabolic state could affect his immunological defense mechanisms.17 What Is the Major Aim of Therapy? Once this metabolic problem is recognized, therapy must be more vigorous at the nutritional level. First, more exogenous calories and protein must be given. Second, therapy could include anabolic hormones such as high-dose insulin (with glucose to avoid hypoglycemia) or anabolic steroids and/or the provision of nutritional supplements such as glutamine to minimize endogenous protein catabolism.17 Third, one should be cautious about continued use of high doses of the catabolic hormone, glucocorticoids. Concept SW-5 If there is no change in the number of osmoles in the ICF compartment, the volume of the ICF compartment is inversely proportional to the PNa. When the PNa rises, the cell volume shrinks and when the PNa falls, the cell volume swells (Fig. 24–6). The volume of brain cells is most important in this regard because the brain is constrained by the rigid skull.

Tools Tonicity Balance To decide what the basis is for a change in the PNa and to define the proper therapy to return the PNa, ECF and ICF volumes to their normal value, separate balances for water and Na+ must be calculated.18 To perform this calculation, one must examine the volume and electrolyte composition of all the fluids ingested and infused and that of all outputs over the period when the PNa changed (Fig. 24–7). In practical terms, a tonicity balance can be performed only in a hospital setting where inputs and outputs are accurately recorded. With regard to the output, this can be restricted to the urine in an acute setting. In a febrile patient or one who has been

Interpretation of Electrolyte and Acid-Base Parameters in Blood and Urine

Concept SW-4 Not all osmoles are equal in their ability to increase the urine volume. The osmoles that cannot achieve equal concentrations in the lumen of the MCD and in the medullary interstitial compartment are called “effective” osmoles; they dictate what the urine flow rate will be when the MCD is permeable to water. Urea, on the other hand, may be an “ineffective” urine osmole in some circumstances and an “effective” urine osmole in other circumstances. Because cells in the papillary collecting duct have urea transporters in their membrane when vasopressin acts, urea is usually an “ineffective” osmole (same concentration on both sides of that membrane) and it does not cause water to be excreted. The net result of excreting a small extra amount of urea is a higher Uosm, but not a higher “effective” Uosm or a higher urine flow rate.14 Therefore, it is more correct to say that the urine flow rate is directly proportional to the number of non-urea or “effective” urine osmoles and inversely proportional to their concentration in the medullary interstitial compartment (see following equation).

Consult SW-4: Osmotic Diuresis with An Emphasis on The Rate of Excretion of Urea


Acute hyponatremia

Chronic hyponatremia K  A 




H2O + H2O

Organic osmoles

FIGURE 24–6 The PNa reflects the ICF volume. The solid circle represents a cell. The ICF compartment contains macromolecular anions (P−) that are restricted to this compartment along with its major effective osmole, K+. The osmoles restricted to the ECF compartment are Na+ and its attendant anions (Cl− and HCO3−). Urea is not an effective osmole because there is a urea transporter that permits urea to achieve near-equal concentrations in the ECF and ICF compartments. There is osmotic equilibrium because water can cross the cell membrane rapidly through water channels (AQP1) in the cell membrane. The PNa is inversely proportional to the ICF volume (e.g., in acute hyponatremia shown on the left). Exceptions to this rule are when there are other “effective” osmoles in the ECF compartment (e.g., glucose, mannitol) or when the number of “effective” osmoles changes in the ICF compartment (e.g., brain cell volume CH 24 regulation in chronic hyponatremia [shown on the right], or during a seizure [not shown]).


PNa (mmol/L), start

in the ICU for a prolonged period, balance calculations will not be as accurate because sweat losses are not measured. For example, if the balance for water is recorded in the hospital chart, the clinician can determine why the PNa changed.18 When calculating a Na+ balance, be careful not to multiply the concentration of Na+ in the terminal potion of a long urine collection period by the total urine volume because the urine composition may have changed during this time. Calculation of An Electrolyte-Free Water Balance To perform this calculation, one must also know the volume and the concentrations of Na+ + K+ in the input and in the urine. The first step is decide how much water is needed to convert all of the Na+ + K+ into an isotonic saline solution (e.g., 150 mmol in 1 L of water in molal terms if the Posm is in the normal range). For example, if the concentration of Na+ + K+ in a urine sample were lower than in plasma, the remainder of the volume is called electrolyte-free water. Alternatively, had there been residual Na+ + K+, the excretion of the remaining electrolytes is given the very confusing name of “negative” electrolyte-free water. As shown in Table 24–2, an electrolyte-free water balance cannot distinguish between negative balances of water and positive balances for Na+ as the cause of the rise in the PNa. Accordingly, we do not use electrolyte-free water balances as they do not reveal the basis



PNa (140 mmol/L), start

(mmol) Na  K mmol L


( 300 mmol) Na  K mmol

Na H2O


Na  K 450 mmol

Na  K 150 mmol

Na H2O




(0 L)

PNa (mmol/L), end

PNa (150 mmol/L), end

FIGURE 24–7 Calculation of a tonicity balance. The rectangle represents the body with its concentration of Na+ in the ECF compartment at the beginning (written above this rectangle) and at the end (written below this rectangle) of this period where the tonicity balance is calculated. The input of Na+ + K+ and of water are shown on the left and their outputs are shown on the right of this rectangle. The essential data to calculate a tonicity balance are shown to the left of the vertical dashed line and actual values from Consult SW-5 are shown to the right of that line.

TABLE 24–2

Consult SW-5 Input Output Balance

Comparison of an Electrolyte-free Water Balance and a Tonicity Balance Na + K (mmol)

Water (L)


450 150 +300

3 3 0

0 2 -2

Therapy from Balances EFW


+2 L ? Na+

+0 L water −300 mmol Na+

Case if 4 L of isotonic saline were infused and the urine output was unchanged Input 600 4 0 +2 L −1 L Output 150 3 2 ? Na+ −450 mmol Na+ Balance +450 +1 -2 Case if no intravenous fluid was administered and the urine output was unchanged Input 0 0 0 +2 L +3 L Output 150 3 2 ? Na+ +150 mmol Na+ Balance -150 -3 -2 Three situations are described where the PNa rose from 140 mmol/L to 150 mmol/L. The only difference is the volume of isotonic saline infused over the time period of observation. In all three settings, there is a negative balance of 2 L of electrolyte-free water. Nevertheless, the goals of therapy to correct the hypernatremia are clear only after a tonicity balance is calculated. EFW, electrolyte-free water.

of the change in the PNa and hence do not help with the design of therapy to return the volume and composition of the ECF and ICF compartments to their normal values.

Consult SW-5: A Water Diuresis and An Osmotic Diuresis in the Same Patient? A craniopharyngioma was resected today from a 16-yearold male (weight 50 kg, total body water 30 L). During neurosurgery, his urine flow rate rose to 10 ml/min (3 L in 300 min) and his PNa rose from 140 mmol/L to 150 mmol/L. Over this period, he received 3 L of isotonic saline. His Uosm was 120 mOsm/kg H2O, and his urine Na+ + K+ concentration was 50 mmol/L. To confirm the diagnosis of central DI, he was given dDAVP; his urine flow rate fell to 6 ml/min, the UNa+K rose to 175 mmol/L, and his Uosm was 375 mOsm/kg H2O.


Discussion What is the “Expected” Renal Response to dDAVP? The initial information that will be available to assess the response to dDAVP is his urine flow rate; it is directly proportional to the osmole excretion rate and inversely proportional to the medullary interstitial osmolality. Osmole excretion rate: The osmole excretion rate before dDAVP is given is known—it is equal to the product of the Uosm (120 mOsm/kg H2O) and urine flow rate (10 ml/min), or 1.2 mosmol/min; this excretion rate is more than double the expected rate of 0.5 mosmol/min. Uosm: There will be a delay before the actual value is known, but we can predict what it might be; the “expected” value is ∼600 mOsm/kg H2O in an osmotic diuresis, but because the preceding large water diuresis would have “washed out” or lowered the osmolality in the medullary interstitial compartment, a reasonable prediction would be ∼400 mOsm/kg H2O. Nature of the osmoles: Prior to the administration of dDAVP, 5 of 6 of the osmoles in the urine were Na+ + K+ salts (UNa + UK = 50 mmol/L, Uosm 120 mOsm/kg H2O). Because electrolytes are “effective” osmoles whereas urea is not usually an “effective” osmole when vasopressin acts, his “effective” osmole excretion rate is even higher than expected from the osmole excretion rate calculated earlier. Summary: Based on all of the previous discussion, we would not be surprised to find a urine flow rate of ∼5 ml/min after dDAVP acts. In fact, once the effect of the anesthetic agent that diminished the tone of venous capacitance vessels abates, there will be an even higher “effective” osmole excretion rate (i.e., a larger natriuresis driven by the higher central venous pressure). Why Did His PNa Rise from 140 mmol/L to 150 mmol/L during His Large Water Diuresis? Tonicity balance: The patient received 3 L of water (as isotonic saline, but it is still 3 L of water in volume terms) and he excreted 3 L of urine (with a UNa + UK of 50 mmol/L, but it too is still water in volume terms). Accordingly, there is a nil balance of water. Balance data for Na+ + K+ reveal that he received 450 mmol (3 L × 150 mmol/L) and he excreted only 150 mmol (3 L × 50 mmol/L). Hence he has a positive balance of 300 mmol of Na+ + K+. Dividing this surplus by the total body water (30 L) suggests that the rise in PNa should be 10 mmol/L, a value equal to the actual rise in the PNa. Therefore the basis for the rise in PNa was a gain of Na+ and not a loss of water. The proper treatment to restore body tonicity and the volume and

Integration: Clinical Approach to the Patient with Polyuria In a patient with polyuria, a water diuresis is present when the Uosm is appreciably 1000 mosmol/day (see Fig. 24–5). Another factor that influences the urine flow rate in an osmotic diuresis is the medullary interstitial osmolality. To deduce which osmole is responsible for the osmotic diuresis, assess whether there is a high PGlucose or PUrea, whether sufficient amount of mannitol was infused, whether the patient has received a large amount of saline; and/or whether the patient has renal or cerebral salt wasting. The diagnosis of an osmotic diuresis has several important implications for the patient. First, it can induce a loss of Na+ in the urine, and thereby lead to contraction of the ECF volume (e.g., the patient with diabetic ketoacidosis [DKA]). Second, because the concentration of Na+ in the urine is usually much less than the PNa, the urinary loss can lead to the development of hypernatremia. Third, the source of the urine osmoles may be a high rate of excretion of glucose or urea that was derived from lean body mass (see “Consult SW-4”). To know whether a water or an osmotic diuresis will lead to a rise (or fall) in the PNa and to design appropriate therapy, one should calculate separate balances for water and Na+ (a tonicity balance). Concentrating Defect in the Renal Medulla There are two factors that influence the urine flow rate when vasopressin acts, the number of “effective” osmoles in the luminal fluid of the inner medullary collecting duct and the osmolality of the fluid in the medullary interstitial compartment. To illustrate the importance of each of these factors, consider a patient who has sickle cell anemia. In this disorder, there is obstruction of the blood vessels by sickled cells deep in the inner medulla. As a result, there is necrosis of the renal papilla. Since the inner medullary collecting duct is the nephron site where vasopressin causes the insertion of urea transporters, patients with papillary necrosis cannot reabsorb urea at appreciable rates when vasopressin acts. Therefore, urea becomes an “effective” urine osmole in this setting and it obligates the excretion of water. In addition, if urea cannot be reabsorbed as an isosmotic solution in the inner medullary collecting duct, this will prevent the

Interpretation of Electrolyte and Acid-Base Parameters in Blood and Urine

What is the “expected” renal response to dDAVP in this patient? Why did his PNa rise from 140 mmol/L to 150 mmol/L during his large water diuresis?

composition of the ECF and ICF compartments is to induce 763 a loss of 300 mmol of Na+. Parenthetically, even if there were no measurements of Na+ or K+ in the urine, these values can be calculated for the period where one has the following measured values; the PNa at the beginning and end of the balance period, water balance for that period, and the quantity of Na+ + K+ infused; details of the calculation and its verification can be found in Ref. 19.

+ − 764 reabsorption of Na and Cl from the thin ascending limb of the loop of Henle. Accordingly, the maximum medullary interstitial osmolality will be ∼600 mOsm/kg H2O. If this patient excretes 900 mosmol/day and all of the urine osmoles are “effective”, the minimum urine volume will be 1.5 L/day. Contrast these numbers with a subject who has a similar osmole excretion rate (1/2 urea, 1/2 electrolytes) who has a normal papilla, but a maximum Uosm that is also 600 mosmol/ kg H2O. After vasopressin acts, there will be an insertion of urea transporters in the inner medullary collecting duct and the concentration of urea will be equal in the lumen of the inner medullary collecting duct and in the papillary interstitial compartment. Therefore, his rate of excretion of effective osmoles would be 1/2 of 900 mosmol/day or 450 mosmol/ day. Accordingly, his daily urine volume would be 0.75 L (450 mosmol/600 mOsm/L), much less than in the patient with sickle cell anemia. This example illustrates the complexities of a concentrating defect with a given maximum Uosm because if the lesion CH 24 converts urinary urea into an “effective” urine osmole, the daily urine volume will increase ∼ twofold.

Defense of the Extracellular Fluid Volume Concept SW-6 The volume of the ECF compartment is largely determined by its quantity of Na+. The most reliable way to know how much Na+ is present in the ECF compartment is to measure the PNa and to multiply this value by the ECF volume. This requires a quantitative assessment of the ECF volume. Concept SW-7 Na+ wasting can only be diagnosed when there is excretion of too much Na+; the term “wasting” implies that the ECF volume must be low. To make a diagnosis of renal or cerebral salt wasting, one needs a quantitative estimate of the ECF volume.

Tools Estimate the Extracellular Fluid Volume The physical examination, the concentrations of K+, HCO3−, creatinine, urea, and urate in plasma as well as the fractional excretions of the latter two are useful at times to imply that the “effective” ECF volume may be contracted. Nevertheless, none of the above provides a quantitative estimate of the ECF volume. For the latter, we rely on the hematocrit (or a change in the hematocrit with therapy in the patient who has anemia or erythrocytosis) (Table 24–3). Sample calculation: In a normal adult, the usual hematocrit is 0.40; this represents a blood volume of 5 L (2 L of red blood cells (RBC) and 3 L of plasma; see following equation). Therefore, with a hematocrit of 0.50, there are still 2 L of RBC. Solving for “X”—the present blood volume—it is 4 L and the plasma volume is 2 L (+2 L RBC)—hence the plasma volume

is reduced by 1 L from its normal 3 L value. Ignoring changes in Starling forces for simplicity, the ECF volume should have declined to approximately two thirds of its normal volume. Hematocrit (0.40) = 2 L RBC/Blood volume (2 L RBC + 3 L plasma) Hematocrit (0.50) = 2 L RBC/“X” L blood volume Basis for the Low Extracellular Fluid Volume Measuring the urine electrolytes can be very helpful to gain insights into the basis for a contracted ECF volume (Table 24–4). As background, the expected response to a low “effective” arterial blood volume is to excrete as little Na+ and Cl− as possible. Because timed urine collections to calculate absolute rates of excretion of Na+ and Cl− are seldom obtained, clinicians should interpret the UNa and UCl in a spot urine sample. A low UNa or a low UCl (or both) does not necessarily indicate a low rate of excretion of Na+ and/or Cl− if the urine flow rate is high. To avoid this type of error, the UNa and UCl should be related to the urine creatinine concentration (UCreatinine). A Low Rate of Excretion of Na+ and ClThis pattern may suggest a low intake of NaCl or that the effective arterial blood volume is contracted due to a loss of NaCl by a non-renal route (e.g., by sweating), or that there was a prior renal loss of Na+ and Cl− (e.g., remote use of diuretics). A High Rate of Excretion of Na+ but Little Excretion of ClIn a patient with a low effective arterial blood volume, there is an anion other than Cl− being excreted with Na+. If the anion is HCO3− (the urine pH is alkaline), suspect recent vomiting. The anion could also be one that was ingested or administered (e.g., penicillin) in which case, the urine pH is usually less than 6. A High Rate of Excretion of Cl- but Little Excretion of Na+ In this patient with a low “effective” arterial blood volume, there is a cation being excreted with Cl− other than Na+. Most often the cation is NH4+ and the setting is diarrhea or laxative abuse. Rarely the cation could be K+ if KCl was ingested. The Excretions of Na+ and Cl- Are Not Low In a patient who has a low effective arterial blood volume, a high rate of excretion of both Na+ and Cl− suggests that the patient has a deficit of a stimulator of the reabsorption of Na+

TABLE 24–4

Urine Electrolytes in the Differential Diagnosis of Extracellular Fluid Volume Contraction


Urine Electrolyte Na

TABLE 24–3

Use of the Hematocrit to Estimate the Extracellular Fluid Volume


Hemoglobin (g/L)

% Change in ECF Volume










The assumptions made when using this calculation are that the patient did not have anemia or erythrocytosis, that the RBC volume is 2 L, and the plasma volume is 3 L (blood volume 5 L). The formula is: hematocrit = RBC volume/ (RBC volume + plasma volume). ECF, extracellular fluid.



Vomiting Recent Remote

High* Low

Low† Low

Diuretics Recent Remote

High Low

High Low

Diarrhea or laxative abuse



Bartter or Gitelman syndrome



*High = Urine concentration > 15 mmol/L. † Low = Urine concentration < 15 mmol/L. Adjust values for the urine electrolyte concentration when polyuria is present.

and Cl− (e.g., aldosterone), the presence of an inhibitor of the reabsorption of NaCl (e.g., a diuretic), or an intrinsic renal lesion that is similar to having the actions of a diuretic (discussed later in “Potassium and Metabolic Alkalosis”). The pattern of excretion of electrolytes throughout the day can also be very important. For example, if there are times when the UNa and UCl are both low, this suggests that the patient is taking a diuretic.

17 mEq/L, PK was 1.9 mmol/L, hematocrit was 0.50, and her 765 PAlbumin was 5.0 g/dL (50 g/L). The urine electrolytes prior to therapy were UNa 0 mmol/L, UCl 42 mmol/L, and UK 23 mmol/L.

Fractional Excretion of Na+ or ClOn a typical western diet, the daily excretions of Na+ and Cl− are ∼150 mmol. Because a normal GFR is ∼180 L/day, the kidney filters ∼27,000 mmol of Na+ and 20,000 mmol of Cl− per day (adjusting the PNa and PCl per plasma water). Rather then expressing this function in fractional reabsorption terms (>99%), it is common to express them as fractional excretion terms (FENa ∼ 0.5%, FECl ∼ 0.75%). To make this calculation of the fractional excretion as simple as possible, the urine to plasma ratio for creatinine is used (see following equation).


There are three practical points to bear in mind when using the FENa or FECl. First, the excretions of Na+ and Cl− are directly related to the dietary intake of NaCl. Hence a low FENa or FECl may represent either a low effective arterial blood volume or a low intake of NaCl (or both). Second, the FENa or FECl may be high in a patient with a low “effective” arterial blood volume when there is an unusually large excretion of another anion (e.g., HCO3−) in the case of Na+ or another cation (e.g., NH4+) in the case of Cl−. Third, the numeric values for the FENa and the FECl will be twice as high in a euvolemic patient who consumes 150 mmol of NaCl daily if that patient has a GFR that is half of normal. Hence the clinical significance of these FENa and FECl numeric values must be adjusted for the GFR at the time when the measurements are made. In addition, there are problems with respect to accuracy when creatinine is used to measure the GFR. Nevertheless, the use of these parameters may be of value in the differential diagnosis of pre-renal azotemia versus acute tubular necrosis (ATN).20 The advantage of using these tests in this setting over the use of the UNa and UCl is that the use of UCreatinine/PCreatinine adjusts these concentration terms for water reabsorption in the nephron.

Determine the Nephron Site with an Abnormal Reabsorption of Na+ Look for Failure to Reabsorb Other Substances If a compound or ion that should have been reabsorbed in a given nephron segment is being excreted, one has presumptive evidence for a reabsorptive defect in that nephron segment. For example, if the defect is in the PCT, one might find glucosuria in the absence of hyperglycemia. Compensatory Effects in Downstream Nephron Segments When there is inhibition of the reabsorption of NaCl in upstream nephron segments, more NaCl is delivered to the CCD, where the reabsorption of Na+ may occur in conjunction with K+ secretion.

Consult SW-6: Assessment of the “Effective” Arterial Blood Volume A 25-year-old female was assessed by her family physician because of progressive weakness. Although she admitted to being concerned about her body image, she denied vomiting or the intake of diuretics. Her blood pressure was 90/60 mm Hg, her pulse rate was 110 beats/min, and her jugular venous pressure was low. Acid-base measurements in arterial blood revealed a pH 7.39 and a PCO2 of 39 mm Hg. In results from venous blood, her PHCO3 was 24 mmol/L, PAnion gap was

How severe is her degree of ECF volume contraction? What is the cause of her low ECF volume?

How Severe Is Her Degree of extracellular Fluid Volume Contraction? The elevated value for the hematocrit (0.50) provides quantitative information about her ECF volume (see Table 24–3)21; her ECF volume is reduced by 33% if she did not have anemia prior to therapy. If anemia were present, her ECF volume would be even more reduced. What Is the Cause of Her Low Extracellular Fluid Volume? CH 24 The low UNa implies that the “effective” arterial blood volume is low if the patient is not consuming a low salt diet. Nevertheless, the high UCl (42 mmol/L) does not necessarily indicate an intrinsic renal abnormality. Rather, the fact that her UCl exceeded the sum of her UNa + UK suggested that there was another cation in that urine, most likely NH4+.


Calculating the content of HCO3− in her ECF reveals that she had a deficit of NaHCO3 (see “Metabolic Acidosis” for more discussion). Loss of NaCl plus NaHCO3 via the GI tract was suspected as the cause of contracted ECF volume. The patient later admitted to the frequent use of a laxative. Hence the hypokalemia and contracted effective ECF volume are easily accounted for. Hypokalemia stimulated ammoniagenesis, raising the rate of excretion of the cation NH4+; this obligated the excretion of Cl− despite the presence of a low effective circulating volume.

POTASSIUM AND METABOLIC ALKALOSIS We combine disorders of K+ homeostasis and metabolic alkalosis in this section because a deficiency of KCl plays an important role in the pathophysiology of metabolic alkalosis.

Dyskalemias Hypokalemia and hyperkalemia are common electrolyte disorders in clinical practice that may precipitate lifethreatening cardiac arrhythmias. Data from urine measurements provide essential evidence to establish their underlying pathophysiology and to suggest options for therapy. Concept K-1 There are two factors that influence the movement of K+ across cell membranes: first, a driving force, which is the concentration difference for K+ and the electrical voltage across cell membranes and second, the presence of open K+ channels in cell membranes. K+ are kept inside the cells by a net negative interior voltage because the Na-K-ATPase is an electrogenic pump—exporting 3 Na+ while importing 2 K+.22 The Na-K-ATPase can cause more K+ ions to enter cells if there is a higher concentration of intracellular Na+ or if this ion pump is activated by β2adrenergics, thyroid hormone, or insulin.23 For the former to result in an increase in cell negative voltage, Na+ entry into cells must be electroneutral (e.g., via the Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE) (Fig. 24–8). NHE is almost always inactive in cell membranes, but it becomes active if there is a high concentration of insulin and/or a high H+ concentration in the ICF compartment.24

Interpretation of Electrolyte and Acid-Base Parameters in Blood and Urine

FENa = 100 × (UNa/PNa)/(UCreatinine/PCreatinine)





Na Na 

Electro-neutral H

Negative H


Potassium issues

Water issues

3 Na Na-K-ATPase 2 K


40 mmol K

[K] CCD 40 mM


Insulin FIGURE 24–8 Factors influencing the movement of K+ across cell membranes. The passive movement of K+ across cell membranes requires a driving force (voltage and/or a concentration difference) and an open K+ channel. The active transport of Na+ from cells is by the electrogenic Na-K-ATPase increases the intracellular negative voltage. The source of the intracellular Na+ is the electro-neutral entry of Na+ via NHE (activated by insulin or a high ICF [H+]) or the existing ICF Na+ content. β2 adrenergic agonists activate the Na-K-ATPase.

CH 24 Concept K-2 There is no normal rate of K+ excretion in the urine because normal subjects in steady state excrete all the K+ they eat and absorb from the GI tract. In a patient with hypokalemia or hyperkalemia, the “expected” rate of K+ excretion is the one observed when normal subjects were deprived of K+ or given a large load of KCl. Concept K-3 Chronic disorders of K+ homeostasis are due to abnormal rates of renal excretion of K+. This regulation occurs primarily in the late cortical distal nephron including the cortical collecting duct (CCD). This process has two components—the secretion of K+ by principal cells and the rate of flow traversing the CCD.


Rate of Excretion of K+ The appropriate renal response is to excrete as little K+ as possible when there is a deficit of K+ (i.e., 200 mmol/day).26 A 24-hour urine collection is not necessary to assess the rate of excretion of K+. Taking advantage of the fact that creatinine is excreted at a near-constant rate throughout the day (200 µmol/min/kg body weight or 20 mg/min/kg body weight),27 the same information about the rate of excretion of K+ from a 24-hour urine collection can be obtained by examining the UK/UCreatinine ratio in a spot-urine. Furthermore, The UK/UCreatinine has an advantage because the data are available very quickly and more relevant information is gathered because one knows the stimulus (PK) influencing K+ excretion at that time. On the other hand, it has a disadvantage because there is a diurnal variation in K+ excretion,28 but this does not negate the advantages. The expected UK/ UCreatinine ratio in a patient with hypokalemia is 200 mmol K+/g creatinine (>20 in mmol K+/mmol creatinine) in a patient with hyperkalemia.

H2O 300 mOsm/L

300 mOsm/L 1L

Back calculate

0.75 L


UK 160 mM

40 mmol K 0.25 L

1200 mOsm/L

FIGURE 24–9 Non-invasive estimate of the flow rate and the [K+] in the terminal CCD. The barrel-shaped structures represent the CCD and the arrow below it represents the medullary collecting duct (MCD). As shown in the right side of the CCD, when vasopressin acts, the Posm and the osmolality in the luminal fluid in the terminal CCD are equal (e.g., 300 mOsm/kg H2O); hence the flow rate in the terminal CCD is determined by the rate of delivery of osmoles. In the example shown on the left side, the luminal K+ concentration is 40 mmol/L or 10-fold larger than the peritubular K+ concentration of 4 mmol/L. When 1 L of fluid traverses the MCD, 75% of this water is reabsorbed (and no K+ was reabsorbed or secreted in the MCD in this example). Hence the UK is fourfold higher (40 mmol/L to 160 mmol/L) as is the Uosm (300 to 1200 mOsm/kg H2O). To backcalculate the [K+]CCD, the UK is divided by the (U/P)osm.

osmoles because the luminal osmolality is relatively constant (equal to the Posm) and all the luminal osmoles are “effective” ones in this nephron site. Therefore one can obtain a minimum estimate of the rate of flow in terminal CCD by dividing the rate of excretion of osmoles by the Posm (see following equation) (Fig. 24–9). This provides a minimum estimate of flow rate in terminal CCD because of reabsorption of some osmoles in the medullary collecting duct. Flow rateCCD = (Urine flow rate × U



Calculate the Components of the Rate of Excretion of K+ in the terminal Cortical Collecting Duct If the rate of K+ excretion is inappropriate for the presence of hypokalemia or hyperkalemia, both components of the K+ excretion formula (flow rate and [K+]) should be examined in terms of events in the terminal CCD (see following equation).29

The “usual” rate of osmole excretion is ∼0.5 mosmol/min or 600 mosmol/day to 900 mosmol/day so a minimum estimate of flow rate in the terminal CCD is 2 L/day to 3 L/day. The major osmoles in the terminal CCD are urea and Na+ plus Cl−. Hence a low flow rate in the terminal CCD could be due to a low delivery of urea (low intake of proteins) and/or of Na+ and Cl− (low effective circulating volume, low intake of salt). On the other hand, a high flow rate in the CCD could be due to inhibition of the reabsorption of NaCl in an upstream nephron segment (a high salt intake, use of a diuretic [osmotic or pharmacologic]), or diseases that lead to an inhibition of reabsorption of NaCl in an upstream nephron segment (e.g., Bartter syndrome or Gitelman syndrome). During a water diuresis, while the rate of flow in the CCD is high, the rate of excretion of K+ is not because vasopressin is required for K+ secretion in the CCD.30 [K+] in the lumen of the terminal CCD ([K+]CCD): A reasonable approximation of the [K+]CCD can be obtained by adjusting the UK for the amount of water reabsorbed in the MCD (see Fig. 24–9). The assumption here is that there is little K+ secretion or reabsorption occurs in the MCD (reasonable in most circumstances; see the following equation).

K+ in the lumen of the CCD = [K+]CCD × Flow rateCCD

[K+]CCD = [K+]urine/(U/P)Osm

Flow rate in the terminal CCD: When vasopressin acts, the luminal osmolality is equal to the Posm and the flow rate in the terminal CCD is determined by the rate of delivery of

Transtubular [K+] Gradient (TTKG) To calculate the TTKG, divide the [K+]CCD by the PK (see following equation). The TTKG offers an advantage over the

Electroneutral: Reabsorb Na  Cl FIGURE 24–10 K+ secretion in the cortical collecting duct. The barrelshaped structures represent the CCD and the rectangles represent principal cells. Na+ ions are reabsorbed via ENaC; their reabsorption is increased by aldosterone (the shaded enlarged circle). Net secretion of K+ occurs through their specific ion channel (ROM-K). Electroneutral reabsorption of Na+ and Cl− (shown to the left of the vertical dashed line) does not generate a lumen-negative voltage, which diminishes the secretion of K+. Electrogenic reabsorption of Na+ enhances the secretion of K+ (e.g., HCO3− and/or an alkaline luminal pH decreases the apparent permeability for Cl− in the CCD; this is shown to the right of the dashed vertical line).

TABLE 24–5

Plasma Renin and Aldosterone to Assess the Basis of Hypokalemia due to a Fast Na Type Lesion

Kidney lesions Renal artery stenosis Malignant hypertension Renin-secreting tumor Liddle syndrome 11β-HSDH fails to remove all cortisol Hereditary defect (AME) Inhibition (e.g., licorice ingestion) Saturated because of ectopic ACTH







TABLE 24–6


Data for Consult K-1 Blood






Renin Low

Aldosterone High









1 g/L
















High High High Low

High High High Low

Low Low Low

Low Low Usually low

For details, see text. AME, apparent mineralocorticoid excess syndrome; 11β-HSDH, 11 β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; GRA, glucocorticoid-remedial aldosteronism.

[K+]CCD because it permits one to relate the [K+]CCD to the PK.31 The expected value for the TTKG in a patient with hypokalemia due to a non-renal cause is 7. TTKG = [K+]CCD/PK Establish the Basis for the Abnormal [K+]CCD The driving force for the net secretion of K+ in the cortical distal nephron is a lumen-negative transepithelial voltage generated by the “electrogenic” reabsorption of Na+ (i.e., Na+ is reabsorbed faster than Cl−) (Fig. 24–10). For secretion of K+, open channels for K+ must be in the luminal membrane.32 In a patient with hypokalemia, a higher than expected [K+]CCD implies that the lumen-negative voltage is abnormally more negative and that open luminal ROMK channels are present in the CCD.32 The former could be due to reabsorbing Na+ “faster” than Cl− in the CCD. The converse is true in a patient with hyperkalemia and a lower than expected [K+]CCD. The clinical indices that help in this differential diagnosis of the pathophysiology of the abnormal rate of electrogenic reabsorption of Na+ in CCD are an assessment of the ECF volume and the ability to conserve Na+ and Cl− in response to a contracted effective arterial blood volume. The measurement of the activity of renin (Prenin) and the level of aldosterone in plasma (PAldosterone) are helpful in patients with hypokalemia (Table 24–5).29

Consult K-1: Hypokalemia and A Low Rate of Excretion of K+ A 35-year-old obese, Asian male developed extreme weakness progressing to paralysis over a period of 12 hours. It was

7.40 mm Hg

CH 24


preceded by his routine exercise after eating a carbohydraterich meal. He has had three similar attacks of paralysis in the past 6 months, but there was no family history of hypokalemia, paralysis, or hyperthyroidism. He denied the intake of laxatives and diuretic use, but he did take amphetamines to induce weight loss. On physical examination, he was alert and oriented; blood pressure was 150/70 mm Hg, heart rate was 124 beats/min, and respiratory rate was 18 per minute. Symmetrical flaccid paralysis with areflexia was present in all four limbs. There were no other abnormal findings on examination. The pH and PCO2 in Table 24–6 were from arterial blood whereas all other data were from venous blood. The EKG showed prominent U waves. On subsequent evaluation, tests indicated thyroid function was normal.

Questions Is there a medical emergency? What is the basis of the hypokalemia? What are the major options for therapy?

Discussion Is There A Medical Emergency? Because the EKG did not show significant changes due to hypokalemia and because respiratory muscle weakness was not evident from the arterial PCO2, there were no emergencies that required urgent therapy (Fig. 24–11). What Is the Basis of the Hypokalemia? Rate of excretion of K+: Because the time course was short, the major basis for his acute hypokalemia is a shift of K+ into cells. In support of this diagnosis, his UK/UCreatinine was 15 in mmol/mmol terms).

Consult M Ac-2: Metabolic Acidosis Due to Glue Sniffing A 28-year-old male sniffs glue on a regular basis. He developed profound weakness over the course of 3 days. On physical examination, his ECF volume was obviously contracted. His pH and PCO2 were from arterial blood and the other data were from venous blood; his venous PCO2 was 70 mm Hg, PGlucose was 3.5 mmol/L (63 mg/dL), and his PAlbumin was 4.5 g/dL (45 g/L) (Table 24–14).

Questions What is the basis for the metabolic acidosis? What dangers are implied from the high rate of excretion of anions in the urine?

Tools Detect Toxic Alcohols The presence of alcohols in plasma can be detected by finding a large increase in plasma osmolal gap (Posm gap) (see following equation). This occurs because the compound is uncharged, has a low molecular weight, and because large quantities have been ingested. Posm



Measured osmolality

= Measured Posm − (2 PNa + PGlucose + PUrea), all in mmol/L terms

Concept M Ac-5 The expected renal response to chronic metabolic acidosis is a high rate of excretion of NH4+. In a patient with chronic metabolic acidosis, the expected rate of excretion of NH4+ should be >200 mmol/day.59 We stress the term “chronic” because there is a lag period of a few days before high rates of excretion of NH4+ can be achieved.

TABLE 24–14

HCO3 +






Measured Uosm

Urea  2 (Na  K)

FIGURE 24–26 Use of the urine osmolal gap to reflect the concentration of NH4+ in the urine. Because most urine anions are monovalent, the UNH4 is equal to one half the Uosmolal gap.

Data for Consult MAC-2

pH −













15 120 1.7 245

7 suggests that NH4+ excretion is low because there is a defect in H+ secretion and/or that there was a high rate of excretion of HCO3− in the distal nephron (Fig. 24–28). Assess Distal H+ Secretion H+ secretion in the distal nephron can be evaluated using the PCO2 in alkaline urine (UPCO2) (Fig. 24–29). A UPCO2 that is ∼70 mm Hg in a second-voided alkaline urine implies that H+

CH 24

Interpretation of Electrolyte and Acid-Base Parameters in Blood and Urine


 NH3 → NH4

780 secretion in the distal nephron is likely to be normal whereas much lower UPCO2 values suggest that distal H+ secretion is impaired.65 In patients with low net distal H+ secretion, the UPCO2 can be high if there is a lesion causing a back-leak of H+ from the lumen of the collecting ducts (e.g., use of amphotericin B66) or distal secretion of HCO3− as in some patients with SAO who also have a second mutation in their HCO3−/ Cl− anion exchanger that leads to mis-targeting of the exchanger to the luminal membrane of the α-intercalated cells.54,63 A caveat with this test is that the UPCO2 is also influenced by the renal concentrating ability.67 Tools to Assess Proximal Cell pH Fractional excretion of HCO3−: In patients with metabolic acidosis associated with a low capacity to reabsorb filtered HCO3− (e.g., disorders with defects in H+ secretion in the PCT called proximal RTA), some would measure the fractional excretion of HCO3− after infusing NaHCO3 to confirm this diagnosis. This is rarely needed in our opinion— CH 24 often the results are far from clear (e.g., in a patient with an abnormal ECF volume or PK) and, in addition, the test can impose a danger (e.g., in a patient with a low PK). These patients will be detected clinically by failure to correct their metabolic acidosis despite being given large amounts of NaHCO3. Rate of citrate excretion: The rate of excretion of citrate is a marker of pH in cells of the PCT.68 The daily rate of excretion of citrate in children and adults consuming their usual diet



‘Delay’ Urine PCO2 FIGURE 24–29 The basis for an increased PCO2 in alkaline urine. When NaHCO3 is given, there is a large delivery of HCO3 to the distal nephron, which makes HCO3− virtually the only H+ acceptor in its lumen. Because there is no luminal carbonic anhydrase (CA), the H2CO3 formed will be delivered downstream and form CO2 plus water. Thus a urine PCO2 that is appreciably higher than the plasma PCO2 provides evidence for distal H+ secretion. The PCO2 in alkaline urine will be low if there is a lesion involving the H+-ATPase or causes an alkaline cell pH in intercalated cells in the distal nephron. If the lesion is one that causes back-leak of H+ or distal secretion of HCO3−, the urine PCO2 will be high.

TABLE 24–15



Questions What is the basis of the hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis? What is the basis for the low rate of excretion of NH4+?

Discussion What Is the Basis of the Hyperchloremic Metabolic Acidosis? Urine osmolar gap: The patient had a low UNH4 because her measured Uosm (450 mOsm/kg H2O) was very similar to her calculated Uosm [420 mOsm/kg H2O, i.e., 2 (UNa 75 + UK 35 mmol/L) + UUrea (220 mOsm/kg H2O) + UGlucose (0)]. In addition, her rate of excretion of NH4+ was low because the ratio of UNH4/UCreatinine was very low. Because her GFR was not very low, the diagnosis is renal tubular acidosis (RTA).

The high urine pH and the low rate of excretion of NH4+ suggested that she had a defect in distal H+ secretion. H+ secretion by her PCT seemed to be intact (her PHCO3 remained in the normal range after initial therapy, Ucitrate was low, and her FEHCO3 was 50% decrement in GFR but patients with serum creatinine >2 mg/dl were specifically excluded resulting in only a minority of patients (5662 of 33,357) having renal disease (estimated GFR < 60 ml/min/1.73m2). Furthermore, there was no assessment of proteinuria.393 Thus inclusion of the ALLHAT data was inappropriate and significantly affected the results of the meta-analysis.394 Other meta-analyses that did not include ALLHAT data have shown significant renoprotective benefit in patients receiving ACEI treatment.395,396 In summary there is now evidence from multiple randomized trials showing significant renoprotection associated with pharmacological inhibition of the RAS in a wide variety of forms of CKD, confirming that AII is a critical mediator of mechanisms of CKD progression in humans and providing support for the consensus that RAS inhibition should be central to treatment strategies for slowing CKD progression.397 The role of RAS inhibitor treatment in achieving optimal renoprotection is discussed further in Chapter 54.

Arterial Hypertension Malignant hypertension frequently leads to renal injury, but whether or not less severe forms of hypertension cause “hypertensive nephrosclerosis” remains a subject of debate.398,399 An increased risk of developing progressive renal failure with higher levels of blood pressure has been observed in several population-based studies400–403 and is exemplified by findings from the Multiple Risk Factors Intervention Trial (MRFIT).404 In a population of 332,544 men there was a strong, graded relationship between blood pressure and the risk of developing or dying with ESRD over a 15- to 17-year follow-up period. Renal function was not assessed at screening or during follow-up, however, so it is not possible to establish with any certainty whether higher blood pressure initiated renal disease or accelerated a nephropathy that was already present. In one study the importance of hypertension as a risk factor for ESRD was further illustrated by the observation that lowering systolic blood pressure by 20 mm Hg reduced the risk of ESRD by two thirds.401 Even small increases in blood pressure, below the threshold usually used to define hypertension, are associated with an increased risk of ESRD.400,402,405 Hypertension has also been identified as a risk factor for developing albuminuria or renal impairment among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.406 Whereas the role of hypertension in initiating renal disease requires further clarification, there is clear evidence that hypertension accelerates the rate of progression of preexisting renal disease, most likely through transmission of raised hydraulic blood pressure to the glomerulus resulting in exacerbation of glomerular capillary hypertension associated with nephron loss.2 Among patients with diabetic nephropathy and non-diabetic CKD, the initiation of antihypertensive therapy results in significant reductions in rates of GFR decline implying that hypertension, an almost universal consequence of impaired renal function, also contributes to the progression of CKD.407 The potential impact of hypertension on the kidney is exemplified by case reports of patients with unilateral renal artery stenosis who manifested diabetic nephropathy or focal segmental glomerulosclerosis only in the non-stenotic kidney, and not in the stenotic side that was

blood pressure attained is important in CKD patients receiv- 803 ing ACEI or AT1RA treatment. Experimental studies have found systolic blood pressure to be a major determinant of glomerular injury in rats receiving either ACEI or AT1RA treatment.190,413 Moreover among patients with type 1 diabetes and established nephropathy receiving ACEI treatment, randomization to a low (MAP < 92 mm Hg) versus “usual” (MAP = 100–107 mm Hg) blood pressure target was associated with significantly lower levels of proteinuria after 2 years, although there was no significant difference in GFR decline.414 On the other hand intensive blood pressure control was not associated with significantly improved renal function among patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease but, by the authors’ own admission, the study may not have had adequate statistical power to detect such a difference.415 Furthermore, additional blood pressure reduction with a calcium channel blocker in patients with non-diabetic CKD on ACEI treatment failed to produce additional renoprotection but the degree of additional blood pressure reduction was modest (4.1/2.8 mm Hg) and may have been insufficient CH 25 to improve outcomes in patients already receiving optimal ACEI therapy.416 On the other hand, secondary analysis of data from the Irbesartan Diabetic Nephropathy Trial (IDNT) did show greater renoprotection among patients who achieved lower blood pressure targets such that achieved systolic blood pressure (SBP) >149 mm Hg was associated with a 2.2-fold increased risk of developing ESRD or a doubling of serum creatinine versus achieved SBP < 134 mm Hg.417 Importantly, the relationship between improved outcomes and lower achieved SBP persisted among those patients treated with irbesartan. A note of caution from this study was the observation that achieved SBP < 120 mm Hg was associated with increased all-cause mortality and no further improvement in renal outcomes.417 Whereas the results of randomized trials comparing “low” and “usual” blood pressure targets among CKD patients have not yielded unequivocal results, the overall picture is one of lower blood pressure targets being associated with more effective renoprotection among those with more severe proteinuria. These observations have led to a consensus that blood pressure should be lowered to 3.0 _ 92 98 Mean follow-up MAP (mm Hg)




804 associated with increases in renal mass, renal blood flow, and GFR, as well as a decrease in renal vascular resistance. The magnitude of the increases in GFR and renal blood flow in response to a protein load is a function of renal reserve. In patients with renal insufficiency some studies have shown that the percentage increase in GFR in response to a protein meal is reduced in those with a lower baseline GFR.418,419 In contrast, a study comparing the renal response to an oral protein load in patients with moderate and advanced renal failure found a similar percent increase in GFR over baseline in both groups, demonstrating that even with advanced renal disease, some renal reserve is still present and that elevated intake of dietary protein may have undesirable effects on glomerular hemodynamics at all levels of renal function.420 To understand the mechanisms whereby protein loading acutely augments renal function, various components of protein diets have been examined individually: administration of equivalent quantities of urea, sulfate, acid, and vegetable protein to dogs or humans all failed to reproduce a meat CH 25 protein-induced rise in GFR.421–423 In contrast, feeding or infusion of mixed or individual amino acids (e.g., glycine, Larginine) was shown to effect increases in GFR of similar magnitude to those seen with meat ingestion.424,425 Micropuncture experiments demonstrated that amino acid infusion resulted in increases in glomerular plasma flow and transcapillary hydraulic pressure difference, thereby raising SNGFR without affecting the ultrafiltration coefficient.424 Interestingly, however, perfusion of the isolated kidney with an amino acid mixture resulted in only a modest increase in GFR.426 Taken together, these observations suggest that amino acids themselves do not have a major direct effect on renal hemodynamics, but their effects appear to be mediated by an intermediate compound generated only in the intact organism. Glucagon, the secretion of which is stimulated by protein feeding, has been proposed as such a mediator. GFR and renal blood flow increase in response to glucagon infusion in dogs.425 Furthermore, administration of the glucagon antagonist, somatostatin, consistently blocks amino acid-induced augmentation in renal function both in humans and rats.424,427 Large protein meals are also rich in minerals, potassium, phosphate, and acids. Indeed, after feeding a protein meal to dogs, the excretions of sodium, potassium, phosphorus, and urea were found to increase in parallel to the increase in GFR.421 On the other hand, sodium chloride reabsorption in the proximal tubule and loop of Henle was found to be increased in rats maintained on a high protein diet.428 As result, less sodium and chloride would be delivered to the macula densa, thereby inhibiting tubulo-glomerular feedback and adding a further stimulus to renal hyperemia. Because dietary protein does not affect systemic blood pressure,424 other factors have been suggested to contribute to the renal hemodynamic changes following a protein load. Administration of the nitric oxide inhibitor L-NMMA or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents have been shown to blunt the renal hyperemic response to an oral protein load in both rats and humans, invoking a role for nitric oxide and prostaglandins.428,429 In addition, AII and endothelin have been proposed as mediators of protein-induced renal injury as low protein diets have been shown to reduce renal endothelin-1, endothelin receptors A and B, and AT1 receptor mRNA expression in PAN-injected and normal rats.430,431 It has been proposed that the augmented renal function induced by dietary protein may be an evolutionary adaptation of the kidney to the intermittent heavy protein intake of the hunter-gatherer.3 Renal hyperfunction following a protein load would serve to facilitate excretion of the waste products of protein catabolism and other dietary components thereby achieving homeostasis in the face of an abrupt increase in consumption in times of nutritional plenty; the subsequent decline of GFR to baseline during the intervals between meals

would then favor mechanisms suited to conservation of fluid and electrolytes in times of scarcity. Persistent renal hyperfunction due to continuous excessive protein intake, however, leads to renal injury in experimental models. Laboratory animals with intact kidneys and ingesting food ad libitum become proteinuric and develop glomerulosclerosis with age.3,131,432 This progression was significantly attenuated by feeding animals on alternate days only.131 Furthermore, aging rats fed a high protein diet ad libitum showed marked acceleration and increased severity of renal injury compared to rats receiving a normal protein diet, whereas rats fed a low protein diet were protected from renal injury.432 Similarly, in diabetic rats, progression of nephropathy was markedly accelerated in the setting of a high protein diet and substantially attenuated by a low protein diet.180 In this study, kidney weight in high-protein-fed diabetic rats was significantly greater than in diabetic rats receiving normal protein diets, suggesting that protein-induced renal hypertrophy may itself contribute to acceleration of renal functional deterioration. As discussed earlier, the renoprotective effects of dietary protein restriction in experimental animals are associated with virtual normalization of PGC and SNGFR.6 Despite unambiguous evidence from experimental studies, confirmation of a beneficial effect of protein restriction in clinical trials has proved elusive. Following the publication of several smaller studies that generally suggested a beneficial effect from protein restriction but that suffered from deficiencies in design or patient compliance, a large, multicenter, randomized study, the MDRD study, was conducted to resolve the issue.410 Five hundred eighty-five patients with moderate chronic renal failure (GFR = 25–55 ml/min/1.73m2) were randomized to “usual” (1.3 g/kg/day) or “low” (0.58 g/kg/day) protein diet (study 1) and 255 patients with severe chronic renal failure (GFR = 13–24 ml/min/1.73m2) to “low” (0.58 g/ kg/day) or “very low” (0.28 g/kg/day) protein diet. All causes of CKD were included but patients with diabetes mellitus requiring insulin therapy were excluded. Patients were also assigned to different levels of blood pressure control. After a mean of 2.2 years follow-up, the primary analysis revealed no difference in the mean rate of GFR decline in study 1, and only a trend toward a slower rate of decline in the “very low” protein group in study 2. Secondary analyses of the MDRD data, however, revealed that dietary protein restriction probably did achieve beneficial effects. In study 1 “low” protein diet was associated with an initial reduction in GFR that likely resulted from the functional effects of decreased protein intake and not from loss of nephrons. This initial reduction in GFR obscured a later reduction in the rate of GFR decline that was evident after 4 months in the “low”protein group and that may have resulted in more robust evidence of renoprotection had follow-up been continued for a longer period.433 Despite inconclusive findings in several of the individual studies, three meta-analyses have each concluded that dietary protein restriction is associated with a reduced risk of ESRD (odds ratio of 0.62 and 0.67, respectively)434,435 as well as a modest reduction in the rate of estimated GFR decline (0.53 ml/min/year).436 Whereas the renoprotective benefit of dietary protein restriction in humans appears modest, such dietary restriction is associated with other benefits including improvement in acidosis as well as reduction in phosphorus and potassium load. Thus comprehensive dietary intervention with a moderate restriction in dietary protein intake should remain an important part of the treatment of patients with CKD.437 The interaction of diet and kidney disease is discussed further in Chapter 53.

Gender Laboratory studies indicate that male animals appear to be at greater risk of developing renal disease and of disease pro-

menopausal status of the women was often not documented. 805 In general, the prevalence of hypertension and uncontrolled hypertension is higher among men; men tend to consume more protein than women; the prevalence of dyslipidemias is greater in men than premenopausal women. All of these factors may contribute to the increased severity of renal disease observed in men but they do not explain all of the differences.454,455 The role of gender in kidney disease is extensively reviewed in Chapter 20.

Nephron Endowment Experimental and clinical studies have shown that the number of nephrons per kidney is variable and may be influenced by several factors during development in utero. Furthermore low nephron endowment predisposes individuals to CKD. It has been proposed that reduced nephron endowment results in an increase in single nephron GFR and therefore a reduction in renal reserve.456 Whereas the glomerular hemodynamic changes associated with mild-moderate con- CH 25 genital nephron deficiencies may not in themselves be sufficient to provoke renal injury, they could be predicted to compound the effects of an acquired nephron loss and predispose the individual to progressive renal damage. Thus CKD should be viewed as a “multi-hit” process in which the first “hit” may be reduced nephron endowment.457 Nephron endowment is discussed in detail in Chapter 19.

Ethnicity African Americans comprise only 12.4% of the total U.S. population but account for 30.8% of the U.S. ESRD population.458 In the age group from 20 to 44 years, there are 18 African Americans for every white patient with ESRD.459 The reasons for this obvious discrepancy are complex and include both social and biological factors.460,461 Interestingly, data from the Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) Cohort Study show a lower prevalence of estimated GFR 50–59 ml/min/1.73m2 among Africa American versus white subjects but a higher prevalence of estimated GFR 10–19 ml/min/1.73m2 suggesting that African Americans have a lower risk of developing CKD but a higher risk of progression of CKD to ESRD.462 African Americans appear to be more susceptible to focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). One retrospective analysis of 340 routine kidney biopsies detected a significantly higher prevalence of FSGS and a significantly lower prevalence of membranous glomerulonephritis, IgA, and immunotactoid nephropathies among black versus white patients.463 Similarly, among pediatric transplant recipients a higher proportion of African American and Hispanic children had FSGS as a primary diagnosis versus whites.464 The same investigators found that despite similar treatment modalities and similar durations of nephrotic syndrome, black children with FSGS reached ESRD almost twice as frequently as white children.464 More significant in terms of patient numbers and morbidity, however, are the racial discrepancies in the incidence of ESRD due to hypertensive and diabetic nephropathies. Among hypertensive patients undergoing treatment, the risk of decline in renal function in black patients was found to be almost twice that of whites.465 This finding of increased risk persisted after controlling for the effects of diabetes, blood pressure levels, heart failure, and male gender. Similarly, in the MRFIT trial, despite similar levels of blood pressure control in black versus white men, renal function deteriorated more rapidly in the black men.466 MDRD study data showed the prevalence of hypertension to be higher in blacks versus whites among patients with CKD, despite a higher mean GFR in the black patients.455 Hypertensive patients

Adaptation to Nephron Loss

gression than females. Age-associated glomerulosclerosis is much more pronounced in male than in female rats and it is notable that the male propensity for age-related glomerulosclerosis can be prevented by castration.438 This gender difference was found to be independent of PGC or glomerular hypertrophy, suggesting a role for the sex hormones as modulators of renal injury. Ovariectomy, on the other hand, had no effect on the development of glomerular injury seen in nonovariectomized female rats, implying that the presence of androgens, and not the lack of estrogens promotes renal injury.438,439 By contrast, in the hypercholesterolemic Imai rat the development of spontaneous glomerulosclerosis in males can be significantly reduced by castration, or by administration of exogenous estrogens.440,441 These data again suggest an important role for androgens in the development of renal injury, and raise the possibility that estrogens may to some extent counteract the adverse effects of androgens. In an apparently conflicting observation, female Nagase analbuminemic rats develop renal injury of greater severity than males, a characteristic that is ameliorated by ovariectomy.442 These rats may be unique, however, in that triglyceride levels, which are higher in females, may have an independent and overriding effect on renal disease propensity. Glomerulosclerosis also develops to a significantly greater extent in male versus female rats subjected to extensive renal ablation.443 This difference was independent of blood pressure and glomerular hypertrophy, but the degree of glomerulosclerosis and the extent of mesangial expansion each were found to correlate significantly with an increased expression of glomerular procollagen α1(IV) mRNA in males. Similarly, in aging Munich-Wistar rats, glomerular metalloproteinase activity was found to decrease with age in males but not in females or castrated rats, suggesting that suppression of metalloproteinase activity by androgens could account for the gender difference in disease susceptibility.444 Finally, estrogens, but not androgens possess anti-oxidant activity and have been shown to inhibit mesangial cell LDL oxidation,445 a property that may contribute to renoprotection. Clinical studies suggest that humans also evidence a gender difference with respect to CKD progression. Data from the United States Renal Data System show a substantially higher incidence of ESRD among males (413/million population in 2003) versus females (280/million population)446 and several studies have reported worse renal outcomes in males. In a Japanese community-based mass screening program the risk of developing ESRD (if baseline serum creatinine was greater than 1.2 mg/dl for males or 1 mg/dl for females) was almost 50% higher in men than in women.447 In a large populationbased study in the United States, male gender was associated with a significantly increased risk of ESRD or death associated with CKD.402 Similarly, in France, studies of factors influencing development of ESRD in patients with moderate and severe renal disease found that disease progression was accelerated in males versus females, especially in those with chronic glomerulonephritis or ADPKD. Furthermore, the effect of hypertension as a risk factor for CKD progression appeared to be greater in males.448,449 Other studies of patients with established CKD have reported a lower risk of ESRD among female patients with CKD stage 3450 and a shorter time to renal replacement therapy among male patients with CKD stage 4 and 5.451 One meta-analysis of 68 studies that included 11,345 patients with CKD reported a higher rate of decline in renal function in men452 but another meta-analysis of individual patient data from 11 randomized trials evaluating the efficacy of ACEI treatment in CKD did not show an increased risk of doubling of serum creatinine or ESRD, or ESRD alone among men.453 On the contrary, after adjustment for baseline variables including blood pressure and urinary protein excretion women evidenced a significantly higher risk of these end points than men.453 One limitation of these studies is that the

806 were found to have had more rapid progression of renal disease prior to entry into the study, suggesting that the higher prevalence of hypertension in black patients is likely to be a significant contributor to accelerated progression of CKD. On the other hand both higher mean arterial pressure and black race were independent predictors of a faster decline in GFR in the MDRD study.467 In a large community- based epidemiological study, black patients were found to have a 5.6 times higher unadjusted incidence of hypertensive ESRD with respect to the entire study population.468 This increased incidence was directly related to the prevalence of hypertension, severe hypertension, and diabetes in the study population, and inversely related to age at diagnosis of hypertension and socioeconomic status. After adjustment for these factors the risk of hypertensive ESRD remained 4.5 times greater among blacks compared to whites, providing further evidence that black patients have an increased susceptibility to renal disease beyond that attributable to their increased prevalence of hypertension and diabetes. Salt-sensitive hypertenCH 25 sion, in particular, is more prevalent in the black population than in the white population.469 Comparing renal responses to a high sodium intake in salt-sensitive versus salt-resistant patients, renal blood flow was found to decrease in the face of an increased filtration fraction (implying an increased PGC) in salt-sensitive patients whereas the converse occurred in salt-resistant patients.398 These observations are consistent with the notion that salt loading injures the glomerulus through glomerular capillary hypertension and that salt-sensitive individuals, and blacks in particular, are at added risk of this form of injury. The incidence of ESRD due to diabetic nephropathy is fourfold higher among African Americans than among white Americans.458 It is notable that after controlling for the higher prevalence of diabetes and hypertension as well as age, socioeconomic status, and access to health care, the excess incidence of ESRD due to diabetes in blacks versus whites was confined to type 2 diabetics.470 Among type 1 diabetics, blacks were not found to be at higher risk than whites. Indeed, the majority of blacks with diabetic ESRD (77%) had type 2 diabetes whereas the majority of whites with diabetic ESRD (58%) had type 1 diabetes.471 Black race was also found to be associated with a threefold higher risk of early renal function decline (increase in serum creatinine of ≥0.4 mg/dl) among adults with diabetes.472 Several potential factors contributing to the different prevalence and severity of renal disease among population groups have been analyzed. Adjustment for socioeconomic factors reduces, but does not eliminate the increased risk of African Americans to develop ESRD.458,461,472 African Americans have lower birth weights than their white counterparts and may therefore have programmed or genetically determined deficits in nephron number, rendering them more susceptible to hypertension and subsequent ESRD.473,474 Finally, 40% of African-American patients with hypertensive ESRD and 35% with type 2 diabetes associated ESRD have first-, second-, or third-degree relatives with ESRD implying a strong familial susceptibility to ESRD and therefore a genetic predisposition.475 Other ethnic groups including Asians,406,476 Hispanics,477 Native Americans,478 Mexican Americans,479 and Australian Aboriginals480 have also been found to be at increased risk of developing CKD and ESRD.

Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome Obesity may directly cause a glomerulopathy characterized by proteinuria and histological features of focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis481 but it is likely that it also exacerbates progression of other forms of CKD. Micropuncture studies have confirmed that obesity is another cause of glomerular hypertension and hyperfiltration that may contribute to the progression of CKD.482,483 Detailed investigation of adipocyte

function has revealed that they are not merely storage cells but produce a variety of hormones and proinflammatory molecules that may contribute to progressive renal damage.484 In humans severe obesity is associated with increased renal plasma flow, glomerular hyperfiltration, and albuminuria, abnormalities that are reversed by weight loss.485 Several large population-based studies have identified obesity as a risk factor for developing CKD403,486 and one study has found a progressive increase in relative risk of developing ESRD associated with increasing body mass index (BMI) (RR 3.57; CI 3.05–4.18 for BMI 30.0–34.9kg/m2 versus BMI 18.5–24.9kg/ m2) among 320,252 subjects with no evidence of CKD at initial screening.487 The metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance) defined by the presence of abdominal obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and fasting hyperglycemia is also associated with an increased risk of developing CKD. Analysis of the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data revealed a significantly increased risk of CKD and microalbuminuria in subjects with the metabolic syndrome as well as a progressive increase in risk associated with the number of components of the metabolic syndrome present.488 Furthermore, a longitudinal study of 10,096 patients without diabetes or CKD at baseline identified metabolic syndrome as an independent risk factor for the development of CKD over 9 years (adjusted OR 1.43; 95%CI 1.18–1.73). Again there was a progressive increase in risk associated with the number of traits of the metabolic syndrome present (OR 1.13; 95%CI 0.89–1.45 for one trait versus OR 2.45; 95%CI 1.32–4.54 for five traits).489 Patient hip-waist ratio, a marker insulin resistance, was independently associated with impaired renal function even in lean individuals (BMI < 25 kg/m2) among a population-based cohort of 7676 subjects.490 The effect of obesity on progression in cohorts of patients with established CKD is less well documented. In one study increased BMI was an independent predictor CKD progression among 162 patients with IgA Nephropathy.491 On the other hand, obesity may be less relevant to progression in more advanced stages of CKD as evidenced by the observation that BMI was unrelated to the risk of ESRD among a cohort of patients with CKD stage 4 and 5.451

Sympathetic Nervous System Overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system has been observed in patients with CKD and several lines of evidence suggest that this may be another factor that contributes to progressive renal injury.492 The kidneys are richly supplied with afferent sensory and efferent sympathetic innervation and may therefore act as both a source and target of sympathetic activation. That the former is true is suggested by a study that compared postganglionic sympathetic nerve activity (SNA) measured via microelectrodes in the peroneal nerve in normal individuals and hemodialysis patients subdivided into those who retained their native kidneys and those who had undergone bilateral nephrectomy.493 SNA was 2.5 times higher in non-nephrectomized dialysis patients compared to both normals and nephrectomized patients, in whom SNA was similar. Furthermore, increased SNA was associated with increased vascular tone and mean arterial blood pressure in non-nephrectomized patients. SNA did not vary as a function of age, blood pressure, antihypertensive agents, or body fluid status. The authors speculated that intrarenal accumulation of uremic compounds stimulates renal afferent nerves via chemoreceptors, leading to reflex activation of efferent sympathetic nerves and increased SNA. Other studies, however, have observed increased SNA in the absence of uremia in patients with renovascular disease,494 hypertensive ADPKD,495 and non-diabetic CKD496 or increased noradrenaline secretion in patients with nephrotic syndrome497 and ADPKD.495,498 Furthemore, correction of uremia by renal transplantation does

Dyslipidemia Moorhead and colleagues advanced the hypothesis that abnormalities in lipid metabolism may contribute to the progression of CKD.508 Glomerular injury, accompanied by an alteration in basement membrane permeability, was envis-

aged as the initiator of a vicious cycle of hyperlipidemia and 807 progressive glomerular injury. They proposed that urinary losses of albumin and lipoprotein lipase activators result in an increase in circulating low-density lipoproteins (LDL), which in turn bind to the glomerular basement membrane further impairing its permselectivity; filtered lipoproteins accumulate in the mesangium, stimulating extracellular matrix synthesis and mesangial cell proliferation; filtered LDL is taken up and metabolized by the tubules, leading to cell injury and interstitial disease. Notably, this hypothesis did not propose hyperlipidemia as an initiating factor in renal injury, but rather as a participant in a self-sustaining mechanism of disease progression. Several lines of experimental evidence confirm the association between dyslipidemia and renal injury. Both intact and uninephrectomized rats with dietary-induced hypercholesterolemia developed more extensive glomerulosclerosis than their normocholesterolemic controls, and the severity of glomerulosclerosis correlated with serum cholesterol levels509; aging female Nagase analbuminemic rats (NAR) have endog- CH 25 enous hypertriglyceridemia and hypercholesterolemia and develop proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis by 9 and 18 months of age respectively whereas male NAR have lower lipid levels and have no glomerulosclerosis by 22 months of age.442 Interestingly, ovariectomy in female NAR lowers triglyceride levels and reduces their renal injury. In seeming contradiction, however, young and aging male SpragueDawley rats developed more extensive glomerulosclerosis than age and sex matched NAR, despite increased cholesterol levels in the NAR.510 Triglyceride levels, however, were lower in the NAR, again suggesting an independent role for triglycerides in lipid-mediated renal injury. Whereas data regarding the role of lipids in initiating renal disease are conflicting, several studies support the notion that dyslipidemia may promote renal damage. Cholesterol feeding has been shown to exacerbate glomerulosclerosis in uninephrectomized rats, pre-diabetic rabbits, rats with puromycin aminonucleoside nephropathy (PAN), and in the unclipped kidney of rats with two kidney, one clip (2-K,1C) hypertension. When hypertension and dyslipidemia are superimposed, a synergistic effect that dramatically accelerates renal functional deterioration is observed.511,512 In humans, the extent of the role of lipids in initiation and progression of renal disease remains unclear. At autopsy, a highly significant correlation was found between the presence of systemic atherosclerosis and the percentage of sclerotic glomeruli in normal individuals, fostering speculation that the development of glomerulosclerosis may be analogous to that of atherosclerosis.513 A study designed to identify the clinical correlates of hypertensive ESRD found a strong association between atherosclerosis and hypertensive ESRD among older white patients.514 Furthermore, dyslipidemia has been identified in several large studies as a risk factor for subsequent development of CKD in apparently healthy individuals.403,515,516 The common forms of primary hypercholesterolemia are not associated with an increased incidence of renal disease in the general population but renal injury has been described in association with rare inherited disorders of lipoprotein metabolism.517,518 Whereas primary lipid-mediated renal injury is rare among patients with CKD, the latter is frequently accompanied by elevations in serum lipids, as a result of urinary loss of albumin and lipoprotein lipase activators, defective clearance of triglycerides, modification of LDL by advanced glycation end products, reduced plasma oncotic pressure, adverse effects of medication, and underlying systemic diseases.519,520 Among a cohort of adult patients with CKD, the most frequent lipid abnormalities noted were hypertriglyceridemia, low high density lipoprotein (HDL), and increased apolipoprotein levels.521 Furthermore, in a study of 631 routine renal

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not abrogate the increased SNA.499 Interestingly, investigation of eight living kidney donors found no increase in SNA after donor nephrectomy, suggesting that the rise in SNA is related to renal damage rather than nephron loss.496 Together, these findings suggest that a variety of forms of renal injury may provoke increased SNA and that uremia is not required for this response. Evidence from experimental studies indicates that sympathetic overactivity resulting from renal disease may also accelerate renal injury. Ablation of afferent sensory signals from the kidneys by bilateral dorsal rhizotomy in 5/6 nephrectomized rats prevented the expected rise in systemic blood pressure, attenuated the rise in serum creatinine, and reduced the severity of glomerulosclerosis in the remnant kidneys when compared with sham rhizotomized controls.500 To further investigate whether these benefits were solely attributable to the prevention of hypertension, 5/6 nephrectomized rats were treated with non-hypotensive doses of the sympatholytic drug moxonidine.501 Despite the lack of effect on blood pressure, moxonidine treatment was associated with lower levels of proteinuria and less severe glomerulosclerosis than untreated rats. In a similar study, 5/6 nephrectomized rats were treated the α-blocker, phenoxybenzamine, the βblocker, metoprolol, or a combination.502 As in the previous study, the doses used did not lower blood pressure, but all three treatments significantly lowered albuminuria and almost normalized the reductions in capillary length density (an index of glomerular capillary obliteration) and podocyte number. Metoprolol and combination therapy significantly lowered the glomerulosclerosis index versus untreated controls. Taken together, these results indicate that increased SNA accelerates renal injury independent of its effect on blood pressure, and that the adverse effects are not mediated by sympathetic cotransmitters but by catecholamines. Furthermore, sympathetic nerve overactivity has been proposed to contribute to the development of tubulointerstitial injury by reducing of peritubular capillary perfusion to the extent that tubular and interstitial ischemia result.503 Preliminary evidence suggests that sympathetic overactivity may also be important in the progression of human CKD. Among patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus and proteinuria, evidence of parasympathetic dysfunction (that permits unopposed sympathetic tone) was associated with an increase in serum creatinine over the next 12 months.504 Furthermore, among 15 normotensive type 1 diabetics, 3 weeks’ treatment moxonidine significantly lowered albumin excretion rates without affecting blood pressure.505 In other studies, chronic treatment with an ACEI or AT1RA, of proven benefit in renoprotection, was associated with a reduction in sympathetic overactivity.506,507 In contrast, treatment with amlodipine was associated with increased SNA. Because ACEIs and AT1RAs do not readily enter the CNS, it is possible that RAS inhibition modulates neurotransmitter release in the kidney and reduces afferent signaling. Several questions remain to be answered regarding the role of increased SNA in CKD progression. Whereas the renoprotective effects of sympatholytic drugs appear to be independent of effects on systemic blood pressure, it is as yet unknown what effect they have on glomerular hemodynamics. Further studies are also required to determine the extent to which chronic inhibition of sympathetic overactivity may be beneficial in a variety of forms of human CKD and whether or not this benefit is additive to that derived from ACEI treatment.

808 biopsies, lipid deposits were detected in non-sclerotic glomeruli in 8.4% of kidneys and staining for apo B was positive in approximately one quarter of biopsies, suggesting that lipid deposition is not infrequent in diverse renal diseases.368 Several epidemiological studies have found a strong association between CKD progression and dyslipidemia: in the MDRD study, low serum HDL cholesterol was found to be an independent predictor of more rapid rates of decline in GFR522; elevated total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and apo B have been found to correlate strongly with GFR decline in CKD patients523; hypercholesterolemia was shown to be a predictor of loss of renal function in type 1 and type 2 diabetics524,525; among non-diabetic patients CKD advanced more rapidly in patients with hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia, independent of blood pressure control526; among patients with IgA nephropathy hypertriglyceridemia was independently predictive of progression.527 Not all studies confirm these findings, however: in the Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial (MRFIT), dyslipidemias were not CH 25 associated with a decline in renal function466; in a retrospective analysis of patients with nephrotic syndrome, hypercholesterolemia at diagnosis was not found to be a predictor of renal disease progression.528 In the latter study, however, both progressors and non-progressors had markedly elevated serum cholesterol levels that may have confounded the analysis. Interpretation of these data is complicated by the fact that in patients with renal insufficiency, dyslipidemias do not occur in isolation and are associated with other factors that also affect renal disease progression including hypertension, hyperglycemia, and proteinuria. Levels of serum cholesterol and triglycerides have been found to correlate with blood pressure and circulating AII levels in type 1 and type 2 diabetics with renal disease and to rise with increasing proteinuria in patients with nephrotic syndrome.518 The possible mechanisms whereby hyperlipidemia may contribute to renal injury have not been fully elucidated. Cholesterol feeding has been associated with an increase in mesangial lipid content,509 glomerular macrophages, and TGF-β as well as fibronectin mRNA levels.529,530 Furthermore, reduction of glomerular macrophages by whole-body Xirradiation in the setting of nephrotic syndrome, significantly reduced albuminuria without affecting serum lipids, indicating that macrophages play a central role in hyperlipidemic glomerular injury.530 Mesangial cells express receptors for LDL and uptake is stimulated by vasoconstrictor and mitogenic peptides such as endothelin-1 and PDGF.371 Metabolism of LDL by mesangial cells leads to increased synthesis of fibronectin and MCP-1, which may contribute to mesangial matrix expansion and recruitment of circulating macrophage/ monocytes into the glomerulus.372 Moreover, triglyceride-rich lipoproteins (very low density lipoprotein, VLDL, and intermediate density lipoprotein, IDL) induce mesangial cell proliferation and elaboration of IL-6, PDGF, and TGF-β in vitro.531 Mesangial cells, macrophages, and renal tubule cells all have the capacity to oxidize LDL via formation of reactive oxygen species, a step that may be inhibited by antioxidants and HDL.361,532,533 Oxidized LDL may induce dose-dependent mesangial cell proliferation or mesangial cell death as well as production of TNF-α, eicosanoids, monocyte chemotaxins, and glomerular vasoconstriction. These pathways, together with free radicals generated during LDL oxidation, may each contribute to renal inflammation and injury.531,532 Hyperlipidemia is also associated with elevated PGC, raising the possibility of a further pathway to glomerulosclerosis via hemodynamic injury.509 The elevated PGC appears to be mediated, in part, by an increase in renal vascular resistance that occurs in the context of increased plasma viscosity. In diabetic patients, circulating AII levels have been found to correlate with serum cholesterol534 and both oxidized LDL and lipoprotein(a) have been shown to stimulate renin production by juxtaglomerular

cells in vitro.533 Moreover, oxidized LDL has been found to reduce nitric oxide synthesis by endothelial cells533 raising the possibility that alterations in activity of the renin angiotensin system and nitric oxide metabolism could also contribute to the increase in PGC observed with hyperlipidemia. It would follow that if hyperlipidemia exacerbates renal injury, interventions designed to lower serum lipids should ameliorate disease progression. Treatment with a 3-hydroxyl3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitor or clofibric acid in the obese Zucker rat (a strain with endogenous hyperlipidemia and spontaneous glomerulosclerosis) and 5/6 nephrectomized rats (which develop hyperlipidemia secondary to renal insufficiency), resulted in lowering of serum lipid levels, reduction in albuminuria, reduction in mesangial cell DNA synthesis, and attenuation of glomerulosclerosis, despite a lack of effect on either systemic blood pressure or PGC.9,535 In rats in the nephrotic phase of PAN, HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor treatment resulted in reduction of albuminuria and serum cholesterol, reduction of MCP1 mRNA expression, and a 77% reduction in glomerular macrophage accumulation.536 The HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors may therefore exert beneficial effects on renal disease progression, not only by a reducing serum lipid levels, but also by inhibiting mesangial cell proliferation and mechanisms for the recruitment of macrophages due to decreased expression of chemotactic factors and cell adhesion molecules.537 Cholesterol-fed rats with PAN treated with the antioxidants probucol or vitamin E showed significant reductions in proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis compared to untreated controls.538 Furthermore, plasma VLDL and LDL from the treated animals were less susceptible to in vitro oxidation and less renal lipid peroxidation was evident, implying that lipid peroxidation plays an important role in renal injury associated with hyperlipidemia. In some clinical studies, dietary or pharmacological lowering of serum lipids has also been associated with a reduction in proteinuria and lower rates of decline in renal function but other studies have failed to demonstrate significant beneficial effects of lipid-lowering therapy on proteinuria or decline of renal function, despite adequate therapeutic reductions in serum lipids. A meta-analysis of 13 small studies that included both diabetic and non-diabetic renal disease found that lipidlowering therapy significantly reduced the rate of decline in GFR (mean reduction of 1.9 ml/min/year).539 The results of large clinical trials of lipid lowering therapies in patients with CKD are still awaited. Several secondary analyses of data from clinical trials suggest that lipid-lowering therapy may slow progression in human CKD but these data should be interpreted with caution. Secondary analysis of data from a randomized trial of pravastatin treatment for patients with a history of myocardial infarction found that pravastatin slowed the rate of GFR decline in patients with estimated GFR < 40 ml/min/1.73m2, an effect that was also more pronounced in those with proteinuria.540 Similarly, patients with previous cardiovascular disease or diabetes randomized to simvastatin treatment in the Heart Protection Study evidenced a smaller increase in serum creatinine than those who received placebo.541 In a placebo-controlled open-label study, atorvastatin treatment in patients with CKD, proteinuria, and hypercholesterolemia was associated with preservation of creatinine clearance whereas those receiving placebo evidenced a significant decline.542 Whereas these renoprotective effects were associated with cholesterol lowering it is possible that they may also be due to the direct pleiotropic effects of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors. This notion is further supported by the observation that lipid lowering with fibrates was not associated with preservation of renal function,543,544 although one study did show reduced progression to microalbuminuria among type 2 diabetics receiving fenofibrate.545

Calcium and Phosphate Metabolism As is the case with many of the adaptations that follow nephron loss, evidence is accumulating that alterations in calcium and phosphate metabolism may also contribute to progressive renal damage. A retrospective analysis of 15 patients with non-progressing CKD (GFR 27–70 mL/min, observed for up to 17 years) revealed that the single feature common to all these patients was an enhanced capacity to excrete phosphate when compared to patients with similar GFR but progressive renal disease.546 In all of the nonprogressors, serum phosphate and calcium remained within normal limits without use of phosphate binders, calcium supplementation, or vitamin D. It is not yet clear which factor is most important but evidence suggests that hyperphosphatemia, renal calcium deposition, hyperparathyroidism, and activated vitamin D deficiency may each play a role.


