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Catalogue of the Western Asiatic Seals in the British Museum
The Brill Reference Library of Judaism Editorial Board
J. Neusner, Bard College Chairman
Associate Editors A. J. Avery-Peck (College of the Holy Cross) — H. Basser (Queens University) J. Faur (Bar Ilan University) — Wm. S. Green (University of Rochester) I. Gruber (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) — I. Gruenwald (Tel Aviv University) G. G. Porton (University of Illinois) — G. Stemberger (University of Vienna)
Catalogue of the Western Asiatic Seals in the British Museum Stamp Seals III: Impressions of Stamp Seals on Cuneiform Tablets, Clay Bullae, and Jar Handles
T. C. Mitchell and Ann Searight
Published in Collaboration with The Trustees of the British Museum
This book is printed on acid-free paper.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Mitchell, T.C. Catalogue of the Western Asiatic seals in the British Museum. Stamp seals. III : impressions of stamp seals on cuneiform tablets, clay bullae, and jar handles / by Terence C. Mitchell and Ann Searight. p. cm. From the collection deposited at the Dept. of Ancient Near East Antiquities of the British Museum. Includes bibliographical references and indexes. ISBN-13: 978-90-04-15615-9 (alk. paper) ISBN-10: 90-04-15615-1 (alk. paper) 1. Seals (Numismatics)—Middle East—Catalogs. 2. British Museum. Dept. of Ancient Near East Antiquties— Catalogs. I. Searight, Ann. II. British Museum. Dept. of Ancient Near East Antiquties. III. Title. CD5344.M583 2007 737'.609394—dc22 2006038146
ISBN 978 90 04 15615 9 © Copyright 2007 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands. Koninklijke Brill NV incorporates the imprints Brill, Hotei Publishing, IDC Publishers, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers and VSP.
The original drawings used in this volume are held in copyright by The British Museum and are available for reproduction on application to the Department of the Middle East. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use is granted by Koninklijke Brill NV provided that the appropriate fees are paid directly to The Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Suite 910, Danvers, MA 01923, USA. Fees are subject to change. printed in the netherlands
Foreword, J. E. Curtis ...................................................................................................................... Preface ................................................................................................................................................
ix xi
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ Citation of Museum Numbers ...................................................................................................... Catalogue Numbers ........................................................................................................................ Joins ................................................................................................................................................ Collections ...................................................................................................................................... Provenances .................................................................................................................................... Dates ................................................................................................................................................ Rulers .............................................................................................................................................. Coverage of the Collection .......................................................................................................... Owners of Seals ............................................................................................................................ Assyrian Royal Seals ...................................................................................................................... Intaglio Impressions ........................................................................................................................ Quality of the Impressions ............................................................................................................ The Drawings ................................................................................................................................ Direction of the Images ................................................................................................................ Scale ................................................................................................................................................ Cylinder Seals ................................................................................................................................ Distinctions Between Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian Seals ................................................ Aramaic Inscriptions ...................................................................................................................... Egyptian and Egyptianizing Seals ................................................................................................ Greek and Graecizing Seals .......................................................................................................... The Zodiac .................................................................................................................................... Palestinian Jar-Handle Stamps ...................................................................................................... Concentration of Images .............................................................................................................. The Bibliography ............................................................................................................................ The Concordance of Publications ................................................................................................ Museum Collections .......................................................................................................................... Bibliography ........................................................................................................................................
3 3 4 4 4 4 4 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 14 14 14 15 17 25
contents PART II
Mesopotamia .................................................................................................................................. Neo-Assyrian Period .................................................................................................................. Adad-nerari III [1–4] ............................................................................................................ A““ur-dan III [5] .................................................................................................................... Sargon II [6–20] .................................................................................................................... Sennacherib [21–49] .............................................................................................................. Esarhaddon [50–72] .............................................................................................................. Assurbanipal [73–147] .......................................................................................................... A““ur-etel-ilàni [148–163] ...................................................................................................... Sin-“arru-i“kun [164–186] ...................................................................................................... [Not precisely dated] [187–284] .......................................................................................... Neo-Babylonian Period .............................................................................................................. Nabopolassar [285–286] ........................................................................................................ Nebuchadnezzar II [287–292] .............................................................................................. Neriglissar [293–295] ............................................................................................................ Nabonidus [296–328] ............................................................................................................ [Not precisely dated] [329–339] .......................................................................................... Neo-Babylonian or Achaemenian Period ................................................................................ [Not precisely dated] [340–365] .......................................................................................... Achaemenian Period .................................................................................................................. Cyrus II [366–369] ................................................................................................................ Cambyses [370–380] .............................................................................................................. Darius I [381–471] ................................................................................................................ Xerxes I [472–476] ................................................................................................................ Artaxerxes I [477–513] .......................................................................................................... Darius II [514–516] .............................................................................................................. Artaxerxes II .......................................................................................................................... Ataxerxes III Ochus [517–522] ............................................................................................ [Not precisely dated] [523–589] .......................................................................................... Cache of clay lumps from Ur [525–588] ........................................................................ Probably Achaemenan [589] ................................................................................................ Late Achaemenian / Early Hellenistic .................................................................................... [Not precisely dated] [590–595] .......................................................................................... Hellenistic Period ........................................................................................................................ Macedonian Period ................................................................................................................ Alexander III (the Great) [596–604] ................................................................................ Philip III Arrhidaeus [605–607] ...................................................................................... Antigonus [608–630] .......................................................................................................... [Antigonus or Alexander IV] [631–635] ........................................................................ Alexander IV [636–642] .................................................................................................. Seleucid Period ...................................................................................................................... Seleucus I Nicator [643–649] .......................................................................................... Seleucus I & Antiochus I [650–651] .............................................................................. Antiochus I Soter [652–653] ............................................................................................ Antiochus I & Seleucus [654–672] .................................................................................. Antiochus I & Antiochus II [673–684] ............................................................................
33 33 33 34 34 40 48 55 78 83 91 117 117 117 119 119 126 128 128 133 133 134 136 156 157 165 166 166 167 168 182 182 182 185 185 185 187 187 192 193 197 197 199 200 200 206
contents Antiochus II Theos [685–697] .......................................................................................... Seleucus II & Seleucus III [698–715] .............................................................................. Antiochus III (the Great) [716–720] ................................................................................ Antiochus III & Antiochus [721–729] .............................................................................. Antiochus III (the Great) [730] ........................................................................................ Antiochus III & Seleucus IV [731] .................................................................................. Seleucus IV Philopater [732–735] .................................................................................... Antiochus IV Epiphanes [736–739] .................................................................................. Antiochus V Eupator [740] .............................................................................................. Demetrius I Soter [741–746] ............................................................................................ Alexander I Balas [747–749] ............................................................................................ [Not precisely dated] [750–756] ...................................................................................... [Not precisely dated] [757–783] .......................................................................................... Uncertain date [784–794] .................................................................................................... Palestine [796–821] .................................................................................................................... Aramaic Inscriptions ..........................................................................................................................
vii 210 214 221 223 226 226 227 228 229 230 232 233 233 241 243 251
Index of Provenances ........................................................................................................................ Concordance of Text Publications .................................................................................................... Index of Serial Numbers .................................................................................................................. Index of Collection Numbers ............................................................................................................ Index of Subjects Represented .......................................................................................................... Pictorial Typological Index ................................................................................................................ Addenda et Corrigenda ....................................................................................................................
265 267 275 281 287 293 311
It has long been recognised that the seal impressions on cuneiform tablets are an important source of information for the study of the seals themselves, especially when the tablets are dated. It is for this reason that the present study, by Terence Mitchell and Ann Searight, of stamp seal impressions on cuneiform tablets in the British Museum, is especially welcome. This project is particularly important because the British Museum has one of the largest collections of tablets in the world, many of which are both sealed and dated. This volume on stamp seal impressions, and others that may be forthcoming on cylinder seal impressions, should be regarded as complementing the series of volumes on Western Asiatic (Ancient Near Eastern) cylinder and stamp seals published by the British Museum. So far, six volumes have appeared in that series as follows: Cylinder Seals I. Uruk-Early Dynastic Periods by D. J. Wiseman (1962) Cylinder Seals II. Akkadian, Post Akkadian and Ur III Periods by D. Collon (1982) Cylinder Seals III. Isin/Larsa and Old Babylonian Periods by D. Collon (1986) Cylinder Seals V. Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian Periods by D. Collon (2001) Cylinder Seals VI. Pre-Achaemenid and Achaemenid Periods by P. H. Merrillees (2005) Stamp Seals II. The Sassanian Dynasty by A. D. H. Bivar (1969)
The history of this project may be traced back to 1968 when Mrs Pamela Parr, a voluntary worker in the Department, was engaged by Dr Richard Barnett to clean the boxes containing the cuneiform tablets. At the same time, between 1968 and 1970, she made a list of those tablets which had seal impressions, and these were subsequently drawn by Ann Searight, Illustrator in the Department of Western Asiatic Antiquities, which she did with her customary skill and efficiency. It was necessary to make drawings of all the impressions because in many cases they were badly impressed and could not be easily photographed. This work was overseen by Terence Mitchell, Keeper of the Department of Western Asiatic Antiquities, 1985–1989. After his retirement in 1989, alongside a number of other projects, Terence Mitchell was able to begin preparing a volume on these seal impressions. They range in date from the 9th century B.C. down to the 2nd century B.C., and cover the Assyrian, Babylonian, Achaemenid Persian and Seleucid periods. Also included in this volume are seal impressions on Palestinian jar handles. Seal catalogues are usually arranged typologically but here it has been decided that chronological presentation would be more appropriate. In this way, it can be clearly seen how the seals are dated and also in those cases where several seals appear on the same tablet the associations between the images are not lost. At the same time, the volume includes a pictorial typological index so that scholars searching for particular types of scene may easily find them. As the texts of many of the tablets have been published elsewhere, as opposed to the images, full references are given to those publications. John Curtis Keeper of the Department of the Middle East British Museum
The present publication is ancillary to volume I of the Catalogue of Western Asiatic (or Ancient Near Eastern) Stamp Seals in the British Museum. As explained in the Introduction, it was decided to present the impressions in a separate volume where they can be arranged chronologically, while in the main Catalogue a considerable element of the arrangement will be typological. The text is by T. C. Mitchell and the drawings by Ann Searight. I am indebted to Dr John Curtis, Keeper of Ancient Near East (formerly Western Asiatic) Antiquities, for facilitating my continuing work on this Catalogue after my retirement from the service of the Trustees, including the provision of a desk on which I have been able to leave my papers lying about. Christopher Walker, Deputy Keeper, who I have frequently consulted on cuneiform matters, particularly date formulae, as well as the placing of undated tablets by form of script and general appearance, has always responded with his customary good humour. I have also consulted Dr Irving Finkel, Assistant Keeper, on individual textual points, in particular the reading of owners’ names, and I have been able to discuss with him in detail the relationship between these and Aramaic inscriptions on the seals (see under Aramaic Inscriptions below). I am grateful to Dr Richard Parkinson of the Department of Egypt and Africa for consultation about the Egyptian hieroglyphic inscriptions, and for providing readings, transliterations and translations of them. I am also indebted to Professor David Hawkins for giving me preliminary information from his major Corpus of Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions (now published) concerning the reading and dating of the bullae with hieroglyphic Luwian seal impressions from Nineveh. Professor W. G. Lambert kindly suggested a reading of the rectilinear inscription on no. 714. I owe to Pamela Magrill the details of the seal impressions on jar handles from Tell edDuweir (Lachish), which form the major part of the section on Palestine. This is from her complete register of the Lachish collection which is held on the British Museum Data Base (now available in A Researcher’s Guide to the Lachish Collection in the British Museum [British Museum Research Publications 161] (London, 2006). I am also indebted to Dr Andrew Meadows of the Department of Coins and Medals who has helped with the identification and terminology of the Greek impressions, and for useful information on the dating of the Greek coin impressed in no. 553. Nigel Hepper formerly of the Herbarium at the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, kindly identified a number of the representations of plants in the impressions. At an early stage, I was saved tedious repetition of work already done when Jonathan Tubb scanned the draft preliminary printouts of a substantial section of text which, as a novice in word processing, I had lost from the memory of the machine. I am grateful to Katrina Whenham, now a member of the Department, who as a volunteer made a valuable contribution to the arrangement of the Pictorial Typological index of the seal impressions, and has provided expertise in computer matters. I am further indebted to Christopher Geering (then) of Winchester College who kindly assisted me in checking the indices of museum numbers. Christopher Walker, after his retirement, found time to supply me with revised datings for some of the tablets, showing that a few are wrongly placed in the chronological sequence. These have not been moved, but their entries as well as their correct locations have been marked with the symbol [*], and the details have been placed under Addenda et Corrigenda at the end of the volume. Additional bibliographical references, also supplied by Christopher Walker, have been placed at the end of the addenda. T. C. Mitchell
The primary aim of this publication is to provide an inventory of the impressions of Near Eastern stamp seals on cuneiform tablets and clay bullae, as well as on jar handles from Palestine, in the collections of the British Museum. There are different ways in which this material might be presented, the main options being in chronological, or typological sequence. Here the chronological arrangement is adopted, partly because this volume is a preliminary to the Catalogue of Stamp Seals, I, which will be arranged typologically and will include cross-references to this volume, but also because in this way the associations of multiple seal impressions on a given tablet or bulla can be retained and seen at a glance, and changes and continuities in the images on the seals over time may be seen more readily. Moreover a typological arrangement is partially provided in the Pictorial Typological Index, where the seal drawings are repeated, sometimes more than once when two different images, both worth indexing, appear on the same seal. This Typological Index supplements the Index of Subjects, which is based on the descriptions in the Catalogue. It is possible to follow a chronological arrangement precisely, when the impressions occur on dated tablets, and in a more general way, when the tablets are damaged and no date survives. In the Neo-Assyrian period there are impressions on clay bullae, most of which are uninscribed and therefore undated, but among these a fair number can be assigned to king’s reigns, or can at least be placed in the main Neo-Assyrian division. Moreover, among these bullae there are collections which can be dated within a century or two on the grounds of probabilities. The 51–9–2 group (excavated by Layard) in particular can reasonably be placed mainly in the 7th century B.C., with a few examples belonging to the late 8th century [see 51–9–2 under Museum Collections below]. Most of these less precisely dated examples have therefore been included when they have been worth drawing, with an indication of their likely date ranges. For the same reason, a small number of impressions have been included in an “Uncertain Date” section (nos 784–795). A large collection of clay lumps with seal impressions which can reasonably be dated to the Achaemenian period are also included (nos 525–588), as are the impressions of seals on jar handles from Palestine, most of which can be given approximate dates on the basis of palaeography or archaeological context. The pattern of catalogue entries is as follows: Catalogue number. Museum serial number (registration or collection number; excavation number). Type of object, type of text, provenance. Date. [Comments on the date.] Description of seal impression(s). Bibliography.
CITATION OF MUSEUM NUMBERS Most of the objects in the Department of the Ancient Near East (formerly Western Asiatic Antiquities) have unitary numbers, known as “serial” or “five-” or “six-figure numbers”, following a system introduced in the 1890s by E. A. W. Budge, and this is the number here usually given first. These include those prefixed with R. (for Rich), K. (for Kuyunjik), Rm. (for Rassam), DT (for Daily Telegraph), and Sm and S† (for Smith), but they usually consist of five or six digits without any prefix. Most objects also have date numbers, known as “registration” or “collection numbers”, which theoretically give the year-month-day of the Monday, or subsequent day(s), following the Saturday on which a Meeting of the Trustees of the Museum approved their accession. With a few exceptions, the latter are usually given here in parentheses after the serial number. Among the exceptions the 51–9–2 group is given according to collection numbers, since the serial numbers do not follow the same sequence, and it is
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
clearer to give the former first. The 1980–12–14 collection, acquired from the Wellcome Foundation via the Institute of Archaeology of the University of London is registered only by collection number, with the exception of a very small number of pieces acquired earlier which were given serial numbers on arrival in the Museum, so that they could be published in advance of the registration of the whole collection; these pieces are cited by their collection numbers with the serial numbers following in brackets. Other pieces which have collection numbers only, are so cited. Tablets from the 1949–63 excavations at Nimrud, which have not yet been incorporated into the collections, are cited under their ND numbers, on which see under Museum Collections below.
CATALOGUE NUMBERS Necessary adjustments at an advanced stage have meant that some catalogue numbers have been eliminated and others have additional entries distinguished by a following “A”.
JOINS The identification of fragment joins is indicated by the formula [Name (of the scholar who recognised the join) month/year] after the numbers in the relevant Catalogue entries.
COLLECTIONS The Collection numbers mentioned above are listed under Museum Collections below, with discussion of the limitations of the sources of information concerning provenance, and further relevant particulars. Some collection numbers are recorded in the Departmental records and in publications with abbreviated prefixes indicating either the provenance or the name of the excavator: namely A(bu)H(abbah), Bu(dge), Ki(ng), Th(ompson). Most of these are superfluous, and, with the exception of AH.83–1–18 and Bu.88–5–12 which have to be distinguished from the different collections 83–1–18 and 88–5–12, these have been omitted here.
PROVENANCES Basic provenances are given in the catalogue entries, and are listed by site under Index of Provenances below. In most cases even when the site is certain, the precise find spot is not recorded. The main exception to this is the ND Collection, the tablets from the 1949–63 excavations at Nimrud, for which the find spots were recorded. The modern name of the site is given when the tablet is known to have been excavated or found at that location, and the ancient name when the provenance is deduced from the text.
DATES The entries are arranged primarily by king’s reigns, in each case first by years for those which are precisely dated, then under the heading “Not precisely dated” at the end of the entry for the king or the dynasty in question. In the Neo-Assyrian section (nos 1–284) the dates are provided by texts which name the limmu or eponym for each year together with the month (given as a name), and day (given as a number).
In the Catalogue this data is given in the sequence |day/month/limmu|, in which the month is quoted as a number, Nisanu being 1 and so forth, with reference at the end of each bibliography to the most recent publication on the limmus, Millard, Eponyms. The sequence of eponyms depends on tablets which give a “Canonical” list, covering the period down to 649 B.C., after which the sequence of “Post-Canonical” eponyms is uncertain, though limited clues are available for some of them. Falkner proposed dates for these officials in AfO 17 (1954–56) but her conclusions have been superseded, though her evidence is still useful. The dates adopted here are those proposed by K. Radner in PNA, I, 1, pp. xviii–xx. These take account of new evidence discussed by R. M. Whiting in Millard, Eponyms, pp. 72–78, but they can be only tentative and are marked *[= hypothetical] here as in PNA. Since, however, they will be used in the body of PNA, which is likely to remain a standard work of reference for some years, it is sensible to follow the same system here. The period in question, 649–612 B.C. amounts to only 37 years so the chronology of the seal styles will not be greatly affected if further evidence should show it to be incorrect. Falkner’s proposed dates are cited for comparison in the Catalogue, as are those of Reade in Orientalia 67 (1998). In these Post-Canonical entries, Parpola, PNA (on which see Bibliography) is cited after Millard, Eponyms. The year 649 B.C. fell in the time of Ashurbanipal, so after this point the data are quoted in the form |day/month/limmu[PC]| followed by such evidence as there is for dating the Post-Canonical limmus. This had been summarised in the Catalogue entries before the publication of PNA, and has been largely retained, since Radner’s proposed sequence is given without supporting arguments. When there is no indication of the limmu, but there is reason to date an object in a particular reign, this material is placed in a “Not precisely dated” section for each king. The Neo-Assyrian section concludes with material that is headed “NeoAssyrian; not precisely dated”, first Tablets (nos 187–211) and then bullae (lumps of clay) with sealings (nos 212–284). The grounds for dating much of this latter material, mainly in the 8th–7th centuries B.C., are set out under the heading 51–9–2 under Museum Collections below, and its arrangement is explained before the entry no. 212 in the body of the Catalogue. In the Neo-Babylonian and Achaemenian sections (nos 285–589) the dates are provided in the texts with the day (given as a number), the month (as a name), the year of the king’s reign (as a number) and the name of the king, data given here in the form |day/month/year of the reign/king|. The modern equivalents are conveniently set out in Parker and Dubberstein, Chronology. In the cases of some of the later kings when there was more than one of the same name, such as Darius (I–III) and Artaxerxes (I–III), it is not always clear which was the ruler in question, so for simplicity the tablet has usually been placed under the first king of the name, unless there is some argument for not doing so. For the Hellenistic period, the dates of the Macedonian kings (nos 596–642), Alexander III (the Great), Philip Arrhidaeus, and Alexander IV (son of Alexander the Great) continued to be given in the Achaemenian form |day/month/year/king|. The Macedonian Dynasty continued in theory until about 306/305 B.C., but in practice documents were dated according to the Seleucid Era from 311 B.C. (nos 643–783). Seleucus I Nicator became king in 312 B.C., but the Era was counted from his first full year of reign which, following the Babylonian calendar, started on Nisan 1 (3 April) 311 B.C. These dates appear in the texts in the form |day/month/year in the Seleucid Era/king(s) name(s)|, in which as before, the day is given as a number, and the month as a name. The year is then given according to the SE system, and this in turn is followed by the name of the king, or since there were sometimes co-regencies, by more than one king’s name. In the catalogue, for the sake of uniformity with the rest of the volume, these dates are quoted in the sequence |day/month/SE.year/king(s)|. Since the calendar used in Mesopotamia during these periods ran from Nisannu (March/April) to Addaru (February/March), the dates are given here as e.g. 633/632 B.C. when the month is not known, and as the following year, e.g. 633 B.C. rather than 634, when the date falls in the closing months of the year in question. Intercalary months are indicated by superscript II after the name, the months in question being ElùluII and AddaruII.
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
It has to be born in mind, of course, that the dates are those at which the seals were impressed, and not necessarily those at which they were made, though it is probably reasonable to assume that in most cases they were made near to the times when they were used. For convenience, the numbers of the months and their equivalents in the Julian calendar may be set out as follows.
1. Nisannu
7. Ta“rìtu
April 2. Aiaru
8. Ara¢samnu May
3. Simanu
November 9. Kislimu
June 4. Du"ùzu July 5. Abu
10. ˇebètu 11. ”aba†u
August 6. Elùlu
December January February
12. Addaru September
7. Ta“rìtu
March 1. Nisannu
RULERS The names of rulers are given in their most familiar forms when these occur in Greek or Latin sources, or in English renderings in the Protestant Bible, and in conventional transliteration when they are not found in those sources. Thus: Neo-Assyrian Shalmaneser for ”ulmànu-a“arèd; Sargon for ”arru-kèn; Sennacherib for Sina¢¢è-eriba; Esarhaddon for A““ur-a¢-iddin; Ashurbanipal anglicised from A““ur-bani-apli; NeoBabylonian Nabopolassar for Nabû-apla-ußur; Nebuchadnezzar for Nabû-kudurri-ußur; Neriglissar for Nergal-“arra-ußur; Nabonidus for Nabû-na"id; Achaemenian Cyrus for ku-ra-a“ (Old Persian kuru-; Greek Kuros); Darius for da-ri-ia-mu“ (Old Persian dàrayavau-(“); Greek Dareios); Xerxes for ¢i-“i-"ar-“a (Old Persian ¢“ayàr“an-; Greek Xerxès); Artaxerxes for ir-tak-“a-a“-“a (Old Persian arta¢“aça-; Greek Artaxerxès); the Akkadian spellings showing some variations;1 and Hellenistic largely Latin forms of Greek names, e.g. Antigonus for Antigonos; Seleucus for Seleukos, Antiochus for Antiokos and so forth. The entries in the reigns of Seleucid rulers are given here together with the various co-regencies as set out in Parker and Dubberstein, Chronology, pp. 21–24 (based on the evidence of dated tablets then known, and therefore subject to future revision), rather than in the simplified form often given, as for instance in E. J. Bickerman, Chronology of the Ancient World (London, 1968), p. 159. Only the names of rulers in whose reigns the tablets and bullae can be dated are given as headings in the Catalogue section, and are therefore not necessarily consecutive. See Coverage of the Collection below.
1 For the various spellings found in one type of text see A. J. Sachs, “Achaemenid Royal Names in Babylonian Astronomical Texts”, American Journal of Ancient History, 2 (1977), pp. 129–147.
COVERAGE OF THE COLLECTION The Catalogue contains entries covering the periods from Adad-nerari III (808–783 B.C.) to Alexander I Balas (150–145 B.C.), but not all rulers are represented. The following list indicates the degree of completeness in the coverage, the right hand columns giving the Catalogue numbers, and the symbol indicating the absence of examples. Neo-Assyrian Shalmaneser III (858–824) ”am“i-Adad V (823–811) Adad-nerari III (810–783) Shalmaneser IV (782–773) A““ur-dan III (772–755) A““ur-nirari V (754–745) Tiglath-pileser III (744–727) Shalmaneser V (726–722) Sargon II (721–705) Sennacherib (704–681) Esarhaddon (680–669) Assurbanipal (668–627) A““ur-etel-ilàni (629*–625**) Sin-”umu-li“ir Sin-“arru-i“kun (c. 626*–612*) A““ur-uballi† (611–609) [Not precisely dated] Neo-Babylonian Nabopolassar (625–605) Nebuchadnezzar II (604–562) Amel-Marduk (561–560) Neriglissar (559–556) Laba“i-Marduk (556) Nabonidus (555–539) [Not precisely dated] Neo-Babylonian or Achaemenian [Not precisely dated] Achaemenian Cyrus II (538–530) Cambyses (529–522) Bardiya (522) Nebuchadnezzar III (522) Nebuchadnezzar IV (521) Darius I (521–486) Xerxes I (485–465) Bel-“imanni (482) ”ama“-eriba (482) Artaxerxes I (464–424)
1–4 5
6–20 21–49 50–72 73–147 148–163 164–186
Xerxes II (424) Darius II (423–405) Artaxerxes II Memnon (404–359) Ataxerxes III Ochus (358–338) Arses (337–336) Darius III (335–331) [Not precisely dated]
514–516 517–522 523–589
Late Achaemenian / Early Hellenistic [Not precisely dated]
Macedonian Alexander III (the Great) (330–323) Philip III Arrhidaeus (323–316) Antigonus [Antigonus or Alexander IV] Alexander IV (316–307)
596–604 605–607 608–630 631–635 636–642
187–284 285–286 287–292 293–295 296–328 329–339 340–365 366–369 370–380
381–471 472–476
Seleucid Seleucus I Nicator (305–281) Seleucus I & Antiochus I (294–281) Antiochus I Soter (281–261) Antiochus I & Seleucus (280–267) Antiochus I & Antiochus II (266–261) Antiochus II Theos (261–246) Seleucus II Callinicus (246–226) Seleucus II & Seleucus III (245–225) Seleucus III Soter (225–223) Antiochus III (the Great) (222–210) Antiochus III & Antiochus (210–192) Antiochus III (the Great) (192–187) Antiochus III & Seleucus IV (189–187) Seleucus IV Philopater (187–175) Antiochus IV Epiphanes (175–164) Antiochus V Eupator (163–162) Demetrius I Soter (162–150) Alexander I Balas (150–145) [Not precisely dated]
643–649 650–651 652–653 654–672 673–684 685–697 698–715 716–720 721–729 730 731 732–735 736–739 740 741–746 747–749 750–756
Hellenistic [Not precisely dated]
Uncertain date
OWNERS OF SEALS In many cases the names of the owners of the seals impressed on the tablets are inscribed (usually kunukku (na4.ki“ib) above and the name below). Since to include this material would have greatly enlarged the bulk of the volume, and since the purpose of the present Catalogue is to publish the images and to arrange them chronologically rather than to reconstruct archives, no attempt has been made to include the names of owners, but when this information is present, this is indicated by the abbreviation [S.i.] = S[eal(s)] i[dentified].
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
The evidence of judge records (Richterurkunden) in the Neo-Babylonian period indicates that the normal hierarchy of positions of sealings on the edges of tablets was: (a) left edge from top to bottom; (b) right edge from top to bottom; (c) bottom edge from left to right; (d) top edge from left to right (see Wunsch, AOAT 252 (2000), pp. 562–564). When there are multiple sealings on a tablet of this kind, their positions are indicated in the catalogue as L1 etc., R1 etc., B1 etc. and T1 etc. This hierarchical convention is demonstrated for the Neo-Babylonian period, but it is reasonable to assume that it applied more widely, though perhaps less strictly as time went on, in the Achaemenian and Hellenistic periods. When appropriate, the positions of impressions on tablets of the Neo-Assyrian period have been indicated in the relatively few instances where there is more than one impression, nos 24, 26, 69, 72, 78, 81, 103, 114, 127, 129, 139, 149 and 195, 197.
ASSYRIAN ROYAL SEALS There are a large number of impressions of Assyrian Royal Seals in the collection: nos 1–4 (Adadnerari III), 5 (A““ur-dan III), 6, 7, 9, 10 (Sargon II), 23, 28–30, 42, 47, 48 (Sennacherib), 72 (Esarhaddon), 143–147 (Ashurbanipal), 159–163 (A““ur-etel-ilàni), 203–205, 212–220 (not precisely dated), many of them imperfectly impressed, so no attempt has been made to distinguish original seals. Some of the original Royal Seals had peripheral cuneiform inscriptions, and these have been included in the drawings when they have been clear enough, but since the quality of many impressions is too poor always to preserve these details, this feature has not been used as a criterion for distinguishing catalogue entries. Entry no. 212 includes impressed bullae with guilloche border from the 51–9–2 collection of various sizes and differences in detail. Only a selection of these have been drawn. These Royal Seals varied in size and quality of cutting, some of the smaller examples being rather crudely carved, suggesting different levels of importance among sealed documents in the Palace administration.
INTAGLIO IMPRESSIONS In the cache of impressed clay lumps from Ur (nos 525–588) there are some instances where the impression has been made secondarily from another impression and therefore appears in intaglio rather than relief. Here these are described as “In intaglio”. Collon refers to them as “Counter-impressions” (“Hoard”, p. 66). These are nos 551, 553, 555, 557, 571 and 574.
QUALITY OF THE IMPRESSIONS A great many of the seals have been badly, often very badly, impressed, and even in cases where it seems likely that two different impressions were made from the same seal, slight differences appear. These are quite likely to have arisen from the manner in which the seal was impressed, but in some cases of this kind it has seemed best to include drawings of both (e.g. no. 303 with 304, and different examples in no. 225).
THE DRAWINGS The drawings of the impressions have been made on the basis of a list of the tablets with impressions of stamp seals made by Mrs Pamela A. Parr, who prepared this list while checking the tablets and cleaning their boxes in the years 1968–70. It is possible that some were missed in this procedure, but it is hoped that the coverage is almost complete. The basic list was augmented from such sources
as Bertin’s copies, which include rough sketches, and the Kuyunjik Catalogue, T.S. prepared by W. G. Lambert (see Bibliography). See Quality of the Impressions (above) on instances where it is likely that different impressions came from the same seal. There are many sealings which were so badly impressed that they did not seem worth drawing, but when dates are available for these, they have usually been included without drawings so that others may have an opportunity to examine them, and perhaps get further than we could. When good drawings (usually steel engravings) had been published by Layard (Monuments, II, pl. 69 etc. [many of these, marked “GS”, were taken from drawings by George Scharf the Younger (1820–95), first Director of the National Portrait Gallery, and it is likely that those not marked with his initials were by him also]), these have been reproduced without change (but at adjusted scale). In some instances where different details can be seen they are accompanied by new drawings. In a few instances good drawings have been published by Dr C. Wunsch, and these have not been repeated. Where others (e.g. Herbordt in Glyptic) have attempted drawings of impressions considered here too indistinct to draw, another attempt has not always been made. In each case, the publication references are available in the bibliographies. Where reasonable photographs have been published elsewhere (e.g. by Herbordt), it has not been thought necessary to draw every one.
DIRECTION OF THE IMAGES It is worth observing that, though in a considerable number of representations of humans and animals the figure is facing to the left, in the greater number they face to the right. In the Hellenistic period several of the left-facing figures occur in Greek or Greek-influenced impressions.
SCALE The drawings were made at twice natural size, and have been reduced by half, so the drawings represent the actual sizes of the impressions, though they may sometimes vary by about a millimetre. For this reason individual dimensions have not been included under each catalogue entry. Illustrations copied from the publications of Layard have been adjusted to natural size.
CYLINDER SEALS Many of the tablets have impressions of both stamp and cylinder seals, and while it is the purpose of this volume to deal with stamp seals only, it will be observed that there is some inconsistency in the application of this intention. Cylinder seals were not included in the project because the original plan was to incorporate the drawings in the main Catalogue of Stamp Seals, I, and to have drawn the cylinder seal impressions also would have greatly extended the original plan. Moreover it will be more satisfactory for the cylinder seals to be reserved for another project. The inconsistency in the present volume resides in the fact that some cylinder seals have been included, but only when they appear to have been used as stamps, and in many cases when the impressions have been so indistinct that it has not been easy to distinguish which is which.2 It has seemed better to err on the side of inconsistent inclusion, than on that of unhelpful exclusion.
2 On the use of cylinders as stamps see Ehrenberg, “Urukian Seal Impressions”, pp. 187–188 and n. 9; Baker and Wunsch, “Notaries”, p. 208 and fig. 9.
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN NEO-ASSYRIAN AND NEO-BABYLONIAN SEALS One of the familiar uncertainties in the study of Mesopotamian seals of the first millennium B.C. is the distinction between Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian designs (see e.g. Moorey in Buchanan and Moorey, Ashmolean, III, 53–54, 56–57). This is a question to which it might have been hoped that the distribution of seals on tablets could contribute. The evidence to be derived from the British Museum collection, however, is unbalanced because nearly all the impressions of the Neo-Assyrian period are from Assyria, and those of the Neo-Babylonian, Achaemenian and Hellenistic periods are from Babylonia. The following table shows this uneven distribution, typical in fact of available excavated material in general and of most museum collections in particular, and therefore also of the limitations to the contribution the present catalogue can make to the distinction between styles in the 7th century B.C.
Neo-Assyrian Period
Neo-Babylonian Period
Achaemenian Period
Hellenistic Period
9th century
7th century
6th century
4th century
8th century
6th century 3–20
596–644 5th century
7th century
645–726 4th century
3rd century
2nd century 727–763
764 52–284
ARAMAIC INSCRIPTIONS The characters found in Aramaic inscriptions on the seals, as far as they can be discerned, are collected in charts, with comparative forms and accompanying discussion, at the end of the Catalogue below. Apart from nos 20 (95–4–6,5), 133 (K.408) and 236 (84540+), which date from the 8th–7th century B.C., the remainder, nos 675, 679, 681, 682, 686, 691, 697, 699, 703, 704, 707, 711, 712, 714, 725, 727, 732, 769 and 772 belong to the Seleucid period.
EGYPTIAN AND EGYPTIANISING SEALS There are some Egyptian scarab impressions, notably those of the rulers: Piye (Piankhy) (no. 12), Shabako (no. 13), and Necho II (no. 285); those of private individuals: Sekhat-Hor (no. 286), Pa-in-mu son of X-m-'Ankh (no. 117), and 'Ankh-Rè' (no. 465); those without clear personal names: nos 97, 195, 240, 241 and 269; as well as others in an Egyptianising style: nos 25, 127, 164, 242, and 508. These are listed under the two headings in the Index of Subjects.
GREEK AND GRAECIZING SEALS A number of the seals, first in the cache of bullae from Ur, and then in the Seleucid period can be identified as Greek and these are simply described as such. In cases where seals cannot be said definitely to be Greek, they are entered in the Catalogue with the indication “Greek influence.” These are listed under these two headings in the in the Index of Subjects Represented.
THE ZODIAC In general, discussion of the interpretation of the details in the impressions has not been included, but since R. Wallenfels has provided a useful examination of images in Hellenistic seal impressions mainly from Warka, which can be seen as representing signs of the Zodiac (“Zodiacal Signs”, augmented in his Seal Impressions), probable zodiacal identifications have been included in square brackets in the text, in order to supplement his evidence, and fairly full references to his article and volume have been given. References to zodiacal signs are found in Babylonian horoscopes as early as the late 5th century B.C.,3 so from this date onwards it is reasonable to interpret images in this way. These signs are represented only unevenly in the British Museum material. 1. Aries: no clear examples. 2. Taurus: taken as the hump-backed bull on the basis of drawings on tablets in Brussels (O.175) and Berlin (VAT.7851):4 occurs on nos 645 (298 B.C.), 681, 703, 705, 711, 713, 715, 716, 720, 721, 722, 727, 740, 746, 748 (149 B.C.), 752, 762, 766, 772 (not precisely dated). 3. Gemini: occurs on nos 676 (263 B.C.), 698, 711, 736, 738, 739, 740, 741, 744, 745, 747 (150 B.C.), 752, 768, 770 (not precisely dated). 4. Cancer: occurs on nos 649 (possibly 312–294 B.C.), 683 (266–261 B.C.), 701, 703, 730, 736, 738, 739, 741, 745 (c. 152 B.C.), 751, 766, 771, 772 (not precisely dated). 5. Leo: lions are so common that it is difficult to decide whether or not any particular example represents the zodiacal sign. Possible instances occur on nos 694 (252 B.C.), 698, 699, 701, 703, 705, 706, 708, 709, 711, 713, 715, 716, 717, 718, 720, 722, 725, 727, 730, 732, 733, 738, 739, 740, 746 (c. 152 B.C.), 752, 754, 766, 769, 771, 772, 774 (not precisely dated). 6. Virgo: no clear examples. 7. Libra: 740 (163 B.C.), 747 (150 B.C.). 8. Scorpius: occurs on nos 725 (203 B.C.), 736, 738, 741, 745 (298 B.C.). 9. Sagittarius: occurs on nos 673 (266 B.C.), 680, 688, 692, 695, 697, 707, 708, 712, 715, 717, 727 (197 B.C.), 772 (not precisely dated). 10. Capricornus: occurs on nos 668 (268 B.C.), 669, 670, 679, 680, 681, 682, 686, 694, 695, 697, 698, 701, 708, 715, 720, 725, 727, 733, 738, 739, 743, 748 (149 B.C.), 750, 755, 770, 772, 773 (not precisely dated). 11. Aquarius: occurs on nos 679 (262 B.C.), 681, 688, 689, 691, 693, 695, 696, 698, 726, 727 (197 B.C.), 754, 773 (not precisely dated). 12. Pisces: possible examples occur on nos, 655 (279 B.C.), 664, 676, 680, 683, 690, 697, 701, 705, 709, 711, 712, 715, 722, 723, 736, 738, 739, 741, 744, 745 (c. 152 B.C.), 771, 772 (not precisely dated). The chronological distribution of these images and their frequency on the British Museum tablets may be set out in tabular form as follows. Tablets having impressions of the same zodiacal sign more than once are shown as one entry only. In the range of Catalogue nos 645–748 the undated entries (shown as . . .) are in more or less arguably correct position, but those in the range nos 750–774 are undated in the Hellenistic period (shown as) and are arranged in Museum number order only.
3 Text (Louvre, AO.17649) dated to 24/10/13/Darius [II] = 411 B.C. (F. Rochberg-Halton, Orientalia 58 (1989), pp. 111–114 [“409 B.C.”]); text (Bodleian, AB.251) dated to ?/1?/14?/? = 410 B.C.? (A. Sachs, JCS 6 (1952), pp. 54–57, with detailed arguments for this date). 4 F. Thureau-Dangin, RA 16 (1919), pp. 145 [copy], 154 no. 8 [epigraph]; E. Weidner, Gestirn-Darstellungen auf babylonischen Tontafeln [Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.-Hist. Klasse, 254, 2] (Vienna, 1967), pls 1=2 [photograph and copy; epigraph missing], and pp. 8–9; Black and Green, GDSAM, p. 190 [drawing].
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
In the column headings, the following abbreviations are used: Ar = Aries; Cc = Cancer; Lb = Libra; Cp = Capricornus; Tr = Taurus; Le = Leo; Sc = Scorpius; Aq = Aquarius; Gm = Gemini; Vg = Virgo; Sg = Sagittarius; Ps = Pisces Date B.C.
Cat. No.
298 ... 279 273 268 ... 280 266 263 262 ... ... ... ... 259 257 257 256 254 254 254 252 252 248 247 244 243 242 238 235 235 234 234 234 230 230 228 226 222 222 218 213 210 206 203 203 203 197 192 185 180
645 649 655 664 668 669 670 673 676 679 680 681 682 683 686 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 701 703 705 706 707 708 709 711 712 713 715 716 717 718 720 721 722 723 725 726 727 730 732 733
X .X X X X X X X X
X (continued on next page)
(cont.) Date B.C.
Cat. No.
173 168 166 163 156 153 152 ... ... 150 149 — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
736 738 739 740 741 743 744 745 746 747 748 750 751 752 754 755 762 766 768 769 770 771 772 773 774
Ps X X X
Wallenfels draws attention to various “aspects” noted by Greek astrologers among the zodiacal signs. One of these, “triplicities” (trigòna), consists of combinations of three zodiacal signs on a single seal (“Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 287–289; Seal Impressions, pp. 156–157). As he points out, these fall into clear patterns, which can be seen in the following tabulation, where the numbered rows represent what he calls “combinations in trine aspect”:
Ar 1 2 3 4
There are only four impressions on the British Museum tablets which show any of these groupings, nos 736(h), 738( j), 741(f ) and 745(f ), all of which have combination 4: Cancer+Scorpius+Pisces. There is only one other combination, Leo+Cancer, found on two impressions on the same tablet, nos 701 (c) and (d), and once on 730(e). This combination is found on six impressions in the Yale Babylonian Collection, Wallenfels, Seal Impressions, nos 771–776, mentioned on his p. 157. Other symbols include: 13. Spica: representing the star Spica, usually associated with Capricornus (Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, p. 285): occurs on nos 676 (263 B.C.), 681, 688, 738, 739, 740 (163 B.C.), 750 (not precisely dated).
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
14. Triangle: probably a symbol of Anu (Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, p. 284), as a stylised form of a horned cap (cf. Black and Green GDSAM, p. 30): occurs on nos 649 (possibly time of Seleucus I: 312–294 B.C.), 659 (276 B.C.), 668, 675, 679, 692, 695, 696, 697, 703, 705, 707, 708, 709, 712, 715, 721, 739, 742 (155 B.C.), 746 (time of Demetrius I, 162–150 B.C.), 772, 773, 774, 778 (not precisely dated). This occurs also on earlier seals, see Index of Subjects. 15. Bird and fish joined by a ribbon: (Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, p. 287; Seal Impressions, p. 156): occurs on nos 683 (266–261 B.C.), 715, 736 (173 B.C.). 16. Pleiades: not attested in the Hellenistic impressions known to Wallenfels (“Zodiacal Signs”, p. 283; Seal Impressions, p. 154), but found here on no. 711 (230/229 B.C.). (Cf. Black and Green, GDSAM, p. 162). This symbol occurs also on no. 20, which is dated here in the NeoAssyrian period on the basis of the Aramaic inscription.
PALESTINIAN JAR-HANDLE STAMPS The seal impressions on jar handles of the Hebrew Monarchy period from Palestine in the collections, mostly from Tell ed-Duweir (Lachish), are included in summary form. Though large numbers of jar handles stamped with the lmlk seals (nos 797–806 in the Catalogue) have been found, it appears that these were made from relatively few seals. Welten (Königs-Stempel, pp. 35–44) distinguishes 28, the largest number of which (nine) are of the two-winged “scroll” type with the inscription lmlk|mm“t (no. 804 in the Catalogue). Nevertheless, since the main purpose of including these in the catalogue has been to provide an inventory of numbers, no attempt has been made here to distinguish the original different seals. Nos 807–816 are private seals from the jar handles. The lmlk seals are of the period of the Monarchy, but there are two inscribed jar handles of later date, the mßh impression (no. 820) of the Neo-Babylonian-Achaemenian period, and the five-pointed star with yr“lm (no. 821) of the Hellenistic period. One impression (no. 796) is assigned to Iron Age I, on stylistic grounds.
CONCENTRATION OF IMAGES The number of instances where different seals on the same tablet include the same subject (indicated by numbers in parentheses in the Subject Index) might suggest some permanent association between the owners of the seals: kinship, profession or the like. Equally, this might be purely coincidental. This point has not been investigated further here.
THE BIBLIOGRAPHY Fairly full bibliographical references have been given because it should be useful for philologists on one side, and archaeologists and art historians on the other, to have every means of linking their often divorced disciplines. For the sake of archaeologists and art historians references to text publications have been given in a fuller and more perspicuous form than is usual in philological publications, e.g. Millard, The Eponyms of the Assyrian Empire is cited as Eponyms rather than SAAS, II. Parpola, PNA, is cited for individuals when their archives are of interest, and for Post Canonical eponyms, but for Canonical eponyms only when this adds something to Millard, Eponyms. Radner, PNA and Baker PNA have been entered inadvertently under the designation Parpola, PNA. S. Parpola is the Director of the Helsinki Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project, but was not specifically involved in the Prosopography volumes. This was recognised too late in the present volume to alter the numerous citations in the main text. What appears here as Parpola, PNA, 1.I and 1.II should have been entered
as Radner, PNA, 1.I and 1.II, and Parpola, PNA, 2.I, 2.II and 3.I should have been entered as Baker, PNA, 2.I, 2.II and 3.I. The bibliography of the texts inscribed with Aramaic endorsements has been limited to CIS II, cited under the name of the main editor, de Vogüé, and Fales, Epigraphs, which includes references to all the earlier literature.
THE CONCORDANCE OF PUBLICATIONS Concordances of the main text and other publications have been included. Those covered in this way are indicated by asterisks in the Bibliography.
The collections, including those with letter prefixes, are listed in chronological order of their acquisition. Those with letter prefixes are placed in the sequence of dated collections as follows: R 41–7–26 K 51–9–2 56–9–3
W DT Sm 76–11–17
78–7–30 Rm Sp 79–7–30
1932–12–12 ND 1954–11–15
Here the prefixes Bu. (Budge), Ki. (King) and Th. (Thompson) are included, but these are superfluous and are omitted in the body of the Catalogue, except in the case of AH.83–1–18 which is distinct from 83–1–18, and Bu.88–5–12 which is distinct from 88–5–12. References to the main volumes of the Catalogue of Tablets have been added when relevant at the end of each entry. Collection of Claudius James Rich, sold to the Museum by his widow in 1825. [See C. J. Gadd, The Stones of Assyria (London, 1936), pp. 11–12; Y. Safadi and J. Reade, Claudius James Rich. Diplomat, Archaeologist and Collector (British Library exhibition notes of a joint BLBM exhibition, London, October 1986–March 1987); and J. R. Fawcett Thompson, “The Rich Manuscripts”, BMQ 27 (1963–64), pp. 18–23, mainly concerned with the manuscripts, but giving details of the purchase: total £7,500, of which £1,000 was for “Babylon and Nineveh antiquities”, and £1,000 for coins (p. 23 n. 6)]. See also 95–4–6 below. 41–7–26. From the collection of Colonel C. Stewart. [Barnett, Iraq 36 (1974), p. 15 and n. 54; cf. Reade, Catalogue, VI, p. xxxiii]. K. Excavated by A. H. Layard. Mainly, but not exclusively, from Kuyunjik (Nineveh). When Layard’s material came to the Museum, most of the tablets were from Kuyunjik and most of the small finds from Nimrud (Kal¢u), so the former were registered with the prefix K and the latter with the prefix N. Some tablets came from Nimrud, and some small finds from Kuyunjik, however, so this is not a reliable indication of provenance. [See e.g. C. B. F. Walker in F. M. Fales and B. J. Hickey (eds), Austen Henry Layard. Tra l’Oriente e Venezia (Rome, 1987), pp. 186–187]. Bezold, Catalogue, I–III [K.1–14230]; King, Catalogue, VI, pp. 78–222 [K.14231–16794]; Lambert and Millard, Catalogue, S.S., p. 85 [K.16795–16800]. The numbers K.12001–12136 continue the sequence, but the pieces are not part of the K collection, and some are from Babylonia. 51–9–2. Excavated by A. H. Layard. From Kuyunjik (Nineveh). A collection of sealed clay lumps and bullae consisting of nearly 500 pieces, some of them having the registration numbers 84526–84909 and 89932–89995 [see Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 367]), found by Layard in Room LXI of the Palace of Sennacherib at Nineveh (Layard, N&B, pp. 153–159). The collection includes dated examples from the time of Sennacherib (nos 29, 30; 695 B.C.) and Ashurbanipal (nos 143–145; Post Canonical). There are examples of Egyptian seals with the cartouches of [probably] Piye (Piankhy) (no. 12; 747–716 B.C.) and Shabako (no. 13; c. 716–702 B.C.), and of seals with Hittite (Luwian) Hieroglyphic inscriptions which can be connected with examples found in the Palace of Sargon at Khorsabad (foundations laid in 717 B.C.) (nos 14–18), but nothing demonstrably earlier than these. The 51–9–2 collection is associated with the 81–2–4 collection by the impressions of Shabako’s seal on both 84527 (51–9–2, 44) and 84884 (51–9–2,43) as well as 81–2–4,352 (no. 13). The latter collection includes examples which range in date from 717 to 652 B.C., with some Post R.
W. DT.
78–7–30. Rm.[I]
Rm.II [or Sp.[1].
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum Canonical pieces (Millard, Eponyms, p. 139; a sample of 9; see also Waterman, RCAE, IV, p. 11), so it is reasonable to date the collection mainly in the 7th century B.C., i.e. mostly after Sennacherib adopted Nineveh as his capital in 704 B.C., but with several late 8th century examples, and it may be that some pieces, perhaps unusual ones, were brought from Dur-Sharruken. A selection of these are illustrated in Layard, Monuments, II, pl. 69 (steel engravings, many, perhaps all, from drawings by George Scharf the Younger). It has been possible to identify all of these except pl. 69.19 with the actual pieces in the collections, see Concordance of Publications. Excavated by W. K. Loftus in 1849, 1852, and mainly 1854. From various sites in Assyria and Babylonia. Nos 1513–1520 (30117–20, 93002–4, 139437) are Seleucid tablets from the Eanna Precinct at Warka (Uruk) [Loftus, Chaldaea and Susiana, pp. 228–233; and H. C. Rawlinson, JRAS 16 (1856), Annual Report, p. xv. See convenient summary concerning the site by R. North in Orientalia 26 (1957), pp. 190, and 224–225, with fig. 2 (pp. 208–209 no. 12) for find spot of late Babylonian tablets in the Eanna precinct]. Some objects in this collection also have W numbers. Excavated by W. K. Loftus in 1849, 1852 and 1854. From Warka (Uruk). Objects in this collection also have 56–9–3 numbers (see above). Excavated by George Smith in 1873 on an expedition financed by the Daily Telegraph. 355 or 356 pieces. From Nimrud (Kal¢u) and Kuyunjik (Nineveh). Bezold, Catalogue, IV, pp. 1540–69. See also Bezold, “Thontafelsammlungen”, p. 747. Excavated by George Smith in 1874. From Nimrud (Kal¢u) and Kuyunjik (Nineveh). About 2,500 pieces. Bezold, Catalogue, IV, pp. 1371–1539. See also Bezold, “Thontafelsammlungen” p. 747. (sometimes, with 76–10–16, not represented in this catalogue, cited as S† followed by the specific number). Purchased by George Smith in Baghdad in 1876. About 2,400 pieces. From near Hillah, possibly from Abù Habba˙ (Sippar) or Tell ed-Dèr. [Budge, Rise and Progress, pp. 132–133]. Smith had intended to excavate at Kuyunjik, but though he had a firman from Istanbul, he found that tribal fighting in the area made this impractical. He died in Aleppo on the way home. [Budge, Rise and Progress, pp. 116–119]. See also Bezold, “Thontafelsammlungen”, p. 747; and briefly, Bezold, Catalogue, IV, p. xii. Tablets from the same source were acquired in the following year from Hurwitz (see below 77–11–15). The likelihood that 76–11–17,2508 belongs to the same tablet as 81–6–25,556 and 838 (see no. 325) suggests that Spartali subsequently obtained tablets from the same source (see 81–6–25 below). See also under 77–11–15 below. Purchased from Joseph M. Shemtob, a London dealer of 95 Lamb’s Conduit Street, whose father had been a senior official in Baghdad [Budge, By Nile and Tigris, I, pp. 128–129]. Probably from Babylonia. Purchased from Solomon Hurwitz, from a private address in London. [ The join 32161+32895 (no. 392) shows that this collection came from the same source as that acquired by Smith (see above 76–11–17). Purchased from J. M. Shemtob (on whom see 77–4–17 above). Excavated by Hormuzd Rassam in 1878, and including material purchased by him in Baghdad in 1877. From Kuyunjik (Nineveh), Nimrud (Kal¢u), and Babylon. [Reade, Catalogue, VI, pp. xxviii–xxix]. On the Rassam collections in general see Bezold, “Thontafelsammlungen”, pp. 747–48. Bezold, Catalogue, IV, pp. 1570–1635. 2]. Excavated by Hormuzd Rassam in 1878–79. From Kuyunjik (Nineveh). Bezold, Catalogue, IV, pp. 1636–87. Purchased from Spartali & Co., London dealers of 25 Old Bond Street, in 1878. Probably from clandestine excavations at sites in Babylonia subsequently excavated by
museum collections
H. Rassam. [Reade, Catalogue, VI, p. xv]. The company went out of business in 1884 [Walker, Catalogue, VIII, p. xiii]. 79–7–30. Purchased from J. M. Shemtob (on whom see 77–4–17 above). 80–6–17. Excavated for Hormuzd Rassam. From Babylon and Birs Nimrud (Borsippa). 80–7–19. Excavated for Hormuzd Rassam. From Assyria. [Reade, Catalogue, VI, p. xxx]. Associated with the 81–7–27 collection by joins to the tablet K.2696 (no. 47). Dated texts in this collection range from 700 to 653 B.C., with some Post Canonical pieces [Millard, Eponyms, p. 139; sample of 4]. Bezold, Catalogue, IV, pp. 1728–55. 80–10–12. Purchased from Spartali (see Sp[1] above). Probably mainly from Babylon and Abù Habba˙ (Sippar). [Reade, Catalogue, VI, p. xv; Walker, Catalogue, VIII, p. xi]. 80–11–12. Excavated for Hormuzd Rassam. Mainly from Babylon and Birs Nimrud (Borsippa). [Reade, Catalogue, VI, p. xxx]. 81–2–1. Purchased from Spartali (see Sp[1] above). Mainly from Babylonia. [Reade, Catalogue, VI, p. xv]. 81–2–4. Excavated for Hormuzd Rassam. Mainly from Assyria. [Reade, Catalogue, VI, p. xxx]. Associated with the 51–9–2 collection (q.v.) by the impressions of Shabako’s seal, no. 13, therefore late 8th–7th century B.C. Bezold, Catalogue, IV, pp. 1755–94. 81–4–28. Excavated for Hormuzd Rassam. From Babylon and Birs Nimrud (Borsippa), and a few pieces from Abù Habba˙ (Sippar). [Reade, Catalogue, VI, pp. xxx–xxxi; Walker, Dèr, III, p. 95]. 81–6–25. Purchased from Spartali (see Sp[1] above). Possibly from Babylon or Abù Habba˙ (Sippar). [Reade, Catalogue, VI, p. xv; Walker, Catalogue, VIII, p. xi]. Some of these tablets probably came from the same source as those acquired by Smith in 1876 (see 76–11–17 above). 81–7–1. Excavated for Hormuzd Rassam. From Babylon, Ibrahim al-Khalil (Borsippa), Tell Ibrahim (Kutha), al-Egrainy and Abù Habba˙ (Sippar). [Reade, Catalogue, VI, p. xxxi; Jursa, Bèlrèmanni, pp. 4–6]. 81–7–6. Purchased from J. M. Shemtob (on whom see 77–4–17 above). From Babylonia [Reade, Catalogue, VI, pp. xv, xxvii] 81–7–27. Excavated for Hormuzd Rassam. Partly from Assyria and partly from Babylonia; nos 200–205, 209–210, 212–213 being registered as “from Babylon”. [Reade, Catalogue, VI, p. xxxi]. Associated with the 80–7–19 collection by joins to the tablet K.2696 (no. 47). Dated texts in this collection range from 693 to 651 B.C. [Millard, Eponyms, p. 139; sample of 4]. Bezold, Catalogue, IV, pp. 1795–1813. 81–8–30. Excavated for Hormuzd Rassam. From Babylon, Dailem (Dilbat), Ibrahim al-Khalil (Borsippa) and Birs Nimrud (Borsippa). [Reade, Catalogue, VI, pp. xxxi–xxxii]. 81–10–8. Presented by C. D. Cobham. 81–11–3. Excavated for Hormuzd Rassam. From Dailem (Dilbat), Birs Nimrud (Borsippa) and Babylon. [Reade, Catalogue, VI, p. xxxii]. 82–3–23. Excavated for Hormuzd Rassam. From Babylon, Birs Nimrud (Borsippa), Abù Habba˙ (Sippar), Dailem (Dilbat) and Kuyunjik (Nineveh), the latter probably belonging more correctly to the 82–5–22 and perhaps other collections. [Reade, Catalogue, VI, p. xxxii; Walker, Dèr, III, p. 95]. Dated Neo-Assyrian texts in the collection range from 710 to 693 B.C. [Millard, Eponyms, p. 139; sample of only 2]. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, pp. 1–126. Bezold, Catalogue, IV, pp. 1814–26. 82–5–22. Excavated for Hormuzd Rassam. From Assyria (1 case sent), Babylon, Abù Habba˙ (Sippar; some of the pieces being marked AH), and Dailem (Dilbat). [Reade, Catalogue, VI, pp. xxxii–xxxiii; Walker, Dèr, III, p. 95]. Dated texts in this collection range from 700 to 650 B.C., with some Post-Canonical pieces (Millard, Eponyms, p. 139; sample of 16; see also Waterman, RCAE, IV, p. 11), so a 7th century date is indicated. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, pp. 131–173. Bezold, Catalogue, IV, pp. 1827–53.
20 82–7–4. 82–7–14. 82–9–18.
AH.82–9–18. 82–9–18A.
84–2–11. 85–4–30. 88–5–12. Bu.88–5–12.
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum Purchased from Spartali (see Sp[1] above). Mainly from Babylonia. [Reade, Catalogue, VI, p. xv]. Excavated for Hormuzd Rassam. Mostly from Abù Habba˙ (Sippar). [Reade, Catalogue, VI, p. xxxiii; Walker, Dèr, III, p. 95]. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, pp. 183–299. Excavated for Hormuzd Rassam. Mainly from Abù Habba˙ (Sippar), but some pieces from Babylon. Some (nos 371, 374, 394, 400, 486, 523, 593, 644, 729 and 760 below) have the prefix AH, which is retained in the Catalogue, but they are all part of the same collection, and the AH does not necessarily mean that Abù Habba˙ (Sippar) is the correct provenance. [Reade, Catalogue, VI, p. xxxiii; VII, p. xvii; Walker, Dèr, III, p. 95]. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, pp. 1–386. See 82–9–18 above. Excavated for Hormuzd Rassam. From Abù Habba˙ (Sippar). The same accession as 82–9–18, but because some numbers were inadvertently assigned twice, the duplicates were distinguished by A before the specific number. [Reade, Catalogue, VI, p. xxxiii; Walker, Catalogue, VIII, p. xii; Dèr, III, p. 96]. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, pp. 1–11. Excavated for Hormuzd Rassam. Mainly from Kuyunjik (Nineveh), but two pieces from Abù Habba˙ (Sippar), included by mistake. [Reade, Catalogue, VI, p. xxxiv; Walker, Catalogue, VIII, p. xiii; Dèr, III, p. 96]. Bezold, Catalogue, IV, pp. 1854–1916; Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 85. Excavated for Hormuzd Rassam. Mainly from Abù Habba˙ (Sippar), but some pieces from Babylon, Birs Nimrud (Borsippa) and Kuyunjik (Nineveh). [Reade, Catalogue, VI, p. xxxiv; Walker, Catalogue, VIII, pp. xii–xiii; Dèr, III, p. 96]. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, pp. 13–83. Excavated for Hormuzd Rassam. From Abù Habba˙ (Sippar), Babylon, and Birs Nimrud (Borsippa). [Reade, Catalogue, VI, p. xxxiv; Walker, Catalogue, VIII, p. xiii]. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, pp. 323–417. Purchased from Spartali (see Sp[1] above). [Walker, Catalogue, VIII, p. xiii]. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, pp. 97–113. Purchased from, J. M. Shemtob (on whom see 77–4–17 above). From Babylonia. [Walker, Catalogue, VIII, pp. xiii–xiv]. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, pp. 117–124. Purchased from J. M. Shemtob (on whom see 77–4–17 above). From Babylonia. [Walker, Catalogue, VIII, pp. xiv, xvii–xviii]. Purchased by E. A. W. Budge during his second mission on behalf of the Museum in 1887–88. From Babylon, Abù Habba˙ (Sippar), Tell ed-Dèr, Dailem (Dilbat) and other sites. [Budge, By Nile and Tigris, I, pp. 123–338; Walker, Catalogue, VIII, pp. xiv–xvii]. Includes 82 Late Babylonian tablets [listed Walker, p. xvii], a few from Abù Habba˙, but probably almost all from Babylon [Walker, p. xvi]. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, pp. 141–172. Purchased by E. A. W. Budge during his third mission on behalf of the Museum in 1888–89. From Kuyunjik, Abù Habba˙ (Sippar), Tell ed-Dèr, and possibly Birs Nimrud (Borsippa) and sites in the Diyala region. [Budge, By Nile and Tigris, I, p. 341– II, p. 139; Walker, Catalogue, VIII, pp. xviii–xix]. Dated examples from this collection range from 697 to 660 B.C. (Millard, Eponyms, p. 140; sample of 7), so a 7th century date is indicated. Bezold, Catalogue, IV, pp. 1917–31; Lambert and Millard, Catalogue, S.S., p. 85; Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, pp. 177–192. Purchased from Selim Homsy & Co., London dealers. From Tell ed-Dèr and probably also Abù Habba˙ (Sippar). [Walker, Catalogue, VIII, p. xix]. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, pp. 195–215. Excavated by E. A. W. Budge at Tell ed-Dèr, and some pieces purchased in Baghdad. Nos 1–261 from Kuyunjik (Nineveh), but the others mainly from Tell ed-Dèr and possibly Abù Habba˙ (Sippar) and other sites in Babylonia. [Walker, Catalogue, VIII,
museum collections
pp. xix–xxiv]. Bezold, Catalogue, IV, pp. 1931–49; Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, pp. 217–3000. 93–10–14. Purchased from J. M. Shemtob (on whom see 77–4–17 above). From Babylonia. [Walker, Catalogue, VIII.xxv]. 94–6–11. Purchased by E. A. W. Budge from Kirkor Minassian, an Istanbul dealer. From Babylonia. [Walker, Catalogue, VIII, p. xxv]. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, pp. 313–314. 95–4–6. Presented by Miss Holmes, to whom they were given by Miss Hay-Erskine, great niece of C. J. Rich. 1 and 3 from Kuyunjik, 2 from Babylonia. See also R. above. 99–4–15. Purchased from J. E. Gejou, a Paris dealer. No recorded provenances, but probably all from Babylonia. 1900–10–13. Purchased from Messrs Djemi and Thomas Abdul Karim. 1901–2–9. Purchased from J. E. Gejou, see 99–4–15. No recorded provenances, but probably all from Babylonia. 1901–10–12. Purchased from J. E. Gejou, see 99–4–15. No recorded provenances, but probably all from Babylonia. Ki.1904–10–9. Excavated by L. W. King. From Kuyunjik (Nineveh). Dated texts in the collection range from 729 to 649 B.C., with some Post Canonical pieces (Millard, Eponyms, p. 141; a sample of 30). The tablet 98564+99336+99352 (no. 208) is made up of fragments from both the 1904–10–9 and the 1905–4–9 collections, showing that both came from the same source, and are presumably to be dated in the 8th–7th centuries. King, Catalogue, VI, pp. 7–48. Th.1905–4–9. Excavated by R. Campbell Thompson. From Kuyunjik (Nineveh). Dated texts in this collection range from 739 to 650 B.C., with some Post Canonical pieces (Millard, Eponyms, p. 141; a sample of 9). From the same source as the Ki.1904–10–9 collection, q.v., and presumably to be dated in the 8th–7th centuries. King, Catalogue, VI, pp. 48–78. 1910–10–8. Purchased from J. E. Gejou, see 99–4–15. No recorded provenances, but probably all from Babylonia. 1911–4–8. Purchased from J. E. Gejou, see 99–4–15. Nos 95–132 said to be from Drehem (Puzurish Dagan), otherwise no recorded provenances, but probably from Babylonia. 1912–7–6. Purchased from J. E. Gejou, see 99–4–15. No recorded provenances, but probably from Babylonia. 1913–4–16. Purchased from J. E. Gejou, see 99–4–15. 1–44 said to be from Warka, 45–146 from Senkereh (Larsa). 1914–4–4. Purchased from J. E. Gejou, see 99–4–15. No recorded provenances, but probably all from Babylonia. 1914–4–6. Purchased from A. B. W. Holland. 1919–11–8. Presented by Captain C. C. Aston. 1920–6–15. Purchased from J. E. Gejou, see 99–4–15. Nos 1–35 said to be from Warka (Uruk), otherwise no recorded provenances, but probably from Babylonia. 1920–12–13. Purchased from J. E. Gejou, see 99–4–15. No recorded provenances, but probably all from Babylonia. 1922–5–11. Excavated by C. L. Woolley at Jerablus (Carchemish) and neighbouring sites. 1924–7–12. Presented by Sidney Smith, Keeper of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities, British Museum, 1931–48. 1924–12–13. Purchased from J. E. Gejou, see 99–4–15. Said to be from Warka (Uruk). 1927–5–30. Obtained by H. R. H. Hall during a visit to Jerusalem in 1925.1 Nos 1–73 from the 1
When he “made arrangements for an exchange of unregistered objects and a small purchase with Prof. Garstang, as well as carrying out a division of pottery found at Askalon on behalf of the Palestine Exploration Fund, a portion of which will come to the British Museum.” (Report of Mission to Egypt, 1925 in British Museum, Central Archives, Original Papers, 1925. I am indebted to Miss Janet Wallace for this information). The Jerusalem material presumably formed part of the “unregistered objects.”
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
excavations of J. Garstang and W. J. Phythian-Adams at Ashkelon in 1921–22; and nos 74–100 from the excavations of R. A. S. Macalister and J. Garrow Duncan on the Ophel hill in Jerusalem in 1923–25 (PEFA 4 (1926)). 1927–10–3. Excavated by C. L. Woolley in 1924–25. From al-Muqayyar (Ur). 1928–7–16. Purchased from Major V. E. Mocatta. No. 1 said to be from Warka (Uruk), otherwise no recorded provenances, but probably from Babylonia. Th.1929–10–12. Excavated by R. Campbell Thompson in 1927–28. From Kuyunjik (Nineveh). Lambert and Millard, Catalogue, S.S., pp. 3–13, 32–55. 1931–10–10. Excavated by C. L. Woolley in 1930–31. From al-Muqayyar (Ur). 1932–10–8. Excavated by C. L. Woolley in 1931–32. From al-Muqayyar (Ur). The objects numbered 191–233 and 287–360 in this collection consist of impressed lumps of clay, all belonging to a cache with the single field number U.18124, part of which was in the University Museum, Philadelphia, but suffered damage there as a result of flooding. The group includes the impressions of the stamp seals nos 525–588 below, as well as of objects not included here: cylinder seals used as if they were stamps (Legrain, UE, X, nos 743–44, 751–52, 758–59, 762, 764–65, 774, 785, 817, and probably 750; Collon, “Hoard”, pp. 67–69, pls 1–2), coins (UE, X, nos 717, 722, 791, 810, and 821; Porada, Iraq 22 (1960), pp. 228–234, pl. XXXI.1–5; Collon, “Hoard”, passim) and objects other than seals (UE, X, nos 833–841, pl. 43; Collon, “Hoard”, p. 70, pl. 4). For the possible local provenance and probable dating of this group see before nos 525–588 below. 1932–12–10. Excavated by R. Campbell Thompson in 1930–31. From Kuyunjik (Nineveh). Lambert and Millard, Catalogue, S.S., pp. 19–32, 55–67. 1932–12–12. Excavated by R. Campbell Thompson in 1931–32. From Kuyunjik (Nineveh). Lambert and Millard, Catalogue, S.S., pp. 67–81, 83–84. 1954–11–15. Presented by the British School of Archaeology in Iraq. Excavated by M. E. L. Mallowan. From Nimrud (Kalhu). See also ND below. ND. Presented by the British School of Archaeology in Iraq. Excavated by M. E. L. Mallowan (1949–59) and D. Oates (1959–62). From Nimrud (Kalhu). The British School has retained ownership of a small number of pieces for teaching purposes, but all are permanently available for inspection in the Museum. See also 1954–11–15 above. 1956–4–16. Presented by the Wellcome Foundation. Excavated by J. L. Starkey in 1932–38 at Tell ed-Duweir (Lachish). The excavations were conducted during the first season 1932–33 by the Wellcome-Colt Expedition (sponsored by Sir Henry Wellcome and Harris Dunscombe Colt), and from 1933–38 by the Wellcome-Marston expedition (sponsored by Wellcome and Sir Charles Marston, Colt having withdrawn). The excavations were closed in 1938 after Starkey was killed in the internecine fighting. The British share of the finds was lodged in the Institute of Archaeology (then in Regents Park), University of London, so that Olga Tufnell, a member of the expedition, could prepare the final reports. The last volume was sent to the press in 1957, and the present collection was presented to the British Museum when it was no longer needed for publication work, other groups being distributed elsewhere. These objects had remained the property of the Wellcome Foundation, as did the remainder of the excavated material, which was purchased by the British Museum in 1980 (1980–12–14 below). 1965–10–12. Purchased from M. S. Moussaieff. 1980–12–14. Purchased from the Wellcome Foundation. Excavated by J. L. Starkey in 1932–38 at Tell ed-Duweir (Lachish). See 1956–4–16 above. 1981–11–17. Presented by T. Hookey who picked it up at Tell en-Naßbeh (Mizpah) in 1939.
museum collections 1983–1–1. 1985–7–14.
Old collections not previously registered. Probably acquired in the nineteenth century, perhaps from the operations of Rassam. Presented by Miss L. Wilkinson, whose grandfather had acquired it in the period 1850–1870. From Kuyunjik.
