Genreflecting: A Guide to Reading Interests in Genre Fiction (Fifth Edition)

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Genreflecting: A Guide to Reading Interests in Genre Fiction (Fifth Edition)

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Genreflecting Advisory Series Diana Tixier Herald, Series Editor Genreflecting: A Guide to Reading Interests in Genre Fiction, 5th edition. By Diana Tixier Herald. Teen Genreflecting. By Diana Tixier Herald. Romance Fiction: A Guide to the Genre. By Kristin Ramsdell. Fluent in Fantasy: A Guide to Reading Interests. By Diana Tixier Herald. Now Read This: A Guide to Mainstream Fiction, 19781998. By Nancy Pearl. With assistance from Martha Knappe and Chris Higashi. Hooked on Horror: A Guide to Reading Interests in Horror Fiction. By Anthony J. Fonseca and June Michele Pulliam. Junior Genreflecting: A Guide to Good Reads and Series Fiction for Children. By Bridget Dealy Volz, Cheryl Perkins Scheer, and Lynda Blackburn Welborn.

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Genreflecting A Guide to Reading Interests in Genre Fiction Fifth Edition Diana Tixier Herald

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To Rick for everything.

Copyright © 2000, 1995, 1991, 1986, 1982 Libraries Unlimited, Inc. All Rights Reserved Printed in the United States of America No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Libraries Unlimited, Inc. P.O. Box 6633 Englewood, CO 80155-6633 1-800-237-6124 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Herald, Diana Tixier. Genreflecting: a guide to reading interests in genre fiction/Diana Tixier Herald.5th ed. p. cm.(Genreflecting advisory series) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 1-56308-638-7 1. American fictionStories, plots, etc. 2. Popular literatureStories, plots, etc. 3. English fictionStories, plots, etc. 4. Fiction genresBibliography. 5. FictionBibliography. 6. Reading interests. I. Title. II. Series. PS374.P63 H47 2000 016.813009dc21 99-089778

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Contents Acknowledgments Preface to the Fifth Edition Introduction Chapter 1Historical

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Advising the Reader 2 Why This Chapter? 3 Themes and Types 3 Prehistoric Epics, Ancient Civilizations, and Precontact Native Americans 7 Asia, Africa, and the Antipodes 8 Europe 13 The Americas 17 Sagas 22 Epics 22 Topics 22 Classics of Historical Fiction 24 Bibliographies and Encyclopedias 25 Writers' Manuals 25 Publishers 25 Awards 26 Online Resources 26 D's Historical Picks Chapter 2Western

27 28

Advising the Reader

29 Themes and Types 29 Native Americans 31 Indian Captives 32 Mountain Men 33 Wagons West and Early Settlement 34 Merchants and Teamsters 35 Mines and Mining 35 Law and Lawmen 36 Bad Men and Good 37 Army in the West 38 Texas and Mexico 39 Hired Man on Horseback 39 Cattle Drives 40 Cattle Kingdoms 40 Range Wars 41 Sheepmen 41 Land Rush 41 Railroads

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Page vi Chapter 2Western (cont.) 41 Buffalo Runners 42 Unromanticized 42 Picaresque 43 Comedy and Parody 44 Coming of Age 45 Celebrity Characters 46 African-Americans in the West 47 Mormons 47 Singular Woman 49 Romance 50 Young Adult Westerns 50 The West Still Lives 52 Eccentric Variations 53 Sagas 55 Series 57 Topics 57 Classic Authors of Westerns 60 Short Stories 61 Bibliographies and Encyclopedias 62 History and Criticism 62 Organizations 62

Awards 66 Publishers 67 Online Resources 67 D's Western Picks Chapter 3Crime

69 69

History of the Genre 70 Themes and Types 70 Detective Story and Detectives 116 Suspense 122 Crime/Caper 131 Legal Thriller 134 Topics 134 Immortal Investigators 137 Biography of Fictional Detectives 138 Best-Selling Authors 139 Anthologies 141 Hard-Boiled Detectives 141 Women Detectives 142 Detectives and Science Fiction 142 Bibliographies 144 History 144 Criticism 147 Encyclopedias 147 Who's Who: Pseudonyms and Characters 148

Writers' Manuals

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Page vii 148 Magazines and Fanzines 148 Associations and Conventions 150 Book Clubs 150 Publishers 152 Online Resources 152 D's Crime Picks Chapter 4Adventure

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Themes and Types 154 Spy/Espionage 168 Technothrillers 173 Biothrillers 174 Financial Intrigue/Espionage 176 Political Intrigue and Terrorism 180 Survival 184 Male Romance 189 Military and Naval Adventure 194 Male-Action/Adventure Series 195 A Miscellany 198 Topics 198 Bibliographies 198 Bio-Bibliographies 198 History and Criticism 198

Journals and Associations 199 Writers' Guides 199 Publishers 199 D's Adventure Picks Chapter 5Romance

201 201

The Appeal of Romance 202 That Was Then 203 Libraries and Romance 203 A Readers' Advisory Caution 204 Themes and Types 204 Contemporary 216 Romantic-Suspense 219 Historical Romance 250 Fantasy and Science Fiction Romance 255 Ethnic Romance 256 Topics 256 "Best" Authors 261 Bibliographies and Biographies 262 History and Criticism 262 Writers' Manuals 263 Review Journals 264 Authors' Associations 264 Awards 265 Publishers 266

D's Romance Picks

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Chapter 6Science Fiction

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Themes and Types 270 Hard Science 273 New Wave 275 Ecology 276 Messianic/Religious 279 Dystopia/Utopia 280 Post-Apocalypse 283 Alternate and Parallel Worlds 285 Time Travel, Time Warp 289 Lost Worlds 290 Lost Colony 290 Immortality 291 Psionic Powers 294 Space Opera and Galactic Empires 299 Militaristic 301 Space Travel 302 Alien Beings 306 Computers, Automation, Artificial Intelligence 308 Cyberpunk 309 Virtual Reality 310 Robots, Androids, Cyborgs 312

Social Criticism 314 The Superman 315 Women in Science Fiction 316 Bioengineering 317 Love and Sex 319 Detectives in Science Fiction 323 Shared Worlds 323 Science Fantasy 325 Parody and Comedy 326 Topics 326 "Best" Authors and Their Best 332 Anthologies 335 Bibliographies 336 Encyclopedias 337 Dictionaries 337 History 338 Criticism 339 Writers' Manuals 339 Magazines 339 Reviews 340 Associations and Conventions 341 Awards 344 Locus Annual Best SF Novel 345 Science Fiction Book Clubs

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Page ix 345 Publishers 347 Online Resources 348 D's Science Fiction Picks Chapter 7Fantasy

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Themes and Types 350 Sword and Sorcery 359 Saga, Myth, and Legend 365 Fairy Tales 368 Humorous 371 A Bestiary 376 World of Faerie 378 Contemporary 381 Alternate and Parallel Worlds 392 Time Travel 394 Paranormal Powers 396 Graphic Novels 397 Celebrity Characters 398 Shared Worlds 406 Dungeons and Dragons and Other Role-Playing Game Worlds 406 Dark Fantasy 409 Fantasy Featuring Detection 412 Romantic Fantasy 412

Topics 412 Anthologies 415 Bibliographies and Biographies 416 Encyclopedias 416 Guides and Atlases 417 History and Criticism 417 Journals 417 Online Resources 418 Publishers 419 Organizations and Conventions 420 Awards 422 D's Fantasy Picks Chapter 8Horror

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Themes and Types 425 Classic Authors 426 The Occult and Supernatural 429 Ghosts 431 Cosmic Paranoia 433 Stephen King 433 Demonic Possession and Exorcism 434 Haunted Houses 435 Satanism, Demonology, and Black Magic 436 Witches and Warlocks 437 Monsters 438


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Page x Chapter 8Horror (cont.) 440 Animals Run Rampant, Werewolves 442 Mind Control 442 Medical Horror and Evil Science 444 Dark Fantasy 445 Apocalypse 445 Psychological Horror 446 Splatterpunk 447 Detectives and Horror 448 Comic Horror 448 Topics 448 Horror Grand Masters 449 Short Stories 453 Bibliographies 453 Encyclopedias 454 History and Criticism 455 Conventions 455 Organizations 455 Awards 455 Publishers 456 Review Journals 456 Writers' Manuals 456

Online Resources 457 D's Horror Picks Author/Title Index


Subject Index


Character Index


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Acknowledgments The late Betty Rosenberg did more than anyone else to make the reading we do for fun acceptable in libraries and to legitimize it as an area of study for librarians. I (and other readers of popular genre fiction) owe her a debt of gratitude for validating our love of purely fun reading matter and giving genre fiction the status it well deserves. I would like to thank Bonnie Kunzel, readers' advisor extraordinaire, for her assistance in finding wonderful new books to read. Thanks also go to Nathan Sundance Herald for assistance with this manuscript. Thanks to Joyce Saricks, Kristen Ramsdell, Tony Fonseca, June Michele Pulliam, and Michael Gannon for helping keep me on track and providing ideas for lots of new great stuff to read. Barbara Ittner provided invaluable insights and suggestions, as well as major hand-holding through the tough parts. The online catalogs of Rio Grande (NM) Library District, Los Angeles (CA) Public Library, Johnson County (KS) Public Library, San Antonio (TX) Public Library, and Arapahoe County (CO) Library District were essential in the preparation of this book. Acknowledgment must also be made of the vital online community of readers' advisors that meets daily on fiction_1, of Roberta Johnson for creating it in the first place, and of Natalya Fishman, who currently manages it. And last but not least, thanks to all the folks who recommend their favorite genre fiction to me wherever I go in my travels.

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Preface to the Fifth Edition Rosenberg's first law of reading: ''Never apologize for your reading tastes." Genre fiction has been important to me my entire life. I started off conventionally enough with Nancy Drew and Tom Swift, rapidly moving on to Cherry Ames and Vicki Barr and then to the works of T. H. White, Zane Grey, Andre Norton, Anya Seton, and Frank Yerby before hitting my teens. I lived my life in genre fiction and fortunately moved often, finding new and exciting treasures in every new library about the time I would exhaust the resources of the old one. My book-a-day habit required that I read from several genres, which made me an omnivorous fan. For years I thought this propensity for compulsively losing myself in other worlds and other times was a defectbut then I came across the work of Betty Rosenberg, a pivotal point in my life. Betty's Genreflecting actually validated the type of reading I had been pursuing since primary school. When Ed Evans introduced Genreflecting to me in library school, I realized I was there for a purpose: to put people together with the books they wanted to read. This guide, then, is an attempt to help bring together readers and the books that will give them pleasure. Nothing else gives a readers' advisorwhether in the library, a bookstore, or in everyday lifethe satisfaction of successfully playing cupid between a reader and a book. Genre fiction is constantly evolving and changing, even though at its core it remains the same: a story in which something noticeable happens. Trends affect what is available in stores and libraries. Genres wax and wane. The current strength of mysteries makes it hard to believe that in the 1970s some experts were worrying about that genre's incipient demise. Westerns, once a genre section found in almost every public library, seem to be disappearing, as very few new titles are being published as Westerns. The major trend in the late 1990s was genre blending, a mixing of one genre with another. For example, Westerns, which at first glance seem to be fading, are turning up in romance, fantasy, and historical fiction. Romance now plays a greater role in science fiction and in fact in almost every genre. Strains of humor and detection are found in horror and science fiction. The combination of genres is endless. Genres, once so easy to codify that Jove published a series of generic genre fiction in the 1970s, are becoming increasingly difficult to pigeonhole. Where once the biggest decision was whether a specific work belonged in romantic suspense or suspenseful romance, now one may have to contend with a book that could fit into the genres of horror, romance, crime, and fantasy as well as being humorous.

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The chapter on historical fiction (Chapter 1) is new to this volume. After debating whether to continue with the chapter on Westerns or integrate it into the historical chapter, it was decided to let it stand, at least for this edition. A few of the other changes include the addition of "Biothrillers" to "Adventure" (Chapter 4), "Literary Fantasy" to ''Fantasy" (Chapter 7), "Virtual Reality" to "Science Fiction" (Chapter 6), and several more new subgenres. Of course, many new authors and titles have been added and those no longer in print or easily available in libraries have been deleted. To find information on older titles and reference works of historical interest, readers should consult previous editions of this book. The importance of genre fiction in the lives of readers has been made more evident by the plethora of tools now available to help genre readers find the books they want. Several new guides, listed in the "Topics" section of each chapter, have been published. Libraries Unlimited has embarked on a bold new series of advisory guides that covers several different genres and fiction types. NoveList, now marketed by EBSCO, assists patrons with readers' advisory queries through the automated catalogs of libraries, and book shoppers in bookstores that have Syndetic Solutions Fiction Profiles or Muze Books kiosks find genre access there. As far as training for librarians who want to help with the patron's search for the right book at the right time, some library schools have recently added readers' advisory classes, and libraries, consortiums, library systems, and library organizations across the country are making available workshops and programs on genre fiction and readers' advisory. The Internet has made available the readers' services desks of several public libraries providing lists of book groupings and readalikes. In addition to mailing list groups and news-groups for specific genres, a mailing group called fiction_1 now exists for librarians working with fiction questions. Here readers' advisors can get help, exchange information, answer difficult questions, and assemble read-alike lists. The professional review journals have been more accepting of genre fiction in recent years. One can only hope that in the coming years these trends will continue, because as our awareness grows and new readers' advisory tools appear, we, as librarians or book-sellers, can do our jobs more effectively. In the end, the satisfied reader is our greatest reward.

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Introduction What is not found in lifesuccess, prestige, pleasureis sought in reading material. Richard Baumberger "Promoting the Reading Habit," UNESCO Reports and Papers on Mass Communication 72 (1975) "But as for me, I find escapist literature the very thing for my woes big and small, and always have done. I write it to escape, and read it for the same reason . . . Fiction tries to interpret . . . truth, and escapist fiction tries to do that, and give it the best ending it can while it's at it. That's why I love it. What's so bad about feeling good?" Edith Layton in posting to RRA-L The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition (© 1996 by Houghton Mifflin Company) defines genre as "a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, marked by a distinctive style, form, or content." The term genre fiction is commonly used to discuss works of fiction that fall into the areas of mystery, suspense, thriller, adventure, romance, Western, science fiction, fantasy, and horror. The books usually described as genre fiction are books that have content that allows them to be easily categorized as belonging to a specific genre. Settings, whether the Old West, a distant planet in a distant time, a historical period on our planet, or a place where magic happens, are easily identifiable as one criterion for some types of genre fiction. Other times it is the plotboy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy and girl come back together and live happily ever after. Death happens under unusual circumstances and a detective follows clues until the mystery is solved. Literary, mainstream, or substantial fictionall terms used to define much of the fiction that is regarded as literatureis actually a genre of its own that is not ordinarily grouped with genre fiction. A full discussion of the literary genre can be found in Nancy Pearl's Now Read This: A Guide to Mainstream Fiction, 19781998 (Libraries Unlimited, 1999). It can be said that genre fiction, which tends to be the favorite form of fiction of the common reader, is the Rodney Dangerfield of literature. These books "get no respect." While critics, scholars, and even some librarians hope to elevate the tastes of the reading public, readers continue to read what they like.

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The roots of genre fiction are in the distant past, when storytellers and bards held audiences enraptured by their tales and ballads of wondrous adventure, larger-than-life heroes and heroines, and magical beasts. While the literary quality may vary, the thrill of a strong plot, interesting dialog, and a satisfactory conclusion lead many individuals to read for pleasure. The Nature of Genre Fiction Genre fiction is constantly evolving, even though its essence remains the samea tale of heroism in which the characters surmount obstacles to triumph. The scale of the heroism can be as large as a galaxy or as small and intimate as a pair of struggling lovers, but in genre fiction a character or characters are faced with an obstacle that is overcome through some strength of character, intelligence, or physical attribute. Genre fiction is plot-driven, but can also have masterful characterization and graceful prose. In recent years genre fiction has undergone a metamorphosis that continues. Genreblending runs rampant. Genre fiction, once known for being formulaic, now stretches boundaries while trying to maintain its original appeal. Romance tales often include mysteries and murder that take place in futuristic societies. Faerie folk pop up in Westerns, while tales of horror and the occult go for the laughs. Any imaginable combination of genres has probably been attempted. This may be the most exciting era in history to be a reader of genre fiction or to be a librarian or bookseller helping readers to find suitable genre fiction. Authors of genre fiction tend to be prolific, with continuing characters playing a large role in most genres. Characters are so important that often books are referred to by the names of the characters rather than by the name of the author or the book's title. Some characters seem so real that biographies have been written about them. Two excellent resources exist for finding the order of books in the series listed in this guide. They are To Be Continued: An Annotated Guide to Sequels (Oryx Press, 1995), by Merle L. Jacob and Hope Apple, and Sequels: An Annotated Guide to Novels in Series (American Library Association, 1997), by Janet G. Husband and Jonathan F. Husband. If you need to answer questions about genre fiction that is out of print or no longer easily available, The Whole Story: 3000 Years of Sequels & Sequences (Thorpe, 1998), compiled by John E. Simkin, is a good resource. This book can also help identify authors or titles when only the character name is known. Who Is the Common Reader? In recent years librarians, enamored with the possibilities of technology and anxious to justify their budgets and services, have increasingly cast themselves in the role of information professionals. Public libraries filled with glowing computer terminals link patrons to data in their local collections and beyondto the global metadata available through the Internet. Indeed, the librarian as gatekeeper to the world of information is a position of power and importanceto governmental organizations and corporations, as well as to everyday citizens. From this lofty position it is sometimes

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difficult to consider the needs of the common reader who seeks the simple pleasure of books. As a gatekeeper, a librarian may question the value of dispensing the latest Stephen King horror novel or Catherine Coulter romance to eager patrons, or may wonder how to justify the expenditure of library funds on popular fiction. Yet it is in this capacity as a provider of genre fiction that librarians may be able to best serve their publics. Circulation figures consistently demonstrate that library users seek and use fiction collections as much or more than other parts of the library. At the North Carolina Central University Readers' Advisory Conference in 1999, it was noted that in North Carolina, two-thirds of public library circulation was fiction. It is clear that, to a large extent, our public is the common reader. But who are the common readers and what exactly do they want? Simply put, common readers are the people who read. Common readers borrow from the library, or buy or trade books. Common readers read because they enjoy reading, entering another world with more excitement than the mundane, everyday world. These people know the difference between reality and fantasy, but choose to enjoy the age-old tradition of storytelling. Common readers are of any intellectual level and work in all jobs, professions, and careers. They fall into all economic levels of society. Common readers are our public and our customers. Libraries and Genre Fiction Earlier editions of Genreflecting discussed the controversy over maintaining collections of genre fiction in libraries. Rosenberg cited many articles criticizing popular reading as well as many articles promoting the library as a community resource for popular fiction. Even now, nearly 20 years after publication of the first edition of Genreflecting, where Rosenberg introduced her first law of readingnever apologize for your reading tastesto the public, the controversy rages. The forum may have moved from library periodicals onto the Internet, but a lively exchange still ensued when a librarian asked a newsgroup for opinions regarding the purchase of a "not so good book" because a library user had made requests that it be purchased. Oh, the flames as accusations of censorship and wrong thinking were exchanged! In truth, while the American Library Association has recognized the value of a library's role as "popular reading center," some librarians continue to sniff disdainfully at genre fiction. Fortunately for the millions of library users, more librarians see their community's need for popular reading materials. While popular fiction collections are not funded in a ratio equivalent to their usage, libraries in the 1990s are making an effort to improve access to popular fiction. Several library schools have added readers' advisory classes. In 1998 the Public Library Association conference offered an entire track of workshops on popular reading topics attended by standing-room-only audiences. Because of the popularity of the topic, PLA offered an additional symposium on this topic in 1999 and is offering the track again at its 2000 conference. Many libraries throughout the United States have staff training and in-service days devoted to learning more about genre fiction and how to help library patrons with their popular reading needs. To further help patrons find genre fiction, easily identifiable genre fiction is often shelved separately in libraries. Historically, Westerns, mysteries, and science fiction have had their own sections or shelves in libraries. Some consider this unfair segregation,

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but most common readers (who know what they like and don't care about others' opinions of their reading tastes) like the chance to browse a manageable segment of the collection and find a number of books from their favorite genre all in one place. In large collections, separate shelving provides access to genre collections and also helps avoid information overload. Sharon L. Baker, who has written about information overload and fiction classification, has suggested that physically separating genre books from the general collection helps users of large collections select books without becoming overwhelmed. In addition to giving browsers a smaller and less intimidating set of books to choose from, it allows them to select from particular genres of interest. Spine labeling by genre is another widely used method to help readers in their quest for books they want to read. Some libraries shelve paperbacks separately from hardcover books. One common practice is to shelve hardcover romance fiction with general fiction and to segregate the paperbacks of the genre in another area. This gives the impression that paperback romances are not "quite as good" as their hardcover counterparts. Avid readers of a particular genre want the story and are not particular about the format. In my experience as a librarian, most readers prefer that hardcover and paperback books be shelved together by genre. Paperbacks covered with self-adhesive plastic often hold up for more than 100 circulations at Mesa County (CO) Public Library. This defeats the argument that paperbacks cannot be treated like hardcover books because they physically do not last as long. Shelving books by genre does create problems, especially in this era of genreblending. Should a science fiction romance be shelved with science fiction or with romance? Challenges in classification and organization, however, have yet to deter any selfrespecting readers' advisory librarian from trying to organize the fiction collection in a manner that helps readers find the books they want. Another improvement is access to genre fiction through the catalog. The GASFD classifications give users points of access for fiction other than merely title and author. Unfortunately, many libraries fail to catalog paperback fiction, which leaves huge segments of the collection read by common readers inaccessible except by serendipity. This presents problems, especially when an author's first several titles are paperback originals followed by hardcover releases. The reader wants early books in the series, but even when the library owns the paperbacks, they can't always be easily found, and there is no way of placing a hold or reserve on them through the public access catalog. Readers' Advisory Service Putting people together with the books they want to read is the purpose of a readers' advisory service. Knowing the literature, knowing the reader, and facilitating the meeting of the two are the key to being an effective readers' advisor. Almost 20 years ago, John Naisbitt, in his best-selling book Megatrends, wrote about the importance of becoming "high touch" in a "high tech" world. As libraries become more and more high-tech, readers' advisory is one of the best ways for librarians to maintain a personal relationship with patrons. Readers' advisory may well be the library service that keeps libraries vital in the new century as current library users

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become more sophisticated at using the electronic resources that are moving out of libraries and into homes via personal computers. A well-armed readers' advisor keeps an arsenal of resources at hand, including bibliographies and book lists in the form of bookmarks or pamphlets that many libraries provide. A helpful method, particularly for librarians who follow a reading plan, is to maintain a list of all titles read. Some librarians prefer to keep the list on index cards in a file, others use a database, and some keep a chronological list in their day planners. A short annotation and an indication of genre and type make the list extremely useful for readers' advisory service and also sharpen the librarian's writing skills. Many libraries maintain notebooks where staff reviews or annotations are on file, which gives greater access to the information. Even if one does not have the time to write annotations, however, it is very helpful to maintain at least an author/title listing of books read. Reading plans, scorned by some, are simply ways of mapping out in advance a plan to sample various genres. Several years ago in libraries with a dedication to readers' advisory services (and the staff to support it), novice readers' advisors were assigned a variety of novels to read to become conversant in the different genres. An example of such a reading plan might be to read one book from each genre, then go back through the genres again, this time reading a book by a different author in each genre. Some reading plans were very specific; for example, to read a novel by Dorothy Sayers, followed by a novel by Zane Grey, then one by Isaac Asimov, and finally one by Grace Livingston Hill. A second pass in such a specific plan might call for novels by Raymond Chandler, Max Brand, Robert Silverberg, and Danielle Steel. This ensured that the readers' advisors became familiar with a diversity of authors within each genre. For an advisor who does not read romance, it can be quite eye-opening to read a Bertrice Small novel and an Avalon romance to see the diversity within the genre. Guiding the Reader to the Next Book (Neal-Schuman, 1996), edited by Kenneth D. Shearer, features articles that not only provide a philosophical overview of readers' advisory but also includes articles on practical aspects of the art. Joyce G. Saricks and Nancy Brown have written an excellent guide, Readers' Advisory Service in the Public Library, second edition (American Library Association, 1997). It is a must-read for anyone striving to perform readers' advisory service with any degree of excellence. The authors detail ways to determine the appeal of a book so that similar books can be found. Discovering "likes" comes only from reading the books themselves, not from reading a reference book about genres. Just because two books are similar by virtue of belonging to the same genre does not mean that they have similar appeal. In her brief chapter "Advising the Reader" in Romance Fiction: A Guide to the Genre (Libraries Unlimited, 1999), Kristin Ramsdell shares some effective guidelines for advising readers in general. She notes that not all readers in need of assistance will ask for it, thus the need for passive readers' advisory. Passive readers' advisory includes shelving genre fiction separately, providing book lists and displays, and labeling spines. All these things, though not a substitute for an interview with a good readers' advisor, help readers to find books in the genres they like. Readers' advisory pages are springing up on the World Wide Web. Needle in a CyberStack lists several at

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Most are published by libraries and include book reviews, lists, and links to helpful fiction-related sites. Morton Grove Public Library maintains one of the best readers' advisory sites on the Web at Roberta Johnston, the originator of fiction_1, has posted information from her workshop, Readers' Advisory on the Internet, at But perhaps the most important skills for readers' advisors are listening skills. Simply asking patrons about a book they enjoyed in the past reveals more about what they might enjoy in the future than all the reference books and reading lists put together. Publishing Genre Fiction Genre fiction is popular fiction that publishers continue to publish because it sells. At least half of the titles on the weekly bestseller lists (hardcover and paperback) are genre titles. Prolific and popular authors appear regularlyanything they publish, regardless of its quality, will sell. In the article "The Red & the Black: Hardcover Best-sellers" by Daisy Maryles in the March 29, 1999, issue of Publishers Weekly Online, she states that the books that were best sellers for the year were "predictable," ''commercial," and had "name-brand recognition." The Publishers Weekly number one best seller was a legal thriller by John Grisham, who has held the number one spot for four years. In second place was a Tom Clancy technothriller, and in third a Stephen King horror novel. Out of the top 15 bestsellers, there were five crime novels, three romance novels (if one includes womanly fiction by Danielle Steel in romance), two horror novels, and one adventure novel. Publishers Weekly does not separate fiction from non-fiction for its mass market best seller list, but all eight titles that sold in excess of 2 million copies in 1998 were genre fiction, and of the 26 titles that sold between 1 and 2 million copies, 20 were genre fiction ("The Red & the Black: Paperback Bestsellers" by Mark Rotella, Publishers Weekly Online, March 29, 1999). Even the bestseller lists from the New York Times Book Review, a bastion of literary fiction, reflect that genre fiction is what people want to read. The May 16, 1999, Best Sellers Plus list of 35 books featured nine romance, six crime, three adventure, three science fiction, two fantasy, and two horror titles. Genre fiction is published in all formats: hardcover, paperback, audiotape, compact disc, and over the Internet. The publishing industry has seen radical changes in the last couple of years. Giant publishing houses have merged, forming even larger houses. Bantam Doubleday Dell is now part of Random, Inc. Penguin and Putnam have become Penguin Putnam. As the giants battle it out for supremacy on the best-seller lists by giving staggeringly huge contracts to the top grossing writers, they seem to be publishing less and less midlist fiction, which, of course, is necessary for the voracious appetites of readers. At the same time, new technology gives small publishers and self-published authors opportunities never before seen. It is now possible for small publishing houses to make a go of it. Even self-published titles are garnering critical approval. These small presses are becoming a good resource for finding new authors. Write Way Publishing publishes approximately 10 original genre novels a year in hardcover. These

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are primarily mystery novels, but also include science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Intrigue Press, which specializes in mysteries, publishes seven to 10 original and reprint titles a year in both hardcover and paperback. Genesis Press began in 1993 by publishing African-American romances but now also publishes Latino, Asian, and interracial romances. Russell Like formed Brunswick Galaxy Publishing to publish his science fiction book After the Blue, which he bought back from a publisher who had placed it on a backburner. It has garnered critical praise as a highly entertaining book. Reprint editions are of particular importance in genre fiction because so many titles go out of print so quickly. Readers often discover a "new" author, often of a series, and find that reprint editions are the only source for finding earlier titles. The largeprint publishers have long been a great source for genre fiction reprints in both hardcover and trade paperback. Severn House publishes hardcover reprints of several genres. New on the scene is Five Star, which publishes both reprints and originals in Western and romance. Women and Genre Fiction Women have always written and been featured in genre fiction, but the 1980s saw a tremendous surge in the popularity of the woman's role. By the end of the decade, thrillers featuring women as private investigators or amateur investigators were appearing weekly. Who by now has not heard of V. I. Warshawski or Kinsey Millhone? The 1990s saw an explosion of secondary materials dealing with women in crime fiction, such as the titles Detecting Women and By a Woman's Hand. Women also gained recognition in science fiction and fantasy and no longer had to resort to male pseudonyms or only their initials. Many readers discovered for the first time that James Tiptree, Jr., Andre Norton, Julian May, and C. J. Cherryh were all women. It became more acceptable in those genres for authors to have first names like Margaret, Sherri, or Pamela. In the new millennium, genre fiction continues to grow and evolve, which makes it more difficult to define, but also builds excitement in the reading public. In this milieu, the role of the readers' advisor has expanded and become more complex. The core of our role, however, remains the same: as readers' advisors it is important first to read and enjoy, and second to share information. Purpose and Scope of This Guide The primary purpose of this guide is to put books and readers together by helping readers' advisors in libraries, bookstores, and academic institutions find the books their readers will enjoy reading. Offering a structured overview of genres, it can also be used as a textbook for courses in genre literature and readers' advisory to discuss popular genres of fiction. Organization Each chapter covers one of the popular genres. An overview of historical, Western, crime, adventure, romance, science fiction, fantasy, and horror is followed by

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descriptions of subgenres. Bibliographies for each subgenre list authors and titles important in the genre because of popularity or influence on the genre. Following the lists of authors and titles in each chapter, a topics section provides information on resources for more in-depth information on specific facets of the genre. The information varies by chapter depending on the specific character of the genre. Generally bibliographies, critical works, and organizations pertaining to the genre are included, but each chapter, like each genre, has unique characteristics. At the end of each chapter is a section called "D's Picks," a personal recommendation by the author. Authors Included Most of the authors included are prolific. It is not uncommon for genre authors to write dozens or even hundreds of books. Some authors are actually house names used by publishers or book packagers to put all titles in a series or sequence under one author, while in other instances the author has actually written all those books. The most amazing recent trend has been for authors to continue publishing for years after death. An example is V. C. Andrews, who is still wildly prolific, publishing four books in 1999, a decade after her death. Of course, another author is writing the books published under her name. Some authors are included who have written only a few novels that have made a tremendous impact on their specific genre or who are relatively new authors who are popular or show marked promise. Titles Included Title listings are not intended to be all-inclusive, but rather exemplary of a writer's work in print near the end of the millennium or available in public library collections. Years Covered The intent of Genreflecting is to identify titles enjoyed by the common reader rather than to provide comprehensive lists of genre fiction published within a certain time frame. Therefore, no specific time range is covered. The focus is on works that are widely available in libraries. Most of the titles were published or reprinted in the 1990s. This edition of Genreflecting features many new authors and titles published since the last edition was released. Entries and Annotations Ideally every title would be annotated, but that would make this guide too large and cumbersome for readers and their advisors to take to the shelves or stacks in search of the next good read. Selected titles are annotated to illustrate the subgenre or type. Most entries list the author and titles that fit into the subgenre under which they are listed. In order to provide as much coverage as possible but still be concise, some entries (particularly in crime, where many of the entries list the author and the detective) list only the author when that author writes primarily within a specific subgenre.

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Suggestions for Use There are many different ways to access the information in Genreflecting. Readers' advisors (in libraries and in bookstores) should read through the text and familiarize themselves with the genres and subgenres as well as authors and titles within each. They can also use the book to fill patron requests for fiction read-alikes. Many readers will enjoy using this book on their own. To find specific authors and titles, users can refer to the index. When looking for books similar to a known author or title, the user can check the other listings in the specific subgenre section identified by using the index to find where the known author is listed. The table of contents and the subject index can be used to find information on the genres and subgenres. Scholarly materials and reference sources can be found by consulting the topics section of each chapter. Librarians have also used previous editions of Genreflecting to select titles for displays or for separating genre collections from large general fiction collections.

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Chapter 1 Historical

"What is history but a fable agreed upon?" Napoleon The allure of the past as it never was is fascinating enough to make even the most reticent individuals express opinions as to which other time period they would have liked to live in. Much historical fiction, and the kind preferred by those who read it as genre fiction, presents a somewhat romanticized, sanitized view of the past. Focusing on the delights of bygone eras, these books make the past seem all the more attractive when compared to the perceived horrors of today. In fact, some definitions of historical fiction require that the settings be in a time before the birth of the author. Other readers, particularly teens, consider anything that happened before they were old enough to remember it an appropriate setting for historical fiction. In this guide historical fiction is considered stories that begin prior to the middle of the twentieth century. Historical fiction offers much diversity, and not all of it will satisfy the common reader of popular fiction. Some is quite literary. Some is quite bleak. The historical fiction included in this guide concentrates on stories with strong plots in which the setting (time and place) also plays a prominent and integral role in the story rather than serving simply as a backdrop. Historical authenticity is not always the ultimate aim. Some works that fall into the genre of literary fiction are included in this chapter because they are titles that the historical genre reader may be familiar with and have an interest in. Popular historical fiction is peopled by romantic heroes and heroines who face adventure and emerge triumphant. It follows the same model of other genre fiction in that a character faces and overcomes adversity. At its best, historical fiction makes the past come to life. It spins intriguing stories around dry dates and facts and imprints them indelibly on the memory. This author managed to score 99 out of 100 on a high school history final exam solely by using the knowledge gained through reading historical fiction as a teen.

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Advising the Reader Readers of historical fiction often prefer to stay with a specific time period or geographical location. This guide is arranged more or less chronologically and geographically (by setting) to help guide readers to the books they will enjoy. As the popularity of historicals has increased, so has the number of resources related to the genre. Outstanding World Wide Web sites abound and some are listed in the "Topics" section of this chapter along with other resources for information about historical fiction. History has become a more important element in other genres; thus readers have turned to historical fiction as a genre in and of itself. It can easily be argued that Westerns, in particular the traditional Westerns that were set between 1865 and 1910, fall into the category of historical fiction, but they also make up a genre of their own. Readers who enjoy the American West as a setting may also want to consult Chapter 2. Historical settings abound in other genres, so they should be checked for the avid reader. Time travel takes readers of fantasy and science fiction into the past. Alternate history in science fiction shows a different view of how things might have been (see Chapter 6). Historical romances are included in the romance chapter (Chapter 5), historical nautical and military adventure are in the adventure chapter (Chapter 4), and the blending of mysteries and historical fiction will be found in the crime chapter (Chapter 3). In addition to consulting the following listings under geographical location, readers should see the sections in this chapter on sagas and epics. Finally, some readers of historical fiction also enjoy nonfiction books about the same events and time periods they enjoy in fiction. Why This Chapter? Previous editions of this guide did not treat historical fiction as a separate genre. However, readers who read historicals are looking for the same thrill, the same sense of the heroic that exists in other genres. Also, as stated above, historical fiction has been growing in popularity. Yes, there are literary historical fiction novels, but that isn't the focus here. This guide only touches on some of the most popular and identifiable areas of historical fiction as a genre. Because of this, some areas seem to be underrepresented. Unfortunately, the bulk of historical fiction read in the United States focuses on U.S. and British settings. It is to be hoped that more popular titles will be forthcoming that will be set in South America, Central America, eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. For most of this century the most visible historical novels were Westerns, which are treated in Chapter 2. Now that "genre blending" has become so prevalent, we see historical fiction popping up everywhere. Historical fiction is popular in romance and has established a firm following in science fiction and fantasy through time travel. Many of the titles in the adventure chapter, especially those that deal with daring on the high seas in the time of sail, are also historical fiction. And possibly the most popular kind of historical fiction, outside the romance, is historical mysteries, covered in the crime chapter (Chapter 3).

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Because the sheer number of historical fiction titles (which would fill several volumes) precludes comprehensive coverage, the titles selected for inclusion in this book are those that have been popular in libraries. Most of them are actual answers to real readers' advisory inquiries, gleaned from years of library information desk duty. Because of this, coverage is not balanced through the eras, although a smattering of different places and times can be found. This chapter is intended to provide a sampling of the historical genre that will be expanded upon in future editions. Themes and Types Historical settings are found in all genres of fiction, from romances, to historical mysteries, to medieval fantasy, to time travel science fiction. The titles in this chapter may have elements of those other genres but the focus is on the historical context. This is a rich and extensive category, and the titles listed are only the tip of the iceberg. The emphasis is on U.S. settings because they seem to be the most published in the United States, followed by British settings. Prehistoric Epics, Ancient Civilizations, and Precontact Native Americans The prehistoric epic has become very popular since the 1980 publication of Jean Auel's Clan of the Cave Bear, the first in her Earth's Children series. Readers want to know what life was like before our civilization and before there was a written record of how society lived. The dawn of humanity's tenure on this planet offers many venues for action-packed adventure and romantic encounters. The settings, drawn from archaeological and anthropological research, provide a distant and romantic arena for the action. Often, even though the settings, costumes, and tools are scientifically correct, the heroine or hero exhibits traits and follows social mores belonging more in the late twentieth century than in prehistoric times. Tales set in ancient civilizations provide a sense of lost wonders and settings that seem more exotic than those in eras with well-documented history. Allan, Margaret Spirits Walking Woman. Ancient Olmec culture. Mammoth trilogy. The first two titles deal with Maya, exiled from her southwestern peoples to acquire a stone of great power and be trained by a shaman. The third book follows the quest of a descendant of Maya's to find the Mammoth stone. The Mammoth Stone. Keeper of the Stone. The Last Mammoth.

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Auel, Jean Earth's Children series. Ayla, a contemporary-style woman born in the Upper Paleolithic, domesticates horses and discovers romance. Clan of the Cave Bear. The Mammoth Hunters. The Valley of Horses. The Plains of Passage. Bradshaw, Gillian The Beacon at Alexandria. Fourth century. Bruchac, Joseph Dawn Land. Young Hunter and his faithful dog companions set out on a quest to save his people from destruction. Long River. Young Hunter is now married. The story deals with the necessity of maintaining a balance with nature 10,000 years ago. Cockrell, Amanda Deer Dancers. Daughter of the Sky. Wind Caller's Children. The Long Walk. Conley, Robert J. Real People series. The first few books are set in precontact America. Others in the series are listed in the "Native American" section in the Western chapter (Chapter 2). The Dark Way. The Way of the Priests. Diamant, Anita The Red Tent. Biblical. Gear, W. Michael, and Kathleen O'Neal Gear The First North Americans series. Written by a couple of archaeologists, each title is a stand-alone set at a cusp that decides the future of a culture. People of the Wolf. Alaska and Northwest Canada, approximately 13,00010,000 B.C. People of the Fire. Central Rockies and Great Plains, approximately 5000 B.C. People of the Earth. Northern Plains, approximately 5000 B.C. People of the River. Mississippi Valley, approximately ninththirteenth centuries. People of the Sea. California, approximately 13,00010,000 B.C. People of the Lakes. Great Lakes area, approximately 100 A.D. People of the Lightning. Florida, approximately thirteenth century. People of the Silence. Twelfth-century Southwest. People of the Mist. Approximately fourteenth century, Chesapeake Bay area. People of the Masks. Upstate New York, eleventh century.

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Gedge, Pauline Hera series. Ancient Egypt. George, Margaret The Memoirs of Cleopatra: A Novel. Gray, Robert Steele Survivor. North American Plains, approximately 200 A.D. Harrison, Sue Aleutian trilogy. Mother Earth, Father Sky. Chagak, a young woman who has made an epic journey, comes of age at the end of the last Ice Age, approximately 9,000 years ago. My Sister the Moon. Both of Chagak's sons vie for the love of Kiin. Brother Wind. Kiin and another widow struggle for survival. -------------------------Song of the River. Alaska, seventh century B.C. Jacq, Christian Ramses series. The Son of Light. The Eternal Temple. The Battle of Kadesh. The Lady of Abu Simbel. Under the Western Acacia. Jennings, Gary Aztec. Aztec Autumn. Lambert, Joan Dahr Circles of Stone. Three strong women named Zena in three different prehistoric eras. Mackey, Mary The Year the Horses Came. Matriarchal European society in 4372 B.C. The Horses at the Gate. The Fires of Spring. McCullough, Colleen Masters of Rome series. The First Man in Rome. The Grass Crown. Fortune's Favorite. Caesar's Women. Caesar.

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Prentiss, Charlotte Children of the Ice. People of the Mesa. Children of the Sun. The Island Tribe. Approximately 10,000 B.C. Ocean Tribe. Pressfield, Steven Gates of Fire: An Epic Novel of the Battle of Thermopylae. 480 B.C. Rofheart, Martha The Alexandrian. Cleopatra. Sarabande, William The First Americans. Series about prehistoric humans crossing a land bridge to the Americas. Beyond the Sea of Ice. Torka, Umak, and Lonit embark on a quest to hunt down the mammoth that destroyed their clan. Corridor of Storms. Forbidden Land. Walkers of the Wind. Sacred Stones. Thunder in the Sky. Edge of the World. Shadow of the Watching Star. Face of the Rising Sun. Time Beyond Beginning. Shuler, Linda Lay Time Circle quartet. Thirteenth-century Southwest. She Who Remembers. An Anasazi woman becomes special after traveling with the god Kokopelli. Voice of the Eagle. Let the Drum Speak. Smith, Wilbur The River God. Ancient Egypt. The Seventh Scroll. Ancient Egypt. Tarr, Judith Ancient Egypt. Lord of the Two Lands. Throne of Isis. King and Goddess.

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Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall Realistic tales of a young Siberian woman in a hunting-gathering society about 20,000 years ago. Reindeer Moon. The Animal Wife. Waltari, Mika The Egyptian. The Etruscan. The Roman. Wolf, Joan Daughter of the Red Deer. Southern Europe, Paleolithic era. Horsemasters. Reindeer Hunters. Asia, Africa, and the Antipodes Buck, Pearl S. Imperial Woman. Peony. China, nineteenth century. Campion, Jane The Piano. Nineteenth-century New Zealand. Clavell, James Shogun. Seventeenth-century Japan. Gai-Jin. Nineteenth-century Japan. Holland, Cecelia Jerusalem. The Crusader kingdom in the twelfth-century Holy Land. Valley of the Kings. King Tutankhamen and an early twentieth-century British archaeologist. Lord, Betty Bao The Middle Heart. China during the Communist Revolution. Maalouf, Amin Leo Africanus. Fifteenth century. Malouf, David The Conversations at Curlow Creek. Nineteenth-century Australia. Remembering Babylon. Nineteenth-century Australia. Fly Away Peter. World War I Australians.

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McCullough, Colleen Ladies of Missalonghi. Early twentieth-century Australia. Shaw, Patricia The Feather and the Stone. Nineteenth-century Australia. Shute, Nevil Several titles set in Australia following World War II. Smith, Wilbur Birds of Prey. Monsoon. Europe Readers who enjoy tales of Arthur, Finn MacCool, and Robin Hood may also be interested in titles included in the ''Saga, Myth, and Legend" section of the fantasy chapter (Chapter 7). Baer, Ann Down the Common. A woman's life in medieval England. Benson, Ann The Plague Tales. The Burning Road. Fourteenth-century France and twenty-first-century America. Buckley, Fiona Elizabethan mysteries. To Shield the Queen. The Doublet Affair. Queen's Ransom. Cody, Denee The Court of Love. A romance that brings the court of Eleanor of Aquitaine vividly to life. Cornwell, Bernard The Richard Sharpe series. Set during the Peninsular War against Napoleon. Titles are listed in the adventure chapter (Chapter 4). Cowell, Stephanie The Physician of London. Seventeenth-century England. Delderfield, R.F. God Is an Englishman. Victorian England.

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Dukthas, Ann Time travel mysteries dealing with actual historical events. The Time of Murder at Mayerling. Nineteenth-century Austria. In the Time of the Poisoned Queen. Tudor England. The Prince Lost to Time. France, early nineteenth century. A Time for the Death of a King. Mary, Queen of Scots. Dunnett, Dorothy Arguably the most popular writer of historical fiction in the 1990s, Dunnett writes books filled with adventure. Francis Crawford Lyman series. Sixteenth-century Scotsman. The Game of Kings. Queen's Play. The Disorderly Knights. Pawn in Frankincense. The Ringed Castle. Checkmate. House of Niccolo series. Fifteenth-century merchant prince. Niccolo Rising. The Spring of the Ram. Race of Scorpions. Scales of Gold. The Unicorn Hunt. To Lie with Lions. Caprice and Rondo. Eco, Umberto The Name of the Rose. Fourteenth-century Italy. Emerson, Kathy Lynn Elizabethan-era mysteries. Face Down in the Marrow-Bone Pie. Face Down upon an Herbal. Face Down Among the Winchester Geese. Fitzgerald, Penelope. Blue Flower. Eighteenth-century Germany. Literary. Follett, Ken Pillars of the Earth. Twelfth-century England.

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Fowles, John The French Lieutenant's Woman. Victorian. Literary. Garwood, Haley Elizabeth Warrior Queens series. The Forgotten Queen. Twelfth-century England. Swords Across the Thames. Tenth-century England. Gordon, Noah The Physician. Eleventh century. England and Persia. Haasse, Hella S. In a Dark Wood Wandering: A Novel of the Middle Ages. Threshold of Fire: A Novel of Fifth Century Rome. Scarlet City: A Novel of 16th Century Italy. Harrison, Kathryn Poison. Seventeenth-century Spain. Literary. Holland, Cecelia Great Maria. Twelfth-century Italy. Howatch, Susan The Wheel of Fortune. Nineteenth-century Wales. Koen, Karleen Through a Glass Darkly. London and Paris in the early eighteenth century. Now Face to Face. The sequel to Through a Glass Darkly. Takes place in Colonial Virginia and London. Laker, Rosalind The Golden Tulip. Holland, seventeenth century. Banners of Silk. Napoleonic France. Circle of Pearls. Seventeenth-century England. Pargeter, Edith The Brothers of Gwynedd: Comprising, Sunrise in the West, the Dragon at Noonday, the Hounds of Sunset, Afterglow, and Nightfall. Medieval Wales. Pears, Iain An Instance of the Fingerpost. Seventeenth-century murder mystery set in England. Penman, Sharon Kay Here Be Dragons. King John of England. The Sunne in Splendour. King Richard III of England. Falls the Shadow. Simon de Montfort.

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Peters, Ellis Brother Cadfael mystery series. Twelfth-century Britain. Riley, Judith Merkle The Oracle Glass. Highly entertaining tale of fraud in seventeenth-century France. The Serpent Garden. A touch of the occult in Renaissance France. Saramago, José Baltasar and Blimunda. Portugal, 1711. Smiley, Jane The Greenlanders. Fourteenth-century Greenland. Stone, Irving The Agony and the Ecstasy. Fictionalized biography of Michelangelo. Willis, Connie The Doomsday Book. While this is science fiction time travel, the accurately depicted England of the fourteenth century is a favorite of historical fiction fans. The "Royals" Biography of royal personages has long been a popular type of publication. Many historical novels, treating history in terms of a country's rulers, have been at least partially biographies of rulers. Barnes, Margaret Campbell The Passionate Brood. The King's Bed. The Tudor Rose. Within the Hollow Crown. Brief Gaudy Hour. Anne Boleyn. King's Fool. Mary of Carisbrooke. Charles I. My Lady of Cleves. Anne of Cleves. George, Margaret Autobiography of Henry VIII: With Notes by His Fool, Will Somers: A Novel. Mary Queen of Scotland and the Isles: A Novel. Harrod-Eagles, Cynthia I, Victoria. Hill, Pamela Tsar's Woman. Catherine I of Russia.

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Holt, Victoria (Holt also wrote as Jean Plaidy and Philippa Carr.) The Queen's Confession. Marie Antoinette. Kay, Susan Legacy. Elizabeth I of England. Keyes, Frances Parkinson I, the King. Philip IV of Spain and Isabel de Borbón of Spain. Lambton, Anthony Elizabeth & Alexandra. Queen Victoria's granddaughters: Alix, married to Czar Nicholas II; Ella, married to Grand Duke Serge. Maxwell, Robin The Secret Diary of Anne Boleyn. The Queen's Bastard. Queen Elizabeth I of England. Meyerson, Evelyn Wilde Princess in Amber. Queen Victoria's daughter, Princess Beatrice. Pargeter, Edith A Bloody Field by Shrewsbury. Henry IV of England. Plaidy, Jean Plaidy also wrote novels on Isabella of Spain, Catherine of Aragon, and Mary of Scotland. Georgian saga. Queen in Waiting. The Princess of Celle. Sophia Dorothea, divorced wife of George I of England. Caroline the Queen (and others). Victorian saga. The Captive of Kensington Palace. Victoria in the Wings. The Queen and Lord M. The Queen's Husband. The Widow of Windsor. Victoria Victorious. Tannahill, Reay Fatal Majesty: A Novel of Mary, Queen of Scots.

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The Americas New frontiers and unexplored lands offer a broad canvas for fiction. Frontiers, whether Australia or the American West or other locales, focus on the clash of "civilization" and the taming of the wilderness. The lure of a place far from crowds, jobs, and schools offers instead freedom, danger, and excitement. Readers who like frontier fiction also will often like sagas because many of them deal with families or individuals who move to a new land and how they establish themselves. Many of the books in the Western chapter (Chapter 2) will also be appealing. North America to 1800 Self-reliance and the strength to survive are some of the traits of the characters in this type of book. Man against nature, hewing out a home and livelihood from the wilderness while battling great odds just for survival, is typical. Often conflict arises from "civilization" trying to take over the wilderness and end the independence of early settlers. Bristow, Gwen Deep Summer. Celia Garth. South Carolina, American Revolution. Chase-Riboud, Barbara Sally Hemmings. Sixty years in the life of Jefferson's mistress. Conde, Maryse I, Tituba, Black Witch of Salem. Massachusetts, late seventeenth century. Cornwell, Bernard Redcoat. American Revolution, Philadelphia. Coyle, Harold Savage Wilderness. French and Indian Wars. Donati, Sara Into the Wilderness. Romantic tale related to James Fenimore Cooper's Leatherstocking Tales, set in eighteenth-century upstate New York. Dawn on a Distant Shore. Fast, Howard April Morning. American Revolution. Follett, Ken A Place Called Freedom. Eighteenth-century Scottish immigrant. Giles, Janice Holt Hannah Fowler. Kentucky. The Kentuckians.

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Grey, Zane Betty Zane. Eighteenth-century Allegheny Mountains. Grimes, Roberta My Thomas: A Novel of Martha Jefferson's Life. Hodge, Jane Aiken Judas Flowering. American Revolution in the South. Jekel, Pamela Deepwater. Carolinas. Lawrence, Margaret Romantic mysteries set in Maine following the American Revolution. Hearts and Bones. Blood Red Roses. The Burning Bride. Mason, F. Van Wyck Rascals Heaven. Georgia. The Sea Venture. The Young Titan. New England and Maine. Wild Horizon. American Revolution. Meyers, Maan The Dutchman. Annotated in the crime chapter (Chapter 3). Receveur, Betty Layman Kentucky Home. Robson, Lucia St. Clair Mary's Land. Maryland, seventeenth century. Seton, Anya Devil Water. Virginia, eighteenth century. Snelling, Lauraine Red River of the North series. A Norwegian family, the Bjorklunds, sail to the New World to take up the backbreaking task of carving a farm out of the vast northern prairie. Inspirational. An Untamed Land. A New Day Rising. A Land to Call Home. Stone, Irving Those Who Love. Abigail and John Adams. The President's Lady. Rachel and Andrew Jackson.

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Thane, Elswyth Dawn's Early Light. American Revolution, Williamsburg, Virginia. Thom, James Alexander Follow the River. The harrowing tale of Mary Ingles's escape from the Shawnee and epic journey home. Vidal, Gore Burr. Carefully researched fictional memoir of Aaron Burr. Nineteenth Century Aldrich, Bess Streeter A Lantern in Her Hand. Nebraska. Barrett, Andrea The Voyage of the Narwhal. A nineteenth-century Arctic voyage. Bristow, Gwen The Handsome Road. Civil War. Calico Palace. Brown, Rita Mae Dolley: A Novel of Dolley Madison and Love and War. High Hearts. A young woman disguises herself to follow her love to war. Cather, Willa Death Comes for the Archbishop. New Mexico. My Antonia. Nebraska. Oh, Pioneers! Nebraska. Coleman, Lonnie Beulah Land. Look Away, Beulah Land. Legacy of Beulah Land. Cornwell, Bernard Nate Starbuck series. Rebel. Copperhead: A Novel of the Civil War. Battle Flag. The Bloody Ground. Coyle, Harold W. Look Away. Until the End. Civil War.

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Dallas, Sandra The Diary of Mattie Spenser. Colorado. Eberhart, Mignon Good Bayou Road. New Orleans, Civil War suspense. Family Fortune. West Virginia, Civil War suspense. Eulo, Elena Yates Southern Women. Fowler, Robert Voyage to Honor. War of 1812. Frazier, Charles Cold Mountain. Civil War, North Carolina. A literary award winner and best seller. Gear, W. Michael The Morning River. Gordon, Noah The Shaman. Romantic tale of doctoring on the frontier. Holland, Cecelia The Bear Flag. California. Pacific Street. San Francisco. Jakes, John North and South. Love and War. Heaven and Hell. Homeland. Kantor, MacKinlay Andersonville. Civil War. Literary. Mitchell, Margaret Gone with the Wind. Classic romantic tale of Scarlett O'Hara, the Civil War, and its aftermath. Morrison, Toni Beloved. Literary. Nevin, David 1812. Osborn, Karen Between Earth and Sky. Epistolary novel about two sisters who separated after the Civil War, one to stay in Virginia and the other to venture forth to New Mexico.

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Price, Eugenia The Waiting Time. Antebellum Georgia from the viewpoint of a feminist and abolitionist who inherits a plantation and a hundred slaves. Richter, Conrad Awakening Land (omnibus edition title for the following books). The Trees. The Fields. The Town. Shaara, Michael Killer Angels. Civil War. Literary. Styron, William The Confessions of Nat Turner. 1830s slave rebellion. Thoene, Brock The Legend of Storey County. The tale of a 100-year-old African-American born into slavery. Vidal, Gore Lincoln. Literary. Willis, Connie Lincoln's Dreams. See the fantasy chapter (Chapter 7). Yerby, Frank The Foxes of Harrow. The Vixens. Zollinger, Norman Chapultepec. Mexico's struggle for independence. Sagas The saga series, spanning decades or centuries, have been around for a long time but they really took off when a book packager, the late Lyle Engel of Book Creations, started marketing several series that became immensely popular. Sagas and epics are generally lengthier and offer the reader an opportunity to know the families involved and to become immersed in their lives and times. Most involve a great deal of romance as well as adventure. Fans of sagas should also consult the saga sections in the romance and Western chapters (Chapters 5 and 2, respectively).

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Anand, Valerie Bridges over Time. The Proud Villeins. Eleventh century. The Ruthless Yeoman. Women of Ashdon. The Faithful Lovers. Seventeenth century. The Cherished Wives. Eighteenth century. Belle, Pamela St. Barbe family, seventeenth-century Britain. Wintercombe. Herald of Joy. A Falling Star. Treason's Gift. Cookson, Catherine Several titles and series. The Desert Crop. Mallen trilogy. Tilly Trotter trilogy. De la Roche, Mazo The Whiteoak Saga. Published between 1927 and 1960, the tales of the Whiteoak family and Jalna, their family estate in Canada, still circulate in some libraries. Dengler, Sandy Australian Destiny series. Christian saga. Code of Honor. The Power of Pinjarra. Taste of Victory. East of the Outback. Fletcher, Inglis Carolina series. Roanoke Hundred. Bennet's Welcome. Men of Albemarle. Lusty Wind for Carolina. Cormorant's Brood. The Scotswoman. Toll of the Brave. Raleigh's Eden. The Queen's Gift.

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Harrod-Eagles, Cynthia Kirov Saga. Russia and England, nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Anne. Fleur. Emily. Jakes, John The Kent Family chronicles. Originally called the American Bicentennial series. A Lyle Engel creation. The Bastard. The Rebels. The Seekers. The Furies. The Titans. The Warriors. The Lawless. The Americans. Jordan, Robert, Writing as Reagan O'Neal Fallon series. Fallon Blood. Fallon Pride. Fallon Legacy. Lofts, Norah The adventures of the Reed family of Suffolk, England, are followed from 1496 to the twentieth century. The Town House: The Building of the House. The House at Old Vine. The House at Sunset. Long, William Stewart The Australians series. A Lyle Engel creation. The Exiles. The Settlers. The Traitors. The Explorers. The Adventures. The Colonists. The Gold Seekers. The Gallant. The Empire Builders.

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Mahfouz, Naguib The Harafish. Egypt. Cairo trilogy. Palace Walk. Palace of Desire. Sugar Street. McCullough, Colleen The Thorn Birds. McMurtry, Larry Lonesome Dove saga. Listed in chronological, not publication, order. Dead Man's Walk. Lonesome Dove. Comanche Moon. The Streets of Laredo. Park, Ruth Australian family saga. Late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Missus. The Harp in the South. 12½ Plymouth Street. Porter, Donald Clayton White Indian series, also called the Colonization of America series. Volume 28 was published in 1996. Price, Eugenia Florida trilogy. Florida history through the lives of three families. Don Juan McQueen. Maria. Margaret's Story. Georgia trilogy. Antebellum Georgia. Bright Captivity. Where Shadows Go. Beauty from Ashes. Savannah quartet. Antebellum Georgia. Savannah. To See Your Face Again. Before the Darkness Falls. Stranger in Savannah.

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Ross, Dana Fuller Wagons West series. A Lyle Engel creation. The Holts: An American Dynasty series. Seton, Anya Hearth and the Eagle. Smith, Wilbur Ballantyne Family. Africa. Flight of the Falcon. Men of Men. The Angels Weep. The Leopard Hunts in Darkness. The Courtneys. When the Lion Feeds. The Roar of Thunder. A Sparrow Falls. The Burning Shore. Power of the Sword. Rage. A Time to Die. Golden Fox. Summers, Rowena Cornish Clay series. Thane, Elswyth Beebe Williamsburg series. Dawn's Early Light. Yankee Stranger. Ever After. The Light Heart. Kissing Cousin. This Was Tomorrow. Homing.

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Epics The epic historical novel covers centuries or even millennia and is focused on a specific geographical location. These large-scale tapestries woven from written words are best typified by James Michener's works. Michener, James The Source. The Holy Land. Centennial. Colorado. Alaska. Chesapeake. Texas. Caribbean. Hawaii. The Covenant. South Africa. Texas. Mexico. Poland. Rutherfurd, Edward Sarum. Ten thousand years of history, centered on five families from the Salisbury Plain. London. The 2,000 years of the great city's history, told from the viewpoints of several families. Russka. Four families and 1,800 years shape the history of Russia. Topics Classics of Historical Fiction The following early prototypes are still available in reprint. Cooper, James Fenimore The Leatherstocking Tales. The Pioneers. The Last of the Mohicans. The Prairie. The Pathfinder. The Deerslayer. Dumas, Alexandre Three Musketeers. Includes a spy/espionage plot. The Count of Monte Cristo.

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Fast, Howard Prolific. Forester, C. S. Hornblower series. Annotated in the adventure chapter (Chapter 4). Graves, Robert I Claudius. Claudius, the God. Heyer, Georgette The Spanish Bride. An Infamous Army. Lord John. The Nonsuch. Hope, Anthony The Prisoner of Zenda (1894). Kipling, Rudyard Captains Courageous. Oldenbourg, Zoe The World Is Not Enough. The Cornerstone. Medieval France. Orczy, Baroness The Scarlet Pimpernel (1905). French Revolution. Renault, Mary The King Must Die. Theseus's Cretan adventure. The Last of the Wine. Sabatini, Rafael Scaramouche. Adventure and the French Revolution. Scott, Sir Walter Ivanhoe. Rob Roy. Sutcliff, Rosemary Many adult readers of historical fiction were hooked at an early age by the prolific Sutcliff, who wrote dozens of titles for children and young adults. Her series of books about Roman BritainThe Eagle of the Ninth, The Silver Branch, and The Lantern Bearersremains popular.

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Tranter, Nigel Tranter is the one to read for historicals set in Scotland. All have recently been reprinted. The James V trilogy. The Riven Realm. James, by the Grace of God. Rough Wooing. The Stewart trilogy. Lords of Misrule. A Folly of Princes. The Captive Crown. The Bruce trilogy. The Steps to the Empty Throne. The Path of the Hero King. The Price of the Kings Peace. Undset, Sigrid Kristin Lavransdatter. Fourteenth-century Scandinavia, a massive epic in several volumes by the 1928 Nobel Prize winner. Many different editions are currently in print. Yourcenar, Marguerite The Memoirs of Hadrian. Second-century Roman Empire, mostly in the form of letters from Hadrian to Marcus Aurelius. Originally published in 1951, it was most recently reprinted in 1995. Bibliographies and Encyclopedias Adamson, Lynda G. Literature Connections to American History. Libraries Unlimited, 1997. . Literature Connections to World History. Libraries Unlimited, 1998. . World Historical Fiction: An Annotated Guide to Novels for Adults and Young Adults. Oryx Press, 1998. Lists over 6,000 titles organized by geographic setting and time period. Extensive indexes. Succinct annotations for each title. Award winners and titles suitable for young adults are listed. Adamson, Lynda G., and A. T. Dickinson. American Historical Fiction: An Annotated Guide to Novels for Adults and Young Adults. Oryx Press, 1998. Lists 3,000 titles. Indexed by author, title, genre, subject, and geographic setting. Burt, Daniel S. What Historical Novel Do I Read Next? Gale Research, 1997. Gerhardstein, Virginia Brokaw. Dickinson's American Historical Fiction, 5th ed. Scarecrow Press, 1986. Over 3,000 historical novels covering European colonization to 1984 are annotated and classified.

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Hartman, Donald K., and Gregg Sapp. Historical Figures in Fiction. Oryx Press, 1994. Lists 4,200 novels organized by 1,500 significant historical characters. VanMeter, Vandelia L. America in Historical Fiction: A Bibliographic Guide. Libraries Unlimited, 1997. Includes 1,168 annotated entries. Subject index. Arranged by time periods: ''The Age of Exploration and the Colonization of America, 14921775"; "The American Revolution: The War and Its Causes, 17761783"; "The Age of Expansion, 17831860"; "The Civil War, 18611865"; "The Expanding Frontier, 18661899"; "Progressive Era, Twenties, and Depression, 19001939"; "World War II, 19391945"; "The Late Twentieth Century, 19451995"; "Epic Novels"; and additional titles arranged by state. It mostly covers titles that are appropriate for high school students. Vasudevan, Aruna, and Lesley Henderson, eds. Twentieth-Century Romance & Historical Writers. St. James Press, 1994. Writers' Manuals Martin, Rhona. Writing Historical Fiction. Talman, 1995. Oliver, Marina. Writing Historical Fiction: How to Create Authentic Historical Fiction and Get It Published. Trans-Atlantic, 1998. Woolley, Persia. How to Write and Sell Historical Fiction. Writer's Digest Books, 1997. Publishers All the major trade publishers publish historical fiction. Some longout-of-print historical novels are now being reprinted, most notably by Buccaneer Books, Inc., and Hodder & Stoughton. Awards Historical novels are frequently considered for and awarded literary prizes. There is one award, however, that is specifically awarded to a work of historical fiction set in the Americas for young adults or children, the Scott O'Dell award. A listing of winners can be found at the Web site: (accessed 19 January 2000).

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Online Resources Newsgroups rec.arts.books.hist-fiction (accessed 19 January 2000). Recent postings included a discussion of the 100 best historical novels, Web sites of novelists who write historical fiction, read-alikes, and queries about identifying books. Web Sites Canterbury, New Zealand Public Library. If You Like Historical Fiction Page, (accessed 19 January 2000). Evanston Library, (accessed 19 January 2000). Lists authors of historical fiction by era. Internet School Library Media Center, while primarily for children's and young adult works, also contains some information of interest to adult readers of historical fiction.Web site (accessed 19 January 2000). Los Angeles Public Library Historical Fiction, (accessed 19 January 2000). Soon's Historical Fiction Site, (accessed 19 January 2000), lists many authors, some with titles, some with links to Web sites, specific newsgroups, or other locations that have additional information. The Historical Novel Society, (accessed 19 January 2000). D's Historical Picks Cody, Denée. The Court of Love. Donati, Sara. Into the Wilderness. Richter, Conrad. Awakening Land. Shuler, Linda Lay. She Who Remembers. Willis, Connie. The Doomsday Book.

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Chapter 2 Western

"By the early 1990s, the traditional, male, shoot-'em-up hardcover western, if it wasn't quite pushing up daisies in Boot Hill, was riding into the sunset, heavily wounded." John Mort, Booklist (March 1, 1999) Westerns, for decades one of the most popular genres, are evolving and changing. While some have bemoaned the death of the genre, it is in actuality alive and well, although evolving and appearing under other names. Many publishers are now publishing what would have been called Westerns a decade ago as historical or frontier fiction. Unfortunately, even though many publishers still print classics such as those by Zane Grey or Louis L'Amour as Westerns, and the well-respected Forge imprint continues to label their Westerns as "Western," the term has been more or less expropriated by marketers of softcore porn, who publish series like Lone Star and Long Arm. Betty Rosenberg, the originator of Genreflecting, was a devout fan of Westerns, as evidenced by the detailed coverage of them in earlier editions of this guide. Betty aptly summed up their appeal in the second edition of Genreflecting: The appeal of this genre is worldwide, based in a dream of freedom in a world of unspoiled nature, a world independent of the trammels of restraining society. The hero dominates the western: competent, self-reliant, and self-sufficient, whether in conflict with nature, with man, or with himself. This most enduring of genres appeals to readers of all cultures, even those far removed geographically from the West of the United States, even those to whom its history and life modes are alien. For example, there was a Wild West in Asia in the nineteenth century. Not content with translations of U.S. westerns, the Germans (Karl May in the nineteenth century), Scandinavians, and Britons write their own. Why this universal appeal?

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The simplest reason may be that it is just a good story, strong on adventure and thrilling action, having readily defined characters, supplying a satisfying resolution of conflicts in terms of simple blacks and whites (good and evil, right and wrongthe black and white Stetson hats of hero and villain), and even supplying a minor plot of romance. Add to this the characters and setting of the West. For example, the motion picture Star Wars, which has been labeled a horse opera in space; its saloon scene is immediately recognized as the classic western movie saloon. The Japanese motion picture The Seven Samurai appealed to fans of the western (not just because of the horses) and was later adapted by Hollywood as an American western. Many of the Westerns found on library and bookstore shelves are decades old, proving the lasting affection of the public for the genre. Because newer titles are seldom published as Westerns, they tend to disappear into the general fiction stacks. Several librarians in public libraries have stated that the population that made Westerns such a beloved genre is dying off. Indeed, that is true for the authors of the traditional type. Browsing the shelves, the reader will find few contemporary authors of traditional Westerns. (An attempt has been made to provide the birth years for authors listed in the "Topics" section at the end of this chapter.) Even though the number of authors has drastically declined, and the titles published under the "Western" designation have also decreased, novels dealing with the West continue to be published. In 1998 the most popular of the living authors were Larry McMurtry, whose titles are not published as Westerns; Elmer Kelton; and Terry C. Johnston. The Western best-seller lists are dominated by "dead guys." Louis L'Amour titles account for fully 25 percent of Western best sellers on both the Barnes and Noble and best-seller lists. Trevanian, known for his bestselling thrillers still popular after many years, has turned his pen to creating a Western, which may indicate a resurgence in their popularity yet to come. One of the most active areas for publishing of new Westerns is in the young adult and juvenile categories. This may be a clever ploy on the part of Western writers. In an editorial in Roundup, Joan Lowery Nixon wrote of the resurgence of popularity in mysteries a few years after authors in that genre made a concerted effort to attract the young adult and juvenile market and suggested that the same could be done in the Western genre. Unfortunately, the adults who want to read Westerns are not readily finding them if they are shelved in the children's or YA sections of libraries and bookstores. University presses have become active in publishing Westerns, especially those set in their respective states. The evangelical publishers have found the West to be a fertile setting for their historicals, with Bethany House, Crossway, and Multnomah leading the pack. Advising the Reader Many readers of Westerns will find the elements that appeal to them in other works of historical fiction, particularly those with frontier settings. Many novels published for young adults will also appeal to those who like the traditional Westerns.

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Readers who like contemporary Westerns will find some in the crime and romance chapters of this guide (Chapters 3 and 5). Some readers who enjoy the action in Westerns will also enjoy adventure novels (see Chapter 4). Themes and Types Native Americans The history of indigenous peoples has been full of trials and tribulations. The indigenous characters in books and film have historically been portrayed in stereotypical terms, whether the derogatory Tonto model or the "noble savage." The best of the tales about Native peoples are those told with respect. Many deal with the depredations of the invading culture and the conflict between the two groups. Also included here are titles that deal with Indian captives. Some of the older titles unfortunately evidence the stereotypes found in the early days of the genre. Readers may also find many of the titles listed in the "Prehistoric Epics, Ancient Civilizations, and Precontact Native Americans" section of the historical fiction chapter (Chapter 1) of interest. Arnold, Elliott Blood Brother. Source of the motion picture Broken Arrow. Baker, Will Track of the Giant. Blakely, Mike Comanche Dawn. Born on the day the Comanche first discover horses, a young man comes of age to become a leader and warrior as his people become the great horsemen of the plains in this well-researched work. Blevins, Win Stone Song: A Novel of the Life of Crazy Horse. Capps, Benjamin The White Man's Road. Carter, Forrest Cry Geronimo. Also called Watch for Me on the Mountain. Coldsmith, Don The Spanish Bit Saga (see "Sagas" section of this chapter). Comfort, Will L. Apache.

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Conley, Robert J. Conley writes respectfully and sensitively. Nickajack. Crazy Snake. Geronimo, an American Legend. Mountain Windsong: A Novel of the Trail of Tears. The Dark Island. Real People series. Follows the history of the Cherokee. The Way of the Priests. The Dark Way. The White Path. The Way South. The Long Way Home. The War Trail North. War Woman. The Peace Chief. Cooke, John Byrne Between the Worlds. Crawford, Max Lords of the Plain. Fast, Howard The Last Frontier. Fisher, Clay Niño. Garcia y Robertson, R. American Woman. Gear, Kathleen O'Neal This Widowed Land. Huron. Glancy, Diane Pushing the Bear: A Novel of the Trail of Tears. Haseloff, Cynthia The Kiowa Verdict. Man Without Medicine. Henry, Will From Where the Sun Now Stands.

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Jackson, Helen Hunt Ramona. Jones, Douglas C. Gone the Dreams and Dancing. Johnson, Dorothy M. The Hanging Tree and Other Stories. La Farge, Oliver Laughing Boy. L'Amour, Louis Hondo. Lutz, Giles A. The Magnificent Failure. Patten, Lewis B. Bones of the Buffalo. Riefe, Barbara Mohawk Woman. Schlesier, Karl H. Josanie's War. Smith, C. W. Buffalo Nickel. Stratham, Frances Patton Trail of Tears. Thom, James Alexander Panther in the Sky. Fictionalized account of Chief Tecumseh. Vernam, Glenn R. Indian Hater. Waldo, Anna Lee Sacajawea. Welch, James Fools Crow. Indian Captives Popular since colonial times, these tales about individuals captured by Indians who are often adopted into the tribes and about those who search for them have a great appeal. Berger, Thomas Little Big Man.

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Blake, Michael Dances with Wolves. Capps, Benjamin A Woman of the People. Eidson, Tom The Last Ride. Haseloff, Cynthia Satanta's Woman. The Chains of Sarai Stone. Horsley, Kate Crazy Woman. Johnson, Dorothy M. Indian Country. Source of the motion picture A Man Called Horse. Johnston, Terry C. Cry of the Hawk. Ride the Moon Down. Jones, Douglas C. Season of Yellow Leaf. LeMay, Alan The Unforgiven. Source of the motion picture by the same name. Richter, Conrad The Light in the Forest. Riefe, Barbara The Woman Who Fell from the Sky. Desperate Crossing. Robson, Lucia St. Clair Ride the Wind: The Story of Cynthia Ann Parker and the Last Days of the Comanches. Mountain Men The earliest non-native group to invade the West were the mountain men and trappers, who often took on Indian ways and married Indian women. Blevins, Win The Misadventures of Silk and Shakespeare. Charbonneau.

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Fergusson, Harvey Wolf Song. Fisher, Vardis Mountain Man. Source for the motion picture Jeremiah Johnson. Guthrie, A. B. The Big Sky. The Way West. These Thousand Hills. Hotchkiss, Bill The Medicine Calf: A Novel. Mountain man adopted by Indians. Johnston, Terry C. Carry the Wind. Titus Bass. Border Lords. One-Eyed Dream. Dance on the Wind. Buffalo Palace. Crack in the Sky. Ride the Moon Down. Johnstone, William W. Battle of the Mountain Men. Sherman, Jory The Medicine Horn. Wagons West and Early Settlement The westward journey, fraught with perils and hazards, placed ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances that tested their grit. The long and arduous journey from the East was often undertaken by family groups, who faced disease, disaster, and disaffection. Haycox, Ernest The Earthbreakers. The Adventurers. Hough, Emerson The Covered Wagon. Jones, Douglas C. Roman Hasford. Originally published as Roman.

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Kelton, Elmer Bitter Trail. Ledbetter, Suzanne Redemption Trail. Lee, Wendi The Overland Trail. Mead, Robert Douglas Heartland. Quarles, Johnny Spirit Trail. Reynolds, Clay Franklin's Crossing. Riefe, Barbara Against All Odds: The Lucy Scott Mitchum Story. Taylor, Robert Lewis The Travels of Jaimie McPheeters. Pulitzer Prize winner; a long, picaresque adventure. Thompson, David Northwest Passage. Wheeler, Richard S. Flint's Gift. A newspaperman in an Arizona frontier town. Merchants and Teamsters For the West to be opened up, goods and supplies had to be brought in. Haycox, Ernest Canyon Passage. Mule-train freight line in the Pacific Northwest. Kelton, Elmer Bitter Trail. Reese, John Sure Shot Shapiro. A Jewish traveling salesman in California's Mojave Desert. Wheeler, Richard S. Sierra: A Novel of the California Gold Rush.

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Mines and Mining The lure of gold and silver brought many unlikely individuals together and brought out the best and the worst in them. The legends of lost mines and mother lodes drew many individuals to seek their fortunes. Broomall, Robert W. California Kingdoms. Henry, Will MacKenna's Gold. L'Amour, Louis The Empty Land. Myers, John Myers Dead Warrior. Nye, Nelson The White Chip. Shirreffs, Gordon D. The Manhunter. Hell's Forty Acres. Thoene, Brock, and Bodie Thoene Riders of the Silver Rim. Trevanian Incident at Twenty Mile. Wheeler, Richard S. Fool's Coach. Three people try to escape the Gold Rush and the road agents, who try to waylay anyone who leaves Virginia City, Montana. Law and Lawmen The frontier was a haven for the lawless, so tales of those who oppose them, trying to impose order on the chaos, take on a greater significance. Bennett, Dwight Legend in the Dust. Clark, Walter Van Tilburg The Ox-Bow Incident. Cook, Will Shotgun Marshal. Sometimes to be found under the pseudonym Wade Everett.

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Hackenberry, Charles Friends. Hall, Oakley Warlock. Recently reprinted by the University of Nevada Press. Hart, Matthew S. Cody's Law series. Haycox, Ernest Trail Town. Jones, Douglas C. A Spider for Loco Shoat. Leonard, Elmore Valdez Is Coming. Mexican town constable. Paine, Lauran Cache Cañon. Patten, Lewis B. Death of a Gunfighter. Portis, Charles True Grit. Basis of the movie with the same name. Bad Men and Good The color of the Stetson does not tell it all. Bad men may have a hidden core of goodness, while those on the side of the law may be evil through and through. Brand, Max Destry Rides Again. Not like the classic motion picture that took the title. Carter, Forrest Josey Wales: Two Westerns. Omnibus edition of Gone to Texas. Source of the motion picture The Outlaw Josey Wales. Vengeance Trail of Josey Wales. Doctorow, E. L. Welcome to Hard Times. Eidson, Tom St. Agnes' Stand. Estleman, Loren D. Bloody Season. Tombstone, Arizona, and the OK Corral. Gun Man.

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Grey, Zane Lone Star Ranger. Hall, Oakley The Coming of the Kid. Warlock. Haycox, Ernest ''Stage to Lordsburg." The classic short-story Western, source for the classic motion picture Stagecoach. Can be found in Haycox's By Rope and Lead. Matheson, Richard Journal of the Gun Years. Rhodes, Eugene Manlove Pasó por Aquí. Schaefer, Jack Shane. Still a Western best seller in 1998. Svee, Gary D. Sanctuary. Swarthout, Glendon The Shootist. Trevanian Incident at Twenty Mile. Army in the West The Indian wars and the presence of ex-soldiers in the aftermath of the Civil War brought an often lawless military presence to the West. Ames, John Edward The Unwritten Order. Blake, Michael Marching to Valhalla. Brown, Dee Action at Beecher Island. Burks, Brian Soldier Boy. Even though this was published as a young adult novel, it is turning up in the Western sections of bookstores.

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Camp, Will Santa Fe Run. Englade, Ken The Tribes. Haycox, Ernest Border Trumpet. Bugles in the Afternoon. Oliver, Chad Broken Eagle. Olsen, Theodore V. Arrow in the Sun. Short, Luke Ambush. Texas and Mexico The border country and the American settlement of Mexican lands provide an arena for heroics. Brown, Sam The Long Season. Camp, Will Blood of Texas. Kelton, Elmer After the Bugles. Lea, Tom The Brave Bulls. The Wonderful Country. LeMay, Alan The Unforgiven. Long, Jeff Empire of Bones. Sanders, Leonard Star of Empire. Worcester, Don Gone to Texas.

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Hired Man on Horseback Cowboys are the quintessential understated Western heroes, but if they spent their real lives like the cowboys in fiction, ranching could never have survived. Adams, Andy The Log of a Cowboy. Borland, Hal The Seventh Winter. Brown, Sam The Big Lonely. Devil's Rim. Decker, William To Be a Man. Kelton, Elmer The Good Old Boys. The Smiling Country. The Man Who Rode Midnight. Mulford, Clarence E. Hopalong Cassidy. Schaefer, Jack Monte Walsh. Wister, Owen The Virginian. Cattle Drives Driving cattle to a railhead provides the opportunity for adventures involving problems caused by both nature (stampedes, lightning, floods) and humans (rustlers, outlaws, Indians). Adams, Andy The Log of a Cowboy. The classic cattle-drive story, first published in 1903. Capps, Benjamin The Trail to Ogallala. Flynn, Robert North to Yesterday.

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Grey, Zane Trail Driver. Wilderness Trek. An Australian cattle drive. Kelton, Elmer The Far Canyon. McMurtry, Larry Lonesome Dove. Pulitzer Prize winner in 1986 and still a Western best seller in 1999. Cattle Kingdoms Although railroad barons dominated the country in the West, individuals tried to build their own fiefdoms based on huge ranges full of cattle. Fergusson, Harvey Grant of Kingdom. Guthrie, A. B. These Thousand Hills. Richter, Conrad The Sea of Grass. Range Wars The battle for free range and to keep the West unfenced provides a scenario rife with possibilities. Blakely, Mike Shortgrass Song. Too Long at the Dance. A cowboy troubadour from Texas experiences the range wars and land grabs of the West. Clarke, Richard The Homesteaders. Grey, Zane To the Last Man. Henry, Will Free Grass. Hoffman, Lee West of Cheyenne. Johnstone, William W. Battle of the Mountain Men.

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Vories, Eugene The Man from Colorado. Saddle a Whirlwind. Sheepmen Cattlemen were not the only ones who moved West looking for wide-open land, leading to bitter conflicts between those who raised sheep and those who raised cattle. Doig, Ivan Dancing at the Rascal Fair. Grey, Zane To the Last Man. Land Rush The lure of free land brought the homesteaders west in droves. Blakely, Mike Shortgrass Song. Too Long at the Dance. Ferber, Edna Cimarron. Also a classic motion picture. Railroads Ribbons of steel opened up the West to new waves of settlers and opportunists. Grey, Zane U. P. Trail. Haycox, Ernest Trouble Shooter. Spearman, Frank Whispering Smith. Buffalo Runners In just a few years abundant herds of millions of buffalo were decimated almost to the point of extinction.

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Estleman, Loren D. The Hider. Grove, Fred The Buffalo Runners. Buffalo Spring. Kelton, Elmer Slaughter. Spur Award winner. Far Canyon. Jeff Layne and Crow Feather try to turn to ranching in this sequel to Slaughter. Buffalo Wagons. Unromanticized These Westerns reveal the ugly underbelly of the West, with the patina of a glamorized frontier rubbed away to give a grim, uncompromising view of the area and times. Askew, Rilla The Mercy Seat. Dexter, Pete Deadwood. Estleman, Loren D. Journey of the Dead. Jones, Robert F. Deadville. Matthews, Greg Heart of the Country. McCarthy, Cormac Blood Meridian. Swarthout, Glendon The Homesman. Picaresque In this type of story a roguish protagonist, clever and often amoral, is depicted in an episodic series of incidents. Frequently these stories are humorous and satirical. Berger, Thomas Little Big Man. The Return of Little Big Man.

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Combs, Harry Brules. Gritty tale of mountain man, Indian fighter, and outlaw Cat Brules, by an octogenarian first novelist. Culp, John H. The Bright Feathers. O'Rourke, Frank The Swift Runner. Shrake, Edwin Blessed McGill. Taylor, Robert Lewis The Travels of Jaimie McPheeters. Pulitzer Prize winner. Comedy and Parody Those who have read extensively in the genre and recognize the unique conventions and traditional devices will derive the most enjoyment from and find the most humor in the following titles. Bickham, Jack The Apple Dumpling Gang. Brand, Max The Gentle Desperado. Evans, Max The Rounders. Gulick, Bill The Hallelujah Train. Matthews, Greg Sassafras. McNab, Tom The Fast Men. Myers, John Myers Dead Warrior. O'Rourke, Frank The Bride Stealer. Pronzini, Bill The Last Days of Horse-Shy Halloran.

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Purdum, Herbert R. A Hero for Henry. Reese, John Horses, Honor and Women. Ross, Ann B. The Pilgrimage. Coming of Age Traditionally in this genre, coming of age could be described as boy into man, but now protagonists of both genders are experiencing the trials and travails of the journey from childhood to adult on a harsh frontier. Blakely, Mike Comanche Dawn. Blevins, Win The Misadventures of Silk and Shakespeare. Conley, Robert J. The Dark Island. Squani, half Indian, half Spanish, confronts his identity. Estleman, Loren D. Sudden Country. Kelton, Elmer Pumpkin Rollers. L'Amour, Louis Chancy. Down the Long Hills. Laxalt, Robert Dust Devils. Matthews, Greg The Further Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. McMurtry, Larry Horseman Pass By. Source of the motion picture Hud. Reilly, Shauna Freedom in My Soul. Schaefer, Jack Shane. Still a Western best seller in 1998.

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Celebrity Characters The names of legendary western personages continue to evoke the spirit of the Wild West. Brown, Dee Wave High the Banner. Davy Crockett. Burns, Walter Noble The Saga of Billy the Kid. The Robin Hood of El Dorado. Joaquin Murieta. Tombstone. Wyatt Earp. Camp, Deborah Belle Star: A Novel of the Old West. Cooke, John Bryne South of the Border. Butch Cassidy and Charlie Siringo; 1919 movie set. Eickhoff, Randy Lee, and Leonard C. Lewis Bowie. The legend of Big Jim Bowie. Estleman, Loren D. Aces and Eights. Wild Bill Hickock. Billy Gashade. A 16-year-old fleeing the New York draft riots of 1863 becomes a piano player in the West and meets the famous and infamous, including George Armstrong Custer, Billy the Kid, Wild Bill Hickock, Oscar Wilde, and others, over the next several decades. This Old Bill. Buffalo Bill Cody. Garfield, Brian Manifest Destiny. Teddy Roosevelt in the Badlands. Irving, Clifford Tom Mix and Pancho Villa. Kesey, Ken, and Ken Babbs Last Go Round: A Dime Western. John Muir makes an appearance. McMurtry, Larry Anything for Billy. Billy the Kid. Buffalo Girls. Calamity Jane. Swarthout, Glendon The Old Colts. Bat Masterson and Wyatt Earp, now old, get together in 1916. Zollinger, Norman Meridian: A Novel of Kit Carson's West.

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African-Americans in the West Even though cowboys are most often portrayed as white, in truth there were many who were Hispanic and black. AfricanAmerican soldiers were seen frequently enough that Native Americans created a name for them, "buffalo soldiers." Holloway House ( is a small press that publishes African-American titles, including Westerns. Burchardt, Bill Black Marshal. Evans, Max Faraway Blue. Fackler, Elizabeth Breaking Even. African-American sisters in the Southwest. Garfield, Brian Tripwire. Goodman, Charles R. Buffalo Soldier. Henry, Will One More River to Cross. Hotchkiss, Bill The Medicine Calf: A Novel. Black mountain man adopted by Indians. Jones, Robert F. Deadville. Keaton, Rina Revenge of June Daley. Kelton, Elmer The Wolf and the Buffalo. Kluge, P. F. Season for War. African-American soldiers go from fighting the Apache in Arizona to the Philippines to fight in the Spanish-American War. Myers, Walter Dean The Righteous Revenge of Artemis Bonner. This humorous, picaresque novel is enjoyed by adults even though it was written for young teens. Poston, Jeffrey A Man Called Trouble.

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Proctor, George W. Walks Without a Soul. Nate Wagoner hunts the Comanches who killed his baby and kidnapped the rest of his family. Willard, Tom Buffalo Soldiers. Former slave Augustus Sharps rises through the Army ranks in the West following the Civil War. This is the first book in the Black Sabre Chronicles, a series about a family of African-American military men. Mormons All well-defined groups who headed west became subjects of Westerns. The large group of controversial families traveling with Brigham Young, the extremes of polygamy some practiced, and the activities of the notorious Danites make this group a favorite element in Westerns. Often they are portrayed in a very unflattering light. Card, Orson Scott A Woman of Destiny. Also published as Saints. Grey, Zane Riders of the Purple Sage. Johnston, Terry C. Cry of the Hawk. Wells, Marian The Wedding Dress. Wormser, Richard Battalion of Saints. The Mormon Battalion marching to the war with Mexico. Singular Woman In early Westerns women played lesser roles than horses. Fortunately this has changed in recent years, with strong, independent women playing prominent roles. Alter, Judy Mattie. Libbie. Jessie. Banis, V. J. San Antone.

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Bonner, Cindy Lily. Looking After Lily. The Passion of Dellie O'Barr. Carroll, Lenore One Hundred Girl's Mother. A female missionary works with Chinese women in San Francisco. Charbonneau, Eileen Rachel Lemoyne. Cooke, John Bryne The Snowblind Moon. Downing, Sybil Fire in the Hole. The Ludlow Massacre. Eidson, Tom All God's Children. A blind Quaker widow faces down a lynch mob. Fackler, Elizabeth Breaking Even. African-American sisters in the Southwest. Badlands. Texas Lily. Grey, Zane Woman of the Frontier. Published previously in a cut version as 30,000 on the Hoof. Kirkpatrick, Jane A Sweetness to the Soul. Lehrer, Kate Out of Eden. Levy, JoAnn Daughter of Joy: A Novel of Gold Rush California. A young Chinese woman in Gold Rush California. Olsen, Theodore V. Arrow in the Sun. Portis, Charles True Grit. Basis for the movie of the same name. Richter, Conrad Tacey Cromwell.

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Smiley, Jane The All-True Travels and Adventures of Lidie Newton: A Novel. Stratham, Frances Patton Trail of Tears. Features a Cherokee schoolteacher. Webster, Jan Muckle Annie. Whitson, Stephanie Grace Walks the Fire. Christian emphasis. Williams, Jeanne Home Mountain. Williamson, Penelope Heart of the West. Romance Wide-open landscapes, towering mountain ranges, and vivid sunsets make the West a natural setting for romantic fiction. The strong individuals who settled the area also make for engaging romantic leads. The western setting and heroes have become extremely popular in romance; the sheer abundance of cowboys in romance publishing making it appear that all American men are cowboys (or at least the good-looking, romantic ones). Readers who like Western romances should also check the romance chapter (Chapter 5). Aldrich, Bess Streeter Spring Came on Forever. Bittner, Rosanne She has more than 50 titles, published as romance. Dailey, Janet Calder series. Durham, Marilyn The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing. Grey, Zane The Light of Western Stars. Kelton, Elmer Smiling Country. Lane, Elizabeth Apache Fire.

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Oke, Janette Her Christian tales of the prairie are sometimes read as Westerns. Williams, Jeanne The Valiant Women. Young Adult Westerns The following Westerns may have been written for teens, but adults enjoy them, too. Burks, Brian Soldier Boy. Hardeman, Ric Sunshine Rider: The First Vegetarian Western. Karr, Kathleen Oh, Those Harper Girls!: Or Young and Dangerous. Myers, Walter Dean The Righteous Revenge of Artemis Bonner. Patrick, Denise Lewis The Adventures of Midnight Son. The Longest Ride. Stone, Gerald Eugene Nathan Rockhand Lizzie. The West Still Lives The qualities that make Western heroes popular are still inherent in the children of the West today. The following list demonstrates some of the cultural diversity of the region and the changes that have occurred in the twentieth century. Abbey, Edward The Brave Cowboy. Fire on the Mountain. The Monkey Wrench Gang. Hayduke Lives! Alexie, Sherman The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven. Reservation Blues. Native American.

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Anaya, Rudolfo Alburquerque. Bless Me, Ultima. Hispanic. Bradford, Richard Red Sky at Morning. So Far from Heaven. Doig, Ivan Ride with Me, Mariah Montana. Dorris, Michael A Yellow Raft in Blue Water. Native American. Evans, Max Bluefeather Fellini. Bluefeather Fellini in the Sacred Realm. The Hi-Lo Country. Flynn, Robert Wanderer Springs. Freeman, Judith Chinchilla Farm. Set for Life. A Desert of Pure Meaning. Hillerman, Tony Many mystery titles featuring Jim Chee and Joe Leaphorn. Native American. Hyson, Dick T. The Calling. Native American. King, Thomas Medicine River. Green Grass, Running Water. Native American. Kingsolver, Barbara Animal Dreams. Bean Trees. Pigs in Heaven. McCarthy, Cormac The Border trilogy. All the Pretty Horses. The Crossing. Cities of the Plain.

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McMurtry, Larry The Last Picture Show. Texasville. Owens, Louis The Sharpest Sight. Bone Game. Nightland. Dark River. Parks, Mary Anderson The Circle Leads Home. Native American. Power, Susan The Grass Dancer. Native American. Salisbury, Ralph The Last Rattlesnake Throw. Two-Rivers, E. Donald Survivor's Medicine. Wheeler, Richard S. The Buffalo Commons. Eccentric Variations While the traditional Western seems to be on the wane, the Western setting is finding its way into horror and fantasy as well as mystery and romance. Foster, Alan Dean Cyber Way. A futuristic, Hillerman-type mystery. Hays, Clark, and Kathleen McFall The Cowboy and the Vampire: A Very Unusual Romance. A contemporary Wyoming cowboy must fight for the woman he loves, who just may be the next queen of the vampires. L'Amour, Louis The Haunted Mesa. A breach in the universe opens parallel worlds. Murphy, Pat Nadya. A young female werewolf goes west. Snyder, Midori The Flight of Michael McBride. Pursued by evil denizens of Faerie, a railroad baron's son heads west to the end of the tracks.

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Sagas Bittner, Roseanne Savage Destiny series. Seven volumes filled with romance take Abbie from a young woman in 1845 to a time when her grandson engages in a forbidden affair with a rancher's daughter. Through the Civil War, the coming of the railroads, and conflicts with homesteaders, Abbie loves Lone Eagle. Coldsmith, Don Tall Grass. An epic tale of Kansas that starts in the sixteenth century and continues in South Wind. The Spanish Bit Saga. Published in hardcover and reprinted in paperback. Trail of the Spanish Bit. Buffalo Medicine. The Elk-Dog Heritage. Follow the Wind. Man of the Shadows. Daughter of the Eagle. Moon of Thunder. The Sacred Hills. Pale Star. River of Swans. Return to the River. The Medicine Knife. The Flower in the Mountains. Trail from Taos. Song of the Rock. Fort De Chastaigne. Quest for the White Bull. Return of the Spanish. Bride of the Morning Star. Walks in the Sun. Thunderstick. Track of the Bear. Child of the Dead. Bearer of the Pipe. Medicine Hat. Cooke, John Byrne The Snowblind Moon.

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Dennis, Adair, and Janet Rosenstock The Story of Canada. Doig, Ivan Dancing at the Rascal Fair. English Creek. Ride with Me, Mariah Montana. James, Leigh Franklin Saga of the Southwest series. A Lyle Engel creation. Johnstone, William W. Eagles series. Follows the MacCallister family. Eyes of Eagles. Dreams of Eagles. Talons of Eagles. Scream of Eagles. L'Amour, Louis Sackett Family series. Seventeen novels; several titles continue to be best-selling Westerns. L'Amour also wrote a guide to the series titled The Sackett Companion: The Facts Behind the Fiction (Bantam, 1988). McCord, John S. The Baynes Clan. McMurtry, Larry Lonesome Dove saga. Listed in chronological, not publication, order. Dead Man's Walk. Lonesome Dove. Comanche Moon. The fourth book to be published in the series, but the third chronologically, this was the undisputed number one best-selling Western of 1998. The Streets of Laredo. Ross, Dana Fuller Wagons West series. A Lyle Engel creation. The Holts: An American Dynasty series. Sherman, Jory Baron Family of Texas series. The Barons of Texas. Grass Kingdom. The Baron Range.

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Snelling, Lauraine Red River of the North series. Christian. Stegner, Wallace Angle of Repose. Thoene, Brock, and Bodie Thoene Saga of the Sierras. Christian. The Man from Shadow Ridge. Riders of the Silver Rim. Gold Rush Prodigal. Sequoia Scout. Cannons of the Comstock. The Year of the Grizzly. Shooting Star. Flames on the Barbary Coast. Zollinger, Norman New Mexico. Corey Lane. Rage in Chupadera. Not of War Only. Series One of the curiosities about Western series is that two very divergent styles appear together in them. Many of the inspirational, evangelical, or Christian Westerns appear as series, as do the ''adult" Westerns featuring explicit violence and sex. Bly, Stephen Stuart Brannon series. Christian emphasis. Cameron, Lou Stringer series. Features Stringer MacKail, journalist. Combs, Harry Brules. Picaresque, gritty tale of mountain man, Indian fighter, and outlaw Cat Brules, by an octogenarian first novelist. The Scout. Sequel to the best-selling Brules. A third title, The Legend of the Painted Horse, although about Steven Cartwright (who appeared in the first two novels), is not a Western. Dawson, Clay Long Rider series. Twenty-seven titles; adult.

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Edson, J. T. Floating Outfit series. Fifty-five titles. Ellis, Wesley Lone Star series. Has 150 titles; adult. Estleman, Loren D. Page Murdock series. "A lawless lawman, taming the frontier territory by territory for the federal court of Harlan A. Blackthorne." (accessed 10 November 1999). City of Widows. Murdock's Law. Stamping Ground. The High Rocks. The Stranglers. Evans, Tabor Longarm series. Has 246 adult titles. Fackler, Elizabeth Seth Strummer series. Blood Kin. Backtrail. Road from Betrayal. Hart, Matthew S. Cody's Law series. Lacy, Al Several Christian series: Fort Bridger series. Angel of Mercy series. Journey of the Stranger series. Battles of Destiny series. Lacy, Al, and Joanna Lacy Two Christian series: Mail Order Brides series. Hannah of Fort Bridger series. Logan, Jake Slocum series. Adult.

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Nelson, Lee Storm Testament series. Christian emphasis. Pike, Charles R. Jubal Cade series. Rivers West series. Ongoing series by different authors. The Yellowstone, by Win Blevins. The Smoky Hill, by Don Coldsmith. The Colorado, by Gary McCarthy. Powder River, by Win Blevins. The Russian, by Gary McCarthy. The Columbia, by Jory Sherman. The American River, by Gary McCarthy. The Snake River, by Win Blevins. The Two Medicine River, by Richard S. Wheeler. The Gila River, by Gary McCarthy. The Humboldt River, by Gary McCarthy. The Pecos River, by Frederic Bean. The South Platte, by Jory Sherman. The Red River, by Frederic Bean. The Cimarron River, by Gary McCarthy. The High Missouri, by Win Blevins. The Brazos, by Jory Sherman (1999). Sharpe, Jon Trailsman series. Adult. Canyon O'Grady series. Adult. Shirreffs, Gordon D. Dave Hunter, treasure seeker. Walker, Jim Wells Fargo series. Christian. Topics Classic Authors of Westerns Most of the classic authors remain in print, largely in paperback. The following authors have endured, either with one or a few titles, or, as with Brand and Grey, with all their titles.

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Adams, Andy (18591935). His The Long of a Cowboy (1903) is the classic and authentic story of a trail drive from the Mexican border to Montana. Brand, Max (19921944). Pseudonym of Frederick Faust. Used 13 (or more) pseudonyms and wrote 215 Westerns, publishing the first in 1919. His three top sellers (over two million copies) are Destry Rides Again, Fightin' Fool, and Singing Guns. Twenty-seven of his novels were made into motion pictures. A great many of his titles are currently in paperback, with all of the pseudonyms now appearing as Max Brand. Burnett, W. R. (18991982). A writer of 60 filmed screenplays. Some of his crime novels remain in print but some of his Westerns remain in libraries. Burroughs, Edgar Rice (18751950). Better known for his Tarzan series and science fiction adventures. Two of his Westerns were reprinted in the Gregg Press Western Fiction series: The War Chief and Apache Devil (both serialized in 1927 and 1928 before publication in book form). Capps, Benjamin (1922 ). Several of his books remain in print. Fergusson, Harvey (18901971). The native New Mexican was considered a true chronicler of the Spanish Southwest. Fisher, Vardis (18951968). Fisher is the subject of Tiger on the Road: The Life of Vardis Fisher, a biography by Tim Woodward. Garfield, Brian (1939). Also known for his adventure novels. Grey, Zane (18721939). From 1903 to his death in 1939 he wrote 89 books, including nonfiction. Westerns have been issued since 1939 "from the estate of Zane Grey" by Harpers, but the earlier titles are the classic ones. He appeared on the best-seller list in 1915 with The Lone Star Ranger and again each year from 1917 to 1924. Over 40 novels became motion pictures. Gulick, Bill (1916 ). Some consider his sense of humor to be his most important contribution to western fiction. Guthrie, A. B. (1901 ). Big Sky is one of the top-selling Westerns of all time. Harte, Bret (18361902). Immortalized the miners, gamblers, and good-hearted fancy ladies of the West of the 1860s in "The Luck of Roaring Camp" and "The Outcasts of Poker Flat." Haycox, Ernest (18991950). Haycox is important as a touchstone in the criticism of the Western: his writings, in style and characterization, set standards for the genre that have influenced others writing in the genre. Henry, Will (1912 ). Also published as Clay Fisher. Hough, Emerson (18571923). The Covered Wagon set a pattern for the Oregon Trail Western. Johnson, Dorothy M. (19051984). Several of her stories were turned into films including A Man Called Horse and The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.

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Kelton, Elmer (1926 ). The Day the Cowboys Quit and The Time It Never Rained were named by the Western Writers of America as two of the "best Western novels of all time." Knibbs, H. H. (18741934). The Ridin' Kid from Powder River (1919) is a classic boy-into-man Western. L'Amour, Louis (19081988). When he died, sales of his 101 books, almost all Westerns, were nearing the 200 million mark. Forty-five of his novels were made into movies or television shows. In 1998 he had more than twice as many titles on lists of top 50 best-selling Westerns as any other author. "The Homer of the oaters."Time. LeMay, Alan (18991964). LeMay was popular in his time, but his racist depictions of Indians are now passé. Mulford, Clarence E. (18831956). Hopalong Cassidy (1910) became immortal in a long-running series on the Bar-20 Ranch, appearing in novels, in motion pictures, and on television. Olsen, Theodore V. His Arrow in the Sun was made into the movie Soldier Blue. Raine, William MacLeod (18711954). He wrote about 85 Westerns, his first published in 1908, and they are still being reprinted in large print. Rhodes, Eugene Manlove (18691934) "The Hired Man on Horseback" whose romantic Western heroes, frequently at odds with the law, were, as his first book affirmed, Good Men and True (1910). Most remember him for Pasó por Aquí (1926), with its tag line "We are all decent people." His typical humor is evoked by the compiler W. H. Hutchinson in The Rhodes Reader: Stories of Virgins, Villains and Varmints (University of Oklahoma Press, 1957). Schaefer, Jack (1907 ). Shane is one of the top-selling Westerns and became a classic motion picture. Short, Luke (19081975). In some 57 novels, he covered most of the themes in the genre. Twain, Mark (18351910). Twain brought welcome humor to the Western scene in "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" (1867) and Roughing It (1872). White, Stewart Edward (18731946). A prolific writer on the Western scene, White is chiefly remembered for Arizona Nights (1904), stories of the range, and a trilogy (19131915) gathered as The Story of California. Wister, Owen (18601938). The Virginian, on the best-seller list in 1902 and 1903 and never out of print, set the pattern for the popular cowboy Western, with a hero, a heroine (the schoolmarm), rustlers, a shoot-out at sundown, and other incidents. It gave the genre its classic line: "When you call me that, smile!"

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Short Stories Since 1953 the Western Writers of America has edited an annual anthology, each volume on a theme of the Western story. All stories are by members, and each volume is a good introduction to the writers in the genre. A few of the anthology titles reveal the use of themes: Badman and Good, The Fall Roundup, Holsters and Heroes, Branded West, The Wild Horse Roundup, Wild Streets, Trails of Adventure, Rawhide Men, They Opened the West, Iron Men and Silver Stars, Hoof Trails and Wagon Tracks, Rivers to Cross. Brown, Bill. Reading the West: An Anthology of Dime Westerns. Bedford Books, 1997. Gorman, Ed, ed. The Fatal Frontier. Carroll & Graf, 1997. Western stories by crime writers. Gorman, Ed, and Martin H. Greenberg, eds. The Best of the American West: Outstanding Frontier Fiction. Berkley, 1998. Greenberg, Martin H., ed. Great Stories of the American West. Jove, 1996. . Great Stories of the American West II. Berkley, 1997. Jakes, John, and Martin H. Greenberg, eds. New Trails: Twenty-Three Original Stories of the West from Western Writers of America. Bantam, 1994. Kittredge, William, ed. The Portable Western Reader. Penguin USA, 1997. Knight, Damon, ed. Westerns of the 40s: Classics from the Great Pulps. Bobbs-Merrill, 1977. Lenniger, August, ed. Western Writers of America: Silver Anniversary Anthology. Ace, 1977. Muller, Marcia, and Bill Pronzini, eds. She Won the West: An Anthology of Western and Frontier Stories by Women. Morrow, 1985. Fourteen stories by authors such as B. M. Bower, Gertrude Atherton, Willa Cather, Mary Austin, Eleanor Gates, Dorothy M. Johnson, Mari Sandoz, Ann Ahlswede, Carla Kelly, and Jeanne Williams. Piekarski, Vicki, ed. Westward the Women: An Anthology of Western Stories by Women. Doubleday, 1984. Pronzini, Bill, and Martin H. Greenberg, eds. Best of the West: Stories That Inspired Classic Western Films. New American Library, 1986. . Christmas out West. Doubleday, 1990. . The Western Hall of Fame: An Anthology of Classic Western Stories Selected by the Western Writers of America. Morrow, 1984. The 17 stories do warrant the "Hall of Fame" label. Includes Haycox's "Stage to Lordsburg" and two classic novellas, Schaefer's Stubby Pringle's Christmas and Rhodes's Pasó por Aquí.

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Schaefer, Jack, ed. Out West: An Anthology of Stories. Houghton, 1955. Short, Luke, ed. Cattle, Guns and Men. Bantam, 1955. Stone, Ted, ed. 100 Years of Cowboy Stories. Red Deer College Press, 1995. Thomas, James, and Denise Thomas, eds. Best of the West 4: New Stories from the Wide Side of the Missouri. W. W. Norton, 1991. Contemporary Western stories. Tuska, Jon, ed. The American West in Fiction. Mentor/NAL, 1982. An interpretive grouping of authors: "The East Goes West" (Mark Twain, Bret Harte, Stephen Crane, Frederic Remington, Owen Wister); "Where West Was West" (Dorothy M. Johnson, Willa Cather, John G. Neihardt, Eugene Manlove Rhodes, Ernest Haycox); "The West of the Storytellers" (Zane Grey, Max Brand, Louis L'Amour, James Warner Bellah, Luke Short); and "The West in Revision'' (Elmer Kelton, Will Henry, Benjamin Capps, Walter Van Tilburg Clark, Max Evans). There are bibliographies or suggested further readings, including fiction in three groupings: "Formulary Westerns" (18 authors), "Romantic Historical Reconstructions" (16 authors), and "Historical Reconstruction" (18 authors). . Shadow of the Lariat. Carroll & Graf, 1995. . The Western Story: A Chronological Treasury. University of Nebraska Press, 1997. Tuska, Jon, and Vicki Piekarski, eds. The Morrow Anthology of Great Western Short Stories. William Morrow, 1997. Walker, Dale L., ed. The Western Hall of Fame Anthology. Berkley, 1997. A dozen stories by authors selected by the Western Writers of America. Work, James C., ed. Gunfight! Thirteen Western Stories. University of Nebraska Press, 1996. Bibliographies and Encyclopedias Barton, Wayne. What Western Do I Read Next?: A Reader's Guide to Recent Western Fiction. Gale, 1998. Drew, Bernard A. Western Series and Sequels. Garland, 1993. Lists 700 works that have one or more sequels. Includes frontier fiction. Tuska, Jon, and Vicki Piekarski, eds. Encyclopedia of Frontier and Western Fiction. McGraw-Hill, 1983. Over 300 authors are discussed. Vinson, James, and D. L. Kirkpatrick, eds. Twentieth Century Western Writers. Preface by C. L. Sonnichsen. London: Macmillan, 1982. Brief biography, bibliography, and critical essay for 310 authors.

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History and Criticism Allmendinger, Blake. Ten Most Wanted: The New Western Literature. Routledge Kegan Paul, 1998. Emmert, Scott. Loaded Fictions: Social Critique in the Twentieth-Century Western. University of Idaho Press, 1997. Erisman, Fred, and Richard W. Etulain, eds. Fifty Western Writers. Greenwood, 1982. Tompkins, Jane P. West of Everything: The Inner Life of Westerns. Oxford University Press, 1992. Yates, Norris W. Gender and Genre: An Introduction to Women Writers of Formula Westerns, 19001950. University of New Mexico Press, 1995. Organizations Western Writers of America. The Western Writers of America has a membership of writers of Western fact and Westerns (fiction). It publishes (since 1953) a monthly journal, The Roundup, which includes book reviews and is available for subscription by libraries. At its annual convention, "Spur" Awards are given in several categories, and the Golden Saddleman Award is given for an "outstanding contribution to the history and legend of the West." The Western Writers of America has a book club, which is managed by Doubleday. Women Writing the West. This nonprofit organization promotes the women's West through a newsletter, an annual conference, a catalog, and taking their information on the road to booksellers' conferences. Awards The major awards for Westerns are awarded by the Western Writers of America and the Cowboy Hall of Fame. Spur Awards The Western Writers of America established the Spur Award in 1953, making it the oldest annual genre fiction award still in existence. When it started, it was awarded in the divisions of novel, historical novel, juvenile, short story, and reviewer. In 1998 the categories were Best Western Novel (under 90,000 words), Best Novel of the West (over 90,000 words), Original Western Paperback, Nonfiction Historical, Nonfiction Contemporary, Nonfiction Biography, Juvenile Fiction, Juvenile Nonfiction, Short Fiction, Short Nonfiction, Story Teller Award (for best illustrated children's literature), Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel), Documentary Screenplay, and Drama Screenplay. At one time there were categories for best TV script and best short subject. The broad categories demonstrate the interest of fans of Westerns in all facets of the western experience.

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Western Novel 1954Lawman, by Lee Leighton 1955The Violent Land, by Wayne D. Overholser 1956Somewhere They Die, by L. P. Holmes 1957High Gun, by Leslie Ernenwein 1958Buffalo Wagons, by Elmer Kelton 1959Short Cut to Red River, by Noel Loomis 1960Long Run, by Nelson Nye 1961The Nameless Breed, by Will C. Brown 1962The Honyocker, by Giles Lutz 1963Comanche Captives, by Fred Grove 1964Follow the Free Wind, by Leigh Brackett 1965The Trail to Ogallala, by Benjamin Capps 1966Sam Chance, by Benjamin Capps 1967My Brother John, by Herbert R. Purdum 1968The Valdez Horses, by Lee Hoffman 1969Down the Long Hills, by Louis L'Amour 1970Tragg's Choice, by Clifton Adams 1971The Last Days of Wolf Garnett, by Clifton Adams 1972The Day the Cowboys Quit, by Elmer Kelton 1973A Killing in Kiowa, by Lewis B. Patten 1974The Time It Never Rained, by Elmer Kelton 1975A Hanging in Sweetwater, by Stephen Overholser 1976The Shootist, by Glendon Swarthout 1977The Spirit Horses, by Lou Cameron, and The Court Martial of George Armstrong Custer, by Douglas C. Jones 1978The Great Horse Race, by Fred Grove 1979Riders to Cibola, by Norman Zollinger 1980The Holdouts, by William Decker 1981The Valiant Women, by Jeanne Williams 1982Eye of the Hawk, by Elmer Kelton, and Horizon, by Lee Head 1983Match Race, by Fred Grove 1984Leaving Kansas, by Frank Roderus 1985Gone the Dreams and Dancing, by Douglas C. Jones 1986Lonesome Dove, by Larry McMurtry

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1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

The Blind Corral, by Ralph Robert Beer Skinwalkers, by Tony Hillerman Mattie, by Judy Alter Fool's Coach, by Richard Wheeler Sanctuary, by Gary Svee Journal of the Gun Years, by Richard Matheson Nickajack, by Robert J. Conley Friends, by Charles Hackenberry St. Agnes' Stand, by Tom Edison The Dark Island, by Robert Conley Blood of Texas, by Preston Lewis writing as Will Camp The Kiowa Verdict, by Cynthia Haseloff Journey of the Dead, by Loren D. Estleman

Novel of the West 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966

The Wheel and the Hearth, by Lucia Moore Journey by the River, by John Prescott no award Generations of Men, by John Clinton Hunt Silver Mountain, by Dan Cushman The Fancher Train, by Amelia Bean The Buffalo Soldiers, by John Prebble From Where the Sun Now Stands, by Will Henry The Winter War, by William Wister Haines Moon Trap, by Don Berry Gates of the Mountains, by Will Henry Indian Fighter, by E. E. Halloran Gold in California, by Todhunter Ballard, and Mountain Man, by Vardis Fisher 1967 Hellfire Jackson, by Garland Roark and Charles Thomas 1968 The Wolf Is My Brother, by Chad Oliver 1969 The Red Sabbath, by Lewis Patten 1970 The White Man's Road, by Benjamin Capps 19711972no award 1973 Chiricahua, by Will Henry 19741977no award

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1978 Swimming Man Burning, by Terrence Kilpatrick 19791981no award 1982 Aces and Eights, by Loren D. Estleman 1983 Ride the Wind, by Lucia St. Clair Robson 1984 Sam Bass, by Bryan Woolley 1985 no award 1986 The Snowblind Moon, by John Byrne Cook 1987 Roman, by Douglas C. Jones 1988 Wanderer Springs, by Robert Flynn 1989 The Homesman, by Glendon Swarthout 1990 Panther in the Sky, by James Alexander Thom 1991 Home Mountain, by Jeanne Williams 1992 The Medicine Horn, by Jory Sherman 1993 Slaughter, by Elmer Kelton 1994 Empire of Bones, by Jeff Long 1995 The Far Canyon, by Elmer Kelton 1996 Stone Song: A Novel of the Life of Crazy Horse, by Win Blevins 1997 Sierra, by Richard S. Wheeler 1998 Comanche Moon, by Larry McMurtry 1999 The All-True Travels and Adventures of Lidie Newton, by Jane Smiley Western Heritage Award or the Wrangler Award The National Cowboy Hall of Fame selects specific works in several different media categories that their judges feel "helped preserve the spirit of the West." The award is called the Western Heritage Award or the Wrangler Award. The books that have won the award for "Outstanding Novel" are listed here. 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969

Horan, James David. The Shadow Catcher Abbey, Edward. Fire on the Mountain Roripaugh, Robert. Honor Thy Father Berger, Thomas. Little Big Man Fisher, Vardis. Mountain Man Gulick, Bill. They Came to a Valley Flynn, Robert. North to Yesterday Grove, Fred. The Buffalo Runners

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1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1978 1979 1980 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

Capps, Benjamin. The White Man's Road Guthrie, A. B. Arfive Waters, Frank. Pike's Peak: A Family Saga Henry, Will. Chiricahua Kelton, Elmer. The Time It Never Rained Michener, James A. Centennial Johnson, Dorothy M. Buffalo Woman Kelton, Elmer. The Good Old Boys Hill, Ruth Beebe. Hanta Yo Calkins, Frank. The Long Riders' Winter Doig, Ivan. English Creek Guthrie, A. B. Playing Catch-up Matthews, Greg. Heart of the Country Kelton, Elmer. The Man Who Rode Midnight Swarthout, Glendon. The Homesman Oliver, Chad. Broken Eagle McMurtry, Larry. Buffalo Girls Freeman, Judith, Set for Life McCarthy, Cormac. All the Pretty Horses Kingsolver, Barbara. Pigs in Heaven Evans, Max. Bluefeather Fellini in the Sacred Realm Kirkpatrick, Jane. A Sweetness to the Soul Lehrer, Kate. Out of Eden Askew, Rilla. The Mercy Seat Estleman, Loren D. Journey of the Dead

Publishers Many of the large-type publishers are issuing reprints in both hardcover and paperback. Five Star is publishing several hardcover traditional Westerns each year, approximately 34 per year including originals, previously unpublished works by classic authors, and works that originally appeared only in serialized form. Forge is publishing hardcover and paperback originals. Several university presses are also publishing in this area, including University of Nebraska, publisher of The Collected Stories of Max Brand, which includes his short fiction in other genres as well. Some university presses, including the University of Oklahoma, are reprinting classic Westerns. Gunsmoke Large Print Westerns publishes three Westerns per month. Thorndike has a largeprint Western series, as does Linsford. Roundup and Sagebrush also publish

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Westerns in large print. Severn House often reprints paperback originals as hardcovers. Leisure publishes 60 paperback Western titles per year, originals and reprints, all set before 1900. A number of religious publishers, including Bethany House, Harvest, Word, Crossways, Multnomah, and Council Press, publish Westerns. Many of the Westerns found on the mass market racks are reprints. Online Resources The National Cowboy Hall of Fame and Western Heritage Center, (accessed 19 January 2000). The Salt Lake County Library System, (accessed 19 January 2000), lists all the Spur Awards from the Western Writers of America. The Western Writers of America, (accessed 19 January 2000). Women Writing the West, (accessed 19 January 2000). D's Western Picks Alexie, Sherman. Reservation Blues. Conley, Robert J. Nickajack. Doig, Ivan. Dancing at the Rascal Fair. Hardeman, Ric. Sunshine Rider: The First Vegetarian Western. Nye, Nelson. The White Chip.

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Chapter 3 Crime

"It is just possible that the tensions in a novel of murder are the simplest and yet most complete pattern of the tensions on which we live in this generation." Raymond Chandler "The mystery form is like gymnastic equipment: you can grasp hold of it and show off what you can do." Mickey Friedman "What the detective story is about is not murder but the restoration of order." P. D. James History of the Genre Although stories of crime and punishment have been around for centuries, the crime novel as we know and love it traces its roots back to Edgar Allan Poe. The so-called golden age of the mystery was in the 1920s and 1930s, the years between the two world wars, with well-mannered mysteries the norm and women writers, most particularly Agatha Christie and Dorothy L. Sayers, reigning. The 1940s and 1950s saw the rise of the hard-boiled detective, an American invention, featuring independent, solitary, taciturn men and the mean streets of major cities. With the emergence of hardboiled, noir, or Black Mask mysteries, as they were sometimes called, male writers began to dominate the mystery scene. In the 1960s and 1970s gothic and romantic suspense involving crime became popular, but they had closer ties and better publishing options

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in romance, leaving the mystery scene dominated by the male hard-boiled detective and police procedural. During 1970s there was much discussion about the decline of mysteries, and at one point the Mystery Writers of America embarked on a campaign to target young readers, which some credit with revitalizing the genre. By the 1980s it was apparent that women were having a much more difficult time being published in crime fiction than men and several women authors, including Sara Paretsky, formed Sisters in Crime to promote women's efforts in the field. From the mid- 1980s through the end of the twentieth century, women writers gained ascendance in the mystery field, with a trend toward somewhat cozier mysteries placing more emphasis on the sleuth's interpersonal relationships. The trends in the 1990s were toward diversity. Detectives can now be male or female, gay or straight, of any age or ethnic background. Settings are all over the globe and throughout time: past, present, future. Genre blending has introduced elements from romance, science fiction, and historicals into the mystery genre. All of these trends have contributed to the immense popularity and success of the genre in the 1990s. Themes and Types Crime novels include detective stories, mysteries, crime capers, suspense, and courtroom dramas. The driving force in these novels is crime, most commonly murder, but theft, assault, and confidence games are also popular. Spy and espionage novels, although considered by some (citizens of the "targeted" country) to be crime novels, revolve more around the adventure aspects of their plots and are thus treated in Chapter 4, "Adventure." The murder mystery, or detective novel, has long been a staple in the book world. It makes up the largest of genre collections in most public libraries and approximately 20 percent of titles on best-seller lists. Crime fiction allows the reader to experience danger and suspense vicariously while safely ensconced in a comfortable chair away from real crime. Michael Seidman, in a posting to the e-mail list DorothyL (5 September 1995), wrote ". . . in a mystery we never know more than the sleuth; in a suspense novel, we rarely know more than the bad guy. Mystery novels have to have suspense; there's a mystery in many suspense novels. But the mystery is more of a game between reader and author; who is going to get to the end first." Crime fiction engages the reader's mind, and one facet of its appeal is the challenge of trying to solve the crime before the sleuth in the pages does. In the case of detective fiction, readers become very attached to the characters of particular detectives. Detective Story and Detectives Tales of detection that involve solving a puzzle, finding the culprit, and bringing him or her to justice are the most popular or at least the most prolific of crime stories. The focus is on the detective and the process he or she uses to solve the crime. Frequently terms such as hard-boiled, soft-boiled, and cozy are used to describe the different types within this category.

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Hard-boiled, noir, and Black Mask are terms used to describe mysteries in which the protagonist, usually a male private investigator, working for the most part alone, explores the dark underbelly of a major city while trying to solve the crime. The detective usually has no close personal relationships. The crimes, often depicted in vivid and gory detail, can be described as "gritty." James Ellroy is currently writing in this vein, and past masters include Raymond Chandler, Dashiell Hammett, and Jim Thompson, all of whose books continue to be read. Soft-boiled and cozy are often used interchangeably, although it can be argued that soft-boiled falls between hard-boiled and cozy. In this category, interpersonal relationships are more important. The sleuths do have families and friends, who often play a role in the story. In this type of mystery the community is often smaller or rural as opposed to the urban scenes found in hardboiled stories. The detective, instead of meeting a series of strangers in pursuit of answers, interacts with people known to him or her in the community. Often the sleuths have no official standing, being amateurs who just seem to be at the right (or perhaps the wrong) place at the right time. The murders often occur "offstage" or, if conducted in full view, are more genteelly described, rather than graphically as in hard-boiled detection. The detective series seems to have become the rule rather than merely being very common. New mysteries frequently identify the sleuth on the cover, even if it is his or her first appearance. Many detective series that start off as paperback originals eventually move into hardcover publication as the sleuth becomes popular. Professional Detectives For most of the last 50 years, the detective who solves crime for a living was the most prevalent type of character, with amateur detectives only recently challenging their dominance. The two major types of professional detectives are the police detective and the private investigator. Insurance investigators could also be considered professional detectives. Until recent years the focus was completely on the detective and how he or she solved the crime. Now the detectives have relationships and families that help define them and add multiple levels to the tale of the detective and the crime. Police Detectives Mysteries involving police detectives often include several characters from a squad or division. Even the series that feature independent sleuths who are on a police force have to work within the constraints imposed by the organization and stay within the law they are trying to uphold. A new trend features one-person police departments, thus giving the sleuth much in common with independent private investigators. Frequently the plot will involve several crimes, requiring the detective to work more than one case at a time or to consult on other cases. The stories of police detectives became popular with the rise of organized police forces in the United States, Great Britain, and France.