Renal Calcium Deposition Calcium-phosphate deposition is a frequent histologic finding in end-stage kidney biopsies, irrespective of the underlying cause of renal failure.175,553 Calcium levels in end-stage kidneys have been found to be approximately nine times greater than levels in control kidneys.553 Histologically, deposits were seen in cortical tubule cells, basement membranes, and the interstitium.553,554 Furthermore, the severity of renal parenchymal calcification has been found to correlate with the degree of renal dysfunction, implicating calcium-phosphate deposition in disease progression.548,555 To determine whether the calcium deposits observed in end-stage kidneys precede or follow renal parenchymal fibrosis, rats with reduced renal mass were maintained on a high phosphate diet, thus ensuring a high calcium-phosphate product. A subgroup was treated with 3-phosphocitrate, an inhibitor of calciumphosphate deposition.555 Treatment with 3-phosphocitrate led to a significant reduction in renal injury compared to controls, indicating that calcium-phosphate deposition within the kidney occurs during the evolution of renal injury and may exacerbate nephron loss. Calcium deposition in the renal parenchyma is associated with ultrastructural evidence of mitochondrial disorganization and calcium accumulation554 and may therefore contribute to renal injury via uncoupling of mitochondrial respiration and generation of reactive oxygen species.556 Mitochondrial calcium deposition was reduced by dietary protein restriction or calcium channel blocker therapy.554,556 Other potential roles for cellular calcium in renal disease progression include effects on vascular smooth muscle tone, mesangial cell contractility, cell growth

Hyperparathyroidism Podocytes express a unique transcript of parathyroid hormone (PTH) receptor and PTH has been shown to have several effects on the kidney including decreasing SNGFR (without change in QA, PGC, or ∆P), lowering Kf as well as stimulating renin production.551 Furthermore, increased PTH levels may exacerbate renal damage through effects on blood pressure,558 glucose intolerance, and lipid metabolism.559,560 Two experimental studies have provided evidence that PTH may contribute to CKD progression. In the first parathyroidectomy was shown to improve survival, reduce the increased renal mass as well as renal calcium content, and attenuate the rise in serum creatinine observed in 5/6 nephrectomized rats fed high protein diet.561 In the other, calcimimetic treatment and parathyroidectomy after 5/6 nephrectomy each abrogated tubulointerstitial fibrosis and glomerulosclerosis.562 Interpretation of these data are, however, complicated by the observa- CH 25 tion in the latter study that both interventions also lowered blood pressure.

Activated Vitamin D Deficiency It is perhaps not surprising that vitamin D, normally 1hydroxylated in the kidney and therefore deficient in CKD, has several potentially beneficial effects on the kidney. In experimental studies 1,25 (OH)2D3 has been shown to inhibit proliferation of mesangial as well as tubule cells, inhibit renal hypertrophy after uninephrectomy,563 and inhibit renin expression.551 Several experiments have reported amelioration of renal damage in rats treated with 1,25 (OH)2D3 or vitamin D analogue after 5/6 nephrectomy.564,565 Interestingly, a further study found that 1,25 (OH)2D3 treatment also preserved podocyte number, volume, and structure after 5/6 nephrectomy.234 To date controlled trials examining the effect of 1,25 (OH)2D3 treatment on human CKD are not available.

Anemia Anemia is a frequent consequence of CKD but may also influence its progression. Both acute and chronic anemias are associated with reversible increases in renal vascular resistance and a normal or reduced filtration fraction in animals and humans. Conversely, an increase in hematocrit is associated with an increase in filtration fraction. Thus hematocrit may influence renal hemodynamics and thereby affect the rate of progression of CKD. The effects of anemia on glomerular hemodynamics have been studied in rats subjected to 5/6 nephrectomy, DOCA-salt hypertension, and diabetes.566–568 Irrespective of the model, anemia was associated with significant amelioration of glomerulosclerosis and consistently associated with reduction in PGC. Reduced PGC arose predominantly through reductions in efferent arteriolar resistance in rats with renal ablation, lowered systolic blood pressure in DOCA-salt rats and increased afferent arteriolar resistance in diabetic rats. Similarly, in the MWF/Ztm rat, which develops spontaneous glomerulosclerosis with age, anemia induced by dietary iron deficiency was associated with lower blood pressure, reduced urinary protein excretion and less extensive glomerulosclerosis compared with controls fed diet of normal iron content.569 In contrast, however, prevention of anemia by administration of erythropoietin to remnant kidney rats in order to maintain a normal hematocrit, resulted in increased systemic and glomerular blood pressures and markedly increased glomerulosclerosis.566 Despite the apparently favorable hemodynamic effects of anemia in experimental models of CKD, humans studies suggest that anemia may in fact accelerate CKD progression. In patients with inherited hemoglobinopathies, chronic

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Uninephrectomized rats receiving a high phosphate diet (1%) developed renal calcium and phosphate deposition and tubulointerstitial injury within 5 weeks of nephrectomy.171 Similar changes were observed in a proportion of intact rats fed a 2% phosphate diet. Phosphate excess, therefore, does appear to have some intrinsic nephrotoxicity that is enhanced in the setting of reduced nephron number. A high phosphate diet has also been associated with the development of parathyroid hyperplasia and hyperparathyroidism in remnant kidney rats.547 Conversely, in both animals and humans with renal insufficiency, dietary phosphate restriction or treatment with oral phosphate binders has been associated with reductions in proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis and attenuation of disease progression as well as prevention of hyperparathyroidism.548–551 Dietary phosphate restriction, however, almost inevitably also imposes dietary protein restriction. It is therefore not clear whether the benefit was derived directly from reduced phosphate intake or indirectly from protein restriction. One study in humans has reported additional renoprotection when phosphate restriction was superimposed on protein restriction.552

and proliferation, extracellular matrix synthesis, and immune 809 cell modulation.557

810 anemia is associated with glomerular hyperfiltration that eventuates in proteinuria, hypertension, and ESRD.570,571 Furthermore, reduced hemoglobin was an independent predictor of increased risk of developing ESRD among patients with diabetic nephropathy in the RENAAL trial.572 Several longitudinal studies of patients with other forms of CKD have identified lower hemoglobin as a risk factor for progression.573,574 Further confirmation that anemia has an adverse effect of CKD progression is derived from two small randomized studies that have reported renoprotective benefit when anemia is corrected with erythropoietin. Among non-diabetic patients with serum creatinine 2 mg/dL to 6 mg/dL early treatment (started when hemoglobin Lewis rats: Hemodynamics, macrophages, and cytokines. Kidney Int 57:2618–2625, 2000. 197. Benediktsson H, Chea R, Davidoff A, et al: Antihypertensive drug treatment in chronic renal allograft rejection in the rat. Effect on structure and function. Transplantation 62:1634–1642, 1996. 198. Remuzzi A, Malanchini B, Battaglia C, et al: Comparison of the effects of angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibition and angiotensin II receptor blockade on the evolution of spontaneous glomerular injury in male MWF/Ztm rats. Exp Nephrol 4:19–25, 1996. 199. Anderson S, Rennke HG, Zatz R: Glomerular adaptations with normal aging and with long-term converting enzyme inhibition in rats. Am J Physiol 267:F35–F43, 1994. 200. Schmitz PG, O’Donnell MP, Kasiske BL, et al: Renal injury in obese Zucker rats: Glomerular hemodynamic alterations and effects of enalapril. Am J Physiol 263:F496– F502, 1992. 201. Anderson S, Diamond JR, Karnovsky MJ, et al: Mechanisms underlying transition from acute glomerular injury to late glomerular sclerosis in a rat model of nephrotic syndrome. J Clin Invest 82:1757–1768, 1988. 202. Lewis EJ, Hunsicker LG, Bain RP, et al: The effect of angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibition on diabetic nephropathy. N Engl J Med 329:1456–1462, 1993. 203. Gruppo Italiano di Studi Epidemiologici in Nefrologia: Randomised placebo-controlled trial of effect of ramipril on decline in glomerular filtration rate and risk of terminal renal failure in proteinuric, non-diabetic nephropathy. Lancet 349:1857– 1863, 1997. 204. Lewis EJ, Hunsicker LG, Clarke WR, et al: Renoprotective effect of the angiotensinreceptor antagonist irbesartan in patients with nephropathy due to type 2 diabetes. N Engl J Med 345:851–860, 2001. 205. Brenner BM, Cooper ME, de Zeeuw D, et al: Effects of losartan on renal and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes and nephropathy. N Engl J Med 345:861–869, 2001. 206. Hou FF, Zhang X, Zhang GH, et al: Efficacy and safety of benazepril for advanced chronic renal insufficiency. N Engl J Med 354:131–140, 2006. 207. Hostetter TH: Progression of renal disease and renal hypertrophy. Ann Rev Physiol 57:263–278, 1995. 208. Fujihara CK, Limongi DM, Falzone R, et al: Pathogenesis of glomerular sclerosis in subtotally nephrectomized analbuminemic rats. Am J Physiol 261:F256–264, 1991. 209. Rennke HG, Klein PS: Pathogenesis and significance of nonprimary focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis. Am J Kidney Dis 13:443–456, 1989. 210. Bohle A, Mackensen-Haen S, Wehrmann M: Significance of postglomerular capillaries in the pathogenesis of chronic renal failure. Kidney Blood Press Res 19:191–195, 1996. 211. Kang DH, Joly AH, Oh SW, et al: Impaired angiogenesis in the remnant kidney model: I. Potential role of vascular endothelial growth factor and thrombospondin-1. J Am Soc Nephrol 12:1434–1447, 2001. 212. Kang DH, Hughes J, Mazzali M, et al: Impaired angiogenesis in the remnant kidney model: II. Vascular endothelial growth factor administration reduces renal fibrosis and stabilizes renal function. J Am Soc Nephrol 12:1448–1457, 2001. 213. Brooks AR, Lelkes PI, Rubanyi GM: Gene expression profiling of vascular endothelial cells exposed to fluid mechanical forces: Relevance for focal susceptibility to atherosclerosis. Endothelium: J Endothelial Cell Res 11:45–57, 2004. 214. Nagel T, Resnick N, Atkinson WJ, et al: Shear stress selectively upregulates intercellular adhesion molecule-1 expression in cultured human vascular endothelial cells. J Clin Invest 94:885–891, 1994.


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CH 25

Adaptation to Nephron Loss

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CHAPTER 26 Proteinuria, 820 Mechanisms of Proteinuria, 820 Glomerular Permselectivity, 821 Clinical Consequences of Proteinuria, 824 Hypoalbuminemia, 824 Pathogenesis of Hypoalbuminemia, 824 Regulation of Albumin Metabolism in Nephrotic Syndrome, 825 Consequences of Hypoalbuminemia, 826 Hyperlipidemia, 829 Lipid Abnormalities in Nephrotic Syndrome, 829 Pathogenesis of Nephrotic Hyperlipidemia, 829 Clinical Consequences of Nephrotic Hyperlipidemia, 831 Therapy for Nephrotic Hyperlipidemia, 832

Renal and Systemic Manifestations of Glomerular Disease Sharon Anderson • Radko Komers • Barry M. Brenner PROTEINURIA Proteinuria characterizes most forms of glomerular injury and causes or contributes to all of the complications of the nephrotic syndrome. This section reviews the physiology and pathophysiology of glomerular proteinuria and the mechanisms by which proteinuria engenders systemic complications. Extensive discussion of the mechanisms of proteinuria may also be found in several reviews.1–7

Hypertension, 832 Hematologic Abnormalities, 832 Hypercoagulable State and Renal Vein Thrombosis, 832 Pathogenesis of Hypercoagulability, 833

Mechanisms of Proteinuria Prerenal, Glomerular, and Tubular Proteinuria

The amount of protein excreted in the urine is a function of three factors: the amount Hormonal and Other Systemic of protein presented to the glomerulus (the Manifestations, 834 filtered load); the permeability of the glomerular capillary wall (GCW); and the efficiency of proximal tubule reabsorption of filtered proteins. The major clinically relevant proteinuric syndromes, and the only ones that may lead to massive proteinuria, result from alterations in glomerular permeability to normally filtered proteins. Defense against proteinuria is dependent upon the structure and function of the GCW, characteristics of the protein molecule being presented to the glomerular barrier, and hemodynamic factors.

The Anatomic Barrier to Proteinuria: The Glomerular Capillary Wall The classic view of the anatomic barrier to the filtration of protein has been extensively reviewed1 and is briefly summarized here. As detailed later, recent years have seen a major advance in our insight into this process through the discovery of nephrin and associated studies of the molecular nature of the slit diaphragm. The glomerular capillary barrier consists of multiple layers: the fenestrated endothelial cell surface layer (glycocalyx); the glomerular basement membrane (GBM); and the epithelial podocytes and intercalated slit diaphragms. Early studies concluded that the GBM was the component of the GCW that restricted passage of proteins.8 Subsequent studies were consistent with this “singlebarrier” hypothesis,1 until studies with peroxidative tracers found that the slit diaphragm was an effective barrier to filtration.9 Later studies led to the “doublebarrier” hypothesis: that the GBM restricts the passage of larger macromolecules, whereas slit diaphragms regulate the passage of smaller ones.10 However, this hypothesis failed to explain the findings that some relatively large tracers were restricted just beneath the slit diaphragm and some were completely restricted at the level of the inner layers of the GBM, so the potential contribution of charge needed to be addressed. Rennke and co-workers11 used several ferritin fractions of similar size with varying isoelectric points (pIs). A stepwise 820

increase in the pI of ferritin resulted in a proportionate increase in its permeation into the GBM, with the more negatively charged particles penetrating furthest. Thus, these studies pointed to the existence of an intrinsic electrical charge in the GBM that was imparted by fixed anionic sites.11 These anionic sites have been localized to the surfaces of endothelial and epithelial cells, as well as GBM interposed between these cells.1,12 The podocyte and its foot processes are covered with a surface coat of acidic glycoproteins (sialoproteins or glomerular polyanions) that are highly negatively charged. Stainable polyanion has been identified to be podocalyxin, a sialoprotein that carries most of the glomerular sialic acid.13 The epithelial slit diaphragm also consists, in part, of glycosialoproteins,14 as does the endothelial cell coat. The biochemical composition of the GBM has been extensively studied.1,15 The GBM consists of a nonpolar collagen-like component and a more polar noncollagen fraction of asparagine-linked polysaccharide units. Glomerular epithelial cells are capable of synthesizing all major GBM components. Integral components of the GBM include type IV collagen, laminin, entactin/nidogen, and various proteoglycans, including chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan and heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HS-PG). Of the latter, HS-PG has been shown to be particularly important in imparting charge selectivity to the GBM.1,16 Normally, polyanions (particular HS-PG) act as “anticlogging” agents to prevent the adsorption of plasma protein so that ultrafiltration may proceed.16 Many studies have indicated the importance of anionic sites and HS-PG specifically in the defense against proteinuria.17,18 However, as discussed later, newer evidence points away from a predominant role of the GBM in filtration barrier function. The role of glomerular cells in the defense against proteinuria has recently taken center stage, in view of innovative technologies and improvements in understanding of the molecular basis of the GCW. Daniels and colleagues19,20 used confocal microscopy to examine diffusion of fluorescent

F-actin ␣-actinin

Nephrin NEPH1 etc.

GBM Integrin ␣3␤1 Dystroglycans

Podocin CD2AP ZO-1 etc.

FIGURE 26–1 Hypothetical model of the podocyte slit diaphragm. See text for discussion. (Reproduced from Jalanko H: Pathogenesis of proteinuria: Lessons learned from nephrin and podocin. Pediatr Nephrol 18:487–491, 2003, with permission.)

F-actin fibers and redistribution of ZO-1 that is physically 821 associated with actin in murine podocytes and that the Factin stabilizer jasplakinolide prevented both ZO-1 redistribution and albumin leakage.28 Several other candidate genes have been identified as potentially being associated with nephrotic syndromes; further details are available in Chapter 39 and several recent reviews.3–6 Whereas most attention has centered on the role of the podocyte, the role of the endothelial cell and its surface coat, the glycocalyx, is beginning to receive some attention.5 The glycocalyx consists of highly negatively charged proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans reinforced with plasma proteins such as orosomucoid (a protein produced by endothelial cells).29 Synthesis of proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans is down-regulated when endothelial cells are exposed to puromycin, a proteinuric toxin.30 In an extrarenal system (the peritoneum), transvascular protein transport is markedly increased in mice lacking endothelial caveolae,31 suggesting another mechanism by which the endothelial layer retards CH 26 protein filtration.

Proximal Tubule Protein Reabsorption “Tubular proteinuria” results from impairment in the normal proximal tubular degradation of filtered proteins. In the normal kidney, significant amounts of albumin are filtered, but the amount reaching the final urine is less than 30 mg/day. The degradation of filtered proteins occurs through lysosomal or endosomal activity; protein degradation consists of lysosomal protein uptake from the tubular fluid and subsequent exocytosis of peptide products back into the urine. It now appears that reabsorption of albumin is receptor-mediated (see reviews32–35). Luminal endocytosis is initiated by ligand binding to receptors localized in the clathrin-coated pits, followed by internalization, segregation of ligands and receptors in early and late endosomes, and directing of ligands to lysosomes for degradation, whereas the receptors are directed back to the apical plasma membrane via dense apical tubules.7 Pathways of albumin handling in the kidney are schematized in Figure 26–2.35 The initial recognition step by receptormediated endocytosis involves at least two proteins, megalin and cubilin, that appear to operate cooperatively.32 Their importance is demonstrated in studies in mouse knockout models. In animals lacking CLC-5,36 megalin,37 or cubulin38 proteinuria increases markedly.

Glomerular Permselectivity Proteinuria has been further characterized by studies of permselectivity, the extent to which the GCW discriminates among molecules of different size, charge, and configuration. Classically, measurement of the Bowman space–to–plasma concentration ratio (the “sieving coefficient,” θ) for various proteins has been determined by direct sampling via micropuncture techniques.2 These studies indicate that small substances appear in the glomerular filtrate in concentrations similar to those in plasma, whereas the serum albumin is filtered to a much lesser extent (45 Å), but it was often decreased for the smallest dextrans.43 These findings suggested that the selective increase in filtration of large dextrans could be explained by a second population of pores, fewer in number but with larger radii. Accordingly, Deen and coworkers43 formulated a heteroporous model of glomerular size selectivity designed to account for the experimental observations. Data in nephrotic humans more closely fit a model of solute transport through a heteroporous membrane with a subpopulation of large pores. This model assumes that most of the GCW is perforated by cylindrical pores of radius ro and that a smaller portion of the GCW is permeated by large, nondiscriminatory “shunt” pathways that do not exhibit size selectivity. The portion of the GCW permeated by shunt pores is denoted ωo, a parameter that quantitates the magnitude of the size selectivity defect. The fractional area of the membrane occupied by this shunt pathway, though small, increases with each successive grade of barrier injury. This subpopulation of large pores is presumed to allow passage of immunoglobulin G (IgG) and probably most of the filtered albumin. Therefore, nonselective heavy proteinuria appears to result from loss of barrier size selectivity, which renders the glomerular membrane more porous to large plasma proteins.43 LOGNORMAL MODELS. In some cases, better results are obtained with a model assuming lognormal distribution of pore radii. Remuzzi and colleagues44 used this model to define an index of the size of the largest pores in the GCW. By definition, 5% of the glomerular filtrate passes through pores with radii greater than r* (5%) and 1% passes through pores with radii greater than r* (1%). Dextran, which has been used to obtain most of the available permselectivity data, appears to overestimate the true θ. Oliver and colleagues39 proposed that Ficoll is a better probe of glomerular pore size; the use of Ficoll is now being extended to studies in rats, humans, and in vitro models.19,45,46 For

Permselectivity Based on Molecular Configuration To compare sieving of molecules with different conformations, the effects of molecular shape or configuration must be taken into account. Bohrer and colleagues51 compared the fractional clearance of neutral dextran with that of Ficoll, an uncharged cross-linked copolymer of sucrose and epichlorohydrin. At any given effective radius, the flexible coil dextran was filtered more readily than Ficoll, a nearly rigid sphere; the superior accuracy of Ficoll was subsequently confirmed.39 More recently, available studies indicate that the shape and deformability of a protein are important and that polyscaccharides may exhibit more physiologically appropriate shape characteristics.52 Overall, these studies suggest that protein configuration also plays a role in filtration, although size and charge appear to be more important.2,52

Influence of Hemodynamic Factors on Filtration of Macromolecules Hemodynamic factors influence the filtration of macromolecules (see review53). Often, θ varies inversely with the singlenephron glomerular filtration rate (SNGFR).42 Thus, filtration of macromolecules is influenced not only by the intrinsic membrane properties of the GCW but also by other determinants of SNGFR: QA, the glomerular capillary plasma flow rate; ∆P, the glomerular transcapillary hydraulic pressure difference; and CA, the afferent arteriolar plasma protein concentration. The absolute single-nephron clearance of a macromolecule is given by the product θ × SNGFR.42 Absolute clearance usually increases as QA is elevated, but less than in proportion to SNGFR; hence, θ decreases. Absolute macromolecular clearance rates also increase as ∆P rises. For neutral and anionic macromolecules, this increase is less than the increase in SNGFR, and as a result, θ decreases. For highly anionic molecules, this trend reverses at sufficiently high ∆P, and θ may increase. The opposite behavior is observed for positively charged molecules, with θ increasing with rising ∆P. The theoretical effects of CA on θ are similar to those for inverse changes in ∆P because CA and ∆P exert opposing effects on SNGFR. The actual effects of changes in CA are likely to be more complicated because of parallel changes in Kf.54 Hemodynamic factors may also influence rates of volume flux through the shunt pathway. Not surprisingly, interventions that alter glomerular hemodynamics also influence permselectivity, as has been best described using blockers of

Renal and Systemic Manifestations of Glomerular Disease


The charge-selective characteristics of the GCW have traditionally been evaluated with negatively charged markers such as dextran sulfate (DS). In a normal kidney, fractional DS clearance is lower than that for neutral dextran at any given molecular radius, whereas positively charged molecules pass through more freely (see Fig. 26–3).48 However, the use of DS as an appropriate marker to assess charge selectivity has been challenged by observations that it is not as inert a tracer as once believed and that earlier studies probably overestimated the effects of charge.2 For example, Guasch and co-workers49 found that DS binds with plasma proteins. Furthermore, cellular uptake and intracellular desulfation of DS may affect CH 26 the interpretation of fractional clearance data.50 A detailed discussion of controversies in this field may be found in recent reviews.2,5 Though not believed to invalidate the concept of charge selectivity, these observations indicate a need for further study in this area.



Urinary losses of proteins carrying hormones, metals, and vitamins

Altered turnover rates of immunoglobulins

Increased filtration of plasma proteins

Reduced cellular immunity

Alterations in coagulation factors

Increased infections

Thromboembolism Lipiduria Increased tubular reabsorption of filtered protein



FIGURE 26–4 Pathophysiology of nephrotic syndrome. All abnormalities originate from increased glomerular permeability to plasma proteins; hypoalbuminemia initiates the major manifestations. (From Bernard DB: Extrarenal complications of the nephrotic syndrome. Kidney Int 33:1184, 1988.)


CH 26 Tubular damage

Tubular catabolism of albumin Hypoalbuminemia

Increased hepatic synthesis of lipoproteins Edema

Tubular dysfunction

the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). For example, angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and angiotensinreceptor blockers (ARBs), which routinely reduce ∆P and proteinuria, have been shown to reduce the clearance of neutral dextrans of all sizes.45,55

Clinical Consequences of Proteinuria Loss of albumin and other proteins into urine is the hallmark of nephrotic syndrome and a proximate or contributing cause to virtually all the systemic complications of this disorder. As depicted in Figure 26–456 and detailed later, increased filtration of plasma proteins contributes to hypoalbuminemia and its complications, to hyperlipidemia, to alterations in coagulation factors, and to alterations in cellular immunity, hormonal status, and mineral and electrolyte metabolism (see reviews56–61).

HYPOALBUMINEMIA Pathogenesis of Hypoalbuminemia Nephrotic hypoalbuminemia results from multiple abnormalities in albumin homeostasis and is only partially explained by urinary albumin loss. Normal albumin metabolism is schematized in the upper panel of Figure 26–5.59 The liver normally synthesizes 12 to 14 g/day of albumin, 90% of which is catabolized in extrarenal sites, primarily the vascular endothelium.62 About 10% of the albumin synthesized daily is catabolized in the kidney, mainly by proximal tubule reabsorption of filtered albumin.63 About 150 g of albumin (or 30%–50% of the total exchangeable pool) is located intravascularly, with the remainder in interstitial fluid, mostly skin and muscle.64 The fractional catabolic rate, or the percentage of the plasma pool that is catabolized daily, is about 6% to 10%.62,65 Thus, nephrotic hypoalbuminemia could result from some combination of urinary loss, decreased or insufficiently increased hepatic albumin synthesis, increased albumin catabolism, or altered albumin distribution.66

EXTRACORPOREAL LOSSES. The magnitude of hypoalbuminemia tends to increase with increasing proteinuria, but the relationship is inconsistent. Urinary losses alone should not lead to hypoalbuminemia because the liver can easily augment albumin synthesis and thus compensate for such losses. Evidence for enhanced intestinal albumin loss, or increased albumin catabolism, in the nephrotic syndrome is not strong.66 As discussed later, renal albumin catabolism is increased, thereby contributing to the greater tendency to hypoalbuminemia. HEPATIC ALBUMIN SYNTHESIS. Hepatic albumin synthesis is not impaired and, in fact, may be significantly increased in the nephrotic syndrome.67,68 In nephrotic rats, hepatic release of albumin is enhanced, and the relative synthetic rate of albumin is markedly increased, with a comparable increase in albumin mRNA.69,70 Oncotic pressure may play a role in albumin synthesis, as albumin gene expression varies inversely with oncotic pressure in experimental models.71 That a transcriptional process is mainly responsible is suggested by findings that both steady-state levels and transcription rates of albumin mRNA are increased in the livers of nephrotic rats.72 However, the increase in hepatic albumin synthesis is inadequate for the degree of hypoalbuminemia; thus, the albumin synthetic response rate is relatively impaired. ALBUMIN CATABOLISM. In some hypoalbuminemic states, albumin catabolic rates are reduced.73 In contrast, the possibility that hypoalbuminemia might be exacerbated by a maladaptive increase in albumin catabolism was suggested by Katz and associates,74 who speculated that the increased urinary albumin load might up-regulate tubular albumin catabolism. In that case, most filtered albumin would be catabolized, and thus urinary albumin would represent only a small fraction of the filtered load. In confirmation of this notion, tubule albumin reabsorptive rates increase in nephrotic rats, though variably.75 Additional support for the concept comes from evidence of a dual transport system for albumin uptake in the isolated perfused rabbit proximal tubule. This model exhibits both a low-capacity system that becomes saturated once the protein load exceeds physiologic

Hepatic synthesis

Intravascular pool/plasma alb conc

825 Extrarenal catabolism

150 g / 4.0 g / dL


Glomerular filtration

Tubular catabolism

Urinary excretion

1–2 g

1–2 g


20 g



12 g 10–12 g


75 g / 2.0 g / dL Nephrotic syndrome

CH 26 14 g


10 g returned to body pool

FIGURE 26–5 Daily albumin turnover in normal individuals (A) and in patients with nephrotic syndrome (B). (Reproduced from Bernard DB: Metabolic complications in nephrotic syndrome: Pathophysiology and complications. In Brenner BM, Stein JH [eds]: The Nephrotic Syndrome, vol. 9. New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1982.)

levels and a high-capacity, low-affinity system that permits tubule albumin reabsorptive rates to rise as the filtered load increases.76 Thus, an increase in the fractional catabolic rate may occur in the nephrotic syndrome. Regardless of whether fractional catabolism is normal or increased, total body albumin stores are markedly decreased. The net result is that absolute catabolic rates are normal or decreased.66 Nutritional considerations affect this process. In nephrotic rats, absolute catabolic rates are decreased in rats fed adequate dietary protein but increased in rats receiving a low-protein diet.77 Although decreased catabolism may serve to preserve total albumin stores, it is obviously insufficient to maintain albumin homeostasis. ALBUMIN DISTRIBUTION. In nephrotic syndrome, the extravascular albumin pool is even more depleted than the intravascular pool.78 Mobilization of extravascular albumin represents an early response to acute albumin loss, but this compensatory mechanism is clearly inadequate in the setting of continuing albumin loss, as in nephrotic syndrome.

Regulation of Albumin Metabolism in Nephrotic Syndrome Several factors contribute to regulation of albumin metabolism and dysregulation in nephrotic syndrome.66 The most widely studied factors regulating albumin synthesis are serum oncotic pressure and nutritional status. Albumin synthetic rates do not correspond to either serum albumin concentration or oncotic pressure in nephrotic patients.67 It has been postulated that the hepatic albumin synthetic rate is more directly determined by changes in the hepatic extravascular interstitial albumin pool than by plasma characteristics and that this hepatic pool is not depleted in nephrotic syndrome and thus albumin synthesis is not stimulated.79 More recently, it has been suggested that some serum factor or factors in hypo-oncotic states may stimulate albumin synthesis. In support of this hypothesis, incubation of rat hepatocytes with serum from nephrotic rats led to increased albumin and trans-

ferrin synthesis, even when oncotic pressure in the medium was normalized.80 Dietary factors also play a role. Albumin synthesis and serum albumin are not correlated in nephrotic rats fed a lowprotein diet, but in the presence of high protein intake, albumin synthetic rates vary inversely with serum albumin.72 Increasing dietary protein intake in nephrotic rats results in increased hepatic albumin mRNA content, as well as increased transcription, whereas decreased dietary protein intake limits hepatic albumin synthesis.72,81 However, increasing dietary protein intake does not increase serum albumin or body albumin pools in nephrotic animals77,81 or patients.67 Feeding a high-protein diet stimulates hepatic albumin synthesis in nephrotic rats, but does not correct hypoalbuminemia, however, because dietary protein supplementation also increases urinary protein loss.77,81 This unfortunate consequence of a high-protein diet also occurs in nephrotic patients; those eating a high-protein diet exhibit higher albumin synthetic rates, but also increased albuminuria, which results in no change in serum albumin levels.67 Factors contributing to enhanced proteinuria in the setting of a high-protein diet may include increased renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate (GFR), with enhanced fractional renal clearance of albumin.82 However, the net result is that, despite enhanced albumin synthesis, increased urinary losses predominate, so the serum albumin concentration and body albumin pools are further reduced.82 Experimentally, blockade of the RAS in the setting of a high-protein diet allows increased hepatic synthesis but limits proteinuria, thereby allowing some amelioration of the hypoalbuminemia.83 In nephrotic patients, both dietary protein restriction and ACEIs reduce proteinuria; however, protein restriction also reduces hepatic albumin synthesis, whereas albumin synthetic rates are maintained with angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition.84 Many hormones are needed for albumin synthesis,66 but their relevance to nephrotic hypoalbuminemia is not well understood. Albumin synthesis is suppressed in the presence of inflammation,85 and it is possible that elevated levels of

Renal and Systemic Manifestations of Glomerular Disease


86 826 lymphokines such as tumor necrosis factor interfere with albumin synthesis in nephrotic syndrome. In summary, nephrotic hypoalbuminemia is characterized by large urinary albumin losses and a marked reduction in the total exchangeable albumin pool. Mechanisms tending to counteract these forces are mobilization of extravascular pools, increases in albumin synthesis, and decreases in albumin catabolism. However, these compensatory mechanisms are insufficient to correct the hypoalbuminemia. Comparisons between normal and nephrotic albumin homeostasis are schematized in the bottom panel of Figure 26–5.59 Normally, hepatic synthesis equals catabolism, with a yield of 1 to 2 g, which undergoes glomerular filtration and proximal tubular catabolism. In the nephrotic state, hepatic synthesis may be slightly increased, but the plasma albumin pool is smaller because catabolism is proportionally enhanced. Larger amounts are presented to the glomerulus, thereby resulting in both increased urinary loss and enhanced tubule catabolism. CH 26

Consequences of Hypoalbuminemia Edema Formation and Blood Volume Homeostasis Mechanisms of edema formation in the nephrotic syndrome are complex and have been recently reviewed.87–90 Nephrotic edema does not result solely from hypoalbuminemia. The balance of Starling forces at the arteriolar end of the capillary favors net filtration of fluid into the interstitium. However, ongoing fluid transudation (edema accumulation) is normally limited by at least three protective mechanisms. First, lymphatics expand and proliferate so that increased lymphatic flow provides protection. Second, transudation of proteinfree filtration into the interstitium reduces interstitial oncotic pressure, thus decreasing the oncotic pressure gradient and slowing ultrafiltration. Third, fluid flux tends to increase interstitial hydrostatic pressure, thereby reducing the transcapillary pressure gradient and further slowing filtration. Furthermore, the compliance characteristics of the interstitium resist fluid accumulation.91 Thus, the appearance of edema in glomerulonephritis implies substantial disruption of the normal defenses against edema formation88; the role of primary sodium retention in this setting is discussed later. RELATIONSHIP OF EDEMA FORMATION TO REDUCED PLASMA ONCOTIC PRESSURE. Hypoalbuminemia lowers the colloid oncotic pressure of blood, thereby favoring movement of water from the vascular to the interstitial space. However, continued edema formation would require disruption of normal defenses against edema, and evidence for such derangement is not clearly found. Patients studied during relapse and remission show almost equivalent changes in interstitial and plasma colloid osmotic pressure.92 The reduction in interstitial oncotic pressure results in part from acceleration of lymphatic flow, which in turn returns interstitial protein to the intravascular space.88 It has been suggested that this “wash-down” phenomenon is triggered by a slight increase in interstitial volume and hydraulic pressure induced by the initial loss of fluid into the interstitium. Body albumin pools are thus redistributed so that a greater fraction is located in the intravascular space.78 These events thus serve to maintain blood volume and defend against edema formation. Another mechanism related to nephrotic edema is the finding that capillary filtration capacity is higher in nephrotic patients.90,93 Capillary hydraulic conductivity is determined by intercellular macromolecular complexes between endothelial cells, for example, tight junctions made of occludins, claudins, and ZO proteins, and adherens junctions made of cadherin, actinin, and catenins. These junctional complexes are closely related to the actin cytoskeleton.94,95 Such a mech-

anism may increase capillary conductivity in nephrotic patients, under the influence of circulating permeability factors such as tumor necrosis factor-α.86,96 Taken together, it appears that substantial disruption of the renal mechanisms responsible for extracellular fluid homeostasis, rather than the level of hypoalbuminemia per se, is the primary determinant of the severity of edema formation. In assessing the relative contribution of hypoalbuminemia to edema formation, it is necessary to take into consideration the prevailing intravascular volume as well. RELATIONSHIP OF EDEMA FORMATION TO THE PREVAILING INTRAVASCULAR VOLUME. One postulated scenario linking hypoalbuminemia to edema formation relates to the “underfill mechanism,” as depicted in Figure 26–6.97 According to this scenario, reductions in serum albumin and plasma oncotic pressure lead to edema formation, but also to hypovolemia. The reduced plasma volume (PV) then triggers compensatory mechanisms (e.g., nonosmotic vasopressin release, the RAS, and the sympathetic nervous system) that stimulate renal Na+ and water retention. The latter serve to restore intravascular volume but also exacerbate hypoalbuminemia, so edema formation continues. However, some experimental observations are at odds with this hypothesis.88,98,99 Moreover, the presence of hypovolemia is questionable; there has been inability to document hypovolemia by direct measurements, inability to consistently find changes in hormonal modulators compatible with hypovolemia, and failure of predicted changes to occur after remission or diuretic therapy. In nephrotic patients, PV and blood volume are not usually reduced; in fact, they are generally normal or even expanded.100–102 Available studies note a range of PV in nephrotic patients, and methodologic issues may interfere with the interpretation of these studies.97,102,103 Nonetheless, it should be possible to indirectly estimate blood volume by measurement of vasoactive hormones that are volumeresponsive. Such functional evidence of hypovolemia is not

Increased glomerular permeability to albumin Albuminuria Hypoalbuminemia Decreased plasma oncotic pressure Movement of water from intravascular space to interstitium Hypovolemia Nonosmotic ADH release

Renin-angiotensinaldosterone system

Sympathetic nervous system

Renal water and sodium retention EDEMA FIGURE 26–6 The “underfill” mechanism of edema formation. Hypovolemia (resulting from hypoalbuminemia and decreased plasma oncotic pressure) is viewed as the key event promoting Na+ and water retention by the kidney. (From Perico N, Remuzzi G: Edema of the nephrotic syndrome: The role of the atrial peptide system. Am J Kidney Dis 22:355, 1993.)

Primary renal sodium retention

Alterations in Renal Function

Increased blood volume

Increased blood pressure

nervous activity.114 At the level of the tubular cell, evidence 827 suggests that the problem is accelerated breakdown of normally produced cyclic guanosine monophosphate.115–117 Recently, insight has been gained into the molecular mechanisms of renal sodium avidity. The hydrolytic and transport activities of sodium-potassium–adenosine triphosphatase (Na+,K+-ATPase) are increased in the cortical collecting duct in nephrotic rats. The proportional increases in Na+,K+-ATPase activity, cell surface expression, and total cellular content are associated with increased amounts of α- and β-subunit mRNA.118 In principal cells from nephrotic rats, the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) activity is increased in the absence of transcriptional induction of the mRNA encoding any of the ENaC subunits.119 Though clearly invoked in some studies of the nephrotic syndrome,119,120 ENaC activation and targeting may be secondary to hyperaldosteronism.119,121 Overall, Na+ retention in the cortical collecting duct appears to be due, at least in part, to coordinated overactivity of the Na+,K+-ATPase and ENaC sodium transporters.118 Finally, a role for the proximal tubule has been invoked with the observation that Na+ CH 26 retention may also be associated with a shift of the cortical Na+/H+ exchanger NHE3 from an inactive to an active pool.122 Indeed, it has recently been reported that NHE3 is activated in nephrotic rats,122 and that NH3 is activated in vitro by albumin.123 A novel hypothesis regarding the interrelationship of sodium retention, interstitial inflammation, and nephrotic edema has recently been advanced by Rodríguez-Iturbe and co-workers.124 The authors hypothesize that interstitial inflammation of the kidney induces primary sodium retention (Fig. 26–8). The generation of interstitial vasoconstrictors, driven by the inflammatory cell infiltrate, leads to reduction in Kf and SNGFR. As a consequence, there is a net increase in tubular Na+ reabsorption leading to primary sodium retention (“overfill”). The decrease in plasma oncotic pressure favors fluid extravasation from the intravascular compartment, thereby buffering changes in PV induced by sodium retention. If hypoalbuminemia is severe or the inflammatory infiltrate is absent, the reduction in plasma oncotic pressure may lead to “underfill” and secondary compensatory sodium retention. In support of this hypothesis are experimental observations that administration of mycophenolate mofetil prevents salt-sensitive hypertension after inflammation produced by infusion of angiotensin II125; the hypothesis has not yet been rigorously tested clinically. Though less well studied, the mechanisms underlying abnormalities in water handling in experimental nephrotic syndrome have begun to be explored. These studies have noted reduced renal medullary water channel expression,126 impaired aquaporin and urea transporter expression,127 and decreased abundance of thick ascending limb Na+ transporters.128

Renal and Systemic Manifestations of Glomerular Disease

consistently found in nephrotic syndrome.59,97–99,101,102 Plasma renin activity (PRA) and aldosterone levels tend to be low and do not always correlate well with changes in PV.102,104 Similarly, plasma levels of norepinephrine, arginine vasopressin (AVP), and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) tend to be normal or inconsistently changed.105,106 Moreover, PV expansion by infusion of hyperoncotic plasma107 or salt-poor albumin108 and head-out water immersion109 does not regularly result in diuresis or natriuresis. Nevertheless, some studies have found evidence consistent with hypovolemia and a natriuretic response to these maneuvers.97,104,107 Evidence from patients undergoing remission from nephrotic syndrome is also unclear. In responsive patients, steroid therapy leads to diuresis and natriuresis before any change in serum albumin. PRA and aldosterone levels are initially high and fall during natriuresis. After resolution of edema, PRA and aldosterone again rise to high levels, whereas plasma albumin and blood volume remain low; however, Na+ retention does not occur, and Na+ balance is maintained.104 Taken together, these observations suggest a wide spectrum in prevailing PVs. These data have important therapeutic implications. The data suggest that edema is not necessary for maintenance of blood volume and, as a corollary, that vigorous treatment of edema with diuretics does not cause failure to maintain blood volume.110 ROLE OF INTRARENAL MECHANISMS. Most of the evidence implicates a primary intrarenal defect in the pathogenesis of nephrotic edema. This hypothesis, termed the “overfill theory,” is schematized in Figure 26–7.97 According to this hypothesis, a primary increase in renal Na+ retention leads to extracellular fluid volume expansion, altered Starling forces, and edema formation. Evidence in support of this mechanism comes from observations that Na+ retention occurs only in the ipsilateral kidney of rats with unilateral glomerulonephritis.111 Moreover, the reduction in GFR that is often present would further limit Na+ excretion and contribute to renal sodium retention. Micropuncture and other studies have localized the primary Na+ handling abnormality to the distal nephron.111 Regarding mechanisms, considerable attention has focused on the role of ANP. Clinical112 and experimental113 studies have noted renal ANP resistance (i.e., blunted or absent natriuretic responses to ANP) in the nephrotic syndrome. ANP resistance is confined to the ipsilateral kidney in unilateral glomerulonephritis,113 thus suggesting a role for this hormone in primary renal Na+ retention. Some evidence relates this finding of ANP resistance to heightened efferent sympathetic

Suppression of renin-angiotensin system

Altered Starling forces at local tissue level

EDEMA FIGURE 26–7 The “overfill” mechanism of edema formation. The abnormal renal Na+ retention is viewed as the primary event that through the increased plasma volume leads to alteration of the Starling forces at the local tissue level. (From Perico N, Remuzzi G: Edema of the nephrotic syndrome: The role of the atrial peptide system. Am J Kidney Dis 22:355, 1993.)

The Starling equation would predict that hypoalbuminemia and thus reduced plasma colloid oncotic pressure would reduce the forces opposing ultrafiltration, thereby increasing glomerular filtration. However, clinical129 and experimental130 studies indicate that such is not the case and that values of GFR are in fact reduced in conditions of reduced plasma protein levels. Baylis and colleagues54 reported that the failure of SNGFR to rise resulted from a concomitant reduction in Kf. Reduced values of SNGFR, primarily caused by a reduction in Kf, have subsequently been observed in some,130 but not all,131 experimental nephrotic models; these differences in SNGFR derive, in part, from the presence or absence of compensatory elevations in ∆P. These observations suggest that serum albumin per se may not directly affect Kf, or that other factors may mitigate the effects of hypoalbuminemia on Kf. Innovative methods for estimating values of SNGFR and




Tubulointerstitium Infiltration T cells, M␾

↓ Kf

↑ All, ↓ NO


↑ Na reabsorption

↓ Filtered Na

Primary Na retention



Secondary Na retention

⫹ Intravascular ⫺ volume

CH 26 ↑ PC

Overwhelmed mechanisms of edema removal


Edema FIGURE 26–8 Pathophysiology of edema in the nephrotic syndrome. Proteinuria induces tubulointerstitial inflammation, with stimulation of vasoconstrictive mediators (angiotensin II, AII) and inhibition of vasodilatory mediators (e.g., nitric oxide [NO]). In the glomeruli, proteinuria causes a reduction in glomerular capillary untrafiltration coefficient (Kf) and single nephron glomerular filtration rate (SNGFR). Consequently, there is a net increase in tubular Na+ reabsorption leading to primary Na+ retention (“overfill”) and increased capillary hydrostatic pressure (Pc). The decreased plasma oncotic pressure (PCOP) favors fluid movement outward, thereby buffering changes in PV induced by Na+ retention. If hypoalbuminemia is severe and inflammation is minimal, the reduction in PCOP may cause “underfill” and secondary Na+ retention. (From Rodríguez-Iturbe B, Herrera-Acosta J, Johnson RJ: Interstitial inflammation, sodium retention, and the pathogenesis of nephrotic edema: A unifying hypothesis. Kidney Int 62:1379–1384, 2002, with permission.)

its determinants in humans also suggest that a reduction in Kf commonly accompanies clinical glomerulonephritis as well. For example, this pattern has been observed in patients with minimal change disease132 and membranous nephropathy.133

Alterations in Drug Pharmacokinetics Kidney disease induces changes in all aspects of drug handling, including changes in bioavailability, the volume of distribution, renal drug metabolism, and renal excretion of drug and/or its metabolites.134 Guidelines for modification of drug dosage in kidney disease are readily available134–137 and are detailed in Chapter 57. The nephrotic syndrome poses special problems in drug handling. Hypoalbuminemia limits sites available for protein binding, thus increasing the amount of circulating free drug and potentially increasing first-pass hepatic drug removal. In addition, binding of organic bases and especially acids and bases is altered in hypoalbuminemia. In nephrotic patients, reduced protein binding results both from hypoalbuminemia and from a decrease in albumin’s affinity for drugs. Accordingly, the unbound fraction of acidic drugs, including salicylate and phenytoin, may be markedly increased.137 The clinical consequences of altered protein binding may be difficult to predict: Decreased binding allows for a higher concentration of free drug, but this effect may be counteracted by a larger volume of distribution and/or faster metabolism. Furthermore, protein binding may enhance tubule drug secretion;

the lesser protein binding in nephrotic syndrome may result in delayed renal excretion of some drugs.134 Edema and ascites may increase the apparent volume of distribution of drugs that are highly water soluble or protein bound, thereby resulting in inadequate plasma levels, an effect particularly prominent with aminoglycoside antibiotics.134 The actions of diuretics are substantially altered in kidney disease and nephrotic syndrome, thereby contributing to the observed resistance to these drugs in these conditions.138–140 The unbound fraction of furosemide increases markedly in severely hypoalbuminemic patients.141 Nephrotic patients with a normal GFR deliver normal amounts of loop diuretics into the urine, but drug delivery is decreased in the setting of renal insufficiency.142 When proteinuria is present, a substantial amount of furosemide may bind to urinary proteins, thereby reducing the amount of active, unbound drug in urine.143 Tubule albumin blunts the inhibitory effects of furosemide on fractional loop Cl− reabsorption,144 whereas agents that block albumin-furosemide binding in the proximal tubule, such as warfarin and sulfisoxazole, partially restore diuretic responsiveness in experimental animals.145 However, a careful study found that sulfisoxazole was ineffective in nephrotic patients.146 Nephrotic patients also exhibit abnormal pharmacodynamic responses to furosemide,143 so that the renal response to the drug is diminished even when adequate amounts of unbound, active drug reach the active site. Furthermore, animal studies indicate that furosemide is less potent in inhibiting Cl− reabsorption in the loop in nephrotic rats.147 Thus, both the pharmacodynamics and the pharmacokinetics of loop diuretics are altered in nephrotic syndrome. Single intravenous doses of 80 to 120 mg may be required to attain therapeutic levels of furosemide in urine, but doses above this range are unlikely to achieve any added therapeutic response.138 Studies in analbuminemic rats indicated that injection of furosemide bound to albumin resulted in natriuresis, with normalization of the plasma disappearance rate and increased urinary excretion of furosemide.148 Thus, binding to plasma albumin appeared to be necessary for efficient delivery of drug into urine. These investigators then examined hypoalbuminemic patients with furosemide resistance and found that injecting furosemide as an admixture with equimolar albumin produced a diuresis, whereas giving either alone was without effect. Whether natriuresis occurred was not specifically mentioned. However, the available literature overall is conflicting as to the efficacy of combining albumin and furosemide in nephrotic patients.149 Because administration of large amounts of albumin alone is both ineffective and expensive, this therapeutic combination will require clear validation before its routine use can be recommended. Other interventions, such as use of ultrafiltration150 or combining furosemide with indapamide,151 have been reported but also require further validation. Therapy for glomerular disease or nephrotic syndrome may also be associated with drug interactions. For example, corticosteroids may inhibit hepatic microsomal enzymes, thereby altering the metabolism of other drugs. Clinically important drug interactions may be seen with other immunosuppressive drugs, including cyclosporine and azathioprine, as well as with diuretics and antihypertensive agents.137

Alterations in Platelet Function Hypoalbuminemia may contribute to abnormal platelet function in nephrotic patients because conversion of arachidonic acid to metabolites that aggregate platelets is regulated by albumin.152 In the presence of hypoalbuminemia, arachidonic acid may be metabolized to platelet-aggregating substances such as endoperoxides and thromboxane A2.153 In support of this notion, the degree of platelet dysfunction tends to correlate with the severity of hypoalbuminemia and proteinuria.154

Platelets from nephrotic patients are refractory to adenylate cyclase stimulation by prostaglandin E1, further enhancing the tendency toward increased platelet aggregation.155 However, a firm correlation between the plasma albumin concentration and platelet aggregability is not well established clinically.155

HYPERLIPIDEMIA Hyperlipidemia is a frequent complication of nephrotic syndrome. Marked dysregulation of lipid metabolism occurs, with both quantitative and qualitative abnormalities in plasma lipids and lipoproteins. Although hyperlipidemia may be found in any kidney disease, it is most striking in nephrotic syndrome, in which such changes occur even when the GFR remains normal. The major lipid abnormalities are listed in Table 26–1 and described later.

The nephrotic syndrome is characterized by abnormalities in virtually every aspect of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism.156–158 Increased levels of the apolipoprotein B (apo B)–containing lipoproteins, very low density (VLDL), intermediate-density (IDL), and low-density (LDL) lipoproteins

TABLE 26–1

Mechanisms in the Pathophysiology of Lipid Abnormalities in Nephrotic Syndrome

Alterations in low-density lipoprotein and cholesterol metabolism Increased LDL generation Increased apo B synthesis Increased CETP activity Increased cholesterol synthesis Increased HMG-CoA reductase activity Decreased cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase Up-regulation of hepatic ACAT Defects in LDL clearance Reduction in hepatic LDL expression Reductions in apo B catabolism Alterations in very low density lipoprotein metabolism Impaired VLDL clearance Reduced LPL and hepatic lipase activity Reduced VLDL receptor Impaired enrichment with apo E and apo C Increased hepatic production of fatty acids and triglycerides Elevated enzymatic activity of acyl-CoA carboxylase and fatty acid synthase Increased hepatic DGAT activity Alterations in high-density lipoprotein Diminished LCAT activity Apo A-I enrichment of HDL* Reduced expression of HDL (SR-B1) receptor Increased Lp(a) synthesis *Observed in rats. Unlike experimental models, fractional catabolism of apo A-I in nephrotic patients is increased because of the increase in CETP, which is absent in rats. CETP mediates conversion of the larger HDL2 to the smaller HDL3, which has less affinity for apo A-I, and thus indirectly facilitates clearance of apo A-I. ACAT, acetyl coenzyme A:cholesterol actytransferase; acyl-CoA, acyl coenzyme A; apo A-I, apolipoprotein A-I; apo B, apolipoprotein B; apo C, apolipoprotein C; apo E, apolipoprotein E; CETP, cholesterol ester transferase protein; DGAT, diacylglycerol acyltransferase; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; HMG-CoA, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A; LCAT, lecithincholesterol acyltransferase; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; Lp(a), lipoprotein (a); LPL, lipoprotein lipase; VLDL, very low density lipoprotein.

Pathogenesis of Nephrotic Hyperlipidemia Nephrotic hyperlipidemia results from both overproduction and impaired catabolism or composition of serum lipids and lipoproteins. A major issue is whether the lipid abnormalities in nephrotic syndrome arise as a consequence of hypoalbuminemia or proteinuria. In general, the severity of hyperlipidemia tends to correlate with the severity of hypoalbuminemia. In addition, remission of nephrotic syndrome is usually associated with a decrease in serum cholesterol as the albumin level rises, whereas albumin infusion acutely raises serum albumin and lowers serum cholesterol levels.59,159,169 Because hepatic synthetic rates of albumin and lipoproteins react to similar stimuli and follow the same synthetic pathways, it has been hypothesized that increased lipoprotein synthesis was simply a side effect of increased albumin synthesis. However, although albumin synthesis is increased, no clear correlation has been found between hyperlipidemia and the rate of albumin synthesis in nephrotic patients. Kaysen and associates170 showed that serum cholesterol levels in nephrotic patients were dependent only on the renal clearance of albumin and were totally independent of albumin synthetic rates, but that serum TG levels showed some dependence on albumin synthesis. Similarly, serum lipid levels in nephrotic rats correlated with proteinuria and not with albumin synthetic rates.171 An alternative stimulus may be the reduction in plasma oncotic pressure. Infusion of either albumin or dextran into nephrotic patients and animals reduces serum lipid levels, thus suggesting that low plasma oncotic pressure may stimulate hepatic lipoprotein synthesis.170,172,173 These findings correspond to in vitro observations demonstrating modulation of lipoprotein synthesis in hepatocytes cultured in media containing variable amounts of albumin.69 It is now apparent that reductions in plasma albumin levels or oncotic pressure, as well as the direct consequences of proteinuria, contribute to lipid alterations in nephrotic syndrome. As discussed later, these major factors operate on various levels of the lipid metabolic pathways. Metabolism of lipoproteins is closely linked. For purposes of this review, defects in the metabolism of individual fractions are discussed separately, with the understanding that one mechanism may alter the levels and composition of multiple lipoproteins.

Alterations in Low-Density Lipoprotein and Cholesterol Metabolism Increases in LDL and total cholesterol in nephrotic syndrome are attributable to both increased synthesis and impaired catabolism. It has been shown that some nephrotic patients

Renal and Systemic Manifestations of Glomerular Disease

Lipid Abnormalities in Nephrotic Syndrome

result in hypercholesterolemia, sometimes with hypertriglyc- 829 eridemia. Cholesterol and phospholipid levels rise early in the disease course, whereas triglyceride (TG) elevations are more commonly found with more severe disease. Total highdensity lipoprotein (HDL) levels are usually normal, but in severely proteinuric patients, HDL may be lost in the urine, with resultant reduced levels.156–158 Subtype analysis demonstrates an abnormal distribution with significant reductions in the protective subtype HDL2.159,160 Plasma concentrations of lipoprotein (a) (Lp[a]) are also elevated in nephrotic syndrome.161–163 In addition, nephrotic patients show qualitative abnormalities in lipoprotein composition. The cholesterol-toTG ratio is elevated in all classes of lipoproteins, which also tend to be enriched with cholesterol ester.164 The highly atherogenic small LDL-III fraction is elevated as well.165 The apolipoprotein content is also abnormal, with reduced apo C and E despite elevations in apo B, C-II, and E and an increased ratio of apo C-III to apo C-II.158,166,167 Taken together, these abnormalities result in an increased atherogenic profile.168 CH 26

830 have increased absolute synthetic rates of apo B-100, the principal apoprotein constituent of LDL. Importantly, increased LDL apo B synthesis does not correlate with the synthetic rate of albumin.174 Moreover, significant reductions in apo B catabolism have also been demonstrated.175,176 Another line of evidence has suggested that plasma levels and the activity of cholesterol ester transfer protein (CETP) are enhanced in nephrotic syndrome.177 This protein, which is present in humans but not in rats, mediates the transfer of esterified cholesterol from HDL to VLDL remnants to yield LDL. Hepatic cholesterol synthesis is increased in experimental nephrotic syndrome. Complex studies by Vaziri and coworkers178,179 have identified enzymatic defects in the liver of nephrotic rats that can collectively enhance hepatic cholesterol synthesis. These studies have shown increased hepatic activity of hydroxymethylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase, the rate-limiting enzyme for biosynthesis, in nephrotic rats. These changes are typical for the induction CH 26 phase of proteinuria and are followed by a gradual decline to baseline levels.178 This may explain why some other studies failed to find increases in this enzyme in nephrotic models.180 In contrast to HMG-CoA reductase, hepatic expression of cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase, the rate-limiting enzyme responsible for conversion of cholesterol to bile acids, is reduced in nephrotic rats.179,181 More recently, the same group described marked up-regulation of hepatic acetyl coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) in nephrotic rats.182 This multifunctional enzyme is involved in the catalysis of intracellular cholesterol esterification and is responsible for lowering intracellular free cholesterol. By lowering hepatic free cholesterol, ACAT up-regulation may be responsible for the aforementioned defects in HMGCoA reductase and 7α-hydroxylase activity and the enhanced cholesterol synthesis. Furthermore, enhanced ACAT activity leads to intracellular accumulation of cholesterol ester. Increases in hepatic cholesterol concentrations could contribute to hyperlipidemia both by increasing VLDL production and by down-regulating expression of LDL receptors, as discussed later.180 In the vascular system, this phenomenon leads to foam cell formation and atherosclerosis.183 Indeed, recent evidence has further suggested that ACAT plays a crucial role in complex alterations of lipid metabolism in nephrotic syndrome, at least experimentally.180 Treatment of rats with puromycin nephrosis with an ACAT inhibitor resulted in reductions in plasma cholesterol and TGs, normalized the total cholesterol–to-HDL ratio, and lowered hepatic ACAT. This was accompanied by near normalization of plasma LCAT, hepatic SRB-1, and the LDL receptor (see later) and significant amelioration of proteinuria and hypoalbuminemia.180 Results of studies in humans are less clear. Turnover studies using radiolabeled glycerol and mevalonate have suggested increases in cholesterol synthesis.164 In contrast, the serum lathosterol–to-cholesterol ratio, an index of cholesterol synthesis, is not elevated and does not change in response to antiproteinuric treatment.184 Whether increased cholesterogenesis actually occurs in human nephrotic syndrome requires further clarification. In addition to the defects discussed earlier, acquired defects in LDL clearance could also be responsible for LDL elevation in the nephrotic syndrome. Some earlier clinical studies have suggested reduced receptor-mediated LDL clearance with associated increases in LDL catabolism via alternative pathways.176,177 Supporting this hypothesis, Vaziri and co-workers179,185 described marked reduction in hepatic LDL receptor protein expression in nephrotic rats. These changes were present despite normal LDL receptor mRNA, suggesting inefficient LDL receptor translation or enhanced protein turnover in these rats. The authors hypothesized that, in addition

to reduced LDL clearance, an acquired hepatic LDL receptor defect could contribute to low hepatocellular cholesterol levels and consequent dysregulation of hepatic HMG-CoA reductase and 7α-hydroxylase, as discussed previously.186 Another defect in nephrotic syndrome is the finding of marked up-regulation of hepatic LDL receptor–related protein expression, which is partly reversed with statin administration.187

Alterations in Very Low Density Lipoprotein Metabolism The increased VLDL levels in nephrotic syndrome occur predominantly as a result of impaired VLDL clearance. Early studies demonstrated defective chylomicron clearance in nephrotic rats,171 a phenomenon that correlated with proteinuria rather than with hypoalbuminemia. In addition, plasma TG levels are higher in nephrotic than in analbuminemic rats despite similar increases in hepatic TG production.188 Defective VLDL clearance has also been documented in nephrotic patients.174 As a major determinant of chylomicron and VLDL clearance, the functional integrity of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) has been a logical focus for study in this area. Reduced LPL activity in nephrotic patients was proposed by Garber and colleagues.189 Earlier reports suggested that decreased LPL activity may relate to the increased levels of circulating free fatty acids that result from hypoalbuminemia and the lowered protein-binding capacity of plasma. The increased free fatty acid level contributes by providing the lipid substrate for increased hepatic lipoprotein synthesis and by leading to decreased activity of LPL.190,191 LPL is attached to the endothelium by ionic bonding to a negatively charged matrix of glycosaminoglycans such as heparan sulfate.190 This endothelium-bound LPL is an active, metabolically important pool, which is reduced in nephrotic rats.171,191 Urinary excretion is markedly increased in nephrotic patients,192 and circulating levels of heparan sulfate are reduced in nephrotic plasma and contribute to the decrease in LPL activity. In support of this concept, studies in nephrotic rats show that the markedly delayed plasma disappearance of radiolabeled chylomicrons may be completely normalized by injection of minute amounts of purified urinary heparan sulfate.193 The heparan sulfate deficiency may also result from deficient hepatic synthesis of glycosaminoglycans. Nephrotic syndrome is characterized by excessive urinary losses of orosomucoid, a plasma glycoprotein synthesized by the liver. Urinary losses may lead to an increase in hepatic synthesis with a resultant excessive drain of key sugar intermediates from liver parenchymal cells, thus limiting the substrates available for heparan sulfate synthesis.1 Because the endothelial pool of LPL in Nagase analbuminuric rats is reduced to the same extent as in nephrotic rats but TG levels are much higher in the latter model, it has been hypothesized that, in addition to defects in endothelial LPL, other important determinants of VLDL levels are present in nephrotic syndrome. Indeed, more recent studies have revealed abnormalities in other determinants of VLDL clearance. In several models of nephrotic syndrome, Liang and Vaziri194,195 demonstrated that elevated serum TG levels are in part attributable to reduced VLDL receptor and LPL expression. Reductions in VLDL receptor protein and mRNA were inversely related to plasma VLDL and TG concentrations. The same group implicated secondary hyperparathyroidism in the reduced LPL and hepatic lipase activity of proteinuric rats with progressive renal failure and suggested that, because of depletion of hepatic LPL in nephrotic rats, there is no liver compensation for the LPL defect.196 Furthermore, defective receptormediated clearance and a metabolic defect in recognition and removal by the liver owing to hepatic lipase deficiency may underlie the elevated remnant particles in nephrotic syndrome.197

Alterations in High-Density Lipoprotein Nephrotic syndrome is associated with specific abnormalities in enzymatic functions required for effective function of HDL. Diminished activity of the enzyme lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) appears to contribute to the lipoprotein abnormalities in nephrotic syndrome.203,204 LCAT is involved in catalyzing the esterification of cholesterol and its incorporation into HDL particles, as well as the conversion of HDL3 to HDL2. Low LCAT levels would impair this HDL maturation, in turn reducing the transfer of apo C-II to VLDL and thus inhibiting the catabolism of TG-rich lipoproteins.164 Nephrotic patients have a distribution in HDL isoforms that corresponds to the LCAT defect; the higher-molecular-weight HDL2 is reduced and replaced by an increase in the lowermolecular-weight HDL3. The LCAT deficiency in nephrotic rats is due to urinary losses.204 However, hypoalbuminemia may also play a role by increasing levels of free (unbound) lysolecithin, an inhibitor of LCAT.205 Increased hepatic production and elevated plasma CETP levels may contribute to HDL abnormalities in nephrotic

patients.178 As a mediator of transfer of esterified cholesterol 831 from HDL to VLDL, elevated CETP levels might contribute to cholesterol enrichment of TG-rich lipoproteins, as well as the observed reductions in HDL2.178,206 Elevated HDL in nephrotic rats is associated with apo A-I enrichment of HDL particles.207,208 This abnormality has been linked to hypoalbuminemia and reduced oncotic pressure, and the accumulation of apo A-I–rich HDL is due to increased hepatic synthesis and reduced catabolism of HDL and apo A-I.207,208 In addition, recent studies indicate that HDL is structurally altered by levels of albuminuria, associated with changes in concentrations of apo A-IV, apo E, apo A-II, apo C-II, and apo C-III.209 Importantly, the relevance of these observations for human studies is unknown. Unlike experimental models, fractional catabolism of apo A-I in nephrotic patients is increased because of the increase in CETP that is absent in rats. CETP mediates conversion of the larger HDL2 to the smaller HDL3, which has less affinity for apo A-I, and thus indirectly facilitates clearance of apo A-I.210 Finally, the altered plasma HDL levels and composition in CH 26 nephrotic rats are at least partly attributable to reduced protein expression of SR-B1.211 This molecule has been identified as an HDL receptor responsible for the clearance of these particles. This situation closely resembles the defect in the LDL receptor in nephrotic rats, described previously.175,185 Combined LDL and HDL receptor deficiency has been proposed as a crucial factor for development of hypercholesterolemia in the nephrotic syndrome.186

Lipoprotein (a)

Lp(a) is increased in nephrotic patients.162,163,184 In view of the atherogenic potential of Lp(a), these findings are important. The principal mechanism leading to elevations in Lp(a) seems to be increased synthesis.162 Lp(a) is related to apo B synthesis in nephrotic humans. As demonstrated by Noto and coworkers,163 Lp(a) levels in nephrotic children inversely correlate with apo(a) isoform size and plasma albumin levels, but not with proteinuria.

Clinical Consequences of Nephrotic Hyperlipidemia Many of the lipid abnormalities in nephrotic syndrome are significant risk factors for atherosclerotic cardiovascular (CV) disease in the general population, including increases in total cholesterol, LDL- and VLDL-cholesterol, apo B, and Lp(a) and reductions in HDL2 cholesterol. Furthermore, additional risk factors, such as hypertension, endothelial dysfunction, and hypercoagulability, may also contribute to the risk of atherosclerotic CV disease. A small study found elevated plasma homocysteine levels in nephrotic patients as well.212 Nonetheless, evidence that CV risk is indeed increased in these patients remains controversial, and prospective long-term data are not available. Studies attempting to define CV risk in nephrotic patients have been flawed by inclusion of patients with minimal change disease, which typically remits; diabetes, which is inherently atherogenic; or failure to control for the presence of other risk factors. Indeed, the risk of CV disease in adults with a history of relapsing nephrotic syndrome during childhood is similar to that of the general population.213 This observation agrees with early studies, which included relatively young patients, contained small numbers, and were retrospective in design, but also did not uniformly find an increased risk of CV events.214–216 However, in a retrospective analysis of 142 currently nephrotic patients without diabetes, Ordonez and colleagues217 found that, after correction for hypertension and smoking, the relative risk of myocardial infarction was increased 5.5-fold and that of coronary death was increased 2.8-fold in comparison to nonnephrotic controls. In addition, Falaschi and colleagues218

Renal and Systemic Manifestations of Glomerular Disease

VLDL isolated from nephrotic rats hydrolyzes at a different rate in vitro than it does in control animals.198 Shearer and associates199 perfused hearts from normal, analbuminemic, and nephrotic rats with chylomicrons and found identical clearance of these particles in analbuminemic and nephrotic rats that was correctable with albumin. In contrast, binding of VLDL from nephrotic rats to cultured rat aortic endothelial cells was reduced as compared with binding in analbuminemic rats. These observations suggest that altered structure or composition of TG-rich lipoproteins must play a role in altered VLDL clearance. In both studies, the defects in lipolysis in nephrotic rats were corrected by normal HDL, thus suggesting that a component within HDL played a role in the genesis of these alterations. To facilitate VLDL receptor– mediated and LPL-mediated clearance, HDL supplies VLDL with most of the apo E and apo C. Alterations in these molecules in nephrotic syndrome have been described; apo E is reduced in the HDL of nephrotic rats and in the VLDL of nephrotic patients.167 Apo C has been found to be markedly reduced per unit of VLDL in nephrotic patients166,167 despite normal or even increased plasma levels. Reductions in VLDL apo C and apo E correlate with particle size.167 The significance of alterations in apo E content in VLDL has more recently been further emphasized.200 The authors have demonstrated normal binding of nascent VLDL from livers from nephrotic rats to endothelial cells. However, prior incubation of nascent VLDL with nephrotic HDL reduced binding in association with lower apo E content. The defect was corrected by reintroduction of apo E and suggests failure of nephrotic HDL to enrich VLDL with apo E. Thus, in addition to reduced LPL activity, VLDL clearance in nephrotic syndrome is delayed because of altered composition. VLDL synthesis has been also evaluated. Increased hepatic production of fatty acids and TGs has been demonstrated in various nephrotic models.188,201 Increased hepatic production of fatty acids in nephrotic rats has been shown to be caused by elevated enzymatic activity of acyl-CoA carboxylase and fatty acid synthase, the key enzymes in fatty acid biosynthesis. More recently, the possible role of acyl CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT) has been studied in this context. DGAT is a microsomal enzyme that joins acyl CoA to 1,2diacylglycerol to form TG. Nephrotic rats demonstrated upregulation of hepatic DGAT-1 expression and activity, which could contribute to the associated hypertriglyceridemia by enhancing TG synthesis.202 Although the reduced clearance of VLDL seems to play the principal role in hypertriglyceridemia, slightly increase or even normal TG synthesis in the face of reduced VLDL clearance, documented previously, could also contribute.

832 evaluated the carotid intima–media wall thickness (IMT) in young patients with lupus as a marker of early atherosclerosis and CV risk. Patients with nephrotic-range proteinuria had a significantly higher IMT than did those without. The IMT did not correlate with the lupus activity score or other possible risk factors except for proteinuria, thus suggesting a higher risk of early atherosclerosis even in this young age group.218 Recent studies have focused on alterations in endothelial function associated with nephrotic syndrome. These complex changes with multifactorial etiology may be a common denominator of the clinical consequences of nephrotic syndrome, such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, and hypercoagulability. Nephrotic patients may exhibit impaired endothelium-dependent relaxation219,220 and decreased total plasma antioxidant potential.221 Hyperlipidemia itself is also a risk factor for impaired endothelial function. Indeed, treatment with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors resulting in significant reductions in hypercholesterolemia has been associated with substantial improvement in endothelium-dependent CH 26 vasodilation in patients with nephrotic syndrome.222 Altered lysophosphatidylcholine metabolism, linked to both hyperlipidemia and hypoalbuminemia, is another factor responsible for the endothelial dysfunction in nephrotic syndrome.223 Hyperlipidemia probably contributes to other adverse consequences of nephrotic syndrome. The increased platelet aggregation tends to correlate with the magnitude of hyperlipidemia.153 Hyperlipidemia may also contribute to the increased susceptibility of nephrotic patients to infection inasmuch as serum from nephrotic patients inhibits lymphocyte proliferation in response to specific and nonspecific antigen stimulation.224 In addition to increasing the risk for CV disease, Lp(a), which may act to inhibit plasminogen, could contribute to hypercoagulability. Finally, the role of hyperlipidemia as a risk factor for progression of chronic kidney disease is discussed in detail in Chapters 47 and 48.

Therapy for Nephrotic Hyperlipidemia In view of the magnitude of the CV risk in this population, further studies are needed to establish the need for aggressive hypolipidemic therapy.168 Attempts to modify the lipoprotein profile may be worthwhile in patients with unremitting nephrotic syndrome, particularly if other CV risk factors are present. The principles of therapy are similar to those in other populations and include alterations in diet, the use of pharmacologic agents, and attention to other CV risk factors. Although few studies have systematically looked at the impact of standard dietary therapy in proteinuric patients, a moderate reduction in dietary cholesterol intake appears to be relatively ineffective.225 Studies of vegetarian soy diets that are low in protein and rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids have demonstrated improvements in serum cholesterol, LDL, and apo B in patients with proteinuria.226 Supplementation of this diet with fish oil was of no additional benefit,227 although it may provide some beneficial effect on TG levels.164,226 Fibric acid derivatives have a more prominent effect on TG metabolism than on cholesterol. In one study of 11 patients treated with gemfibrozil, TG levels fell and HDL levels rose, with little change in total cholesterol or LDL-cholesterol levels.228 Controlled prospective studies have indicated that colestipol and probucol may also have modest hypolipidemic effects.229,230 The preferred agents in nephrotic patients are HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, which induce the greatest and most consistent hypolipidemic effect.230 Experimentally, statins have been shown to ameliorate hepatic LDL receptor and HDL receptor deficiencies and to lower plasma total cholesterol, LDL, and the total cholesterol–to–HDL-cholesterol ratio.231 Clinically, these drugs reduce total cholesterol, LDL, apo B-

100, and TG, and increase HDL.232–235 Lp(a) levels may also be reduced by statins.234,235 but the literature regarding Lp(a) is inconsistent. In the largest reported study, Olbricht and associates236 conducted a prospective, randomized, placebocontrolled trial of 102 patients with glomerulonephritis and at least 3 g of proteinuria per day. With simvastatin, mean changes from baseline in total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, and serum TG were −39%, −47%, +1%, and −30%; serum Lp(a) was not affected. Another study demonstrated a possible benefit of combinations of statins with fibrates.237 Other than lipid lowering, the beneficial effects of statins could be associated with their pleiotropic, non– lipid-lowering effects and may include a reduction in platelet aggregation and procoagulant factors, inhibition of mesangial cell proliferation and matrix accumulation, and anti-inflammatory effects.238 Use of ezetemibe in nephrotic hyperlipidemia has not yet been reported. In addition to standard hypolipidemic therapies, interventions that reduce proteinuria may also indirectly improve serum lipid profiles. Several studies of ACEI or ARB therapy have demonstrated improvement in lipid profiles, including reductions in Lp(a).239–241 Finally, several reports have indicated beneficial effects of lipoprotein apheresis on severely hyperlipidemic nephrotic patients,242,243 although evidence of long-term outcomes from this intervention are currently lacking.

