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Handbook of
Food Additives Third Edition Compiled by Michael and Irene Ash
Synapse Information Resources
Preface Abbreviations Part I Part II Part III Part IV Appendix
...........................................................................................................................5 ...........................................................................................................................8 Trade Name Reference ......................................................................................16 Chemical Component Cross-Reference ..........................................................780 Functional/Application Index ........................................................................2103 Manufacturers Directory ...............................................................................2646 .....................................................................................................................2789 CAS Number Index........................................................................................2790 EINECS/ELINCS Number Index .....................................................................2901 FEMA Number Index .....................................................................................2978 FDA Regulatory Number Index ......................................................................3008 E Number Index ............................................................................................3081 INS Index ......................................................................................................3100 Japanese Regulations of Food Additives with Standards of Use ...................3132 Glossary .......................................................................................................3149 Bibliography .................................................................................................3159
© Synapse Information Resources, Inc. 2008 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by an means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior permission of Synapse Information Resources, Inc.
Published by Synapse Information Resources, Inc. 1247 Taft Ave. Endicott, NY 13760
Library of Congress Control Number: 2008900013 ISBN-13: 978-1-934764-00-8 ISBN-10: 1-934764-00-0
Printed in the U.S.A.
Preface Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition has been extensively updated and expanded in this new edition. It describes more than 5500 trade names, and more than 4000 generic chemicals and materials, available from worldwide manufacturers, that function as direct additives in foods available for consumption. Food additives are defined here as substances that are (1) intentionally added to a food to affect its overall quality or (2) expected or reasonably expected to become a part of the food as a result of any aspect of production, processing, storage, or packaging. Entries for both trade names and chemicals contain extensive information that comprehensively profiles each product. This reference is unique in that it functions as a single source for information on both the trade name products and the chemicals that are used as food additives throughout the world. It includes summaries of regulatory information for the United States, Europe, and Japan. The products described in this Handbook are cross-referenced in multiple ways: chemical composition, function/application, CAS numbers, EINECS numbers, FEMA numbers, and EEC E numbers, INS number, and US CFR regulatory numbers. Handbook of Food Additives contains the following sections: Trade Name Reference contains over 5500 alphabetical entries of trade name food additive chemicals and materials. Each entry provides information on its manufacturer, chemical composition, CAS, EINECS/ELINCS identifying numbers, general properties, applications and functions, toxicology, compliance, and regulatory information as provided by the manufacturer and other sources. All entries containing references that are described in greater detail in another section are linked with hypertext, e.g., in the Trade Name Products section, A-C® 316A is described with links to other parts of the reference and the Internet: A-C® 316A [Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Oxidized HDPE homopolymer See Polyethylene, oxidized CAS 68441-17-8; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Protective coating for fruits, vegetables Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.260, 175.105, 175.125, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1620, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.3570, 178.3850; DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/313 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EU, Australia, Japan listed Properties: Wh. waxy gran., powd.; waxy odor; negligible sol. in water; dens. 0.98 g/cc; visc. 8500 cps (150 C); drop pt. 140 C; acid no. 16; flash pt. (OC) > 255 C; hardness < 0.5 dmm; ≈ 100% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2500 mg/kg; ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 total particulates (powd.); negligible skin irritant; nonirritating to eyes, particulates may cause mech. irritation; nuisance dust by inh. (powd.); low toxicity by ing.; TSCA listed Environmental: Not considered biodeg. Precaution: Combustible; powd. may form explosive mixts. in air; static charges may ignite combustible atmospheres; melts in proximity to fires causing slippery floors/stairs; spillages may be slippery; incompat. with strong oxidizers, amines Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, combustible gases may be generated in fire conditions Storage: Keep away from excessive heat, strong oxidizing agents, amines "Honeywell Spec. Chems." and "Polyethylene, oxidized" and the other chemicals are linked to the manufacturer and generic chemical sections.
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Preface You can jump to linked entries by clicking your mouse on the hyperlink, e.g., "Honeywell Spec. Chems.". Additionally, Internet links (http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.jsp) are provided for instant transition to corporate and division web sites. Generic Products, Synonyms, Trade Name Cross-Reference contains contains an alphabetical listing of food chemicals and materials. Each food chemical entry includes, wherever possible, its synonyms, CAS number, EINECS/ELINCS number, FEMA number, and E number, INS number, molecular formula, chemical properties, function and application, toxicology, precautions, usage level, and regulatory information, as well as the manufacturers of the chemicals/materials. The trade name products from Part I that are equivalent to the chemical or contain that chemical compound as the trade name product's major chemical constituent are cross-referenced. Synonyms for these chemical entries are comprehensively cross-referenced back to the main entry. Functional/Application Cross-Reference is a powerful tool for locating the trade names and chemicals based on their function and/or industrial application area. By searching for key functional words related to Food Additives such as anticaking agent, texturizer, aerating agent within a food application area such as desserts, health foods, etc., the user is directed to the trade names and/or chemicals that have that specific functional/application attribute.. Manufacturers Directory contains detailed contact information for all manufacturers of the trade name products and generic chemicals that are referenced in this Handbook. Wherever possible, telephone, telefax, toll-free 800 numbers, e-mail and Internet addresses, and complete mailing addresses are included for each manufacturer. Click on the internet address and access the manufacturers website or click on the email address and send them a message. CAS Cross-Reference contains CAS number entries followed by a listing of their generic chemical and trade name product equivalents in alphabetical order. All entries are hyperlinked to the appropriate products. EINECS/ELINCS Cross-Reference contains EINECS/ELINCS number entries followed by a listing of its generic chemical and trade name product equivalents in alphabetical order. All entries are hyperlinked to the appropriate products. FEMA Number Index orders chemicals (that have assigned FEMA numbers) contained in this reference by these numbers. These numbers have been assigned by the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association). E Number Table orders the chemicals by the European Union designation for food additives. INS Table orders the chemicals by an international numbering system prepared by the Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants (CCFAC) for the purpose of providing a method for identifying food additives by number as an alternative to the declaration of the specific chemical name. It is based on the E number system. FDA 21CFR Regulatory Number Cross-Reference orders the trade names and chemicals by their FDA CFR regulation numbers. Each section# is linked to the FDA's web site so that full viewing of that regulation is just a mouse-click away. Japanese Regulations contains an alphabetical listing of food chemicals along with use, usage level, and limitation guidelines. Glossary contains definitions of terminology associated with associated with the food additive industry.
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Preface This reference is the culmination of many years of research, investigation of product sources acquired through personal contacts and correspondences with major chemical manufacturers worldwide, as well as toxicological databases, chemical references, and internet research.
Michael and Irene Ash
NOTE The information contained in this reference is accurate to the best of our knowledge; however, no liability will be assumed by the publisher or the authors for the correctness or comprehensiveness of such information. The determination of the suitability of these products for prospective use is the responsibility of the user. It is herewith recommended that those who plan to use any of the products referenced seek the manufacturers instructions for the handling of that chemical. Regulations and standards are complicated and are dependent on both the chemistry and the application involved. Variation in laws and standards exist from country to country. The ultimate decision on compliance must be made by the user with full understanding of the application as well as working with the producer or distributor of the ingredients used in the formulation.
The Editors
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Abbreviations abs. ABS absorp. ACGIH
absolute acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene absorption American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists ACN acrylonitrile act. active ADI acceptable daily intake (FAO/WHO) ADR adverse drug reactions AEL acceptable exposure limit adsorp. adsorption agric. agricultural agrochem. agrochemical a.i. active ingredient AIHA American Industrial Hygiene Association alc. alcohol Am., Amer American amts. amounts anhyd. anhydrous ANSI American National Standards Institute AOC assimilable organic carbon APHA American Public Health Association API Active Pharmceutical Ingredients applic(s). application(s) aq. aqueous AS acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene ASA acrylic-styrene-acrylonitrile ASBC Am. Society of Brewing Chemists ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials ATH alumina trihydrate atm atmosphere at.wt. atomic weight autoignit. autoignition aux(s). auxiliary, auxililaries avail. available avg. average a.w. atomic weight BAC biological activated carbon BATF Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (U.S.) BDG butyl diglycol BDOC biodegradable dissolved organic carbon BfArM Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte (Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices, Germany) BGA Federal Republic of Germany Health Dept. certification
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Bundesinsititut für Gesundheitlichen Verbraucherschutz und Veterinärmedizin (Federal Institute for Consumer Health Protection and Veterinary Medicine) (Germany) BHA butylated hydroxyanisole BHT butylated hydroxytoluene biochem. biochemical biodeg. biodegradable bldg. building blk. black BMC bulk molding compound BOD biochemical oxygen demand BP British Pharmacopoeia b.p. boiling point BR butadiene rubbers, polybutadienes B&R Ball & Ring br., brn. brown brnsh. brownish BS British Standards B/S butadiene/styrene BSI British Standards Institute BSS British Standard Sieve Btu British thermal unit B.U. Brabender units (viscosity) BVC British Veterinary Codex BVO brominated vegetable oil byprod. byproduct(s) C degrees Centigrade CAA Clean Air Act CAB cellulose acetate butyrate calcd. calculated cap. capillary CAS Chemical Abstracts Service CC closed cup cc cubic centimeter(s) CCFAC Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants CCl4 carbon tetrachloride CD completely denatured CDA completely denatured alcohol CEL corporate exposure limit CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, & Liability Act (U.S.) CFC chlorofluorocarbon CFN Council on Food & Nutrition (Am. Medical Assoc.) CFR Code of Federal Regulations (U.S.) 8
Abbreviations cfu cGMP
colony-forming units current good manufacturing practice (U.S. FDA) ch. Chapter char. characteristic, characterized chel. chelation chem(s). chemical(s) CI Color Index CIIR chlorobutyl rubber CIR Cosmetic Ingredient Review cks centistoke(s) cl clear CL ceiling concentration cm centimeter(s) cubic centimeter(s) cm3 CMC carboxymethylcellulose CMC critical Micelle concentration c.m.p. capillary melting point CNS central nervous system CO carbon monoxide COC Cleveland Open Cup COD chemical oxygen demand coeff. coefficient COF coefficient of friction compat. compatible compd(s). compound(s) compr. compression conc(s). concentrated, concentration(s) conduct. Conductive, conductivity const. constant contg. containing cosolv. cosolvent CP Canadian Pharmacopoeia cp centipoise(s) CPE chlorinated polyethylene cps centipoise(s) CPVC chlorinated polyvinyl chloride CR chloroprene rubber, polychloroprene cryst. crystalline, crystallization cs centistoke(s) cSt centistoke(s) CTFA Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association ctks centistoke(s) CWA Clean Water Act cwt hundred weight DAB Deutsche. Arzneibuch (German Pharmacopoeia) DAC Deutscher Arneimittel Codex (German Pharmacopoeia Codex) D&C Drugs & Cosmetics dc direct current Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
DE dextrose equivalent DEA diethanolamide, diethanolamine dec. decomposes decomp. decomposition DEG diethylene glycol deliq. deliquescent dens. density deriv(s). derivative(s) descrip. description dg decigram(s) DI deionized diam. diameter dielec. dielectric dil. dilute DIN Deutsches Institut fuer Normung (German Standards Organization) disp. dispersible, dispersion dissip. dissipation dist. distilled distort. distortion distrib. distributor dk. dark DMF dimethyl formamide DMF Drug Master Files DO dissolved oxygen D.O. dissolved oxygen DOC dissolved organic carbon DOM dissolved organic matter DOP dioctyl phthalate DOT Department of Transportation (U.S.) DPG diphenyl guanidine, dipropylene glycol DSB dry solids basis DSI Canadian Provisional Domestic Substance list DTUL deflection temperature under load DVB divinylbenzene DW distilled water, deionized water DWV drainage, waste and vent eb, EB electron beam EC European Community EC50 environmental concentration, 50% EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid EE epoxy equivalent EEC European Economic Community EED environmental endocrine disrupter EEW epoxide equivalent weight e.g. for example EGC Epoxide Group Content EINECS European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances elec. electrical
Abbreviations ELINCS
European List of Notified Chemical Substances elong. elongation EMI electromagnetic interference EMS electromagnetic shielding ENB 5-ethylidene-2-norbornene EO ethylene oxide EP European Pharmacopoeia EP extreme pressure EPA Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.) EPDM ethylene-propylene-diene rubber, ethylene-propylene terpolymer EPR ethylene-propylene rubber EPS expandable polystyrene equip. equipment equiv. equivalent ESCR environmental stress crack resistance ESD electrostatic discharge ESO epoxidized soybean oil ESP electrostatic protection esp. especially EU European Union Eur.Ph. European Pharmacopoeia EVA ethylene vinyl acetate evap. Evaporation exc. excellent F degrees Fahrenheit FA fatty acid FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (United Nations) FAP Food Additive Petition (U.S.) FCC Food Chemicals Codex FCC fluorochlorocarbon FDA Food and Drug Administration (U.S.) FD&C Foods, Drugs, and Cosmetics FEMA Flavor and Extract Manufacturers’ Association (U.S.) FEP fluorinated ethylene propylene FFA free fatty acid FFDCA Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act FG food grade FIFRA Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (U.S. EPA) FKM fluoroelastomer fl fluid flamm. flammable, flammability flex. flexural FNB Food and Nutrition Board f.p. freezing point FP French Pharmacopoeia FR flame retardant FR-ABS flame retardant ABS Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
FRP fiberglass-reinforced plastics F-T Fischer-Tropsch ft foot, feet f.w. formula weight G giga g gram(s) gal gallon(s) g/d gram/dyne GFRP glass fiber-reinforced plastic G-H Gardner-Holdt GI gastro-intestinal glac. glacial GLP good laboratory practice GLY glycine GMP good manufacturing practice gpd gallons per day gpm gallons per minute GPPS general purpose polystyrene gpt gallons per ton gr. gravity gran. granules, granular GRAS generally recognized as safe grn(sh). green. greenish GRP glass-reinforced plastics, glassreinforced polyester GVS Gardner varnish scale (color) GWP Global warming potential h hour(s) HAF high abrasion furnace carbon black HALS hindered amine light stabilizer HAP hazardous air pollutant HAPS hazardous air pollutants HAP's hazardous air pollutants HB horizontal burning HC hydrocarbon HCFC hydrochlorofluorocarbon HCl hydrochloride, hydrochloric acid HDPE high-density polyethylene HDT heat distortion (deflection) temp. HFC hydrofluorocarbon Hg mercury HIPS high-impact polystyrene HLB hydrophilic lipophilic balance HMIS Hazardous Material Identification System hr hour(s) HTST high temperature short-time pasteurization HEUR hydrophobically modified ethoxylate urethane HVAC heating, ventilation, air conditioning HVP hydrolyzed vegetable protein 10
Abbreviations hyd. hydrog. Hz IARC
hydroxyl hydrogenated hertz International Agency for Research on Cancer (United Nations) i.b.p. initial boiling point IDLH immediately dangerous to life and health I&I industrial and institutional IIR isobutylene-isoprene rubber IM intramuscular immisc. immiscible IMP inosine monophosphate in. inch(es) Inc. Incorporated inc. increases, increased INCI International Nomenclature Cosmetic Ingredient incl. including incompat. incompatible incorp. Incorporated, incorporation indent. indentation ing. ingestion ingred(s). ingredient(s) inh. inhalation inj. injection inorg. inorganic INS International Numbering System for Food Additives insol. insoluble Int’l. International IOFI International Organization of the Flavor Industry IP intraperitoneal IPA isopropyl alcohol IPM isopropyl myristate IPP isopropyl palmitate IR isoprene rubber (synthetic), polyisoprene irreg. irregular IU International Unit IV intravenous J joule JCIC Japanese Cosmetic Ingredients Codex JCID Japanese Cosmetic Ingredients Dictionary JECFA Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives JP Japanese Pharmacopoeia JSCI Japanese Standard of Cosmetic Ingredients JSFA Japan Standards for Food Additives k kilo KB Kauri-Butanol Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
kg kilogram(s) KTPP potassium tripolyphosphate KU Krebs units l liter(s) LAB linear alkylbenzene LAS linear alkylbenzene sulfonate LAO linear alpha olefins lb pound(s) LC50 lethal concentration 50% LCLo lethal concentration low LD0 lethal dose 0% LD50 lethal dose 50% LDLo lowest published lethal dose LDPE low-density polyethylene LED light-emitting diode lel lower explosive level lg. large liq. liquid LLDPE linear low-density polyethylene LMDPE linear medium-density polyethylene LOEL lowest observed effect level lt. light Ltd. Limited LVP low vapor pressure M mega M mole m milli m meter(s) mmeta manuf. manufacturer max. maximum mbar millibar MCF methyl chloroform MCL maximum contaminant level MCT medium chain triglycerides MD machine direction, mold direction MEA monoethanolamine, monoethanolamide mech. mechanial med. medium MEK methyl ethyl ketone mfg. manufacture mg milligram(s) mgd million gallons/day MIBK methyl isobutyl ketone microcryst. microcrystalline microgran. microgranules, microgranular MID Meat Inspection Division (USDA) MIL Military Specifications mil 0.001 inch min minute(s) min. mineral min. minimum 11
Abbreviations MIPA
monoisopropanolamine, monoisopropanolamide misc. miscible, miscellaneous MITI Japanese Inventory of Chemical Substances (list) mixt(s). mixture(s) ml milliliter(s) MLD minimum lethal dose mm millimeter(s) MMAP modified mixed aniline point MMW-HDPE medium molecular weight high density polyethylene mN millinewton(s) mo, mos month(s) mod. moderately mod. modulus monocl. monoclinic m.p. melting point mPa•s millipascal-second(s) mppcf million particles per cubic foot MRL maximum residual limits MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet MT medium thermal mus mouse MVTR moisture vapor transmission rate m.w. molecular weight N normal nat. natural NB nonbreaking N/B nitrile-butadiene NBR nitrile rubber, nitrile-butadiene rubber NC nitrocellulose NCI National Cancer Institute need. needles neg. negative neut. neutral, neutralized NF National Formulary NFPA National Fire Protection Association ng nanogram NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (U.S.) nm nanometer no. number N 2O nitrous oxide NOx nitrogen oxides NOEL no observed effect level NOI not otherwise indexed (U.S. DOT) nonalc. nonalcoholic nonaq. nonaqueous nonbiodeg. nonbiodegradable nonflamm. nonflammable nonyel. nonyellowing Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
N.O.S. NPRI NR NSF NTP NV o- ortho OBPA OC ODC ODP OEL OEM OMS org. orig. OSHA OTC o/w oz p- para Pa PBT pbw PC PCB pcf PCMX PCP PCTFE PDIS PE PEEK PEG PEIS PEK PEL perc percut. PES PET petrol. PFPE PG pH Ph. Ph.Eur.
not otherwise specified (transport regulations) National Pollutant Release Inventory (Canada) natural rubber, isoprene rubber (natural) National Sanitation Foundation, National Standards Foundation National Toxicology Program (U.S.) nonvolatiles oxybisphenoxarsine open cup ozone-depleting compound ozone-depletion potential occupational exposure limit original equipment manufacturer odorless mineral spirits organic original Occupational Safety and Health Administration (U.S.) over-the-counter oil-in-water ounce Pascal polybutylene terephthalate parts by weight polycarbonate polychlorinated biphenyl pounds per cubic foot p-chloro-m-xylenol Pest Control Product Act, 1972 (Canada) polychlorotrifluoroethylene primary dermal irritation score polyethylene polyetheretherketone polyethylene glycol primary eye irritation score polyetherketone permissible exposure level perchloroethylene percutaneous polyether sulfone polyethylene terephthalate petroleum perfluoropolyether propylene glycol hydrogen-ion concentration Pharmacopoeia European Pharmacopoeia 12
Abbreviations PHA phosphonohyroxyacetic acid pharm. pharmaceutical Ph.Eur. European Pharmacopoeia phr parts per hundred of rubber or resin PIB polyisobutylene PIN product identification number PIR polyisocyanurate Pk peak concentration pkg. packaging PM, P-M Pensky-Martens PMCC Pensky-Martens closed cup PMMA polymethyl methacrylate PMOC Pensky-Martens open cup PO propylene oxide POC particulate organic carbon POE polyoxyethylene, polyoxyethylated polyunsat. polyunsaturated PoM prescription-only medicine POM polyoxymethylene POP polyoxypropylene, polyoxypropylated POP's persistant organic pollutants powd. powder PP polypropylene ppb parts per billion PPE polyphenylene ether PPG polypropylene glycol pph parts per hundred (percent) ppm parts per million PPO polyphenylene oxide PPS polyphenylene sulfide ppt parts per trillion pract. practically prep(s). preparation(s) prod. product(s), production props. properties PS polystyrene ps poise psi pounds per square inch psia pounds per square inch absolute psig pounds per square inch gauge pt. point Pt-Co platinum-cobalt PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene PTMEG polytetramethylene ether glycol PU polyurethane PUF polyurethane foam PUR polyurethane PVA polyvinyl alcohol PVAc polyvinyl acetate PVAL polyvinyl alcohol PVB polyvinyl butyral PVC polyvinyl chloride Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
PVC-P plasticized polyvinyl chloride PVC-U unplasticized polyvinyl chloride PVDC, PVdC polyvinylidene chloride PVDF polyvinylidene fluoride PVM polyvinyl methyl ether PVM/MA polyvinyl methyl ether/maleic anhydride PVP polyvinylpyrrolidone PWB partial weight bearing qt quart quat. quaternary R&B Ring & Ball rbt rabbit RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (U.S. EPA 40CFR §261) R&D research and development RDA recommended daily allowances rdsh. reddish rec. recommended ref. refractive reg. registry regs. regulations REL recommended exposure limit rep. represents resist. resistance, resistant, resistivity resp. respectively RFI radio frequency interference r.h. relative humidity rhomb. rhombic RIM reaction injection molded/molding RO reverse osmosis rpm revolutions per minute RQ reportable quantity R.T. room temperature RTECS Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (U.S.) RTM resin transfer molding RTV room temperature vulcanizing RV recreational vehicle s second(s) s- secondary SADT self accelerating decomposition temp. SAN styrene-acrylonitrile sapon. saponification SARA Superfund Amendments & Reauthorization Act (U.S.) sat. saturated S/B styrene/butadiene SBR styrene/butadiene rubber SBS styrene-butadiene-styrene SD specially denatured SDA specially denatured alcohol SE self-emulsifying 13
Abbreviations SEBS styrene-ethylene/butylene-styrene sec. secondary semicryst. semicrystalline semiliq. semiliquid semisyn. semisynthetic sl. slight, slightly sm. small SMA styrene maleic anhydride SMC sheet molding compound SMG succinylated monoglycerides SNAP Significant New Alternative Policy (U.S. EPA) soften. softening sol. soluble, solubility solid. solidification sol’n. solution solv(s). solvent(s) sp. specific spec. specification, specialty SPF sun protection factor spp. non-specified species SRF semireiniforced furnace SS stainless steel SSU Saybolt Universal Seconds std. standard STEL short term exposure limit Stod. Stoddard solvent STP standard temperature and pressure str. strength subcut. subcutaneous subl. sublimes surf. surface SUS Saybolt Universal Seconds susp. suspension syn. synthetic t tertiary TAPPI Technical Association of the Pulp & Paper Industry TBHQ tert-butyl hydroquinone TCC Tag closed cup TCLo toxic concentration low TDI toluene diisocyanate TDLo toxic dose low TDS total dissolved solids TEA triethanolamine, triethanolamide tech. technical temp. temperature tens. tensile, tension tert tertiary THF tetrahydrofuran THMs trihalomethanes TIPA triisopropanolamine Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
TKPP tetrapotassium pyrophosphate TLV Threshold Limit Value TLV-CL Threshold Limit Value/ceiling limit TLV-STEL Threshold Limit Value/short therm exposure limit TLV-TWA Threshold Limit Value/time weighted average TMC thick molding compound TOC Tag open cup, total organic carbon tox. toxicity TPE thermoplastic elastomer TPU thermoplastic polyurethane TRI Toxic Release Inventory TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act tsp teaspoon TSS total suspended solids TWA time weighted average TWC time weighted concentration typ. typical uel upper explosive limits UF urea formaldehyde UF ultra filtration UHF ultra high frequency UHMW ultra high molecular weight UHMWPE ultra high molecular weight polyethylene UHT ultra high temperature UL Underwriter’s Laboratory UN No. United Nations Substance Identification Number (for transport purposes) unsat. unsaturated UPVC unplasticized polyvinyl chloride USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture USFA United States Food Additives USP United States Pharmacopeia uv, UV ultraviolet V volt VA vinyl acetate VAE vinyl acetate ethylene VC vinyl chloride VCA vinyl chloride-acrylic VdC, VDC vinylidene chloride veg(s). vegetable, vegetables visc. viscous, viscosity VM&P Varnish Makers and Painters VOC volatile organic compounds vol. volume v/v volume by volume wh. white WEEL Workplace Environmental Exposure Level (U.S.) WFC World Food Council
Abbreviations WHMIS WHO wks w/o wt. w/v w/w XLPE X-PE yel. ylsh. yr # %
Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (Canada) World Health Organization (United Nations) weeks water-in-oil weight weight by volume weight by weight crosslinked polyethylene crosslinked polyethylene yellow yellowish year number percent
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
< > ≤ ± ≥ @ α β δ, Δ ε γ ω µ µg ≈
less than greater than less than or equal to plus or minus greater than or equal to at alpha beta delta epsilon gamma omega micron, micrometer microgram approximately equal to
Part I: Trade Name Reference AP™ 25 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fully-refined Paraffin wax See Paraffin wax (petroleum), clay-treated CAS 64742-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-145-6 Uses: Lubricant, mold release agent, moisture resistance/retention aid, thickener in food Regulatory: 21CFR 172.886, 178.3710 Properties: Wh. waxy translucent solid; tasteless; odorless; m.p. 126 F AP™ 35 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fully-refined Paraffin wax See Paraffin wax (petroleum), clay-treated CAS 64742-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-145-6 Uses: Lubricant, mold release agent, moisture resistance/retention aid, thickener in food Regulatory: 21CFR 172.886, 178.3710 Properties: Wh. waxy translucent solid; tasteless; odorless; m.p. 135 F AP™ 45 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fully-refined Paraffin wax See Paraffin wax (petroleum), clay-treated CAS 64742-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-145-6 Uses: Lubricant, mold release agent, moisture resistance/retention aid, thickener in food Regulatory: 21CFR 172.886, 178.3710 Properties: Wh. waxy translucent solid; tasteless; odorless; m.p. 150 F AA USP [Vertellus Perf. Material http://www.vertellus.com] Chem. Descrip.: Castor oil See Castor (Ricinus communis) oil CAS 8001-79-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-293-8 Uses: Lubricant for food processing; lubricant, release agent, protective coatings for vitamins, tableting Regulatory: FDA approval Properties: Sol. in alcohols, esters, ethers, ketone, and aromatic solvs.; visc. 7.3 stokes; acid no. 2; iodine no. (Wijs) 86; sapon. no. 180 A.B.C. #7 [Brolite Prods. http://www.bakewithbrolite.com] Uses: Buttercream stabilizer that also increases yields while eliminating grit and shortening taste. Ablunol S-20 [Taiwan Surf. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.taiwansurfactant.com.tw/] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan laurate CAS 1338-39-2; EINECS/ELINCS 215-663-3 Uses: Emulsifier, emulsion stabilizer, thickener for foods Properties: Oily liq.; oil-sol.; water-disp.; HLB 8.6; nonionic; 100% act. Ablunol S-60 [Taiwan Surf. http://www.taiwansurfactant.com.tw/] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan stearate CAS 1338-41-6; EINECS/ELINCS 215-664-9 Uses: Emulsifier, emulsion stabilizer, thickener for foods Properties: Waxy flake; HLB 4.7; nonionic; 100% act. Ablunol S-80 [Taiwan Surf. http://www.taiwansurfactant.com.tw/] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan oleate CAS 1338-43-8; EINECS/ELINCS 215-665-4 Uses: Emulsifier, emulsion stabilizer, thickener for foods Properties: Oily liq.; HLB 4.3; nonionic; 100% act. Ablunol S-85 [Taiwan Surf. http://www.taiwansurfactant.com.tw/] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan trioleate CAS 26266-58-0; EINECS/ELINCS 247-569-3 Uses: Emulsifier, emulsion stabilizer, thickener for foods Properties: Oily liq.; HLB 1.8; nonionic; 100% act. Ablunol T-20 [Taiwan Surf. http://www.taiwansurfactant.com.tw/] Chem. Descrip.: POE sorbitan laurate Uses: O/w emulsifier for foods Properties: Oily liq.; water-sol.; HLB 16.7; nonionic; 100% solids Ablunol T-60 [Taiwan Surf. http://www.taiwansurfactant.com.tw/] Chem. Descrip.: POE sorbitan stearate Uses: O/w emulsifier for foods Properties: Oily liq.; water-sol.; HLB 14.9; nonionic; 100% conc. Ablunol T-80 [Taiwan Surf. http://www.taiwansurfactant.com.tw/] Chem. Descrip.: POE sorbitan oleate Uses: O/w emulsifier for foods Properties: Oily liq.; water-sol.; HLB 15.0; 16
Part I: Trade Name Reference nonionic; 100% conc. Abscents® 3000 [UOP http://www.uop.com] Chem. Descrip.: Organophilic molecular sieve (sodium aluminosilicate) See Zeolite CAS 1318-02-1; EINECS/ELINCS 215-283-8 Uses: Adsorbent for foods Features: Food-grade; polymer additive for adsorbing low m.w. organics such as aliphatics, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, chlorinated hydrocarbons, org. acids, and aromatics; rec. for use with reactive compds. Regulatory: FDA GRAS; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. dry powd.; odorless; 3 µ avg. particle size; insol. in water or org. solvs.; surf. area > 400 m2/g; pH 9-10 (10%) Toxicology: TSCA listed Environmental: nonbiodeg. HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store tightly closed A-C® 6 [Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.jsp; Baerlocher France] Chem. Descrip.: Polyethylene homopolymer CAS 9002-88-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.615, 175.105, 175.125, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1520, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.3570, 178.3850, 179.45; DOT not regulated; Canada DSL; Europe EINECS; Australian Inventory; Japan ENCS; Korean inventory; Philippines PICCS; Chinese Properties: Wh. waxy prills, powd., char. waxy odor; negligible sol. in water; dens. 0.92 g/cc; visc. 375 cps (140 C); drop pt. 106 C; acid no. nil; flash pt. (COC) 307 C; hardness 4.0 dmm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2000 mg/kg; LDLo (oral, mouse) 5 g/kg; mild skin irritant; dust may cause mech. eye and respiratory tract irritation; OSHA TWA 5 mg/m3 (respirable dust), 15 mg/m3 (total dust) recommended; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible solid; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, oxidized and nonoxidized hydrocarbons HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry area away from direct heat, sunlight A-C® 6A [Honeywell Spec. Chems. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Polyethylene homopolymer CAS 9002-88-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.615, 175.105, 175.125, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1520, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.3570, 178.3850, 179.45; DOT not regulated; Canada DSL; Europe EINECS; Australian Inventory; Japan ENCS; Korean inventory; Philippines PICCS; Chinese Properties: Wh. waxy prills, powd., char. waxy odor; negligible sol. in water; dens. 0.92 g/cc; visc. 375 cps (140 C); drop pt. 106 C; acid no. nil; flash pt. > 231 C; hardness 4.0 dmm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2 g/kg; LDLo (oral, mouse) 5 g/kg; mild skin irritant; dust may cause mech. eye and respiratory tract irritation; OSHA TWA 5 mg/m3 (respirable dust), 15 mg/m3 (total dust) recommended; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible solid; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Oxides of carbon, various oxidized and nonoxidized hydrocarbons HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry area away from direct heat, sunlight A-C® 7 [Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Polyethylene homopolymer wax See Polyethylene wax CAS 9002-88-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.615, 175.105, 175.125, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1520, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.3570, 178.3850, 179.45; DOT not regulated; Canada DSL; Europe EINECS; Australian Inventory; Japan ENCS; Korean inventory; Philippines PICCS; Chinese Properties: Prills, powd.; char. waxy odor; sol. in hot min. oil and fatty esters; dens. 0.92 g/cc; visc. 450 cps (140 C); drop pt. 109 C; acid no. nil; flash pt. (COC) 304 C; hardness 2.5 dmm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2 g/kg; LDLo (oral, mouse) 5 g/kg; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible solid Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, oxidized 17
Part I: Trade Name Reference and nonoxidized hydrocarbons HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry area away from direct heat, sunlight
and nonoxidized hydrocarbons HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry area away from direct heat, sunlight
A-C® 7A [Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Polyethylene homopolymer wax See Polyethylene wax CAS 9002-88-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.615, 175.105, 175.125, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1520, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.3570, 178.3850, 179.45; DOT not regulated; Canada DSL; Europe EINECS; Australian Inventory; Japan ENCS; Korean inventory; Philippines PICCS; Chinese Properties: Prills, powd.; char. waxy odor; sol. in hot min. oil and fatty esters; dens. 0.92 g/cc; visc. 450 cps (140 C); drop pt. 109 C; acid no. nil; hardness 2.5 dmm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2 g/kg; LDLo (oral, mouse) 5 g/kg; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible solid Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, oxidized and nonoxidized hydrocarbons HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry area away from direct heat, sunlight
A-C® 8A [Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Polyethylene homopolymer CAS 9002-88-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.615, 175.105, 175.125, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1520, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.3570, 178.3850, 179.45; DOT not regulated; Canada DSL; Europe EINECS; Australian Inventory; Japan ENCS; Korean inventory; Philippines PICCS; Chinese Properties: Powd.; char. waxy odor; dens. 0.93 g/cc; visc. 450 cps (140 C); drop pt. 113 C (Mettler); acid no. nil; hardness 1.0 dmm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2 g/kg; LDLo (oral, mouse) 5 g/kg; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible solid Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, oxidized and nonoxidized hydrocarbons HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry area away from direct heat, sunlight
A-C® 8 [Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.jsp; Baerlocher France] Chem. Descrip.: Polyethylene homopolymer CAS 9002-88-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.615, 175.105, 175.125, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1520, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.3570, 178.3850, 179.45; DOT not regulated; Canada DSL; Europe EINECS; Australian Inventory; Japan ENCS; Korean inventory; Philippines PICCS; Chinese Properties: Prills, powd.; char. waxy odor; dens. 0.93 g/cc; visc. 400 cps (140 C); drop. pt. 116 C; acid no. nil; flash pt. (COC) 307 C; hardness 1.0 dmm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2 g/kg; LDLo (oral, mouse) 5 g/kg; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible solid Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, oxidized Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
A-C® 9 [Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.jsp; Baerlocher France] Chem. Descrip.: Polyethylene homopolymer CAS 9002-88-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.615, 175.105, 175.125, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1520, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.3570, 178.3850, 179.45; DOT not regulated; Canada DSL; Europe EINECS; Australian Inventory; Japan ENCS; Korean inventory; Philippines PICCS; Chinese Properties: Prills, powd.; char. waxy odor; dens. 0.94 g/cc; visc. 450 cps (140 C); drop. pt. 117 C; acid no. nil; flash pt. (COC) 318 C; hardness 0.5 dmm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2 g/kg; LDLo (oral, mouse) 5 g/kg; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible solid Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, oxidized and nonoxidized hydrocarbons HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 18
Part I: Trade Name Reference Storage: Store in cool, dry area away from direct heat, sunlight A-C® 9A [Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Polyethylene homopolymer CAS 9002-88-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.615, 175.105, 175.125, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1520, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.3570, 178.3850, 179.45; DOT not regulated; Canada DSL; Europe EINECS; Australian Inventory; Japan ENCS; Korean inventory; Philippines PICCS; Chinese Properties: Powd.; char. waxy odor; avg. particle size 220 µ; dens. 0.94 g/cc; visc. 450 cps (140 C); drop. pt. 117 C; acid no. nil; hardness 0.5 dmm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2 g/kg; LDLo (oral, mouse) 5 g/kg; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible solid Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, oxidized and nonoxidized hydrocarbons HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry area away from direct heat, sunlight A-C® 9CF [Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Polyethylene homopolymer CAS 9002-88-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: DOT not regulated; RCRA, SARA §311/313 nonreportable; Canada DSL; Europe EINECS; Australian Chemical Inventory; Japan ENCS; Korean inventory; Philippines PICCS; Chinese inventory (draft); OSHA combustible solid Properties: Solid; char. waxy odor; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 0.88-0.97; m.p. 92-122 C; flash pt. (OC) > 230 C; fire pt. > 313 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2 g/kg; LDLo (oral, mouse) 5 g/kg; mild skin irritant; TSCA listed Environmental: not considered biodeg. Precaution: Combustible solid; wear protective gloves with long sleeves, chemical goggles, respirator if dusty conditions prevail; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, combustible gases Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry area away from direct heat, sunlight A-C® 9F [Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Polyethylene homopolymer CAS 9002-88-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.615, 175.105, 175.125, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1520, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.3570, 178.3850, 179.45; DOT not regulated; Canada DSL; Europe EINECS; Australian Inventory; Japan ENCS; Korean inventory; Philippines PICCS; Chinese Properties: Fine powd.; char. waxy odor; avg. particle size 110 µ; dens. 0.94 g/cc; visc. 450 cps (140 C); drop. pt. 117 C; acid no. nil; hardness 0.5 dmm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2 g/kg; LDLo (oral, mouse) 5 g/kg; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible solid Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, oxidized and nonoxidized hydrocarbons HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry area away from direct heat, sunlight A-C® 16A [Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Polyethylene homopolymer CAS 9002-88-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: DOT not regulated; RCRA, SARA §311/313 nonreportable; Canada DSL; Europe EINECS; Australian Chemical Inventory; Japan ENCS; Korean inventory; Philippines PICCS; Chinese inventory (draft); OSHA combustible solid Properties: Solid; char. waxy odor; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 0.88-0.97; m.p. 92-122 C; flash pt. (OC) > 230 C; fire pt. > 313 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2 g/kg; LDLo (oral, mouse) 5 g/kg; mild skin irritant; TSCA listed Environmental: not considered biodeg. Precaution: Combustible solid; wear protective gloves with long sleeves, chemical goggles, respirator if dusty conditions prevail; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, 19
Part I: Trade Name Reference combustible gases Storage: Store in cool, dry area away from direct heat, sunlight AC-130 [Am. Casein http://www.americancasein.com] Chem. Descrip.: Milk protein Chem. Analysis: 8% moisture; 1.5% fat CAS 9000-71-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-555-1 Uses: Protein supplement in food Features: Precipitated from fresh skim milk Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to lt. cream fine free-flowing powd.; clean odor/flavor; particle size 30 mesh; pH 3.7-5.2; 97.2% (dry basis) protein Storage: Keep in a cool, dry place AC-180 [Am. Casein http://www.americancasein.com] Chem. Descrip.: Milk protein Chem. Analysis: 8% mositure; 1.5% fat CAS 9000-71-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-555-1 Uses: Protein supplement in food Features: Precipitated from fresh skim milk Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to lt. cream fine free-flowing powd.; clean odor; bland flavor; particle size 80 mesh; pH 3.7-5.2; 97.2% (dry basis) protein Storage: Keep in a cool, dry place A-C® 316 [Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Oxidized HDPE homopolymer See Polyethylene, oxidized CAS 68441-17-8; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Protective coating for fruits, vegetables Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.260, 175.105, 175.125, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1620, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.3570, 178.3850; DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/313 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EU, Australia, Japan listed Properties: Wh. waxy gran., powd.; waxy odor; negligible sol. in water; dens. 0.98 g/cc; visc. 8500 cps (150 C); drop pt. 140 C; acid no. 16; flash pt. (OC) > 255 C; hardness < 0.5 dmm; ≈ 100% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2500 mg/kg; ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 total particulates (powd.); negligible skin irritant; nonirritating to eyes, particulates may cause mech. irritation; nuisance dust by inh. (powd.); low toxicity by ing.; TSCA listed Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Environmental: not considered biodeg. Precaution: Combustible; powd. may form explosive mixts. in air; static charges may ignite combustible atmospheres; melts in proximity to fires causing slippery floors/stairs; spillages may be slippery; incompat. with strong oxidizers, amines Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, combustible gases may be generated in fire conditions Storage: Keep away from excessive heat, strong oxidizing agents, amines A-C® 316A [Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Oxidized HDPE homopolymer See Polyethylene, oxidized CAS 68441-17-8; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Protective coating for fruits, vegetables Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.260, 175.105, 175.125, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1620, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.3570, 178.3850; DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/313 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EU, Australia, Japan listed Properties: Wh. waxy gran., powd.; waxy odor; negligible sol. in water; dens. 0.98 g/cc; visc. 8500 cps (150 C); drop pt. 140 C; acid no. 16; flash pt. (OC) > 255 C; hardness < 0.5 dmm; ≈ 100% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2500 mg/kg; ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 total particulates (powd.); negligible skin irritant; nonirritating to eyes, particulates may cause mech. irritation; nuisance dust by inh. (powd.); low toxicity by ing.; TSCA listed Environmental: not considered biodeg. Precaution: Combustible; powd. may form explosive mixts. in air; static charges may ignite combustible atmospheres; melts in proximity to fires causing slippery floors/stairs; spillages may be slippery; incompat. with strong oxidizers, amines Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, combustible gases may be generated in fire conditions Storage: Keep away from excessive heat, strong oxidizing agents, amines A-C® 617G [Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Polyethylene homopolymer 20
Part I: Trade Name Reference CAS 9002-88-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: DOT not regulated; RCRA, SARA §311/313 nonreportable; Canada DSL; Europe EINECS; Australian Chemical Inventory; Japan ENCS; Korean inventory; Philippines PICCS; Chinese inventory (draft); OSHA combustible solid Properties: Solid; char. waxy odor; negligible sol. in water; dens. 0.91 g/cc; visc. 200 cps (140 C); drop. pt. 102 C; flash pt. (OC) > 230 C; fire pt. > 313 C; acid no. nil; hardness 7.0 dmm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2 g/kg; LDLo (oral, mouse) 5 g/kg; mild skin irritant; TSCA listed Environmental: not considered biodeg. Precaution: Combustible solid; wear protective gloves with long sleeves, chemical goggles, respirator if dusty conditions prevail; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, combustible gases HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry area away from direct heat, sunlight A-C® 629 [Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Oxidized polyethylene homopolymer See Polyethylene, oxidized CAS 68441-17-8; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Protective coating for fruits, vegetables Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.260, 175.105, 175.125, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1620, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.3570, 178.3850; DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/313 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EU, Australia, Japan listed Properties: Wh. waxy prills, powd., char. waxy odor; negligible sol. in water; dens. 0.93 g/cc; visc. 200 cps (140 C); drop pt. 101 C; acid no. 15; flash pt. (COC) 274 C; hardness 5.5 dmm; ≈ 100% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2500 mg/kg; nonirritating to skin and eyes; dust may cause mech. irritation; OSHA TWA 5 mg/m3 (respirable dust), 15 mg/m3 (total dust) recommended; TSCA listed Environmental: not considered biodeg. Precaution: Combustible; powd. may form explosive mixts. in air; static charges may ignite combustible atmospheres; melts in Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
proximity to fires causing slippery floors/stairs; spillages may be slippery; incompat. with strong oxidizers, amines Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, combustible gases may be generated in fire conditions Storage: Keep away from excessive heat, strong oxidizing agents, amines A-C® 629A [Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Oxidized polyethylene homopolymer See Polyethylene, oxidized CAS 68441-17-8; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Protective coating for fruits, vegetables Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.260, 175.105, 175.125, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1620, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.3570, 178.3850; DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/313 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EU, Australia, Japan listed Properties: Wh. waxy prills, powd.; char. waxy odor; negligible sol. in water; dens. 0.93 g/cc; visc. 200 cps (140 C); drop pt. 101 C; acid no. 15; flash pt. (OC) > 255 C; hardness 5.5 dmm; ≈ 100% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2500 mg/kg; ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 total particulates (powd.); negligible skin irritant; nonirritating to eyes, particulates may cause mech. irritation; nuisance dust by inh. (powd.); low toxicity by ing.; TSCA listed Environmental: not considered biodeg. Precaution: Combustible; powd. may form explosive mixts. in air; static charges may ignite combustible atmospheres; melts in proximity to fires causing slippery floors/stairs; spillages may be slippery; incompat. with strong oxidizers, amines Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, combustible gases may be generated in fire conditions Storage: Keep away from excessive heat, strong oxidizing agents, amines A-C® 655 [Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Oxidized polyethylene homopolymer See Polyethylene, oxidized CAS 68441-17-8; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Protective coating for fruits, vegetables Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.260, 175.105, 21
Part I: Trade Name Reference 175.125, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1620, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.3570, 178.3850; DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/313 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EU, Australia, Japan listed Properties: Wh. waxy prills; char. waxy odor; negligible sol. in water; dens. 0.93 g/cc; visc. 210 cps (140 C); drop pt. 107 C; acid no. 16; flash pt. (COC) 274 C; hardness 2.5 dmm; ≈ 100% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2500 mg/kg; ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 total particulates (powd.); negligible skin irritant; nonirritating to eyes, particulates may cause mech. irritation; nuisance dust by inh. (powd.); low toxicity by ing.; TSCA listed Environmental: not considered biodeg. Precaution: Combustible; powd. may form explosive mixts. in air; static charges may ignite combustible atmospheres; melts in proximity to fires causing slippery floors/stairs; spillages may be slippery; incompat. with strong oxidizers, amines Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, combustible gases may be generated in fire conditions Storage: Keep away from excessive heat, strong oxidizing agents, amines A-C® 680 [Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Oxidized polyethylene homopolymer See Polyethylene, oxidized CAS 68441-17-8; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Protective coating for fruits, vegetables Features: Emulsifiable Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.260, 175.105, 175.125, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1620, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.3570, 178.3850; DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/313 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EU, Australia, Japan listed Properties: Wh. waxy prills; char. waxy odor; negligible sol. in water; dens. 0.93 g/cc; visc. 250 cps (140 C); drop pt. 108 C; acid no. 16; flash pt. (COC) 277 C; hardness 1.5 dmm; ≈ 100% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2500 mg/kg; ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 total particulates (powd.); negligible skin irritant; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
nonirritating to eyes, particulates may cause mech. irritation; nuisance dust by inh. (powd.); low toxicity by ing.; TSCA listed Environmental: not considered biodeg. Precaution: Combustible; powd. may form explosive mixts. in air; static charges may ignite combustible atmospheres; melts in proximity to fires causing slippery floors/stairs; spillages may be slippery; incompat. with strong oxidizers, amines Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, combustible gases may be generated in fire conditions Storage: Keep away from excessive heat, strong oxidizing agents, amines A-C® 715 [Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Polyethylene homopolymer See Polyethylene CAS 9002-88-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.615, 175.105, 175.125, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1520, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.3570, 178.3850, 179.45; DOT not regulated; Canada DSL; Europe EINECS; Australian Inventory; Japan ENCS; Korean inventory; Philippines PICCS; Chinese Properties: Diced form; char. waxy odor; sp.gr. 0.92; visc. 4000 cps (140 C); drop pt. 109 C; acid no. nil; flash pt. (COC) 302 C; hardness 2.5 dmm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2 g/kg; LDLo (oral, mouse) 5 g/kg; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible solid Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, oxidized and nonoxidized hydrocarbons HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry area away from direct heat, sunlight A-C® 735 [Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Polyethylene homopolymer See Polyethylene CAS 9002-88-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.615, 175.105, 175.125, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1520, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.3570, 22
Part I: Trade Name Reference 178.3850, 179.45; DOT not regulated; Canada DSL; Europe EINECS; Australian Inventory; Japan ENCS; Korean inventory; Philippines PICCS; Chinese Properties: Diced form; char. waxy odor; sp.gr. 0.92; visc. 6000 cps (140 C); drop pt. 110 C; acid no. nil; hardness 2.5 dmm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2 g/kg; LDLo (oral, mouse) 5 g/kg; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible solid Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, oxidized and nonoxidized hydrocarbons HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry area away from direct heat, sunlight A-C® 810A [Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Polyethylene homopolymer CAS 9002-88-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: DOT not regulated; RCRA, SARA §311/313 nonreportable; Canada DSL; Europe EINECS; Australian Chemical Inventory; Japan ENCS; Korean inventory; Philippines PICCS; Chinese inventory (draft); OSHA combustible solid Properties: Solid; char. waxy odor; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 0.88-0.97; m.p. 92-122 C; flash pt. (OC) > 230 C; fire pt. > 313 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2 g/kg; mild skin irritant; TSCA listed Environmental: not considered biodeg. Precaution: Wear protective gloves with long sleeves, chemical goggles, respirator if dusty conditions prevail; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, combustible gases Storage: Avoid excessive heat A-C® 820A [Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Polyethylene homopolymer CAS 9002-88-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: DOT not regulated; RCRA, SARA §311/313 nonreportable; Canada DSL; Europe EINECS; Australian Chemical Inventory; Japan ENCS; Korean inventory; Philippines PICCS; Chinese inventory (draft); OSHA combustible solid Properties: Solid; char. waxy odor; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 0.88-0.97; m.p. 92-122 C; flash Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
pt. (OC) > 230 C; fire pt. > 313 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2 g/kg; mild skin irritant; TSCA listed Environmental: not considered biodeg. Precaution: Wear protective gloves with long sleeves, chemical goggles, respirator if dusty conditions prevail; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, combustible gases Storage: Avoid excessive heat A-C® 1702 [Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Polyethylene homopolymer CAS 9002-88-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: DOT not regulated; RCRA, SARA §311/313 nonreportable; Canada DSL; Europe EINECS; Australian Chemical Inventory; Japan ENCS; Korean inventory; Philippines PICCS; Chinese inventory (draft); OSHA combustible solid Properties: Grease-like solid; char. waxy odor; negligible sol. in water; dens. 0.88 g/cc; visc. 40 cps (140 C); drop. pt. 92 C; acid no. nil; flash pt. (COC) 232 C; fire pt. > 313 C; hardness 90.0 dmm (D1321) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2 g/kg; LDLo (oral, mouse) 5 g/kg; mild skin irritant; TSCA listed Environmental: not considered biodeg. Precaution: Combustible solid; wear protective gloves with long sleeves, chemical goggles, respirator if dusty conditions prevail; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Oxides of carbon, various oxidized and nonoxidized hydrocarbons HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry area; avoid excessive heat, direct sunlight Accoline [Vaessen-Schoemaker http://www.vaessen-schoemaker.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mixt. of food grade phosphates with various degrees of polymerization Uses: Binder, color enhancer, texturizer for prep. of all comminuted meat prods. subject to heat treatment, e.g., cooked sausages Features: Avail. in visc., nonvisc., and instant sol. types 23
Part I: Trade Name Reference Regulatory: FAO/WHO, EU compliance Use Level: 3-5 g/kg final prod. Accoline-Mix [Vaessen-Schoemaker http://www.vaessen-schoemaker.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mixt. of food grade phosphates with proteins, carbohydrates, antioxidants, spices, flavor enhancers, etc. Uses: Binder, color enhancer, texturizer for comminuted meat prods., e.g., cooked sausages Use Level: 10-30 g/kg final prod. AccuCoat® 05520 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Unmodified, bleached Corn starch with added mineral oil See Corn (Zea mays) starch Chem. Analysis: 11% moisture; 0.35% protein CAS 9005-25-8; 8012-95-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6; 232-384-2 Uses: Confectionery processing aid and whitener used for making impressions (molds) into which fluid confections are deposited for shaping and drying used in donut sugars, dusting starch, gummy bears, jelly beans, jelly slices, shaped candies, and sugar coatings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: 2%. thru 100 mesh; bulk dens. (packed) 46 lb/ft3; pH (1:5) 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flammable and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity AccuFlo 05602 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: common Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch Chem. Analysis: 11% moisture; 50 ppm max. SO2 CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Dusting powder, dry flow aid, and whitener in bakery goods, chewing gum, donut coatings, marshmallows, and sheeted doughs Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: 2%. thru 100 mesh; bulk dens. (packed) 57lb/ft3; pH (1:5) 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flammable and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
humidity Acid Blocker - 1, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Suppresses astringency of tea, cranberry, lemonade Features: Lowers perceived acidity of citrus, high-acid beverages, fat-free dressing and yogurt Regulatory: GRAS; CFR §172.510; 21 CFR §101.22; kosher Properties: Colorless to lt. yel. liq.; bland taste; sol. in PG, alcohol, flavor oils Use Level: 0.1-3 ppm Acidified Aseptic Banana Puree Trobana® [Confoco http://www.confoco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cavendish bananas (99.499.5%) and ascorbic acid (0.5-0.6%) See LAscorbic acid Chem. Analysis: 2125% sol. solids Uses: Banana flavor for fruit preparations, nectars, juices, cakes, muffins, pies, bread, baby food, ice cream, yogurt and other frozen desserts and soft food diets Features: Produced by ripening, hand peeling, pulping, sieving and deaerating banana pulp Regulatory: Halal, kosher certified; GMO complaint Properties: Ripe banana flavor/odor; pH 4.2-4.5 Storage: 12 mos. when stored @ 15-30 C in sealed containers Acid Proof Caramel Powder [MLG Enterprises] Chem. Descrip.: Double strength acid proof-type caramel CAS 8028-89-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-435-9 Uses: Colorant Features: High intensity natural colorant Properties: Free-flowing powd.; 100% min. through 40 mesh, 90% min. through 100 mesh; pH 3.0-4.0 (1%); 4% max. moisture Storage: Unlimited shelf life under normal storage conditions Acid Protease DS [Amano Enzyme http://www.amano-enzyme.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Protease from Aspergillus niger CAS 9014-01-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-752-2 Uses: Enzyme for dietary supplement use Properties: Off-wh. to brn. powd.; sl. odor; sol. in water; proteinase act. ≥ 35,000 u/g Toxicology: Eye and skin irritant; dust may cause sensitization or allergic reaction in sensitized individuals when inhaled; nontoxic 24