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Police procedurals are very much like crime blotters. A group of police officers solves crimes as they come up. Joseph Wambaugh and Ed McBain wrote the prototypes in this area. The detective in the police procedural must function within the rules of the police department; he or she lacks the freedom of the private detective. Although the pattern may vary because of the personality of the detective, most police detectives work as part of a team (as opposed to the private detective, who is often a loner). Two plot patterns are common. One uses a single murder (or several linked murders) or mystery for the basic plot. The other, in effect, uses the police blotter: Every case followed up by the police station staff is observed in varying degrees, although one case is the focus of detection and, often, the other cases are ingeniously linked to the main crime. Television series such as NYPD Blue and Homicide are good examples of the composite stories and cast of characters found in police procedural novels. Detection novels featuring police detectives can be either hard-boiled or cozy. The best indication of which category a book falls into is usually the size of the community in which the detective functions. Those set in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago tend to be more hard-boiled, while those set in places like the fictional Maggody, Arkansas, where Chief Arly Hanks is the sum total of the local police force, are dealing with more cozy crimes. The following authors are listed by the country to which the police detective belongs. Great Britain is further subdivided, with Scotland Yard detectives grouped separately from those in the rest of Great Britain. Under the United States heading the grouping is by state. Australia Cleary, Jon (Detective Sergeant Scobie Malone) McNab, Claire (Detective Inspector Carol Ashton, lesbian) Upfield, Arthur (Inspector Napoleon ''Bony" Bonaparte, half-aborigine) Belgium Freeling, Nicolas (Henri Castang) Bosnia Fesperman, Dan (Detective Inspector Vlado Petric in Lie in the Dark) Brabt (fictional European state) Rathbone, Julian (Commissioner Jan Argand) Brazil Fish, Robert L. (Captain José da Silva) Canada Craig, Alisa (Madoc Rhys, Royal Canadian Mounted Police) Gough, Laurence (Detectives Jack Willows and Claire Parker, Vancouver) Reeves, John (Inspector Andrew Coggin and Sergeant Fred Stemp, Toronto)

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Sale, Medora (Detective Inspector John Sanders, Toronto) Wood, Ted (Reid Bennett, Murphy's Harbor, Ontario) Wright, Eric (Charlie Salter, Toronto) Wright, L. R. (Staff Sergeant Karl Aberg, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, British Columbia) Young, Scott (Inspector Matteesie, Royal Canadian Mounted Police) China Van Gulik, Robert (Judge Dee, eighth century) Czechoslovakia Skvoreck, Josef (Lieutenant Boruvka) Denmark Nielsen, Torben (Superintendent Archer) Orum, Poul (Detective Inspector Jonas Morck, Copenhagen) Finland Joensuu, Matti (Detective Timo Harjunpaa, SUOPO) France Freeling, Nicolas (Henri Castang) Hebden, Mark (Inspector Evariste Clovis Désiré Pel, Burgundy) Jacquemard, Yves, and Jean-Michel Sénécal (Superintendent Dullac) Janes, J. Robert (Inspectors Jean-Louis St-Cyr of the French police and Hermann Kohler of the German police, World War II occupied France) McConnor, Vincent (Francois Vidocq, founder of the Sûreté, nineteenth century) Simenon, Georges (Inspector Maigret) Great Britain: Scotland Yard Barnard, Robert (Superintendent Percy Trethowan and Superintendent Sutcliffe) Butler, Gwendoline (Inspector Coffin) Crombie, Deborah (Superintendent Duncan Kincaid and Sergeant Gemma James) Garve, Andrew (Chief Inspector Charles Grant) Grimes, Martha (Detective Superintendent Richard Jury and amateur Melrose Plant) Hare, Cyril (Inspector Mallett)

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Harrison, Ray (Sergeant Bragg and James Morton, London City Police, 1890s) Heyer, Georgette (Chief Inspectors Hannasyde and Hemingway) Hilton, John Buxton (Inspector Kenworthy) Hunter, Alan (Chief Superintendent George Gently) Inchbald, Peter (Francis Corti, Art and Antiques Squad) Innes, Michael (Inspector, later Sir, John Appleby, and also in retirement) James, P. D. (Commander Adam Dalgliesh) Jones, Elwyn (Detective Chief Superintendent Barlow) Kenyon, Michael (Inspector Henry Peckover) Lemarchand, Elizabeth (Detective Inspector Tom Pollard and Inspector Gregory Toye) Lewis, Roy (Inspector Crow) Lovesey, Peter (Sergeant Cribb and Constable Thackeray, nineteenth century) MacKenzie, Donald (Detective Inspector Raven, retired) Marric, J. J. (Commander George Gideon) Marsh, Ngaio (Inspector Roderick Alleyn) Martin, Ian Kennedy (Inspector Jack Regan) Moyes, Patricia (Chief Superintendent Henry Tibbett and his wife Emmy) Ormerod, Roger (Detective Harry Kyle) Perry, Anne (Inspector Pitt, nineteenth century) Selwyn, Francis (Sergeant Verity, nineteenth century) Smith, D. W. (Harry Fathers) Stubbs, Jean (Inspector Lintott, nineteenth century) Symons, Julian (Inspector Bland) Tey, Josephine (Inspector Alan Grant) Todd, Charles (Inspector Ian Rutledge) Wainwright, John (Chief Inspector Lennox) Winslow, Pauline (Superintendent Merle Capricorn and Inspector Copper) Parodies of Scotland Yard Giles, Kenneth (Inspector Harry James and Sergeant Honeybody) Porter, Joyce (Inspector Dover) Great Britain: Other Than Scotland Yard Aird, Catherine (Inspector Sloan) Anderson, J. R. L. (Chief Constable Pier Deventer) Ashford, Jeffrey (Detective Inspector Don Kerry) Atkins, Meg Elizabeth (Chief Inspector Henry Beaumont)

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Banister, Jo (Inspector Liz Graham and Sergeant Cal Donovan) Barnard, Robert (Chief Inspector Meredith, Superintendent Ian Dundy) Beaton, M. C. (Constable Hamish MacBeth, Scotland) Burley, W. J. (Chief Superintendent Wycliffe) Cork, Barry (Angus Straun) Dexter, Colin (Chief Inspector Morse, Oxford) Eccles, Marjorie (Inspector Mayo) Evans, Geraldine (Detective Inspector Rafferty and Sergeant Llewellyn) Fraser, Anthea (Chief Inspector David Webb) Geddes, Paul (Ludovic Fender) George, Elizabeth (Inspector Thomas Lynley, Sergeant Barbara Havers) Gilbert, Michael (Chief Superintendent Charlie Knott, Luke Pagan, Patrick Petrella) Graham, Caroline (Chief Inspector Tom Barnaby) Granger, Ann (Chief Inspector Markby and former Foreign Service Officer Meredith Mitchell) Hart, Roy (Inspector Roper) Haymon, S. T. (Detective Inspector Benjamin Jurnet) Hill, Reginald (Superintendent Dalziel and Sergeant Pascoe) Hilton, John Buxton (Inspector Pickford, Detective Brunt, and Sergeant Nadin, Derbyshire, nineteenth century) James, Bill (Chief Superintendent Colin Harpur) Knox, Bill (Colin Thane and Phil Moss, Glasgow; Webb Carrick, Fishery Protection Service) LaPlante, Lynda (Chief Inspector Jane Tennison) McGowan, Jill (Detective Chief Inspector Lloyd and Inspector Judy Hall) McIlvanney, William (Detective Inspector Laidlaw, Glasgow) Melville, Jennie, pseudonym of Gwendoline Butler (Sergeant Charmian Daniels) Murray, Stephen (Alec Stainton) Penn, John (Detective Superintendent George Thorne and Sergeant Abbott, the Cotswolds) Peters, Ellis (Detective Inspector George Felse) Radley, Sheila (Chief Inspector Douglas Quantrill, Suffolk) Rankin, Ian (Inspector John Rebus, Edinburgh) Rendell, Ruth (Chief Inspector Wexford and Inspector Borden)

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Robinson, Peter (Chief Inspector Alan Banks) Ross, Jonathan (Detective Superintendent George Rogers) Ruell, Patrick (Detective Inspector Dog Cicero) Scott, Jack S. (Detective Sergeant Rosher, Detective Chief Inspector Peter Parsons, and Sergeant Wammo Wimbrush) Simpson, Dorothy (Inspector Thanet, Kent) Stacey, Susannah, pseudonym of Jill Staynes and Margaret Storey (Superintendent Bone) Thomson, June (Detective Inspector Finch; in U.S. editions, Detective Inspector Rudd) Turnbull, Peter (Police Constable Phil Hamilton, Detective Roy Sussock, Glasgow) Watson, Colin (Inspector Purbright and Miss Teatime) Webster, Noah (Jonathan Gaunt, Treasury agent; Andrew Laird) Whitehead, Barbara (Police Inspectors Dave Smart and Bob Southwell, York) Hong Kong Marshall, William (Yellowthread Street Police Station, Chief Harry Feiffer) India Keating, H. R. F. (Inspector Ghote, Bombay) Ireland Brady, John (Inspector Matt Minogue) Gill, Bartholomew (Chief Inspector Peter McGarr, Dublin) Israel Gur, Batya (Detective Michael Ohayon, Jerusalem) Rosenberg, Robert (Avram Cohen, head of the Jerusalem District Criminal Investigations Department) Italy Dibdin, Michael (Aurelio Zen) Holme, Timothy (Achille Peroni, Venice) Leon, Donna (Commissario Guido Brunetti, Venice) Nabb, Magdalen (Marshal Guarnaccia, Florence) Pears, Iain (Flavia di Stefano, Rome, Art Squad) Williams, Timothy (Commissario Trotti) Japan Melville, James (Superintendent Otani, Tokyo)

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Luong (Fictional Southeast Asian Kingdom) Alexander, Gary (Superintendent Bamsan Kiet) Netherlands Baantjer, Albert (Inspector Dekok) Freeling, Nicolas (Inspector Van der Valk) Van de Wetering, Janwillem (Detective Grijpstra and Detective Sergeant de Grier) New Zealand Mantell, Laurie (Chief Inspector Peacock and Detective Steven Arrow) Russia Hill, Reginald (Inspector Lev Chislenko, Moscow) Kaminsky, Stuart (Inspector Rostnikov, Moscow) Smith, Martin Cruz (Chief Homicide Investigator Arkady Renko) White Robin A. (Gregori Nowek in Siberian Light) South Africa McClure, James (Lieutenant Tromp Kramer, Afrikaner; Detective Sergeant Zondi, Bantu) Spain Jeffries, Roderic (Inspector Enrique Alverez, Majorca) Serafin, David (Superintendent Louis Bernal, Madrid) Sweden Blom, K. Arne Hubert, Tord Mankell, Henning (Inspector Kurt Wallander) Sjöwall, Maj, and Per Wahlöö (Martin Beck) United States Alabama Cook, Thomas H. (Ben Wellman, Streets of Fire) Arizona Garfield, Brian (Sam Watchman, Navajo, Arizona Highway Patrol) Hillerman, Tony (Lieutenant Joe Leaphorn and Jim Chee, Navajo Tribal Police) Jance, J. A. (Joanna Brady, Cochise Country Sheriff) Arkansas Hess, Joan (Chief Arly Hanks, woman)

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California Ball, John (Virgil Tibbs, African-American, Pasadena) Bass, Milton (Benjamin Friedman, San Diego) Boucher, Anthony (Lieutenant Jackson, Los Angeles) Campbell, Robert (Eddie Heath, Wilbur Monk, Los Angeles) Connelly, Michael (Detective Harry Bosch, Los Angeles) Crowe, John (Sheriff Beckett, Buena Costa) Cunningham, E. V. (Masao Masuto, Nisei, Beverly Hills) Davis, Robert (Harry Edwards, Los Angeles) Dunlap, Susan (Detective Jill Smith, Berkeley) Egan, Lesley (Detective Varallo, Glendale) Ellroy, James (Sergeant Lloyd Hopkins, Los Angeles) Gillis, Jackson (Jonas Duncan, Los Angeles, retired) Harris, Alfred (Baroni, Southern California) Kellerman, Faye (Peter and Rina Lazarus, Los Angeles) Lantique, John (San Francisco) Lewis, Lange (Detective Tucker, Los Angeles, The Birthday Murder) Linington, Elizabeth (Sergeant Maddox, Hollywood) Ludwig, Jerry (Detective Sergeant Edward Brenner, Los Angeles) Montecino, Marcel (Los Angeles) Oster, Jerry (Lieutenant Sam Branch and Jeff Derry) Petievich, Gerald (Charles Carr and Jack Kelly, U.S. Treasury agents, Los Angeles) Pike, Robert L. (Lieutenant Jim Reardon, San Francisco) Pronzini, Bill (John Quincannon, Federal Secret Service, San Francisco, 1890s) Ray, Robert (Newport Beach) Shannon, Dell (Lieutenant Luis Mendoza and Delia Reardon, Los Angeles) Wallace, Marilyn (Sergeant Carlo Cruz and Jay Goldstein, Oakland) Wambaugh, Joseph (Los Angeles Police Department) Westbrook, Robert (Nicky Rachmaninoff, Beverly Hills) Weston, Carolyn (Detective Casey Kellog and Sergeant Al Krug, Santa Monica) Wilcox, Collin (Lieutenant Hastings, San Francisco) Colorado Burns, Rex (Gabriel Wager, Chicano, Denver) Doss, James D. (Scott Parris and Charlie Moon, Southwest area and Ute Reservation) Paulsen, Gary (Ed Tincker, Denver)

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Connecticut Forrest, Richard (Detective Tommy Lark) Skedgell, Marian (Lieutenant Dave Littlejohn, State Trooper) Waugh, Hillary (Police Chief Fred Fellows) District of Columbia Patterson, James (Alex Cross, police forensic psychologist) Florida King, Rufus (Stuff Driscoll) Willeford, Charles (Sergeant Hoke Moseley, Miami) Georgia Cook, Thomas H. (Clemons, Atlanta) Hawaii Biggers, Earl Derr (Inspector Charlie Chan, Honolulu) Illinois Bland, Eleanor Taylor (Marti MacAlister and Vik Jessenovik, Lincoln Prairie) Blank, Martin (John Lamp, Chicago) Campbell, Robert (Jimmy Flannery, sewer inspector) Cormay, Michael (Kruger, Chicago) Di Pego, Gerald (Chicago) Holton, Hugh (Chicago) Kaminsky, Stuart M. (Sergeant Abe Lieberman, Chicago) Pulver, Mary Monica (Sergeant Peter Brichter) Indiana Lewin, Michael Z. (Lieutenant Leroy Powder, Indianapolis) Kansas Weir, Charlene (Police Chief Susan Wren, Hampstead) Louisiana (all have New Orleans locales or connections) Burke, James Lee (Dave Robicheaux) Colbert, James (Skinny) Corrington, John William (Rat Trapp) Smith, Julie (Skip Langdon) Massachusetts Burke, Alan Dennis (Assistant District Attorney Jack Meehan, Boston) Dunham, Dick (Sergeant Joe Knight, Boston) Langton, Jane (Homer Kelly, retired detective)

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McDonald, Gregory (Inspector Francis Xavier Flynn, Boston) Rennert, Maggie (Detective Lieutenant Guy Silvestri, Buxford) Michigan Jackson, Jon A. (Sergeant Mulheisen, Detroit) Minnesota Hinkemeyer, Michael T. (Sheriff Emil Whippletree) McInerny, Ralph (Sheriff Oscar Ewbank) Sandford, John (Lucas Davenport) Montana Bowen, Peter (Gabriel Du Pre, cattle brand inspector) Guthrie, A. B. (Sheriff Chick Charleston and Jason Beard) Nevada Kellerman, Faye (Detective Sergeant Romulus Poe, Steve Jensen, Patricia Deluca, and M. E. Rukmani Kalil) New Jersey Kent, Bill (Louis Monroe, Atlantic City) New Mexico Hackler, Micah S. (Sheriff Cliff Lansing) Havill, Steven F. (Undersheriff Bill Gastner) Hillerman, Tony (Lieutenant Joe Leaphorn and Jim Chee, Navajo Tribal Police) Stern, Richard Martin (Lieutenant Johnny Ortiz, Apache) New York (New York City unless otherwise noted) Arrighi, Mel (Detective Romano) Bagby, George (Inspector Schmidt) Baxt, George (Pharaoh Love, African-American; Detective Van Larsen) Boyle, Thomas (De Sales) Caunitz, William J. (Gallegher) Charyn, Jerome (Isaac Sidel) Chastain, Thomas (Deputy Chief Inspector Max Kauffman) Cunningham, E. V. (Lieutenant Harry Golding and wife Fran) Delman, David (Lieutenant Jacob Horowitz, Nassau County) Early, Jack (Police Chief Waldo Halleck, Long Island) Glass, Leslie (April Woo) Heffernan, William (Stanislaus Polk) Hentoff, Nat (Detective Noah Green) Himes, Chester (Coffin Ed Johnson and Grave Digger Jones, Harlem)

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Horansky, Ruby (Nikki Trakos, Brooklyn) Jahn, Michael (Donovan) Katz, William (Detective Leonard Anthony Karlov) Lance, Peter (Fire Inspector Eddie Burke, Jr., First Degree Burn) Leuci, Bob (Detective Alexander Simon) Lieberman, Herbert (Lieutenant Frank Mooney) Lockridge, Richard (Captain Heinrich, State Police; Lieutenant Nathan Shapiro) McBain, Ed (Steve Carella, 87th Precinct) Minahan, John ("Little John" Rawlings) Newman, Christopher (Lieutenant Joe Dante) O'Connell, Carol (Sergeant Kathleen Mallory, sociopath) O'Donnell, Lillian (Norah Mulcahany, Detective Ed Stiebeck, and Mici Anhalt) Paul, Barbara (Detective Marian Larch and Lieutenant Murtaugh) Reilly, Helen (Inspector McKee) Rifkin, Shepard (Detective Damian McQuaid) Robb, J. D. (Eve Dallas and Peabody, twenty-first century) Sanders, Lawrence (Edward X. Delaney, retired chief of detectives) Uhnak, Dorothy (Detective Christie Opara and Detective Miranda Torres) Waugh, Hillary (Detective Fred Sessions) North Carolina Cornwell, Patricia (Chief Judy Hammer, Deputy Virginia West, Andy Brazil) Malone, Michael (Chief Cudbarth Mangum) Ohio Leeke, Jim Pyle, A. M. (Cesar Frank, Cincinnati) Oklahoma Cooper, Susan Rogers (Milt Novack) Hager, Jean (Chief Mitch Bushyhead) Pennsylvania Constantine, K. C. (Chief of Police Mario Balzic, Rocksburg) Tennessee McCrumb, Sharyn (Sheriff Spencer Arrowood)

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Texas Cooley, Marilyn, and James Edward Gunn (Tony McIver, Houston) Crider, Bill (Sheriff Don Rhodes) Herndon, Nancy (Elena Jarvis, Los Santos) Lindsey, David L. (Stuart Haydon, Houston) Martin, Lee (Policewoman Deb Ralston, Fort Worth) Wingate, Anne (Mark Shigata, Bayport) Utah Levitt, J. R. (Jason Coulter, Salt Lake City) Vermont Koenig, Joseph Mayor, Archer (Lieutenant Joe Gunther, Brattleboro) Washington Beck, K. K. (Seattle) Emerson, Earl (Mac Fontana, fire chief) Jance, J. A. (Jonas Piedmont Beaumont, Seattle) Pearson, Ridley (Detective Lou Boldt and police psychiatrist Daphne Matthews, Seattle) West Virginia Douglas, John (Detective Edward Harter, Shawnee) U.S. Military Deutermann, P. T. (Official Privilege; Zero Option; Sweepers; The Edge of Honor) West Indies York, Andrew (Colonel James Munro Tallant, black police commissioner, Caribbean island) Private Detectives I'm talking private eyes here. Think gumshoe, shamus, peeper, private dick. He doesn't necessarily have to be licensed, he may consider himself a ''salvage consultant" and a "guy that helps people out," he may be a bounty hunter or a troubleshooter or a freelance reporter, but he's generally a freelancer, a loner, an outsider, with an essence of toughness that has more to do with character than how many sailors he can toss out of a bar. And it goes without saying (or it should) that he might very well be a she. Kevin Burton Smith, The Thrilling Detective Web site, (accessed 13 November 1999)

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The Private Eye Writers of America, who make it their business to honor excellent work in the genre with their Shamus Awards, define a "private eye" as any mystery protagonist who is a professional investigator, "but not a police officer or government agent." The official private detective started out as one of two typesthe employee of a large agency or a lone operatorbut now is often part of a small one- or two-investigator agency. Dashiell Hammett created two immortal prototypes: the Continental Op, simply identified for his agency and never named, and Sam Spade, a detective who strikes out on his own after his partner is killed in The Maltese Falcon. Sam Spade also became the prototype for the hard-boiled private eye, a character often short on morals but long on integrity. Argentina Borges, Jorge Luis (Don Isidro Parodi, Six Problems of Don Isidro Parodi) Australia Corris, Peter (Cliff Hardy) Day, Marele (Claudia Valentine) West, Charles (Paul Crook, Sydney) Canada Engel, Howard (Benny Cooperman) Ritchie, Simon (J. K. G. Jantarro, one-armed) France Demouzon, Alain (Robert Flecheux) Great Britain Bush, Christopher (Ludovic Travers, insurance investigator) Butler, Ragan (Captain Nash, eighteenth century) Christie, Agatha (Tuppence and Tommy Beresford, Hercule Poirot) Cody, Liza (Anna Lee, London) Creasey, John (Emmanuel Cellini, psychiatrist) Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir (Sherlock Holmes) Fredman, Mike (Willie Halliday, vegetarian and Buddhist) Geddes, Paul (Ludovic Fender) James, P. D. (Cordelia Gray, An Unsuitable Job for a Woman, The Skull Beneath the Skin) Kavanagh, Dan (Duffy) Kirk, Michael (Andrew Laird, insurance investigator) Milne, John (Jimmy Jenner, London) Tripp, Miles (John Sampson and Shandy)

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Wentworth, Patricia (Miss Maude Silver) Whalley, Peter (Harry Somers) Yuill, P. B. (James Hazell) Mexico Alexander, Gary (Louis Balam, Mayan Indian) Taibo, Paco Ignacio, II (Hector Belascoaran Shayne) United States Alaska Stabenow, Dana (Kate Shugak, former district attorney) California Alverson, Charles (Joe Goodey, San Francisco) Babula, William (Jeremiah St. John) Boucher, Anthony (Fergus O'Breen, Los Angeles) Byrd, Max (Mike Haller, San Francisco) Campbell, Robert (Whistler) Chandler, Raymond (Philip Marlowe, Los Angeles; classic) Crais, Robert (Elvis Cole) Cutler, Stan (Rayford Goodman) Dawson, Janet (Jeri Howard, Oakland) Dunlap, Susan (Kiernan O'Shaugnessy, Hollywood) Gault, William (Brock Callahan, former guard, Los Angeles Rams) Gores, Joe (Neal Fargo, Daniel Kearny Associates, skip-tracing agency) Grafton, Sue (Kinsey Millhone) Grant, Linda (Catherine Saylor, high-tech P.I., Berkeley) Greenleaf, Stephen (John Marshall Tanner, San Francisco) Hammett, Dashiell (the Continental Op, Sam Spade, Nick Charles; classics) Hansen, Joseph (David Brandstetter, insurance investigator, gay) Israel, Peter (B. F. Cage, Los Angeles) Kaminsky, Stuart (Toby Peters, Los Angeles) Kennealy, Jerry (Nick Polo) Larson, Charles (Blixon, television executive, Los Angeles) Lochte, Dick (Leo G. Bloodworth, Los Angeles) Lupoff, Richard A. (insurance investigator Hobart Lindsey and Marvia Plum, police officer) Lyons, Arthur (Jacob Asch, Los Angeles) Macdonald, Ross (Lew Archer, Santa Barbara) Maxwell, A. E. (Fiddler)

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Mosley, Walter (Easy Rawlins, Los Angeles) Muller, Marcia (Sharon McCone, San Francisco) Pierce, David M. (Vic Daniel, San Fernando Valley) Platt, Kin (Max Roper, Los Angeles) Prather, Richard S. (Shell Scott, Los Angeles) Pronzini, Bill (nameless detective, San Francisco) Ray, Robert J. (Matt Murdock) Roberts, Les (Saxon) Sadler, Mark (Paul Shaw, Los Angeles) Sangster, Jimmy (James Reed) Simon, Roger L. (Moses Wine, Los Angeles) Singer, Shelley (Jake Samson and Rosie) Upton, Robert (Amos McGuffin, Los Angeles) Wager, Walter (Alison Gordon, Los Angeles) Walker, Walter (Hector Gronig, San Francisco) Washburn, L. J. (Lucas Hallam) Colorado Allegretto, Michael (Jake Lomax) Burns, Rex (Devlin Kirk) Downing, Warwick (Joe Reddman, Cheyenne, Denver) District of Columbia Grady, James (John Rankin) Law, Janice (Anna Peters) Pelecanos, George P. (Nick Stefanos) Schutz, Benjamin B. (Leo Haggerty) Sucher, Dorothy (Victor Newman) Florida Halleran, Tucker (Cam Maccardle) Lutz, John (Fred Carver, physically handicapped) MacDonald, John D. (Travis McGee) Illinois Brown, Fredric (Ed and Am Hunter, Chicago) Dewey, Thomas B. (Mac, Chicago) McConnell, Frank (Harry Garnish) Paretsky, Sara (V. I. Warshawski) Raleigh, Michael (Paul Whelan, Chicago) Spencer, Ross H. (Kirby, Willow, Luke Lassiter, Chance Purdue)

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Indiana Lewin, Michael Z. (Albert Samson, Indianapolis) Iowa Gorman, Ed (Sam McCain, Black River Falls, 1950s, in The Day the Music Died) Louisiana Donaldson, D. J. (Dr. Kit Franklin, criminal psychologist, and Chief Medical Examiner Andy Broussard) Shuman, M. K. (Micah Dunn, one-armed) Wiltz, Chris (Neal Rafferty) Massachusetts Barnes, Linda (Carlotta Carlyle; Michael Spraggue, Boston) Coxe, George Harmon (Jack Fenner, Boston; Ken Murdock, photographer) David, Daniel (Alex Rasmussen, Lowell) Doolittle, Jerome (Tom Bethany) Kiker, Douglas (Mac McFarland) Lehane, Dennis (Patrick Kenzie and Angie Gennaro) Parker, Robert B. (Spenser, Boston) Rosen, Richard (Blissberg) Ross, Philip (James Marley) Michigan Bunn, Thomas (Jack Bodine) Estleman, Loren D. (Ralph Poteet; Amos Walker, Detroit) Leonard, Elmore (Frank Ryan, process server, Detroit) Werry, Richard (J. D. Mulroy and Ahmad Dakar, African-American) Missouri Lutz, John (Alo Nudger, St. Louis) Montana Crumley, James (Sughrue and Milo Milodragovitch) Prowell, Sandra West (Phoebe Siegel) Nebraska Reynolds, William J. (Nebraska) New Jersey Gallison, Kate (Nick Magaracz, Trenton) New Mexico Anaya, Rudolfo (Sonny Baca) Brewer, Steve (Bubba Mabry) Zollinger, Norman (Jack Lautrec)

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New York Beinhart, Larry (Tony Cassella) Berger, Thomas (Russel Wren) Block, Lawrence (Matthew Scudder) Box, Edgar (Peter Cutler Sargent III, public relations man. Reprints of the Box novels reveal the author's real name, Gore Vidal.) Burke, J. F. (Sam Kelly, house detective, African-American) Chesbro, George C. (Dr. Robert "Mongo" Frederickson, Ph.D., little person) Coe, Tucker (Mitch Tobin, museum night guard) Coffey, Brian (Harris, clairvoyant) Cohen, Stephen Paul (Eddie Margolis) Collins, Michael (Dan Fortune, one-armed) Cook, Thomas H. (Frank Clemons) Daly, Elizabeth (Henry Gamadge, rare book investigator) DeAndrea, William (Matt Cobb, television troubleshooter) Dobyns, Stephen (Charles Bradshaw, Saratoga) Friedman, Kinky (Kinky Friedman) Geller, Michael (Reznick) Hall, Parnell (Stanley Hastings) Jeffers, H. Paul (Harry MacNeil) Kaplan, Arthur (Charity Bay) Kaye, Marvin (Hilary Quayle, public relations woman) Livingston, Jack (Joe Binney, deaf) Lundy, Mike (Raven) Mason, Clifford (Joe Cinquez, African-American, Harlem) Pentecost, Hugh (Julian Quist, public relations man) Randisi, Robert J. (Miles Jacoby) Resnicow, Herbert (Norma and Alexander Gold) Rosten, Leo (Sidney "Silky" Pincus) Rozan, S. J. (Lydia Chin and Bill Smith) Schorr, Mark (Red Diamond) Scoppettone, Sandra (Lauren Laurano) Smith, J. C. S. (Quentin Jacoby) Solomita, Stephen (Stanley Moodrow) Spillane, Mickey (Mike Hammer) Stout, Rex (Nero Wolfe and Archie Goodwin) Tidyman, Ernest (John Shaft, African-American) Vachss, Andrew (Burke)

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Ohio Roberts, Les (Milan Jacovich) Valin, Jonathan (Harry Stoner, Cincinnati) Oklahoma Knickmeyer, Steve (Steve Cranmer, Oklahoma City) Oregon Wren, M. K. (Conan Flagg) South Dakota Adams, Harold (Carl Wilcox, Depression era) Tennessee Womack, Steven (Harry James Denton, Nashville) Texas Abshire, Richard (Jack Kyle) Mathis, Edward (Dan Roman, Dallas) Utah Irvine, R. R. (Moroni Traveler) Virginia Hornig, Doug (Loren Swift, Charlottesville) Washington (all Seattle) Beck, K. K. (Jane da Silva) Emerson, Earl W. (Thomas Black) Ford, G. M. (Leo Waterman) Hoyt, Richard (John Denson) Ex-Cops Former police officers now working as private investigators are featured in a subgenre that offers the best of both major types of sleuths. The investigator has an autonomy and independence that are not possible within the confines of an official law enforcement agency, while at the same time he or she can believably display a knowledge and use of police procedures. The sleuth often still has friends on the force who can give him or her inside information and test results. Some of the following sleuths are also listed in the "Police Detectives" section (see p. 71) because they played the role of police detectives in their earlier books. Abshire, Richard (Jack Kyle) Barnes, Linda (Carlotta Carlyle) Bass, Milton (Vinnie Altob) Block, Lawrence (Matthew Scudder) Burke, James Lee (Dave Robicheaux)

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Cook, Bruce (Chico Cervantes) Craig, Philip R. (Jeff Jackson) Daniel, David (Alex Rasmussen) Dobyns, Stephen (Charlie Bradshaw) Dunning, John (Cliff Janeway) Geller, Michael (Slots Resnick) Gillis, Jackson (Jonas Duncan) Haddam, Jane (Gregor Demarkian) Love, William F. (Davey Goldman) Lutz, John (Fred Carver, physically handicapped) Margolis, Seth Jacob (Joe Di Gregorio) Pendleton, Don (Joe Copp) Raleigh, Michael (Paul Whelan) Solomita, Stephen (Stanley Moodrow) Wambaugh, Joseph (Winnie Farlowe) Wesley, Valerie Wilson (Tamara Hayle) Whittingham, Richard (Joe Morrison) Amateur Detectives Amateur detectives appear in every walk of life. The amateur detective may simply be nosy, becoming inquisitively involved in mysteries natural to the amateur's ordinary life. Others are in somewhat unusual occupations. Most have their share of eccentricities. Unlike either the police or private investigators, they have no official responsibilities. Indeed, they are often an annoyance to the police. Their means of investigation are limited, although they often work cooperatively with the police. Women are often portrayed as amateur detectives and the curious spinster has been a stereotype from earlier years. Retirees with extra time on their hands are an emerging subgenre of the amateur detective. In the following list of amateur detectives, occupations are noted. The following lists include various groupings (for example, senior citizens, doctors, psychologists, lawyers, rogues, or thieves). Allbert, Susan Wittig (China Bayles, herb shop proprietor) Allen, Rene (Elizabeth Elliot, clerk of a Quaker meeting) Asimov, Isaac (Henry, a waiter; Black Widowers series) Barrett, Neal, Jr. (Wiley Moss, illustrator; wacky but grisly humor) Barthelme, Peter (Beaumont, ad man) Berry, Carole (Bonnie Indermill, office temp) Borland, John C. (Donald McCarry, stockbroker) Breen, Jon L. (Jack Brogan, racetrack announcer, California) Brett, Simon (Charles Paris, actor)

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Chittenden, Margaret. (Charlie Plato, co-owner of a country western dance club) Cole, Jameson (A Killing in Quail County, teenager, 1957) Delving, Michael (Dave Cannon and Bob Eddison, dealers in antiquities) Dentinger, Jane (Jocelyn O'Roarke, actor) Dominic, R. B. (Ben Stafford, member of Congress) Fennelly, Tony (Matt Sinclair, antiques dealer) Ferrars, E. X. (Andrew Basnett, retired professor) Foley, Rae (Hiram Potter, New York society figure) Gash, Jonathan (Lovejoy, antiques dealer) Gollin, James (Alan French, musician) Hadley, Joan (Theo Bloomer, botanist) Hammond, Gerald (Keith Calder, gunsmith, Scotland) Holt, Samuel (Sam Holt, actor) Jacobs, Jonnie (Kate Ausern, mom, Marin County, California) Jorgensen, Christine T. (Stella the Stargazer, astrological advice columnist, Denver) Lacey, Sarah (Leah Hunter, tax inspector) Lathen, Emma (John Putnam Thatcher, banker) Leasor, James (Dr. Jason Love, insurance investigator) Leather, Edwin (Rupert Conway, art dealer) Lee, Barbara (Eve Elliot, real estate agent, rural Virginia) Linscott, Gillian (Birdie Linnett) Malcolm, John (Tim Simpson, art investment advisor) McCormick, Clair (John Wirtz, "headhunter") McCrumb, Sharyn (Elizabeth MacPherson, anthropologist) Moore, Barbara (Gordon Christy, veterinarian, New Mexico) Morison, B. J. (Elizabeth Lamb, child) Murray, William ("Shifty" Lou Anderson, gambler-magician, Los Angeles racetrack) Orenstein, Frank (Ev Franklin, advertising) Pentecost, Hugh (Pierre Chambrun, hotel manager) Pickard, Nancy (Jenny Cain, administrator) Pulver, Mary Monica (Kori Brichter, heiress and cop's wife) Rowe, Jennifer (Verity Birdwood, Australian TV researcher) Sherwood, John (Celia Grant, botanist) Sprinkle, Patricia (Sheila Travis) Sublett, Jesse (Martin Fender, R & B bass player) Taylor, Phoebe Atwood (Asey Mayo, New Englander)

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Williams, David (Mark Treasure, banker) Womack, Steven (Jack Lynch, troubleshooter, New Orleans) Senior Citizen Sleuths Active, inquisitive retired folks with time on their hands turn to solving crime. The prototype is of course Agatha Christie's Miss Jane Marple. Even though many of the sleuths are still working and not retired, they have the seasoning of age and those listed here have passed age 60. Babson, Marian (Trixie Dolan and Evangaline Sinclair, aging movie stars) Barth, Richard (Margaret Binton, retired) Burton, D. B. (Cat Caliban, 60-year-old widow) Comfort, B. (Tish McWinny, septuagenarian, Vermont) Dams, Jeanne M. (Dorothy Martin, widow, American living in England) Ferrars, E. X. (Andrew Basnett, retired professor) Gray, Gallagher (T. S. Hubbert, retired Wall Street executive and his octogenarian Aunt Lil) Landrum, Graham (members of Borderville, Virginia, and Tennessee clubs) Livingston, Nancy (G. D. H. Pringle, retired accountant, and Mavis Bignell, London) Mancini, Anthony (Minnie Santangelo, elderly resident of New York's Little Italy) Matteson, Stefanie (Charlotte Graham, 70-something movie star) Ruryk, Jean (Cat Wilde, 60-something furniture restorer) Sawyer, Corinne Holt (Angela Benbow and Caledonia Wingate, widowed residents of a San Diego retirement home) Healthcare Professionals The doctor is a natural amateur who is often involved with a suspicious or unnatural death. P. D. James has used the background effectively in her Commander Dalgliesh. Psychologists, psychiatrists, and pathologists are included. In the following list, the healthcare provider is the actual sleuth. Because this setting is closely linked to that of forensic science, readers may enjoy both. Physicians and Nurses Bell, Josephine (Dr. David Wintringham) Boyer, Rick (Doc Adams, oral surgeon) Eberhart, Mignon Good (Nurse Sarah Keate) Kittredge, Mary (Edwina Crusoe, R.N.) Rinehart, Mary Roberts (Nurse Adams, Miss Pinkerton)

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Psychologists and Psychiatrists Those that deal with the mind find more than their fair share of crimes that need solving. In many ways the psychological sleuth is like the doctor or nurse sleuth. Kellerman, Jonathan (Alex Delaware, psychologist) Kennett, Shirley (P. J. Gray, psychological profiler) Matthews, Alex (Cassidy McCabe, therapist) White, Stephen Walsh (Dr. Alan Gregory, psychologist, Colorado) Zimmerman, Bruce (Quinn Parker, phobia therapist) Forensic Scientists Connor, Beverly (Lindsay Chamberlain, forensic anthropologist) Cornwell, Patricia D. (Kay Scarpetta, medical examiner series) Deaver, Jeffery. (Lincoln Rhyme, quadriplegic criminologist) Donaldson, D. J. (Dr. Kit Franklin, criminal psychologist, and Chief Medical Examiner Andy Broussard) Elkins, Aaron (Gideon Oliver, forensic anthropologist) Johansen, Iris: The Face of Deception; The Killing Game (Eve Duncan, forensic sculptor) McCloy, Helen (Dr. Basil Willing, forensic psychiatrist) Reichs, Kathy: Deja Dead; Death du Jour (Tempe Brennan, forensic anthropologist) Lawyers Lawyers might qualify more as private investigators than as amateurs because they seek to extricate clients from jeopardy. This type of detective story often features scenes of courtroom interrogation in which all is revealed, often dramatically. In some of the following books, the reader is treated to considerable analysis of the law, which can be confusing for U.S. readers when the focus is on British jurisprudence. Jon Breen's bibliography, Novel Verdicts: A Guide to Courtroom Fiction, supplies this background information. The legal thriller achieved great prominence in the 1990s. Scott Turow, John Grisham, and Steve Martini all made it to the bestseller lists with their crime novels that feature lawyers. However, the legal thriller's emphasis is not necessarily on detection but rather on a crafty attorney's abilities to extricate himself, herself, or others from danger. The legal thriller is covered later in this chapter (see p. 131). Canada Deverell, William (Carrington Barr, Toronto, Street Legal: The Betrayal)

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Great Britain Caudwell, Sarah (Professor Hilary Tamar, Oxford don, and his inimitable Lincoln's Inn lawyer friends, including two delightful women lawyers, Julia Larwood and Selena Jardine) Cecil, Henry (The detection and mystery in this British author's novels are urban social comedy concerning both lawyers and judges. Daughters in Law features women lawyers.) Giroux, E. X. (Robert Forsythe) Meek, M. R. D. (Lennox Kemp) Mortimer, John (Horace Rumpole of the Bailey) Underwood, Michael (Rose Epton, London) Woods, Sara (Anthony Maitland) United States Egan, Lesley (Jesse Falkenstein, Los Angeles) Gardner, Erle Stanley (Over 80 novels, the first in 1933, celebrate Perry Mason with his aides, Paul Drake and Della Street. Gardner's total is about 103 volumes.) Hailey, J. P. (Steve Winslow) Hall, Parnell (Stanley Hastings, ambulance chaser) Hensley, Joe L. (Don Robak) Jacobs, Jonnie (Kali O'Brien, San Francisco) Kruger, Paul (Phil Kramer, Colorado) Lewis, Roy (Eric Ward) Maron, Margaret (Deborah Knott, North Carolina) McBain, Ed (Matthew Hope, Florida) McInerny, Ralph (Andrew Broom, Indiana) Murphy, Haughton (Reuben Frost) Nielsen, Helen (Simon Drake, Los Angeles) Pairo, Preston (Dallas Henry, Ocean City, Maryland) Parker, Barbara (Gail Connor, Miami) Phillips, Edward (Chadwick) Smith, Julie (Rebecca Schwartz, San Francisco) Stockley, Grif (Gideon Page, Arkansas) Tapply, William G. (Brady Coyne, Boston) Van Gieson, Judith. (Neil Hamel, Albuquerque) Wilhelm, Kate. (Barbara Holloway, Oregon) Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn (Charles Spotted Moon, Ojibwa, San Francisco)

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Rogue or Thief The tradition of rogue or thief as detective is so well established in detective novels that it nearly eclipses the status of amateur detectives. However, this is a convenient niche for listing the following books. Some private investigators skirt the fringes of roguery. The rogues in the following novels are all cheerfully amoral. Block, Lawrence (Bernard Rhodenbarr is a burglar who runs a bookstore on the side. One of his adventures, The Burglar Who Liked to Quote Kipling, will intrigue those who like bibliography and rare books mixed with murder.) Bonfiglioli, Kyril (Honorable Charles Mortdecai, rogue) Charteris, Leslie (Simon Templar, ''The Saint," Robin Hood type) Creasey, John (the honorable Richard Rollison, "The Toff," gentleman burglar, "the poor man's Lord Peter Wimsey") Hoch, Edward D. (Nick Velvet, thief) Hornung, E. W. (The exploits of Raffles, gentleman cracksman, have been continued by Barry Perowne.) Morton, Anthony (Reprints reveal authorship by John Creasey, who used this pseudonym for the cases of John Mannering, "The Baron," jewel thief turned detective.) Parrish, Frank (Don Mallett, poacher, British) Shaw, Simon (Philip Gletcher, actor and murderer) Ecclesiastical While those in the clergy usually watch out for the souls of the faithful and those in need, the following sleuths often find themselves investigating people wrongly accused and subsequently discovering the real culprits. Historical mysteries featuring the clergy are included in the historical mystery section later in this chapter. Black, Veronica (Sister Joan, Catholic nun, Cornwall) Chesterton, G. K. (Father Brown, Roman Catholic, British) Coel, Margaret (Father John O'Malley, Arapaho Indian reservation, Wyoming) Greeley, Andrew (Father Blackie Ryan) Holmes, H. H. (Sister Mary Ursula, Order of the Sisters of Martha of Bethany, Los Angeles. Also reprinted under the betterknown pseudonym Anthony Boucher.) Kemelman, Harry (Rabbi David Small, New England) Kienzle, William X. (Father Bob Koesler, Roman Catholic, Detroit) Love, William F. (Bishop Ragan) McInerny, Ralph (Father Dowling, Roman Catholic, Chicago area) O'Marie, Sister Carol Anne (Sister Mary Helen) Pérez-Reverte, Arturo (Father Lorenzo Quart, Holy Office's Institute for External Affairs, in The Seville Communion)

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Quill, Monica (Sister Mary Teresa Dempster) Smith, Charles (Reverend C. P. Randolph, Episcopal Church, Chicago) Sullivan, Winona (Sister Cecile, licensed private investigator and nun) English Aristocrat That everyone loves a lord is a questionable truism, but many readers of detective stories are intrigued by the aristocrat as amateur detective. This detective is similar to the gentleman detective, whether as police or amateur: Ngaio Marsh's Inspector Roderick Alleyn, Michael Innes's Sir John Appleby, S. S. Van Dine's Philo Vance, and Frederic Dannay's Ellery Queen are a few examples. The following are notable upper-class detectives. Allingham, Margery (Albert Campion) Dickinson, Peter (King of England, King and Joker) George, Elizabeth (Inspector Thomas Linley, Eighth Earl of Asherton) Ross, Kate (Julian Kestrel) Sayers, Dorothy L. (Lord Peter Wimsey) Academic The "College and University" section (see p. 108) lists novels that have academic backgrounds, but the professors therein are not necessarily the detectives. The professors in the following novels use their scholarly training for crime detection, and not always on the campus. Eccentricitythat obvious characteristic of academicsis present in most. Arnold, Margot (Penny Spring and Sir Toby Glendower) Bowen, Gail (Joanne Kilbourne, widowed professor, Saskatchewan, Canada) Bruce, Leo (Carolus Deane, schoolteacher, London) Clinton-Baddeley, V. C. (Dr. Davie, Cambridge don) Cory, Desmond (Professor John Dobie) Crispin, Edmund (Dr. Gervase Fen, Cambridge don) Cross, Amanda (Dr. Kate Fansler, professor of English) Dean, S. F. X. (Professor Neal Kelly) Elkins, Aaron (Dr. Gideon Oliver, anthropologist) Haynes, Conrad (Professor Bishop) Kelly, Nora (Gillian Adams, professor of history) Kemelman, Harry (Professor Nicky Welt) Levi, Peter (Ben Johnson) MacLeod, Charlotte (Professor Peter Shandy, New England) Reeves, Robert (Professor Thomas Theron) Smith, Joan (Loretta Lawson, London University lecturer)

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Stinson, Jim (Stoney Wilson, film instructor) Truman, Margaret (Mac Smith, law professor) Journalists The investigative reporter may also be considered a private detective (without license) and is often listed as a detective type in critical works on the genre. Books by the following authors illustrate this type of character. Babson, Marian (Doug Perkins) Beechcroft, William (Forrest) Burke, Jan (Irene Kelly) Dalheim, Mary (Emma Lord, Washington, owner-publisher of a small newspaper) D'Amato, Barbara (Cat Marsala) Gorman, Ed (Tobin) Jaffe, Jody (Natalie Gold, North Carolina) Kiker, Douglas (Mac McFarland) Lupica, Mike (Peter Finley, television newsman) Phillips, Mike (Sampson Dean, African-American) Porter, Anna (Judith Hayes, reporter) Rawlings, Ellen (Rachel Crowne) Riggs, John R. (Garth Ryland, newspaper editor and owner) Robinson, Kevin (Stick Foster, wheelchair-bound reporter) Shuman, M. K. (Pete Brady, Louisiana) Stout, David (Will Schafer, newspaper editor) Walker, Mary Willis (magazine journalist, Texas) Warmbold, Jean (Sarah Calloway) Wilcox, Collin (Stephen Drake, crime reporter) Wilcox, Stephen F. (T. S. W. Sheridan, freelance reporter) Husband-and-Wife Teams A combination of considerable charm is the married pair of sleuths. The increase in recent years of the importance of relationships in the lives of sleuths is evidenced by the increasing number of paired significant others appearing on the following list. Allen, Steve (Steve Allen and Jayne Meadows, The Murder Game) Browne, Gerald A. (Mitch and Maddie Laughton, West 47th) Dank, Gloria (Bernard and Snooky Woodruff) Ferrars, E. X. (Virginia and Felix Freer. He is an ex-husband, but still they are a pair of sleuths.) Hammett, Dashiell (Nick and Nora Charles, The Thin Man)

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Hammond, Gerald (Inspector Ian Fellows and wife Deborah) Kellerman, Faye (Orthodox Jewish housewife Rina Lazarus and her husband, LAPD Detective Sergeant Peter Decker) Lockridge, Frances, and Richard Lockridge (Pam and Jerry North) MacGregor, T. J. (Quin St. James and Mike McCleary) Sandstrom, Eve K. (Sheriff Sam and wife Nicky Titus, Oklahoma) Sayers, Dorothy L. (Lord Peter and Harriet Vane, Busman's Honeymoon, Thrones, Dominations) Truman, Margaret (Mac Smith and Annabel Reed) Whitney, Polly (Abby Abbegnarro and Ike Tygart, divorced but still a pair) Wilhelm, Kate (Charlie Meiklejohn and Constance Leidl) Human-and-Animal Teams Americans have a great affection for and fascination with the pets in their lives. Several authors write about human sleuths or animal sleuths working together with the other species. The most famous team is probably that of Qwilleran and his cats KoKo and Yum Yum, in the series written by Lilian Jackson Braun. Adamson, Lydia (Alice Nestleton cat mysteries: 13 titles as of 1998) Benjamin, Carol Lea (Rachel Alexander, P.I., and her pit bull Dashiell) Berenson, Laurien (Melanie Travis dog fancier series: 5 titles as of 1998) Braun, Lilian Jackson (The Cat Who series: 20 titles as of 1998, featuring Qwilleran, a human journalist, and KoKo and Yum Yum, of the Siamese persuasion) Brown, Rita Mae (Mary Minor "Harry" Haristeen, postmistress, and feline Sneaky Pie, with occasional assistance from canine Tee Tucker) Cleary, Melissa (Jackie Walsh and her shepherd, Jake) Conant, Susan J. (The Dog Lover's series, featuring Holly Winter and Alaskan malamutes Rowdy and Kimi; 11 titles as of 1998) Douglas, Carole Nelson (Midnight Louis series:(Las Vegas publicist Miss Temple Barr and Midnight Louie, a studly, big black cat) Guiver, Patricia (Delilah Doolittle, British widow, and her Doberman, Watson, California)

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Detective Backgrounds Who a detective ishis or her gender, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientationplays a major role in how that detective relates to the crime to be solved, as well as to the world in general. A variety of backgrounds bring a wealth of diversity to the detective novel, adding fascinating insights to the unfolding of the characters within. Gay and Lesbian Mysteries featuring lesbian characters are a staple of the lesbian publishing trade. Naiad Press and Cleis Press frequently publish lesbian mysteries. Often, the stories contain sex and romance along with the mystery. Many are published in trade paperback; however, mysteries featuring gay men are more often produced in hardcover by major publishers. Alyson does publish gay mysteries, but gay detectives are just as likely to be published by major houses. Joseph Hansen's Dave Brandstetter novels have been published by Viking and Mysterious Press, while Michael Nava's mysteries have been published by HarperCollins. Nancy Clue and the Case of the Not-So-Nice Nurse, by Mabel Maney, is a delightful parody of both long-standing series read and loved by children (for example, Nancy Drew, Cherry Ames) and lesbian mystery novels. Allen, Kate (Alison Kane, Tell Me What You Like) Baker, Nikki (Virginia Kelly) Hansen, Joseph (David Brandstetter, insurance investigator) Hart, Ellen (Jane Lawless, restaurateur) Knight, Phyllis (Lil Ritchie, private investigator) Maiman, Jaye (Robin Miller) McNab, Claire (Detective Inspector Carol Ashton) Myers, John L. (David Harriman, Holy Family) Nava, Michael (Henry Rios, lawyer) Outland, Orland (Doan McCandler, drag queen, Death Wore a Smart Little Outfit) Phillips, Edward (Chadwick) Redman, J. M. (Micky Knight, lesbian P.I.) Scoppettone, Sandra (Lauren Laurano) Welch, Pat (Helen Black) Wings, Mary (Emma Victor, private investigator) Black Sleuths Frankie Y. Bailey takes a historical and scholarly look at black characters in his Out of the Woodpile: Black Characters in Crime and Detective Fiction (Greenwood, 1991). The author includes a directory of black characters in crime and detective fiction, film, and television. The book lists exotic settings and backgrounds and includes historical crime novels. There is an annotated sampling of detective cases and, most

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important (to readers of this guide), a list of black detectives in fiction. Paula L. Woods's award-winning anthology Spooks, Spies and Private Eyes: Black Mystery, Crime, and Suspense Fiction of the 20th Century (Doubleday, 1995) features original, long-lost, and recent examples of the diversity to be found in tales of crime written by blacks. The following list of books is just a small sampling of detective novels featuring black sleuths. Ball, John D. (Virgil Tibbs) Baxt, George (Pharaoh Love) Bland, Eleanor Taylor (Marti MacAlister, homicide detective) Burke, J. F. (Sam Kelly, house detective) Edwards, Grace F. (Mali Anderson, ex-cop) Grimes, Terris McMahan (Theresa Galloway, Somebody Else's Child) Haywood, Gar Anthony (Aaron Gunner, private investigator, Los Angeles) Hill, Reginald (Sixsmith, a lathe operator turned private detective) Holton, Hugh (Chicago Police Commander Larry Cole) Komo, Dolores (Clio Browne) Mason, Clifford (Joe Cinquez, Harlem) Mosley, Walter (Easy Rawlins, private investigator) Neely, Barbara (Blanche, a cleaning woman) Patterson, James (Alex Cross, police forensic psychologist) Smith-Levin, Judith (police lieutenant Starletta Duvall, Worcester, Massachusetts) Wesley, Valerie Wilson (Tamara Hayle, private investigator) Woods, Paula L. (Charlotte Justice, police officer) York, Andrew (Colonel James Munro Tallant, black police commissioner, Caribbean island) Hispanic Sleuths Unfortunately, there is not yet a book like Bailey's Out of the Woodpile for either Hispanic or Native American crime and detective fiction, but it is likely that publishing in these areas will continue to grow in the next years to meet increasing reader demand. Anaya, Rudolfo (Sonny Baca, P.I., Albuquerque) Burns, Rex (Gabe Wager, Denver) Cook, Bruce (Chico Cervantes, private investigator) Ramos, Manuel (Luis Montez, lawyer, Denver) Taibo, Paco Ignacio (Hector Belascoaran Shayne, Mexico City)

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Native American Sleuths Bowen, Peter (Gabriel Du Pre, Metis) Doss, James D. (Charlie Moon, Ute Tribal Police) Hager, Jean (Mitch Bushyhead, police chief; Molly Bearpaw, Native American League) Hillerman, Tony (Jim Chee and Joe Leaphorn, Navajo Tribal Police) Medawar, Mardi Oakley (Tay-bodal, a Kiowa healer in the 1860s) Perry, Thomas (Jane Whitehead, Seneca) Stabenow, Dana (Kate Shugak, Aleut) Stern, Richard Martin (Lieutenant Johnny Ortiz, Apache) Thurlo, Aimee, and David Thurlo (Agent Ella Clah, Navaho, FBI) Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn (Charles Spotted Moon, Ojibwa, San Francisco) Asian Sleuths Cunningham, E. V. (Masao Masuto, Nisei, Beverly Hills) Furutani, Dale (Ken Tanaka, Japanese-American; Matsuyama Kaze, seventeenth-century Japan) Glass, Leslie (April Woo, Chinese-American) Massey, Sujata (The Salaryman's Wife; Zen Attitude; Rei Shimura, Japanese-American English teacher living in Tokyo) Rowland, Laura Joh (Samurai Sano Ichiro, seventeenth-century Japan) Rozan, S. J. (Lydia Chin, Chinese-American) Wingate, Anne (Mark Shigata, Japanese-American) Women Detectives The species deadlier than the male appears in all types of detective stories. In her nineteenth-century origins in the genre, the woman detective tended to lean heavily on intuition. In more modern examples, while often remaining womanly, she uses her wits as ably as does the male detective. Many fans still identify with the stereotyped, sometimes memorable, spinster sleuth, neatly described by the vicar in Agatha Christie's first Miss Marple case, Murder at the Vicarage (1930): "There is no detective in England equal to a spinster lady of uncertain age with plenty of time on her hands." Women detectives have steadily been gaining ground since 1980. Since 1990 the growth has been explosive. V. I. Warshawski had her own eponymous film; Arly Hanks and Harry Haristeen have been seen on television. Much of the growth of women in the genre can be attributed to Sisters in Crime, an organization that promotes and provides support to women who write crime fiction. Several books dealing with women and mysteries have been published recently. By a Woman's Hand, second edition, by Jean Swanson and Dean James (Berkley, 1996), profiles over 200 women authors, their characters, book plots, and titles. Willetta L. Heising's Detecting Women 3 (Purple Moon Press, 2000) lists more than 800 series detectives and over 3,700 mystery titles written by women, in order of mystery series.

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It would be impossible to list all female sleuths appearing in crime fiction, but the following list serves to provide a sampling of the great variety of women solving crimes in novels. Several of the listings in this category are repeated from other sections. Barnes, Linda (Carlotta Carlyle, private investigator) Barth, Richard (Margaret Binton, retired) Berry, Carole (Bonnie Underhill, amateur) Bland, Eleanor Taylor (Marti MacAlister, black homicide detective) Brett, Simon (Mrs. Melita Pargeter, amateur) Brown, Rita Mae (Mary Minor "Harry" Haristeen, postmistress) Burke, Jan (Irene Kelly, newspaper reporter) Cannell, Dorothy (Ellie Haskell) Carlson, P. M. (Maggie Ryan, statistician) Carvic, Heron, continued by Hamilton Crane and Hampton Charles (Miss Seaton, British spinster) Christie, Agatha (Miss Jane Marple, spinster) Coker, Carolyn (Andrea Perkins, art restorer) Cooper, Susan Rogers (E. J. Pugh, romance-writing suburban mom) Cornwell, Patricia D. (Kay Scarpetta, medical examiner) Cross, Amanda (Kate Fansler, professor, New York) D'Amato, Barbara (Cat Marsala, freelance journalist) Davis, Dorothy Salisbury (Julie Hayes, amateur) Dunlap, Susan (Detective Jill Smith, police; Vejay Haskell, meter reader) Evanovich, Janet (Stephanie Plum, bounty hunter and former discount lingerie buyer) Fowler, Earlene (Benni Harper, curator of folk art museum, California) Fraser, Antonia (Jemima Shore, television reporter) Grace, C. L. (Kathryn Swinbrooke, medieval physician) Grafton, Sue (Kinsey Millhone, private investigator) Grant, Linda (Catherine Saylor, high-tech P.I.) Hager, Jean (Molly Bearpaw, investigator for the Native American Advocacy League) Hess, Joan (Arly Hanks, small-town chief of police; Claire Malloy, amateur) Holt, Hazel (Sheila Malory, British widow) Hornsby, Wendy (Maggie MacGowen, investigative filmmaker) Jance, J. A. (Joanna Brady, widow of a sheriff's deputy) Keating, H. R. F. (Mrs. Craggs, charlady, England) Kelly, Susan (Liz Connors, writer)

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Kijewski, Karen (Kat Colorado, private investigator) Kittredge, Mary (Charlotte Kent, writer; Edwina Crusoe, R.N.) Knight, Kathryn Lasky (Calista Jacobs, illustrator) MacLeod, Charlotte (Sarah Kelling, amateur) Martin, Lee (Deb Ralston, Fort Worth Police Department) McCrumb, Sharyn (Elizabeth MacPherson, anthropologist) McQuillan, Karin (Jazz Jasper, safari guide and animal activist) Melville, Jennie (Detective Sergeant Charmian Daniels, British) Mitchell, Gladys (Dame Beatrice Bradley, psychiatrist) Morice, Anne (Tessa Chrichton, actress) Muller, Marcia (Sharon McCone, private eye; Elena Oliverez, art curator) O'Donnell, Lillian (Detective Norah Mulcahany, New York Police Department) Osborn, David (Margaret Barlow, 50-something photojournalist) Palmer, Stuart (Hildegarde Withers, spinster) Papazoglou, Orania (Patience McKenna, writer) Paretsky, Sara (V. I. Warshawski, private investigator) Peters, Elizabeth (Amelia Peabody, archaeologist; Jacqueline Kirby, librarian) Pickard, Nancy (Jenny Cain, administrator) Quinn, Elizabeth (Lauren Maxwell, widowed mom and investigator for a nonprofit wildlife organization) Roberts, Gillian (Amanda Pepper, English teacher) Roosevelt, Elliott (First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt) Shankman, Sarah (Samantha Adams, crime reporter) Shannon, Dell (Delia Reardon, Los Angeles Police Department) Sherwood, John (Celia Grant, botanist) Slovo, Gillian (Kat Baeier, private investigator) Smith, Joan (Loretta Lawson, London University lecturer) Smith, Julie (Skip Langdon, New Orleans homicide detective) Smith, Julie (Rebecca Schwartz, lawyer. Interestingly enough, there are two Julie Smiths. Their novels are quite different from each other, but both feature strong, engrossing women detectives) Stabenow, Dana (Kate Shugak, former district attorney) Taylor, Elizabeth Atwood (Maggie Elliott, private investigator) Trocheck, Kathy Hogan (Callahan Garrity, cleaning lady, formerly a cop) Van Gieson, Judith (Neil Hamel, private investigator) Warner, Mignon (Mrs. Edwina Charles, clairvoyant) Watson, Clarissa (Persis Willum, art curator) Weir, Charlene (Susan Wren, police chief) White, Gloria (Ronnie Ventana, private investigator)

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Wings, Mary (Emma Victor, private investigator) Wolzien, Valerie (Susan Henshaw, suburban homemaker) Detective Story Settings and Subjects Just as many readers of detective fiction prefer a particular type of detective, others seek those stories with a particular background of country, social order, activity, organization, or profession. With the advent of automated catalogs and Library of Congress/OCLC GSAFD fiction subject headings and products like NoveList from Carl Corp., it is now fairly easy to locate mysteries with particular settings or subjects. There is also a guide for selecting titles by locale, Nina King's Crimes of the Scene: A Mystery Novel Guide for the International Traveler (St. Martin's Press, 1997). Following are several of the available anthologies that deal with settings and subjects. A few examples of subject groupings are included after the list to show the readers' advisory potential of analysis by type. Douglas, Carole Nelson. Midnight Louie's Pet Detectives. Forge, 1998. Gorman, Ed, Martin H. Greenberg, and Larry Segriff, eds. Cat Crimes Through Time. Carroll & Graf, 1999. Hillerman, Tony, ed. The Mysterious West. HarperCollins, 1994. MacLeod, Charlotte, ed. Christmas Stalkings: Tales of Yuletide Murder. Warner, 1992. Marks, Jeffrey, ed. Canine Crimes. Ballantine, 1998. Mosiman, Billie Sue, and Martin Harry Greenberg, eds. Blowout in Little Man Flats: And Other Spine-Tingling Stories of Murder in the West. Rutledge Hill Press, 1998. Pickard, Nancy, ed. Mom, Apple Pie, and Murder. Prime Crime, 1999. Wheat, Carolyn, ed. Murder on Route 66. Prime Crime, 1999. Locked Room The locked room is a classic plot device used by many different authors over the years. John Dickson Carr wrote several of these. In The Three Coffins (British title: The Hollow Man), his detective, Dr. Gideon Fell, explains the problem of the locked room in a neat discourse. More recent examples can be found in Death Cruise: Crime Stories on the Open Seas, edited by Lawrence Block (Cumberland House, 1999), in which a cruise ship is the ultimate "locked room."

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Sports The players, owners, and commentators find the final score in settings involving both amateur and high-stakes professional sports. Coben, Harlan (Myron Bolitar, sports agent) Elkins, Charlotte, and Aaron Elkins (Lee Ofsted, women's professional golf) Enger, L. L. (Gun Pedersen, baseball) Francis, Dick (jockey, trainer, and others connected with British horse racing) Geller, Michael (Slots Resnick, baseball) Gordon, Alison (Kate Henry, baseball writer) Hammond, Gerald (John Cunningham, hunting) Llewellyn, Sam (boating) Miles, Keith (professional golf) Nighbert, David F. (Bull Cochran, baseball) Soos, Troy (Mickey Rawlings, baseball player in the second decade of the twentieth century) Strip Joints The environs of ecdysiasts have appeared with great frequency in crime stories in the last several years. Somehow the denizens of these dens of iniquity make interesting witnesses and victims of crime. Block, Lawrence The Topless Tulip Caper: A Chip Harrison Novel. Douglas, Carole Nelson Pussyfoot. Fennelly, Tony The Hippie in the Wall. Gilpin, T. G. The Death of a Fantasy Life. Hamilton, Laurell K. Guilty Pleasures. An eccentric variation of mystery combined with science fiction and horror, in which the murders take place in a vampire strip joint. Hiaasen, Carl Strip Tease. Ritz, David Take It Off, Take It All Off.

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Cookery Mm-mm-good . . . Dining plays a major role in the following selection of mysteries, in which food and cooking are very important. Some even include recipes! Babson, Marian Death Warmed Over. Barnes, Linda Cities of the Dead. Bond, Michael The character's dog is Pommes Frites. Monsieur Pamplemousse. Monsieur Pamplemousse and the Secret Mission. Monsieur Pamplemousse Aloft. Davidson, Diane Mott Catering to Nobody. Dying for Chocolate. The Cereal Murders. The Last Suppers. Killer Pancake. The Main Corpse. The Grilling Season. Prime Cut. Laurence, Janet Featuring Darina Lisle, caterer/cookbook writer. Lewis, Shelby Delicious. A romantic mystery featuring Bailey Walker, an African-American caterer. Lyons, Nan, and Ivan Lyons Someone Is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe. Someone Is Killing the Great Chefs of America. Myers, Tamar Pennsylvania Dutch Mystery series. Featuring Magdalena Yoder. Page, Katherine Hall Featuring Faith Fairchild, gourmet chef.

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Pence, Joanne Featuring Chef Angie Amalfi. Pickard, Nancy 27-Ingredient Chili con Carne Murders. Continues the series originated by Virginia Rich. Rich, Virginia The series has been continued by Nancy Pickard. The Cooking School Murders. The Baked Bean Supper Murders. The Nantucket Diet Murders. Richman, Phyllis Featuring Chas Wheatley, restaurant critic. Roudybush, Alexandra A Gastronomic Murder. Simmel, Johannes Mario It Can't Always Be Caviar. Stout, Rex Too Many Cooks. Temple, Lou Jane Featuring Heaven Lee, restaurateur. Bibliomysteries In the following books the amateur sleuths are somehow involved in the world of books, whether as librarians, writers, illustrators, publishers, or booksellers. Asimov, Isaac Murder at the ABA. Blackburn, John Blue Octavo (alternate title: Bound to Kill). Blackstock, Charity Dewey Death. Carter, Robert A. Casual Slaughters. Dunning, John Featuring Cliff Janeway, book collector and expert.

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Fiechter, Jean-Jacques Death by Publication. Goodrum, Charles Featuring Edward George, Crighton Jones, and Steve Carson. Hall, Parnell Suspense. Hart, Carolyn G. Featuring Annie Laurance and Max Darling, bookstore owner. Hess, Joan Featuring Claire Malloy, bookseller. James, P. D. Original Sin. Jordan, Jennifer Featuring Mr. and Mrs. Barry Vaughan, writers. Kaewert, Julie Wallin Unsolicited. Knight, Kathryn Lasky Featuring Calista Jacobs, illustrator. Lewis, Roy Featuring Matthew Coll, English book dealer. McGaughey, Neil Featuring Stokes Moran, mystery reviewer. Morley, Christopher The Haunted Bookshop. Papazoglou, Orania Featuring Patience McKenna, writer. Peters, Elizabeth Featuring Jacqueline Kirby, librarian/romance writer. Philbrick, W. R. Featuring Jack Hawkins, wheelchair-bound mystery writer. Rhode, John, and Carter Dickson Fatal Descent.

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Richardson, Robert Featuring Augustus Maltravers. Shankman, Sarah Featuring Samantha Adams, writer. Stern, Richard Martin Manuscript for Murder. Symons, Julian The Narrowing Circle. Valin, Jonathan Final Notice. College and University The college campus, often perceived as a protected environment, becomes a site of crime and intrigue in the following books. Bernard, Robert Deadly Meeting. Blake, Nicholas The Morning After Death. Boucher, Anthony The Case of the Seven of Calvary. Bradberry, James The Seventh Sacrament. Clinton-Baddeley, V. C. My Foe Outstretched Beneath the Tree. Cole, G. D. H., and Margaret Cole Off with Her Head. Constantine, K. C. The Blank Page. Dillon, Ellis Death in the Quadrangle. Eustis, Helen The Horizontal Man. Fiske, Dorsey Academic Murder.

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Graham, John Alexander The Involvement of Arnold Wechsler. Hodgkin, M. R. Student Body. Innes, Michael Death at the President's Lodging. Old Hall, New Hall. Johnson, W. Bolingbroke The Widening Stain. Levin, Ira Juliet Dies Twice. MacKay, Amanda Death Is Academic. Masterman, J. C. An Oxford Tragedy. Mitchell, Gladys Fault in the Structure. Spotted Hemlock. Rees, Dilwyn The Cambridge Murders. Rennert, Maggie Circle of Death. Robinson, Robert Landscape with Dead Dons. Sayers, Dorothy L. Gaudy Night. Vulliamy, C. E. Don Among the Dead Men. Genre Writers' Conventions There is something fascinating about concentrating a number of genre authors and fans in a small space that leads to murder. The Papazoglou and Peters books in the following list take place at romance writers' conventions and contain some very witty criticism, along with delicious quotations, of the romance genre. The McCrumb title, available only in paperback, is about a science fiction convention and has become somewhat of a cult classic. Jessica Fletcher is a fictional author from television's Murder She Wrote.

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Barnard, Robert The Cherry Blossom Corpse (Death in Purple Prose). Fletcher, Jessica, and Donald Bain Gin and Daggers. Jones, Diana Wynne Deep Secret. McCrumb, Sharyn Bimbos of the Death Sun. Papazoglou, Orania Sweet, Savage Love. Peters, Elizabeth Die for Love. Taylor, L. A. A Murder Waiting to Happen. Art World Coker, Carolyn (Andrea Perkins, art restorer) Inchbald, Peter (Francis Corti, Art and Antiques Squad) Leather, Edwin (Rupert Conway, art dealer) Malcolm, John (Tim Simpson, art investment advisor) Muller, Marcia (Elena Oliverez, art curator) Pears, Iain (Art History Mystery series; Jonathan Argyll and Flavia di Stefano) Pérez-Reverte, Arturo (The Flanders Panel) Watson, Clarissa (Persis Willum, art curator) Historical Mysteries Mystery and detection novels are essentially timeless: Readers simply accept the period backgrounds. One of the fastestgrowing subgenres in mystery is the historical, with the nineteenth century and the medieval period being particularly popular. Some readers seek out the nineteenth-century sources of the detective story in Edgar Allan Poe, Wilkie Collins, Sheridan LeFanu, and others who wrote before the creation of Sherlock Holmes. History fans might find the backgrounds as interesting as the plots. The first few books listed are anthologies indicating the scope of the subgenre. Hutchings, Janet. Once Upon a Crime: Historical Mysteries from Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine. St. Martin's Press, 1994. Monfredo, Miriam Grace, and Sharan Newman, eds. Crime Through Time. Berkley, 1997. Crime Through Time II. Berkley, 1998.

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Ackroyd, Peter Hawksmoor. Some supernatural aspects as a twentieth-century Scotland Yard case is linked to the seventeenth century. Alexander, Bruce Featuring Sir John Fielding, eighteenth-century London. Alexander, Lawrence The Big Stick. Speak Softly. Teddy Roosevelt as police commissioner. Barron, Stephanie Jane Austen Mystery series. Baxt, George The Dorothy Parker Murder Case. The Alfred Hitchcock Murder Case. Borowitz, Albert The Jack the Ripper Walking Tour Murder. Brown, Molly Invitation to a Funeral. Restoration London. Buckley, Fiona Featuring Ursula Blanchard, lady-in-waiting to Queen Elizabeth I. Burns, Ron Enslaved. The Mysterious Death of Meriwether Lewis. Featuring Harrison Hull. Carr, Caleb Featuring Dr. Laszlo Kreizler, a psychologist working for the New York Police Force under Teddy Roosevelt, 1896. The Alienist. The Angel of Darkness. Clark, Robert Mr. White's Confession. Minnesota, 1939. Clynes, Michael The White Rose Murders. Featuring Sir Richard Shattot, sixteenth-century Britain. Collins, Max Allen The Million-Dollar Wound. Featuring private eye Nate Heller in Chicago of the 1940s.

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Cooney, Eleanor, and Daniel Altieri Deception: A Novel of Murder and Madness in T'ang China. Davis, Lindsey Featuring Marcus Didius Falco, Ancient Rome. Day, Dianne Featuring Fremont Jones, an independent career woman in turn-of-the-century San Francisco. The Strange Files of Fremont Jones. Fire and Fog. The Bohemian Murders. Emperor Norton's Ghost. De La Torre, Lillian The Exploits of Dr. Sam Johnson, Detector. Doherty, P. C. Featuring Hugh Corbett, clerk and spy in the court of Edward II. Doody, Margaret Aristotle Detective. Douglas, Carole Nelson Featuring Irene Adler, antagonist of Sherlock Holmes, Victorian. Dunn, Carola Damsel in Distress. A Daisy Dalrymple Mystery series set in 1920s England. Eco, Umberto The Name of the Rose. Featuring Brother William of Baskerville, fourteenth century. Farnol, Jeffery Jasper Shrig, Bow Street Runner, appeared in 10 novels by this author of Regency romances; the best known is The Amateur Gentleman. Furutani, Dale Death at the Crossroads: A Samurai Mystery. Seventeenth-century Japan. Goulart, Ron Featuring Groucho Marx, 1930s Hollywood. Grace, C. L. Featuring Kathryn Swinbrooke, medieval physician.

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Hambly, Barbara A Free Man of Color. Fever Season. Featuring Ben January, 1833 New Orleans. Haney, Lauren Featuring Lieutenant Bak, ancient Egypt. Harper, Karen The Poyson Garden: An Elizabethan Mystery. Sleuthing by the future queen. Harrison, Ray Featuring Sergeant Bragg and Constable Morton, 1890s London City Police. Deathwatch. Harvest of Death. Heller, Keith Featuring George Man, London parish watchman, eighteenth century. Man's Illegal Life. Man's Storm. Hervey, Evelyn The Governess. London, 1870s. Hilton, John Buxton Featuring Inspector Pickford, Detective Brunt, and Sergeant Nadin, Derbyshire, nineteenth century. Jeffreys, J. G. Featuring Jeremy Sturrock, Bow Street Runner. Kaminsky, Stuart M. Featuring Toby Peters, private eye, Hollywood, in the 1940s, in a series in which actual motion picture stars are characters (for example, John Wayne, Charlie Chaplin). Lawrence, Margaret Hannah Trevor, a midwife in eighteenth-century Maine, is drawn into solving mysteries. Hearts and Bones. Hannah finds the body of a woman who had been tortured, raped, and murdered. A letter left by the deceased points a finger at three men, one of whom Hannah loves. Blood Red Roses. The Burning Bride. Linscott, Gillian Hanging on the Wire. Sister Beneath the Sheet. Featuring Nell Bray, English suffragette.

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Lovesey, Peter Featuring Sergeant Cribb and Constable Thackeray, London, nineteenth century. Bertie and the Seven Bodies. Bertie and the Tinman. Featuring Prince Albert. Maher, Mary The Devil's Card. Nineteenth-century Chicago. McConnor, Vincent Featuring François Vidocq, founder of the Sûreté, Paris, nineteenth century. McMillan, Ann Dead March. Civil War, Virginia. Meyers, Maan The Dutchman. Featuring Sheriff Pieter Tonneman, New Amsterdam, 1664. The Kingsbridge Plot. Plot to assassinate Washington. The High Constable. New York, early nineteenth century. Monfredo, Miriam Grace Seneca Falls Inheritance. Librarian Glynis Tyron teams up with the sheriff to solve a murder at the First Women's Rights Convention. Newman, Sharan Featuring Catherine and Edgar, twelfth-century Europe. This couple travels! Death Comes as Epiphany. The Devil's Door. The Wandering Arm. Strong as Death. Cursed in the Blood. Oates, Joyce Carol Mysteries of Winterthurn. Featuring Xavier Kilgarvan, detective, United States, late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Paige, Robin Featuring Sir Charles Sheridan and Kathryn Ardleigh, nineteenth-century England. Palmer, William J. The Detective and Mr. Dickens. The Highwayman and Mr. Dickens. Featuring Inspector William Field with Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins. Pears, Iain An Instance of the Fingerpost. Restoration England.

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Penman, Sharon Kay Medieval Mystery series. Featuring Justin de Quincy. Pérez-Reverte, Arturo The Fencing Master. Nineteenth-century Spain. Perry, Anne Featuring Inspector Thomas Pitt and wife Charlotte, London, nineteenth century; William Monk, amnesiac Victorian police detective then private investigator. Peters, Elizabeth Featuring Amelia Peabody, Victorian Egyptologist. Peters, Ellis Featuring Brother Cadfael, Benedictine monastery, Shrewsbury, twelfth century. Pronzini, Bill Featuring John Quincannon, Federal Secret Service agent, San Francisco, 1890s. Pullman, Philip The Ruby in the Smoke. A Shadow in the North. The Tiger in the Well. A young adult series enjoyed by adults. Robb, Candace Featuring Owen Archer, fourteenth-century England. Robinson, Lynda S. Featuring Lord Meren, ancient Egypt. Ross, Kate Featuring Julian Kestrel, Regency England. Rowland, Laura Joh Featuring Samurai Sano Ichiro, seventeenth-century Japan. Satterthwait, Walter Masquerade. 1920s Paris. Saylor, Steven Featuring Gordanius the finder, ancient Rome. Sedley, Kate Featuring Roger the Chapman, fifteenth-century peddlercumamateur detective. Selwyn, Francis Featuring Sergeant Verity, London, nineteenth century.

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Smith, Martin Cruz Rose. Lancashire, England, 1872. Stubbs, Jean Dear Laura. Inspector Lintott, Scotland Yard, nineteenth century. Wolf, Joan No Dark Place. Hugh Corbaille, Norman England. Futuristic Mysteries In direct counterpoint to historical mysteries are those set in the future. They often have the same appeal of an exotic setting in a place we cannot go now. Futuristic mysteries are listed in the science fiction chapter (Chapter 6). Readers may also want to consult the fantasy chapter (Chapter 7) for mysteries with a fantasy setting. Suspense This catchall term is applied by publishers to such a variety of books that it becomes difficult to determine exactly what does fit into the suspense category. In some novels of suspense the crime has not even been committed yet, but the reader knows that it is to come and fervently turns the pages to see what will happen. Even though detection is common in novels of suspense, the emphasis is not so much on ''who done it" but on why it was done. The psychology of the perpetrator of the crime is of importance. Although in novels of detection the series sleuth has become the norm, in suspense the series is the exception rather than the rule. Often in novels of suspense, the reader knows the identity of the perpetrator early on but must keep reading to find out what happens next. The reader often feels a sense of impending doom. Many of the books listed under "Legal Thriller" are also novels of suspense. Abrahams, Peter Hard Rain. A Perfect Crime. The Fan. Armstrong, Charlotte A Dram of Poison. Dream of Fair Women. Lay On, Mac Duff! Bayer, William Switch. Beck, Kathrine Bad Neighbors. Comedic suspense.

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Blackstock, Charity The Foggy, Foggy Dew. I Met Murder on the Way. Blauner, Peter The Intruder. Man of the Hour. Slow Motion Riot. Clark, Mary Higgins The Cradle Will Fall. A Cry in the Night. A Stranger Is Watching. While My Pretty One Sleeps. Pretend You Don't See Her. You Belong to Me. We'll Meet Again. Clark, Mary Jane Do You Want to Know a Secret? Clarke, Anna The Lady in Black. Soon She Must Die. The Case of the Paranoid Patient. Collins, Wilkie The Woman in White. Cook, Thomas H. Breakheart Hill. The Chatham School Affair. Instruments of Night. Curtiss, Ursula Dog in the Manger. The Birthday Gift. The Poisoned Orchard. Deaver, Jeffery Wilds A Maiden's Grave. Praying for Sleep. The Lesson of Her Death.

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Eidson, Bill Adrenaline. Ellin, Stanley Very Old Money. House of Cards. Eustis, Helen The Horizontal Man. Fielding, Joy Kiss Mommy Goodbye. The Deep End. See Jane Run. Don't Cry Now. Missing Pieces. Fremlin, Celia The Hours Before Dawn. The Jealous One. A Lovely Day to Die and Other Stories. Dangerous Thoughts. Fyfield, Frances Blind Date. Gilbert, Anna Miss Bede Is Staying. The Treachery of Time. The Wedding Guest. Has the feeling of an old-fashioned gothic. Gill, B. M. Death Drop. Target Westminster. Graham, Winston Marnie. The Walking Stick. Guest, Judith, and Rebecca Hill Killing Time in St. Cloud. Highsmith, Patricia Slowly, Slowly in the Wind. Short stories. Strangers on a Train.

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Japrisot, Sebastien The Lady in the Car with Glasses and a Gun. One Deadly Summer. Trap for Cinderella. Kellerman, Jonathan Billy Straight. King, Tabitha Survivor. Maxim, John R. Haven. McGinley, Patrick Bogmail. Millar, Margaret Beast in View. Beyond This Point Are Monsters. The Devil Loves Me. Palmer, Michael Medical suspense that verges on horror. Rendell, Ruth The Crocodile Bird. A Judgment in Stone. The Killing Doll. Make Death Love Me. Master of the Moor. The New Girl Friend and Other Stories. The Tree of Hands. Scholefield, Alan Night Child. Vine, Barbara These books are now being reissued under the name Ruth Rendell. Walker, Mary Willis Under the Beetle's Cellar. The Red Scream. All the Dead Lie Down. Zero at the Bone.

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Walters, Minette The Breaker. The Ice House. The Scold's Bridal. The Dark Room. The Echo. The Sculptress. Wilhelm, Kate The Good Children. Serial Killers A psychopathic killer pursuing (usually) a woman is as common a plot element in this subgenre as are serial killers. Madness and murder appear in other genres, and some examples are included in Chapter 8, "Horror" (for example, Robert Bloch's Psycho). Bayer, William Wallflower. Cohen, Anthea A curious aspect of this series is that it features a nurse murderer, and one critic has questioned the limited appeal of the murderer-as-heroine concept. Angel Without Mercy. Angel of Vengeance. Angel of Death. Connelly, Michael Blood Work. Cook, Thomas H. Mortal Memory. Crider, Bill Blood Marks. Fielding, Joy The Deep End. Kiss Mommy Goodbye. Fremlin, Celia The Parasite Person. Hall, James W. Body Language.

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Heckler, Jonellen Circumstances Unknown. Hunter, Jessie Prichard Blood Music. One Two Buckle My Shoe. Kaminsky, Stuart Exercise in Terror. King, Tabitha The Trap. Lindsey, David L. Mercy. A Cold Mind. Reichs, Kathy Deja Dead. Sandford, John Psychopathic killers appear frequently in his Prey series. Wiltse, David The Edge of Sleep. Blown Away. Romance/Suspense Writers Romance writers who write suspenseful romances often include more suspense than romance. Many of the following authors are also included in the romance chapter (Chapter 5). Brown, Sandra Unspeakable. Cannell, Dorothy Down the Garden Path. Coulter, Catherine The Cove. The Maze. The Target. The Edge.

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Hoag, Tami Guilty as Sin. Night Sins. Johansen, Iris Face of Deception. And Then You Die. Ugly Duckling. Lowell, Elizabeth Amber Beach. Jade Island. Pearl Cove. Michaels, Barbara Someone in the House. The Wizard's Daughter. Paul, Barbara The Renewable Virgin. Peters, Elizabeth The Camelot Caper. Robards, Karen The Midnight Hour. Walking After Midnight. Roberts, Nora Oxymoron series. Genuine Lies. Carnal Innocence. Brazen Virtue. Stewart, Mary My Brother Michael. Whitney, Phyllis Hunter's Green. Crime/Caper The following books focus on the crime and the perpetrators rather than on finding who did it or why it was done. Some of the protagonists are career criminals, while others may be ordinary folks pushed by circumstances into committing crimes. The one trait the diverse rogues all possess is cunning, regardless of social standing, education, economic level, gender, or race.

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Many of the following authors write other types of books involving crime. The titles noted are examples of their novels that distinctly involve a caper. Underworld A few authors write with harsh realism about the underworld of crime (Burnett, Greene, and Higgins are in the following list, but one might include Dashiell Hammett). Other authors treat the underworld and its criminals with realism but combine the features of criminals and amoral rogues to create characters with whom the reader can sympathize. Bayer, William Blind Side. Browne, Gerald A. Hot Siberian. 19 Purchase Street. 11 Harrowhouse. Green Ice. Stone 588. Burnett, W. R. Little Caesar. The Asphalt Jungle. Chafets, Zev Inherit the Mob. The Bookmakers. Chase, James Hadley While no longer popular in the United States, Hadley has a loyal international following. No Orchids for Miss Blandish. Condon, Richard Prizzi's Honor. Prizzi's Family. Prizzi's Glory. Prizzi's Money. DeMille, Nelson The Gold Coast. Diehl, William Thai Horse.

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Doctorow, E. L. Billy Bathgate. Dunet, Sarah Snowstorms in a Hot Climate. Estleman, Loren D. Kill Zone. Roses Are Dead. Freemantle, Brian The Choice of Eddie Franks. Giancana, Sam, and Bettina Giancana 30 Seconds. Greene, Graham Brighton Rock. This Gun for Hire. Higgins, George V. The Friends of Eddie Coyle. Izzi, Eugene Izzi's own death was more bizarre than anything in his books. Invasions. Prime Roll. King of the Hustlers. The Booster. Kakonis, Tom Michigan Roll. Katzenbach, John Day of Reckoning. Leonard, Elmore Stick. Cat Chase. Split Images. Glitz. Swag. The Switch. Lindsey, David L. Requiem for a Glass Heart.

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Puzo, Mario The Godfather. The Sicilian. Reardon, James Hard Time Tommy Sloane. Stevens, Shane Dead City. Thomas, Ross Chinaman's Chance. Vachss, Andrew Strega. Woods, Stuart L. A. Times. Rogues The cheerfully amoral rogue is, with a few exceptions, a likable character who, although in contravention of the law, doesn't seem too bad to the reader. Many rogues appear in series. The following list includes indifferent thieves, con men, and shady rogues who pull off their deals with a blithe disregard of law and, usually, morality. The first list covers a miscellany of capers; it is followed by several groupings of patterned types of capers. Archer, Jeffrey Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less. A classic tale of the biter bit. Butterworth, Michael X Marks the Spot. Stealing Marx's Bones. Cain, James M. The Postman Always Rings Twice. Somber insurance swindle. Cannell, Stephen J. King Con. Canning, Victor Fall from Grace. Cecil, Henry Many of his law court comedies are also comic capers. Much in Evidence. The Painswick Line.

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Crichton, Michael The Great Train Robbery. Drummond, Ivor Series about a trio of roguish crime-busters: Lady Jennifer, Colley, and Count Sandro. Gilbert, Michael End-Game. The Long Voyage Home. International business scams. Godey, John The Taking of Pelham One Two Three. Hijacking of a New York subway train. Hallahan, William H. The Ross Forgery. Hill, Reginald A Very Good Hater: A Tale of Revenge. Hull, Richard The Murder of My Aunt. A classic. Lehman, Ernest The French Atlantic Affair. Leonard, Elmore Get Shorty. Be Cool. Gangster Chili Palmer tackles the movie industry and then the music business. MacKenzie, Donald John Raven series. An exScotland Yard detective is involved in all types of capers. Petievich, Gerald To Die in Beverly Hills. Roudybush, Alexandra A Gastronomic Murder. Jewel theft and food. Taylor, Andrew Caroline Minuscule. Jewel theft. Wainwright, John Clouds of Guilt.

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Burglars Block, Lawrence These stories feature Bernard Rhodenbarr. Burglars Can't Be Choosers. The Burglar in the Closet. The Burglar Who Liked to Quote Kipling. The Burglar Who Painted Like Mondrian. The Burglar Who Studied Spinoza. Dodge, David To Catch a Thief. Gores, Joe Come Morning. Hoch, Edward D. The Thefts of Nick Velvet. Hornung, E. W. The Complete Short Stories of RafflesThe Amateur Cracksman. Series continued by Perowne (see below). Leblanc, Maurice The Extraordinary Adventures of Arséne Lupin, Gentleman-Burglar. Perowne, Barry Raffles Revisited: Some New Adventures of a Famous Gentleman Crook. Raffles of the Albany. Royce, Kenneth These books feature Spider Scott, reformed cat burglar. The Crypto Man. Spider Underground. The Masterpiece Affair. Stark, Richard (pseudonym of Donald E. Westlake) The Parker series had a long run as original paperbacks before appearing in hardcover. Butcher's Moon. Deadly Edge.

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Art Crimes Many art-scam titles appear in mystery/detection. Bonfiglioli, Kyril Don't Point That Thing at Me (U.S. edition, Mortdecai's Endgame). After You with the Pistol. Features the Honorable Charlie Mortdecai. Butterworth, Michael A Virgin on the Rocks. Canning, Victor Vanishing Point. Delahaye, Michael The Sale of Lot 236. Follett, Ken The Modigliani Scandal. Goldman, James The Man from Greek and Roman. Harris, MacDonald The Treasure of Sainte Foy. Page, Martin The Man Who Stole the Mona Lisa (British edition, Set a Thief). Westheimer, David The Olmec Head. Smuggling Ellin, Stanley The Luxembourg Run. Fish, Robert L. All of these are about Kek Huuygens. Kek Huuygens, Smuggler. The Wager. Whirligig. The Tricks of the Trade. Hallahan, William H. Foxcatcher.

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Amoral Rogue and Hit Man Blincoe, Nicholas Acid Casuals. Transsexual assassin Estela Santos has returned to Manchester, England, in an explosive mix of gangs, car chases, flying bullets, and lots of drugs. Block, Lawrence Hit Man. Highsmith, Patricia The Talented Mr. Ripley. Ripley Under Ground. Ripley's Game. The Boy Who Followed Ripley. Perry, Thomas The Butcher's Boy. Metzger's Dog. Big Fish. Smith, Evelyn Miss Melville Rides a Tiger. Miss Melville Returns. Miss Melville Regrets. Miss Melville's Revenge. Van de Wetering, Janwillem The Butterfly Hunter. Elderly Rogues Carson, Robert The Golden Years Caper. Band of elderly people in Long Beach, California, find ''the wages of sin are bankable." Fish, Robert L. These books feature three retired writers of mystery novels. The Murder League. Rub-A-Dub-Dub. A Gross Carriage of Justice.

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Women Their capers are various. Andress, Lesley Caper. Bailey, Hilary Hannie Richards, or The Intrepid Adventures of a Restless Wife. Cornelisen, Ann Any Four Women Could Rob the Bank of Italy. Garfield, Brian Necessity. Sheldon, Sidney If Tomorrow Comes. Comic Capers Among the authors previously listed are several who use humor either broadly or sardonically. A determinedly comic treatment is used by the following authors, creating a felicitous union of comedy and crime without the defects of farce. (See Frank Norman's private detective novels for his lovely depiction of Cockney crooks.) Barrett, Neal, Jr Pink Vodka Blues. Dead Dog Blues. Butterworth, Michael The Man in the Sopwith Camel. The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo. Cannell, Stephen J. King Con. Childress, Mark Crazy in Alabama. Fennelly, Tony The Glory Hole Murders. Follett, Ken Paper Money.

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Hiaasen, Carl Double Whammy. Tourist Season. Skin Tight. Native Tongue. Strip Tease. Stormy Weather. Lucky You. Sick Puppy. Hunter, Evan Every Little Crook and Nanny. Leonard, Elmore Get Shorty. Lyons, Nan, and Ivan Lyons Someone Is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe. Champagne Blues. Westlake, Donald E. There are many, many more than those listed here, several featuring John Dortmunder, burglar, and all greeted with cheers by his many fans. Good Behavior. God Save the Mark. High Adventure. Why Me. Legal Thriller The legal thriller is currently playing big to movie houses and on bestseller lists. This type features as the hero a lawyer who has gotten into a fix and needs to extricate himself or herself through clever use of a superior intellect. There actually is variety within this subgenre, from the earnest young attorney who finds out that he is unwittingly representing organized crime to the attorney wrongly accused of murder who is duped by those close to her. The hero can be a young legal student who, as an intellectual exercise, tries to solve murders but then, because of her theories, ends up as the target of the killers, or an earnest judge who is manipulated into an explosive situation. In this type of story, the focus is not on the solving of a mystery but rather on the thrill of the chase, usually from the point of view of the one being chased! The number one Publishers Weekly best seller for 1998 was John Grisham's The Street Lawyer, evidence that this subgenre remains popular.

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Baldacci, David The Simple Truth. Brandon, Jay Angel of Death. Defiance County. Rules of Evidence. Local Rules. Diehl, William Primal Fear. Show of Evil. Finder, Joseph High Crimes. Freedman, J. F. Disappearing Act. Grisham, John A Time to Kill. The Firm. The Pelican Brief. The Client. The Chamber. The Rainmaker. The Partner. The Runaway Jury. The Street Lawyer. The Testament. Irving, Clifford Final Argument. Lescroart, John T. The 13th Juror. Hard Evidence. Features Dismas Hardy, defense attorney. Margolin, Phillip The Undertaker's Widow. After Dark. The Last Innocent Man. The Burning Man.

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Martini, Steve Compelling Evidence. Prime Witness. Undue Influence. Patterson, Richard North Degree of Guilt. Silent Witness. Rosenberg, Nancy Taylor First Offense. Mitigating Circumstances. Interest of Justice. Stern, Mark Inadmissible. Tanenbaum, Robert K. No Lesser Plea. Depraved Indifference. Immoral Certainty. Reversible Error. Material Witness. Turow, Scott Presumed Innocent. Burden of Proof. Pleading Guilty. Warfield, Gallatin Silent Son. State v. Justice. Wheat, Carolyn Sworn to Defend.

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Topics Immortal Investigators Some sleuths achieve lives of their own, becoming so real that pastiches are done of them, biographies are written about them, and they appear in the works of other authors. Among the immortals are Dashiell Hammett's detectives and Chandler's Philip Marlowe, both noted in the "Private Detectives" section. Following are detectives who have become beings in their own right through the devotion of readers. Christie, Agatha (Hercule Poirot, Miss Jane Marple) "The first lady of crime" published 83 titles, including original collections of short stories. Many have been made into movies and television programs and more have been released as audio recordings and in large type. Her dapper detective Hercule Poirot, who said that one must "employ the little grey cells," appeared in her first novel (The Mysterious Affair at Styles, 1920) and in 34 other novels, as well as in some short stories. In 1998 one of her Hercule Poirot plays was adapted into novel form by Charles Osborne. Another Christie character, Miss Jane Marple, the inquisitive village spinster who insisted that "human nature is much the same in a village as anywhere else, only one has opportunities and leisure for seeing it at closer quarters," appeared in Christie's 11th novel (Murder at the Vicarage, 1930), in 11 other novels, and in 20 short stories (collected as Miss Marple: The Complete Short Stories [Dodd, 1985]). An amusing and loving biography of Miss Marple has been constructed by Anne Hart from Christie's novels and short stories: The Life and Times of Miss Jane Marple (Dodd, 1985). A comedy detective couple, Tommy and Tuppence, appeared in Christie's second novel (The Secret Adversary, 1922) and in three other novels, as well as in short stories, but they never rivaled the popularity of Poirot and Marple. In 1926, Christie successfully broke a sacred detective story law by having her narrator be murdered in The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. Her Autobiography (London: Collins, 1977; reissued in paperback in 1996 by Boulevard) reveals both the woman and the writer. The following are a few books from a growing bibliography of books related to Christie's work. Jacquemard, Yves, and Jean-Michel Sénécal. The Eleventh Little Indian. This detective novel, featuring Superintendent Hector Parescot, Sûreté, is a spoof tribute to Christie and her Ten Little Indians. Published in English in 1979, it still remains available in public libraries. Kaska, Kathleen. What's Your Agatha Christie I.Q.?: 1,001 Puzzling Questions About the World's Most Beloved Mystery Writer. Citadel Press, 1996. Riley, Dick, Pam McAllister, and Julian Symons. The New Bedside, Bathtub, Armchair Companion to Agatha Christie. Continuum, 1994. A synopsis of all her novels, short stories, and plays. Includes articles about the poisons used and clothing worn by characters.

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Sova, Dawn B. Agatha Christie A to Z: The Essential Reference to Her Life and Writings. Facts on File, 1997. A brief biography of Agatha Christie, followed by a complete descriptive bibliography of her oeuvre. Several Web pages are devoted to Dame Agatha; following are merely a few of them: (accessed 20 January 2000) (accessed 20 January 2000) (accessed 20 January 2000) Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir (Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson) Four novels (The Hound of the Baskervilles, 1902; The Sign of Four, 1890; A Study in Scarlet, 1887; and The Valley of Fear, 1915) and 56 short stories, some of novella length, make up the canon of "sacred" writings presented with elaborate notes and period illustrations in the two-volume The Annotated Sherlock Holmes, edited by William S. Baring-Gould (Crown, 1967). A host of devout followers have continued the canon in novels and short stories. Derleth, August. The Solar Pons Omnibus. Arkham House, 1982. 2 vols. Contains the eight titles of Solar Pons's adventures. Douglas, Carole Nelson Irene Adler series. Good Night, Mr. Holmes. Good Morning, Irene. Irene at Large. Irene's Last Waltz. Fish, Robert L. The Incredible Sherlock Holmes. The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (A Bagel Street Dozen). Gardner, John The Return of Moriarty. Hanna, Edward B. The Whitechapel Horrors. Irvine, R. R. Short stories about Niles Brundage, actor of Sherlock Holmes roles.

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King, Laurie R. The Beekeeper's Apprentice, or, On the Segregation of the Queen. A Monstrous Regiment of Women. A Letter of Mary. Siciliano, Sam The Angel of the Opera. Symons, Julian The Three-Pipe Problem. Novel about an actor of Holmes roles. Watson, John H. The Seven-Per-Cent Solution, Being a Reprint from the Reminiscences of John H. Watson, M.D., as edited by Nicholas Meyer. With this 1974 pastiche, Nicholas Meyer (who did two more) incited a flood of imitators. These novels portray Sherlock Holmes either in his own period or (as, of course, he still lives!) in modern times. Many of these are of indifferent quality. Writings about Sherlock Holmes are more voluminous than the canon of Conan Doyle's works. An association of admirers, the Baker Street Irregulars, publishes the Baker Street Journal and hosts events honoring Holmes. A novel by Anthony Boucher, The Case of the Baker Street Irregulars, has several of the Irregulars involved in and trying to solve a murder in Los Angeles. A recent biography is Teller of Tales: The Life of Arthur Conan Doyle, by Daniel Stashower (Henry Holt, 1999). Web sites devoted to Sherlock Holmes abound; the following offer information and links to other related sites and groups. (accessed 20 January 2000) (accessed 20 January 2000) Sayers, Dorothy L. (Lord Peter Wimsey, Montague Egg) Twelve novels (all but one featuring Lord Peter; the first published in 1923) and 45 short stories (22 featuring Lord Peter) ensure Lord Peter's immortality. In 1998 Thrones, Dominations, an unfinished manuscript about Lord Peter and Harriet Vane upon starting their married life together that was finished by Jill Paton Walsh, was published. The short stories can be found in Lord Peter, compiled by James Sandoe. Dorothy L. Sayers is so beloved of mystery fans that the online mystery discussion group named Dorothyl. Sayers has been a popular topic for scholarly dissertations. Her spiritual writings, rather than her wonderful mysteries, have been the emphasis of many of the most recent books about her.

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Brabazon, James. Dorothy L. Sayers: The Life of a Courageous Woman. With a preface by Anthony Fleming and a foreword by P. D. James. Gollancz, 1981. The "authorized" (by her son) biography, published early (Sayers stipulated that no biography be published until 50 years after her death), while now close to 20 years old, has not been superseded and can be found on library shelves although it is out of print. Brabazon knew Sayers, had access to all her papers, and was given complete editorial freedom. In style, wit, intelligence, and spirit, he matches his subject to perfection. Brunsdale, Mitzi. Dorothy L. Sayers: Solving the Mystery of Wickedness. St. Martin's Press, 1990. Kenney, Catherine McGehee. The Remarkable Case of Dorothy L. Sayers. Kent State University Press, 1991. Reynolds, Barbara. Dorothy L. Sayers: Her Life and Soul. St. Martin's Press, 1993. Stout, Rex (Nero Wolfe and Archie Goodwin) Nero Wolfe's bulk is unmatched by the number of published books about his detective genius: 46 titles (the first in 1934; of these, 12 are collections of novellas). He never leaves his house willingly; legmen and witnesses bring him the information and he thinks. He loves food, orchids, language, and his privacy. Archie, his assistant, is of the hard-boiled detective mold. In Gambit, Archie informs a prospective client, who has been told that Wolfe is indignantly burning a copy of Webster's Third: "Once he burned up a cookbook because it said to remove the hide from a ham end before putting it in the pot with lima beans. Which he loves most, food or words, is a tossup." Nero Wolfe has an enthusiastic following: The Wolfe Pack has held annual Black Orchid Banquets since 1977, using the recipes from The Nero Wolfe Cookbook. They also bestow the Nero Wolfe Award for Mystery Fiction. The series was continued by Robert Goldsborough. Baring-Gould, William Stuart. Nero Wolfe of West Thirty-Fifth Street: The Life and Times of America's Largest Private Detective. Penguin, 1982. Stout, Rex, and the editors of Viking Press. The Nero Wolfe Cookbook. Reprinted by Cumberland House, 1996. Biography of Fictional Detectives The detective as a fictional character is given a biographical write-up in some studies on the detective story with a blandly literal tone, as though the detectives were actual living beings. Some books with biographical listings are noted later, but following are three works on, simply, the detectives themselves.

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Kaufman, Kay, Natalie Hevener, and Carol McGinnis. 'G' Is for Grafton: The World of Kinsey Millhone. Henry Holt, 1997. Everything you could ever want to know about Kinsey, including photos! Penzler, Otto. The Private Lives of Private Eyes, Spies, Crimefighters, & Other Good Guys. Grosset, 1977. Twenty-six lives are illustrated from books and motion pictures, with bibliography and filmography for each: Lew Archer, Modesty Blaise, James Bond, Father Brown, Nick Carter, Charlie Chan, Nick and Nora Charles, Bulldog Drummond, C. Auguste Dupin, Mike Hammer, Sherlock Holmes, Jules Maigret, Philip Marlowe, Miss Jane Marple, Perry Mason, Mr. Moto, Hercule Poirot, Ellery Queen, The Shadow, John Shaft, Sam Spade, Dr. Thorndyke, Philo Vance, Lord Peter Wimsey, Nero Wolfe. Penzler, Otto, ed. The Great Detectives. Little, Brown, 1978. Although this is quite old, it remains in many library collections and is of interest to fans of the genre, the detectives for the most part being timeless. Twenty-six detectives are described by their creators: Roderick Alleyn (Ngaio Marsh); John Appleby (Michael Innes); Lew Archer (Ross Macdonald); Father Bredder (Leonard Holton); Flash Casey (George Harmon Coxe); Pierre Chambrun (Hugh Pentecost); Inspector Cockrill (Christianna Brand); Captain José Da Silva (Robert L. Fish); Nancy Drew (Carolyn Keene); the 87th Precinct (Ed McBain); Fred Fellows (Hillary Waugh); Inspector Ghote (H. R. F. Keating); Matt Helm (Donald Hamilton); Duncan Maclain (Baynard H. Kendrick); Mark McPherson (Vera Caspary); Lieutenant Luis Mendoza (Dell Shannon); Mr. and Mrs. North (Richard Lockridge); Patrick Petrella (Michael Gilbert); Superintendent Pibble (Peter Dickinson); Quiller (Adam Hall); Inspector Schmidt (George Bagby); The Shadow (Maxwell Grant); Michael Shayne (Brett Halliday); Virgil Tibbs (John Ball); Dick Tracy (Chester Gould); and Inspector Van der Valk (Nicholas Freeling). Best-Selling Authors In 1998 the best-selling crime authors, selling over 100,000 copies for the year, were John Grisham (The Street Lawyer), Mary Higgins Clark (All Through the Night, You Belong to Me), Sidney Sheldon (Tell Me Your Dreams), David Baldacci (The Simple Truth), Sue Grafton (N Is for Noose), John Sandford (Secret Prey), Steve Martini (Critical Mass), Catherine Coulter (The Target), Jonathan Kellerman (Billy Straight), Sandra Brown (Unspeakable), Tony Hillerman (The First Eagle), W. E. B. Griffin (The Investigators), Dick Francis (Field of Thirteen), Faye Kellerman (Moon Music), Lilian Jackson Braun (The Cat Who Sang for the Birds), Lawrence Sanders (Guilty Pleasures), Michael Connelly (Blood Work), Iain Pears (An Instance of the Fingerpost), James Lee Burke (Sunset Limited), and Elizabeth Lowell (Jade Island). This list illustrates the diversity of the genre, with legal thrillers, historical mysteries, private investigators, human-and-cat teams, and romance writers writing suspense all present. It is quite a different list from that of 1990, a year in which only four authors of crime fiction had books with sales in excess of 100,000 copies: Joseph Wambaugh (The Golden Orange), Tony Hillerman (Coyote Waits), P. D. James (Devices and Desires), and Robert B. Parker (Stardust). In 1975, the leading crime fiction authors, in order of

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most sales (to that date), were Mickey Spillane, Erle Stanley Gardner, Robert Traver, Joseph Wambaugh, and John D. MacDonald. Ten years earlier, Joseph Wambaugh did not appear and MacDonald was 11th. Following Spillane, Gardner, and Traver were Ellery Queen, Agatha Christie, Richard S. Prather, A. A. Fair (Erle Stanley Gardner's pseudonym), Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, Earl Derr Biggers, Leslie Charteris, and Marco Page. One of the most amazing facts about looking at nearly 40 years of best-selling crime is that of all the authors mentioned in this section, all but two, Richard S. Prather and Marco Page, remain in print. What type of detective has the greatest appeal? Grafton's female sleuth is tough and smart. Wambaugh's Los Angeles policemen are realistic. Hillerman's detectives are Native Americans in a setting unfamiliar to most readers. Spillane's private eye is notorious for sex and sadism. Ellery Queen, the investigator, is a sophisticated gentleman. Christie's Poirot and Miss Marple are genteel figures suitable to social comedy. Bigger's Charlie Chan is unique. Charteris's Saint is a rogue and a gentleman. The readers, then, take their choice. For sheer number of titles (which collectively have large sales), John Creasey's books belong among the best sellers. Creasey used some 28 pseudonyms to produce about 650 titles, largely mystery, detective, and spy stories, and some Westerns (under three pseudonyms). He averaged about 12 titles per year. Reprints now appear with the pseudonymous works showing Creasey's authorship. The Toff series was written under Creasey. His best-known pseudonyms are Kyle Hunt (psychiatrist Emmanuel Cellini series), Anthony Morton (The Baron John Mannering series), J. J. Marric (Commander Gideon of Scotland Yard series), Gordon Ashe (Pat Dawlish of Scotland Yard series), and Jeremy York (Superintendent Folly of Scotland Yard series). Anthologies Almost all of the early and current writers of detective stories have written short stories, and the following anthologies provide a satisfactory introduction for choosing those authors whose style in the subgenre is pleasing to individual readers' tastes. Many of the anthologies also include other types of thrillers: spy, psychological suspense, crime, and the like. The following listing is selective. Included are several annual series. Anthology Series Best American Mystery Stories. Edited by a different prominent author each year; in 1998 it was Sue Grafton, in 1997 it was Robert B. Parker. Best Detective Stories of the Year. 19451981. Includes list of award winners and bibliography of nonfiction for the year. Title change: See The Year's Best Mystery and Suspense Stories.

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Crime Writers Association Annual. Sampling of titles: Butcher's Dozen, A Pride of Felons, Crime Writers' Choice, Choice of Weapons, Some Like Them Dead, Planned Departures, John Creasey's Crime Collection, 1st Culprit, 2nd Culprit, 3rd Culprit. This is no longer being published. Malice Domestic. Cozy mysteries; the eighth appeared in 1999. The Year's Best Mystery and Suspense Stories. 19821995. Superseded Best Detective Stories of the Year. Continued the section ''The Yearbook of the Mystery and Suspense Story" and added a list of the best novels of the year. The Year's 25 Finest Crime and Mystery Stories. Edited by the staff of Mystery Scene. Carroll & Graf, 1993, annual. The overview of the previous year's highlights and mystery news is great fun. Anthologies Bernhardt, William, ed. Legal Briefs: Stories by Today's Best Thriller Writers. Doubleday, 1998. Cox, Michael, ed. Twelve English Detective Stories. Oxford University Press, 1998. Deadly Allies: Private Eye Writers of America/Sisters in Crime Collaborative Anthology. Doubleday, 1992. Deadly Allies II. Doubleday, 1994. Dibdin, Michael, ed. The Vintage Book of Classic Crime. Vintage Crime, 1997. Haycraft, Howard, and John Beecroft, eds. A Treasury of Great Mysteries. Simon & Schuster, 1957. 2 vols. Includes four novelsAgatha Christie, Murder in the Calais Coach; Eric Ambler, Journey into Fear; Raymond Chandler, The Big Sleep; Daphne Du Maurier, Rebeccaand stories by Erle Stanley Gardner, Edgar Wallace, Georges Simenon, Patrick Quentin, Mary Roberts Rinehart, John Dickson Carr, Ellery Queen, Margery Allingham, William Irish, Dorothy L. Sayers, Leslie Charteris, Ngaio Marsh, Rex Stout, Stuart Palmer and Craig Rice, and Carter Dickson. Manson, Cynthia, ed. Death on the Verandah: Mystery Stories of the South from Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine and Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine. Carroll & Graf, 1994. Mystery Writers of America Anthologies. Sampling of titles: Guilty as Charged; Crime Across the Sea; Sleuths and Consequences; With Malice Toward All; Crime Without Murder; Murder Most Foul; Dear Dead Days; Mirror Mirror, Fatal Mirror; Every Crime in the Book; When Last Seen. Penzler, Otto. The 50 Greatest Mysteries of All Time. Newstar Press, 1999. Queen, Ellery, ed. Ellery Queen's. Too many different titles to list here, but a great source of crime anthologies. The stories in earlier collections were all reprinted from Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, but now they also feature stories from Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine.

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Westlake, Donald E., ed. Murderous Schemes: An Anthology of Classic Detective Stories. Oxford University Press, 1998. Hard-Boiled Detectives The hard-boiled detective first achieved glory in pulp magazines in the United States in the 1920s. Many of the authors of note in the history of the detective story in the United States first appeared in pulp magazines. They wrote largely of the underworld of crime in which their tough detectives held their own. Gorman, Ed, Bill Pronzini, and Martin H. Greenberg, eds. American Pulp. Carroll & Graf, 1997. Thirty-five stories of hardboiled and noir fiction from the pulp magazines of the 1950s and 1960s. Gorman, Ed, Lee Server, and Martin H. Greenberg, eds. The Big Book of Noir. Carroll & Graf, 1998. Fiction, graphic novels, film, and audio formats featuring hard-boiled detectives are explored in articles and interviews. Haut, Woody. Neon Noir: Contemporary American Crime Fiction. Serpent's Tail, 1999. A look at American culture as portrayed by authors such as James Ellroy, Elmore Leonard, Walter Mosley, James Lee Burke, Lawrence Block, James Sallis, George P. Pelecanos, Charles Willeford, Jerome Charyn, Sara Paretsky, Vicki Hendricks, KC Constantine, George V. Higgins, and James Crumley. Jakubowski, Maxim, ed. London Noir. Serpent's Tail, 1994. . The Mammoth Book of Pulp Fiction. Carroll & Graf, 1996. Pronzini, Bill, and Jack Adrian, eds. Hard-Boiled: An Anthology of American Crime Stories. Oxford University Press, 1995. Women Detectives Women appeared as fictional detectives as early as 1861. The following anthologies show the varieties of women detectives and how their modern role has changed dramatically. Greenberg, Martin H., and Beth Foxwell, eds. Murder They Wrote. Boulevard, 1998. Greenberg, Martin H., and Bill Pronzini, eds. Women Sleuths. Academy Chicago, 1985. (Academy Mystery Novellas, vol. 1) Manley, Seon, and Gogo Lewis, comps. Grande Dames of Detection: Two Centuries of Sleuthing Stories by the Gentle Sex. Lothrop, 1973. Among the authors covered are Baroness Orczy, Carolyn Wells, Agatha Christie, Dorothy L. Sayers, and Margery Allingham.

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Manson, Cynthia, ed. Women of Mystery. Berkley Books, 1993. Includes stories by the big names of the 1990s: Mary Higgins Clark, Ruth Rendell, Antonia Fraser, Joan Hess, and many more. Queen, Ellery, ed. The Female of the Species. Little, Brown, 1943. This early short story anthology includes women as both detectives and criminals. Slung, Michele B., ed. Crime on Her Mind: Fifteen Stories of Female Sleuths from the Victorian Era to the Forties. Pantheon, 1975. The introduction presents a critical history, and an appendix lists the lady detectives in chronological order from 1861 to 1973, with annotations. Wallace, Marilyn, ed. Sisters in Crime. This annual anthology started in 1989 and continued for five years. The best of the stories are included in The Best of Sisters in Crime (Berkley, 1997). Detectives and Science Fiction In Chapter 6, "Science Fiction," there is a section on the detective in science fiction, an intriguing combination of genres. The following anthologies offer brief examples of this combination. Asimov, Isaac, Martin H. Greenberg, and Charles G. Waugh, eds. The 13 Crimes of Science Fiction. Doubleday, 1979. Resnick, Mike, and Martin H. Greenberg, eds. Sherlock Holmes in Orbit. DAW, 1995. Waugh, Charles G., and Martin H. Greenberg, eds. Sci-Fi Private Eye. New American Library, 1997. Bibliographies The following bibliographies vary in coverage. Some cover the authors in the genre, some include material on allied genres, some are of secondary works, and several embrace a number of aspects. Barzun, Jacques, and Wendell Hertig Taylor. A Catalogue of Crime. Revised and enlarged ed. Harper & Row, 1989. Selective, idiosyncratic, and delightful for the personal annotations by two devoted academic fans who sometimes disagree, this is a bibliography to read for its critical flavor and bite. The vast scope encompasses novels, short stories, plays, magazines, studies and histories of the genre, true crime, and much more, annotating 5,045 works. It is an essential reference. Breen, Jon L. What About Murder? A Guide to Books About Mystery and Detective Fiction. Scarecrow Press, 1981. Supplemented in 1993 with What About Murder? 19811991. There are 239 books listed and critically annotated in seven sections: "General Histories," "Reference Books," ''Special Subjects," "Collected Essays and Reviews," "Technical Manuals," "Coffee-Table Books," and "Works on Individual Authors." The annotations are extensive and reveal Breen's wide reading and obvious enjoyment of the genre. Indispensable for serious fans.

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The Crown Crime Companion: The Top 100 Mystery Novels of All Time. Selected by the Mystery Writers of America, annotated by Otto Penzler, and compiled by Mickey Friedman. Crown, 1995. This compact volume, in addition to listing the top 100, has lists of favorite writers, sleuths, cities for murder, murder weapons, places for hiding the bodies, animals, and mystery movies. The second section features essays by luminaries in the field: "Classics," by H. R. F. Keating; "Suspense," by Mary Higgins Clark; "Hard-Boiled/Private Eye," by Sue Grafton; ''Police Procedural," by Joseph Wambaugh; "Espionage/Thriller," by John Gardner; "Criminal," by Richard Condon; "Cozy/Traditional," by Margaret Maron; "Historical," by Peter Lovesey; "Humorous," by Gregory Mcdonald; and "Legal/Courtroom," by Scott Turow. It also lists all Edgar Award winners through 1994. Heising, Willetta L. Detecting Women 3: A Reader's Guide and Checklist for Mystery Series Written by Women. Purple Moon Press, 1998. Lists women authors who have written mystery series that have had at least two titles published. They are included with a list of titles and a short biographical note. It includes a glossary, a great list of resources, convention and award information, pseudonyms, geographical settings, types, series characters, and a chronology. Hubin, Allen J. Crime Fiction: A Comprehensive Bibliography, 17491990. Garland, 1994. The most comprehensive bibliography of crime fiction, in its expanded third edition. Noted are series detectives and pseudonyms. There are two indexes, title and series characters. In this edition are several new features: For each author are code-noted citations to eight reference books; a series character chronology; and an extensive "Settings Index" (50 pages), largely geographical but including academic, church, future, hospital, ships, theater, and trains. Keating, H. R. F. Crime & Mystery: The 100 Best Books, 2d ed. Carroll & Graf, 1996. Contains critical essays on each of the titles selected, ranging from Edgar Allan Poe, Tales of Mystery and Imagination (1845), to P. D. James, A Taste for Death (1986). Olderr, Steven. Mystery Index: Subjects, Settings and Sleuths of 10,000 Titles. American Library Association, 1987. Books that have a good possibility of being in a public library collection are indexed by title, subject and setting, and characters. Oleksiw, Susan. A Reader's Guide to the Classic British Mystery. G. K. Hall, 1988. This covers more than 1,440 mystery novels and 121 authors; access is provided by indexes to characters' occupations, time periods, and settings. Pederson, Jay P. St. James Guide to Crime & Mystery Writers, 4th ed. St. James Press, 1996. Formerly titled Twentieth-Century Crime & Mystery Writers. Some 600 writers are given bibliographical and critical coverage. The signed critical essays vary greatly in length and quality.

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Swanson, Jean, and Dean James. By a Woman's Hand: A Guide to Mystery Fiction by Women, 2d ed. Berkley, 1996. Contemporary women mystery writers are listed in alphabetical order. The listings talk about the authors' style, series characters, and other important points. The indexes of character names, geographic settings, and type of detective are invaluable. History There is now a voluminous body of history and criticism on the detective subgenre. Many titles include material on mystery, crime, spy, and horror stories as well. Although Genreflecting makes a distinction between history and criticism, this categorization reflects each book's formal organization: Both provide history with criticism. Despite the many works of history and criticism on the detective story, the definitive history has yet to be written. The following works, excepting Haycraft's, are too specialized and idiosyncratic to be definitive. Haining, Peter. Mystery! An Illustrated History of Crime and Detective Fiction. Souvenir Press, 1977. Reprinted by Stein and Day, 1981. The history is sketchy but the illustrations are voluminous and imaginative. Haycraft, Howard. Murder for Pleasure: The Life and Times of the Detective Story. Appleton, 1941. Still the basic history despite its date. It includes a list of "Cornerstones" (18411938) and a guide to characters, "Who's Who in Detection." Siegel, Jeff. The American Detective: An Illustrated History. Taylor, 1993. Symons, Julian. Bloody Murder: From the Detective Story to the Crime Novel: A History. Viking, 1985. First published in 1972 (the U.S. edition is titled Mortal Consequences). In this edition the author brings the history up-to-date and assesses as still valid his conclusion that the classic detective story is played out and the more realistic, psychological, sociological crime novel is in ascendance. Thomson, H. Douglas. Masters of Mystery: A Study of the Detective Story. With a New Introduction by E. F. Bleiler. Dover, 1978. First published by Collins of London in 1931. Still cited often for its criticism of the early authors. Criticism The "Bibliographies" section (see p. 142) provides a guide to the voluminous critical material on the detection and mystery subgenres, including works on individual authors. The following selection from this voluminous literature is indicative of the many types of criticism available. Gorman, Ed, and Martin H. Greenberg. Speaking of Murder: Interviews with Masters of Mystery and Suspense. Berkley Prime Crime, 1998. Speaking of Murder, Vol. 2. Berkley Prime Crime, 1999. Between the two volumes, 42 of today's most popular authors are interviewed.

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Haycraft, Howard, ed. The Art of the Mystery Story: A Collection of Critical Essays. Simon & Schuster, 1946. Re-released by Carroll & Graf in 1983. The best all-around anthology of classic essays by both authors and fans of the genre. Includes "The Detection Club Oath"; "Who Cares Who Killed Roger Ackroyd?," by Edmund Wilson; "The Locked-Room Lecture," by John Dickson Carr; ''Watson Was a Woman," by Rex Stout; and a host of others. Jakubowski, Maxim, ed. 100 Great Detectives, or, The Detective Directory. Carroll & Graf, 1991. Includes 100 essays on fictional detectives, written by the authors who selected them as favorites, each handily including listings of works featuring the detectives. In addition to the essays, Jakubowski has included (in a very condensed format) listings of the contributors' sleuths as well as a list of several beloved detectives who weren't included. This is a delightful book for browsing as well as a useful reference. Keating, H. R. F. Crime & Mystery: The 100 Best Books, 2d ed. Carroll & Graf, 1996. Critical essays on each of the titles selected range from Edgar Allan Poe, Tales of Mystery and Imagination (1845), to P. D. James, A Taste for Death (1986). Landrum, Larry N. American Mystery and Detective Novels. Greenwood, 1999. An academic approach to looking at the relationship between mysteries and popular culture. Magill, Frank N., ed. Critical Survey of Mystery and Detective Fiction. Salem Press, 1988. This four-volume set provides critical surveys of several thriller subgenres, including espionage and romantic suspense. Covered are 270 authors. Pronzini, Bill. Gun in Cheek: A Study of "Alternative" Crime Fiction. Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1982. A charmingly amusing survey of "bad," in every literary sense, but popular mystery fiction. The liberal use of quotations relieves one of the need to read the books! It can still be found in libraries. Sayers, Dorothy L. "Introduction," in Great Short Stories of Detection, Mystery and Horror. Gollancz, 1928. This classic critical history on the origins and development of the detective story is often reprinted. There is also an excellent shorter introduction to the second series and one to her other anthology, Great Tales of Detection (J. M. Dent/Charles E. Tuttle, 1991. Symons, Julian. Bloody Murder: From the Detective Story to the Crime Novel. Mysterious Press, 1992. The third edition of a classic reviews every type of crime fiction.

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Winks, Robin W., ed. Mystery and Suspense Writers: The Literature of Crime, Detection, and Espionage. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1998. Essays on major writers and subgenres. Parody So formalized a genre as detection is readily parodied. To enjoy parody, the reader must be familiar with the authors being parodied. Bruce, Leo. Case for Three Detectives. Bles, 1936. Reissued by Academy in 1996. Sergeant Beef solves the murder handily while Lord Simon Plimsoll (Peter Wimsey), Monsieur Amer Picon (Hercule Poirot), and Monsignor Smith (Father Brown) conjecture deviously and vainly. Carper, Steve, ed. The Defective Detective: Mystery Parodies by the Great Humorists. Citadel Press, 1992. Christie, Agatha. Partners in Crime. Collins, 1929. Tommy and Tuppence, Christie's husband-and-wife detective team, solve a series of cases and, in each, approach the problem as would one of the classic detectives. They mock the detectives' eccentricities of manner and speech. All the detectives were popular before 1929, when Partners in Crime was first published. (It is still available in paperback reprint.) Among the detectives parodied are Dr. Thorndyke, Bull Dog Drummond, Sherlock Holmes, Father Brown, The Old Man in the Corner, Hanaud, Inspector French, Roger Sheringham, Dr. Fortune, and Hercule Poirot. The Floating Admiral [by] Certain Members of the Detection Club. Jove, 1993. First published in 1932. Thirteen authors successively wrote a chapter of this book, none knowing the final solution of the crime (although in the appendix each of them provides one, not revealed to the other authors). Among the familiar creators of this pseudo-parody are G. K. Chesterton, G. D. H. and M. Cole, Henry Wade, Agatha Christie, Dorothy L. Sayers, Ronald A. Knox, Freeman Wills Crofts, Edgar Jepson, and Anthony Berkeley ("Clearing up the Mess"). Kaye, Marvin. The Game Is Afoot: Parodies, Pastiches and Ponderings of Sherlock Holmes. St. Martin's Press, 1995. A collection of parodies and pastiches, both old and new, by authors such as Bret Harte, O. Henry, Manly Wade Wellman, and many more. Several essays by various writers are also included. Mainwaring, Marion. Murder in Pastiche; Or, Nine Detectives All at Sea. Macmillan, 1954. Reprinted in 1989 by Rowan Press. Seeking to solve the murder on the luxury liner are passengers Atlas Poireau, Sir Jon Nappleby, Jerry Pason, Broderick Tourneur, Trajan Beare, Miss Fan Silver, Spike Bludgeon, Mallory King, and Lord Simon Quinsey.

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Melling, John Kennedy. Murder Done to Death: Parody and Pastiche in Detective Fiction. Scarecrow Press, 1996. Analysis of novel and short story parodies and pastiches. Naked Came the Manatee. Putnam, 1997. Carl Hiaasen, Elmore Leonard, Edna Buchanan, Dave Barry, James W. Hall, Lee Standiford, Paul Levine, Brian Antoni, Vicki Henricks, Tananarive Due, John Dufresne, Carolina Hospital, and Evelyn Mayerson all contributed a chapter in this riotous tale featuring a manatee named Booger, three severed heads, four murders, and several Castro impersonators. Encyclopedias DeAndrea, William L. Encyclopedia Mysteriosa: A Comprehensive Guide to the Art of Detection in Print, Film, Radio, and Television. Macmillan, 1994. Entries for authors, major characters, titles for all media, and genre performers. Essays include "The Batman," "Comic Art Detectives," ''Dime Novels," "Fandom," "The Hard-Boiled Detective," "Juvenile Mysteries," "Mystery Magazines," "Pulps," "Science Fiction Mysteries," "Sherlockiana," and "Dick Tracy." Also included are a glossary and listings of bookstores, organizations and awards, and magazines and journals. Winner of the 1994 Edgar Award for Best Critical or Biographical Work. Steinbrunner, Chris, and Otto Penzler. Encyclopedia of Mystery and Detection. McGraw-Hill, 1976. Entries are largely under authors and fictional detectives or other important characters. There are a few encyclopedia articles: "Black Mask"; "Collecting Detective Fiction"; "Comic Art Detectives"; "Dime Novels"; "Had-I-But-Known School"; "Locked Room Mysteries"; "Organizations"; "Orientals, Sinister"; "Pulp Magazines"; "Radio Detectives"; "Scientific Detectives"; "TV Detectives." Author bibliographies include full stage, screen, radio, and television versions. The author essays are usually critical. Illustrations are from books and films; there are also many portraits. Who's Who: Pseudonyms and Characters Many of the reference works provide pseudonyms and lists of characters, particularly the detective. Hubin lists all pseudonyms, provides cross-references, and indexes the series characters. The book by Penzler and others (see entry in this list) provides little that is not in Steinbrunner (above), but the organization of the material is appealing, as is the tone. Penzler, Otto, Chris Steinbrunner, Charles Shibuk, Marvin Lachman, and Francis M. Nevins, Jr., comps. Detectionary: A Bibliographical Dictionary of Leading Characters in Detective and Mystery Fiction, Including Famous and Little Known Sleuths, Their Helps, Rogues Both Heroic and Sinister, and Some of Their Memorable Adventures, as Recounted in Novels, Short Stories, and Films. Overlook Press, 1977. There are four

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sections. "Detectives" lists the fictional detective with a biographical sketch. "Rogues & Helpers" gives a biographical sketch for criminals and villains as well as for all types of Dr. Watsons, including police detectives secondary to the major private or amateur detective. "Cases" provides a summary of selected mystery novels. "Movies" annotates under detective or movie title a selection of movies, particularly those in series. An author index includes detectives and titles of novels. Illustrations are from motion pictures. While this is no longer in print, there is no other work that replaces it. It can still be found in many library collections. Writers' Manuals Although meant for the writer of mysteries, the following manuals are informative, critical, and interesting reading for the detective/mystery fan. Blythe, Hal, Charlie Sweet, and John Landreth. Private Eyes: A Writer's Guide to Private Investigating. Writer's Digest Books, 1993. Mystery Writers of America. Writing Mysteries: A Handbook. Edited by Sue Grafton. Writer's Digest Books, 1992. Roth, Martin. The Writer's Complete Crime Reference Book. Writer's Digest Books, 1993. Magazines and Fanzines The pulp magazines that made the fame of many detective story writers are long gone. Two magazines remain important to the detective short story: the venerable Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine (since 1941) and Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine (started in 1956). Beginning in 1985 in trade paperback format, The New Black Mask Quarterly has provided excellent selections of new fiction. Mysterious Intent began publishing in 1995. It includes short stories by new and established mystery writers as well as interviews and mini-synopses of new books. Wide review coverage is available in Mystery News (bimonthly, 1981) and in I Love a Mystery (monthly, 1984). The Drood Review (bimonthly, 1986), Mystery Review (quarterly, 1991), and Mystery Scene Magazine (bimonthly, 1984) review hardcover and paperback editions. Unfortunately for those looking for reviews, but luckily for those who just read voraciously, it is estimated that the annual output of crime novels is now between 1,500 and 1,800, meaning of course, that not all new novels can (or will) be reviewed. The Armchair Detective, formerly a good resource for hardcover reviews, ceased publication in 1997. Associations and Conventions Associations of mystery and crime writers serve to further the status and publishing of the subgenre as well as the economic welfare of writers. The U.S. and British associations present annual prizes. The prestige of these associations is recognized by publishers, who note an author's prize-winning status in advertisements and on book jackets.

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Associations Crime Writers' Association. This British group was founded in 1953. The "Gold Daggers" are the annual awards. There is a memorial John Creasey First Novel award. Crime Writers of Canada. Founded in 1982, this group presents Arthur Ellis Awards (named after the traditional pseudonym for Canada's official hangman) in the categories of best novel, best first novel, best true crime book, best short story, and best work of criticism or reference. Detection Club. This British honorary association was founded in 1928. It has a delightful oath to which new members subscribe. The association has published several anthologies to benefit the club. Several novels in which members of the Club wrote successive chapters (all unknowing of the final solution to the mystery) were published in the 1930s and have been reprinted in the 1970s: Ask a Policeman, Crime on the Coast, No Flowers by Request, Double Death, The Floating Admiral, The Scoop, and Behind the Screen. International Association of Crime Writers. Founded in 1986, its national chapters present Hammett Awards. Mystery Writers of America. This U.S. organization was founded in 1945. "Edgars" (Edgar Allan Poe Awards) are presented in several categories at the annual dinner. An annual anthology (the first one published in 1946) is published for the benefit of the association. The 33d annual anthology, The Edgar Winners (Dial, 1980), has an appendix listing "Edgar and Special Awards, 19451978" for Grand Master, Best Novel, Best First Novel, Best Short Story, Best Paperback Original, Best Juvenile, Best FactCrime, Best Critical/Biographical Study, Outstanding Mystery Criticism, Best Motion Picture, and Special Awards. Private Eye Writers of America. This U.S. group was established in 1982. The Shamus award is for outstanding paperback and hardcover novels. The Eye award is for career achievement. Sisters in Crime. Formed in 1985 to work for gender equality in crime publishing, this is an international organization, with over 3,000 members in 2000. Conventions BoucherCon. This is the annual Anthony Boucher memorial convention. The first was held in 1969 and 29th in 1998. Anthony Boucher, a pseudonym, of William Anthony Parker White, wrote detective and science fiction stories and was notable as a critic and reviewer. In Rocket to the Morgue (1942), published under the pseudonym H. H. Holmes and reprinted in paperback under the name Anthony Boucher, is found a neat combination of this author's detection and science fiction interests: The suspects are science fiction writers, amusingly articulate about the genre, and a science fiction character seemingly come to life.