HYPERTENSION Hypertension frequently accompanies glomerular diseases. Hypertension in the absence of renal insufficiency is more likely to be present in primary glomerular diseases than in diseases of tubulointerstitial origin. The relationship between hypertension and glomerular disease has been the subject of many reviews244,245 and is discussed in detail in Chapters 43 and 47. In nephrotic syndrome, hypertensive patients also appear to fall in the group with plasma volume expansion,102 with blood pressures falling after remission or diuretic therapy.246 Though not well studied, urinary loss of an antihypertensive substance is a possibility.

HEMATOLOGIC ABNORMALITIES (see also Chapter 49) Hypercoagulable State and Renal Vein Thrombosis The nephrotic syndrome is frequently a hypercoagulable state, with increased risk of thromboembolic complications. The most common manifestation in adults is the development of renal vein thrombosis, most frequently associated with membranous glomerulonephritis. Prospective studies of the incidence of renal vein thrombosis in patients with membranous nephropathy indicated an average incidence of about 12%, with individual studies finding a range of 5% to 62%.153,247,248 The incidence is lower in other forms of glomerulonephritis, for unknown reasons. The incidence of thrombotic complications at other sites ranges from 8% to 44%, with an average of about 20%.247–249 Of such complications, pulmonary embolism is the most frequent and serious. In a study of 204 children and 116 adults with nephrotic syndrome, children exhibited a lower incidence of events than adults did. However, the complications tended to be more severe in children, almost half of whom exhibited arterial thrombosis.250 As mentioned earlier, the relative risk of coronary thrombotic events is increased in these patients,217 and hypercoagulability could well contribute.

Pathogenesis of Hypercoagulability The numerous abnormalities in the coagulation and hemostasis systems in the nephrotic syndrome have been extensively reviewed56,57,153,247,251 and are briefly summarized here. These abnormalities include altered levels and activity of factors in the intrinsic and extrinsic coagulation cascades, levels of antithrombotic and fibrinolytic components of plasma, platelet counts and platelet function, blood viscosity, and other factors. A pathogenetic mechanism for these abnormalities is depicted in Figure 26–9,153 and reported abnormalities are summarized in Table 26–2. As reviewed by Llach,153 abnormalities of coagulation in the nephrotic syndrome may relate to each of the five major functional classes of coagulation components: (1) zymogens (factors II, V, VII, IX, X, XI, and XII), which are activated to enzymes, and cofactors (factors V and VIII), which accelerate the conversion of zymogens; (2) fibrinogen; (3) the fibrinolytic system; (4) clotting inhibitors; and (5) components of platelet reaction and thrombogenesis. Most studies have noted deficiencies in levels of factors IX, XI, and XII,251,252 which are likely to relate to urinary loss of these low-molecular-weight proteins. Deficient factor XII levels are particularly important because this factor regulates coagulation activity as well as the fibrinolytic and kininkallikrein pathways.253 Increased levels of factor II and com-

TABLE 26–2

Coagulation Abnormalities in Nephrotic Syndrome

Alterations in zymogens and cofactors Deficiency in factors IX, XI, and XII Increased levels of factor II and combined factors VII and X Increased levels of factors V and VIII Increased plasma fibrinogen levels Alterations in the fibrinolytic system Deficiency of plasma plasminogen Low antiplasmin activity (α1-antitrypsin) Increased antiplasmin activity (a2-macroglobulin fraction) Increased α1-antiplasmin Alterations in coagulation inhibitors Deficiency of antithrombin III Deficiency of protein S Deficiency of protein C (possible) Alterations in platelet function Enhanced platelet aggregability Increased levels of β-thromboglobulin Data modified from Llach F: Hypercoagulability, renal vein thrombosis, and other thrombotic complications of nephrotic syndrome. Kidney Int 28:429, 1985.

Alterations in Fibrinogen Levels and the Fibrinolytic System The nephrotic syndrome is associated with elevated plasma fibrinogen levels,250,254–257 likely resulting from increased hepatic synthesis and normal catabolic rates.258 Fibrinogen levels correlate directly with urinary protein and serum cholesterol levels and inversely with serum albumin levels.254–257 Fibrinogen is an important determinant of plasma viscosity, and the increased levels may be important in the hypercoagu- CH 26 lability of nephrotic syndrome. Indeed, by inducing fibrin deposition, hyperfibrinogenemia may be a major factor determining thrombotic risk.258 The data on fibrinolytic abnormalities in nephrotic syndrome are conflicting. Several studies noted deficient plasma levels of plasminogen, with the decrease correlating with the magnitude of hypoalbuminemia and proteinuria.259,260 Other reported abnormalities include low antiplasmin activity (α1-antitrypsin)255 and increased antiplasmin activity (α2-macroglobulin fraction, which is the primary plasmin inhibitor and may be the most reliable marker of renal vein thrombosis).261

Alterations in Coagulation Inhibitors Nephrotic patients exhibit increased urinary losses and decreased plasma levels of antithrombin III (AT III), the most important inhibitor of coagulation and thrombin.250,262 Deficient serum levels of AT III are sometimes,262 though not always263 present and correlated with thromboembolic phenomena in nephrotic patients. AT III deficiency is reversible with steroid therapy.264 Abnormalities in other coagulation inhibitors, including protein C and protein S, may also occur; congenital deficiencies of each are associated with recurrent venous thrombosis.265,266 Both are found in the urine of nephrotic patients.267,268 Levels of total protein S and protein C antigens are elevated, but the activity of protein S is reduced because of a significant reduction in free (active) protein S levels, a consequence of elevated urinary losses.268 Protein C anticoagulant activity is elevated, although a marked reduction in specific activity has been noted.268 Nephrotic patients may exhibit elevations in serum thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI), as well as a deficiency in protein Z, two additional factors that may predispose to thrombosis.269 A reduction in tissue factor

Increased glomerular permeability

FIGURE 26–9 Schematic representation of pathogenetic factors leading to hypercoagulability, thromboembolic phenomena, and renal vein thrombosis in nephrotic syndrome. (From Llach F: Hypercoagulability, renal vein thrombosis, and other thrombotic complications of nephrotic syndrome. Kidney Int 28:429, 1985.)

Egress of fluid from vascular space


Increased hepatic synthesis Platelet of fibrinogen, cofactors, aggregation lipoproteins, etc... Urinary loss of clotting inhibitors, zymogens, plasminogen, etc... Hypercoagulability

Steroid therapy



Renal blood flow

Immunological injury (membranous nephropathy)

Renal and Systemic Manifestations of Glomerular Disease

Alterations in Zymogens and Cofactors

bined factors VII and X have also been noted.254 These 833 zymogen abnormalities usually normalize with clinical remission of nephrotic syndrome.252 The nephrotic syndrome is also characterized by increased levels of the cofactors V and VIII, which may correlate inversely with the serum albumin level.254–256 The serum elevations appear to result from increased hepatic synthesis, perhaps in response to the decreased oncotic pressure and/or hypoalbuminemia. These abnormalities in zymogens and cofactors have not been clearly associated with thrombotic complications.153

834 pathway inhibitor (TFPI) has been postulated, but one study found that proteinuria was in fact associated with increased TFPI levels, so the thrombotic tendencies cannot be readily ascribed to TFPI deficiency.270 Another study noted that many markers of endothelial cell injury (thrombomodulin, intracellular adhesion molecule-1, vascular cell adhesion molecule, TAFI, and vascular endothelial growth factor levels, but not protein Z) were elevated in nephrotic patients, but did not correlate with levels of proteinuria or serum albumin in general.269 Finally, one study examined the incidence of genetic mutations in factor V Leiden. In 35 patients with nephrotic syndrome, 10 developed thrombotic events. Of these, 2 were heterozygous for a factor V gene mutation, 1 with thrombosis and 1 without.271

Alterations in Platelet Function Platelet counts in nephrotic patients tend to be normal or elevated.254,255 Platelet aggregability may be increased.263,272 Potential contributions of hyperlipidemia and hypoalbuminCH 26 emia to this abnormality were discussed earlier. Nephrotic patients may also exhibit elevations in β-thromboglobulin, a specific protein released by platelets on aggregation.273,274 In summary, numerous coagulation abnormalities are found in nephrotic syndrome. Furthermore, nephrotic syndrome may be characterized by increased blood viscosity,274 as a result of both hyperlipidemia and increased fibrinogen. Steroid therapy may also exacerbate hypercoagulability in nephrotic patients.275 The specific role of each of these abnormalities in the pathogenesis of thromboembolic complications remains incompletely defined.153 An increased tendency toward thrombotic events has been correlated with increased α2-antiplasmin levels,261 and the presence of factor XII and prekallikrein in subepithelial deposits has been noted in patients with membranous glomerulonephritis.276 However, a prospective study of nephrotic adults monitored for an average of 21 months found significant increases in factor I, factor VIIIc, factor VIIIr:Ag, α1-antitrypsin, and α2-macroglobulin, as well as platelet hyperaggregability, in the group as a whole, but no correlation between these abnormalities and thromboembolic events. Low levels of AT III and severe hypoalbuminemia were of no predictive value for thromboembolic events.263

HORMONAL AND OTHER SYSTEMIC MANIFESTATIONS Other systemic manifestations of glomerular disease, which are covered in detail elsewhere in this volume, include enhanced susceptibility to infection,59,277 possibly as a result of urinary loss of components of the alternate complement pathway, including factor B, and loss of IgG.277 IgG synthesis may also be impaired.278 Deficiencies of trace metals such as copper, zinc, and iron may occur.279,280 Urinary losses of thyroxine-binding globulin, triiodothyronine, and thyroxine have been noted, although patients remain clinically euthyroid.281 Urinary levels of corticosteroid-binding globulin282 and insulin-like growth factor type I283 are elevated, although the clinical consequences are unclear. Abnormalities in Ca2+ and vitamin D metabolism, such as hypocalcemia, hypocalciuria, and low serum levels of vitamin D, also characterize the nephrotic syndrome.59,284,285 It is not clear that clinically significant hypovitaminosis D occurs in the majority of nephrotic patients,57 but one study found an increased incidence of isolated osteomalacia and bone resorption in association with defective mineralization in patients with sustained nephrotic syndrome.286 Urinary levels of erythropoietin are increased, and plasma levels fail

to rise despite anemia287; erythropoietin deficiency can occur and cause anemia even in the setting of normal kidney function.288,289 Transferrin synthesis is increased, but not sufficiently to replace urinary losses.290,291 Finally, extrarenal protein loss in the presence of inadequate protein intake may be associated with negative nitrogen balance and protein malnutrition.66

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Renal and Systemic Manifestations of Glomerular Disease

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CHAPTER 27 Intravenous Urography, 839

Diagnostic Kidney Imaging

Iodinated Contrast Media, 840

William D. Boswell, Jr. • Hossein Jadvar • Suzanne L. Palmer

Plain Film of the Abdomen, 839

Ultrasound, 842 Ultrasound—Normal Anatomy, 842 Computed Tomography, 845 Computed Tomography Technique, 846 Computed Tomography Anatomy, 846 Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 846 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Protocols, 850 Diagnostic Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Routine Renal Exam, 850 Renal Vascular Evaluation; Magnetic Resonance Angiography/Venography, 852 Collecting System Evaluation: Magnetic Resonance Urography, 852 Nuclear Medicine, 853 Radiopharmaceuticals, 853 Normal Renal Function, 855 Kidney Injury—Acute and Chronic, 857 Unilateral Obstruction, 860 Renal Calcifications and Renal Stone Disease, 865

Imaging has evolved over the past 100 plus years, but the most changes have been seen in the past 20 years with marked changes in technology. In the beginning only anatomic information was available. Many different imaging examinations are now performed for the evaluation of the kidneys and the urinary tract providing not only anatomic, but also functional and metabolic information. X-ray studies include plain films, intravenous urography (IVU), antegrade and retrograde pyelograms, and computed tomography (CT). Most of these studies provide anatomic information, as does ultrasound, which employs high-frequency sound waves, not ionizing radiation. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) yields primarily anatomic information, but shows potential for functional evaluation as well. Nuclear medicine studies contribute primarily functional information with positron emission tomography (PET) yielding a means of metabolic assessment. Each modality has something to offer in the evaluation of the kidney as technical advances in all the areas have led to better means for renal evaluation. To properly evaluate the clinical question in patients, it is important to understand the benefits, the limitations, and the diagnostic yields of each modality.

Renal Infection, 868 Renal Mass—Cysts to Renal Cell Carcinoma, 877 Renal Cancer—PET and PET-CT, 894 Renal Vascular Disease, 897 Nuclear Imaging and Renovascular Disease, 902 Renal Vein Thrombosis, 904 Renal Transplantation Assessment, 905

PLAIN FILM OF THE ABDOMEN The plain film of the abdomen has been used for years as the starting point or first step in the evaluation of the kidneys as well as the rest of the abdomen. This study may also be known as the KUB or radiograph of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder (Fig. 27–1). It is the scout film, first film, for many studies of the abdomen, including the IVU. The examination itself yields little significant information on its own. Renal size and contour may be estimated if the renal outlines can be seen, calcifications may be visualized, and other findings in the abdomen may be noted. If performed, it should be only the starting point in the evaluation of the kidneys. Intravenous iodinated contrast material is usually necessary for the opacification of the kidneys and urinary tract on radiograph examinations.

INTRAVENOUS UROGRAPHY The intravenous urography (IVU) is still used by many as the primary means of investigation of the kidneys and urinary tract.1,2 The IVU is also known as the intravenous pyelogram (IVP). The manner in which it is performed is best tailored to the clinical problem that is being studied. A scout film or plain film of the abdomen (KUB) is done before any contrast material is injected intravenously. This provides a starting point for the investigation of the urinary tract, but also serves as an overall assessment of the abdomen and pelvis in general. Subsequently, 25 grams to 40 grams of iodine in the form of iodinated contrast media (generally 75 cc to 150 cc) are injected intravenously for the study. The method of choice is a bolus injection, which leads to peak iodine concentrations in the plasma. Infusion techniques for contrast media injection have been used in the past but lead to a lower peak iodine concentration and poorer assessment overall. Timed sequential images of the kidneys and remainder of the genitourinary system are then obtained.3,4 As the iodinated contrast media is filtered by the glomerulus, the plasma iodine concentration determines the concentration of iodine in the glomerular filtrate. The higher the concentration of iodine injected, the greater the amount of iodine within the kidney and thus the better visualization of the kidney and subsequently the pelvocalyceal system.5 The first film obtained in an IVU is taken immediately after the completion of the injection of the contrast media (generally within 30 to 60 seconds). It will demonstrate a nephrogram or image of the kidneys that reflects the iodine concentration within the tubular system of the kidneys (Fig. 27–2).6 A higher plasma concentration of iodine leads to a higher iodine concentration in the glomerular filtrate. A higher iodine concentration in the tubular system results in a denser nephrogram or better depiction of the kidneys. This nephrogram may be used to evaluate the size, shape, and contour of the kidneys. The overall appearance and density of the kidneys should be symmetrical. The outlines of the kidneys are usually well seen contrasted by the lower or darker appearance of perirenal fat. The presence of renal 839


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FIGURE 27–3 Intravenous urography—Nephrotomogram. This film is obtained between 5 to 7 minutes after the injection of contrast material. The overall outline of kidney is well seen with the calyces, renal pelvis, and proximal ureter opacified with the excreted contrast.

FIGURE 27–1 Plain film of the abdomen or KUB. The kidneys lie posteriorly in the retroperitoneum in the upper abdomen. They may be seen because they are surrounded by fat. The ribs overlie the kidney and bowel gas can be seen in the right upper quadrant. The psoas muscles are also well seen because retroperitoneal fat abuts them.

appearance of contrast in the calyces similar. The anatomic depiction of the calyces, infundibula, and pelvis is best displayed by 5 to 10 minutes. Tomography may be performed, usually at 5 to 7 minutes, and it assists in the delineation of the renal contours, calyceal system, and renal pelvis (Fig. 27–3). The calyces have a well-formed cup shape with sharp fornices and end in a thin smooth infundibulum, which leads into the renal pelvis. The calyces may be compound or complex with several ending in one infundibulum. Abdominal compression may improve visualization of the renal elements early in the study with subsequent release allowing for the drainage of the contrast into the ureters and better visualization of the ureters. Imaging of the ureters is usually accomplished at 10 to 15 minutes. The drainage of the contrast material from the kidney and ureters allows for a global assessment of the urinary bladder (Fig. 27–4). The total number of images for the complete study is driven by the clinical question to be answered.2–4


FIGURE 27–2 Intravenous urography—Nephrogram phase. This film is obtained within 60 seconds of the injection of contrast material. The kidneys are seen with smooth borders with the overlying bowel gas.

cortical scars and contour abnormalities caused by renal masses are usually well seen. The kidneys are usually homogenous in appearance throughout with a cyst or mass within the kidney causing an alteration to the overall density of the kidney. By 3 to 5 minutes after the completion of the injection of contrast material, the iodinated contrast has reached the calyceal system. The excretion of the contrast media by the kidneys should always be symmetrical and the time of

Over the years, many different intravascular contrast media have been employed.7 All these contrast agents contain iodine in the form of a tri-iodinated benzoic acid ring in solution. Contrast agents are characterized as either ionic or nonionic and either monomers or dimmers. These agents are also known as high osmolar contrast media (HOCM), low osmolar contrast media (LOCM), and isotonic contrast media (IOCM) depending on their osmolality relative to plasma. HOCM has been used successfully for more than 50 years through the 1990’s for most intravascular applications, including IVU, CT scanning, and angiographic applications. With the introduction of LOCM in the mid-1980’s and IOCM in the 1990’s, there has been a gradual shift to these agents. In the mid-2000’s virtually all studies needing intravascular contrast injection are now performed with LOCM or IOCM. All the HOCM agents are ionic. They are categorized as diatrizoates, iothalamates, and metrizoates. These compounds are all water-soluble salt solutions and all are hyperosmolar with relationship to plasma. The osmolality of these compounds is generally 5 to 8 times that of plasma (300 mOsm/ liter). The anion is the iodine containing portion of the salt with the cation generally being either sodium or meglumine. Ionic media dissociate in water, whereas non-ionic media

remains in solution. Within the bloodstream, these agents are not bound to any plasma proteins and therefore filtered by the glomerulus directly. Virtually all of the contrast media injected is filtered by the glomerulus with no tubular reabsorption of excretion in the patient with normal renal function.7 For patients experiencing renal failure, contrast media may be excreted by other routes including the biliary system or GI tract. All iodinated contrast agents are dialyzable. Contrast material within the plasma has a half-life of 1 to 2 hours in the patient with normal renal function. Virtually all contrast will be excreted by the kidneys within 24 hours. The volume of contrast material injected, the concentration of contrast within the plasma, and the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) determine the amount of contrast material excreted into the collecting systems and subsequently the calyces, renal pelvis, and ureters. Thus, in patients with normal renal function the concentration of iodine in the plasma will ultimately determine the quality of the study. Other factors, most particularly the state of hydration, also come into play as well. Changes in the tubular reabsorption of water along the nephron will affect the concentration of iodine within the tubule and thus the subsequent iodine concentration in the urine, which is visualized in the calyces and renal pelvis on the radiograph studies. Most LOCM agents are nonionic compounds, with the exception of Ioxaglate, which is an ionic dimer.8 These compounds do not dissociate in solution. The LOCM are still hyperosmolar relative to plasma but to a much lesser degree compared with HOCM. LOCM are generally 2 to 3 times the osmolality of plasma. These agents are filtered by the

Diagnostic Kidney Imaging

FIGURE 27–4 Intravenous urography—Excretory phase. This film is obtained 10 minutes after the injection of the contrast material. The kidneys are well visualized with contrast outlining the calyces, pelvis, ureters, and bladder.

glomerulus, just as HOCM, but have a higher concentration 841 within the tubular system because there is less water reabsorption. The osmotic affect of LOCM is less than HOCM in the tubular system and with a higher overall concentration; therefore, within the urine, the quality of imaging studies are generally improved.9 Iohexol, Iopamidol, and Ioversol make up the group of nonionic LOCM. Isotonic contrast media (IOCM) are nonionic dimers: Iodixanol and Iotrol. These agents are isotonic relative to plasma. They are handled in the kidney, just as HOCM and LOCM, filtered by the glomerulus with no tubular reabsorption or excretion. These agents are generally not used for renal imaging. Their use is almost exclusively for cardiac catherizations. Cost is the major difference with IOCM being 2 to 4 times higher. Reactions to the injection of any of the contrast agents may occur. These reactions are not “allergic” in the sense of an antigen-antibody reaction.10 No antibodies to contrast media have ever been isolated. The reactions, however, have the appearance of an allergic reaction. Although the majority of CH 27 these reactions are mild or minor, severe reactions and deaths do occur. With ionic HOCM the reaction rate for the general population is 5% to 6%.11 In patients with a history of allergy, the reaction rate is 10% to 12% and in those who have had a previous reaction to IV contrast administration the rate is 15% to 20%. The rate of reactions with LOCM and IOCM is much lower.12,13 Most reactions are mild consisting of flushing, nausea, and vomiting and do not require treatment. Mild dermal reactions, primarily urtica, do occur and may or may not require treatment. Moderate and severe reactions occur with considerably less frequency and include bronchospasm, laryngeal edema, seizures, arrhythmias, syncope shock, and cardiac arrest. All moderate and severe reactions require treatment. The risk of death has decreased from 1 in 8000 to 12,000 with HOCM and to 1 in 75,000 to 100,000 with LOCM and IOCM.12 As the reaction that occurs in patients after contrast injection is not antigen-antibody medicated, pretesting plays no role.14 Neither the rate of injection nor dose of contrast material has been clearly established as a determinant in the occurrence of contrast-related reactions.12,15 Premedication with antihistamines is used in some patients with prior minor reactions. The use of glucocorticoids plus H1 & H2 blockers is reserved for patients who need to be studied with iodinated contrast agents and have a history of prior contrast related reaction—usually moderate or severe in nature. There are few if any controlled studies available to critically evaluate this pretreatment regime.16 Contrast-related nephropathy occurs with a significant frequency, especially in the hospitalized patient base. Acute kidney injury (AKI/ARF) resulting from the administration of iodinated contrast agents is the third leading cause of hospital acquired AKI/ARF, after surgery and hypotension.17–19 The etiology of contrast-related nephropathy is unknown but felt to be multifactorial.19 Contrast-induced nephropathy is commonly defined as acute kidney injury occurring within 48 hours of the administration of intravascular iodinated contrast material and that no other causes are readily apparent. The definition is actually quite variable within the literature, but is most commonly associated with a rise of 0.5 mg/dL of serum creatinine above a baseline value.20,21 Most cases of contrast-related nephropathy present as an asymptomatic transient decrease in renal function and are nonoliguric. The rise in serum creatinine usually peaks at 3 to 5 days with a return to baseline within 10 to 14 days. Oliguric kidney injury occurs in a much smaller group with a peak creatinine elevation at 5 to 10 days and a return to baseline by 14 to 21 days. Rarely, oliguric kidney injury related to contrast media administration may require transient or long-term dialysis.

Risk factors for patients who may develop contrast-induced acute kidney injury are well known.22 These include preexisting renal impairment, diabetes with renal insufficiency, dehydration, advancing age, congestive heart failure, ongoing treatment with nephrotoxic drugs, peripheral vascular disease, multiple myeloma, cirrhosis and liver failure, prior contrast load within 48 to 72 hours, and diuretic use, especially furosemide.23,24 Contrast-related AKI/ARF rarely if ever occurs in individuals who are well hydrated and have normal renal function.25,26 Although there is somewhat conflicting data, contrast-related nephropathy occurs with all types of contrast material.20,27,28 Prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy is best done by recognizing the known risk factors.29 Proper hydration is of paramount importance and must be performed beginning 12 hours before the contrast study.30,31 Various methods of pretreatment have been tried with variable success. These include mannitol, diuretics, calcium channel blockers, adenosine antagonists (Theophylline), dopamine agonists, N-acetylcysteine, and sodium bicarbonate.32–35 Again, with CH 27 appropriate hydration and normal renal function, contrastrelated nephropathy rarely occurs. 842

impedance as seen in fluid-filled structures, such as the urinary bladder and renal cysts, allows the sound waves to penetrate further resulting in a relative increase in intensity distal to the structures; this is known as increased through transmission. Real-time ultrasound, which provides sequential images at a rapid frame rate, allows the demonstration of motion of organs and pulsation of vessels. Doppler ultrasound, based on the Doppler frequency shift of the sound wave caused by moving objects, can be used to assess venous and arterial blood flow (Fig. 27–6).37,38 Assessment of the waveforms can be used in diagnosis. The peripheral arterial resistance can be measured within the kidney. (Resistive Index RI = Peak Systolic velocity − lowest Diastolic velocity/Peak systolic velocity) (Fig. 27–7). Generally speaking, a normal RI is 0.70 or less. Native and transplanted kidneys can be evaluated. Increased RI is a nonspecific indicator of disease and a sign of increased peripheral vascular resistance.39 With color Doppler ultrasound, the image is encoded with colors assigned to the pixels representing the direction, velocity, and volume of flow within vessels.38 Power Doppler ultrasound uses the amplitude of the signal to produce a color map of the intrarenal vasculature and flow within the kidney (Fig. 27–8).37

ULTRASOUND Ultrasonography is a leading diagnostic examination used in the investigation of the kidneys and urinary tract.36 It is noninvasive and requires little or no patient preparation. It is the first-line examination in the azotemic patient for assessing renal size and the presence or absence of hydronephrosis and obstruction. It is used to assess the vasculature of native and transplanted kidneys. Renal morphology and the characterization of renal masses are also done with ultrasound. As a guide for renal biopsy, ultrasound has helped to decrease morbidity and mortality. Diagnostic ultrasonography is an outgrowth of SONAR (Sound Navigation and Ranging technology) used first during World War II for the detection of objects underwater. Medical ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to investigate diagnostic problems. In the abdomen and more particularly the kidney, 2.5 mHz to 4.0 mHz sound waves are generally employed. The ultrasound unit consists of a transducer that sends and receives the sound waves, a microprocessor or computer that acquires and processes the returning signal, and an image display system or monitor that displays the processed images. The piezoelectric transducer converts electrical energy into high-frequency sound waves that are transmitted through the patient. It converts the returning reflected sound waves back into electrical energy that can be processed by the computer. Sound travels as a waveform through the tissues being imaged. The speed of the sound wave depends on the tissue through which it is traveling. In air, sound travels at 331 M/second and in the soft tissues of the body it travels at approximately 1540 M/second. Different tissues and the interface between these tissues have different acoustic impedance. As the sound wave travels through different tissues, part of the wave is reflected back to the transducer. The depth of the tissue interface is measured by the time the sound wave takes to return to the transducer. A grey-scale image is produced by the measured reflected sound with the intensity of the pixels (picture elements) being proportional to the intensities of the reflected sound (Fig. 27–5). When the acoustic interfaces are quite large, strong echoes result. These are known as specular reflectors are a seen from the renal capsule and bladder wall. Nonspecular reflectors generate lower amplitude echoes are seen in the renal parenchyma. Strong reflection of sound by bone and air results in little or no information from the tissues beneath; this is known as shadowing. Lack of acoustic

Ultrasound—Normal Anatomy The kidneys are located within Gerota’s fascia and are surrounded by perinephric fat in the retropertoneum. Sonographic images of the kidneys are generally obtained in the longitudinal and transverse planes. Parasagittal images are also obtained.40 The perinephric fat has a variable appearance from slightly less echogenic to highly echogenic compared with the renal cortex. The renal capsule is seen as an echogenic line surrounding the kidney. The centrally located renal sinus or hilum, containing renal sinus fat, vessels, and the collecting system, is usually echogenic due to the presence of renal sinus fat (see Fig. 27–5). The amount of renal sinus fat generally increases with age. Tubular structures may be seen in the renal hilum corresponding to vessels and the collecting system. Color Doppler ultrasound may be used to differentiate the vessels from the collecting system. Overall renal echogenicity is generally compared with the liver on the right and the spleen on the left (see Fig. 27–5). The normal renal cortex is less echogenic than the liver and spleen. Underlying liver disease may alter this picture. The medullary pyramids are hypoechoic and their triangular shape points to the renal hilum. The renal cortex lies peripherally and the separation from the medulla is usually demarcated by an echogenic focus due to the arcuate arteries along the corticomedullary junction. Columns of Bertin have the same echogenicity as the renal cortex and separate the renal pyramids. Occasionally a large column of Bertin may be seen and simulate a mass, a “pseudotumor.” Even when large or prominent, a column of Bertin maintains similar echogenicity to the cortex and the vascular pattern seen on power Doppler image is also the same. Renal size is easily measured sonographically. The normal longitudinal dimension of right kidney is 11 cm ± 1 cm and the left kidney is 11.5 cm ± 1 cm. The contours of the kidney are usually smooth although there may occasionally be some slight nodularity due to fetal lobulation. The renal arteries and veins may be seen extending from the renal hilum to the aorta and inferior vena cava. The veins lie anterior to the arteries. The renal arterial branching pattern within the kidneys may be seen with color Doppler sonography (see Fig. 27–6).41 The resistive indices (RI) of the main, intralobar, and arcuate vessels may be calculated (see Fig. 27–7). With power Doppler imaging the intrarenal vasculature may be assessed demonstrating an overall increased pattern in the cortex relative to the medulla, corresponding to the normal arterial flow


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D C FIGURE 27–5 Normal renal ultrasounds. Normal right kidneys (A, C) and left kidneys (B, D) are shown. The central echogenic structure represents the vascular elements, calyces, and renal sinus fat. The peripheral cortex is noted to be smooth and regular. Renal pyramids are seen as hypoechoic structures between the central echo complex and the cortex in D.

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FIGURE 27–6 Normal color Doppler ultrasound. Normal right (A) and left (B) kidneys are seen. The red echogenic areas represent arterial flow (flow toward the transducer) and blue echogenic areas venous flow (flow away from the transducer).



FIGURE 27–7 Normal power Doppler ultrasound. Normal right (A) and left (B) kidneys are seen. The color image represents a summation of all flow—arterial and venous—within the kidney.

to the kidney (see Fig. 27–8).42,43 The renal calyces and collecting systems are not typically seen with ultrasound unless there is fullness or distension caused by a diuresis or obstruction. When seen the collecting systems are branching anechoic structures in the renal sinus fat connecting together to the renal pelvis. The urinary bladder is seen in the pelvis as a fluid-filled sonolucent structure. The entrance of the ureters into the bladder at the trigone may be visualized using color Doppler sonography. Ureteral jets should be seen bilaterally. When a kidney is not identified in its normal location in the retroperitoneum, assessment of the remainder of the abdomen and pelvis should be undertaken. Ectopic kidneys may lie lower in the abdomen or within the pelvis and may

also be located on the opposite side, even fused with the other kidney. Horseshoe kidneys tend to lie lower in the retropertoneum and the axes of the kidneys may be different than the normal kidney. The demonstration of increased echogenicity within the renal cortex may be useful in suggesting the presence of renal parenchymal (medical renal) disease.43,44 The renal cortex may show increased echogenicity in patients with either acute or chronic kidney injury. This finding is nonspecific and does not correlate with the degree or severity of kidney injury. The finding is bilateral. The increased cortical echogenicity in patients with chronic kidney injury is generally related to interstitial fibrosis.39 A patient with small, echogenic kidneys usually has end-stage renal disease (ESRD).


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FIGURE 27–8 Normal duplex Doppler ultrasound. Normal right (A) and left (B) kidneys are seen. The waveforms within the interlobar arteries are visualized with the resistive indices calculated for each kidney.

Ultrasound has been very useful in directing renal biopsy for patients with either acute or chronic kidney injury. Renal identification and localization greatly facilitates the procedure. Its use has decreased the procedure time as well as decreased morbidity and mortality.

COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY Computed tomography (CT) has become an essential tool for diagnosis in virtually all areas of the body. In the genitourinary tract, it has supplanted the IVU, which had been the mainstay of diagnosis for years. Even in areas where ultrasound is employed, CT offers a complementary and sometimes superior means of imaging. CT is now the first examination to be performed in patients with renal colic, renal stone disease, renal trauma, renal infection and abscess, renal mass, hematuria, and finally, urothelial abnormalities. Computed tomography has been heralded as the greatest improvement in diagnostic radiology since Roentgen discovered x-rays in 1895. Sir Godfrey Hounsfield developed the first CT scanner in 1970.45 The first clinical applications in 1971 were in the head. The first body CT scanner was installed in Georgetown University Medical Center in 1974. The field has grown rapidly since that time with new technical innovations, image processing, and visualization methods. For his outstanding work in the field and for demonstrating the unique and remarkable clinical capabilities of CT, Sir Godfrey Hounsfield was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1979. Computer tomography is the computer reconstruction of an x-ray–generated image that typically depicts a slice through the area being studied in the body. The x-ray tube produces a highly collimated fan-bean and is mounted opposite an array of electronic detectors. This system rotates in tandem around the patient. The detector system collects hundreds of thousands of samples representing the x-ray attenuation along the line formed from the x-ray source to the detector as the rotation occurs. These data are transferred to a computer, which reconstructs the image. The image may then be displayed on a computer monitor or transferred to radiograph film for reviewing.

The CT image is actually made up of numerous pixels (picture elements) each corresponding to a CT number representing the amount of x-rays absorbed by the patient at a particular point in the cross-sectional image. These pixels represent a 2D display of a 3D object. Each pixel element actually has a third dimension—the slice thickness or depth. Thus, the CT number is actually the average x-ray attenuation of all the tissues within a specific volume element, voxel, which is used to create the individual image or slice. Computed tomography numbers are the x-ray attenuation of each voxel relative to the attenuation of water (CT number = 0). Tissues that attenuate more x-rays than water have positive CT numbers and those with less attenuation have negative numbers. Bone may have a CT number greater than 1000, with air in the lungs having a CT number of ≈ −1000. Different shades of grey on a scale of white to black are assigned to the CT numbers (highest = white, lowest = black). The image of each slice is thus created on the monitor with image manipulation possible to accentuate the regions being imaged. The image data is constant but by varying the range of CT numbers, the appearance of the image may be changed, a key element of any digital image. The initial CT scanners were relatively slow as the technology required a point and shoot process. One slice was obtained, the patient moved, and the next slice obtained. This initial generation of body CT scanner led to a scan of the abdomen that took up to 2 to 4 minutes or more to complete. In 1990, helical/spiral technology was introduced in which the x-ray tube and detector system continuously rotated around the patient and the patient moved continuously through the gantry. Scan time was reduced to 25 to 35 seconds through the abdomen. After helical/spiral CT, a two detector system was introduced that produced two slices for every 360° rotation of the x-ray tube and detector system. This was the first multi-detector CT scanner (MDCT). By 1998, fourdetector systems were introduced by all manufactures. Today 10, 16, 32, 40, and 64 detector systems are available with more technological advances on the horizon. With MDCT, each 360° rotation of results in the number of slices equal to the number of detectors (i.e., 64 detector system = 64 slices in one 360° rotation). These technological advances have led to dramatic increase in the speed of scans (4 to 10 seconds),

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846 routine use of thin slices or collimation (1 mm to 2 mm), and marked improvement in spatial resolution (ability to resolve small objects).46 The faster scan times have led to improved utilization and optimization of intravenous contract enhancement.47 For example, the kidney can be scanned in the arterial, venous, nephrographic, and delay phases allowing for a more complete assessment. With a 16–64 detector scan, a single acquisition of CT data takes from 3 to 7 seconds with slice thickness being less than 1 mm. The images are normally displayed as transverse or axial images. As the slice thickness has been reduced to the point that the voxel has become a cube or near cube (isotropic voxel), sagittal, coronal, and oblique image may be displayed with no loss of resolution. The data acquisition may also be displayed as a 3D volumetric display with the regions of interest highlighted.47 Scanning today is done with a single breath hold acquisitions leading to the elimination of virtually all motion artifacts, and the misregistration artifacts seen with breathing. In imaging the heart, ECG gatedCH 27 acquisition to the cardiac cycle eliminates the motion of the heart resulting in clear assessment of the coronary arteries, valves, and related anatomy. The kidney is well suited for assessment with MDCT as sagittal, coronal, and 3D displays are additive to the information content of the study.47–51 Computed tomography urogram was introduced in 1999 to 2000 and is an outgrowth of the advances made with MDCT technology and state-of-the-art workstations with their added computer processing and display capabilities.46,52 The CT urogram provides a complete examination of the kidney and the remainder of genitourinary tract. CT urography assesses the kidney as a whole (anatomic), the vascular tree (function and perfusion), and the excretory (urothelial) patterns. Noncontrast scans provide for assessment of renal calculi, high density cysts, and contour abnormalities.53 Early phase scans (12–15 seconds) leads to arterial assessment. Scanning at 25 to 30 seconds yields a combined arterial-venous phase image with clear corticomedullary differentiation. With imaging done at 90 to 100 seconds, true nephrographic phase imaging of the kidneys is obtained.47 Delayed imaging, typically at 3 to 7 minutes and up to 10 minutes, provides excretory phase images with evaluation of the urothelium—calyces, renal pelvis, ureters, and bladder.54 Axial images, multiplanar reconstructions, maximum intensity projection (MIP) images, and 3D volumetric displays complement each other in the CT urogram.52 Properly performed, the CT urogram has replaced the IVU in 2005.55–58

Computed Tomography Technique Noncontrast images are obtained through the kidneys and the remainder of the GU tract to the pelvic floor if stone disease is the primary problem. In the case of vascular problems and renal masses, arterial-venous phase imaging is usually required and accomplished by a rapid bolus injection of iodinated contrast media, generally 4 to 5 cc/second and a volume of 100 to 120 cc, with scans in the arterial-venous phases at 25 to 30 seconds. When needed as in cases of suspected renal artery stenosis, true arterial phase imaging may be performed beginning at 12 to 15 seconds. Nephrographic imaging at 90 to 100 seconds is subsequently performed with excretory imaging to follow. Slice thickness is general 2 mm or less, which will allow for workstation reconstruction as necessary. The radiation dose for this technique is approximately 1.5 times that of the IVU, but the information content is exceedingly higher.

Computed Tomography Anatomy The kidneys lie in the retroperitoneum, surrounded by Gerota’s fascia in the perinephric space. Fat will generally

FIGURE 27–9 Normal noncontrast CT scan through the mid-portion of the kidneys. The kidneys lie in the retroperitoneum with the lumbar spine and psaos muscles more centrally. The liver is seen anterolateral to the right kidney and the spleen anterolateral to the left kidney.

outline the kidneys with the liver anterior-superior on the right, the spleen superior on the left, and the spine, aorta, and inferior vena cava (IVC) central to each kidney (Fig. 27–9). The abdominal contents lie anteriorly. This anatomy is easily seen with all phases of scanning. With arterial and venous phase scans, the renal arteries are easily seen, generally posterior to the venous structures (Fig. 27–10). The right renal artery is located behind the IVC (Fig. 27–11). The left renal vein courses anterior to the aorta before it enters the IVC and the right renal vein generally is seen obliquely entering the IVC. The adrenal glands are found in a location superior to the upper poles of the kidneys. In venous phase imaging, true separation of the renal cortex from the medulla is easily accomplished. Cortical thickness and medullary appearance may easily be assessed (see Fig. 27–10). The nephrographic phase should demonstrate the symmetrical enhancement for each of the kidneys (Fig. 27–12).47 At 7 to 10 minutes in the excretory phase, the calyces should be well seen with sharp fornices, a cupped central section, and a narrow smooth infundibulum leading to the renal pelvis (Fig. 27–13).54 Coronal images in a slab MIP format will display this to the best advantage. Three-dimensional volumetric reformations also may display the anatomic delay (Fig. 27–14).57 The excretory phase images also delineate the ureters from the renal pelvis to the bladder. A curved reformatted series of images or 3D display will be needed to display the ureters in their entirety. Proper tailoring of the examination to the diagnostic problem will lead the correct imaging acquisition.48,50,58

MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING Like CT, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a computerbased, multiplanar imaging modality. But instead of using ionizing radiation, MRI uses electromagnetic radiation. MRI is an alternative to contrast-enhanced CT, especially in patients with iodinated contrast allergy and renal insufficiency. MRI is also used when reduction of radiation exposure is desired, such as during pregnancy and in the pediatric population. MRI routinely allows detailed tissue characterization of the kidney and surrounding structures. The physics behind MRI is complex and will only be addressed briefly. Clinical MRI is based on the interaction of hydrogen ions (protons) and radiofrequency waves in the presence of a




FIGURE 27–11 Normal renal CT angiogram. The aorta and the exiting renal arteries on the right and left are seen. The kidneys are seen peripherally with the branching renal arteries.

B A FIGURE 27–12 Normal nephrogram phase CT scan. The axial image (A) and the coronal image (B) demonstrate the homogenous appearance of the kidneys with the cortex and medulla no longer differentially enhanced. These images are typically obtained at 80 to 120 seconds after the injection of contrast material.

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FIGURE 27–10 Normal corticomedullary phase CT scan. Axial CT slice (A) and coronal image (B) demonstrate the dense enhancement of the cortex relative to the medulla containing the renal pyramids.

59–61 The strong magnetic field, called 848 strong magnetic field. the external magnetic field, is generated by a large bore, high field strength magnet. Most magnets in clinical use are superconducting magnets. The magnet strength is measured in Tesla (T) and can range from 0.2T to 3T for clinical imaging and up to 15T for animal research. Renal imaging is performed best on high field magnets (1.5T–3T) that allow for higher spatial resolution and faster imaging. Images of the patient are obtained through a multistep process of energy transfer and signal transmission. When a patient is placed in the magnet, the mobile protons associated

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FIGURE 27–13 Normal excretory phase CT scan. The calyces and renal pelvis are now easily noted as they are opacified by the excreted contrast. This scan is obtained 5 to 10 minutes after the injection of contrast material.

with fat and water molecules align longitudinal to the external magnetic field. No signal is obtained unless a resonant radiofrequency (RF) pulse is applied to the patient. The RF pulse causes the mobile protons within the patient to move from a lower, stable energy state to a higher, unstable energy state (excitation). When the RF pulse is removed, the protons return to the lower energy steady state while emitting frequency transmissions or signals (relaxation). In radiology lingo, an external RF pulse “excites” the protons causing them to “flip” to a higher energy state. When the RF pulse is removed, the protons “relax” with emission of a “radio signal”. The signals produced during proton relaxation are separated from one another with applied magnetic field gradients. The emitted signals are captured by a receiving coil and reconstructed into images through a complex computerized algorithm: the Fourier Transform.59–61 Different tissues have different relaxation rates that lead to different levels of signal production or signal intensity. The signal intensity of each tissue is determined by three characteristics: 1. Proton density of the tissue. The greater the number of mobile protons, the greater the signal produced by the tissue. For example: a volume of urine has more mobile protons than the same volume of renal tissue, therefore urine will give more signal than the kidney. Stones have far fewer mobile protons per unit volume and therefore will produce little signal. 2. T1 relaxation time. How quickly a proton returns to the pre-excitation energy state. The shortest T1 times (rapid relaxation) produce the strongest signal. 3. T2 relaxation time. How quickly the proton signal decays due to non-uniformity of the magnetic field. A non-uniform field accelerates signal decay and leads to signal loss.59–61


FIGURE 27–14 Normal CT urogram. The maximum-intensity projection (MIP) image (A) and volume rendered image (B) demonstrate the calyces, renal pelvis, ureters, and bladder. The MIP image is a slab—15 mm thick done in the coronal plane. The volume rendered image as the extraneous tissues adjacent to the kidneys removed and highlight the genitourinary track.


terns of IV Gd-C agents are similar to iodinated contrast 849 agents used for radiograph examinations. Unlike iodinated contrast agents, the dose response to Gd-C is non-linear; the signal intensity increases at low concentrations and then decreases at higher concentrations. Hence, the collecting systems, ureters, and bladder first brighten and then darken on T1-weighted sequences as the gadolinium concentration within the urine increases. Gd-C agents are well tolerated and can be used in patients with iodinated contrast allergies or who have renal insufficiency.63 Severe contrast reactions to Gd-C agents are rare, as is nephrotoxicity.64–66 There have been some reports of nephrotoxicity with IV Gd-C in high-risk populations: those with moderate to severe kidney injury.67,68 Gd-C may interfere with serum calcium and magnesium measurements, especially in patients with renal insufficiency.69 As with iodinated contrast, dialysis filters Gd-C effectively and dialysis is therefore recommended after contrast use in patients with kidney injury.70 Gd-C agents are not without risk, however. There have been recent reports of Gd-C associated development of nephro- CH 27 genic systemic fibrosis (NSF), a rare fibrosing disease seen predominantly in dialysis dependent patients.71–76 NSF was first described in 1997 and published in the literature in 200077; but it was not until January 2006 that a possible causal relationship between Gd-C and NSF was presented in the literature. To date, over 215 cases have been reported to the International Center for Nephrogenic Fibrosing Dermopathy (ICNFD).78 A cause and effect link between Gd-C and NSF has not been proven as of yet, but NSF has been strongly associated with high dose IV gadodiamide administration in the setting of high-risk patients. Gadodiamide is one of 5 U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Gd-C contrast agents for MRI. High-risk patients include patients with dialysis dependent chronic renal insufficiency, low glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of 50 y, recent manipulation of aorta, retinal plaques, subcutaneous nodules, palpable purpura, livedo reticularis, vasculopathy, hypertension Evidence of nephrotic syndrome or pulmonary embolism, flank pain

Mild proteinuria Occasionally red cells

Elevated LDH with normal transaminases, renal arteriogram, MAG-3 renal scan, MRA

Often normal, eosinophiliuria Rarely casts.

Eosinophilia, hypocomplentemia, skin biopsy, renal biopsy

Proteinuria, hematuria

Inferior venocavogram, Doppler flow studies, MRV

Compatible clinical history (e.g., recent infection) sinusitis, lung hemorrhage, rash or skin ulcers, arthralgias, hypertension, edema

Red blood cell or granular casts, red blood cells, white blood cells, proteinuria

Compatible clinical history (e.g., recent gastrointestinal infection, cyclosporine, anovulants), pallor, ecchymoses, neurologic abnormalities Severe hypertension with headaches, cardiac failure retinopathy, neurological dysfunction papilledema

May be normal, red blood cells, mild proteinuria, rarely red blood cell or granular casts

Low C3, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, antiglomerular basement membrane antibodies. Anti–streptolysin O antibodies, anti-DNase, cryoglobilins, renal biopsy Anemia, thrombocytopenia, schistocytes on peripheral blood smear, low haptoglobin, increased LDH, renal biopsy

Intrinsic renal azotemia Diseases involving large renal vessels Renal artery thrombosis


Renal vein thrombosis Disease of the small vessels and glomeruli Glomerulonephritis or vasculitis


Malignant hypertension

May be normal, red blood cells, mild proteinuria, rarely red blood cell casts

LVH by echocardiography or EKG Resolution of ARF with BP control

Recent hemorrhage, hypotension (e.g. cardiac arrest), surgery often in combination with vasoactive medication (e.g. ACE-inhibitor or NSAID) or chronic renal insufficiency Recent radiocontrast study, nephrotoxic antibiotic or chemotherapy often with coexistent volume depletion, sepsis or chronic renal insufficiency

Muddy brown granular or tubule epithelial cell casts, FENa > 1%, UNa > 20 mEq/L, SG = 1.010

Clinical assessment and urinalysis usually sufficient for diagnosis

Muddy brown granular or tubule epithelial cell casts, FENa > 1%, UNa > 20 mEq/L, SG = .010

Clinical assessment and urinalysis usually sufficient for diagnosis.

History suggestive of rhabdomyolysis (coma, seizures, drug abuse, trauma) History suggestive of hemolysis (recent blood transfusion)

Urine supernatant tests positive for heme in absence of red cells Urine supernatant pink and tests positive for hee in absence of red cells Urate crystals, dipstick negative proteiuria, oxalate crystals respectively

Hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, increased CK, MM, and myoglobin Hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, hyperuricemia and free circulating hemoglobin

ARF mediated by ischemia or toxins (ATN) Ischemia

Exogenous toxin

Endogenous toxin

History suggestive of tumor lysis (recent chemotherapy), myeloma (bone pain), or ethylene glycol ingestion

Hyperuricemia, hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia (for tumor lysis); circulating or urinary monoclonal spike (for myeloma); toxicology screen, acidosis, osmolal gap (forethylene glycol) Continued

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Acute Kidney Injury

Cause of Acute Kidney Injury



TABLE 29–11

Useful Clinical Features, Urinary Findings, and Confirmatory Tests in the Differential Diagnosis of Major Causes of Acute Azotemia—cont’d

Cause of Acute Kidney Injury

Some Suggestive Clinical Features

Typical Urinalysis

Some Confirmatory Tests

Recent ingestion of drug and fever, rash, loin pain or arthralgia

White blood cellcasts, white blood cells (frequently eosinophiluria), red blood cells, rarely red blood cell casts, proteinuria (occasionally nephrotic)

Systemic eosinophilia, skin biopsy of rash area (leukocytoclastic vasculitis), renal biopsy

Acute bilateral pyelonephritis

Fever, flank pain and tenderness, toxic state

Leukocytes, occasionally white cell casts, red blood cells, bacteria

Urine and blood cultures

Post renal azotemia

Abdominal and flank pain, palpable bladder

Frequently normal, hematuria if stones, hemmorhage, prostatic hypertrophy

Plain film, renal ultrasonography, intravenous pyelography, computed tomography, retrograde or antegade pyelography

Acute diseases of the tubulointerstitium Allergic interstitial nephritis

CH 29

ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ATN, acute tubular necrosis; ARF, acute renal failure; BP, blood pressure; CK, creatinine kinase; EKG, electrocardiogram; FENa, fractional excretion of sodium; HUS, hemolytic-uremic syndrome; LDH, lactate dehydropgenase; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; MM, multiple myeloma; MRA, magnetic resonance angioraphy; MRV, magnetic resonance venography; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; SG, specific gravity; TTP, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura; UNa, urine Na+ concentration.

for evidence of other renal parenchymal diseases, because many of the latter are treatable and their diagnosis alters management and prognosis. Flank pain may be a prominent symptom of acute renal artery or vein occlusion, acute pyelonephritis, and occasionally necrotizing glomerulonephritis.345–352 Interstitial edema leading to distention of the renal capsule and flank pain is seen in up to one third of patients with acute interstitial nephritis.353 Close examination of the skin may reveal the subcutaneous nodules, livedo reticularis, digital ischemia, and palpable purpura of atheroembolism or vasculitis, the butterfly rash of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), impetigo in patients with postinfectious glomerulonephritis, a maculopapular rash suggestive of allergic interstitial nephritis, the yellow hue of liver disease or phenazopyridine (Pyridium) toxicity, telltale puncture marks of intravenous drug abuse, or the scarlatiniform eruption of staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome.354–357 The eyes should be assessed for evidence of atheroembolism; hypertensive or diabetic retinopathy; the keratitis, scleritis, uveitis, and iritis of autoimmune vasculitides; icterus; and the rare but nevertheless pathognomonic band keratopathy of hypercalcemia and flecked retina of hyperoxalemia. Uveitis may also be an indicator of coexistent allergic interstitial nephritis, the tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis syndrome.353,358,359 Examination of the ears, nose, and throat may reveal conductive deafness and mucosal inflammation or ulceration suggestive of Wegener granulomatosis or the neural deafness caused by aminoglycoside toxicity. Respiratory difficulty or the stigmata of chronic liver disease should immediately suggest a pulmonary-renal or hepatorenal syndrome (HRS), respectively. Cardiovascular assessment may be notable for marked elevation in systemic blood pressure and suggest malignant hypertension or scleroderma, or it may reveal a new arrhythmia or murmur that is a potential source of thromboemboli or subacute bacterial endocarditis (acute glomerulonephritis), respectively. Chest or abdominal pain and reduced pulses in the lower limbs should suggest aortic dissection or rarely Takayasu arteritis, and widespread atheromatous disease increases the likelihood of atheroembolic disease. Abdominal pain and nausea are frequent clinical correlates of atherombolic disease in a patient who has recently undergone an angiographic examination. Pallor and recent bruising are

important clues to the thrombotic microangiopathies, and the combination of bleeding and fever should raise the possibility of AKI in association with viral hemorrhagic fevers. A recent jejunoileal bypass may be a vital clue to a rare but reversible cause of AKI in obese patients.178,360 Hyperreflexia and asterixis often portends the development of uremic encephalopathy, or may, in the presence of focal neurological signs, suggest a diagnosis of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. Postrenal AKI may be asymptomatic if obstruction develops relatively slowly. Alternatively, patients may present with suprapubic or flank pain if there is acute distention of the bladder or renal collecting system and capsule, respectively. Colicky flank pain radiating to the groin suggests acute ureteric obstruction. Prostatic disease should be suspected in patients with a history of nocturia, frequency, and hesitancy and an enlarged or indurated prostate gland on rectal examination. Similarly, a rectal or pelvic examination may reveal obstructing tumors in female patients. Neurogenic bladder is a likely diagnosis in patients receiving anticholinergic medications (e.g., tricyclic antidepressants) or with physical evidence of neurologic disease and autonomic insufficiency (e.g., paralysis, abnormal rectal sphincter tone, postvoid urine volume more than 200 to 300 mL). Bladder distention may be evident on abdominal percussion and palpation in patients with bladder neck or urethral obstruction. Definitive diagnosis of postrenal ARF usually relies on judicious use of radiologic investigations and rapid improvement in renal function after relief of obstruction.

Urinalysis Assessment of the urine is a mandatory and inexpensive tool in the evaluation of AKI.361–364 Urine volume is a relatively unhelpful parameter in differential diagnosis. Anuria suggests complete urinary tract obstruction but may be a complication of severe prerenal or intrinsic ARF (e.g., renal artery occlusion, severe proliferative glomerulonephritis or vasculitis, bilateral cortical necrosis). Wide fluctuations in urine output suggest intermittent obstruction. Patients with partial urinary tract obstruction may present with polyuria caused by secondary impairment of urine concentrating mechanisms. In contrast, analysis of the sediment and supernatant of a

TABLE 29–12

Urine Sediment in the Differential Diagnosis of Acute Kidney Injury

Normal or few red blood cells or white blood cells Prerenal azotemia Arterial thrombosis or embolism Preglomerular vasculitis HUS or TTP Scleroderma crisis Postrenal azotemia Granular casts ATN (muddy brown) Glomerulonephritis or vasculitis Interstitial nephritis Red blood cell casts Glomerulonephritis or vasculitis Malignant hypertension Rarely interstitial nephritis White blood cell casts Acute interstitial nephritis or exudative glomerulonephritis Severe pyelonephritis Marked leukemic or lymphomatous infiltration

Crystalluria Acute urate nephropathy Calcium oxalate (ethylene glycol toxicity) Acyclovir Indinavir Sulfonamides Radiocontrast agents ATN, acute tubular necrosis; HUS, hemolytic-uremic syndrome; NSAIDS, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; TTP, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.

centrifuged urine specimen is valuable for distinguishing between prerenal, intrinsic renal, and postrenal AKI and elucidating the precise etiology of intrinsic renal AKI (Table 29–12). Urine sediment should be inspected for the presence of cells, casts, and crystals. The sediment is typically acellular in prerenal AKI and may contain transparent hyaline casts (“bland,” “benign,” “inactive” urine sediment). Hyaline casts are formed in concentrated urine from normal constituents of urine, principally THP secreted by epithelial cells of the loop of Henle. Postrenal ARF may also present with a benign sediment, although hematuria and pyuria are common in patients with intraluminal obstruction (e.g., stones, sloughed papilla, blood clot) or prostatic disease. Pigmented “muddy brown” granular casts and tubule epithelial cell casts are characteristic of ischemic or nephrotoxic ATN. They are usually found in association with microscopic hematuria and mild “tubular” proteinuria (5%) Allergic interstitial nephritis (antibiotics > NSAIDs) Atheroembolic disease

vessels, and range from benign to frankly nephritic. White 961 blood cell casts and nonpigmented granular casts suggest interstitial nephritis, and broad granular casts are characteristic of chronic renal disease and probably reflect interstitial fibrosis and dilatation of tubules. Eosinophiluria (between 1% and 50% of urine leukocytes) is a common finding (90%) in drug-induced allergic interstitial nephritis.365,366 However, eosinophiluria is only 85% specific for allergic interstitial nephritis, and eosinophiluria of 1% to 5% can occur in a variety of other diseases including atheroembolization, ischemic and nephrotoxic ARF, proliferative glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, and prostatitis. Uric acid crystals (pleomorphic) may be seen in urine in prerenal AKI but should raise the possibility of acute urate nephropathy if seen in abundance. Oxalate (envelope-shaped) and hippurate (needle-shaped) crystals suggest a diagnosis of ethylene glycol toxicity.367,368 Increased urinary protein excretion, characteristically less than 1 g/d, is a common finding in ischemic or nephrotoxic ARF and reflects both failure of injured proximal tubule cells to reabsorb normally filtered protein and excretion of cellular debris (tubule proteinuria). Proteinuria greater than 1 g/d suggests injury to the glomerular ultrafiltration barrier (glomerular proteinuria) or excretion of myeloma light chains.98,112,369,370 CH 29 The latter are not detected by conventional dipsticks (which detect albumin) and must be sought by other means (e.g., sulfosalicylic acid test, immunoelectrophoresis). Heavy proteinuria is also a frequent finding (80%) in patients with allergic interstitial nephritis triggered by NSAIDs. These patients have a glomerular lesion that is almost identical to minimal-change glomerulonephritis, in addition to acute interstitial inflammation.371–373 A similar syndrome has been reported in patients receiving other agents such as ampicillin, rifampin, and interferon alfa.374,375 Hemoglobinuria or myoglobinuria should be suspected if urine is strongly positive for hemoglobin by dipstick but contains few RBCs and if the supernatant of centrifuged urine is pink and also positive for free hemoglobin. Hemolysis and rhabdomyolysis can usually be differentiated by inspection of plasma. The latter is usually pink in hemolysis, but not in rhabdomyolysis, because free hemoglobin (65,000 daltons) is a larger molecule than myoglobin (17,000 daltons) that is heavily protein bound and filtered slowly by the kidney.

Confirmatory Tests The pattern of change in serum creatinine value often provides clues to the cause of AKI. Prerenal AKI is typified by rapid fluctuations in creatinine that parallel changes in hemodynamic function and renal perfusion. The serum creatinine level begins to rise within 24 to 48 hours in patients with ARF after renal ischemia, atheroembolization, and radiocontrast exposure, three major diagnostic possibilities in patients undergoing emergency cardiac or aortic angiography and surgery. Creatinine levels, as already discussed, usually peak after 3 to 5 days in contrast nephropathy and return to the normal range within 5 to 7 days. In contrast, creatinine levels typically peak later (7 to 10 days) in ischemic ATN and atheroembolic disease. AKI usually resolves in the next 7 to 14 days in ischemic AKI, whereas AKI is frequently irreversible in atheroembolic disease. These rapid changes are in marked contrast to the delayed elevation in serum creatinine levels (7 to 10 days) that is characteristic of many tubule epithelial cell toxins (e.g., aminoglycosides, cisplatin). Additional diagnostic clues can be gleaned from routine biochemical and hematologic tests. Hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, and elevated serum uric acid and creatine kinase levels suggest a diagnosis of rhabdomyolysis.114,155,157 A similar biochemical profile in association with AKI after cancer chemotherapy, but with higher levels of uric acid, a urine uric acid to creatinine ratio greater than

962 1.0, and normal or marginally elevated creatine kinase, is typical of acute urate nephropathy and tumor lysis syndrome.340,343,376 Severe hypercalcemia of any cause can induce AKI. Widening of the serum anion (Na+ − [HCO3− + Cl−]) and osmolal (measured serum osmolality minus calculated osmolality) gaps is a clue to the diagnosis of ethylene glycol toxicity and should prompt a search for urine oxalate crystals.367,377 Severe anemia in the absence of hemorrhage may reflect the presence of hemolysis, multiple myeloma, or thrombotic microangiopathy (e.g., HUS, TTP, toxemia, disseminated intravascular coagulation, accelerated hypertension, SLE, scleroderma, radiation injury). Other laboratory findings suggestive of thrombotic microangiopathy include thrombocytopenia, dysmorphic RBCs on a peripheral blood smear, a low circulating haptoglobin level, and elevated circulating levels of lactate dehydrogenase. Systemic eosinophilia suggests allergic interstitial nephritis but may also be a prominent feature in other diseases such as atheroembolic disease and polyarteritis nodosa, particularly the Churg-Strauss variant. Depressed complement levels and high titers of antiglomerular basement membrane antibodies, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, antinuclear antibodies, circulating immune complexes, or cryoglobulins are useful diagnostic tools in CH 29 patients with suspected glomerulonephritis or vasculitis (see Table 29–4). Imaging of the urinary tract by plain film of the abdomen, ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT), or magnetic resonance is recommended for most patients with ARF to distinguish between acute and chronic renal failure and exclude acute obstructive uropathy.378–380 The plain film of the abdomen, with tomography if necessary, usually provides a reliable index of kidney size and may detect Ca2+-containing kidney stones. However, the capacity of ultrasonography to determine cortical thickness, differences in cortical and medullary density, and the integrity of the collecting system, in addition to kidney size, makes it the screening modality of choice in most cases of AKI.378,379,381–383 Although pelvicalyceal dilatation is usual in cases of urinary tract obstruction (98% sensitivity), dilatation may not be observed in the volume-depleted patient during the initial 1 to 3 days after obstruction when the collecting system is relatively noncompliant or in patients with obstruction caused by ureteric encasement or infiltration (e.g., retroperitoneal fibrosis,

TABLE 29–13

neoplasia).384 CT scanning has largely replaced retrograde pyelography through cystography or percutaneous anterograde pyelography for definitive diagnosis when obstruction without dilatation is considered likely. The latter procedures remain useful for precise localization of the site of obstruction in selected cases and facilitate decompression of the urinary tract. Intravenous pyelography should be avoided in patients with AKI to avoid adding contrast nephropathy to already compromised renal function. Radionuclide scans have been touted as useful for assessing renal blood flow, glomerular filtration, tubule function, and infiltration by inflammatory cells in AKI; however, these tests generally lack specificity or yield conflicting or poor results in controlled studies and their use is largely restricted to the immediate postrenal transplantation period.378,379,385 Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) of the kidneys is extremely useful for detecting renal artery stenosis, and its role has been extended to the evaluation of acute renovascular crises.378,380,386,387 MRA is a time-efficient and safe test when compared with conventional arteriography. Doppler ultrasonography and spiral CT are also useful in patients with suspected vascular obstruction; however, contrast angiography remains the gold standard for definitive diagnosis. Renal biopsy is usually reserved for patients in whom prerenal and postrenal failure have been excluded and the cause of intrinsic AKI is unclear.186 Renal biopsy is particularly useful when clinical assessment, urinalysis, and laboratory investigation suggest diagnoses other than ischemic or nephrotoxic injury that may respond to specific therapy. Examples include antiglomerular basement membrane disease and other forms of necrotizing glomerulonephritis, vasculitis, HUS and TTP, allergic interstitial nephritis, myeloma cast nephropathy, and acute allograft rejection.

Renal Failure Indices for Differentiation of Prerenal Acute Kidney Injury and Ischemic Acute Tubule Necrosis Analysis of urine and blood biochemistry is useful for discriminating between the major categories of oliguric ARF, namely prerenal ARF and intrinsic ARF caused by ischemia or nephrotoxins (Table 29–13). The fractional excretion of Na+

Urine Indices Used in the Differential Diagnosis of Prerenal and Ischemic Intrinsic Renal Azotemia

Diagnostic Index

Prerenal Azotemia

Ischemic Intrinsic Azotemia

Fractional excretion of Na+ (%),* UNa × Pcr × 100 PNa × Ucr


Urinary Na+ concentration (mEq/L)


Urinary creatinine/plasma creatinine ratio






13). Further large-scale RCTs are awaited with interest.

Prevention Optimization of cardiovascular function and intravascular volume is the single most important maneuver in the management of intrinsic AKI. There is compelling evidence that aggressive restoration of intravascular volume dramatically reduces the incidence of ATN after major surgery or trauma, burns, and cholera.344,534,551–555 Sepsis-related AKI is a common clinical presentation and is associated with mortality rates as high as 80%.17,20,556,557 Recent studies have emphasized two salient features of successful management of sepsis that may be of importance in the prevention of AKI. Early goal-directed resuscitation to defined hemodymanic targets (MAP >65 mm Hg, CVP 10–12, urine output >0.5 mL/kg per hour, ScvO2 >70%) using a combination of crystalloid solutions, red cell transfusion, and vasopressors results in a significant reduction in organ dysfunction and mortality in patients with the sepsis syndrome.558 Although the therapeutic goals chosen in this study were to a degree arbitrary, this study emphasizes the imperative for early and aggressive volume resuscitation in the management of patients with the sepsis syndrome. In another study of critically ill patients, intensive insulin therapy to maintain a glucose level of 180 to 220 mg/dL resulted in a 41% decrease in AKI requiring renal replacement therapy.559 Volume depletion has been identified as a risk factor for nephrotoxic ATN induced by radiocontrast material, acyclovir, aminoglycosides, amphotericin B, cisplatin, acute urate nephropathy, rhabdomyolysis, hemolysis, multiple myeloma, hypercalcemia, and numerous other nephrotoxins.98,112,402,404,499,555,560–564 Restoration of volume prevents the development of experimental and human ATN in many of these settings. The importance of maintaining euvolemia in high-risk clinical situations has been demonstrated most convincingly with contrast nephropathy, in which close attention to intravascular volume status ensures a low frequency of AKI.565,566 Multiple studies have addressed this issue in an attempt to identify the optimal preventive strategy. Prophylactic infusion of half-normal saline (1 mL/kg for 12 hours before and after procedure) is more effective in preventing AKI than either mannitol and furosemide, both of which should be avoided in this setting.567 In another large randomized trial, isotonic saline significantly reduced the incidence of contrast nephropathy following coronary angiography compared with half-normal saline with a

Acute Kidney Injury

Intrinsic Acute Kidney Injury

particular benefit noted in diabetic patients and those receiv- 969 ing large contrast loads.568 In a smaller single trial, hydration with sodium bicarbonate before contrast exposure was more effective than hydration with isotonic saline for the prevention of contrast nephropathy.569 In aggregate, the key message from these studies is that the avoidance of hypovolaemia is the key intervention in preventing contrast nephropathy. Definitive data regarding the optimal hydration regimen require additional confirmatory studies. In the interim, a hydration regimen of isotonic saline (∼1 mL/kg per hour) starting the morning of the procedure and continuing for several hours afterward would appear most appropriate. The rate of administration must take into consideration the patient’s cardiopulmonary status and may require adjustment in this regard. N-acetylcysteine has been suggested as an ideal agent to prevent the nephrotoxicity of contrast mediums through antioxidant and vasodilatory effects.570 Prophylactic oral administration of oral acetylcysteine (600 mg twice a day pre- and postprocedure), in combination with hydration, reduces the incidence of contrast nephropathy in patients with moderate renal insufficiency in several new trials.570–576 The regimen is inexpensive and safe, and although definitive data are lacking, the use of prophylactic oral N-acetylcysteine should be con- CH 29 sidered in all patients with impaired renal function before receiving intravenous or intra-arterial iodinated contrast material. The use of low- or iso-osmolar contrast media has been suggested to reduce the incidence of contrast-induced AKI.577 In a large randomized trial of patients undergoing coronary angiography, use of the low-osmolar contrast agent iohexol was associated with a reduction in the incidence of contrast nephropathy in patients with CKD and diabetes mellitus when compared with the standard high-osmolar diatrizoate.578 In a second smaller study comparing the isoosmolar agent iodixanol (∼290 mOsm) with iohexol, the former reduced the risk of contrast nephropathy among diabetics with renal insufficiency when given with standard hydration regimens, albeit that the incidence of renal dysfunction in the iohexol group was remarkably high.579 On balance, it would appear appropriate to use low-osmolar agents in patients with known diabetic nephropathy. However, definitive trial data is awaited regarding the generalizabilty of these findings to all patients with CKD. Other important interventions include spacing the timing of repeated contrast interventions as allowed by the patient’s clinical need and considering alternate imaging techniques. The use of less nephrotoxic contrast agents (e.g., gadolinium or carbon dioxide) in combination with enhanced digital subtraction technology as an alternative to standard iodinated contrast administration is an evolving area of interest that offers the possibility of adequate imaging with significantly less renal injury.580 Recent years have seen the wider application of MRA.380,386,581 Its safety and accuracy make it a useful diagnostic tool for screening and diagnostic angiography of the abdominal aorta, renal, and visceral arteries in patients with renal impairment; however, interventional procedures (i.e., angioplasty and stenting) still require conventional digital subtraction angiography. Diuretics, NSAIDs (including COX-II inhibitors), ACE inhibitors, and other vasodilators should be used with caution in patients with suspected true or effective hypovolemia or renovascular disease, because they may convert prerenal ARF to ischemic ATN and sensitize such patients to the actions of nephrotoxins. Careful monitoring of circulating drug levels appears to reduce the incidence of ARF associated with aminoglycoside antibiotics or calcineurin inhibitors.89,121,582 Interestingly, the antimicrobial efficacy of aminoglycosides appears to persist in tissues even after the drug has been cleared from the circulation. Also, there is convincing evidence that once-daily dosing with these agents affords equal

970 antimicrobial activity and less nephrotoxicity than conventional regimens.123,125,582,583 The use of lipid-encapsulated formulations of amphotericin B may offer some protection against renal injury.52,128 Several other agents are commonly employed to prevent AKI in specific clinical settings. Allopurinol (10 mg/kg/day in 3 divided doses, max 800 mg) is useful for limiting uric acid generation in patients at high risk for acute urate nephropathy; however, occasional patients receiving allopurinol still develop AKI, probably through the toxic actions of hypoxanthine crystals on tubule function.170,395,402,404,499,584 In this setting, the use of recombinant urate oxidase (raburicase, 0.05–0.2 mg/kg) should be considered. Raburicase promotes the degradation of uric acid to allantoin and has been proven efficacy both as prophylaxis and treatment for acute uric acid–mediated tumor lysis syndrome.404,584–587 In oligoanuric patients, prophylactic hemodialysis to remove excess uric acid may be of value. Amifostine, an organic thiophosphate, has been demonstrated to ameliorate cisplatin nephrotoxicity in patients with solid organ or hematologic malignancies.93,588–590 N-Acetylcysteine limits acetaminophen-induced renal injury if given within 24 hours of ingestion, and dimercaprol, a chelating agent, may prevent heavy metal nephrotoxicity.591,592 Ethanol CH 29 inhibits ethylene glycol metabolism to oxalic acid and other toxic metabolites but has been superceded by the introduction of fomepizole, an effective alcohol dehydrogenase inhibitor that decreases production of ethylene glycol metabolites and thence prevents the development of renal injury.593–596

Specific Therapies During the past 2 decade there has been extensive investigation into the pathogenesis of AKI using experimental animal models and cultured cells. These studies have led to substantial advances in our understanding of the mechanisms that could potentially play a role in ATN in humans. This information has led to an exciting array of potentially novel targets for the treatment of this common and serious disease. However, a number of interventions shown to be effective in ameliorating AKI in animals have failed to be effective in humans with ATN. There are many possible reasons for lack of success in translating therapeutic successes for AKI from “bench to bedside.” We lack adequate information regarding the pathology of ATN in humans in the current era, because there has been a lack of systematic studies in this area for many years. It is possible that human tissue, subjected to conventional histologic stains as well as more “state-of-theart” approaches (such as gene array and proteomics) would facilitate the identification of those patients most likely to response to treatment. Dopamine Renal dose dopamine (1 to 3 mg/kg/min) has been widely advocated for the management of oliguric AKI.597–599 In experimental animals and healthy human volunteers, renal dose dopamine increases renal blood flow and, albeit to a lesser extent, GFR. Renal dose dopamine has not been demonstrated to prevent or alter the course of ischemic or nephrotoxic ATN in prospective controlled clinical trials.600–603 Indeed, the available evidence would suggest lack of efficacy. Furthermore, dopamine, even at low doses, is potentially toxic in critically ill patients and can induce tachyarrhythmias, myocardial ischemia, extravasation necrosis among other complications.604 Thus, the routine administration of dopamine to patients with oliguric AKI is not justified based on the balance of experimental and clinical evidence.605,606 Fenoldopam Fenoldopam is a selective postsynaptic dopamine agonist (D1-receptors) that mediates more potent renal vasodilatation and natriuresis than dopamine.607 However, it also promotes hypotension by decreasing peripheral vasculature resistance.