* indicates included in the Concordance below. Abraham, Business and Politics Avigad, Avigad, Avigad, Avigad, Avigad,
IEJ 8 (1958) IEJ 14 (1964) IEJ 22 (1972) IEJ 24 (1974) Corpus
Ball, Light Baker, PNA Baker and Wunsch, “Notaries” Barkay and Vaughn, Tel Aviv 23 (1996) Barkay and Vaughn, BASOR 304 (1996) Bertin, Copies
Bezold, Catalogue Bezold, “Thontafelsammlungen” Birch, Pottery Black and Green, GDSAM Boardman, Archaic Greek Gems Boardman, Greek Gems Bongenaar, Ebabbar Borger, Asarhaddon Buchanan and Moorey, Ashmolean, III Budge, The Mummy Budge, Guide (1922) CIS, II Campbell Thompson Collon, “Hoard” G. E. Wright Cross, EI 9 (1969) Cross, Leaves, pp. 3–43
Cross, Leaves, pp. 44–46
K. Abraham, Business and Politics under the Persian Empire. The Financial Dealings of Marduk-nàßir-apli of the House of Egibi (Bethesda, MA, 2004) N. Avigad, “New Light on the mßh Seal Impressions”, IEJ 8 (1958), pp. 113–119 Avigad, “Seals and Sealings”, IEJ 14 (1964), pp. 190–194 N Avigad, “Two Hebrew Inscriptions on Wine-Jars”, IEJ 22 (1972), pp. 1–9 N. Avigad, “More Evidence on the Post-Exilic Stamps”, IEJ 24 (1974), pp. 52–58 N. Avigad, Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals (revised and completed by B. Sass: Jerusalem, 1997) * C. J. Ball, Light from the East, (London, 1899) H. D. Baker (ed.), The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire [Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project] (Helsinki), 2.I: H–K (2000), 2.II: L–N (2001) and 3.I: P–S (2002) [inadvertently cited under Parpola, PNA] H. D. Baker and C. Wunsch, “Notaries” in W. W. Hallo and I. J. Winter (eds), Seals and Seal Impressions [Proceedings of the XLVe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale] II, Yale University (Bethesda, Maryland, 2001), pp. 197–213 G. Barkay and A. G. Vaughn, “Lmlk and Official Seal Impressions from Tel Lachish”, Tel Aviv 23 (1996), pp. 61–74 * [TA 23] G. Barkay and A. G. Vaughn, “New Readings of Hezekian Official Seal Impressions”, BASOR 304 (1996), pp. 29–54 G. Bertin, Copies of Babylonian Terra-cotta dated Tablets, principally Contracts (1883ff ). Seven volumes of unpublished copies (with sketches, usually crude, of the seal impressions) held by the Department of Western Asiatic Antiquities in the British Museum: [1] 1–330, [2] 331–745, [3] 746–1198, [4] 1199–1680, [5] 1681–2169, [6] 2170–2635, [7] 2636–3101 [These were prepared when Bertin was engaged by the Museum to copy unbaked tablets which were deteriorating (Budge, Rise and Progress, p. 167)] * C. Bezold, Catalogue of the Tablets in the Kouyunjik Collection of the British Museum, I (London, 1889) [K.1–2191], II (1891) [K.2192–8162], III (1893) [K.8163–14230], IV (1896) [Sm.1–Bu.91–5–9,240], V (1898) [Indices] C. Bezold, “Die Thontafelsammlungen des British Museum”, Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 33 (1888) S. Birch, History of Ancient Pottery, Egyptian, Assyrian, Greek, Etruscan and Roman (new and rev. ed.; London, 1873) J. Black and A. Green, Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia (London, 1992) J. Boardman, Archaic Greek Gems. Schools and Artists in the Sixth and Early Fifth Centuries B.C. (London, 1968) J. Boardman, Greek Gems and Finger Rings. Early Bronze Age to Late Classical (London, 1970) A. C. V. M. Bongenaar, The Neo-Babylonian Ebabbar Temple at Sippar: Administration and its Prosopography [Publications de l’Institute historique-archæologique næerlandais de Stamboul LXXX] (Leiden, 1997) [see Zawadski Bib. Or. 61 (1999), review] R. Borger, Die Inschriften asarhaddons, Königs von Assyrien [AfO Beiheft 9] (Graz, 1956) B. Buchanan and P. R. S. Moorey, Catalogue of Ancient Near Eastern Seals in the Ashmolean Museum, III, The Iron Age Stamp Seals (Oxford, 1988) E. A. W. Budge, The Mummy. (Cambridge, 1893) [Later editions do not contain discussion of the seal impressions from Kuyunjik] E. A. W. Budge, British Museum. A Guide to the Babylonian and Assyrian Antiquities (3rd ed.; London, 1922) See under de Vogüé, CIS, II * See under Thompson D. Collon, “A Hoard of Sealings from Ur” in M.-F. Boussac and A. Invernizzi (eds), Archives et Sceaux du Monde Hellénistique [Bulletin de Correspondence Hellénistique, Supp. 29] (Turin, 1993), pp. 65–84 F. M. Cross, “Judean Stamps”, EI 9 (1969) [W. F. Albright Volume], pp. 20–27 F. M. Cross, “The Development of the Jewish Scripts” in Leaves from an Epigrapher’s Notebook [HSS 51] (Winona Lake, 2003), pp. 3–43; reprinted with revisions from G. E. Wright (ed.), The Bible in the Ancient Near East. Essays in Honor of William Foxwell Albright (London, 1961), pp. 133–202 F. M. Cross, “Scripts of the Dâliyeh (Samaria) Papyri” in Leaves from an Epigrapher’s Notebook, pp. 44–46; reprinted from AASOR 41 (1974), pp. 25–27
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
CTN Dandamaev, Slavery Dandamaev, VP Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 Del Monte, Testi, I De Meyer, Dèr, I De Meyer, Dèr, III Deutsch, Messages Diringer, IAEP Diringer, Lachish, III Diringer, PEQ 73 (1941) Diringer, PEQ 75 (1943) Douglas (ed.), IDB Edzard, Farber, Sollberger, RGTC, 1 Ehrenberg, “Urukaean Seal Impressions”
Fales, Epigraphs Fales and Postgate, SAA, 7 Fales and Postgate, SAA, 11 Finkel and Reade, Or. 67 Gardiner, Grammar George and Bongenaar, Or. 71 Giveon, Scarabs of Western Asia Grotefend, ZKM 1 Hall, Catalogue of Egyptian Scarabs Harper, ABL Houghton and Lorber, Seleucid Coins Hawkins, Corpus Head, Historia Numorum Herbordt, Glyptic Herr, Scripts Hill, Catalogue Honor, Sennacherib’s Invasion Hopkins, AJA 38 (1934) Israel, ZAH 7 (1994)
Cuneiform Texts from Nimrud, see under Postgate, GPA M. A. Dandamaev, Slavery in Babylonia from Nabopolassar to Alexander the Great (626–331 B.C.) (Rev. ed., trans by V. A. Powell; DeKalb, Illinois, 1984) * M. A. Dandamaev, Vavilonskie Pis’i (Moscow, 1983) * M. A. Dandamayev, review of Pinches, CT 55, 56 and 57 in Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 464–468 G. F. Del Monte, Testi dalla Babilonia Ellenistica, I, Testi Chronografici [Studi Ellenistici IX] (Pisa and Rome, 1997) * L. De Meyer, et al., Tell ed-Dèr, I, Rapport Préliminaire sur la Première Campagne (Leuven, 1971) L. De Meyer (ed.), Tell ed-Dèr, III, Soundings at Abù Habbah (Sippar) (Leuven, 1980) R. Deutsch, Messages from the Past. Hebrew Bullae from the Time of Isaiah Through the Destruction of the First Temple (Tel Aviv, 1999) D. Diringer, Le inscrizioni antico-ebraiche palestinesi (Florence, 1934) D. Diringer, “Early Hebrew Inscriptions” in O. Tufnell (ed.), Lachish (Tell edDuweir), III, The Iron Age (London, 1953), pp. 331–359 D. Diringer, “On Ancient Hebrew Inscriptions Discovered at Tell ed-Duweir (Lachish)”, I and II, PEQ 73 (1941), pp. 38–56 and 89–107 D. Diringer, “Note on Some Jar-Stamps and Seals Discovered at Lachish” PEQ 75 (1943), pp. 55–56 J. D. Douglas, N. Hillyer et al. (eds), The Illustrated Bible Dictionary, I–III (Leicester and Wheaton, Illinois, 1980) D. O. Edzard, G. Farber, E. Sollberger, Répertoire Géographique des Textes Cunéiform, 1, Die Orts- und Gewässernamen der präsargonischen und sargonischen Zeit [Beihefte zum Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients, B, 7/1] (Wiesbaden, 1977) E. Ehrenberg, “Sixth-Century Urukaean Seal Impressions at Yale” in W. W. Hallo and I. J. Winter (eds), Seals and Seal Impressions [Proceedings of the XLVe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale] II, Yale University (Bethesda, Maryland, 2001), pp. 185–195 F. M. Fales, Aramaic Epigraphs on Clay Tablets of the Neo-Assyrian Period [Studi Semitici, NS, 2] (Rome, 1986) * F. M. Fales and J. N. Postgate, Imperial Administrative Records, Part I [State Archives of Assyria, VII] (Helsinki, 1992) * F. M. Fales and J. N. Postgate, Imperial Administrative Records, Part II [State Archives of Assyria, XI] (Helsinki, 1995) * I. Finkel and J. E. Reade, “Assyrian Eponyms, 873–649 B.C.”, Orientalia 67 (1998), pp. 248–254. A. Gardiner, Egyptian Grammar, being an Introduction to the Study of Hieroglyphs (3rd ed.; Oxford, 1957) A. R. George and A. C. V. M. Bongenaar, “Tablets from Sippar: Supplementary bibliography etc. for Leichty, Catalogues VI–VIII”, Orientalia 71 (2002), pp. 55–156 R. Giveon, Egyptian Scarabs from Western Asia from the Collections of the British Museum [Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, Series Archaeologica 3] (Freiburg and Göttingen, 1985) * G. F. Grotefend, “Urkunden in babylonischer Keilschrift, erster Beitrag”, Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 1 (1837), pp. 212ff H. R. Hall, Catalogue of the Egyptian Scarabs, Etc., in the British Museum, I (London, 1913) * R. F. Harper, Assyrian and Babylonian Letters Belonging to the Kouyunjik Collection of the British Museum, I–XIV (London and Chicago, 1892–1914) * A. Houghton and C. Lorber, Seleucid Coins. A Comprehensive Catalogue, I, Seleucus I through Antiochis III, I–II (American Numismatic Society with Classical Numismatic Group; New York, Lancaster PA, London, 2002) J. D. Hawkins, Corpus of Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions, I,1–3, Inscriptions of the Iron Age (Berlin, 2000) * B. V. Head, Historia Numorum. A Manual of Greek Numismatics (2nd ed.; Oxford, 1910; repr.; London, 1977) S. Herbordt, Neuassyrische Glyptic des 8.–7. Jh. v. Chr. [State Archives of Assyria Studies, I] (Helsinki, 1992) L. G. Herr, The Scripts of Ancient Northwest Semitic Seals (Missoula, 1978) G. F. Hill, Catalogue of the Coins of Arabia, Mesopotamia and Persia [Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum] (London, 1922) L. L. Honor, Sennacherib’s Invasion of Palestine. A Critical Source Study (New York, 1926) Clark Hopkins, “Assyrian Elements on the Perseus-Gorgon Story” AJA 38 (1934), pp. 341–358 F. Israel, “Inventaire préliminaire des sceaux paléo-hébreux (Études de lexique paléo-hébaïque III)”, Zeitschrift für Althebraistik 7 (1994), pp. 51–80
bibliography Jas, SAAS 5 Joannès, Rendre la justuce Jenkins, Greek Coins Johns, ADD Johns, AJSL 42 (1925–26) Johns, BALCL Jursa, AfO Beiheft 25 Jursa, AOAT 254 (1998) Jursa, Bèl-rèmanni Jursa, Iraq 59 (1997) Kantor, JNES 13 (1954) Kataja and Whiting, SAA, 12 Kennedy, CT, 49 Ker Porter, Travels Kessler, AOAT 252 (2000) King, Catalogue,VI Kitchen, TIP Klauber, PRT Kohler and Ungnad, ARU Kwasman, NALK Kwasman and Parpola, SAA, 6 Lambert and Millard, Catalogue, S.S. Lanfranchi and Parpola, SAA, 5 Laroche, Hiéroglyphes Hittites Layard, ICC Layard, Monuments, II Layard, N&B Layard, NuB Legrain, UE, X Leichty, Catalogue, VI Leichty, Catalogue, VII Leichty, Catalogue, VIII Levy, Siegel und Gemmen Loftus, Chaldaea and Susiana Macalister and Duncan, PEFA 4 (1926) MacGinnis, Letter Orders Mattila, SAA 14 McCown, Tell en-Naßbeh, I Meissner and Rost, BA, III
R. Jas, Neo-Assyrian Judicial Procedures [SAAS 5] (Helsinki, 1996) *[under SAAS, 5] F. Joannès (ed.), Rendre la justice en Mæsopotamie. Archives judiciaires de Proche-Orient ancien (IIIe–Ier millænaires avant J.-C.) (Vincennes, 2000) G. K. Jenkins, Ancient Greek Coins (2nd ed.; London, 1990) C. H. W. Johns, Assyrian Deeds and Documents . . . Preserved in the Kouyunjik Collections of the British Museum, Chiefly of the 7th Century B.C., I–IV (Cambridge, 1898–1923) * C. H. W. Johns, “Assyrian Deeds and Documents” AJSL 42 (1925–26), pp. 170–204; 228–275 * C. H. W. Johns, Babylonian and Assyrian Laws, Contracts and Letters (Edinburgh, 1904) M. Jursa, Die Landwirtschaft in Sippar in Neubabylonischer Zeit [Archiv für Orientforschung, Beiheft 25] (Vienna, 1995) * M. Jursa, Der Tempelzehnt in Babylonien vom siebenten bis zum dritten Jahrhundert v. Chr [AOAT 254] (Münster, 1998) * M. Jursa, Das Archiv des Bèl-rèmanni [Publications de l’Institut historique-archéologique néerlandais de Stamboul LXXXVI] (Istanbul, 1999) * M. Jursa, “Neu- und spätbabylonische Texte aus der Sammlungen der Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery” Iraq 57 (1997), pp. 97–174 H. J. Kantor, review of Legrain, UE X in JNES 13 (1954), pp. 129–132 L. Kataja and R. Whiting, Grants, Decrees and Gifts of the Neo-Assyrian Period [State Archives of Assyria, XII] (Helsinki, 1995) * D. A. Kennedy, Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum, XLIX, Late-Babylonian Economic Texts (London, 1968) *[under CT 49] Robert Ker Porter, Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, Ancient Babylonia &c &c during the Years 1817, 1818, 1819 and 1820, I–II (London, 1821–22) * K. Kessler, “Hellenistische Tempelverwaltungs-texte. Eine Nachlese zu CT 49”, AOAT 252 (2000), pp. 213–241 * L. W. King, Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyunjik Collection of the British Museum, Supplement (London, 1914) [K.14231–16794; Ki.1902–5–10,1—1913–4–16, 160] K. A. Kitchen, The Third Intermediate Period in Egypt (2nd ed. with Supplement; Warminster, 1986) E. G. Klauber, Politisch-religiöse Texte aus der Sargonidenzeit (Leipzig, 1910) J. Kohler and A. Ungnad, Assyrische Rechtsurkunden (Leipzig, 1913) * T. Kwasman, Neo-Assyrian Legal Documents in the Kouyunjik Collection of the British Museum [Studia Pohl. Series Maior, 14] (Rome, 1988) * T. Kwasman and S. Parpola, Legal Transactions of the Royal Court of Nineveh, Part I [State Archives of Assyria, VI] (Helsinki, 1991) * W. G. Lambert and A. R. Millard, Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyunjik Collection of the British Museum. Second Supplement (London, 1968) [121005 (1929– 10–12,1)—134833 (1932–12–12–628)] G. B. Lanfranchi and S. Parpola, The Correspondence of Sargon II, II [State Archives of Assyria, V] (Helsinki, 1990) * E. Laroche, Les Hiéroglyphes Hittites (Paris, 1960) A. H. Layard, Inscriptions in the Cuneiform Character from Assyrian Monuments (London, 1851) * A. H. Layard, A Second Series of the Monuments of Nineveh (London, 1853) * A. H. Layard, Discoveries in the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon (London, 1853) * A. H. Layard, Nineveh und Babylon nebst Beschreibung seiner Reisen in Armenien, Kurdistan und der Wüste (trans by J. Th. Zenker; Leipzig, n.d., c. 1856) * L. Legrain, Seal Cylinders [Ur Excavations X] (Philadelphia, 1951) * E. Leichty, Catalogue of the Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum, VI, Tablets from Sippar, 1 (London, 1986) [49164 (82–3–23,1)–60036 (82–7–14,4448)] E. Leichty and A. K. Grayson, Catalogue of the Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum, VII, Tablets from Sippar, 2 (London, 1987) [60037–74328 (82–9–18,1–14351)] E. Leichty, J. J. Finkelstein and C. B. F. Walker, Catalogue of the Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum, VIII, Tablets from Sippar, 3 (London, 1988) [74329 (AH.89– 9–18A,1)—84999 (83–1–21,3606)] M. A. Levy, Siegel und Gemmen mit aramäischen, phönizischen, althebräischen, himjarischen, nabatäischen und altsyrischen Inschriften (Breslau, 1869) * W. K. Loftus, Travels and Researches in Chaldaea and Susiana (London, 1857) * R. A. S. Macalister and J. Garrow Duncan, “Excavations on the Hill of Ophel, Jerusalem 1923–1925”, Palestine Exploration Fund Annual 4 (1926), pp. 1–212 J. MacGinnis, Letter Orders from Sippar and the Administration of the Ebabbara in the Late-Babylonian Period (Pozna|, 1995) [with drawings and discussion of the seal impressions] * R. Mattila, Legal Transactions of the Royal Court of Nineveh, II, Assurbanipal through Sin-“arru-i“kun [SAA 14] (Helsinki, 2002) *[under SAA 14] C. C. McCown, Tell en-Naßbeh, I, Archaeological and Historical Results (Berkeley and New Haven, 1947) B. Meissner and P. Rost, Die Bauinschriften Asarhaddons [Beiträge zur Assyriologie, 3] (Leipzig, 1896)
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
Ménant, Empreintes Ménant, Manuel Millard, Eponyms Millard, Iraq 27 (1965) Mitchell, BMQ 36 (1971–72) Mitchell, BBM Moscati, EEA Naveh, Leshonenu 30 (1965) Naveh, “Aramaic Script” Newberry, Scarabs Olmstead, History of Assyria Oppert and Ménant, Documents juridiques Parker and Dubberstein, Chronology Parpola, PNA Pedersén, Assur PEFA 4 (1926) Peiser, BRL, II Peiser, BRL, IV Peiser, BV Peiser, KB, 4 Pinches, CT, 44 Pinches, CT, 55 Pinches, CT, 56 Pinches, CT, 57 Pinches, KG Pinches, NCS PNA Porada, AJA 58 (1954) Porada, Iraq 22 (1960) Porter Porter and Moss, Bibliography Postgate, FNALD Postgate, GPA Postgate, Iraq 32 (1970) Postgate, NARGD Postgate, TCAE II R and III R Radner, PNA Rawlinson, CIWA, II Rawlinson, CIWA, III Reade, Catalogue, VI Reade, Catalogue, VII Reade, Or. 67
M. J. Ménant, Empreintes de Cylindres Assyro-Chaldéens relevées sur les contrats d’intérèt privé du Musée Britannique (Paris, 1880) M. J. Ménant, Manuel de la langue assyrienne (Paris, 1880) A. R. Millard, The Eponyms of the Assyrian Empire 910–612 B.C. [State Archives of Assyria Studies II] (Helsinki, 1994) A. R. Millard, “The Assyrian Royal Seal Type Again”, Iraq 27 (1965), pp. 12–16 * T. C. Mitchell, “A Review of Acquisitions 1963–70 of Western Asiatic Antiquities (I)”, BMQ 36 (1971–72), pp. 131–146 T. C. Mitchell, The Bible in the British Museum (rev. enlarged ed.; London, 2004) S. Moscati, L’Epigrafia ebraica antica (Rome, 1951) J. Naveh, “Canaanite and Hebrew Inscriptions (1960–1964)” [in Hebrew], Leshonenu 30 (1965), pp. 65–80 J. Naveh, “The Development of the Aramaic Script”, Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, V.1 ( Jerusalem, 1970), pp. 1–69 P. E. Newberry, Scarabs. An Introduction to the Study of the Egyptian Seals and Signet Rings (London, 1908) A. T. E. Olmstead, History of Assyria (New York and London, 1923) J. Oppert and J. Ménant, Documents juridiques de l’Assyrie et de la Chaldée (Paris 1877) * R. A. Parker and W. H. Dubberstein, Babylonian Chronology 626 B.C.–A.D. 75 [Brown University Studies XIX] (Providence, 1956) 1.I, 1.II, 1.I, see Radner, PNA; 2.II, 2.II, 3.I, see Baker PNA O. Pedersén, Archives and Libraries in the City of Assur. A Survey of the Material from the German Excavations, I–II (Uppsala, 1986) See under Macalister and Duncan J. Kohler and F. E. Peiser, Aus dem Babylonischen Rechtsleben, II (Leipzig, 1891) * J. Kohler and F. E. Peiser, Aus dem Babylonischen Rechtsleben, IV (Leipzig, 1898) * F. E. Peiser, Babylonische Verträge des Berliner Museums (Berlin, 1890). [Nos XCI–CXXIV in the British Museum] * F. E. Peiser, Texte juristischen und geschäftlichen Inhalts [Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek (ed., E. Schrader), 4] (Berlin, 1896) * T. G. Pinches, Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum, 44, Miscellaneous Texts (London, 1963) *[under CT, 44] T. G. Pinches, Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum, 55, NeoBabylonian and Achaemenid Economic Texts (London, 1982) *[under CT, 55] T. G. Pinches, Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum, 56, NeoBabylonian and Achaemenid Economic Texts (London, 1982) *[under CT, 56] T. G. Pinches, Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum, 57, NeoBabylonian and Achaemenid Economic Texts (London, 1982) *[under CT, 57] T. G. Pinches, British Museum. Assyrian Antiquities. Guide to the Kouyunjik Gallery (London, 1883) * T. G. Pinches, British Museum. Assyrian Antiquities. Guide to the Nimrud Central Saloon (London, 1886) * See under Parpola, PNA E. Porada, Review of Legrain, U.E., X” in AJA 58 (1954), pp. 339–342 E. Porada, “Greek Coin Impressions from Ur”, Iraq 22 (1960), pp. 228–234 See Ker Porter B. Porter and R. L. B. Moss, Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings, VII, Nubia, the Deserts, and outside Egypt (Oxford, 1951) J. N. Postgate, Fifty Neo-Assyrian Legal Documents (Warminster, 1976) * J. N. Postgate, The Governor’s Palace Archive [Cuneiform Texts from Nimrud II] (London, 1973) * J. N. Postgate, “More ‘Assyrian Deeds and Documents’”, Iraq 32 (1970), pp. 129– 164 * J. N. Postgate, Neo-Assyrian Royal Grants and Decrees [Studia Pohl, Series Maior, 1] Rome, 1969) * J. N. Postgate, Taxation and Conscription in the Assyrian Empire [Studia Pohl, Series Maior, III] (Rome, 1974) * See under Rawlinson K. Radner (ed.), The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire [Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project] (Helsinki), 1.I: A (1998) and 1.II: B–G (1999) [inadvertently cited under Parpola, PNA] H. C. Rawlinson and E. Norris, The Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia, II (London, 1866) * H. C. Rawlinson and G. Smith, The Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia, III (London, 1870) * J. E. Reade, “Rassam’s Babylonian Collection: The Excavations and the Archives” in Leichty, Catalogue, VI, pp. xiii–xxxvi J. E. Reade, “Original Inventory” in Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. xvii J. E. Reade, “Assyrian Eponyms, kings and pretenders, 648–605 B.C.”, Orientalia 67 (1998), pp. 255–265
bibliography Renz and Röllig, HAE Roes, JHS 55 (1935) Roth, AOAT 222 (1989) Rylands, TSBA 7 (1882) SAA SAAS Sachs, Iraq 15 (1953) Sachs, JNES 5 (1946) Sass, OBO 125 Sayce, Records of the Past, I Sellwood, CHI Smith, AEC Smith, Assyrian Discoveries Spek, GSR Stern, Material Culture Stolper, AH 8 Stolper, JNES 48 Stolper, RA 85 (1991) Starr, Greek Coins Strassmaier, AV Strassmaier, Cambyses Strassmaier, Cyrus Strassmaier, Darius Strassmaier, HC Strassmaier, Nabonidus Strassmaier, Nabuchodonosor Sukenik, JPOS 13 (1933) Tadmor, “Rab-saris” Teixidor, Syria 44 (1967) Thompson, BASOR 86 (1942) Tufnell, Lachish IV Campbell Thompson, Carchemish, II Campbell Thompson and King, CT, 22 Campbell Thompson, LBL Campbell Thompson, Century Unger, Babylon Ussishkin, Tel Aviv 4 (1977) Vattioni, Biblica 50 (1969) de Vogüé, CIS, II Walker, Catalogue, VIII
J. Renz and W. Röllig, Handbuch der althebräischen Epigraphik, II/2 (Darmstadt, 2003) * A. Roes, “New Light on the Grylli”, JHS 55 (1935), pp. 232–235 M. T. Roth, Babylonian Marriage Agreements. 7th–3rd Centuries B.C. [AOAT 222] (Neukirchen—Vluyn, 1989) * W. H. Rylands, “The Inscribed Stones from Jerabis, Hamath, Aleppo, &c.” TSBA 7 (1882), pp. 429–442 [specifically 438–439 and pl. V] State Archives of Assyria (Helsinki): see under Fales and Postgate (7, 11), Kataja and Whiting (12), Kwasman and Parpola (6), Lanfranchi and Parpola (5), Mattila (14) * State Archives of Assyrian Studies (Helsinki): see under Herbordt (1), Jas (5), Millard (2) A. J. Sachs, “The Late Assyrian Royal-seal Type”, Iraq 15 (1953), pp. 167–170 * A. J. Sachs, “Notes on Fractional Expressions in Old Babylonian Mathematical Texts”, JNES 5 (1946), pp. 203–214 [extracts from Seleucid texts, 213–14] B. Sass, “The Pre-Exilic Hebrew Seals: Iconism vs. Aniconism” in B. Sass and C. Uehlinger (eds), Studies in the Iconography of Northwest Semitic Inscribed Seals [Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 125] (Fribourg and Göttingen, 1993), pp. 194–256 A. H. Sayce, “Assyrian Private Contract Tablets” in [S. Birch (ed.)], Records of the Past, I (London, 1872), pp. 137–139 D. Sellwood, “Minor States in Southern Iran” in E. Yarshater (ed.), The Cambridge History of Iran, 3(1), The Seleucid, Parthian and Sasanian Pariods (Cambridge, 1983), pp. 299–317 G. Smith, The Assyrian Eponym Canon (London, 1875) G. Smith, Assyrian Discoveries (London, 1875) R. J. van der Spek, Grondbezit in het Seleucidische Rijk (Amsterdam, 1986) * E. Stern, Material Culture of the Land of the Bible in the Persian Period 538–332 B.C. (Warminster and Jerusalem, 1982) M. W. Stolper, “On some Aspects of Continuity between Achaemenid and Hellenistic Babylonian Legal Texts”, Achaemenid History VIII (Leiden, 1994), pp. 329–351 M. W. Stolper, “The Governor of Babylon and Across-the-River in 486 B.C.”, JNES 48 (1989), pp. 283–305 M. W. Stolper, “A Property in Bìt Pàniya”, RA 85 (1991), pp. 49–62 C. G. Starr, Greek Coinage 480 –449 B.C. (Oxford, 1970) J. N. Strassmaier, Alphabetisches Verzeichniss der assyrischen und akkadischen Wörter der Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia Vol. II . . . (Leipzig, 1886) J. N. Strassmaier, Inschriften von Cambyses, König von Babylon (529 –521 v.Chr.) [Babylonische Texte, VIII–IX] (Leipzig, 1890) * J. N. Strassmaier, Inschriften von Cyrus, König von Babylon (538–529 v.Chr.) [Babylonische Texte, VII] (Leipzig, 1890) * J. N. Strassmaier, Inschriften von Darius, König von Babylon (521–485 v.Chr.) [Babylonische Texte, X–XII] (Leipzig, 1897) * J. N. Strassmaier, “Einige kleinere babylonische Keilschrifttexte aus dem Britischen Museum” in Actes du huitième congrès international des orientalistes tenu en 1889 à Stockholm et à Christiania (Leiden, 1891), I, B, pp. 281–283 and Beilage pp. 1–35. * J. N. Strassmaier, Inschriften von Nabonidus, König von Babylon (555–538 v.Chr.) [Babylonische Texte, I–IV] (Leipzig, 1889) * J. N. Strassmaier, Inschriften von Nabuchodonosor, König von Babylon (604–561 v.Chr.) [Babylonische Texte, V–VI] (Leipzig, 1889) * E. L. Sukenik, “The ‘Jerusalem’ and ‘The City’ Stamps on Jar Handles”, Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society 13 (1933), pp. 226–231 H. Tadmor, “Rab-saris and Rab-shakeh in 2 Kings 18” in C. L. Meyers and M. O’Connor (eds), The Word of the Lord Shall go Forth [D. N. Freedman Festschrift; ASOR Special Volume Series 1] (Winona Lake, 1983), pp. 279–285 J. Teixidor, “Bulletin d’épigraphie sémitique”, Syria 44 (1967), pp. 163–195 J. A. Thompson, “On Some Stamps and a Seal from Lachish”, BASOR 86 (1942), pp. 24–27 O. Tufnell, Lachish (Tell ed-Duweir) IV, The Bronze Age (London, 1958) R. Campbell Thompson, “The Cuneiform Tablet from House D” in Woolley, Carchemish, II, pp. 135–142 R. Campbell Thompson and L. W. King, Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum, 22 (London, 1906) *[under CT, 22] Late Babylonian Letters (London, 1906) *[under CT, 22] R. Campbell Thompson and R. W. Hutchinson, A Century of Exploration at Nineveh (London, 1929) E. Unger, Babylon, die heilige Stadt, nach der Beschreibung der Babylonier (Berlin and Leipzig, 1931) * D. Ussishkin, “The Destruction of Lachish by Sennacherib and the Dating of the Royal Judaean Storage Jars”, Tel Aviv 4 (1977), pp. 28–60 F. Vattioni, “I sigilli ebraici”, Biblica 50 (1969), pp. 357–388 M. de Vogüé (ed.), Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum, II, Inscriptiones Aramaicas Continens (Paris, 1889–) *[under CIS, II] C. B. F. Walker, “Introduction” in Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, pp. xi–xxv
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
Walker, Dèr, III Walker, Iraq 36 Wallenfels, “Archival Texts” Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs” Wallenfels, Catalogue Waterman, RCAE Welten, Königs-Stempel Winckler, Keilschrifttexte Sargons Woolley, Carchemish, II Wunsch, AfO 42/43 (1995/96) Wunsch, AfO 44/45 (1997/98) Wunsch, AOAT 252 Wunsch, AoF 24 Wunsch, Aula Orientalis 17/18 Wunsch, Ba. Ar. 2 Wunsch, CM 3 Wunsch, CM 20 Zawadski, AOAT 272 (2000) Zawadski, Assyria 1995 Zawadski, Bi. Or. 61 (1999)
C. B. F. Walker and D. Collon, “Hormuzd Rassam’s Excavations for the British Museum at Sippar in 1881–1882” in De Meyer, Dèr, III, pp. 93–114 C. B. F. Walker, “Bellino’s cuneiform copies” [apud R. D. Barnett, “Charles Bellino and the Beginnings of Assyriology”], Iraq 36 (1974), pp. [5–28] 26–28 R. Wallenfels, “Fourth-Century Babylonian Sealed Archival Texts” in W. W. Hallo and I. J. Winter (eds), Seals and Seal Impressions [Proceedings of the XLVe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale] II, Yale University (Bethesda, Maryland, 2001), pp. 215–238 R. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs Among the Seal Impressions from Hellenistic Uruk”, in M. E. Cohn, D. C. Snell, and D. B. Weisberg (eds), The Tablet and the Scroll. Near Eastern Studies in Honor of William W. Hallo (Bethesda, Maryland, 1993), pp. 281–289 R. Wallenfels, Uruk. Hellenistic Seal Impressions in the Yale Babylonian Collection, I, Cuneiform Tablets [R. M. Boehmer (ed.), Ausgrabungen in Uruk-Warka. Endberichte, 19] (Mainz, 1994). L. Waterman, Royal Correspondence of the Assyrian Empire, I–IV (Ann Arbor, 1930–36) * P. Welten, Die Königs-Stempel: Ein Beitrag zur Militärpolitik Judas unter Hiskia und Josia [Abhandlungen des Deutschen Palästinavereins] (Wiesbaden, 1969) H. Winckler, Die Keilschrifttexte Sargons nach der Papierabklatschen und Originalen neu herausgegeben (Leipzig, 1889) C. L. Woolley et al., Carchemish, II (London, 1921) C. Wunsch, “Die Frauen der Familie Egibi”, AfO 42/43 (1995/1996), pp. 33–63 * C. Wunsch, “Und die Richter berieten . . . Streitfälle in Babylon aus der Zeit Neriglissars und Nabonids”, AfO 44/45 (1997/98), pp. 59–100 * C. Wunsch, “Die Richter des Nabonid”, AOAT 252 [ J. Marzahn and H. Neumann (eds), Assyriologica et Semitica. Festschrift für Joachim Oelsner] (Neukirchen Vlujn, 2000), pp. 557–597. * C. Wunsch, “Die Jugendsünden eines Babyloniers aus gutem Haus”, Altorietalische Forschungen 24 (1997), pp. 231–241 C. Wunsch, “Eine Richterurkunde aus der Zeit Neriglissars”, Aula Orientalis 17–18 [M. Molina et al. eds, Arbor Scientiae. Estudios . . . dedicados a Gregorio del Olmo Lete . . . ] (Barcelona, 1999–2000), pp. 241–254 * C. Wunsch, Urkunden zum Ehe- Vermögens- und Erbrecht aus verschiedenen neubabylonischen Archiven [Babylonische Archive 2] (Dresden, 2003) C. Wunsch, Die Urkunden des babylonischen Geschäftsmannes Iddin-Marduk. Zum Handel mit Naturalien im 6. Jahrhundert v. Chr. [Cuneiform Monographs, 3] (Groningen, 1993) * C. Wunsch, Das Egibi-Archiv, I, Die Felder und Gärten, I–II [Cuneiform Monographs 20A–B] (Groningen, 2000) * S. Zawadski, “Zazannu and ”u“an in the Babylonian texts from the archive of the Íàhit ginê family”, AOAT 272 (2000) [Variatio Delectat. Iran und der Westen. Gedenkschrift für Peter Calmeyer], pp. 723–744 * S. Zawadski, “The Question of the King’s Eponymate in the Latter Half of the 8th Century and the 7th Century B.C.” in S. Parpola and R. M. Whiting, Assyria 1995 (Helsinki, 1997), pp. 383–389 S. Zawadski, “Neo-Babylonian Sippar in the Light of Prosopographical Studies” Bibliotheca Orientalis 61 (1999), colls 273–308 [review of Bongenaar, Ebabbar]
MESOPOTAMIA NEO-ASSYRIAN PERIOD ADAD-NERARI III 810–783 808/807 B.C. 1. ND.240(b). Bulla, from Nimrud, Governor’s Palace. [By association with ND.252(k) (IM) which is dated 4+X/-/ Nergal-ilàia]. Indistinct. Postgate, GPA., no. 171, pls 62, 95 a–b; ND.252(k) is no. 170. Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 194 no. 89, pl. 20.14. Millard, Eponyms, pp. 110 [ND.252(k)], 67 [more than one Nergal-ilàia] Cf. Parpola, PNA, 2, II, p. 948, s.v. Nergal-ilà"ì, 4 791 B.C. 3. K.310. Tablet, land grant, from Kuyunjik. 26/10/Mu“allim-Ninurta [limmu 792–791 B.C.] King to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal). Oppert and Ménant, Documents juridiques, pp. 145–7 no. I Pinches, KG, p. 173 no. 34 [793 B.C.] Johns, ADD, I, no. 651, and IV, pp. 183–7; JRAS (1928), p. 550 [793 B.C.] Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 1 [793 B.C.] Sachs, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 169 no. 2, pl. XIX.7 [792–791 B.C.] Kataja and Whiting, SAA 12, no. 10 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 13 Millard, Eponyms, p. 102
Adad-nerari III: not precisely dated (810–773 B.C.) 4. K.2639+K.3165+K.16787+K.16788. Tablet, land grant, from Kuyunjik. [Date missing, but time of Adad-nerari III]. Imperfectly impressed: repeated three times, king to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal), with guilloche border. Johns, ADD, I, no. 654, 655; IV, pp. 188–9 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, nos 5,6,7 Sachs, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 169 no. 4 Postgate, NARGD, no. 4 Kataja and Whiting, SAA 12, no. 12 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 63
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
A””UR-DAN III 772–755 B.C. 762/761 B.C. 5. Rm.75. Tablet, land grant, from Kuyunjik. -/-/ˇàb-bèlu. King to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal), guilloche border. Johns, ADD, I, no. 652; IV, pp. 187–8 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 4 Sachs, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 169 no. 3 Postgate, NARGD, no. 6, and p. 26 [for date] Kataja and Whiting, SAA 12, no. 13 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 35 Millard, Eponyms, p. 123
SARGON II 721–705 B.C. 719 B.C. 6. K.3781a. Inscribed bulla, from Kuyunjik. 10/2/”arrukèn. King to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal), guilloche border. Smith, AEC, p. 84 Johns, ADD, II, no. 767; IV, p. 209 Sachs, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 169 no. 5, pl. XVIII.2 Postgate, TCAE, p. 20 no. 7.2.2. Fales and Postgate, SAA 11, no. 65 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 103, pl. 36.3 Millard, Eponyms, p. 120
neo-assyrian period
717 B.C. 7. 81–2–4,349. Inscribed bulla, from Kuyunjik. -/9/ˇàb-“àr-A““ur. King to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal), guilloche border. Sachs, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 169 no. 6 Millard, Iraq 27 (1965), p. 16, fig. 4 no. 6 [copy of text] Postgate, TCAE, p. 21 no. 7.2.5 Fales and Postgate, SAA 11, no. 68 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 89 Millard, Eponyms, p. 124
716 B.C. 8. ND.808. Bulla, from Nimrud, North-West Palace, Room HH. [Date by association with ND.807 (IM.56873) which is 16/1/ˇàb-ßil-E“arra]. Worshipper to left facing scorpion, guilloche border. Parker, Iraq 17 (1955), pp. 111–12, fig. 2, pl. XXI.1 [wrongly numbered ND.807] Postgate, GPA, no. 263 [no. 257 = ND.807] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 200–01 no. 115 [no. 114 = ND.807], pl. 20.4 Millard, Eponyms, p. 123 [ND.807, wrongly quoted as ND.808]
714 B.C. 9. Sm.2276. Inscribed bulla, from Kuyunjik. 25/10/Taklàk-ana-bèli [limmu 715–714 B.C.]. King to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal), guilloche border. Smith, Assyrian Discoveries, pp. 148, 435 Smith, AEC, p. 85 [715 B.C.] Winckler, Keilschrifttexte Sargons, I, p. 196 no. 12; II, pl. 49.12 Johns, ADD, II, no. 766; IV, p. 209 Sachs, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 169 no. 7, pl. XVIII.4 Postgate, TCAE, pp. 20 no. 7.2.3., 70 no. 1.19.2 Fales and Postgate, SAA 11, no. 49, and p. 40 [photo] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 99, pls 10.4, 36.5 Millard, Eponyms, p. 123
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum 713/712 B.C.
10. K.391. Inscribed bulla, from Kuyunjik. 24(?)/-/A““ur-bàni. King to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal). Layard, N&B, p. 154; NuB, pl. XVII.A–B Smith, AEC, p. 85 Johns, ADD, II, no. 765; IV, p. 209 Sachs, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 169 no. 8, pl. XVIII.5 Postgate, TCAE, p. 20 no. 7.2.4. Fales and Postgate, SAA 11, no. 69 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 37 Millard, Eponyms, p. 81
709/708 B.C. 11. K.427. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 15/-/Mannu-kì-A““ur-lè"i. Stylised eight-pointed star above winged disk. Smith, AEC, p. 86 Johns, ADD, I, no. 351; IV, pp. 26–27 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 336 Kwasman, NALK, no. 192 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 109 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 224 no. 73, pl. 10.10 Millard, Eponyms, p. 99
Sargon II: not precisely dated (721–705 B.C.) 12. 84526 (51–9–2,42). Bulla, from Kuyunjik, found with 84527 and 84884 (no. 13 below). Egyptian: cartouche with hieroglyphic inscription mn-¢pr[-r'], and other indistinct elements in beaded border. Men-¢eper-Rè'. [Possibly Piye (Piankhy; 747–716 B.C.), but placed under Sargon because of association with no. 13]. Pinches, KG, p. 180 no. 92 Hall, Catalogue of Egyptian Scarabs, I (1913), no. 2774 [Tuthmoses III] Porter and Moss, Bibliography, VII, p. 397 [High Priest Men-Kheper-Re of XXIst Dynasty] Giveon, Scarabs from Western Asia, pp. 168–169 Kuyunjik no. 6 [with drawing; possibilities are (a) Tuthmoses III; (b) a XXIst Dynasty High Priest; (c) Piankhy; (d) Shebitku. Favours Piankhy]
neo-assyrian period
13. K.20580; 84527 (51–9–2,44); 84773 (51–9–2,292); 84803 (51–9–2,350); 84840 (51–9–2,402); 84884 (51–9–2,43); 84892 (51–9–2,479); 89963 (51–9–2,385); and 81–2–4,352. Nine bullae from Kuyunjik. Four seals: (a) [84884], (b) [84527] and (c) [81–2–4,352], probably three separate seals with the same scene and text, but different details: Egyptian king with raised right smiting arm and left hand probably grasping the hair of a foreign captive, with hieroglyphic inscriptions, above nΔr nfr nb ir i¢t, “the Good God, Lord of (ritual) action”, and cartouche “¡í–b¡–k¡, Shabaka (c. 716–702 B.C.); on left, dí.n:(í) n:k ¢¡swt nb[t], “I have given to you all foreign countries”; and on right s¡ 'n¢ ˙¡:f, “protection and life around him” (among differences are the looped cord hieroglyph (s¡) on the right, the hieroglyphs at the top, and the king’s weapon); (d) worshipper to left with raised hands facing deity to right with raised hands backed by a circle with radiating lines terminating in drill holes. [84884 has both (a) and (d); K.20580; 84773; 84803; 84840; 84892; and 89963 have only (d)]. [Since 84884 has impressions of both (a) and (d) on it, there are three possibilities: (1) that this bulla and the others with Shabaka’s seals are to be dated to the time of Sargon in the context of the more or less friendly relations existing between them (see e.g. Kitchen, TIP, p. 380), and that they were taken from Dur-Sharruken to Nineveh with a few other unusual sealings (nos 12 above, 14–19 below) in the time of Sennacherib; in this case the date of the seal used for impression (d) would be late 8th century; (2) that there was administrative activity at Nineveh in the 8th century before it became the capital, and that all these impressions belong to that time; or (3) that the owner(s) of (a–c) was(were) resident in Nineveh (Herbordt, pp. 120–21, 143) and still using these seals in the 7th century B.C.; in this case the date of the seal used for impression (d) could be 7th century B.C. Of these possibilities: (1) does not explain the other bullae which have impression (d) only; (3) is made unlikely by the probability that (a) (b) and (c) are from three different seals; while (2) is plausible, so impression (d) can be dated no more closely than late 8th or 7th century B.C. See also no. 12 above]. Layard, Monuments, II, pl. 69.15 [impression (d); inaccurate drawing]; N&B, pp. 156–9 [sealing on a treaty between the Egyptians and Assyrians], illustration p. 156 lower [bulla 84884] (= NuB, pl. XVII.I) Birch, footnote in Layard, N&B, pp. 156–9; Pottery, p. 83 fig. 71 [84884] Lenormant, Rev. Arch. 26 (1873), pp. 228–9 [perhaps from a treaty between Shabako and Hanno of Gaza] Pinches, KG, p. 180 no. 91 Budge, The Mummy (1893), pp. 249–50 [not in later editions]; Guide (1922), p. 211 no. 32 Newberry, Scarabs (1908), p. 187 no. 7; pl. XXXVIII.7 Hall, Catalogue of Egyptian Scarabs, I (1913), nos 2775–6 [84884, 83527] Olmstead, History of Assyria (1923), p. 309 [implies from a papyrus treaty] Honor, Sennacherib’s Invasion (1926), pp. 12, 30 n. 56 Tadmor, JCS 12 (1958), p. 84 and n. 52 Porter and Moss, Bibliography, VII, p. 397 Giveon, Scarabs from Western Asia, pp. 166–8 Kuyunjik no. 4 [84884, 83527; with photograph and drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 120–21, 143, pls 18.1 [impression a], p. 112, pl. 14.24 [impression d], pl. 10.2 [sealing 84840] Cf. Kitchen, TIP, pp. 378–83, 468 Table 4; Supplement, pp. 550–59, 583–4 [date of Shabako: could be slightly later, 714–700 B.C.]
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14. 84585 (51–9–2,104). Bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Reasonably dated to the time of Sargon on the basis of two bullae from Khorsabad (Gelb, OIP XLV, pl. LIX.39) probably impressed from the same seal as 84585 (Hawkins, Corpus, I, 2, pp. 582, 583). The following bullae (nos 15–19) belong with this example]. Hittite hieroglyphic (pictographic Luwian) inscription: [sigillum tonitru]s-pa-sá, “[Seal of Te“u]bas” (Hawkins). Lenormant, Rev. Arch. 26 (1873), p. 231 no. 5 Rylands, TSBA 7 (1882), pl. V.2 [= Wright, Empire, pl. XIII.2 (Rylands’s plate repeated)] Sayce, PSBA 4 (1882), pp. 103–4 Pinches, KG, p. 179 no. 67 Ball, Light from the East, p. 146 Messerschmidt, MVAG 4–5 (1900) [CIH], pp. 38–9, pl. XXXIX.3 Cf. I. J. Gelb, Hittite Hieroglyphic Monuments [OIP XLV](Chicago, 1939), pp. 34–35, pl. LIX, no. 39 [from Khorsabad] Bossert, Altanatolien, no. 979 Hawkins, Corpus, I, 2, pp. 581–582; pl. I, 3, pl. 332, no. XIII.12.4 Cf. Laroche, Hiéroglyphes Hittites, nos 327 (“sceau” [sigillum]), 199 (Dieu de l’orage [tonitrus])
15. 84584 (51–9–2,103), 84587 (51–9–2,106), 84590 (51–9–2,109). Three bullae, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [See no. 14 above]. Hittite hieroglyphic (pictographic Luwian) inscription: sigillum tonitrus-pa-sá, “Seal of Te“ubas” (Hawkins). [Same name as on 84585 (no. 14 above), but different seal]. Drawings: (a) 84584; (b) 84587; (c) 84590. Layard, Monuments, II, pl. 69.21 [84590] Lenormant, Rev. Arch. 26 (1873), pp. 230–31 no. 4 [Il y a trois exemplaires de ce sceau] Rylands, TSBA 7 (1882), pl. V.6 [84587], 7 [84584], 8 [84590] [= Wright, Empire, pl. XIII.6–8] Pinches, KG, p. 179 no. 67 Ball, Light from the East, p. 146 Messerschmidt, MVAG 4–5 (1900) [CIH], pp. 38–9, pl. XXXIX.7 [84587], 8 [84584], 9 [84590] Bossert, Altanatolien, nos 976 [84584], 978 [84590], 980 [84587] Hawkins, Corpus, I, 2, pp. 581–582; pl. I, 3, pl. 332, no. XIII.12.1 [84590], 2 [84584], 3 [84587] a
16. 84588 (51–9–2,107). Bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [See no. 14 above] Hittite hieroglyphic (pictographic Luwian) inscription: tonitrus-si ?-mi-sa (Hawkins) Layard, Monuments, II, pl. 69.23 Lenormant, Rev. Arch. 26 (1873), pp. 229–30 no. 1 Rylands, TSBA 7 (1882), pl. V.5 [= Wright, Empire, pl. XIII.5] Pinches, KG, p. 179 no. 67 Ball, Light from the East, p. 146
neo-assyrian period
Messerschmidt, MVAG 4–5 (1900) [CIH], pp. 38–9, pl. XXXIX.6 Bossert, Altanatolien, no. 982 Hawkins, Corpus, I, 2, pp. 581–582; pl. I, 3, pl. 332, no. XIII.12.6
17. 84589 (51–9–2,108). Bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [See no. 14 above] Hittite hieroglyphic (pictographic Luwian) inscription: tonitrus-hu[- . . .], “Tarhu[. . .]” (Hawkins). Layard, Monuments, II, pl. 69.22 Lenormant, Rev. Arch. 26 (1873), p. 230 no. 2 Rylands, TSBA 7 (1882), pl. V.4 [= Wright, Empire, pl. XIII.4] Pinches, KG, p. 179 no. 67 Ball, Light from the East, p. 146 Messerschmidt, MVAG 4–5 (1900) [CIH], pp. 38–9, pl. XXXIX.5 Bossert, Altanatolien, no. 975 Hawkins, Corpus, I, 2, pp. 581–582; pl. I, 3, pl. 332, no. XIII.12.5 Cf. Laroche, Hiéroglyphes Hittites, no. 199
18. 84591 (51–9–2,110). Bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [See no. 14 above] Standing figure to left, facing Hittite hieroglyphic (pictographic Luwian) inscription: [x]-tonitrus)x? (Hawkins). Layard, Monuments, II, pl. 69.24 Lenormant, Rev. Arch. 26 (1873), p. 230 no. 3 Rylands, TSBA 7 (1882), pl. V.3 [= Wright, Empire, pl. XIII.3] Pinches, KG, p. 179 no. 67 Ball, Light from the East, p. 146 Messerschmidt, MVAG 4–5 (1900) [CIH], pp. 38–9, pl. XXXIX.4 Bossert, Altanatolien, no. 977 Hawkins, Corpus, I, 2, pp. 581–582; pl. I, 3, pl. 332, no. XIII.12.7
19. 84583 (51–9–2,102). Bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Possibly to be grouped with nos 14–18 above]. Two lines converging upwards crossed by three horizontal lines. Layard, Monuments, II, pl. 69.9 Lenormant, Rev. Arch. 26 (1873), p. 231 no. 6 Rylands, TSBA 7 (1882), pl. V.1 [= Wright, Empire, pl. XIII.1] Pinches, KG, p. 179 no. 67 Ball, Light from the East, p. 146 Messerschmidt, MVAG 4–5 (1900) [CIH], pp. 38–9, pl. XXXIX.2 Bossert, Altanatolien, no. 981 E. Laroche, Les Hiéroglyphes Hittites (Paris, 1960), no. 146 Hawkins, Corpus, I, 2, p. 581 [not a Hieroglyph, though listed by Laroche]
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
20. 95–4–6,5. Tablet fragment, contract, from Kuyunjik. [Date missing, but the three-barred ˙ in the seal inscription points to the 8th century B.C., and the zig-zag “ does not disagree with this (See e.g. Naveh, “Aramaic Script”, fig. 1 as against fig. 2, with pp. 9 and 11 for the ˙; and Herr, Scripts, figs 27 and 33)]. Crescent, lozenge and seven drill holes (the Pleiades) above an incomplete Aramaic inscription: ˙“ . . . Johns, ADD, I, no. 694 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 250 no. 191, pl. 10.15 Cf. Black and Green, GDSAM, p. 162 [Pleiades]
SENNACHERIB 704–681 B.C. 702/701 B.C. 21. 116230 (1922–5–11,362). Tablet, land agreement, from Carchemish. -/-/Nabû-lè"i. Worshipper to right facing crescent on post—end of reverse. [The impression is circular with a convex face, and though to its right is the partial impression of a cylinder seal (human figure with raised arms to left), the stamp has a diameter of 1.37cm, and partial impression of the cylinder at 1.3cm is considerably less than its diameter, so the stamp is clearly not the end of the cylinder.] Woolley, Carchemish, II, p. 128, pl. 26a Campbell Thompson, Carchemish, II, pp. 135–42 Postgate, TCAE, pp. 360–362 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 170 no. 1, pl. 14.8 Parpola, PNA, 2, II, p. 844, s.v. 8 [116230 not cited] Millard, Eponyms, p. 105 [number wrongly 116320]
700 B.C. 22. Rm.160. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 20+x/6/Met[ùnu] Indistinct: quadruped (?) to left, “beaded” border between two concentric surrounds. Johns, ADD, I, no. 294; III, pp. 504–5 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 49 Kwasman, NALK, no. 109 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 116 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 215 no. 41 Millard, Eponyms, p. 101
neo-assyrian period
699 B.C. 23. 98548 (1905–4–9,54). Inscribed bulla, from Kuyunjik. 23/8/Bèl-“arràni. King to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal) with guilloche border. King, Catalogue, VI, p. 55 no. 464 Sachs, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 69 no. 21, pl. XIX.1 Millard, Iraq 27 (1965), p. 16, fig. 4 no. 21 [copy of text] Postgate, TCAE, p. 21 no. 7.2.6 [reading name of limmu as Bèl-manàni] Fales and Postgate, SAA 11, no. 50 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 102 [Bèl-“arrani] Millard, Eponyms, p. 91 [Bèl-“arràni]
698 B.C. 24. K.1604. Tablet, land sale, from Kuyunjik. 15/9/”ulmu-“arri. Three seals, all indistinct. Johns, ADD, I, no. 468; IV, pp. 93–4 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 439 Kwasman, NALK, no. 19 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 123 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 209 nos 8–10, pl. 12.18, 14, 6 respectively [no. 7 a cylinder seal] Millard, Eponyms, p. 122 696 B.C. 25. 99027 (1904–10–9,56). Docket, from Kuyunjik. 18/5/”ulmu-bèli. Indistinct: Egyptianising: cartouche with hieroglyphic inscription mn-¢pr-r', indistinct shapes on left, right and above. Johns, AJSL 42 (1925–26), p. 180 no. 1159 Kwasman, NALK, no. 51 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 62 [18!/5/”ulmu-bèli] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 211–12 no. 21, pl. 18.5 Millard, Eponyms, p. 122 [8/5/”ulmu-bèli]
696/695 B.C. 26. K.1513 + 82–5–22,30 + 89–4–26,123. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 18/-/[”ulmu]-beli. [Archive of Bal†i-Aia].
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum Two seals: (a) indistinct: circular pattern with fish-tail-like projections at each end, two uncertain shapes in the field; (b) cylinder seal: parts of mischwesen with bird’s feet and tail. Johns, ADD, I, no. 241; III, pp. 462–3 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 73 Kwasman, NALK, no. 84 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA, 6, no. 130 [[”ulmu]-beli, 696 B.C.] Parpola, PNA, 1, II, p. 260, s.v. Bal†i-Aia, 3 [time of Sennacherib] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 213–14 no. 31, pl. 11.27; [no. 30, pl. 8.10 cylinder seal]
695 B.C. 27. K.290. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 3/5/A““ur-bèlu-ußur. Crouching quadruped to left (?) above eight-pointed star. Johns, ADD, I, no. 31 [3/9/695]; III, pp. 58–9 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 280 Kwasman, NALK, no. 52 [3/9/695] Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 63 and p. 365 [collation 3/5!/A““ur-bèlu-ußur] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 212 no. 22, pl. 15.24 Millard, Eponyms, p. 82 [3/5/A““ur-bèlu-ußur]
28. 98552 (1905–4–9,58). Inscribed bulla, from Kuyunjik. 4/10/A““ur-bèlu-ußur. King to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal). King, Catalogue, VI, p. 55 no. 468 Sachs, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 169 no. 22, pl. XIX.2 Millard, Iraq 27 (1965), p. 16, fig. 4 no. 22 [copy of text] Postgate, TCAE, p. 21 no. 7.2.7 Fales and Postgate, SAA 11, no. 51 Millard, Eponyms, p. 82
695/694 B.C. 29. 84900 (51–9–2,487). Inscribed bulla, from Kuyunjik. -/-/[A“]“ur-bèlu-ußur. Indistinct: king to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal) (?). Fales and Postgate, SAA 11, no. 53, and copy on p. 203 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. 175, s.v. 13.a.2’ 30. 89982 (51–9–2,445). Inscribed bulla, from Kuyunjik. -/-/A““ur-bèlu-ußur. Indistinct: king to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal). Fales and Postgate, SAA 11, no. 54, and copy on p. 203 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. 175, s.v. 13.a.2’
neo-assyrian period
c.694 B.C. 31. 80–7–19,149. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. [Concerns Ilu-ammar who is mentioned in K.346+, which is dated to Ilu-issìia [dingir-ki-ia], 694 B.C. (Kwasman, NALK, no. 358; Millard, Eponyms, p. 95)]. Uncertain symbols Johns, ADD, I, no. 137; III, pp. 230–1 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 318 Kwasman, NALK, no. 417 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 471 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 237 no. 129, pl. 12.22
692 B.C. 32. K.294. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 16/3/Zazàia. Indistinct: two quadrupeds (?) on hind legs flanking a pillar. Rawlinson, CIWA, III, pl. 48.3 Smith, AEC, p. 89 Oppert and Ménant, Documents juridiques, pp. 175–8 no. XV Pinches, KG, p. 176 no. 48 Peiser, KB, 4, pp. 116–119, no. IV Johns, ADD, I, no. 324; IV, pp. 5–8 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 36 Kwasman, NALK, no. 333 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 142 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 223 no. 111, pl. 18.14 Millard, Eponyms, p. 125
687/686 B.C. 33. Rm.392. Tablet fragment, contract (?), from Kuyunjik. -/-/Sîn-a¢¢è-[erìba]. Indistinct human figure with raised hand to left holding wand (?), facing an indistinct figure with raised hand to right. Johns, ADD, I, no. 636; IV, p. 145 Millard, Eponyms, p. 114
686 B.C. 34. K.1576 + Rm.163. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 9/3/Bèl-èmuranni. Winged disk.
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum Smith, AEC, p. 90 [wrongly as K.1575; cf. Bezold, Catalogue, I, p. 312] Johns, ADD, I, no. 612; IV, pp. 124–5 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 558 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 164 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 247 no. 177, pl. 10.27 Millard, Eponyms, p. 88
35. 91–5–9,209. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 7/10/Bèl-èmuranni. Indistinct: human (?) figure in centre grappling two flanking creatures (?). Bezold, Catalogue, IV, p. 1947 Johns, ADD, I, no. 374; IV, pp. 37–8 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 397 Kwasman, NALK, no. 293 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 161 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 231 no. 101 Millard, Eponyms, p. 88
685 B.C. 36. K.340. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 27/1/A““ur-da""inanni. Winged disk below crescent (?). Pinches, KG, p. 171 no. 22 Peiser, KB, 4, pp. 154–155 no. XXI Johns, ADD, I, no. 131; III, pp. 226–7 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 323 Kwasman, NALK, no. 59 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 71 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 212 no. 25, pl. 10.7 Millard, Eponyms, p. 82
37. 80–7–19,53. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 26/7/A““ur-da""inanni. Crescent above scorpion (?) Johns, ADD, I, no. 274; III, pp. 491–2 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 69 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 172 Paley, Bib. Mes. 21 (1986), p. 212 and n. 13, pl. 47.4 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 246 no. 168, pl. 12.17 [no. 167 a cylinder seal] Millard, Eponyms, p. 83
neo-assyrian period 683 B.C. 38. 81–7–27,141. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. -/4/Mannu-[kì-Adad?] [limmu 683–682]. Indistinct: worshipper (?) Johns, ADD, I, no. 300; III, p. 507 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 179 [683 ?] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 250 no. 188, pl. 14.21 Parpola, PNA, 2, II, p. 682, s.v. 15.b Millard, Eponyms, pp. 51, 98
683/682 B.C. 39. 81–7–27,26. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 7/-/[Mannu-kì]-Adad. Quadruped. Johns, ADD, I, no. 463; IV, p. 92 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 193 Kwasman, NALK, no. 106 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 186 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 215 no. 39, pl. 16.8 Parpola, PNA, 2, II, p. 682, s.v. 15.b
682 B.C. 40. K.361. Tablet and envelope, contract, from Kuyunjik. 25/10/Mannu-kì-Adad. Indistinct: upper part of archer to right (on envelope). Smith, AEC, p. 91 [Mannu-ki-vul; 683 B.C.]; Sennacherib, p. 20 Pinches, KG, p. 174 no. 40 Johns, ADD, I, nos 122, 123; III, pp. 203–5 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, nos 219, 220 Postgate, FNALD, no. 36 Paley, Bib. Mes. 21 (1986), p. 211, pl. 47.2 Kwasman, NALK, nos 164.a, b Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, nos 181, 182 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 223 no. 68 pl. 5.10 [probably cylinder seal] Parpola, PNA, 2, II, p. 682, s.v. 15.b Millard, Eponyms, p. 98
41. K.373. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 21/1/Nabu-“arru-ußur. Eleven-pointed star. Smith, AEC, p. 91 Peiser, KB, 4, pp. 150–51 no. XVII
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum Johns, ADD, I, no. 132; III, p. 227 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 311 Kwasman, NALK, no. 62 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 75 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 213 no. 27, pl. 11.1 Millard, Eponyms, p. 107
681 B.C. 42. 81–2–4,350. Inscribed sealing, from Kuyunjik. 10/11/- [possibly Nabu-“arru-ußur (Postgate); limmu 682–681 B.C.] King to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal), guilloche border. Sachs, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 170 no. 35 Millard, Iraq 27 (1965), p. 16, fig. 4 no. 35 [copy of text] Postgate, TCAE, p. 22 no. 7.2.10 [eponym possibly Nabu-“arru-ußur] Fales and Postgate, SAA 11, no. 52 Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 60, 125 no. 39, fig. 7.3
43. 83–1–18,345. Tablet, contract, with Aramaic endorsement, from Kuyunjik. 14/8/Nabû-a¢¢è-ère“. Winged disk below circle. Johns, ADD, I, no. 279; III, p. 495 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 533 Fales, Epigraphs, no. 4, fig. 4 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 196 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 240 no. 143, pl. 10.5 Millard, Eponyms, p. 103
44. K.348 + 99214 (1904–10–9,246) [Herbordt -/1987]. Label, from Kuyunjik. -/9/Nabû-a¢¢è-ère“. Two worshippers to left facing symbol on the back of a lion. Smith, AEC, p. 91 Johns, ADD, I, no. 635 [K.348]; IV, p. 145 King, Catalogue, VI, p. 38 no. 273 [1904–10–9,246] Postgate, Iraq 32 (1970), p. 154 no. 20, pls XXVIII.20, XXXI.d Fales and Postgate, SAA 7, no. 94 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 252 no. 203, pl. 14.13 Millard, Eponyms, p. 103
neo-assyrian period
681/680 B.C. 45. Sm.1678 + 81–2–4,163. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. [[Year] 24 of Sîn-a¢¢[è-erìba], i.e. 681/ 680 B.C.] Eight-pointed star. Johns, ADD, I, no. 212 [Sm.1678]; III, p. 437 [Sm.1678+81–2–4,163] Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 459 [Sm.1678] Kwasman, NALK, no. 363 [Sm.1678 + 81–2–4,163] Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 48 [Sm.1678 + 81–2–4,163] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 234 no. 115
680 B.C. 46. 81–2–4,150. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 16/12/Nabû-a¢¢è-ère“ [limmu 681–680 B.C.] Kneeling archer (?) below crescent. Johns, ADD, I, no. 231; III, pp. 450–1 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 202 Kwasman, NALK, no. 301 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 110 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 232 no. 105, pl. 15.30 Millard, Eponyms, p. 103
Sennacherib: Not precisely dated (704–681 B.C.) 47. K.2696 + 80–7–19,111 + 81–7–27,113. Tablet, land grant, from Kuyunjik. [Sîn-a¢¢[è-erìba]]. Imperfectly preserved: king to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal): part of guilloche border remaining. Johns, ADD, I, no. 666 [K.2696]; II nos 738 [80–7–19,111], 739 [81–7–27,113]; IV, pp. 195, 199–200 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, nos 12, 25, 27 Sachs, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 170 no. 24 [K.2696] Postgate, NARGD, nos 34, 36, 35, pls XIX, XXII [K.2696 and 80–7–19,111 certainly, 81–7–27,113 probably, from same tablet, (p. 73)] Kataja and Whiting, SAA 12, nos 21, 22, 23 [possibly same tablet] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 81 [K.2696]
48. K.4440. Tablet, land grant from Kuyunjik. [Sîn[-a¢¢è-erìba]]. King to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal).
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum Johns, ADD, I, no. 667; IV, pp. 195–6 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 12 Sachs, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 169 no. 23 Postgate, NARGD, no. 33 Kataja and Whiting, SAA 12, no. 20 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 17
49. 83–1–18,339. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. [Archive of ”umma-ilàni, which attested during at least 709–681 B.C. (Kwasman, NALK, pp. xxix–xxxii passim)] Two human figures flanking tree. Johns, ADD, I, no. 246; III, pp. 467–9 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 82 Kwasman, NALK, no. 376 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 52 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 234 no. 116, pl. 13.15
ESARHADDON 680–669 B.C. 680 B.C. 50. 78223 (Bu.88–5–12,77+78) and 78247 (88–5–12,102). Ten-sided prism, possibly from Babylon. [Accession year of A““ur-a¢u-iddina]. Impression (three times repeated: top and bottom of 78223, and on 78247), worshipper [“king”, Finkel and Reade] to left with raised right hand, altar with horned crown, square, palm-tree, plough to left, stylised mountain, lion to left, and sacred tree, on three concentric circles round three smaller concentric circles. Pinches, CT 44, p. 3 with pls II–IV [drawing on pl. IV], no. 3, and pl. IX no. 9 Meissner and Rost, BA, III, pp. 329–33 Borger, Asarhaddon, pp. 10–29, Recensions A1 and F [date, p. 29]; with Bibliotheca Orientalis 21 (1964), pp. 143–148 Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, pp. 144 and 145 [Walker, p. xvi, registered as from Hillah, but possibly though uncertainly from Babylon] Finkel and Reade, ZA 86 (1996), pp. 254–6, figs 2, 21 [78223], 23 [78247]: [pictographic writing of: an (altar).“ar (worhipper)-a¢u (sacred tree)-iddin (bull) per"aa ([Egyptian] mountain) a““ur (plough) paturisu ([Egyptian] palm-tree)ki (square) = “A““ur-a¢a-iddin, ‘Great House’ of ‘Upper’ and ‘Lower’ Mesopotamia.”].
neo-assyrian period
51. 77212 (AH.83–1–18,2592). Prism fragment, possibly from Babylon. [Possibly same date as no. 50]. Crouching lion below eight-pointed star, part missing. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 83
52. 99157 (1904–10–9,189). Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 10/1/Danànu. Indistinct. Johns, AJSL 42 (1925–26), pp. 240–41 no. 1194 King, Catalogue, VI, p. 33 no. 221, pl. II Kwasman, NALK, no. 111 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 257 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 216 no. 42, pl. 11.20 Millard, Eponyms, p. 93 53. DT.167. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 22/3/Danànu. Uncertain. Possibly two stylised human figures on either side of a table below a bird. Johns, ADD, I, no. 298; III, p. 507 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 534 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 261 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 244 no. 159, pl. 18.17 Millard, Eponyms, p. 93
54. K.76. Tablet, contract, with Aramaic endorsement, from Kuyunjik. -/7/Danànu. Goat head to left. Layard, N&B, p. 346 right Rawlinson, CIWA, II, pl. 70.2 [Aramaic]; III, pl. 46.6 [cuneiform with drawings of seals] Smith, AEC, p. 92 Oppert and Ménant, Documents juridiques, pp. 182–4 no. XVIII [with drawings of seals] Ménant, Manuel, pp. 355–7 no. A [with drawings of seals] Pinches, KG, p. 175 no. 43 Birch, Pottery, p. 81 fig. 66 Sayce, Records of the Past, I, p. 139 no. IV Peiser, KB, 4, pp. 124–7 no. II
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum de Vogüé, CIS, II, no. 17 Johns, ADD, I, no. 229; III, pp. 446–8 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 64 Kwasman, NALK, no. 302 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 111 Fales, Epigraphs, no. 5, fig. 5 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 232 no. 106, pls 17.3, 25.2 Millard, Eponyms, p. 93
680/679 B.C. 55. K.7507. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. -/-/[Danànu (?)] Caprid, leaping (?) to left. Johns, ADD, I, no. 299; III, p. 507 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 546 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 203 [Danànu (?)] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 246 no. 170, pl. 16.17 Parpola, PNA, 1, II, p. 375, s.v. 1.b
679/678 B.C. 56. 83–1–18,362. Tablet, legal document, from Kuyunjik. -/-/Issi-Adad-anènu. Winged disk (?) Johns, ADD, I, no. 534; IV, p. 117 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 560 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 270 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 243 no. 154, pl. 10.28 Millard, Eponyms, p. 96 677 B.C. 57. 83–1–18,328. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 1/10/Abì-ràmu. Human face below crescent and star. Johns, ADD, I, no. 194; III, p. 416 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 475 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 267 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 244 no. 160, pl. 15.1 Millard, Eponyms, p. 79
neo-assyrian period
676 B.C. 58. K.410 + 83–1–18,392. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 25/1/Banbâ. Rosette. Smith, AEC, p. 92 Johns, ADD, I, no. 256; III, pp. 477–8 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 536 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 239 Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 244–5 no. 162 [no. 161 a cylinder seal] Millard, Eponyms, p. 87
59. 83–1–18,340. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 17/8/Banbâ. Running (?) quadruped. Johns, ADD, I, no. 175; III, pp. 402–4 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 203 Kwasman, NALK, no. 22 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 274 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 210 no. 12, pl. 16.6 Millard, Eponyms, p. 87
675 B.C. 60. 99160 + 99267 (1904–10–9,192+299). Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 1/3/Nabû-a¢¢è-iddin. Winged (disk) with descending arms/rays. Johns, AJSL 42 (1925–26), pp. 244–6 no. 1196 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 275 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 251 no. 194, pl. 10.33 Millard, Eponyms, p. 103
675/674 B.C. 61. 99017 (1904–10–9,46). Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 1/-/Nabû-a¢¢è-iddin. Scarab/scaraboid seal: indistinct. Johns, AJSL 42 (1925–26), pp. 178–9 no. 1158 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 229 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 232 no. 107, pl. 18.22 Millard, Eponyms, p. 103 674 B.C. 62. 80–7–19,51. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 11/3/”arru-nùrì. Scarab/scaraboid seal (?): indistinct.
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum Johns, ADD, I, no. 70; III, p. 77 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 115 Kwasman, NALK, no. 3 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 252 Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 122, 208 no. 3, pl. 18.27 Millard, Eponyms, p. 121
63. 83–1–18,360. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. -/7/”arru-nùrì. Crouching winged sphinx (?) to left. Johns, ADD, I, no. 404; IV, pp. 54–5 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 442 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 277 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 241 no. 148, pl. 15.18 Millard, Eponyms, p. 121
674/673 B.C. 64. K.3785. Docket, loan, inscribed in Aramaic, from Kuyunjik. -/-/srnry. Two deep half-moon shaped impressions next to a cylinder seal (two stylised quadrupeds to left), but probably not from the end of the cylinder seal, finger-nail impression (?) above. Rawlinson, CIWA, II, pl. 70.16 [Aramaic] de Vogüé, CIS, II, no. 39 Fales, Epigraphs, no. 9, fig. 9 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 242 no. 151, pls 17.20, 29.4, [pl. 9.10 a cylinder seal] Millard, Eponyms, p. 121
673 B.C. 65. 83–1–18,390. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. -/11/”a[rru-nùrì][limmu 674–673 B.C.]. Indistinct: possibly bird, fish and plant (?). Johns, ADD, I, no. 504; IV, p. 113 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 569 Kwasman, and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 279 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 243 no. 156, pl. 12.20 Millard, Eponyms, p. 121
671 B.C. 66. ND.2333. Tablet, contract, from Nimrud, Ziggurat Terrace (ZT 17). 9/11/Nabû-bèlu-ußur [limmu 672–671 B.C.]
neo-assyrian period
Running caprid to left in circular beaded border. Parker, Iraq 16 (1954), p. 44; 17 (1955), p. 125 fig. 31 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 180 no. 35, pl. 16.14 Millard, Eponyms, p. 104
67. K.349. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 4/12/Nabû-bèlu-ußur [limmu 672–671 B.C.]. Plant. Johns, ADD, I, no. 64; III, p. 76 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 152 Kwasman, NALK, no. 90 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 245 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 214 no. 33, pl. 12.11 Millard, Eponyms, p. 104 670 B.C. 68. 83–1–18,341. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 28/1/”ulmu-bèli-la“me. Running quadruped to right, fish below. Johns, ADD, I, no. 202; III, p. 422 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 477 Kwasman, NALK, no. 237 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 300 Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 226–227 no. 84, pl. 17.17 Millard, Eponyms, p. 122
69. Sm.3. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 1/2/”ulmu-bèli-la“me. Two seals: (a) date palm—obverse (3 times); (b) indistinct (flower (? Pinches))—T (2 times), L, R. Smith, AEC, p. 93 Pinches, KG, p. 178 no. 59 [“palm-tree bearing fruit”] Johns, ADD, I, no. 625; IV, pp. 139–41 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 116 Lewy, JNES 11 (1952), p. 275 Kwasman, NALK, no. 46 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 287 R. Mattila, Nineveh 612 (Helsinki, 1995), pp. 62 [photo], 126, 192 no. 68 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 211 nos 17 [a] and 18 [b], pl. 12.4 and 10 Millard, Eponyms, p. 122 a
669 B.C. 70. K.388. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 20/1/”ama“-kà“id-aiàbi. Indistinct: winged creature to left (?), circle on right, shape on left.
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum Smith, AEC, p. 93 Johns, ADD, I, no. 366; IV, p. 33 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 52 Kwasman, NALK, no. 239 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 304 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 227 no. 85, pl. 18.12 Millard, Eponyms, p. 118
669/668 B.C. 71.
K.1492+1605. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 3/-/”ama“-kà“id-aiàbi. Crescent above wings and tail—obverse, between lines 2 and 3. Smith, AEC, p. 93 Johns, ADD, I, no. 310 [K.1492]; III, pp. 524–6 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 158 [K.1492] Kwasman, NALK, no. 149 [K.1492+1605] Mattila, SAA 14, no. 64 [K.1492+1605: with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 222 no. 64, pl. 10.3 [K.1492+1605] Millard, Eponyms, p. 118
71A. 73164 (82–9–18,13175). Tablet, damaged, legal text, from Kal¢u. 14/-/”ama“-kà“id-aiàbi Rectangular impression: damaged: winged quadruped? Lambert, Catalogue, T.S., p. 75
Esarhaddon: not precisely dated (680–669 B.C.) 72.
83–1–18,346. Tablet, textile label, from Kuyunjik. [Probably time of Esarhaddon or early Ashurbanipal (Fales and Postgate, SAA 7, pp. xiii–xiv)] Two seals, both indistinct: (a) Royal seal; (b) symbols on a stand (?). Johns, ADD, I, no. 684 Fales and Postgate, SAA 7, no. 95 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 250 no. 190, pl. 10.15
neo-assyrian period
ASHURBANIPAL 668–627 B.C. 668 B.C. 73. K.321. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 27/5/Marlarim. Stylised winged disk within double encircling line. Smith, AEC, p. 94 Peiser, KB, 4, pp. 132–5 no. I Johns, ADD, I, no. 208; III, pp. 430–2 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 40 Kwasman, NALK, no. 402 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 8 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 236 no. 124, pl. 10.25 Millard, Eponyms, p. 101
74. Rm.171. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 19/6/Marlarim. Indistinct: seated (?) quadruped to left. Johns, ADD, I, no. 472; IV, pp. 103–4 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 101 Kwasman, NALK, no. 174 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 1 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 224 no. 72 [“Y-Motiv (?)”], pl. 12.12 [no. 71 a cylinder seal] Millard, Eponyms, p. 101
75. 91–5–9,146. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. [Date missing but sealed by [Sa]lmànu-imme, another of whose texts naming the same witnesses in the same order (83–1–18,358; Kwasman, NALK, no. 295) is dated to 26 (Kwasman) or 28 ( Johns; Millard, Eponyms, p. 101) /10/Marlarim] Standing caprid (?) to left with head turned back. Johns, ADD, I, no. 537; IV, p. 117 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 605 Kwasman, NALK, no. 296 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 66 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 231 no. 103, pl. 16.12 Parpola, PNA, 3, I, p. 1079, Salmànu-immè
667 B.C. 76. ND.5461. Docket, from Nimrud, Nabu Temple (NT 16). 16/12/Marlarim [limmu 668–667 B.C.] Bird to left, crescent on left in triple circular border. Parker, Iraq 19 (1957), p. 133, pl. XXIX
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 191 no. 81, pl. 17.12 Millard, Eponyms, p. 101
666 B.C. 77. K.399+K.7357+K.10448+K.13056. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 20/4/Kanùnàia. Seated dog to right facing plant/fish (?). Johns, ADD, I, nos 192 [K.399; 671 B.C.], 529 [K.10448], 530 [K.13056], 609 [K.7357+ 13056], II, no. 801 [K.399+K.7357+K.10448+K.13056]; III, pp. 416, 479–481 [re K.347, his no. 258, a duplicate]; IV, pp. 116, 124 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, nos 65a, 537 [20/4/671 B.C.] Kwasman, NALK, no. 246 [20/4/666 B.C.] Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 312 [20/4/666 B.C.] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 227–8 no. 89, pl. 17.14 Millard, Eponyms, p. 97 [20/4/666 B.C.]
666/665 B.C. 78. ND.3479. Tablet, contract, from Nimrud, private house at east wall of citadel (TW 53, Room 11). -/-/Kanùnàia. Three seals: (a) quadruped to left facing indistinct shape, crescent above; (b) two birds facing each other, indistinct shape (animal?) below; (c) indistinct. Wiseman, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 147 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 180 no. 34, pl. 16.25 Millard, Eponyms, p. 97 a
665 B.C. 79. Sm.957. Tablet, contract, with Aramaic endorsement, from Kuyunjik. 17/8/Mannu-kì-“arri. Worshipper to right within crescent. Smith, AEC, p. 94 Johns, ADD, I, no. 128 [655 B.C.]; III, pp. 219–21; BALCL, p. 258 [translation] de Vogüé, CIS, II, no. 42 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 322 Kwasman, NALK, no. 198 [665 B.C.] Fales, Epigraphs, no. 15, fig. 15 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 72 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 225 no. 76, pl. 12.9 Millard, Eponyms, p. 99
neo-assyrian period
80. ND.2348. Bulla inscribed in Akkadian and Aramaic, from Nimrud, Ziggurat Terrace (Z.T.23). [Undated. The characters in the Aramaic inscription (bynydy" |wlbb"; Millard, fig. 3.b; Fales, pl. XIV.45), constricted by the difficulty of incising in clay, but similar to those on Sm.957 (no. 79 above), so tentatively placed here]. Winged disk between two stylised plants, crescent over dSi[n] (dingir.10.10[.10]) above, mdkib (? without the two right hand verticals) below. Millard, Iraq 34 (1972), pp. 132–3, ppl. 53.d–f [copy of inscription in fig. 3] Fales, Epigraphs, no. 45, and pp. 119–26 [on dating, and specifically p. 126, “post-648?”] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 202, no. 121, pl. 10.29
81. ND.2346. Clay label with Aramaic inscription, from Nimrud, Ziggurat Terrace (Z.T. 13). [Undated. The Aramaic inscription (lhykl", “for the palace”) is crudely written (Millard, fig. 1; Fales, pl. XIV.43) so palaeography is an uncertain guide. One or other character could be matched by forms from the 8th to 6th centuries, so the 7th century is probably most likely, and the forms are closest to those in the Aramaic endorsement on Sm.957 (no. 79 above), so tentatively placed here]. Four seals: (a) figure to left with raised hands seated on a throne on the back of a seated quadruped, the throne with five attached drill-holes at the back, faced by a smaller worshipper to right with raised hands (two impressions); (b) winged disk supported by two standing bull-men facing inwards, stylised plant between them, on base-line; (c) indistinct: three squatting human figures (?; monkeys (Millard)); (d) indistinct. Millard, Iraq 34 (1972), pp. 131–2, pl. 53.a–b [copy of inscription in fig. 1] Fales, Epigraphs, no. 43, and pp. 119–26 [on dating, and specifically p. 126, “post-648?”] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 201–202, nos 117–20, pls 14.4; 13.4; 11.28; 17.24
664 B.C. 82. 82–5–22,29. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 10/11/Mannu-kì-“arri [limmu 665–664 B.C.] Plant (?) below disk. Scarab/scaraboid shape. Johns, ADD, I, no. 237; III, pp. 457–9 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 71 Kwasman, NALK, no. 251 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 319 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 228 no. 90, pl. 18.9 Millard, Eponyms, p. 99
83. 134554 (1932–12–12,549). Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 30/11/Mannu-kì-“arri. Bull-men flanking sacred tree. [See also 84619, no. 245 below].
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum Postgate, Iraq 32 (1970), pp. 148–9 no. 15, pl. XXV.15 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 134 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 251 no. 197, pl. 13.1 Millard, Eponyms, p. 99
84. 121043 (1929–10–12, 39). Tablet, contract, with Aramaic endorsement, from Kuyunjik. [Date missing, but one of the witnesses, Dadùsu, occurs also on 134554 (no. 83 above), therefore c. 665/664 B.C.] Scarab/scaraboid shape: chipped (?): quadruped to right with eight-pointed star above, facing fourteen pointed rosette]. Postgate, Iraq 32 (1970), pp. 139–42 no. 8, pls XXII, XXXIb Millard, Iraq 34 (1972), p. 133 and fig. 4, pl. LIV Mattila, SAA 14, no. 126 [with drawing] Fales, Epigraphs, no. 37, fig. 37 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 216 no. 42b, pl. 11.22 [no. 42a a cylinder seal] Parpola, PNA, 1, II, p. 365, Dadùsu, 2 85. K.1602. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. [Date missing, but duplicate of 80–7–19,83 (Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 320), which 17/10/”arru-lù-dàri (limmu 664–663 B.C.)] Fish. Johns, ADD, I, no. 439; IV, p. 81 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 110 Kwasman, NALK, no. 253 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 321 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 228 no. 91, pl. 17.19
663 B.C. 86. K.319. Tablet and envelope, contract, from Kuyunjik. 26/2/Bèl-na"di. Indistinct: badly cut: stylised winged figure (?) to right (?) Smith, AEC, p. 94 Johns, ADD, I, nos 153–154; III, pp. 245–7 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, nos 228 and 227 Kwasman, NALK, nos 101b and 101a Jas, SAAS 5, no. 57 Mattila, SAA 14, nos 74 and 73 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 215 no. 36, pl. 18.19 Parpola, PNA, 1, II, p. 323, s.v. Bèl-na"di, 5.b Millard, Eponyms, p. 91 [Bèl-na"id]
662 B.C. 87. K.324. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 25/10/Bèl-na"di [limmu 663–662 B.C.] Quadruped, omega-like and 'an¢ signs (?).
neo-assyrian period
Smith, AEC, p. 94 Johns, ADD, I, no. 470; IV, p. 102 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 168 Kwasman, NALK, no. 256 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 325 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 228 no. 92, pl. 12.21 Millard, Eponyms, p. 91
660 B.C. 88. ND.5452. Docket, from Nimrud, Nabu Temple (NT 16). 28/12/Arbailàiu [limmu 661–660 B.C.] Crouching winged sphinx to left facing a vertical cross (drill-hole technique). Parker, Iraq 19 (1957), p. 130, pl. XXXII Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 191 no. 79, pl. 15.19 Millard, Eponyms, p. 81
89. ND.5459. Docket, from Nimrud, Nabu Temple (NT 16). 28/12/Arbailàiu [limmu 661–660 B.C.] Running caprid to right facing plant, crescent above. Parker, Iraq 19 (1957). p. 132, pl. XXVIII Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 191 no. 80, pl. 16.18 Millard, Eponyms, p. 81
90. 80–7–19,348 + 83–1–18,350 + 83–1–18,387. Tablet, damaged (in three fragments separated by gaps), contract (conveyance), with Aramaic endorsement, from Kuyunjik. [Date missing, but part of the archive of Rèmanni-Adad, Chariot Driver of the King 671–660 B.C. (Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, pp. 239–287), therefore placed under the latter date.] One seal, four times repeated: winged disk within concentric circles. Johns, ADD, I, no. 492; IV, pp. 110–11 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 105 [83–1–18,350+387, 80–7–19,348] de Vogüé, CIS, II, no. 31 Lieberman, BASOR 192 (1968), p. 27 no. 30 [c. 623 B.C.] Kwasman, NALK, no. 274, 275, 276 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 334 Fales, Epigraphs, no. 16, fig. 16 [c. 668–660 B.C.] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 229–230 no. 97, pl. 10.24 Parpola, PNA, 3, I, pp. 1038–1041, s.v. Rèmanni-Adad
91. 81–2–4,153 + 81–2–4,475. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. [Undated, but part of the archive of Rèmanni-Adad, 671–660 B.C., see no. 90 above]
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum Crescent on stand with eight-pointed star to right, and four scattered drill-hole “stars”. Johns, ADD, I, no. 174; III, p. 402 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 497 Kwasman, NALK, no. 277 Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6, no. 347 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 230 no. 98, pl. 10.11 Parpola, PNA, 3, I, pp. 1038–1041, s.v. Rèmanni-Adad
659 B.C. 92. K.281. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. -/2/Silim-A““ur. Scarab/scaraboid in ring mount: indistinct and uncertain. Rawlinson, CIWA, II, pl. 70.6; III, pl. 46.5 Oppert and Ménant, Documents Juridiques, pp. 195–8 no. XXV Peiser, KB, IV, pp. 138–41 no. VII Johns, ADD, I, no. 233; IV, pp. 452–4 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 208 de Vogüé, CIS, II, no. 19 Kwasman, NALK, no. 146 Fales, Epigraphs, no. 17, fig. 17 Millard, Eponyms, p. 113
93. 98538 (1905–4–9,44). Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 6/7/Silim-A““ur. Worshipper to right between two seated dogs facing inwards. Johns, AJSL 42 (1925–26), pp. 259–60 no. 1241 Kwasman, NALK, no. 195 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 78 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 224 no. 74, pl. 15.17 Millard, Eponyms, p. 113 658 B.C. 94. ND.2337. Tablet, contract, from Nimrud, Ziggurat Terrace (ZT 17). 21/1/”a-Nabû-“û. Quadruped (caprid?) to left. Parker, Iraq 16 (1954), p. 45, pl. IX Jas, SAAS 5, no. 40 Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 180–81 no. 37, pl. 16.15 Millard, Eponyms, p. 120
95. 82–5–22,40. Docket, from Kuyunjik. 2/2/”a-Nabû-“û. Scorpion and rosette in guilloche border (Royal harim seal; Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 136–138).
neo-assyrian period
Johns, ADD, I, no. 702 Fales and Postgate, SAA 7, no. 93, pl. V Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 252 no. 199, pl. 20.5 Millard, Eponyms, p. 120
96. 83–1–18,567. Docket, from Kuyunjik. [658 B.C. (Postgate)] Scorpion in guilloche (part). Johns, ADD, I, no. 549 = 683 [copied twice with different details]; IV, p. 118 Fales and Postgate, SAA 7, no. 102, pl. V Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 252 no. 200 [658 B.C. (Postgate, n. 89)], pl. 20.6 653 B.C. 97. 80–7–19,52. Tablet, contract with Aramaic endorsement, from Kuyunjik. 8/9/A““ùr-ilà"ì. Egyptianising: scarab/scaraboid shape: Egyptian hieroglyphic signs, perhaps: ˙-pt-dì-'n¢, “Ptah”, “given life” (left to right) in middle register; baskets (or lotuses) in upper and lower registers. Johns, ADD, I, no. 387; IV, p. 46 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 34 Fales, Epigraphs, no. 18, fig. 18 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 139 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 242 no. 152, pl. 18.10 Millard, Eponyms, p. 84 [A““ur-ilàia]
652 B.C. 98. K.455. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 10/4/A““ur-dùru-ußur. Imperfectly impressed: winged disk with descending “arm” on left. Smith, AEC, p. 95 [650 (?) B.C.] Johns, ADD, I, no. 86; III, pp. 141–4 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 43 Kwasman, NALK, no. 401 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 85 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 236 no. 123, pl. 18.21 Millard, Eponyms, p. 83
651/650 B.C. 99. K.3494. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 12/-/Sagabbu. Rosette.
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum Johns, ADD, I, no. 574; IV, p. 121 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 565 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 142 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 248 no. 180, pl. 11.10 Millard, Eponyms, p. 113
100. K.426. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. [Date not preserved, but seal impression perhaps similar to that on K.3494 (no. 99 above)]. Indistinct: radiating lines (rosette?). Johns, ADD, I, no. 385; IV, p. 44 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 194 Kwasman, NALK, no. 202 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 205 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 225 no. 78, pl. 11.11
650 B.C. 101. K.15265+K.20534+K.20535+K.20540+Rm.182. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 12/12/ Sagabbu [limmu 651–650 B.C.] Imperfectly impressed: worshipper with raised hands to right facing winged disk over stylised tree. Johns, ADD, I, no. 333 [Rm.182]; IV, pp. 17–18; AJSL 42 (1925–26), pp. 272–73 no. 1269 [K.15265] Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 339 [Rm.182] Kwasman, NALK, no. 335 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 87 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 233 no. 113, pl. 13.14 Millard, Eponyms, p. 113 [Rm.182]
650/649 B.C. 102. K.451. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. -/-/Bèl-›arràn-“adû"a. [Limmu 650–649 B.C.]. Indistinct: not clear enough to draw. Johns, ADD, I, no. 206; III, p. 424 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 196 Kwasman, NALK, no. 406 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 13 [with drawing] Parpola, PNA, 1, II, p. 303, s.v. 2.c.5’ Millard, Eponyms, p. 89 103. K.1439+Rm.159. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. [Date missing, but same scribe, Nargî, as K.451 (no. 102 above), therefore c. 650 B.C.]
neo-assyrian period
Two seals: (a) Standing human figure; (b) two birds facing inwards to plant (?) below crescent. Johns, ADD, I, no. 209; III, pp. 422–3 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 521 Kwasman, NALK, no. 407 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 14 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 236 nos 125, 126, pls 17.7 + 25.4, 15.13 + 24.3 Parpola, PNA, 2, II, p. 931, s.v. Nargî, 4
Post-Canonical Limmus [The Post-Canonical limmus run through the rest of the reign of Ashurbanipal (nos 104–147), the reigns of Assur-etel-ilani (nos 148–163), and Sin-”arru-i“kun (nos 164–186), and briefly into the period after the fall of Nineveh in 612 B.C. (not represented here). Nos 187–211 are undated but are placed by association. The dates adopted here are largely those proposed by K. Radner in PNA, 1, I, pp. xviii n. 25 and xviii–xx (see Introduction, Dates, above). These are hypothetical and are therefore marked *.] Post-Canonical Limmus: Time of Ashurbanipal (648–627 B.C.) 648* B.C. 104. Rm. 2.22. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 22/10/Bèl“unu [PC; date from Ashurbanipal building inscription (Streck, Assurbanipal, II, pp. 137–138 and n. 6; and Whiting, apud Millard, p. 72 and n. 1)]. Six-petalled rosette (possibly lotus from above) with lotus buds between the petals. Johns, ADD, I, no. 197; III, pp. 417–8 [645 B.C.] Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 488 Peiser, KB, 4, pp. 148–9 no. XV Kwasman, NALK, no. 104 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 91 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 215 no. 37, pl. 11.4 Millard, Eponyms, p. 92 [and Whiting, p. 72 and n. 1] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xviii [648*]; II, p. 331, s.v. 6.a.3’
646* B.C. 105. 131986 (1954–11–15,35; ND.3434). Tablet, contract, from Nimrud. 11/3/Nabû-“ar-a¢¢è“u [PC; six years after Sagabbu, limmu in 651 B.C., therefore either 646 or 645 B.C. (Whiting, apud Millard, p. 75)]. Two crossed lines Wiseman, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 142 Parker, Iraq 17 (1955), p. 123, pl. XXIX.3 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–56), pp. 104 no. 105, 113–14 no. 28, 118 [646 B.C.]
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 185 no. 52, pl. 11.16 Millard, Eponyms, p. 106 [and Whiting, p. 75] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xviii [646*]; 2, II, p. 872, s.v. 7.d
644* B.C. 106. 81–2–4,147. Docket, contract, with Aramaic endorsement, from Kuyunjik. -/7/Nabû-“arru-ußur, rbsrs [PC.; in addition to the canonical limmu of this name, dated to 682 B.C., there were at least two PC limmus: (a) this one, rab “a rè“i, Chief “Eunuch”; and (b) a †up“ar ekalli, Palace Scribe; as well as (c) a Nabû-“arru-ußur “a arki. The rab “a rè“i of this name held office in the time of Ashurbanipal (Whiting apud Millard, p. 75), so this docket, on which his office is recorded only in the Aramaic text, is placed here. For documents of Nabû-“arru-ußur †up“ar ekalli and Nabû-“arru-ußur “a arki see nos 148–154 below]. Rectangular impression: crudely stylised winged bull to left below crescent. Johns, ADD, I, no. 129; III, pp. 221–5 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 313 de Vogüé, CIS, II, no. 38 Kwasman, NALK, no. 383 [682 B.C.] Fales, Epigraphs, no. 3, fig. 3 [682 B.C.] Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–56), p. 104 no. 128, 115 no. 29(e), 118 [if rab rè“i, 645 B.C.] Tadmor, “Rab-saris”, pp. 279–285 [647 or 644 B.C.] Mattila, SAA 15, no. 98 [with drawing] Mitchell, BBM, no. 36 Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 234–5 no. 118, pl. 16.24 [682 B.C.] Reade, Or. 67 (1998), pp. 256, 257 [643 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 108 [and Whiting, p. 75, 109] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xviii [644*]; 2, II, p. 872, s.v.7
107. K.3784. Docket, contract, with Aramaic endorsement, from Kuyunjik. [No date preserved, but mention is made of Taqùni, deputy to the crown prince, who is also mentioned in 81–2–4,147 (no. 106 above), so this can be placed here]. Indistinct and only partially impressed: bird (?) to left, multi-pointed star (?) and crescent above. Rawlinson, CIWA, II, pl. 70.11 [Aramaic] Johns, ADD, I, no. 130; III, pp. 225–6 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 327 de Vogüé, CIS, II, no. 40 Kwasman, NALK, no. 384 Fales, Epigraphs, no. 6, fig. 6 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 235 no. 119, pl. 17.16
neo-assyrian period
642* B.C. 108. 131984 (1954–11–15,33; ND.3421). Tablet, contract, from Nimrud. 3/12/A““ur-“arru-ußur [PC; earlier than Bèl-lù-dàri (635* B.C.), and therefore also presumably earlier than Mu“allim-A““ur (639* B.C.), (Whiting, apud Millard, pp. 75, 76(b)); nominally 643*, but 3/12 would fall in 642*]. Bull leaping to the right over a hillock, between two plants. Wiseman, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 140 Parker, Iraq 17 (1955), p. 121, fig. 21, pl. XXVIII.1 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–56), pp. 102 no. 48, 110 no. 10, 118 [643 B.C.] Deller, Or. 35 (1966), p. 192 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 177 no. 23, pl. 16.5 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), pp. 256, 257 [641 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 86 [and Whiting, pp. 75, 76] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, pp. xviii [643*], 220, s.v. 10
109. K.314. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 1/3/Nabû-da""inanni [PC.; archive of ›ala“uri]. Large crescent. Smith, AEC, p. 98 Johns, ADD, I, no. 329; IV, p. 16 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 359 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 103 no. 93; 113 no. 23, 118 [647 B.C.] Mattila, SAA 14, no. 102 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 215 no. 40, pl. 12.13 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), pp. 256, 257 [645 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 104 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xviii [642*]; 2, II, p. 4.a [Nabû-da""inanni]; and 2, I, p. 441, s.v. ›ala-“uri
641* B.C. 110. 103392 (1911–4–8,82). Tablet and envelope, contract, with seal impressions on the envelope, from Qal'at ”arqat. 1/4/A““ùr-gàrù"a-nère [PC.]. Indistinct: quadruped (humped bull?) to left—on reverse. King, CT, 33, pl. 19 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 101 no. 12; 109 no. 5, 118 [635 B.C.] Postgate, FNALD, no. 26 Deller, BaghM 15 (1984), p. 245 [debtor, probably the brother of the debtor in 103202 (no. 176 below), 18 years later (623* B.C.) according to the PNA scheme] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 164 no. 8, pl. 12.24 Pedersén, Assur, II, p. 135 [possibly from private house fD81, pp. 131–135] Reade, Or. 67 (1998), p. 256 [640 B.C.]