Part I: Trade Name Reference Environmental: biodegradable Precaution: Wear respirator approved for this type dust, protective glasses or eye shield, impermeable gloves, and overalls Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: Store in cool, dry area Aclame™ [Danisco Sweeteners http://www.daniscosweeteners.com] Chem. Descrip.: Alitame Uses: Sweetener for foods, beverages, fruit juices Act II 200 USP [Luzenac Am. http://www.luzenac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Talc USP/FCC See Talc CAS 14807-96-6; EINECS/ELINCS 238-877-9 Uses: Glidant, anticaking agent, colorant, lubricant in foods Act II 400 USP [Luzenac Am. http://www.luzenac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Talc USP/FCC See Talc CAS 14807-96-6; EINECS/ELINCS 238-877-9 Uses: Dusting agent, antitackifier in foods Properties: Very fine powd.; 4 µ median particle size; 99.9% min. through 325 mesh; bulk dens. 10-15 lb/ft3 (loose); brightness (GE) 89 min. Acticarbone® [Ceca SA http://www.ceca.fr] Chem. Descrip.: Activated carbon See Carbon, activated CAS 7440-44-0; EINECS/ELINCS 231-153-3 Uses: Adsorbent for foods (decolorization/purification of sugar/glucose syrups, citric/tartaric/lactic acids, edible oils, food flavors, wines) Features: Inert Properties: Solid blk. powd. or pellets; no odor; insol. in water; sp. gr. 0.18-0.6; not flamm. Toxicology: Sl. irritant to eyes and skin; chronic exposure to dust may cause pneumoconiosis Precaution: Avoid dispersion of dust into air to reduce the potential explosion hazard; avoid accumulation of static electricity Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx Storage: Keep in closed, labeled containers in a ventilated area Actif-8® [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Formulated mixture of sodium aluminum phosphate (60-100%) and calcium phosphate monobasic anhydrous (15-40%) See Sodium aluminum phosphate acidic Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 7785-88-8; 7758-23-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-090-4; 231-837-1 Uses: Leavening agent in self-rising flour, self-rising corn meal mixes, pancake flour, prepared mixes, and other baking preps. Features: Food grade Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1217 (calcium phosphate) and 21CFR §182.1781 (sodium aluminum phosphate) Properties: Wh. free-flowing, odorless powd.; 1% max. on 60 mesh, 6% max. on 100 mesh, 15% max. on 140 mesh; sl. sol. in water; dens. 0.45 g/ml ; 3.decomp. remp. 600 C; pH 3.8 (1 wt/wt%); 98-105% assay; 7-8.5% loss on ignition; 29.1% Ca; 22.6% P Toxicology: OSHA TWA 15 mg/m3 (total dust); mild irritant to eyes and skin; TSCA listed NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: 1 yr. shelf life; store in an area that is cool and dry, isolated from all toxic and harmful substances Actiphyte® of Queen-of-the-Meadow Concentrate [Active Organics http://www.activeorganics.com] Chem. Descrip.: Meadowsweet extract See Meadowsweet (Spiraea ulmaria) extract CAS 84775-57-5; EINECS/ELINCS 283-886-3 Uses: Used in herbal beers Properties: Lt. to med. amber liq.; char. odor; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.00-1.05; ref. index 1.4440-1.4540 ActiStar™ RT 75330 [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified See Food starch, modified Uses: Food starch, dietary fiber containing high levels of resistant starch used in breads, rolls, and buns, pizza and tortillas, pancakes and biscuits, cookies, cakes, muffins, sweet breads, and crackers; used as a replacement for flour in baked goods Features: Not digested within small intestine; high dietary fiber; low water binding capacity; process-tolerant in all food systems; low glycemic response Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Bland taste; 54% resistant starch, 36% digestible starch, 8% moisture Activa™ TG-RM [Ajinomoto USA http://www.ajinomoto-usa.com; http://www.ajichem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium caseinate, 25
Part I: Trade Name Reference maltodextrin, and transglutaminase Uses: Enzyme for protein crosslinking, specifically to restructure muscle foods such as red meat, poultry, and seafood Features: Active over fairly wide pH range and broad temp. range (except during high temp. cooking) Regulatory: US FDA and GRAS acceptance Activa™ TG-SF [Ajinomoto USA http://www.ajinomoto-usa.com; http://www.ajichem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin, starch, sodium phosphate, and transglutaminase Uses: Enzyme for protein crosslinking, esp. for seafood applics. such as block-surimi, meat substitutes/analogs, natural cheese, processed cheese, yogurt, cream cheese, frozen desserts Features: Active over fairly wide pH range and broad temp. range (except during high temp. cooking) Regulatory: US FDA and GRAS acceptance Use Level: 25 ppm in meat substitutes/analogs; 100 ppm in natural cheese; 250 ppm inprocessed cheese; 70 ppm in cream cheese; 30 ppm in yogurt, 20ppm in frozen desserts Activa™ TG-TI [Ajinomoto USA http://www.ajinomoto-usa.com; http://www.ajichem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin and transglutaminase Uses: Enzyme for protein crosslinking to improve texture in protein systems Features: Active over fairly wide pH range and broad temp. range (except during high temp. cooking) Regulatory: US FDA and GRAS acceptance Activera™ 10X [Active Organics http://www.activeorganics.com] Chem. Descrip.: Aloe barbadensis gel CAS 94349-62-9; EINECS/ELINCS 305-181-2 Uses: Full range of prods. for ingestible use Properties: Cl. colorless to pale yel. liq.; completely sol. in water; sp. gr. 1.02 +/- 0.03; b.p. 212 F Precaution: Avoid strong oxidizing agents, acids and alkalis Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Activera™ 1-1FA (Filtered) [Active Organics http://www.activeorganics.com] Chem. Descrip.: Aloe barbadensis gel CAS 94349-62-9; EINECS/ELINCS 305-181-2 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Vegetable drink and juice enhancer Features: Rec. where consistent quality and color stability are important Properties: Colorless cloudy liq.; sl. veg. odor; completely sol. in water; sp. gr. 1.003 +/- 0.005 Precaution: Avoid strong oxidizing agents, acids and alkalis Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: Keep containers closed until use; store away from heat and direct sunlight Activera™ 1-1 UA (Unfiltered) [Active Organics http://www.activeorganics.com] Chem. Descrip.: Aloe barbadensis gel Uses: Vegetable drink for the health food industry; flavor enhancer for juices Features: Mixable with vegetable and fruit juices Properties: Colorless cloudy liq., almost neutral taste Activera™ 1-200 A [Active Organics http://www.activeorganics.com] Chem. Descrip.: Aloe barbadensis gel See Aloe barbadensis gel Uses: Used in veg. drinks; reconstitute by adding 199 parts of deionized water to 1 part powd. by wt. Properties: Eggshell-wh. free-flowing powd. Actobind® 3900 [Advanced Food Systems http://www.afsnj.com/] Uses: Provides quick cold viscosity, freeze/thaw stability, and bake stability Features: Can be incorporated without lumping under minimal agitation Properties: Cold water soluble Actogel 1315 [Advanced Food Systems http://www.afsnj.com/] Uses: Stabilizer, thickener for glossy, high brix syrups such as caramel Actoloid® 303 [Advanced Food Systems http://www.afsnj.com/] Uses: Stabilizer, viscosifier in various sauces, dips, dressings Features: Synergistic blend of food stabilizers; smoother flow characteristic than xanthan gum Actoloid® 665 [Advanced Food Systems http://www.afsnj.com/] Uses: Stabilizer, thickener for frozen sauces, fillings, gravy; controls water migration of pizza sauce to crust Actoloid® 2210 [Advanced Food Systems http://www.afsnj.com/] Uses: Stabilizer, emulsifier, viscosifier in 26
Part I: Trade Name Reference various sauces Acumer® 1000 [Rohm & Haas http://www.rohmhaas.com; http://www.acusol.com] Chem. Descrip.: Partial sodium salt of polyacrylic acid, 20% neutralized See Sodium polyacrylate CAS 9003-04-7 Uses: Scale inhibitor for boiler water (food contact) Features: Inhibits deposition of calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate, barium sulfate, etc.; effective over wide range of pH, water hardness, and temps.; exc. freeze-thaw stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.310, 175.105, 176.170, 176.180 Properties: Colorless to straw-colored cl. to sl. hazy homogeneous sol'n.; sol. in brine sol'ns.; m.w. 2000 (avg.); dens. 10.3 lb/gal; visc. 100400 cps; pH 3.2-4.0; 47-49% total solids Toxicology: Sl. eye and skin irritant Storage: Can develop sl. hazy appearance after long-term cold storage, and cause separation; does not impair performance, but recommend that prod. not freeze in order to avoid remixing Acumer® 1510 [Rohm & Haas http://www.rohmhaas.com; http://www.acusol.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyacrylic acid homopolymer colloidal sol'n. CAS 9003-01-4 Uses: Dispersant for boiler water (food contact) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.310, 175.105, 176.170 Properties: Colorless cl. visc. liq.; infinite dilutability with water; m.w. ≈ 60,000; visc. 160 cps; pH ≈ 2 (5% aq.); 25% solids Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 3 g/kg; causes eye damage and sl. skin irritation; vapors may be irritating to eyes and respiratory tract, and cause headache and nausea in poorly ventilated areas Acumer® 1850 [Rohm & Haas http://www.rohmhaas.com; http://www.acusol.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium salt of polycarboxylate See Sodium polycarboxylate CAS 37199-81-8 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Scale inhibitor for boiler water (food contact) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.310, 175.105, 175.300, 176.170 Properties: M.w. 30,000; pH 9-10.8; 23% act. Acumer® 9300 [Rohm & Haas http://www.rohmhaas.com; http://www.acusol.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium polyacrylate CAS 9003-04-7 Uses: Scale inhibitor for boiler water (food contact) Features: Inhibits deposition of calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate, barium sulfate, etc.; effective over wide range of pH, water hardness, and temps.; exc. freeze-thaw stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.310, 176.170, 176.180 Properties: Colorless to straw-colored cl. to sl. hazy homogeneous sol'n.; sol. in brine sol'ns.; m.w. 4500; dens. 11.1 lb/gal; visc. 500-1200 cps; pH 6.5-8.0; 44-46% total solids Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; sl. eye irritant; nonirritating to skin Environmental: LC50 (daphnia, 48 h) > 1000 ppm, (trout, 96 h) 700 ppm, (sunfish, 96 h) > 1000 ppm ADA Tablets [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Azodicarbonamide plus other edible excipients Uses: Oxidizing agent, dough conditioner for foods Features: Increases loaf volume and improves crumb structure Properties: Yel. tablets Use Level: 5-25 ppm; each tablet provides 20 ppm azodicarbonamide/100 lb flour Storage: 12 mos. shelf life, best when used before 6 mos; store in cool, dry location; keep containers well closed when not in use Adekanol B-3009A [Adeka Fine Chem. http://www.adk.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Nonsilicone Uses: Antifoam in food Adeka Propylene Glycol (P) [Adeka Fine Chem. http://www.adk.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol CAS 57-55-6; EINECS/ELINCS 200-338-0 Uses: Pharmaceutical grade for food additives 27
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: APHA > 10 color; sp.gr. 1.037-1.039 Adi-pure® [Invista http://www.invista.com] Chem. Descrip.: High purity adipic acid CAS 124-04-9; EINECS/ELINCS 204-673-3 Uses: Acidulant for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1009 Properties: Wh. free-flowing cryst. powd.; sol. 2.5% in water; m.w. 146.14; dens. 1.34 (18 C); bulk dens. 40-45 lb/ft3 (loose); melt visc. 4.54 cP (160 C); vapor pressure 0.106 mm Hg; m.p. 152-153 C; b.p. 337 C with decomp.; flash pt. (TCC) 196 C; pH 3.2 (1 g/l in water); > 99.9% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mice) 1900 mg/kg; sl. acute toxicity; eye and upper respiratory tract irritant; mild skin irritant Environmental: aquatic toxicity LC50 (fathead minnows, 96 h) 88 mg/l Precaution: Combustible; under severe dusting conditions may form explosive mixts. in air; incompat. with strong oxidants; slowly decomp. above b.p. Storage: Store in well ventilated area in tightly closed container; keep away from heat, sparks, flames; avoid dust generation Adjuzyme® [Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com] Uses: Brewing enzyme for low-calorie beer Properties: Liq. ADM Clintose® A [ADM Corn Processing http://www.adm.org/naen/ahn/cornprocessing .asp] Chem. Descrip.: Dextrose See Glucose Chem. Analysis: 8.5% moisture; ash 100 ppm CAS 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-075-1 Uses: Sweetener for use in baking, canning,beverages, and dry mixes Features: High fermentability, high osmotic pressure, natural flavor enhancement Properties: Wh. particles; mild sweet taste; particle size 85% thru #50 screen, 20% thru #200 screen; 99.7% dextrose ADM Clintose® CR 10 [ADM Corn Processing http://www.adm.org/naen/ahn/cornprocessing .asp] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin Chem. Analysis: Moisture 5% CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Binder, solubilizer, crystal growth inhibitor, viscosifier, bodying agent, film former in food applics. Features: Nonhygroscopic; nonsweet, nutritive Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
saccharide Regulatory: USP, FCC, GRAS, FDA 21 CFR 184.1444 Properties: Wh. powd.., odorless, bland taste; 90% min. through #60 mesh sieve; 80% min. through #100 mesh sieve; dens. 34.0 lbs/ft3; pH 4.7 (20% sol'n.); 96.5% tri-, tetra-, and higher saccharides Toxicology: Inh. may cause irritation Precaution: Wear safety glasses; flammable dust when finely divided and suspended in air; keep away from sources of ignition; avoid strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None ADM Clintose® CR 15 [ADM Corn Processing http://www.adm.org/naen/ahn/cornprocessing .asp] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin Chem. Analysis: Moisture 5% CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Binder, solubilizer, crystal growth inhibitor, viscosifier, bodying agent, film former in food applics. Features: Nonhygroscopic; nonsweet, nutritive saccharide Regulatory: USP, FCC, GRAS, FDA 21 CFR 184.1444 Properties: Wh. powd.., odorless, bland taste; 90% min. through #60 mesh sieve; 80% min. through #100 mesh sieve; dens. 35.0 lbs/ft3; pH 4.7 (20% sol'n.); 99.7% act., 8.5% moisture Toxicology: Inh. may cause irritation Precaution: Wear safety glasses; flammable dust when finely divided and suspended in air; keep away from sources of ignition; avoid strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None ADM Clintose® CR 18 [ADM Corn Processing http://www.adm.org/naen/ahn/cornprocessing .asp] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin Chem. Analysis: Moisture 5% CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Binder, solubilizer, crystal growth inhibitor, viscosifier, bodying agent, film former in food applics. Features: Nonhygroscopic; nonsweet, nutritive saccharide Regulatory: USP, FCC, GRAS, FDA 21 CFR 184.1444 Properties: Wh. powd.., odorless, bland taste; 90% min. through #60 mesh sieve; 80% min. 28
Part I: Trade Name Reference through #100 mesh sieve; dens. 37.0 lbs/ft3; pH 4.7 (20% sol'n.); 99.7% act., 8.5% moisture Toxicology: Inh. may cause irritation Precaution: Wear safety glasses; flammable dust when finely divided and suspended in air; keep away from sources of ignition; avoid strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None ADM Clintose CR 24 [ADM Corn Processing http://www.adm.org/naen/ahn/cornprocessing .asp] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin, maltose (7.0%), dextrose (7.0%) See Glucose Chem. Analysis: 5% max. moisture CAS 9050-36-6; 69-79-4; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4; 200-716-5; 200075-1 Uses: F.p. depressant, sweetness adjuster, binder, crystal growth inhibitor, bodying agent, film-former in instant beverage mixes, sports drinks, soft and flavored drinks, meat, dairy prods., baked goods, frozen foods, salad dressings, sauces, confections Features: Exceptionally bland flavor and color profile; excellent clarity and stability, neutral color and flavor; low browning tendency Properties: Water-wh., neutral taste; bulk dens. 37.0 lb/ft.3;pH (20%sol'n.) 4.5; 86% tri-, tetra-, and higher saccharides ADM Clintose® Dextrose A [ADM Corn Processing http://www.adm.org/naen/ahn/cornprocessing .asp] Chem. Descrip.: Refined dextrose See Glucose Chem. Analysis: Moisture 8.5%; sulfated ash 0.02% CAS 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-075-1 Uses: Sweetener, flavoring agent, flavor enhancer for foods, baking, confections, canning Features: Features mild sweetness, high fermentability, negative heat of sol'n., high osmotic pressure Regulatory: USP, FCC, FDA 21 CFR 168.110, 168.111 Properties: Wh. free-flowing cryst., odorless, bland sweet taste; 99% min. through #16 screen; dens. 34.0 lbs/ft3; 99.7% act., 8.5% moisture Toxicology: Inh. may cause irritation Precaution: Avoid ignition sources where fine Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
dusts are generated ADM Clintose® Dextrose C [ADM Corn Processing http://www.adm.org/naen/ahn/cornprocessing .asp] Chem. Descrip.: Refined dextrose See Glucose Chem. Analysis: Moisture 8.5%; sulfated ash 0.02% CAS 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-075-1 Uses: Sweetener, flavoring agent, flavor enhancer for foods, baking, confections, canning Features: Features mild sweetness, high fermentability, negative heat of sol'n., high osmotic pressure Regulatory: USP, FCC, FDA 21 CFR 168.110, 168.111 Properties: Wh. free-flowing cryst., odorless, bland sweet taste; 99% min. through #16 screen; 25% min. through #200 screen; 50% sol. in water @ R.T.; dens. 34.0 lbs/ft3; m.p. 83 C; 8.5% moisture Toxicology: Inh. may cause irritation Precaution: Avoid ignition sources where fine dusts are generated Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO vapors Storage: Store @ R.T. ADM Clintose® Dextrose F [ADM Corn Processing http://www.adm.org/naen/ahn/cornprocessing .asp] Chem. Descrip.: Refined dextrose See Glucose Chem. Analysis: Moisture 8.5%; sulfated ash 0.02% CAS 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-075-1 Uses: Sweetener, flavoring agent, flavor enhancer for foods, baking, confections, canning Features: Features mild sweetness, high fermentability, negative heat of sol'n., high osmotic pressure Regulatory: USP, FCC, FDA 21 CFR 168.110, 168.111 Properties: Wh. free-flowing cryst., odorless, bland sweet taste; 98% min. through #60 screen; 50% min. through #200 screen; 50% sol. in water @ R.T.; dens. 34.0 lbs/ft3; m.p. 83 C; 8.5% moisture Toxicology: Inh. may cause irritation Precaution: Wear dust mask if dust is nuisance; 29
Part I: Trade Name Reference avoid ignition sources where fine dusts are generated Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO vapors Storage: Store @ R.T. ADM Clintose® Dextrose Greens [ADM Corn Processing http://www.adm.org/naen/ahn/cornprocessing .asp] Chem. Descrip.: Glucose syrup See Glucose, liquid Chem. Analysis: Dry substance 83.6%; sulfated ash 0.02% CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in production of caramel color, food applications, and in fermentations Features: Economical source of dextrose affording the advantages of liq. handling Regulatory: USP, FCC, FDA 21 CFR 184.1866 GRAS Properties: Water-wh. to cl. yel. liq. characteristic odor; sweet taste; sol. in water; sp. gr. 1.35; pH 4.2 Toxicology: Nontoxic Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: Store @ 130 F to avoid crystallizations ADM Clintose® Dextrose VF [ADM Corn Processing http://www.adm.org/naen/ahn/cornprocessing .asp] Chem. Descrip.: Refined dextrose See Glucose Chem. Analysis: Moisture 8.5%; sulfated ash 0.02% CAS 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-075-1 Uses: Sweetener, flavoring agent, flavor enhancer for foods, baking, confections, canning Features: Where fine particle size is required; features mild sweetness, high fermentability, negative heat of sol'n., high osmotic pressure Regulatory: USP, FCC, FDA 21 CFR 168.110, 168.111 Properties: Wh. free-flowing cryst., odorless, bland sweet taste; 95% min. through #100 screen; 60-90% min. through #200 screen; 50% sol. in water @ R.T.; dens. 34.0 lbs/ft3; m.p. 83 C; 8.5% moisture Toxicology: Inh. may cause irritation Precaution: Wear dust mask if dust is nuisance; avoid ignition sources where fine dusts are generated Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO vapors Storage: Store @ R.T. ADM Clintose F [ADM Corn Processing http://www.adm.org/naen/ahn/cornprocessing .asp] Chem. Descrip.: Dextrose See Glucose Chem. Analysis: 8.5% moisture; ash 100 ppm CAS 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-075-1 Uses: Sweetener for use in baking, canning, beverages, and dry mixes Features: High fermentability, high osmotic pressure, natural flavor enhancement Properties: Wh.fine particles; mild sweet taste; particle size 98% thru #50 screen, 60% thru #100 screen; 99.7% dextrose ADM Clintose® VF [ADM Corn Processing http://www.adm.org/naen/ahn/cornprocessing .asp] Chem. Descrip.: Dextrose See Glucose Chem. Analysis: Moisture 8.5%; sulfated ash 0.02% CAS 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-075-1 Uses: Sweetener featuring mild sweetness, natural flavor enhancement, high fermentability, high osmotic pressure; for baking, confections, canning Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR 168.110, 168.111 Properties: Wh., crystalline powd.; 99% through 100 mesh, 75% through 200 mesh; bland, sweet taste; odorless; 50% sol. in water @ 68 F; m.p. 83 C Toxicology: Inh. may cause irritation Precaution: Avoid ignition sources where fine dusts are generated Storage: Store @ R.T. with 50% relative humidity ADM Cream Acid Salt [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium acid pyrophosphate, corn starch, monocalcium phosphate, and calcium sulfate See Calcium phosphate monobasic anhydrous; Corn (Zea mays) starch Uses: Leavening agent for baking Features: Can be combined with baking soda to produce a complete baking powd. Storage: 18 mos. shelf life, best when used before 12mos; store in cool, dry location; keep containers well closed when not in use ADM Invert Blend 90% Invert/76.7% Solids [ADM Corn Processing http://www.adm.org/naen/ahn/cornprocessing 30
Part I: Trade Name Reference .asp] Chem. Descrip.: Glucose syrup and Fructose See Glucose, liquid Chem. Analysis: Moisture ≈ 23%; solids ≈ 76.7% CAS 8029-43-4; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232436-4; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener, humectant, crystallization control agent, viscosity reducer, flavor enhancer, flavor and color development aid, texture softener, water activity reducer, and freeze point depressant in foods; infant foods, sweet-meat, chocolates, condensed milk, jams and jellies Properties: Cl. lt. straw-colored liq. characteristic odor; sweet taste; completely misc. in water; sp. gr. 1.35; visc. 1100 cps;b.p. 226 F; pH 4.04.9 Toxicology: Nontoxic Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: Store @ 95-105 F Admul CSL 2010 [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium stearoyl lactylate CAS 5793-94-2; EINECS/ELINCS 227-335-7 Uses: Bread improver, antistaling agent, dough conditioner Properties: Powd.; anionic; 100% conc. Admul Datem 1005 [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monoglyceride diacetylated tartaric acid esters See Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides CAS 91052-81-2 Uses: Emulsifier, dough conditioner for foods, baked prods. Properties: Paste, powd., microbead; HLB 8.0; anionic; 100% conc. Admul Emulsponge 5306 [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monoglycerides blend See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier, aerating agent for foods, sponge cakes, ice cream mixes Properties: Powd.; HLB 4.0; nonionic; 100% conc. Admul GLP 2033 [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lactic acid ester of monoglycerides See Lactic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for foods, shortenings, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
toppings, and desserts Properties: Flake.; nonionic; 100% conc. Admul MG 40-04 [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monoglycerides See Monoand diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for foods, bakery prods., margarine, shortenings, creams, desserts, ice cream Properties: Microbead; HLB 4.0; nonionic; 100% conc. Admul MG 42-04 [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monoglycerides See Monoand diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for foods, bakery prods., margarine, shortenings, creams, desserts, ice cream Properties: Microbead; HLB 4.0; nonionic; 100% conc. Admul MG 44-04 [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monoglycerides See Monoand diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Food emulsifier used in bakery prods., margarines, shortenings, creams, desserts, ice cream Properties: Microbead; HLB 4.0; nonionic; 100% conc. Admul MG 60-04 [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monodiglycerides See Monoand diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for foods, bakery prods., margarine, shortenings, creams, desserts, ice cream Properties: Microbead; HLB 4.0; nonionic; 100% conc. Admul PGE 1405 [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl ester Uses: Emulsifier and aerating agent for foods, syn. creams Features: Strong w/o props. and good aerating props. Properties: Microbead; HLB 5.0-6.0; nonionic; 100% conc. Admul PGE 1410 [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl ester Uses: Emulsifier and aerating agent for 31
Part I: Trade Name Reference foods, syn. creams Features: Strong w/o props. and good aerating props. Properties: Paste; HLB 6.9; nonionic; 100% conc. Admul SSL 1078 [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium stearoyl lactylate CAS 25383-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 246-929-7 Uses: O/w emulsifier for foods; bread improver, antistaling agent Properties: Free-flowing powd.; anionic; 100% conc. Admul SSL 2012 [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium stearoyl lactylate CAS 25383-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 246-929-7 Uses: O/w emulsifier for foods; bread improver Properties: Flake; anionic; 100% conc. Admul WOL 1403 [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglycerol polyricinoleate See Polyglyceryl polyricinoleate Uses: Visc. modifier in chocolate; pan release agent Properties: Liq.; nonionic; 100% conc. Adocloud N-100 [Adumim Food Ingreds. http://www.adumim.co.il] Chem. Descrip.: Citrus water extract, vegetable oil Uses: Clouding agent for beverages, natural juices Features: All natural; general purpose; produces stable cloudy emulsions; dilutable; thermodynamically stable; high cloud; no bitterness or off-flavors Adocream AP-66 [Adumim Food Ingreds. http://www.adumim.co.il] Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer for low-fat ice cream and sherbets Features: Partially integrated Adocream KS-56P [Adumim Food Ingreds. http://www.adumim.co.il] Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer for ice cream Features: Rec. for premium grade ice cream with > 12% veg. fat or butterfat; gives smooth creamy texture, exc. overrun stability, and freeze/thaw stability
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Adocream Z-86 [Adumim Food Ingreds. http://www.adumim.co.il] Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer for ice cream Features: Rec. for med. grade ice cream prepared from 6-10% veg. fat or butterfat Adox® 3125 [Int'l. Dioxcide http://www.idiclo2.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium chlorite aq. sol'n. CAS 7758-19-2; EINECS/ELINCS 231-836-6 UN 1908 Uses: In mech. generation of chlorine dioxide for biological control in food processing; ClO2 used as disinfectant and oxidant in bleaching flour, sanitizing of food processing equip., poultry chiller water and meat processing plants Regulatory: EPA reg. no. 9150-7; GRAS; ANSI/NSF 60 certified Properties: Pale yel. cl. liq.; faint bleach-like odor; misc. in water; m.w. 90.45; sp.gr. 1.23 (20 C); dens. 10.2 lb/gal; f.p. -4.5 C; b.p. 103.6 C; pH 12.5-13; 25% conc. in water Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 165 mg/kg; skin irritant; severe eye irritant; possible permanent eye damage; inh. irritates nose and throat; ing. irritates GI tract; may cause vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, pain, liver/kidney/blood cell damage Precaution: Corrosive; does not burn but combustibles wetted with prod. and subsequently dried are easily ignited and burn vigorously; incompat. with reducing agents, sulfur-contg. materials, powd. metals, ammonium compds., acids Hazardous Ingredients: Sodium chlorite (25%) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Reacts on mixing with acids to give toxic chlorine dioxide and chlorine gas; residues will give off oxygen on being heated strongly HMIS: Health 3, Flammability 1, Reactivity 1 Storage: Store in cool, dry, fireproof building; keep away from combustibles and acids Adox® 8125 [Int'l. Dioxcide http://www.idiclo2.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium chlorite CAS 7758-19-2; EINECS/ELINCS 231-836-6 UN 1908 Uses: Antimicrobial for food processing Regulatory: EPA reg. no. 9150-7; GRAS; ANSI/NSF 60 certified Properties: Pale grn. cl. liq.; faint bleach-like odor; misc. in water; m.w. 90.45; sp.gr. 1.24 32
Part I: Trade Name Reference (20 C); f.p. -9 C; b.p. 106 C; pH 12.5-13; 25% conc. in water Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 165 mg/kg; skin irritant; severe eye irritant; possible permanent eye damage; inh. irritates nose and throat; ing. irritates GI tract; may cause vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, pain, liver/kidney/blood cell damage Precaution: Corrosive; does not burn but combustibles wetted with prod. and subsequently dried are easily ignited and burn vigorously; incompat. with reducing agents, sulfur-contg. materials, powd. metals, ammonium compds., acids Hazardous Ingredients: Sodium chlorite (25%) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Reacts on mixing with acids to give toxic chlorine dioxide and chlorine gas; residues will give off oxygen on being heated strongly HMIS: Health 3, Flammability 1, Reactivity 1 Storage: Store in cool, dry, fireproof building; keep away from combustibles and acids Advanta-GEL™ P75 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: pregelatinized potato-based functional native starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Viscosifier, texturizer in instant pie fillings, various baked goods Features: Exc. moisture retention Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §182.1 Properties: Wh. powd.; starch odor; sol. in water; sp. gr. 1.5 Environmental: readily biodeg. Precaution: Wear safety glasses, gloves; nuisance dust with dust explosion possibilities Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, nitrogen, unidentified org. compds., water Storage: Store @ ambient temps. in clean, dry, well-ventilated area Aerion BV 50 [DMV Int'l. http://www.dmvinternational.com] Chem. Descrip.: Milk-based Uses: Instant topping base used for products such as decoration cream, mousse, instant ice cream, milk shake and cake filling, neutral ready-to-eat desserts, e.g., chocolate mousse and bavaroise Features: Economical; label-friendly and Enumber free Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Storage: Storage @ > 22 C negatively influences whipping properties Aerion DP 40 [DMV Int'l. http://www.dmvinternational.com] Uses: Instant topping base for prods. such as decoration cream, mousse, instant ice cream, milk shake and cake filling, neutral ready-to-eat desserts, e.g., chocolate mousse and bavaroise Features: Exc. whipping properties, even at lower dosages; cannot be overwhipped; whipping with water or milk up to 18 C is possible; moisture uptake hardly influences the whipping props. Properties: Neutral flavor Storage: Storage at temperatures > 22 C negatively influences the whipping props. Aerion DP 41 [DMV Int'l. http://www.dmvinternational.com] Uses: Instant topping base for prods. such as decoration cream, mousse, instant ice cream, milk shake and cake filling Features: Exc. whipping props., even at lower dosages; cannot be overwhipped; whipping with water or milk up to 18 C is possible; moisture uptake hardly influences the whipping props.; in crème chantilly has short texture, firm consistency, and optimal taste Properties: Neutral flavor Storage: Not sensitive to extreme storage temps. (10-30 C), provided that the product is tempered at 20 C before use Aerion DP 73 [DMV Int'l. http://www.dmvinternational.com] Uses: Instant topping base for prods. such as decoration cream, mousse, instant ice cream, milk shake and cake filling, yogurt mousse, and yogurt or cheese cake fillings, vegetarian prods. Features: Exc. whipping props., even at lower dosages; cannot be overwhipped; whipping with water, yogurt, or milk up to 35 C is possible; moisture uptake hardly influences the whipping props.; recommended for a wide variety of neutral and low pH applics. Properties: Dissolves in milk Storage: Not sensitive to extreme storage temps. (10-30 C), provided that the product is tempered at 20 C before use Aerobake® M19 [Albright & Wilson Australia http://www.albright.com.au] Chem. Descrip.: Specially formulated, 33
Part I: Trade Name Reference concentrated, double-acting baking powd. based on phosphate aerators, sodium bicarbonate, and flour CAS 144-55-8; EINECS/ELINCS 205-633-8 Uses: Baking powder for use by flour millers in self-raising flour Features: Conc., double-acting Aerobake® P17 [Albright & Wilson Australia http://www.albright.com.au] Chem. Descrip.: baking powder Uses: Single-acting baking powder for use for commercial pastry Features: Conc.; high levels of CO2 yield Aeromix® G [Albright & Wilson Australia http://www.albright.com.au] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of food-grade phosphate aerators based on sodium acid pyrophosphate CAS 7758-16-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-835-0 Uses: Aerator specifically designed for doughnuts Features: Used where medium dough rate of reaction is required; reaction rate adjusted to suit donut mechanical production. Aeromix® M [Albright & Wilson Australia http://www.albright.com.au] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of food-grade phosphate aerators based on sodium acid pyrophosphate CAS 7758-16-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-835-0 Uses: Aerator specifically designed for packet mixes and flours Features: Gives the correct aerating performance and controls the pH of the product; forms the basis of self-raising flour when combined with sodium bicarbonate in the flour Aeroperl® 300 Pharma [Degussa/Aerosil & Silanes http://www.aerosil.com; http://www.sivento-silanes.com; Degussa AG/Aerosil & Silanes; Eigenmann & Veronelli http://www.eigver.it] Chem. Descrip.: Fumed silica See Silica, fumed Chem. Analysis: SiO2 (> 99.8%), CAS 112945-52-5; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Anticaking agent, flow aid for foods Features: High absorp. capacity Regulatory: USP/NF, EP Properties: Wh. powd.; odorless; 30 nm avg. particle size; hardly sol. in water; dens., tapped ≈ 280 g/l surf. area ≈ 300 m2/g; m.p. ≈ 1700 C; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
pH 3.5-5.5 (40 g/l suspension) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 10,000 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 5000 mg/kg; noncarcinogenic; nonmutagenic Environmental: EC50 (daphnia magna, 24 h) > 10,000 mg/l Precaution: Wear safety goggles Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: 2 yr shelf life; store in closed containers under dry conditions protected from volatile substances Aerophos® P [Albright & Wilson Australia http://www.albright.com.au] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium acid pyrophosphate CAS 7758-16-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-835-0 Uses: Chemical aerator used when a slow reaction is required, e.g., for baking powd., self-raising flour, and prepared mixes Features: Aids in extending shelf life in dry mixes and gives controlled release of carbon dioxide in doughs Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; 0.2% +250 µm particle size, 1% +150 µm; m.w. 221.94; pH 4.1 (1%); 98% acidity, 4% orthophosphate Toxicology: Avoid inhaling dust, prolonged skin contact Storage: Store in cool, dry place Aerophos XA [Albright & Wilson Australia http://www.albright.com.au] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium phosphate monobasic See Calcium phosphate monobasic anhydrous; Calcium phosphate monobasic anhydrous; Calcium phosphate monobasic monohydrate CAS 7758-23-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-837-1 Uses: Chemical aerator, esp. for crumpets and biscuits, where very fast dough rate of reaction is required; nutrient Regulatory: FCC, Australian compliance Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd. Toxicology: Avoid inhaling dust, prolonged skin contact Storage: Store in cool, dry place Aerophos® XA [Albright & Wilson Australia http://www.albright.com.au] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium phosphate monobasic, anhydrous See Calcium phosphate monobasic anhydrous CAS 7758-23-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-837-1 Uses: Chemical aerator and leavening agent used when a fast reaction is required, e.g., quick-cook applics. 34
Part I: Trade Name Reference Features: Used in conjunction with slower-acting aerators to give an optimum leavening agent Aerosil® 380 [Degussa/Aerosil & Silanes http://www.aerosil.com; http://www.siventosilanes.com; Degussa AG/Aerosil & Silanes; Eigenmann & Veronelli http://www.eigver.it] Chem. Descrip.: Fumed silica See Silica, fumed Chem. Analysis: SiO2 (> 99.8%), Al2O3 (< 0.05%), TiO2 (< 0.03%) CAS 112945-52-5; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Filler for direct and indirect food applics. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §133.146(b), 160.105(a)(d), 172.230(a), 172.480, 173.340(a), 175, 176, 177, 573.940 Properties: Wh. fluffy powd.; 7 nm avg. particle size; sp.gr. 2.2; dens. ≈ 120 g/l (densed); surf. area 380±30 m2/g; pH 3.6-4.3 (4% aq. susp.) Toxicology: TLV 10 mg/m3 total dust; LD50 > 20,000 mg/kg; may cause eye, skin, or respiratory tract irritation on overexposure Precaution: Incompat. with strong bases and hydrofluoric acid AeroWhip® Foam Stabilizer [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropylcellulose Chem. Analysis: 5.0 max. moisture (as packed); 0.5% max. ash CAS 9004-64-2 Uses: Foam stabilizer and syneresis control agent for use in dairy and nondairy whipped toppings Features: Increased overrun; improved body and mouthfeel; processing efficiency Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.870; E463 Properties: Wh. to off-wh. granular solid;sol. in most polar organic solvents; sol. in water < 38 C; insol. in water > 45C; sp. gr. 1.010; pH 5.08.0 (in water) AF 10 FG [Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polydimethylsiloxane CAS 9016-00-6 Uses: Antifoam for foods, poultry, and meat processing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340, 40CFR §180.1001c,d; kosher Properties: Wh. liq.; disp. in water; sp.gr. 1.00; dens. 8.3 lb/gal; flash pt. > 212 F (PMCC); pH 4-5 (1% aq.); nonionic; 10% act. AF 30 FG [Harcros Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.harcroschem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polydimethylsiloxane CAS 9016-00-6 Uses: Antifoam for foods, poultry, and meat processing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340, 40CFR §180.1001c,d; kosher Properties: Wh. liq.; water-disp.; sp.gr. 1.01; dens. 8.4 lb/gal; flash pt. (PMCC) > 212 F; pH 4-5 (1% aq.); nonionic; 30% act. AF 100 FG [Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone antifoam Uses: Antifoam for foods, edible oils, meat and poultry processing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340, 40CFR §180.1001c,d; kosher Properties: Translucent liq.; sol. in aliphatic, aromatic, and chlorinated solvs.; insol. in water; sp.gr. 1.01; dens. 8.4 lb/gal; pour pt. < 0 F; flash pt. (PMCC) > 600 F; 100% conc. AF 8805 FG [Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone antifoam Uses: Antifoam for foods, poultry, and meat processing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340, 40CFR §180.1001c,d; kosher Properties: Wh. liq.; water-disp.; sp.gr. 1.00; dens. 8.3 lb/gal; flash pt. (PMCC) > 212 F; pH 4-5 (1% aq.); nonionic; 5% act. AF 8810 FG [Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone antifoam Uses: Antifoam for foods, poultry, and meat processing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340, 40CFR §180.1001c,d; kosher Properties: Wh. liq.; sp.gr. 1.00; dens. 8.3 lb/gal; flash pt. (PMCC) > 212 F; pH 4-5 (1% aq.); nonionic; 10% act. AF 8820 FG [Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone antifoam Uses: Antifoam for foods, poultry, and meat processing Features: Dilutable Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340, 40CFR §180.1001c,d; kosher Properties: Wh. liq.; water-disp.; sp.gr. 1.00; dens. 8.3 lb/gal; flash pt. (PMCC) > 212 F; pH 4-5 (1% aq.); nonionic; 20% act. 35
Part I: Trade Name Reference AF 8830 FG [Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone antifoam Uses: Antifoam for foods, poultry, and meat processing Regulatory: FDA §173.340, 40CFR §180.1001c,d; kosher Properties: Wh. liq.; water-disp.; sp.gr. 1.00; dens. 8.3 lb/gal; flash pt. (PMCC) > 212 F; pH 4-5 (1% aq.); nonionic; 30% act. AF 9000 [GE Silicones http://www.gesilicones.com; HallStar http://www.cphall.com; Harwick Std. Distrib. http://www.harwickstandard.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethicone and silica Uses: Defoamer in nonaq. direct and indirect food additives (corn oil mfg., deep-fat frying, esterification of veg. oils) Regulatory: FDA, USDA compliance; kosher Properties: Gray; sol. in aliphatic, aromatic, and chlorinated solvs.; sp.gr. 1.01; dens. 8.4 lb/gal; visc. 2500 cps; flash pt. (OC) 315 C; 100% Si Storage: 12 mos. storage life when stored in original unopened containers @ 16-23 C; use mild agitation prior to use to disperse solids uniformly AF 9010 [GE Silicones http://www.gesilicones.com; HallStar http://www.cphall.com; Harwick Std. Distrib. http://www.harwickstandard.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethicone, PEG stearate, sorbitan stearate, and silica emulsion Uses: Defoamer for aq. systems, food applics. (fruit and vegetable processing, jam and jelly making, wine prod., fermentation processes), Features: Easy disp., dilutable with water, exc. foam control Regulatory: FDA, USDA, kosher compliance; EPA approved Properties: Wh. emulsion; sp.gr. 1.01; visc. 1500 cps; nonionic; 10% act. silicone solids Storage: 1 yr. shelf life in original container above 4-27 C AF 9020 [GE Silicones http://www.gesilicones.com; HallStar http://www.cphall.com; Harwick Std. Distrib. http://www.harwickstandard.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethicone, PEG stearate, sorbitan stearate, and silica aq. emulsion Uses: Defoamer for food processing (fermentation, brine systems, wine, yeast, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
etc.) Regulatory: FDA, USDA compliance; kosher; EPA 40CFR §180.1001(d) exempt Properties: Wh. emulsion; disp. in warm or cold water with mild agitation; sp.gr. 1.01; dens. 8.4 lb/gal; visc. 3500 cps; fermentation, brine systems, chewing gum base, fruit processing, instant coffee, cheese whey, jelly, pickle, potato, rice, sauce, soft drink, veg., yeast, and wine processing, sugar refining, syrups; nonionic; 20% silicone, 28.75% solids Storage: 12 mos. storage life when stored in original unopened container at 4-27 C AF 9030 [GE Silicones http://www.gesilicones.com; HallStar http://www.cphall.com; Harwick Std. Distrib. http://www.harwickstandard.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethicone, PEG stearate, sorbitan stearate, and silica emulsion Uses: Defoamer for aq. systems, food applics. (fruit and vegetable processing, jam and jelly making, wine prod., fermentation processes) Features: Easy disp., dilutable with water, exc. foam control Regulatory: FDA, USDA, kosher compliance; EPA approved Properties: Wh. emulsion; sp.gr. 1.01; visc. 5000 cps; nonionic; 30% act. silicone solids Storage: 1 yr. shelf life in original container above 4-27 C AF HL-36 [Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com] Uses: Antifoam for fermentation, processing beet sugar and yeast, distillation Features: Nonsilicone Regulatory: FDA §173.340(a)(3); kosher Properties: Cl. liq.; water-disp.; sp.gr. 1.00; dens. 8.3 lb/gal; flash pt. (PMCC) > 300 F; 100% act. AFC AS 300 P [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch,and Norbixin See Food starch, modified Uses: Colorant in baked goods and low-pH beverages to achieve yellow to orange-red colors Features: Acid-stable Properties: Orange fine powd.; sol. in aq. systems @ pH 2-14 AFC AS 920 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Annatto tree extract (Bixa orellana) in a carrier of polysorbate 80, 36
Part I: Trade Name Reference propylene glycol, and potassium hydroxide See Annatto (Bixa orellana) extract Uses: Antiprecipitant, colorant in cheese prods., beverages, and confections Properties: Liq. AFC OS 460 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Annatto tree extract (Bixa orellana) in soybean oil, propylene glycol, and potassium hydroxide See Annatto (Bixa orellana) extract; Potassium hydroxide; Soybean (Glycine soja) oil Uses: Colorant for cheese prods., snack foods, beverages, and confections AFC OWS 550 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Annatto tree extract (Bixa orellana), in propylene glycol, vegetable oil, glyceryl oleate, and potassium hydroxide See Annatto (Bixa orellana) extract Uses: Colorant for baked goods, process cheese and cheese prods., and confections Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.30; DOT nonregulated; SARA acute health hazard; Canada DSL, Australia AICS, Japan MITI listed or exempt Properties: Brn. visc. liq.; char. odor; sol. in oil; disp. in water; sp.gr. 1.0; b.p. 187-229 C; flash pt. (CC) > 93 C Toxicology: Can cause irritation to eyes, skin; inh. of mists may cause upper respiratory tract irritation; ing. may cause nausea, abdominal pain; may cause allergic reactions; TSCA listed Precaution: Will burn Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: COx NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a sanitary, dry, cool area in tightly closed containers; avoid freezing AFC WOS 550 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Annatto tree extract (Bixa orellana), propylene glycol, glyceryl oleate, potassium hydroxide See Annatto (Bixa orellana) extract Uses: Colorant for baked goods, process cheese and cheese prods., ice cream, and confections Properties: Water-sol. AFC WS 445 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Annatto tree extract (Bixa orellana), water, potassium hydroxide, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
castor oil (≤ 0.55%) See Annatto (Bixa orellana) extract; Castor (Ricinus communis) oil Uses: Colorant for baked goods, cheeses and cheese prods., cereals, snack foods, coffee creamers, sausage casings, seasoning, and ice cream Properties: Water-sol. AFC WS 890 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Annatto tree extract (Bixa orellana), water, potassium hydroxide, castor oil (≤ 0.5%) See Annatto (Bixa orellana) extract; Castor (Ricinus communis) oil Uses: Colorant for baked goods, cheeses and cheese prods., cereals, snack foods, coffee creamers, sausage casings, seasoning, and ice cream Properties: Sol. in water AFC WS 4600P [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Annatto tree extract (Bixa orellana), potassium carbonate, potassium hydroxide See Annatto (Bixa orellana) extract Uses: Colorant for baked goods, cereals, snack foods, seasonings Properties: Powd.; sol. in water Agar Agar NF MK-80-B Powdered [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Agar agar See Agar CAS 9002-18-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-658-1 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, gellant for chiffon pies, meringues, pie fillings, icings, toppings, cookies, Neufchatel cream cheeses, yogurt, chocolate milk drinks, sherbets, jelly candies, sweets, poultry/meat canning, jams; antistaling agent for breads Properties: Water-sol. Agar Agar NF S-100 Powdered [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Agar agar See Agar CAS 9002-18-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-658-1 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, gellant for chiffon pies, meringues, pie fillings, icings, toppings, cookies, Neufchatel cream cheeses, yogurt, chocolate milk drinks, sherbets, jelly candies, sweets, poultry/meat canning, jams; antistaling agent for breads 37
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Water-sol. Agar Agar NF S-150-B Powdered [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Agar agar See Agar CAS 9002-18-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-658-1 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, gellant for chiffon pies, meringues, pie fillings, icings, toppings, cookies, Neufchatel cream cheeses, yogurt, chocolate milk drinks, sherbets, jelly candies, sweets, poultry/meat canning, jams; antistaling agent for breads Properties: Water-sol. Agar Agar S-100 [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Agar agar See Agar CAS 9002-18-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-658-1 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, gellant for chiffon pies, meringues, pie fillings, icings, toppings, cookies, Neufchatel cream cheeses, yogurt, chocolate milk drinks, sherbets, jelly candies, sweets, poultry/meat canning, jams; antistaling agent for breads Properties: Water-sol. Agnique FOH SA-20 [Cognis/Chems. Group http://www.cognis-us.com] Chem. Descrip.: Steareth-20 CAS 9005-00-9 Uses: Emulsifier for fruit coatings Regulatory: EPA exempt Properties: Gardner 1 solid; sol. in water, xylene; HLB 15.3; m.p. 40 C; cloud pt. 91 C (5% saline); flash pt. 460 F; nonionic Agnique GLY 96 [Cognis/Chems. Group http://www.cognis-us.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerin CP/USP CAS 56-81-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-289-5 Uses: Visc. modifier, flavor enhancer, solvent, humectant, thickener, and solubilizer in foods Regulatory: EPA-exempt; SARA nonreportable Properties: Water-wh. visc. liq.; odorless; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.2517; m.p. 18 C; b.p. 171 C; pour pt. 18 C; flash pt. (CC) 199 C; 96.0% min. glycerol Toxicology: TLV:TWA 10 mg/m3 (mist); LD50 (oral, rat) 12.6 g/kg; mild eye irritant, moderate skin irritant; inhalation of mist may cause respiratory irritation; TSCA listed Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area; avoid excessive heat, open flames; incompat. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
with strong acids and oxidizers Agnique GLY 99-U [Cognis/Chems. Group http://www.cognis-us.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerin CP/USP CAS 56-81-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-289-5 Uses: Visc. modifier, flavor enhancer, solvent, humectant, thickener, and solubilizer in foods Regulatory: EPA exempt Properties: Water-wh. visc. liq.; odorless; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.2607; m.p. 18 C; b.p. 171 C; pour pt. 18 C; flash pt. (CC) 199 C; 99.5% min. glycerol Toxicology: TLV:TWA 10 mg/m3 (mist); LD50 (oral, rat) 12.6 g/kg; mild eye irritant, moderate skin irritant; inhalation of mist may cause respiratory irritation Storage: Store in cool, dry area; avoid excessive heat, open flames; incompat. with strong acids and oxidizers Ajax® [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monocalcium phosphate monohydrate FCC See Calcium phosphate monobasic monohydrate CAS 10031-30-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-837-1 Uses: Leavening agent for baking powd., selfrising flour, pancake flour, prepared mixes; ingred. in bread improvers, mfg. of cookies, crackers; acidulant in bread; acidulant and buffer in dry beverage mixes Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1217 Properties: Brilliant wh. free-flowing cryst.; 93% through 100 mesh, 12% through 200 mesh; m.w. 252.2; bulk dens. 71 lb/ft3; neutralizing value 80; pH 3.7 (1%); 15.9-17% assay (Ca) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 17500 mg/kg; TSCA listed NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: 2 yr. shelf life; store in cool, dry place in closed containers Ajitide™ GMP [Ajinomoto USA http://www.ajinomoto-usa.com; http://www.ajichem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Disodium 5' guanlyate See Disodium guanylate Chem. Analysis: Arsenic ≤ 1 mg/kg; heavy metals < 10 mg/kg; lead < 10 mg/kg Uses: Flavor enhancer for foods Properties: Colorless to wh. crystals or powd.; odorless; char. taste; m.w. 147.19; pH 7.0-8.5 Ajitide™ I+G [Ajinomoto USA http://www.ajinomoto-usa.com; 38
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.ajichem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Disodium 5' inosinate and Disodium 5' guanlyate See Disodium guanylate; Disodium inosinate Chem. Analysis: Arsenic < 1 mg/kg; heavy metals < 10 mg/kg; lead < 10 mg/kg Uses: Flavor enhancer for foods Properties: Colorless to wh. crystals or powd.; odorless; char. taste; pH 7.0-8.5 (1 in 20 sol'n) Ajitide™ IMP [Ajinomoto USA http://www.ajinomoto-usa.com; http://www.ajichem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Disodium 5' inosinate See Disodium inosinate Chem. Analysis: Heavy metals 10 mg/kg max.; lead 10 mg/kg max.; barium 0.015% max.; arsenic 1 mg/kg max. Uses: Flavor enhancer for foods Features: Suppresses harsh flavors; synergistic with glutamates Properties: Colorless or wh. crystals or powd.; odorless; char. taste; m.w. 392.17; pH 7.0-8.5 (1:20 sol'n) Akorex C [Aarhus Karlshamn A/S http://www.aak.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Partially hydrogenated canola oils See Hydrogenated canola oil CAS 68334-28-1 Uses: Used as spray oil, in bakery prods., nutritional snacks Properties: Iodine no. 84 Akucell® AF 0305 [Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com] Chem. Descrip.: Purified sodium carboxymethyl cellulose See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, crystallization retarder, moisture binder, fat absorp. reducer for foodstuffs (dairy prods., ice cream, frozen desserts, sauces, bakery prods., beverages, deep-frozen and fried prods.) Regulatory: DOT not regulated; E-466 compliance; FDA 21 CFR GRAS; Canada DSL Properties: Off-wh. free-flowing powd.; odorless; 99.5% min. through 35 mesh; 60% max. through 100 mesh; sol. in water; bulk dens. 500-800 g/l; visc. 300-600 mPa·s; pH 6.5-8.5 (1% sol'n.); 99.5% min. act.; 5% conc. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 15,000-27,000 mg/kg; TSCA listed Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Burning produces NOx Storage: Keep closed, cool, and dry in orig. package Akucell® AF 0705 [Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com] Chem. Descrip.: Purified sodium carboxymethyl cellulose See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, crystallization retarder, moisture binder, fat absorp. reducer for foodstuffs (dairy prods., ice cream, frozen desserts, sauces, bakery prods., beverages, deep-frozen and fried prods.) Regulatory: DOT not regulated; E-466 compliance; FDA 21 CFR GRAS; Canada DSL Properties: Off-wh. free-flowing powd.; 99.5% min. through 35 mesh; 60% max. through 100 mesh; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.5; bulk dens. 500800 g/l; visc. 500-2500 mPa·s; pH 6.5-8.5 (1% sol'n.); 99.5% min. act.; 4% conc. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 15,000-27,000 mg/kg; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Burning produces NOx Storage: Keep closed, cool, and dry in orig. package Akucell® AF 1505 [Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com] Chem. Descrip.: Purified sodium carboxymethyl cellulose See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, crystallization retarder, moisture binder, fat absorp. reducer for foodstuffs (dairy prods., ice cream, frozen desserts, sauces, bakery prods., beverages, deep-frozen and fried prods.) Regulatory: DOT not regulated; E-466 compliance; FDA 21 CFR GRAS; Canada DSL Properties: Off-wh. free-flowing powd.; 99.5% min. through 35 mesh; 60% max. through 100 mesh; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.5; bulk dens. 500800 g/l; visc. 1000-4000 mPa·s; pH 6.5-8.5 (1% sol'n.); 99.5% min. act.; 3% conc. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 15,000-27,000 mg/kg; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Burning produces NOx 39
Part I: Trade Name Reference Storage: Keep closed, cool, and dry in orig. package Akucell® AF 1605 [Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com] Chem. Descrip.: Purified sodium carboxymethyl cellulose See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, crystallization retarder, moisture binder, fat absorp. reducer for foodstuffs (dairy prods., ice cream, frozen desserts, sauces, bakery prods., beverages, deep-frozen and fried prods.) Regulatory: DOT not regulated; E-466 compliance; FDA 21 CFR GRAS; Canada DSL Properties: Off-wh. free-flowing powd.; 99.5% min. through 35 mesh; 60% max. through 100 mesh; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.5; bulk dens. 500800 g/l; visc. 1800-5000 mPa·s; pH 6.5-8.5 (1% sol'n.); 99.5% min. act.; 3% conc. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 15,000-27,000 mg/kg; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Burning produces NOx Storage: Keep closed, cool, and dry in orig. package Akucell® AF 1705 [Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com] Chem. Descrip.: Purified sodium carboxymethyl cellulose See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, crystallization retarder, moisture binder, fat absorp. reducer for foodstuffs (dairy prods., ice cream, frozen desserts, sauces, bakery prods., beverages, deep-frozen and fried prods.) Regulatory: DOT not regulated; E-466 compliance; FDA 21 CFR GRAS; Canada DSL Properties: Off-wh. free-flowing powd.; 99.5% min. through 35 mesh; 60% max. through 100 mesh; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.5; bulk dens. 500800 g/l; visc. 500-800 mPa·s; pH 6.5-8.5 (1% sol'n.); 99.5% min. act.; 2% conc. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 15,000-27,000 mg/kg; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Burning produces NOx Storage: Keep closed, cool, and dry in orig. package Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Akucell® AF 1985 [Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com] Chem. Descrip.: Purified sodium carboxymethyl cellulose See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, crystallization retarder, moisture binder, fat absorp. reducer for foodstuffs (dairy prods., ice cream, frozen desserts, sauces, bakery prods., beverages, deep-frozen and fried prods.) Regulatory: DOT not regulated; E-466 compliance; FDA 21 CFR GRAS; Canada DSL Properties: Off-wh. free-flowing powd.; 99.5% min. through 35 mesh; 60% max. through 100 mesh; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.5; bulk dens. 500800 g/l; visc. 800-1600 mPa·s; pH 6.5-8.5 (1% sol'n.); 99.5% min. act.; 2% conc. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 15,000-27,000 mg/kg; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Burning produces NOx Storage: Keep closed, cool, and dry in orig. package Akucell® AF 2085 [Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com] Chem. Descrip.: Purified sodium carboxymethyl cellulose See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, crystallization retarder, moisture binder, fat absorp. reducer for foodstuffs (dairy prods., ice cream, frozen desserts, sauces, bakery prods., beverages, deep-frozen and fried prods.) Regulatory: DOT not regulated; E-466 compliance; FDA 21 CFR GRAS; Canada DSL Properties: Off-wh. free-flowing powd.; 99.5% min. through 35 mesh; 60% max. through 100 mesh; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.5; bulk dens. 500800 g/l; visc. 1600-3200 mPa·s; pH 6.5-8.5 (1% sol'n.); 99.5% min. act.; 2% conc. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 15,000-27,000 mg/kg; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Burning produces NOx Storage: Keep closed, cool, and dry in orig. package
Part I: Trade Name Reference Akucell® AF 2085F [Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com] Chem. Descrip.: Purified sodium carboxymethyl cellulose See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, crystallization retarder, moisture binder, fat absorp. reducer for foodstuffs (dairy prods., ice cream, frozen desserts, sauces, bakery prods., beverages, deep-frozen and fried prods.) Properties: Off-wh. free-flowing powd.; 99.5% min. through 35 mesh; 60% max. through 100 mesh; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.5; bulk dens. 500800 g/l; visc. 1600-3200 mPa·s; pH 6.5-8.5 (1% sol'n.) Use Level: 0.5-0.7% (yogurt drinks) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 15,000-27,000 mg/kg Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Burning produces NOx Storage: Keep closed, cool, and dry in orig. package Akucell® AF 2205 [Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com] Chem. Descrip.: Purified sodium carboxymethyl cellulose See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, crystallization retarder, moisture binder, fat absorp. reducer for foodstuffs (dairy prods., ice cream, frozen desserts, sauces, bakery prods., beverages, deep-frozen and fried prods.) Regulatory: DOT not regulated; E-466 compliance; FDA 21 CFR GRAS; Canada DSL Properties: Off-wh. free-flowing powd.; 99.5% min. through 35 mesh; 60% max. through 100 mesh; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.5; bulk dens. 500800 g/l; visc. 2500-4500 mPa·s; pH 6.5-8.5 (1% sol'n.); 99.5% min. act.; 2% conc. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 15,000-27,000 mg/kg; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Burning produces NOx Storage: Keep closed, cool, and dry in orig. package Akucell® AF 2405 [Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com] Chem. Descrip.: Purified sodium Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
carboxymethyl cellulose See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, crystallization retarder, moisture binder, fat absorp. reducer for foodstuffs (dairy prods., ice cream, frozen desserts, sauces, bakery prods., beverages, deep-frozen and fried prods.) Regulatory: DOT not regulated; E-466 compliance; FDA 21 CFR GRAS; Canada DSL Properties: Off-wh. free-flowing powd.; 99.5% min. through 35 mesh; 60% max. through 100 mesh; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.5; bulk dens. 500800 g/l; visc. 6500-11,000 mPa·s; pH 6.5-8.5 (1% sol'n.); 99.5% min. act.; 2% conc. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 15,000-27,000 mg/kg; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Burning produces NOx Storage: Keep closed, cool, and dry in orig. package Akucell® AF 2782 [Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com] Chem. Descrip.: Purified sodium carboxymethyl cellulose See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, crystallization retarder, moisture binder, fat absorp. reducer for foodstuffs (dairy prods., ice cream, frozen desserts, sauces, bakery prods., beverages, deep-frozen and fried prods.) Regulatory: DOT not regulated; E-466 compliance; FDA 21 CFR GRAS; Canada DSL Properties: Off-wh. free-flowing powd.; 98% min. through 60 mesh; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.5; bulk dens. 500-800 g/l; visc. 1600-3200 mPa·s; pH 6.5-8.5 (1% sol'n.) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 15,000-27,000 mg/kg; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Burning produces NOx Storage: Keep closed, cool, and dry in orig. package Akucell® AF 2785 [Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com] Chem. Descrip.: Purified sodium carboxymethyl cellulose See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 41