Early positive results from small studies suggested a possible benefit renoprotective effect of fenoldopam in high-risk clinical situations.608,609 However, a subsequent larger randomized trial comparing fenoldopam to standard hydration in patients undergoing invasive angiographic procedures found no benefit.610 Moreover, in a large RCT, fenoldopam administration did not reduce mortality or the need for renal replacement therapy in ICU patients with early ATN.611 Natriuretic Peptides ANP is a 28-amino acid polypeptide synthesized in cardiac atrial muscle.598,612–614 ANP augments GFR by triggering afferent arteriolar vasodilatation and increasing Kf. In addition, ANP inhibits sodium transport and lowers oxygen requirements in several nephron segments. Synthetic analogs of ANP have shown promise in the management of ATN in the laboratory setting. To date, this promise has failed to translate into clinically apparent benefit and a large multicenter, prospective, randomized placebo controlled trial of anaritide, a synthetic analog of ANP, failed to show clinically significant improvement in dialysis-free survival or overall mortality in ATN.615 Subgroup analysis suggested an improvement in dialysis-free survival in treated patients, but this was not confirmed in a subsequent prospective trial of patients with oliguric AKI. Ularitide (urodilantin) is a natriuretic pro-ANP fragment produced within the kidney. In a small randomized trial, ularitide did not reduce the need for dialysis in patients with AKI.616 Loop Diuretics The administration of high-dose intravenous diuretics to individuals with oliguric AKI is commonly practiced.617 Although this strategy may minimize fluid overload, there is no evidence that it alters mortality or dialysis-free survival. Some retrospective analyses have reported an increased risk of death and nonrecovery of renal function in patients treated in this manner.618 In a recent large RCT, high-dose intravenous furosemide augmented urine output but did not alter the outcome of established AKI.619 Given the risks of loop diuretics in AKI, including irreversible ototoxicity and exacerbation of prerenal AKI, their use should be restricted to the conservative management of volume overload (vide infra).620,621 Mannitol No adequate data exist to support the routine administration of mannitol to oliguric patients. Moreover, when administered to severely oliguric or anuric patients, mannitol may trigger expansion of intravascular volume and pulmonary edema, and severe hyponatremia owing to an osmotic shift of water from the intracellular to the intravascular space.555,567,617,622–626 AKI caused by other intrinsic renal diseases such as acute glomerulonephritis or vasculitis may respond to corticosteroids, alkylating agents, and plasmapheresis, depending on the primary disease. Corticosteroids appear to hasten remission in some cases of allergic interstitial nephritis.353,359,627,628 Plasma exchange is useful in treatment of sporadic TTP and possibly sporadic HUS in adults.629,630 The role of plasmapheresis in the drug-induced thrombotic microangiopathies is less clear, and removal of the offending agent is the most important initial therapeutic maneuvre.400,405,406 Postdiarrheal HUS in children is usually managed conservatively and evidence exists suggesting that early antibiotic therapy may actually promote the development of HUS.631 Early studies suggested that plasmapheresis may be of benefit in ARF due to myeloma cast nephropathy.167,564 Clearance of circulating light chains with concomitant chemotherapy to decrease the rate of production had been postulated to reverse renal injury in patients with circulating light chains, heavy Bence Jones proteinuria, and AKI. A recent relatively large

RCT compared plasma exchange and standard chemotherapy with chemotherapy alone. The study did not demonstrate improvement with plasma exchange with regard to the composite variable of death, dialysis dependence, or GFR less than 30 mL/min at 6 months, and its routine use in this setting can no longer be justified.632 Aggressive control of systemic arterial pressure is of paramount importance in limiting renal injury in malignant hypertensive nephrosclerosis, toxemia of pregnancy, and other vascular diseases. Hypertension and AKI associated with scleroderma may be exquisitely sensitive to treatment with ACE inhibitors.633–635 The specifics of treatment strategies for these disorders are discussed in other chapters.

Management of Complications

TABLE 29–16

Supportive Management of Intrinsic Acute Kidney Injury



Intravascular Volume Overload

Restriction of salt (3 on renal biopsy) as well as those with the combination of cellular crescents and interstitial fibrosis also had a worse prognosis. In another U.S. study of 89 patients with diffuse proliferative LN, none of the following features impacted on renal survival: age, gender, SLE duration, uncontrolled hypertension, or any individual histologic variable.10 Entry serum creatinine over 3.0 mg/dl, combined activity and chronicity on the biopsy, and black race did predict a poor outcome. Renal survival for the white patients was 95% at 5 years but only 58% for the black patients at 5 years. In a study of over 125 LN patients with WHO Class III or IV from New York both racial and socioeconomic factors influenced the poor outcome in African Americans.116 African Americans and Hispanics had a worse renal prognosis. In the Hispanics this was entirely related to socioeconomic factors whereas in the blacks both socioeconomic and genetic biologic factors appeared to be involved in the

116 1076 adverse outcome. An evaluation of 203 patients from the Miami area confirms a worse renal outcome in both African Americans and Hispanics related to both biologic factors and more aggressive disease as well as economic factors.117 A more rapid renal remission and more complete remission have been related to improved long-term prognosis.118,119 Renal flares during the course of SLE also may predict a poor renal outcome.105,120,121 Relapses of severe LN occur in up to 50% of patients over 5 to 10 years of follow-up and usually respond less well and more slowly to repeated course of cytotoxics.8,105,122–124 A retrospective analysis of 70 Italian patients in which over half had diffuse proliferative disease found excellent patient survival (100% at 10 years and 86% at 20 years) as well as preserved renal function with probability of not doubling the serum creatinine at 10 years to be 85% and at 20 years to be 72%.105 Most patients in this study were white and this may be associated with the excellent long-term prognosis. Multivariate analysis in the Italian study showed males, those more anemic, and especially those with flare ups of disease to have a worse outcome. Patients with renal flares of any type had 6.8 times the risk of renal failure, and those with flares with rapid rises in the creatinine had 27 times the chance of doubling their serum creatinine. Another Italian CH 31 study of 91 patients with diffuse proliferative lupus nephritis showed over 50% having a renal flare that correlated with a younger age at biopsy (6 Mo

Kidney imaging

Shrunken Irregular contours Papillary calcifications

Shrunken Irregular contours No calcifications

Shrunken Smooth surface No calcification

Slightly shrunken Smooth No calcification

Histology Cellular infiltration Fibrosis Atrophy

++ ++ ++

+ ++ ++

+ ++ +++

+++ ++ +











Urothelial malignancies

+ (*)




Familial occurrence



Analgesics + addictive substances

Aristolochic acid + diuretics + vasoconstrictive substances?


5-Aminosalicylic acid +?

(*)As long as phenacetin was part of the analgesic mixture.

cohort of 1449 patients with IBD seen during 1 year in the outpatient clinics of 28 European gastroenterology departments was investigated: Preliminary results showed 30 patients (2%) with decreased renal function, and a possible association with 5-ASA therapy was found in half.206 A recent study estimated the incidence of clinical nephrotoxicity in

patients taking 5-ASA therapy as approximately 1 in 4000 patients/yr.207 Determining the cause of renal disease in those patients with IBD is not straightforward. The most frequent renal complications are oxalate stones and their consequences, such as pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis, and in the long-term,

Tubulointerstitial Diseases

Analgesic abuse

1190 amyloidosis. Chronic IBD may also be associated with different forms of glomerulonephritis. As for many drugs, reversible, AIN has been described with the use of 5-ASA compounds. In view of this complexity, the association of 5ASA and chronic interstitial nephritis in patients with IBD can be difficult to interpret because renal involvement may be an extraintestinal manifestation of the underlying disease. However, the particular form of chronic TIN in patients with IBD treated with 5-ASA is characterized by an important cellular infiltration of the interstitium with macrophages, T cells, and also B cells (even granulomas) surrounding atrophic tubules, suggesting a cell-mediated immune response such as T cell response against an autoantigen modified by the drug.208

Pathogenesis and Pathology That 5-ASA causes renal disease is supported by the number of case reports appearing in the recent literature of patients with IBD using 5-ASA as their only medication, the improvement, at least partial, of the impaired renal function upon stopping of the drug, and a worsening after resuming 5-ASA use. Furthermore, the molecular structure of 5-ASA is very close to those of salicylic acid, phenacetin, and aminophenol, CH 33 drugs with well-documented nephrotoxic potential. The mechanism of renal damage, possibly caused by 5-ASA itself, may be analogs to that of salicylates by inducing hypoxia of renal tissues either by uncoupling oxidative phosphorylation in renal mitochondria, by inhibiting the synthesis of renal prostaglandins, or by rendering the kidney susceptible to oxidative damage by a reducing renal glutathione concentration after inhibition of the pentose phosphate shunt.208

Clinical Features A typical case is shown in Figure 33–3. An intriguing aspect of this type of toxic nephropathy is the documented persistence of the inflammation of the renal interstitium even after several months/years arrest of the drug. The disease is more prevalent in men, with a male-to-female ratio of 15 : 2. The

age of reported cases ranged from 14 to 45 years. By contrast with AN, in which renal lesions are observed only after several years of analgesic abuse, interstitial nephritis associated with 5-ASA was already observed during the 1st year of treatment in 7 out of 17 reported cases, most of whom had started 5-ASA therapy with documented normal renal function. The cumulative dose of 5-ASA is not predictive for development of interstitial nephritis. In several patients, particularly in those in whom there is a delayed diagnosis of renal damage, recovery of renal function does not occur, and some needed renal replacement therapy.208,209

Diagnosis and Treatment Because this type of chronic TIN produces few if any symptoms, and if diagnosed at a late stage progresses to irreversible chronic ESRD, serum creatinine levels should be measured in any patient with IBD treated with 5-ASA at the start of the treatment, every 3 months for the remainder of the 1st year, and annually thereafter. In some patients, favorable response to steroid therapy has been reported. If serum creatinine increases in a patient with IBD treated with 5-ASA, a renal biopsy is the only way to determine a correct diagnosis.210

Chinese Herbs—Aristolochic Nephropathy In 1992, nephrologists in Belgium noted an increasing number of women presenting with renal failure, often near end stage, following their exposure to a slimming regimen containing Chinese herbs211 (see Table 33–3). An initial survey of seven nephrology centers in Brussels identified 14 women under the age of 50 who had presented with advanced renal failure due to biopsy-proven, chronic TIN over a 3-year period; 9 of these had been exposed to the same slimming regimen.212 As of early 2000, more than 120 cases had been identified. The epidemiology is unknown, as is the risk for the development of severe renal damage, but the recent publication of case



Serum creatinine (mg/dl) 12 10.6








32 mg/day


3.8 Potassium (mEq/L): 3.3

3.3 2.6

02 8/

/0 0





16 mg/day Methylprednisolone

05 /

23 /0 2 02 /94 /0 3/ 94

3x500 mg/day orally

03 /1 0/ 91 15 /0 3/ 92




1.1 Pentasa®



p bio

08 /0 5/ 99




/0 1


p bio

03 /0






4.9 4.2 y

16 /



22 /1 02 1/9 /1 4 22 2/9 /1 4 31 2/9 /1 4 06 2/9 /0 4 1/ 95 01 /0 5/ 96 01 /1 2/ 96


s no

15 /0 3/ 05


C.P. man born 19.01.1971

FIGURE 33–3 Case report of nephrotoxicity of 5-aminosalicylic acid (Pentasa) in inflammatory bowel disease. A, Evolution of renal failure. B, First renal biopsy. C, Second renal biopsy.

revealed AA-related DNA adducts, indicating a possible 1191 mechanism underlying the development of malignancy. In another study of 39 patients with Chinese herbal nephropathy and ESRD who underwent prophylactic removal of the native kidneys and ureters, urothelial carcinoma was discovered in 18 and mild-to-moderate urothelial dysplasia in 19. All atypical cells were found to overexpress a p53 protein, suggesting the presence of a mutation in the gene.221 How far transdifferentiation and apoptosis play an important role in this fast-developing type of chronic tubulointerstitial disease of the kidneys is the subject of active research in several groups in the world. In addition to AA, patients with Chinese herb nephropathy also received the appetite suppressants fenfluramine and diethylpropion, agents with vasoconstrictive properties and diuretics at low dose. Together, these observations suggest that the relatively fastdeveloping chronic tubulointerstitial renal disease may have been caused by combined exposure to a potent nephrotoxic substance, that is, AA, and to renal vasoconstrictors fenfluramine/diethylpropion associated with clinical risk factors such as volume depletion. However, Debelle and associates222 showed, in rats given the combination of AA and high doses of fenfluramine, a comparable degree of interstitial fibrosis as the rats given AA alone. The findings of Debelle and col- CH 33 leagues217 of the necessity to induce a stimulated intrarenal renin-angiotensin system in order to obtain fibrointerstitial lesions is in line with the combined exposure concept observed with several potential nephrotoxins. Recently, Debelle and co-workers223 demonstrated that blockade of the renin-angiotensin system does not prevent renal interstitial fibrosis induced by AA. Another uncertain factor is why only some patients exposed to the same herbal preparations develop renal disease. Women appear to be at greater risk than men. Other possibly important factors include toxin dose, batch-to-batch variability in toxin content, individual differences in toxin metabolism, and a genetically determined predisposition toward nephrotoxicity and/or carcinogenesis.213


Tubulointerstitial Diseases

reports from several countries in Europe and Asia indicate that the incidence of herbal medicine–induced nephrotoxicity is more common than previously believed.213–215 A plant nephrotoxin, aristolochic acid (AA), has been proposed a possible etiologic agent. Support for this hypothesis is provided by findings in animal models. In a first study, rabbits were given intraperitoneal injections of AA (0.1 mg AA/kg 5 days/wk for 17–21 mo).216 Histologic examinations of the kidneys and genitourinary tract revealed renal tubular atrophy, interstitial infiltration/fibrosis, and atypical and malignant uroepithelial cells. In a more recent study, the daily subcutaneous administration of 10 mg/kg of AA to salt-depleted rats induced, after 35 days, moderate renal failure associated with tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosis.217 In vitro (opossum kidney cell line) and in vivo (rats) proximal tubular injury occurs early after AA intoxication in rats. A link exists between specific AA-DNA adduct formation and decreased megalin expression and inhibition of receptormediated endocytosis of low-molecular-weight proteins.218 Recent cytotoxicity data obtained in LLC-PK cells suggest that the nitro and methoxy groups are critical determinants of the nephrotoxicology potency of AA.219 The main histologic lesion in human biopsies is extensive interstitial fibrosis (located principally in the cortex) with atrophy and loss of the tubules (Fig. 33–4). Cellular infiltration of the interstitium is scarce. Important tryptase-positive mast cells were observed in the fibrotic areas in renal biopsies.214 Thickening of the walls of the interlobular and afferent arterioles result from endothelial cell swelling. The glomeruli are relatively spared, and immune deposits are not observed. These findings suggest that the primary lesions may be centered in the vessel walls, thereby leading to ischemia and interstitial fibrosis.220 At one center in Belgium, 19 native kidneys and ureters were removed in a series of 10 patients during and/or after renal transplantation: multifocal, high-grade, flat, transitional cell carcinoma (carcinoma in situ) was observed in 4 (40%), and all had multifocal moderate atypia. Tissue samples


FIGURE 33–4 Case of Chinese herb nephropathy. Kidney biopsy shows tubular atrophy, widening of the interstitium, cellular infiltration, important fibrosis, and glomeruli surrounded by a fibrotic ring. A, Masson staining. B, Hematoxylin-eosin staining.

1192 Clinical Features Patients present with renal insufficiency and other features indicating a tubulointerstitial disease. The blood pressure is either normal or only mildly elevated, and the urine sediment reveals only a few red and white cells. The urine contains protein, less than 1.5 g/day, consisting of both albumin and low-molecular-weight proteins that are normally reabsorbed by the proximal tubules; hence, tubular dysfunction—also marked by glycosuria—contributes to the proteinuria.224 The plasma creatinine concentration at presentation has ranged from 1.4 to 12.7 mg/dL (123–1122 µmol/L). Follow-up studies have revealed relatively stable renal function in most patients with an initial plasma creatinine concentration below 2 mg/ dL (176 µmol/L). However, progressive renal failure resulting in dialysis or transplantation may ensue in patients with more severe disease, even if further exposure to Chinese herbs is prevented.

Diagnosis and Treatment No specific criteria exist for the diagnosis of this type of renal disease. The diagnosis should be suggested in any patient with unexplained relatively fast progressive renal disease who is using/abusing herbal remedies. The presence of CH 33 tubular proteinuria may be a clue to the diagnosis, particularly in the early stages. The histologic appearances are not specific. On CT scan, bilateral shrunken kidneys with irregular contours and no parenchymal calcification can be observed. No proven effective therapy exists for this disorder. An uncontrolled study suggested that corticosteroids may slow the rate of loss of renal function.212 A recent experimental study showed that circulating transgene–derived HGF– attenuated interstitial fibrosis in the AA-treated rats.225 The high incidence of cellular atypia of the genitourinary tract suggests that, as a minimum, these patients should undergo regular surveillance for abnormal urinary cytology. Whether more aggressive management strategies, such as bilateral native nephroureterectomies (particularly in those undergoing renal transplantation), are required is unclear. Findings from a recent report support the more aggressive option.226

diabetes insipidus and, hence, polyuria and polydipsia in lithium-treated patients.230 A lithium-induced decrease in the activity of the H+-ATPase pump in the collecting tubule may be responsible for the impaired ability to acidify the urine. Lithium treatment has been etiologically related to parathyroid hypertrophy and hyperfunction, the latter seeming to be due to an upward resetting of the level at which the plasma calcium concentration depresses parathyroid hormone release.231 The hyperparathyroidism observed in patients receiving lithium treatment is characterized by elevated parathyroid hormone levels, hypercalcemia, hypocalciuria, and normal serum phosphate levels, by contrast to primary hyperparathyroidism in which hypophosphatemia and hypercalciuria are seen. Renal biopsies from patients taking lithium show a specific histologic lesion (100% of cases) in the distal tubule and collecting duct (Fig. 33–5). On light microscopy, this lesion consists of swelling and vacuolization in cells associated with considerable accumulation of periodic acidSchiff (PAS)–positive glycogen. Hestbech and associates232 were the first to suggest that progressive chronic interstitial lesions occurred in the kidneys of patients receiving lithium. However, a controlled study showed no difference between biopsies from patients taking lithium and those from a group of patients who had affective disorders but were not doing so.230 Specifically, there was no

Lithium Lithium is used extensively in the treatment of manicdepressive psychosis. Different forms of renal effects/injury have been described: most frequently, nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, but also renal tubular acidosis, chronic interstitial nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and focal segmental glomerular sclerosis/global glomerular sclerosis.227 Hyperparathyroidism is observed in patients treated with lithium.

Pathogenesis and Pathology Lithium is eliminated from the body almost entirely by the kidney, being filtered and reabsorbed in the proximal tubule, resulting in a clearance of one third of the creatinine clearance. It moves in and out of cells only slowly and accumulates in the kidney, particularly in the collecting tubule, entering these cells through sodium channels in the luminal membrane.228 Hence, its principal toxicity relates to distal tubular function, in which inhibition of adenylate cyclase and generation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) results in down-regulation of aquaporin-2, the collecting tubule water channel, and a decrease in antidiuretic hormone receptor density, leading to resistance to antidiuretic hormone.229 A low intracellular level of cAMP leads to increased cellular levels of glycogen observed in the kidney biopsy of patients taking lithium, as does the fact that lithium also directly inhibits enzymes involved in glycogen breakdown. The ensuing glycogen storage may interfere with distal tubular function and be responsible for the nephrogenic

FIGURE 33–5 Top, Severe lithium-associated chronic tubulointerstitial nephropathy with the additional finding of focal tubular cysts arising in a background of severe interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy. Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain, ×40. Bottom, High-power view of tubular cysts lined by simple cuboidal epithelium (c). Adjacent tubules show tubular dilatation (d). PAS stain, ×100. (Reproduced with permission from Markowitz GS, Radhakrishnan J, Kambham N, et al: Lithium nephrotoxicity: A progressive combined glomerular and tubulointerstitial nephropathy. J Am Soc Nephrol 11:1439–1448, 2000.)

Clinical Features Apart from acute lithium intoxication, chronic poisoning can occur in patients whose lithium dosage has been increased or in those with a decreased effective circulating volume, decreased sodium intake, diabetes mellitus, gastroenteritis, and renal failure, thereby resulting in an increase in serum lithium levels (>1.5 mEq/L of Li). Symptoms associated with poisoning include lethargy, drowsiness, coarse hand tremor, muscle weakness, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, polyuria, and polydipsia. Severe toxicity (>2.5 mEq/L of Li) is associated with increased deep tendon reflexes, seizures, syncope, renal insufficiency, and coma. Chronic lithium poisoning is frequently associated with electrocardiogram changes, including ST segment depression and inverted T waves in the lateral precordial leads. Lithium is concentrated within the thyroid and inhibits the synthesis and release of thyroxine, which can lead to hypothyroidism and hypothermia. It may also cause thyrotoxicosis and hyperthermia. Symptoms of hypercalcemia may also be present, such as exacerbating the urinary concentrating defect already present in these patients.236 In patients with glomerular lesions such as minimal change or focal glomerular sclerosis, proteinuria generally begins within 1.5 to 10 months after the onset of therapy, completely or partially resolving in most patients within 4 weeks after lithium is discontinued. Reinstitution of lithium has led to recurrent nephrosis in some patients.

Diagnosis and Treatment Polyuria and polydipsia due to nephrogenic diabetes insipidus usually disappear rapidly if lithium is withdrawn. In most cases, the lithium is so clearly beneficial that the polyuria is accepted as a side effect and treatment continued. It is likely that the serum concentration of lithium is important

and that the renal damage is more likely to occur if the serum 1193 concentration is consistently high or if symptoms of lithium toxicity recur. The serum lithium concentration should, therefore, be monitored carefully (at least every 3 months) and maintained at the lowest level that will provide adequate control of the manic-depressive psychosis. Much more difficult to handle is the situation in which a patient on long-term lithium therapy is found to have impaired renal function for which there is no obvious alternative cause. As stated previously, renal failure may progress even if lithium therapy is withdrawn, and in some patients, the discontinuation of lithium can lead to a devastating deterioration in their psychiatric condition.

Lead Lead toxicity affects many organs, resulting in encephalopathy, anemia, peripheral neuropathy, gout, and renal failure. The epidemic of lead nephropathy in Queensland (Australia) provided the strongest link between lead and chronic TIN. Inglis and co-workers237 noted the excess mortality due to the chronic interstitial nephritis to be present in Queensland but not in other parts of Australia and correlated the incidence CH 33 of granular contracted kidneys found at autopsy with the lead content of the skull in people from Queensland and Sydney, showing that this correlated closely with the incidence of renal failure. Exposure was due to lead-based paints used between 1890 and 1930, but recently, the source of lead is industrial exposure. This type of exposure is often insidious, occurring over a very long period. Two studies have shown an inverse relationship between low-level lead exposure and renal function in the general population. Although low-level lead exposure in the general population is associated with mild but significant depression of renal function, its role in the development of ESRD is still a matter of debate. However, a recent prospective study by Yu and associates238 showed that low-level environmental lead exposure is associated with accelerated deterioration of renal insufficiency. Even at levels below the normal ranges, both increased blood lead levels and body lead burden (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid [EDTA] mobilization test) predict accelerated progression of CRF in patients without diabetes or occupational lead exposure.238 Muntner and colleagues239 examined the association between blood lead and renal function among a representative sample of the civilian U.S. population with and without hypertension, age 20 years or older. In this cross-sectional study, they observed hypertension and exposure to lead (blood lead levels) even at low levels are associated with chronic kidney disease.

Tubulointerstitial Diseases

difference in the incidence of glomerular sclerosis, interstitial fibrosis, tubular atrophy, cast formation, or interstitial volume, but there was a significant increase in the number of microcyst formations in the lithium-treated patients. One reason why it has been difficult to determine the nature of lithiuminduced chronic renal damage has been the lack, until recently, of an animal model in which lesions similar to those noted in human biopsies can be demonstrated. However, a recent study on lithium nephrotoxicity in the rabbit showed clear-cut evidence of progressive histologic and functional impairment, with the development of significant interstitial fibrosis, tubular atrophy, glomerular sclerosis, and cystic tubular lesions. A recent publication by Markowitz and colleagues233 revealed a chronic TIN in 100% of 24 patients having received lithium for several years, associated with cortical and medullary tubular cysts or dilatation. There was also a surprisingly high prevalence of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and global glomerulosclerosis, sometimes of equivalent severity to the chronic tubulointerstitial disease. Despite discontinuation of lithium treatment, 7 of 9 patients with initial serum creatinine values above 2.5 mg/dL progressed to ESRD. A recent French follow-up study of lithiumtreated patients demonstrated that the duration of lithium therapy and the cumulative dose of lithium were the major determinants of nephrotoxicity and estimated a prevalence of lithium-related ESRD in 2/1000 dialysis patients (0.22% of all cases). Twelve out of 74 patients in this study reached ESRD at a mean age of 65 years with an average latency between onset of lithium therapy and ESRD of 20 years.234 Lepkifker and co-workers235 studied retrospectively 114 subjects with major depressive or schizoaffective disorders who had been taken lithium for 4 to 30 years from 1968 to 2000. Long-term lithium therapy did not influence glomerular function in the majority of patients. However, 20% of long-term lithium patients exhibited “creeping creatinine,” developing chronic renal insufficiency.235

Etiology, Pathogenesis, and Pathology The pathogenesis of the renal disease seen in the context of lead exposure may be related to proximal tubule reabsorption of filtered lead with subsequent accumulation in proximal tubule cells. Aminoaciduria, glycosuria, and phosphaturia representing the Fanconi syndrome are observed after lead exposure and believed to be related to an effect of lead on mitochondrial respiration and phosphorylation. Because lead is also capable of reducing 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D synthesis, prolonged hyperphosphaturia and hypophosphatemia caused by lead poisoning in children may result in bone demineralization and rickets. Chronic lead poisoning can affect glomerular function: After an initial period of hyperfiltration, the GFR is reduced and nephrosclerosis and CRF may ensue. Protracted lead exposure also interferes with distal tubular secretion of urate, leading to hyperuricemia and gout. Renal biopsies in patients with subclinical lead nephropathy and a mild-to-moderate decrease in GFR primarily show focal tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosis with minimal cellular infiltration. Electron microscopy shows

1194 mitochondrial swelling, loss of cristae, loss of basal infoldings, and a lysosomal-like structure containing dense bodies in the proximal tubules.

Clinical Features Renal failure becomes apparent years after the exposure and is associated with gout in most, if not all, cases. Hypertension is a very common feature of lead nephropathy, and an association between hypertension without renal failure and lowlevel lead exposure has gained increasing recognition over the past 2 decades. Although hyperuricemia is common in renal failure, gout is unusual and its presence should raise the possiblity of lead nephropathy. Many studies of occupational lead poisoning, however, have not taken into account the coexposure to other toxins such as cadmium.240 In addition, the relationship between early markers of renal tubular dysfunction, such as the urinary excretion of low-molecular-weight proteins or N-acetyl β-Dglucosaminidase, and subsequent development of renal failure remains to be determined.241 Nevertheless, many studies have documented an association between occupational exposure to lead and impairment of renal function. Loghman-Adham242 reviewed 20 studies of occupational and CH 33 environmental lead exposure and concluded that such exposure results in abnormalities in renal function: Only 3 studies showed no change in renal function.

Diagnosis and Treatment As the blood lead level only reflects recent lead exposure and is usually normal in patients with CRF due to their previously sustained low level of lead exposure, the diagnosis has to be based on measurement of the body lead burden. The test of choice is the EDTA mobilization test, which involves the administration of 2 g of EDTA intramuscularly in two divided doses 8 to 12 hours apart and collection of three consecutive 24-hour urine samples. A cumulative excretion of more than 600 µg is suggestive for high lead body burden. Renal failure in itself does not increase body lead load, but it does delay the excretion of lead.243 The diagnosis of lead nephropathy should be considered in any patient with progressive renal failure, mild-to-moderate proteinuria, significant hypertension, history of gout, and an appropriate history of exposure. Wedeen and co-workers244 treated eight industrially exposed patients, all having mild renal failure with GFR of around 50 mL/min before treatment, with EDTA injection thriceweekly for 6 to 15 months—four patients improved with a 20% increase in their GFR. Lin and colleagues245 published a comprehensive study that skillfully attempts to bridge the clinical gap between association and causality with regard to patients with a high-normal body lead burden. There are two components to this work. A prospective, observational study was first conducted in a select group of patients with slowly progressive chronic renal insufficiency. The investigators did not enroll patients identified at baseline as having an overt elevation of body lead burden (>600 µg/72 hr). Patients were assessed for factors known to influence the progression of renal disease. Multivariate analyses identified increased baseline body lead burden as a prognostic factor. After 24 months of observation, the body lead burden was reassessed. EDTA mobilization tests identified 64 patients with a high-normal body lead burden (80 µg to 100–400 µg/kg wet weight) in the workplace, workers have developed tubular proteinuria, renal glucosuria, aminoaciduria, hypercalciuria, phosphaturia, and polyuria, and in a few severe cases, (long-standing high exposure and urinary excretion > 20 µg/g creatinine and β2microglobulin > 1500 µg/g creatinine) renal damage may progress to an irreversible reduction in glomerular filtration.240 Indeed, glomerular injury that can lead to decreased GFRs and possibly ESRD has been observed in workers exposed to cadmium.247 Uremia was a common cause of death among Japanese farmers suffering from Itai-Itai disease (characterized by multiple fractures, osteomalacia) and due to exposure to cadmium because of the use of contaminated river water for irrigation of rice fields.249 The extent to which chronic low-level environmental exposure to cadmium affects renal function is much less clear. The Cadmibel study, in which a random sample of 1699 subjects was recruited from four areas of Belgium with varying degrees of cadmium pollution, showed that urinary excretion of retinol-binding protein, N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase, β2microglobulin, amino acids, and calcium were significantly associated with urinary cadmium excretion. There was a 10% probability of these variables being abnormal when urinary cadmium exceeded 2 to 4 µg/24 hr. However, in a 5year follow-up of a subcohort from the Cadmibel study, the so-called Pheecad study, in which 593 individuals with the highest urinary cadmium excretion were reexamined on average 5 years later, it was demonstrated that the subclinical tubular effects previously documented were not associated with deterioration in glomerular function.250 Hence, in the environmental cadmium–exposed population, the renal effects due to cadmium appear to be weak, stable, and even

Balkan Endemic Nephropathy Balkan endemic nephropathy (BEN) is a chronic, familial, noninflammatory tubulointerstitial disease of the kidneys (see Table 33–3). A high frequency of urothelial atypia, occasionally culminating in tumors of the renal pelvis and urethra, is associated with this disorder.255 As the name suggests, BEN is most commonly seen southeastern Europe, including the areas traditionally considered to comprise the “Balkans”: Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Romania, and Bulgaria. It is most likely to occur among those living along the confluence of the Danube River, a region in which the plains and low hills generally have high humidity and rainfall. There is a very high prevalence in endemic areas, with rates ranging between approximately 0.5% to 4.4%, increasing to as high as 20% if the disorder is suspected and carefully screened for among an at-risk population. A striking observation is that nearly all affected patients are farmers.

Pathogenesis and Pathology Although the etiology of BEN is unknown, many environmental and genetic factors have been evaluated as possible underlying causes.256 Environmental Factors Given that it is endemic to a specific geographic area, toxins, and/or environmental exposures that are unique to the Balkans have been investigated. However, no agent and/or general group of compounds or organisms, including trace elements (lead, cadmium, silica, selenium), viruses, fungus, and/or plant toxin, has yet been successfully identified. One intriguing possibility is that AA, a mutagenic and nephrotoxic alkaloid found in the plant Aristolochia clematis, may underlie both Chinese herbal nephropathy and BEN. Striking pathologic and clinical similarities exist between the progressive interstitial fibrosis observed in young women who have been on a slimming regimen including Chinese herbs (as well as other agents) and BEN, but this putative association between BEN and AA remains speculative.257 Two other environmental causes have to be considered: The mycotoxin hypothesis that considers that BEN is produced by achratoxin A and the pliocene lignite hypothesis, which proposes that the disease is caused by long-term exposure to polycyclic

aromatic hydrocarbons and other toxic organic compounds 1195 leaching into the well drinking water from low-rank coals in the vicinity to the endemic settlements.258 Genetic Factors Support for a genetic etiology includes observations that the disease clearly affects particular families and that some ethnic populations who have lived in the areas for generations do not suffer from BEN. The exact mode of inheritance has not yet been established, and possible causative gene(s) have not been identified, but a locus in the region between 3q25 and 3q26 has been incriminated.259 By contrast, some observations are inconsistent with a genetic basis. First, BEN is observed in individuals who have immigrated into the Balkan area from regions without the disorder and in previously unaffected families who have lived for at least 15 years in endemic areas. Second, BEN does not develop in members from previously affected families who left endemic areas early in life or who spent less than 15 years in these areas.260 A unifying hypothesis may be that the disease most likely occurs in genetically predisposed individuals who are chronically exposed to a causative, as-yet-unidentified agent. In the early stages of the disease, renal histology reveals cortical focal tubular atrophy, interstitial edema, and peritubuloglo- CH 33 merular sclerosis with limited mononuclear cell infiltration. Narrowing and endothelial swelling of interstitial capillaries (e.g., capillarosclerosis) is also described. In advanced cases, marked tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosis develop along with focal segmental glomerular changes and global sclerosis. There is an extremely high incidence of cellular atypia and urothelial carcinoma of the genitourinary tract.261

Clinical Features BEN is a slowly progressive tubulointerstitial disease that may culminate in ESRD. Clinical manifestations first appear in patients 30 and 50 years of age, with findings prior to the age of 20 being extremely rare. One of the first signs is tubular dysfunction, which is characterized by an increased excretion of low-molecular-weight proteins. Early tubular injury can also lead to renal glycosuria, aminoaciduria, and diminished ability to handle an acid (NH4Cl) load. Over more than 20 years, there is a progressive decrease in concentrating ability and in the GFR. Patients are usually without edema and are normotensive, hypertension only developing with end-stage disease. A normochromic normocytic anemia occurs with early disease, which becomes increasingly pronounced as the disorder progresses. Urinary tract infection is rarely observed. Kidneys are of normal size early in the course of the disease. A symmetrical reduction of kidney size with a smooth outline and normal pelvicaliceal system is subsequently observed in patients with late-stage disease. Intrarenal calcifications are not observed. BEN is also associated with the development of transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis or ureter, with studies noting a wide range in incidence (2% to nearly 50%). These tumors are generally superficial and slow growing.

Diagnosis and Treatment The diagnosis of BEN is based upon the presence of some combination of the following findings: symmetrically shrunken kidneys with absence of intrarenal calcifications (Fig. 33–6); farmers living in the endangered villages; familial history positive for BEN; mild tubular proteinuria, hypostenuria, and glucosuria; normochromic hypochromic anemia occurring in patients with only slightly impaired renal function.262 As with many other chronic tubulointerstitial diseases of unclear origin, there is no specific prevention or treatment. Therapy is, therefore, largely supportive, with renal replacement therapy being initiated in patients with ESRD. The high incidence of cellular atypia of the genitourinary tract suggests that regular surveillance should be performed

Tubulointerstitial Diseases

reversible. These findings in environmentally exposed subjects may reasonably be extrapolated to the current, moderately exposed, occupational population in whom, in various epidemiologic studies, increased cadmium levels/exposure have repeatedly been associated with disturbed levels of markers of early renal dysfunction, but without evidence for an accelerated progression toward CRF. A number of studies have demonstrated an increased prevalence of kidney stones among individuals occupationally exposed to cadmium.251 Increased urinary excretion of calcium, resulting from tubular damage, is believed to be a primary determinant of stone formation in this setting. This fits with the recently developed concept of injury-induced phenotypic changes of the tubular epithelium cells followed by crystal adhesion-nephrocalcinosis.252 A recent epidemiologic study provides evidence for a link between renal tubular damage and dysfunction caused by environmental cadmium exposure and increased risk of high blood pressure.253 Minimizing exposure to cadmium is the most important therapeutic measure. Occupational exposure should be kept as low as technically feasible, preferably below 0.005 mg/m3. Exposure via food should be kept well below 30 µg cadmium per day.254 Other than general supportive therapy, no specific are methods available for treating acute cadmium poisoning. Although various chelating agents have been tried in animals, none has been shown to be efficient in humans.


FIGURE 33–6 CT scan without contrast media of a patient with Balkan endemic nephropathy, creatinine clearance of 15 mL/min, no hypertension, proteinuria less than 1 g/24hr. Note the important bilateral atrophy of the kidneys and absence of intrarenal calcifications.

CH 33 for abnormal urinary cytologies. Whether bilateral native nephroureterectomies are required, particularly in those undergoing renal transplantation, is unclear.

Hyperuricemia/Hyperuricosuria Three different types of renal disease are induced by abnormal uric acid metabolism: acute uric acid nephropathy (which is not discussed here); chronic urate nephropathy; and uric acid stone disease. The kidneys are the major organs for the excretion of uric acid and a primary target organ affected in disorders of urate metabolism. Renal lesions result from crystallization of uric acid either in the urine outflow tract or in the renal parenchyma. The determinants of uric acid solubility are its concentration and the pH of the medium in which it is dissolved. Consequently, the supersaturation of the tubular fluid within the renal tubules as excreted uric acid becomes concentrated in the medulla and the acidification of the urine in the distal tubule are both conducive to the precipitation of uric acid. The major sites of urate deposition are the renal medulla, the collecting tubules, and the urinary tract. The pKa of uric acid is 5.4, and at the acid pH of the fluid in the distal tubule the bulk of filtered urate will be present in its nonionized form as uric acid, whereas at the more alkaline pH of the blood and interstitium, it is in its ionized form as urate salts.

Chronic Urate Nephropathy The principle lesion of the chronic hyperuricemia is the deposition of microtophi of amorphous urate crystals in the interstitium, with a surrounding giant-cell reaction. This results in a secondary chronic inflammatory response similar to that seen with microtophus formation elsewhere in the body, potentially leading to interstitial fibrosis and CRF. Evidence linking CRF to gout is weak, and the long-standing notion that chronic renal disease is common in patients with hyperuricemia has been questioned in the light of prolonged follow-up studies of renal function in people with this condition. Renal dysfunction could be documented only when the serum urate concentration was more than 10 mg/dL (600 µmol/ L) in women and more than 13 mg/dL (780 µmol/L) in men for prolonged periods. Furthermore, the deterioration of renal function in those with hyperuricemia of a lower magnitude has been attributed to the higher-than-expected occurrence of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, abnormal lipid metabolism,

and nephrosclerosis.263 Nonetheless, it seems reasonable to prescribe allopurinol (in a dose appropriate to the level of renal function) to those very rare patients with biopsy evidence of “gouty nephropathy,” and possibly, to patients with CRF who have a grossly elevated serum urate.264 There is an association between severe lead intoxication, CRF, and gout (saturnine gout). It has also been suggested that there might be an association between renal disease and hyperuricemia in those with a past history of exposure to lead and consequent subclinical lead toxicity (saturnine nephropathy). Evidence for this association is not clear-cut, nor is the mechanism whereby lead exposure might aggravate hyperuricemia and renal failure. Recent evidence describing uric acid as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular death and major clinical events265 and even for its role in the development of hypertension and in the progression of renal failure came from Johnson’s group.265 They showed that hyperuricemia induces endothelial dysfunction and that uric acid regulates critical proinflammatory pathways in vascular smooth muscle cells, possibly having a role in the vascular changes associated with hypertension and vascular disease.266,267 Recent studies have reported that mild hyperuricemia in normal rats induced by the uricase inhibitor oxonic acid results in hypertension, intrarenal vascular disease, and renal injury. They investigated the hypothesis that uric acid may contribute to progressive renal failure. Hyperuricemia accelerates renal progression in the remnant kidney model via a mechanism linked to high systemic blood pressure and COX-2–mediated, thromboxane-induced vascular disease. These studies provide direct evidence that uric acid may be a true mediator of renal disease and progression.268 It seems to be time to reevaluate the role of uric acid as a risk factor for cardiovascular-renal diseases and hypertension and to design human studies to address this controversy.

Chronic Hypokalemia The cause of potassium depletion is malnutrition (anorexia nervosa, vomiting, and/or abuse of laxatives and/or diuretics). Several renal abnormalities, most of which are reversible with potassium repletion, can be induced by hypokalemia.269 Vasopressin-resistant impairment of the ability to concentrate the urine, increased renal ammonia production (linked to intrarenal complement activation), enhanced bicarbonate reabsorption, altered sodium reabsorption, and hyperkalemia nephropathy have been described. Persistent hypokalemia can induce a variety of changes in renal function, impairing tubular transport, and possibly inducing chronic tubulointerstitial disease and cyst formation.270 Hypokalemic nephropathy in humans produces characteristic vacuolar lesions in the epithelial cells of the proximal tubule and, occasionally, the distal tubule. More severe changes, including interstitial fibrosis, tubular atrophy, and cyst formation that is most prominent in the renal medulla, occur if prolonged hypokalemia is maintained. Renal cyst formation as a consequence of chronic hypokalemia has now been reported in a patient with Bartter’s syndrome resulting from a gene defect in CLCKC.271 Renal growth accelerates when rats are placed on a potassium-deficient diet, and within 8 days, there is a 25% increase in kidney mass.272 The changes are most prominent in the outer medulla, especially the inner stripe, where hyperplastic, enlarged collecting duct cells form cellular outgrowths that project into the lumen, causing partial obstruction. If the potassium-deficient state persists, then cellular infiltrates appear in the renal interstitial compartment and tubulointerstitial fibrosis develops. It has been proposed that some pathologic changes may be initiated by the high levels of ammonia generated in potassium deficiency and may be mediated through the activation of the alternate complement

Sarcoidosis Sarcoidosis is a multisystem disorder of unknown etiology characterized by the accumulation in many tissues of T lymphocytes, mononuclear phagocytes, and noncaseating granulomas. Recently, indigenous Propionibacterium acnes seems to play a role in the pathogenesis of the formation of granulomatous lesions in the lungs.277 Clinically important renal involvement is an occasional problem—hypercalciuria and hypercalcemia are most often responsible, although granulomatous interstitial disease, glomerular disease, obstructive uropathy, and rarely, ESRD may also occur.278 Most affected patients have clear evidence of diffuse active sarcoidosis, although some patients present with an isolated elevation in the plasma creatinine concentration and no or only minimal extrarenal manifestations.279,280 The true incidence of renal involvement in sarcoidosis remains unknown, but several small series of renal biopsies suggest that some degree of renal involvement occurs in approximately 35% of patients with sarcoidosis.

Clinical Features Hypercalciuria, hypercalcemia, nephrolithiasis, granulomatous interstitial nephritis, glomerular disease, and urinary tract disorders can all be observed in patients with sarcoidosis. Macrophages in a sarcoid granuloma contain a 1αhydroxylase enzyme, but not a 24-hydroxylase enzyme, capable of converting vitamin D to its active form. The resultant increase in the absorption of calcium from the gut, which occurs in up to 50% of those with sarcoidosis, leads to hypercalciuria and, in roughly 2.5% to 20% of cases, to hypercalcemia. Most patients remain asymptomatic, but nephrolithiasis, nephrocalcinosis, renal insufficiency, and polyuria are important complications.281 Nephrolithiasis occurs in approximately 1% to 14% of patients with sarcoidosis and may be the presenting feature. Nephrocalcinosis, observed in over half of those with renal insufficiency, is the most common cause of CRF in sarcoidosis.282 The increase in urine output associated with hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria is due to a reduced responsiveness to antidiuretic hormone.

An interstitial nephritis with granuloma formation is 1197 common in sarcoidosis, but the development of clinical disease manifested by renal insufficiency is unusual. A survey of all renal biopsies over a 6-year period at three general hospitals found clinically significant sarcoid granulomatous interstitial nephritis in only four cases. Most affected patients have clear evidence of diffuse active sarcoidosis, although some present with an isolated elevation in the plasma creatinine concentration and no or only minimal renal manifestations. Renal biopsy reveals normal glomeruli, interstitial infiltration mostly with mononuclear cells, noncaseating granulomas in the interstitium, tubular atrophy, and with more chronic disease, interstitial fibrosis.283 Granulomatosis interstitial nephritis is also seen in other diseases, including allergic interstitial nephritis (mainly drug-induced, caused by NSAIDs and 5-ASA), Wegener’s granulomatosis, beryliosis, and tuberculosis. The urinary manifestations of granulomatous interstitial nephritis are relatively nonspecific comparable with other chronic tubulointerstitial diseases, being normal or showing only sterile pyuria or mild proteinuria. Glomerular involvement is rare in sarcoidosis. A variety of different lesions have been described in isolated cases, including membranous nephropathy, a proliferative or cres- CH 33 centic glomerulonephritis, and focal glomerulosclerosis. The presence of heavy proteinuria or red cell casts tends to differentiate these glomerulopathies from interstitial nephritis. Occasionally, retroperitoneal lymph node involvement, retroperitoneal fibrosis, or renal stones may produce ureteral obstruction.

Diagnosis and Treatment Sarcoid nephropathy should be considered in any patient with unexplained renal failure and hypercalcemia, renal tubular defect, nephrocalcinosis, or increased immunoglobulins. These patients often have signs and symptoms of pulmonary, ocular, and/or dermal involvement with sarcoidosis. The presence of granulomas on renal biopsy, although not specific to sarcoidosis, should strongly suggest this diagnosis in an appropriate setting. Granulomatous interstitial nephritis can be treated effectively with glucocorticoids, typically prednisolone 1 to 1.5 mg/kg initially, tapered off following signs and symptoms of disease activity. Patients often respond quickly with an improvement in renal function, but this depends greatly on the extent and severity of inflammation and fibrosis before treatment was initiated. There are no controlled trials regarding the dose or length of the treatment. The hypercalcemic/hypercalciuric syndrome also responds quickly to corticosteroids: In general, the dose needed to treat this complication is significantly lower than that required to treat granulomatous interstitial nephritis and can be as low as 35 mg of prednisolone daily. Chloroquine, by decreasing the level of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol, is an effective therapy for the hypercalcemic/hypercalciuric syndrome. Ketoconazole, an inhibitor of steroidogenesis, has been used in a single patient who could not tolerate corticosteroids and was effective in decreasing the level of active vitamin D as well as serum and urinary calcium.284 A recent report describes a successful treatment of sarcoid nephritis with infliximab.280 Although uncommon in patients with sarcoidosis, ESRD requiring renal replacement therapy is most often due to hypercalcemic nephropathy rather than granulomatous nephritis. Graft loss due to disease recurrence has been reported exceptionally.

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pathway. In support of this thesis is the finding that bicarbonate supplementation sufficient to suppress renal ammoniagenesis attenuates the renal enlargement and tubulointerstitial disease; against it are reports that increased renal ammoniagenesis induced by acid loading causes renal enlargement without cellular proliferation or interstitial disease.273 A recent paper provides results consistent with a sustained role for IGF-1 in promoting the marked tubular epithelial cell hypertrophy and hyperplasia that occur in the inner stripe of the outer medulla of the kidney in chronic potassium depletion.274 The same study also showed that potassium depletion causes a selective increase in the renal expression of TGF-β in the hypertrophied, nonhyperplastic, thick ascending limb, but—unlike IGF-1—it is absent from the hyperplastic collecting duct cells. This might be responsible for preventing the conversion of the mitogenic stimulus of IGF-1 into a hypertrophic one. It is possible that TGF-β causes the prominent interstitial infiltrate that develops in chronic hypokalemia, because this “growth factor” is a well-known chemoattractant for macrophages. A recent study by Suga and co-workers275 showed that AT1-receptor blockade ameliorates tubulointerstitial injury induced by chronic potassium deficiency. The same authors showed that endothelin-1 can mediate hypokalemic renal injury in two different ways: by directly stimulating endothelin-A receptors and by locally promoting endogenous endothelin-1 production via endothelin-B receptors. Hence, endothelin-A and -B receptor blockade may be renoprotective in hypokalemic nephropathy.276


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279. Robson MG, Banerjee D, Hopster D, Cairns HS: Seven cases of granulomatous interstitial nephritis in the absence of extrarenal sarcoid. Nephrol Dial Transplant 18:280– 284, 2003. 280. Thumfart J, Muller D, Rudolph B, et al: Isolated sarcoid granulomatous interstitial nephritis responding to infliximab therapy. Am J Kidney Dis 45:411–414, 2005. 281. Casella FJ, Allon M: The kidney in sarcoidosis. J Am Soc Nephrol 3:1555–1562, 1993.

282. Darabi K, Torres G, Chewaproug D: Nephrolithiasis as primary symptom in sarcoidosis. Scand J Urol Nephrol 39:173–175, 2005. 283. Viero RM, Cavallo T: Granulomatous interstitial nephritis. Hum Pathol 26:1347–1353, 1995. 284. Bia MJ, Insogna K: Treatment of sarcoidosis-associated hypercalcemia with ketoconazole. Am J Kidney Dis 18:702–705, 1991.

CHAPTER 34 Problems in Definition, 1203 Bacteriology of Urinary Tract Infection, 1203 General Considerations: The Urine Culture and Urinalysis, 1203 Etiologic Agents, 1204 Pathogenesis, 1205 Hematogenous Infection, 1205 Ascending Infection, 1205 Vesicoureteral Reflux, 1207 Bacterial Virulence Factors Influencing Infection, 1210 Host Factors Influencing Infection, 1212 Pathology, 1214 Acute Pyelonephritis, 1214 Chronic Pyelonephritis and Reflux Nephropathy, 1214 Natural History of Bacteriuria and Pyelonephritis, 1217 Frequency and Epidemiology of Urinary Tract Infection, 1217 Clinical Impact of Urinary Tract Infection, 1219 Clinical Presentations, 1220 Acute Urinary Tract Infection, 1220 Chronic Pyelonephritis and Reflux Nephropathy, 1221 Natural History of Vesicoureteral Reflux and Reflux Nephropathy, 1222 Diagnostic Evaluation, 1223 History and Physical Examination, 1223 Urine Tests, 1223 Radiologic and Urologic Evaluations, 1224 Treatment, 1224 General Principles of Antimicrobial Therapy, 1224 Specific Recommendations, 1224 Special Forms of Pyelonephritis, 1230 Renal Tuberculosis, 1230 Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis, 1231 Malakoplakia, 1231

Urinary Tract Infection, Pyelonephritis, and Reflux Nephropathy Nina E. Tolkoff-Rubin • Ramzi S. Cotran* • Robert H. Rubin Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common of all bacterial infections, affecting humans throughout their life span. UTI occurs in all populations, from the neonate to the geriatric patient, but it has a particular impact on females of all ages (especially during pregnancy), males at the two extremes of life, kidney transplant recipients, and anyone with functional or structural abnormalities of the urinary tract. Not only is UTI common, but the range of possible clinical syndromes it can produce is exceptionally broad, including pyelonephritis with gram-negative sepsis, asymptomatic bacteriuria, and even so-called symptomatic abacteriuria.

PROBLEMS IN DEFINITION The term acute pyelonephritis defines a disorder characterized by bacterial or fungal invasion of the kidney, causing acute interstitial inflammation and tubular cell necrosis. The term chronic pyelonephritis applies to findings of pelvicaliceal inflammation, fibrosis, and deformity of the kidney on histopathologic examination of the kidney. Using these simple definitions, the following correlations have been made1,2: 1. In most patients with chronic pyelonephritis, bacterial infection of the urinary tract is superimposed on an anatomic urinary tract anomaly—urinary obstruction or, most commonly, vesicoureteral reflux (VUR). 2. UTI in the absence of obstruction or VUR is an uncommon cause of significant chronic pyelonephritis. 3. In contrast, chronic tubulointerstitial disease without pyelocaliceal involvement can be caused by a host of factors, including toxins, metabolic disorders, vascular diseases, and autoimmune disorders. The term reflux nephropathy categorizes the renal scarring associated with VUR.2


BACTERIOLOGY OF URINARY TRACT INFECTION General Considerations: The Urine Culture and Urinalysis The evaluation of the results of a quantitative urine culture and urinalysis is the cornerstone of the approach to patients with possible UTI. However, great difficulty is frequently encountered in obtaining a spontaneously voided urine specimen that is uncontaminated by the normal flora of the distal urethra, vagina, or skin. Therefore, certain guidelines are necessary for evaluating the results of urine cultures. The first clue to the importance of a positive urine culture report comes from the nature of the organism or organisms isolated on culture. In more than 95% of UTIs, the infecting organism is a gram-negative bacillus Enterococcus faecalis or, in the case of reproductive-age women who are sexually active, Staphylococcus saprophyticus (Table 34–1).3 In contrast, the organisms that commonly colonize the distal urethra and skin of both men and women and the vagina of women— including Staphylococcus epidermidis, Corynebacteria, lactobacilli, Gardnerella vaginalis, and a variety of anaerobes—rarely cause UTI (Table 34–2).2–5 A more difficult problem in interpreting urine cultures is vaginal contamination because 5% to 20% of women may harbor gram-negative bacilli at this site in the absence of UTI. In these situations, further information can be gained from the number of different bacterial species identified in a particular urine specimen. In more than 95% of true UTIs, a single bacterial species is responsible for the infection. True polymicrobial UTI occurs uncommonly and is observed in very few clinical situations: when a long-term urinary catheter or another “foreign body” (e.g., calculi, necrotic tumors) is in place; when the patient has a stagnant pool of urine because of inadequate emptying of the bladder, particularly when repeated instrumentation is necessary; or 1203

1204 TABLE 34–1

Bacteriologic Findings Among 250 Outpatients and 150 Inpatients with Urinary Tract Infection

Bacterial Species

Outpatients (%)

Inpatients (%)

Escherichia coli



Proteus mirabilis



2.4 2.0 0.8 0.4 0.4 7.3 4.0 6.0 3.3


Serratia marcescens



Staphylococcus epidermidis*



S. aureus



Klebsiella pneumoniae Enterococci Enterobacter aerogenes Pseudomonas aeruginosa Proteus spp (excluding P. mirabilis)

CH 34

*It is likely that most of the outpatient S. epidermidis strains in healthy, sexually active young women were S. saprophyticus. Modified from Rubin RH: Infections of the urinary tract. In Dale DC, Federman DD (eds): Scientific American Medicine, sec 7, subsec 23. New York, Scientific American, 1996, pp 1–10. Copyright © [1996] Scientific American, Inc. All rights reserved.

Common Bacterial Contaminants of TABLE 34–2 Urine Cultures That Are Unlikely Causes of True Urinary Tract Infections Staphylococcus epidermidis Corynebacteria (diphtheroids) Lactobacillus Gardnerella vaginalis Anaerobic bacteria

when there is a fistulous communication between the urinary tract and the gastrointestinal or female genital tract. Otherwise, the isolation of two or more bacterial species on urine culture usually signifies a contaminated specimen.5–7 The second major criterion for determining the validity of culture results is based on the quantification of the number of colony-forming units (CFUs) in the urine. Those individuals with urine cultures that reveal at least 105 CFU/mL (often termed significant bacteriuria) of a single uropathogen have a high probability of true infection. Unfortunately, the direct application of these quantitative criteria in clinical practice has led to significant confusion. Patients with symptoms referable to the urinary tract may have treatable bacteriuria (and the awkward designation of “true but less than significant bacteriuria”) with as few as 102 CFU/mL on quantitative culture.2,3,7 As a result, criteria have been established to ensure adequate sensitivity and specificity. Women who present with symptoms of acute, uncomplicated UTI (dysuria, frequency, suprapubic discomfort) are believed to have true infection when at least 103 CFU/mL of

a single species of uropathogen are found on quantitative culture (sensitivity of 80% and specificity of 90%). In patients with symptoms of acute, uncomplicated pyelonephritis (fever, rigors, flank pain, with or without dysuria or frequency), the cutoff is 104 CFU/mL or less (sensitivity and specificity of 95%).2,3,6,7 Circumstances associated with lower densities of bacteria in the urine when the patient has true infection include the acute urethral syndrome, infection with S. saprophyticus and Candida species, prior administration of antimicrobial therapy, rapid diuresis, extreme acidification of the urine, obstruction of the urinary tract, and extraluminal infection.4,6,7 Examination of the urine for leukocytes is the final validation test that can be applied in the evaluation of patients with possible UTI. When a randomly collected urine sample is examined in a hemocytometer and at least 10 leukocytes/ mm3 are found, there is a high probability of clinical infection2: 1. More than 96% of symptomatic men and women with significant bacteriuria have at least this level of pyuria; fewer than 1% of asymptomatic, nonbacteriuric individuals have this level of pyuria. 2. Most symptomatic women with pyuria but without significant bacteriuria have an inflammatory process, most commonly bacterial or chlamydial infection responsive to therapy. Other causes of “sterile pyuria” include interstitial cystitis, genitourinary tuberculosis, systemic mycotic infection, and contiguous infection resting on the ureter or bladder and inducing “sympathetic inflammation” in the urine. 3. One situation in which the finding of pyuria does not add significantly to the diagnostic evaluation is in patients with indwelling urinary catheters. In these individuals, the finding of pyuria does not necessarily indicate infection.8

Etiologic Agents Bacterial Pathogens The gastrointestinal tract is the reservoir from which uropathogens emerge. Reflecting this, the Enterobacteriaceae and E. faecalis are the most important causes of UTI in all population groups, accounting for more than 95% of all UTIs. Of the Enterobacteriaceae, Escherichia coli is by far the most common invader, causing some 90% of UTIs in outpatients and approximately 50% in hospitalized patients (see Table 34–1).2,7,9 Certain bacterial pathogens are especially associated with UTI in a particular population group. One notable example is the recognition that S. saprophyticus is an important cause of symptomatic UTI in young, sexually active women, and an uncommon cause of infection in men.10–12 Other reported associations include an increased frequency of Proteus infections in boys aged 1 to 12 years, particularly if uncircumcised, and E. faecalis infection in elderly men with prostatism.9,13,14 In more than 95% of instances, UTI develops through the ascending route, from urethra to bladder to kidney. However, if bacteremia due to virulent organisms occurs from some other site, seeding of the kidney can occur. Hematogenous seeding is most commonly observed in association with bacteremia due to Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Salmonella species.9 Hematogenously derived infection of the urinary tract is particularly common in instances of Salmonella sepsis. For example, approximately 25% of patients with S. typhi infection have positive urine cultures. An unusual example of this phenomenon occurs in areas of the world in which urinary tract schistosomiasis due to Schistosoma haematobium is common. In such patients, bacteremic seeding of the urinary

tract with Salmonella species results in infection of the schistosomes and chronic Salmonella bacteriuria. Such infections can be controlled only by eradicating the schistosomal infection first.2 The kidney is the most common extrapulmonary site of tuberculosis; the tubercle bacilli reach the kidney from the lung by the hematogenous route, usually with later spread down the urinary tract to the ureter, bladder, and in the male patient, prostate, seminal vesicle, and epididymis.15

Fungal Pathogens

Other Pathogens Several other classes of microorganisms, most notably Chlamydia trachomatis, the genital mycoplasmas, and certain viruses, can invade the urinary tract. C. trachomatis has been clearly shown to be an important cause of the acute urethral syndrome.3 Whether this organism could have an impact on the upper urinary tract remains to be determined. In normal persons, the most convincing case for virally induced disease can be made for adenoviruses. Thus, adenovirus types 11 and 21, particularly type 11, have been shown to cause between one fourth and one half of cases of hemorrhagic cystitis in schoolchildren, with sporadic cases also occurring in immunologically normal adults. In immunosuppressed patients such as organ transplant and bone marrow transplant recipients, hemorrhagic cystitis, interstitial nephritis, and disseminated infection caused by adenoviruses are far more common.19,23,24 Similarly, tubulointerstitial nephritis due to papovaviruses, cytomegalovirus, and other agents can occur in these immunosuppressed individuals but are quite uncommon in other populations.23

PATHOGENESIS Hematogenous Infection Although E. coli accounts for the vast majority of UTIs, it is a rare cause of infection of the urinary tract as a consequence

Urinary Tract Infection, Pyelonephritis, and Reflux Nephropathy

By far the most common form of fungal infection of the urinary tract is that caused by Candida species. Most such infections occur in patients with indwelling Foley catheters who have been receiving broad-spectrum antibacterial therapy, particularly if diabetes mellitus is also present or corticosteroids are being administered. Although most of these infections remain limited to the bladder and clear with removal of the catheter, cessation of the antibacterial therapy, and control of the diabetes, the urinary tract is the source of approximately 10% of episodes of candidemia—usually in association with urinary tract manipulation or obstruction.16,17 Spontaneously occurring lower UTI caused by Candida species is far less common, although papillary necrosis, caliceal invasion, and fungal ball obstruction have all been described as resulting from ascending candidal UTI that is not related to catheterization. Candidal obstructive uropathy is particularly important in children with congenital anatomic abnormalities of the urinary tract and in kidney transplant recipients.18,19 In the transplant patient, obstructive uropathy due to candiduria is a particularly dangerous situation, being associated with a high risk of systemic dissemination from the urinary tract.18,20,21 Hematogenous spread to the kidney and other sites within the genitourinary tract may be seen in any systemic fungal infection, but it occurs particularly in coccidioidomycosis and blastomycosis.21 In immunosuppressed patients, a common hallmark of disseminated cryptococcal infection is the appearance of this organism in the urine. Cryptococcus neoformans commonly seeds the prostate and, far less commonly, may cause a syndrome of papillary necrosis, pyelonephritis, and pyuria akin to that seen in tuberculosis.19,21,22

of bacteremia, unless some other factor is introduced. The 1205 inability of most E. coli strains to cause infection via the hematogenous route is related not only to their intrinsic nonpathogenicity by this route of infection but also to the small proportion of circulating bacteria that are actually deposited in the kidney. In addition, intrinsic bacterial clearing mechanisms within the renal tissue are able to clear the kidneys of these small numbers of organisms without sequelae. In sum, the level of E. coli infection required to accomplish seeding of the kidneys via the bloodstream will have lethal consequences for the individual long before infection can be established in the kidneys.2,19 In contrast, S. aureus can cause suppurative infection of the kidney in the face of a low level of organisms in the bloodstream, a level that is compatible with life—the exact opposite situation as is operative with E. coli.25 Although the intact kidney is resistant to hematogenous E. coli infection, various processes affecting renal structure and function can increase the susceptibility of the kidney and can favor the initiation of pyelonephritis by the hematogenous route (and, presumably, via the ascending route as well). These processes include obstruction of urine flow (even for relatively short periods of time); intratubular chemical injury from drugs; vascular factors, such as renal vein constriction CH 34 or arterial constriction; hemorrhagic hypotension; hypertension; K+ depletion; analgesics; renal massage; polycystic kidney disease; experimentally induced diabetes mellitus; and administration of estrogens.2–4,7,19 The mechanism by which obstruction increases the susceptibility of the kidney to infection is not entirely clear. The leading hypothesis is that increased tissue pressure in the kidney could be impeding the renal microcirculation during the obstructive phase, interfering with the innate ability of the kidney to clear infection.2,26 These experimental observations offer several important insights relevant to human infection: 1. In patients with normal urinary tract anatomy, the simultaneous demonstration of E. coli in the urine and the blood strongly suggests the kidney as a portal of entry for the bacteremia. In contrast, the simultaneous demonstration of S. aureus, Candida, or Salmonella infection in the blood and urine suggests a portal of entry outside the urinary tract with spread to the kidney and underscores the need for a careful search for the primary source of the infection. P. aeruginosa and Proteus infection can manifest either pattern. 2. Patients with increased intrarenal pressures resulting from urinary tract obstruction may be at risk for metastatic infection with various organisms, including those like E. coli that are usually not pathogenic for the kidney when bacteremia is the mechanism by which bacteria are delivered. 3. A kidney subjected to trauma may be at particular risk for the development of pyelonephritis. This observation may be especially relevant to patients who have undergone kidney transplantation and those experiencing physical trauma.

Ascending Infection Overwhelming clinical evidence indicates that most infections of the kidney result from the inoculation of bacteria derived from the gastrointestinal tract into the urethra, from there to the bladder, and finally, to the kidney. Specific virulence factors appear to be required to accomplish this task in the anatomically and functionally normal urinary tract.2,26,27 This observation has several profound implications: • Females, because of the proximity of the anus to the urethra, are at increased risk for UTI (just as male

homosexuals who engage in rectal intercourse are at increased risk for such infection28). • Modification of the normal gastrointestinal flora caused by exposure to antibiotics or by residence within a nursing home or hospital markedly changes the microbial cause of UTIs that occur in these settings—the antibiotic-susceptible E. coli is less likely to be the cause in these cases; instead, the typical responsible organism is relatively antibiotic-resistant gram-negative species. • Among the characteristics that render a particular clone of E. coli uropathogenic is the ability to maintain stable residence in the colon, from which it can then be introduced into the urinary tract. • People with intimate contact with farm animals receiving antibiotics or growth factors are at particular risk for the occurrence of resistant infection. The same bacterial surface ligands that mediate attachment to the uroepithelium and the same mucosal receptors that interact with these bacterial ligands in the urinary tract are present in the gastrointestinal tract and play a significant role in the maintenance of stable colonization by the uropathogens.26–30 The crucial next step in the pathogenesis of UTI is CH 34 the colonization of the distal urethra, the periurethral tissues, and in the female patient, the vaginal vestibule with potential urinary tract pathogens.26–30 A major host defense against this first step in the pathogenesis of UTI is the presence of the normal vaginal flora, particularly the lactobacilli. Stapleton and Stamm31 have defined several mechanisms by which the lactobacilli, alone or in combination with other constituents of the normal vaginal flora, could protect against the initiation of UTI: (1) by maintaining an acid vaginal environment, which diminishes E. coli colonization; (2) by blocking the adherence of uropathogens, such as E. coli; (3) by producing hydrogen peroxide, which interacts with peroxidase and halides in the vagina to kill E. coli; and perhaps, (4) by elaborating other antimicrobial substances. The clinical importance of this natural defense mechanism is demonstrated by the following observations26–32: 1. Postmenopausal women are often subject to recurrent UTI as a consequence of estrogen deficiency. This leads the loss of lactobacilli and an acid pH, resulting in an increased rate of vaginal colonization with uropathogens and subsequent UTI. These changes can be reversed by topical (or systemic) estrogen therapy. 2. Reproductive-age women, using spermicides containing nonoxynol-9, have an increased risk of UTI associated with the antilactobacillus effect of the spermicide; repopulation of the vagina with lactobacilli and other constituents of the normal flora by switching to alternative contraceptive strategies decreases the subsequent risk of both vaginal colonization and UTI.31,32 Whether sustained bacteriuria results from the colonization of the vaginal vestibule and distal urethra depends on the interaction of several factors33–36: whether the colonizing species possesses surface adhesins that promote the attachment of the organisms to the epithelial surface; whether the mucosal cells of a particular woman have a particularly high affinity for these bacterial adhesins; whether the subject secretes blood group antigens that block adhesin-receptor interaction; and whether the bacteria are physically translocated into the bladder. Periurethral and vaginal mucosal cells derived from women who experience recurrent UTIs adhere to uropathogenic E. coli strains to a much greater extent than do cells derived from women who are free of this problem. Women who do not secrete ABH blood group antigens in their body fluids (nonsecretors) are particularly 1206

susceptible to recurrent UTI (with a risk three to four times that of secretors). Binding of bacteria to the cells is accomplished through specific bacterial ligand–epithelial cell receptor interaction, which is physically blocked by the presence of secreted ABH blood group antigens in the urine and vaginal secretions of individuals who are secretors (approximately two thirds of the general population). The secretor gene encodes glycosyltransferases that act on cell surface glycoproteins and glycosphingolipids, resulting in the release of ABH antigens into bodily secretions. One consequence of this process is that the vaginal epithelium of nonsecretors expresses unique glycosphingolipids that bind uropathogenic E. coli; these glycosphingolipids are not expressed on the epithelial cells of secretors. In sum, two genetically determined characteristics play an important role in the initiation of UTI: the genetic constitution of the bacterial strain that is colonizing (i.e., whether it possesses adhesins that mediate attachment) and the woman’s own genetic constitution. Studies in mice have confirmed the role of specific genes in determining the susceptibility to E. coli UTI.26,30–38 Men are normally protected against the initiation of UTI because of the anatomic separation of the urethral meatus and the anus, the length of the male urethra, and the bactericidal activity of prostatic secretions. Lack of circumcision has been linked to an increased risk of UTI, as have homosexual activity that involves anal intercourse and, rarely, heterosexual vaginal intercourse with a partner colonized with a uropathogen (a virulent strain, as opposed to a commensal strain, is far more efficient in transmitting infection to the male partner). Bacteriuria is unusual in the absence of prostatic dysfunction or other urogenital abnormalities.28,39–45

Entry of Pathogens into the Bladder The processes by which bacteria ascend from the urethra into the bladder are incompletely understood. One clearly demonstrated mechanism by which bacteria are introduced into the bladder is by instrumentation of the urethra and bladder, such as occurs with cystoscopy, urologic surgery, and installation of a Foley catheter. A more common mechanism for introducing bacteria into the bladder is through sexual intercourse. The frequency of bacteriuria in the general female population was 12.8 times greater than among nuns of a similar age; in another study, it was shown that the frequency of bacteriuria was inversely related to the interval since last intercourse in a population of women attending a clinic for sexually transmitted diseases.46 Nicolle and associates47 reported a high association between the development of significant bacteriuria in women and intercourse in the previous 24 hours and noted that the frequency of intercourse was higher in infected women than in uninfected women.48 In this study, 75% of the episodes of UTI in women with a history of recurrent UTIs occurred within 24 hours of intercourse. If intercourse is an important pathogenetic event in the development of UTI, then therapy directed at the immediate postintercourse period should be effective. Indeed, Vosti48 noted that a single dose of antibiotic taken after intercourse is effective in preventing UTI in a group of women susceptible to recurrent UTI. Perhaps the most compelling data come from a study that showed that bacteria are routinely introduced during intercourse, but that in most instances, these bacteria are components of the normal flora of the vagina and distal urethra (S. epidermidis, diphtheroids, and lactobacilli), which rarely cause UTI and are promptly cleared by voiding. However, if the vaginal vestibule is colonized with a uropathogenic strain of E. coli, then sustained bacteriuria can be established by intercourse. Once the vaginal vestibule is so colonized, the risk of UTI is approximately 10% in sexually active women.9,49

On balance, it appears that sexual intercourse alone does not establish bacteriuria and that bacteriuria can occur in the absence of intercourse, but if intercourse is coupled with the presence of virulent bacteria in the vagina, it leads to an increased frequency of infection.9,49

Bacterial Multiplication in the Bladder and Bladder Defense Mechanisms

Vesicoureteral Reflux An important host defense against ascending infection from the bladder to the kidneys is the competency of the vesicoureteral valve mechanism. Indeed, the combination of VUR and infected urine is the most common factor predisposing to chronic pyelonephritic scarring, particularly in infants and children.55 In the normal adult, the vesicoureteral valve is competent despite the high bladder pressures generated during micturition. VUR is prevented by virtue of the length of the intramural segment of the ureter; the ureter is obliquely inserted into a tunnel in the bladder wall (Fig. 34–1), so the intravesical portion of the ureter is compressed by the bladder musculature during micturition. Failure of this valve mechanism is most commonly due to shortening of the intravesical portion of the ureter (primary VUR). The intravesical


FIGURE 34–1 Intravesical position of the ureter in the normal person (A) and in patients with vesicoureteral reflux. Types D and D1 are by far the most common in children and infants. (From King LR, Surian MA, Wendel RM, Burden JJ: Vesicoureteral reflux: A classification based on cause and the results of treatment. JAMA 203:169–174, 1968. Copyright 1968, American Medical Association.)