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum Millard, Eponyms, p. 83 [A““ur-gàrù"a-niri] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, pp. xviii [641*; A““ùr-gàrù"a-nère]; 185, s.v. 1.a.3’
111. 91–5–9,55+171. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 13/5/ A““ùr-gàrù"a-nère [PC.]. Bearded man with left hand raised, seated on a chair (cylinder seal used as a stamp). Bezold, Catalogue, IV, pp. 1935, 1944 Johns, ADD, I, no. 340 [91–5–9,55]; IV, p. 21 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 361 [91–5–9,55] Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 101 no. 13; 109 no. 5, 118 [635 B.C.] Mattila, SAA 14, no. 149 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 239 no. 138, pl. 2.6 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), p. 256 [640 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 83 [A““ur-gàrùa-niri] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, pp. xviii [641*; A““ùr-gàrù"a-nère]; 185, s.v. 1.a.1’]
112. K.397. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 13/7/ A““ùr-gàrù"a-nère [PC.; archive of Ninuàia]. Bearded man with royal (?) head-dress and raised hands to right facing plant (giant fennel?) below six-pointed star and crescent. Smith. AEC, p. 100 Johns, ADD, I, no. 105; III, pp. 175–8 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 649 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 101 no. 15; 109 no. 5, 118 [635 B.C.] Postgate, FNALD, no. 42 Kwasman, NALK, no. 216 Jas, SAAS 5, no. 29 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 15 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 226 no. 81, pl. 13.12 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), p. 256 [640 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 83 [A““ur-gàrùa-niri] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, pp. xviii [641*; A““ùr-gàrù"a-nère]; 185, s.v. 1.a.1’; and 2, II, p. 964, s.v. Nìnuàiu, 11
640* B.C. 113. K.366. Docket, contract, from Kuyunjik. 20/6/”ama“-metu-uballi† [PC.]. Quadruped to left, with spade shaped (Marduk) and Y-shaped symbols on its back. Johns, ADD, I, no. 703 Falkner AfO 17 (1954–56), pp. 117 no. 41, 118 [”arru(”ama“?)-mîtu-balli†; 637 B.C.] Fales and Postgate, SAA, 11, no. 143 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 252 no. 204, pl. 15.25 [683 B.C.]
neo-assyrian period
Reade, Or. 67 (1998), pp. 256, 257 [642 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 119 [”ama“-mìtu-uballi†] Parpola, PNA, I, 1, p. xviii [640*; ”ama“-metu-uballi†]
639* B.C. 115. K.331. Tablet, contract with Aramaic endorsement, from Kuyunjik. 18/10/Mu“alim-A““ur [PC; the first of a sequence of five PC limmus: Mu“alim-A““ur, A““ùr-gimillu-tère, Zababa-erìba, Sin-“arru-ußur, and Bèl-lù-dàri, possibly though not necessarily consecutive, known from Sultantepe tablet STT.48 [= SU 52/331] (O.R. Gurney, AS 3 (1953), pp. 21–25 = Gurney and J.J. Finkelstein, The SultantepeTablets, I (1957), no. 48) (see also nos 118, 123, 126 and 128 below), the date 639*(/638) B.C. for Mu“alim-A““ur being extrapolated from the second of the sequence, A““ur-gimillì-tirri (see no. 118 below and Whiting apud Millard, pp. 75–76)]. Stylised sacred tree below winged disk, flanked by worshipper to left on right and plant on left. Rawlinson, CIWA, II, pl. 70.3 [Aramaic]; III, pl. 46.7 [cuneiform with drawing of seal] Smith, AEC, p. 98 Oppert and Ménant, Documents juridiques, pp. 213–4 no.XXIX [with drawing of seal] Johns, ADD, I, no. 250; III, pp. 472–3 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 72 de Vogüé, CIS, II, no. 18 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–56), pp. 103 no. 86, 112 no. 21, 118 [642 B.C.] Kwasman, NALK, no. 215 Fales, Epigraphs, no. 24, fig. 24 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 16 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 225–226, no. 80, pl. 13.17 Millard, Eponyms, p. 102 Reade, Orientalia 67 (1998), pp. 256, 257 [637] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xviii [639*]; 2, II, p. 773, s.v.a
639/638* B.C. 116. K.1518. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. [no date, but from the archive of Ninuàia, which was mainly in the time of the PC limmu Mu“alim-A““ur (Kwasman, NALK, p. xxxvii, re no. 215), for whom Parpola proposes 639*, i.e. 639/638, see no. 115 above]. Winged human figure with outspread arms, lozenges in the field. Johns, ADD, I, no. 182; III, p. 410 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 496 Kwasman, NALK, no. 220 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 18 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 226 no. 83, pls 15.14, 23.3 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xviii [639*]; 2, II, p. 773, s.v. 8 [Mu“alim-A““ur]; and 2, II, p. 964, s.v. Nìnuàiu, 11
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum 638* B.C.
117. K.353+K.1497. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 22/11/Mu“alim-A““ur [PC; see no. 115 above; nominally 639* but 22/11 would fall in 638*]. Scarab/scaraboid seal: Egyptian hieroglyphs, from left to right and top to bottom, iri-p't ˙¡ty-' | p¡-yn-mw | s¡ X-|m-'n¢, “Prince and Count | Pa-in-mu | son of X-|m-ankh”, X being uncertain, resembling but not clearly identifiable as the qy≤— sign (Gardiner, Grammar, p. 446 no. A.38). Smith, AEC, p. 98 Johns, ADD, I, no. 173; III, pp. 400–2 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 487 Kwasman, NALK, no. 294 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 105 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 231 no. 102, pl. 18.16 Cf. H. Ranke, Die ägyptischen Personennamen, I (Gluckstadt, 1935), p. 101 no. 7 [ p¡–yn-mw], II (c. 1952), p. 49 [name ending -m-n¢] Millard, Eponyms, p. 102 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xviii [639*]; 2, II, p. 773, s.v. 8.a
118. 131987 (1954–11–15,36; ND.3443). Tablet, contract, from Nimrud, private house at east wall of citadel (TW 53, Room19). 18/2/A““ùr-gimillu-tère [PC; the second in a sequence of five known from tablet STT.48, and for which this can provide a date, see no. 115 above; S. Zawadzki (SAAB 8 (1994), pp. 43–48) proposes 636(/635) B.C., but Radner (PNA, 1, p. 186) proposes 638*(/637)]. Worshipper to right facing offering table (?) below winged disk, with six-pointed star and crescent in the field. Wiseman, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 143, pl. XII Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–56), pp. 101 no. 22, 109–10 no. 6, 118 [641 B.C.] Postgate, FNALD, no. 49 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 186 no. 58, pl. 13.18 Millard, Eponyms, p. 83 [A““ur-gimilli-tirri] Reade, Orientalia 67 (1998), pp. 256, 257 [636] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, pp. xviii [638*; A““ùr-gimillu-tère], 186, s.v. 1.c.2’
119. ND.2078. Tablet, contract, from Nimrud, Ziggurat Terrace (ZT 14). 1/3/A““ùr-gimillu-tère [PC.; see no. 118 above] Two squatting monkeys with arms extended facing each other. Parker, Iraq 16 (1954), p. 33; 17 (1955), pp. 116–17, fig. 7, pl. XXIV.5 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–56), pp. 101 no. 23, 109–110 no. 6, 118 [641 B.C.] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 181–2 no. 41, pl. 17.4 Millard, Eponyms, p. 83 [A““ur-gimilli-tirri] Reade, Orientalia 67 (1998), pp. 256, 257 [636] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, pp. xviii [638*; A““ùr-gimillu-tère], 186, s.v. 1.c.2’
neo-assyrian period
120. K.362. Tablet, legal decision, from Kuyunjik. -/4/ A““ùr-gimillu-tère [PC.; see no. 118 above] King to right on throne facing burning altar (?) or plant (?), below crescent. Smith, AEC, p. 99 Pinches, KG, p. 173 no. 33 Johns, ADD, I, no. 163; III, pp. 275–7 Kohler nad Ungnad, ARU, no. 182 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–56), pp. 101 no. 24, 109–110 no. 6, 118 [641 B.C.] Kwasman, NALK, no. 42 Jas, SAAS 5, no. 12 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 107 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 210 no. 15, pl. 14.3 Millard, Eponyms, p. 84 [A““ur-gimilli-tirri] Reade, Orientalia 67 (1998), pp. 256, 257 [636] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, pp. xviii [638*; A““ùr-gimillu-tère], 186, s.v. 1.c.1’
121. ND.2082. Tablet, contract, from Nimrud, Ziggurat Terrace (ZT 17). 12/7/ A““ùr-gimillu-tère [PC.; see no. 118 above] Probably from a scarab: indistinct: Egyptianizing: uncertain hieroglyphs. Parker, Iraq 16 (1954), p. 34 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–56), pp. 101 no. 26, 109–110 no. 6, 118 [641 B.C.] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 181 no. 38, pl. 18.18 Millard, Eponyms, p. 84 [A““ur-gimilli-tirri] Reade, Orientalia 67 (1998), pp. 256, 257 [636] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, pp. xviii [638*; A““ùr-gimillu-tère], 186, s.v. 1.c.2’
122. ND.409. Tablet, contract, from Nimrud, Governor’s Palace. x+4/10/ A““ùr-gimillu-tère [PC.; nominally 638*, but possibly early 637* B.C., depending on the x in the day date]. Rosette with eleven petals. Postgate, GPA, no. 219, pl. 94.c Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 178 no. 26, pl. 11.6 Millard, Eponyms, p. 84 [A““ur-gimilli-tirri] Reade, Orientalia 67 (1998), pp. 256, 257 [636] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xviii [638*]
637* B.C. 123. K.296. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 15/4/Zababa-erìba [PC.; the third in a sequence of five known from tablet STT.48, see no. 115 above] Bull to left with head turned back, plant behind and lozenge below. Layard, Monuments, II, pl. 69.26 [probably]; Layard, N&B, p. 346 left Rawlinson, CIWA, III, pl. 49.2
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum Birch, Pottery, pp. 80 lower [Aramaic endorsement], 81 right Smith, AEC, p. 99 Oppert and Ménant, Documents juridiques, pp. 236–9 no. XXXIX Johns, ADD, I, no. 642; IV, pp. 155–6 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 464 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–56), pp. 106 no. 201, 118 no. 44, 118 [640 B.C.] Kwasman, NALK, no. 426ì Kataja and Whiting, SAA, 12, no. 94 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 238 no. 132, pls 16.7, 25.3 Millard, Eponyms, p. 125 Reade, Orientalia 67 (1998), pp. 256, 257 [635] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xviii [637*]
124. ND.3444. Tablet, contract, from Nimrud, private house at east wall of citadel (TW 53, Room 19). 1/7/Zababa-erìba [PC.; see no. 123 above] Three strokes, perhaps a stylised plant. Wiseman, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 143 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–56), pp. 106 no. 202, 118 no. 44, 118 [640 B.C.] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 186 no. 59, pl. 17.22 Millard, Eponyms, p. 125 Reade, Orientalia 67 (1998), pp. 256, 257 [635] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xviii [637*]
125. ND.3439. Tablet, contract, from Nimrud, private house at east wall of citadel (TW 53, Room 19). 17/9/Zababa-erìba [PC.; see no. 123 above] Winged disk over a crab (?). Wiseman, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 143 Postgate, FNALD, no. 37 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–56), pp. 106 no. 204, 118 no. 44, 118 [640 B.C.] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 185–186, pl. 10.34 Millard, Eponyms, p. 125 Reade, Orientalia 67 (1998), pp. 256, 257 [635] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xviii [637*]
636* B.C. 126. K.309.a. Tablet, contract, with Aramaic endorsement, from Kuyunjik. 3/11/Sin-“arru-ußur governor of ›indanu [PC.; probably the fourth in a sequence of five known from tablet STT.48, see no. 115 above. Different from Sin-“arru-ußur †up“ar ekalli and Sin-“arru-ußur arkû on whom see nos 164 and 168 below (Whiting apud Millard, pp. 75, 116)]. Quadruped to left; the seal probably duck-shaped.
neo-assyrian period
Rawlinson, CIWA, II, pl. 70.1 [Aramaic]; III, pl. 46.1 [cuneiform with drawing of seal] Oppert and Ménant, Documents juridiques, pp. 201–4 no. XXVI [with drawing of seal] Johns, ADD, I, no. 207; III, pp. 425–30 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 509 de Vogüé, CIS, II, no. 22 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–56), pp. 105 no. 159, 116 no. 35.c, 118 and n. 53 [639 B.C.] Kwasman, NALK, no. 136 Fales, Epigraphs, no. 27, fig. 27 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 29 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 221 no. 61, pl. 16.10 Reade, Orientalia 67 (1998), pp. 256, 257 [634] Millard, Eponyms, p. 115 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xviii [636*]
636/635* B.C. 127. 103389 (1911–4–8,79). Tablet, contract, from Qal'at ”arqat. -/-/Sin-“arru-ußur governor of ›indanu [PC.; see no. 126 above] Two scarab/scaraboid seals: (a) only partially impressed: Egyptianising head to left with uraeus (í'rt) and Hathor horns, triangle on left, possible wedjat/ujat (w≈¡t) eye (?) above; (b) indistinct. [S.i.] Fales, ZA 73 (1983), pp. 242–3, 253 [copy], no. 10 Deller and Millard, AfO 32 (1985), pp. 38–42 [with copies and photographs] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 163–4 nos 4, pl. 18.6 [(a)], and 5, pl. 18.11 [this reconstruction cannot be seen] [(b)] Reade, Orientalia 67 (1998), pp. 256, 257 [634] Millard, Eponyms, p. 116 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xviii [636*]
635* B.C. 128. K.369. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 15/1/Bèlu-lù-dàri [PC.; the fifth in a sequence of five known from tablet STT.48, see no. 115 above]. Scarab/scaraboid (?), only partially impressed: indistinct: uncertain shapes. Johns, ADD, I, no. 295; III, pp. 505–6 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 498 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 150 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 247 no. 173, pl. 10.18 Reade, Orientalia 67 (1998), pp. 256, 257 [633] Millard, Eponyms, p. 91 [and Whiting, p. 75] Parpola, PNA, I, 1, p. xviii [635*]; 1, II, p. 336, s.v. 3.a
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
129. 131983 (1954–11–15,32; ND.3420). Tablet, contract, from Nimrud, private house at east wall of citadel (TW 53, Room 19). 25/6/ Bèlu-lù-dàri [PC.; see no. 128 above]. Two seals on obverse: each twice impressed: (a) imperfectly impressed: quadruped to right over three fish (?), uncertain shape on right—left and centre; (b) indistinct: geometric-like shapes— right and onto right edge. Wiseman Iraq 15 (1953), p. 140 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–56), pp. 102 no. 57, 111 no. 13, 118 [638 B.C.] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 182–183 no. 44, pl. 11.19 Reade, Orientalia 67 (1998), pp. 256, 257 [633] Millard, Eponyms, p. 91 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xviii [635*]; II, p. 336, s.v. 3.b a
634* B.C. 130. 103393 (1911–4–8,83). Tablet and envelope, contract, from Qal'at ”arqat. 8/7/Bullu†u [PC.; time of Ashurbanipal (Whiting apud Millard, p. 75)]. Only partially impressed on envelope: quadruped (?) in drill-hole technique, either head with horns, or hind-quarters with angled tail (?). King, CT, 33, pl. 17 and p. 9 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–56), pp. 103 no. 71, 111 no. 15, 119 [632 B.C.] Postgate, FNALD, no. 40 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 166 no. 12, pl. 16.23 Pedersén, Assur, II, p. 135 [possibly from private house fD81, pp. 131–135] Reade, Or. 67 (1998), pp. 256, 257 [639 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 92 [and Whiting, p. 75] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xviii [634*]; II, p. 351, s.v. 5 634/633* B.C. 131. K.418. Tablet, votive donation, probably from Nimrud. 11/-/Bullu†u [PC. see no. 130 above; for K. tablets not from Kuyunjik see K. under Museum Collections above]. Indistinct: fish to left (?), crescent and drill hole above. Smith, AEC, p. 97 Craig, ABRT, II, pl. 20 Johns, ADD, I, no. 641; IV, pp. 150–55 Martin, TRAB, no. 122 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 44 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–56), pp. 103 no. 73, 111 no. 15, 119 and n. 57 [632 B.C.] Deller, Or. 35 (1966), pp. 190–91 [632 B.C.] Kwasman, NALK, no. 425 Kataja and Whiting, SAA, 12, no. 93 Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 237–238 no. 131, pl. 17.18 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), pp. 256, 257 [639 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 92 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xviii [634*]; II, p. 351, s.v. 5
neo-assyrian period
132. K.1469. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. Date missing [Part of the archive of Íalmu-a¢¢è who was active in the time of Bullu†u (Kwasman, NALK, p. xxxvi); see no. 130 above]. Stylised winged disk below eight-pointed star. Johns, ADD, I, no. 217; III, p. 440 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 518 Kwasman, NALK, no. 332 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 115 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 223 no. 110, pl. 10.9 Parpola, PNA, 3, II, p. 1162, s.v. Íalam-a¢¢è, 8
633* B.C. 133. K.408. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 4/2/Upàqa-ana-Arbail [PC.; archive of Ninuàia]. U-shaped form: circular, left hand edge not impressed, divided into four registers: winged disk; two lines of Aramaic script: l“bn . . . |bnpw . . . (?), the p and w uncertain. Johns, ADD, I, no. 214; III, p. 438 Smith, AEC, p. 99 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 510 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 106 no. 192; 117–18 no. 43, 119 and n. 58 [631 B.C.] Kwasman, NALK, no. 217 Watanabe, Orient 29 (1993), p. 128 no. 10.5, pl. 8 [(1) “bn [ ] (2) br x x [ ]] Mattila, SAA 14, no. 17 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 122, 226 no. 82, pl. 18.26 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), pp. 256 [638 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 124 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [633*]; and 2, II, p. 965, s.v. Nìnuàiu, 11
633/632* B.C. 134. ND.2094. Tablet, contract, from Nimrud, Ziggurat Terrace (ZT 14). -/-/Upàqa-ana-Arbail. Cross. Parker, Iraq 16 (1954), p. 35, pl. V; 17 (1955), p. 123, fig. 25 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 106 no. 198, 117–18 no. 43, 119 [631 B.C.] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 173 no. 5, pl. 11.17 Reade, Orientalia 67 (1998), p. 256 [638] Millard, Eponyms, p. 124 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xviii [633*]
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum 632/631* B.C.
135. ND.3462. Fragmentary tablet envelope, contract, from Nimrud, private house at east wall of citadel (TW 53, Room 19). -/-/ˇab-ßil-Sin [PC]. Scarab/scaraboid shape: crossed lines. Wiseman, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 145 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–56), pp. 106 no. 190; 117 no. 42 [pre 648 B.C.?] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 187 no. 65, pl. 11.23 Millard, Eponyms, p. 123 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [632*] 631* B.C. 136. K.313. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 9/7/Adad-rèmanni [PC.; part of the archive of Girittu] Cowrie shell. Smith, AEC, p. 97 [Vul-utul-ani] Pinches, KG, pp. 172–3 no. 31 [Rammanu-rimàni] Peiser, KB, 4, pp. 152–153 no. XIX Johns, ADD, I, no. 622; IV, pp. 135–6 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 119 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 101 no. 6; 108–109 no. 3, 119 [630 B.C.] Postgate, FNALD, no. 6 Kwasman, NALK, no. 105 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 118 [with drawing], p. 62 fig. 8 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 215 no. 38, pls 17.21; 30.1 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), p. 256 [632 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 80 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, pp. xix [631*], 35, s.v. 11 [Adad-rèmanni]; and 1, II, p. 426, s.v. Girittu, 6
630* B.C. 137. K.318. Tablet and envelope, contract, with Aramaic endorsement and seal impressions on the envelope, from Kuyunjik. 3/11/Adad-rèmanni [PC.; nominally 631*, but 3/11 would fall in 630*; archive of Bèlu-lù-bala†] Winged disk with central figure and two flanking heads above, large crescent below. Rawlinson, CIWA, II, pl. 70.12 [Aramaic]; III, pl. 46.8 [cuneiform with drawing of seal] Smith, AEC, p. 97 [Vul-utul-ani] Oppert and Ménant, Documents juridiques, pp. 226–8 no. XXXIV [with drawing of seal] Pinches, KG, pp. 174 no. 41 [Rammanu-rimàni] Johns, ADD, I, nos 38–39; III, pp. 62–3 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, nos 299–300 de Vogüé, CIS, II, no. 20 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 101 no. 8; 108–109 no. 3, 119 [630 B.C.] Kwasman, NALK, no. 81(a–b) Fales, Epigraphs, no. 28 Mattila, SAA 14, nos 120 and 119 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 213 no. 29, pls 10.23 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), p. 256 [632 B.C.]
neo-assyrian period
Millard, Eponyms, p. 80 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, pp. xix [631*], 35, s.v. 11 [Adad-rèmanni]; and 1, II, p. 335, s.v. Bèlulù-bala†, 10
138. K.301. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik.20/2/Salmu-“arru-iqbi [PC.; time of Sin-“arru-i“kun; earlier than Sin-“arru-ußur †up“ar ekalli (nos 164–167 below) (Whiting apud Millard, pp. 75, 76 (e)); Whiting (p. 76 (f )) also suggests that Salmu-“arru-iqbi was later than A““ur-màtu-taqqin, but Parpola’s date for the latter (623) is followed here (nos 175–179 below)]. Bird to left. Smith, AEC, p. 99 Johns, ADD, I, 308; III, p. 515 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 57 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 105 no. 171, 116 no. 36, 119 [623 B.C.] Kwasman, NALK, no. 120 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 34 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 217 no. 47, pl. 15.233 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), p. 256 [623 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 116 [and Whiting, pp. 75, 76] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [630*]
139. K.282. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 22/5/Íalmu-“arru-iqbi [PC.; see no. 138 above]. Two seals: (a) Man and human-headed bull flanking sacred tree, supporting winged disk with human head above [see also 84619, no. 245 below]; (b) indistinct: very stylised winged human figure to right (?). Smith, AEC, p. 99 Johns, ADD, I, no. 349; IV, pp. 22–23 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 340 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 106 no. 172, 116 no. 36, 119 [623 B.C.] Kwasman, NALK, no. 118 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 35 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 216–217 nos 44, pls 13.2, 26.2; 45, pls 15.8, 26.2 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), p. 256 [623 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 116 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [630*]
140. ND.2095. Tablet, contract, Nimrud, Ziggurat Terrace (ZT 14). 25/7/Íalmu-“arru-iqbi [PC.; see no. 138 above]. Stylised ten-pointed star (?). Parker, Iraq 16 (1954), p. 36, pl. V Jas, SAAS 5, no. 54 Joannès (ed), Rendre la justice, pp. 176–7 no. 125
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 106 no. 174, 116 no. 36, 119 [623 B.C.] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 180 no. 36, pl. 11.14 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), pp. 256 [623] Millard, Eponyms, p. 116 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [630*]
630/629* B.C. 141. K.415. Tablet, legal decision, from Kuyunjik. 17/-/Íalmu-“arru-iqbi [PC.; see no. 138 above]. Impression (3 times) of seal-ring (?): seated quadruped to left on base line, other lines in the field. Smith, AEC, p. 99 Johns, ADD, I, no. 165; III, pp. 280–81 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 645 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 106 no. 177, 116 no. 36, 119 [623 B.C.] Kwasman, NALK, no. 288 Jas, SAAS 5, no. 8 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 123 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 230–231 no. 100, pl. 15.21 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), p. 256 [623 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 116 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [630*]
629* B.C. 142. K.298. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 17/11/Íalmu-“arru-iqbi [PC. nominally 630*, but 17/11 would fall in 629*; see no. 138 above]. Cock to left facing fish, crescent above. Smith, AEC, p. 99 Oppert and Ménant, Documents juridiques, pp. 243–7 no. XLII [wrongly K.292] Pinches, KG, p. 172 no. 25 Johns, ADD, I, no. 446; IV, pp. 84–6 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 376 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 106 no. 175, 116 no. 36, 119 [623 B.C.] Kwasman, NALK, no. 119 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 36 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 217 no. 46, pl. 15.22 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), p. 256 [623 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 116 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [630*]
neo-assyrian period
Ashurbanipal: not precisely dated (668–627 B.C.) 143. 84534 (51–9–2,51), 84645 (51–9–2,164), 83–1–18,613. Three uninscribed bullae, from Kuyunjik. King to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal), with peripheral cuneiform inscription: . . . “ar4 ki““ati “ar4 mata““ur apal ma““ur-a¢a-iddinna . . . (84534); and . . . ma““ur-bani apli . . . (84645). Drawings: (a) 84534; (b) composite. Millard, Iraq 27 (1965), p. 12, type I, pl. I.a (84534) Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 367 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 93 (84534)
144. 84599 (51–9–2,118), 84648 (51–9–2,167), Sm.2207, Sm.2240, Rm.631, Rm.639, Rm.2.433, 89–4–26,146. Eight uninscribed bullae, from Kuyunjik. King to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal) with plain border, and indistinct peripheral cuneiform inscription: . . . ma““ur-bani-apli “ar . . . . “ar mat (?) a““ur . . . . sin . . . Drawings: (a) 2207; (b) 2240. Millard, Iraq 27 (1965), pp. 12–13, type II, pl. I.b (Rm.2.433) Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 367 (84599, 84648) Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 125 no. 42 (Rm.2.433), 126 no. 94 (84599)
145. 84643 (51–9–2,162). Uninscribed bulla from Kuyunjik. King to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal), with indistinct cuneiform inscription: . . . ma““urba. . . . Millard, Iraq 27 (1965), p. 13, type III, pl. I.c. Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 97, pl. 35.5. 146. 50790 (82–3–23,1782). Uninscribed bulla from Kuyunjik. King to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal), with guilloche border, with indistinct cuneiform inscription in reverse above king’s head: [. . . “ ]ar4 mata““ur . . . a¢¢è me“-eriba “ar4 mata““ur . . . [with enough space for ma““ur-bani-apli on a preceding line]. Millard, Iraq 27 (1965), pp. 13–14, type IV, pl. I.d Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 43
147. Rm.368. Tablet, tax exemption by Ashurbanipal, from Kuyunjik. No date. King to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal) three times impressed in ruled space on upper obverse, after the honorifics of the king; only upper right of right hand impression surviving: only king’s head and section of guilloche.
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum Johns, ADD, I, no. 648; IV, pp. 164–9, 171–3 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 18 Sachs, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 170 no. 25 Postgate, NARGD, no. 11 Kataja and Whiting, SAA, 12 no. 29 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 76
A””UR-ETEL-ILÀNI 629*–625** B.C. [The years 629*–625** are those proposed in PNA, 1, I, p. xix] 629* B.C. 148. 103396 (1911–4–8,86). Heart-shaped tablet, contract, from Qal'at ”arqat. 10/1/Nabû-“arru-ußur †up“ar ekalli [PC.; archive of ›anunu]. Crude four-pointed star or rosette. King, CT, 33, pl. 15 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 104 no. 109; 114 no. 29(a), 119 [626 B.C.] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 164 no. 6, pl. 11.15 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), pp. 256, 258 [624 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 107 [and Whiting, pp. 75, 109] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [629*]; 2, II, p. 878, s.v. 47.c; and 2, I, p. 458, s.v. ›anùnu, 15
149. K.320. Tablet, contract, with Aramaic endorsement, from Kuyunjik. 19/1/Nabû-“arru-ußur †up“ar ekalli [PC.; archive of Kakkullànu, on whom see no. 168 below]. Three seals: (a) Two human figures with folded arms and fish tails (?) on either side of a cross; (b) bearded man to left followed by animal-headed man to left; (c) leaping bull (?) to left. Rawlinson, CIWA, II, pl. 70.7 [Aramaic]; III, pl. 46.2 [cuneiform with drawings of seals] Smith, AEC, p. 98 Oppert and Ménant, Documents juridiques, pp. 147–50 no. II [with drawings of seals] Pinches, KG, pp. 176 no. 47 [with drawings of seals] Johns, ADD, I, no. 711; IV, pp. 516–9 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 55 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 104 no. 110; 114 no. 29(a), 119 [626 B.C.] Kwasman, NALK, no. 124 Fales, Epigraphs, no. 30 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 38 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 218–19 nos 50 (b), 51 (a), 52 (c), pls 15.3, 5, 27; 23.4 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), pp. 256, 258 [624 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 107 [and Whiting, pp. 75, 109] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [629*]; 2, II, p. 878, s.v. 47.a; and 2, I, p. 596, s.v. Kakkullànu, 7.a
neo-assyrian period
150. ND.2325. Tablet, contract, from Nimrud, Ziggurat Terrace (ZT 17). 25/4/Nabu-“arru-ußur †up“ar ekalli [PC.] Eight-pointed star with central drill-hole and drill holes between the points, small crescent over large crescent above, vertical cross on left, two linked drill holes on right. Parker, Iraq 16 (1954), p. 42; 17 (1955), p. 115, pl. XXIVV.1 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 104 no. 111 [N“], 114 no. 29(a), 119 [626 B.C.] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 175 no. 15, pl. 10.12 Millard, Eponyms, pp. 108, 109n Reade, Orientalia 67 (1998), pp. 256, 258 [624] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [629*]; 2, II, p. 878, s.v. 47.b
151. ND.2093. Tablet, contract, from Nimrud, Ziggurat Terrace (ZT 14). -/5/Nabu-“arru-ußur †up“ar ekalli [PC.] Two bull-men on their hind legs facing inwards, supporting a horizontal platform, spade (Marduk) and stylus (Nabu) symbols on base line between them. Parker, Iraq 16 (1954), p. 35; 17 (1955), p. 125, fig. 32 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 104 no. 112 [N“], 114–15 no. 29, 119 [626 B.C.] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 195 no. 94, pl. 13.5 Millard, Eponyms, pp. 108, 109n Reade, Orientalia 67 (1998), pp. 256, 258 [624] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [629*]; 2, II, p. 878, s.v.47.b
152. ND.3438. Tablet, contract, from Nimrud, private house at east wall of citadel (TW 53, Room 19). 22/8/Nabu-“arru-ußur. [His title is not preserved. Here he is assumed to have been the †up“ar ekalli, but if he was the rab “arè“i his year would have been 644* B.C. (see conveniently Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xx)]. Lozenge shape. Wiseman, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 142 Cf. Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 104 [N“1] (e), 114–15 no. 29 [not specifically cited] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 185 no. 55, pl. 11.30 Millard, Eponyms, pp. 108, 109n [cf. Whiting, p. 75] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, pp. xix [629*] and xx; cf. 2, II, p. 878, where this text should presumably be under no. 48.
628* B.C. 153. ND.2338. Tablet, contract, from Nimrud, Ziggurat Terrace (ZT 17). 4/11/Nabu-“arru-ußur †up“ar ekalli. [nominally 629*, but 4/11 would fall in 628*]. Cross in form of central drill-hole surrounded by four elongated holes. Parker, Iraq 16 (1954), pp. 45–46 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 105 no. 114, 114–15 no. 29 (a)
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 176–177 no. 20, pl. 11.12 Millard, Eponyms, pp. 108, 109n Reade, Orientalia 67 (1998), pp. 256, 258 [624] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [629*]; 2, II, p. 878, s.v. 47.b
154. 103394 (1911–4–8,84). Tablet and envelope, contract, from Qal'at ”arqat. 18/1/Nabû-“arruußur “a arki [PC.; probably the year following Nabû-“arru-ußur †up“ar ekalli, (see Whiting apud Millard, pp. 68, 109); archive of Mannu-lamini]. Cowrie shell. (too indistinct to draw). King, CT, 33, pl. 16 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 104 no. 119; 114 no. 29(b), 119 [625 B.C.] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 165 no. 9 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), pp. 256, 258 [623 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 108 [and Whiting, pp. 68, 109] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [628*]; 2, II, p. 878, s.v. 47.g; and 2, II, p. 700, s.v. Mannu-làamìni, 3 627* B.C. 155. K.3721. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 14/8/Marduk-“arru-ußur [PC.; archive of Abdùnu]. Stylised plant bud (?) below eight-pointed star. Johns, ADD, I, no. 311; III, pp. 526–7 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 53 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 103 no. 78; 112 no. 20, 118 and n. 54 [636 B.C.] Kwasman, NALK, no. 1 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 154 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 208 no. 1, pl. 12.5 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), pp. 256, 257 [631 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 100 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, pp. xix [627*]; 2, II, p. 730, s.v. 30.a [Marduk-“arru-ußur]; and 1, I, p. 8, s.v. Abdùnu, 3
627/626* B.C. 156. K.345. Tablet, legal decision, from Kuyunjik. 18/-/Marduk-“arru-ußur [PC.; archive of Nabûa¢¢è-iddina]. Two human figures seated on inverted crescents over disks, facing inwards to a stylised plant below a winged disk. Smith, AEC, p. 99 Pinches, KG, pp. 178 no. 63 Johns, ADD, I, no. 166; III, pp. 281–3 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 644 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 103 no. 80; 112 no. 20, 118 and n. 54 [636 B.C.]
neo-assyrian period
Kwasman, NALK, no. 197 Jas, SAAS 5, no. 5 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 156 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 224 no. 75, pls 13.11; 26.4 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), pp. 256, 257 [631 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 100 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [627*]; 2, II, p. 730, s.v.30.a [Marduk-“arru-ußur]
157. K.1434. Tablet, contract, left edge missing, from Kuyunjik. -/-/[possibly Marduk-“arru-ußur, PC.; his name appears at the end of the reverse after two others, the sign before the di“(m) in each case destroyed. Kwasman (NALK, p. 373) restores lim-mu for him and igi “witness” for the other two, but Mattila (SAA 14, p. 61) restores igi for all three (followed in PNA, 2, II, p. 730). Placed here since even if he was not the limmu, this is about the right date; archive of Siniq-I“tar]. Twelve-pointed rosette or star. Johns, ADD, I, no. 110; III, pp. 180–82 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 278 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 103 no. 81; 112 no. 20, 118 and n. 54 [636 B.C.] Kwasman, NALK, no. 322 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 57 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 232 no. 108, pl. 11.13 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), pp. 256, 257 [631 B.C.] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [627*]; 2, II, p. 730, s.v.25; and 3, I, p. 1140, s.v. Sinqi-Issàr, 8
626* B.C. 158. K.386. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 14/12/Marduk-“arru-ußur [PC.; nominally 627, but 14/12 would fall in 626*]. Large well-carved seal showing worshipper to right with raised hands facing stylised sacred tree below winged disk with central figure and two flanking heads above. Smith, AEC, p. 99 Johns, ADD, I, no. 619; IV, pp. 127–9 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 47 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 103 no. 79; 112 no. 20, 118 and n. 54 [636 B.C.] Kwasman, NALK, no. 69 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 155 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 213 no. 28, pl. 26.1 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), pp. 256, 257 [631 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 100 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [627*]; 2, II, p. 730, s.v. 30.a
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum A““ur-etel-ilàni: not precisely dated (629*–625* B.C.)
159. K.2075+K.4289+K.6332+K.10476+K.10815. Tablet, royal grant, from Kuyunjik. [Date missing; time of A““ur-etel-ilàni]. King to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal): indistinct but probably the same as on K.3157 (no. 161 below) Johns, ADD, I, no. 650; IV, pp. 179–82 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 21 Sachs, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 170 no. 27 Postgate, NARGD, no. 13; Or. 42 (1973), p. 443 [copy of K.10815] Kataja and Whiting, SAA, 12, no. 35 160. K.3409+K.6065+K.6223+K.6339+K.8856+K.10431+K.10727. Tablet, royal grant, from Kuyunjik. [Date missing; time of A““ur-etel-ilàni]. 84642 (51–9–2,161). Bulla, from Kuyunjik. [Uninscribed, but same seal impression]. King to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal), with guilloche border. Johns, ADD, I, nos 649 [K.6065], 692 [K.8856]; II, no. 807 [recopied with others]; IV, pp. 173, 213–7 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 20 Sachs, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 170 no. 26, pl. XVIII.3 Postgate, NARGD, no. 14 Kataja and Whiting, SAA, 12, no. 36 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 75, pls 34.16 [84642], 36.4 [K.3409+]
161. K.3157. Tablet fragment, royal grant, from Kuyunjik. [Date missing; probably time of A““uretel-ilàni]. King to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal); probably the same as on K.4289 (no. 159 above). Johns, ADD, I, no. 664; IV, pp. 194–5 Sachs, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 170 no. 29 Postgate, NARGD, no. 25 Kataja and Whiting, SAA, 12, no. 44
162. K.16786. Tablet fragment, royal grant, from Kuyunjik. [Date missing; possibly time of A““uretel-ilàni (Sachs)]. King to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal), with guilloche border. Sachs, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 170 no. 31 Kataja and Whiting, SAA, 12, no. 47
neo-assyrian period
163. 99334 (1904–10–9,367), and 99335 (1904–10–9,368). Two bullae with impressions of cloth and cords on the reverse, from Kuyunjik. [No date, but other texts in the 1904–10–9 and 1905–4–9 collections (see under Museum Collections above) suggest 8th–7th century B.C.; possibly from the time of A““ur-etel-ilàni (Sachs)]. Two impressions, not from the same seal: (a) [99334] king to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal) with trace of peripheral cuneiform inscription: . . . .“ar mata““ur . . .; (b) [99335] king to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal) with trace of peripheral cuneiform inscription: indistinct. Sachs, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 170 nos 36 [99334], 37 [99335] Cf. Millard, Iraq 27 (1965), p. 13, fig. 1 [complete inscription] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 59–60, pl. 8 [sealing]
SIN-”ARRU-I”KUN C. 626*–612* B.C. [The years 626*–612* are those proposed in PNA, 1, I, p. xix] 625* B.C. 164. K.329. Tablet, contract, with Aramaic endorsement, from Kuyunjik. 20/2/Sin-“arru-ußur †up“ar ekalli [PC.; time of Sin-“arru-i“kun; later than A““ur-màtu-taqqin and Íalmu-“arru-iqbi; different from Sin-“arru-ußur Governor of ›indanu (Whiting apud Millard, pp. 75, 76, 116), but possibly in the same year as Sin-“arru-ußur arkû (Reade, p. 258), see nos 127 above and 168 below]. Scarab/scaraboid seal: Egyptianising scene showing the god Heh kneeling on a basket and holding a renpet branch in each hand; cross-line above, over which is a circle between two triangular space-fillers. Rawlinson, CIWA, II, pl. 70.4 [Aramaic]; III, pl. 46.3 [cuneiform with drawing of seal] Smith, AEC, p. 97 Oppert and Ménant, Documents juridiques, pp. 210–13 no. XXVIII [with drawing of seal] Pinches, KG, pp. 175–6 no. 46 Johns, ADD, I, no. 318; III, pp. 530–31 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 632 de Vogüé, CIS, II, no. 23 Kwasman, NALK, no. 125 Fales, Epigraphs, no. 31, fig. 31 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 39 [with drawing], p. 36 fig. 7 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 219 no. 53, pl. 18.3 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), pp. 256, 258 [628 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 115 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [625*]
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
165. K.421. Tablet, contract, with Aramaic endorsement, from Kuyunjik. 6/10/Sin-“arru-ußur †up“ar ekalli [PC.; see no. 164 above]. Indistinct: a circle and a pointed oval between two nondescript long shapes. Rawlinson, CIWA, II, pl. 70.9 [Aramaic]; III, pl. 46.4 [cuneiform with drawing of seal] Smith, AEC, p. 97 Oppert and Ménant, Documents juridiques, pp. 198–201 no. XXV [with drawing of seal] Johns, ADD, I, no. 623; IV, pp. 136–8 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 120 de Vogüé, CIS, II, no. 24 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 105 no. 154, 115–16 no. 35(a), 119 and n. 62 [623 B.C.] Kwasman, NALK, no. 128 Fales, Epigraphs, no. 32 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 41 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 220 no. 57, pl. 18.15 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), pp. 256, 258 [628 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 115 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [625*]
166. ND.2327. Tablet, contract, from Nimrud, Ziggurat Terrace (ZT 17). 6/10/Sin-“arru-ußur †up“ar ekalli [PC.; see no. 164 above]. Cross. Parker, Iraq 16 (1954), p. 42 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 105 no. 155, 115–16 no. 35(a), 119 and n. 62 [623 B.C.] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 176 no. 19, pl. 11.18 Millard, Eponyms, p. 115 Reade, Orientalia 67 (1998), pp. 256, 258 [624] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [625*]
167. ND.3445. Tablet, contract, from Nimrud, private house at east wall of citadel (TW 53, Room 19). 10/10/Sin-“arru-ußur †up“ar ekalli [PC.; see no. 164 above]. Cross line. Wiseman, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 143 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 105 no. 156, 115–16 no. 35(a), 119 and n. 62 [623 B.C.] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 186 no. 60, pl. 11.21 Millard, Eponyms, p. 115 Reade, Orientalia 67 (1998), pp. 256, 258 [624] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [625*]
624* B.C. 168. K.420. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 13/11/Sin-“arru-ußur arkû [PC.; earlier than Íalmu“arru-iqbi; different from Sin-“arru-ußur Governor of ›indanu, for whom see no. 126 above, and possibly different from Sin-“arru-ußur †up“ar ekalli (Whiting apud Millard, pp. 76(f ), 116),
neo-assyrian period
for whom see no. 164 above, but see contra Reade (p. 256, s.v. 628), and on that basis, though with Parpola’s different date (625*), tentatively placed here, in which case 13/11 would fall in 624*; archive of Kakkullànu, whose documents range in date through the years of Íalmu-“arru-iqbi (630*), Sin-“arru-ußur †up“ar ekalli (625*), Sin-“arru-ußur arkû (possibly 624*), and A““ur-màtu-taqqin (623*), and others (Kwasman, NALK, pp. xxxvi–xxxviii; see also Whiting apud Millard, Eponyms, p. 75 n. 19). See also no. 148 above and nos 170–172 below]. Winged disk. Smith, AEC, p. 97 Oppert and Ménant, Documents juridiques, pp. 204–9 no. XXVII Pinches, KG, p. 172 no. 27 Johns, ADD, I, no. 414; IV, pp. 60–65 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 210 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 105 no. 158, 116 no. 35(b), 119 and n. 60 [627? B.C.] Kwasman, NALK, no. 127 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 42 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 219–220 no. 55, pl. 10.30 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), pp. 256, 258 [628 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 115 [and Whiting, pp. 76, 116] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [625*]; and 2, I, p. 596, s.v. Kakkullànu, 7.d
169. K.3497. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. [Date not preserved, but seal impression probably the same as on K.420, no. 168 above]. Winged disk [probably the same seal as on K.420 (no. 168 above)] Johns, ADD, I, no. 527; IV, p. 116 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 379 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 278 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 219–220 no. 55, pl. 10.30
170. K.311. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 17/3/Sin-“arru-ußur [PC.; without a title, but possibly to be identified with Sin-“arru-ußur arkû, since like K.420 (no. 168 above) the tablet belongs to the archive of Kakkullànu (Falkner, p. 116 no. 35(e)), on whom see also no. 168 above, and was written by the same scribe, Iqbi-Bèl]. Worshipper to left with raised hands facing star, crescent and eye (?), with animal (?) on right. Smith, AEC, p. 97 Pinches, KG, p. 172, no. 30 Johns, ADD, I, no. 325; IV, pp. 8–10 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 341 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 105 no. 165, 115–16 no. 35(e), 119 [627? B.C.] Kwasman, NALK, no. 123 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 40 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 218 no. 49, pl. 14.9 Millard, Eponyms, p. 115 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [625*]; and 2, I, p. 561, s.v. Iqbi-Bel, 3; p. 596, s.v. Kakkullànu, 7.c
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
171. K.424+1564. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. [Date not preserved, but probably about the same time as K.311 (no. 170 above) since they both belong to the archive of Kakkullànu, on whom see no. 168 above, and were both written by the same scribe, Iqbi-Bèl]. Impression very much worn: only vague shapes visible. Johns, ADD, I, no. 211; III, pp. 435–7 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 217 Kwasman, NALK, no. 129 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 48 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 220 no. 58, pl. 18.23 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [625*]; and 2, I, p. 596, s.v. Kakkullànu, 7.a [not included in 2, I, p. 561, s.v. Iqbi-Bèl, 3];
172. K.425. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. [Date not preserved, but part of the archive of Kakkullànu, on whom see no. 168 above, so this text can be placed in the time of Sin-“arru-i“kun]. Head of a stag to left. Johns, ADD, I, no. 235; III, p. 456 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 231 Kwasman, NALK, no. 130 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 49 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 220 no. 59, pls 17.1, 25.1 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [625*]; and 2, I, p. 596, s.v. Kakkullànu, 7.b
173. K.441+1419. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 14/2/ Kanùn[àiu]. [PC.; earlier than, and possibly immediately preceding A““ur-màtu-taqqin, who was of the time of Sin-“arru-i“kun (Whiting apud Millard, pp. 74 n. 12, 76)]. Rectangular seal face: leaping quadruped to left. Smith, AEC, p. 90 [Nadni-a“i; 688 B.C.] Johns, ADD, I, no. 400; IV, p. 53 [Iddin-a¢ê; 693 or 688 B.C.] Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 396 [Idna-a¢ê (?)] Kwasman, NALK, no. 132 [limmu: Iddina-[a¢¢e], and pp. xxxviii, 166] Mattila, SAA 14, no. 43 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 220–221 no. 60, pl. 16.2 [limmu: Iddina-[a¢¢e]] Reade, Or. 67 (1998), pp. 256, 258 [627 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 98 [Kanùnàia, [kanùn..].; and Whiting, p. 74 n. 12] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [624*]; 2, I, p. 604, s.v. Kanùnàiu, 63.a
623* B.C. 174. ND.2317. Docket, contract, from Nimrud, Ziggurat Terrace (ZT 16). 8/12/Kanùnàiu [PC.; nominally 624*, so 8/12 would fall in 623*]. Human figure to right (?) partly surrounded by drill holes.
neo-assyrian period
Parker, Iraq 16 (1954), p. 40 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 177 no. 22, pl. 15.10 Millard, Eponyms, p. 98 Reade, Orientalia 67 (1998), pp. 256, 258 [627] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [624*]; 2, I, p. 604, s.v. Kanùnàiu, 63.b
175. 139950 (1985–7–14,1). Tablet, contract, with Aramaic endorsement, from Kuyunjik.18/5/A““ùrmàtu-taqqin [PC.; time of Sin-“arru-i“kun, later than Kanùnàia and earlier than Íalmu-“arruiqbi (Whiting apud Millard, pp. 75, 76)]. Crouching caprid to right—obverse, between lines 3 and 4 Kwasman, NALK, pp. 489–90, App. I Mattila, SAA 14, no. 44 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 220 no. 56, pl. 16.19 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), pp. 256, 258 [626 B.C.] Lambert, Catalogue, T.S., p. 80 Millard, Eponyms, p. 85 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, pp. xix [623*], 196, s.v. 14
176. 103202 (1910–10–8,130). Tablet, contract, from Qal'at ”arqat. 20/5/A““ùr-màtu-taqqin [PC.; see no. 175 above]. Winged disk below double crescent between two six-pointed stars, with two descending arms/rays and eight drill holes between them. Fales, ZA, 73 (1983), pp. 239–40, 251 [copy], no. 8 Deller, BaghM, 15 (1984), p. 245 [debtor probably the brother of the debtor in 103392 (no. 110 above), 641* B.C., 18 years earlier according to the PNA scheme] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 163 no. 1, pl. 10.1 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), pp. 256, 258 [626 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 85 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, pp. xix [623*], 196, s.v. 14
177. K.295. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 1/6/A““ùr-màtu-taqqin [PC.; see no. 175 above]. Kneeling winged, bearded man to left below winged disk (with central human head and two heads above the wings), facing winged eagle-headed figure to right with cone and bucket, crescent above. Rawlinson, CIWA, III, pl. 49.3 Smith, AEC, p. 98 Oppert and Ménant, Documents juridiques, pp. 220–24 no. XXXII Johns, ADD, I, no. 307; III, pp. 511–15 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 37 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 101 no. 29, 110 no. 7, 119 [624 B.C.] Kwasman, NALK, no. 214 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 161 [with drawing], p. 126 fig. 10
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 225 no. 79, pl. 13.10 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), pp. 256, 258 [626 B.C.] Millard, Eponym, p. 85 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, pp. xix [623*], 196, s.v. 14
178. K.302. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 6/11/A““ùr-màtu-taqqin [PC.; see no. 175 above]. Crouching quadruped to left facing plant (?) and below crescent. Johns, ADD, I, no. 361; IV, p. 31 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 377 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 101 no. 36, 110 no. 7, 119 [624 B.C.] Kwasman, NALK, no. 121 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 46 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 217 no. 48, pl. 16.26 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), pp. 256, 258 [626 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 85 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, pp. xix [623*], 196, s.v. 14
622* B.C. 179. ND.2334. Docket, contract, from Nimrud, Ziggurat Terrace (ZT 17). -/12/A““ùr-màtu-taqqin [PC., see no 175 above; nominally 623*, but -/12 would fall in 622*]. Winged disk. Parker, Iraq 16 (1954), p. 44, pl. VIII Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 101 no. 37, 110 no. 7, 119 [624 B.C.] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 179 no. 30, pl. 10.26 Millard, Eponyms, p. 85 Reade, Orientalia 67 (1998), pp. 256, 258 [626] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, pp. xix [623*], 196, s.v. 14
180. K.374. Tablet and envelope, contract, from Kuyunjik. 21/8/Dàdî [PC.; dated by royal inscriptions to the time of Sin-“arru-i“kun (Whiting apud Millard, p. 75)]. Indistinct: crescent, and uncertain forms. Rawlinson, CIWA, III, pl. 47.2 Smith, AEC, p. 100 [Saru-nahid] Oppert and Ménant, Documents juridiques, pp. 155–7 no. V Pinches, KG, pp. 173–4 no. 37 Johns, ADD, I, nos 87, 88; III, pp. 144–8 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 143 Postgate, FNALD, no. 22 Kwasman, NALK, no. 199a
neo-assyrian period
Mattila, SAA 14, nos 164 and 163 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 225 no. 77, pl. 12.15 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), pp. 256, 258 [622 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 92 [Daddî] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [622*]; II, p. 361, s.v. 21.b
620/619* B.C. 181. 81–2–4,161. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. -/-/Sailu [PC.; nominally 620*; time of Sin-“arrui“kun (Whiting apud Millard, p. 75)]. Possibly duck-shaped seal: stylised winged disk below crescent. Johns, ADD, I, no. 435; IV, p. 80 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 447 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 105 no. 141; 115 no. 31, 119 [618 B.C.] Mattila, SAA 14, no. 168 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 249 no. 187, pl. 10.6 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), pp. 256, 259 [620 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 113 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [620*]
619* B.C. 182. 123384 (1932–12–10,327). Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 17/11/Sa[-i-lu] [PC.; nominally 620*, but 17/11 would fall in 619*; dated by royal inscriptions to the time of Sin-“arru-i“kun (Whiting apud Millard, p. 75)]. Two standing human figures on either side of a cross-legged table with offerings—obverse, between lines 3 and 4. Postgate, Iraq 32 (1970), pp. 238–239 no. 9, pls XXIII, XXXIc Mattila, SAA 14, no. 167 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 238–9 no. 135, pl. 13.19 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), pp. 256, 259 [620 B.C.] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [620*]
618* B.C. 183. K.367. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 15/1/Nabû-sakip [PC.; archive of Kißir-A““ur]. Very indistinct: two shapes. Rawlinson, CIWA, III, pl. 50.1 Smith, AEC, p. 100
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum Oppert and Ménant, Documents juridiques, pp. 224–6 no. XXXIII Pinches, KG, p. 177 no. 52 Johns, ADD, I, no. 151; III, pp. 241–3 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 319 Postgate, FNALD, no. 30 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 104 no. 101; 113 no. 27, 119 [628 B.C.] Kwasman, NALK, no. 137 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 32 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 221 no. 62, pl. 12.19 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), pp. 256, 258 [629 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 106 [Nabû-sagib] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [618*; Nabû-sakip]; 2, II, p. 866, s.v.13.a [Nabû-sagìbi]; and 2, I, p. 622, s.v. Kißir-A““ur, 24.b 616* B.C.
184. ND.2308. Tablet, contract, from Nimrud, Ziggurat Terrace (ZT 16). 25/8/Bèl-a¢u-ußur [PC.; dated by royal inscriptions to time of Sin-“arru-i“kun (Whiting apud Millard, p. 75)]. Bull or caprid (?) kneeling to left, crescent above. Parker, Iraq 16 (1954), p. 39, pl. VII; 17 (1955), p. 116, pl. XXIV.4 Cf. Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 102, 111 no. 11, 119 [619 B.C.; not specifically cited] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 195 no. 93, pl. 16.28 Millard, Eponyms, p. 87 [and Whiting, pp. 75,77] Reade, Orientalia 67 (1998), pp. 256, 259 [621] Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [616*]; II, p. 284, s.v. 8.1.2’
614 B.C. 185. 98850 (1905–4–9,356). Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 27/5/Sin-“arru-ußur governor of Nineveh [PC.; Falkner (pp. 116 no. 35.d and 118) suggests that this officer might be the same as Sin“arru-ußur governor of ›indanu (for whom see no. 126 above), dating both in 639 B.C., but here the suggestion of Reade (p. 260) is adopted that he be dated in 614 B.C.; Radner (PNA, 1, I, p. xx) does not include him in her proposals.] Deity on throne to left, facing indistinct symbols (spade? (Marduk) and stylus? (Nabu) Herbordt) on an altar below crescent, animal (?) behind the throne. Johns, AJSL 42 (1925–26), no. 1252 Deller, WZKM 57 (1961), p. 34 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–56), pp. 105 no. 160, 116 no. 35.d, 118 and n. 53 [639 B.C.] Kwasman, NALK, no. 20 Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 209–210 no. 11, pl. 14.2 Reade, Orientalia 67 (1998), pp. 257, 260 [614] Millard, Eponyms, p. 115
neo-assyrian period
613* B.C. 186. K.1361. Tablet, court decision, from Kuyunjik. 1/3/Nabû-tappûtu-alik [PC.; dated by royal inscriptions to the time of Sin-“arru-i“kun (Whiting apud Millard, p. 75)]. Crouching quadruped (bull ?) to right below crescent. Johns, ADD, I, no. 102; III, pp. 171–4 Postgate, FNALD, no. 45 Falkner, AfO 17 (1954–1956), pp. 105 no. 102; 115 no. 30, 119 [617 B.C.] Kwasman, NALK, no. 163 Jas, SAAS 5, no. 62 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 171 [with drawing] Joannès (ed), Rendre la justice, p. 183 no. 132 Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 222–223 no. 67, pl. 16.27 Reade, Or. 67 (1998), pp. 257, 260 [616 B.C.] Millard, Eponyms, p. 109 Parpola, PNA, 1, I, p. xix [613*]; 2, II, p. 894, s.v.b [Nabû-tappùtì-alik]
NEO-ASSYRIAN: NOT PRECISELY DATED (C. 750–612 B.C.) [Included here are tablets on which the date is missing (nos 187–211), and sealed bullae (nos 212–284). A few of these may be of the late 8th century but the majority are of the 7th century B.C.] Neo-Assyrian Tablets: not precisely dated [Neo-Assyrian tablets on which the date is not fully preserved, but with seal impressions of interest. These, nos 187–211, are listed in order of their registraton numbers]. 187. K.435. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. 28/9/-. [Archive of Bardî, 7th century B.C.]. Two human figures with raised arms and pointed head-dress facing each other across a crescent. Johns, ADD, I, no. 345; IV, p. 22 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 365 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 53 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 246 no. 169, pl. 13.6 Cf. Parpola, PNA, 1, II, p. 270, s.v. Bardî (C. Ambos), (this text not cited).
188. K.436. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. [Archive of A¢u-. . . ]. Crouching human-headed (?) winged lion (?) facing symbol (disk on staff ?), and below crescent. Johns, ADD, I, no. 352; IV, p. 27 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 349 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 157 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 239 no. 136, pl. 17.10
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
189. K.443. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. [Archive of Kabar-ili]. Winged disk with diagonally descending rays (?), over fish (?). Johns, ADD, I, no. 177; III, pp. 405–6 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 183 Kwasman, NALK, no. 116 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 100 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 216 no. 43, pl. 10.31 Parpola, PNA, 2, I, p. 591, s.v. Kabar-il, 2
190. K.460. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. [Archive of Bàbilàiu, 7th century B.C.]. Fish-man on left facing winged human (?) on right. Johns, ADD, I, no. 296; III, p. 506 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 49 Kwasman, NALK, no. 48 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 186 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 211 no. 20, pl. 15.29 Parpola, PNA, 1, II, p. 245, s.v. Bàbilàiu, 32 (K. Radner)
191. K.1438. Tablet, letter, from Kuyunjik. Two birds facing plant (?) below crescent. Harper, ABL, no. 463 Waterman, RCAE, no. 463 Lanfranchi and Parpola, SAA 5, no. 260
192. K.1443. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. Two caprids with heads turned back rearing up on either side of a date palm. Johns, ADD, I, no. 344; IV, pp. 21–2 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 364 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 54 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 245 no. 165, pl. 13.9
193. K.1465. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. Only partially impressed: bull to left below crescent. Johns, ADD, I, no. 538; IV, p. 117 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 604 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 282 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 247 no. 174, pl. 16.30
neo-assyrian period
194. K.1467. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. [Archive of Mannu-kî-Adad]. Square impression: cow with suckling calf to left facing plant, and below crescent and six-pointed star. Johns, ADD, I, no. 438; IV, p. 81 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 132 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 262 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 241 no. 147, pl. 16.3 Parpola, PNA, 2, II, p. 682, s.v. Mannu-kì-Adad, 28
195. K.1490. Tablet, contract, Kuyunjik. [Archive of Padani . . .]. Three seals: (a) Egyptian: scarab/scaraboid: incomplete: hieroglyphic signs, from the left, nesu reed and was sceptre, in double border; (b) incomplete: part of quadruped to right. Johns, ADD, I, no. 369; IV, p. 33 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 388 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 254 [with drawing] [Paddanu] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 247 nos 175 (a); 176 (b), pls 12.16; 16.11 a
196. K.1514+K.7535 [Kwasman 5/79]. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. Stylised horned quadruped to left below a cross (?) [or double crescent and two different cross patterns (Herbordt)]. Johns, ADD, I, nos 358 + 581; IV, pp. 29, 122 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, nos 344 + 586 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 27 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 240 no. 141, pl. 10.13
197. K.1618. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. Two seals: (a) bearded figure to left with raised hands facing squatting figure, probably the child Horus, over a lotus bud, crescent and eight-pointed star above; (b) cylinder seal: worshipper to right facing stylised tree below winged disk with supporting figure. Johns, ADD, I, no. 513; IV, p. 114 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 392 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 271 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 242 no. 150, pl. 14.15 [p. 241 no. 149, pl. 3.3 [cylinder]]
198. K.1995. Tablet, list of names, from Kuyunjik. Winged quadruped to left (?), uncertain shape on left.
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum Johns, ADD, I, no. 852 Fales and Postgate, SAA 11, no. 123 Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 247–248 no. 178, pl. 10.35 [geflügelte Sonne?]
199. K.3493. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. Bull (?) to left below line with zigzag edge (?), possibly his tail. Johns, ADD, I, no. 342; IV, p. 21 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 351 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 144 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 238 no. 134, pl. 15.7
200. K.3498. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. Winged disk above a lotus (?) bud with eight-pointed star on left and crescent on right. Johns, ADD, I, no. 193; III, p. 416 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 512 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 153 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 240 no. 142, pl. 12.1
201. K.14554. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. Indistinct and only partially impressed: crouching quadruped to left facing nondescript object. Johns, AJSL 42 (1925–26), p. 269 no. 1255 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 141 [with drawing]
202. K.15206. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. Only partially impressed: bull (?) to left. Johns, AJSL 42 (1925–26), p. 272 no. 1268 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 385 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 240 no. 140, pl. 16.29
203. K.1869. Tablet, land grant, from Kuyunjik. King to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal) with guilloche border. Johns, ADD, II, no. 768; IV, p. 209 Sachs, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 170 no. 28
neo-assyrian period Postgate, NARG, no. 23 Kataja and Whiting, SAA, 12, no. 46
204. K.3167. Tablet, royal decree, from Kuyunjik. King to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal) with plain border. Johns, ADD, I, no. 665; IV, p. 195 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 30 Sachs, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 170 no. 30 Postgate, NARG, no. 52 Kataja and Whiting, SAA, 12, no. 78 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 38
205. Sm.928. Tablet, decree (?), from Kuyunjik. King to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal) with guilloche border. Johns, ADD, I, no. 670; IV, p. 196 Sachs, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 170 no. 32 Postgate, NARG, no. 53 Kataja and Whiting, SAA, 12, no. 79 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 136
206. Sm.1047. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. [Archive of Nûr-”ama“]. Impression of duck-shaped seal: crescent on staff with circle (?) and cross line below. Johns, ADD, I, no. 343; IV, p. 21 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 363 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 250 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 243 no. 155, pl. 10.22 Parpola, PNA, 2, II, p. 971, s.v. Nùr-”ama“, 18
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
207. Rm.170. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. Rectangular impression: Figure to left with cone and bucket, plant behind (unlikely to be a numerical cuneiform sign). Johns, ADD, I, no. 355; IV, p. 28 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 347 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 248 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 246 no. 171, pl. 156
208. 98564 (1905–4–9,70) + 99336 (1904–10–9,369) [Searight 2/78] + 99352 (Ki.1904–10–9,385) [Kwasman 9/79]. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. [Probably 8th–7th century B.C. The join shows that the 1904–10–9 and 1905–4–9 collections are from the same source, see under Collections above]. Winged quadruped (lion?) to left in drill-hole technique. King, Catalogue, VI, pp. 46 no. 381 [99336], 47 no. 396 [99352], 57 no. 480 [98564] Johns, AJSL 42 (1925–26), nos 1221 [99336], 1232 [99352], 1247 [98564] Mattila, SAA 14, no. 364 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 251 no. 196, pl. 15.20
209. 99137 (1904–10–9,167) + 1904–10–9,194+235+251+252+258+264+294+309+312+394+396+398+ 399+400. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. [Probably 8th–7th century B.C.]. Indistinct (but three times impressed): human figure to left with right arm raised and left behind back King, Catalogue, VI, p. 31 no. 201 Johns, AJSL 42 (1925–26), no. 1185 Kwasman, NALK, no. 396 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 468 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 231–232 no. 122, pl. 14.22
210. 99186 (1904–10–9,218). Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. [Probably 8th–7th century B.C.]. Winged disk over a stylised sacred tree King, Catalogue, VI, p. 36 no. 249 Johns, AJSL 42 (1925–26), no. 1204 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 354 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 251 no. 195, pl. 12.2
211. 81–2–4,154. Tablet, contract, from Kuyunjik. Two worshippers with raised hands facing inwards to an object on a low table (?), crescent above.
neo-assyrian period
Johns, ADD, I, no. 252; III, pp. 473–474 Kohler and Ungnad, ARU, no. 633 Kwasman, NALK, no. 145 Mattila, SAA 14, no. 56 [with drawing] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 210–211 no. 16, pl. 14.10
Neo-Assyrian Bullae and Clay Lumps [In this section (nos 212–284), the arrangement is by a combination of main categories and museum numbers. The main categories are: (I) those with royal associations (212–233), and (II) other types (234–284). A small number of these have brief inscriptions, but most are uninscribed. I. Those with royal associations comprise scenes showing the king in various contexts (212–229), and scorpions, which were probably connected with the royal harim (230–233). Of these, some, which are represented by numerous examples, are grouped, when appropriate, under separate catalogue entries in the sequence: 51–9–2 pieces (nos 212, 214, 217, 221–223, 225–226, 229–230); 81–2–4 pieces (nos 215, 218, 227, 231;) which are connected with 51–9–2 by the impressions of Shabako’s seal, no 13(a); and other collections (nos 232–233). II. Other types (234–284) are given in order of their collection numbers: 51–9–2 (nos 235–261); 81–2–4 (nos 262–263), and other entries according to serial numbers, and then collection numbers other than 51–9–2 and 81–2–4.] 212. 51–9–2. Thirty-six clay bullae, from Kuyunjik. [Late 8th–7th century B.C.; see 51–9–2 under Museum Collections above; arranged here in sequence of collection not serial numbers.] King to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal), guilloche border. Not all from the same seal, various dimensions. The drawings show selected details. 51–9–2,53 (84536): diam. 3.6 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 19, pl. 35.10 51–9–2,76 (84558): diam. 1.9 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 74 51–9–2,83 (84565): diam. 2.4 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 33 51–9–2,120 (84601): diam.1.15 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 22, pl. 34.1 51–9–2,127 (84608): diam. 1.2 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 24 51–9–2,133 (84614): diam. 2.4 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 87, pl. 35.2 51–9–2,152 (84633): diam. 2.4 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 34 51–9–2,156 (84637): diam. 1.8 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 80 51–9–2,170 (84651): diam. 2.2 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 32 51–9–2,182 (84663): diam. 2.2 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 84 51–9–2,184 (84665): diam. 2.1 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 83 51–9–2,191 (84672), with base-line: diam. 2.05 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 82 51–9–2,201 (84682): diam. 2.2 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 85 51–9–2,205 (84686), with base line: diam. 2.25 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 86 51–9–2,207 (84688): diam. 2 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 73 51–9–2,209 (84690): diam. 1.8 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 31, pl. 34.11 51–9–2,210 (84691): diam. 1.5 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 28, pl. 34.4 51–9–2,222 (84703): diam. 1.2 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 25 51–9–2,238 (84719): diam. 1.1 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 21 51–9–2,247 (84728): diam. 1.5 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 77, pl. 34.14 51–9–2,261 (84742): diam. 1.2 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 23, pl. 34.2
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
51–9–2,265 (84746): diam. 1.5 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 29 51–9–2,270 (84751), impression of cord and papyrus on reverse: diam. 1.7 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 79, pl. 35.7 51–9–2,283 (84764): diam. 1.2 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 26 51–9–2,319 (89941), double stamped: diam. 3.4 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 40, pl. 35.12 51–9–2,327 (89948), lump pierced for cord and with cloth impression on reverse and lightly on obverse; impression many times repeated: diam. 2 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 43 51–9–2,332 (84792): diam. 2.3 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 18 51–9–2,342 (84798) + 51–9–2,455 (89986) [Herbordt 9/89], flat reverse with ridge, suggesting door sealing: diam. 1.6 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 78 51–9–2,372 (84825), part of sealing from round the neck of a flask, with cord impressions: diam. 2.5 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 88 51–9–2,398 (89972), cord impression on reverse: diam. 3.6 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 20, pl. 35.13; Fales and Postgate, SAA, 11, no. 72, p. 204 51–9–2,425 (84857): diam. 2 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 72 51–9–2,432 (84864): diam. 1.15 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 27 51–9–2,443 (84874): diam. c.2.1 cm; Fales and Postgate, SAA, 11, no. 70, p. 204; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 98, pl. 35.14; Limmu: Nabû-[. . . . . .]. This offers a choice of over twenty possibilities dating from the 8th and 7th centuries, including 7 Post Canonical officials] 51–9–2,444 (84875): diam. 2.7 cm; Fales and Postgate, SAA, 11, no. 73 and p. 204; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 90, pl. 35.11 (a) 51–9–2,446 (84876)+136986 [Postgate 9/89]; Fales and Postgate, SAA, 11, no. 66 and p. 204 (b) 51–9–2,495 (84908): diam. 3 cm; Fales and Postgate, SAA, 11, no. 67, p. 204; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 100; [Mannu-ki-Adad mentioned] a
213. Twelve clay bullae, probably all from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C. See no. 212 above, and 82–3–23 under Museum Collections above]. King to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal) with guilloche border. Not all from the same seal. K.16792. From Kuyunjik. King, Catalogue, VI, p. 222 no. 3324 (a) K.16793. From Kuyunjik. King, Catalogue, VI, p. 222 no. 3325 Sm.2281. From Kuyunjik. Sachs, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 170 no. 33 [possibly same seal as Sm.2414] (b) Sm.2282. From Kuyunjik [possibly same seal as Sm.2281 and Sm.2414] (c) Sm.2414. From Kuyunjik [same seal as Sm.2281] (d) 50776 (82–3–23,1768). From Kuyunjik. Millard, Iraq 27 (1965), pp. 15, 16, fig. 4 no. 41; Postgate, TCAE, p. 22 no. 7.2.9; Fales and Postgate, SAA 11, no. 57; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 101 (e) 50780 (82–3–23,1772). From Kuyunjik. Millard, Iraq 27 (1965), pp. 15, 16, fig. 4 no. 42; Postgate, TCAE, p. 22 no. 7.2.8; Fales and Postgate, SAA 11, no. 56; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 91, pl. 10.3 50794 (82–3–23,1786). From Kuyunjik. Millard, Iraq 27 (1965), pp. 15, 16, fig. 4 no. 43[copy]; Postgate, TCAE, p. 22 no. 7.2.11; Fales and Postgate, SAA 11, no. 58 (f ) 98863 (1905–4–9,369). From Kuyunjik. Sachs, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 170 no. 39 (g) 99338 (1904–10–9,371). From Kuyunjik. Sachs, Iraq 15 (1953), p. 170 no. 38; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 30, pl. 7.1 (h) 136987. Probably from Kuyunjik. (i) 136988. Probably from Kuyunjik. ( j)
neo-assyrian period
140575 (1983–1–1,354). Probably from Kuyunjik. Fales and Postgate, SAA 11, no. 60; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 104, pl. 35.9 81–7–27,171. From Kuyunjik. (k)
214. 51–9–2. Fifty-eight clay bullae, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.; see 212 above; arranged in sequence of collection not serial numbers]. King to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal) with plain some with guilloche border, and some with indistinct peripheral cuneiform inscriptions. Not all from the same seal. [One of these is Layard, Monuments, II, pl. 69.2, but it is not clear which]. 51–9–2,45 (84528). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 16. [Also king and courtier with staff between them, no. 229 below] 51–9–2,48 (84531). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 96 [peripheral cuneiform inscription] 51–9–2,49 (84532). 51–9–2,50 (84533). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 44, pl. 35.6 [peripheral cuneiform inscription] 51–9–2,52 (84535). 51–9–2,74 (84556). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 8 51–9–2,95 (84576). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 65 51–9–2,113 (84594). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 71, pl. 35.3 51–9–2,114 (84595). 51–9–2,115 (84596). 51–9–2,119 (84600). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 70, pl. 34.13 51–9–2,124 (84605). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 61 51–9–2,138 (89931). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 55 51–9–2,153 (84634). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 50 51–9–2,154 (84635). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 62, pl. 35.1 51–9–2,155 (84636). 51–9–2,168 (84649). 51–9–2,171 (84652). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 47 51–9–2,173 (84654). Herbordt, Glyptic, pl. 34.15
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
100 51–9–2,174 51–9–2,176 51–9–2,178 51–9–2,179 51–9–2,181 51–9–2,195 51–9–2,199 51–9–2,200 51–9–2,206 51–9–2,208 51–9–2,211 51–9–2,212 51–9–2,225 51–9–2,226 51–9–2,231 51–9–2,233 51–9–2,234 51–9–2,235 51–9–2,239 51–9–2,243 51–9–2,251 51–9–2,255 51–9–2,271 51–9–2,275 51–9–2,278 51–9–2,279 51–9–2,280 51–9–2,282 51–9–2,289 51–9–2,312 51–9–2,300 51–9–2,333 51–9–2,345 51–9–2,357 51–9–2,364 51–9–2,371 51–9–2,416 51–9–2,430 51–9–2,431 51–9–2,447
(84655). (84657). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 14 (84659). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 1 (84660). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 49 (84662). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 66 (84676). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 4 (84680). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 57, pl. 34.12 (84681). (84687). (84689). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 15, pl. 34.10 (84692). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 51, pl. 34.17 (84693). (84706). (84707). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 10 (84712). (84714). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 48, pl. 34.6 (84715). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 68 (84716). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 64 (84720). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 69 (84724). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 9 (84732). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 2 (84736). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 6 (84752). guilloche border; diam. 1.6 cm (84756). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 41 [indistinct peripheral cuneiform inscription] (84759). diam. 1.58 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 3 (84760). diam. 1.7 cm; Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 58 (84761). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 54 (84763). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 126 no. 95, pl. 35.4 [peripheral cuneiform inscription] (84770). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 5 (89935). diam. 1.8 cm (84781). [Also king and courtier with staff between them, no. 229 below] (84793). (84799). (84810). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 56 (84817). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 52 (84824). guilloche border, diam. 1.77 cm (84848). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 53 (84862). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 59 (84863). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 60 (84877). ring mount, diam 1.6 cm
215. 81–2–4,351 (drawing), 356, 359, 360, 363, 371. Six clay bullae, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.] King to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal) with plain border. Not all from the same seal.
neo-assyrian period
216. Twenty-one clay and one (137304) bituminous clay (?) bullae, uninscribed, probably all from Kuyunjik. [8th–7th century B.C.] King to right stabbing rampant lion (Royal seal), with plain border, some with indistinct peripheral cuneiform inscriptions. Not all from the same seal. Sm.2231. From Kuyunjik [possibly same seal as Sm.2278] [indistinct peripheral cuneiform inscription] (a) Sm.2278. From Kuyunjik [possibly same seal as Sm.2231] [indistinct peripheral cuneiform inscription] SM.2280. From Kuyunjik [parts of peripheral cuneiform inscription: . . . . bani . . . . “ar mat a““ur . . . . m a““ur . . [id]din . . . . a““ur apal] (b) Sm.2328. From Kuyunjik [only part preserved. Indistinct peripheral cuneiform inscription] (c) 98713 (1905–4–9,219). From Kuyunjik (d) 137304. Probably from Kuyunjik [bituminous clay?] (e) 139510 (1983–1–1,53). Probably from Kuyunjik. Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 125 no. 67 140576 (1983–1–1,355). Probably from Kuyunjik 81–7–27,154. From Kuyunjik. 81–7–27,157. From Kuyunjik. 81–7–27,160. From Kuyunjik. 81–7–27,168. From Kuyunjik. (f ) 82–3–23,5146. From Kuyunjik. [Indistinct peripheral cuneiform inscription]. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 125. (g) 82–3–23,5149. From Kuyunjik. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 125 (h) 82–3–23,5153. From Kuyunjik. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 125 82–3–23,5155. From Kuyunjik. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 125 (i) 82–3–23,5158. From Kuyunjik. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 125 ( j)
217. 51–9–2,69 (84551), 98 (84579), 136–137 (84617–18), 206 (84687), 326 (89947) 397 (89971), 464 (89992). Eight clay bullae, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. Three representations of the king to right stabbing a lion (Royal Seal), each within a double circle, one above and two below, all within a circular guilloche border, with three threepointed devices (“Y-förmige Symbole”, Herbordt) as space fillers. [One of these bullae is Layard, Monuments, II, pl. 69.4, but it is not clear which]. Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 127–128, 133, pl. 35.8 [84551]
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218. 81–2–4,353, 355, 361, 362. Five clay bullae, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. Three representations of the king to right stabbing a lion (Royal Seal), each within a double circle, one above and two below, all within a circular guilloche border, with three threepointed devices (“Y-förmige Symbole”, Herbordt) as space fillers. Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 127–128 219. Sm.2373. Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [8th–7th century B.C. See no. 218 above] Indistinct: three representations of the king to right stabbing a lion (Royal Seal), each within a double circle, one above and two below, all within a circular guilloche border, with three three-pointed devices (“Y-förmige Symbole”, Herbordt) as space fillers. Indistinct on Sm.2373. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 42 [50778]
220. 51–9–2,321 (84791); 81–2–4,358; 81–7–27,175. Three clay bullae, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. Three representations of the king to right stabbing a lion (Royal Seal), each within a circle, two above and one below, with three scorpions in the spaces between them, within guilloche border [three times impressed on 84791]. The impressions on both 81–7–27,175 and 84791 are very similar; but the fact that in the impression on 81–7–27,175 (b) the details of the king’s garment are not clear while the guilloche border is, whereas in the three impressions on 84791 (a) the details of the king’s garment are clear while the border is not, suggests that they may be from different seals. Layard, N&B, p. 161 [NuB, pl. XIV.I] [84791] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 127–128 and n. 7 Mattila, SAA 14, p. 9 fig. 3 [photograph of 84791]
221. 51–9–2,190 (84671). Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. King with supporter, probably the queen (Reade), to left with raised hands facing deity to right with raised hands, seated on a throne on the back of a lion, and backed by a circle with radiating lines terminating in drill holes, trace of scorpion above, guilloche border. [A chalcedony dome-backed seal in the British Museum (2002–5–15,1) has a similar scene with a guilloche border]. Reade, “Feminist”, p. 145, fig. 7 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 138, pl. 32.3
neo-assyrian period
222. 51–9–2, 71 (84553). Bulla of bituminous clay (?), uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. King with supporter, probably the queen (Herbordt (< Reade)), to left with raised hands facing deity with raised hands to right seated on a throne on the back of a lion, the throne backed by radiating lines terminating in drill holes, scorpion above, guilloche border. [See also nos 223–224 below; and on the scorpion no. 230 below]. Layard, N & B, p. 154 no. 1 Layard, Monuments, II, pl. 69.6 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 138 and n. 50 Cf. Reade, “Feminist”, pp. 144–145 [not specifically cited]
223. 51–9–2,313 (84789) and 349 (84802). Clay bullae, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. King with supporter (a), probably the queen (Reade), to left with raised hands facing deity with raised hands to right, standing on the back of a lion, and backed by a circle with radiating lines terminating in drill holes, scorpion above (missing on 84802 (b)), guilloche border. These two are similar, but not from the same seal. [See no 222 above]. Layard, Monuments, II, pl. 69.16 [84802] (c) Reade, “Feminist”, pp. 144–145, figs 5 [84789] and 6 [84802] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 137, pl. 32.4 [84802], 5 [84789]
224. 50781 (82–3–23,1773). Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [8th–7th century B.C.]. King with supporter, probably the queen (following Reade), to left with raised hands facing deity with raised hands standing on the back of a lion to right backed by a circle with radiating lines terminating in drill holes, traces of scorpion above and to right of the deity. [See no. 222 above]. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 43 Cf. Reade, “Feminist”, pp. 144–145 [not specifically cited]
225. Twenty-five clay bullae, two (89938, 84893) inscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. Horse on its hind legs to left followed by the king with supporter holding a banana-shaped parasol. Not all from the same seal. [Also bird with spread wings on 89940 and 89967 (no. 252 below)].
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51–9–2,299 (84780), 301 (84782), 307 (89934), 310 (84787), 315 (84790), 316 (89938), 317–318 (89939–40), 323 (89944), 388 (89966), 389–390 (84835–36), 391 (89967), 392 (84837), 394 (84838) (a), 436 (84868), 480 (84893), 81–7–27,163 (e). [same seal on 81–7–27,173 and 176; and probably on 81–7–27, 164]. [Also bird with spread wings to left, no. 252 below] 81–7–27,164. [probably same seal as on 81–7–27,163] 81–7–27,173 (e). [same seal as on 81–7–27,163]. Also crude cross. 81–7–27,176. [same seal as on 81–7–27,163] Sm.2223 (b), 2230, 2279 50779 (82–3–23,1771) (d). [same seal as 50768] 98549 (1905–4–9,55); 98550 (1905–4–9,56); 98551 (1905–4–9,57); 82–3–23,5148 [from the same seal]; Layard, Monuments, II, pl. 69.10 [89938]; N&B, p. 154 [description no. 2] Fales and Postgate, SAA, 11, nos 55 [89938], 74 [84893; dated 18/12/-] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 138, 139, 157–158, pl. 20.3 = 33.12 [98549]; 33.10 [84893]
226. 51–9–2,387 (89965), 393 (89968). Two clay bullae, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. Horse on its hind legs to left followed by the king with supporter holding a cone-shaped parasol. [Similar to seal on 98549 (no. 225 above). Also bird with spread wings on 89968 (no. 252 below)]. 227. 81–2–4,364. Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. Horse on its hind legs to left followed by the king with supporter holding a parasol 228. Seventeen clay bullae, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably 8th–7th century B.C.] Horse on its hind legs to left followed by the king with supporter holding a cone-shaped parasol. Not all from the same seal. Sm.2277. [Also bird with spread wings to left, no. 252 below, which is also on 81–2–27,163 under no. 225 above] 50768 (82–3–23,1760). Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 42 [Same seal on 50774, 50779, 50782, 50791 and 50793] 50769 (82–3–23,1761) (a). [same seal as 50775 and 50792] 50774 (82–3–23,1766). [same seal as 50768] 50775 (82–3–23,1767). [same seal as 50769] 50782 (82–3–23,1774). [same seal as 50768] 50791 (82–3–23,1783). [same seal as 50768] 50792 (82–3–23,1784). [same seal as 50769] 50793 (82–3–23,1785). [same seal as 50769] 139509 (1983–1–1,52). Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 138, pls 20.2, 33.11 81–7–27,161. From Kuyunjik. 81–7–27,162. 82–3–23,5152. (c) a
neo-assyrian period 229.
51–9–2,45 (84528), 96–97 (84577–78), 141 (84622), 254 (84735), 260 (84741), 262 (84743), 290 (84771), 300 (84781), 309 (89935), 312 (89936), 374 (84827). Twelve clay bullae, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. King to right with raised hand and holding long vertial wand (?), facing courtier to left with raised right hand; staff/wand surmounted by a cross between them, beaded border. Not all from the same seal. [51–9–2,45 (84528), 254 (89935) and 300 (84781) also have Royal Seal impression (no. 214 above)]. Layard, N&B, pp. 154–155 [description no. 4] Layard, Monuments, II, pl. 69.1 [89935] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 133, 157, pl. 20.7 [89935]
229A. 51–9–2,73 (84555). Clay bulla, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. Deity to right facing two smaller figures to left, bearded figure leading and female (?) following, winged disc above.
51–9–2. Nineteen clay bullae, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. Scorpion. [The scorpion seal, oval or round, with or without a guilloche border (Layard, N&B, p. 155 no. 5; Pinches, KG, p. 179 no. 69), occurs frequently, and has been identified as connected with the royal harim (Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 136–138); for the royal scorpion see also nos 220–224 above)]. 51–9–2,56 (84539). 51–9–2,68 (84550). Herbordt, Glyptic, pl. 33.6 51–9–2,70 (84552). Herbordt, Glyptic, pl. 33.1 51–9–2,111 (84592). 51–9–2,122 (84603). Herbordt, Glyptic, pl. 33.3 51–9–2,123 (84604). 51–9–2,134 (84615). 51–9–2,139 (84620). 51–9–2,165 (84646). 51–9–2,218 (84699). Herbordt, Glyptic, pl. 33.2 51–9–2,219 (84700). 51–9–2,224 (84705). Herbordt, Glyptic, pl. 33.4 51–9–2,266 (84747). 51–9–2,277 (84758). 51–9–2,322 (89943). 51–9–2,375 (84828). (a) 51–9–2,376 (84829). (b) Probably Layard, Monuments, II, pl. 69.8
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51–9–2,399 (89973). 51–9–2,415 (84847). Herbordt, Glyptic, pl. 33.7 a
231. 81–2–4, 354, 365, 366, 369. Four clay bullae, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. Scorpion. [On the scorpion seal see no. 230 above]. 232. Sm.2210, Sm.2385; 50772 (82–3–23,1764), 50797 (82–3–23,1789), 90962 (12094), 81–7–27,153, 159, 172. Eight clay bullae, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably 8th–7th century B.C.]. Scorpion in guilloche border, 50772 and 50797 from the same seal, but the others only similar. [On the scorpion seal see no. 230 above]. Drawings: (a) Sm.2210; (b) Sm.2385; (c) 50772; (d) 81–7–27,153; (e) 81–7–27,172.
233. 82–3–23,5159. Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably 8th–7th century B.C.]. Scorpion in border of linked buds, the links looping inwards. Herbordt, Glyptic, pl. 33.5
234. 51–9–2,46 (84529). Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. Man on horseback hunting stag below him to the right, the horse with elaborate harness and head ornament (?). Layard, N&B, p. 155 [with engraving, upper right]; NuB, pl. XVII.D Pinches, KG, p. 180 no. 80 Birch, Pottery, p. 82 fig. 68 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 141, pl. 31.1
235. 51–9–2,55 (84538) and 51–9–2,361 (84814). Two, clay bullae, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. Dagger with two addorsed lions’ heads on the hilt. Layard, Monuments, II, pl. 69.7; N&B, p. 155 no. 9 Pinches, KG, p. 181 no. 97 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 141 and n. 69, pl. 33.8
neo-assyrian period
236. 51–9–2,57–58 (84540–41), 59+60 (84542), 61–65 (84543–47), 94 (84575), 383 (84833). Ten clay bullae, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.] Two scarab/scaraboid seals with bezel grooves: (a) three registers divided by single lines: sixpointed star between two omega-like symbols; Aramaic inscription 'tr'zr [no l visible before 'tr'zr], “'Atar'ezer”; winged scarab; (b) three registers divided by double lines: winged uraeus with circle at tail; Aramaic inscription, probably ˙nn, “Óanan” (?). Many impressions of both, particularly (b), mostly imperfectly impressed, but both clearly on 84541; probably both on each of the nine other bullae Layard, N&B, p. 155 [with steel engravings: below left (a) composite; middle (b) inverted [probably 84841]; right possibly (b)]; NuB, pl. XVII.E Levy, Siegel und Gemmen (1869), p. 9, no. 13 [(a)] Lenormant Rev. Arch. 26 (1873), p. 229 [(a) l'bd'zr] Pinches, KG, p. 179, no 68 [Atarsar] de Vogüé, CIS, II, no. 52 [(a)][l'tr'zh] Galling, ZDPV 64 (1941), p. 181, pl. 6, no. 62 [(a)] Millard, Iraq 27 (1965), p. 14 n. 7 [(a) “Levantine notable”] Barnett, Eretz Israel 8 (1967), pp. 5*–6* and n. 27 [(a)], pl. VII.4 Zadok, West Semites in Babylonia, p. 327 no. 4112.2 [(a), on the name 'tr'zr (where for “ivory” read “bronze bowl”)] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 122, 143, pl. 18.26 Avigad, Corpus, nos 796 (A-J) [(b), photos B [84541], E [84544], reading ˙nn proposed by P. Bordreuil and A. Lemaire; 837 (A-J) [(a), photo B [84841], reading l'tr'zr, classified as Aramaic on basis of 'Atar'ezer, but script Phoenician-Aramaic] [c. 700 B.C.] Deutsch, Messages, p. 48 nos 4.2 and 2.a a
237. 51–9–2,72 (84554) and 401 (89974). Two clay bullae (textile impression over obverse of 84554), uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.] Couchant caprid to left with head turned back to right, on a horizontal ladder-like platform, two vertical objects (vases?) on left.