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, crystallization retarder, moisture binder, fat absorp. reducer for foodstuffs (dairy prods., ice cream, frozen desserts, sauces, bakery prods., beverages, deep-frozen and fried prods.) Regulatory: DOT not regulated; E-466 compliance; FDA 21 CFR GRAS; Canada DSL Properties: Off-wh. free-flowing powd.; 99.5% min. through 35 mesh; 60% max. through 100 mesh; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.5; bulk dens. 500800 g/l; visc. 1500-2500 mPa·s (1%); pH 6.58.5 (1% sol'n.); 99.5% min. act.; 1% conc. Use Level: 0.25% (soft ice cream); 0.10-0.30% (bakery prods.); 0.4-0.6% (deep frozen and fried prods.); 0.35% (creamy soups, sauces) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 15,000-27,000 mg/kg; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Burning produces NOx Storage: Keep closed, cool, and dry in orig. package Akucell® AF 2805 [Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com] Chem. Descrip.: Purified sodium carboxymethyl cellulose See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, crystallization retarder, moisture binder, fat absorp. reducer for foodstuffs (dairy prods., ice cream, frozen desserts, sauces, bakery prods., beverages, deep-frozen and fried prods.) Regulatory: DOT not regulated; E-466 compliance; FDA 21 CFR GRAS; Canada DSL Properties: Off-wh. free-flowing powd.; 99.5% min. through 35 mesh; 60% max. through 100 mesh; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.5; bulk dens. 500800 g/l; visc. 2500-4500 mPa·s (1%); pH 6.58.5 (1% sol'n.); 99.5% min. act.; 1% conc. Use Level: 0.10-0.30% (bakery prods.); 0.40.6% (deep frozen and fried prods.) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 15,000-27,000 mg/kg; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Burning produces NOx Storage: Keep closed, cool, and dry in orig. package Akucell® AF 2982 [Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com] Chem. Descrip.: Purified sodium Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
carboxymethyl cellulose (99.5-100%) See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Chem. Analysis: Moisture 8% max.; lead 3 ppm max.; sodium chloride 0.15% max.; heavy metals 10 ppm max. CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, crystallization retarder, moisture binder, fat absorp. reducer for foodstuffs (dairy prods., ice cream, frozen desserts, sauces, bakery prods., beverages, deep-frozen and fried prods.) Regulatory: DOT not regulated; E-466 compliance; FDA 21 CFR GRAS; Canada DSL Properties: Off-wh. free-flowing powd.; 98% min. through 60 mesh; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.5; bulk dens. 500-800 g/l; visc. 5000-8000 mPa·s; autoignition temp. ≈ 250 C; pH 6.5-8.5 (1% sol'n.) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 15,000-27,000 mg/kg; TSCA listed Akucell® AF 2985 [Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com] Chem. Descrip.: Purified sodium carboxymethyl cellulose See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, crystallization retarder, moisture binder, fat absorp. reducer for foodstuffs (dairy prods., ice cream, frozen desserts, sauces, bakery prods., beverages, deep-frozen and fried prods.) Regulatory: DOT not regulated; E-466 compliance; FDA 21 CFR GRAS; Canada DSL Properties: Off-wh. free-flowing powd.; 99.5% min. through 35 mesh; 60% max. through 100 mesh; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.5; bulk dens. 500800 g/l; visc. 5000-8000 mPa·s (1%); pH 6.58.5 (1% sol'n.); 99.5% min. act.; 1% conc. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 15,000-27,000 mg/kg; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Burning produces NOx Storage: Keep closed, cool, and dry in orig. package Akucell® AF 3085 [Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com] Chem. Descrip.: Purified sodium carboxymethyl cellulose See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 42
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, crystallization retarder, moisture binder, fat absorp. reducer for foodstuffs (dairy prods., ice cream, frozen desserts, sauces, bakery prods., beverages, deep-frozen and fried prods.) Regulatory: DOT not regulated; E-466 compliance; FDA 21 CFR GRAS; Canada DSL Properties: Off-wh. free-flowing powd.; 99.5% min. through 35 mesh; 60% max. through 100 mesh; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.5; bulk dens. 500800 g/l; visc. 8000-12,000 mPa·s (1%); pH 6.58.5 (1% sol'n.); 99.5% min. act.; 1% conc. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 15,000-27,000 mg/kg; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Burning produces NOx Storage: Keep closed, cool, and dry in orig. package Akucell® AF 3295 [Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com] Chem. Descrip.: cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Uses: Improves yield/bite, reduces syneresis in process meat; stabilizes proteins, release flavor, texturizer in fruit preparations; visc. control agent, volume increaser, moisture retention agent, freeze/thaw stabilizer in bakery prods.; body/mouthfeel,/flavor enhancer in beverages; mouthfeel enhancer, thickener, protein stabilizer, syneresis reducer in desserts; mouthfeel/body enhancer, suspension aid, temp. stabilizer in salad dressings, condiments, soups, sauces Regulatory: DOT not regulated; E-466 compliance; FDA 21 CFR GRAS; Canada DSL Properties: Sol. in water; visc. 6000-12,000 mPa·s Toxicology: TSCA listed Akwilox 133 [Am. Chem. Services] Chem. Descrip.: Brominated soybean oil CAS 68952-98-7 Uses: Visc. modifier in soft drinks Properties: Lt. amber liq.; bland odor, taste; sp.gr. 1.33; 100% act. Alanate Sodium Caseinate [Fonterra NZ Ingreds. http://www.fonterra.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium caseinate CAS 9005-46-3 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer for nutritional applics. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Albrite® Dicalcium Phosphate [Rhodia/Phosphorus Perf. Derivs.] Chem. Descrip.: Dicalcium phosphate anhyd. USP, FCC See Calcium phosphate dibasic CAS 7757-93-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-826-1 Uses: Calcium and phosphorus source in foods for infants, invalids, and geriatric patients and in animal feeds Features: Noncombustible Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1217, 182.8217; DOT nonregulated; SARA nonreportable; EU, UK compliance Properties: Wh. fine powd.; 3% on 325 mesh; odorless; tasteless; insol. in water; m.w. 136.06; 97-105% assay; 7-8.5% loss on ignition; 28.5-30.8% calcium as CaO Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 10,000 mg/kg; may cause eye irritation; may cause sl. transient skin irritation on prolonged contact; dusts may cause upper respiratory tract irritation; ing. of lg. amts. may cause abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None known HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in closed containers in cool, dry, sanitary area; protect packages from water and contamination Albrite® SAPP Food Grade [Albright & Wilson Australia http://www.albright.com.au] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium acid pyrophosphate See Sodium acid pyrophosphate CAS 7758-16-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-835-0 Uses: For nonleavening applics., e.g., potato processing, general purpose buffering and acidifying agent, meat processing, cheese emulsifying salt Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; 0.2% +250 µm particle size, 1% +150 µm; m.w. 221.94; pH 4.1 (1%); 98% acidity, 5% orthophosphate Toxicology: Avoid inhaling dust, prolonged skin contact Storage: Store in cool, dry place Albrite® STPP-F [Albright & Wilson Australia http://www.albright.com.au] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium tripolyphosphate, food grade See Pentasodium triphosphate CAS 7758-29-4; EINECS/ELINCS 231-694-5 Uses: Buffer, texturizer for processed meat, fish, and cheese; dispersant for fats; color retention aid Regulatory: FCC, Australian compliance 43
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; 3% +210 µm particle size, 39% +75 µm; m.w. 367.86; dens. 1.0 g/ml; pH 9.7 (1%); 94% act. Toxicology: Avoid inhaling dust, prolonged contact with skin Storage: Store in cool, dry place to avoid caking Albrite® STPP-FC [Albright & Wilson Australia http://www.albright.com.au] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium tripolyphosphate, food grade See Pentasodium triphosphate CAS 7758-29-4; EINECS/ELINCS 231-694-5 Uses: Buffer, texturizer for processed meat, fish, and cheese; dispersant for fats; color retention aid Regulatory: FCC, Australian compliance Properties: Wh. coarse free-flowing powd.; 1% +500 µm particle size, 65% +75 µm; m.w. 367.86; dens. 0.55 g/ml; pH 9.7 (1%); 92% act. Toxicology: Avoid inhaling dust, prolonged contact with skin Storage: Store in cool, dry place to avoid caking Alcalase® [Novozymes A/S http://www.novozymes.com] Chem. Descrip.: Bacterial protease CAS 9014-01-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-752-2 Uses: Enzyme used in foods to improve functional, nutritional, and flavoring props. of proteins (milk protein modification) Alcohol Surfin Plus [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Grain alcohol See Alcohol CAS 64-17-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-578-6 Uses: Alcohol ingred. in beverages Features: Purest chemical and organoleptic props.; triple distilled Alcohol Warming - 3, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor enhancer for beverages Features: Makes 10 proof taste like 20 proof; gives the mouth warming and mouth presence of higher proof beverages; blends well with flavors Regulatory: GRAS; CFR §172.510; 21 CFR §101.22; kosher Properties: Colorless liq.; bland taste; sol. in PG, alcohol, flavor oils, water Use Level: 0.01% Alcohol Warming - 4, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor enhancer for beverages Features: Makes 10 proof taste like 20 proof; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
gives the mouth warming and mouth presence of higher proof beverages Regulatory: GRAS; CFR §172.510; 21 CFR §101.22; kosher Properties: Colorless liq.; bland taste; sol. in PG, alcohol, flavor oils, water Use Level: 0.01% Alcohol Warming - 5, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor enhancer for beverages Features: Makes 10 proof taste like 20 proof; gives the mouth warming and mouth presence of higher proof beverages Regulatory: GRAS; CFR §172.510; 21 CFR §101.22; kosher Properties: Colorless to lt. yel. liq.; bland taste; sol. in PG, alcohol, flavor oils, water Use Level: 0.01% Alcohol Warming - 6, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor enhancer for beverages Features: Makes low proof alcohol taste like higher proof alcohol; gives the bite and mouth warming of higher proof beverages Regulatory: GRAS; CFR §172.510; 21 CFR §101.22; kosher Properties: Colorless to lt. yel. liq.; bland taste; sol. in PG, alcohol, flavor oils, water Use Level: 0.01% Alcolec® 30-A [Am. Lecithin http://www.americanlecithin.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin with corn flour carrier See Corn (Zea mays) flour Uses: Emulsifier, conditioner, antisticking agent, shelf life extender, mixing aid for baked goods, yeast buns, pie crusts, cakes, cookies Features: Facilitates dough handling, improves blending and mixing Regulatory: Kosher approved Alcolec® BS [Am. Lecithin http://www.americanlecithin.com] Chem. Descrip.: Single bleached lecithin FCC CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: W/o emulsifier, wetting agent, dispersant, stabilizer, release agent, lubricant, foam suppressant, solubilizer for foods; choline source Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1400, GRAS; kosher approved Properties: Gardner 14 max. liq.; acid no. 32 max.; HLB 4.0; nonionic; 1% max. moisture 44
Part I: Trade Name Reference Storage: 1 yr. shelf life in original unopened container Alcolec® F-100 [Am. Lecithin http://www.americanlecithin.com] Chem. Descrip.: De-oiled lecithin FCC CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Emulsifier for foods; instantizing agent for milk powd., cocoa beverage powds., dessert powds., protein powds., gravy mixes, cake mixes, etc.; choline source Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1400, GRAS; kosher approved Properties: Lt. tan/yel. powd., bland odor and taste; acid no. 36 max.; HLB 8.0; 1% max. moisture Use Level: 0.2-0.9% (as instantizer) Storage: Store below 25 C; 1 yr. shelf life in original, unopened container Alcolec® FF-100 [Am. Lecithin http://www.americanlecithin.com] Chem. Descrip.: De-oiled lecithin FCC CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Emulsifier for foods; instantizing agent for milk powd., cocoa beverage powds., dessert powds., protein powds., gravy mixes, cake mixes, etc.; choline source Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1400, GRAS; kosher approved Properties: Lt. tan/yel. fine powd., bland odor and taste; acid no. 36 max.; HLB 8.0; 1% max. moisture Use Level: 0.2-0.9% as instantizer Storage: Store below 25 C; 1 yr. shelf life in original, unopened container Alcolec® Granules [Am. Lecithin http://www.americanlecithin.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin FCC CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Wetting agent, release agent, o/w emulsifier, stabilizer, diet supplement in foods; instantizing agent for milk powd., cocoa beverage powds., protein powds., gravy mixes, cake mixes, etc.; choline source Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1400, GRAS; kosher approved Properties: Lt. tan/yel. gran., bland odor and taste; disp. in water; sp.gr. 0.5; acid no. 36 max.; HLB 8.0; nonionic; 97% act., 1% max. moisture Environmental: biodegradable Precaution: Avoid sources of heat Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: Store below 25 C; 1 yr. shelf life in original, unopened container Alcolec® HWS [Am. Lecithin http://www.americanlecithin.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxylated lecithin in a wheat starch carrier See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch Uses: Improves pie crust, cakes, cake mixes, yeast-raised doughs; gluten conditioner; antisticking agent in prod. of biscuits, cookies, sugar wafers, cones Regulatory: Kosher approved Properties: Tan powd.; 1.2-1.5% oil content Use Level: 0.5-2.0% Storage: Store at 60-90 F; 1 yr. shelf life in original, unopened container Alcolec® PG [Am. Lecithin http://www.americanlecithin.com] Chem. Descrip.: Oil-free lecithin containing 97% phospholipids CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Features: Virtually oil-free Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1400, GRAS; kosher approval Properties: Sl. yel. waxy gran.; 1% max. moisture Storage: Store below 25 C; protect from light and moisture; 1 yr. shelf life in original, unopened container Alcolec® PS 20 P [Am. Lecithin http://www.americanlecithin.com] Chem. Descrip.: powdered soybean Lecithin with Tricalciumphosphate (0.5% max.) as a flow agent See Calcium phosphate tribasic Chem. Analysis: 20% min. phosphatidylserine; 1.5% max. moisture CAS 8030-76-0; 7758-87-4; EINECS/ELINCS 310-129-7; 231-840-8 Uses: Wetting agent, release agent, o/w emulsifier, stabilizer, nutritional supplements Regulatory: FDA §21 CFR 184.1400 GRAS Properties: Lt. tan/yel. powd.; disp. in water and paraffin (50 g/l); mild typical odor; dens. 300 C; 100% act. Toxicology: Prolonged contact with skin, eyes may cause some irritation Storage: 1 yr. when stored @ < 35 C in unopened container Antifoam C100K [Basildon Chem. Co. Ltd. http://www.baschem.co.uk] Chem. Analysis: Silica content 6% Uses: Antifoam for wide variety of food processes including adhesives, deep fat frying, edible oil processing, molasses, paper coating, soft drink manufacturing, sugar refining Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Translucent grey liq.; tasteless; sl. odor; sp.gr. 1.0; flash pt. > 300 C; 100% act. Toxicology: Prolonged contact with skin, eyes may cause some irritation Storage: 1 yr. when stored @ < 35 C in unopened container Antifoam C100N [Basildon Chem. Co. Ltd. http://www.baschem.co.uk] Uses: Antifoam for food Regulatory: Acceptable under the food regulations of UK, USA, an many other countries Properties: Translucent liq.; tasteless; sl. odor; sp.gr. 1.0; visc. 600 cP; flash pt. > 315 C; 100% act. Toxicology: Prolonged contact with skin, eyes may cause some irritation Storage: 1 yr. when stored @ < 35 C in unopened container Antifoam E 100 conc. [Bayer http://www.bayerus.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monoglycerides and diglycerides of fatty acids 60
Part I: Trade Name Reference Chem. Analysis: Ash 0.5% max. Uses: Antifoam for extraction of sugar, feeding yeast beer yeast, confectionery mfg., fruit processing Properties: Yellowish liq.; weak odor; not misc. in water; dens. 0.93-0.96; visc. 235 mPa·s min.; vapor pressure 100 mbar max.; b.p. 190 C; setting pt. ≈ 3 C; flash pt. 200 C; ignition pt. ≈ 400 C; pH 5-6 (1% in water); iodine no. 7383; sapon. no. 154-162; peroxide no. 6 max.; acid no. 2 max. Antifoam F5 [Basildon Chem. Co. Ltd. http://www.baschem.co.uk] Chem. Analysis: Silica content 5% Uses: Antifoam for aq. food processing applics. including fermentation processes, jam mfg.; low-foam washing formulations, paper coating, pickle processing, potato chip mfg., soft drink mfg., sugar molasses, vinegar mfg., wine mfg. Features: Outstanding reliability, versatility; highly effective in foam control; acceptable under UK, USA and many other countries food regulations; available in emulsion form Properties: Off-wh. visc. emulsion; sp.gr. 1.0 Toxicology: Prolonged contact with skin, eyes may cause some irritation Storage: 1 yr. when stored @ < 35 C in unopened container Antifoam FD20P [Basildon Chem. Co. Ltd. http://www.baschem.co.uk] Chem. Analysis: Silicone 20% Uses: Antifoam for brewing, food processing applics. Features: Outstanding reliability, versatility; highly effective; acceptable under UK, USA and many other countries' food regulations; available in emulsion form; easily extracted from beer by filtration Properties: Off-wh. emulsion; sp.gr. 1.0 Toxicology: Prolonged contact with skin, eyes may cause some irritation Storage: 1 yr. when stored @ < 35 C in unopened container Antifoam FD30 [Basildon Chem. Co. Ltd. http://www.baschem.co.uk] Chem. Analysis: Silicone 30% Uses: Antifoam for brewing, food processing applics. Features: Outstanding reliability, versatility; highly effective; acceptable under UK, USA and many other countries' food regulations; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
available in emulsion form Properties: Off-wh. emulsion; sp.gr. 1.0 Toxicology: Prolonged contact with skin, eyes may cause some irritation Storage: 1 yr. when stored @ < 35 C in unopened container Antifoam FD30K [Basildon Chem. Co. Ltd. http://www.baschem.co.uk] Chem. Analysis: Silicone 30% Uses: Antifoam for aq. food processing applics. including fermentation processes, jam mfg., potato chip mfg., soft drink mfg., sugar molasses, vinegar mfg. wine mfg. Features: Outstanding reliability, versatility; highly effective in foam control; acceptable under UK, USA and many other countries food regulations; available in emulsion form Properties: Off-wh. emulsion; sp.gr. 1.0 Toxicology: Prolonged contact with skin, eyes may cause some irritation Storage: 1 yr. when stored @ < 35 C in unopened container Antifoam FD30P [Basildon Chem. Co. Ltd. http://www.baschem.co.uk] Chem. Analysis: Silicone 30% Uses: Antifoam for food processing applics. Features: Outstanding reliability, versatility; highly effective; acceptable under UK, USA and many other countries' food regulations; available in emulsion form Properties: Off-wh. emulsion; sp.gr. 1.0 Toxicology: Prolonged contact with skin, eyes may cause some irritation Storage: 1 yr. when stored @ < 35 C in unopened container Antifoam FD50 [Basildon Chem. Co. Ltd. http://www.baschem.co.uk] Chem. Analysis: Silicone 50% Uses: Antifoam for bottle washing, brewing, fermentation processes, jam mfg., potato chip mfg., sugar beet processing, sugar molasses, vegetable processing, wine mfg. Features: Outstanding reliability, versatility; highly effective; acceptable under UK, USA and many other countries' food regulations; available in emulsion form Properties: Off-wh. emulsion; sp.gr. 1.0 Toxicology: Prolonged contact with skin, eyes may cause some irritation Storage: 1 yr. when stored @ < 35 C in unopened container; do not allow to freeze Antifoam FDK [Basildon Chem. Co. Ltd. 61
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.baschem.co.uk] Chem. Analysis: Silicone 10% Uses: Antifoam for aq. food processing applics. including animal feeds, fermentation processes, jam mfg.; low-foam washing formulations, paper coating, pet food mfg., potato chip mfg., soft drink mfg., sugar molasses, vinegar mfg. wine mfg. Features: Outstanding reliability, versatility; highly effective in foam control; acceptable under UK, USA and many other countries food regulations; available in emulsion form Properties: Off-wh. emulsion; sp.gr. 1.0 Toxicology: Prolonged contact with skin, eyes may cause some irritation Storage: 1 yr. when stored @ < 35 C in unopened container Antifoam FDP [Basildon Chem. Co. Ltd. http://www.baschem.co.uk] Uses: Antifoam for food Features: Designed for durability; stable to high shear; outstanding reliability, versatility; highly effective; acceptable under UK, USA and many other countries' food regulations Properties: Off-wh. emulsion; sp.gr. 1.0 Toxicology: Prolonged contact with skin, eyes may cause some irritation Storage: 1 yr. when stored @ < 35 C in unopened container Antifoam FG10 [Basildon Chem. Co. Ltd. http://www.baschem.co.uk] Chem. Analysis: Silicone 10% Uses: Antifoam for food Features: Designed for durability; stable to high shear; outstanding reliability, versatility; highly effective; acceptable under UK, USA and many other countries' food regulations Properties: Off-wh. emulsion; sp.gr. 1.0 Toxicology: Prolonged contact with skin, eyes may cause some irritation Storage: 1 yr. when stored @ < 35 C in unopened container Antifoam FG50 [Basildon Chem. Co. Ltd. http://www.baschem.co.uk] Chem. Analysis: Silicone 50% Uses: Antifoam for food processing applics. Features: Outstanding efficiency, versatility; economical; available in emulsion form; alkali resistant Properties: Off-wh. emulsion; sp.gr. 1.0 Toxicology: Prolonged contact with skin, eyes may cause some irritation Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Storage: 1 yr. when stored @ < 35 C in unopened container Antispumin® ZU [Stockhausen http://www.stockhausen-inc.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Ethoxylated/propoxylated fatty alcohols Uses: Defoamer for cheese factory effluent, dairy effluent, pectin prod. effluent, beet sugar extraction Properties: Yel. sl. cloudy oily visc. liq., typ. odor; forms unstable emulsion in water; sp.gr. 0.92; visc. 100 cp; b.p. 412 F; pour pt. -30 C; flash pt. 323 F; pH 5.5 (10%); nonionic; 100% act. Toxicology: Skin irritant on prolonged contact Antrancine® 14 [Jan Dekker BV http://www.jandekker.com/] Chem. Descrip.: BHT and sunflower oil See Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seed oil CAS 128-37-0; 8001-21-6; EINECS/ELINCS 204881-4; 232-273-9 Uses: Antioxidant in chewing gum Antrancine® 19 [Jan Dekker BV http://www.jandekker.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Propyl gallate, citric acid and propylene glycol CAS 121-79-9; 77-92-9; 57-55-6; EINECS/ELINCS 204-498-2; 201-069-1; 200338-0 Uses: Antioxidant for use in food Antrancine® 20 CH-P [Jan Dekker BV http://www.jandekker.com/] Chem. Descrip.: BHA, propylgallate, citric acid and propylene glycol See Propyl gallate CAS 25013-16-5; 121-79-9; 77-92-9; 57-55-6; EINECS/ELINCS 246-563-8; 204-498-2; 201069-1; 200-338-0 Uses: Antioxidant for fish oils Antrancine® 25 [Jan Dekker BV http://www.jandekker.com/] Chem. Descrip.: BHA and sunflower oil See Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seed oil CAS 25013-16-5; 8001-21-6; EINECS/ELINCS 246-563-8; 232-273-9 Uses: Antioxidant in chewing gum Antrancine® 52 [Jan Dekker BV http://www.jandekker.com/] Chem. Descrip.: BHA, BHT and sunflower oil See Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seed oil CAS 25013-16-5; 128-37-0; 8001-21-6; EINECS/ELINCS 246-563-8; 204-881-4; 232273-9 62
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Antioxidant for use in foods Antrancine® 55 [Jan Dekker BV http://www.jandekker.com/] Chem. Descrip.: BHA, BHT and sunflower oil See Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seed oil CAS 25013-16-5; 128-37-0; 8001-21-6; EINECS/ELINCS 246-563-8; 204-881-4; 232273-9 Uses: Antioxidant for mayonnaise and dressings Antrancine® 220 [Jan Dekker BV http://www.jandekker.com/] Chem. Descrip.: TBHQ, citric acid and propylene glycol See t-Butyl hydroquinone CAS 1948-33-0; 77-92-9; 57-55-6; EINECS/ELINCS 217-752-2; 201-069-1; 200338-0 Uses: Antioxidant in biscuits, frying oils, shortenings, and vegetable oils Regulatory: Not approved for use within the EU Antrancine® 342 Plus [Jan Dekker BV http://www.jandekker.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Tocopherol, ascorbyl palmitate, lecithin and sunflower oil See Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seed oil CAS 1406-18-4; 137-66-6; 8002-43-5; 8001-216; EINECS/ELINCS 215-798-8; 205-305-4; 232-307-2; 232-273-9 Uses: Antioxidant for use in foods AP™ 125 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fully-refined paraffin wax See Paraffin wax (petroleum), clay-treated CAS 64742-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-145-6 Uses: Lubricant, mold release, moisture resistance aid, retention aid, and thickener for foods Regulatory: 21CFR 172.886, 178.3710 Properties: Wh. waxy solid; m.p. 126 F AP™ 135 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fully-refined paraffin wax See Paraffin wax (petroleum), clay-treated CAS 64742-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-145-6 Uses: Lubricant, mold release, moisture resistance aid, retention aid, and thickener for foods Regulatory: 21CFR 172.886, 178.3710 Properties: Wh. waxy solid; m.p. 135 F AP™ 145 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fully-refined paraffin wax See Paraffin wax (petroleum), clay-treated CAS 64742-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-145-6 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Lubricant, mold release, moisture resistance aid, retention aid, and thickener for foods Regulatory: 21CFR 172.886, 178.3710 Properties: Wh. waxy solid; m.p. 145 F AP™ 150 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fully-refined paraffin wax See Paraffin wax (petroleum), clay-treated CAS 64742-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-145-6 Uses: Lubricant, mold release, moisture resistance aid, retention aid, and thickener for foods Regulatory: 21CFR 172.886, 178.3710 Properties: Wh. waxy solid; m.p. 150 F Apple esters - 1, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Nat. flavor in baked goods, beverages, sweet goods Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21 CFR §172.510; 21 CFR §101.22; kosher Properties: Cl., colorless liq.; apple taste; sol. in PG, alcohol, oil, water Use Level: 0.01% Aquacoat® CPD [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose acetate phthalate aq. disp. USP/NF, Eur.Ph., JP CAS 9004-38-0 Uses: Enteric coating for nutritional prods. Features: Allows acid-sensitive substances to pass thru the stomach unaffected or to keep stomach-upsetting substances from releasing in the stomach; low visc.; nontacky Regulatory: GRAS; kosher Properties: Odorless; tasteless; visc. < 50 cp; pH 2-3; 19-27% CAP; 29-32% total solids Storage: 18 mos. shelf life when stored refrigerated @ 5 C; 9 mos. shelf life when stored @ ambient temps. Aquagel MP™ [Marcel Carrageenan http://www.marcel.com.ph] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Binder, appearance enhancer, texture improver, and fat-protein emulsion stabilzer for meat Features: Increases production yield; Improves texture, sliceability and mouthfeel of finished prod.; increases ability of meat to retain water during and after processing 63
Part I: Trade Name Reference Aquagel WD™ [Marcel Carrageenan http://www.marcel.com.ph] Chem. Descrip.: carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Gellant in crystal cl. and fruit pulp water dessert gels Features: Provides enzyme stability to gels; provides a complete range of texture from soft to elastic to brittle gels Aqualon® 7H0F [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Improves mouthfeel, body, and texture, controls ice crystal formation in sherbet, frozen breakfast drinks; thickener inhibiting syneresis, preventing shrinkage in pie fillings; thickener, suspending aid in reduced-calorie beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1745, GRAS Properties: Water-sol. Use Level: 0.05-0.2% (beverages), 0.1-0.5% (sherbet), 0.1-0.5% (pie fillings), 0.1-0.3% (frozen breakfast drinks) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27 g/kg; sl. eye irritant; nonirritating to skin Aqualon® 7H0XF [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Thickener for eggnog Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1745, GRAS Properties: Water-sol. Use Level: 0.1-0.3% (eggnog) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27 g/kg; sl. eye irritant; nonirritating to skin Aqualon® 7H3SF [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Thickener for barbecue sauces, pickle relish; mouthfeel enhancer, bodying agent, texturizer, ice crystal control agent in sherbet, frozen breakfast drinks; thickener inhibiting syneresis, preventing shrinkage in pie fillings; stabilizer in jams/jellies Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1745, GRAS Properties: Water-sol.; bulk dens. 0.65-0.95 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
g/ml; visc. 1000-2800 cps; pH 6.5-8.5 (1%) Use Level: 0.05-0.1% (dietetic beverages), 0.10.5% (sherbet, pie fillings, barbecue sauces), 0.1-0.4% (jams), 0.1-0.7% (variegated syrup), 0.03-0.5% (instant hot cereal), 0.1-0.25% (sweet goods), 0.1-0.3% (breakfast drinks), 0.1-0.5% (meringues) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27 g/kg; sl. eye irritant; nonirritating to skin Aqualon® 7H3SXF [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Controls texture and sugar crystal size in frostings and icings; inhibits syneresis in puddings; thickener, improves mouthfeel, body in reduced-calorie cocoa mixes Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1745, GRAS Properties: Water-sol. Use Level: 0.05-0.5% (frostings), 0.1-0.3% (puddings), 0.2-0.5% (cocoa mixes) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27 g/kg; sl. eye irritant; nonirritating to skin Aqualon® 7H4F [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Mouthfeel enhancer, bodying agent, texturizer, ice crystal control agent in ice cream; gravy thickener, processing aid in canned pet foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1745, GRAS Properties: Water-sol.; bulk dens. 0.65-0.95 g/ml; visc. 3000-6000 cps; pH 6.5-8.5 (1%) Use Level: 0.1-0.25% (ice cream), 0.2-0.5% (canned pet food) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27 g/kg; sl. eye irritant; nonirritating to skin Aqualon® 7H4XF [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Improves mouthfeel, body, and texture, controls ice crystal formation in soft serve; gravy thickener, extrusion aid in dry pet foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1745, GRAS Properties: Water-sol. Use Level: 0.1-0.5% (soft serve), 0.3-0.5% (pet 64
Part I: Trade Name Reference food) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27 g/kg; sl. eye irritant; nonirritating to skin Aqualon® 7HC4F [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Improves mouthfeel, body, and texture, controls ice crystal formation in ice cream, ice milk Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1745, GRAS Properties: Water-sol. Use Level: 0.1-0.25% (ice cream), 0.1-0.5% (ice milk) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27 g/kg; sl. eye irritant; nonirritating to skin Aqualon® 7HCF [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Improves mouthfeel, body, and texture, controls ice crystal formation in ice cream, ice milk Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1745, GRAS Properties: Water-sol. Use Level: 0.1-0.25% (ice cream), 0.1-0.5% (ice milk) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27 g/kg; sl. eye irritant; nonirritating to skin Aqualon® 7HF [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Mouthfeel enhancer, bodying agent, texturizer, ice crystal control agent in ice cream, soft serve; syneresis inhibitor in puddings; bodying agent in reduced-calorie spreads; suspending aid in syrups, fruit drinks; stabilizer; binder, oil/fat barrier Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1745, GRAS Properties: Water-sol.; bulk dens. 0.65-0.95 g/ml; visc. 1500-3000 cps; pH 6.5-8.5 (1%) Use Level: 0.1-0.25% (ice cream), 0.1-0.5% (soft serve), 0.1-0.3% (puddings), 0.1-0.3% (spreads), 0.1-0.7% (variegated syrup), 0.10.3% (marshmallow topping), 0.1-0.4% (batters), 0.1-0.3% (cake dry mix), 0.1-0.25% (sweet goods), 0.1-0.4% (tortillas) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27 g/kg; sl. eye Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
irritant; nonirritating to skin Aqualon® 7HXF [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Improves mouthfeel, body, and texture, controls ice crystal formation in ice cream; improves mouthfeel and body in bar mixes, breakfast drinks, fruit drink mix Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1745, GRAS Properties: Water-sol. Use Level: 0.1-0.25% (ice cream), 0.1-0.3% (bar mixes), 0.2-0.8% (breakfast drinks, fruit drink mix) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27 g/kg; sl. eye irritant; nonirritating to skin Aqualon® 7LF [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Thickener for table syrup; moisture retention aid, crystal size control agent in icings; binder and lubricant for animal feed pellets; mouthfeel enhancer, bodying agent in bar mixes, hot chocolate mix Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1745, GRAS Properties: Water-sol.; bulk dens. 0.65-0.95 g/ml; visc. 50-200 cps; pH 6.5-8.5 (1%) Use Level: 0.05-0.5% (icings), 0.1-1.0% (syrup), 0.1-0.3% (bar mixes), 0.1-0.4% (hot chocolate mix), 0.05-0.1% (animal feed) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27 g/kg; sl. eye irritant; nonirritating to skin Aqualon® 7LXF [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Improves mouthfeel, body, flavor perception in breakfast drinks Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1745, GRAS Properties: Water-sol. Use Level: 0.2-0.8% (breakfast drinks) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27 g/kg; sl. eye irritant; nonirritating to skin Aqualon® 7M8SF [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium 65
Part I: Trade Name Reference CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Moisture retention aid, texturizer, crystal size control agent in donuts and sweet goods icings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1745, GRAS Properties: Water-sol.; bulk dens. 0.65-0.95 g/ml; visc. 200-800 cps; pH 6.5-8.5 (1%) Use Level: 0.05-0.5% (icings) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27 g/kg; sl. eye irritant; nonirritating to skin Aqualon® 7MF [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for marshmallow toppings; moisture retention aid, texturizer, crystal size control agent in icings; protein stabilizer in acidified milk; suspending aid, mouthfeel enhancer, bodying agent in frozen breakfast drinks Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1745, GRAS Properties: Water-sol.; bulk dens. 0.65-0.95 g/ml; visc. 400-800 cps; pH 6.5-8.5 (1%) Use Level: 0.05-0.5% (icings), 0.1-0.3% (marshmallow topping), 0.2-0.3% (acidified milk), 0.1-0.3% (breakfast drinks) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27 g/kg; sl. eye irritant; nonirritating to skin Aqualon® 9H4F [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Thickener for chocolate toppings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1745, GRAS Properties: Water-sol.; bulk dens. 0.65-0.95 g/ml; visc. 2500-6000 cps; pH 6.5-8.5 (1%) Use Level: 0.2-0.4% (chocolate topping) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27 g/kg; sl. eye irritant; nonirritating to skin Aqualon® 9H4XF [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Thickener, suspending aid providing rapid visc. build in salad dressing mixes; moisture retention, extrusion aid in semimoist pet foods; improves flavor in breakfast drinks, fruit drink mix Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1745, GRAS Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Water-sol. Use Level: 0.05-0.2% (salad dressing mix), 0.20.4% (pet food), 0.1-0.3% (dry cake mixes), 0.2-0.8% (breakfast drinks, fruit drink mix) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27 g/kg; sl. eye irritant; nonirritating to skin Aqualon® 9M8F [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Thickener for table syrup; binder, fat and oil barrier, suspending aid, visc. control agent for batter for deep-fat frying Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1745, GRAS Properties: Water-sol.; bulk dens. 0.65-0.95 g/ml; visc. 400-800 cps; pH 6.5-8.5 (1%) Use Level: 0.1-1.0% (syrup), 0.1-0.4% (batter) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27 g/kg; sl. eye irritant; nonirritating to skin Aqualon® 9M8XF [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Thickener improving mouthfeel in reduced-calorie cocoa mixes Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1745, GRAS Properties: Water-sol. Use Level: 0.2-0.5% (cocoa mixes) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27 g/kg; sl. eye irritant; nonirritating to skin Aqualon® 9M31F [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Thickener for syrups; mouthfeel enhancer, bodying agent, suspending agent in reduced-calorie beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1745, GRAS Properties: Water-sol.; bulk dens. 0.65-0.95 g/ml; visc. 1500-3100 cps; pH 6.5-8.5 (1%) Use Level: 0.05-0.2% (beverages), 0.1-1.0% (syrups) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27 g/kg; sl. eye irritant; nonirritating to skin Aqualon® 9M31XF [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 66
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Thickener, suspending aid providing rapid visc. build in salad dressing mixes; improves mouthfeel in reduced-calorie cocoa mixes, fruit drink mix; binder, fat/oil barrier, suspending aid in batters for deep frying Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1745, GRAS Properties: Water-sol. Use Level: 0.02-0.5% (cocoa mixes), 0.2-0.8% (fruit drink mix), 0.05-0.2% (salad dressing mix), 0.1-0.4% (batters) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27 g/kg; sl. eye irritant; nonirritating to skin
Uses: Migrating from cotton/cotton fabrics in dry food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 182.70; OSHA hazardous; DOT not regulated; Canada DSL; SARA §302/304/313 nonreportable, §311/312 Fire Hazard; CERCLA, RCRA nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; odorless; water sol.; sp.gr. 1.59, 1.0068 (2%); bulk dens. 0.75 g/ml; visc. 15-30 cps (CMC-7L3T, 2%), 25-50 (CMC-7LT, 2%, CMC-7L1T, 4%), 80-200 cps (CMC-7L2T, 4%), 300-600 cps (CMC-7MT, 2%), 1600-3100 cps (CMC-7M31T, 2%); surf. tens. 71 dynes/cm (1%); ref. index 1.3355 (2%); pH 6.5-8.5 (1%); autoignition temp. > 698 F (dust); browning temp. 440 F Toxicology: May cause mild eye irritation; may cause skin irritation by abrasion; inh. may cause respiratory irritation; prolonged, repeated skin contact may cause sensitization; TSCA listed Environmental: biodeg. Precaution: Flamm. dust potential; wear safety glasses, impervious gloves, protective clothing; spills may be slippery; avoid generating dust Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, smoke HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area in closed container
Aqualon® Cellulose Gum [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium carboxymethylcellulose, standard, food, and pharmaceutical grades See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Suspending agent for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1745, GRAS; DOT nonregulated; SARA §302/304/311/312/313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. gran. powd.; odorless; water-sol.; sp.gr. 1.59; 8% max. moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27 g/kg; sl. eye irritant; may cause skin irritation by mech. abrasion; inh. of dust may cause respiratory tract irritation; repeated ing., skin contact may cause allergic reaction in susceptible individuals; TSCA listed Environmental: LC50 (rainbow trout or bluegill sunfish, 96 h) 100-1000 mg/l, pract. nontoxic Precaution: Flamm. dust; may cause flamm. dust-air mixts.; static charges may cause flash fire; avoid conditions that generate dust; spills may be slippery; keep away from heat, flame, sparks Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, smoke HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area; keep container closed when not in use; do not store indirect sunlight, or expose to UV radiation
Aqualon® N-7 [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ethylcellulose NF, FCC CAS 9004-57-3 Uses: Color stabilizer for easily oxidizable substances; diluent in colorants and inks for marking foods; binder, filler in dry vitamin preps. and animal feed; flavor fixing agent Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1(b), 73.1001, 172.868, 573.420 Properties: Sol. in various org. solvs. incl. alcohols, hydrocarbons, chlorinated hydrocarbons, esters, ketones; visc. 5.6-8 cps (5% in 80 parts toluene, 20 parts ethanol); 3% max. moisture
Aqualon® CMC-T [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium CMC, tech. grades See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Chem. Analysis: Moisture 8% max. CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8
Aqualon® N-10 [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ethylcellulose NF, FCC CAS 9004-57-3 Uses: Color stabilizer for easily oxidizable substances; diluent in colorants and inks
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part I: Trade Name Reference for marking foods; binder, filler in dry vitamin preps. and animal feed; flavor fixing agent Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1(b), 73.1001, 172.868, 573.420 Properties: Sol. in various org. solvs. incl. alcohols, hydrocarbons, chlorinated hydrocarbons, esters, ketones; visc. 8-11 cps (5% in 80 parts toluene, 20 parts ethanol); 3% max. moisture Aqualon® N-14 [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ethylcellulose NF, FCC CAS 9004-57-3 Uses: Color stabilizer for easily oxidizable substances; diluent in colorants and inks for marking foods; binder, filler in dry vitamin preps. and animal feed; flavor fixing agent Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1(b), 73.1001, 172.868, 573.420 Properties: Sol. in various org. solvs. incl. alcohols, hydrocarbons, chlorinated hydrocarbons, esters, ketones; visc. 12-16 cps (5% in 80 parts toluene, 20 parts ethanol); 3% max. moisture Aqualon® N-22 [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ethylcellulose NF, FCC CAS 9004-57-3 Uses: Color stabilizer for easily oxidizable substances; diluent in colorants and inks for marking foods; binder, filler in dry vitamin preps. and animal feed; flavor fixing agent Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1(b), 73.1001, 172.868, 573.420 Properties: Sol. in various org. solvs. incl. alcohols, hydrocarbons, chlorinated hydrocarbons, esters, ketones; visc. 18-24 cps (5% in 80 parts toluene, 20 parts ethanol); 3% max. moisture Aqualon® N-50 [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ethylcellulose NF, FCC CAS 9004-57-3 Uses: Color stabilizer for easily oxidizable substances; diluent in colorants and inks for marking foods; binder, filler in dry vitamin preps. and animal feed; flavor fixing agent Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1(b), 73.1001, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
172.868, 573.420 Properties: Sol. in various org. solvs. incl. alcohols, hydrocarbons, chlorinated hydrocarbons, esters, ketones; visc. 40-52 cps (5% in 80 parts toluene, 20 parts ethanol); 3% max. moisture Aqualon® N-100 [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ethylcellulose NF, FCC CAS 9004-57-3 Uses: Color stabilizer for easily oxidizable substances; diluent in colorants and inks for marking foods; binder, filler in dry vitamin preps. and animal feed; flavor fixing agent Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1(b), 73.1001, 172.868, 573.420 Properties: Sol. in various org. solvs. incl. alcohols, hydrocarbons, chlorinated hydrocarbons, esters, ketones; visc. 80-105 cps (5% in 80 parts toluene, 20 parts ethanol); 3% max. moisture Arasco® [Martek Biosciences http://www.martekbio.com] Chem. Descrip.: Arachidonic acid (40%) CAS 506-32-1; EINECS/ELINCS 208-033-4 Uses: Vegetable oil from fungi to supplement infant formula (in conjunction with RBDDhasco®) Regulatory: GRAS Properties: Yel. cl. liq. Archer Soybean Oil 86-070-0 [ADM Refined Oils http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soybean oil See Soybean (Glycine soja) oil CAS 8001-22-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232-274-4 Uses: Veg. oil for mayonnaise, salad dressings, spreads, canned foods, sauces, bakery goods Features: Refined, bleached, deoderized Properties: Cl. brilliant oil, bland flavor; iodine no. 125±4; peroxide no. 1 Arco B [Am. Ingreds./Patco http://www.patcoadditives.com] Chem. Descrip.: Flour, monocalcium phosphate, salt, ammonium sulfate, potassium bromate, potassium iodate See Calcium phosphate monobasic anhydrous; Sodium chloride Uses: Yeast food for yeast-raised baked goods Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; 0.23-0.27% total oxidant 68
Part I: Trade Name Reference Arco B NB [Am. Ingreds./Patco http://www.patco-additives.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium sulfate, salt, wheat flour, ascorbic acid, ammonium sulfate, ADA and amylolytic enzyme See LAscorbic acid; Sodium chloride; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) flour Uses: Bromate replacer in bread, buns, and rolls Properties: Off-wh. free-flowing powd.; 9.511.5% moisture; 70-72% ash Arcon® F [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy protein conc. See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein Chem. Analysis: 9% max. moisture; 19% total dietary fiber; 290 calories/100 g CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Protein supplement for specialty foods Features: Soluble sugars and anti-nutritional factors removed, bland flavor Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Free-flowing powd.; 69% min. protein Storage: 1 yr. shelf life; store < 75 F and 60% relatve humidity Arcon® G [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy protein conc. See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein Chem. Analysis: 9% max. moisture; 19% total dietary fiber; 290 calories/100 g CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Protein supplement for specialty foods; meets requirements for military ground beef applications Features: Soluble sugars and anti-nutritional factors removed, bland flavor Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Granules; 69% min. protein Storage: 1 yr. shelf life; store < 75 F and 60% relatve humidity Arcon® Plus 411 [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy protein conc. and isolated soy protein See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein Chem. Analysis: 6% max. moisture; 12% total dietary fiber; 320 calories/100 g CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Protein supplement, water binder, emulsifier for use in processed meat prods., bakery prods., and nutritional Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
powder drink bases Features: Water-washed, high protein solubility, low flavor profile, good dispersibility Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Fine powd.; water-dispersible; pH (10% disp. in water) 7.0-7.4; 77% min. protein Storage: 1 yr. shelf life; store < 75 F and 60% relatve humidity Arcon® S [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy protein conc. See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein Chem. Analysis: 6% max. moisture; 20% total dietary fiber; 290 calories/100 g CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Protein supplement, water binder, fat emulsifier for use in meat prods., creambased soups and sauces, bakery products, and nutritional powder drink bases Features: Low flavor profile, high protein solubility, dispersible Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Fine powd.; pH (10% disp. in water) 7.0-7.4; 72% min. protein Storage: 1 yr. shelf life; store < 75 F and 60% relatve humidity Arcon® SF [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy protein conc., sodium acid pyrophosphate, and carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Soybean (Glycine soja) protein Chem. Analysis: 6% max. moisture; 290 calories/100 g CAS 68153-28-6; 7758-16-9; 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8; 231-835-0; 232524-2 Uses: Protein supplement specially developed for dry addition applics. in emulsified meat systems Regulatory: Kosher Properties: 90% through #100 U.S. Standard; pH (10% disp. in water) 6.0-6.5; 65% min. protein Storage: 1 yr. shelf life; store < 75 F and 60% relatve humidity Arcon® SH [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Isolated Soy protein, sodium acid pyrophosphate, and corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch; Soybean (Glycine soja) protein 69
Part I: Trade Name Reference Chem. Analysis: 9% max. moisture; 320 calories/100 g CAS 68153-28-6; 7758-16-9; 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8; 231-835-0; 232679-6 Uses: Protein supplement specially developed for use in whole muscle injection and restructured meat applics. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: 90% through #100 U.S. Standard; pH (10% disp. in water) 6.0-6.5; 52% min. protein Storage: 1 yr. shelf life; store < 75 F and 60% relatve humidity Arcon® SJ [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy protein conc. See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein Chem. Analysis: 6% max. moisture; 19% total dietary fiber; 290 calories/100 g CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Protein supplement, water binder, emulsifier for use in emulsified meat prods., surimi analogs, coarse ground meat systems, etc. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Fine powd.; 68% min. protein Storage: 1 yr. shelf life; store < 75 F and 60% relatve humidity Arcon® SK Fortified [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy protein conc., zinc oxide, niacinamide, ferrous sulfate, copper gluconate, vitamin A palmitate, calcium pantothenate,; thiamine mononitrate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, and cyanocobalamin See Calcium Dpantothenate; Copper gluconate (ic); Ferrous sulfate anhydrous; Pyridoxine HCl; Retinyl palmitate; Soybean (Glycine soja) protein; Thiamine nitrate Chem. Analysis: 6% max. moisture; 20% total dietary fiber; 290 calories/100 g CAS 68153-28-6; 1314-13-2; 98-92-0; 7720-787; 527-09-3; 79-81-2; 137-08-6; 532-43-4; 5856-0; 83-88-5; 68-19-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232720-8; 215-222-5; 202-713-4; 231-753-5; 208408-2; 201-228-5; 205-278-9; 208-537-4; 200386-2; 201-507-1; 200-680-0 Uses: Protein supplement, water binder, fat emulsifier for use in emulsified meat and bakery prods., nutritional powd. drink Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
bases Features: Low flavor profile, high protein solubility, good dispersibility Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Fine powd.; pH (10% disp. in water) 6.8-7.2; 70% min. protein Storage: 1 yr. shelf life; store < 75 F and 60% relatve humidity Arcon® SM [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy protein conc. See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein Chem. Analysis: 6% max. moisture; 20% total dietary fiber; 290 calories/100 g CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Protein supplement, water binder, emulsifier for use in processed meat prods., bakery prods., and nutritional powder drink bases Features: Water-washed, high protein solubility, low flavor profile, good dispersibility Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Fine powd.; pH (10% disp. in water) 7.0-7.4; 70% min. protein Storage: 1 yr. shelf life; store < 75 F and 60% relatve humidity Arcon® T, Fortified Arcon T [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Textured soy protein conc. See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Protein for ground meats, fish, poultry; 21% total dietary fiber; 290 calories/100 g Properties: Variety of textures, sizes, colors; 69% min. protein, 9% max. moisture Arcon® VF [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy protein conc. See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein Chem. Analysis: 19% dietary fiber; 9% max. moisture,;290 calories/100 g CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Protein source for protein supplement in meat system Features: Bland taste Properties: Free-flowing very fine powd.; 69% min. protein, 9% max. moisture Arcon® VF [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy protein conc. See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein Chem. Analysis: 9% max. moisture; 19% total 70
Part I: Trade Name Reference dietary fiber; 290 calories/100 g CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Protein supplement for specialty foods Features: Soluble sugars and anti-nutritional factors removed, bland flavor Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Fine powd.; 69% min. protein Storage: 1 yr. shelf life; store < 75 F and 60% relatve humidity Ardex® F [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Isolated soy protein See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein Chem. Analysis: 6.5% max. moisture; 380 calories/100 g CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Protein supplement for specialty food applics.; emulsifier and emulsion stabilizer; combined with sweet dairy whey for use as a non-fat dry milk replacer in margarine, batters, and confections; used in imitation dairy-type products, nutritional applications, baby foods, and sauces Features: Low viscosity, highly soluble, low flavor and odor profile Properties: 90% through #100 U.S. Standard; pH 6.8-7.3; 90% min. protein Storage: 1 yr. shelf life; store < 75 F and 60% relatve humidity Ardex® F Dispersible [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Isolated soy protein See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein Chem. Analysis: 6.5% max. moisture; 380 calories/100 g CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Protein supplement for specialty food applics.; emulsifier and emulsion stabilizer; combined with sweet dairy whey for use as a non-fat dry milk replacer in margarine, batters, and confections Features: Readily dispersible, low viscosity, highly soluble, low flavor and odor profile Properties: 90% through #100 U.S. Standard; pH 6.8-7.3; 90% min. protein Storage: 1 yr. shelf life; store < 75 F and 60% relatve humidity Ardex F® [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy protein See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein Chem. Analysis: 6.5% max. moisture Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Protein supplement for infant formulas, processed dairy foods, milk replacer Features: Readily dispersible, low viscosity, highly soluble, low flavor, low odor Properties: pH 6.8-7.2; 90% min. protein, Arise 5000™ [Midwest Grain Prods. http://www.midwestgrain.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat protein isolate See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) protein Uses: Film-former, water migration control agent, shelf life extender for frozen and refrigerated dough, frozen bread dough, par-baked dough, par-baked pizza crust, pocket sandwiches, dry mixes like breads and cakes Features: Enhances crispness; reduced mix time, increased water absorption and increased processing tolerance for improved volume, symmetry, and cell structure Properties: Pale cream, clean fresh odor; sol. in water Storage: Store under cool, dry and sanitary conditions Arise 6000™ [Midwest Grain Prods. http://www.midwestgrain.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat protein isolate See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) protein Uses: Protein supplement, rheology modifier, texturizer, water binder for foods, panbaked bread, frozen bread doughs Features: Improves texture and firmness of prod.; excellent water absorption and binding capacity Properties: Pale cream color; clean, fresh odor Use Level: 3-8% Storage: Store under cool, dry and sanitary conditions Arise 8000™ [Midwest Grain Prods. http://www.midwestgrain.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat protein isolate See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) protein Uses: Protein supplement for breads, rolls, bakery mixes, breakfast cereals, breadings and snack foods Features: Where strength, elasticity, exceptional functionality and high protein content are required Properties: Pale cream color; clean, fresh odor Storage: Store under cool, dry and sanitary conditions Arlac P® [ADM Specialty Ingreds. 71
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Potassium lactate FCC Chem. Analysis: Heavy metals 5 ppm max.; methanol and methyl esters 250 ppm max.; chloride 500 ppm max. CAS 996-31-6; EINECS/ELINCS 213-631-3 Uses: Antimicrobial, shelf life extender for meat, poultry, and seafood prods.; preservative, humectant, flavor, buffer in foods Regulatory: GRAS; FCC, JECFA, E326 compliance; FDA 21CFR §184.1639 Properties: Colorless, transparent liq.; sl. saline taste; m.w. 128.18; sp.gr. 1.310-1.340; dens. 12 lb/gal; pH 6.5-7.5; 58-62% lactate Environmental: biodeg. Storage: Store in tightly closed container Arlac S® [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium lactate Chem. Analysis: Heavy metals 5 ppm max.; methanol and methyl esters 250 ppm max.; chloride 500 ppm max. CAS 72-17-3; EINECS/ELINCS 200-772-0 Uses: Antimicrobial, shelf life extender for meat, poultry, and seafood prods.; preservative, humectant, flavor, buffer in foods Regulatory: GRAS; USP, FCC, JECFA, E325 compliance; FDA 21CFR §184.1768 Properties: Colorless, transparent liq.; sl. saline taste; m.w. 112.06; sp.gr. 1.310-1.340; dens. 12 lb/gal; pH 6.5-7.5; 58-62% lactate Environmental: biodeg. Storage: Store in tightly closed container Arlacel® 186 [Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com; Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl oleate, propylene glycol See Glyceryl oleate; Propylene glycol CAS 67701-32-0; 57-55-6 Uses: Surfactant, emulsifier Regulatory: SARA §302/313 nonreportable Properties: Pale yel. cl. liq.; sol. in ethanol, IPA, cottonseed and min. oils; sp.gr. 1; visc. 150 cps; HLB 2.8; flash pt. (COC) > 300 F; nonionic; 100% act. Toxicology: Nonirritant by ing., inh., or skin contact Precaution: Wear safety glasses with side shields and impervious gloves Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ 50-90 F in original closed containers Aromahop® [John I. Hass http://www.barthhaasgroup.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Beta-acid hop oil fraction isolated from Pfico2-Hop, hops extract See Hops (Humulus lupulus) extract Uses: Brewery additive providing consistent bitter-free source of hop aroma and flavor in beer brewed for light stability Features: For brewkettle addition Regulatory: GRAS; FDA 21 CFR §182.20 Properties: Semi-solid Storage: Store at R.T. or under refrigeration Aromahop® OE [John I. Hass http://www.barthhaasgroup.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Beta-acid hop oil fraction of CO2 hop extract See Hops (Humulus lupulus) extract Chem. Analysis: 25-35% hop oils Uses: Brewery additive providing hop aroma without bitterness in beer brewed for light stability Features: For brew kettle addition Regulatory: FDA GRAS; FDA 21 CFR §182.20 Properties: Dk. yel.-brn. to dk. grn. or blk. paste; dens. 0.9-1.1 g/ml Storage: 24 mos. shelf life; store at 15-25 C in full, closed containers Aromild® [Mitsubishi Int'l. Food http://www.mifiusa.com] Chem. Descrip.: yeast extract Chem. Analysis: Total nitrogen > 6%; NaCl < 10%; heavy metals < 20 ppm; arsenic < 2 ppm CAS 8013-01-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-387-9 Uses: Flavor in meats, poultry, fish, seafood, vegetables, condiments, soups, snack foods, gravies, sauces, seasonings, sweets, baby foods Features: Very strong taste, 10 times stronger than MSG; reduced salty, sour taste; does not contain MCP, DCP Properties: Lt. yel. powd.; weak yeast odor Arovas [Vaessen-Schoemaker http://www.vaessen-schoemaker.com] Chem. Descrip.: Complete curing compd. with reduced phosphate content Uses: Curing agent for cooked hams, pork loins, bacon, poultry prods. Ascend™ Trehalose [Cargill Foods 72
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Trehalose CAS 99-20-7; EINECS/ELINCS 202-739-6 Uses: Mild sweetener, preservative in baked goods, beverages, confectionery, frozen food, fruit preparations, ice cream, desserts, surimi, frozen fish, tablets Features: Nonhygroscopic; high sol.; moisture barrier; low pH stability; high glass transition temp.; non-browning Regulatory: GRAS; approved in Japan, Taiwan, Korea; kosher Properties: Wh. cryst. powd.; pH 4.5-6.5; > 98% Trehalose Ascorbic Acid Tablets 120 [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ascorbic acid; inert edible excipients See L-Ascorbic acid Uses: Dough conditioner Features: Increases loaf volume; improves crumb structure Properties: Wh. to lt. beige tablets; 5.45 g ascorbic acid/tablet Use Level: 0.5-2 tablets per 100 lbs of flour Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location; best when used before 6 mos. Ascorbic Acid USP, FCC [DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ascorbic acid USP, FCC, EP See L-Ascorbic acid CAS 50-81-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-066-2 Uses: Vitamin C source, antioxidant in foods (gelatin prods.); flavoring agent Features: Used where mesh range is critical in providing uniformity in granular foods, e.g., gelatin prods. Regulatory: FDA GRAS Properties: Wh. or sl. yel. cryst. powd., pract. odorless, pleasantly tart taste; sol. 1 g/3 ml water, 30 ml alcohol; m.w. 176.13; bulk dens. 0.8-1.1 (tapped); m.p. 190 C; pH 1.9-2.4 (10% aq.); 99-100.5% assay Precaution: May deteriorate on exposure to atmospheric moisture, oxidizes readily in aq. sol'n.; avoid contact with iron, copper, or nickel salts Storage: Store in tight, light-resist. containers, optimally @ ≤ 72 F; avoid exposure to moisture and excessive heat Ascorbo-120 [MLG Enterprises] Chem. Descrip.: Coated ascorbic acid and other edible excipients See L-Ascorbic acid Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 50-81-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-066-2 Uses: Dough conditioner, intermediate oxidizer providing machine tolerance and dough strength to bread flours Features: For high usage level applics.; esp. effective in whole grain prods. Properties: Tablets supplying 120 ppm ascorbic acid to each cwt of flour Storage: 6 mos. shelf life stored under cool, dry conditions Ascorbo-160-2 Powder [MLG Enterprises] Chem. Descrip.: Coated ascorbic acid, calcium sulfate, and tricalcium phosphate See LAscorbic acid; Calcium phosphate tribasic Uses: Dough conditioner, intermediate oxidizer providing machine tolerance and dough strength to dry mixes and bases, esp. for whole grain variety breads Properties: Powd.; 1 oz supplies 60 ppm ascorbic acid/cwt of flour Use Level: 0.5-3 oz/cwt flour Storage: 6 mos. shelf life stored under cool, dry conditions; close poly liner when not in use Ascorbo-C Tablets [MLG Enterprises] Chem. Descrip.: Coated ascorbic acid and other edible excipients See L-Ascorbic acid CAS 50-81-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-066-2 Uses: Dough conditioner, intermediate oxidizer providing machine tolerance and dough strength to bread flours Features: Used with bromate, azodicarbonamide, and iodates Properties: Tablets supplying 30 ppm ascorbic acid to each cwt of flour Use Level: 200 ppm max. ascorbic acid/cwt flour Asset [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat flour; enzymes; ascorbic acid; calcium peroxide; azodicarbonamide See L-Ascorbic acid; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) flour Uses: Dough conditioner for yeast-raised baked goods Features: Potassium bromate substitute; oxidizing agents improve dough elasticity and gas retention for better oven spring and greater loaf volume Use Level: 1 oz per 100 lbs of flour Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location; best when used before 9 mos.