Absence of intravesical ureter




Partial absence of intravesical ureter


Paraureteral diverticulum


Flaccid neurogenic bladder wall

Urinary Tract Infection, Pyelonephritis, and Reflux Nephropathy

Whatever the mode of entry of bacteria into the bladder, the normal bladder is capable of clearing itself of organisms within 2 to 3 days of their introduction. This effect appears to depend on the combined effects of three factors: (1) the elimination of bacteria by voiding, (2) the antibacterial properties of urine and its constituents, and (3) the intrinsic mucosal bladder defense mechanisms.9,26 Perhaps the most effective way of eliminating bacteria from the bladder is by voiding, which removes approximately 99% of bacteria present. This hydrokinetic defense mechanism is supplemented by dilution of the bladder urine by the constant inflow of urine from the kidneys, as well as the ability of the bladder mucosa to eliminate the small number of residual organisms that persist.9,26,50 The net effect of urine on bacterial growth in the bladder represents an integration of the influences of a variety of physicochemical entities. Urea, organic acids, salts, and lowmolecular-weight polyamines in the urine, as well as conditions of low pH and high or low osmolality, inhibit bacterial growth.51 Both low pH and high osmolality adversely affect polymorphonuclear leukocyte function. In addition, such urinary osmoprotective substances as glycine and proline betaine protect E. coli against the effects of hypertonic urine.52 Finally, inhibition of bacterial adherence to mucosal receptors acts as a useful defense against infection. These inhibitors include the layer of glycosaminoglycan that overlies the epithelial cell layer of the bladder and blocks bacterial attachment to the bladder mucosa.53 Adherence to the uroepithelium itself, through the adenylate cyclase signal transduction pathway, triggers the antibacterial activity mediated directly by uroepithelial cells.26,54 Clinically, clearing of bacteriuria does not occur in the presence of frank residual urine, inadequate micturition, foreign bodies or stones in the bladder, increased vesical pressure, or previous inflammation of the bladder mucosa. The role of residual urine, foreign bodies, and preexisting inflammatory lesions is readily recognized. Residual urine

not only increases the number of bacteria remaining in the 1207 bladder but also lowers the ratio between the surface area of the bladder mucosa and the volume of urine exposed to it, thus reducing the effectiveness of potential antibacterial mucosal factors. Distention of the bladder and increased hydrostatic pressure inhibit clearance of bacteria.55 The efficacy of bladder bacterial clearance mechanisms is demonstrated not only by experimental studies but also by clinical observation. A group of Swedish women with acute, uncomplicated UTI had a 70% clearance rate over a 1-month period, despite treatment with only a placebo.56 UTI is the most common form of bacterial infection affecting humans throughout their lifespan. In children, by the age of 10, 2% to 8% of them will have had UTI, with girls being affected at a rate approximately 10-fold greater than that of boys. An estimated 55% to 75% of children with febrile UTI have evidence of renal parenchymal injury, with 20% to 40% them developing renal scarring. Overall, 57% of schoolgirls have episodes of bacteriuria at some time.55–59 Approximately 20% of women of reproductive age develop symptoms indicative of urinary tract inflammation each year, with the majority of these episodes being due to bacterial infection. Overall, 50% to 60% of adult women will have a UTI during their lifetime. UTI in women occur with a frequency 50 times that CH 34 observed in men. The combination of UTI and VUR has been associated with renal scarring, hypertension, and even endstage renal disease.55–60

1208 portion of the ureter lengthens with age, increasing the competence of the valve mechanisms and rendering it less susceptible to reflux. Approximately two thirds of healthy infants younger than 6 months of age have at least mild to moderate reflux, with a rapid decrease thereafter. In the absence of infection, even antenatally demonstrated gross reflux improves or, in some cases, resolves by 2 years of age.61–68 In children, VUR may also be secondary, occurring in association with other anomalies such as obstruction. Neonates with neurogenic bladder disorders, such as myelodysplasia, in which high-pressure obstruction occurs, have no demonstrable VUR but eventually experience secondary VUR with typical ureteral “golf-hole” orifices as well as ureteral dilation and tortuosity. VUR develops in 45% of patients with meningomyelocele by the age of 5 years, sometimes with renal scarring.66–69 Bladder-sphincter dysfunctional disturbances in toddlers and children are associated with high-pressure VUR.66–70 In a study of 458 children with bladder dysfunction, two different types of reflux with contrasting urodynamic characteristics were identified. In one, the bladder contracted poorly during voiding, and overactivity of the urethral closure CH 34 mechanism was present. In this group, VUR was bilateral and was associated with upper urinary tract anomalies and renal scarring. In the second type, there was bladder instability and powerful voiding contractions of the bladder; this type was associated with unilateral reflux and rare renal scarring.71,72 Of the congenital anatomic anomalies, VUR occurs commonly in the presence of a paraurethral diverticulum72; in 25% to 50% of boys with posterior urethral valves72,73; in 10% of those with ureteropelvic junction obstruction74; and in patients with ureteral duplications, hypospadias, and ureteroceles. Although obstructive uropathy is assumed to be the cause of fetal hydronephrosis, VUR is found to be present in 10% to 40% of these infants studied postnatally, often with advanced grades of reflux. The hope would be that the aggressive treatment of these neonates, 75% to 80% of whom are boys, would help preserve renal function and facilitate kidney growth.61,64,75–78 Congenital VUR is five times more common in boys than in girls and tends to occur in families. When asymptomatic siblings of children with VUR are studied, approximately 40% have been shown to also have reflux, some with evidence of clinically silent scarring. Approximately two thirds of the offspring of parents with known VUR have evidence of reflux as well when they are studied by voiding cystourethrogram.66,79–81 White children have a threefold greater incidence of VUR than do African American children, and the severity of VUR is greater among white children. On the basis of segregation analysis of 88 affected families, Chapman and colleagues82 concluded that the best model was that of a single dominant gene acting together with a random environmental effect. Computer modeling indicated that the gene frequency was 1 in 600 and that mutation was uncommon. Still unresolved is the question of whether bladder infection can precede and, in a way, cause VUR. The clinical evidence suggests that infection is not a necessary cause of reflux but that it can precipitate reflux in a ureterovesical junction that is congenitally defective or, indeed, can increase the grade of reflux.83–85 VUR, which can be unilateral or bilateral, may vary considerably in severity. Severity of reflux is graded by means of voiding cystourethrography. The grading system adopted by the International Reflux Study Committee is as follows (Fig. 34–2)86: Grade I: Reflux partly up the ureter. Grade II: Reflux up to the pelvis and calices without dilation; normal caliceal fornices.






FIGURE 34–2 Grades of reflux. International Reflux Study classification. I, Ureter only. II, Ureter, pelvis, and calices. No dilation, normal caliceal fornices. III, Mild or moderate dilation or tortuosity of ureter or both, and mild or moderate dilation of renal pelvis but no or slight blunting of fornices. IV, Moderate dilation or tortuosity of ureter or both, and moderate dilation of renal pelvis and calices. Complete obliteration of sharp angle of fornices but maintenance of papillary impressions in majority of calices. V, Gross dilation and tortuosity of ureter. Gross dilation of renal pelvis and calices. Papillary impressions are no longer visible in majority of calices.

Grade III: Same as grade II, but with mild or moderate dilation and tortuosity of the ureter and no blunting of the fornices. Grade IV: Moderate dilation and tortuosity of the ureters, pelvis, and calices; complete blunting of fornices. Grade V: Gross dilation and tortuosity of the ureter, pelvis, and calices; absent papillary impressions in the calices. Many technical and clinical factors can influence the grade of the reflux as seen on the voiding cystogram, however, and standardization has not yet been accomplished.86 Despite this, it is clear that there is a correlation between the severity of the reflux and the extent of renal scarring.83,84 Radionuclide cystography is emerging as an alternative and, in many ways, superior technique for evaluating VUR.85 Indirect radionuclide cystography, in which the radionuclide is injected intravenously, is noninvasive but detects only high-pressure gross VUR and requires good renal function. Conversely, cystography after direct instillation of radionuclide (technetium 99m pertechnetate) has proved to be a sensitive, quantitative, and safe procedure that also serves as a test for evaluating functional bladder disorders.85 There is a clear-cut link among renal infection, VUR, and the presence of renal scarring87–92: 1. In various series, VUR can be demonstrated by voiding cystourethrography in 30% to 50% of children with recurrent infection and in 85% to 100% of children and 50% of adults with chronic pyelonephritic scarring.69,72,89 Furthermore, even in children and adults with renal scars who do not exhibit reflux, anatomic abnormalities of the ureteral orifices (lateral ectopia and abnormal configuration) are seen cystoscopically, which suggests that reflux had been present in the past. 2. Between 30% and 60% of children with VUR exhibit pyelonephritic scarring, the higher figure being derived from surgical clinics and the lower from medical studies.87–92 3. Renal scarring of the pyelonephritic type is found in up to 25% of children with UTI, and about 30% to 50% of these have VUR.61,64,69,87–94 4. Several studies have documented the progressive development of clubbing of the calices and renal scarring after discovery of VUR in previously normal kidneys.69,95,96 Progressive scarring appears in the more severe forms of reflux and almost always in the

presence of infected urine. It must be stressed, however, that in many infants and children with VUR, pyelonephritic scarring never develops, and VUR may disappear either spontaneously or with antibacterial therapy in up to 80% of ureters after long follow-up.88–93 Even severe reflux associated with scarring may disappear, although reflux is more likely to cease if it is mild or moderate and if the kidneys are unscarred. Among adults, about 90% with severe VUR have renal scars.94,97

2. Refluxing papillae are larger as a result of fusion of 1209 several adjacent reniculi (see Fig. 34–4B). They have concave rather than convex tips, and the papillary ducts open with gaping orifices that cannot be closed by an increase in intracaliceal pressure. Of great

Intrarenal Reflux

FIGURE 34–4 A, Simple, nonrefluxing papilla from the pig kidney. Note the conic form, with papillary ducts opening near the tip onto a convex surface. B, Compound refluxing papilla with a concave surface and wide-open papillary duct orifices. (From Ransley PG, Risdon RA: The pathogenesis of reflux nephropathy. Br J Radiol 14:1, 1978.)

CH 34

FIGURE 34–3 Cystogram shows severe grade of vesicoureteral reflux (grade IV) with scattered intrarenal reflux into all zones of the kidney. (From Hodson CJ: Reflux nephropathy. Med Clin North Am 62:1201, 1978.)

Urinary Tract Infection, Pyelonephritis, and Reflux Nephropathy

Whereas VUR is responsible for the ascent of bacteria into the renal pelvis, the spread of infection from the pelvis into the cortex occurs by virtue of a phenomenon known as intrarenal reflux. In some children with urinary infection, contrast medium instilled into the bladder during voiding cystourethrography permeated the renal parenchyma as far as the renal capsule. Intrarenal reflux occurred with the most severe grades of VUR (Fig. 34–3). Intrarenal reflux was focal in distribution and affected predominantly the two polar regions of the kidney, areas that are frequently the site of chronic scars. It was suggested that such intrarenal reflux could form the basis of the spread and distribution of infection.98,99 When intrarenal reflux is induced in young pigs by elevating bladder pressure, and infected urine is placed in the bladder, acute inflammation and scarring of the kidney develop. The distribution of intrarenal scars was similar to that occurring in humans, with involvement of the upper and low poles of the kidney.100–102 Intrarenal reflux in the multipapillary kidneys of both human infants and young pigs occurred only in renal papillae with particular morphologic characteristics. They found two basic forms of renal papillae: 1. Nonrefluxing papillae are conic, and their papillary ducts open obliquely near the tip of the papilla onto a convex surface through slitlike orifices (Fig. 34– 4A). These papillae may be simple, representing a single renal reniculus, or compound, in which two or more reniculi have fused. Such papillae are never associated with intrarenal reflux, because even in the presence of VUR, their orifices are closed by the rise of pressure within the calix.


TABLE 34–3

Distribution of Compound Type II and III (Refluxing) Papillae in Normal Young Human and Porcine Kidneys

Species Human* (n = 33) Pig (n = 25)


Both Upper and Lower Poles

Upper Pole Only

Lower Pole Only

6 (18%)

14 (42%)

4 (12%)

9 (27%)

24 (96%)

1 (4%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

*Only one kidney showed a refluxing papilla in the midzone. From Ransley PG, Risdon RA: Renal papillary morphology in infants and young children. Urol Res 3:111, 1977.

significance is that both in infants and in young pigs, refluxing papillae are present predominantly in the upper and lower poles; the simple and compound types are present mostly in the midzones (Table 34–3). In addition, although the number of refluxing papillae is less in the human than in the pig, approximately two thirds of human kidneys contained at least one potentially refluxing papilla, and in one fifth of the kidneys, the percentage of nonconvex CH 34 papillae was 30% or more.100–103 In summary, two main determinants for the progression of ascending infection from the bladder into the renal parenchyma are: 1. VUR most commonly is due to a congenital abnormality involving the insertion of the ureter into the bladder. 2. Intrarenal reflux is determined by the presence of morphologically distinct papillae with open ducts, which allows spread of organisms into the renal parenchyma in the presence of high intracaliceal pressure. VUR and intrarenal reflux, in combination, are almost certainly the major mechanisms responsible for the renal inflammation and scarring characteristic of chronic pyelonephritis. These findings of VUR, intrarenal reflux, and papillary morphologic characteristics can also explain some perplexing clinical observations in children. It has been amply shown that in most children with VUR who have renal scars, scarring is already evident at the initial radiologic investigation, which is usually performed because of UTI. Scarring thus appears to occur early in life, possibly even in utero. For example, 10 infants presenting with UTI and VUR from 9 days to 7 weeks of life already had evidence of renal scarring. Indeed, the development of new scars in children is unusual beyond the age of 5 years (and possibly the age of 2 years), regardless of proven episodes of UTI.103–105

Sterile Reflux In addition to the association between VUR in the infected child and renal scarring, renal inflammation and scarring can result from high-pressure VUR in the total absence of infection, particularly if there is sustained bladder decompensation (i.e., if bladder pressure does not return to normal between micturitions in the presence of outflow obstruction).105–107 However, considerable controversy still exists as to the frequency with which such damage occurs clinically. Renal involvement in reflux nephropathy occurs early in childhood, before age 5 years, largely as a result of superimposition of bacterial UTI on VUR and intrarenal reflux. Because most potentially refluxing papillae are thus affected early on, additional progressive scarring occurs rarely, owing to the transformation of papillae from nonrefluxing to refluxing types. This accounts for the occurrence of new segmental scars or sequential scarring of an already scarred kidney, but such progression is rare. If sterile intrarenal reflux induces renal damage, it does so in the presence of severe obstructive

uropathy with high intrapelvic pressures. Such may be the case in children with posterior urethral valves or other obstructive congenital anomalies.108–112 Most cases of VUR are detected during investigations for UTI, the most common marker for this disorder. In addition to renal scarring, VUR in children is associated with reduced renal growth, and there is some question as to whether VUR or UTI or both play a role in such growth retardation. In patients with VUR, renal function may deteriorate for reasons other than UTI, particularly hypertension, an associated glomerulopathy, urinary obstruction, or analgesic abuse.108–113

Bacterial Virulence Factors Influencing Infection Escherichia Coli A limited number of clones of E. coli (and, it is assumed, other bacterial species such as Proteus) are responsible for UTIs in normal women. When outbreaks of pyelonephritis have occurred, it is clearly seen that uropathogenic clones are responsible. These virulent clones possess a variety of virulence factors that allow uropathogenic E. coli to accomplish the tasks necessary for causing UTI in the anatomically and functionally normal urinary tract. These tasks include: prolonged intestinal carriage, persistence in the vaginal vestibule, and then ascension and invasion of the anatomically normal urinary tract. The occurrence of UTI with a “nonvirulent” strain of E. coli constitutes evidence that VUR, obstruction, stasis (e.g., a neurogenic bladder), or a foreign body is present.114–116 The virulent clones are of a limited number of serotypes (belonging to such O serotypes as O1, O2, O4, O6, O7, O8, O9, O11, O16, O18, O22, O25, O39, O50, O62, O75, and O78). Those O serotypes listed account for more than 80% of cases of pyelonephritis (as compared with 28% of fecal strains, 60% of cystitis isolates, and 30% of asymptomatic bacteriuria isolates).114–118 Similarly, a limited spectrum of K antigens (capsular antigen) are found on these uropathogenic clones (K1, K2, K3, K5, K12, K13, and K51) account for more than 70% of pyelonephritis isolates. In contrast, the H antigens appear not to be independently associated with virulence.118–120 It is likely that these O antigens are not themselves responsible for the uropathogenicity of these strains of E. coli; rather, the genes that determine the O antigen structure are closely linked to other genes that are responsible for the pathogenicity of these isolates. In contrast, the acidic polysaccharide capsular K antigens do appear to be directly pathogenic by inhibiting both phagocytosis and complement-mediated bactericidal activity. The amount of K antigen expressed appears to be especially important because strains of E. coli that are particularly rich in K antigen appear to be more successful both in reaching the bladder and in ascending to and invading the kidney than are strains with low amounts of K antigen.114,115,118–121

mality. In addition, the absence of these receptors on granu- 1211 locytes provides protection to these uropathogens. Essentially all E. coli blood isolates from normal individuals with pyelonephritis express P fimbriae; non–P-piliated isolates are isolated from individuals with compromised host defenses, especially defects in leukocyte number or function.117,119,120,122,124–133 An additional binding site for piliated E. coli is fibronectin, thus providing a mechanism for attachment of the bacteria to the extracellular matrix. The presence of P fimbriae on uropathogenic E. coli clones is maintained stably, presumably related to the chromosomal localization (usually as a component of a pathogenicity island with other virulence genes). The operon for these fimbriae, known as Pap, consists of 11 genes.134–140 Expression of these pili is under a phase variation control mechanism in which individual bacterial cells alternate between being phenotypically pilus-positive and pilusnegative through a process involving DNA methylation by deoxyadenosine methylase.138 Other, less well characterized adhesins have been reported to be present on uropathogenic strains of E. coli: S fimbriae, which bind to terminal sialic acid residues on both epithelial cells and phagocytes; adhesins that bind to the blood group M antigen (specifically the NH2-terminal portion of glycopho- CH 34 rin A); and X fimbriae, whose binding is sensitive to neuraminidase. In addition, several nonfimbrial adhesins have been defined that bind to a variety of commonly expressed human tissue antigens. Perhaps the most important of these are the AFA/Dr family of adhesins, which bind to the CD55 antigen (so-called decay-accelerating factor), which is expressed on tissues throughout the body, including the uroepithelium and the kidney. At present, it is fair to say that the major determinant of uropathogenicity is the sum of the adhesive interactions between the invading strain of bacteria and the uroepithelium, although that mediated by the P fimbriae appears to be quantitatively the most important.29,139,141–153 In addition to surface adhesins, which are clearly associated with uropathogenicity, other characteristics have been linked with virulence. These include the production of hemolysin, the presence of the iron-binding protein aerobactin, and iron-regulating gene products such as Iha, the ability of the bacteria to resist the bactericidal effect of normal human serum, the production of colicin V and other colicins, the ability to ferment salicin and perhaps other substrates, and the ability to induce an inflammatory response. In sum, clones of uropathogenic E. coli possessing an assortment of virulence factors have been defined. These are closely linked on the bacterial chromosome. Such uropathogenic clones are well suited to spread through communities.154–159 A critical determinant of the effects of UTI on the host is the inflammatory response to the presence of replicating bacteria, with certain aspects of this response qualifying as a virulence factor that helps to determine both the short-term (inflammatory and “septic” events) and the long-term (renal scarring) consequences of this particular host-microbial interaction. There is abundant clinical evidence of this inflammatory response: elevated temperature; an increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate; an acute cytokine response involving interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-6, IL-8 (which acts as a chemotactic factor to attract polymorphonuclear leukocytes to the involved mucosa), and tumor necrosis factor (TNF); and an increased level of C-reactive protein. Soluble receptors for TNF, IL-6, IL-8, and other proinflammatory cytokines are also elaborated into the urine in response to these infections. This response is due primarily to the mobilization of nonspecific innate immunity, rather than a specific immune response. Central to this response are such chemokines as CXC and CXCR1, and others.159–162

Urinary Tract Infection, Pyelonephritis, and Reflux Nephropathy

A variety of additional factors have been defined that are believed to contribute to the virulence of a particular isolate. These include surface adhesins that mediate attachment to specific receptors on the uroepithelium; molecules that preferentially capture metabolites and growth factors that enhance growth and proliferation (e.g., iron); and toxins that injure the tissue of the urinary tract and induce a brisk inflammatory response. The term pathogenicity-associated islands (PAIs) is used to describe the clustering of virulence genes on the chromosome; these DNA sequences are rarely found in nonuropathogenic organisms, such as routine isolates of E. coli of fecal origin from uninfected individuals. PAI sequences are found in the great majority of uropathogenic strains, are uncommonly found in fecal isolates, and are sometimes demonstrable in other gram-negative UTI isolates. The most clearly defined virulence factors of uropathic E. coli are surface adhesins that mediate attachment to receptors on uroepithelial cells and gut mucosa, thus accounting for the colonization of the gut, vagina, and periurethral tissue. These sites of colonization are the reservoirs from which invading organisms are derived. Within the urinary tract itself, these ligand-receptor interactions allow the bacteria to resist the “flushing” action of urine flow and bladder emptying, as well as increasing the efficiency with which mammalian cells are exposed to toxic or inflammatory products of the bacteria, the initiation of true UTI.114,115 Most uropathogenic E. coli possess multiple types of adhesins, with the firmness of attachment of the bacteria being the sum of the effects of different adhesins that are expressed. The majority of these adhesins are located at the tip of fimbriae extending out from the bacterial surface. It is these tips that interact with specific receptors on uroepithelial cells—these are usually mono- or oligosaccharides that occur within glycoproteins or glycolipids on host cells.122–130 The receptors define the specificity of the interaction. For historical reasons, the adhesins are first classified on the basis of whether or not binding of the bacteria is affected by mannose. Mannose-sensitive adhesins, usually termed type 1 fimbriae, were the first of the adhesins defined. They were defined on the basis of the ability of mannose to inhibit agglutination of red blood cells. Similarly, mannose will inhibit the adherence of bacteria to uroepithelial cells. These structures are widely distributed in gram-negative bacteria and are present on approximately 75% of E. coli. These adhesins mediate binding to mannose residues on the Tamm-Horsfall protein in the urine (thus preventing ligand-receptor interaction and sustained attachment of the bacteria to the uroepithelium), to the carbohydrate portion of secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA), and to phagocytic cells. Given the ubiquity of type 1 fimbriae, it has been difficult to define their role.119–123,131 Type 2 pili (P fimbriae) are intimately involved in the pathogenesis of pyelonephritis in individuals with normal urinary tract anatomy and physiology. The P fimbriae are not only the most important of the adhesin-receptor systems thus far identified but also the most important uropathogenic virulence factors that have been defined. These adhesins, whose binding is resistant to the effects of mannose, have been given a variety of names reflecting their association with pyelonephritis and a particular receptor: P pili, P fimbriae, Pap pili (pyelonephritis-associated pili), and Gal-Gal pili. Their binding-specificity is to the globoseries of glycolipid receptors that have a common disaccharide, αGal(1-4)-βGal. These receptors are identical to the glycosphingolipids of the P blood group system and are found on the epithelial tissues of the urinary tract, kidneys, and large intestine, but not on phagocytic cells. This provides a mechanism for sustained colonization of the large intestine by uropathogenic clones, colonization of the vaginal vestibule, and the ability to ascend the urinary tract, even in the absence of an anatomic abnor-

P fimbriae and endotoxin play a significant role in initiating the inflammatory response to the replicating bacteria. A toxin termed cytotoxic necrotizing factor 1, produced by uropathogenic E. coli, appears to contribute to the inflammatory events by inducing the killing of uroepithelial cells with the exfoliation of these cells from the mucosa and by interfering with neutrophilic killing of the bacteria.159–166 Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), whatever its source within the urinary tract (e.g., shed from the outer layers of the bacterial cell wall or released by bacterial lysis), binds to toll-like receptors (TLRs) and other receptors as well. This results in the activation of signal transduction pathways that culminate in an inflammatory response that is bolstered by cytokines, chemokines, and other mediators activated via this signaling mechanism. The end result is an enhanced inflammatory response. For example, bacterial isolates from patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria do not activate these mechanisms that lead to inflammation. The key receptor in this response is a particular TLR termed TLR4. Adhesins, particularly P fimbriae, provide specificity to this process by binding specific glycosphingolipid receptors, and then TLR4 is recruited to initiate transmembrane signaling and uroepthelial cell activation.167–172 CH 34 The inflammatory response is greater and pyelonephritis more common in women who are nonsecretors of blood group antigens. Chemokine receptors such as CXC play a critical role in directing transepithelial neutrophil migration. This neutrophilic response is modulated by IL-8, the IL-8 receptor, TNF, and IL-6. IL-8 receptor deficiency increases the susceptibility to pyelonephritis and, at least in animal models, is associated with renal scarring.167–174 The genetically determined nature of the cytokine response in humans appears to play an important role here as well. For example, TNF-β gene polymorphisms dictate the extent of TNF response to a particular inflammatory stimulus: Low producers of TNF have a higher incidence of UTI than high producers, particularly in the face of exogenous immunosuppressive therapy (e.g., after renal transplantation).175,176 An impaired IL-6 response in mice is associated with an increase in the extent of pyelonephritis. There also appears to be a linkage between early inflammatory events and later consequences. Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) and, perhaps, platelet-derived growth factor are stimulated by the preceding inflammatory response and play an important role in repair and scarring of the kidney as a consequence of pyelonephritis. In addition, both angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and angiotensin receptor antagonists down-regulate TGF-β production, perhaps providing a new therapeutic tool for preventing renal scarring.177–181 Virtually all the information presented on urovirulence factors and pathogenesis was derived from studies of women and girls. Although much less complete, it is of interest that E. coli strains isolated from men with prostatitis and from patients with spinal cord injury with inflammatory manifestations of UTI have the same virulence factor profile as those isolated from females.182–184 1212

Other Bacterial Species Information is beginning to accumulate as to the pathogenetic mechanisms involved when non–E. coli bacteria invade the urinary tract. Reflecting its position as the most common non–E. coli cause of UTI, Proteus mirabilis is the other bacterial species that has received the most attention. Flagellae and so-called mannose-resistant fimbriae have been identified on strains isolated from patients with UTI. These are expressed preferentially on isolates from patients with pyelonephritis. Flagellae appear to mediate penetration of renal epithelial cells, whereas the fimbriae appear to be responsible for binding to the uroepithelium. There is considerable structural homology between these fimbriae and the P pili of

E. coli. A phenomenon known as swarm cell differentiation has been described among P. mirabilis isolates that facilitates the development of pyelonephritis. In this instance, very long flagellae appear to contribute to ascent of the urinary tract and an increased incidence of pyelonephritis.185–191 After attachment to the uroepithelium, three P. mirabilis enzymes have been linked to virulence: urease, hemolysin, and a protease. Elegant studies in a mouse model of ascending infection, using isogeneic mutant strains as well as the wild-type UTI isolate, have shown that the presence of urease greatly lowered the infecting inoculum necessary to produce sustained infection, was associated with a far more virulent form of pyelonephritis, and resulted in the formation of urinary tract calculi. Both urease and, even more, hemolysin are cytotoxic for renal proximal tubule cells. Finally, an IgA protease elaborated by this organism, which destroys IgA normally present in the urine, may play a role in promoting the occurrence of ascending infection.191–195

Host Factors Influencing Infection Several host factors are important clinically in predisposing the kidney to infection. URINARY TRACT OBSTRUCTION. Reference has already been made to the role of obstruction in hematogenous and ascending pyelonephritis. Clinically, renal infections are associated with a variety of obstructive lesions. Experimentally, even temporary obstruction markedly increases susceptibility to infection; indeed, almost 100% of rats become infected after ligation of the ureter followed by intravenous injection of E. coli. Obstruction at the level of the urinary bladder interferes with the mechanisms by which the normal bladder eradicates bacteria in at least three ways: First, the increase in residual urine volume raises the number of bacteria remaining in the bladder after voiding; second, bladder distention decreases the surface area of the mucosa relative to the total volume of the bladder and thus decreases the effect of the postulated mucosal bactericidal factors; and finally, there is some experimental evidence that bladder wall distention diminishes the flow of blood to the bladder mucosa and hence the delivery of leukocytes and antibacterial factors. The net result is that even “nonuropathogenic” strains can cause ascending infection and bacteremic pyelonephritis. VESICOURETERAL REFLUX. The role of VUR and intrarenal reflux in predisposing to ascending infection was discussed earlier. INSTRUMENTATION OF THE URINARY TRACT. Any instrumentation of the urinary tract increases the possibility of infection. The following risk factors have been shown to play a role in the pathogenesis of catheter-associated infection: duration of catheterization, absence of use of a urinometer, microbial colonization of the drainage bag, diabetes mellitus, absence of antibiotic use, female sex, complex urologic problem (i.e., a requirement for a catheter other than to passively drain the urine perioperatively or to monitor urine output), abnormal renal function, and errors in catheter care. Once a urethral catheter is in place, even with closed drainage systems, the daily frequency of bacteriuria is 3% to 10%, with the great majority of patients becoming bacteriuric by the end of 1 month.196 An estimated 10% to 25% of these bacteriuric patients become symptomatic, with 1% to 4% developing bacteremia. Overall, UTIs are the most common cause of nosocomial infection, with the great majority of these occurring in the setting of a bladder catheter.197 DIABETES MELLITUS. Bacteriuria and clinical UTI are three to four times more common in diabetic women than in nondiabetic ones. However, there is no evidence that diabetic men are at increased risk of UTI. Further, studies of schoolgirls and pregnant women with and those without diabetes

by way of the innate host response. This is initiated when the 1213 bacteria adhere to the uroepithelium via specific adherence factors (e.g., P fimbriae). A series of signaling pathways are then activated that result an inflammatory response. At least two different pathways have been identified in this inflammatory process: (1) P fimbriated, and presumably other adhesin systems—bacteria act via an endotoxin (LPS)independent ceramide-mediated signaling pathway; and (2) an LPS-dependent signaling pathway that induces nitric oxide and cytokine production. The LPS-dependent response requires interaction with a specific LPS-binding protein, CD14 receptor, and TLR4. Neutrophils are recruited by chemokines released by mucosal cells. TLRs are transmembrane structures that bind to LPS; activation of this pathway leads to nuclear translocation of NF-κB and transcription of inflammatory response genes. A notable series of experiments has shown that the absence of TLR produces individuals highly susceptible to UTI, owing to absence of an appropriate neutrophil response.163–167 Once uropathogenic E. coli bind to the mucosa (through the defined adherence mechanisms), mucosal inflammation is induced. Strong associations have been shown between specific adherence factors and the intensity of the mucosal inflammation. Conversely, strains of E. coli isolated from CH 34 patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria do not possess adhesive factors. P fimbriae bind to specific glycosphingolipid receptors and recruit TLR4 for transmembrane signaling. The chemokine IL-8 is produced by these events and is the main driving force for neutrophils to cross the uroepithelium. Other mediators also contribute to these events. These chemokines act by G-protein–coupled cell surface receptors, recruiting neutrophils, which are necessary for bacterial clearance.163–167 EVOLUTION OF THE RENAL LESION. The usual course of uncomplicated E. coli acute pyelonephritis in both experimental animals and humans is one of healing rather than of progressive damage. In most experimental models of E. coli pyelonephritis, the phase of acute inflammation in the kidney lasts 1 to 3 weeks. The tissue destruction is largely the result of bacterial multiplication and inflammation. With healing, an increase in the number of mononuclear cells, a decrease in neutrophils in the interstitium, and a replacement of necrotic tubules by fibrous tissue and foci of tubule atrophy occur. These changes are accompanied by a decrease in the number of bacteria present in the kidneys; by the 6th to the 10th week, the kidneys are sterile, and the resultant renal lesion is a triangular, depressed scar extending from the cortex, with its apex in the medulla and pelvis. However, a variety of bacterial and host factors can modify this sequence of events and can lead to progressive damage. Although Staphylococcus infections may eventually heal, they tend to remain active for longer periods and to result in considerable tissue destruction. In Klebsiella infection, the original infecting strain persists in the kidney for at least 24 weeks. Proteus infections do not heal as a consequence of the urinary obstruction resulting from the deposition of magnesium ammonium phosphate calculi.26 In human pyelonephritis, persistence of the original infecting organism is more likely to occur with organisms such as Proteus and Klebsiella and is frequently associated with obstructive uropathy, renal calculi, renal carbuncle, or bacterial prostatitis. However, bacterial persistence within the renal parenchyma as a cause of progressive damage has been difficult to demonstrate convincingly in humans. Because a small number of patients with the typical morphologic lesion of chronic pyelonephritis have no evidence of bacterial infection, the question has arisen whether progression of renal lesions can still occur after the bacteria have been totally eradicated. Among the mechanisms that have been postulated to explain such events are autoimmune

Urinary Tract Infection, Pyelonephritis, and Reflux Nephropathy

have shown no difference in the incidence of UTI. These epidemiologic observations suggest that the metabolic derangements of diabetes are not the primary factors involved in the increased incidence of UTI in diabetic patients. Rather, the important effects of diabetes in this context are mediated by the end-organ damage produced by long-standing diabetes. First, diabetic neuropathy affecting the bladder can have profound effects on bladder emptying, thus increasing the risk of UTI. This is probably the most important single factor in the pathogenesis of UTI in diabetic patients, both directly and because of the increased rate of instrumentation that occurs in such patients.197 There is, in addition, an increased rate of both pyelonephritis and complications of pyelonephritis such as renal papillary necrosis in diabetic patients with UTI. Presumably, this increase is due to the combined effects of diabetes-induced vascular disease, increased pressures within the urinary tract resulting from poor bladder emptying, and perhaps, the effects of hyperglycemia on subtle aspects of host defense. In this last category, for example, both complement components and immunoglobulins of diabetic patients are glycosylated, and leukocyte function may be modified.197 Finally, an unusual form of necrotizing, tissue-invasive infection, usually caused by E. coli, occurs in diabetic patients—emphysematous pyelonephritis or cystitis or both. Other Enterobacteriaceae and, on occasion, streptococci and Candida species can cause this same entity. The pathogenesis of these entities is incompletely understood, but three factors seem to be necessary: (1) invasion by gas-forming bacteria, (2) high local tissue glucose levels, (3) and impaired tissue perfusion.198–205 IMMUNITY AND INFLAMMATION IN THE PATHOGENESIS OF URINARY TRACT INFECTION. Bacterial infection of the urinary tract induces a specific antibody response directed against the infecting organisms. The level of antibody response is proportional to the degree of tissue invasion that has occurred. The bacterial antigens that induce most of the antibody response are the O antigens, fimbriae, and to a much lesser extent, the K antigens. The serum response is primarily IgG and IgM, whereas the urinary response is largely secretory IgA.206,207 Despite the abundance of data demonstrating the occurrence of a specific antibody response to bacterial invasions, the protective effect of these antibodies remains unclear. Perhaps the strongest argument against an important protective role for antibody is the observation that hypogammaglobulinemic individuals have neither a higher incidence of UTI nor a more complicated course when infection does occur.26,208–210 CELL-MEDIATED IMMUNITY IN PYELONEPHRITIS. A role for cell-mediated immunity against bacterial antigens in either the pathogenesis of pyelonephritis or the protection against bacterial invasion has not been clearly defined. T cells are present in interstitial tissue and submucosa of biopsies from patients with acute bacterial invasion. However, studies in athymic, T cell–depleted, and cyclosporine-treated animal models failed to demonstrate a role for T cells in either the susceptibility to infection or the recovery from established infection. At present, any role for T cells in the pathogenesis of UTI and pyelonephritis has to be regarded as speculative.26 Whereas specific immune mechanisms appear to play a limited role in either kidney injury or protection against infection, inflammation is now clearly established as the key host defense response to bacterial invasion. Uropathogen virulence factors are responsible for initiating this process, with the extent of the inflammatory response being determined by the interaction of bacterial virulence and the response ability of the host. The first step in this process is accomplished by the bacteria activating the processes that lead to mucosal inflammation

1214 responses, vascular disease, sterile reflux, and the persistence of bacterial variants. At present, these alternative mechanisms can be thought of as follows: 1. There is no conclusive evidence that antibody- or cell-mediated autoimmune reactions play a major role in progressive renal damage in chronic pyelonephritis. 2. Both clinical and experimental evidence suggests that superimposition of secondary hypertension in the course of chronic pyelonephritis measurably hastens deterioration of renal function and reduction of renal mass. It is possible, therefore, that progressive renal insufficiency in some cases of chronic pyelonephritis may be due to vascular disease rather than pyelonephritic scarring. 3. The possibility that sterile reflux may induce progressive renal damage was discussed earlier. Granted that sterile reflux may be harmful, how is the damage induced? Urodynamic factors (water-hammer effect), vascular narrowing and ischemia, and leakage of urinary constituents (e.g., Tamm-Horsfall protein) into the interstitium have all been implicated as possible mechanisms but, to date, without conclusive CH 34 proof. 4. It has been discussed previously that the ability of bacteria to survive in the kidney as bacterial variants that lack part or all of their cell wall (spheroplasts, protoplasts, or L-forms) may account for persistent or progressive renal infection. Such variants may remain viable in the hypertonic environment of the renal medulla and may induce pathologic changes either as variants or after reversion to bacterial forms. However, despite scattered clinical studies reporting the presence of such forms in the urine after UTI and in renal biopsy specimens of patients with sterile pyuria, other studies have failed to detect such forms. Experimentally, protoplasts can indeed produce renal lesions but only after they have reverted to the parent bacterial form. More than 3 decades after the suggestion was first made, the role of bacterial variants remains speculative. In concluding this discussion of factors affecting the evolution of renal lesions in pyelonephritis, the work of Glauser and associates211 should be noted. These authors evaluated the importance of suppuration, persistent infection, and scar formation in the evolution of E. coli chronic pyelonephritis by treating rats with different antibiotic regimens at different stages of the disease. They found that the magnitude of the suppuration in the acute phase of pyelonephritis was the most significant factor in predicting the eventual development of small, chronically scarred kidneys. Persistent lowgrade infection did not lead to chronic pyelonephritis if the acute suppuration was suppressed; antigen load and antibody- or cell-dependent autoimmune processes did not appear to play a significant role in the progression of infection. These findings further emphasize the need for prompt and effective antibiotic treatment of the earliest pyelonephritic lesions, particularly in infants with VUR.160,163,210

PATHOLOGY Acute Pyelonephritis On macroscopic examination, kidneys from patients with severe acute pyelonephritis are enlarged and contain a variable number of abscesses on the capsular surface and on cut sections of the cortex and medulla. Tissue between infected areas appears normal. Occasionally, areas of inflammation extend from the cortex into the medulla in the shape of a

FIGURE 34–5 Large acute lesions of acute bacterial inflammation from infected intrarenal reflux in the pig. The subsequent contraction of these lesions gives rise to focal scars (see Fig. 34–6). (From Hodson CJ: Reflux nephropathy. Med Clin North Am 62:1201, 1978.)

wedge. In the presence of obstruction, the calices are enlarged, the papillae are blunted, and the pelvic mucosa is sometimes congested and thickened. The papillae may be completely normal in some cases or may show outright papillary necrosis in others. Histologic changes are characterized by involvement of the tubules and the interstitium. The interstitium is edematous and infiltrated by a variety of inflammatory cells, predominantly neutrophils. Within abscesses, the tubules show necrosis, and many tubules contain polymorphonuclear leukocytes. The patchiness of the inflammation is particularly striking. Thus, completely normal tubules and interstitium may lie adjacent to a large necrotizing renal abscess. Even in areas of the most severe inflammation, normal glomeruli can be seen, and indeed, intraglomerular inflammation is rare. In the presence of total ureteral obstruction, the inflammatory reaction sometimes affects the entire kidney (Fig. 34–5).212,213 The sequence of events in the healing of acute pyelonephritis has been deduced from experimental studies. The neutrophilic exudate is rapidly replaced by one that is predominantly mononuclear, with macrophages and plasma cells and, later, lymphocytes. There is formation of granulation tissue, deposition of collagen, and eventual replacement of abscesses by scars that can be seen on the cortical surface as fibrous depressions. Such scars are characterized microscopically by atrophy of tubules, interstitial fibrosis, and lymphocyte infiltration (Fig. 34–6).214,215

Chronic Pyelonephritis and Reflux Nephropathy Terminology and Frequency Despite the long-standing controversy over the use of the term chronic pyelonephritis, there is now reasonable agreement as to the morphologic changes sufficient to distinguish this condition from the many other tubulointerstitial diseases.

mental anomaly, is now also believed to be caused 1215 by VUR in most cases.218,219 Chronic pyelonephritis can be subdivided into three types: (1) chronic pyelonephritis with reflux (reflux nephropathy), (2) chronic pyelonephritis with obstruction (chronic obstructive pyelonephritis), and (3) idiopathic chronic pyelonephritis. If the morphologic criteria are adhered to, the incidence of chronic pyelonephritic scarring at autopsy is less than 2%. The frequency of chronic pyelonephritis in patients with end-stage renal disease is approximately 10% to 20%.

Gross Pathology

Only a limited number of conditions can lead to a morphologic picture of chronic corticomedullary tubulointerstitial damage coupled with caliceal abnormality: 1. VUR. As detailed earlier, renal damage in VUR is associated with intrarenal reflux and is most frequently caused by infected reflux. This is the most common cause of entities referred to as “chronic atrophic” or chronic nonobstructive pyelonephritis. The term reflux nephropathy is slowly replacing chronic pyelonephritis to describe this condition. Besides emphasizing the role of VUR, the term has the virtue of including two types of changes associated with VUR: (a) the more common and widely recognizable focal scarring, which is attributed to scarring at the site of compound papillae with intrarenal reflux, and (b) the diffuse renal damage affecting all papillae and usually associated with high-pressure obstructive reflux. Whereas most children with chronic pyelonephritic scars demonstrate VUR, only about half of adults do. However, up to 89% of adults have abnormal ureteral orifices, which suggests (but by no means proves) that ureteral reflux may have occurred in the past.216 2. Urinary obstruction. It is frequently difficult to differentiate an uninfected obstruction from a combination of obstruction and infection, but discrete parenchymal scars usually indicate the coexistence of infection. 3. Analgesic nephropathy, with or without bacterial infection. This is usually readily distinguished by the widespread papillary necrosis. 4. Unusual forms of noninfectious acute papillary necrosis. Included in this category are acute papillary necrosis due to such conditions as sickle cell disease or dehydration in infants and diabetics. Infants with severe acute gastroenteritis and dehydration are at risk for papillary necrosis and subsequent corticopapillary scarring that resembles chronic pyelonephritis.217 5. Segmental hypoplasia (the Ask-Upmark kidney). This condition, previously considered a develop-

Urinary Tract Infection, Pyelonephritis, and Reflux Nephropathy

FIGURE 34–6 Typical polar scars 3 months after infected intrarenal reflux in the pig. Note dilation of the calyx underlying the scars. (From Hodson CJ, Maling RM, McManamon PJ, Lewis MJ: The pathogenesis of reflux nephropathy [chronic atrophic pyelonephritis]. Br J Radiol 13:1, 1975.)

The most characteristic changes are seen on gross rather than microscopic examination. The most common morphologic appearance of chronic pyelonephritis and reflux nephropathy is that referred to as coarse renal scarring or focal scarring, consisting of corticopapillary scars overlying dilated, blunted, or deformed calices (Fig. 34–7). The remarkable pelvocaliceal deformity is not easy to visualize grossly on pathologic examination but is particularly obvious in tracings of the calices made on excretory urograms (Fig. 34–8). The kidneys are usually smaller than normal, and extreme reductions in size of one of the two kidneys are not unusual. Involvement can be bilateral or unilateral, depending on whether reflux or CH 34 obstruction has occurred on one or both sides; with bilateral involvement, the kidneys are usually asymmetrically scarred. The scars vary in size but are usually broad, involve a whole lobe, are rather shallow, and have a flatter surface than do healed infarcts (see Fig. 34–7B). The areas between scars may be smooth but are usually finely granular, reflecting hypertrophic changes. Although any part of the kidney may be involved, most scars are in the upper and lower poles, consistent with the frequency of intrarenal reflux in these areas. The medulla is distorted, and affected papillae are flattened. In cases with obstruction, the pelvis and calices are distinctly dilated, but they may be of normal caliber in the absence of obstruction (in late cases) or after obstruction has been relieved. The pelvic and caliceal mucosa can be thickened and granular, particularly in cases of chronic reflux. KincaidSmith and colleagues emphasized the importance of examining the ureters because thickening of the ureteral wall with or without dilation is a reliable sign of the preexistence of VUR (Fig. 34–9).220–223 A second morphologic variety, referred to by radiologists as diffuse or generalized reflux nephropathy, occurs in patients with severe VUR together with obstruction (e.g., children with posterior urethral valves). The scarring is so generalized that the cortical surface appears to be relatively smooth or finely granular. In these cases, the pelvis and calices are diffusely dilated, and the renal parenchyma shows widespread atrophy resembling postobstructive atrophy (see Fig. 34–9). In these kidneys, the presence of a thickened pelvic and ureteral wall (or the cystoscopic appearance of ureteral orifices) suggests previous VUR. Lying somewhere between those with coarse scars and those with generalized damage are kidneys in which two or more areas of coarse scarring are associated with generalized dilation of calices and overall reduction in kidney size. Thus, a mixed picture can be seen in which both processes are present in a single patient.223

Microscopic Findings The histologic appearance is one of tubule damage plus interstitial inflammation and scarring, and it varies according to the evolutionary stage of the lesion. Old, extensive scars can be composed almost entirely of atrophic or dilated tubules, separated by fibrous tissue, with remaining large blood vessels (Fig. 34–10). More recent scars show variable amounts of interstitial mononuclear inflammation, tubule atrophy and necrosis, increase in interstitial fibrous tissue,


CH 34

FIGURE 34–7 A, Chronic pyelonephritis. Note irregularly scarred kidney, dilated and blunted calices, and a thickened ureter that suggests chronic vesicoureteral reflux. B, Typical pyelonephritic broad scars in a patient with reflux nephropathy. The scars involve entire lobes. Note prominent underlying caliceal dilatation. (B, From Bhathena DB, Holland NH, Weiss JH, et al: Morphology of coarse renal scars in reflux-associated nephropathy in man. In Hodson CJ, Kincaid-Smith P [eds]: Reflux Nephropathy. New York, Masson, 1979, p 243.)

FIGURE 34–8 Tracings of urograms show common patterns of scarring and caliceal deformities in reflux nephropathy. A, Upper pole. B, Severe bipolar. C, Generalized, with one lower pole lobe spared. D, Duplex kidney, with severe deformities in the lower pole. E, Generalized diffuse caliceal involvement. (From Hodson CJ: Reflux nephropathy. Med Clin North Am 62:1201, 1978.)





FIGURE 34–9 Kidney shows the “generalized” or diffuse form of reflux nephropathy. There is more or less uniform dilation of calices and thinning of renal parenchyma. Note thickening of the pelvis and base of the ureter. (From Hodson CJ: Formation of renal scars with special reference to reflux nephropathy. Contrib Nephrol 16:83, 1979, by permission of S Karger AG, Basel.)

may be present. These have been well described and illus- 1217 trated by Heptinstall.225 Ischemic changes, consisting of solidification of glomerular tufts and deposition of collagen within the Bowman space, are frequent, as are small shrunken glomeruli. Focal or diffuse proliferation and necrosis can also be present; these have been considered secondary to hypertension. Kincaid-Smith226,227 has drawn attention to the association of chronic pyelonephritis and reflux nephropathy with a glomerular lesion best described as focal segmental sclerosis and hyalinosis, similar to that seen in some patients with focal sclerosis and the nephrotic syndrome. She noted that, in patients with reflux nephropathy, those with proteinuria were more likely to progress to renal failure, even in the absence of hypertension, overt infection, or persistent VUR. Renal biopsy specimens showed focal and segmental hyalinosis and sclerosis in most of these patients. FIGURE 34–10 Pyelonephritic scar composed of atrophic or dilated tubules, a few sclerosed or sclerosing glomeruli, and thickened vessels. Note the dilated calyx with prominent lymphoid infiltrate beneath the mucosa.

Frequency and Epidemiology of Urinary Tract Infection The frequency of UTI and its clinical impact are different for the two sexes at different stages of life (Fig. 34–11). Approximately 1% of neonates are bacteriuric, with a twofold to fourfold higher frequency among boys, presumably because of an increased occurrence of congenital urogenital anomalies in male infants. Equally striking is a fourfold increase in bacteriuria among premature infants (2.9% vs. 0.7% among full-term infants); approximately half of these premature infants demonstrate VUR. Uncircumcised male infants are at increased risk for UTI and pyelonephritis in the neonatal period, with some of this increased risk continuing into adulthood.228–231 After infancy and until age 55 years, when prostatic hypertrophy starts becoming apparent in men, UTI is predominantly a female disease. From infancy until age 10 years, the frequency of UTI in girls is about 1.2%, with approximately one third of these infections being symptomatic. After an initial episode of bacteriuria, approximately 80% of schoolgirls have one or more recurrences; more than 80% of these recurrences are due to reinfections rather than relapses of sequestered deep tissue infection. It has been estimated that a minimum of 5% to 6% of schoolgirls have at least one episode of UTI between the ages of 5 and 18 years. Approximately 20% of schoolgirls with bacteriuria have demonstrable VUR.9,232–234 When cohorts of schoolgirls with and without bacteriuria are observed for periods as long as 18 years, some important observations emerge. Although the urine may have remained sterile for long periods in many of these bacteriuric schoolgirls, bacteriuria usually redeveloped shortly after marriage or during the first pregnancy. This increase is most marked during pregnancy, with a 63.8% frequency of pregnancyassociated bacteriuria in women who were bacteriuric as schoolgirls, as opposed to a 26.7% frequency for those who were not. Approximately 10% of the children of the bacteriuric schoolgirls who were studied became bacteriuric themselves, as opposed to none of the children of the nonbacteriuric control patients. Persistence of bacteriuria appears to be more common in children with VUR than in those with normal urinary tracts.9,232–234 Among adult women, the incidence and prevalence of bacteriuria are related to age, degree of sexual activity, and form of contraception employed. Approximately 1% to 3% of women between the ages of 15 and 24 years have bacteriuria; the incidence increases by 1% to 2% for each decade

CH 34

Urinary Tract Infection, Pyelonephritis, and Reflux Nephropathy

and periglomerular fibrosis. Many tubules are dilated, lined by flattened epithelium, and filled with colloid casts (thyroidization). The inflammatory infiltrate is variable. Lymphocytes and monocytes predominate, but occasionally, one can see large foci of plasma cells; in the presence of active inflammation, neutrophils can be plentiful. Pus casts are also frequently present, particularly when there is active infection. However, pus casts can also be present in the absence of bacteriuria, presumably owing to ischemic damage. Vascular changes within the scars can be either mild or more severe. Both arteries and arterioles may show medial and intimal thickening; the intimal thickening is of the fine, concentric cellular type. In some cases, there is clear-cut elastic reduplication. Vascular changes within the scarred areas are present even in patients who are not hypertensive, although they become more severe in the presence of hypertension. In the nonscarred areas, hyaline arteriolar changes are limited to those patients with secondary hypertension. The pelvis and calices are universally affected. Usually, there is infiltration of the subendothelial connective tissue by inflammatory cells, which often form large masses or lymphoid follicles (see Fig. 34–10). Neutrophils, eosinophils, and occasionally, giant cells may also be present. The mucosal epithelium may be severely thickened and infiltrated with inflammatory cells. The amount of collagen in the underlying connective tissue is also usually increased. Of interest is the presence of interstitial deposits of TammHorsfall protein precipitates in the kidneys with chronic pyelonephritis associated with reflux or obstruction. TammHorsfall protein can be localized specifically by immunofluorescence microscopy, but its presence in casts and in interstitial tissue can be suspected by histologic examination as a strongly periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) reaction-positive amorphous or fibrillar material. Interstitial deposits of TammHorsfall protein have been detected in kidneys from patients with chronic pyelonephritis, reflux nephropathy, urinary tract obstruction, and other interstitial diseases. These deposits are sometimes surrounded by an intense inflammatory infiltrate consisting of mononuclear cells, occasional neutrophils, and even giant cells. Deposits probably result from tubule disruption, with discharge of urinary contents into the interstitium. Tamm-Horsfall protein has also been seen in thin-walled renal veins and lymphatics, possibly from pyelovenous or pyelolymphatic ruptures.224,225 Although glomeruli may be entirely normal or may show only periglomerular fibrosis, a variety of glomerular changes


1218 Symptomatic infection


“Pyelitis” “Honeymoon” ⬎ of cystitis pregnancy Infancy Preschool

FIGURE 34–11 Overview of the frequency of symptomatic urinary tract infection and of asymptomatic bacteriuria according to age and sex (modified from the original concept of Jawetz). (From Kunin CM: Detection, Prevention and Management of Urinary Tract Infections, 3rd ed. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1979.)

Catheter Risk 10% Asymptomatic bacteriuria

8 6 4 2 0

⬍1% 0




20 25 Age in years




CH 34 thereafter up to a level of about 10% to 15% by the 6th or 7th decades. Approximately 40% to 50% of women will have at least one UTI in their lifetimes. College women who have a first episode of E. coli UTI are three times as likely to have a second UTI in the next 6 months than those with other forms of UTI. In noninstitutionalized elderly patients, UTIs cause one fourth of all infections.9,232–234 There is an incomplete correlation between the presence of bacteriuria and the occurrence of clinical symptoms. Dysuria occurs each year in approximately 20% of women between the ages of 24 and 64 years, half of whom come to medical attention. Of the group seeking medical care, one third have the acute urethral syndrome, and two thirds (approximately 6% of the adult female population) have significant bacteriuria in association with clinical symptoms referable to the urinary tract.232–235 Bacteriuria, whether asymptomatic or clinically overt, is unusual in males before they reach their 50s in the absence of urinary tract instrumentation. The frequency of bacteriuria among schoolboys is between 0.04% and 0.14%. One male population that appears to be at an increased risk for UTI is sexually active male homosexuals, who become infected with the same uropathogenic E. coli clones that infect women. Human immunodeficiency virus infection does not increase the incidence of UTI, but once UTI occurs, the higher the viral load the greater the inflammatory consequences of the UTI. Heterosexual transmission of virulent strains of E. coli from infected women to their sexual partners has been clearly documented. Several investigators have noted a high frequency of Proteus infection, as opposed to E. coli infection, among boys with UTI, perhaps related to a high rate of colonization of the preputial sac with Proteus species.236–240 As the aging process progresses and prostatic disease becomes more common, the frequency of UTI in men rises dramatically. By age 70 years, the frequency of bacteriuria reaches a level of 3.5% in otherwise healthy men and a level of greater than 15% in hospitalized men. With the onset of chronic debilitating illness and long-term institutionalization, bacteriuria rates in both sexes reach levels of 25% to 50%, with the frequency in women now only slightly greater than that in men.241–244 Pregnant women have a 4% to 10% frequency of bacteriuria—a rate at least twice that for similarly aged nonpregnant women. Symptomatic infection develops in as many as 60% of pregnant women with asymptomatic bacteriuria early in

pregnancy if it is untreated, with symptomatic pyelonephritis developing in approximately one fourth to one third.245–247 About 25% to 33% of women with pregnancy-associated bacteriuria have infection at postpartum follow-up, even if this follow-up occurs as many as 10 to 14 years postpartum, as opposed to a rate of 5% of similarly aged women who never had pregnancy-associated bacteriuria. Approximately 30% of women with a history of bacteriuria of pregnancy have changes on the excretory urogram that suggest chronic pyelonephritis. This is not to say, however, that bacteriuria of pregnancy is responsible for these changes. Currently available data would suggest that the kidneys of the women with postpartum infection after pregnancy-associated infection were probably damaged during childhood, with recurrent infection being exacerbated by the hormonal and mechanical changes induced by pregnancy. There is little evidence that infection developing for the first time during pregnancy is responsible for long-term effects.245–251 The frequency of bacteriuria during pregnancy is significantly higher in women with a history of past childhood UTI.248 As in other populations, the occurrence of pyelonephritis among pregnant women is particularly associated with infection with uropathogenic strains possessing P pili.249 Epidemics of pyelonephritis have been reported in newborn infants being provided care on neonatal wards. These have been shown to be due to the patient-to-patient spread of Pfimbriated E. coli strains on the ward, resulting in intestinal colonization of these children. Once such intestinal colonization with uropathogenic strains occurs, invasion of the urinary tract can then develop.250–252 Patients with anatomic or neurologic disorders of the urinary tract of any type that result in obstruction or incomplete voiding have an increased frequency of UTI and pyelonephritis. A particularly important group of such patients are those rendered paraplegic or quadriplegic as a result of spinal cord injury. Bacteriuria, urosepsis, and the eventual development of VUR and progressive renal scarring are common in these individuals. It is of great interest that the organisms causing UTI in these patients are the same nonuropathogenic strains of bacteria associated with scarring in children with VUR. Risk factors associated with the development of UTI in these patients include overdistention of the bladder, VUR, high-pressure voiding, large postvoid residuals, presence of stones in the urinary tract, bladder outlet obstruction, indwelling catheterization, and urinary diversion.253,254

Clinical Impact of Urinary Tract Infection The most important issues regarding UTI have to do with whether there are long-term consequences of bacteriuria over and above the direct infectious disease morbidity and mortality these infections cause. The particular questions that have received the most attention are: 1. Does UTI, particularly when it is chronic or recurrent, lead to significant loss of renal function, to hypertension, or to both? If it does, is there a particular subset of patients at special risk for these complications? 2. Does UTI have an adverse effect on the outcome of pregnancy—on the mother, the fetus, or both? 3. Is UTI associated with an increased mortality? If it is, is it a causative factor or just a marker for poor health, and will effective therapy decrease the mortality rate?

Urinary Tract Infection, Renal Failure, and Hypertension A retrospective review of all the cases of chronic renal disease seen at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania between 1969 and 1972 provided important information. A total of 101 patients with chronic interstitial nephritis were identified, approximately one third of the patients with chronic renal disease—a figure similar to that attributed previously to

chronic pyelonephritis. However, in none of these 101 cases 1219 of chronic interstitial nephritis was infection the primary cause of the renal disease; instead, analgesic abuse and anatomic abnormalities of the urinary tract accounted for most cases. It was suggested, however, that in approximately one third of these patients, infection played a contributory role, but only when it was superimposed on such primary problems as anatomic abnormalities, calculous disease, or analgesic abuse.258 These concepts have since been confirmed in several prospective, long-term studies of bacteriuria in adults. Freedman and Andriole259 observed 250 women with UTI for periods up to 12 years and found no evidence of deterioration in renal function or blood pressure elevation. Freeman and colleagues260 prospectively studied 249 men with bacteriuria for periods up to 10 years and again found no deterioration in renal function in the absence of severe urologic disease or concomitant noninfectious renal disease. Even in a particularly high-risk group of adult patients, the 25% of adult patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria who had renal scars demonstrable by urography at the time of entry into the study, renal damage did not seem to progress, and no new scars developed unless such complicating factors as obstruction, hypertension, analgesic abuse, or diabetes mellitus were CH 34 present concurrently.258,260 Thus, in adults, there is little evidence that UTI beginning in adult life, by itself, leads to progressive chronic renal injury. It is still possible that bacteriuria, when superimposed on other urinary tract lesions, could accelerate the development of renal damage. However, there is clearly no justification for mass screening for bacteriuria. Studies of children between the ages of 5 and 15 years have demonstrated that, if scarring has not occurred by the age of 5 years, the kidneys, sometimes in the face of continued bacteriuria and VUR, remain unscarred and renal growth remains unimpaired. It is primarily the children who have pyelonephritis before the age of 5 years who manifest not only renal scarring but also a decreased glomerular filtration rate and a failure of compensatory renal growth. Experimental studies in young rats have confirmed that ascending pyelonephritis inhibits renal growth.261–264 Edwards and associates265 have reported extremely encouraging results with long-term continuous low-dose antimicrobial prophylaxis in children who initially presented with symptomatic UTI and were found to have VUR. Whereas Lenaghan and colleagues266 noted a 20% frequency of fresh scarring and a 66% frequency of increased scarring in children treated with intermittent antimicrobial therapy, Edwards and associates,265 in an apparently similar population of children, found only one new scar and only one extension among 75 children treated continuously for a 7- to 15-year period. Thus, there is little question that the combination of VUR and UTI can have potentially disastrous consequences, which might be amenable to early recognition and prolonged therapy. Long-term studies of these children have shown that, once scarring has occurred, the prognosis depends on the severity of initial damage and the presence of proteinuria, which is a measure of the degree of secondary glomerulosclerosis. As discussed in Chapter 25, secondary glomerulosclerosis is believed to be due to glomerular hyperfiltration and hypertension in remnant nephrons, causing changes in permselectivity to macromolecules that are delivered to the kidney. Progressive damage to the remaining glomeruli then ensues, with progression of the degree of proteinuria from microalbuminuria to frank nephrotic syndrome and progressive azotemia.263–269 Chronic pyelonephritis appears to be the most common cause of hypertension in children, accounting for some 30% of childhood hypertension, and is also a frequent cause of secondary hypertension in adults.263,264,269

Urinary Tract Infection, Pyelonephritis, and Reflux Nephropathy

Recipients of kidney transplants are another population at particular risk for UTI, with a reported frequency of 35% to 79% of such infections if no antimicrobial prophylaxis is administered. The major factors associated with the occurrence of UTI in this population include the technical complications associated with the ureteral anastomosis, a UTI present before transplantation that has not been eradicated (by antibiotics or native nephrectomy before or at the time of transplantation), the postoperative urinary catheter, the physical and immunologic trauma that the kidney suffers, and the immunosuppressive therapy that is administered. The first two of these have been largely eliminated because of advances in the preparation of the patient for transplantation and in the technical aspects of the operation. However, the requirement for bladder catheters for 1 to 7 days after transplantation provides a reservoir from which infection is derived. In animal models, the combination of bacteria inoculated into the bladder and trauma to the kidney results in pyelonephritis, whereas bladder infection without renal trauma results only in a transient cystitis. It is reasonable to postulate that the kidney is rendered susceptible to invasive infection as a result of the physical trauma of the transplant procedure as well as the immunologic trauma. Once infection develops, its impact can be greatly amplified by the effects of immunosuppressive therapy.19,255 UTI occurring in the first 3 months after transplantation is frequently associated with invasion of the allograft, bacteremia, and high rate of relapse when it is treated with a conventional course of antibiotics. In contrast, UTI occurring at a later time is usually benign, can be managed with a conventional 10- to 14-day course of antibiotics, is rarely associated with bacteremia or requires hospitalization, and has an excellent prognosis. Exceptions to this general pattern should be evaluated for functional or anatomic abnormalities of the urinary tract, such as a stone, an obstructive uropathy, or a poorly functioning bladder. Pancreatic transplantation for diabetes in which exocrine drainage is accomplished through a bladder (as opposed to an enteric) anastomosis is associated with a relatively high rate of urologic complications and UTI, including that due to Candida species.19,255–257

1220 Urinary Tract Infection and the Outcome

of Pregnancy The clearest demonstration that untreated, asymptomatic bacteriuria has an adverse effect on the human host comes from studies carried out in the pregnant woman. Approximately half of such untreated women subsequently have symptomatic UTI, and 25% to 30% have acute pyelonephritis. Such pyelonephritis may be associated with systemic sepsis. An association of pregnancy bacteriuria with anemia, hypertension, decreased glomerular filtration rate, and decreased urinary concentrating ability, which is alleviated by therapy, has also been noted.245–251 There also appears to be an increased risk of preeclampsia in pregnant women with UTI, with this being most marked among primiparous women (a fivefold increase in risk).270 More controversial has been the question of an increased risk of maternal toxemia and neonatal prematurity, low birth weight, and perinatal mortality in pregnancies complicated by bacteriuria. An increased rate of spontaneous abortion in pregnancies complicated by bacteriuria has been reported.271 In addition, there appears to be a higher frequency of lowbirth-weight-for-date infants born to bacteriuric mothers, particularly those with hypertension or those in whom treatment CH 34 programs have failed to eradicate the bacteria.270–272 In addition to the increase in low-birth-weight infants, acute UTI is associated with an increased fetal mortality rate.273 Most compelling are two reports derived from data generated in a multicenter study of more than 55,000 pregnant women.274 A higher frequency of low birth weights and stillbirths resulted from the pregnancies of the 3.5% of women with symptomatic UTI. A frequency of perinatal death of 42 per 1000 has been reported when the mothers were bacteriuric as opposed to 21 per 1000 when they were not. In this study, virtually all the excess mortality occurred when the UTI was present within 15 days of delivery, with the highest death rates occurring when UTI coexisted with maternal hypertension and acetonuria. Women who had pyuria and bacteriuria close to the time of delivery had a 24% greater frequency of amniotic fluid infection than did women without pyuria. Hypertension was 88% more common in mothers who had pyuria and bacteriuria than in those who did not have pyuria. In addition, bacteriuria was associated with growth-retarded placentas.274–278 Proof that eradication of the bacteriuria prevents fetal complications is incomplete. However, we believe that routine screening for, and treatment of, bacteriuria of pregnancy are indicated for both the mother’s and the child’s health. Although complete evidence that treatment prevents all of the complications of pregnancy-associated bacteriuria will probably never become available, the withholding of therapy for such bacteriuria, whether symptomatic or asymptomatic, must be regarded as both ethically wrong and medically insupportable.275–277 Long-term studies of schoolgirls with previously diagnosed bacteriuria and renal scarring have shown that, when they reach adulthood and become pregnant, they have a greater than threefold increased risk of hypertension and a greater than sevenfold risk of preeclampsia. Despite these findings, with skilled obstetric management, the outcome of the pregnancy in terms of the health of both the mother and the child should be satisfactory.278

Urinary Tract Infection and Survival of the Patient The final question regarding the biologic impact of UTI has to do with the patient’s survival. Although it is absolutely clear that gram-negative sepsis originating in the urinary tract can have lethal consequences, occasionally even with the best of treatment, the question has been raised whether survival of the patient can be adversely influenced outside of the

direct infectious disease effects of UTI. Several reports have suggested that bacteriuria, particularly in the elderly, is associated with an increased risk of subsequent mortality. The occurrence of bacteriuria appears to be related to the degree of functional impairment present and is a marker for how seriously ill the individual is. Bacteriuria is not an independent variable that evolves with mortality. It is not surprising, then, that antimicrobial therapy aimed at bacteriuria has no effect on subsequent mortality rates. Indeed, in the elderly patient, antimicrobial therapy has little long-term benefit in terms of the occurrence of the bacteriuria itself. Therefore, there appears to be little justification for either screening adult patients, particularly elderly patients, for asymptomatic bacteriuria or treating them with antimicrobial agents.243–245,279–284

CLINICAL PRESENTATIONS The clinical evaluation of the patient with UTI can be surprisingly difficult because the range of clinical illness is remarkably broad: from the dysuria-frequency syndrome to full-blown pyelonephritis, from symptomatic to asymptomatic bacteriuria (the acute urethral syndrome). It is also clear that the ability of the clinician to accurately define the cause of the urinary tract symptoms or the anatomic site of involvement is limited. On the one hand, the patient who presents with frank rigors, a temperature of 104°F, exquisite loin pain, and signs suggesting gram-negative sepsis clearly has acute pyelonephritis. On the other hand, the absence of such findings does not rule out the presence of renal involvement, that is, covert pyelonephritis.

Acute Urinary Tract Infection Acute Uncomplicated Cystitis By far the most common clinical symptoms associated with UTI that bring patients to medical attention are those referable to the lower urinary tract: dysuria (burning or discomfort on urination), frequency, nocturia, and suprapubic discomfort. Approximately 10% of women of reproductive age come to medical attention each year with these symptoms.235 Of these, two thirds have significant bacteriuria, whereas one third (those with the acute urethral syndrome) do not. Of the patients with significant bacteriuria, 50% to 70% have infection restricted to the bladder, but fully 30% to 50% have covert infection of the upper urinary tract as well.2,235,285,286 As demonstrated in Table 34–4, patients with and patients without covert renal involvement cannot be differentiated on clinical grounds alone. Women with the acute urethral syndrome can be divided into two groups. Approximately 70% have pyuria on urinalysis and have true infection. For the most part, these patients have infection with C. trachomatis or with the usual bacterial uropathogens (e.g., E. coli, S. saprophyticus) but in “less than significant” numbers (102–104/mL). The remaining 30% of patients with the acute urethral syndrome, but no pyuria, have no known microbial etiologic agent for their symptoms.285,286

Recurrent Cystitis Recurrent symptoms of lower urinary tract inflammation may be due to either relapsing infection or reinfection. Relapse is caused by reappearance of the same organism from a sequestered focus, usually within the kidney or prostate, shortly after completion of therapy. In reinfection, the course of therapy has successfully eradicated the infection, and there is no sequestered focus, but organisms are reintroduced from the fecal reservoir. More than 80% of all recurrences are due to reinfection.285,286

TABLE 34–4

Relationship Among Clinical Syndromes, Presence of Significant Bacteriuria, and Anatomic Site of Urinary Tract Infection in a General Practice Population (% with Symptoms) Insignificant or Absent Bacteriuria (Acute Urethral Syndrome)

Renal Bacteriuria

Bladder Bacteriuria

Symptoms suggesting lower UTI Frequency Burning Suprapubic pain

95 70 70

98 68 68

70 70 51

Symptoms suggesting upper UTI Loin pain Fever Rigors Nausea and vomiting Macroscopic hematuria

50 35 15 25 25

48 44 32 24 20

19 4 15 8 12


UTI, urinary tract infection. Modified from Fairley F, Carson NE, Gutch RC, et al: Site of infection in acute urinary tract infection in general practice. Lancet 2:615, 1971. Copyright by The Lancet Ltd., 1971.

CH 34

Acute Pyelonephritis The clinical findings associated with full-blown acute pyelonephritis are familiar: rigors and fever, back and loin pain (with exquisite tenderness or percussion of the costovertebral angle), often with colicky abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, dysuria, frequency, and nocturia. Although bacteremia may complicate the course of symptomatic pyelonephritis in any patient, such bacteremias are seldom associated with the more serious sequelae of gram-negative sepsis, that is, the triggering of the complement, clotting, and kinin systems, which may lead to septic shock, disseminated intravascular coagulation, or both. When shock or disseminated intravascular coagulation occurs in the setting of pyelonephritis, the possibility of complicating obstruction must be ruled out. In one particularly important form of obstructive uropathy, which is associated with acute papillary necrosis, the sloughed papilla may obstruct the ureter. This form should

be particularly suspected in diabetic patients with severe pyelonephritis and high-grade bacteremia, especially if the response to therapy is delayed.290 In children younger than 2 years, fever, vomiting, nonspecific abdominal complaints, or failure to thrive may be the only manifestations of significant acute pyelonephritis. Indeed, UTI accounts for approximately 10% of these febrile episodes. In older children, clinical manifestations resemble more closely those seen in the adult, although the reappearance of enuresis may be a marker for the decreased urinary concentrating ability that is sometimes associated with renal infection (see later).291,292

Complicated Urinary Tract Infection The term complicated UTI encompasses a wide range of clinical syndromes that include asymptomatic bacteriuria, cystitis, pyelonephritis, and frank urosepsis. The common element is the presence of bacterial infection of the urinary tract in patients with structurally abnormal (e.g., ureteral and bladder neck obstruction—including that due to prostatic enlargement, polycystic kidney disease, obstructing stones, or the presence of a catheter or some other foreign body) or functionally abnormal (e.g., a neurogenic bladder from spinal cord injury, diabetes mellitus, and multiple sclerosis) urinary tracts, intrinsic renal disease, or a systemic process that renders the patient particularly susceptible to bacterial invasion. The range of organisms causing such infections is far broader than that noted in patients with uncomplicated infection, and the level of antibiotic resistance of these bacteria is also greater than that seen in isolates from the general population. Because the therapeutic requirements and management strategies for complicated UTI are different from those for uncomplicated infection (see later), this differentiation is clinically important.2,40

Chronic Pyelonephritis and Reflux Nephropathy Unlike the dramatic clinical presentation of many patients with acute pyelonephritis, chronic disease typically has a more insidious course. Clinical signs and symptoms may be divided into two categories: (1) those related directly to infection and (2) those related to the extent and the location of injury within the kidney. Surprisingly, the infectious aspects of the disease may be minor. Although intermittent episodes of full-blown pyelonephritis may occur, these are the excep-

Urinary Tract Infection, Pyelonephritis, and Reflux Nephropathy

Among schoolgirls with symptomatic UTI, about 20% remain infection-free after each course of treatment, with 25% having repeated bouts of infection. Among the group of adult women susceptible to recurrent UTIs (defined as three or more infections in a calendar year), the attack rate over several years is approximately 0.15 infection per month, with virtually all such infections being symptomatic. Approximately one third of such infections are followed by an infection-free interval of at least 6 months, the average infection-free interval being approximately 1 year. Unfortunately, even prolonged remission in these individuals does not mean cure because infections tend to recur even after an infection-free interval of a year or longer.285,287,288 The most important cause of recurrent symptoms of lower urinary tract inflammation in adult men is prostatitis caused by either E. coli or the other bacterial uropathogens seen in women. Acute bacterial prostatitis is a febrile illness associated with chills; perineal, back, or pelvic pain; dysuria; and urinary frequency and urgency. There may be bladder outlet obstruction; on physical examination, the prostate is enlarged, tender, and indurated. Chronic prostatitis, in contrast, may be more occult; asymptomatic infection is manifested as recurrent bacteriuria or variable low-grade fever with back or pelvic discomfort. Urinary symptoms are usually due to reintroduction of infection into the bladder from a chronic prostatic focus that has been inadequately treated and only temporarily suppressed by a previous course of antimicrobial therapy.288,289

1222 tion. More common is asymptomatic bacteriuria, symptoms referable to the lower urinary tract (dysuria and frequency), vague complaints of flank or abdominal discomfort, and intermittent low-grade fevers. As important as the infectious or inflammatory symptoms are the physiologic derangements that result from the longstanding tubulointerstitial injury. These derangements include hypertension, inability to conserve Na+, decreased concentrating ability, and tendency to develop hyperkalemia and acidosis. Although all of these are seen to some extent in all forms of renal disease, in patients with tubulointerstitial nephropathy such as this, the degree of physiologic derangement is out of proportion to the degree of renal failure (or serum creatinine elevation). Thus, in other forms of renal disease, physiologic derangements are minimal at serum creatinine levels of 2 to 3 mg/dL; in the patient with chronic pyelonephritis and reflux nephropathy with serum creatinine at this level, polyuria, nocturia, hyperkalemia, and acidosis may all be observed. Clinically, it is particularly important to recognize that such patients are especially susceptible to dehydration because of their inability to excrete a concentrated urine (see Fig. 34–9). Considerable progress has been made in the radiologic CH 34 assessment of VUR and renal scarring. The standard tests have long been voiding cystourethrography or radionuclide cystourethrography—both with significant radiation exposure. Recently, contrast-enhanced voiding ultrasonography and magnetic resonance cystography have been developed to provide useful information without the radiation burden.66,293–300 Routine laboratory findings are as nonspecific as the clinical findings. Although pyuria is usually present, it may be absent, particularly if there is no active infection. Less common is the presence of white blood cell casts on urinalysis. Bacteriuria may or may not be demonstrable. The determination of 24-hour protein excretion may be an important prognostic indicator in patients with chronic pyelonephritis and reflux nephropathy. Most patients with this condition excrete less than 1 g/day of protein. However, heavy proteinuria, including the nephrotic syndrome, may develop in a subset of patients, owing to the superimposition of focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis on the basic tubulointerstitial injury.291,292

Natural History of Vesicoureteral Reflux and Reflux Nephropathy The natural history of VUR and reflux nephropathy is variable, depending on the severity of the VUR, the concurrence of other congenital anomalies or obstruction, the age at presentation, the surgical or antibacterial intervention, and the development of complications as such hypertension and glomerulosclerosis. Although coarse scar formation is closely linked to VUR and infection, the progressive deterioration of renal function can result from numerous secondary mechanisms.