238. 51–9–2,80 (84562). Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.] Fifteen(?)-pointed star with circle and crescent in the centre. Layard, Monuments, II, pl. 69.11 Layard, N&B, p. 155 no. 11 Pinches, KG, p. 181 no. 103 Herbordt, Glyptic, pl. 11.2 [Layard, pl. 69.11 reproduced]
239. 51–9–2,81 (84563). Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C. Impression perhaps similar to that on K.426 (no. 100 above, in which case possibly c. 650 B.C.)]. Eight-spoked wheel (?).
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum Layard, Monuments, II, pl. 69.13 Pinches, KG, p. 181 no. 102 Herbordt, Glyptic, pl. 11.3 [Layard, pl. 69.13 reproduced]
240. 51–9–2,89–90 (84570–71), 93 (84574). Three clay bullae, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.] Egyptian: two empty plumed cartouches over the nbw (gold) sign. Layard, N&B, pp. 155–156 “one” [with steel engraving of 84571]; NuB, pl. XVII.K Birch, Pottery, p. 83 fig. 73 [84571] Pinches, KG, p. 180 no. 93 Hall, Catalogue of Egyptian Scarabs, I, p. 290 nos 2779, 2777, 2778 Giveon, Scarabs, pp. 168–169 Kuyunjik no. 5 [with drawing and photograph of 84571] Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 367 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 121, pl. 18.8
241. 51–9–2,91 (84572). Clay bulla, uninscribed, trace of textile impression over obverse, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.] Egyptian: scarab/scaraboid seal: Harpocrates to left with raised right hand (not touching his lips), sitting on a lotus flower (?), facing a grain of wheat (?). Layard, N&B, p. 156 with drawing, upper right; NuB, pl. XVII.L Pinches, KG, p. 180 no. 82 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 110, pl. 14.16
242. 51–9–2,105 (84586). Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C. This bulla was numbered in the middle of the group of Hittite Hieroglyphic impressions, 51–9–2,102–104, 106–110 (84583–5, 84587–91), nos 14–19 above, but there is no reason to see it as Hittite]. Scarab/scaraboid seal: crouching dog (Saluki?) to left. Hawkins, Corpus, I, 2, p. 581
243. 51–9–2,121 (84602). Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. Three staged ziqqurrat within a necklace-like surround. Layard, Monuments, II, pl. 69.3 Pinches, NG, p. 180 no. 81 [“? Collar and other ornaments”] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 141–2, 157, pl. 20.13
neo-assyrian period
244. 51–9–2,128 (84609). Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. Ear of wheat within a drill-hole circle [cf. 51–9–2,140, (no. 246 below)] Layard, N&B, p. 155 no. 8 [or possibly 84621 (no. 246 below)] Layard, Monuments, II, pl. 69.14 Pinches, NG, p. 181 no. 98a Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 138, 157, 158, pl. 20.8
245. 51–9–2,138a (84619). Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. Scarab/scaraboid shape: A““ur in winged [disk] supported by worshipper to right and bull man to left facing inwards to a sacred tree. [Similar scene on 89946 etc. no. 253 below]. Layard, Monuments, II, pl. 69.20 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 156, pl. 13.8 [similar scenes in pl. 13.1 (134554, no. 83 above), 2 (K.282, no. 139 above), 3 (Yale), and with more variation in 4 (ND.2346, no. 81 above), and 5 (ND.2093, no. 151 above)]
246. 51–9–2,140 (84621). Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. Ear of wheat within a pomegranate (?) border [cf. 51–9–2,128 (no. 244 above)] Layard, N&B, p. 155, possibly no. 8 [or 84609, q.v., no. 244 above] Layard, Monuments, II, pl. 69.12 Pinches, NG, p. 181 no. 98 Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 138, 157, 158, pl. 20.9
247. 51–9–2,248 (84729) and 351 (84804). Two clay bullae, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. Bull’s head to left facing trident or plant. Layard, Monuments, II, pl. 69.18 [84729]; N&B, p. 155 no. 10 Pinches, NG, p. 180 no. 83 Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 156, pl. 17.2 [84729]
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248. 51–9–2,249 (84730). Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. Deity to right faced by worshipper to left with raised hands, bull on right below five drill holes. Layard, Monuments, II, pl. 69.17 Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 154, 157, pl. 14.26
249. 51–9–2,298 (84779) and 384 (84834). Two clay bullae, 84834 with traces of an inscription, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. Human figure to left in a crescent(-shaped boat?), holding a staff and facing a fish (?). Layard, Monuments, II, pl. 69.5 [84779]; N&B, p. 154 no. 3 Fales and Postgate, SAA, 11, no. 75, and copy on p. 205 [84834] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 156, pl. 12.8 [84779]
250. 51–9–2,302 (84783). Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. Badly impressed and the top third missing: An animal and a man (or two animals?) rearing up on either side of a post. Layard, Monuments, II, pl. 69.25
251. 51–9–2,311 (84788). Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. Deity to right seated on a throne with decorated back, above a seated quadruped to right, facing worshipper to left, winged disk above.
252. Five clay bullae, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. Scarab/scaraboid shaped seal: bird with spread wings to left. 89940 (51–9–2,318) [Also horse, king and attendant with parasol, no. 228 (b) above] 89967 (51–9–2,391) [Also horse, king and attendant with parasol, no. 225 above] 89968 (51–9–2,393) [[Also horse on hind legs with king and parasol-bearer, no 226 above]
neo-assyrian period
Sm.2277 [Also horse, king and attendant with parasol, no. 228 above] 81–7–27,163 [Also horse, king and attendant with parasol, no. 225 (e) above] Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 117–119 (none mentioned specifically), pl. 17.11 253. 51–9–2,325 (89946), 403–404 (89975–76), 405 (84841), 406–408 (89977–79). Seven clay bullae, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. Winged disk with three heads above over a stylised tree, with two supporters, man on right and bull-man on left; indistinct on 89946. [Similar to, but different from, 84619, no. 245 above]. 254. 51–9–2,370 (84823). Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. Part missing: horseman to left with raised spear, the horse with elaborate bridle and crest. Layard, N&B, p. 155 [and engraving, upper left]; NuB, pl. XVII.C Birch, Pottery, p. 82 fig. 69 Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 141, pl. 31.2
255. 51–9–2,379 (89961). Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. Four times impressed: mu“¢u““u to left with symbols on its back. 256. 51–9–2,395 (89969). Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. Two seals: (a) crudely cut: seated deity to right, worshipper to left, winged disk over crescent above; (b) crudely cut and badly impressed: two facing standing figures, fronded plant between them and winged disk above. 257. 51–9–2,396 (89970), and 448 (91913). Two clay bullae, 91913 inscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. Winged disk over a bed (?). Fales and Postgate, SAA, 11, no. 71 [91913] Mattila, SAA 14, p. 7 fig. 2 [photograph of 89970] Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 157, pl. 20.12 [89970]
258. 51–9–2,413 (89980). Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. Crudely cut and badly impressed: two facing standing figures below two crescents. 259. 51–9–2,449–450 (89983–84). Two clay bullae, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. Crudely cut: quadruped to left over stylised plant and below six-pointed star. 260. 51–9–2,452 (84879). Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.]. Indistinct: deity (?) to right with radiating rays (?), standing on a lion (?) to right squatting on its haunches.
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81–2–4,148. Docket with Aramaic inscription, from Kuyunjik. [Probably late 8th–7th century B.C.] Crude intaglio marks as though the docket was itself a seal: crescent, ellipse, rectangle and three fingernail impressions. de Vogüé, CIS, II, no. 43 Fales, Epigraphs, no. 13, fig. 13 Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 249, pls 17.23, 29.3
81–2–4,370. Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [No date. Late 8th–7th century B.C.] Indistinct: bird with sheep (?)
K.989. Docket, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [No date. Probably 8th–7th century B.C.] Indistinct: human figure to left with raised hand (?) to left. Bezold, Catalogue, I, p. 205
K.16790. Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [No date. Probably 8th–7th century B.C.] Only partially impressed: lower parts of two human figures (?), facing inwards (?). King, Catalogue, VI, p. 222 no. 3322 Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 109–110, pl. 14.25
K.16791. Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [No date. Probably 8th–7th century B.C.] Indistinct: stylised tree over animal (?). King, Catalogue, VI, p. 222 no. 3323
K.19655. Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [No date. Probably 8th–7th century B.C.] Part of Royal Seal, only the lion remaining. Herbordt, Glyptic, p. 124 no. 7 Lambert, Catalogue, T.S., p. 38
266A. K.19665. Clay bull, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [No date. Probably 8th–7th century B.C.] Indistinct: bearded figure to right standing in a crescent (boat?). Lambert, Catalogue, T.S., p. 38
Sm.2323. Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [No date. Probably 8th–7th century B.C.] Oval seal only partially impressed: worshipper to right.
neo-assyrian period
268. Sm.2386. Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [No date. Probably 8th–7th century B.C.] Oval seal only partially impressed: feet of two men facing inwards, with fish (?) between.
269. 50770 (82–3–23,1762). Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [No date. Probably 8th–7th century B.C.]. Impression of an Egyptian ornament showing Hathor head over a lotus bud. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 42 [Reade, p. xxxii, probably actually part of the 82–5–22 Collection]
270. 50771 (82–3–23,1763) and 50796 (82–3–23,1788). Two clay bullae, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [No date. Probably 8th–7th century B.C.]. Worshipper to left with raised hands, facing standing deity to right with raised hands, backed by a circle with eleven radiating lines with drill holes at the ends. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, pp. 42, 43 [see also under no. 269]
271. 50773 (82–3–23,1765). Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [No date. Probably 8th–7th century B.C.]. Human figure to right with raised hands facing stylised plant below eight-pointed star with cross to right. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 42 [See also under no. 269]
272. 50777 (82–3–23,1769). Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [No date. Probably 8th–7th century B.C.]. Crudely executed: bird on the back of an animal (?). Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 42 [See also under no. 269]
273. 50795 (82–3–23,1787). Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [No date. Probably 8th–7th century B.C.].
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
(a) Deity with raised right hand and crescent-on-rod symbol in left hand, standing in stylised boat; (b) only partially impressed: two human figures facing each other, crescent-on-rod symbol in hand of left figure, dagger at waist of right figure, crescent below. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 43 [See also under no. 269]
274. 50799 (82–3–23,1791). Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [No date. Probably 8th–7th century B.C.]. Oval (scaraboid?) seal in finger-ring mount: Worshipper to right facing seated deity on the back of a seated animal (caprid?) Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 43 [See also under no. 269]
275. 98722 (1905–4–9,228). Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [No date. Probably 8th–7th century B.C.]. Indistinct. King, Catalogue, VI, p. 67 no. 631
276. 98823 (1905–4–9,329). Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [No date. Probably 8th–7th century B.C.]. Scarab/scaraboid shape: geometric pattern of cris-cross lines. King, Catalogue, VI, p. 74 no. 730
277. 99337 (1904–10–9,370). Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [No date. Probably 8th–7th century B.C.]. Human figure to right with raised hands holding a pendulous object. King, Catalogue, VI, pp. 46–47 no. 382 Herbordt, Glyptic, pp. 109–110, pl. 14.27
neo-assyrian period
277A. 139525 (1984–1–21,1). Docket, record of barley, from Kuyunjik. [No date. Probably 8th–7th century B.C.]. Indistinct. Lambert, Catalogue, T.S., p. 80
81–7–27,167. Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [No date. Probably 8th–7th century B.C.]. Scarab/scaraboid shape: worshipper to right with raised hands facing eight-pointed star over five-leaved plant (?).
81–7–27,169. Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [No date. Probably 8th–7th century B.C.]. Two bull-men supporting winged disk over sacred tree.
82–3–23,5150 and 5154. Two clay bullae, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [No date. Probably 8th–7th century B.C.]. Two bull-men supporting winged disk with heads of Assur and two supporting deities above the wings, over sacred tree. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 125
82–3–23,5156. Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [No date. Probably 8th–7th century B.C.]. Quadruped (caprid?) to left. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 125
82–3–23,5157. Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [No date. Probably 8th–7th century B.C.]. Only partially impressed: three-armed divider separating animals’ (one perhaps a lion’s?) heads (?). Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 125
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
283. 82–3–23,5160. Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [No date. Probably 8th–7th century B.C.]. Clay seal in conical form: crude cross in intaglio on the base. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 125
284. 82–3–23,5185. Clay bulla, uninscribed, from Kuyunjik. [No date. Probably 8th–7th century B.C.]. Figure to right seated on elaborate throne, facing stylised plant (?) on low table. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 125
NEO-BABYLONIAN PERIOD NABOPOLASSAR 626–605 B.C. c. 605 B.C. 285. 116222–25 (1922–5–11,355–358). Four clay bullae, uninscribed, from Jerablus (Carchemish), House D, Room 5. [These impressions, dated to Necho II (610–595 B.C.), presumably belong to a time shortly before the defeat of the Egyptian forces by the Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar at Carchemish in about May–June 605 B.C., and before Nebuchadnezzar succeeded Nabopolassar as king in August (see e.g. Wiseman, Chronicles of Chaldaean Kings, pp. 23–26)]. Egyptian cartouche inscribed s¡ r' nk¡ w, “Son of Re, Necho”, sun-disk and plumes above. Woolley, Carchemish, II, p. l28, pl. 26.c.1–4 Porter and Moss, Topographical Bibliography, VII, p. 398 Giveon, Scarabs from Western Asia, pp. 162–163 no. 7
286. 16226 –27 (1922–5–11,359–360). Two clay bullae, uninscribed, from Jerablus, House D, Room 1. [Presumably same date as 116222–25, no 285 above]. Egyptian inscription s˙¡ t ˙r . . ., “Sekhat-Hor . . .” Woolley, Carchemish, II, p. 126 [116227 only], pl. 26.c.5–6 Giveon, Scarabs from Western Asia, pp. 162–163 no. 8 a
NEBUCHADNEZZAR II 605–562 B.C. 602 B.C. 287. 49711 (82–3–23,702). Tablet, contract, from Abu Habbah. 9/9/3/Nebuchadnezzar. Cylinder seal used as stamp: parts of winged human figure to left with right knee raised—T [*] 590 B.C. 288. 30940 (76–11–17,667). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 19/4/15/Nebuchadnezzar. Worshipper with raised hands to right facing symbols on a stand, crescent above—B. Strassmaier, Nabochodonosor, no. 107; HC, no. 146 Bertin, Copies, no. 81
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
575/574+ B.C. 289. 79543 (89–10–14,93). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 6/12/30+?/Nebuchadnezzar [i.e. 575/574 B.C. or later]. Two cylinder seals used as a stamps: (a) worshipper with raised hands to left, crescent above, traces of cuneiform signs, possibly PA at lower left—B; (b) worshipper with raised hands to left—L. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 197 Jursa, AfO Beiheft 25, pp. 122–123, 245 [copy with rough drawing] George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 142
564 B.C. 290. 55935 (82–7–14,294). Tablet, receipt, from Abu Habbah. 21/10/?+1/Nebuchadnezzar [there is a wide space between MU (“attu) and “1” so 41 (564 B.C.) is more likely than 31 (574 B.C.) or 21 (584 B.C.)]. Imperfectly impressed: quadruped to right (?). Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 192 [Nbk 21/10/21] Pinches, CT 55. no. 589 [with drawing] 291. 64650 (82–9–18,4630). Tablet, manumission of slave, from Abu Habbah. 24/12/41/ Nebuchadnezzar. Couchant human-headed, winged, lion to right. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p 130 MacGinnis, Acta Sumerologica 15 (1993), pp. 99–103, 105–106 [copy with drawing] George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 104
561 B.C. 292. 77882 (85–4–30,75). Tablet, tax account, from Babylonia. 2/2/43/. [*] Only partially impressed; two squatting monkeys (?) facing inwards to a stylised plant, on a horizontal line over hatching. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 119
neo-babylonian period
NERIGLISSAR 560–556 B.C. 558/557 B.C. 293. 47475 (81–11–3,180). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. -/-/21/Neriglissar. Worshipper to right facing symbols on a stand and below a crescent.
Neriglissar: not precisely dated (560–556 B.C.) 294. 88414 (1901–2–9,131). Tablet, contract, provenance not recorded, probably Babylonia. -/-/-/ Neriglissar Only partially impressed: worshipper with raised hands to right.
295. 113908 (1919–11–8,1). Tablet, legal judgement, from Babylonia. -/-/-/-. [date missing, but Nergal-“arra-ußur mentioned in line 7 (Wunsch)] Six seals: (a) left part missing: worshipper with raised hands to left facing symbols on a platform, winged disk above—L1; (b)–(f ) five cylinder seals, one missing—L2–3, R1–3. [S.i.]. Wunsch, Aula Orientalis 17–18 (1999–2000), pp. 242–244, 254 [copy with drawings of seals]; AOAT 252 (2000), p. 592 et passim
NABONIDUS 556–539 B.C. 553 B.C. 296. 41402 (81–6–25,13). Tablet, legal judgement, from Babylonia. 12/11/acc/Nabonidus. Eight seals: (a) worshipper to right with raised hands—T2; (b) crescent on stone—T1 ((a) and (b) possibly from a single cylinder seal, each used as a stamp); (c) worshipper to right with raised hands—B1; (d) crescent—B.2 ((c) and (d) possibly from a single cylinder); (e) warrior to right subduing figure en face with six ringlets [seal of Nergal-u“allim, also on 30707 (no. 317), 31398 (no. 300), 32157 (no. 307), 41415 (no. 298), and others (Wunsch, AOAT 252 (2000), pp. 567 and 584–585 with drawing and list of other occurrences)]—B3; (f ) possibly cylinder impressed twice as if two stamps: worshipper to right with raised hands facing stylised doorway (?) with concave sides—R2+3; (g) animal-headed sceptre and eight-pointed star—T3; (h) cylinder: winged human-headed figure to left grasping winged human headed quadruped behind him and also to left—L. Pinches, NCS, p. 90 no. 39 Strassmaier, Nabonidus, no13 Peiser, ZA 3 (1888), pp. 82–83; KB 4 (1896), pp. 206–209, no. II Boissier, Recherches (1890), pp. 56–58 [. . . no. 13] Marx, BA 4 (1902), p. 53
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
Dandamaev, Slavery, pp. 189–190 Wunsch, AfO 44/45 (1997–98), pp. 96, 97 no. 30 [drawings of seals]; AOAT 252 (2000), p. 593 et passim Bertin, Copies, nos 338–339 554 B.C. 297. 33133 (79–7–30,34). Tablet, contract, from Babylon. 24/10/1/Nabonidus. [*] Indistinct: fish-man (?) to right. Strassmaier, Nabonidus, no. 352 Bertin, Copies, no. 466 298. 41415 (81–6–25,26). Tablet, legal judgement, from Babylonia. 11/11/-/Nabonidus. [Probably Nabonidus year 1, on basis of contents (Wunsch)] Seven seals surviving, some cylinder seals used as stamps: (a) bearded figure with raised hands to left facing winged disk, crescent and dog (?)—R4; (b) bearded figure with raised hands to right facing crescent on stand—L4 (and 5?); (c) figure in belted garment with raised hands to right—T2; (d) bearded figure in belted garment with raised hands to right—R2; (e) bearded figure in head-dress to left—L1; (f ) crescent on stand—T1; (g) Akkadian style: naked bearded hero fighting bull (? only partially impressed),—R3; (h-j) imperfectly impressed—L2, L3, R1. Strassmaier, Nabonidus, no. 1128 [copy] Peiser, BRL 2 (1892), pp. 70–72 [with translation] Wunsch, AfO 44/45 (1997/98), pp. 98 no. 35 [commentary], 99 [drawings of seals]; AOAT, 252 (2000), p. 596 et passim a
299. 56804 (82–7–14.1212). Tablet. letter. from Abu Habbah. 29/12II/1/Nabonidus. Only partially impressed: two lions’ heads (?) crossed (?) Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 217 Pinches, CT 55, no. 59 [with drawing] Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465–66 Jursa, AfO Beiheft 25, p. 123 300. 31398 (76–11–17,1125). Tablet, legal judgement, from Babylonia. 8/3/2/Nabonidus. Four seals, only partially impressed, probably cylinders used as stamps: (a) worshipper with raised hand to right facing crescent on stone—R1; (b) bearded warrior to right attacking human figure en face with hair in three ringlets, Akkadian style—R2; (c) crescent on stone—R3; (d) figure to left with left hand held forward—L2; other impressions indistinct. Strassmaier, Nabonidus, no. 64 [2.3.8] Wunsch, AfO 44/45 (1997/98), p. 97 no. 32 [drawings of seals]; AOAT 252 (2000), pp. 593–594 et passim Bertin, Copies, no. 362 301. 56769 (82–7–14,1177). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 24/8/2/Nabonidus. Worshipper to right. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 216
neo-babylonian period
Pinches, CT 55, no. 60 [with drawing] Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465–66 Jursa, AfO Beiheft 25, p. 96 n. 196 302. 32174 (76–11–17,1901). Tablet, legal judgement, from Babylon. -/-/-/-. [Date missing, but Nabonidus year 2 mentioned in the text. Provenance on basis of contents]. Three seals (cylinders used as stamps): (a) bearded figure to left—L1; (b) winged (?) bearded figure to left—L2; (c) shaven figure to right—L3. Wunsch, AfO 44/45 (1997/98), pp. 89–90 no. 20 [copy with drawings of seals]; AOAT 252 (2000), p. 589 et passim 553 B.C. 303. 55987 (82–7–14,346). Tablet, receipt, from Abu Habbah. 27/12/2/Nabonidus. Figure to right, holding two fish (?) [probably the same seal as on 56214 (no. 304)]—reverse. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 193 Pinches, CT 56, no. 286 [with drawing]
[*] 304. 56214 (82–7–14,575). Tablet, receipt, from Abu Habbah. 25/12/2/-. [King’s name not recorded, but probably Nabonidus, in which case only two days earlier than 55987 (no. 303)]. Figure to right, holding two fish (?) [probably the same seal as on 55987 (no. 303)]—reverse. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 200 Pinches, CT 56, no. 643 [with drawing]
305. 56515 (82–7–14,891). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 7/1/3/Nabonidus. Indistinct. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 193 Pinches, CT 55, no. 51 [with drawing] Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465–66; Slavery, p. 313 n. 334 551 B.C. 306. 75734 (AH.83–1–18,1084). Tablet, letter, from Babylon. 18/9/5/Nabonidus. Three seals at end of reverse: (a) worshipper with raised hands to right—centre; (b) human figure to right (carrying an animal?)—left; (c) winged human figure to right—right. Strassmaier, Nabonidus, no. 909 Campbell Thompson, CT 22, no. 51; LBL, no. 51 Bertin, Copies, no. 1291 a
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum 550/549 B.C.
307. 32157+34432 (76–11–17,1884+Sp. 555) Tablet, legal judgement, from Babylonia. -/-/-/-. [Date missing, but the list of judges is the same as that found in texts of Nabonidus year 6 (Wunsch)]. Two seals surviving (cylinders used as stamps): (a) warrior to right subduing figure en face with six ringlets (also on others, see 41402 (no. 296))—L3; (b) worshipper to right facing crescent and six-pointed star each on a stone—R1. Wunsch, AfO 44/45 (1997/98), p. 92 no. 22 [copy with drawings of seals]; AOAT 252 (2000), p. 588 et passim 549 B.C. 308. 55715 (82–7–14,72). Tablet, contract, from Babylon. 26/2/7/Nabonidus. Circular impression: indistinct. Pinches, CT 57, no. 99 Bertin, Copies, no. 1323 548 B.C. 309. 75966 (AH.83–1–18,1323). Tablet, letter, from Babylonia. 22/3/8/Nabonidus. Rectangular impression: winged human figure to left. Strassmaier, Nabonidus, no. 295 Bertin, Copies, no. 1342 548/547 B.C. 310. 56988 (82–7–14,1396). Tablet, receipt, from Abu Habbah. 24/-/8/Nabonidus. [Year 5 is possible, but there seems to be space for three rather than two rows of wedges, i.e. 2+3+3(?).]. Figure to right with raised right hand. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 222 Pinches, CT 56, no. 397 [with drawing] [*] 546 B.C. 311. 60649 (82–9–18,625). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 8/2/10/Nabonidus. Quadruped (dog?) attacking a bird. Strassmaier, Nabonidus, no. 407 MacGinnis. Letter Orders, no. 2, p. 26, pl. 1 [with drawing] Dandamaev, Slavery, p. 303 n. 321 545/544 B.C. 312. 32023+32155+32220 (76–11–17,1750+1882+1947) [I.L. Finkel]. Tablet, legal judgement, from Babylon. -/-/-/-. [Date missing, but probably Nabonidus 11 on basis of comparison with 31070 (76–11–17,797) and 31562 (76–11–17,1289) (Strassmaier, nos 516 and 518), and provenance on basis of contents (Wunsch)]. Six seals (preserved; cylinders used as stamps): (a) worshipper to right with raised hands—L1; (b) another—L3; (c) bearded figure to right, lower part missing—L2; (d) worshipper to left with raised hands facing crescent—R3; (e) trunk of warrior (?) to left with raised right arm— R1; (f ) indistinct—R2. Wunsch, AfO 44/45 (1997/98), pp. 77–79 no. 6 [copy with drawings of seals]; AOAT 252 (2000), p. 588 et passim
neo-babylonian period
544 B.C. 313. 31535 (76–11–17,1262). Tablet, legal judgement, from Babylonia. 17/1/-/Nabonidus. [Year damaged, but probably 12 on basis of contents (Wunsch)]. Four seals distinguishable (cylinders used as stamps): (a) bearded worshipper with raised hands to right—R2; (b) head (only part preserved) of man to right—L2; (c) warrior to left with left leg raised, weapon (?) in raised left hand (?), and other hand out to grasp something—L1; (d) warrior (?) to left with raised arm behind—R1. Strassmaier, Nabonidus, no. 495 [11.1.17] Peiser, BRL 4 (1898), pp. 81–83 Wunsch, AfO 44/45 (1997/98), pp. 97–98 no. 33 [drawings of seals]; AOAT 252 (2000), p. 594 et passim Bertin, Copies, nos 708–9 543 B.C. 314. 79049 (89–4–26,346). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 11/12II/12/Nabonidus. Six seals (d–f: cylinders used as stamps): (a) Head and shoulders of bearded figure to right with raised right hand—T2; (b) head and shoulders of shaven figure with raised right hand—T1; (c) figure similar to b—T3; (d) figure similar to b facing symbol (crescent) on stone—B2; (e) head and shoulders of indistinct shaven (?) figure to left—B1; (f ) king (?) left and warrior with spear right, attacking hero figure with beard and curled locks—L. [S.i.] Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 180 Wunsch, AoF 24 (1997), pp. 231–241 [copy]; AOAT 252 (2000), p. 592 et passim George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 140 a
542 B.C. 315. 30294 (76–11–17,14). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 13/11/13/Nabonidus. Two seals: (a) worshipper with raised hands to left, facing crescent symbol on stone on base; (b) worshipper with raised hands to right, facing bird on stand. Strassmaier, Nabonidus, no. 738 [13.11.15, but UD 13 and MU 13 in the copy] Bertin, Copies, no. 612 316. 74366 (82–9–18A,86). Tablet, receipt, from Abu Habbah. 20/1/14/Nabonidus. Two seals on reverse: (a) winged human figure with head to right—right; (b) indistinct: bird (?) to right—left. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 2 Strassmaier, Nabonidus, no. 798 Bertin, Copies, no. 1531 a
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
317. 30707 (76–11–17,434). Tablet, legal judgement, from Babylonia. 13/5/14/Nabonidus. Six or possibly seven seals (cylinders used as stamps): (a) bearded worshipper to right with raised hands, possibly facing crescent on stone—T1; (b) worshipper to right with raised hands—T2; (c) bearded worshipper to right with raised hands—T3; (d) bearded worshipper to right in round head-dress (most broken away)—L2; (e) part of impression of cylinder showing hero en face with six ringlets, Akkadian style—L1; (f ) cylinder: worshipper to right with raised hands facing two crescents on stones (or possibly two attempts at impression). Strassmaier, Nabonidus, no. 776 Wunsch, AfO 44/45 (1997/98), pp. 97, 98 no. 34 [drawings of seals]; AOAT 252 (2000), p. 596 et passim Bertin, Copies, no. 625 541 B.C. 318. 75513 (AH 83–1–18,856). Tablet, account, possibly from Abu Habbah. 20/6/15/Nabonidus. Faceted dome-backed seal: worshipper to right facing symbols. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 2 Strassmaier, Nabonidus, no. 883 Dandamaev, VP, pp. 191–192 no. 15
319. 92725 (82–9–18A,63). Tablet, contract, from Abu Habbah. 24/9/15/Nabonidus. Two seals at end of reverse: (a) winged human figure to right—right; (b) worshipper with raised hands to right—left. Strassmaier, Nabonidus, no. 911 Bertin, Copies, no. 1557 320. 75650 (AH.83–1–18,1000). Tablet, contract, from Abu Habbah. 23?/10/15/Nabonidus. Two seals at end of reverse: (a) worshipper with raised hands to right—left; (b) drilled style winged quadruped rearing up to right—right. Strassmaier, Nabonidus, no. 920 Bertin, Copies, no. 1580 a
539 B.C. ? 321. 75635 (AH 83–1–18,985). Tablet, letter, possibly from Abu Habbah. -/3/17/-. [King’s name missing. Strassmaier assumes him to have been Nabonidus, in which case the 3rd month of his 17th year would have been 539 B.C. The writer of the letter is Bel-a¢i-iki“a who is also the author of the undated letter BM.WA.74741 (no. 369 below), which Strassmaier dates to the time of Cyrus. There would be no problem about this, though the latter could also have come from the time of Nabonidus].
neo-babylonian period
Worshipper with raised hands to right, facing symbols. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 40 Strassmaier, Nabonidus, no. 1038 Campbell Thompson, CT 22, no. 50; LBL, no. 50 Dandamaev, Slavery, p. 504 n.51
322. 41785 (81–6–25,404). Tablet fragment, list of judges, from Babylon. -/-/17/-[. . . -na"id and MU 17 mentioned in the text (Wunsch)]. Human head to left. [S.i.]. Wunsch, AfO 44/45 (1997/98), pp. 94–95 no. 26 [copy and drawing of seal]; AOAT 252 (2000), p. 591 et passim
c.554–543 B.C. 323. 56455 (82–7–14,831). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. -/-/-/-. [Undated, but the writer, Mu“èzib-Marduk, ”angu priest of the E-Babbar Temple at Sippar, held this office during Nabonidus years 2–13 = 554–543 B.C. (MacGinnis, Letter Orders, pp. 131, 194)]. Standing figure [also on BM.WA.56831 (no. 324 below)]. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 207 Pinches, CT 55, no. 40 [with drawing] Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465–66 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, pp. 178, 180 [drawing], sealing A17 324. 56831 (82–7–14,1239). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. -/-/-/-. [Undated, but the sealing suggests that the writer was Mu“èzib-Marduk on whom see no. 323 above (and MacGinnis, Letter Orders, pp. 131, 192n.1, 195)]. Standing figure [also on BM.WA.56455 (no. 323 above)]. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 218 Pinches, CT 55, no. 53 [with drawing] Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465–66 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, pp. 178, 180 [drawing], sealing A17 Nabonidus: not precisely dated (556–539 B.C.) 325. 32738 (76–11–17,2508) [+] 41935 (81–6–25,556) [+] 42215 (81–6–25,838) and duplicate 33103 (79–7–30,4). Tablet, contract, from Babylon. 12/12/2+X/Nabonidus [date on 42215] Upper part of worshipper with raised hands to right. Wunsch, CM, 20, no. 8, I, pp. 189–90 [copies with drawings of seals], II, pp. 14–15
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
325A. 56975 (82–7–14,1383). Tablet, receipt, from Abu Habbah. 27/8/-/Nabonidus. Figure to right with raised hand(s). Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 221 Pinches, CT 56, no. 107 [with drawing] 326.
56990 (82–7–14,1398). Tablet, receipt, from Abu Habbah. 28/2/-/Nabonidus. Indistinct: figure to right (?). Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 222 Pinches, CT 57, no. 213 [with drawing]
60457 (82–9–18,427). Tablet, inventory, from Abu Habbah. 27/8/-/Nabonidus. Faceted dome-backed seal: figure to left with raised hand facing symbols below crescent. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 12
74730 (AH.83–1–18,48). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 13/12/-/-. [No king’s name recorded. Strassmaier’s suggestion that it was Nabonidus is followed]. Faceted dome-backed seal: figure to right with raised hands facing symbol on an altar. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 14 Strassmaier, Nabonidus, no. 1134 [Nbn? 0.12.13] Campbell Thompson, CT 22, no. 207; LBL, no. 207
NEO-BABYLONIAN: not precisely dated [In numerical order. In some instances cylinder seals appear to have been used as though they were stamp seals. These have been included]. 329.
34447+41916 (Sp. 571+81–6–25,536), 38113 (80–10–12,15) and 38328 (80–11–12,210). Tablets, contracts, from Babylonia. [38113 is dated to 14/9/-/-]. [*] Bearded figure in “Phrygian”-like cap to right holding wand and facing cross above two birds. Wunsch, CM 20, no. 238, I, p. 90 [copy with drawing of seal], II, pp. 269–70
40906 (81–4–28,453). Tablet, letter, from Jumjumah (Babylon). -/-/-/-. Imperfect impressions: two elliptical scaraboids (?): not clear enough to draw.
neo-babylonian period
331. 41382 (81–4–28,931). Sealing, from Babylonia, probably Babylon or Birs Nimrud. Only partially preserved: lower part of a standing figure on a platform to right (?) with plant (?) behind, and three cuneiform wedges below.
332. 41385 (81–4–28,934). Sealing, from Babylonia, probably Babylon or Birs Nimrud. Crouching quadruped to left.
333. 45549 (81–7–1,3310). Sealing, with on reverse impression of cord on a bundle or stopper, from Babylonia. Winged bull leaping to left, cuneiform dingir.pa, “dMuati/Nabû”, below.
334. 45595 (81–7–1,3356). Sealing with impression of cords on reverse, from Babylonia. Human-headed bearded winged quadruped with lion’s forefeet, bird’s (?) hind feet and scorpion tail facing offering stand, the whole within a triple border.
335. 45597 (81–7–1,3358). Sealing with impression of papyrus (?) on reverse, from Babylonia. Worshipper with raised hands to right facing mu“¢u““u with symbols on its back, sitting on an elaborate stand, crescent above.
336. 49160 (81–11–3,1871). Sealing, from Babylonia. Three seals: (a) indistinct and upper part effaced: figure in long robe to left, facing another figure (?), only an arm surviving; (b–c) indistinct.
337. 69986 (82–9–18,9986). Sealing, from Abu Habbah. Crouching archer drawing bow to right, indistinct shape (bird?) on right, forepart of small quadruped to right on left. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 275
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
338. 119062 (1927–10–3,57; U.3226). Sealing, from al-Muqayyar, loose in surface soil. Rectangular: worshipper to left on low platform facing symbols, crescent and bird (?) on posts, on higher platform.
339. 123011 (1931–10–10,79; U.17448). Clay plaque with stamped image, from al-Muqayyar, NH House site, Neo-Babylonian level. Bull running to right. Woolley, Ur Excavations, IX, p. 127 [pp. 43–48 on NH House Site]
NEO-BABYLONIAN OR ACHAEMENIAN: not precisely dated [Placed here on the basis of script and general appearance]. 340. 41672 (81–6–25,289). Fragment of tablet envelope, letter, from Babylonia. -/-/-/-. Impression of faceted dome-backed seal, twice impressed: worshipper with raised hands to left facing crescent on stone on stand.
[*] 343. 42295 (81–7–1,55). Tablet, contract, from Tell Ibrahim. 21/11/4/-. Eight seals: (a) worshipper to left with raised hands, vase (?) on left, bird over bucranium on right, crescent above—B1; (b) bearded figure to right in long robe gripping hind leg of upended bull (?) with left hand and harpé (?) in right, on base line, crescent above—B2; (c) worshipper to right with sprig (?) in raised hands, rear missing, bucket (?) on right—T2; (d) human head to right in pointed hat with fluting from the crown, and zig-zag hanging from the back— L3; (e) bull to right—L5; (f ) seated bull to right, two horizontal lines below, crescent above— L2; (g) upper part of scorpion-man (?) to right—L1; (h) rear of scorpion-man to left—T1; (i) duck-shaped back (?): blank—L4. [S.i.].
neo-babylonian or achaemian period
344. 43747 (81–7–1,1508). Tablet, economic text, from Babylonia. -/-/-/-. Human figure to right in long robe with staff in left hand (Greek?). [S.i.].
345. 46078 (81–7–6,526). Inscribed bulla, from Babylonia. -/-/-/-. Four seals: (a) bearded figure to right with stream flowing from right shoulder into a pot [Aquarius]; (b) cervid to right; (c) incomplete: Y-shaped lower part; (d) indistinct: quadruped (?) to right. Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 286–87; Catalogue, p. 155 [Aquarius] a
346. 46587 (81–8–30,53). Tablet, contract, possibly from Babylon. -/-/-/-. Four seals on reverse: (a) lion to right—2; (b), fish to right—3; (c) circular with metal ring mount: indistinct—1; (d) indistinct—4. [S.i]. b
347. 55998 (82–7–14,357). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. -/-/-/-/Sippar. Two seals on edge: (a) incomplete: tail of winged disk (?) over dish-shape over volute; (b) incomplete: circular shape over volute with central bud. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 193 Pinches, CT 55, no. 1 [with drawing] Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465–66 a
348. 56251 (82–7–14,612). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. -/-/-/-/Sippar. Seal on reverse: stylised winged human figure to left with raised arms—reverse. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 201 Pinches, CT 55, no. 8 [with drawing] Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465–66
349. 56290 (82–7–14,662). Tablet, account, from Abu Habbah. 15/9/-/-. Seal on reverse: only partially impressed: human figure with raised arms on left of stylised sacred tree, supporting winged disk with head and shoulders of deity and supporter to his left emerging above. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 203 Pinches, CT 55, no. 679 [with drawing]
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
350. 56451 (82–7–14,827). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. -/-/-/-. Seal on reverse: imperfectly impressed: winged (disk), disk not distinguishable. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 206 Pinches, CT 55, no. 56 Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465–66
351. 56701 (82–7– 14,1110). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. -/-/-/-. Seal at end of reverse: standing winged figure to right. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 215 Pinches, CT 55, no. 42 [with drawing] Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465–66
352. 56775 (82–7–14,1183). Tablet, letter, from Babylonia. -/-/-/-. Two seals on reverse: (a) indistinct: human-headed winged quadruped to right, inverted triangle and curved shape on right—on left; (b) couchant winged bull to left, inverted triangle and curving shape on right—on right. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 217 Pinches, CT 55, no. 62 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, pp. 179, 181 [drawing], seal G.7 a
353. 57071 (82–7–14,1479). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. -/-/-/-. Seal at end of reverse: standing figure with raised hands to left. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 224 Pinches, CT 55, no. 24 [with drawing] Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465–66
354. 57116 (82–7–14,1524). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. -/-/-/-. Incomplete and indistinct (not clear enough to draw): possibly standing human figure (?) Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 225 Pinches, CT 55, no. 38 [with drawing] Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465–66 Jursa, AfO Beiheft 25, p. 109 355. 57174 (82–7–14,1582). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. -/-/-/-. Standing figure in high head-dress to right with raised arms (?). Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 227 Pinches, CT 55, no. 22 [with drawing] Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465–66
neo-babylonian period
356. 57362 (82–7–14,1770). Tablet, receipt, from Abu Habbah. -/-/-/-. Seal on reverse: incompletely impressed: lion advancing to right with head turned to left and left paw raised towards winged disk with head and shoulders of supporting figure rising from left wing, two drill holes and uncertain lines above. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 231 Pinches, CT 55, no. 64 [with drawing] Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465–66 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, pp. 179, 181 [drawing], seal G.8
357. 76974 (AH.83–1–18,2346). Tablet, school text with various extracts, very capable hand (I.L. Finkel), from Abu Habbah. Indistinct: human figure holding animal (?) above his head. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 76 [›¢ X (?); Sumerian incantation] George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 133
358. 78968 (89–4–26,263). Tablet, economic text, from Babylonia. -/-/-/-. [*] Fish-man (?) to left—on reverse. [S.i.]. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 178
359. 78995 (89–4–26,290). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 27/-/-/-. Worshipper to right with raised hands facing scorpion-man to left, crescent above, indistinct shape on left. [S.i.]. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 179
360. 79015 (89–4–26,312). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. -/-/-/-. [*] Two seals: (a) ring-mount: Classical type figure to right with left knee forward, shield-shaped object (?) at left shoulder—L2; (b) cylinder used as stamp (?): bearded figure to right facing nondescript shape, possibly another human—L1. [S.i.]. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 179
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361. 79026 (89–4–26,323). Tablet, legal text, from Babylonia. -/-/-/-. Four seals: (a) stamp: indistinct: bull (?) to right facing lion (?) to left on their hind legs with uncertain object between—L1; (b-d) cylinders: (b) man to left holding flask—B1; (c) bearded worshipper to right with raised hands—B3; (d) incomplete: robed figure (?) holding off lion and bull (?)—L2. [S.i.]. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 179 a
362. 79613 (89–10–14,163). Fragment of a tablet envelope, from Babylonia. -/-/-/-. Conoid seal: stylised worshipper to right facing symbols on a stand. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 199
363. 80759 (91–5–9,897). Tablet, deposition, from Babylonia. -/-/-/-. Indistinct: robed figure to right holding staff (?). [S.i.]. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 239
364. 82608 (94–6–11,2). Tablet, contract, possibly from Borsippa. -/-/-/-. Cylinder seals used as stamps: (a) bird to left on base—L2; (b) standing stone on base—L1. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 313 a
365. 95518 (1901–10–12,1171). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. -/-/-/-. [*] Three seals: (a) scorpion-man to right—L1; (b) indistinct: lion (?) chasing cervid (?) to left—L2; (c) squatting men to right (?)—T. [S.i.]. a
ACHAEMENIAN PERIOD CYRUS II (THE GREAT) 539–530 B.C. 534 B.C. 366. 55916 (82–7–14,275). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah.10/9/5/Cyrus. Human figure in round hat with raised hands to right. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 191 Pinches, CT 55, no. 41 Frame, JAOS 104 (1984), p. 747 Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465–66 Jursa, AfO Beiheft 25, p. 98 367. 67071 (82–9–18,7066). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 30/12/5/Cyrus. Standing figure to right in front of star motif. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 195 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 12, pp. 30–31, pl. 3 George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 108 531 BC 368. 33008 (78–7–30,2). Tablet, contract, from Babylon. 22/1/8/Cyrus. Indistinct: worshipper to right, facing symbols (on a stand?). Bertin, Copies, no. 1681 Cyrus: not precisely dated (539–530 B.C.) 369. 74741 (AH.83–1–18,59). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. [King’s name missing, but Strassmaier assumes him to have been Cyrus. The writer of the letter is Bel-a¢i-iki“a who was also the author of the letter BM.WA.75635 (no. 321 above), dated to -/3/17/- (where year 17 rules out Cyrus), assumed by Strassmaier to have been of the time of Nabonidus, and therefore 539 B.C., eight years earlier than this text]. Man to left grappling with a caprid. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 14 Strassmaier, Cyrus, no. 371 Campbell Thompson, CT 22, no. 140; LBL, no. 140
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CAMBYSES 530–522 B.C.
530 B.C. 370. 57593 (82–7–14,2004). Tablet, receipt, from Abu Habbah. 7/2/l/Cambyses . . . son of Cyrus . . . [The co-regency began 26 March 530 (Parker and Dubberstein, Chronology, p. 14), so the second month would also have fallen in 530 B.C.]. Winged human figure to left. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 237 Pinches, CT 56, no. 149 [with drawing] Frame, JAOS 104 (1984), p. 747 [listed by reign] Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465 529 B.C. 371. 63996 (82–9–18,3965). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 14/7/1/Cambyses. Human-headed winged lion (?) on its hind legs to left, holding a vertical post. Bertin, Copies, no. 1864 372. Rm. 679. Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 2/8/1/Cambyses. Worshipper to right with raised hand, facing symbol on stand. Strassmaier, Cambyses, no. 68 Bertin, Copies, no. 871 373. 58016 (82–7–14,2425). Tablet, receipt, from Abu Habbah. -/ll/l/Cambyses . . . son of Cyrus . . . Indistinct Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 248 Pinches, CT 55, no. 731 [with drawing] Frame, JAOS 104 (1984), p. 747 [listed by reign] 528 B.C. 374. 64039 (82–9–18,4008). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 9/10/1/Cambyses. Five seals at end of reverse: (a) human figure to left—centre; (b) bearded worshipper to right— 4th from left; (c) bearded man to right grappling quadruped on its hind legs—left; (d) winged disk over stylised tree (?)—2nd from left; (e) winged animal-headed human (?) to right—right. Bertin, Copies, no. 1892 a
375. 32850 (77–4–17,1). Tablet, record of payment, from Babylonia. 25/6/2/Cambyses. Partially impressed: worshipper to right with raised hands, facing symbol. Pinches, NCS, p. 103, no. 69 Strassmaier, Cambyses, no. 119 Bertin, Copies, no. 883
achaemenian period
526 B.C. 376. 74803 (AH.83–1–18,123). Tablet, receipt, from Abu Habbah. 7/2/3/Cambyses. Fish-man (?) to left Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 16 Strassmaier, Cambyses, no. 157
524 B.C. 377. 75492 (AH.83–1–18,827). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 13/12/6/Cambyses. Two seals at end of reverse; only partially impressed: (a) worshipper to right with raised hands facing symbols below crescent, traces of dingir.du¢.du¢ on left [same impression on nos 378, 379, 391, 393, 395, 398, 410 (good example), 431, 443, 447, 449, 451, 453–456, 458, 460 (good example)]—right; (b) cylinder used a stamp: bearded figure to right—left. Strassmaier, Cambyses, no. 347 Campbell Thompson, CT 22, no. 88; LBL, no. 88 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, pp. 178, 180 [drawing], seal A.19 Cf. W.G. Lambert, BSOAS 52/53 (1989), pp. 543–544 [on the reading du¢.du¢] Cf. R. Labat, Manuel d’épigraphie akkadienne (Paris, 1948 etc.), no. 102 [du¢ sign] a
524–521 B.C. 378. 54588 (82–5–22,908) + 60819 (82–9–18,795) [MacGinnis 5/88]. Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. [Date missing, but possibly in the period Cambyses 6–8 (MacGinnis, Letter Orders, p. 67)]. Three seals at end of reverse: (a) worshipper to right with raised hands facing symbols below crescent, faint trace of dingir.du¢.du¢ on left—centre [same impression on 75492 and others (see no. 377 above)]; (b) worshipper to right facing symbols below crescent—right; (c) bearded figure to right—left. MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 93, pp. 67–68, pl. 25 b
524–508 B.C. 379. 60759 (82–9–18,733). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. [Date missing, but possibly in the period Cambyses 6 to Darius 13, on basis of the seal impression (MacGinnis, p. 67)]. Two seals on reverse: (a) worshipper to right with raised hands, dingir.du¢.du¢ on left -right [same impression on 75492 and others (see no. 377 above)]; (b) cylinder used as stamp: bearded figure to right—left. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 21 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 92, p. 67, pl. 25 George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 89 a
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523 B.C. 380. 30704 (76–11–17,431). Tablet, sale, from Babylon. 5/9/7/Cambyses. Centipede-like design. Strassmaier, Cambyses, no. 384 Pinches, PSBA 4 (1884), pp. 32–36 Pinches, NCS, p. 106 no. 74 [translation] Bertin, Copies, no. 981
DARIUS I 522–486 B.C. 522/521 B.C. 381. 120024 (1928–7–16,24). Tablet, contract, from Warka. -/-/acc/Darius. [The evidence of tablets later in the reign, which can only be from the time of Darius I, suggests that this and the following texts are from his time also, rather than the time of Darius II (see no. 423 below)]. [*] Sixteen impressions, eight on the obverse in two “rows” among the text, 1–4 and 5–8: (a) king in kilt with dagger to right fighting winged caprid—obv.3; (b) king in trousers (?) to right fighting winged bull—B3; (c) king in centre holding off two winged animals—obv.6; (d) king in centre holding off two inverted lions by their hind legs—R1; (e) king in centre holding off two lions—R1; (f ) only partially impressed: king in centre holding off two winged lions with their backs to him—obv.2; (g) human figure to right fighting quadruped with stick—Rev.4; (h) king to right with bow—obv.8; (i) partially impressed: two human-headed winged quadrupeds below winged disk—T1; (j) indistinct, human figure to left facing symbols (?)—B4; (k) scorpionman (?) to right facing human-headed bird to left—L12 (l) bull to right—obv.1; (m) bear (?) to right—obv.5; (n) quadruped (pig/boar?) to right—B2; (o) mischwesen of two caprids joined back to back (?)—obv.7; (p) indistinct—B1. [S.i.]
achaemenian period
520 B.C. 382. 46575 (81–8–30,41). Tablet, contract, from Babylon. 26/6/2/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. [*] Cylinder seal impressed as if it were a stamp: two sitting human-headed winged quadrupeds (lions?) facing inwards, with two crescents above.
[*] 519 B.C. 383. 32898 (77–11–15,8). Tablet, contract, from Babylon. 9/2/3/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. [*] Worshipper to right with raised hands facing symbols. Strassmaier, Darius, no. 64 Bertin, Copies, no. 1980 518 B.C. 384. 74963 (AH.83–1–18,286). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 15/12/3/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Two cylinders used as stamps, on the reverse: (a) standing bare-headed worshipper to right— right; (b) warrior to right with raised right arm, and extended left arm—left. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 21 George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 126
385. 77976 (85–4–30,169). Tablet fragment, Babylonia. 21/2/4/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Imperfectly preserved: cylinder used as stamp, top only: human head to left—end of reverse. Bertin, Copies, no. 2006 386. 57003 (82–7–14,1411). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 24/8/4/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Only partially impressed: bearded figure to right. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 222 Pinches, CT 55, no. 61 Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465–66 Jursa, AfO Beiheft 25, p. 109 387. 56909 (82–7–14,1317). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 13/9/4/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Bearded figure to left. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 220 Pinches, CT 55, no. 43
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Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465–66 Jursa, AfO Beiheft 25, p. 109 388. 74602 (82–9–18A,326). Tablet, contract, from Abu Habbah. 13/9/4/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Indistinct. Bertin, Copies, no. 2013 518–515 B.C. 389. 65089 (82–9–18,5070). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. [Not dated, but some time during Darius years 4–6, proposed on prosopographical grounds (MacGinnis, Letter Orders, pp. 68, 202). Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Three seals at end of reverse: (a-b) two cylinders used as stamps: (a) worshipper to right with raised hands—right; (b) human figure to right grappling caprid on its hind legs—left; (c) indistinct—centre. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 142 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 94, p. 68, pl. 25 George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 105 a
390. 75573 (AH.83–1–18,922). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. [Not dated, but some time during Darius years 4–6, proposed on prosopographical grounds (MacGinnis, Letter Orders, p. 80, 202). Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Three seals at end of reverse: (a) worshipper to right with raised hands facing symbols below crescent [Same impression on 75492 and others (see no. 377 above)]—right; (b) figure to right gripping rampant cervid—left; (c) bearded figure to right, uncertain shape on left—centre. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 38 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 121, p. 80, pl. 33 George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 129 a
518–509 B.C. 391. 57290 (82–7–14,1697). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 6/10/-/Darius. [Sometime during Darius years 4–12, proposed on prosopographical grounds (MacGinnis, Letter Orders, p. 202). Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Three seals at foot of reverse: (a) imperfectly impressed: worshipper to right with raised hands facing symbols below crescent, dingir.du¢.du¢ on left—centre [same impression on 75492 and others (see no. 377 above)]; (b) standing figure to right with left arm extended—left; (c) cylinder used as stamp: bearded worshipper to right—right. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 230 [Dar 5/10/-] Pinches, CT 55, no. 46 [with drawings] [6/10] Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465–66
achaemenian period
MacGinnis, Letter Orders, pp. 178, 180 [drawing], seal A.19 Jursa, AfO Beiheft 25, p. 109 a
517 B.C. 392. 32161+32895 (76–11–17,1888 + 77–11–15,5) [Wunsch 10/93]. Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 29/12/4/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Four seals, cylinders, not rolled, but apparently used as stamps with different portions impressed separately: (a) worshipper to right with raised hands, facing crescent symbol on stone on plinth—L1; (b) worshipper to right with right hand raised and bucket in left hand, facing stone on plinth, lion-headed standard on right—L2; (c) crescent symbol on stone on plinth on left, eight-pointed star on stone on plinth in centre, lion-headed standard on right—R1; (d) damaged: worshipper to right with raised hands—R2; [e] finger-nail marks—T,B. [S.i.] Strassmaier, Darius, no. 152 [32895] Wunsch, CM 20, I, pp. 273–74 [copy with sketches of seals]; II, pp. 214–16, no. 181 [second fragmentary copy of the text, Ms B (32212), has no seal impressions] Bertin, Copies, nos 2018–19 [32895] 393. 83945 (83–1–21,1108). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. Bottom half destroyed. 9/8/5/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Three seals at end of reverse: only partially impressed: (a) worshipper to right with raised hands facing symbols below crescent, traces of dingir.du¢.du¢ on left [same impression on 75492 and others (see no. 377 above)]—right; (b) bearded head to right—centre; (c) cylinder used a stamp (?): shaven head to left—left. MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 19, p. 33, pl. 5 a
[*] 516 B.C. 394. 64076 (82–9–18,4045). Tablet, letter, from Babylonia. 26/8/6/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Three cylinders used as stamps at end of reverse: (a) bearded figure to right—centre; (b) worshipper (?) to left—left; (c) bearded man to right grappling quadruped on its hind legs—right. McGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 21, p. 34, pl. 5 Bertin, Copies, no. 2080
395. 75911 (AH.83–1–18,1266). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 3/9/6/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)].
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Three seals, at end of reverse: (a) faceted dome-backed seal: human figure to right grappling caprid on its hind legs—left; (b) worshipper to right with raised hands—centre; (c) only left side impressed: worshipper to right with traces of crescent above, dingir.du¢.du¢ on left— right [same impression on 75492 and others (see no. 377 above)]. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 47 Strassmaier, Darius, no. 209 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, pp. 178, 180 [drawing], seal A.19 a
396. 55765 (82–7–14,122). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 21/9/6/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Only partially impressed: bearded figure to right Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. l 87 Pinches, CT 55, no. 27 Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465–66 Jursa, AfO Beiheft 25, p. 109 Bertin, Copies, no. 2083 515 B.C. 397. 74603 (82–9–18A,327). Tablet, contract, possibly from Abu Habbah. 4/10/7/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Cylinder seal used as a stamp: altar with stone (?) on it. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 9 Bertin, Copies, no. 2105 George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 123
514 B.C. 398. 60662 (82–9–18,638). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 12/11/7/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381above)]. Three seals at end of reverse: (a) worshipper to right with raised hands facing symbols below crescent, traces of dingir.du¢.du¢ on left—right [same impression on 75492 and others (see no. 377 above)]; (b) imperfectly impressed: bearded figure to right—left; (c) winged human figure to right—centre. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 18 [Dar 12/4/7] Strassmaier, Darius, no. 230 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 24, pp. 35–36, pl. 6 a
achaemenian period
399. 56986 (82–7–14,1394). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 24/5/8/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Two seals on reverse: (a) worshipper to right with raised hands facing symbols below crescent— left [same impression on 75492 and others (see no. 377 above)]; (b) cylinder used as stamp: figure to right with left arm extended—right. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 222 Pinches, CT 55, no. 36 [drawings] Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465–66 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, pp. 178, 180 [drawing], seal A.19 b
400. 64082 (82–9–18,4051). Tablet, letter, from Babylonia. 5/7/8/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Cylinder used as stamp (?): imperfectly impressed: bearded winged figure leaping (?) to right. Bertin, Copies, no. 2127 George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 101 401. 74683 (82–9–18A,408). Tablet, contract, from Abu Habbah. 3/9/8/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Cylinder seal used twice as stamp: (a) altar with crescent on a stone; (b) altar with lion-headed staff. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 11 George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 125
402. 75960 ((AH.83–1–18,1317). Tablet, receipt, from Abu Habbah. 30/10/8/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Human figure to right with raised hand(s). Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 49 Strassmaier, Darius, no. 241 Bertin, Copies, no. 2124
512 B.C. 403. 56969 (82–7–14,1377). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. -/2/10/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Only partially impressed: worshipper (?) to left. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 221 Pinches, CT 55, no. 35
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Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465–66 Jursa, AfO Beiheft 25, pp. 108 n. 215, 109 404. 46691 (81–8–30,157). Tablet, contract, from Babylon. 27/4/10/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. [*] Four seals: (a) Worshipper to right with raised hands—R1; (b) two human figures in “Phrygian” caps, one with a spear, fighting a lion between them below a winged disk—T1; (c) crouching scorpion-man and sphinx (?) below medallion below winged disk, nondescript figure in field—L; (d) partially impressed bird-man and bearded figure below winged disk—T2. [S.i.].
405. 74607 (82–9–18A,331). Tablet, contract, from Abu Habbah 4/11/10/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Two impressions: small part of cylinder seal twice impressed: man to left holding flask—top edge. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 9 George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 123 Bertin, Copies, no. 2194
512/511+ B.C. 406. 75893 (AH.83–1–18,1248). Tablet, letter, probably from Abu Habbah. 5/-/10+/Darius [The year is at least “10”, but could be later; probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Bearded man to right. Strassmaier, Darius, no. 291 Bertin, Copies, no. 2188 510 B.C. 407. 40156 (81–3–24,21). Tablet, economic text, from Babylon? 16/12/11/Darius [da-ar-ri-iamu“ ]/Babylon. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. [*] Three seals: (a) horse to right—T3; (b) imperfectly impressed: winged quadruped to left—T2; (c) imperfectly impressed: amphora with plant above—T1. [S.i.]. a
408. 64300+64306 (82–9–18,4276+4282) [Grayson 6/71]. Tablet, contract, from Abu Habbah. 23/5/12/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Three seals: (a) bearded worshipper to right with right hand raised and flask (?) in left hand— T1; (b) man to left holding flask, right hand on neck and left below bottom—L1; (c) indistinct: winged human figure (?)—L2.
achaemenian period
Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 120
409. 65239 (AH 82–9–18,5224). Tablet, contract, from Abu Habbah. 11/8/12/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Scorpion-man to right. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 146
510/509 B.C. 410. 75950 (AH.83–1–18,1306). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. Left half of reverse destroyed. -//12/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Two seals at end of reverse: (a) worshipper to right with raised hands facing symbols below crescent, dingir.du¢.du¢ on left [same impression on 75492 and others (see no. 377 above)]— right; (b) cylinder used a stamp: worshipper to right—left. Strassmaier, Darius, no. 344 Dandamaev, VP, p. 194 no. 25 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, pp. 178, 180 [drawing], seal A.19 Bertin, Copies, no. 3021 a
509 B.C. 411. 74614 (82–9–18A,339). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. -/2/13/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Three cylinder seals used as stamps, at end of reverse: (a) bearded worshipper to right with raised hands—centre; (b) bearded worshipper to right with raised hands—right; (c) bearded figure to right holding dagger(?)—left. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 9 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 15, pp. 31–32, pl. 4 George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 123 a
412. 79512 (89–10–14,62). Tablet, contract, from Abu Habbah. 5/3/13/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Two seals: (a) bearded worshipper to right with raised hands facing hook-shaped object, crescent above—T; (b) bearded worshipper to right with raised hands—B. [S.i.] Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 197
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
508 B.C. 413. 62561 (82–9–18,2530). Tablet, contract, from Abu Habbah. 15/3/14?/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Three seals: (a) worshipper to right facing symbols, below crescent—B3; (b–c) cylinders used as stamps: (b) bearded figure to right holding flask (?)—B2; (c) human figure to right holding object—B1. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 69 George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 94 a
414. 30337 (76–11–17,57). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 24/5/14/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Three seals: (a) fish-man to right over wavy lines on a base, crescent above, symbol on plinth on right, dingir.pa, “dMuati/Nabu”, below; (b–c) cylinders. Strassmaier, Darius, no. 379 Ménant, Empreintes, pp. 38–39 no. 12, fig. 47 Wunsch, In preparation Bertin, Copies, nos 2303–06 508/507 B.C. 415. 74623 (82–9–18A,348). Tablet, contract, from Abu Habbah. -/-/14/[. . . mu]“ (?). [Probably Darius]. Crouching dog (?) on stand with symbols on its back. Zawadski, AOAT 272 (2000), pp. 737–38, no. 6 [wrongly as Bertin 2316] George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 124 Bertin, Copies, no. 2314 507 B.C. 416. 78190 (Bu.88–5–12,25). Tablet, contract, from Abu Habbah. 2/12/14/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Six seals: (a) king gripping two lions (?) by the hind legs—T2; (b) worshipper to right facing scorpion-man, crescent above—B1; (c) worshipper to right facing scorpion-man, small shape (bird?) between—T1; (d) worshipper to right facing goat-fish with wand behind, lozenge on left, crescent above—L2; (e) scorpion-man to left facing uncertain shape—L1; (f ) goat-fish to right—B2. [S.i.]. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 142 Budge, ZA 3 (1888), pp. 214–216, 223–224 Strassmaier, Darius, no. 393
achaemenian period
417. 54289 (82–5–22,441). Tablet, contract, probably from Abu Habbah. 14/7/15/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. [*] Three seals: (a) seated human figure to right—T3: (b) heads of two horned animals facing inwards—T2; (c) destroyed—T1. [S.i.] Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 137 a
506 B.C. 418. 63847 (82–9–18,3815). Tablet, contract, from Sippar. 2/2/16/[Darius]. [King’s name not preserved, but mention of Guzànu, “angû at Sippar, shows that this must have been Darius I (Zawadski)] Two seals: (a) worshipper to right with raised hands facing symbols on the back of a crouching mu“¢u““u to left [probably same seal on 75492 and others (see no. 377 above)]—at end of reverse; (b) destroyed—at end of reverse. Zawadski, AOAT 272 (2000), p. 731 n. 39 Bertin, Copies, no. 3085
419. 75943 (AH.83–1–18,1299). Tablet, contract, probably from Abu Habbah. 3/3/16/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Two cylinders used as stamps, at end of reverse: indistinct: (a) bearded figure to right—left; (b) human figure (?)—right. Strassmaier, Darius, no. 421 Bertin, Copies, no. 2360 505 B.C. 420. 31975 (76–11–17,1702). Tablet, only top four lines surviving, contract, from Babylonia. 10/12II/16/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Five seals (originally, as indicated by inscriptions on top edge): (a) part missing: worshipper to right, crescent above—L1; (b) scorpion-man to right—?; (c-e) broken away. [S.i.] Strassmaier, Darius, no. 435 Bertin, Copies, no. 2347
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum 502+ B.C.
421. 30347 (76–11–17,67). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 11/1/20+/Darius. [The year could be later; probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Two seals: (a) worshipper to right with raised hands—B1; (b) partially preserved: upper part of human figure to right—L1. Strassmaier, Darius, no. 497 Bertin, Copies, no. 2428 501 B.C. 422. 56667 (82–7–14,1076). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 10+/3/21/Darius. [Probably Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Three impressions on the reverse, possibly from a cylinder seal, but impressed as stamps: (a) worshipper to right with raised hands—centre; (b) worshipper to left with raised hands—left (c) quadruped (?)—right. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 214 Pinches, CT 55, no. 29 [with drawings] Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465–66 501+ B.C. 423. 56728 (82–7–14,1136). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 18/12/20+/Darius. [The year date is damaged, but it shows at least 20 and could be greater. It demonstrates that this tablet and those following must belong to the time of Darius I, since Darius II only reigned 19 years, and Darius III only 5. It also suggests that all the preceding texts dated to a Darius, probably also belong to the time of Darius I (see no. 381 above)]. Shaven figure to left. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 215 Pinches, CT 55, no. 32 [drawings] Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465–66 Jursa, AfO Beiheft 25, p. 113 Bongenaar, Ebabbar, pp. 16–17 500 B.C. 424. 58448 (82–7–14,2857). Fragmentary tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 29/4/22/Darius. Three seals at end of reverse: indistinct. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 259 Pinches, CT 57, no. 1008 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, pp. 178, 180 [drawing], seal A.19 425. 85203 (99–4–15,10). Tablet, contract, from Borsippa. 15/5/22/Darius/Borsippa. Cylinder impressed as stamp: standing figure to right with extended arm holding a bottle or flask, facing crescent on a stand on the back of a bull. [S.i.].
achaemenian period
426. 78902 (88–5–12,88). Tablet, letter, possibly from Abu Habbah. 12/10/22/Darius. Two seals, cylinder impressed as stamps at end of reverse: (a) worshipper to left with raised hands—right; (b) archer to right—left. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 171 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 38, pp. 41–42, pl. 10 [drawings] George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 139 a
499 B.C. 427. 56710 (82–7–14,1118). Tablet, receipt, from Abu Habbah. 29/5/23/Darius. Worshipper with raised hand(s) to left. Leichty, Catalogue, Vl, p. 215 [Dar 29/5/24] Pinches, CT 55, no. 66 [with drawings; 29/5/23 in copy] Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465–66 498 B.C. 428. 79717 (89–10–14,266). Tablet, letter, possibly from Abu Habbah or Babylon. 2/10/23/ Darius. Two seals, cylinders used as stamps at end of reverse: (a) worshipper to left with raised hands— right; (b) winged quadruped (?) to left—left. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 202 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 16, p. 32, pl. 4 [drawings] George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 143
429. 56657 (82–7–14,1066). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 11/9/23/Darius. Two seals at end of reverse: (a) worshipper (?) to left—left; (b) winged quadruped to left—right. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 213 Pinches, CT 55, no. 30 [with drawings] Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465–66 497 B.C. 430. 74532 (82–9–18A,255). Tablet, contract, from Abu Habbah. 8/12/24/Darius. Cylinder used as stamp: worshipper to right with raised hands. Zawadski, AOAT 272 (2000), p. 238, no. 7 George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 121 Bertin, Copies, no. 2529 497–495 B.C. 431. 65565 (82–9–18,5551). Tablet, letter (?), from Abu Habbah. -/-/-/Darius. [No precise date, but probably Darius years 25–26 on prosopographical grounds (MacGinnis, Letter Orders, pp. 87, 203)].
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Worshipper to right with raised hands facing symbols on the back of a crouching mu“¢u““u to left, dingir.du¢.du¢ on left [same impression on 75492 and others (see no. 377 above)]. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 155 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 144, p. 87, pl. 38 [drawing] George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 106 432. 65928 (82–9–18,5920). Tablet, badly damaged, letter, from Abu Habbah. -/-/-/[Dar]ius. [No precise date, but probably Darius years 25–26 on prosopographical grounds (MacGinnis, Letter Orders, pp. 87, 203)]. Three seals at end of reverse: (a) bird to right;—right (b–c) two cylinders used as stamps, largely effaced: (b) worshipper to left facing symbol—left; (c) human figure to left—centre. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 164 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 145, p. 87, pl. 38 [drawings] George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 107 497–490 B.C. 433. 70700 (82–9–18,10701). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. -/-/-/-. [Badly damaged: date not preserved, but probably Darius years 25–31, on prosopographical grounds (MacGinnis, Letter Orders, pp. 90, 203)]. Two seals on reverse: (a) only partly preserved: worshipper to right with raised hands facing offering table (?)—right; (b) two bulls (?) on hind legs across each other—left. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 293 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 155, p. 90, pl. 38 [drawings] a
496 B.C. 434. 79514 (89–10–14,64). Tablet, letter, from Babylonia. 20/9/26/Darius. Two seals, cylinders used as stamps, at end of reverse: (a) worshipper to left with raised right hand, and object in left—left (b) winged human facing half-right—centre. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 197 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 43, pp. 43–44, pl. 11 [drawings] a
496/495 B.C. 435. 77513 (84–2–11,254). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. -/-/26/Darius ? [*] Six seals: (a) worshipper to left with raised hands—L1; (b) probably similar—L2; (c) similar— L3; (d) similar—R1; (e) similar—R2; (f ) similar—R3. Peiser, BV, no. CXVII Bertin, Copies, nos 2966–67
achaemenian period
495 B.C. 436. 64051 (82–9–18,4020). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 20+/5/27/Darius. Two seals on reverse: (a) imperfectly impressed: worshipper to right with raised hands; (b) two bulls (?) on hind legs across each other. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 112 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 130, pp. 82–83, pl. 36 [Bertin’s drawings] George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 101 Bertin, Copies, no. 2632
437. 61937 (82–9–18,1906). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 24(?)/8/27/Darius. Three seals at the end of the reverse: (a) worshipper to right facing figure on a platform (same seal on 70700 and 73589 (nos 433 and 442)—centre; (b) only partially impressed: two bulls (?) on hind legs across each other (same seal on 64051, 70700 and 73589 (nos 436, 433 and 442)—right; (c) cylinder used as stamp: figure to left holding a flask—left. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 53 [Dar 22/8/27] MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 46, p. 45, pl. 12 George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 93 438. 57787 (82–7–14,2195)+83379+83385 (83–1–21,542+548) [MacGinnis 5/88]. Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. -/8/-/Darius. [Probably Darius 27, on prosopographical grounds (MacGinnis, Letter Orders, pp. 68, l99)]. Two cylinders used as stamps: (a) human figure to left holding flask; (b) winged human figure holding off two winged animals. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 242 Pinches, CT 55, no. 52 [with drawing] Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465–66 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 95, pp. 68–69, pl. 26 [drawings] 495/494 B.C. 439. 101199 (83–1–21,2860). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 15/-/27/[Dar]ius. Two seals at end of reverse: (a) worshipper to right with raised hands facing symbols below crescent—left; (b) cylinder used as stamp: bird (goose/swan?) to right—right. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 398 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 48, p. 46, pl. 12 [drawings] Cf. H. Heinzel, R. Fitter, J. Parslow, Birds of Britain & Europe with North Africa & the Middle East (rev. ed.; London, 1995), pp. 56–57 [Greylag goose known today in Iraq], 54–55 [various swans known in southern Caspian area] a
440. 65379 (82–9–18,5364). Tablet, letter Abu Habbah. 2+/-/27/Dari[us]. Two seals at end of reverse: indistinct.
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 149 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 50, pp. 46–47, pl. 13 [drawing] George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 106 495–493 B.C. 441. 57492 (82–7–14,1903). Tablet fragment, letter, from Abu Habbah. [Date missing, but probably Darius years 27–28 on prosopographical grounds (MacGinnis, Letter Orders, p. 203)]. Four seals on reverse: (a) only partially impressed: worshipper to right facing symbols—right; (b–d): three cylinders used as stamps: (b) human figure to left holding flask—second from left; (c) scorpion-man to right—left; (d) bird to right—second from right. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 235 Pinches, CT 55, no. 45 [with drawing] Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465–66 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, pp. 178, 180 [drawing], seal A.20 442. 73589 (82–9–18,13600). Tablet fragment, letter, from Abu Habbah. 1+/-/20+/[Dari]us. [Left side missing: Darius years 27–28 on prosopographical grounds (MacGinnis, Letter Orders, pp. 91, 203)]. Two seals at end of reverse: (a) worshipper to right with raised hands facing human image in a boat (?)—left; (b) imperfectly preserved: quadruped to right—right. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 367 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 159, pp. 91–92 George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 116 a
495–490 B.C. 443. 84343 (83–1–21,1506). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. [Date missing, but probably Darius years 27–31 on prosopographical grounds (MacGinnis, Letter Orders, pp. 99, 204)]. Worshipper to right with raised hands facing symbols on the back of a crouching mu“¢u““u to left, dingir.du¢.du¢ behind worshipper. [On the inscription see no. 377 above]. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 362 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 178, p. 99 George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 153 494 B.C. 444. 101249 (83–1–21,2910). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 15/11?/27/Darius. Two seals at end of reverse: (a) worshipper to right with raised hands facing symbols, below crescent—right; (b) cylinder used as a stamp: bird to right—left. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 399 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 49, p. 46, pl. 13 [drawings] George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 154 445. 79528 (89–10–14,78). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 21/12II/27/Darius. Four seals, cylinders used as stamps, at end of reverse: (a) worshipper to right with raised hands, crescent above—right; (b) worshipper to right with raised hands [too indistinct to draw]—
achaemenian period
centre left; (c) human figure to left holding flask—left; (d) two bull-men facing sacred tree and supporting winged disk—centre right. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 197 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 51, p. 47, pl. 13 [drawings] George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 142
446. 87254 (1900–10–13,34). Tablet, economic, from Babylonia. 18/6/28?/Darius. Four seals: (a) circular seal: Bes-like head (?) between crouching quadruped (?) to left and bearded head to left with crown-like headdress (?) to right, two birds facing one another below—T2; (b) indistinct: double impressed: horned quadruped to right—L1; (c) indistinct—L2; (d) indistinct—T1. [S.i.].
494–490 B.C. 447. 63632 (82–9–18,3599). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. [Date missing, but probably Darius 28–31 on prosopographical grounds (MacGinnis, Letter Orders, pp. 70, 204)]. Worshipper to right with raised hands facing symbols on the back of a crouching mu“¢u““u to left, dingir.du¢.du¢ on left [same impression on 75492 and others (see no. 377 above)]. Also impressions of two cylinder seals. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 100 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 99, pp. 70–71, pl. 27 [drawing] George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 95 493–490 B.C. 448. 64098 (82–9–18,4067). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 2/11/-/Darius. [Year missing, but probably Darius years 29–31 on prosopographical grounds (MacGinnis, Letter Orders, pp. 71, 204)]. Two seals at end of reverse: (a) indistinct: worshipper to right with raised hands facing symbols on the back of a crouching mu“¢u““u to left—right [same impression on 75492 and others (see no. 377 above)]; (b) cylinder used as a stamp: worshipper to right with raised hands—left. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 114 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 100, p. 71, pl. 27 [drawings] George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 102 Bertin, Copies, no. 2811
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
449. 76190 (AH.83–1–18,1555). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. [Date missing, but probably Darius years 29–31 on prosopographical grounds (MacGinnis, Letter Orders, pp. 93, 204)]. Worshipper to right with raised hands facing symbols on the back of a crouching mu“¢u““u to left, dingir.du¢.du¢ on left [same impression on 75492 and others (see no. 377 above)]. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 55 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 165, p. 93 George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 131 450. 64584 (82–9–18,4564). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 2/11/-/Darius. [Bottom of obverse, much of reverse, and part of left broken away: year missing, but probably years Darius 29–31 on prosopographical grounds (MacGinnis, Letter Orders, pp. 71, 204)]. Two seals on reverse, above the date: only partially impressed: (a) probably part of: worshipper to right—right; (b) uncertain—left. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 129 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 102, pp. 71–2, pl. 28 [drawings] George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 104 a
492 B.C. 451. 64054 (82–9–18,4023). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 24/1/30/Darius. Worshipper to right with raised hands facing symbols on the back of a crouching mu“¢u““u to left, dingir.du¢.du¢ on left [same impression on 75492 and others (see no. 377 above)]. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 113 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 58, p. 50, pl. 15 [drawings] George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 101 Bertin, Copies, no. 2683 452. 57263 (82–7–14,1671). Tablet, record of jewellery for repair, from Abu Habbah. 21/3/30/ Darius. Three seals at foot of reverse: (a) upper part of human figure to left—left; (b) and (c) probably from cylinder(s) used as stamp(s): (b) upper part of worshipper to left with raised hands—centre; (c) crescent on pole on stone on altar—right. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 229 Pinches, CT 55, no. 306 [drawings] 453. 64552 (82–9–18,4532). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 29/6II/30/Darius. Worshipper to right with raised hands facing symbols on the back of a crouching mu“¢u““u to left, dingir.du¢.du¢ on left [same impression on 75492 and others (see no. 377 above)]. Also two cylinder seals. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 128 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 60, p. 51, pl. 17 [drawing] George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 104 454. 64659 (82–9–18,4639). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 3/7/30/Darius. Worshipper to right with raised hands facing symbols on the back of a crouching mu“¢u““u to left, dingir.du¢.du¢ on left [same impression on 75492 and others (see no. 377 above)]. Also cylinder seal. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 131
achaemenian period
MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 61, pp. 51–52, pl. 16 [drawing] George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 104 455. 65109 (82–9–18,5090). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 12/8/30/Darius. Worshipper to right with raised hands facing symbols on the back of a crouching mu“¢u““u to left, dingir.du¢.du¢ on left [same impression on 75492 and others (see no. 377 above)]. Also cylinder seal. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 142 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 62, pp. 52–53, pl. 17 [drawing] George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 105 492/491 B.C. 456. 62050 (82–9–18,2019). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 8/-/30/Darius. Worshipper to right with raised hands facing symbols on the back of a crouching mu“¢u““u to left on a plinth, traces of dingir.du¢.du¢ on left [similar impression on 75492 and others (see no. 377 above)]. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 56 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 66, p. 54, pl. 18 [drawing] George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 93
491 B.C. 457. 32858 (77–4–17,9). Tablet, contract, from Babylon. 13/7/31/Darius. Circular impression: worshipper to right with raised hand(s) facing goat-fish (? only head survives). Abraham, Business and Politics, pp. 322–23 no. 66 Wunsch, In preparation Bertin, Copies, no. 2700 491/490 B.C. 458. 71135+72811 (82–9–18,11137+12819) [MacGinnis 5/88]. Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. -/-/ 31/Darius. Worshipper to right with raised hands facing symbols on the back of a crouching mu“¢u““u to left, dingir.du¢.du¢ on left [same impression on 75492 and others (see no. 377 above)]. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, pp. 305, 347 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 116, p. 77, pl. 32 [drawing] George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 113 492–486 B.C. 459. 55003 (82–5–22,1334). Tablet, letter, probably from Abu Habbah. -/-/30+/Darius. Worshipper to right with raised hands facing symbols. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 162 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 64, p. 53, pl. 17 George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 75
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
490 B.C. 460. 33932 (Sp. 28). Tablet, marriage document, from Babylon. 22/8/32/Darius. Four seals: (a) worshipper to right with raised hands facing animal (?) on a platform, dingir.du¢.du¢ on left [same impression on 75492 and others (see no. 377 above)]; (b–d) cylinders used as stamps: (b) worshipper to right with raised hands facing symbols (c) worshipper to right with raised hand(s) facing scorpion-man (?) to left, crescent above; (d) fish-man to left. Roth, JAOS 111 (1991), p. 32 and n. 39 Wunsch, AfO 42/43 (1995/96), p. 60 no. 10 [copy, drawings of seals] Bertin, Copies, nos 2706–7 d
461. 74555 (82–9–18A,278). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 26/8/32/Darius. Cylinder used as stamp: eagle (?) to right. McGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 69, pp. 55–56, pl. 19 George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 122 Bertin, Copies, no. 2170 489 B.C. 462. 33933 (Sp. 29). Tablet, marriage document, from Babylon. 26/6/33/Darius. Four cylinderos used as stamps: (a) bearded worshipper to right—T1; (b) scorpion-man to left— T2; (c) another—B2; (d) another—R1; two cylinders: (e) worshipper to left with raised hand facing symbols—B1; (f ) worshipper to right with raised hand facing fish-man—R2. [S.i.] Roth, JAOS 111 (1991), pp. 33–34 and n. 43 Wunsch, AfO 42/43 (1995/96), pp. 62 no. 12, 63 [copy with drawings of seals] Bertin, Copies, nos 2716–7
463. 57712 (82–7–14,2122a). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 26/8/33/Darius. Worshipper to left with raised hands. Leichty, Catalogue, Vl, p. 240 Pinches, CT 55, no. 34 Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465–66 488 B.C. 464. 42646+43612 (81–7–1,407+1376). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 10/11/33/Darius. Two seals at end of reverse: (a) worshipper to left with raised hands—left; (b) worshipper to right with raised hands—right. [S.i.]. Jursa, Bèl-rèmanni, p. 221, pl. LII [copy with sketches of seals] 465. 79680 (89–10–14,229). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 18/12/33/Darius. Two cylinders used as stamps at end of reverse: (a) bearded worshipper to left with raised hands
achaemenian period
facing crouching animal (dog?), crescent above—left; (b) worshipper to left with raised hands, crescent above—right. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 201 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 72, p. 57, pl. 19 [drawings] George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 142
466. 33934 (Sp. 30). Tablet, marriage document, from Babylon. 23/9/34/Darius. Four cylinders used as stamps: (a) worshipper to right with raised right hand and vessel in left— L1; (b) worshipper to right with raised hands—L2; (c) fish-man to right—B2; (d) crescent (?) on stand—B1. [S.i.]. Roth, JAOS 111 (1991), pp. 30–32 and n. 35 Wunsch, AfO 42/43 (1995–96), pp. 55–56 no. 7, 57 [copy with drawings of seals]; CM 3a, p. 8 n. 33 Bertin, Copies, nos 2726–7 a
486 B.C. 467. 74554 (82–9–18A,277). Tablet, receipt, from Abu Habbah. 24/6/36/Darius. [Includes mention of ¢u-ta-[x-x]-" son of pa-ga-ka-an-na, Governor of Babylon and Ebir-Nàri]. Egyptian: only partially impressed: Maat feathers above cartouche with a name perhaps to be read n-'n¢-r', “Ni-'ankh-Rè'”, with the epithet w3˙, “enduring of . . .”. Stolper, JNES 48 (1989), pp. 284–288 [drawing (285), discussion (288), of seal] Bertin, Copies, no. 2750 [only the Maat feathers sketched]
468. 77850 (85–4–30,42). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 15/8/36/Darius. Seal on reverse: bird to right. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 118 Stolper, JNES 48 (1989), pp. 303–305 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 80, pp. 60–61, pl. 21 [drawing]
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum Darius: not precisely dated (522–486 B.C.)
41859 (81–6–25,479). Tablet, contract, surface badly damaged, from Babylon. -/-/-/ [mda-rii]a-mu-u“ [probably Darius I (521–486 B.C.)] [*] Crescent (?) on decorated stone on fluted stand. [S.i.]. Wunsch, CM 20, no. 188, I, pp. 278–79 [copy with drawings of seals], II, pp. 223–25
469A. 58503 (82–7–14,2912). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 2/-/2+?/Darius. [*] Only partially impressed: worshipper (?) to left. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 261 [2/-/4] Pinches, CT 57, no. 604 470.
33935 (Sp. 31). Tablet, marriage document, from Babylon. 25/11/-/Darius. King drawing bow to right against caprid rearing up to stylised palm tree, crescent above. Abraham, Business and Politics, pp. 344–47 no. 77 Wunsch, in preparation Bertin, Copies, no. 2809–10
57915 (82–7–14,2324). Tablet, economic text, from Babylonia. 6/-/-/[d]a-ri-iá-[mu“ ?]. Human figure to left (holding a staff?), traces of winged disk supported by minor deity (?) on right. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 245 Pinches, CT 55, no. 44 Dandamayev, Orientalia 55 (1986), pp. 465–66
XERXES I 486–465 B.C. 485 B.C. 472.
75070 (AH.83–1–18,395). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 7/10/acc/Xerxes. Human figure to right. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 24 Strassmaier, HC, no. 16 George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 127
65378 (82–9–18,5363). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. 21/3/1/Xerxes. King holding off two rearing animals. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 149 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 86, p. 64, pl. 23 [drawing] George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 106
achaemenian period
474. 95105 (1901–10–12,758). Tablet (small, 2.6×3.8 cm.), contract, probably from Babylonia. -/6/1/Xerxes. Cylinder used as stamp: standing human figure to right, with raised hand(s).
485/484 B.C. 475. 65771+100992 (82–9–18,5761 + 83–1–21,2653). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. -/-/l/ Xerxes. [Badly damaged, much missing]. Three seals at end of reverse: (a) king holding off two rearing animals—right; (b) scorpion-man to right—centre; (c) cylinder used as stamp: human figure to left—left. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 160 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 108, p. 74, pl. 30 [drawings] George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 107 a
476. 65721 (82–9–18,5711). Tablet, letter, from Abu Habbah. -/-/-/Xer[xes]. [Possibly year 1, on prosopographical grounds (MacGinnis, Letter Orders, pp. 65, 201)]. Three seals: (a) king holding off two rearing animals; (b–c) two cylinders used as stamps. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 159 MacGinnis, Letter Orders, no. 88, p. 65, pl. 24 [drawing] George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 107
ARTAXERXES I 464–424 B.C. 464 B.C. 477. 36322 (80–6–17,48). Tablet, contract, from Babylon. 10/5/1/Artaxerxes. Two seals: (a) human figure to left holding bowl; (b) human figure in leggings (?) to right. a
464/463 B.C. 478. 78273 (Bu.88–5–12,129). Tablet, contract, possibly from Babylon. 10/-/1/Artaxerxes. [*] Six seals: (a) standing human figure to left—L3; (b) another—B2; (c) scorpion-man to right facing symbols—L2; (d) winged quadruped to right on stand—B1; (e) caprid (?) leaping over another quadruped—T1; (f ) indistinct—L1. [S.i.]