Part I: Trade Name Reference Assist LC-5 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium carbonate, Lcysteine, tricalcium phosphate, silicon dioxide, corn starch See Calcium phosphate tribasic; Corn (Zea mays) starch; Silica Uses: Dough relaxer in pan breads, hearth breads, buns, and rolls Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; < 3% moisture; 5.5-5.75% L-cysteine Astor™ OK 6080 [Honeywell Spec. Wax & Addit. http://www.acwax.com] Chem. Descrip.: Microcrystalline wax CAS 64742-42-3; EINECS/ELINCS 264-038-1 Uses: Wax for food coatings; chewing gum base Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.886, 178.3710; DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/313 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EINECS, Australia, Korea listed Properties: Wh. to brn. waxy solid (prill, pellet or slab form); waxy odor; insol. in water (1%); sp.gr. 0.83-0.87; visc. 18-23 cst (100 C); m.p. 65-90 C; congeal pt. 183-188 F; flash pt. (COC) > 260 C; ref. index 1.427-1.441 (100 C); 100% act. Toxicology: Exposure to fumes from melting may cause irritation to eyes, respiratory system; contact with molten material will cause thermal burns; contact with powd. may cause mech. irritation to eyes; TSCA listed Precaution: Spillages may be slippery; melts in proximity to fire causing slippery floors; does not ignite readily, but will burn; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Fire may produce dense smoke and irritating or poisonous gases incl. CO, CO2 Storage: Avoid excess heat A-TAB® [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium phosphate dibasic CAS 7757-93-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-826-1 Uses: Calcium source, phosphorus source for nutritional supplements Regulatory: USP, FCC, EP, DMF 8145, kosher Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; 1% max. on 20 mesh, 40% min. on 100 mesh; sl. sol in water (0.08 wt/wt% @100 C); insol. in alcohol; pH 5; hygroscopic; 98-105% assay; 7-8.5% loss on ignition; 29.1% Ca; 22.6% P Toxicology: OSHA TWA 15 mg/m3; LD50 (oral, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
rat) > 10000 mg/kg Storage: Store in an area that is cool, dry, sanitary, isolated from all toxic and harmful substances Atlas® 1500 [Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Food emulsifier; emulsion stabilizer and film-former in caramels; retards starch crystallization in starch jellies; inhibits oil separation in peanut butter; in dehydrated potatoes Regulatory: FDA 21CFR GRAS, 184.1505; Canada compliance Properties: Ivory wh. flakes, bland odor and taste; sol. above its m.p. in IPA, veg., min. oils; m.p. 140 F; HLB 3.5; iodine no. < 5; flash pt. > 300 F; nonionic; 52% min. alpha monoglyceride Use Level: 0.5-1% (caramel), 0.25-0.5% on starch (starch jellies), 0.5-4% on fat (peanut butter), 0.5-1% (dehydrated potatoes), 0.250.5% on starch (starch jellies) Toxicology: Nonirritating to skin, noncorrosive Atlas® 5520 [Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides, polysorbate 60 with BHA, citric acid See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Food emulsifier, conditioner/softener for yeast-raised baked goods, e.g., bread, rolls; pan-release agent; when sprayed on buns, functions as pan release and minimzes seed loss; extends shelf life in doughnuts Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1505, 172.836 Properties: Golden cl. liq.; sol. in veg. oils; disp. in water; m.p. 45 F; HLB 8.1; iodine no. 41; flash pt. > 300 F; 29% alpha monoglyceride Use Level: 0.6-0.8% on flour (bread), 1.25% on flour (doughnuts) Atmos® 150 [Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com; Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate See Glyceryl stearate CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Food emulsifier for puddings, frozen desserts; emulsion stabilizer for icings; provides lubrication for taco shells; extrusion aid for pasta; also for coffee 74
Part I: Trade Name Reference whiteners, whipped toppings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR GRAS, §184.1505; Canada compliance Properties: Ivory wh. powd., bland odor and taste; sol. above its m.p. in veg. oils, min. oil, IPA; insol. in water, cottonseed oil; m.p. 140 F; HLB 3.2; iodine no. ≤ 5; flash pt. > 300 F; nonionic; 52% min. alpha monoglyceride Use Level: 4-6% in shortening (icings), 0.2-1% (puddings), 0.2-1% (tacos), 0.1-0.2% (frozen desserts) Toxicology: Nonirritating to skin, noncorrosive Atmos® 300 K [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Food emulsifier; provides dispersibility in coffee whiteners, flavors; defoamer for sugar-protein syrup systems Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1505, kosher Properties: Lt. amber liq.; m.p. 71 F; HLB 2.8; iodine no. 68±3; nonionic; 46% min. alpha monoglyceride Use Level: 0.4% (coffee whiteners), 0.02-0.05% (defoaming) Atmos® 378 K [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrated blend of mono- and diglycerides, polysorbate 60, and sodium stearoyl lactylate See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier blend for cakes permitting use of vegetable oil in certain formulations; provides aeration and volume Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1505, 172.846 Properties: Ivory wh. plastic solid; HLB 5.5; iodine no. 5; 19% alpha monoglyceride Use Level: 1-2.75% on flour (cake) Atmul® 695 K [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1505 Properties: Amber semiliq.; m.p. 77 F; HLB 3.0; iodine no. 76±3; nonionic; 52% min. alpha monoglyceride Atmul® 1003 K [Am. Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Emulsifier for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1505 Properties: Ivory wh. plastic solid; m.p. 119 F; HLB 2.8; iodine no. 85±3; nonionic; 40% min. alpha monoglyceride Atomite® [IMERYS http://www.imerys.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium carbonate Chem. Analysis: CaCO3 (97.6%), MgCO3 (1.5%), moisture (0.2% max.) CAS 1317-65-3; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Pigment, filler, reinforcing agent for foods Features: High brightness, controlled particle size, easy dispersing grade Regulatory: NSF compliance Properties: Wh. powd., odorless; 3.0 µ mean particle size; fineness (Hegman) 6.0; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 2.71; bulk dens. 45 lb/ft3 (loose); surf. area 2.8 m2/g; oil absorp. 15; pH 9.5 (5% slurry); nonflamm. Toxicology: TLV/TWA 10 mg/m3, considered nuisance dust Precaution: Incompat. with acids Atsurf® 456K [Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglycerol ester Uses: Surfactant for food industry Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.854 Properties: Liq. Atsurf® 596K [Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl oleate CAS 111-03-5; EINECS/ELINCS 203-827-7 Uses: Surfactant for food industry Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1505, GRAS Properties: Yel. cl. liq.; visc. 130 cps; HLB 2.8 Atsurf® HPLS [Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fatty glyceride ester Uses: Bakery emulsifier Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Yel. cl. liq.; sp.gr. ≈ 0.96; visc. 70 cps (40 C), 9 cps (100 C); acid no. 2.0 max.; flash pt. > 149 C; 65% min. fatty glyceride; 1.0% max. water Storage: Good storage stability Avagel™ 520 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum CAS 8009-03-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Moisturizer, moisture barrier, lubricant, 75
Part I: Trade Name Reference conditioner for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR 172.880, 173.340, 175.105, 175.125, 175.300, 176.170, 176.200, 176.210, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.3570. 178.3700, 178.3910, 573.720 Properties: Opaque, white semi-solid; consistency 370 dmm Avagel™ 525 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum CAS 8009-03-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Conditioner, lubricant, moisturizer, moisture barrier for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.880, 173.340, 175.105, 175.125, 175.300, 176.170 Properties: Lovibond 1.0Y max. color (2´´); odorless; tasteless; consistency 305 dmm Avagel™ 530 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of petrolatum, min. oils, and waxes See Mineral oil Uses: Release agent, lubricant for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.880 Properties: Lovibond 1.0Y max. color (2´´); odorless; tasteless Avagel™ 560 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum CAS 8009-03-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Conditioner, lubricant, moisturizer, moisture barrier for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.880, 173.340, 175.105, 175.125, 175.300, 176.170 Properties: Wh., opaque, semisolid; consistency 305 dmm Avanel® S-74 [BASF/Perf. Chems. http://www.basf.com/static/988804217008.htm l] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium alkyl ether sulfonate Uses: Boil-out surfactant for sugar beet and sugar cane processing Features: Mild; stable in presence of hypochlorite and over entire pH range Properties: Cl. liq., odorless; sol. in water and various inorg. sol'ns.; m.w. 260; sp.gr. 1.10; visc. 30 cps; solid. pt. -8 C; flash pt. 200 F; anionic; 35% conc. Environmental: biodeg. Avapol™ 20 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: POE (20) sorbitan Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
monolaurate See Polysorbate 20 CAS 9005-64-5 Uses: Emulsifier, solubilizer, wetting agent Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 175.105, 175.300, 178.3400; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Yel. to amber liq.; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.05; vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg; vapor dens. > 1; flash pt. (COC) 266 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 64 ml/kg; may cause skin, eye irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with fluorine, chlorine, strong oxidizers, strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, other toxic gases HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a cool, well-ventilated area in sealed, labeled containers Avapol™ 20K [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: POE (20) sorbitan monolaurate See Polysorbate 20 CAS 9005-64-5 Uses: Emulsifier, solubilizer, wetting agent Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 175.105, 175.300, 178.3400; CERCLA nonreportable; kosher Properties: Yel. to amber liq.; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.05; vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg; vapor dens. > 1; flash pt. (COC) 266 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 64 ml/kg; may cause skin, eye irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with fluorine, chlorine, strong oxidizers, strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, other toxic gases HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a cool, well-ventilated area in sealed, labeled containers Avapol™ 60 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: POE (20) sorbitan monostearate See Polysorbate 60 CAS 9005-67-8 Uses: Syn. flavoring agent, defoamer, emulsifier, dispersant, solubilizer, wetting agent, dough conditioner Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 172.836, 173.340, 178.3400; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Yel. soft solid; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.10; vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg; vapor dens. > 1; m.p. 25 C; b.p. > 200 C; flash pt. (COC) 285 C 76
Part I: Trade Name Reference Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 64 ml/kg; primary skin irritation index (rabbit) 0.72; may cause eye irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with fluorine, chlorine, strong oxidizers, strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, other toxic gases HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a cool, well-ventilated area in sealed, labeled containers Avapol™ 60K [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: POE (20) sorbitan monostearate See Polysorbate 60 CAS 9005-67-8 Uses: Defoamer, emulsifier, dispersant, solubilizer, wetting agent, dough conditioner Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 172.836, 173.340, 178.3400; CERCLA nonreportable; kosher Properties: Yel. soft solid; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.10; vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg; vapor dens. > 1; m.p. 25 C; b.p. > 200 C; flash pt. (COC) 285 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 64 ml/kg; primary skin irritation index (rabbit) 0.72; may cause eye irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with fluorine, chlorine, strong oxidizers, strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, other toxic gases HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a cool, well-ventilated area in sealed, labeled containers Avapol™ 65 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: POE (20) sorbitan tristearate See Polysorbate 65 CAS 9005-71-4 Uses: Emulsifier, defoamer, dispersant, solubilizer, wetting agent in food Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.838, 173.340, 178.3400 Properties: Tan solid Avapol™ 80 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: POE (20) sorbitan monooleate See Polysorbate 80 CAS 9005-65-6 Uses: Defoamer, emulsifier, dispersant, solubilizer, wetting agent in food Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 172.840, 173.340, 175.105, 178.3400; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Yel to amber liq.; bland odor; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.06-1.09; vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg; vapor dens. > 1; m.p. -12 C; b.p. > 350 C; flash pt. (COC) 288 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 64 ml/kg; primary skin irritation index (rabbit) 0.13; may cause eye irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with fluorine, chlorine, strong oxidizers, strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, other toxic gases HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a cool, well-ventilated area in sealed, labeled containers Avapol™ 80K [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: POE (20) sorbitan monooleate See Polysorbate 80 CAS 9005-65-6 Uses: Defoamer, emulsifier, dispersant, solubilizer, wetting agent in food Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 172.840, 173.340, 175.105, 178.3400; kosher, CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Yel to amber liq.; bland odor; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.06-1.09; vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg; vapor dens. > 1; m.p. -12 C; b.p. > 350 C; flash pt. (COC) 288 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 64 ml/kg; primary skin irritation index (rabbit) 0.13; may cause eye irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with fluorine, chlorine, strong oxidizers, strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, other toxic gases HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a cool, well-ventilated area in sealed, labeled containers Avapol™ EMD [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ethoxylated mono/diglycerides See Ethoxylated mono- and diglycerides CAS 61163-33-5 Uses: Emulsifier, crystal modifier, aeration enhancer in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.834, kosher Properties: Pale yellow, semi-solid Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 64 ml/kg; primary 77
Part I: Trade Name Reference skin irritation index (rabbit) 0.13; may cause eye irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with fluorine, chlorine, strong oxidizers, strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, other toxic gases HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a cool, well-ventilated area in sealed, labeled containers Avatar® Amber Petrolatum [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum USP CAS 8027-32-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Processing aid, softener, internal/external lubricant, release agent for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.880, 178.3700, 573.720 Properties: Lovibond 35Y/8R max. color (2´´); odorless; tasteless Avatar® Petrolatum SS [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum USP CAS 8027-32-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Processing aid, softener, internal/external lubricant, release agent for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.880, 178.3700, 573.720 Properties: Lovibond 35Y/8R max. color (2´´); odorless; tasteless Avatar® Snow White™ [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum USP CAS 8027-32-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Processing aid, softener, internal/external lubricant, release agent for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.880, 178.3700, 573.720; USDA H-1 and/or 3-H certified Properties: Lovibond 1.0Y max. color (2´´); odorless; tasteless Avatar® Soft White™ [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum USP CAS 8027-32-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Processing aid, softener, internal/external lubricant, release agent for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.880, 178.3700, 573.720; USDA H-1 and/or 3-H certified Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Lovibond 1.7Y max. color (2´´); odorless; tasteless Avatar® Yellow Petrolatum [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum USP CAS 8027-32-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Processing aid, softener, internal/external lubricant, release agent for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.880, 178.3700, 573.720 Properties: Lovibond 35Y/3R max. color (2´´); odorless; tasteless Avebe MD 20 [Avebe http://www.avebe.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Bodying agent, carrier, and dispersant in bakery prods. and instant desserts such as cookies, biscuits, and crackers Properties: Grans.; salty taste Avebe SPG 20 [Avebe http://www.avebe.com] Chem. Descrip.: Spray-driedglucose syrup See Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Bodying agent, carrier, and dispersant in bakery prods. and instant desserts such as cookies biscuits and crackers Avebe SPG 30 [Avebe http://www.avebe.com] Chem. Descrip.: Spray-driedglucose syrup See Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Filler and carrier for infant, diet and health foods Avester™ SMS sobitan ester [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan monostearate See Sorbitan stearate CAS 1338-41-6; EINECS/ELINCS 215-664-9 Uses: Emulsifier, defoamer, dispersant, solubilizer, wetting agent in food Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 172.842, 173.340, 175.105, 178.3400 Properties: Waxy, cream-colored solid AvGard TSP [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Trisodium phosphate dodecahydrate See Sodium phosphate tribasic dodecahydrate CAS 10101-89-0; EINECS/ELINCS 231-509-8 UN 3077 Uses: Processing aid for salmonella reduction in poultry 78
Part I: Trade Name Reference Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1778; SARA acute health hazard; Canada DSL, Australia AICS, Japan MITI listed Properties: White, free-flowing granular solid; 100% through 10 mesh, 10% through 80 mesh; odorless; sol. 30% in water; m.w. 1560; bulk dens. 55 lb/ft3; m.p. 75 C; pH 11.8 (1%); noncombustible; 100% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 7400 mg/kg; causes eye burns, skin irritation; inh. may cause coughing, chest pain, shortness of breath, upper respiratory tract irritation; ing. may cause irritation, corrosion, burns to mouth/esophagus; TSCA listed Environmental: EC50 (daphnia magna, 96 h) 126 mg/l; pract. nontoxic Precaution: DOT environmental hazard; avoid moisture, strong acids, magnesium; potentially fatal CO gas can form in enclosed areas when alkaline prods. contact materials contg. sugars Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: NaOx, POx NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: 6 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry, well ventilated area, away from foodstuffs or animal feed; store in tightly closed containers Avicel® CL-611 [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Microcrystalline cellulose and cellulose gum USP/NF See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-34-6; 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9 Uses: Fat replacement, mouthfeel enhancer in foods; stabilizer in low-fat emulsions; foam stabilizer, ice crystal growth control agent, syneresis inhibitor, visc. builder, opacifier, particulate suspending agent for dressings, frozen desserts, whipped toppings Features: Imparts creamy mouthfeel; heat and freeze-thaw stable; stable @ pH 4-11 Regulatory: GRAS; kosher; CERCLA nonreportable; Australia AICS; China; Japan ENCS (8-568/8-203); Philippines PICCS Properties: Off-wh. free-flowing powd.; odorless; bulk dens. 0.6; pH 6-8 (2% solids disp.); volatiles ≈ 4% Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 2 g/kg; LC50 (inh., rat, 4 h) > 5.82 mg/l Precaution: Slippery when wet Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Long shelf-life stability; hygroscopic; 2 yr. shelf life when stored in cool, dry place; avoid excessive heat and moisture Avicel® RC-501 [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gel in colloidal disp. See Microcrystalline cellulose CAS 9004-34-6 Uses: Fat replacement system imparting short creamy mouthfeel; stabilizer in low-fat emulsions; provides foam stability, controls ice crystal growth and syneresis, adds visc. and opacity, suspends particulates Regulatory: FDA GRAS Avicel® RC-581 [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Microcrystalline cellulose and cellulose gum USP/NF See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-34-6; 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9 Uses: Fat replacement, mouthfeel enhancer in foods; stabilizer in low-fat emulsions; foam stabilizer, ice crystal growth control agent, syneresis inhibitor, visc. builder, opacifier, particulate suspending agent in frozen desserts, whipped toppings Features: Imparts short creamy mouthfeel; heat and freeze-thaw stable; stable @ pH 4-11 Regulatory: FDA GRAS; CERCLA nonreportable; Australia AICS; China; Japan ENCS (8-568/8-203); Philippines PICCS Properties: Off-wh., free-flowing powd.; odorless; tasteless; insol. in water; bulk dens. 0.6; ignition temp. 420 C min.; pH 6-8 (2% solids disp.); volatiles ≈ 4% Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 2 g/kg; LC50 (inh., rat, 4 h) > 5.82 mg/l Precaution: Slippery when wet NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Long shelf-life stability; hygroscopic; 2 yr. shelf life when stored in cool, dry place; avoid excessive heat and moisture Avicel® RC-591F [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Microcrystalline cellulose and Sodium carboxymethylcellulose See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-34-6; 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9; 265-995-8 79
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Fat replacement system imparting creamy mouthfeel; stabilizer in low-fat emulsions; provides foam stability, controls ice crystal growth/syneresis, adds visc. and opacity, suspends particulates; for baked goods, sour cream, mayonnaise, frozen yogurt Regulatory: FDA GRAS Properties: Off-wh., free-flowing, odorless powd.; disp. in water; density, bulk 0.6 g/cc; pH 6.08.0 (2% solids dispersion) Precaution: Accumulation of overhead settled dust may form explosive concs. in air when disturbed and dispersed; slippery when wet NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in tightly closed containers away from excessive heat Avonlac™ 134 [Glanbia Nutritional http://www.glanbianutritionals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Conc. whey protein Chem. Analysis: 34% protein; 4.0% moisture; < 4.0% fat CAS 84082-51-9; EINECS/ELINCS 281-998-7 Uses: Nutritional supplement for bakery applics., beverage and dry mixes, ice cream, infant nutrition formulas, UHT milk, and processed cheeses Features: Good sol.; high water retention capacity Regulatory: Kosher and Halal approved Properties: pH 6.0-7.0 (10% sol'n.) Storage: 2 yr. shelflife; store in a cool, dry, clean environment @ R.T. away from strong odors and other contaminants Avonlac™ 170 [Glanbia Nutritional http://www.glanbianutritionals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Conc. whey protein Chem. Analysis: 72% protein; 4.0% moisture; 15.0% fat CAS 84082-51-9; EINECS/ELINCS 281-998-7 Uses: Nutritional supplement and emulsifier for bakery applics., beverage and dry mixes, ice cream, infant nutrition formulas, UHT milk, and processed cheeses Features: Good sol.; high water retention capacity; reduced lactose Regulatory: Kosher and Halal approved Properties: pH 6.5 (10% sol'n.) Storage: 2 yr. shelflife; store in a cool, dry, clean environment @ R.T. away from strong odors and other contaminants
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Avonlac™ 180 [Glanbia Nutritional http://www.glanbianutritionals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Conc. whey protein Chem. Analysis: 78% protein; 4.0% moisture; 9.5% fat CAS 84082-51-9; EINECS/ELINCS 281-998-7 Uses: Nutritional supplement and emulsifier for bakery applics., beverage and dry mixes, ice cream, infant nutrition formulas, UHT milk, and processed cheeses Features: Good sol.; high water retention capacity; reduced lactose Regulatory: Kosher and Halal approved Properties: pH 6.5 (10% sol'n.) Storage: 2 yr. shelflife; store in a cool, dry, clean environment @ R.T. away from strong odors and other contaminants Avox™ 2 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of Avox™ BHA (BHA)/Avox™ Propyl Gallate (propyl Gallate)/citric acid in propylene glycol Uses: Antioxidant for mixed nuts, margarine, and chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §164.110, 166.110, 172.615; FDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; kosher Properties: Pale yel. liq. Avox™ 4 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of Avox™ BHA (BHA), Avox™ BHT (BHT) in vegetable oil CAS 25013-16-5; 128-37-0; 68956-68-3; EINECS/ELINCS 246-563-8; 204-881-4; 273313-5 Uses: Antioxidant for mixed nuts, margarine, and frozen raw breaded shrimp Features: Aids the preservation of taste, odor and color integrity Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §161.175, 164.110, 166.110, 172.110, 172.115; FDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; kosher Properties: Pale yel. liq. Avox™ 4B [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Avox™ BHA (BHA) in vegetable oil CAS 25013-16-5; 68956-68-3; EINECS/ELINCS 246-563-8; 273-313-5 Uses: Antioxidant for mixed nuts, margarine, frozen raw breaded shrimp, syn. flavoring substances and adjuvants; flavor adjuvant Features: Aids the preservation of taste, odor and color integrity Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §161.175, 164.110, 166.110, 172.110, 172.115, 172.515, 172.615, 80
Part I: Trade Name Reference 182.3169; FDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; kosher Properties: Pale yel. liq. Avox™ 6 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of Avox™ BHA (BHA, Avox™ BHT (BHT), Avox™ Propyl gallate (propyl gallate), citric acid in vegetable oil/propylene glycol/mono-diglycerides See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids CAS 25013-16-5; 128-37-0; 121-79-9; 77-929,5949-29-1; 68956-68-3; 57-55-6; EINECS/ELINCS 246-563-8; 204-881-4; 204498-2; 201-069-1; 273-313-5; 200-338-0 Uses: Antioxidant for mixed nuts, margarine, and chewing gum Features: Aids the preservation of taste, odor and color integrity Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §164.110, 166.110, 172.615; FDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; kosher; SARA §311/312 acute health hazard Properties: Cl. amber liq.; sol. in water; sp. gr. 1.008; visc. 333 mPa.sm.p. < 0 C; b.p. > 482 F; flash pt. (COO) 113 C Toxicology: Sl. irritating to eyes and skin; TSCA listed Environmental: prevent runoff from entering drains, sewers, or streams Precaution: Wear chemical safety goggles, rubber gloves, impervious clothing, safety shoes; avoid strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store at a minimum of 25 C to prevent crystallization or separation; contact with metals such as mild steel, black iron, brass or copper will result in color formation Avox™ 7 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of Avox™ BHA (BHA)/Avox™ Avox™ Propyl gallate (propyl gallate)/citric acid in propylene glycol/mono-diglycerides See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids CAS 25013-16-5; 121-79-9; 77-92-9; 57-55-6; 67254-73-3; EINECS/ELINCS 246-563-8; 204498-2; 201-069-1; 200-338-0 Uses: Antioxidant for mixed nuts, margarine, and chewing gum Features: Aids the preservation of taste, odor and color integrity Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §164.110, 166.110, 172.615; FDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; kosher Properties: Lt. brn. liq.
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Avox™ 8 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Avox™ BHT (BHT) (20%) in vegetable oil (80%) CAS 128-37-0; 68956-68-3; EINECS/ELINCS 204-881-4; 273-313-5 Uses: Antioxidant for mixed nuts, margarine, chewing gum, enriched rice and frozen raw breaded shrimp Features: Aids the preservation of taste, odor and color integrity Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §137.350, 161.175, 164.110, 166.110, 172.110, 172.115, 172.615, 182.3173; FDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; kosherSARA §311/312 acute health hazard Properties: Cl. golden liq.; sl. odor; negligibly sol. in water; sp. gr. 0.925; b.p. > 204 F; flash pt. (PMCC) 139 C Toxicology: Sl. irritating to eyes and skin; TSCA listed Environmental: prevent runoff from entering drains, sewers, or streams Precaution: Wear chemical safety goggles, rubber gloves, impervious clothing, safety shoes Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store at a minimum of 25 C to prevent crystallization or separation; contact with metals such as mild steel, black iron, brass or copper will result in color formation Avox™ 20 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: TBHQ (20%), citric acid (10%), propylene glycol (70%) See t-Butyl hydroquinone Uses: Antioxidant for mixed nuts and margarine Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §164.110, 166.110, 172.185; FDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; kosher; DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/312 acute health hazard Properties: Yel. cl. liq., mild odor; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.19; visc. 5.6 cst; m.p. 20 C; b.p. 100 C; pH 9 Toxicology: LD50 (rat) > 5 g/kg (pract. nontoxic); may cause eye/sl. skin irritation; inh. of spray-generated, conc. vapors or mist, may cause nose and throat irritation, headache, nausea and/or drowsiness; ing. of more than several mouthfuls may cause abdominal discomfort, nausea and diarrhea; aspiration may occur during swallowing or vomiting resulting in lung damage; TSCA listed 81
Part I: Trade Name Reference Precaution: OSHA hazardous; sl. reactive to metals Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 and SOx from heating HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store at ≥ 25 C to prevent crystallization; do not store in open or unlabelled containers Avox™ 20A [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: TBHQ (32%), citric acid (3%), vegetable oil (30%), propylene glycol (15%), glyceryl monooleate (32%) See t-Butyl hydroquinone; Glyceryl oleate Uses: Antioxidant for mixed nuts and margarine Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §164.110, 166.110, 172.185; FDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; kosher; DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/312 acute health hazard Properties: Lt. amber visc. liq., mild odor; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.19; visc. 369 mPa·s; flash pt. ≈ 126 C Toxicology: LD50 (rat) > 5 g/kg (pract. nontoxic); may cause eye/sl. skin irritation; inh. of spray-generated, conc. vapors or mist, may cause nose and throat irritation, headache, nausea and/or drowsiness; ing. of more than several mouthfuls may cause abdominal discomfort, nausea and diarrhea; aspiration may occur during swallowing or vomiting resulting in lung damage; TSCA listed Precaution: OSHA hazardous; sl. reactive to metals Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 and SOx from heating HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store between 10-32 C to avoid separation; do not store in open or unlabelled containers Avox™ 20B [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of Avox™ TBHQ (TBHQ), citric acid in propylene glycol See t-Butyl hydroquinone CAS 1948-33-0; 77-92-9; 57-55-6; EINECS/ELINCS 217-752-2; 201-069-1; 200338-0 Uses: Antioxidant for mixed nuts and margarine Features: Aids the preservation of taste, odor Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
and color integrity Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §164.110, 166.110, 172.185; FDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; kosher Properties: Amber liq. Avox™ 21 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: TBHQ (20%), citric acid (1%), vegetable oil (32%), propylene glycol (15%), glyceryl monooleate (32%) See t-Butyl hydroquinone; t-Butyl hydroquinone Uses: Antioxidant for mixed nuts and margarine Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §164.110, 166.110, 172.185; FDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; kosher; DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/312 acute health hazard Properties: Lt. amber liq., mild odor; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.19; visc. 5.6 cst; b.p. 205 C; flash pt. ≈ 112 C; autoignition temp. 423 C Toxicology: LD50 (rat) > 5 g/kg (pract. nontoxic); may cause eye/sl. skin irritation; inh. of spray-generated, conc. vapors or mist, may cause nose and throat irritation, headache, nausea and/or drowsiness; ing. of more than several mouthfuls may cause abdominal discomfort, nausea and diarrhea; aspiration may occur during swallowing or vomiting resulting in lung damage; TSCA listed Precaution: OSHA hazardous; sl. reactive to metals Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 and SOx from heating HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store between 10-32 C to avoid separation; do not store in open or unlabelled containers Avox™ 22 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of Avox™ BHA (BHA), Avox™ TBHQ (TBHQ), citric acid in propylene glycol See BHA; t-Butyl hydroquinone CAS 25013-16-5; 1948-33-0; 77-92-9,5949-29-1; 57-55-6; EINECS/ELINCS 246-563-8; 217752-2; 201-069-1; 200-338-0 Uses: Antioxidant for mixed nuts and margarine Features: Aids the preservation of taste, odor and color integrity Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §164.110, 166.110; FDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; kosher Properties: Amber liq.
Part I: Trade Name Reference Avox™ 25 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of Avox™ BHT (BHT, Avox™ TBHQ (TBHQ), citric acid in vegetable oil/propylene glycol/monodiglycerides See t-Butyl hydroquinone; Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids CAS 128-37-0; 1948-33-0; 77-92-9; 68956-68-3; 57-55-6; 67254-73-3; EINECS/ELINCS 204881-4; 217-752-2; 201-069-1; 273-313-5; 200338-0 Uses: Antioxidant for mixed nuts and margarine Features: Aids the preservation of taste, odor and color integrity Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §164.110, 166.110; FDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; kosher Properties: Golden brn. liq. Avox™ 26 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of Avox™ BHA (BHA), Avox™ BHT (BHT), citric acid in vegetable oil/propylene glycol/mono-diglycerides See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids CAS 25013-16-5; 128-37-0; 77-92-9; 68956-683; 57-55-6; 67254-73-3; EINECS/ELINCS 246563-8; 204-881-4; 201-069-1; 273-313-5; 200338-0 Uses: Antioxidant for mixed nuts and margarine Features: Aids the preservation of taste, odor and color integrity Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §164.110, 166.110; FDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; kosher Properties: Golden brn. liq. Avox™ 27 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of Avox™ BHA (BHA), Avox™ TBHQ (TBHQ), citric acid in propylene glycol/mono-diglycerides See tButyl hydroquinone; Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids CAS 25013-16-5; 1948-33-0; 77-92-9, 57-55-6; 67254-73-3; EINECS/ELINCS 246-563-8; 217752-2; 201-069-1; 200-338-0 Uses: Antioxidant for mixed nuts and margarine Features: Aids the preservation of taste, odor and color integrity Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §164.110, 166.110; FDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; kosher Properties: Golden brn. liq. Avox™ A [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of Avox™ BHA (BHA), citric acid in propylene glycol Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 25013-16-5; 77-92-9; 57-55-6; EINECS/ELINCS 246-563-8; 201-069-1; 200338-0 Uses: Antioxidant for mixed nuts, margarine, chewing gum, enriched rice and frozen raw breaded shrimp; flavor adjuvant Features: Aids the preservation of taste, odor and color integrity Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §161.175, 164.110, 166.110, 172.110, 172.115, 172.515, 172.615, 182.3169; FDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; kosher Properties: Pale yel. liq. Avox™ BHA [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: BHA CAS 25013-16-5; EINECS/ELINCS 246-563-8 Uses: Antioxidant for mixed nuts, margarine, chewing gum, enriched rice and frozen raw breaded shrimp Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §137.350, 161.175, 164.110, 166.110, 172.110, 172.115, 172.615, 182.3173; FDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; kosher Properties: Wh., waxy flake Avox™ BHT [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: BHT CAS 128-37-0; EINECS/ELINCS 204-881-4 Uses: Antioxidant for mixed nuts, margarine, chewing gum, personal care, pet care, enriched rice and frozen raw breaded shrimp Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §137.350, 161.175, 164.110, 166.110, 172.110, 172.115, 172.615, 182.3173; FDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; kosher Properties: Wh. crystalline solid Avox™ Propyl Gallate [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: 3,4,5-Trihydroxybenzoic acid, propyl ester See Propyl gallate CAS 121-79-9; EINECS/ELINCS 204-498-2 Uses: Antioxidant for mixed nuts, margarine, and chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §164.110, 166.110, 172.615, 184.1660; FDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; kosher Properties: Wh. cryst. powd. Avox™ R [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of Avox™ BHA (BHA), citric acid in propylene glycol CAS 25013-16-5; 77-92-9; 57-55-6; EINECS/ELINCS 246-563-8; 201-069-1; 20083
Part I: Trade Name Reference 338-0 Uses: Antioxidant for food Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Pale yel. liq. Storage: * Avox™ S-1 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of Avox™ Propyl gallate (propyl gallate), citric acid in propylene glycol CAS 121-79-9; 77-92-9; 57-55-6; EINECS/ELINCS 204-498-2; 201-069-1; 200338-0 Uses: Antioxidant for mixed nuts, margarine, and chewing gum Features: Aids the preservation of taste, odor and color integrity Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §164.110, 166.110, 172.615, 184.1660; FDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; kosher Properties: Lt. amber liq. Avox™ S-2 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of Avox™ Propyl gallate (propyl gallate), citric acid in propylene glycol CAS 121-79-9; 77-92-9; 57-55-6; EINECS/ELINCS 204-498-2; 201-069-1; 200338-0 Uses: Antioxidant for mixed nuts, margarine, and chewing gum Features: Aids the preservation of taste, odor and color integrity Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §164.110, 166.110, 172.615, 184.1660; FDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; kosher Properties: Lt. amber liq. Axol® C 62 [Evonik Goldschmidt GmbH http://www.goldschmidt.com] Chem. Descrip.: Citric acid ester of glycerol mono/distearates See Citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids CAS 68990-05-6 Uses: Food emulsifier, surfactant Regulatory: EU E472c, German food compliance Properties: Wh.-ivory powd., char. odor; disp. in water, warm essential oils; insol. in veg. oils; sp.gr. 0.900; m.p. 58-64 C; HLB 10.0±1; iodine no. 3 max.; sapon. no. 215-265; flash pt. > 100 C; pH 6.0 (50 g/l water); anionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: Nonhazardous; avoid formation of dusts
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Aytex®-P [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat starch, highly refined, unmodified See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch Chem. Analysis: 11% moisture, 0.4% protein CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Ingred. for breakfast cereals, bakery mixes, soups, sauces Features: Delicate texture, flavor, and light color; cooked pastes are resist. to overmixing and tolerant to reheating Properties: Brilliant wh. powd.; pH 6.0 Storage: 1 yr. max. shelf life; store in cool, dry location; keep container closed when not in use B-45 [Brolite Prods. http://www.bakewithbrolite.com] Uses: A no-time dough accelerant and conditioner for all breads Properties: Powd. BGL™ 355 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol dicaprylate/dicaprate CAS 58748-27-9; EINECS/ELINCS 271-516-3 Uses: Solvent and carrier for flavors; energy source in nutritional foods and beverages Regulatory: 21CFR §170.30, 172.856, 173.340, 175.300, 176.170, 176.210, 177.2800 Properties: Clear liq. BP Pyro [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium acid pyrophosphate CAS 7758-16-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-835-0 Uses: Leavening agent for baking powds., baking creams, and prepared doughnut and cake mixes Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1087 Properties: Wh. crystalline powd. or solid; odorless; sol. in water; m.w. 222.15; dens. 0.61 g/ml ; m.p. > 900 C; pH 2.8-4.5 (1 wt/wt%); hygroscopic; 100% Toxicology: OSHA:TWA 2.5 mg/m3 (total dust); LD50 (oral, mouse) 2650 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 300 mg/kg; acute eye irritant; low acute irritant to skin and on inh. and ing.; TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid dusting conditions, heat, open flame, sparks, static electricty, strong oxidizing agents and bases Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: POx NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store in a sanitary, 84
Part I: Trade Name Reference dry, cool, isolated area away from all toxic and harmful substances Bacom [British Bakels http://www.bakels.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, acetylated tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, potassium hydroxide CAS 67254-73-3; 977093-27-8; 1310-58-3; EINECS/ELINCS 215-181-3 Uses: Softener and shelf-life extender for bread, morning goods, bun doughs and cake Properties: Liq. Use Level: 1-2% to bread, morning goods, buns doughs and cake Toxicology: May cause eye and skin irritation; prolonged skin contact may cause dermatitis Environmental: readily biodeg. Storage: Store in orig. pkg. in cool, dry place 21825 Bacom [British Bakels http://www.bakels.com] Chem. Descrip.: Water, mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, diacetyltartaric and fatty acid esters of glycerol See Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides; Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for foods; color enhancer, texturizer for crumbs Use Level: 1-2% calc. on flour wt. Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in cool and dry conditions Bagel Base [MLG Enterprises] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium sulfate, ascorbic acid, potassium bromate, L-cysteine hydrochloride See L-Ascorbic acid; Cysteine hydrochloride anhydrous Uses: Dough conditioner for bagels Features: Conc. Properties: Free-flowing powd. Use Level: 0.50-1.0%/cwt flour Storage: 6 mos. shelf life stored under cool, dry conditions Baka-Snak® [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Texturizer, shelf life extender, volume control agent, crisping agent for baked or fried puffed snacks, cookies, crackers, breading mixes, other baked goods, pet Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
foods, confectionery intermediates, instant puddings Features: Pregelatinized; contributes to uniform cell structure and reduces breakage in prods. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd.; starch odor; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 8% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Bakels Thickener [British Bakels http://www.bakels.com] Chem. Descrip.: Acetylated distarch adipate CAS 63798-35-6 Uses: Thickener for foods Properties: Powd. Toxicology: Contains substances, which may cause sensitization, allergic, or irritant response; may cause irritation of the resp. tract Environmental: readily biodeg. Precaution: Wear eye, skin, and resp. protection; avoid dust formation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in cool and dry conditions Bakery Enrichment Blend with Folic Acid [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat starch; ferrous sulfate; niacin; thiamine hydrochloride; riboflavin; tricalcium phosphate; folic acid See Calcium phosphate tribasic; Ferrous sulfate anhydrous; Nicotinic acid; Thiamine HCl; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch Uses: Vitamin source, iron source for bread, buns, rolls Features: Meets std. for enriched bread, rolls, and buns Regulatory: 21 CFR 136.115 Properties: Free-flowing powd. 85
Part I: Trade Name Reference Use Level: ½ oz/100 lb flour Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location; best when used before 9 mos; keep container closed when not in use Bakery Enrichment Blend R with Folic Acid [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat starch; niacin; reduced iron; thiamine hydrochloride; riboflavin; folic acid; tricalcium phosphate See Calcium phosphate tribasic; Nicotinic acid; Thiamine HCl; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch Uses: Vitamin source, iron source for bread, buns, rolls Features: Meets std. for enriched bread, rolls, and buns Use Level: ¼ oz/100 lb flour Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location; best when used before 9 mos; keep container closed when not in use BakeSmart® [Advanced Ingreds. http://www.advancedingredients.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glucose syrup, dextrose, and fiber See Glucose; Glucose, liquid CAS 8027-56-3; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1 Uses: Moisture control agent in baked goods, fillings for pies, donuts and pastries, dough, pretzels, tortilla, etc. Features: Cuts total ingredient costs, increases production yields and increases shelf life, which reduces spoils and returns Properties: Cream-gold powd., odorless, sweetpowdery taste; completely sol. in water; dens. 26 lb/ft3 Toxicology: Noncarcinogenic; not harmful Environmental: biodeg. Precaution: Avoid powerful oxidizing agents such as perchloric acid Storage: 12 mos. shelf life if stored inunopened containers; store @ ≤ 85 F; after opening, use the remaining contents within two weeks Bake Soft [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat flour, calcium sulfate, salt, calcium carbonate, and enzyme See Sodium chloride; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) flour Uses: Product line of enzymatic softeners for wh. bread, hamburger buns, sweet rolls, donuts Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; 11.5-14% moisture; 3.4-4.5% salt Bake-Well 52 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Soy oil, coconut oil, mineral oil (25%), and lecithin See Coconut (Cocos nucifera) oil; Soybean (Glycine soja) oil Uses: Release agent, antisticking agent for baking pans, molds, and conveyor belts Properties: Amber liq.; iodine no. 50-60; smoke pt. 325 F Bake-Well 80/20 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Soy oil, white mineral oil USP (20%), and lecithin (1.75-2.25%) See Soybean (Glycine soja) oil Uses: Release agent, antisticking agent for baking pans, molds, and conveyor belts Properties: Amber liq.; i.v. 100-110; smoke pt. 325 F Bake-Well Bun Release [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Mono-diglycerides, polysorbate 60 (35-37%), water, and propylene glycol See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Bun pan release agent Properties: Amber liq.; i.v. 39-44; 24% min. mono Bake-Well Divider Oil [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Mineral oil USP EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Lubricant for use in dough dividers Properties: Cl. liq.; sp.gr. 0.86-0.89; visc. 63-72 cps; flash pt. 445 F Bake-Well All Vegetable High Stability Pan Oil [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Soy oil, white mineral oil (25%), and lecithin (0.5%) See Soybean (Glycine soja) oil Uses: Pan/mold release agent Properties: Amber liq.; i.v. 80-92; smoke pt. 330 F min. Bake-Well K Machine Oil [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Mineral oil USP EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Lubricant for use in dough dividers Properties: Cl. liq.; visc. 38-43 cps; flash pt. 400 86
Part I: Trade Name Reference F BAN 800 MG [Novozymes A/S http://www.novozymes.com] Chem. Descrip.: Bacterial amylase CAS 9000-92-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-567-7 Uses: Bread softening agent Features: Used where elasticity of the bread is not an important criteria Storage: 3 mos. shelf life when stored at 25 C; longer shelf life when stored at 5 C; store under dry and cold condition preferable under refrigeration Banana Essence - 1000 Fold Trobana® [Confoco http://www.confoco.com] Chem. Descrip.: fresh bananas Uses: Banana flavoring agent in water based aroma system is used to impart a banana flavour, esp. in refrigerated beverages and in refrigerated and frozen dairy prods.; used in combination with banana puree and other ingredients to enhance the banana aroma of a product Features: No solvents, processing aids or stabilizers have been added; characteristic esters, aldehydes, ketones and other components give strength and character to the banana essence Regulatory: Halal, kosher certified; GMO compliant Properties: Cl., colorless liq.; intense banana odor; sol. in water, ethanol, propylene glycol; insol. in vegetable oils Use Level: 1% by weight and then adjusted up or down Storage: 12 mos. when stored @ < 7 C in sealed containers away from air, light; do not freeze Banana Essence 1000 Fold Natural [Confoco http://www.confoco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Banana essence contg. acetaldehyde, ethanol, diacetyl, butyrate, butyl acetate, ethyl-2-methyl butyrate, 2hexenal, isoamyl acetate, methyl amylketone, isoamyl alcohol, etc. Uses: Banana flavoring agent in foods Features: Produces natural fresh banana effect comprising top and body notes of ripe banana fruit for water-based flavor systems; also in combination with other fruit extracts for tropical or exotic fruit effect Regulatory: Halal, kosher certified Properties: Colorless cl. liq., intense odor and taste of fresh bananas of the Cavendish Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
variety; sol. in water, ethanol, propylene glycol; insol. in veg. oils; sp.gr. 1.0; m.p. 0 C; b.p. 99100 C; flash pt. > 80 C Use Level: 0.5-1% (fruit drinks, Italian ices), 1% (ice cream), 1-1.5% (sparkling waters), 1-2% (yogurt) Toxicology: Possible dizziness, light-headed feeling Storage: > 12 mos. stability stored below 7 C in sealed containers away from air and light; avoid freezing Banana Flakes Trobana® [Confoco http://www.confoco.com] Chem. Descrip.: fresh bananas Chem. Analysis: 2.5% moisture; protein 3.7%; fat 0.5%; 80% carbohydrates Uses: Flavoring agent for dry fruit preparations, powdered drinks, cake mixes, fruit preps., nectars, juices, cakes, muffins, pies, bread, baby food, ice cream, yogurt and other frozen desserts and soft food diets Features: Flakes reconstituted 1:3 with water is used in the same traditional uses as fresh mashed bananas; no additives or carriers are used Regulatory: Halal, kosher certified, GMO compliant Properties: Creamy ylsh. flakes; ripe banana odor; acidity 1-2% Storage: 18 mos. when stored @ 21 C in sealed, high dens. PE containers Banana Powder - Trofi Trobana® [Confoco http://www.confoco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cavendish bananas Chem. Analysis: Moisture 3.0% max.; fat 0.5%; protein 3.7%; 80% carbohydrates; 350 cal/ 100 g Uses: Flavoring agent in foods such as fruit preparations, nectars, juices, cakes, muffins, pies, bread, baby food, ice cream, yogurt, frozen desserts, and soft food diets Features: Puree made by reconstituting one part powd. with three parts water; carriers and additives are not used Regulatory: Halal, kosher certified; GMO complaint Properties: Creamy ylsh. powd.; mashed banana odor; dens. 600-680 g/l; acidity 1-2% Storage: 18 mos. when stored @ 21 C in sealed containers Banana Treattarome 9730 [R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd 87
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.rctreatt.com] Chem. Descrip.: Isoamyl acetate, butyl acetate, pentan-2-yl acetate, pentan-2-yl butyrate See s-Amyl acetate; n-Butyl acetate; 2-Pentyl butyrate CAS 123-92-2; 123-86-4; 626-38-0; 60415-61-4; EINECS/ELINCS 204-662-3; 204-658-1 Uses: Banana flavor for food Features: Intense banana, fruity and estery Properties: Banana flavor Use Level: < 0.05% Bareco® C-1035 [Baker Petrolite/Polymers http://www.bakerhughes.com/bakerpetrolite/p olymers] Chem. Descrip.: Hard microcrystalline wax consisting of n-paraffinic, branched paraffinic, and naphthenic hydrocarbons CAS 63231-60-7; EINECS/ELINCS 264-038-1 Uses: Chewing gum base; microcapsules for flavoring substances Regulatory: Incl. FDA §172.230, 172.615, 175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 177.1200, 178.3710, 179.45 Properties: Color 0.5 (D1500) wax; very low sol. in org. solvs.; sp.gr. 0.93; visc. 80-110 SUS (99 C); m.p. 94 C Bareco® C-4040 [Baker Petrolite/Polymers http://www.bakerhughes.com/bakerpetrolite/p olymers] Chem. Descrip.: Synthetic wax CAS 8002-74-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-315-6 Uses: Chewing gum base; protective coating on fruits and vegetables; defoamer Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.888, 175.105, 175.125, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.3720, 178.3850, 179.45 Properties: Visc. 4.5-8.3 cP (149 C); m.p. 100106.5 C Bareco® PX-100 [Baker Petrolite/Polymers http://www.bakerhughes.com/bakerpetrolite/p olymers] Chem. Descrip.: Synthetic wax CAS 8002-74-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-315-6 Uses: Chewing gum base; food applics. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.250 Properties: Visc. 8.6-11.7 cP (120 C); congeal pt. 97-99 C Bareco® SP-200 [Baker Petrolite/Polymers http://www.bakerhughes.com/bakerpetrolite/p Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
olymers] Chem. Descrip.: Synthetic wax copolymer CAS 8002-74-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-315-6 Uses: Chewing gum base; protective coating on fruits and vegetables; defoamer Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.888, 178.3720 Properties: Visc. 9.7-13.5 cP (99 C); m.p. 9398.5 C Bar ENRICH™ 040 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat gluten See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) gluten CAS 8002-80-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-317-7 Uses: Cereal bar binding system; source of fiber, protein, and vitamins for breakfast bars, bakery prods., and snacks Features: Helps people to feel fuller for longer and reduce snacking between meals; contains 50% less available carbohydrates than a pure sugar / glucose syrup based binder Properties: Fine, sl. yelsh. powd.; wheat taste; insol. in water BarFlex® 171 [Glanbia Nutritional http://www.glanbianutritionals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Conc. whey protein isolate Chem. Analysis: 72% protein; 4.0% moisture; < 15.0% fat CAS 84082-51-9; EINECS/ELINCS 281-998-7 Uses: Nutritional supplement, emulsifier, texturizer, shelf-life extender, and flavor enhancer in fortified beverages, nutrition and food bars, bakery applics., and confectionery Features: Good sol.; high water retention capacity Regulatory: Kosher and Halal approved Properties: Bland taste; pH 6.5 (10% sol'n.) Storage: 2 yr. shelflife; store in a cool, dry, clean environment @ R.T. away from strong odors and other contaminants Barmax™ [Glanbia Nutritional http://www.glanbianutritionals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Milk protein isolate Chem. Analysis: 90% protein; 10.0% moisture; < 1.0% fat CAS 9000-71-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-555-1 Uses: Nutritional supplement for bakery applics. and cookies Features: Soft texture, extended shelf life; low fat Regulatory: Kosher and Halal approved Properties: Bland taste 88
Part I: Trade Name Reference Storage: 2 yr. shelflife; store in a cool, dry, clean environment @ R.T. away from strong odors and other contaminants Barpro™ [Glanbia Nutritional http://www.glanbianutritionals.com] Chem. Descrip.: partially hydrolyzed milk protein Chem. Analysis: 90% protein; 6.0% moisture; < 1.0% fat CAS 8049-98-7; EINECS/ELINCS 296-575-2 Uses: Nutritional supplement for bakery applics. and cookies Features: Soft texture, extended shelf life; low fat Regulatory: Kosher and Halal approved Properties: Bland taste; pH 5.5 (10% sol'n.) Storage: 2 yr. shelflife; store in a cool, dry, clean environment @ R.T. away from strong odors and other contaminants Basic Natural™ TM [Cain Food Industries http://www.cainfood.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium sulfate and vegetable powd. See Vegetable powder Uses: Dough conditioner, gluten modifier for breads, bun, English muffins, puff pastry Features: Patented; natural; produces doughs with superior machining qualities; gentle reducing action, more tolerance to mixing and dosage level; produces drier doughs Properties: Free-flowing Use Level: 1-4 oz/100 lb flour (breads, buns), 16 oz/100 lb flour (English muffins), 1-5 oz/100 lb flour (puff pastry) Storage: 6 mos. shelf life stored in cool, dry conditions; keep plastic bags sealed when not in use Batter Bind® S [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from corn See Food starch, modified Uses: Gellant, film-former for batters to provide good adhesion of the coating to meat, poultry, or seafood prods. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; readily disp. in cold water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); 11% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity BatterCrisp™ 05530 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch, modified Chem. Analysis: 12% moisture; 0.3% ash CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Viscosifier and coating agent in high starch batters and coated food products such as fish fillets, shrimp, scallops, poultry, meats, onion rings, and vegetables Features: Maximum adhesion in battered and breaded food items; consistent viscosity under processing conditions; continuous, uniform coating; improved color and texture in a variety of fried foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Bulk dens. (packed) 51 lbs/ft3; pH 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dust is flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity BatterCrisp™ 90240 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch, modified Chem. Analysis: 11% moisture; 0.1% ash CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Film former, protective barrier in coatings; batter starch and coating agent for food prods. such as fish fillets, shrimp, poultry, meats (marinated), onion rings, and vegetables; improves the texture and structure of extruded food prods. (such as potato, meat and vegetable products) by increasing the internal bonding strength to improve forming and cutting. Features: Provides a crisp texture in battered foods, esp. in french fries; significantly reduces oil pick-up in fried foods; provides structural integrity in battered and formed prods.; improves batter adhesion; reduces batter "blow Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Bulk dens. (packed) 45 lbs/ft3; pH 5.5 89
Part I: Trade Name Reference Precaution: Excessive dust is flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Batter Up® F [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from dent corn See Food starch, modified Uses: Starch for batters and breading applics. for seafood (fillets, sticks, shrimp, scallops), poultry prods., onion rings; provides exc. adhesion; withstands freezing, deep fat frying, steam table conditions Features: Withstands freezing, deep fat frying and steam table conditions Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd.; pH 5.0-7.0; 10-12% moisture Bayer Butyl 101-3 [Bayer/Rubber Bus. Grp. http://www.bayerrubber.com] Chem. Descrip.: Isobutylene/isoprene copolymer rubber; no antioxidant CAS 9010-85-9 Uses: Chewing gum base Features: Butyl rubber Properties: Bales; sp.gr. 0.92; Mooney visc. 4460 (ML1+8, 125 C) Bayer Butyl 402 [Bayer/Rubber Bus. Grp. http://www.bayerrubber.com] Chem. Descrip.: Isobutylene/isoprene copolymer rubber; nonstaining stabilizer CAS 9010-85-9 Uses: Food applics. Features: Butyl rubber; vulcanized with sulfur, quinoid, resin; fast curing Properties: Amber bales; sp.gr. 0.92; Mooney visc. 47 (ML1+8, 100 C) Baysical® KN [Lanxess http://www.lanxess.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium silicate CAS 1344-95-2; EINECS/ELINCS 215-710-8 Uses: Flow aid in foods (table salt, instant powds.) Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; odorless; surf. area ≈ 35; brightness 97; pH ≈ 10.5 B&C Caramel Powder [MLG Enterprises] Chem. Descrip.: Caramel color See Caramel CAS 8028-89-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-435-9 Uses: Colorant for foods, dry mixes, soups, gravies, frozen foods, specialties Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Features: Natural Properties: Free-flowing powd.; 100% min. through 40 mesh, 90% min. through 100 mesh; pH 6.7-7.7 (1%); 4% max. moisture Storage: Unlimited shelf life under normal storage conditions BCF™ [Cargill Flavor Systems http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/] Uses: Blue cheese flavor in food Features: White mold mutant used in production of these products Properties: Liq. Use Level: 0.25-1.0% of formulas (1.0-2.0% in processed cheese) Beakin LV1 [ADM Lecithin http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Complexed lecithin Chem. Analysis: 0.8% max. moisture CAS 8030-76-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Instantizer, mold release agent for foods, spray oils; emulsifier for w/o food emulsions; wetting agent in instant foods and beverages Properties: Translucent fluid; visc. 10 stokes; HLB 2.0; acid no. 25 max. Storage: 18 mos. min shelf liife when stored in orig., unopened containers; store @50-95 F; exposure to freezing or near-freezing temperatures may promote separation of oil from the phospholipids Beakin LV2 [ADM Lecithin http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Complexed lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Emulsifier for w/o food emulsions, instantized mixes; pan/mold release agent Properties: Translucent fluid; visc. 10 stokes; HLB 2.0; acid no. 30 max. Beakin LV3 [ADM Lecithin http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Complexed lecithin with vegetable oil Uses: Emulsifier for w/o food emulsions, processed cheese, instantized foods, dry mixes; release agent Properties: Translucent fluid; visc. 5 stokes; HLB 2.0; acid no. 25 max. Beakin LV4 [ADM Lecithin http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Complexed lecithin with vegetable oil 90
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Dispersant, dust control agent, pan/mold release agent for foods; food emulsifier for w/o emulsions Properties: Translucent fluid; visc.5 stokes; HLB 2.0; acid no. 25 max. Beakin LV30 [ADM Lecithin http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Complexed lecithin with vegetable oil Uses: Emulsifier for foods, w/o emulsions, drink mixes; instantizing agent; pan/mold release agent Properties: Translucent fluid; water-disp.; visc. 5 stokes; HLB 4.0; acid no. 30 max. Bealite™ 650 [Kerry Ingreds. http://www.kerrygroup.com; http://www.kerryingredients.com] Chem. Descrip.: sorbitan monostearate, polysorbate 60, mono and diglycerides See Sorbitan stearate CAS 1338-41-6; 9005-67-8; EINECS/ELINCS 215-664-9 Uses: Emulsifier for low-fat cakes, icings, breads Bealite™ 2315 [Kerry Ingreds. http://www.kerrygroup.com; http://www.kerryingredients.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 60 CAS 9005-67-8 Uses: Emulsifier for frosting, whipped topping; improves cake crumb Bealite™ 3401L [Kerry Ingreds. http://www.kerrygroup.com; http://www.kerryingredients.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol mono and diesters of fatty acids, mono and diglycerides Uses: Emulsifier for layer cakes Bealite™ 3558 [Kerry Ingreds. http://www.kerrygroup.com; http://www.kerryingredients.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol monostearate, DATEM, mono and diglycerides, See Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides; Propylene glycol stearate CAS 1323-39-3; 91052-81-2; EINECS/ELINCS 215-354-3 Uses: Emulsifier for aerating sponge cakes