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International Congress of Crime Writers. The first congress was held in London in 1975, the second in New York in 1978, and the third in Stockholm in 1981. (The last brought forth the statement that crime really pays in Sweden: Both Swedish and translated authors sell extremely well.) Left-Coast Crime. Awards the Lefty Award for the funniest novel of the previous year. The 10th annual convention is scheduled for March 2000 in Tucson, Arizona. Malice Domestic. An annual convention celebrating "cozy mysteries." It's held annually in the Washington, D.C. area. The twelfth convention is in May of 2000. Book Clubs The Detective Book Club reprints current titles by three authors together in one volume. All are good buys for public libraries. Mystery Guild (Doubleday) distributes book club editions of selected current thrillers. Mystery Guild also stocks for distribution some older titles and omnibus volumes (usually three titles in one volume, by a single author). Publishers Almost all major U.S. and British houses publish some crime novels, and a few have large lines or named series. New mystery novels are often reprinted within the year of publication, either by the house that issued the original hardcover or by a mass market paperback publisher. The following are houses that published crime novels in 1998 and 1999. Arrow (UK) Avon Ballantine Bantam Berkley Black Lizard (Vintage) Carroll & Graf Century (UK) Corgi (UK) Crime Line Crown Delacorte Dell Dutton Faber and Faber Fawcett Books Forge Harcourt Brace

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HarperCollins Heinemann (UK) Henry Holt & Co. Hodder & Stoughton (UK) Hyperion Intrigue Press Ivy Kensington Knopf Little, Brown Macmillan (UK) Minotaur (imprint of St. Martin's Press) Mysterious Press (imprint of Warner): (accessed 20 January 2000) Newstar Norton Orion (UK) Penguin Books (UK) Pocket Books Poisoned Pen Press (reprints of classic mysteries): (accessed 20 January 2000) Prime Crime (imprint of Berkley) Putnam Random House Rue Morgue Press (reprints of classic mysteries) Scribner Signet Simon & Schuster Soho Press St. Martin's Press Twilight (imprint of Avon): (accessed 20 January 2000) Villard Vintage Crime/Black Lizard Walker Warner Books Weidenfeld & Nicolson (UK) William Morrow

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Write Way Publishing: (Accessed 20 January 2000) Online Resources The plethora of resources on the World Wide Web is overwhelming. The following sites are of particular interest and use to librarians and booksellers. Additional online resources and updates to the links listed here are regularly published on the Genreflecting Web site at African-American Mystery Page, (accessed 20 January 2000). ClueLass, (accessed 20 January 2000). Links to many sites of interest to mystery fans. Lists forthcoming titles. The Gumshoe Site, (accessed 20 January 2000). The MacGuffin Guide to Detective Fiction, (accessed 20 January 2000). Miss Lemon, (accessed 20 January 2000). Subscription information for DorothyL. Mysterious Home Page, (accessed 20 January 2000). Links to reviews, information on mystery organizations, conferences, magazines, awards, and much more. MysteryNet.Com, (accessed 20 January 2000). Overbooked, (accessed 20 January 2000). A volunteer project by the Chesterfield County (Virginia) Public Library collection management staff, it features information about awards, bookstores, authors, charcters, magazines, organizations, publishers, reviews, reading lists, and new mysteries. The Thrilling Detective, (accessed 20 January 2000). D's Crime Picks Cannell, Stephen J. King Con. Evanovich, Janet. One for the Money. Grant, Linda. Vampire Bytes. Hiaasen, Carl. Lucky You. Johansen, Iris. The Face of Deception. Lawrence, Margaret. Hearts and Bones. Margolin, Phillip. The Undertaker's Widow. Newman, Sharan. The Wandering Arm.

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Chapter 4 Adventure

"The thirst for adventure is the vent which Destiny offers; a war, a crusade, a gold mine, a new country, speak to the imagination and offer swing and play to the confined powers." Ralph Waldo Emerson, Natural History of Intellect (1893) "There are two kinds of adventurers: those who go truly hoping to find adventure and those who go secretly hoping they won't." William Least Heat-Moon, Blue Highways: A Journey into America (1983) "I am not an adventurer by choice but by fate." Vincent Van Gogh, The Complete Letters of Vincent Van Gogh, Vol. 2 (1958) "The test of an adventure is that when you're in the middle of it, you say to yourself, 'Oh, now I've got myself into an awful mess; I wish I were sitting quietly at home.' And the sign that something's wrong with you is when you sit quietly at home wishing you were out having lots of adventure." Thornton Wilder, The Matchmaker (1955) "If we didn't live venturously, plucking the wild goat by the beard, and tumbling over precipices, we should never be depressed, I've no doubt; but already should be faded, fatalistic and aged." Virginia Woolf, A Writer's Diary (1924)

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Themes and Types The novel of adventure can take many different directionsit can be a story of survival, exploration, intrigue, or battle. For several decades, the leading adventure subgenre was that of spy or espionage, but the end of the Cold War in the 1980s contributed to a decline in its popularity. (Although the wacky Austin Powers movies may be contributing to a resurgence.) In the 1990s, the technothriller is the leading adventure genre. Writers in this genre are making big money. An item in Publishers Weekly reported that, in 1994, Clive Cussler was paid a $14 million advance for his next two Dirk Pitt novels. Tom Clancy's 1998 best seller Rainbow Six reportedly sold over 2 million copies. The adventure and its subgenres are alive and well! Adventure can be described as the pure essence of why people read genre fiction. The heroic exploits of larger-than-life protagonists and the ultimate triumph of the good guys over the bad are the driving forces in this type. Strong plots, heavy with action, are powerful lures to readers. Adventure readers often also thrive on Westerns, science fiction, and fantasy. Sometimes it is difficult to place titles or authors into subgenres. For example, Clive Cussler's novels typify adventure, with a little bit of just about every thriller subgenre thrown in somewhere: In the various adventures of Dirk Pitt, one finds struggles for survival, exploration of the sea and exotic locales, intrigue, daring rescues, treasure hunting, exploits of a soldier-for-hire, and male romance. Spy/Espionage The spy or secret agent has never been a fully respectable figure. He or she seldom appeared in literature before the twentieth century as a major figure; by the 1990s the spy character had all but disappeared. Throughout the middle part of the century, however, spies in all their various permutations were the epitome of adventure. The pattern for this subgenre was set in the following early classics, which were still in print in 1999. Buchan, John The Thirty-Nine Steps (1915). This book introduces Richard Hannay, spy-catcher and spy, who appears in several novels. The Thirty-Nine Steps has one of the greatest, long chase scenes in the genre. It became a classic motion picture, directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Chesterton, G. K. The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare (1908). The surreal world of anarchists and double agents. Childers, Erskine The Riddle of the Sands (1903). Introduces the theme of the German plot to invade England, complete with a British traitor and an amateur hero. Conrad, Joseph The Secret Agent (1907). The Secret Agent brings in the world of revolutionaries and anarchists. Under Western Eyes (1911). Under Western Eyes introduces the double agent.

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Kipling, Rudyard Kim. (1901). "The Great Game," as Kim calls his spying for British intelligence in India, introduces the exotic background, an aspect that adds greatly to the appeal of the genre. How Kim, as a boy, is trained for his work is described marvelously. Maugham, W. Somerset Ashenden: Or, The British Agent (1928). Maugham was an agent during World War I, probably the first of the agents to turn his experience into a novel. He introduces the antihero as agent. His tone is realistic and sardonic, and the outrageous or sensational is toned down to the ordinary. Oppenheim, E. Phillips The Great Impersonation (1920). This is the only one of Oppenheim's many spy novels to survive. His first published novel of international intrigue was issued in 1898 and several more appeared during World War I. He introduced the spy world of elegant high society and exotic European cities; Monte Carlo with its gambling setting was often used. Orczy, Baroness The Scarlet Pimpernel (1905). The aristocratic fop as a disguise for the highly intelligent agent is here at its most romantic. The theme is introduced of daring rescues from enemy countries, in this case aristocrats saved from the guillotine during the French Revolution. The early classic authors have successors in a small group of writers who have set the tone for the spy/espionage novel. They have been imitated, but rarely surpassed. Among the successors that continue to be available in libraries and in print are the following. Ambler, Eric The Middle East and the Balkans are the settings for Ambler's tales of antiheroes and amateurs unwittingly caught up in a spy network run by unromanticized spymasters directing sardonic agents. Fleming, Ian James Bond, 007, the British Secret Service agent, is of course among the immortals. Fleming had experience in naval intelligence during World War I. The first Bond adventure, Casino Royale (1953), established his flamboyant characteristics. Sex and sadism in an international setting were ingredients for some outrageous adventures with Cold War spies. Linked to Bond is the tag "Licensed to Kill." The Bond legend has continued beyond the death of its creator. The most recent 007 title is The Facts of Death (1998), written by Raymond Benson, who has taken over from John E. Gardner.

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Greene, Graham Greene is not considered a genre fiction author, but has written three spy novels important to the genre, his first being The Confidential Agent (1939). During World War II he was in intelligence and undoubtedly drew from his experience for the classic parody of the genre, Our Man in Havana, which reduces everything to the ridiculous. The Quiet American (1955). A somber spy novel. Our Man in Havana (1958). Household, Geoffrey Rogue Male (1938). This is the prototype story of the private individual who undertakes his own spy mission, encountering extreme danger and exciting chases. Innes, Michael Best known for his detective stories, Innes wrote several spy novels notable for sometimes outrageously fantastical plots and characters: The Secret Vanguard (1940). Appleby on Ararat (1941). The Journeying Boy (1949). Operation Pax (1951). The Man from the Sea (1955). Le Carré, John Le Carré's experience was in the British Foreign Office. In Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (1975) and Smiley's People (1979), the main character is George Smiley, the antithesis of James Bond. The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (1963). This set the classic pattern for the unheroic spy, the pattern of double agents, and the anatomization of the bureaucracy of intelligence headquarters operations. Tailor of Panama (1996). Inspired by Greene's classic Our Man in Havana. The international scene and exotic locales set the backdrop for competent professionals, who often are sandbagged by corrupt intelligence departments. Often there is a generous dollop of sex and sadism. There are also several spy/espionage series that trace the exploits of particular spies. Many of these authors write in other subgenres of the thriller as well. The authors are grouped by the spy's country of allegiance (although, occasionally, any spy's allegiance may seem confused). The greatest number of spies belong to the United States and Great Britain; spies of both nationalities are usually in conflict, using their wits and physical force, with Russia's spies. The protagonist is usually an intelligence agency employee but may be a freelance. The end of the Cold War seemingly sounded the death knell for the spy thriller. A few titles have been added recently, mostly by long-established authors, but by and large the following lists of spy books feature the tried and true that still have followings in public libraries.

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United States Archer, Jeffrey The Eleventh Commandment. Block, Lawrence Tanner on Ice. Evan Michael Tanner, last seen in the early 1970s, has been thawed from cryogenic sleep and heads to Burma. The earlier books in the series have been reissued. The Canceled Czech. The Thief Who Couldn't Sleep. Breton, Thierry, and Denis Beneich Softwar. Computer espionage. Buckley, William F., Jr. Featuring Blackford Oates Saving the Queen. Stained Glass. Who's on First. Marco Polo, If You Can. The Story of Henri Tod. See You Later, Alligator. High Jinx. Mongoose R.I.P. Tucker's Last Stand. A Very Private Plot. Chacko, David The Black Chamber: A Novel. Condon, Richard The Manchurian Candidate. Crosby, John Men in Arms. Featuring Horatio Cassidy. DeAndrea, William L. Featuring Jeffrey Bellman. Also Known as Clifford Driscoll and Allan Trotter Cronus. Snark. Azrael. Atropos. Finder, Joseph Extraordinary Powers.

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Granger, Bill. Featuring Deveraux, Code Name November Man The November Man. League of Terror. Henry McGee Is Not Dead. The Man Who Heard Too Much. The Infant of Prague. The British Cross. The Shattered Eye. The Zurich Numbers. The Last Good German. Burning the Apostle. Griffin, W. E. B. The Last Heroes. Originally published under the pseudonym Alex Baldwin. Hamilton, Donald Featuring Matt Helm in paperback series. Hood, William Spy Wednesday. Cry Spy. The Sunday Spy. Hoyt, Richard James Burlane series. Hughes, Dorothy B. The Davidian Report. Hyde, Anthony The Red Fox. China Lake. Formosa Straits. Hynd, Noel. Featuring Bill Mason Flowers from Berlin. The Sandler Inquiry. False Flags. Ignatius, David Agents of Innocence. Lambert, Derek The Man Who Was Saturday. The Red Dove.

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Lindsey, David L. The Color of Night. Littell, Robert The Amateur. The October Circle. The Debriefing. The Defection of A. J. Lewinter. Walking Back the Cat. Agent in Place. Ludlum, Robert ''Ludlum deals in male fantasies, and there are few two-fisted scribes with seven-figure advances who do it better."Time, March 10, 1986 Featuring Jason Bourne. The Bourne Identity. The Bourne Supremacy. The Bourne Ultimatum. ------------------------Featuring Brian Scofield. Matarese Circle. Matarese Countdown Lustbader, Eric Van Jian. Mason, F. Van Wyck. Featuring Hugh North Pollock, J. C. Payback. Shelby, Philip Gatekeeper. Thomas, Ross. Featuring Mac McCorkle and Mike Padillo Missionary Stew. The Eighth Dwarf. The Cold War Swap. Twilight at Mac's Place. Trevanian The Eiger Sanction. Loo Sanction.

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Warga, Wayne Hardcover. Woods, Stuart Deep Lie. Great Britain Allbeury, Ted Moscow Quadrille. The Judas Factor. Armstrong, Campbell White Light. Bagley, Desmond Running Blind. The Enemy. Canning, Victor Birds of a Feather. Memory Boy. Coles, Manning Drink to Yesterday. Creasey, John A number of series characters appear under his several pseudonyms: Peter Ross, Gordon Craigie, Bruce Murdoch, Mary Dell, Dr. Palfrey, Patrick Dawlish. Deighton, Len The Ipcress File. Funeral in Berlin. Spy Story. Catch a Falling Spy. (Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Spy.) Bernard Samson is the spy in the following three trilogies. Trilogy: Berlin Game. Mexico Set. London Match. Trilogy: Spy Hook. Spy Line. Spy Sinker.

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Trilogy: Faith. Hope. Charity. Denham, Bertie Two Thyrdes. The Man Who Lost His Shadow. Dickinson, Peter Walking Dead. Eagleton, Clive Skirmish. Missing from the Record. Follett, Ken Lie Down with Lions. Eye of the Needle. The Man from St. Petersburg. Key to Rebecca. Forbes, Bryan The Endless Game. The Spy at Twilight. Forrest, Anthony A Balance of Dangers. Featuring Captain John Justice, Napoleonic Wars. Forsyth, Frederick The Fourth Protocol. The Devil's Alternative. The Day of the Jackal. The Odessa File. The Dogs of War. The Deceiver. The Fist of God. Icon. Freemantle, Brian. Featuring Charlie Muffin. Charlie Muffin. Goodbye to an Old Friend. Betrayals.

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Gardner, John E. The Nostradamus Traitor. The Garden of Weapons. Featuring Herbie Kruger. The Secret Generations. Featuring the Railton family. Continuation of Ian Fleming's James Bond series: License Renewed. For Special Services. Icebreaker. Role of Honor. Win, Lose, or Die. Brokenclaw. Garner, William A Big Enough Wreath. Featuring Michael Jagger. Gethin, David Point of Honor. Featuring Halloran. Gilbert, Michael Mr. Calder and Mr. Behrens. The Empty House. Haggard, William Hard Sell. The Money Man. Featuring Charles Russell. Hale, John The Whistle Blower. Hall, Adam. Featuring Quiller Quiller. The Quiller Memorandum. The Sinkiang Executive. Quiller Meridian. Harcourt, Palma A Matter of Conscience. Shadows of Doubt. Climate for Conspiracy. Cover for a Traitor.

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Higgins, Jack Featuring Liam Devlin. The Eagle Has Landed. Touch the Devil. Confessional. ----------------------Featuring Sean Dillon. Thunder Point. On Dangerous Ground. Angel of Death. Drink with the Devil. Eye of the Storm. Hill, Reginald The Spy's Wife. Traitor's Blood. Hone, Joseph The Oxford Gambit. Featuring Peter Marlow. Hunter, Stephen The Spanish Gambit. Luard, Nicholas The Robespierre Serial. The Shadow Spy. Lyall, Gavin. Featuring Major Harry Maxim The Secret Servant. The Conduct of Major Maxim. The Crocus List. Masters, John The Himalayan Concerto. Mather, Berkely With Extreme Prejudice. Mitchell, James Smear Job. Featuring Callan. Moss, Robert Carnival of Spies.

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Perry, Ritchie Fools' Mate. Featuring Phillis. Price, Anthony Our Man in Camelot. The Labyrinth Makers. Gunner Kelly. Sion Crossing. Featuring Dr. David Audley. Ross, Angus. Featuring Marcus Farrow and Charlie McGowan Royce, Kenneth The Mosley Receipt. The XYZ Man. Featuring Spider Scott. Russell, Charles The Spy Is Dead. Savarin, Julian Jay The Hammerhead. Seaman, Donald The Wilderness of Mirrors. Sela, Owen The Kiriov Tapes. Thomas, Craig Foxfire. Wolfsbane. Wild Cat. Wheatley, Dennis. Featuring Gregory Sallus U.S.S.R Burke, Martyn The Commissar's Report. Demille, Nelson The Charm School. Eagleton, Clive Troika.

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Furst, Alan Night Soldiers. Giovannetti, Alberto Requiem for a Spy. Pape, Gordon, and Tony Aspler The Music Wars. Sela, Owen The Kremlin Control. Trenhaile, John A View from the Square. The Man Called Kyril. Nocturne for a General. The Gates of Exquisite View. The Mahjongg Spies. France Furst, Alan The World at Night. Red Gold. Lescroart, John T. Son of Holmes. Combined spy and detection with August Lupin and a very young Nero Wolfe. Bulgaria Furst, Alan Night Soldiers. Pearson, Ridley Never Look Back. West Germany Herlin, Hans Solo Run. Comic Spy stories tend to be quite grim. There are, however, a few inept and comic spies.

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Butterworth, Michael Remains to Be Seen. Dowling, Gregory Double-Take. Gardner, John Air Apparent. Featuring Boysie Oakes. Greene, Graham Our Man in Havana. Women Women as spies appear frequently as secondary characters. In each of the following books, a woman is the main character; four of the women are series characters. Aaron, David Crossing by Night. Featuring Elizabeth Pack. Aline, Countess of Romanones The Well-Mannered Assassin. Anthony, Evelyn. Featuring Davina Graham The Defector. The Avenue of the Dead. Albatross. The Company of Saints. Deverell, Diana 12 Drummers Drumming. Night on Fire. Kathryn "Casey" Collins works for a terrorist-fighting State Department agency. Duffy, Margaret Ingrid Langley is married to fellow agent Patrick Gillard in this comedic British series. Brass Eagle. Death of a Raven. Who Killed Cock Robin? Rook Shoot. Gilman, Dorothy. Featuring Mrs. Pollifax The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax. Mrs. Pollifax and the Hong Kong Buddha.

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Mrs. Pollifax and the China Station. Mrs. Pollifax and the Second Thief. Mrs. Pollifax Pursued. Mrs. Pollifax and the Lion Killer. Mrs. Pollifax, Innocent Tourist. The first book in the series appeared in 1966 and the 13th in 1997, all with exotic locales. Ludlum, Robert The Scorpio Illusion. Lynds, Gayle Masquerade. MacInnes, Helen Above Suspicion (1941). With this book MacInnes began a best-selling line of novels of romantic international intrigue. Her female spy is usually an amateur and often paired romantically with another amateur, all in the most exotic spots in Europe. Ride a Pale Horse (1985). Her 21st, and last, novel. O'Donnell, Peter Featuring Modesty Blaise, a character who began in the comic strips in 1962 and appeared first in book form in 1965. She is the female equivalent of James Bond. Truman, Margaret Murder in the CIA. Featuring Colette Cahill. Williams, Amanda Kyle A Singular Spy. Club Twelve. The Providence File. Featuring CIA agent Madison McGuire, lesbian. The following two spy novels defy simple categorization. Batchelor, John Calvin American Falls. A historical novel of the U.S. Civil War, about the origin of the Union Secret Service and the Confederate Secret Service. Gollin, James The Philomel Foundation. A group of young American musicians, The Antiqua Players, get involved with a spy from East Germany. Later titles about the group belong in the amateur detective category. Originally published in 1980, it was reissued in 1997.

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Nasty Nazis Somehow Nazis keep right on popping up in adventure fiction. Often they are not of the neo kind but rather remnants of old Hitlerian plots. Titles about Nazis can usually be identified by a swastika or the lightning bolt symbol of the SS on the cover. Diehl, William 27. On the eve of World War II an ex-bootlegger takes on agent 27, the Third Reich's perfect spy. Folsom, Allan The Day After Tomorrow. Hitler makes a guest appearance. Gifford, Thomas The Wind Chill Factor. Nazi survivors plan to resurrect the Reich. Heywood, Joseph Berkut. Johnson, Haynes The Landing. Levin, Ira Boys from Brazil. Llewellyn, Sam Maelstrom. Modern-day Norwegian Nazis. Ludlum, Robert The Apocalypse Watch. An American Agent disappears after infiltrating the neo-Nazi Brotherhood of the Watch. Pollock, J. C. Goering's List. Nazi plunder leads to recent assassinations. Technothrillers Technothrillers emerged in the 1980s as one of the most popular types of adventure tale. Tom Clancy's The Hunt for Red October generated an interest in books that used technology to the extreme that the gadget became as important as a character. Until the enormous changes in Eastern Europe late in the 1980s, the enemy was usually the Soviets, and a common theme was that of the "good Russian" who in some way conveyed superior Soviet technology to the United States. More recent technothrillers use the Middle East and South America for settings. The war on drugs is also finding an important place in the plots of technothrillers. Anderson, Kevin J., and Doug Beason Ignition.

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Ballard, Robert, and Tony Chiu Bright Shark. Berent, Mark Rolling Thunder. Steel Tiger. Phantom Eagle. Eagle Station. Storm Flight. Bond, Larry Red Phoenix. Vortex. Cauldron. Brown, Dale Silver Tower. Flight of the Old Dog. Hammerheads. Chains of Command. Day of the Cheetah. Night of the Hawk. Storming Heaven. Shadows of Steel. Fatal Terrain. The Tin Man. Butler, Jimmie The Iskra Incident. Carpenter, Scott The Steel Albatross. Deep Flight. Clancy, Tom. Featuring Jack Ryan Hunt for Red October. Red Storm Rising. Cardinal of the Kremlin. Sum of All Fears. Clear and Present Danger. Patriot Games. Without Remorse. Debt of Honor.

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Executive Order. Rainbow Six. Clancy, Tom, and Steve R. Pieczenik Tom Clancy's Op Center series. Cobb, James H. Featuring Naval Commander Amanda Lee Garrett Choosers of the Slain. Sea Strike. Sea Fighter. Cook, Nick Aggressor. Coonts, Stephen. Featuring Jake Grafton Under Siege. Final Flight. Flight of the Intruder. Minotaur. Fortunes of War. Coyle, Harold Sword Point. Team Yankee. Bright Star. Crichton, Michael Airframe. Deutermann, P. T. Scorpion in the Sea. DiMercurio, Michael Voyage of the Devilfish. Attack of the Seawolf. Phoenix Sub Zero. Barracuda Final Bearing. Durham, Guy Stealth. Friedman, Gary Gun Men. Garn, Jake, and Stephen Paul Cohen Night Launch.

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Grace, Tom Spyder Web. Harrison, Payne Storming Intrepid. Black Cipher. Thunder of Erebus. Forbidden Summit. Herman, Richard, Jr The Warbirds. Dark Wing. Iron Gate. Power Curve. Against All Enemies. Houston, James W. Balance of Power. Ing, Dean The Ransom of Black Stealth One. Butcher Bird. Joseph, Mark To Kill the Potemkin. Kunetka, James W. Parting Shot. Leib, Franklin Allen Fire Arrow. Fire Dream. Mason, Robert Weapon. Solo. Massucci, Joseph The Millennium Project. Code: Alpha. Mayer, Bob. Featuring Dave Riley Eyes of the Hammer. Synbat. Dragon Sim 13. Cut-Out.

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Eternity Base. Z. Merek, Jack Target Stealth. Blackbird. Mezrich, Ben Reaper. Moore, Robert Payton Silent Doomsday. Peters, Ralph Red Army. Pineiro, R. J. 01-01-00: A Novel of the Millennium. Pollock, J. C. Payback. Goering's List. Poyer, David. Featuring Dan Lenson The Med. The Gulf. The Circle. The Passage. Tomahawk. Robinson, Patrick Nimitz Class. Kilo Class. Stewart, Chris Shattered Bone. The Kill Box. Weber, Joe Shadow Flight. DEFCON One. White, Robin A. The Flight from Winter's Shadow. Afterburn. Sword of Orion. The Last High Ground.

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Biothrillers With the advances in genetic engineering and the rise of terrorist activities in the 1990s, an emerging subgenre that combines the two arose: biothrillers. News of new and gruesomely horrible diseases has fueled the fire. As in technothrillers, the agent of change, in this case biological rather than technological, plays a major role, on a par with and sometimes ahead of characterization and plot. Cataclysmic disaster, narrowly averted, is a frequent theme. Terrorists who have genetically engineered a disease or stolen biological weapons often appear. Occasionally the culprit is merely science gone awry to disastrous ends. Readers of biothrillers often enjoy technothrillers, disaster novels, science fiction, and horror novels that deal with medicine or science gone bad. Anderson, Kevin J., and Doug Beason Ill Wind. Case, John F. The First Horseman. The Genesis Code. Gerritsen, Tess Gravity. Bloodstream. Harvest. Life Support. Hogan, Chuck The Blood Artists. Johansen, Iris And Then You Die. Koontz, Dean Fear Nothing. Land, Jon Fires of Midnight. Lynch, Patrick Omega. Carriers. Marr, John S., and John Baldwin The Eleventh Plague. Massucci, Joseph Code: Alpha.

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Mayer, Bob Z. Mezrich, Ben Reaper. Yikes! Shades of Snow Crash. Nance, John J. Pandora's Clock. Scorpion Strike. Patterson, James When the Wind Blows. Preston, Douglas, and Lincoln Child Mount Dragon. Preston, Richard Cobra Event. Financial Intrigue/Espionage Paul Erdman started this subgenre in 1973 with The Billion Dollar Sure Thing, and authors have gleefully taken on the world of international banking, oil cartels, and multinational corporations as well as lesser businesses. Political chicanery is often involved, along with crooked doings among the rich and powerful. The following novels show wide variation in their plots, but money is always the prime factor. Aaron, David Agent of Influence. Ambler, Eric Send No More Roses. Black, Gavin The Golden Cockatrice. Featuring Paul Harris. Blankenship, William The Programmed Man. Brady, James Paris One. Browne, Gerald A. Hot Siberian. Chafets, Zev The Project. Hang Time.

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Cudlip, David Comprador. Davies, Linda Nest of Vipers. Wilderness of Mirrors. Deutermann, P. T. Zero Option. Duncan, Robert L. Temple Dogs. Durand, Loup Daddy. Erdman, Paul E. The Billion Dollar Sure Thing. The Palace. Finder, Joseph The Zero Hour. Fowlkes, Frank The Peruvian Contracts. Frey, Stephen W. The Vulture Fund. The Take Over. Haig, Alec Sign on for Tokyo. Keagan, William A Real Killing. Lehman, Ernest The French Atlantic Affair. Lindsey, David L. An Absence of Light. Lustbader, Eric Van The Miko. Maling, Arthur Schroeder's Game.

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Patterson, James Black Market. Reich, Christopher Numbered Account. Rhodes, Russell L. The Styx Complex. Sanders, Lawrence The Tangent Objective. Stewart, Edward Launch. Sulitzer, Paul-Loup Money. Fortune. Thomas, Ross The Money Harvest. Political Intrigue and Terrorism Common to this subgenre are many of the characteristics of the spy/espionage subgenre and the disaster subgenre, with frequent overtones of science fiction. Agencies such as the CIA are often featured. The threat of terrorism is pervasive. The following books show how involved the plots of these stories are with current political problems and situations. Abercrombie, Neil, and Richard Hoyt Blood of Patriots. Aellen, Richard The Cain Conversion. Alexander, Patrick Show Me a Hero. Allbeury, Ted The Twentieth Day of January. Archer, Jeffrey Shall We Tell the President? The Eleventh Commandment.

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Armstrong, Campbell Jig. Bagley, Desmond Juggernaut. Bond, Larry Day of Wrath. The Enemy Within. Brierley, David Skorpion's Death. Brown, Dale The Tin Man. Buchanan, William J. Present Danger. Cohen, William S., and Gary Hart The Double Man. Cole, Burt Blood Note. Collins, Larry, and Dominique Lapierre The Fifth Horseman. Coonts, Stephen The Red Horseman. Coppel, Alfred The Hastings Conspiracy. Crosby, John An Affair of Strangers. Cussler, Clive Deep Six. De Borchgrave, Arnaud The Spike. Drury, Allen Pentagon. Duncan, Robert L. In the Enemy Camp.

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Easterman, Daniel The Last Assassin. Finder, Joseph The Zero Hour. Fitzgerald, Gregory, and John Dillon The Druze Document. Folsom, Allan Day After Tomorrow. Day of Confession. Forsyth, Frederick The Devil's Conspiracy. The Negotiator. Garve, Andrew Counterstroke. Griffin W. E. B. The New Breed. Henissart, Paul Margin of Error. Higgins, Jack The President's Daughter. Hoyt, Richard Head of State. Hunter, Stephen Point of Impact. Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher A Crooked Man. Leib, Franklin Allen Fire Arrow. Littell, Robert The Amateur. Ludlum, Robert The Bourne Identity. The Bourne Supremacy. The Bourne Ultimatum. The Icarus Agenda.

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Malashenko, Alexei The Last Red August. Mills, Kyle Rising Phoenix. Morrell, David The League of Night and Fog. Moss, Robert Moscow Rules. Moss, Robert, and Arnaud de Borchgrave Monimbo. Nance, John J. Medusa's Child. The Last Hostage. Order, Lewis, and Bill Michaels The Night They Stole Manhattan. Patterson, Richard North No Safe Place. Paul, Barbara Liars and Tyrants and People Who Turn Blue. Peters, Ralph The Devil's Garden. The Perfect Soldier. Quinell, A. J. In the Name of the Father. Salinger, Pierre, and Leonard Gross The Dossier. Seymour, Gerald The Harrison Affair. Sharp, Marilyn Falseface. Shelby, Philip Gatekeeper. Days of Drums. Last Rights.

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Stone, Robert Damascus Gate. Thayer, James Stuart Pursuit. Ringer. Thomas, Craig The Last Raven. Thomas, Ross The Mordida Man. Out on the Rim. Wager, Walter H. The Spirit Team. Washburn, Mark The Armageddon Game. West, Morris Proteus. Wiltse, David Prayer for the Dead. Close to the Bone. Bone Deep. Into the Fire. The Edge of Sleep. Prayer for the Dead. Survival Survival is a strong motive for adventure thrillers. The survival can involve escape from a burning high-rise or from the steppes of Mongolia. The main theme that the following books have in common in this: Through wit and dogged determination, the heroes of the tale survive. The Lone Survivor One or a few individuals, for some reason cut off from civilization (as we know it!), resourcefully make their way out of danger. Garber, Joseph R. Vertical Run. Dave Elliott has only himself to depend on as he tries to stay alive while being stalked in a 50-story office building.

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L'Amour, Louis The Last of the Breed. A Native American pilot crashes over Siberia. Wood, Stuart White Cargo. An entrepreneur goes after the drug cartel that had his yacht pirated. Disaster Reviewers have labeled several types of novels as ''disaster" thrillers. The catastrophe may be natural (that is, nature's fury or an act of God) or man-made. Natural disasters include earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tidal waves, meteor strikes, a new ice age, floods, plagues, aberrant behavior of bird or animal lifethe only limit is the author's imagination. (However, not within that imaginative limit is the matter of the supernatural. Disasters of supernatural origin reside in horror.) Man-made disasters include nuclear explosions, accidents caused by experimenting with bacteria or with humanity's biological heritage, accidents involving aircraft or ocean vessels, or accidents caused by tampering with nature's equilibrium (for example, destroying the ozone layer); again, the range is determined by the author's imagination. Frequently, the disaster has a political link, relating this type of book to the spy/espionage subgenre. There is also a science fiction aspect in the themes of apocalypse, doomsday, and colliding worlds. The trend in the 1990s seems to be toward narrowly averted disaster and is paralleled in movies such as Deep Impact and Armageddon, but the complete disaster with some survivors, as occurred in Titanic, is also popular. Anderson, Kevin J., and Doug Beason Ill Wind. Bagley, Michael The Plutonium Factor. Bell, Madison Smartt Waiting for the End of the World. Block, Thomas Mayday. Airship. Nine. Orbit. Buchanan, William J. Present Danger. Byrne, Robert The Dam. Skyscraper. The Tunnel.

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Canning, Victor The Doomsday Carrier. Corley, Edwin The Genesis Rock. Cravens, Gwyneth The Black Death. Crichton, Michael The Andromeda Strain. Jurassic Park. Cussler, Clive Raise the Titanic. De Lillo, Don White Noise. Demille, Nelson, and Thomas Block Mayday. Godey, John The Snake. Hailey, Arthur Airport. Herbert, James The Rats. Hernon, Peter 8.4. Herzog, Arthur IQ 83. The Swarm. Earthsound. Heat. Hoyt, Richard Cool Runnings. Hyde, Christopher The Wave. Johnson, Stanley The Doomsday Deposit.

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MacLean, Alistair Goodbye California. McCullough, Colleen A Creed for the Third Millennium. Moan, Terrance The Deadly Frost. Moran, Richard Cold Sea Rising. Empire of Ice. Nance, John J. Final Approach. Pandora's Clock. Medusa's Child. Scorpion Strike. North, Edmund H., and Franklin Coen Meteor. Orgill, Douglas, and John Gribbin The Sixth Winter. Page, Thomas Sigmet Active. Pearson, Ridley The Seizing of Yankee Green Mall. Pruess, Paul Core. Racine, Thomas The Great Los Angeles Blizzard. Robinson, Logan Evil Star. Rubens, Howard, and Jack Wasserman Hambro's Itch. Scortia, Thomas N., and Frank M. Robinson The Nightmare Factor. The Prometheus Crisis. The Glass Inferno. Blowout.

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Slater, Ian Firespell. Slattery, Jesse The Juliet Effect. Smith, Martin Cruz Nightwing. Stern, Richard Martin Flood. Snowbound. The Tower. Wildfire. Stone, George Blizzard. Strieber, Whitley, and James W. Kunetka War Day. Warner, Douglas Death on a Warm Wind. Wiltse, David The Fifth Angel. Six Days in November. Blown Away. Male Romance In this specific subgenre, the adventurer is one who seeks adventure on land, sea, or in the air, following the old tradition of the hero who matches his strength against the powers of natural elements and enjoys the danger. While the following description of male romance is specific to the subgenre, it also applies to many of the other subgenres within adventure. Many of these books are set in wild and primitive areas of the world. Often they feature treasure hunts or lost mines; some involve piracy; most are full of combat with villains of all sorts. The adventure is considered the subgenre of male interest just as the romance is identified for women (the sweet-and-savage romance provides women with their adventure element). There is a political angle to adventures because many involve revolutionary action in non-European countries, gun-running, or mercenary activities. The story may concern the search for a friend or relative lost in strange circumstances, a ship or plane wreck, hijacking, hunting wild animals, pioneering treks, exploration expeditions, the overcoming of natural disasters, or an escape and the ensuing chasethe possibilities are limitless.

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A few classic authors, both those described as genre writers and those considered to be writers of "literature," are listed first. The adventure story has been popular since earliest times and is not always simple to label. The subsequent groupings of adventure authors note the more popular types of backgrounds and characters. Classic Authors Buchan, John John McNab. Burroughs, Edgar Rice Tarzan series. Conrad, Joseph The Arrow of Gold. Heart of Darkness. Curwood, James Oliver Nomads of the North. Falkner, J. M. Moonfleet. Haggard, H. Rider She. The Return of She. King Solomon's Mines. Hughes, Richard A High Wind in Jamaica. Kipling, Rudyard Kim. London, Jack The Sea Wolf. Macauley, Rose The Towers of Trebizond. A young Englishwoman traveling through Turkey and other parts of the Middle East on a white camel. Sabatini, Rafael Captain Blood. The Sea Hawk.

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Verne, Jules Around the World in Eighty Days. Journey to the Center of the Earth. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. The Mysterious Island. White, Stewart Edward The Mystery. The Rifle. Wren, P. C. Beau Geste. Wild Frontiers and Exotic Lands We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time. T. S. Eliot, from "Little Gidding" (1942) Exotic lands and unexplored frontiers are the perfect backdrop for action-filled adventure. The following grouping lists titles with plots that take place in Asia and Africa. Many of these authors, of course, also write adventure of other types. Bagley, Desmond Flyaway. Becker, Stephen The Chinese Bandit. The Last Mandarin. The Blue-Eyed Shan. Bosse, Malcolm The War Lord. Clavell, James Whirlwind. Cleary, Jon High Road to China. Crichton, Michael Congo. Davidson, Lionel The Rose of Tibet.

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Easterman, Daniel The Ninth Buddha. Forester, C. S. The African Queen. Grant, Maxwell Blood Red Rose. Haggard, H. Rider King Solomon's Mines. The She series. The Alan Quartermain series. Halkin, John Kenya. Hoyt, Richard Tyger! Tyger! Innes, Hammond The Big Footprints. Lustbader, Eric Van French Kiss. Mather, Berkely Stafford trilogy. Pagoda Tree. The Midnight Gun. Hour of the Dog. Moore, William Bush War! Smith, Wilbur The Leopard Hunts in Darkness. The Eye of the Tiger. The Burning Shore. The Sunbird. Ballantyne family saga. A Falcon Flies. Men of Men. The Angels Weep.

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Soldier-of-Fortune The adventure hero as picaresque soldier-of-fortune appears in many adventure novels. He is frequently an antihero. The following titles exemplify the type. Aylward, Marcus Harper's Folly. Harper's Luck. Marcinko, Richard Rogue Warrior series. Pollock, J. C. Mission M.I.A. Centrifuge. Scott, Douglas Eagle's Blood. Sela, Owen The Portuguese Fragment. Women Although women usually appear in adventure novels as a secondary love interest, an object of sexual desire, or an enemy/challenge, they are beginning to play the role of the adventurer. The following titles are about women as adventurers. Haggard, H. Rider She series. See "Classic Authors" (p. 185). Llywelyn, Morgan Grania: She-King of the Irish Seas. O'Donnell, Peter Modesty Blaise series. Noted among the spy/espionage titles, but Modesty Blaise is a true adventurer. Robertson, E. A. Four Frightened People. Stevenson, Janet Departure. A nineteenth-century sea adventure.

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Parody The adventure subgenre is very susceptible to parody because it takes very little exaggeration in action or character to make the heroic seem ridiculous. The popular Austin Powers movies are evidence of this fact. The following novels are examples of parodies. Bonfiglioli, Kyril All the Tea in China. Fraser, George MacDonald The Flashman series. The ninth in the series about this rogue antihero appeared in 1990. The Pyrates. A bawdy reworking of the romantic adventure tradition of Rafael Sabatini and Jeffery Farnol. Gundy, Elizabeth The Disappearance of Gregory Pluckrose. Military and Naval Adventure The following books belong in the adventure genre rather than with serious portrayals of warfare, although many have excellent scenes of battle. The literary (or mainstream) war novel is not included here. Twentieth Century Beach, Edward L. Cold Is the Sea. Run Silent, Run Deep. Submarines, United States, postWorld War II. Clancy, Tom The Hunt for Red October. Submarines, U.S.-Russian political adventure that started the popular technothriller subgenre. Cleary, Jon A Very Private War. Australia, World War II. Collerette, Eric J. Ninety Feet to the Sun. Submarines, Great Britain, World War II. Fullerton, Alexander Featuring Nick Everard, World War II. Gray, Edwyn Featuring Nicholas Hamilton, submarines.

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Griffin, W. E. B. The Brotherhood of War series. The Corps series. Heath, Layne CW2. Hennessey, Max Commander Kelly Maguire trilogy. British navy. The Lion at Sea. The Dangerous Years. Back to Battle. Higgins, Jack Luciano's Luck. The Eagle Has Landed. The Eagle Has Flown. Storm Warning. World War II, U.S. forces. Homewood, Harry Submarines, United States, World War II. Final Harbor. Torpedo! Silent Sea. Hough, Richard Buller trilogy. British navy, World War I. Buller's Guns. Buller's Dreadnought. Buller's Victory. Jackson, Robert. Featuring Wing Commander George Yoeman MacLean, Alistair British army and navy, World War II. The first title is the author's first, the second is his 27th. H.M.S. Ulysses. San Andreas. The Guns of Navarone. South by Java Head. Force Ten from Navarone. Where Eagles Dare.

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Masters, John India, World Wars I and II. Nightrunners of Bengal. Bhowani Junction. Monsarrat, Nicholas The Cruel Sea. British navy, World War II. Reeman, Douglas British navy, World War II. The last title is about submarines. Torpedo Run. RendezvousSouth Atlantic. A Ship Must Die. Strike from the Sea. The Deep Silence. Rosenbaum, Ray Falcons. Hawks. Scott, Leonard B. The Iron Men. The Last Run. The Hill. Charlie Mike. Stanley, William British air force, World War I. Bomber Patrol. Cloud Nineteenth. Thomas, Craig Aircraft espionage, United StatesRussia. Foxfire. Foxfire Down. Westheimer, David U.S. Army and Army Air Force, World War II. Rider in the Wind. Von Ryan's Express. Von Ryan's Return.

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Wingate, John Frigate. Carrier. Submarine. Red Mutiny. Go Deep. Submarines, World War II. Wouk, Herman The Caine Mutiny. U.S. Navy, World War II. Historical Naval and Military Adventure Most of the following books are in series. Many of the naval warfare series concern the Napoleonic Wars. The imitated prototype is C. S. Forester's Hornblower series, which follows Hornblower's career from midshipman to admiral. The life of Hornblower is the subject of a ''biography" by C. Northcote Parkinson, The Life and Times of Horatio Hornblower, which is so authentic as to persuade the unwary that he really existed. Parkinson so regretted the end of the series that he started a series of his own (see entry in the following list). This is currently one of the "hot" subgenres. To feed this hunger, publishers are even reissuing titles that originally appeared more than 150 years ago! One series that does this is The Heart of the Oak Sea Classics. The trend is also evident in science fiction, where David Feintuch's character, Nick Seafort, has been called "Horatio Hornblower in space." Cornwell, Bernard Featuring Richard Sharpe. Sharpe's Eagle. Sharpe's Gold. Sharpe's Company. Sharpe's Sword. Sharpe's Enemy. Sharpe's Honor. Sharpe's Regiment. Sharpe's Siege. Sharpe's Rifles. Sharpe's Revenge. Sharpe's Waterloo. Sharpe's Devil. Sharpe's Battle. Sharpe's Tiger. Featuring Nathanial Starbuck, U.S. Civil War.

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Forester, C. S. Featuring Horatio Hornblower. Mister Midshipman Hornblower. Lieutenant Hornblower. Hornblower and the Hotspur. Hornblower and the Atropes. Ship of the Line. Flying Colours. Commodore Hornblower. Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies. Hall, James Norman Doctor Dogbody's Leg. Collection of rollicking, jolly sea tales. Heyer, Georgette By the author of Regency romances. An Infamous Army. An excellent story of the Battle of Waterloo. The Spanish Bride. The Peninsular Campaign in the Napoleonic Wars. Kent, Alexander Featuring Richard Bolitho. Lambdin, Dewey Featuring Alan Lewrie, Royal Navy. Logan, Mark Nicholas Minette French navy. MacNeill, Duncan Captain James Ogilvie series. Frontier of India. Marryat, Frederick. Featuring Peter Simple. Frank Mildmay or the Naval Officer. Mr. Midshipman Easy. Newton Forster or the Merchant Service. Maynard, Kenneth. Featuring Matthew Lamb. McCutchan, Philip Featuring Donald Cameron and St. Vincent Halfhyde, both Royal Navy and merchant marine, and Commodore Kemp.

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O'Brian, Patrick Featuring Captain Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin, physician. In the second title in the series, there is a meeting with Hornblower. Parkinson, C. Northcote. Featuring Richard Delancey. Pope, Dudley Featuring Captain Lord Nicholas Ramage, the Yorke family. Reeman, Douglas Royal Marines series. Featuring the Blackwood family. Suthren, Victor H. Featuring Edward Mainwaring, eighteenth century. Featuring Captain Paul Gallant, eighteenth-century French navy. Woodman, Richard Featuring Nathaniel Drinkwater. Pirates Powers, Tim On Stranger Tides. Pirate adventure combined with dark fantasy. Sabatini, Rafael Captain Blood. Smith, Wilbur Birds of Prey. Sir Francis Courteney and his son, Hal, privateers in the seventeenth century for the British Crown, swashbuckle up and down the African coast. Male-Action/Adventure Series The Western has always been considered an action/adventure genre, as have many of the examples of detective and spy/espionage stories, all of which often appear with a series hero. The following series are all original titles issued by paperback publishers and noted in trade parlance as action/adventure. They are specifically aimed at a male audience. The prototypes for plots and characters may be found in the pulp magazines that flourished before the paperbacks took over as purveyors of action/adventure in the 1940s. In these series are found men (and sometimes women) who function as vengeance squads, martial arts experts, mercenaries, soldiers-of-fortune, detectives, and adventurers of almost any type. Such series, when successful, are highly lucrative, and publishers continually experiment with them. It would be futile to list all the evanescent series, of which perhaps only two dozen may be current at any time. The following, however, are a few of the enduring ones.

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Johnstone, William W. Ashes series. Maloney, Mack Wingman series. Murphy, Warren, and Richard Sapir Destroyer series. The 92d title was published in 1995 by Signet. Pendleton, Don Mack Bolan, The Executioner series. The 145th title was published in 1991 by Gold Eagle Books. Robeson, Kenneth Doc Savage series. Currently being released by Bantam in omnibus editions containing up to five previously published titles. A Miscellany The types within the adventure novel are diverse and frequently share characteristics with other genres. The following sampling suggests the difficulty in labeling as adventure novels those novels of suspense (which often involve a chase theme) that do not fall into a simple genre pattern. Most of these authors specialize in adventure. Adler, Warren Trans-Siberian Express. Benchley, Peter Jaws. The Deep. The Island. Cannell, Stephen J. Riding the Snake. Cleary, Jon The Golden Sabre. The Sundowners. A Western set in Australia. Cussler, Clive The adventures of underwater recovery mariner Dirk Pitt often have elements of the disaster subgenre and also political overtones. Raise the Titanic. Deep Six. Iceberg.

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Cyclops. Vixen 03. Night Probe. Pacific Vortex. The Mediterranean Caper. Flood Tide. Gann, Ernest K. Aviation adventure. The Aviator. The High and the Mighty. Blaze of Noon. Fate Is the Hunter. Garfield, Brian Recoil. Hagberg, David Critical Mass. Hayden, Sterling The Voyage. Herley, Richard The Pagans trilogy. Stone Age England. The Stone Arrow. The Flint Lord. The Earth Goddess. Household, Geoffrey Rogue Male. Rough Justice. Ing, Dean Blood of Eagles. Flying to Pieces. Spooker. Innes, Hammond The Black Tide. The Wreck of the Mary Deare. Medusa. Jennings, Gary The Journeyer. Marco Polo's adventures.

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Langley, Bob Falklands Gambit. Lustbader, Eric Dark Homecoming. Floating City. Mundy, Talbot King of the Khyber Rifles. Nance, John J. The Last Hostage. Nordhoff, Charles B., and James Norman Hall Mutiny on the Bounty. Peters, Ralph Twilight of Heroes. Poyer, D. C. Hatteras Blue. Seymour, Gerald In Honor Bound. Trevanian Shibumi. Trew, Anthony Sea Fever. Death of a Supertanker. Wales, Robert Harry. Cattle drive in Australia, 1882. Woodhouse, Martin, and Robert Ross Leonardo da Vinci trilogy. Leonardo as adventure hero. The Medici Guns. The Medicine Emerald. The Medici Hawks. Yates, Dornford Curious period pieces from the 1920s (being reprinted) about the thriller adventures of a group of wealthy friends. Berry and Co. Adele and Co. Blind Corner. Perishable Goods.

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Topics Bibliographies Because many of the authors of spy/espionage novels also wrote mystery and detective novels, material on spy/espionage authors can also be found in some of the bibliographies (see p. 142) listed in Chapter 3, "Crime." Drew, Bernard A. Action Series & Sequels: A Bibliography of Espionage, Vigilante, and Soldier of Fortune Novels. Garland, 1988. McCormick, Donald, and Katy Fletcher. Spy Fiction. Facts on File, 1990. The biocritical annotations list the works. The introduction is historical and critical. In the appendix, "List of Abbreviations, Titles and Jargon Used in Espionage in Fact and Fiction," the definitions are often amusing. Bio-Bibliographies Benson, Raymond. James Bond Bedside Companion. Dodd, Mead, 1988. Cussler, Clive, and Craig Dirgo. Dirk Pitt Revealed. Pocket Books, 1998. Greenberg, Martin Harry. The Tom Clancy Companion. Berkley, 1992. Interview, essays, and details on the technological objects of Clancy's books. Greenberg, Martin H., ed. The Robert Ludlum Companion. Bantam Books, 1993. Macdonald, Gina. Robert Ludlum: A Critical Companion. Greenwood, 1997. History and Criticism Additional material on the spy/espionage novel can be found under "History" (see p. 144) and "Criticism" (see p. 144) of the crime story. Smith, Myron J., Jr., and Terry White. Cloak and Dagger Fiction: An Annotated Guide to Spy Thrillers, 3d ed. Greenwood, 1995. Journals and Associations Journals The Dossier: The Official Journal of the International Spy Society. 1981. Quarterly. Contains both fact and fiction, also reviews. Associations International Spy Society. Fellowships are awarded by invitation. In 1984 the Society presented its first awards, the Oppy Awards, named for E. Phillips Oppenheim.

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Writers' Guides Newton, Michael. Armed and Dangerous: A Writer's Guide to Weapons. Writer's Digest Books, 1990. . How to Write Action/Adventure Novels. Writer's Digest Books, 1989. Publishers All the major trade publishers publish some adventure books, although they usually call them novels or sometimes thrillers. NTC/Contemporary Publishing is issuing reprints. A recent one was Greenmantle, by John Buchan. Buccaneer and Dover are also issuing reprints of classic spy thrillers. Penguin, Ameron, Oxford University Press, Regnery, and Carroll & Graf all publish adventure novels. D's Adventure Picks Anderson, Kevin J., and Doug Beason. Ill Wind. L'Amour, Louis. The Last of the Breed. Nance, John J. Medusa's Child. Preston, Richard. Cobra Event.

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Chapter 5 Romance

"Romance novels comprise 55% of all mass market paperback fiction published in the U.S. and generate $1 billion in annual sales. More than 45 million people in North America alone read them." Romance Writers of America Web page "I still choose to enjoy the fact that, somewhere, a warrior is being tamed by an angel." Kelly Kimbrough, a romance reader "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife." Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice (1813) The Appeal of Romance Romance is primarily a women's genre. This is not to say that men don't read romances; some do, but often covertly. Many women, sensitive to what others may think, cannot comfortably read a romance while riding on public transportation. The world as a whole has a distorted view of what romance is and who reads it. Everyone knows the stereotype of a pink-negligée-clad housewife lounging on a settee devouring bonbons along with romances, but that view couldn't be farther from the truth. Cathie Linz profiles romance readers in Dangerous Men and Adventurous Women (Jayne Ann Krentz, ed., University of Pennsylvania Press, 1992), using data from Harlequin Enterprises market research: "Approximately 70 percent of the readers are women under 49 years of age; 45 percent of them have attended college."

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In essence, women read romance because these novels are an avenue of escapist fantasy in which a heroine gentles a warrior (his battleground can be anywhere from the boardroom to the bedroom to the sites of historic wars) and the two live happily ever after. Romance appeals to the heart and celebrates the power of love. It is a literature of optimism in which the woman (almost) always wins. Why women love the romance genre is endlessly discussed in online forums. It even has been the topic of television news shows and magazine articles. Whatever the reason, romance seems to have a global appeal. Cathie Linz writes: "Harlequin Enterprises has reported annual sales of over 190 million books worldwide. These books are translated into over twenty languages, including Japanese, Greek, and Swedish. They are published in over 100 international markets: from North and South America, to the Far East, to Western Europe and . . . Eastern Europe as well." The appeal of romance is addressed by 19 popular romance authors in the delightful Dangerous Men and Adventurous Women. Demonstrating the intellectual curiosity and avid interest of romance readers, this scholarly work, due to popular demand, was reissued as a mass market paperback by Harper in 1996. Unlike most paperbacks that are pulled after mere weeks on the shelves, Dangerous Men and Adventurous Women can still be found in the romance sections of chain bookstores. These writers, who obviously read and love the genre in which they write, display great respect for their readers. Some of the essays discuss the coded language that is used in the novels, which to outsiders appears as purple prose but to those in the know conveys in a few words a wealth of information about the characters and situations. Jayne Ann Krentz writes that "they celebrate female power, intuition, and a female worldview that affirms life and expresses hope for the future." That Was Then It is about time this most personal of genres is given its due. Times were very different in library land when Betty Rosenberg wrote in the second edition of Genreflecting: Critics of Literature, suitably capitalized, avert their eyes disdainfully from the popular romance novels or dismiss their authors and readers with witty contempt. Yet their devoted readers, blissfully unaware that their taste is lamentable, have ensured by their demand the steady supply of romantic fiction since Henry Richardson's Pamela staunchly defended her virtue and attained her heart's desire. Pamela and novels by authors including Jane Austen, Charlotte and Emily Brontë, and Anthony Trollope are scorned by critics of Literature.Genreflecting: A Guide to Reading Interests in Genre Fiction, 2d edition, Libraries Unlimited, 1986.

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Libraries and Romance Romance may be the least comfortable of genres for librarians. Even though it makes up a majority of all the mass market paperbacks sold in the United States, it is a genre that has traditionally not been well accepted in libraries. Many libraries don't buy paperback romances and many of the ones that buy them don't catalog them. All one needs to know that they are not ephemeral is to view the postings on one of the Internet newsgroups or e-mailing lists. Slowly and gradually acceptance is coming. Library Journal now publishes a quarterly romance column written by Kristin Ramsdell, winner of the Romance Writers of America Librarian of the Year Award and author of Romance Fiction: A Guide to the Genre (Libraries Unlimited, 1999). The September 15, 1998, cover of Booklist featured romance and kicked off a new era in romance reviewing: ''Call us unromantic or call us elitist, but like many reviewers, we've never much bothered to review genre romance, at least until one of the genre's stars, Janet Dailey, say, made the jump into the hardcover mainstream. The continuing popularity of the genre among library patrons has finally snapped us to our senses, and beginning with this issue, romance fiction will be reviewed regularly alongside all the other genres." Because of the lack of acceptance over the years, many romance readers don't even expect to use the library for their reading needs, instead exchanging books with friends and buying them new and used. As libraries begin to provide more of what romance readers want, more romance readers will become library users. There is no way that one can be conversant with the entire genre (approximately 2,700 romance novels were published in 1997 alone), but it behooves librarians to try samplings from different authors and dip into the online resources from time to time to try to stay current with trends. Things are getting better. It seems that librarians and reviewers are beginning to take romance seriously. Romance Writers of America (RWA) awards an annual librarian of the year award. Romance writers (and readers) have been a presence at the last four American Library Association conferences and the last two Public Library Association conferences. Romance was such a hot topic at the 1998 PLA conference that the programs on the topic were standing room only. A Readers' Advisory Caution Romance is a very personal kind of reading. Advising readers requires a great deal of tact and diplomacy. It is important to discern what a reader means when asking for a romance as well as determining the era, setting, degree of sexiness, and overall tone that reader is looking for. One might classify romance readers into two types. The first is the avid reader, who knows the coded language referred to by Krentz and understands that a real romance has to end "happily ever after." The other type of romance reader is looking for the romantic story but does not require the "happily ever

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after" ending. This type of reader, much to the horror of the first type, considers romantic tragedy such as seen in the movie Sommersby or portrayed in Romeo and Juliet to be romance. Often this reader is looking for Danielle Steeltype books. It is important to keep in mind that each reader's definition is valid to that person even if one does not agree with it. Readers' advisors can become more familiar with the genre by using resources such as Ramsdell's Romance Fiction: A Guide to the Genre (Libraries Unlimited, 1999) and by perusing the online forums such as RRA-L. Of course the best way to become conversant with the genre is to read a variety of types. With the prevalence of genre blending it is also helpful to keep in mind the romantic aspects that appear in other genres and bring those books to the attention of romance readers who may enjoy them. Elizabeth Peters's Amelia Peabody series in mystery, Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan saga in science fiction, and Patricia C. Wrede's regency-era fantasy novels are just some examples of genre crossovers. Themes and Types When trying to categorize romance, the first dividing line usually falls between contemporary and historical. Because romance has been a popular genre for so long (the earliest novels could be considered romances), many of the contemporaries of bygone times read as historicals now. An example that most readers are familiar with is the works of Jane Austen. A recent trend has been toward the paranormal, futuristic, or fantasy romance, which is often a romance out of time. Although some of those fall into the historical or contemporary time frame, they are treated separately here. Within the romance genre are several quite distinctive subgenres, differentiated for appeal to disparate audiences by setting, types of characters, and handling of sexual relations, which can range from a chaste kiss to explicit and extreme. At one time publishers identified the subgenres on paperback spines or on hardcover dust jackets (for example, gothic, career, romantic suspense) but now the trend seems to be moving away from that. On paperbacks one is likely to find only the designations "romance," "historical romance," and ''regency romance." Increasingly, romance novels are being published with merely the designation "novel" or "fiction." Contemporary Keep in mind that yesterday's contemporary is tomorrow's historical. The section that follows, written by Betty Rosenberg for the second edition of Genreflecting, remains pertinent for readers' advisory for that segment of readers who began reading romance in an earlier time and prefer to stay within that framework. It is also of historical interest for those who follow trends in romance.

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Womanly Romance Rosenberg's Historical Overview of Womanly Romances The classic encompassing type of romance is the womanly romance (dominant, for example, in the Harlequin romances), contemporary in setting, with home and marriage the goals for living happily ever after. (The period romancenotably Barbara Cartlandmay be essentially a womanly romance, but the historical setting adds a glamour appealing to a readership different from those who want the everyday present romantically rendered.) The earlier contemporary womanly romance was essentially "boy meets girl," in either a small town or metropolis, often in a business office (the woman marries the boss or his son), and equally often in a plot of relationships among a group of friends or family. (Much quoted is the anecdote about William Faulkner's scriptwriting days at Warner Brothers: When he left, in his office were found an empty bottle and a sheet of yellow foolscap on which he had written, five hundred times, "Boy Meets Girl.") An exotic setting was sometimes used, as in Ethel Dell's Indian romances. After World War II, and with the change in woman's position in the world (feminism and women's liberation movements), there were definite changes in the womanly romance: more use of foreign settings, heroines were increasingly independent women (though still desirous of love and marriage), and a relaxing of social mores (i.e., permissible sexual behavior). However, the tried-and-true romance patterns, providing a story in which happy endings are obligatory, are pursued faithfully by a large number of women authors. (The Harlequin/Mills and Boon series consist of authors who turn them out regularly; a total of 50 or more titles by each author is not unusual.) The authors continuing the traditions of womanly romances are myriad. The following authors wrote the prototype womanly romance. Ayres, Ruby M. British author: over 140 novels, the first published in 1917.

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Baldwin, Faith "The First Lady of the Love Story": currently about 100 novels in hardcover and paperback. Bloom, Ursula British "The Queen of the romantic novel": over 500 titles. Dell, Ethel British author. Her first work was published in 1912, and on the best-seller list in 1916. Several have been reprinted and condensed in Barbara Cartland's Library of Love series. A sample: " 'Yes, I am mad,' he said, and the words came quick and passionate, the lips that uttered them close to her own. 'I am mad for you, Anne, I worship you. And swear that while I live no other man shall ever hold you in his arms again. Annegoddessqueen womanyou are mineyou are mine-you are mine.' " Norris, Kathleen The American woman's dream in best-selling novelists, her first was published in 1911 and on the best-seller lists in 1916. Among the prototype authors are the following, who write inspirational romance. Hill, Grace Livingston Over 50 novels (20 million copies) reprinted by Bantam Books and written from 1882 to 1947. The second edition of Genreflecting said: "Mrs. Hill's novels of romance are about wholesome people whose profound faith and generous hearts let them cope with the problems of the modern world." Loring, Emilie Over 50 novels, more properly belonging with the inspirational type. Montgomery, Lucy Maude The Anne of Green Gables series. First published in 1908. The Emily series. Now considered for the young adult audience. Porter, Gene Stratton A best seller in the early twentieth century, she created a world of homely innocence and sentimental purity. Freckles. A Girl of the Limberlost. Webster, Jean Daddy-Long-Legs (1912). Now considered to be for a young adult audience. The following authors continued the tradition of the womanly romance. Cadell, Elizabeth British author: about 50 novels. Light comedy and suspenseful romance. The second edition of Genreflecting said: "Presents a love story bound to warm the coldest heart." The Waiting Game.

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Caldwell, Taylor Wrote 38 novels before her death in 1985. Twenty-five paperback titles, 25 million copies. Often the novels have a religious aspect and, according to the second edition of Genreflecting, are "liberally peopled by villains and schemers, and often . . . deal with family dynasties." " 'But you can't marry me. You areJeremy Porterand a rich man and a lawyer, and I am only a servant girl.' "Ceremony of Innocence. Answer as a Man. Eden, Dorothy Wrote over 40 novels (including gothic and historical romances). "If you put Dorothy Eden's name on a seed catalogue it would sell."Ace Books editor. Stevenson, D. E. British author: over 50 novels. "Funny, entertaining and clean." Mrs. Tim series. The second edition of Genreflecting said: "With her usual charm and friendly understanding, Mrs. Tim makes friends, influences people and straightens out a lot of problems, including her own." Several titles available in large print from G. K. Hall. Van Slyke, Helen Her nine novels sold 6 million copies. "It's all soap opera and it's all grand."The Best Place to Be. "When did you last feel you really knew the people in a book . . . that you shared their pain and pleasure, in some form, in your own life? When did you find yourself smiling at something on one page and staining the next one with nice therapeutic tears? . . . Millions of readers want the kind of reality they can interpret in terms of their own experience, or within the scope of their own imagination. They don't scoff at sentiment; it never goes out of style. They believe in good and evil, in love and loyalty, and in bitterness and betrayal. This is the stuff real life is made of."The Writer, November 1975. '' 'Old-fashioned' and 'Up to the Minute' by Helen Van Slyke."The Writer, November 1975. Soap Opera Within the definition of womanly romance must be included a type with gloomy overtones: the "soap opera" romance. Sin, suffering, and retribution permeate its pages, with an occasional relief of joy or spiritual uplift. The pattern was set in the nineteenth century with East Lynne. ("Next week East Lynne."The touring stock company's placard, for the stage version, was seldom missing in small towns in both England and the United States in the first quarter of this century.) Notably, the pattern continued with Stella Dallas (as book, radio serial, and motion picture), the story of a wife who strayed, the unforgiving husband who kept the child, and so forth. Included also in this type are romances with excessive attention to anguish. Some of the older prototypes are:

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Finley, Martha Elsie Dinsmore series. First title published in 1868. Porter, Gene Stratton Freckles (1904). Prouty, Olive Higgens Stella Dallas (1923). Wood, Ellen Price East Lynne (1861). Examples of more recent prototypes are: Metalious, Grace Peyton Place (1956). Segal, Erich Love Story (1970). The sob-sister kin of this type of romance are the pulp magazine and radio and television soap opera series. All are heavy on problems and afflictions, divorces and love triangles, illness and suffering, with "mixed-up" and "messed-up" being fixed attributes of emotions. For those who missed the pulps, the following anthology comes complete with the original advertisements and illustrations. Moriarty, Florence, ed. True Confessions: Sixty Years of Sin, Suffering and Sorrow, 19191979, from the Pages of True Confessions, True Story, True Experience, True Romance, True Love, Secrets, Modern Romance. Simon and Schuster, 1979. Fantasies of Passion Firmly in the womanly romance subgenre are fantasies of passion, which are erotic and purple but do not wallow in the sexual adventures filling the sweet-and-savage romance. The following two prototypes have influenced many writers and have been imitated but never surpassed. Glyn, Elinor Three Weeks. Her only erotic romance, published in 1907, treats illicit love with a high moral tone. ("And so, as ever, the woman paid the price.") The young hero is initiated into the rites of love by a mature woman (and this on a tiger-skin rug!). "Would you like to sin With Elinor Glyn On a tiger skin Or would you prefer To err with her On some other fur?" Elinor Glyn coined the sex term "It" and also taught Rudolph Valentino how to kiss the palm, not the back, of a woman's hand.

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Hull, Ethel M. The Sheik (1919). "The first heroine to be sexually assaulted, to learn during three hundred pages of it to enjoy it, and to marry the man who did it."Rachel Anderson, The Purple Heart Throbs. From The Sheik: Diana's eyes passed over him slowly till they rested on his brown, clean-shaven face, surmounted by crisp, close-cut brown hair. It was the handsomest and the cruelest face that she had ever seen. . . . He was looking at her with fierce burning eyes that swept her until she felt that the boyish clothes that covered her slender limbs were stripped from her, leaving the beautiful white body under his passionate stare. She shrank back, quivering, dragging the lapels of her riding jacket together over her breast with clutching hands, obeying an impulse that she hardly understood. "Who are you?" she gasped hoarsely. "I am the Sheik Ahmed Ben Hassan." The "sand-and-tit" epics inspired by The Sheik usually descend into "sweet-and-savage romance." Contemporary Soap Opera Even though it is declining in popularity as a written subgenre, soap opera romance continues to have readers. Most are part romance and part family saga, and they often attempt to include suspense. Many of the following have been reissued by reprint houses in regular or large print. Cowie, Vera The Rich and the Mighty. Games. Designing Woman. Freeman, Cynthia Illusions of Love. Seasons of the Heart. The Last Princess. Portraits. Gouge, Eileen Garden of Lies. Thorns of Truth. Trail of Secrets.

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Jaffe, Rona Class Reunion. After the Reunion. The Cousins. Five Women. Plain, Belva Legacy of Silence. Thayer, Nancy Bodies and Souls. Family Secrets. An Act of Love. Traditional Womanly Romance The traditional womanly romance focuses on a woman's relationships with her spouse or lover, family, and friends. These books do not always have a happy ending. Binchy, Maeve Echoes. Circle of Friends. Copper Beech. Glass Lake. Silver Wedding. Pilcher, Rosamunde The Carousel. Shell Seekers. September. Sleeping Tiger. Under Gemini. Another View. Snow in April. Wild Mountain Thyme. Voices in Summer. Siddons, Anne Rivers Hill Towns. Outer Banks. Downtown. Homeplace. Up Island. Low Country.

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Trollope, Joanna The Best of Friends. The Choir. The Men and the Girls. A Spanish Lover. A Village Affair. Contemporary Mainstream Womanly Romances The following romances may not satisfy the avid reader of the "happily ever after school" but may appeal to the other type of reader. They are usually marketed as novels rather than as romance. Coscarelli, Kate Perfect Order. Fame & Fortune. Living Color. Dailey, Janet Glory Game. Heiress. Aspen Gold. Delinsky, Barbara Lake News. Coast Road. Three Wishes. A Woman's Place. Laker, Rosalind This Shining Land. Lipman, Elinor Isabel's Bed. McCaffrey, Anne The Lady. Steel, Danielle Accident. Five Days in Paris. The Ghost. The Gift. Changes. Daddy.

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Family Album. Full Circle. Remembrance. The Ring. Secrets. Stone, Katherine Home at Last. Promises. Thomas, Rosie Strangers. Bad Girls, Good Women. Other People's Marriages. Trollope, Joanna The Best of Friends. Glitz and Glamour There appears to be a trend toward absorption of the contemporary womanly romance into the mainstream novel tradition. The following have as settings the international jet set of the rich, famous, international business tycoons (both sexes), Hollywood, polo-playing, and holiday resorts. The sex is usually steamy. Amazingly, these novels do fall into the pattern of the womanly romance at an exaggerated extreme. Both Danielle Steel and Janet Dailey (in Glory Game) would fit the pattern. Beauman, Sally Destiny. Booth, Pat American Icon. Miami. Malibu. Beverly Hills. Palm Beach. Marry Me. Bradford, Barbara Taylor A Woman of Substance. Hold the Dream. To Be the Best. Dangerous to Know. The Voice of the Heart. Everything to Gain. Power of a Woman.

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Brayfield, Celia Pearls. Briskin, Jacqueline The Naked Heart. Too Much Too Soon. Everything and More. Paloverde. Brown, Sandra Where There's Smoke. French Silk. Collins, Jackie Lady Boss. Chances. Lucky. Lucky's Revenge. Vendetta. Dangerous Kiss. American Star. Hollywood Husbands. Hollywood Wives. Thrill. Conran, Shirley Savages. Lace. Lace II. Crimson. Harvey, Kathryn Butterfly. Stars. Korda, Michael The Fortune. Krantz, Judith Dazzle. I'll Take Manhattan. Lovers. Scruples. Scruples II. The Jewels of Tessa Kent.

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McNaught, Judith Perfect. Michael, Judith Inheritance. Private Affairs. Acts of Love. Pot of Gold. Mortman, Doris Rightfully Mine. First Born. Plain, Belva Blessings. Sheldon, Sidney Windmills of the Gods. If Tomorrow Comes. Steel, Danielle Bittersweet. Passion's Promise. Secrets. Daddy. Stone, Katherine Bed of Roses. Bel Air. Happy Endings. Vincenzi, Penny Old Sins. Wilde, Jennifer The Slipper. Wilkins, Barbara Elements of Chance. Contemporary Romance The contemporary romance is more of a "purist's" romance than the contemporary mainstream romance, focusing on the relationship between one man and one woman with a happily-ever-after ending. Some readers will enjoy both categories. Most of the following authors write prolifically. Individual titles are not mentioned because while it is easy to locate books by a specific author, it is extremely difficult to locate specific titles. Peggy J.

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Jaegly, in Romantic Hearts: A Personal Reference for Romance Readers (Scarecrow, 1997), lists titles, but there is no way to keep up with them all. As more libraries begin cataloging paperback original romances, this should improve. As the large print houses and reprint publishers such as Severn House have started reprinting in hardcover, more and more are showing up in library catalogs. Crusie, Jennifer. Delinsky, Barbara. Eagle, Kathleen. Freethy, Barbara. Rita award winner. Greene, Jennifer. Multiple Rita award winner. Hannah, Kristin. Kimberlin, Annie. Korbel, Kathleen. Multiple Rita award winner. Krentz, Jayne Ann. Linz, Cathie. Macomber, Debbie. Neggers, Carla. Paige, Laurie. Phillips, Susan Elizabeth. Robards, Karen. Roberts, Nora. More than 100 titles. Multiple Rita award winner. Seidel, Kathleen Gilles. Spencer, LaVyrle. Standard, Patti. Weir, Theresa. Sensuous Contemporaries Andersen, Susan. Blake, Jennifer. Crusie, Jennifer. Davis, Justine. Greene, Debbie. Hoag, Tami. Howard, Linda. Phillips, Susan Elizabeth. Reavis, Cheryl. Richards, Emilie. Sanders, Glenda. Young, Karen.

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Sweet Contemporaries Sweet is the romance code word for innocent romances. Harlequin Romance and Silhouette Romance series are both this type. Avalon romances, frequently found as standing-order plans in libraries, also fall into this category. Campbell, Bethany. Chandler, Lauryn. Early, Margot. Ferrarella, Maria. Macomber, Debbie. Sites, Elizabeth. Standard, Patti. Romantic-Suspense The romantic-suspense subgenre frequently eludes easy labeling. Novels in this category may blend into the mystery-suspense thriller subgenre (in which the mystery dominates the romance, making the novel of equal interest to both types of readers) or into the spy/espionage thriller subgenre in the hands of authors such as Helen MacInnes (whose novels have equal amounts of romance and espionage). Most clearly defined is the gothic novel, but its publishers often label it a suspense novel rather than a gothic, seeking to evade the negative attitude toward the gothic and the ridicule directed at its stereotyped plots. Romantic-suspense novels are women's novels: while full of adventure and suspense, neither is allowed to diminish the heroine's romantic involvement. Many other types of romance have elements of suspense and mystery, and authors of romantic-suspense novels usually write in several other subgenres of romance as well. (Some of the following authors are also listed for other types of romance.) The background may be basically domestic (girl marries, goes to family estate, and husband dies or disappears; family secret leads to murder, scandal, and so forth), be exotic/foreign (an archaeological dig), or have the trappings of the period romance. Mary Stewart, the queen of this subgenre, rates so high in romantic appeal and so strong in suspenseful foreign adventure involving both romantic leads as to be the one author in this category of interest to men as well as women readers. Many of the following authors appear in hardcover editions as well as in paperback. Contemporary Romantic Suspense Brown, Sandra. Cameron, Stella. Clark, Mary Higgins. Still Watch. Dreyer, Eileen. Foley, Rae. Fear of a Stranger. Forster, Suzanne.

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Gerritsen, Tess. Hoag, Tami. Hooper, Kay. Howard, Linda. Kill and Tell. Johansen, Iris. Krentz, Jayne Ann. Lowell, Elizabeth. Mortman, Doris. Out of Nowhere. Pozzessere, Heather Graham. Historical Romantic Suspense Aiken, Joan The Smile of the Stranger. The Five-Minute Marriage. Black, Laura Falls of Gard. Brent, Madeleine Moonraker's Bride. Stormswift. A Heritage of Shadows. Butler, Gwendoline Sarsen Place. Carr, Philippa Midsummer's Eve. Eberhart, Mignon Good Fifty-nine mysteries, the first published in 1929, equally romantic and mysterious. Gaskin, Catherine The Charmed Circle. Gilbert, Anna The Wedding Guest. Hodge, Jane Aiken Windover. Polonaise. Savannah. Purchase. Here Comes a Candle. Johnston, Velda Masquerade in Venice.

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Kaye, M. M. Death in Berlin. Death in Cyprus. Death in Kashmir. Death in Kenya. Death in the Andamans. Death in Zanzibar. Lofts, Norah Peters, Elizabeth Amelia Peabody series. Crocodile on the Sandbank. Curse of the Pharoahs. The Snake, the Crocodile & the Dog. The Mummy Case. The Last Camel Died at Noon. Lion in the Valley. The Hippopotamus Pool. Seeing a Large Cat. The Ape Who Guards the Balance. Falcon at the Portal. Fantasy/Science Fiction Romantic-Suspense Castle, Jayne St. Helen's trilogy. Amaryllis. Zinnia. Orchid. Conway, Laura Take Heed of Loving Me. Coulter, Catherine Hellion Bride. The Sherbrooke Bride. The Rebel Bride. Hannah, Kristin Waiting for the Moon. Telepathy. Howard, Linda Now You See Her. Psychic.

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Pozzessere, Heather Graham If Looks Could Kill. Psychic. Robb, J. D. Near-future. Stuart, Anne Paranormal, vampires. Gothic Once the most enduring of romance subgenres, the gothic has been eclipsed by other types. See earlier editions of Genreflecting for discussions of the gothic and lists of authors who (though no longer writingthe majority are no longer living) are still quite popular with readers. The following three prototypes have never lost their magic and popularity, remaining ever in print in hardcover and paperback editions. All became classic motion pictures. Brontë, Charlotte Jane Eyre (1847). Brontë, Emily Wuthering Heights (1847). Du Maurier, Daphne Rebecca (1938). While gothics have declined in popularity and are now very rarely published, the following authors continue to have devoted readers and to garner new ones. Michaels, Barbara. Holt, Victoria. Stewart, Mary. Whitney, Phyllis A. Historical Romance Historical settings are often romantic to begin with, and when a tale of love is set against the backdrop of another time, lush romance ensues. Historical romance varies as much in sensuality levels and authentic detail as in all the different time periods used as settings. While some historical romances take a serious look at past people and events, using the love story to provide a reason for relating authentic historical detail, others merely use the costumes of the past to add interest to their tales of passion. Readers who enjoy the authentic details of historical romance may also enjoy historical fiction. Readers who revel in the exotic attire and settings may also enjoy futuristic or fantasy romances.

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Adler, Elizabeth Leonie. Turn-of-the-century France. Aiken, Joan Many of her novels use period backgrounds. Alexander, Kate Fields of Battle. Friends and Enemies. The House of Hope. Victorian era. Arlen, Leslie Borodin family series. Early twentieth-century Russia. Ashfield, Helen Emerald. Pearl. Ruby. Sapphire. The Michaelmas Tree. Victorian era. Beverley, Jo Regency and Georgian settings. My Lady Notorious. Black, Laura Albany. Georgian era. Blake, Jennifer Arrow to the Heart. Nineteenth-century Louisiana. Borchardt, Alice Devoted. Beguiled. Medieval with fantasy elements. Bristol, Leigh Legacy. Post-Reconstruction Charleston. Brooks, Betty Viking Mistress. Thirteenth-century North America. Jade. Carolinas, eighteenth century. Burns, Patricia Stacey's Flyer. Victorian era. Kezzy. Nineteenth century.

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Carr, Robyn The Braeswood Tapestry. Seventeenth century. By Right of Arms. Fourteenth century. The Troubadour's Romance. Twelfth century. Cartland, Barbara ''The world's all-time best-selling romantic novelist." Genreflecting, 2d ed., 1986. Over 300 novels to date. A biography has been written by Henry Cloud: Barbara Cartland: Crusader in Pink (London: Weidenfeld, 1979). "The Cartland formula is costume romance, fairy tales with passive heroines, men who are never less than perfection, and love that is spiritual. Although Cartland always finds a way to titillate her readers by maneuvering the lovers into bed, sex is never consummated without marriage." Genreflecting, 2d ed., 1986. There are always happy endings in her books. Chadwick, Elizabeth The Wild Hunt. The Running Vixen. The Leopard Unleashed. Twelfth-century Wales. Cleeve, Brian Judith. Kate. Coleman, Bob The Later Adventures of Tom Jones. Georgian era. Cookson, Catherine Victorian settings. The Bannaman Legacy. The Black Velvet Gown. The Whip. Tilly Trotter. Tilly Trotter Wed. Tilly Trotter Widowed. Costain, Thomas The Black Rose. Medieval. The Silver Chalice.

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Coulter, Catherine Lord of Raven's Peak. Middle Ages. Night Shadows. Nineteenth century. Rosehaven. Middle Ages. Secret Song. Middle Ages. Dailey, Janet The Pride of Hannah Wade. U.S. West, nineteenth century. De Blasis, Celeste The Proud Breed. The Tiger's Woman. U.S. West. Wild Swan. Swan's Chance. U.S. Civil War period. A Season of Swans. Drummond, Emma Beyond the Frontier. Forget the Glory. Victorian era. Eulo, Elena Yates A Southern Woman. Civil War, Tennessee. Faulkner, Colleen To Love a Dark Stranger. Restoration London. O'Brian's Bride. Colonial America. Once More. Fitzgerald, Valerie Zeminda. India, nineteenth century. Garlock, Dorothy With Hope. Depression-era Oklahoma. Gear, Kathleen O'Neal Thin Moon and Cold Mist. Civil War. Gellis, Roberta Roselynde chronicles. Medieval. Original paperback series, reprinted in hardcover by Gregg Press, 1984. Roselynde. Alinor. Joanna. Gilliane. Rhiannon. Sybelle.

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Gibbs, Mary Ann Author of many Victorian-era romances. Gilbert, Anna The Look of Innocence. England of the 1880s; winner of Britain's Romantic Novel of the Year Award. Gluyas, Constance Born to Be King. Golon, Sergeanne Angelique series. Gower, Iris Black Gold. Copper Kingdom. Destiny's Child. War of the Roses. Sea Witch. Spinner's Wharf. Grant, Maxwell Blood Red Rose. China, 1920s. Guhrke, Laura Lee Breathless. Small town, early twentieth century. Hardwick, Mollie The Crystal Dove. Victorian era. The Merry Maid. Elizabethan era. Heaven, Constance Castle of Doves. Spain, 1830s. The House of Kuragin. Heir to Kuragin. Tsarist Russia. The Queen and the Gypsy. Elizabethan era. The Wind from the Sea. England, 17931803. Heyer, Georgette While most books by this queen of Regency romance fall into that subgenre, a few are set in other time periods. My Lord John. Beauvallet. Hinger, Charlotte Come Spring. Kansas, 1881.

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Hodge, Jane Aiken Red Sky at Night. Lovers' Delight. Holland, Cecelia Belt of Gold. Ninth century. Pillar of the Sky. England, prehistoric. Holt, Victoria Demon Lover. My Enemy the Queen. The Devil on Horseback. Ibbotson, Eva Magic Flutes. England, France, nineteenth century. A Company of Swans. Early twentieth century. A Song for Summer. PreWorld War II Austria. Irwin, Margaret The Bride. Royal Flush. England, France, seventeenth century. The Stranger Prince. Prince Rupert, seventeenth century. Jagger, Brenda A Song Twice Over. Victorian era. Jarman, Rosemary Hawley Crown in Candlelight. The King's Grey Mare. Jekel, Pamela Natchez. Louisiana, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Johansen, Iris The Beloved Scoundrel. England, nineteenth century. The Magnificent Rogue. Scotland, sixteenth century. Kaye, M. M. The Far Pavilions. Described as an Indian Gone with the Wind. Kells, Susannah A Crowning Mercy. Seventeenth century. The Fallen Angels. Eighteenth century. Kelly, Carla Daughter of Fortune. American West, seventeenth century.

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Kent, Katherine Tawney Rose. Georgian era. Knight, Alanna The Black Duchess. Elizabethan era. Koen, Karleen Through a Glass Darkly. Now Face to Face. Eighteenth century. Laker, Rosalind Jewelled Path. What the Heart Keeps. Edwardian era. To Dance with Kings. Five generations of women and kings. The Silver Touch. Eighteenth century. Llywelyn, Morgan Grania. Elizabethan era. Lofts, Norah Day of the Butterfly. Victorian era. The Pargeters. England, seventeenth century. A Wayside Tavern. England, from sixteenth-century on. Knight's Acre. The Maud Reed Table. MacCoun, Catherine The Age of Miracles. Medieval. Macdonald, Malcolm Dancing on Snowflakes. Nineteenth-century Sweden. Goldeneye. To the End of Her Days. Tomorrow's Tide. A Woman Scorned. Marshall, Edison Benjamin Blake. Yankee Pasha. Martin, Kat Gypsy Lord. Midnight Rider.

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Martin, Rhona Gallows Wedding. Fifteenth century. Michaels, Barbara Wait for What Will Come. Wings of the Falcon. Miller, Linda Lael Orphan Train trilogy. United States, nineteenth century. Mitchell, Margaret Gone with the Wind. Montague, Jeanne Midnight Moon. Georgian era. Montupet, Janine The Lacemaker. Seventeenth-century France. Murray, Frances The Belchamber Scandal. Victorian era. Ogilvie, Elisabeth Scotland/Maine, early nineteenth century. Jennie About to Be. The World of Jennie G. Pearson, Diane Czardas. The Summer of the Barshinskeys. Plaidy, Jean "Queen of popular historical novels." Georgian saga (10 titles). Victorian saga (6 titles). Norman trilogy. The Bastard King. The Lion of Justice. The Passionate Enemies. Plantagenet saga (14 titles). Also a trilogy on Lucrezia Borgia and quartets on each of the following: Catherine de Medici, Charles II, Isabella and Ferdinand, Catherine of Aragon, and the Stuarts. Plain, Belva Crescent City. U.S. South, nineteenth century.

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Potter, Patricia Starfinder. Colonial America. Price, Eugenia Titles are listed in the historical chapter (Chapter 1), but the stories contain much romance and emphasis on relationships. Quick, Amanda Regency settings. Ripley, Alexandra Charleston. On Leaving Charleston. Antebellum South. The Time Returns. Lorenzo de' Medici, Florence. From Fields of Gold. Early twentieth century. Scarlett: The Sequel to Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind. Roberts, Ann Victoria Louisa Elliott. Victorian era. Morning's Gate. Early twentieth century. Robinson, Margaret A. Courting Emma Howe. Early twentieth-century rural Washington. Rofheart, Martha The Alexandrian. Cleopatra. Fortune Made His Sword. Sabatini, Rafael Scaramouche. Seton, Anya My Theodosia. Theodosia Burr. Katherine. Wife of John of Gaunt. The Winthrop Woman. Niece of first governor of Massachusetts. Shannon, Dell The Dispossessed. Seventeenth century. The Scalpel and the Sword. Napoleonic era. Shannon, Doris Family Money. United States, early twentieth century. Shellabarger, Samuel Captain from Castille. Prince of Foxes. The King's Cavalier.

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Spencer, LaVyrle Morning Glory. United States, 1940s. November of the Heart. Victorian era. Stirling, Jessica The Good Provider. Nineteenth-century Scotland. Suyin, Han The Enchantress. China, eighteenth century. Thornton, Elizabeth Dangerous to Hold. Tremaine, Jennie (Marion Chesney) She has 11 other single-name titles in the Edwardian era. Maggie. Veryan, Patricia The Golden Chronicles Series. Set in the Georgian era. Practice to Deceive. Journey to Enchantment. Georgian era. Loves Alters All. Dedicated Villain. Tales of the Jewelled Men Series. Time's Fool. Had We Never Loved. Ask Me No Questions. Villars, Elizabeth One Night in Newport. The Normandy Affair. Winsor, Kathleen Forever Amber. England, seventeenth century. Wolf, Joan Born of the Sun. Saxons. Woodhouse, Sarah A Season of Mists. Georgian era. Enchanted Ground. Woodiwiss, Kathleen E. The beginning of the trend toward sensual romance is attributed to Woodiwiss's The Flame and the Flower (1972). The Flame and the Flower. The Elusive Flame. Shanna.

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Yerby, Frank The Saracen Blade. Devil's Laughter. French Revolution. Zaroulis, Nancy The Last Waltz. Boston, nineteenth century. Frontier and Western Romance For a few years a newsletter called Rawhide and Lace was published. It contained information for writers and readers of frontier and Western romances. When it met its demise a new quarterly research magazine called Calico Trails appeared, emphasizing a woman's point of view, for American readers and writers of historicals. Unfortunately, there currently are no specific Web sites or bibliographies for this subgenre. Busbee, Shirlee. Donati, Sara. Into the Wilderness. Gaffney, Patricia. Garlock, Dorothy. Sins of Summer (Idaho, nineteenth century). Hatcher, Robin Lee. Landis, Jill Marie. Miller, Linda Lael. The Orphan Train trilogy: Lily and the Major; Emma and the Outlaw; Caroline and the Raider. Two Brothers: The Lawman and the Gunslinger. Morsi, Pamela. Osborne, Maggie. The Promise of Jenny Jones; The Best Man. Spencer, LaVyrle. The Gamble; Years. Williamson, Penelope. Wulf, Jessica. Native American At one time many of the romances featuring Native American heroes were of the sweet-and-savage type, featuring abductions and rapes, but times change and so have the books (for the most part). However, romance is not a politically correct genre and many readers still love the earlier type of Native American romance, where the hero is a noble savage. The following list fits in the sweet-and-savage category. Baker, Madeline Apache Runaway.

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Bittner, Rosanne. Forty-nine titles in 1999, all with a western setting and most with Native American characters. Mystic Indian series. Savage Destiny series. Edwards, Cassie Savage Heat. Savage Wonder. Flaming Arrow. Faulkner, Colleen Fire Dancer. Scott, Theresa Apache Conquest. Wulf, Jessica Grey Eagle's Bride. Medieval Becnel, Rexanne A Dove at Midnight. Beverley, Jo The Shattered Rose. Lord of Midnight. Dark Champion. Cody, Denée The Golden Rose. The Court of Love. Queen of the May. The Conquered Heart. Deveraux, Jude Montgomery family saga. Velvet Song. Velvet Angel. Highland Velvet. Velvet Promise. The Conquest. Garwood, Julie Saving Grace. The Bride.

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Gellis, Roberta Roselynde chronicles. Graham, Heather The Lord of the Wolves. Viking Surrender. Henley, Virginia The Hawk and the Dove. Kaufman, Pamela Shield of Three Lions. Banners of Gold. Lamb, Arnette Border Lord. Lindsey, Johanna Prisoner of My Desire. Lowell, Elizabeth Forbidden. Untamed. Woodiwiss, Kathleen E. The Wolf and the Dove. Scotland The fierce Scottish warrior has much the same appeal as the fierce Native American warrior. Movies such as Rob Roy and Braveheart have increased interest in this subgenre. Deveraux, Jude Highland Velvet. Gabaldon, Diana The Outlander series. Eighteenth century, time travel. Garwood, Julie The Bride. Lamb, Arnette Highland Rogue. Beguiled. Betrayed.

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Langan, Ruth Ryan Highland Barbarian. Highland Heather. Highland Fire. McNaught, Judith A Kingdom of Dreams. Roberson, Jennifer Lady of the Glen. Seventeenth century, Battle of Glencoe. Regency (England) The most distinctive period romances feature the Regency period (England in the first third of the nineteenth century) and are epitomized by the novels of Georgette Heyer. She, in the diction of the Regency, was ''The Nonpareil," and all other authors using the period are "poor drab" imitators. (For example, publishers' notes on jackets or paperback covers often say things like "In the grand tradition of Georgette Heyer" or "The best since Georgette Heyer.) Unfortunately the Regency has fallen on hard times in the late 1990s, with some publishers discontinuing their Regency lines. Fighting for their genre, fans have started an email group called Regency@onelistcom, which can be accessed on the World Wide Web at (accessed 14 November 1999). The wildly successful adventure tales of Patrick O'Brian are set during this time period, and fans of the era may well enjoy them. The Friends of the English Regency, a California association of devotees of Georgette Heyer and the Regency romance, holds an annual assemblée (at which there is period dancing in costume). They have a Web site at (accessed 14 November 1999). Regency dancing has quite mysteriously become an event at some science fiction conventions. The Beau Monde chapter of Romance Writers of America publishes a monthly newsletter for their members and a quarterly listing of regency titles, the Regency Reader, that is free to libraries. The address is: The Beau Monde c/o Susan Lantz 550 Gardendale Terre Haute, IN 47803 (accessed 14 November 1999) The Regency world is one of high society: the London Season of the wealthy and titled enjoying the assemblies at Almack's, the dandies in their fashionable garb. The country estate is also featured, as are the fashionable doings at Bath. Frequently, the heroine is impoverished, the daughter of a poor country parson or an orphan, but always she is a lady. Manner and dress are of utmost importance.

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Kristin Ramsdell's Romance Fiction: A Guide to the Genre, Libraries Unlimited, 1999, features extensive information on regencies and lists many more authors and titles. The following prototypes differ in style, but all reflect a mode of life immediately recognizable as characterizing the Regency. Fanny Burney's Evelina, published prior to the Regency period, foreshadows the Regency tone. Several authors have written novels about Jane Austen's characters, of more interest to Janeites than to the usual Regency fan, with the exception of the one by John Coates (listed below). Aiken, Joan Mansfield Revisited. Bulwer-Lytton, Edward Pelham; or, The Adventures of a Gentleman. First published in 1828 but revised in 1840 because the libertine Regency tone offended Victorian taste. Burney, Fanny Evelina; or, The History of a Young Lady's Entrance into the World (1778). Coates, John The Watsons. Continuation of an unfinished novel by Jane Austen. Farnol, Jeffery "He took the standard ingredients [of the Regency]bucks, duelists, pugilists, smugglers and haughty ladiesand fitted them into variations of the standard nineteenth-century plot based on usurped or disputed birthrights. . . . [A novelist] wearing his heart on his sleeve but writing with his tongue in his cheek."Genreflecting, 2d ed., 1986. Many of his books feature Jasper Shrig, the Bow Street Runner, as a solver of mysteries. His first novel was published in 1910. Gillespie, Jane Ladysmead. Teverton Hall. Karr, Phyllis Ann Lady Susan. Reworking of an unfinished novel. Royde-Smith, Naomi Jane Fairfax. White, T. H. Darkness at Pemberly. A detective story about the present-day Darcys, with a nice romance as well.

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Wilson, Barbara Ker Antipodes Jane. Jane Austen in Australia. An 1803 fictional trip to Australia, not really Regency in tone. The following authors capitalize on the surefire plot in which a spirited heroine captures a rakish hero in an aristocratic setting. While traditional Regencies tend to be short, with witty repartee, a recent trend has been longer sensuous tales in Regency or Georgian settings. Both types appear in the following list. Aiken, Joan The Smile of the Stranger. Angers, Helen A Lady of Independence. Ashfield, Helen The Marquis & Miss Jones. Balogh, Mary A Masked Deception. The Notorious. Daring Masquerade. Christmas Belle. Courting Julia. Dancing with Clara. The Famous Heroine. The Incurable Matchmaker. Lord Carew's Bride. The Obedient Bride. Bell, Anthea A London Season. Bennett, Janice The Matchmaking Ghost. Logical Lady. A Dangerous Intrigue. Beverley, Jo Forbidden Magic. Deidre and Don Juan. Emily and the Dark Angel. The Fortune Hunter. Lord Wraybourne's Betrothed.

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Brown, Diana Come Be My Love. Cartland, Barbara Perhaps the most prolific of authors with over 600 books to her credit, she is the "self-styled queen of romantic fiction."Kate Watson-Smyth, "Women Join the Ranks of Britain's Highest Earners," Independent, January 12, 1998, p.5. Loves, Lords, and Lady-Birds. Chase, Loretta English Witch. Isabella. The Last Hellion. Chesney, Marion The Six Sisters series. A House for the Season series. The Traveling Matchmaker series. Clark, Gail The Baroness of Bow Street. Dulcie Bligh. Both novels involve detection and Bow Street Runners. Coffman, Elaine Emerald Flame. Courtney, Caroline Libertine in Love. Cummings, Monette The Beauty's Daughter. Lady Sheila's Groom. See No Evil. Darcy, Clare Her 14 Regencies all have a name as title and have been called "the best since Georgette Heyer." Elyza. Gwendolyn. Delmore, Diana Leonie.

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Diamond, Jacqueline Forgetful Lady. A Lady of Letters. Drummond, June The Bluestocking. The Unsuitable Miss Pelham. The Imposter. Dunn, Carola Lavender Lady. Lord Iverbrook's Heir. Crossed Quills. The Improper Governess. Mayhem and Miranda. Once Upon a Time. The Frog Earl. Ellingson, Marnie Dolly Blanchard's Fortune. The Wicked Marquis. Fairchild, Elisabeth Lord Endicott's Appetite. Lord Ramsay's Return. Marriage à la Mode. Miss Dorton's Hero. The Silent Suitor. Freeman, Joy The Last Frost Fair. A Suitable Match. Harbaugh, Karen Cupid's Darts. The Devil's Bargain. The Reluctant Cavalier. The Vampire Viscount. Cupid's Mistake. Hern, Candice An Affair of Honor. A Change of Heart. A Garden Folly.

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Heyer, Georgette To her 29 Regency romances should be added These Old Shades, Devil's Cub, and The Talisman Ring. Not only do they have the tone of the Regency, but the characters in the first two titles are found, along with various descendants, in An Infamous Army, as are those from Regency Buck. The Talisman Ring is one of the great examples of Heyer's inimitable dialogue: One rereads the novels for the sheer amusement in the dialogue and delight in the use of period language. Her gift, or talent, in this respect has been imitated but never equaled. The biography of Heyer by Jane Aiken Hodge, The Private World of Georgette Heyer (London: Bodley Head, 1984), is lavishly illustrated and of particular interest for the details about Heyer's collection of information on historical background. Hill, Fiona The Autumn Rose. The Stanbroke Girls. Kelly, Carla Miss Milton Speaks Her Mind. Mrs. Drew Plays Her Hand. Mrs. McVinnie's London Season. Kerstan, Lynn Celia's Grand Passion. Francesca's Rake. Lucy in Disguise. Marry in Haste. Kidd, Elizabeth A Hero for Antonia. Lane, Allison Devall's Angel. The Impoverished Viscount. Lord Avery's Legacy. The Second Lady Emily. Too Many Matchmakers. Lee, Elsie The Nabob's Widow. A Prior Betrothal. Ley, Alice Chetwynd A Reputation Dies.

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Lovelace, Jane Eccentric Lady. Mack, Dorothy The Awakening Heart. The Counterfeit Widow. The Gamester's Daughter. A Prior Attachment. A Temporary Betrothal. The Last Waltz. Mansfield, Elizabeth The Counterfeit Husband. Duel of Hearts. The Fifth Kiss. Her Heart's Captain. My Lord Murderer. A Regency Charade. A Regency Match. Regency Sting. Maxwell, Cathy Falling in Love Again. Metzger, Barbara My Lady Innkeeper. Putney, Mary Jo The Rake. Dancing on the Wind. Dearly Beloved. Spicier than most Regencies. Randolph, Ellen The Rusden Legacy. Simonson, Sheila Bar Sinister. A Cousinly Connection. Lady Elizabeth's Comet. Smith, Joan Imprudent Lady. Lover's Vows.

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Thornton, Elizabeth Dangerous to Kiss. You Only Love Twice. Veryan, Patricia Feathered Castle. Married Past Redemption. The Noblest Frailty. Sanguinet's Crown. Some Brief Folly. The Riddle of the Alabaster Royal. The Riddle of the Lost Lover. Vivian, Daisy Fair Game. The Forrester Inheritance. Rose White, Rose Red. A Lady of Quality. A Marriage of Convenience. Return to Cheyne Spa. Walsh, Sheila A Highly Respectable Marriage. Westhaven, Margaret The Willful Wife. Inspirational Historical Romance The inspirational historical romance is being issued by several denominational publishers, including Bethany House, Harvest House, Nelson, Tyndale, and Zondervan. Bantam Doubleday Dell has even stepped into the picture, with its Waterbrook imprint. Although in the past these books have not received wide distribution, some of the trade paperback series are now frequently found on chain bookstore shelves, on supermarket racks, and in pre-bound editions. The settings differ from series to series; the North American frontier is popular, but other settings abound, including Eastern Europe during World War II and Ireland during the "troubles." Bacher, June Masters Love Follows the Heart. Love's Enduring Hope.

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Gunn, Robin Jones Clouds. Echoes. Secrets. Sunsets. Waterfalls. Hill, Grace Livingston Tyndale is reprinting her titles. Morris, Alan, and Gilbert Morris Katy Steele Adventures series. Oke, Janette Canadian West series. Seasons of the Heart series. Love Comes Softly series. Orcutt, Jane The Hidden Heart. The Fugitive Heart. Peart, Jane Brides of Montclair series. American Quilt series. Orphan Train West trilogy. Edgecliff Manor Mystery series. Phillips, Michael R. Stonewyke trilogy. Phillips, Michael R., and Judith Pella The Highland Collection. Rivers, Francine Mark of the Lion series. The Scarlet Thread. Snelling, Lauraine Red River of the North series.

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Thoene, Bodie, and Brock Thoene Galway Chronicles. Zion Chronicles. Zion Legacy. Shiloh Legacy. Wick, Lori The Californians series. Saga The family saga romance has ties to both the historical and period romances, although there are popular examples with contemporary settings. Most of these romances span several volumes. The saga, or generational history, covers the interrelations of succeeding generations within a family, usually with emphasis on a patriarchal or matriarchal figure. Those series in which the family relationships provide the basic plot elements are firmly in the romance tradition. Those with an embracing historical sweep (notably the series devised by Engel, such as The Kent Family Chronicles and Wagons West) have men as the pivotal characters. Women are not ignored in these historical series, but they provide romantic background rather than the dominant romantic story line. Because the genre proved so popular in the 1970s, the saga label appears in publishers' advertising and on paperback covers for single-volume novels that barely fit the definition. Some novels, such as the Poldark series, achieve the saga label through sheer number of volumes and an extensive cast of characters. Others among historical and period romances have a sequel, or sequels, without real similarity to the saga pattern. Several patterns are dominant in current sagas. In the United States, the pattern might be an immigrant family rising to wealth and power over several generations; plantation life in the Deep South, with an emphasis on masterslave relations; history from colonial times; or the movement westward. In Britain, the pattern might be landed family history and relations between aristocrats and their servants or a family of any class or period or periods, changing through the generations. Several of the series current in the United States are designed and "produced" by Book Creations, Inc., the brainchild of the late Lyle Kenyon Engel. Engel's successor originates the series idea, makes contracts with the authors, does the editorial work, and arranges for publication with major paperback publishers. The following prototype books show that one or two dominant characters may ensure an enduring readership for a saga. De La Roche, Mazo Jalna series (16 novels). The first novel of the series was published in 1927.

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Galsworthy, John The Forsyte Saga (3 volumes). The first volume was published in 1906. Followed by: A Modern Comedy (3 volumes). End of the Chapter (3 volumes). Walpole, Hugh The Herries chronicle (4 volumes). The first volume was published in 1930. Many generational series or sagas are now appearing. The matriarchy-dominated saga seems to be gaining in importance, as does the saga centered on a business empire, sometimes run by a woman. Only time will tell which of the following generational sagas will survive for continued readership. The historical adventure series tends to intermingle with the saga. In some of the following instances, the number of volumes is noted (although the series may be ongoing). Readers of romance sagas may also enjoy the titles listed in the ''Saga" section of Chapter 2. Anand, Valerie The Proud Villeins. The Ruthless Yeomen. Thirteenth century. Argo, Ellen Projected to be a trilogy: The Crystal Star. The Yankee Girl. Birmingham, Stephen The Auerbach Will. The LeBaron Secret. Bissell, Elaine Women Who Wait. As Time Goes By. Family Fortunes. Bosse, Malcolm Chinese background. The Warlord. Fire in Heaven. Bradford, Barbara Taylor Woman of Substance. Hold the Dream. To Be the Best. Act of Will.

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Briskin, Jacqueline Paloverde. Carr, Philippa Knave of Hearts. Voices in a Haunted Room. The Return of the Gypsy. Cleary, Jon The Beauford Sisters. Australian background. Coffman, Virginia The Gaynor Women. Dinah Faire. Veronique. Marsanne. Coleman, Lonnie Beulah Land series (3 volumes). Plantation South. United States. Cookson, Catherine Tilly (British title: Tilly Trotter). Tilly Wed (British title: Tilly Trotter Wed). Tilly Alone (British title: Tilly Trotter Widowed). Cradock, Fanny Lorme family (5 volumes). Britain. Dailey, Janet Calder saga. This Calder Sky. This Calder Range. Stands a Calder Man. Calder Born, Calder Bred. Danielson, Peter Children of the Lion. Delderfield, R. F. Set in Britain. Swann family (3 volumes). Craddock family (2 volumes). Dennis, Adair, and Janet Rosenstock The Story of Canada.

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Doig, Ivan Dancing at the Rascal Fair. English Creek. Ride with Me, Mariah Montana. Drummond, Emma Knightshill saga. Elegant, Robert Dynasty. Mandarin. Ellis, Julie The South: The Hampton Heritage. The Hampton Women. Fast, Howard Lavette family (5 volumes). United States. Gaan, Margaret Chinese background: Red Barbarian. White Poppy. Blue Mountain. Gaskin, Catherine The Ambassador's Women. Gavin, Catherine The Sunset Dream. Gellis, Roberta Roselynde chronicles. Medieval England. Heiress series. The French Revolution. Royal Dynasty series. Engel creation. History of England. Gilchrist, Rupert Dragonard series (5 volumes). Caribbean plantation. Giles, Janice Holt Cooper and Fowler families (4 volumes). U.S. West. Goldreich, Gloria Leah's Journey. Leah's Children.

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Graham, Winston Poldark series (10 volumes). Britain. Haines, Pamela The Diamond Waterfall. Harris, Marilyn Eden family (7 volumes). Eden series follows the Eden family from England to the American South. The Other Eden. The Prince of Eden. The Eden Passion. The Women of Eden. Eden Rising. American Eden. Eden and Honor. Harrison, Sara Tennent family. The Flowers of the Field. A Flower That's Free. Highland, Monica Lotus Land. Hill, Deborah Merrick family (2 volumes). New England. Hill, Pamela The House of Cary. Howatch, Susan The Rich Are Different. Sins of the Fathers. The Wheel of Fortune. The Church of England series. Glittering Images. Glamorous Powers. Ultimate Prizes. Scandalous Risks. Mystical Paths.

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Jakes, John North and South. Love and War. Heaven and Hell. Kent Family chronicles. Engel creation. United States. The Bastard. The Rebels. The Seekers. The Furies. The Titans. The Warriors. The Lawless. The Americans. Jekel, Pamela Bayou. Johnson, Walter Reed Oakhurst saga (4 volumes). United States. Engel creation; sweet-and-savage. Jourlet, Marie de Windhaven series (14 volumes). Bouchard family, U.S. South and West; sweet-and-savage. Laker, Rosalind Easthampton trilogy. England. Lavender, William Hargrave Journal trilogy. United States. Long, William Stewart The Australians series. Engel creation. Longstreet, Stephen All or Nothing. Our Father's House. Lord, Shirley Golden Hill. Macdonald, Malcolm The Carringtons of Helston. Stevenson family. The World from Rough Stones. The Rich Are with You Always. Abigail.

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Mackey, Mary McCarthy's List. A Grand Passion. Masters, John Rowlands family. McCullough, Colleen The Thorn Birds. Australia. Melville, Ann The Lorimer Line. Alexa. Nicolayson, Bruce de Kuyper family. Colonial United States. Projected to be 5 volumes. Nicole, Christopher Caribbean saga (5 volumes). Haggard family. England. Projected to be 5 volumes. Ogilvie, Elisabeth Bennett's Island series. Park, Ruth The Harp in the South. Missus. Poor Man's Orange. Porter, Donald Clayton Colonization of America series. Engel creation. Price, Eugenia Savannah. To See Your Face Again. Stranger in Savannah. Rayner, Claire Performers series (10 volumes). England. Rofheart, Martha The Savage Brood.

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Ross, Dana Fuller Wagons West series. Engel creation. Scott, Michael William Rakehell Dynasty (3 volumes). United States. Engel creation. Skelton, C. L. The Regiment quartet. Smith, George The American Freedom series (2 volumes). Glencannon family. Smith, Wilbur Ballantyne family. Africa. Spellman, Cathy Cash So Many Partings. An Excess of Love. Stine, Whitney The Oklahomans series. Stirling, Jessica Beckman trilogy. Stubbs, Jean Brief Chronicles saga/Howarths of Garth. Victorian era. Kit's Hill. (By Our Beginnings) The Ironmaster. (Imperfect Joy) The Vivian Inheritance. The Northern Correspondent. Thane, Elswyth Williamsburg series (7 volumes). United States. Wall, Robert E. The Canadians series. Winston, Daoma The Fall River Line. Hot Historicals Kathleen E. Woodiwiss is credited with starting the trend to sensuous historical romances with Flame and the Flower (1972). Now scenes of explicitly depicted love-making seem requisite for some publishers.

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Sweet-and-Savage Famous for clinch covers, featuring a torridly embracing, scantily clad couple, this subgenre sometimes derogatorily called the "bodice ripper" changed the face of romance forever in the 1970s. Rosemary Rogers launched the subgenre called "sweet-andsavage" in 1974 with Sweet, Savage Love. A reviewer succinctly epitomized the subgenre's plot in Sweet, Savage Love in one sentence: "The heroine is seduced, raped, prostituted, married, mistressed.'' Another reviewer just as tersely summed up the subgenre's characteristics: "The prose is purple, the plot thin, and the characters thinner" (referring to The Wolf and the Dove, by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss).Genreflecting, 2d ed., 1986. Exotic historical settings were used lavishly, particularly those allowing for pirates, sultans, and harems. A variation of the sweet-and-savage romance was the plantation romance, with basic ingredients of miscegenation, incest, Cain versus Abel, slave uprisings, insanity, and murder. Usually they were set in the postCivil War South but some were set in the West Indies or in any locale in which the basic plot ingredients could seethe. Both types were loaded with sex scenes, explicit to the extent of justifying the label "soft porn." These sultry romances had their heyday in the 1970s, mainly as paperback originals. They have become part of the standard historical romance pattern, usually in a more subdued form. There has also been a trend in paperback series toward much more sensuous and erotically explicit plots. Sweet-and-savage characteristics are being subsumed within the saga or historical romance rather than becoming dominating aspects. Authors who specialized in this subgenre were Jennifer Blake, Shirlee Busbee, Anthony Esler, Gimone Hall, Susanna Leigh, Fern Michaels, Marilyn Ross, Jennifer Wilde, and Donna Comeaux Zide. Others who wrote in the genre (many not exclusively) were Susannah Kells, Patricia Matthews, Laurie McBain, Natasha Peters, Janette Radcliffe (a.k.a. Janet Louise Roberts), Rosemary Rogers, Beatrice Small, Kathleen Winsor, and last, but not least, Kathleen E. Woodiwiss, who has said, "I'm insulted when my books are called erotic. I believe I write love stories with a little spice." Spicy The spicy romance has grown out of the sweet-and-savage type. It features erotic scenes but without the kidnappings and rapes so often found in its predecessor. Generally, the characters are monogamous or serially monogamous. Marriage plays an important role. Jude Deveraux's many novels involving different, far-flung members of the Montgomery family throughout history have evolved from sweet-and-savage to spicy romance. Even though her early works in the Velvet series and James River trilogy featured rapes and kidnappings, the characters were not promiscuous. The women are proactive rather than reactive, as in the sweet-and-savage type.

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Other popular authors writing in this vein are: Bretton, Barbara. Busbee, Shirlee. Devine, Thea. Graham, Heather. Henley, Virginia. Johnson, Susan. Ryan, Nan. Taylor, Janelle. Woodiwiss, Kathleen E. Fantasy and Science Fiction Romance All sorts of different settings and characters have been popping up in romances. Vampires, ghosts, angels, and werewolves may be a love interest or just a being to facilitate the lovers coming together. The time for a romance can be in the future or in a shadowing place out of time, a parallel universe, or a magical land. The characters may be human but may have the powers of telepathy, precognition, or others found under psionics in science fiction. Magic may work in the world instead of just in the heart. This type is so popular that it has its own award, the Sapphire Award, a bibliography, Enchanted Journeys Beyond the Imagination by Susan W. Bontly and Carol J. Sheridan (Blue Diamond Publications, 1996), and even a monthly print newsletter, The Alternative Reality Romance Connection, and a monthly online newsletter, Science Fiction Romance at (accessed 14 November 1999). Fantasy A major trend in the romance genre in the 1990s was the combination of fantasy with romance. Time travel, supernatural beings, faerie, and other fantasy tropes have been showing up frequently in romance novels. The combination of the genres is a delight to those who love both. Ashe, Rebecca Masque of the Swan. An interesting combination of Greek mythology and The Phantom of the Opera. Carroll, Susan The Bride Finder. Anatole St. Leger, the scion of a family gifted with strange powers, sends the "Bride Finder" to bring him back a sturdy, plain, horse-loving wife. The "Bride Finder" has always found the right spouse for the St. Legers, and those who marry one not so chosen are doomed. Reverend Fitzleger, the current "Bride Finder," brings back sensible, tiny, book-loving, red-haired Madeline, who grows to love this lord who frightens all others. The Night Drifter.

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Jones, Jill Circle of the Lily. Essence of My Desire. Occult magic. Krinard, Susan, Maggie Shayne, Lisa Higdon, and Amye Liz Saunders Bewitched. Four novellas featuring magic from a cat who transforms into a woman, witchcraft, and love spells. McReynolds, Glenna The Chalice and the Blade. Dream Stone. Alternate world, magic. Resnick, Laura In Legend Born. A group of five comes together forging an alliance against the hedonistic Valdani who have forced the Sileria mountain clans into slavery. Roberts, Nora, Jill Gregory, Ruth Ryan Langan, and Marianne Willman Once Upon a Castle. An anthology of fairy tale romances. Shayne, Maggie Annie's Hero. In a heroic but deadly act, a young father loses his life and memory of the present when he becomes a knight fighting the evil Dark Knights. Fairytale. Is the power of Faerie needed for Adam to find his own true love? Forever Enchanted. Bridin takes up life on our world after Tristan steals her throne, but then he follows her here. Wrede, Patricia C. The Magician's Ward. Magic in a Regency setting. Wrede, Patricia C., and Caroline Stevermer Sorcery and Cecelia. Epistolary novel set in Regency London, featuring two girls beset by magic. Time Travel The books that fall into this category use time travel as a backdrop for the romance. The obstacle facing the lovers is not merely one of having different backgrounds or one of living in different time zones, but of living in different centuries. This is a very popular type in paperback but is also published in hardcover. Unlike most romances, male authors are found frequently in this subgenre. Alexander, Karl Time After Time. H. G. Wells in late twentieth-century San Francisco.

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Bonds, Parris Afton For All Time. Stacie suddenly finds herself in 1872 and falls for her own grandfather. Bretton, Barbara Tomorrow and Always. Somewhere in Time. Craig, Emma Enchanted Christmas. A Gentle Magic. Magic just seems to happen near McMurdo's Wagon Yard in nineteenth-century New Mexico. Deveraux, Jude Knight in Shining Armor. Tears at a crypt bring a medieval knight into the present. Frank, Suzanne In these books Dallas artist Chloe Kingsley finds herself first in ancient Egypt, then in the body of an oracle in Atlantis, and eventually as a slave helping David take Jerusalem. Reflections in the Nile. Shadows on the Aegean. Sunrise on the Mediterranean. Gabaldon, Diana Outlander. Dragonfly in Amber. Voyager. Drums of Autumn. Outlander is the standard against which all time travel romances are judged. Following World War II, a former army nurse vacationing in Scotland is cast back into the eighteenth century. The series is so popular that the author has come out with a guide to it, The Outlandish Companion: In Which Much Is Revealed Regarding Claire and Jamie Fraser, Their Lives and Times, Antecedents, Adventures, Companions and Progeny with Learned Commentary (and Many Footnotes) by their Humble Creator (Delacorte Press, 1999). Howard, Linda Son of the Morning. Krinard, Susan Twice a Hero. Kurland, Lynn The Very Thought of You. Matheson, Richard Somewhere in Time (originally titled Bid Time Return). Using self-hypnosis, a playwright goes back in time to find a woman he fell in love with from an old portrait.

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What Dreams May Come. Reissued in 1998, 20 years after its first publication, to coincide with the movie version. Millhiser, Marlys The Mirror. Looking into a hideously ornate mirror on the eve of her wedding, a young woman is snapped back in time and into the body of her grandmother on the eve of her wedding. Moon, Modean Evermore. Civil Warera lovers are reunited through reincarnation. Paranormal Beings Ashley, Amanda Deeper Than the Night. Vampire. Embrace the Night. A Darker Dream. Shades of Gray. Vampire. Baker, Madeline The Angel & the Outlaw. Angel. Cresswell, Jasmine Prince of the Night. Vampire. Hamilton, Laurell K. Featuring Anita Blake, vampire killer Guilty Pleasures. The Laughing Corpse. Circus of the Damned. The Lunatic Café. Bloody Bones. The Killing Dance. Blue Moon. Harbaugh, Karen The Vampire Viscount. Huff, Tanya Vampire stories. Blood Price. Blood Trial. Blood Lines. Blood Pact. Blood Debt.

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Klause, Annette Curtis Silver Kiss. Vampire. Blood and Chocolate. Werewolf. Both titles are published as young adult books, but adults who find them fall in love. Krinard, Susan Body & Soul. Ghost. Prince of Shadows. Werewolf. Prince of Wolves. Werewolf. Prince of Dreams. Vampire. Touch of the Wolf. Werewolf. Macomber, Debbie Angel stories. A Season of Angels. Mrs. Miracle. The Trouble with Angels. Touched by Angels. Miller, Linda Lael Vampire stories. Tonight and Always. Forever and the Night. Shayne, Maggie Born in Twilight. Angelica's dreams of being a nun are shattered when she is turned into a vampire, who then becomes pregnant by Jameson, who himself did not want to become a vampire. Stuart, Anne Prince of Magic. Falling Angel. Stuart, Anne, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, and Maggie Shayne Strangers in the Night. Three vampiric romance novellas: "Dark Journey." "Catching Dreams." "Beyond Twilight." Thacker, Shelly Timeless. Immortals.

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Futuristic/Science Fiction Asaro, Catherine Catch the Lightning. Primary Inversion. The Radiant Seas. The Last Hawk. Bujold, Lois McMaster Shards of Honor. Written by the award-winning science fiction author, it does not have the sex or sensuality levels found in so many romances. Castle, Jayne (Jayne Ann Krentz) Amaryllis. Zinnia. Orchid brings a psychic and a private investigator together on a distant space colony. Joy, Dara Matrix of Destiny series. Knight of a Trillion Stars. Rejar. Mine to Take. Robb, J. D. (Nora Roberts) Futuristic romantic detective tales. Immortal in Death. Naked in Death. Glory in Death. Ethnic Romance In recent years African-American romances have done extremely well. The Pinnacle Arabesque line publishes four each month by successful authors such as Eboni Snoe, Roberta Gayle, Angela Benson, Francis Ray, Shirley Hailstock, Brenda Jackson, and Bette Ford. Beverly Jenkins writes romances with African-American characters for Avon. It is to be hoped that more ethnic heroes and heroines will be appearing in the future.

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Topics "Best" Authors The following list of "best" romance authors was compiled from polls taken by All About Romance (, accessed 20 January 2000), The Romance Reader (, accessed 20 January 2000), Bookbug's Top One-Hundred (, accessed 20 January 2000), Rita Award winners, and best-seller lists from USA Today, Publishers Weekly, and The New York Times Book Review. The names are arranged in alphabetical order. Anderson, Catherine Annie's Song. Austen, Jane Pride and Prejudice. Barnett, Jill Bewitching. Beverley, Jo Emily and The Dark Angel. My Lady Notorious. Forbidden Magic. Blake, Jennifer Prolific writer who was an early winner of the Romance Writers of America Lifetime Achievement Award. Brontë, Charlotte Jane Eyre. Brown, Sandra French Silk. Chase, Loretta Lord of Scoundrels. Coulter, Catherine Midsummer Magic. Calypso Magic. Moonspun Magic. The Sherbrooke Bride. Curtis, Sharon, and Tom Curtis Sunshine and Shadow.

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Deveraux, Jude A Knight in Shining Armor. Twin of Fire. Twin of Ice. Sweet Liar. Highland Velvet. Gabaldon, Diana The Outlander Series. Outlander. Dragonfly in Amber. Voyager. Drums of Autumn. Garwood, Julie The Bride. Castles. The Gift. Guardian Angel. Honor's Splendour. The Lion's Lady. Saving Grace. The Secret. Gellis, Roberta Roselynde Chronicles. Graham, Heather (also writes as Heather Graham Pozzessere and Shannon Drake) The Viking's Woman. Every Time I Love You. Heath, Lorraine Always to Remember. Parting Gifts. Texas Destiny. Henley, Virginia The Hawk and the Dove. Hibbert, Eleanor Burford (wrote under the names Victoria Holt, Philippa Carr, and Jean Plaidy) Hoag, Tami Cry Wolf. Night Sins. Guilty of Sin.

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Howard, Linda After the Night. Dream Man. Heart of Fire. MacKenzie's Mountain. Sarah's Child. Son of the Morning. Johansen, Iris Golden Barbarian. Lion's Bride. And Then You Die. Kinsale, Laura Flowers from the Storm. Prince of Midnight. The Shadow and the Star. Kleypas, Lisa Dreaming of You. Then Came You. Krentz, Jayne Ann Family Man. Trust Me. Wildest Hearts. Kurland, Lynn Stardust of Yesterday. This Is All I Ask. Landis, Jill Marie Come Spring. Lowell, Elizabeth Only His. Only Mine. Only You. Macomber, Debbie This Matter of Marriage. The Trouble with Angels. McNaught, Judith Whitney, My Love. Something Wonderful. Kingdom of Dreams. Almost Heaven. Once and Always. Paradise, Perfect.

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Mertz, Barbara (writes as Barbara Michaels and Elizabeth Peters) Michaels, Kasey The Lurid Lady Lockport. Miller, Linda Lael The Orphan Train trilogy. Mitchell, Margaret Gone with the Wind. Morsi, Pamela Courting Miss Hattie. Simple Jess. Orczy, Baroness Emmuska The Scarlet Pimpernel. Osborne, Maggie The Promise of Jenny Jones. Phillips, Susan Elizabeth Dream a Little Dream. Honey Moon. Fancy Pants. Heaven. Texas. It Had to Be You. Kiss an Angel. Nobody's Baby but Mine. Putney, Mary Jo Silk and Shadows. Angel Rogue. The Rake and the Reformer (revised edition: The Rake). Quick, Amanda Mistress. Ravished. Scandal. Robards, Karen One Summer.

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Roberts, Nora (also writes as J. D. Robb) Public Secrets. Born in Fire. Born in Ice. Born in Shame. Finding the Dream. Hidden Riches. Honest Illusions. Montana Sky. Seidel, Kathleen Gilles Till the Stars Fall. Seton, Anya Katherine. Spencer, LaVyrle Bitter Sweet. The Fulfillment. The Hellion Hummingbird. Morning Glory. Separate Beds. Twice Loved. Years. Stewart, Mary Nine Coaches Waiting. Taylor, Janelle The Ecstasy series. Whitney, Phyllis A. Williamson, Penelope Keeper of the Dream. Once in a Blue Moon. Woodiwiss, Kathleen E. Shanna. The Flame and the Flower. A Rose in Winter. Ashes in the Wind. The Wolf and the Dove.

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Bibliographies and Biographies Biographical sketches of the authors currently writing romantic novels for both hardcover and paperback publishers appear in the journals listed under ''Review Journals" (see p. 263). Recognizing the great popularity of the romance, many women's magazines have in recent years featured articles on best-selling authors of romantic novels. Bontly, Susan W., and Carol J. Sheridan. Enchanted Journeys Beyond the Imagination: An Annotated Bibliography of Fantasy, Futuristic, Supernatural, and Time Travel Romances. Blue Diamond, 1996. The title says it all. Bontly and Sheridan have identified romance books that fall into the science fiction, fantasy, and supernatural areas. They have managed to categorize this diverse and unusual but wildly popular area with panache, listing time travel romances written by over 90 authors, identifying times and destinations, and grouping the books by American West, American Revolution/Frontier, America, Contemporary, Europe, Old South/Civil War, Regency England, and an area for the time travel romances that don't fit elsewhere. Other classifications include fantasy-myth and legend; futuristic, Earth-related; other worlds and UFOs; supernatural romance with angels, ghosts, vampires, magic; and more. This unique bibliography is a boon to readers' advisors, both in libraries and bookstores, offering access to some of the most popular subgenres of romance fiction. Readers of these genres will be delighted to find old favorites and discover new ones. The book includes listings of pseudonyms and listings by category and series. Author/title index. Jaegly, Peggy J. Romantic Hearts: A Personal Reference for Romance Readers, 3d ed. Scarecrow Press, 1997. Includes 75 publicist-type biographies, many with photos of currently active romance writers. Lists series romance titles and author pseudonyms. Not quite as comprehensive as it would appear, but nonetheless a good attempt at documenting a large number of the overwhelming abundance of romance novels. North American Romance Writers. Mussell, Kay, and Johanna Tunon, eds. Scarecrow Press, 1999. Essays by Judith Arnold, Mary Balogh, Jo Beverley, Loretta Chekani (Chase), Sue Civil-Brown (Rachel Lee), Judy Cuevas (Judith Ivory), Sharon and Tom Curtis (Laura London), Justine Davis, Eileen Dreyer (Kathleen Korbel), Kathleen Eagle, Patricia Gaffney, Alison Hart (Jennifer Greene), Lorraine Heath, Tami Hoag, Susan Johnson, Dara Joy, Lynn Kerstan, Sandra Kitt, Susan Krinard, Jill Marie Landis, Pamela Morsi, Maggie Osborne, Mary Jo Putney, Alicia Rasley, Emilie Richards, Paula Detmer Riggs, Nora Roberts, Barbara Samuel (Ruth Wind), Kathleen Gilles Seidel, and Jennifer Crusie. It also has an extensive bibliography of resources in the romance genre.