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 146 Pinches, CT 44, no. 76 a
463 B.C. 479. 54299 (82–5–22,451). Tablet, legal document, from Abu Habbah. 20/7/2/Artaxerxes. Four seals (right and bottom edges destroyed): (a) human figure (king?) to right gripping upright winged quadruped to left by its throat—L1; (b) two squatting human-headed winged lions confronted but facing outwards—L3; (c–d) two cylinders used as stamps: (c) worshipper to left holding staff facing crescent on stand—L2; (d) bird’s head to left facing crescent on stand—T2. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 137 a
462 B.C. 480. 30128 (R.120). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 11/3/3/Artaxerxes. Three impressions preserved: (a) human figure to right with right hand raised and wand in left— B3; (b) lion to right—T1; (c) cylinder used as stamp: worshipper to left with raised hands—R1. Oppert and Ménant, Documents Juridiques, pp. 278–280, no. VII [seal 1 = b; 2 = c; 3 = a] Strassmaier, HC, no. 24 Bertin, Copies, no. 2866 461 B.C. 481. 47340 (81–10–8,2). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 7/10/3/ Artaxerxes. [*] Three impressions preserved: (a) unclear: worshipper (?)—T2; (b) two stylised birds facing inwards over a triangle—L1; (c) winged quadruped to left (?)—T1. Grotefend, ZKM 1 (1837), pp. 212–222 and pl. A [copy by Charles Bellino] Strassmaier, HC, no. 25 Walker, Iraq 36 (1974), p. 27, no. 16 Bertin, Copies, no. 2873 482. 40492 (81–4–28,31). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. -/3/4/Artaxerxes. Two seals: (a) crouching caprid (?) to left—L; (b) indistinct—T2. [S.i.]. a
483. 78228 (Bu.88–5–12,83). Tablet, contract, possibly from Babylon. -/6/4/Artaxerxes. Eight seals: (a) cylinder used as stamp: winged human figure with raised hands to right—T2; (b) indistinct: lion to left (?), uncertain shape (human?) above—L2; (c) creature with spread wings over two quadrupeds to right—L1; (d) winged quadruped to right—L3; (e) quadruped to left—L4; (f ) indistinct—T1; (g-h) damaged—T3,4. [S.i.]
achaemenian period
Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 144 Pinches, CT 44, no. 78 484. 78195 (Bu.88–5–12,30). Tablet, contract, possibly from Babylon. l/9/4/Artaxerxes. Seven seals: (a) human figure to right fighting bull (?)—T1; (b) cylinder used as stamp: part of human figure to right fighting animal—T2; (c) cylinder used as stamp: archer to right shooting at lion—T3; (d) lion (?) pacing to right—L1; (e) humped bull (?) to right—L2; (f ) lion on hind legs to right—B1; (g) quadruped running to left—B2. [S.i.] Leighty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 142 Pinches, CT 44, no. 77 a
461/460 B.C. 485. 54091 (82–5–22,212). Tablet, contract, probably from Babylon. -/-/4/Artaxerxes. Three seals: (a) man holding off two cervids -B2; (b) bull walking to right in front of plant, crescent above—T1; (c) only partially impressed: two winged quadrupeds back to back—L; (d) effaced—B1. [S.i.] Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 132 Stolper, RA 85 (1991), pp. 54–57, no. 2 George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 72 Bertin, Copies, no. 2863
460 B.C. 486. 64160 (82–9–18,4129). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 26/3/5/Artaxerxes. Four indistinct impressions: (a) quadruped to left. Bertin, Copies, no. 2887 487. 47469 (81–11–3,174). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 20/5/5/Artaxerxes. [*] Human-headed winged bull (?) to right.
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
457 B.C. 488. 47000 (81–8–30,466). Tablet fragment, contract (?), from Babylonia. -/9/8/Artaxerxes. Squatting dog to right facing crescent.
457/456 B.C. 489. 120025 (1928–7–16,25). Tablet, contract, probably from Warka. -/-/8/Artaxerxes. [*] Seven seals: (a) worshipper to right with raised hands facing spear symbol (spade ?) on back of crouching animal on podium—T1; (b) bearded figure to right with staff fighting winged bull— B2; (c) human figure to right with dagger fighting caprid—L1; (d) bearded figure to right with dagger (?) fighting caprid—T2; (e) human face with elaborate head-dress (?)—B2; (f ) humanheaded winged bull with other indistinct shapes—B1; (g) lion fighting boar (?), crescent above— L2. [S.i.] a
490. 79030 (89–4–26,327). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. -/-/8/Artaxerxes. Three seals: (a) worshipper (?) to right with raised hands—L2; (b) crouching quadruped to right— T1; (c) indistinct—T3. [S.i.]
454 B.C. 491. 54671 (82–5–22,993). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 27/7/11/Artaxerxes. Only partially impressed: scorpion-man to right. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 153
453 B.C. 492. 82549 (93–10–14,1). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 10/2/12/Artaxerxes. Only partially impressed: human figure to right with bull (?) on its hind legs. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 307
achaemenian period
493. 37228 (80–6–17,982). Tablet, contract, from Babylon.15/5/12/Artaxerxes. Scorpion-man to right facing bird.
494. 61361 (82–9–18,1335). Tablet, contract, probably from Borsippa. 13/8/12/Artaxerxes. Eight seals: (a) human figure seated on throne to left holding plant (?)—L1; (b) bull-man (?) to right—R3; (c) two sitting human-headed winged lions facing inwards, crescent above (line above left, possibly a blemish in the clay)—T1; (d) winged bull (?) to right—T2; (e) lion (?) to left with indistinct details—R2; (f ) winged quadruped to right—R1; (g) only partially impressed: lion to right—L3; (h) blank—L2. [S.i.] Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 37 Strassmaier, HC, no. 27 Oelsner, Materialien, p. 397 n. 527 [ provenance Borsippa]
452/451 B.C. 495. 109966 (1914–4–4,32). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 21/-/13/Artaxerxes. Two seals: (a) horse (?) to right with head turned back; (b) winged quadruped to right. b
451/450 B.C. 496. 40061 (81–2–1,25). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. -/-/14/Artaxerxes. Six seals: (a) worshipper to right with raised hands facing scorpion-man, seated lion behind worshipper—L3; (b) fish-man to right—T3; (c) indistinct: horse (?) to left with head turned back— L2; (d) eagle (?) en face—T2; (e) bird devouring fish—L1; (f ) seated human-headed winged lion to right facing seated horse (?)—B1; (g) indistinct—T1. a
447 B.C. 497. 54290 (82–5–22,442). Tablet, damaged and bottom missing, contract, from Abu Habbah. 29/5/18/Artaxerxes.
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
Two seals: indistinct: (a) seated quadruped (dog ?) to left, winged disk (?) below—T1; (b) two quadrupeds to left—T2. [S.i.]. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 137 a
445 B.C. 498. 54597 (82–5–22,917) Tablet, contract, from Abu Habbah. 19/1/20/Artaxerxes. Two seals: (a) scorpion-man to left—T2; (b) forequarters of two confronted roaring lions with gaping jaws—L; (c) effaced—T1. [S.i.]. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 151 a
444/443 B.C. 499. 79019 (89–4–26,316). Tablet, house rental, from Babylonia. 13/-/-/21/Artaxerxes. Two seals: (a) only partially preserved: hind legs and tail to quadruped to left—T1; (b) two-handled vase (?)—T2. [S.i.]. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 179 [14/-/-] a
437 B.C. 500. 47362 (81–11–3,67). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 8/2/28/Artaxerxes. Worshipper to right with raised hands facing scorpion-man below crescent, lozenge behind worshipper. Pinches, NCS, p. 122 no. 107
430 B.C. 501. 59747 (82–7–14,4157). Tablet, contract, from Abu Habbah. 21/4/35/Artaxerxes. Four seals, on reverse: (a) twice impressed: bow-legged man en face (Bes-like figure)—top; (b) bearded figure to right with burden on shoulders—lower right; (c–d) two cylinders used as stamps: (c) bearded worshipper to right with raised hands—lower left; (d) human figure to right with bucket (?) and object in raised right hand—upper right. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 292 George and Bongenaar, Orientalia 71 (2002), p. 81
achaemenian period
425 B.C. 502. 65319 (82–9–18,5304). Tablet, contract, from Abu Habbah. 15/11/39/Artaxerxes. Lion to right below crescent. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 148
503. 47343 (81–10–8,5). Tablet, lower part missing, contract, from Babylonia. 17/9/40/ Artaxerxes. Two seals: (a) standing human figure (only partially impressed) to right fighting winged lion (?) on its hind legs—L1; (b) cylinder: “hero” holding off two caprids—R1; (c–d) missing—L2, R2. [S.i.]. Grotefend, ZKM 3 (1840), pp. 179–183 and pl.D [copy by Carl Bellino] Oppert and Ménant, Documents Juridiques (1877), pp. 280–284 no. VIII Strassmaier, HC, no. 31 Walker, Iraq 36 (1974), p. 28 no. 19 Bertin, Copies, no. 2858 b
Artaxerxes I: not precisely dated (464–423 B.C.) 504. 40168 (81–3–24,34). Tablet, economic text, from Ibrahim al-Khalil. 12/5/-/Artaxerxes. [Assumed to be Artaxerxes I; if Artaxerxes II, 404–358 B.C.]. Four seals: (a) female (?) head en face with large earrings (?) and elaborate collar—L2; (b) cylinder used a stamp: worshipper to left with fringe at base of garment holding out object to stone on an altar—L3; (c) quadruped (fox?) to right—B1; (d) winged quadruped to right— B2. [S.i.]. a
505. 40498 (81–4–28,39). Tablet fragment (upper part), contract, from Birs Nimrud ? -/4/-/Artaxerxes. [Assumed to be Artaxerxes I; see no. 504 above]. Deer (?) to right, with oblique line from shoulder—T. [S.i.].
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
506. 54066 (82–5–22,187). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. -/-/-/Artaxerxes. [Assumed to be Artaxerxes I; see no. 504 above]. Six seals: (a) worshipper (?) to right with raised hands -T1; (b) graecizing horseman galloping to right—B2; (c) two stylised winged quadrupeds facing inwards to pillar (?)—B1; (d) bottom of robed human figure, upper part effaced—T2; (e–f ) effaced—L1– L2. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 131 Bertin, Copies, no. 2880 a
507. 76549 (AH.83–1–18,1920). Tablet, contract, possibly from Abu Habbah. 25/6/-/ Artaxerxes. [Upper part destroyed]. [Assumed to be Artaxerxes I; see no. 504 above]. Four seals: (a) scorpion-man to left—T1; (b) winged lion (?) to right over crescent—L1; (c) bird (?) to right—T2; (d) indistinct—T3. [S.i.] Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 65 a
508. 78268 (Bu.88–5–12,124). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia, possibly Babylon. 14/3/-/ Artaxerxes. [On possible Babylon provenance see under Collections above]. [Assumed to be Artaxerxes I; see no. 504 above]. Egyptianising (?) human figure to right stabbing a feline (?) held by the tail. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 146 Pinches, CT 44. no. 81
509. 78977 (89–4–26,272). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. -/-/-/Artaxerxes. [Assumed to be Artaxerxes I; see no. 504 above]. Four seals: (a) naked (?) human figure with long hair to right, holding club—B2; (b) human figure to right following dog attacking an animal—L1; (c) only partially impressed: legs of horse (?) to right following man—T1; (d) indistinct: scorpion-man (?) to right facing animal (?)—T2. [S.i.] Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 178 a
[*] 510. 82597 (93–10–14,49). Tablet, contract, from Kutha. 2/2/-/Artaxerxes. [Assumed to be Artaxerxes I; see no. 504 above]. Seven seals: (a) standing human figure only partially impressed, with arms across body—L6; (b) human figure to right fighting upturned bull—R2; (c) fish-man to left—R3; (d) horse (?) to
achaemenian period
right—R4; (e) grazing bull (?)—R1; (f ) part of quadruped (bull?) only partially impressed to right—L7; (g) indistinct—L1; (h-k) destroyed—L2–5. [S.i.] Roth, AOAT 222 (1989), pp. 101–5 no. 32 Wunsch, Ba.Ar., 2, pp. 30–31 and n. 8
511. 95597 (1901–10–12,1250). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. -/-/-/Artaxerxes. [Assumed to be Artaxerxes I; see no. 504 above]. Indistinct: quadruped (?) to left, crescent above to right.
512. 109860 (1914–4–6,763). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. -/-/-/Artaxerxes. [Assumed to be Artaxerxes I; see no. 504 above]. Crouching cervid to left, plant (?) at lower left.
513. 116688 (1924–12–13,2). Tablet, contract, from Warka. 23/-/-/? Artaxerxes. [Assumed to be Artaxerxes I; see no. 504 above]. Four seals: (a) worshipper to left facing scorpion-man—B2; (b) bearded head to right with lion’s head (?) head-dress facing backwards—T2; (c) lion attacking boar (?) below winged disk—T1; (d) indistinct: winged quadruped (?) to left facing uncertain shape -R (only one). a
DARIUS II 423–404 B.C. 423 B.C. 514. 54557 (82–5–22,877). Tablet, damaged, contract, from Babylonia. 29/9/acc/Darius. [Reference in line 4 to mu 41 kám már[. . . .], “year 41 Ar[taxerxes]”, shows that this tablet is dated to the accession year of Darius II, 29/9 falling on 10 January 423 B.C. (see Zawadski)] Two seals: (a) two horses to right—L1 and 2 (repeated); (b) heron to left—T1 and probably 2 (badly impressed). [S.i.]. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 150 Zawadski, JEOL 34 (1997), pp. 45–49 a
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
515. 33342 (Rm.3.15). Tablet, contract, from Babylon. 25/11/41/Darius. [mu 41-kám mu rè“ “arrùti (sag.nam.lugal.la) mda-ri-ia-a-mu“ lugal kur.kur, being the last year of Artaxerxes I and the accession year of Darius II (cf. Parker and Dubberstein, Chronology, p. 18)]. Quadruped to right. Bertin, Copies, no. 2889 [*] 420 B.C. 516. 41387 (81–4–28,936). Sealing, uninscribed, from Babylon. [Tentatively placed here on the basis of the comparable impression Legrain, Culture of the Babylonians, no. 885, on the tablet Clay, PBS, II, 1, no. 72 dated to 25?/11/3/Darius, i.e. 420 B.C. This is one of several impressions on tablets in the Murashu Archive from Nippur (Legrain, Culture, nos 869–885), the others being of three bulls’ or of three horses’ heads only. These latter are on tablets dating between 21/-/37/ Artaxerxes [I] = 428/427 B.C. (Legrain, Culture, no. 880, three bulls’ heads) and 25/6/11/ Darius [II] = 413 B.C. (Legrain, Culture, no. 875, three bulls’ heads), therefore the late 5th century B.C. is the general date]. Head and forequarters each of a lion, bull and horse round a central boss. [There is another example with lion, bull and horse forequarters on a clay lump from Ur, 1932–10–8,200 (no. 53 0 below), an example with three bulls’ heads on a Seleucid tablet, 109972 (no. 779 (l) below), and three chalcedony stamp seals, also each with three bulls’ heads, in the British Museum collection: 119920 (83–10–11,2), 69–12–1,4, and 78–12–14,8].
[*] [*]
355 B.C. 517. 47589 (81–11–3,294). Tablet, letter, probably from Babylon. 26/3/4(?)/Artaxerxes. [Attributed to Artaxerxes III by D.A. Kennedy, in consultation with A. Sachs (CT 49, p. 3), an attribution agreed by Oelsner (ZA 61 (1971), p. 161)]. Indistinct. Kennedy, CT 49, no. 3 Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), p. 161 518. 47590 (81–11–3,295). Tablet, letter, probably from Babylon. 21/6/4/Artaxerxes. [For attribution to Artaxerxes III see no. 515 above]. Indistinct. Kennedy, CT 49, no. 1 Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), p. 161
achaemenian period
354 B.C. 519. 47591 (81–11–3,296). Tablet, letter, probably from Babylon. 15/10/4/Artaxerxes. [For attribution to Artaxerxes III see no. 517 above. The 10th month (Tebètu) of year 4 began on 31 December 355 B.C. (Parker and Dubberstein, Chronology, p. 35), so the 15th day fell in 354 B.C.]. Two seals on reverse: (a) human figure en face with right arm to head and left to chest [same seal on 47490 (no. 520 below)]—left; (b) human figure on one knee to left—right. [S.i.]. Kennedy, CT 49, no. 2 Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), p. 161 Oelsner, Materialien, p. 462 n. 834 a
520. 47490 (81–11–3,195). Tablet fragment, school exercise (?), from Dailem. [Date missing, but placed here because of the seal impression]. Human figure en face with right arm to head and left arm to chest [same seal on 47591 (no. 519 (a) above)]. 354/353 B.C. 521. 47546 (81–11–3,251). Tablet, letter, probably from Babylon. 21+/?/5/Artaxerxes. [For attribution to Artaxerxes III see no. 517 above]. Indistinct. Kennedy, CT 49, no. 4 Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), p. 161 349 B.C. 522. 47456 (81–11–3,161). Tablet, letter, probably from Babylon. 14/11/9/Artaxerxes. [Attributed to Artaxerxes III since it has the same sealing as 47591 (no. 519 above)]. Human figure en face with right arm to head and left to chest. [*] Achaemenian: not precisely dated: 539–331 B.C. 523. 68027 (82–9–18,8025). Tablet, contract, from Abu Habbah. -/-/-/-. Four seals: (a) bare headed shaven worshipper to right holding bucket and cone (?), cuneiform dingir.pa, “dMuati/Nabu”, behind with crescent above—L1; (b) bearded kilted figure to left with raised left leg, grasping a quadruped (? details indistinct) either (i) by the tail, or (ii) by the neck—L3; (c) scorpion-man to right, crescent above—B2; (d) (human-headed ?) winged lion to right—L2. [S.i.]. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 222 a
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
168 524.
49161 (81–11–3,1872). Sealings, impression on reverse of rolled papyrus (?) scroll bound by a cord, from Babylonia. Five seals: (a) twice impressed: three flexed human legs joined at the buttocks, running clockwise; (b) crouching dog (?) to right facing scorpion-man; (c) caprid (?) to left; (d–e) indistinct.
524A. 41388 (81–4–28,937). Sealing, from Babylonia. Two crouching human-headed winged lions facing inwards.
IMPRESSIONS FROM A CACHE OF CLAY LUMPS FROM UR c. 5th century B.C. [This is a group of impressed clay lumps with the single field number U.18124, found at al-Muqayyar (Ur). The field card gives the provenance as: “NNCF Found together in a clay coffin of Persian type (with no bones or other objects): the coffin edge was flush with the modern surface in the low-lying central part of the site”, a note repeated in briefer form in UE, IX, p. 129. The NCF area is the “built-up site between the north-west wall of the Ziggurat Terrace and the Temenos Wall” (UE, IX, p.vi), which is shown in UE, V, pl. 76 and (with south at the top) in UE, IX, pl. 72, though it is not labelled as such in either. It is described briefly in UE, V, pp. 144–145 and more fully in UE, IX, pp. 49–50. The NNCF site is distinct from this. It is the site “overlying the Kassite Houses northwest of the Temenos” (UE, IX, p. 50 and n. 1), that is to say, beyond the Temenos Wall; presumably “North NCF”. It is probably the area shown as a Neo-Babylonian house site with Persian rebuilding extending to the north in AJ 12 (1932), pl. LXXV, a plan repeated without the northern extension in UE, VIII, pl. 57. No graves are marked in these houses to the north of the Temenos Wall on AJ, 12, pl. LXXV, but the descriptions in AJ, 12, pp. 389–390 and UE, IX, pp. 50–51 refer to Persian coffins. This type of coffin is characterised by Woolley as “oval flat-ended” (UE, VIII, p. 84), or “larnax with one rounded and one straight end” (UE, IX, p. 53), and confidently assigned by him to the Persian period on the basis of burials in the NH Site (UE, IX, pp. 55–57). The NH Site, which lay to the south-west of the AH Site (UE, VII, pl. 116, in outline only, in squares EE-HH 50–56), is shown in UE, IX, pl. 71, again with no graves marked, and described in pp. 43–48, 50. The clay coffin in the NNCF Site in which this group was found is not precisely identified, but it probably belongs with Persian Graves 155–157 (UE, IX, pp. 76–77), which contained pot types 39, 120 and 171, all mainly classified by Woolley as from Persian graves (UE, IX, pp. 93, 96, 98), as well as beads and a plain lunate gold earring. These graves are designated “8.SW.1”, “8.SW.3” and “8.SW.4” in the final report (UE, IX, pp. 76–77), but there was also a “Grave NNCF, SW/2” (UE, IX, p. 128 sub U.18111), and perhaps others, of which the present grave could have been one. There is reason to date the oval flat-ended coffin type over a longer period than proposed by Woolley. Strommenger suggests a period of use from c. 800 to c. 450 B.C. (Baghdader Mitteilungen 3 (1964), fig. 1 (p. 158) “Hockersarkophage”, and pp. 166–168). In general there is some evidence that occupation continued at Ur into the Hellenistic period (UE, IX, pp. 46 and n. 1, 50; and Woolley AJ 12, p. 390), but it is so minimal that it is reasonable to place this group in the Achaemenian and not the Hellenistic period, the examples of Greek style (nos 526, 527, 529, 535, 549, 551, 562, 570, 571 and 575) or influence (nos 534, 545, 579 and 584) therefore belonging to that time. This is supported by the probability that of the objects in the group which can be roughly dated, the latest are: (a) the impressions of an Athenian tetradrachma of the type, Starr, Athenian Coinage, no. 204; Jenkins, Greek
achaemenian period
Coins, p. 46 no. 106, dated to c.460–450 B.C., obverse in Philadelphia (UM.32.40.350; UE, X, no. 722), reverse in Philadelphia (UM.32.40.350; UE, X, no. 821) and London (1932–10–8,233 (no. 553 below)); see also on this coin type Porada, Iraq 22 (1960), pp. 230–231; Collon, “Hoard”, p. 66; this type continued in use until it was replaced by the tetradrachma of Alexander the Great (Head, Historia Numorum, p. 371 with fig. 209), but the coin which made these impressions was evidently in very fresh condition, so if the impressions were made soon after the coin was removed from circulation a date not later than c. 425 B.C. is likely (A. Meadows), possibly placing the group in the time of Artaxerxes I (464–423 B.C.), and in any case in the Achaemenian rather than the Hellenistic period; and (b) the impression of the seal showing lion, bull and horse foreparts round a central boss, 1932–10–8,200 (no. 530 below), reasonably dated c. 420 B.C. on the basis of an example from Nippur (see the sealing 41387, no. 516 above). For Greeks in the Near East in the Achaemenian period see J. Boardman, The Greeks Overseas (new ed.; London, 1980), pp. 102–109; The Diffusion of Classical Art in Antiquity (London, 1994), pp. 28–48. There would be more than one way of classifying and arranging these impressions on the basis of the images, but this has already been done to some extent by Legrain (UE, X), and in a different way by Collon (“Hoard”), and since the main aim of this catalogue is to present the material chronologically, and this group can be considered to belong to a single date in terms of its context, the pieces are listed here in order of their Museum numbers. The different sequences of classification can be seen from the Concordance of Publications below. The gaps in the sequence represent impressions of objects other than stamp seals. Notable types are the following: Greek or Greek influenced (mentioned above): nos 526, 527, 529, 534, 535, 545, 549, 551, 562, 570, 571, 575, 579, and 584; joined heads looking like elaborate composite head-dresses, sometimes incorrectly referred to as grylloi: nos 527, 555, 562, 570, 571, 575, 579 and 584. On the impressions described as “In intaglio”, see the Introduction above. 525. 1932–10–8,194 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Lion head to left. Legrain, UE, X, p. 51, pl. 41 no. 792 Porada, AJA 58 (1954), p. 342 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 71, pl. 16 (= fig. 6).c
526. 1932–10–8,195 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Greek: Herakles to right with left foot on recumbent lion, club in right hand, omega-like sign on right; in elliptical ring-mount. Woolley, AJ 12 (1932), pl. LXXVIII.2, top, fourth from left Legrain, UE, X, p. 50, pl. 40 no. 746 Porada, AJA 58 (1954), p. 342 Boardman, Greek Gems, fig. 278, pp. 235, 286 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 78, pls 23, 24 (= figs 13.I, II).k
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
527. 1932–10–8,197 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Greek: joined heads of bearded man to right, lion with gaping jaws facing upwards, caprid to left at back of neck, “beard” in form of a duck to left. Woolley, AJ 12 (1932), pl. LXXVIII.2, middle left Legrain, UE, X, p. 48, pl. 39 no. 720 Roes, JHS 55 (1935), p. 234, fig. 2 left, and pp. 233–234 [Gryllus] Boardman, Archaic Greek Gems, pp. 84 and 87 n. 22 Boardman, Greek Gems, fig. 313, pp. 322, 350 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 76, pl. 22 (= fig. 12).e
528. 1932–10–8,198 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Robed figure in turreted crown to left, holding off two rampant Bes-headed figures on either side facing inwards, on base-line. Woolley, AJ 12 (1932), pl. LXXVIII.2, bottom left Legrain, UE, X, p. 50, pl. 40 no. 757 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 69, pl. 13 (= fig. 3).c
529. 1932–10–8,199 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Greek: naked (?) man seated to left with woman in loose garment sitting to right on his knee, on base line. Legrain, UE, X, p. 49, pl. 40 no. 736 Boardman, Greek Gems, fig. 276, pp. 234–235, 286 [finger ring?] Collon, “Hoard”, p. 77, pls 23, 24 (= figs 13.I, II).d
530. 1932–10–8,200 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. [See 41387 (no. 516) above, dated c. 420 B.C. on basis of parallel from Nippur]. Head and forequarters each of lion, bull and horse radiating from central boss. Legrain, UE, X, p. 51, pl. 41 no. 775 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 71, pl. 16 (= fig. 6).e
achaemenian period
531. 1932–10–8,201 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Woman’s head to right. Legrain, UE, X, p. 48, pl. 39 no. 707 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 75, pl. 21 (= fig. 11).b
532. 1932–10–8,202 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Woman’s head to right. Legrain, UE, X, p. 48, pl. 39 no. 708 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 71, pl. 21 (= fig. 11).c
533. 1932–10–8,203 and 208 (U.18124). Two impressed lumps of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Bearded figure in kilt to right with curved blade in right hand, grasping rampant bull-headed winged lion to left, on base-line. Woolley, AJ 12 (1932), pl. LXXVIII.2, bottom, second from right [1932–10–8,203] Legrain, UE, X, p. 50, pl. 40 nos 753 [208] and 754 [203] Collon, “Hoard”, p. 69, pl. 13 (= fig. 3).a
534. 1932–10–8,204 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Seated figure holding off two smaller figures; in elliptical ring-mount. Greek influence. Legrain, UE, X, p. 49, pl. 40 no. 735 [nude girl . . . playing with cupids] Porada, AJA 58 (1954), p. 342 [two heroes killing a giant] Collon, “Hoard”, p. 78, pls 23, 24 (= figs 13.I, II).o [Gilgamesh and Enkidu attacking Humbaba] Cf. Hopkins, AJA 38 (1934), pp. 341–358 [discussion of hero against monster]
535. 1932–10–8,205 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Greek: draped woman to left placing laurel crown with right hand on head of Hermes in a short mantle (chlamys) to right holding caduceus, plant (?) in her left hand, on base-line. Woolley, AJ 12 (1932), pl. LXXVIII.2, top, second from left Legrain, UE, X, p. 49, pl. 40 no. 737 Boardman, Greek Gems, fig. 277, pp. 234–235, 286 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 77, pls 23, 24 (= figs 13.I, II).f
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
536 1932–10–8,206 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Winged bull to right, rosette on right. Legrain, UE, X, p. 51, pl. 41 no. 784 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 74, pl. 20 (= fig. 10).a
537. 1932–10–8,207 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Lion to right attacking from behind a caprid to right. Woolley, AJ 12 (1932), pl. LXXVIII.2, bottom, third from left Legrain, UE, X, p. 52, pl. 41 no. 799 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 71, pl. 16 (= fig. 6).l
538. 1932–10–8,209 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Bird (cock) to right, leaf shape on right. Legrain, UE, X, p. 52, pl. 42 no. 825 [cock and barleycorn] Collon, “Hoard”, p. 73, pl. 19 (= fig. 9).j
539. 1932–10–8,210 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Griffin’s head with caprid horns to right in circle of drill holes. Legrain, UE, X, p. 52, pl. 42 no. 806 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 75, pl. 20 (= fig. 10).n
540. 1932–10–8,211 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Seated winged bull with lion’s forefeet, eagle’s hind-feet, and scorpion’s tail to right. Legrain, UE, X, p. 51, pl. 41 no. 783 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 74, pl. 20 (= fig. 10).b
achaemenian period
541. 1932–10–8,212 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Faceless head (?) with palmette rising from crown. Legrain, UE, X, p. 49, pl. 39 no. 728 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 70, pl. 15 (= fig. 5).d
542. 1932–10–8,213 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Seated winged sphinx to right. Legrain, UE, X, p. 51, pl. 41 no. 782 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 70, pl. 20 (= fig. 10).h
543. 1932–10–8,214 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Winged sphinx to right facing incense burner (?). [Impression of same seal in Philadelphia (UE, X, no. 780)]. Legrain, UE, X, p. 51, pl. 41 no. 779 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 74, pl. 20 (= fig. 10).d
544. 1932–10–8,215 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Bull to right, crescent above. Legrain, UE, X, p. 51, pl. 41 no. 790 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 72, pl. 18 (= fig. 8).b
545. 1932–10–8,216 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Naked (?) archer kneeling and shooting to right at caprid, inverted caprid to right on left; in elliptical ring-mount. Greek influence. Woolley, AJ 12 (1932), pl. LXXVIII.2, top centre Legrain, UE, X, p. 50, pl. 40 no. 750 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 78, pls 23, 24 (= figs 13.I, II).n
546. 1932–10–8,219 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Lizard, probably gecko, seen from above. [Impression of (UE, X, no. 827)].
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum Legrain, UE, X, p. 52, pl. 42 no. 828 [otter]; cf. no. 827, similar seal in Philadelphia. Collon, “Hoard”, p. 73, pl. 18 (= fig. 8).g [perhaps crocodile]
547. 1932–10–8,222 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Lion to right. Legrain, UE, X, p. 51, pl. 41 no. 793 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 71, pl. 16 (= fig. 6).i
548. 1932–10–8,223 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Bird to right, leaf shape on right. Legrain, UE, X, p. 52, pl. 42 no. 815 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 73, pl. 19 (= fig. 9).e
549. 1932–10–8,224 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Greek: Herakles to left grappling lion to right. Legrain, UE, X, p. 50, pl. 40 no. 748 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 78, pls 23, 24 (= figs 13.I, II).l cf. Boardman, Greek Gems, fig. 314 (p. 323), p. 350 [similar impression]
550. 1932–10–8,225 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Head and shoulders of bearded man to right. [Very similar to 1932–10–8,305 (UE, X, no. 701 = no. 564 below), but not from the same seal]. Legrain, UE, X, p. 47, pl. 39 no. 702 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 75, pl. 21 (= fig. 11).f
551. 1932–10–8,226 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. In intaglio: Greek: winged sphinx rhyton with decorated rim to left held by disembodied arm and hand, fluted vase above left. Legrain, UE, X, p. 52, pl. 42 no. 832
achaemenian period
Boardman, Greek Gems, fig. 315, pp. 322, 350 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 74, pl. 20 (= fig. 10).g
552. 1932–10–8,227 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Seated monkey/ape (?) to left facing bird to right, small quadruped (hare?) below. [Similar to 1932–10–8,316 (UE, X, no. 811 = no. 576 below), but not from the same seal]. Legrain, UE, X, p. 52, pl. 42 no. 812 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 73, pl. 18 (= fig. 8).e
553. 1932–10–8,233 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. In intaglio: incomplete: impression made from a coin: eyes of an owl on left, part of olive-spray on right, crescent between. [Upper part of reverse of Attic tetradrachma, c. 460–450 B.C. Lower part of same (?) impression in Philadelphia, UM.32.40.350 (UE, X, no. 821); see discussion following no. 524A above]. Cf. Legrain, UE, X, no. 821 Porada, Iraq 22 (1960), pl. XXXI.2c with p. 234 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 73, pl. 19 (= fig. 9).a Cf. Starr, Athenian Coinage, no. 204; Jenkins, Greek Coins, p. 46 no. 106
554. 1932–10–8,288 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Bearded head to right. Legrain, UE, X, p. 48, pl. 39 no. 705 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 75, pl. 21 (= fig. 11).h
555. 1932–10–8,290 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. In intaglio: joined heads of two lions addorsed, eagle above, boar below. Legrain, UE, X, p. 49, pl. 39 no. 726 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 71, pl. 16 (= fig. 6).f
556. 1932–10–8,291 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Hawk flying to right with fish in its claws, three wavy lines below.
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum Legrain, UE, X, p. 52, pl. 42 no. 820 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 73, pl. 19 (= fig. 9).l
557. 1932–10–8,294 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. In intaglio: bird with spread wings to left. Legrain, UE, X, p. 52, pl. 42 no. 816 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 73, pl. 19 (= fig. 9).c
558. 1932–10–8,295 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Lion to right, crescent and seven-pointed star above. Legrain, UE, X, p. 51, pl. 41 no. 794 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 71, pl. 16 (= fig. 6).g
559. 1932–10–8,296 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Two addorsed heads with high, tiered, head-dresses, elliptical ring-mount. Legrain, UE, X, p. 49, pl. 39 no. 725 Porada, AJA 58 (1954), p. 342 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 76, pl. 22 (= fig. 12).q
560. 1932–10–8,297 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay from al-Muqayyar. Lion (?) to left with left hind paw to its head. [cf. 1932–10–8,300 (no. 563 below)]. Collon, “Hoard”, p. 72, pl. 16 (= fig. 6).t
561. 1932–10–8,298 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Lion to right turning head back to bite shoulder of seated man to left. Legrain, UE, X, p. 52, pl. 42 no. 801 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 71, pl. 16 (= fig. 6).q
achaemenian period
562. 1932–10–8,299 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Incomplete: Greek: joined heads of bearded man to right with lion’s head facing backwards above, caprid to left at back of neck, “beard” in form of a duck to left. Collon, “Hoard”, p. 76, pl. 22 (= fig. 12).h Cf. Boardman, Archaic Greek Gems, pp. 84 and 87 n. 22
563. 1932–10–8,300 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Quadruped (dog?) to right with right hind paw to its right shoulder, uncertain shape on right. [cf. 1932–10–8,297 (no. 560 above)]. Legrain, UE, X, p. 52, pl. 42 no. 830 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 72, pl. 16 (= fig. 6).s
564. 1932–10–8,303 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Lion on its hind legs with forepaws extended to right and left and head as seen from above, lower part broken away. Legrain, UE, X, p. 49, pl. 39 no. 733 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 72, pl. 16 (= fig. 6).r
565. 1932–10–8,305 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Head and shoulders of bearded man to right. [Very similar to 1932–10–8,225 (UE, X, no. 702 = no. 550 above), but not from the same seal]. Legrain, UE, X, p. 47, pl. 39 no. 701 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 75, pl. 21 (= fig. 11).e
566. 1932–10–8,306 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Lion to right leaping on quadruped to right. Legrain, UE, X, p. 52, pl. 41 no. 800 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 71, pl. 16 (= fig. 6).m
567. 1932–10–8,307 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Incomplete: duck to left. Legrain, UE, X, p. 52, pl. 42 no. 813 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 73, pl. 19 (= fig. 9).f
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
568. 1932–10–8,308 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Woman (?) to right on (not astride ?) horse to right, elliptical ring-mount. Legrain, UE, X, p. 51, pl. 41 no. 768 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 77, pls 23, 24 (= figs 13.I, II).e
569. 1932–10–8,309 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Bird (cock?) to right, leaf shape on right. Legrain, UE, X, p. 52, pl. 42 no. 826 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 75, pl. 19 (= fig. 9).g
570. 1932–10–8,310 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Greek: joined heads of man to right, lion above, caprid at back of neck, and duck below; elliptical ring-mount. Legrain, UE, X, p. 48, pl. 39 no. 719 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 76, pl. 22 (= fig. 12).g
571. 1932–10–8,311 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. In intaglio: Greek: joined heads of bearded man to right lion’s head above facing upwards, caprid head to left at back of neck, “beard” in form of a duck to left. Legrain, UE, X, p. 51, pl. 41 no. 786 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 76, pl. 22 (= fig. 12).f
572. 1932–10–8,312 and 317 (U.18124). Two impressed lumps of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Two impressions probably from the same seal; two seated bulls facing inwards towards a plant; right bull missing on 312 (a), part of left bull missing on 317 (b). [A third example possibly from the same seal is in Philadelphia (UE, X, no. 789)]. Legrain, UE, X, p. 51, pl. 41 nos 787 [317], 788 [312] Collon, “Hoard”, p. 72, pl. 18 (= fig. 8).a a
achaemenian period
573. 1932–10–8,313 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Robed human figure to right with dagger in right hand and inverted bird by its feet in left hand; probably metal ring. Legrain, UE, X, p. 50, pl. 40 no. 760 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 69, pl. 13 (= fig. 3).e
574. 1932–10–8,314 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. In intaglio: horse and rider to left, crescent above. Legrain, UE, X, p. 51, pl. 41 no. 773 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 72, pl. 17 (= fig. 7).c
575. 1932–10–8,315 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Greek: joined heads of bearded man to right, eagle head above facing upwards, caprid head to left at back of neck, and “beard” in form of a duck to left; elliptical ring-mount. Legrain, UE, X, p. 48, pl. 39 no. 721 Roes, JHS 55 (1935), p. 234 fig. 2 middle, and pp. 233–234 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 76, pl. 22 (= fig. 12).i Cf. Boardman, Archaic Greek Gems, pp. 84 and 87 n. 22
576. 1932–10–8,316 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Seated monkey/ape (?) to left facing two birds to right, small quadruped below. [Similar to 1932–10–8,227 (UE, X, no. 812 = no. 552 above), but not from the same seal]. Legrain, UE, X, p. 52, pl. 42 no. 811 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 73, pl. 18 (= fig. 8).d
577. 1932–10–8,319 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Bearded figure to right in kilt-length garment, griping small lion; chip in the stone on left; elliptical ring-mount. Legrain, UE, X, p. 50, pl. 40 no. 755 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 69, pl. 13 (= fig. 3).f
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
578. 1932–10–8,320+356 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Bearded man running to left, on left side of horse to left. Legrain, UE, X, p. 51, pl. 41 no. 770 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 72, pl. 17 (= fig. 7).d
579. 1932–10–8,321 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Joined heads of bearded man to right with ram’s head to left at back of neck; probably metal ring. Greek influence. Legrain, UE, X, p. 48, pl. 39 no. 718 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 76, pl. 22 (= fig. 12).b
580. 1932–10–8,322 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Bes figure en face in knee-length kilt. Legrain, UE, X, p. 49, pl. 39 no. 732 Collon, “Hoard”, p. 70, pl. 15 (= fig. 5).g
581. 1932–10–8,323 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Incomplete: bird to left. Collon, “Hoard”, p. 73, pl. 19 (= fig. 9).d
582. 1932–10–8,324 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Incompete: bird to right pecking at ground [ perhaps at a fish, cf. UE, X, no. 818]. Collon, “Hoard”, p. 73, pl. 19 (= fig. 9).p
583. 1932–10–8,326+357 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Lion to right. Collon, “Hoard”, p. 71, pl. 16 (= fig. 6).h
achaemenian period
584. 1932–10–8,327 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Joined heads of woman to right with bird (dove?) to right with head turned back above, ram’s head to left at back of neck, grains below; elliptical ring-mount. Greek influence. Legrain, UE, X, p. 48, pl. 39 no. 712 Kantor, JNES 13 (1954), p. 132 and n. 7 [comparanda] Collon, “Hoard”, p. 76, pl. 22 (= fig. 12).n Cf. Boardman, Archaic Greek Gems, pp. 84 and 87 n. 22
585. 1932–10–8,328 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Top (bottom?) missing: base of a palmette (less likely table/stand with splayed legs?), two drill holes in the field. Collon, “Hoard”, p. 70, pl. 15 (= fig. 5).e
586. 1932–10–8,346 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Right portion of wedjat/ujat eye to left [forming part of right eye from scene of Bes-head en face flanked by two wedjat eyes looking inwards]. [Main portion in Philadelphia (UE, X, no. 730)]. Collon, “Hoard”, p. 70, pl. 15 (= fig. 5).a [Philadelphia fragment only] Cf. Legrain, UE, X, p. 49, pl. 39 no. 730 [Philadelphia fragment only] Cf. Gardiner, Grammar, pp. 197, 451 no. D10 [w≈3t]
587. 1932–10–8,351 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Male head to right [probably part of a crowning scene similar to 1932–10–8,205 (no. 535 above)]. Collon, “Hoard”, p. 77, pl. 23 (= fig. 13.I).g Cf. Legrain, UE, X, p. 49, pl. 40 no. 737
588. 1932–10–8,354 (U.18124). Impressed lump of clay, from al-Muqayyar. Lower part of joined heads of bearded man to right with lion’s head to left at back of neck and beard in the form of a duck. Collon, “Hoard”, p. 76, pl. 22 (= fig. 12).c
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
PROBABLY ACHAEMENIAN 589. 41389 (81–4–28,938). Sealing, from Babylonia. Bearded figure to left with bow and quiver (?) on his back, holding a staff.
LATE ACHAEMENIAN / EARLY HELLENISTIC [Date missing, but placed here on the basis of script and the general appearance of the tablets]. 590. 34246 (Sp. 353). Tablet, contract, from Babylon, but relating to Marad. -/-/-/-. [Dating proposed by Oelsner (Materialien, p 110)]. Three+ seals: (a) bearded figure to right in long robe with bent sword in right hand and grasping the hind leg of an upturned bull (?), crescent above—T4; (b–c) indistinct—T5–6; (d–f ) destroyed—T.1–3. [S.i.]. Kennedy, CT 49, no. 169 Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), p. 166; Materialien, pp. 110, 443 nn. 720, 722
[*] 591. 46856 (81–8–30,322). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. -/-/-/-. [*] Imperfectly impressed: warrior figure in kilt to right with left leg and left arm raised to grapple with animal (?)—L. [S.i.].
592. 47271 (81–8–30,793). Tablet, fragment only, from Babylonia. -/-/-/-. Crouching winged stag (?) to right. [S.i.].
593. 72010 (82–9–18,12014). Tablet fragment (only top left corner), personal names, from Abu Habbah. -/-/-/-. Two seals: (a) human-headed winged bull to right—bottom of reverse; (b) quadruped to left— top of obverse. [S.i.] Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 327 [Persian] a
594. 77061 (AH.83–1–18,2438). Tablet fragment, contract, from Babylonia. -/-/-/-. Only partially impressed: scorpion-man to right. [S.i.]. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 79
achaemenian period
595. 77538+77690 (84–2–11,279+436). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. -/-/-/-. Three seals: (a) winged quadruped to right (the wing is as shown)—B3; (b) indistinct—B2; (c) destroyed—B1 . [S.i.]. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, pp. 105, 109
HELLENISTIC PERIOD MACEDONIAN PERIOD 330–305 B.C. ALEXANDER III (THE GREAT) 330–323 B.C. 328 B.C. 596. 42469 (81–7–1,229). Tablet, letter, from Babylonia. 14/12/8/Alexander. Indistinct: bull’s head en face (?), bird (?) above. Kessler, AOAT 252 (2000), pp. 214, 228 [copy with sketch of seal], no. 1 [329 B.C.]
597. Deleted 598. 42480 (81–7–1,240). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. -/-/8?/Alexander. [Mentions year 8 of Alexander]. Quadruped (horse?) to left with head turned back. Kessler, AOAT 252 (2000), pp. 215–16, 230 [copy with sketch of seal], no. 3
327/526 B.C. 599. 47774 (81–11–3,479). Tablet, contract, from Birs Nimrud. -/-/10/Alexander. [Placed here under Alexander III (327/326 B.C.), but if it were Alexander IV the date would be 307/306 B.C.]. Two seals: (a) worshipper to right with raised hands facing couchant quadruped to left on a low platform with curved symbol on its back, crescent above—T; (b) scorpion-man to left—R. [S.i.].
325 B.C. 600. 79100 (89–4–26,397). Tablet, contract, from Babylon. 1/10/11/Alexander. Five seals: (a) scorpion-man to left—T1; (b) mu“¢u““u pacing to right—L2; (c) mu“¢u““u to left seated on platform—B1; (d) hare (?) to left—L1; (e) cylinder used as stamp: worshipper with raised hand(s) to left—T2; (f–g) destroyed—B2, B3. [S.i.] Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 181 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 342 a
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
601. 78243 (Bu.88–5–12,98). Tablet, contract, from Babylon. 8/7/12/Alexander. Seven seals: four stamps: (a) hero to left gripping hind leg of up-ended quadruped (lion?)—T1; (b) human figure in long garment leaning to left and gripping leg of quadruped—B2; (c) indistinct: quadruped to right—L1; (d) indistinct: quadruped (?) to right (?)—B1; (e-f ) two cylinders used as stamps: (e) human figure to left with raised right hand—L3; (f ) worshipper to left facing crescent on a stone—T2; (g) indistinct: blank—L2. [S.i.] Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 145 Pinches, CT 44, no. 83 Oberhuber, OLZ 59 (1964), col. 562 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 342 a
324 B.C. 602. 64392 (82–9–18,4372). Tablet, contract, from Abu Habbah. 21/2/13/Alexander. Worshipper (?) to left in tall head-dress. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 123 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 342
Alexander III: not precisely dated (330–323 B.C.) 603. 78957 (89–4–26,252). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. -/ll/-/Alexander. Four seals at end of reverse: (a) worshipper to right facing scorpion-man, crescent above—upper left; (b) hero to right holding weapon in right hand and gripping quadruped—upper centre; (c) indistinct—upper right; (d) cylinder: hero to right gripping right hind leg of bull, crescent below hero’s arm—lower. [S.i.] Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 177 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 341
604. 78949 (89–4–26,244). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. -/-/-/Alexander. Incomplete: quadruped (?). Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 177 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 341
hellenistic period
PHILIP III ARRHIDAEUS 323–316 B.C. 321/320 B.C. 605. 62684 (82–9–18,2653). Tablet, contract, from Borsippa. 23/-/3/Philip. Winged quadruped to right. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 73 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 343
320 B.C. 606. 47311 (81–8–30,842). Tablet, contract, from Borsippa. 12/11/3/Philip. [[. . .]-ip-su lugal, but full name in line 5] Two seals: (a) scorpion-man to left—L2; (b) winged quadruped to right—L1. [S.i.]. Pinches, NCS, p. 122 no. 108 Unger, Babylon, pp. 318–322 n. 4, no. 17 (on p. 319) Kennedy, CT 49, no. 9 [10/11/3] Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), p. 162; Materialien, pp. 226, 463 n. 836 van der Spek, GSR, pp. 91, 127 n. 197 McEwan, Priest and Temple, p. 125 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 343 [12/11/3] a
607. 46747 (81–8–30,213). Tablet, letter, from Babylonia. 13/-/-/Philip(?) [mpi-li-[. . .] (C. B. F. Walker, C. Wunsch)]. Figure in long garment to right with left hand raised and bucket in right hand [Apkallu], cuneiform dingir.pa, “dMuati/Nabû”, written vertically behind. [S.i.]. Campbell Thompson, CT 22, no. 181; LBL, no. 181 Cf. Wallenfels, Catalogue, pp. 29–30; Bagh. Mitt. 24 (1993), pp. 309–324 [Apkallu]
ANTIGONUS [Always referred to as rab uqu, “general”, never as “arru, “king”, and therefore not named officially in king lists (Parker and Dubberstein, Chronology, p. 20). The equivalent years of reign are conveniently set out in Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 351: namely Antigonus 1 = 317/316 to 7 = 311/310 B.C. overlapping with Philip III, Alexander IV and Seleucus I. Since there is no overlap in this catalogue between any of these three other rulers, the nearest being Antigonus 3/11/6 (no. 624) falling in 312/311, i.e. early 311, and Alexander 25/6/6 (no. 636) falling in 311/310, i.e. later in 311, all texts dated to Antigonus (nos 608–630), or possibly to his time (nos 631–635), can be given here together.
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
316 B.C. 608. 79016 (89–4–26,313). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. -/9/2/Antigonus. Uncertain: quadruped (?) to left (?) above bucranium (?). [S.i.] Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 179
314 B.C. 609. 77203 (AH.83–1–18,2583). Tablet, contract, from Babylon. 1/1/4/Antigonus. Figure with raised hands holding object to right, crescent behind. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 83 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 344
610. 114713 (1920–12–13,5). Tablet, contract, from Babylon. 24/1/4/Antigonus/Babylon. Two seals: (a) winged bull to right—R2; (b) quadruped to right with head turned back and bird standing on its haunches, nondescript shape on right—B2; (c) indistinct—L1; (d) mostly destroyed—L2; (e) destroyed—R1; (f–g) cylinders: worshippers—T2, B2. [S.i.]. a
314/313 B.C. 611. 46733 (81–8–30,199). Tablet, letter, from Birs Nimrud. 1/-/4/. [Ascription to Antigonus proposed by Stolper]. Reclining human figure with second human bending over (?). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 98 Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), p. 166; Materialien, p. 225 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 348
313 B.C. 612. 40879 (81–4–28,426). Tablet, letter, from Babylonia. 9/1/5/Antigonus Pegasus (too indistinct to draw). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 56 Oelsner, Materialien, p. 225 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 345
hellenistic period 613. 67401 (82–9–18,7397). Tablet, letter, from Birs Nimrud. 23/8/5/Antigonus. Pegasus to right below crescent. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 204 Kennedy, CT 49, no. 41 Oelsner, Materialien, p. 225 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 345
614. 40586 (81–4–28,130). Tablet, letter, from Birs Nimrud. 5/9/5/Antigonus. Pegasus to right below crescent. Kennedy, CT 49, no. 40 Oelsner, Materialien, p. 225 MacEwan, Priest and Temple, pp. 35–36 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 345
313/312 B.C. 615. 40585 (81–4–28,129). Tablet, letter, from Birs Nimrud. 13/-/5/Antigonus. Pegasus (too indistinct to draw). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 38 Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), p. 162; Materialien, p. 225 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 345 616. 40890 (81–4–28,437). Tablet, letter, from Birs Nimrud. -/-/5/Antigonus. Too indistinct to draw. Kennedy, CT 49, no. 39 Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), p. 162; Materialien, p. 225 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 345 312 B.C. 617. 109974 (1914–4–4,40). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 11/11/5?/Antigonus. Scorpion-man to right facing bird (?). Oelsner, Materialien, pp. 512–513, addendum to n. 608 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 345 [Possibly from Uruk]
618. 67398 (82–9–18,7394). Tablet, contract, from Birs Nimrud. 6/9/6/Antigonus. Fish-man (?) to right, holding ring (?). Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 204 Kennedy, CT 49, no. 46 Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), p. 162; Materialien, pp. 225–226 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 346
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
619. 40881 (81–4–28,428). Tablet, letter, from Birs Nimrud. -/9/6/Antigonus. Pegasus (too indistinct to draw). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 49 Oelsner, Materialien, p. 225 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 346 Del Monte, Testi, I, pp. 217–8 [-/10/6] 312/311 B.C. 620. 40587 (81–4–28,132). Tablet, letter, from Birs Nimrud. 9/-/6/Antigonus. Two squatting figures facing one another and holding a plant (too indistinct to draw). [Probably same seal as on nos 631–633, 637, 638A] Kennedy, CT 49, no. 45 Oelsner, Materialien, p. 225 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 345 621. 40899 (81–4–28,446). Tablet, letter, from Birs Nimrud. -/-/6/Antigonus. Pegasus to right leaping over altar below crescent. Kennedy, CT 49, no. 48 Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), p. 166; Materialien, p. 225 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 345
622. 40919 (81–4–28,466). Tablet, letter, from Birs Nimrud. -/-/6/. [Ascription to Antigonus proposed by Stolper]. Right end missing: Pegasus to right, crescent above, inverted “V”-shape over partial circle below. Kennedy, CT 49, no. 60 Oelsner, Materialien, p. 225 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 345
623. 40887 (81–4–28,434). Tablet, letter, from Birs Nimrud. 8/7/6(or 7)/Antigonus. [The date therefore either 312 or 311 B.C.]. Pegasus (too indistinct to draw). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 47 Oelsner, Materialien, p. 225 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), 346 311 B.C. 624. 46732 (81–8–30,198). Tablet, letter, from Birs Nimrud. 3/11/6/Antigonus. Pegasus to right. Kennedy, CT 49, no. 59 Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), p. 163; Materialien, p. 225 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 346 Del Monte, Testi, I, p. 218
hellenistic period
625. 40882 (81–4–28,429). Tablet, contract, from Birs Nimrud. 12/2/7/Antigonus. Indistinct: worshipper to left, crescent behind. Kennedy, CT 49, no. 50 Oelsner, Materialien, p. 270 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 346 Del Monte, Testi, I, p. 216 [12/2/7]
Antigonus: not precisely dated 626. 40588 (81–4–28,133). Tablet, letter, from Birs Nimrud. 4/6/-/Antigonus. Pegasus (too indistinct to draw). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 51 Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), p. 166; Materialien, p. 225 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 344 627. 40901 (81–4–28,448). Tablet, letter, from Birs Nimrud. 30/-/-/Antigonus. Pegasus (too indistinct to draw). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 52 Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), p. 166; Materialien, p. 225 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 344 628. 40892 (81–4–28,439). Tablet, letter, from Birs Nimrud. -/-/-/. [Ascription to Antigonus proposed by Stolper]. Pegasus (too indistinct to draw). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 53 Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), p. 166; Materialien, p. 225 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 344 629. 40898 (81–4–28,445). Tablet, letter, from Birs Nimrud. -/-/-/. [Ascription to Antigonus proposed by Stolper]. Pegasus to right. Kennedy, CT 49, no. 96 Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), p. 166; Materialien, p. 225 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 344
630. 40896 (81–4–28,443). Tablet, letter, from Birs Nimrud. . [Ascription to Antigonus? proposed by Stolper]. Pegasus (too indistinct to draw). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 100 Oelsner, Materialien, p. 225 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 348
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum ANTIGONUS OR ALEXANDER IV 311 or 310 B.C.
631. 40867 (81–4–28,414). Tablet, letter, from Birs Nimrud. 16/11/6/. [Ascription to one or other of these rulers proposed by Stolper]. Two squatting human (?) figures facing one another and holding a plant (?) [see no 633] (too indistinct to draw). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 57 Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), p. 166; Materialien, p. 225 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 348 Antigonus or Alexander IV: not precisely dated 632. Seven tablets, letters, from Birs Nimrud. . [Ascription proposed by Stolper]. Two squatting human (?) figures facing one another and holding a plant (too indistinct to draw). [see no 633] 40868 (81–4–28,415). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 62 40869 (81–4–28,416). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 61 40871 (81–4–28,418). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 63 40878 (81–4–28,425). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 64 40880 (81–4–28,427). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 66 40884 (81–4–28,431). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 65 40886 (81–4–28,433). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 79 Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), p. 166; Materialien, p. 225 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), pp. 348–349 633. Twenty tablets, letters, from Birs Nimrud. . [Ascription proposed by Stolper]. Two squatting human (?) figures facing one another and holding a plant (?). [Probably same seal on nos 620, 631–633, 637, 638A] 40888 (81–4–28,435). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 71 40891 (81–4–28,438). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 54; van der Spek, GSR, p. 125 n. 131 40893 (81–4–28,440). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 80 40902 (81–4–28,449). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 77 40903 (81–4–28,450). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 68 40904 (81–4–28,451). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 90 40908 (81–4–28,455). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 81 40909 (81–4–28,456). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 70 40910 (81–4–28,457). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 76 40911 (81–4–28,458). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 74 40912 (81–4–28,459). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 83 40913 (81–4–28,460). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 82 40918 (81–4–28,465). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 87 40922 (81–4–28,469). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 92 40924 (81–4–28,471). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 94 40927 (81–4–28,474). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 93 40928 (81–4–28,475). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 84 40929 (81–4–28,476). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 89; van der Spek, GSR, p. 125 n. 131 40930 (81–4–28,477). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 86
hellenistic period
40931 (81–4–28,478). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 85 54052 (82–3–23,5207). Kessler, AOAT 252 (2000), pp. 217, 233 no. 6. [Registered as from Abu Habbah, but probably from Borsippa]. Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), p. 166; Materialien, p. 225 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), pp. 349–350
634. Two tablets, letters, from Birs Nimrud. . [Ascription proposed by Stolper]. Pegasus (too indistinct to draw). 40885 (81–4–28,432). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 78 40889 (81–4–28,436). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 72 Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), p. 166; Materialien, p. 225 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 349 635. 40926 (81–4–28,473). Tablet, letter, from Birs Nimrud. . [Ascription proposed by Stolper]. Indistinct. Kennedy, CT 49, no. 95 Oelsner, Materialien, p. 225 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 350
ALEXANDER IV 316–307 B.C. 311 B.C. 636. 40824 (81–4–28,371). Tablet, letter, from Birs Nimrud. 25/6/6/Alexander. Indistinct. Kennedy, CT 49, no. 18 Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), p. 163; Materialien, p. 225 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 347 311/310 B.C. 637. 40825 (81–4–28,372). Tablet, letter, from Birs Nimrud. -/-/6/Alexander. Two squatting human (?) figures facing each other and holding a plant (?) (too indistinct to draw). Kennedy, CT 49, no. 20 Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), p. 163; Materialien, p. 225 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 346 [*] 310 B.C. 638. 114732 (1920–12–13,24). Tablet, contract, from Babylon. 1/10/7/Alexander/ Babylon. Four seals: (a) indistinct: human figure (?) to right—T2; (b) human-headed winged lion seated to right facing human-headed winged bull seated to left—L2; (c) imperfectly impressed: winged quadruped to right—L1; (d) small (duck-shaped seal?): blank—T1. [S.i.].
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
309 B.C. 638A. 42528 (81–7–1,287). Tablet, contract, possibly from Borsippa. -/1/8/Alexander. [Provenance at Borsippa assumed on basis of seal (see e.g. no. 633 above] Two squatting human (?) figures facing one another and holding a plant (?) [probably same seal as on nos 620, 631–633, 637 Kessler, AOAT 252 (2000), pp. 217, 232 [copy with sketch of seal], no. 5 308/307 B.C. 639.
68610 (82–9–18,8609; formerly 41–7–26,59). Tablet, contract, from Babylon. 11+/-/9/ Alexander. [Ker Porter gives the provenance as Babylon, but D. A. Kennedy suggests Larsa]. Fourteen seals [all badly impressed]: (a) Greek: female figure to left leaning on a column, base line below—B2; (b) figure with raised hands to left seated on a chair—B4; (c) (two?) squatting figure(s facing each other: only one preserved) and holding a plant (?)—R3; (d) seated human-headed (?) winged quadruped to right facing dog (?) to left—R1; (e) winged bull (?) to right—R2; (f ) lion to right, joint of meat (?) on right, line, perhaps blemish, above—B6; (g) winged quadruped to left—L4; (h) quadruped to right—L5; (i) indistinct:—R4; ( j) indistinct: crouching quadruped to right (?)—reverse, lower right; (k) imperfectly impressed: hind quarters of winged quadruped to right—R5; (l) indistinct: winged quadruped to right—B1; (m) indistinct: bird (?)—B3; (n) indistinct; (o-)—L1–3 (number deduced on analogy of R), and all of T destroyed. [S.i.] Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 238 [and Reade, p. xxxiii, on the Collection number 41–7–26,59] Ker Porter, Travels (1821–22), II, pl. 77g [copy by Carl Bellino; seals not drawn], p. 420 [from Babylon] Lowenstern, Revue Archéologique 6 (1849–50), pp. 417–420, pl. 123 [secondary copy from Bellino’s original; seals not drawn] Layard, ICC (1851), pl. 80A [text of obverse] Oppert and Ménant, Documents Juridiques (1877), pp. 285–290 no. IX Unger, Babylon (1931), pp. 318–322 n. 4, no. 26 (on p. 320) Oelsner, ZA 56 (1964), p. 267, no. 2 Barnett, Iraq 36 (1974), p. 15 and n. 54; and Walker, ibid., p. 27 no. 9 van der Spek, GSR, pp. viii [Bellino’s copy from Ker Porter], 202–211, no. 5
hellenistic period
306/305 B.C. 640. 33998 (Sp. 94). Tablet, contract, from Babylon. 25/-/11/. [Ascription to Alexander proposed by D.A. Kennedy: “year 11 of Alex IV (DK)” on catalogue card]. Four seals: (a) robed figure with raised hands to right—T1; (b) bare headed man to left with raised right hand—L1; (c) horse (?) to right, crescent above—L4; (d) seated dog to right—L2; (e) winged lion (?) to right—L3; R destroyed. [S.i.]. Strassmaier, ZA 3 (1888), pp. 135–136, 148–149, no. 10 [Demetrius(?)] Bertin, Copies, nos 3040–41
Alexander IV: not precisely dated (316–306/305 B.C.) 641. 40597 (81–4–28,142). Tablet, contract, from Babylon. -/-/-/Alexander. [*] Indistinct. Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 346 642. 40921 (81–4–28,468). Tablet, contract, from Birs Nimrud. -/-/-/Alexander. Indistinct. Kennedy, CT 49, no. 28 Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), p. 163; Materialien, p. 225 Stolper, AH 8 (1994), p. 346
SELEUCID PERIOD 311–64 B.C. SELEUCUS I NICATOR 312–294 B.C. [The official reign of Seleucus I began in Syria in Autumn 312 B.C., his first full year (= Year 1 of the Seleucid Era) being 311 B.C. (Parker and Dubberstein, Chronology, p. 37), but until 306/305 B.C. in Mesopotamia documents continued to be dated to a fictional reign of Alexander IV. Dating to the reign of Seleucus I did not begin there until about his 8th year, 304/303 B.C. (Parker and Dubberstein, Chronology, p. 20), but from his time onwards, the texts give the years as continuing from those of Seleucus (Parker and Dubberstein, Chronology, pp. 20–21), and they are henceforth here designated S[eleucid] E[ra].]. 305 B.C. 643. 46894 (81–8–30,360). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 9/8?/SE.7/Seleucus. [*] Three seals: (a) Greek: herm to left—T1; (b) lion (?) to left below crescent—T2; (c) bird to left on mound with plant (?) in its beak, snake above to left—L1. [S.i.]. a
303/302 B.C. 644. 62392 (82–9–18,2361). Small tablet, contract, from Abu Habbah. -/-/SE.9/Seleucus. Two seals on reverse, both impressed twice: (a) indistinct: quadruped (dog?) to right; (b) indistinct: quadruped to right with head turned back (?). Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 65 a
301 B.C. 645. 109975 (1914–4–4,41). Tablet, obverse destroyed, contract, from Babylonia. 24/9?/SE.11/ Seleucus. Five seals: (a) human figure to right, upper part not impressed—L; (b) lion (?) pacing to left below crescent—B1; (c) lion (?) to left facing joint of meat (?), crescent above—T2; (d) lion to left facing joint of meat, crescent above—T1; (e) bull (?) to right, upper part missing—B2. a
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
298 B.C. 646. 109963 (1914–4–4,29). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia.12/12/SE.13?/Seleucus. Ten seals: (a) deity (?) seated on stool to left facing worshipper (?), symbols in the field—B3; (b) “hero” holding off two animals—B2; (c) two squatting human-headed winged lions facing inwards—T2; (d) human-headed winged bull to right—B4; (e) human-headed winged quadruped to right, inverted tear-drop shape on right—L3; (f ) humped bull [Taurus?] to left—B1; (g) human-headed winged bull leaping to right over eight-pointed star—T1; (h-i) mostly destroyed— L1, 2; ( j) destroyed—R. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, p. 283; Catalogue, p. 154 [Taurus] a
297/296 B.C. 647. 105201 (1913–4–16,33). Tablet, contract, from Warka. 16+/-/SE.15/Seleucus. Ten seals: (a) human figure to right with left hand raised and bucket in right hand [Apkallu]— L4; (b) human figure to left fighting animal—L3; (c) human figure to left gripping humpedbull—T3; (d) scorpion-man to right—B3; (e) indistinct: human-headed bull (?) to right—B2; (f ) lion to right below crescent facing joint of meat (?)—T2; (g) winged bull leaping to right over calf (?), facing plant (not Aramaic “ )—B4; (h) lion to right below star—L2; (i) quadruped with big ears (hound?) to right—B1; ( j) indistinct—R; (k-l) destroyed—T1, L1. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, Catalogue, pp. 29–30; Bagh. Mitt. 24 (1993), pp. 309–324 [Apkallu]
297–153 B.C. 648. 45631 (81–7–6,24). Tablet, letter, from Babylon. [Date missing, but probably connected with a group of texts dating in Seleucid Era 15–158 (Oelsner)]. Quadruped to right below circle. Kennedy, CT 49, no. 171 Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), p. 163
hellenistic period
Possibly in the time of Seleucus I (312–294 B.C.) 298 B.C. 649. 109962 (1914–4–4,28). Tablet, economic text, from Babylonia. [Date missing, but staters of a Seleucus are mentioned. Staters are attested from the reigns of both Seleucus I (Houghton and Lorber, Seleucid Coins, I, nos 66, 81, 84–6, 88–93, 102, 114–15 etc.) and II (ibid. nos 671, 687–8, 701, 703, 717–20, 723, 726 etc.), so this cannot be assigned precisely. It is placed here as the first possibility]. Twelve seals: (a) winged bull to right, dolphin on right, crab [Cancer?] below, eight-pointed star on left—L4; (b) winged bull to right, eight pointed star on left—L1; (c) winged bull to right, small quadruped below, triangle on right—B3; (d) incompletely impressed: winged bull to right, fish (?) below, eight-pointed star on left—R2; (e) incompletely impressed: winged bull to right, crescent on left—T3; (f ) winged horse (?) to right over double line—T1; (g) lion to right—B1; (h) incompletely impressed: lion to right—L3; (i) incompletely impressed: quadruped (lion?) to right, crescent above, double line below—T4; ( j) human-headed (?) winged lion to right—B2; (k) incompletely impressed: fish/fish-man (?) to right, double line below—L2; (l) destroyed—T2. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, p. 284; Catalogue, p. 154 [Cancer] a
SELEUCUS I AND ANTIOCHUS I SOTER 294–281 B.C. 294 B.C. 650. 109941 (1914–4–4,7). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 1/8/SE.18/Seleucus & Antiochus. [Parker and Dubberstein quote the earliest date of Seleucus I and Antiochus I together as 20/9/20 = 13 December 292 B.C. (Chronology, p. 21), but the reading of the date on this tablet is agreed by both A. Sachs and D. A. Kennedy]. Ten seals: (a) human figure holding spear (?) to right—T1; (b) human figure to left grappling (?) humped-bull—B1; (c) scorpion-man to right—T4; (d) human-headed winged lion (?) to right facing bird (?)—B2; (e) leaping bull to right—B4; (f ) winged bull to right—L1; (g) winged bull (?) to right facing plant—T3; (h) winged quadruped to right—B3; (i) winged quadruped to right -L2; (j) six-pointed cross—T2. [S.i.] Del Monte, Testi, I, p. 226 a
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Seleucus I and Antiochus I: not precisely dated (294–281 B.C.) 651. 105199 (1913–4–16,31). Tablet, contract, from Warka. -/-/SE.-/Seleucus & Antiochus. [The precise date missing]. Eight seals: (a) scorpion-man to right facing seated dog—B2; (b) caprid (?) to left—B1; (c) indistinct: winged quadruped to left—L1; (d) and (e) human-headed winged centaur-archers [Sagittarius] to right (?)—L2 and L1; (f-h) indistinct. [S.i.] a
ANTIOCHUS I SOTER 281–261 B.C.: not precisely dated 652. 78930 (88–5–12,116). Tablet, marriage contract, from Babylon. 20/12/[SE]-/Antiochu[s]. Six seals: (a) crouching human-headed winged lion to right—L2; (b) imperfectly impressed: winged lion (?) to right—L1; (c) imperfectly impressed: sitting winged lion (?) on base—L3; (d-f ) indistinct—R. [S.i.] Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 172 [[9/12/-] Kennedy, CT 49, no. 165 Roth, AOAT 222 (1989), pp. 117–120, no. 38 [itu.“e ud 20.kam2 m[u x kam2] Ian-ti-"-ku-"[su . . .]] b
653. 78929 (88–5–12,115). Fragmentary tablet, marriage contract, possibly from Babylon. 11/[8]/-/ [SE] Ant[iochus]. Six seals: (a) lion to right—reverse; (b) indistinct: quadruped to right—L1; (c) indistinct—L3; (d-f ) cylinder seal(s) used as stamps: (d) worshipper with raised hands to right—L2; (e) worshipper with raised hands to left—T1; (f ) stone on stand—T2. [S.i.] Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 172 Kennedy, CT 49, no. 167 Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), p. 163 Roth, AOAT 222 (1989), pp. 120–122, no. 39 [itu.apin u[d] 11 kam2 [mu x.kam2] Ian-t[i-"-ku"-su]] a
ANTIOCHUS I SOTER AND SELEUCUS 280–267 B.C. 279 B.C. 654. 33985 (Sp. 81). Tablet, contract, from Babylon. 8/10/SE.32/Seleucus & Antiochus. Imperfectly impressed: quadruped to right. Kennedy, CT 49, no. 103 Oelsner, Materialien, p. 272 n.f
hellenistic period
Del Monte, Testi, I, p. 227 Bertin, Copies, no. 2908
655. 104805 (1912–7–6,69). Tablet, contract, from Warka. 28/11/SE.32/Antiochus & Seleucus/ Uruk. Eleven seals: (a) fish-garbed figure with cone (?) and bucket [fish-Apkallu] to right—B1; (b) stylised human figure sitting on a stool, holding cup (?) to left—R3; (c) scorpion-man to right—T1; (d) seated human-headed (?) winged lion (?) to left facing seated quadruped to right within surrounding line—R1; (e) stylised winged quadruped to right, fox (?) below—L3; (f ) indistinct: lion (?) to right attacking cervid (?)—B2; (g) bull (?) to left, crescent (?) above—B3; (h) winged horse (?) to left, indistinct shape on left—B4; (i) bird with spreading wings on right, horizontal fish [Pisces] below on left, and seven (uneven, possibly eight)-pointed star above on left— L2; (j-k) indistinct—L1, R2. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs” p. 287 [Pisces]; Catalogue, pp. 29–30 [Apkallu], 156 [Pisces], 128 no. 984 [bird, fish and eight-pointed star; 25/1/SE.52–63 (260–249 B.C.)]; Bagh. Mitt. 24 (1993), pp. 309–324 [Apkallu] a
279/278 B.C. 656. DT.189. Tablet, badly damaged (lower right of obverse and upper right of reverse destroyed), contract, from Babylonia. -/-/2/Antio[chus]. [Date uncertain. The damaged text mentions years 16 and 17 of a king whose name is lost, and refers to mu 2 kám man-ti-"-[. . .]. The missing ruler could be Seleucus I, who reigned for 20 years, and year 2 could be that of Antiochus I and Seleucus. This is the argument for placing it here, but is no more than a guess. The un-Hellenistic design on seal (b) does not necessarily argue for an earlier date]. Three seals: (a) lion to right, triangular shape above—L2; (b) crouching mu“¢u““u on hatched platform and with spade on back—L1; (c) only half impressed and indistinct—T. [S.i.] Bezold, Catalogue, IV, p. 1558 [standardised copy of the lines with references to years] Peiser apud Rost, MVAG 2 (1897), pp. 108–109 [= Heft 2, pp. 4–5] n. 2 [translation of text] Oelsner, Materialien, pp. 199–200, 497 a
278 B.C. 657. 46663 (81–8–30,129). Tablet, from Babylonia. 1/10/3/Antiochus? [Name of ruler uncertain. Here it is assumed to be Antiochus I, but this is no more than a guess]. [*] Winged horse (?) to right.
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
277 B.C. 658. 30731 (76–11–17,458). Tablet, contract, from Babylon. -/8/SE.35/Antiochus & Seleucus. Twelve seals: (a) human figure (?)—T4; (b) another (?)—L2; (c) lion to right attacking a cervid— L3; (d) winged bull to right—B2; (e) quadruped to right—T1; (f ) another—T3; (g) horse to left—B1; (h) bird to left—B3; (i) bird (?)—L4; (j-m) indistinct—L1, R1, R2, T2. Kennedy, CT 49, no. 105 Bertin, Copies, nos 2899–2900 276 B.C. 659. 109956 (1914–4–4,22). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 26+/11/SE.35/An[tiochus &] Seleucus. Sixteen seals: (a) worshipper to left with raised right hand and bucket (?) in left—R3; (b) halfhuman (?) figure with tail and animal hind legs (lion-man?) holding objects to left—R2; (c) human headed (?) winged fish to right—L3; (d) human-headed winged quadruped to right— L1; (e) human-headed winged lion to right—T1; (f ) lion to right, crescent above—B2; (g) lion to right on base-line facing joint of meat—L4; (h) lion to right facing joint of meat—B1; (i) lion leaping to right facing bucranium (?)—B4; (j) horse to right—T4; (k) winged horse to right—T5; (l) winged horse(?) to right—R4; (m) winged quadruped to right, crescent on right— B3; (n) quadruped (mu“¢u““u?) to right on hatched stand, symbols, including triangle, on its back—L2; (o) only partially impressed: seated quadruped to right on hatched plinth, winged (?) or symbols on its back (?)—T3; (p) blank—T2; (q) mostly destroyed—R1. [S.i.]. a
[*] 276/275 B.C. 660. 54555 (82–5–22,875). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 9/-/SE.36/Antiochus & [Seleucus]. Four seals: (a) couchant lion to right on base-line—T3; (b) caprid leaping to right—T2; (c) indistinct: quadruped to right—T1; (d) indistinct: quadruped to right—T4. [S.i.]. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 149 Jursa, AOAT 254 (1998), pp. 76, 114–16, 127 (copy with sketches of seals), no. 17 a
275 B.C. 661. 109954 (1914–4–4,20). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 11/8/SE.37/Antiochus & Seleucus. [Text a duplicate of 109985 (no. 662 below)].
hellenistic period
Six seals preserved: (a) standing Hellenistic style figure to left—R1; (b) standing figure to right with raised left hand and right on stand—T1; (c) winged bull to right—T4; (d) winged bull leaping to right—T3; (e) winged bull leaping to right, crescent above—T2; (f ) winged horse (?) leaping to right—B1; (g-h) indistinct—L1, B1; (i) destroyed—L2. [S.i.]
662. 109985 (1914–4–4,51). Tablet, badly damaged (left and bottom broken away), contract, from Babylonia. 11/8/SE.37/Antiochus & Seleucus. [Text a duplicate of 109954 (no. 661 above)l. Two seals: (a) winged bull to right—T4; (b) winged bull leaping to right over dolphin (?)—T3; (c-d) damaged—T1,2; (e) effaced—R1. [S.i.] b
274 B.C. 663. 33539 ((Rm.4.95). Tablet, contract, from Babylon. -/11?/SE.37/Antiochus and Seleucus. Eight seals: (a) human figure (?)—T2; (b) quadruped to right—T1; (c-h) indistinct. Kennedy, CT 49, no. 108 Bertin, Copies, no. 3017 273 B.C. 664. 105190 (1913–4–16,22). Tablet, temple account, from Warka. 12/3/SE.38/Antiochus & Seleucus. Thirteen seals: (a) standing robed figure playing kettledrum (?)—L3; (b) sitting human-headed winged lion to right facing sitting quadruped—T4; (c) similar—L1; (d) human-headed winged bull leaping to right—T5; (e) human-headed winged bull (?) to right—T2; (f ) winged bull leaping to right—B2; (g) bull pacing to right facing spindle-shaped object, eight-pointed star above—T3; (h) crouching quadruped to left on base, multi-pointed star above—T1; (i) quadruped (bear?) to right—R2; ( j) fish [Pisces?] to left—R1; (k) indistinct: quadruped to right—L2; (l) indistinct: winged quadruped (?) to right—B3; (m) damaged—B1. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, p. 287; Catalogue, p. 156 [Pisces] a
270 B.C. 665. 41159 (81–4–28,706). Tablet, contract, from Amran (Babylon). 13/9/SE.42/ Antiochus & Seleucus. Nine seals: (a) Greek (?): indistinct naked (?) figure to right—R1; (b) Greek: Nike (?) to right with staff (?) above wings, holding bowl—L3; (c) crouching lion to right on base-line, crescent above—L1; (d) bull to right—T1; (e) bull to right beginning to kneel—T2; (f ) caprid to right—
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R2; (g) indistinct: worshipper to right (?)—T4; (h) indistinct: quadruped to right (?)—T3; indistinct—L2. [S.i.]. Kennedy, CT 49, no. 111
[*] 270/269 B.C. 666. 54190 (82–5–22,312). Tablet, receipt, from Babylonia. 25/-/SE.42/Antiochus & Seleucus. Crouching quadruped (head missing) to right. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 134 Kennedy, CT 49, no. 113 van der Spek, GSR, pp. 234, 235–236 Bertin, Copies, no. 2897
269 B.C. 667. 59748 (82–7–14,4158). Tablet, contract, from Abu Habbah. 28/12II/SE.42/Antiochus & Seleucus. Four seals, all indistinct: (a) rampant lion (?) to right attacking uncertain recumbent shape—L1; (b) quadruped (lion?) to right—T2; (c) quadruped to right—L2; (d) winged quadruped to right—T1. [S.i.]. Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 292 [28/12II/43] Jursa, AOAT 254 (1998), pp. 75, 114, 126 [year 42! ], 126 no16 [copy with sketches of seals] a
268 B.C. 668. 105189 (1913–4–16,21). Tablet, temple account, from Warka.30/5/SE.44/Antiochus[. . .]. Six seals: (a) standing figure in long fringed garment to right, triangle on right—L2; (b) horse (? head missing) to right—B2; (c) winged horse (?) to right, six-pointed star above—L3; (d) goat-fish [Capricornus] to right, crescent and six-pointed star above—B1; (e) goat-fish to right, triangle on right—T2; (f ) goat-fish (? all but tail missing) [Capricornus] to right—T3. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, p. 286; Catalogue, p. 155 [Capricornus]
hellenistic period
669. 105204 (1913–4–16,36). Tablet, temple account, Warka. -/-/SE.44/Antiochus and Seleucus. Six seals: (a) scorpion-man to right facing seated lioness (?)—R; (b) quadruped (sheep?) to right, eight pointed star above—B1; (c) goat-fish [Capricornus] to right, crescent above—B2; (d) indistinct: winged quadruped—L2; (e) indistinct: winged horse (?) to right—L1; (f ) fly (?)— T1. [S.i.]. Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, p. 286; Catalogue, p. 155 [Capricornus] a
Antiochus I and Seleucus: not precisely dated (280–267 B.C.) 670. 105193 (1913–4–16,25). Tablet, contract, from Warka. 1/5/SE.-/Antiochus and Seleucus. [Alternatively possibly of the time of Antiochus III and Seleucus (IV), SE. 120–124 (192–188 B.C.)]. Seven seals: (a) female draped figure to right with hand on stand—L2; (b) scorpion-man to right—T3; (c) winged bull to right—B1; (d) goat-fish [Capricornus] to right, crescent above— L1; (e-g) indistinct—R1, T1–2. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, p. 286; Catalogue, p. 155 [Capricornus] b
671. 30118 (56–9–3,1514). Tablet, contract, from Warka. -/-/SE.x+3/Antiochus & Seleucus. [Alternatively possibly of the time of Antiochus III and Seleucus (IV), SE. 120–124 (192–188 B.C.)]. Eight+ seals: (a) figure in spiked (?) headdress to left with left (?) arm raised—T1; (b) humanheaded winged bull to right—T2; (c) two fish-men facing each other—B3; (d) damaged: quadruped to right—B2; (e) horse (?) to right—T3; (f-h) destroyed—T4, B1,4; (i–?) destroyed— L, R. [S.i]. Loftus, Chaldaea and Susiana, p. 231, possibly no. 5 [“The only impression very distinct is that of a Babylonian figure in profile, in a long robe, with a staff in one hand” (a?)] Cf. Oelsner, Materialien, pp. 148–149 a
Possibly in the time of Antiochus I and Seleucus (280–267 B.C.) 672. 109965 (1914–4–4,31). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. -/-/SE.x+4/Antiochu[s and . . .]. [The first occasion of an Antiochus + x co-regency is Antiochus I & Seleucus (280–267 B.C.), but other possibilities would be Antiochus I & Antiochus II (266–261 B.C.), or Antiochus III & Antiochus (210–192 B.C.) and Antiochus III & Seleucus IV (189–187 B.C.)]. Four seals: (a) lion (?) to right with head turned back—L2; (b) winged bull to right, circle on right, T-shaped object below—L3; (c) indistinct: quadruped (?)—L1; (d) indistinct—T1. a
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ANTIOCHUS I SOTER AND ANTIOCHUS II THEOS 266–261 B.C. 266 B.C. 673. 109936 (1914–4–4,2). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 28/4/SE.46?/[Antiochu]s & Antiochus. [28/4/SE.46? (D.A. Kennedy); 28/1/SE.40+x, where x could be 6, 7, 8, or 9 (A. Sachs)]. Eleven seals: (a) Greek (?): draped figure, Hermes (?) to left, holding purse (?)—B1; (b) bearded centaur with scorpion-tail [Sagittarius?] to right attacking lion (?) on its hind legs—T3; (c) scorpion-man to right facing seated lion—T1; (d) winged quadruped to right, eight-pointed star below—T4; (e) lion leaping to right towards joint of meat (?)—L1; (f ) lion leaping to right towards joint of meat (?), eight-pointed star above—L2; (g) lion (?) pacing to right, eightpointed star above—B3; (h) lion to right facing egg-shaped object, crescent above—R; (i) winged bull to right, eight-pointed star on right—L3; ( j) winged quadruped to right—T2; (k) horse (?) to right—B2. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, p. 286; Catalogue, p. 155 [Sagittarius] a
674. 109943 (1914–4–4,9). Tablet, economic text, from Babylonia. 13/6/SE.x+6 (or possibly 5)/ Antiochus & Antiochus. [Could be 46 (266 B.C.), 106 (206 B.C.) or 116 (196 B.C.) (Sachs); more likely 266 B.C. (Kennedy)]. [*] Two seals surviving: (a) Greek: goddess to left with cornucopia—R1; (b) human-headed winged bull to right facing smaller quadruped (?)—R2; (c-e) destroyed—L, B, T. [S.i.]