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Bealite™ 3561 [Kerry Ingreds. http://www.kerrygroup.com; http://www.kerryingredients.com] Chem. Descrip.: mono and diglycerides Uses: Emulsifier for cakes, muffins, brownies, sauces Bealite™ EV [Kerry Ingreds. http://www.kerrygroup.com; http://www.kerryingredients.com] Chem. Descrip.: mono and diglycerides and wheat starch See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch CAS 9005-25-8 Bealite™ [Kerry Ingreds. http://www.kerrygroup.com; http://www.kerryingredients.com] Uses: Emulsifier for foods Properties: Free-flowing spray-dried prod. Beef Booster, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor in beef, savory, fish, shellfish, chicken Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Thick, dk. brown liq.; beefy, roasted, tuna fish taste; sol. in alcohol, oil, water Use Level: 10 ppm as consumed in finished prods. Beeswax SP 6 [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Beeswax, USP/NF CAS 8012-89-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-383-7 Uses: Flavoring agent, adjuvant, lubricant, surf. finishing agent for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1973, and CTFA listed Properties: Yel. slabs, cakes, or pellets; m.p. 6265 C; acid no. 17-24; sapon. no. 89-103 Toxicology: TSCA listed Beeswax SP 11 [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Beeswax, USP/NF CAS 8012-89-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-383-7 Uses: Flavoring agent, adjuvant, lubricant, surf. finishing agent for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1973; CTFA listed Properties: Yel. slabs, cakes, or pellets; m.p. 6265 C; acid no. 17-24; sapon. no. 89-103 Toxicology: TSCA listed
Part I: Trade Name Reference Beeswax SP 44 [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Beeswax CAS 8006-40-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-383-7 Uses: Flavoring agent, adjuvant, lubricant, surface-finishing agent for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1973, GRAS; CTFA listed Properties: Wh. slabs, cakes, or pellets; m.p. 6065 C; acid no. 17-24; sapon. no. 89-103 Beeswax SP 45 [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Beeswax CAS 8006-40-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-383-7 Uses: Flavoring agent, adjuvant, lubricant, surf. finishing agent for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1973, GRAS; CTFA listed Properties: Wh. slabs, cakes, or pellets; m.p. 6065 C; acid no. 17-24; sapon. no. 89-103 Beeswax SP 139W [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Beeswax CAS 8006-40-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-383-7 Uses: Flavoring agent, adjuvant, lubricant, surf. finishing agent for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1973, GRAS; CTFA listed Properties: Wh. slabs, cakes, or pellets; m.p. 6065 C; acid no. 17-24; sapon. no. 89-103 Beeswax SP 139Y [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Beeswax CAS 8012-89-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-383-7 Uses: Flavoring agent, adjuvant, lubricant, surf. finishing agent for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1973, GRAS; CTFA listed Properties: Yel. slabs, cakes, or pellets; m.p. 6065 C; acid no. 17-24; sapon. no. 89-103 Beeswax SP 154 ISO Beeswax® [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Beeswax CAS 8012-89-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-383-7 Uses: Flavoring agent, adjuvant, lubricant, surf. finishing agent for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1973, GRAS; CTFA listed Properties: Amber slabs, cakes, or pellets; m.p. 60-65 C; acid no. 17-24; sapon. no. 89-103 Beeswax SP 420 [Strahl & Pitsch Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Beeswax, USP/NF CAS 8012-89-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-383-7 Uses: Flavoring agent, adjuvant, lubricant, surf. finishing agent for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1973; CTFA listed Properties: Yel. slabs, cakes, or pellets; m.p. 6265 C; acid no. 17-24; sapon. no. 89-103 Toxicology: TSCA listed Beeswax SP 422 [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Beeswax, USP/NF CAS 8012-89-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-383-7 Uses: Flavoring agent, adjuvant, lubricant, surf. finishing agent for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1973; CTFA listed Properties: Wh. slabs, cakes, or pellets; m.p. 6265 C; acid no. 17-24; sapon. no. 89-103 Toxicology: TSCA listed Beeswax SP 424 [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Beeswax, USP/NF CAS 8012-89-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-383-7 Uses: Flavoring agent, adjuvant, lubricant, surf. finishing agent for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1973; CTFA listed Properties: Wh. slabs, cakes, or pellets; m.p. 6265 C; acid no. 17-24; sapon. no. 89-103 Toxicology: TSCA listed Beeswax SP 426 [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Beeswax, USP/NF CAS 8012-89-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-383-7 Uses: Flavoring agent, adjuvant, lubricant, glazing agent, surface-finishing agent, release agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1973; CTFA listed Properties: Wh. slabs, cakes, or pellets; m.p. 6265 C; acid no. 17-24; sapon. no. 89-103 Toxicology: TSCA listed Benecel® Methylcellulose [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Methyl cellulose See Methylcellulose CAS 9004-67-5 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, rheology control agent, film-former, suspending agent, water-retention aid, binder for foods Regulatory: OSHA hazardous; SARA §302/304/313 nonreportable, §311/312 Fire Hazard; CERCLA, RCRA nonreportable; DOT not regulated; Canada DSL; Korea KECL 92
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; odorless; water-sol.; sp.gr. 0.25; visc. 10-12,000 mPa·s (2% aq.); pH 5-7 (1% sol'n.); nonionic Toxicology: May cause eye, skin irritation by abrasion; inh. may cause respiratory tract irritation; not mutagenic; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear safety glasses, impervious gloves, protective clothing; may form flamm. dust/air mixts.; spills may be slippery; avoid generating dust; avoid breathing dust; ground all equipment; incompat. with acids, oxidizers, alkalis, strong sunlight, UV light, free radicals Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, smoke HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area in closed container; keep away from heat, flame, sparks, ignition sources Benecel® M 042 [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Methyl cellulose See Methylcellulose CAS 9004-67-5 Uses: Thickener for cheese sauces; synergistic with starch, improving prod. cling; moisture retention, thermal gelation for meat patties, structured potato prods.; provides adhesion for microwavable foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1480, GRAS; USDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147 Properties: Nonionic Use Level: 0.5-1.2% (cheese sauces), 0.050.15% (meat patties), 0.25-0.75% (potato prods.), 0.1-2.5% (batters), 20-75% (microwave foods) Benecel® M 043 [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Methyl cellulose See Methylcellulose CAS 9004-67-5 Uses: Thickener, suspending aid, binder; inhibits syneresis; prevents shrinkage in pie fillings; thermal gelation; for barbecue/cheese sauces, salad dressings; reduces oil absorp. during frying of onion rings; moisture retention in meat patties Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1480, GRAS; USDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147 Properties: Nonionic Use Level: 0.3-0.6% (pie fillings), 0.2-1.0% (barbecue sauces), 0.5-1.2% (cheese sauces), 0.2-0.8% (salad dressings), 0.4-2.5% (onion Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
rings), 0.05-0.15% (meat patties), 0.25-0.75% (potato prods.), 20-75% (microwave prods.), 0.1-0.75% (tortillas) Benecel® MP 643 [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose CAS 9004-65-3 Uses: Thickener, suspending aid for salad dressings; controls batter visc., improves moisture retention, gas retention during baking, improving volume and texture of dry mix cakes Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.874 Properties: Nonionic Use Level: 0.2-0.8% (salad dressings), 0.1-0.5% (cakes) Benecel® MP 824 [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose CAS 9004-65-3 Uses: Binder; improves mouthfeel, body, texture; ice crystal control in frozen dairy desserts; thickener, suspending aid for salad dressings; reduces oil absorp. during frying; foam stabilizer for whipped toppings; thickener for low-solids syrup Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.874 Properties: Nonionic Use Level: 0.1-0.5% (frozen dairy desserts); 0.20.8% (salad dressings), 0.5-3.0% (seafood prods.), 0.1-0.9% (whipped toppings), 0.20.8% (syrup) Benecel® MP 843 [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose CAS 9004-65-3 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, binder, texturizer, syneresis inhibitor, air entrainment agent, moisture enhancer, mouthfeel enhancer in foods, mousse, frostings, cakes, doughnuts, diet jelly, syrup; ice crystal control agent in frozen dairy prods.; processing aid for tortillas; emulsion stabilizer, gravy thickener in pet foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.874 Properties: Nonionic Use Level: 0.2-0.6% (mousse, doughnuts), 0.10.2% (frostings), 0.1-0.5% (frozen dairy desserts, dry mix cakes), 0.5-3.0% (seafood 93
Part I: Trade Name Reference prods.), 0.2-0.5% (canned pet foods), 0.050.5% (tortillas), 0.25-0.75% (diet jelly), 0.20.8% (syrup) Benecel® MP 874 [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose CAS 9004-65-3 Uses: Binder, thickener, inhibits syneresis, prevents shrinkage in pie fillings; thickener for barbecue sauces; thermal gelation reduces boil-over during baking; thickener, suspending aid for salad dressings; reduces oil absorp. in onion rings, tacos Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.874 Properties: Nonionic Use Level: 0.3-0.6% (pie fillings), 0.2-1.0% (barbecue sauces), 0.2-0.8% (salad dressings), 0.4-2.5% (onion rings), 0.2-0.5% (canned pet food), 0.1-2.5% (batters) Benecel® MP 943 [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose CAS 9004-65-3 Uses: Thickener, suspending agent for salad dressings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.874 Properties: Nonionic Use Level: 0.2-0.8% (salad dressings) Benefat® [Danisco Cultor http://ingredients.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Short and long-chain triglycerides Uses: Fat and oil replacement in dairy, confectionery, bakery prods., reduced-fat prods. Features: Free of trans fatty acids; highly resist. to oxidation; 5 cal/g fat; gives foods creamy taste, texture, and mouthfeel similar to full-fat prods. Regulatory: Permitted food ingred. in USA, Chile, Colombia, Korea, Japan, Taiwan; complies with fat/oil regulations in Australia, New Zealand; EU approval pending Benefiber® [Novartis Pharma http://www.pharma.us.novartis.com] Chem. Descrip.: Natural dietary vegetable fiber extracted from hydrolyzed guar gum Uses: Stabilizer, foam stabilizer for foods; ice crystal control agent for smooth ice cream Features: Provides low visc., exc. clarity, low Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
sweetness, physical, heat, and pH stability; resist. to heat, acid, salt, and digestive enzymes; exc. coating props. Properties: Water-sol.; visc. 10 cps (10%); pH 6.4-7.0; 80% min. dietary fiber Beneo™ ST [ORAFTI Active Food Ingreds. http://www.orafti.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Inulin CAS 9005-80-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-684-3 Uses: Fat mimetic, mouthfeel and body enhancer, natural sweetener in food; stabilizer for mousses and foams Features: Standard powd. Properties: Wh., odorless powd.; ≈ 92% assay Beneo™ Synergy1 [ORAFTI Active Food Ingreds. http://www.orafti.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Inulin and oligofructose CAS 9005-80-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-684-3 Uses: Dietary fiber and bone improvement supplement in food Features: Improve digestive health in general and bone health in particular Properties: Wh., odorless powd.; ≈ 92% assay Benol® [Chemtura http://www.chemtura.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. mineral oil NF CAS 8042-47-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Gloss aid, internal lubricant, carrier in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, §178.3620(a) Properties: Water wh., odorless, tasteless; sp.gr. 0.839-0.855; visc. 18-20 cSt (40 C); pour pt. -7 C; flash pt. 182 C Be Square® 175 [Baker Petrolite/Polymers http://www.bakerhughes.com/bakerpetrolite/p olymers] Chem. Descrip.: Microcrystalline wax CAS 63231-60-7; EINECS/ELINCS 264-038-1 Uses: Plasticizer for chewing gum Features: Plastic wax; offers high ductility, flexibility at very low temps. Regulatory: Incl. FDA §172.230, 172.615, 175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 177.1200, 178.3710, 179.45 Properties: Amber wax; dens. 0.93 g/cc; visc. 13 cps (99 C); m.p. 83 C; flash pt. 293 C Be Square® 185 [Baker Petrolite/Polymers http://www.bakerhughes.com/bakerpetrolite/p olymers] Chem. Descrip.: Hard microcryst. wax consisting of n-paraffinic, branched paraffinic, 94
Part I: Trade Name Reference and naphthenic hydrocarbons See Microcrystalline wax CAS 63231-60-7; EINECS/ELINCS 264-038-1 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: Incl. FDA §172.230, 172.615, 175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 177.1200, 178.3710, 179.45 Properties: Amber wax; very low sol. in org. solvs.; sp.gr. 0.93; visc. 15 cps (99 C); m.p. 90.5 C Be Square® 195 [Baker Petrolite/Polymers http://www.bakerhughes.com/bakerpetrolite/p olymers] Chem. Descrip.: Hard microcryst. wax consisting of n-paraffinic, branched paraffinic, and naphthenic hydrocarbons See Microcrystalline wax CAS 63231-60-7; EINECS/ELINCS 264-038-1 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: FDA §172.230, 172.615, 175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 177.1200, 178.3710, 179.45, etc. Properties: Wh., amber wax; very low sol. in org. solvs.; sp.gr. 0.93; visc. 15.5 cps (99 C); m.p. 93 C Beta Carotene 30% FS [DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com] Chem. Descrip.: β-Carotene in Corn oil with dlα-Tocopherol added as an antioxidant See Carotene; Corn (Zea mays) oil; Dl-αtocopherol CAS 7235-40-7; EINECS/ELINCS 230-636-6 Uses: Colorant or nutrient for food Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.95 (food use), 73.1095 (drug use), 73.2095 (cosmetic use) Properties: Terra-cotta red fluid, fresh char. odor;sl sol. in all oils and fats; 30% min. assay Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly closed container Beta Carotene 1% CWS [DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com] Chem. Descrip.: β-Carotene with dextrin, gum acacia, partially hydrogenated veg. oil, sucrose and antioxidants (sodium ascorbate, dl-α-tocopherol) See Carotene; Hydrogenated vegetable oil Uses: Colorant for dry foods (beverage powds., cake mixes, instant pudding, icing mixes, dry salad dressings/sauces/gravies), aq. applics. (ice cream, prepared cakes, imitation dairy prods., egg substitutes, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
sauces/gravies) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.95 (food use), 73.1095 (drug use), 73.2095 (cosmetic use), GRAS Properties: Orange fine powd.; 90% min. through 80 mesh; disp. in water; 1% min. assay (β-carotene) Toxicology: Avoid ingestion or direct contact by applying suitable protective measures and personal hygiene Storage: Store in tightly closed container in cool place protected from light and humidity; sensitive to air, heat Beta-Carotene 10% DC/GFP [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: Beta-carotene See Carotene CAS 7235-40-7; EINECS/ELINCS 230-636-6 Uses: Colorant for foods, feed Regulatory: Kosher and halal certified Properties: Free-flowing, nondusting beadlet powd. Beta-Carotene Dry Powd. 10% DC/GFP [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: Beta-carotene in a matrix of Modified starch and Sucrose, coated with Native starch with antioxidants and anticaking agents See Carotene; Starch sodium octenyl succinate Chem. Analysis: 10% min. assay CAS 7235-40-7; EINECS/ELINCS 230-636-6 Uses: Dietary supplement in hypoallergenic food products Regulatory: USP, EP Properties: Free-flowing dk. red uniform sperical particles; mild characteristic odor; bulk dens. 0.7 g/ml Storage: Store in tightly sealed original packaging @ R.T. in dry dark place; sensitive to oxygen, light, heat and moisture Beta-Tabs [MLG Enterprises] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium metabisulfite, starch, and other edible excipients Uses: Reducing agent, dough conditioner for pizza, puff pastry, English muffins, pie doughs, bread prods., flour tortillas Features: Produces rapid relaxation Properties: Tablets supplying 30 ppm sodium metabisulfite/cwt flour Use Level: 1-3 tablets/cwt of flour Storage: 6 mos. shelf life stored in cool, dry conditions
Part I: Trade Name Reference Betricing [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Partially hydrogenated veg. oil (soybean, cottonseed), mono- and diglycerides, < 0.9% polysorbate 60 See Hydrogenated vegetable oil; Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids; Polysorbate 60 Uses: Fat/emulsifier system for filler-type, buttercream and flat icings Features: Produces light, high volume icings with good body and texture; outstanding for water-in-oil emulsions Regulatory: FDA GRASkosher Properties: Lovibond 2.0R max. plastic; insol. in water; m.p. 114-120 F; flash pt. 260 C; 2.43.0% mono Toxicology: Dermatitis could result from prolonged residence of oil on skin of allergy sensitive individuals Storage: 6 mos. shelf life; store @ s65-80 F Betrkake [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Partially hydrogenated veg. oil (soybean, cottonseed), mono- and diglycerides See Hydrogenated vegetable oil; Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Chem. Analysis: 3.1-3.6% mono Uses: High quality emulsified shortening for cakes, icings, and sweet doughs Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Wh. to yel. crystalline matrix or oily liq. Toxicology: Dermatitis could result from prolonged residence of oil on skin of allergy sensitive individuals Precaution: Avoid inh. of veg. oil mists and excessive heating BFP 30 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for foods, flavor and color dispersions, snacks, high protein foods Properties: Liq.; iodine no. 90-93; 40% min. mono BFP 64K [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides from hydrogenated soybean oil and glycerin, TBHQ, citric acid See t-Butyl hydroquinone; Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier, crumb softener for bread, sweet goods, bakery mixes, shortening, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
margarine Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Lovibond 3R plastic; c.m.p. 48-50 C; iodine no. 65-72; 42% min. alpha monoester BFP 65 PLM [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides Chem. Analysis: 52% min. αmonoglyceride Uses: Trans-free emulsifier for all food prods. Properties: Solid BFP 65C [Am. Ingreds./Patco http://www.patcoadditives.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for foods, bakery mixes, cakes, sweet goods, icings, margarine, sour cream dips, fillings, tortillas Properties: Votated ivory wh. plastic; c.m.p. 130 F; iodine no. 40-50; 52% min. mono BFP 65K [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides from veg. lipid source See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Chem. Analysis: 52% min. alpha mono Uses: Emulsifier for foods, bakery mixes, cakes, sweet goods, icings, margarine, sour cream dips, fillings, tortillas; mouthfeel enhancer; stabilizer; fat dispersant Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Votated ivory wh. plastic; c.m.p. 4850 C; iodine no. 65-75 BFP 74A [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides from animal lipid source See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for frozen desserts, ice cream, margarine & margarine spreads, jelly, whipped toppings, caramel, nougats, gum, confectionery coating, sour cream dips Properties: Bead, flake; c.m.p. 60-63 C; iodine no. 3 max.; 42% min. alpha mono BFP 74K [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides from veg. lipid source See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Food emulsifier; texturizer; inhibits oil 96
Part I: Trade Name Reference separation Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Bead, flake; c.m.p. 60-63 C; iodine no. 3 max.; 42% min. alpha mono BFP 75K [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides from hydrogenated soybean oil and glycerin with citric acid See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for foods, coffee whiteners, whipped toppings, snack food, chewing gum, margarine, frozen dessert, jelly, confectionery coatings, sour cream dips, caramel, nougats Regulatory: FDA GRAS 21CFR §184.1505; E471 Properties: Wh. to cream flake or bead; c.m.p. 140-145 F; HLB 3.2; iodine no. 3 max.; nonionic; 100% conc.; 52% min. alpha mono Use Level: 0.35-10% Storage: Store at 65-95 F BFP 800 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for baked prods., bakery mixes, pasta, cereal, sauces, and gravies Properties: Wh. to cream colored powd.; m.p. 57-64 C; iodine no. 32-34; 90% min. mono BFP GLP [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for foods, stable aerated prods. and w/o emulsions Properties: Ivory-colored fine flakes; c.m.p. 115130 F; iodine no. 5 max.; nonionic BFP L 100 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides from canola oil See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Food emulsifier; emulsion stabilizer; stabilizer for flavors; solubilizer for vitamin oils; fat dispersant Features: For systems requiring liq. monoglyceride Properties: Semisolid-liq.; c.m.p. 80-85 F; iodine no. 95-105; 52% mono BFP L Mono [Caravan Ingreds. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides from veg. lipid source See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for foods, cakes, bread, sweet goods, shortening Features: Sparging effect Properties: Votated ivory wh. plastic; c.m.p. 4850 C; iodine no. 70-74; 26-28% min. alpha mono BFP RA-15 K [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides from canola oil See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Food emulsifier Features: For systems requiring liq. monoglyceride Properties: Semisolid-liq.; c.m.p. 75-80 F; iodine no. 87-114; 42% mono min. BFP White Sour [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Flour, lactic acid, monocalcium phosphate, phosphoric acid, salt, dry yeast, and acetic acid See Calcium phosphate monobasic anhydrous Uses: Sour for French bread, English muffins, snack crackers, and snacks Properties: Free-flowing powd.; pH 3.2-3.4; 6.87.4% protein B.F. Vita Plus 6429 [Brolite Prods. http://www.bakewithbrolite.com] Uses: Dough conditioner and min. yeast food; works up at mixer, during make-up, in oven, and on shelf Features: Bromate-free Binasol™ 15 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified Uses: Binder, moisture retention aid, stabilizer for neutral and highly acidic foods, restructured foods, dry mixes, dips, fruit fillings, relishes, fondants, pulpy textures; visc. control agent in dairy, bakery, snacks; cold processing aid, dispersant, process stability improver, shelf-life improver, freshness improver, stabilizer, visc. control agent in soups, sauces, gravies, dressings Features: Pregelatinized starch; exc. freeze/thaw stability 97
Part I: Trade Name Reference Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; kosher, Passover certified Properties: Wh. coarse powd.; 30% max. on 50 mesh, 28% max. through 200 mesh; pH 6.0; 5% moisture Binasol™ 81 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, binder, moisture retention aid for pulp texture, relishes, sauces, tomato sauces, meat patties Features: Pregelatinized starch; imparts med. to high visc.; stable to heat, acid, and freeze/thaw conditions Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Coarse powd.; 50% on 100 mesh, 30% through 200 mesh; pH 6.0; 6% moisture Binasol™ 90C [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener and freeze-thaw stabilizer for pulpy textures, relishes, sauces Features: Pregelatinized starch Binasol™ 95 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener for delicately flavored sauces Features: Pregelatinized starch; easy dispersion into hot or cold liqs.; hydrates to a smooth, creamy texture with excellent steam table stability; complete dispersion with a limited amount of diluents Properties: Coarse particles; bland flavor Bindox-HV-051 [Vaessen-Schoemaker http://www.vaessen-schoemaker.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium caseinate CAS 9005-46-3 Uses: Gellant, emulsifier, water binder for meat prods. Features: Provides homogeneous distribution of fat, prevents fat separation, improves consistency, and increases protein content (nutritional value) Regulatory: FAO/WHO compliance Properties: Visc. 10,000-20,000 cps (15%); pH 6.8-7.2 (2%); 88% min. protein Bindox-LV-050 [Vaessen-Schoemaker Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.vaessen-schoemaker.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium caseinate CAS 9005-46-3 Uses: Gellant, emulsifier, water binder for meat prods. Features: Provides homogeneous distribution of fat, prevents fat separation, improves consistency, and increases protein content (nutritional value) Regulatory: FAO/WHO compliance Properties: Visc. 1200 cps (15%); pH 6.4-6.8 (2%); 88% min. protein Bindtex [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Moisture retention aid, low-temp. stabilizer, shelf life extender for injected and/or tumbled meat or poultry, refrigerated and frozen foods Features: Exc. resist. to low temp. storage; low gelatinization temp. Regulatory: Meets Nat'l. Food Processors Assoc. stds. for thermophilic spores Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd., bland taste; pH ≈ 6; ≈ 11% moisture Bioblend® [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Uses: Vitamin fortifier, mineral fortifier for foods and beverages, incl. cereal, dietetic, milling, surimi, and structured prods. Bioblend # 7 [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ascorbic acid; vitamin E acetate; dicalcium phosphate; vitamin A palmitate; niacinamide; zinc oxide; reduced iron; copper gluconate; calcium pantothenate; vitamin D-3; pyridoxine hydrochloride; riboflavin; thiamine mononitrate; folic acid; biotin; potassium iodide; vitamin B-12 See L-Ascorbic acid; d-Biotin; Calcium D-pantothenate; Calcium phosphate dibasic; Cholecalciferol; Copper gluconate (ic); Pyridoxine HCl; Retinyl palmitate; Riboflavin; Thiamine nitrate; Tocopheryl acetate Uses: Vitamin min. blend Features: Provides 100% RDI Use Level: 330 mg per serving to deliver 100% RDI Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location; best when used before 9 mos; 98
Part I: Trade Name Reference keep container closed when not in use Biodiastase 1000 [Amano Enzyme http://www.amano-enzyme.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Amylase, protease, and cellulase from Aspergillus oryzae Uses: Enzyme for foods, digestive preps. Properties: Lt. yel. to lt. brown powd.; sl. peculiar odor; freely sol. in water; prac. insol. in ethanol Toxicology: May cause skin irritation; repeated inh. of enzyme dust may induce sensitization and may cause allergic type reactions in sensitized individuals; nontoxic Environmental: biodegradable; not harmful to aquatic and marine organisms when dissolved with copious amounts of water Precaution: Wear protective glasses and impervious gloves; avoid dust formation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: Store container in a cool and dry place Biogluten 130 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat gluten See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) gluten CAS 8002-80-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-317-7 Uses: Imparts elasticity and extensibility to doughs, improving loaf volume, mixing and proofing tolerance, water absorption, dough consistency, machinability and resistance to freezing.; viscosity builder and water binder in meat and meat replacement prods.; base for soy sauce and savoury prods.; consistency and cooking tolerance improver, stickiness, checking and oil uptake inhibitor in noodles and pasta Features: Extracted from organically grown wheat Properties: Fine, sl. yelsh. powd.; wheat taste; insol. in water Bionature® Amber Liquid Honey [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Analysis: Moisture 18.6% max.; ash 0.2% CAS 8028-66-8; EINECS/ELINCS 310-127-6 Uses: Sweetener in food Features: Sweet, free from offensive flavors/odors Properties: Sweet odor/flavor; color 85-114 mm Storage: Store @ 60-70 F; can lose flavor and darken in color when stored for extended times over 130 F; when stored at temps. less than 60 F can crystallize which is reversible by heating Bionature® Extra Light Amber Liquid Honey Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
[ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Analysis: Ash 0.2% max CAS 8028-66-8; EINECS/ELINCS 310-127-6 Uses: Sweetener in food Properties: Sweet odor/flavor; color 34-50 mm Storage: Store @ 60-70 F; can lose flavor and darken in color when stored for extended times over 130 F; when stored at temps. less than 60 F can crystallize which is reversible by heating Bionature® Light Amber Liquid Honey [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Honey Chem. Analysis: 0.2% ash max.; moisture 18.6% max. CAS 8028-66-8; EINECS/ELINCS 310-127-6 Uses: Sweetener, humectant for dairy prods., meats, frozen foods, ice cream, granola bars, peanut butter, sauces, candies Features: All nat.; contains no preservatives; improves keeping quality by improving moisture retention Properties: Liq.; sweet odor Storage: Store at 60-70 F; if stored at temps. > 60 F, honey can crystallize; honey can lose flavor and darken in color when stored at temps. > 130 F Bionature® Light Liquid Molasses [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Molasses See Molasses (Saccharum officinarum) Chem. Analysis: 11% max. ash CAS 68476-78-8 Uses: Sweetener, humectant, shelf life extender, color and flavor enhancer, buffer in baked goods; leavening agent in cookies; antioxidant Features: Nat.; contains no preservatives; sweeter and lighter color than blackstrap molasses Properties: Lt. brown liq.; dens. 11.5 lb/gal.; pH 5.0 (10% slurry) Use Level: 2-6% based on flour (yeast reaised breads), 1-3% based on flour (cookies), >1% based on flour (cakes), 3% on total fat content (shelf life extension) Storage: Store at 60-70 F; ideal loading temps. are 125-130 F; min. pumping temps. are 100110 F Bionature® Medium Liquid Molasses [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Molasses See Molasses 99
Part I: Trade Name Reference (Saccharum officinarum) Chem. Analysis: Ash 11% max. CAS 68476-78-8 Uses: Sweetener in food Features: Typical cane molasses aroma and flavor; food grade Properties: Dk.brn. visc. liq.; sweet, clean odor/flavor; dens. 11.5 lb/gal.; pH 5.0 (10% slurry) Storage: Store at 60-70 F; ideal loading temps. are 125-130 F; min. pumping temps. are 100110 F Biospumex 36K [Cognis http://www.cognis.de] Chem. Descrip.: Polyalkoxyether-based Uses: Defoamer in sugar prod., starch extraction from corn flour, and protein extraction from vegetables Features: Silicone-free; not affected by sterilization; mixes easily in water, aq. media; can be used at temps. 0-100 C Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §173.340 Properties: Cl. to sl. hazy lt. yel. liq.; dens. 1.001.01; pH (10% sol'n) 5-7; acid value 4-9; nonionic; 100% act. Storage: Store @ R.T. Biospumex 275K [Cognis http://www.cognis.de] Chem. Descrip.: alkyl polyalkoxyether Chem. Analysis: 0.4% mositure Uses: Defoamer in fermentation and food processing for starch extraction from corn flour, protein extraction from vegetables and also biomass, natural flavors and citric acid mfg. Features: Particularly rec. for media containing starch, glucose and/or molasses; silicone-free; does not affect the dissolved oxygen rate; stable to conventional sterilization conditions Regulatory: BGA XXXVI & LMBG 11 paragr. II Properties: Cl., colorless liq.; dens. 1.015-1.025; cloud pt. 27.5-32.5 C; pH (5% sol'n) 5-8; nonionic Environmental: no toxicity towards a wide range of micro-organisms Biospumex 278/89K [Cognis http://www.cognis.de] Chem. Descrip.: Polyalkoxyether-based Chem. Analysis: Water 48-55% Uses: Defoamer in food processing such as the sugar beet industry Features: High defoaming in acidic or alkaline media; particularly efficient in aq. media at Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
temps. > 45 C; mixes easily with water, aq. media at temps. 40-150 C; particularly suitable for vacuum conc. evaporation and distillation systems Properties: Cl., colorless to yel. liq.; dens. 1.0321.052 (15 C); pour pt. < -10 C; pH (5% sol'n) 68.5; nonionic Storage: Store @ R.T. Biospumex FDA 165 K [Cognis http://www.cognis.de] Chem. Descrip.: food-grade dimethylpolysiloxane oil Chem. Analysis: 33-39% solids Uses: Defoamer in food processes including potato washing Features: Mixes easily in water, aq. media; can be used at temps. 0-100 C; stable in acidic and alkaline sol'ns; compat. with polymer emulsions Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §173.340(a)(2), 175.105, 176.170, 176.200 Properties: Milky wh. liq.; dens. ≈ 1 g/ml; pH 3.55.5 Storage: Store @ 0-40 C Biscuitine™ 500 [Loders Croklaan BV http://www.croklaan.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fractionated, nonhydrogenated, refined vegetable oil of nonlauric origin CAS 68956-68-3; EINECS/ELINCS 273-313-5 Uses: Fat for confectionery and bakery fillings, toffees, Muesli bars, shortenings Regulatory: EU Food Law compliant; kosher; non-GMO Properties: Lovibond 3.0 max. liq., powd., semisolid, or solid (depending on temp.); neutral odor; bland taste; almost insol. in water; sol. in lipophyllic solvents Toxicology: May cause eye irritation; not a skin irritant; no hazard from ing. Environmental: biodeg. Precaution: Avoid direct sunlight and strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO and acroleine Storage: 9 mos. max. shelf life; store in an odorless, clean, cool and dry place Bitrit-1™ (1% Biotin Trituration) [DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com] Chem. Descrip.: Biotin FCC in dicalcium phosphate dihydrate carrier See d-Biotin; Calcium phosphate dibasic CAS 58-85-5 100
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: As a source of the micronutrient biotin in pharm., food and special dietary food prods. including multivitamin tablets, capsules, or powd. forms Regulatory: USP, EP, FCC Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; odorless; 98% min. through 80 mesh; insol. in water, m.w. 244.31; org. solvs.; bulk dens. 50 lb/ft3; 10 mg min. d-biotin/g Storage: 2 yr shelf life; store @ 59-86 F Bitterness Blocker 1, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor blocker for blocking bitter taste of naringin, potassium, APM, saccharin, sucralose, grapefruit, protein, HVP, caffeine Features: Suppresses astringency or tea, cranberry, lemonade; lowers perceived acidity of citrus, high-acid beverages, fat-free dressing, yogurt Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21 CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Liq.; faint, nodescript taste; sol. in PG, alcohol, flavor oils Use Level: 0.1-4 ppm as consumed Bitterness Blocker 2, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor blocker for blocking bitter taste of naringin, potassium, APM, saccharin, sucralose, grapefruit, protein, HVP, caffeine Features: Suppresses astringency or tea, cranberry, lemonade; lowers perceived acidity of citrus, high-acid beverages, fat-free dressing, yogurt Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21 CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Liq.; faint, nodescript taste; sol. in PG, alcohol, flavor oils Use Level: 0.1-4 ppm as consumed Bitterness Blocker 3, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor blocker for blocking bitter taste of naringin, potassium, APM, saccharin, sucralose, grapefruit, protein, HVP, caffeine Features: Suppresses astringency or tea, cranberry, lemonade; lowers perceived acidity of citrus, high-acid beverages, fat-free dressing, yogurt Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21 CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Liq.; faint, nodescript taste; sol. in PG, alcohol, flavor oils Use Level: 0.1-4 ppm as consumed Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Bitterness Blocker 4, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor blocker for blocking bitter taste of naringin, potassium, APM, saccharin, sucralose, grapefruit, protein, HVP, caffeine Features: Suppresses astringency or tea, cranberry, lemonade; lowers perceived acidity of citrus, high-acid beverages, fat-free dressing, yogurt Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21 CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Liq.; faint, nodescript taste; sol. in PG, alcohol, flavor oils Use Level: 0.1-4 ppm as consumed Bitterness Blocker 5, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor blocker for blocking bitter taste of naringin, potassium, APM, saccharin, sucralose, grapefruit, protein, HVP, caffeine Features: Suppresses astringency or tea, cranberry, lemonade; lowers perceived acidity of citrus, high-acid beverages, fat-free dressing, yogurt Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21 CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Liq.; faint, nodescript taste; sol. in PG, alcohol, flavor oils Use Level: 0.1-4 ppm as consumed Bitterness Blocker 6, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor blocker for blocking bitter taste of naringin, potassium, APM, saccharin, sucralose, grapefruit, protein, HVP, caffeine Features: Suppresses astringency or tea, cranberry, lemonade; lowers perceived acidity of citrus, high-acid beverages, fat-free dressing, yogurt Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21 CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Liq.; faint, nodescript taste; sol. in PG, alcohol, flavor oils Use Level: 0.1-4 ppm as consumed Bitterness Blocker 7, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor blocker for blocking bitter taste of naringin, potassium, APM, saccharin, sucralose, grapefruit, protein, HVP, caffeine Features: Suppresses astringency or tea, cranberry, lemonade; lowers perceived acidity of citrus, high-acid beverages, fat-free dressing, yogurt Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21 CFR §172.510, 101
Part I: Trade Name Reference 101.22; kosher Properties: Liq.; faint, nodescript taste; sol. in PG, alcohol, flavor oils Use Level: 0.1-4 ppm as consumed Bitterness Blocker 8, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor blocker for blocking bitter taste of naringin, potassium, APM, saccharin, sucralose, grapefruit, protein, HVP, caffeine Features: Suppresses astringency or tea, cranberry, lemonade; lowers perceived acidity of citrus, high-acid beverages, fat-free dressing, yogurt Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21 CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Liq.; faint, nodescript taste; sol. in PG, alcohol, flavor oils Use Level: 0.1-4 ppm as consumed Bitterness Blocker 9, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor blocker for blocking bitter taste of naringin, potassium, APM, saccharin, sucralose, grapefruit, protein, HVP, caffeine Features: Blends well with other flavors Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21 CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Liq.; faint, nodescript taste; sol. in PG, alcohol, flavor oils Use Level: 0.2-4 ppm for beverages; 4-10 ppm for pharmaceuticals Bitterness Blocker 10, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor blocker for blocking burn and bite of potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate Features: Blocks soy protein bitterness Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21 CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Cl., visc. liq.; bland, sl. floral taste; sol. in water, PG, alcohol, oil Use Level: 0.2-4 ppm as consumed BL-60® [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium aluminum phosphate acidic with aluminum sulfate anhydrous See Aluminum sulfate CAS 7785-88-8; 10043-01-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-090-4; 233-135-0 Uses: Leavening agent for baking powds., cereals, cake mixes Features: More sensitive to heat than Levair, releases final acidity at a batter temp. of 120 F; rec. for cake mixes containing highly Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
emulsified shortenings Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; 1% max. on 60 mesh, 15% max. on 140 mesh; bulk dens. 50 lb/ft3; neutralizing value 100 min.; pH 2.7 (1% susp.) Toxicology: OSHA:TWA 2.5 mg/m3 (total dust); LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; may cause eye irritation; nonirritating to skin Precaution: Avoid direct or prolonged contact with skin and eyes Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store in a sanitary, dry, cool, isolated area away from all toxic and harmful substances Blandol® [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. mineral oil NF CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Lubricant, gloss aid, carrier, processing aid for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, §178.3620(a) Properties: Water-wh., odorless, tasteless; sp.gr. 0.839-0.855; visc. 14-17 cSt (40 C); pour pt. 12 C; flash pt. 185 C Blanver's Best™ Cellulose Gel [Blanver Farmoquimica http://www.blanver.com.br; Opta Food Ingreds. http://www.optafood.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gel See Microcrystalline cellulose CAS 9004-34-6 Uses: Fat mimetic, thickener, opacifier, texturizer for salad dressings, mayonnaise, processed and reduced fat cheese, frozen desserts, ice cream, whipped toppings, soups and sauces, bakery fillings, puddings; emulsion stabilizer in soups and sauces; opacifier, shelf life extender in whipped toppings; crystallization control agent in frozen desserts, ice cream Features: Process tolerant; shear resist. Regulatory: Kosher Blendmax 322 [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Enzyme-modified lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: O/w emulsifier, wetting agent for instantizing whole milk powds., emulsifying veg. and animal fats in milk replacer prods.; dough conditioner, antistaling agent in baking Features: Enhanced water dispersibility Properties: Amber liq.; oil-sol., water-disp.; sp.gr. 102
Part I: Trade Name Reference 1.04; visc. 8000 cP; HLB 8.0; acid no. 40; 100% conc., 0.4% moisture Blue Cheese Enhancer - 1, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor in salad dressings, dips, sauces Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Oily liq.; blue cheese taste; sol. in oil, PG, triacetin; insol. in water Use Level: 0.01% Bonus Blend [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ascorbic acid; vitamin E acetate; vitamin A palmitate; zinc oxide; reduced iron; sugar; niacin; vitamin D-3; calcium pantothenate; pyridoxine hydrochloride; folic acid; riboflavin; thiamine mononitrate; biotin; vitamin B-12 See L-Ascorbic acid; d-Biotin; d-Biotin; Calcium D-pantothenate; Cholecalciferol; Nicotinic acid; Pyridoxine HCl; Retinyl palmitate; Sucrose; Thiamine nitrate; Tocopheryl acetate Uses: Enrichment blend for bakery goods Use Level: 250 mg per serving Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location; best when used before 9 mos; keep container closed when not in use Borax [U.S. Borax http://www.borax.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium tetraborate decahydrate See Sodium borate decahydrate CAS 1303-96-4; EINECS/ELINCS 215-540-4 Uses: Mfg. of food-contact paper/paperboard Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 176.180, 181.30; SARA nonreportable, DOT nonregulated Properties: Wh. cryst. powd., odorless; sol. in water, glycerin; m.w. 381.37; sp.gr. 1.71; vapor pressure negligible; m.p. 62 C; pH 6.1 (0.1%); nonflamm.; > 99% act. Toxicology: OSHA PEL 10 mg/m3 total dust; LD50 (oral, rat) 4500-5000 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 10,000 mg/kg; low acute oral and dermal toxicity; inh. at levels > 10 mg/m3 may cause mild irritation to nose and throat; ing. of lg. amts. may cause GI symptoms; TSCA listed Environmental: EC50 (daphnia magna, 24 h) 242 mg; lg. amts. can be harmful to plants and other species Precaution: Reacts as weak acid which may Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
cause corrosion of base metals; incompat. with strong reducing agents will generates hydrogen gas NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store indoors in dry area; avoid wide fluctuations in temp. and humidity Borax Decahydrate NF [U.S. Borax http://www.borax.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium tetraborate decahydrate See Sodium borate decahydrate CAS 1303-96-4; EINECS/ELINCS 215-540-4 Uses: Mfg. of food-contact paper/paperboard Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 176.180, 181.30; SARA, RCRA nonreportable, DOT nonregulated; Canada DSL; Europe EINECS; South Korea listed; Japan MITI; WHMIS D2A Properties: Wh. cryst. powd. or gran., odorless; sol. in water, glycerin; m.w. 381.37; sp.gr. 1.71; vapor pressure negligible; m.p. 62 C; pH 6.1 (0.1%); nonflamm.; > 99% act. Toxicology: OSHA PEL 10 mg/m3 total dust; LD50 (oral, rat) 4500-5000 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 10,000 mg/kg; low acute oral and dermal toxicity; inh. at levels > 10 mg/m3 may cause mild irritation to nose and throat; ing. of lg. amts. may cause GI symptoms; TSCA listed Environmental: EC50 (daphnia magna, 24 h) 242 mg; lg. amts. can be harmful to plants and other species Precaution: Reacts as weak acid which may cause corrosion of base metals; incompat. with strong reducing agents will generates hydrogen gas NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store indoors in dry area; avoid wide fluctuations in temp. and humidity Borax Decahydrate SQ [U.S. Borax http://www.borax.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium tetraborate decahydrate See Sodium borate decahydrate CAS 1303-96-4; EINECS/ELINCS 215-540-4 Uses: Mfg. of food-contact paper/paperboard Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 176.180, 181.30; SARA, RCRA nonreportable, DOT nonregulated; Canada DSL; Europe EINECS; South Korea listed; Japan MITI; WHMIS D2A Properties: Wh. cryst. powd. or gran., odorless; sol. in water, glycerin; m.w. 381.37; sp.gr. 1.71; vapor pressure negligible; m.p. 62 C; pH 103
Part I: Trade Name Reference 6.1 (0.1%); nonflamm.; > 99% act. Toxicology: OSHA PEL 10 mg/m3 total dust; LD50 (oral, rat) 4500-5000 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 10,000 mg/kg; low acute oral and dermal toxicity; inh. at levels > 10 mg/m3 may cause mild irritation to nose and throat; ing. of lg. amts. may cause GI symptoms; TSCA listed Environmental: EC50 (daphnia magna, 24 h) 242 mg; lg. amts. can be harmful to plants and other species Precaution: Reacts as weak acid which may cause corrosion of base metals; incompat. with strong reducing agents will generates hydrogen gas NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store indoors in dry area; avoid wide fluctuations in temp. and humidity Borax Decahydrate Techinical Grade [U.S. Borax http://www.borax.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium tetraborate decahydrate See Sodium borate decahydrate CAS 1303-96-4; EINECS/ELINCS 215-540-4 Uses: Mfg. of food-contact paper/paperboard Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 176.180, 181.30; SARA, RCRA nonreportable, DOT nonregulated; Canada DSL; Europe EINECS; South Korea listed; Japan MITI; WHMIS D2A Properties: Wh. cryst. powd. or gran., odorless; sol. in water, glycerin; m.w. 381.37; sp.gr. 1.71; vapor pressure negligible; m.p. 62 C; pH 6.1 (0.1%); nonflamm.; > 99% act. Toxicology: OSHA PEL 10 mg/m3 total dust; LD50 (oral, rat) 4500-5000 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 10,000 mg/kg; low acute oral and dermal toxicity; inh. at levels > 10 mg/m3 may cause mild irritation to nose and throat; ing. of lg. amts. may cause GI symptoms; TSCA listed Environmental: EC50 (daphnia magna, 24 h) 242 mg; lg. amts. can be harmful to plants and other species Precaution: Reacts as weak acid which may cause corrosion of base metals; incompat. with strong reducing agents will generates hydrogen gas NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store indoors in dry area; avoid wide fluctuations in temp. and humidity
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Brain Substance [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vacuum-dried defatted glandular prod. Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Powd. Bread Crust Note, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor for bread, bread crumbs, biscuits, crackers, cake Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Visc., brown-red liq.; bread crust, toasted bread, cracker, biscuit, cake taste; sol. in water, PG, alcohol Use Level: 200-600 ppm Brew Aid B Without Oxidants [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium sulfate, monocalcium phosphate, flour See Calcium phosphate monobasic anhydrous Chem. Analysis: 14.80% calcium CAS 7778-18-9; 471-34-1; EINECS/ELINCS 231900-3; 207-439-9 Uses: Yeast food, dough conditioner, buffer for dough stage of brew systems, breads Features: Companion prod. for Brew Buffer or Ferment Buffer; contains no potassium bromate or other oxidants Properties: Gran.; 100% through USBS 20 mesh Use Level: 4-8 oz/100 lb flour Storage: 12 mos. shelf life, best when used before 9 mos; store in cool, dry location; keep containers well closed when not in use Brewers Fermex® [Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carbohydrase from Aspergillus sp. and Rhizopus oryzae See Carbohydrase EINECS/ELINCS 232-575-0 Uses: Brewing enzyme to inc. fermentability of wort Properties: Powd. Brewers Mylase® [Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carbohydrase from Aspergillus sp. and Rhizopus oryzae See Carbohydrase EINECS/ELINCS 232-575-0 Uses: Brewing enzyme for mfg. of light beer Features: Inc. degree of fermentation; rec. where inactivation during pasteurization is 104
Part I: Trade Name Reference desired Properties: Powd. Brewloid® [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium sulfate; monocalcium phosphate; starch; potassium bromate; potassium iodate See Calcium phosphate monobasic anhydrous Uses: Yeast food, dough conditioner, buffer for the dough stage of a brew system; bread improver Features: Provides two oxidizing agents to improve dough elasticity and gas retention for greater loaf volume Properties: Powd.; 100% through 20 mesh Use Level: 4-8 oz per 100 lbs Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location; best when used before 9 mos. BriesSweet™ Brown Rice Syrup 28DE [Briess Malting http://www.briess.com; Ingred. Innovations http://www.ingredientinnovations.com] Chem. Descrip.: Low conversion Brown rice syrup Uses: Crystallization control agent in ice cream and confections; binder in formed and extruded bars; increases viscosity, gloss and body in dressings Features: Ideal for bulking, coating and spray drying Regulatory: Available as certified organic Storage: Hygroscopic BriesSweet™ Brown Rice Syrup 42DE [Briess Malting http://www.briess.com; Ingred. Innovations http://www.ingredientinnovations.com] Chem. Descrip.: Medium conversion Brown rice syrup Uses: Bodying agent in syrups, dressings and beverages; crystallization control agent in ice cream and confections; maintains softness in jellies and soft cookies; binder in granola and bar products; enhances body, texture, and chewiness in bars Regulatory: Available as certified organic Storage: Hygroscopic BriesSweet™ Brown Rice Syrup 45DE High Maltose [Briess Malting http://www.briess.com; Ingred. Innovations http://www.ingredientinnovations.com] Chem. Descrip.: High maltose Brown rice syrup Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Sweetener substitute for sucrose in dairy and baking when less sweetness is required; flavor masking agent Features: Highly fermentable; replacement for malt extract when lower flavor and color are desired Regulatory: Available as certified organic Storage: Hygroscopic BriesSweet™ Brown Rice Syrup 60DE [Briess Malting http://www.briess.com; Ingred. Innovations http://www.ingredientinnovations.com] Chem. Descrip.: High conversion Brown rice syrup Uses: Sweetener and texture control agent in frozen dairy prods.; shelf life extender for confectionery; flavor masking agent Features: High degree of sweetness Regulatory: Available as certified organic Storage: Hygroscopic BriesSweet™ Tapioca Syrup 28DE [Briess Malting http://www.briess.com; Ingred. Innovations http://www.ingredientinnovations.com] Chem. Descrip.: Low conversion Tapioca syrup Uses: Improves body, texture and chewiness in candy bars; binder in formed and extruded bars; crystallization control agent in ice cream and confections; increases viscosity, gloss and body in dressings Regulatory: Available as certified organic Storage: Hygroscopic BriesSweet™ Tapioca Syrup 42DE [Briess Malting http://www.briess.com; Ingred. Innovations http://www.ingredientinnovations.com] Chem. Descrip.: Medium conversion Tapioca syrup Uses: Improves body in syrups, dressings and beverages; maintains softness in jellies and soft cookies; enhances body, texture and chewiness in bars Regulatory: Available as certified organic Storage: Hygroscopic BriesSweet™ Tapioca Syrup 45DE High Maltose [Briess Malting http://www.briess.com; Ingred. Innovations http://www.ingredientinnovations.com] Chem. Descrip.: High maltose Tapioca syrup Uses: Sweetener, flavor masking agent, and functional substitute for sucrose in dairy 105
Part I: Trade Name Reference and baking when less sweetness is required Features: Highly fermentable; replacement for malt extract when lower flavor and color are desired Regulatory: Available as certified organic Properties: Free-flowing powd. Storage: Hygroscopic BriesSweet™ Tapioca Syrup 63DE [Briess Malting http://www.briess.com; Ingred. Innovations http://www.ingredientinnovations.com] Chem. Descrip.: High conversion Tapioca syrup Uses: Shelf life extender in confectionery; sweetener and texture control agent in frozen dairy prods. Features: High degree of sweetness Regulatory: Available as certified organic Storage: Hygroscopic Britesorb® [PQ http://www.pqcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silica hydrogel-based composition Uses: Preservative, stabilizer for beer Properties: Wh. powd.; water-insol. Britesorb® A 100 [PQ http://www.pqcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silica, amorphous hydrogel (33%), water (64%) See Silica, amorphous hydrated CAS 7631-86-9; 7732-18-5 Uses: Preservative, stabilizer, chillproofing agent for beer Regulatory: SARA §302/304/313 nonreportable Properties: Damp wh. powd. or lumps; odorless; water-insol.; noncombustible Toxicology: May cause eye irritation/abrasion, skin irritation; inh. causes irritation to lungs and respiratory tract; may cause sneezing, dryness of mucous membranes (inh.), dryness, itching (skin exposure), redness, tearing (eye exposure) Environmental: no adverse effects known or suspected Precaution: Incompat. with water reactive materials, such as metal hydrides; wear loose fitting rubber gloves, safety glasses or chemical goggles Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Britesorb™ C935 [PQ http://www.pqcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silica gel Chem. Analysis: > 94% silicon dioxide (ignited basis); 1.8% magnesium CAS 63231-67-4; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Shelf-life extender for edible frying oils; quality improver for fried foods; color buildup control agent Properties: Partical diameter (median) 40 μ; surface area 535 m2/g Toxicology: TSCA listed Storage: Keep containers closed; store in original containers of sanitary glass, stainless steel of food-contact containers; separate from non-food chemicals Britesorb® D300 Beer Stabilizer [PQ http://www.pqcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicon dioxide (94%), water (6%) See Silica, amorphous hydrated CAS 7631-86-9; 7732-18-5 Uses: Preservative, stabilizer, chillproofing agent for beer Regulatory: SARA §302/304/313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. powd. or lumps; odorless; noncombustible Toxicology: May cause eye irritation/abrasion, may cause skin irritation; inh. causes irritation to lungs and respiratory tract; may cause sneezing, dryness of mucous membranes (inh.), dryness, itching (skin exposure), redness, tearing (eye exposure) Precaution: Use NIOSH-approved respirator where dust occurs; loose fitting rubber gloves with separate cotton liners; wear safety glasses or chemical goggles; avoid chlorine trifluoride, fluorine, hydrogen fluoride, oxygen difluoride HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Britesorb® D300CE Beer Stabilizer [PQ http://www.pqcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silica, amorphous hydrogel, water See Silica, amorphous; Silica, amorphous hydrated; Water CAS 7631-86-9; 112926-00-86; 7732-18-5 Uses: Preservative, stabilizer, chillproofing agent for beer Regulatory: SARA §302/313 nonreportable; FDA 21CFR §172.230, 172.480, 173.340, 175.105, 177.2260, 177.2420, 182.90 Properties: Wh. powd. or lumps; odorless; very sl. sol.; bulk dens. 0.75 g/cc; noncombustible Toxicology: May cause eye irritation/abrasion, skin irritation; inh. causes irritation to lungs and respiratory tract Precaution: Wear body-covering protective clothing and loose fitting rubber gloves with separate cotton liners; wear safety 106
Part I: Trade Name Reference glasses or chemical goggles; avoid chlorine trifluoride, fluorine, hydrogen fluoride, oxygen difluoride Storage: Keep containers closed; store in original containers of sanitary glass, stainless steel of food-contact containers; separate from non-food chemicals Britol® 6NF [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: White mineral oil NF CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Binder, carrier, defoamer, dispersant, extender, lubricant, moisture barrier, plasticizer, protective agent, release agent, softener for foods Properties: Sp.gr. 0.830-0.858; visc. 8.5-10.8 cst (40 C); pour pt. -24 C max.; flash pt. 166 C min. Britol® 7NF [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: White mineral oil NF CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Binder, carrier, defoamer, dispersant, extender, lubricant, moisture barrier, plasticizer, protective agent, release agent, softener for foods Properties: Sp.gr. 0.840-0.858; visc. 10.8-13.6 cst (40 C); pour pt. -18 C max.; flash pt. 171 C min. Britol® 9NF [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: White mineral oil NF CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Binder, carrier, defoamer, dispersant, extender, lubricant, moisture barrier, plasticizer, protective agent, release agent, softener for foods Properties: Sp.gr. 0.845-0.860; visc. 14.4-16.9 cst (40 C); pour pt. -18 C max.; flash pt. 171 C min. Britol® 20USP [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: White mineral oil USP CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Binder, carrier, defoamer, dispersant, extender, lubricant, moisture barrier, plasticizer, protective agent, release agent, softener for foods Properties: Sp.gr. 0.858-0.870; visc. 37.9-40.1 cst (40 C); pour pt. -18 C max.; flash pt. 193 C min. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Britol® 35USP [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: White mineral oil USP CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Binder, carrier, defoamer, dispersant, extender, lubricant, moisture barrier, plasticizer, protective agent, release agent, softener for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3620(a) Properties: Colorless liq.; odorless; tasteless; sol. in organic solvents; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.862-0.880; visc. 65.8-71.0 cst (40 C); pour pt. -15 C max.; flash pt. (COC)> 188 C min. Precaution: Avoid contact with oxidizing agents, sunlight or UV light, and heat or high temp. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion prods.: COx and soot HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Britol® 50USP [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: White mineral oil USP CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Binder, carrier, defoamer, dispersant, extender, lubricant, moisture barrier, plasticizer, protective agent, release agent, softener for foods Properties: Sp.gr. 0.870-0.890; visc. 91-102.4 cst (40 C); pour pt. -12 C max.; flash pt. 249 C min. Bro Action [Brolite Prods. http://www.bakewithbrolite.com] Chem. Descrip.: Combination min. yeast food, dough accelerant, and natural cultured dough conditioner Uses: Dough improver system. Bro-Eze [Brolite Prods. http://www.bakewithbrolite.com] Uses: Release agent for foods Features: Highly conc.; to be used in place of dusting flour; increases number of bakes between glazes while reducing cripples; eliminates all pan oils Bro-Eze III [Brolite Prods. http://www.bakewithbrolite.com] Uses: Release agent for foods Features: To be used in place of dusting flour; increases number of bakes between glazes while reducing cripples; eliminates all pan oils
Part I: Trade Name Reference Brolite 1A [Brolite Prods. http://www.bakewithbrolite.com] Uses: Premium cultured butter flavor. Bromitabs [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Potassium bromate and other edible excipients Uses: Oxidizing agent, dough conditioner for foods Features: Increases loaf volume and improves crumb structure Properties: Wh. tablets Use Level: 1 tablet/100 lb flour; each tablet provides 60 ppm potassium bromate Storage: 12 mos. shelf life, best when used before 6 mos; store in cool, dry location; keep containers well closed when not in use Bro Rye Sour [Brolite Prods. http://www.bakewithbrolite.com] Chem. Descrip.: Natural, cultured rye sour Uses: Sour producing richly full-flavored rye breads. Brosoft [Brolite Prods. http://www.bakewithbrolite.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides, lecithins See Lecithin; Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Crumb softener and tenderizer for all baked goods; promotes max. absorption rates so that batches have increased yields Properties: Powd. Bro-Spice [Brolite Prods. http://www.bakewithbrolite.com] Uses: Emulsified spice mix that adds tenderness and nat. golden color to baked goods Bro White Sour [Brolite Prods. http://www.bakewithbrolite.com] Chem. Descrip.: Natural sour flavor produced from a natural sour culture and a fermented sponge Uses: Adds zest to any baked prod. by adding natural flavor that is only produced from a sour culture. Brown 'N Serve™ [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Uses: Release agent, mold inhibitor for baked goods Regulatory: Kosher
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Buffalo® Corn Starch [Corn Prods. http://www.cornproductsUS.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Thickener for soups, sauces, gravies, and puddings Features: Exhibits smooth viscosity when hot and forms a gel upon cooling Bulgur Enrichment [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat starch; vitamin A palmitate; reduced iron; thiamine mononitrate; riboflavin; folic acid See Retinyl palmitate; Thiamine nitrate; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch CAS 9005-25-8; 79-81-2; 7439-89-6; 532-43-4; 83-88-5; 59-30-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6; 201-228-5; 231-096-4; 208-537-4; 201-507-1; 200-419-0 Uses: Enrichment blend for bulgur Features: Meets fortification requirements for Bulgur/Soy-Fortified Bulgur (BWSF) Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd. Use Level: 0.5 oz per 100 lbs of bulgar Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location; best when used before 9 mos; keep container closed when not in use Butter Booster, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor in foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Yel. to amber liq.; sweet butter taste; sol. in water, oil, alcohol Use Level: 0.2 ppm as consumed BV 40 [DMV Int'l. http://www.dmvinternational.com] Chem. Descrip.: Skim milk powder; maltodextrin; emulsifiers; stabilizer Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer for flour mixes like sponge mixes, biscuits, cakes, and Swiss-rolls Properties: Wh. creamy powd.; 100% < 500 µm particle size; pH 6.7 (10%) at 20 C Storage: 6 mos. shelf life when stored under conditions of 10-25 C and max. 60% r.h. BV 46 [DMV Int'l. http://www.dmvinternational.com] Uses: Whipping agent and stabilizer for ready-to-use powder mixes, like sponge 108