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Ramsdell, Kristin. Romance Fiction: A Guide to the Genre. Libraries Unlimited, 1999. The definitive guide to the romance genre, Ramsdell's book offers users a thorough treatment of the genre with thousands of titles described and organized in romance subgenres of contemporary, mystery, historical, regency, alternative reality, saga, gay and lesbian, inspirational, and ethnic/multicultural. Ramsdell also provides history and background notes along with thorough guidelines for readers' advisors for the genre as a whole and each of its subgenres. Information on awards, publishers, research aids, a list of young adult romance titles, and guidelines for the core collection are some of the other features of the book. Author/title and subject indexes complete the work. An updated and expanded edition of Happily Ever After: A Guide to Reading Interests in Romance Fiction (Libraries Unlimited, 1987). . What Romance Do I Read Next: A Reader's Guide to Recent Romance Fiction. Gale, 1997. Twentieth-Century Romance and Gothic Writers, 3d ed. Edited by Aruna Vasudevan and Lesley Henderson. Preface by Alison Light. St. James Press, 1994. Hundreds of authors and their pseudonyms are listed. There are brief biographical data, a list of all published works, a statement by the author (if supplied), and a critical summation. Twentieth-Century Romance and Historical Writers, 2d edition. Edited by Lesley Henderson and D. L. Kirkpatrick with a preface by Kay Mussell. St. James Press, 1990. The first edition was titled Twentieth-Century Romance and Gothic Writers. Edited by James Vinson and D. L. Kirkpatrick. Preface by Kay Mussell. London: Macmillan, 1982. History and Criticism Romance has not received the critical or scholarly interest given to many of the other genres. It is rarely the subject of academic study. It seems that the heyday for study of the genre was the early part of the 1980s, when several books were published that are now out of print. Several resources are listed in Ramsdell's Romance Fiction: A Guide to the Genre (Libraries Unlimited, 1999), but they are not widely available. The notable exception is: Krentz, Jayne Ann, ed. Dangerous Men & Adventurous Women: Romance Writers on the Appeal of the Romance. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1992. Reissued in mass market paperback by Harper Monogram in 1996. Nineteen authors, beloved of romance readers, contributed essays on the appeal of their genre, the aspects of fantasy and character in the books they write, and descriptions of their readers. Many of the essays rebut feminist criticism of the genre. Writers' Manuals The market for paperback romances took off in the 1970s, and there was a need for authors to produce a seemingly unlimited number of titles, many issued monthly in the several serials. It has been estimated that in certain years upwards of 200 new authors have appeared. Now available for such authors are several manuals providing

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instruction in the very formalized patterns demanded by the different types of romances. Readers of romance should find the manuals illuminating and amusing. The organization of each of the following manuals differs, but basically each provides information on the types of romance, plots, characters (particularly hero and heroine), publishers and their requirements, and tips on how to write effectively (dialogue, descriptions, etc.). Borcherding, David H., ed. Romance Writer's Sourcebook: Where to Sell Your Manuscripts. Writer's Digest Books, 1996. Gallagher, Rita, and Rita Clay Estrada, eds. Writing Romances: A Handbook by the Romance Writers of America. Writer's Digest Books, 1997. Grant, Vanessa. Writing Romance. Self Counsel Press, 1997. "A how-to-do-it romance writer's workshop under one cover." MacManus, Yvonne. You Can Write a Romance! And Get It Published, rev. ed. Pocket Books, 1997. An inspirational and concise manual, with a good deal of advice on selling the manuscript, including publisher guidelines. Pianka, Phyllis Taylor. How to Write Romances. Writer's Digest Books, 1998. Not a manual, but definitely a help for those writing romance, is the following: Kent, Jean Salter, and Candace Shelton. The Romance Writers' Phrase Book. Even for those who don't plan to write a romance, this slender but packed guide to the coded language of love will be a delight. Review Journals The following journals are for the devoted readership of the genre and are much more than review journals, as the annotations indicate. Their emergence parallels the genre's recent and amazing publishing activity and growth in reading audience. Affaire de Coeur: For the Romantic at Heart. 1981. Monthly, published by Barbara N. Keenan, Fremont, California. Provides star-rated reviews, news, and brief articles. Sponsors the annual Rom-Con conference. The Gothic Journal. A bimonthly magazine that reviews romantic suspense, romantic mystery, gothic romance, supernatural romance, and woman-in-jeopardy romance. It also offers author profiles and articles for both readers and writers of suspenseful romance. Web site at (accessed 20 January 2000). From 19911998, this was a print magazine. In 1999, it ceased publishing a hard copy and is now available only on the World Wide Web.

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The Literary Times. Starting as a newsletter in 1988, it became a quarterly magazine in 1992, featuring book reviews, author profiles, and information for romance writers. Romantic Times. 1981 . This publication contains reviews, annotations, excerpts from new romances, publishing and author news, biographies of romance authors, interviews, and advertisements. The romance reader who is as enthralled as the publisher with every tidbit about romance will have a feast. The publisher and editor, Kathryn Falk, is an active apologist and publicist for romance. Romantic Times and Long Island University's Institute for Continuing Education, with Kathryn Falk as a conference director, announced the first Romantic Book Lovers Conference in New York City for April 17, 1982. In 1986 this publication became a monthly. The reviewers seem to rate the books more on the quality of lovemaking than on the quality of plot and characterization. Web site at http://www.romantictimes. com (accessed 20 January 2000). Authors' Associations Romance writers often do not feel comfortable within the standard authors' associations, so they have formed their own groups. Although the association in the United States is some 20 years behind its British counterpart, it has been very successful, with more than 8,200 members in 1998. Romantic Novelists Association. This British group was founded in 1960. It presents an annual award for the best romance, often having runner-up awards and a historical romance award. Its members are highly articulate apologists for the genre. They have a Web site at (accessed 14 November 1999). Romance Writers of America. The founding convention was held in Houston, Texas, in June 1981 and drew an unexpectedly large attendance of writers and fans. An award, the Rita, was established as the association's official prize for published work. The 18th annual convention was held in Chicago in July 1999. The organization also has local chapters in many communities and chapters devoted to different types of romance writing. Awards The most prestigious and well-known romance awards are the "Ritas," awarded by the Romance Writers of America in several different categories.

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Publishers Along with the continuing predominant publication of romance in the paperback lines, there has been an increase in the amount of hardcover romance publication. Three publishers issue the greatest number: Doubleday, St. Martin's Press, and Walker. Also, almost all hardcover publishers now have their own paperback lines. There has been an increase in the number of trade paperback genre titles. The library market benefits from the increase in hardcover and trade paperback romances available. Whether the pattern of reprinting paperback series in library editions will continue is not clear. Gregg Press (Chivers Press, London) has reprinted Silhouette titles in hardcover, and some Harlequin titles have been reprinted in large-print format by Thorndike Press. Brandywyne Books is issuing Heirloom editions in hardcover, but they are priced out of the library market at $35 to $50 for authors such as Jennifer Wilde, Janet Dailey, and Jude Devereaux. Five Star and Severn House are issuing reasonably priced reprints in hardcover, some of authors who did not receive the recognition due them in paperback, others of early works by popular authors that were originally issued in paperback only. That romances are appearing regularly on the best-seller lists in both hardcover and paperback editions should make for a steady publishing program in the genre. It is notable that in hardcover the following types of romance are the most prominent: historical and period romances, with a great many Regencies; gothic and romantic suspense; and sagas, both period historical and contemporary. The following British publishers have strong hardcover lines: Bodley Head, Century, Collins, Gollancz, Robert Hale, Hodder, Michael Joseph, and Macdonald. Many of their titles are released in the United States, with the strongest romance programs coming from Doubleday (with a labeled line, Starlight Romances), St. Martin's Press, and Walker (heavy importation of British titles). Other publishers in the United States that regularly publish romance are Arbor House, Delacorte, Dodd, Dutton, Five Star, Harper, Macmillan, Morrow, Putnam, and Simon and Schuster. Several large-print houses actively bring older titles back into print; a few are Dales, Magna, and Thorndike. Paperback Publishers While great numbers of romances still appear regularly, the number of issuing publishers has recently decreased drastically. Several publishers have series lines, noted in the following list, in addition to issuing both original titles and reprints. There has been an increase in the number of trade paperback romances, despite some price resistance, and these are in a satisfactory format for libraries. (Avon, Ballantine/Fawcett, and Jove have issued many; this may relate to the fact that several paperback publishers are now also publishing in hardcover, such as Ballantine, Bantam, and Pocket Books/Poseidon.)

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The following U.S. paperback publishers issue romances regularly: Ace/Charter, Avon Ballantine/Fawcett, Bantam, Berkley, Dell, Harlequin/Worldwide, Jove, Leisure, NAL/Signet, Sonnet/Pocket Books, Popular Library/Warner, and Zebra. Strong lines for all these houses are the historical and Regency romances. Romance in the American West appears in many of the period romances. There has been a trend toward "futuristic" romance (romance combined with the genres of fantasy and science fiction). The Timeswept imprint from Love Spell features time-travel fantasy-romances. For years, Harlequin led sales in category romances. Silhouette was started up as competition, but now both houses are owned by the Canadian company Torstar. They have numerous imprints. The "inspirational" romance is being issued by several denominational publishers (and also in the Silhouette Inspiration series). Guideposts started up a book club in 1993 called "Forever" Romances. They are reprints of paperbacks that are sold only through mail order. Zondervan, now an imprint of HarperCollins, and Waterbrook Press both issue inspirational romances. Tip sheets (guidelines) are available for most of the series romance lines. These guidelines spell out the characters (and age limits) of the hero and heroine, their economic situation, clothes, setting, and the type of love story permissible. Tip sheets require constant revision as the limits of sensuality are steadily extended. Whereas once a series might have been labeled "sweet," meaning no explicit sex, it may now be labeled "spicy," "sensual," or "steamy'' (stopping just short of soft-core pornography). The tip sheets are available on request from the publishers, and both libraries and readers of romance might find them useful. Several of the writers' manuals for the romance novel reprint tip sheets. D's Romance Picks Beverley, Jo. Forbidden Magic. Cody, Denée. The Golden Rose. Donati, Sara. Into the Wilderness. Frank, Suzanne. Sunrise on the Mediterranean. Kimberlin, Annie. Stray Hearts.

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Chapter 6 Science Fiction

"The last man on Earth sat in a room. There was a knock on the door." Anonymous "I love you sons of bitches. You're the only ones with guts enough to really care about the future, who really notice what machines do to us, what wars do to us, what cities do to us, what tremendous misunderstandings, mistakes, accidents and catastrophes do to us. You're the only ones zany enough to agonize over time and distances without limit, over mysteries that will never die, over the fact that we are right now determining whether the space voyage for the next billion years or so is going to be Heaven or Hell." Kurt Vonnegut, God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater (1965) "S[cience] f[iction] allows us to understand and experience our past, present, and future in terms of an imagined future." Kathryn Cramer, The Ascent of Wonder (1994)

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Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley has been called "the mother of science fiction" for her creation of Frankenstein, written when she was still in her teens and published in 1818. Pioneering works were written by Edgar Allan Poe, Jules Verne, and H. G. Wells in the nineteenth century. In the early part of the twentieth century, magazines featuring serialized novels and short stories were popular and science fiction became a mainstay, but it was not called "science fiction" until 1929, the term becoming commonly accepted in the 1930s. John Clute's Science Fiction: The Illustrated Encyclopedia (DK Publishing, 1995) does a wonderful job of presenting the history of science fiction in relation to the surrounding world situation. The decade-by-decade charts relate important events in science fiction, film, radio, television, magazines, and world events. Early science fiction, during "the golden age,'' focused on the mechanical, on how machines would change the world. The technology was the essence, with characterization and plot taking a backseat. In the 1950s an interest in alien contact developed, as society began to wonder who was out there, giving rise to the now mostly forgotten BEM (bug-eyed monster) stories. In the 1960s science fiction began to recognize non-mechanical sciences, and many of the novels written dealt with psychology, sociology, and how humans relate to their world and to change, heralding a "new wave" of science fiction. Cyberpunk, in which technology was portrayed as being perhaps not all that it had been cracked up to be, began to appear in the 1980s. In the 1990s, scientific advances in nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, and bioengineering became a visible force in the field. There are a number of works focusing on the history and evolution of science fiction. Some are listed at the end of this chapter. Themes and Types The reader trying to understand science fiction is faced with a lack of an encompassing definition for all aspects and types of science fiction. Science fiction, fantasy, and horror are all very closely linked, sharing the common thread of imagination. It is not at all uncommon for writers to cross the lines between these genres from book to book, and, indeed, sometimes even within the same book. Science fiction could be described as the literature of "what if?" What if there were life on other planets? What if someone were to travel faster than light? What if there were people who lived inside a world rather than on its surface? What if all the men on a planet were to die off? What if one could go into a world created by a computer program? What if . . .? The possibilities of science fiction are as endless as the human imagination. The areas covered in science fiction are as diverse as the readers of the genre. Some stories are set in a near future, with scenarios that are probable. Others are set so far in the future, or in the past, that they seem nigh on impossible. A science fiction reader needs both a willing suspension of disbelief and a questioning mind. Many science fiction readers like to communicate with other readers. Fans are responsible for a multitude of fanzines as well as frequent conventions. (For a look at science fiction fandom from a mystery point of view, try Sharyn McCrumb's Bimbos of

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the Death Sun [TSR, 1988] and Zombies of the Gene Pool [Simon and Schuster, 1992].) Science fiction readers, editors, and writers "talk" over the Internet on several different newsgroups. To keep up with what fans are reading, one can subscribe to rec.arts.sf.written and read reviews and criticism firsthand. How to differentiate between fantasy and science fiction is a frequently debated question. Because the readers, writers, and publishers of science fiction (SF) and fantasy tend to have strong opinions about where a particular work fits into the genre categories, there is never going to be any one good way of making distinctions. Even questioning the authors themselves sometimes elicits surprising opinions. One might think that dragons, being mythical creatures, fall into the fantasy realm. Anne McCaffrey, best-selling author of the Pern series, emphatically claims that her dragons, and the unique characteristics of the planet Pern, have a scientific basis, so her works dealing with the dragons of Pern are science fiction rather than fantasy. Many of her fans disagree. Orson Scott Card, Nebula and Hugo awardwinning author, claims that his knowledge of science is not extensive, that his stories come entirely from his imagination, so they are fantasy. Also, Card has stated (rather tongue-in-cheek but true nonetheless) that one can tell the genre by the cover illustration: Rivets denote science fiction, while foliage denotes fantasy. Some consider science fiction to be a subgenre of fantasy and others consider fantasy to be a subgenre of science fiction. For this guide, the author's personal opinion was used as the criterion when deciding where each book fits. Because no two people ever seem to have agreed on exactly where the demarcation is, this seemed to be the most expedient means of categorizing the books. Science fiction readers should check Chapter 7, "Fantasy" (just as fantasy readers should check this chapter). IMHO (Internetese for "in my humble opinion"), science fiction novels are those that deal with scientific topics, space travel, aliens, and recognizably Earth-variant worlds or life-forms that have not been touched by magic. Time travel, not occasioned by magic, is here, as are stories of distant civilizations (whether present-day or set many years in the future or in the past) that show some relationship to Earth or its life-forms. However, the late Betty Rosenberg wrote in 1986 in the second edition of Genreflecting: Science fiction is speculativespeculative about the potential uses of science and speculative about the potential future of mankind on this world and within the universe. The two themes may combine within the same novel, usually with one being subordinate. Although authors in the field tend to specialize in an aspect or aspect of science fiction, most do wander through the universe of science fiction themes. Unlike other genres, the best examples of the work and ideas of science fiction authors are often found in the short story.

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That it is short on characterization and long on gimmicks and ideas is a frequent criticism of science fiction. (Space opera is said to have only adventure and neither characterization nor ideas.) Much science fiction is thesis fiction, bearing a statement about science fact, human nature, man in relation to nature or the universe, man in conflict with the universe, man speculating on his future in the universe. Greater emphasis, therefore, is often placed on situations or solutions than on the creatures (not necessarily human) who are the protagonists. The critical works pose science fiction as the most philosophical, poetical, intellectual, and religious of the genre fictions. It is concerned with the mystery of the universe, man's place in it, and man's ultimate destiny: the continuation of humankind in its basic nature and humanity. Science fiction expresses faith in human ingenuity, human intelligence, and the human spirit. Technology is considered in terms of service to mankind and the natural world. The biological sciences are considered as they might heighten or increase the capacity and quality of the human mind. Religion is viewed as a means of salvation. The end is to augment the quality of life. Mention must be made of the great variations in length of published science fiction. Short stories are vitally alive and well, as are short shorts, novelettes, novellas, novels, and multivolume tomes. More so than in any other genre, readers are willing to read science fiction of any length. The titles in this chapter are grouped by themes because science fiction is not a patterned genre. Some titles involve many themes, so a listing in one category does not mean that title could not also fit into others, and some may be listed under more than one theme. Hard Science "At the core of hard sf lies the experience of science." Gregory Benford The term scientific extrapolation is often used in reference to stories of hard sciencenot necessarily predictions of what will come with scientific experimentation and increased knowledge, but imaginative projections of possibility, if not probability. (The folklore of science fiction abounds in tales of scientific discoveries first predicted in a science fiction story.) The pride of authors in this field is that their scientific information is authentic, although what they do with it may not, as yet, be known to science. Some of the hard sciences played with in science fiction are: Mathematics (the fourth dimension, spatial or in time) Nanotechnology (engineering on a molecular level) Cybernetics (the mind of the machine, artificial intelligence)

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Meteorology (characters do something about or to affect the weather) Archaeology (carbon-14 dating) Exobiology ("The study of life-forms beyond the earth has been defined as a science without a subject. Despite this, its nonexistent material has fascinated mankind for at least 2000 years."Time Probe: The Science in Science Fiction, edited by Arthur C. Clarke) Physics (gravity, relativity, faster-than-light travel, atoms and neutrons, antimatter) Medicine (extraterrestrial medicine, brain surgery, plague) Astronomy (space flight, black holes) Physiology (effects of change of atmosphere on the human body in space travel) Chemistry (drugs) Biology (mutations, genetic future, immortality) Other topics are computers, cosmology, cryonics, cyborgs, rockets, technology, and inventions. Many examples of the use of hard science will be found in the short story as well as in the novel. The Ascent of Wonder: The Evolution of Hard SF, edited by David G. Hartwell and Kathryn Cramer (Tor, 1994), is a terrific collection of the best of hard SF short stories. It includes works by all authors prominent in the subgenre. The following list is only a brief sampling of authors, many of whom have real scientific credentials. Anderson, Poul Tau Zero. Brain Wave (1953). When Earth finally escapes a forcefield that has inhibited "certain electromagnetic and electrochemical processes," humans are transfigured by a huge increase in intelligence. Asimov, Isaac Asimov created the "Three Laws of Robotics" that have become conventional wisdom in much of the genre. I, Robot. The Rest of the Robots. Bear, Greg Moving Mars. Brilliant physicist Charles Franklin makes discoveries relating to matter and energy that lead Mars and Earth into conflict. Benford, Gregory Artifact. Originally published in 1985 and revised in 1997, it deals with an archaeological find in the form of a small cube that contains the heat of a sun.

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Carver, Jeffrey A. Chaos chronicles. Chaos theory and alien life-forms. Neptune Crossing. Strange Attractors. Clarke, Arthur C. The Fountains of Paradise. Rendezvous with Rama. Clement, Hal Mission of Gravity (1953). Set on a world with high gravity. Forward, Robert L. Dragon's Egg. Starquake! Camelot 30K. The remote-controlled exploration of an inhabited world where the temperature is only 30 degrees above absolute zero. McCarthy, Wil Bloom. Space travel and biotechnology. Nagata, Linda Vast. Niven, Larry Neutron Star. Pohl, Frederik Heechee Saga. Gateway. Beyond the Blue Event Horizon. Heechee Rendezvous. Annals of the Heechee. The Gateway Trip. Robinson, Kim Stanley Red Mars. Green Mars. Blue Mars. Terraforming Mars to make it habitable by humans. Sagan, Carl Contact. Sheffield, Charles Several titles, including the YA Jupiter series.

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Simak, Clifford D. Way Station. A Hugo award winner by a Grand Master. Slonczewski, Joan The Children Star. Bioengineering. Sullivan, Tricia Lethe. Dreaming in Smoke. Wells, H. G. The War of the Worlds. The First Men in the Moon. White, James Sector General series. Eleven novels set at a medical center that caters to the needs of all types of intergalactic species. Williamson, Jack Beachhead. Exploration of Mars. New Wave In these novels deriving from the soft sciences (psychology, sociology, religion, and the like), human nature realistically treated, however exotic the context, takes precedence over hard science and gadgetry (although still liberally used). Sex, drugs, Eastern religions, art, morality, ecology, overpopulation, politicsthe topics encompassed within the subgenre seemingly have no limit. The lack of clear definition of "new wave" as a distinctive type of science fiction simply indicates that new wave aspects were always present in the works of some science fiction writers. There has been, however, a movement toward liberalizing the scope of themes acceptable for science fiction and expanding the imaginative vision of writers and readers. So much current science fiction, apart from the strictly adventure types, is imbued with new wave aspects that the new wave label is now used to define a historical movement in the genre, roughly from the mid-1960s to the early 1980s. The following authors are those who were influential in making new wave ideas standard in science fiction. Aldiss, Brian Barefoot in the Head. Ballard, J. G. The Crystal World. Love and Napalm.

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Brunner, John The Sheep Look Up. Stand on Zanzibar. Budrys, Algis Rogue Moon. Burgess, Anthony A Clockwork Orange. Delany, Samuel R. Driftglass. Dick, Philip K. Martian Time-Slip. The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch. Disch, Thomas M. 334. Camp Concentration. Ellison, Harlan Alone Against Tomorrow. Dangerous Visions. Farmer, Philip José Riverworld series. To Your Scattered Bodies Go. The Fabulous Riverboat. The Dark Design. The Magic Labyrinth. Gods of Riverworld. Harrison, Harry Make Room! Make Room! Malzberg, Barry N. Beyond Apollo. Moorcock, Michael The Final Programme. Russ, Joanna The Female Man. Sheckley, Robert Journey Beyond Tomorrow.

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Sladek, John The Muller-Fokker Effect. Roderick at Random. Spinrad, Norman Bug Jack Barron. Agent of Chaos. Sturgeon, Theodore More Than Human. Tiptree, James, Jr Brightness Falls from the Air. Watson, Ian The Embedding. Wolfe, Gene The Fifth Head of Cerberus. Zelazny, Roger Lord of Light. Hugo and Nebula award winner. Ecology Three themes emerge in novels about humanity and its natural environment: manipulation and control of the environment; corruption of the environment by humans and the destruction of some or all forms of life on Earth; and alien environments with distinctive characteristics, flora, and fauna. Catastrophe is often linked to overpopulation and pollution as well as to planned changes in environmental patterns. The following authors use themes suggested by the discouraging kinds of ecological problems facing the world. Aldiss, Brian Helliconia Spring. Helliconia Summer. Helliconia Winter. Anthony, Piers Omnivore. Ballard, J. G. The Wind from Nowhere. The Crystal World. Blish, James, and Norman L. Night A Torrent of Faces.

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Brunner, John Stand on Zanzibar. The Sheep Look Up. Clement, Hal Cycle of Fire. Close to Critical. Harrison, Harry Make Room! Make Room! Herbert, Frank Dune. Niven, Larry, and Jerry Pournelle The Mote in God's Eye. Ore, Rebecca Gaia's Toys. Robinson, Kim Stanley Antarctica. Silverberg, Robert The World Inside. Simmons, Dan Hyperion. The Fall of Hyperion. Endymion. The Rise of Endymion. Thomas, Theodore L., and Kate Wilhelm The Year of the Cloud. Wilhelm, Kate Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang. A 1970s classic reissued in 1998. Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn Time of the Fourth Horseman. Messianic/Religious In a science fiction world created for this theme, disillusionment has sullied the euphoric promise for the future offered by science and technology. Human needs and emotions somehow remain unsated in the millennium of technology. A savior, messiah, or superman brings redemption and salvation. Questions of theology and

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metaphysics regarding the expanding universe imagined by science fiction have uneasily juxtaposed science and faith and introduced speculation on future religions. The following authors base their books on religions currently in practice, or else they invent their own theologies. Blish, James A Case of Conscience. Butler, Octavia E. The Parable of the Sower. Hyperempathic Lauren Olamina diaries her journey as civilization collapses and wins converts to her "Earthseed" philosophy. The Parable of the Talents. Takes place several years after Sower. Clarke, Arthur C. Rendezvous with Rama. Childhood's End. Dick, Philip K. Galactic Pot-Healer. Divine Invasion. Farmer, Philip José The Lovers. Gunn, James This Fortress World. Heinlein, Robert A. Stranger in a Strange Land. Henderson, Zenna The People: No Different Flesh. Pilgrimage. Herbert, Frank Dune. Dune Messiah. Children of Dune. The God Makers. Heretics of Dune. Chapterhouse: Dune. Kleier, Glenn The Last Day. La Plante, Richard Tegné.

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Lewis, C. S. Out of the Silent Planet. Perelandra. That Hideous Strength. Miller, Walter M., Jr A Canticle for Leibowitz. Saint Leibowitz and the Wild Horse Woman. Moorcock, Michael Behold the Man! Russell, Mary Doria The Sparrow. The Children of God. Jesuits make first contact with an alien civilization. Simak, Clifford D. Time and Again. Simmons, Dan Hyperion. The Fall of Hyperion. Endymion. The Rise of Endymion. Smith, Cordwainer Norstrilia. Tepper, Sheri S. Raising the Stone. The Awakeners. Northshore. Southshore. Vidal, Gore Messiah. Kalki. Vonnegut, Kurt The Sirens of Titan. Cat's Cradle. Zelazny, Roger Lord of Light. Isle of the Dead.

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Dystopia/Utopia Opposed to the ideal society, utopia, is the dystopia, a horrid society, frequently the subject of science fiction. Dystopia comes into existence through many causes. Frequently it derives from the failure or corruption of rule by a scientific elite. Technology and human nature prove incompatible; psychology is used to manipulate, not improve, human nature; biological tinkering evolves monsters; and so on. The pessimism of dystopian science fiction is political and sociological as well as antiscience and antitechnology. As this theme has a long literary history, it has been the topic of novels not usually considered science fiction. Among the following authors are several whose writings are outside the realm of this genre (Bellamy, Huxley, Orwell, and Skinner). Asimov, Isaac Pebble in the Sky. Foundation trilogy. Bellamy, Edward Looking Backward: 20001887. Bradbury, Ray Fahrenheit 451. Brin, David Glory Season. Brunner, John Shockwave Rider. Burroughs, William S. Nova Express. Gunn, James The Joy Makers. Harrison, Harry Make Room! Make Room! Heinlein, Robert A. To Sail Beyond the Sunset. Hendrix, Howard V. Lightpaths. Standing Wave. Hoyle, Fred Ossian's Ride.

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Huxley, Aldous Brave New World. Island. Le Guin, Ursula K. Always Coming Home. Leiber, Fritz Gather, Darkness! Lowry, Lois The Giver. Destined to become a classic, this award-winning children's title is also popular with adults who have discovered it. Orwell, George 1984. Pohl, Frederik, and Cyril Kornbluth The Space Merchants. Reynolds, Mack Looking Backward, from the Year 2000. Robinson, Kim Stanley Pacific Edge. Wild Shore. The Gold Coast. Skinner, B. F. Walden Two. Tepper, Sheri S. The Gate to Women's Country. Vonnegut, Kurt Player Piano. Post-Apocalypse Survival after the almost total destruction of Earth as we know itthe nature of the disaster, its effect on the nature of man, and the shape of society thereafteris a common SF theme. The disaster may be natural (e.g., plague, a planet colliding with Earth) or human-caused (e.g., nuclear war). This theme pervades the works of many science fiction writers besides those in the following list. It has been a popular theme for movies, from A Boy and His Dog to the Mad Max series and into the 1990s, with the Kevin Costner movies Waterworld and The Postman (read the book). Tank Girl, a comic book series and movie, is also set in this kind of world.

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Ballard, J. G. The Drowned World. The Burning World. The Crystal World. Brin, David The Postman. Brunner, John The Sheep Look Up. Burton, Levar Aftermath: A Novel About the Future. Card, Orson Scott Folk of the Fringe. Christopher, John The Death of Grass. Crowley, John Engine Summer. Dick, Philip K. Dr. Bloodmoney. Dickson, Gordon R. Wolf & Iron. A lone traveler in a world following financial collapse. Frank, Pat Alas, Babylon. Hoban, Russell Riddley Walker. Hoyle, Fred, and Geoffrey Hoyle The Inferno. Lethem, Jonathan Amnesia Moon. Lewitt, Shariann Memento Mori. Miller, Walter M., Jr A Canticle for Leibowitz. A monastery in Utah is the site of a miraculous discovery in an age of darkness following nuclear annihilation.

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Murphy, Pat The City, Not Long After. Pangborn, Edgar Davy. Roessner, Michaela Vanishing Point. Sheffield, Charles Aftermath. Stewart, George R. Earth Abides. Tepper, Sheri S. The Gate to Women's Country. Women live within walled cities, keeping science and medical knowledge alive, while most men live in garrisons outside the cities. Tucker, Wilson The Long Loud Silence. Turner, George Drowning Towers. Vonnegut, Kurt Cat's Cradle. Whitmore, Charles Winter's Daughter. Wilhelm, Kate Juniper Time. Wylie, Philip, and Edwin Balmer When Worlds Collide. Wyndham, John The Day of the Triffids. Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn Time of the Fourth Horseman.

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Alternate and Parallel Worlds History as it might have been: What if there had been a significant change in an historical event? What, then, would have been the pattern of history? What would the present be like, and why? This theoretical analysis of historical cause and effect is often conjoined to the parallel world theme: Parallel Earths and parallel universes exist simultaneously with our Earth, conceived, perhaps, along a spatial fourth dimension. (In some worlds of fantasy, characters can be transported out of one parallel universe and into another.) This theme has been used by many science fiction authors in addition to those in the following list, as well as by authors of the mainstream novel (e.g., Vladimir Nabokov). In the early 1990s, some of the cyberpunk authors started writing in the alternative history vein; these books were promptly christened ''steam punk." Anthony, Piers Out of Phaze. Robot Adept. Phaze Doubt. Asimov, Isaac The End of Eternity. Baxter, Stephen Voyage. Blaylock, James P. Lord Kelvin's Machine. The Paper Grail. Bova, Ben Triumph. De Camp, L. Sprague Lest Darkness Fall. Dick, Philip K. The Man in the High Castle. Now Wait for Last Year. Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said. Eye in the Sky. Farmer, Philip José The Gate of Time. Sail on, Sail On. Gibson, William, and Bruce Sterling The Difference Engine.

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Gould, Steven Wildside. A pristine, untouched world exists on the other side of a hidden door in a barn. Harrison, Harry Tunnel Through the Deeps. West of Eden. Winter in Eden. Return to Eden. Heinlein, Robert A. Tunnel in the Sky. Farnham's Freehold. Hogan, James P. The Proteus Operation. Laumer, Keith Worlds of the Imperium. Leiber, Fritz Destiny Times Three. Lupoff, Richard A. Countersolar! Circumpolar! Moorcock, Michael The Wrecks of Time. O'Leary, Patrick Door Number Three. Roberts, Keith Pavane. Rucker, Rudy The Hollow Earth. Sawyer, Robert J. The Quintaglio trilogy. Shaw, Bob The Two-Timers. Sheckley, Robert Mindswap. Simak, Clifford D. Ring Around the Sun.

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Somtow, S. P. The Aquiliad: Aquila in the New World. Turtledove, Harry World War series. In the Balance. Tilting the Balance. Upsetting the Balance. Striking the Balance. Vance, Jack Alastor. Williamson, Jack Legion of Time. Wilson, Robert Charles Gypsies. Mysterium. Darwinia. Wingrove, David Chung Kuo series. Time Travel, Time Warp Travel into either the past or the future is a dream in all literature and not restricted to science fiction. Whether limited to the body or mind, the experience is both desirable and frightening. Science fiction writers use great ingenuity in the methods of travel and equal imagination in depicting the experiences of the travelers. This is a favorite ploy in space opera and fantasy. Playing with time has intrigued many science fiction and fantasy writers, and the following list merely suggests the number of books on the theme. Those who like science fiction time travel may also enjoy the examples found in the fantasy and romance chapters (Chapters 7 and 5). Many examples can be found in children's books as well. Aldiss, Brian Cryptozoic! Frankenstein Unbound. Anderson, Poul Tau Zero. The Corridors of Time.

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Appel, Allen Twice upon a Time. Till the End of Time. Time After Time. Asimov, Isaac Pebble in the Sky. The End of Eternity. Ballard, J. G. The Crystal World. Barnes, John Kaleidoscope Century. Benford, Gregory Timescape. Bester, Alfred The Stars My Destination. Bishop, Michael No Enemy but Time. Blish, James Midsummer Century. Brunner, John The Productions of Time. Quicksand. Dalton, Sean Turncoat. David, James F. Footprints of Thunder. Dick, Philip K. Counter-Clock World. Dickson, Gordon R. Time Storm. Dunn, J. R. Days of Cain. A time monitor goes renegade to try to stop the Nazi death camps. Fenn, Lionel Time: The Semi-Final Frontier.

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Garcia y Robertson, R. Atlantis Found. Haldeman, Joe The Forever War. Space travel collapses time so a soldier gone from home for 27 years has experienced and aged only the one year, leading draftee William Mandella to reenlist and spend centuries fighting an interstellar war. Harness, Charles L. The Paradox Men. Harrison, Harry The Technicolor Time Machine. Heinlein, Robert A. The Door into Summer. Farnham's Freehold. Hoyle, Fred October the First Is Too Late. Laumer, Keith The Great Time Machine Hoax. Back to the Time Warp. MacDonald, John D. The Girl, the Gold Watch and Everything. Mason, Lisa Summer of Love. The Golden Nineties. Zhu Wong, a 25th-century Chinese woman imprisoned for possible murder, gets a ticket out of jail to work on the Golden Nineties project. Equipped with a neckjack and an archive of information from an artificial intelligence called Muse, she sets out into the wild and woolly world of 1895 San Francisco to find a golden brooch and ensure that it will be put into the hands of a green-eyed Chinese woman not yet born. May, Julian The Saga of Pliocene Exile. The Many-Colored Land. The Golden Torc. The Nonborn King. The Adversary.

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Moorcock, Michael The Dancers at the End of Time series. An Alien Heat. The Hollow Lands. The End of All Songs. Morse, David E. The Iron Bridge. Niven, Larry A World out of Time. World of Ptavvs. O'Leary, Patrick Door Number Three. Pohl, Frederik The Age of the Pussyfoot. Powers, Tim The Anubis Gates. Saberhagen, Fred Pilgrim. Silverberg, Robert The Masks of Time. The Time Hoppers. Stapledon, Olaf Last and First Men (1930). Stirling, S. M. Island in the Sea of Time. Varley, John Millennium. Agents from a dying future pop into contemporary accidents to snatch healthy people seconds before death, to repopulate the future. Vinge, Vernor Marooned in Real Time. Wells, H. G. The Time Machine. When the Sleeper Wakes. Willis, Connie The Doomsday Book. A history student from the future travels back to 1348 and the Black Plague.

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To Say Nothing of the Dog. Willis's delightfully wry humor takes us to a future where Lady Schrapnell, a filthy-rich American, is funding time travel so that she can rebuild Coventry Cathedral to the way it was when her great grandmother experienced an epiphany there in front of the Bishop's Bird Stump. When a time-lagged historian from the future is sent to the Victorian era to escape Lady Schrapnell, he finds love and a problem that could rend the fabric of time. Wright, S. Fowler The World Below. Lost Worlds Lost worlds are the matter of romantic science fiction, now largely displaced as a subject by the interplanetary universe. There are large elements of fantasy and adventure in the many examples that are still popular: prehistoric animals, strange races of people, and background in archaeology and anthropology. The prehistoric epic in Chapter 1, "Historical" (see p. 27) is very closely related, with substantial overlap. Some are serious novels about primitive humans and vanished types. The following books are some of the prototypes. Aldiss, Brian Helliconia trilogy. On a distant planet with two suns, the seasons in the generations-long year lead to the rise and fall of civilizations. Bishop, Michael Ancient of Days. Burroughs, Edgar Rice At the Earth's Core. Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir The Lost World. Golding, William The Inheritors. Haggard, H. Rider She. King Solomon's Mines. Verne, Jules Journey to the Centre of the Earth. More recent books in this vein include Robert T. Bakker's Raptor Red and Edward Myers's Mountain Made of Light series.

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Lost Colony Far in the future, when other worlds have been colonized by humans, some of those worlds lose contact with Earth or are unable to maintain it in the first place. The worlds of these descendants of ours lead to many variations on the future of an isolated pocket of humanity. Card, Orson Scott Homecoming Saga series. Gould, Steven The Helm. Leland follows a rocky path to greatness after he ascends a forbidden peak during a festival and places a sacred helmet upon his head, even though the privilege of donning the mysterious artifact of the "founders" by right belongs to his oldest brother, who had been groomed to govern. After the event his father seemingly turns on Leland, charging his brothers with the task of beating him with a bamboo pole at random and unexpected times. After the intercession of a young woman of high station, Leland is invited to dine in company again, then sent off to a distant village where he studies martial arts, discovering that on an unconscious level he knows much that he has no rational explanation for knowing. As a war begins, Leland finds himself pressed into a position of leadership. Niven, Larry Destiny's Road. Van Vogt, A. E. The Beast. Zettel, Sarah Reclamation. Immortality Whether science can ultimately confer immortality upon humans is considered in science fiction, but whether such immortality would be a blessing or a curse is the real question. There are many immortal beings to be found in science fiction stories. (One such immortal in Venus on the Half-Shell, by Kilgore Trout, says bluntly, "Immortality is a pain in the ass." For more on this book, see "Parody and Comedy," p. 326.) The following books treat this theme seriously. Aldiss, Brian Moment of Eclipse. Banks, Iain Feersum Endjinn. Barnes, John Kaleidoscope Century.

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Grimwood, Ken Replay. Gunn, James The Immortals. Haldeman, Joe Buying Time. Heinlein, Robert A. Time Enough for Love. Shaw, Bob One Million Tomorrows. Silverberg, Robert Born with the Dead. Simak, Clifford D. Way Station. Spinrad, Norman The Iron Dream. No Direction Home. Stableford, Brian Inherit the Earth. Tucker, Wilson The Time Masters. Time Bomb. Vance, Jack To Live Forever. van Vogt, A. E. The Weapon Makers. Zelazny, Roger This Immortal. Psionic Powers The powers of precognition, telepathy, clairvoyance, telekinesis, and teleportation displayed by characters in science fiction make current research in parapsychology seem crude. Science fiction invented the term psionics (psychic electronics) to describe these powers of the mind. Such powers are often

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inherent in the superman theme and are often manifest among alien beings. The variations on this theme have fascinated many science fiction authors, not just those in the following list. Asaro, Catherine Primary Inversion. Catch the Lightning. The Last Hawk. The Radiant Seas. Ashwell, Pauline Project Farcry. Bester, Alfred The Stars My Destination. The Demolished Man. Blish, James Jack of Eagles. Bradley, Marion Zimmer Darkover series. Brunner, John The Whole Man. Clement, Hal Needle. Dickson, Gordon R. Dorsai! Foster, Alan Dean For Love of Mother Not. Flinx of the Commonwealth. Flinx in Flux. Mid-Flinx. Gould, Steven C. Jumper. Harrison, Harry Death Word. Henderson, Zenna Pilgrimage.

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Herbert, Frank Dune. Ingrid, Charles The Patterns of Chaos series. King, Stephen Firestarter. Le Guin, Ursula K. The Lathe of Heaven. McCaffrey, Anne To Ride Pegasus. Pegasus in Flight. Pegasus in Space. The Rowan. Damia. Damia's Children. Lyon's Pride. Murphy, Pat Falling Woman. Pohl, Frederik Drunkard's Walk. Roberts, Keith The Inner Wheel. Russ, Joanna And Chaos Died. Schmitz, James H. The Witches of Karres. Often found in young adult or juvenile collections. Silverberg, Robert Dying Inside. Simak, Clifford D. Time Is the Simplest Thing. Stewart, Sean Resurrection Man. Sturgeon, Theodore The Dreaming Jewels.

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van Vogt, A. E. Slan. Vinge, Joan D. Catspaw. Psion. Dreamfall. Wilson, Robert Charles Gypsies. Zelazny, Roger The Dream Master. Space Opera and Galactic Empires Although much maligned, space operas are, in truth, a great deal of fun. They feature almost everything one could want in a story: action, adventure, intrigue, and romance. The Star Wars movies from George Lucas are prime examples of space opera. There is excellent writing turning up in space opera and, although many space operas are formulaic dreck, there are also wellwritten novels in this subgenre that have received (most deservedly) respected awards. The following titles deal adventurously with galactic empires and views of communities and worlds of humans and aliens in a variety of political and sociological relationships. Many of the shared worlds of science fiction fall into this category, so fans may also want to check the ''Shared Worlds" section. Pioneers in this subgenre were: Smith, Edward E. "Doc." The Skylark of Space. Lensman series. Williamson, Jack The Legion of Space. The tradition has grown and flourished, as evidenced by the following in no way comprehensive listing. Anderson, Poul Mirkheim. Trader to the Stars. Harvest of Stars. Harvest the Fire. The Stars Are Also Fire.

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Anthony, Piers Total Recall. Asimov, Isaac Foundation series. A second Foundation series has been written by Greg Bear, Gregory Benford, and David Brin, continuing the saga of the world built by Asimov. Bova, Ben Privateers. The Exiles trilogy. Bradley, Marion Zimmer Darkover series. Brin, David Uplift series. Uplift trilogy. Sundiver. Startide Rising. The Uplift War. Uplift Storm trilogy. Brightness Reef. Infinity's Shore. Heaven's Reach. Brunner, John Endless Shadow. Bujold, Lois McMaster The continuing saga of the militaristic Vorkosigan family. Shards of Honor. Barrayar. Warrior's Apprentice. The Vor Game. Cetaganda. Borders of Infinity. Brothers in Arms. Mirror Dance. Memory. Komarr. A Civil Campaign.

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Card, Orson Scott The Memory of Earth. The Call of Earth. The Ships of Earth. Earthfall. Earthborn. Cherryh, C. J. Downbelow Station. Award-winning science fiction set on a politically warring space station. Cyteen. Clark, Jan Prodigy. Delany, Samuel R. Nova. Heinlein, Robert A. A Citizen of the Galaxy. Starship Troopers. Starman Jones. Farmer in the Sky. Have Spacesuit, Will Travel. Podkayne of Mars. Jablokov, Alexander Deepdrive. King, Stephen The Dark Tower series. The Gunfighter. The Drawing of the Three. The Wastelands. Wizard and Glass. A very dark space opera from the king of horror fiction. Laumer, Keith Galactic Odyssey. McCaffrey, Anne Planet Pirates series. Sassinak. Written with Elizabeth Moon. The Death of Sleep. Written with Jody Lynn Nye. Generation Warriors. Written with Elizabeth Moon.

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Pern series. Dragonsdawn. Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern. Nerilka's Story. Dragonflight. Dragonquest. The White Dragon. The Renegades of Pern. All the Weyrs of Pern. The Chronicles of Pern. The Dolphins of Pern. Dragonseye. The Masterharper of Pern. Harper Hall trilogy. Also set on Pern; written for young adults but read by adults. Dragonsong. Dragonsinger. Dragondrums. McCaffrey, Anne, and Ann Scarborough Petaybee trilogy. Powers That Be. Power Lines. Power Play. Modesitt, L. E., Jr The Ecolitan Enigma. Moon, Elizabeth Herris Serrano series. Hunting Party. Sporting Chance. Winning Colors. Niven, Larry, and Jerry Pournelle The Mote in God's Eye. Norton, Andre The Solar Queen series. Started in 1955 with Sargasso of Space, the series took a hiatus of more than a quarter of a century before returning in the 1990s with Redline the Stars, cowritten with P. M. Griffin; A Mind for Trade; and Derelict for Trade, cowritten with Sherwood Smith.

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Time Traders series. Firehand. Key out of Time. Forerunner series. Forerunner. Forerunner: The Second Venture. Sawyer, Robert J. Starplex. Segriff, Larry Alien Dreams. Shaw, Bob Orbitsville. The Palace of Eternity. Simak, Clifford D. Way Station. Simmons, Dan Hyperion. The Fall of Hyperion. Endymion. The Rise of Endymion. Sterling, Bruce Schmismatrix. Vance, Jack The Five Gold Bands. Ports of Call. van Vogt, A. E. The Voyage of the Space Beagle. The Weapon Shops of Isher. The Weapon Makers. Weber, David Honor Harrington series. On Basilisk Station. The Honor of the Queen. The Short Victorious War. Field of Dishonor. Flag in Exile.

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Honor Among Enemies. In Enemy Hands. Echoes of Honor. Weis, Margaret The Star of the Guardians series. Williams, Walter Jon Rock of Ages. Williamson, Jack The Legion of Space. Williamson, Jack, and James E. Gunn Star Bridge. Wolfe, Gene Long Sun series. Nightside the Long Sun. Lake of the Long Sun. Calde of the Long Sun. Exodus from the Long Sun. Zettel, Sarah Fool's War. Militaristic Themes portraying all varieties of military connection are present in science fiction, from mercenaries and war to antimilitary and parody. Adventure plays a strong role. Often, a militaristic theme is present in space opera. In recent years women have been just as likely as men to be featured characters. Bujold, Lois McMaster Vorkosigan saga. Cherryh, C. J. Rimrunners. Daley, Brian Gammalaw series. Dickson, Gordon R. Dorsai series.

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Drake, David Many titles, all militaristic science fiction. Feintuch, David Hope series. Also called the Seafort saga. Featuring Nick Seafort, who has been called Horatio Hornblower in space. Midshipman's Hope. Patriarch's Hope. Forstchen, William R. Star Voyager Academy series. Article 23. Haldeman, Joe The Forever War. Harrison, Harry Bill, the Galactic Hero. Parody. Heinlein, Robert A. Starship Troopers. Hubbard, L. Ron Mission Earth series (10 volumes). Moon, Elizabeth Once a Hero. Heris Serrano series. Hunting Party. Sporting Party. Winning Colors. Pournelle, Jerry Janissaries series. Rosenberg, Joel Not for Glory. Hero. Steakley, John Armor. Weber, David Honor Harrington series. Willis, Connie, and Cynthia Felice Light Raid.

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Space Travel Although spaceflight has actually been achieved, its reality only adds to science fiction's obsession with spaceships, starships, interstellar travel, and galactic empires. This theme, as used by the following authors, ranges from space travel as science to space travel as fantasy. Aldiss, Brian W. Non-Stop. Anderson, Poul Tau Zero. Barnes, John Orbital Resonance. Bear, Greg Anvil of Stars. Benford, Gregory, and David Brin Heart of the Comet. Brin, David Startide Rising. Cherryh, C. J. Downbelow Station. Clarke, Arthur C. 2001: A Space Odyssey. Prelude to Space. Rendezvous with Rama. 2061: Odyssey Three. Forward, Robert L. Rocheworld. Return to Rocheworld. Heinlein, Robert A. Citizen of the Galaxy. Have Space Suit, Will Travel. McCarthy, Wil Bloom.

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Pohl, Frederik The Heechee saga. Gateway. Beyond the Blue Event Horizon. Heechee Rendezvous. The Annals of the Heechee. The Gateway Trip: Tales and Vignettes of the Heechee. Sheffield, Charles The Ganymede Club. Simak, Clifford D. Shakespeare's Planet. Stableford, Brian Man in a Cage. Van Vogt, A. E. Rogue Ship. Verne, Jules From the Earth to the Moon. Williamson, Jack The Black Sun. Alien Beings The possible and ingenious forms taken by alien beings are seemingly limitless, and authors' imaginations truly run wild. Throughout the history of science fiction they have appeared as everything from monsters (perhaps plantlike or reptilian), humanoid (a freak of Darwinian evolution, perhaps), godlike, or even disembodied intelligences (as in Fred Hoyle's The Black Cloud). They may be invaders of Earth or encountered on other planets. The relationships of human and alien, friendly or antagonistic, offer writers ingenious possibilities. Color paintings of the aliens found in the works of several novelists (e.g., Larry Niven's "Thrints," van Vogt's "Ixtl," Jack Chalker's "Czill,'' James Blish's "Lithians") are found in Wayne Douglas Barlowe and Ian Summer Barlowe's, Guide to Extra-Terrestrials. The following list is only a brief sampling. Aldiss, Brian The Dark Light Years. Arneson, Eleanor Ring of Swords.

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Asimov, Isaac The Gods Themselves. Bear, Greg The Forge of God. Anvil of Stars. Bisson, Terry Pirates of the Universe. Bova, Ben Voyagers. Voyagers II. Brin, David The Uplift War. Broderick, Damien The Dreaming Dragons. Brown, Fredric Martians Go Home. Brunner, John The Atlantic Abomination. The Crucible of Time. Burkett, William R., Jr Bloodsport. Butler, Octavia E. Xenogenesis series. Dawn. Adulthood Rights. Imago. Card, Orson Scott Ender saga. Ender's Game. Speaker for the Dead. Xenocide. Children of the Mind. Ender's Shadow. Cherryh, C. J. Cuckoo's Egg. Foreigner. Invaders.

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Clarke, Arthur C. Imperial Earth. Clement, Hal Mission of Gravity. Needle. De Camp, L. Sprague Rogue Queen. Dick, Philip K. The Game-Players of Titan. Galactic Pot-Healer. Our Friends from Folix-B. Disch, Thomas M. The Genocides. Mankind Under the Leash. Douglas, Carole Nelson Probe. Counterprobe. Forward, Robert L. The Dragon's Egg. Starquake. Foster, Alan Dean A Call to Arms. The False Mirror. The Spoils of War. Gentle, Mary Ancient Light. Golden Witchbreed. Griffith, Nicola Slow River. Gunn, James The Listeners. Haldeman, Joe The Forever War.

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Heinlein, Robert A. The Puppet Masters. The Star Beast. Hoyle, Fred The Black Cloud. Le Guin, Ursula K. The Left Hand of Darkness. Leiber, Fritz The Wanderer. Lem, Stanislaw Solaris. Lindholm, Megan Alien Earth. McAuley, Paul J. Of the Fall. Niven, Larry The Smoke Ring. The Integral Trees. Niven, Larry, and Jerry Pournelle Footfall. The Mote in God's Eye. Ringworld. Ringworld Engineers. Niven, Larry, Jerry Pournelle, and Steven Barnes The Legacy of Heorot. Beowulf's Children. Park, Paul Celestis. Pohl, Frederik The Day the Martians Came. The Other End of Time. Reeves-Stevens, Garfield Nighteyes.

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Robinson, Spider, and Jeanne Robinson Stardance. Saberhagen, Fred The Berserker Throne. Silverberg, Robert The Alien Years. Downward to the Earth. Invaders from Earth. Stapledon, Olaf Star Maker. Tepper, Sheri S. Grass. Raising the Stones. Turtledove, Harry A World of Difference. Van Vogt, A. E. Voyage of the Space Beagle. Wells, H. G. The War of the Worlds. Computers, Automation, Artificial Intelligence The computer is capable of an amazing number of ingenious functions under human programming, but in the hands of some science fiction authors it achieves sentience. So well does it think and plan and even reproduce itself in some stories that it makes humanity unnecessary and precipitates a future in which the machines hum contentedly and people are obsolete. Whether humans and computers will live in cooperative harmony or in a master-slave relationship provides a controversial theme for science fiction authors. The worry that the machinecomputer or robotmay end up running human society is a recurrent theme in science fiction: Is science, in all its aspects, a blessing or a curse for humanity? The idea of a completely automated society is often analyzed in a similar manner. The following books present some aspects, both intriguing and disturbing, of our coexistence with the computer. Anderson, Poul Boat of a Million Years. Harvest of Stars. The Stars Are Also Fire. Harvest the Fire. Fleet of Stars.

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Blish, James Midsummer Century. Brunner, John The Shockwave Rider. Budrys, Algis Michaelmas. Compton, D. G. The Steel Crocodile. Dick, Philip K. Vulcan's Hammer. Dunn, J. R. This Side of Judgement. Full Tide of Night. Harrison, Harry, and Marvin Minsky The Turing Option. Heinlein, Robert A. The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress. Herbert, Frank Destination: Void. Johannesson, Olaf The Tale of the Big Computer. Lafferty, R. A. Arrive at Easterwine. Ouellette, Pierre The Deus Machine. Pohl, Frederik Man Plus. Stableford, Brian The Walking Shadow.

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Cyberpunk All-pervasive technology and the perversion of it by a rebellious underground subculture are a major element of this subgenre. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, a 1968 title by Philip K. Dick from which the film Blade Runner was adapted, is a forerunner of modern cyberpunk. This subgenre came into its own in the 1980s with award-winning novels such as Neuromancer. Its demise was heralded shortly before Snow Crash was published, indicating that it really had not died. Cyberpunk is no longer the enfant terrible of the science fiction world; it now blends into genre and has become merely another theme, albeit an important one. For a quick introduction to cyberpunk, try some of the stories in Mirrorshades, edited by Bruce Sterling. It has been called "the definitive collection of cyberpunk short fiction." Baird, Wilhelmina Carshcourse. Clipjoint. Besher, Alexander Rim: A Novel of Virtual Reality. Mir: A Novel of Virtual Reality. Cadigan, Pat Fools. Gibson, William Neuromancer. Count Zero. Mona Lisa Overdrive. Idoru. Burning Chrome. Kadrey, Richard Metrophage. Kosko, Bart Nanotime. Mason, Lisa Arachne. Noon, Jeff Vurt. Pollen. Rucker, Rudy Wetware.

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Scott, Melissa Burning Bright. Stanwick, Michael Vacuum Flowers. Stephenson, Neal Snow Crash. Sterling, Bruce Islands in the Net. Williams, Walter Jon Voice of the Whirlwind. Hardwired. Virtual Reality A popular theme that showed up more frequently in the 1990s is that of virtual reality, a computer-generated world within which people interact with each other and with computer-created constructs. It has elements of both cyberpunk and alternate worlds and often features game-playing. Bova, Ben Death Dream. Chalker, Jack L. The Wonderland Gambit series. Friesner, Esther The Sherwood Game. Hogan, James P. Bug Park. McCarthy, Wil Murder in the Solid State. Stephenson, Neal The Diamond Age, or, Young Lady's Illustrated Primer. Williams, Tad Otherworld series. Williams, Walter Jon Aristoi.

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Robots, Androids, Cyborgs The robot is a machine, usually with a somewhat human form, but purely mechanical. An android is an artificial human, organic in composition. A cyborg is a human altered with artificial parts to perform certain functions or modified to exist in conditions inimical to human life. The computer is essential to all three forms. Pervading all stories of robots, androids, and cyborgs is the often tricky problem of the interrelationship of human and machine. One bit of science fiction folklore exists for the robot: Asimov's three laws of robotics. 1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2. A robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the first law. 3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first or second law. The robots in the following works are more sophisticated than those now available and give intriguing hints of possible futures. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, with its monster put together from various and sundry parts and reanimated by science, is a precursor of this subgenre. Allen, Roger MacBride Caliban. Asimov, Isaac I, Robot. Caves of Steel. Barnes, John Mother of Storms. Bayley, Barrington J. The Garments of Caean. Benford, Gregory Great Sky River. Bester, Alfred Golem 100. Dick, Philip K. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? We Can Build You. Harrison, Harry War with the Robots.

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Laumer, Keith A Plague of Demons. Leiber, Fritz The Silver Eggheads. Lem, Stanislaw The Cyberiad. McCaffrey, Anne The Ship Who Sang. Partnership. Written with Margaret Ball. The Ship Who Searched. Written with Mercedes Lackey. The City Who Fought. Written with S. M. Stirling. The Ship Who Won. Written with Jody Lynn Nye. Pohl, Frederik Man Plus. Saberhagen, Fred The Berserker series. Constructed to annihilate all forms of life, these interstellar killing machines do NOT follow Asimov's laws of robotics. Sawyer, Robert J. The Terminal Experiment. Shelley, Mary Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus. Not mechanical, but who can resist the first artificial man? Silverberg, Robert Tower of Glass. Simak, Clifford D. City. Time and Again. A Choice of Gods. Sladek, John Roderick. Roderick at Random. Tik Tok. Stirling, S. M. The Ship Avenged. Set, with permission, in Anne McCaffrey's Brain-Brawn Universe.

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Van Vogt, A. E. Mission to the Stars. Watson, Ian The Cyborg and the Sorcerer. The Wizard and the War Machine. Zindell, David Neverness. Social Criticism The sociological bases of human society are an insistent theme in science fiction, notably in the projection of utopias and dystopias (see p. 279). Science fiction authors also study the phenomena of social change to anticipate direction and project consequences. The following authors forecast possibilities, however strange the new societies may seem. Aldiss, Brian W. The Dark Light Years. Asimov, Isaac The Gods Themselves. Ballard, J. G. High-Rise. Bear, Greg Moving Mars. Brackett, Leigh The Long Tomorrow. Brunner, John Stand on Zanzibar. Clarke, Arthur C. The City and the Stars. De Camp, L. Sprague Rogue Queen. Delany, Samuel R. Triton. Dick, Philip K. Time out of Joint. Radio Free Albemuth.

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Disch, Thomas M. On Wings of Song. Farmer, Philip José The Lovers. Godwin, Parke The Snake Oil Wars. Waiting for the Galactic Bus. Gunn, James The Joy Markers. Keyes, Daniel Flowers for Algernon. Kingsbury, Donald Courtship Rite. Le Guin, Ursula K. The Left Hand of Darkness. Lem, Stanislaw One Human Minute. A Perfect Vacuum. McDevitt, Jack Ancient Shores. McDonald, Ian Demolition Road. Modesitt, L. E., Jr Adiamante. Niven, Larry, and Jerry Pournelle Oath of Fealty. Panshin, Alexei Rite of Passage. Pohl, Frederik, and Cyril M. Kornbluth The Space Merchants. Roberts, Keith Pavane. Robinson, Spider Mind Killer.

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Simak, Clifford D. City. Tepper, Sheri S. Grass. Varley, John The Ophiuchi Hotline. Wells, H. G. The First Men in the Moon. Wylie, Philip The Disappearance. The Superman The superman in science fiction is not the comic-strip figure. Whether an evolutionary projection of man, an alien, or an immortal god, the superman is endowed with capacities of extraordinary, supersensory, or supernatural mental power and may also possess superhuman physical powers. The relationship between humanity and the superman is uneasy, and many stories show mutual antagonism or a humanity that fears (sometimes for good reason!) supermen. The superman as messiah is also used. As in the following books, this theme is usually accompanied by disturbing philosophical insights. Anderson, Poul Brain Wave. Bester, Alfred The Computer Connection. Bova, Ben Orion. Orion Among the Stars. Clarke, Arthur C. Childhood's End. Henderson, Zenna Pilgrimage. The People: No Different Flesh. Kleier, Glenn The Last Day.

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Kress, Nancy Beggars in Spain. Beggars and Choosers. La Plante, Richard Tegné. Stapledon, Olaf Odd John. Sturgeon, Theodore More Than Human. van Vogt, A. E. Slan. Watson, Ian Alien Embassy. Converts. Williamson, Jack Darker Than You Think. Women in Science Fiction The independent woman has long been a science fiction tradition. Young adult novels were an early arena for strong, independent female characters. Examples of those are Podkayne of Mars, by Robert A. Heinlein (1963), and the Telzey series, by James H. Schmitz (started in 1964). Along the same lines is Unwillingly to Earth, by Pauline Ashwell. Strong women assuming the responsibility for rebuilding civilization after an apocalypse have been a common theme in science fiction, as evidenced in the Sargent, Tepper, and Wren titles. Bradley, Marion Zimmer Darkover series. Butler, Octavia E. The Parable of the Sower. The Parable of the Talents. Elgin, Suzette Harden Native Tongue series. McIntyre, Vonda N. Dreamsnake. Moon, Elizabeth Heris Serrano series.

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Russ, Joanna The Female Man. An early classic. Sargent, Pamela The Shore of Women. Tepper, Sheri S. Gate to Women's Country. Weber, David Honor Harrington series. Wren, M. K. A Gift upon the Shore. Bioengineering One of the hottest topics in the news and in science fiction has been the incredible changes in the biological sciences when teamed with technology. Genetic screening has led to genetic manipulation. Cloning of mammals has been done. With each leap in science the ''what ifs" in science fiction grow. Bujold, Lois McMaster Falling Free. Bioengineered humans are rendered obsolete by changes in technology. Freireich, Valerie J. Becoming Human. Testament. Imposter. Goonan, Kathleen Ann The Bones of Time. Cen, a young runaway in Honolulu of 2007, is bewitched by visits from Kaiulani, the last princess of Hawaii. A romantic obsession develops, leading him to a mathematical trail to achieve time travel. In 2034, Lynn, a scientist, estranged from her prominent family, meets another young man, 13-year-old Akamu, the spitting image of the long-dead King Kamehameha. She saves him from being murdered and flees with him to China and then to Tibet and Thailand as he tries to reconstruct Cen's mathematical proofs. Harris, Anne L. Accidental Creatures. Kress, Nancy Maximum Light. Told from the viewpoints of a rebellious young woman, a dying doctor, and a gay young dancer, this story takes readers into a world where humanity is on the brink of extinction due to mutations and an alarming decline in the birthrate. Unable to nurture children, many people turn to surrogates, leading to a criminal underground experimenting with illegal genetic manipulations. Beggars in Spain. Beggars and Choosers. Genetic manipulation has created a race of people who need no sleep and are extra-intelligent and beautiful.

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McAuley, Paul J. Fairyland. Extinct pets are replaced with deadly artificial constructs. Ore, Rebecca Gaia's Toys. Ransom, Bill Viravax. Burn. Young, Jim Armed Memory. Body modifications lead to a criminal race of human sharks who dominate the crime scene. Love and Sex The two themes of love and sex were late bloomers for science fiction and are often still of secondary or minor interest. They assumed importance and awoke the concern of many science fiction authors with the emergence of the new wave, or the soft sciences, particularly psychology and sociology. A shift in emphasis from a scientific thesis toward human relations, however bizarre the context, increased the scope for the love story and sexual relationships and, incidentally, often gave some muchneeded depth to characterizations. (Sex often introduces some welcome humor: "On Saturn the sexes are three" begins a limerick by B. T. Xerxes, found in Tom Boardman's anthology An ABC of Science Fiction.) The following works are quite specific on the topics of love and sex. Single-sex societies can bring up a number of issues and interesting situations for science fiction. In Lois McMaster Bujold's Ethan of Athos, an obstetrician from an all-male planet is sent out into what he perceives as the perverted heterosexual world to secure new ova needed for survival of the species on his planet. In David Brin's Glory Season, the featured planet was settled by women who did not want to live with men and thus created clone clans. In both books, some of the conflict derives from the necessity for heterosexual contact of some sort. Anderson, Poul Virgin Planet. Atwood, Margaret The Handmaid's Tale. Written by a mainstream author, it won an Arthur C. Clarke Award. Barton, William, and Michael Capobianco Alpha Centauri.

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Charnas, Suzy McKee Motherlines. Furies. Constantine, Storm Wraethu series. Delany, Samuel R. Dhalgren. Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand. Gilman, Carolyn Ives Halfway Human. Griffith, Nicola Slow River. Ammonite. Winner of both Lambda and James Tiptree awards. Heinlein, Robert A. Time Enough for Love. Le Guin, Ursula K. The Left Hand of Darkness. The Dispossessed. Piercy, Marge Woman on the Edge of Time. Pohl, Frederik, and Cyril Kornbluth Search the Sky. Russ, Joanna The Female Man. We Who Are About To . . . Scott, Melissa Shadow Man. Slonczewski, Joan A Door into Ocean. Sturgeon, Theodore Venus Plus X. Tepper, Sheri S. Six Moon Dance.

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Vinge, Joan D. The Snow Queen. The Summer Queen. World's End. Detectives in Science Fiction An intriguing combination of detective and science fiction produces galactic policemen and PIs, human, alien, and mechanical. For a good historical survey, see the chapter "Crime: From Sherlock to Spaceships," in Sam Moskowitz's Strange Horizons. Anthologies collect some of the short stories, and readers may be interested in the following. Asimov, Isaac, Martin H. Greenberg, and Charles G. Waugh, eds. Sherlock Holmes Through Time and Space. Bluejay, 1985. . The 13 Crimes of Science Fiction. Doubleday, 1979. Each of the stories is labeled: Hard-Boiled Detective, Psychic Detective, Spy Story, Analytical Detective, Whodunit, Why-Done-It, Inverted, Locked Room, Cipher, Police Procedural, Trial, Punishment. Dozois, Gardner, and Sheila Williams. Isaac Asimov's Detectives. Ace, 1998. Waugh, Charles G., and Martin H Greenberg, eds. Sci-Fi Private Eye. Roc, 1997. As in the standard detective story, a series detective appears in several of the following examples. Adams, Douglas Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency. The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul. Anderson, Kevin J. Blindfold. Asimov, Isaac The Caves of Steel. The Naked Sun. Robots and Empire. The Robots of Dawn. Features Detective Lije Baley and robot R. Daneel Olivaw. Banks, Iain Feersum Endjinn. Bear, David Keeping Time. "Last of the private eyes" in the twenty-first century.

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Bear, Greg Queen of Angels. Slant. Bester, Alfred The Demolished Man. Features Lincoln Powell, telepathic cop, 2301 A.D. Biggle, Lloyd J., Jr Watchers of the Dark. Features Jan Darzek, PI. Blake, William Dorsey My Time Is Yours. Features Reggie Moon, PI. Carroll, Jerry Jay Inhuman Beings. Features Goodwin Armstrong, PI, ex-cop. Chandler, A. Bertram Bring Back Yesterday. Features John Peterson, PI. Clement, Hal Needle. Dick, Philip K. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Features Rick Deckard, Blade Runner (PI). Dietz, William C. Features McCade, bounty hunter, in a pulpish, action-packed series. Dozois, Gardner, and George Effinger Nightmare Blue. Features Karl Jaeger, last PI on Earth. Foster, Alan Dean Cyber Way. Features a Navajo tribal police officer in the next century. Montezuma Strip. Goulart, Ron Features Jake and Hildy Pace, PIs, twenty-first century, and Zack Tourney, Federal Police Agency. Dr. Scofflaw. Hail Hibbler. The Big Bang. Upside, Downside. Green, Terence M. Blue Limbo. Recently fired from the Toronto police department, Mitch Helwig bullies the hospital into giving his best friend and former supervisor, who has just been gunned down and killed, the "Blue Limbo" treatment, which brings the dead immediately back to

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life for a few weeks in a process that leaves the subject in blue void but able to communicate with the living. Armed with the name of the corrupt cop who murdered his friend, Mitch sets out on a rampage for justice and an attempt to rescue his kidnapped dad. Haiblum, Isidore Nightmare Express. Outerworld. Hamilton, Peter F. Greg Mandel series. Psychic detective. Set in England. Mindstar Rising. A Quantum Murder. The Nano Flower. Hightower, Lynn S. Alien series. Featuring Detective David Silver and his Elaki partner, String. Jones, Gwyneth Flower Dust. Killough, Lee. Featuring Janna Brill and Mama Maxwell Deadly Silents. The Doppelgänger Gambit. Spider Play. Dragon's Teeth. Lem, Stanislaw Tales of Pirx the Pilot. "Technological detective stories." Lieberman, Herbert Sandman. MacLean, Katherine Missing Man. Featuring George Sanford, telepathic PI. McQuay, Mike Mathew Swain series. Private investigator, twenty-first century. Niven, Larry Gil "The Arm" Hamilton. The Patchwork Girl. Flatlander: The Collected Tales of Gil "The Arm" Hamilton. Nolan, William F. Space for Hire. Featuring Sam Space, PI.

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Panshin, Alexei Star Well. Reaves, J. Michael Darkworld Detective. Featuring Kamus of Kadizar, PI. Robb, J. D. Lieutenant Eve Dallas series. Twenty-first century. Shatner, William Tek series. Tekwar. Teklords. Teklab. Tek Secret. Tek Power. Tek Money. Tek Kill. Tek Net. Spruill, Steven G. The Psychopath Plague. The Imperator Plot. Featuring a detective team of a human and an alien. Stableford, Brian Inherit the Earth. Tucker, Wilson Novellas: "To the Tombaugh Station." "Time Exposure." Vance, Jack Miro Hetzel. Wallace, Ian The Purloined Prince. Deathstar Voyage. The Sign of the Mute Medusa. Featuring Claudine St. Eyre, detective. Williams, Walter Jon Rock of Ages. Featuring Jake Maijstral, burglar. Zahn, Timothy A Coming of Age.

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Shared Worlds While much more common in fantasy than in science fiction, the shared world, a collaboration of authors either working together or building on the work of another author, does appear. Often shared worlds are based on characters and worlds created for film or video games. Alien Nation series. Based on the television series. Barry Longyear, Peter David, and K. W. Jeter are among the authors who have written books for the series. Alien series. Based on the motion picture series. Babylon 5. Based on the television series. Battlestar Galactica. Based on the 1970s television series. Battletech. Bolos. Dr. Who. Based on the British television series. Foster, Alan Dean. The Dig. Based on a computer game from LucasArts. Man-Kzin Wars. Based on a world created by Larry Niven. Star Trek. Multiple series inspired by the multiple television series. Star Wars. Inspired by the world created in the motion picture series but going far beyond it. Authors include Timothy Zahn, Michael A. Stackpole, Vonda N. McIntyre, Kevin J. Anderson, Barbara Hambly, Brian Daley, A. C. Crispin, Roger MacBride Allen, and others. Science Fantasy This term is not easy to define. While science fiction basically subscribes to the laws of nature as we know them, science fantasy invents new laws, new nature, a new cosmology. There was a close relationship between science fiction and fantasy in the early development of the genre (magazine titles such as The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fantastic Science Fiction, and Science Fantasy indicate the merging), and the current writers of science fiction may intermingle science fiction and fantasy. Some authors write both. (There is an arbitrary separation of some types of works into the later chapters on fantasy, Chapter 7, and horror, Chapter 8, while alternate and parallel worlds, time travel, and other fantasy themes are included in this chapter.) The following few authors illustrate an approach to science fiction now used by many authors. Bradbury, Ray Martian Chronicles. Bradley, Marion Zimmer Darkover series. A fully imagined world that has telepathic residents.

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Brown, Fredric Martians Go Home. Butler, Octavia E. Wild Seed. Delany, Samuel R. Neverÿona: Or, The Tale of Signs and Cities. Gentle, Mary Golden Witchbreed. Ancient Light. Jones, Diana Wynne A Sudden Wild Magic. Hexwood. McCaffrey, Anne Crystal Singer. Killashandra. Dragonriders of Pern series. Silverberg, Robert Lord Valentine's Castle. Majipoor Chronicles. Valentine Pontifex. Smith, Cordwainer Norstrilia. Spinrad, Norman Child of Fortune. The Void Captain's Tale. Williams, Walter Jon. Metropolitan. City on Fire. Wolfe, Gene The Book of the New Sun. The Shadow of the Torturer. The Claw of the Conciliator. The Sword of the Lictor. The Citadel of the Autarch.

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Parody and Comedy Despite the serious tenor of most science fiction, there is a persistent stream of comedy and parody. Parody is the delight of the sophisticated reader, who will come across instances naturally. Adams, Douglas The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The Restaurant at the End of the Universe. Life, the Universe and Everything. So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish. Mostly Harmless. Aldiss, Brian The Eighty-Minute Hour: A Space Opera. Brown, Fredric Martians Go Home. Harrison, Harry Planet Story. Illustrated by Jim Burns. Bill, the Galactic Hero. Stainless Steel Rat series. Jurasik, Peter, and William H. Keith, Jr Diplomatic Act. Like, Russel C. After the Blue. Pratchett, Terry Discworld series. Some call it science fiction but it is described in this book in "Fantasy" Chapter 7. Pronzini, Bill, and Barry N. Malzberg. Prose Bowl. Robinson, Spider Callahan's Saloon series. Sladek, John The Lunatics of Terra.

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Trout, Kilgore Venus on the Half-Shell. The author is actually Philip José Farmer. Kilgore Trout is a character invented by Kurt Vonnegut. Trout is a writer of science fiction and his works are discussed, with much delightful quotation, in Vonnegut's God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater. (Among the many organizations and fan groups involved in science fiction is the ''Friends of Kilgore Trout.") Weiner, Ellis National Lampoon's Doon. Willis, Connie Bellwether. Topics "Best" Authors and Their Best A list of "best" authors and their best works is impossible to compile except on a subjective basis. Included here are most of the winners of Hugo and Nebula awards and their award-winning titles. Many of these authors are listed as examples earlier in this chapter. Most of the following authors are currently writing or appear regularly on lists of the "best." Many more titles could be listed for most of these authors. The ones listed are those most often cited. A few authors are listed without titles, indicating that critics consider important the influence of the author's work as a whole. James Wallace Harris maintains a wonderful Web site called Science Fiction Classics at (accessed 14 November 1999), where he has compiled a ranked list from seven critical works, six fan polls, and five award lists. Aldiss, Brian The Long Afternoon of Earth. Anderson, Poul Tau Zero. Asimov, Isaac The Gods Themselves. The Foundation trilogy. Barnes, John Mother of Storms. Bester, Alfred The Demolished Man. The Stars My Destination.

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Bishop, Michael No Enemy but Time. Blish, James Cities in Flight. A Case of Conscience. Boucher, Anthony The Compleat Werewolf. Bradbury, Ray The Martian Chronicles. Fahrenheit 451. Brin, David Startide Rising. Brunner, John Squares of the City. Stand on Zanzibar. Budrys, Algis Rogue Moon. Who? Bujold, Lois McMaster The Vor Game. Barrayar. Mirror Dance. Burgess, Anthony A Clockwork Orange. Card, Orson Scott Ender's Game. Cherryh, C. J. Downbelow Station. Cyteen. Clarke, Arthur C. Rendezvous with Rama. Childhood's End. The City and the Stars. Clement, Hal Mission of Gravity.

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Davidson, Avram Or All the Seas with Oysters. Delany, Samuel R. Nova. Babel 17. Dhalgren. Dick, Philip K. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Ubik. The Man in the High Castle. Dickson, Gordon R. Soldier Ask Not. Dorsai! Disch, Thomas M. 334. Ellison, Harlan Short stories: "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream." "The Beast Who Shouted Love at the Heart of the World." Farmer, Philip José To Your Scattered Bodies Go. Gibson, William Neuromancer. Haldeman, Joe The Forever War. Forever Peace. Harrison, Harry Bill, the Galactic Hero. Make Room! Make Room! Heinlein, Robert A. Time for the Stars. Double Star. Glory Road. Starship Troopers. Stranger in a Strange Land. The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress.

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Herbert, Frank Dune. Huxley, Aldous Brave New World. Keyes, Daniel Flowers for Algernon. Knight, Damon Hell's Pavement. Kornbluth, Cyril The Syndic. Kuttner, Henry Mutant. The Dark World. Earth's Last Citadel. Fury. Lafferty, R. A. The Reefs of Earth. Past Master. Le Guin, Ursula K. The Left Hand of Darkness. The Dispossessed. Leiber, Fritz The Wanderer. A Spectre Is Haunting Texas. Malzberg, Barry N. Beyond Apollo. Matheson, Richard I Am Legend. The Shrinking Man. May, Julian The Many-Colored Land. McCaffrey, Anne Dragonflight. Restoree. The Ship Who Sang.

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McIntyre, Vonda N. Dreamsnake. Miller, Walter M., Jr A Canticle for Leibowitz. Niven, Larry Neutron Star. Ringworld. The Integral Trees. Orwell, George 1984. Pangborn, Edgar A Mirror for Observers. Davy. Panshin, Alexei Rite of Passage. Pohl, Frederik Man Plus. Gateway. Pohl, Frederik, and Cyril Kornbluth The Space Merchants. Roberts, Keith Pavane. Robinson, Kim Stanley Red Mars. Green Mars. Blue Mars. Russ, Joanna And Chaos Died. Shute, Nevil On the Beach. Silverberg, Robert Dying Inside.

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Simak, Clifford D. Way Station. City. Here Gather the Stars. Simmons, Dan Hyperion. The Rise of Endymion. Smith, Cordwainer Norstrilia. Spinrad, Norman The Iron Dream. Stapledon, Olaf Last and First Men. Stephenson, Neal Snow Crash. The Diamond Age. Strugatsky, Arkady, and Boris Strugatsky Roadside Picnic. Sturgeon, Theodore More Than Human. The Dreaming Jewels. Tiptree, James, Jr Vance, Jack The Dying Earth. Eyes of the Overworld. van Vogt, A. E. The World of Null-A. Slan. Verne, Jules 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Vonnegut, Kurt Sirens of Titan. Slaughterhouse Five. Cat's Cradle.

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Wells, H. G. The Time Machine. War of the Worlds. Wilhelm, Kate Let the Fire Fall. Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang. Williamson, Jack The Humanoids. Willis, Connie The Doomsday Book. Wolfe, Gene The Claw of the Conciliator. The Citadel of the Autarch. Wyndham, John The Midwich Cuckoos. Day of the Triffids. Rebirth. Zelazny, Roger Lord of Light. Isle of the Dead. The Dream Master. The Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth. Anthologies The best way to become acquainted with the characteristics of authors in the science fiction genre, and particularly with the work of new authors, is through anthologies. Both the theme anthologies and the critical and historical collections may have stories from all periods and often suffer from repetition of much-anthologized pieces. The short story is a very popular form in both science fiction and fantasy. Although the following listing of anthologies is long, it is by no means exhaustive. The essential reference tool for contending with the massive number of short stories is William Contento's Index to Science Fiction Anthologies and Collections, which after 1984 became part of an annual published by Locus Press, called simply Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror. The entire run is available on a CD-ROM titled The Locus Index to Science Fiction (19841997). The Index to Science Fiction Anthologies and Collections, covering short stories published before 1984, is also available on CDROM.

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Bear, Greg, ed. New Legends. Tor, 1995. Boucher, Anthony, ed. A Treasury of Great Science Fiction. Doubleday, 1959. 2 vols. A classic anthology that is still in some libraries. Bova, Ben, et al. Future Quartet: Earth in the Year 2042, a Four-Part Invention. Avon Books, 1994. Cholfin, Bryan, ed. The Best of Crank. Tor, 1998. Datlow, Ellen, ed. Omni Visions. Omni Books, 1993. Dozois, Gardner. Modern Classics of Science Fiction. St. Martin's Press, 1993. Elliot, Elton. Nanodreams. Baen, 1995. Ellison, Harlan, ed. Dangerous Visions. Doubleday, 1967; Again, Dangerous Visions. Doubleday, 1972. Groundbreaking anthologies that continue to be read. Gunn, James, ed. Road to Science Fiction: Volume 1. From Gilgamesh to Wells. New American Library, 1979. Volume 2. From Wells to Heinlein. New American Library, 1979. Volume 3. From Heinlein to Here. New American Library, 1979. Volume 4. From Here to Forever. Mentor, 1982. Volume 5. The British Way. Borealis, 1998. Volume 6. Around the World. White Wolf, 1998. Earlier volumes have been reissued by White Wolf. The first four volumes document the history of science fiction through the short story. Lapine, Warren, and Stephen Pagel, eds. Absolute Magnitude. Tor, 1997. Le Guin, Ursula K., and Brian Attebery, eds. The Norton Book of Science Fiction: North American Science Fiction, 19601990. W. W. Norton, 1993. Mohan, Kim, ed. More Amazing Stories. Tor, 1998. Pringle, David, ed. The Best of Interzone. St. Martin's Press, 1997. Rusch, Kristine Kathryn, ed. The Best of Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine. St. Martin's Press, 1991. Rusch, Kristine Kathryn, and Edward L. Ferman, eds. The Best from Fantasy & Science Fiction: A 45th Anniversary Anthology. St. Martin's Press, 1994. Serling, Carol, ed. Journeys to the Twilight Zone. DAW, 1993. Shippey, T. A., ed. The Oxford Book of Science Fiction Stories. Oxford University Press, 1992. Turner, Alice K., ed. The Playboy Book of Science Fiction. HarperPrism, 1998.

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Theme Anthologies The following anthologies provide an intriguing introduction to the imaginative variety of attitudes on most of the themes explored and to the authors in the genre. Themes are noted in the following list, unless the title is self-explanatory. Asimov, Isaac, et al., eds. Machines That Think: The Best Science Fiction Stories About Robots and Computers. Holt, 1983. Republished as War with the Robots. Wings, 1992. Bujold, Lois McMaster, ed. Women at War. Tor, 1997. Datlow, Ellen, ed. Alien Sex: 19 Tales by Masters of Science Fiction and Dark Fantasy. Dutton, 1990. Drake, David, and Billie Sue Mosiman, eds. Armageddon. Baen, 1998. Greeley, Andrew M., and Michael Cassuth, eds. Sacred Visions. Tor, 1991. Greenberg, Martin Harry, ed. Dinosaurs. Donald I. Fine, 1996. Griffith, Nicola, and Stephen Pagel, eds. Bending the Landscape: Science Fiction. Overlook Press, 1998. Hartwell, David G., ed. Christmas Stars. Tor, 1992. Hartwell, David G., and Kathryn Cramer, eds. The Ascent of Wonder: The Evolution of Hard SF. Tor, 1994. Manson, Cynthia, and Charles Ardai, eds. Aliens and UFOs: Extraterrestrial Tales from Asimov's Science Fiction and Fact. Smithmark, 1993. Preiss, Byron, and Robert Silverberg, eds. The Ultimate Dinosaur: Past, Present, Future. Bantam, 1992. Robinson, Kim Stanley, ed. Future Primitive: The New Ectopias. Tor, 1994. Smith, David Alexander, ed. Future Boston: The History of a City, 19902100. Tor, 1994. Turtledove, Harry, Elizabeth Moon, and Roland Green, eds. Alternate Generals. Pocket, 1998. (alternate history). Additional access to reading by theme may be found through the "Checklist of Themes" in The Science Fiction Encyclopedia, edited by Peter Nicholls (see "Encyclopedias," p. 336, for a fuller description). For each theme, the encyclopedia article provides definition, history, and criticism of the treatment of the theme in general literature as well as in science fiction, including the key works (both short stories and novels). Most of the themes analyzed in this chapter are listed, and the following is a short selection to indicate the diverse approaches available to the reader: black holes, clones, communications, cosmology, cryonics, discovery and invention, genetic engineering, mathematics, metaphysics, mutants, politics, psychology, reincarnation, terraforming, time paradoxes, war, and weather control. The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, edited by Brian Ash (see "Encyclopedias"), is arranged under themes and has a similar access to both novels and short stories. There are 19 major themes,

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with further subdivisions under each theme (e.g., under "Warfare and Weaponry" is a subdivision "War with the Aliens"). The major themes are spacecraft and star drives; exploration and colonies; biologies and environments; warfare and weaponry; galactic empires; future and alternative histories; utopias and nightmares; cataclysms and dooms; lost and parallel worlds; time and nth dimensions; technologies and artifacts; cities and cultures; robots and androids; computers and cybernetics; mutants and symbiotes; telepathy, psionics, and ESP; sex and taboos; religion and myths; inner space. Anthology Series For decades the anthology series was of major importance in science fiction. Many libraries still have the old anthology series on their shelves, and they continue to be used. Most of the series have now been discontinued for a number of years. For a more comprehensive listing of anthology series, consult earlier editions of Genreflecting. The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction. The 24th and last series was published in 1982, but there were 40th and 45th anniversary editions published by St. Martin's Press in 1989 and 1994. Full Spectrum. Number 5 was published in 1995. L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future. Number 12 was published in 1996. Nebula Award Stories. 1965. Number 31 was published in 1997. Starlight. Edited by Patrick Nielsen Hayden. 1996. Number 2 was published in 1998. The Year's Best Science Fiction. Edited by Gardner Dozois. Number 14 was published in 1997. Bibliographies Most of the following books include authors who write both science fiction and fantasy. Good bio-bibliographical listings are to be found in The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and The Science Fiction Encyclopedia (see "Encyclopedias," p. 336). The following annotations indicate whether the books include any considerable historical and critical material as well. Ash, Brian. Who's Who in Science Fiction. Taplinger, 1976. Brief bio-bibliographical listings with critical evaluations of characteristics of a science fiction writer. Prefaced with a "Chronological Guide: 100 Leading Writers and Editors in Their Main Periods of Production," from 1800 to the 1970s. Barron, Neil, ed. Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction. 4th ed. Bowker, 1994. Critically annotated author listings are grouped by period or type with introductory essays: "The Emergence of Science Fiction: The Beginnings to the 1920s," by Thomas Clareson; "Science Fiction Between the Wars: 19181938," by Brian Stablefield; "The

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Modern Period: 19381980,'' by Joe De Bolt and John R. Pfeiffer; "Children's Science Fiction," by Francis J. Molson; "Foreign Language Science Fiction," by several authors, covering German, French, Russian, Italian, Japanese, and Chinese. "Research Aids" includes chapters on indexes, bibliographies, history and criticism, author studies, film and television, illustration, classroom aids, magazines, library collections, and a core collection checklist. Bloom, Harold. Classic Science Fiction Writers. Chelsea House, 1995. Burgess, Michael. Reference Guide to Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror. Libraries Unlimited, 1992. A comprehensive guide to secondary materials. Pringle, David. Science Fiction: The 100 Best Novels. 2d ed. Carroll & Graf, 1997. The titles are presented chronologically, each with full, and very readable, story analysis and critical evaluation. Michael Moorcock's foreword (to the first edition) suggests that while anyone might quarrel with some of the selections, most readers would agree on at least 50, "an excellent percentage." . The Ultimate Guide to Science Fiction. Pharos Books/St. Martin's Press, 1990. Science fiction enthusiasts will enjoy paging through Pringle's work. It provides brief synopses of all the major (and some of the minor) science fiction novels and short stories written in English since the term science fiction was coined (approximately 1929). In the introduction, Pringle pokes fun at science fiction clichés and outlines the beginnings of science fiction writing. He explains the structure of every entry and evaluates each work. Where appropriate, he includes the names of sequels, related works, film versions, and author pen names. Occasionally he also inserts quotations from other science fiction critics. The A-to-Z list contains nearly 3,000 entries. Works are arranged alphabetically by title. To enable readers to quickly find an entry, Pringle uses two types of cross-references: variant titles for the same books and parent novels of series or related works. Reginald, R. Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature: A Checklist, 17001974. Gale, 1979. Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature, 19751991: A Bibliography of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Fiction Books and Nonfiction Monographs. Gale, 1993. Cites approximately 22,000 monographs. Lists series titles, awards, and other topics of interest to readers. Watson, Noelle, and Paul E. Schellinger, eds. Twentieth-Century Science Fiction Writers. St. James Press, 1991. Encyclopedias The following encyclopedias contain extensive bibliographical, historical, and critical material. Clute, John. Science Fiction: The Illustrated Encyclopedia. DK Publishing, 1995. While not exactly an encyclopedia, this lavishly illustrated browsing book does an outstanding job of placing science fiction in a historical context.

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Clute, John, and Peter Nicholls. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. St. Martin's Press, 1995. The essential guide to science fiction lists trends, authors, titles, terminology, and much more in narrative and pictures. It has 4,360 entries. Alphabetical arrangement of themes, biography, and other topics, with many cross-references. Historical and critical, with extensive bibliographical material. Biographical listings for many little-known authors. Many of the articles are extended critical essays. Gunn, James, ed. The New Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Viking-Penguin, 1988. Summaries, criticism, and bibliographical and historical information on people, books, topics, trends, and films in science fiction. Dictionaries Rogow, Roberta. FutureSpeak: A Fan's Guide to the Language of Science Fiction. Paragon House, 1991. An overall survey of the world of science fiction, from books to movies to fandom. Stableford, Brian M., ed. The Dictionary of Science Fiction Places. Fireside, 1999. The history, geography, and inhabitants of more than 15,000 imaginary places that were created by 250 authors. History Science fiction history may start either in classical literature or in the nineteenth century, depending on an author's definition of the genre. Many of the following books are critical to the point of being controversial. They are written by authors of the genre and by fans, both lay and academic. In addition to the following books, the reader will find historical material in "Encyclopedias" and in "Criticism." Ackerman, Forrest J. Forrest J. Ackerman's World of Science Fiction. General Publishing Group, 1997. A highly personalized view of the history of science fiction written by the fan who coined the term sci-fi. Alkon, Paul K. Science Fiction Before 1900: Imagination Discovers Technology. Twayne, 1994. Landon, Brooks. Science Fiction After 1900: From the Steam Man to the Stars. Twayne, 1997. Perret, Patti. The Faces of Science Fiction: Photographs. Bluejay Books, 1984. Introduction by Gene Wolfe. With short essays by the featured authors.

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Criticism The quantity of critical exposition on science fiction is daunting. The quality of it varies from the fan popular to the academic obscurant, with, fortunately, some lively and imaginative discussion in between, by both authors of the genre and fans in the academic world. The following is merely a sampling that demonstrates the wealth of commentary available. Asimov, Isaac. Asimov's Galaxy: Reflections on Science Fiction. Doubleday, 1989. Essays published as editorials in Isaac Asimov's science fiction magazine. Bleiler, Everett F., ed. Science Fiction Writers: Critical Studies of the Major Authors from the Early Nineteenth Century to the Present Day. Scribner's, 1982. Seventy-six authors analyzed in essays by various writers. Bloom, Harold, ed. Classic Science Fiction Writers. Chelsea House. 1995. History, criticism, and bio-bibliography of Edward Bellamy, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Aldous Huxley, C. S. Lewis, Jack London, H. P. Lovecraft, George Orwell, Edgar Allan Poe, Mary Shelley, Olaf Stapledon, and H. G. Wells. Disch, Thomas M. The Dreams Our Stuff Is Made Of: How Science Fiction Conquered the World. Free Press, 1998. Fletcher, Marilyn P., ed. Readers' Guide to Twentieth-Century Science Fiction. American Library Association, 1989. Hartwell, David G. Age of Wonders: Exploring the World of Science Fiction. Tor, 1996. Hassler, Donald M., and Clyde Wilcox, eds. Political Science Fiction. University of South Carolina Press, 1997. Landon, Brooks. Science Fiction After 1900: From the Steam Man to the Stars. Twayne, 1997. Le Guin, Ursula K. The Language of the Night: Essays on Fantasy and Science Fiction. HarperCollins, 1992. McCaffery, Larry. Across the Wounded Galaxies: Interviews with Contemporary American Science Fiction Writers. University of Illinois Press, 1990. Covers Gregory Benford, William S. Burroughs, Octavia E. Butler, Samuel R. Delany, Thomas M. Disch, William Gibson, Ursula K. Le Guin, Joanna Russ, Bruce Sterling, and Gene Wolfe. Sanders, Joe, ed. Science Fiction Fandom. Greenwood, 1994. Shippey, T. A., ed. Magill's Guide to Science Fiction and Fantasy. Salem Press, 1996. 4 vols. Spinrad, Norman. Science Fiction in the Real World. Southern Illinois University Press, 1990.

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Writers' Manuals The following are meant to instruct writers but are also illuminating for the reader of the science fiction genre. Bova, Ben. The Craft of Writing Science Fiction That Sells. Writer's Digest Books, 1994. Card, Orson Scott. How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy. Writer's Digest Books, 1990. Costello, Matthew J. How to Write Science Fiction. Paragon House, 1992. Dozois, Gardner, ed. Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy. St. Martin's Press, 1991. Ochoa, George, and Jeffrey Osier. The Writer's Guide to Creating a Science Fiction Universe. Writer's Digest Books, 1993. Scott, Melissa. Conceiving the Heavens: Creating the Science Fiction Novel. Heinemann, 1997. Spinrad, Norman. Staying Alive: A Writer's Guide. Donning, 1983. Magazines Of the hundreds of science fiction and fantasy magazines started since the 1920s, few have survived. The multitude of original paperback anthologies possibly contributed to their demise. However, a few magazines are still successful, serving as an important showcase for new authors. Most contain reviews, critical articles, and scientific explication. (For a full history of the magazines, see "Encyclopedias," p. 336.) The following magazines usually include fantasy; they also provide reviews and often columns or articles on science. Amazing Stories. 1926. Analog. (Astounding Science Fiction). 1930. Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine. 1977. Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. 1949. Reviews Most of the magazines and fanzines of science fiction contain reviews. There are, however, a few other outstanding sources of reviews. Locus P.O. Box 13305 Oakland, CA 94661

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Published monthly, Locus lists all SF and fantasy published in English. Seven accomplished reviewers discuss not only booklength fiction but also short stories. Author interviews, news of events and personalities, bibliographies, and the highly respected Locus Poll also make it very useful. New York Review of Science Fiction Dragon Press P.O. Box 570 Pleasantville, NY 10570 (accessed 15 November 1999) Essays and articles in addition to reviews. Science Fiction Chronicle P.O. Box 022730 Brooklyn, NY 11202-0056 Monthly publication of reviews and science fiction news. This is also a good source for up-to-date information on awards. VOYA: Voice of Youth Advocates Scarecrow Press 4720A Boston Way Lanham, MD 20706 A bimonthly that reviews books for young adults, and has remarkably good coverage of science fiction, fantasy, and horror paperback originals. Associations and Conventions Associations European Science Fiction Society. Formed in 1972, it has a membership of fans from several European countries and meets at an annual convention. The National Science Fiction and Fantasy Society. A Canadian organization. Membership consists of science fiction and fantasy professionals, readers, writers, other media artists, and enthusiasts. The Society carries out activities to promote awareness, appreciation, and growth of speculative fiction and other imaginative works in Canada. Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America. The association was founded in 1965. It sponsors the annual "Nebula" awards for several categories of science fiction writing. The group's motto is "The Future Isn't What It Used to Be." Science Fiction Research Association. Has an academic and research orientation but is open to all. SF Canada. Formerly called the Speculative Writers' Association of Canada. Open to published authors.

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Conventions Fans and writers form many associations and hold innumerable conventions, usually combining science fiction and fantasy, and often adding horror and the supernatural. "Con" is usually part of the conference name. They are listed in science fiction magazines and on the Internet. The SF Site at (accessed 15 November 1999) does an exceptionally good job of listing "cons." World Science Fiction Convention ("WorldCon"). The first was held in 1939; the 57th was held in Melbourne, Australia, in 1999. Awards Awards are generally reported in the various science fiction magazines as soon as possible after the results are announced. For a comprehensive listing of awards up to 1990, consult Reginald's Science Fiction and Fantasy Awards: A Comprehensive Guide to the Awards and Their Winners, by Daryl F. Mallett and R. Reginald (Borgo, 1991). Currently the easiest way to find award information is on the World Wide Web. ISFDB Award Listings: (accessed 15 November 1999) Award Web: (accessed 15 November 1999) Lists of award-winning titles can be found in several of the previously listed bibliographies, histories, and encyclopedias. The following are the bestknown major awards for science fiction: Arthur C. Clarke Award. Awarded for the best British science fiction novel from the previous year. Compton Crook Award. Awarded by the Baltimore Science Fiction Society for the best first novel of science fiction (including fantasy). Ditmar. Australian science fiction award. Hugo. Awarded at World Science Fiction Conventions. Named after Hugo Gernsback, it is voted on by members of the annual WorldCon; in other words, the winner is selected by readers of science fiction. One of the most prestigious awards, it is a reflection of fan opinion. James Tiptree, Jr. Award. Named for Alice Sheldon, who wrote under this male pseudonym, this award is presented for science fiction and fantasy that looks at gender in a different way. The James Tiptree, Jr. Award is "given to the work of science fiction or fantasy published in one year which best explores or expands gender roles." Locus. Is awarded as a result of a poll taken among the subscribers to Locus.

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Nebula. Awarded by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America. The winners are selected by a vote of the members of the organization. A prerequisite of membership is the publication of a work of science fiction, fantasy, or horror by the candidate. Membership in SFWA is open only to published authors in the field, making this prestigious award a writers' award that reflects high literary merit. Philip K. Dick Award. Awarded to a science fiction or fantasy book published in paperback. It is administered by the Philadelphia SF Society. Prix Aurora Award. Given to the best in Canadian science fiction and fantasy. Sapphire Award for Best SF Romance of the Year. Sponsored by the SF Romance Newsletter. (accessed 20 January 2000). The SFWA Hall of Fame (The Grand Masters). The following are winners of the Grand Master award: Robert A. Heinlein 1974 (deceased) Jack Williamson 1975 Clifford D. Simak 1976 (deceased) L. Sprague de Camp 1978 Fritz Leiber 1981 (deceased) Andre Norton 1983 Arthur C. Clarke 1985 Isaac Asimov 1986 (deceased) Alfred Bester 1987 (deceased) Ray Bradbury 1988 Lester del Rey 1990 (deceased) Frederik Pohl 1992 Damon Knight 1994 A. E. van Vogt 1995 Jack Vance 1996 Poul Anderson 1997 Hal Clement 1998 Locus Poll of Best Science Fiction Ever (Compiled in 1987) The Locus polls are a terrific window into what American science fiction readers really like. Voting eligibility does not require publication credits like the Nebula or a large chunk of money to support the annual World Con like the Hugo, although I suspect that many of the voters in the Locus poll also vote in one or both of the other major awards. The following list includes the top 42 vote recipients from the last "best ever" poll. It is to be hoped that another will be done in the near future.

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Most science fiction aficionados will have already read most of the books in this list. 1. Dune, Frank Herbert 2. The Left Hand of Darkness, Ursula K. Le Guin 3. Childhood's End, Arthur C. Clarke 4. The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, Robert A. Heinlein 5. Stranger in a Strange Land, Robert A. Heinlein 6. The Foundation trilogy, Isaac Asimov 7. A Canticle for Leibowitz, Walter M. Miller Jr. 8. Gateway, Frederik Pohl 9. Ringworld, Larry Niven 10. The Stars My Destination, Alfred Bester 11. Lord of Light, Roger Zelazny 12. More Than Human, Theodore Sturgeon 13. The Mote in God's Eye, Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle 14. The Man in the High Castle, Philip K. Dick 15. The Time Machine, H. G. Wells 16. Stand on Zanzibar, John Brunner 17. The Dispossessed, Ursula K. Le Guin 18. The Demolished Man, Alfred Bester/The Forever War, Joe Haldeman (tie) 19. The Martian Chronicles, Ray Bradbury 20. Starship Troopers, Robert A. Heinlein 21. Dying Inside, Robert Silverberg 22. Dhalgren, Samuel R. Delany 23. Time Enough for Love, Robert A. Heinlein 24. Rendezvous with Rama, Arthur C. Clarke/Way Station, Clifford D. Simak (tie) 25. To Your Scattered Bodies Go, Philip José Farmer 26. Earth Abides, George R. Stewart 27. The Door into Summer, Robert A. Heinlein 28. City, Clifford D. Simak

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29. The Witches of Karres, James H. Schmitz 30. The City and the Stars, Arthur C. Clarke 31. The Caves of Steel, Isaac Asimov 32. 1984, George Orwell 33. Norstrilia, Cordwainer Smith 34. Mission of Gravity, Hal Clement 35. Ubik, Philip K. Dick 36. 2001: A Space Odyssey, Arthur C. Clarke/Timescape, Gregory Benford (tie) `37. Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury 38. Downbelow Station, C. J. Cherryh 39. The War of the Worlds, H. G. Wells 40. Last and First Men, Olaf Stapledon 41. Double Star, Robert A. Heinlein 42. Davy, Edgar Pangborn Locus Annual Best SF Novel Following are winners of the "Best SF Novel" poll. The year of each poll is listed first, with the publication year after the author's name. 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984

Ringworld, Larry Niven, 1970 The Lathe of Heaven, Ursula K. Le Guin, 1971 The Gods Themselves, Isaac Asimov, 1972 Rendezvous with Rama, Arthur C. Clarke, 1973 The Dispossessed, Ursula K. Le Guin, 1974 The Forever War, Joe Haldeman, 1974 Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang, Kate Wilhelm, 1976 Gateway, Frederik Pohl, 1977 Dreamsnake, Vonda N. McIntyre, 1978 Titan, John Varley, 1979 The Snow Queen, Joan D. Vinge, 1980 The Many-Colored Land, Julian May, 1981 Foundation's Edge, Isaac Asimov, 1982 Startide Rising, David Brin, 1983

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1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

The Integral Trees, Larry Niven, 1984 The Postman, David Brin, 1985 Speaker for the Dead, Orson Scott Card, 1986 The Uplift War, David Brin, 1987 Cyteen, C. J. Cherryh, 1988 Hyperion, Dan Simmons, 1989 The Fall of Hyperion, Dan Simmons, 1990 Barrayar, Lois McMaster Bujold, 1991 Doomsday Book, Connie Willis, 1992 Green Mars, Kim Stanley Robinson, 1993 Mirror Dance, Lois McMaster Bujold, 1994 The Diamond Age, Neal Stephenson, 1995 Blue Mars, Kim Stanley Robinson, 1996 The Rise of Endymion, Dan Simmons, 1997

Science Fiction Book Clubs There are two major SF book clubs, one in the United States and one in Britain. The British club reprints or distributes the publisher's hardcover edition. The U.S. club, owned by Doubleday Direct, publishes hardcover club editions of both hardcover and paperback originals and also original omnibus editions. The clubs issue an extensive number of titles and are an important source of hardcover editions for libraries. The Science Fiction Book Club has a Web site at (accessed 15 November 1999). Publishers For years, science fiction was published most extensively in paperback, with a few of the "big" authors and major anthologies coming out in hardcover. As the acceptance (and commercial success) of science fiction has grown, hardcover publication has increased. The advantage to publishing in hardcover is that the books have a better chance of being reviewed and of reaching a mainstream audience. On the other hand, science fiction fans really do seem to like the paperback versions better. It is not uncommon on the Internet to find correspondence from a reader asking if a specific title is so essential to read immediately that it should be purchased in hardcover; the reader will usually wait for the paperback edition. Science fiction readers have also been known to donate hardcover copies of a title when the paperback is released because they can then purchase the size that keeps their collection consistent!

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Anthologies appear widely in both formats. Critical works, which used to be issued largely in hardcover, are now appearing regularly in both formats also. Illustrated science fiction novels (as well as fantasy) are published in both formats but, notably, in greater numbers in paperback originals. The following publishers issue science fiction, in most cases both originals and reprints. Special series are noted. The list is selective because there are many publishers that issue an occasional science fiction title only. Ace Arkham House Avon Eos Baen Books Bantam/Doubleday/Dell Bluejay Books. Now defunct, they did, however, issue some great titles that have retained popularity with fans. DAW Del Rey/Ballantine Donald M. Grant Gollancz (London) Harcourt Brace HarperCollins Prism HarperCollins Voyager (UK) Headline New American Library Orbit Penguin USA Putnam/Berkley/Ace Roc Simon and Schuster/Pocket Spectra (Bantam) St. Martin's Press Tor Books. The publisher most often selected by readers of Locus as the best. Underwood Warner White Wolf Zebra Pinnacle

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Online Resources Ace Books, from Putnam Berkley: (accessed 15 November 1999). Select Science Fiction/Fantasy from the Category pulldown menu and click on search. It will take you to the listings by title. Avon Eos: (accessed 20 January 2000). Baen: (accessed 20 January 2000). Del Rey: (accessed 20 January 2000). E-Scape: The Digital Journal of Speculative Fiction: (accessed 20 January 2000). Feminist Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Utopia: (accessed 20 January 2000). Infinity Plus: The Science Fiction and Fantasy Homepagenovel excerpts, short stories, reviews, and interviews with authors: (accessed 20 January 2000). Internet Speculative Fiction Database: (accessed 20 January 2000). Just Imagine, a bookstore from the Netherlands, listing SF and fantasy: (accessed 20 January 2000). The Locus Index: Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Horror: 19841997. Indexes the magazine, including lists of all books received for review. This is probably the most comprehensive listing of science fiction, fantasy, and horror published since 1984: (accessed 20 January 2000). NESFA Press: (accessed 20 January 2000). Omni Magazine: SF, Fantasy, Horror: (accessed 20 January 2000). Orbit: (accessed 20 January 2000) (for a view of British SF & fantasy publishing). Penguin Putnam, including DAW, Ace, and Roc: (accessed 20 January 2000). Science Fiction Book Club: http://www.sfbc. (accessed 20 January 2000). Science Fiction Weekly: (accessed 20 January 2000). SF Site: The Home Page for Science Fiction and Fantasy. Lots of reviews, tons of information, and a nicely designed site: (accessed 20 January 2000). Spectra: (accessed 20 January 2000). Tor: (accessed 20 January 2000).

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Tristom Cook's Internet Top 100 Science Fiction and Fantasy List: (accessed 20 January 2000). University of Michigan Science Fiction and Fantasy Page: http://www.umich.Edu/~umfandsf/ (accessed 20 January 2000). Voyager, from HarperCollins UK: (accessed 20 January 2000). White Wolf: (accessed 20 January 2000). Wildside List of SF and Fantasy authors pages: (accessed 20 January 2000). D's Science Fiction Picks Asaro, Catherine. The Last Hawk. Bujold, Lois McMaster. Komarr. Gould, Steven. Helm. Stephenson, Neal. The Diamond Age, or, Young Lady's Illustrated Primer. Willis, Connie. To Say Nothing of the Dog.

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Chapter 7 Fantasy

''Difficult truths can sometimes only be told through the medium of fantasy." Lisa Goldstein "The best fantasy is written in the language of dreams. It is alive as dreams are alive, more real than real." George R. R. Martin, Faces of Fantasy, Tor, 1996 "Fantasy was my first love, from the day I learned to read. It deals in the inner truth, the hopes and fears common to all humanity. It forces us to confront our archetypes, the core of our own spirits, our hearts and our minds." Marion Zimmer Bradley, Faces of Fantasy, Tor, 1996 Fantasy may be the most ancient of genres, if all tales of magic combined with adventure are considered such. The oldest of written tales, Gilgamesh, the Odyssey, and Beowulf, could also be considered to be the oldest of fantasy. The fairy tales committed to paper by Charles Perrault in seventeenth-century France and by the Brothers Grimm in nineteenth-century Germany are the stories many think of as the origins of fantasy. The eighteenth-century trend toward sanitizing and Christianizing fairy tales and the twentieth-century Disney and picture-book versions we see have led to the common misconception that fantasy is a children's genre. The origins of modern fantasy are usually attributed to J. R. R. Tolkien who, along with C. S. Lewis, was a member of a group called the "Inklings" that started in the 1930s.

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"Fantasy" began appearing on the spines of paperback books in the late 1960s and early 1970s. It gained professional recognition in 1992 when The Science Fiction Writers of America added "Fantasy" to the title of their organization, recognizing the intimate relationship between the two speculative fiction genres. Many of the following authors also write science fiction or horror. Fantasy fans are the least "ageist" of all readers. They do not confine themselves to reading "age-appropriate" tales, whether adult or child. While it is common in all genres for teen fans to read books published for adults, fantasy is the only genre where adult readers readily and unashamedly read books published for children and young adults. The Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling is an obvious example, with three titles appearing in the top 10 on best-seller lists. Themes and Types Sword and Sorcery Sword and sorcery is usually set in an alternate pastoral or nonindustrialized world, sometimes akin to medieval European kingdoms, where magic is manifest and heroic deeds, including swashbuckling feats of derring-do, are commonplace. The protagonist usually starts off as an ordinary soul who is caught up in a chain of events leading to encounters with magic and the need to fight or flee. As one of the most popular types of fantasy, this subgenre features encounters with magic and the supernatural, often involving some romance and daunting hazards. The heroes, and sometimes heroines, of the sword-and-sorcery, magic-filled adventures usually inhabit a world created for them, and typically appear in trilogies or in lengthy, open-ended series. Quests involving several characters of different backgrounds are a dominant theme. The quintessential sword-and-sorcery tales are of course Tolkien's The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Brooks, Terry The Shannara series. The Sword of Shannara. The Elfstones of Shannara. The Wishsong of Shannara. The Scions of Shannara. The Druid of Shannara. The Elf Queen of Shannara. The Talismans of Shannara. The First King of Shannara. Bujold, Lois McMaster The Spirit Ring.

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Clayton, Jo Wild Magic series. Wild Magic. Wildfire. Magic Wars. Drums series. Drum Warning. Drum Calls. Drums of Chaos. Cole, Allan Wizard of the Winds. Cook, Glen The Black Company. The Black Company. Shadows Linger. The White Rose. The Silver Spike. Shadow Games. Dreams of Steel. Bleak Seasons. Cook, Hugh Wizard War series (also called The Chronicles of an Age of Darkness). Many U.S. public libraries have the British editions (with title variations, shown below in parentheses), even though Roc published the series in the United States. Wizard War (The Wizards and the Warriors). The Questing Hero (The Wordsmiths and the Warguild). The Hero's Return (The Women and the Warlords). The Oracle (The Walrus and the Warwolf). Lords of the Sword. The Wicked and the Witless. The Wishstone and the Wonderworkers. The Wazir and the Witch. The Werewolf and the Wormlord. The Worshippers and the Way. The Witchlord and the Weaponmaster. When Heroes Return.

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De Camp, L. Sprague, and Fletcher Pratt Harold Shea series. The Incompleat Enchanter. The Castle of Iron. Wall of Serpents (sometimes titled The Enchanter Compleated). An omnibus edition of the three de CampPratt titles was released as The Intrepid Enchanter: The Complete Magical Misadventures of Harold Shea in some editions and The Complete Compleat Enchanter in others. The series continued in the 1990s with Christopher Stasheff as co-author replacing the late Pratt. Sir Harold and the Gnome King. The Enchanter Reborn. The Exotic Enchanter. Drake, David Lord of the Isles. Lord of the Isles. Queen of Demons. Eddings, David, and Leigh Eddings (Even though Leigh is not listed as co-author of the early books, it has been reported that she was.) Belgariad series. Pawn of Prophecy. Queen of Sorcery. Magician's Gambit. Castle of Wizardry. Enchanter's End Game. Malloreon series. Guardians of the West. King of the Murgos. Demon Lord of Karanda. Sorceress of Darshiva. The Seeress of Kell. Belgarath the Sorcerer. Polgara the Sorceress. Ellenium series. The Diamond Throne. The Ruby Knight. The Sapphire Rose. Domes of Fire. The Shining Ones. The Hidden City.

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Farland, David The Runelords. Brotherhood of the Wolf. Feist, Raymond E. Riftwar series. Magician. Most frequently available in two volumes as Magician: Apprentice and Magician: Master. Silverthorn. A Darkness at Sethanon. Prince of the Blood. The King's Buccaneer. Serpentwar saga. Shadow of a Dark Queen. Rise of a Merchant Prince. Rage of a Demon King. Shards of a Broken Crown. Gemmell, David Drenai series. Legend (also published as Against the Horde). Waylander. The King Beyond the Gate. Quest for Lost Heroes. Waylander II: In the Realm of the Wolf. The First Chronicles of Druss the Legend. Sipstrassi series. Wolf in Shadow. The Jerusalem Man (also published as The Last Guardian). Bloodstone. Goodkind, Terry Sword of Truth series. Wizard's First Rule. Stone of Tears. Blood of the Fold. Temple of the Winds. Heinlein, Robert A. Glory Road.

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Hobb, Robin The Farseer series. Assassin's Apprentice. Royal Assassin. Assassin's Quest. The Liveship Traders. Ship of Magic. Mad Ship. Howard, Robert E. Conan series. Jordan, Robert The Wheel of Time series. The Eye of the World. The Great Hunt. The Dragon Reborn. The Shadow Rising. The Fires of Heaven. Lord of Chaos. Crown of Swords. The Path of Daggers. Kerr, Katharine Deverry series. Daggerspell. Darkspell. The Bristling Wood. The Dragon Revenant. A Time of Exile. A Time of Omens. Days of Blood and Fire. Days of Air and Darkness. The Red Wyvern. The Black Raven. Lee, Adam The Dominions of Irth. The Dark Shore. The Shadow Eater.

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Le Guin, Ursula K. The Earthsea tetralogy. A Wizard of Earthsea. The Tombs of Atuan. The Farthest Shore. Tehanu. Leiber, Fritz Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser series. Possibly the greatest sword-and-sorcery series ever, featuring massively heroic barbarian Fafhrd and thief, sorcerer, and swordsman the Gray Mouser. Over the years since the first Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser short story was introduced in 1939, the tales have been released in many different editions and combinations. As of 1998 the following were available: Fritz Leiber's Ill Met in Lankhmar. Fritz Leiber's Lean Times in Lankhmar. Fritz Leiber's Return to Lankhmar. Martin, George R. R. Song of Ice and Fire. A Game of Thrones. A Clash of Kings. McKiernan, Dennis L. The Dragonstone. The Eye of the Hunter. Voyage of the Fox Rider. Iron Tower trilogy. Dark Tide. Shadows of Doom. Darkest Day. Silver Call duology. Trek to Kraggen-Cor. The Brega Path. McKillip, Patricia A. The Hed trilogy. The Riddle-Master of Hed. Heir of Sea and Fire. Harpist in the Wind. Modesitt, L. E., Jr Recluce series. The Magic of Recluce. The Towers of the Sunset.

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The Magic Engineer. The Order War. The Death of Chaos. Fall of Angels. Chaos Balance. The White Order. Moon, Elizabeth The Deed of Paksenarrion. "Better a soldier's life than a pigfarmer's wife." Sheepfarmer's Daughter. Divided Alliance. Oath of Gold. Rawn, Melanie Exiles series. The Ruins of Ambrai. The Mageborn Traitor. Reichert, Mickey Zucker Legend of Nightfall. Reimann, Katya Tielmaran chronicles. Wind from a Foreign Sky. A Tremor in the Bitter Earth. Roberson, Jennifer The Sword-Dancers saga (this is what Roberson calls it) is also sometimes referred to as The Tiger and Del series. Sword-Dancer. Sword-Singer. Sword-Maker. Sword-Breaker. Sword-Born. Sword-Sworn. Rosenberg, Joel Guardians of the Flame series. The Sleeping Dragon. The Sword and the Chain. The Silver Crown. The Heir Apparent.

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The Warrior Lives. The Road to Ehvenor. The Road Home. Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter series. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone). Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Fantasy readers of all ages enjoy these. Russell, Sean Moontide and Magic Rise series. World Without End. Sea Without a Shore. Beneath the Vaulted Hills. Salvatore, R. A. Demon Awakens series. The Demon Awakens. The Demon Spirit. Shinn, Sharon The Shape-Changer's Wife. Tolkien, J. R. R. The Hobbit. The Lord of the Rings trilogy. The Fellowship of the Rings. The Two Towers. The Return of the King. Vance, Jack The Dying Earth series. In a far future world, magic works, but not too well, in this series made up mostly of linked or related short stories. Published in book form, they are: The Dying Earth. The Eyes of the Overworld. Cugel's Saga. Rhialto the Marvelous.

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Weis, Margaret, and Tracy Hickman Death Gate Cycle. Dragon Wing. Elven Star. Fire Sea. Serpent Mage. The Hand of Chaos. Into the Labyrinth. Seventh Gate. Williams, Tad Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn series. The Dragonbone Chair. Stone of Farewell. To Green Angel Tower. Wrede, Patricia C. The Lyra Books. Shadow Magic. Daughter of Witches. The Harp of Imach Thyssel. Caught in Crystal. The Raven Ring. An omnibus edition of the first three books is titled Shadows over Lyra. Wurts, Janny The Wars of Light and Shadows. The Curse of the Mistwraith. The Ships of Merior. Warhost of Vastmark. Alliance of Light. Fugitive Prince. Zelazny, Roger Amber series. Nine Princes in Amber. The Guns of Avalon. Sign of the Unicorn. The Hand of Oberon. The Courts of Chaos. Trumps of Doom. Blood of Amber.

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Sign of Chaos. Night of Shadows. Prince of Chaos. Saga, Myth, and Legend Many readers come to fantasy through a love of the tales that some consider a precursor of fantasy and others a subset. Here the reader will find tales based on the familiar myths and legends. Many of the following are sword-and-sorcery adventures set against a backdrop made familiar because of its basis in a myth, legend, or saga. Arthurian Legend The most enchanting of the legendary backgrounds is the Arthurian, set in medieval England, with Merlin often the dominating figure. The fact that for nearly 1,000 years writers have been exploring this epoch attests to its universal and lasting appeal. Since Marion Zimmer Bradley's groundbreaking The Mists of Avalon (1982), women have been playing a larger role in these stories. Cochran, Molly, and Warren Murphy The Forever King. The Broken Sword. Crompton, Anne Eliot Merlin's Harp. Gemmell, David The Stones of Power sequence is part of Gemmell's Sipstrassi series, in that Maedhlyn or Merlin owes his power to the Sipstrassi meteor. Ghost King. Last Sword of Power. Jones, Courtway Dragon's Heirs trilogy. In the Shadow of the Oak King. Witch of the North. A Prince in Camelot. Kennealy-Morrison, Patricia The Keltiad series. The titles originally issued under the name Patricia Kennealy now are printed with the Kennealy-Morrison name. The widow of rocker Jim Morrison sets her Arthurian tales on a distant planet. The Copper Crown. The Throne of Stone.

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The Silver Branch. The Hawk's Gray Feather. The Oak Above the Kings. The Hedge of Mist. Lawhead, Stephen R. Pendragon series. This is a Christian take on the legend, full of spirituality. Taliesin. Merlin. Arthur. Newman, Sharan Told from Guinevere's viewpoint, this gently humorous series contains more fantasy elements than many Arthurian tales, including a unicorn. Guinevere. The Chessboard Queen. Guinevere Evermore. Norton, Andre Merlin's Mirror. Merlin and Arthur are aliens in possession of advanced scientific knowledge. Saberhagen, Fred Merlin's Bones. Springer, Nancy I Am Mordred. Stewart, Mary The Merlin Sequence. The Crystal Cave. The Hollow Hills. The Last Enchantment. The Wicked Day. White, T. H. The Once and Future King. The collective title for: The Sword in the Stone. The Witch in the Wood (The Queen of Air and Darkness). The Ill-Made Knight. The Candle in the Wind. The Book of Merlyn.

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Wolfe, Gene Castleview. Woolley, Persia Child of the Northern Spring. Queen of the Summer Stars. Guinevere: The Legend in Autumn. Robin Hood and Sherwood Forest Cadnum, Michael The Wild Wood. This take on the Robin Hood tale portrays a sympathetic sheriff who likes and respects Robin. There is No Maid Marion in this very adult-feeling version published as a young adult title. Godwin, Parke Sherwood. The Robin Hood legend set in the time of the Norman Conquest, with Robin upholding the Saxon traditions. Robin and the King. A middle-aged Robin continues to fight for what he thinks is right. McKinley, Robin Outlaws of Sherwood. A feminist version of Robin Hood. Morpurgo, Michael Robin. Roberson, Jennifer Lady of the Forest. A prequel, this story tells about the assemblage of the wellknown characters of the Robin Hood legend. Ancient Civilizations The setting could be ancient Greece or Rome or even the lost world of Atlantis or Mu. Bradley, Marion Zimmer The Firebrand. Kassandra, a princess of Troy, is at the center of cataclysmic events. Fall of Atlantis. Lindskold, Jane The Pipes of Orpheus. The Pied-Piper's true identity is discovered by his child prisoners in a book from his library. Norton, Andre, and Susan Shwartz Empire of the Eagle. Quintus, a member of a defeated Roman legion, is sent east with the Golden Eagle into the mists of legend to see wonders previously unknown to any Roman.

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Saberhagen, Fred Book of the Gods series. The Face of Apollo. Young Jeremy Redthorn and the world he inhabits will never be the same since the ancient gods are back. Silverberg, Robert Letters from Atlantis. Correspondence between two time travelers, one of whom is in Atlantis. Wolfe, Gene Soldier of the Mist. After a soldier, possibly a Roman legionnaire, suffers a grievous head wound, he wakes each day to amnesia and his journal. The journal is how he knows what happened, as he has no memories. Celtic Alexander, Lloyd The Prydain chronicles. Although for the young, these are also read by adults. Based on the Mabinogion of Welsh legend. The Book of Three. The Black Cauldron. The Castle of Llyr. Taran Wanderer. The High King. Bradley, Marion Zimmer The Forest House. Chant, Joy Vandarei series. Celtic, pre-Arthurian. Three children oppose the Dark Lord. Red Moon and Black Mountain. The Grey Mane of Morning. When Voiha Wakes. The High Kings. Cooper, Susan The Dark Is Rising Sequence. Over Sea, Under Stone. The Dark Is Rising. Greenwitch. The Grey King. Silver on the Tree.

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Flint, Kenneth C. Finn MacCumhal series. The heroic Finn MacCumhal rallies forces to defend Ireland. Challenge of the Clans. Storm Shield. The Dark Druid. Sidhe series. Features the legend of Tuath De Danann. Riders of the Sidhe. Champions of the Sidhe. Master of the Sidhe. Godwin, Parke The Tower of Beowulf. Beowulf and Grendel. Lawhead, Stephen R. Song of Albion series. The Paradise War. The Silver Hand. The Endless Knot. Llywelyn, Morgan Red Branch. The hero Cuchulain. Finn MacCool. McAvoy, R. A. Grey Horse. Book of Kells. Morris, Kenneth Morris, who died in 1937, is credited with creating the modern genre of Celtic fantasy. The Fates of the Princes of Dyfed. Book of the Three Dragons. Vance, Jack Lyonesse series. Suldrun's Garden. The Green Pearl. Madouc.

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Walton, Evangeline The Mabinogion series. The Prince of Annwn. The Children of Llyr. The Song of Rhiannon. The Virgin and the Swine. The Americas Bruchac, Joseph Dawn Land. de Lint, Charles Someplace to Be Flying. Morris, Kenneth The Chalchiuhite Dragon. Europe Cherryh, C.J Rusalka sequence. Rusalka. Chernevog. Yvgenie. Grundy, Stephan Rhinegold. King, Bernard Lambisson series. Starkadder. Vagr-Moon. Death-Blinder. Milan, Victor, and Melinda Snodgrass Runespear. Paxson, Diana L. The Wolf and the Raven. The Dragons on the Rhine. Based on the Nibelungen, the Nordic myth that inspired Wagner's Ring Cycle of operas.

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Reichert, Mickey Zucker The Renshai trilogy. The Last of the Renshai. The Western Wizard. Child of Thunder. The Renshai Chronicle is a sequel series. Beyond Ragnarok. Prince of Demons. The Children of Wrath. Schaefer, Frank Whose Song Is Sung. Africa and the Middle East When we think of myths and legends of the Middle East, genies, djinn, flying carpets, and other denizens of ''1,001 Arabian Nights" come to mind. We think of Aladdin and his magical lamp and even Sidney Sheldon's TV series I Dream of Jeannie. Friesner, Esther Wishing Season. Myers, Walter Dean The Legend of Tarik. Fairy Tales Retelling of fairy tales and old folktales, often with a new twist, is a growing trend. Some of the stories told in the following novels will be familiar, while others will seem to be new but with an underlying feeling that they have been told before. Definitely not for children only, Tor Books' Fairy Tale Series, created by Terri Windling, was written for adults. Readers who enjoy fantasy with the flavor of fairy tales and folktales may also want to check out collections and compilations of the original stories. They are often shelved in the nonfiction sections in the children's and adult areas of libraries, places that fantasy readers may not think to visit without the suggestion of a readers' advisor. An overview of the last 150 years of the short form of fairy tale can be found in The Oxford Book of Modern Fairy Tales, edited by Alison Lurie (Oxford University Press, 1993).

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The Familiar Sometimes the classic fairy tale is elaborated upon, with the characters developed beyond stereotype and given backgrounds and motivation. Other familiar fairy tales are used as jumping-off points: The original premise is there but is used as a spring-board into something entirely different, taking the hero or heroine into another century or situation. Dean, Pamela Juniper, Gentian, and Rosemary. Inspired by the traditional ballad. de Lint, Charles Jack of Kinrowan. A contemporary, feminist "Jack the Giant Killer." Lackey, Mercedes Fire Rose. A Beauty and the Beast tale. Firebird. Based on the Russian tale. Levine, Gail Carson Ella Enchanted. Although published for children or young adults, this down-to-earth yet filled-with-magic take on the Cinderella story delights adult readers. Maguire, Gregory Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West. McKinley, Robin Beauty. A retelling of "Beauty and the Beast." The Rose Daughter. Most unusual in that McKinley had previously and in a very different way retold the same story years ago in Beauty. Deerskin. This tale unveils the horrors of incest in a tale of a beautiful princess and her dog, based on the fairy tale "Donkeyskin." Napoli, Donna Jo The Magic Circle. A retelling of "Hansel and Gretel." Zel. The motivations of the characters from "Rapunzel" are brought to life in this tale of an adopted daughter living in a remote cottage. Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann Godmother. In a fractured fairy tale sort of way, Scarborough sets her tales of a Fairy Godmother in contemporary Seattle. Godmother's Apprentice. Springer, Nancy Fair Peril. A plump, middle-aged storyteller refuses to kiss a frog who wants to be returned to his princely form.

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Tepper, Sheri S. Beauty. Beauty pricks her finger on her 16th birthday, but instead of sleeping for 100 years she travels to the twenty-first century. Wrede, Patricia C. Snow White and Rose Red. The Enchanted Forest chronicles. Written for teens, this series is always sneaking in elements of fairy tales, including magic carpets, giants, and beanstalks. Dealing with Dragons. Searching for Dragons. Calling on Dragons. Talking to Dragons. Yolen, Jane Briar Rose. When her dying grandmother says "I am Briar Rose; find the castle," a young journalist sets off on a journey of discovery that combines the tale of "Sleeping Beauty" with the horrors of the Holocaust's death camps. Originals The following stories seem very much like fairy tales but are not built on the foundation of previous tales, even though some of the same devices and conventions will be found in them. Barnes, John One for the Morning Glory. Furlong, Monica Wise Child. Juniper. Goldman, William The Princess Bride: S. Morgenstern's Classic Tale of True Love and High Adventure, The "Good Parts" Version. Basis of the movie The Princess Bride. Jones, Diana Wynne Howl's Moving Castle. Castle in the Air. McKillip, Patricia A. The Book of Atrix Wolfe. Pyle, Howard Garden Behind the Moon: The Real Story of the Moon Angel. Wolfe, Gene The Devil in a Forest.

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Yolen, Jane The Books of Great Alta. A two-in-one volume that contains Sister Light, Sister Dark and White Jenna. The One-Armed Queen. Continues the tale. Fairy Tale Short Stories Fairy tales and folktales seem to be particularly well suited to the short story form. Many outstanding writers have turned their hand to this genre of short story, giving readers a chance to sample a great variety of talents. Fans of the following should be reminded of the pleasures to be found in the Dewey decimal system's 398s. Datlow, Ellen, and Terri Windling, eds Black Swan, White Raven. Black Thorn, White Rose. Snow White, Blood Red. Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears. Kerr, Katharine, ed Enchanted Forests. McKinley, Robin The Door in the Hedge. Vande Velde, Vivian Tales from the Brothers Grimm and the Sisters Weird. Humorous Humor plays a major role in fantasy. Often full of topical "in jokes," such books present more humor to the well-read. Anthony, Piers Xanth series. Books in this series are full of puns and plays on words. A Spell for Chameleon. The Source of Magic. Castle Roogna. (And on and on and on for many more volumes.) Asprin, Robert Lynn The M. Y. T. H. series. Another Fine Myth. Myth Conceptions. Myth Directions. Hit or Myth.

