Digital Design Fundamentals

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Digital Design Fundamentals

Second Edition Kenneth J. Breeding The Ohio State University Prentice Hall, 1992 Preface 1 Introduction to Digital S

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Pages 460 Page size 466 x 618 pts Year 2002

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Digital Design Fundamentals Second Edition

Kenneth J. Breeding The Ohio State University

Prentice Hall, 1992

Preface 1 Introduction to Digital Systems 2 Number Systems 3 Boolean and Switching Algebra 4 Gates and the Design of Switching Circuits 5 Sequential Circuits 6 Asynchronous Sequential Circuits 7 Pulse-Mode or Multiply Clocked Sequential Circuits 8 Special Topics in Switching Theory 9 Large-Scale System Design A An Introduction to IEEE Std. 91-1984

xi 1 7 41 95 137 201 265 301 353 419

Digital Design Fundamentals Second Edition

Kenneth J. Breeding The Ohio State University

Prentice Hall, 1992

Preface 1 Introduction to Digital Systems 2 Number Systems 3 Boolean and Switching Algebra 4 Gates and the Design of Switching Circuits 5 Sequential Circuits 6 Asynchronous Sequential Circuits 7 Pulse-Mode or Multiply Clocked Sequential Circuits 8 Special Topics in Switching Theory 9 Large-Scale System Design A An Introduction to IEEE Std. 91-1984

xi 1 7 41 95 137 201 265 301 353 419

Digital Design Fundamentals Second Edition

Kenneth J. Breeding The Ohio State University

Prentice Hall, 1992

Preface 1 Introduction to Digital Systems 2 Number Systems 3 Boolean and Switching Algebra 4 Gates and the Design of Switching Circuits 5 Sequential Circuits 6 Asynchronous Sequential Circuits 7 Pulse-Mode or Multiply Clocked Sequential Circuits 8 Special Topics in Switching Theory 9 Large-Scale System Design A An Introduction to IEEE Std. 91-1984

xi 1 7 41 95 137 201 265 301 353 419

Digital Design Fundamentals Second Edition

Kenneth J. Breeding The Ohio State University

Prentice Hall, 1992

Preface 1 Introduction to Digital Systems 2 Number Systems 3 Boolean and Switching Algebra 4 Gates and the Design of Switching Circuits 5 Sequential Circuits 6 Asynchronous Sequential Circuits 7 Pulse-Mode or Multiply Clocked Sequential Circuits 8 Special Topics in Switching Theory 9 Large-Scale System Design A An Introduction to IEEE Std. 91-1984

xi 1 7 41 95 137 201 265 301 353 419

Digital Design Fundamentals Second Edition

Kenneth J. Breeding The Ohio State University

Prentice Hall, 1992

Preface 1 Introduction to Digital Systems 2 Number Systems 3 Boolean and Switching Algebra 4 Gates and the Design of Switching Circuits 5 Sequential Circuits 6 Asynchronous Sequential Circuits 7 Pulse-Mode or Multiply Clocked Sequential Circuits 8 Special Topics in Switching Theory 9 Large-Scale System Design A An Introduction to IEEE Std. 91-1984

xi 1 7 41 95 137 201 265 301 353 419

Digital Design Fundamentals Second Edition

Kenneth J. Breeding The Ohio State University

Prentice Hall, 1992

Preface xi 1 Introduction to Digital Systems 1 2 Number Systems 7 3 Boolean and Switching Algebra 41 4 Gates and the Design of Switching Circuits 95 5 Sequential Circuits 137 6 Asynchronous Sequential Circuits 201 7 Pulse-Mode or Multiply Clocked Sequential Circuits 265 8 Special Topics in Switching Theory 301 9 Large-Scale System Design 353 A An Introduction to IEEE Std. 91-1984 419

Digital Design Fundamentals Second Edition

Kenneth J. Breeding The Ohio State University

Prentice Hall, 1992

Preface 1 Introduction to Digital Systems 2 Number Systems 3 Boolean and Switching Algebra 4 Gates and the Design of Switching Circuits 5 Sequential Circuits 6 Asynchronous Sequential Circuits 7 Pulse-Mode or Multiply Clocked Sequential Circuits 8 Special Topics in Switching Theory 9 Large-Scale System Design A An Introduction to IEEE Std. 91-1984

xi 1 7 41 95 137 201 265 301 353 419

Digital Design Fundamentals Second Edition

Kenneth J. Breeding The Ohio State University

Prentice Hall, 1992

Preface 1 Introduction to Digital Systems 2 Number Systems 3 Boolean and Switching Algebra 4 Gates and the Design of Switching Circuits 5 Sequential Circuits 6 Asynchronous Sequential Circuits 7 Pulse-Mode or Multiply Clocked Sequential Circuits 8 Special Topics in Switching Theory 9 Large-Scale System Design A An Introduction to IEEE Std. 91-1984

xi 1 7 41 95 137 201 265 301 353 419

Digital Design Fundamentals Second Edition

Kenneth J. Breeding The Ohio State University

Prentice Hall, 1992

Preface 1 Introduction to Digital Systems 2 Number Systems 3 Boolean and Switching Algebra 4 Gates and the Design of Switching Circuits 5 Sequential Circuits 6 Asynchronous Sequential Circuits 7 Pulse-Mode or Multiply Clocked Sequential Circuits 8 Special Topics in Switching Theory 9 Large-Scale System Design A An Introduction to IEEE Std. 91-1984

xi 1 7 41 95 137 201 265 301 353 419