Part I: Trade Name Reference cake mix, biscuits, cakes and all other egg batters Features: Outstanding whipping speed, exc. whipping properties and smooth stable batter with low specific gravity; good crumb structure after baking; insensitive to oils or fats Properties: Powd. Byco 1500 [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrolyzed gelatin NF CAS 68410-45-7; EINECS/ELINCS 270-082-2 Uses: Nutritional prods. Features: Deodorized Properties: Sol. in water, propylene glycol; insol. in min. oil, IPA; m.w. 3000 Byco A [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com; Croda Colloids Ltd http://www.croda-colloids.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrolyzed gelatin Chem. Analysis: 7% max. moisture CAS 68410-45-7; EINECS/ELINCS 295-635-5 Uses: Protein enrichment in protein bars and drinks, meal replacements, and slimming prods., sports recovery prods., clinical nutrition, low calorie and diabetic prods.; viscosity modifier and emulsifier; flavor and aroma protection agent Regulatory: FDA Inactive Ingredients Guide listed; NF Properties: Wh. to pale cream spray-dried powd., char. odor and taste; sol. in water, propylene glycol; insol. in min.oil, IPA; m.w. 4000; bulk dens. 0.25-0.40 g/cc; pH 5.5-6.5 (10% aq.) Storage: Store in cool dry conditions in sealed containers, away from odiferous materials; indefinitely stable Byco C [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com; Croda Colloids Ltd http://www.croda-colloids.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrolyzed gelatin Chem. Analysis: 7% max. moisture CAS 68410-45-7; EINECS/ELINCS 295-635-5 Uses: Protein enrichment in protein bars and drinks, meal replacements, and slimming prods., sports recovery prods., clinical nutrition, low calorie and diabetic prods.; viscosity modifier and emulsifier; flavor and aroma protection agent Features: Bland taste and aroma; heat stable Regulatory: FDA Inactive Ingredients Guide listed; NF Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Wh. to pale cream spray-dried powd., char. odor and taste; sol. in water, propylene glycol; insol. in min oil, IPA; m.w. 10,000; bulk dens. 0.15-0.30 g/cc; pH 5.5-6.5 (10% aq.) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 5 g/kg Storage: Store in cool dry conditions in sealed containers, away from odiferous materials; indefinitely stable Byco M [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrolyzed gelatin CAS 68410-45-7; EINECS/ELINCS 293-481-3 Uses: Protein enrichment in protein bars and drinks, meal replacements, and slimming prods., sports recovery prods., clinical nutrition, low calorie and diabetic prods.; viscosity modifier and emulsifier; flavor and aroma protection agent Features: Bland taste and aroma; heat stable Regulatory: FDA Inactive Ingredients Guide listed; NF Properties: Spray-dried powd.; sol. in cold water; m.w. 25,000 Byco O [Croda Colloids Ltd http://www.crodacolloids.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrolyzed gelatin Chem. Analysis: 7% max. moisture CAS 68410-45-7; EINECS/ELINCS 295-635-5 Uses: Protein enrichment in protein bars and drinks, meal replacements, and slimming prods., sports recovery prods., clinical nutrition, low calorie and diabetic prods.; viscosity modifier and emulsifier; flavor and aroma protection agent Features: Bland taste and aroma; heat stable; high purity Regulatory: FDA Inactive Ingredients Guide listed; NF Properties: Wh. to pale cream spray-dried powd., char. odor and taste; sol. in water; m.w. 1000-2000; bulk dens. 0.25-0.40 g/cc; pH 5.56.5 (10% aq.) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 5 g/kg Storage: Store in cool dry conditions in sealed containers, away from odiferous materials; indefinitely stable C12 Peption [DMV Int'l. http://www.dmvinternational.com] Chem. Descrip.: hydrolyzed milk protein- based CAS 9000-71-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-555-1 Uses: Supports a natural blood pressure 109
Part I: Trade Name Reference mechanism and used in tablets, capsules, bars, chewables, beverages, and dairy products Features: Natural, fast action formula Regulatory: FDA GRAS Cab-O-Sil® EH-5 [Cabot/Cab-O-Sil http://www.cabotcorp.com/cabosil/cabosil.nsf] Chem. Descrip.: Untreated fumed silica, undensed See Silica, fumed CAS 112945-52-5; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Migrating to food from paper/paperboard Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 175.350, 175.390, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1350, 177.1400, 177.1460, 177.2420, 177.2600, 182.90 Properties: Wh. powd., odorless; 0.02% 325 mesh residue; sp.gr. 2.2; bulk dens. 2.5 lb/ft3; surf. area 380±30 m2/g; ref. index 1.46; pH 3.74.3 (4% aq. slurry); > 99.8% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg; inert to mildly irritating to skin; inert to very mildly irritating to eyes Storage: Store in dry environment away from chemical vapors Cab-O-Sil® H-5 [Cabot/Cab-O-Sil http://www.cabotcorp.com/cabosil/cabosil.nsf] Chem. Descrip.: syn., colloidal silicon dioxide See Silica, fumed Uses: Rheology control agent, suspension agent, adsorbent in food Features: Provides exc. fluidization and free-flow properties; high performance at low loading levels Properties: Powd.; avg. particle length 0.2-0.3 microns; sp.gr. 2.2; bulk dens. 3 lbs/ft3; ref. index 1.46; pH 3.7-4.3 (4% aq. slurry) Cab-O-Sil® H-5 [Cabot GmbH; Cabot/Cab-O-Sil http://www.cabotcorp.com/cabosil/cabosil.nsf] Chem. Descrip.: Untreated fumed silica, undensed See Silica, fumed CAS 112945-52-5; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Migrating to food from paper/paperboard Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 175.350, 175.390, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1350, 177.1400, 177.1460, 177.2420, 177.2600, 182.90 Properties: Wh. powd., odorless; 0.02% 325 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
mesh residue; sp.gr. 2.2; bulk dens. 2.5 lb/ft3; surf. area 300±25 m2/g; ref. index 1.46; pH 3.74.3 (4% aq. slurry); > 99.8% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg; inert to mildly irritating to skin; inert to very mildly irritating to eyes Storage: Store in dry environment away from chemical vapors Cab-O-Sil® HS-5 [Cabot/Cab-O-Sil http://www.cabotcorp.com/cabosil/cabosil.nsf] Chem. Descrip.: Untreated fumed silica, undensed See Silica, fumed CAS 112945-52-5; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Rheology control agent, reinforcing agent for foods; migrating to food from paper/paperboard Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 175.350, 175.390, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1350, 177.1400, 177.1460, 177.2420, 177.2600, 182.90 Properties: 0.02% 325 mesh residue; bulk dens. 2.5 lb/ft3; surf. area 325±25 m2/g; pH 3.7-4.3 (4% aq. slurry); > 99.8% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg; inert to mildly irritating to skin; inert to very mildly irritating to eyes Storage: Store in dry environment away from chemical vapors Cab-O-Sil® LM-130 [Cabot/Cab-O-Sil http://www.cabotcorp.com/cabosil/cabosil.nsf] Chem. Descrip.: Untreated fumed silica, undensed See Silica, fumed CAS 112945-52-5; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Migrating to food from paper/paperboard Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 175.350, 175.390, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1350, 177.1400, 177.1460, 177.2420, 177.2600, 182.90 Properties: 0.02% 325 mesh residue; sp.gr. 2.2; bulk dens. 3 lb/ft3; surf. area 130±15 m2/g; ref. index 1.46; pH 3.7-4.3 (4% aq. slurry); > 99.8% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg; inert to mildly irritating to skin; inert to very mildly irritating to eyes Storage: Store in dry environment away from chemical vapors Cab-O-Sil® LM-150 [Cabot/Cab-O-Sil 110
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.cabotcorp.com/cabosil/cabosil.nsf] Chem. Descrip.: Untreated fumed silica, undensed See Silica, fumed CAS 112945-52-5; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Migrating to food from paper/paperboard Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 175.350, 175.390, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1350, 177.1400, 177.1460, 177.2420, 177.2600, 182.90 Properties: Wh. powd., odorless; 0.02% 325 mesh residue; sp.gr. 2.2; bulk dens. 2.5 lb/ft3; surf. area 160±15 m2/g; ref. index 1.46; pH 3.74.3 (4% aq. slurry); > 99.8% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg; inert to mildly irritating to skin; inert to very mildly irritating to eyes Storage: Store in dry environment away from chemical vapors Cab-O-Sil® LM-150D [Cabot/Cab-O-Sil http://www.cabotcorp.com/cabosil/cabosil.nsf] Chem. Descrip.: Untreated fumed silica, densed See Silica, fumed CAS 112945-52-5; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Migrating to food from paper/paperboard Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 175.350, 175.390, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1350, 177.1400, 177.1460, 177.2420, 177.2600, 182.90 Properties: 0.02% 325 mesh residue; sp.gr. 2.2; bulk dens. 5 lb/ft3; surf. area 160±15 m2/g; ref. index 1.46; pH 3.7-4.3 (4% aq. slurry); > 99.8% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg; inert to mildly irritating to skin; inert to very mildly irritating to eyes Storage: Store in dry environment away from chemical vapors Cab-O-Sil® M-5 [Cabot/Cab-O-Sil http://www.cabotcorp.com/cabosil/cabosil.nsf] Chem. Descrip.: Untreated fumed silica, undensed See Silica, fumed CAS 112945-52-5; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Rheology control, flow aid for foods; migrating to food from paper/paperboard Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 175.350, 175.390, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1350, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
177.1400, 177.1460, 177.2420, 177.2600, 182.90 Properties: Wh. fine powd., odorless; 0.2-0.3 µ avg. particle size; 0.02% 325 mesh residue; insol. in water; sp.gr. 2.2; dens. 18.3 lb/gal; bulk dens. 2.5 lb/ft3; surf. area 200±25 m2/g; ref. index 1.46; pH 3.7-4.3 (40% aq. slurry); > 99.8% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg; nontoxic by ingestion; inert to mildly irritating to skin; inert to very mildly irritating to eyes Storage: Store in dry environment away from chemical vapors Cab-O-Sil® M-5P [Cabot/Cab-O-Sil http://www.cabotcorp.com/cabosil/cabosil.nsf] Chem. Descrip.: Untreated fumed silica See Silica, fumed CAS 112945-52-5; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Rheology control agent, flow control agent for foods; migrating to food from paper/paperboard Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 175.350, 175.390, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1350, 177.1400, 177.1460, 177.2420, 177.2600, 182.90 Properties: Wh. fine powd., odorless; 0.02% 325 mesh residue; bulk dens. 2.5 lb/ft3; surf. area 200±15 m2/g; pH 3.8-4.2 (4% aq. slurry) Toxicology: LD50 (oral) > 5000 mg/kg Storage: 2 yr. shelf life in clean, dry area away from chem. vapors @ ambient temps. Cab-O-Sil® M-7D [Cabot/Cab-O-Sil http://www.cabotcorp.com/cabosil/cabosil.nsf] Chem. Descrip.: Untreated fumed silica, densed See Silica, fumed CAS 112945-52-5; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Migrating to food from paper/paperboard Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 175.350, 175.390, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1350, 177.1400, 177.1460, 177.2420, 177.2600, 182.90 Properties: 0.02% 325 mesh residue; sp.gr. 2.2; bulk dens. 5 lb/ft3; surf. area 200±25 m2/g; ref. index 1.46; pH 3.7-4.3 (4% aq. slurry); > 99.8% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg; inert to mildly irritating to skin; inert to very mildly irritating to eyes 111
Part I: Trade Name Reference Storage: Store in dry environment away from chemical vapors Cab-O-Sil® MS-75D [Cabot/Cab-O-Sil http://www.cabotcorp.com/cabosil/cabosil.nsf] Chem. Descrip.: Untreated fumed silica, densed See Silica, fumed CAS 112945-52-5; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Migrating to food from paper/paperboard Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 175.350, 175.390, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1350, 177.1400, 177.1460, 177.2420, 177.2600, 182.90 Properties: 0.02% 325 mesh residue; sp.gr. 2.2 bulk dens. 5 lb/ft3; surf. area 255±25 m2/g; ref. index 1.46; pH 3.7-4.3 (4% aq. slurry); > 99.8% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg; inert to mildly irritating to skin; inert to very mildly irritating to eyes Storage: Store in dry environment away from chemical vapors Cab-O-Sil® PTG [Cabot/Cab-O-Sil http://www.cabotcorp.com/cabosil/cabosil.nsf] Chem. Descrip.: Untreated fumed silica, undensed See Silica, fumed CAS 112945-52-5; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Migrating to food from paper/paperboard Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 175.350, 175.390, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1350, 177.1400, 177.1460, 177.2420, 177.2600, 182.90 Properties: 0.02% 325 mesh residue; sp.gr. 2.2; bulk dens. 2.5 lb/ft3; surf. area 200±25 m2/g; ref. index 1.46; pH 3.7-4.3 (4% aq. slurry); > 99.8% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg; inert to mildly irritating to skin; inert to very mildly irritating to eyes Storage: Store in dry environment away from chemical vapors C*ActiStar™ [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified See Food starch, modified Uses: Food starch, dietary fiber containing high levels of resistant starch and producing butyrate for intestinal health, diabetic prods., slimming foods, powdered Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
drinks and mixes, bakery prods., low-fat fermented milk and flavored milk, cereal bars, instant soups Features: Not digested within small intestine, reaches large intestine where it is fermented and acts as a colonic nutrient; low water binding capacity; low visc.; nonhygroscopic; pleasant, nonsandy mouthfeel Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd.; bland taste; 54% resistant starch, 36% digestible starch, 8% moisture Cain's PDC (Pizza Dough Conditioner) [MLG Enterprises] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium sulfate, salt, Lcysteine, vegetable powd., tricalcium phosphate, and fungal enzymes See Calcium phosphate tribasic; Sodium chloride; Vegetable powder Uses: Dough conditioner, starch modifier for pizza and tortilla doughs Features: Patented; for use where rapid reduction of flour proteins is required; provides rapid hydration, more extensible doughs with superior machining qualities Properties: Free-flowing powd. Use Level: 4-12 oz/cwt flour Storage: 6 mos. shelf life under cool, dry conditions; keep container closed when not in use Cake D-Lite [Am. Ingreds./Patco http://www.patco-additives.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol monoester, distilled monglycerides, sodium stearoyl lactylate, silicon dioxide See Silica Chem. Analysis: Moisture 1.5% max.; alpha monoglyceride content 34-38% Uses: Emulsifier for layer cakes, snack cakes, and muffins Properties: Powd. Cake STA [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Starch, whey protein conc., carboxymethylcellulose, monosodium phosphate See Sodium phosphate Uses: Stabilizer, shelf life extender, antistaling agent, visc. builder for layer cake batters, pancake batters, and waffle batters Features: Improves handling and increases moisture retention Properties: Visc. 1s2,000 cps (10%); pH 5.8 (5% 112
Part I: Trade Name Reference aq.); 6% moisture Use Level: 2-5 oz/100 lb flour Storage: 12 mos. shelf life, best when used before 9 mos; store in cool, dry location; keep containers well closed when not in use Cake Flavor Enhancer [British Bakels http://www.bakels.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol, sugar, flavoring, and water See Sucrose Uses: Flavoring agent, flavor enhancer, water reducing agent in cakes Features: Lemon flavor Properties: Cl. liq.; lemon flavor Use Level: 2% on batter wt. Toxicology: May cause eye and skin irritation; prolonged skin contact may cause dermatitis Environmental: readily biodeg. Storage: 6 mos. shelf life when stored in cool and dry conditions Cake Mix 96 [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Partially hydrogenated soybean oil, propylene glycol mono and diesters of fats and fatty acids, mono- and diglycerides, optional lecithin See Monoand diglycerides of fatty acids; Propylene glycol esters of fatty acids Uses: High performance fat for single-stage household cake mixes Regulatory: FDA GRAS, kosher Properties: Lovibond 4.5R-40Y max. plastic; m.p. 108-115 F; 5.5-6.1% mono Calci-Press™ MD [Particle Dynamics http://www.particledynamics.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium carbonate and maltodextrin binder Uses: Calcium source for nutritional supplements, food fortification Features: Directly compressible; can be formulated to aid in rapid disintegration Regulatory: FCC compliance Properties: Free-flowing fine powd.; ≤ 2% on 16 mesh, ≤ 75% on 60 mesh, ≤ 20% through 200 mesh; dens. 0.8-1.2 g/ml (tapped); 34-38% assay (elemental Ca); ≤ 500 ppb lead Calcium Carbonate 2927 Extra Heavy [Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com] Chem. Descrip.: Precipitated calcium carbonate Chem. Analysis: CaCO3 (98-100.5%) CAS 471-34-1; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Calcium source for dietary Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
supplements; alkali, nutrient, dietary supplement, dough conditioner, firming agent, yeast nutrient in foods; nutrient, dietary supplement in animal feed Regulatory: USP, FCC, kosher Properties: Wh. powd.; 4.50 µ median particle size; odorless; pract. insol. in water; sp.gr. 2.71; dens. 22.57 lb/solid gal; dens. (tapped) 62 lb/ft3; surf. area 2.4 m2/g; pH 9.7; 0.2% max. moisture Toxicology: ACGIH 10 mg/m3; may cause mech. irritation to eyes, skin, and respiratory tract; TSCA listed Environmental: not expected to be harmful to aqatic life; no bioaccumulation or food chain conc. toxicity potential Precaution: Wear dust goggles and impervious gloves; avoid contact with acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Calcium oxide HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Calcium Carbonate 2928 Ultra Heavy [Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com] Chem. Descrip.: Precipitated calcium carbonate Chem. Analysis: CaCO3 (98-100.5%) CAS 471-34-1; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Calcium source for dietary supplements; alkali, nutrient, dietary supplement, dough conditioner, firming agent, yeast nutrient in foods; nutrient, dietary supplement in animal feed Regulatory: USP, FCC, kosher Properties: Wh. powd.; 12.00 µ median particle size; odorless; pract. insol. in water; sp.gr. 2.71; dens. 22.57 lb/solid gal; dens. (tapped) 94 lb/ft3; surf. area 0.7 m2/g; pH 10.1; 0.2% max. moisture Toxicology: ACGIH 10 mg/m3; may cause mech. irritation to eyes, skin, and respiratory tract; TSCA listed Environmental: not expected to be harmful to aqatic life; no bioaccumulation or food chain conc. toxicity potential Precaution: Wear dust goggles and impervious gloves; avoid contact with acids HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Calcium Ascorbate USP FCC [DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium ascorbate 113
Part I: Trade Name Reference CAS 5743-27-1; EINECS/ELINCS 227-261-5 Uses: Preservative, antioxidant, vitamin C source for foods, esp. dry preps. Features: Sodium-free, acid-free Regulatory: FDA GRAS, USP, FCC, Ph. Eur. Properties: Wh. to sl. yel. powd., pract. odorless ; freely sol. in water;preac. insol. in alcohol; insol. in ether; m.w. 426.35; pH 6.8-7.4 (10% aq.); 99.0-100.5% assay Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Calcium oxide Storage: Store in tight light-resist. containers, optimally @ ≤ 72 F; avoid exposure to moisture, excessive heat Calcium Carbonate BC 300 Light [Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com] Chem. Descrip.: Precipitated calcium carbonate USP/FCC Chem. Analysis: CaCO3 (98-100.5%) CAS 471-34-1; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Calcium source for dietary supplements; alkali, nutrient, dietary supplement, dough conditioner, firming agent, yeast nutrient in foods; nutrient, dietary supplement in animal feed Regulatory: USP, FCC, kosher Properties: Wh. odorless powd.; 1.90 µ median particle size; odorless;pract. insol. in water; sp.gr. 2.71; dens. 22.57 lb/solid gal; compacted dens. 27 lb/ft3; dry brightness 98; nonflamm.; pH 9.8; 0.2% max. moisture; 0% volatiles Toxicology: ACGIH 5 mg/m3 respirable dust, 10 mg/m3 total dust; may cause mech. irritation to eyes and respiratory tract; noncarcinogenic Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Calcium Carbonate BC 2924 Extra Light [Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com] Chem. Descrip.: Precipitated calcium carbonate USP/FCC Chem. Analysis: CaCO3 (98-100.5%) CAS 471-34-1; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Calcium source for dietary supplements; alkali, nutrient, dietary supplement, dough conditioner, firming agent, yeast nutrient in foods; nutrient, dietary supplement in animal feed Regulatory: USP. FCC, kosher Properties: Wh. powd.; 1.80 µ median particle Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
size; odorless;pract. insol. in water; sp.gr. 2.71; dens. 22.57 lb/solid gal; compacted dens. 27 lb/ft3; dry brightness 98; nonflamm.; pH 9.8; 2% max. moisture; 0% volatiles Toxicology: ACGIH 5 mg/m3 respirable dust, 10 mg/m3 total dust; may cause mech. irritation to eyes and respiratory tract HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Calcium Carbonate BC 2925 Medium [Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com] Chem. Descrip.: Precipitated calcium carbonate USP/FCC Chem. Analysis: CaCO3 (98-100.5%) CAS 471-34-1; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Calcium source for dietary supplements; alkali, nutrient, dietary supplement, dough conditioner, firming agent, yeast nutrient in foods; nutrient, dietary supplement in animal feed Regulatory: USP, FCC, kosher Properties: Wh. powd.; 2.60 µ median particle size; odorless; insol. in water; sp.gr. 2.71; dens. 22.57 lb/solid gal; compacted dens. 33 lb/ft3; dry brightness 98; nonflamm.; pH 9.8; 2% max. moisture; 0% volatiles Toxicology: ACGIH 5 mg/m3 respirable dust, 10 mg/m3 total dust; may cause mech. irritation to eyes and respiratory tract HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Calcium Carbonate BC 2926 Light [Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com] Chem. Descrip.: Precipitated calcium carbonate USP/FCC Chem. Analysis: CaCO3 (98-100.5%) CAS 471-34-1; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Calcium source for dietary supplements; alkali, nutrient, dietary supplement, dough conditioner, firming agent, yeast nutrient in foods; nutrient, dietary supplement in animal feed Regulatory: USP, FCC, kosher Properties: Wh. powd.; 0.80 µ median particle size; odorless; insol. in water; sp.gr. 2.71; dens. 22.57 lb/solid gal; compacted dens. 33 lb/ft3; dry brightness 98; nonflamm.; pH 9.5; 2% max. moisture; 0% volatiles Toxicology: ACGIH 5 mg/m3 respirable dust, 10 mg/m3 total dust; may cause mech. irritation to eyes and respiratory tract HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 114
Part I: Trade Name Reference Calcium Carbonate Purified 2923 Heavy [Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com] Chem. Descrip.: Precipitated calcium carbonate USP/FCC Chem. Analysis: 0.2% max. moisture; 0% volatiles; CaCO3 (98-100.5%) CAS 471-34-1; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Calcium source for dietary supplements; alkali, nutrient, dietary supplement, dough conditioner, firming agent, yeast nutrient in foods; nutrient, dietary supplement in animal feed Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. powd.; 3.00 µ median particle size; odorless; insol. in water; sp.gr. 2.71; dens. 22.57 lb/solid gal; compacted dens. 53 lb/ft3; dry brightness 97; nonflamm.; pH 9.5 Toxicology: ACGIH 5 mg/m3 respirable dust, 10 mg/m3 total dust; may cause mech. irritation to eyes and respiratory tract HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Calcium Caseinate A [DMV Int'l. http://www.dmv-international.com] Chem. Descrip.: Milk protein and Soya lecithin See Lecithin Chem. Analysis: 5% moisture; 90.3% protein; 1% fat; 0.2% lactose; 3.5% ash CAS 9000-71-9; 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-555-1; 232-307-2 Uses: Protein source used in dietetic, sports, and health foods, slimming, and geriatric formulas, mixes for instant drinks and sachet packed high protein formulas Features: Spray-dried, instantized and agglomerated; free-flowing; low dusting; exc. dispersibility; low in lactose Properties: Wh. to cream powd.; bland, neutral odor; particle size 10 g/kg; nontoxic by ing.; LC50 (inh., rat) 64.4 mg/l; pract. nontoxic by inh.; ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3, OSHA PEL 5 mg/m3 (respirable); may cause eye irritation; dust may be sl. irritating to eyes and respiratory tract Precaution: Potential oxygen depletion hazard; contact with strong oxidizers (e.g., ozone, liq. oxygen, chlorine, permanganate) may result in fire; fire may generate CO Calgon® Carbon Type APC [Calgon Carbon http://www.calgoncarbon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Activated carbon See Carbon, activated CAS 7440-44-0; EINECS/ELINCS 231-153-3 Uses: Decolorizer for foods Properties: Blk.; 12x40 sieve size; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 2.3 g/cc Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 10 g/kg; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
nontoxic by ing.; LC50 (inh., rat) 64.4 mg/l; pract. nontoxic by inh.; ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3, OSHA PEL 5 mg/m3 (respirable); may cause eye irritation; dust may be sl. irritating to eyes and respiratory tract Precaution: Potential oxygen depletion hazard; contact with strong oxidizers (e.g., ozone, liq. oxygen, chlorine, permanganate) may result in fire; fire may generate CO Calgon® Carbon Type BL® [Calgon Carbon http://www.calgoncarbon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Activated carbon See Carbon, activated CAS 7440-44-0; EINECS/ELINCS 231-153-3 Uses: Decolorizer, purifier for foods Properties: Blk. powd.; 65-75% -325 mesh; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 2.3 g/cc; bulk dens. 0.59 g/cc (dense); surf. area 1000-1100 m2/g; iodine no. 1000 min.; sp.heat 0.25 (100 C); 2% max. moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 10 g/kg; nontoxic by ing.; LC50 (inh., rat) 64.4 mg/l; pract. nontoxic by inh.; ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3, OSHA PEL 5 mg/m3 (respirable); may cause eye irritation; dust may be sl. irritating to eyes and respiratory tract Precaution: Potential oxygen depletion hazard; contact with strong oxidizers (e.g., ozone, liq. oxygen, chlorine, permanganate) may result in fire; fire may generate CO Calgon® Carbon Type C® [Calgon Carbon http://www.calgoncarbon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Activated carbon See Carbon, activated CAS 7440-44-0; EINECS/ELINCS 231-153-3 Uses: Decolorizer for foods Properties: Blk. powd.; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 2.3 g/cc Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 10 g/kg; nontoxic by ing.; LC50 (inh., rat) 64.4 mg/l; pract. nontoxic by inh.; ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3, OSHA PEL 5 mg/m3 (respirable); may cause eye irritation; dust may be sl. irritating to eyes and respiratory tract Precaution: Potential oxygen depletion hazard; contact with strong oxidizers (e.g., ozone, liq. oxygen, chlorine, permanganate) may result in fire; fire may generate CO Calgon® Carbon Type CAL® [Calgon Carbon http://www.calgoncarbon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Activated carbon See Carbon, activated 119
Part I: Trade Name Reference CAS 7440-44-0; EINECS/ELINCS 231-153-3 Uses: Decolorizer for foods; sugar refining Properties: Blk. gran.; 12x40 sieve size; 0.9-1.1 mm mean particle diam.; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 2.3 g/cc; bulk dens. 0.49 g/cc (dense); surf. area 1000-1100 m2/g; iodine no. 1000 min.; pH 7.5; sp.heat 0.25 (100 C); 2% max. moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 10 g/kg; nontoxic by ing.; LC50 (inh., rat) 64.4 mg/l; pract. nontoxic by inh.; ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3, OSHA PEL 5 mg/m3 (respirable); may cause eye irritation; dust may be sl. irritating to eyes and respiratory tract Precaution: Potential oxygen depletion hazard; contact with strong oxidizers (e.g., ozone, liq. oxygen, chlorine, permanganate) may result in fire; fire may generate CO Calgon® Carbon Type Cane Cal® [Calgon Carbon http://www.calgoncarbon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Activated carbon See Carbon, activated CAS 7440-44-0; EINECS/ELINCS 231-153-3 Uses: Decolorizer for foods Properties: Blk.; 12 x 40 sieve size; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 2.3 g/cc Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 10 g/kg; nontoxic by ing.; LC50 (inh., rat) 64.4 mg/l; pract. nontoxic by inh.; ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3, OSHA PEL 5 mg/m3 (respirable); may cause eye irritation; dust may be sl. irritating to eyes and respiratory tract Precaution: Potential oxygen depletion hazard; contact with strong oxidizers (e.g., ozone, liq. oxygen, chlorine, permanganate) may result in fire; fire may generate CO Calgon® Carbon Type CPG® LF [Calgon Carbon http://www.calgoncarbon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Activated carbon See Carbon, activated CAS 7440-44-0; EINECS/ELINCS 231-153-3 Uses: Decolorizer for foods Properties: Blk.; 8x30, 12x40 sieve sizes; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 2.3 g/cc Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 10 g/kg; nontoxic by ing.; LC50 (inh., rat) 64.4 mg/l; pract. nontoxic by inh.; ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3, OSHA PEL 5 mg/m3 (respirable); may cause eye irritation; dust may be sl. irritating to eyes and respiratory tract Precaution: Potential oxygen depletion hazard; contact with strong oxidizers (e.g., ozone, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
liq. oxygen, chlorine, permanganate) may result in fire; fire may generate CO Calgon® Carbon Type GW [Calgon Carbon http://www.calgoncarbon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Activated carbon See Carbon, activated CAS 7440-44-0; EINECS/ELINCS 231-153-3 Uses: Decolorizer for foods Properties: Blk. powd.; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 2.3 g/cc Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 10 g/kg; nontoxic by ing.; LC50 (inh., rat) 64.4 mg/l; pract. nontoxic by inh.; ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3, OSHA PEL 5 mg/m3 (respirable); may cause eye irritation; dust may be sl. irritating to eyes and respiratory tract Precaution: Potential oxygen depletion hazard; contact with strong oxidizers (e.g., ozone, liq. oxygen, chlorine, permanganate) may result in fire; fire may generate CO Calgon® Carbon Type GW 12x40 [Calgon Carbon http://www.calgoncarbon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Activated carbon See Carbon, activated CAS 7440-44-0; EINECS/ELINCS 231-153-3 Uses: Filter medium for dechlorination and removal of trace dissolved organics from water treatment, for food processing and beverage industries Properties: Blk. gran.; 12x40 sieve size; 0.9-1.1 mm mean particle diam.; 5% max. < 40 mesh; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 2.3 g/cc; iodine no. 850 min.; 2% max. moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 10 g/kg; nontoxic by ing.; LC50 (inh., rat) 64.4 mg/l; pract. nontoxic by inh.; ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3, OSHA PEL 5 mg/m3 (respirable); may cause eye irritation; dust may be sl. irritating to eyes and respiratory tract Precaution: Potential oxygen depletion hazard; contact with strong oxidizers (e.g., ozone, liq. oxygen, chlorine, permanganate) may result in fire; fire may generate CO Calgon® Carbon Type OL® [Calgon Carbon http://www.calgoncarbon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Activated carbon See Carbon, activated CAS 7440-44-0; EINECS/ELINCS 231-153-3 Uses: Decolorizer for foods Properties: Blk. gran.; 20x50 sieve size; 3% > 20 mesh, 1% < 50 mesh; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 2.3 g/cc; bulk dens. 0.48 g/cc (dense); 120
Part I: Trade Name Reference surf. area 1000-1100 m2/g; iodine no. 1050 min.; sp. heat 0.25 (100 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 10 g/kg; nontoxic by ing.; LC50 (inh., rat) 64.4 mg/l; pract. nontoxic by inh.; ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3, OSHA PEL 5 mg/m3 (respirable); may cause eye irritation; dust may be sl. irritating to eyes and respiratory tract Precaution: Potential oxygen depletion hazard; contact with strong oxidizers (e.g., ozone, liq. oxygen, chlorine, permanganate) may result in fire; fire may generate CO Calgon® Carbon Type PWA® [Calgon Carbon http://www.calgoncarbon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Activated carbon See Carbon, activated CAS 7440-44-0; EINECS/ELINCS 231-153-3 Uses: Decolorizer for foods Features: Rec. where low pH sol'ns. are encountered Properties: Blk. powd.; 65-75% -325 mesh; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 2.3 g/cc; bulk dens. 0.51 g/cc (dense); surf. area 900-1000 m2/g; iodine no. 900 min.; pH 6-8; sp. heat 0.25 (100 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 10 g/kg; nontoxic by ing.; LC50 (inh., rat) 64.4 mg/l; pract. nontoxic by inh.; ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3, OSHA PEL 5 mg/m3 (respirable); may cause eye irritation; dust may be sl. irritating to eyes and respiratory tract Precaution: Potential oxygen depletion hazard; contact with strong oxidizers (e.g., ozone, liq. oxygen, chlorine, permanganate) may result in fire; fire may generate CO Calgon® Carbon Type RB® [Calgon Carbon http://www.calgoncarbon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Activated carbon See Carbon, activated CAS 7440-44-0; EINECS/ELINCS 231-153-3 Uses: Filter aid, purifier for foods Features: Provides fast filtration, easy wettability, min. dusting chars. Properties: Blk. powd.; 60-75% -325 mesh; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 2.3 g/cc; bulk dens. 0.48 g/cc (dense); surf. area 1100-1300 m2/g; iodine no. 1070 min.; sp.heat 0.25 (100 C); 2% max. moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 10 g/kg; nontoxic by ing.; LC50 (inh., rat) 64.4 mg/l; pract. nontoxic by inh.; ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3, OSHA PEL 5 mg/m3 (respirable); Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
may cause eye irritation; dust may be sl. irritating to eyes and respiratory tract Precaution: Potential oxygen depletion hazard; contact with strong oxidizers (e.g., ozone, liq. oxygen, chlorine, permanganate) may result in fire; fire may generate CO Calgon® Carbon Type SGL® [Calgon Carbon http://www.calgoncarbon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Activated carbon See Carbon, activated CAS 7440-44-0; EINECS/ELINCS 231-153-3 Uses: Decolorizer for foods; purifier for sugar sol'ns. Properties: Blk. gran.; 8 x 30 sieve size; 1.5-1.7 mm mean particle diam.; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 2.3 g/cc; bulk dens. 0.52 g/cc (dense); surf. area 900-1000 m2/g; iodine no. 900 min.; sp.heat 0.25 (100 C); 2% max. moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 10 g/kg; nontoxic by ing.; LC50 (inh., rat) 64.4 mg/l; pract. nontoxic by inh.; ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3, OSHA PEL 5 mg/m3 (respirable); may cause eye irritation; dust may be sl. irritating to eyes and respiratory tract Precaution: Potential oxygen depletion hazard; contact with strong oxidizers (e.g., ozone, liq. oxygen, chlorine, permanganate) may result in fire; fire may generate CO Calib [MLG Enterprises] Chem. Descrip.: Potassium bromate, calcium iodate, and other edible excipients Uses: Dough conditioner, dough strengthener for continuous mix processing Features: Provides balanced blend of fast and slow acting oxidizers to improve dough strength throughout baking process Properties: Tablet supplying 45 ppm potassium bromate and 15 ppm calcium iodate/cwt flour Use Level: 1 tablet; 75 ppm max. (total bromates and iodates)/cwt flour Storage: 6 mos. shelf life stored under cool, dry conditions Caliment® Dicalcium Phosphate Milled [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dicalcium phosphate dihydrate FCC See Calcium phosphate dibasic dihydrate CAS 7789-77-7; EINECS/ELINCS 231-826-1 Uses: Calcium source, phosphorus source for foods for infants, invalids, and geriatric 121
Part I: Trade Name Reference patients and in animal feeds; gellant with alginates in fruit pulps, desserts, and in pet food Features: Nonflamm. Regulatory: EU, FCC compliance Properties: Wh. fine impalpable powd., odorless, tasteless; insol. in water; m.w. 172.09; 31.933.5% calcium as CaO Toxicology: Nontoxic Storage: 2 yr. shelf life; store in closed pkgs. in cool, dry place; protect from contamination Calsoft® L-60 [Pilot http://www.pilotchemical.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate See Sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate CAS 25155-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 246-680-4 Uses: Surfactant, emulsifier for washing fruits and vegetables Properties: Water-wh. pasty liq.; odorless; dens. 8.7 lb/gal; pH 7.4; anionic; 60% solids Environmental: biodeg. Cameo® Showcase [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sugar, dextrose, agar, modified food starch, tricalcium phosphate See Calcium phosphate tribasic; Food starch, modified; Glucose; Sucrose Uses: Stabilizer for retail-type icings and glazes Features: Produces semitransparent icing; system is activated in hot tap water Properties: 100% through 20 mesh granulation; 2.5% ash Use Level: 10% on total sugar in formulation Storage: 12 mos. shelf life, best when used before 9 mos; store in cool, dry location; keep containers well closed when not in use; hygroscopic; protect from exposure to air for extended periods Cameo Velvet® [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sugar, calcium sulfate, dextrose, calcium carbonate, agar, modified food starch, salt, artificial color, and monoand diglycerides See Food starch, modified; Glucose; Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids; Sodium chloride; Sucrose Uses: Icing stabilizer for wh. glossy icings and coatings for yeast-raised goods, donuts, cakes, fried pies, honeybuns, foods exposed to high humidity or packed in poly Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
bags Features: Pumpable; easy processing; prevents weeping or melting of icing inside pkg. Properties: 3% loss on drying; 32% ash Use Level: 10% on powd. sugar wt. (icings); 68% on powd. sugar (glazes) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life, best when used before 9 mos; store in cool, dry location; keep containers well closed when not in use; hygroscopic; protect from exposure to air for extended periods Cameo Velvet WT [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sugar, calcium sulfate, dextrose, calcium carbonate, agar, modified food starch, salt, mono- and diglycerides See Food starch, modified; Glucose; Monoand diglycerides of fatty acids; Sodium chloride; Sucrose Uses: Icing stabilizer for glossy semitransparent icings and glazes for yeastraised goods, donuts, cakes, fried pies, honeybuns, chocolate or colored icings, foods exposed to high humidity or packed in poly bags Features: Produces quick drying icing or glaze that is ready to be packaged soon after applic.; icings remain pumpable and process easily; prevents weeping or melting of icing inside pkg. Properties: 3% loss on drying; 31% ash Use Level: 10% on powd. sugar wt. (icings); 68% on powd. sugar (glazes) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life, best when used before 9 mos; store in cool, dry location; keep containers well closed when not in use; hygroscopic; protect from exposure to air for extended periods Camphene 46 [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: 2,2-Dimethyl-3methylenebicyclo [2.2.1] heptane See Camphene CAS 79-92-5; EINECS/ELINCS 201-234-8 UN 1325 Uses: Chem. intermediate for flavors Regulatory: DOT regulated; USA, Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan, Philippines, China listed Properties: Wh. semi-solid; APHA color 40 max.; m.w. 136.24; sp.gr. 0.845; dens. 7.05 lb/gal; b.p. 160 C; flash pt. (TCC) 23.3 C Toxicology: TSCA listed 122
Part I: Trade Name Reference Precaution: Flamm. Camphene P&F, FCC [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: 2,2-Dimethyl-3methylenebicyclo [2.2.1] heptane; αFenchene, and Tricyclene See Camphene CAS 79-92-5; 471-84-1; 508-32-7; EINECS/ELINCS 201-234-8; 208-083-7 UN 1325 Uses: Fragrance enhancer in foods; syn. flavoring agent Features: Provides lift to pine, lavender, lavandin, cedar, and citrus fragrances Regulatory: DOT regulated; FCC compliant; GRAS Properties: Wh. solid; mild camphor-like odor; completely sol. in alcohol; m.w. 136.24; sp.gr. 0.839 @ 60 C; dens. 7.00 lb/gal; b.p. 160 C; flash pt. (TCC) 34.4 C Toxicology: Not skin sensitizing; contact with undiluted material is irritating to eyes; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 3, Reactivity 1 Canadian Harvest® Oat Fiber [Opta Food Ingreds. http://www.opta-food.com] Chem. Descrip.: Oat hull-based fiber See Oat (Avena sativa) fiber Uses: Dietary fiber, partial flour replacement for baked goods, cereals, beverages, snack foods, pasta, meat prods., sauces, supplements, low fat systems, pharmaceuticals; water holding capacity, fat mimetic, moisturizer in foods; texturizer in ground meat prods.; strengthener in dry foods e.g., taco shells, ice cream cones; texturizer, shelf life extender in cookies, breads, crackers Features: Natural fiber for boosting dietary fiber levels in foods without masking delicate flavors Regulatory: GRAS; USDA approval; kosher Properties: Creamy-wh. color; microfine, med., coarse granulations; neutral odor; bland flavor; pH 5.5-6.5; 5% max. moisture; 90% TDF Canadian Harvest® Oat Fiber 100 [Opta Food Ingreds. http://www.opta-food.com] Chem. Descrip.: Oat fiber See Oat (Avena sativa) fiber Uses: Dietary fiber, texturizer for cookies, crackers, biscuits, nutritional tablets Features: Stable over wide pH and temp. range; lowest water and oil holding capacity Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: Kosher; GRAS Properties: Dk. tan natural grain color; coarse grind size; bland flavor; 85% TDF Canadian Harvest® Oat Fiber 200 [Opta Food Ingreds. http://www.opta-food.com] Chem. Descrip.: Oat fiber See Oat (Avena sativa) fiber Uses: Dietary fiber for breads and baked goods, health food formulations, cereals, snack foods, supplements; strengthener in crackers and cookies Features: Low water absorp.; low cost; higher in total dietary fiber than wheat bran; contains 30% hemicellulose, linked to fecal regularity Regulatory: Kosher; GRAS Properties: Lt. tan color; med. and fine grind; neutral odor; bland flavor; bulk dens. 26-40.5 lb/ft3 (packed); pH 5.5-7.5; 7% max. moisture; 90% TDF Canadian Harvest® Oat Fiber 300 [Opta Food Ingreds. http://www.opta-food.com] Chem. Descrip.: Oat fiber See Oat (Avena sativa) fiber Uses: Dietary fiber, shelf life extender, calorie reducer in breads, low-fat baked goods, fried snacks, meat prods., pasta, nutritional bars Features: All purpose; mod. water absorption; virtually noncaloric; smooth mouthfeel and texture; complements gel-type replacers in fatfree foods Regulatory: Kosher; GRAS Properties: Lt. cream color; microfine, ultrafine, fine, and med. grinds; neutral odor; bland flavor; bulk dens. 23-39 lb/ft3; pH 5.5-7.5; 7% max. moisture; 94% TDF Canadian Harvest® Oat Fiber 500 [Opta Food Ingreds. http://www.opta-food.com] Chem. Descrip.: Oat fiber See Oat (Avena sativa) fiber Uses: Dietary fiber, shelf life extender, calorie reducer in breads; visc. builder in nutritional beverages; carrier for flavor systems in seasonings; antisticking agent, texturizer in tortillas Features: High quality; provides moist mouthfeel; mod. high water absorption; virtually noncaloric; smooth mouthfeel and texture; complements gel-type replacers in fatfree foods Regulatory: Kosher; GRAS Properties: Lt. creamy wh. color; microfine and 123
Part I: Trade Name Reference ultrafine grinds; neutral odor; bland flavor; bulk dens. 24.1-27.0 lb/ft3 (packed); pH 5.5-7.5; 7% max. moisture; 95.5% TDF; < 5% sol. fiber Canadian Harvest® Oat Fiber 770 [Opta Food Ingreds. http://www.opta-food.com] Chem. Descrip.: Oat fiber See Oat (Avena sativa) fiber Uses: Texturizer, strengthener, shelf life extender for baked goods, low and no-fat cookies and cakes, taco shells, tortilla chips, ice cream cones, extruded prods., ground meat prods. Features: Highest water and oil holding capacity; stable over wide pH and temp. range; essentially fat and calorie-free Regulatory: Kosher; GRAS Properties: Med. tan color; fine grind; bland flavor; 98-100% through 50 mesh, 85-100% through 100 mesh; bulk dens. 11.5-15 lb/ft3 (packed); pH 6.5-8.5; 7% max. moisture; 91% TDF; < 2% sol. fiber Canadian Harvest® Oat Fiber 780 [Opta Food Ingreds. http://www.opta-food.com] Chem. Descrip.: Oat fiber See Oat (Avena sativa) fiber Uses: Texturizer, strengthener, shelf life extender for baked goods, low and no-fat cookies and cakes, taco shells, tortilla chips, ice cream cones, extruded prods., ground meat prods. Features: Highest water and oil holding capacity; stable over wide pH and temp. range; essentially fat- and calorie-free Regulatory: Kosher; GRAS Properties: Lt. cream or creamy wh. color; fine grind; bland flavor; 98-100% through 50 mesh, 85-100% through 100 mesh; bulk dens. 11.515 lb/ft3 (packed); pH 5.5-7.5; 7% max. moisture; 91% TDF; < 2% sol. fiber Canadian Harvest® Oat Fiber 785 [Opta Food Ingreds. http://www.opta-food.com] Chem. Descrip.: Oat fiber See Oat (Avena sativa) fiber Uses: Texturizer, strengthener, shelf life extender for baked goods, low and no-fat cookies and cakes, taco shells, tortilla chips, ice cream cones, extruded prods., ground meat prods. Features: Highest water and oil holding capacity; stable over wide pH and temp. range; essentially fat- and calorie-free Regulatory: Kosher; GRAS Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Lt. cream or creamy wh. color; fine grind; bland flavor; > 99% through 50 mesh, > 95% through 100 mesh; bulk dens. 11-14 lb/ft3 (packed); pH 6-7; 7% max. moisture; 91% TDF; < 2% sol. fiber Canadian Harvest® Stabilized Corn Bran [Opta Food Ingreds. http://www.opta-food.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn bran See Corn (Zea mays) bran Uses: Fiber source for powd. drinks, nutritional bars, cereals Features: Great taste; twice as much dietary fiber as wheat bran; stabilized to reduce microbiological impurities and prevent offflavors Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Lt. tan color; med., fine, ultrafine grinds; sl. corn flavor; 10% max. moisture; 85% TDF Storage: 6 mos. min. shelf life Canadian Harvest® Stabilized Full-Fat Wheat Germ [Opta Food Ingreds. http://www.optafood.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat germ See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) germ Uses: Dietary fiber, nutrient, texturizer for baked goods, cereals, snack foods, nutritional bars Features: Stabilized to extend shelf life; lower microbial count; reduced lipolytic enzyme activity Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Golden reddish brn. color; fine, med. coarse grinds; sweet nutty toasted odor and flavor; 10% max. moisture; 15% TDF; 4% sol. fiber Storage: 6 mos. min. shelf life Canadian Harvest® Stabilized Micro-Lite Corn Bran [Opta Food Ingreds. http://www.optafood.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn bran See Corn (Zea mays) bran Uses: Dietary fiber for high-fiber formulations, baked goods, cereals, beverages, snack foods, pasta, pharmaceuticals Features: Natural; contains higher total dietary fiber than Stabilized Corn Bran, is lighter in color and blander in taste; smooth mouthfeel at low granulation; low microbial count Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Lt. tan color; fine, ultrafine, med. 124
Part I: Trade Name Reference granulations; typ. odor; bland flavor; 10% max. moisture; 85% TDF; 2% sol. fiber Storage: 6 mos. min. shelf life Canadian Harvest® Stabilized Oat Bran [Opta Food Ingreds. http://www.opta-food.com] Chem. Descrip.: Oat bran See Oat (Avena sativa) bran Uses: Dietary fiber for baked goods, drink mixes, nutritional bars, nutraceutical prods. Features: Stabilized to reduce bitter flavor; low microbiological impurities Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Lt. cream color; fine, ultrafine, and med. grinds; typ. odor; sl. sweet oat flavor; 10% max. moisture; 18.4% TDF; 8% sol. fiber comprised of β-glucan Storage: 6 mos. min shelf life Canadian Harvest® Stabilized Oatex® [Opta Food Ingreds. http://www.opta-food.com] Chem. Descrip.: Steel-cut oat groat, high-fiber fraction from oat hulls, and bran fraction of the oat endosperm See Oat (Avena sativa) bran; Oat (Avena sativa) fiber; Whole oat Uses: Dietary fiber for baked goods, cereals, snack foods, meat prods. Features: Stabilized to reduce enzyme activity that causes rancidity; low in fat, sat. fat, and cholesterol; linked to cholesterol reduction in humans Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Lt. tan color; coarse granulation; sweet oat odor and flavor; 47% through 60 mesh, 33% on 35 mesh; 10% max. moisture; 18% TDF, 3.5% sol. fiber consisting of βglucan Storage: 6 mos. min. shelf life Canadian Harvest® Stabilized Red Wheat Bran [Opta Food Ingreds. http://www.optafood.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat bran See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) bran Uses: Dietary fiber for baked goods, cereals, snack foods, pasta, supplements, pharmaceuticals Features: Natural; stabilized to protect against flavor degradation and to provide crispness and mouthfeel; low microbial count Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Red brn. color; coarse, med., fine, ultrafine granulations; typ. odor; nutty flavor; 10% max. moisture; 50% TDF; 3% sol. fiber Storage: 6 mos. min. shelf life Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Canadian Harvest® Stabilized White Wheat Bran [Opta Food Ingreds. http://www.optafood.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat bran See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) bran Uses: Dietary fiber for foods (baked goods, cereals, snack foods, pasta), supplements, pharmaceuticals Features: Rec. where a creamy colored wheat fiber is desired; softer texture and milder flavor than Stabilized Red Wheat Bran; stabilized for reduced off-flavors; low microbial count; reduced lipolytic enzyme activity Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Tan color; coarse, med., fine, ultrafine granulations; typ. odor; nutty flavor; 10% max. moisture; 38% TDF; 5% sol. fiber Storage: 6 mos. min. shelf life Canarcel 60 [Oxiteno Mexico http://www.oxiteno.com.mx] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan stearate CAS 1338-41-6; EINECS/ELINCS 215-664-9 Uses: Emulsifier for foods, bread, icings, fillings, whipping and toppings, chocolate coatings, shortenings, flavors and dairy systems; gloss aid in chocolate Properties: Cream waxy flakes; HLB 4.7; nonionic Canarcel 65 [Oxiteno Mexico http://www.oxiteno.com.mx] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan tristearate CAS 26658-19-5; EINECS/ELINCS 247-891-4 Uses: Oil emulsifier for foods; crystallization accelerator in chocolate Properties: Cream waxy flakes; HLB 2.2; nonionic Canarcel 80 [Oxiteno Mexico http://www.oxiteno.com.mx] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan oleate CAS 1338-43-8; EINECS/ELINCS 215-665-4 Uses: Oil emulsifier for foods; emulsifier for crystal modification and bloom retardation Properties: Amber liq.; HLB 4.3; nonionic Canarcel TW 20 [Oxiteno Mexico http://www.oxiteno.com.mx] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-20 sorbitan laurate See Polysorbate 20 CAS 9005-64-5 Uses: Solubilizer for flavors Properties: Yel. liq.; HLB 16.7; nonionic Canarcel TW 60 [Oxiteno Mexico 125
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.oxiteno.com.mx] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-20 sorbitan stearate See Polysorbate 60 CAS 9005-67-8 Uses: Emulsifier for icings, frozen desserts, whipped toppings, coatings, and fillings; dough conditioner for bread, cake mixes, rolls, sweet goods; emulsifier for gelatin desserts, salad dressings; foaming agent for nonalcoholic beverages Properties: Yel. visc. liq.; HLB 14.9; nonionic Canarcel TW 80 [Oxiteno Mexico http://www.oxiteno.com.mx] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-20 sorbitan oleate See Polysorbate 80 CAS 9005-65-6 Uses: Emulsifier for foods, frozen desserts, ice creams, shortenings, whipped toppings; flavor and color dispersant for pickles; defoamer for beet sugar and yeast processing Properties: Yel. liq.; HLB 15.0; nonionic Candelilla Wax SP 24A [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Candelilla wax substitute See Candelilla synthetic CAS 136097-95-5 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.320, 176.180, 184.1976; CTFA listed Properties: Amber crude lumps, refined lumps, flakes, or powd.; m.p. (R & B) 165-175 F; acid no. 2-10; sapon. no. 50-65; 45% max. paraffinic hydrocarbons Candelilla Wax SP 50 [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Candelilla wax See Candelilla (Euphorbia cerifera) wax CAS 8006-44-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-347-0 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.615, 175.105, 175.320, 176.180, 184.1976; CTFA listed Properties: Yel. crude lumps, refined lumps, flakes, or powd.; m.p. 68.5-72.5 C; acid no. 1222; sapon. no. 43-65; flash pt. 241 C min.; 45% max. paraffinic hydrocarbons Toxicology: TSCA listed Candelilla Wax SP 75 [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Candelilla wax See Candelilla (Euphorbia cerifera) wax Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 8006-44-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-347-0 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.615, 175.105, 175.320, 176.180, 184.1976; CTFA listed Properties: Yel. crude lumps, refined lumps, flakes, or powd.; m.p. 68.5-72.5 C; acid no. 1222; sapon. no. 43-65; flash pt. 241 C min.; 45% max. paraffinic hydrocarbons Toxicology: TSCA listed Candelilla Wax SP 78 Prime Quality Crude [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Candelilla wax See Candelilla (Euphorbia cerifera) wax CAS 8006-44-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-347-0 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.615, 175.105, 175.320, 176.180, 184.1976; CTFA listed Properties: Tan crude lumps, refined lumps, flakes, or powd.; m.p. 68.5-72.5 C; acid no. 1222; sapon. no. 43-65; flash pt. 241 C min.; 45% max. paraffinic hydrocarbons Toxicology: TSCA listed Candelilla Wax SP 99 [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Candelilla wax See Candelilla (Euphorbia cerifera) wax CAS 8006-44-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-347-0 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.615, 175.105, 175.320, 176.180, 184.1976; CTFA listed Properties: Yel. crude lumps, refined lumps, flakes, or powd.; m.p. 68.5-72.5 C; acid no. 1222; sapon. no. 43-65; flash pt. 241 C min.; 45% max. paraffinic hydrocarbons Toxicology: TSCA listed Candelilla Wax SP 350 [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Candelilla wax See Candelilla (Euphorbia cerifera) wax CAS 8006-44-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-347-0 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.615, 175.105, 175.320, 176.180, 184.1976; CTFA listed Properties: Yel. crude lumps, refined lumps, flakes, or powd.; m.p. 68.5-72.5 C; acid no. 1222; sapon. no. 43-65; flash pt. 241 C min.; 45% max. paraffinic hydrocarbons Toxicology: TSCA listed Candelilla Wax SP 803 [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Candelilla wax substitute See Candelilla synthetic 126
Part I: Trade Name Reference CAS 136097-95-5 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.615, 175.105, 175.320, 176.180; CTFA listed Properties: Tan crude lumps, refined lumps, flakes, or powd.; m.p. 174-180 F; acid no. 815; sapon. no. 30-40; 45% max. paraffinic hydrocarbons Candelilla Wax Fine [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Candelilla wax See Candelilla (Euphorbia cerifera) wax CAS 8006-44-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-347-0 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.615, 175.105, 175.320, 176.180; CTFA listed Properties: Powd.; 98% min. through 60 mesh, 70% min. through 120 mesh, 30% min. through 200 mesh, 10% min. through 325 mesh; 45% max. paraffinic hydrocarbons Toxicology: TSCA listed Can-Fil® [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Thickener, suspending agent for canned foods, soups, stews, gravies, pet foods, etc. Features: Reduces fat migration during retorting Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 5.5 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Canners TF [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Unmodified corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Process stability improver, visc. control agent in soups, sauces, gravies, dressings Features: Meets canning specifications for thermophiles Canocol S-20 [Centro China http://www.centro.ttnet.net] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan monolaurate Uses: Emulsifier in food applics. Properties: Liq.; HLB 8.6; nonionic; 100% solids Canocol S-60 [Centro China http://www.centro.ttnet.net] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan monostearate Uses: Emulsifier in food applics. Properties: Flake; HLB 4.7; nonionic; 100% solids Canocol S-80 [Centro China http://www.centro.ttnet.net] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan monooleate Uses: Emulsifier in food applics. Properties: Lt. yel. liq.; acid no. 7 max; HLB 4.3; flash pt. > 300 F; nonionic; 99% act. Storage: Store in cool, dry area Canocol S-85 [Centro China http://www.centro.ttnet.net] Chem. Descrip.: sorbitan trioleate Uses: Emulsifier in food applics. Properties: Lt. yel. liq.; insol. in water; sol. in mineral oil, fats, oils, and alcohol; acid no. 7 max; HLB 4.3; flash pt. > 300 F; nonionic; 99% act. Storage: Store in cool, dry area Canocol T-20 [Centro China http://www.centro.ttnet.net] Chem. Descrip.: Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monolaurate Chem. Analysis: 3% max. moisture Uses: Emulsifier for fats and oils in whipped veg. oil, imitation dry cream mix, cake mixes, confectionery coatings, cake icing, and pie filling Properties: Visc. yel. liq.; disp. in water, mineral oil, aromatic and aliphatic solvents; dens. 1.1 g/ml; HLB 16.7; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 45-55; hyd. no. 81-96; flash pt. > 300 F; nonionic Canocol T-40 [Centro China http://www.centro.ttnet.net] Chem. Descrip.: Polyoxyethlene sorbitan monolaurate 127
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Emulsifier for food processing applics. Properties: Liq.; HLB 15.6; nonionic Canocol T-60 [Centro China http://www.centro.ttnet.net] Chem. Descrip.: Polyoxyethlene sorbitan monolaurate Uses: Emulsifier for food applics. Properties: Liq.; HLB 14.9; nonionic Canocol T-80 [Centro China http://www.centro.ttnet.net] Chem. Descrip.: Polyoxyethlene sorbitan monolaurate Uses: Emulsifier for food applics. Properties: Liq.; HLB 15.0; nonionic Canocol T-81 [Centro China http://www.centro.ttnet.net] Chem. Descrip.: Polyoxyethlene sorbitan monolaurate Uses: Emulsifier for food applics. Properties: Liq.; HLB 10.0; nonionic Cantaloupe Melon Treattarome 9726 [R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com] Chem. Descrip.: mixt. of esters Uses: Flavor for foods Properties: Melon flavor Use Level: 0.02-0.05 Canthaxanthin 10% CWS/N [DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com] Chem. Descrip.: Canthaxanthin finely dispersed in corn starch coated gelatin, sucrose, and corn oil See Canthaxanthine; Corn (Zea mays) oil; Corn (Zea mays) starch CAS 514-78-3; EINECS/ELINCS 208-187-2 Uses: Colorant for surimi and other foods Features: Imparts a orange-red to red color Properties: Violet-brown powd.; 85% min. through sieve No. 40; disp. in water; 10% min. assay (canthaxanthin) Use Level: 300 mg max./lb of solid or semisolid or pint of liq. food Storage: Store in tightly closed container in cool, dry place, optimally below 46 F; avoid moisture Capmul® GMO [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl oleate CAS 25496-72-4; EINECS/ELINCS 203-827-7 Uses: Emulsifier, wetting agent, dispersant, defoamer for foods, clinical nutrition, infant formulas, nutritional/sports supplements; flavoring agent Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1323, 184.1505 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Lovibond 4R max. semisolid; sol. in org. solvs. and oils; sp.gr. 0.94; visc. 44.8 cs @ 120 F; vapor pressure < 1 mm Hg; vapor dens. > 1; m.p. 25 C max.; HLB 3-4; acid no. 3 max.; flash pt. 495 F (COC); iodine no. 75 max.; sapon. no. 160-170; nonionic; 40% min. mono Precaution: Chemical splash goggles rec. Storage: 12 mos. min. when stored @ 68-77f Capmul® GMO-50, EP/NF [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl oleate CAS 25496-72-4; EINECS/ELINCS 203-827-7 Uses: Multifunctional emulsifier for foods Regulatory: USP/NF, EP, FDA 21 CFR § 184.1505, 21 CFR § 184.1323; SARA §311/312, 313 nonreportable Properties: Opaque odorless liq.; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.94; visc. 44.8 cs @ 120 F; vapor pressure < 1 mm Hg; vapor dens. > 1; m.p. 25 C max.; acid no. 6 max.; iodine no. 65-95; sapon. no. 150-170; flash pt. 200 F; iodine no. 75 max.; sapon. no. 160-170; nonionic; HLB 3.0-4.0; 40% min. mono Toxicology: Sl. eye irritant; no adverse effects from dermal contact or ing.; vapors and/or aerosols which may be formed at elevated temps. may be irritating to eyes and respiratory tract; noncarcinogenic; nonteratogenic; TSCA listed Environmental: biodegradable; avoid runoff into storm sewers and ditches which lead to waterways Precaution: Combustible; chemical splash goggles rec. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Retest and re-qualify 12 mos. from the date of manufacture; store in a dry location in tight containers protected from light Capmul® GMS-50 [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate CAS 31566-31-1 Uses: Emulsifier, bodying agent, lubricant, visc. modifier for clinical nutrition, infant formulas, nutritional/sports supplements Properties: Lovibond R4.0 max. bead; mild odor; insol. in water; sol. in oil @ elevated temps.; vapor pressure < 1 mm Hg; vapor dens. > 1; m.p. 57-62 C; flash pt 480 F (COC); HLB 3-4; acid no. 3.0; iodine no. 5.0; nonionic 128
Part I: Trade Name Reference Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 Capmul® MCM [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl mono-dicaprylate, deconoic acid monoester with 1,2,3propanetriol See Glyceryl caprate; Glyceryl caprylate CAS 26402-26-6; 26402-22-2; EINECS/ELINCS 252-992-1; 247-667-6 Uses: Solvent, dispersant, emulsifier, solubilizer, vehicle, carrier, penetrant for clinical nutrition, nutritional/sports supplements; solubilizer, solvent, carrier, visc. modifier in flavors, fragrances Properties: Lovibond 4R max. liq. to semisolid; mild fatty or grease odor; sol. in oil and alcohol; HLB 5.5-6.0; acid no. 2.5 max.; iodine no. 2 max.; flash pt. (COC) > 300 F; nonionic; 55% min. alpha mono Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Capmul® MCMC8 [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl caprylate and 1,2,3Propanetriol See Glycerin CAS 26402-26-6; 56-81-5; EINECS/ELINCS 247668-1; 200-289-5 Uses: Solubilizer, solvent, carrier, visc. modifier in flavors, fragrances Regulatory: FDA GRAS; SARA §311/312, 313 nonreportable Properties: Lovibond 5R max. liq. to semisolid; fatty odor; partly sol. in water; vapor pressure < 1 mmHg; acid no. 2.5 max.; iodine no. 2 max.; nonionic; 55% min. alpha mono Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 mg/kg; sl. eye and skin irritant; ing. may cause GI discomfort; vapors and/or aerosols which may be formed at elevated temps. may be irritating to eyes and respiratory tract Precaution: Wear chemical splash goggles and neoprene or PVC gloves; incompat. with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx Storage: Store @ 68-77 F in dry place; requalify after 12 mos.; store away from heat and flame in closed SS storage tanks in a dry area Capmul® MCMC10 [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl monocaprate See Glyceryl caprate Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 26402-22-2; EINECS/ELINCS 247-667-6 Uses: Solubilizer, solvent, carrier, visc. modifier in flavors, fragrances Regulatory: FDA GRAS Properties: Solid; sol. in propylene glycol, dipropylene glycol, IPM, octyl stearate, octyl palmitate, SDA alcohol, ethoxydiglycol, phenyl trimethicone; vapor dens. > 1; vapor pressure < 1 mm Hg; flash pt. (COC) > 150 C; nonionic Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers Capmul® MCM-L [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono/diglycerides of caprylic/capric acid in Glycerol See Glycerin; Glyceryl caprate CAS 26402-22-2; 56-81-5; EINECS/ELINCS 247667-6; 200-289-5 Uses: Bioavailability enhancer, emulsifier, solubilizer in nutritional applics. Regulatory: FDA GRAS; DMF 3700 Properties: Lovibond 4.0 R max. liq.; fatty odor; vapor pressure < 1 mmHg Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 mg/kg; not expected to cause serious irritation to eyes; no adverse effects to skin Precaution: Wear chemical splash goggles and neoprene gloves for hot oil; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx Storage: Store @ 68-77 F in dry place; requalify after 12 mos. Capmul® MCM-L8 [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono/diglycerides of caprylic/capric acid in Glycerol See Glycerin; Glyceryl caprate CAS 26402-22-2; 56-81-5; EINECS/ELINCS 247667-6; 200-289-5 Uses: Bioavailability enhancer, emulsifier, solubilizer in nutritional applics. Regulatory: FDA GRAS; DMF 3700 Properties: Lovibond 4.0 R max. liq.; fatty odor; partially sol. in water; vapor pressure < 1 mmHg; acid no. 2.5 max.; flash pt. (COC) > 150 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 mg/kg; sl. irritant to eyes and skin; may cause GI discomfort if ing. in large quantities; vapors and/or aerosols which may be formed at elevated temps. may be irritating to eyes and respiratory tract; noncarcinogenic; nonmutagenic 129
Part I: Trade Name Reference Precaution: Wear chemical splash goggles and neoprene gloves for hot oil; incompat. with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ 68-77 F in dry place; requalify after 12 mos.; store away from heat and flame in closed SS storage tanks in a dry area Capmul® PG-8 [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol monocaprylate (>90%) and Propylene glycol dicaprylate ( 5 mg/kg; sl. eye and skin irritant; vapors and/or aerosols which may be formed at elevated temps. may be irritating to eyes and respiratory tract; noncarcinogenic; nonmutagenic Environmental: biodegradable; avoid runoff into storm sewers and ditches which lead to waterways Precaution: Wear ANSI-approved goggles and neoprene gloves; incompat. with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Retest and requalify 24 mos. from the date of manufacture; store in a dry area away from heat and sparks in closed containers; maintain good ventilation Caprol® 3GO [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-3 oleate CAS 33940-98-6; EINECS/ELINCS 251-749-7 Uses: Emulsifier for foods, frozen desserts, veg. dairy prods., diet spreads; dispersant, emulsifier, solubilizer, wetting agent for clinical nutrition, infant formulas, nutritional/sports supplements Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.854; SARA §311/312, 313 nonreportable Properties: Gardner 7 max. liq.; sl. caramel odor; sol. in org. solvs. and oils; HLB 6.5; acid no. 6 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