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Myth-ing Persons. Little Myth Marker. M. Y. T. H. Inc. Link. Myth-Nomers and Im-Perfections. M. Y. T. H. Inc. in Action. Sweet Myth-tery of Life. Brooks, Terry Magic Kingdom of Landover series. Cook, Rick Mall Purchase Night. Wiz Zumwalt series. Wizard Compiled. Wizard's Bane. Wizardry Consulted. Wizardry Cursed. Wizardry Quested. DeChancie, John Castle Perilous series. Castle Perilous. Castle for Rent. Castle Kidnapped. Castle War! Castle Murders. Castle Dream. Castle Spellbound. Bride of the Castle. Readers may also enjoy Zelazny's Amber series, described in the "Alternate Worlds" section. Gaiman, Neil, and Terry Pratchett Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch. A demon and an angel try to stop the apocalypse because they are having too good a time in this world to see it all end. Gardner, Craig Shaw The Cineverse Cycle. Roger cruises the various alternate worlds of a universe based on movie genres using his Captain Crusader decoder ring. Slaves of the Volcano God. Bride of the Slime Monster. Revenge of the Fluffy Bunnies.

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Gentle, Mary Grunts. Some editions have the subtitle A Fantasy with Attitude, which says it all. Orc marines obtain modern weapons in a hilarious but earthy and, to some, obscene tale of fantasy warfare told from the "bad guy's" point of view. Jones, Diana Wynne Howl's Moving Castle. Castle in the Air. Pratchett, Terry Discworld series. Eric: A Discworld Novel. Lords and Ladies. The Light Fantastic. Guards! Guards! Small Gods. Men at Arms. Wyrd Sisters. Moving Pictures. Pyramids: The Book of Going Forth. Witches Abroad. Strata. Interesting Times. Feet of Clay. Maskerade. Jingo. Hogfather. Rogers, Mark E. Samurai Cat series. The Adventures of Samurai Cat. More Adventures of Samurai Cat. Samurai Cat in the Real World. The Sword of the Samurai Cat. Samurai Cat Goes to the Movies. Samurai Cat Goes to Hell. Turtledove, Harry The Case of the Toxic Spell Dump. Watt-Evans, Lawrence, and Esther Friesner Split Heirs.

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Zelazny, Roger, and Robert Sheckly Bring Me the Head of Prince Charming. If at Faust You Don't Succeed. A Bestiary Animals play a large role in fantasy. It seems that every fantasy has some kind of nonhuman creature in it, whether it is a major character with a speaking role or mere window dressing in the form of a cat soaking up some sunshine. Fantasy with the emphasis on animals ranges from animal fables in which humans play no role and the characters are sentient beasts, to books where the emphasis is on the relationship between humans and animals. The preponderance of magic workers in fantasy brings with it animal familiars, who may facilitate the magic of humans or even work magic of their own. Communication between humans and animals is a frequently occurring theme. Anthologies Animals are a popular topic for fantasy in its short form. Both fantastical beasts and everyday animals are popular subjects. Cats often play a major role. Beagle, Peter S., and Janet Berliner Immortal Unicorn. Greenberg, Martin H., ed Christmas Bestiary. Dinosaur Fantastic. Dragon Fantastic. Horse Fantastic. Norton, Andre, and Martin H. Greenberg, eds Catfantastic. This anthology has been so popular that it was turned into a series, with four volumes out by 1998. Unicorns Often portrayed as one-horned horses, unicorns in the following books are viewed in different ways. They are generally good creatures that possess magic. Beagle, Peter S. The Last Unicorn. A unicorn, fearing she is the last of her kind, embarks on a quest to see if others survive. Basis of the animated film. Bishop, Michael Unicorn Mountain. The problems of unicorns in another dimension dying off and the AIDS epidemic in our world intersect.

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Coville, Bruce Written for children. Unicorn Chronicles. Into the Land of Unicorns. A Glory of Unicorns. Lee, John Unicorn Quest series. Filled with political intrigue. The Unicorn Quest. The Unicorn Dilemma. The Unicorn Solution. The Unicorn Peace. The Unicorn War. Lee, Tanith Unicorn series. Tanaquil's mother is a sorceress and her sister is an empress, making her own life as a mender difficult, in this series written for teens but enjoyed by adults too. The Black Unicorn. The Gold Unicorn. The Red Unicorn. Pierce, Meredith Ann Firebringer series. A young unicorn saves his clan by bringing them fire. Birth of the Firebringer. Dark Moon. The Son of Summer Stars. Dragons Dragons, who have been depicted in many different ways throughout history, are often portrayed as telepathic creatures in fantasy fiction. Bradshaw, Gillian Dragon and the Thief. The Land of Gold. Brown, Mary Master of Many Treasures. Callander, Don Dragon Companion. Dragon Rescue.

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Dickson, Gordon R. The Dragon and the George series. The Dragon and the George. The Dragon Knight. The Dragon on the Border. The Dragon at War. The Dragon, the Earl, and the Troll. Dragon and the Gnarly King. Fletcher, Susan Dragonsayer series. Dragon's Milk. Flight of the Dragon Kyn. Sign of the Dove. Hambly, Barbara Dragonsbane. Jenny, a witch, has conflicting feelings about slaying dragons. Kellogg, Marjorie B. The Dragon quartet. As of 1998 only two of the books in the series had been published. The Book of Earth. The Book of Water. Kerner, Elizabeth Song in the Silence. McCaffrey, Anne Pern series. Even though McCaffrey contends, and even presents evidence to prove, that her works are science fiction, dragonloving fantasy fans claim the books set on the planet Pern as their own. Murphy, Shirley Rousseau Dragonbards series. Nightpool. The Ivory Lyre. Dragonbards. Norton, Andre, and Mercedes Lackey Halfblood chronicles. The Elvenbane. Elvenblood.

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Radford, Irene Dragon Nimbus. Glass Dragon. The Perfect Princess. The Loneliest Magician. The Dragon Nimbus History. The Dragon's Touchstone. Rowley, Christopher Bazil Broketail series. Battledragons and their dragoneers. Bazil Broketail. A Sword for a Dragon. Dragons of War. Battledragon. A Dragon at World's End. Dragons of Argonath. Stasheff, Christopher, ed Dragon's Eye. Vande Velde, Vivian Dragon's Bait. Yolen, Jane Pit Dragons series. For kids but read by adults. Dragon's Blood. Heart's Blood. A Sending of Dragons. Uncommon Common Animals Animals from our worldordinary creatures such as rabbits, ants, dogs, cats, skunks, and horsesmay not seem to fit the fabric of fantasy, but in these stories they do. The animals can range from the mundane and ordinary to sentient members of complex societies. Adams, Richard Watership Down. A modern classic about rabbits heroically seeking a new home. Bell, Clare The Named, a clan of intelligent, catlike creatures living in prehistoric times, are featured in this unnamed series. Ratha's Creature. Clan Ground.

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Ratha and Thistle-Chaser. Ratha's Challenge. Brown, Mary Pigs Don't Fly. Greeno, Gayle Ghatti's Tale series. Telepathic, catlike creatures. Finder's Keepers. Mind-Speaker's Call. Exile's Return. Hawdon, Robin A Rustle in the Grass. Their world in peril, a colony of ants takes on a devastating army of killer red ants. Horwood, William Duncton chronicles. Series about romance and adventure in a neighborhood of moles. Duncton Wood. Duncton Quest. Duncton Found. Duncton Tales. Duncton Rising. Duncton Stone. Jacques, Brian The Redwall series. Woodland creatures battle evil in fantasy adventure; popular with all ages. Redwall. In 1998 a 10th anniversary edition with new illustrations was published. Mossflower. Mattimeo. Mariel of Redwall. Salamandastron. Martin the Warrior. The Bellmaker. Pearls of Lutra. The Long Patrol. Marlfox. King, Gabriel The Wild Road. The Golden Cat.

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Lackey, Mercedes Valdemar series. Murphy, Shirley Rousseau Catswold Portal. Joe Grey, Cat Detective series. Cat on the Edge. Cat Under Fire. Cat Raise the Dead. Tolkien, J. R. R. Roverandom. A dog, transformed into a toy, searches for the wizard who cursed him. Wangerin, Walter The Book of the Dun Cow. Barnyard animals. The Book of Sorrows. Williams, Tad Tailchaser's Song. World of Faerie While not a large subgenre, the world of Faerie has influenced much of fantasy, and its conventions frequently pop up in many types of literature and popular media. This is not a world inhabited by Tinkerbell-like creatures but rather one where dwells a strange and mysterious race with powers that seem magical to mere humans. Plots in this subgenre almost always involve the conflict between humans and the elven inhabitants of Faerie, who seem to have a proclivity for falling in love with each other. Tales of changelings also abound. Readers may also enjoy urban fantasy in which the worlds of Faerie and humans collide, the idea of a place existing side by side with our world that has different rules of nature and where time passing at a different rate has surely played a role in the development of fantasy dealing with parallel worlds. Dean, Pamela Tam Lin. Set in a Vietnam-era midwest college town; a young woman rescues her love from the Queen of Faerie. de Lint, Charles Greenmantle. The Wild Wood. Jack of Kinrowan. An omnibus edition containing Jack the Giant Killer and Drink Down the Moon. The Ivory and the Horn.

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Dietz, Tom Featuring David Sullivan, who has a kind of second sight that allows him to see into the Faerie realm. Windmaster's Bane. Fireshaper's Doom. Darkthunder's Way. Sunshaker's War. Stoneskin's Revenge. Ghostcountry's Wrath. Dreamseeker's Road. Landslayer's Law. Dunsany, Lord The King of Elfland's Daughter (1924). A classic that has influenced many of the later works set in Faerie. Edghill, Rosemary Sword of Maiden's Tears. Cup of Morning Shadows. Goldstein, Lisa Strange Devices of the Sun and Moon. Holdstock, Robert Mythago Cycle. Ryhope Wood is an enchanted world where mythic images come to life. Mythago Wood. Gate of Ivory, Gate of Horn. Kushner, Ellen Thomas the Rhymer. MacDonald, George Phantastes: A Faerie Romance for Men and Women (1858). McKillip, Patricia A. Something Rich and Strange. Sherman, Josepha A Strange and Ancient Name. Windleaf. Prince of the Sidhe. The Shattered Oath. Forging the Runes.

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Snyder, Midori The Flight of Michael McBride. A unique blend of Faerie and the Old West; could almost be considered a historical urban fantasy. Windling, Terri The Wood Wife. Contemporary The cornerstone of contemporary fantasy is a setting that is readily recognizable to us. While some of the following titles exhibit the more extreme features of fantasy, there are always parts that are identifiable in our world. Sometimes stories set in our mundane world are called ''low fantasy" or "realistic fantasy" (an oxymoron, much like "jumbo shrimp"). For some, the recognizable settings make this fantasy more accessible, while for others the settings detract from the escapism of a totally made-up world. Urban Fantasy Drugs, racism, gangs, and other scourges of modern life are evident in the cyberpunk subgenre of fantasy, where a rift between our world and the world of Faerie has occurred. Magic and technology share a place in gritty, dangerous cities. Readers of urban fantasy should also check the "Shared World Series" section later in this chapter for the Borderlands and Serrated Edge series. Brust, Steven, and Megan Lindholm The Gypsy. Bull, Emma War for the Oaks. Finder. Charnas, Suzy McKee The Sorcery Hill trilogy. Valentine Marsh fights evil from another universe in this young adult trilogy. The Bronze King. The Silver Glove The Golden Thread. Dalkey, Kara Steel Rose. Gritty. de Lint, Charles Dreams Underfoot. Memory and Dream. Moonheart. Jack the Giant-Killer. Drink down the Moon.

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Gaiman, Neil Neverwhere. Gritty London setting. Huff, Tanya Gate of Darkness, Circle of Light. Unicorns in Toronto. Lackey, Mercedes, and Ellen Guon A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows. Summoned to Tourney. Bedlam's Bard. Combines A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows and Summoned to Tourney in one volume. Lindskold, Jane Brother to Dragons, Companion to Owls. Sarah, who hears inanimate objects and can speak only in literary quotes, is forced out of the asylum and rescued from the streets by Abalone, who uses his computer skills to delve into her past. Shetterly, Will Elsewhere. Runaway Ron ends up in Bordertown. NeverNever. Ron, now transformed into a wolf-boy, comes of age as he discovers what life is really about. Springer, Nancy Argue on the Wing. Windling, Terri, and Delia Sherman, eds. The Essential Borderland. Shared-world short stories set in Bordertown. The Human Condition The triumphs, trials, and tribulations of being human are examined in the following books in which fantasy highlights the problems and sometimes shows solutions. Anthony, Piers The Incarnations of Immortality series. On a Pale Horse. Bearing an Hourglass. With a Tangled Skein. Wielding a Red Sword. Being a Green Mother. For Love of Evil. And Eternity. Bishop, Michael Brittle Innings. Rural Georgia in 1943 is the setting (not exactly contemporary, but this century at least) for a story of redemption when a brutalized young baseball player discovers friendship with Hank Clervall, Frankenstein's gentle monster.

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Bisson, Terry Talking Man. Blaylock, James P. All the Bells on Earth. Humans try to beat the forces of evil after the devil tries to claim three souls brokered by a bogus minister. de Lint, Charles Trader. Max Trader awakes one morning to find that he has been dreamed into the body and life of deadbeat scumbag Johnny Devlin. Gaiman, Neil Neverwhere. A girl named Door leads Richard Mayhew into the weird subterranean world that exists under London. Heinlein, Robert A. Job: A Comedy of Justice. Nylund, Eric S. Dry Water. An author with some precognitive abilities flees his life in the city for a New Mexico filled with magical battles. Reed, Robert Exaltation of Larks. A tale of strange goings-on at a 1970s college. Long out of print, it was reissued in 1998. Resnick, Mike A Miracle of Rare Design. Springer, Nancy Larque on the Wing. Larque, who can create doppelgangers, sometimes even without doing it consciously, finds herself in the body of a young man but with her woman's heart intact. Stewart, Sean Mockingbird. When her mother dies, Toni finds herself inhabited by six gods, who take possession of her at various times. Tepper, Sheri S. A Plague of Angels. Willard, Nancy Things Invisible to See. Ben enters into a "deal with the devil" and must play a baseball game against death. Magic Realism Magic realism features an ordinary workaday setting in which magic and mythology are an integral part of the spiritual makeup. The contemporary settings are similar to those of urban fantasy but with more spirituality and less emphasis on urban

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problems such as gangs and drugs. For years the name has been applied only to Latin American literary works, but readers apply the term to the following works as well. Blaylock, James P. The Paper Grail. Many are in on the hunt in California for a nineteenth-century woodcut sketch that is imbued with magical powers. Block, Francesca Lia Dangerous Angels: The Weetzie Bat Books. An omnibus title for the five rollicking, surrealist punk fairy tales about a teen family made of love, not blood, in modern-day Venice Beach. While published as young adult books, they have a huge following among hip 20-something readers as well as older teens. Weetzie Bat. Witch Baby. Cherokee Bat and the Goat Guys. Missing Angel Juan. Baby Be-Bop. de Lint, Charles Someplace to Be Flying. Goldstein, Lisa Walking the Labyrinth. Kindl, Patrice The Woman in the Wall. Anna, "small and thin, with a face like water," fades into the walls of her family's dilapidated Victorian home, her shyness making her invisible to her family, in this young adult title. Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann The Healer's War. A military nurse serving in Vietnam during the war is given a powerful talisman in this Nebula award winner. Shetterly, Will Dogland. Is the fountain of youth to be found near a 1950s Florida theme park? Windling, Terri The Wood Wife. In the desert, poet Maggie Black begins to see things that don't jibe with her sense of reality. Alternate and Parallel Worlds Other fully developed worlds, whether our own transformed by a difference in history or one that can be traveled to from our world, are featured in this subgenre. Sometimes the alternate world is a fully fleshed-out one that has no relation to our own but rather has its own fully developed history and rules.

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Alternate History Due to a divergence someplace in time, the worlds presented are very different from the world we know. Alternate history is an area that is most frequently claimed by science fiction, but many titles fit into the fantasy arena as well as or better than into science fiction. Anthony, Piers Geodyssey. Isle of Woman. Shame of Man. Hope of Earth. Ball, Margaret Tamai series. In an alternate nineteenth century, Tamai uses her magic to protect her people, keeping Chin an isolated country by refusing contact with the British. Flameweaver. Changeweaver. Bear, Greg Dinosaur Summer. Blaylock, James P. The Paper Grail. Brust, Steven, and Emma Bull Freedom and Necessity. A magical, mysterious romp through mid-nineteenth-century England. Card, Orson Scott Chronicles of Alvin Maker. In this alternate nineteenth-century North America, hexes and spells work and the states never became a union. It is American history with a twist and echoes of the life of Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism. Seventh Son. Red Prophet. Prentice Alvin. Alvin Journeyman. Heartfire. Ciencin, Scott The Elven Ways. When elves deserted a dying Faerie in the fifteenth century, they passed themselves off as angels in our world, taking control and changing the destiny of humankind. The Ways of Magic. Ancient Games.

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Conner, Mike Archangel. An alternate 1920s Minneapolis is the sight of a viral epidemic that is draining its victims of blood. Dalkey, Kara Blood of the Goddess. Sixteenth-century India. Goa. Bijapur. Bhagavati. Dreyfuss, Richard, and Harry Turtledove The Two Georges. Our world would be very different if George Washington had reconciled the rebellious colonies with King George. Edgerton, Teresa Goblin sequence. The harmony of an alternate Europe is shattered when an inept alchemist awakens a malign force. Goblin Moon. Gnome's Engine. Gemmell, David Dark Prince. Four-year-old Alexander is kidnapped by an evil King Philip of Macedon from a parallel universe. Sequel to Lion of Macedon. Gentle, Mary Rats and Gargoyles. The Architecture of Desire. Politics and magic in an alternate seventeenth-century London. Goldstein, Lisa The Red Magician. "Turns the hidden world of Eastern European Jews during the 1940s into a world of wonders, then transcends the Holocaust with magical optimism."The New York Times. Harrison, Harry Hammer and the Cross trilogy. Shef, a Norseman, leads the Viking army to victory over England. The Hammer and the Cross. One King's Way. King and Emperor. MacAvoy, R. A. Trio for Lute. Renaissance Italy. Damiano Delstrego, a witch boy, and his dog familiar meet the angel Raphael. Damiano. Damiano's Lute. Raphael.

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McIntyre, Vonda N. The Moon and the Sun. Roessner, Michaela The Stars Dispose. Rohan, Michael Scott The Lord of Middle Air. Rohan, Michael Scott, and Allan Scott The Spell of Empire: The Horns of Tartarus. A conflict arises between Scandinavian and Mediterranean cultures in Europe. Sargent, Pamela Climb the Wind: A Novel of Another America. Snyder, Midori The Innamorati. Set in an alternate Renaissance Venice. Turtledove, Harry Between the Rivers. At the dawn of history, Sharur lives in the thriving city-state of Gibil, a city that is in danger from the gods of other cities, who do not like the burgeoning creativity of the townspeople. Parallel Worlds The following works all present characters who travel from one world to another. The conflict in the story often arises from being a stranger in a strange land. Anderson, Poul Three Hearts and Three Lions. A classic. Anthony, Piers The Apprentice Adept series. Split Infinity. Blue Adept. Juxtaposition. Out of Phaze. Robot Adept. Unicorn Point. Phaze Doubt. Anthony, Piers, and Robert Kornwise Through the Ice. The most remarkable thing about this book is that it was started by a teenage fan of Anthony's who was killed in an accident and was then finished by the prolific author. Ball, Margare Lost in Translation. Bear, Greg Songs of Earth and Power.

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Bradley, Marion Zimmer House Between Worlds. Bradley, Marion Zimmer, and Holly Lisle Glenraven series. Glenraven. In the Rift. Brooks, Terry Magic Kingdom of Landover series. Magic Kingdom for SaleSold. The Black Unicorn. Wizard at Large. The Tangle Box. Witches' Brew. Carroll, Jerry Jay Top Dog. A vicious Wall Street executive finds himself suddenly in a medieval fantasy world in the form of a dog. For a kinder, gentler take on life as a dog, readers may enjoy Dogsbody, by Diana Wynne Jones, which is also great for younger readers. Chalker, Jack L. Changewinds. Originally published as When the Changewinds Blow, Riders of the Winds, and War of the Maelstrom. Donaldson, Stephen R. Mordant's Need duology. The Mirror of Her Dreams. A Man Rides Through. The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever. First Chronicle: Lord Foul's Bane. The Illearth War. The Power That Preserves. Second Chronicle: The Wounded Land. The One Tree. White Gold Wielder. Duncan, Dave Great Game series. Past Imperative: Round One of the Great Game. Present Tense: Round Two of the Great Game. Future Indefinite: Round Three of the Great Game.

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Foster, Alan Dean The Spellsinger series. Spellsinger. The Hour of the Gate. The Day of the Dissonance. The Moment of the Magician. The Paths of the Perambulator. Son of the Spellsinger. Gardner, Craig Shaw Dragon Circle series. Dragon Sleeping. Dragon Waking. Dragon Burning. Hambly, Barbara Darwath series. The Time of the Dark. The Walls of Air. The Armies of Daylight. Mother of Winter. Heinlein, Robert A. Glory Road. Jones, Diana Wynne A Sudden Wild Magic. Hexwood. Jones, J. V. The Barbed Coil. King, Stephen The Dark Tower series. The Gunslinger. The Drawing of the Three. The Waste Lands. Wizard and Glass. Le Guin, Ursula K. The Lathe of Heaven. George Orr's dreams become reality. A classic. L'Engle, Madeleine Time Quartet.

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Modesitt, L. E., Jr The Spellsong Cycle. The Soprano Sorceress. The Spellsong War. Moorcock, Michael Blood: A Southern Fantasy. O'Donohue, Nick Crossroads. The Magic and the Healing. Under the Healing Sign. The Healing of Crossroads. Pullman, Philip His Dark Materials. The Golden Compass. The Subtle Knife. Rawn, Melanie, Jennifer Roberson, and Kate Elliott The Golden Key. Reichert, Mickey Zucker The Bifrost Guardians. Godslayer. Shadow Climber. Dragonrank Master. Shadow's Realm. By Chaos Cursed. Rohan, Michael Scott The Anvil of Ice. The Forge in the Forest. The Hammer of the Sun. Rosenberg, Joel Keepers of the Hidden Ways series. The Fire Duke. The Silver Stone. Rusch, Kristine Kathryn The Fey. The Sacrifice. The Changeling.

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The Rival. The Resistance. Victory. Sarti, Ron Chronicles of Scar. Chronicles of Scar. Legacy of the Ancients. Savage, Felicity Ever series. The War in the Waste. The Daemon in the Machine. A Trickster in the Ashes. Stasheff, Christopher Rod Gallowglass series. The Warlock in Spite of Himself. King Kobold Revived. The Warlock Unlocked. Escape Velocity. The Warlock Enraged. The Warlock Wandering. The Warlock Is Missing. The Warlock Heretical. The Warlock's Companion. The Warlock Insane. The Warlock Rock. Warlock and Son. Rogue Wizard series. A Wizard in Mind. A Wizard in Bedlam. A Wizard in War. A Wizard in Peace. The Warlock's Heirs. A Wizard in Absentia. M'Lady Witch. Quicksilver's Knight. A Wizard in Midgard.

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Wizard in Rhyme series. Her Majesty's Wizard. The Oathbound Wizard. The Witch Doctor. The Secular Wizard. Turtledove, Harry Videssos cycle. Misplaced Legion. An Emperor for the Legion. Legion of Videssos. Swords of the Legion. Zelazny, Roger Amber series. Alternate Worlds Fully realized worlds with their own histories of politics and culture are found in much of fantasy. While many of the books in this section would be just as comfortable in sword and sorcery, some of them are of a more distinctive nature. All the following have an emphasis on building worlds of complexity. Anderson, Poul A Midsummer Tempest. The worlds of Shakespeare come to life in the era of Roundheads and Cavaliers. Bradley, Marion Zimmer Darkover series. Brust, Steven Vlad Taltos series. Taltos. Jhereg. Teckla. Phoenix. Clayton, Jo Drums of Chaos series. Drum Warning. Drum Calls. Coney, Michael Greatrex Fang, the Gnome. King of the Scepter'd Isle.

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Cross, Ronald Anthony The Eternal Guardians. The Fourth Guardian. The Lost Guardian. The White Guardian. Delany, Samuel R. They Fly at Ciron. Dorsey, Candas Jane Black Wine. Eddison, E. R. The Worm Ouroboros. Strong elements of myth and legend in this challenging read from early in the century (1922). The Zimiamvian trilogy. Mezentian Gate. A Fish Dinner in Memison. Mistress of Mistresses. Elliott, Kate Crown of Stars series. Kings Dragon. Prince of Dogs. The Burning Stone. Haggard, H. Rider The She series. Some of the titles are still in print over a century after they were first published. They take place in a lost-world, alternate African setting. She (1887). Ayesha (1905). She and Allen (1921). Wisdom's Daughter (1923). Hodgell, P. C. Kencyrath series. God Stalk. Dark of the Moon. Seeker's Mask. Huff, Tanya No Quarter. Sing the Four Quarters. Fifth Quarter.

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Kay, Guy Gavriel Tigana. King, Stephen, and Peter Straub The Talisman. Kurtz, Katherine The Deryni Saga encompasses several trilogies. The Chronicles of the Deryni. Deryni Rising. Deryni Checkmate. High Deryni. The Legends of Camber of Culdi series. Camber of Culdi. Saint Camber. Camber the Heretic. The Heirs of Saint Camber series. The Harrowing of Gwynedd. King Javan's Year. The Bastard Prince. The Histories of King Kelson series. The Bishop's Heir. The King's Justice. The Quest for Saint Camber. Moorcock, Michael Gloriana; or, The Unfulfill'd Queen. Elizabeth in Albion, a Faerie world. Nix, Garth Sabriel. Winner of both the Best Fantasy Novel and Best Young Adult Novel in the 1995 Australian Aurealis Awards. Nye, Jody Lynn Waking in Dreamland. O'Leary, Patrick The Gift. Peake, Mervyn The Gormenghast trilogy. Titus Groan (1946). Gormenghast (1950). Titus Alone (1959).

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Scott, Melissa, and Lisa Barnett Point of Hopes. Volsky, Paula The Wolf of Winter. Wells, Angus Lords of the Sky. Willey, Elizabeth Prospero series. Rich in language and characterization, this may be too slow-moving for aficionados of swashbuckling adventure fantasy. The Well-Favored Man. A Sorcerer and a Gentleman. The Price of Blood and Honor. Williamson, Jack Demon Moon. Wolfe, Gene The Book of the New Sun. A science fantasy tetralogy featuring some of the best world building ever seen. The Book of the Long Sun series, while set in the same world, is more science fiction than fantasy. The Shadow of the Torturer. The Claw of the Conciliator. These two are combined in Shadow and Claw. The Sword of the Lictor. The Citadel of the Autarch. These two are combined in Sword and Citadel. Time Travel The ''how" of time travel dictates whether a title is fantasy or science fiction. Inexplicable travel to another time is usually fantasy, whereas time travel using a machine or other scientific premise falls into science fiction. Curiously enough, time travel is one of the subgenres in fantasy where adult and teen readers' interests don't have much overlap. Cherryh, C. J. Morgaine series. Gate of Ivrel. Well of Shiuan. Fires of Azeroth.

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Gabaldon, Diana Outlander series also features romantic time travel. Matheson, Richard Bid Time Return. Also published as Somewhere in Time. Millhiser, Marlys The Mirror. Tepper, Sheri S. Beauty. Willis, Connie Lincoln's Dreams. Annie experiences the Civil War by dreaming Robert E. Lee's dreams, making it real and immediate for the reader. YA Time Travel The following are at the younger end of the young adult range. Bond, Nancy Another Shore. Cooney, Caroline B. Both Sides of Time. Other Side of Time. Prisoner of Time. Griffin, Peni R. Switching Well. L'Engle, Madeleine An Acceptable Time. Lindbergh, Anne Nick of Time. Parks, Ruth Playing Beatie Bow. Vande Velde, Vivian A Well-Timed Enchantment. Yolen, Jane The Devil's Arithmetic.

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Paranormal Powers Telepathy, telekinesis, precognition, shapeshifting, and immortality are just some of the paranormal abilities that crop up in fantasy. Psionic Powers Psionic powers include the abilities to communicate telepathically with other beings, to see into another's thoughts, to see the future, and to move objects or oneself through space. A telepathic bond between a human and an animal or animal-like companion is common in fantasy fiction. Bradley, Marion Zimmer Darkover series. Fancher, Jane S. Dance of the Rings series. Gould, Steven Jumper. Contemporary setting. Greeno, Gayle Ghatti's Tale series. Harper, Tara K. Tales of the Wolves series. Huff, Tanya Quarter series. King, Stephen Firestarter. Readers will also like The Hollow Man, by Dan Simmons. Lackey, Mercedes Several series. Lackey, Mercedes, and Larry Dixon The Mage Wars series. McCaffrey, Anne Pern series. Murphy, Pat The Falling Woman. High literary quality. Norton, Andre Witch World series.

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Pierce, Tamora The Immortals series. Simmons, Dan The Hollow Man. Very dark. Springer, Nancy The Hex Witch of Seldom. West, Michelle Hunter's Oath. Hunter's Death. Wieler, Diana Ranvan series. Contemporary setting; young adult. Shapeshifters Shapeshifters have the ability to take on a different form, usually that of an animal. Shapeshifting tales seem to have a preponderance of southwestern settings but can be set anywhere. In addition to simply shifting into the form of an animal, or form animal to human, some shapeshifters are "were-animals" having aspects of both species. Werewolves are common in romantic fantasy and dark fantasy. Bertin, Joanne The Last Dragonlord. Dragon and Phoenix. Kindl, Patrice Owl in Love. Murphy, Pat Nadya. Murphy, Shirley Rousseau Catswold Portal. Roberson, Jennifer Cheysuli series. Immortality The prospect of living forever is a theme that is considered more frequently in science fiction, but occasionally there is a book that puts immortality in the fantasy realm. The Highlander series is a shared world series dealing with immortality. Many vampire dark fantasy and horror novels also involve immortality.

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Babbitt, Natalie Tuck Everlasting. Written for children but enjoyed by adults. Duncan, Lois Locked in Time. Young adult. Eddings, David, and Leigh Eddings Belgarath the Sorcerer. Grimwood, Ken Replay. Supernatural Beings The supernatural plays a large part in fantasy. Many of the beings are more commonly found in horror novels, but the elements of scariness and terror aren't present. The paranormal beings can be the embodiment of good or evil or very ordinary. Examples of supernatural beings are angels, vampires, werewolves, and fairy talelike fairies. Crowther, Peter, ed Heaven Sent: 18 Glorious Tales of the Angels. Dedman, Stephen The Art of Arrow Cutting. A photographer becomes the target of three supernatural beings out of Japanese mythology when he receives a key from a woman who later is found dead. Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann The Godmother. Godmother's Apprentice. Shinn, Sharon Samaria series. Archangel. Jovah's Angel. The Alleluia Files. Graphic Novels Sometimes described as overgrown comics, graphic novels feature stories set to artwork. Usually the violence is also graphic. Fortunately there are now bibliographic guides to these books. In Graphic Novels, by D. Aviva Rothschild (Libraries Unlimited, 1995), a self-proclaimed graphic novel evangelist offers an enthusiastic look at this subgenre, providing astute reviews and important bibliographic information. Her chapter on fantasy lists 49 titles, some of which are series, with detailed reviews. Steve Weiner's 100 Graphic Novels for Public Libraries was published in 1996 by Kitchen Sink Press. Kat Kan writes a graphic novel column for VOYA that often features fantasy-themed graphic novels.

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Barr, Mike W., and Brian Bolland Camelot 3000. Gaiman, Neil Sandman series. The cream of the crop of original graphic novels. McCaffrey, Anne Dragonflight. Illustrated by Lela Dowling, Cynthia Martin, and Fred Von Tobel. Moore, Alan, and Dave Gibbons Watchmen. Nocenti, Ann Someplace Strange. Illustrated by John Bolton. Pini, Wendy, and Richard Pini Elfquest series. Spiegelman, Art Maus: A Survivor's Tale, Volumes I & II. The Holocaust as animal fantasy. Talbot, Bryan Tale of One Bad Rat. Tolkien, J. R. R. The Hobbit. Illustrated by David Wenzel. Celebrity Characters Real and imaginary people are alive and well in the pages of fantasy literature. The characters of fiction and other forms of literature take on historical reality in a fantasy world rich in literary allusion. Some creators join their characters. The following books make the reader draw on whatever allusions his or her lifetime's worth of reading has provided. Anderson, Poul A Midsummer Tempest. Bova, Ben Triumph. Featuring Joseph Stalin and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Davidson, Avram The Phoenix and the Mirror. Virgil as a wizard. de Camp, L. Sprague, and Fletcher Pratt The Compleat Enchanter: The Magical Misadventures of Harold Shea. Collective title for The Incompleat Enchanter, The Castle of Iron: A Science Fantasy Adventure, and The Wall of Serpents. Adventures in the worlds created in literature, including Spenser's Faerie Queene.

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Farmer, Philip José Riverworld series. Gemmell, David Dark Prince. In a parallel universe, the evil King Philip of Macedon kidnaps four-year-old Alexander into his reality. Kerr, Katharine, ed Weird Tales from Shakespeare. Maguire, Gregory Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West. Could it be that Elphaba has been given a bum rap in Oz? Myers, John Myers Silverlock. The picaresque hero's adventures are in the worlds of great Western literature. Powers, Tim The Anubis Gates. Samuel Coleridge pops up in this tale of a modern-day scholar's time-travel foray into the seventeenth century. Rucker, Rudy The Hollow Earth. Swanwick, Michael Jack Faust. Yet again Faustus is reworked, this time giving him access to twentieth-century knowledge in exchange for his soul. Weis, Margaret, ed Fantastic Alice. Several fantasy authors present short stories featuring Lewis Carroll's Alice. Williams, Tad Caliban's Hour. Twenty years after the events that unfolded in Shakespeare's The Tempest, Caliban seeks his revenge on Miranda. Shared Worlds Shared world novels are those that are written by various authors, set in a world conceived and developed by another individual or group. Sometimes they arise organically from a novel or series so beloved that it achieves a life of its own, such as Norton's Witch World and Bradley's Darkover. Some shared worlds are created when a group of like-minded authors want to work together, as in the case of the Trillium series, in which Andre Norton, Julian May, and Mary Zimmer Bradley co-authored the first volume, then built on it with individual titles. Shared worlds do not necessarily evolve from other books. They can have their genesis in television or movies or in games, either computerized or not.

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The introduction of shared world stories, in which an imaginary world is created by an editor, author, or group and is then used as a background by several authors, has resulted in the publication of several series. As in any set of works created by committee, there is bound to be some variation in quality, but the following series have been popular. The shared worlds seem to be particularly popular in series based on role-playing games, movies, television shows, and even computer games. A growing trend in shared world universes has been for the setting and characters to appear in several different venues: novels, graphic novels, comics, games, and the Internet. Shared World Series Bordertown This quintessential shared world series basically created the urban fantasy. Locus called it "the finest of all shared worlds." Bull, Emma Finder. Shetterly, Will Elsewhere. NeverNever. Windling, Terri, and Delia Sherman, eds The Essential Borderland. Bard's Tale Based on the computer game. Lackey, Mercedes, and Mark Shepherd Prison of Souls. Lackey, Mercedes, and Josepha Sherman Castle of Deception. Lackey, Mercedes, and Ru Emerson Fortress of Frost and Fire. Lisle, Holly, and Aaron Allston Wrath of the Princes. Thunder of the Captains. Shepherd, Mark Escape from Roksamur.

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Sherman, Josepha The Chaos Gate. Conan Series The world created by Robert E. Howard for his heroic barbarian sword-and-sorcery hero Conan has turned into a shared world universe, with books written by L. Sprague de Camp, Lin Carter, Poul Anderson, Robert Jordan, Ronald Green, John C. Hocking, and others. Darkover Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover has proven to be popular enough to work its way into a shared world universe. She has edited the following anthologies of stories set in the world she created. Domains of Darkover. Four Moons of Darkover. Free Amazons of Darkover. The Keeper's Price. Leroni of Darkover. Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover. The Other Side of the Mirror. Red Sun of Darkover. Renunciates of Darkover. Snows of Darkover. Sword of Chaos. Towers of Darkover. Brian Froud's Faerielands In a unique twist on shared worlds, artist and illustrator Brian Froud created over 50 drawings and paintings that were divided among Charles de Lint, Patricia A. McKillip, Midori Snyder, and Terri Windling. They were all to write their own stories based on the premise that the current ecological crisis caused by humans also threatens the natural world of Faerie. de Lint, Charles The Wild Wood. McKillip, Patricia A. Something Rich and Strange.

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Highlander A movie series, a television series, and a book series. Henderson, Jason The Element of Fire. Holder, Nancy Measure of a Man. Lettow, Donna Zealot: A Novel. McConnell, Ashley Scimitar. Neason, Rebecca The Path: A Novel. Roberson, Jennifer Scotland the Brave. Magic Series A universe of magic created by Larry Niven in his The Magic Goes Away. Niven then edited two illustrated volumes. Originally published in the late 1970s and early 1980s, they were reprinted in 1993. The Magic May Return. More Magic. Magic in Ithkar Series Edited by Andre Norton and Robert Adams, 4 volumes. Stories by Lin Carter, George Alec Effinger, Linda Haldeman, R. A. Lafferty, and others. Magic, the Gathering At the root of this series is the role-playing game, but novels and anthologies have taken off from it much as the DragonLance books have taken off from Dungeons and Dragons. Here the setting is the magical world of Dominica, where Minotaur and Elf are embroiled in a bloody conflict involving foul magic and dirty politics. The following is not a comprehensive list, just examples of titles and authors. Braddock, Hanovi Ashes of the Sun.

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Emery, Clayton Final Sacrifice. Forstchen, William R. Arena. Ice, Kathy, ed Distant Planes: An Anthology. McLaren, Teri The Cursed Land. Song of Time. Vardeman, Robert E. Dark Legacy. Merovingen Nights Created by C. J. Cherryh in the novel Angel with the Sword, the following are anthologies featuring stories by Cherryh, Janet Morris, and Chris Morris. Festival Moon. Fever Season. Endgame. Serrated Edge Created by Mercedes Lackey, Serrated Edge is a shared world urban fantasy involving elves who have formed SERRA, the South Eastern Road Racing Association. Lackey, Mercedes, and Holly Lisle When the Bough Breaks. A girl with psi powers could wreak havoc on Faerie if her pain is not relieved. Lackey, Mercedes, and Larry Dixon Born to Run. Mixes hot cars, rock and roll, abused youths, and elves. Chrome Circle. Mixes Celtic rock, elves and dragons, and romance. Lackey, Mercedes, and Mark Shepherd Wheels of Fire. A parental kidnapping, a racing car, and an elf to the rescue. Shepherd, Mark Spiritride. Set in Albuquerque, featuring motorcycles and skateboards. Elvendude. Features a prince of Faerie who is raised in our world so he can grow to adulthood and take on the dark elves.

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Shadowrun Not only a shared world series, Shadowrun was originally a popular role-playing game from FASA Corporation. It combines urban and dark fantasy in a dangerous future. The following is merely a sampling of stories based on it. Charrette, Robert N. Never Deal with a Dragon. Choose Your Enemies Carefully. Find Your Own Truth. Just Compensation. Into the Shadows. Dowd, Tom Night's Pawn. Burning Bright. Findley, Nigel D. House of the Sun. Lone Wolf. 2XS. Shadow Play. Kenson, Stephen Technobabel. Koke, Jak Dead Air. Dragon Heart saga. Stranger Souls. Clockwork Asylum. Beyond the Pale. Kubasik, Christopher The Changeling. Odom, Mel Preying for Keeps. Headhunters. Pollotta, Nicholas Shadowboxer. Sargent, Carl, and Marc Gascoigne Streets of Blood. Noseferatu. Black Madonna.

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Smedman, Lisa The Lucifer Deck. Blood Sport. Smith, Nyx Who Hunts the Hunter. Striper Assassin. Fade to Black. Steel Rain. Spector, Caroline Words Without End. Starshield Created by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. The first book of the series is The Mantle of Kendis-Dai, originally published with the title Starshield: Sentinels. Book two is The Nightsword. It survives as an online role-playing game. Sword of Knowledge Series Created by C.J. Cherryh, each novel has a different co-author (listed after the titles). A Dirge for Sabis (Leslie Fish). Wizard Spawn (Nancy Asire). Reap the Whirlwind (Mercedes Lackey). Thieves' World-Sanctuary Series The creation of Robert Lynn Asprin and Lynn Abbey in 1978. All books were published between 1979 and 1990. While many shared world series are based on games, a game was created based on the Thieves' World series. A graphic novel series was also created. Among the contributing authors were Lynn Abbey, Poul Anderson, Robert Lynn Asprin, Robin Wayne Bailey, Marion Zimmer Bradley, John Brunner, C.J. Cherryh, Christine DeWeese, David Drake, Diane Duane, Philip José Farmer, Joe Haldeman, Vonda N. McIntyre, Chris Morris, Janet Morris (who has done separate novels on Thieves' World: Beyond Sanctuary, Beyond Wizard-Wall, and Beyond the Veil), Andrew Offutt, Diana L. Paxson, and A. E. van Vogt. The first six volumes (original paperbacks) were gathered into two volumes by Science Fiction Books in Sanctuary: Thieves' World, Tales from the Vulgar Unicorn, Shadows of Sanctuary, and Cross Currents: Storm Season, The Face of Chaos, Wing of Omen.

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Book 7: The Dead of Winter. Book 8: Soul of the City. Book 9: Blood Ties. Book 10: Aftermath. Book 11: Uneasy Alliances. Book 12: Stealer's Sky. Trillium Bradley, Marion Zimmer, Julian May, and Andre Norton Black Trillium. A tale cowritten by three grand dames of fantasy writing, with three princesses, three quests, and three magical talismans, was not enough, so Andre Norton followed up with Golden Trillium, Julian May with Blood Trillium and Sky Trillium, and Marion Zimmer Bradley with Lady of the Trillium. Valdemar Mercedes Lackey created the world of Valdemar so fully developed and enticing that others wanted to write stories set there. Sword of Ice: And Other Tales of Valdemar, edited by Mercedes Lackey and John Yezeguielian, includes 18 stories by Mickey Zucker Reichert, Larry Dixon, Tanya Huff, Michelle Sagara, and others. Witch World Andre Norton's Witch World books are another example of a beloved series being taken up by others, turning its setting into a shared world. Tales of the Witch World Tales of the Witch World 1. Tales of the Witch World 2. Tales of the Witch World 3. Four from the Witch World. Witch World: The Turning Norton has also cowritten some books in a sub-series called Witch World: The Turning, set after the Witches of Estcarp caused a massive cataclysm that moved mountains to block an invasion. This crippled their powers and brought chaos and destruction to all of Witch World.

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Storms of Victory. Written with P. M. Griffin. Flight of Vengeance. Written with P. M. Griffin and Mary H. Schaub. On Wings of Magic. Written with Patricia Mathews and Sasha Miller. Secrets of the Witch World The Key of the Keplian. Written with Lyn McConchie. Dungeons and Dragons and Other Role-Playing Game Worlds The game of Dungeons and Dragons (role-playing in a sword-and-sorcery setting) has fostered a considerable body of original paperback publications, too numerous to list here. TSR, now Wizards of the Coast, has had great success marketing books based on their various fantasy role-playing games. The most popular authors are the duo of Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. Also extremely popular in hardcover with users of public libraries is R. A. Salvatore. Many of these fantasy novels, based on a game, verge on horror, with vampires, werewolves, and other types of shapeshifters playing important roles. The following authors have written books that have a fantasy role-playing setting. While not shared world tales, they share a background with them. Cushman, Carolyn Witch and Wombat. The world is losing its magic, so a witch takes a crew of fantasy virtual-reality gamers on a quest to help bring back the magic, in this tongue-in-cheek tale. McKiernan, Dennis L. Caverns of Socrates. A group of tournament-winning gamers must win through on their quest or never be able to break free of the supercomputer that now holds them. Rosenberg, Joel Guardians of the Flame series. The Sleeping Dragon. The Sword and the Chain. The Silver Crown. Dark Fantasy Defining dark fantasy is as difficult as defining fantasy itself. It is very strongly linked to horror. Both genres scare or terrify, but in dark fantasy the emphasis is on the magic and often on the conflict between good and evil, while in horror the emphasis is on terrifying the reader. Many titles included in this section appear on horror lists. Many authors who are known for writing horror have been recipients of major fantasy awards because of their dark fantasy titles.

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Beagle, Peter S. The Innkeeper's Song. Giant Bones. Six novellas set in the world of The Innkeeper's Song. Bischoff, David Quoth the Crow. Blaylock, James P. All the Bells on Earth. Bradbury, Ray The October Country. Something Wicked This Way Comes. A chilling classic. Brooks, Terry Running with the Demon. Knight of the Word. Card, Orson Scott Lost Boys. De Lint, Charles The Dreaming Place. Friedman, C. S. Cold Fire trilogy. Black Sun Rising. When True Night Falls. Crown of Shadows. Joyce, Graham Requiem. A very literary dark fantasy set in Jerusalem that won the August Derleth Award. The Tooth Fairy. Not a pleasant fairy tale. Klause, Annette Curtis Blood and Chocolate. The Silver Kiss. Lackey, Mercedes Diana Tregarde series. Burning Water. Children of the Night. Jinx High.

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Lee, Tanith Blood Opera series. Dark Dance. Personal Darkness. Darkness, I. The Secret Books of Paradys series. The Book of the Damned. The Book of the Beast. The Book of the Dead. The Book of the Mad. Leiber, Fritz Conjure Wife. Our Lady of Darkness. The Dealings of Daniel Kesserich: A Study of the Mass-Insanity at Smithville. MacIntyre, F. Gwynplaine The Woman Between the Worlds. Murphy, Pat Nadya. Pierce, Meredith Ann Darkangel trilogy. Written for children and young adults, this is a dark tale of romance and vampires. Long out of print, this beloved series was reissued in 1998. The Dark Angel. A Gathering of Gargoyles. The Pearl at the Heart of the World. Powers, Tim Expiration Date. Last Call. Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn Saint-Germain series. Hotel Transylvania: A Novel of Forbidden Love. The Palace. Blood Games. Path of the Eclipse. Tempting Fate. The Saint-Germain Chronicles. Linked stories. Out of the House of Life. The Spider Glass.

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Darker Jewels. Better in the Dark. Vampire Stories of Chelsea Quinn Yarbro. Mansions of Darkness. Incan Peru. Writ in Blood. A Flame in Byzantium. Featuring Saint-Germain's lover, Atta Olivia Clemens. Crusader's Torch. A Candle for D'Artagnan. Fantasy Featuring Detection As the lines between the genres increasingly waver and fade, some of the genres combine, to delightful result. The clever and witty Lord Darcy series is the archetype of this type of combination. Frequently creatures of dark fantasy, vampires, werewolves, mummies, and witches are featured in conjunction with detection. Bacon-Smith, Camille Eye of the Daemon. Bowker, David Featuring Yorkshire police detective Vernon Lavergne. The Death Prayer. The Butcher of Glastonbury. Cook, Glen Garrett, P.I. series. Sweet Silver Blues. Bitter Gold Hearts. Cold Copper Tears. Old Tin Sorrows. Dread Brass Shadows. Red Pewter Gods. Davis, Brett Hair of the Dog. An ex-cop and a reporter are on the hunt for whoever tore out the throats of the researchers who had just announced a cure for lycanthropy. Garrett, Randall Lord Darcy series. Lord Darcy. Title of omnibus edition containing Too Many Magicians, Murder and Magic, and Lord Darcy Investigates. Like Ian Fleming's James Bond, Lord Darcy refused to die with his creator and the series was continued by Michael Kurland with Ten Little Wizards and A Study in Sorcery.

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Goulart, Ron The Prisoner of Blackwood Castle. A detective of the Challenge International Detective Agency in a land of magic. Green, Simon R. Hawk and Fisher series. Hamilton, Laurell K. Featuring Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter. Guilty Pleasures. The Laughing Corpse. Circus of the Damned. The Lunatic Cafe. Bloody Bones. Killing Dance. Burnt Offerings. Hood, Daniel Featuring sleuthing sorcerer Liam Rhenford and his dragon familiar. Fanuilh. Wizard's Heir. Beggar's Banquet. Scales of Justice. Huff, Tanya Featuring Vicki Nelson, former Toronto cop, now a PI. Blood Price. Blood Trail. Blood Lines. Blood Pact. Blood Debt. Hughart, Barry Master Li series. Eighth-century China. Bridge of Birds: A Novel of Ancient China That Never Was. The Story of the Stone. Eight Skilled Gentlemen. Killough, Lee Featuring Garreth Mikaelian, vampire and cop. Blood Hunt. Bloodlinks.

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Kilworth, Garry D. Angel. A pair of San Francisco detectives are out to find and stop a pyromaniac angel. Lackey, Mercedes Sacred Ground. Featuring Jennifer Talldeer, P. I. and shaman. Four & Twenty Blackbirds. Featuring Constable Tal Rufen. Diana Tregarde series. Burning Water. Children of the Night. Jinx High. Lethem, Jonathan Gun, with Occasional Music. A noirish Crawford-Award winner. MacAvoy, R. A. Tea with the Black Dragon. Twisting the Rope. Murphy, Shirley Rousseau Featuring Joe Grey, cat detective. Cat on the Edge. Cat Under Fire. Cat Raise the Dead. Rosenberg, Joel D'Shai series. D'Shai. Hour of the Octopus. Scott, Melissa, and Lisa Barnett Point of Hopes. Astrology may help a couple of detectives find the many children who have recently gone missing in a medieval-like city. Wolfe, Gene Free Live Free. Pandora by Holly Hollander. Wrede, Patricia C. Mairelon the Magician. Magician's Ward. Zambreno, Mary Frances A Plague of Sorcerers. Journeyman Wizard. A young adult series enjoyed by adult readers.

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Romantic Fantasy A major trend in the romance genre in the 1990s has been the infusion of fantasy. Time travel, supernatural beings, Faerie, and other fantasy tropes have been appearing liberally in romance novels. The combination of the genres is a delight to those who love both. This type is so popular that it has its own award, the Sapphire Award; a bibliography, Enchanted Journeys Beyond the Imagination, by Susan W. Bontly and Carol J. Sheridan (Blue Diamond Publications, 1996); and even a monthly print newsletter, The Alternative Reality Romance Connection, and a monthly online newsletter, Science Fiction Romance, at (accessed 15 November 1999). Readers who delight in this combination of genres will find them listed in the romance chapter (Chapter 5). Topics The resources listed here are intended to broaden the reader's knowledge of the genre. Anthologies Anthologies are of particular importance because they showcase a broad range of styles and types. Many of the anthologies offer insightful essays, historical information, and informative commentary on trends and authors. The following is merely a taste of what is available. A more extensive list of anthologies is included in Fluent in Fantasy (Libraries Unlimited, 1999), which also lists selected short story collections by individual authors. The short form of fiction has a long and rich tradition in the fantasy genre. The major awards have categories for short fiction, and qualification for membership in the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America can be earned by publication of short stories. Many anthologies include science fiction stories as well as fantasy. Readers are advised to also check the anthologies listed in the science fiction chapter, Chapter 6. Dziemianowicz, Stefan, Robert E. Weinberg, and Martin H. Greenberg, eds. Famous Fantastic Mysteries: 30 Great Tales of Fantasy and Horror from the Classic Pulp Magazines ''Famous Fantastic Mysteries" & "Fantastic Novels." Grammercy, 1991. Friesner, Esther, ed. Chicks in Chainmail. Pocket, 1995. A wildly popular, humorous anthology featuring swordswomen and other formidable females. . Did You Say Chicks? Baen, 1998. Short stories of sword-wielding warrior women by Elizabeth Moon, Jody Lynn Nye, Margaret Ball, Harry Turtledove, Esther Friesner, and others.

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Gilliam, Richard, Martin H. Greenberg, and Edward E. Kramer, ed. Grails: Quests, Visitations and Other Occurrences. New American Library, 1994. Stories by Andre Norton, Jane Yolen, Gene Wolfe, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Alan Dean Foster, Orson Scott Card, Mercedes Lackey, Neil Gaiman, Gene Wolfe, Janny Wurts, Diana L. Paxson, and others explore the past and the future of legendary grails. Griffith, Nicola, and Stephen Pagel, eds. Bending the Landscape: Fantasy. White Wolf Publishing, 1997. Gay and lesbian fantasy by Mark Shepherd, Holly Wade Matter, Kim Antieau, Mark W. Tiedemann, Simon Sheppard, J. A. Salmonson, Don Bassingthwaite, Ellen Kushner, Tanya Huff, Robin Wayne Bailey, and others. Kushner, Ellen, Donald G. Keller, and Delia Sherman, eds. The Horns of Elfland. New American Library, 1997. Stories with a musical theme. Lurie, Alison, ed. The Book of Modern Fairy Tales. Oxford University Press, 1993. One hundred and fifty years of fairy tales. Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann, and Martin H. Greenberg. Warrior Princesses. DAW, 1998. Stories by Anne McCaffrey, Jane Yolen, Elizabeth Moon, and more. Silverberg, Robert, ed. The Fantasy Hall of Fame: The Definitive Collection of the Best Modern Fantasy Chosen by the Members of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America. HarperPrism, 1998. Thirty stories first published between 1939 and 1990, selected by the membership of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, offer a sampling of classic fantasy. The voting criteria are explained and the ranking of the stories is listed. The 15 stories receiving the most votes were "The Lottery," Shirley Jackson; "Jeffty Is Five," Harlan Ellison; "Unicorn Variations," Roger Zelazny; "Bears Discover Fire," Terry Bisson; "That Hell-Bound Train,'' Robert Bloch; "Come Lady Death," Peter S. Beagle; "Basileus," Robert Silverberg; "The Golem," Avram Davidson; "Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out Tonight," Ursula K. Le Guin; "Her Smoke Rose up Forever," James Tiptree, Jr. (not included in the anthology); "The Loom of Darkness," Jack Vance; "The Drowned Giant," J. G. Ballard; "The Detective of Dreams," Gene Wolfe; "The Jaguar Hunter," Lucius Shepard; and "The Compleat Werewolf," Anthony Boucher. The collection also includes 16 runners-up. . Legends: Short Novels by the Masters of Modern Fantasy. Tor, 1998. Stories by Stephen King, Terry Pratchett, Terry Goodkind, Orson Scott Card, Robert Silverberg, Ursula K. Le Guin, Tad Williams, George R. R. Martin, Anne McCaffrey, Raymond E. Feist, and Robert Jordan are a great introduction to current popular fantasy novelists.

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Williams, A. Susan, and Richard Glyn Jones, eds. The Penguin Book of Modern Fantasy by Women. Penguin USA, 1997. World Fantasy Award. Thirty-eight stories written since 1941. Introduction by Joanna Russ. Authors included are Elizabeth Bowen, Shirley Jackson, Leigh Brackett, Daphne du Maurier, Leonora Carrington, Zenna Henderson, Muriel Spark, Anna Kavan, Anne McCaffrey, Joan Aiken, Hilary Bailey, Kit Reed, Josephine Saxton, Christine Brooke-Rose, Kate Wilhelm, Joanna Russ, P. D. James, James Tiptree, Jr., Margaret Atwood, Fay Weldon, Joyce Carol Oates, Vonda N. McIntyre, Lisa Tuttle, Tanith Lee, Ursula K. Le Guin, Angela Carter, Mary Gentle, Janet Frame, Zoe Fairbairns, Octavia E. Butler, Candas Jane Dorsey, Suniti Namjoshi, Suzy McKee Charnas, Carol Emshwiller, Lynda Rajan, L. A. Hall, Ann Oakley, and Lucy Sussex. Anthology Series The Best of Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine. Nos. 12. 19941995. Warner Books. Edited by Marion Zimmer Bradley. Catfantastic. Nos. 14. 1991. DAW. Edited by Andre Norton and Martin H. Greenberg. Full Spectrum. Nos. 15. Bantam. Editors have included Lou Aronica, Amy Stout, Betsy Mitchell, Shawna McCarthy, Tom Dupree, Janna Silverstein, and Jennifer Hershey. Fantasy, science fiction, and horror stories are included. Nebula Awards: SFWA's Choices for the Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year. 1966. Harcourt Brace. No. 33. 1999. The annual anthology includes short pieces and excerpts of nominations for the year as well as essays. Editors have included Connie Willis, Pamela Sargent, James Morrow, George Zebrowski, Michael Bishop, Jack Dann, Poul Anderson, Ursula K. Le Guin, James Blish, Lloyd Biggle, Jr., James Gunn, Kate Wilhelm, Joe Haldeman, Brian Aldiss, Roger Zelazny, Clifford D. Simak, Isaac Asimov, Jerry Pournelle, Marta Randall, Robert Silverberg, Samuel R. Delany, Gordon R. Dickson, Frederik Pohl, Frank Herbert, and Damon Knight. Starlight. Tor. Edited by Patrick Nielsen Hayden. The initial volume was the 1996 winner of the World Fantasy Award for Best Anthology. The second volume was published in 1998. Sword and Sorceress. 1984. DAW. Edited by Marion Zimmer Bradley. The 15th annual volume was published in 1998. Features women in heroic fantasy. Xanadu. Nos. 13. 19941998. Tor. Original fantasy stories. Edited by Jane Yolen. Year's Best Fantasy. 19881989. St. Martin's Press. Edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling. Name changed to Year's Best Fantasy and Horror. Year's Best Fantasy and Horror. 1990. St. Martin's Press. Edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling. The 12th annual collection was published in 1999, the numbering continuing from the previous title, Year's Best Fantasy. Year's Best Fantasy Stories. 19741988. DAW. Lin Carter edited the first six volumes and Arthur W. Saha the last eight.

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Bibliographies and Biographies Ashley, Michael, and William Contento. The Supernatural Index: A Listing of Fantasy, Supernatural, Occult, Weird, and Horror Anthologies. Greenwood, 1995. More than 21,000 stories by over 7,700 authors in more than 2,100 anthologies are indexed. Barron, Neil. Fantasy Literature. Garland, 1990. A scholarly historical treatment of the genre. Barron, Neil, ed. What Fantastic Fiction Do I Read Next? A Reader's Guide to Recent Fantasy, Horror and Science Fiction. Gale, 1998. Non-critical, it lists books released in the specified time span of 19891997. Characters, settings, and key worlds are indexed. Bloom, Harold, ed. Classic Fantasy Writers. Chelsea House, 1994. . Modern Fantasy Writers. Chelsea House, 1995. Bontly, Susan W., and Carol J. Sheridan. Enchanted Journeys Beyond the Imagination, Vols. 1 and 2: An Annotated Bibliography of Fantasy Futuristic Supernatural and Time Travel Romances. Blue Diamond, 1996. Burgess, Michael. Reference Guide to Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror. Libraries Unlimited, 1992. Cawthorn, James, and Michael Moorcock. Fantasy: The 100 Best Books. Carroll & Graf, 1991. Hall, Hal W., ed. Science Fiction and Fantasy Reference Index, 19851991: An International Author and Subject Index to History and Criticism. Libraries Unlimited, 1993. Definitive listings of secondary materials. . Science Fiction and Fantasy Reference Index, 19921995: An International Subject and Author Index to History and Criticism. Libraries Unlimited, 1997. Definitive listings of secondary materials. Herald, Diana Tixier. Fluent in Fantasy: A Guide to Reading Interests. Libraries Unlimited, 1999. The first readers' advisory tool focusing solely on fantasy, this is the definitive guide to the genre. The book describes thousands of fantasy titles and categorizes them into 15 subgenres (e.g., sword and sorcery, humor, shared world, dark fantasy). It also includes a historical background of the genre, tips for readers' advisors, a recommended core list for libraries, and lists of resources. Award winners and titles that appeal to teens are noted and there are author/title and subject indexes. Perret, Patti. The Faces of Fantasy. Tor, 1996. Renowned photographer Perret offers fantasy lovers a treat in this visual feast of beloved authors. Photographed in various locales and settings, each portrait searches for an inner vision of the over 100 writers featured. Terri Windling provides a fascinating historical overview of fantasy fiction in the introduction.

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Pringle, David. Modern Fantasy: The Hundred Best Novels. An English Language Selection, 1946-1987. Peter Bedrick Books, 1989. Pringle, David, ed. St. James Guide to Fantasy Writers. St. James Press, 1996. Waggoner, Diana. The Hills of Faraway: A Guide to Fantasy. Atheneum, 1978. An eclectic selection of 996 titles, critically annotated. Encyclopedias Clute, John, and John Grant. The Encyclopedia of Fantasy. St. Martin's Press, 1997. The first, only, and definitive encyclopedia of fantasy. This is a must-have for every serious fantasy collection. It has over a million words in 4,000 entries. Everything you ever wanted to know about fantasy from the dawn of time to 1995 is included. Not only covering the written word, it also takes on movies, television, art, and live performances that are fantasy based. Awards and conventions are listed, as are themes and motifs. Guides and Atlases These delightful books will enchant all fans of fantasy, and many of science fiction, for they describe and map the lands that readers' imaginations have made real. Anthony, Piers, and Jody Lynn Nye. Piers Anthony's Visual Guide to Xanth. Avon Books, 1989. A look at the geography, locations, flora, and fauna of the magical land of Xanth. Barlowe, Wayne Douglas. Barlowe's Guide to Fantasy. HarperPrism, 1996. Fifty fantasy creatures and characters brought to life by illustrator Wayne Barlowe. Very much as in a study by a naturalist, essential facts are given about each creature, including language, weaponry, dietary customs, and if applicable, favorite prey. Jordan, Robert, and Teresa Patterson. The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time. Tor, 1997. A guide to the popular bestselling series. It serves as an atlas, with maps of the world, the Seanchan Empire, the nations of the Covenant of the Ten Nations, and historical maps of the nations as they were when Artur Paendrag Tanreall began his rise to legend. It also includes illustrations of landscapes, objects of power, and portraits of the central characters. Manguel, Alberto, and Gianni Guadalupi. The Dictionary of Imaginary Places. Updated edition. Harcourt Brace, 1999. A tour of more than 1,200 fantasy realms. Nye, Jody Lynn. The Dragonlover's Guide to Pern. 2d ed. Del Rey, 1997. A guide to the people, places, and creatures of Pern. Post, J. B., comp. An Atlas of Fantasy. Rev. ed. Ballantine, 1979. Many of the maps are for works cited in this guide.

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History and Criticism In addition to the following works, material on fantasy can be found in some histories and criticisms of science fiction. Hall, Hal W., ed. Science Fiction and Fantasy Reference Index, 19851991: An International Author and Subject Index to History and Criticism. Libraries Unlimited, 1993. Le Guin, Ursula K. The Language of the Night: Essays on Fantasy and Science Fiction. HarperCollins, 1992. On the writing and reading of fantasy and science fictionan eloquent statement. MacRae, Cathi Dunn. Presenting Young Adult Fantasy Fiction. Twayne, 1998. Discusses what young adults really read and why, but because in fantasy young adults and adults read the same things, this is a book for all serious fantasy collections. Biographies of Terry Brooks, Jane Yolen, Barbara Hambly, and Meredith Ann Pierce provide more in-depth fantasy analysis. Magill, Frank N., ed. Survey of Modern Fantasy Literature. Salem Press, 1983. 5 vols. Sobczak, A. J., and T. A. Shippey, eds. Magill's Guide to Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature. Salem Press, 1996. 4 vols. Volume 1. The Absolute at LargeDragonsbane; Volume 2. DreamThe Lensman Series; Volume 3. Lest Darkness FallSo Love Returns; Volume 4. Software and WetwareZotz! Journals Fantasy is most commonly discussed with science fiction and often with horror. For more journals covering fantasy fiction, consult the science fiction chapter, Chapter 6. The following deal specifically with fantasy. Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine. P.O. Box 249, Berkeley, CA 94701. Published quarterly, it features short stories, artwork, and author interviews. Realms of Fantasy. 11305 Sunset Hills Rd., Reston, VA 20190. Published bimonthly, it features reviews of books, television, and games. Features include discussions of the genre by esteemed authors of fantasy, including Terri Windling and Jane Yolen. Many of its readers purchase it for the short stories by new and established authors. Online Resources Online resources specific to fantasy are listed here. Additional listings of sites that group fantasy with science fiction are listed in the science fiction chapter (Chapter 6).

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Fantasy Finder, (accessed 20 January 2000) Feminist Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Utopia, (accessed 20 January 2000) Fluent in Fantasy, (accessed 20 January 2000), features hyperlinks to all sites listed in the book of the same title as well as listing new sites of interest to fantasy readers. Future Fantasy Bookstore includes lists and links to sample chapters: (accessed 20 January 2000) International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts, http://ebbs.english.vt. edu/iafa/iafa.home.html (accessed 20 January 2000) Los Angeles Public Library Readers Advisory Fantasy Lists, (accessed 20 January 2000) Reader's Robot Fantasy Page, (accessed 20 January 2000) Recommended Fantasy Author List, Sheldon/listcont.htm (accessed 20 January 2000) Sidewise Awards for Alternate History, (accessed 20 January 2000) Publishers Ace is one of the three science fiction and fantasy imprints of Penguin Putnam. Arbor House is known for its fine anthologies. Avon Eos is the new imprint for science fiction and fantasy, replacing Avon's defunct Aspect imprint. They do list whether a title is science fiction or fantasy on their Web site. Baen is a leader in publishing science fiction and fantasy. Ballantine is the venerable granddaddy of fantasy publishing and is closely linked with the development of the genre. Ballantine now publishes fantasy under the Del Rey imprint. Carroll & Graf publishes the occasional fantasy title. DAW was started by Donald A. Wolheim and is now a fantasy and science fiction imprint of Penguin Putnam. Del Rey is an imprint of Random House that publishes fantasy and science fiction. Gollancz is the British publisher that publishes Terry Pratchett and others. HarperCollins publishes a great deal of fantasy in Great Britain, including the authors J. R. R. Tolkien, David Eddings, and R. A. Salvatore. HarperPrism is the fantasy and science fiction imprint of HarperCollins in America.

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Headline is a British publisher of fantasy and science fiction. Knopf published the Philip Pullman series His Dark Materials. Morrow publishes an occasional fantasy title. NESFA Press. The New England Science Fiction Association publishes a small number of out-of-print classics and also works by guests honored at the Boskone convention. Orb. An imprint of Tor, it publishes fantasy and science fiction in trade paper-back editions. Orbit is a British imprint of Little, Brown that publishes L. E. Modesitt, Alan Dean Foster, and others. Penguin publishes fantasy under the Ace, DAW, and Roc imprints. Roc is one of the imprints of Penguin Putnam that publishes several fantasy novels a year. Science Fiction Book Club is where many fans get their information about new titles. They often publish omnibus editions and are also a source for paperback originals in hardcover. Simon and Schuster publishes the occasional fantasy title. Spectra is a fantasy and science fiction imprint of Random House. St. Martin's Press is affiliated with Tor and publishes a limited number of fantasy titles. Tor. Selected 11 years in a row as favorite publisher in the Locus Poll, Tor publishes more fantasy and science fiction than any other publisher. Looking at the Tor catalog is a must for good collection development in fantasy. TSR is the game company that made a big splash with DragonLance and is now an imprint of Wizards of the Coast. Underwood-Miller is a small publisher that has published Jack Vance and others. Viking has published fantasy in the past, but currently Ace, DAW, and Roc, sister imprints in the Penguin Putnam family, are publishing fantasy. White Wolf publishes cutting-edge fantasy; it is a game company. Wizards of the Coast is the new owner of TSR and their best-selling Dragon-Lance series. Mark V. Ziesing is a bookseller who also sometimes publishes. He has been nominated to the Locus Poll in his capacity as a publisher. Organizations and Conventions The British Fantasy Society. Established in 1971 and sponsors the annual FantasyCon. They have a Web site at (accessed 20 January 2000). FantasyCon XXIII was held in 1998

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in Birmingham. BFS also provides a list of recommended books consisting of novels and anthologies nominated for the British Fantasy Awards. The Mythopoeic Society. Devoted to the study, discussion, and enjoyment of myth and fantasy literature. They hold an annual conference called Mythcon. The 30th annual conference was held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1999. The Mythopoeic Society maintains a Web site at (accessed 20 January 2000). The address of the corresponding secretary as of 1999 is: Edith Crowe, Corresponding Secretary The Mythopoeic Society P.O. Box 320486 San Francisco, CA 94132-0486 E-mail: [email protected] Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America. Founded in 1965 by Damon Knight, who also served as the first president. Originally the Science Fiction Writers of America, the name was changed to include fantasy in 1992, better reflecting the intertwined relationship of the two genres. Membership is open only to writers of published science fiction or fantasy. The Tolkien Society. Maintains a Web site at (accessed 20 January 2000). The society was founded in 1969 to further interest in the works of J. R. R. Tolkien. World Fantasy Convention. Maintains a Web site at (accessed 20 January 2000). It lists upcoming conventions. The 25th World Fantasy Convention was held in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1999. It is slated for Corpus Christi, Texas, in 2000 and Montreal, Quebec, in 2001. World Fantasy Convention 2000 P.O. Box 27277 Austin, TX 78755 Attendance at the convention is limited to 1,000 people, but supporting memberships are also available. Members nominate for the World Fantasy Awards but a panel of judges makes the final decisions. Awards The most up-to-date information on awards can be found on the World Wide Web at: (accessed 20 January 2000) (accessed 20 January 2000) Both sites list awards of particular interest to fantasy readers.

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Fantasy Awards The following is a listing of fantasy awards that continue to be given. The winners are listed in Fluent in Fantasy (Libraries Unlimited, 1999), as are the winners of now-defunct awards. August Derleth Award. The British Fantasy Award, often referred to as the August Derleth Award, is selected by members of the British Fantasy Society and attendees of the annual FantasyCon. The close relationship between fantasy and horror is indicated by the number of horror novels awarded this fantasy prize. Several of the books that have received this award are covered in the horror chapter (Chapter 8). Locus Awards. Readers of Locus are annually given a chance to select their favorites in a magazine poll. Because Locus is to science fiction, fantasy, and horror what Billboard is to music and Variety to acting, the poll really reflects what serious readers of fantasy like. The poll has been taken annually since 1971. Ballots are only accepted from subscribers, and results are published in the July or August issue. An online resource listing nominees, winners, and results is at (accessed 15 November 1999). Poll results are given in the categories of SF novel, fantasy novel, horror/dark fantasy novel, first novel, novella, novelette, short story, collection, anthology, nonfiction, art book, editor, magazine, book publisher, and artist. In 1994 and 1990, dark fantasy was not listed as a category even though horror was. Although the poll has been conducted since 1971, the best fantasy novel category first appeared in 1980. Prior to that, fantasy was included in the novel category. Mythopoeic Award. The Mythopoeic Award is given at the annual Mythcon. The winner is chosen by a committee of Mythopoeic Society members. In 1992 the society divided the fantasy award into categories of fantasy for children and for adults. Sidewise Awards. "The Sidewise Awards for Alternate History were conceived in late 1995 to honor the best 'genre' publications of the year. The award takes its name from Murray Leinster's 1934 short story 'Sidewise in Time,' in which a strange storm causes portions of Earth to swap places with their analogs from other timelines."Sidewise award Web site. (accessed 20 January 2000). William L. Crawford Memorial Award. A panel of judges awards this prize at the International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts annual convention for the best first fantasy published during the previous 18 months. World Fantasy Award. Members of the annual World Fantasy Convention may nominate, but the winners are selected by a panel. The panel also awards the World Fantasy Life Achievement Award to an individual.

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D's Fantasy Picks Bertin, Joanne. The Last Dragonlord. Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter series. Springer, Nancy. Fair Peril. Windling, Terri. The Wood Wife. Wrede, Patricia C. Magician's Ward.

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Chapter 8 Horror

''Where there is no imagination there is no horror." Sherlock Holmes, in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, "A Study in Scarlet" (1887) "you want to know whether I believe in ghosts of course I do not believe in them if you had known as many of them as I have you would not believe in them either" Don Marquis, Ghosts in Archy and Mehitabel (1927) That which haunts our nightmares is the stuff of horror. Filled with monsters, ghouls, vampires, and hellish creatures, horror creates places where werewolves and psychotic killers lurk in the shadows. It is a journey into the unknown and the forbidden. Call it morbid fascination, call it forbidden pleasures, or call it the power of our dark side, but whatever it's called, horror's appeal cannot be denied. Stephen King's works continue to top best-seller lists and young adults now show an avid interest in the genre, which will likely ensure its longevity. The immense popularity of such horror films as The Blair Witch Project and The Sixth Sense with young and old audiences alike evidences the pervasiveness and strength of the genre in our culture. Part of horror's appeal is that it piques the fascination and curiosity of its readers. The reader embarks on a quest to discover how the protagonist overcomes the demons that bedevil him. Like adventure, horror has the ability to provoke an adrenaline rush, much like riding a roller coaster or jumping from an airplane. Why people read horror has been endlessly debated; theories have been posed that range from the suggestion that these readers are atypical individuals who enjoy experiencing fear and disgust, to the idea that the reader is fascinated by the anomaly of the monstrous events and reads

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despite the fear and disgust. This writer suggests that readers who choose horror do so because they enjoy the thrill of unknown dangers (from a safe vantage point, safely ensconced with a book) and because many horror stories are compellingly well told. In fact, the paragon of horror writers, Stephen King, is arguably the best storyteller of our time. Horror has close links with many of the other genres. In works of literary history and criticism as well as early anthologies, it is often grouped with mysteries and gothic tales. Often the horrific elements in horror are scientifically derived (e.g., the monster created from science gone astray), linking it with science fiction. Mary Wollstoncraft Shelley has been called the mother of science fiction because the creation of Frankenstein's monster is definitely a tale of science gone wrong, but it is also the original man-made monster tale, and many readers consider it a tale of horror rather than science fiction. Bram Stoker's Dracula has sometimes been called the first horror novel; in fact, when the Horror Writers Association was looking for a name for their awards, they selected Bram Stoker's name. The horror novels dealing with the supernatural and paranormal have a close link with fantasy. Much of the background and scholarly material on horror is found in articles and monographs dealing with fantasy. Horror novels even frequently win the top fantasy awards. The British Fantasy Award is called the August Derleth Award, after a writer who was known for his weird tales or dark fantasy that can easily be labeled horror. Romance and historical fiction also can be linked to horror. Gothic tales appear in both romance and horror, and at the end of the 1990s, one of the hottest trends in romance fiction was the paranormal romance, often featuring vampires or werewolves, heretofore denizens of horror fiction. Some atmospherically creepy horror novels have fully realized and meticulously detailed historical settings, thus giving them a relationship to historical fiction. While horror has always been present in literature, it wasn't considered a separate genre until recently (relative to the other genres). In November 1985 the first meeting of what was to become the Horror Writers Association was held. Some contend that the first horror author was Charles Brockden Brown, who wrote Wieland, or the Transformation (1798), in which religious mania incites murder, disembodied voices speak, and a man spontaneously combusts. H. P. Lovecraft, who died in 1937, has often been considered the father of modern horror fiction with his weird tales of the old gods and the Cthulhu mythos. When advising the reader it is important, as always, to come to an understanding of the individual's personal definition of horror. Some readers consider only fiction involving the paranormal to be horror, while others enjoy reading about human monsters such as Hannibal "the cannibal" Lector. It is helpful to keep in mind that many of the qualities readers like in horror may also be found in the other genres mentioned above. Many of the horror stories currently being published focus on psychological horror, with the terrors often having an explicable cause, however deranged the mind from which the horror emanates. For the much-imitated Lovecraft school of horror, see "Cosmic Paranoia" (p. 431). The possibilities for inexplicable acts are limited only by the author's dark imagination.

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Themes and Types Classic Authors Brown, Charles Brockden Wieland, or the Transformation (1798). Hawthorne, Nathaniel The House of the Seven Gables (1851). Hodgson, William Hope The House of the Borderland (1908). Irving, Washington "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" (1819). Kipling, Rudyard Phantoms and Fantasies. Lovecraft, H. P. The Shadow over Innsmouth (1936). At the Mountains of Madness. The Dunwich Horror. The Lurking Fear. The Shuttered Room. The Tomb. Machen, Arthur Tales of Horror and the Supernatural. O'Brien, Fitz-James The Supernatural Tales of Fitz-James O'Brien. Poe, Edgar Allan Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque (1840). The Pit and the Pendulum (1842). 18 Best Stories by Edgar Allan Poe. Saki Classic horror short stories: "The Interlopers." "The Open Window." Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus (1818).

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Stoker, Bram Dracula (1897). Wells, H. G. The Invisible Man (1897). "The Truth About Pyecraft." Wilde, Oscar The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891). The Occult and Supernatural In this category are stories of the unseen and malevolent, the macabre and ghostly: poltergeists; girls transformed by night into bats, cats, monkeys, or snakes; souls being stolen or sold to the devil; minds being read or invaded. The occult embraces all mysterious things beyond human understanding. The term is also used to describe those sciences, often appearing in horror literature, that involve knowledge and use of the supernatural. The supernatural encompasses all things existing or occurring outside humanity's normal experience. A supernatural event cannot be explained by any known force of nature. Accompanying a belief in supernatural forces is the belief that these forces intervene to control nature and the universe and that these forces are above ordinary nature. Naturally, then, it follows that supernatural beings and powers exist that are active in the ordinary world. A person sensitive to such forces beyond the physical world is called a psychic or medium. The term psychic refers to happenings beyond natural (or known) physical processes; that is, a psychic phenomenon supersedes the physical laws of nature and, therefore, must be caused by spiritual or supernatural agencies. The following list includes a miscellany of themes and presents authors important in this subgenre. Aiken, Joan The Windcreep Weepers. The Green Flash. Anderson, Michael Falconer The Covenant. Andrews, V. C. Flowers in the Attic. Petals in the Wind. Seeds of Yesterday. All are macabre, gothic soap operas. Anthony, Piers Shade of the Tree. Supernatural.

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Barker, Clive Weaveworld. Bloch, Robert Psycho. Block, Lawrence Ariel. Evil child. Bradbury, Ray The October Country. Something Wicked This Way Comes. Bradley, Marion Zimmer The Inheritor. Poltergeist. Campbell, Ramsey Incarnate. Hungry Moon. Midnight Sun. Coyne, John Hobgoblin. Features a fantasy role-playing game akin to Dungeons and Dragons. Due, Tananarive My Soul to Keep. Immortality. Farris, John Fiends. Feist, Raymond E. Faerie Tale. Gannett, Lewis The Living One. Grant, Charles L. The Sound of Midnight. In a Dark Dream. Children with supernatural powers. Herbert, James The Dark. The Spear.

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King, Francis Voices in an Empty Room. Paranormal communication. Koontz, Dean R. Darkfall. Voodoo. Laski, Marghanita The Victorian Chaise Longue. Nightmare. Leiber, Fritz Our Lady of Darkness. Little, Bentley The Ignored. Masterton, Graham The Manitou. Revenge of the Manitou. Burial. McCammon, Robert R. Usher's Passing. Descendants of Poe's Usher family. Mills, James The Power. Raucher, Herman Maynard's House. Saul, John Shadows. Sherman, Nick The Surrogate. Slade, Michael Ghoul. Slater, Philip How I Saved the World. Psychic. Straub, Peter Floating Dragon. Strieber, Whitley Black Magic. Telepathy. Woods, Stuart Under the Lake.

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Ghosts The ghost, often haunting a house or a person, is a pervasive presence in the horror genre. Most ghosts are malevolent, but some are sad or plaintive. The crux of these tales may be the answer to the question, Why can't the dead rest? Ansa, Tina McElroy Baby of the Family. The Hand I Fan With. Ashe, Rosalind Moths. Brody, Jean A Coven of Women. Disch, Thomas M. The Businessman: A Tale of Terror. Fraser, Anthea Whistler's Lane. Herbert, James Haunted. Ghosts of Sleath. Hynd, Noel A Room for the Dead. Jackson, Shirley The Haunting of Hill House. James, Henry The Turn of the Screw. James, Peter Possession. Lofts, Norah Gad's Hall. The Haunting of Gad's Hall. Michaels, Barbara Here I Stay. The Walker in the Shadows. Ammie Come Home. Ghosts haunt these novels of romantic suspense.

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Saul, John The Unloved. Ghost Short Stories Ghosts have long been popular in the short form. Blackwood, Algernon Best Ghost Stories. Bowen, Elizabeth The Demon Lover and Other Stories. Coppard, A. E. Fearful Pleasures. Cox, Michael, and R. A. Gilbert, eds. Victorian Ghost Stories: An Oxford Anthology. 12 Victorian Ghost Stories. The Oxford Book of Twentieth-Century Ghost Stories. The Oxford Book of English Ghost Stories. Dalby, Richard, ed The Mammoth Book of Ghost Stories. Modern Ghost Stories by Eminent Women Writers. Davies, Robertson High Spirits. De La Mare, Walter The Wind Blows Over. Dickens, Charles Charles Dickens' Christmas Ghost Stories. Dunsany, Lord God, Men and Ghosts. Greenberg, Martin H., ed Civil War Ghosts. James, M. R. Ghost Stories of an Antiquary. LeFanu, J. S. Ghost Stories and Mysteries. Best Ghost Stories of J. S. LeFanu.

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Leithauser, Brad, ed The Norton Book of Ghost Stories. Lindley, Charles The Ghost Book of Charles Lindley, Viscount Halifax. McSherry, Frank D. Great American Ghost Stories. Munby, A. N. L. The Alabaster Hand and Other Ghost Stories. Onions, Oliver The First Book of Ghost Stories: Widdershins. Includes "The Beckoning Fair One," the classic ghost story. Wakefield, H. Russell The Best Ghost Stories of H. Russell Wakefield. The author required that a ghost story should "bring upon you the odd, insinuating little sensation that a number of small creatures are simultaneously camping on your scalp and sprinkling icewater down your back-bone" (Genreflecting, 2d ed., 1986). Walter, Elizabeth Dead Woman and Other Haunting Experiences. In the Mist and Other Uncanny Encounters. The Sin-Eater and Other Scientific Impossibilities. Young, Richard Alan, and Judy Dockrey Young, eds. Ghost Stories from the American Southwest. Cosmic Paranoia Sometimes called weird tales and categorized as fantasy, the mythology created by H. P. Lovecraft, with its malevolent lifeforce, nightmares, monsters, and "The Great Old Ones," has had an important influence on horror literature. This list includes the works of Lovecraft and some of his followers. Berglund, Edward P., ed. The Disciples of Cthulhu, 2d rev. ed. Wizards Attic, 1996. An anthology of stories by followers of Lovecraft. The editor describes the Cthulhu Mythos as "a malign pantheon, including the octopoid Cthulhu, that lurk practically everywhere, and that any mortal mixing with them is going to end up dead, mad or worse." Bloch, Robert Strange Eons.

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Campbell, Ramsey, ed. New Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos. Arkham, 1980. Includes tales written in the manner of Lovecraft. Koontz, Dean R. Phantoms. Lovecraft, H. P. At the Mountains of Madness. The Dunwich Horror. The Lurking Fear. The Shuttered Room. The Tomb. "All my tales are based on the fundamental premise that common human laws and emotions have no validity or significance in the cosmos-at-large." Lovecraft created an entire mythology, the Cthulhu Mythos, and defined it as "the fundamental lore or legend that this world was inhabited at one time by another race who, in practicing black magic, lost their foothold and were expelled, yet live on outside, ever ready to take possession of this earth again" (Genreflecting, 2d ed., 1986). The Publisher Arkham House is named for Lovecraft's fantasy land (for a map, see Post's An Atlas of Fantasy). Lumley, Brian Demogorgon. Titus Crow series. The Burrowers Beneath. The Transition of Titus Crow. The Clock of Dreams. Spawn of the Winds. In the Moons of Borea. Elysia. The Coming of Cthulhu. Dreamlands series. Hero of Dreams. Ship of Dreams. Mad Moon of Dreams. Iced on Aran. Schreffler, Philip A. The H. P. Lovecraft Companion. Greenwood, 1977. Summaries of stories and an "Encyclopedia of Characters and Monsters" of the Cthulhu Mythos. Turner, Jim, ed. Cthulhu 2000: A Lovecraftian Anthology. Arkham, 1995. Includes, among others, "The Barrens," by F. Paul Wilson; "Pickman's Modem," by Lawrence Watt-Evans; "Shaft Number 247,'' by Basil Copper; "The Adder," by Fred Chappell; "Fat Face," by Michael Shea; "The Big Fish," by Kim Newman;

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"H.P.L.," by Gahan Wilson; "The Shadow on the Doorstep," by James P. Blaylock; "Lord of the Land," by Gene Wolfe; ''The Faces at Pine Dunes," by Ramsey Campbell; "On the Slab," by Harlan Ellison; and "Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai," by Roger Zelazny. . Eternal Lovecraft: The Persistence of HPL in Popular Culture. Golden Gryphon Press, 1998. Eighteen short stories by Stephen King, Robert Charles Wilson, Fritz Lieber, Gene Wolfe, Harlan Ellison, Nancy A. Collins, and others. Weinberg, Robert E., and Martin H. Greenberg, eds. Lovecraft's Legacy. Tor, 1990. Original horror tales in honor of Lovecraft's centennial. Stephen King Stephen King's first novel was published in 1973, and he quickly became the modern name defining the horror genre. Books he wrote under the name Richard Bachman are now published under his own name. His horror novels are best sellers and generate long reserve lists in libraries. They have been made into movies and television miniseries, and many of them are also available in audio format on cassette tapes. Other authors whom readers of King like include Dean Koontz and Robert R. McCammon. Demonic Possession and Exorcism The taking over of an innocent mind by a demon or ghost, sometimes through domination by a psychotic living person, is one of the most terrifying themes in folklore. Belief in possession is widespread and many religions have rituals for exorcising the evil spirits. The following listing is selective, as several very popular modern prototypes have led to seemingly endless imitations. (See also "Mind Control.") Blatty, William The Exorcist. Bloch, Robert Lori. Campbell, Ramsey The Parasite. Coyne, John The Piercing. The Searing. De Felitta, Frank Golgatha Falls.

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Farris, John Son of the Endless Night. Household, Geoffrey The Sending. Levin, Ira Rosemary's Baby. Son of Rosemary. Mitchell, Mary Ann Drawn to the Grave. Ross, Clarissa Satan Whispers. Strieber, Whitley Unholy Fire. Thompson, Gene Lupe. Walton, Evangeline Witch House. Haunted Houses A house possessed is only a tiny bit less terrifying than a mind possessed. Haunted houses have long been a staple in the horror genre. What town does not feature a haunted house as a Halloween fund-raising project? The following tales tell of dealings with homes or lodgings that display malevolence. Amis, Kingsley The Green Man. Brite, Poppy Z. Drawing Blood. Campbell, Ramsey Nazareth Hill. A haunted apartment complex. "It is said that the truth shall set you free. In Nazareth Hill, the truth brings captivity and death."publisher's comments in catalog Herbert, James Haunted. The Magic Cottage. Jackson, Shirley The Haunting of Hill House. Four people and a haunted mansion.

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King, Stephen The Shining. In an isolated Rocky Mountain hotel, a writer, the father of a psychic son, is being driven insane by forces of evil. Wilde, Oscar The Centerville Ghost. Satanism, Demonology, and Black Magic Worshipping the devil, pacts with the devil, raising the devil, hauntings by demons, transmigration of souls, magicians, and black magic: The diversity of topics in this category is frightening. Bester, Alfred Golem 100. Blish, James Black Easter. Demons are released from hell to prey on the world. Bontly, Thomas Celestial Chess. Campbell, Ramsey Obsession. Collier, John Of Demons and Darkness. Garton, Roy Crucifax Autumn. Herbert, James Moon. A psychic computer expert shares a mind link with a monstrously evil killer. King, Stephen, and Peter Straub The Talisman. Levin, Ira Rosemary's Baby. A young woman's dream apartment turns into a nightmare when she is raped and impregnated by Satan. Masterton, Graham The Hell Candidate. Spellman, Cathy Cash Bless the Child.

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Stewart, Fred Mustard The Mephisto Waltz. Straczynski, J. Michael Demon Light. Straub, Peter Shadowland. Talbot, Michael The Bog. Thompson, Gene Lupe. Wellman, Manly Wade The School of Darkness. The Old Gods Waken. Wheatley, Dennis The Devil Rides Out. The Satanist. Strange Conflict. To the Devil a Daughter. Gateway to Hell. They Used Dark Forces. Witches and Warlocks Witches often appear in the historical romance, but usually as secondary characters. In the following books, the witch and the warlock are persons of reality, in the present as well as in the past, and they may be practitioners of either white or black witchcraft. Buchan, John Witch Wood. Copper, Basil Not After Nightfall. Curtis, Peter (pseudonym of Norah Lofts) The Devil's Own. Gunn, David The Magicians. A private investigator, Casey, takes on a case involving black magicians, witches, and warlocks.

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Hamilton, Jessica Elizabeth. Harris, Marilyn The Conjurers. Heidish, Marcy The Torching. Leiber, Fritz Conjure Wife. Behind every great man is a witch. Rice, Anne The Witching Hour. Lasher. Updike, John The Witches of Eastwick. Three small-town New England witches in the 1960s. "A wicked entertainment with lots (and lots) of sex."The New Republic Warner, Sylvia Townsend Lolly Willowes. A genteel classic. Witchcraft without horror; a witch's coven in an English village in this century. Monsters Monstrous creations by a freakish naturetaking unnatural form from any of the elements (water, earth, air), plants, or animalsabound in horror fiction. Clegg, Douglas The Halloween Man. Herbert, James The Rats. Domain. Mutant animals in London after a nuclear attack. Joyce, Graham The Tooth Fairy. Koontz, Dean Watchers. A genetically engineered monster escapes from a secret laboratory. Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus. First published in 1818. May be considered as part of science fiction (e.g., androids, mad scientist). Forrest J. Ackerman's World of Science Fiction (General Publishing Group, 1997) devotes 30 pages to discussion of the 250 editions of this book and to the countless spinoffs, from movies to toys.

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Stevenson, Robert Louis The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. First published in 1886. The drug and psychological aspects were also influential in science fiction. Wiesel, Elie The Golem: The Story of a Legend. Vampires Those restless undead who escape their graves at night to drink the blood of innocent sleepers are stock folklore figures, now largely identified with Bram Stoker's Count Dracula. Although there has been a recent trend toward making the vampire legend humorous, most examples are macabre if not horrifying. Some vampires, instead of going after the blood of their victims, covet their minds or souls. Lichtenberg's vampires come from another planet. Some vampires are quite romantic, so readers of this subgenre may also enjoy paranormal romance in Chapter 5. Brite, Poppy Z. Lost Souls. Collins, Nancy A. Midnight Blue: The Sonja Blue Collection: Sunglasses After Dark, In the Blood, and Paint it Black. In this collection of three titles originally published separately, Sonja is not only a vampire but a vampire slayer, too. Daniels, Lee The Black Castle. The Silver Skull. Geare, Michael, and Michael Corby Dracula's Diary. Tongue-in-cheek. Greenburg, Dan The Nanny. Guigonnat, Henri Daemon in Lithuania. Hambly, Barbara Those Who Hunt the Night. Hamilton, Laurell K. Anita Blake series. Hays, Clark, and Kathleen McFall The Cowboy and the Vampire: A Very Unusual Romance. A contemporary Wyoming cowboy must fight for the woman he loves, who just may be the next queen of the vampires, as good and evil vampires battle to win her over to their respective sides.

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Huff, Tanya Blood Lines. Blood Pact. Blood Price. Blood Trail. Kalogridis, Jeanne Covenant with the Vampire. Children of the Vampire. Lord of the Vampires. King, Stephen Salem's Lot. Lee, Tanith Sabella; or, The Blood Stone. Lichtenberg, Jacqueline Those of My Blood. Linssen, John Tabitha Fffoulkes: A Love Story About a Reformed Vampire and His Favorite Lady. Martin, George R. R. Fevre Dream. Matheson, Richard I Am Legend. Newman, Kim Anno-Dracula. The Bloody Red Baron. Raven, Simon Doctors Wear Scarlet. Rice, Anne Interview with the Vampire. The Vampire Lestat. Queen of the Damned. Tale of the Body Thief. Memnoc the Devil. Pandora. The Vampire Armand.

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Saberhagen, Fred The Dracula Tapes. A Matter of Taste. A Sharpness on the Neck. Simmons, Dan Carrion Comfort. Children of the Night. Joshua, adopted as an infant from Romania, is kidnapped by the vampiric srigoi after his mother, a hematologist, discovers that his blood may hold the cure for AIDS and cancer. Stoker, Bram Dracula. First published in 1897, the novel, like its hero, has never died and has produced bloodthirsty progeny in novels, stage plays, and motion pictures. Strieber, Whitley The Hunger. Sturgeon, Theodore Some of Your Blood. Tremayne, Peter Bloodright: A Memoir of Mircea, Son of Vlad Tepes, Prince of Wallachia, Also Known as Dracula . . . Born on This Earth in the Year of Christ 1431, Who Died in 1476 but Remained Undead. The Revenge of Dracula. The Palace: A Historical Horror Novel. Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn Hotel Transylvania. The Palace. Blood Games. Path of the Eclipse. Tempting Fate. A Flame in Byzantium. Crusader's Torch. Darker Jewels. Animals Run Rampant, Werewolves One of humans' primal fears is of being attacked by monstrous types of animals, but another fear is of being attacked by ordinary animals turned horrifying. One of the most fearsome animals in folklore is the wolf. More fearsome is the magic transformation of a man into a wolf (lycanthropy) or werewolf. (In Oriental folklore, a common motif is the dual nature of woman as fox or cat.)

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Bakis, Kirsten Lives of the Monster Dogs. "Augustus Rank created the 'monster dogs' during the latter part of the 19th century. The dogsRottweilers and Dobermanshave been enhanced with surgery and prosthetics, allowing them to walk and talk and think like humans." Boucher, Anthony The Compleat Werewolf. Copper, Basil House of the Wolf. DiSilvestro, Roger L. Ursula's Gift. Du Maurier, Daphne The Birds. Dvorkin, David Ursus. Endore, Guy The Werewolf of Paris. Gregory, Stephen The Cormorant. King, Stephen Cujo. Koontz, Dean Watchers. Prantera, Amanda Strange Loop. Rouché, Berton The Cats. Smith, Wayne Thor. Only Thor, the family German shepherd, may be able to save his human pack from a werewolf. Stableford, Brian The Werewolves of London. The Angel of Pain. The Carnival of Destruction.

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Strieber, Whitley The Wolfen. Tessier, Thomas The Nightwalker. Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn The Godforsaken. Mind Control The domination of another's mind by the living or the dead, by humans or demons, is a strong theme in folklore and horror literature. It appears in several religions and is related to the rite of exorcism (see "Demonic Possession and Exorcism," p. 433). Sometimes a person loses control of his or her mind to a cult. Brookes, Owen Deadly Communion. Chesbro, George C. Veil. David, James F. Fragments. Hallahan, William H. The Keeper of the Children. Koontz, Dean Strangers. Several strangers are lured, through their nightmares, to the Tranquility Motel, where terror awaits them. Masterton, Graham The Burning. Simmons, Dan Carrion Comfort. Vampires of the mind wrest mental control from their victims. Siodmak, Curt Donovan's Brain. Medical Horror and Evil Science Doctors, sometimes mad, and hospitals in which unnatural medicine is practiced exist in a horrifying subgenre. Readers may also find similar titles in Chapter 4, "Adventure," in the "Biothrillers" section.

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Cook, Robin Brain. Coma. Fever. Godplayer. Harmful Intent. Vital Signs. Mutation. Mindbend. Chromosome 6. David, James F. Fragments. A psychologist melds together the minds of five idiot-savants, but a sixth mind, the spirit of a woman raped and murdered, joins them and takes over. Gerritsen, Tess Gravity. Bloodstream. A doctor and mother must find out what is the cause of strange episodes of violence that periodically crop up in the peaceful small town she has moved to, before her son is destroyed. Jordan, B. B. Principal Investigation. Katz, William Facemaker. Klein, Daniel Embryo. Wavelengths. Palmer, Michael Natural Causes. Dr. Sarah Baldwin suddenly loses several patients who have been taking an herbal supplement she had prescribed. Pearson, Ridley The Angel Maker. Street kids are found dead, with missing organs (kidneys, livers, and lungs). Perry, Stephani D. Resident Evil series. Based on the electronic game. Ravin, Neil Seven North.

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Saul, John Creature. The God Project. Healthy babies in their Eastbury, Massachusetts, cribs suddenly turn cold. The Presence. Why would healthy 17-year-old boys suddenly drop dead? Shobin, David The Obsession. The Seeding. The Unborn. Slattery, Jesse The Juliet Effect. Spruill, Steven G. My Soul to Take. Zimmerman, R. D. Mindscream. Dark Fantasy A hint of evil, a touch of magic, and a dark look at the world combine to create fantasy with a surrealistic feeling that shades into horror. Readers may also enjoy titles listed in Chapter 7, ''Fantasy." Berliner, Janet, and George Guthridge Madagascar Manifesto. Child of the Light. Child of the Journey. Children of the Dusk. Stoker Award winner. Brooks, Terry Running with the Demon. Knight of the Word. Dedman, Stephen The Art of Arrow Cutting. King, Stephen The Dark Tower series. The Gunslinger. The Drawing of the Three. The Waste Lands. Wizard and Glass.

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Powers, Tim Expiration Date. Earthquake Weather. Last Call. In a bizarre poker game involving Tarot cards, Scott Crane must face down his father, the Fisher King. Apocalypse A horror is unleashed that is so terrible the world could be destroyed. Grant, Charles L. Millennium quartet. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse sweep the planet. Symphony. In the Mood. Herbert, James Portent. The Fog. Masterton, Graham Burial. Psychological Horror Many of the horror stories currently being published are about psychological horror, and the terrors often do have an explicable cause, however deranged the mind from which the horror emanates. Serial killer stories fall into this category. Bloch, Robert Psycho. Campbell, Ramsey The Count of Eleven. Nazareth Hill. Coyne, John Fury. Craig, Kit Twice Burned. Dobyns, Stephen The Church of Dead Girls. A town spins out of control as a series of girls are murdered in a literary tale of terror.

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Harris, Thomas Red Dragon. Silence of the Lambs. Hannibal. Erudite cannibal Hannibal Lector goes up against FBI Agent Clarice Starling. Hoffman, Barry Hungry Eyes. King, Stephen Misery. Klavan, Andrew Animal Hour. Krabbé, Tim The Vanishing. Massie, Elizabeth Sineater. McCammon, Robert R. Mine. Monninger, Joseph Incident at Potter's Ridge. Reeves-Stevens, Garfield Dark Matter. Stirling, Blake Chiller. Splatterpunk Graphic violence, gore, sex, and a dismal outlook are attributes of horror's cutting edge. Splatterpunks: Extreme Horror, edited by Paul M. Sammon (St. Martin's Press, 1990), offers a selection of stories from the best-known writers of this type. A sampling of authors who write in this subgenre are: Barker, Clive Brite, Poppy Z. Lansdale, Joe R. Masterton, Graham Schow, David J. Shirley, John Skipp, John, and Craig Spector Slade, Michael

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Detectives and Horror A detective is sometimes engaged in cases involving the supernatural, with the detection plot often secondary to the eerie background. Ackroyd, Peter Hawksmoor. Blatty, William Peter The Exorcist. Legion. Clements, Mark A. Children of the End. Copper, Basil Necropolis. Hamilton, Laurell K. Anita Blake Vampire Slayer series. A charming combination of detection, horror, and romance. Huff, Tanya The Victory Nelson series. Another combination of detection, horror, and romance. Blood Price. Ancient forces of chaos have been loosed on Toronto. Blood Trail. Innocent Canadian werewolves are being killed. Blood Lines. A mummy feeds on the unwary. Blood Pact. Vicki's mom's body disappears from a funeral home. Blood Debt. Wraiths play a deadly nightly game. Koontz, Dean Whispers. Morgan, Robert Things That Are Not There. Slade, Michael Goul. Reaper. Primal Scream. Straub, Peter Koko. Mystery.

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Strieber, Whitley The Wolfen. Comic Horror Surprisingly enough, horrorthe most uncomedic of genrescan sometimes be combined with comedy. Hamilton, Laurell K. The Anita Blake series. Combines humor, romance, and detection. Guilty Pleasures. The Laughing Corpse. A murderous zombie is on the loose. Circus of the Damned. The Lunatic Cafe. Just how is one to choose between a werewolf and a vampire as a romantic interest? Bloody Bones. Killing Dance. Burnt Offerings. An arsonist is targeting vampires. Moore, Christopher Practical Demonkeeping: A Comedy of Horrors. Topics Horror Grand Masters Forrest J. Ackerman Robert Bloch Ray Bradbury Hugh B. Cave Ronald Chetwynd-Hayes Harlan Ellison Christopher Lee Fritz Leiber Ira Levin Frank Belknap Long Richard Matheson Joyce Carol Oates Ray Russell Clifford D. Simak Gahan Wilson

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Short Stories The short story has been popular in horror from the beginning. It wasn't until Stephen King roared onto the scene that it was surpassed by the novel form. Anthologies The large number of horror anthologies indicates both the popularity of such collections and the significance of the short story in the genre. There are several inveterate anthologists; the listings here are but a selection from their volumes. Other horror stories can be found in anthologies listed for science fiction (see p. 332) and fantasy (see p. 371), and some authors from those fields appear in the following anthologies. One of the interesting facts about horror anthologies is that libraries seem to hang onto them forever. Even when they are not reprinted, anthologies published long ago can still be found on library shelves. Annual Anthologies Datlow, Ellen, and Terri Windling, eds. The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror. St. Martin's Press. The 11th annual collection was published in 1998. Grant, Charles L., ed. Shadows. Doubleday, 19781991. Jones, Stephen ed. The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror. Carroll & Graf. The ninth annual edition was published in 1999. The Year's Best Horror Stories. Daw. 19721990. Annual. General Anthologies Bloch, Robert. Robert Bloch's Psychos. Pocket, 1998. Gorman, Ed, and Martin H. Greenberg, eds. Night Screams: Twenty-Two Stories of Terror. New American Library, 1996. Grant, Charles L., ed. Gallery of Horror. New American Library, 1997. A reprint edition of the 1983 Dodd Mead Gallery of Horror. Hartwell, David G., ed. The Dark Descent. Tor, 1987. Reprinted in paperback in 1997. Pelan, John, ed. Darkside: Horror for the Next Millennium. New American Library, 1998. Wagner, Phyllis Cerf, and Herbert Wise, eds. Great Tales of Terror and the Supernatural. Modern Library, 1994. Weinberg, Robert E., Stefan Dziemianowicz, and Martin H. Greenberg, eds. Between Time and Terror. New American Library, 1995.

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Theme Anthologies Brite, Poppy Z., ed. Love in Vein: Twenty Original Tales of Vampiric Erotica. HarperPrism, 1994. . Love in Vein II: 18 More Tales of Vampiric Erotica. HarperPrism, 1997. The Darkest Thirst: A Vampire Anthology. Design Image Group, 1998. Datlow, Ellen, and Terri Windling, eds. Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers. HarperPrism, 1998. Dziemianowicz, Stefan R., Robert E. Weinberg, and Martin H. Greenberg, eds. Weird Tales: 32 Unearthed Terrors. Bonanza Books, 1988. Elrod, P. N., and Martin H. Greenberg, eds. The Time of the Vampires. Daw, 1996. Gorman, Ed, and Martin H. Greenberg, eds. Night Screams: Twenty-Two Stories of Terror. New American Library, 1996. . Predators. Roc, 1993. Greenberg, Martin H., ed. Haunted Houses: The Greatest Stories. Fine Communications, 1997. . Vampire Detectives. New American Library, 1995. Hambly, Barbara, and Martin H. Greenberg, eds. Sisters of the Night. Warner, 1995. Jones, Stephen, ed. The Mammoth Book of Terror. Carroll & Graf, 1993. . The Mammoth Book of Vampires. Carroll & Graf, 1993. . The Mammoth Book of Zombies. Carroll & Graf, 1993. Masterton, Graham, ed. Scare Care. Tor, 1989. Severn House, 1990. Pelan, John, ed. Darkside: Horror for the Next Millennium. New American Library, 1998. Slung, Michele B. I Shudder at Your Touch: 22 Tales of Sex and Horror. Roc, 1991. Weinberg, Robert E., Stefan Dziemianowicz, and Martin H. Greenberg, eds. Between Time and Terror. New American Library, 1995. Winter, Douglas E., ed. Revelations. HarperPrism, 1997. Includes "Men and Sin," by Clive Barker; "The Big Blow," by Joe R. Lansdale; "If I Should Die Before I Wake," by David Morrell; "Aryans and Absinthe," by F. Paul Wilson; ''Triads," by Poppy Z. Brite and Christa Faust; "Riding the Black," by Charles L. Grant; "The Open Doors," by Whitley Strieber; "Fixtures of Matchstick Men and Joo," by Elizabeth Massie; "Whatever," by Richard Christian Matheson; "Dismantling Fortress Architecture," by David J. Schow and Craig Spector; "The Word," by Ramsey Campbell; and "A Moment at the River's Heart," by Clive Barker.

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Wolf, Leonard, ed. Blood Thirst: 100 Years of Vampire Fiction. Oxford University Press, 1997. Short Story Collections: Individual Authors Before Stephen King's impact on the genre in the 1970s, the horror tale was probably best known in the form of the short story. Most of the classic and modern authors are available in published collections. They and others are readily found in the many anthologies listed in this chapter. Most of the following collections contain a variety of the types of horror tale. Aickman, Robert Cold Hand in Mine. Night Voices: Strange Stories. The Wine Dark Sea. Barker, Clive The Books of Blood. Cabal. Bierce, Ambrose Ghost and Horror Stories. Blackwood, Algernon Tales of the Mysterious and the Macabre. Tales of the Uncanny and Supernatural. Bloch, Robert Out of the Mouths of Graves. Chills. Bowen, Elizabeth The Cat Jumps and Other Stories. Braunbeck, Gary A. Things Left Behind. Collier, John Fancies and Goodnights. Collins, Wilkie Tales of Terror and the Supernatural. Copper, Basil Here Be Daemons: Tales of Horror and the Uneasy. Voices of Doom: Tales of Terror and the Uncanny.

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Derleth, August Dwellers in Darkness. Dinesen, Isak Seven Gothic Tales. Winter's Tales. Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir The Best Supernatural Tales. Edited by E. F. Bleiler. Du Maurier, Daphne Echoes from the Macabre: Selected Stories. Etchison, Dennis The Dark Country. The Blood Kiss. Hartley, L. P. The Traveling Grave, and Other Stories. Harvey, W. F. Midnight Tales. Leiber, Fritz Heroes and Horrors. Long, Frank Belknap The Hounds of Tindalos. Lumley, Brian Fruiting Bodies and Other Fungi. McNaughton, Brian The Throne of Bones. Oates, Joyce Carol Night-Side. Poe, Edgar Allan The Collected Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. The Complete Stories. The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Tales. 18 Best Stories by Edgar Allen Poe. Includes "The Black Cat;" "The Fall of the House of Usher;" "The Masque of the Red Death;'' "The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar;" "The Premature Burial;" "Ms. Found in a Bottle;" "A Tale of the Ragged Mountains;" "The Sphinx;" "The Murders in the Morgue;" "The Tell-Tale Heart;" "The Gold-Bug;" "The System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether;" "The Man That Was Used Up;" "The Balloon Hoax;" "A Descent into the Maelstrom;" "The Purloined Letter;" "The Pit and the Pendulum;" "The Cask of Amontillado."

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Ryan, Alan The Bones Wizard. Wagner, Karl Edward Exorcisms and Ecstasies. Wellman, Manly Wade Who Fears the Devil. Worse Things Waiting. Bibliographies Ashley, Michael, and William Contento. Supernatural Index: A Listing of Fantasy, Supernatural, Occult, Weird, Horror Anthologies. Greenwood, 1995. Indexes over 2,100 anthologies containing more than 21,000 stories by over 7,700 authors, published between 1813 and 1994. Barron, Neil, ed. Horror Literature. Garland, 1990. Includes historical/critical essays. Fonseca, Anthony J., and June Michele Pulliam. Hooked on Horror: A Guide to Reading Interests in Horror Fiction. Libraries Unlimited, 1999. The ultimate guide to advising the horror reader classifies approximately 1,000 works into 13 subgenres (e.g., psychological horror, technohorror, splatterpunk). Award winners are listed and a comprehensive guide to bibliographies, history, criticism, organizations, and conferences important in the genre is included. There is also a thorough index to horror short stories. Encyclopedias In addition to the following encyclopedia, The Encyclopedia of Fantasy (see p. 416) covers a great deal of horror, in particular dark fantasy. Sullivan, Jack, ed. The Penguin Encyclopedia of Horror and the Supernatural. With an introduction by Jacques Barzun. Viking, 1986. An exemplary encyclopedia of awesome text and abundant fearful illustrations that covers literature, art, film, radio, television, music, and illustration. "The main criteria for coverage are that the evocation of fear, whether supernatural or psychological, be the main or at least the major part of the artist's interest and that the work be either historically important or of enduring quality."Genreflecting 2d ed., 1986. There are 54 theme essays listed alphabetically, with names (authors, artists, composers, actors, film directors) and film titles. All entries are signed, and the list of contributors is impressive. All of the theme essays (and, indeed, all the entries) are engrossing reading. A few of the theme essays indicate specific

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significance to genre fiction, although the whole work is, of course, relevant: "Definitions: Horror, Supernatural, and Science Fiction"; "Detection and Ghosts"; "The Devil, Devils, Demons"; "Frankenstein: The Myth"; ''Ghosts"; "Horror and Science Fiction"; "Mad Doctors"; "Occult Fiction"; "Poltergeists"; "Possession"; "Vampires"; "Werewolves"; "Zombies." The work is invaluable for readers' advisors as a critical guide to authors, their works, and types of fiction within the genre. Of particular use is the lengthy essay "Writers of Today," a critical roundup of current authors, each listed with a cross-reference within the main alphabet. Jacques Barzun's introduction, "The Art and Appeal of the Ghostly and Ghastly," undoubtedly will become a classic in the literature. History and Criticism The definitive history and criticism of the horror genre are yet to be written. Until they are, the following books may be used for background on various aspects of the genre. Bleiler, E. F., ed. Supernatural Fiction Writers: Fantasy and Horror. Scribner's, 1985. 2 vols. Brief biography and criticism of 148 authors. Bloom, Clive, ed. Gothic Horror: A Reader's Guide from Poe to King and Beyond. St. Martin's Press, 1998. Bloom, Harold. Classic Horror Writers. Chelsea House Publishers, 1994. Biographical, bibliographical, and critical analysis of a dozen early writers of horror, including Ann Radcliffe, Edgar Allan Poe, Ambrose Bierce, Robert Louis Stevenson, and Bram Stoker. Cox, Greg. Transylvanian Library: A Consumer's Guide to Vampire Fiction. Borgo, 1993. Includes chapters such as "History of the Vampire," "In the Wake of Dracula," "The Vampire Meets the Atomic Age," "Return of the Heroic Vampire," and "The Heroic Vampire Triumphs." It also contains author, title, subject, publisher, and character indexes. Joshi, S. T. The Weird Tale. University of Texas, 1990. The fantastic writings of Arthur Machen, Lord Dunsany, Algernon Blackwood, M. R. James, Ambrose Bierce, and H. P. Lovecraft are surveyed. King, Stephen. Danse Macabre. Everest House, 1979. These essays in history and criticism of the horror novel and film are personal and often anecdotal, albeit at the same time sharply critical and interpretative. Recommended reading for those who are not fans of the genre. Lovecraft, Howard Phillips. Supernatural Horror in Literature. With a new introduction by E. F. Bleiler. Dover, 1973. Essential reading as definition, history, and criticism. "The one test of the truly weird is simply thiswhether or not there be excited in the reader a profound sense of dread, and of contact with unknown

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spheres and powers; a subtle attitude of awed listening, as if for the beating of black wings or the scratching of outside shapes and entities on the known universe's utmost rim."Genreflecting, 2d ed., 1986 Conventions World Horror Convention. The first (annual) was held in Nashville, Tennessee, in 1991. The 1999 convention was held in Atlanta, Georgia, in March. Organizations The Horror Writers Association. Formerly the Horror Writers of America; has awarded the Bram Stoker Awards annually since 1987. In 1998 it had 732 members. Presidents of the association have been elected from the brightest lights of the horror community: Dean Koontz, 19861987; Charles L. Grant, 19871988; Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, 19881990; Craig Shaw Gardner, 19901992; Dennis Etchison, 19921994; Lawrence Watt-Evans, 19941996; Brian Lumley, 19961997; Janet Berliner, 1997present. Web site: (accessed 20 January 2000). The International Horror Guild. Founded in 1995 by Nancy A. Collins. It awards the International Horror Guild Award annually in several categories. The gargoyle-shaped statuettes are awarded at the World Horror Convention. Web site: (accessed 20 January 2000). Awards Many of the titles that are nominated for and frequently winners of the World Fantasy Award fall into the horror genre. The Horror Writers of America presents the Bram Stoker Awards annually. 1987:Misery by Stephen King Swan Song by Robert R. McCammon 1988:The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris 1989:Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons 1990:Mine by Robert R. McCammon 1991:Boy's Life by Robert R. McCammon 1992:Blood of the Lamb by Thomas F. Monteleone 1993:The Throat by Peter Straub 1994:Dead in the Water by Nancy Holder 1995:Zombie by Joyce Carol Oates 1996:The Green Mile by Stephen King 1997:Children of the Dusk by Janet Berliner & George Guthridge 1998:Bag of Bones by Stephen King

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Publishers Arkham House was founded in 1939 to preserve the writings of H. P. Lovecraft and now publishers horror, fantasy, and science fiction. Dover Books, the reprinter of Lovecraft's Supernatural Horror in Literature, has a strong line of trade quality paperback reprints of the classics, listed in its catalog as the "Dover Library of Ghost Stories." Carroll & Graf have brought out several huge horror anthologies in their Mammoth line of trade paperbacks, including The Mammoth Book of Zombies. Severn House reprints genre titles in hardcover, often from original paperback releases. The Abyss line, from the conglomerate that includes Dell and Delacorte, is dedicated solely to publishing horror. Publishers of horror novels include the following: Abyss (Dell and Delacorte) Arkham House Bantam Carroll & Graf Daw Books Gollancz HarperCollins Headline Knopf Little, Brown Putnam Simon and Schuster St. Martin's Press Tor Warner Books White Wolf Mark V. Zeisling Review Journals Horror is most often reviewed with science fiction and fantasy (see both "Critical Journals," and "Journals"). Necrofile, started in 1991, is a quarterly review source devoted to reviewing horror. It attempts to list all horror fiction currently being published in the United States and Great Britain.

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Writers' Manuals Wiater, Stanley. Dark Thoughts on Writing. Underwood, 1997. Not just a "how to write and get published" book, this is much more, as can be seen from the table of contents: "Basic Influences"; "Working in the Dark''; "Short Story, Novel, or Script?"; "Regarding Fame and Fortune"; "Going to the Movies"; "Sex and Death and Other Unspeakable Concerns"; "Censored"; "Personal Fears and Practical Philosophies"; "Shocking Advice"; "The Function and Importance of Unpleasant Truths"; "Where Do You Get Your Ideas?"; "A Reader's Guide to Writing Horror"; "Modern Horror Fiction: A Selection of 113 Best Books"; and "The Best in Short Fiction: Anthologies." Williamson, J. N. How to Write Tales of Horror, Fantasy and Science Fiction. F&W, 1991. Online Resources Classic Horror and Fantasy Page, (accessed 20 January 2000). Horror Writers Association, (accessed 20 January 2000). Masters of Terror and Horror Fiction, (accessed 20 January 2000). Provides bibliographic information on over 400 authors, reviews, a top 100 listing, and links to other horror-related Web sites. D's Horror Picks Hamilton, Laurell K. Anita Blake Vampire Slayer series. Harris, Thomas. Hannibal. Hays, Clark, and Kathleen McFall. The Cowboy and the Vampire: A Very Unusual Romance. Saul, John. The Presence.