265 B.C. 675. 105200 (1913–4–16,32). Tablet, temple account, from Warka. 25/8/SE.47/Antiochus & Antiochus. Seven seals: (a) Greek: robed figure to left with loop-shape on back—R1; (b) human-headed winged bull to right—B1; (c) human-headed winged bull to right—T2; (d) scorpion-man to right facing indistinct object—T1; (e) scorpion-man to right, Aramaic “ on right, probable t (see Aramaic Inscriptions no. 9) on left—B3; (f ) winged bull to right, triangle on right, nondescript object below—B2; (g) winged horse (?) to right—L2. [S.i.].
hellenistic period
263 B.C. 676. 105173 (1913–4–16,5). Tablet, contract, from Warka. 20/3/SE.x+9/Antiochus & Antiochus. [Year assumed to be SE.49, but SE.109 (203 B.C.) and SE.119 (193 B.C.) are also possibilities]. Twelve seals: (a) man’s head to right—L2; (b) figure to right with left hand raised and bucket in right, fish behind—R1; (c) two figures [Gemini?] to left, crescent on left, six-pointed star on right—T3; (d) indistinct: two human figures facing each other—L1; (e) winged bull leaping to right over crouching animal, eight-pointed star on right, crescent on left—T2; (f ) winged bull leaping to right over dolphin, crescent on left—T1; (g) winged quadruped to right, sixpointed star on right, crescent on left—B4; (h) winged quadruped to right, eight-pointed star on right—R2; (i) winged quadruped to right, eight-pointed star on right, triangular shape on left—B3; (j) humped bull (?) to right, small animal (?) on right, crescent above—B2; (k) indistinct: quadruped to right, crescent above—T4; (l) indistinct: fish (?) [Pisces?], bird between plants [Spica?] above, shapes below—B1; (m) destroyed—L1. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283 [Gemini], 287 [Pisces and Spica]; Catalogue, pp. 154 [Gemini], 156 [Pisces]
678. 109959 (1914–4–4,25). Tablet, badly damaged, contract, from Babylonia. -/-/SE.x+9/ An[tiochus . . .]. [Year date uncertain: “x+9” (D.A. Kennedy), “x+8” (A. Sachs) or “x+7?” Tentatively placed as SE.49, but see under 105173 (no. 676 above). Three seals surviving: (a) archer shooting to right—T1; (b) human-headed winged lion to right— T2; (c) indistinct: human-headed winged quadruped to right—L1; (d-?) destroyed—R and T. [S.i.] a
262 B.C. 679. 105203 (1913–4–16,35). Tablet, much of reverse destroyed, temple account, from Warka. 4/9/SE.50/Antiochus dumu-“ú. Fourteen seals: (a) bearded figure to right with streams flowing from shoulders [Aquarius?]—L3; (b) Greek: horseman to right with cloak sweeping behind—R1; (c) human-headed winged bull to right—L2; (d) lion to right facing joint of meat (?), eight-pointed star above—T1; (e) lion to right, triangle above—T5; (f ) lion to right, Aramaic n and d (?) (see Aramaic Inscriptions no. 10) above—L4; (g) horse to right leaping over fox—T2; (h) winged bull to right—T3; (i) winged bull to right, indistinct object below—B2; ( j) winged bull to right, eight-pointed star on right—T4; (k) goat-fish [Capricornus] to right, eight-pointed star and crescent above—B3; (l) quadruped (indistinct) leaping over fox—B1; (m) indistinct—L1; (n) damaged—B4. [S.i.]. Cf. Wallenfels. “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 286–287; Catalogue, p. 155 [Capricornus, Aquarius]
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208 g
Antiochus I and Antiochus II: not precisely dated (266–261 B.C.) 680. 105195 (1913–4–16,27). Tablet, temple account, from Warka. 2/9/SE.-/Antiochus & Antiochus. Thirteen seals: (a) Greek (?): draped figure to left; (b) bearded centaur archer with scorpion-tail [Sagittarius] to right; (c) human-headed winged bull to right; (d) human-headed winged bull to right; (e) winged bull to right; (f ) winged bull to right; (g) scorpion-man to right; (h) quadruped to right with head turned back; (i) goat-fish [Capricornus] to right, eight-pointed star and crescent above; ( j) bird en face and fish [Pisces?] eight-pointed star below; (k) indistinct: fox (?) below (l) cross in circle and stylised plant; (m) dagger blade (?) Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 286 [Sagittarius, Capricornus], 287 [Pisces]; Catalogue, p. 155 [Sagitarius, Capricornus], 156 [Pisces] a
681. 109949 (1914–4–4,15). Tablet, most of reverse destroyed, contract, from Babylonia. 20/10/SE.-/ Antiochus & Antiochus. Ten seals; (a) bearded figure to right with stream of water from shoulder [Aquarius] facing scorpion-man to right, crescent on left—B2; (b) human-headed winged bull to right, dolphin below, crescent on right, six-pointed star on left—B3; (c) lion to right, crescent above, six-pointed star on right—B4; (d) lion to right—R1; (e) humped-bull to right, crescent and eight pointed star above—T3; (f ) humped bull to right, stylised plant on right [Taurus and Spica?]—T4; (g) winged bull to right over small quadruped, eight-pointed star on left, crescent on right— R2; (h) indistinct: winged quadruped to right—B1; (i) goat-fish [Capricornus] to right, Aramaic “ (see Aramaic Inscriptions no. 11) below, ten-pointed star on left, crescent on right—T1; ( j) goat-fish [Capricornus] to right, crescent above—T2. [S.i.]. Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283 [Taurus], 285 [Spica], 286 [Capricornus], 286–287 [Aquarius]; Catalogue, pp. 154 [Taurus], 155 [Capricornus, Aquarius] a
682. 116687 (1924–12–13,1). Tablet, contract, from Warka. 27/-/SE.-/Antiochus & Antiochus. Twelve seals: (a) partially impressed man to right holding bucket (?)—T1; (b) partially impressed and indistinct: man (?) to right, line of ring mount visible—L1; (c) fish-man to left—B1; (d)
hellenistic period
human-headed winged bull to right, the headdress a hollow rectangle—B2; (e) winged bull to right, with character on right, possibly reversed Aramaic d/r (?), or, since there appear to be two descenders, Greek èta (?) [in which case perhaps = the numeral “8”, possibly a regnal year (if e.g. of Antiochus I, 273/272 B.C., or if of Antiochus II, 253/252 B.C.), but highly speculative] on right (see Aramaic Inscriptions no. 12)—T5; (f ) winged bull to right, crescent on right—R1; (g) winged bull to right, Aramaic b (see Aramaic Inscriptions no. 12) below— R2; (h) winged bull to right—T3; (i) partially impressed quadruped to right—L2; ( j) partially impressed goat-fish [Capricornus] to right—B5; (k) indistinct: quadruped leaping to right (? head marred) over nondescript shape—B3; (l) uncertain composition in double elliptical surrounding lines—T2. [S.i.]. Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, p. 286; Catalogue, p. 155 [Capricornus] b
683. 105208 (1913–4–16,40). Tablet, temple account, from Warka. -/-/SE.-/Antiochus & Antiochus. Eight seals: (a) man with raised right hand to right, crab [Cancer?] on right, bird and fish [Pisces] joined at their tails by V-shaped ribbon on left—B2; (b) lion to right, six-pointed star above, nondescript objects on left and right—T2; (c) lion to right—B1; (d) winged bull to right—B3; (e) winged bull to right, crescent on right—T1; (f-g) indistinct—T3, R2; (h) damaged—R1. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 284 [Cancer], 287–289 [Pisces; V-shaped ribbon and examples of combined images on one seal]; Catalogue, pp. 154 [Cancer], 156 [Pisces] d
684. 109964 (1914–4–4,30). Tablet, damaged, economic text, from Babylonia. 10/12/SE.-/? & Antio[chus]. [The first instance of a co-regency with “Antiochus” as the second member is Antiochus I & Antiochus II, so this is a possibility, i.e. in this case 265–261 B.C. Other later possibilities are Antiochus III and Antiochus (210–192 B.C.) or Antiochus IV and Antiochus (175–170 B.C.)]. Twelve seals: (a) worshipper with raised hands to right—R2; (b) seated (?) human figure to left with right knee raised [Phoenician “temple-boy” pose], small quadruped (?) on right—R1; (c) indistinct: human figure with raised hands to right—B1; (d) upper right missing: two human figures (?)—T1; (e) left missing: human-headed winged lion (?) to right—B4; (f ) lion to right facing joint of meat—B3; (g) right missing: lion to right—L2; (h) winged bull leaping to right, crescent above, eight-pointed star on right—T4; (i) only partially preserved: winged bull to right, crescent above left—L1; ( j) only partially preserved: bull to right, star on right—T2; (k–l) indistinct—B1,4; (m-o) destroyed—B2, T1,3. [S.i.] a
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
ANTIOCHUS II THEOS 261–246 B.C. 260+ B.C. 685. 31803 (76–11–17,1530). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 16/6/SE.52+/-. Indistinct: possibly cylinder used as stamp: human figure with right arm raised. Bertin, Copies, nos 3073–74 259 B.C. 686. 114421 (1920–6–15,17). Tablet, obverse badly damaged, contract, from Warka. 17/7/SE.53/ Antiochus. Thirteen seals: (a) indistinct: draped figure with raised hands to left—L2; (b) only partially impressed: (female?) figure to right—T4; (c) scorpion-man to right, Aramaic “ on right and t (see Aramaic Inscriptions no. 15) on left—L3; (d) human-headed (?) winged bull to right— T1; (e) crouching lion (?) to right—R1; (f ) winged bull to right, six-pointed star on right— L1; (g) winged bull to right—R2; (h) goat-fish [Capricornus] to right, lozenge shape on right—L4; (i) indistinct—B1; ( j-k) mostly destroyed; (l-m) destroyed—B2, R3. [S.i.]. Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, p. 286; Catalogue, p. 155 [Capricornus] a
258–257 B.C. 687. 47316+47323 (81–8–30,567a+574a) [Kennedy 7/69]. Tablet envelope, contract, from Babylonia. 11/-/SE.10+x+4/-. [possibly year 54; there being space at x for perhaps four u (“10”) signs]. Four seals on the uninscribed reverse, some impressed more than once to cover the whole surface: (a) once impressed: worshipper to left—lower left; (b) four times impressed: crouching quadruped (lion?) to left on three-deck plinth with doorway behind—centre; (c) quadruped (lion?) to right on base-line, indistinct shape above; (d) crouching bull to right on base-line, trefoil shape above; (e) crouching bull to right on base line. Kennedy, CT 49, no. 122 Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), p. 163
257 B.C. 688. 105170 (1913–4–16,2). Tablet, temple account, fromWarka. 1/4/SE.55/Antiochus. Thirteen seals: (a) bearded deity to right with streams flowing from shoulders [Aquarius]—B3; (b) figure seated on kettle-drum-shaped stool to right, on base-line—T3; (c) bearded centaur archer with scorpion-tail [Sagittarius] to right facing bird—R2; (d) human-headed winged bull
hellenistic period
to right, crescent above—R1; (e) scorpion-man to right, crescent on right—T4; (f ) lion leaping to right—T1; (g) quadruped to right, star above—B2; (h) quadruped (lion?) to right, circle above—L2; (i) quadruped (lion?) to right star (?) on right—T2; ( j) winged bull to right, eight-pointed star below—L1; (k) winged bull to right—L4; (l) winged bull to right, stylised plant [Spica?] on right—L3; (m) winged bull to right—B1. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 285 [Spica], 286 [Sagittarius], 286–287 [Aquarius]; Catalogue, p. 155 [Sagittarius, Aquarius]
689. 105197 (1913–4–16,29). Tablet, temple account, from Warka. 17/9/SE.55/Antiochus. Twelve seals: (a) imperfectly impressed: bearded deity with streams flowing from shoulders [Aquarius]—L2; (b) indistinct: Hellenistic winged figure to left—T3; (c) indistinct: human figure—L1; (d) scorpion-man to right facing indistinct figure—L4; (e) human-headed (?) winged quadruped to right—T4; (f ) lion leaping to right to nondescript shape, eight-pointed star above—L3; (g) lion to right, indistinct shapes in field—T1; (h) lion to right, multi-pointed star above, nondescript shape on right—B3; (i) winged bull to right over fish (dolphin?)—B2; ( j) winged bull to right—T2; (k) winged bull to right—B1; (l) winged quadruped (dragon-like figure) to right—R1. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 286–287; Catalogue, p. 155 [Aquarius] a
[*] 256/255 B.C. 690. 105202 (1913–4–16,34). Tablet, temple account, from Warka. -/-/SE.56?/Antiochus. [The year number is not clear and 56 is a guess]. [*] Six seals: (a) winged bull to right over small quadruped, crescent on right—T1; (b) winged bull to right, Aramaic l on left—R1; (c) crouching winged bull (?) on base-line to right, crescent on right—B3; (d) horned quadruped to right—B2; (e) indistinct: winged quadruped, to right, fish [Pisces?] below, balance (?) on left—B4; (f ) indistinct: winged quadruped to right (?)— R2; (g–j) destroyed. [S.i.]. Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, p. 287; Catalogue, pp. 156 [Pisces], 149 [balance] a
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
254 B.C. 691. 109946 (1914–4–4,12). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 13/3/SE.57/Antiochus. Five seals: (a) bearded deity to right with streams flowing from shoulders [Aquarius]—L2; (b) lion attacking caprid to right—L1; (c) lion attacking caprid to right—T4; (d) winged bull to right, Aramaic r with conceivable ˙ (see Aramaic Inscriptions no. 16) below—T2; (e) indistinct: winged quadruped to right—T3; (f ) indistinct—T1. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 286–287; Catalogue, p. 155 [Aquarius] b
692. 109938 (1914–4–4,4). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 16/3/SE.57/Antiochus. Eleven seals: (a) bearded centaur archer with scorpion tail [Sagittarius] to right—B3; (b) squatting human-headed winged lion to right facing bent upright with cross stroke—L1; (c) humanheaded winged bull to right, four small tear-drop shapes above right—B1; (d) lion to right, triangle above—T2; (e) lion attacking caprid to right—B2; (f ) quadruped to right—L3; (g) winged bull (?) to right—T3; (h) winged bull to right—T1; (i) imperfectly impressed: winged quadruped to right—T4; ( j) quadruped to right—R; (k) indistinct: quadruped to right—L2. Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, p. 286; Catalogue, p. 155 [Sagittarius] a
254/253 B.C. 693. 109950 (1914–4–4,16). Tablet, most of reverse destroyed, contract, from Babylonia.4/-/SE.58/ Antiochus. Fourteen seals: (a) bearded deity to right with streams flowing from shoulders [Aquarius]—R1; (b) imperfectly impressed: Hellenistic type figure to left—T2; (c) ring mount: human-headed winged bull to right—L2; (d) human-headed winged bull to right, fish (?) below—L3; (e) lion to right, circle below crescent on right—R2; (f ) winged bull to right—T3; (g) winged bull to right, animal or bird (?) below—T4; (h) indistinct—B1; (i-j) indistinct—R3–4; (k-m) destroyed— T1, B2–3. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 286–287; Catalogue, p. 155 [Aquarius] a
252+ B.C. 694. 116689 (1924–12–13,3). Tablet, contract, from Warka. 26/8/SE.60+/Antiochus. [Some year in the period 252–246 B.C.].
hellenistic period
Five seals: (a) imperfectly impressed, fish-tail possibly of goat-fish [Capricornus?] to right, eightpointed star and crescent above—T3; (b) lion [Leo] to right—T1; (c) indistinct—?; (d) indistinct: human figure to right (?)—T4; (e) indistinct: lion to right—B1. [S.i.]. Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 284–285 [Leo], 286 [Capricornus]; Catalogue, pp. 154 [Leo], 155 [Capricornus] b
252/251 B.C. 695. 30117 (56–9–3,1513). Tablet, contract, from Warka. -/-/SE.60/Antiochus. Twelve seals: (a) bearded figure to right with streams flowing from shoulders [Aquarius]—T4; (b) robed figure to right holding staff, crescent on left—B2; (c) indistinct: naked figure (?) to right, triangle and crescent on right, uncertain shape on left (if turned clockwise by 90°, conceivably a human swimmer)—B3; (d) human-headed winged bull to right—B1; (e) humanheaded winged bull to right, small quadruped below—L3; (f ) human-headed winged bull to right, eight-pointed star below—R1; (g) imperfectly impressed: winged quadruped to right (possible traces of bow [Sagittarius]?), uncertain shape below—L4; (h) winged quadruped, possibly a centaur [Sagittarius?] to right—L2; (i) winged quadruped (horse?) to right, fox (?) below— T5; ( j) goat-fish [Capricornus] to right, triangle on right—T1; (k) damaged: goat-fish (?) [Capricornus?] to right—T2; (l) indistinct—T3. [S.i.] Loftus, Chaldaea and Susiana, pp. 230–231 no. 2 Oppert and Ménant, Documents juridiques, pp. 296–301 no. I Oelsner, Materialien, pp. 148–149 Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 286–287; Catalogue, p. 155 [Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius] a
248 B.C. 696. 109937 (1914–4–4,3). Tablet, upper part of obverse destroyed, contract, from Warka. 27/3/SE.64/Antiochus. Seven seals: (a) bearded deity to right with streams flowing from shoulders [Aquarius?], triangle on right—B1; (b) Hellenistic type figure to left—R2; (c) human-headed winged bull to right— T3; (d) lion leaping to right towards joint of meat, triangle above—T2; (e) quadruped (sheep?) to right with head turned back, crescent on right—T4; (f ) bird to right encircled by wreath— R1; (g) dolphin (?) to right, triangle above—T1. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 286–287; Catalogue, p. 155 [Aquarius]
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
247 B.C. 697. 116694 (1924–12–13,8). Tablet, contract, from Warka. 15/11/SE.65/Antiochus. Fifteen seals: (a) bearded figure in long robe to right holding a staff, crescent on left—R2; (b) figure to left holding bucket and wand (?)—B2; (c) human figure to left (?) with possibly bent arm (?), symbol (? Aramaic "—unlikely) on left—T2; (d) human figure to left (?)—L1; (e) figure to left holding plant in a pot (?)—R3; (f ) Greek: Eros to left holding his phallus (?)—R1; (g) indistinct: base-line with vertical line from the centre flanked (?) by two human figures (?), serrated shapes above—L2; (h) bearded centaur-archer with scorpion tail [Sagittarius] to right; ram’s head (?) below—B1; (i) human-headed winged bull to right facing shrub, row of six dots below—B3; ( j) human-headed winged lion (?), row of six dots below ending in a bud on the right—R4; (k) seal probably slipped producing double impression: lion to right facing joint of meat, possible reversed Aramaic nd and conceivable t (see Aramaic Inscriptions no. 19) below—T3; (l) quadruped (horse/sheep?) to right with head turned back, crescent on right— T1; (m) winged bull to right, fish [Pisces?] below, crescent on right—B4; (n) winged bull to right, locust to right (?) below—T4; (o) goat-fish [Capricornus] to right, triangle on right—B5. Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 286 [Sagittarius, Capricornus], 287 [Pisces]; Catalogue, pp. 155 [Sagittarius, Capricornus], 156 [Pisces] a
SELEUCUS II CALLINICUS AND SELEUCUS III SOTER 245–225 B.C. 244 B.C. 698. 93002 (56–9–3,1517 (W.111)). Tablet, deed concerning temple revenues, from Warka. 18/1/ SE.68/Seleucus. Ten seals: (a) bearded figure with streams flowing from shoulders [Aquarius]—L2; (b) two robed figures [Gemini] to right, crescent on right, seven-pointed star on left—B4; (c) human-headed winged bull to right, bead pattern below—R2; (d) left missing: seated human-headed winged quadruped (?) to left—R1; (e) bottom missing: human-headed quadruped (?) to right—L3; (f ) lion [Leo?] to right facing joint of meat—T1; (g) bull to right—T2; (h) winged bull to right— T3; (i) winged quadruped to right—L1; ( j) goat-fish [Capricornus] to right, bird with spread wings above, seven-pointed star on right—B3. Loftus, Chaldaea and Susiana, p. 231 no. 4 [1. “fish-god Ovannes (?) with goat’s head . . . eagle probably intended for Hormuzd” ( j); 2. “the Dioscuri or twins” (b)] Pinches, NCS, pp. 123–124 no. 111 Oppert and Ménant, Documents juridiques, pp. 301–306 no. II Strassmaier, AV, nos cited by Sachs, JNES 5, p. 214 n. 33 [copies of passages, under the designation “Sel.68”] Sachs, JNES 5 (1946), p. 214 no. 11 [extract] and n. 33 Oelsner, Materialien, pp. 148–149
hellenistic period
Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283–285 [Gemini, Leo], 286–7 [Capricornus, Aquarius]; Catalogue, pp. 154 [Gemini, Leo], 155 [Capricornus, Aquarius] a
243 B.C. 699. 105172 (1913–4–16,4). Tablet, sale of land, from Warka. -/5/SE.69/Seleucus. Twelve seals: (a) imperfectly impressed: robed figure to left—R2; (b) human-headed winged lion to right—B4; (c) lion [Leo?] to right facing joint of meat—B1; (d) lion (?) to right facing uncertain object—B2; (e) lion (?) to right, Aramaic "nb (?) (see Aramaic Inscriptions no. 21) and curved shape below—L3; (f ) winged bull to the right, crescent on right—T2; (g) winged bull to right, Aramaic "n (see Aramaic Inscriptions no. 21) below—L1; (h) winged bull to right—T1; (i) imperfectly impressed: part of quadruped (bull?) to right—R3; ( j) indistinct: quadruped to right—B3 (k) imperfectly impressed: goat-fish(?) to right—T3; (l) indistinct: human figure (?)—L2; (m) mainly destroyed R1–. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 284–85; Catalogue, p. 154 [Leo]
242/241 B.C. 700. 47791 (81–11–3,496). Tablet, contract, from Birs Nimrud. 23/-/SE.70/-. Two seals: (a) bull to right, stylised tree (?) behind—T; (b) bird to right standing on sprig with foliage—R. [S.i.] a
241 B.C. 701. 109969 (1914–4–4,35). Tablet, economic text, from Babylonia. 14/11/SE.10 or SE.70. [The year is indistinct, and Kennedy suggests either 10 or 70; here 70 is taken as a hypothesis, SE.70 is 242–241 B.C., so month 11 is in 241]. Nine seals: (a) imperfectly impressed: human-headed bull to right facing plant—T2; (b) lion [Leo] to right facing joint of meat (?), crescent above—R2; (c) lion [Leo] to right facing crab (?) [Cancer?]—B4; (d) lion [Leo] to right facing crab [Cancer]—T3; (e) winged bull to right, fish [Pisces?] below—B3; (f ) winged bull to right, fox (?) below—B1; (g) imperfectly impressed: winged quadruped to right—B2; (h) goat-fish [Capricornus] to right, crescent above right— R1. [S.i.]
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 284–285 [Cancer, Leo], 286 [Capricornus], 287 [Pisces]; Catalogue, pp. 154 [Cancer, Leo], 155 [Capricornus], 156 [Pisces] b
239/238 B.C. 702. 41461 (81–6–25,72). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. -/-/SE.73[+?]/-. Nine+ seals: (a) human figure to right in tall cylindrical hat—L4; (b) dog (Saluki?) with long upcurved tail to right on a hatched plinth facing a plant—reverse; (c–k) effaced—L1–3, T1–4. [S.i] b
238 B.C. 703. 109942 (1914–4–4,8). Tablet, contract, from Uruk. 7/11/SE.74/Seleucus. [Text duplicate of 30119 (no. 704)]. Thirteen seals: (a) Greek (?): draped figure to right holding plant (?) [same seal as nos 705 (116691)(a), 707 (105205)(a) and 709 (109940)(a)]—T2; (b) Greek: Eros (?) to left holding indistinct objects—B3; (c) winged human figure to left—R2; (d) two sitting human-headed winged quadrupeds facing each other, crescent above eight-pointed star between them—B4; (e) lion [Leo] to right, triangle below—L1; (f ) winged bull to right, small quadruped below—T3; (g) winged bull to right, Aramaic bl† (see Aramaic Inscriptions no. 23) below—L3; (h) bull [Taurus] to right facing crab [Cancer]—B1; (i) imperfectly impressed: winged quadruped to right—L2; ( j) stylised winged quadruped to right—T1; (k) stylised winged quadruped to right—R1. [S.i.]. Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283 [Taurus], 284 [Cancer, Leo]; Catalogue, pp. 154 [Taurus, Cancer, Leo]
704. 30119 (56–9–3,1515 (W.68?)). Tablet, contract, from Warka. 7/-/SE.74/Seleucus. [Text duplicate of 109942 (no. 703)]. Same seals as on 109942 (no. 703), seven surviving, in the same positions: (a)—T2; (e)—L1; (f )—T3; (g)—L3; (i)—L2; ( j)—T1; (k)—R1. [S.i.]. Loftus, Chaldaea and Susiana, pp. 231–232 [probably one of the “three remaining”] Oelsner, Materialien, p. 493, note to pp. 161–162 and p. 413 n. 584
hellenistic period
235 B.C. 705. 116691 (1924–12–13,5). Tablet, contract, from Warka. 23/2/SE.77/Seleucus. Eleven seals: (a) Greek (?): draped figure to right holding plant (?) [same seal as nos 703 (109942)(a), 707 (105205)(a) and 709 (109940)(a)]—B2; (b) scorpion-man to right drawing a bow, fish [Pisces?] on right, eight-pointed star above—L3; (c) winged scorpion-man to right, indistinct shape above—L2; (d) fish-man to right, crescent on right, large eight-pointed star with central drill-hole above—R1; (e) lion [Leo] to right, triangle above—T4; (f ) lion with mane [Leo] to right, crescent above—B1; (g) humped bull [Taurus] to right—T3; (h) winged bull (?) to right facing plant—B3; (i) only partially impressed: winged bull (?) to right, eight-pointed star below—L4; ( j) winged bull (?) to right—T1; (k) three figures, seated dog to right between two scorpion-men facing inwards—T2. Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283 [Taurus], 284 [Leo], 287 [Pisces]; Catalogue, pp. 154 [Taurus, Leo], p. 156 [Pisces]
235/234 B.C. 706. 105191 (1913–4–16,23). Tablet, temple account, from Warka. -/-/SE.77/-. Eight seals: (a) archer to right in knee-length kilt drawing a bow, crescent on left, uncertain object on right—R2; (b) scorpion-man to right—B2; (c) human-headed winged bull to right, fox (?) below, crescent over eight-pointed star on right—L2; (d) lion [Leo] to right facing joint of meat (?), crescent above—R1; (e) animal on its hind legs en face (?)—T1; (f ) mostly destroyed— L1; (g-h) destroyed—B1, T. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, p. 284; Catalogue, p. 154 [Leo] a
234 B.C. 707. 105205 (1913–4–16,37). Tablet, temple account, from Warka. -/8/SE.78/-. Eight seals: (a) Greek: draped figure to right holding plant (?) [same seal as nos 703 (109942)(a), 705 (116691)(a) and 709 (109940)(a)]—L2; (b) human-headed winged archer with horse and scorpion tails drawing bow to right [Sagittarius], triangle on right, Aramaic "tn (?) (see Aramaic Inscriptions no. 26) below—L4; (c) another but with head and bow not impressed—T3; (d) human-headed winged bull to right, fox (?) below, eight-pointed star on right—B1; (e) humanheaded winged bull to right, indistinct shape below—T4; (f ) winged quadruped (bull?) to right, crescent on left—L1; (g) winged quadruped (bull?) to right, six-pointed star on right, Aramaic "n (see Aramaic Inscriptions no. 26) below [see no. 699(g) above]—T2; (h) goatfish to right— L3; (i) destroyed—T1. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 286; Catalogue, p. 155 [Sagittarius]
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
708. 93003 (56–9–3,1518 (W.112’)). Tablet, contract, from Warka. [Duplicate of 109940 (no. 709)] 27/1/SE.78/Seleucus. Eighteen seals: (a) indistinct: Greek (?): human figure holding plant to right—T2; (b) indistinct: Greek: Nike (?) to left—L2; (c) indistinct: robed human figure (?) to right—B3; (d) winged centaur archer with horse and scorpion tails [Sagittarius], crescent on right—R3; (e) humanheaded winged bull to right, fish (dolphin?) below, crescent on right—L3; (f ) human- headed winged bull (?) to right, small quadruped (?) below, star on right—B2; (g) bull to right, crescent above—R2; (h) winged bull to right (right end seems to have traces of a bow to right, seal perhaps impressed over a first attempt with (d))—R4; (i) lion to right, triangle above— T3; ( j) lion [Leo] to right, eight-pointed star on right, crescent above—R1; (k) lion [Leo] to right, bull’s head en face (?) on right, eight-pointed star above—B5; (l) indistinct: winged quadruped to right—T5; (m) winged quadruped to right, crescent on right, triangle below— B1; (n) winged quadruped to right—B4; (o) quadruped to right, crescent and six(?)-pointed star above—L4; (p) caprid (? long curved horn) to right, crescent above, six(?)-pointed star on right—L1; (q) human-headed winged sphinx to left facing sitting dog to right—T4; (r) goatfish [Capricornus] to right, crescent above—T1. [S.i.]. Loftus, Chaldaea and Susiana, p. 231 no. 3 [1 = ( j), 2 = (o?), 3 = (d), 4 = (l??), 6 = (e??), 7 = (b), 8 = (p?), 9 = (m), 10 = (f?), 11 = (a), 13 = (k??), 14 = (r), 15 = (c), 16 = (i) Pinches, NCS, p. 124 no. 112 Oppert and Ménant, Documents juridiques, pp. 306–312 no. III Peiser, KB, IV, pp. 312–317 [cited as “N.C.B. [sic] 112” (p. 312 n. 7)] Oelsner, Materialien, pp. 148–149 [= Loftus no. 4] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 284–285 [Leo], 286 [Sagittarius, Capricornus]; Catalogue, pp. 154 [Leo], 155 [Sagittarius, Capricornus]
709. 109940 (1914–4–4,6). Tablet, contract, reverse destroyed with exception of small portion of lower left, from Uruk. [Duplicate of 93003 (no. 708) (Sachs)] 18/-/SE.78/Seleucus. [Possibly nisannu [-/1/-] (Sachs), i.e. 18/1/SE.28]. Nine seals (not in the same locations as on 93003): (a) only the lower part impressed: Greek: draped figure to right [same seal as nos 703 (109942)(a), 705 (116691)(a) and 707 (105205)(a)]— B4; (b) tall figure to left with raised hand—L2; (c) indistinct: bearded figure in long robe to right holding wand—T3; (d) scorpion-man to left facing seated dog to right, both on base line—B2; (e) lion [Leo] to right, bucranium and stylised object of similar shape on right, eight-
hellenistic period
pointed star above—T1; (f ) human-headed winged bull to right, fish [Pisces?] below, crescent on right—L3; (g) human-headed winged lion (?) to right—T2; (h) only the left impressed: quadruped (lion?) to right, triangle above—B3; (i) only the left impressed: quadruped (bull?) to right, crescent above—L1; (B5 mostly missing, L4 and all of R destroyed). [S.i. (seal identifications on T and B upside down to rest of text)]. Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 284–285 [Leo], 287 [Pisces]; Catalogue, pp. 154 [Leo], 156 [Pisces] a
230 B.C. 710. 114407 (1920–6–15,3). Tablet, contract, from Warka. 18/5/SE.82/Seleucus & Seleucus. Eight seals: (a) winged bull to right—B1; (b) winged quadruped to right facing plant—R1; (c) stylised winged quadruped to right on broken base line—B2; (d) winged quadruped to right— L2; (e) indistinct: quadruped to right—T2; (f ) indistinct: quadruped to right—T1; (g) indistinct: quadruped to right—T3; (h) Greek: amphora—R2. [S.i.]. a
230/229 B.C. 711. 109948 (1914–4–4,14). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 26/-/SE.82/Seleucus. Twelve seals: (a) two figures in long garments to right with raised hands to right [Gemini]— B2; (b) indistinct: human figure to right (?)—T2; (c) human-headed winged bull (?) to right, fish [Pisces] below, eight pointed star on right—B4; (d) human-headed winged lion (?) to right facing plant (lotus?)—B3; (e) human-headed winged lion (?) to right, Aramaic "wbllw (?) or possibly "nbllw (?) (see Aramaic Inscriptions, no. 27) above—T3; (f ) human-headed winged lion (?) to right—L4; (g) lion [Leo] to right facing bull’s head, seven-pointed (?) star above—B1; (h) humped bull [Taurus] to right, seven drill holes [Pleiades] above—L3; (i) winged bull to right, Aramaic "t (see Aramaic Inscriptions, no. 27) below (possibly the same seal as 109939 (no. 712(g))—T1; (j) winged bull to right, fish (?) below—L2; (k) imperfectly impressed: bull (?) to right, Aramaic "?t or "?pw (?) (see Aramaic Inscriptions, no. 27) below—L5; (l) fox (?) to right—L1. [S.i.]. Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283–24 [Taurus, Gemini], 284–285 [Leo], 287 [Pisces]; Catalogue, p. 154 [Taurus, Gemini, Leo], 156 [Pisces] a
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220 g
712. 109939 (1914–4–4,5). Tablet, economic text, from Babylonia. [Date missing, but placed with to 109948 (no. 711) on the basis of impression (g)]. Eighteen seals: (a) bearded lion-man in boat to right with cup(?) in right hand and bucket in left, facing four-winged lion(?) on hind legs to left, crescent and eight-pointed star on left— B2; (b) bearded centaur archer with scorpion tail [Sagittarius] to right, crescent on left, nondescript shape below—R3; (c) human-headed winged bull to right, eight-pointed star on right—L2; (d) human-headed winged bull to right, crescent on right—B3; (e) human-headed winged lion to right—L4; (f ) human-headed winged lion (?) to right, crescent above—B1; (g) winged bull to right, Aramaic "t (?) (see Aramaic Inscriptions, no. 28) below (possibly the same seal as 109948 (no. 711(i))—T3; (h) lion to right, bucranium (?) on right, eight-pointed star above—L1; (i) lion to right—T2; ( j) lion to right, triangle above—T1; (k) seated quadruped (dog or lion?) to right, triangle and crescent on right—T4; (l) indistinct: winged quadruped to right, crescent and fish [Pisces?] below, star (?) on right—L3; (m) indistinct: winged quadruped to right, head unclear—R1; (n) winged quadruped to right—B5; (o) winged leaping quadruped to left—R2; (p) indistinct: quadruped from above (?)—R4; (q) bird to right facing lozenge shape—T5; (r) destroyed—B4. [S.i.]. Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 286 [Sagittarius], 287 [Pisces]; Catalogue, pp. 155 [Sagittarius], 156 [Pisces] Cf. Black and Green, GDSAM, figs 53, 101, p. 122 [lion-man, under “lion-humanoid”] a
228/227 B.C. 713. 105169 (1913–4–16,1). Tablet, much damaged, contract, from Warka. 7/-/SE.84/Seleucus. Seven+ seals: (a) human-headed winged bull to right, eight-pointed star on right, crescent on left—R2; (b) lion [Leo] to right facing joint of meat—T1; (c) humped bull [Taurus] to right— T2; (d) imperfectly impressed: bull (?) to right—B5; (e) horse (?) to right with head turned back—L1; (f ) mostly destroyed: traces of forefeet of quadruped to right—T4; (g) mostly destroyed—L3; (h–p) destroyed—L2, R1, B1–3, T3. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283 [Taurus], 284–285 [Leo]; Catalogue, p. 154 [Taurus, Leo] a
227 B.C. 714. 42666 (81–7–1,428). Tablet, contract, from Tell Ibrahim. 18/7/SE.85/Seleucus. Six seals: (a) robed figure in tall hat to right holding a wand, indefinite shapes on right, inscription consisting of rectilinear strokes on left [possibly (top to bottom) blb?ßr on basis of owner’s name
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Bèl-aba-ußur (den-ad-“e“) (W.G. Lambert)]—L1; (b) indistinct: winged human figure to right (?)—T1; (c) bull to right, eight-pointed star above—T1; (d) only upper right impressed: bull to right—L2; (e) quadruped to right facing sprig of foliage—T3; (f ) indistinct—T2. [S.i.] Kennedy, CT 49, no. 131 Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), p. 163; Materialien, pp. 232 and 465 n. 858 van der Spek, GSR, pp. 14, 43 n. 38, 91 and 127 n. 196 a
226 B.C. 715. 109935 (1914–4–4,1). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 2/12/SE.86/Seleucus. Sixteen seals: (a) centaur with horse and scorpion tails drawing a bow to right [Sagittarius]— T4; (b) human-headed winged bull to right, crescent above—R1; (c) humped bull [Taurus] to right—R2; (d) lion [Leo] to right—T4; (e) winged bull to right, eight-pointed star below— L4; (f ) winged bull to right, small quadruped (fox?) below—L2; (g) winged bull to right, small quadruped with long tail below, crescent on left—B1; (h) winged quadruped with long horn(s) to right, triangle on left, shape (fish?) below—L1; (i) winged horse (?) to right, crescent on left—T1; ( j) winged quadruped to right, shape below—T2; (k) only left impressed: possibly goat-fish [Capricornus?] to right, distinct but uncertain shape above—B5; (l) bird and fish [Pisces] joined at their tails by V-shaped ribbon, eight-pointed star between—L3; (m) convex undecorated impression with circular off-centre “boss”, possibly the end of a cylinder seal obliquely impressed—B4; (n) indistinct—T3; (o–p) effaced—B2,3. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283–24 [ Taurus], 284–285 [Leo], 286 [Sagittarius, Capricornus], 287 [Pisces]; Catalogue, pp. 154 [Taurus, Leo], 155 [Sagittarius, Capricornus], 156 [Pisces] a
ANTIOCHUS III (THE GREAT) 222–210 B.C. 222 B.C. 716. 116690 (1924–12–13,4). Tablet, contract, from Warka. -/1(?)/SE.90/Seleucus. [(?) iti bár (nisannu) [ud- . . . k]am mu-1,30 kam msi-lu-ku lugal (D.A. Kennedy)]. Four seals: (a) lion [Leo] to right, kidney-shaped image above—T1; (b) humped bull [Taurus] to right—T2; (c) winged bull (?) to right, eight-pointed star on right, crescent below—T4; (d) winged quadruped to right—L1; (e) blank—T3; (f–?) destroyed—most of L, all of R and B. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283 [Taurus], 284–285 [Leo]; Catalogue, p. 154 [Taurus, Leo] a
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
717. 30120 (56–9–3,1516 (W.)). Tablet, obverse destroyed, contract, from Warka. 21/9/SE.90/ Antiochus. Five seals surviving: (a) top missing: robed figure to right, facing smaller figure (?) or object— R2; (b) indistinct: human figure (?)—L3; (c) mostly effaced: human-headed winged quadruped to right—B4; (d) left and centre missing: horseman archer (?) [Sagittarius?] to right—T4; (e) lion (?) [Leo?] to right, crescent above—L4; (f ) left and centre missing: bull (?) to right—T2; (g–h) indistinct—T1, R1; (i-o) destroyed—T3, B1–3, L1–2, R3. [S.i.] Loftus, Chaldaea and Susiana, pp. 231–232 [probably one of the “three remaining”] Oppert and Ménant, Documents juridiques, pp. 313–315 no. IV Oelsner, Materialien, pp. 148–149 Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 284–285 [Leo], 286 [Sagittarius]; Catalogue, pp. 154 [Leo], 155 [Sagittarius] a
218 B.C. 718. 41454 (81–6–25,65). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 2/2/SE.94/Antiochus. Eight seals: (a) indistinct: two robed figures to right, the left one smaller, crescent above—T2; (b) lion [Leo] to right, crescent above—T3; (c) lion [Leo] to right facing joint of meat, crescent above—R1; (d) indistinct: crouching quadruped to right—T1; (e) quadruped (horse?) to right—foot of reverse; (f ) indistinct: quadruped to right—T4; (g) indistinct: quadruped to right—L1; (h) indistinct: quadruped (bull?) to right—L2; (i) indistinct: elongated shape (fish?)— L4. [S.i.] Pinches, NCS, pp. 124–125 no. 113 Peiser, KB IV, pp. 316–319 Strassmaier, ZA 3 (1888), pp. 137–139 (translit.), 150–152 (copy) no. 13 Bertin, Copies, nos 901–2 Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 284–85; Catalogue, p. 154 [Leo] a
215/214 B.C. 719. 42494 (81–7–1,254). Tablet, contract, from Tell Ibrahim. 14/-/SE.97/Antiochus. Two seals: (a) winged bull to right—T3; (b) bird with spread wings, lozenge shape (fish?) on right—T2. [S.i.]. a
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213 B.C. 720. 105206 (1913–4–16,38). Tablet, temple account, from Warka. -/8/SE.99/Antiochus. Five seals: (a) lion [Leo] to right—L2; (b) humped bull [Taurus] to right, crescent above—T3; (c) goat-fish [Capricornus] to right, crescent above—T1; (d) indistinct: winged quadruped to right (?)—L1; (e) damaged and indistinct—L3. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283–24 [Taurus], 284–285 [Leo], 286 [Capricornus]; Catalogue, p. 154 [Taurus, Leo], 155 [Capricornus] b
ANTIOCHUS III (THE GREAT) AND ANTIOCHUS 210–192 B.C. 210 B.C. 721. 109973 (1914–4–4,39). Tablet, most of obverse, all of left edge and much of top destroyed, contract, from Babylonia. -/-/SE.101/Antiochus. [[. . . . mu-] 1-me-1 kam man-ti-"-i-ku-su lu[-gal . .] (D.A. Kennedy)]. Five seals: (a) Greek: Apollo to left with tripod (?) and bow (?)—B3; (b) fish-man to right, crescent above—B4; (c) humped bull (?)[Taurus?] to right with head turned back, triangle below— B2; (d) only partially impressed: winged bull to right—T3; (e) fish (? dolphin) to right over a base line, crescent above—R3; (f–g) destroyed—R1–2. [S.1.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283–24 [Taurus]; Catalogue, p. 154 [Taurus] a
[*] 206 B.C. 722. 109970 (1914–4–4,36). Tablet, most of upper half of obverse destroyed, contract, from Babylonia. 12/8/SE.106/Antiochus & Antiochus. Seven seals: (a) Kilted figure to right grappling on right up-ended lion by its hind leg, bucranium on left—T1; (b) lion [Leo] to right facing joint of meat—B2; (c) lion [Leo] to right, lozenge shape on right, eight-pointed star above—T3; (d) humped bull [Taurus] to right— B1; (e) winged bull to right, crescent on right—T2; (f ) winged bull to right, fish [Pisces?] below, crescent on right—L2; (g) only partially impressed: quadruped to right, shape below, eight-pointed star and crescent on right—L1; (h–j) destroyed—T4, B3–4. [S.1.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283–24 [Taurus], 284–285 [Leo], 287 [Pisces]; Catalogue, p. 154 [Taurus, Leo], 156 [Pisces] a
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203 B.C. 723. 76972 (AH.83–1–18,2344). Tablet, marriage contract, from Babylonia. 27/11/SE.108/ Antiochus. [Duplicate of 76968 (no. 724 below)]. Two seals: (a) quadruped to right—T1; (b) fish [Pisces?] to right—R1. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 76 Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, p. 287; Catalogue, p. 156 [Pisces] b
724. 76968 (AH.83–1–18,2340). Tablet, marriage contract, from Babylonia. -/-/SE.-/Antiochus. [Duplicate of 76972 (no. 723 above)]. Eight seals: (a) indistinct figure to right with plant (?) in hand—L5; (b) indistinct: winged human figure to right (?) on base line—L4; (c) only partially impressed: human figure to right—L1; (d) badly executed: scorpion-man (?), or winged quadruped (?) to right—R1; (e) only left impressed: quadruped to right, three vertical strokes below—L2; (f ) indistinct: quadruped to right, crescent above—L3 (g) indistinct—T (right end: most of top destroyed) [S.i.]. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 76
725. 114413 (1920–6–15,9) and 114417 (1920–6–15,13). Two tablets, contracts, from Warka. 7/8/SE.109/Antiochus & Antiochus his son. Eleven seals (some damaged, some destroyed, but those surviving in the same positions on both tablets): (a) archer in short kilt drawing a bow to right, crescent on left, plant on right—B1; (b) human-headed winged bull to right, crescent on right, six-pointed star on left—B2; (c) human-headed winged bull to right within border (ring bezel?)—L1; (d) lion [Leo] to right, seven-pointed (?) star on right—L4; (e) lion [Leo] to right facing joint of meat—T1; (f ) winged lion (?) to right, six-pointed star on right—T3; (g) winged bull to right, six-pointed star on left—B3; (h) damaged: winged quadruped (in classical style?) to left—L3; (i) imperfectly impressed: winged quadruped to left—R1; ( j) goat-fish [Capricornus] to right, crescent on right, tenpointed (?) star above, Aramaic “ (see Aramaic Inscriptions no. 35) below—T2; (k) scorpion (?) [Scorpius?], crescent above it’s head—L2. [S.i.]. Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, p. 284–5 [Leo], 285–6 [Scorpius, Capricornus]; Catalogue, p. 154 [Leo], 155 [Scorpius, Capricornus]
hellenistic period
203/202 B.C. 726. 105207 (1913–4–16,39). Tablet, temple account, from Warka. 223/-/SE.109/Antiochus and Antiochus. Six seals: (a) robed figure with streams of water from his shoulders [Aquarius]—B1; (b) imperfectly impressed: human figure to right with hands out, cuneiform pa above (or unusual headdress?)—L2; (c) human-headed winged bull (?) to right—T3; (d) only partially impressed: bull to right, locust (?) on right—T1; (e–f ) indistinct—T2, L1. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 286–7; Catalogue, p. 155 [Aquarius] a
197 B.C. 727. 105196 (1913–4–16,28). Tablet, temple account, from Warka. 12/1?/SE.115/ Antiochus and Antiochus. [Three horizontal and a vertical wedge survive of the month name, probably nisannu]. Ten seals: (a) robed figure with streams of water from his shoulders [Aquarius]—T4; (b) winged (?) human figure to right in long robe and wide brimmed hat (?) holding curved stick—L1; (c) bearded centaur archer with horse and scorpion tails [Sagittarius] to right—T1; (d) lion [Leo] to right, eight-pointed star on right, crescent above—B2; (e) lion [Leo] to right—L2; (f ) humped bull [Taurus ] to right, crescent above—T3; (g) humped bull [Taurus?] curled up to right, seven-pointed star on right, crescent above—T2; (h) winged bull to right, crescent on left—B3; (i) quadruped to right on base line, crescent above—R1; ( j) goat-fish [Capricornus] to right, crescent on right, thirteen-pointed (?) star above, Aramaic “ (see Aramaic Inscriptions no. 37) below—B4; (k) destroyed—B1. [S.i.]. Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283 [Taurus], 284–5 [Leo], 286–7 [Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius]; Catalogue, p. 154 [Taurus, Leo], 155 [Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius] a
196/195 B.C. 728. 41582 (81–6–25,196). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. -/-/SE.116/Antiochus. Four seals: (a) rectangular impression: kneeling bull to right on platform (altar?)—obverse; (b). seated winged quadruped to right on platform—B1; (c–d) indistinct—B2, R. [S.i.]
194 B.C. 729. 67387 (82–9–18,7383). Tablet, contract, from Borsippa. 3/3/SE.118/Antiochus & Antiochus his son. Eight seals: (a) indistinct: robed figure to right, vase (?) on right, leaf-shaped object on left—T3;
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
(b) winged bull to right, small robed figure on right—L1; (c) kneeling bull to right, crescent above—L3; (d) humped-bull to right on curved base-line—T2; (e) forepart of bull to right facing forepart of lion to left—T1; (f ) indistinct—L2; (g) indistinct—R1; (h) destroyed—L4. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 203 [3/3/18] Kennedy, CT 49, no. 137 Oelsner, Materialien, p. 226 [SE.118] Wallenfels, “Archival Texts”, p. 220 n. 15 b
ANTIOCHUS III (THE GREAT) 192–187 B.C. 192 B.C. 730. 109955 (1914–4–4,21). Tablet, contract, from Uruk. 24/7/SE.120/Antiochus. Twelve seals: (a) Greek (?) head in cap to right—T4; (b) human-headed winged bull to right, eight-pointed star on right, crescent on left—T2; (c) seated dog (?) to right facing seated human-headed winged quadruped to left, tongue shape between them—T1; (d) lion [Leo] to right facing joint of meat—L2; (e) lion (?) [Leo?] to right, crab [Cancer] on right, crescent above—T3; (f ) winged bull to right, six-pointed star on right, crescent on left—R2; (g) winged bull to right, crescent on right—L1; (h) winged quadruped to right—B3; (i) quadruped to right—R1; ( j) indistinct—B4; (k-l) destroyed—B1–2. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 284–5 [Cancer, Leo], 286–7; Catalogue, p. 154 [Cancer, Leo] a
ANTIOCHUS III (THE GREAT) AND SELEUCUS IV PHILOPATOR 189–187 B.C. 189 B.C. 731. 47731 (81–11–3,436). Tablet, contract, from Borsippa. -/3or4/SE.123/Antiochus and Seleucus his son [date mostly missing but the year 123 is mentioned in line 10]. Three seals: indistinct. [S.i.]. Kennedy, CT 49, no. 136 Oelsner, Materialien, p. 123 van der Spek, GSR, pp. 232–236 no. 9
hellenistic period
SELEUCUS IV PHILOPATOR 187–175 B.C. 184 B.C. 732. 116693 (1924–12–13,7). Tablet, contract, from Warka. 25/12/SE.127/Seleucus. Nine seals: (a) male head to right—T2; (b) figure (Nike?) to left, slanting line across behind legs, ring mount visible—L2; (c) human-headed winged lion to right facing vase (?), crescent above— R1; (d) lion [Leo] to right, eight-pointed star on right, crescent above—B2; (e) lion [Leo] to right, Aramaic ˙n"/˙n˙/"n˙/"n" (?) (see Aramaic Inscriptions no. 38) above, Greek %KR [skr = 126 of the Seleucid Era, which in the Babylonian calendar would be 186/185 B.C. (in the Macedonian calendar, which began six months earlier (Parker and Dubberstein, Chronology, p. 24), it would be 187/186 B.C.)] on right (suggesting that the seal was only a few years old)—T1; (f ) winged lion (?) to right, small animal below, multi-pointed star on right, five pointed star on left—T3; (g) winged quadruped to right, five-pointed star on right, crescent on left—B3; (h) indistinct: deer (?) to right—B1; (i) indistinct: quadruped (?) to left—middle of reverse; ( j) indistinct—R2. [S.i.]. Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 284–285; Catalogue, p. 154 [Leo] a
180 B.C. 733. 109944 (1914–4–4,10). Tablet, contract, from Uruk. 20/3/SE.132/Seleucus. Twelve seals: (a) Greek (?): human head to right with headdress in form of a reversed duck— T4; (b) female (?) head to right with long hair, line of ring-mount—T2; (c) human-headed winged lion to right, eight-pointed star on right, crescent above—B4; (d) human-headed (?) winged quadruped to left, star (incomplete: six-pointed?) on left, crescent above—B2; (e) lion [Leo] to right, crescent above, eight-pointed star on right—L2 (f ) lion [Leo] to right facing ring symbol—B3; (g) caprid (?) to right—R2; (h) goat-fish [Capricornus] to right—R1; (i) goatfish [Capricornus] to right, crescent on right—T3; ( j) bucranium (?)—T1; (k) Greek: kantharos—L1; (l) destroyed—B1. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 284–285 [Leo], 286 [Capricornus]; Catalogue, pp. 154 [Leo], 155 [Capricornus] a
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
177/176 B.C. 734. 42380 (81–7–1,140). Tablet, contract, from Tell Ibrahim. -/-/SE.135/Seleucus. Six seals: (a) female head and shoulders to right—R2; (b) crouching quadruped to right on base line, second line below, crescent and indistinct shape above—B; (c) right missing: quadruped to right, crescent above—T2; (d) indistinct: quadruped to right with head turned back, crescent above—L2; (e) indistinct: uncertain shapes, crescent (?) above—R1; (f ) destroyed—L1, T1. [S.i.] b
175/174 B.C. 735. 114411 (1920–6–15,7). Tablet, contract, from Warka. 12/-/SE.137/Seleucus. Two seals: (a) human-headed winged lion to right, six-pointed star on right, crescent above left; (b) winged bull to right, five-pointed (?) star on right. a
ANTIOCHUS IV EPIPHANES 175–164 B.C. 173 B.C. 736. 114408 (1920–6–15,4). Tablet, contract, from Warka. 22/7/SE.139/Antiochus & Antiochus. Eight seals: (a) male head to right—R1; (b) Greek (?): veiled female (?) figure to front—L1; (c) two figures [Gemini] to right, six-pointed star on right, crescent on left—T3; (d) elephant to right—B2; (e) winged bull to right, small animal below, crescent on left—T1; (f ) crab [Cancer]— T2; (g) crab [Cancer], six-pointed star above, crescent and dot below—B1; (h) crab [Cancer], scorpion [Scorpius] above left, bird and fish [Pisces] joined at their tails by V-shaped ribbon above right—L2. [S.i.]. Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283 [Gemini], 284 [Cancer], 185–286 [Scorpius], 287 [Pisces]; Catalogue, pp. 154 [Gemini, Cancer], 155 [Scorpius], 156 [Pisces] a
172 B.C. 737. 31139 (76–11–17,866). Tablet, contract, from Babylon. 19/7/SE.140/-. Two seals: indistinct. Kennedy, CT 49, no. 134 Bertin, Copies, no. 2910
hellenistic period
168 B.C. 738. 114415 (1920–6–15,11). Tablet, contract, from Warka. 25/4/SE.144/Antiochus. Ten seals: (a) Male head (well executed with aquiline nose) to right—T1; (b) Greek: Nike—T3; (c) indistinct seated (?) human figure to right—R2; (d) lion (well executed) [Leo] to right on base line—R1; (e) two seated winged sphinxes facing each other—B1; (f ) winged quadruped to right, six-pointed star on right, crescent above—L1; (g) winged quadruped to right, sixpointed star on right, crescent above—L2; (h) winged bull to right, crescent on right, sixpointed star on left—B3; (i) goat-fish [Capricornus] to right facing Spica, crescent above—T2; ( j) crab [Cancer], scorpion [Scorpius] below left, fish [Pisces] above left—B2. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283 [Gemini], 284–285 [Cancer, Leo], 285–286 [Scorpius, Capricornus and Spica], 287 [Pisces]; Catalogue, pp. 154 [Gemini, Cancer, Leo], 155 [Scorpius, Capricornus], 156 [Pisces] a
166 B.C. 739. 116692 (1924–12–13,6). Tablet, contract, from Warka. 23/4/SE.146/Antiochus. Ten seals: (a) bottom right broken away: two figures [Gemini] to right, six-pointed star above shape on left, crescent on right, shape (amphora?) between the figures—L1; (b) scorpion-man to right, ring mount visible—B3; (c) incomplete: lion [Leo] to right—R2; (d) incomplete: quadruped to right, triangle on right, crescent above—L2; (e) winged bull to right, crescent on right, shape (triangle?) on left—T3; (h) bull to right attacking goat-fish (?), shape above— B1; (f ) winged bull to right, crescent on right, six-pointed star on left, amphora below—R1; (g) winged bull to right, crescent above, ring mount visible—T1; (i) goat-fish [Capricornus] to right facing Spica, crescent above—B2; ( j) crab [Cancer], fish [Pisces] and six-pointed star below left, crescent above right—T2. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283 [Gemini], 284 [Cancer, Leo], 286 [Capricornus and Spica], 287 [Pisces]; Catalogue, pp. 154 [Gemini, Cancer, Leo], 155 [Capricornus], 156 [Pisces] a
ANTIOCHUS V EUPATOR 163–162 B.C. 163 B.C. 740. 114414 (1920–6–15,10). Tablet, contract, from Warka. 9/9/SE.149/Antiochus. [Probably Antiochus V rather than IV (cf. Parker and Dubberstein, Chronology, p. 23)].
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
Ten seals: (a) Greek figure with staff, helmet and shield (?)—L1; (b) Greek figure—L2; (c) Greek figure (Apollo?)—T2; (d) Greek group: figure on left to right in broad brimmed hat facing female (?) on right, on base line—R2; (e) two figures [Gemini?] to right, third figure and crescent on right, scales [Libra] on left—T1; (f ) lion [Leo] to right, six-pointed stars on right and above—B3; (g) lion [Leo] to right facing joint of meat, six-pointed star and crescent above— R1; (h) humped bull [Taurus] to right facing Spica, crescent above—B1; (i) quadruped to right—B2; ( j) two shields over a curved rectangle—T3. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283–284 [Taurus, Gemini, Leo], 385 [Libra], 286 [Spica]; Catalogue, pp. 154 [Taurus, Gemini, Leo], 155 [Libra]. a
DEMETRIUS I SOTER 162–150 B.C. 156 B.C. 741. 114423 (1920–6–15,19). Tablet, contract, from Warka. 2/6/SE.156/Demetrius. Seven seals: (a) Greek figure to right—R2; (b) two figures [Gemini] to right, six-pointed star on right, crescent on left—R1; (c) quadruped (lion?) to right, fish [Pisces?] on right—B2; (d) quadruped to right, indistinct shapes on right and above—T3; (e) quadruped to right, sixpointed star on right, crescent above—L2; (f ) incompletely preserved: crab [Cancer] on right, scorpion [Scorpius] (?) on left below—B1; (g) crab [Cancer] on right, fish (?) [Pisces] on left, crescent above crab, indistinct shape above—L1. (Same seal impressions on 114419 (no. 745)(g) below). [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283–284 [Gemini, Cancer], 285–286 [Scorpius], 287 [Pisces]; Catalogue, pp. 154 [Gemini, Cancer], 156 [Pisces] a
154 B.C. 742. 114418 (1920–6–15,14). Tablet, contract, from Warka. 17/12/SE.157(?)/Demetrius. Six seals: (a) Greek (?) head and shoulders to right—T2 (b) Greek (?): figure to right holding lyre (?)—T3; (c) eagle-man, triangle on right (same seal as 93004 (no. 746)(e) below)—L2; (d) indistinct: winged quadruped to right, crescent above, three other indistinct shapes in the field—T1; (e) bird walking to right with spread wings—R2; (f ) indistinct: hippocampus like figure (?) to right—L1; B1–3 and R1 destroyed. Cf. Wallenfels, Catalogue, nos 207–208 [“eagle-man”: his no. 208 (dated 155 B.C. (25/4/SE.157)); both the impressions 114418(c) and 93004 (no. 746(e)) not precisely dated, but some time in SE.151–161) are from this same seal, identified in each case as owned by Anu-a¢¢è-iddin].
hellenistic period a
153 B.C. 743. 114410 (1920–6–15,6). Tablet, contract, from Warka. 21/9/SE.159. Eleven seals: (a) indistinct: male head to right—T2; (b) apparently from the edge of a thick circular (?) disk: nude male figure to right—L2; (c) from an object similar to (b), possibly the same one: crouching (?) male figure to right with object on his back—B1; (d) goat-fish [Capricornus] to right—B2; (e) indistinct—L1; (f–h) indistinct—T1, T3, R3; (i–k) destroyed— R1, R2, B3. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, p. 286; Catalogue, p. 155 [Capricornus]. a
152/151 B.C. 744. 114424 (1920–6–15,20). Tablet, much of right destroyed, contract, from Warka. 6+/-/ SE.160/Demetrius. Seven seals: (a) human head to right, ring mount visible—L2; (b) robed male figure to right with right hand raised and bucket in left—T2; (c) indistinct: human figure to right with staff— L1; (d) incomplete: two figures [Gemini] to right, six-pointed star on right—B3; (e) scorpionman to right, six-pointed star on upper right, crescent on lower right—B2; (f ) winged bull to right, fish [Pisces?] below, six-pointed star on right, crescent above—T1; (g) stylised bird to right with partly spread wings—R2; (h–i) destroyed—R1–2. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283–284 [Gemini], 287 [Pisces]; Catalogue, pp. 154 [Gemini], 156 [Pisces]
Demetrius I: not precisely dated 745. 114419 (1920–6–15,15). Tablet, contract, from Warka. 2/6/SE.-/Demetrius. Seven seals: (a) Greek figure: naked female in drapery(?) on base line—R2; (b) two figures [Gemini] to right, six-pointed star on right, crescent on left—R1; (c) human-headed winged lion (?) to right, fish [Pisces?] on right—B2; (d) quadruped to right, indistinct shapes on right and above—L2; (e) quadruped to right, six-pointed star on right, crescent above—T2; (f ) crab [Cancer], scorpion [Scorpius] below left, fish [Pisces] above left—B1; (g) crab [Cancer] gripping (?) fish (?) [Pisces] on left, crescent above crab, indistinct shape. (Same seal impressions on 114423 (no. 741)(g) above)—L1; (h) destroyed—T1. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283–284 [Gemini, Cancer], 285–286 [Scorpius], 287 [Pisces]; Catalogue, pp. 154 [Gemini, Cancer], 155 [Scorpius], 156 [Pisces] a
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
232 e
746. 93004 (56–9–3,1519). Tablet, contract, from Warka. -/-/SE.-/Demetrius. Eleven seals: (a) profile head and shoulders to right—B3; (b) Greek: Herakles to right with indistinct (possibly lion’s scalp) headdress—T2; (c) Greek: a male and a female figure on a base line with column on right, two diamond-shapes on right of column—T1; (d) indistinct: human figure with raised hands to right—R2; (e) indistinct: eagle-man, triangle on right (the same seal as 114418 (no. 742)(c) above)—B2; (f ) lion [Leo?] to right facing joint of meat (?), crescent above—B1; (g) damaged: lion (?) to right—L1; (h) humped (?) bull [Taurus?] to right, crescent above, part of star on right—T3; (i) indistinct: winged quadruped to right, eight (?) pointed star on right, crescent above, shape below—L3; ( j) stylised squatting caprid to right— R1; L2 indistinct, R3 destroyed. [S.i.]. Loftus, Chaldaea and Susiana, p. 230 no. 1 [. . . “the Hormuzd of the Persian sculptures” (e); . . . “a male and female figure conversing at the base of a graceful voluted capital” (c)] Oppert and Ménant, Documents juridiques, pp. 315–322 no. V Pinches, NCS, p. 125 no. 114 Oelsner, Materialien, pp. 148–149 McEwan, Priest and Temple, pp. 76–9, 162 Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283 [Taurus], 284–285 [Leo]; Catalogue, pp. 44 nos 207–208 [“eagle-man”: his no. 208 (dated 25/4/SE.157), also on this one 93004(e), and on BM.114418 (no. 742(c)) above (17/12/SE.157?), identified in each case as that of Anu-a¢¢è-iddin], 154 [Taurus, Leo]
ALEXANDER I BALAS 150–145 B.C. 150 B.C. 747. 114406 (1920–6–15,2). Tablet, contract, from Uruk. 2/4/SE.162/Alexan[der]. Four seals surviving: (a) Greek: Apollo (?) to half left leaning left elbow on short column—B3; (b) Greek: Hermes (?) to right—B2; (c) imperfectly impressed: right hand of two figures [Gemini], scales [Libra] on right—T2; (d) imperfectly impressed: winged lion (?) to right, crescent above— B1; (e-) all of L, R and T1, T3 destroyed. [S.i.] Cf. Pinches, Expository Times 25 (1913–14), p. 422e [Mentions a tablet from Uruk dated to 2/4/SE.162/Alexander, in the W. Harding Smith collection, subsequently sold at auction (Sotheby’s Sale Catalogue, November 1–2, 1922, p. 5). A note by A. Sachs suggests that this may be a duplicate of the present tablet] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283–284 [Gemini], 285 [Libra]; Catalogue, p. 154 [Gemini], 33, 155 [Libra] a
hellenistic period
149 B.C. 748. 114420 (1920–6–15,16). Tablet, contract, from Warka. 23/10/SE.149/Alexander. Eleven seals: (a) Greek: female head to right—R1; (b) Greek: Athena to right holding round shield and spear (?)—L1; (c) Greek: naked (?) figure to right holding miniature column, on base line, post to left—B2; (d) fish-garbed figure (?) to right, disk on right, crescent six-pointed star and disk from top to bottom on left—B3; (e) two sitting winged sphinxes facing post between them—T1; (f ) humped bull [Taurus] to right—R2; (g) goat-fish [Capricornus] (?) to right on left, bull to right with head turned back on right, crescent on right, shape above— L2; (h) quadruped (lion?) to right facing smaller quadruped with head turned back—T2; (i) bird to right with spreading wings standing on branch—R3; ( j) bird to right standing on branch—B1; (k) blank—T3. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283 [ Taurus], 286 [Capricornus]; Catalogue, pp. 154 [Taurus], 155 [Capricornus]
146 B.C. 749. 43706 (81–7–1,1470). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. 14/7?/SE.166/-. Upper part of human figure to left. [S.i.].
Seleucid: not precisely dated, but with some indications of date (311–64 B.C.) 750. 114422 (1920–6–15,18). Tablet, contract, top broken away, left damaged, from Warka. -/12/SE./-. [Date largely missing, but the dated tablets in the 1920–6–15 collection fall in the period SE.53–162 (259–149 B.C.) (see under Museum Collections, above); and at Uruk the goat-fish and plant are found between c.220 and 146 B.C. (Wallenfels)]. Three seals: (a) Greek: figure (Nike?) to left—R; (b) goat-fish to right facing stylised plant [Capricornus and Spica?]—B2; (c) two winged quadrupeds facing each other—B1. Remainder broken away. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 285 [Capricornus with Spica, at Uruk “last half of Seleucid rule”, i.e. c.220–146 B.C.], 286 [Capricornus]; Catalogue, p. 155 [Capricornus] a
751. 114416 (1920–6–15,12). Tablet, contract, from Warka. -/-/SE.-/-. [Date missing, but the dated tablets in the 1920–6–15 collection fall in the period SE.53–162 (259–149 B.C.) (see under Museum Collections above)].
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
Four surviving seals: (a) fish-man (?) to right, six-pointed star on right, crab [Cancer] on left— T; (b) lion to right, indistinct objects on right and above—L2; (c) winged bull to right, sixpointed star below, crab [Cancer?] on right—L1; (d) indistinct: seated animal (?)—R. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, p. 284; Catalogue, p. 154 [Cancer] a
752. 109965A (1914–4–4,31A). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. [Tablet made up in 20/9/76 from fragments found with 109965, but separate from it]. -/-/SE.-/Anti[ochus]. [Not earlier than Antiochus I (281–261 B.C.)]. Six seals: (a) two figures with raised hands to left [Gemini], upper part of the second missing, nondescript shape on left; (b) human-headed winged bull leaping to right, rear missing; (c) lion [Leo?] to right, indistinct shape on back; (d) lion [Leo?] to right, forepart missing; (e) winged bull to right, crescent above, and possible Aramaic character(s?), t(?) and ? below; (f ) (humped?) bull [Taurus?] to right, rear (including area of hump) missing. Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283–84 [ Taurus, Gemini], 284–85 [Leo]; Catalogue, p. 154 [Taurus, Gemini, Leo] a
753. 55444 (82–7–4,15). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. -/-/SE.-/-. [An Antiochus is mentioned in the text, therefore not earlier than Antiochus I (281–261 B.C.)]. [*] Four seals: (a) seated lion to right on base line, nondescript shape on right—L2; (b) indistinct— T1; (c) indistinct—L1; (d) indistinct—L3. [S.i.] Leichty, Catalogue, VI, p. 175 Kennedy, CT 49, no. 180 b
754. 109960 (1914–4–4,26). Tablet, economic, from Uruk. -/-/SE.-/-. [Date missing, mention of staters of Antiochus. The first Antiochus coins are those of Antiochus I (294–281 B.C.), therefore not earlier than his time]. [*] Seven seals (others broken away): (a) bearded figure to right with streams flowing from shoulders [Aquarius]—L1; (b) another [Aquarius]—L2; (c) lion [Leo?] leaping to right, joint of meat (?) on right, eight-pointed star above—L3; (d) lion to right, kidney-shape above—B3; (e) winged-bull leaping to right, shape below—T2; (f ) only right impressed: winged(?)-bull to right, dolphin (?) below—B2; (g) only partially impressed: scorpion-man (?) to right (?), Aramaic d/r (see Aramaic Inscriptions no. 40) below—L4. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 284–85 [Leo], 286–87 [Aquarius]; Catalogue, pp. 154 [Leo], 155 [Aquarius] b
hellenistic period
755. 109968 (1914–4–4,34). Tablet, most of reverse destroyed, contract, from Babylonia. -/-/SE.-/. [Date missing, mention of staters of Antiochus, therefore not earlier than Antiochus I (294–281 B.C.). See 109960 (no. 754 above)]. Nine seals: (a) human-headed (?) winged bull to right, shape (conceivably an Aramaic g, very uncertain) on left—B1; (b) lion leaping to right, gripping object, indistinct below—L2(or 3); (c) winged bull to right, eight-pointed star on right—B2; (d) quadruped to right—L3(or 4); (e) indistinct: two winged squatting quadrupeds facing each other—T3; (f ) squatting quadruped (lion?) to right—T2; (g) goat-fish [Capricornus] to right, indistinct shape above—B3; (h) imperfectly impressed: perhaps goat-fish [Capricornus] to right, crescent above—B4; (i) indistinct— R2 (or 3); ( j–k) destroyed—T1, L1(or 2). [S.i.]. Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, p. 286; Catalogue, p. 155 [Capricornus] c
756. 109947 (1914–4–4,13). Tablet, economic text, from Babylonia. 16/8/SE.60(?)+/Antiochus & Antiochus. [Kennedy proposes SE.60(?)+, and the first appropriate joint reign after this is Antiochus III & Antiochus (210–192 B.C.), but this is uncertain]. Seven seals: (a) two human-headed winged seated quadrupeds facing inwards towards each other, eight-pointed star between them—T2; (b) another similar—L2; (c) lion (?) to right on double base line, indistinct shape (bird?) on right—T3; (d) winged bull leaping to right, nondescript object on left—B1; (e) winged bull to right—L3; (f ) indistinct quadruped (conceivably a camel) to right (?), fish to right below—L3; (g) indistinct—T1. a
Hellenistic: not precisely dated (305–64 B.C.) [Listed in order of registration numbers] 757. 33749 (Rm.4.307). Fragment of a tablet, contract, from Babylon. -/-/-/-. [*] Five impressions at end of reverse: (a) twice impressed: worshipper to right with raised hands, long robe, conical hat and line descending from crown of hat; (b) indistinct: human figure to left in long robe holding object; (c) indistinct; (d) blank. Kennedy, CT 49, no. 179 Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), p. 163
758. 37092 (80–6–17,841). Tablet, economic, from Babylon. -/-/-/-. Seal, impressed twice, on reverse: indistinct: crouching human-headed winged sphinx with tall headdress to right (?). [S.i.].
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
Kennedy, CT 49, no. 184 Oelsner, ZA 61 (1971), pp. 163, 166 Kummel, OLZ 71 (1976), p. 249
759. 40669 (81–4–28,214). Tablet, text mostly effaced, from Jumjumah (Babylon). -/-/-/-. Indistinct. 760. 63805 (82–9–18,3773). Tablet, contract, from Babylonia. -/-/-/-. Bearded worshipper with raised hands to right facing symbol on a stand; lozenge shape on left. Bertin, Copies, no. 3078 761. 77099+77102 (AH.83–1–18,2478+2481). Uninscribed sealing over smooth material (leather / parchment?) folded to a thickness of 0.6 cm., from Babylonia. -/-/-/-. [Possibly late Achaemenian]. Eight seals: (a) scorpion-man to right, crescent above; (b) lion to right, crescent above; (c) crouching lion to right on base-line, indistinct characters above; (d) crouching lion to right facing joint of meat, hind quarters missing; (e) bull to right, eight-pointed star above; (f ) winged bull to right [also (or very similar one) on 77210 (no. 763 below)]; (g) winged quadruped (head damaged) to right on base-line, eight-pointed star on right; (h) bull to right, crescent above. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 80
762. 77209 (AH.83–1–18,2589). Uninscribed bulla, from Babylonia. Five seals: (a) human-headed winged bull to right, eight-pointed star on right; (b) indistinct: quadruped from above (?); (c) humped bull [Taurus] to right on base line, indistinct shape on right; (d) humped bull [Taurus] to right; (e) winged quadruped to right on base line, eightpointed star on right. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 83 Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283–84; Catalogue, p. 154 [Taurus]
763. 77210 (AH.83–1–18,2590). Bulla, from Babylonia. Three seals: (a) winged lion with eagle’s hind feet (?) to right, eight-pointed star on right; (b) winged bull to right [also (or very similar one) on 77099 (no. 761f above)]; (c) indistinct: probably a quadruped to right. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 83 a
hellenistic period
764. 98956 (1905–4–9,462). Fragment of clay sealing, from Kuyunjik. [From “New Palace”. Probably the building on the eastern side of Kuyunjik, referred to by Campbell Thompson as the Eastern Building of Sennacherib, named the bit nakkapti in an inscription (Campbell Thompson, Century, pp. 65–66, plan 7, and marked on plan 2). He does not refer to Hellenistic remains from that location (Century, p. 139), but such a find spot is not improbable.] Only upper part impressed: Greek: Zeus (?) seated (?) to left with right hand extended and left holding a staff.
765. 105171 (1913–4–16,3). Tablet, contract, from Warka. -/-/-/-. Four seals surviving: (a) human-headed winged lion to right—T4; (b) quadruped (lion?) on its hind legs to right, head missing—T2; (c) horse (?) to right—T1; (d) winged horse (?) to right— T3; (e–g) indistinct—L3, R1, R2; (h-?) destroyed. [S.i.]. a
766. 105174 (1913–4–16,6). Tablet, temple account, from Warka. -/-/-/-. Six seals: (a) human-headed winged lion to right, eight-pointed star on right—B1; (b) only right impressed: lion [Leo?] to right—B2; (c) only right impressed: lion (?) to right facing joint of meat—T3; (d) right end not impressed: humped bull [Taurus?] to right, crescent (?, or possibly his horn) above—L1; (e) winged bull to right, middle missing, crescent above—T1; (f ) crab [Cancer], crescent on right—L2. [S.i.]. Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283 [Taurus], 284–5 [Cancer, Leo]; Catalogue, p. 154 [Taurus, Cancer, Leo] a
767. 105175 (1013–4–16,7). Tablet contract, from Warka. -/-/-/-. Three seals: (a) Greek: female head and shoulders to right with draped garment and diadem round the head within surrounding line—B1; (b) Greek: head of Athena to right—L2; (c) female (?) head to right with band round the hair, bottom missing—B2; (d-?) destroyed. [S.i.]. a
768. 105177 (1913–4–16,9). Tablet, contract, from Warka. -/-/-/-. Four seals preserved: (a) two figures with raised hands to right [Gemini?]—B2; (b) human-headed (?) winged lion to right, eight-pointed star on right—B3; (c) human-headed winged bull to right, rear part missing, eight-pointed star on right—B4; (d) lion leaping to right, seven-pointed star above—B1; (e-?) destroyed. [S.i.]. Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283–4; Catalogue, p. 154 [Gemini] a
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
769. 105178 (1913–4–16,10). Tablet, top destroyed, contract, from Warka. -/-/-/-. Seven seals preserved: (a) scorpion-man to right facing seated human-headed winged lion to left, Aramaic d/r (?) (see Aramaic Inscriptions no. 41) on left—B3; (b) human-headed winged bull to right, Aramaic bl† (??) (see Aramaic Inscriptions no. 41) below—B4; (c) human-headed winged lion to right, forepart missing—R3; (d) lion [Leo] to right, joint of meat (?) on right, crescent above—L2; (e) lion leaping to right to joint of meat (?), Aramaic nm (?) (see Aramaic Inscriptions no. 41) above—B1; (f ) imperfectly impressed: lion (?) to right—R2; (g) winged bull to right, six-pointed star on right—L3. [S.i.]. Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 284–5; Catalogue, p. 154 [Leo] a
770. 105188 (1913–4–16,20). Tablet, temple account, from Warka. -/-/-/-. Five seals preserved: (a) two figures with raised hands to right [Gemini], offering table on right, crescent on left—L2; (b) scorpion-man to right, head missing—T2; (c) goat-fish [Capricornus] to right—L1; (d) another, tail missing, crescent on right, eight-pointed star above—B2; (e) fish tail, forepart missing, crescent above—T1; (f-?) destroyed. [S.i..]. Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283–4 [Gemini], 286 [Capricornus]; Catalogue, pp. 154 [Gemini], 155 [Capricornus] b
771. 105192 (1913–4–16,24). Tablet, temple account, from Warka. -/-/-/-. Five seals: (a) human head to right—B3; (b) human-headed winged lion to right, six-pointed star and three drill holes to right—B2; (c) lion [Leo] to right, eight-pointed star on right, crescent above—B4; (d) crab [Cancer] on right and bird with spread wings on left—B1; (e) imperfectly impressed: fish [Pisces], six(?)-pointed star above—L3 (or 4). [S.i.]. Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 284–5 [Cancer, Leo], 287 [Pisces]; Catalogue, pp. 154 [Cancer, Leo], 156 [Pisces] a
772. 105198 (1913–4–16,30). Tablet, reverse largely destroyed, temple account, from Warka. -/-/-/. Ten seals: (a) winged centaur with scorpion-tail [Sagittarius] to right, bow missing—B2; (b) humanheaded winged lion to right, triangle and Aramaic "n and conceivable b(??) (see Aramaic Inscriptions no. 42) on right—L2; (c) human-headed winged bull leaping to right, indistinct star on right, fish [Pisces?] and circle below—L3; (d) another, crescent on right, fox (?) below—R3; (e) humped bull [Taurus] to right on base-line, crescent above—B3; (f ) winged bull leaping to right, crab [Cancer] on right—L1; (g) lion [Leo] to right, eight(?)-pointed star above, indistinct circular shape on right—R2; (h) indistinct: winged quadruped to right—R1; (i) goat-fish [Capricornus] to right, crescent and six(?)-pointed star above—B1; ( j) damaged and indistinct—T1. [S.i.]. Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 283 [Taurus], 284–5 [Cancer, Leo], 286 [Sagittarius, Capricornus], 287 [Pisces]; Catalogue, pp. 154 [Taurus, Cancer, Leo], 155 [Sagittarius, Capricornus] a
hellenistic period g
239 i
773. 105209 (1913–4–16,41). Tablet, temple account, from Warka. 19/-/-/-/Uruk. Eleven seals: (a) robed figure with streams of water on either side [Aquarius] upper part missing—T5; (b) Greek (?): draped figure to right, upper part missing, line, crescent and triangle on left—T3; (c) scorpion-man to right facing seated dog to left on base-line, indistinct star between them, triangle on right—L4; (d) scorpion-man to right facing stream of water and edge of robed figure [Aquarius?], right missing—T4; (e) scorpion-man to left facing seated dog to right, triangle and crescent between them—L2; (f ) human-headed winged bull to right, fox (?) below, seven(?)-pointed star and crescent on right—L3; (g) human-headed winged bull to right, fish (?) below—T2; (h) winged lion (?) to right, plant (reed?) on right—T1; (i) winged bull to right, eight-pointed star on right, bird below—R2; ( j) goat-fish [Capricornus] to right, crescent on right—R1. [S.i.]. Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 286–7; Catalogue, p. 155 [Capricornus, Aquarius] b
774. 109951 (1914–4–4,17). Tablet, reverse badly damaged, economic, from Babylonia. -/-/-/-. Seven seals surviving: (a) worshipper to right with raised right hand and cup in left, smaller human figure to left on right, crescent on left—L1; (b) human-headed (?) winged bull to right, triangle on right—L2; (c) human-headed (?) winged bull to right—L3; (d) lion [Leo] to right— T2; (e) quadruped to right, six-pointed star above—T1; (f ) lion (?) to right, upper part missing, joint of meat on right—B2; (g) quadruped with pointed ears (?) to right, crescent below—B3; (h–i) largely destroyed—R1–2; ( j-?) destroyed—L4–?, B1, T3–6. [S.i.] Cf. Wallenfels, “Zodiacal Signs”, pp. 284–5; Catalogue, p. 154 [Leo] b
775. 109952 (1914–4–4,18). Tablet, economic, from Uruk. -/-/-/-. Seals on edges mostly destroyed: (a) indistinct: winged quadruped (?) to left—B1.
776. 109953 (1914–4–4,19). Tablet, badly damaged (made up of fragments), economic, from Uruk. -/3/-/-. Five+ seals surviving: (a) human-headed winged bull to right—B3; (b) human-headed quadruped to right—B4; (c) quadruped to right, head and back missing—L1; (d) incomplete and indistinct— T4; (e) indistinct—B1; (f ) destroyed—B2; (g-?) destroyed: all of R, B3?, and all of T. [S.i.] a
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
777. 109957 (1914–4–4,23). Tablet, upper half missing, economic, from Uruk. -/-/-/-. Five seals: (a) human-headed winged bull to right—B3; (b) winged bull to right, crescent on right—L4(?); (c) winged bull to right, bird en face with spread wings below—B2; (d) winged bull to right—B1; (e) winged bull to right—B4. [S.i.] a
778. 109957A (1914–4–4,23A). Tablet, upper half missing, economic, from Uruk. -/-/-/-. [A separate tablet from 109957, in each case only the lower half survives]. Five seals: (a) Greek: figure (Dionysus?) to left with staff in right hand and left arm swung back— B4; (b) bull-man on hind legs to right—B3; (c) human-headed winged bull to right, triangle on right—B2; (d) human-headed winged lion (?) seated to left facing seated dog (?) to right— L4(?); (e) similar, but less well defined—B1. [S.i.] b
779. 109972 (1914–4–4,38). Tablet, economic, from Uruk. -/12/-/-. [*] Thirteen seals: (a–b) and possibly ( j) cylinder seals: (a) imperfectly impressed: king holding off two bulls (?) on their hind legs—L2; (b) bearded figure to right gripping winged quadruped on its hind legs by the throat—L3; (c) Greek influence: warrior in kilt-length garment to left defeating a falling warrior in headdress and holding a shield—T1; (d) figure to right repelling quadruped on its hind legs—T2; (e) indistinct: human figure to right with arms out holding a lozenge shaped and a club shaped object—B1; (f ) two seated human-headed bearded quadrupeds facing each other, offering table between them—L1; (g) winged bull to right B2; (h) winged lion (?) to right—L4; (i) winged quadruped to left—R1; ( j) caprid (?) to left, ends of horns and haunches missing, crescent on right—T3; (k) indistinct: winged quadruped to right—B3; (l) heads and forequarters of three bulls round a common centre—R2. [(a), (f ), and (l: cf. 41387 (no. 516) above) and probably (b) are Achaemenian in style; (c) is Greek in style]. Cf. for stance of falling warrior in (c): Boardman, Greek Gems, pl. 538, pp. 200–201, 291 [late 5th–early 4th century B.C.]; P. Blome, Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig (ZürichGeneva, 1999), no. 133 [Attic Red-Figure vase, c. 470–460 B.C.]; F. Felten, Griechische tektonische Friese archaischer und Klassischer Zeit (Vienna, 1984), pl. 24 [scene from temple at Bassae; late 5th century B.C.]. a
780. 114709 (1920–12–13,1). Tablet, contract, from Warka. [*] Two seals: (a) indistinct: worshipper with raised hands to right (?) facing animal (?)—T1; (b) cylinder seal: worshipper with raised hands to left facing scorpion-man to right—T2. [S.i.] a
hellenistic period
781. 116658 (1924–7–12,13). Clay label with oblong hole for cords, provenance unknown. Four seals: (a) Greek: Athena to right with oval shield on her left arm and spear in right hand; (b) human-headed winged bull to right; (c) indistinct: robed (Greek?) figure to left on right, left missing; (d) Greek (?): oval shield (?) with centre line. a
782. 81–7–27,173. Bulla, from Kuyunjik. Crude cross. 783. 81–7–27,174. Bulla, from Kuyunjik. Human head to right in double ring with cross lines, and mark of ring bezel.
MESOPOTAMIA UNCERTAIN DATE 784. 41381 (81–4–28,930). Sealing with string marks on the reverse, from Babylonia. Human headed (?) winged quadruped to right facing stylised plant.
785. 41383 (81–4–28,932). Sealing, from Babylonia. Imperfectly impressed: winged quadruped to right.
786. 41384 (81–4–28,933). Sealing, from Babylonia. Worshipper to right with raised hands.
787. 41386 (81–4–28,935). Sealing, from Babylonia. Winged quadruped to right.
788. 45594 (81–7–1,3355). Sealing, probably from Babylonia. Human headed (?) winged quadruped to right facing an olive branch, with olives represented by drill holes.
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
789. 49162 (81–11–3,1873). Sealing, from Babylonia. Winged horse (?) to right. [Possibly Hellenistic].
790. 49163 (81–11–3,1874). Sealing, from Babylonia. Clear but uncertain: possibly an insect.
791. 62892 (AH.82–9–18,2861). Clay disc, from Abu Habbah. Probably scarab or scaraboid: orientation uncertain: central circle with outward facing Cshapes on either side, eight-toothed pattern above(/below), unclear below(/above). [Not Egyptian; possibly Palestinian]. Leichty, Catalogue, VII, p. 78
792. 77214 (AH.83–1–18,2594). Clay ball, from Mesopotamia. Two horned quadrupeds in file to left. Leichty, Catalogue, VIII, p. 83
793. 136989. Bulla. Provenance unknown. Poorly impressed: winged quadruped to left (?).
794. 137306. Bulla. Provenance unknown. Indistinct: human figure with raised hands to left facing human figure to right.
795. 80–6–17,1732. Bulla, from Babylonia. Two seals: (a) grazing ibex to left; (b) bee or fly. a
PALESTINE IRON AGE I c. 1250–1000 B.C. 796. 1927–5–30,84. Jar handle with seal impression, from Jerusalem, Ophel, “NB steps 5 Nov” “600”. [Possibly associated with debris including mixed sherds, apparently mainly of the 2nd millennium B.C., from a trench in Field 5 of the Macalister-Duncan excavations (PEFA 4 (1926), pls V–VI, also folding plan by Sir Charles Close in end pocket, and pp. 31–36, specifically 33–34). Possibly Iron Age I, c. 1250–1000 (cf. H. Weippert, Palästina in Vorhellenistische Zeit (Munich, 1988), fig. 4.13 (p. 396))]. Crudely executed quadruped to right.