max.; iodine no. 78 max.; sapon. no. 125-150; nonionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: Nonirritant to eyes; not a serious irritant to skin; vapors from heated material sl. irritating by inh.; noncarcinogenic; nonmutagenic Precaution: Combustible; incompat. with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry area away from heat and sparks; keep containers closed when not in use; maintain good ventilation Caprol® 3GS [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-3 stearate CAS 37349-34-1; EINECS/ELINCS 248-403-2 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, whipping agent in foods, frozen desserts, and fat reduction; bodying agent, emulsifier, visc. modifier for clinical nutrition, infant formulas, nutritional/sports supplements Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.854 Properties: Gardner 8 max. powd.; fatty odor; sp.gr. 0.96-1.00; HLB 6.25; acid no. 6 max.; iodine no. 3 max.; sapon. no. 120-135; flash pt. (COC) 400 F; nonionic; 100% conc. Precaution: Wear neoprene gloves, chemical splash goggles Caprol® 10G40 [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-10 tetraoleate CAS 34424-98-1; EINECS/ELINCS 252-011-7 Uses: Emulsifier, visc. control agent, stabilizer for foods; emulsifier, solubilizer, wetting agent for clinical nutrition, infant formulas, nutritional/sports supplements Features: Lipophilic Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.854 Properties: Amber to brn., Gardner 7 max. liq.; mild odor; insol. in water; sp.gr. ≈ 1.01; visc. 4432 centistokes; vapor dens. > 1; vapor pressure < 1 mm Hg; HLB 6.2; acid no. 6 max.; iodine no. 60 max.; sapon. no. 125-150; flash pt. (COC) > 425 F; nonionic; 100% conc. Precaution: Incompat. with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Ambient storage Caprol® 10G10O [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-10 decaoleate 130
Part I: Trade Name Reference CAS 11094-60-3; EINECS/ELINCS 234-316-7 Uses: Emulsifier, solubilizer, lubricant, dispersant for foods; dispersant, emulsifier, solubilizer for clinical nutrition, infant formulas, nutritional/sports supplements Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.854 Properties: Gardner 9 max. liq.; sol. in oils and org. solvs.; sp.gr. 0.98; vapor pressure < 1 mm Hg; vapor dens. > 1; b.p. > 500 F; flash pt. 290 C (COC); HLB 3.5; acid no. 8 max.; iodine no. 85 max.; sapon. no. 155-185; nonionic; 100% conc. Precaution: Chemical splash goggles rec.; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 Caprol® ET [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl mixed veg. fatty acid esters; conforms to hydrogenated veg. oil NF See Hydrogenated vegetable oil Uses: Emulsifier and crystal inhibitor for foods, vegetable oils; lubricant in clinical nutrition, infant formulas, nutritional/sports supplements Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.854(c), FCC, SARA §311/312, 313 nonreportable Properties: Gardner 8 max. liq.; insol. in water; sp. gr. 0.93; m.p. 37-39 C; b.p. 500 F; HLB 2.5; acid no. 8 max.; iodine no. 25 max.; sapon. no. 176-198; nonionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: Sl. eye irritant; no adverse effects to skin; vapors and/or aerosols which may be formed at elevated temps. may be irritating to eyes and respiratory tract; noncarcinogenic; nonmutagenic; nonteratogenic Environmental: avoid runoff into storm sewers and ditches which lead to waterways Precaution: Combustible; incompat. with oxidizers; wear goggles, neoprene gloves for chem. protection, and PVC-lined gloves for thermal protection HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a dry location in tightly sealed containers @ R.T. away from heat and sparks Caprol® MPGO [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-6 dioleate CAS 9007-48-1; EINECS/ELINCS 278-358-4 Uses: Emulsifier for foods, frozen desserts Features: Nongreasy Properties: Nonionic Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Caprol® PGE860 [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-10 oleate CAS 9007-48-1; EINECS/ELINCS 279-230-0 Uses: Emulsifier for foods; beverage clouding agent; dispersant, emulsifier, solubilizer, visc. modifier, wetting agent for clinical nutrition, infant formulas, nutritional/sports supplements Features: Hydrophilic Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.854 Properties: Gardner 10 max. visc. liq.; caramel odor; disp. in water; vapor dens. > 1; vapor pressure < 1 mm Hg; HLB 11.0; acid no. 6 max.; iodine no. 60 max.; sapon. no. 90-105; flash pt. (COC) 250 C; nonionic; 100% conc. Precaution: Incompat. with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Ambient storage Capryol® PGMC [Gattefosse France http://www.gattefosse.fr] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol monocaprylate See Propylene glycol caprylate CAS 31565-12-5 Uses: Solubilizer, stabilizer for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.856; E 477; worldwide food additive status Properties: Oily liq.; faint odor; HLB 5.0; 60% monoesters Capsul® [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Film-former, encapsulant for flavors, clouds, vitamins, and spices in dry beverage mixes, bakery dry mixes (cakes, cookies), breakfast drinks, creams Features: Forms very stable o/w emulsions at higher solids Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. powd.; starch odor; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 3.5 (1%); ≈ 5% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; nontoxic; TSCA listed 131
Part I: Trade Name Reference Environmental: no aquatic toxicity established Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Capsul® TA [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from tapioca starch See Food starch, modified Uses: Encapsulant for flavors in dry beverage mixes reconstituted by the addition of water, bartender dry mixes, and bakery dry mixes, such as cakes and cookies. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. powd.; starch odor; disperses in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 3.0 (1%); ≈ 5% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; nontoxic; TSCA listed Environmental: no aquatic toxicity established Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Captex® 100 [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol dicaprate CAS 53824-77-4; EINECS/ELINCS 258-814-9 Uses: Lubricant, moisturizer, solubilizer, extender, visc. modifier, bioavailability enhancer, vehicle, carrier for vitamins, colors, and flavors for nutritional formulas; pan and mold release agent Features: Nonoily Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.856; Kosher Properties: Cl. liq.; bland odor and taste; misc. with most org. solvs.; vapor dens. > 1; vapor pressure < 1 mm Hg; acid no. 0.1 max.; sapon. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
no. 270-295; flash pt. (COC) > 200 C; 0.1% max. moisture Precaution: Incompat. with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry place @ ambient temp. Captex® 200 [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol dicaprylate/dicaprate CAS 68583-51-7; EINECS/ELINCS 271-516-3 Uses: Vehicle, carrier, solubilizer, coupling agent, bioavailability enhancer, solvent for flavors, fragrance oil, sol. colorants, vitamins in foods Regulatory: Conforms to hydrogenated veg. oil NF Properties: APHA 100 liq.; odorless; sol. in alcohol, oils, hydrocarbons, ketones; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.92-0.96; visc. 7-13 mPa·s; vapor dens. > 1; vapor press < 1 mm Hg; acid no. 0.1 max.; iodine no. 1.0 max.; sapon. no. 315-335; cloud pt. < -20 C; flash pt. (COC) 410 F; ref. index 1.4393 Environmental: avoid runoff to waterways Precaution: Wear PVC or neoprene gloves, goggles, suitable boots; incompat. with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Ambient storage; retest and requalify after 2 yrs. Captex® 200P [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol dicaprylate/dicaprate CAS 68583-51-7; EINECS/ELINCS 271-516-3 Uses: Carrier, vehicle, energy source, bioavailability enhancer, viscosity modifier for nutritional supplements and clinical nutrition Regulatory: USP/NF, EP, DMF 1939, FDA 21 CFR § 172.856; SARA §311/312, 313 nonreportable Properties: APHA 100 liq.; odorless; sol. in fatty oils and lt. petroleum, hydrocarbons, ketones; sl. sol. in anhyd. ethanol; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.91-0.93; visc. 9-12 cP; vapor dens. > 1; vapor press < 1 mm Hg; acid no. 0.2 max.; iodine no. 1.0 max.; sap; hyd. no. 10.0 max.; peroxide no. 1.0 max.; cloud pt. < -15 C; flash pt. (COC) 410 F; ref. index 1.439-1.442 132
Part I: Trade Name Reference Toxicology: Nonirritant to eyes and skin; nontoxic; noncarcinogenic Environmental: avoid runoff to waterways Precaution: Wear PVC or neoprene gloves, goggles, suitable boots; incompat. with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry place @ ambient temp.; retest and requalify after 2 yr Captex® 300 [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Caprylic/capric triglyceride CAS 65381-09-1; EINECS/ELINCS 265-724-3 Uses: Lubricant, moisturizer, diluent, solubilizer, vehicle, carrier, visc. modifier for clinical nutrition, infant formulas Features: Med. chain triglyceride Properties: Gardner 2 max. liq., bland odor and flavor; sol. in alcohol, oils, hydrocarbons, ketones; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.95; visc. 2430 mPa·s; b.p. > 500 F; acid no. 0.1 max.; iodine no. 0.5; sapon. no. 335-350; cloud pt. < -5 C; ref. index 1.4481; flash pt. (COC) 480 F Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 34 g/kg, (oral, mouse) > 23.5 g/kg; sl. irritating to eyes Environmental: avoid runoff to waterways; biodeg. Precaution: Wear goggles, gloves, apron when working with hot material; incompat. with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry area; keep container closed when not in use Captex® 300 EP/NF [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Caprylic/capric triglyceride (from food grade, veg. oil raw materials) CAS 65381-09-1; EINECS/ELINCS 265-724-3 Uses: Carrier, vehicle, solubilizer, energy source, visc. modifier in nutritional applics. Features: Fully refined; deodorized Regulatory: NF, EP compliance; DMF # 1939 Properties: Misc. with most org. solvs. incl. 95% ethanol; sp.gr. 0.93-0.96; visc. 25-33 mPa·s; vapor dens. > 1; vapor pressure < 1 mm Hg; acid no. 0.2 max.; iodine no. 1.0 max.; sapon. no. 310-360; flash pt. (COC) 480 F; ref. index 1.440-1.452; 0.2% max. moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 36 ml/kg; no or sl. irritation potential on skin; nonirritating Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
to eyes Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 Storage: Store in dry place @ ambient temp. Captex® 350 [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Caprylic/capric/lauric triglyceride; conforms to hydrogenated veg. oil NF CAS 68991-68-4 Uses: Diluent, moisturizer, solvent, vehicle, carrier, fixing agent, extender for clinical nutrition, infant formulas, nutritional/sports supplements Features: Med. chain triglyceride Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Gardner 2 max. liq., bland odor and flavor; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.94; visc. 36-42 mPa·s; vapor dens. > 1; vapor pressure < 1 mm Hg; acid no. 0.1 max.; iodine no. 1.52 max.; sapon. no. 290-310; cloud pt. 0 C max.; flash pt. (COC) 520 F; ref. index 1.4582 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 36 ml/kg, (oral, mouse) > 25 ml/kg; may cause sl. eye, skin irritation Environmental: avoid runoff to waterways; expected to be biodeg.; not expected to bioaccumulate Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry area at ambient temps. Captex® 355 EP/NF [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Caprylic/capric triglyceride CAS 65381-09-1; EINECS/ELINCS 265-724-3 Uses: Diluent, lubricant, moisturizer, solubilizer, vehicle, carrier, visc. modifier for clinical nutrition Features: Med. chain triglyceride Regulatory: NF, EP, DMF 1939; SARA §311/312, 313 nonreportable Properties: Colorless to lt. liq.; no odor; bland flavor; misc. with most org. solvs. incl. 95% ethanol; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.95; visc. 25-33 mPa·s; b.p. > 500 F; acid no. 0.2 max.; iodine no. 1.0 max.; sapon. no. 310 - 360; hyd. no. 10.0 max.; ref. index 1.440-1.452; flash pt. (COC) 480 F Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 36 g/kg, (oral, mouse) 23.5 mg/kg; sl. irritating to eyes; nonirritating to skin; noncarcinogenic; nonmutagenic; nonteratogenic 133
Part I: Trade Name Reference Environmental: avoid runoff to waterways; biodeg. Precaution: Wear goggles, gloves, apron when working with hot material; incompat. with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry area @ ambient temps. and away from heat and direct sunlight; keep container closed when not in use
Environmental: avoid runoff into storm sewers or ditches that lead to waterways; biodeg.; Precaution: Combustible; wear PVC or neoprene gloves, goggles, suitable boots; incompat. with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 18 mos.; store in closed container in dry place @ ambient temps.; keep away from heat, flame, sparks
Captex® 355 [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Caprylic/capric triglyceride CAS 65381-09-1; EINECS/ELINCS 265-724-3 Uses: Diluent, lubricant, moisturizer, solubilizer, vehicle, carrier, visc. modifier for clinical nutrition, infant formulas, sports supplements; carrier for essential oils, flavors, and fragrances Features: Med. chain triglyceride Properties: Lovibond R1.0 max. cl. liq.; neutral odor; bland flavor; misc. with most org. solvs. incl. 95% ethanol; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.920.96; visc. 26-32 mPa·s; b.p. 500 F; acid no. 0.1 max.; iodine no. 0.5 max.; sapon. no. 325345; cloud pt. < -5 C; ref. index 1.4486; flash pt. (COC) 480 F Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 34 g/kg, (oral, mouse) > 23.5 g/kg; sl. irritating to eyes Environmental: avoid runoff to waterways; biodeg. Precaution: Wear goggles, gloves, apron when working with hot material; incompat. with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry area; keep container closed when not in use
Captex® 800 [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol diethylhexanoate See Propylene glycol dioctanoate CAS 93981-97-6; EINECS/ELINCS 301-185-3 Uses: Carrier for essential oils, flavors; vehicle for vitamins, nutritional prods. Features: Nonoily Properties: APHA 100 max. cl. liq., neutral odor; bland flavor; misc. with most org. solvs. incl. 95% ethanol; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.9160.926; visc. 9-13 mPa·s; vapor dens. > 1; vapor pressure < 1 mm Hg; acid no. 1.0 max.; iodine no. 1.0 max.; sapon. no. 320-340; cloud pt. < -20 C Environmental: avoid runoff to waterways Precaution: Incompat. with oxidizers NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Ambient storage
Captex® 500 [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl triacetate See Triacetin CAS 102-76-1; EINECS/ELINCS 203-051-9 Uses: Solvent, fixing agent for flavors and fragrances in foods; syn. flavoring agent Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1901, GRAS; FCC, USP approved; RCRA not regulated Properties: Colorless liq.; mild vegetable oil odor; insol. in water; sp.gr. 1.16; b.p. ≈ 260 C; flash pt. ≈ 146 C; autoignition temp.≈ 432 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3 g/kg; sl. eye irritant Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Captex® 810D [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Caprylic/capric/linoleic triglyceride Uses: Diluent, moisturizer, solubilizer, solvent, vehicle, carrier, fixing agent, extender in nutritional applics.; carrier for flavors and fragrances Regulatory: SARA §311/312, 313 nonreportable Properties: Gardner 2 max. liq.; mild fatty odor; vapor pressure < 1 mmHg; acid no. 0.1 max.; iodine no. 85; sapon. no. 235-253 Toxicology: Sl. eye irritant; no adverse effect to skin; noncarcinogenic; nonmutagenic Precaution: Avoid mist formation and contact with eyes; wear chemical splash goggles and neoprene-type gloves for hot oil; incompat. with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 2 yr min. shelf life; store in dry area in closed, labeled containers; keep away from 134
Part I: Trade Name Reference heat, sparks and flame. Captex® 1000 [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tricaprin CAS 621-71-6; EINECS/ELINCS 210-702-0 Uses: Carrier for flavors, fragrances, colors, and vitamins; diluent, lubricant, moisturizer, solubilizer, vehicle, carrier, visc. modifier for clinical nutrition, infant formulas, nutritional/sports supplements Features: Provides non-greasy water-resist. film Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Pale yel. solid; misc. with most org. solvs.; sp.gr. 0.92; vapor dens. > 1; vapor pressure < 1 mm Hg; m.p. 33 C; b.p. > 500 F; acid no. 0.1 max.; sapon. no. 280-320; 0.1% max. moisture Precaution: Wear chemical splash goggles, neoprene gloves; incompat. with strong oxidizers Storage: Store in dry place @ ambient temp. Captex® 8000 [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tricaprylin CAS 538-23-8; EINECS/ELINCS 208-686-5 Uses: Carrier for essential oils, flavors; vehicle for vitamins, nutritional prods. Features: Nonoily Properties: APHA 150 max. cl. liq.; neutral odor; bland flavor; misc. with most org. solvs. incl. 95% ethanol; visc. 20-28 mPa·s; acid no. 1.0 max.; iodine no. 1.0 max.; sapon. no. 350-365; cloud pt. < -5 C; ref. index 1.4469 Captex® 8227 [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Triundecanoin CAS 13552-80-2; EINECS/ELINCS 236-935-8 Uses: Lubricant, moisturizer, visc. modifier, solvent, fixing agent, extender in nutritional applics.; carrier for flavors and fragrances Regulatory: 21 CFR 172.856; SARA §311/312, 313 nonreportable Properties: APHA 150 solid; fatty odor; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.9; vapor dens. > 1; vapor pressure < 1 mm Hg; m.p. 25-29 C; acid no. 0.5 max.; iodine no. 5 max.; sapon. no. 270290; cloud pt. 21 C; flash pt. (COC) 350 F Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 gm/ kg; slight irritant to eyes; no adverse effects to skin or by ing.; noncarcinogenic; nonmutagenic; nonteratogenic Precaution: Wear chemical splash goggles; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx Storage: Retest and requalify 18 months from the date of manufacture; store in a dry area away from heat or sparks; maintain good ventilation around containers. Captex® CA [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Medium chain triglycerides; Starch See Caprylic/capric triglyceride Chem. Analysis: 4.0 max. moisture CAS 65381-09-1; 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 265-724-3; 232-686-4 Uses: Clouding agent in fruit, juice, and carbonated type beverages Regulatory: SARA §311/312, 313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; clean, sl. sweet taste; vapor pressure < 1 mmHg; acid no. 0.1 max.; iodine no. 85; sapon. no. 235253 Precaution: Avoid mist formation and contact with eyes; wear chemical splash goggles and neoprene-type gloves for hot oil; incompat. with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 1 yr shelf life; store @ 60-80° F. Captex® SBE [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Caprylic/Capric/Stearic Triglyceride Chem. Analysis: 0.2 % moisture (max.) CAS 308067-08-5 Uses: Extender for specialty butters such as Shea Butter; improve crystal formation eliminating graininess associated with specialty butters; improves spreadability Features: Does not contain any additives or antioxidants; maintains extremely good oxidative stability Regulatory: Kosher Properties: APHA 250 solid; mild fatty odor; vapor pressure 200 F Toxicology: Not expected to cause serious irritant to eyes; no adverse effects to skin or by ing.; mist classified as nuisance particulates (ACGIH) Precaution: Wear chemical mask or respirator in presence of mist; avoid high temps. near flash pt. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx 135
Part I: Trade Name Reference Storage: Retest and re-qualify 12 months from the date of manufacture; store in a dry place at 68-77 F Carbowax® E300 NF [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-6 NF, FCC CAS 25322-68-3; EINECS/ELINCS 220-045-1 Uses: Defoamer in fermentation, food processing Properties: Cl. visc. liq.; sol. in water; m.w. 300; sp.gr. 1.125; dens. 9.36 lb/gal; f.p. -10 C; visc. 69 cSt; flash pt. (PMCC) > 400 F; ref. index 1.463; sp. heat 0.508 cal/g/°C Toxicology: Extremely low acute oral toxicity; little or no irritation to eyes and skin; not recommended for use on abraded skin; may generate irritating vapors on decomp. Carbowax® E400 NF [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-8 NF, FCC CAS 25322-68-3; EINECS/ELINCS 225-856-4 Uses: Defoamer in fermentation, food processing Properties: Cl. visc. liq.; m.w. 400; sp.gr. 1.125; dens. 9.36 lb/gal; f.p. 6 C; visc. 90 cSt; flash pt. (PMCC) > 450 F; ref. index 1.465; sp. heat 0.498 cal/g/°C Toxicology: Extremely low acute oral toxicity; little or no irritation to eyes and skin; not recommended for use on abraded skin; may generate irritating vapors on decomp. Carbowax® E600 NF [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-12 NF, FCC CAS 25322-68-3; EINECS/ELINCS 229-859-1 Uses: Defoamer in fermentation, food processing Properties: Cl. visc. liq.; sol. in water, ethanol, cyclomethicone, sunscreens, lactic acid; m.w. 600; sp.gr. 1.126; dens. 9.37 lb/gal; f.p. 22 C; visc. 131 cSt; flash pt. (PMCC) > 450 F; ref. index 1.466; sp. heat 0.490 cal/g/°C Toxicology: Extremely low acute oral toxicity; little or no irritation to eyes and skin; not recommended for use on abraded skin; may generate irritating vapors on decomp. Carbowax® E1000 NF [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-20 NF, FCC CAS 25322-68-3; EINECS/ELINCS 203-989-9 Uses: Defoamer in fermentation, food processing Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Wh. waxy solid; m.w. 1000; sp.gr. 1.214; f.p. 37 C; visc. 18 cSt (210 F); flash pt. (PMCC) > 450 F Toxicology: Extremely low acute oral toxicity; little or no irritation to eyes and skin; not recommended for use on abraded skin; may generate irritating vapors on decomp. Carbowax® E1450 NF [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-32 NF, FCC CAS 25322-68-3; EINECS/ELINCS 203-989-9 Uses: Defoamer in fermentation, food processing Properties: Wh. waxy solid; m.w. 1450; sp.gr. 1.214; f.p. 44 C; visc. 29 cSt (210 F); flash pt. (PMCC) > 450 F Toxicology: Extremely low acute oral toxicity; little or no irritation to eyes and skin; not recommended for use on abraded skin; may generate irritating vapors on decomp. Carbowax® E3350 NF [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-75 NF, FCC CAS 25322-68-3; EINECS/ELINCS 203-989-9 Uses: Defoamer in fermentation, food processing Properties: Wh. waxy solid, pract. odorless; sol. > 100 g/100 g in water; m.w. 3350; sp.gr. 1.224; visc. 93 cSt (210 F); f.p. 54 C; b.p. dec.; flash pt. (PMCC) > 232 C; pH 4.5-7.5 (5% aq.) Toxicology: Single dose oral toxicity believed to be very low; may cause sl. transient eye irritation; avoid prolonged/repeated contact with abraded skin Precaution: Dusts may present explosive hazard; incompat. with oxidizers, conc. min. acids Carbowax® E8000 NF [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-150 NF, FCC CAS 25322-68-3; EINECS/ELINCS 203-989-9 Uses: Defoamer in fermentation, food processing Properties: Wh. waxy solid, cl. liq. above 65 C, pract. odorless; sol. > 100 g/100 g in water; m.w. 8000; sp.gr. 1.224; f.p. 60 C; visc. 800 cSt (210 F); flash pt. (PMCC) > 260 C; pH 4.57.5 (5% aq.); > 99% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 50 g/kg (low oral toxicity); may cause sl. transient temporary eye irritation; avoid prolonged/repeated exposure on abraded skin 136
Part I: Trade Name Reference Precaution: Dusts may present explosive hazard; incompat. with oxidizers, conc. min. acids Carbowax® PEG 4000 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-90 CAS 25322-68-3; EINECS/ELINCS 203-989-9 Uses: Food additive Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 178.3750, 178.3910; EPA regulated; NF and FCC approved Properties: Wh. opaque hard solid; sol. 66% in water (20 C); m.w. 3600-4400; sp.gr. 1.0926 (60 C); dens. 8.99 lb/gal (80 C); visc. 140.4 cSt (210 F); m.p. 57-59; flash pt. (PMCC) 246 C; nonionic Storage: Store sealed @ < 50 C; for prolonged storage keep under nitrogen atm. Carbowax® Sentry® PEG 300 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-6 FCC, USP/NF CAS 25322-68-3; EINECS/ELINCS 220-045-1 Uses: Coupling agent, solvent, vehicle, humectant, lubricant, binder, base, bodying agent, dispersant, conditioner, defoamer for food processing; diluent in color additive coatings for fresh citrus fruit Regulatory: USP/NF, FDA 21CFR §172.210, 172.820, 173.310, 173.340 Properties: Water-wh. visc. liq.; sol. in water, alcohols, glycerin, glycols; m.w. 285-315; sp.gr. 1.1250; dens. 9.38 lb/gal; visc. 5.8 cSt (99 C); f.p. -15 to -8 C; hyd. no. 356-394; flash pt. (PMCC) > 180 C; ref. index 1.463; pH 4.57.5 (5% aq.); surf. tens. 44.5 dynes/cm; nonionic Carbowax® Sentry® PEG 400 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-8 FCC, USP/NF CAS 25322-68-3; EINECS/ELINCS 225-856-4 Uses: Coupling agent, solvent, vehicle, humectant, lubricant, binder, base, bodying agent, dispersant, defoamer for food processing; diluent in color additive coatings for fresh citrus fruit Regulatory: USP/NF, FDA 21CFR §172.210, 172.820, 173.310, 173.340 Properties: Water-wh. visc. liq.; sol. in water, methanol, ethanol, acetone, trichloroethylene, Cellosolve®, Carbitol®, dibutyl phthalate, toluene; m.w. 380-420; sp.gr. 1.1254; dens. 9.39 lb/gal; visc. 7.3 cSt (99 C); f.p. 4-8 C; hyd. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
no. 267-295; flash pt. (PMCC) > 180 C; ref. index 1.465; pH 4.5-7.5 (5% aq.); surf. tens. 44.5 dynes/cm; nonionic Carbowax® Sentry® PEG 540 Blend [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-6 and PEG-32 FCC, USP/NF Uses: Diluent in color additive coatings for fresh citrus fruit; bodying agent, dispersant, defoamer for food processing Regulatory: USP/NF, FDA 21CFR §172.210, 172.820, 173.310, 173.340 Properties: Wh. soft waxy solid; sol. in methylene chloride, 73% in water, 50% in trichloroethylene, 48% in methanol; m.w. 500600; sp.gr. 1.0930; dens. 9.17 lb/gal (55 C); visc. 15.1 cSt (99 C); m.p. 38-41 C; hyd. no. 187-224; flash pt. (PMCC) > 180 C; pH 4.5-7.5 (5% aq.) Carbowax® Sentry® PEG 600 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-12 FCC, USP/NF CAS 25322-68-3; EINECS/ELINCS 229-859-1 Uses: Diluent in color additive coatings for fresh citrus fruit; bodying agent, dispersant, defoamer for food processing Regulatory: USP/NF, FDA 21CFR §172.210, 172.820, 173.310, 173.340 Properties: Water-wh. visc. liq.; sol. in water, alcohols, glycols; m.w. 570-630; sp.gr. 1.1257; dens. 9.40 lb/gal; visc. 10.8 cSt (99 C); f.p. 2025 C; hyd. no. 178-197; flash pt. (PMCC) > 180 C; ref. index 1.46; pH 4.5-7.5 (5% aq.); surf. tens. 44.5 dynes/cm; nonionic Carbowax® Sentry® PEG 900 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-20 FCC, USP/NF CAS 25322-68-3; EINECS/ELINCS 203-989-9 Uses: Diluent in color additive coatings for fresh citrus fruit; bodying agent, dispersant, defoamer for food processing Regulatory: USP/NF, FDA 21CFR §172.210, 172.820, 173.310, 173.340 Properties: Wh. soft waxy solid; sol. 86% in water; m.w. 855-945; sp.gr. 1.0927 (60 C); dens. 9.16 lb/gal (55 C); visc. 15.3 cSt (99 C); m.p. 32-36 C; hyd. no. 119-131; flash pt. (PMCC) > 180 C; pH 4.5-7.5 (5% aq.); nonionic Carbowax® Sentry® PEG 1000 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-20 FCC, USP/NF 137
Part I: Trade Name Reference CAS 25322-68-3; EINECS/ELINCS 203-989-9 Uses: Diluent in color additive coatings for fresh citrus fruit; bodying agent, dispersant, defoamer for food processing Regulatory: USP/NF, FDA 21CFR §172.210, 172.820, 173.310, 173.340 Properties: Wh. soft waxy solid; sol. 80% in water; m.w. 950-1050; sp.gr. 1.0926 (60 C); dens. 9.16 lb/gal (55 C); visc. 17.2 cSt (99 C); m.p. 37-40 C; hyd. no. 107-118; flash pt. (PMCC) > 180 C; pH 4.5-7.5 (5% aq.); nonionic Carbowax® Sentry® PEG 1450 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-32 FCC, USP/NF CAS 25322-68-3; EINECS/ELINCS 203-989-9 Uses: Diluent in color additive coatings for fresh citrus fruit; bodying agent, dispersant, defoamer for food processing Regulatory: USP/NF, FDA 21CFR §172.210, 172.820, 173.310, 173.340 Properties: Wh. soft waxy solid or flake; sol. 72% in water; m.w. 1300-1600; sp.gr. 1.0919 (60 C); dens. 9.17 lb/gal (55 C); bulk dens. 30 lb/ft3 (flake); visc. 26.5 cSt (99 C); m.p. 43-46 C; hyd. no. 70-86; flash pt. (PMCC) > 180 C; pH 4.5-7.5 (5% aq.); nonionic Carbowax® Sentry® PEG 3350 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-75 FCC, USP/NF CAS 25322-68-3; EINECS/ELINCS 203-989-9 Uses: Diluent in color additive coatings for fresh citrus fruit; bodying agent, dispersant, defoamer for food processing Regulatory: USP/NF, FDA 21CFR §172.210, 172.820, 173.310, 173.340 Properties: Wh. hard waxy flake or powd.; sol. 67% in water; m.w. 3000-3700; sp.gr. 1.0926 (60 C); dens. 8.94 lb/gal (80 C); bulk dens. 30 lb/ft3 (flake), 40 lb/ft3 (powd.); visc. 90.8 cSt (99 C); m.p. 54-58 C; hyd. no. 30-37; flash pt. (PMCC) > 180 C; pH 4.5-7.5 (5% aq.); nonionic Carbowax® Sentry® PEG 4600 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-100 FCC, USP/NF CAS 25322-68-3; EINECS/ELINCS 203-989-9 Uses: Diluent in color additive coatings for fresh citrus fruit; bodying agent, dispersant, defoamer for food processing Regulatory: USP/NF, FDA 21CFR §172.210, 172.820, 173.310, 173.340 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Wh. hard waxy flake or powd.; sol. 65% in water; m.w. 4400-4800; sp.gr. 1.0926 (60 C); dens. 8.95 lb/gal (80 C); bulk dens. 30 lb/ft3 (flake), 40 lb/ft3 (powd.); visc. 184 cSt (99 C); m.p. 57-61 C; hyd. no. 23-26; flash pt. PMCC) > 180 C; pH 4.5-7.5 (5% aq.); nonionic Carbowax® Sentry® PEG 8000 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-150 FCC, USP/NF CAS 25322-68-3; EINECS/ELINCS 203-989-9 Uses: Diluent in color additive coatings for fresh citrus fruit; bodying agent, dispersant, defoamer for food processing Regulatory: USP/NF, FDA 21CFR §172.210, 172.820, 173.310, 173.340 Properties: Wh. hard waxy flake or powd.; sol. 63% in water; m.w. 7000-9000; sp.gr. 1.0845 (60 C); dens. 8.96 lb/gal (80 C); bulk dens. 30 lb/ft3 (flake), 40 lb/ft3 (powd.); visc. 822 cSt (99 C); m.p. 60-63 C; hyd. no. 13-16; flash pt. (PMCC) > 180 C; pH 4.5-7.5 (5% aq.); nonionic Carbrea® Tabs [Cain Food Industries http://www.cainfood.com] Chem. Descrip.: Azodicarbonamide, carbamide, ascorbic acid, and other edible excipients See L-Ascorbic acid; Urea Uses: Dough conditioner, yeast nutrient, fermentation aid for yeast-raised baked goods Features: Oxidation system provides dough str., gas retention; nitrogen source aids fermentation Regulatory: FDA GRAS Properties: Beige tablets, odorless; disp. in water Use Level: 1-2 tablets/cwt flour Storage: 1 yr. shelf life stored under cool, dry conditions Cardioaid™-M [ADM Nutrition http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Plant sterol-sucrose fatty acid ester complex CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Dietary supplement that helps reduce the absorption of dietary cholesterol used in beverages and other aq. systems Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to tan gran. solid; sl. taste and odor; insol. in waterm.p. 135-140 C; 95% sterols Cardioaid™-CZ [ADM Nutrition 138
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Plant sterol-sucrose fatty acid ester complex Chem. Analysis: 1% max. moisture CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Dietary supplement that helps reduce the absorption of dietary cholesterol used in beverages and other aq. systems Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Yel. to off-wh. paste.; sl. taste and odor; m.p. 15-30 C; 56% sterols Use Level: 0.4 gram per serving of plant sterols, eaten twice a day with meals for a daily total intake of at least 0.8 gram Storage: Shelf life of 18 mos. when sotored in unopened containers; store in closed packaging under dry conditions Cardioaid™-S [ADM Nutrition http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Plant sterol-sucrose fatty acid ester complex Chem. Analysis: 0.1% max. moisture CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Dietary supplement that helps reduce the absorption of dietary cholesterol used in beverages and other aq. systems Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Creamy wh. to pale yel solid.; sl. taste and odor; m.p. 25-30 C; acid no. 1.0 mg KOH/g max.; peroxide no. 5.0 meq/kg max.; 56% sterols Cargill Dry GL™ 01920 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltose (8%), maltotriose (10%), dextrose (2%) and higher saccharides See Glucose Chem. Analysis: 5.0% moisture; 21.0 DE CAS 69-79-4; 1109-28-0; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-716-5; 214-174-2; 200075-1 Uses: Sugar crystallization inhibitor, sweetener and binder for sausages, hams and other meat prods., soup and sauce mixes, spices and seasonings, dry mix beverages Features: Relatively low hygroscopicity; good dispersibility; good solubility Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1865 Properties: Neutral taste and low sweetness; bulk dens. (packed) 660 g/l; pH 4.4 Precaution: Excessive dust is flamm. and explosive Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Storage: Shelf life 24 mos. from date of manufacture; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Cargill Dry GL™ 01925 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltose (9.5%), maltotriose (11.5%), dextrose (2.5%) and higher saccharides See Glucose Chem. Analysis: 5.0% moisture; 25.0 DE CAS 69-79-4; 1109-28-0; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-716-5; 214-174-2; 200075-1 Uses: Bulking agent for peanut butter, dairy prods., coatings for nuts and snack foods, soup, sauce and gravy mixes, coffee whiteners Features: Low hygroscopicity; can be dissolved in room temperature water at levels up to 70% Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1865 Properties: Bland flavor; sl. sweet taste; bulk dens. (packed) 690 g/l; pH 5.0 Precaution: Excessive dust is flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos. from date of manufacture; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Cargill Dry GL™ 01938 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltose (11%), maltotriose (10%), dextrose (14%) and higher saccharides See Glucose Chem. Analysis: 5.0% moisture; 36.0 DE CAS 69-79-4; 1109-28-0; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-716-5; 214-174-2; 200075-1 Uses: Sweetener used in confections where the addition of water is not desirable such as chewing gum, hard candy, fruit leathers, spices and seasonings, cake and batter mixes Features: Low hygroscopicity; can be dissolved in room temperature water at levels up to 70%; moderate reducing sugars content; reduced tendency to dust Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1865 Properties: Med. coarse grans.; 2% thru on 60 US Mesh; bland flavor; sl. sweet taste; bulk dens. (packed) 900 g/l; pH 5.0 Precaution: Excessive dust is flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 12 mos. from date of manufacture; store in a clean, dry, odor-free 139
Part I: Trade Name Reference area at ambient temperature and humidity Cargill Dry GL™ 01939 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltose (11%), maltotriose (11%), dextrose (13%) and higher saccharides See Glucose Chem. Analysis: 5.0% moisture; 36.0 DE CAS 69-79-4; 1109-28-0; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-716-5; 214-174-2; 200075-1 Uses: Bulking agent, bodying agent, freezing pt. control agent used in foods where the addition of water is not desirable such as chewing gum, hard candy, fruit leathers, spices and seasonings, cake and batter mixes Features: Low hygroscopicity; can be dissolved in room temperature water at levels up to 70%; moderate reducing sugars content; reduced tendency to dust Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1865 Properties: Fine grans.; 98% thru on 8 US Mesh; bland flavor; sl. sweet taste; bulk dens. (packed) 975 g/l; pH 4.7 Precaution: Excessive dust is flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 12 mos. from date of manufacture; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Cargill Dry GL™ 01944 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltose (14%), maltotriose (12%), dextrose (19%) and higher saccharides See Glucose Chem. Analysis: 3.5% moisture; 42.0 DE CAS 69-79-4; 1109-28-0; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-716-5; 214-174-2; 200075-1 Uses: Moisture retention aid, sweetener, sugar crystallization retarding and control agent, bodying agent used in foods where the addition of water is not desirable such as jams, jellies, and preserves, syrup and toppings Features: Mod. hygroscopicity; can be dissolved in room temperature water at levels up to 70%; moderate reducing sugars content; reduced tendency to dust Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1865 Properties: Coarse grans.; 5% thru on 40 US Mesh; mod. sweet taste; bulk dens. (packed) 925 g/l; pH 5.0 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Precaution: Excessive dust is flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 12 mos. from date of manufacture; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Cargill Dry GL™ 01946 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltose (14%), maltotriose (12%), dextrose (19%) and higher saccharides See Glucose Chem. Analysis: 3.5% moisture; 42.0 DE CAS 69-79-4; 1109-28-0; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-716-5; 214-174-2; 200075-1 Uses: Sweetener and bodying agent in confectionery prods., jams, jellies and preserves, and syrup and toppings; retards and controls sugar crystallization in foods Features: Retards and controls sugar crystallization in foods; can be dissolved in room temperature water at levels up to 70%; reduced tendency to dust Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1865 Properties: Fine gran. powd.; 98% max. thru 8 US mesh; sweet taste; easily disp. in cold water; bulk dens. 900 g/l; pH 5.0 Precaution: Excessive dust is flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 12 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Cargill Dry MD 01913 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltose (4%), maltotriose (6%), dextrose (1%) and higher saccharides See Glucose Chem. Analysis: 5% moisture; 15.0 DE CAS 69-79-4; 1109-28-0; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-716-5; 214-174-2; 200075-1 Uses: Bulking agent, viscosifier, and bodying agent used in beverage, soup, and sauce mixes, dry-mix salad dressing, bakery glazes and icing, nutritional and infant formulas, and spice blends Features: Good solubility, bland flavor and low sweetness, essentially nonhygroscopicity Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1444 Properties: Bland flavor and sweet taste; sol. in water; bulk dens. 625 g/l; pH 4.4 Precaution: Excessive dust is flamm. and explosive 140
Part I: Trade Name Reference Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Cargill Dry MD 01918 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltose (6%), maltotriose (8%), dextrose (1.5%) and higher saccharides See Glucose Chem. Analysis: 5% moisture; 18.0 DE CAS 69-79-4; 1109-28-0; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-716-5; 214-174-2; 200075-1 Uses: Bulking agent used in beverage, soup, and sauce mixes, icings, frozen desserts, dietetic and baby foods, and spice blends Features: Very bland flavor; does not cloud; relatively nonhygroscopicity; obtained by enzymatic conversion of common corn starch Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1444 Properties: Sol. in water; bulk dens. 690 g/l; pH 4.5 Precaution: Excessive dust is flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Cargill Dry MD 01956 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltose (1.5%), maltotriose (2.0%), dextrose (0.5%) and higher saccharides See Glucose Chem. Analysis: 5% moisture; 7.5 DE CAS 69-79-4; 1109-28-0; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-716-5; 214-174-2; 200075-1 Uses: Bulking agent, bodying agent, and viscosifier, film-former used in beverage, icing, soup, gravy, and sauce mixes, salad dressings, reduced fat foods, high carbohydrate drinks, and spice blends Features: Very bland flavor; nonhygroscopicity; high solubility, obtained by enzymatic conversion of waxy maize Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1444 Properties: Sol. in water; bulk dens. 545 g/l; pH 4.7 Precaution: Excessive dust is flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Cargill Dry MD 01960 [Cargill Foods Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltose (2.5%), maltotriose (3.5%), dextrose (0.5%) and higher saccharides See Glucose Chem. Analysis: 5% moisture; 11.0 DE CAS 69-79-4; 1109-28-0; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-716-5; 214-174-2; 200075-1 Uses: Bulking agent, bodying agent, and viscosifier, film-former, and encapsulating aid used in beverage, icing, soup, gravy, and sauce mixes, salad dressings, spraydried encapsulated flavor oils, and spice blends Features: Very bland flavor; nonhygroscopic; obtained by enzymatic conversion of starch Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1444 Properties: Sol. in water; bulk dens. 640 g/l; pH 4.4 Precaution: Excessive dust is flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Cargill DrySet™ 07702 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Lightly converted common corndextrin Chem. Analysis: 5% moisture; 0.1% ash CAS 9004-53-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-675-4 Uses: Crispness enhancer, coating agent for fried food batters, french fry coatings, lowfat coatings for snack food, pastry glazes Features: Facilitates formation of a continuous, uniform coating; helps to maintain crispiness under heat lamps; low solubility; med. to high visc.; light color Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1277 Properties: Mild flavor; bulk dens. (packed) 850 g/l; pH 4.0 Precaution: Excessive dust is flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 12 mos. from date of manufacture; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Cargill Gel™ 03420 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch Chem. Analysis: 11% moisture; 0.1% ash; < 10 mg/kg SO2 CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 141
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Bodying agent, viscosifier, opacifier, texturizer, film former, water binder, and filler for soups, sauces, gravies, meat and poultry, dry mixes, icings, batter and breading mixes, cream and custard fillings Features: Thickens rapidly when cooled to form a firm, opaque gel; short, fluid consistency when hot Properties: pH 5.0 Precaution: Excessive dusting can be flamm. and explosive. Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Cargill Gel™ 03428 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch Chem. Analysis: 9.0% moisture; 0.2% ash; < 10 mg/kg SO2 CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Bodying agent and viscosifier for a range of applics. where moisture stability, absorption, and transfer problems exist such as baking powds., icing and dry mixes Features: Short, fluid consistency when hot; thickens rapidly when cooled to form a firm, yet soft gel; good gloss and sheen Properties: Bland flavor; particle size 99.5% thru 200 mesh; pH (1:) 5.0 Precaution: Excessive dusting can be flamm. and explosive. Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Cargill Gel™ 03458 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch Chem. Analysis: 10.0% moisture; 50 ppm max. SO2 CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Bodying agent, viscosifier, opacifier, texturizer, film former, water binder, and filler for soups, sauces, gravies, meat and poultry, dry mixes, icings, batter and breading mixes, cream and custard fillings Features: Recommended for use in food systems not requiring stability when subjected to low pH, high shear or excessive heat; thickens rapidly when cooled to form a firm, opaque gel Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Particle size 2.0% thru on 100 mesh; bulk dens. (packed) 44 lbs/ft3; pH (1:5) 4.7 Precaution: Excessive dusting can be flamm. and explosive. Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Cargill Gel-Instant™ 12030 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch Chem. Analysis: 5% moisture CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Moisture retention aid, thickener, and binder for cake mixes, donuts, soup, sauce and gravy mixes, instant puddings and desserts, aerated cream fillings Features: Instant viscosity without cooking; short texture at elevated temps.; gel-type body at R.T. or below Properties: Opaque; 90.0% thru on US 20 mesh; bulk dens. (packed) 44 lbs/ft3; pH 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 12 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Cargill Gel-Instant™ 12410 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch Chem. Analysis: 6% moisture; 10 ppm SO2 CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Instant thickener used in baby food, bakery and cake mixes Features: Instant viscosity without cooking; hydrates quickly; high paste clarity; cohesive texture Properties: Grans.; bulk dens. (packed) 600 g/l; pH 6 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 12 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Cargill Set 05030 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Acid-treated, thinned common Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch Chem. Analysis: 11% moisture; 0.4% ash CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Gelling agent in confectionery prods. 142
Part I: Trade Name Reference such as gum drops, orange slices, and jelly beans Features: Low viscosity permits use at higher solids and improved handling characteristics; cooks out, even in the presence of high sugar concs. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 and EC Directive 95/2/EC Properties: Bulk dens. (packed) 48 lbs/ft3; visc. (alkaline fluidity) 72 mls; pH 5.0 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Cargill Set 05032 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Acid-treated, thinned common Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch Chem. Analysis: 11% moisture; 0.4% ash CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Gelling agent in confectionery prods. such as gum drops, orange slices, and jelly bean centers Features: Low viscosity permits use at higher solids and improved handling characteristics; cooks out, even in the presence of high sugar concs; good clarity Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 and EC Directive 95/2/EC Properties: Bulk dens. (packed) 48 lbs/ft3; visc. (alkaline fluidity) 30 mls; pH 5.0 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Cargill Set 05033 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Acid-treated, thinned common Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch Chem. Analysis: 11% moisture; 0.4% ash CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Gelling agent in confectionery prods. such as gum drops, orange slices, and jelly beans Features: Low viscosity permits use at higher solids and improved handling characteristics; cooks out, even in the presence of high sugar concs; good clarity Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 and EC Directive 95/2/EC Properties: Bulk dens. (packed) 48 lbs/ft3; visc. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
(alkaline fluidity) 30 mls; pH 5.0 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Cargill Set 05034 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Acid-treated, thinned common Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch Chem. Analysis: 11% moisture CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Thin-boiling starch and gelling agent in hard gum and soft jelly candies Features: Can be cooked by batch process or with continuous cooking systems; quickly sets to a clear gel on cooling; low hot-paste viscosity at hot solids Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: 2% thru on 100 meshy; bulk dens. (loose) 32 lbs/ft3; visc. (alkaline fluidity) 70 mL; pH 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Cargill Set 06530 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Oxidized starch See Starch, oxidized Chem. Analysis: 11% moisture; 0.5% ash CAS 65996-62-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Film former, pan coating agent, glazing agent for confections and gums; gum Arabic replacer or extender Features: Films form with rapid drying, good clarity and flexibility, forms clear solutions Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 and EC Directive 95/2/EC Properties: Bulk dens. (packed) 50 lbs/ft3; visc. (cool tunnel) 50 ml; pH 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Cargill Set™ 90030 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch, modified Chem. Analysis: 11% moisture CAS 53124-00-8 143
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Gelling agent in jellied candies such as gum drops, orange slices, jelly bean centers Features: Due to thinner viscosity a high usage level can be used without producing tailing effects; fast set to a firm gel; more consistent, stable texture over the shelf life of jelly candy prods.; needs to be cooked @ 310-330 Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Bulk dens. (packed) 48 lbs/ft3; visc. (alkaline fluidity) 50 mls; pH 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Cargill Tex 06201 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Acetylated distarch adipate Chem. Analysis: 11.0% moisture; 0.3% ash CAS 63798-35-6 Uses: Thickener for bakery and fruit fillings (fresh, canned, pail and frozen), soups, sauces and gravies (canned and frozen), frozen entrees, barbecue and tomato sauces, baby food, and pet canned foods Features: Suited for neutral and acid systems; adaptable to both batch and continuous process systems; stable when subjected to prolonged heating; good cold storage and freeze-thaw stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; EC directive 95/2/EC Properties: Bland flavor; bulk dens. (packed) 740 g/l; pH 5.5 Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Cargill Tex 06231 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Acetylated distarch adipate Chem. Analysis: 11.0% moisture; 0.5% ash CAS 63798-35-6 Uses: Thickener for baby food, canned soups, sauces, and gravies, dry mix prods., condiments, Oriental food, refrigerated and frozen entrees Features: High viscosity in neutral pH systems; adaptable to most batch systems; cooks easily without prolonged hold times; good cold storage and freeze-thaw stability; good paste clarity Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Bland flavor; bulk dens. (packed) 650 g/l; pH 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dusting can be flamm. and explosive. Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Cargill Tex-Instant™ 12604 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Pregelatinized, stabilized and crosslinked acetylated distarch adipate Chem. Analysis: 5% moisture CAS 63798-35-6 Uses: Thickener, binder, moisture retention aid, and shelf life extender for fresh and frozen fruit fillings, instant puddings and pie fillings, cake and bakery mixes, soup, sauce and gravy mixes, and batter mixes Features: Resistant to heat, acid, and shear conditions; hydrates quickly; provides high visc. without cooking; good cold storage and freeze-thaw stability; short texture; exc. paste clarity Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Bland flavor; particle size 75 % thru US 200 mesh; bulk dens. (packed) 800 g/l; pH 5.5 Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Carmacid R [MLG Enterprises] Chem. Descrip.: Acid-stable ammonium carminate Uses: Colorant for foods, alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages Features: Natural; produces red shades Properties: 7.5% carminic acid Carmine PG [MLG Enterprises] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrated aluminum chelate of carminic acid, carmine lake-red powd. See Carmine (Coccus cacti) CAS 1390-65-4; EINECS/ELINCS 215-724-4 Uses: Colorant for foods (meats, ice cream, yogurt, dairy prods., soups, jellies, fruit fillings, beverages, confections, puddings) Features: Natural; produces purple shades Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.100, 73.1100, 73.2087; EU E120 Properties: Sol. in alkaline media; insol. in water and alcohol; up to 60% carminic acid Storage: Keep in cool, dark place
Part I: Trade Name Reference Carmine XY/UF [MLG Enterprises] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrated aluminum chelate of carminic acid, carmine lake-red powd. See Carmine (Coccus cacti) CAS 1390-65-4; EINECS/ELINCS 215-724-4 Uses: Colorant for foods (meats, ice cream, yogurt, dairy prods., soups, jellies, fruit fillings, beverages, confections, puddings) Features: Natural; produces red-yel. shades; high tinting str. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.100, 73.1100, 73.2087; EU E120 Properties: Sol. in alkaline media; insol. in water and alcohol; up to 60% carminic acid Storage: Keep in cool, dark place Carnation® [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. mineral oil NF CAS 8042-47-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Lubricant for food processing Features: Highly refined; hydrophobic; does not change color over time Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3620(a) Properties: Water-wh., odorless, tasteless; sp.gr. 0.829-0.845; visc. 11-14 cSt (40 C); pour pt. 12 C; flash pt. 185 C Carnauba Wax SP 8 [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carnauba (Copernicia cerifera) wax See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax CAS 8015-86-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-399-4 Uses: Anticaking agent, formulation aid, lubricant, release agent, surface-finishing agent in foods, fruit coatings, confections Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.320, 184.1978; CTFA listed Toxicology: TSCA listed Carnauba Wax SP 59-2 [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carnauba wax substitute See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax CAS 8015-86-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-399-4 Uses: Anticaking agent, formulation aid, lubricant, release agent, surface-finishing agent in foods, fruit coatings, confections Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.320, 184.1978; CTFA listed Properties: Lt. brn. flakes, lumps, or powd.; m.p. 175-187 F; acid no. 8-15; sapon. no. 80-95
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Carnauba Wax SP 63 [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carnauba wax See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax CAS 8015-86-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-399-4 Uses: Anticaking agent, formulation aid, lubricant, release agent, surface-finishing agent in foods, fruit coatings, confections Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.320, 184.1978; CTFA listed Properties: Yel. flakes, lumps, or powd.; m.p. 83 C min.; acid no. 2-6; sapon. no. 78-88; flash pt. 310 C min.; 2% max. paraffinic hydrocarbons Toxicology: TSCA listed Carnauba Wax SP 63 NF [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carnauba wax See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax CAS 8015-86-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-399-4 Uses: Anticaking agent, formulation aid, lubricant, release agent, surface-finishing agent in foods, fruit coatings, confections Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.320, 184.1978; CTFA listed Properties: Yel. flakes, lumps, or powd.; m.p. 8086 C min.; acid no. 2-7; sapon. no. 78-95; 0.004% max. heavy metals Toxicology: TSCA listed Carnauba Wax SP 64 (Extra Light) [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carnauba wax substitute See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax CAS 8015-86-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-399-4 Uses: Anticaking agent, formulation aid, lubricant, release agent, surface-finishing agent in foods, fruit coatings, confections Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.320, 184.1978; CTFA listed Properties: Yel. flakes, lumps, or powd.; m.p. 7580 C; acid no. 8-12; sapon. no. 46-54 Toxicology: TSCA listed Carnauba Wax SP 135 [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carnauba wax substitute See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax CAS 8015-86-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-399-4 Uses: Anticaking agent, formulation aid, lubricant, release agent, surface-finishing agent in foods, fruit coatings, confections Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.320, 184.1978; CTFA listed Properties: Tan flakes, lumps, or powd.; m.p. 145
Part I: Trade Name Reference 169-175 F; acid no. 5 max.; sapon. no. 15-21 Carnauba Wax SP 142 [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carnauba wax See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax CAS 8015-86-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-399-4 Uses: Anticaking agent, formulation aid, lubricant, release agent, surface-finishing agent in foods, fruit coatings, confections Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.320, 184.1978; CTFA listed Properties: Brn. flakes, lumps, or powd.; m.p. 82.5 C min.; acid no. 4-10; sapon. no. 78-88; flash pt. 299 C min.; 2% max. paraffinic hydrocarbons Toxicology: TSCA listed Carnauba Wax SP 200 [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carnauba wax See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax CAS 8015-86-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-399-4 Uses: Anticaking agent, formulation aid, lubricant, release agent, surface-finishing agent in foods, fruit coatings, confections Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.320, 184.1978; CTFA listed Properties: Tan flakes, lumps, or powd.; m.p. 82.5 C min.; acid no. 4-10; sapon. no. 78-88; flash pt. 299 C min.; 2% max. paraffinic hydrocarbons Toxicology: TSCA listed Carnauba Wax Coarse [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carnauba wax See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax CAS 8015-86-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-399-4 Uses: Anticaking agent, formulation aid, lubricant, release agent, surface-finishing agent in foods, fruit coatings, confections Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.320, 184.1978; CTFA listed Properties: Powd.; 80% min. through 60 mesh, 60% min. through 120 mesh, 20% min. through 200 mesh, 10% min. through 325 mesh Toxicology: TSCA listed Carnauba Wax Fine [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carnauba wax See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax CAS 8015-86-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-399-4 Uses: Anticaking agent, formulation aid, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
lubricant, release agent, surface-finishing agent in foods, fruit coatings, confections Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.320, 184.1978; CTFA listed Properties: Powd.; 98% min. through 60 mesh, 75% min. through 120 mesh, 50% min. through 200 mesh, 20% min. through 325 mesh Toxicology: TSCA listed Carnauba Wax Hard [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carnauba wax See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax CAS 8015-86-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-399-4 Uses: Anticaking agent, formulation aid, lubricant, release agent, surface-finishing agent in foods, fruit coatings, confections Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.320, 184.1978; CTFA listed Properties: Yel. confectioner's powd.; 75% min. through 120 mesh; m.p. 81 C min.; acid no. 410; sapon. no. 78-98 Toxicology: TSCA listed Carnauba Wax Soft [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carnauba wax See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax CAS 8015-86-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-399-4 Uses: Anticaking agent, formulation aid, lubricant, release agent, surface-finishing agent in foods, fruit coatings, confections Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.320, 184.1978; CTFA listed Properties: Yel. confectioner's powd.; 75% min. through 120 mesh; m.p. 81 C min.; acid no. 612; sapon. no. 80-100 Toxicology: TSCA listed Carnauba Wax Superfine [Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carnauba wax See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax CAS 8015-86-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-399-4 Uses: Anticaking agent, formulation aid, lubricant, release agent, surface-finishing agent in foods, fruit coatings, confections Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.320, 184.1978; CTFA listed Properties: Powd.; 99% min. through 60 mesh, 98% min. through 120 mesh, 65% min. through 200 mesh, 40% min. through 325 mesh Toxicology: TSCA listed 146
Part I: Trade Name Reference CaroCare® Nat. β-Carotene 30% S [DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com] Chem. Descrip.: β-Carotene dispersed in sunflower oil See Carotene; Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seed oil CAS 7235-40-7; 8001-21-6; EINECS/ELINCS 230-636-6; 232-273-9 Uses: Colorant, nutrient, provitamin A source in food and beverage supplements, nutritional formulations, dietary supplements Regulatory: FCC, FDA CFR 73.95(b) Properties: Red visc. oil; sl. sol. in fats and oils; m.w. 536.85; 30% min. carotene content Toxicology: Can increase risk of lung cancer in heavy smokers and drinkers Caromix® Plus [LycoRed USA http://www.lycored.com] Chem. Descrip.: α-Carotene, β-carotene, lutein, lycopene, astaxanthin, and zeaxanthin See Carotene; Xanthophyll Chem. Analysis: 1% moisture; 178 mg/g (17.8%) carotenoid content CAS 7488-99-5; 7235-40-7; 127-40-2; 502-65-8; 472-61-7; 144-68-3; EINECS/ELINCS 230636-6; 204-840-0; 207-949-1; 207-451-4; 205636-4 Uses: For mfg. of beverages Properties: Reddish brn. visc. liq.; char. odor; 100% through #20 U.S. Std. Sieve; 8% moisture; 4% total carotene Storage: Store @ 4 C for optimum stability CaroPure® Crystals [DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com] Chem. Descrip.: β-Carotene See Carotene CAS 7235-40-7; EINECS/ELINCS 230-636-6 Uses: Colorant, nutrient, provitamin A source in food and beverage supplements, nutritional formulations, dietary supplements CarraBind™ 27 [Carrageenan Co. http://www.carrageenanco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Refined carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Gellant for marshmellows Features: Increases production yield CarraBind™ MPF-60B [Carrageenan Co. http://www.carrageenanco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Refined carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Gellant for cooked flans or custards CarraBind™ MPF-74I [Carrageenan Co. http://www.carrageenanco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Refined carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Visc. builder, shape enhancer for instant flans and puddings CarraBind™ Series [Carrageenan Co. http://www.carrageenanco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Refined carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Stabilizer, binder for foods, meat and poultry prods. CarraFat™ [Carrageenan Co. http://www.carrageenanco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan emulsion with water, salt, and flavoring See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Fat replacement in meat and poultry formulations esp. in ground or emulsified processed meat and poultry prods. Features: Low-calorie and cholesterol-free substitute for animal fat in processed meats; heat stable; microwavable Regulatory: FDA approved; kosher certified Properties: Off-wh. glossy, smooth powd., fatty flavor; 8% max. moisture Use Level: 5-25% (ground beef), 10-30% (breakfast sausage) Storage: Stable for up to 1 yr. when kept dry at ambient temps.; keep container tightly closed CarraJell™ 27 [Carrageenan Co. http://www.carrageenanco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Refined carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Gelatin replacement for cakes, baked goods, confectionery prods.; foam control agent for beer CarraJell™ 34M [Carrageenan Co. http://www.carrageenanco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Refined carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Gellant for pimento olive stuffing; foam control agent for beer CarraJell™ 46AF [Carrageenan Co. 147
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.carrageenanco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Refined carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Foam control agent for beer CarraJell™ 69AF [Carrageenan Co. http://www.carrageenanco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Refined carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Foam control agent for beer CarraJell™ 70 SAG [Carrageenan Co. http://www.carrageenanco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Refined carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Gelatin replacement for water dessert jelly; foam control agent for beer CarraJell™ Series [Carrageenan Co. http://www.carrageenanco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Refined carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Gellant for dessert gels, low calorie jellies CarraLite™ [Carrageenan Co. http://www.carrageenanco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fat flavored carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Fat replacement, stabilizer, gellant, bodying agent for dairy, bakery, confections, dietary and nutritional beverages, dessert mixes Regulatory: FDA approved; kosher certified Properties: Off-wh., fatty flavor; 95% through 80 mesh; swells in cold water; completely sol. in hot water; visc. 40-50 cps; pH 7-9 (1.5%); 8% max. moisture Use Level: 0.8-1.6% Storage: Stable for up to 1 yr. when stored dry at ambient temps.; keep containers tightly closed CarraLizer™ C-1 [Carrageenan Co. http://www.carrageenanco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of carrageenan and other nat. gums See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Stabilizer, texturizer, fats/solids separation preventer, ice crystal control agent for premium full-fat and sugar-free Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