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Author/Title Index A Aaron, David, 166, 174 Abbey, Edward, 50, 65 Abbey, Lynn, 404 ABC of Science Fiction, An, 317 Abercrombie, Neil, 176 Abigail, 246 Above Suspicion, 167 Abrahams, Peter, 116 Absence of Light, 175 Abshire, Richard, 88 Absolute Magnitude, 333 Academic Murder, 108 Acceptable Time, 393 Accident, 211 Accidental Creatures, 316 Aces and Eights, 45, 65 Acid Casuals, 129 Ackerman, Forrest J., 337, 437, 448 Ackroyd, Peter, 111, 447 Across the Wounded Galaxies, 338 Act of Love, An, 210 Act of Will, 242 Action at Beecher Island, 37 Action Series & Sequels, 198 Acts of Love, 214 Adams, Andy, 39, 58 Adams, Douglas, 319, 325 Adams, Harold, 88 Adams, Richard, 374 Adams, Robert, 401 Adamson, Lydia, 97 Adamson, Lynda G., 24 Adele and Co., 197 Adiamante, 313 Adler, Elizabeth, 220 Adler, Warren, 195 Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies, 193 Adrenaline, 118 Adrian, Jack, 141 Adulthood Rights, 303 Adventurers, 33

Adventures of Midnight Son, The, 50 Adventures of Samurai Cat, The, 370 Adversary, 287 Aellen, Richard, 176 Affair of Honor, 236 Affair of Strangers, 177 Affaire de Coeur, 263 African Queen, 187 After Dark, 132 After the Blue, 325 After the Bugles, 38 After the Night, 258 After the Reunion, 210 After You with the Pistol, 128 Afterburn, 172 Afterglow, 10 Aftermath, 281, 282, 405 Again, Dangerous Visions, 333 Against All Odds, 34 Against the Horde, 353 Age of Miracles, 225 Age of the Pussyfoot, 288 Age of Wonders, 338 Agent in Place, 159 Agent of Chaos, 275 Agent of Influence, 174 Agents of Innocence, 158 Agony and the Ecstasy, The, 11 Aickman, Robert, 451 Aiken, Joan, 217, 220, 233, 234, 414, 426 Air Apparent, 166 Aird, Catherine, 74 Airframe, 170 Airport, 182 Airship, 181 Alabaster Hand and Other Ghost Stories, The, 431 Alan Quartermain series, 187 Alas, Babylon, 281 Alaska, 22 Alastor, 285 Albany, 220 Albatross, 166 Alburquerque, 51 Aldiss, Brian, 273, 275, 285, 289, 290, 301, 302, 312, 325, 326, 414, 415 Aldrich, Bess Streeter, 15 Aleutian trilogy, 5

Alexa, 247 Alexander, Bruce, 111 Alexander, Gary, 77, 84 Alexander, Karl, 251 Alexander, Kate, 220 Alexander, Lawrence, 111 Alexander, Lloyd, 362 Alexander, Patrick, 176 Alexandrian, The, 6, 227 Alexie, Sherman, 50, 67 Alfred Hitchcock Murder Case, 111 Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, 140, 148 Alien Dreams, 298 Alien Earth, 305 Alien Embassy, 315 Alien (film), 323 Alien Heat, 288 Alien Nation series, 323 Alien Nation (television show), 323 Alien series, 321, 323 Alien Sex, 334 Alien Years, The, 306

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Alienist, The, 111 Aliens and UFOs, 334 Aline, Countess of Romanones, 166 Alinor, 222 Alkon, Paul K., 337 All God's Children, 48 All or Nothing, 246 All the Bells on Earth, 380, 407 All the Dead Lie Down, 119 All the Pretty Horses, 51, 66 All the Tea in China, 189 All the Weyrs of Pern, 297 All Through the Night, 138 Allan, Margaret, 3 Allbert, Susan Wittig, 89 Allbeury, Ted, 160, 176 Allegretto, Michael, 85 Alleluia Files, The, 396 Allen, Kate, 98 Allen, Rene, 89 Allen, Roger MacBride, 310, 323 Allen, Steve, 96 Alliance of Light, 358 Allingham, Margery, 95, 140, 141 Allmendinger, Blake, 62 Allston, Aaron, 399 All-True Travels and Adventures of Lidie Newton, The, 49, 65 Almost Heaven, 258 Alone Against Tomorrow, 274 Alpha Centauri, 317 Alter, Judy, 47, 64 Alternate Generals, 334 Altieri, Daniel, 112 Alverson, Charles, 84 Alvin Journeyman, 382 Always Coming Home, 280 Always to Remember, 257 Amaryllis, 218, 255 Amateur Gentleman, The, 112 Amateur, The, 159, 178 Amazing Stories, 339 Ambassador's Women, The, 244 Amber Beach, 122 Amber series, 358, 369, 389

Ambler, Eric, 140, 155, 174 Ambush, 38 Amelia Peabody series, 218 America in Historical Fiction: A Bibliographic Guide, 25 American Bicentennial series, 19 American Detective: An Illustrated History, 144 American Eden, 245 American Falls, 167 American Freedom series, 248 American Historical Fiction, 24 American Icon, 212 American Pulp, 141 American Quilt series, 240 American River, The, 57 American Star, 213 American West in Fiction, The, 61 American Woman, 30 Americans, The, 19, 246 Ames, John Edward, 37 Amis, Kingsley, 434 Ammie Come Home, 429 Ammonite, 318 Amnesia Moon, 281 Analog (Astounding Science Fiction), 339 Anand, Valerie, 242 Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to ScienceFiction, 335 Anaya, Rudolfo, 51, 86, 99 Ancient Games, 382 Ancient Light, 304, 324 Ancient of Days, 289 Ancient Shores, 313 And Chaos Died, 293, 330 And Eternity, 379 And Then You Die, 122, 173 Andersen, Susan, 215 Anderson, Catherine, 256 Anderson, J. R. L., 74 Anderson, Kevin J., 168, 173, 181, 199, 319, 323 Anderson, Michael Falconer, 426 Anderson, Poul, 271, 285, 294, 301, 306, 314, 317, 326, 342, 384, 389, 397, 400, 404, 414 Anderson, Rachel, 209 Andersonville, 16 Andress, Lesley, 130 Andrews, V. C., 426 Andromeda Strain, The, 182 Angel, 411

Angel & the Outlaw, The, 253 Angel Maker, The, 443 Angel of Darkness, The, 111 Angel of Death, 120, 132, 163 Angel of Mercy series, 56 Angel of Pain, The, 441 Angel of the Opera, The, 136 Angel of Vengeance, 120 Angel Rogue, 259 Angel Without Mercy, 120 Angelique series, 223 Angels & Visitations, 415 Angels Weep, The, 21, 187 Angers, Helen, 234 Angel of Repose, 55 Animal Dreams, 51 Animal Hour, 446 Animal Wife, The, 7 Anita Blake series, 438, 447, 448, 457 Annals of the Heechee, 272, 302 Anne, 19 Anne of Green Gables series, 206 Annie's Hero, 251 Annie's Song, 256 Annotated Sherlock Holmes, The, 135 Another Fine Myth, 368 Another Shore, 393 Another View, 210 Ansa, Tina McElroy, 429 Answer as a Man, 207 Antarctica, 276 Anthony, Evelyn, 166 Anthony, Piers, 275, 283, 295, 368, 379, 382, 384, 416, 426 Antieau, Kim, 413 Antipodes Jane, 234 Antoni, Brian, 147

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Anubis Gates, 288, 398 Anvil of Ice, 387 Anvil of Stars, 301, 303 Any Four Women Could Rob the Bank of Italy, 130 Anything for Billy, 45 Apache, 29 Apache Conquest, 230 Apache Devil, 58 Apache Fire, 49 Apache Runaway, 229 Ape Who Guards the Balance, 218 Apocalypse Watch, 168 Appel, Allen, 286 Apple Dumpling Gang, The, 43 Appleby on Ararat, 156 Apprentice Adept series, 384 April Morning, 13 Aquiliad, 285 Arachne, 308 Archangel, 383, 396 Archer, Jeffrey, 125, 157, 176 Architecture of Desire, The, 383 Archy and Mehitabel, 423 Ardai, Charles, 334 Arena, 402 Arfive, 66 Argo, Ellen, 242 Ariel, 427 Aristoi, 309 Aristotle Detective, 112 Arizona Nights, 59 Arlen, Leslie, 220 Armageddon, 334 Armageddon (film), 181 Armchair Detective, The, 148 Armed and Dangerous, 199 Armed Memory, 317 Armies of Daylight, 386 Armor, 300 Armstrong, Campbell, 160, 177 Armstrong, Charlotte, 116 Arneson, Eleanor, 302 Arnold, Elliott, 29 Arnold, Judith, 261

Arnold, Margot, 95 Aronica, Lou, 414 Around the World in Eighty Days, 186 Arrighi, Mel, 80 Arrive at Easterwine, 307 Arrow in the Sun, 38, 48 Arrow of Gold, The, 185 Arrow to the Heart, 220 Art of Arrow Cutting, The, 396, 444 Art of the Mystery Story, The: A Collection of Critical Essays, 145 Arthur, 360 Article 23, 300 Artifact, 271 "Aryans and Absinthe," 451 As Time Goes By, 242 Asaro, Catherine, 255, 292, 348 Ascent of Wonder, The: The Evolution of Hard SF, 267, 271, 334 Ash, Brian, 334, 335 Ashe, Gordon, 139 Ashe, Rebecca, 250 Ashe, Rosalind, 429 Ashenden: Or, The British Agent, 155 Ashes in the Wind, 260 Ashes of the Sun, 401 Ashes series, 195 Ashfield, Helen, 220, 234 Ashford, Jeffrey, 74 Ashley, Amanda, 253 Ashley, Michael, 415, 453 Ashwell, Pauline, 292, 315 Asimov, Isaac, 89, 106, 142, 271, 279, 283, 286, 295, 303, 310, 312, 319, 326, 334, 338, 342, 343, 344, 414 Asimov's Galaxy: Reflections on Science Fiction, 338 Asire, Nancy, 404 Ask a Policeman, 149 Ask Me No Questions, 228 Askew, Rilla, 42, 66 Aspen Gold, 211 Asphalt Jungle, The, 123 Aspler, Tony, 165 Asprin, Robert Lynn, 368, 404 Assassin's Apprentice, 354 Assassin's Quest, 354 At the Earth's Core, 289 At the Mountains of Madness, 425, 432 Atkins, Meg Elizabeth, 74 Atlantic Abomination, 303

Atlantis Found, 287 Atlas of Fantasy, An, 416 Atropos, 157 Attack of the Seawolf, 170 Attebery, Brian, 333 Atwood, Margaret, 317, 414 Auel, Jean, 4 Auerbach Will, 242 Austen, Jane, 201, 202, 204, 233, 256 Austin Powers (film), 154 Australian Destiny series, 18 Australian family saga, 20 Australians series, 19, 246 Autobiography of Henry VIII, 11 Autumn Rose, The, 237 Avenue of the Dead, The, 166 Aviator, The, 196 Awakeners, The, 278 Awakening Heart, The, 238 Awakening Land, 17, 26 Ayesha, 390 Aylward, Marcus, 188 Ayres, Ruby M., 205 Azrael, 157 Aztec, 5 Aztec Autumn, 5 B Baantjer, Albert, 77 Babbitt, Natalie, 396 Babbs, Ken, 45 Babel 17, 328 Babson, Marian, 91, 96, 105 Babula, William, 84 Baby Be-Bop, 381 Baby of the Family, 429 Babylon 5, 323 Babylon 5 (television show), 323

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Bacher, June Masters, 239 Bachman, Richard, 433 Back to Battle, 190 Back to the Time Warp, 287 Backtrail, 56 Bacon-Smith, Camille, 409 Bad Girls, Good Women, 212 Bad Neighbors, 116 Badlands, 48 Badman and Good, 60 Baer, Ann, 8 Bagby, George, 80, 138 Bagley, Desmond, 160, 177, 186 Bagley, Michael, 181 Bailey, Frankie Y., 98 Bailey, Hilary, 130, 414 Bailey, Robin Wayne, 404, 413 Bain, Donald, 110 Baird, Wilhelmina, 308 Baked Bean Supper Murders, The, 106 Baker, Madeline, 229, 253 Baker, Nikki, 98 Baker, Will, 29 Bakis, Kirsten, 441 Bakker, Robert T., 289 Balance of Dangers, A, 161 Balance of Power, 171 Baldacci, David, 132, 138 Baldwin, Faith, 205 Baldwin, John, 173 Ball, John, 78, 99, 138 Ball, Margaret, 311, 382, 385, 412 Ballantyne family saga, 21, 187, 248 Ballard, J. G., 273, 275, 281, 286, 312, 413 Ballard, Robert, 169 Ballard, Todhunter, 64 "Balloon Hoax," 453 Balmer, Edwin, 282 Balogh, Mary, 234, 261 Baltasar and Blimunda, 11 Banis, V. J., 47 Banister, Jo, 75 Banks, Iain, 290, 319 Bannaman Legacy, The, 221

Banners of Gold, 231 Banners of Silk, 10 Bar Sinister, 238 Barbara Cartland: Crusader in Pink, 221 Barbara Cartland's Library of Love series, 206 Barbed Coil, 386 Bard's Tale (computer game), 399 Bard's Tale series, 399 Barefoot in the Head, 273 Baring, William S., 135 Baring-Gould, William Stuart, 137 Barker, Clive, 427, 446, 451 Barlowe, Wayne Douglas, 302, 416 Barlowe's Guide to Extra-Terrestrials, 302 Barlowe's Guide to Fantasy, 416 Barnard, Robert, 73, 75, 110 Barnes, John, 286, 290, 301, 310, 326, 367 Barnes, Linda, 86, 88, 101, 105 Barnes, Margaret Campbell, 11 Barnett, Jill, 256 Barnett, Lisa, 392, 411 Baron Family of Texas series, 54 Baron Range, The, 54 Baroness of Bow Street, the, 235 Barons of Texas, The, 54 Barr, Mike W., 397 Barracuda Final Bearing, 170 Barrayar, 295, 327, 345 "Barrens," 432 Barrett, Andrea, 15 Barrett, Neal, Jr., 89, 130 Barron, Neil, 335, 415, 453 Barron, Stephanie, 111 Barry, Dave, 147 Barth, Richard, 91, 101 Barthelme, Peter, 89 Barton, Wayne, 61 Barton, William, 317 Barzun, Jacques, 142, 453, 454 "Basileus," 413 Bass, Milton, 78, 88 Bassingthwaite, Don, 413 Bastard, The, 19, 246 Bastard King, The, 226 Bastard Prince, The, 391 Batchelor, John Calvin, 167

Battalion of Saints, 47 Battle Flag, 15 Battle of Kadesh, The, 5 Battle of the Mountain Men, 33, 40 Battledragon, 374 Battles of Destiny series, 56 Battlestar Galactica (television show), 323 Battlestar Galactica series, 323 Battletech, 323 Baxt, George, 80, 99, 111 Baxter, Stephen, 283 Bayer, William, 116, 120, 123 Bayley, Barrington J., 310 Baynes Clan, 54 Bayou, 246 Bayou Road, 16 Bazil Broketail, 374 Bazil Broketail series, 374 Be Cool, 126 Beach, Edward L., 189 Beachhead, 273 Beacon at Alexandria, The, 4 Beagle, peter S., 371, 407, 413 Bean, Amelia, 64 Bean, Frederic, 57 Bean Trees, 51 Bear, David, 319 Bear Flag, 16 Bear, Greg, 271, 295, 301, 303, 312, 320, 333, 382, 385 Bearer of the Pipe, 53 Bearing an Hourglass, 379 "Bears Discover Fire," 413 Beason, Doug, 168, 173, 181, 199 Beast, 290 Beast in View, 119 "Beast Who Shouted Love at the Heart of the World," 328 Beaton, M. C., 75 Beau Geste, 186 Beauford Sisters, The, 243 Beauman, Sally, 212

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Beauty from Ashes, 20 Beauty (McKinley), 366 Beauty (Tepper), 367, 393 Beauty's Daughter, 235 Beauvallet, 223 Beck, Kathrine, 116 Beck, K. K., 82, 88 Becker, Stephen, 186 Beckman trilogy, 248 "Beckoning Fair One," 431 Becnel, Rexanne, 230 Becoming Human, 316 Bed of Roses, 214 Bedlam's Bard, 379 Beechcroft, William, 96 Beecroft, John, 140 Beekeeper's Apprentice, The, or, On the Segregation of the Queen, 136 Beer, Ralph Robert, 64 Before the Darkness Falls, 20 Beggar's Banquet, 410 Beggars and Choosers, 314, 316 Beggars in Spain, 314, 316 Beguiled, 220, 231 Behind the Screen, 149 Behold the Man!, 278 Being a Green Mother, 379 Beinhart, Larry, 87 Bel Air, 214 Belchamber Scandal, 226 Belgarath the Sorcerer, 352, 396 Belgariad series, 352 Bell, Anthea, 234 Bell, Clare, 374 Bell, Josephine, 91 Bell, Madison Smartt, 181 Bellamy, Edward, 279, 338 Belle Star: A Novel of the Old West, 45 Bellmaker, The, 375 Bellwether, 326 Beloved, 16 Beloved Scoundrel, The, 224 Belt of Gold, 224 Benchley, Peter, 195 Bending the Landscape, 334, 413

Beneath the Vaulted Hills, 357 Beneich, Denis, 157 Benford, Gregory, 270, 271, 286, 295, 301, 310, 338, 344 Benjamin Blake, 225 Benjamin, Carol Lea, 97 Bennet's Welcome, 18 Bennett, Dwight, 35 Bennett, Janice, 234 Bennett's Island series, 247 Benson, Angela, 255 Benson, Ann, 8 Benson, Raymond, 155, 198 Beowulf, 349 Beowulf's Children, 305 Berenson, Laurien, 97 Berent, Mark, 169 Berger, Thomas, 31, 42, 65, 87 Berglund, Edward P., 431 Berkeley, Anthony, 146 Berkut, 168 Berlin Game, 160 Berliner, Janet, 371, 444, 455 Bernard, Robert, 108 Bernhardt, William, 140 Berry and Co., 197 Berry, Carole, 89, 101 Berry, Don, 64 Berserker series, 311 Berserker Throne, The, 306 Bertie and the Seven Bodies, 114 Bertie and the Tinman, 114 Bertin, Joanne, 395, 422 Besher, Alexander, 308 Best American Mystery Stories, 139 Best Detective Stories of the Year, 139 Best from Fantasy & Science Fiction, 333 Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, The, 335 Best Ghost Stories of H. Russell Wakefield, The, 431 Best Ghost Stories of J. S. LeFanu, 430 Best Ghost Stories, 430 Best Man, The, 229 Best of Crank, The, 333 Best of Friends, The, 211, 212 Best of Interzone, The, 333 Best of Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine, The, 414 Best of Pulphouse, The: The Hardback Magazine, 333

Best of Sisters in Crime, The, 142 Best of the American West, The: Outstanding Frontier Fiction, 60 Best of the West: Stories That Inspired Classic Western Films, 4, 61 Best Place to Be, The, 207 Best Supernatural Tales, The, 452 Bester, Alfred, 286, 292, 310, 314, 320, 326, 342, 343, 435 Betrayals, 161 Betrayed, 231 Better in the Dark, 409 Betty Zane, 14 Between Earth and Sky, 16 Between the Rivers, 384 Between the Worlds, 30 Between Time and Terror, 450 Beulah Land, 15 Beulah Land series, 243 Beverley, Jo, 220, 230, 234, 256, 261, 266 Beverly Hills, 212 Bewitched, 251 Bewitching, 256 Beyond Apollo, 274, 329 Beyond Ragnarok, 365 Beyond the Blue Event Horizon, 272, 302 Beyond the Frontier, 222 Beyond the Pale, 403 Beyond the Sea of Ice, 6 Beyond This Point Are Monsters, 119 Beyond Twilight, 254 Bhagavati, 383 Bhowani Junction, 191 Bickham, Jack, 43 Bid Time Return, 252, 393 Bierce, Ambrose, 451 Bifrost Guardians, The, 387 Big Bang, The, 320

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"Big Blow, The," 451 Big Book of Noir, The, 141 Big Enough Wreath, 162 Big Fish, 129 "Big Fish, The," 432 Big Footprints, 187 Big Lonely, The, 39 Big Sky, 33, 58 Big Sleep, 140 Big Stick, The, 111 Biggers, Earl Derr, 79, 139 Biggle, Lloyd, Jr., 320., 414 Bijapur, 383 Bill, the Galactic Hero, 300, 325, 328 Billboard, 421 Billion Dollar Sure Thing, The, 175 Billy Bathgate, 124 Billy Gashade, 45 Billy Straight, 119, 138 Bimbos of the Death Sun, 110, 269 Binchy, Maeve, 210 Birds, The, 441 Birds of a Feather, 160 Birds of Prey, 8, 194 Birmingham, Stephen, 242 Birth of the Firebringer, 372 Birthday Gift, The, 117 Birthday Murder, The, 78 Bischoff, David, 407 Bishop, Michael, 286, 289, 327, 371, 379, 414 Bishop's Heir, 391 Bissell, Elaine, 242 Bisson, Terry, 303, 380, 413 Bitter Gold Hearts, 409 Bitter Sweet, 260 Bitter Trail, 34 Bittersweet, 214 Bittner, Rosanne, 49, 53, 230 Black, Gavin, 174 Black, Laura, 217, 220 Black, Veronica, 94 Black Castle, 438 "Black Cat," 453 Black Cauldron, The, 362

Black Chamber, The: A Novel, 157 Black Cipher, 171 Black Cloud, The, 302, 305 Black Company, 351 Black Death, 182 Black Duchess, The, 225 Black Easter, 435 Black Gold, 223 Black Madonna, 403 Black Magic, 428 Black Market, 176 Black Marshal, 46 Black Raven, The, 354 Black Rose, The, 221 Black Sun Rising, 407 Black Sun, The, 302 Black Swan, White Raven, 368 Black Tide, The, 196 Black Trillium, 405 Black Unicorn, The, 372, 385 Black Velvet Gown, The, 221 Black Wine, 390 Blackbird, 172 Blackburn, John, 106 Blackstock, Charity, 106, 117 Blackwood, Algernon, 430, 451 Blade Runner (film), 308 Blair Witch Project (film), 423 Blake, Jennifer, 215, 220, 249, 256 Blake, Michael, 32, 37 Blake, Nicholas, 108 Blake, William Dorsey, 320 Blakely, Mike, 29, 40, 41, 44 Bland, Eleanor Taylor, 79, 99, 101 Blank, Martin, 79 Blank Page, The, 108 Blankenship, William, 174 Blatty, William, 433, 447 Blauner, Peter, 117 Blaylock, James P., 283, 380, 381, 382, 407, 433 Blaze of Noon, 196 Bleak Seasons, 351 Bleiler, E. F., 144, 338, 452, 454 Bless Me, Ultima, 51 Bless the Child, 435 Blessed McGill, 43

Blessings, 214 Blevins, Winfred, 29, 32, 44, 57, 65 Blincoe, Nicholas, 129 Blind Corner, 197 Blind Corral, The, 64 Blind Date, 118 Blind Side, 123 Blindfold, 319 Blish, James, 275, 277, 286, 292, 302, 307, 327, 414, 435 Blizzard, 184 Bloch, Robert, 413, 415, 427, 431, 433, 445, 448, 449, 451 Block, Francesca Lia, 381 Block, Lawrence, 87, 88, 94, 103, 104, 127, 129, 141, 157, 427 Block, Thomas, 181-82 Blom, K. Arne, 77 Blood and Chocolate, 254, 407 Blood Artists, The, 173 Blood Brother, 29 Blood Debt, 253, 410, 447 Blood Games, 408, 440 Blood Hunt, 410 Blood Kin, 56 Blood Kiss, 452 Blood Lines, 253, 410, 439, 447 Blood Marks, 120 Blood Meridian, 42 Blood Music, 121 Blood Note, 177 Blood of Amber, 358 Blood of Eagles, 196 Blood of Patriots, 176 Blood of Texas, 38, 64 Blood of the Fold, 353 Blood of the Goddess, 383 Blood of the Lamb, 455 Blood Opera series, 408 Blood Pact, 253, 410, 439, 447 Blood Price, 253, 410, 439, 447

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Blood Red Rose, 187, 223 Blood Red Roses, 14, 113 Blood Sport, 404 Blood Thirst, 451 Blood Ties, 405 Blood Trail, 253, 410, 439, 447 Blood Work, 120 Blood: A Southern Fantasy, 387 Bloodlinks, 410 Bloodright, 440 Bloodsport, 303 Bloodstone, 353 Bloodstream, 173, 443 Bloody Bones, 253, 410, 448 Bloody Field by Shrewsbury, A, 12 Bloody Ground, The, 15 Bloody Murder: From the Detective Story to the Crime Novel: A History, 144, 146 Bloody Red Baron, The, 439 Bloody Season, 36 Bloom, 272, 301, 454 Bloom, Clive, 454 Bloom, Harold, 336, 338, 415, 454 Bloom, Ursula, 205 Blown Away, 121, 184 Blowout, 183 Blue Adept, 384 Blue Flower, 9 Blue Highways, 153 Blue Limbo, 320 Blue Mars, 272, 330, 345 Blue Moon, 253 Blue Mountain, 244 Blue Octavo, 106 Blue-Eyed Shan, 186 Bluefeather Fellini in the Sacred Realm, 51, 66 Bluefeather Fellini, 51 Bluestocking, 236 Bly, Stephen, 55 Blythe, Hal, 148 Boardman, Tom, 317 Boat of a Million Years, 306 Bodies and Souls, 210 Body & Soul, 254 Body Language, 120

Bog, 436 Bogmail, 119 Bohemian Murders, The, 112 Bolland, Brian, 397 Bolos, 323 Bolton, John, 397 Bomber Patrol, 191 Bond, Larry, 169, 177 Bond, Michael, 105 Bond, Nancy, 393 Bonds, Parris Afton, 252 Bone Game, 52 Bones of Time, The, 316 Bones Wizard, The, 453 Bonfiglioli, Kyril, 94, 128, 189 Bonner, Cindy, 48 Bontly, Susan W., 250, 261, 412, 415 Bontly, Thomas, 435 Book of Atrix Wolfe, 367 Book of Earth, The, 373 Book of Kells, 363 Book of Merlyn, The, 360 Book of Modern Fairy Tales, The, 413 Book of Sorrows, The, 376 Book of the Beast, The, 408 Book of the Damned, The, 408 Book of the Dead, The, 408 Book of the Dun Cow, The, 376 Book of the Gods series, 362 Book of the Mad, The, 408 Book of the New Sun, The, 324, 392 Book of the Three Dragons, 363 Book of Three, The, 362 Book of Water, The, 373 Bookmakers, The, 123 Books of Blood, The, 451 Books of Great Alta, The, 368 Booster, 124 Booth, Pat, 212 Borchardt, Alice, 220 Borcherding, David H., 263 Borchgrave, Arnaud de, 177 Border Lord, 231 Border Lords, 33 Border trilogy, 51 Border Trumpet, 38

Borders of Infinity, 295 Bordertown, 399 Borges, Jorge Luis, 83 Borland, Hal, 39 Borland, John C., 89 Born in Fire, 260 Born in Ice, 260 Born in Shame, 260 Born in Twilight, 254 Born of the Sun, 228 Born to Be King, 223 Born to Run, 402 Born with the Dead, 291 Borodin family series, 220 Borowitz, Albert, 111 Bosse, Malcolm, 186, 242 Both Sides of Time, 393 Boucher, Anthony, 78, 84, 94, 108, 136, 149, 150, 327, 333, 413, 441 Bound to Kill, 106 Bourne Identity, The, 159, 178 Bourne Supremacy, The, 159, 178 Bourne Ultimatum, The, 159, 178 Bova, Ben, 283, 295, 303, 309, 314, 333, 339, 397 Bowen, Elizabeth, 414, 430, 451 Bowen, Gail, 95 Bowen, Peter, 80, 100 Bowie, 45 Bowker, David, 409 Box, Edgar, 87 Boy and His Dog, A, (Film), 280 Boy Who Followed Ripley, The, 129 Boyer, Rick, 91 Boyle, Thomas, 80 Boys from Brazil, 168 Boy's Life, 455 Brabazon, James, 137 Brackett, Leigh, 63, 312, 414 Bradberry, James, 108

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Bradbury, Ray, 279, 323, 327, 342, 343, 344, 407, 427, 448 Braddock, Hanovi, 401 Bradford, Barbara Taylor, 212, 242 Bradford, Richard, 51 Bradley, Marion Zimmer, 292, 295, 315, 323, 349, 359, 361, 362, 385, 389, 394, 400, 404, 405, 413, 414, 427 Bradshaw, Gillian, 4, 372 Brady, James, 174 Brady, John, 76 Braeswood Tapestry, The, 221 Brain Wave, 271, 314 Brain, 443 Brand, Christianna, 138 Brand, Max, 36, 43, 58 Branded West, 60 Brandon, Jay, 132 Brass Eagle, 166 Braun, Lilian Jackson, 97, 138 Braunbeck, Gary A., 451 Brave Bulls, 38 Brave Cowboy, The, 50 Brave New World, 280, 329 Braveheart (film), 231 Brayfield, Celia, 213 Brazen Virtue, 122 Brazos, 57 Breaker, 120 Breakheart Hill, 117 Breaking Even, 46, 48 Breathless, 223 Breen, Jon L., 92, 89, 142 Brega Path, The, 355 Brent, Madeleine, 217 Breton, Thierry, 157 Brett, Simon, 89, 101 Bretton, Barbara, 250, 252 Brewer, Steve, 86 Brian Froud's Faerielands, 400 Briar Rose, 367 Bride, The, (Garwood), 230, 231, 257 Bride, The, (Irwin), 224 Bride Finder, The, 250 Bride of the Morning Star, 53 Bride of the Slime Monster, 369 Bride Stealer, The, 43

Brides of Montclair series, 240 Bridge of Birds: A Novel of Ancient China That Never Was, 410 Bridges over Time series, 18 Brief Chronicles saga, 248 Brief Gaudy Hour, 11 Brierley, David, 177 Bright Captivity, 20 Bright Feathers, The, 43 Bright Shark, 169 Bright Star, 170 Brightness Falls from the Air, 275 Brightness Reef, 295 Brighton Rock, 124 Brin, David, 279, 281, 295, 301, 303, 317, 327, 344, 345 Bring Back Yesterday, 320 Bring Me the Head of Prince Charming, 371 Briskin, Jacqueline, 213, 243 Bristling Wood, 354 Bristol, Leigh, 220 Bristow, Gwen, 13 Brite, Poppy Z., 434, 438, 446, 450, 451 British Cross, The, 158 British Way, The, Vol. 5, 333 Brittle Innings, 379 Broderick, Damien, 303 Brody, Jean, 429 Broken Arrow (film), 29 Broken Eagle, 38, 66 Broken Sword, The, 359 Brokenclaw, 162 Brontë, Charlotte, 202, 219, 256 Brontë, Emily, 202, 219 Bronze King, The, 378 Brooke-Rose, Christine, 414 Brookes, Owen, 442 Brooks, Betty, 220 Brooks, Terry, 350, 369, 385, 407, 444 Broomall, Robert W., 35 Brother Cadfael mystery series, 11 Brother to Dragons, Companion to Owls, 379 Brother Wind, 5 Brotherhood of the Wolf, 353 Brotherhood of War series, 190 Brothers in Arms, 295 Brothers of Gwynedd, 10 Brown, Bill, 60

Brown, Charles Brockden, 424, 425 Brown, Dale, 169, 177 Brown, Dee, 37, 45 Brown, Diana, 235 Brown, Fredric, 85, 303, 324, 325 Brown, Mary, 372, 375 Brown, Molly, 111 Brown, Rita Mae, 15, 97, 101 Brown, Sam, 38, 39 Brown, Sandra, 121, 138, 213, 216, 256 Browne, Gerald A., 96, 123, 174 Bruce, Leo, 95, 146 Bruchac, Joseph, 4, 364 Brules, 43, 55 Brunner, John, 274, 276, 279, 281, 286, 292, 295, 303, 307, 312, 327, 343, 404 Brunsdale, Mitzi, 137 Brust, Steven, 378, 382, 389 Buchan, John, 154, 185, 199, 436 Buchanan, Edna, 147 Buchanan, William J., 177, 181 Buck, Pearl S., 7 Buckley, Fiona, 8, 111 Buckley, William F., Jr., 157 Budrys, Algis, 274, 307, 327 Buffalo Commons, 52 "Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out Tonight," 413 Buffalo Girls, 45, 66 Buffalo Medicine, 53 Buffalo Nickel, 31 Buffalo Palace, 33 Buffalo Runners, 42, 65 Buffalo Soldier, 46 Buffalo Soldiers, 47, 64 Buffalo Spring, 42 Buffalo Wagons, 42, 63

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Buffalo Woman, 66 Bug Jack Barron, 275 Bug Park, 309 Bugles in the Afternoon, 38 Bujold, Lois McMaster, 204, 255, 295, 299, 316, 317, 327, 334, 345, 348, 350 Bull, Emma, 378, 399 Buller trilogy, 190 Buller's Dreadnought, 190 Buller's Guns, 190 Buller's Victory, 190 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, 233 Bunn, Thomas, 86 Burchardt, Bill, 46 Burden of Proof, 133 Burgess, Anthony, 274, 327 Burgess, Michael, 336, 415 Burglar in the Closet, The, 127 Burglar Who Liked to Quote Kipling, The, 127 Burglar Who Painted Like Mondrian, The, 127 Burglar Who Studied Spinoza, The, 127 Burglars Can't Be Choosers, 127 Burial, 428, 445 Burke, Alan Dennis, 79 Burke, J. F., 87, 99 Burke, James Lee, 79, 138, 141 Burke, Jan, 96, 101 Burke, Martyn, 164 Burkett, William R., Jr., 303 Burks, Brian, 37, 50 Burley, W. J., 75 Burn, 317 Burnett, W. R., 58, 123 Burney, Fanny, 233 Burning, The, 442 Burning Bride, The, 14, 113 Burning Bright, 309, 403 Burning Chrome, 308 Burning Man, The, 132 Burning Road, The, 8 Burning Shore, The, 21, 187 Burning Stone, The, 390 Burning the Apostle, 158 Burning Water, 407, 411 Burning World, The, 281

Burns, Jim, 325 Burns, Patricia, 220 Burns, Rex, 78, 85, 99 Burns, Ron, 111 Burns, Walter Noble, 45 Burnt Offerings, 410, 448 Burr, 15 Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 58, 185, 289, 338 Burroughs, William S., 279, 338 Burrowers Beneath, 432 Burt, Daniel S., 24 Burton, D. B., 91 Burton, Levar, 281 Busbee, Shirlee, 229, 249, 250 Bush, Christopher, 83 Bush War!, 187 Businessman, The: A Tale of Terror, 429 Busman's Honeymoon, 97 Butcher Bird, 171 Butcher of Glastonbury, 409 Butcher's Boy, The, 129 Butcher's Dozen, 140 Butcher's Moon, 127 Butler, Gwendoline, 73, 75, 217 Butler, Jimmie, 169 Butler, Octavia E., 277, 303, 315, 324, 338, 414 Butler, Ragan, 83 Butterfly, 213 Butterfly Hunter, The, 129 Butterworth, Michael, 125, 128, 130, 166 Buying Time, 291 By a Woman's Hand, 100, 144 By Chaos Cursed, 387 By Our Beginnings, 248 By Right of Arms, 221 Byrd, Max, 84 Byrne, Robert, 181 C Cabal, 451 Cache Cañon, 36 Cadell, Elizabeth, 206 Cadigan, Pat, 308 Cadnum, Michael, 361 Caesar, 5 Caesar's Women, 5 Cain Conversion, The, 176

Cain, James M., 125 Caine Mutiny, The, 192 Cairo trilogy, 20 Calde of the Long Sun, 299 Calder Born, Calder Bred, 243 Calder saga, 243 Calder series, 49 Caldwell, Taylor, 207 Caliban, 310, 398 Calico Palace, 15 Calico Trails, 229 California Kingdoms, 35 Californians series, 241 Calkins, Frank, 66 Call of Earth, 296 Call to Arms, 304 Callahan's Saloon series, 325 Callander, Don, 372 Calling, The, 51 Calling on Dragons, 367 Calypso Magic, 256 Camber of Culdi, 391 Camber the Heretic, 391 Cambridge Murders, 109 Camelot Caper, 122 Camelot 30K, 272 Camelot 3000, 397 Cameron, Lou, 55, 63 Cameron, Stella, 216 Camp, Deborah, 45 Camp, Will, 38, 64 Camp Concentration, 274 Campbell, Bethany, 216 Campbell, Ramsey, 415, 427, 432, 433, 434, 435, 445, 451 Campbell, Robert, 78, 79, 84 Campion, Jane, 7 Canadian West series, 240 Canadians series, 248 Canceled Czech, 157

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Candle in the Wind, The, 360 Canine Crimes, 103 Cannell, Dorothy, 101, 121 Cannell, Stephen J., 125, 130, 195 Canning, Victor, 125, 160, 182 Cannons of the Comstock, 55 Canticle for Leibowitz, A, 278, 281, 330, 343 Canyon O'Grady series, 57 Canyon Passage, 34 Caper, 130 Capobianco, Michael, 317 Capps, Benjamin, 29, 32, 39, 58, 61, 63, 64, 66 Caprice and Rondo, 9 Captain Blood, 185 Captain from Castille, 227 Captian James Ogilvie series, 193 Captains Courageous, 23 Captive Crown, The, 24 Captive of Kensington Palace, The, 12 Card, Orson Scott, 47, 269, 281, 290, 296, 303, 327, 339, 345, 382, 407, 413 Cardinal of the Kremlin, 169 Caribbean, 22 Caribbean saga, 247 Carlson, P. M., 101 Carnal Innocence, 122 Carnival of Destruction, 441 Carnival of Spies, 163 Carolina series, 18 Caroline and the Raider, 229 Caroline Minuscule, 126 Caroline the Queen, 12 Carousel, The, 210 Carpenter, Scott, 169 Carper, Steve, 146 Carr, Caleb, 111 Carr, John Dickson, 103, 140, 145 Carr, Philippa, 217, 243, 257 Carr, Robyn, 221 Carrier, 192 Carriers, 173 Carrington, Leonora, 414 Carringtons of Helston, 247 Carrion Comfort, 440, 442, 455 Carroll, Jerry Jay, 320, 385

Carroll, Lenore, 48 Carroll, Lewis, 398 Carroll, Susan, 250 Carry the Wind, 33 Carshcourse, 308 Carson, Robert, 129 Carter, Angela, 414 Carter, Forrest, 29, 36 Carter, Lin, 400, 401, 414 Carter, Robert A., 106 Cartland, Barbara, 205, 221, 235 Carver, Jeffrey A., 272 Carvic, Heron, 101 Case for Three Detectives, 146 Case, John F., 173 Case of Conscience, 277, 327 Case of the Baker Street Irregulars, The, 136 Case of the Paranoid Patient, The, 117 Case of the Seven of Calvary, The, 108 Case of the Toxic Spell Dump, The, 370 Casino Royale, 155 ''Cask of Amontillado," 453 Caspary, Vera, 138 Cassuth, Michael, 334 Castle for Rent, 369 Castle in the Air, 367, 370 Castle, Jayne, 218, 255 Castle Kidnapped, 369 Castle Murders, 369 Castle of Deception, 399 Castle of Doves, 223 Castle of Iron, 352, 397 Castle of Llyr, 362 Castle of Wizardry, 352 Castle Perilous, 369 Castle Perilous series, 369 Castle Roogna, 368 Castle War!, 369 Castles, 257 Castleview, 361 Casual Slaughters, 106 Cat Chase, 124 Cat Crimes Through Time, 103 Cat Jumps and Other Stories, 451 Cat on the Edge, 376, 411 Cat Raise the Dead, 376, 411

Cat Under Fire, 376, 411 Cat Who Sang for the Birds, The, 138 Catalogue of Crime, 142 Catch a Falling Spy, 160 Catch the Lightning, 255, 292 Catching Dreams, 254 Catering to Nobody, 105 Catfantastic, 371, 414 Cather, Willa, 15, 60, 61 Cat's Cradle, 278, 282, 331 Cats, 441 Catspaw, 294 Catswold Portal, 376, 395 Cattle, Guns and Men, 61 Caudwell, Sarah, 92 Caught in Crystal, 358 Cauldron, 169 Caunitz, William J., 80 Cave, Hugh B., 448 Caverns of Socrates, 406 Caves of Steel, 310, 319, 344 Cawthorn, James, 415 Cecil, Henry, 93, 125 "Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County," 59 Celestial Chess, 435 Celestis, 305 Celia Garth, 13 Celia's Grand Passion, 237 Centennial, 22, 66 Centerville Ghost, 435 Centrifuge, 188 Cereal Murders, The, 105 Ceremony of Innocence, 207 Cetaganda, 295 Chacko, David, 157 Chadwick, Elizabeth, 221 Chafets, Zev, 123, 174 Chains of Command, 169 Chains of Sarai Stone, 32

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Chalchiuhite Dragon, 364 Chalice and the Blade, The, 251 Chalker, Jack L., 302, 309, 385 Challenge of the Clans, 363 Chamber, The, 132 Champagne Blues, 131 Champions of the Sidhe, 363 Chances, 213 Chancy, 44 Chandler, A. Bertram, 320 Chandler, Lauryn, 216 Chandler, Raymond, 69, 71, 84, 139, 140 Change of Heart, A, 236 Changeling, The, 387, 403 Changes, 211 Changeweaver, 382 Changewinds, 385 Chant, Joy, 362 Chaos Balance, 356 Chaos chronicles, 272 Chaos Gate, 400 Chappell, Fred, 432 Chapterhouse: Dune, 277 Chapultepec, 17 Charbonneau, 32 Charbonneau, Eileen, 48 Charity, 161 Charles Dickens' Christmas Ghost Stories, 430 Charles, Hampton, 101 Charleston, 227 Charlie Mike, 191 Charlie Muffin, 161 Charm School, 164 Charmed Circle, The, 217 Charnas, Suzy McKee, 318, 378, 414 Charrette, Robert N., 403 Charteris, Leslie, 94, 139, 140 Charyn, Jerome, 80, 141 Chase, James Hadley, 123 Chase, Loretta, 235, 256, 261 Chase-Riboud, Barbara, 13 Chastain, Thomas, 80 Chatham School Affair, The, 117 Checkmate, 9

Chekani, Loretta, 261 Cherished Wives, The, 18 Chernevog, 364 Cherokee Bat and the Goat Guys, 381 Cherry Blossom Corpse, 110 Cherryh, C. J., 296, 299, 301, 303, 327, 344, 345, 364, 392, 402, 404 Chesapeake, 22 Chesbro, George C., 87, 442 Chesney, Marion, 228, 235 Chessboard Queen, 360 Chesterton, G. K., 94, 146, 154 Chetwynd-Hayes, Ronald, 448 Cheysuli series, 395 Chicks in Chainmail, 412 Child, Lincoln, 174 Child of Fortune, 324 Child of the Dead, 53 Child of the Journey, 444 Child of the Light, 444 Child of the Northern Spring, 361 Child of Thunder, 365 Childers, Erskine, 154 Childhood's End, 277, 314, 327, 343 Children of Dune, 277 Children of God, 278 Children of Llyr, The, 364 Children of the Dusk, 444, 455 Children of the End, 447 Children of the Ice, 6 Children of the Lion, 243 Children of the Mind, 303 Children of the Night, 407, 411, 440 Children of the Sun, 6 Children of the Vampire, 439 Children of Wrath, 365 Children Star, The, 273 Childress, Mark, 130 Chiller, 446 Chills, 451 China Lake, 158 Chinaman's Chance, 125 Chinchilla Farm, 51 Chinese Bandit, The, 186 Chiricahua, 64, 66 Chittenden, Margaret, 90 Chiu, Tony, 169

Choice of Eddie Franks, 124 Choice of Weapons, 140 Choir, The, 211 Cholfin, Bryan, 333 Choose Your Enemies Carefully, 403 Choosers of the Slain, 170 Christie, Agatha, 69, 83, 91, 100, 101, 134, 135, 139, 140, 141, 146 Christmas Belle, 234 Christmas Bestiary, 371 Christmas out West, 60 Christmas Stalkings, 103 Christmas Stars, 334 Christopher, John, 281 Chrome Circle, 402 Chromosome 6, 443 Chronicles of Alvin Maker, 382 Chronicles of an Age of Darkness, 351 Chronicles of Pern, The, 297 Chronicles of Scar, 388 Chronicles of Scar series, 388 Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever, 385 Chung Kuo series, 285 Church of Dead Girls, The, 445 Church of England series, 245 Ciencin, Scott, 382 Cimarron, 41 Cimarron River, 57 Cineverse Cycle, 369 Circle, The, 172 Circle Leads Home, The, 52 Circle of Death, 109 Circle of Friends, 210 Circle of Pearls, 10 Circle of the Lily, 251 Circles of Stone, 5 Circumstances Unknown, 121 Circus of the Damned, 253, 410, 448 Citadel of the Autarch, The, 324, 332, 392

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Cities in Flight, 327 Cities of the Dead, 105 Cities of the Plain, 51 Citizen of the Galaxy, A, 296, 301 City, 311, 314, 331, 343 City and the Stars, The, 312, 327, 344 City of Widows, 56 City on Fire, 324 City, The, Not Long After, 282 City Who Fought, The, 311 Civil-Brown, Sue, 261 Civil Campaign, A, 295 Civil War Ghosts, 430 Clan Ground, 374 Clan of the Cave Bear, 3, 4 Clancy, Tom, 154, 168, 169, 170, 189 Clareson, Thomas, 335 Clark, Gail, 235 Clark, Jan, 296 Clark, Mary Higgins, 117, 138, 142, 143, 216 Clark, Mary Jane, 117 Clark, Robert, 111 Clark, Walter Van Tilburg, 35, 61 Clarke, Anna, 117 Clarke, Arthur C., 271, 272, 277, 301, 304, 312, 314, 317, 327, 341, 342, 343, 344 Clarke, Richard, 40 Clash of Kings, 355 Class Reunion, 210 Classic Fantasy Writers, 415 Classic Horror Writers, 454 Classic Science Fiction Writers, 336, 338 Claudius, The God, 23 Clavell, James, 7, 186 Claw of the Conciliator, The, 324, 332, 392 Clayton, Jo, 351, 389 Clear and Present Danger, 169 Cleary, Jon, 72, 186, 189, 195, 243 Cleary, Melissa, 97 Cleeve, Brian, 221 Clegg, Douglas, 437 Clement, Hal, 272, 276, 292, 304, 320, 327, 342, 344 Clements, Mark A., 447 Client, The, 132 Climate for Conspiracy, 162

Climb the Wind, 384 Clinton-Baddeley, V. C., 95, 108 Clipjoint, 308 Cloak and Dagger Fiction: An Annotated Guide to Spy Fiction, 198 Clock of Dreams, The, 432 Clockwork Asylum, 403 Clockwork Orange, 274, 327 Close to Critical, 276 Cloud, Henry, 221 Cloud Nineteenth, 191 Clouds of Guilt, 126 Clouds, 240 Club Twelve, 167 Clute, John, 268, 336, 337, 416 Clynes, Michael, 111 Coast Road, 211 Coates, John, 233 Cobb, James H., 170 Coben, Harlan, 104 Cobra Event, 174, 199 Cochran, Molly, 359 Cockrell, Amanda, 4 Code: Alpha, 171, 173 Code of Honor, 18 Cody, Denée, 8, 26, 230, 266 Cody, Liza, 83 Cody's Law series, 36, 56 Coe, Tucker, 87 Coel, Margaret, 94 Coen, Franklin, 183 Coffey, Brian, 87 Coffman, Elaine, 235 Coffman, Virginia, 243 Cohen, Anthea, 120 Cohen, Stephen Paul, 87, 170 Cohen, William S., 177 Coker, Carolyn, 101, 110 Colbert, James, 79 Cold Copper Tears, 409 Cold Fire trilogy, 407 Cold Hand in Mine, 451 Cold Is the Sea, 189 Cold Mind, A, 121 Cold Mountain, 16 Cold Sea Rising, 183 Cold War Swap, The, 159

Coldsmith, Don, 29, 53, 57 Cole, Allan, 351 Cole, Burt, 177 Cole, G. D. H., 108, 146 Cole, Jameson, 90 Cole, Margaret, 108, 146 Coleman, Bob, 221 Coleman, Lonnie, 15, 243 Coles, Manning, 160 Collected Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe, The, 453 Collerette, Eric J., 189 Collier, John, 435, 452 Collins, Jackie, 213 Collins, Larry, 177 Collins, Max Allen, 111 Collins, Michael, 87 Collins, Nancy A., 433, 438, 455 Collins, Wilkie, 110, 117, 452 Colombia, The, 57 Colonists, The, 19 Colonization of America series, 20, 247 Color of Night, The, 159 Colorado, The, 57 Coma, 443 Comanche Captives, 63 Comanche Dawn, 29, 44 Comanche Moon, 20, 54, 65 Combs, Harry, 43, 55 Come Be My Love, 235 "Come Lady Death," 413 Come Morning, 127 Come Spring, 223 Comfort, B., 91 Comfort, Will L., 29 Coming of Age, 322 Coming of Cthulhu, The, 432 Coming of the Kid, The, 37 Commander Kelly Maguire trilogy, 190

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Commissar's Report, The, 164 Commodore Hornblower, 193 Company of Saints, The, 166 Company of Swans, A, 224 Compelling Evidence, 133 Compleat Werewolf, The, 441 "Compleat Werewolf, The," 413 Complete Compleat Enchanter, The, 352 Complete Letters of Vincent Van Gogh, 153 Complete Short Stories of Raffles, The: The Amateur Cracksman, 127 Comprador, 175 Compton, D. G., 307 Computer Connection, 314 Conan series, 354, 400 Conant, Susan J., 97 Conceiving the Heavens, 339 Conde, Maryse, 13 Condon, Richard, 123, 143, 157 Conduct of Major Maxim, The, 163 Coney, Michael Greatrex, 389 Confessional, 163 Confessions of Nat Turner, The, 17 Confidential Agent, The, 156 Congo, 186 Conjure Wife, 408, 437 Conjurers, The, 437 Conley, Robert J., 4, 29, 44, 64, 67 Connelly, Michael, 78, 120, 138 Conner, Mike, 383 Connor, Beverly, 92 Conquered Heart, The, 230 Conquest, 230 Conrad, Joseph, 154, 185 Conran, Shirley, 213 Constantine, K. C., 81, 108, 141 Constantine, Storm, 318 Contact, 272 Contento, William, 332, 415, 453 Conversations at Curlow Creek, The, 7 Converts, 315 Conway, Laura, 218 Cook, Bruce, 89, 99 Cook, Glen, 351, 409 Cook, Hugh, 351

Cook, John Byrne, 65 Cook, Nick, 170 Cook, Rick, 369 Cook, Robin, 443 Cook, Thomas H., 77, 79, 87, 117, 120 Cook, Will, 35 Cooke, John Byrne, 45, 48, 30, 53 Cooking School Murders, The, 106 Cookson, Catherine, 221, 243 Cooley, Marilyn, 82 Cooney, Caroline B., 393 Cooney, Eleanor, 112 Coonts, Stephen, 170, 177 Cool Running, 182 Cooper and Fowler families, 244 Cooper, Susan, 362 Cooper, Susan Rogers, 81, 101 Coppard, A. E., 430 Coppel, Alfred, 177 Copper, Basil, 432, 436, 441, 447, 452 Copper Beech, 210 Copper Crown, 359 Copper Kingdom, 223 Copperhead, 15 Core, 183 Corby, Michael, 438 Corey Lane, 55 Cork, Barry, 75 Corley, Edwin, 182 Cormay, Michael, 79 Cormorant, The, 441 Cormorant's Brood, 18 Cornelisen, Ann, 130 Cornerstone, The, 23 Cornish Clay series, 21 Cornwell, Bernard, 8, 13, 15, 192 Cornwell, Patricia, 81, 92, 101 Corps series, 190 Corridor of Storms, 6 Corridors of Time, 285 Corrington, John William, 79 Corris, Peter, 83 Cory, Desmond, 95 Coscarelli, Kate, 211 Costain, Thomas, 221 Costello, Matthew J., 339

Coulter, Catherine, 121, 138, 218, 222, 256 Count of Eleven, 445 Count of Monte Cristo, The, 22 Count Zero, 308 Counter-Clock World, 286 Counterfeit Husband, The, 238 Counterfeit Widow, The, 238 Counterprobe, 304 Countersolar!, 284 Circumpolar!, 284 Counterstroke, 178 Court Martial of George Armstrong Custer, The, 63 Court of Love, The, 8, 26, 230 Courting Emma Howe, 227 Courting Julia, 234 Courting Miss Hattie, 259 Courtney, Caroline, 235 Courtneys, The, 21 Courts of Chaos, 358 Courtship Rite, 313 Cousinly Connection, A, 238 Cousins, The, 210 Cove, The, 121 Coven of Women, A, 429 Covenant with the Vampire, 439 Covenant, The, 22, 385, 416, 426 Cover for a Traitor, 162 Covered Wagon, The, 33, 58 Coville, Bruce, 372 Cowboy and the Vampire, The, 52, 438, 457 Cowell, Stephanie, 8 Cowie, Vera, 209 Cox, Greg, 454 Cox, Michael, 140, 430 Coxe, George Harmon, 86, 138 Coyle, Harold, 13, 15, 170 Coyne, John, 427, 433, 445 Coyote Waits, 138 Crack in the Sky, 33

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Craddock family, 243 Cradle Will Fall, The, 117 Cradock, Fanny, 243 Craft of Writing Science Fiction That Sells, The, 339 Craig, Alisa, 72 Craig, Emma, 252 Craig, Kit, 445 Craig, Philip R., 89 Crais, Robert, 84 Cramer, Kathryn, 267, 271, 334 Crane, Hamilton, 101 Crane, Stephen, 61 Cravens, Gwyneth, 182 Crawford, Max, 30 Crazy in Alabama, 130 Crazy Snake, 29 Crazy Woman, 32 Creasey, John, 83, 94, 139, 160 Creature, 444 Creed for the Third Millenium, 183 Crescent City, 226 Cresswell, Jasmine, 253 Crichton, Michael, 126, 170, 182, 186 Crider, Bill, 82, 120 Crime & Mystery: The 100 Best Books, 143, 145 Crime Across the Sea, 140 Crime Fiction: A Comprehensive Bibliography, 143 Crime on Her Mind, 142 Crime on the Coast, 149 Crime Through Time, 110 Crime Through Time II, 110 Crime Without Murder, 140 Crime Writers' Choice, 140 Crimes of the Scene, 103 Crimson, 213 Crispin, A. C., 323 Crispin, Edmund, 95 Critical Mass, 138, 196 Critical Survey of Mystery and Detective, 145 Crocodile Bird, The, 119 Crocodile on the Sandbank, 218 Crocus List, 163 Crofts, Freeman Wills, 146 Crombie, Deborah, 73

Cronus, 157 Crooked Man, 178 Crosby, John, 157, 177 Cross, Amanda, 95, 101 Cross Currents: Storm Season, 404 Cross, Ronald Anthony, 390 Crossed Quills, 236 Crossing, The, 51 Crossing by Night, 166 Crossroads series, 387 Crowe, John, 78 Crowley, John, 281 Crown Crime Companion, 143 Crown in Candlelight, 224 Crown of Shadows, 407 Crown of Stars series, 390 Crown of Swords, 354 Crowning Mercy, 224 Crowther, Peter, 396 Crucible of Time, 303 Crucifax Autumn, 435 Cruel Sea, 191 Crumley, James, 86, 141 Crusader's Torch, 409, 440 Crusie, Jennifer, 215, 261 Cry Geronimo, 29 Cry in the Night, A, 117 Cry of the Hawk, 32, 47 Cry Spy, 158 Crypto Man, 127 Cryptozoic!, 285 Crystal Cave, 360 Crystal Dove, 223 Crystal Singer, 324 Crystal Star, 242 Crystal World, 273, 275, 281, 286 Cthulhu 2000: A Lovecraftian Anthology, 432 Cuckoo's Egg, 303 Cudlip, David, 175 Cuevas, Judy, 261 Cugel's Saga, 357 Cujo, 441 Culp, John H., 43 Cummings, Monette, 235 Cunningham, E. V., 78, 80, 100 Cup of Morning Shadows, 377

Cupid's Darts, 236 Cupid's Mistake, 236 Curse of the Mistwraith, The, 358 Curse of the Pharoahs, 218 Cursed in the Blood, 114 Cursed Land, 402 Curtis, Peter, 436 Curtis, Sharon, 256, 261 Curtis, Tom, 256, 261 Curtiss, Ursula, 117 Curwood, James Oliver, 185 Cushman, Carolyn, 406 Cushman, Dan, 64 Cussler, Clive, 154, 177, 182, 195, 198 Cutler, Stan, 84 Cut-Out, 171 CW2, 190 Cyber Way, 52, 320 Cyberiad, 311 Cyborg and the Sorcerer, The, 312 Cycle of Fire, 276 Cyclops, 196 Cyteen, 296, 327, 345 Czardas, 226 D D'Amato, Barbara, 96, 101 D'Shai, 411 D'Shai series, 411 Daddy, 175, 211, 214 Daddy-Long-Legs, 206 Daemon in Lithuania, 438 Daemon in the Machine, 388 Daggerspell, 354 Dailey, Janet, 49, 203, 211, 212, 222, 243, 265 Dalby, Richard, 430 Daley, Brian, 323 Dalheim, Mary, 96 Dalkey, Kara, 378, 383 Dallas, Sandra, 16 Dalton, Sean, 286

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Daly, Elizabeth, 87 Dam, 181 Damia, 293 Damiano, 383 Damiano's Lute, 383 Damia's Children, 293 Dams, Jeanne M., 91 Damsel in Distress, 112 Dance of the Rings series, 394 Dance on the Wind, 33 Dancers at the End of Time, 288 Dances with Wolves, 32 Dancing at the Rascal Fair, 41, 54, 67, 244 Dancing on Snowflakes, 225 Dancing on the Wind, 238 Dancing with Clara, 234 Dangerous Angels, 381 Dangerous Intrigue, A, 234 Dangerous Kiss, 213 Dangerous Men and Adventurous Women, 201, 202, 262 Dangerous Thoughts, 118 Dangerous to Hold, 228 Dangerous to Kiss, 239 Dangerous to Know, 212 Dangerous Visions, 274, 333 Dangerous Years, The, 190 Daniel, David, 89 Daniels, Lee, 438 Danielson, Peter, 243 Dank, Gloria, 96 Dann, Jack, 414 Danse Macabre, 454 Darcy, Clare, 235 Daring Masquerade, 234 Dark, 427 Dark Angel, The, 408 Dark Champion, 230 Dark Country, The, 452 Dark Dance, 408 Dark Descent, The, 449 Dark Design, The, 274 Dark Druid, The, 363 Dark Homecoming, 197 Dark Is Rising, 362

Dark Is Rising sequence, 362 Dark Island, The, 30, 44, 64 "Dark Journey," 254 Dark Legacy, 402 Dark Light Years, 302, 312 Dark Matter, 446 Dark Moon, 372 Dark of the Moon, 390 Dark Prince, 383, 398 Dark River, 52 Dark Room, 120 Dark Shore, 355 Dark Thoughts on Writing, 456 Dark Tide, 355 Dark Tower series, 296, 386, 444 Dark Way, The, 4, 30 Dark Wing, 171 Dark World, 329 Darkangel trilogy, 408 Darker Dream, A, 253 Darker Jewels, 409, 440 Darkest Day, 355 Darkest Thirst, The: A Vampire Anthology, 450 Darkfall, 428 Darkness at Pemberly, 233 Darkness at Sethanon, 353 Darkness, I, 408 Darkover series, 292, 295, 315, 323, 389, 394, 398, 400 Darkside: Horror for the Next Millennium, 450 Darksong Rising, 387 Darkspell, 354 Darkthunder's Way, 377 Darkworld Detective, 322 Darwath series, 386 Darwinia, 285 Datlow, Ellen, 333, 334, 368, 414, 449, 450 Daughter in Law, 93 Daughter of Fortune, 224 Daughter of Joy, 48 Daughter of the Eagle, 53 Daughter of the Red Deer, 7 Daughter of the Sky, 4 Daughter of Witches, 358 David, Daniel, 86 David, James F., 286, 442, 443 David, Peter, 323

Davidian Report, 158 Davidson, Avram, 328, 397 Davidson, Diane Mott, 105 Davidson, Lionel, 186 Davies, Linda, 175 Davies, Robertson, 430 Davis, Brett, 409 Davis, Dorothy Salisbury, 101 Davis, Justine, 215, 261 Davis, Lindsey, 112 Davis, Robert, 78 Davy, 282, 330, 344 Dawn, 303 Dawn Land, 4, 364 Dawn on a Distant Shore, 13 Dawn's Early Light, 15, 21 Dawson, Clay, 55 Dawson, Janet, 84 Day After Tomorrow, The, 168, 178 Day of Confession, 178 Day of Reckoning, 124 Day of the Butterfly, 225 Day of the Cheetah, 169 Day of the Dissonance, 386 Day of the Jackal, 161 Day of the Triffids, 282, 332 Day of Wrath, 177 Day the Cowboys Quit, The, 59, 63 Day the Martians Came, The, 305 Day the Music Died, 86 Day, Dianne, 112 Day, Marele, 83 Days of Air and Darkness, 354 Days of Blood and Fire, 354 Days of Cain, 286 Days of Drums, 179 Dazzle, 213 De Blasis, Celeste, 222 De Bolt, Joe, 336

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de Borchgrave, Arnaud, 179 de Camp, L. Sprague, 283, 304, 312, 342, 352, 397, 400 De Felitta, Frank, 433 de Kuyper family, 247 De La Mare, Walter, 430 De La Roche, Mazo, 241 De La Torre, Lillian, 112 De Lillo, Don, 182 de Lint, Charles, 364, 366, 376, 378, 380, 381, 400, 407, 415 Dead Air, 403 Dead City, 125 Dead Dog Blues, 130 Dead in the Water, 455 Dead Man's Walk, 20, 54 Dead March, 114 Dead of Winter, The, 405 Dead Warrior, 35, 43 Dead Woman and Other Haunting Experiences, 431 Deadly Allies, 140 Deadly Communion, 442 Deadly Edge, 127 Deadly Frost, 183 Deadly Meeting, 108 Deadly Silents, 321 Deadville, 42, 46 Deadwood, 42 Dealing with Dragons, 367 Dealings of Daniel Kesserich, 408 Dean, Pamela, 366, 376 Dean, S. F. X., 95 DeAndrea, William, 87, 147, 157 Dear Dead Days, 140 Dear Laura, 116 Dearly Beloved, 238 Death at the Crossroads, 112 Death at the President's Lodging, 109 Death by Publication, 107 Death Comes as Epiphany, 114 Death Comes for the Archbishop, 15 Death Cruise: Crime Stories on the Open Seas, 103 Death Dream, 309 Death Drop, 118 Death du Jour, 92 Death Gate Cycle, 358

Death in Purple Prose, 110 Death in the Quadrangle, 108 Death Is Academic, 109 Death of a Fantasy Life, 104 Death of a Gunfighter, 36 Death of a Raven, 166 Death of a Supertanker, 197 Death of Chaos, 356 Death of Grass, 281 Death of Sleep, 296 Death on a Warm Wind, 184 Death on the Verandah, 140 Death Prayer, 409 Death Warmed Over, 105 Death Word, 292 Death Wore a Smart Little Outfit, 98 Death-Blinder, 364 Deathstar Voyage, 322 Deathwatch, 113 Deaver, Jeffery, 92, 117 Debriefing, The, 159 Debt of Honor, 169 Deceiver, The, 161 Deception: A Novel of Murder and Madness in T'ang China, 112 DeChancie, John, 369 Decker, William, 39, 63 Dedicated Villain, 228 Dedman, Stephen, 396, 444 Deed of Paksenarrion, The, 356 Deep, The, 195 Deep End, The, 118, 120 Deep Flight, 169 Deep Impact (film), 181 Deep Lie, 160 Deep Secret, 110 Deep Silence, 191 Deep Six, 177, 195 Deep Summer, 13 Deepdrive, 296 Deeper Than the Night, 253 Deepwater, 14 Deer Dancers, 4 Deerskin, 366 Deerslayer, 22 DEFCON One, 172 Defection of A. J. Lewinter, The, 159

Defective Detective, The: Mystery Paradies by the Great Humorists, 146 Defector, The, 166 Defiance County, 132 Degree of Guilt, 133 Deidre and Don Juan, 234 Deighton, Len, 160 Deja Dead, 92, 121 del Rey, Lester, 342 Delahaye, Michael, 128 Delany, Samuel R., 274, 296, 312, 318, 324, 328, 338, 343, 390, 414 Delderfield, R. F., 8, 243 Delinsky, Barbara, 211, 215 Dell, Ethel, 205, 206 Delman, David, 80 Delmore, Diana, 235 Delving, Michael, 90 DeMille, Nelson, 123, 164, 182 Demogorgon, 432 Demolished Man, The, 292, 320, 326, 343 Demolition Road, 313 Demon Awakens, The, 357 Demon Awakens series, 357 Demon Light, 436 Demon Lord of Karanda, 352 Demon Lover and Other Stories, 430 Demon Lover, 224 Demon Moon, 392 Demon Spirit, The, 357 Demouzon, Alain, 83 Denham, Bertie, 161 Dennis, Adair, 54, 243 Dentinger, Jane, 90 Departure, 188 Depraved Indifference, 133 Derelict for Trade, 297 Derleth, August, 135, 407, 421, 424, 452

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Deryni Checkmate, 391 Deryni Rising, 391 Deryni saga, 391 "Descent Into the Maelstrom," 453 Desert Crop, 18 Desert of Pure Meaning, A, 51 Designing Woman, 209 Desperate Crossing, 32 Destination: Void, 307 Destiny, 212 Destiny Times Three, 284 Destiny's Child, 223 Destiny's Road, 290 Destroyer series, 195 Destry Rides Again, 58 Detecting Women 2, 100 Detecting Women 3, 143 "Detection Club Oath," 145 Detectionary, 147 Detective and Mr. Dickens, 114 "Detective of Dreams," 413 Deus Machine, 307 Deutermann, P. T., 82, 170, 175 Devall's Angel, 237 Deveraux, Jude, 230, 231, 252, 257 Deverell, Diana, 166 Deverell, William, 93 Deverry series, 354 Devices and Desires, 138 Devil in a Forest, The, 367 Devil Loves Me, The, 119 Devil on Horseback, The, 224 Devil Rides Out, The, 436 Devil Water, 14 Devil's Alternative, The, 161 Devil's Arithmetic, The, 393 Devil's Bargain, The, 236 Devil's Card, The, 114 Devil's Conspiracy, The, 178 Devil's Cub, 237 Devil's Door, The, 114 Devil's Garden, The, 179 Devil's Laughter, 229 Devil's Own, 436

Devil's Rim, 39 Devine, Thea, 250 Devoted, 220 DeWeese, Christine, 404 Dewey Death, 106 Dewey, Thomas B., 85 Dexter, Colin, 75 Dexter, Pete, 42 Dhalgren, 318, 328, 343 Di Pego, Gerald, 79 Diamant, Anita, 4 Diamond, Jacqueline, 236 Diamond Age, or, Young Lady's Illustrated Primer, The, 309, 331, 345, 348 Diamond Throne, The, 352 Diamond Waterfall, The, 245 Diana Tregarde series, 407, 411 Diary of Mattie Spenser, The, 16 Dibdin, Michael, 76, 140 Dick, Philip K., 274, 277, 281, 283, 286, 304, 307, 308, 310, 312, 320, 328, 342, 343, 344 Dickens, Charles, 430 Dickinson, A. T., 24 Dickinson, Peter, 95, 138, 161 Dickinson's American Historical Fiction, 24 Dickson, Carter, 107, 140 Dickson, Gordon R., 281, 286, 292, 299, 328, 373, 414 Dictionary of Imaginary Places, The, 416 Dictionary of Science Fiction Places, The, 337 Did You Say Chicks?, 412 Die for Love, 110 Diehl, William, 123, 132, 168 Dietz, Tom, 377 Dietz, William C., 320 Difference Engine, The, 283 Dig, The, 323 Dig (computer game), 323 Dillon, Ellis, 108 Dillon, John, 178 DiMercurio, Michael, 170 Dinah Faire, 243 Dinesen, Isak, 452 Dinosaur Fantastic, 371 Dinosaur Summer, 382 Dinosaurs, 334 Diplomatic Act, 325 Dirge for Sabis, 404 Dirgo, Craig, 198

Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, 319 Dirk Pitt Revealed, 198 Disappearance, The, 314 Disappearance of Gregory Pluckrose, The, 189 Disappearing Act, 132 Disch, Thomas M., 274, 304, 313, 328, 338, 429 Disciples of Cthulhu, The, 431 Discworld series, 325, 370 DiSilvestro, Roger L., 441 "Dismantling Fortress Architecture," 451 Disorderly Knights, The, 9 Dispossessed, The, 227, 318, 329, 343, 344 Distant Planes: An Anthology, 402 Divided Alliance, 356 Divine Invasion, 277 Dixon, Larry, 394, 402, 405 Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, 308, 310, 320, 328 Do You Want to Know a Secret?, 117 Dobyns, Stephen, 87, 89, 445 Doc Savage series, 195 Doctor Dogbody's Leg, 193 Doctorow, E. L., 36, 124 Doctors Wear Scarlet, 439 Dodge, David, 127 Dog in the Manger, 117 Dogs of War, The, 161 Dogsbody, 385 Doherty, P. C., 112 Doig, Ivan, 41, 51, 54, 66, 67, 244 Dolley: A Novel of Dolley Madison and Love and War, 15 Dolly Blanchard's Fortune, 236 Dolphins of Pern, The, 297 Domain, 437 Domains of Darkover, 400 Domes of Fire, 352 Dominic, R. B., 90 Dominions of Irth, 355

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Don Among the Dead Men, 109 Don Juan McQueen, 20 Don't Point That Thing at Me, 128 Donaldson, D. J., 86, 92 Donaldson, Stephen R., 385 Donati, Sara, 13, 229, 266 "Donkeyskin," 366 Donovan's Brain, 442 Don't Cry Now, 118 Doody, Margaret, 112 Doolittle, Jerome, 86 Doomsday Book, 11, 26, 288, 332, 345 Doomsday Carrier, The, 182 Doomsday Deposit, The, 182 Door in the Hedge, The, 368 Door into Ocean, A, 318 Door into Summer, The, 287, 343 Door Number Three, 284, 288 Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth, The, 332 Doppelgänger Gambit, The, 321 Dorothy L. Sayers: Her Life and Soul, 137 Dorothy L. Sayers: The Life of a Courageous Woman, 137 Dorothy Parker Murder Case, The, 111 Dorris, Michael, 51 Dorsai!, 292, 328 Dorsai series, 299 Dorsey, Candas Jane, 390, 414 Doss, James D., 78, 100 Dossier, The, 179, 198 Double Death, 149 Double Man, The, 177 Double Star, 328, 344 Double Whammy, 131 Doublet Affair, The, 8 Double-Take, 166 Douglas, Carole Nelson, 97, 103, 104, 112, 135, 304 Douglas, John, 82 Dove at Midnight, A, 230 Dowd, Tom, 403 Dowling, Gregory, 166 Dowling, Lela, 397 Down the Common, 8 Down the Garden Path, 121 Down the Long Hills, 44, 63

Downbelow Station, 296, 301, 327, 344 Downing, Sybil, 48 Downing, Warwick, 85 Downtown, 210 Downward to the Earth, 306 Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, 83, 135, 150, 289, 338, 423, 452 Dozois, Gardner, 319, 320, 333, 335, 339 Dr. Bloodmoney, 281 Dr. Scofflaw, 320 Dr. Who, 323 Dr. Who (television show), 323 Dracula Tapes, The, 440 Dracula, 424, 426, 438, 439, 440, 454 Dracula's Diary, 438 Dragon, 389 Dragon and Phoenix, 395 Dragon and the George, The, 373 Dragon and the George series, 373 Dragon and the Gnarly King, The, 373 Dragon and the Thief, 372 Dragon at Noonday, The, 10 Dragon at War, The, 373 Dragon at World's End, A, 374 Dragon Burning, 386 Dragon Circle series, 386 Dragon Companion, 372 Dragon Fantastic, 371 Dragon Heart saga, 403 Dragon Knight, The, 373 Dragon Nimbus History, The, 374 Dragon Nimbus, 374 Dragon on the Border, The, 373 Dragon quartet, 373 Dragon Reborn, The, 354 Dragon Rescue, 372 Dragon Revenant, The, 354 Dragon Sim 13, 171 Dragon Sleeping, 386 Dragon Waking, 386 Dragon Wing, 358 Dragon, The Earl, and the Troll, The, 373 Dragon's Bait, 374 Dragon's Blood, 374 Dragon's Eye, 374 Dragon's Heirs trilogy, 359 Dragon's Milk, 373

Dragon's Touchstone, The, 374 Dragonard series, 244 Dragonbards, 373 Dragonbone Chair, The, 358 Dragondrums, 297 Dragonflight, 297, 329, 397 Dragonfly in Amber, 252, 257 DragonLance, 419 Dragonlover's Guide to Pern, The, 416 Dragonquest, 297 Dragonrank Master, 387 Dragon's Egg, The, 272, 304 Dragons of Argonath, 374 Dragons of War, 374 Dragons on the Rhine, The, 364 Dragon's Teeth, 321 Dragonsayer series, 373 Dragonsbane, 373 Dragonsdawn, 297 Dragonseye, 297 Dragonsinger, 297 Dragonsong, 297 Dragonstone, The, 355 Drake, David, 300, 334, 352, 404 Drake, Shannon, 257 Dram of Poison, A, 116 Drawing Blood, 434 Drawing of the Three, The, 296, 386, 444 Drawn to the Grave, 434 Dread Brass Shadows, 409 Dream a Little Dream, 259 Dream Man, 258 Dream Master, The, 294, 332 Dream of Fair Women, 116 Dream Stone, 251 Dreamfall, 294 Dreaming Dragons, The, 303 Dreaming in Smoke, 273 Dreaming Jewels, The, 293, 331

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Dreaming of You, 258 Dreaming Place, The, 407 Dreamlands series, 432 Dreams of Eagles, 54 Dreams of Steel, 351 Dreams Our Stuff Is Made Of, The: How Science Fiction Conquered the World, 338 Dreams Underfoot, 378, 415 Dreamseeker's Road, 377 Dreamsnake, 315, 330, 344 Drenai series, 353 Drew, Bernard A., 61, 198 Dreyer, Eileen, 216, 261 Dreyfuss, Richard, 383 Driftglass, 274 Drink Down the Moon, 376, 378 Drink to Yesterday, 160 Drink with the Devil, 163 Drood Review, The, 148 Drowned World, The, 281 Drowning Towers, 282 Druid of Shannara, The, 350 Drum Calls, 351, 389 Drum Warning, 351, 389 Drummond, Emma, 222, 244 Drummond, Ivor, 126 Drummond, June, 236 Drums of Autumn, 252, 257 Drums of Chaos, 351, 389 Drums series, 351 Drunkard's Walk, 293 Drury, Allen, 177 Druze Document, The, 178 Dry Water, 380 Du Maurier, Daphne, 140, 219, 414, 441, 452 Duane, Diane, 404 Due, Tananarive, 147, 427 Duel of Hearts, 238 Duffy, Margaret, 166 Dufresne, John, 147 Dukthas, Ann, 9 Dulcie Bligh, 235 Duncan, Dave, 385 Duncan, Lois, 396 Duncan, Robert L., 175, 177

Duncton chronicles, 375 Duncton Found, 375 Duncton Quest, 375 Duncton Rising, 375 Duncton Stone, 375 Duncton Tales, 375 Duncton Wood, 375 Dune, 276, 277, 293, 329, 343 Dune Messiah, 277 Dunet, Sarah, 124 Dungeons and Dragons (game), 406 Dunham, Dick, 79 Dunlap, Susan, 78, 84, 101 Dunn, Carola, 112, 236 Dunn, J. R., 286, 307 Dunnett, Dorothy, 9 Dunning, John, 89, 106 Dunsany, Lord, 377, 430 Dunwich Horror, The, 425, 432 Dupree, Tom, 414 Durand, Loup, 175 Durham, Guy, 170 Durham, Marilyn, 49 Dust Devils, 44 Dutchman, The, 14, 114 Dvorkin, David, 441 Dwellers in Darkness, 452 Dying Earth, The, 357 Dying Earth series, 357 Dying for Chocolate, 105 Dying Inside, 293, 330, 343 Dynasty, 244 Dziemianowicz, Stefan, 412, 450 E Eagle Has Flown, 190 Eagle Has Landed, The, 163, 190 Eagle of the Ninth, The, 23 Eagle Station, 169 Eagle, Kathleen, 215, 261 Eagle's Blood, 188 Eagles series, 54 Eagleton, Clive, 161, 164 Early Fears, 415 Early, Jack, 80 Early, Margot, 216 Earth Abides, 282, 343

Earth Goddess, The, 196 Earth's Children series, 3, 4 Earthborn, 296 Earthbreakers, 33 Earthfall, 296 Earthquake Weather, 445 Earth's Last Citadel, 329 Earthsea tetrology, 354 Earthsound, 182 East Lynne, 207, 208 East of the Outback, 18 Easterman, Daniel, 178, 187 Easthampton trilogy, 246 Eberhart, Mignon Good, 16, 91, 217 Eccentric Lady, 238 Eccles, Marjorie, 75 Echo, The, 120 Echoes from the Macabre: Selected Stories, 452 Echoes of Honor, 299 Echoes (Binchy), 210 Echoes (Guinn), 240 Eco, Umberto, 9, 112 Ecolitan Enigma, The, 297 Eddings, David, 352, 396 Eddings, Leigh, 352, 396 Eddison, E. R., 390 Eden and Honor, 245 Eden, Dorothy, 207 Eden family, 245 Eden Passion, 245 Eden Rising, 245 Edgar Winners, 149 Edge, The, 121 Edge of Honor, The, 82 Edge of Sleep, The, 121 Edge of the World, 6 Edgecliff Manor Mystery series, 240 Edgerton, Teresa, 383 Edghill, Rosemary, 377

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Edson, J. T., 56 Edwards, Cassie, 230 Edwards, Grace F., 99 Effinger, George Alec, 401 Egan, Lesley, 78, 93 Egyptian, The, 7 Eickhoff, Randy Lee, 45 Eidson, Bill, 118 Eidson, Tom, 32, 36, 48, 64 Eiger Sanction, The, 159 8.4, 182 Eight Skilled Gentlemen, 410 18 Best Stories by Edgar Allan Poe, 425, 453 1812, 16 Eighth Dwarf, The, 159 Eighty-Minute Hour, The: A Space Odyssey, 325 Elegant, Robert, 244 Element of Fire, The, 401 Elements of Chance, 214 11 Harrowhouse, 123 Eleventh Commandment, The, 157, 176 Eleventh Little Indian, The, 134 Eleventh Plague, The, 173 Elf Queen of Shannara, The, 350 Elfquest series, 397 Elfstones of Shannara, The, 350 Elgin, Suzette Harden, 315 Eliot, T. S., 186 Elizabeth, 437 Elizabeth & Alexandra, 12 Elk-Dog Heritage, The, 53 Elkins, Aaron, 92, 95, 104 Elkins, Charlotte, 104 Ella Enchanted, 366 Ellenium series, 352 Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, 110, 140, 148 Ellin, Stanley, 118, 128 Ellingson, Marnie, 236 Elliot, Elton, 333 Elliott, Kate, 387, 390 Ellis, Julie, 244 Ellis, Wesley, 56 Ellison, Harlan, 274, 328, 333, 413, 433, 448 Ellroy, James, 71, 78, 141

Elrod, P. N., 450 Elsewhere, 379, 399 Elsie Dinsmore series, 208 Elusive Flame, The, 228 Elven Star, 358 Elven Ways, 382 Elvenbane, 373 Elvenblood, 373 Elvendude, 402 Elysia, 432 Elyza, 235 Embedding, The, 275 Embrace the Night, 253 Embryo, 443 Emerald, 220 Emerald Flame, 235 Emerson, Earl, 82, 88 Emerson, Kathy Lynn, 9 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 153 Emerson, Ru, 399 Emery, Clayton, 402 Emily, 19 Emily and the Dark Angel, 234, 256 Emily series, 206 Emma and the Outlaw, 229 Emmert, Scott, 62 Emperor for the Legion, An, 389 Emperor Norton's Ghost, 112 Empire Builders, The, 19 Empire of Bones, 38, 65 Empire of Ice, 183 Empire of the Eagle, 361 Empty House, The, 162 Empty Land, The, 35 Emshwiller, Carol, 414 Enchanted Christmas, 252 Enchanted Forest chronicles, 367 Enchanted Forests, 368 Enchanted Ground, 228 Enchanted Journeys Beyond the Imagination, 250, 261, 415 Enchanter Reborn, The, 352 Enchanter's End Game, 352 Enchantress, The, 228 Encyclopedia Mysteriosa: A Comprehensive Guide to the Art of Deectiion in Print, Film, Radio, and Television, 147 Encyclopedia of Fantasy, The, 416 Encyclopedia of Frontier and Western Fiction, 61

Encyclopedia of Mystery and Detection, 147 Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, The, 335, 337 End of All Songs, The, 288 End of Eternity, The, 283, 286 End of the Chapter, 242 Ender saga, 303 Ender's Game, 303, 327 Ender's Shadow, 303 End-Game, 126 Endgame, 402 Endless Game, The, 161 Endless Knot, The, 363 Endless Shadow, 295 Ends of the Earth, 415 Endymion, 276, 278, 298 Enemy, The, 160 Enemy Within, The, 177 Engel, Howard, 83 Enger, L. L., 104 Engine Summer, 281 Englade, Ken, 38 English Creek, 54, 66, 244 English Witch, 235 Enslaved, 111 Erdman, Paul E., 175 Eric: A Discworld Novel, 370 Erisman, Fred, 62 Ernenwein, Leslie, 63 Escape from Roksamur, 399 Escape Velocity, 388 Esler, Anthony, 249 Essence of My Desire, 251 Essential Borderland, The, 379, 399 Estleman, Loren D., 36, 42, 44, 45, 56, 64, 65, 66, 86, 124 Estrada, Rita Clay, 263 Etchison, Dennis, 452, 455 Eternal Guardians, The, 390

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Eternal Lovecraft: The Persistence of HPL in Popular Culture, 433 Eternal Temple, The, 5 Eternity Base, 172 Ethan of Athos, 317 Etruscan, The, 7 Etulain, Richard W., 62 Eulo, Elena Yates, 16, 222 Eustis, Helen, 108, 118 Evanovich, Janet, 101, 152 Evans, Geraldine, 75 Evans, Max, 43, 46, 51, 61, 66 Evans, Tabor, 56 Evelina, 233 Evelina; or, The History of a Young Lady's Entrance into the World, 233 Ever After, 21 Ever series, 388 Everett, Wade, 35 Evermore, 253 Every Crime in the Book, 140 Every Little Crook and Nanny, 131 Everything and More, 213 Everything to Gain, 212 Evil Star, 183 Exaltation of Larks, 380 Excess of Love, An, 248 Executioner series, 195 Executive Order, 170 Exercise in Terror, 121 Exile's Return, 375 Exiles, The, 19 Exiles series, 356 Exiles trilogy, 295 Exocet, 163 Exodus from the Long Sun, 299 Exorcisms and Ecstasies, 453 Exorcist, The, 433, 447 Exotic Enchanter, The, 352 Expiration Date, 408, 445 Exploits of Dr. Sam Johnson, Detector, The, 112 Exploration of Mars, 273 Explorers, The, 19 Extraordinary Adventures of Arséne Lupin, Gentleman Burglar, The, 127 Extraordinary Powers, 157 Eye in the Sky, 283

Eye of the Daemon, 409 Eye of the Hawk, 63 Eye of the Hunter, The, 355 Eye of the Needle, 161 Eye of the Storm, 163 Eye of the Tiger, The, 187 Eye of the World, The, 354 Eyes of Eagles, 54 Eyes of the Hammer, 171 Eyes of the Overworld, The, 357 F Fabulous Riverboat, The, 274 Face Down Among the Winchester Geese, 9 Face Down in the Marrow-Bone Pie, 9 Face Down upon an Herbal, 9 Face of Apollo, The, 362 Face of Chaos, The, 404 Face of Deception, The, 122, 152 Face of the Rising Sun, 6 Facemaker, 443 ''Faces at Pine Dunes, The," 433 Faces of Fantasy, The, 349, 416 Faces of Science Fiction, The: Photographs, 337 Fackler, Elizabeth, 46, 48, 56 Facts of Death, 155 Fade to Black, 404 Faerie Tale, 427 Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser series, 355 Fahrenheit 451, 279, 327, 344 Fair, A. A., 139 Fair Game, 239 Fair Peril, 366, 422 Fairbairns, Zoe, 414 Fairchild, Elisabeth, 236 Fairy Tale series, 365 Fairyland, 317 Fairytale, 251 Faith, 161 Faithful Lovers, The, 18 Falcon Flies, A, 187 Falcons, 191 Falklands Gambit, 197 Falkner, J. M., 185 Fall from Grace, 125 Fall of Angels, 356 Fall of Hyperion, The, 276, 278, 298, 345

Fall of the House of Usher and Other Tales, The, 453 "Fall of the House of Usher, The," 453 Fall River Line, The, 248 Fall Roundup, The, 60 Fallen Angels, The, 224 Falling Angel, 254 Falling Free, 316 Falling in Love Again, 238 Falling Star, A, 18 Falling Woman, 293, 394 Fallon Blood, 19 Fallon Legacy, 19 Fallon Pride, 19 Fallon series, 19 Falls of Gard, 217 Falls the Shadow, 10 False Flags, 158 False Mirror, The, 304 Falseface, 179 Fame & Fortune, 211 Family Album, 212 Family Fortune, 16 Family Fortunes, 242 Family Man, 258 Family Money, 227 Family Secrets, 210 Famous Fantastic Mysteries: 30 Great Tales of Fantasy and Horror from the Classic Pulp Magazines, 412 Famous Heroine, The, 234 Fan, The, 116 Fancher, Jane S., 394 Fancher Train, The, 64 Fancies and Goodnights, 452 Fancy Pants, 259 Fang, the Gnome, 389 Fantastic Alice, 398 Fantastic Science Fiction, 323

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Fantasy Hall of Fame, The: The Definitive Collection of lthe Best Modern Fatasy Chosen by the Members of the Science Fitction and Fantasy Writers of America, 413 Fantasy Literature, 415 Fantasy: The 100 Best Books, 415 Fanuilh, 410 Far Canyon, The, 40, 42, 65 Far Pavilions, The, 224 Faraway Blue, 46 Farland, David, 353 Farmer in the Sky, 296 Farmer, Philip José, 274, 277, 283, 313, 326, 328, 343, 398, 404 Farnham's Freehold, 284, 287 Farnol, Jeffery, 112, 233 Farris, John, 427, 434 Farseer series, 354 Farthest Shore, The, 354 Fast, Howard, 13, 23, 244 Fast Men, The, 43 "Fat Face," 432 Fatal Descent, 107 Fatal Frontier, The, 60 Fatal Majesty: A Novel of Mary, Queen of Scots, 12 Fatal Terrain, 169 Fate Is the Hunter, 196 Fates of the Princes of Dyfed, 363 Faulkner, Colleen, 222, 230 Faulkner, William, 205 Fault in the Structure, 109 Faust, Christa, 451 Faust, Frederick, 58 Fear Nothing, 173 Fear of a Stranger, 216 Fearful Pleasures, 430 Feather and the Stone, The, 8 Feathered Castle, 239 Feersum Endjinn, 290, 319 Feet of Clay, 370 Feintuch, David, 192, 300 Feist, Raymond E., 353, 413, 427 Felice, Cynthia, 300 Fellowship of the Rings, The, 357 Female Man, The, 274, 316, 318 Female of the Species, The, 142 Fencing Master, The, 115

Fenn, Lionel, 286 Fennelly, Tony, 90, 104, 130 Ferber, Edna, 41 Fergusson, Harvey, 33, 40 Ferman, Edward L., 333 Ferrarella, Maria, 216 Ferrars, E. X., 90, 91, 96 Fesperman, Dan, 72 Festival, Moon, 402 Fever, 443 Fever Season, 113, 402 Fevre Dream, 439 Fey, The, 387 Fiechter, Jean-Jacques, 107 Field of Dishonor, 298 Field of Thirteen, 138 Fielding, Joy, 118, 120 Fields, The, 17 Fields of Battle, 220 Fiends, 427 Fifth Angel, The, 184 Fifth Head of Cerberus, The, 275 Fifth Horseman, The, 177 Fifth Kiss, The, 238 Fifth Quarter, 390 50 Greatest Mysteries of All Time, 140 Fifty Western Writers, 62 Fightin' Fool, 58 Final Apaproach, 183 Final Flight, 170 Final Harbor, 190 Final Notice, 108 Final Programme, The, 274 Final Sacrifice, 402 Find Your Own Truth, 403 Finder, 378, 399 Finder, Joseph, 132, 157, 175, 178 Finder's Keepers, 375 Finding the Dream, 260 Findley, Nigel D., 403 Finley, Martha, 208 Finn MacCumhall, 363 Finn MacCumhal series, 363 Fire and Fog, 112 Fire Arrow, 171, 178 Fire Dancer, 230

Fire Dream, 171 Fire Duke, The, 387 Fire in Heaven, 242 Fire in the Hole, 48 Fire on the Mountain, 50, 65 Fire Rose, 366 Fire Sea, 358 Firebird, 366 Firebrand, The, 361 Firebringer series, 372 Firehand, 298 Fires of Azeroth, 392 Fires of Heaven, The, 354 Fires of Midnight, 173 Fires of Spring, The, 5 Fireshaper's Doom, 377 Firespell, 184 Firestarter, 293, 394 Firm, The, 132 1st Culprit, 140 First Americans series, 6 First Book of Ghost Stories, The: Widdershins, 431 First Born, 214 First Chronicles of Druss the Legend, The, 353 First Degree Burn, 81 First Eagle, The, 138 First Horseman, The, 173 First King of Shannara, The, 350 First Man in Rome, The, 5 First Men in the Moon, The, 273, 314 First North Americans series, the, 4 First Offense, 133 Fish, Leslie, 404 Fish, Robert L., 72, 128, 129, 135, 138 Fish Dinner in Memison, A, 390 Fisher, Clay, 30, 58 Fisher, Vardis, 33, 58, 64, 65

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Fiske, Dorsey, 108 Fist of God, The, 161 Fitzgerald, Gregory, 178 Fitzgerald, Penelope, 9 Fitzgerald, Valerie, 222 Five Days in Paris, 211 Five Gold Bands, The, 298 Five Women, 210 Five-Minute Marriage, The, 217 "Fixtures of Matchstick Men and Joo," 451 Flag in Exile, 298 Flame and the Flower, The, 228, 248, 260 Flame in Byzantium, A, 409, 440 Flames on the Barbary Coast, 55 Flameweaver, 382 Flaming Arrow, 230 Flanders Panel, The, 110 Flashman series, The, 189 Flatlander: The Collected Tales of Gil "The Arm" Hamilton, 321 Fleet of Stars, 306 Fleming, Anthony, 137 Fleming, Ian, 155, 409 Fletcher, Jessica, 110 Fletcher, Katy, 198 Fletcher, Marilyn P., 338 Fletcher, Susan, 373 Fleur, 19 Flight from Winter's Shadow, The, 172 Flight of Michael McBride, The, 52, 378 Flight of the Dragon Kyn, 373 Flight of the Falcon, 21 Flight of the Intruder, 170 Flight of the Old Dog, 169 Flight of Vengeance, 406 Flint, Kenneth C., 363 Flint Lord, The, 196 Flint's Gift, 34 Flinx in Flux, 292 Flinx of the Commonwealth, 292 Floating Admiral, The, 146, 149 Floating City, 197 Floating Dragon, 428 Floating Outfit series, 56 Flood Tide, 196

Flood, 184 Florida trilogy, 20 Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said, 283 Flower Dust, 321 Flower in the Mountains, The, 53 Flower That's Free, A, 245 Flowers for Algernon, 313, 329 Flowers from Berlin, 158 Flowers from the Storm, 258 Flowers in the Attic, 426 Flowers of the Field, The, 245 Fluent in Fantasy: A Guide to Reading Interests, 415 Fly Away Peter, 7 Flyaway, 186 Flying Colours, 193 Flying to Pieces, 196 Flynn, Robert, 39, 51, 65 Fog, The, 445 Foggy, Foggy Dew, The, 117 Foley, Rae, 90, 216 Folk of the Fringe, 281 Follett, Ken, 9, 13, 128, 130, 161 Follow the Free Wind, 63 Follow the River, 15 Follow the Wind, 53 Folly of Princes, A, 24 Folsom, Allan, 168, 178 Fonseca, Anthony J., 453 Fools, 308 Fool's Coach, 35, 64 Fools Crow, 31 Fools' Mate, 164 Fool's War, 299 Footfall, 305 Footprints of Thunder, 286 For All Time, 252 For Love of Evil, 379 For Love of Mother Not, 292 For Special Services, 162 Forbes, Bryan, 161 Forbidden, 231 Forbidden Land, 6 Forbidden Magic, 234, 256, 266 Forbidden Summit, 171 Force Ten from Navarone, 190 Ford, Bette, 255

Ford, G. M., 88 Foreigner, 303 Forerunner, 298 Forerunner series, 298 Forerunner: The Second Venture, 298 Forest House, The, 362 Forester, C. S., 187, 192, 193 Forever Amber, 228 Forever and the Night, 254 Forever Enchanted, 251 Forever King, The, 359 Forever Peace, 328 Forever War, The, 287, 300, 304, 328, 343, 344 Forge in the Forest, 387 Forge of God, The, 303 Forget the Glory, 222 Forgetful Lady, 236 Forging the Runes, 377 Forgotten Queen, 10 Formosa Straits, 158 Forrest J. Ackerman's World of Science Fiction, 337 Forrest, Anthony, 161 Forrest, Richard, 79 Forrester Inheritance, The, 239 Forstchen, William R., 300, 402 Forster, Suzanne, 216 Forsyte Saga, The, 242 Forsyth, Frederick, 161, 178 Fort Bridger series, 56 Fort De Chastaigne, 53 Fortress of Frost and Fire, 399 Fortune, 176, 213 Fortune Hunter, The, 234 Fortune Made His Sword, 227 Fortune's Favorite, 5 Fortunes of War, 170 Forward, Robert L., 272, 301, 304 Foster, Alan Dean, 52, 292, 304, 320, 323, 386, 413, 419 Foundation series, 279, 295, 326, 343

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Foundation's Edge, 344 Fountains of Paradise, The, 272 Four & Twenty Blackbirds, 411 Four Frightened People, 188 Four from the Witch World, 405 Four Moons of Darkover, 400 Fourth Guardian, The, 390 Fourth Protocol, The, 161 Fowler, Earlene, 101 Fowler, Robert, 16 Fowles, John, 10 Fowlkes, Frank, 175 Foxcatcher, 128 Foxes of Harrow, The, 17 Foxfire, 164, 191 Foxfire Down, 191 Foxwell, Beth, 141 Fragments, 442, 443 Frame, Janet, 414 Francesca's Rake, 237 Francis Crawford Lyman series, 9 Francis, Dick, 104, 138 Frank Mildmay or the Naval Officer, 193 Frank, Pat, 281 Frank, Suzanne, 252, 266 Frankenstein Unbound, 285 Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus, 268, 285, 310, 311, 424, 425, 437 Franklin's Crossing, 34 Fraser, Anthea, 75, 429 Fraser, Antonia, 101, 142 Fraser, George MacDonald, 189 Frazier, Charles, 16 Freckles, 206, 208 Fredman, Mike, 83 Free Amazons of Darkover, 400 Free Grass, 40 Free Live Free, 411 Free Man of Color, A, 113 Freedman, J. F., 132 Freedom and Necessity, 382 Freedom in My Soul, 44 Freeling, Nicolas, 72, 73, 77, 138 Freeman, Cynthia, 209 Freeman, Joy, 236

Freeman, Judith, 51, 66 Freemantle, Brian, 124, 161 Freethy, Barbara, 215 Freireich, Valerie J., 316 Fremlin, Celia, 118, 120 French Atlantic Affair, The, 126, 175 French Kiss, 187 French Lieutenant's Woman, The, 10 French Silk, 213 Frey, Stephen W., 175 Friedman, C. S., 407 Friedman, Gary, 170 Friedman, Kinky, 87 Friedman, Mickey, 69, 143 Friends and Enemies, 220 Friends of Eddie Coyle, 124 Friends, 36, 64 Friesner, Esther, 309, 365, 370, 412 Frigate, 192 Fritz Leiber's Ill Met in Lankhmar, 355 Fritz Leiber's Lean Times in Lankhmar, 355 Fritz Leiber's Return to Lankhmar, 355 Frog Earl, The, 236 From Fields of Gold, 227 From Gilgamesh to Wells, 333 From Heinlein to Here, 333 From Here to Forever, 333 From the Earth to the Moon, 302 From Wells to Heinlein, 333 From Where the Sun Now Stands, 30, 64 Froud, Brian, 400 Fruiting Bodies and Other Fungi, 452 Fugitive Heart, 240 Fugitive Prince, 358 Fulfillment, The, 260 Full Circle, 212 Full Spectrum, 335, 414 Full Tide of Night, 307 Fullerton, Alexander, 189 Funeral in Berlin, 160 Furgusson, Harvey, 58 Furies, The, 19, 246, 318 Furlong, Monica, 367 Furst, Alan, 165 Further Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The, 44 Furutani, Dale, 100, 112

Fury, 329, 445 Future Boston, 334 Future Indefinite: Round Three of the Great Game, 385 Future Quartet: Earth in the Year 2042, a Four-Part Invention, 333 FutureSpeak: A Fan's Guide to the pLanguage of Science Fiction, 337 Fyfield, Frances, 118 G 'G' Is for Grafton: The World of Kinsey Millhone, 138 Gaan, Margaret, 244 Gabaldon, Diana, 231, 252, 257, 393 Gad's Hall, 429 Gaffney, Patricia, 229, 261 Gaia's Toys, 276, 317 Gai-Jin, 7 Gaiman, Neil, 369, 379, 380, 397, 413, 415 Galactic Odyssey, 296 Galactic Pot-Healer, 277, 304 Gallagher, Rita, 263 Gallant, The, 19 Gallery of Horror, 449 Gallison, Kate, 86 Gallows Wedding, 226 Galsworthy, John, 242 Galway Chronicles, 241 Gamble, 229 Game Is Afoot, The: Parodies, Pastiches and Ponderings of Sherlock Holmes, 146 Game of Kings, The, 9 Game of Thrones, A, 355 Game-Players of Titan, The, 304 Games, 209 Gamester's Daughter, The, 238 Gammalaw series, 299 Gann, Ernest K., 196 Gannett, Lewis, 427 Ganymede Club, The, 302 Garber, Joseph R., 180

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Garcia y Robertson, R., 30, 287 Garden Behind the Moon: The Real Story of the Moon Angel, 367 Garden Folly, A, 236 Garden of Lies, 209 Garden of Weapons, The, 162 Gardner, Craig Shaw, 369, 386, 455 Gardner, Erle Stanley, 93, 139, 140 Gardner, John E., 135, 143, 155, 162, 166 Garfield, Brian, 45, 46, 58, 77, 130, 196 Garlock, Dorothy, 222, 229 Garments of Caean, The, 310 Garn, Jake, 170 Garner, William, 162 Garrett, Randall, 409 Garton, Roy, 435 Garve, Andrew, 73, 178 Garwood, Haley Elizabeth, 10 Garwood, Julie, 230, 231, 257 Gascoigne, Marc, 403 Gash, Jonathan, 90 Gaskin, Catherine, 217, 244 Gastronomic Murder, A, 106, 126 Gate of Darkness, Circle of Light, 379 Gate of Ivory, Gate of Horn, 377 Gate of Ivrel, 392 Gate of Time, The, 283 Gate to Women's Country, The, 280, 282, 316 Gatekeeper, 159, 179 Gates of Exquisite View, The, 165 Gates of Fire: An Epic Novel of the Battle of Thermopylae, 6 Gates of the Mountains, 64 Gateway to Hell, 436 Gateway Trip, 272, 302 Gateway, 272, 302, 330, 343, 344 Gather, Darkness!, 280 Gathering of Gargoyles, A, 408 Gaudy Night, 109 Gault, William, 84 Gavin, Catherine, 244 Gayle, Roberta, 255 Gaynor Women, The, 243 Gear, Kathleen O'Neal, 4, 30, 222 Gear, W. Michael, 4, 16 Geare, Michael, 438

Geddes, Paul, 75, 83 Gedge, Pauline, 5 Geller, Michael, 87, 89, 104 Gellis, Roberta, 222, 231, 244, 257 Gemmell, David, 353, 359, 383, 398 Gender and Genre: An Introduction to Wormen Writers of Formula Westerns, 1900-1950, 62 Generation Warriors, 296 Generations of Men, 64 Genesis Code, 173 Genesis Rock, 182 Genocides, The, 304 Genreflecting: A Guide to Reading Interests in Genre Fiction, 27, 204, 206, 269, 335, 453, 455 Gentle, Mary, 304, 324, 370, 383, 414 Gentle Desperado, 43 Gentle Magic, 252 Genuine Lies, 122 Geodyssey, 382 George, Elizabeth, 75, 95 George, Margaret, 5, 11 Georgia trilogy, 20 Georgian saga, 12, 226 Gerhardstein, Virginia Brokaw, 24 Geronimo, an American Legend, 30 Gerritsen, Tess, 173, 217, 443 Get Shorty, 126, 131 Gethin, David, 162 Ghatti's Tale series, 375, 394 Ghost, The, 211 Ghost and Horror Stories, 451 Ghost Book of Charles Lindley, Viscount Halifax, The, 431 Ghost King, 359 Ghost Stories and Mysteries, 430 Ghost Stories from the American Southwest, 431 Ghost Stories of an Antiquary, 430 Ghostcountry's Wrath, 377 Ghosts of Sleath, 429 Ghoul, 428 Giancana, Bettina, 124 Giancana, Sam, 124 Giant Bones, 407 Gibbons, Dave, 397 Gibbs, Mary Ann, 223 Gibson, William, 283, 308, 328, 338 Gifford, Thomas, 168 Gift upon the Shore, 316 Gift, The, 211, 257, 391

Gila River, 57 Gilbert, Anna, 118, 217, 223 Gilbert, Michael, 75, 126, 138, 162 Gilbert, R. A., 430 Gilchrist, Rupert, 244 Giles, Janice Holt, 13, 244 Giles, Kenneth, 74 Gilgamesh, 349 Gill, B. M., 118 Gill, Bartholomew, 76 Gillespie, Jane, 233 Gilliam, Richard, 413 Gilliane, 222 Gillis, Jackson, 78, 89 Gilman, Carolyn Ives, 318 Gilman, Dorothy, 166 Gilpin, T. G., 104 Gin and Daggers, 110 Giovannetti, Alberto, 165 Girl of the Limberlost, A, 206 Girl, the Gold Watch and Everything, The, 287 Giroux, E. X., 93 Giver, The, 280 Glamorous Powers, 245 Glancy, Diane, 30 Glass Dragon, 374 Glass Inferno, The, 183 Glass Lake, 210 Glass, Leslie, 80, 100 Glenraven, 385 Glenraven series, 385 Glittering Images, 245 Glitz, 124 Gloriana; or, The Unfulfill'd Queen, 391 Glory Game, 211, 212

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Glory Hole Murders, The, 130 Glory in Death, 255 Glory of Unicorns, A, 372 Glory Road, 328, 353, 386 Glory Season, 279, 317 Gluyas, Constance, 223 Glyn, Elinor, 208 Gnome's Engine, 383 Go Deep, 192 Goa, 383 Goblin Moon, 383 Goblin sequence, 383 God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, 267, 326 God Is an Englishman, 8 God Makers, The, 277 God, Men and Ghosts, 430 God Project, The, 444 God Save the Mark, 131 God Stalk, 390 Godey, John, 126, 182 Godfather, The, 125 Godforsaken, The, 442 Godmother, 366, 396 Godmother's Apprentice, 366, 396 Godplayer, 443 Gods of Riverworld, 274 Gods Themselves, The, 303, 312, 326, 344 Godslayer, 387 Godwin, Parke, 313, 361, 363 Goering's List, 168, 172 "Gold-Bug," 453 Gold Coast, The, 123, 280 Gold in California, 64 Gold Rush Prodigal, 55 Gold Seekers, The, 19 Gold Unicorn, The, 372 Golden Cat, The, 375 Golden Chronicles, The: Practice to Decieve, 228 Golden Cockatrice, The, 174 Golden Compass, The, 387 Golden Fox, 21 Golden Hill, 246 Golden Key, The, 387 Golden Nineties, The, 287

Golden Orange, The, 138 Golden Rose, The, 230, 266 Golden Sabre, The, 195 Golden Thread, The, 378 Golden Torc, The, 287 Golden Trillium, 405 Golden Tulip, The, 10 Golden Witchbreed, 304, 324 Golden Years Caper, The, 129 Goldeneye, 225 Golding, William, 289 Goldman, James, 128 Goldman, William, 367 Goldreich, Gloria, 244 Goldsborough, Robert, 137 Goldstein, Lisa, 349, 377, 381, 383, 415 Golem 100, 310, 435 Golem, The, 438 "Golem, The" 413 Golgatha Falls, 433 Gollin, James, 90, 167 Golon, Sergeanne, 223 Gone the Dreams and Dancing, 31, 63 Gone to Texas, 38 Gone with the Wind, 16, 226, 259 Good Behavior, 131 Good Children, The, 120 Good Men and True, 59 Good Morning, Irene, 135 Good Night, Mr. Holmes, 135 Good Old Boys, The, 39, 66 Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch, 369 Good Provider, The, 228 Goodbye California, 183 Goodbye to an Old Friend, 161 Goodkind, Terry, 353, 413 Goodman, Charles R., 46 Goodrum, Charles, 107 Goonan, Kathleen Ann, 316 Gordon, Alison, 104 Gordon, Noah, 10, 16 Gores, Joe, 84, 127 Gorman, Ed, 60, 86, 96, 103, 141, 144, 449, 450 Gormenghast trilogy, 391 Gormenghast, 391 Gothic Horror: A Reader's Guide from Poe to King and Beyond, 454

Gothic Journal, 264 Gouge, Eileen, 209 Gough, Laurence, 72 Goul, 447 Goulart, Ron, 112, 320, 410 Gould, Chester, 138 Gould, Steven, 284, 290, 292, 348, 394 Governess, The, 113 Gower, Iris, 223 Grace, C. L., 101, 112 Grace, Tom, 171 Grady, James, 85 Grafton, Sue, 84, 101, 138, 139, 143, 148 Graham, Caroline, 75 Graham, Heather, 231, 250, 257 Graham, John Alexander, 109 Graham, Winston, 118, 245 Grails: Quests, Visitations and Other Occurrences, 413 Grand Passion, A, 247 Grande Dames of Detection: Two Centuries of Sleuthing Stories by the Gentle Sex, 141 Granger, Ann, 75 Granger, Bill, 158 Grania, 225 Grania: She-King of the Irish Seas, 188 Grant, Charles L., 427, 445, 449, 451, 455 Grant, John, 416 Grant, Linda, 84, 101, 152 Grant, Maxwell, 138, 187, 223 Grant of Kingdom, 40 Grant, Vanessa, 263 Graphic Novels, 396 Grass, 306, 314 Grass Crown, The, 5 Grass Dancer, The, 52 Grass Kingdom, 54 Gravity, 173, 443 Gray, Edwyn, 189

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Gray, Gallagher, 91 Gray, Robert Steele, 5 Great American Ghost Stories, 431 Great Detectives, The, 138 Great Game series, 385 Great Hunt, The, 354 Great Impersonation, The, 155 Great Los Angeles Blizzard, The, 183 Great Maria, 10 Great Short Stories of Detection, Mystery and Horror, 145 Great Sky River, 310 Great Stories of the American West, 60 Great Tales of Terror and the Supernatural, 450 Great Time Machine Hoax, The, 287 Great Train Robbery, The, 126 Greeley, Andrew, 94, 334 Green Angel Tower, 358 Green Flash, 426 Green Grass, Running Water, 51 Green Ice, 123 Green Man, The, 434 Green Mars, 272, 330, 345 Green Mile, The, 455 Green Pearl, The, 363 Green, Roland, 334 Green, Ronald, 400 Green, Simon R., 410 Green, Terence M., 320 Greenberg, Martin H., 60, 103, 141, 142, 198, 319, 334, 371, 412, 413, 414, 430, 433, 449, 450 Greenburg, Dan, 438 Greene, Debbie, 215 Greene, Graham, 124, 156, 166 Greene, Jennifer, 215, 261 Greenlanders, The, 11 Greenleaf, Stephen, 84 Greenmantle, 199, 376 Greeno, Gayle, 375, 394 Greenwitch, 362 Gregory, Jill, 251 Gregory, Stephen, 441 Grey Eagle's Bride, 230 Grey Horse, 363 Grey King, The, 362 Grey Mane of Morning, The, 362

Grey, Zane, 14, 27, 37, 40, 41, 47, 48, 49, 58 Gribbin, John, 183 Griffin, P. M., 297, 406 Griffin, Peni R., 393 Griffin, W. E. B., 138, 158, 178, 190 Griffith, Nicola, 304, 318, 334, 413 Grilling Season, The, 105 Grimes, Martha, 73 Grimes, Roberta, 14 Grimes, Terris McMahan, 99 Grimm, Brothers, 349 Grimwood, Ken, 291, 396 Grisham, John, 92, 131, 132, 138 Gross Carriage of Justice, A, 129 Gross, Leonard, 179 Grove, Fred, 42, 63, 65 Grundy, Stephan, 364 Grunts, 370 Guadalupi, Gianni, 416 Guardian Angel, 257 Guardians of the Flame series, 356, 406 Guardians of the West, 352 Guards! Guards!, 370 Guest, Judith, 118 Guhrke, Laura Lee, 223 Guigonnat, Henri, 438 Guilty as Charged, 140 Guilty as Sin, 122 Guilty Pleasures, 104, 138, 253, 410, 448 Guinevere, 360 Guinevere: The Legend in Autumn, 361 Guinevere Evermore, 360 Guiver, Patricia, 97 Gulick, Bill, 43, 58, 65 Gun in Cheek: A Study of "Alternative" Crime Fiction, 145 Gun Man, 36 Gun Men, 170 Gun, with Occasional Music, 411 Gundy, Elizabeth, 189 Gunfight! Thirteen Western Stories, 61 Gunfighter, The, 296 Gunn, David, 436 Gunn, James, 277, 279, 291, 304, 313, 333, 337, 414 Gunn, James Edward, 82 Gunn, Robin Jones, 240 Gunner Kelly, 164

Guns of Avalon, The, 358 Guns of Navarone, The, 190 Gunslinger, The, 229, 386, 444 Gur, Batya, 76 Guthridge, George, 444, 455 Guthrie, A. B., 33, 40, 58, 66, 80 Gwendolyn, 235 Gypsies, 285, 294 Gypsy, The, 378 Gypsy Lord, 225 H H. P. Lovecraft Companion, The, 432 H.M.S. Ulysses, 190 "H.P.L.," 433 Haasse, Hella S., 10 Hackenberry, Charles, 36, 64 Had We Never Loved, 228 Haddam, Jane, 89 Hadley, Joan, 90 Hagberg, David, 196 Hager, Jean, 81, 100, 101 Haggard family, 247 Haggard, H. Rider, 185, 187, 188, 289, 390 Haggard, William, 162 Haiblum, Isidore, 321 Haig, Alec, 175 Hail Hibbler, 320 Hailey, Arthur, 182 Hailey, J. P., 93 Hailstock, Shirley, 255 Haines, Pamela, 245 Haines, William Wister, 64 Haining, Peter, 144 Hair of the Dog, 409 Haldeman, Joe, 287, 291, 300, 304, 328, 343, 344, 404, 414 Haldeman, Linda, 401 Hale, John, 162 Halfblood chronicles, 373 Halfway Human, 318

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Halkin, John, 187 Hall, Adam, 138, 162 Hall, Gimone, 249 Hall, Hal W., 415, 417 Hall, James Norman, 193, 197 Hall, James W., 120, 147 Hall, L. A., 414 Hall, Oakley, 36, 37 Hall, Parnell, 87, 93, 107 Hallahan, William H., 126, 128, 442 Hallelujah Train, The, 43 Halleran, Tucker, 85 Halliday, Brett, 138 Halloran, E. E., 64 Halloween Man, The, 437 Hambly, Barbara, 113, 323, 373, 386, 417, 438, 450 Hambro's Itch, 183 Hamilton, Donald, 138, 158 Hamilton, Jessica, 437 Hamilton, Laurell K., 104, 253, 410, 438, 447, 448, 457 Hamilton, Peter F., 321 Hammer and the Cross trilogy, 383 Hammer and the Cross, The, 383 Hammer of the Sun, The, 387 Hammerhead, The, 164 Hammerheads, 169 Hammett, Dashiell, 71, 83, 84, 97, 123, 134, 139 Hammond, Gerald, 90, 97, 104 Hampton Heritage, The, 244 Hampton Women, The, 244 Hand I Fan With, The, 429 Hand of Chaos, The, 358 Hand of Oberon, The, 358 Handmaid's Tale, The, 317 Handsome Road, The, 15 Haney, Lauren, 113 Hang Time, 174 Hanging in Sweetwater, A, 63 Hanging on the Wire, 113 Hanging Tree and Other Stories, The, 30 Hanna, Edward B., 135 Hannah Fowler, 13 Hannah of Fort Bridger series, 56 Hannah, Kristin, 215, 218

Hannibal, 424, 446, 457 Hannie Richards, or The Intrepid Adventures of a Restless Wife, 130 Hansen, Joseph, 84, 98 Hanta Yo, 66 Happily Ever After, 262 Happy Endings, 214 Harafish, The, 20 Harbaugh, Karen, 236, 253 Hard Boiled: An Anthology of American Crime Stories, 141 Harcourt, Palma, 162 Hard Evidence, 132 Hard Rain, 116 Hard Sell, 162 Hard Time Tommy Sloane, 125 Hardeman, Ric, 50, 67 Hardwick, Mollie, 223 Hardwired, 309 Hare, Cyril, 73 Hargrave Journal trilogy, 246 Harmful Intent, 443 Harness, Charles L., 287 Harold Shea series, 352 Harp in the South, The, 20, 247 Harp of Imach Thyssel, The, 358 Harper Hall trilogy, 297 Harper, Karen, 112 Harper, Tara K., 394 Harper's Folly, 188 Harper's Luck, 188 Harpist in the Wind, 355 Harris, Alfred, 78 Harris, Anne L., 316 Harris, James Wallace, 326 Harris, MacDonald, 128 Harris, Marilyn, 245, 437 Harris, Thomas, 446, 455, 457 Harrison Affair, The, 179 Harrison, Harry, 274, 276, 279, 284, 287, 292, 300, 307, 310, 325, 328, 383 Harrison, Kathryn, 10 Harrison, Payne, 171 Harrison, Ray, 74, 113 Harrison, Sara, 245 Harrison, Sue, 5 Harrowing of Gwynedd, The, 391 Harry, 197 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, 357

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, 357 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, 357 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, 357 Harry Potter series, 350, 357, 422 Hart, Alison, 261 Hart, Anne, 134 Hart, Carolyn G., 107 Hart, Ellen, 98 Hart, Gary, 177 Hart, Matthew S., 36, 56 Hart, Roy, 75 Harte, Bret, 58, 61, 146 Hartley, L. P., 452 Hartman, Donald K., 25 Hartwell, David G., 271, 334, 338, 449 Harvest, 173 Harvest of Death, 113 Harvest of Stars, 294, 306 Harvest the Fire, 294, 306 Harvey, Kathryn, 213 Harvey, W. F., 452 Haseloff, Cynthia, 30, 32, 64 Hassler, Donald M., 338 Hastings Conspiracy, The, 177 Hatcher, Robin Lee, 229 Hatteras Blue, 197 Haunted, 429, 434 Haunted Bookshop, The, 107 Haunted Houses: The Greatest Stories, 450 Haunted Mesa, The, 52 Haunting of Gad's Hall, The, 429 Haunting of Hill House, The, 429, 434 Haut, Woody, 141 Have Space Suit-Will Travel, 296, 301 Haven, 119 Havill, Steven F., 80 Hawaii, 22

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Hawdon, Robin, 375 Hawk and Fisher series, 410 Hawk and the Dove, The, 231, 257 Hawks, 191 Hawk's Gray Feather, The, 360 Hawksmoor, 111, 447 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 425 Haycox, Ernest, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 41, 58 Haycraft, Howard, 140, 144, 145 Hayden, Patrick Nielsen, 335, 414 Hayden, Sterling, 196 Hayduke Lives!, 50 Haymon, S. T., 75 Haynes, Conrad, 95 Hays, Clark, 52, 438, 457 Haywood, Gar Anthony, 99 Head of State, 178 Head, Lee, 63 Headhunters, 403 Healer's War, The, 381 Healing of Crossroads, The, 387 Heart of Darkness, 185 Heart of Fire, 258 Heart of the Comet, 301 Heart of the Country, 42, 66 Heart of the Oak Sea Classics, 192 Heart of the West, 49 Heart's Blood, 374 Heartfire, 382 Hearth and the Eagle, 21 Heartland, 34 Hearts and Bones, 14, 113, 152 Heat, 182 Heath, Layne, 190 Heath, Lorraine, 257, 261 Heaven, 259 Heaven and Hell, 16, 246 Heaven, Constance, 223 Heaven Sent, 396 Heaven's Reach, 295 Hebden, Mark, 73 Heckler, Jonellen, 121 Hed trilogy, 355 Hedge of Mist, The, 360

Heechee Rendezvous, 272, 302 Heechee Saga, 272, 302 Heffernan, William, 80 Heidish, Marcy, 437 Heinlein, Robert A., 277, 279, 284, 287, 291, 296, 300, 301, 305, 307, 315, 318, 328, 342, 343, 344, 353, 380, 386 Heir Apparent, The, 356 Heir of Sea and Fire, 355 Heir to Kuragin, 223 Heiress, 211 Heiress series, 244 Heirs of Saint Camber series, 391 Heising, Willetta L, 100, 143 Hell Candidate, The, 435 Hell's Forty Acres, 35 Heller, Keith, 113 Hellfire Jackson, 64 Helliconia Spring, 275 Helliconia Summer, 275 Helliconia trilogy, 289 Helliconia Winter, 275 Hellion Bride, 218 Hellion Hummingbird, The, 260 Hell's Pavement, 329 Helm, The, 290 Henderson, Jason, 401 Henderson, Lesley, 25, 262 Henderson, Zenna, 277, 292, 314, 414 Hendricks, Vicki, 141 Hendrix, Howard V., 279 Henissart, Paul, 178 Henley, Virginia, 231, 250, 257 Hennessey, Max, 190 Henricks, Vicki, 147 Henry McGee Is Not Dead, 158 Henry, O., 146 Henry, Will, 30, 35, 40, 46, 58, 61, 64, 66 Hensley, Joe L., 93 Hentoff, Nat, 80 Her Heart's Captain, 238 Her Majesty's Wizard, 389 "Her Smoke Rose up Forever," 413 Hera series, 5 Herald of Joy, 18 Herald, Diana Tixier, 415 Herbert, Frank, 276, 277, 293, 307, 329, 343, 414 Herbert, James, 182, 427, 429, 434, 435, 437, 445

Here Be Daemons: Tales of Horror and the Uneasy, 452 Here Be Dragons, 10 Here Comes a Candle, 217 Here Gather the Stars, 331 Here I Stay, 429 Heretics of Dune, 277 Heris Serrano series, 300, 315 Heritage of Shadows, A, 217 Herley, Richard, 196 Herlin, Hans, 165 Herman, Richard, Jr., 171 Hern, Candice, 236 Herndon, Nancy, 82 Hernon, Peter, 182 Hero, 300 Hero for Antonia, A, 237 Hero for Henry, A, 44 Hero of Dreams, 432 Hero's Return, 351 Heroes and Horrors, 452 Herries chronicle, 242 Herris Serrano series, 297 Hershey, Jennifer, 414 Hervey, Evelyn, 113 Herzog, Arthur, 182 Hess, Joan, 77, 101, 107, 142 Hevener, Natalie, 138 Hex Witch of Seldom, The, 395 Hexwood, 324, 386 Heyer, Georgette, 23, 74, 193, 223, 232, 235, 237, 264 Heywood, Joseph, 168 Hiaasen, Carl, 104, 131, 147, 152 Hibbert, Eleanor Burford, 257 Hickman, Tracy, 358, 404, 406 Hidden City, The, 352 Hidden Heart, The, 240 Hidden Riches, 260 Hider, The, 42

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Higdon, Lisa, 251 Higgins, George V., 124, 141 Higgins, Jack, 163, 178, 190 High Adventure, 131 High and the Mighty, The, 196 High Constable, The, 114 High Crimes, 132 High Deryni, 391 High Gun, 63 High Hearts, 15 High Jinx, 157 High King, The, 362 High Kings, The, 362 High Missouri, The, 57 High Road to China, 186 High Rocks, The, 56 High Spirits, 430 High Wind in Jamaica, A, 185 Highland Barbarian, 232 Highland Collection, 240 Highland Fire, 232 Highland Heather, 232 Highland Rogue, 231 Highland Velvet, 230, 231, 257 Highland, Monica, 245 Highlander, 401 Highlander (film), 401 Highlander series, 395 Highlander (television show), 401 Highly Respectable Marriage, A, 239 High-Rise, 312 Highsmith, Patricia, 118, 129 Hightower, Lynn S., 321 Highwayman and Mr. Dickens, The, 114 Hill, The, 191 Hill, Deborah, 245 Hill, Fiona, 237 Hill, Grace Livingston, 206, 240 Hill, Pamela, 12, 245 Hill, Rebecca, 118 Hill, Reginald, 75, 77, 99, 126, 163 Hill, Ruth Beebe, 66 Hill Towns, 210 Hillerman, Tony, 51, 64, 77, 80, 100, 103, 138

Hills of Faraway, 416 Hi-Lo Country, The, 51 Hilton, John Buxton, 74, 75, 113 Himalayan Concerto, The, 163 Himes, Chester, 80 Hinger, Charlotte, 223 Hinkemeyer, Michael T., 80 Hippie in the Wall, The, 104 Hippopotamus Pool, The, 218 His Dark Materials, 387, 419 Historical Figures in Fiction, 25 Histories of King Kelson series, 391 Hit Man, 129 Hit or Myth, 368 Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The, 325 Hoag, Tami, 122, 215, 217, 257, 261 Hoban, Russell, 281 Hobb, Robin, 354 Hobbit, The, 350, 357, 397 Hobgoblin, 427 Hoch, Edward D., 94 Hocking, John C., 400 Hodge, Jane Aiken, 14, 217, 224, 237 Hodgell, P. C., 390 Hodgkin, M. R., 109 Hodgson, William Hope, 425 Hoffman, Barry, 446 Hoffman, Lee, 40 Hogan, Chuck, 173 Hogan, James P., 284, 309 Hogfather, 370 Hold the Dream, 212, 242 Holder, Nancy, 401, 455 Holdouts, The, 63 Holdstock, Robert, 377 Holland, Cecelia, 7, 10, 224 Hollow Earth, The, 284, 398 Hollow Hills, The, 360 Hollow Lands, The, 288 Hollow Man, The, 103, 394, 395 Hollywood Husbands, 213 Hollywood Wives, 213 Holme, Timothy, 76 Holmes, H. H., 94, 150 Holmes, L. P., 63 Holsters and Heroes, 60

Holt, Hazel, 101 Holt, Samuel, 90 Holt, Victoria, 11, 219, 224, 257 Holton, Hugh, 79, 99 Holton, Leonard, 138 Holts: An American Dynasty series, 21, 54 Holy Family, 98 Home at Last, 212 Home Mountain, 49, 65 Homecoming Saga Series, 290 Homeland, 16 Homeplace, 210 Homesman, The, 42, 65 Homesteaders, The, 40 Homewood, Harry, 190 Homicide (television show), 72 Homing, 21 Hondo, 31 Hone, Joseph, 163 Honest Illusions, 260 Honey Moon, 259 Honor Among Enemies, 299 Honor Harrington series, 298, 300, 316 Honor of the Queen, The, 298 Honor Thy Father, 65 Honor's Splendour, 257 Honyocker, The, 63 Hood, Daniel, 410 Hood, William, 158 Hoof Trails and Wagon Tracks, 60 Hooked on Horror: A Guide to Reading Interests in Horror Fiction, 453 Hooper, Kay, 217 Hopalong Cassidy, 39, 59 Hope, 161 Hope of Earth, 382 Hope series, 300 Horan, James David, 65 Horansky, Ruby, 81 Horizon, 63

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Horizontal Man, The, 108, 118 Hornblower and the Atropes, 193 Hornblower and the Hotspur, 193 Hornblower series, 23, 192 Hornig, Doug, 88 Horns of Elfland, The, 413 Hornsby, Wendy, 101 Hornung, E. W., 94, 127 Horror Literature, 453 Horse Fantastic, 371 Horseman Pass By, 44 Horsemasters, 7 Horses at the Gate, The, 5 Horses, Honor and Women, 44 Horsley, Kate, 32 Horwood, William, 375 Hospital, Carolina, 147 Hot Siberian, 123, 174 Hotchkiss, Bill, 33, 46 Hotel Transylvania: A Novel of Forbidden Love, 408, 440 Hough, Emerson, 33, 58 Hough, Richard, 190 Hound of the Baskervilles, The, 135 Hounds of Sunset, The, 10 Hounds of Tindalos, The, 452 Hour of the Dog, 187 Hour of the Gate, The, 386 Hour of the Octopus, 411 Hours Before Dawn, The, 118 House at Old Vine, The, 19 House at Sunset, The, 19 House Between Worlds, 385 House for the Season series, 235 House of Cards, 118 House of Cary, The, 245 House of Hope, The, 220 House of Kuragin, The, 223 House of Niccolo series, 9 House of the Borderland, The, 425 House of the Seven Gables, The, 425 House of the Sun, 403 House of the Wolf, 441 Household, Geoffrey, 156, 196, 434 Houston, James W., 171

How I Saved the World, 428 How to Write Action/Adventure Novels, 199 How to Write and Sell Historical Fiction, 25 How to Write Romances, 263 How to Write Science Fiction, 339 How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy, 339 How to Write Tales of Horror, Fantasy and Science Fiction, 456 Howard, Linda, 215, 217, 218, 252, 258 Howard, Robert E., 354, 400 Howarths of Garth, 248 Howatch, Susan, 10, 245 Howl's Moving Castle, 367, 370 Hoyle, Fred, 279, 281, 287, 302, 305 Hoyle, Geoffrey, 281 Hoyt, Richard, 88, 158, 176, 178, 182, 187 Hubbard, L. Ron, 300 Hubert, Tord, 77 Hubin, Allen J., 143 Huff, Tanya, 253, 379, 390, 394, 405, 410, 413, 439, 447 Hughart, Barry, 410 Hughes, Dorothy B., 158 Hughes, Richard, 185 Hull, Ethel M., 209 Hull, Richard, 126 Humanoids, The, 332 Humboldt River, 57 Hunger, The, 440 Hungry Eyes, 446 Hungry Moon, 427 Hunt for Red October, The, 168, 169, 189 Hunt, John Clinton, 64 Hunt, Kyle, 139 Hunter, Alan, 74 Hunter, Evan, 131 Hunter, Jessie Prichard, 121 Hunter, Stephen, 163, 178 Hunter's Death, 395 Hunter's Green, 122 Hunter's Oath, 395 Hunting Party, 297, 300 Hutchings, Janet, 110 Hutchinson, W. H., 59 Huxley, Aldous, 280, 329, 338 Hyde, Anthony, 158 Hyde, Christopher, 182 Hynd, Noel, 158, 429

Hyperion, 276, 278, 298, 331, 345 Hyson, Dick T., 51 I I Am Legend, 329, 439 I Am Mordred, 360 I Claudius, 23 I Dream of Jeannie (television show), 365 ''I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream," 328 I Love a Mystery, 148 I Met Murder on the Way, 117 I Shudder at Your Touch: 22 Tales of Sex and Horror, 450 I, Robot, 271, 310 I, the King, 12 I, Tituba, Black Witch of Salem, 13 I, Victoria, 11 I'll Take Manhattan, 213 Ibbotson, Eva, 224 Icarus Agenda, The, 178 Ice House, The, 120 Ice, Kathy, 402 Iceberg, 195 Icebreaker, 162 Iced on Aran, 432 Icon, 161 Idoru, 308 If at Faust You Don't Succeed, 371 "If I Should Die Before I Wake," 451 If Looks Could Kill, 219 If Tomorrow Comes, 130, 214 Ignatius, David, 158 Ignition, 168 Ignored, The, 428 Ill Wind, 173, 181, 199 Illearth War, The, 385 Ill-Made Knight, The, 360 Illusions of Love, 209 Imago, 303 Immoral Certainty, 133 Immortal in Death, 255

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Immortal Unicorn, 371 Immortals, The, 291 Immortals series, 395 Imperator Plot, The, 322 Imperfect Joy, 248 Imperial Earth, 304 Imperial Woman, 7 Imposter, The, 236, 316 Impoverished Viscount, The, 237 Improper Governess, The, 236 Imprudent Lady, 238 In a Dark Dream, 427 In a Dark Wood Wandering, 10 In Enemy Hands, 299 In Honor Bound, 197 In Legend Born, 251 In the Balance, 285 In the Blood, 438 In the Enemy Camp, 177 In the Mist and Other Uncanny Encounters, 431 In the Mood, 445 In the Moons of Borea, 432 In the Name of the Father, 179 In the Rift, 385 In the Shadow of the Oak King, 359 In the Time of the Poisoned, 9 Inadmissible, 133 Incarnate, 427 Incarnations of Immortality series, 379 Inchbald, Peter, 74, 110 Incident at Potter's Ridge, 446 Incident at Twenty Mile, 35, 37 Incompleat Enchanter, The, 352, 397 Incredible Sherlock Holmes, The, 135 Incurable Matchmaker, The, 234 Index to Science Fiction Anthologies and Collections, 332 Indian Country, 32 Indian Fighter, 64 Indian Hater, 31 Infamous Army, An, 23, 193, 237 Infant of Prague, The, 158 Inferno, The, 281 Infinity's Shore, 295 Ing, Dean, 171, 196

Ingrid, Charles, 293 Inherit the Earth, 291, 322 Inherit the Mob, 123 Inheritance, 214 Inheritor, The, 427 Inheritors, The, 289 Inhuman Beings, 320 Innamorati, The, 384 Inner Wheel, The, 293 Innes, Hammond, 187, 196 Innes, Michael, 74, 95, 109, 138, 156 Innkeeper's Song, The, 407 Instance of the Fingerpost, An, 10, 114, 138 Instruments of Night, 117 Integral Trees, The, 305, 330, 345 Interest of Justice, 133 Interesting Times, 370 "Interlopers," 425 Interview with the Vampire, 439 Into the Labyrinth, 358 Into the Land of Unicorns, 372 Into the Shadows, 403 Into the Wilderness, 13, 26, 229, 266 Intrepid Enchanter, The: The Complete Magical Misadventures of Harold Shea, 352 Intruder, The, 117 Invaders, 303, 306 Investigators, The, 138 Invisible Man, The, 426 Invitation to a Funeral, 111 Involvement of Arnold Wechsler, The, 109 Ipcress File, The, 160 IQ 83, 182 Irene Adler series, 135 Irene at Large, 135 Irene's Last Waltz, 135 Irish, William, 140 Iron Bridge, The, 288 Iron Dream, The, 291, 331 Iron Gate, 171 Iron Men, The, 191 Iron Men and Silver Stars, 60 Iron Tower trilogy, 355 Ironmaster, The, 248 Irvine, R. R., 88, 135 Irving, Clifford, 45, 132 Irving, Washington, 425

Irwin, Margaret, 224 Isaac Asimov's Detectives, 319 Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, 338, 339 Isabella, 235 Isabel's Bed, 211 Iskra Incident, The, 169 Island, The, 195, 280 Island in the Sea of Time, 288 Island Tribe, The, 6 Islands in the Net, 309 Isle of the Dead, 278, 332 Isle of Woman, 382 Israel, Peter, 84 It Can't Always Be Caviar, 106 It Had to Be You, 259 Ivanhoe, 23 Ivory and the Horn, 376 Ivory Lyre, The, 373 Ivory, Judith, 261 Izzi, Eugene, 124 J Jablokov, Alexander, 296 Jack Faust, 398 Jack of Eagles, 292 Jack of Kinrowan, 366, 376 Jack the Giant Killer, 366, 376, 378 "Jack the Giant Killer," 366 Jack the Ripper Walking Tour Murder, The, 111 Jackson, Brenda, 255 Jackson, Helen Hunt, 30 Jackson, Jon A., 80 Jackson, Robert, 190 Jackson, Shirley, 413, 414, 429, 434 Jacobs, Jonnie, 90, 93 Jacq, Christian, 5 Jacquemard, Yves, 73, 134 Jacques, Brian, 375 Jade, 220 Jade Island, 122, 138

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Jaegly, Peggy J., 215, 261 Jaffe, Jody, 96 Jaffe, Rona, 210 Jagger, Brenda, 224 Jahn, Michael, 81 Jakes, John, 16, 19, 60, 246 Jakubowski, Maxim, 141, 145 Jalna series, 241 James Bond Bedside Companion, 198 James, Bill, 75 James, by the Grace of God, 24 James, Dean, 100, 144 James V trilogy, 24 James, Henry, 429 James, Leigh Franklin, 54 James, M. R., 430 James, P. D., 69, 74, 83, 91, 107, 137, 138, 143, 145, 414 James, Peter, 429 James River trilogy, 249 Jance, J. A., 77, 82, 101 Jane Eyre, 219, 256 Jane Fairfax, 233 Janes, J. Robert, 73 Janissaries series, 300 Japrisot, Sebastien, 119 Jarman, Rosemary Hawley, 224 Jaws, 195 Jealous One, The, 118 Jeffers, H. Paul, 87 Jeffreys, J. G., 113 Jeffries, Roderic, 77 "Jeffty Is Five," 413 Jekel, Pamela, 14, 224, 246 Jenkins, Beverly, 255 Jennie About to Be, 226 Jennings, Gary, 5, 196 Jepson, Edgar, 146 Jeremiah Johnson (film), 33 Jerusalem, 7 Jerusalem Man, The, 353 Jessie, 47 Jeter, K. W., 323 Jewelled Path, 225 Jewels of Tessa Kent, The, 213

Jhereg, 389 Jian, 159 Jig, 177 Jingo, 370 Jinx High, 407, 411 Joanna, 222 Job: A Comedy of Justice, 380 Joe Grey, Cat Detective series, 376 Joensuu, Matti, 73 Johannesson, Olaf, 307 Johansen, Iris, 92, 122, 152, 173, 217, 224, 258 John Creasey's Crime Collection, 140 John McNab, 185 John Raven series, 126 Johnson, Dorothy M., 30, 32, 58, 60, 61, 66 Johnson, Haynes, 168 Johnson, Stanley, 182 Johnson, Susan, 250, 261 Johnson, W. Bolingbroke, 109 Johnson, Walter Reed, 246 Johnston, Terry C., 28, 32, 33, 47 Johnston, Velda, 217 Johnstone, William W., 33, 40, 54, 195 Jones, Courtway, 359 Jones, Diana Wynne, 324, 367, 370, 386 Jones, Douglas C., 31, 32, 33, 36, 63, 65 Jones, Elwyn, 74 Jones, Gwyneth, 321, 415 Jones, J. V., 386 Jones, Jill, 251 Jones, Richard Glyn, 414 Jones, Robert F., 42, 46 Jones, Stephen, 449, 450 Jordan, B. B., 443 Jordan, Jennifer, 107 Jordan, Robert, 354, 400, 413, 416 Jorgensen, Christine T., 90 Josanie's War, 31 Joseph, Mark, 171 Josey Wales: Two Westerns, 36 Joshi, S. T., 454 Jourlet, Marie de, 246 Journal of the Gun Years, 37, 64 Journey Beyond Tomorrow, 274 Journey by the River, 64 Journey into Fear, 140