JUDAEAN MONARCHY Late 8th Century B.C. 797. 132059–60 (1956–4–16,1–2), 132062–63 (4–5), 132069 (11), 132076–78 (18–20), 132081 (23), 132085 (27); 1980–12–14,803, 4004–10, 4018–25, 4029–35, 4037, 4039–50, 4052–74, 4076–79, 4082–83, 4085–91, 4093–4108, 4110–26, 4145, 4184, 8248. One hundred and eighteen pottery jar handles with seal impressions, from Tell ed-Duweir. [Undated, but large numbers found in Level III which was probably destroyed by Sennacherib in 701 B.C. They may therefore be assigned to the late 8th century (Ussishkin, Tel Aviv 4 (1977), pp. 28–60)]. Impressions, some imperfectly made, not all from the same seal (four identified by Welten, these from his H.II.A.1, H.II.B.1 and H.II.B.2): four-winged scarab, lmlk “for the king” above, ˙brn “Hebron” below. Diringer, Lachish, III, pl. 46A.1–7, 9, and 10–12 Cf. Welten, Königs-Stempel, pp. 36–37
798. 132065 (1956–44–16,7), 132074 (16); 1980–12–14,4135, 4138. Four pottery jar handles with seal impressions, from Tell ed-Duweir. [Undated, but probably late 8th century B.C. See no. 797 above].
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum Impressions, some imperfectly made, probably from the same seal (three identified by Welten, but these from his H.II.B.1): two-winged “scroll”, lmlk “for the king” above, ˙brn “Hebron” below. Diringer, Lachish, III, pl. 46B.4–6 Cf. Welten, Königs-Stempel, pp. 37–38 Mitchell, BBM, no. 26 [132065]
799. 132061 (1956–4–16,3), 132071 (13); 1980–12–14,4134. Three pottery jar handles with seal impressions, from Tell ed-Duweir. [Undated, but probably late 8th century B.C. See no. 797 above]. Impressions, some imperfectly made, not all from the same seal (three identified by Welten, these from his Z.I.A.1 and Z.I.B.1): four-winged scarab, lmlk “for the king” above, zp “Ziph” below. Diringer, Lachish, III, pl. 46A.8 and 13 Cf. Welten, Königs-Stempel, p. 38 Mitchell, BBM, no. 26 [132061]
800. 132073 (1956–4–16,15); 1980–12–14,4017. Two pottery jar handles with seal impressions, from Tell ed-Duweir. [Undated, but probably late 8th century B.C. See no. 797 above]. Impressions, some imperfectly made, not all from the same seal (three identified by Welten, these from his Z.II.A.1 and Z.II.B.1): two-winged “scroll”, lmlk “for the king” above, zp “Ziph” below. Diringer, Lachish, III, pl. 46B.8 and 9 Cf. Welten, Königs-Stempel, pp. 39–40
801. 132064 (1956–4–16,6), 132068 (10), 132080 (22); 1980–12–14,4011–15, 4127–33, 4144. Sixteen pottery jar handles with seal impressions, from Tell ed-Duweir. [Undated, but probably late 8th century B.C. See no. 797 above]. Impressions, some imperfectly made, probably from the same seal (Welten identifies only one, his S.I.B.1): four-winged scarab, lmlk “for the king” above, “wkh “Socoh” below. Diringer, Lachish, III, pl. 46A.14–16; B.1–2 Cf. Welten, Königs-Stempel, p. 40
802. 132067 (1956–4–16,9), 132079 (21); 1980–12–14,4016, 8247 (160142). Four pottery jar handles with seal impressions, from Tell ed-Duweir. [Undated, but probably late 8th century B.C. See no. 797 above]. Impressions, some imperfectly made, probably from the same seal (three identified by Welten, but this his S.II.A.1): two-winged “scroll”, lmlk “for the king” above, “wkh “Socoh” below. Diringer, Lachish, III, pl. 46B.10–12 Cf. Welten, Königs-Stempel, pp. 40–41 Mitchell, BBM, no. 26 [160142]
803. 1980–12–14,4177. Pottery jar handle with seal impression, from Tell ed-Duweir. [Undated, but probably late 8th century B.C. See no. 797 above]. Impression, imperfectly made: four-winged scarab, lmlk “for the king” above, mm“t “Mimshat” below. Diringer, Lachish, III, pl. 46.B.3 Cf. Welten, Königs-Stempel, pp. 41–42 [two seals, this his M.IB.1]
804. 132072 (1956–4–16,14); 1980–12–14,4146 (160317). Two pottery jar handles with seal impressions, from Tell ed-Duweir. [Undated, but probably late 8th century B.C. See no. 797 above]. Impressions, imperfectly made from different seals (nine identifed by Welten, but these from his M.II.A.1 and M.II.A.2): two-winged “scroll”, lmlk “for the king” above, mm“t “Mimshat” below. Diringer, Lachish, III, pl. 46B.13–14 and 15 Cf. Welten, Königs-Stempel, pp. 42–44 Mitchell, BBM, no. 26 [160317]
805. 1980–12–14,4026–28, 4036, 4038, 4051, 4075, 4080–81, 4084, 4092, 4109, 4142–43, 4157, 4159–61, 4163–64, 4166–76, 4178–83. Thirty-six pottery jar handles with seal impressions, from Tell ed-Duweir. [Undated, but probably late 8th century B.C. See no. 797 above]. Impressions imperfectly made, not all from the same seal: four-winged scarab, lmlk “For the king” above, no city name preserved below. 806. 1980–12–14,4158, 4162, 4165, 11042, 11074. Five pottery jar handles with seal impressions, from Tell ed-Duweir. [Undated, but probably late 8th century B.C. See no. 797 above]. Impressions imperfectly made, not all from the same seal: four-winged scarab, no inscriptions preserved.
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
807. 1980–12–14,4152. Pottery jar handle with seal impression, from Tell ed-Duweir. [Undated, but probably late 8th century B.C. See no. 797 above]. Two-line inscription divided by double line and within an oval border: hw“ '|ßpn, “Hoshea (son of ) Zaphan [Íapan].” Diringer, PEQ 73 (1941), p. 40 no. 2, cf. pl. III.3 Moscati, EEA, pp. 10–11 no. 10, cf. pl. XVI.10 Diringer, Lachish, III, p. 341, cf. pl. 47.A.3 Cf. Israel, ZAH 7 (1994), p. 59 no. 3 and n. 79 Barkay and Vaughn, Tel Aviv 23 (1996), p. 67 no. 3 Avigad, Corpus, no. 667 (F) Renz and Röllig, HAE, no. 5.7 808. 1980–12–14,4154. Pottery jar handle with seal impression, from Tell ed-Duweir. [Undated, but probably late 8th century B.C. See no. 797 above]. Two-line inscription divided by double line and within an oval border: krmy| y/rpy . . ., “Karmi (son of ) Y/Rapi. . . .” Diringer, PEQ 73 (1941), pp. 51–52 no. 15, cf. pl. IV.7 Moscati, EEA, p. 80 no. 23, cf. pl. XVIII.5 Diringer, Lachish, III, p. 341, cf. pl. 47.B.7 Barkay and Vaughn, Tel Aviv 23 (1996), p. 67 no. 8 [krmy|ypyhw] Avigad, Corpus, no. 675 (A) [krmy|y/rpy..] Renz and Röllig, HAE, no. 11.11 809. 1980–12–14,4155 (Field No. 7070). Pottery jar handle with seal impression, from Tell ed-Duweir. [Undated, but probably late 8th century B.C. See no. 797 above]. Two-line inscription divided by double line and within an oval border: lmn˙m|ywbnh, “Belonging to Menahem (son of ) Yobanah.” Diringer, PEQ 73 (1941), pp. 41–42 no. 4 [ltn˙m|mgn] Diringer, Lachish, III, p. 341 [ltn˙m|mgn] Cf. Israel, ZAH 7 (1994), p. 59 no. 5 and n. 81 Barkay and Vaughn, BASOR 304 (1996), pp. 37–38 no. 9, fig. 10 [lmn˙m|ywbnh] Barkay and Vaughn, Tel Aviv 23 (1996), p. 68 no. 12 [lmn˙m|ywbnh] Avigad, Corpus, no. 678 (A) [lmn˙m|ywbnh] Renz and Röllig, HAE, no. 13.57 810. 132066 (1956–4–16,8); 160141 (1980–12–14,4153). Two pottery jar handles with seal impressions, from Tell ed-Duweir. [Undated, but probably late 8th century B.C. See no. 797 above]. Two-line inscription divided by double line and within an oval border: m“lm|’˙mlk, “Meshulam (son of ) Ahimelech [’A˙imelek].” Diringer, PEQ 73 (1941), p. 41 no. 3, pl. III.6 [160141] Moscati, EEA, p. 73 no. 11, pl. XVI.13 Diringer, Lachish, III, p. 341, pl. 47.A.6 [160141] Cf. Israel, ZAH 7 (1994), p. 59 no. 6 and n. 82 Barkay and Vaughn, Tel Aviv 23 (1996), p. 68 nos 19 [160141], 20 [132066] Avigad, Corpus, no. 679 (B [160141]); (C [132066]) Renz and Röllig, HAE, no. 13.89 811. 132070 (1956–4–16,12); 1980–12–14,4147–48. Three pottery jar handles with seal impressions, from Tell ed-Duweir. [Undated, but probably late 8th century B.C. See no. 797 above]. Two-line inscription divided by double line and within a rectangular border: ln˙m|‘bdy, “Belonging to Nahum (son of ) Abdi.”
Diringer, PEQ 73 (1941), pp. 44–45 no. 6, cf. pl. III.10 [132070] Moscati, EEA, p. 77 no. 14, cf. pl. XVII.4 Diringer, Lachish, III, p. 341, cf. pl. 47.A.10 [132070] Cf. Israel, ZAH 7 (1994), p. 59 no. 9 and n. 85 Barkay and Vaughn, Tel Aviv 23 (1996), p. 69 nos 32 [4147], 33 [132059], 34 [4148] Avigad, Corpus, no. 684 (C [4147]); (E [132070]); (H [4148]) Renz and Röllig, HAE, no. 14.13 812. 1980–12–14,4149. Pottery jar handle with seal impression, from Tell ed-Duweir. [Undated, but probably late 8th century B.C. See no. 797 above]. Four-winged uraeus (?) and within an oval border, lsm[ky?] above, ßpnyhw under double-line below, “Belonging to Samak/Samki (son of ) Zephaniah [Íepanyahu].” Diringer, PEQ 73 (1941), p. 54 no. 21, pl. IV.8 Thompson, BASOR 86 (1942), p. 27, fig. 1.4 Moscati, EEA, p. 81 no. 29, cf. pl. XVIII.8 Diringer, Lachish, III, p. 341, pl. 47.B.8 Sass, OBO 125 (1993), pl. I.3 Barkay and Vaughn, Tel Aviv 23 (1996), p. 70 no. 42 [lsmk|bn|ßpnyhw] Avigad, Corpus, no. 689 (A) [lsm[k]/lsmk[ky]| ßpnyhw] Renz and Röllig, HAE, no. 15.13 813. 1980–12–14,8246 (Field No. 6116). Pottery jar handle with seal impression, from Tell ed-Duweir. [Undated, but probably late 8th century. See no. 797 above]. Two-line inscription divided by double line and within an oval border: ßpn‘|zryhw, “Zephan [Íapan] (son of ) Azariah [‘Azaryahu]”. Cf. Diringer, PEQ 73 (1941), pp. 38–40 no. 1, pl. III.1–2 Moscati, EEA, p. 73 no. 1, cf. pl. XVI.1–2 Cf. Diringer, Lachish, III, p. 341, pl. 47.A.1–2 Cf. Israel, ZAH 7 (1994), p. 59 no. 13 and n. 89 Barkay and Vaughn, Tel Aviv 23 (1996), pp. 65 no. 8, 70 no. 50 Cf. Avigad, Corpus, no. 698 [this example not mentioned] Renz and Röllig, HAE, no. 18.15 814. 1980–12–14,8245. Pottery jar handle with seal impression, from Tell ed-Duweir. [Undated, but probably late 8th century B.C. See no. 797 above]. Two-line inscription divided by double line and within an oval border: l“bn|’“˙r, “Belonging to Shebn|a (son of ) Sha˙ar”. Diringer, PEQ 73 (1941), pp. 46–47 no. 8, pl. IV.1 Moscati, EEA, p. 78 no. 16, cf. pl. XVII.6 Diringer, Lachish, III, p. 341, pl. 47.B.1 Cf. Israel, ZAH 7 (1994), p. 59 no. 14 and n. 90 Barkay and Vaughn, Tel Aviv 23 (1996), p. 70 no. 54 Avigad, Corpus, no. 701 (G [?]) Cf. Renz and Röllig, HAE, no. 21.6 [London not mentioned] 815. 1980–12–14,4156, 12085 (Field No. 5400). Two pottery jar handles with seal impressions, from Tell ed-Duweir. [Undated, but probably late 8th century B.C. See no. 797 above]. Two-line inscription divided by double line and within an oval border: l“lm|’˙’m[r], “Belonging to Shallum (son of ) A˙i’am[ar]”. Diringer, PEQ 73 (1941), pp. 43–44 no. 5, pl. III.9 [12085; l“lm(h)|’˙smk], 53 no. 18 [4156] Inge, PEQ 73 (1941), p. 107 [12085; lshlm(h) a˙smk]
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum Thompson, BASOR 86 (1942), pp. 25–26, fig. 1.2 [’˙’mr] Diringer, PEQ 75 (1943), p. 55 no. 2 [’smk preferred but ’˙’mr possible] Moscati, EEA, pp. 76–77 no. 13, pl. XVII.2 [12085] [l“lm|’˙’mr] Diringer, Lachish, III, p. 341, pl. 47.A.9 [12085] [’˙smk] Barkay and Vaughn, BASOR 304 (1996), pp. 38–41 no. 10, fig. 11 [4156] [l“lm|’˙’m] Barkay and Vaughn, Tel Aviv 23 (1996), p. 71 nos 61 [12085], 64 [4156] [l“lm|’˙’m] Avigad, Corpus, no. 706 (A) [12085], [(B) not in the British Museum, possibly in Leeds? (P. Magrill)] [l“lm|’˙’mr] Renz and Röllig, HAE, no. 21.50 [l“lm|"˙"m]
816. 1980–12–14,4150–51. Two pottery jar handles with seal impressions, from Tell ed-Duweir. [Undated, but probably late 8th century B.C. See no. 797 above]. Two-line inscription divided by double line and within an oval border: ltn˙m|mgn, “Belonging to Tan˙um (son of ) Magen”. Diringer, PEQ 73 (1941), pp. 41–42 no. 4, pl. III.7 [ltn˙m|mgn] Thompson, BASOR 86 (1942), pp. 24–25, fig. 1.1 [ltn˙m|mtn] Diringer, PEQ 75 (1943), p. 55 no. 1 [mgn] Moscati, EEA, p. 76 no. 12, cf. pl. XVII.1 [ltn˙m|mgn] Cf. Barkay and Vaughn, BASOR 304 (1996), pp. 36–37 no. 8 Barkay and Vaughn, Tel Aviv 23 (1996), pp. 71–72 nos 66 [4151], 68 [4150] [ltn˙m|mgn] Avigad, Corpus, no. 707 (A) [4151] (B) [4150] [ltn˙m|mgn] Renz and Röllig, HAE, no. 22.3 817. 132075 (1956–4–16,17), 132082 (24), 132084 (26); 1980–12–14,15932–38, 16000. Eleven pottery jar handles with seal impressions from Tell ed-Duweir. [Undated, but probably late 8th century B.C. See no. 797 above]. Rosettes, not all from the same seal. Cf. Diringer in Tufnell, Lachish, III, pp. 344–346, pl. 53.1–4 818. 132083 (1956–4–16,25). Pottery jar handle with seal impression from Tell ed-Duweir. [Undated, but probably late 8th century B.C. See no. 797 above]. Scarab shape with pattern cut in intaglio
Late 7th–Early 6th Century B.C. 819. 134695 (1965–10–12,1). Clay sealing with papyrus impression on reverse, from Palestine, probably early 6th century B.C. Two-line Hebrew inscription: l˙nnyhwb|ngdlyhw, “Belonging to Hananiah son of Gedaliah”, divided by quasi-floral motifs. Avigad, IEJ 14 (1964), pp. 193–194, pl. 44c [late 7th or early 6th century] Naveh, Leshonenu 30 (1965), p. 77 Teixidor, Syria 44 (1967), 169 no. 34 [7th–6th century] Vattioni, Biblica 50 (1969), p. 382 no. 218 Mitchell, BMQ 36 (1971–72), p. 142, pl. LXc; BBM, no. 44 Herr, The Scripts of Ancient Northwest Semitic Seals (1978), p. 123 and fig 59 no. 92 [early 6th century B.C.] Avigad, Corpus, no. 504 [7th-early 6th century]
Deutsch, Messages, p. 30 no. 7.1 Renz and Röllig, HAE, no. 8.57 [end of 7th/beginning of 6th century]
NEO-BABYLONIAN—ACHAEMENIAN PERIODS Late 6th–Early 5th Century B.C. 820. 139206 (1981–11–17,1). Jar handle with seal impression, from Tell en-Naßbeh. Oval impression with mßh, Moßah, in lapidary Aramaic script. [Twenty-eight examples known from Tell en-Naßbeh, three from Gibeon, and one each from Ramat Ra˙el, Jericho and Beth Hanina]. Cf. Diringer, IAEP, pp. 139–141 nos 19 and 20, pl. XVII.3–6 [reading no. 19 as mßp, and 20 (including the example from Jericho, pl. XVII.3) as mßh] Cf. McCown, Tell en-Naßbeh, I, pp. 165–167 no. 5, pl. 56.15–28 [mßh the probable reading; mßp unlikely, in spite of apparent connection with the modern name of the site] Cf. Avigad, IEJ 8 (1958), pp. 113–119 [mßh] Cf. Cross, EI 9 (1969), pp. 22–23 [mßh; late 6th and early 5th centuries B.C.] Cf. Naveh, Aramaic, pp. 58–59, 61–62 [mßh; 5th-4th century B.C.] Cf. Avigad, IEJ 22 (1972), pp. 5–9 [mßh; not earlier than 6th century B.C.] Cf. Stern, Material Culture, pp. 207–209, fig. 346 [end of 6th and beginning of 5th century B.C.]
HELLENISTIC PERIOD 3rd–2nd Century B.C. 821. 1927–5–30,83. Jar handle with seal impression, from Jerusalem, Ophel, “W Face Hez Wall. 10–14 H”. [Possibly from Field 5 of the Macalister-Duncan excavations (PEFA 4 (1926), pl. VI), the only area mentioned which concerns Hezekiah (p. 87)]. Circular impression with five-pointed linear star (pentagram) with y-r-“-l-m, Jerusalem, in PalaeoHebrew script between the points. [Examples, not all from the same seal, are known from Tell en-Naßbeh, Tell el-Ful, Jerusalem, Bethany, Ramat Ra˙el, Gezer, Tell Yarmuth, and Tell Zakariya.] Douglas (ed.), IBD, III, p. 1409 bottom right [photo] Cf. Sukenik, JPOS 13 (1933), pp. 226–231, pl. XVII.1–2 Cf. Diringer, IAEP, pp. 130–137 no. 15, pl. XVI.3–12 [with bibliography and discussion] Cf. Cross, EI 9 (1969), p. 23 [Hellenistic period] Cf. Avigad, IEJ 24 (1974), pp. 54–58 [2nd and possibly 3rd century B.C.] Cf. Stern, Material Culture, p. 209 [3rd to 2nd centuries B.C.]
ARAMAIC INSCRIPTIONS Twenty-three of the seal impressions in the catalogue have Aramaic inscriptions, many of them very difficult to see clearly. Nos 20 (95–4–6, 5), and 236 (84540+) do not supply their own dates but are probably of the 8th–7th centuries B.C.; and no. 133 (K.408) is tentatively dated to 633* B.C. Of the remainder, nos 675, 679, 681, 682, 686, 691, 697, 699, 703 = 704, 707, 711, 712, 714, 725, 727 and 732 are from datable tablets, and 754, 769, and 772, are not precisely dated, but come from a period of about 80 years (265–185 B.C.) in the Hellenistic period. These are all included in chronological order in the accompanying chart. A limited number of examples in the Yale Babylonian Collection, mainly from Uruk, have been discussed by Wallenfels (Catalogue, pp. 148–9). These are of Seleucid date and are executed in the same medium. His forms are included in the accompanying charts in their appropriate chronological positions. When Aramaic was replaced by Greek as the language and script of administration after the fall of the Achaemenian Empire in the late 4th century B.C., the Aramaic script developed regional variations. For comparative material, it is appropriate to look at the forms of the characters before the divergence, but it is also sometimes helpful to take account of variant traditions found in contemporary material. Many of these forms are divergent not only because of their geographical dispersion but because they occur in different media, namely inscriptions on coins, or writings in ink on leather or papyrus, and occasionally incised on stone. They are included, nevertheless, for whatever clues they may offer for reading the more obscure characters. One source from the general area of Mesopotamia is found in Aramaic characters on the coins of Characene, Elymais and Persis (Hill, Catalogue), where the group most relevant chronologically is that from Persis. The scripts on these coins have been collected by Sellwood (CHI, p. 317), those appropriate chronologically being the inscriptions of the first four rulers, Bagadat (bgdt), Oborzos (w˙wbrz), Artaxerxes ("rt˙“tr) and Autophradates (wtprdt), who are probably to be dated in the period c. 250–200 B.C. (Sellwood, CHI, pp. 299–302; the readings of the names are discussed in Hill, Catalogue, pp. clxiv– clxx). These forms are included in the charts under the notional dates 245, 235, 225 and 215 B.C. Other coins from Persis and those from Characene and, Elymais are too late to be helpful. Comparative material from the west is supplied by two incised names, both reading †wbyh, Tobiah, on the facade of the Qaßr el-'Abd at 'Arâq el-"Emîr in Palestine (L. H. Vincent in JPOS 3 (1923), p. 55 (photograph), and p. 63, nos 1 and 1a (copies); out-of-focus photograph in S. A. Birnbaum, The Hebrew Scripts, II (London, 1954–57), no. 80). Some have dated this building to the early second century B.C. (Birnbaum, Hebrew Scripts, I (1971), pp. 122–23; P. W. Lapp, BASOR 171 (1963), pp. 38–39; and in E. Stern (ed.), The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavation in the Holy Land, 2 ( Jerusalem, 1993), p. 647), but F. M. Cross (Leaves, p. 15 n. 77) proposes a date in the early third century B.C. on palaeographic grounds, and Lapp acknowledges that in an isolated area such as this, “the development of the script . . . might well have been frozen a century or so earlier when Aramaic was replaced for most purposes by Greek” (BASOR 171 (1963), p. 38). Other specimens of script from Palestine and Egypt have been collected by Cross (Leaves, figs 1.1 (p. 7), 2.1 (p. 45)). These derive from the same general date range as those in the catalogue, and though they come from quite different materials and techniques, being inscriptions in ink on leather and papyrus, the characters provide helpful evidence. Variant forms given by him have been included only when they show significant differences. In this section Aramaic characters are referred to in the form e.g. /"/ etc. for the sake of clarity.
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum THE CHARTS
The characters are entered in the chart in chronological order in numbered columns from left to right with dates in the second and Catalogue numbers etc. in the third line. The dates are reduced to single compromise figures where appropriate in order to fit the available space in a uniform manner, but the fuller date ranges are given below. The numbers in the third line, repeated in the list below, are given in bold type for entries in the present Catalogue, and in regular type for the others, with the identifiers C = Cross, S = Sellwood, T = Tobiah, and W = Wallenfels, each with a following number. In the charts, characters from difference seals on the same tablet are placed together in the same column. The characters are not all to the same scale. When the placing of entries in the charts (here referred to by column number) may appear implausible, e.g. nos 10 /d/; 12 /d/; 16 /˙/; 19 /d/ and /t/; 21 /"/ and /b/; 23 /b/ and /†/; 26 left /"/; 27 left /t/; 38 /g/; 41 /b/ and /†/, see the discussion below. Columns 1–3, which represent examples in the collection earlier than the Achaemenian period, are included for the sake of completeness, column 4 comes from the late Achaemenian period, shortly before the divergence of the script traditions, but the remainder all belong to the Hellenistic period in which the forms of many of the characters diverged. To the extent that the forms in column 4 can be seen as ancestral to characters on the seals, they may be more significant than some of the later comparative examples. Discussion of the readings suggested in the main catalogue is given under the appropriate entries below. In many cases the Aramaic characters bear no obvious relation to the names of the owners of the seals. If it is correct that nos 11 (catalogue 681i) and 35 (catalogue 725j) are from the same seal, and the manner in which the seals were impressed makes it difficult to be sure of this, it would offer one explanation for such instances. Where there is some reasonable relation between the seal inscription and the owner’s name, some account of this has been taken in the identification of the characters. 1. 20 (95–4–6, 5)—late eighth century B.C. 2. 236 (84541)—early seventh century B.C. 3. 133 (K.408)—633* B.C. [The /“/, /b/ and /n/ are reasonably clear, and the /l/ is probable from its likely function as the preposition l-, “belonging to”. The /w/ and /p/ are possible but speculative.] 4. C1. Cross, from papyri from the Wâdi ed-Dâliyeh (Leaves, fig. 2.1 (p. 45))—c. 350 B.C. 5. W1. Wallenfels, Catalogue, no. 553–299 B.C. [Owner’s name Anu-aba-utèr: the only connection of the reversed alphabetic /b/ with this name would be as part of some such abbreviation as ("n")b("tr), but this is unlikely (cf. also nos 8, 11 and 26 below)]. 6. C2. Cross, from a papyrus from Edfù in Egypt (Leaves, fig. 1.1 (p. 7) line 2)—early third century B.C. 7. T. From inscriptions on the facade of the Qaßr el-'Abd at 'Arâq el-"Emîr in Palestine (Vincent, JPOS 3 (1923), p. 63, nos 1 and 1a)—early third century B.C. (see above). 8. W2. Wallenfels, Catalogue, no. 554–269 B.C. [Owner’s name Mannu-kì-I“tar: alphabetic /†/ has no clear connection with the name. If it was the seal of his father I“tar-¢ì†ù"a, who was a scribe (sepìr), the only connection of the /†/ with this name would be as part of some such abbreviation as ("“tr˙)†(") which is unlikely (cf. also nos 5 above and 11 and 26 below)]. 9. 675 (105200)—265 B.C. (e) [Owner’s name Anu-aba-ußur (mddi“-ad-“e“): the first alphabetic character is clearly a reversed /“/, and on the basis of 15 (686c), possibly the same seal, the second character can be taken as an imperfectly impressed /t/. There is no relation between the owner’s name and “t. Wallenfels lists occupational designations of men represented in his material (Catalogue, p. 7), but there is nothing which could match “t among them.] It is possible that no. 13 (Wallenfels, Catalogue, no. 215), impressed on tablets dated to 263 (21/9/49) and 262 (2/9/50) B.C., is also from the same seal, in which case his first character could be confirmed as /“/ and his second as /t/ rather than /g/.
aramaic inscriptions
10. 679 (105203)—262 B.C. (f ) [Owner’s name Nidintu-Anu (mni-din-tu4-ddi“): comparison with the similar, though probably not identical, seal, no. 22 (Wallenfels, Catalogue, no. 828), dated 21 years later in 241 B.C. (20/6/71), but belonging to a man with the same name, might give a clue to the present reading. The impression in Wallenfels’s photograph (pl. 47) is very unclear, but if his drawing (p. 108) is accurate, his reading ndt is probable. This would certainly match the owner’s name. On this basis the traces on the present seal might conceivably be an imperfectly impressed nd[t]]. 11. 681 (109949)—266–262 B.C. (i) [Owner’s name Làbà“i (la-ba-“i): the reversed alphabetic /“/ might have a connection with part of the name, though this is probably unlikely (cf. also nos 5 and 8 above and 26 below). This appears to be the same seal as no. 35 (725j), owned about 60 years later in 203 B.C. by Nidintu-Anu. Wallenfels lists five distinct individuals with the name NidintuAnu, each with a father named Làbà“i, in his material (Catalogue, pp. 168–69), so the absence of a direct relation between the owner’s name and the seal inscription would not be surprising. If these seals are indeed the same, it could be an instance of the inheritance of a seal, and its continuing use for over half a century]. 12. 682 (116687)—265 B.C. (e) [Name of owner destroyed: the alphabetic character might be an imperfectly formed /d/ or /r/ (the lower half of the left descender is indistinct), or even a Greek èta, see discussion in Catalogue]; (g) [Owner’s name Bal[à†u] (mba-l[a-†u]): the alphabetic inscription b[--] could well represent b[l†], cf. no. 23 (703 = 704g) below]. 13. W3. Wallenfels, Catalogue, no. 215: –263 and 262 B.C. [Owner’s name Anu-aba-ußur: alphabetic (reversed?) /“/ and probably /t/ rather than the /g/ proposed in the publication, see no. 9 above with 15 below. There is no clear relation to the owner’s name]. 14. W4. Wallenfels, Catalogue, no. 238: –261 B.C. [Owner’s name Anu-ikßur: alphabetic /d/ or /r/ which has no relation to the name]. 15. 686 (114421)—259 B.C. (c) [Owner’s name Anu-aba-ußur (mddi“-ad-“e“): alphabetic reversed /“/ and normal /t/. The form of the /t/ provides clarification for the reading of nos 9 (675e) and 13 above. As mentioned there, “t has no relation to the owner’s name.] 16. 691 (119946)—254 B.C. (d) [Name of owner Ri§at-Anu (mri-¢at-ddi“): alphabetic inscription very indistinct; the first character, probably /d/ or /r/ and taken here as the latter, could match the owner’s name, but the other marks are uncertain, though it is conceivable that they constitute an /˙/.] 17. C3. Cross, from a leather manuscript of Exodus from Qumran Cave 4 (Leaves, fig. 1.1, line 3)— mid-third century B.C. 18. C4. Cross, from a leather manuscript of Samuel from Qumran Cave 4 (Leaves, fig. 1.1, line 4)— mid-third century B.C. 19. 697 (116694)—247 B.C. (k) [Owner’s name Nidintu-Anu (mni-din-tu4-ddi“): possibly reversed alphabetic nd and possibly squat /t/, in which case ndt would make a good match to the first element of the name]. 20. S1. Sellwood, from coins of Bagadat (CHI, 3(1), p. 317)—first of four rulers probably in the period c. 250–200 B.C. Entered as 245 B.C. 21. 699 (105172)—243 B.C. (e) [owner’s name Anu-balàssu-iqbi (mddi“-din-su-e): the reading "nb is a reasonable match to this name ("nb(ls"qby) or the like). This could be the same seal as Wallenfels, Catalogue, no. 827, which is dated only one year earlier in 244 B.C. (20/8/68), in which case his reading ˙?n† could be revised to "nb (it looks more like it in the photograph, pl. 47, than in the drawing, p. 108)]; (g) [owner’s name Anu-balàssu-[iqbi] (mddi“-din-su-[. . .], the restoration of iqbi (e) is highly probable on the basis of no. 26 (707g) coupled with the fact that in the related material cited by Wallenfels (Catalogue, pp. 161–62) there are over thirty examples of this name, and none of Ana-balassu- with any other final element: alphabetic "n is a reasonable match to Anu]. The two seals (e) and (g) are not the same, so if Anu-balàssu-[iqbi] is correctly restored for (g), it would mean either that two different men with the same name were involved in the transaction, or that one man was using two separate seals. A similar situation is found in no 37 below.
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
22. W5. Wallenfels, Catalogue, no. 828: –241 B.C. [Owner’s name Nidintu-Anu (ni-din-tu4-ddi“) (Clay, BRM, II, pl. 16 no. 20:27, and the first seal identification at the foot of the copy): this matches the alphabetic reading ndt, but /p/ below the image has no connection]. 23. 703 = 704 (109942 = 30119)—238 B.C. (g) [Owner’s name Balà†u (mba-la-†u): this matches the reading bl† very well. It is reasonable to see the first character as /b/ with missing upper right ascender, and, though the final character might otherwise be taken as an /'/, the fact that the right and left ascenders do not join is distinctive, and though the left ascender does not continue upwards, the form does not depart completely from the tradition in which the /†/ has a form similar to a lower case Roman “b”. This reduction of the left ascender is found in no. 39, and was carried on into the later formal square script where the vertical member disappeared.] 24. W6. Wallenfels, Catalogue, no. 555: –237 B.C. [Owner’s names Ina-qibìt-Anu: alphabetic "t (Wallenfels proposes ˙?t?), but in neither case is there a clear connection with the name.] 25. S2. Sellwood, from coins of Oborzos (CHI, 3(1), p. 317)—second of four rulers probably in the period c. 250–200 B.C. Entered as 235 B.C. 26. 707 (105205)—234 B.C. (b) [Owner’s name Anu-apla-iddin (mddi“-dumu-mu-nu, restored from the main text): the probable alphabetic reading "tn does not have a clear relation to the Babylonian name, unless it might represent the final element of an Aramaic form of the name, ("nbr)"tn or the like, with elision of the first n. In Akkadian transcriptions of West Semitic names in the Achaemenian period, t is represented by t not d (M. D. Coogan, West Semitic Personal Names in the Mura“û Documents (Missoula, 1976), p. 95), perhaps implying the same equivalence in the opposite direction, but this may not be relevant to the Hellenistic period]; (g) [Owner’s name Anu-balàssuiqbi (mddi“-din-su-e): the reading "n could be a reasonable match to the beginning of the owner’s name, "n(bl†s"qby) or something of the kind]. 27. 711 (109948)—230/229 B.C. (e) [Owner’s name destroyed: alphabetic inscription possibly "wbllw or "pbllw, but these do not suggest any obvious Akkadian equivalent. A less likely reading "nbllw, might represent a name beginning Anu-bèl-, but the ending is not clear, and a name beginning Anu-balassu- would represent a worse match]; (i) [Owner’s name destroyed: alphabetic reading "t. This might be the same seal as no. 28 (712g), in which case the owner could be Anu-abautèr, and the same comments would apply]; (k) [Owner’s name destroyed: the alphabetic reading begins with a clear /"/, the middle is missing and the ending might be /t/ or conceivably pw]. 28. 712 (109939)—230/229 B.C. (g) [Owner’s name Anu-aba-utèr (mddi“-ad-gur): the alphabetic reading is probably "t, which might represent some such abbreviation as ("n"b)"t(r), though this is probably unlikely (for the possibility of such abbreviations cf. nos 5, 8, 11, and 26 above and 31 below). This might be the same seal as in no. 27 (711i)]. 29. S3. Sellwood, from coins of Artaxerxes (CHI, 3(1), p. 317)—third of four rulers probably in the period c. 250–200 B.C. Entered as 225 B.C. 30. W7. Wallenfels, Catalogue, no. 406: –222–213 B.C. [Owner’s name Nanâ-iddin: alphabetic ng and gn on either side of the image has no clear relation to the name]. 31. W8. Wallenfels, Catalogue, no. 556: –222–213 B.C. [Owner’s name Balà†u: alphabetic /†/ might represent some such abbreviation as (bl)†, though this is probably unlikely (cf. also nos 5, 8, 11, 24, 26 and 28 above)]. 32. S4. Sellwood, from coins of Autophradates (CHI, 3(1), p. 317)—fourth of four rulers probably in the period c. 250–200 B.C. Entered as 215 B.C. 33. W9. Wallenfels, Catalogue, no. 988: –208 B.C. [Owner’s name Ußur“u-Anu: Wallenfels proposes alphabetic ˙˙“, but "˙“, ˙"“, or ""“ are possible. The first two characters are entered as ˙˙ on the chart. None of these possibilities has a connection with Ußur“u-Anu]. 34. 714 (42666)—227 B.C. (a) [Owner’s name Bèl-aba-ußur (den-ad-“e“): possible reading blbXßr, which could be a good match to the Babylonian name. These characters are not entered in the chart because they are unlike others in this group]. 35. 725 (114413)—203 B.C. ( j) [Owner’s name Nidintu-Anu (mni-din-tu4-ddi“), badly damaged surface and indistinct: There is no clear relation between this name and the reversed Aramaic /“/. This
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36. 37.
39. 40.
could be the same seal as nos 37 (727j) and 11 (681i) which was owned about 60 years earlier (c. 266–261 B.C.) by Làbà“i]. C5. Cross, from a leather manuscript of Jeremiah from Qumran Cave 4 (Leaves, fig. 1.1, line 5)— c. 200 B.C. 727 (105196)—197 B.C. ( j) [Owner’s name Nùr (mnu-ur): alphabetic reversed /“/ which has no relation to the name. The adjacent seal impression to the left ((h), uninscribed) is also identified as that of a man named Nùr, a situation found also on no. 21 above. Impression ( j) is probably from the same seal as nos 11 (681i) and 35 (725j), the latter dated only six years earlier]. 732 (116693)—185 B.C. (e) [Owner’s name Mannu-iqàpu (mman-nu-i-qa-pu): the alphabetic characters could read ˙n", ˙n˙, "n˙ or "n", but these can be only tentative, and it is not clear how any of them might match the owner’s name. One possibility might be that the Aramaic was a translation (calque) of the Babylonian form, “who would think it?”, but it is not possible to see mn-, the Aramaic counterpart of Akkadian mannu-, in the inscription.] C6. Cross, from a leather manuscript of Qohelet (Ecclesiastes) from Qumran Cave 4 (Leaves, fig. 1.1, line 6)–c. 175–150 B.C. 754 (109960)—undated. (g) [Owner’s name Anu-ikßur (mddi“-ik-ßur): there is no clear relation between this name and the alphabetic reading /d/ or /r/, apart from the fact that /r/ is the final letter, but this is unlikely to be relevant. See also no. 41 (769a) where, though the owner’s name is the same, the seal is different.] 769 (105178)—undated. (a) [Owners name Anu-ikßur ([md]di“-ik-ßur): there is no clear relation between this name and the alphabetic reading /d/ or /r/. See also no. 40 (754g) where, though the owner’s name is the same, the seal is different. This could be the same seal as Wallenfels, Catalogue, no. 238, also of an Anu-ikßur, dated to 261 B.C. (2/11/50); (b) [Owner’s name Balà†u (mba-la-†u): alphabetic inscription imperfectly impressed, but comparison with no. 23 (704g), not the same seal, shows that it might be read bl†. Wallenfels lists at least eight different men of this name in his material (Catalogue, p. 164), again none of them with the same seal as this one.]; (e) [Owner’s name Nemettu-Anu (mné-met-tu4-ddi“): the first alphabetic character is a reasonable /n/ and the second could be an imperfectly impressed /m/, in which case there would be a match with the beginning of the owner’s name nm(t"nw) or something of the kind]. 772 (105198)—undated. (b) [Owner’s name Anu-bèl“unu (mddi“-en-“ú-nu): in the light of the owner’s name, the first alphabetic character could be an /"/, the second at a stretch an /n/, and third and fourth parts of a split /b/, in which case "nb would be a reasonable match to the name. This, however, is no more than speculation].
LETTER FORMS "Àl^ph: The earlier form of /"/ as found in no. 4, as well as some of the other earlier leather and papyrus texts written in ink from Egypt and Palestine (nos 6 and 17), where an oblique stroke from upper left to lower right has a simple line crossing the other way, is found in the coins (nos. 29, 32), and the seal impression no. 28 (712g). The form where the cross stroke is split with the left element moving up and the right element down is found, however, in the ink texts from Qumran no. 18 (where the right element protrudes slightly beyond the main oblique stroke), 36 and 39, and is found in the seal impressions nos 26 (no. 707b), 27 (no. 711e, i and k), and perhaps no. 42 (772b). In the light of comparison with owner’s names, it seems likely that in some cases the moving cross-strokes reached the ends of the main oblique stroke, resulting in something similar to a Roman capital N in nos 21 (699e and g), 26 (707g) and 38 (732e). The similar character taken as a possible /˙/ in Wallenfels, Catalogue no. 827 (not included here) could also be /"/, in which case "nb would make a reasonable match there to Anu-balàssu-iqbi the name of the owner. Apart from nos 29 (left) and 32, the coin forms have moved into quite different tradition, and are forms that might be doubted if they did not occur in names.
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
Bêth. Apart from the earlier characters in no. 3 (133), which are influenced by upper and lower defining lines, the forms with open top and left-curving descender, found already in no. 4, continue throughout, no. 12 (682g), probably nos 21 (699g), and 23 (703 = 704g) both with upper strokes missing, 27 (711e), 41 (769b) with the bottom bend missing, and conceivably 42 (772b). The open top becomes shallower in the ink versions in the 3rd and 2nd century centuries (nos 18, 36 and 39). The identifications of /b/ in nos 21, 23 and 41 are made on the basis of the owner’s names. Gim^l. In the leather and papyrus documents, beginning with no. 4, this character takes the form of a wide inverted V with the right stroke tending to project slightly beyond the apex. The two characters in no. 30 (Wallenfels, no. 406) are reasonably interpreted as examples. The form on the coin no. 20 diverges from this, and is only identifiable as a /g/ because of its use in the name Bagadat. It is probable that the second character in no. 9 (675e) and the similar example in no. 13 (Wallenfels, no. 215), taken there as a reversed /g/, are imperfectly impressed specimens of /t/. Dàl^th. As in many periods of the Aramaic script, it is difficult to distinguish between /d/ and /r/, something already evident in no. 4. The examples in nos 4, 6, 17, 18, 20, 32, 36 and 39 are only identifiable because of their contexts in words or names. The forms in nos 14, 40 (754g) and 41 (769a) have a rather angular rectilinear profile. The example in no. 16 (691d) is probably to be identified as /r/ on the basis of the owner’s name (see below under rê“ ), but in terms of its form, like a capital H without the left descender, it does not differ from the other examples which might be either, namely nos 40 (754g), 41 (769a), possibly reversed in no. 19 (697k), and perhaps no. 12 (682e). The form in no. 10 (679f ) is tentatively placed here on the basis of the owner’s name. Hè. The forms on leather and papyrus follow a recognisable line of development, not always clearly distinguishable from /˙/, and the form in the 'Arâq el-"Emîr inscription (no. 7) is very close to that of the /˙/ in the coin inscription no. 25. There are no clear examples of /h/ in the present seal impressions. Wàw. Apart from no. 3 (133) of the 7th century, which in any case may not be a /w/, the form of a more or less vertical stroke slightly curving to the left, with a top turning further to the left, found already in no. 4, is fairly consistent throughout. In no. 4 it is very similar to /p/, and the two can be distinguished only from their use in the text. This distinction becomes clearer in the later leather and papyrus documents. The form in the 'Arâq el-"Emîr inscription (no. 7) differs mainly in having a more prominent bend to the left at the top with a further turn from that to the vertical. A possible though uncertain example of /w/ is the second character in no. 27 (711e). Zayìn. This character is shown by the leather and papyrus documents (nos 4, 6, 17, 18, 36 and 39) and the coin inscriptions (nos 20, 25, 29 and 32) to consist of a simple, usually rather short, vertical line. There are no clear examples of /z/ in the present seal impressions. Óêth. This is an instance where the coin forms follow a different tradition, and those on the leather and papyrus documents consist mainly of two vertical lines with a cross bar near the top, more or less horizontal in the earlier examples, but beginning to slope downwards to the right perhaps in no. 18 and more so in no. 39. If this tendency continued it would result in something like a Roman capital N, which is something of the form in nos 21 (699e), 26 (707g), and perhaps 38 (732e), but in view of the evidence of owners’ names these characters are taken here as /"/. The same might apply to the first character in no 33 (Wallenfels no. 988), while there the second character could be an /˙/ in the above mentioned tendency, giving a reading as "˙“. Other possibilities are ˙˙“ (Wallenfels), or even ""“, though none of these would match Ußur“u-Anu, the name of the owner. It is thus sometimes difficult to distinguish between /"/ and /˙/. ˇêth. This character takes a form comparable to a lower case Roman “b” throughout many of the different types of evidence, being found in the seals evidence in nos 8 and 31, and only tending more to the later Square Hebrew form in no. 39, where it is in the same tradition as at Qaßr el-'Abd (no. 7), and can be seen as ancestral to the later square form. The form in no. 23 (703 = 704g) and probably in no. 41 (769b), is reasonably identifiable as /†/ on the basis of the owners’ names. These do not have an upward extension of the left element, and might otherwise be taken as /'/, but can probably also be seen as forerunners of the square form.
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Yôd. This character, diverges from earlier forms (still found in no. 9, the 'Arâq el-"Emîr inscription), and tending by the mid-3rd century to take on a small inverted v-shape in both the leather and papyrus documents as well as the coin traditions. There are no clear examples of /y/ in the present seal impressions. Kaph. To the extent that they are consistent with one another, the forms of this character (apart from a trace at the top of no. 4) have left behind the earlier two-pronged element at the top of the vertical, having been replaced by a usually slightly dipping short leftward stroke from the top. Apart from the coin forms which are otherwise vertical, there is a curve to the left at the base. There is no clear example of /k/ in the seal inscriptions. Làm^d. In general this character consists of a more or less vertical stroke slightly curving to the right with, in the earlier period, a marked bend to the right at the base, found in no. 3 (133) of the 7th century, still clear in no. 4, but less clear and apparently reversed in no. 6. This bend later becomes a kink to the right (nos 18, 36, 39), and in some of the coins a kink to the right half way down (nos 20, 25). In nos 23 (703 = 704), 27 (711e) and 41 (769a) the owners’ names suggest the reading /l/, and comparison with these suggests the possibility in no. 38 (732e). Mêm. The shape of this character is clear in no. 4, but by no. 6 in the leather and papyrus documents it is moving towards the form familiar in the later square Hebrew script. In some documents (nos 17, 18, 36 and 39) it could be difficult to distinguish it from /s/ if it were not for the evidence of context. There are no examples in the coins, and the suggestion that the final character on no. 41 (769e) might be an /m/, is only a hypothesis. Nûn. Here, after no. 4, the forms found in the leather and papyrus documents follow a different line of development, and the character does not appear in the coin inscriptions. The coin form placed in the /l/ category in nos 20 and 25 might be thought to represent /n/, but their context in the word "lhy", “the gods”, shows that /l/ is the correct reading. The middle character in no. 23 (703 = 704) might equally be seen as an /n/ but the owner’s name points to /l/. Of the other examples, the forms in nos 10 (262f ), 21 (699e), and 22 are assumed on the basis of the owners’ names, and those in 19 (reversed) (697k), 26(707b), 30 and 38 (732e) are similar in form, while that in no. 42 (772b) is more speculative. Sàm^kh. Apart from no. 4, which has a distinctive form, this character on the leather and papyrus documents diverges towards the later square Hebrew form. It does not occur in the coin samples, and there are no clear examples in the seal inscriptions. 'Ayìn. The forms on the leather and papyrus documents, including no. 4, show an open top to the earlier circular form seen in no. 2 (236), coming by the 2nd century B.C. to have the beginnings of a tail descending to the left (nos 36 and 39), something typical of the later square script. The final character in nos 23 (703 = 704g) and 41 (769b) which might appear to be examples of the simple circular /'/ are taken here to be /†/ on the basis of the owners’ names. Pê. In no. 4 /p/ consists of a vertical line bowing to the right with the top curving over to the left, and this general form is found still, though with the vertical element leaning to the right, in the coin inscriptions (nos 20, 25, 29 and 32). In the leather and papyrus documents (nos 6, 36 and 39) the character shows a curve to the left at the bottom also. The second character on no. 27 (711e) is taken here as a /p/, though this might be a /w/. Perhaps a clearer example is found on no. 22 (Wallenfels, no. 828). Íàdê. There is no example of this character in no. 4, which might be seen as the starting point of the later development, but it does occur in no. 6 where it has a short vertical stroke bending to the left at the bottom, with a second line projecting from the right and bending upwards, a line which takes different forms in the later papyrus examples. There are no clear examples in the seals. Qôph. The forms of this character are different in the leather and papyrus documents, but, apart from no. 17, a line of development can be seen leading from these to the character in the square script. The form in no. 21 (699e) of a left facing fairly tight curve with short vertical lines at the extremities is entered here as /b/ partly on the basis of the owner’s name, though /q/ is also a possibility.
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Rê“. The forms which can be identified in the leather and papyrus documents and the coin inscriptions are very similar to those of /d/, and here, apart from no. 16 (691d) where the owner’s name suggests /r/, the characters are entered in the /d/ category. ”în. The form already shown in no. 4, in which a basic V-shape has a second stroke sloping to the upper right from a point on the left arm of the V, is found in the leather and papyrus documents and appears in a somewhat distorted form in the coin no. 29. On the seals the form is clear, in 33, and also, in each case reversed, in nos 9 (675e), 11 (681i), 15 (686c) and 35 (725j) and 37 (727j), and probably no. 13. This reversed stance goes against the normal form found in Achaemenian seals (see e.g. BM.ANE.89152), the fifth century Papyri, Palmyrene and in the later standard Hebrew square script. Possibly when the character was carved, as in these examples, more or less in isolation, this was a form which could confuse a craftsman. It is likely that no. 13 (Wallenfels no. 215) is from the same seal as nos 9 and 15, in which case his /“ ?/ could be confirmed. Tàw. This character consists of a vertical stroke with downward pointing hook projecting from the right, sometimes near the middle, making a form rather like a lower case Roman “h” as in nos 27 (711i) and 28 (712g), and sometimes nearer the top as in no. 15 (686c), and, probably imperfectly impressed, in no. 9 (675e). It is fairly consistent, though with variant details, throughout. A possible variant form with the two descending elements almost equal and a very short upper projection is found in no. 26 (707b), and it is possible that the final character in the inscription on 19 (697k) is an example, though if the other two characters with it are correctly taken as reversed nd, this example with the right descender shorter than the left and therefore not reversed, is perhaps less likely. Another possible example (left) in the chart in no. 27 (711k) is even more speculative.
CONCLUSIONS The degree of match between the names of seal owners written in cuneiform and the forms in alphabetic script on the impressions may be summarised in the accompanying table. In some cases these match reasonably well, but in many cases there is no obvious connection. The instances of no. 11 belonging to Làbà“i (/“/) and no. 35 belonging to Nidintu-Anu (/“/), both apparently the same seal, imply that a seal could be passed to another owner, by inheritance or otherwise, and therefore that in such a case the inscription would not give the name of the then owner. In this instance the character /“/ does not match either name well, and only Làbà“i gives an uncertain possibility. Anu-aba-ußur Anu-aba-ußur Anu-aba-ußur Anu-aba-utèr Anu-aba-utèr Anu-alpa-iddin Anu-bèl“unu Anu-balàssu-iqbi Anu-balàssu-iqbi Anu-balàssu-iqbi Anu-ikßur Anu-ikßur Anu-ikßur Bèl-aba-ußur Balà†u
“t “t “t b "t "tn "nb "nb "n "n d/r d/r d/r blbXßr bl†
9 13 15 5 28 26(b) 42 21(e) 21(g) 26(g) 14 40 41(a) 34 23
Balà†u Balà†u Bal[à†u] Ina-qibìt-Anu Làbà“i Mannu-iqàpu Mannu-kì-I“tar Nùr Nanâ-iddin Nemettu-Anu Nidintu-Anu Nidintu-Anu Nidintu-Anu Nidintu-Anu Ri¢at-Anu Ußur“u-Anu
bl†(?) † b[—] "t “ ˙n" † “ ng gn nm ndt ndt ndt “ d/r "˙“/˙“
41(b) 31 12(g) 24 11 38 8 37 30 41(e) 10 19 22 35 16 33
The instances of Anu-bèl“unu ("nb) on no. 42, and Anu-balàssu-iqbi ("nb) on 21(e), and of Anu-balàssuiqbi ("n) on nos 21(g) and 26(g) show a reasonable match. If these are correctly interpreted, "n would
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not be surprising as representing the first element of the name, but "nb is of interest as including the first part only of the second elements, which themselves are different (bèl“unu and balàssu). Balà†u (bl†) on no. 23, probably no. 41(b), and possibly on no. 12(g), show a good match, while (/†/) on no. 31 might support the view that a name could be represented by any single (not necessarily the initial) character in it. Other possible examples of this practice could be Anu-aba-utèr (/b/) on no. 5, Anu-ikßur (/r/) on nos 14, 40 and 41(a), Làbà“i (/“/) on no. 11, and Ri¢at-Anu (/r/) on no. 16. This might also apply to a two character element from a name, as in Anu-aba-utèr ("t) in no. 28, and Nemettu-Anu (nm) in no. 41(e). Of these, nm- for Nemettu-Anu and r- for Ri¢at-Anu are perhaps more plausible as representing the beginnings of names. Nidintu-Anu (ndt) in nos 10, 19 and 22 shows a very good match. The Aramaic characters which are reversed, or probably so, are: /b/ (nos 5, 112), /d/ (no. 19, probably), /l/ (no. 6), /n/ (no. 19, probably), and /“/ (nos 9, 15, 35, 37). The simplest explanation for these occurrences is that, since the character had to be carved backwards as the scribe would see it, he, or the craftsman instructed by him, is more likely to have made the mistake. The character which it would perhaps have been easiest to confuse would have been the /“/ since at first sight the difference between the two forms is not obvious.
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
aramaic inscriptions
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
Provenances are cited by their modern names when the find spot of a tablet is recorded, and by their ancient names when the find spot is unknown but can be deduced from the text. In the cases of Abù Habba˙ (Sippar) and Borsippa (Birs Nimrud and Ibrahim al-Khalil) the two categories have been merged under one name with cross references from the others. When neither of these categories applies but the material is clearly from Babylonia, the provenance is given simply as “Babylonia”. Parentheses indicate that a provenance is possible but not certain. In some cases, further notes and appropriate bibliographical references are included. Abù Habba˙ (Sippar). (See Walker in De Meyer, Dèr, III, pp. 93–96). 287, 290–1, 299, 301, 303–5, 310–11, 316, 318–21, 323–8, 337, 347–9, 351, 353–7, 366–7, 369–70, 373, 376–9, 384, 386–91, 393, 395–9, 401–3, 405–6, 408–13, 415–9, 422–4, 426–33, 436–45, 447–56, 458–9, 461, 463, 465, 467–9, 472–3, 475–6, 479, 497–8, 501–2, 507, 523, 593, 602, 644, 667, 790 Al-Muqayyar. 338, 339, 525–88 Assur. See Qal'at ”arqat. Assyria. The tablets and bullae from Assyria have individual site attributions. See Kuyunjik, Nimrud, Qal'at ”arqat. Babylon. 50–51, 297, 302, 306, 308, 312, 322, 330, (331–2), 346, 368, 380, 382–3, 404, 407, 428, 457, 460, 462, 466, 470, 477–8, 483–5, 493, (508), 515–9, 521–2, 590, 600–01, 609–10, 638–41, 648, 652–4, 658, 663, 737, 757–9 The provenances of objects found at Babylon are sometimes given in the form of more precise references to various scattered areas. Very few of these are indicated in the present catalogue, but they are listed here to show the limitations of the data. From north to south the individual sites are: Bâbil: Over a mile to the north of the main mounds. The location of a fortified summer palace of Nebuchadnezzar. Referred to by Rich and Selby as the Mujelibe, “tumbled”. Kasr [qaßr, “castle”]: the Nordburg, the Hauptburg and the Südburg of the German excavations, the latter constituting the palace of Nebuchadnezzar, with the Ishtar Gate and processional way along its east side. Referred to by the Arabs in the 19th century as the Mujelibe. Sakhn [sa¢n, “pan”]: the low lying area to the south of the Kasr and north of Amran, and to the west of Merkes, largely representing the courts ancillary to E-temen-anki, the ziqqurrat of Marduk. Merkes [merkez, “centre”]: The main original tell of the city. Largely residential with levels from the Old Babylonian to the Parthian period. Amran ['Amrân-ibn-'Ali]: so-called from the Muslim tomb of 'Amrân ibn-'Ali, grandson of Mu˙ammad, on it. To the south of the Sakhn and south-west of Merkes. Contains some temples including E-sag-ila, the principal dwelling of Marduk, and Hellenistic and Parthian remains near the surface. 665 Jumjumah, “skull”, pronounced Jimjimah locally: Arab village to the south-west of Amran. 330, 759 Babylonia. This provenance is given when the actual find spot is not recorded. It is particularly the case with tablets purchased from dealers which can be concluded, either on the basis of content or of the dealers’ known activities, to be more likely to have come from Babylonia
than Assyria. This also applies to material excavated by expeditions which worked at several sites and did not record individual provenances. In some cases it is possible that the find spot was actually Babylon, but the evidence is not sufficient for certainty. 288–9, 292–6, 298, 300, 307, 309, 313–5, 317, 329, 331–6, 340–2, 344–5, 350, 352, 358–63, 365, 371–2, 374, 375, 385, 392, 394, 400, 414, 420–1, 434–5, 446, 464, 471, 474, 480–82, 486–8, 490–92, 495–6, 499–500, 503, 506, 508–9, 511–12, 514, 524, 589, 591–2, 594–8, 603–4, 607–8, 613, 617, 643, 645–6, 649–50, 656–7, 659–62, 666, 672–4, 677–8, 681, 684–5, 687, 691–3, 701–3, 711–12, 715, 718, 721–4, 728, 749, 752–3, 755–6, 760–3, 774, 783–9, 794 Birs Nimrud. See Borsippa. Borsippa. 364, 425, 494, 602–03, 731 Birs Nimrud. (331–2), 505, 599, 611, 613–16, 618–37, 642, 700, 728 Ibrahim al-Khalil. 504 Carchemish. See Jerablus Dailem (Dilbat). 520 Ibrahim al-Khalil. See Borsippa Jerablus (Carchemish). 21 Jerusalem. 796, 821 Kalhu. See Nimrud Kutha. See Tell Ibrahim Kuyunjik (Nineveh). 3–7, 9–20, 22–49, 52–65, 67–75, 77, 79, 82–7, 90–93, 95–104, 106–7, 109, 111–3, 115–7, 120, 123, 126, 128, 132–3, 136–9, 141–7, 149, 155–65, 168–73, 175, 177–8, 180–83, 185–284, 764, 782–3 Lachish. See Tell ed-Duweir. Larsa (Senkereh). 638 Mizpah. See Tell en-Naßbeh. al-Muqayyar (Ur). 338–9, 525–88 Nimrud (Kal¢u). 1–2, 8, 66, 76, 78, 80–1, 88–9, 94, 105, 108, 114, 118–9, 121–2, 124–5, 129, 131, 134–5, 140, 150–53, 166–7, 174, 179, 184 Nineveh. See Kuyunjik Palestine (See also Jerusalem, Tell ed-Duweir and Tell en-Naßbeh). 820 Qal'at ”arqat (Assur). 110, 127, 130, 148, 154, 176 Senkereh. See Larsa. Sippar. See Abù Habba˙.
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
Tell ed-Duweir (Lachish). 797–819 Tell en-Naßbeh (Mizpah). 820 Tell Ibrahim (Kutha). 344, 714, 719, 734 Ur. See al-Muqayyar. Uruk (see also Warka). (617), 709, 730, 733, 747, 754, 775–9
Warka (Uruk) 381, 489, 513, 647, 651, 655, 664, 668–71, 675–6, 679–80, 682–3, 686, 688–90, 694–699, 704–8, 710, 713, 716–7, 720, 725–7, 732, 735–6, 738–46, 748, 750–51, 765–73, 780
[References are to publication numbers unless otherwise indicated (e.g. “pp.”). For the heading under which a publication is entered see Bibliography, above.] Abraham, Business and P. 66 77 121
457 470 420
Avigad, Corpus 504 667 675 678 679 684 689 698 701 706 707 796 837
819 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 236 236
Barkay & Vaughn, TA 23 p. 65, no. 8 pp. 67–72, no. 3 8 12 19 20 32 33 34 42 50 54 61 64 66 68 Bertin, Copies 81 338 339 352 362 466 612 625 708 709 871 883 901 981 1291 1323 1342
813 807 808 809 810 810 811 811 811 812 813 814 815 815 816 816 288 296 296 297 300 297 315 317 313 313 372 375 718 380 306 308 309
1531 1557 1580 1681 1864 1892 1980 2006 2013 2018 2019 2080 2083 2105 2124 2127 2170 2188 2194 2276 2303 2304 2305 2306 2314 2347 2360 2428 2623 2529 2683 2700 2706 2707 2710 2716 2717 2726 2727 2750 2809 2810 2811 2858 2863 2866 2873 2880 2887 2889 2890–1 2897 2892–3 2899 2900 2901–2 2908 2910
316 319 320 368 371 374 383 385 388 392 392 394 396 397 402 400 461 406 405 411 414 414 415 415 415 420 419 421 436 430 451 457 460 460 461 462 462 466 466 467 470 470 448 503 485 480 481 506 486 515 698 666 708 658 658 718 654 737
2912–3 2914–5 2966 2967 3017 3021 3040 3041 3073 3074 3078 3085
695 746 435 435 663 410 640 640 685 685 760 418
CIS, II 17 18 19 20 22 23 31 38 39 40 42 43 52
54 115 91 137 126 164 90 106 64 107 79 261 236
CT, 22 (= LBL) 50 51 88 140 181 207
321 306 377 369 607 328
CT, 44 3 (pl. IV) 4 76 77 78 81 83
50 51 478 484 483 508 601
CT, 49 1 2 3 4 9 18 20 28 38 39 40 41
518 519 517 521 606 636 637 642 615 616 614 613
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 56 57 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 68 70 71 72 74 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 89 90 92 93 94 95 96 98 100 103 105 108 111 113 122 131 134 136 137 165 167 169 171 179 180 184
620 618 623 621 619 625 626 627 628 633 612 631 624 622 632 632 632 632 632 632 633 633 633 634 633 633 633 634 632 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 635 629 611 630 654 658 663 665 666 687 714 737 731 729 652 653 590 648 757 753 758
CT, 55 1 8 22 24
347 348 355 353
27 29 30 32 34 35 36 38 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 51 52 53 56 59 60 61 62 64 66 306 589 679 731
396 422 429 423 463 403 399 354 323 366 351 387 471 441 392 305 438 324 350 299 301 386 352 356 427 452 290 349 373
CT, 56 107 149 286 397 643
325 370 303 310 304
CT, 57 99 213 604 1008
308 326 469 424
Dandamaev, Slavery, pp. 189–90 303 n. 321 313 n. 334 504 n. 41
296 311 305 321
Dandamaev, VP, pp. 188–195 15 25
318 410
Del Monte, Testi, I, pp. 216 217–8 218 226 227
625 619 624 650 654
Fales, Epigraphs 3 4 5 6 9 13 15
106 43 54 107 64 261 79
16 17 18 24 27 28 30 31 32 37 43 45
90 91 97 115 126 137 149 164 165 84 81 80
Giveon, Scarabs, pp. 162–3 7 285 8 286 Hall, Catalogue 2774 2775–76 2777 2778 2779
12 13 240 240 240
Harper, ABL 463
Hawkins, Corpus, XIII 12 (1) 12 (2) 12 (3) 12 (4) 12 (5) 12 (6) 12 (7) p. 1101
15 15 15 14 17 16 18 19
Johns, ADD 31 38 39 64 70 86 87 88 102 105 110 122 123 128 129 130 131 132 137 151 153 154 163 165 166 173 174 175 177 182 192
27 137 137 67 62 98 180 180 186 112 157 40 40 79 106 107 36 41 31 183 86 86 120 141 156 117 91 59 189 116 77
concordance of text publications 193 194 197 202 206 207 208 209 211 212 214 217 229 231 233 235 237 241 246 250 252 256 274 279 294 295 296 298 299 300 307 308 310 311 319 324 325 329 333 340 342 343 344 345 349 351 352 355 358 361 366 369 374 385 387 400 404 414 435 438 439 446 463 468 470 472 492 504 513
200 57 104 68 102 126 73 103 171 45 133 132 54 46 91 172 82 26 49 115 211 58 37 43 22 128 190 53 55 38 177 138 71 155 164 32 170 109 101 111 199 206 192 187 139 11 188 207 196 178 70 195 35 100 97 173 63 168 181 194 85 142 39 24 87 74 90 65 197
527 529 530 534 537 538 549 574 581 609 612 619 622 623 625 635 636 641 642 648 649 650 651 652 654 655 664 665 666 667 670 683 684 692 694 702 703 711 738 739 765 766 767 768 801 807 852
169 77 77 56 75 193 96 99 196 77 34 158 136 165 69 44 33 131 123 147 160 159 3 5 4 4 161 204 47 48 205 96 72 160 20 95 113 149 47 47 10 9 6 203 77 160 198
Johns, AJSL 42 1158 1159 1185 1194 1196 1204 1221 1232 1241 1247 1252 1255 1268 1269
61 25 209 52 60 210 208 208 93 208 185 201 202 101
Jursa, AfO Beiheft 25, pp. 96 n. 196 98 108–109 109
301 366 403 354
269 109 109 109 109 113 122–23 123
386 387 391 396 423 289 299
Jursa, Bèl-rèmanni, pp. 221
Ker Porter, Travels, pl. 77.g
Kessler, AOAT 252 1 3 5 6
596 598 638a 633
Kohler and Ungnad, ARU 1 3 4 5 5 4 6 4 7 4 12 48 12 47 18 147 20 160 21 159 25 47 27 47 30 204 34 97 36 32 37 177 40 73 43 98 44 131 47 158 49 190 49 22 52 70 53 155 55 149 57 138 64 54 65a 77 69 37 71 82 72 115 73 26 82 49 101 74 105 90 110 85 115 62 116 69 119 136 120 165 132 194 143 180 152 67 158 71 168 87 182 120 183 189 193 39
270 194 196 202 203 208 210 217 219 220 227 228 231 278 280 299 300 311 313 318 319 322 323 327 336 339 340 341 344 347 349 351 359 361 363 364 365 376 377 379 388 392 396 397 439 442 447 459 464 475 477 487 488 492 496 497 498 509 510 512 518 521 534 536 537 546 553 558 560 565
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum 100 102 46 59 91 168 171 40 40 86 86 172 157 27 137 137 41 106 31 183 79 36 107 11 101 139 170 196 207 188 199 109 111 206 192 187 142 178 169 195 197 173 35 24 63 181 45 123 57 68 117 104 164 116 91 128 126 133 200 132 103 53 58 77 55 43 34 56 99
586 604 605 633 644 645 649
196 193 75 211 156 141 112
Kwasman, NALK 1 3 19 20 22 42 46 48 51 52 59 62 69 81 84 90 101 104 105 106 109 111 116 118 119 120 121 123 124 125 127 128 129 130 132 136 137 145 146 149 163 164 174 192 195 197 198 199 202 214 215 216 217 220 237 239 246 251 253 256
155 62 24 185 59 120 69 190 25 27 36 41 158 137 26 67 86 104 136 39 22 52 189 139 142 138 178 170 149 164 168 165 171 172 173 126 183 211 91 71 186 40 74 11 93 156 79 180 100 177 115 112 133 116 68 70 77 82 85 87
274 275 276 277 288 293 294 296 301 302 322 332 333 335 363 376 383 384 396 401 402 406 407 417 425 426 App. 1
90 90 90 91 141 35 117 75 46 54 157 132 32 101 45 49 106 107 209 98 73 102 103 31 131 123 175
Layard, ICC, pl. 80A
Layard, Mon., II, pl. 69 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25
229 214 243 217 249 221 235 230 19 225 238 246 239 244 13 223 248 247 245 15 17 16 18 250
Layard, N&B, pp. 154 154 no. 1 154 no. 2 154 no. 3 154–5 no. 4 155 no. 5 155 no. 8 155 no. 9 155 no. 10 155 no. 11 155
10 221 225 249 229 230 244 235 247 238 254
concordance of text publications 155 155 155–6 156 156–9 161 346 346
234 236 240 241 13 230 123 54
230 10 254 234 236 240 241 13
Legrain, UE, X 701 702 705 707 708 712 718 719 720 721 725 726 728 732 733 735 736 737 746 748 750 753 754 755 757 760 768 770 773 775 779 782 783 784 786 787 788 790 792 793 794 799 800 801 806 811 812 813 815
565 550 554 531 532 584 579 570 527 575 559 555 541 580 564 534 529 535 526 549 545 533 533 577 528 573 568 578 574 530 543 542 540 536 571 572 572 544 525 547 558 537 566 561 539 576 552 567 548
816 820 825 826 828 830 832
557 556 538 569 546 563 551
Levy, Siegel und Gemmen p. 9 no. 13
Loftus, Chaldaea and Susiana, pp. 229–232 1 746 2 695 3 708 4 698 5 671 pp. 231–232 704,717 MacGinnis, Letter Orders 2 12 15 16 19 21 23 24 38 43 46 48 49 50 51 58 60 61 62 64 66 69 72 80 84 86 88 92 93 94 95 99 100 102 108 116 121 130 144 145 155 159 165 178 Millard, Iraq 27 pp. 12–14 type I
311 367 411 428 393 394 400 398 426 434 437 439 444 440 445 451 453 454 455 459 456 461 465 468 472 473 476 379 378 389 438 447 448 450 475 458 390 436 431 432 433 442 449 443
271 type II type III type IV p. 16, fig. 4 no. 6 no. 21 no. 22 no. 35 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43
144 145 146 7 23 28 42 213 213 213
Oppert & Ménant, Doc.Jur pp. 139–254, no. I 3 II 149 V 180 XV 32 XVIII 54 XXV 165 XXVI 126 XXVII 168 XXVIII 164 XXIX 115 XXXII 177 XXXIII 183 XXXIV 137 XXXIX 123 XLII 142 pp. 265–290, no. VII 480 VIII 503 IX 639 pp. 291–342, no. I 695 II 698 III 708 IV 717 V 746 Parker, Iraq 17 fig. 2 fig. 7 fig. 21 fig. 25 fig. 31 fig. 32 pl. XXI.1 pl. XXIV.1 pl. XXIV.4 pl. XXIV.5 pl. XXVIII.1 pl. XXIX.3
8 119 108 134 66 151 8 150 184 119 108 105
Peiser, BRL 2, pp. 70–72
Peiser, BRL 4, pp. 81–83 [*] Peiser, BV CXVII Peiser, KB, 4 pp. 114–123, no. IV pp. 122–133, no. II
32 54
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
pp. 132–157, no. I VII XV XVII XIX XXI pp. 206–259, no. II pp. 312–317 pp. 316–319
73 91 104 41 136 36 296 708 718
Pinches, KG, pp. 166–181 22 25 27 30 31 33 34 37 40 41 43 46 47 48 52 59 63 67 67 67 67 67 67 68 69 80 81 82 83 91 92 93 97 98 98a 10 103
36 142 168 170 136 120 3 180 40 137 54 164 149 32 183 69 156 14 15 16 17 18 19 236 230 234 243 241 247 13 12 240 235 246 244 239 238
Pinches, NCS, pp. 75–126 39 69 74 107 108 111 112 113 114
296 375 380 500 606 698 708 718 746
Postgate, FNALD 6 22 26 30 36
136 180 110 183 40
37 40 42 45 49
125 130 112 186 118
Postgate, GPA 171 219 263
1 122 8
Postgate, Iraq 32 8 9 15 20
84 182 83 44
Postgate, NARGD 4 6 11 13 14 23 25 33 34 35 36 52 53
4 5 147 159 160 203 161 48 47 47 47 204 205
Postgate, TCAE 1.19.2 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.2.4 7.2.5 7.2.6 7.2.7 7.2.8 7.2.9 7.2.10 7.2.11 pp. 360–2
9 6 9 10 7 23 28 213 213 42 213 21
Rawlinson, CIWA, II, pl. 70.1 70.2 70.3 70.4 70.6 70.7 70.9 70.11 70.12 70.16
126 54 115 164 91 149 165 107 137 64
Rawlinson, CIWA, III, pl. 46.1 46.2 46.3 46.4 46.5 46.6 46.7 46.8 47.2
126 149 164 165 91 54 115 137 180
48.3 49.2 49.3 51.1
32 123 177 183
Renz and Röllig, HAE 5.7 8.57 11.11 13.57 13.89 14.13 15.13 18.15 21.6 21.50 22.3
807 819 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816
SAA, 5 260
SAA, 6 48 52 62 63 71 75 110 111 116 123 130 142 161 164 172 179 181 182 186 196 203 229 239 245 252 257 261 267 270 274 275 277 279 287 300 304 312 319 321 325 334 347
45 49 25 27 36 41 46 54 22 24 26 32 35 34 37 38 40 40 39 43 55 61 58 67 62 52 53 57 56 59 60 63 65 69 68 70 77 82 85 87 90 91
SAA, 7 93 94
95 44
concordance of text publications 95 102
72 96
SAA, 11 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 60 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 123 143
9 23 28 42 29 30 225 213 213 213 213 6 212 212 7 10 212 257 212 212 225 249 198 113
SAA, 12 10 12 13 20 21 22 23 29 35 36 44 46 47 78 79 93 94
3 4 5 48 47 47 47 147 159 160 161 203 162 204 205 131 123
SAA, 14 1 8 13 14 15 16 17 18 27 29 32 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
74 73 102 103 112 115 133 116 196 126 183 138 139 142 149 164 170 165 168 173 175
46 48 49 53 54 56 57 64 66 72 73 74 78 85 87 91 98 100 102 105 107 109 115 118 119 120 123 126 134 139 141 142 144 149 150 153 154 155 156 157 161 163 164 167 168 171 186 205 248 250 254 262 271 278 282 354 364 385 468 471 fig. 2 fig. 3
178 171 172 187 192 211 157 71 75 79 86 86 92 98 101 104 106 189 109 117 120 11 132 136 137 137 141 84 83 97 201 99 199 111 128 200 155 158 156 188 177 180 180 182 181 186 190 100 207 206 195 194 197 169 193 210 208 202 209 31 257 220
SAAS, 5 5 8 12 29 40 54
156 141 120 112 93 140
273 57 62
86 186
Sachs, Iraq 15 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39
3 5 4 6 7 9 10 23 28 48 47 147 160 159 203 161 204 162 205 213 42 163 163 213 213
Spek, GSR, pp. 183–248 5 9
639 731
Strassmaier, HC 16 24 25 27 31
472 480 481 494 503
Strassmaier, SC [*] Strassmaier, Cambyses 68 119 157 347 384
372 375 376 377 380
Strassmaier, Cyrus 371
Strassmaier, Darius 64 152 209 230 241 291 344 379 393 421 435 497
383 392 395 398 402 406 410 414 416 419 420 421
Strassmaier, Nabonidus 13 64
296 300
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
295 352 407 466 495 738 776 798 883 909 911 920 1038 1128 1134 Strassmaier, Nabuchod 107 Unger, Babylon, pp. 318–322 n. 4, no. 17 26
309 297 311 297 313 315 317 316 318 306 319 320 321 298 328 288
606 639
Waterman, RCAE 463
Wunsch, AfO 42/43 7 10 12
466 460 462
Wunsch, AfO 44/45 6 20 22 26 30 32 33 34 35
312 302 307 322 296 300 313 317 298
Wunsch, AOAT 252, pp. 588 588 589 591
307 312 302 322
592 592 593 593–94 594 596 598
295 314 296 300 313 317 298
Wunsch, AoF 24 pp. 231–41
Wunsch, Aula Or. 17/18 pp. 241–254
Wunsch, CM 20 8 181 188 238
325, 342 392 469 329
Zawadski, AOAT 272 6 7
415 430
These numbers are arranged in the order of their introduction to the system: R[ich], K[uyunjik], Sm[ith], D[aily]T[elegraph], Rm[Rassam], plain numbers, Sp[artali], ND [Nimrud]. U[r] numbers are not part of the Museum system. The symbol + indicates that the piece is joined to other fragments. R.120 K.76 K.282 K.290 K.294 K.295 K.296 K.298 K.301 K.302 K.309a K.310 K.311 K.313 K.314 K.318+a K.319+a K.320 K.321 K.324 K.329 K.331 K.340 K.345 K.346 K.348 K.349 K.353+ K.361 K.362 K.366 K.367 K.369 K.373 K.374 K.386 K.388 K.391 K.397 K.399+ K.408 K.410+ K.415 K.418 K.420 K.421 K.424+ K.425 K.426 K.427 K.435 K.436 K.441+ K.443 K.451 K.455 K.460 K.989
480 54 139 27 32 177 123 142 138 178 126 3 170 136 109 137 86 149 73 87 164 115 36 156 31 44 67 117 40 120 113 183 128 41 180 158 70 10 112 77 133 58 141 131 168 165 171 172 100 11 187 188 173 189 102 98 190 264
K.1361 K.1419+ K.1434 K.1438 K.1439+ K.1443 K.1465 K.1467 K.1469 K.1490 K.1492+ K.1497+ K.1513+ K.1514 K.1518 K.1564+ K.1576 K.1602 K.1604 K.1605+ K.1618 K.1869 K.1995 K.2075 K.2639 K.2696 K.3157 K.3165 K.3167 K.3409+ K.3493 K.3494 K.3497 K.3498 K.3721 K.3781a K.3784 K.3785 K.4289+ K.4440 K.6065+ K.6223+ K.6332+ K.6339+ K.7357+ K.7507 K.7535 K.8856+ K.10431+ K.10448+ K.10476+ K.10727+ K.10815 K.13056+ K.14554 K.15206 K.15265+ K.16786
186 173 157 191 103 192 193 194 132 195 71 117 26 196 116 171 34 85 24 71 197 203 198 159 4 47 161 4 204 160 199 99 169 200 155 6 107 64 159 48 160 160 159 160 77 55 196 160 160 77 159 160 159 77 201 202 101 162
K.16787 K.16788 K.16790 K.16791 K.16792 K.16793 K.19655 K.20534+ K.20535+ K.20540 K.20580
4 4 264 265 213 213 266 101 101 101 13
Sm.3 Sm.928 Sm.957 Sm.1047 Sm.1678+ Sm.2207 Sm.2210 Sm.2223 Sm.2230 Sm.2231 Sm.2240 Sm.2373 Sm.2276 Sm.2277 Sm.2278 Sm.2279 Sm.2280 Sm.2281 Sm.2282 Sm.2323 Sm.2328 Sm.2373 Sm.2385 Sm.2386 Sm.2414
69 205 79 206 45 144 232 225 225 216 144 219 9 228, 252 216 225 216 213 213 267 216 219 232 268 213
DT.167 DT.189
53 656
Rm.75 Rm.159+ Rm.160 Rm.163 Rm.170 Rm.171 Rm.182+ Rm.368 Rm.392 Rm.631 Rm.639 Rm.679 Rm.2.22 Rm.2.433 Rm.3.15 Rm.4.95 Rm.4.307
5 103 22 34 207 74 101 147 33 144 144 372 104 144 515 663 757
276 12094 30117 30118 30119 30120 30128 30294 30337 30347 30704 30707 30731 30940 31139 31398 31535 31803 31975 32023 32155 32157 32161 32174 32220 32738 32850 32858 32895+ 32898 33008 33103 33133 33342 33539 33749 33932 33933 33934 33935 33985 33998 34246 34386 34432+ 34447 36322 37092 37228 38113 38328 40061 40156 40168 40492 40498 40585 40586 40587 40588 40597 40669 40824 40825 40867 40868 40869 40871 40878 40879
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum 232 695 671 704 717 480 315 414 421 380 317 658 288 737 300 313 685 420 312 312 307 392 302 312 325 375 457 392 383 368 325 297 515 663 757 460 462 466 470 654 640 590 329 307 329 477 758 493 329 329 496 407 504 482 505 615 614 620 626 641 759 636 637 631 632 632 632 632 612
40880 40881 40882 40884 40885 40886 40887 40888 40889 40890 40891 40892 40893 40896 40898 40899 40901 40902 40903 40904 40906 40908 40909 40910 40911 40912 40913 40918 40919 40921 40922 40924 40926 40927 40928 40929 40930 40931 41159 41381 41382 41383 41384 41385 41386 41387 41388 41389 41402 41415 41454 41461 41582 41672 41785 41859 41935 42215 42295 42380 42469 42480 42494 42505+ 42528 42646+ 42666 43495+ 43612+
632 619 625 632 634 632 623 633 634 616 633 628 633 630 629 621 627 633 633 633 330 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 622 642 633 633 635 633 633 633 633 633 665 784 331 785 786 332 787 516 524A 589 296 298 718 702 728 340 322 469 325 325 343 734 596 598 719 597 638A 464 714 597 464
43706 43747 45549 45594 45595 45597 45631 46078 46575 46587 46663 46691 46732 46733 46747 46856 46894 47000 47271 47311 47316+ 47323+ 47340 47343 47362 47456 47469 47475 47490 47546 47589 47590 47591 47731 47774 47791 49160 49161 49162 49163 49711 50768 50769 50770 50771 50772 50773 50774 50775 50776 50777 50778 50779 50780 50781 50782 50790 50791 50792 50793 50794 50795 50796 50797 50799 F54052 54066 54091 54190
749 344 333 788 334 335 648 345 382 346 657 404 624 611 607 591 643 488 592 606 687 687 481 503 500 522 487 293 520 521 517 518 519 731 599 700 336 524 789 790 287 228 228 269 270 232 271 228 228 213 272 219 228 213 224 228 146 228 228 228 213 273 270 232 274 633 506 485 666
index of serial numbers 54289 54290 54299 54555 54557 54588 54597 54671 55003 55444 55715 55765 55916 55935 55987 55998 56214 56251 56290 56451 56455 56515 56657 56667 56701 56710 56728 56769 56775 56804 56831 56909 56969 56975 56986 56988 56990 57003 57071 57116 57174 57263 57290 57362 57492 57593 57712 57787 57915 58016 58448 58503 59747 59748 60457 60649 60662 60759 61361 61937 62050 62392 62561 62684 62892 63632 63805 63847 63996
417 497 479 660 514 378 498 491 459 753 308 396 366 290 303 347 304 348 349 350 323 305 429 422 351 427 423 301 352 299 324 387 403 325A 399 310 326 386 353 354 355 452 391 356 441 370 463 438 471 373 424 469A 501 667 327 311 398 379 494 437 456 644 413 605 791 447 760 418 371
64039 64051 64054 64650 64076 64082 64098 64160 64300+ 64306+ 64392 64552 64584 64650 64659 65089 65109 65239 65319 65378 65379 65565 65721 65771+ 65928 67071 67387 67398 67401 68027 68610 69986 70700 71135+ 72010 72811 73589 74366 74532 74554 74555 74602 74603 74607 74614 74623 74683 74730 74741 74803 74963 75070 75492 75513 75573 75635 75650 75734 75893 75911 75943 75950 75960 75966 76190 76549 76968 76972 76974
374 436 451 291 394 400 448 486 408 408 602 453 450 291 454 389 455 409 502 473 440 431 476 475 432 367 729 618 613 523 639 337 433 458 593 458 442 316 430 467 461 388 397 405 411 415 401 328 369 376 384 472 377 318 390 321 320 306 406 395 419 410 402 309 449 507 724 723 357
277 77061 77099+ 77102+ 77203 77209 77210 77212 77214 77513 77538+ 77690+ 77850 77882 77976 78190 78195 78223 78228 78243 78247 78268 78273 78902 78929 78930 78949 78957 78968 78977 78995 79015 79016 79019 79026 79030 79049 79100 79512 79514 79528 79543 79613 79680 79717 80759 82549 82597 82608 83379 83385 83945 84343 84526 84527 84528 84529 84531 84532 84533 84534 84535 84536 84538 84539 84540 84541 84542 84543 84544
594 761 761 609 762 763 51 792 435 595 595 468 292 385 416 484 50 483 601 50 508 478 426 653 652 604 603 358 509 359 360 608 499 361 490 314 600 412 434 445 289 362 465 428 363 492 510 364 438 438 393 443 12 13 214, 229 234 214 214 214 143 214 212 235 230 236 236 236 236 236
278 84545 84546 84547 84550 84551 84552 84553 84554 84555 84556 84558 84562 84563 84565 84570 84571 84572 84574 84575 84576 84577 84578 84579 84583 84584 84585 84686 84587 84588 84589 84590 84591 84592 84594 84595 84596 84599 84600 84601 84602 84603 84604 84605 84608 84609 84614 84615 84617 84618 84619 84620 84621 84622 84633 84634 84635 84636 84637 84642 84643 84645 84646 84648 84649 84651 84652 84654 84655 84657
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum 236 236 236 230 217 230 222 237 229 214 212 238 239 212 240 240 241 240 236 214 229 229 217 19 15 14 242 15 16 17 15 18 230 214 214 214 144 214 212 243 230 230 214 212 244 212 230 217 217 245 230 246 229 212 214 214 214 212 160 145 143 230 144 214 212 214 214 214 214
84659 84660 84662 84663 84665 84671 84672 84676 84680 84681 84682 84686 84687 84688 84689 84690 84691 84692 84693 84699 84700 84703 84705 84706 84707 84712 84714 84715 84716 84719 84720 84724 84728 84729 84730 84732 84735 84736 84741 84742 84743 84746 84747 84751 84752 84756 84758 84759 84760 84761 84763 84764 84770 84771 84773 84779 84780 84781 84782 84783 84787 84788 84789 84790 84791 84792 84793 84798 84799
214 214 214 212 212 221 212 214 214 214 212 212 217 212 214 212 212 214 214 230 230 212 230 214 214 214 214 214 214 212 214 214 212 247 248 214 229 214 229 212 229 212 230 212 214 214 230 214 214 214 214 212 214 229 13 249 225 214, 229 225 250 225 251 223 225 220 212 214 212 214
84802 84803 84804 84810 84814 84817 84823 84824 84825 84827 84828 84829 84833 84834 84835 84836 84837 84838 84840 84841 84847 84848 84857 84862 84863 84864 84868 84874 84875 84876 84877 84879 84892 84884 84893 84900 84908 85203 87254 88414 89931 89934 89935 89936 89938 89939 89940 89941 89943 89944 89946 89947 89948 89961 89963 89965 89966 89967 89968 89969 89970 89971 89972 89973 89974 89975 89976 89977 89980
223 13 247 214 235 214 254 214 212 229 230 230 236 249 225 225 225 225 13 253 230 214 212 214 214 212 225 212 212 212 214 260 13 13 225 29 212 425 446 294 214 225 229 229 225 225 225, 252 212 230 225 253 217 212 255 13 226 225 225, 252 226, 252 256 257 217 212 230 237 253 253 253 258
index of serial numbers 89982 89983 89984 89986 89992 90962 91913 91918 92725 93002 93003 93004 95105 95518 95597 98538 98548 98549 98550 98551 98552 98713 98722 98823 98850 98564 98863 98956 99017 99027 99137 99157 99160 99186 99214 99267 99334 99335 99336 99337 99338 99352 100992+ 101199 101249 103202 103389 103392 103392a 103393a 103394 103394a 103396 104805 105169 105170 105171 105172 105173 105174 105175 105177 105178 105188 105189 105190 105191 105192 105193
30 259 259 212 217 232 257 257 319 698 708 746 474 365 511 92 23 225 225 225 28 216 275 276 185 208 213 764 61 25 209 52 60 210 44 60 163 163 208 277 213 208 475 439 444 176 127 110 110 130 154 154 148 655 713 688 765 699 676 766 767 768 769 770 668 664 706 771 670
105195 105196 105197 105198 105199 105200 105201 105202 105203 105204 105205 105206 105207 105208 105209 109152 109860 109935 109936 109937 109938 109939 109940 109941 109942 109943 109944 109946 109947 109948 109949 109950 109951 109952 109953 109954 109955 109956 109957 109957A 109959 109960 109962 109963 109964 109965 109965A 109966 109968 109969 109970 109972 109973 109974 109975 109985 113908 114406 114407 114408 114410 114411 114413 114414 114415 114416 114417 114418 114419
680 727 689 772 651 675 647 690 679 669 707 720 726 683 773 677 512 715 673 696 692 712 709 650 703 674 733 691 756 711 681 693 774 775 776 661 730 659 777 778 678 754 649 646 684 672 752 495 755 701 722 779 721 617 645 662 295 747 710 736 743 735 725 740 738 751 725 742 745
279 114420 114421 114422 114423 114424 114709 114713 114732 116222 116223 116224 116225 116226 116227 116230 116658 116687 116688 116689 116690 116691 116692 116693 116694 119062 119920 120024 120025 121043 123011 123384 131983 131984 131986 131987 132059 132060 132061 132062 132063 132064 132065 132066 132067 132068 132069 132070 132071 132072 132073 132074 132075 132076 132077 132078 132079 132080 132081 132082 132083 132084 132085 134554 134695 136986 136987 136988 136989 137304
748 686 750 741 744 780 610 638 285 285 285 285 286 286 21 781 682 513 694 716 705 739 732 697 338 516 381 489 84 339 182 129 108 105 118 797 797 799 797 797 801 798 810 802 801 797 811 799 804 800 798 817 797 797 797 802 801 797 817 818 817 797 83 819 212 213 213 793 216
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
137306 139206 139509 139510 139950 140575 140576 160141 160142 160317
794 820 228 216 175 213 216 810 802 804
Sp. Sp. Sp. Sp. Sp. Sp. Sp. Sp. Sp.