Formation of Scars Scar development usually represents the combined effects of infection, VUR, and intrarenal reflux. The severity of VUR is the single most important determinant of whether renal damage will occur. The importance of infection in the development of new scars was shown by Smellie and associates,110,111 who found only two fresh scars developing among 75 compliant children observed for 15 years and given lowdose prophylactic antibacterial therapy. It has been suggested that infection and high pressure may alter some borderline papillae to the refluxing state. Children who have UTI but unscarred kidneys after age 3 years have an estimated risk of developing new scars of 2% to 3%.301–304

Progressive Renal Failure The progressive renal failure seen in patients with reflux nephropathy is frequently caused not by infection nor by continued VUR but by other complicating or related conditions. These include (1) retardation of renal growth, (2) obstruction or other congenital anomalies, (3) hypertension, and (4) progressive glomerulosclerosis. RETARDATION OF RENAL GROWTH. The effect of VUR on renal growth is a measure of the health of a kidney. It is apparent that focal scarring and growth impairment are two difference consequences of renal infection.304 The prognosis for renal growth is generally excellent with VUR, particularly if the kidneys are unscarred and there is no recurrence of infection. The prognosis for growth is poorest for patients with gross, persistent VUR; severe generalized scarring; and increased tendency toward recurrent infection.261,262,305–307 The balance of the evidence suggests that renal growth may be transiently impaired in children with VUR, but mainly in those with renal scarring and usually in the presence of infection. However, this reduction in renal growth does not seem to be a major determinant of the later progressive deterioration of renal function in patients with reflux nephropathy.66,261,262,301,302,306,307 OBSTRUCTION AND OTHER CONGENITAL ANOMALIES. Children with UTI with or without VUR may have a variety of renal and lower urinary tract anomalies that contribute to renal damage. These include duplex kidneys, cysts, hydronephrosis due to ureteropelvic obstruction, renal calculi, vesicoureteral or urethral obstruction, and bladder diverticula.110,111 These anomalies predispose to repeated renal infection. The coexistence of VUR and an obstructive anomaly, such as posterior urethral valves, is particularly harmful, and it is under these conditions that sterile reflux may cause renal damage. HYPERTENSION. The association between chronic pyelonephritis or reflux nephropathy and hypertension is well documented; the frequency of the hypertension varies with both age and severity of the kidney disease.269 Reflux nephropathy is one of the most common causes of hypertension in children. For example, 83% of 100 severely hypertensive children had associated renal disease and 14% of these had reflux nephropathy. Of 177 children with malignant hypertension and scarred atrophic kidneys, the majority had reflux nephropathy,306,307 and 29 (30%) of 96 children with persistent hypertension had chronic pyelonephritis, making it the most common etiologic factor in the group. About 10% of children with renal scarring become hypertensive, and 15% of patients with reflux nephropathy who reach adulthood have hypertension.308,309 Reflux nephropathy diagnosed for the first time in adulthood is highly associated with UTI, proteinuria, back pain, and renal calculi in addition to hypertension.310 The pathogenesis of hypertension in reflux nephropathy is unclear. In humans, there is some evidence both for and against a role for hyperreninemia. Although it has been difficult to produce hypertension in rats and rabbits that have been made pyelonephritic, studies in pigs show that hypertension develops in some animals 1 to 2 years after the induction of VUR with scarring and that such hypertension is associated with pronounced arterial lesions and activation of the renin-angiotensin system (C.J. Hodson, unpublished data). Hypertension also occurs in unilateral reflux nephropathy, but there is uncertainty about whether such hypertension can be prevented or ameliorated by unilateral nephrectomy.311 PROTEINURIA AND PROGRESSIVE GLOMERULOSCLEROSIS. There is a prognostically important association among the development of proteinuria, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, and progressive renal insufficiency in patients with reflux nephropathy.267–269,312 Although several authors had

DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION History and Physical Examination Despite the incomplete relationship between clinical symptoms and the presence of infection at various sites in the

urinary tract, useful information can be gained from a skill- 1223 fully obtained history. When a patient with a single acute episode of symptomatic UTI is examined, the first consideration is whether there are signs or symptoms suggesting the presence or imminent development of systemic sepsis: spiking fevers, rigors, tachypnea, colicky abdominal pain, and exquisite loin pain. Such patients require immediate attention and effective antimicrobial therapy. If the patient is not acutely septic, attention turns to such concerns as previous history of UTIs, renal disease, and such conditions as diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, other neurologic conditions, history of renal stones, and previous genitourinary tract manipulation—conditions that could predispose to UTI and could affect the efficacy of therapy. A careful neurologic examination can be particularly important in suggesting the possibility of a neurogenic bladder. The patient with a history of recurrent UTIs merits special attention in terms of obtaining a clear history of sexual activity, response to therapy, and temporal relationships of recurrences to the cessation of therapy. Thus, women with recurrent bacterial UTIs temporally related to intercourse could benefit from the administration of antibiotics after each sexual exposure.48 The woman with the acute urethral syndrome due to C. trachomatis infection CH 34 may respond only temporarily to antichlamydial therapy because of reinfection from the untreated sexual partner (so-called ping-ponging infection); cure occurs when both individuals are treated simultaneously. Women with recurrent UTIs who have relapsing infection as opposed to reinfection often give a different history of the temporal relationship between the end of therapy and the onset of new symptoms. The majority of women with relapsing infection relapse within 4 to 7 days of completing a course of therapy of 14 days or less, whereas those with recurrent reinfection usually have a longer interval between episodes unless bladder dysfunction or some other disturbance of urinary tract function is present. Similarly, men with persistent prostatic foci of infection often relapse promptly after a similar conventional course of therapy.10,38 In addition, a history of prostatic obstruction to urine flow should be sought (e.g., narrowing of the urine stream, hesitancy, nocturia, and dribbling). When the patient with possible chronic pyelonephritis and reflux nephropathy is examined, two types of information should be sought: the history of UTI in childhood and during pregnancy, and the possible presence of such pathophysiologic consequences as hypertension, proteinuria, polyuria, nocturia, and frequency.

Urine Tests Four major chemical tests have been evaluated as rapid diagnostic tools. By far the most commonly used is the Griess nitrate reduction test, which is dependent on the bacterial reduction of nitrate in the urine to nitrite, with a variety of commercially available tapes or dipsticks employed to measure the presence of nitrites. This test is most accurate on first–morning urine specimens and is reasonably effective in identifying infection due to Enterobacteriaceae but fails to detect infection due to gram-positive organisms or Pseudomonas. False-negative results may also be caused by lack of dietary nitrate or diuresis because bladder incubation time is necessary for bacteria to reduce the nitrates. Because of its simplicity, this test is best used as part of a home or epidemiologic screening program, particularly if multiple specimens can be evaluated from a single individual.321–323 The combination of the nitrate test with a test for leukocyte esterase on a single, inexpensive dipstick that can be read in less

Urinary Tract Infection, Pyelonephritis, and Reflux Nephropathy

reported occasional severe proteinuria or overt nephrotic syndrome in patients diagnosed as having chronic pyelonephritis,313 it was Kincaid-Smith220,226,227,314,315 who first stressed the occurrence of proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis in patients with chronic pyelonephritis and reflux nephropathy. In 55 adult patients with reflux nephropathy, she found that 19 had proteinuria. All but 1 of 11 patients whose renal function subsequently declined had significant proteinuria, with the mean being 2.36 g/24 hr, whereas all patients whose serum creatinine level remained stable had either no proteinuria (7 patients) or proteinuria of less than 1 g/24 hr (2 patients). The degree of proteinuria correlated well with the presence and the extent of glomerular lesions, most of which consisted of focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis and hyalinosis. Microalbuminuria (a urinary albumin excretion rate of 20–200 µg/min) may be the first sign of glomerular injury in these patients, as it is in diabetic patients.315 Other studies have confirmed the association of proteinuria, glomerulosclerosis, and reflux nephropathy. In one such study of 23 patients with end-stage reflux nephropathy, all had focal glomerulosclerosis, and their average protein excretion ranged from 1.2 to 5.8 g/24 hr. In 29 of the 54 patients described by Torres and associates, the 24-hour urinary protein excretion ranged from 0.5 to 10.4 g. There was a significant positive correlation between the 24-hour protein excretion and the simultaneous determination of creatinine clearance. The clinical course to end-stage renal disease was not appreciably altered by late surgical correction of the VUR, by infection, or by hypertension. In our series of patients with chronic pyelonephritis or reflux nephropathy, half of those with focal glomerulosclerosis had radiologic or morphologic evidence of bilateral renal disease and a serum creatinine level of more than 2.5 mg/dL, and 63% had a 24-hour urinary protein excretion of greater than 1 g. In contrast, patients without focal sclerosis had normal serum creatinine levels, minimal proteinuria, and unilateral disease.312 The most attractive explanation for glomerulosclerosis in reflux nephropathy is that it results from the adaptive changes occurring in glomeruli because of reductions in renal mass.316,317 With certain exceptions, the clinical data are consistent with this hypothesis. In most series, proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis are most prominent in patients with bilateral disease and impaired renal function, although they have occasionally been reported in patients with unilateral disease and those with normal renal function. In patients with normal renal function, it is probable that the adapted glomeruli have maintained normal function and that this continues until progressive sclerosis of the remaining glomeruli leads to reduction of the glomerular filtration rate. Occasionally, proteinuria occurs in patients with unilateral reflux nephropathy,318 and the glomerulosclerosis is present in the normal hypertrophied kidney. Although this has been cited as evidence against the hemodynamic mechanism, it is consistent with it because hemodynamic changes have been well documented in uninvolved kidneys of patients with unilateral scars.319 Finally, morphometric studies confirm the hypertrophy of glomeruli in biopsy specimens of patients with reflux nephropathy and show a relationship between renal size, glomerular size, and renal function in these patients.320 Whatever the mechanisms, it is now clear that progressive glomerulosclerosis is a major determinant of the development of chronic renal failure in reflux nephropathy.

1224 than 2 minutes has greatly increased the utility of this approach. This system provides a useful assessment for the presence of more than 105 Enterobacteriaceae per milliliter of urine and of pyuria. A negative test result has a predictive value of 97%. False-negative test results can be caused by proteinuria and the presence of gentamicin or cephalexin in the urine. Overall, this test has an 87% sensitivity and a 67% specificity (false-positives usually result from vaginal contamination). This approach is far more effective in screening urine specimens from patients with symptoms as opposed to screening asymptomatic patients, such as occurs in obstetric practice.323–326 The other commonly employed chemical test is the reduction of triphenyltetrazolium chloride to triphenylformazan (which has a red color) by bacteria. False-positive test results are caused by the ingestion of large amounts of vitamin C or a urine pH of less than 6.5. False-negative test results are due to deterioration of the reagent (common) and infection with staphylococci, some enterococci, and Pseudomonas species.321–327

Radiologic and Urologic Evaluations CH 34 The primary objective of radiologic and urologic evaluations in UTI is to delineate abnormalities that would lead to changes in the medical or surgical management of the patient. Such studies are particularly useful in the evaluation of children and adult men. In women, there is more controversy regarding their appropriate deployment. The following guidelines would appear to be reasonable: 1. An ultrasound study or computed tomography (CT) scan is indicated to rule out obstruction in patients requiring hospital admission for bacteremic pyelonephritis, particularly if the infection is slow to respond to appropriate therapy. Patients with septic shock in this setting require such procedures on an emergency basis because these patients often cannot be effectively resuscitated unless their “pus under pressure” is relieved by some form of drainage procedure that bypasses the obstruction. 2. Children with first or second UTIs, particularly those younger than 5 years, merit both excretory urography and voiding cystourethrography for detection of obstruction, VUR, and renal scarring. Dimercaptosuccinic acid scanning is a sensitive technique for detecting scars, and serial studies can be useful in assessing the course of scarring and the success of preventive regimens. However, this approach does not delineate anomalies in the pyelocaliceal system or the ureters. A newer approach utilizing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is gaining favor for children, because of the lack of radiation exposure.328 This imaging effort in children is aimed at identifying those who might benefit from intensive medical attention (e.g., prolonged antimicrobial prophylaxis). Because active infection by itself can produce VUR, it is usually recommended that the radiologic procedures be delayed until 4 to 8 weeks after the eradication of infection, although some groups perform these studies as early as 1 week after infection.328–334 However, few other parameters are available for delineating the pediatric population at highest risk for anatomic abnormalities of the urinary tract. 3. Most men with bacterial UTI have some anatomic abnormality of the urinary tract, most commonly bladder neck obstruction secondary to prostatic enlargement. Therefore, anatomic investigation, starting with a good examination of the prostate and then proceeding to excretory urography or urinary tract ultrasound studies with postvoiding views,

should be seriously considered in all male patients with UTI. 4. Although there is general agreement that first UTIs in women do not merit radiologic or urologic study, the management of recurrent infection is more controversial. In such women, the once-routine cystoscopic study with urethral dilatation has fallen out of fashion. In addition, several studies have demonstrated the lack of cost-effectiveness of radiologic and urologic studies in the evaluation of women with recurrent UTIs. Therefore, it would appear that the routine anatomic evaluation of women with recurrent UTIs cannot be recommended. This is not to say that a few patients might not benefit from such studies. Characteristics of a population of women who might benefit from such anatomic studies include patients who fail to respond to appropriate antimicrobial therapy or who rapidly relapse after such therapy; patients with continuing hematuria; patients with infection with urea-splitting bacteria; patients with symptoms of continuing inflammation, such as night sweats; and patients with symptoms of possible obstruction, such as back or pelvic pain that persists despite adequate antimicrobial therapy.335–340 In our experience, a disappointing response to antimicrobial therapy has been the most useful indicator for the need for radiologic and urologic evaluation.

TREATMENT General Principles of Antimicrobial Therapy The goals of treatment of UTI are to prevent or treat systemic sepsis, to relieve symptoms, to eradicate sequestered infection, to eliminate uropathogenic bacterial strains from fecal and vaginal reservoirs, and to prevent long-term sequelae— all at minimal cost, with the lowest rate of side effects, and with the least selection of an antibiotic-resistant bacterial flora. These goals can be best achieved by prescribing different forms of therapy for different types of UTIs.341

Specific Recommendations Acute Uncomplicated Cystitis in Young Women Therapy for healthy women of reproductive age who present with symptoms of lower urinary tract inflammation (dysuria, frequency, urgency, nocturia, and suprapubic discomfort) in the absence of signs and symptoms of vaginitis (vaginal discharge or odor, pruritus, dyspareunia, external dysuria without frequency, and vulvovaginitis on examination) should be approached with two objectives in mind: (1) eradication of superficial mucosal infection of the lower urinary tract, and (2) eradication of uropathogenic clones from the vagina and the lower gastrointestinal tract. Since the 1990s, the treatment of choice has been short-course therapy with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) or a fluoroquinolone; both of these are superior to β-lactams in the treatment of UTI. Both these drugs achieve high concentrations in vaginal secretions that are more than sufficient to eradicate the usual E. coli and other major uropathogens (with the notable exception of enterococci). At the same time, the antibacterial spectrum of activity of these drugs is such that the normal anaerobic and microaerophilic vaginal flora, which provides colonization resistance against the major uropathogens, is left intact. In contrast, β-lactam drugs, such as amoxicillin, appear to promote vaginal colonization with uropathogenic E. coli.2,3,41,336,342

tional defects of the urinary system, immunosuppressed indi- 1225 viduals, patients with indwelling catheters, and patients with a high probability of infection with antibiotic-resistant organisms.357–361 Acute uncomplicated UTI in otherwise healthy women is so common, the range of organisms causing the infection is so well defined, the susceptibility of these organisms to the antimicrobial agents recommended is so uniform, and the efficacy and lack of side effects of short-course therapy are now so well established that all have combined to lead to a cost-effective approach that minimizes both laboratory studies and the need for visits to the physician (Fig. 34–12). The first step is to initiate short-course therapy in response to the compliant of dysuria and frequency without evidence of vaginitis. If a urine specimen is readily available, a leukocyte esterase dipstick test can be carried out (which has a reported sensitivity of 75%–96% in this situation)352–363; urine culture and microscopic examination of the urine are reserved for the patient with atypical presentations. Alternatively, a reliable patient who reports a typical clinical presentation by telephone could have short-course therapy prescribed without initial examination of the urine. Because short-course therapy is both safe and inexpensive, and because most practitioners begin therapy on the basis of symptoms before CH 34 culture data are available, this approach appears to be cost-effective.347,355,358 The critical practitioner-patient interaction comes after the completion of therapy: If the patient is asymptomatic, nothing further needs to be done. If the patient is still symptomatic, both urinalysis and urine culture are necessary. If the symptomatic patient has a negative urinalysis and bacterial culture, no clear microbial etiologic agent is present, and the physician’s attention should be directed toward analgesia and concerns about trauma, personal hygiene, allergy to clothing dyes, or primary gynecologic conditions. If the patient is pyuric but not bacteriuric, the possibility of C. trachomatis urethritis should be considered, particularly if the woman is sexually active with multiple partners. Optimal therapy for C. trachomatis infection consists of a 7- to 14-day regimen of a tetracycline or sulfonamide for the patient and her sexual partner. Finally, patients with symptomatic bacteriuria due to an organism susceptible to the antibiotic that had been prescribed in a short-course regimen should be regarded as

Urinary Tract Infection, Pyelonephritis, and Reflux Nephropathy

Unfortunately, antimicrobial resistance has increased significantly since the early 1990s, particularly to TMP-SMX, which has been the primary choice for treatment of acute uncomplicated cystitis because of cost and efficacy. Widespread distribution of a uropathogenic clone of E. coli that has acquired resistance to TMP-SMX has been documented in several geographic areas of the United States. When TMPSMX is prescribed for a resistant organism, a failure rate higher than 50% is expected. Isolates from women younger than 50 years are more likely to be resistant than are those from older women. There is wide variation in different geographic areas in terms of the incidence of TMP-SMX resistance, and the prescribing physician is obligated to obtain such information for his or her community of practice. If the incidence is higher than 20%, then it is recommended that a fluoroquinolone be prescribed as the drug of choice. However, it must be emphasized that monitoring of resistance to this class of drugs will be also important, as it is likely that resistance will slowly develop to these drugs as well.157,158,341–353 There are two forms of short-course therapy: single-dose therapy and a 3-day course of therapy. There is now compelling evidence that a 3-day course of therapy is superior to a single dose, with either TMP-SMX or a fluoroquinolone, provided the infecting organism is susceptible. Both forms of short-course therapy are probably equally efficacious in eradicating bladder infection in women. However, single-dose therapy is not as effective in eradicating the uropathogenic clones from the vaginal or intestinal reservoir. As a result, early recurrence, predominantly resulting from reinfection from these reservoirs, is significantly more common with single-dose therapy.354–362 Short-course therapy is specifically designed for the treatment of superficial mucosal infection and to serve as a guide for those with unsuspected deep tissue infection who would benefit from a more extended course of therapy (e.g., women with occult pyelonephritis). Short-course therapy should therefore never be given to individuals who fall into the following categories of patients with a high probability of deep tissue infection: any man with UTI (in whom tissue invasion of at least the prostate should be assumed), anyone with overt pyelonephritis, patients with symptoms of longer than 7 days’ duration, patients with underlying structural or func-


Treat with short-course therapy

Follow-up 4–7 days later

FIGURE 34–12 Clinical approach to the woman with dysuria and frequency. (Modified from Tolkoff-Rubin NE, Wilson ME, Zuromskis P, et al: Single-dose amoxicillin therapy of acute uncomplicated urinary tract infections in women. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 25:626, 1984.)



No further intervention

Urinalysis, urine culture

Both negative

Pyuria, no bacteriuria

Bacteriuria with or without pyuria

Observe, treat with urinary analgesia

Treat for Chlamydia trachomatis

Treat with extended course

1226 having covert renal infection. A more prolonged course of therapy should be administered, initially 14 days, with the potential for a more extended course if needed. Again, either a fluoroquinolone or TMP-SMX (assuming the isolate is sensitive) would be the most effective drug in this circumstance.347,355,358,362

Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection in Young Women Recurrent bacterial UTI is common in women, accounting for more than 5 million visits to physicians in the United States each year. Approximately 20% of young women with a first episode of UTI will have recurrent infection. Various regimens have been designed to prevent repeated reinfections, which account for more than 90% of UTI recurrences. Before the physician embarks on these antimicrobial approaches, however, such simple interventions as voiding immediately after sexual intercourse and switching from a diaphragm and spermicide-based contraceptive strategy to some other approach should be implemented. If these measures are not effective, it is then time to consider which of a variety of preventive strategies is most appropriate for a particular patient. For such preventive regimens to be acceptable, they CH 34 should be effective at low doses, have minimal side effects, and should have minimal impact on bowel flora, the reservoir from which UTIs are derived.358,362 Several prospective studies have now demonstrated the efficacy of either nitrofurantoin, 50 mg, or nitrofurantoin macrocrystals, 100 mg, at bedtime for prophylaxis against recurrent reinfection of the urinary tract. Such a regimen has little if any effect on the fecal flora and presumably acts by providing intermittent urinary antibacterial activity. Although this regimen is effective, a report from Sweden has suggested that long-term nitrofurantoin prophylaxis against UTI is associated with an alarming rate of adverse side effects. These adverse effects include chronic interstitial pneumonitis, acute pulmonary hypersensitivity reactions, liver damage, blood dyscrasias, skin reactions, and neuropathy. In addition, nitrofurantoin should not be used in patients with renal impairment.364 Perhaps the most popular prophylactic regimen currently used in women susceptible to recurrent UTI is low-dose TMP-SMX; as little as half a tablet (trimethoprim, 40 mg; sulfamethoxazole, 200 mg) three times weekly at bedtime is associated with an infection frequency of less than 0.2 per patient-year. The efficacy of this prophylactic regimen appears to remain unimpaired even after several years. This regimen would be cost-effective in most practice settings for women who have more than two UTIs per year. Like TMP-SMX, the fluoroquinolones may be used in a low-dose prophylactic regimen. The efficacy of these prophylactic regimens is further delineated by their potency in preventing UTI in the far more challenging population of kidney transplant recipients. A variation on these efficacious continuous prophylaxis programs is to use a fluoroquinolone or trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole as postcoital prophylaxis.19,362,365–367 An important unanswered question is the duration of prophylactic therapy against recurrent UTI: Our practice has been to continue such therapy for 6 months and then to discontinue it. If infection then recurs, prophylaxis is reinstituted for periods of 1 to 2 years or longer. An alternative approach is for the women to self-treat at the first sign/ symptom of a UTI. Such treatment with a single-dose regimen of TMP-SMX or a fluorquinolone is both effective and well tolerated.41,365–367 A nonantibiotic approach to preventing recurrent infection is to drink cranberry juice. Apparently, proanthocyanidins derived from cranberry juice block bacterial adhesion at the epithelial level, presumably through binding to and blocking access to the mucosal receptor. In our experience, this has

been moderately effective, and we advocate a trial of such an intervention before one of the antimicrobial approaches detailed previously is prescribed.368–372 The approach to the minority of patients with relapsing infection is different. Two factors may contribute to the pathogenesis of relapsing infection in women: (1) deep tissue infection of the kidney that is suppressed but not eradicated by a 14-day course of antibiotics and (2) structural abnormality of the urinary tract (e.g., calculi). At least some of these patients respond to a 6-week course of therapy.373 We have found that the response to short-course therapy in such women is helpful in making the management decision: If the patient responds to short-course therapy, it is likely that she has been having recurrent reinfection and is thus a candidate for long-term prophylaxis (or one of the self-treatment regimens). If the patient does not respond to short-course therapy, it is probable that she has been having relapsing infection and is thus a candidate for an intensive course of prolonged therapy. Thus, one can more exactly delineate those patients in whom the greatest clinical benefit would compensate for the increased costs and side effects of prolonged treatment (Fig. 34–13).

Acute Uncomplicated Cystitis in Older Women Several aspects of UTI in postmenopausal women merit special attention. The frequency of both symptomatic and asymptomatic bacteriuria is considerably higher than in younger age groups, probably as a result of at least two factors: (1) Many postmenopausal women have significant amounts of residual urine in their bladders after voiding as a consequence of childbirth and loss of pelvic tone, and (2) the lack of estrogens causes a marked change in the susceptibility of the uroepithelium and vagina to pathogens. This is at least partly due to such changes in the vaginal microflora as the loss of lactobacilli, which causes a rise in vaginal pH. Whereas symptoms referable to the lower urinary tract in younger women are almost invariably due to uropathogens and C. trachomatis (see earlier), other possibilities exist in older women. In particular, in symptomatic women with pyuria and negative cultures, the possibility of genitourinary tuberculosis, systemic fungal infection, and diverticulitis or a diverticular abscess impinging on the bladder or ureters merits consideration, rather than the chlamydial infection that represents a major cause of such infections in younger women.41,373–378 The antimicrobial strategies discussed previously for the management of acute cystitis in younger women are applicable in postmenopausal women as well. In addition, however, other interventions have an important role in this population. Several studies have now shown that estrogen replacement therapy, either locally by use of a vaginal cream or systemically with oral therapy, restores the atrophic genitourinary tract mucosa of the postmenopausal woman, is associated with a reappearance of lactobacilli in the vaginal flora and a fall in vaginal pH, and decreases vaginal colonization by Enterobacteriaceae.373–377 Thus, estrogen therapy can be translated into significant protection against recurrent UTI in postmenopausal women.374–378 The regular intake of cranberry juice significantly reduced the frequency of both bacteriuria and pyuria in a population of elderly women. Although the possibility of this effect has been postulated for many years, it has in the past been linked to urinary acidification. Because consistent acidification with oral intake of cranberry juice requires the consistent ingestion of prodigious volumes, this approach had fallen out of favor. What is noteworthy in this study is that the therapeutic effect was clearly independent of any changes in urine pH. Rather than an acidification effect, it has been postulated that cranberry and blueberry juices contain materials that are excreted



New acute symptomatic UTI

Treat with short-course therapy

Follow-up 4–7 days later FIGURE 34–13 Clinical approach to the woman with recurrent urinary tract infections. Success of treatment

Failure of treatment

Antibiotic-resistant infection

Antibiotic-susceptible infection

Candidate for long-term low-dose prophylaxis

Treat with short-course regimen to which organism susceptible

6 weeks of high-dose curative therapy


in the urine that inhibit the attachment of bacterial adhesins to the uroepithelium (see later).379–381 Asymptomatic bacteriuria is particularly common in elderly women, especially those not receiving hormonal replacement therapy. It is now clear that treatment of this serves no purpose, and thus, screening for asymptomatic bacteriuria in this population is not indicated.382

Acute Uncomplicated Pyelonephritis in Women Patients with clear-cut symptomatic pyelonephritis have deep tissue infection, have or are at risk for bacteremia, and merit intensive antimicrobial therapy. The key principle in the management of these patients is the immediate delivery to the bloodstream and to the urinary tract of effective concentrations of an antimicrobial agent to which the invading organism is susceptible. A variety of strategies are available to accomplish this; the following general principles are a useful guide2: 1. The three goals in the antimicrobial therapy of symptomatic pyelonephritis are control or prevention of urosepsis (i.e., the consequences of bloodstream invasion), eradication of the invading organism, and prevention of recurrences. 2. To accomplish these aims, it is useful to divide the therapeutic program into two parts: the immediate control of systemic sepsis, which may require parenteral therapy; and the eradication of the infecting organism (and prevention of early recurrence) with an oral agent, after initial control of the systemic sepsis and acute inflammatory consequences of pyelonephritis. 3. Initial antimicrobial programs to obtain control of systemic sepsis are prescribed to fulfill two objectives: The infecting organism has a greater than 99% probability of being sensitive to the regimen chosen, and adequate blood levels of the drugs can be reliably achieved promptly in the particular patient. At present, there is no evidence to suggest that one antibiotic or program is inherently superior


to another for control of systemic sepsis, provided that these two requirements are fulfilled. Similarly, the merits of intravenous therapy have to do with the reliability of drug delivery, rather than something inherently more desirable about intravenous drugs (indeed, as is well recognized, vascular access devices have their own infectious disease complications). In patients with milder disease, who are free of nausea and vomiting, advantage can be taken of the excellent antimicrobial spectrum and bioavailability (with the easy achievement of high blood levels with oral administration provided that the gastrointestinal tract is functioning adequately) of such drugs as TMP-SMX and the fluoroquinolones to prescribe oral therapy for the entire therapeutic course. 4. Once the patient has been afebrile for 24 hours (usually within 72 hours of initiation of therapy), there is no inherent benefit to maintaining parenteral therapy. At this point, prescription of TMP-SMX or a fluoroquinolone to complete a 14-day course of therapy appears to be the most effective means of eradicating both tissue infection and residual clones of uropathogen present in the gastrointestinal tract that could cause early recurrence if left in place. If possible, a Gram stain of the urine should be performed to establish whether enterococcal infection could be present. If gram-positive cocci are present, or if that information is not available, initial therapy should include intravenous ampicillin (or vancomycin) plus gentamicin to provide adequate coverage of both enterococci and the more common gramnegative uropathogens. If only gram-negative bacilli are present, there are a large number of choices ranging from parenteral TMP-SMX and fluoroquinolones to gentamicin; such broad-spectrum cephalosporins as ceftriaxone, aztreonam, the β-lactam–β-lactamase inhibitor combinations (ampicillin-sulbactam, ticarcillin-clavulanate, and piperacillin-tazobactam); and imipenem-cilastatin. In general, these last agents on the list (beginning with aztreonam) are reserved for patients with more complicated histories,

CH 34

Urinary Tract Infection, Pyelonephritis, and Reflux Nephropathy

Patient has recurrent reinfection

1228 previous episodes of pyelonephritis, and recent urinary tract manipulations.

Urinary Tract Infection in Pregnancy As previously discussed, pregnant women are the one population in whom screening for asymptomatic bacteriuria is not only cost-effective but also obligatory to prevent consequences for the developing fetus and the mother. Treatment of pregnant women with asymptomatic bacteriuria or symptoms of lower urinary tract inflammation (dysuria and frequency, akin to acute uncomplicated cystitis in the nonpregnant woman of reproductive age) is similar to that in nonpregnant women: short-course therapy.383–388 Sulfonamides, nitrofurantoin, ampicillin, and cephalexin have been considered relatively safe for use in early pregnancy; sulfonamides are avoided near term because of a possible role in the development of kernicterus. Trimethoprim is usually avoided because of evidence of toxic effects in the fetus at high doses in experimental animals, although it has been used successfully in humans during pregnancy without evidence of toxicity or teratogenicity. Fluoroquinolones are avoided because of possible adverse effects on fetal cartilage development. Our preference is the use of nitrofurantoin, CH 34 ampicillin, or cephalosporins—the drugs that have been used most extensively in pregnancy—in pregnant women with asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic UTI whenever possible. In pregnant women with overt pyelonephritis, admission to the hospital for parenteral therapy should be the standard of care; β-lactam drugs, aminoglycosides, or both are the cornerstones of therapy.2,383–385 Effective prevention of UTI, including pyelonephritis, can be accomplished during pregnancy with postcoital prophylaxis with nitrofurantoin, cephalexin, or ampicillin. Alternatively, these drugs may be given at bedtime without relation to coitus. Patients who should be considered for such prophylaxis during pregnancy include patients with histories of acute pyelonephritis during pregnancy, patients with bacteriuria during pregnancy who have had a recurrence after a treatment course, and patients with a history of recurrent UTI before pregnancy that has required a prophylaxis program outside the added stresses of pregnancy.386–388

Urinary Tract Infection in Men UTI is uncommon in men younger than 50 years, although UTI without associated urologic abnormalities can occur under the following circumstances: in homosexual men, in men having intercourse with women colonized with uropathogens, and in men with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) with a CD4+ lymphocyte count of less than 200/mm3. Men should never be treated with short-course therapy; rather, 10- to 14-day regimens of TMP-SMX or a fluoroquinolone should be regarded as standard therapy unless antimicrobial intolerance or an unusual pathogen requires an alternative approach.389–391 In men older than 50 years with UTI, tissue invasion of the prostate, the kidneys, or both should be assumed, even in the absence of overt signs of infection at these sites. Because of the inflammation usually present, acute bacterial prostatitis initially responds well to the same array of antimicrobial agents used to treat UTIs in other populations. However, after a conventional course of therapy of 10 to 14 days, relapse is common. Recurrent infection in men usually connotes a sustained focus within the prostate that has not been eradicated by previous courses of therapy. Several factors at work here make the eradication of prostatic foci so difficult: • Many antimicrobial agents do not diffuse well across the prostatic epithelium into the prostatic fluid, where the infection lies. • The prostate may harbor calculi, which can serve to block drainage of portions of the prostate gland or act

as foreign bodies around which persistent infection can be hidden. • An enlarged (and inflamed) prostate gland can cause bladder outlet obstruction, resulting in pools of stagnant urine in the bladder that are difficult to sterilize.40,41,392–395 As a result of these factors, it is now recognized that intensive therapy for at least 4 to 6 weeks and as many as 12 weeks is required to sterilize the urinary tract in many of these men. The drugs of choice for this purpose, assuming that the invading organisms are susceptible, are TMP-SMX, trimethoprim (in the individual allergic to sulfonamide), and the fluoroquinolones. Prolonged treatment with each of these has a greater than 60% chance of eradicating infection. Most of the failures are due to one of two factors: The anatomic factors listed previously are too abnormal to permit cure, and the infection that is present is a result of E. faecalis or P. aeruginosa, two organisms with a particularly high rate of relapse after treatment with antimicrobial agents. When relapse occurs, a choice then has to be made among three therapeutic approaches: (1) long-term antimicrobial suppression, (2) repeated treatment courses for each relapse, and (3) surgical removal of the infected prostate gland under coverage of systemic antimicrobial therapy. The choice from among these approaches depends on the age, sexual activity, and general condition of the patient; the degree of bladder outlet obstruction present; and the level of suspicion that prostate cancer could be present.40,392–395 In addition to the usual uropathogens that cause a UTI in men, one additional entity merits attention. After instrumentation of the urinary tract, most commonly after repeated insertion of a Foley catheter, infection with S. aureus may occur; the use of antistaphylococcal therapy and the removal of the foreign body are required for cure.

Treatment of Childhood Urinary Tract Infection The treatment of full-blown pyelonephritis in the child is similar to that in the adult: Broad-spectrum parenteral therapy until the antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of the infecting organism is known, followed by narrow-spectrum, least-toxic therapy parenterally until the patient is afebrile for 24 to 48 hours. A prolonged 1- to 3-month course of oral therapy is then instituted. Follow-up urine cultures within a week of completion of therapy and at frequent intervals for the next year are indicated. In children with acute, uncomplicated UTI, conventional 7- to 14-day regimens appear to be preferable, although many respond to short-course therapy. One potential exception to this observation is adolescent girls, for whom the increased compliance associated with short-course therapy can be a significant advantage. The one major difference in the approach to children as opposed to adults is that fluoroquinolones are not used in children because of possible adverse effects on developing cartilage.396–401 Recurrent UTI in children, particularly in those with renal scarring or demonstrable VUR, is dealt with by long-term prophylaxis with agents such as TMP-SMX or methenamine mandelate (50 mg/kg/day in three divided doses). Sulfonamides are less effective because of the emergence of resistance. TMP-SMX and nitrofurantoin macrocrystals have been particularly effective in this regard.400–403 An auxiliary intervention that can be effective in some children with recurrent UTI is the aggressive treatment of constipation, particularly if this is present in conjunction with urinary incontinence.404 Results of trials comparing medical therapy with surgical correction of VUR in children have failed to show significant benefit from the surgical approach in terms of renal function, progressive scarring, or renal growth, despite the fact that the technical aspects of the surgical repair could be accomplished

satisfactorily. As a result, current views are to aggressively prevent scarring with prolonged antimicrobial therapy and close monitoring as primary therapy. Surgical correction is reserved for the child who, in a 2- to 4-year period, appears to not be responding to medical therapy.405–415

Complicated Urinary Tract Infection

Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection Infections of the urinary tract are by far the most common cause of hospital-acquired infection. Most such nosocomial UTIs are due to the use of bladder catheters. More than 900,000 episodes of catheter-associated bacteriuria occur in acute care hospitals in the United States each year. Approximately 2% to 4% of these patients develop gram-negative sepsis, and such events can contribute to the mortality of patients.41,421,422 The development of a biofilm on the surface of the catheter is important in determining the effectiveness of antibiotic

Guidelines for Bladder Catheter Care to Prevent Infection


1. Use catheter only when absolutely necessary; remove as soon as possible. 2. Insert catheters aseptically and maintain by trained personnel only; the use of “catheter teams” is preferable. 3. A sterile closed drainage system is mandatory. The catheter and drainage tube must never be disconnected except when irrigation is necessary to relieve obstruction. Strict aseptic technique is employed under these circumstances. 4. Urine for culture should be obtained by aspirating the catheter with a 21-gauge needle after the catheter is prepared with povidone-iodine. 5. Maintain downhill, unobstructed flow, with the collection bag always below the level of the bladder and emptied at frequent intervals. 6. Replace indwelling catheters when obstruction or concretions are demonstrated. 7. Separate catheterized patients whenever possible; in particular, a patient with a sterile bladder catheter system should always be kept separate from patients with infected urine, and strict hand-washing procedures should be observed by staff caring for these patients. Modified from Kaye D, Santoro J: Urinary tract infection. In Mandell GL, Douglas RG Jr, Bennett JE (eds): Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases. New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1979. Copyright 1979 John Wiley & Sons. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

treatment of catheter-associated UTI. Bacteria adhering to the surface of the catheter initiate the formation of a complex biologic structure containing the bacteria, bacterial glycocalices, Tamm-Horsfall protein, apatite, struvite, and other constituents. This structure protects bacteria from antimicrobial therapy, which leads to prompt relapse once therapy is stopped. Thus, replacement of the bladder catheter should be part of the treatment of catheter-associated UTI, when treatment is believed to be indicated.41,422–424 Although bacteriuria is inevitable with long-term catheterization, certain guidelines can be employed to delay the onset of such infections and to minimize the rate of acquisition of antibiotic-resistant pathogens (Table 34–5). Critically important in this regard are sterile insertion and care of the catheter, use of a closed drainage system, and prompt removal. Isolation of patients with catheter-associated bacteriuria from other patients with indwelling bladder catheters will also decrease the spread of infection. Whether such additions as silver ion–coated catheters, the use of disinfectants in collecting bags, and other local strategies offer additional benefit is still unclear, although topical meatal care with povidoneiodine may be useful. Systemic antimicrobial therapy can delay the onset of bacteriuria and can be useful in those clinical situations in which the time of catheterization is clearly limited (e.g., in association with gynecologic or vascular surgery and kidney transplantation).41,422,425–428 Treatment of catheter-associated UTI requires good clinical judgment. In any patient symptomatic from the infection (e.g., exhibiting fever, chills, dyspnea, and hypotension), immediate therapy with effective antibiotics is indicated, with use of the same antimicrobial strategies described earlier for other forms of complicated UTI. In an asymptomatic patient, no therapy is indicated. Patients with long-term indwelling catheters rarely become symptomatic unless the catheter is obstructed or is eroding through the bladder mucosa. In those patients who do become symptomatic, antibiotics should be given and close attention should be directed to changing the catheter or changing the type of urinary drainage.

Candidal Infection of the Urinary Tract Clear-cut guidelines for the treatment of candidal infection of the urinary tract are not available, particularly because there

CH 34

Urinary Tract Infection, Pyelonephritis, and Reflux Nephropathy

The term complicated UTI, by its nature, encompasses symptoms in a heterogeneous group of patients with a wide variety of structural and functional abnormalities of the urinary tract and kidney. In addition, the range of organisms causing infection in these patients is particularly broad, with a high percentage of these organisms being resistant to one or more of the antimicrobial agents frequently used in other populations of patients with UTI. Having said this, the following general principles appear to be reasonable in approaching patients with complicated UTI2,3,416: 1. Therapy should be aimed primarily at symptomatic UTI because there is little evidence that treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria in this population of patients either alters the clinical condition of the patient or is likely to be successful. The one exception to this rule is if the asymptomatic patient is scheduled for instrumentation of the urinary tract. In this instance, sterilization of the urine before manipulation and continuation of antimicrobial therapy for 3 to 7 days after manipulation can prevent serious morbidity and even mortality from urosepsis. 2. Because of the broad range of infecting pathogens and their varying sensitivity patterns, culture data are essential in prescribing therapy for symptomatic patients. If therapy should be needed before such information is available, initial therapy must encompass a far broader spectrum than that used in other groups of patients. Thus, in a patient with apparent pyelonephritis or urosepsis in a complicated setting, initial therapy with regimens such as ampicillin plus gentamicin, imipenem-cilastatin, or piperacillintazobactam is indicated. In the patient who is more subacutely ill, a fluoroquinolone appears to be a reasonable first choice. 3. Every effort should be made to correct the underlying complicating factor, whenever possible, in conjunction with the antimicrobial therapy. If this is possible, a prolonged 4- to 6-week “curative” course of therapy in conjunction with the surgical manipulation is appropriate. If such correction is not possible, shorter courses of therapy (7–14 days), aimed at controlling symptoms, appear to be more appropriate. Frequent symptomatic relapses are worth an attempt at long-term suppressive therapy. A particular subgroup of patients susceptible to complicated UTI is those with neurogenic bladders secondary to spinal cord injury. In these, intermittent self-catheterization with clean catheters and methenamine prophylaxis have been shown to decrease the morbidity associated with UTI.253,417–420

TABLE 34–5

1230 are no criteria that are generally accepted to distinguish between colonization and infection.429 Until more information is available, the following approach is the one that we currently advocate: 1. In patients with catheter-associated candidal UTI, removal of the preceding catheter, insertion of a three-way catheter, and infusion of an amphotericin rinse for a period of 3 to 5 days appear to have a greater than 50% success rate in eradicating this infection. Success is increased if such contributing factors as hyperglycemia, corticosteroid use, and antibacterial therapy can be eliminated.430 2. In patients with candiduria without an indwelling catheter, insertion of a catheter for an amphotericin rinse appears to introduce another hazard, the risk of bacteriuria. Our preference is to treat such patients with fluconazole, 200 to 400 mg/day for 10 to 14 days. Oral fluconazole therapy is at least as effective as amphotericin rinses in the management of candiduria.430–432 In a population of organ transplant patients, such an approach has been successful in more than 75% of patients with candiduria.433–435 CH 34 3. Any patient with candiduria who is to undergo instrumentation of the urinary tract requires systemic therapy with amphotericin or fluconazole to prevent the consequences of transient candidemia.

SPECIAL FORMS OF PYELONEPHRITIS Renal Tuberculosis Approximately 10% of the new cases of tuberculosis reported annually are extrapulmonary, with the genitourinary tract being the most common site of extrapulmonary tuberculosis.15,436–438 Unfortunately, many cases of renal tuberculosis remain clinically silent for years while irreversible renal destruction takes place. Thus, unexplained “sterile” pyuria or hematuria should prompt the clinician to undertake an evaluation for renal tuberculosis.15 Genitourinary tuberculosis usually results from “silent” bacillemia accompanying pulmonary tuberculosis. However, active lesions in the kidney may not become manifest clinically for many years, often at a time when little evidence of active pulmonary disease exists. If routine screening of urine specimens for tubercle bacilli is undertaken in a group of patients hospitalized specifically for active pulmonary infection, a number of silent urinary infections is detected.15 In the general population, symptoms referable to the urinary tract rather than the lung are those most likely to cause the patient with renal tuberculosis to visit the physician. In one series describing 41 cases of genitourinary tuberculosis observed from 1962 through 1974,436 concomitant pulmonary findings were present in only 66% of newly diagnosed cases of genitourinary tuberculosis. In the same series, dysuria (34%), hematuria (27%), flank pain (10%), and pyuria (5%) were the most frequent presenting symptoms for active urinary tuberculosis. Constitutional symptoms occurred in only 14% of cases, and no symptoms attributable to tuberculosis could be elicited in 20% of patients. An abnormal urinalysis was found in well over half these cases. A positive skin test result (purified protein derivative) was present in 95% of cases, and urine cultures grew Mycobacterium tuberculosis in 90%. Excretory urograms were abnormal in 93% of patients examined. Thus, genitourinary tuberculosis should not be a difficult diagnosis to make if patients with localizing urinary symptoms plus abnormal urinalyses are screened for tuberculosis after routine urine cultures have been found to be

negative. The pathologic changes—granulomatous inflammation and caseous necrosis—often (but not always) begin in the medulla and papilla, causing papillary necrosis, but soon involve the cortex and occasionally the perirenal tissues. Coalescence of the lesions sometimes leads to large caseous cavities. Radiographic examinations are rarely pathognomonic for renal tuberculosis, but the intravenous urogram and CT scan may be helpful in the differential diagnosis of tuberculosis from other infectious and granulomatous entities. The gross strictures, cavities, and calcifications of advanced renal tuberculosis are distinctive.15 Recommendations for the treatment of genitourinary tuberculosis are as follows15: 1. Uncomplicated urinary tract tuberculosis, likely to be due to drug-sensitive organisms, is well treated with an initial 2 months of daily rifampin, isoniazid, and pyrazinamide followed by 4 months of daily rifampin and isoniazid. Such a regimen is particularly useful in women. In men, in whom concern regarding sequestered foci within the prostate is an issue, we prefer to continue such a program for an additional 3 to 6 months. If pyrazinamide is not tolerated, rifampin and isoniazid therapy for 9 months is recommended for women, with a preference for an additional 3 to 6 months in men. 2. There is little published experience with these relatively short regimens in patients with caseating destruction of the kidneys or in men with overt genital disease. In such instances, we would prefer to prolong the isoniazid and rifampin components so that a minimum of 12 to 18 months of therapy with at least two bactericidal agents is delivered. 3. Anyone with possible drug-resistant tuberculosis should have therapy instituted with isoniazid, rifampin, and pyrazinamide to ensure the use of at least two bactericidal agents, plus one of the following: ethambutol, ofloxacin, or streptomycin. Once drug sensitivity results are available, the regimen can be modified accordingly. If two bactericidal agents can be employed, we prefer a minimum of 12 months of therapy in patients with drug-resistant disease. If only one bactericidal agent plus ethambutol is possible, a minimum of 24 months of therapy is recommended. 4. Preliminary experience with the treatment of tuberculosis in the setting of AIDS suggests that 9 to 12 months of therapy may be adequate, particularly with the initial 2 months of isoniazid, rifampin, and pyrazinamide being part of this regimen. However, the possibility of relapse in this population of immunocompromised patients must be considered. In selected patients with progressive AIDS, longer courses of therapy or reinstitution of therapy should be considered. 5. In patients who cannot tolerate at least two of the three primary bactericidal agents because of side effects, one bactericidal agent plus a second agent such as ethambutol should be used for a period of 24 months. Additional issues that should be addressed include the following: Antimicrobial sensitivity testing should be carried out on all primary isolates (owing to the increase in drugresistant tuberculosis in more recent years); proof of cure must be documented by culture; and follow-up urograms or ultrasound examinations must be performed to rule out the development of obstructive uropathy as a consequence of the healing process. Such a development would obligate surgical correction to salvage renal function.15

Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis

Urinary Tract Infection, Pyelonephritis, and Reflux Nephropathy

Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis is a form of chronic bacterial pyelonephritis characterized by the destruction of renal parenchyma and the presence of granulomas, abscesses, and collections of lipid-filled macrophages (foam cells).439–444 Although the disease remains uncommon, accounting for 6 in 1000 surgically proven cases of chronic pyelonephritis, it has apparently increased in frequency in more recent years.439 It occurs at any age, from 11 months to 89 years, but is most common in adults in the 5th through the 7th decades. Women are affected more often than men (2 : 1), and except in a rare patient with bilateral disease, the lesions affect only one kidney. Most patients present with renal pain, recurrent UTI, fever (of undetermined nature), malaise, anorexia, weight loss, and constipation. Duration of treatment before diagnosis is between 3 months and 9 years. Seventy-three percent of patients have a history of previous calculous disease, obstructive uropathy, or diabetes mellitus, and 38% have undergone urologic procedures. A renal mass is present in 60% of cases and hypertension in about 40%.443,445 In gross appearance, the kidney is usually enlarged, and the capsule and perirenal tissue are often thickened and adherent. The process may be localized to one tumor mass involving one pole of the kidney or may be diffuse and multifocal. On section, the pelvis and calices are dilated and contain either purulent fluid or calculi (often staghorn calculi) or both. The renal parenchyma, particularly surrounding the dilated calices, is replaced by orange-yellow, soft inflammatory tissue, often with surrounding small abscesses. The tumor can be mistaken grossly for renal cell carcinoma, but the presence of calculi, obstruction, abscesses, and purulent material and the localization of yellow tissue adjacent to the pelvis and calices points to an inflammatory disorder (Fig. 34–14). However, there have been reports of coexistent renal cell carcinoma in the same or contralateral kidney, as well as a transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis.446–451 On microscopic examination, the orange-yellow areas are made up of inflammatory tissue consisting of an admixture of large foamy macrophages, smaller macrophages with granular cytoplasm, neutrophils, lymphocytes, plasma cells, and fibroblasts. Neutrophils and necrotic debris are particularly abundant surrounding the pelvic mucosa. An occasional

foreign body giant cell may be present. The cytoplasm of the 1231 foamy macrophages and particularly of the small granular monocytes stains strongly with PAS.443 The radiographic picture is varied. The heterogeneous pattern is due to diverse combinations of localized or diffuse lesions; the radiologic appearance depends on the presence of obstruction, calculi, or other anomalies. On excretory urograms, a stone-bearing, nonfunctioning kidney is present in about 80% of cases. Caliceal deformity and irregularity are also common, particularly in the diffuse type. The localized lesions appear as cystic or cavitary masses that show no “puddling” of contrast medium. On angiograms, most xanthogranulomatous renal masses are hypovascular or avascular. There is spreading of intrarenal arteries without peripheral arborization, but usually there are no pathologic vessels; however, some cases have shown increased vascularity. Furthermore, the avascular solitary mass of xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis cannot be definitively distinguished from necrotic avascular adenocarcinoma by angiography alone. CT is helpful in the diagnosis and particularly in identifying extension of the inflammation to the perirenal fat. MRI may also aid in the diagnosis.449–452 The diagnosis of xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis should be considered in patients with a history of chronic CH 34 infection and certain radiologic features. The radiologic findings include unilateral renal enlargement; a nonfunctioning kidney on intravenous urogram; the presence of renal calculi, ureteral calculi, or both; angiographic demonstration of an avascular mass or masses with stretched attenuated intrarenal vessels, prominent capsular periureteric vessels, and an irregular impaired nephrogram with prominent avascular areas; and suggestive changes by CT or MRI. With these features, some 40% of cases can be diagnosed or suspected preoperatively.452 Bacterial cultures of the urine are almost invariably positive. P. mirabilis and E. coli are the organisms that are most commonly cultured.453 Series reporting a high frequency of E. coli also showed a low frequency of staghorn calculi. Methicillinresistant S. aureus can also cause the condition.454 The pathogenesis of xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis is unclear, although it seems certain that the condition is caused by bacterial infection and accentuated by urinary obstruction. Similar cells with PAS reaction–positive granules have been produced by Proteus, E. coli, and staphylococcal infection in rats. Electron microscopy shows that the foamy macrophages initially contain bacteria and subsequently contain numerous phagolysosomes filled with myelin figures and amorphous material.455 The presence of these phagolysosomes has suggested that there may be a lysosomal defect of macrophages that interferes with the digestion of bacterial products.456 Most kidneys with xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis are removed surgically, largely because a correct preoperative diagnosis is made infrequently, but studies suggest that diagnosis by a combination of clinical and radiologic features is possible in 40% of cases. In the focal disease, unnecessary radical surgery may be prevented in the poor-risk patient. Recurrences in the other kidney have not been reported after surgery.455–458 The disease has also been reported in transplant recipients.


FIGURE 34–14 Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis, localized form. The orange-yellow granulomatous mass surrounds a black calculus (arrow) in a caliceal diverticulum. Note resemblance to renal cell carcinoma.

Malakoplakia is a rare, histologically distinct inflammatory reaction usually caused by enteric bacteria and affecting many organs but most commonly the urinary tract. In most cases, the condition is confined to the urinary bladder mucosa, where it appears as soft, yellow, slightly raised, oftenconfluent plaques 3 to 4 cm in diameter. It is most common

tulated.462,463 The Michaelis-Gutmann bodies are thought to result from the deposition of calcium phosphate and other minerals on these overloaded phagosomes. Another histologic entity that overlaps with both malakoplakia and xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis is so-called megalocytic interstitial nephritis; in this variant, the interstitial infiltrate is polymorphous with predominance of histiocytes containing crystalloid material.463



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FIGURE 34–15

Michaelis-Gutmann bodies of malakoplakia (arrow).

in middle-aged women with chronic UTI. The microscopic picture is typical. Plaques are composed of closely packed, large macrophages with occasional lymphocytes and multinucleate giant cells. The macrophages have abundant, foamy, PAS reaction–positive cytoplasm; in addition, laminated mineralized concretions, known as Michaelis-Gutmann bodies, are typically present within macrophages and in the interstitial tissue. The Michaelis-Gutmann bodies measure 4 to 10 cm in diameter, stain strongly with PAS, and contain calcium (Fig. 34–15). On electron microscopic studies, they show a typical crystalline structure with a central dense core, an intermediate halo, and a peripheral lamellated ring. Intracellular bacteria and giant phagolysosomes can be demonstrated within macrophages.459,460 Identical lesions have been discovered in the prostate, ureteral and pelvic mucosa, bones, lungs, testes, gastrointestinal tract, skin, and kidneys. Renal malakoplakia occurs in the same clinical setting as xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis—chronic infection and obstruction—and indeed, except for the presence of Michaelis-Gutmann bodies, there is considerable overlap in the gross histologic features of both conditions. E. coli is the most common organism cultured from urine. Clinical findings usually include flank pain and signs of active renal infection. Bilateral involvement has been reported, as has a clinical presentation simulating acute renal failure.461 The pathogenesis of malakoplakia is unclear, but about half of the cases are associated with immunodeficiency or autoimmune disorders, including hypogammaglobulinemia, therapeutic immunosuppression, malignant neoplasms, chronic debilitating disorder, rheumatoid arthritis, and AIDS.459 One scenario is that the lesions result from a defect in macrophage function that blocks the lysosomal enzymatic degradation of engulfed bacteria and overloads the cytoplasm with undigested bacterial debris. Microtubule defects impairing the movement of lysosomes to phagocytic vacuoles and decreased lysosomal enzyme release within phagocytes have been pos-

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434. Lundstrom T, Sobel J: Nosocomial candiduria: A review. Clin Infect Dis 32:1602, 2001. 435. Sobel JD, Kauffman CA, McKinsey D, et al: Candiduria: A randomized, double-blind study of treatment with fluconzaole and placebo. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) Mycosis Study Group. Clin Infect Dis 30:19, 2000. 436. Simon HB, Weinstein AJ, Pasternak MS, et al: Genitourinary tuberculosis: Clinical features in a general hospital population. Am J Med 63:410, 1977. 437. Garcia-Rodriguez JA, Garcia Sanchez JE, Munoz Bellido JL, et al: Genitourinary tuberculosis in Spain: Review of 81 cases. Clin Infect Dis 18:557, 1994. 438. Christiansen WJ: Genitourinary tuberculosis: Review of 102 cases. Medicine (Baltimore) 53:377, 1974. 439. Malek RS, Eza S, Elder JS: Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis: A critical analysis of 26 cases and of the literature. J Urol 119:589, 1978. 440. Parson MA, Harris SC, Longstaff AJ, Grainger RG: Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis: A pathological, clinical and etiological analysis of 87 cases. Diagn Histopathol 6:203, 1983. 441 Goodman M, Curry T, Russell T: Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis: A local disease with systemic manifestations. Report of 23 cases and review of the literature. Medicine (Baltimore) 58:171, 1979. 442. Braun G, Moussali L, Balamzar JL: Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis in children. J Urol 133:326, 1985. 443. Clapton WK, Boucat HA, Dewan PA, et al: Clinicopathological features of xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis in infancy. Pathology 25:110, 1993. 444. Hammadeh MY, Nicholls G, Calder CJ, et al: Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis in childhood: Preoperative diagnosis is possible. Br J Urol 73:83, 1994. 445. Nataluk EA, McCullough DL, Scharling EO: Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis, the gatekeepers’ dilemma: A contemporary look at an old problem. Urology 45:377, 1995. 446. Chuang CK, Lai MK, Chang TL, et al: Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis: Experience in 36 cases. J Urol 147:333, 1992. 447. Goldman SM, Hartman DS, Fishman EK, et al: CT of xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis: radiologic-pathologic conditions. AJR Am J Roentgenol 142:963, 1984. 448. Kawashima A, LeRoy AJ: Radiologic evaluation of patients with renal infections. Infect Dis Clin North Am 17:433, 2003. 449. Lopez-Medina A, Ereno MJ, Fernandez-Canton G, Zuazo A: Focal xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis simulating malignancy in children. Abdom Imaging 20:270, 1995. 450. Marteinsson VT, Due J, Aagenaes I: Focal xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis presenting as renal tumour in children: Case report with a review of the literature. Scand J Urol Nephrol 30:235, 1996. 451. Val-Bernal JF, Castro F: Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis associated with transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis. Urol Int 57:240, 1996. 452. Mulapulos GP, Patel SK, Pessis D: MR imaging of xanthogranulomatous PN. J Comput Assist Tomogr 10:154, 1986. 453. Oosterhof G, Delacre K: Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis. Urol Int 41:180, 1986. 454. Treadwall TL, Craven DC, Delfin H, et al: Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Am J Med 76:533, 1984. 455. Khalyl-Mawad J, Greco MA, Schinella RA: Ultrastructural demonstration of intracellular bacteria in xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis. Hum Pathol 13:41, 1982. 456. Brown PS Jr, Dodson M, Weintrub PS: Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis: Report of nonsurgical management of a case and review of the literature. Clin Infect Dis 22:308, 1996. 457. Rodo J, Martin ME, Salarich J: Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis in children: Conservative management. Eur Urol 30:498, 1996. 458. Raziel A, Steinberg R, Kornreich L, et al: Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis mimicking malignant disease: Is preservation of the kidney possible? Pediatr Surg Int 12:535, 1997. 459. Stanton MJ, Maxted W: Malakoplakia: A study of the literature and current concepts of pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment. J Urol 125:139, 1981. 460. McClurg FR, D’Agostino AN, Martin JH, Race GJ: Ultrastructural demonstration of intracellular bacteria in three cases of malakoplakia of the bladder. Am J Clin Pathol 60:780, 1973. 461. Bowers JH, Cathey WJ: Malakoplakia of the kidney with renal failure. Am J Clin Pathol 55:765, 1971. 462. Malfunctioning microtubules. Editorial. Lancet 1:697, 1978. 463. Abdou NI, NaPombejara C, Sagawa A, et al: Malakoplakia: Evidence for monocyte lysosomal abnormality correctable by cholinergic agonist in vitro and in vivo. N Engl J Med 297:1413, 1977.

CHAPTER 35 Prevalence and Incidence, 1239 Classification, 1239 Etiology, 1239 Congenital Causes of Obstruction, 1240 Acquired Causes of Obstruction, 1241 Clinical Aspects, 1244 Diagnosis, 1244 History and Physical Examination, 1244 Biochemical Evaluation, 1244 Radiologic Evaluation, 1244 Pathophysiology of Obstructive Nephropathy, 1249 Effects of Obstruction on Glomerular Filtration, 1249 Effects of Obstruction on Tubule Function, 1252 Effects of Obstruction on Metabolic Pathways and Gene Expression, 1257 Pathophysiology of Recovery of Tubular Epithelial Cells From Obstruction or of Tubulointerstitial Fibrosis, 1257 Fetal Urinary Tract Obstruction, 1258 Treatment of Urinary Tract Obstruction and Recovery of Renal Function, 1258 Estimating Renal Damage and Potential for Recovery, 1259 Recovery of Renal Function after Prolonged Obstruction, 1259 Postobstructive Diuresis, 1259

Urinary Tract Obstruction Jørgen Frøkiaer • Mark L. Zeidel In adults, 1.5 L to 2.0 L of urine flows daily from the renal papillae through the ureter, bladder, and urethra in an uninterrupted, unidirectional flow. Any obstruction of urinary flow at any point along the urinary tract may cause retention of urine and increased retrograde hydrostatic pressure, leading to kidney damage and interference with waste and water excretion, as well as fluid and electrolyte homeostasis. Because the extent of recovery of renal function in obstructive nephropathy related inversely to the extent and duration of obstruction, prompt diagnosis and relief of obstruction are essential for effective management. Fortunately, urinary tract obstruction is a highly manageable form of kidney disease. Several terms describe urinary tract obstruction, and definitions may vary.1,2 In the following discussion we define hydronephrosis as a dilation of the renal pelvis and calices proximal to the point of obstruction. Obstructive uropathy refers to blockage of urine flow due to a functional or structural derangement anywhere from the tip of the urethra back to the renal pelvis that increases pressure proximal to the site of obstruction. Obstructive uropathy may or may not result in renal parenchymal damage. Such functional or pathologic damage is referred to as obstructive nephropathy. It should be noted that hydronephrosis and obstructive uropathy are not interchangeable terms—dilation of the renal pelvis and calices can occur without obstruction, and urinary obstruction may occur in the absence of hydronephrosis.

PREVALENCE AND INCIDENCE The incidence of urinary tract obstruction varies widely among different populations, and depends on concurrent medical conditions, sex, and age. Unfortunately, epidemiological reports have been based on the studies of selected “populations,” such as women with high-risk pregnancies and data from autopsy series. No data are available for any unselected populations. A review of 59,064 autopsies of subjects varying in age from neonate to 80 years, noted hydronephrosis as a finding in 3.1% (3.3% in males and 2.9% in females).3 In subjects under age 10, representing 1.5% of all autopsies, the principal causes of urinary tract obstruction were ureteral or urethral strictures, or neurologic abnormalities. It is unclear how frequently these abnormalities represented incidental findings, as opposed to being recognized clinically. Until the age of 20, there was no substantial sex difference in frequency of abnormalities. Between the ages of 20 and 60, urinary tract obstruction was more frequent among women than among men, mainly due to the effects of uterine cancer and pregnancy. Above the age of 60, prostatic disease raised the frequency of urinary tract obstruction among men above that among women.

In children under age 15, obstruction occurred in 2% of autopsies. Hydronephrosis was found in 2.2% of the boys and 1.5% of the girls; 80% of the hydronephrosis that did occur was found in subjects under 1 year of age.4 A more recent autopsy series of 3172 children identified urinary tract abnormalities in 2.5%. Hydroureter and hydronephrosis were the most common findings, representing 35.9% of all cases.5 In neither study was it clear what proportion of cases was diagnosed clinically before death. Because a high proportion of these autopsy-detected cases of obstruction likely went undetected during life, the overall prevalence of urinary tract obstruction is very likely far greater than reports suggest. This conclusion is reinforced by the fact that there are several common but temporary causes of obstruction, such as pregnancy and renal calculi.

CLASSIFICATION Classification of urinary tract obstruction can be by duration—acute or chronic,6 by whether it is congenital or acquired, and by its location (upper or lower urinary tract, supravesical or subvesical, and so on). Acute obstruction may be associated with sudden onset of symptoms. Upper urinary tract (ureter or ureteropelvic junction) obstruction may present with renal colic. Lower tract (bladder or urethra) obstruction may present with disorders of micturition. By contrast, chronic urinary tract obstruction may develop insidiously, and present with few or only minor symptoms, and with more general manifestations. For example, recurrent urinary tract infections, bladder calculi, and progressive renal insufficiency may all result from chronic obstruction. Congenital causes of obstruction arise from developmental abnormalities, whereas acquired lesions develop after birth, either due to disease processes or as a result of medical interventions.

ETIOLOGY Because congenital and acquired urinary tract obstructions differ to a great degree in cause and clinical course, they will be described separately. 1239


TABLE 35–1

Congenital Causes of Urinary Tract Obstruction

Ureteropelvic junction Ureteropelvic junction obstruction Proximal and middle ureter Ureteral folds Ureteral valves Strictures Benign fibroepithelial polyps Retrocaval ureter Distal ureter Ureterovesical junction obstruction Vesicoureteral reflux Prune-belly syndrome Ureteroceles Bladder Bladder diverticula Neurologic conditions (e.g., spina bifida)

CH 35

Urethra Posterior urethral valves Urethral diverticula Anterior urethral valves Urethral atresia Labial fusion

Congenital Causes of Obstruction Congenital anomalies may obstruct the urinary tract at any level from the ureteropelvic junction to the tip of urethra, and the obstruction may damage one or both kidneys (Table 35–1). Although some lesions occur rarely, as a group they represent an important cause of urinary tract obstruction, because in younger patients they often lead to severe renal impairment and may result in catastrophic end-stage renal disease.7,8 The widespread use of fetal ultrasonography, and its increasing sensitivity, has led to early detection in an increasing number of cases. In cases of severe obstruction early detection may lead to termination of the pregnancy or attempts to ameliorate the obstruction in utero.8–10 However, ultrasound may detect mild obstruction of unknown clinical significance.8,9 Ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction is the most common cause of hydronephrosis in fetuses11 and young children,12,13 with a reported incidence of 5 cases per 100,000 population per year,14 and it may affect adults as well.15,16 In fact, in one series, over 50% of patients with congenital UPJ obstruction were older than 20 years.14 Although most cases of UPJ obstruction appear to represent sporadic events, familial forms exist, indicating a role for genetic inheritance in some cases.17 Sixty percent of cases occur on the left side, and two thirds occur in males. In patients diagnosed at an age of under 1 year, 20% of cases are bilateral.18 There is considerable controversy as to whether all cases of obstruction early in life are clinically significant. The widespread use of fetal ultrasound has resulted in detection of many cases that remain asymptomatic and may resolve spontaneously with simple follow-up of the child.19,20 Although most cases of UPJ obstruction are diagnosed prenatally by ultrasound,18 the most common neonatal clinical presentation is a flank or abdominal mass.21 By contrast, adults generally present with flank pain.15,16 Because intermittent obstruction may produce symptoms that mimic those of gastrointestinal disease, diagnosis may be delayed. At any age, UPJ obstruction may be associated with kidney stones, hematuria, hypertension, or recurrent urinary tract infection.14–16 It is thought that UPJ obstruction may result from an aperistaltic segment of the ureter, which cannot pump urine away

from the renal pelvis and down the ureter.22 Less commonly, the obstruction may be due to an actual ureteral stricture.22 Histopathologic studies reveal multiple abnormalities at the UPJ. Light microscopic findings may reveal no abnormality, decreased muscle bulk, infiltration of inflammatory cells, or malorientation of the muscle fibers.23 Electron microscopy usually demonstrates an abundance of collagen. An association between abnormal angulation at the UPJ and the presence of aberrant renal vessels suggest the possibility that the aberrant vessels lead to the functional defect in the ureter,18,24 but this remains controversial.25 In general, it appears that obstruction does not result from the aberrant vessel but rather from an intrinsic defect of the musculature with the secondary dilated pelvis wrapped around the aberrant vessel. Rarely, fibroepithelial polyps can cause UPJ obstruction.26 Congenital obstruction can also occur distal to the UPJ, in the proximal or middle ureter. Ureteral folds, which are noncircumferential areas of redundant mucosa, may cause temporary obstruction. Folds are usually asymptomatic and disappear as the child matures.27 Ureteral valves, which are transverse folds of redundant ureteral mucosa and smooth muscle, represent uncommon causes of urinary tract obstruction. Valves may be accompanied by other urinary tract abnormalities.28 Benign fibroepithelial polyps and congenital strictures29 of the ureter may also cause obstruction. Abnormal development of the venous system may result in a right ureter that is located behind the vena cava. In this position, the ureter is at risk for obstruction by the vena cava,30 producing the classic “fishhook” or “reversed J” sign deformity on an intravenous urogram. This deformity is right-sided, partial, and asymptomatic in early life. It generally goes undetected until the patient reaches adulthood. These patients usually come to clinical attention in their fourth decade, presenting with chronic urinary tract infection and colicky intermittent abdominal pain. Because the lesion is three times more common in males than females, the appearance of urinary tract infection in a male should suggest the diagnosis. Congenital anomalies of the distal ureter represent another important cause of obstruction. A functional defect that resembles that seen at the UPJ, ureterovesical junction obstruction, is the second most common site of congenital ureteral obstruction.31 Because these patients may develop striking enlargement of the involved ureter, ureterovesical junction obstruction is a prominent cause of congenital megaureter.32 Vesicoureteral reflux results from anatomic abnormalities of the ureterovesical junction and may cause a congenitally enlarged ureter. The reflux may be caused by one or more of several factors, including a dysmorphic ureter, an abnormally positioned ureteral orifice, or bladder outlet obstruction.33 Megaureter may also occur in prune-belly syndrome, which includes absence of the abdominal musculature, ureteral dilation, and bilateral cryptorchidism.34 Congenital cystic dilatations of the terminal ureter, referred to as uterocele, may also obstruct the ureteral orifice.35 If the ureter empties into the bladder at a site other than the lateral angle of the trigone, the ureterocele is referred to as ectopic. If the ureter empties into the bladder at the trigone, it is orthotopic. Ectopic ureteroceles often occur in conjunction with a duplicated collecting system.35 Orthotopic ureteroceles occur less frequently than ectopic ones; some may be large enough to result in obstruction of both ureters during childhood. They carry a worse prognosis in childhood than ureteroceles diagnosed in adults.36 Large orthotopic ureteroceles may occasionally lead to bladder outlet obstruction as well.37 Renal duplication with ureteral ectopia may also lead to obstruction and hydronephrosis.38 Congenital bladder outlet obstruction may be caused by mechanical or functional factors. Mechanical causes include bladder diverticula, posterior urethral valves, urethral diver-

ticula, labial fusion, or duplication of the colon. Congenital bladder diverticula may obstruct one or both ureters or the bladder outlet,39 and may even provoke acute renal failure.39 Posterior urethral valves, seen only in boys in the proximal urethra, are the most common congenital cause of obstruction.40 Although posterior urethral valves are usually diagnosed during childhood,41 they may remain clinically silent into adulthood.42 Diagnosis is best made by voiding cystourethrography. Perineal ultrasonography may also be useful, and can visualize the valve itself.43 In cases of severe obstruction, early surgical intervention may prevent the development of renal failure. Urethral diverticula occur more commonly in girls than in boys and may lead to urethral obstruction.44 Very rarely, labial fusion may cause urinary obstruction in newborn girls.45 Colonic duplication, also very rare, may also lead to ureteral obstruction.46 Congenital functional bladder disorders obstruct the normal flow of urine because the bladder fails to fill and empty normally. Such disorders are usually due to a neurologic abnormality that most often involves the innervation of the bladder.47,48 Myelodysplasia, typically myelomeningocele with or without hydrocephalus, may alter strikingly the innervation of the bladder, resulting in dysfunction, and is associated with a 10% frequency of hydronephrosis at birth.47

Acquired Causes of Obstruction Intrinsic Causes Acquired causes of obstruction may be intrinsic to the urinary tract (i.e., resulting from intraluminal or intramural processes) or may arise from causes extrinsic to it (Table 35–2). Intrinsic causes of obstruction these may be considered according to anatomic location. Intrinsic intraluminal causes of obstruction may be intrarenal or extrarenal. Intrarenal causes arise from formation casts or crystals within the renal tubules. These include CH 35

Acquired Causes of Urinary Tract Obstruction

Intrinsic processes Intraluminal Intrarenal Uric acid nephropathy Sulfonamides Acyclovir Indinavir Multiple myeloma Intraureteral Nephrolithiasis Papillary necrosis Blood clots Fungus balls Intramural Functional Diseases Diabetes mellitus Multiple sclerosis Cerebrovascular disease Spinal cord injury Parkinson disease Drugs Anticholinergic agents Levodopa (α-adrenergic properties) Anatomic Ureteral strictures Schistosomiasis Tuberculosis Drugs (e.g., nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents) Ureteral instrumentation Urethral strictures Benign or malignant tumors of the renal pelvis, ureter, bladder Extrinsic processes Reproductive tract Females Uterus Pregnancy Tumor (fibroids, endometrial or cervical cancer) Endometriosis Uterine prolapse Ureteral ligation (surgical) Ovary Tubo-ovarian abscess Tumor Cyst

Males Benign prostatic hyperplasia Prostate cancer Malignant neoplasms Genitourinary tract Tumors of kidney, ureter, bladder, urethra Other sites Metastatic spread Direct extension Gastrointestinal system Crohn disease Appendicitis Diverticulosis Chronic pancreatitis with pseudocyst formation Acute pancreatitis Vascular system Arterial aneurysms Abdominal aortic aneurysm Iliac artery aneurysm Venous Ovarian vein thrombophlebitis Vasculitides Systemic lupus erythematosus Polyarteritis nodosa Wegener granulomatosis Henoch-Schönlein Purpura Retroperitoneal processes Fibrosis Idiopathic Drug-induced Inflammatory Ascending lymphangitis of the lower extremities Chronic urinary tract infection Tuberculosis Sarcoidosis Iatrogenic (multiple abdominal surgical procedures) Enlarged retroperitoneal nodes Tumor invasion Tumor mass Hemorrhage Urinoma Biologic agents Actinomycosis

Urinary Tract Obstruction

TABLE 35–2

Because hydronephrosis may develop in another 15% of 1241 these patients early in childhood,48 it is important to maintain careful follow-up in this group of patients to prevent later development of renal damage.47 Because operative complications may be high,49 the use of fetal50,51 or neonatal51,52 surgery for the relief of obstruction remains controversial.8,9,53 Although bilateral obstruction requires intervention, patients with unilateral hydronephrosis are often followed without surgery. Indications for surgery in unilateral hydronephrosis include symptoms of obstruction or impaired function in a presumably salvageable hydronephrotic kidney.