Journey of the Dead, 42, 64, 66 Journey of the Stranger series, 56 Journey to Enchantment, 228 Journey to the Center of the Earth, 186, 289 Journeyer, The, 196 Journeying Boy, The, 156 Journeyman Wizard, 411 Journeys to the Twilight Zone, 333 Jovah's Angel, 396 Joy Makers, The, 279, 313 Joy, Dara, 255, 261 Joyce, Graham, 407, 437 Jubal Cade series, 57 Judas Factor, The, 160 Judas Flowering, 14 Judgment in Stone, A, 119 Judith, 221 Juggernaut, 177 Juliet Dies Twice, 109 Juliet Effect, The, 184, 444 Jumper, 292, 394 Juniper, 367 Juniper, Gentian, and Rosemary, 366 Juniper Time, 282 Jupiter series, 272 Jurasik, Peter, 325 Jurassic Park, 182 Just Compensation, 403 Juxtaposition, 384 K Kadrey, Richard, 308 Kaewert, Julie Wallin, 107 Kakonis, Tom, 124 Kaleidoscope Century, 286, 290 Kalki, 278 Kalogridis, Jeanne, 439 Kaminsky, Stuart, 77, 79, 84, 113, 121 Kan, Kat, 396 Kantor, MacKinlay, 16 Kaplan, Arthur, 87

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Karr, Kathleen, 50 Karr, Phyllis Ann, 233 Kaska, Kathleen, 134 Kate, 221 Katherine, 227, 260 Katy Steele Adventures series, 240 Katz, William, 81, 443 Katzenbach, John, 124 Kaufman, Kay, 138 Kaufman, Pamela, 231 Kavan, Anna, 414 Kavanagh, Dan, 83 Kay, Guy Gavriel, 391 Kay, Susan, 12 Kaye, M. M., 218, 224 Kaye, Marvin, 87, 146 Keagan, William, 175 Keating, H. R. F., 76, 101, 138, 143, 145 Keaton, Rina, 46 Keene, Carolyn, 138 Keeper of the Children, The, 442 Keeper of the Dream, 260 Keeper of the Stone, 3 Keeper's Price, The, 400 Keepers of the Hidden Ways series, 387 Keeping Time, 319 Keith, William H., Jr., 325 Kek Huuygens, Smuggler, 128 Keller, Donald G., 413 Kellerman, Faye, 78, 80, 97, 138 Kellerman, Jonathan, 92, 119, 138 Kellogg, Marjorie B., 373 Kells, Susannah, 224, 249 Kelly, Carla, 224, 237 Kelly, Nora, 95 Kelly, Susan, 101 Keltiad series, 359 Kelton, Elmer, 28, 34, 38, 39, 40, 42, 44, 46, 49, 59, 61, 63, 65, 66 Kemelman, Harry, 94, 95 Kencyrath series, 390 Kendrick, Baynard H., 138 Kennealy, Jerry, 84 Kennealy-Morrison, Patricia, 359 Kennett, Shirley, 92

Kenney, Catherine McGehee, 137 Kenson, Stephen, 403 Kent Family chronicles, 19, 241 Kent, Alexander, 193 Kent, Bill, 80 Kent, Jean Salter, 263 Kent, Katherine, 225 Kentuckians, The, 13 Kentucky Home, 14 Kenya, 187 Kenyon, Michael, 74 Kerner, Elizabeth, 373 Kerr, Katharine, 354, 368, 398 Kerstan, Lynn, 237, 261 Kesey, Ken, 45 Key of the Keplian, The, 406 Key out of Time, 298 Key to Rebecca, 161 Keyes, Daniel, 313, 329 Keyes, Frances Parkinson, 12 Kezzy, 220 Kidd, Elizabeth, 237 Kienzle, William X., 94 Kijewski, Karen, 102 Kiker, Douglas, 86, 96 Kill and Tell, 217 Kill Box, The, 172 Kill Zone, 124 Killashandra, 324 Killer Angels, 17 Killer Pancake, 105 Killing Dance, The, 253, 410, 448 Killing Doll, The, 119 Killing Game, The, 92 Killing in Kiowa, A, 63 Killing Time in St. Cloud, 118 Killing in Quail County, A, 90 Killough, Lee, 321, 410 Kilo Class, 172 Kilpatrick, Terrence, 65 Kilworth, Garry D., 411 Kim, 155, 185 Kimberlin, Annie, 215, 266 Kindl, Patrice, 381, 395 King and Emperor, 383 King and Goddess, 6

King and Joker, 95 King, Bernard, 364 King Beyond the Gate, The, 353 King Con, 125, 130, 152 King, Francis, 428 King, Gabriel, 375 King Javan's Year, 391 King Kobold Revived, 388 King, Laurie R., 136 King Must Die, The, 23 King, Nina, 103 King of Elfland's Daughter, 377 King of the Hustlers, 124 King of the Khyber Rifles, 197 King of the Murgos, 352 King of the Scepter'd Isle, 389 King, Rufus, 79 King, Stephen, 293, 296, 386, 391, 394, 413, 423, 424, 433, 435, 439, 441, 444, 446, 449, 451, 454, 455 King Solomon's Mines, 185, 187, 289 King, Tabitha, 119, 121 King, Thomas, 51 King's Bed, The, 11 King's Buccaneer, The, 353 King's Cavalier, The, 227 King's Grey Mare, The, 224 King's Justice, The, 391 Kingdom of Dreams, A, 232, 258 Kings Dragon, 390 King's Fool, 11 Kingsbridge Plot, The, 114 Kingsbury, Donald, 313 Kingsolver, Barbara, 51, 66 Kinsale, Laura, 258 Kiowa Verdict, The, 30, 64 Kipling, Rudyard, 155, 185, 415, 425 Kiriov Tapes, 164 Kirk, Michael, 83

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Kirkpatrick, D. L., 61, 262 Kirkpatrick, Jane, 48, 66 Kirov Saga, 19 Kiss an Angel, 259 Kiss Mommy Goodbye, 118, 120 Kissing Cousin, 21 Kit's Hill, 248 Kitt, Sandra, 261 Kittredge, Mary, 91, 102 Kittredge, William, 60 Klause, Annette Curtis, 254, 407 Klavan, Andrew, 446 Kleier, Glenn, 277, 315 Klein, Daniel, 443 Kleypas, Lisa, 258 Kluge, P. F., 46 Knave of Hearts, 243 Knibbs, H. H., 59 Knickmeyer, Steve, 88 Knight, Alanna, 225 Knight, Damon, 60, 329, 342, 414, 420 Knight in Shining Armor, 252, 257 Knight, Kathryn Lasky, 102, 107 Knight of a Trillion Stars, 255 Knight of Ghosts and Shadows, A, 379 Knight of the Word, 407, 444 Knight, Phyllis, 98 Knight's Acre, 225 Knightshill saga, 244 Knox, Bill, 75 Knox, Ronald A., 146 Koen, Karleen, 10, 225 Koenig, Joseph, 82 Koke, Jak, 403 Koko, 447 Komarr, 295, 348 Komo, Dolores, 99 Koontz, Dean, 173, 428, 432, 433, 437, 441, 442, 447, 455 Korbel, Kathleen, 215, 261 Korda, Michael, 213 Kornbluth, Cyril, 280, 318, 329, 330 Kornwise, Robert, 384 Kosko, Bart, 308 Krabbé, Tim, 446

Kramer, Edward E., 413 Krantz, Judith, 213 Kremlin Control, The, 165 Krentz, Jayne Ann, 201, 202, 215, 217, 255, 258, 262 Kress, Nancy, 314, 316 Krinard, Susan, 251, 252, 254, 261 Kristin Lavransdatter, 24 Kruger, Paul, 93 Kubasik, Christopher, 403 Kunetka, James W., 171, 184 Kurland, Lynn, 252, 258 Kurland, Michael, 409 Kurtz, Katherine, 391 Kushner, Ellen, 377, 413 Kuttner, Henry, 329 L L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, 335 L. A. Times, 125 L'Amour, Louis, 27, 28, 31, 35, 44, 54, 59, 61, 181, 199 L'Engle, Madeleine, 386, 393 La Farge, Oliver, 31 La Plante, Richard, 277, 315 Labyrinth Makers, The, 164 Lace, 213 Lace II, 213 Lacemaker, The, 226 Lacey, Sarah, 90 Lachman, Marvin, 147 Lackey, Mercedes, 311, 366, 373, 376, 379, 394, 399, 402, 404, 405, 407, 411, 413 Lacy, Al, 56 Lacy, Joanna, 56 Ladies of Missalonghi, 8 Lady, The, 211 Lady Boss, 213 Lady Elizabeth's Comet, 238 Lady in Black, The, 117 Lady in the Car with Glasses and a Gun, The, 119 Lady of Abu Simbel, The, 5 Lady of Independence, A, 234 Lady of Letters, A, 236 Lady of Quality, A, 239 Lady of the Forest, 361 Lady of Glen, 232 Lady of the Trillium, 405 Lady Sheila's Groom, 235 Lady Susan, 233

Ladysmead, 233 Lafferty in Orbit, 415 Lafferty, R. A., 307, 329, 401, 415 Lake News, 211 Lake of the Long Sun, 299 Laker, Rosalind, 10, 211, 225, 246 Lamb, Arnette, 231 Lambdin, Dewey, 193 Lambert, Derek, 158 Lambert, Joan Dahr, 5 Lambisson series, 364 Lambton, Anthony, 12 L'Amour, Louis, 52 Lance, Peter, 81 Land, Jon, 173 Land of Gold, The, 372 Land to Call Home, A, 14 Landing, The, 168 Landis, Jill Marie, 229, 258, 261 Landon, Brooks, 337, 338 Landreth, John, 148 Landrum, Graham, 91 Landrum, Larry N., 145 Landscape with Dead Dons, 109 Landslayer's Law, 377 Lane, Allison, 237 Lane, Elizabeth, 49 Langan, Ruth Ryan, 232, 251 Langley, Bob, 197 Langton, Jane, 79 Language of the Night, The: Essays on Fatasy and Science Fiction, 338, 417 Lansdale, Joe R., 446, 451 Lantern Bearers, The, 23 Lantern in Her Hand, A, 15 Lantique, John, 78 Lapierre, Dominique, 177

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Lapine, Warren, 333 LaPlante, Lynda, 75 Larque on the Wing, 379, 380 Larson, Charles, 84 Lasher, 437 Laski, Marghanita, 428 Last and First Men, 288, 331, 344 Last Assassin, The, 178 Last Call, 408, 445 Last Camel Died at Noon, The, 218 Last Day, The, 277, 315 Last Days of Horse-Shy Halloran, The, 43 Last Days of Wolf Garnett, The, 63 Last Dragonlord, The, 395, 422 Last Enchantment, The, 360 Last Frontier, The, 30 Last Frost Fair, The, 236 Last Go Round: A Dime Western, 45 Last Good German, The, 158 Last Guardian, The, 353 Last Hawk, The, 255, 292, 348 Last Hellion, The, 235 Last Heroes, The, 158 Last High Ground, The, 172 Last Hostage, The, 179, 197 Last Innocent Man, The, 132 Last Mammoth, The, 3 Last Mandarin, The, 186 Last of the Breed, The, 181, 199 Last of the Mohicans, The, 22 Last of the Renshai, The, 365 Last of the Wine, The, 23 Last Picture Show, The, 52 Last Princess, The, 209 Last Rattlesnake Throw, The, 52 Last Red August, The, 179 Last Ride, The, 32 Last Rights, 179 Last Run, The, 191 Last Suppers, The, 105 Last Sword of Power, 359 Last Unicorn, The, 371 Last Waltz, The, 229, 238 Later Adventures of Tom Jones, The, 221

Lathe of Heaven, The, 293, 344, 386 Lathen, Emma, 90 Laughing Boy, 31 Laughing Corpse, The, 253, 410, 448 Laumer, Keith, 284, 287, 296, 311 Launch, 176 Laurence, Janet, 105 Lavender Lady, 236 Lavender, William, 246 Lavette family, 244 Law, Janice, 85 Lawhead, Stephen, 360, 363 Lawless, The, 19, 246 Lawman, 63 Lawrence, Margaret, 14, 113, 152 Laxalt, Robert, 44 Lay on, Mac Duff!, 116 Le Carré, John, 156 Le Guin, Ursula K., 280, 293, 305, 313, 318, 329, 333, 338, 343, 344, 354, 386, 413, 414, 417 Lea, Tom, 38 League of Night and Fog, The, 179 League of Terror, 158 Leah's Children, 244 Leah's Journey, 244 Leasor, James, 90 Least Heat Moon, William, 153 Leather, Edwin, 90, 110 Leatherstocking Tales, The, 22 Leaving Kansas, 63 LeBaron Secret, The, 242 Leblanc, Maurice, 127 Ledbetter, Suzanne, 34 Lee, Adam, 355 Lee, Barbara, 90 Lee, Christopher, 448 Lee, Elsie, 237 Lee, John, 372 Lee, Rachel, 261 Lee, Tanith, 372, 408, 414, 439 Lee, Wendi, 34 Leeke, Jim, 81 LeFanu, J. S., 110, 430 Left Hand of Darkness, The, 305, 313, 318, 329, 343 Legacy (Bristol), 12 Legacy (Kay), 220 Legacy of Beulah Land, 15

Legacy of Heorot, The, 305 Legacy of Silence, 210 Legacy of the Ancients, 388 Legal Briefs: Stories by Today's Best Thriller Writers, 140 Legend, 353 Legend in the Dust, 35 Legend of Nightfall, 356 "Legend of Sleepy Hollow," 425 Legend of Storey County, The, 17 Legend of Tarik, The, 365 Legends of Camber of Culdi series, 391 Legends: Short Novels by the Masters of Modern Fantasy, 413 Legion, 447 Legion of Space, The, 294, 299 Legion of Time, 285 Legion of Videssos, 389 Lehane, Dennis, 86 Lehman, Ernest, 126, 175 Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher, 178 Lehrer, Kate, 48, 66 Leib, Franklin Allen, 171, 178 Leiber, Fritz, 280, 284, 305, 311, 329, 342, 355, 408, 428, 437, 448, 452 Leigh, Susanna, 249 Leighton, Lee, 63 Leithauser, Brad, 431 Lem, Stanislaw, 305, 311, 313, 321 Lemarchand, Elizabeth, 74 LeMay, Alan, 32, 38, 59 Lenniger, August, 60 Lensman series, 294 Leo Africanus, 7 Leon, Donna, 76 Leonard, Elmore, 36, 86, 124, 126, 131, 141 Leonardo da Vinci trilogy, 197 Leonie, 235 Leopard Hunts in Darkness, The, 21, 187

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Leopard Unleashed, The, 221 Leroni of Darkover, 400 Lescroart, John T., 132, 165 Lesson of Her Death, The, 117 Lest Darkness Fall, 283 Let the Drum Speak, 6 Let the Fire Fall, 332 Lethe, 273 Lethem, Jonathan, 281, 411, 415 Letter of Mary, A, 136 Letters from Atlantis, 362 Lettow, Donna, 401 Leuci, Bob, 81 Levi, Peter, 95 Levin, Ira, 109, 168, 434, 435, 448 Levine, Gail Carson, 366 Levine, Paul, 147 Levitt, J. R., 82 Levy, JoAnn, 48 Lewin, Michael Z., 79, 86 Lewis, C. S., 278, 338, 349 Lewis, Gogo, 141 Lewis, Lange, 78 Lewis, Leonard C., 45 Lewis, Preston, 64 Lewis, Roy, 74, 93, 107 Lewis, Shelby, 105 Lewitt, Shariann, 281 Ley, Alice Chetwynd, 237 Liars and Tyrants and People Who Turn Blue, 179 Libbie, 47 Libertine in Love, 235 License Renewed, 162 Lichtenberg, Jacqueline, 439 Lie down with Lions, 161 Lieber, Fritz, 433 Lieberman, Herbert, 81, 321 Lieutenant Hornblower, 193 Life and Times of Horatio Hornblower, The, 192 Life and Times of Miss Jane Marple, The, 134 Life Support, 173 Life, the Universe and Everything, 325 Light, Alison, 262 Light Fantastic, The, 370

Light Heart, The, 21 Light in the Forest, The, 32 Light of Western Stars, The, 49 Light Raid, 300 Lightpaths, 279 Like, Russel C., 325 Lily, 48 Lily and the Major, 229 Lincoln, 17 Lincoln's Dreams, 17, 393 Lindbergh, Anne, 393 Lindholm, Megan, 305, 378 Lindley, Charles, 431 Lindsey, David L., 82, 121, 124, 159, 175 Lindsey, Johanna, 231 Lindskold, Jane, 361, 379 Linington, Elizabeth, 78 Linscott, Gillian, 90, 113 Linssen, John, 439 Linz, Cathie, 201, 202, 215 Lion at Sea, The, 190 Lion in the Valley, 218 Lion of Justice, The, 226 Lion of Macedon, 383 Lion's Lady, The, 257 Lipman, Elinor, 211 Lisle, Holly, 385, 399, 402 Listeners, The, 304 Literary Times, The, 264 Literature Connections to American History, 24 Literature Connections to World History, 24 Littell, Robert, 159, 178 Little Big Man, 31, 42, 65 Little Caesar, 123 "Little Gidding," 186 Little Man Flats: And Other Spine-Tingling Stories of Murder in the West, 103 Little Myth Marker, 369 Little, Bentley, 428 Lives of the Monster Dogs, 441 Liveship Traders, 354 Living Color, 211 Living One, The, 427 Livingston, Jack, 87 Livingston, Nancy, 91 Llewellyn, Sam, 104, 168 Llwelyn, Morgan, 188, 225, 363

Loaded Fictions: Social Critique in the Twentieth-Century Western, 62 Local Rules, 132 Lochte, Dick, 84 Locked in Time, 396 "Locked-Room Lecture," 145 Lockridge, Frances, 97 Lockridge, Richard, 81, 97, 138 Locus, 339 Locus Index to Science Fiction, The, 332 Lofts, Norah, 218, 225, 429, 436 Log of a Cowboy, The, 39, 58 Logan, Jake, 56 Logan, Mark Nicholas Minette, 193 Logical Lady, 234 Lolly Willowes, 437 London, 22 London, Jack, 185, 338 London, Laura, 261 London Match, 160 London Noir, 141 London Season, A, 234 Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven, 50 Lone Star, 27 Lone Star Ranger, 37 Lone Star series, 56 Lone Wolf, 403 Loneliest Magician, The, 374 Lonesome Dove, 20, 40, 54, 63 Lonesome Dove saga, 20, 54 Long Afternoon of Earth, The, 326 Long Arm, 27 Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul, The, 319 Long, Frank Belknap, 448, 452 Long, Jeff, 38, 65 Long Loud Silence, The, 282 Long Patrol, The, 375 Long Rider series, 55 Long Riders' Winter, The, 66

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Long River, 4 Long Run, 63 Long Season, The, 38 Long Sun series, 299, 392 Long Tomorrow, The, 312 Long Voyage Home, 126 Long Walk, The, 4 Long Way Home, The, 30 Long, William Stewart, 246 Longarm series, 56 Longest Ride, The, 50 Longstreet, Stephen, 246 Longyear, Barry, 323 Loo Sanction, 159 Look Away, 15 Look Away, Beulah Land, 15 Look of Innocence, The, 223 Looking After Lily, 48 Looking Backward, 279, 280 "Loom of Darkness," 413 Loomis, Noel, 63 Lord Avery's Legacy, 237 Lord, Betty Bao, 7 Lord Carew's Bride, 234 Lord Darcy, 409 Lord Darcy Investigates, 409 Lord Darcy series, 409 Lord Endicott's Appetite, 236 Lord Foul's Bane, 385 Lord Iverbrook's Heir, 236 Lord John, 23 Lord Kelvin's Machine, 283 Lord of Chaos, 354 Lord of Light, 275, 278, 332, 343 Lord of Middle Air, The, 384 Lord of Midnight, 230 Lord of Raven's Peak, 222 Lord of Scoundrels, 256 Lord of the Isles, 352 "Lord of the Land," 433 Lord of the Rings trilogy, the, 357 Lord of the Two Lands, 6 Lord of the Vampires, 439 Lord of the Wolves, The, 231

Lord Ramsay's Return, 236 Lord, Shirley, 246 Lord Valentine's Castle, 324 Lord Wraybourne's Betrothed, 234 Lords and Ladies, 370 Lords of Misrule, 24 Lords of the Plain, 30 Lords of the Sky, 392 Lords of the Sword, 351 Lori, 433 Lorimer Line, The, 247 Loring, Emilie, 206 Lorme family, 243 Lost Boys, 407 Lost Guardian, The, 390 Lost in Translation, 385 Lost Souls, 438 Lost World, The, 289 "Lottery, The," 413 Lotus Land, 245 Louisa Elliott, 227 Love and Napalm, 273 Love and War, 16, 246 Love Comes Softly series, 240 Love Follows the Heart, 239 Love in Vein: Twenty Original Tales of Vampire Erotica, 450 Love Story, 208 Love, William F., 89, 94 Love's Enduring Hope, 239 Lovecraft, H. P., 424, 425, 431, 432., 338, 454, 455 Lovecraft's Legacy, 433 Lovelace, Jane, 238 Lovely Day to Die and Other Stories, A, 118 Lover's Vows, 238 Lovers, The, 213, 277, 313 Lovers' Delight, 224 Loves Alters All, 228 Loves, Lords, and Lady-Birds, 235 Lovesey, Peter, 74, 114, 143 Low Country, 210 Lowell, Elizabeth, 122, 138, 217, 231, 258 Lowry, Lois, 280 Luard, Nicholas, 163 Lucas, George, 294 Luciano's Luck, 190 Lucifer Deck, The, 404

"Luck of Roaring Camp," 58 Lucky, 213 Lucky You, 131, 152 Lucky's Revenge, 213 Lucy in Disguise, 237 Ludlum, Robert, 159, 167, 168, 178 Ludwig, Jerry, 78 Lumley, Brian, 432, 452 Lunatic Café, The, 253, 410, 448 Lunatics of Terra, The, 325 Lundy, Mike, 87 Lupe, 434, 436 Lupica, Mike, 96 Lupoff, Richard A., 84, 284 Lurie, Alison, 365, 413 Lurking Fear, The, 425, 432 Lustbader, Eric Van, 159, 175, 187, 197 Lutz, Giles A., 31 Lutz, John, 85, 86, 89 Luxembourg Run, The, 128 Lyall, Gavin, 163 Lynch, Patrick, 173 Lynds, Gayle, 167 Lyonesse series, 363 Lyons, Arthur, 84 Lyons, Ivan, 105, 131 Lyons, Nan, 105, 131 Lyon's Pride, 293 Lyra Books, 358 M Maalouf, Amin, 7 Mabinogion series, 364 Macauley, Rose, 185 MacAvoy, R. A., 383, 411 MacCoun, Catherine, 225 MacDonald, George, 377 Macdonald, Gina, 198 MacDonald, John D., 85, 139, 150, 287 Macdonald, Malcolm, 225, 246

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Macdonald, Ross, 84, 138 MacGregor, T. J., 97 Machen, Arthur, 425 Machines That Think: The Best Science Fiction Storeis About Robots and Computers, 334 MacInnes, Helen, 167, 216 MacIntyre, F. Gwynplaine, 408 Mack, Dorothy, 238 MacKay, Amanda, 109 MacKenna's Gold, 35 MacKenzie, Donald, 74, 126 MacKenzie's Mountain, 258 Mackey, Mary, 5, 247 MacLean, Alistair, 183, 190 MacLean, Katherine, 321 MacLeod, Charlotte, 95, 102, 103 MacManus, Yvonne, 263 MacNeill, Duncan, 193 Macomber, Debbie, 215, 216, 254, 258 MacRae, Cathi Dunn, 417 Mad Max series (film), 280 Mad Moon of Dreams, 432 Mad Ship, 354 Madagascar Manifesto, 444 Madouc, 363 Maelstrom, 168 Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, The, 323, 339 Mage Wars series, 394 Mageborn Traitor, The, 356 Maggie, 228 Magic and the Healing, The, 387 Magic Circle, The, 366 Magic Cottage, The, 434 Magic Engineer, The, 356 Magic Flutes, 224 Magic in Ithkar Series, 401 Magic Kingdom for SaleSold, 385 Magic Kingdom of Landover series, 369, 385 Magic Labyrinth, The, 274 Magic May Return, 401 Magic of Recluce, The, 355 Magic Series, 401 Magic, the Gathering, 401 Magic Wars, 351 Magician, 353

Magician: Apprentice, 353 Magician: Master, 353 Magician's Gambit, 352 Magician's Ward, 251, 411 Magicians, The, 436 Magill, Frank N., 145, 417 Magill's Guide to Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature, 417 Magill's Guide to Science Fiction and Fantasy, 338 Magnificent Failure, The, 31 Magnificent Rogue, The, 224 Maguire, Gregory, 366, 398 Mahjongg Spies, The, 165 Maiden's Grave, A, 117 Mail Order Brides series, 56 Maiman, Jaye, 98 Main Corpse, The, 105 Mainwaring, Marion, 146 Mairelon the Magician, 411 Majipoor Chronicles, 324 Make Death Love Me, 119 Make Room! Make Room!, 274, 276, 279, 328 Malashenko, Alexei, 179 Malcolm, John, 90, 110 Malibu, 212 Malice Domestic, 140 Maling, Arthur, 175 Mall Purchase Night, 369 Mallen trilogy, 18 Mallett, Daryl F., 341 Malloreon series, 352 Malone, Michael, 81 Maloney, Mack, 195 Malouf, David, 7 Malzberg, Barry N., 274, 325, 329 Mammoth Book of Best New Horror, The, 449 Mammoth Book of Ghost Stories, The, 430 Mammoth Book of Vampires, The, 450 Mammoth Book of Zombies, The, 450, 455 Mammoth Hunters, The, 4 Mammoth Stone, The, 3 Mammoth trilogy, 3 Man Called Horse, A, (film), 32, 58 Man Called Kyril, The, 165 Man Called Trouble, A, 46 Man from Colorado, The, 41 Man from Greek and Roman, The, 128

Man from Shadow Ridge, The, 55 Man from St. Petersburg, The, 161 Man from the Sea, The, 156 Man in a Cage, 302 Man in the High Castle, The, 283, 328, 343 Man in the Sopwith Camel, The, 130 Man of the Hour, 117 Man of the Shadows, 53 Man Plus, 307, 311, 330 Man Rides Through, A, 385 "Man That Was Used Up, The," 453 Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo, The, 130 Man Who Heard Too Much, The, 158 Man Who Lost His Shadow, The, 161 Man Who Loved Cat Dancing, The, 49 Man Who Rode Midnight, The, 39, 66 Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The, (film), 58 Man Who Stole the Mona Lisa, The, 128 Man Who Was Saturday, The, 158 Man Who Was Thursday, The: A Nightmare, 154 Man Without Medicine, 30 Man's Illegal Life, 113 Man's Storm, 113 Manchurian Candidate, The, 157 Mancini, Anthony, 91 Mandarin, 244 Manguel, Alberto, 416 Manhunter, The, 35 Manifest Destiny, 45 Manitou, The, 428 Mankell, Henning, 77 Mankind Under the Leash, 304 Man-Kzin Wars, 323 Manley, Seon, 141 Mansfield, Elizabeth, 238 Mansfield Revisited, 233 Mansions of Darkness, 409 Manson, Cynthia, 140, 142, 334

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Mantell, Laurie, 77 Mantle of Kendis-Dai, The, 404 Manuscript for Murder, 108 Many-Colored Land, The, 287, 329, 344 Marching to Valhalla, 37 Marcinko, Richard, 188 Marco Polo, If You Can, 157 Margaret's Story, 20 Margin of Error, 178 Margolin, Phillip, 132, 152 Margolis, Seth Jacob, 89 Maria, 20 Mariel of Redwall, 375 Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine, 417 Mark of the Lion series, 240 Marks, Jeffrey, 103 Marlfox, 375 Marnie, 118 Maron, Margaret, 93, 143 Marooned in Real Time, 288 Marquis & Miss Jones, The, 234 Marquis, Don, 423 Marr, John S., 173 Marriage à la Mode, 236 Marriage of Convenience, A, 239 Marric, J. J., 74, 139 Married Past Redemption, 239 Marry in Haste, 237 Marry Me, 212 Marryat, Frederick, 193 Marsanne, 243 Marsh, Ngaio, 74, 95, 138, 140 Marshall, Edison, 225 Marshall, William, 76 Martian Chronicles, 327, 343 Martian Time-Slip, 274 Martians Go Home, 303, 325 Martin, Cynthia, 397 Martin, George R. R., 349, 355, 413, 439 Martin, Ian Kennedy, 74 Martin, Kat, 225 Martin, Lee, 82, 102 Martin, Rhona, 25, 226 Martin the Warrior, 375

Martini, Steve, 92, 133, 138 Mary of Carisbrooke, 11 Mary's Land, 14 Masked Deception, A, 234 Maskerade, 370 Masks of Time, The, 288 Mason, Clifford, 87, 99 Mason, F. Van Wyck, 14, 159 Mason, Lisa, 287, 308 Mason, Robert, 171 "Masque of the Red Death, The," 453 Masque of the Swan, 250 Masquerade, 115 Masquerade in Venice, 217 Massey, Sujata, 100 Massie, Elizabeth, 446, 451 Massucci, Joseph, 171, 173 Master Li series, 410 Master of Many Treasures, 372 Master of the Moor, 119 Master of the Sidhe, 363 Masterharper of Pern, The, 297 Masterman, J. C., 109 Masterpiece Affair, The, 127 Masters of Mystery: A Study of the Detective Story, 144 Masters of Rome series, 5 Masters, John, 163, 191, 247 Masterton, Graham, 428, 435, 442, 445, 446, 450 Matarese Circle, 159 Matarese Countdown, 159 Match Race, 63 Matchmaker, The, 153 Matchmaking Ghost, The, 234 Material Witness, 133 Mather, Berkely, 163, 187 Matheson, Richard Christian, 451 Matheson, Richard, 37, 64, 252, 329, 393, 439, 449 Mathew Swain series, 321 Mathews, Patricia, 406 Mathis, Edward, 88 Matrix of Destiny series, 255 Matter, Holly Wade, 413 Matter of Conscience, A, 162 Matter of Taste, A, 440 Matteson, Stefanie, 91 Matthews, Alex, 92

Matthews, Greg, 42, 43, 44, 66 Matthews, Patricia, 249 Mattie, 47, 64 Mattimeo, 375 Maud Reed Table, The, 225 Maugham, W. Somerset, 155 Maus: A Survivor's Tale, 397 Maxim, John R., 119 Maximum Light, 316 Maxwell, A. E., 84 Maxwell, Cathy, 238 Maxwell, Robin, 12 May, Julian, 287, 329, 344, 398, 405 May, Karl, 27 Mayday, 181, 182 Mayer, Bob, 171, 174 Mayerson, Evelyn, 147 Mayhem and Miranda, 236 Maynard, Kenneth, 193 Maynard's House, 428 Mayor, Archer, 82 Maze, The, 121 McAllister, Pam, 134 McAuley, Paul J., 305, 317 McAvoy, R. A., 363 McBain, Ed, 72, 81, 93, 138 McBain, Laurie, 249 McCaffrey, Anne, 211, 269, 293, 296, 297, 311, 324, 329, 373, 394, 397, 413, 414 McCaffery, Larry, 338 McCammon, Robert R., 428, 433, 446, 455 McCarthy, Cormac, 42, 51, 66 McCarthy, Gary, 57 McCarthy, Shawna, 414 McCarthy, Wil, 272, 301, 309 McCarthy's List, 247 McCloy, Helen, 92 McClure, James, 77 McConchie, Lyn, 406 McConnell, Ashley, 401

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McConnell, Frank, 85 McConnor, Vincent, 73, 114 McCord, John S., 54 McCormick, Clair, 90 McCormick, Donald, 198 McCrumb, Sharyn, 81, 90, 102, 110, 268 McCullough, Colleen, 5, 8, 20, 183, 247 McCutchan, Philip, 193 McDevitt, Jack, 313 Mcdonald, Gregory, 80, 143 McDonald, Ian, 313 McFall, Kathleen, 52, 438, 457 McGaughey, Neil, 107 McGinley, Patrick, 119 McGinnis, Carol, 138 McGowan, Jill, 75 McIlvanney, William, 75 McInerny, Ralph, 80, 93, 94 McIntyre, Vonda N., 315, 323, 330, 344, 384, 404, 414 McKiernan, Dennis L., 355, 406 McKillip, Patricia A., 355, 367, 377, 400 McKinley, Robin, 361, 366, 368 McLaren, Teri, 402 McMillan, Ann, 114 McMurtry, Larry, 20, 28, 40, 44, 45, 52, 54, 63, 65, 66 McNab, Claire, 72, 98 McNab, Tom, 43 McNaught, Judith, 214, 232, 258 McNaughton, Brian, 452 McQuay, Mike, 321 McQuillan, Karin, 102 McReynolds, Glenna, 251 McSherry, Frank D., 431 Mead, Robert Douglas, 34 Measure of a Man, 401 Med, The, 172 Medawar, Mardi Oakley, 100 Medici Guns, The, 197 Medici Hawks, The, 197 Medicine Calf, The: A Novel, 33, 46 Medicine Emerald, The, 197 Medicine Hat, 53 Medicine Horn, The, 33, 65 Medicine Knife, The, 53

Medicine River, 51 Mediterranean Caper, The, 196 Medusa, 196 Medusa's Child, 179, 183, 199 Meek, M. R. D., 93 Melling, John Kennedy, 147 Melville, Ann, 247 Melville, James, 76 Melville, Jennie, 75, 102 Memento Mori, 281 Memnoc the Devil, 439 Memoirs of Cleopatra, The: A Novel, 5 Memoirs of Hadrian, The, 24 Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, The, 135 Memory, 295 Memory and Dream, 378 Memory Boy, 160 Memory of Earth, The, 296 Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn series, 358 ''Men and Sin," 451 Men and the Girls, The, 211 Men at Arms, 370 Men in Arms, 157 Men of Albemarle, 18 Men of Men, 21, 187 Mephisto Waltz, The, 436 Mercy, 121 Mercy Seat, The, 42, 66 Merek, Jack, 172 Meridian: A Novel of Kit Carson's West, 45 Merlin, 360 Merlin Sequence, 360 Merlin's Bones, 360 Merlin's Harp, 359 Merlin's Mirror, 360 Merovingen Nights, 402 Merrick family, 245 Merry Maid, The, 223 Messiah, 278 Metalious, Grace, 208 Meteor, 183 Metrophage, 308 Metropolitan, 324 Metzger, Barbara, 238 Metzger's Dog, 129 Mexico, 22

Mexico Set, 160 Meyer, Nicholas, 136 Meyers, Maan, 14, 114 Meyerson, Evelyn Wilde, 12 Mezentian Gate, 390 Mezrich, Ben, 172, 174 Miami, 212 Michael, Judith, 214 Michaelmas Tree, The, 220 Michaelmas, 307 Michaels, Barbara, 122, 219, 226, 259, 429 Michaels, Bill, 179 Michaels, Fern, 249 Michaels, Kasey, 259 Michener, James A., 66 Michigan Roll, 124 Middle Heart, The, 7 Mid-Flinx, 292 Midnight Blue: The Sonja Blue Collection, 438 Midnight Gun, The, 187 Midnight Hour, The, 122 Midnight Louie's Pet Detectives, 103 Midnight Moon, 226 Midnight Rider, 225 Midnight Sun, 427 Midnight Tales, 452 Midshipman's Hope, 300 Midsummer Century, 286, 307 Midsummer Magic, 256 Midsummer Tempest, A, 389, 397 Midsummer's Eve, 217 Midwich Cuckoos, The, 332 Miko, The, 175 Milan, Victor, 364 Miles, Keith, 104 Millar, Margaret, 119 Millennium, 288 Millennium Project, The, 171 Millennium quartet, 445 Miller, Linda Lael, 226, 229, 254, 259

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Miller, Sasha, 406 Miller, Walter M., Jr., 278, 281, 330, 343 Millhiser, Marlys, 253, 393 Million-Dollar Wound, The, 111 Mills, James, 428 Mills, Kyle, 179 Milne, John, 83 Minahan, John, 81 Mind for Trade, A, 297 Mind Killer, 313 Mindbend, 443 Mindscream, 444 Mind-Speaker's Call, 375 Mindstar Rising, 321 Mindswap, 284 Mine, 446, 455 Mine to Take, 255 Minotaur, 170 Minsky, Marvin, 307 Mir: A Novel of Virtual Reality, 308 Miracle of Rare Design, A, 380 Mirkheim, 294 Miro Hetzel, 322 Mirror, The, 253, 393 Mirror Dance, 295, 327, 345 Mirror for Observers, A, 330 Mirror Mirror, Fatal Mirror, 140 Mirror of Her Dreams, The, 385 Mirroshades, 308 Misadventures of Silk and Shakespeare, The, 32 Misery, 446, 455 Misplaced Legion, 389 Miss Bede Is Staying, 118 Miss Dorton's Hero, 236 Miss Marple: The Complete Short Stories, 134 Miss Melville Regrets, 129 Miss Melville Returns, 129 Miss Melville Rides a Tiger, 129 Miss Melville's Revenge, 129 Miss Milton Speaks Her Mind, 237 Missing Angel Juan, 381 Missing from the Record, 161 Missing Man, 321 Missing Pieces, 118

Mission Earth series, 300 Mission M.I.A., 188 Mission of Gravity, 272, 304, 327, 344 Mission to the Stars, 312 Missionary Stew, 159 Missus, 20, 247 Mister Midshipman Hornblower, 193 Mistress, 259 Mistress of Mistresses, 390 Mists of Avalon, The, 359 Mitchell, Betsy, 414 Mitchell, Gladys, 102, 109 Mitchell, James, 163 Mitchell, Margaret, 16, 226, 259 Mitchell, Mary Ann, 434 Mitigating Circumstances, 133 M'Lady Witch, 388 Moan, Terrance, 183 Mockingbird, 380 Modern Classics of Science Fiction, 333 Modern Comedy, A, 242 Modern Fantasy: The Hundred Best Novels, 415 Modern Fantasy Writers, 415 Modern Ghost Stories by Eminent Women Writers, 430 Modesitt, L. E., Jr., 297, 313, 355, 387, 419 Modesty Blaise series, 188 Modigliani Scandal, The, 128 Mohan, Kim, 333 Mohawk Woman, 31 Molson, Francis J., 336 Mom, Apple Pie, and Murder, 103 "Moment at the River's Heart, A" 451 Moment of Eclipse, 290 Mona Lisa Overdrive, 308 Money, 176 Money Harvest, The, 176 Money Man, The, 162 Monfredo, Miriam Grace, 110, 114 Mongoose R.I.P., 157 Monimbo, 179 Monkey Wrench Gang, The, 50 Monninger, Joseph, 446 Monsarrat, Nicholas, 191 Monsieur Pamplemousse Aloft, 105 Monsieur Pamplemousse and the Secret Mission, 105 Monsieur Pamplemousse, 105

Monsoon, 8 Monstrous Regiment of Women, A, 136 Montague, Jeanne, 226 Montana Sky, 260 Monte Walsh, 39 Montecino, Marcel, 78 Monteleone, Thomas F., 455 Montezuma Strip, 320 Montgomery family saga, 230 Montgomery, Lucy Maude, 206 Montupet, Janine, 226 Moon, 435 Moon, Elizabeth, 296, 297, 300, 315, 334, 356, 412, 413 Moon, Modean, 253 Moon and the Sun, The, 384 Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, The, 307, 328, 343 Moon Music, 138 Moon of Thunder, 53 Moon Trap, 64 Moonfleet, 185 Moonheart, 378 Moonraker's Bride, 217 Moonspun Magic, 256 Moontide and Magic Rise series, 357 Moorcock, Michael, 274, 278, 284, 288, 336, 387, 391, 415 Moore, Alan, 397 Moore, Barbara, 90 Moore, Christopher, 448 Moore, Lucia, 64 Moore, Robert Payton, 172 Moore, William, 187 Moran, Richard, 183 Mordant's Need duology, 385 More Adventures of Samurai Cat, 370 More Amazing Stories, 333 More Magic, 401 More Than Human, 275, 293, 315, 331, 343 Moreta, 297 Morgaine series, 392

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Morgan, Robert, 447 Moriarty, Florence, 208 Morice, Anne, 102 Morison, B. J., 90 Morley, Christopher, 107 Morning After Death, The, 108 Morning Glory, 228, 260 Morning River, The, 16 Morning's Gate, 227 Morpurgo, Michael, 361 Morrell, David, 179, 451 Morris, Alan, 240 Morris, Chris, 402, 404 Morris, Gilbert, 240 Morris, Janet, 402, 404 Morris, Kenneth, 363, 364, 415 Morrison, Toni, 16 Morrow Anthology of Great Western Short Stories, 61 Morrow, James, 414 Morse, David E., 288 Morsi, Pamela, 229, 259, 261 Mort, John, 27 Mortal Cosequences, 144 Mortal Memory, 120 Mortdecai's Endgame, 128 Mortimer, John, 93 Mortman, Doris, 214, 217 Morton, Anthony, 94, 139 Moscow Quadrille, 160 Moscow Rules, 179 Mosiman, Billie Sue, 103, 334 Moskowitz, Sam, 319 Mosley Receipt, The, 164 Mosley, Walter, 85, 99, 141 Moss, Robert, 163, 179 Mossflower, 375 Mostly Harmless, 325 Mote in God's Eye, The, 276, 297, 305, 343 Mother Earth, Father Sky, 5 Mother of Storms, 310, 326 Mother of Winter, 386 Motherlines, 318 Mount Dragon, 174 Mountain Made of Light series, 289

Mountain Man, 33, 64, 65 Mountain Windsong: A Novel of the Trail of Tears, 30 Moving Mars, 271, 312 Moving Pictures, 370 Moyes, Patricia, 74 Mr. Calder and Mr. Behrens, 162 Mr. Midshipman Easy, 193 Mr. White's Confession, 111 Mrs. Drew Plays Her Hand, 237 Mrs. McVinnie's London Season, 237 Mrs. Miracle, 254 Mrs. Pollifax and the China Station, 167 Mrs. Pollifax and the Hong Kong Buddha, 166 Mrs. Pollifax and the Lion Killer, 167 Mrs. Pollifax and the Second Thief, 167 Mrs. Pollifax Pursued, 167 Mrs. Pollifax, Innocent Tourist, 167 Mrs. Tim series, 207 "Ms. Found in a Bottle," 453 Much in Evidence, 125 Muckle Annie, 49 Mulford, Clarence E., 39, 59 Muller-Fokker Effect, The, 275 Muller, Marcia, 60, 85, 102, 110 Mummy Case, The, 218 Munby, A. N. L., 431 Mundy, Talbot, 197 Murder and Magic, 409 Murder at the ABA, 106 Murder at the Vicarage, 100, 134 Murder Done to Death, 147 Murder for Pleasure, 144 Murder Game, The, 96 Murder in Pastiche; Or, Nine Detectives All at Sea, 146 Murder in the Calais Coach, 140 Murder in the CIA, 167 Murder in the Solid State, 309 Murder League, The, 129 Murder Most Foul, 140 Murder of My Aunt, The, 126 Murder of Roger Ackroyd, The, 134 Murder on Route 66, 103 Murder She Wrote (television show), 109 Murder They Wrote, 141 Murder Waiting to Happen, A, 110 Murderous Schemes: An Anthology of Classic Detective Stories, 141

"Murders in the Morgue, The" 453 Murdock's Law, 56 Murphy, Haughton, 93 Murphy, Pat, 52, 282, 293, 394, 395, 408 Murphy, Shirley Rousseau, 373, 376, 395, 411 Murphy, Warren, 195, 359 Murray, Frances, 226 Murray, Stephen, 75 Murray, William, 90 Music Wars, The, 165 Mussell, Kay, 261, 262 Mutant, 329 Mutation, 443 Mutiny on the Bounty, 197 My Antonia, 15 My Brother John, 63 My Brother Michael, 122 My Enemy the Queen, 224 My Foe Outstretched Beneath the Tree, 108 My Lady Innkeeper, 238 My Lady Notorious, 220, 256 My Lady of Cleves, 11 My Lord John, 223 My Lord Murderer, 238 My Sister the Moon, 5 My Soul to Keep, 427 My Soul to Take, 444 My Theodosia, 227 My Thomas, 14 My Time is Yours, 320 Myers, Edward, 289 Myers, John L., 98 Myers, John Myers, 35, 43, 398 Myers, Tamar, 105 Myers, Walter Dean, 46, 50, 365 Mysteries of Winterthurn, 114 Mysterious Affair at Styles, The, 134 Mysterious Death of Meriwether Lewis, The, 111 Mysterious Island, The, 186

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Mysterious West, The, 103 Mysterium, 285 Mystery (Straub), 447 Mystery (White), 186 Mystery and Suspense Writers: The Literature of Crime, Detection, and Espionage, 146 Mystery Index: Subjects, Settings, and Sleauths of 10,000 Titles, 143 Mystery News, 148 Mystery Review, 148 Mystery Scene Magazine, 148 Mystery! An Illustrated History of Crime and Detective Fiction, 144 Mystic Indian series, 230 Mystical Paths, 245 Myth Conceptions, 368 Myth Directions, 368 M. Y. T. H. Inc. in Action, 369 M. Y. T. H. Inc. Link, 369 M. Y. T. H. series, 368 Mythago Cycle, 377 Mythago Wood, 377 Myth-ing Persons, 369 Myth-Nomers and Im-Perfections, 369 N N Is for Noose, 138 Nabb, Magdalen, 76 Nabob's Widow, 237 Nabokov, Vladimir, 283 Nadya, 52, 395, 408 Nagata, Linda, 272 Naked Came the Manatee, 147 Naked Heart, The, 213 Naked in Death, 255 Naked Sun, The, 319 Name of the Rose, The, 9, 112 Nameless Breed, The, 63 Namjoshi, Suniti, 414 Nance, John J., 174, 179, 183, 197, 199 Nancy Clue and the Case of the Not-So-Nice Nurse, 98 Nanny, The, 438 Nano Flower, The, 321 Nanodreams, 333 Nanotime, 308 Nantucket Diet Murders, The, 106 Napoli, Donna Jo, 366 Narrowing Circle, 108

Natchez, 224 Nate Starbuck series, 15 National Lampoon's Doon, 326 Native Tongue, 131 Native Tongue series, 315 Natural Causes, 443 Nava, Michael, 98 Nazareth Hill, 434, 445 Neason, Rebecca, 401 Nebula Award Stories, 335 Necessity, 130 Necrofile, 456 Necropolis, 447 Needle, 292, 304, 320 Neely, Barbara, 99 Neggers, Carla, 215, 259 Negotiator, The, 178 Neihardt, John G., 61 Nelson, Lee, 57 Neon Noir: Contemporary American Crime Fiction, 141 Neptune Crossing, 272 Nerilka's Story, 297 Nero Wolfe Cookbook, The, 137 Nest of Vipers, 175 Neuromancer, 308, 328 Neutron Star, 272, 330 Never Deal with a Dragon, 403 Never Look Back, 165 Neverness, 312 NeverNever, 379, 399 Neverwhere, 379, 380 Neverÿona: Or, The Tale of Signs and Cities, 324 Nevin, David, 16 Nevins, Francis M. Jr., 147 New Bedside, Bathtub, and Armchair Companion to Agatha Christie, 134 New Black Mask Quarterly, The, 148 New Breed, The, 178 New Day Rising, A, 14 New Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, 337 New Girl Friend and Other Stories, The, 119 New Legends, 333 New Mexico, 55 New York Review of Science Fiction, 340 Newman, Christopher, 81 Newman, Kim, 432, 439 Newman, Sharan, 110, 114, 152, 360

Newton Forster or the Merchant Service, 193 Newton, Michael, 199 Nibelungen, 364 Niccolo Rising, 9 Nicholls, Peter, 334, 337 Nick of Time, 393 Nickajack, 29, 64, 67 Nicolayson, Bruce, 247 Nicole, Christopher, 247 Nielsen, Helen, 93 Nielsen, Torben, 73 Nighbert, David F., 104 Night Child, 119 Night Launch, 170 Night, Norman L., 275 Night of Shadows, 359 Night of the Hawk, 169 Night on Fire, 166 Night Probe, 196 Night Screams: 22 Stories of Terror, 449, 450 Night Shadows, 222 Night Sins, 122 Night Soldiers, 165 Night They Stole Manhattan, The, 179 Night Voices: Strange Stories, 451 Night's Pawn, 403 Nighteyes, 305 Nightland, 52 Nightmare Blue, 320 Nightmare Express, 321 Nightmare Factor, The, 183 Nightpool, 373 Nightrunners of Bengal, 191 Nightside the Long Sun, 299 Night-Side, 452 Nightsword, The, 404

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Nightwalker, The, 442 Nightwing, 184 Nimitz Class, 172 Nine, 181 Nine Coaches Waiting, 260 Nine Princes in Amber, 358 19 Purchase Street, 123 1984, 280, 330, 344 Ninety Feet to the Sun, 189 Niño, 30 Ninth Buddha, The, 187 Niven, Larry, 272, 276, 288, 290, 297, 302, 305, 313, 321, 323, 330, 343, 344, 345, 401 Nix, Garth, 391 Nixon, Joan Lowery, 28 No Dark Place, 116 No Direction Home, 291 No Enemy But Time, 286, 327 No Flowers by Request, 149 No Lesser Plea, 133 No Orchids for Miss Blandish, 123 No Quarter, 390 No Safe Place, 179 Noblest Frailty, The, 239 Nobody's Baby But Mine, 259 Nocenti, Ann, 397 Nocturne for a General, 165 Nolan, William F., 321 Nomads of the North, 185 Nonborn King, The, 287 Non-Stop, 301 Nonsuch, The, 23 Noon, Jeff, 308 Nordhoff, Charles B., 197 Norman trilogy, 226 Normandy Affair, The, 228 Norris, Kathleen, 206 Norstrilia, 278, 324, 331, 344 North American Romance Writers, 261 North and South, 16, 246 North, Edmund H., 183 North to Yesterday, 39, 65 Northern Correspondent, 248 Northshore, 278 Northwest Passage, 34

Norton Book of Ghost Stories, The, 431 Norton Book of Science Fiction, The: North American Science Fiction, 333 Norton, Andre, 297, 342, 360, 361, 371, 373, 394, 398, 401, 405, 413, 414 Noseferatu, 403 Nostradamus Traitor, The, 162 Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less, 125 Not After Nightfall, 436 Not for Glory, 300 Not of War Only, 55 Notorious, The, 234 Nova, 296, 328 Nova Express, 279 Novel Verdicts: A Guide to Courtroom Fiction, 92 November Man, The, 158 November of the Heart, 228 Now Face to Face, 10, 225 Now Wait for Last Year, 283 Now You See Her, 218 Numbered Account, 176 Nye, Jody Lynn, 296, 311, 391, 412, 416 Nye, Nelson, 35, 67 Nylund, Eric S., 380 NYPD Blue (television show), 72 O O'Brian, Patrick, 194, 232 O'Brien, Fitz-James, 425 O'Connell, Carol, 81 O'Donnell, Lillian, 81, 102 O'Donnell, Peter, 167, 188 O'Donohue, Nick, 387 O'Marie, Sister Carol Anne, 94 O'Rourke, Frank, 43 Oak Above the Kings, The, 360 Oakhurst saga, 246 Oakley, Ann, 414 Oates, Joyce Carol, 114, 414, 415, 449, 452, 455 Oath of Fealty, 313 Oath of Gold, 356 Oathbound Wizard, The, 389 Obedient Bride, The, 234 O'Brian's Bride, 222 Obsession, The, 435, 444 Ocean Tribe, 6 Ochoa, George, 339 October Circle, The, 159 October Country, 407, 427

October the First Is Too Late, 287 Odd John, 315 Odessa File, The, 161 Odom, Mel, 403 Odyssey, 349 Of Demons and Darkness, 435 Of the Fall, 305 Off with Her Head, 108 Official Privilege, 82 Offutt, Andrew, 404 Ogilvie, Elisabeth, 226, 247 Oh, Pioneers!, 15 Oh, Those Harper Girls!: Or Young and Dangerous, 50 Oke, Janette, 50, 240 Oklahomans series, 248 Old Colts, The, 45 Old Gods Waken, The, 436 Old Hall, New Hall, 109 Old Sins, 214 Old Tin Sorrows, 409 Olderr, Steven, 143 O'Leary, Patrick, 284, 288, 391 Oleksiw, Susan, 143 Oliver, Chad, 38, 64, 66 Oliver, Marina, 25 Olmec Head, 128 Olsen, Theodore V., 38, 48, 59 Omega, 173 Omni Visions, 333 Omnivore, 275 On a Pale Horse, 379 On Basilisk Station, 298 On Dangerous Ground, 163 On Leaving Charleston, 227 On Stranger Tides, 194 On the Beach, 330 "On the Slab," 433

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On Wings of Magic, 406 On Wings of Song, 313 Once a Hero, 300 Once and Always, 258 Once and Future King, The, 360 Once in a Blue Moon, 260 Once More, 222 Once upon a Castle, 251 Once upon a Crime, 110 Once upon a Time, 236 One Deadly Summer, 119 One for the Money, 152 One for the Morning Glory, 367 One Human Minute, 313 One Hundred Girl's Mother, 48 100 Graphic Novels for Public Libraries, 396 100 Great Detectives, or, The Detective Directory, 145 100 Years of Cowboy Stories, 61 One King's Way, 383 One Million Tomorrows, 291 One More River to Cross, 46 One Night in Newport, 228 One Summer, 259 1,001 Arabian Nights, 365 One Tree, 385 One Two Buckle My Shoe, 121 One-Armed Queen, The, 368 One-Eyed Dream, 33 Onions, Oliver, 431 Only His, 258 Only Mine, 258 Only You, 258 "Open Doors," 451 "Open Window," 425 Operation Pax, 156 Ophiuchi Hotline, The, 314 Oppenheim, E. Phillips, 155 Or All the Seas with Oysters, 328 Oracle, The, 351 Oracle Glass, The, 11 Orbit, 181 Orbital Resonance, 301 Orbitsville, 298 Orca, 389

Orchid, 218 Orcutt, Jane, 240 Orczy, Baroness, 141, 155, 259 Order, Lewis, 179 Order War, The, 356 Ore, Rebecca, 276, 317 Orenstein, Frank, 90 Orgill, Douglas, 183 Original Sin, 107 Orion, 314 Orion Among the Stars, 314 Ormerod, Roger, 74 Orphan Train trilogy, 226, 229 Orphan Train West trilogy, 240 Orum, Poul, 73 Orwell, George, 280, 330, 338, 344 Osborn, David, 102 Osborn, Karen, 16 Osborne, Maggie, 229, 259, 261 Osier, Jeffrey, 339 Ossian's Ride, 279 Oster, Jerry, 78 Other Eden, The, 245 Other End of Time, The, 305 Other People's Marriages, 212 Other Side of the Mirror, The, 400 Other Side of Time, The, 393 Otherworld series, 309 Ouellette, Pierre, 307 Our Father's House, 246 Our Friends from Folix-B, 304 Our Lady of Darkness, 408, 428 Our Man in Camelot, 164 Our Man in Havana, 156, 166 Out of Eden, 48, 66 Out of Nowhere, 217 Out of Phaze, 283, 384 Out of the House of Life, 408 Out of the Mouths of Graves, 451 Out of the Silent Planet, 278 Out of the Woodpile, 98, 99 Out West, 61 Outcasts of Poker Flat, The, 58 Outer Banks, 210 Outerworld, 321 Outland, Orland, 98

Outlander, 252, 257 Outlander series, 231, 257, 393 Outlandish Companion, The: In Which Much Is Revealed . . ., 252 Outlaw Josey Wales, The, 36 Over Sea, Under Stone, 362 Overholser, Stephen, 63 Overholser, Wayne D., 63 Overland Trail, The, 34 Owens, Louis, 52 Owl in Love, 395 Ox-Bow Incident, The, 35 Oxford Book of English Ghost Stories, The, 430 Oxford Book of Modern Fairy Tales, The, 365 Oxford Book of Science Fiction Stories, The, 333 Oxford Book of Twentieth-Century Ghost Stories, The, 430 Oxford Gambit, The, 163 Oxford Tragedy, An, 109 Oxymoron series, 122 P Pacific Edge, 280 Pacific Street, 16 Pacific Vortex, 196 Pagans trilogy, 196 Page, Katherine Hall, 105 Page, Marco, 139 Page, Martin, 128 Page, Thomas, 183 Page Murdock series, 56 Pagel, Stephen, 333, 334, 413 Pagoda Tree, 187 Paige, Laurie, 215 Paige, Robin, 114 Paine, Lauran, 36 Painswick Line, The, 125 Paint It Black, 438 Pairo, Preston, 93 Palace, The, 175, 408, 440 Palace, The: A Historical Horror Novel, 440

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Palace of Desire, 20 Palace of Eternity, The, 298 Palace Walk, 20 Pale Star, 53 Palm Beach, 212 Palmer, Michael, 119, 443 Palmer, Stuart, 102, 140 Palmer, William J., 114 Paloverde, 213, 243 Pamela, 202 Pandora, 439 Pandora by Holly Hollander, 411 Pandora's Clock, 174, 183 Pangborn, Edgar, 282, 330, 344 Panshin, Alexei, 313, 322, 330 Panther in the Sky, 31, 65 Papazoglou, Orania, 102, 107, 110 Pape, Gordon, 165 Paper Grail, The, 283, 381, 382 Paper Money, 130 Parable of the Sower, The, 277, 315 Parable of the Talents, The, 277, 315 Paradise War, The, 363 Paradise, Perfect, 258 Paradox Men, The, 287 Parasite, The, 433 Parasite Person, The, 120 Paretsky, Sara, 70, 85, 102, 141 Pargeter, Edith, 10, 12 Pargeters, The, 225 Paris One, 174 Park, Paul, 305 Park, Ruth, 247 Parker, Barbara, 93 Parker, Robert B., 86, 139 Parker series, 127 Parkinson, C. Northcote, 192, 194 Parks, Mary Anderson, 52 Parks, Ruth, 393 Parrish, Frank, 94 Parting Gifts, 257 Parting Shot, 171 Partner, The, 132 Partners in Crime, 146

Partnership, 311 Pasó por Aquí, 37, 59, 60 Passage, The, 172 Passion of Dellie O'Barr, The, 48 Passion's Promise, 214 Passionate Brood, The, 11 Passionate Enemies, 226 Past Imperative: Round One of the Great Game, 385 Patchwork Girl, The, 321 Path, The: A Novel, 401 Path of Daggers, The, 354 Path of the Eclipse, 408, 440 Path of the Hero King, The, 24 Pathfinder, The, 22 Paths of the Perambulator, The, 386 Patriarch's Hope, 300 Patrick, Denise Lewis, 50 Patriot Games, 169 Patten, Lewis B., 31, 36, 64 Patterns of Chaos series, 293 Patterson, James, 79, 99, 174, 176 Patterson, Richard North, 133, 179 Patterson, Teresa, 416 Paul, Barbara, 81, 122, 179 Paulsen, Gary, 78 Pavane, 284, 313, 330 Pawn in Frankincense, 9 Pawn of Prophecy, 352 Paxson, Diana L., 364, 404, 413 Payback, 159, 172 Peace Chief, The, 30 Peake, Mervyn, 391 Pearl, 220 Pearl at the Heart of the World, The, 408 Pearls, 213 Pearls of Lutra, 375 Pears, Iain, 10, 76, 110, 114, 138 Pearson, Diane, 226 Pearson, Ridley, 82, 165, 183, 443 Peart, Jane, 240 Pebble in the Sky, 279, 286 Pecos River, 57 Pederson, Jay P., 143 Pegasus in Flight, 293 Pegasus in Space, 293 Pelan, John, 450

Pelecanos, George P., 85, 141 Pelham; or, The Adventures of a Gentleman, 233 Pelican Brief, The, 132 Pella, Judith, 240 Pence, Joanne, 106 Pendleton, Don, 89, 195 Pendragon series, 360 Penguin Book of Modern Fantasy by Women, The, 414 Penguin Encyclopedia of Horror and the Supernatural, The, 453 Penman, Sharon Kay, 10, 115 Penn, John, 75 Pentagon, 177 Pentecost, Hugh, 87, 90, 138 Penzler, Otto, 138, 140, 143, 147 Peony, 7 People, The: No Different Flesh, 277, 314 People of the Earth, 4 People of the Fire, 4 People of the Lakes, 4 People of the Lightning, 4 People of the Masks, 4 People of the Mesa, 6 People of the Mist, 4 People of the River, 4 People of the Sea, 4 People of the Silence, 4 People of the Wolf, 4 Perelandra, 278 Pérez-Reverte, Arturo, 94, 110, 115 Perfect, 214 Perfect Crime, A, 116 Perfect Order, 211 Perfect Princess, The, 374 Perfect Soldier, The, 179 Perfect Vacuum, A, 313 Performers series, 247 Perishable Goods, 197 Pern series, 269, 297, 324, 373, 394 Perowne, Barry, 127

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Perrault, Charles, 349 Perret, Patti, 337, 416 Perry, Anne, 74, 115 Perry, Ritchie, 164 Perry, Stephani D., 443 Perry, Thomas, 100, 129 Personal Darkness, 408 Peruvian Contracts, The, 175 Petals in the Wind, 426 Petaybee trilogy, 297 Peters, Elizabeth, 102, 107, 110, 115, 122, 204, 218, 259 Peters, Ellis, 11, 75, 115 Peters, Natasha, 249 Peters, Ralph, 172, 179, 197 Petievich, Gerald, 78, 126 Peyton Place, 208 Pfeiffer, John R., 336 Phantastes: A Faerie Romance for Men and Women, 377 Phantom Eagle, 169 Phantoms, 432 Phantom of the Opera, The, 250 Phantoms and Fantasies, 425 Phaze Doubt, 283, 384 Philbrick, W. R., 107 Phillips, Edward, 93, 98 Phillips, Michael R., 240 Phillips, Mike, 96 Phillips, Susan Elizabeth, 215, 259 Philomel Foundation, The, 167 Phoenix Sub Zero, 170 Phoenix, 389 Physician of London, The, 8 Physician, 10 Pianka, Phyllis Taylor, 263 Piano, The, 7 Pickard, Nancy, 90, 102, 103, 106 "Pickman's Modem," 432 Picture of Dorian Gray, The, 426 Pieczenik, Steve R., 170 Piekarski, Vicki, 60, 61 Pierce, David M., 85 Pierce, Meredith Ann, 372, 408 Pierce, Tamora, 395 Piercing, The, 433

Piercy, Marge, 318 Piers Anthony's Visual Guide to Xanth, 416 Pigs Don't Fly, 375 Pigs in Heaven, 51, 66 Pike, Charles R., 57 Pike, Robert L., 78 Pike's Peak, 66 Pilcher, Rosamunde, 210 Pilgrim, 288 Pilgrimage, 44, 277, 292, 314 Pillar of the Sky, 224 Pillars of the Earth, 9 Pineiro, R. J., 172 Pini, Richard, 397 Pini, Wendy, 397 Pink Vodka Blues, 130 Pioneers, The, 22 Pipes of Orpheus, The, 361 Pirates of the Universe, 303 Pit and the Pendulum, The, 425, 453 Pit Dragons series, 374 Place Called Freedom, A, 13 Plague of Angels, A, 380 Plague of Demons, A, 311 Plague of Sorcerers, A, 411 Plague Tales, The, 8 Plaidy, Jean, 12, 226, 257 Plain, Belva, 210, 214, 226 Plains of Passage, The, 4 Planet Pirates series, 296 Planet Story, 325 Planned Departures, 140 Plantagenet saga, 226 Platt, Kin, 85 Playboy Book of Science Fiction, The, 333 Player Piano, 280 Playing Beatie Bow, 393 Playing Catch-Up, 66 Pleading Guilty, 133 Plutonium Factor, The, 181 Podkayne of Mars, 296, 315 Poe, Edgar Allan, 69, 110, 143, 145, 149, 268, 338, 425, 453, 454 Pohl, Frederik, 272, 280, 288, 293, 302, 305, 307, 311, 313, 318, 330, 342, 343, 344, 414 Point of Honor, 162 Point of Hopes, 392, 411 Point of Impact, 178

Poison, 10 Poisoned Orchard, The, 117 Poland, 22 Poldark series, 241, 245 Polgara the Sorceress, 352 Political Science Fiction, 338 Pollen, 308 Pollock, J. C., 159, 168, 172, 188 Pollotta, Nicholas, 403 Polonaise, 217 Poor Man's Orange, 247 Pope, Dudley, 194 Portable Western Reader, The, 60 Portent, 445 Porter, Anna, 96 Porter, Donald Clayton, 247 Porter, Gene Stratton, 206, 208 Porter, Joyce, 74 Portis, Charles, 36, 48 Portraits, 209 Ports of Call, 298 Portuguese Fragment, The, 188 Possession, 429 Post, J. B., 416 Postman, The, 281, 345 Postman The, (film), 280 Postman Always Rings Twice, The, 125 Poston, Jeffrey, 46 Pot of Gold, 214 Potter, Patricia, 227 Pournelle, Jerry, 276, 297, 300, 305, 313, 343, 414 Powder River, 57 Power, 428 Power Curve, 171 Power Lines, 297 Power of a Woman, The, 212 Power of Pinjarra, The, 18 Power of the Sword, The, 21

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Power Play, 297 Power That Preserves, The, 385 Powers That Be, The, 297 Powers, Tim, 194, 288, 398, 408, 445 Poyer, D. C., 197 Poyer, David, 172 Poyson Garden, The, 112 Pozzessere, Heather Graham, 217, 219, 257 Practical Demonkeeping, 448 Practice to Deceive, 228 Prairie, The, 22 Prantera, Amanda, 441 Pratchett, Terry, 325, 369, 370, 413, 418 Prather, Richard S., 85, 139 Pratt, Fletcher, 352, 397 Praying for Sleep, 117 Prebble, John, 64 Preiss, Byron, 334 Prelude to Space, 301 "Premature Burial," 453 Prentice Alvin, 382 Prentiss, Charlotte, 6 Prescott, John, 64 Presence, The, 444, 457 Present Danger, 177, 181 Present Tense: Round Two of the Great Game, 385 Presenting Young Adult Fantasy Fiction, 417 President's Daughter, 178 President's Lady, 14 Pressfield, Steven, 6 Preston, Douglas, 174 Preston, Richard, 174, 199 Presumed Innocent, 133 Pretend You Don't See Her, 117 Preying for Keeps, 403 Price, Anthony, 164 Price, Eugenia, 17, 20, 227, 247 Price of Blood and Honor, The, 392 Price of the Kings Peace, The, 24 Pride and Prejudice, 201, 256 Pride of Felons, A, 140 Pride of Hannah Wade, The, 222 Primal Fear, 132 Primal Scream, 447

Primary Inversion, 255, 292 Prime Cut, 105 Prime Roll, 124 Prime Witness, 133 Prince in Camelot, A, 359 Prince Lost to Time, The, 9 Prince of Annwn, The, 364 Prince of Chaos, 359 Prince of Demons, 365 Prince of Dogs, 390 Prince of Dreams, 254 Prince of Eden, The, 245 Prince of Foxes, 227 Prince of Magic, 254 Prince of Midnight, 258 Prince of Shadows, 254 Prince of the Blood, 353 Prince of the Night, 253 Prince of the Sidhe, 377 Prince of Wolves, 254 Princess Bride, The, 367 Princess Bride, The (film), 367 Princess in Amber, 12 Princess of Celle, The, 12 Principal Investigation, 443 Pringle, David, 333, 336, 415 Prior Attachment, A, 238 Prior Betrothal, A, 237 Prison of Souls, 399 Prisoner of Blackwood Castle, 410 Prisoner of My Desire, 231 Prisoner of Time, 393 Prisoner of Zenda, The, 23 Private Affairs, 214 Private Eyes, 148 Private Lives of Private Eyes, Spies, Crimefighters, & Other Good Guys, The, 138 Private World of Georgette Heyer, The, 237 Privateers, 295 Prizzi's Family, 123 Prizzi's Glory, 123 Prizzi's Honor, 123 Prizzi's Money, 123 Probe, 304 Proctor, George W., 47 Prodigy, 296 Productions of Time, 286

Programmed Man, The, 174 Project, The, 174 Project Farcry, 292 Prometheus Crisis, The, 183 Promise of Jenny Jones, The, 229, 259 Promises, 212 Pronzini, Bill, 43, 60, 78, 85, 115, 141, 145, 325 Prose Bowl, 325 Prospero series, 392 Proteus Operation, The, 284 Proud Breed, The, 222 Proud Villeins, The, 18, 242 Prouty, Olive Higgens, 208 Providence File, The, 167 Prowell, Sandra West, 86 Pruess, Paul, 183 Prydain chronicles, 362 Psion, 294 Psycho, 427, 445 Psychopath Plague, The, 322 Public Secrets, 260 Pulliam, June Michele, 453 Pullman, Philip, 115, 387, 419 Pulver, Mary Monica, 79, 90 Pumpkin Rollers, 44 Puppet Masters, The, 305 Purdum, Herbert R., 44 "Purloined Letter, The," 453 Purloined Prince, The, 322 Purple Heart Throbs, The, 209 Pushing the Bear, 30 Pussyfoot, 104 Putney, Mary Jo, 238, 259, 261 Puzo, Mario, 125 Pyle, A. M., 81 Pyle, Howard, 367 Pyramids: The Book of Going Forth, 370 Pyrates, The, 189

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Q Quantum Murder, 321 Quarles, Johnny, 34 Quarter series, 394 Queen and Lord M., The, 12 Queen and the Gypsy, The, 223 Queen, Ellery, 95, 138, 139, 140, 142, 150 Queen in Waiting, 12 Queen of Air and Darkness, 360 Queen of Angels, 320 Queen of Demons, 352 Queen of Sorcery, 352 Queen of the Damned, 439 Queen of the May, 230 Queen of the Summer Stars, 361 Queen's Confession, The, 11 Queen's Gift, The, 18 Queen's Husband, The, 12 Queen's Play, 9 Queen's Bastard, The, 12 Queen's Ransom, 8 Quentin, Patrick, 140 Quest for Lost Heroes, 353 Quest for Saint Camber, The, 391 Quest for the White Bull, 53 Questing Hero, The, 351 Quick, Amanda, 227, 259 Quicksand, 286 Quicksilver's Knight, 388 Quiet American, The, 156 Quill, Monica, 95 Quiller, 162 Quiller Memorandum, The, 162 Quiller Meridian, 162 Quinell, A. J., 179 Quinn, Elizabeth, 102 Quintaglio trilogy, 284 Quoth the Crow, 407 R Race of Scorpions, 9 Rachel Lemoyne, 48 Racine, Thomas, 183 Radcliffe, Janette, 249 Radford, Irene, 374

Radiant Seas, 255, 292 Radio Free Albemuth, 312 Radley, Sheila, 75 Raffles of the Albany, 127 Raffles Revisited, 127 Rage, 21 Rage in Chupadera, 55 Rage of a Demon King, 353 Rainbow Six, 154, 170 Raine, William MacLeod, 59 Rainmaker, The, 132 Raise the Titanic, 182, 195 Raising the Stone, 278 Raising the Stones, 306 Rajan, Lynda, 414 Rake, The, 238, 259 Rake and the Reformer, The, 259 Rakehell Dynasty, 248 Raleigh, Michael, 85, 89 Raleigh's Eden, 18 Ramona, 30 Ramos, Manuel, 99 Ramsdell, Kristin, 203, 233, 262 Ramses series, 5 Randall, Marta, 414 Randisi, Robert J., 87 Randolph, Ellen, 238 Rankin, Ian, 75 Ransom, Bill, 317 Ransom of Black Stealth One, 171 Ranvan series, 395 Raphael, 383 Raptor Red, 289 Rascals Heaven, 14 Rasley, Alicia, 261 Ratha and Thistle-Chaser, 375 Ratha's Challenge, 375 Ratha's Creature, 374 Rathbone, Julian, 72 Rats, 182, 437 Rats and Gargoyles, 383 Raucher, Herman, 428 Raven Ring, The, 358 Raven, Simon, 439 Ravin, Neil, 443 Ravished, 259

Rawhide and Lace, 229 Rawhide Men, 60 Rawlings, Ellen, 96 Rawn, Melanie, 356, 387 Ray, Francis, 255 Ray, Robert, 78, 85 Rayner, Claire, 247 Reader's Guide to the Classic British Mystery, A, 143 Readers' Guide to Twentieth-Century Science Fiction, A, 338 Reading the West, 60 Real Killing, A, 175 Real People series, 4, 30 Realms of Fantasy, 417 Reap the Whirlwind, 404 Reaper, 172, 174, 447 Reardon, James, 125 Reaves, J. Michael, 322 Reavis, Cheryl, 215 Rebecca, 140, 219 Rebel, 15 Rebel Bride, 218 Rebels, The, 19, 246 Rebirth, 332 Receveur, Betty Layman, 14 Reclamation, 290 Recluse series, 355 Recoil, 196 Red Army, 172 Red Barbarian, 244 Red Branch, 363 Red Dove, The, 158 Red Dragon, 446 Red Fox, The, 158 Red Gold, 165 Red Horseman, The, 177 Red Mars, 272, 330 Red Moon and Black Mountain, 362 Red Mutiny, 192 Red Pewter Gods, 409 Red Phoenix, 169

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Red Prophet, 382 Red River, 57 Red River of the North series, 14, 55, 240 Red Sabbath, 64 Red Scream, 119 Red Sky at Morning, 51 Red Sky at Night, 224 Red Storm Rising, 169 Red Sun of Darkover, 400 Red Tent, The, 4 Red Unicorn, The, 372 Red Wyvern, The, 354 Redcoat, 13 Redemption Trail, 34 Redline the Stars, 297 Redman, J. M., 98 Redwall, 375 Redwall series, 375 Reed, Kit, 414 Reefs of Earth, The, 329 Reeman, Douglas, 191, 194 Rees, Dilwyn, 109 Reese, John, 34, 44 Reeves, John, 72 Reeves, Robert, 95 Reeves-Stevens, Garfield, 305, 446 Reference Guide to Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror, 415 Reflections in the Nile, 252 Regency Buck, 237 Regency Charade, A, 238 Regency Match, A, 238 Regency Sting, 238 Regiment quartet, 248 Reginald, R., 336, 341 Reginald's Science Fiction and Fantasy Awards, 341 Reich, Christopher, 176 Reichert, Mickey Zucker, 356, 365, 387, 405 Reichs, Kathy, 92, 121 Reilly, Helen, 81 Reilly, Shauna, 44 Reimann, Katya, 356 Reindeer Hunters, 7 Reindeer Moon, 7 Rejar, 255

Reluctant Cavalier, The, 236 Remains to Be Seen, 166 Remarkable Case of Dorothy L. Sayers, The, 137 Remembering Babylon, 7 Remembrance, 212 Remington, Frederic, 61 Rendell, Ruth, 75, 119, 142 Rendezvous-South Atlantic, 191 Rendezvous with Rama, 272, 277, 301, 327, 343, 344 Renegades of Pern, The, 297 Renewable Virgin, The, 122 Rennert, Maggie, 80, 109 Renshai Chronicle, 365 Renshai trilogy, 365 Renunciates of Darkover, 400 Replay, 291, 396 Reputation Dies, A, 237 Requiem, 407 Requiem for a Glass Heart, 124 Requiem for a Spy, 165 Reservation Blues, 50, 67 Resident Evil (computer game), 443 Resident Evil series, 443 Resistance, The, 388 Resnick, Laura, 251 Resnick, Mike, 142, 380 Resnicow, Herbert, 87 Rest of the Robots, The, 271 Restaurant at the End of the Universe, The, 325 Restoree, 329 Resurrection Man, 293 Return of Little Big Man, The, 42 Return of Moriarity, The, 135 Return of She, The, 185 Return of the Gypsy, The, 243 Return of the King, The, 357 Return of the Spanish, 53 Return to Cheyne Spa, 239 Return to Eden, 284 Return to Rocheworld, 301 Return to the River, 53 Revelations, 451 Revenge of Dracula, The, 440 Revenge of June Daley, 46 Revenge of the Fluffy Bunnies, 369 Revenge of the Manitou, 428

Reversible Error, 133 Reward series, 236 Reynolds, Barbara, 137 Reynolds, Clay, 34 Reynolds, Mack, 280 Reynolds, William J., 86 Rhialto the Marvelous, 357 Rhiannon, 222 Rhinegold, 364 Rhode, John, 107 Rhodes Reader, The: Stories of Virgins, Villains and Varmints, 59 Rhodes, Eugene Manlove, 37, 59 Rhodes, Russell L., 176 Rice, Anne, 437, 439 Rice, Craig, 140 Rich and the Mighty, The, 209 Rich Are Different, The, 245 Rich Are with You Always, The, 246 Rich, Virginia, 106 Richard Sharpe series, 8 Richards, Emilie, 215, 261 Richardson, Henry, 202 Richardson, Robert, 108 Richman, Phyllis, 106 Richter, Conrad, 17, 26, 32, 40, 48 Riddle of the Alabaster Royal, The, 239 Riddle of the Lost Lover, The, 239 Riddle of the Sands, The, 154 Riddle-Master of Hed, The, 355 Riddley Walker, 281 Ride a Pale Horse, 167 Ride the Moon Down, 32, 33 Ride the Wind: The Story of Cynthia Ann Parker and the Last Days of the Comanches, 32, 65 Ride with Me, Mariah Montana, 51, 54, 244 Rider in the Wind, 191 Riders of the Purple Sage, 47 Riders of the Sidhe, 363

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Riders of the Silver Rim, 35, 55 Riders of the Winds, 385 Riders to Cibola, 63 Ridin' Kid from Powder River, The, 59 ''Riding the Black," 451 Riding the Snake, 195 Riefe, Barbara, 31, 32, 34 Rifkin, Shepard, 81 Rifle, The, 186 Riftwar series, 353 Riggs, John R., 96 Riggs, Paula Detmer, 261 Righteous Revenge of Artemis Bonner, The, 46, 50 Rightfully Mine, 214 Riley, Dick, 134 Riley, Judith Merkle, 11 Rim: A Novel of Virtual Reality, 308 Rimrunners, 299 Rinehart, Mary Roberts, 91, 140 Ring, The, 212 Ring Around the Sun, 284 Ring of Swords, 302 Ringed Castle, The, 9 Ringworld, 305, 330, 343, 344 Ringworld Engineers, 305 Ripley, Alexandra, 227 Ripley under Ground, 129 Ripley's Game, 129 Rise of a Merchant Prince, 353 Rise of Endymion, The, 276, 278, 298, 331, 345 Rising Phoenix, 179 Ritchie, Simon, 83 Rite of Passage, 313, 330 Ritz, David, 104 Rival, The, 388 Riven Realm, The, 24 River God, The, 6 River of Swans, 53 Rivers, Francine, 240 Rivers to Cross, 60 Rivers West series, 57 Riverworld series, 274, 398 Road from Betrayal, 56 Road Home, The, 357

Road to Ehvenor, The, 357 Road to Science Fiction, 333 Roadside Picnic, 331 Roanoke Hundred, 18 Roar of Thunder, The, 21 Roark, Garland, 64 Rob Roy, 23 Rob Roy (film), 231 Robards, Karen, 122, 215, 259 Robb, Candace, 115 Robb, J. D., 81, 219, 255, 322 Roberson, Jennifer, 232, 356, 361, 387, 395, 401 Robert Bloch's Psychos, 449 Robert Ludlum: A Critical Companion, 198 Robert Ludlum Companion, The, 198 Roberts, Ann Victoria, 227 Roberts, Gillian, 102 Roberts, Janet Louise, 249 Roberts, Keith, 284, 293, 313, 330 Roberts, Les, 85, 88 Roberts, Nora, 122, 215, 251, 255, 260, 261 Robertson, E. A., 188 Robeson, Kenneth, 195 Robespierre Serial, The, 163 Robin and the King, 361 Robin Hood of El Dorado, The, 45 Robinson, Frank M., 183 Robinson, Jeanne, 306 Robinson, Kevin, 96 Robinson, Kim Stanley, 272, 276, 280, 330, 334, 345 Robinson, Logan, 183 Robinson, Lynda S., 115 Robinson, Margaret A., 227 Robinson, Patrick, 172 Robinson, Peter, 76 Robinson, Robert, 109 Robinson, Spider, 306, 313, 325 Robot Adept, 283, 384 Robots and Empire, 319 Robots of Dawn, The, 319 Robson, Lucia St. Clair, 14, 32, 65 Rocheworld, 301 Rock of Ages, 299, 322 Rockhand Lizzie, 50 Rod Gallowglass series, 388 Roderick, 311

Roderick at Random, 275, 311 Roderus, Frank, 63 Roessner, Michaela, 282, 384 Rofheart, Martha, 6, 227, 247 Rogers, Mark E., 370 Rogers, Rosemary, 249 Rogow, Roberta, 337 Rogue Male, 156, 196 Rogue Moon, 274, 327 Rogue Queen, 304, 312 Rogue Ship, 302 Rogue Warrior series, 188 Rogue Wizard series, 388 Rohan, Michael Scott, 384, 387 Rohmer, Sax, 150 Role of Honor, 162 Rolling Thunder, 169 Roman Hasford, 33 Roman, The, 7, 33, 65 Romance Fiction: A Guide to the Genre, 204, 233, 262 Romance Writers' Phrase Book, The, 263 Romance Writer's Sourcebook: Where to Sell Your Manuscript, 263 Romantic Hearts: A Personal Reference for Romance Readers, 215, 261 Romantic Times, 263 Rook Shoot, 166 Room for the Dead, A, 429 Roosevelt, Elliott, 102 Roripaugh, Robert, 65 Rose, 116 Rose Daughter, The, 366 Rose in Winter, A, 260 Rose of Tibet, The, 186 Rose White, Rose Red, 239 Rosehaven, 222 Roselynde, 222 Roselynde chronicles, 231, 244 Rosemary's Baby, 434, 435 Rosen, Richard, 86

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Rosenbaum, Ray, 191 Rosenberg, Betty, 27, 202, 204, 269 Rosenberg, Joel, 300, 356, 387, 406, 411 Rosenberg, Nancy Taylor, 133 Rosenberg, Robert, 76 Rosenstock, Janet, 54, 243 Roses Are Dead, 124 Ross, Angus, 164 Ross, Ann B., 44 Ross, Clarissa, 434 Ross, Dana Fuller, 21, 54, 248 Ross Forgery, The, 126 Ross, Jonathan, 76 Ross, Kate, 95, 115 Ross, Marilyn, 249 Ross, Philip, 86 Ross, Robert, 197 Rosten, Leo, 87 Roth, Martin, 148 Rothschild, D. Aviva, 396 Rouché, Berton, 441 Roudybush, Alexandra, 106, 126 Rough Justice, 196 Rough Wooing, 24 Roughing It, 59 Rounders, The, 43 Roundup, The, 62 Roverandom, 376 Rowan, The, 293 Rowland, Laura Joh, 100, 115 Rowlands family, 247 Rowley, Christopher, 374 Rowling, J. K. 350, 357, 422 Royal Assassin, 354 Royal Dynasty series, 244 Royal Flush, 224 Royce, Kenneth, 127, 164 Royde-Smith, Naomi, 233 Rozan, S. J., 87, 100 Rub-A-Dub-Dub, 129 Rubens, Howard, 183 Ruby, 220 Ruby in the Smoke, The, 115 Ruby Knight, The, 352

Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears, 368 Rucker, Rudy, 284, 308, 398 Ruell, Patrick, 76 Ruins of Ambrai, The, 356 Rules of Evidence, 132 Run Silent, Run Deep, 189 Runaway Jury, The, 132 Runelords, The, 353 Runespear, 364 Running Blind, 160 Running Vixen, The, 221 Running with the Demon, 407, 444 Ruryk, Jean, 91 Rusalka, 364 Rusalka sequence, 364 Rusch, Kristine Kathryn, 333, 387 Rusden Legacy, The, 238 Russ, Joanna, 274, 293, 316, 318, 330, 338, 414 Russell, Charles, 164 Russell, Mary Doria, 278 Russell, Ray, 449 Russell, Sean, 357 Russian, The, 57 Russka, 22 Rustle in the Grass, The, 375 Ruthless Yeoman, The, 18, 242 Ryan, Alan, 453 Ryan, Nan, 250 S Sabatini, Rafael, 185, 194, 227 Sabella; or, The Blood Stone, 439 Saberhagen, Fred, 288, 306, 311, 360, 362, 440 Sabriel, 391 Sacajawea, 31 Sackett Companion, The: The Facts Behind the Fiction, 54 Sackett family series, 54 Sacred Ground, 411 Sacred Hills, The, 53 Sacred Stones, 6 Sacred Visions, 334 Sacrifice, The, 387 Saddle a Whirlwind, 41 Sadler, Mark, 85 Saga of Billy the Kid, The, 45 Saga of Pliocene Exile, 287 Saga of the Sierras, 55

Saga of the Southwest series, 54 Sagan, Carl, 272 Sagara, Michelle, 405 Saha, Arthur W., 414 Sail on, Sail On, 283 Saint Camber, 391 Saint Leibowitz and the Wild Horse Woman, 278 Saint-Germain Chronicles, The, 408 Saint-Germain series, 408 Saints, 47 Saki, 425 Salamandastron, 375 Salaryman's Wife, The, 100 Sale, Medora, 73 Sale of Lot 236, The, 128 Salem's Lot, 439 Salinger, Pierre, 179 Salisbury, Ralph, 52 Sallis, James, 141 Sally Hemmings, 13 Salmonson, J. A., 413 Salvatore, R. A., 357, 406, 418 Sam Bass, 65 Sam Chance, 63 Samaria series, 396 Samuel, Barbara, 261 Samurai Cat Goes to Hell, 370 Samurai Cat Goes to the Movies, 370 Samurai Cat in the Real World, 370 Samurai Cat series, 370 San Andreas, 190 San Antone, 47 Sanctuary, 37 Sanders, Glenda, 215 Sanders, Joe, 338 Sanders, Lawrence, 81, 138, 176 Sanders, Leonard, 38 Sandford, John, 80, 121, 138 Sandler Inquiry, The, 158 Sandman, 321

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Sandman series, 397 Sandoe, James, 136 Sandstrom, Eve K., 97 Sangster, Jimmy, 85 Sanguinet's Crown, 239 Santa Fe Run, 38 Sapir, Richard, 195 Sapp, Gregg, 25 Sapphire, 220 Sapphire Rose, The, 352 Sarabande, William, 6 Saracen Blade, The, 229 Sarah's Child, 258 Saramago, José, 11 Sargasso of Space, 297 Sargent, Carl, 403 Sargent, Pamela, 316, 384, 414 Sarsen Place, 217 Sarti, Ron, 388 Sarum, 22 Sassafras, 43 Sassinak, 296 Satan Whispers, 434 Satanist, The, 436 Satanta's Woman, 32 Satterthwait, Walter, 115 Saul, John, 428, 430, 444, 457 Saunders, Amye Liz, 251 Savage Brood, The, 247 Savage Destiny series, 53, 230 Savage, Felicity, 388 Savage Heat, 230 Savage Wilderness, 13 Savage Wonder, 230 Savages, 213 Savannah, 20, 247 Savannah Purchase, 217 Savannah quartet, 20 Savarin, Julian Jay, 164 Saving Grace, 230, 257 Saving the Queen, 157 Sawyer, Corinne Holt, 91 Sawyer, Robert J., 284, 298, 311 Saxton, Josephine, 414

Sayers, Dorothy L., 69, 95, 97, 109, 136, 137, 140, 141, 145, 146, 150 Saylor, Steven, 115 Scales of Gold, 9 Scales of Justice, 410 Scalpel and the Sword, The, 227 Scandal, 259 Scandalous Risks, 245 Scaramouche, 23, 227 Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann, 297, 366, 381, 396, 413 Scare Care, 450 Scarlet City: A Novel of 16th Century Italy, 10 Scarlet Pimpernel, The, 23, 155, 259 Scarlet Thread, The, 240 Scarlett: The Sequel to Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind, 227 Schaefer, Frank, 365 Schaefer, Jack, 37, 39, 44, 59, 61 Schaub, Mary H., 406 Schellinger, Paul E., 336 Schlesier, Karl H., 31 Schmismatrix, 298 Schmitz, James H., 293, 315, 344 Scholefield, Alan, 119 School of Darkness, The, 436 Schorr, Mark, 87 Schow, David J., 451, 446 Schreffler, Philip A., 432 Schroeder's Game, 175 Schutz, Benjamin B., 85 Science Fantasy, 323 Science Fiction After 1900: From Steam Man to the Stars, 337, 338 Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature: A Checklist, 336 Science Fiction and Fantasy Reference Index, 415 Science Fiction and Fantasy Reference Index, 417 Science Fiction Before 1900: Imagination Discovers Technology, 337 Science Fiction Chronicle, 340 Science Fiction Encyclopedia, 335 Science Fiction Fandom, 338 Science Fiction in the Real World, 338 Science Fiction Writers: Critical Studies of the Major Authors from Early Nineteenth Century to Present Day, 338 Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror, 332 Science Fiction: The 100 Best Novels, 336 Science Fiction: The Illustrated Encyclopedia, 268, 336 Sci-Fi Private Eye, 142, 319 Scimitar, 401 Scions of Shannara, The, 350 Scold's Bridal, The, 120

Scoop, The, 149 Scoppettone, Sandra, 87, 98 Scorpio Illusion, The, 167 Scorpion in the Sea, 170 Scorpion Strike, 174, 183 Scortia, Thomas N., 183 Scotland the Brave, 401 Scotswoman, The, 18 Scott, Allan, 384 Scott, Douglas, 188 Scott, Jack S., 76 Scott, Leonard B., 191 Scott, Melissa, 309, 318, 339, 392, 411 Scott, Michael William, 248 Scott, Theresa, 230 Scout, The, 55 Scream of Eagles, 54 Scruples, 213 Scruples II, 213 Sculptress, The, 120 Sea Fever, 197 Sea Fighter, 170 Sea Hawk, The, 185 Sea of Grass, The, 40 Sea Strike, 170 Sea Venture, The, 14 Sea Witch, 223 Sea Without a Shore, 357 Sea Wolf, The, 185 Seafort saga, 300 Seaman, Donald, 164 Search the Sky, 318 Searching for Dragons, 367 Searing, The, 433

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Season for War, 46 Season of Angels, A, 254 Season of Mists, A, 228 Season of Swans, A, 222 Season of Yellow Leaf, 32 Seasons of the Heart, 209 Seasons of the Heart series, 240 2nd Culprit, 140 Second Lady Emily, The, 237 Secret, 257 Secret Adversary, The, 134 Secret Agent, The, 154 Secret Books of Paradys series, 408 Secret Diary of Anne Boleyn, The, 12 Secret Generations, The, 162 Secret Prey, 138 Secret Servant, The, 163 Secret Song, 222 Secret Vanguard, The, 156 Secrets, 212, 214, 240 Secrets of the Witch World, 406 Sector General Series, 273 Secular Wizard, The, 389 Sedley, Kate, 115 See Jane Run, 118 See No Evil, 235 See You Later, Alligator, 157 Seeding, The, 444 Seeds of Yesterday, 426 Seeing a Large Cat, 218 Seeker's Mask, 390 Seekers, The, 19, 246 Seeress of Kell, The, 352 Segal, Erich, 208 Segriff, Larry, 298 Seidel, Kathleen Gilles, 215, 260, 261 Seizing of the Yankee Green Mall, The, 183 Sela, Owen, 164, 165, 188 Selwyn, Francis, 74, 115 Send No More Roses, 174 Sending, The, 434 Sending of Dragons, A, 374 Seneca Falls Inheritance, 114 Sénécal, Jean-Michel, 73, 134

Separate Beds, 260 September, 210 Sequoia Scout, 55 Serafin, David, 77 Serling, Carol, 333 Serpent Garden, The, 11 Serpent Mage, 358 Serpentwar saga, 353 Serrated Edge, 402 Set a Thief, 128 Set for Life, 51, 66 Seth Strummer series, 56 Seton, Anya, 14, 21, 227, 260 Settlers, The, 19 Seven Gothic Tales, 452 Seven North, 443 Seven-Per-Cent Solution, The, 136 Seventh Gate, 358 Seventh Sacrament, The, 108 Seventh Scroll, The, 6 Seventh Son, 382 Seventh Winter, The, 39 Seville Communion, The, 94 Seymour, Gerald, 179, 197 Shaara, Michael, 17 Shade of the Tree, 426 Shades of Gray, 253 Shadow and the Star, The, 258 Shadow Catcher, The, 65 Shadow Climber, 387 Shadow Eater, The, 355 Shadow Flight, 172 Shadow Games, 351 Shadow in the North, A, 115 Shadow Magic, 358 Shadow Man, 318 Shadow of a Dark Queen, 353 Shadow of the Lariat, 61 Shadow of the Torturer, The, 324, 392 Shadow of the Watching Star, 6 "Shadow on the Doorstep, The," 433 Shadow over Innsmouth, The, 425 Shadow Play, 403 Shadow Rising, The, 354 Shadow Spy, The, 163 Shadow's Realm, 387

Shadowboxer, 403 Shadowland, 436 Shadowrun, 403 Shadowrun (game), 403 Shadows, 428, 449 Shadows Linger, 351 Shadows of Doom, 355 Shadows of Doubt, 162 Shadows of Sanctuary, 404 Shadows of Steel, 169 Shadows on the Aegean, 252 Shadows over Lyra, 358 "Shaft Number 247," 432 Shakespeare's Planet, 302 Shall We Tell the President?, 176 Shaman, The, 16 Shame of Man, 382 Shane, 37, 44, 59 Shane (film), 59 Shankman, Sarah, 102, 108 Shanna, 228, 260 Shannara series, 350 Shannon, Dell, 78, 102, 138, 227 Shannon, Doris, 227 Shape-Changer's Wife, The, 357 Shards of a Broken Crown, 353 Shards of Honor, 255, 295 Sharp, Marilyn, 179 Sharpe, Jon, 57 Sharpe's Battle, 192 Sharpe's Company, 192 Sharpe's Devil, 192 Sharpe's Eagle, 192 Sharpe's Enemy, 192 Sharpe's Gold, 192 Sharpe's Honor, 192 Sharpe's Regiment, 192 Sharpe's Revenge, 192 Sharpe's Rifles, 192 Sharpe's Siege, 192

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Sharpe's Sword, 192 Sharpe's Tiger, 192 Sharpe's Waterloo, 192 Sharpest Sight, 52 Sharpness on the Neck, A, 440 Shatner, William, 322 Shattered Bone, 172 Shattered Eye, 158 Shattered Oath, The, 377 Shattered Rose, The, 230 Shaw, Bob, 284, 291, 298 Shaw, Patricia, 8 Shaw, Simon, 94 Shayne, Maggie, 251, 254 She, 185, 289, 390 She and Allen, 390 She series, 187, 188, 390 She Who Remembers, 6, 26 She Won the West, 60 Shea, Michael, 432 Sheckley, Robert, 274, 284, 371 Sheep Look Up, The, 274, 276, 281 Sheepfarmer's Daughter, 356 Sheffield, Charles, 272, 282, 302 Sheik, The, 209 Shelby, Philip, 159, 179 Sheldon, Alice, 341 Sheldon, Sidney, 130, 138, 214, 365 Shell Seekers, 210 Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 268, 310, 311, 338, 424, 437 Shelton, Candace, 263 Shepard, Lucius, 413 Shepherd, Mark, 399, 402, 413 Sheppard, Simon, 413 Sherbrooke Bride, The, 218, 256 Sheridan, Carol J., 250, 261, 412, 415 Sherlock Holmes Through Time and Space, 319 Sherman, Delia, 379, 399, 413 Sherman, Jory, 33, 54, 57, 65 Sherman, Josepha, 377, 399, 400 Sherman, Nick, 428 Sherwood Game, The, 309 Sherwood, John, 90, 102 Shetterly, Will, 379, 381, 399

Shibuk, Charles, 147 Shibumi, 197 Shield of Three Lions, 231 Shiloh Legacy, 241 Shining, 435 Shining Ones, The, 352 Shinn, Sharon, 357, 396 Ship Avenged, The, 311 Ship Must Die, A, 191 Ship of Dreams, 432 Ship of Magic, 354 Ship of the Line, 193 Ship Who Sang, The, 311, 329 Ship Who Searched, The, 311 Ship Who Won, The, 311 Shippey, T. A., 333, 338, 417 Ships of Earth, The, 296 Ships of Merior, The, 358 Shirley, John, 446 Shirreffs, Gordon D., 35, 57 Shobin, David, 444 Shockwave Rider, 279, 307 Shogun, 7 Shooting Star, 55 Shootist, The, 37, 63 Shore of Women, The, 316 Short Cut to Red River, 63 Short Victorious War, The, 298 Short, Luke, 38, 59, 61 Shortgrass Song, 40, 41 Shotgun Marshal, 35 Show Me a Hero, 176 Show of Evil, 132 Shrake, Edwin, 43 Shrinking Man, The, 329 Shuler, Linda Lay, 6, 26 Shuman, M. K., 86, 96 Shute, Nevil, 8, 330 Shuttered Room, The, 425, 432 Shwartz, Susan, 361 Sicilian, The, 125 Siciliano, Sam, 136 Sick Puppy, 131 Siddons, Anne Rivers, 210 Sidhe series, 363 Siegel, Jeff, 144

Sierra, 65 Sierra: A Novel of the California Gold Rush, 34 Sigmet Active, 183 Sign of Chaos, 359 Sign of Four, The, 135 Sign of the Dove, 373 Sign of the Mute Medusa, The, 322 Sign of the Unicorn, 358 Sign on for Tokyo, 175 Silence of the Lambs, 446, 455 Silent Doomsday, 172 Silent Sea, 190 Silent Son, 133 Silent Suitor, The, 236 Silent Witness, 133 Silk and Shadows, 259 Silver Branch, The, 23, 360 Silver Call duology, 355 Silver Chalice, The, 221 Silver Crown, The, 356, 406 Silver Eggheads, The, 311 Silver Glove, 378 Silver Hand, 363 Silver Kiss, The, 254, 407 Silver Mountain, 64 Silver on the Tree, 362 Silver Skull, The, 438 Silver Spike, The, 351 Silver Stone, The, 387 Silver Touch, The, 225 Silver Tower, 169 Silver Wedding, 210 Silverberg, Robert, 276, 288, 291, 293, 306, 311, 324, 330, 334, 343, 362, 413, 414 Silverlock, 398 Silverstein, Janna, 414 Silverthorn, 353 Simak, Clifford D., 273, 278, 284, 291, 293, 298, 302, 311, 314, 331, 342, 343, 414, 449

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Simenon, Georges, 140 Simmel, Johannes Mario, 106 Simmons, Dan, 276, 278, 298, 331, 345, 394, 395, 440, 442, 455 Simon, Roger L., 85 Simonson, Sheila, 238 Simple Jess, 259 Simple Truth, The, 132, 138 Simpson, Dorothy, 76 Sineater, 446 Sin-Eater and Other Scientific Impossibilities, The, 431 Sing the Four Quarters, 390 Singer, Shelley, 85 Singing Guns, 58 Singular Spy, A, 167 Sinkiang Executive, The, 162 Sins of Summer, 229 Sins of the Fathers, 245 Siodmak, Curt, 442 Sion Crossing, 164 Sipstrassi series, 353, 359 Sir Harold and the Gnome King, 352 Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers, 450 Sirens of Titan, The, 278, 331 Sister Beneath the Sheet, 113 Sister Light, Sister Dark, 368 Sisters in Crime, 142 Sisters of the Night, 450 Sites, Elizabeth, 216 Six Days in November, 184 Six Moon Dance, 318 Six Problems of Don Isidro Parodi, 83 Six Sisters series, 235 Sixth Sense (film), 423 Sixth Winter, The, 183 Sjöwall, Maj, 77 Skedgell, Marian, 79 Skelton, C. L., 248 Skin Tight, 131 Skinner, B. F., 280 Skinwalkers, 64 Skipp, John, 446 Skirmish, 161 Skorpion's Death, 177 Skull Beneath the Skin, The, 83

Skvoreck, Josef, 73 Skylark of Space, 294 Skyscraper, 181 Slade, Michael, 428, 446, 447 Sladek, John, 275, 311, 325 Slan, 294, 315 Slant, 320 Slater, Ian, 184 Slater, Philip, 428 Slattery, Jesse, 184, 444 Slaughter, 42, 65 Slaughterhouse Five, 331 Slaves of the Volcano God, 369 "Sleeping Beauty," 367 Sleeping Dragon, The, 356, 406 Sleeping Tiger, 210 Sleuths and Consequences, 140 Slipper, The, 214 Slocum series, 56 Slonczewski, Joan, 273, 318 Slovo, Gillian, 102 Slow Motion Riot, 117 Slow River, 304, 318 Slowly, Slowly in the Wind, 118 Slung, Michele B., 142, 450 Small Gods, 370 Small, Bertrice, 249 Smear Job, 163 Smedman, Lisa, 404 Smile of the Stranger, The, 217, 234 Smiley, Jane, 11, 49, 65 Smiley's People, 156 Smiling Country, The, 39, 49 Smith, C. W., 31 Smith, Charles, 95 Smith, Cordwainer, 278, 324, 331, 344 Smith, D. W., 74 Smith, David Alexander, 334 Smith, Edward E., 294 Smith, Evelyn, 129 Smith, George, 248 Smith, J. C. S., 87 Smith, Joan, 95, 102, 238 Smith, Julie, 79, 93, 102 Smith, Martin Cruz, 77, 116, 184 Smith, Myron J., Jr., 198

Smith, Nyx, 404 Smith, Wayne, 441 Smith, Wilbur, 6, 8, 187, 194, 248 Smith-Levin, Judith, 99 Smoke Ring, The, 305 Smoky Hill, The, 57 Snake Oil Wars, The, 313 Snake River, The, 57 Snake, the Crocodile & the Dog, The, 218 Snark, 157 Snelling, Lauraine, 14, 55, 240 Snodgrass, Melinda, 364 Snoe, Eboni, 255 Snow Crash, 308, 309, 331 Snow in April, 210 Snow Queen, The, 319, 344 Snow White and Rose Red, 367 Snow White, Blood Red, 368 Snowblind Moon, The, 48, 53, 65 Snowbound, 184 Snows of Darkover, 400 Snowstorms in a Hot Climate, 124 Snyder, Midori, 52, 378, 384, 400 So Far from Heaven, 51 So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish, 325 So Many Partings, 248 Sobczak, A. J., 417 Softwar, 157 Solar Pons Omnibus, The, 135 Solar Queen series, 297 Solaris, 305 Soldier Ask Not, 328 Soldier Boy, 37, 50 Soldier of the Mist, 362 Solo, 171 Solo Run, 165 Solomita, Stephen, 87, 89 Some Brief Folly, 239 Some Like Them Dead, 140

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Some of Your Blood, 440 Somebody Else's Child, 99 Someone in the House, 122 Someone Is Killing the Great Chefs of America, 105 Someone Is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe, 105, 131 Someplace Strange, 397 Someplace to Be Flying, 364, 381 Something Rich and Strange, 377, 400 Something Wicked This Way Comes, 407, 427 Something Wonderful, 258 Somewhere in Time, 252, 393 Somewhere They Die, 63 Somtow, S. P., 285 Son of Holmes, 165 Son of Light, The, 5 Son of Rosemary, 434 Son of Summer Stars, The, 372 Son of the Endless Night, 434 Son of the Morning, 252, 258 Son of the Spellsinger, 386 Song for Summer, A, 224 Song in the Silence, 373 Song of Albion series, 363 Song of Rhiannon, The, 364 Song of the River, 5 Song of the Rock, 53 Song of Time, 402 Song Twice Over, A, 224 Song of Earth and Power, 385 Sonnichsen, C. L., 61 Soon She Must Die, 117 Soos, Troy, 104 Soprano Sorceress, The, 387 Sorcerer and a Gentleman, A, 392 Sorceress of Darshiva, 352 Sorcery and Cecelia, 251 Sorcery Hill trilogy, 378 Soul of the City, 405 Sound of Midnight, The, 427 Source, The, 22 Source of Magic, The, 368 South, 244 South by Java Head, 190 South of the Border, 45

South Platte, The, 57 Southern Woman, A, 16, 222 Southren, Victor H., 194 Southshore, 278 Sova, Dawn B., 135 Space for Hire, 321 Space Merchants, The, 280, 313, 330 Spanish Bit Saga, 29, 53 Spanish Bride, The, 23, 193 Spanish Gambit, The, 163 Spanish Lover, A, 211 Spark, Muriel, 414 Sparrow, 278 Sparrow Falls, A, 21 Spawn of the Winds, 432 Speaker for the Dead, 303, 345 Speaking of Murder, 144 Spear, The, 427 Spearman, Frank, 41 Spector, Caroline, 404 Spector, Craig, 446, 451 Spectre Is Haunting Texas, A, 329 Speigelman, Art, 397 Spell for Chameleon, A, 368 Spell of Empire, The: The Horns of Tartarus, 384 Spellman, Cathy Cash, 248, 435 Spellsinger, 386 Spellsinger series, 386 Spellsong Cycle, 387 Spellsong War, The, 387 Spencer, LaVyrle, 215, 228, 229, 260 Spencer, Ross H., 85 "Sphinx," 453 Spider for Loco Shoat, A, 36 Spider Glass, The, 408 Spider Play, 321 Spider Underground, 127 Spike, The, 177 Spillane, Mickey, 87, 139 Spinner's Wharf, 223 Spinrad, Norman, 275, 291, 324, 331, 338, 339 Spirit Horses, The, 63 Spirit Ring, The, 350 Spirit Trail, 34 Spiritride, 402 Spirits Walking Woman, 3

Split Heirs, 370 Split Images, 124 Split Infinity, 384 Spoils of War, The, 304 Spooker, 196 Spooks, Spies and Private Eyes: Black Mystery, Drime, and Suspense Fiction of the 20th Century, 99 Sporting Chance, 297 Sporting Party, 300 Spotted Hemlock, 109 Spring Came on Forever, 49 Spring of the Ram, The, 9 Springer, Nancy, 360, 366, 379, 380, 395, 422 Sprinkle, Patricia, 90 Spruill, Steven G., 322, 444 Spy at Twilight, The, 161 Spy Fiction, 198 Spy Hook, 160 Spy Is Dead, The, 164 Spy Line, 160 Spy Sinker, 160 Spy Story, 160 Spy Wednesday, 158 Spy Who Came in from the Cold, The, 156 Spy's Wife, The, 163 Spyder Web, 171 St. Agnes' Stand, 36, 64 St. Helen's trilogy, 218 St. James Guide to Crime & Mystery Writers, 143 St. James Guide to Fantasy Writers, 415 Stabenow, Dana, 84, 100, 102 Stableford, Brian, 291, 302, 307, 322, 336, 337, 441 Stacey, Susannah, 76 Stacey's Flyer, 220 Stackpole, Michael A., 323 Stafford trilogy, 187 "Stage to Lordsburg," 37, 60 Stained Glass, 157 Stainless Steel Rat series, 325 Stamping Ground, 56

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Stanbroke Girls, The, 237 Stand on Zanzibar, 274, 276, 312, 327, 343 Standard, Patti, 215, 216 Standiford, Lee, 147 Standing Wave, 279 Stands a Calder Man, 243 Stanley, William, 191 Stanwick, Michael, 309 Stapledon, Olaf, 288, 306, 315, 331, 338, 344 Star Beast, The, 305 Star Bridge, 299 Star Maker, 306 Star of Empire, 38 Star of the Guardians series, 299 Star Trek, 323 Star Trek (television show), 323 Star Voyager Academy series, 300 Star Wars, 323 Star Wars (film), 294, 323 Star Well, 322 Stardance, 306 Stardust, 139 Stardust of Yesterday, 258 Starfinder, 227 Stark, Richard, 127 Starkadder, 364 Starlight, 335, 414 Starman Jones, 296 Starplex, 298 Starquake, 272, 304 Stars, 213 Stars Are Also Fire, 294, 306 Stars Dispose, The, 384 Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand, 318 Stars My Destination, The, 286, 292, 326, 343 Starshield, 404 Starshield: Sentinels, 404 Starship Troopers, 296, 300, 328, 343 Startide Rising, 295, 301, 327, 344 Stasheff, Christopher, 352, 374, 388 Stashower, Daniel, 136 State v. Justice, 133 Staying Alive, 339 Staynes, Jill. See Stacey, Susannah

Steakley John, 300 Stealer's Sky, 405 Stealing Marx's Bones, 125 Stealth, 170 Steel Albatross, The, 169 Steel Crocodile, The, 307 Steel Rain, 404 Steel Rose, 378 Steel Tiger, 169 Steel, Danielle, 204, 211, 212, 214 Stegner, Wallace, 55 Steinbrunner, Chris, 147 Stella Dallas, 207, 208 Stephenson, Neal, 309, 331, 345, 348 Steps to the Empty Throne, The, 24 Sterling, Bruce, 283, 298, 308, 309, 338 Stern, Mark, 133 Stern, Richard Martin, 80, 100, 108, 184 Stevens, Shane, 125 Stevenson, D. E., 207 Stevenson family, 246 Stevenson, Janet, 188 Stevenson, Robert Louis, 438 Stevermer, Caroline, 251 Stewart, Chris, 172 Stewart, Edward, 176 Stewart, Fred Mustard, 436 Stewart, George R., 282, 343 Stewart, Mary, 122, 216, 219, 260, 360 Stewart, Sean, 293, 380 Stick, 124 Still Watch, 216 Stine, Whitney, 248 Stinson, Jim, 96 Stirling, Blake, 446 Stirling, Jessica, 228, 248 Stirling, S. M., 288, 311 Stockley, Grif, 93 Stoker, Bram, 424, 426, 438, 440, 454, 455 Stone, George, 184 Stone, Gerald Eugene Nathan, 50 Stone, Irving, 11, 14 Stone, Katherine, 212, 214 Stone, Robert, 180 Stone, Ted, 61 Stone Arrow, The, 196

Stone 588, 123 Stone of Farewell, 358 Stone of Tears, 353 Stone Song: A Novel of the Life of Crazy Horse, 29, 65 Stones of Power sequence, 359 Stoneskin's Revenge, 377 Stonewyke trilogy, 240 Storey, Margaret. See Stacey, Susannah Storm Flight, 169 Storm Shield, 363 Storm Testament series, 57 Storm Warning, 190 Storming Heaven, 169 Storming Intrepid, 171 Storms of Victory, 406 Stormswift, 217 Stormy Weather, 131 Story of Canada, The, 54, 243 Story of Henri Tod, The, 157 Story of the Stone, The, 410 Stout, Amy, 414 Stout, David, 96 Stout, Rex, 87, 106, 137, 140, 145, 150 Straczynski, J. Michael, 436 Strange and Ancient Name, A, 377 Strange Attractors, 272 Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The, 438 Strange Conflict, 436 Strange Devices of the Sun and Moon, 377 Strange Eons, 431 Strange Files of Fremont Jones, The, 112 Strange Horizons, 319 Strange Loop, 441 Stranger in a Strange Land, 277, 328, 343 Stranger in Savannah, 20, 247 Stranger Is Watching, A, 117 Stranger Prince, The, 224 Stranger Souls, 403 Strangers, 212, 442 Strangers in the Night, 254

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Strangers on a Train, 118 Stranglers, The, 56 Strata, 370 Stratham, Frances Patton, 31, 49 Straub, Peter, 391, 428, 435, 436, 447, 455 Stray Hearts, 266 Street Lawyer, The, 131, 132, 138 Street Legal: The Betrayal, 93 Streets of Blood, 403 Streets of Fire, 77 Streets of Laredo, The, 20, 54 Strega, 125 Strieber, Whitley, 184, 428, 434, 440, 442, 448, 451 Strike from the Sea, 191 Striking the Balance, 285 Stringer series, 55 Strip Tease, 104, 131 Striper Assassin, 404 Strong as Death, 114 Strugatsky, Arkady, 331 Strugatsky, Boris, 331 Stuart Brannon series, 55 Stuart, Anne, 219, 254 Stubbs, Jean, 74, 116, 248 Stubby Pringle's Christmas, 60 Student Body, 109 Study in Scarlet, A, 135, 423 Study in Sorcery, A, 409 Sturgeon, Theodore, 275, 293, 315, 318, 331, 343, 440 Styron, William, 17 Styx Complex, The, 176 Sublett, Jesse, 90 Submarine, 192 Subtle Knife, The, 387 Sucher, Dorothy, 85 Sudden Country, 44 Sudden Wild Magic, A, 324, 386 Sugar Street, 20 Suitable Match, A, 236 Suldrun's Garden, 363 Sulitzer, Paul-Loup, 176 Sullivan, Jack, 453 Sullivan, Tricia, 273 Sullivan, Winona, 95

Sum of All Fears, 169 Summer of Love, 287 Summer of the Barshinskeys, The, 226 Summer Queen, The, 319 Summer, Ian, 302 Summoned to Tourney, 379 Sunbird, The, 187 Sunday Spy, The, 158 Sundiver, 295 Sundowner, The, 195 Sunglasses After Dark, 438 Sunne in Splendour, The, 10 Sunrise in the West, 10 Sunrise on the Mediterranean, 252, 266 Sunset Dream, The, 244 Sunset Limited, 138 Sunsets, 240 Sunshaker's War, 377 Sunshine and Shadow, 256 Sunshine Rider: The First Vegetarian Western, 50, 67 Supernatural Fiction Writers: Fantasy and Horror, 454 Supernatural Horror in Literature, 454-455 Supernatural Index, The: A Listing of Fantasy, Supernatural, Occult, Weird, and Horror Anthologies, 415, 453 Supernatural Tales of Fitz-James O'Brien, 425 Sure Shot Shapiro, 34 Surrogate, The, 428 Survey of Modern Fantasy Literature, 417 Survivor, 5, 119 Survivor's Medicine, 52 Suspense, 107 Sussex, Lucy, 414 Suthren, Victor, 194 Suyin, Han, 228 Svee, Gary D., 37, 64 Swag, 124 Swan's Chance, 222 Swann family, 243 Swanson, Jean, 144 Swanwick, Michael, 398 Swarm, The, 182 Swarthout, Glendon, 37, 42, 45, 63, 65, 66 Sweepers, 82 Sweet, Charlie, 148 Sweet Liar, 257 Sweet Myth-tery of Life, 369 Sweet Silver Blues, 409

Sweet, Savage Love, 110, 249 Sweetness to the Soul, A, 48, 66 Swift Runner, The, 43 Swimming Man Burning, 65 Switch, The, 116, 124 Switching Well, 393 Sword and Sorceress, 414 Sword and the Chain, The, 356, 406 Sword for a Dragon, A, 374 Sword in the Stone, The, 360 Sword of Chaos, 400 Sword of Ice: And Other Tales of Valdemar, 405 Sword of Knowledge Series, 404 Sword of Maiden's Tears, 377 Sword of Orion, 172 Sword of Shannara, The, 350 Sword of the Lictor, The, 324, 392 Sword of the Samurai Cat, The, 370 Sword of Truth series, 353 Sword Point, 170 Sword-Born, 356 Sword-Breaker, 356 Sword-Dancer, 356 Sword-Dancers saga, 356 Sword-Maker, 356 Swords of the Legion, 389 Sword-Singer, 356 Sword-Sworn, 356 Sworn to Defend, 133 Sybelle, 222 Symons, Julian, 74, 108, 134, 136, 144, 146 Symphony, 445 Synbat, 171 Syndic, The, 329 "System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether, The" 453 T Tabitha Fffoulkes: A Love Story About a Reformed Vampire and His Favorite Lady, 439

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Tacey Cromwell, 48 Taibo, Paco Ignacio, II, 84, 99 Tailchaser's Song, 376 Take Heed of Loving Me, 218 Take It Off, Take It All Off, 104 Take Over, The, 175 Taking of Pelham One Two Three, The, 126 Talbot, Bryan, 397 Talbot, Michael, 436 Tale of One Bad Rat, 397 Tale of the Big Computer, The, 307 Tale of the Body Thief, 439 "Tale of the Ragged Mountains," 453 Talented Mr. Ripley, The, 129 Tales And Vignettes of the Heechee, 302 Tales from the Brothers Grimm and the Sisters Weird, 368 Tales from the Vulgar Unicorn, 404 Tales of Horror and the Supernatural, 425 Tales of Pirx the Pilot, 321 Tales of Terror and the Supernatural, 452 Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, 425 Tales of the Jewelled Men, 228 Tales of the Mysterious and the Macabre, 451 Tales of the Uncanny and Supernatural, 451 Tales of the Witch World, 405 Tales of the Wolves series, 394 Taliesin, 360 Talisman, The, 391, 435 Talisman Ring, The, 237 Talismans of Shannara, The, 350 Talking Man, 380 Talking to Dragons, 367 Tall Grass, 53 Talons of Eagles, 54 Taltos, 389 Tam Lin, 376 Tamai series, 382 Tamuli series, 352 Tanenbaum, Robert K., 133 Tangent Objective, The, 176 Tangle Box, The, 385 Tank Girl, 280 Tank Girl (film), 280 Tannahill, Reay, 12

Tanner on Ice, 157 Tapply, William G., 93 Taran Wanderer, 362 Target, The, 121, 138 Target Stealth, 172 Target Westminster, 118 Tarr, Judith, 6 Tarzan series, 58, 185 Taste of Victory, 18 Tau Zero, 271, 285, 301, 326 Tawney Rose, 225 Taylor, Andrew, 126 Taylor, Elizabeth Atwood, 102 Taylor, Janelle, 250, 260 Taylor, L. A., 110 Taylor, Phoebe Atwood, 90 Taylor, Robert Lewis, 34, 43 Taylor, Wendell Hertig, 142 Tea with the Black Dragon, 411 Team Yankee, 170 Technicolor Time Machine, The, 287 Technobabel, 403 Teckla, 389 Tegné, 277, 315 Tehanu, 354 Tek Kill, 322 Tek Money, 322 Tek Net, 322 Tek Power, 322 Tek Secret, 322 Tek series, 322 Teklab, 322 Teklords, 322 Tekwar, 322 Tell Me What You Like, 98 Tell Me Your Dreams, 138 Teller of Tales: The Life of Arthur Conan Doyle, 136 "Tell-Tale Heart," 453 Telzey series, 315 Temple Dogs, 175 Temple of the Winds, 353 Temple, Lou Jane, 106 Temporary Betrothal, A, 238 Tempting Fate, 408, 440 Ten Little Indians, 134 Ten Little Wizards, 409

Ten Most Wanted: The New Western Literature, 62 Tennent family, 245 Tepper, Sheri S., 278, 280, 282, 306, 314, 316, 318, 367, 380, 393 Terminal Experiment, The, 311 Tessier, Thomas, 442 Testament, The, 132, 316 Teverton Hall, 233 Texas, 22, 259 Texas Destiny, 257 Texas Lily, 48 Texasville, 52 Tey, Josephine, 74 Thacker, Shelly, 254 Thai Horse, 123 Thane, Elswyth, 15, 21, 248 "That Hell-Bound Train," 413 That Hideous Strength, 278 That Way Lies Camelot, 415 Thayer, James Stuart, 180 Thayer, Nancy, 210 Thefts of Nick Velvet, The, 127 Then Came You, 258 These Old Shades, 237 These Thousand Hills, 33, 40 They Came to a Valley, 65 They Fly at Ciron, 390 They Opened the West, 60 They Used Dark Forces, 436 Thief Who Couldn't Sleep, The, 157 Thieves' World-Sanctuary Series, 404 Thin Man, The, 96 Thin Moon and Cold Mist, 222 Things Invisible to See, 380 Things Left Behind, 451 Things That Are Not There, 447 3rd Culprit, 140 13 Crimes of Science Fiction, The, 142, 319 13th Juror, The, 132 30 Seconds, 124

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Thirty-Nine Steps, The, 154 Thirty-Nine Steps, The (film), 154 This Calder Range, 243 This Calder Sky, 243 This Gun for Hire, 124 This Fortress World, 277 This Immortal, 291 This Is All I Ask, 258 This Old Bill, 45 This Shining Land, 211 This Side of Judgment, 307 This Was Tomorrow, 21 This Widowed Land, 30 Thoene, Bodie, 35, 55, 241 Thoene, Brock, 17, 35, 55, 241 Thom, James Alexander, 15, 31, 65 Thomas, Charles, 64 Thomas, Craig, 164, 180, 191 Thomas, Denise, 61 Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall, 7 Thomas, James, 61 Thomas, Rosie, 212 Thomas, Ross, 125, 159, 176, 180 Thomas the Rhymer, 377 Thomas, Theodore L., 276 Thompson, David, 34 Thompson, Gene, 434, 436 Thompson, Jim, 71 Thomson, H. Douglas, 144 Thomson, June, 76 Thor, 441 Thorn Birds, The, 20, 247 Thorns of Truth, 209 Thornton, Elizabeth, 228, 239 Those of My Blood, 439 Those Who Hunt the Night, 438 Those Who Love, 14 Three Coffins, The, 103 Three Hearts and Three Lions, 384 Three Musketeers, 22 Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, The, 274 Three Wishes, 211 Three-Pipe Problem, The, 136 Threshold of Fire: A Novel of Fifth Century Rome, 10

Thrill, 213 Throne of Bones, The, 452 Throne of Isis, 6 Throne of Stone, The, 359 Thrones, Dominations, 97, 136 Through a Glass Darkly, 10, 225 Through the Ice, 384 Thunder in the Sky, 6 Thunder of Erebus, 171 Thunder of the Captains, 399 Thunder Point, 163 Thunderstick, 53 Thurlo, Aimee, 100 Thurlo, David, 100 Tidyman, Ernest, 87 Tiedemann, Mark W., 413 Tielmaran chronicles, 356 Tigana, 391 Tiger and Del series, 356 Tiger in the Well, The, 115 Tiger on the Road: The Life of Vardis Fisher, 58 Tiger's Woman, The, 222 Tik Tok, 311 Till the End of Time, 286 Till the Stars Fall, 260 Tilly, 243 Tilly Alone, 243 Tilly Trotter, 221, 243 Tilly Trotter trilogy, 18 Tilly Trotter Wed, 221, 243 Tilly Trotter Widowed, 221, 243 Tilly Wed, 243 Tilting the Balance, 285 Time After Time, 251, 286 Time and Again, 278, 311 Time Beyond Beginning, 6 Time Bomb, 291 Time Circle quartet, 6 Time Enough for Love, 291, 318, 343 Time Exposure, 322 Time for the Death of a King, The, 9 Time for the Stars, 328 Time Hoppers, The, 288 Time Is the Simplest Thing, 293 Time It Never Rained, The, 59, 63, 66 Time Masters, The, 291

Time of Exile, The, 354 Time of Murder at Mayerling, The, 9 Time of Omens, A, 354 Time of the Dark, The, 386 Time of the Fourth Horseman, 276, 282 Time of the Vampires, The, 450 Time out of Joint, 312 Time Probe: The Sciences in Science Fiction, 271 Time Quartet, 386 Time Returns, The, 227 Time Storm, 286 Time to Die, A, 21 Time to Kill, A, 132 Time Traders series, 298 Time: The Semi-Final Frontier, 286 Time's Fool, 228 Timeless, 254 Timescape, 286, 344 Tin Man, The, 169, 177 Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, 156 Tiptree, James, Jr., 275, 331, 341, 413, 414 Titan, 344 Titans, The, 19, 246 Titus Alone, 391 Titus Crow series, 432 Titus Groan, 391 To Be a Man, 39 To Be the Best, 212 To Catch a Thief, 127 To Dance with Kings, 225 To Die in Beverly Hills, 126 To Kill the Potemkin, 171 To Lie with Lions, 9 To Live Forever, 291 To Love a Dark Stranger, 222 To Ride Pegasus, 293 To Sail Beyond the Sunset, 279 To Say Nothing of the Dog, 289, 348 To See Your Face Again, 20, 247 To the Devil a Daughter, 436

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To the End of Her Days, 225 To the Last Man, 40, 41 To the Tombaugh Station, 322 To Your Scattered Bodies Go, 274, 328, 343 Todd, Charles, 74 Toff series, 139 Tolkien, J. R. R., 349, 357, 376, 397, 418, 420 Toll of the Brave, 18 Tom Clancy's Op Center series, 170 Tom Mix and Pancho Villa, 45 Tomahawk, 172 Tomb, The, 425, 432 Tombs of Atuan, The, 354 Tombstone, 45 Tomorrow and Always, 252 Tomorrow's Tide, 225 Tompkins, Jane P., 62 Tonight and Always, 254 Too Long at the Dance, 40, 41 Too Many Cooks, 106 Too Many Magicians, 409 Too Many Matchmakers, 237 Too Much Too Soon, 213 Tooth Fairy, The, 407, 437 Top Dog, 385 Topless Tulip Caper, The: A Chip Harrison Novel, 104 Torching, The, 437 Torpedo Run, 191 Torpedo!, 190 Torrent of Faces, A, 275 Total Recall, 295 Touch of the Wolf, 254 Touch the Devil, 163 Touched by Angels, 254 Tourist Season, 131 Tower, The, 184 Tower of Beowulf, The, 363 Tower of Glass, 311 Towers of Darkover, 400 Towers of the Sunset, The, 355 Towers of Trebizond, The, 185 Town, The, 17 Town House, The: The Building of the House, 19 Track of the Bear, 53