460 462 466 470 654 640 589 307 329
28 29 30 31 81 94 353 555 571
ND.240(b) ND.409 ND.808 ND.2078 ND.2081 ND.2082 ND.2093 ND.2094 ND.2095 ND.2308 ND.2317 ND.2325 ND.2327 ND.2333 ND.2334 ND.2337 ND.2338 ND.2346
1 122 8 119 95 121 151 134 140 184 174 150 166 66 179 93 153 81
ND.2348 ND.3420 ND.3421 ND.3434 ND.3438 ND.3439 ND.3443 ND.3444 ND.3445 ND.3462 ND.3479 ND.5452 ND.5459 ND.5461
80 129 108 105 152 125 118 124 167 135 78 88 89 76
U.3226 U.17448 U.18124
338 339 525–588
Prefixes to the numbers have been given only when they mark a distinction between two collections: namely in the cases of 83–1–18 and AH.83–1–18 and of 88–5–12 and Bu.88–5–12. Other such prefixes used for objects in this Catalogue are unnecessary. 41–7–26,59 51–9–2,42 51–9–2,43 51–9–2,44 51–9–2,45 51–9–2,46 51–9–2,48 51–9–2,49 51–9–2,50 51–9–2,51 51–9–2,52 51–9–2,53 51–9–2,55 51–9–2,56 51–9–2,57 51–9–2,58 51–9–2,59 51–9–2,60 51–9–2,61 51–9–2,62 51–9–2,63 51–9–2,64 51–9–2,65 51–9–2,68 51–9–2,69 51–9–2,70 51–9–2,71 51–9–2,72 51–9–2,74 51–9–2,76 51–9–2,80 51–9–2,81 51–9–2,83 51–9–2,89 51–9–2,90 51–9–2,91 51–9–2,93 51–9–2,94 51–9–2,95 51–9–2,98 51–9–2,102 51–9–2,103 51–9–2,104 51–9–2,105 51–9–2,106 51–9–2,107 51–9–2,108 51–9–2,109 51–9–2,110 51–9–2,111 51–9–2,113 51–9–2,114 51–9–2,115 51–9–2,118 51–9–2,119 51–9–2,120 51–9–2,121 51–9–2,122
639 12 13 13 214, 229 234 214 214 214 143 214 212 235 230 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 230 217 230 222 237 214 212 238 239 212 240 240 241 240 236 214 217 19 15 14 242 15 16 17 15 18 230 214 214 214 144 214 212 243 230
51–9–2,123 51–9–2,124 51–9–2,127 51–9–2,128 51–9–2,133 51–9–2,134 51–9–2,136 51–9–2,137 51–9–2,138 51–9–2,138a 51–9–2,139 51–9–2,140 51–9–2,152 51–9–2,153 51–9–2,154 51–9–2,155 51–9–2,156 51–9–2,161 51–9–2,162 51–9–2,164 51–9–2,165 51–9–2,167 51–9–2,168 51–9–2,170 51–9–2,171 51–9–2,173 51–9–2,174 51–9–2,176 51–9–2,178 51–9–2,179 51–9–2,181 51–9–2,182 51–9–2,184 51–9–2,190 51–9–2,191 51–9–2,195 51–9–2,199 51–9–2,200 51–9–2,201 51–9–2,205 51–9–2,206 51–9–2,207 51–9–2,208 51–9–2,209 51–9–2,210 51–9–2,211 51–9–2,212 51–9–2,218 51–9–2,219 51–9–2,222 51–9–2,224 51–9–2,225 51–9–2,226 51–9–2,231 51–9–2,233 51–9–2,234 51–9–2,235 51–9–2,238
230 214 212 244 212 230 217 217 214 245 230 246 212 214 214 214 212 160 145 143 230 144 214 212 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 212 212 221 212 214 214 214 212 212 217 212 214 212 212 214 214 230 230 212 230 214 214 214 214 214 214 212
51–9–2,239 51–9–2,243 51–9–2,247 51–9–2,248 51–9–2,249 51–9–2,251 51–9–2,255 51–9–2,261 51–9–2,265 51–9–2,266 51–9–2,270 51–9–2,271 51–9–2,275 51–9–2,277 51–9–2,278 51–9–2,279 51–9–2,280 51–9–2,282 51–9–2,283 51–9–2,289 51–9–2,292 51–9–2,298 51–9–2,299 51–9–2,300 51–9–2,301 51–9–2,302 51–9–2,307 51–9–2,309 51–9–2,310 51–9–2,311 51–9–2,313 51–9–2,315 51–9–2,316 51–9–2,317 51–9–2,318 51–9–2,318 51–9–2,319 51–9–2,321 51–9–2,322 51–9–2,323 51–9–2,325 51–9–2,326 51–9–2,327 51–9–2,332 51–9–2,333 51–9–2,342 51–9–2,345 51–9–2,349 51–9–2,350 51–9–2,357 51–9–2,361 51–9–2,364 51–9–2,370 51–9–2,371 51–9–2,372 51–9–2,375 51–9–2,376 51–9–2,379
214 214 212 247 248 214 214 212 212 230 212 214 214 230 214 214 214 214 212 214 13 249 225 214 225 250 225 230 225 251 223 225 225 225 253 225, 252 212 220 230 225 253 217 212 212 214 212 214 223 13 214 236 214 254 214 212 230 230 255
282 51–9–2,383 51–9–2,384 51–9–2,385 51–9–2,387 51–9–2,388 51–9–2,389 51–9–2,390 51–9–2,391 51–9–2,392 51–9–2,393 51–9–2,394 51–9–2,395 51–9–2,396 51–9–2,397 51–9–2,398 51–9–2,399 51–9–2,401 51–9–2,402 51–9–2,403 51–9–2,404 51–9–2,405 51–9–2,406 51–9–2,407 51–9–2,408 51–9–2,413 51–9–2,415 51–9–2,416 51–9–2,425 51–9–2,430 51–9–2,431 51–9–2,432 51–9–2,436 51–9–2,443 51–9–2,444 51–9–2,445 51–9–2,446 51–9–2,447 51–9–2,448 51–9–2,449 51–9–2,450 51–9–2,452 51–9–2,455 51–9–2,464 51–9–2,472 51–9–2,479 51–9–2,480 51–9–2,487 51–9–2,495 56–9–3,1513 56–9–3,1514 56–9–3,1515 56–9–3,1516 56–9–3,1517 56–9–3,1518 56–9–3,1519 69–12–1,4 76–11–17,14 76–11–17,57 76–11–17,67 76–11–17,431 76–11–17,434 76–11–17,458 76–11–17,667 76–11–17,866 76–11–17,1125 76–11–17,1262 76–11–17,1530 76–11–17,1702 76–11–17,1750
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum 236 250 13 226 225 225 225 225, 252 225 226, 252 225 256 257 217 212 230 237 13 253 253 253 253 253 253 258 230 214 212 214 214 212 225 212 212 30 212 214 257 259 259 260 212 217 214 13 225 29 212 695 671 704 717 698 708 746 516 315 414 421 380 317 658 288 737 300 313 685 420 312
76–11–17,1882 76–11–17,1884 76–11–17,1888+ 76–11–17,1901 76–11–17,1947 76–11–17,2508 77–4–17,1 77–4–17,9 77–11–15,5 77–11–15,8 78–7–30,2 78–12–14,8 79–7–30,4 79–7–30,34 80–6–17,48 80–6–17,841 80–6–17,982 80–6–17,1732 80–7–19,51 80–7–19,52 80–7–19,53 80–7–19,111+ 80–7–19,149 80–7–19,348 80–10–12,15 80–11–12,220 81–2–1,25 81–2–4,147 81–2–4,148 81–2–4,150 81–2–4,153 81–2–4,154 81–2–4,161 81–2–4,163 81–2–4,349 81–2–4,350 81–2–4,351 81–2–4,352 81–2–4,353 81–2–4,354 81–2–4,355 81–2–4,356 81–2–4,358 81–2–4,359 81–2–4,360 81–2–4,361 81–2–4,362 81–2–4,363 81–2–4,364 81–2–4,365 81–2–4,366 81–2–4,369 81–2–4,370 81–2–4,371 81–2–4,475 81–3–24,21 81–3–24,34 81–4–28,31 81–4–28,39 81–4–28,129 81–4–28,130 81–4–28,132 81–4–28,133 81–4–28,142 81–4–28,214 81–4–28,371 81–4–28,372 81–4–28,414 81–4–28,415
312 307 392 302 312 325 376 457 392 383 369 516 325 297 477 758 493 795 62 97 37 47 31 90 329 329 496 106 261 46 91 211 181 45 7 42 215 13 218 231 218 215 218 215 215 218 218 215 227 231 231 231 262 215 91 407 504 482 505 615 614 620 626 641 759 636 637 631 632
61–4–28,416 81–4–28,418 81–4–28,425 81–4–28,426 81–4–28,427 81–4–28,428 81–4–28,429 81–4–28,431 81–4–28,432 81–4–28,433 81–4–28,434 81–4–28,435 81–4–28,436 81–4–28,437 81–4–28,438 81–4–28,439 81–4–28,440 81–4–28,443 81–4–28,445 81–4–28,446 81–4–28,448 81–4–28,449 81–4–28,450 81–4–28,451 81–4–28,453 81–4–28,455 81–4–28,456 81–4–28,457 81–4–28,458 81–4–28,459 81–4–28,460 81–4–28,465 81–4–28,466 81–4–28,468 81–4–28,469 81–4–28,471 81–4–28,473 81–4–28,474 81–4–28,475 81–4–28,476 81–4–28,477 81–4–28,478 81–4–28,706 81–4–28,930 81–4–28,931 81–4–28,932 81–4–28,933 81–4–28,934 81–4–28,935 81–4–28,936 81–4–28,937 81–4–28,938 81–6–25,13 81–6–25,26 81–6–25,65 81–6–25,72 81–6–25,196 81–6–25,289 81–6–25,404 81–6–25,479 81–6–25,556 81–6–25,838 81–7–1,55 81–7–1,140 81–7–1,229 81–7–1,240 81–7–1,254 81–7–1,265+ 81–7–1,287
632 632 632 612 632 619 625 632 634 632 623 633 634 616 633 628 633 630 629 621 627 633 633 633 330 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 622 642 633 633 635 633 633 633 633 633 665 784 331 785 786 332 787 516 524A 589 296 298 718 702 728 340 322 469 325 325 343 734 596 598 719 597 637A
index of collection numbers 81–7–1,407+ 81–7–1,428 81–7–1,1259+ 81–7–1,1376+ 81–7–1,1470 81–7–1,1508 81–7–1,3310 81–7–1,3355 81–7–1,3356 81–7–1,3358 81–7–6,24 81–7–6,526 81–7–27,26 81–7–27,113 81–7–27,141 81–7–27,153 81–7–27,154 81–7–27,157 81–7–27,159 81–7–27,160 81–7–27,161 81–7–27,162 81–7–27,163 81–7–27,164 81–7–27,167 81–7–27,168 81–7–27,169 81–7–27,171 81–7–27,172 81–7–27,173 81–7–27,174 81–7–27,175 81–8–30,41 81–8–30,53 81–8–30,129 81–8–30,157 81–8–30,176 81–8–30,198 81–8–30,199 81–8–30,213 81–8–30,322 81–8–30,360 81–8–30,466 81–8–30,567a+ 81–8–30,574+ 81–8–30,793 81–8–30,842 81–10–8,2 81–10–8,5 81–11–3,67 81–11–3,161 81–11–3,174 81–11–3,180 81–11–3,195 81–11–3,251 81–11–3,294 81–11–3,295 81–11–3,296 81–11–3,436 81–11–3,479 81–11–3,496 81–11–3,1871 81–11–3,1872 81–11–3,1873 81–11–3,1874 82–1–18,5090 82–3–23,702 82–3–23,1760 82–3–23,1761
464 714 597 464 749 344 333 788 334 335 648 345 39 47 38 232 216 216 232 216 229 228 228, 252 228 278 216 279 213 232 228 782 220 382 346 657 404 228 624 611 607 591 643 488 687 687 592 606 481 503 500 522 487 293 520 521 517 518 519 731 599 700 336 524 789 790 454 287 228 228
82–3–23,1762 82–3–23,1763 82–3–23,1764 82–3–23,1765 82–3–23,1766 82–3–23,1767 82–3–23,1768 82–3–23,1769 82–3–23,1770 82–3–23,1771 82–3–23,1772 82–3–23,1773 82–3–23,1774 82–3–23,1782 82–3–23,1783 82–3–23,1784 82–3–23,1785 82–3–23,1786 82–3–23,1787 82–3–23,1788 82–3–23,1789 82–3–23,1791 82–3–23,5146 82–3–23,5148 82–3–23,5149 82–3–23,5150 82–3–23,5152 82–3–23,5153 82–3–23,5154 82–3–23,5155 82–3–23,5156 82–3–23,5157 82–3–23,5158 82–3–23,5159 82–3–23,5160 82–3–23,5185 82–3–23,5207 82–5–22,29 82–5–22,30 82–5–22,40 82–5–22,187 82–5–22,212 82–5–22,312 82–5–22,441 82–5–22,442 82–5–22,451 82–5–22,875 82–5–22,877 82–5–22,908 82–5–22,917 82–5–22,993 82–5–22,1334 82–7–4,15 82–7–14,72 82–7–14,122 82–7–14,275 82–7–14,294 82–7–14,346 82–7–14,357 82–7–14,575 82–7–14,612 82–7–14,662 82–7–14,827 82–7–14,831 82–7–14,891 82–7–14,1066 82–7–14,1076 82–7–14,1110 82–7–14,1118
269 270 232 271 228 228 213 272 219 228 213 224 228 146 228 228 228 213 273 270 232 274 216 228 216 280 228 216 280 216 281 282 216 233 283 284 633 82 26 94 506 485 666 417 497 479 660 514 379 498 491 459 753 308 396 367 290 303 347 304 348 349 350 323 305 429 422 351 427
283 82–7–14,1136 82–7–14,1177 82–7–14,1183 82–7–14,1212 82–7–14,1239 82–7–14,1317 82–7–14,1377 82–7–14,1383 82–7–14,1394 82–7–14,1396 82–7–14,1398 82–7–14,1411 82–7–14,1479 82–7–14,1524 82–7–14,1582 82–7–14,1671 82–7–14,1697 82–7–14,1770 82–7–14,1903 82–7–14,2004 82–7–14,2122a 82–7–14,2195 82–7–14,2324 82–7–14,2425 82–7–14,2857 82–7–14,2912 82–7–14,4157 82–7–14,4158 82–9–18,427 82–9–18,625 82–9–18,638 82–9–18,733 82–9–18,795 82–9–18,1335 82–9–18,1906 82–9–18,2019 82–9–18,2361 82–9–18,2530 82–9–18,2653 82–9–18,2860 82–9–18,2861 82–9–18,3599 82–9–18,3773 82–9–18,3815 82–9–18,3965 82–9–18,4008 82–9–18,4020 82–9–18,4023 82–9–18,4045 82–9–18,4051 82–9–18,4067 82–9–18,4129 82–9–18,4276 82–9–18,4282 82–9–18,4372 82–9–18,4532 82–9–18,4564 82–9–18,4630 82–9–18,4639 82–9–18,5070 82–9–18,5090 82–9–18,5224 82–9–18,5304 82–9–18,5363 82–9–18,5364 82–9–18,5551 82–9–18,5711 82–9–18,5761 82–9–18,5920
423 301 352 299 324 387 403 325A 399 310 326 386 353 354 355 450 393 356 441 371 461 436 469 374 424 469A 501 667 327 311 399 380 379 494 437 454 644 414 605 794 791 447 760 418 371 374 436 451 394 400 448 486 408 408 602 453 450 291 454 389 455 409 502 473 440 431 476 475 432
284 82–9–18,6067 82–9–18,7066 82–9–18,7383 82–9–18,7394 82–9–18,7397 82–9–18,8025 82–9–18,8609 82–9–18,9986 82–9–18,10701 82–9–18,11137 82–9–18,12014 82–9–18,12819 82–9–18,13600 82–9–18A,63 82–9–18A,86 82–9–18A,255 82–9–18A,277 82–9–18A,278 82–9–18A,326 82–9–18A,327 82–9–18A,331 82–9–18A,339 82–9–18A,348 82–9–18A,408 83–1–18,328 83–1–18,339 83–1–18,340 83–1–18,341 83–1–18,345 83–1–18,346 83–1–18,350 83–1–18,360 83–1–18,362 83–1–18,387 83–1–18,390 83–1–18,392 83–1–18,567 83–1–18,613 83–1–18,827 83–1–18,2592 AH.83–1–18,48 AH.83–1–18,59 AH.83–1–18,123 AH.83–1–18,286 AH.83–1–18,395 AH.83–1–18,827 AH.83–1–18,856 AH.83–1–18,922 AH.83–1–18,985 AH.83–1–18,1000 AH.83–1–18,1084 AH.83–1–18,1248 AH.83–1–18,1266 AH.83–1–18,1299 AH.83–1–18,1306 AH.83–1–18,1317 AH.83–1–18,1323 AH.83–1–18,1555 AH.83–1–18,1920 AH.83–1–18,2340 AH.83–1–18,2344 AH.83–1–18,2346 AH.83–1–18,2438 AH.83–1–18,2478+ AH.83–1–18,2481+ AH.83–1–18,2583 AH.83–1–18,2589 AH.83–1–18,2590 AH.83–1–18,2594
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum 448 367 729 618 613 523 639 337 433 458 593 458 442 319 716 430 467 461 388 397 405 411 415 401 57 49 59 68 43 72 90 63 56 90 65 58 96 143 377 51 328 369 376 384 472 377 318 390 321 320 306 406 395 419 410 402 309 449 507 724 723 357 594 761 761 609 762 763 792
83–1–21,542 83–1–21,548 83–1–21,1108 83–1–21,1506 83–1–21,2653 83–1–21,2860 83–1–21,2910 83–10–11,2 84–2–11,254 84–2–11,279+ 84–2–11,436+ 85–4–30,42 85–4–30,75 85–4–30,169 88–5–12,88 88–5–12,102 88–5–12,115 88–5–12,116 Bu.88–5–12,25 Bu.88–5–12,30 Bu.88–5–12,77 Bu.88–5–12,78 Bu.88–5–12,83 Bu.88–5–12,98 Bu.88–5–12,124 Bu.88–5–12,129 89–4–26,123 89–4–26,244 89–4–26,252 89–4–26,263 89–4–26,272 89–4–26,290 89–4–26,312 89–4–26,313 89–4–26,316 89–4–26,323 89–4–26,327 89–4–26,346 89–4–26,397 89–10–14,62 89–10–14,64 89–10–14,78 89–10–14,93 89–10–14,163 89–10–14,229 89–10–14,266 91–5–9,55 91–5–9,146 91–5–9,171 91–5–9,209 91–5–9,897 93–10–14,1 93–10–14,49 94–6–11,2 95–4–6,5 99–4–15,10 1900–10–13,34 1901–2–9,131 1901–10–12,758 1901–10–12,1171 1901–10–12,1250 1904–10–9,46 1904–10–9,56 1904–10–9,167 1904–10–9,189 1904–10–9,192 1904–10–9,194 1904–10–9,218 1904–10–9,235
438 438 393 443 475 439 444 516 435 595 595 468 292 385 426 50 653 652 416 484 50 50 483 601 508 478 26 604 603 358 509 359 360 608 499 361 490 314 600 412 434 445 289 362 465 428 111 75 111 35 363 492 509 364 20 425 446 294 474 365 511 61 25 209 52 60 209 210 209
1904–10–9,246 1904–10–9,251 1904–10–9,252 1904–10–9,258 1904–10–9,264 1904–10–9,294 1904–10–9,299 1904–10–9,309 1904–10–9,312 1904–10–9,367 1904–10–9,368 1904–10–9,369 1904–10–9,370 1904–10–9,371 1904–10–9,385 1904–10–9,394 1904–10–9,396 1904–10–9,398 1904–10–9,399 1904–10–9,400 1905–4–9,44 1905–4–9,54 1905–4–9,55 1905–4–9,56 1905–4–9,57 1905–4–9,58 1905–4–9,70 1905–4–9,219 1905–4–9,228 1905–4–9,329 1905–4–9,369 1905–4–9,462 1910–10–8,130 1911–4–8,79 1911–4–8,82 1911–4–8,82A 1911–4–8,83A 1911–4–8,84 1911–4–8,84A 1911–4–8,86 1912–7–6,69 1913–4–16,1 1913–4–16,2 1913–4–16,3 1913–4–16,4 1913–4–16,5 1913–4–16,6 1913–4–16,7 1913–4–16,9 1913–4–16,10 1913–4–16,20 1913–4–16,21 1913–4–16,22 1913–4–16,23 1913–4–16,24 1913–4–16,25 1913–4–16,27 1913–4–16,28 1913–4–16,30 1913–4–16,31 1913–4–16,32 1913–4–16,33 1913–4–16,34 1913–4–16,35 1913–4–16,36 1913–4–16,37 1913–4–16,38 1913–4–16,39 1913–4–16,40
44 209 209 209 209 209 60 209 209 163 163 208 278 213 208 209 209 209 209 209 92 23 225 225 225 28 208 216 276 276 213 764 176 127 110 110 130 154 154 148 655 713 688 765 699 676 766 767 768 769 770 668 664 706 771 670 680 727 772 651 675 647 690 679 669 707 720 726 683
index of collection numbers 1913–4–16,41 1914–4–4,1 1914–4–4,2 1914–4–4,3 1914–4–4,4 1914–4–4,5 1914–4–4,7 1914–4–4,8 1914–4–4,9 1914–4–4,10 1914–4–4,12 1914–4–4,14 1914–4–4,15 1914–4–4,17 1914–4–4,18 1914–4–4,19 1914–4–4,20 1914–4–4,21 1914–4–4,22 1914–4–4,23 1914–4–4,23A 1914–4–4,25 1914–4–4,28 1914–4–4,29 1914–4–4,30 1914–4–4,31 1914–4–4,31A 1914–4–4,32 1914–4–4,35 1914–4–4,36 1914–4–4,39 1914–4–4,40 1914–4–4,41 1914–4–4,51 1914–4–6,55 1914–4–6,763 1919–11–8,1 1920–6–15,2 1920–6–15,6 1920–6–15,7 1920–6–15,9 1920–6–15,11 1920–6–15,12 1920–6–15,13 1920–6–15,14 1920–6–15,15 1920–6–15,16 1920–6–15,17 1920–6–15,18 1920–6–15,19 1920–6–15,20 1920–12–13,5 1920–12–13,24 1922–5–11,355 1922–5–11,356 1922–5–11,357 1922–5–11,358 1922–5–11,359 1922–5–11,360 1922–5–11,362 1924–7–12,13 1924–12–13,1 1924–12–13,2 1924–12–13,4 1924–12–13,5 1924–12–13,6 1924–12–13,7 1924–12–13,8 1927–5–30,83
773 715 673 966 692 712 650 703 674 733 691 711 681 774 775 776 661 730 659 777 778 678 649 646 684 672 752 495 701 722 721 617 645 662 677 512 295 747 743 735 725 738 751 725 742 745 748 686 750 741 744 610 638 285 285 285 285 286 286 21 781 682 513 716 705 739 732 697 821
1927–5–30,84 1927–10–3,57 1928–7–16,24 1928–7–16,25 1929–10–12,39 1931–10–10,79 1932–10–8,194 1932–10–8,195 1932–10–8,197 1932–10–8,198 1932–10–8,199 1932–10–8,200 1932–10–8,201 1932–10–8,202 1932–10–8,203 1932–10–8,204 1932–10–8,205 1932–10–8,206 1932–10–8,207 1932–10–8,208 1932–10–8,209 1932–10–8,210 1932–10–8,211 1932–10–8,212 1932–10–8,213 1932–10–8,214 1932–10–8,215 1932–10–8,216 1932–10–8,219 1932–10–8,222 1932–10–8,223 1932–10–8,224 1932–10–8,225 1932–10–8,226 1932–10–8,227 1932–10–8,233 1932–10–8,288 1932–10–8,290 1932–10–8,291 1932–10–8,294 1932–10–8,295 1932–10–8,296 1932–10–8,297 1932–10–8,298 1932–10–8,299 1932–10–8,300 1932–10–8,303 1932–10–8,305 1932–10–8,306 1932–10–8,307 1932–10–8,308 1932–10–8,309 1932–10–8,310 1932–10–8,311 1932–10–8,312 1932–10–8,313 1932–10–8,314 1932–10–8,315 1932–10–8,316 1932–10–8,317 1932–10–8,319 1932–10–8,320 1932–10–8,321 1932–10–8,322 1932–10–8,323 1932–10–8,324 1932–10–8,326 1932–10–8,327 1932–10–8,328
796 338 381 489 84 339 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 533 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 572 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585
285 1932–10–8,346 1932–10–8,351 1932–10–8,354 1932–10–8,356 1932–10–8,357 1932–12–10,32 1932–12–12,549 1954–11–15,32 1954–11–15,33 1954–11–15,35 1954–11–15,36 1956–4–16,1 1956–4–16,2 1956–4–16,3 1956–4–16,4 1956–4–16,5 1956–4–16,6 1956–4–16,7 1956–4–16,8 1956–4–16,9 1956–4–16,10 1956–4–16,11 1956–4–16,12 1956–4–16,13 1956–4–16,14 1956–4–16,15 1956–4–16,16 1956–4–16,17 1956–4–16,18 1956–4–16,19 1956–4–16,20 1956–4–16,21 1956–4–16,22 1956–4–16,23 1956–4–16,24 1956–4–16,25 1956–4–16,26 1956–4–16,27 1965–10–12,1 1980–12–14,803 1980–12–14,4004 1980–12–14,4005 1980–12–14,4006 1980–12–14,4007 1980–12–14,4008 1980–12–14,4009 1980–12–14,4010 1980–12–14,4011 1980–12–14,4012 1980–12–14,4013 1980–12–14,4014 1980–12–14,4015 1980–12–14,4016 1980–12–14,4017 1980–12–14,4018 1980–12–14,4019 1980–12–14,4020 1980–12–14,4021 1980–12–14,4022 1980–12–14,4023 1980–12–14,4024 1980–12–14,4025 1980–12–14,4026 1980–12–14,4027 1980–12–14,4028 1980–12–14,4029 1980–12–14,4030 1980–12–14,4031 1980–12–14,4032
586 587 588 578 583 7 182 83 129 108 105 118 797 797 799 797 797 801 798 810 802 801 797 811 799 804 800 798 817 797 797 797 802 801 797 817 818 817 797 819 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 801 801 801 801 801 802 800 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 805 805 805 797 797 797 797
286 1980–12–14,4033 1980–12–14,4034 1980–12–14,4035 1980–12–14,4036 1980–12–14,4037 1980–12–14,4038 1980–12–14,4039 1980–12–14,4040 1980–12–14,4041 1980–12–14,4042 1980–12–14,4043 1980–12–14,4044 1980–12–14,4045 1980–12–14,4046 1980–12–14,4047 1980–12–14,4048 1980–12–14,4049 1980–12–14,4050 1980–12–14,4051 1980–12–14,4052 1980–12–14,4053 1980–12–14,4054 1980–12–14,4055 1980–12–14,4056 1980–12–14,4057 1980–12–14,4058 1980–12–14,4059 1980–12–14,4060 1980–12–14,4061 1980–12–14,4062 1980–12–14,4063 1980–12–14,4064 1980–12–14,4065 1980–12–14,4066 1980–12–14,4067 1980–12–14,4068 1980–12–14,4069 1980–12–14,4070 1980–12–14,4071 1980–12–14,4072 1980–12–14,4073 1980–12–14,4074 1980–12–14,4075 1980–12–14,4076 1980–12–14,4077 1980–12–14,4078 1980–12–14,4079 1980–12–14,4080 1980–12–14,4081 1980–12–144082 1980–12–144083 1980–12–14,4084 1980–12–14,4085 1980–12–14,4086 1980–12–14,4087 1980–12–14,4088 1980–12–14,4089
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum 797 797 797 805 797 805 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 805 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 805 796 797 797 797 805 805 797 797 805 797 797 797 797 797
1980–12–14,4090 1980–12–14,4091 1980–12–14,4092 1980–12–14,4093 1980–12–14,4094 1980–12–14,4095 1980–12–14,4096 1980–12–14,4097 1980–12–14,4098 1980–12–14,4099 1980–12–14,4100 1980–12–14,4101 1980–12–14,4102 1980–12–14,4103 1980–12–14,4104 1980–12–14,4105 1980–12–14,4106 1980–12–14,4107 1980–12–14,4108 1980–12–14,4109 1980–12–14,4110 1980–12–14,4111 1980–12–14,4112 1980–12–14,4113 1980–12–14,4114 1980–12–14,4115 1980–12–14,4116 1980–12–14,4117 1980–12–14,4118 1980–12–14,4119 1980–12–14,4120 1980–12–14,4121 1980–12–14,4122 1980–12–14,4123 1980–12–14,4124 1980–12–14,4125 1980–12–14,4126 1980–12–14,4127 1980–12–14,4128 1980–12–14,4129 1980–12–14,4130 1980–12–14,4131 1980–12–14,4132 1980–12–14,4133 1980–12–14,4134 1980–12–14,4135 1980–12–14,4138 1980–12–14,4142 1980–12–14,4143 1980–12–14,4144 1980–12–14,4145 1980–12–14,4146 1980–12–14,4147 1980–12–14,4148 1980–12–14,4149 1980–12–14,4150 1980–12–14,4151
797 797 805 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 805 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 797 801 801 801 801 801 801 801 799 798 798 805 805 801 797 804 811 811 812 816 816
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807 810 808 809 815 805 806 805 805 805 806 805 805 806 805 805 805 805 805 805 805 805 805 805 805 803 805 805 805 805 805 805 797 814 813 802 797 806 806 815 817 817 817 817 817 817 817 817 819 228 216 213 216 175 221
More than one occurrence of a subject on a tablet or bulla is indicated by a following number in parentheses (on this see Concentration of Images in the Introduction above). The distribution between the four main periods in Mesopotamia is indicated by vertical lines |, and the Palestinian are divided from the Mesopotamian references by the symbol (Neo-Assyrian | Neo-Babylonian | Achaemenian | Hellenistic Palestine). Subjects concerning which there is uncertainty are included, but without the interrogation marks used in the text of the Catalogue, and where two different possible identifications are given in the text, both are indexed. Abdi ['bdy] (personal name), ||| 811 A˙i"am[ar] ["˙"m[r]] (personal name), ||| 815 Ahimelech ["˙mlk] (personal name), ||| 810 Akkadian style, | 298, 300, 317 || Altar, 50, 185 | 328 | 397, 401 (2), 452, 504, 510 | 618, 728 Amphora, || 407 | 710, 739 An¢ ('n¢) sign, 87 ||| ; an¢-like symbol, 87 ||| Animal, 32, (35), 78, 149, 170, 185, 250, 265, 272, 274, 282 | 306, 357 | 417, 431, 438, 443, 447–449, 451, 453–456, 458, 460, 465, 473, 475, 476, 484, 489, 509 (2), 591 | 646, 647, 659, 676 (2), 693, 706, 732, 736, 748, 751, 780 ; winged, | 381, 438 || [see also bird, bull, calf, camel, cock, cow, crab, deer, dog, eagle, elephant, fish, goat, horse, ibex, lion, locust, monkey, ox, scorpion, sheep, stag; and also quadruped, mischwesen, mu“¢u““u, griffin and sphinx] Ape, [see Monkey] Apkallu, ||| 604, 647, 655 Aquarius (zodiacal sign), ||| 679, 681, 688, 689, 691, 693, 695, 696, 698, 726, 727, 754, 773 Aramaic inscription, 20, 133, 236 (2) ||| 675, 679, 681, 682 (2), 686, 691, 697, 699 (2), 703, 707, 711 (3), 712, 714, 725, 727, 732, 754, 769 (3), 772 Archer, 40, 46 | 337 | 426, 484, 545 | 678, 680, 688, 692, 697, 706–708, 712, 717, 725, 727 ; human-headed winged, 651 [see also Sagittarius] Assur (Assyrian god), 280 ||| Assyrian Royal Seal, Shalmaneser III, 1; Adad-nerari III, 3, 4; A““ur-dan III, 5; Sargon II, 6, 7, 9, 10; Sennacherib, 23, 28–30, 42, 47, 48; Esarhaddon, 72; Ashurbanipal, 143–147; A““ur-etel-ilàni, 159–163; not precisely dated, 203–205, 212–220 ||| 'Atar'ezer ['tr'zr] (personal name), 236 ||| Azariah ['zryhw] (personal name), ||| 813 Balance [see Scales] Barley, 244, 246 ||| Basket, 164 ||| Beaded border [see Border] Bed, 257 ||| Bes (Egyptian god), || 439, 500, 527, 579, 585 | Bird, 26, 53, 65, 70, 76, 78, 103, 107, 138, 191, 225, 226, 228 (2), 252, 262, 272 | 311, 315, 316, 329, 334, 337, 338, 343, 364 | 381, 404, 416, 420, 432, 439, 441, 444, 446, 468, 479, 481, 493, 496, 507, 538, 548, 552, 557, 569, 573, 576, 581, 582, 584 | 607, 614, 636, 637, 639, 643, 650, 655, 658 (2), 676, 680, 683, 688, 696, 698, 700, 712, 715, 719, 736, 742, 744, 748 (2), 756, 771, 773, 777 ; human-headed, | 381 ||| [see also cock, eagle, goose, heron, ostrich, swan]
Bituminous clay, 216, 222 ||| Blade, || 533 | 680 Boar, || 381, 489, 513, 555 | Boat, 273 || 442 | 712 Border, beaded, 12, 22, 66 ||| 698; guilloche, 1, 4–9, 23, 42, 47, 94, 96, 146, 160, 162, 203, 205, 212, 213, 217–220, 223, 230, 232 ||| ; triple, | 334 || Boss (center of other elements), || 516, 530 | Bottle [see Flask] Boulder [see Stone] Bow, | 337 | 381, 470, 589 | 695, 705, 706, 707 (2), 708, 715, 721, 725 Bowl, || 477 | 665 Bucket, | 343 | 392, 501, 523 | 604, 647, 655, 659, 676, 682, 697, 712, 744 [see also Cone and Bucket] Bucranium, ||| 605, 659, 709, 712, 722, 733 Bull, 108, 123, 149, 184, 186, 193, 202, 248 | 298, 339, 343 (3), 361 (2) | 381, 425, 433, 436, 437, 484, 485, 492, 510 (2), 544, 572, 590 | 600, 645, 650, 655, 664, 665 (2), 681, 687 (2), 698 (2), 699, 700, 703, 708, 709, 711, 713, 714 (2), 717, 718, 726, 728, 729, 739, 748, 761, 779 ; bull’s head, 247 ||| 636, 637, 708, 711 ; human-headed, 139 || 493 | 647, 701 ; winged, 106, 208 | 333, 352 | 381, 489, 494, 536 | 607, 635, 639 (2), 647, 649 (4), 650 (2), 658, 661 (3), 662 (2), 664, 670, 672, 673, 675, 676 (2), 679 (3), 680 (2), 682 (4), 683 (2), 684, 686 (3), 688 (4), 689 (3), 690 (3), 691, 692 (2), 693 (2), 695, 697 (2), 699 (2), 701 (2), 703 (2), 705 (3), 707, 708, 710, 711 (2), 712, 715 (2), 716, 719, 721, 722 (2), 725, 727, 729 (2), 730 (2), 735, 736, 738, 739 (2), 744, 751, 752, 755 (2), 756 (2), 761, 763, 766, 769, 772, 773, 774 (2), 777 (4), 779 ; human-headed winged, || 440, 487, 489, 593 | 646 (2), 659, 664 (2), 674, 675 (2), 679, 680 (2), 681, 682, 688, 692, 693 (2), 695 (3), 696–698, 706, 707 (2), 708 (2), 709, 711, 712 (2), 713, 715, 725 (2), 726, 730, 752, 761, 762, 768, 769, 772, 773 (2), 776–778, 781 ; humped, 110 || 484 | 646, 647, 650, 676, 681, 705, 711, 713, 715, 716, 720, 721, 722, 727 (2), 729, 740, 746, 748, 752, 762 (2), 766, 772 ; forequarters, || 516, 530 | 729, 779 [see also Bull-headed winged lion] Bull-headed winged lion, || 533 | Bull-man, 81, 83, 151, 245, 253, 279, 280 || 445, 494 | 778 Caduceus, || 535 | Calf, 194 ||| 647 Camel, ||| 756 Cancer (zodiacal sign), ||| 649, 683, 701, 703, 730, 736, 738, 739, 741, 745, 751, 766, 771, 772 Cap, | 329 || 730 [see also Headdress] Capricornus (zodiacal sign), ||| 668–670, 679–82, 686, 694, 695, 697, 698, 701, 708, 715, 720, 725, 727,
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
733, 738, 739, 743, 748, 750, 755, 770, 772, 773 ; [see also Goat-fish] Caprid [both Goat and Ibex, since the distinction is usually unclear], 55, 66, 75, 89, 94, 175, 184, 192, 237, 274, 281 | 369, 381 (2), 389, 395, 470, 478, 482, 489 (2), 503, 524, 527, 537, 539, 545 (2), 562, 570, 571, 575 | 651, 660, 665, 668, 691 (2), 692, 708, 733, 746, 779 ; winged || 381 | ; head, 54 ||| Cartouche, 12, 13, 127, 240 | 285 | 467 | Centaur-archer [see Sagittarius] Centipede-like design, || 380 | Cervid [deer and similar animals], | 345, 365 | 390, 485, 512 | 655, 658 [see also Deer] Chlamys (xlamuw, “cloak”), || 535 | Circle, 13, 50, 70, 90, 164, 165, 206, 217–224, 236, 238, 244, 270 || 539 | 619, 648, 672, 680, 688, 693, 772 Club, || 509, 526 | ; club shaped object, ||| 779 Cloak [see Chlamys] Cock, 142 || 538, 569 | Collar, || 504 | Column, ||| 748 Cone and bucket, 177, 207 || 523 | 655 | Courtier, 214, 229 ||| Cow, with suckling calf, 194 ||| Cow goddess, | 286 || Cowrie shell, 136, 154 ||| Crab, 125 ||| 649, 683, 701, 703, 730, 736 (3), 738, 739, 741 (3), 745 (3), 751 (2), 766, 771, 772 Crescent, 20, 21, 36, 37, 43, 46, 57, 71, 76–80, 89, 91, 103, 106, 107, 109, 112, 118, 120, 127, 128, 131, 137, 142, 150 (2), 156, 170, 176–178, 180, 181, 184–188, 191, 193, 194, 196, 197, 200, 206, 211, 238, 249, 256, 258, 261, 273 | 288, 289, 293, 296 (2) 298 (3), 300 (2), 307, 312, 314, 315, 317 (2), 327, 335, 338, 340, 341, 343 (3), 359 | 377, 378, 382, 390–393, 395, 398, 399, 401, 410, 412, 413, 414, 416 (2), 425, 439, 444, 445, 452, 460, 465 (2), 466, 470, 479 (2), 485, 488, 489, 494, 500, 502, 507, 511, 523 (2), 544, 553, 558, 574, 590 | 596, 598, 600 (2), 606, 610, 611, 618, 619, 622, 640, 643, 645 (2), 647, 649 (2), 655, 659 (2), 661, 665, 668–670, 673, 676 (6), 679, 680, 681 (7), 682–684, 688 (2), 689, 690 (2), 694, 695 (3), 696, 697 (2), 698, 699, 701, 703, 705 (2), 706 (3), 707, 708 (8), 709 (2), 712 (5), 713, 715 (3), 716, 717, 718 (3), 720 (2), 721 (2), 722 (3), 724, 725 (4), 727 (6), 729, 730 (4), 732 (3), 733 (3), 734 (2), 735, 736 (3), 738 (4), 739 (5), 740 (3), 741 (3), 742, 744 (2), 745 (3), 746 (3), 747, 748 (2), 752, 755, 761 (2), 766 (3), 769, 770 (3), 771, 772 (3), 773 (4), 774 (2), 777, 779 Cris-cross lines, 276 || Cross, 88, 134, 149, 150, 153, 166, 196, 229, 271, 283 | 329 ||| 650, 680, 692, 782 Crown, || 446, 528, 535, 541, 587 | 757 Cuneiform inscription, 145, 146 ||| ; peripheral, 143, 144, 163, 212, 214, 216 ||| Cylinder seal end, ||| 715 Dagger, 235, 273 || 381, 411, 489 (2), 573 | 680 Date palm [see Palm tree] Deer, 202 [see also Cervid] Deity, 13, 185, 221–224, 248, 251, 256, 260, 270, 273, 274 || 471 | 646, 688, 689, 691, 693, 696 ; bearded, ||| 688, 689, 691, 693, 696 [see also Man] Diadem, ||| 767 Diamond shape, 65 ||| dingir.du¢.du¢ (d? (Mesopotamian deity [reading uncertain, see note at no. 377])), || 377–379, 391, 393, 395, 398, 410, 431, 443, 447, 449, 451, 453–456, 458, 460 | dingir.pa (dNabû/dMuati) (Babylonian god), | 333 | 414, 523 | 604
Dionysus, ||| 778 Disk, 71 ||| 748 [see also Sun disk, Winged disk] Dog, 77, 93, 242 | 298, 311 | 415, 465, 488, 497, 509, 524, 563 | 639, 640, 644, 652, 702, 705, 708, 709, 712, 730, 773 (2), 778 [see also Saluki] Dolphin, ||| 649, 662, 676, 681, 689, 696, 708, 721 Doorway, | 296 || Dove, || 583 | Drill holes, 13, 20, 81, 88, 91, 110, 128, 130, 131, 150, 153, 174, 176, 208, 221–224, 244, 248, 270 | 320, 356 || 705, 711, 771 [and others not specifically mentioned] Duck, || 527, 562, 567, 570, 571, 575, 588 | 733 Eagle, || 461, 496, 555, 575 | ; feet, || 540 | 763 Eagle-headed figure, winged, 177 ||| Eagle-man, ||| 742, 746 Earring, || 504 | Egyptian, 12, 13, 97, 117, 195, 240, 241, 269 | 285, 286 || 467 | Egyptian hieroglyphic inscription, 12, 13, 97, 117, 195, 240 || 465 | Egyptianising, 25, 97, 121, 127 (2), 164, 242 | 285, 286 | 508 | Elephant, ||| 736 Ellipse, 261 ||| En face (aspect), || 496, 501, 504, 519, 520, 522, 580, 586 | 636, 637, 680, 706, 708, 777 Eye, 170 ||| [see also Wedjat eye] Face (human), 57 || 489 | Feline, || 508 | Female [see Woman] Female head, || 504, 531, 532 | Fennel, 112 ||| Figure (human) [see Man] Finger-nail impression, 64, 114 || 392 | Finger-ring, 141 | 274 | 529 | Fish, 65, 68, 77, 85, 121, 129 (2), 131, 142, 149, 189, 190, 249, 268 | 303, 304, 346 | 496, 556, 582 | 649 (2), 655, 664, 676 (2), 680, 683, 689, 690, 693, 697, 701, 705, 707, 708, 709, 711 (2), 712, 715, 718, 719, 721–723, 736, 738, 739 (2), 741 (3), 744, 745 (3), 756, 770, 771–773 ; human-headed winged ||| 659 ; fish-tail like element, 26 ||| [see also Fish-man, Goat-fish] Fish-garbed figure, ||| 655, 748 | 748 Fish-man, 190 | 297, 358 | 376, 414, 460, 466, 496, 510 | 615, 649, 682, 705, 721, 751 Flask, | 361 | 405, 408 (2), 413, 425, 437, 438, 441, 445 | Flower, 69, 241 ||| Foliage, ||| 700 Fox, || 504 | 655, 679 (2), 680, 701, 706, 707, 711, 715, 772, 773 Garment, | 298 (2) | 504, 529, 577 | ; long robe, 336, 343, 344 | 506, 528, 573, 590 | 598, 604, 668, 711, 767, 779 Gecko, || 546 | Gemini (zodiacal sign), ||| 676, 698, 711, 736, 738–741, 744, 745, 747, 752, 768, 770 Geometric pattern, 276 ||| Goat [see Caprid]; head, 54 ||| Goat-fish, || 416 (2), 457 | 668 (3), 669, 670, 679, 680, 681 (2), 682, 686, 694, 695 (2), 697, 698, 699, 701, 708, 715, 720, 725, 727, 733 (2), 738, 739 (2), 743, 748, 750, 755 (2), 770, 772, 773 [see also Capricornus] Goose, || 439 | Grain of wheat, 241|| 584 |
index of subjects represented Greek style, 360 || 526, 527, 529, 534, 535, 545, 549, 551, 562, 570, 571, 575 | 643, 665 (2), 673–675, 679, 680, 697, 703 (2), 705, 707, 708 (2), 709, 710, 721, 730, 732, 733 (2), 736, 738, 740 (3), 741, 742 (2), 745, 746 (2), 747 (2), 748 (3), 750, 757, 764, 767 (2), 773, 778, 781 (2) Greek influence, || 534, 545, 579, 584 | Griffin (gruc) [hindquarters of a lion and forepart of a bird], || 539 | [see also mischwesen] Guilloche border [see Border] Hanan [˙nn] (personal name), 236 ||| Hare, || 552 | 597 Harpé [sword], | 343 | Harpocrates (Egyptian god), 241 ||| Hatching, | 292 ||| Hathor (Egyptian goddess), 269 ||| ; horns, 127 ||| Hawk, || 555 | Head, human, | 313, 314 (3), 316, 317, 322, 343, 349, 356 | 393, 385, 504, 541, 550, 565, 587 | 676, 677, 730, 732, 733 (2) 736, 738, 743, 744, 746, 771, 783 ; bearded, | 393, 446, 513, 550, 554, 565 | [see also Female head, Joined heads] Head-dress, 112, 187 | 298, 317, 355 | 489, 513, 524, 559 | 599, 682, 726 [see also Cap, and “Phrygian” (-like) cap] Hebron [˙brn] (geographical name), 797–98 Heh [˙˙] (Egyptian god), 164 ||| Herakles (Greek hero), || 526, 549 | 746 Hermes (Greek god), || 535 | 673, 747 Hero, | 298, 314, 317 | 503, 534 | 598, 600 (2), 646 Heron, || 381 | Hieroglyphic inscription [see Egyptian, Hittite (Luwian)] Hillock, 108 ||| Hippocamp-like figure, ||| 742 Hittite (Luwian) inscription, 14–18 ||| Horse, 225–228, 234, 252, 254 || 407, 495, 496 (2), 506, 509, 510, 514, 568, 574, 578 | 638, 640, 658, 659, 668, 673, 679, 697, 713, 727, 765 ; winged, || 507 | 649, 655, 657, 659(3), 668, 669, 675, 695, 715, 765 ; forequarters, || 516, 530 | Horseman, 254 || 506 | 679, 717 Horus (Egyptian god), 197 ||| Hoshea [hw“ ' ] (personal name), 807 Hound, ||| 647 Human figure [see Man, Woman] Human-headed bull [see Bull]; lion [see Lion] Human-headed winged quadruped with lion’s and bird’s feet, and scorpion tail, | 334 || Hyksos style, ||| 795 Ibex [see Caprid] Inscriptions [see Aramaic, Cuneiform, Egyptian, Hittite (Luwian)] Intaglio impressions, || 551, 553, 555, 557, 571, 574 | Jerusalem [ yr“lm], 820 Joined heads, || 527, 555, 562, 570, 571, 575, 579, 584, 588 | Joint of meat (in front of a lion), ||| 639, 647, 673 (2), 679, 696–699, 701, 706, 713, 718, 722, 725, 730, 740, 746, 754, 761, 766, 769 (2), 774 Kantharos, ||| 733 Karmi [krmy] (personal name), ||| 808 King, 1, 3–7, 9, 10, 13, 23, 28–30, 42, 44, 47, 48, 50, 120, 143–147, 159–163, 203–205, 212–229, 252, 264 | 285, 314 | 381 (7), 416, 470, 473, 475, 476, 479 | 779
Kilt, || 381, 523, 533, 577, 580, 591 | 706, 722, 725, 779 Leaf shape, 537, 547, 568 | 729 Leather, ||| 761 Leg, human, || 523 | ; animal, [see Joint of meat] Leggings, || 477 | Leo (zodiacal sign), ||| 694, 698, 699, 701, 703, 705, 706, 708, 709, 711, 713, 715–18, 720, 722, 725, 727, 730, 732, 733, 738–40, 746, 752, 754, 766, 769, 771, 772, 774 Libra (zodiacal sign), ||| 740, 747 Limb [see Joint of meat] Lion, 1, 3–7, 9, 10, 23, 28–30, 42, 44, 47, 48, 50, 51, 143–147, 159, 160–163, 188, 203–205, 208, 212–224, 235, 260, 266, 282 | 291, 346, 356, 361 (2), 365 | 382 (2), 405, 416, 479, 482, 483 (3), 488, 493 (2), 495, 501, 512, 525, 526, 536, 546, 548, 557, 560, 561, 563, 565, 569, 576, 582 | 598, 639, 644, 645, 647 (2), 649 (3), 653, 655, 656, 658, 659 (4), 660, 665, 667 (2), 669 (2), 672, 673 (6), 679 (3), 681 (2), 683 (2), 686, 687 (2), 688 (3), 689 (3), 691 (2), 692 (2), 693, 694 (2), 696, 698, 699 (2), 701 (3), 703, 705 (2), 706, 708 (2), 709 (2), 711, 712 (4), 713, 715–717, 718 (2), 722 (3), 725 (2), 727 (2), 730 (2), 732 (2), 733 (2), 738, 739, 740 (2), 746 (2), 748, 751, 752 (2), 753, 754, 755 (2), 756, 761 (3), 765, 768, 769 (3), 772, 774 (2) ; head, | 299 | 555, 562, 571, 588 | ; forequarters, || 498, 516, 530 | ; human-headed (sphinx), 63, 88 | 404, 542, 543, 551 | ; winged, 381, 503, 507 | 640, 649, 652 (2), 655, 712, 725, 732, 747, 763, 768, 773, 779 ; four winged, ||| 712 ; human-headed winged (winged sphinx), | 291 | 371, 479, 494, 496, 523, 524, | 635, 646, 649, 650, 652, 655, 659, 664, 678, 692, 697 (2), 699, 709, 711 (3), 712 (2), 732, 733, 735, 741, 745, 765, 766 (3), 769 (2), 771 (2), 772, 778 ; bull-headed winged, || 533| [see also Griffin, Staff ] Lion-humanoid [see Lion-man] Lion-man, ||| 659, 712 Lion’s scalp head-dress, ||| 746 Lizard, || 548 | Lmlk, ||| 797–805 Locust, ||| 697 Lotus bud/flower, 97, 104, 197, 200, 241, 269 || 711 Lozenge shape, 20, 116, 123, 152 || 416, 500 | 686, 712, 719, 722, 760, 779 Luwian inscription, [see Hittite (Luwian) inscription] Lyre, ||| 742 Magen [mgn] (personal name), ||| 816 Man/Human figure, 38 | 296, 298 (5), 300, 302 (2), 303, 304, 306 (2), 309, 316, 319, 323–329, 331, 336 (2), 344, 348, 349, 353–355, 357, 360 (2), 361, 363 | 366, 369–371, 374, 381 (2), 389–391, 395, 398, 402, 404–406, 408, 413, 417, 419, 421, 432, 434, 438, 441, 442, 445, 452, 471, 472, 474, 475, 477 (2) , 478, 479, 480, 483, 484 (2), 485, 489, 492, 494, 501, 503, 508, 509 (3), 510 (2), 519 (2), 520, 522, 527, 561, 569, 572 | 597 (2), 605, 607, 629, 631–633, 634, 637, 638 (2), 638a, 639, 644, 646 (3), 651 (2), 654, 657, 660 (2), 662, 663 (2), 664, 667, 670, 673, 675, 676 (2), 679, 680, 682 (2), 683–686, 688, 689 (3), 693–696, 697 (2), 698, 703, 705 (2), 707, 708 (2), 709 (2), 711 (2), 714, 717, 718, 722, 724 (3), 726 (2), 727 (2), 729 (2), 732, 736 (2), 738, 740 (3), 741 (2), 742, 743, 744 (3), 745 (2), 746 (2), 747–750, 752, 754, 757, 768, 770, 773 (3), 774, 779 (2) ; bearded, | 111, 112, 149, 177, 197 | 298 (5), 300, 302 (2), 312, 313, 314 (2), 317 (3), 329, 334, 343, 345, 352, 360 (2) | 374, 399, 378, 379, 386, 387, 390, 394
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
(2), 396, 398, 404, 406, 411, 413, 419, 462, 489 (2), 501, 523, 527, 533, 550, 565, 571, 577–579, 589, 590 | 679, 681, 695, 697, 698, 709, 712, 754, 760, 779 ; winged, 86, 116, 139, 190 | 296, 306, 309, 316, 319, 348, 351 | 370, 398, 400, 408, 433, 438, 483 | 689, 703, 714, 724 ; bearded and winged, | 302 | 400 | ; shaven, || 422 | ; naked (?), || 511, 529, 545 | 664, 695, 743 | ; robed, || 506, 573 | 639, 663, 675, 695, 698, 708, 714, 717, 718, 726, 727, 729 (2), 744, 773 (2) ; draped, ||| 673, 680, 686, 703, 705, 707, 709, 757, 767, 773 ; bow-legged, || 501 | with six ringlets, | 296 || ; winged animal-headed human, || 374 | ; [see also Deity, Head (human), Horseman, Warrior, Woman, Worshipper] Mantle, short [see Chlamys] Marduk (Babylonian god) [see Spade] Medallion, || 404 | Menahem [mn˙m] (personal name), ||| 809 Men-›eper-Re' [mn-¢pr-r' ], 12, 25 ||| Meshulam [m“lm] (personal name), ||| 810 Mimshat [mm“t] (geographical name), ||| 803–4 Mischwesen, 26 || 381, 539 | [see also Goat-fish, Griffin, Human-headed bull / lion / quadruped, Sphinx] Monkey (/“ape”), 81, 119 | 292 | 552, 576 | Moßah [mßh] (geographical name), ||| 819 Mountain, 50 ||| Muati, [see Nabû] Mu“¢u““u, 255 | 335 || Nabû (dingir.pa) (/dMuati) (Babylonian god), | 333 | 414, 523 | 604 Nahum [n˙m] (personal name), ||| 811 Nebu [nbw] (Egyptian hieroglyph, “gold”), 240 ||| Necho (Egyptian king), | 285 ||| Necklace, 243 (?) ||| Nesu [nsw] reed (Egyptian hieroglyph), 195 ||| Nike (Greek goddess), ||| 665, 708, 732, 738, 750 [see also Woman] Offerings, 182 ||| [see also Stand, Table] Olive, ||| 787 ; branch, ||| 787 ; spray, || 552 || Omega-like symbol, 87, 236 ||| Ostrich, 92 ||| Oval, 165 ||| Pa-in-mu [ p3-yn-mw] (Egyptian personal name), 117 ||| Palm tree, 50, 69, 192 || 470 | ; date palm, 69, 192 ||| Palmette, || 541, 585 | Parasol, 225–228, 252 ||| Parchment, ||| 761 Phoenician, [see “Temple boy”] “Phrygian” cap, | 329 | 404 | Piankhy (Egyptian king), 12 ||| Pillar, || 506 | Pisces (zodiacal sign), ||| 655, 664, 676, 680, 683, 690, 697, 701, 705, 709, 711, 712, 715, 722, 723, 736, 738, 739, 741, 744, 745, 771, 772 Piye (Egyptian king), 12 ||| Plant, 65, 67, 77, 80, 82, 103, 108, 112, 115, 120, 123, 124, 155, 156, 178, 191, 194, 207, 247, 256, 259, 271, 278, 284 | 292, 331 | 407, 485, 494, 512, 535, 572 | 630, 634, 639, 643, 647, 650, 676, 680, 681, 688, 697, 701, 702, 703, 705 (2), 707, 710, 711, 724, 725, 750, 773 ; bud, || 697 [see also barley, fennel, lotus, olive, palm tree, pomegranate, reed, wheat, shrub] Platform (podium), 151, 237 | 295, 331, 338 | 437, 460 | 489, 596, 597, 656, 728 Pleiades, 20 ||| 711
Plinth, || 392 (2), 414 | 659, 687, 702 Plough, 50 ||| Plumes, | 285 || Podium, [see Platform] Pole, || 452 | Pomegranate, 246 ||| Post, | 338 | 371 | 748 Quadruped [too uncertain to identify; see also Animal, and the most likely identifications, Bull and Lion], 22, 27, 32, 39, 46, 59, 68, 74, 78, 81, 87, 94, 110, 113, 126, 129, 130, 141, 173, 178, 186, 188, 195, 196, 198, 199, 201, 208, 242, 259, 281 | 290, 296, 311, 332, 334, 337, 345 | 374, 381 (2), 394, 422, 442, 446 (2), 478, 483 (2), 484, 486, 490, 497 (2), 499, 504, 510, 511, 515, 523, 552, 563, 566, 576, 593 | 596, 598 (4), 600, 601, 605, 607, 638, 639 (2), 644 (2), 645, 647, 648, 649 (2), 653, 654, 655, 658, 659 (2), 660 (2), 663, 664 (4), 665, 666, 667 (2), 672, 674, 676, 679, 680–682, 684, 687, 688, 690 (2), 692 (2), 695 (2), 696, 697, 699 (2), 703, 708 (2), 709 (2), 710 (2), 712, 714, 715 (2), 718 (5), 723, 724 (2), 727, 732, 734 (2), 739, 740, 741 (2), 745 (2), 748, 755 (2), 756, 757, 761–763, 765, 774 (2), 776, 779 796; human-headed |, 383 | 698, 779 ; winged, | 320 | 407, 428, 429, 436, 478, 479, 481, 483, 485, 494, 495, 504, 506, 513, 595 | 602, 603, 635, 639 (4), 650 (2), 651 (2), 655, 659, 664, 667, 673 (2), 676 (3), 681, 689 (2), 690 (2), 691, 692, 695 (2), 6908 (2), 701, 703 (3), 707, 708 (3), 710 (3), 712 (3), 713, 715 (2), 716, 717, 720, 722, 724, 725 (2), 730, 732, 733, 738(2), 742, 746, 750, 755, 772, 775, 776, 779 (3) ; human-headed winged, || 381, 382 | 635, 646, 678, 703, 730, 756 Queen, 221–224 ||| Quiver, || 589 | Ram, || 579, 584 | Rapi.. [ ypy . . ./rpy . . .] (personal name), ||| 808 Rectangle, 261 || 682, 740 Reed, 271 || 773 Renpet [rnpt] branch (Egyptian hieroglyph), 164 ||| Rhyton, || 551 | Ring, ||| 615, 733, 783 Ring-mount, 92 | 346, 360 | 526, 534, 545, 559, 568, 570, 575, 577, 584 | 682, 693, 725, 732, 733, 739 (2), 744 [see also Finger-ring] Ringlets (figure with), | 296, 300, 307, 317 || Robe [see Garment] Rosette, 58, 95, 99, 100, 104, 122, 148, 157 | 536 | Royal seal [see Assyrian Royal Seal] Sagittarius (zodiacal sign), ||| 651, 673, 680, 688, 692, 695, 697, 707, 708, 712, 715, 717, 727, 772 Saluki, 242 ||| 702 | [see also Dog] Samak/Samki [sm[ky?]] (personal name), ||| 812 Íapan [ßpn] (personal name), ||| 813 Scales (balance) [Libra], ||| 740, 747 Sceptre [was], 195 ||| Scorpion, 8, 37, 95, 96, 220–224, 230–233 ||| 725, 736, 738, 741, 745 ; tail, | 334, 540 | 674, 680, 688, 692, 697, 707, 708, 712, 715, 727, 772 [see also note at no. 230] Scorpion-man, | 343 (2), 359, 365 | 381, 404, 409, 416 (3), 441, 460, 462 (2), 475, 478, 491, 493, 496, 498, 499, 500, 507, 509, 513, 523, 524, 594 | 596, 597, 600, 603, 614, 647, 650, 651, 655, 669, 670, 673, 675 (2), 680, 681, 686, 688, 689, 705 (3), 706, 707, 709, 724, 739, 744, 754, 761, 769, 770, 773 (3), 780 Scorpius (zodiacal sign), ||| 725, 736, 738, 741, 745
index of subjects represented Sekhat-Hor (Egyptian cow goddess), | 286 || Shabako (Egyptian king), 13 ||| Shahar [“˙r] (personal name), ||| 814 Shallum [“lm] (personal name), ||| 815 Shaven figure, | 302, 314 (2) | 393, 423, 523 | Shebna [“bn"] (personal name), ||| 814 Shield, ||| 740, 748, 779, 781 (2) Sheep, 262 ||| Shrub, || 697 Socoh [“wkh] (geographical name), ||| 801–802 Spade (symbol of Marduk), 113, 151, 185 ||| 656 Spear, 254 | 314 | 404 | 650, 748, 781 Sphinx (sf¤gj) [human-headed lion], 63, 88 | 404, 542, 543, 551 | ; winged, | 291 | 371, 479, 494, 496, 523, 524 | 635, 646, 650, 652, 659, 664, 678, 697, 699, 708, 738, 748, 758 Spica, ||| 676, 681, 688, 738–740, 750 [and see Introduction, under Zodiac] Sprig, | 343 || 700, 714 [see also Plant and Spica] Square, 50, 194 ||| Staff, 188, 206, 214, 229, 249 | 344 | 471, 479, 489, 589 | 665, 671, 695, 697, 744, 764, 778 ; lion-headed, | 401 || Stag, 172, 234 | ; winged, || 591 | Stand, | 288, 293, 298 (2), 315, 335, 340, 341, 362 | 367, 368, 372, 415, 425, 466, 478, 479 (2), 585 | 653, 659, 661, 670, 760 ; offering | 334 ||| [see also Table] Star, four-pointed, 148 ||| ; five-pointed, ||| 687, 732 (2), 735 ? ; six-pointed, 118, 176, 194, 236, 259 | 307 || 668 (2), 676 (2), 681 (2) 683, 686, 708 (2) ?, 725 (3) 730, 733, 735, 736 (2), 738 (3), 739 (3), 740 (2), 741 (2), 744 (3), 745 (2), 748, 751 (2), 769, 771 (2), 772, 774 ; seven-pointed, 112 || 558 | 655, 698 (2), 708, 711 ?, 725 ?, 727, 768, 773 ; eight-pointed, 11, 27, 45, 51, 91, 132, 150, 155, 197, 200, 271, 278 | 296 || 646, 649 (3), 655, 664, 669, 673 (4), 676 (3), 679 (3), 680 (2), 681 (2), 684, 688, 689, 694, 695, 703, 705 (3), 706–709, 711, 712 (3), 713–715 (2), 716, 722, 727, 730, 732, 733 (2), 746, 754–756, 761 (2), 762 (2), 763, 766, 768 (2), 770–773 ; ten-pointed, 140 ||| 681, 725 ; eleven-pointed, 41 ||| ; twelve-pointed, 157 ||| ; thirteen-pointed, ||| ; 727 ; fifteen-pointed, 238 ||| ; nineteen-pointed, 114 ||| ; multi-pointed, 107 ||| ; 664, 689, 732 ; uncertain, 57, 91, 170 || 367 | 647, 688, 708, 712, 733, 746, 772, 773 Stone (/boulder), | 341, 364 | 392 (2), 397, 401, 452, 504 | ; supporting symbols, | 296, 300 (2), 307, 314, 315, 317 (2), 340 | 392, 397, 401, 452, 504, 577 | 598, 653 Stylus (symbol of Nabu), 151, 155 ||| Sword, [see Harpé] Sun-disk, | 285 || Symbols (of gods), 31, 44, 72, 113, 127, 151, 185, 217–219, 236, 255 | 288, 293, 295, 314, 315, 318, 321, 327, 328, 335, 338, 362 | 368, 372, 375, 377, 378, 381, 383, 390–393, 398, 399, 410, 413–415, 431, 432, 439, 441, 443, 444, 447–449, 451, 453, 454–456, 458, 459, 460, 462, 478, 489 | 596, 647, 659 (2), 733, 760 ; crescent-on-rod, 273 ||| ; omega-like, 236 ||| ; Y-shaped, 113, 217–219 ||| [see also Spade, Stylus . . .] Swan, || 439 | Sword, || 590 | Table, 284 || 585 |; offering, 118, 182 || 433, 585 | 770, 779 Tan˙um [tn˙m] (personal name), ||| 816 Tarhu (personal name), 17 |||
Taurus (zodiacal sign), ||| 646, 681, 703, 705, 711, 713, 715, 716, 720, 721, 722, 727, 740, 746, 748, 752, 762, 766, 772 Tear-drop shape, ||| 646 “Temple boy”, ||| 684 Te“ub (Hittite god), 18 ||| Te“ubas (personal name), 14–16 ||| Three-pointed device, 217–219 ||| Throne, 81, 120, 185, 221, 251, 284 || 494 | Tree, 49, 101, 253, 265 || 468 | 700 ; date palm, 69, 192 ||| ; palm, 50 || 470 | ; sacred, 50, 83, 115, 139, 158, 210, 245, 279, 280 | 349 | 374, 445 | Triangle, 127 | 352, 352 (2) | 481 | 649, 659, 668 (2), 675, 679, 692 (2), 695 (2), 696 (3), 697, 703, 705, 707–709, 712 (2), 715, 721, 739, 742, 746, 772, 773 (3), 774, 778 [and see Introduction, under Zodiac] Trident, 247 ||| Tripod, || 721 Ujat eye, [see Wedjat eye] Uraeus [í'rt], 127 ||| ; winged, 236 ||| Vase, | 343 | 499, 551 | 729, 732 Vessel, || 466 | [see also Vase] Volute, | 347 || V-shaped ribbon, ||| 683, 715, 736
[see also Vessel]
Wand, 33, 229 | 329 | 416, 480 | 697, 709, 714 Warrior, | 296, 300, 307, 312, 313 (2), 314 | 384, 591| 779 Was [w3s] scepter, 195 ||| Weapon, | 313 || 600 Wedjat [w≈3t] eye, 127, 195 ||| 586 | Wheat, grain, 241 |; ear, 244, 246 || Wheel, 239 ||| Wings, | 482 || Winged disk, 11, 34, 36, 43, 56, 60, 70, 71, 73, 80–82, 90, 98, 101, 115, 118, 125, 132, 133, 137, 139, 156, 158, 168, 169, 176, 177, 179–181, 188, 189, 200, 210, 245, 251, 253, 256 (2), 257, 279, 280 | 295, 298, 347, 349, 350, 356 | 374, 381, 405 (3), 445, 471, 497, 513 | [see also Disk] Winged bull [see Bull] Winged eagle-headed figure [see Eagle-headed figure] Winged griffin [see Griffin] Winged human figure [see Human figure] Winged lion [see Lion, winged] Winged scarab, 236 ||| Winged sphinx [see Lion, human-headed winged (winged sphinx)] Woman (female figure), || 529, 535, 568 | 639, 670, 686 | 736, 746 ; draped, ||| 669 ; head, || 531, 532, 584 | 733, 734, 747, 748, 767 (3) [see also Nike, Man] Worshipper, 8, 13, 21, 38, 44, 50, 79, 81, 92, 101, 115, 118, 158, 170, 211, 245, 248, 251, 256, 267, 270, 274, 278 | 288, 289 (2), 293–295, 296 (3), 300, 301, 306, 307, 312 (2), 313, 315 (2), 317 (5), 318–321, 335, 338, 340, 342, 343 (2), 359, 361, 362 | 368, 372, 374, 375, 377–379, 383, 384, 389, 390, 391 (2), 392 (2), 393–395, 398, 399, 403, 404, 408, 410–413, 416, 420–422, 426–428, 429–431, 437, 439, 441–445, 447–450, 460, 462–466, 469, 479–481, 489, 496, 500, 501, 504, 506, 513, 523 | 596–600, 607, 622, 646, 653 (2), 659, 665, 684, 687, 757, 760, 774, 780 (2) ; bearded, ||| 760 [see also Man] Wreath, ||| 696
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
Y-shaped device, 217–219 ||| Yapi . . . [ ypy . . ./rpy . . .] (personal name), ||| Yobanah [wbnh] (personal name), ||| 809 Zaphan [ßpn] (personal name), ||| 807 Zephaniah [ßpnyhw] (personal name), |||
Zig-zag, 199 ||| Ziph [zp] (geographical name), ||| 799–800 Ziqqurrat, 243 ||| Zodiac [see Aquarius, Cancer, Capricornus, Gemini, Leo, Pisces, Sagittarius, Scorpius, Taurus]
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
pictorial typological index
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
pictorial typological index
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
pictorial typological index
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
pictorial typological index
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
pictorial typological index
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
pictorial typological index
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
pictorial typological index
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
pictorial typological index
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
[*] ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA Late checks made on the dates of some of the tablets, principally by C. B. F. Walker, have led to the following modifications, set out here to avoid disruption of the sequence of entries in the main text, and of details in the concordances and indices. The entries are marked by [*] in the main text and listed here by catalogue number, and the correct positions in the catalogue are indicated within wavy brackets { }. In the Achaemenian period there is often difficulty in distinguishing between Darius I and II, and Artaxerxes I, II and III. A possible indication noted by C. B. F. Walker is that Darius I is usually designated King of Babylon (lugal.tin.tir, lugal.e or the like) while Darius II is designated King of Lands (lugal.kur.kur). Adjustment on this basis accounts for some of the following modifications. Uncertainty remains concerning several of the texts dated to Artaxerxes. A selection of recent bibliography, kindly supplied by C. B. F. Walker, has been added in a separate section below. The locations of these additions have not been marked in the text.
NEO-BABYLONIAN PERIOD Date to be corrected from 2/2/43 to 2/2/10, so, if Nebuchadnezzar = 595 B.C., {287 288}, if Nabonidus = 546 B.C. {310311} 297. Nabonidus 10/4/1/ probably to be corrected to 24/10/10/ = 546 B.C. {311312} 306. Nabonidus 18/9/5/ to be corrected to 18/9/15/ = 541 B.C. {318319} 329. Tablets, all bearing the same seal but dated differently: 34386 (Sp. 505)+38113 [Wunsch 9/94] [14/9/3?/Neriglissar] = 557 B.C.? {293294} 34447+41916 [-/-/-/Nabonidus (Wunsch)], 38238 [probably Nabonidus (CBFW)] = 555–539 B.C. {stet} 341–342. Deleted. 343. Probably late Achaemenian to Seleucid {590591} 358. Probably late Achaemenian or Macedonian (CBFW) {595596} 360. Date -/-/-/- possibly to be corrected to -/-/-/Ar[taxerxes] (CBFW) = (if Artaxerxes I) 464–423 B.C. {509510} 365. Date -/-/-/ to be corrected to Artaxerxes (probably II (CBFW)) -/-/18/ = 387/386 B.C. {516517} 292.
ACHAEMENIAN PERIOD 381. 382. 404. 407. 417. 435. 446.
Darius I to be corrected to Darius II, accession year = 423 B.C. {515516} Darius I 26/6/2 probably to be corrected to Darius II (lugal.kur.kur rather than lugal.tin.tir (CBFW)) 26/6/2 = 422 B.C. {515516} Darius I 27/4/10 probably to be corrected to Darius II (CBFW, see 382 above) 27/4/10 = 414 B.C. {516517} Darius I 16/12/11 probably to be corrected to Darius II (CBFW, see 382 above) 16/12/11 = 412 B.C. {516517} Darius I to be corrected to Darius II, 14/7/15 = 419 B.C. {515516} Darius I -/-/26/ to be corrected to 26/-/2?/ (H. Baker, AfO Beiheft 30 (2004), pp. 161–63, no. 80) = 520/519 B.C. {382383} Darius I 18/6/28? probably to be corrected to Darius II (lugal.kur.kur rather than lugal.tin.tir or the like (CBFW)) year 28 therefore unlikely.
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
Darius I -/-/-/ probably to be corrected (on prosopographical grounds) to -/-/5+/ = 517+ B.C., {393394} 469A. Darius 2/-/2+?/ to be corrected to 2/-/24/ = 441/440 B.C. {499500} 478. Artaxerxes I 10/-/1/ to be corrected to Artaxerxes II 10/-/1/ = 404/403 B.C. {516517} 481. Artaxerxes I 7/10/3 possibly to be corrected to Artaxerxes II 7/10/3 (CBFW) = 401 B.C. {516517} 487. Artaxerxes 20/5/5 to be corrected to Philip 20/8/8/ = 316 B.C. {606607} 489. Artaxerxes I probably to be corrected to Artaxerxes II/III = 404–358/358–337 B.C. {516517}/{521522} 491. Artaxerxes I 27/7/11/ probably to be corrected to Artaxerxes II/III = 394/348 B.C. {516517} / {522523} 469.
HELLENISTIC PERIOD 591. 597. 641. 643. 657. 674. 676. 677. 690. 753. 754. 757. 759. 779. 780.
Date -/-/-/- possibly to be corrected to Antiochus /-/-/SE35/ (CBFW: [man-t[i ?- . . .] but less than certain]) = 277/276 B.C. {659660} Deleted Alexander -/-/-/ to be corrected to -/-/6/ = 331/330 B.C. {637638} Seleucus 9/8?/7/ to be corrected to Artaxerxes, perhaps II, 9/8?/7/ = 458 B.C. {487488} Antiochus? 1/10/3 to be corrected to Antigonus 1/10/3 = 314 B.C. {608609}. Pegasus seal: same seal owner as on nos 612–616 and 622–630 Antiochus & Antiochus 13/6/x+6/ probably to be confirmed as 13/6/SE106/ (CBFW) = 206 B.C. {721722} Antiochus & Antiochus 20/3/x+9/ to be confirmed as 20/3/SE119/ (CBFW) = 193 B.C. {729730} Deleted. Antiochus -/-/SE56?/ probably to be corrected to -/-/SE33+/ (P. Coro, Prebende Templari in Età Seleucide (Padua, 2005), p. 440) = 279/278+ B.C. {656657}. Date -/-/-/ to be corrected to Antiochus -/-/SE42+ = 270+ B.C. {665666} Date -/-/-/ to be corrected to 19/9/SE55/ = 257 B.C. {689690} Date -/-/-/ to be altered to -/-/-/SE100+/ = 212/211+ B.C. {720721} Deleted Date -/12/-/- probably to be corrected to Artaxerxes, II/III -/12/-/- = 404–358/358–337 B.C. {516517}/{522523} King’s name possibly Artaxerxes III = 358–337 B.C. {522523}
LOCATIONS OF REASSIGNED CATALOGUE ENTRIES 287288 311312 318319 382383 393394 487488 499500 509510 515516 515516 515516 516517 516517
293294 516517 516517 516517 516517 516517 522523 522523 522523 522523 590591 595596 606607
310311 608609 637638 656657 659660 665666 689690 720721 721722 729730
addenda et corrigenda
SUPPLEMENTARY BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES N. Strassmaier, “Die Babylonischen Inschriften im Museum zu Liverpool nebst andern aus der Zeit von Nebukadnezzar bis Darius”, Actes du sixième Congrès International des Orientalistes tenu en 1883 à Leide, [SC ], I (Leiden, 1885), pp. (571–624, pls 1–76), specifically p. 589, pl. 139 no. 146 291. Jursa, Guides to the Mesopotamian Text Resources, 1 (Münster, 2006), pp. 14–15 306. A. C. V. M. Bongenaar, The Neo-Babylonian Ebabbar Temple at Sippar (Istanbul, 1997), pp. 60–61 [translit. and trans.] 312. C. Wunsch, in J. Marzahn and H. Neumann (eds), Assyriologica et Semitica (Fs J. Oelsner) [AOAT 252] (Münster, 2000), p. 571 [personal names] 317. J. N. Strassmaier, SC, p. 585, pl. 98–99 no. 106; Peiser, BRL 4, no. 81 329. H. D. Baker and C. Wunsch in W. W. Hallo and I. J. Winter (eds), Proceedings of the XLV e Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale [RAI 45], II, Seals and Seal Impressions (Bethesda MD, 2001), pp. 200, 211 [personal names], [= upper half, lower half (Strassmaier, SC, p. 575, pl. 28–29 no. 29) in Liverpool.] 350. Bongenaar, Ebabbar, p. 92 357. P. D. Gesche, Schulunterricht in Babylonien im ersten Jahrtausend v. Chr. [AOAT 275] (Münster, 2000), pp. 642–43 [copy, translit.] 369. S. Graziani, Annali 49 (1989), pp. 171, 193, no. 6 374. J. MacGinnis, Rocznik Orientalistyczny 51 (1998), pp. 26–27 375. Graziani, Annali 49 (1989), pp. 172, 193, no. 8 376. Graziani, Annali 49 (1989), pp. 172, 193, no. 10 377. Graziani, Annali 49 (1989), pp. 173, 193, no. 11 383. Graziani, Annali 49 (1989), pp. 173, 194, no. 13 392. Graziani, Annali 49 (1989), pp. 186–87, 198, no. 41 395. Graziani, Annali 49 (1989), pp. 174, 194, no. 16 398. Graziani, Annali 49 (1989), pp. 175, 194, no. 17 402. Graziani, Annali 49 (1989), pp. 175, 194, no. 18 410. Graziani, Annali 49 (1989), pp. 176, 194, no. 20 414. Graziani, Annali 49 (1989), pp. 176, 188, 194, 199, nos 21, 45 420. K. Abraham, Business and Politics under the Persian Empire (Bethesda, 2004), pp. 426–27 no. 121; Graziani, Annali 49 (1989), pp. 178, 195, no. 23 421. Graziani, Annali 49 (1989), pp. 170, 193, no. 2 423. Bongenaar, Ebabbar, pp. 16–17 435. H. Baker, The Archive of the Nappà¢u Family [AfO Beiheft 30] (Vienna, 2004), pp. 161–63, 402, no. 80 457. Abraham, Business and Politics, pp. 322–23 no. 66 464. M. Jursa, NABU (1998)/3, p. 73 no. 70 467. Jursa, Guides, 1, p. 129 470. Abraham, Business and Politics, pp. 344–47 no. 77 472. Graziani, Annali Supplemento 47 (1986), pp. 4–5 no. 3; Annali 49 (1989), pp. 180, 196, no. 28 481. M. W. Stolper in F. Rochberg-Halton (ed.), Language, Literature, and History [FS Reiner], (New Haven, Conn., 1987), pp. 390–91 503. Stolper, F. S. Reiner, pp. 394–95 508. Jursa, Guides, 1, p. 74 600. Stolper, Annali Supplemento 77 (1993), pp. 68–70 no. A2–1 602. Stolper, Annali Supplemento 77 (1993), pp. 70–73 no. A2–2 603–604. Jursa, Iraq 59 (1997), pp. 129 n. 14 [comment] 605. Stolper, Annali Supplemento 77 (1993), pp. 77–78 no. A2–4 609. Stolper, Annali Supplemento 77 (1993), pp. 80–82 no. A2–6 288.
catalogue of the western asiatic seals in the british museum
610. Jursa in C. Wunsch (ed.), Mining the Archives [F. S. Walker] [Babylonische Archive 1] (Dresden, 2002), pp. 122–23, no. 9 660. M. Jursa, Der Tempelzehnt in Babylonien [AOAT 254] (Münster, 1998), pp. 114–16, 127 no. 17 661. Coro, Prebende, pp. 220–22 662. Coro, Prebende, pp. 222–23 664. Coro, Prebende, pp. 385–87 667. T. Boiy, NABU (1998)/1, pp. 6–7 no. 5; Jursa, AOAT 254, pp. 114, 126 no. 16 668. Coro, Prebende, pp. 202–03 671. Coro, Prebende, pp. 199–201 672. Coro, Prebende, pp. 235–37 675. Coro, Prebende, pp. 148–49 679. Coro, Prebende, pp. 203–205 681. Coro, Prebende, pp. 188–90 685. Jursa, Guides, 1, p. 37 688. Coro, Prebende, pp. 179–80 689. Coro, Prebende, pp. 323–24 691. Coro, Prebende, pp. 149–51 695. Coro, Prebende, pp. 154–56 698. Coro, Prebende, pp. 156–58 703. Coro, Prebende, pp. 40–41, 422–24 704. Coro, Prebende, pp. 424–25 706. Coro, Prebende, pp. 273–75 707. Coro, Prebende, pp. 220–22 708. Coro, Prebende, pp. 160–63 709. Coro, Prebende, pp. 180–83 712. Coro, Prebende, pp. 186–88 715. Coro, Prebende, pp. 328–29 717. Coro, Prebende, pp. 375–76 727. Coro, Prebende, pp. 183–84 734. Jursa, Guides, 1, p. 97 739. Coro, Prebende, pp. 53–54, 442 754. Coro, Prebende, pp. 325–26 755. Coro, Prebende, pp. 279–80 766. Coro, Prebende, pp. 330 769. Coro, Prebende, pp. 151–52 770. Coro, Prebende, pp. 387–89 772. Coro, Prebende, pp. 425–26 777. Coro, Prebende, pp. 277–79 780. Jursa in Mining the Archives, pp. 124–26, no. 10 [drawings of seals]