54 1242 uric acid nephropathy ; deposition of crystals of drugs that precipitate in the urine, including sulfonamides,55 acyclovir,56 indinavir,57 and ciprofloxacin58; and multiple myeloma.59 Uric acid nephropathy usually results from the large uric acid load released when alkylating agents abruptly kill large numbers of tumor cells in the treatment of patients with malignant hematopoietic neoplasms. The risk of uric acid nephropathy relates directly to plasma uric acid concentrations.54 Uric acid nephropathy may also occur in the setting of disseminated adenomatous carcinoma of the gastrointestinal tract.60 Sulfonamide crystal deposition, once a common occurrence, became rare with the introduction of sulfonamides that are more soluble in acid urine than earlier drugs. However, sulfadiazine has enjoyed a resurgence in use, because it is relatively lipophilic and penetrates the brain well, making it an excellent treatment for toxoplasmosis in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). However, the same lipophilicity makes the drug prone to the formation of intrarenal crystals, which can lead to acute renal injury when the drug is given in large doses.55,61 Ciprofloxacin may also precipitate in the tubular fluid, resulting in crystalluria with stone formation and urinary obstruction.58 In patients with multiple myeloma, casts composed of Bence CH 35 Jones protein obstruct tubules and exert toxic effects on tubular epithelium, often leading to renal failure.59,62 As a result of damage from Bence Jones protein and other abnormalities that frequently occur in patients with multiple myeloma (e.g., hypercalcemia and amyloidosis), renal failure is the second most common cause of death in this patient population.59,62 In rare cases multiple myeloma may also cause proteinaceous precipitates in the renal pelvis, leading to obstructive uropathy.63 Several intrinsic intraluminal, extrarenal, or intraureteral processes may also cause obstruction. Nephrolithiasis represents the most common cause of ureteral obstruction in younger men.64 Twelve percent of the U.S. population form a symptomatic stone at some time in their lives, with a maleto-female predominance of 3 : 1.65 Calcium oxalate stones occur most commonly. Obstruction caused by such stones occurs sporadically, and tends to be acute and unilateral, and usually without a long-term impact on renal function. Of course, when a stone obstructs a solitary kidney, the result can be anuric or oliguric acute renal failure. Less common types of stones, such as struvite (ammonium-magnesiumsulfate) and cysteine stones, more frequently cause significant renal damage because these substances accumulate over time, and often form staghorn calculi. Stones tend to lodge and to obstruct urine flow at narrowings along the ureter, including the ureteropelvic junction, the pelvic brim (where the ureter arches over the iliac vessels), and the ureterovesical junction. Other processes that cause ureteral obstruction include papillary necrosis, blood clots, and cystic inflammation. Papillary necrosis65 may result from sickle cell disease or trait66 amyloidosis, analgesic abuse, acute pyelonephritis, or diabetes mellitus. Renal allografts may develop papillary necrosis as well.67,68 Acute obstruction may even require surgical intervention.69 Blood clots secondary to a benign or malignant lesion of the urinary tract or cystic inflammation of the ureter (ureteritis cystica) can also lead to obstruction and hydronephrosis.70 Intrinsic intramural processes that cause obstruction include failure of micturition or more rarely of ureteral peristalsis. Bladder storage of urine and micturition require complex interplay of spinal reflexes, midbrain and cortical function.71 Neurologic dysfunction72 occurring in diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, cerebrovascular disease, and Parkinson disease, can result from upper motor neuron damage. These can produce a variety of forms of bladder dysfunction. If the bladder fails to empty properly,

it can remain filled most of the time, resulting in chronic increased intravesical pressure, which is transmitted retrograde into the ureters and to the renal pelvis and kidney. In addition, failure of coordination of bladder contraction with the opening of the urethral sphincter may lead to bladder hypertrophy. In this setting, bladder filling requires increased hydrostatic pressures to stretch the hypertrophic detrusor muscle. Again the increased pressure in the bladder is transmitted up the urinary tract to the ureters and renal pelvis. Lower spinal tract injury may result in a flaccid, atonic bladder and failure of micturition, as well as recurrent urinary tract infections. Various drugs may cause intrinsic intramural obstruction by disrupting the normal function of the smooth muscle of the urinary tract. Anticholinergic agents73 may interfere with bladder contraction, while levodopa74 may mediate an α-adrenergic increase in urethral sphincter tone, resulting in increased bladder outlet resistance. Chronic use of tiaprofenic acid (Surgam) can cause severe cystitis with subsequent ureteral obstruction.75 In all circumstances when the bladder does not void normally, renal damage may develop as a consequence of recurrent urinary tract infections and back-pressure produced by the accumulation of residual urine. Acquired anatomic abnormalities of the wall of the urinary tract include ureteral strictures, and benign as well as malignant tumors of the urethra, bladder, ureter, or renal pelvis.76 Ureteral strictures may result from radiation therapy for pelvic or lower abdominal cancers, such as cervical cancer,77 or as a result of analgesic abuse.78 Strictures may also develop as a complication of ureteral instrumentation or surgery. Infectious organisms may also produce intrinsic obstruction of the urinary tract. Schistosoma haematobium afflicts nearly 100 million people worldwide. Though active infection can be treated and obstructive uropathy may resolve, chronic schistosomiasis (bilharziasis) may develop in untreated cases, leading to irreversible ureteral or bladder fibrosis and obstruction.79 Of other infections, 5% of patients with tuberculosis have genitourinary involvement,80 predominantly unilateral tuberculous stricture of the ureter.80 Mycoses such as Candida albicans or Candida tropicalis infection may also result in obstruction due to intraluminal obstruction (fungus ball) or invasion of the ureteral wall.81

Extrinsic Causes Acquired extrinsic urinary tract obstruction occurs in a wide variety of settings. The relatively high frequency of obstructive uropathy from processes in the female reproductive tract such as pregnancy and pelvic neoplasms results in higher rates of urinary tract obstruction in younger women than in younger men.2 The advent of routine abdominal and fetal ultrasonography in pregnant women has revealed that more than two thirds of women entering their third trimester demonstrate some degree of dilation of the collecting system,82 most often resulting from mechanical ureteral obstruction.82 This temporary form of obstruction is usually observed above the point at which the ureter crosses the pelvic brim, and affects the right ureter more often than the left.82 The vast majority of these cases are subclinical and appear to resolve completely soon after delivery.83 Clinically significant obstructive uropathy in pregnancy almost always presents with flank pain.84 In these cases, ultrasonography serves as a useful initial screening test,21 and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used if the ultrasound is not conclusive.84 Of course, the diagnostic evaluation must be tailored to minimize fetal radiation exposure. If the obstruction is significant, a ureteral stent can be placed cystoscopically, and its efficacy can be monitored with repeated follow-up ultrasonography.85 The stent can be left in place for the duration of pregnancy, if

gastrointestinal diseases may cause oxalosis, leading to neph- 1243 rolithiasis.101 Appendicitis may lead to retroperitoneal scarring or abscess formation in children and young adults,102 leading to obstruction of the right ureter. Diverticulitis in older patients103 may rarely cause obstruction of the left ureter. Fecaloma is another rare cause of bilateral ureteral obstruction.104 Chronic pancreatitis with pseudocyst formation sometimes causes left ureteral obstruction,105 and may very rarely cause bilateral obstruction.106 Acute pancreatitis may result in right-sided obstruction.107 Vascular abnormalities or diseases may also lead to obstruction. Abdominal aortic aneurysm is the most common vascular cause of urinary obstruction,108 which may be caused by direct pressure of the aneurysm on the ureter or associated retroperitoneal fibrosis. Aneurysms of the iliac vessels may also cause obstruction of the ureters as they cross over the vessels.108 Rarely, the ovarian venous system may cause right ureteral obstruction.109 In addition, and also rarely, vasculitis caused by systemic lupus erythematosus,110 polyarteritis nodosa,111 Wegener granulomatosis,112 and Henoch-Schönlein purpura113,114 have been reported to cause obstruction. Retroperitoneal processes, such as tumor invasion leading to compression, as well as retroperitoneal fibrosis, can result in obstruction. The major extrinsic causes of retroperitoneal CH 35 obstruction, accounting for 70% of all cases, are due to tumors of the colon, bladder, prostate, ovary, uterus, or cervix.2,115,116 When idiopathic, retroperitoneal fibrosis115,116 usually involves the middle third of the ureter, and affects men and women equally, predominantly those in the fifth and sixth decades of life.116 Retroperitoneal fibrosis may also be drug-induced (e.g., methysergide), or it may occur as a consequence of scarring from multiple abdominal surgical procedures.116 It may also be associated with conditions as varied as gonorrhea, sarcoidosis, chronic urinary tract infections, Henoch-Schönlein purpura, tuberculosis, biliary tract disease, and inflammatory processes of the lower extremities with ascending lymphangitis.116 Malignant neoplasms can obstruct the urinary tract by direct extension or by metastasis (overall frequency of 1% in one autopsy series).117 As noted previously, cervical cancer is the most common obstructing malignant neoplasm, followed by bladder cancer.2,118,119 Rare childhood tumors such as pelvic neurofibromas can induce upper urinary tract obstruction in up to 60% of patients.120 Wilms tumor may obstruct via local compression of the renal pelvis.121 Miscellaneous inflammatory processes can also result in obstruction. These include granulomatous causes such as sarcoidosis122 and chronic granulomatous disease of childhood.123 Amyloid deposits may produce isolated involvement of the ureter. Furthermore, a pelvic mass or inflammatory process associated with actinomycosis may cause external ureteral compression.124,125 Retrovesical echinococcal cyst can also impede urine flow.126 Retroperitoneal malacoplakia can also be a rare cause of urinary obstruction.127 Polyarteritis nodosa associated with Hepatitis B has also been reported to result in bilateral hydronephrosis.128 Hematologic abnormalities induce obstruction of the urinary tract by a variety of mechanisms. In the retroperitoneum, enlarged lymph nodes or a tumor mass may compress the ureter.129 Alternatively, precipitation of cellular breakdown products such as uric acid (see earlier) and paraproteins, as in multiple myeloma, may cause intrinsic obstruction. In patients with clotting abnormalities, blood clots or hematomas may obstruct the urinary tract, as can sloughed papillae in patients with sickle cell disease or analgesic nephropathy (see earlier). Although leukemic infiltrates rarely cause obstruction in adults, in children they cause obstruction in 5% of patients.130 Lymphomatous infiltration of the kidney occurs relatively commonly, but obstruction related to ureteral involvement in lymphoma is rarer.131

Urinary Tract Obstruction

needed. Clinically significant ureteral obstruction is rare in pregnancy and bilateral obstruction leading to acute renal failure is exceptionally rare.64,84 Conditions in pregnancy that may predispose to obstructive uropathy and acute renal injury include multiple fetuses, polyhydramnios, an incarcerated gravid uterus, or a solitary kidney.83 Pelvic malignancies, especially cervical adenocarcinomas, represent the second most common cause of extrinsic obstructive uropathy in women.84 In older women, uterine prolapse and other failures of normal pelvic floor tone may cause obstruction, with hydronephrosis developing in 5% of patients.85 In this setting prolapse may lead to compression of the ureter by uterine blood vessels. In addition, prolapse has been associated with urinary tract infection, sepsis, pyonephrosis, and renal insufficiency. Prolapse of other pelvic organs due to weakening of the pelvic floor may also result in obstruction.85 Benign uterine tumors or cystic ovary have been reported to cause obstruction, especially in patients with particularly bulky masses.86 Pelvic inflammatory disease, particularly a tubo-ovarian abscess, can also cause obstruction.87 Pelvic lipomatosis, a disease with an unclear etiology, seen more often in men, is another rare reason for compressive urinary tract obstruction.88 Although endometriosis only rarely results in ureteral obstruction,89,90 it should be included in the differential diagnosis any time a premenopausal woman presents with unilateral obstruction. The onset of obstruction may be insidious, and the process is usually confined to the pelvic portion of the ureter.89,90 Ureteral involvement may be intrinsic or extrinsic, with extrinsic compression arising principally from adhesions associated with the endometriosis. Because ureteral involvement may come on slowly and may be unilateral, it is important to screen for obstructive uropathy in advanced cases of endometriosis using excretory urography89,90 or computed tomography (CT); these are chosen because ultrasound may not reveal hydronephrosis if adhesions are preventing dilatation of the ureter above the site of obstruction.91 When surgery of any kind is contemplated in patients with endometriosis, it is all the more important to image the ureters, because they cross the anticipated surgical field and may well be near, or attached to, adhesions.89–91 It is important to note that 52% of inadvertent ligations of the ureter in abdominal and retroperitoneal operations occur in gynecologic procedures.92 Above age 60 obstructive uropathy occurs more commonly in men than in women. Benign prostatic hyperplasia, which is by far the most common cause of urinary tract obstruction in men, produces some symptoms of bladder outlet obstruction in 75% of men aged 50 years and older.93,94 It is likely that the proportion of affected older men would be higher if physicians routinely took a detailed history for symptoms.93,94 Presenting symptoms of bladder outlet obstruction include difficulty initiating micturition, weakened urinary stream, dribbling at the end of micturition, incomplete bladder emptying, and nocturia. The diagnosis may be established by history and urodynamic studies, as well as imaging in some cases.93–95 Malignant genitourinary tumors occasionally cause urinary tract obstruction. Bladder cancer is the second most common cause (after cervical cancer) of malignant obstruction of the ureter.2 Prostate cancer may cause obstruction96 by compressing the bladder neck, invading the ureteral orifices, or by metastatic involvement of the ureter or pelvic nodes.96 Although urothelial tumors of the renal pelvis, ureter, and urethra are very rare, they also may lead to urinary obstruction.97 Several gastrointestinal processes may rarely cause obstructive uropathy. Inflammation in Crohn disease may extend into the retroperitoneum, leading to obstruction of the ureters,98,99 usually on the right side.100 In addition, several



Urinary tract obstruction may cause symptoms referable to the urinary tract. However, even patients with severe obstruction may be asymptomatic, especially in settings where the obstruction develops gradually, or in patients with spinal cord injury.132 The clinical presentation often depends on the rate of onset of the obstruction (acute or chronic), the degree of obstruction (partial or complete), whether the obstruction is unilateral or bilateral, and whether the obstruction is intrinsic or extrinsic. Pain in obstructive uropathy is usually associated with obstruction of sudden onset, as from a kidney stone, blood clot, or sloughed papilla, and appears to result from abrupt stretching of the renal capsule or the wall of the collecting system, where C-type sensory fibers are located. The severity of the pain appears to correlate with the rate, rather than the degree, of distention. The pain may present as typical renal colic (sharp pain that may radiate toward the urethral orifice), or, in patients with reflux, the pain may radiate to the flank only during micturition. With ureteropelvic junction obstruction, flank pain may develop or worsen when the patient ingests large quantities of fluids or receives diuretics.133 Early satiety and weight loss may be another symptom.134 Ileus CH 35 or other gastrointestinal symptoms may be associated with the pain, especially in cases of renal colic, so that it can be difficult to differentiate obstruction for gastrointestinal disease. Sometimes, patients notice changes in urine output as obstruction sets in. Urinary tract obstruction is one of the few conditions that can result in anuria, usually because of bladder outlet obstruction, or obstruction of a solitary kidney at any level. Obstruction may also occur with no change in urine output. Alternatively, episodes of polyuria may alternate with periods of oliguria. Recurrent urinary tract infections may be the only sign of obstruction, particularly in children. As mentioned earlier, prostatic disease with significant bladder outlet obstruction often presents with difficulty initiating urination, decreased size or force of the urine stream, postvoiding dribbling, and incomplete emptying.135 Spastic bladder or irritative symptoms such as frequency, urgency, and dysuria may result from urinary tract infection. The appearance of obstructive symptoms synchronous with the menstrual cycle may also be a sign of endometriosis.136 On physical examination, several signs may suggest urinary obstruction. A palpable abdominal mass, especially in neonates, may represent hydronephrosis, or, in all age groups, a palpable suprapubic mass may represent a distended bladder. On laboratory examination, proteinuria, if present, is generally less than 2 g/day. Microscopic hematuria is a common finding, but gross hematuria may develop occasionally as well.137 The urine sediment is often unremarkable. Less common manifestations of urinary tract obstruction include deterioration of renal function without apparent cause, hypertension,138 polycythemia, and abnormal urine acidification and concentration.

DIAGNOSIS Careful history and physical examination represent the cornerstone of diagnosis, often leading to detection of urinary tract obstruction, and suggesting the reason for it. History and physical focus the evaluation, so that the minimal amount of time and expense are incurred in determining the cause of the obstruction.

History and Physical Examination Important information in the history includes the type and duration of symptoms (voiding difficulties, flank pain, decreased urine output), presence or absence of urinary tract infections and their number and frequency (especially in

children), pattern of fluid intake and urine output, as well as any symptoms of chronic renal failure (such as fatigue, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, pruritus). In addition, relevant past medical history should be reviewed in detail, looking for predisposing causes, including stone disease, malignancies, gynecologic diseases, history of recent surgery, AIDS, and drug use. The physical examination should focus first on vital signs, which may provide evidence of infection (fever, tachycardia), or of frank volume overload (hypertension). Evaluation of the patient’s volume status will guide fluid therapy. The abdominal examination may reveal a flank mass that may represent hydronephrosis (especially in children), or a suprapubic mass, which may represent a distended bladder. Features of chronic renal failure, such as pallor (anemia), drowsiness (uremia), neuromuscular irritability (metabolic abnormalities), or pericardial friction rub (uremic pericarditis), may also be noted. A thorough pelvic examination in women and a rectal examination for all patients are mandatory. A careful history and a well directed and complete physical examination often reveal the specific cause of urinary obstruction. Coexistence of obstruction and infection is a urologic emergency and appropriate studies (ultrasound, intravenous pyelography, CT) must be performed immediately, so that the obstruction can be relieved promptly.

Biochemical Evaluation The laboratory evaluation includes urinalysis and examination of the sediment on a fresh specimen by an experienced observer. Unexplained renal failure with benign urinary sediment should suggest urinary tract obstruction. Microscopic hematuria without proteinuria may suggest calculus or tumor. Pyuria and bacteriuria may indicate pyelonephritis; bacteriuria alone may suggest stasis. Crystals in a freshly voided specimen should lead to consideration of nephrolithiasis or intrarenal crystal deposition. Hematologic evaluation includes the hemoglobin/hematocrit and mean corpuscular volume (to identify anemia of chronic renal disease), and white blood cell count (to identify possible hematopoietic system neoplasm or infection). Serum electrolytes (Na, Cl K, and HCO3), blood urea nitrogen concentration, creatinine, Ca2+, phosphorus, Mg2+, uric acid, and albumin levels should be measured. These will help identify disorders of distal nephron function (impaired acid excretion or osmoregulation) and uremia. Urinary chemistries may also suggest distal tubular dysfunction (high urine pH, isosthenuric urine) and inability to reabsorb sodium normally (urinary Na > 20 mEq/L, fractional excretion of Na [FENa] >1%, and osmolality 300 mg/24 hr or 200 µg/min) is the hallmark of diabetic nephropathy, which can be diagnosed clinically if the following additional criteria are Treatment, 1279 fulfilled: presence of diabetic retinopathy End-Stage Renal Disease in and the absence of clinical or laboratory eviDiabetic Patients, 1284 dence of other kidney or renal tract disease. This clinical definition of diabetic nephropaBladder Dysfunction, 1289 thy is valid in both type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.1 During the last decade, several longitudinal studies have shown that raised urinary albumin excretion (based on a single measurement) below the level of clinical albuminuria (albustix), so-called microalbuminuria, strongly predicts the development of diabetic nephropathy in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.2–4 Microalbuminuria is defined as urinary albumin excretion greater than 30 mg/24 hr (20 µg/min), and less than or equal to 300 mg/24 hr (200 µg/min), irrespective of how the urine is collected. Nephropathy is a major cause of illness and death in diabetes. Indeed, the excess mortality of diabetes occurs mainly in proteinuric diabetic patients and results not only from end-stage renal disease (ESRD) but also from cardiovascular disease (CVD), the latter particularly in type 2 diabetic patients.5–7 Diabetic nephropathy is the single most common cause of ESRD in Europe, Japan, and United States, with diabetic patients accounting for 25% to 45% of all patients enrolled in ESRD programs. Extrarenal Complications in Diabetic Nephropathy, 1279

PATHOLOGY OF THE KIDNEY IN DIABETES This section outlines renal pathology in type 1 diabetes, followed by a comparison of the similarities and differences in renal pathology in type 2 diabetes. Taken together, diabetic nephropathology in type 1 diabetic patients is unique to this disease (Table 36–1).8–10 Thickening of the glomerular basement membrane (GBM) is the first change that can be quantitated (Fig. 36–1A and C).11 Thickening of tubular basement membranes (TBMs) parallels this GBM thickening (Fig. 36–2).12,13 Afferent and efferent glomerular arteriolar hyalinosis can also be detected within 3 to 5 years after onset of diabetes or following transplantation of a normal kidney into the diabetic patient.14 This can eventuate in the total replacement of the smooth muscle cells of these small vessels by waxy, homogeneous, translucent-appearing periodic acid–Shiff (PAS)–positive material (Fig. 36–3A and B) consisting of immunoglobulins, complement, fibrinogen, albumin, and other plasma proteins.15,16 Arteriolar hyalinosis, glomerular capillary subendothelial hyaline (hyaline caps), and capsular drops along the parietal surface of the Bowman capsule (see Fig. 36–3C) make up the so-called exudative lesions of diabetic nephropathy. Progressive increases in the fraction of glomerular afferent and efferent arterioles occupied by extracellular matrix (ECM) and medial thickness has also been reported in young T1DM patients.17 Increases in the fraction of the volume of the glomerulus occupied by the mesangium [Vv(Mes/glom)] can be documented only after 4 to 5 years of type 1 diabetes11 and, in many cases, may take 15 or more years to manifest.18 This may be because the relationship of mesangial expansion to diabetes duration is nonlinear, with slow development earlier and more rapid development later in the disease.18 This mesangial expansion is primarily due to absolute and relative increases in mesangial matrix, with lesser contribution from fractional increases in mesangial cell volume (see Figs. 36–1C and

36–4).19 The first change in the volume fraction of cortex that is interstitium [Vv(Int/ cortex)] is a decrease in this parameter,20 perhaps due to the expansion of the tubular compartment of the cortex. In contrast to the mesangium, initial interstitial expansion is primarily due to an increase in the cellular component of this renal compartment.21 Increase in interstitial ECM fibrillar collagen is a relatively late finding in this disease, which is measurable only in patients with an already established decline in glomerular filtration rate (GFR).21 Abnormalities of the glomerular-tubular junction with focal adhesions, obstruction of the proximal tubular take-off from the glomerulus detachment of the tubule from the glomerulus (atubular glomerulus) (Fig. 36–5A to D) are also late disease manifestations largely restricted to patients with overt proteinuria (Fig. 36–6).22 These various lesions of diabetic glomerulopathy can progress at varying rates within and between type 1 diabetic patients,23,24 and as discussed below, this is even more the case in type 2 diabetes. For example, GBM width and Vv(Mes/glom) are not highly correlated with one another; some patients have relatively marked GBM thickening without much mesangial expansion and others the converse (Fig. 36–7).8,23 Marked renal extracellular basement membrane accumulation resulting in extreme mesangial expansion and GBM thickening are present in the vast majority of type 1 diabetic patients who develop overt diabetic nephropathy manifesting as proteinuria, hypertension, and declining GFR8,23,24 (and see later). Ultimately, focal and global glomerulosclerosis, tubular atrophy, interstitial expansion and fibrosis, and glomerulotubular junction abnormalities (GTJA) facilitate this downward spiral.22 The diffuse and generalized process of mesangial expansion has been termed diffuse diabetic glomerulosclerosis (Fig. 36–8A to C). Nodular glomerulosclerosis (Kimmelstiel-Wilson nodular lesions) represents areas of marked mesangial expansion appearing as large round fibrillar mesangial zones, with palisading of mesangial nuclei around the periphery of the nodule often with extreme compression of the adjacent glomerular capillaries 1265

TABLE 36–1


Pathology of Diabetic Nephropathy in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes and Proteinuria

Always Present

Often or Usually Present

Sometimes Present

Glomerular basement membrane thickening*

Kimmelstiel-Wilson nodules (nodular glomerulosclerosis)*; global glomerular sclerosis; focal-segmental glomerulosclerosis, atubular glomeruli

Hyaline “exudative” lesions (subendothelial)†

Tubular basement membrane thickening*

Foci of tubular atrophy

Capsular drops†

Mesangial expansion with predominance of increased mesangial matrix (diffuse glomerulosclerosis)*


Interstitial expansion with predominance of increased extracellular matrix material

Glomerular microaneurisms

Increased glomerular basement membrane, tubular basement membrane, and Bowman capsule staining for albumin and IgG*

CH 36

Afferent and efferent arteriolar hyalinosis*

*In combination, diagnostic of diabetic nephropathy. † Highly characteristic of diabetic nephropathy.




FIGURE 36–1 Electron microscopic photomicrographs of (A) normal glomerular basement membrane (GBM) on the left compared with thickened GBM from a proteinuric type 1 diabetic patient on the right, (B) normal glomerular capillary loops and mesangial zone, and (C) thickened glomerular basement membrane (GBM), mesangial expansion (predominantly with mesangial matrix), and capillary lumenal narrowing in a proteinuric type 1 diabetic patient.


TBM width (µm)


FIGURE 36–2 Relationship of proximal tubular basement membrane (TBM) width and glomerular basement membrane (GBM) width in 35 type 1 diabetic patients, 25 of whom were normoalbuminuric. The hypertensive patients are represented by the open circles. r = 0.64, P < 0.001. (From Brito PL, Fioretto P, Drummond K, et al: Proximal tubular basement membrane width in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Kidney Int 53:754–761, 1998.)



0 0



GBM width (µm)






FIGURE 36–3 Light microscopic photomicrographs of (A) afferent and efferent arteriolar hyalinosis in a glomerulus from a type 1 diabetic patient. The glomerulus shows diffuse and nodular mesangial expansion (periodic acid—Schiff [PAS] stain), (B) a glomerular arteriole showing almost complete replacement of the smooth muscle wall by hyaline material and lumeral narrowing (PAS stain), and (C) a glomerulus with minimal mesangial expansion and a capsular drop at 3 o’clock (PAS stain).


CH 36

Diabetic Nephropathy

FIGURE 36–4 Mesangial matrix expressed as a fraction of the total mesangial (matrix/mesg) plotted against mesangial fractional volume (mesangium Vv) in long-standing type 1 diabetic patients. The normal value for matrix/mesg is approximately 0.5. Note that most diabetic patients have elevated values for matrix/mesg whether or not there is an increase in mesangium Vv (i.e., values above 0.24). (From Steffes MW, Bilous RW, Sutherland DER, Mauer SM: Cell and matrix components of the glomerular mesangium in type 1 diabetes. Diabetes 41:679–684, 1992.)






0.0 0.0






Mesangium Vv





FIGURE 36–5 Glomerulotubular junction (GTJ) abnormalities (GTJAs). A, Glomerulus attached to a short atrophic tubule (SAT). The arrow points to the atrophic segment. B, Glomerulus attached to a long atrophic tubule (LAT). The arrow points to the atrophic segment and tuft adhesion. C, Glomerulus attached to an atrophic tubule with no observable opening (ATNO) and a tip lesion (arrow). D, Atubular glomerulus (AG). *Tubular remnants that possibly belonged to the AG. (From Najafian B, Crosson JT, Kim Y, Mauer M: Glomerulotubular junction abnormalities are associated with proteinuria in type 1 diabetes. J Am Soc Nephrol 17:S53–S60, 2006.)

1268 (Fig. 36–9C). This is typically a focal and segmental change likely resulting from glomerular capillary wall detachment from a mesangial anchoring point with consequent microaneurysm formation (Fig. 36–9A)25 and subsequent filling of the ballooned capillary space with mesangial matrix material (Fig. 36–9B). Approximately 50% of proteinuric type 1 diabetic patients have at least a few glomeruli with nodular lesions. Typically, this occurs in patients with moderate to severe diffuse diabetic glomerulosclerosis, but there are some patients with occasional nodular lesions and little diffuse mesangial expansion, suggesting that these two forms of diabetic mesangial change may, at least in part, have a different pathogenesis. As mentioned earlier, most (about two thirds) of the mesangial expansion in diabetes is due to increased mesangial matrix and one third is due to mesangial cell expansion.

G# 50 42 35 28



0.70 14 7 0





0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.0



FIGURE 36–6 Frequency of glomerulotubular junction abnormalities (GTJAs) in normoalbuminuric (NA), microalbuminuric (MA), and proteinuric (P) patients and control subjects (C). NT normal tubules; G#, number of glomeruli. (From Najafian B, Crosson JT, Kim Y, Mauer M: Glomerulotubular junction abnormalities are associated with proteinuria in type 1 diabetes. J Am Soc Nephrol 17:S53–S60, 2006.)



CH 36

Thus, the mesangial matrix fraction of mesangium, as opposed to the mesangial cellular fraction, is increased in diabetic patients, often even in those in whom Vv(Mes/glom) is still within the normal range (see Fig. 36–4).19 The relative contribution of increased cell number versus cell size to the cellular component of mesangial expansion is currently unknown. Clinical diabetic nephropathy is primarily the consequence of ECM accumulation, which must result from an imbalance in renal ECM dynamics whereby, over many years, the rate of ECM production exceeds the rate of removal. The accumulation of mesangial, GBM, and TBM ECM materials represents the accumulation of the intrinsic ECM components of these structures, including types IV and VI collagen, laminin, and fibronectin,26 and perhaps, additional ECM components not yet identified. However, not all renal ECM components change in parallel. Thus, alpha 3 and alpha 4 chains of type IV collagen increase in density in the GBM of patients with diabetic renal lesions, whereas alpha 1 and alpha 2 type IV collagen chains and type IV collagen decrease in density in the mesangium and in the subendothelial space.27–29 However, the absolute amount of these ECM components per glomerulus is increased due to the marked absolute increase in mesangial matrix material. The glomerular expression of “scar” collagen is very late in the evolution of diabetic glomerulopathy, occurring primarily in association with global glomerular sclerosis.26,27 In the final analysis, the understanding of the








GBM width (nm) FIGURE 36–7 Relationship between glomerular basement membrane (GBM) width and mesangial fractional volume [Vv(Mes/glom)] in long-standing 125 Type 1 diabetic patients, 88 of whom were normoalbuminuric, 17 microalbuminuric, and 18 proteinuric. r = 0.58, p < 0.001.


FIGURE 36–8 Light microscopic photomicrographs (periodic acid–Schiff [PAS] stain) of (A) a normal glomerulus, (B) a glomerulus from a normoalbuminuric type 1 diabetic patient with glomerular basement membrane (GBM) thickening and moderate mesangial expansion, and (C) a glomerulus from a type 1 diabetic patient with overt diabetic nephropathy and severe diffuse mesangial expansion.




CH 36


FIGURE 36–9 Light microscopic photomicrographs (periodic acid–Schiff [PAS] stain) of glomeruli from type 1 diabetic patients with (A) a capillary microaneurism (mesangiolysis) at 11 o’clock, (B) nodule formation within a capillary microaneurism, (C) nodular glomerulosclerosis (Kimmelstiel-Wilson nodules), and (D) end-stage diabetic glomerular changes with nearly complete capillary closure.

nature of the ECM components that are accumulating in the mesangium, GBM, and TBM in diabetes is far from complete.28,29 As the disease progresses toward renal insufficiency, more glomeruli become totally sclerosed or have capillary closure in incompletely scarred glomeruli owing to massive mesangial expansion (see Fig. 36–7D). However, an increased fraction of glomeruli may become globally sclerosed in diabetic patients without other glomeruli showing marked mesangial changes.30 Hørlyck and colleagues31 found that the distribution pattern of scarred glomeruli in type 1 diabetic patients was more often than by chance in the plane vertical to the capsule of the kidney. This suggested that glomerular scarring results, at least in part, from obstruction of medium-sized renal arteries.31 In fact, patients with increased numbers of globally sclerosed glomeruli have more severe arteriolar hyalinosis lesions.30 In general, global glomerular sclerosis and mesangial expansion are correlated in type 1 diabetic patients,30,32 but this may be less often the case in type 2 diabetes (see later). Podocyte number or numerical density (number/volume), or both, are reportedly reduced in both types 1 and 2 diabetic patients,33–36 and these changes may be associated with albuminuria and disease progression. Podocyte detachment from GBM may be an early phenomenon in type 1 diabetes, appears to worsen with increasing albuminuria, (Toyoda M, Najafian B, Mauer M, unpublished observations), and could be responsible for podocyte loss. However, the podocyte number mea-

surement techniques are still problematic and unstandardized and more work is needed. When patients with at least 10 years of diabetes duration with no other selection criteria are studied by research renal biopsies, there are significant but only imprecise relationships between renal pathology and diabetic duration.23 This is consistent with the marked variability in both glycemia and in susceptibility to diabetic nephropathy, with some patients in renal failure after 15 years of diabetes and others without complications despite having type 1 diabetes for many decades.

Immunohistochemistry Renal extracellular membranes, including GBM, TBM, and the Bowman capsule, demonstrate increased intensity of immunofluorescent linear staining for plasma proteins, especially albumin and immunoglobulin G (IgG).16 Because these changes are seen in all diabetic patients and appear unrelated to disease risk, their only clinical importance is that they not be confused with other entities, such as anti-GBM antibody disorders. Immunohistochemical studies have also revealed decreased nephrin expression in association with decreased nephrin mRNA expression in podocytes of albuminuric diabetic patients,37,38 opening up interesting research avenues for study of these associations39 and diabetic nephropathy pathogenesis.

Diabetic Nephropathy



Structural-Functional Relationships in Diabetic Nephropathy Mesangial expansion is the major lesion of diabetic nephropathy leading to renal dysfunction in type 1 diabetes patients.23 Mesangial expansion out of proportion to increases in glomerular volume [i.e., increased Vv(Mes/glom)] is strongly correlated with decreased peripheral GBM filtration surface density [Sv(PGBM/glom)] (Fig. 36–10)23 and filtration surface per glomerulus (S/G) is strongly correlated with GFR in type 1 diabetes.40 Vv(Mes/glom) is also closely related with

Peripheral Capillary Surface Area and Percent Total Mesangium 0.16 0.15

0.13 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0









% Total mesangium FIGURE 36–10 Relationship of mesangial fractional volume (% total mesangium) and filtration surface density (Sv[Peripheral Capillary/Surface]) in type 1 diabetic patients.

0.80 4.0






Log AER (µg/min)

CH 36

Sv peripheral capillary surface


urinary albumin excretion rate (AER)23,24 (Fig. 36–11A and B) and is a strong concomitant of hypertension.23,32 Thus, all of the clinical manifestations of diabetic nephropathy are associated with mesangial expansion and the consequent restriction of the filtration surface. Although GBM width is also directly correlated with blood pressure (BP) and AER (Fig. 36–12A and B) and inversely correlated with GFR, the relationships are somewhat weaker than those seen with Vv(Mes/glom).23,24 However, Vv(Mes/glom) and GBM width, together, explain nearly 60% of AER variability in type 1 diabetic patients with AER ranging from normoalbuminuria to proteinuria.24 As noted earlier, decreased glomerular podocyte number and detachment has been related to glomerular permeability alterations in diabetes. In addition, changes in podocyte shape, including increases in foot process width and decreases in filtration slit-length density, correlate with AER increases in type 1 diabetic patients.34,41,42 Also, heparin sulfate proteoglycans, presumably an epithelial cell product important in glomerular charge-based permselectivity, is decreased in density in the lamina rara externa in proportion to the increase in AER in type 1 diabetic patients.43 Whether the addition of podocyte cell structural variables would reduce the residual unexplained variability in AER or GFR in diabetic nephropathy (see later) has not yet been tested. If true, this would support the idea that podocyte alterations contribute to proteinuria and renal insufficiency. Moreover, confirmation that reduced podocyte number predicts diabetic nephropathy development or progression44 would add further credence to the importance of this cell in this disease. The total peripheral capillary filtration surface is directly correlated with GFR across the spectrum from hyperfiltration to renal insufficiency.40,45,46 Nonetheless, as already noted, diabetic glomerulopathy structural parameters, examined in linear regression models, explain only a minority of GFR variability in type 1 diabetic patients.24 Percent global sclerosis30 and interstitial expansion10 are also linearly correlated with the clinical manifestations of diabetic nephropathy and are, to some extent, independent predictors of renal dysfunction and hypertension in type 1 diabetes. In fact, some have argued that renal dysfunction in diabetes is primarily consequent to interstitial rather than glomerular lesions.47–49

2.5 2.0 1.5

0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20



0.5 0.0 0


P⬍0.001 P⫽0.014 P⬍0.001


0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 Vv(Mes/glom)





FIGURE 36–11 A, Correlation between mesangial fractional volume (Vv[Mes/glom]) and albumin excretion rate (AER) in 124 patients with type 1 diabetes. 䉬 = normoalbuminuric patients; 䊐 = microalbuminuric patients; 䉭 = proteinuric patients. r = 0.75; P < 0.001. B, Vv(Mes/glom) in 88 normoalbuminuric (NA), 17 microalbuminuric (MA), and 19 proteinuric (P) patients with type 1 diabetes. The hatched area represents the mean ± 2 SD in a group of 76 age-matched normal control subjects. All groups are different from control subjects. (From Caramori ML, Kim Y, Huang C, et al: Cellular basis of diabetic nephropathy: 1. Study design and renal structural functional relationships in patients with long-standing type 1 diabetes. Diabetes 51:506–513, 2002.)



P⬍0.001 P⬍0.001 P⫽0.012



800 GBM width (nm)

Log AER (µg/min)

1000 4.0

3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5

600 500 400 300






0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100



GBM width (nm)





FIGURE 36–12 A, Correlation between glomerular basement membrane (GBM) width and albumin excretion rate (AER) in 124 patients with Type 1 diabetes. 䉬 = normoalbuminuric patients; 䊐 = microalbuminuric patients; 䉭 = proteinuric patients. r = 0.62, p < 0.001. B, GBM width in 88 normoalbuminuric (NA), 17 microalbuminuric (MA), and 19 proteinuric (P) patients with type 1 diabetes. The hatched area represents the mean ± 2 SD in a group of 76 age-matched normal control subjects. All groups are different from control subjects. (From Caramori ML, Kim Y, Huang C, et al: Cellular basis of diabetic nephropathy: 1. Study design and renal structural functional relationships in patients with long-standing type 1 diabetes. Diabetes 51:506–513, 2002.)

variable (from virtually none to moderate severity) in patients without functional abnormalities.

Microalbuminuria and Renal Structure As discussed elsewhere in this chapter, persistent microalbuminuria is a predictor of the development of clinical nephropathy, whereas the absence of microalbuminuria in long-standing type 1 diabetic patients indicates a lower nephropathy risk. Proteinuria in type 1 diabetes of 10 or more years’ duration is typically associated with advanced diabetic glomerular pathology.23,24 Therefore, one might reason that microalbuminuria is associated with underlying renal structural changes that are predictive of the ultimate progression of this pathology. However, the relationship of renal structural changes to these low levels of albuminuria (i.e., normal or microalbuminuria) is complex and incompletely understood. Normoalbuminuric patients with a mean of 20 years’ type 1 diabetes, as a group, have increased GBM width and Vv(Mes/glom).24,51 The structural parameters within this group vary from within the normal range to advanced abnormalities that overlap with patients with microalbuminuria and proteinuria (see Figs. 36–11B and 36–12B).24,51 Patients with microalbuminuria AER (20–200 µg/min) have, on average, even greater GBM and mesangial expansion, with almost no values in the normal range, but these values overlap with those of normoalbuminuric and proteinuric patients (see Figs. 36–11B and 36–12B).24,51 The incidence of hypertension and reduced GFR is greater in patients with microalbuminuria.24,51 Thus, microalbuminuria is a marker of more advanced lesions as well as other functional disturbances.24,51 Studies suggest that greater GBM width in baseline biopsies of normoalbuminuric patients is predictive of later clinical progression to microalbuminuria.51 Furthermore, microalbuminuric patients with greater GBM width are more likely to progress to proteinuria.52 Some normoalbuminuric long-standing type 1 diabetic patients, particularly women with retinopathy or hypertension, have reduced GFR, and this is associated with worse diabetic glomerulopathy lesions.53–55 Thus, increased AER is not always the initial clinical indicator of diabetic nephropathy, and GFR measurements may be indicated in normoalbuminuric female patients with the above characteristics.

Diabetic Nephropathy

However, the conclusion that the interstitium is more closely related to renal dysfunction in diabetes than glomerular changes has derived from studies in which most, if not all, patients already have elevated serum creatinine values and in which the interstitium is carefully measured but the glomerular structure is only subjectively estimated.47–49 In fact, during most of the natural history of diabetic nephropathy, glomerular parameters are more important determinants of renal dysfunction, whereas interstitial changes may become a stronger determinant of the rate of progression from established renal insufficiency to terminal uremia.50 Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, in the first decade of diabetes, Vv(Int/ cortex) is decreased20 whereas Vv(Mes/glom) and GBM width are already increased. Moreover, early interstitial expansion in type 1 diabetes is mainly due to expansion of the cellular component of this compartment and increased interstitial fibrillar collagen is seen in patients whose GFR is already reduced.21 These and other findings suggest that the interstitial and glomerular changes of diabetes have somewhat different pathogenetic mechanisms and that advancing interstitial fibrosis generally follows the glomerular processes in type 1 diabetes. Through much of the natural history of diabetic nephropathy, lesions develop in complete clinical silence. When microalbuminuria and proteinuria initially manifest, lesions are often far advanced and loss of GFR may then progress relatively rapidly toward ESRD. This typical clinical story is best mirrored by nonlinear analyses of structural-functional relationships.22 Using piecewise regression models, glomerular structural variables alone [Vv(Mes/glom), GBM width, and total filtration surface per glomerulus or TFS] explained 95% of variability in AER ranging from normoalbuminuria to proteinuria, thus leaving little room for improvement by adding nonglomerular structural variables to this model. These same glomerular structures, however, explained only 78% of GFR variability, and this increased to 92% with the addition of indices of glomerular tubular junction abnormalities and Vv(Int/cortex).22 In summary, most of the AER and GFR changes in type 1 diabetes are explained by diabetic glomerulopathy changes and these structural-functional relationships are largely driven by more advanced lesions, whereas structure is highly

CH 36


Risk Factors for Nephropathy May Be Intrinsic to the Kidney

Nondiabetic members of identical twin pairs discordant for type 1 diabetes have glomerular structure within the normal range.12 In every pair studied, the diabetic twin had higher values for GBM and TBM width and Vv(Mes/glom) than the nondiabetic twin. Several diabetic twins had values for GBM width and Vv(Mes/glom) that were within the range of normal and had “lesions” only in comparison with their nondiabetic twin,12 whereas others had more severe lesions. Thus, given sufficient duration, probably all type 1 diabetic patients have structural changes that are similar in their direction but vary markedly between individuals in the rate at which these lesions develop. There is a growing body of information, discussed elsewhere in this chapter, that supports the view that, in addition to glycemia as a risk factor, genetic variables confer susceptibility or resistance to diabetic nephropathy. This is also suggested by the marked variability in the rate of development of kidney lesions of diabetic nephropathy in transplanted kidneys, despite the fact that the recipients all had ESRD secondary to diabetic nephropathy.56 This variability, CH 36 only partially explained by glycemic control, argues for genetically determined renal tissue responses as important in determining nephropathy clinical outcomes.56 Glomerular volume and number could be structural determinants of nephropathy risk. Mean glomerular volumes were higher in patients developing diabetic nephropathy after 25 years of type 1 diabetes compared with a group that developed nephropathy after only 15 years.57 These studies suggest that as mesangial expansion develops, glomerular volume increases (the studies of Østerby and colleagues45 support this view) and argue that patients who are unable to respond to mesangial expansion with glomerular enlargement will more quickly develop overt nephropathy than those whose glomeruli enlarge to provide compensatory preservation of glomerular filtration surface. The number of glomeruli per kidney can vary markedly among normal individuals and among diabetic patients,58,59 and it has been suggested that fewer glomeruli per kidney could be a risk factor for diabetic nephropathy.60 However, studies of type 1 diabetic transplant recipients indicate that having a single kidney does not result in accelerated lesion development compared to having two kidneys56 (see also Chang S, Caramori ML, Moriya R, Mauer M, unpublished results). Diabetic patients with advanced renal failure have reduced numbers of glomeruli, but this likely results from resorption of sclerotic glomeruli.59 If reduced glomerular number were a risk factor, it would be predicted that proteinuric patients without advanced renal failure would have fewer glomeruli, but this was not the case.59 Although probably not important in the genesis of diabetic nephropathology, reduced glomerular number could be associated with more rapid progression to ESRD once advanced lesions and overt diabetic nephropathy had developed.

Comparisons of Nephropathy in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Renal pathology and structural-functional relationships have been less well studied in type 2 diabetic patients, despite the fact that 80% or more of diabetic ESRD patients have type 2 diabetes. Proteinuric white Danish type 2 diabetic patients were reported to have structural changes similar to proteinuric type 1 diabetic patients, and the severity of these changes was strongly correlated with the subsequent rate of decline of GFR.61 However, this report also described greater heterogeneity in glomerular structure in these type 2 patients than

these authors had seen in type 1 patients, with some type 2 proteinuric patients having little or no diabetic glomerulopathy.61 A study of 52 microalbuminuric and proteinuric northern Italian type 2 diabetic patients biopsied for clinical reasons defined three general groups of abnormalities.62 About one third of the patients had changes similar to those typically seen in patients with type 1 diabetes. One third had a marked increase in the percentage of globally sclerosed glomeruli associated with severe tubulointerstitial lesions, whereas nonsclerosed glomeruli showed only mild diabetic changes. In the third group, there were typical changes of diabetic glomerulopathy and superimposed changes of proliferative glomerulonephritis, membranous nephropathy, and so on.62 In another Danish study, three fourths of proteinuric type 2 diabetic patients had diabetic nephropathology,63 but one fourth had a variety of nondiabetic glomerulopathies, including “minimal lesions,” glomerulonephritis, mixed diabetic and glomerulonephritis changes, or chronic glomerulonephritis. All patients with proteinuria and diabetic retinopathy had diabetic nephropathy; only 40% of patients without retinopathy had diabetic nephropathy.63 A British study found similar results.64 It is very likely that these high incidences of diagnosis other than or in addition to diabetic nephropathy represent a significant selection bias, because many patients in these studies had clinical indications for kidney biopsies, many because of atypical clinical presentations or findings. In fact, the likelihood of finding nondiabetic disease among type 2 diabetic patients is highly influenced by a center’s clinical indications for renal biopsy in type 2 diabetic patients.65 In fact, when renal biopsies are performed for research and not for diagnostic purposes, definable renal diseases other than secondary to diabetes, are distinctly uncommon.65 However, only a minority of type 2 albuminuric patients in this study had findings typical of type 1 patients (about 30%), whereas others had either minimal abnormalities (about 30%) or glomerulosclerotic, vascular and/or tubulointerstitial lesions that were disproportionally severe relative to the diabetic glomerulopathy lesions (about 40%).66

Structural-Functional Relationships in Type 2 Diabetic Nephropathy Renal structural-functional relationships in Japanese type 2 diabetic patients were initially reported to be similar to those in type 1 patients.67 However, a more recent study indicated greater heterogeneity in Japanese type 2 diabetic patients, with some microalbuminuric and proteinuric patients having normal glomerular structural parameters.68 Østerby and coworkers found less advanced glomerular changes in type 2 versus type 1 diabetic patients with similar AERs.60 However, the type 1 patients had lower GFR levels than type 2 patients with similar AERs.61 These findings could reflect much larger glomerular volumes in the type 2 patients, with associated preservation of filtration surface. In fact, GFR and filtration surface per glomerulus were correlated in these patients.61 Also, the explanation for the proteinuria in these type 2 patients was, at least in part, unexplained. Vv(Mes/glom) increased progressively from early to long-term diabetes, with clinical findings ranging from normoalbuminuria, to microalbuminuria, to clinical nephropathy34 in Pima Indian type 2 diabetic patients. Global glomerular sclerosis correlated inversely with GFR in these patients.34 These authors also suggested, as noted earlier, that glomerular podocyte loss was related to proteinuria in these patients, although this was not seen in microalbuminuric patients (see earlier). The less precise correlation between glomerular structure and renal function in type 2 versus type 1 diabetic patients may be related to the more complex patterns of renal injury

Other Renal Disorders in Diabetic Patients It has been reported that renal disorders such as nil lesion nephrotic syndrome72 and membranous nephropathy73 occur with greater frequency in type 1 diabetic patients than among nondiabetic persons. In fact, when biopsied for research purposes only and not for clinical indications, fewer than 1% of type 1 patients with 10 or more years of diabetes and fewer than 4% of those with proteinuria and long diabetes duration will have conditions other than, or in addition to, diabetic nephropathy (M. Mauer, personal observations). As already discussed, proteinuric type 2 diabetic patients without retinopathy may have a high incidence of atypical renal biopsies or other diseases. Proteinuria in type 1 diabetic patients with less than 10 years of diabetes duration or type 2 diabetic patients without retinopathy should be thoroughly evaluated for other renal diseases and renal biopsy for diagnosis and prognosis should be strongly considered.

Diabetic Nephropathy Lesions Are Reversible Mesangial expansion after 7 months of diabetes reversed within 2 months after normoglycemia was induced by islet transplantation in streptozotocin diabetic rats.74 Thus, it was disappointing that no improvement in diabetic nephropathy lesions in their native kidneys was found after 5 years of normoglycemia following successful pancreatic transplantation75 in type 1 patients with diabetes duration of approxi-

mately 20 years. However, after 10 years of normoglycemia, 1273 these same patients had marked reversal of diabetic glomerulopathy lesions. Thus, GBM and TBM width were reduced at 10 years compared with the baseline and 5-year values, with several patients having measures at 10 years that had returned to the normal range (Fig. 36–13A and B).76 Similar results were obtained with Vv(Mes/glom), primarily due to a marked decrease in mesangial matrix fractional volume (see Fig. 36– 13C and D). Remarkable glomerular architectural remodeling was seen by light microscopy, including the complete disappearance of Kimmelstiel-Wilson nodular lesions (Fig. 36–14A to C).76 The reason for the long delay in this reversal process is not understood and could include cell memory for the diabetic state, the slow process of replacement of glycated by nonglycated ECM, or other yet undetermined processes. Regardless of the mechanism, relevant renal or circulating cells must be able to recognize the abnormal ECM environment and to initiate and sustain a state of imbalance in which the rate of ECM removal exceeds that of ECM production. This is clearly not the normal situation because throughout adult life, GBM width and mesangial matrix remain quite constant consistent, with balanced ECM production and removal.77 More recently, remodeling and healing in the tubulointerstitium has been demonstrated in these same patients.78 CH 36 These studies demonstrated reduction in total cortical interstitial collagen remarkable potential for healing of kidney tissue damaged by longstanding diabetes.74 Whether healing can be induced by treatments other than cure of the diabetic state is currently unknown.

EPIDEMIOLOGY OF MICROALBUMINURIA AND DIABETIC NEPHROPATHY Prevalence and Incidence Table 36–2 displays the prevalence, incidence, and cumulative incidence of abnormally elevated urinary albumin excretion in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The overall prevalence of micro- and macroalbuminuria is around 30% to 35% in both types of diabetes. However, the range in prevalence of diabetic nephropathy is much wider in patients with type 2 diabetes. This is mainly explained by ethnic differences. The highest prevalence is found in Native Americans, followed by Asian patients, Mexican Americans, Black Americans, and European white patients.79 It should be stressed that a good agreement has been documented between the clinic and population based studies. The cumulative incidence of persistent proteinuria in type 1 diabetic patients diagnosed before 1942 was about 40% to 50% after a 25- to 30-year duration, but it has declined to 15% to 30% in type 1 diabetic patients diagnosed after 1953.2,80 This so-called calendar effect has unfortunately not been seen in European white type 2 diabetic patients. The reason for the declining cumulative incidence of proteinuria in type 1 diabetic patients is unknown, but improved diabetes care and control have been suggested,81 in addition to a general decline in non-diabetic glomerulopathies. Diabetic nephropathy rarely develops before 10 years’ duration of type 1 diabetes, whereas approximately 3% of newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients have overt nephropathy.82 The incidence peak (3%/year) is usually found between 10 to 20 years of diabetes; thereafter a progressive decline in incidence takes place. Thus, the risk of developing diabetic nephropathy for a normoalbuminuric patient with a diabetes duration of greater than 30 years is reduced.83 This changing pattern of risk indicates that the magnitude of exposure to diabetes is not sufficient to explain the development of diabetic nephropathy, and suggests that only a subset of patients are susceptible to kidney complications.

Diabetic Nephropathy

seen in type 2 diabetic patients (see earlier).66 These considerations are relevant to prognosis, in that the patients with more typical diabetic glomerulopathy electron microscopic morphometric findings of mesangial expansion were more likely to have progressive loss of GFR over the next 4 years of follow-up.69 This was confirmed in a study of proteinuric Danish type 2 diabetic patients in which those with light microscopic changes of diabetic glomerulopathy had much more rapid decline in GFR over a median of 7.7 years of follow-up.63 In summary, it appears that renal structural changes in type 2 diabetes are more heterogeneous and diabetic glomerulopathy lesions are less severe than in type 1 patients with similar albuminuria levels. Approximately 40% of the patients show atypical renal injury patterns, and these patterns are associated with higher body mass index and less diabetic retinopathy.66 Further cross-sectional and longitudinal studies in type 2 diabetic patients are required before these complexities can be better understood. It is possible that the atypical manifestations of renal injury in type 2 diabetes could be related to the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes per se. Thus, obesity, hypertension, increased plasma triglyceride levels, decreased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations, and accelerated atherosclerosis accompany hyperglycemia in many type 2 diabetic patients in what Reaven termed syndrome X and is now often referred to as the metabolic syndrome.70 Renal dysfunction in the metabolic syndrome could be the consequence of hypertensive nephrosclerosis, hyperlipidemic renal vascular atherosclerosis, renal hypoperfusion due to congestive heart failure, or the synergistic effects of these multiple factors, which could clinically simulate nephropathy in type 2 diabetes. The increased risk of clinical renal disease in certain populations, such as black, Native American, or Hispanic patients, could represent variability in the renal consequence of one or more of these pathogenetic influences. For example, there are differences in the renal structural consequences of hypertension in black and white patients.71




Tubular basement membrane thickness (nm)

Glomerular basement membrane thickness (nm)










0 Base line



5 yrs

10 yrs


Base line

5 yrs

10 yrs

Base line

5 yrs

10 yrs


Mesangial matrix fractional volume

Mesangial fractional volume

CH 36 0.55








0 Base line

5 yrs

10 yrs


FIGURE 36–13 (A–D) Thickness of the glomerular basement membrane (GBM), thickness of the tubular basement membrane (TBM), mesangial fractional volume, and mesangial-matrix fractional volume at baseline, and 5 and 10 years after pancreas transplantation. The shaded area represents the normal ranges obtained in the 66 age- and sex-matched normal controls (means ± 2 SD). Data for individual patients are connected by lines. (From Fioretto P, Steffes MW, Sutherland DER, et al: Reversal of lesions of diabetic nephropathy after pancreas transplantation. N Engl J Med 339:69–75, 1998.)




FIGURE 36–14 Light microscopic photomicrographs (periodic acid–Schiff [PAS] stain) of renal biopsy specimens obtained before and after pancreas transplantation from a 33-year-old woman with type 1 diabetes of 17 years’ duration at the time of transplantation. A, Typical glomerulus from the baseline biopsy specimen, which is characterized by diffuse and nodular (Kimmelstiel-Wilson) diabetic glomerulopathy. B, Typical glomerulus 5 years after transplantation with persistence of the diffuse and nodular lesions. C, Typical glomerulus 10 years after transplantation, with marked resolution of diffuse and nodular mesangial lesions and more open glomerular capillary lumina. (From Fioretto P, Steffes MW, Sutherland DER, et al: Reversal of lesions of diabetic nephropathy after pancreas transplantation. N Engl J Med 339:69–75, 1998.)

Clinic based

Prevalence (%) of: Microalbuminuira82,87,474,475 2,82,474


Population based

Type 1

Type 2

Type 2

13 (9–20)

25 (13–27)

20 (17–21)

15 (8–22)

14 (5–48)

16 (9–46)

1.2 (0–3)

1.5 (1–2)

Cumulative incidence of macroalbuminuria (%/25 yr)2,6,476

31 (28–34)

28 (25–31)














Incidence of macroalbuminuria (%/yr),

Presence of retinopathy



Use of oral contraceptive Inflammation


Prevalence, Incidence, and Cumulative Incidence of Microalbuminuria and Nephropathy in Diabetes*

Table 36–2



Adiponectin502 503

Nocturnal hypertension

*Median and range indicated. +, present; −, not present; ?, no relevant information; F, female; IDDM, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; M, male.

The type 1 diabetic subpopulation at risk may now be identified fairly accurately by the detection of microalbuminuria.3 Several longitudinal studies have shown that microalbuminuria, strongly (predictive power of 80%) predicts the development of diabetic nephropathy in type 1 diabetic patients.84,85 Type 1 diabetic patients with microalbuminuria have a median risk ratio of 21 for developing diabetic nephropathy, whereas the risk ratio for developing diabetic nephropathy range, from 4.4 to 21 (median 8.5) in microalbuminuric type 2 diabetic patients.86 In addition to microalbuminuria, several other risk factors or markers for the development of diabetic nephropathy have been documented or suggested, as discussed in details later (Table 36–3).

Prognosis in Microalbuminuria A recent meta-analysis has demonstrated that microalbuminuria is a strong predictor of total and cardiovascular mortality and cardiovascular morbidity in diabetic patients.87 Accordingly microalbuminuria predicts coronary and peripheral vascular disease and death from CVD in the general nondiabetic population.88,89 The mechanisms linking microalbuminuria and death from CVD are poorly understood. Microalbuminuria has been proposed as a marker of widespread endothelial dysfunction that might predispose to enhanced penetrations in the arterial wall of atherogenic lipoprotein particles90 and a marker of established CVD.91 Also, microalbuminuria is associated with excess of well known and potential cardiovascular risk factors.91 Elevated BP, dyslipoproteinemia, increased platelet aggregability; endothelial dysfunction, insulin resistance, and hyperinsulinemia have been demonstrated in microalbuminuric diabetic patients, as previously reviewed.3,84,87 Autonomic neuropathy, which is also associated with microalbuminuria predicts death (often sudden) from CVD in diabetic patients.92–94 Whereas the prevalence of coronary heart disease (CHD) based on Minnesota-coded electrocardiogram (ECG) is not increased in microalbuminuric type 2 patients.82 Echocardiographic studies have revealed impaired diastolic function and cardiac

Risk Factors/Markers for Development of Diabetic Nephropathy in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetic Patients

TABLE 36–3

Risk Factors/Markers

Type 1

Type 2

Normoalbuminuria (above median)










Predisposition to arterial hypertension



Increased sodium/lithium counter transport159,160,484–489












Familial clustering


Ethnic conditions79,490 5,83

Onset of IDDM before 20 years of age 3,4,129,480,491

Glycemic control Hyperfiltration











hypertrophy in microalbuminuric type 1 and type 2 patients.95–97 Left ventricular hypertrophy predisposes the individual to ischemic heart disease, ventricular arrythmia, sudden death, and heart failure.98 Recently, we have demonstrated that high N-terminal probrain matriuretic peptide is a major risk marker for CVD in type 2 diabetes with microalbuminuria.99

Prognosis in Diabetic Nephropathy In a cohort of 1030 type 1 diabetic patients diagnosed between 1933 and 1952, patients not developing proteinuria had a low and constant relative mortality, whereas patients with

Diabetic Nephropathy

Microalbuminuria Predicts Nephropathy

CH 36

1276 proteinuria on average had a 40 times higher relative mortality.5 Type 1 diabetic patients with proteinuria showed the characteristic bell-shaped relationship between diabetes duration/age and relative mortality of 110 in women and 80 in men in the age range of 34 to 38 years. Several other studies have confirmed the poor prognosis in type 1 diabetic patients suffering from diabetic nephropathy, as reviewed by BorchJohnsen.5 In three early studies that described the natural course of diabetic nephropathy in type 1 diabetic patients, the cumulative death rate 10 years after onset of nephropathy ranged from 50% to 77%, as reviewed by Parving.84,85 The 50% figure is a minimum value because the study included only death due to ESRD. The overall decrease in relative mortality from 1933 to 1972 was 40% and is partly explained by the decrease in the cumulative incidence of proteinuria. Unfortunately this calendar effect is not seen in proteinuric type 2 diabetic patients, and subsequently, no improved prognosis has been reported.6 However, the prognostic importance of proteinuria in type 2 diabetic patients is considerably less than in type 1 diabetes. Proteinuria confers a 3.5 times higher risk of death, and the concommitant presence of arterial hypertension increases this relative risk to 7 in Pima Indians with type 2 diabetes.100 CH 36 European type 2 diabetic patients with proteinuria have a fourfold excess of premature death compared with patients without proteinuria.101 The cumulative death rate 10 years after onset of abnormally elevated urinary albumin excretion in European Type 2 diabetic patients was 70% compared with 45% in normoalbuminuric type 2 diabetic patients.102 ESRD is the major cause of death, accounting for the mortality rate of 59% to 66% in type 1 diabetic patients suffering from nephropathy.5 The cumulative incidence of ESRD 10 years after onset of proteinuria in proteinuric type 1 diabetic patients is 50%, as compared with 3% to 11% in proteinuric European type 2 diabetic patients and 65% in proteinuric Pima Indians with type 2 diabetes. However, renal insufficiency was defined as a serum creatinine of 2.0 mg/dL in the Pima study. Ninety-seven percent of the excess mortality associated with type 2 diabetes in this population is found in patients with proteinuria: 16% of deaths were ascribed to ESRD, whereas 22% were due to CVD.100 CVD is also a major cause of death (15% to 25%) in type 1 diabetic patients with nephropathy, despite the relatively low age at death.5 BorchJohnsen and associates103 studied a cohort of 2890 type 1 diabetic patients and demonstrated that the relative mortality from CVD was 37 times higher in proteinuric type 1 diabetic patients compared with the general population. Abnormalities in well-established cardiovascular risk factors alone cannot account for this finding. Based on the RENAAL (Reduction of End Points in NIDDM with the Angiotensin II Antagonist Losartan) study, we have shown that type 2 diabetic patients with diabetic retinopathy have a poor prognosis.104 Several studies have shown abnormally raised levels of serum apolipoprotein (a) to be an independent risk factor for premature ischemic heart disease in nondiabetic subjects. However, studies in type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients suffering from diabetic nephropathy have yielded conflicting results.105–108 Most studies have demonstrated that a familial predisposition to CVD is present in type 1 diabetic patients with diabetic nephropathy.109–111 Increased left ventricular hypertrophy, an established CVD risk factor, and a decrease in diastolic function occur early in the course of diabetic nephropathy.94,112,113 Left ventricular hypertrophy is a well-established risk factor for CVD. Recently, it has been demonstrated that cardiac autonomic neuropathy predicts cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in type 1 diabetic patients with diabetic nephropathy.93,94 Increased plasma homocysteine concentration is also a CVD risk factor and predicts mortality in type 2 diabetic patients with albuminuria.114 We demonstrated that increased urinary albumin

excretion, endothelial dysfunction, and chronic inflammation are interrelated processes that develop in parallel, progress with time, and are strongly and independently associated with risk of death in type 2 diabetes.115 Tarnow and coworkers.116,117 have demonstrated that elevated circulating Nterminal probrain natriuretic peptide is a new independent predictor of the excess overall and cardiovascular mortality in proteinuric type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients without symptoms of heart failure. In addition, several new circulating biomarkers of cardiovascular risk in diabetic nephropathy has been identified, for example, symmetric dimethylarginine118 and mannose-binding lectin.119 Finally, it should be mentioned that reduced kidney function is a cardiovascular risk factor.120,121

CLINICAL COURSE AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY A preclinical phase consisting of a normo- and a microalbuminuric stage and a clinical phase characterized by albuminuria are well documented in both type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients.

Normoalbuminuria Approximately one third of type 1 diabetic patients will have a GFR higher than the upper normal range of age matched healthy nondiabetic subjects.122 The degree of hyperfiltration is less in type 2 diabetic patients123,124 and reported lacking in some studies.125 The GFR elevation is particularly pronounced in newly diagnosed diabetic patients and during other intervals with poor metabolic control. Intensified insulin treatment and near-normal blood glucose control reduce GFR toward normal levels after a period of days to weeks in both type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients.123 Additional metabolites, vasoactive hormones, and increased kidney and glomerular size have been suggested as mediators of hyperfiltration in diabetes, as reviewed by Mogensen.122 Four factors regulate GFR. First, the glomerular plasma flow influences the mean ultrafiltration pressure and thereby GFR. Enhanced renal plasma flow has been demonstrated in type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients with elevated GFR.123 Second, the systemic oncotic pressure, which is reported to be normal as calculated from plasma protein concentrations. The third determinant of GFR is the glomerular transcapillary hydraulic pressure difference, which cannot be measured in humans. However, the demonstrated increase in filtration fraction is compatible with enhanced transglomerular hydraulic pressure difference. The last determinant of GFR is the glomerular ultrafiltration coefficient, Kf, which is determined by the product of the hydraulic conductance of the glomerular capillary and the glomerular capillary surface area available for filtration. Total glomerular capillary surface area is clearly increased already at the onset of human diabetes. Studies in insulin-treated experimental diabetic rats have revealed hyperfiltration, hyperperfusion, enhanced glomerular capillary hydraulic measure, reduced proximal tubular pressure, unchanged systemic oncotic pressure, and unchanged or slightly elevated Kf.126 Several studies suggest that insulin-like growth factor I plays a major role in the initiation of renal and glomerular growth in diabetic animals, as reviewed by Flyvbjerg.127 Longitudinal studies suggest that hyperfiltration is a risk factor for the subsequent increase in urinary albumin excretion and the development of diabetic nephropathy in type 1 diabetic patients,128,129 but conflicting results have also been reported.130 The prognostic significance of hyperfiltration in type 2 diabetic patients is still debated.131 Six prospective cohort studies investigating normoalbuminuric type 1 and

type 2 diabetic patients for 4 to 10 years, revealed that minimal elevation of urinary albumin excretion, poor glycemic control, hyperfiltration, elevated arterial BP, retinopathy, and smoking contribute to the development of persistent microalbuminuria and overt diabetic nephropathy.129,132–136 Because several of those risk factors are modifiable, intervention is feasible, as discussed later.