Track of the Giant, 29 Trader, 380 Trader to the Stars, 294 Tragg's Choice, 63 Trail Driver, 40 Trail from Taos, 53 Trail of Secrets, 209 Trail of Tears, 31, 49 Trail of the Spanish Bit, 53 Trail to Ogallala, The, 39, 63 Trail Town, 36 Trails of Adventure, 60 Trailsman series, 57 Traitors, The, 19 Traitor's Blood, 163 Transition of Titus Crow, The, 432 Trans-Siberian Express, 195 Transylvanian Library: A Consumer's Guide to Vampire Fiction, 454 Trap, The, 121 Trap for Cinderella, 119 Traveling Grave, and Other Stories, The, 452 Traveling Matchmaker series, 235 Travels of Jaimie McPheeters, The, 34, 43 Traver, Robert, 139 Treachery of Time, The, 118 Treason's Gift, 18 Treasure of Sainte Foy, The, 128 Treasury of Great Mysteries, 140 Treasury of Great Science Fiction, A, 333 Tree of Hands, The, 119 Trees, The, 17 Trek to Kraggen-Cor, 355 Tremaine, Jennie, 228 Tremayne, Peter, 440 Tremor in the Bitter Earth, A, 356 Trenhaile, John, 165 Trevanian, 28, 35, 37, 159, 197 Trew, Anthony, 197 ''Triads," 451 Tribes, The, 38 Tricks of the Trade, The, 128 Trickster in the Ashes, A, 388 Trillium, 405 Trio for Lute, 383 Tripp, Miles, 83 Tripwire, 46

Triton, 312 Triumph, 283 Trocheck, Kathy Hogan, 102 Troika, 164 Trollope, Anthony, 202 Trollope, Joanna, 211, 212 Troubadour's Romance, The, 221 Trouble Shooter, 41 Trouble with Angels, The, 254 Trout, Kilgore, 290, 326 True Confessions, 208 True Grit, 36, 48 Truman, Margaret, 96, 97, 167 Trumps of Doom, 358 Trust Me, 258 "Truth About Pyecraft, The," 426 Tsar's Woman, 12 Tuck Everlasting, 396 Tucker, Wilson, 282, 291, 322 Tucker's Last Stand, 157 Tudor Rose, The, 11 Tunnel, The, 181 Tunnel in the Sky, 284 Tunnel Through the Deeps, 284 Tunon, Johanna, 261 Turing Option, The, 307 Turn of the Screw, The, 429 Turnbull Peter, 76 Turncoat, 286 Turner, Alice K., 333 Turner, George, 282 Turner, Jim, 432, 433 Turow, Scott, 92, 133, 143 Turtledove, Harry, 285, 306, 334, 370, 383, 384, 389, 412 Tuska, Jon, 61 Tuttle, Lisa, 414 Twain, Mark, 59, 61 12 1/2 Plymouth Street, 20 12 Drummers Drumming, 166

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12 Victorian Ghost Stories, 430 Twelve English Detective Stories, 140 Twentieth-Century Romance and Gothic Writers, 262 Twentieth Century Western Writers, 61 Twentieth Day of January, The, 176 Twentieth-Century Crime & Mystery Writers, 143 Twentieth-Century Romance and Gothic Writers, 262 Twentieth-Century Romance and Historical Writers, 25, 262 Twentieth-Century Science Fiction Writers, 336 27-Ingredient Chili con Carne Murders, 106 20,000 Leagues under the Sea, 186 Twice a Hero, 252 Twice Burned, 445 Twice Loved, 260 Twice upon a Time, 286 Twilight at Mac's Place, 159 Twilight of Heroes, 197 Twin of Fire, 257 Twin of Ice, 257 Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Spy, 160 Twisting the Rope, 411 2XS, 403 Two Brothers: The Lawman and the Gunslinger, 229 Two Georges, The, 383 Two Medicine River, The, 57 Two Thyrdes, 161 Two Towers, The, 357 Two-Rivers, E. Donald, 52 2001: A Space Odyssey, 301, 344 2061: Odyssey Three, 301 Two-Timers, The, 284 Tyger! Tyger!, 187 U U. P. Trail, 41 Ubik, 328, 344 Ugly Duckling, 122 Uhnak, Dorothy, 81 Ultimate Dinosaur, The: Past, Present, and Future, 334 Ultimate Guide to Science Fiction, 336 Ultimate Prizes, 245 Unborn, The, 444 Under Gemini, 210 Under Siege, 170 Under the Beetle's Cellar, 119

Under the Healing Sign, 387 Under the Lake, 428 Under the Western Acacia, 5 Under Western Eyes, 154 Undertaker's Widow, The, 132, 152 Underwood, Michael, 93 Undue Influence, 133 Uneasy Alliances, 405 Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax, The, 166 Unforgiven, The, 32, 38 Unforgiven, The (film), 32 Unholy Fire, 434 Unicorn Chronicles, The, 372 Unicorn Dilemma, The, 372 Unicorn Hunt, The, 9 Unicorn Mountain, 371 Unicorn Peace, The, 372 Unicorn Point, 384 Unicorn Quest, The, 372 Unicorn Quest series, 372 Unicorn series, 372 Unicorn Solution, The, 372 "Unicorn Variations," 413 Unicorn War, The, 372 Unloved, The, 430 Unsolicited, 107 Unspeakable, 121, 138 Unsuitable Job for a Woman, An, 83 Unsuitable Miss Pelham, The, 236 Untamed, 231 Untamed Land, An, 14 Until the End, 15 Unwillingly to Earth, 315 Unwritten Order, The, 37 Up Island, 210 Updike, John, 437 Upfield, Arthur, 72 Uplift series, 295 Uplift Storm trilogy, 295 Uplift War, The, 295, 303, 345 Upsetting the Balance, 285 Upside, Downside, 320 Upton, Robert, 85 Ursula's Gift, 441 Ursus, 441 Usher's Passing, 428

V Vachss, Andrew, 87, 125 Vacuum Flowers, 309 Vagr-Moon, 364 Valdemar series, 376, 405 Valdez Horses, The, 63 Valdez Is Coming, 36 Valentine Pontifex, 324 Valiant Women, The, 50, 63 Valin, Jonathan, 88, 108 Valley of Fear, The, 135 Valley of Horses, The, 4 Valley of the Kings, 7 Vampire Armand, The, 439 Vampire Bytes, 152 Vampire Detectives, 450 Vampire Lestat, The, 439 Vampire Stories of Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, 409 Vampire Viscount, The, 236, 253 Van de Wetering, Janwillem, 77, 129 Van Gieson, Judith, 93, 102 Van Gogh, Vincent, 153 Van Gulik, Robert, 73 Van Slyke, Helen, 207 van Vogt, A. E, 290, 291, 294, 298, 302, 306, 312, 315, 331, 342, 404 Vance, Jack, 285, 291, 298, 322, 331, 342, 357, 363, 413, 419 Vandarei series, 362 Vande Velde, Vivian, 368, 374, 393 Vanishing, The, 446 Vanishing Point, 282 VanMeter, Vandelia L., 25 Vardeman, Robert E., 402 Variety, 421 Varley, John, 288, 314, 344 Vast, 272 Vasudevan, Aruna, 25, 262 Veil, 442

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Velvet Angel, 230 Velvet Promise, 230 Velvet series, 249 Velvet Song, 230 Vendetta, 213 Vengeance Trail of Josey Wales, 36 Venus on the Half-Shell, 290, 326 Venus Plus X, 318 Vernam, Glenn R., 31 Verne, Jules, 186, 268, 289, 302, 331 Veronique, 243 Very Good Hater, A: A Tale of Revenge, 126 Very Old Money, 118 Very Private Plot, A, 157 Very Private War, A, 189 Very Thought of You, The, 252 Veryan, Patricia, 228, 239 Victoria in the Wings, 12 Victoria Victorious, 12 Victorian Chaise Longue, The, 428 Victorian Ghost Stories: An Oxford Anthology, 430 Victorian saga, 12, 226 Victory, 388 Victory Nelson series, 447 Vidal, Gore, 15, 17, 87, 278 Videssos cycle, 389 View from the Square, A, 165 "Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai," 433 Viking Mistress, 220 Viking Surrender, 231 Village Affair, A, 211 Villars, Elizabeth, 228 Vincenzi, Penny, 214 Vine, Barbara, 119 Vinge, Joan D., 294, 319, 344 Vinge, Vernor, 288 Vinson, James, 61, 262 Violent Land, The, 63 Viravax, 317 Virgin and the Swine, The, 364 Virgin on the Rocks, A, 128 Virgin Planet, 317 Virginian, The, 39 Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, The, 334

Vital Signs, 443 Vivian, Daisy, 239 Vivian Inheritance, The, 248 Vixen 03, 196 Vixens, The, 17 Vlad Taltos series, 389 Voice of the Eagle, 6 Voice of the Heart, The, 212 Voice of the Whirlwind, 309 Voices in a Haunted Room, 243 Voices in an Empty Room, 428 Voices in Summer, 210 Voices of Doom: Tales of Terror and the Uncanny, 452 Void Captain's Tale, The, 324 Volsky, Paula, 392 Von Ryan's Express, 191 Von Ryan's Return, 191 Von Tobel, Fred, 397 Vonnegut, Kurt, 267, 278, 280, 282, 326, 331 Vor Game, The, 295, 327 Vories, Eugene, 41 Vorkosigan saga, 299 Vortex, 169 VOYA: Voice of Youth Advocates, 340, 396 Voyage, The, 196, 283 Voyage of the Devilfish, 170 Voyage of the Fox Rider, 355 Voyage of the Narwhal, The, 15 Voyage of the Space Beagle, The, 298, 306 Voyage to Honor, 16 Voyager, 252, 257 Voyagers, 303 Voyagers II, 303 Vulcan's Hammer, 307 Vulliamy, C. E., 109 Vulture Fund, The, 175 Vurt, 308 W Wade, Henry, 146 Wager, The, 128 Wager, Walter, 85, 180 Waggoner, Diana, 416 Wagner, Karl Edward, 453 Wagner, Phyllis Cerf, 450 Wagons West series, 21, 54, 241, 248 Wahlöö, Per, 77

Wainwright, John, 74, 126 Wait for What Will Come, 226 Waiting for the End of the World, 181 Waiting for the Galactic Bus, 313 Waiting for the Moon, 218 Waiting Game, The, 206 Waiting Time, The, 17 Wakefield, H. Russell, 431 Waking in Dreamland, 391 Walden Two, 280 Waldo, Anna Lee, 31 Wales, Robert, 197 Walker, Dale L., 61 Walker in the Shadows, The, 429 Walker, Jim, 57 Walker, Mary Willis, 96, 119 Walker, Walter, 85 Walkers of the Wind, 6 Walking After Midnight, 122 Walking Back the Cat, 159 Walking Dead, 161 Walking Shadow, The, 307 Walking Stick, The, 118 Walking the Labyrinth, 381 Walks in the Sun, 53 Walks the Fire, 49 Walks Without a Soul, 47 Wall of Serpents, 352, 397 Wall, Robert E., 248 Wallace, Edgar, 140, 150 Wallace, Ian, 322 Wallace, Marilyn, 78, 142 Wallflower, 120 Walls of Air, The, 386 Walpole, Hugh, 242 Walrus and the Warwolf, The, 351 Walsh, Jill Paton, 136 Walsh, Sheila, 239 Waltari, Mika, 7 Walter, Elizabeth, 431

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Walters, Minette, 120 Walton, Evangeline, 364, 434 Wambaugh, Joseph, 72, 78, 89, 138, 139, 143 Wanderer, The, 305, 329 Wanderer Springs, 51, 65 Wandering Arm, The, 114, 152 Wangerin, Walter, 376 War Chief, The, 58 War Day, 184 War for the Oaks, 378 War in the Waste, The, 388 War Lord, The, 186 War of the Maelstrom, 385 War of the Worlds, 273, 306, 332, 344 War Trail North, The, 30 War with the Robots, 310, 334 War Woman, 30 Warbirds, The, 171 Warfield, Gallatin, 133 Warga, Wayne, 160 Warhost of Vastmark, 358 Warlock and Son, 388 Warlock Enraged, The, 388 Warlock Heretical, The, 388 Warlock in Spite of Himself, The, 388 Warlock Insane, The, 388 Warlock Is Missing, The, 388 Warlock Rock, The, 388 Warlock Unlocked, The, 388 Warlock Wandering, The, 388 Warlock, 36, 37 Warlock's Companion, The, 388 Warlord, The, 242 Warmbold, Jean, 96 Warner, Douglas, 184 Warner, Mignon, 102 Warner, Sylvia Townsend, 437 Warrior Lives, The, 357 Warrior Princesses, 413 Warrior Queens series, 10 Warrior's Apprentice, 295 Warriors, The, 19, 246 Wars of Light and Shadows, The, 358 Washburn, L. J., 85

Washburn, Mark, 180 Wasserman, Jack, 183 Waste Lands, The, 386, 444 Wastelands, The, 296 Watch for Me on the Mountain, 29 Watchers of the Dark, 320 Watchers, 437, 441 Watchmen, 397 Waterfalls, 240 Waters, Frank, 66 Watership Down, 374 Waterworld (film), 280 Watson Was a Woman, 145 Watson, Clarissa, 102, 110 Watson, Colin, 76 Watson, Ian, 275, 312, 315 Watson, John H., 136 Watson, Noelle, 336 Watsons, The, 233 Watt-Evans, Lawrence, 370, 432, 455 Waugh, Charles G., 142, 319 Waugh, Hillary, 79, 81, 138 Wave, The, 82 Wave High the Banner, 45 Wavelengths, 443 Way of the Priests, The, 4, 30 Way South, The, 30 Way Station, 273, 291, 298, 331, 343 Way West, The, 33 Waylander, 353 Ways of Magic, The, 382 Wayside Tavern, A, 225 Wazir and the Witch, The, 351 We Can Build You, 310 We Who Are About To, 318 We'll Meet Again, 117 Weapon, 171 Weapon Makers, The, 291, 298 Weapon Shops of Isher, The, 298 Weaveworld, 427 Weber, David, 298, 300, 316 Weber, Joe, 172 Webster, Jan, 49 Webster, Jean, 206 Webster, Noah, 76 Wedding Dress, The, 47

Wedding Guest, The, 118, 217 Weetzie Bat, 381 Weinberg, Robert E., 412, 433, 450 Weiner, Ellis, 326 Weiner, Steve, 396 Weir, Charlene, 79, 102 Weir, Theresa, 215 Weird Tale, The, 454 Weird Tales from Shakespeare, 398 Weird Tales: 32 Unearthed Terrors, 450 Weis, Margaret, 299, 358, 398, 404, 406 Welch, James, 31 Welch, Pat, 98 Welcome to Hard Times, 36 Weldon, Fay, 414 Well-Favored Man, The, 392 Wellman, Manly Wade, 146, 436, 453 Well-Mannered Assassin, The, 166 Wells, Angus, 392 Wells, Carolyn, 141 Wells Fargo series, 57 Wells, H. G., 251, 268, 273, 288, 306, 314, 332, 338, 343, 344, 426 Wells, Marian, 47 Well-Timed Enchantment, A, 393 Wentworth, Patricia, 84 Wenzel, David, 397 Werewolf and the Wormlord, The, 351 Werewolf of Paris, The, 441 Werewolves of London, The, 441 Werry, Richard, 86 Wesley, Valerie Wilson, 89, 99 West, Charles, 83 West 47th, 96 West, Michelle, 395 West, Morris, 180 West of Cheyenne, 40 West of Eden, 284 West of Everything: The Inner Life of Westerns, 62 Westbrook, Robert, 78

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Western Hall of Fame Anthology, The: An Anthology of Classic Western Stories Selected by Western Writers of America, 60 Western Series and Sequels, 61 Western Story, The: A Chronological Treasury, 61 Western Wizard, The, 365 Western Writers of America: Silver Anniversary Anthology, 60 Westerns of the 40s, 60 Westhaven, Margaret, 239 Westheimer, David, 128, 191 Westlake, Donald E., 127, 131, 141 Weston, Carolyn, 78 Westward the Women: An Anthology of Western Stories by Women, 60 Wetware, 308 Whalley, Peter, 84 What About Murder?, 142 What Dreams May Come, 253 What Fantastic Fiction Do I Read Next? A Reader's Guide to Recent Fantasy, Horror, and Science Fiction, 415 What Historical Novel Do I Read Next?, 24 What Romance Do I Read Next, 262 What the Heart Keeps, 225 What Western Do I Read Next?, 61 "Whatever," 451 What's Your Agatha Christie 1.Q?: 1,001 Puzzling Questions About the World's Most Beloved Mystery Writer, 134 Wheat, Carolyn, 103, 133 Wheatley, Dennis, 164, 436 Wheel and the Hearth, The, 64 Wheel of Fortune, The, 10, 245 Wheel of Time series, 354 Wheeler, Richard S., 34, 35, 52, 57, 65 Wheels of Fire, 402 When Heroes Return, 351 When Last Seen, 140 When the Bough Breaks, 402 When the Changewinds Blow, 385 When the Lion Feeds, 21 When the Sleeper Wakes, 288 When the Wind Blows, 174 When True Night Falls, 407 When Voiha Wakes, 362 When Worlds Collide, 282 Where Eagles Dare, 190 Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang, 276, 332, 344 Where There's Smoke, 213 While My Pretty One Sleeps, 117 Whip, The, 221

Whirligig, 128 Whirlwind, 186 Whispering Smith, 41 Whispers, 447 Whistle Blower, The, 162 Whistler's Lane, 429 White Cargo, 181 White Chip, The, 35, 67 White Dragon, The, 297 White, Gloria, 103 White Gold Wielder, 385 White Guardian, The, 390 White Indian series, 20 White, James, 273 White Jenna, 368 White Light, 160 White Man's Road, The, 29, 64, 66 White Noise, 182 White Order, The, 356 White Path, The, 30 White Poppy, 244 White, Robin A., 77, 172 White Rose Murders, The, 111 White Rose, The, 351, 368 White, Stephen Walsh, 92 White, Stewart Edward, 59, 186 White, T. H., 233, 360 White, Terry, 198 Whitechapel Horrors, The, 135 Whitehead, Barbara, 76 Whiteoak saga, 18 Whitmore, Charles, 282 Whitney, My Love, 258 Whitney, Phyllis, 122, 219, 260 Whitney, Polly, 97 Whitson, Stephanie Grace, 49 Whittingham, Richard, 89 Who?, 327 Who Cares Who Killed Roger Ackroyd?, 145 Who Fears the Devil, 453 Who Hunts the Hunter, 404 Who Killed Cock Robin?, 166 Who's on First, 157 Whole Man, The, 292 Who's Who in Science Fiction, 335 Whose Song Is Sung, 365

Why Me, 131 Wiater, Stanley, 456 Wick, Lori, 241 Wicked and the Witless, The, 351 Wicked Day, The, 360 Wicked Marquis, The, 236 Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West, 366, 398 Widening Stain, The, 109 Widow of Windsor, The, 12 Wieland, or the Transformation, 424, 425 Wielding a Red Sword, 379 Wieler, Diana, 395 Wiesel, Elie, 438 Wilcox, Clyde, 338 Wilcox, Collin, 78, 96 Wilcox, Stephen F., 96 Wild Cat, 164 Wild Horizon, 14 Wild Horse Roundup, The, 60 Wild Hunt, The, 221 Wild Magic series, 351 Wild Magic, 351 Wild Mountain Thyme, 210 Wild Road, The, 375 Wild Seed, 324 Wild Shore, 280 Wild Streets, 60 Wild Swan, 222 Wild Wood, The, 361, 376, 400 Wilde, Jennifer, 214, 249, 265 Wilde, Oscar, 426, 435

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Wilder, Thornton, 153 Wilderness of Mirrors, The, 164, 175 Wilderness Trek, 40 Wildest Hearts, 258 Wildfire, 184, 351 Wildside, 284, 348 Wilhelm, Kate, 93, 97, 120, 276, 282, 332, 344, 414 Wilkins, Barbara, 214 Willard, Nancy, 380 Willard, Tom, 47 Willeford, Charles, 79, 141 Willey, Elizabeth, 392 Willful Wife, The, 239 Williams, A. Susan, 414 Williams, Amanda Kyle, 167 Williams, David, 91 Williams, Jeanne, 49, 50, 60, 63, 65 Williams, Sheila, 319 Williams, Tad, 309, 358, 376, 398, 413 Williams, Timothy, 76 Williams, Walter Jon, 299, 309, 322, 324 Williamsburg series, 21, 248 Williamson, J. N., 456 Williamson, Jack, 273, 285, 294, 299, 302, 315, 332, 342, 392 Williamson, Penelope, 49, 229, 260 Willis, Connie, 11, 17, 26, 288, 300, 326, 332, 345, 348, 393, 414 Willman, Marianne, 251 Wilson, Barbara Ker, 234 Wilson, Edmund, 145 Wilson, F. Paul, 432, 451 Wilson, Gahan, 433, 449 Wilson, Robert Charles, 285, 294, 433 Wiltse, David, 121, 180, 184 Wiltz, Chris, 86 Win, Lose, or Die, 162 Wind Blows Over, The, 430 Wind Caller's Children, 4 Wind Chill Factor, The, 168 Wind from a Foreign Sky, 356 Wind from Nowhere, The, 275 Wind from the Sea, The, 223 Wind, Ruth, 261 Windcreep Weepers, The, 426 Windhaven series, 246

Windleaf, 377 Windling, Terri, 365, 368, 378, 379, 381, 399, 400, 414, 416, 417, 422, 449, 450 Windmaster's Bane, 377 Windmills of the Gods, 214 Windover, 217 Wine Dark Sea, The, 451 Wing of Omen, 404 Wingate, Anne, 82, 100 Wingate, John, 192 Wingman series, 195 Wingrove, David, 285 Wings, Mary, 98, 102 Wings of the Falcon, 226 Winks, Robin W., 146 Winning Colors, 297, 300 Winslow, Pauline, 74 Winsor, Kathleen, 228, 249 Winston, Daoma, 248 Winter, Douglas E., 451 Winter in Eden, 284 Winter War, The, 64 Winter's Tales, 452 Wintercombe, 18 Winter's Daughter, 282 Winthrop Woman, The, 227 Wisdom's Daughter, 390 Wise, Herbert, 450 Wise Child, 367 Wishing Season, 365 Wishsong of Shannara, The, 350 Wishstone and the Wonderworkers, The, 351 Wister, Owen, 39, 59, 61 Witch and Wombat, 406 Witch Baby, 381 Witch Doctor, The, 389 Witch House, 434 Witch in the Wood, The, 360 Witch of the North, 359 Witch Wood, 436 Witch World series, 394 Witch World, 405 Witch World: The Turning, 405 Witches Abroad, 370 Witches of Eastwick, The, 437 Witches of Karres, The, 293, 344 Witches' Brew, 385

Witching Hour, The, 437 Witchlord and the Weaponmaster, The, 351 With a Tangled Skein, 379 With Extreme Prejudice, 163 With Hope, 222 With Malice Toward All, 140 Within the Hollow Crown, 11 Without Remorse, 169 Wiz Zumwalt series, 369 Wizard and Glass, 296, 386, 444 Wizard and the War Machine, The, 312 Wizard at Large, 385 Wizard Compiled, 369 Wizard in Absentia, A, 388 Wizard in Bedlam, A, 388 Wizard in Midgard, A, 388 Wizard in Mind, A, 388 Wizard in Peace, A, 388 Wizard in Rhyme series, 389 Wizard in War, A, 388 Wizard of Earthsea, A, 354 Wizard Spawn, 404 Wizard War series, 351 Wizard War, 351 Wizard's Bane, 369 Wizard's Daughter, The, 122 Wizard's First Rule, 353 Wizard's Heir, 410 Wizardry Consulted, 369 Wizardry Cursed, 369 Wizardry Quested, 369 Wizards and the Warriors, The, 351 Wolf & Iron, 281 Wolf and the Buffalo, The, 46 Wolf and the Dove, The, 231, 249, 260 Wolf and the Raven, The, 364 Wolf in Shadow, 353

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Wolf Is My Brother, The, 64 Wolf, Joan, 7, 116, 228 Wolf, Leonard, 451 Wolf of Winter, The, 392 Wolf Song, 33 Wolfe, Gene, 275, 299, 324, 332, 337, 338, 361, 362, 367, 392, 411, 413, 415, 433 Wolfen, The, 442, 448 Wolfsbane, 164 Wolzien, Valerie, 103 Womack, Steven, 88, 91 Woman Between the Worlds, The, 408 Woman in the Wall, The, 381 Woman in White, The, 117 Woman of Destiny, A, 47 Woman of Substance, A, 212, 242 Woman of the Frontier, 48 Woman of the People, A, 32 Woman on the Edge of Time, 318 Woman Scorned, A, 225 Woman Who Fell from the Sky, The, 32 Woman's Place, A, 211 Women and the Warlords, The, 351 Women at War, 334 Women of Ashdon, 18 Women of Eden, The, 245 Women of Mystery, 142 Women Sleuths, 141 Women Who Wait, 242 Wonderful Country, The, 38 Wonderland Gambit series, 309 Wood, Ellen Price, 208 Wood, Stuart, 181 Wood, Ted, 73 Wood Wife, The, 378, 381, 422 Woodhouse, Martin, 197 Woodhouse, Sarah, 228 Woodiwiss, Kathleen E., 228, 231, 248, 249, 250, 260 Woodman, Richard, 194 Woods, Paula L., 99 Woods, Sara, 93 Woods, Stuart, 125, 160, 428 Woodward, Tim, 58 Woolf, Virginia, 153 Woolley, Bryan, 65

Woolley, Persia, 25, 361 Worcester, Don, 38 "Word," 451 Words Without End, 404 Wordsmiths and the Warguild, The, 351 Work, James C., 61 World at Night, The, 165 World Below, The, 289 World from Rough Stones, The, 246 World Historical Fiction: An Annotated Guide to Novels for Adults and Young Adults, 24 World Inside, The, 276 World Is Not Enough, The, 23 World of Difference, A, 306 World of Jennie G., The, 226 World of Ptavvs, 288 World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time, The, 416 World out of Time, A, 288 World War series, 285 World Without End, 357 World's End, 319 Worlds of the Imperium, 284 Worm Ouroboros, The, 390 Wormser, Richard, 47 Worse Things Waiting, 453 Worshippers and the Way, The, 351 Wouk, Herman, 192 Wounded Land, The, 385 Wraethu series, 318 Wrath of the Princes, 399 Wreck of the Mary Deare, The, 196 Wrecks of Time, The, 284 Wrede, Patricia C., 204, 251, 358, 367, 411, 422 Wren, M. K., 88, 316 Wren, P. C., 186 Wright, Eric, 73 Wright, L. R., 73 Wright, S. Fowler, 289 Writ in Blood, 409 Writer's Complete Crime Reference Book, The, 148 Writer's Diary, A, 153 Writer's Guide to Creating a Science Fiction Universe, The, 339 Writing Historical Fiction, 25 Writing Historical Fiction: How to Create Authentic Historical Fiction and Get It Published, 25 Writing Mysteries: A Handbook, 148 Writing Romance, 263 Writing Romances: A Handbook by the Romance Writers of America, 263

Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy, 339 Wulf, Jessica, 229, 230 Wurts, Janny, 358, 413, 415 Wuthering Heights, 219 Wylie, Philip, 282, 314 Wyndham, John, 282, 332 Wyrd Sisters, 370 X X Marks the Spot, 125 Xanadu, 414 Xanth series, 368 Xenocide, 303 Xenogenesis series, 303 Xerxes, B. T., 317 XYZ Man, 164 Y Yankee Girl, The, 242 Yankee Pasha, 225 Yankee Stranger, 21 Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn, 93, 100, 254, 276, 282, 408, 440, 442, 455 Yates, Dornford, 197 Yates, Norris W., 62 Year of the Cloud, The, 276 Year of the Grizzly, The, 55 Year the Horses Came, The, 5 Year's 25 Finest Crime and Mystery Stories, The, 140 Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, 414, 449 Year's Best Fantasy Stories, 414 Year's Best Fantasy, 414 Year's Best Horror Stories, 449 Year's Best Mystery and Suspense Stories, The, 139, 140 Year's Best Science Fiction, The, 335 Years, 229, 260 Yellow Raft in Blue Water, A, 51

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Yellowstone, The, 57 Yerby, Frank, 17, 229 Yezeguielian, John, 405 Yolen, Jane, 367, 368, 374, 393, 413, 414, 417 York, Andrew, 82, 99 York, Jeremy, 139 You Belong to Me, 117, 138 You Can Write a Romance! And Get It Published, 263 You Only Love Twice, 239 Young, Jim, 317 Young, Judy Dockrey, 431 Young, Karen, 215 Young, Richard Alan, 431 Young, Scott, 73 Young Titan, The, 14 Yuill, P. B., 84 Yvgenie, 364 Z Z, 172, 174 Zahn, Timothy, 322, 323 Zambreno, Mary Frances, 411 Zaroulis, Nancy, 229 Zealot: A Novel, 401 Zebrowski, George, 414 Zel, 366 Zelazny, Roger, 275, 278, 291, 294, 332, 343, 358, 371, 389, 413, 414, 433 Zeminda, 222 Zen Attitude, 100 Zero at the Bone, 119 Zero Hour, The, 175, 178 Zero Option, The, 82, 175 01-01-00: A Novel of the Millennium, 172 Zettel, Sarah, 290, 299 Zide, Donna Comeaux, 249 Zimiamvian trilogy, 390 Zimmerman, Bruce, 92 Zimmerman, R. D., 444 Zindell, David, 312 Zinnia, 218, 255 Zion Chronicles, 241 Zion Legacy, 241 Zollinger, Norman, 17, 45, 55, 63, 86 Zombies of the Gene Pool, 269 Zurich Numbers, The, 158

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Subject Index A Abyss, 455 academics, 95, 108, 109 accountants, 91 Ace, 266, 346-47, 418, 419 action/adventure, 194-95, 199 actor, 89, 90, 94, 135, 136 actress, 102 administrator, 90, 102 adult Westerns, 55-57 adventure, 1-3, 8-9, 17, 23, 28, 34, 58, 70, 153-200, 216, 232, 242, 270, 273, 289, 294, 349, 375, 423, 442 biothrillers, 173-74 financial intrigue/espionage, 174-76 male action/adventure series, 194-95 male romance, 184-89 parody, 189 soldier of fortune, 188 wild frontiers and exotic lands, 186-88 women, 188-89 military and naval, 189-94 historical, 192-94 pirates, 194 twentieth century, 189-92 miscellany, 195-97 political intrigue and terrorism, 176-80 spy/espionage, 154-68 comic, 165-66 nasty Nazis, 168 women, 166-68 survival, 180-84 disaster, 181-84 lone survivor, 180-81 technothrillers, 168-73 advertising, 89-90, 241 advising the reader, 2, 28, 424. See also readers' advisory Africa, 2, 7, 21, 186, 194, 248, 365 African, 390 African-American, 17, 46, 47, 48, 78, 80, 86, 87, 96, 105, 255 African-American Mystery Page, 152 African-Americans in the West, 46 Afrikaner, 77 AIDS, 371, 440

air force, 191 Alabama, 77, 130 Alaska, 4, 5, 22, 84 Albion, 391 Albuquerque, 93, 99, 402 alchemist, 383 Aleut, 100 aliens, 27, 268-69, 272, 275, 278, 292, 294, 302, 314, 319, 322, 360 Allegheny Mountains, 14 alternate history, 283, 334, 382, 418, 421 alternate worlds, 2, 251, 283, 309, 369, 381, 389 alternative reality, 262 Alternative Reality Romance Connection, 412 amateur detectives, 71, 89, 94 amateurs, 71, 73, 89, 91, 94, 95, 101, 102, 104, 106, 115, 148, 154, 167 ambulance chaser, 93 American Revolution, 13, 14, 15, 25, 261 Americas, 13 Ameron, 199 amnesiac, 115 amoral rogue, 129 anarchists, 154 Anasazi, 6 ancient civilizations, 3, 112-13, 115, 252, 361, 410 androids, 308, 310, 320 angels, 56, 111, 132, 136, 163, 184, 230, 234, 237, 250, 253, 254, 257, 261, 369, 382, 383, 396, 411 animal activist, 102 animal fables, 371 animals, 143, 184, 289, 371, 374, 376, 394, 395, 437, 440. See also specific animals Antebellum South, 227 anthologies, 60, 61, 103, 110, 139-42, 149, 319, 332-35, 339, 345-46, 371, 400-2, 412, 414-15, 418, 420, 424, 430, 432, 44951, 453, 455, 456 anthropologist, 90, 92, 95, 102 Antipodes, 7 Antiqua Players, 167 antiques, 74, 90, 110 antiquities, 90 ants, 374, 375 Apache, 29, 46, 49, 58, 80, 100, 230 apocalypse, 168, 445 appeal of romance, 201 Arbor House, 265, 418 archaeological, 3, 216, 271 archaeology, 270 Arctic, 15 Argentina, 83

aristocrats, 95 Arizona, 34, 36, 46, 59, 77 Arkansas, 72, 77, 93 Arkham House, 346, 455 army, 23, 37, 47, 190, 191, 193, 252, 375, 383 Arrow, 150 art, 90, 101, 102, 110, 128, 273, 416, 421, 453 art crimes, 128 art history, 110 art restorers, 110 art squad, 76 art world, 110 Arthur C. Clarke Award, 341 Arthurian legend, 359-60 artificial intelligence, 306 Asia, 2, 7, 27, 186

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Asian sleuths, 100 Asimov's three laws of robotics, 310, 311 Aspect, 418 assassins, 114, 129, 178, 354 associations, 148-49, 198, 264, 340, 341 astrology, 90, 411 astronomy, 271 Atlanta, 79, 455 Atlantic City, 80 Atlantis, 252, 361 atlases, 416 audio recordings, 134 August Derleth award, 407, 421, 424 Aurealis awards, 391 Australia, 2, 7-8, 13, 18-20, 40, 72, 83, 90, 189, 195, 197, 234, 243, 246, 247, 341, 391 Austria, 9, 224 automation, 306 Avalon romances, 216 aviation, 196 Avon, 150-51, 255, 265-66, 333, 346, 418 Avon Eos, 347 Award Web, 341 awards, 16, 24-25, 62, 64-65, 67, 99, 137, 139, 143, 149, 203, 215, 250, 255, 256, 264, 269, 280, 308, 317, 326, 341-42, 381, 391, 407, 411, 412, 414, 415, 416, 420, 421, 424, 444, 448, 453, 455 B bad men and good, 36 Baen Books, 346-47, 418 Baker Street Irregulars, 136 Ballantine, 103, 150, 265, 266, 346, 418 Baltimore Science Fiction Society, 341 bankers, 90-91 banking, 174 Bantam, 54, 60, 61, 150, 195, 198, 206, 239, 265, 266, 346, 455 Bantam Doubleday Dell, 239 Bantu, 77 barbarian, 355, 400 baseball, 104, 379, 380 bass player, 90 Bath, 232 battle, 154 Battle of Glencoe, 232 Battle of Waterloo, 193 Bayport, 82 Beau Monde, 232

Belgium, 72 Berkeley, 78, 84, 146, 417 Berkley, 60, 61, 100, 110, 142, 144, 150-51, 198, 266, 346 best sellers, 16, 28, 37, 40, 44, 54-55, 58-59, 70, 92, 131, 138-39, 154, 167, 206, 221, 256, 261, 265, 269, 416, 419, 423, 433 best authors, 256, 326 bestiary, 371 Bethany House, 28, 67, 239 Beverly Hills, 78, 100, 126 bibliographies, 24, 26, 61, 142, 144, 147, 198, 229, 261, 335, 336, 340, 341, 415, 453 bibliography, 61, 92, 94, 134, 135, 138, 139, 142, 143, 250, 261, 335-38, 412, 454 bibliomysteries, 106 bio-bibliography, 198 bioengineering, 273, 316 biography, 11, 58, 61, 134, 135, 136, 137, 143, 147-49, 192, 221, 237, 261-62, 337, 415, 417, 454 biological, 173, 181, 270, 279, 316 biology, 271 biotechnology, 272 biothrillers, 173, 442 Blacks, 82, 98, 101. See also African-Americans Black Lizard, 150 black magic, 428, 435 black mask, 69, 71, 147 black plague, 288 Black River Falls, 86 Bluejay Books, 346 boating, 104 bodice rippers, 249 Bodley Head, 265 book clubs, 62, 150, 266, 345 book collecting, 106 Book Creations, 17, 241 booksellers, 62, 106, 107, 152, 419 bookstores, 28, 37, 147, 152, 202, 261 Bordertown, 379, 399 Borderville, 91 Boskone convention, 419 Bosnia, 72 Boston, 79, 80, 86, 93, 229, 334 botanist, 90, 102 BoucherCon, 149 bounty hunter, 82, 101, 320 Bow Street Runners, 112, 113, 233, 235 Brabt, 72 Brandywyne Books, 265 Brattleboro, 82 Brazil, 72

Britain, 11, 18, 72, 111, 223, 241, 243, 245, 345 British, 2-3, 7, 73, 92-94, 97, 101-4, 128, 143, 148-50, 154-56, 166, 190-91, 194, 205-7, 264-65, 323, 341, 345, 347, 351, 382, 418-19 British Columbia, 73 British Fantasy awards, 420-21, 424 British Fantasy Society, 419, 421 Brooklyn, 81 Brothers Grimm, 349 Buccaneer Books, 25, 199 Buddhist, 83 Buena Costa, 78 buffalo runners, 41, 42 Bulgaria, 165 burglars, 94, 127, 131, 322 Burgundy, 73 Buxford, 80 C Cairo, 20 California, 4, 16, 34-35, 48, 59, 64, 78, 84, 89-90, 97, 101, 129, 232, 381 Cambridge, 95, 109 Canada, 4, 18, 54, 72, 83, 93, 95, 149, 243, 248, 340, 342, 420 Canadian mounted police, 72-73 cannibals, 424, 446 capers, 70, 104, 122, 123, 125, 126, 129, 130 Caribbean, 22, 82, 99, 244, 247 Carroll & Graf, 150, 199, 418, 455 catastrophes, 275

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caterers, 105 cats, 43, 49, 55, 91, 96, 97, 101, 103, 124, 127, 138, 251, 370, 371, 374, 375, 376, 411, 440, 453 cattle brand inspector, 80 cattle drives, 39, 58, 197 cattle kingdoms, 40 cavaliers, 389 celebrity characters, 45, 397 Celtic, 362, 363, 402 chaos theory, 272 charlady. See cleaning woman Charleston, 80, 220, 227 chefs, 105, 106 chemistry, 271 Cherokee, 30, 49 Chesapeake Bay, 4 Chicago, 72, 79, 85, 94, 95, 99, 111, 114, 264 China, 7, 73, 112, 189, 223, 228, 316, 410 Chinese, 48, 100, 242, 244, 287, 336 Chivers Press, 265 Christian, 5, 18, 49, 50, 55, 56, 57, 360, 451 Christmas, 60, 103, 234, 252, 334, 371, 430 Church of England, 245 CIA, 167, 176 Cincinnati, 81, 88 Civil War, 15, 16, 17, 25, 37, 47, 53, 114, 167, 192, 222, 249, 253, 261, 393, 430 clairvoyance, 87, 102, 291 classic authors, 57, 185, 188, 425 Classic Horror and Fantasy Page, 456 classics, 22, 27, 84, 143, 154, 192, 326, 377, 384, 386, 407, 419, 431, 451, 455 cleaning woman, 99, 101, 102 Cleopatra, 5, 6 clergy, 94 cloning, 316, 317 ClueLass, 152 Cochise County, 77 Cold War, 154, 155, 156 college campus, 108 Collins, 265 Colonial America, 222, 227 Colorado, 16, 22, 41, 78, 85, 92, 93 columnist, 90 Comanche, 20, 29, 32, 44, 47 comedy, 43, 93, 130, 134, 139, 166, 206, 325, 448 comic, 125, 130, 147, 165, 167, 280

comic horror, 448 coming of age, 44, 322 Communist Revolution, 7 Compton Crook Award, 341 computers, 271, 306, 334, 335 Congress, 90 Connecticut, 79 contemporary fantasy, 378 contemporary mainstream womanly romances, 211 contemporary romance, 204, 214 contemporary romantic suspense, 216 conventions, 43, 62, 109, 143, 148-49, 232, 264, 268, 340, 341, 367, 376, 416, 419, 420, 421, 455 cookery, 105 cooking, 105 Copenhagen, 73 Corgi, 150 cosmic paranoia, 424, 431 costume romance, 221 Cotswolds, 75 Council Press, 67 country western, 90 courtroom dramas, 70, 92, 143 Cowboy Hall of Fame, 62, 65, 67 cowboys, 39-40, 46, 49, 52, 59, 438 cozy, 70-72, 140, 143 Cretan adventure, 23 crime, 2, 14, 28, 58, 60, 69-152, 317 crime/caper, 122-31 amoral rogue and hit man, 129 art crimes, 128 burglars, 127 comic/capers, 130-31 elderly rogues, 129 rogues, 125-26 smuggling, 128 underworld, 123-25 women, 130 detective story and detectives, 70-116 academic, 95-96 amateur detectives, 89-98 art, 110 Asian sleuths, 100 bibliomysteries, 106-8 Black sleuths, 98-99 college and university, 108-9 cookery, 105-6

ecclesiastical, 94-95 English aristocrat, 95 forensic scientists, 92 futuristic, 116 gay and lesbian, 98 genre writer's conventions, 109-10 Hispanic sleuths, 99 historical, 110-16 human and animal teams, 97 husband and wife teams, 96-97 journalists, 96 lawyers, 92-93 locked room, 103 Native American sleuths, 100 physicians and nurses, 91 police detectives, 71-82 private detectives, 82-91 professional detectives, 71-89 psychologists and psychiatrists, 92 rogue or thief, 94 senior citizen sleuths, 91 sports, 104 strip joints, 104 women, 100-3 legal thriller, 131-33 suspense, 116-22 serial killers, 120-21 romance/suspense writers, 121-22 Crime Line, 150 Crime Writers Association, 140, 149 Crime Writers of Canada, 149 criminals, 76, 122, 123, 142, 143, 148 criminologist, 92 critical, 61, 96, 142-45, 147-48, 198, 262, 270, 326, 332, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 453, 454

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criticism, 58, 109, 144, 149, 262, 269, 270, 334, 336, 337, 338, 424, 453, 454 Crossways, 28, 67 Crown, 150 cryonics, 271, 334 Cthulhu mythos, 424, 431, 432 curators, 101, 102, 110 cybernetics, 270 cyberpunk, 283, 308, 309, 378 cyborgs, 271, 310 Czechoslovakia, 73 D D's Picks, Adventure 199 Crime, 152 Fantasy, 422 Historical, 26 Horror, 457 Romance, 266 Science Fiction, 348 Western, 67 Dales, 265 Dallas, 16, 81, 88, 93, 252 dark fantasy, 334, 395, 406, 415, 421, 424, 444 DAW, 346, 347, 418, 419, 455 deaf, 87 Del Rey, 346, 347, 418 Delacorte, 150, 252, 265, 455 Dell, 25, 78, 102, 138, 150, 160, 205, 206, 227, 266, 346, 455 demonic possession, 433, 442 demonology, 435 demons, 369, 433, 435 Denver, 78, 85, 90, 99 depression, 25, 88, 222 Derbyshire, 75, 113 detection, 72, 141, 144-47, 149, 409, 454 detective, 69-72, 79, 83, 85, 87, 89, 92, 94-96, 98-103, 110, 114-15, 126, 130, 134, 137, 139, 141-42, 144-49, 156, 167, 194, 198, 233, 255, 319, 321, 322, 376, 410, 411, 447 detective backgrounds, 98 detectives and horror, 447 detectives in science fiction, 319 Detroit, 80, 86, 94 devils, 380, 426, 435 dictionaries, 147, 337, 416 dinosaurs, 371

disasters, 33, 173, 176, 181, 195, 280 diseases, 173 District of Columbia, 79, 85 Ditmar, 341 doctors, 86-87, 90-92, 95, 101, 103, 111-12, 138, 146, 160, 164, 194, 195, 294, 320, 323, 438, 443, 453 Dodd, 134, 198, 265, 449 dogs, 4, 97, 105, 366, 374, 376, 383, 385, 441 Donald M. Grant, 346 doppelgangers, 380 double agents, 154, 156 Doubleday, 60, 62, 99, 140, 142, 150, 239, 265, 319, 333, 345, 346, 449 Dover, 199 drag queen, 98 dragons, 10, 269, 303, 363-64, 367, 371, 372, 373, 401, 402, 427 dreams, 386 drugs, 129, 168, 271, 273, 380 Dublin, 76 Dutton, 150, 265 dystopia, 279 E E-Scape: The Digital Journal of Speculative Fiction, 347 Earth, 3-5, 9, 16, 186, 196, 261, 267, 269, 271, 275, 280, 283, 290, 302, 306, 320, 322, 329, 373, 382, 398, 421, 440 eccentric variations, 52 ecclesiastical, 94 ecological, 273, 275, 400 Edgar Award, 143, 147, 149 Edinburgh, 75 Edwardian era, 225, 228 Egypt, 5, 6, 20, 113, 115, 252 Egyptologists, 115 eighteenth century, 9, 10, 13, 14, 18, 83, 111, 113, 194, 220, 224, 225, 228, 231, 252, 349 eighth century, 73 elderly, 91, 129 elderly rogues, 129 eleventh century, 10, 18 Elizabethan, 8, 9, 112, 223, 225 elves, 382, 402 encyclopedias, 24, 61, 147, 334-36, 339, 416, 453 England, 8-12, 19, 23, 91, 95, 100-1, 112, 114, 115, 116, 129, 154, 196, 207, 223, 224, 225, 228, 232, 244-47, 261, 264, 321, 359, 382, 383. See also Great Britain environmental, 275 Eos, 346, 418 epics, 2, 17, 22, 25 epistolary novel, 16, 251 erotic, 208, 249, 450 espionage, 22, 70, 143, 145-46, 154-57, 174, 176, 181, 188, 191, 194, 198, 216

essays, 142, 143, 145-47, 198, 202, 261, 262, 335, 337, 338, 340, 412, 414, 417, 453, 454 ethnic, 70, 255, 262 Europe, 2, 7, 8, 105, 114, 167, 168, 202, 239, 261, 364, 383, 384. See also specific countries European Science Fiction Society, 340 evangelical, 28, 55 Evanston Library, 26 ex-cops, 88, 99, 102, 320, 409, 410 exobiology, 271 exorcism, 433, 442 exotic lands, 186 exotic locales, 154, 156, 167 exploration, 154, 184, 186, 272, 335 F Faber and Faber, 150 faerie, 52, 250, 251, 376, 377, 378, 382, 391, 396, 402, 412, 427 fairy godmother, 366 fairy tales, 221, 349, 365, 366, 367, 368, 381, 396, 407, 413 Falk, Kathryn, 263 fantasies of passion, 208

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fantasy, 2, 3, 8, 17, 52, 116, 154, 194, 202, 204, 219-20, 250, 261-62, 266, 268-69, 283, 285, 289, 301, 323, 325, 332, 335, 339-42, 346-47, 349-23, 424, 427, 431-32, 444, 449, 453, 455, 456 alternate and parallel worlds, 381-92 alternate history, 382-84 bestiary, 371 unicorns, 371-72 dragons, 372-74 uncommon common animals, 374-76 celebrity characters, 397-98 contemporary, 378-81 urban fantasy, 378-79 human condition, 379-80 magic realism, 380-81 dark fantasy, 406-9 detection, 409-12 dungeons and dragons and other role-playing, 406 fairy tales, 365-68 graphic novels, 396 humorous, 368-71 paranormal powers, 394 psionic powers, 394-95 shapeshifters, 395 immortality, 395-96 supernatural beings, 396-97 romantic, 412 saga, myth, and legend, 359-65 Arthurian legend, 359-60 Robin Hood and Sherwood Forest, 360-61 ancient civilizations, 361-62 shared worlds, 398-406 sword and sorcery, 350-59 time travel, 392-93 world of faeire, 376-78 fantasy awards, 406, 421, 424 Fantasy Finder, 418 fantasy romance, 250 Fantasy romantic suspense, 218 FantasyCon, 419, 421 fanzines, 148 Faustus, 398 Fawcett, 150, 265, 266 feminist, 17, 205, 262, 361, 366 Feminist Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Utopia, 347, 418 fifteenth century, 7, 9, 115, 226

fifth century, 10 filmmaker, 101 films, 28-29, 36, 45, 48, 58-60, 96, 98, 100, 126, 131, 134, 138, 141, 143, 147-48, 154, 181, 189, 204, 219, 231, 253, 268, 280, 294, 308, 323, 336-37, 367, 369, 370-71, 398-99, 401, 416, 423, 433, 437, 440, 453-54, 456 financial, 281 financial intrigue, 174 Finland, 73 fire chief, 82 fire inspector, 81 Fisher King, 445 Fishery Protection Service, 75 Five Star, 66, 265 Florence, 76, 227 Florida, 4, 20, 79, 85, 93, 381 Fluent in Fantasy, 418 folklore, 270, 310, 433, 438, 440, 442 folktales, 365, 368 forensic scientists, 92 forensic sculptor, 92 forensics, 79, 91-92, 99 Forever Romances, 266 Forge, 27, 66, 150 Fort Worth, 82, 102 fourteenth century, 4, 8, 9, 11, 24, 112, 115, 221 France, 8, 9, 10, 11, 23, 71, 73, 83, 165, 220, 224, 226, 349 French, 10, 13, 23, 73, 90, 126, 146, 155, 175, 187, 193, 194, 213, 229, 244, 336 French and Indian Wars, 13 French Revolution, 23, 155, 229, 244 Friends of Kilgore Trout, 326 frontier, 13, 16, 27, 28, 34, 35, 42, 44, 56, 61, 229, 239, 261 frontier romance, 229 furniture restorer, 91 future, 3-4, 70, 112, 116, 143, 202, 250, 255, 267-71, 276, 277, 285, 288-90, 306, 335, 342, 357, 394, 403, 413 Future Fantasy Bookstore, 418 futuristic, 52, 116, 204, 219, 255, 261, 266, 415 G galactic empires, 294 gambler, 90 games, 70, 323, 398-99, 401, 403-4, 406, 417, 427, 443 gay, 70, 84, 98, 262, 316, 413 genetic engineering, 173, 334, 437 genetic manipulation, 316 genre blending, 2, 70, 204 genre writer's conventions, 109 Georgia, 14, 17, 20, 79, 379, 455 Georgian, 12, 220, 221, 225, 226, 228, 234

German, 73, 154, 336 Germany, 9, 165, 167, 349 ghosts, 112, 211, 234, 250, 254, 261, 359, 423, 429-31, 433, 451, 455 ghouls, 423 Glasgow, 75, 76 Glendale, 78 Glitz and Glamour, 212 gods, 362, 380, 384, 424 Gold Daggers, 149 Gold Rush, 34, 35, 48, 55 golf, 104 Gollancz, 265, 346, 418, 455 gothic, 69, 118, 204, 207, 216, 219, 262, 264-65, 424, 426, 452, 454 grails, 413 grand master, 149, 273, 342, 448 graphic novels, 141, 396, 397, 399 gravity, 271, 272 Great Britain, 71, 72, 73, 74, 83, 92, 156, 160, 189, 418, 456 Great Lakes, 4 Great Plains, 4 Greece, 361 Greek mythology, 250 Greenland, 11 Gregg Press, 265 Guideposts, 266 guides, 416 Gumshoe Site, The, 152

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gunsmith, 90 Gunsmoke Large Print Westerns, 66 H Hampstead, 79 handicapped, 85, 89 Harcourt Brace, 151 hard science, 270 hard-boiled, 69, 70, 71, 72, 83, 137, 141, 143, 147, 319 hardcover, 27, 53, 66, 71, 98, 127, 148-50, 203-5, 215-16, 219, 222, 251, 261, 265, 345-46, 406, 419, 455 Harlem, 80, 87, 99 Harlequin, 201-2, 205, 216, 265-66 Harper, 50, 101, 112, 142, 188, 202, 262, 265 HarperCollins, 98, 103, 151, 266, 346, 348, 418, 455 HarperPrism, 418 Harvest House, 67, 239 haunted houses, 434, 450 Hawaii, 22, 79, 316 headhunter, 90 Headline, 346, 419, 456 healthcare professionals, 91 Heinemann, 151 heiress, 90 Heirloom editions, 265 Henry Holt & Co, 151 herb shop, 89 hexes, 382 high tech, 84, 101 hired man on horseback, 39 Hispanic, 46, 51, 99 historical fiction, 1-29, 62, 70, 94, 110, 138, 167, 192, 219, 226-27, 229, 237, 241-42, 248-49, 262, 265, 289, 378, 382, 384, 424 Americas, 13-17 ancient civilizations, 3-7 Asia, Africa, and the Antipodes, 7-8 epics, 22 Europe, 8-12 royals, 11-13 precontact Native Americans, 3-7 prehistoric epics, 3-7 sagas, 17-22 historical mysteries, 8-10, 143 historical romance, 204, 207, 219, 248, 249, 264 historical romantic suspense, 217 history, 1-3, 11, 20, 22, 27, 29-30, 62, 95, 141-42, 144-45, 241, 249, 262, 268, 279, 283, 288, 302, 333-34, 336-37, 339, 372, 381, 391, 424, 453-54

history and criticism, 62, 198, 262, 415, 417, 431, 454 hit man, 129. See also assassins Hodder, 25, 151, 265 Holland, 10 Hollywood, 28, 78, 84, 112, 113, 212 Holocaust, 367, 383, 397 homemaker, 103 homesteaders, 41, 53 Hong Kong, 76 Honolulu, 79, 316 horror, 52, 104, 119-20, 144-45, 173, 181, 268, 296, 323, 332, 336, 340-42, 347, 350, 395-96, 406, 412, 414-15, 417, 421, 423-64 animals run rampant, werewolves, 440-42 apocalypse, 445 classic authors, 425-26 comic, 448 cosmic paranoia, 431-33 dark fantasy, 444-45 demonic possession and exorcism, 433-34 detectives, 447-48 ghosts, 429-31 haunted housed, 434-35 medical horror and evil science, 442-44 mind control, 442 monsters, 437-38 occult and supernatural, 426-28 psychological horror, 445-46 satanism, demonology, and black magic, 435-36 splatterpunk, 446 vampires, 438-40 witches and warlocks, 436-37 Horror Grand Masters, 448 Horror Writers Association, 424, 455-56 horse racing, 104 horses, 4-5, 371, 374 hot historicals, 248 hotel manager, 90 Houston, 82, 264 Hugo award, 269, 273, 275, 326, 341, 342 human and animal teams, 97 human condition, 379 humorous, 143, 368, 415 hunting, 7, 104, 154, 184 husband and wife teams, 96 Hyperion, 151 I

Idaho, 62, 229 Illinois, 79, 85 illustrators, 89, 102, 106-7, 400, 416 immigrants, 13, 241 immortal investigators, 134 immortality, 59, 83, 136, 254, 271, 290, 314, 394, 395, 427 India, 76, 155, 191, 193, 222, 224, 383 Indian captives, 31 Indian fighter, 43, 55 Indiana, 79, 86, 93 Indianapolis, 79, 86 Indians. See Native Americans. Infinity Plus, 347 Inklings, 349 innocent romances, 216 inspirational, 55, 206, 262-63, 266 inspirational historical romances, 239 insurance investigators, 83-84, 90, 98 intergalactic, 273 International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts, 418 International Congress of Crime Writers, 149 International Horror Guild, 455 International Spy Society, 198 Internet School Library Media Center, 26 Internet Speculative Fiction Database, 347 interstellar war, 287 intrigue, 94, 108, 154-55, 167, 294, 372 Intrigue Press, 151 invisibility, 381 Iowa, 86 Ireland, 76, 239, 363 ISFDB Award Listings, 341 Israel, 76

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Italian, 336 Italy, 9, 10, 76, 130, 383 Ivy, 151 J James Tiptree, Jr. Award, 318, 341 Japan, 7, 76, 100, 112, 115 Japanese, 28, 100, 202, 336, 396 Japanese-American, 100 Jerusalem, 7, 76, 252, 407 Jesuits, 278 Jewish, 34, 97 Jews, 383 John Creasey First Novel award, 149 journalists, 55, 82, 96, 97, 101-2, 367, 409 journals, 62, 150, 198, 261, 263, 264, 417, 456 Jove, 60, 146, 265, 266 judges, 65, 93, 420, 421 Just Imagine, 347 K Kansas, 53, 63, 79, 223 Kensington, 151 King, Stephen, 433 kings, 10 Kiowa, 30, 63, 64, 100 knights, 251, 252 Knopf, 151, 419, 456 L Lake City, 82 Lambda award, 318 Lancashire, 116 Land Rush, 41 large print, 59, 67, 134, 207, 209, 215, 265 Las Vegas, 97 law and lawmen, 35 lawyers, 89, 92, 93, 98, 99, 102, 131, 207 Left-Coast Crime, 150 legal, 93, 116, 131, 140, 143 legal thrillers, 92, 116, 131 legends, 17, 30, 35, 55, 251, 329, 353, 356, 359, 439 Leisure, 67, 266 lesbians, 72, 98, 167, 262, 413 librarians, 28, 102, 106-7, 114, 152, 203 libraries, 3, 18, 24-25, 28, 58, 62, 70, 134, 145, 150, 155-56, 203, 215-16, 232, 261-62, 265, 266, 333, 335-36, 345, 351, 365, 396, 406, 412, 415, 433, 449, 453

libraries and romance, 203 Lincoln Prairie, 79 Linsford, 66 literary, 1-2, 9-10, 16-17, 25, 145, 189, 279, 342, 379-80, 394, 397, 407, 424, 445 literature, 62, 135-36, 144, 152, 154, 185, 268, 285, 334, 337, 376, 397-98, 424, 426, 431, 442, 453-54 Little, Brown, 151, 419, 456 little person, 87 locked room, 103, 147, 319 Locus Index, 347 Locus Poll, 340-42, 344, 419 London, 8, 10, 22, 61, 74, 83, 91, 93, 95, 102, 111, 113-15, 134, 141, 144, 149, 222, 232, 237, 251, 261-62, 379, 380, 383, 437 lone survivor, 180 Long Beach, 129 Long Island, 80 Long Island University, 263 Los Angeles, 26, 72, 78, 84-85, 90, 93-94, 99, 102, 136, 139 Los Angeles Public Library Readers Advisory Fantasy Lists, 418 Los Angeles Rams, 84 Los Santos, 82 lost colony, 290 lost worlds, 289 Louisiana, 79, 86, 96, 220, 224 love and sex, 317 Love Spell, 266 Luong, 77 lycanthropy, 409, 440. See also werewolves M M. E. See medical examiner Mabinogion, 362, 364 Macdonald, 265 MacGuffin Guide to Detective Fiction, The, 152 Macmillan, 61, 146-47, 151, 262, 265 Madrid, 77 magazines, 96, 141-42, 147-48, 152, 202, 229, 261, 264, 268, 323, 336, 339, 341, 347, 421 Maggody, 72 magic, 251, 261, 371, 378, 383 magic realism, 380 magical powers, 381 magician, 90 Magna, 265 Maine, 14, 113, 226 Majorca, 77 male romance, 154, 184 male-action/adventure series, 194 Marin County, 90 Mark V. Ziesing, 419, 456

Mars, 271, 272, 273, 330 martial arts, 194, 290 Mary, Queen of Scots, 9 Maryland, 14, 93 mass market paperbacks, 150, 201, 202, 203, 262 Massachusetts, 13, 79, 86, 99, 227, 444 Masters of Terror and Horror Fiction, 456 mathematics, 334 mathematics, 270 Mayan, 84 medical center, 273 medical examiners, 86, 92, 101 medical suspense, 119 medicine, 30, 33, 46, 51, 52, 53, 57, 62, 65, 197, 271 medieval, 3, 8, 10, 23, 101, 110, 112, 115, 220-22, 225, 230, 244, 252, 350, 359, 385, 411 Mediterranean, 196, 252, 266, 384 mercenaries, 194, 299 merchant marine, 193 merchants and teamsters, 34 messiah, 276, 314 messianic, 276 metaphysics, 277, 334 meteorology, 270 meter reader, 101 Metis, 100 Mexico, 17, 22, 36, 38, 47, 84, 99 Miami, 79, 93 Michael Joseph, 265 Michigan, 80, 86, 124

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Middle Ages, 10, 222. See also medieval; specific centuries Middle East, 155, 168, 185, 365 Midwest, 376 militaristic, 295, 299, 300 military, 2, 37, 47, 189, 192, 299, 381 mind control, 433, 442 mines and mining, 35 Minneapolis, 383 Minnesota, 80, 111 Minotaur, 151 Miss Lemon, 152 missionary, 48 Mississippi Valley, 4 Missouri, 57, 61, 86 moles, 375 moms, 90, 101, 102, 447 monasteries, 115, 281 Mongolia, 180 monsters, 279, 302, 423, 424, 431, 437 Montana, 35, 51, 54, 58, 80, 86, 244 Mormonism, 382 Mormons, 47 Morrow, 60, 61, 151, 265, 419 Moscow, 77 mothers. See moms motion pictures. See films mountain men, 32, 33, 40, 43, 46, 55 movie stars, 91 movies. See films Mu, 361 multicultural, 262. See also ethnic Multnomah, 28, 67 Murphy's Harbor, 73 museums, 87, 101 musical, 413 musicians, 90, 167 mutants, 334, 335 mutations, 271, 316 mysteries, 2, 3, 9, 11, 14, 28, 69-152, 198, 204, 216-17, 233, 262, 264, 267-68, 270, 424 Mysterious Home Page, 152 Mysterious Press, 98, 151 Mystery Writers of America, 70, 140, 143, 148, 149 MysteryNet.Com, 152 myth and legend, 8, 261, 359, 390, 454

Mythcon, 420, 421 mythology, 250, 380, 396, 415, 431, 432 Mythopoeic award, 421 Mythopoeic Society, 420, 421 N NAL, 61, 266 nanotechnology, 270 Napoleonic wars, 10, 161, 192, 193, 227 Nashville, 88, 455 National Cowboy Hall of Fame. See Cowboy Hall of Fame National Science Fiction and Fantasy Society, 340 Native Americans, 3-4, 13, 20, 29, 31-32, 37, 43-44, 50-52, 55, 64, 84, 94, 99-101, 134, 139, 181, 205, 229-30, natural disasters, 184 Navajo, 77, 80, 100, 320 naval, 170, 189, 192-193 navy, 190-191, 193-194 Nazis, 168, 286 near-future, 219 Nebraska, 15, 61, 86 Nebula awards, 275, 326, 335, 342, 381, 414 Nelson, 239 NESFA Press, 347, 419 Netherlands, 77, 347 Nevada, 36, 80 New American Library, 346 New Amsterdam, 114 New England, 14, 90, 94, 95, 245, 437 New England Science Fiction Association, 419 New Jersey, 80, 86 New Mexico, 15, 16, 55, 62, 80, 86, 90, 252, 380 New Orleans, 16, 79, 91, 102, 113 new wave, 268, 273, 317 New York, 45, 72, 80, 87, 90-91, 101-2, 111, 114, 126, 149, 264, 383 upstate, 4, 13 New Zealand, 7, 26, 77 Newport Beach, 78 newsgroups, 26 newsletters, 62, 229, 232, 250, 264, 412 newspapers, 96, 101 Newstar, 151 nightmares, 154, 183, 320-21, 335, 423, 428, 431, 442 nineteenth century, 7-10, 15, 19, 27, 73-75, 100, 110, 113-16, 188, 207, 220, 222, 224-26, 228-29, 232-33, 252, 268, 337, 349, 381-82 ninth century, 224 Nisei, 78, 100 noir, 69, 71, 141, 411

nordic, 364 Norman, 226 Norman conquest, 361 Norman England, 116 norseman, 383 North America, 5, 13-17, 201, 220, 382 North Carolina, 16, 18, 81, 93, 96 northern plains, 4 Norton, 151 Norwegian, 14 NoveList, 103 NTC/Contemporary Publishing, 199 nuns, 94, 95, 254 nurses, 92, 102, 120, 252, 381 O Oakland, 78, 84 occult, 251, 415, 426, 453, 454 Ocean City, 93 Ohio, 81, 88 Ojibwa, 93, 100 OK Corral, 36 Oklahoma, 81, 88, 97, 222 Oklahoma City, 88 Olmec, 3 Omni magazine, 347 one-armed, 83, 86, 87 Online Resources, 26, 67, 152, 347, 417, 456 Ontario, 73 Oppy awards, 198 oral surgeon, 91 Orb, 419 Orbit, 346, 347, 419 Orc marines, 370

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Oregon, 58, 88, 93 organizations, 62, 147, 419, 455 Orion, 151 outlaws, 39, 43, 55 Overbooked, 152 Oxford, 62, 75, 92, 109, 413 Oxford University Press, 199 P Pacific Northwest, 34 pacts with the devil, 435 Paleolithic, 4, 7 paperback, 53, 57-58, 66-67, 71, 98, 109, 134, 146, 148-50, 158, 194, 203-5, 207, 215-16, 219, 222, 232, 239, 241, 249, 251, 261-62, 265-66, 339-40, 342, 345-46, 350, 406, 419, 449, 455 parallel universes, 250, 283, 383, 398 parallel worlds, 52, 283, 323, 335, 376, 381, 384 paranormal, 204, 219, 253, 283, 394, 396, 424, 428, 438 parapsychology, 291 Paris, 10, 89, 114-15, 441 parodies, 43, 74, 146-47, 189, 290, 300, 325 Pasadena, 78 pastiches, 146-47 pathologists, 91 Penguin Books, 151, 199, 346 PenguinPutnam, 347, 419 Peninsular War, 8 Pennsylvania, 81, 201, 262 period romance, 205, 216 Pern, 416 Persia, 10 Philadelphia, 13 Philadelphia SF society, 342 Philip K. Dick Award, 342 photographer, 86, 396, 416 photojournalist, 102 physicians. See doctors physics, 271 physiology, 271 picaresque, 34, 42, 46, 55, 188, 398 Pied-Piper, 361 Pinnacle Arabesque, 255, 346 pirates, 194, 249 plantations, 17, 241, 243, 244, 249 plays, 1, 58, 98, 105, 134, 142, 173, 249, 368, 396, 440 poachers, 94

Pocket Books, 151, 198, 263, 265, 266, 346 Poisoned Pen Press, 151 Poland, 22 police detectives, 71-72, 88, 148, 409 police procedurals, 72, 143, 319 political intrigue, 176 politics, 273, 334, 383, 389, 401 poltergeists, 426 Popular Library, 266 Portugal, 11 Poseidon, 265 post-apocalypse, 280 postmistress, 97, 101 precognition, 250, 291, 394 precontact Native Americans, 3, 29 prehistoric, 3, 29, 224, 289, 374 priests, 94 Prime Crime, 151 princesses, 405 Prism, 346 private eyes, 82-83, 102, 111, 113, 139-40, 142-43, 319 Private Eye Writers of America, 83, 140, 149 private investigators, 71, 95, 98-99, 101-3, 115, 134, 255, 320-21, 409, 410, 411, 436 Prix Aurora award, 342 professional investigators, 71-89 professors, 90, 91, 95, 96, 101 profiler, 92 pseudonyms, 35, 58, 75-76, 94, 139, 143, 147, 149-50, 158, 160, 261-62, 341 psionics, 250, 291, 335, 394, 402 psychiatrists, 82-83, 91-92, 102, 139 psychic, 218-19, 255, 291, 319, 321, 426, 428, 435 psychological horror, 424, 445, 453 psychological-suspense, 139 psychologists, 79, 86, 91-92, 99, 111, 443 psychology, 116, 268, 273, 279, 317, 334 psychopathic killers, 120-21 psychotic, 433 psychotic killers, 423 public relations, 87 publicists, 97, 263 publishers, 25, 27, 66, 98, 106, 116, 148, 150, 152, 192, 194, 199, 204, 215-16, 232, 239, 241, 248, 261-63, 265-66, 269, 34546, 418, 454-55 Publishers Weekly, 131 Pulitzer prize, 34, 40, 43 pulp magazines, 60, 141, 147, 148, 194, 208, 412 Putnam, 90, 147, 151, 265, 346, 347, 418, 419, 456

Q quadriplegic, 92 Quakers, 48, 89 quests, 405 R Rabbis, 94 rabbits, 374 racetrack, 89, 90 racetrack announcer, 89 radio detectives, 147 railroads, 40-41, 52-53 Random House, 151, 418 range wars, 40 rare books, 87, 94 Reader's Robot Fantasy Page, 418 readers' advisory, 3, 103, 203-4, 365, 415 real estate agent, 90 recipes, 105, 137 Recommended Fantasy Author List, 418 regency, 204, 112, 115, 193, 220, 223, 227, 232-35, 237-38, 251, 261-62, 264-66 Regnery, 199 reincarnation, 253, 334 religion, 273, 335 religious, 276 religious publishers, 67 Renaissance, 11, 383, 384 reporters. See journalists restaurant critic, 106 restaurateur, 98, 106 Restoration, 111, 114, 222 retired, 74, 78, 79, 81, 90, 91, 101, 129 reviewers, 62, 107, 149, 203, 249, 264, 340 reviews, 62, 142, 146, 148, 152, 198, 261, 263-64, 269, 339-40, 347, 396, 417, 456

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Rita award, 215 Robert Hale, 265 Robin Hood, 8, 94, 361 Robots, 271, 310, 334 Roc, 346, 347, 419 rockies, 4 Rocksburg, 81 rogues, 89, 94, 122-23, 125, 139, 189 role-playing game, 403-4, 406, 427 Roman, 362 Roman Britain, 23 Roman Empire, 24 Roman legion, 361 romance, 2, 4, 8, 17, 25, 28, 49, 52-53, 70, 98, 101, 107, 109, 121, 138, 184, 201-66, 285, 294, 342, 350, 375, 377, 402, 408, 412, 424, 436, 438, 447, 448, 457 contemporary, 204-17 fantasies of passion, 208 glitz and glamor, 212-14 soap opera, 207-8 sweet, 216 womanly, 205-7, 210-12 ethnic, 255 fantasy, 412 fantasy and science fiction, 250-55 futuristic, 255 paranormal beings, 253-54 time travel, 251-53 historical, 217, 219 frontier and western, 229 hot historical, 248 inspirational, 239-41 medieval, 230-31 Native American, 229-30 regency, 232-39 sagas, 241-48 Scotland, 231-32 spicy, 249-50 suspense, 217 sweet and savage, 249 sand-and-tit, 209 suspense, 216-17, 429 fantasy/science fiction, 218-19 gothic, 219 Romance Writers of America, 201, 203, 232, 263, 264

Romantic Book Lovers Conference, 264 Romantic Novel of the Year award, 223 Romantic Novelists Association, 264 Rome, 5, 10, 76, 112, 115, 361 roundheads, 389 Roundup, 66 royalty, 11, 12 Rue Morgue Press, 151 Russia, 12, 19, 22, 77, 156, 191, 220, 223 Russian, 57, 168, 189, 336, 366 Ryhope Wood, 377 S safari guide, 102 saga, 2, 8, 12-13, 17-20, 29, 45, 53-55, 66, 187, 204, 209, 226, 230, 241-44, 246-49, 262, 265, 272, 290, 295, 299-300, 302-3, 353, 356, 359, 391, 403 Sagebrush, 66 Salt Lake County Library System, 67 San Diego, 78, 91 San Fernando Valley, 85 San Francisco, 16, 48, 78, 84, 85, 93, 100, 112, 115, 251, 287, 411, 420 Santa Barbara, 84 Santa Monica, 78 Sapphire award, 250, 342, 412 Saratoga, 87 Saskatchewan, 95 Satanism, 435 Saxon, 85, 361 Scandinavia, 24 Scandinavian, 384 science fantasy, 323, 392 science fiction, 2-3, 11, 58, 70, 104, 109, 116, 142, 149-50, 154, 173, 176, 181, 192, 204, 232, 255, 261, 266-348, 350, 373, 382, 392, 395, 414, 416-21, 424, 437-38, 449, 455-56 alien beings, 302-6 alternate and parallel worlds, 283-85 bioengineering, 316-17 computers, automation, artificial intelligence, 306-7 cyberpunk, 308-9 detectives, 319-22 dystopia/utopia, 279-80 ecology, 275-76 hard science, 270-73 immortality, 290-91 lost colony, 290 lost worlds, 289 love and sex, 317-19 messianic/religious, 276-78 militaristic, 299-300

mysteries, 147 new wave, 273-75 parody and comedy, 325-26 post-apocalypse, 280-82 psionic powers, 291-94 robots, androids, cyborgs, 310-12 romance, 250, 412 romantic-suspense, 218 science fantasy, 323-24 shared worlds, 323 social criticism, 312-14 space opera and galactic empires, 294-99 space travel, 301-2 superman, 314-15 time travel/time warp, 285-89 virtual reality, 309 women, 315-16 Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, 340, 342, 412, 413, 420 Science Fiction Book Club, 345, 347, 419 Science Fiction Weekly, 347 Science Fiction Writers of America, 350, 420 Scotland, 11, 12, 24, 75, 90, 111, 116, 126, 139, 224, 226, 228, 231, 252 Scotland Yard, 72, 73, 74, 139 Scott O'Dell award, 25 Seanchan Empire, 416 Seattle, 82, 88, 366 secret agents, 154 secret service, 78, 115, 155, 167 Seneca, 100, 114 senior citizens, 91. See also elderly sensual romance, 228, 266

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sensuous contemporary romance, 215 sequels, 61, 198 serial killers, 120 settings, 1-3, 28, 70, 98, 103-4, 143-44, 155, 168, 205, 212, 219-21, 227, 234, 239, 241, 249-50, 378, 380, 395, 415-16, 424 seventeenth century, 7, 8, 10, 13-14, 18, 100, 111-12, 115, 194, 221, 224-28, 232, 349, 383, 398 Severn House, 67, 215, 265, 455 sewer inspector, 79 sex, 55, 98, 139, 141, 155-56, 188, 204-5, 208, 212, 221, 249, 255, 266, 273, 317, 334, 335, 437, 446, 450, 456 SF Canada, 340 SF Site: The Home Page for Science Fiction and Fantasy, 347 SFWA Hall of Fame, 342 shamans, 3, 411 Shamus award, 83, 149 shapeshifters, 394, 395 shared worlds, 294, 323, 378, 398-99 Shawnee, 15, 82 sheepmen, 41 Sherwood Forest, 361 short stories, 1, 37, 42, 58-62, 70-72, 95, 98, 100, 103-4, 118, 127, 134-36, 139-42, 144-45, 147-49, 156, 165, 176, 194, 26871, 306, 308, 314, 319, 328, 332-36, 340, 347, 349, 355, 357, 359, 365, 367-68, 374, 378-79, 396, 398-400, 402-3, 405, 408, 412-15, 417, 421, 424-25, 430-33, 445-46, 449, 451, 453 Shrewsbury, 12, 115 Siberia, 7, 181 Sidewise awards, 418, 421 Signet, 151, 195, 266 Silhouette, 216, 265, 266 Simon & Schuster, 140, 145, 151, 265, 346, 419, 456, singular woman, 47 Sisters in Crime, 70, 100, 140, 142, 149 sixteenth century, 9-10, 53, 111, 224, 225, 383 skip-tracing, 84 skunks, 374 slaves, 17, 47, 241, 249, 252, 306 Sleeping Beauty, 367 smugglers and smuggling, 128 soap opera, 207-9, 426 social criticism, 312 society figure, 90 sociology, 268, 273, 317 sociopath, 81 soft-boiled, 70-71 Soho Press, 151 soldiers, 154, 188, 287, 356, 362 soldiers-of-fortune, 188, 194 Sonnet, 266

Soon's Historical Fiction Site, 26 sorcerer, 355, 410 sorceress, 372 South, 226, 241, 245-46, 261 South Africa, 22, 77 South Dakota, 88 South Eastern Road Racing Association, 402 Southeast Asia, 77 Southwest, 4, 6, 46, 48, 54, 78, 431 Soviets, 168 space opera, 270, 285, 294, 296, 299, 325 Space travel, 272, 287, 301 Spain, 10, 12, 77, 115, 223 Spectra, 347, 419 spicy, 238, 249, 266 spies, 22, 112, 139, 144, 154-56, 160, 165, 167, 176, 181, 188, 194, 198, 199, 216 spinsters, 89, 100-2, 134 splatterpunk, 446 sports, 104 Spur award, 42, 62, 67 spy-catcher, 154 St. Louis, 86 St. Martin's Press, 103, 137, 146, 151, 265, 416, 419, 449, 454, 456 Starlight Romances, 265 statistician, 101 steam punk, 283 steamy, 212, 266 stockbroker, 89 stone age, 196 storytellers, 366 strip joints, 104 subjects, 103, 142, 143 submarines, 189, 190-92 suburban, 101, 103 Suffolk, 19, 75 superman, 314 supernatural, 111, 181, 250, 261, 264, 314, 341, 350, 396, 412, 415, 424-26, 431, 427, 447, 450-55 Sûreté, 73, 114, 134 surrealist, 381 survival, 5, 13, 154, 180, 280, 317 suspense, 16, 69-70, 99, 107, 116, 121, 138-40, 143-46, 195, 204, 209, 216, 264, 265 Sweden, 77, 149, 225 sweet contemporaries, 216 sweet romances, 266 sweet-and-savage, 184, 208-9, 229, 246, 249 sword and sorcery, 350, 355, 359, 389, 400, 406, 415

swordsmen, 355 Sydney, 83 T talismans, 405 Tarot cards, 445 tax inspector, 90 teachers, 49, 100, 102 technohorror, 453 technology, 168, 268, 271, 276, 279, 308, 316, 321, 378 technothrillers, 154, 168, 173, 189 telekinesis, 291, 394 telepathic, 320-321, 372, 375, 394 telepathy, 218, 250, 291, 335, 394, 428 teleportation, 291 television, 59, 62, 72, 90, 96, 98, 100-1, 109, 134, 147, 202, 208, 268, 323, 336, 365, 398-99, 401, 416-17, 433, 453 television executives, 84 television troubleshooter, 87 Tennessee, 81, 88, 91, 222, 455 tenth-century, 10 terrorists, 166, 173, 176 Texas, 22, 36, 38, 40, 48, 54, 64, 82, 88, 96, 264, 420 Thailand, 316 therapists, 92

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Thermopylae, 6 thieves, 94, 355 thirteenth century, 6, 220, 242 Thorndike, 66, 265 thriller, 131, 140, 143 Thrilling Detective, The, 152 Tibet, 186, 316 time travel, 2, 3, 9, 11, 231, 250-52, 261, 266, 269, 285, 289, 316, 323, 392-93, 398, 412, 415 time travel romances, 261, 415 time warp, 285 Timeswept, 266 tip sheets, 266 Tokyo, 76, 100 Tolkien Society, 420 Tor Books, 346, 347, 419, 456 Toronto, 72-73, 93, 320, 379, 410, 447 Torstar, 266 traditional mysteries, 143 trail drive. See cattle drive Trail of Tears, 30, 31, 49 transsexual, 129 trappers, 32 Treasury Agents, 78 Trenton, 86 tribal police, 320 Tristom Cook's Internet Top 100 Science Fiction and Fantasy List, 348 Troy, 104, 361 true crime, 142 TSR, 419 Tudor, 9 Turkey, 185 Tutankhamun, 7 twelfth century, 4, 7, 9-11, 114-15, 221 twentieth century, 1, 3, 7-8, 19, 25, 50, 61, 70, 104, 111, 154, 189, 206, 220, 223-24, 227, 251, 268, 349, 398 twenty-fifth century, 287 twenty-first century, 8, 81, 319-22, 367 Twilight, 151 Tyndale, 239, 240 U U.S. military, 82 U.S.S.R., 164 UFOs, 261, 334 underwater recovery, 195 Underwood-Miller, 346, 419

underworld, 123, 141 unicorns, 371, 379 United States, 2-3, 27, 71-72, 77, 84, 93, 114, 123, 141, 156-57, 168, 189-91, 203, 207, 226, 227, 228, 241, 243, 244, 246, 247, 248, 264, 265, 345, 351, 456 universities, 28, 36, 59, 61, 62, 66, 95, 102, 108, 137, 201, 262, 413 University of Michigan Science Fiction and Fantasy Page, 348 University of Nebraska, 66 University of Nevada Press, 36 University of Oklahoma, 59, 66 university presses, 28, 66 unromanticized, 42 urban fantasy, 378 Utah, 82, 88, 281 Utes, 78, 100 utopia, 279 V vampires, 52, 104, 219, 152, 236, 253-54, 261, 395-96, 406, 408-10, 423-24, 438-39, 447-48, 450-51, 454, 457 Vancouver, 72 vegetarian, 83 Venice, 76, 381, 384 Vermont, 82, 91 veterinarian, 90 Victorian, 8, 10, 12, 112, 115, 142, 220-28, 233, 248, 289, 428, 430 Vietnam, 376, 381 Vietnam-era, 376 Viking, 98, 419 vikings, 137, 144, 220, 231, 337, 383, 453 Villard, 151 Vintage, 150 Virginia, 10, 14-16, 24, 82, 88, 90-91, 114, 152-53 virtual reality, 308, 309 voodoo, 428 Voyager, 346, 348 W wagons west and early settlement, 33 Wales, 10, 197, 221 Walker, 57, 61, 85-86, 96, 105, 119, 151, 265, 429 Wall Street, 385 war, 15, 47, 153, 168, 189, 280, 290, 299, 334, 381 War of 1812, 16 War of the Roses, 223 warlocks, 436 Warner, 151, 266, 346, 456 warriors, 29, 201, 202, 231, 412 Washington, 82, 88, 96, 114, 227 Waterbrook, 239, 266

Web sites, 25-26, 82, 136, 152, 229, 232, 264, 326, 345, 418-21, 455-56 Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 151 weird tales, 368, 398, 415, 424, 431, 450, 453-54 Welsh legend, 362 werewolves, 52, 250, 254, 395-96, 406, 409, 423-24, 440-41, 447-48, 454 West, 222, 224, 244, 246, 261, 266, 378 West Indies, 82, 193, 249 west still lives, 50 Westerns, 5, 13, 17, 27-67, 154, 194, 202, 230, 398, 448 African Americans in the West, 46-47 army in the west, 37-38 bad men and good, 36-37 buffalo runners, 41-42 cattle drives, 39-40 cattle kingdoms, 40 celebrity characters, 45 comedy and parody, 43-44 coming of age, 44 eccentric variations, 52 hired man on horseback, 39 Indian captives, 31-32 Land Rush, 41 law and lawmen, 35-36 merchants and teamster, 34 mines and mining, 35 Mormons, 47 mountain men, 32-33

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Native Americans, 29-31 picaresque, 42-43 railroads, 41, range wars, 40-41 romance, 49-50, 229 sagas, 53-55 series, 55-57 sheepmen, 41 singular woman, 47-49 Texas and Mexico, 38 unromanticized, 42 wagons west and early settlement, 33-34 West still lives, 50-52 young adult, 50 Western Heritage award, 65 Western Heritage Center, 67 Western Writers of America, 59, 60, 61, 62, 67 Westerns, 2, 27-28, 36, 42, 46-47, 50, 54-55, 57-62, 66-67, 139, 154, 448 wheelchair-bound, 96, 107 White Wolf, 346, 348, 419, 456 widows, 5, 48, 91, 95, 97, 101-2, 359 Wild Frontiers, 186 Wildside List of SF and Fantasy, 348 William L. Crawford Memorial award, 421 Williamsburg, 15, 21, 248 witchcraft, 251, 436, 437 witches, 373, 383, 436-37 wives, 12, 74, 80, 90, 97, 115, 146, 201, 207, 250, 356 wizard, 397 Wizards of the Coast, 419 wolf, 379 Wolheim, Donald A., 418 women, 5, 16, 18, 32, 44, 47-48, 50, 60, 62-63, 69-70, 89, 92-93, 101-2, 104, 114, 116, 130, 136, 142-44, 166, 184, 188, 194, 201-2, 216, 225, 235, 241-45, 249, 261-62, 280, 282, 299, 315, 317, 334, 359, 377, 412, 414, 430 detectives, 100, 141 liberation, 205 and romance, 205, 208, 210, 212 Women Writing the West, 67 Word, 67 World Fantasy award, 414, 415, 421, 455 World Fantasy Convention, 420, 421 World Horror Convention, 455 World Science Fiction Convention, 341 World War I, 7, 155, 190-91

World War II, 8, 25, 73, 156, 189-92, 205, 224, 239, 252 World Wide Web, 2, 152, 232, 264, 341, 420 WorldCon, 341 Worldwide, 266 Wrangler award, 65 Write Way Publishing, 152 writers, 9, 28, 58-60, 62, 67, 69-70, 101-2, 104-9, 121, 129, 134, 138-39, 143-44, 146, 150, 155, 185, 202-3, 208, 229, 261, 263-64, 268-69, 273, 280, 285, 302, 323, 326, 335, 338, 340-42, 359, 368, 416, 420, 424, 435, 446, 454 manuals for, 25, 148, 199, 266, 339, 456 Wyoming, 52, 94, 438 X Xanth, 416 Y YA. See young adult York, 76 Yorkshire, 409 young adult, 24-26, 28, 37, 115, 206, 254, 262, 293, 297, 340, 350, 366, 391, 408, 417, 423, 378, 381, 393, 395, 411 Z Zebra, 266, 346 zombies, 450 Zondervan, 239, 266

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Character Index A Abbegnarro, Abby, 97 Abbie, 53 Abbott, Sergeant, 75 Adam, 251 Adams, Abigail, 14 Adams, Doc, 91 Adams, Gillian, 95 Adams, John, 14 Adams, Nurse, 91 Adams, Samantha, 102, 108 Adler, Irene, 112, 135 Akamu, 316 Aladdin, 365 Albert, 114 Alexa, 247 Alexander, 383, 398 Alexander, Rachel, 97 Alice, 398 Alinor, 222 Alix, 12 Allen, Steve, 96 Alleyn, Roderick, 74, 95, 138 Altob, Vinnie, 88 Alverez, Enrique, 77 Amalfi, Angie, 106 Amberdon, Telzey, 315 Anderson, ''Shifty" Lou, 90 Anderson, Mali, 99 Angel Juan, 381 Angelica, 254 Angelique, 223 Anhalt, Mici, 81 Anna, 381 Anne, 19, 206 Anne of Cleves, 11 Annie, 393 Appleby, John, 74, 95, 138 Archer, Lew, 84, 138 Archer, Owen, 115 Archer, Superintendent, 73 Ardleigh, Kathryn, 114

Argand, Commissioner Jan, 72 Argyll, Jonathan, 110 Armstrong, Goodwin, 320 Arrow, Steven, 77 Arrowood, Spencer, 81 Arthur, 360 Asch, Jacob, 84 Ashton, Detective Inspector Carol, 72, 98 Aubrey, Jack, 194 Audley, David, 164 Ausern, Kate, 90 Austen, Jane, 111, 234 Ayla, 4 B Baca, Sonny, 86, 99 Baeier, Kat, 102 Balam, Louis, 84 Baldwin, Sarah, 443 Baley, Lije, 319 Ballantyne Family, 21, 187, 248 Balzic, Mario, 81 Banks, Alan, 76 Barlow, Detective Chief Superintendent, 74 Barlow, Margaret, 102 Barnaby, Tom, 75 Baron Family, 54 "The Baron." See Mannering, John Baroni, 78 Barr, Carrington, 93 Barr, Temple, 97 Basnett, Andrew, 90, 91 Bat, Weetzie, 381 Bay, Charity, 87 Bayles, China, 89 Baynes Clan, 54 Beard, Jason, 80 Beare, Trajan, 146 Bearpaw, Molly, 100, 101 Beatrice, 12 Beaumont, 89 Beaumont, Henry, 74 Beaumont, Jonas Piedmont, 82 Beauty, 367 Beck, Martin, 77 Beckett, Sheriff, 78 Belascoaran Shayne, Hector, 84, 99

Bellman, Jeffrey, 157 Ben, 380 Benbow, Angela, 91 Bennett, Reid, 73 Beowulf, 363 Beresford, Tommy, 83, 134 Beresford, Tuppence, 83, 134 Bernal, Louis, 77 Bethany, Tom, 86 Bignell, Mavis, 91 Billy the Kid, 45 Binney, Joe, 87 Binton, Margaret, 91, 101 Birdwood, Verity, 90 Bishop, Professor, 95 Bjorklund Family, 14 Black, Helen, 98 Black, Maggie, 381 Black, Thomas, 88 Blackthorne, Harlan A., 56 Blackwood Family, 194 Blaise, Modesty, 138, 167, 188

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Blake, Anita, 410, 438, 447, 448, 457 Blanchard, Ursula, 111 Blanche, 99 Bland, Inspector, 74 Blissberg, 86 Blixon, 84 Bloodworth, Leo G., 84 Bloomer, Theo, 90 Bludgeon, Spike, 146 Blue, Sonja, 438 Bodine, Jack, 86 Bolan, Mack, 195 Boldt, Lou, 82 Boleyn, Anne, 11, 12 Bolitar, Myron, 104 Bolitho, Richard, 193 Bonaparte, Inspector Napoleon "Bony," 72 Bond, James, 138, 155, 156, 162, 167, 198 Bone, Superintendent, 76 Bonner, Artemis, 46, 50 Borbón, Isabel de, 12. See also Isabella of Spain Borden, Inspector, 75 Borodin Family, 220 Boruvka, Lieutenant, 73 Bosch, Harry, 78 Bouchard Family, 246 Bourne, Jason, 159 Bowie, Jim, 45 Bradley, Beatrice, 102 Bradshaw, Charlie, 87, 89 Brady, Joanna, 77, 101 Brady, Pete, 96 Bragg, Sergeant, 74, 113 Branch, Sam, 78 Brandstetter, David, 84, 98 Brannon, Stuart, 55 Bray, Nell, 113 Brazil, Andy, 81 Bredder, Father, 138 Brennan, Tempe, 92 Brenner, Edward, 78 Briar Rose, 367 Brichter, Kori, 90 Brichter, Peter, 79

Brogan, Jack, 89 Broketail, Bazil, 374 Broom, Andrew, 93 Broussard, Andy, 86, 92 Brown, Father, 94, 138, 146 Browne, Clio, 99 Bruce, 24 Brules, Cat, 43, 55 Brundage, Niles, 135 Brunetti, Guido, 76 Brunt, Detective, 75, 113 Burke, 87 Burke, Eddie, Jr., 81 Burlane, James, 158 Burr, Aaron, 15 Burr, Theodosia, 227 Bushyhead, Mitch, 81, 100 C Cade, Jubal, 57 Cadfael, Brother, 11, 115 Caesar, 5 Cage, B. F., 84 Cahill, Colette, 167 Cain, Jenny, 90, 102 Calamity Jane, 45 Calder Family, 49, 243 Calder, Keith, 90 Caliban, 398 Caliban, Cat, 91 Callahan, Brock, 84 Callan, 163 Calloway, Sarah, 96 Cameron, Donald, 193 Campion, Albert, 95 Cannon, Dave, 90 Capricorn, Merle, 74 Carella, Steve, 81 Carlyle, Carlotta, 86, 88, 101 Caroline, 12 Carr, Charles, 78 Carrick, Webb, 75 Carson, Kit, 45 Carson, Steve, 107 Carter, Nick, 138 Cartwright, Steven, 55 Carver, Fred, 85, 89

Casey, 436 Cassella, Tony, 87 Cassidy, Butch, 45 Cassidy, Hopalong, 39, 59 Castang, Henri, 72, 73 Catherine, 114 Catherine I, 12 Cecelia, 251 Cecile, Sister, 95 Celia, 237 Cellini, Emmanuel, 83, 139 Cen, 316 Cervantes, Chico, 89, 99 Chadwick, 93, 98 Chagak, 5 Chamberlain, Lindsay, 92 Chambrun, Pierre, 90, 138 Chan, Charlie, 79, 138, 139 Chaplin, Charlie, 113 Charbonneau, 32 Charles, Edwina, 102 Charles, Nick, 84, 97, 138 Charles, Nora, 97, 138 Charles I, 11 Charleston, Chick, 80 Chee, Jim, 51, 77, 80, 100 Chin Lydia, 87, 100 Chislenko, Lev, 77 Chrichton, Tessa, 102 Christy, Gordon, 90 Cicero, Detective Inspector Dog, 76 Cinquez, Joe, 87, 99 Clah, Ella, 100 Claudius, 23 Clemons, 79 Clemons, Frank, 87 Cleopatra, 5, 6 Clervall, Hank, 379 Cobb, Matt, 87 Cochran, Bull, 104

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Cockrill, Inspector, 138 Cody, Buffalo Bill, 45 Coffin, Inspector, 73 Coggin, Inspector Andrew, 72 Cohen, Avram, 76 Cole, Elvis, 84 Cole, Larry, 99 Coleridge, Samuel, 398 Coll, Matthew, 107 Colley, 126 Collins, Kathryn "Casey," 166 Collins, Wilkie, 114 Colorado, Kat, 102 Conan, 400 Connor, Gail, 93 Connors, Liz, 101 Continental Op, 83, 84 Conway, Rupert, 90, 110 Cooper Family, 244 Cooperman, Benny, 83 Copp, Joe, 89 Copper, Inspector, 74 Corbaille, Hugh, 116 Corbett, Hugh, 112 Corti, Francis, 74, 110 Coulter, Jason, 82 Courteney, Francis, 194 Courteney, Hal, 194 Courtney Family, 21 Covenant, Thomas, 385 Coyne, Brady, 93 Craddock Family, 243 Craggs, Mrs., 101 Craigie, Gordon, 160 Crane, Scott, 445 Cranmer, Steve, 88 Crazy Horse, 29, 65 Cribb, Sergeant, 74, 114 Crockett, Davy, 45 Cromwell, Tacey, 48 Crook, Paul, 83 Cross, Alex, 79, 99 Crow Feather, 42 Crow, Inspector, 74

Crowne, Rachel, 96 Crusoe, Edwina, 91, 102 Cruz, Carlo, 78 Cuchulain, 363 Cunningham, John, 104 Custer, George Armstrong, 45, 63 D da Silva, Captain José, 72, 138 da Silva, Jane, 88 da Vinci, Leonardo, 197 Dakar, Ahmad, 86 Dalgliesh, Adam, 74, 91 Dallas, Eve, 81, 322 Dallas, Stella, 207, 208 Dalrymple, Daisy, 112 Dalziel, Superintendent, 75 Damia, 293 Daniel, Vic, 85 Daniels, Charmian, 75, 102 Dante, Joe, 81 Darcy, Lord, 409 Darling, Max, 107 Darzek, Jan, 320 Davenport, Lucas, 80 Davie, Dr., 95 Dawlish, Patrick, 139, 160 De Danann, Tuath, 363 de Grier, Detective Sergeant, 77 de Kuyper Family, 247 de Montfort, Simon, 10 de Quincy, Justin, 115 De Sales, 80 Dean, Sampson, 96 Deane, Carolus, 95 Deckard, Rick, 320 Decker, Peter, 97 Dee, Judge, 73 Deidre, 234 Dekok, Inspector, 77 Del, 356 Delancey, Richard, 194 Delaney, Edward X., 81 Delaware, Alex, 92 Dell, Mary, 160 DeLony, Lily, 48 Delstrego, Damiano, 383

Deluca, Patricia, 80 Demarkian, Gregor, 89 Dempster, Sister Mary Teresa, 95 Denson, John, 88 Derry, Jeff, 78 Deventer, Pier, 74 Deveraux, 158 Devlin, Johnny, 380 Devlin, Liam, 163 Di Gregorio, Joe, 89 Diamond, Red, 87 Diana, 209 Dickens, Charles, 114 Dillon, Sean, 163 Dinsmore, Elsie, 208 Dobie, John, 95 Dolan, Trixie, 91 Donovan, Cal, 75, 81 Doolittle, Delilah, 97 Door, 380 Dortmunder, John, 131 Dover, Inspector, 74 Dowling, Father, 94 Dracula, 426, 438, 440 Drake, Paul, 93 Drake, Simon, 93 Drake, Stephen, 96 Drew, Mrs., 237 Drew, Nancy, 98, 138 Drinkwater, Nathaniel, 194 Driscoll, Clifford, 157 Driscoll, Stuff, 79 Drummond, Bulldog, 138, 146 Du Pre, Gabriel, 80, 100 Duffy, 83 Dullac, Superintendent, 73 Duncan, Eve, 92 Duncan, Jonas, 78, 89 Dundy, Ian, 75 Dunn, Micah, 86

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Dupin, C. Auguste, 138 Duvall, Starletta, 99 E Earp, Wyatt, 45 Eddison, Bob, 90 Eden Family, 245 Edgar, 114 Edwards, Harry, 78 Egg, Montague, 136 Eleanor of Aquitaine, 8 Elizabeth, 238, 391 Elizabeth I, 12, 111 Ella, 12 Elliot, Elizabeth, 89 Elliot, Eve, 90 Elliott, Dave, 180 Elliott, Maggie, 102 Elyza, 235 Emily, 19, 206, 234, 237 Epton, Rose, 93 Evelina, 233 Everard, Nick, 189 Ewbank, Oscar, 80 Eyre, Jane, 219, 256 F Fafhrd, 355 Fairchild, Faith, 105 Fairfax, Jane, 233 Falco, Marcus Didius, 112 Falkenstein, Jesse, 93 Fansler, Kate, 95, 101 Fargo, Neal, 84 Farlowe, Winnie, 89 Farrow, Marcus, 164 Fathers, Harry, 74 Feiffer, Harry, 76 Fell, Gideon, 103 Fellini, Bluefeather, 51 Fellows, Deborah, 97 Fellows, Fred, 79, 138 Fellows, Ian, 97 Felse, George, 75 Fen, Gervase, 95 Fender, Ludovic, 75, 83

Fender, Martin, 90 Fenner, Jack, 86 Fiddler, 84 Field, William, 114 Fielding, John, 111 Finch, Inspector, 76 Finley, Peter, 96 Finn, Huckleberry, 44 Firebringer, 372 Fisher King, 445 Fitzleger, Reverend, 250 Flagg, Conan, 88 Flannery, Jimmy, 79 Flashman, 189 Flecheux, Robert, 83 Fleur, 19 Flynn, Francis Xavier, 80 Folly, Superintendent, 139 Fontana, Mac, 82 Fools Crow, 31 Forrest, 96 Forsythe, Robert, 93 Fortune, Dan, 87 Fortune, Dr., 146 Foster, Stick, 96 Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, 445 Fowler Family, 244 Fowler, Hannah, 13 Francesca, 237 Frank, Cesar, 81 Franklin, Charles, 271 Franklin, Ev, 90 Franklin, Kit, 86, 92 Fraser, Claire, 252 Fraser, Jamie, 252 Frederickson, Robert "Mongo," 87 Freer, Felix, 96 Freer, Virginia, 96 French, Alan, 90 French, Inspector, 146 Friedman, Benjamin, 78 Friedman, Kinky, 87 Frost, Reuben, 93 G Gallant, Paul, 194 Gallegher, 80

Galloway, Theresa, 99 Gallowglass, Rod, 388 Gamadge, Henry, 87 Garnish, Harry, 85 Garrett, 409 Garrity, Callahan, 102 Garth, Celia, 13 Gastner, Bill, 80 Gaunt, Jonathan, 76 Gennaro, Angie, 86 Gently, Chief Superintendent George, 74 George, Edward, 107 George I, 12 Ghote, Inspector, 76, 138 Gideon, George, 74, 139 Gillard, Patrick, 166 Gilliane, 222 Glendower, Toby, 95 Gletcher, Philip, 94 Gold, Alexander, 87 Gold, Natalie, 96 Gold, Norma, 87 Golding, Fran, 80 Golding, Harry, 80 Goldman, Davey, 89 Goldstein, Jay, 78 Goodey, Joe, 84 Goodman, Rayford, 84 Goodwin, Archie, 87, 137 Gordanius the Finder, 115 Gordon, Alison, 85 Grafton, Jake, 170 Graham, Charlotte, 91 Graham, Davina, 166 Graham, Liz, 75 Grania, 188, 225 Grant, Alan, 74 Grant, Celia, 90, 102 Grant, Chief Inspector Charles, 73 Gray Mouser, 355

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Gray, Cordelia, 83 Gray, P. J., 92 Green, Noah, 80 Gregory, Alan, 92 Grendel, 363 Grey, Joe, 376, 411 Grijpstra, Detective, 77 Gronig, Hector, 85 Guarnaccia, Marshal, 76 Guinevere, 361 Gunner, Aaron, 99 Gunther, Joe, 82 Gwendolyn, 235 H Haggard Family, 247 Haggerty, Leo, 85 Halfhyde, St. Vincent, 193 Hall, Judy, 75 Hallam, Lucas, 85 Halleck, Waldo, 80 Haller, Mike, 84 Halliday, Willie, 83 Halloran, 162 Hamel, Neil, 93, 102 Hamilton, Gil "The Arm," 321 Hamilton, Nicholas, 189 Hamilton, Phil, 76 Hammer, Judy, 81 Hammer, Mike, 87, 138 Hanaud, 146 Hanks, Arly, 72, 77, 100, 101 Hannasyde, Chief Inspector, 74 Hannay, Richard, 154 Hardy, Cliff, 83 Hardy, Dismas, 132 Haristeen, Mary Minor "Harry," 97, 100, 101 Harjunpaa, Detective Timo, 73 Harper Family, 50 Harper, Benni, 101 Harpur, Colin, 75 Harriman, David, 98 Harrington, Honor, 298, 300, 316 Harris, 87 Harris, Paul, 174

Harrison, Chip, 104 Harter, Edward, 82 Hasford, Roman, 33 Haskell, Ellie, 101 Hassan, Ahmed Ben, 209 Hastings, Lieutenant, 78 Hastings, Stanley, 87, 93 Havers, Barbara, 75 Hawkins, Jack, 107 Haydon, Stuart, 82 Hayes, Judith, 96 Hayes, Julie, 101 Hayle, Tamara, 89, 99 Hazell, James, 84 Heath, Eddie, 78 Heinrich, Captain, 81 Heller, Nate, 111 Helm, Matt, 138, 158 Helwig, Mitch, 320 Hemingway, Chief Inspector, 74 Hemmings, Sally, 13 Henry, 89 Henry, Dallas, 93 Henry, Kate, 104 Henry VIII, 11 Henry IV, 12 Henshaw, Susan, 103 Herries, Family, 242 Hickock, Wild Bill, 45 Holloway, Barbara, 93 Holmes, Sherlock, 83, 110, 112, 135, 136, 138, 142, 146 Holt Family, 21 Holt, Sam, 90 Honeybody, Sergeant, 74 Hope, Matthew, 93 Hopkins, Lloyd, 78 Hornblower, Horatio, 192, 193, 194, 300 Horowitz, Jacob, 80 Howard, Jeri, 84 Howarths Family, 248 Howe, Emma, 227 Hubbert, T. S., 91 Hull, Harrison, 111 Hunter, Am, 85 Hunter, Dave, 57 Hunter, Ed, 85

Hunter, Leah, 90 I Ichiro, Sano, 100, 115 Indermill, Bonnie, 89 Ingles, Mary, 15 Isabella, 235 Isabella of Spain, 12. See also Borbon, Isabel de J Jackson, Andrew, 14 Jackson, Jeff, 89 Jackson, Lieutenant, 78 Jackson, Rachel, 14 Jacobs, Calista, 102, 107 Jacoby, Miles, 87 Jacoby, Quentin, 87 Jacovich, Milan, 88 Jaeger, Karl, 320 Jagger, Michael, 162 James, Harry, 74, 88 James, Sergeant Gemma, 73 James V, 24 Janeway, Cliff, 89, 106 Jantarro, J. K. G., 83 January, Ben, 113 Jardine, Selena, 92 Jarvis, Elena, 82 Jasper, Jazz, 102 Jefferson, Martha, 14 Jenner, Jimmy, 83 Jennie, 226 Jennifer, 126 Jenny, 373 Jensen, Steve, 80 Jessenovik, Vik, 79 Jessie, 47 Joan, Sister, 94 Joanna, 222 John of England, 10 Johnson, Ben, 95 Johnson, Coffin Ed, 80

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Johnson, Jeremiah, 33 Jones, Crighton, 107 Jones, Fremont, 112 Jones, Grave Digger, 80 Jones, Tom, 221 Joshua, 440 Judith, 221 Jurnet, Benjamin, 75 Jury, Detective Superintendent Richard, 73 Justice, Charlotte, 99 Justice, John, 161 K Kalil, Rukmani, 80 Kamehameha, 316 Kamus of Kadizar, 322 Kane, Alison, 98 Karl Aberg, Staff Sergeant, 73 Karlov, Leonard Anthony, 81 Kassandra, 361 Kate, 221 Katherine, 227 Kauffman, Max, 80 Keate, Sarah, 91 Kelling, Sarah, 102 Kellog, Casey, 78 Kelly, Homer, 79 Kelly, Irene, 96, 101 Kelly, Jack, 78 Kelly, Neal, 95 Kelly, Sam, 87, 99 Kelly, Virginia, 98 Kemp, Lennox, 93 Kent Family, 19, 241, 246 Kent, Charlotte, 102 Kent, Tessa, 213 Kenworthy, Inspector, 74 Kenzie, Patrick, 86 Kerry, Don, 74 Kestrel, Julian, 95, 115 Kiet, Bamsan, 77 Kilbourne, Joanne, 95 Kilgarvan, Xavier, 114 Kim, 155, 185 Kimi, 97

Kincaid, Superintendent Duncan, 73 King, Mallory, 146 Kingsley, Chloe, 252 Kirby, 85 Kirby, Jacqueline, 102, 107 Kirk, Devlin, 85 Knight, Joe, 79 Knight, Micky, 98 Knott, Charlie, 75 Knott, Deborah, 93 Koesler, Father Bob, 94 Kohler, Hermann, 73 KoKo, 97 Kokopelli, 6 Kramer, Phil, 93 Kramer, Tromp, 77 Kreizler, Laszlo, 111 Krug, Al, 78 Kruger, 79 Kyle, Harry, 74 Kyle, Jack, 88 L Laidlaw, Detective Inspector, 75 Laird, Andrew, 76, 83 Lamb, Elizabeth, 90 Lamb, Matthew, 193 Lamp, John, 79 Langdon, Skip, 79, 102 Langley, Ingrid, 166 Lansing, Cliff, 80 Larch, Marian, 81 Lark, Tommy, 79 Larque, 380 Larwood, Julia, 92 Lassiter, Luke, 85 Laughton, Maddie, 96 Laughton, Mitch, 96 Laurance, Annie, 107 Laurano, Lauren, 87, 98 Lautrec, Jack, 86 Lavergne, Vernon, 409 Lavette Family, 244 Lavransdatter, Kristin, 24 Lawless, Jane, 98 Lawson, Loretta, 95, 102 Layne, Jeff, 42

Lazarus, Peter, 78 Lazarus, Rina, 78, 97 Leaphorn, Joe, 51, 77, 80, 100 Lector, Hannibal, 446 Lee, Anna, 83 Lee, Heaven, 106 Lee, Robert, E., 393 Leidl, Constance, 97 Leland, 290 Lemoyne, Rachel, 48 Lennox, Chief Inspector, 74 Lenson, Dan, 172 Leonie, 220, 235 Lewrie, Alan, 193 Li, Master, 410 Libbie, 47 Lieberman, Abe, 79 Lily, 48 Lincoln, Abraham, 17 Lindsey, Hobart, 84 Linley, Thomas, 95 Linnett, Birdie, 90 Lintott, Inspector, 74, 116 Lisle, Darina, 105 Littlejohn, Dave, 79 Lizzie, 50 Llewellyn, Sergeant, 75 Lloyd, Detective Chief Inspector, 75 Lomax, Jake, 85 Lone Eagle, 53 Lonit, 6 Lord, Emma, 96 Love, Jason, 90 Love, Pharaoh, 80, 99 Lovejoy, 90 Lucy, 237 Lupin, August, 165 Lyman, Francis Crawford, 9 Lynch, Jack, 91 Lynley, Thomas, 75 Lynn, 316

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M Mabry, Bubba, 86 Mac, 85 MacAlister, Marti, 79, 99, 101 MacBeth, Hamish, 75 MacCallister Family, 54 Maccardle, Cam, 85 MacCool, Finn, 363 MacCumhal, Finn. See MacCool, Finn MacGowen, Maggie, 101 MacKail, Stringer, 55 Maclain, Duncan, 138 MacNeil, Harry, 87 MacPherson, Elizabeth, 90, 102 Maddox, Sergeant, 78 Madeline, 250 Madison, Dolley, 15 Magaracz, Nick, 86 Maggie, 228 Maguire, Kelly, 190 Maigret, Inspector, 73 Maigret, Jules, 138 Maijstral, Jake, 322 Mainwaring, Edward, 194 Maitland, Anthony, 93 Maker, Alvin, 382 Mallen Family, 18 Mallett, Don, 94 Mallett, Inspector, 73 Mallory, Kathleen, 81 Malloy, Claire, 101, 107 Malone, Detective Sergeant Scobie, 72 Malory, Sheila, 101 Maltravers, Augustus, 108 Man, George, 113 Mandel, Greg, 321 Mangum, Cudbarth, 81 Mannering, John, 94, 139 Margolis, Eddie, 87 Marie Antoinette, 11 Markby, Chief Inspector, 75 Marley, James, 86 Marlow, Peter, 163 Marlowe, Philip, 84, 134, 138

Marple, Jane, 91, 101, 134, 138 Marple, Miss, 139 Marsala, Cat, 96, 101 Marsh, Valentine, 378 Martin, Dorothy, 91 Marx, Groucho, 112 Mary Helen, Sister, 94 Mary of Scotland, 12. See also Mary, Queen of Scots Mary Ursula, Sister, 94 Mary, Queen of Scots, 9, 11, 12 Mason, Perry, 93, 138 Masterson, Bat, 45 Masuto, Masao, 78, 100 Matteesie, Inspector, 73 Matthews, Daphne, 82 Mattie, 47 Maturin, Stephen, 194 Maxim, Harry, 163 Maxwell, Lauren, 102 Maya, 3 Mayhew, Richard, 380 Mayo, Asey, 90 Mayo, Inspector, 75 McBride, Michael, 52, 378 McCabe, Cassidy, 92 McCade, 320 McCain, Sam, 86 McCandler, Doan, 98 McCarry, Donald, 89 McCleary, Mike, 97 McCone, Sharon, 85, 102 McCorkle, Mac, 159 McFarland, Mac, 86, 96 McGarr, Peter, 76 McGee, Travis, 85 McGowan, Charlie, 164 McGuffin, Amos, 85 McGuire, Madison, 167 McIver, Tony, 82 McKee, Inspector, 81 McKenna, Patience, 102, 107 McMurdo, 252 McPheeters, Jaimie, 34, 43 McPherson, Mark, 138 McQuaid, Damian, 81 McVinnie, Mrs, 237

McWinny, Tish, 91 Meadows, Jayne, 96 Meehan, Jack, 79 Meiklejohn, Charlie, 97 Melville, 129 Mendoza, Luis, 78, 138 Meredith, Chief Inspector, 75 Meren, Lord, 115 Merlin, 359, 360 Merrick Family, 245 Michelangelo, 11 Midnight Louie, 97 Mikaelian, Garreth, 410 Miller, Robin, 98 Millhone, Kinsey, 84, 101, 138 Milodragovitch, Milo, 86 Milton, Miss, 237 Minogue, Matt, 76 Miranda, 398 Mircea, 440 Mitchell, Meredith, 75 Mitchum, Lucy Scott, 34 Mix, Tom, 45 Monk, Wilbur, 78 Monroe, Louis, 80 Montez, Luis, 99 Moodrow, Stanley, 87, 89 Moon, Charlie, 78, 100 Moon, Reggie, 320 Mooney, Frank, 81 Moran, Stokes, 107 Morck, Detective Inspector Jonas, 73 Mordred, 360 Morrison, Joe, 89 Morse, Chief Inspector, 75 Mortdecai, Charlie, 94, 128 Morton, Constable, 113 Morton, James, 74 Moseley, Hoke, 79 Moss, Phil, 75 Moss, Wiley, 89

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Moto, Mr., 138 Muffin, Charlie, 161 Muir, John, 45 Mulcahany, Norah, 81, 102 Mulheisen, Sergeant, 80 Mulroy, J. D., 86 Murdoch, Bruce, 160 Murdock, Ken, 86 Murdock, Matt, 85 Murdock, Page, 56 Murieta, Joaquin, 45 Murtaugh, Lieutenant, 81 N Nadin, Sergeant, 75, 113 Nadya, 52 Nameless, 85 Nappleby, Sir Jon, 146 Nash, Captain, 83 Nebraska, 86 Nelson, Vicki, 410, 447 Nestleton, Alice, 97 Newman, Victor, 85 Newton, Lidie, 49 Nicholas II, 12 North, Hugh, 159 North, Jerry, 97, 138 North, Pam, 97, 138 Novack, Milt, 81 November Man, 158 Nowek, Gregori, 77 Nudger, Alo, 86 O O'Barr, Dellie, 48 O'Breen, Fergus, 84 O'Brien, Kali, 93 O'Grady, Canyon, 57 O'Hara, Scarlett, 16 O'Malley, Father John, 94 O'Roarke, Jocelyn, 90 O'Shaugnessy, Kiernan, 84 Oakes, Boysie, 166 Oates, Blackford, 157 Ofsted, Lee, 104 Ogilvie, James, 193

Ohayon, Michael, 76 Olamina, Lauren, 277 Olivaw, R. Daneel, 319 Oliver, Gideon, 92, 95 Oliverez, Elena, 102, 110 Opara, Christie, 81 Orr, George, 386 Ortiz, Johnny, 80, 100 Otani, Superintendent, 76 P Pace, Hildy, 320 Pace, Jake, 320 Pack, Elizabeth, 166 Padillo, Mike, 159 Pagan, Luke, 75 Page, Gideon, 93 Palfrey, Dr., 160 Palmer, Chili, 126 Parescot, Hector, 134 Pargeter, Melita, 101 Paris, Charles, 89 Parker, 127 Parker, Claire, 72 Parker, Cynthia Ann, 32 Parker, Quinn, 92 Parodi, Don Isidro, 83 Parris, Scott, 78 Parsons, Peter, 76 Pascoe, Sergeant, 75 Pason, Jerry, 146 Peabody, 81 Peabody, Amelia, 102, 115 Peacock, Chief Inspector, 77 Peckover, Henry, 74 Pedersen, Gun, 104 Pel, Inspector Evariste Clovis, Désiré, 73 Pepper, Amanda, 102 Perkins, Andrea, 101, 110 Perkins, Doug, 96 Peroni, Achille, 76 Peters, Anna, 85 Peters, Toby, 84, 113 Peterson, John, 320 Petrella, Patrick, 75, 138 Petric, Detective Inspector Vlado, 72 Philip IV, 12

Philip of Macedon, 383, 398 Pibble, Superintendent, 138 Pickford Inspector, 75, 113 Picon, Amer, 146 Pincus, Sidney "Silky," 87 Pinkerton, Miss, 91 Pitt, Charlotte, 115 Pitt, Dirk, 154, 195, 198 Pitt, Thomas, 74, 115 Plant, Melrose, 73 Plato, Charlie, 90 Plimsoll, Lord Simon, 146 Plum, Marvia, 84 Plum, Stephanie, 101 Podkayne, 315 Poe, Romulus, 80 Poireau, Atlas, 146 Poirot, Hercule, 83, 134, 138, 139, 146 Poldark Family, 241, 245 Polk, Stanislaus, 80 Pollard, Tom, 74 Pollifax, Mrs., 166, 167 Polo, Nick, 84 Pommes Frites, 105 Porter, Jeremy, 207 Poteet, Ralph, 86 Potter, Harry, 350, 357, 423 Potter, Hiram, 90 Powder, Leroy, 79 Powell, Lincoln, 320 Pringle, G. D. H., 91 Pugh, E. J., 101 Purbright, Inspector, 76 Purdue, Chance, 85 Putnam, John, 90 Q Quantrill, Douglas, 75 Quart, Father Lorenzo, 94 Quartermain, Alan, 187

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Quayle, Hilary, 87 Queen, Ellery, 95, 138, 139 Quiller, 138, 162 Quincannon, John, 78, 115 Quinsey, Lord Simon, 146 Quintus, 361 Quist, Julian, 87 Qwilleran, 97 R Rachmaninoff, Nicky, 78 Rafferty, Detective Inspector, 75 Rafferty, Neal, 86 Raffles, 94, 127 Ragan, Bishop, 94 Ralston, Deb, 82, 102 Ramage, Nicholas, 194 Ramses, 5 Randolph, Reverend C. P., 95 Rank, Augustus, 441 Rankin, John, 85 Raphael, 383 Rasmussen, Alex, 86, 89 Ratha, 374 Raven, 87, 126 Raven, Detective Inspector, 74 Rawlings, "Little John," 81 Rawlings, Mickey, 104 Rawlins, Easy, 85, 99 Reardon, Delia, 78, 102 Reardon, Jim, 78 Rebus, John, 75 Reddman, Joe, 85 Redthorn, Jeremy, 362 Reed Family, 19 Reed, Annabel, 97 Reed, James, 85 Regan, Jack, 74 Renko, Arkady, 77 Resnick, Slots, 87, 89, 104 Rhenford, Liam, 410 Rhiannon, 222 Rhodenbarr, Bernard, 94, 127 Rhodes, Don, 82 Rhyme, Lincoln, 92

Rhys, Madoc, 72 Richard III of England, 10 Riley, Dave, 171 Rios, Henry, 98 Ripley, 129 Ritchie, Lil, 98 Robak, Don, 93 Robicheaux, Dave, 79, 88 Robin Hood, 361 Roger the Chapman, 115 Rogers, George, 76 Rollison, Richard, 94 Roman, Dan, 88 Romano, Detective, 80 Ron, 379 Roosevelt, Eleanor, 102 Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 397 Roosevelt, Teddy, 45, 111 Roper, Inspector, 75 Roper, Max, 85 Rosher, Detective Sergeant, 76 Rosie, 85 Ross, Peter, 160 Rostnikov, Inspector, 77 Rowan, 293 Rowdy, 97 Rowlands Family, 247 Roy, Rob, 23 Rudd, Detective Inspector, 76 Rufen, Tal, 411 Rumpole, Horace, 93 Russell, Charles, 162 Rutledge, Ian, 74 Ryan, Father Blackie, 94 Ryan, Frank, 86 Ryan, Jack, 169 Ryan, Maggie, 101 Ryland, Garth, 96 S Sacajawea, 31 Sackett Family, 54 St. Barbe Family, 18 St. Eyre, Claudine, 322 St. James, Quin, 97 St. John, Jeremiah, 84 St. Leger, Anatole, 250

"The Saint." See Templar, Simon Sallus, Gregory, 164 Salter, Charlie, 73 Sampson, John, 83 Samson, Albert, 86 Samson, Bernard, 160 Samson, Jake, 85 Samurai Cat, 370 Sanders, Detective Inspector John, 73 Sandro, 126 Sanford, George, 321 Santangelo, Minnie, 91 Santos, Estela, 129 Sargent, Peter Cutler, III, 87 Savage, Doc, 195 Saxon, 85 Saylor, Catherine, 84, 101 Scarpetta, Kay, 92, 101 Schafer, Will, 96 Schmidt, Inspector, 80, 138 Schrapnell, Lady, 289 Schwartz, Rebecca, 93, 102 Scofield, Brian, 159 Scott, Shell, 85 Scott, Spider, 127, 164 Scudder, Matthew, 87, 88 Seafort, Nick, 192, 300 Seaton, Miss, 101 Serge, 12 Serrano, Heris, 297, 300, 315 Sessions, Fred, 81 Shadow, 138 Shaft, John, 87, 138 Shandy, Peter83,, 95 Shanna, 228 Shapiro, Nathan, 81 Sharpe, Richard, 192 Sharps, Augustus, 47 Sharur, 384 Shattot, Richard, 111

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Shaw, Paul, 85 Shayne, Hector Belascoaran. See Belascoaran Shayne, Hector She, 185, 187, 188 Shea, Harold, 352, 397 Shef, 383 Sheridan, Charles, 114 Sheridan, T. S. W., 96 Sheringham, Roger, 146 Shigata, Mark, 82, 100 Shimura, Rei, 100 Shore, Jemima, 101 Shrig, Jasper, 112 Shugak, Kate, 84, 100, 102 Sidel, Isaac, 80 Siegel, Phoebe, 86 Silver, David, 321 Silver, Maude, 84 Silver, Miss Fan, 146 Silvestri, Guy, 80 Simon, Alexander, 81 Simple, Peter, 193 Simpson, Tim, 90, 110 Sinclair, Evangaline, 91 Sinclair, Matt, 90 Siringo, Charlie, 45 Sixsmith, 99 Skinny, 79 Sloan, Inspector, 74 Slocum, 56 Small, Rabbi David, 94 Smart, Dave, 76 Smiley, George, 156 Smith, Bill, 87 Smith, Jill, 78, 101 Smith, Mac, 96, 97 Smith, Monsignor, 146 Sneaky Pie, 97 Somers, Harry, 84 Somers, Will, 11 Sophia Dorothea, 12 Southwell, Bob, 76 Space, Sam, 321 Spade, Sam, 83, 84, 138 Spenser, 86

Spenser, Mattie, 16 Spotted Moon, Charles, 93, 100 Sprague, Michael, 86 Spring, Penny, 95 Squani, 44 Stafford, 187 Stafford, Ben, 90 Stainton, Alec, 75 Stalin, Joseph, 397 Star, Belle, 45 Starbuck, Nate, 15, 192 Starling, Clarice, 446 St-Cyr, Jean-Louis, 73 Steele, Katy, 240 Stefano, Flavia di, 76, 110 Stefanos, Nick, 85 Stella the Stargazer, 90 Stemp, Sergeant Fred, 72 Stevenson Family, 246 Stewart, 24 Stiebeck, Ed, 81 Stoner, Harry, 88 Straun, Angus, 75 Street, Della, 93 String, 321 Strummer, Seth, 56 Sturrock, Jeremy, 113 Sughrue, 86 Sullivan, David, 377 Sussock, Roy, 76 Sutcliffe, Superintendent, 73 Swain, Mathew, 321 Swann Family, 243 Swift, Loren, 88 Swinbrooke, Kathryn, 101, 112 Sybelle, 222 T Taliesin, 360 Tallant, James Munro, 82, 99 Talldeer, Jennifer, 411 Tamai, 382 Tamar, Hilary, 92 Tanaka, Ken, 100 Tanaquil, 372 Tanner, Evan Michael, 157 Tanner, John Marshall, 84

Tanreall, Artur Paendrag, 417 Tarzan, 185 Tay-Bodal, 100 Teatime, Miss, 76 Tecumseh, 31 Tee Tucker, 97 Telzey, 315 Templar, Simon, 94, 139 Tennent Family, 245 Tennison, Jane, 75 Thackeray, Constable, 74, 114 Thane, Colin, 75 Thanet, Inspector, 76 Theron, Thomas, 95 Theseus, 23 Thor, 441 Thorndyke, Dr., 138, 146 Thorne, George, 75 Tibbett, Emmy, 74 Tibbett, Henry, 74 Tibbs, Virgil, 78, 99, 138 Tiger, 356 Tim, Mrs., 207 Tincker, Ed, 78 Tituba, 13 Titus, Nicky, 97 Titus, Sam, 97 Tobin, Mitch, 87 "The Toff." See Rollison, Richard Toni, 380 Tonneman, Pieter, 114 Torka, 6 Torres, Miranda, 81 Tourneur, Broderick, 146 Tourney, Zack, 320 Toye, Gregory, 74 Tracy, Dick, 138, 147 Trader, Max, 380 Trakos, Nikki, 81

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Trapp, Rat, 79 Traveler, Moroni, 88 Travers, Ludovic, 83 Travis, Melanie, 97 Travis, Sheila, 90 Treasure, Mark, 91 Tregarde, Diana, 407, 411 Trethowan, Superintendent Percy, 73 Trevor, Hannah, 113 Trotter, Allan, 157 Trotter, Tilly, 18, 221, 243 Trotti, Commissario, 76 Trout, Kilgore, 290, 326 Tucker, Detective, 78 Turner, Nat, 17 Tutankhamun, 7 Tygart, Ike, 97 Tyron, Glynis, 114 U Umak, 6 Underhill, Bonnie, 101 Usher Family, 428 V Valentine, Claudia, 83 Van der Valk, Inspector, 77, 138 Vance, Philo, 95, 138 Vane, Harriet, 97, 136 Varallo, Detective, 78 Vaughan, Barry, 107 Velvet, Nick, 94, 127 Ventana, Ronnie, 103 Verity, Sergeant, 74, 115 Victor, Emma, 98, 102 Victoria, 11, 12 Vidocq, François, 73, 114 Villa, Pancho, 45 Vorkosigan Family, 295 W Wade, Hannah, 222 Wager, Gabe, 78, 99 Wagoner, Nate, 47 Wales, Josey, 36 Walker, Amos, 86

Walker, Bailey, 105 Wallander, Kurt, 77 Ward, Eric, 93 Warshawski, V. I., 85, 100, 102 Washington, George, 114 Watchman, Sam, 77 Waterman, Leo, 88 Watson, 97 Watson, John H., 136 Wayne, John, 113 Webb, David, 75 Wellman, Ben, 77 Wells, H. G., 251 Welt, Nicky, 95 West, Virginia, 81 Wexford, Chief Inspector, 75 Wheatley, Chas, 106 Whelan, Paul, 85, 89 Whippletree, Emil, 80 Whistler, 84 Whitehead, Jane, 100 Whiteoak Family, 18 Who, Dr., 323 Wilcox, Carl, 88 Wilde, Cat, 91 Wilde, Oscar, 45 William of Baskerville, 112 Willing, Basil, 92 Willow, 85 Willows, Jack, 72 Willum, Persis, 102, 110 Wilson, Stoney, 96 Wimbrush, Wammo, 76 Wimsey, Lord Peter, 94, 95, 97, 136, 138 Wine, Moses, 85 Wingate, Caledonia, 91 Winslow, Steve, 93 Winter, Holly, 97 Wintringham, David, 91 Wirtz, John, 90 Witch Baby, 381 Withers, Hildegarde, 102 Wolfe, Nero, 87, 137, 138, 165 Wong, Zhu, 287 Woo, April, 80, 100 Woodruff, Bernard, 96

Woodruff, Snooky, 96 Wraybourne, 234 Wren, Russel, 87 Wren, Susan, 79, 102 Wycliffe, Chief Superintendent, 75 Y Yoder, Magdalena, 105 Yoeman, George, 190 Yorke Family, 194 Young Hunter, 4 YumYum, 97 Z Zane, Betty, 14 Zen, Aurelio, 76 Zena, 5 Zondi, Detective Sergeant, 77

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