Diabetic Nephropathy

In 1969, Keen and colleagues137 demonstrated elevated urinary albumin excretion in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. This abnormal but subclinical albumin excretion rate has been termed microalbuminuria, and it can be normalized by improved glycemic control. In addition to hyperglycemia, many other factors can induce microalbuminuria in diabetic patients such as hypertension, massive obesity, heavy exercise, various acute or chronic illnesses, and cardiac failure.138,139 Furthermore, the day-to-day variation in urinary albumin excretion rate is high (30% to 50%). Consequently, more than one urine sample is needed to determine whether an individual patient has persistent microalbuminuria. Urinary albumin excretion within the microalbuminuric range (30 mg to 300 mg/24 hr) in at least two out of three consecutive nonketotic sterile urine samples is the generally accepted definition of persistent microalbuminuria. Persistent microalbuminuria has not been detected in type 1 diabetic children younger than 12 years and is exceptional in the first 5 years of diabetes.140 The annual rate of raise of urinary albumin excretion is about 20% in both type 2 diabetes141 and type 1 diabetic patients with persistent microalbuminuria.142 The excretion of albumin in the urine is determined by the amount filtered across the glomerular capillary barrier and the amount reabsorbed by the tubular cells. A normal urinary β2-microglobulin excretion rate in microalbuminuria suggests that albumin derives from enhanced glomerular leakage rather than from reduced tubular reabsorption of protein. The transglomerular passage of macromolecules is governed by the size- and charge-selective properties of the glomerular capillary membrane and hemodynamic forces operating across the capillary wall. Alterations in glomerular pressure and flow influence both the diffusive and the convicting driving forces for transglomerular passage of proteins. Studies using renal clearance of endogenous plasma proteins or dextrans have not detected a simple size-selective defect.143–145 Determination of IgG/IgG4 ratio suggests that loss of glomerular charge selectivity precedes or accompanies the formation of new glomerular macromolecular pathways in the development of diabetic nephropathy.143 Reduction in the negatively charged moieties of the glomerular capillary wall, particularly sialic acid and heparan sulfate have been suggested.91 but not confirmed.43,146 Long-term diabetes in spontaneously hypertensive rats is associated with a reduction in both gene and protein expression of nephrin within the kidney.147 Changes in podocyte number and morphology have been implicated in the pathogenesis of proteinuria and progression of diabetic kidney disease.34,148–150 Filtration fraction is presumed to reflect the glomerular hydraulic pressure, and microalbuminuric Type 1 diabetic patients have elevated filtration both at rest and during exercise compared to normal controls. A close correlation between filtration fraction and urinary albumin excretion has been demonstrated as well. The demonstration that microalbuminuria diminishes promptly with acute reduction in arterial BP argues for reversible hemodynamic factors to play an important role in the pathogenesis of microalbuminuria. Imanishi and associates151 have demonstrated that glomerular hypertension is present in type 2 diabetic patients with early nephropathy and closely correlated with increased urinary albumin excre-

tion. In addition, it should be mentioned that increased pres- 1277 sure has been demonstrated in the nail fold capillaries of microalbuminuric type 1 diabetic patients.152 GFR measured with the single injection 51Cr-EDTA plasma clearance method or the renal clearance of inulin is normal or slightly elevated in type 1 diabetic patients with microalbuminuria. Prospective studies have demonstrated that GFR remains stable at normal or supranormal levels for at least 5 years if clinical nephropathy does not develop.153 Nephromegaly is still present and even more pronounced in microalbuminuric as compared with that of normoalbuminuric type 1 diabetic patients.154 Changes in tubular function take place early in diabetes and are related to the degree of glycemic control. The proximal tubular reabsorption of fluid, sodium, and glucose is enhanced.155 This process could diminish distal sodium delivery and thereby stimulate a tubuloglomerular feedback– mediated enhancement of GFR. A direct effect of insulin increasing distal sodium reabsorption has also been demonstrated.155,156 The consequences of these alterations in tubular transport for overall kidney function are unknown. Several studies have demonstrated BP elevation in children and adults with Type 1 diabetes and microalbuminuria.84,85 The prevalence of arterial hypertension (JNC-V criteria = 140/ CH 36 90 mm Hg) in adult type 1 diabetic patients increases with albuminuria, being 42%, 52%, and 79% in subjects with normo-, micro-, and macroalbuminuria, respectively.157 The prevalence of hypertension in type 2 diabetes (mean age 60 years) was higher: 71%, 90%, and 93% in the normo-, micro-, and macroalbuminuric group, respectively.82,157 A genetic predisposition to hypertension in type 1 diabetic patients developing diabetic nephropathy has been suggested,158 but other studies did not confirm the concept.159,160 Recently, we have confirmed the original finding by applying 24-hour BP measuring in a large group of parents to type 1 diabetic patients with and without diabetic nephropathy.161 In addition, the cumulative incidence of hypertension was higher among parents of proteinuric patients, with a shift toward younger age at onset of hypertension in this group. However, the difference in prevalence of parental hypertension was not evident using office BP measurements. Several studies have reported that sodium and water retention play a dominant role in the initiation and maintenance of systemic hypertension in microalbuminuria and diabetic nephropathy, whereas the contribution of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is smaller.162

Diabetic Nephropathy Diabetic nephropathy is a clinical syndrome characterized by persistent albuminuria (>300 mg/24 hr), a relentless decline in GFR, raised arterial BP, and enhanced cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.84,85 Although albuminuria is the first sign, peripheral edema is the first symptom of diabetic nephropathy. Fluid retention is frequently observed early in the course of this kidney disease, that is, at a stage with well preserved renal function and only slight reduction in serum albumin. A recent study suggests that capillary hypertension, increased capillary surface area, and reduced capillary reflection coefficient for plasma proteins contribute to the edema formation, whereas the wash-down of subcutaneous interstitial protein tends to prevent the progressive edema formation in diabetic nephropathy.163,164 Most studies dealing with the natural history of diabetic nephropathy have demonstrated a relentless, often linear but highly variable rate of decline in GFR ranging from 2 to 20 mL/min/y, mean 12 mL/min/y.3,84,85 Type 2 diabetic patients suffering from nephropathy display the same degree of loss in filtration power and in variability of GFR.165,166 Morphologic studies in both type 1 and type 2 diabetic


Systemic blood pressure

Dietary protein intake

Hyperlipidemia Glycemic control



Glomerular hypertension

ACE ID polymorphism


CH 36

FIGURE 36–15 Putative nephropathy.






patients have demonstrated a close inverse correlation between the degree of glomerular and tubulointerstitial lesions on one side and the GFR level on the other side, as discussed in details previously. Myers and co-workers167,168 have demonstrated a reduction in the number of restrictive pores leading to loss of ultrafiltration capacity (Kf) and impairment of glomerular barrier size-selectivity leading to progressive albuminuria and IgG-uria in diabetic nephropathy. Furthermore, the extent to which ultrafiltration capacity is impaired appears to be related to the magnitude of the defect in the barrier size-selectivity. A defect in the glomerular barrier size-selectivity has also been demonstrated in type 2 diabetic patients with diabetic nephropathy.169 The reduction in renal plasma flow is proportional to the reduction in GFR (filtration fraction unchanged), and the impact on GFR is partially offset by the diminished systemic colloid osmotic pressure. Several putative promoters of progression in kidney function have been studied in type 1 diabetes170–174 and type 2 diabetic165,175,176 patients with nephropathy (Fig. 36–15). A close correlation between BP and the rate of decline in GFR has been documented in type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients.50,172,174,175,177–179 This suggests that systemic BP accelerates the progression of diabetic nephropathy. Previously, the adverse impact of systemic hypertension on renal function and structure was thought to be mediated through vasoconstriction and arteriolar nephrosclerosis.180 However, evidence from rat models shows that systemic hypertension is transmitted to the single glomerulus in such a way as to lead to hyperperfusion and increased capillary pressure.181 Intraglomerular hypertension has also been documented directly in streptozotocin diabetic rats181 and estimated to prevail in human diabetes particularly complicated by kidney disease.151 Impaired or abolished renal autoregulation of GFR and RPF as demonstated in type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients with nephropathy will contribute to increase vulnerability to hypertension or ischemic injuries of glomerular capillaries.182 Defective autoregulation of GFR has been demonstrated in streptozotocin diabetic rats during hyperglycemia,183 by contrast studies in man with Type 2 diabetes revealed no impact of glycemic control of GFR autoregulation.184 Originally, Remuzzi and Bertani185 suggested that proteinuria itself may contribute to renal damage. Type 1 diabetic patients with diabetic nephropathy and nephrotic range proteinuria

(>3 g/24 hr) had the worst prognosis. Several observational studies and treatment trials have confirmed and extended the above-mentioned findings to also include subnephrotic range proteinuria.50,100,177,186 For many years, it was believed that once albuminuria had become persistent, then glycemic control had lost its beneficial impact on kidney function and structure. Consequently, the concept of “point of no return” was advocated by many investigators as reviewed by Parving.84 This misconception was based on studies with few patients applying inappropriate methods for monitoring kidney function (serum creatinine) and glycemic control (random blood glucose). Several more recent studies dealing with large number of type 1 diabetic patients have documented the important impact of glycemic control on progression of diabetic nephropathy.177,179,186 In contrast, most of the studies dealing with proteinuric type 2 diabetic patients have failed to demonstrate any significant impact,164,165,187 with two exceptions.175,188 Nearly all studies in type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients have demonstrated a correlation between serum cholesterol concentration and progression of diabetic nephropathy, at least in univariate analysis,164,165,172,174,175,177–179 and some have failed to demonstrate cholesterol as an independent risk factor in multiple regression analysis. Dietary protein restriction retards the progression of renal disease in virtually every experimental animal model tested.180 Surprisingly, all major observational studies in type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients with diabetic nephropathy have failed to demonstrate an impact of dietary protein intake on the rate of decline in GFR.164–166,177–179 Some but not all studies suggest that smoking may act as a progression promoter in both type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients with proteinuria189,190; however, some larger, long-term studies have not been able to confirm that.175,191 The insertion (I)/deletion (D) polymorphism of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) gene (ACE/ID) is strongly associated with the level of circulating ACE and increased risk of CHD in nondiabetic and diabetic patients.192,193 The plasma ACE level in DD subjects is about twice that of II subjects with ID subjects having intermediate levels.194 Yoshida and colleagues195 followed 168 proteinuric type 2 diabetic patients during 10 years. Analysis of the clinical course of the three ACE genotypes revealed that the majority (95%) of the patients with the DD genotype progressed to ESRD within 10 years. Moreover, the DD genotype appeared to increase mortality once dialysis was initiated. Three observational studies have confirmed that the D-allele was a deleterious effect on kidney function.196–198 Finally, more severe diabetic glomerulopathy lesions have been documented both during the development and the progression of renal disease in type 2 diabetic patients with the D allele.199 Furthermore, microalbuminuric type 1 patients carrying the D allele have an increased progression of diabetic glomerulopathy, a finding based on renal biopsies taken at baseline and after 26 to 48 months of follow-up.200 Based on a large, double-blind randomized study (RENAAL) comparing the renoprotective effects of losartan versus placebo on top of conventional BP lowering drug in proteinuric type 2 diabetic patients, we demonstrated that the D allele of the ACE gene had a harmfull impact on doubling of baseline creatinine concentration, ESRD, or death.201 The impact was more pronounced in the white and the Asian patient group than the black and Hispanic groups. The beneficial effects of losartan were greatest in the ACE/DD group and intermediate in the ID group for nearly all endpoints, a trend suggesting a quantitative interaction between treatment and ACE genotype on progression of renal diasease. Such interaction was most significant for the risk reductiton of the ESRD end-point.201 We showed an accelerated initial and sustained loss of GFR during ACE inhibitor treatment of albuminuric type 1 patients

homozygous for the DD polymorphism of the ACE gene.202 The DD genotype independently influenced the sustained rate of decline in GFR or, in other words acted as a progression promoter. Three other studies have demonstrated that the D allele is a risk factor for an accelerated course of diabetic nephropathy in patients with type 1 diabetes.203–205 A potential contribution from other candidate genes in relation to the renin-angiontensin system has been suggested.205 Pregnancy in women with diabetic nephropathy is accompanied by an increase in complications such as hypertension and proteinuria and by increases in prematurity and fetal loss. The impact of pregnancy on long-term course of renal function in women with diabetic nephropathy has not been clarified until most recently. Our study suggests that pregnancy has no adverse long-term impact on kidney function and survival in type 1 diabetic patients with well-preserved kidney function (serum creatinine at start of pregnancy < 100 µmol/L) suffering from diabetic nephropathy.204 Nondiabetic glomerulopathy is very seldom in proteinuric type 1 diabetic patients, whereas this condition is common in proteinuric type 2 diabetic patients without retinopathy.206 A prevalence of biopsies with normal glomerular structure or nondiabetic kidney diseases of approximately 30% was demonstrated. Furthermore, a more rapid decline in GFR and a progressive rise in albuminuria in type 2 diabetic patients with diabetic glomerulopathy compared with type 2 diabetic patients without this condition has been demonstrated.63,207 Systemic BP elevation to a hypertensive level is an early and frequent phenomenon in diabetic nephropathy.82,84,85 Furthermore, nocturnal BP elevation (‘non-dippers’) occurs more frequently in type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients with nephropathy.208,209 Exaggerated BP response to exercise has also been reported in long-standing IDDM patients with microangiopathy. Finally, the increase in glomerular pressure consequent to nephron adaption may be accentuated with concomitant diabetes, as suggested in animal studies.210

Macroangiopathy, for example, stroke, carotid artery stenosis, 1279 CHD, and peripheral vascular disease, are 2 to 5 times more common in nephropathic patients.82 Peripheral neuropathy is present in almost all patients with advanced nephropathy. Foot ulcers with sepsis leading to amputation occur frequently (>25%), probably due to a combination of neural and arterial disease. Autonomic neuropathy may be asymptomatic and simply manifest as abnormal cardiovascular reflexes, or it may result in debilitating symptoms. Nearly all patients suffering from nephropathy have grossly abnormal autonomic function test.93

TREATMENT The major therapeutic interventions that have been investigated include near-normal blood glucose control, antihypertensive treatment, lipid lowering, and restriction of dietary proteins. The impact of these three treatment modalities on progression from: normo- to microalbuminuria (primary prevention), microalbuminuria to diabetic nephropathy (secondary prevention), and diabetic nephropathy to ESRD are described and discussed. CH 36

Primary Prevention Strict metabolic control achieved by insulin treatment or islet cell transplantation normalizes hyperfiltration, hyperperfusion, and glomerular capillary hypertension, and reduces the rate of increase in urinary albumin excretion in experimental diabetic animals.84 The treatment also mitigates the development of diabetic glomerulopathy, whereas the glomerular enlargement remains unaffected. Risk factors for progression from normoalbuminuria to micro- and macroalbuminuria have been identified (Table 36–4). Short-term near-normal blood glucose control in normoalbuminuric type 1 diabetic patients reduces GFR, RPF, urinary AER, and the enlarged kidney. Increased kidney size is associated with an exaggerated renal response to amino acid infusion, and studies suggest that both abnormalities can be corrected by 3 weeks of intensified insulin treatment.211 A meta-analysis of longterm (8 to 60 months) intensive blood glucose control has documented a beneficial effect on the progression from normo- to microalbuminuria in type 1 diabetic patients.212 The odds ratio for progressing from normo- to microalbuminuria ranged from 0.22 to 0.40 in the intensified treated groups. A worsening of diabetic retinopathy was observed during the initial months of intensive therapy, but in the longer term, the rate of deterioration was slower than it was in the

EXTRARENAL COMPLICATIONS IN DIABETIC NEPHROPATHY Diabetic retinopathy is present in virtually all type 1 diabetic patients with nephropathy, whereas only 50% to 60% of proteinuric type 2 diabetic patients suffer from retinopathy.82 Absence of retinopathy should require further investigation for nondiabetic glomerulopathies.1 Blindness due to severe proliferative retinopathy or maculopathy is approximately 5 times greater in type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients with nephropathy compared with normoalbuminuric patients.82

TABLE 36–4

RENAAL and IDNT Results Comparison of Primary Composite End Point and Components

Composite End Point

Risk Reduction (% [95% CI]) Losartan vs. Placebo (80)

Irbesartan versus Placebo (81)

Irbesartan versus Amlodipine (81)

Amlodipine versus Placebo (81)

DsCr, ESRD, Death

16 (2, 28)

20 (3, 34)

23 (7, 37)

−4 (14, −25)


25 (8, 39)

33 (13, 48)

37 (19, 52)

−6 (16, −35)


28 (11, 42)

23 (−3, 43)


−2 (−27, 19)

ESRD or death

20 (5, 32)

23 (−3, 43)

0 (−32, 24)

8 (−31, 23)

−4 (23, −40)

12 (−19, 34)

CI, confidence interval; DsCr, doubling of serum creatinine; RENAAL, Reduction of End Points in NIDDM with the Angiotensin II Antagonist Losartan Study; IDNT, Irbesartan Diabetic Nephropathy Trial.

Diabetic Nephropathy

Glycemic Control

213 1280 conventional treated type 1 diabetic patients. Side effects are a major concern with intensive therapy, and the frequency of severe hypoglycemia and diabetic ketoacidosis were greater in several studies.212 In the DCCT trial,214 intensive therapy reduced the occurrence of microalbuminuria by 39% (95% confidence interval [CI], 21 to 52), and that of albuminuria by 54% (95% CI, 19 to 74), when analyzing the two cohorts combined. Despite this, however, 16% in the primary prevention and 26% in the secondary prevention cohort developed microalbuminuria during the 9 years of intensive treatment. This clearly documents that we need additional treatment modalities in order to avoid or reduce the burden of diabetic nephropathy. A much smaller study with a design similar to the DCCT in Japanese type 2 diabetic patients also showed a beneficial effect on progression of normoalbuminuria to micro- and macroalbuminuria.215 This study has been confirmed and extended by the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) data documenting a progressive beneficial effect of intensive metabolic control on the development of microalbuminuria and overt proteinuria.216

Secondary Prevention CH 36 Several modifiable risk factors (level of urinary albumin excretion, HbA1c, smoking, BP, and serum cholesterol concentration) for progression from microalbuminuria to overt diabetic nephropathy has been identified in clinical trials and observational studies of type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients.3,4,141,217–220 The renal impact of intensive diabetic treatment versus conventional diabetic treatment on the progression or regression of microalbuminuria in type 1 diabetic patients has shown conflicting outcome, as reviewed by Parving.84 These disappointing results might partly be due to the relatively short length of the follow-up period, because the UKPDS study with 15 years of follow-up documented a progressive beneficial effect with time on the development of proteinuria and a twofold increase in plasma creatinine.216 Furthermore, pancreatic transplantation can reverse glomerulopathy in patients with type 1 diabetes and normo- (N = 3) or microalbuminria (N = 4), but reversal requires more than 5 years of normoglycemia.76 Recently, we demonstrated that intensified multifactorial intervention (pharmacologic therapy targeting hyperglycemia, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and microalbuminuria) in patients with type 2 diabetes and microalbuminuria substantially slows progression to nephropathy, retinopathy, and autonomic neuropathy.92,221

Nephropathy The impact of improved metabolic control on progression of kidney function in type 1 diabetic patients with nephropathy has been disappointing. The rate of decline in GFR and the increase in proteinuria and in systemic BP were not affected by improved glycemic control. However, it should be stressed that none of the trials were randomized and the number of patients investigated was small. In contrast, most major prospective observational studies have indicated an important role for glycemic control in the progression of diabetic nephropathy, as discussed earlier.84,177,179,186

Blood Pressure Control Primary Prevention

Originally, Zatz and co-workers222 showed that prevention of glomerular capillary hypertension in normotensive insulintreated streptozotocin diabetic rats effectively protects against the subsequent development of proteinuria and focal and segmental glomerular structural lesions. Other studies confirmed the beneficial effect of ACE-inhibition in uninephrectomised rats made diabetic by streptozotocin. Anderson and

associates223,224 have demonstrated that antihypertensive therapy slows the development of diabetic glomerulopathy but that ACE-inhibitors affords superior long-term protection compared with triple therapy with reserpine, hydralazine, and hydrochlorothiazide or a calcium channel blocker (nifedipine). Recent observations are consistent with the concept that glomerular hypertension is a major factor in the pathogenesis of experimental diabetic glomerulopathy, and indicates that lowering of systemic BP without concommitant reduction of glomerular capillary pressure may be insufficient to prevent glomerular injury.223–225 Lowering of systemic BP by ACE inhibitors or conventional antihypertensive treatment affords significant renoprotection in spontaneously hypertensive streptozotocin diabetic rats.226 No specific benefit of ACE inhibition was observed in this hypertensive model in contrast to the above-mentioned normotensive models. Three randomized placebo-controlled trials in normotensive type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients with normal albumin excretion rate have suggested a beneficial effect on the development of microalbuminuria.227–229 In contrast to these three studies, which were carried out as placebocontrolled trials, the literature contains three new studies comparing the effect of ACE inhibitors versus a long-acting dihydropyridine calcium antagonist230,231 or β blockade232 in hypertensive type 2 diabetic patients with normoalbuminuria. All three studies reported a similar beneficial renoprotective effect of BP reduction with and without ACE inhibition. Furthermore, the UKPDS study reported that by 6 years, a smaller proportion of patients in the group under tight BP control had developed microalbuminuria and a 29% reduction in risk (P < 0.009), with a nonsignificant 39% reduction in the risk for proteinuria (P = 0.061).232 Beneficial effects of aggressive BP control in normotensive (BP < 160/90 mm Hg) type 2 diabetic patients on albuminuria, retinopathy, and incidence of stroke have recently been demonstrated.233 The results were the same whether enalapril or nisoldipine were used as the initial BP-lowering drug. Originally, the EUCLID study group234 demonstrated a significant beneficial effect of ACE inhibition on progression of diabetic retinopathy and development of proliferative retinopathy in type 1 diabetic patients. The BENEDICT study has demonstrated that ACE inhibition decreases the incidence of microalbuminuria in hypertensive type 2 diabetic patients with normoalbuminuria. The effect of verapamil alone was similar to that of placebo.235

Secondary Prevention A meta-analysis of 12 trials in 698 type 1 diabetic patients with microalbuminuria who were followed for at least 1 year has revealed that ACE inhibitors reduced the risk of progression to macroalbuminuria compared with that of the placebo group (odds ratio 0.38 [95% CI, 0.25 to 0.57]).236 Regression to normoalbuminuria was 3 times greater than in the patients receiving placebo. At 2 years, the urinary albumin excretion rate was 50% lower in patients taking ACE inhibitors than in those receiving placebo. Furthermore, we showed that the beneficial effect of ACE inhibitors on preventing progression from microalbuminrua to overt nephropathy is long lasting (8 years’ duration) and, more important, it is associated with preservation of normal GFR.237 Recent data from a doubleblind randomized study lasting 3 years show that long-acting dihydropyridine calcium antagonists are as effective as ACE inhibitors in delaying the occurrence of macroalbuminuria in normotensive patients with type 1 diabetes with persistent microalbuminuria.238 Finally, agents blocking the effect of the rennin-angiotensis system (RAS) have a beneficial impact on glomerula structural changes in type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients with early diabetic glomerulopathy.239–241 Recently, Borch-Johnsen and colleagues142 analyzed the cost-benefit of screening and antihypertensive treatment of


Progression to nephropathy (%)

Progression to Nephropathy 20 Placebo 15

150 mg


300 mg



Placebo 150 mg 300 mg




12 Months of follow-up


22 24

201 195 194

201 195 194

164 167 180

154 161 172

139 148 159

129 36 142 45 150 49

FIGURE 36–16 Probability of progression to diabetic nephropathy during treatment with irbesartan 150 mg daily (— —), 300 mg daily (- - - -) or placebo (solid line) in hypertensive type 2 diabetic patients with persistent microalbuminuria. The difference between placebo and irbesartan 150 mg daily was not significant (P = 0.08 by log-rank test) but significant when compared with irbesartan 300 mg daily (P < 0.001 by log-rank test).

we have demonstrated an enhanced renoprotective effects of ultrahigh doses of irbesartan (900 mg daily) in patients with type 2 diabetes and microalbuminuria.254 Finally, we have demonstrated cost-effectiveness of early irbesartan treatment versus placebo in addition to standard conventional BP-lowering treatment.255 Cardiovascular morbidity is a major burden in patients with type 2 diabetes. In the STENO-2 study, we evaluated the effect on cardiovascular and microvascular diseases of an intensified, targeted, multifactorial intervention comprising behavior modification and polypharmacologic therapy aimed at several modifiable risk factors (hyperglycemia, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and microalbuminuria, along with secondary prevention of CVD with aspirin) in patients with type 2 diabetes and microalbuminrua; we compared this approach with a conventional interntion involving multiple risk factors.92 Patients receiving intensive therapy had a significantly lower risk of CVD (hazard ratio, 0.47; 95% CI, 0.24 to 0.73), nephropathy (hazard ratio, 0.39; 95% CI, 0.17 to 0.87), retinopathy (hazard ratio, 0.42; 95% CI, 0.21 to 0.86) and autonomic neuropathy (hazard ratio, 0.37; 95% CI, 0.18 to 0.79). In conclusion, a targetdriven, long-term, intensified intervention aimed at multiple risk factors in patients with type 2 diabetes and microalbuminuria reduces the risk of cardiovascular and microvascular events by about 50%. In 1995, a consensus report on the detection, prevention, and treatment of diabetic nephropathy with special reference to microalbuminuria was published.256 Improved blood glucose control (HbA1c below 7.5%–8%), and treatment with ACEI is recommended. Based on the trials mentioned earlier and later with angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs), the American Diabetes Association now recommends: “In hypertensive Type 2 diabetic patients with microalbuminuria or clinical albuminuria, ARB’s are the initial agents of choice.”257

Nephropathy From a clinical point of view, the ability to predict long-term effects on kidney function of a recently initiated treatment modality, for example, antihypertensive therapy, would be of great value because this could allow for early identification of patients in need of an intensified or alternative therapeutic regimen. In two prospective studies dealing with

CH 36

Diabetic Nephropathy

early renal disease indicated by microalbuminuria in type 1 diabetic patients. The authors reached the conclusions that screening and intervention programs are likely to have lifesaving effects and lead to considerable economic savings. The impact of ACE inhibition in microalbuminuric type 2 diabetic patients has also been evaluated. A randomized study242 of diabetic patients with microalbuminuria treated with perindopril or nifedipine for 12 months was conducted. Both treatments significantly reduced mean arterial BP and urinary albumin excretion rate. Unfortunately, the study dealt with a heterogeneous group of hypertensive or normotensive type 1 or type 2 diabetic patients. Ravid and co-workers141 have conducted a double-blind randomized study in 94 normotensive microalbuminuric non–insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) patients receiving enalapril or placebo for 5 years. The kidney function remained stable, and only 12% of the patients in the actively treated group developed diabetic nephropathy, whereas the kidney function declined by 13%, and 42% of the patients receiving placebo developed nephropathy. These data have been confirmed.219,220,233,243 Antihypertensive treatment has a renoprotective effect in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes and microalbuminuria.221,229–232,244–249 There has been conflicting evidence regarding the existence of a specific renoprotective effect— that is, a beneficial effect on kidney function beyond the hypotensive effect—of agents that block the RAS in patients with type 2 diabetes and microalbuminuria.221,229–232,244–249 The inconclusive nature of the previous evidence may have been due in part to the small size of the patient groups studied and the short duration of antihypertensive treatment in most previous trials.An exception is the long-lasting UKPDS, which suggested the equivalence of a β-blocker and an angiotensinI-converting enzyme inhibitor.232 Therefore we evaluated the renoprotective effect of an angiotensin-II-receptor antagonist irbesartan in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes and microalbuminuria, called the IRMA 2 trial.250 A total of 590 hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes and microalbuminuria were enrolled in this multinational, randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study of irbesartan at a dose of either 150 mg daily or 300 mg daily and were followed for 2 years. The primary outcome was the time to the onset of diabetic nephropathy, defined by persistent albuminuria in overnight specimens, with a urinary albumin excretion rate that was greater 200 µg/min and at least 30% higher than the baseline level. The baseline characteristics in the three groups were similar. Ten of the 194 patients in the 300-mg group (5.2%) and 19 patients of the 195 patients in the 150-mg group (9.7%) reached the primary end-point, as compared with 30 of the 201 patients on placebo (14.9%) (hazard ratio 0.30 [95% CI, 0.14 to 0.61; P < 0.001] and 0.61 [95% CI, 0.34 to 1.08; P = 0.08] for the two irbesartan groups, respectively) (Fig. 36–16). The average BP during the course the study was 144/83 mm Hg in the placebo group, and 143/83 mm Hg in the 150-mg group, and 141/83 mm Hg in the 300-mg group (P = 0.004 for the comparison of systolic BP between the placebo group and the combined irbesartan groups). Serious adverse events were less frequent among the patients treated with irbesartan (P = 0.02). The IRMA 2 study demonstrated that irbesartan is renoprotective independent of its BP-lowering effect in patients with type 2 diabetes and microalbuminuria. In a substudy of IRMA 2, irbesartan was found to be renoprotective independent of its beneficial effect in lowering 24-hour BP.251 In another substudy, we showed a persistent reduction of microalbuminuria after withdrawal of all antihypertensive treatment suggesting that the 300 mg irbesartan dose daily confers long-term renoprotection.252 Remission to normoalbuminuria was more common in the Irbeartan-treated patients compared with those treated with placebo.250 The importance of this finding is a slower decrease in GFR, as demonstrated in the STENO-2 study.253 Recently,

1282 conventional antihypertensive treatment and ACEI, we found that the initial reduction in albuminuria (surrogate end point) predicted a beneficial long-term treatment effect on rate of decline in GFR in diabetic nephropathy (principal end point).258,259 These findings have been confirmed and extended.179,260 Furthermore, similar findings have been demonstrated in nondiabetic nephropathies.261,262 The antiproteinuric effect of ACEI in patients with diabetic nephropathy varies considerably. Individual differences in the RAS may influence this variation. Therefore, we tested the potential role of an insertion (I)/deletion (D) polymorphism of the ACE gene on this early antiproteinuric responsiveness in an observational follow-up study of young hypertensive Type 1 diabetic patients with diabetic nephropathy.263 Our data showed that Type 1 diabetic patients with II genotype are particularly susceptible to commonly advocated renoprotective treatment. Recently, the EUCLID Study Group264 demonstrated that urinary albumin excretion rate during lisinopril treatment was 57% lower in the II group, 19% lower in the ID group, and 19% higher in the DD group as compared with that of the group treated with placebo. Furthermore, the polymorphism of the ACE gene predicts therapeutic efficacy of ACEI against progression of nephropaCH 36 thy in type 2 diabetic patients.198 All previous observational studies in diabetic and nondiabetic nephropathies have demonstrated that the deletion polymorphism of the ACE gene, particularly the DD, genotype is a risk factor for an accelerated loss of kidney function.196,197,202,203,265–270 Furthermore, the ACE deletion polymorphism reduces the long-term beneficial effect of ACE inhibition on progression of diabetic and nondiabetic kidney disease.202,268 These findings suggest that the DD genotype patient should be offered more aggressive ACEI or treatment with ARBs or dual blockade of the RAS. In an attempt to overcome this interaction, we evaluated the short- and long-term renoprotective effect in diabetic nephropathy of losartan in type 1 diabetic patients’ homozygous for either the insertion or the deletion allele.271,272 Our data suggest that ARB offers similar short- and long-term renoprotective and BP-lowering effects in albuminuric hypertensive type 1 diabetic patients with the ACE II and DD genotypes. Data from the RENAAL study mentioned before indicates that proteinuric type 2 diabetic patients with D allele of the ACE gene have an unfavorable renal prognosis that can be mitigated and even improved by losartan.201 Headto-head comparisons of ACEI versus ARB suggest similar ability to reduce albuminuria and BP in diabetic patients with elevated urinary albumin excretion.273–275 These results indicate that the reduction in albuminuria and BP induced by ACE inhibition is primarily caused by interference with the RAS. Because reduction of proteinuria is a prerequisite for successful long-term renoprotection, we investigated whether individual patient factors are determinants of antiproteinuric efficacy.276 The study suggests that patients responding favorably to one class of antiproteinuric drugs also respond favorably to other classes of available drugs. Furthermore, in dose escalation studies of different ARBs, we have demonstrated that the optimal renoprotective dose of losartan is 100 mg daily, 16 mg daily for candesartan,277,278 and 900 mg daily for irbesartan.254 Unfortunately we do not know the optimal renoprotective dose of the various ACE inhibitors. However, short-term studies suggest that the combination of ACEI and ARBs may offer additional renal and cardiovascular protection in diabetic patients with elevated albumin excretion rate.279–285 Recently, Nakao and associates286 performed a long-term (4 years’ duration) double-blind randomized study of 263 nondiabetic renal disease patients in Japan. Patients were randomly assigned ARB (losartan 100 mg daily), ACEI (Trandolapril 3 mg daily), or a combination of both drugs at equivalent doses. By the end of followup, 22.5% of the losartan-treated patients, 23.3% of the

Trandolapril treated patients and 11.4% in the combination group had reached the combined end point of doubling of the baseline serum creatinin concentration or ESRD (log-rank, test P = 0.02). In accordance, animal studies suggest that lowdose dual blockade of RAS achieves more important reduction in kidney tissue angiotensin II activity as compared with high doses of captopril or losartan.287 In addition, it should be mentioned that ARBs reduce BP without adversely altering the ability to autoregulate GFR in diabetic patients.288 In recent years, it has become clear that aldosterone should be considered a hormone with widespread unfavorable effects on the vasculature, the heart, and the kidneys.289,290 We have demonstrated that elevated plasma aldosterone during longterm treatment with losartan is associated with an enhanced decline in GFR in type 1 diabetic patients with diabetic nephropathy.291 Consequentlly, aldosterone blockade could be considered in patients with suboptimal renoprotection during RAS blockade. Short-term studies in type 1 and type 2 proteinuric diabetic patients have demonstrated that spironolactone safely adds to the reno- and cardiovascular protective benefits of treatment with maximally recommended doses of ACE inhibitor and ARB by reducing albuminuria and BP.292–294 Initiation of antihypertensive treatment usually induces an initial drop in GFR that is 3 to 5 times higher per unit of time than during the sustained treatment period.295 This phenomenon occurs with conventional antihypertensive treatment, with β-blockers, and diuretics, and when ACE inhibitors are used. Whether this initial phenomenon is reversible (hemodynamic) or irreversible (structural damage) after prolonged antihypertensive treatment has recently been investigated: In Type 1 patients suffering from diabetic nephropathy, our results render some support to the hypothesis that the faster initial decline in GFR is due to a functional (hemodynamic) effect of antihypertensive treatment that does not attenuate over time, whereas the subsequent slower decline reflects the beneficial effect on progression of nephropathy.295 A similar effect has been demonstrated in nondiabetic glomerulopathies.296 In contrast, our results suggest that the faster initial decline in GFR after initiating antihypertensive therapy in hypertensive type 2 patients with diabetic nephropathy is due to an irreversible effect.297 In 1982, Mogensen described a beneficial effect of longterm antihypertensive treatment in five hypertensive men with type 1 diabetes and nephropathy.297,298 Our prospective study initiated in 1976 has demonstrated that early and aggressive antihypertensive treatment reduces albuminuria and the rate of decline in GFR in young men and women with type 1 diabetes an nephropathy.299–301 Figure 36–17 illustrates the mean value for arterial BP, GFR, and albuminuria in nine patients receiving long-term (>9 years) treatment with metoprolol, furosemide, and hydralazine.301 Note that the data are consistent with a time-dependent renoprotective effect of antihypertensive treatment that in the long term might lead to regression of the disease (∆GFR = 1 mL/min/y), at least in some patients. The same progressive benefit ∆GFR with time has been demonstrated on in nondiabetic renal diseases.302 Regression of kidney disease (∆GFR = 1 mL/min/y) has been documented in a sizable fraction (22%) of type 1 patients receiving aggressive antihypertensive therapy for diabetic nephropathy.303 Remission of proteinuria for at least 1 year (proteinuria = 1 g/24 hr) has been described in patients with type 1 diabetes participating in the Captopril Collaborative study.304 Eight of 108 patients experienced remission during long-term follow-up.304 We confirmed and extended these findings in a long-term prospective observational study of 321 patients with type 1 diabetes and nephropathy.305 The remission group, not surprisingly, is characterized by slow progression of diabetic nephropathy and an improved cardiovascular risk profile. More important, our prospective study suggests


The Effect of Antihypertensive Treatment Upon Kidney Function in 9 IDDM Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy

MABP (mmHg)

125 115

Start of antihypertensive treatment

105 95 105

⌬ GFR: 11.3 (ml/min/year)

FIGURE 36–17 Average course of mean arterial blood pressure, glomerular filtration rate (GFR), and albumin before (ϒ) and during (λ) long-term effective antihypertensive treatment on nine type I patients suffering from diabetic nephropathy. (From Parving H-H, Rossing P, Hommel E, Smidt UM: Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition in diabetic nephropathy: ten years’ experience. Am J Kidney Dis 26:99–107, 1995, with permission.)

GFR (ml/min/1.73 m2)

95 85

⌬ GFR: 3.5 (ml/min/year)


⌬ GFR: 1.2 (ml/min/year)


⌬ GFR: 1.3 (ml/min/year)


CH 36



250 ⫺2













that remission of nephrotic range albuminuria in type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients, induced by aggressive antihypertensive treatment with and without ACE inhibitors, is associated with a slower progression in diabetic nephropathy and a substantially improved survival.306,307 In 1992, Björck and co-workers suggested that ACE inhibitors in diabetic nephropathy confer renoprotection, for example, a beneficial effect on renal function and structure above and beyond that expected from the BP-lowering effect alone.308 Their investigation was a prospective, open, randomized study lasting for 2.2 years in patients with type 1 diabetes. In 1993, The Captopril Collaborative Study Group demonstrated a significant risk reduction for doubling of serum creatinine concentrations in patients with type 1 diabetes and nephropathy who received Captopril (48%; 95% CI, 16% to 69%).309 In comparison, the placebotreated patients received conventional antihypertensive treatment excluding calcium channel blockers. We recently reported that long-term treatment (4 years’ duration) with an ACE inhibitor or a long-acting dihydropyridine calcium antagonist has similar beneficial effects on progression of diabetic nephropathy in hypertensive patients with type 1 diabetes.310 Thus, interruption of the RAS slows the progression of renal disease in patients with type 1 diabetes, but similar data are not available for patients with type 2 diabetes as reviewed by Parving.84 Against this background, two large multinational, double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trials with ARBs were carried out in comparable populations of hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes, proteinuria, and elevated serum creatinine levels.311,312 In both trials, the primary outcome was the composite of a doubling of the

base-line serum creatinine concentration, ESRD, or death. A comparison of the benefits obtained in the RENAAL study versus the IDNT (Irbesartan Diabetic Nephropathy Trial) is shown in Table 36–4. Side effects were minimal, and less than 2% of the patients had to stop ARB because of severe hyperkalemia. The number of sudden deaths in the different groups was alike. The two landmark studies lead to the following conclusion: “Losartan and irbesartan conferred significant renal benefits in patients with Type 2 diabetes and nephropathy. This protection is independent of the reduction in BP it causes. The ARBs are generally safe and well tolerated.” A recent meta-analysis of IRMA 2250 and the two abovementioned ARB trials311,312 revealed a significant risk reduction (15%) of cardiovascular events as compared with the control groups.313 Based on the three above-mentioned outcome trials with ARBs, the American Diabetes Association now recommends: “In hypertensive Type 2 diabetic patients with microalbuminuria or clinical albuminuria, ARB’s are the initial agents of choice.”257 Early studies describing the prognosis of overt diabetic nephropathy observed a median survival of 5 to 7 years after the onset of persistent proteinuria. End-stage renal failure was the primary cause of death in 66% of patients. When deaths attributed only to ESRD were considered, the median survival time was 10 years. All this was before patients were offered antihypertensive therapy.84 Long-term antihypertensive therapy was evaluated prospectively in 45 type 1 diabetic patients who developed overt diabetic nephropathy between 1974 and 1978. Ten years after onset of diabetic nephropathy, the cumulative death rate was 18% and the median survival was more than 16 years.314,315 We went on to examine whether antihypertensive therapy also improved

Diabetic Nephropathy

Albuminuria (µg/min)


100 Cumulative death rate (%)


75 50 25 0 0





Years since onset of diabetic nephropathy Andersen 1983

Knowles 1971

Rossing 1996

Astrup 2005

Parving 1996

FIGURE 36–18 Cumulative death rate from onset of diabetic nephropathy in type 1 diabetic patients during the natural history of diabetic nephropathy (red line, n = 45, Knowles472; yellow line, n = 360, Andersen et al473) compared with patients who had effective antihypertensive treatment (orange line, n = 45, Parving et al315; black line, n = 263, Rossing et al101; green line, n = 199, Astrup et al317).

CH 36 survival in an unselected cohort of 263 patients with diabetic nephropathy followed for up to 20 years, and observed a median survival of 13.9 years; only 35% of patients died because of end-stage renal failure (serum creatinine > 500 µmol/L).316 Fortunately, survival continues to improve, and we recently showed a median survival rate of 21 years after onset of diabetic nephropathy317 (Fig. 36–18). The first information on progression based on a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled antihypertensive treatment trial was presented by the Collaborative Study Group of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibition with captopril in diabetic nephropathy.309 This study lasting on average 2.7 years demonstrated a risk reduction of 61% (95% CI 26% to 80%, P = 0.002) in the subgroup of 102 patients with baseline serum creatinine concentration greater than 133 µmol/L and 46% (P = 0.14) in the 307 patients with serum creatinine concentration at baseline below 133 µmol/L for the occurrence of death or progression to dialysis or transplantation in type 1 diabetic patients treated with captopril versus placebo. An economic analysis of the use of captopril in diabetic nephropathy revealed that ACEI will provide significant savings in the health care costs.318 In conclusion, the prognosis of type 1 diabetic patients suffering from diabetic nephropathy has improved during the past decade, largely because of effective antihypertensive treatment with conventional drugs (β-blockers, diuretics) and ACE inhibitors. Unfortunately, scanty information on this important issue is available in type 2 diabetic patients with diabetic nephropathy.

Lipid Lowering The renoprotective effect of HMGCoA reductase inhibitors in patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes with micro- or macroalbuminuria appears to be highly variable.120 However, all nine studies are of short duration dealing with small number of patients and only evaluating the surrogate end point: urinary albumin excretion. Large long-term double-blind, randomized trials with hard end points, for example, doubling of serum creatinine or ESRD, are urgently needed.

Dietary Protein Restriction Short-term studies in normoalbuminuric, microalbuminuric, and macroalbuminuric type 1 diabetic patients have shown

that a low-protein diet (0.6–0.8 g/kg/d) reduces urinary albumin excretion and hyperfiltration, independently of changes in glucose control and BP.319,320 Longer term trials in type 1 patients with diabetic nephropathy suggest that protein restriction reduces the progression of kidney function,321,322 but the interpretation has been challenged.323,324 Pedrini and colleagues325 performed a meta-analysis and concluded that dietary protein restriction effectively slows the progression of diabetic renal disease, but the conclusion has been disputed.326,327 Most recently, we reported a 4-year prospective, controlled trial with concealed randomization comparing the effects of a low-protein diet with a usual protein diet in 82 type 1 diabetic patients with progressive diabetic nephropathy.328 ESRD or death occurred in 27% of patients on a usual protein diet as compared with 10% on low-protein diet (logrank test P = 0.04). The relative risk of ESRD or death was 0.23 (0.07–0.72) for patients assigned to a low-protein diet, after an adjustment at baseline for the presence of CVD at baseline.

END-STAGE RENAL DISEASE IN DIABETIC PATIENTS Epidemiology Diabetic nephropathy has become the leading cause of ESRD in most Western countries.329 According to the 2005 report of the U.S. Renal Data System (, diabetes as a comorbid condition was reported in 44.8% of incident ESRD patients in the United States (4.3% type 1, 40.5% type 2). In Europe, the proportion of diabetics varied considerably between countries. In 1999, on average, 117 diabetics per million population per year developed ESRD; the proportion was stable for those younger than 45 years but rose by 2.2% per year in the age group 45 to 64 years and by 7% among those 65 to 74 years.330,331 Registry figures tend to underestimate the renal burden of diabetes; we found that diabetes as a comorbid condition was present in no less than 48.9% of patients admitted for renal replacement therapy in Heidelberg.332 Clinical features of classic KimmelstielWilson disease were found in only 60%, however. Atypical presentation consistent with ischemic nephropathy, that is, shrunken kidneys with no major proteinuria, accounted for 13%, and known primary renal disease (e.g., polycystic disease, analgesic nephropathy, glomerulonephritis) with superimposed diabetes accounted for 27% of the cases. Survival of the diabetic patient on hemodialysis (HD) is reduced whether or not diabetic or primary nondiabetic renal disease accounts for ESRD.333 In the Heidelberg series, diabetes had not been diagnosed at the time of admission in 11% of these patients, presumably because the patients had lost weight secondary to anorexia, thus self-correcting hyperglycemia. This may explain why apparent de novo diabetes commonly develops in patients on dialysis334; patients with diabetic nephropathy may completely lose hyperglycemia after weight loss because of uremia and regain weight after refeeding on dialysis. The diabetic patient with ESRD has several options for renal replacement therapy: 1. Transplantation (kidney only, simultaneous pancreas plus kidney, pancreas after kidney). 2. HD. 3. Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). There is consensus that today medical rehabilitation and survival are best after transplantation,335 particularly after transplantation of pancreas plus kidney.336 The results of CAPD and HD are inferior to transplantation but comparable between CAPD and HD.

TABLE 36–5

Major Microvascular and Macrovascular Complications in Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy

Microvascular complications Retinopathy Polyneuropathy including autonomic neuropathy (gastroparesis, diarrhea/obstipation, detrusor paresis, painless myocardial ischemia, erectile dysfunction; supine hypertension/orthostatic hypotension) Macrovascular complications Coronary heart disease, left ventricular hypertrophy, congestive heart failure Cerebrovascular complications (stroke) Peripheral artery occlusive disease Mixed complications diabetic foot (neuropathic, vascular)

TABLE 36–6

Frequent Therapeutic Challenges in the Diabetic Patient with Renal Failure

Hypertension (blood pressure amplitude, circadian rhythm)

Glycemic control (insulin half-life, cumulation of oral hypoglycemic agents) Malnutrition Bacterial infections (diabetic foot) Timely creation of vascular access

Glucose Control On the one hand, renal failure causes, among other problems, insulin resistance by accumulation of a (hypothetical) circulating factor interfering with the action of insulin. As a result, there is a tendency to develop impaired glucose tolerance and hyperglycemia. Insulin resistance is improved after the start of dialysis. On the other hand, the half-life of insulin is prolonged, causing a tendency to develop hypoglycemic episodes. This risk is further compounded by anorexia and by accumulation CH 36 of most sulfonylurea compounds (with the exception of gliquidone or glimepiride). Glinides and glitazones do not accumulate. It follows that as the result of these opposing influences glycemia is difficult to predict, and thus, close monitoring of plasma glucose concentrations is advisable. There is an increasing trend to use short-acting insulins more liberally in these patients, particularly during intercurrent illness (infections, surgery), and insulin treatment is also useful to combat catabolism and malnutrition.

Diabetic Nephropathy


salt, patients with diabetic nephropathy have a tendency to 1285 develop hypervolemia and edema.340 Therefore, dietary salt restriction and the use of loop diuretics are usually indicated. At least in monotherapy, thiazides are not sufficient once GFR is below 30 to 50 mL/min. When the creatinine concentration is elevated, multidrug antihypertensive therapy is usually necessary to normalize BP with, on average, three to five antihypertensive agents. In these patients, hypertension is also characterized by a high BP amplitude (as a result of increased aortic stiffness) and by an attenuated nighttime decrease in BP, which in itself is a potent risk predictor.341,342

Malnutrition Management of the Patient with Advanced Renal Failure The diabetic patient with advanced renal failure has usually a much higher burden of microvascular and macrovascular complications (Table 36–5) than the diabetic patient without or with the early stages of diabetic nephropathy. The morbidity of these diabetic patients with advanced renal failure is usually more severe than that of the average patient seen in the diabetes outpatient clinic. The diabetic patient with advanced renal impairment, even if he or she is asymptomatic, must therefore be monitored at regular intervals for timely detection of these complications (opthalmologic examination at half-yearly intervals, cardiac and angiologic status yearly, foot inspection at each visit). The physician in charge of a diabetic patient with impaired renal function has to face a spectrum of therapeutic challenges, which are listed in Table 36–6. The most vexing clinical problems are related to CHD and autonomic polyneuropathy.

Hypertension At any given level of GFR, BP tends to be higher in diabetic compared with nondiabetic patients with renal failure. Because of their beneficial effect on cardiovascular complications337 and progression,311,312,338,339 ACE inhibitors or ARBs are obligatory unless there are absolute or relative contraindications, for example, an acute major increase in serum creatinine (e.g., renal artery stenosis, hypovolemia) or hyperkalemia resistant to corrective maneuvers (such as loop diuretics, dietary potassium restriction, or correction of metabolic acidosis). Because of their marked propensity to retain

Patients are often severely catabolic and are predisposed to develop malnutrition, particularly during periods of intercurrent illness and fasting, but also from ill-advised recommendation of protein-restricted diets, particularly when these anorectic patients concomitantly reduce energy intake. Malnutrition is a potent independent predictor of mortality,343 and its presence justifies an early start of renal replacement treatment. Anorectic obese patients with type 2 diabetes and advanced renal failure often undergo massive weight loss, leading to normalization of fasting and even postloading glycemia. The diagnosis of Kimmelstiel-Wilson disease then requires documentation of retinopathy or renal biopsy. Wasting with low muscle mass is an important cause why physicians misjudge the severity of renal failure, because at any given level of GFR, serum creatinine concentrations are then spuriously low. This contributes to dosing errors of drugs, which accumulate in renal failure and may also contribute to the belated start of renal replacement therapy. It is advisable to measure or estimate GFR (Cockcroft-Gault or MDRD formula) in cases of doubt.

Acute and “Acute-on-Chronic” Renal Failure Multimorbid diabetic patients with nephropathy are particularly prone to develop acute renal failure (ARF), very often when serum creatinine is already elevated (“acute on chronic”). In the Heidelberg program, 27% of patients with ARF had diabetes.332 The most common causes were emergency cardiologic interventions involving administration of radiocontrast, septicemia, low cardiac output, and shock. The high susceptibility of the kidney to ischemic injury, at least

344 1286 in experimental diabetes, may be a contributory factor. It is of note that in the intensive care unit, strict glycemic control reduces the risk of ARF even in nondiabetic patients.345 Frequently, ARF necessitates HD culminating in irreversible chronic renal failure. This mode of presentation as irreversible ARF has a particularly poor prognosis.346 Prevention of radiocontrast-induced ARF necessitates adequate hydration of the patient with saline as well as temporary interruption of diuretics treatment.347

Vascular Access Timely creation of vascular access is of overriding importance. It should be considered when the GFR is approximately 20 to 25 mL/min. Although venous runoff problems are not unusual (venous occlusion from prior injections, infusions, or infections, as well as hypoplasia of veins, particularly in elderly female diabetics), inadequate arterial inflow is increasingly recognized as the major cause of fistula malfunction.348 If distal arteries are severely sclerotic, anastomosis at a more proximal level may be necessary. Use of native vessels is clearly the first choice and results of grafts are defi349 to create an upper arm CH 36 nitely inferior. It is often necessary native arteriovenous fistula349–351 or use more sophisticated approaches.352 Arteriosclerosis of arm arteries not only jeopardizes fistula flow but also predisposes to the steal phenomenon with ensuing finger gangrene.353

Anemia In diabetic patients with renal failure compared with nondiabetic patients, anemia is more frequent and more severe at any given level of GFR.354 The major cause of anemia is an inappropriate response of the plasma erythropoietin (EPO) concentration to anemia. Inhibition of the RAS may be an additional factor. In patients whose serum creatinine is still normal, the EPO concentration predicts the future rate of loss of GFR.355 There had been some concern that correction of anemia by EPO accelerated the rate of loss of GFR, but this has not been confirmed.355a There is no controlled evidence concerning the effect of reversal of anemia by EPO on diabetic end-organ damage. Although EPO is a retinal proangiogenic factor in diabetes,356 uncontrolled observations show some improvement of diabetic retinopathy after administration of EPO,357 which is in line with experimental observations on a protective role of EPO in retinal ischemia358 and diabetic polyneuropathy.359 Because congestive heart failure is such a frequent complication of diabetic patients with renal failure,360 it is of interest that in nondiabetic patients, correction of anemia by EPO improves heart function.361

Initiation of Renal Replacement Therapy Many nephrologists would agree that renal replacement therapy should be started earlier than in nondiabetic patients at an eGFR of approximately 15 mL/min. An even earlier start may be justified when hypervolemia and BP become uncontrollable, when the patient is anorectic and cachectic, and when the patient vomits as the combined result of uremia and gastroparesis.

Hemodialysis In recent years, survival of diabetic patients on HD has tended to improve.330 Astonishingly high survival rates, for example, 50% at 5 years in dialysed diabetic patients, have been reported from East Asia. To a large extent, these differences

between countries may reflect the frequency of cardiovascular death in the background populations.

Intradialytic and Interdialytic Blood Pressure Diabetic patients receiving dialysis tend to be more hypertensive than dialyzed nondiabetic patients. In diabetic patients, BP is exquisitely volume dependent. The problem is compounded by the fact that patients are predisposed to intradialytic hypotension, so that it is difficult to reach the target “dry weight” by ultrafiltration. Nevertheless, reduced dietary salt intake and ultrafiltration may permit control of hypertension without medication, but most patients need antihypertensive drugs. The main causes of intradialytic hypotension are, on the one hand, disturbed counterregulation (autonomous polyneuropathy) and, on the other hand, disturbed left ventricular compliance so that cardiac output decreases abruptly when left ventricular filling pressure diminishes during ultrafiltration.362 One or more of the following approaches are useful to avoid intradialytic hypotension: long dialysis sessions, omission of antihypertensive agents immediately before dialysis sessions, controlled ultrafiltration, and to a minor extent, also correction of anemia by EPO therapy. If nothing works, however, alternative treatment modalities, such as hemofiltration and CAPD, should be considered. Intradialytic hypotension increases the risk of cardiac death by a factor of three.333 It also prediposes to myocardial ischemia, arrhythmia, deterioration of maculopathy, and particularly in the elderly, nonthrombotic mesenteric infarction. Pulse pressure and impaired elasticity, as well as calcification of central arteries, are major predictors of death and of cardiovascular events in nonuremic patients. They are also significant predictors of death in nondiabetic patients, but for uncertain reasons, not in diabetic patients on HD.363

Cardiovascular Problems Why is survival of diabetic patients on HD (and CAPD) inferior compared with that of nondiabetic patients? According to a Canadian study,364 31% of diabetic patients on HD died from cardiovascular causes. Cardiovascular mortality accounted for 59% of overall deaths in diabetic patients compared with 14% in nondiabetic controls. Stack and Bloembergen360 examined the prevalence of CHD in a national random sample of patients entering renal replacement programs and noted that the prevalence of CHD was significantly higher in diabetic compared with nondiabetic patients, the difference between the two groups even exceeding that observed between sexes. Diabetic patients are at a greater risk of acquiring CHD in the predialytic phase. The odds ratio of developing new CVD was 5.35 for diabetic patients with established kidney disease who were not yet on dialysis.365 This explains the high prevalence of cardiovascular complications when diabetic patients enter dialysis programs. The rate of onset of ischemic heart disease was strikingly and significantly higher in diabetic patients compared with nondiabetic patients on HD.360,364,365 The diabetic patient is also at higher risk when coronary complications supervene. When myocardial infarction develops, short-term and long-term survival are very poor in all HD patients, but poorest in the diabetic patient on HD: 62.3% versus 55.4% in the nondiabetic patient after 1 year and 93.3% versus 86.9% after 5 years.366 Diabetic patients are also more prone to develop cardiac arrest during dialysis sessions367 and more likely to die from sudden death in the dialysis interval. These complications are presumably not fully explained by the severity of stenosing coronary lesions.

CABG using internal mammary grafts (but not CABG using 1287 venous grafts) yielded superior outcome compared with PTCA with or without stenting.388 In view of the fact that renal failure per se aggravates insulin resistance391 and that in uremia, insulin-mediated glucose uptake of the heart is reduced,392 normalization of blood glucose by insulin and glucose infusion is particularly important in uremic patients with diabetes and ischemic heart disease.

Metabolic Control Dialysis partially reverses insulin resistance so that insulin requirements often become less than before dialysis. Even patients with type 1 diabetes may occasionally lose their need for insulin, at least transiently, on institution of HD. In other patients, however, insulin requirements increase, presumably because anorexia is reversed so that appetite and food consumption increase. It is most convenient to use dialysates that contain glucose, usually about 200 mg/mL. This allows insulin to be administered at the usual times of day, reduces the risk of hyperglycemic or hypoglycemic episodes, and causes fewer hypotensive episodes.393 Adequate control of glycemia is important because hyperglycemia causes thirst, high fluid intake, and hypovolemia, CH 36 as well as an osmotic shift of water and K+ from the intracellular to the extracellular space. This leads to circulatory congestion and hyperkalemia. Diabetics with poor glucose control are also more susceptible to infection. Finally, in dialyzed diabetic patients, hyperglycemia definitely increases the risk of death, mainly from CVD.375 Assessment of glycemic control using HbA1c is confounded by carbamylation of hemoglobin, by altered red blood cell survival, and by assay interference from uremia.394 HbA1c values above 7.5% cause modest overestimation of hyperglycemia in diabetic patients with ESRD. Diminished insulin-mediated glucose uptake, that is, insulin resistance, has been noted in the hearts of uremic animals,392 and this is presumably one factor causing reduced ischemia tolerance of the heart. In view of the high cardiac risk and the benefit from intensive insulin therapy in critically ill patients,395 insulin should presumably be administered more generously in diabetic patients with renal failure. This might also be beneficial in the control of catabolism and malnutrition.

Diabetic Nephropathy

Undoubtedly, however, in dialyzed diabetic patients, coronary calcification is more pronounced368 and complex triplevessel lesions are more frequent. In agreement with our experience, Varghese and colleagues369 found triple-vessel lesions in 27% of diabetic compared with 12% of nondiabetic patients. Nevertheless, the impact of ischemic heart disease is presumably amplified by further frequently coexisting cardiac abnormalities such as congestive heart failure, left ventricular hypertrophy, and disturbed sympathetic innervation,370,371 as well as fibrosis of the heart and microvessel disease with diminished coronary reserve and deranged cardiomyocyte metabolism with reduced ischemia tolerance.372 Such functional abnormalities, particularly insufficient NOdependent vasodilator reserve and deranged sympathetic innervation, have been documented even in the earliest stages of diabetes.373 They are also present in dialyzed diabetic patients.370 Therapeutic challenges are prevention in the asymptomatic patient and intervention in the symptomatic patient. With respect to prevention, unfortunately, little evidence-based information is available. Observational studies suggest that good glycemic control in patients entering dialysis programs374 or patients on dialysis375 reduces overall and cardiovascular mortality. It is also sensible to reduce afterload (BP control) and preload (hypervolemia). Despite the evidence of benefit from statin therapy in diabetic patients without renal failure376 and in nondiabetic patients with renal failure but not on dialysis,377 the four-dimensional study did not find a reduction of cardiac events by atorvastatin in dialysed type 2 diabetic patients.378 Diabetic patients with renal failure are characterized by premature and more pronounced anemia so that timely and effective treatment with recombinant human EPO is advisable, although there is no controlled evidence of cardiovascular benefit.379 If one can extrapolate the results of the Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation337 study and the losartan Intervention for Endpoint Reduction in Hypertension study380 to ESRD, pharmacologic blockade of the RAS using ACE inhibitors or ARBs is indicated and safe,381 even in patients with advanced renal failure. In view of the importance of disturbed sympathetic innervation,382 it is surprising that β-blockers are only sparingly administered to dialyzed diabetic patients, although better survival on β-blockers has been shown in observational studies383 and substantially better survival with carvedilol in dialyzed patients has been documented in a controlled interventional study.384 In a very small series of diabetic patients with symptomatic CHD, active intervention, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) or coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), was superior to medical treatment alone,385 and in another series, 15% of the surgically managed patients had reached a cardiovascular end point after 8.4 months of followup compared with 77% of the medically managed group.386 Because patients often fail to complain of pain, and because screening tests such as exercise ECG and thallium scintigraphy are notoriously poor predictors, one should resort directly to coronary angiography if there is any suspicion of CHD. No dogmatic statements concerning type of intervention are possible in the absence of evidence from controlled prospective studies. Retrospective interventional studies386–388 have consistently shown more adverse outcomes in diabetic patients compared with nondiabetic patients treated either with CABG or PTCA. After PTCA, the coronary reocclusion rate had been devastating in the past, for example, in some series, 70% at 1 year, even in nondiabetic HD patients. Results have considerably improved in recent years. More recent series suggest markedly better outcomes after PTCA plus stenting compared with PTCA alone,389 but the frequency of diffuse three-vessel disease with heavy calcification in dialysed diabetic patients remains a major problem.390 A recent retrospective analysis of dialysed diabetics suggested that

Malnutrition Because of anorexia and prolonged habituation to dietary restriction, the dietary intake of energy (30–35 kcal/kg/d) and protein (1.3 g/kg/d) intake often falls short of the recommended target in diabetic patients on HD. By x-ray absorptiometry, Okuno and co-workers documented a decrease in body fat mass in diabetic compared to nondiabetic patients.395a This is particularly undesirable because malnutrition is a potent predictor of death. It is of concern that indicators of malnutrition and microinflammation are more commonly found in diabetic patients.396 Surprisingly, conventional indicators of malnutrition are not predictive of survival in diabetic patients, however.397

Miscellaneous In the past, visual prognosis in dialyzed diabetics was extremely poor and a high proportion of patients were blind after several months. Despite the use of heparin (which in the past had been accused as a culprit), de novo amaurosis on HD has become very rare. On average, hyperparathyroidism tends to be much less pronounced in diabetic patients compared to nondiabetic patients on HD.


Amputation At the start of HD, 16% of diabetic patients have undergone amputation, most above-the-ankle amputation.398 The distinction between neuropathic and vascular foot lesions is crucial to improve outcomes, because the treatment of the two conditions is different.398,399 The presence of diabetic foot lesions is one of the most powerful predictors of survival in dialysed diabetic patients, possibly as a result of the associated microinflammatory state.399

Peritoneal Dialysis CAPD is not the most common treatment modality. According to the U.S. Renal Data System in 2003, 41,940 incident diabetic patients were treated with HD, 2,808 with CAPD, and 367 with renal transplantation. The proportion of diabetic patients treated by CAPD varies greatly between countries, illustrating that selection of treatment modalities is also strongly influenced by logistics and reimbursement policies and not only by medical considerations. There are very good a priori reasons to offer initially CAPD treatment to diabetic patients. In diabetic patients with ESRD, forearm vessels are CH 36 often sclerosed, so that it is not possible to create a fistula. The alternative of HD through intravenous catheters (instead of arteriovenous fistulas or grafts) yields unsatisfactory longterm results because blood flow is low and the risk of infection is high. Long-term dialysis through catheter was identified as one major predictor of poor patient survival on HD.400 There are additional reasons for offering PD as the initial mode of renal replacement therapy to the diabetic patient. According to Heaf and co-workers, during the first 2 years, survival is better for patients treated with CAPD compared to HD, and this was also true for diabetic patients401 except for the very elderly.402 A survival advantage is no longer demonstrable beyond the second year (presumably because by then residual renal function has decayed). Moreover, CAPD provides slow and sustained ultrafiltration without rapid fluctuations of fluid volumes and electrolyte concentrations, features that are advantageous for BP control and prevention of heart failure. An interesting concept has been proposed by Van Biesen and colleagues.403 Patients who started on CAPD and who were transferred to HD after residual renal function had decayed had better long-term survival than patients who started on HD and remained on HD throughout. As a potential explanation, it has been proposed that an early start on CAPD prevents the organ damage that accumulates in the terminal stage of uremia. Survival of patients who had remained on CAPD for more than 48 months was inferior compared with patients on HD, presumably because CAPD is no longer sufficiently effective when residual renal function has gone, at least in heavier patients. It is also relevant that CAPD treatment presents no surgical contraindications to renal transplantation. In the past, an idea had been advanced that seems a priori attractive—to administer insulin by injection into the CAPD fluid with the goal of providing insulin via the “physiologic” portal route. Unfortunately, there are practical problems: uncertainty of dosage because insulin binds to the surface of dialysis bags and tubing404 and is degraded by insulinases in the peritoneum.405 Moreover, the rate of absorption from the peritoneal cavity shows large interindividual variation. There is no firm evidence that the procedure permits better control of glycemia or dyslipidemia.406 As a result, most nephrologists no longer use this approach. Although protein is lost across the peritoneal membrane, the main nutritional problem is gain of glucose and calories because high glucose concentrations in the dialysate are necessary for osmotic removal of excess body fluid. This leads

to weight gain and obesity. Daily glucose absorption is 100 to 150 g, because a CAPD patient is exposed to 3 to 7 tons of fluid containing 50 to 175 kg of glucose per year. The use of glucose-containing fluids has another interesting disadvantage. Heat sterilization of glucose under acid conditions creates highly reactive glucose degradation products (GDPs) such as methylglyoxal, glyoxal, formaldehyde, 3-deoxyglucosone, and 3,4-dideoxyglucosone-3-ene.407 GDPs are cytotoxic and also lead to the formation of advanced glycation end products. Even in nondiabetic patients on CAPD, deposits of advanced glycation end products are found in the peritoneal membrane. They trigger fibrogenesis and neoangiogenesis presumably by interaction with RAGE, the receptor for AGE.408 The products also enter the systemic circulation presumably contributing to systemic microinflammation.409 These findings led to the snappy but misleading term “local diabetes mellitus.”410 Heat sterilization of two-compartment bags circumvents the generation of toxic GDPs. In prospective studies, CAPD fluid produced with this technique of sterilization was much less toxic than conventional CAPD fluid despite the high glucose concentration in the CAPD fluid.411

Transplantation Kidney Transplantation There is consensus that medical rehabilitation of the diabetic patient with uremia is best after transplantation.335 Survival of the diabetic patient with a kidney graft is worse compared with a nondiabetic patient with a kidney graft. Nevertheless, because survival of the diabetic patient is so much poorer on dialysis, the percent gain in life expectancy of the diabetic patient with a graft, compared with the dialyzed diabetic patient on the waiting list, is much greater than in the nondiabetic patient. The higher mortality of the diabetic with a kidney graft is mainly due to complications resulting from preexisting vascular disease, left ventricular hypertrophy, and post-transplant hypertension.412 Wolfe and colleagues335 calculated an adjusted relative risk of death in transplant recipients, compared with patients on the waiting list; it was 0.27 in patients with diabetes and 0.39 in patients with glomerulonephritis. Obviously, the perioperative risk is higher in diabetic than in nondiabetic patients, but nevertheless, in diabetic patients, the predicted survival on the waiting list was 8 years and, after transplantation, 19 years. At present, the majority of diabetic patients receiving a transplant have type 1 diabetes, although graft and patient survival are impressive in carefully selected type 2 diabetic patients without macrovascular complications who had received kidney grafts.413 Diabetic patients must be subjected to rigorous pretransplantation evaluation, which in most centers, includes routine coronary angiography. As an alternative, Manske and colleagues have devised an algorithm to identify the diabetic patient who should receive screening tests before transplantation.414 Patients should also be examined by Doppler sonography of pelvic arteries and, if necessary, angiography, to avoid placement of a renal allograft into an iliac artery with compromised arterial flow at risk of ischemia of the extremity and amputation. Preemptive transplantation, that is, transplantation before initiation of dialysis, provides some modest long-term benefit.415

Kidney-Plus-Pancreas Transplantation Despite great excitement over the seminal double transplantation performed by Kelly and co-workers416 in Minneapolis, the results of simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation (SPK) had remained disappointing for a long time. The breakthrough came with the introduction of calcineurin inhibitors and low-steroid protocols. In an impressively large single-center experience, Becker and co-workers336 showed that survival of patients with SPK approached that of patients

Pancreas-After-Kidney Transplantation An alternative strategy must be considered in the diabetic patient who has a live kidney donor: in a first step, the living donor kidney is transplanted, and subsequently, once stable renal function is achieved (GFR > 50 mL/min), a cadaver donor pancreas is transplanted. The outcomes are satisfactory.422 Transplantation of pancreas segments obtained from living donors is still an experimental procedure.423 Procedure and Management Today the preferred SPK technique is enteric drainage. Bladder drainage has been increasingly abandoned because of mucosal irritation, development of strictures, bicarbonate wasting with metabolic acidosis, recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs), and reflux pancreatitis. Oral glucose tolerance normalizes unless the graft is damaged by ischemia or by subclinical rejection related to HLA-DR mismatch.424 Most investigators find either normalization of insulin sensitivity425 or some impairment of insulinstimulated nonoxidative glucose metabolism426 with hepatic insulin resistance427 possibly related to insulin delivery into the systemic circulation (as opposed to physiologic delivery into the portal circulation).428,429 Impressive normalization of lipoprotein lipase activity and of the lipid spectrum have also been reported consistent with reduced atherogenic risk.430 An interesting issue is whether graft rejection affects kidney and pancreatic grafts in parallel. Although this is mostly so (permitting use of renal function as a surrogate marker of rejection in the pancreas), it is by no means obligatory. Nevertheless because episodes of isolated rejections of the pancreas are rare monitoring the kidney graft is the usual procedure. The pancreatic graft can be directly monitored by duplex sonography, if necessary. Pancreas graft biopsy is used to distinguish graft pancreatitis from immune injury to the graft. Pancreas grafts are usually lost because of alloimmunity reactions, but in rare cases graft loss resulting from destruction by autoimmume mechanisms has been described.431 Recurrence of autoimmune inflammation (insulitis) in the recipient with lymphocytic infiltration and selective loss of insulin-producing beta cells (while glucagon, somatostatin, and pancreatic polypeptide-secreting cells were spared) were

often seen in the pioneering era when segmental pancreatic 1289 grafts were exchanged between monozygotic twins. Today this has become rare, presumably because immunosuppression keeps autoimmunity under control. Rejection of the pancreas responds poorly to steroid treatment. Its treatment should always include T cell antibodies. In the past an immunosuppression protocol based on tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) was used as the standard in most centers around the world. In 72% of patients treated with this combination it is possible to withdraw steroids within the first year after SPK.432 Novel induction strategies and steroid-free maintenance regimens are currently under investigation.433

Islet Cell Transplantation Although advanced procedures such as transplantation of stem cells or precursor cells, transplantation of encapsulated islet cells, islet xenotransplants, and insulin gene therapy are still beyond the horizon, islet cell transplantation has so far yielded some interesting, but not yet satisfactory, results. According to the last available registry report, in 2002 439 patients had received islet cell transplants worldwide, mainly in eight major centers. Patient survival was 79%, and 14% of patients were off insulin, but measurable C peptide values CH 36 greater than 0.5 ng/mL as evidence of residual islet function were noted in 45% of patients. Minor intraportal insulin secretion may be relevant because it may normalize hepatic glucose production.434 This field had gotten a major boost with the observations of Shapiro and co-workers who reported successful islet transplantation achieving insulin independence in seven consecutive patients using a steroid-free immunosuppression regimen consisting of sirolimus, tacrolimus, and taclizumab.435 Such early success was confirmed by others. Five years after transplantation, however, insulin independence was achieved in only 10%, a result inferior to whole pancreas allotransplantation.436

Diabetic Nephropathy

who underwent transplantation for nondiabetic renal disease and was clearly superior to diabetic recipients of living donor kidney grafts and particularly of cadaver kidney grafts. The 10-year Kaplan-Meier estimate of patient survival was 82% in 215 SPK versus 71% in 111 live donor kidney graft recipients. The annual mortality rate was 1.5% for SPK recipients, 3.65% for living donor kidney graft recipients, and 6.27% for cadaver donor kidney graft recipients. Reversibility of established microvascular complications after SPK is minor at best, with the important exception of autonomic polyneuropathy,417 particularly improved cardiorespiratory reflexes,418 and some improvement in nerve conduction.419 Further benefits include improved gastric and bladder function,371 as well as superior quality of life, better metabolic control, and improved survival336 so that today, SPK should be the preferred treatment for the type 1 diabetic who meets the selection criteria. There is an increasing tendency for early or even preemptive SPK.415 Because graft outcome is progressively more adverse with increasing time spent on HD,420 the latter strategy is sensible. In the United States, diabetics younger than 55 years of age are usually considered for SPK when GFR has become less than 40 mL/min, whereas in Europe, the criteria are more conservative, requiring a GFR of less than 20 mL/min.421 Exclusion criteria are, among others, active smoking, morbid obesity, uncorrected CVD, and so on. Clear indications for pancreas transplantation in nonuremic diabetic patients have not been established so far.

Diabetes in Nondiabetic Solid Organ Graft Recipients An increasingly serious problem of solid organ transplantation, including renal transplantation, is the de novo appearance of diabetes in graft recipients who had no diabetes at the time of transplantation. In Spain this was seen in 17.4%437 and in the US in up to 21% at 10 years.438 De novo diabetes is presumably the result of several factors: the diabetogenic action of calcineurin inhibitors, particularly tacrolimus, and steroids as well as the unmasking of diabetes after rapid weight gain in individuals genetically predisposed to diabetes mellitus. Predictors of de novo diabetes are a family history of diabetes, age, obesity, hepatitis C, treatment with tacrolimus.437–439 Complications include increased cardiovascular events440 and even delayed graft loss from allograft diabetic nephropathy.441

BLADDER DYSFUNCTION Bladder dysfunction as a sequela of autonomous diabetic polyneuropathy is frequent in diabetic patients, leading to straining, hesitancy, and the sensation of incomplete emptying of the bladder, in males combined with erectile dysfunction.442 Disabling symptoms are rare, however (with the exception of the frail elderly). Because of its association with autonomous polyneuropathy, it is not surprising that bladder dysfunction is frequently associated with postural hypotension, gastroparesis, constipation, and nocturnal diarrhea. In classic cases, cystometry shows increased bladder volume at first desire to void and increased maximal bladder

443 1290 capacity associated with decreased detrusor contractility. These abnormalities appear very early in the course of the disease.444 Bladder dysfunction is of interest in two respects. First, it has often been stated that cystopathy is related to progression when supposedly an element of obstructive uropathy is superimposed on diabetic nephropathy. Torffvit,445 however, failed to note any relation to progression. Second, and possibly more important, cystopathy with residual volume after voiding renders eradication of UTIs difficult. Some studies have shown that diabetic cystopathy is not the most common urodynamic finding in patients with diabetes mellitus and voiding dysfunction446 underlining the necessity of careful urodynamic studies in the symptomatic patient. Kaplan and co-workers446 found bladder outlet obstruction in 36% of male diabetic patients with voiding dysfunction. This observation is in agreement with the finding of Menendez and colleagues447 who evaluated the urodynamic changes in IDDM patients with ESRD. Abnormal urodynamic findings were found in 84% of patients: the bladder was hypersensitive in 39% and hyposensitive in 30% of the cases. Evaluation of somatosensory evoked potentials of tibial and pudendal nerve and of the bulbocavernosus reflex has been shown to discriminate between symptomatic and CH 36 asymptomatic diabetic patients.448 Acute decompensation may be provoked by anticholinergics. Starer and Libow449 examined diabetic patients who were incontinent. Cystometry showed involuntary contractions in 61% of patients, normal voluntary contractions in 13%, and subnormal or absent contractions in 26%. This study again shows that classic urinary retention secondary to autonomic neuropathy is not the most common cause of urinary incontinence in the diabetic.

Urinary Tract Infection For a long time it had been controversial whether the frequency of bacteriuria is higher in diabetic patients, but there has never been any doubt that symptomatic UTIs are more severe and more aggressive. The hypothesis of a higher prevalence of UTI in diabetes goes back to the studies of Vejlsgaard450 who noted a higher frequency of bacteriuria, that is, of greater than 105 colonyforming units per milliliters urine in female (18.8% vs. 7.9% in control), but not in male diabetics. Such UTI was mostly asymptomatic (33%). A higher prevalence of UTI was also found in pregnant diabetic patients and was related to the presence of retinopathy, presumably as a surrogate marker for autonomous polyneuropathy. The results of prospective studies remained controversial. A higher prevalence in diabetic women was noted by Balasoiu451 and Zhanel and their associates,452 but not by Brauner and co-workers.453 A recent 4 year prospective study in a cohort of diabetic and nondiabetic women showed, however, that the incidence of UTIs as well as asymptomatic bacteriuria was twice as high in diabetic compared to nondiabetic women: The risk was higher in women on insulin and with longer duration of diabetes.454 UTIs may also pose problems after renal transplantation.455 Virulence factors in Escherichia coli isolated from diabetic women with asymptomatic bacteriuria did not differ from those in nondiabetic women456 and the spectrum of bacterial isolates as well as the resistance rates to antibiotics did not differ between diabetic and nondiabetic individuals.457,458 A recent study found, however, that UTI were predictive of later hospitalization because of symptomatic UTI.459 Symptomatic UTIs definitely run a more aggressive course in diabetic patients. Recent studies show that by multivariate analysis diabetes and poor glycemic control are independent factors associated with upper urinary tract involvement.460

UTIs in diabetes may also lead to complications, such as prostatic abscess, emphysematous cystitis and pyelonephritis,461 intrarenal abscess formation, renal carbuncle462 and penile necrosis (Fournier disease).462,463 One particular complication is renal papillary necrosis: it had been known since the 19th century and was rediscovered in the 1930s.464 In 1969 the large autopsy series of Ditscherlein465 still documented papillary necrosis in approximately 10% of 400 diabetic patients. This has not been confirmed in our more recent autopsy series.466 Among hundreds of diabetic patients in our unit, clinical evidence of this complication was found only once. There may be a secular trend of diminishing incidence, possibly related to earlier and more frequent administration of antibiotics. Papillary necrosis should be suspected in diabetic patients with UTI and septicemia, renal colic, hematuria, or obstructive uropathy. Extrarenal bacterial metastases are common in patients with UTI and septicemia, particularly UTI with methicillinresistant staphylococci: e.g., endophthalmitis,467 spondylitis, iliopsoas abscess formation and others. In community-acquired UTI, the predominant microbe is E. coli, but Klebsiella is more frequently found in diabetic patients than in control subjects468; exotic microbes such as Pasteurella multocida; staphylococci, including methicillinresistant staphylococci; and fungi, particularly Candida,469–471 may also be found. The reasons for the potentially higher frequency and the definitely higher severity of UTI in diabetes are not known, but may include more favorable conditions for bacterial growth (glucosuria), defective neutrophil function, increased adherence to uroepithelial cells and impaired bladder evacuation (detrusor paresis). As to the management of UTI, no clear benefits of antibiotic treatment have been demonstrated for treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria in diabetic patients. Community-acquired symptomatic lower UTI may be managed with trimethoprim, trimethoprim with sulfamethoxazole, or gyrase inhibitors. For nosocomially acquired UTI, sensitivity tests and sensitivitydirected antibiotic intervention are necessary. Invasive candiduria can be managed with amphotericin by irragation or systemic administration of fungicidal substances.

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