ice creams Features: Prevents whey-off while unfrozen mix is in storage; protects from heat shock by preventing formation of lg. ice crystals Properties: 10% prod. fat content Use Level: 0.32-0.40% CarraLizer™ C-2 [Carrageenan Co. http://www.carrageenanco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of carrageenan and other nat. gums See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Stabilizer, texturizer, fats/solids separation preventer, ice crystal control agent for premium full-fat and sugar-free ice creams Features: Prevents whey-off while unfrozen mix is in storage; protects from heat shock by preventing formation of lg. ice crystals Properties: ≥ 12% prod. fat content Use Level: 0.40% CarraLizer™ C-3 [Carrageenan Co. http://www.carrageenanco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of carrageenan and other nat. gums See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Stabilizer, texturizer, fats/solids separation preventer, ice crystal control agent for premium full-fat and sugar-free ice creams Features: Prevents whey-off while unfrozen mix is in storage; protects from heat shock by preventing formation of lg. ice crystals Properties: 10% prod. fat content Use Level: 0.40% CarraLizer™ C-4 [Carrageenan Co. http://www.carrageenanco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of carrageenan and other nat. gums See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Stabilizer, texturizer, fats/solids separation preventer, ice crystal control agent for premium full-fat and sugar-free ice creams Features: Prevents whey-off while unfrozen mix is in storage; protects from heat shock by preventing formation of lg. ice crystals Properties: 2-6% prod. fat content Use Level: 0.42-0.50% CarraVis™ 5 [Carrageenan Co. 148
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.carrageenanco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Refined carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Visc. builder for salad dressings, mayonnaise; stabilizer for milk prods. CarraVis™ 60CL [Carrageenan Co. http://www.carrageenanco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Refined carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Syneresis control, bodying agent for dry mix cooked with milk; stabilizer for instant breakfasts, shakes; bodying agent, fruit suspension aid for yogurt; stabilizer for milk prods. CarraVis™ 80B [Carrageenan Co. http://www.carrageenanco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Refined carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Syneresis control, bodying agent, level starch gellation for pudding and pie fillings; stabilizer for milk prods. CarraVis™ 150LC [Carrageenan Co. http://www.carrageenanco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Refined carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Thickening gelation for cold prepared custards; stabilizer for milk prods. CarraVis™ 612X [Carrageenan Co. http://www.carrageenanco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Refined carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Visc. builder for fruit drinks; stabilizer for milk prods. CarraVis™ Series [Carrageenan Co. http://www.carrageenanco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrocolloid gum blend CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Stabilizer, suspending agent, gellant, emulsifier, thickener for dairy, beverage, and other foods Carrot Flakes Trobana® [Confoco http://www.confoco.com] Chem. Descrip.: carrots and green banana Chem. Analysis: 5% max. moisture Uses: Carrot flavor in dry fruit preparations, drinks, vegetable preparations, baby foods, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
cakes, soups, drinks, and soft food diets Features: Foreign material absent; produced by ripening, blanching, extracting, pulping, dosing green banana as carrier and sieving the mixture, then drum drying it Regulatory: Halal, kosher certified; GMO compliant Properties: Orange yel. flakes; mashed cooked carrot odor/flavor; 20% min. retained thru US 20 mesh; dens. 120-200 g/l Storage: 18 mos. when stored @ 21 C in sealed containers Carrot Powder Trobana® [Confoco http://www.confoco.com] Chem. Descrip.: carrots and green banana starch Chem. Analysis: 5% max. moisture Uses: Carrot flavor in dry fruit preps., drinks, vegetable preparations, baby foods, cakes, soups, drinks, and soft food diets Features: Foreign material absent; produced by ripening, blanching, extracting, pulping, dosing green banana as carrier and sieving the mixture, then drum drying , and milling Regulatory: Halal, kosher certified; GMO compliant Properties: Orange yel. powd.; mashed cooked carrot odor/flavor; 5% max. retained thru US 60 mesh; dens. 520-660 g/l Storage: 18 mos. when stored @ 21 C in sealed original containers Carstab® DLTDP [Struktol http://www.struktol.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Dilauryl thiodipropionate CAS 123-28-4; EINECS/ELINCS 204-614-1 Uses: Preservative for foods; antioxidant migrating to foods from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.300, 181.24, 182.3280, GRAS Properties: Wh. cryst. flake; sol. (g/100 g): 65 g toluene, 60 g ethyl acetate, 55 g acetone, 52 g heptane; insol. in water; m.w. 514; sp.gr. 0.896 (80 C); f.p. 40 C; acid no. 0.5; 99% purity Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 10,3 g/kg; low oral and dermal toxicity Carstab® DSTDP [Struktol http://www.struktol.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Distearyl thiodipropionate CAS 693-36-7; EINECS/ELINCS 211-750-5 Uses: Antioxidant migrating to foods from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 149
Part I: Trade Name Reference 181.24 Properties: Wh. cryst. flake or powd.; sol. (g/100 g): 13 g toluene, 2 g heptane, acetone; insol. in water; m.w. 682; sp.gr. 0.858 (80 C); f.p. 65 C; acid no. 1.0; 98% purity Toxicology: Low oral and dermal toxicity Cassis Ketone, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor in tropical, berry flavors Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Lt. yel., cl. liq.; black currant, dark, sulfury taste; sol. in water, oil, alcohol, PG Use Level: 0.1-4 ppm as consumed Castorwax® NF [Vertellus Perf. Materials http://www.vertellus.com; HallStar http://www.cphall.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated castor oil NF CAS 8001-78-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-292-2 Uses: Wax for foods Regulatory: FDA approval Properties: Flake; tasteless; sol. in hot solvs.; sp.gr. 1.02; m.p. 87 C; acid no. 2; iodine no. (Wijs) 5; sapon. no. 180; hyd. no. 158; penetration hardness 2 Toxicology: Nontoxic Catalase NL Amano [Amano Enzyme http://www.amano-enzyme.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Catalase from Aspergillus niger CAS 9001-05-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-577-1 Uses: Enzyme for food processing, decomp. of H2O2 Properties: Lt. to dk. brn. liq.; sl. odor; sol. in water; pH 5.5-7.5 Toxicology: Skin irritant; nontoxic; inh.of aerosols or dust resulting from inappropriate handling may induce sensitization and may cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals Precaution: Wear respirator approved for aerosols and potential airborne concs., protective eye glasses, and latex gloves; and avoid formation of aerosols Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: Store container in cool, dry place with good ventilation Cavamax® W6 [Wacker-Chemie Fine Chemicals GmbH http://www.wacker.com/cms/en/wacker_group /divisions/fine-chemicals/fine-chemicals.jsp; Wacker Fine Chemicals Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.wacker.com/cms/en/wacker_group /divisions/fine-chemicals/fine-chemicals.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: α-Cyclodextrin See Cyclodextrin CAS 10016-20-3; EINECS/ELINCS 233-007-4 Uses: Complex hosting guest molecules, increasing the sol. and bioavailability of other substances, masking flavor, odor, or coloration, stabilizing against light, oxidation, heat, and hydrolysis, turning liqs. or volatiles into stable solid powds., for use in foods Properties: Wh. to sl. ylsh. powd.; sol. 14.5 g/100 ml in water; m.w. 973; bulk dens. 0.4-0.7 g/cm3; 90% min. conc., 11% max. water Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store @ R.T. in sealed containers under dry conditions Cavamax® W6 Food [Wacker-Chemie Fine Chemicals GmbH http://www.wacker.com/cms/en/wacker_group /divisions/fine-chemicals/fine-chemicals.jsp; Wacker Fine Chemicals http://www.wacker.com/cms/en/wacker_group /divisions/fine-chemicals/fine-chemicals.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: α-Cyclodextrin See Cyclodextrin Chem. Analysis: 14% max. moisture CAS 10016-20-3; EINECS/ELINCS 233-007-4 Uses: Solubilizer, stabilizer, and delivery system for flavor molecules Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher; SARA and CERCLA nonreportable; DSL listed Properties: Wh. cryst. powd.; odorless; sol. in water (145 g/l); m.w. 973; bulk dens. 0.4-0.7 g/cc Toxicology: OSHA PEL 15 mg/m3 (inhalable dust); LD50 (oral, rat) > 10000 mg/kg Environmental: EC50 ( Daphnia magna, 48 h) > 100 mg/l; readily biodeg. Precaution: Avoid dust formation and oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: 12 mos. shelf life from date of delivery; store in sealed containers under dry conditions Cavamax® W7 Food [Wacker-Chemie Fine Chemicals GmbH http://www.wacker.com/cms/en/wacker_group /divisions/fine-chemicals/fine-chemicals.jsp; Wacker Fine Chemicals http://www.wacker.com/cms/en/wacker_group /divisions/fine-chemicals/fine-chemicals.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: β-Cyclodextrin See Cyclodextrin 150
Part I: Trade Name Reference CAS 7585-39-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-493-2 Uses: Flavor protectant in food Regulatory: FDA GRAS; SARA and CERCLA nonreportable; DSL listed Properties: Wh. cryst. powd.; odorless; sol. in water (1.85 g/100 ml); m.w. 1135; bulk dens. 0.4-0.7 g/cc Toxicology: OSHA PEL 15 mg/m3 (inhalable dust); LD50 (oral, rat) > 12000 mg/kg, (dermal, rat) > 2000 mg/kg Environmental: EC50 ( carp, 96 h) 7561 mg/l; 82% biodeg. (28 days) Precaution: Avoid dust formation and oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: 12 mos. shelf life from date of delivery Cavamax® W8 Food [Wacker-Chemie Fine Chemicals GmbH http://www.wacker.com/cms/en/wacker_group /divisions/fine-chemicals/fine-chemicals.jsp; Wacker Fine Chemicals http://www.wacker.com/cms/en/wacker_group /divisions/fine-chemicals/fine-chemicals.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: γ-Cyclodextrin See Cyclodextrin Chem. Analysis: 11% max. moisture CAS 17465-86-0; EINECS/ELINCS 241-482-4 Uses: Flavor protectant in food Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher; SARA and CERCLA nonreportable; DSL listed Properties: Wh. cryst. powd.; odorless; sol. in water (23.3 g/100 ml); m.w. 1297; bulk dens. 0.4-0.7 g/cc Toxicology: OSHA PEL 15 mg/m3 (inhalable dust); LD50 (oral, rat) > 9000 mg/kg Environmental: EC50 ( Daphna magna, 48 h) > 100 mg/l; readily biodeg. Precaution: Avoid dust formation and oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: 12 mos. shelf life from date of delivery; store in sealed containers under dry conditions Cavasol® W6 HP TL [Wacker-Chemie Fine Chemicals GmbH http://www.wacker.com/cms/en/wacker_group /divisions/fine-chemicals/fine-chemicals.jsp; Wacker Fine Chemicals http://www.wacker.com/cms/en/wacker_group /divisions/fine-chemicals/fine-chemicals.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl-α-cyclodextrin CAS 128446-33-3 Uses: Complex hosting guest molecules, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
increasing the sol. and bioavailability of other substances, masking flavor, odor, or coloration, stabilizing against light, oxidation, heat, and hydrolysis, turning liqs. or volatiles into stable solid powds., for use in foods Properties: Ylsh. cl. liq.; sol. > 200 g/100 ml water; sol. in methanol, ethanol; m.w. 1184; dens. 1.1-1.2 g/ml; visc. 20-80 mPa·s; 50% aq. Storage: 6 mos. shelf life; store @ R.T. in sealed containers Cavasol® W7 HP [Wacker-Chemie Fine Chemicals GmbH http://www.wacker.com/cms/en/wacker_group /divisions/fine-chemicals/fine-chemicals.jsp; Wacker Fine Chemicals http://www.wacker.com/cms/en/wacker_group /divisions/fine-chemicals/fine-chemicals.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin CAS 128446-35-5 Uses: Complex hosting guest molecules, increasing the sol. and bioavailability of other substances, masking flavor, odor, or coloration, stabilizing against light, oxidation, heat, and hydrolysis, turning liqs. or volatiles into stable solid powds., for use in foods Features: Low cost, highly sol. Regulatory: SARA and CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; sol. > 200 g/100 ml water; sol. in methanol, ethanol, pyridine, dimethyl sulfoxide, dimethyl formamide; m.w. 1507; bulk dens. 0.2-0.3 g/ml Toxicology: OSHA PEL 15 mg/m3 (inhalable dust); LD50 (oral, rat) > 2243 mg/kg, (dermal, rat) > 2000 mg/kg Environmental: EC50 (Daphnia magna, 48 h) > 1084 mg/l; not easily biodeg. 6% (28 days) Precaution: Avoid dust formation and oxidizing agents HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store @ R.T. in sealed containers Cavasol® W7 M TL [Wacker-Chemie Fine Chemicals GmbH http://www.wacker.com/cms/en/wacker_group /divisions/fine-chemicals/fine-chemicals.jsp; Wacker Fine Chemicals http://www.wacker.com/cms/en/wacker_group /divisions/fine-chemicals/fine-chemicals.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Methyl-β-cyclodextrin CAS 128446-36-6 Uses: Complex hosting guest molecules, increasing the sol. and bioavailability of other 151
Part I: Trade Name Reference substances, masking flavor, odor, or coloration, stabilizing against light, oxidation, heat, and hydrolysis, turning liqs. or volatiles into stable solid powds., for use in foods Properties: Ylsh. cl. liq.; odorless; sol. > 150 g/100 ml water; sol. in methanol, ethanol, pyridine, dimethyl sulfoxide, dimethyl formamide; m.w. 1311; dens. 1.2 g/ml; visc. 20-80 mPa·s; 50% aq. Storage: 6 mos. shelf life; store @ R.T. in sealed containers Cavasol® W8 HP Pharma [Wacker-Chemie Fine Chemicals GmbH http://www.wacker.com/cms/en/wacker_group /divisions/fine-chemicals/fine-chemicals.jsp; Wacker Fine Chemicals http://www.wacker.com/cms/en/wacker_group /divisions/fine-chemicals/fine-chemicals.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl-γ-cyclodextrin CAS 128446-34-4 Uses: Complex hosting guest molecules, increasing the sol. and bioavailability of other substances, masking flavor, odor, or coloration, stabilizing against light, oxidation, heat, and hydrolysis, turning liqs. or volatiles into stable solid powds., for use in foods Properties: Wh. powd.; sol. > 150 g/100 ml water; sol. in methanol, ethanol, pyridine, dimethyl sulfoxide, dimethyl formamide; m.w. 1580; bulk dens. 0.2-0.3 g/ml Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store @ R.T. in sealed containers C*BatterCrisp [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Starch modified by oxidation (maize, wheat) or esterification (high amylose) CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Batter starch for meat, seafood, poultry, cheese, vegetables Features: High adhesion, film-forming; good crispiness and deep-freeze stability Regulatory: Kosher, Halal certified CC™-103 [IMERYS http://www.imerys.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium carbonate CAS 1317-65-3; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Pigment, filler, reinforcing agent for foods Properties: Wh. coarse powd., odorless; 80% through 325 mesh; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 2.71; dens. 22.57 lb/gal; bulk dens. 72 lb/ft3 (loose); bulking value 0.044; ref. index 1.59; pH 9.5; nonflamm. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Toxicology: TLV/TWA 10 mg/m3, considered nuisance dust Precaution: Incompat. with acids CC-901 [Am. Casein http://www.americancasein.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium caseinate, spray dried Chem. Analysis: 6% moisture; 1.8% fat CAS 9005-43-0 Uses: Food additive Features: Low visc.; where low viscosity and a bland flavor are required Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to lt. cream fine free-flowing powd.; clean/bland odor/flavor; pH 6.6-7.3; 95% (dry basis) protein Storage: Store in cool, dry place CC-901 [Am. Casein http://www.americancasein.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium caseinate CAS 9005-43-0 Uses: Texturizer for health and nutrition bars Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to lt. cream fine free-flowing powd.; clean/bland odor/flavor; pH 6.6-7.3; 6% moisture Storage: Store in cool, dry place CC-902I [Am. Casein http://www.americancasein.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium caseinate, spray dried, instantized Chem. Analysis: 6% moisture; 2% fat CAS 9005-43-0 Uses: Bodying agent, mouthfeel enhancer for milk-based drinks, foods (imitation cheese, bakery prods., frozen dairy dessert, health foods, nutritional drinks) Features: Readily disp. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to lt. cream fine free-flowing powd.; clean/bland odor/flavor; pH 6.6-7.3; 90% protein Storage: Store in cool, dry place C*CleanSet [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Thinned starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Thickener for molding starch Features: Reduced visc. C*ClearCrisp [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Potato or wheat starch modified by dextrinization See Starch 152
Part I: Trade Name Reference CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Batter starch for French fries Features: Clear coating; neutral taste C*ClearSet [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Thinned starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Thickener for high-clarity gums Features: Reduced visc. Regulatory: Kosher, Halal certified CDC-10A [Cain Food Industries http://www.cainfood.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat flour, diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono-diglycerides, monodiglycerides, ethoxylated monodiglycerides, soy flour, lecithin, ascorbic acid, potassium bromate, lcysteine, fungal amylase See L-Ascorbic acid; Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of monoand diglycerides; Ethoxylated mono- and diglycerides; Lecithin; Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids; Soybean (Glycine soja) flour; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) flour Uses: Dough conditioner for breads Features: Rec. for use in string line-produced hearth prods. where extensibility and crispy crust are important Use Level: 0.75-1.25% on flour (no-time doughs) Storage: 6 mos. shelf life stored in cool, dry conditions CDC-10A (NB) [Cain Food Industries http://www.cainfood.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat flour, diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono-diglycerides, monodiglycerides, ethoxylated monodiglycerides, soy flour, calcium salts, lecithin, ascorbic acid, l-cysteine, fungal amylase, azodicarbonamide See Amylase; L-Ascorbic acid; Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides; Ethoxylated mono- and diglycerides; Lecithin; Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids; Soybean (Glycine soja) flour; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) flour Uses: Dough conditioner for breads Features: Bromate-free; rec. for use in string line-produced hearth prods. where extensibility and crispy crust are important Use Level: 0.75-1.25% on flour (no-time doughs) Storage: 6 mos. shelf life stored in cool, dry conditions Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CDC-50 [Cain Food Industries http://www.cainfood.com] Chem. Descrip.: Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono-diglycerides; mono- and diglycerides See Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of monoand diglycerides; Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Dough conditioner, dough strengthener, softener, volume improver, shelf life extender, texturizer for yeastraised bakery prods. Features: Improves volume, grain, keeping qualities of bread prods.; produces superior crumb texture Regulatory: FDA GRAS Properties: Sl. off-wh. free-flowing powd., sl. acrid odor, char. flavor; m.p. 60 C; acid no. 2757; iodine no. 2.0 max.; sapon. no. 325-350; pH 2.2-2.4 (10% aq. disp.); 100% act. Use Level: 0.5% on flour (bread, buns) Storage: 6 mos. shelf life stored in cool, dry conditions; keep plastic bag sealed when not in use CDC-79 [Cain Food Industries http://www.cainfood.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soya flour, wheat flour, lecithin, barley malt, ascorbic acid See LAscorbic acid; Malt; Soybean (Glycine soja) flour; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) flour Uses: Dough conditioner, dough strengthener, volume improver for yeastraised prods. Features: Rec. where claims of natural or health food are made; provides tolerance to mechanical abuse; improves volume, grain; vital wheat gluten replacement Regulatory: FDA GRAS Properties: Dry free-flowing Use Level: 1.5-2.25%/cwt flour (yeast-raised prods.); 1:1 replacement for vital wheat gluten Storage: 6 mos. shelf life stored in cool, dry conditions CDC-2001 [Cain Food Industries http://www.cainfood.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat flour, dextrose, diacetyl tartaric acid esters of monodiglycerides, mono-diglycerides, soy flour, lecithin, vegetable powd., ascorbic acid, potassium bromate, azodicarbonamide, carbamide, fungal amylase See L-Ascorbic acid; L-Ascorbic acid; Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides; Glucose; 153
Part I: Trade Name Reference Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids; Soybean (Glycine soja) flour; Urea; Vegetable powder; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) flour Uses: Dough conditioner Regulatory: FDA GRAS Properties: Cream-colored free-flowing powd., char. odor; acid no. 20-25; sapon. no. 140150; ester no. 114-120; pH 3.6-4.0 (10% disp.); 0.3 ± 2% potassium bromate Storage: 6 mos. min. shelf life stored under cool, dry conditions CDC-2500 [Cain Food Industries http://www.cainfood.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat flour, diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono-diglycerides, monodiglycerides, dextrose, soy flour, lecithin, ascorbic acid, and fungal enzymes See LAscorbic acid; Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides; Glucose; Monoand diglycerides of fatty acids; Soybean (Glycine soja) flour; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) flour Uses: Dough conditioner, volume improver, texturizer, shelf life extender for yeastraised bakery prods. Features: Improves volume, dough tolerance and absorption, machining of doughs, grain, texture, keeping qualities; accelerates proof times Properties: Free-flowing powd. Use Level: 0.5-0.75% on flour (sponge and dough systems), 0.75-1.25% on flour (straight or no-time doughs), 0.5-1.25% on flour (doughnut, other mixes) Storage: 6 mos. min. shelf life stored under cool, dry conditions CDF™ [Cargill Flavor Systems http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/] Uses: Dairy flavor of sour cream, cream, condensed milk, milk, buttermilk, yogurt for food prods. Features: Variety of flavor profiles and intensities available Properties: Liq. C*DrySet [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Thinned starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Thickener for batters, coatings, confectionery gums Features: Reduced visc. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: Kosher, Halal certified C-D Stabilizer [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Special gum system Uses: Dough conditioner, texturizer, moisturizer, tenderizer, shelf life extender for cake doughnuts CE 90 GBT [DMV Int'l. http://www.dmvinternational.com] Chem. Descrip.: predigested Casein-hydrolyzate CAS 9000-71-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-555-1 Uses: Dietary supplement for sports tablet formulations and to supplement dietary protein sources in instant drink mixes and special diet foods Features: Medium degree of hydrolysis; mixture of poly and short chain peptides; low in free amino acids; improved nitrogen retention; high biological value CE 90 GMM [DMV Int'l. http://www.dmvinternational.com] Chem. Descrip.: clarified Casein-hydrolyzate Chem. Analysis: 19% casein phospho peptides CAS 9000-71-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-555-1 Uses: Dietary supplement and emulsifiert for infant formulas, enteral clinical formulas; source of casein phospho peptides (CPP), in health and functional foods Features: Reduced- allergenic; low in free amino acids; good solubility and clarity in solutions; low bitterness Properties: Bland taste; pH neutral CE 90 STL [DMV Int'l. http://www.dmvinternational.com] Chem. Descrip.: Casein-hydrolyzate CAS 9000-71-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-555-1 Uses: Dietary supplement specifically designed fo therapeutic infant formulas where a max. reduction in antigenic props. is required; used in medical nutritional formulas Features: High percentage of short chain peptides; low level of free amino acids; low bitterness; retort stable emulsions can be prepared with this prod. Properties: Bland taste; pH neutral Ceamgel 1313™ [PL Thomas http://www.plthomas.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Gellant, emulsion and heat stabilizer, 154
Part I: Trade Name Reference texturizer and weepage prevention agent for cooked meat and seafood prods. Properties: Cold-water sol. Ceamgel 3383 [PL Thomas http://www.plthomas.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Mouthfeel enhancer, gellant, texturizer, water retention aid, freeze-thaw stabilizer and yield improver for cooked and sliced meat, poultry and seafood Features: Soft, flexible gelling performance Ceamgel M-9393 [PL Thomas http://www.plthomas.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Texturizer, syneresis control agent, freeze-thaw stabilizer, and water binder for cooked meat and seafood prods. Features: Can be incorporated in a brine solution, which can be added to the meat by multi-needle injection, tumbling or by using both procedures Properties: Cold-water sol.
Properties: Neutral flavor; m.p. 89-93 F Cegemett® [Cognis http://www.cognis.de] Uses: Emulsifier for meat prods., frankfurters, sausages Cegemett® MZ 490 [Cognis http://www.cognis.de] Chem. Descrip.: Mono and diglycerides of edible fatty acids, esterified with citric acid See Citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for liver sausages and fat emulsions; prevents gelation and fat separation in mfg. of boiled and cooked sausages Regulatory: FDA §172.832 Properties: Yel.-wh. powd., neutral odor and taste; m.p. 60-64 C; acid no. 40-60; iodine no. < 2; sapon. no. 220-240; 20-30% monoglyceride Use Level: 0.5-1% (liver sausage) Storage: At least 1 yr. storage life when stored in cool, dry place at temps. ≤ 30 C
Cebes® 21-25 [Aarhus Karlshamn A/S http://www.aak.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Palm kernel oil and partially hydrogenated palm kernel oil See Palm (Elaeis guineensis) kernel oil Uses: Oil for chocolate and pastel compd. coatings Features: Hard, brittle Properties: Neutral flavor; m.p. 92-96 F
Cekol® 30 [Noviant Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium CMC See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Binder, thickener, stabilizer, protective colloid, water retention agent, and filmformer for foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS; FCC; USP/NF, Eur.Ph. and other compliances Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd. or gran., odorless; sol. in water; dens. 1.6 g/cc (20 C); bulk dens. 400-800 kg/m3; visc. 10 mPa·s (1%); decomp. pt. 240 C; pH 6.5-8.0 (1%); 99.5% act.; 10% max. moisture Use Level: JECFA ADI not specified Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27,000 mg/kg; powd. may dry the skin; dust may irritate eyes; inh. of dust may cause respiratory irritation Environmental: biodeg.; BOD7 ≈ 50-100 g O2/kg Storage: Hygroscopic; store in cool, dry place; avoid dusting
Cebes® 21-29 [Aarhus Karlshamn A/S http://www.aak.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Partially hydrogenated palm kernel oil Uses: Oil for chocolate and pastel compd. coatings Features: Hard, brittle
Cekol 150 [Noviant CMC Oy http://www.noviantgroup.com; Noviant Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium CMC See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Binder, thickener, stabilizer, protective colloid, water retention agent, and film-
Cebes® 21-20 [Aarhus Karlshamn A/S http://www.aak.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Fractionated Palm kernel oil See Palm (Elaeis guineensis) kernel oil CAS 8023-79-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-425-4 Uses: Oil for chocolate and pastel compd. coatings Features: Hard, brittle Properties: Neutral flavor; m.p. 89-92 F
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part I: Trade Name Reference former for foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS; FCC; USP/NF, Eur.Ph. and other compliances Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd. or gran., odorless; sol. in water; dens. 1.6 g/cc (20 C); bulk dens. 400-800 kg/m3; visc. 20 mPa·s (1%); decomp. pt. 240 C; pH 6.5-8.0 (1%); 99.5% act.; 10% max. moisture Use Level: JECFA ADI not specified Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27,000 mg/kg; powd. may dry the skin; dust may irritate eyes; inh. of dust may cause respiratory irritation Environmental: biodeg.; BOD7 ≈ 50-100 g O2/kg Storage: Hygroscopic; store in cool, dry place; avoid dusting Cekol® 300 [Noviant CMC Oy http://www.noviantgroup.com; Noviant Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium CMC See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Binder, thickener, stabilizer, protective colloid, water retention agent, and filmformer for foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS; FCC; USP/NF, Eur.Ph. and other compliances Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd. or gran., odorless; sol. in water; dens. 1.6 g/cc (20 C); bulk dens. 400-800 kg/m3; visc. 45 mPa·s (1%); decomp. pt. 240 C; pH 6.5-8.0 (1%); 99.5% act.; 10% max. moisture Use Level: JECFA ADI not specified Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27,000 mg/kg; powd. may dry the skin; dust may irritate eyes; inh. of dust may cause respiratory irritation Environmental: biodeg.; BOD7 ≈ 50-100 g O2/kg Storage: Hygroscopic; store in cool, dry place; avoid dusting Cekol® 500 T [Noviant CMC Oy http://www.noviantgroup.com; Noviant Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium CMC (99.5% min.) See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Binder, thickener, stabilizer, protective colloid, water retention agent, and filmformer for foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS; FCC Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; odorless; visc. 350-700 mPa·s; 99.5% act.; 10% max. moisture Cekol® 700 [Noviant CMC Oy Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.noviantgroup.com; Noviant Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium CMC See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Binder, thickener, stabilizer, protective colloid, water retention agent, and filmformer for foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS; FCC; USP/NF, Eur.Ph. and other compliances Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd. or gran., odorless; sol. in water; dens. 1.6 g/cc (20 C); bulk dens. 400-800 kg/m3; visc. 100 mPa·s (1%); decomp. pt. 240 C; pH 6.5-8.0 (1%); 99.5% act.; 10% max. moisture Use Level: JECFA ADI not specified Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27,000 mg/kg; powd. may dry the skin; dust may irritate eyes; inh. of dust may cause respiratory irritation Environmental: biodeg.; BOD7 ≈ 50-100 g O2/kg Storage: Hygroscopic; store in cool, dry place; avoid dusting Cekol® 2000 [Noviant CMC Oy http://www.noviantgroup.com; Noviant Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium CMC See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Binder, thickener, stabilizer, protective colloid, water retention agent, and filmformer for foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS; FCC; USP/NF, Eur.Ph. and other compliances Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd. or gran., odorless; sol. in water; dens. 1.6 g/cc (20 C); bulk dens. 400-800 kg/m3; visc. 180 mPa·s (1%); decomp. pt. 240 C; pH 6.5-8.0 (1%); 99.5% act.; 10% max. moisture Use Level: JECFA ADI not specified Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27,000 mg/kg; powd. may dry the skin; dust may irritate eyes; inh. of dust may cause respiratory irritation Environmental: biodeg.; BOD7 ≈ 50-100 g O2/kg Storage: Hygroscopic; store in cool, dry place; avoid dusting Cekol® 2000S [Noviant CMC Oy http://www.noviantgroup.com; Noviant Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium CMC See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Binder, thickener, stabilizer, protective colloid, water retention agent, and film156
Part I: Trade Name Reference former for foods Features: Rec. for severe conditions, formulations with very high electrolyte or peroxide concs., and when an almost instant visc. buildup is required Regulatory: FDA GRAS; FCC; USP/NF, Eur.Ph. and other compliances Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd. or gran., odorless; sol. in water; dens. 1.6 g/cc (20 C); bulk dens. 400-800 kg/m3; visc. 180 mPa·s (1%); decomp. pt. 240 C; pH 6.5-8.0 (1%); 99.5% act.; 10% max. moisture Use Level: JECFA ADI not specified Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27,000 mg/kg; powd. may dry the skin; dust may irritate eyes; inh. of dust may cause respiratory irritation Environmental: biodeg.; BOD7 ≈ 50-100 gO2/kg Storage: Hygroscopic; store in cool, dry place; avoid dusting Cekol® 4000 [Noviant CMC Oy http://www.noviantgroup.com; Noviant Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium CMC See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Binder, thickener, stabilizer, protective colloid, water retention agent, and filmformer for foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS; FCC; USP/NF, Eur.Ph. and other compliances Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd. or gran., odorless; sol. in water; dens. 1.6 g/cc (20 C); bulk dens. 400-800 kg/m3; visc. 500 mPa·s (1%); decomp. pt. 240 C; pH 6.5-8.0 (1%); 99.5% act.; 10% max. moisture Use Level: JECFA ADI not specified Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27,000 mg/kg; powd. may dry the skin; dust may irritate eyes; inh. of dust may cause respiratory irritation Environmental: biodeg.; BOD7 ≈ 50-100 g O2/kg Storage: Hygroscopic; store in cool, dry place; avoid dusting Cekol® 10000 [Noviant CMC Oy http://www.noviantgroup.com; Noviant Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium CMC See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Binder, thickener, stabilizer, protective colloid, water retention agent, and filmformer for foods; binder for processing recycled tobacco Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: FDA GRAS; FCC; USP/NF, Eur.Ph. and other compliances Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd. or gran., odorless; sol. in water; dens. 1.6 g/cc (20 C); bulk dens. 400-800 kg/m3; visc. 800 mPa·s (1%); decomp. pt. 240 C; pH 6.5-8.0 (1%); 99.5% act.; 10% max. moisture Use Level: JECFA ADI not specified Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27,000 mg/kg; powd. may dry the skin; dust may irritate eyes; inh. of dust may cause respiratory irritation Environmental: biodeg.; BOD7 ≈ 50-100 g O2/kg Storage: Hygroscopic; store in cool, dry place; avoid dusting Cekol® 10000 I [Noviant CMC Oy http://www.noviantgroup.com; Noviant Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium CMC (99.5% min.) See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Binder, thickener, stabilizer, protective colloid, water retention agent, and filmformer for foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS; FCC Properties: Visc. 400-900 mPa·s; 99.5% act.; 10% max. moisture Cekol® 30000 [Noviant CMC Oy http://www.noviantgroup.com; Noviant Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium CMC See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Binder, thickener, stabilizer, protective colloid, water retention agent, and filmformer for foods; binder for processing recycled tobacco Regulatory: FDA GRAS; FCC; USP/NF, Eur.Ph. and other compliances Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd. or gran., odorless; sol. in water; dens. 1.6 g/cc (20 C); bulk dens. 400-800 kg/m3; visc. 3500 mPa·s (1%); decomp. pt. 240 C; pH 6.5-8.0 (1%); 99.5% act.; 10% max. moisture Use Level: JECFA ADI not specified Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27,000 mg/kg; powd. may dry the skin; dust may irritate eyes; inh. of dust may cause respiratory irritation Environmental: biodeg.; BOD7 ≈ 50-100 g O2/kg Storage: Hygroscopic; store in cool, dry place; avoid dusting
Part I: Trade Name Reference Cekol® 50000 [Noviant CMC Oy http://www.noviantgroup.com; Noviant Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium CMC See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Binder, thickener, stabilizer, protective colloid, water retention agent, and filmformer for foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS; FCC; USP/NF, Eur.Ph. and other compliances Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd. or gran., odorless; sol. in water; dens. 1.6 g/cc (20 C); bulk dens. 400-800 kg/m3; visc. 6000 mPa·s (1%); decomp. pt. 240 C; pH 6.5-8.0 (1%); 99.5% act.; 10% max. moisture Use Level: JECFA ADI not specified Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27,000 mg/kg; powd. may dry the skin; dust may irritate eyes; inh. of dust may cause respiratory irritation Environmental: biodeg.; BOD7 ≈ 50-100 g O2/kg Storage: Hygroscopic; store in cool, dry place; avoid dusting Cekol® 100000 [Noviant CMC Oy http://www.noviantgroup.com; Noviant Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium CMC See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Binder, thickener, stabilizer, protective colloid, water retention agent, and filmformer for foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS; FCC Properties: Visc. > 9000 mPa·s; 99.5% act.; 10% max. moisture Celish® [Daicel USA] Chem. Descrip.: Microfibrillated cellulose CAS 9004-34-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9 Uses: Functional food ingred., thickener, fat replacer, thixotrope; water binder for highmoisture, low-fat foods; stabilizer for emulsions and suspensions Cellogen HP-5HS [Dai-ichi Kogyo Seiyaku http://www.dks-web.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Thickener for foods, bakery mixes; dairy stabilizer Features: Moderate hydration; resist. to heat, enzyme, and bacterial decomp.; superb waterholding ability; inert; wide compat. with other anionic and nonionic thickeners Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Visc. 2000-3000 cps (1%) Cellogen HP-6HS [Dai-ichi Kogyo Seiyaku http://www.dks-web.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Thickener for foods, bakery mixes; dairy stabilizer Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Visc. 3000-4000 cps (1%) Cellogen HP-6HS.9 [Dai-ichi Kogyo Seiyaku http://www.dks-web.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Thickener for foods, bakery mixes; dairy stabilizer Features: Milk, salt, and sugar sol'n. stability; resist. to heat, enzyme, and bacterial decomp.; superb water-holding ability Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Visc. 3000-4000 cps (1%) Cellogen HP-8A [Dai-ichi Kogyo Seiyaku http://www.dks-web.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Water binder for foods Features: Resist. to heat, enzyme, and bacterial decomp.; superb water-holding ability Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Visc. 25-45 cps (2%) Cellogen HP-12HS [Dai-ichi Kogyo Seiyaku http://www.dks-web.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Thickener for foods, bakery mixes; dairy stabilizer Features: High efficiency; resist. to heat, enzyme, and bacterial decomp.; superb waterholding ability; inert; wide compat. with other anionic and nonionic thickeners Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Visc. 6000-8000 cps (1%) Cellogen HP-SB [Dai-ichi Kogyo Seiyaku http://www.dks-web.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 158
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Thickener for foods, bakery mixes; dairy stabilizer Features: Acid/milk sol'n. stability; minimizes turbidity; resist. to heat, enzyme, and bacterial decomp.; superb water-holding ability Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Visc. 150-250 cps (2%) Cellulase DS [Amano Enzyme http://www.amano-enzyme.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulase from Aspergillus niger CAS 9012-54-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-734-4 Uses: Enzyme for dietary supplement use Features: High acti. of CMC-ase Properties: Off-wh. to brn. powd.; sl. odor; sol. in water Toxicology: Eye and skin irritant; may cause sensitization or allergic reaction in sensitized individuals Environmental: biodegradable; not harmful to aquatic and marine organisms when dissolved with copious amounts of water Precaution: Wear respirator, protective glasses, and impervious gloves; avoid dust formation Storage: Store in coo, dry place Cellulase TR [Deerland Enzymes http://www.deerland-enzymes.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulase derived from Trichoderma reesei See Cellulase CAS 9012-54-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-734-4 Uses: Enzyme for treatment of vegetables for decomposition of fiber and an increase in digestibility Properties: Lt. tan to wh. powd., free of offensive odor and taste; water-sol.; 6,000 u/g Storage: 1 yr. shelf life; store sealed containers, under cool, dry conditions Celogen® AZ 120 [Chemtura/Rubber Chems. http://www.cromptoncorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Azodicarbonamide CAS 123-77-3; EINECS/ELINCS 204-650-8 Uses: Maturing agent for flour Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.806 (45 ppm), 175.300, 177.1210 (2% max.), 177.1520, 177.2600 (5% max.) Properties: Yel.-orange fine powd.; 2 µ avg. particle size; char. odor; sol. with decomp. in alkaline sol'ns.; sl. sol. in water; insol. in benzene, ethylene dichloride; sp.gr. 1.66; decomp. pt. 190-220 C; gas yield 220 cc/g STP; gas: 65% N2, 24% CO, 5% CO2, 5% NH3 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 6800 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg; may cause eye irritation; repeated inh. exposure can cause respiratory sensitization and asthma; exposure to decomp. gases can irritate eyes, lungs, mucous membranes Environmental: > 70% biodeg.; LC50 (fathead minnow, 48 h) > 50 mg/l; EC50 (daphnia magna, 48 h) 11 mg/l; sl. toxic to nontoxic in aquatic species Precaution: May form explosive dust-air mixts.; will continue to burn once ignited; incompat. with strong oxidizers, acids, bases, metallic compds. (will reduce decomp. temp.) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. prods.: nitrogen, COx, ammonia, traces of cyanic acid; combustion prods.: COx, NOx, smoke, ash Storage: Store in cool, dry area in closed containers; avoid any heat source close to 180 C Celogen® AZ 130 [Chemtura/Rubber Chems. http://www.cromptoncorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Azodicarbonamide CAS 123-77-3; EINECS/ELINCS 204-650-8 Uses: Maturing agent for flour Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.806 (45 ppm), 175.300, 177.1210 (2% max.), 177.1520, 177.2600 (5% max.) Properties: Yel.-orange fine powd.; 3 µ avg. particle size; char. odor; sol. with decomp. in alkaline sol'ns.; sl. sol. in water; insol. in benzene, ethylene dichloride; sp.gr. 1.66; decomp. pt. 190-220 C; gas yield 220 cc/g STP; gas: 65% N2, 24% CO, 5% CO2, 5% NH3 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 6.8 g/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 2 g/kg; sl. eye irritant; repeated min. inh. may cause respiratory sensitization and asthma; decomp. gases may cause irritation to eyes, lungs, mucous membranes Environmental: > 70% biodeg.; LC50 (fathead minnow, 48 h) > 50 mg/l; EC50 (daphnia magna, 48 h) 11 mg/l; sl. toxic to nontoxic in aquatic species Precaution: May form explosive dust-air mixts.; will continue to burn once ignited; incompat. with strong oxidizers, acids, bases, metallic compds. (will reduce decomp. temp.); evolves large vols. of gas during decomp. 159
Part I: Trade Name Reference Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. prods.: nitrogen, COx, ammonia, traces of cyanic acid; combustion prods.: COx, NOx, smoke, ash Storage: Store in cool, dry area in closed containers; avoid any heat source close to 180 C Celogen® AZ 150 [Chemtura/Rubber Chems. http://www.cromptoncorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Azodicarbonamide CAS 123-77-3; EINECS/ELINCS 204-650-8 Uses: Maturing agent for flour Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.806 (45 ppm), 175.300, 177.1210 (2% max.), 177.1520, 177.2600 (5% max.) Properties: Yel.-orange powd.; 5 µ avg. particle size; char. odor; sol. with decomp. in alkaline sol'ns.; sl. sol. in water; insol. in benzene, ethylene dichloride; sp.gr. 1.66; decomp. pt. 190-220 C; gas yield 220 cc/g STP; gas: 65% N2, 24% CO, 5% CO2, 5% NH3 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 6.8 g/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 2 g/kg; sl. eye irritant; repeated min. inh. may cause respiratory sensitization and asthma; decomp. gases may cause irritation to eyes, lungs, mucous membranes Environmental: > 70% biodeg.; LC50 (fathead minnow, 48 h) > 50 mg/l; EC50 (daphnia magna, 48 h) 11 mg/l; sl. toxic to nontoxic in aquatic species Precaution: May form explosive dust-air mixts.; will continue to burn once ignited; incompat. with strong oxidizers, acids, bases, metallic compds. (will reduce decomp. temp.); evolves large vols. of gas during decomp. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. prods.: nitrogen, COx, ammonia, traces of cyanic acid; combustion prods.: COx, NOx, smoke, ash Storage: Store in cool, dry area in closed containers; avoid any heat source close to 180 C Celogen® AZ 180 [Chemtura/Rubber Chems. http://www.cromptoncorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Azodicarbonamide CAS 123-77-3; EINECS/ELINCS 204-650-8 Uses: Maturing agent for flour Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.806 (45 ppm), 175.300, 177.1210 (2% max.), 177.1520, 177.2600 (5% max.) Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Yel.-orange powd.; 8 µ avg. particle size; char. odor; sol. with decomp. in alkaline sol'ns.; sl. sol. in water; insol. in benzene, ethylene dichloride; sp.gr. 1.66; decomp. pt. 190-220 C; gas yield 220 cc/g STP; gas: 65% N2, 24% CO, 5% CO2, 5% NH3 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 6.8 g/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 2 g/kg; sl. eye irritant; repeated min. inh. may cause respiratory sensitization and asthma; decomp. gases may cause irritation to eyes, lungs, mucous membranes Environmental: > 70% biodeg.; LC50 (fathead minnow, 48 h) > 50 mg/l; EC50 (daphnia magna, 48 h) 11 mg/l; sl. toxic to nontoxic in aquatic species Precaution: May form explosive dust-air mixts.; will continue to burn once ignited; incompat. with strong oxidizers, acids, bases, metallic compds. (will reduce decomp. temp.); evolves large vols. of gas during decomp. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. prods.: nitrogen, COx, ammonia, traces of cyanic acid; combustion prods.: COx, NOx, smoke, ash Storage: Store in cool, dry area in closed containers; avoid any heat source close to 180 C Celogen® AZ 199 [Chemtura/Rubber Chems. http://www.cromptoncorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Azodicarbonamide CAS 123-77-3; EINECS/ELINCS 204-650-8 Uses: Maturing agent for flour Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.806 (45 ppm), 175.300, 177.1210 (2% max.), 177.1520, 177.2600 (5% max.) Properties: Yel.-orange powd.; 10 µ avg. particle size; char. odor; sol. with decomp. in alkaline sol'ns.; sl. sol. in water; insol. in benzene, ethylene dichloride; sp.gr. 1.66; decomp. pt. 190-220 C; gas yield 220 cc/g STP; gas: 65% N2, 24% CO, 5% CO2, 5% NH3 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 6.8 g/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 2 g/kg; sl. eye irritant; repeated min. inh. may cause respiratory sensitization and asthma; decomp. gases may cause irritation to eyes, lungs, mucous membranes Environmental: > 70% biodeg.; LC50 (fathead minnow, 48 h) > 50 mg/l; EC50 (daphnia magna, 48 h) 11 mg/l; sl. toxic to nontoxic 160
Part I: Trade Name Reference in aquatic species Precaution: May form explosive dust-air mixts.; will continue to burn once ignited; incompat. with strong oxidizers, acids, bases, metallic compds. (will reduce decomp. temp.); evolves large vols. of gas during decomp. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. prods.: nitrogen, COx, ammonia, traces of cyanic acid; combustion prods.: COx, NOx, smoke, ash Storage: Store in cool, dry area in closed containers; avoid any heat source close to 180 C C*EmCap [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: starch from waxy maize See Corn starch, waxy CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, encapsulant for flavor emulsions, whitening agents, flavor encapsulation, beverages Regulatory: Kosher, Halal certified C*EmTex [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: starch from waxy maize See Corn starch, waxy CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, encapsulant for salad dressings, cakes, coffee whiteners, creamers; gum Arabic replacement in flavor applics. Regulatory: Kosher, Halal certified Centrocap® 162US [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Special grade lecithin, highly filtered CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Mixing/blending aid, visc. modifier, w/o emulsifier for foods Features: Designed for encapsulation where clarity and brilliance are required Properties: Amber fluid; oil-sol.; visc. 3500 cP; acid no. 28; 0.3% moisture Centrocap® 273SS [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Special grade lecithin, highly filtered CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Mixing/blending aid, visc. modifier, w/o emulsifier for foods Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Features: Designed for encapsulation where clarity and brilliance are required Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1400, GRAS; kosher approved Properties: Lt. amber low-visc. fluid; oil-sol.; visc. 1500 cP; acid no. 27; 0.3% moisture Storage: Store in closed container @ 16-32 C; 1 yr. shelf life in original, unopened container Centrocap® B [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Special soybean lecithin See Lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Mixing/blending aid, visc. modifier, emulsifier for foods Features: Highly filtered; fluidized with refined vegetable oil to enable high speed encapsulation; low VOCs; rec. for encapsulation where clarity and brilliance are required Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1400; Kosher; GRAS Properties: Lt. amber liq.; bland to bean-like odor; visc. 3500 max. cps; HLB 4; acid no. 3036; 0.8% max. moisture; 56-60% acetone insolubles Environmental: biodeg. Hazardous Ingredients: None Storage: 1 yr. shelf life in orig. unopened container @ 16-32 C; separation may occur @ < 16 C Centrol® 1P-UB [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Standard food grade lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Mixing/blending aid, visc. modifier, emulsifier for foods, esp. infant formulas and dairy replacement systems Features: Low VOCs Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1400; Kosher; GRAS Properties: Amber liq.; bland to bean-like odor; acid no. 18-24; 1.5% max. moisture; 68-72% acetone insolubles Toxicology: Possible mild irritant to eyes Environmental: biodeg. Hazardous Ingredients: None Storage: 1 yr. shelf life in orig. unopened container @ 16-32 C; separation may occur @ < 16 C Centrol® 3F SB [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Standard grade lecithin, single bleached CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 161
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Mixing/blending aid, visc. modifier, w/o emulsifier, dispersant for foods, incl. chocolate, margarine, shortenings Features: More highly filtered than 2F type Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1400, GRAS; kosher approved Properties: Lt. amber med. visc. fluid; oil-sol.; visc. 12,000 cP max.; acid no. 32 max.; amphoteric; 0.8% max. moisture Storage: Store in closed container @ 16-32 C; 1 yr. shelf life Centrol® 3F UB [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Standard grade lecithin, unbleached CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Mixing/blending aid, visc. modifier, w/o emulsifier for foods incl. chocolate, margarine, shortenings Features: More highly filtered than 2F type Properties: Amber fluid; oil-sol.; visc. 6000 cP; acid no. 27; amphoteric; 0.3% moisture Centrol® 3F-SB [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Standard food grade lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Mixing/blending aid, visc. modifier, emulsifier for foods, esp. infant formulas and dairy replacement systems Features: Low VOCs Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1400; Kosher; GRAS Properties: Lt. amber liq.; bland to bean-like odor; visc. 12,000 max. cps; acid no. 25-29; 0.8% max. moisture; 62-64% acetone insolubles Toxicology: Possible mild irritant to eyes Environmental: biodeg. Hazardous Ingredients: None Storage: 1 yr. shelf life in orig. unopened container @ 16-32 C; separation may occur @ < 16 C Centrol® 3F-UB [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food grade lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Mixing/blending aid, visc. modifier, emulsifier for foods, esp. infant formulas and dairy replacement systems Features: Highly filtered; better clarity; low VOCs Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1400; Kosher; GRAS Properties: Amber liq.; bland to bean-like odor; visc. 12,000 max. cps; HLB 4; acid no. 25-29; 0.8% max. moisture; 62-64% acetone Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
insolubles Toxicology: Possible mild irritant to eyes Environmental: biodeg. Hazardous Ingredients: None Storage: 1 yr. shelf life in orig. unopened container @ 16-32 C; separation may occur @ < 16 C Centrol® 3F-UB Premium [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food grade lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Mixing/blending aid, visc. modifier, emulsifier for foods Features: Highly filtered; low VOCs; commonly used in where clarity is important Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1400; Kosher; GRAS Properties: Amber clear, brilliant liq.; bland to bean-like odor; visc. 10,000 max. cps; HLB 4; acid no. 25-29; 0.8% max. moisture; 62-64% acetone insolubles Toxicology: Possible mild irritant to eyes Environmental: biodeg. Hazardous Ingredients: None Storage: 1 yr. shelf life in orig. unopened container @ 16-32 C; separation may occur @ < 16 C Centrolex® R [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Special grade lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: O/w emulsifier, visc. modifier, wetting agent for foods; fat control agent in ground meat prods.; improves dough machinability in baked goods; when solubilized, instantizes dry powds. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1400, GRAS; kosher approved Properties: Lt. tan or yel. gran., very bland odor and flavor; oil-sol, water-disp.; bulk dens. 0.38 g/cc; HLB 7; acid no. 36 max.; 1% max. moisture Storage: 1 yr. shelf life when stored in dry, closed, original containers below 25 C Centrophase® HR2B [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Special grade lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: O/w emulsifier, release agent, wetting agent for foods, esp. cheese sauces, nondairy creamers, shortening Features: Patented; heat-resist.; will not develop burned odor, color, or taste on heating 162
Part I: Trade Name Reference Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1400; kosher approved Properties: Lt. amber fluid; oil-sol., water-disp.; sp.gr. 1.02; visc. 5000 cP; acid no. 22; pour pt. 10 F; amphoteric; 0.6% moisture Storage: Store in closed container @ 16-32 C; 1 yr. shelf life in original, unopened container Centrophase® HR4B [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Special grade lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: O/w emulsifier, release agent, wetting agent for foods, esp. in deep fat fryer or continuous cooking systems Features: Heat-resist.; suitable for extended high heat cooking; will not develop burned odor, color, or taste Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1400; kosher approved Properties: Amber heavy-bodied sl. hazy fluid; oil-sol., water-disp.; sp.gr. 1.02; visc. 3300 cP; acid no. 24; pour pt. 10 F; amphoteric; 0.6% moisture Storage: Store in closed containers @ 16-32 C; 1 yr. shelf life in original, unopened container Centura A Gelatin [Vyse Gelatin http://www.vyse.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Type A porkskin gelatin, 100 bloom See Gelatin CAS 9000-70-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-554-6 Uses: Protein supplement in foods; clarifier for juice and wine fining Features: Low visc. Cerabeil White DAB [Baerlocher France; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: White beeswax EP See Beeswax, white CAS 8006-40-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-383-7 Uses: Coating agent for gelled confections; anti-adhesive agent in baked goods Regulatory: FDA, EP compliance Properties: Wh. pellets; sol. in chloroform, xylene; sl. sol. in ethyl alcohol; insol. in water; drop pt. 61-65 C; acid no. 17-24; sapon. no. 87-104 Environmental: > 90% biodeg. Ceraphyl® ICA [ISP http://www.ispcorp.com/; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Isocetyl alcohol CAS 36311-34-9; EINECS/ELINCS 252-964-9 Uses: Carrier, extender for flavors Features: Nongreasy Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Colorless cl. liq., low odor; sol. @ 5% in peanut and min. oils, 95% ethanol, IPM, oleyl alcohol, castor oil, cyclomethicone; insol. in water; m.w. 242; sp.gr. 0.830-0.840; HLB 12-14; acid no. 5 max.; iodine no. 10 max.; sapon. no. 10 max.; hyd. no. 195-230 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg; mild eye and skin irritant; noncomedogenic Cerelose® Anhydrous Dextrose [Corn Prods. http://www.cornproductsUS.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dextrose See Glucose CAS 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-075-1 Uses: Free water control agent in food systems; food grade, recrystallized prod.; very high purity; yields low moisture C*Eridex [Cargill Sweetness Solutions http://www.cargillsweetness.com] Chem. Descrip.: Erythritol CAS 149-32-6; EINECS/ELINCS 205-737-3 Uses: Nutritive bulk sweetener, mouthfeel enhancer, texturizer, shelf life enhancer, processing aid, cooling agent in zero- or low-calorie beverages, chewing gum, fondant; table-top sweetener Features: Noncaloric; nonhygroscopic; masks unwanted flavors; synergistic with intense sweeteners Properties: Crystalline powd.; pleasant cool taste Certified® Confectioners Glaze [Mantrose Bradshaw Zinsser http://www.mbzgroup.com] Uses: Glazing agent for confectionery CFI-10 [Cain Food Industries http://www.cainfood.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono and diglycerides, whey, soya flour, ethoxylated mono and diglycerides See Ethoxylated mono- and diglycerides; Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids; Soybean (Glycine soja) flour Uses: Dough conditioner, starch complexing agent, softener, texturizer, shelf life extender for bakery prods. (bread, buns, rolls, sweet goods, doughnuts, tortillas) Features: Provides improved crumb texture and resiliency Properties: Sl. off-wh. to cream free-flowing powd., sl. dairy odor; pH 5.9±0.1 (10% aq. disp.); 41% alpha-monodiglycerides, 13.2% protein, 1% max. moisture Use Level: 4-6 oz/cwt of flour Storage: 6 mos. shelf life stored under cool, dry conditions 163
Part I: Trade Name Reference CFM® 190 [Glanbia Nutritional http://www.glanbianutritionals.com] Chem. Descrip.: nonfat whey protein isolate Chem. Analysis: 90% protein; 4.5% moisture; < 1.0% fat CAS 84082-51-9; EINECS/ELINCS 281-998-7 Uses: Nutritional supplement, emulsifier, and foaming agent in fortified beverages, nutrition bars, dietetic prods., sauces, dressings, egg white substitutes, meat prods. Features: Sol. over a wide pH range; highly purified, undenatured form Regulatory: Kosher and Halal approved Properties: Bland taste; pH 6.0 (10% sol'n.) Storage: 2 yr. shelflife; store in a cool, dry, clean environment @ R.T. away from strong odors and other contaminants Cheddar Cheese Enhancer - 1, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor in snack foods, spreads, dips, soups, sauces, gravies, dressings Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Oily liq.; cheddar cheese taste; sol. in oil, PG, triacetin; insol. in water Use Level: 0.01% Chemal OA-9 [Chemax http://www.chemaxperformancesolutions.com ] Chem. Descrip.: Oleth-9 CAS 9004-98-2 Uses: Emulsifier for waxes used in coating citrus fruit Properties: Liq.; HLB 11.9; cloud pt. 52 C (1% aq.); nonionic; 100% conc. Chemstat® G-118/52 [Chemax http://www.chemaxperformancesolutions.com ] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl monostearate See Glyceryl stearate CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Dough strengthener, emulsifier, flavoring agent, adjuvant, formulation aid, lubricant, release agent, solvent, vehicle, stabilizer, thickener, surfactant, surf.finishing agent, texturizer in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §174.5, 184.1324, 184.1505, GRAS; SARA §311/312 Immediate Health Hazard; Canada DSL; Europe EINECS; Japan MITI; Australia AICS; Korea ECL; Philippines PICCS Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Wh. flakes; mild odor; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.90; flash pt. (COC) > 93 C; volatiles < 1%; 52% min. act. Toxicology: Causes eye, skin, mucous membrane irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear safety glasses with side shields and face shield; incompat. with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Oxides of carbon, smoke, fumes HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep container closed; avoid high temps. Chemstat® G-118/95 [Chemax http://www.chemaxperformancesolutions.com ] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl monostearate See Glyceryl stearate CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Food additive Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §174.5, 184.1324 Properties: Beads; 90% min. act. Chemstat® HTSA #18 [Chemax http://www.chemaxperformancesolutions.com ] Chem. Descrip.: Oleamide CAS 301-02-0; EINECS/ELINCS 206-103-9 Uses: Release agent migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §181.28 Properties: Beads Chemstat® HTSA #18S [Chemax http://www.chemaxperformancesolutions.com ] Chem. Descrip.: Stearamide CAS 124-26-5; EINECS/ELINCS 204-693-2 Uses: Release agent migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §181.28 Properties: Beads C*HiForm [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Starch from waxy miaze or tapioca CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Gellant for sauces, microwavable foods, quiche fillings Features: Cold water swelling; smooth texture, high visc., and clean flavor on rehydration; super dispersibility; optimal processing flexibility Regulatory: Kosher, Halal certified C*HiForm 12715 [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA 164
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy maize starch See Corn starch, waxy CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Viscosifier, stabilizer, dispersant for instant pie fillings, quiche fillings, cakes mixes, cheese sauces, cheese preps., fruit preps., instant puddings and desserts, hot instant sauce binders, dressings, microwave foods Regulatory: Kosher, Halal certified C*HiForm 12716 [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy maize starch See Corn starch, waxy CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Viscosifier, stabilizer, dispersant for instant creams fillings, instant pie fillings, quiche fillings, cakes mixes, marmelade, instant puddings and desserts, hot instant sauces and gravies, hot instant soups, hot instant and energy drinks, dressings Regulatory: Kosher, Halal certified C*HiForm 12742 [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy maize starch See Corn starch, waxy CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Viscosifier, stabilizer, dispersant for bakery mixes, fresh cheese, cheese sauces, dry food mixes, instant puddings and desserts, vending soups, vinaigrettes, microwave food Regulatory: Kosher, Halal certified C*HiForm 12747 [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy maize starch See Corn starch, waxy CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Viscosifier, stabilizer, dispersant for instant pie fillings, quiche fillings, indirect extruded snacks, hot instant sauce binders, dressings Regulatory: Kosher, Halal certified C*HiForm 12748 [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy maize starch See Corn starch, waxy CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Viscosifier, stabilizer, dispersant for instant creams fillings, instant pie fillings, quiche fillings, fresh cheese, cheese sauces, cheese preps., marmalades, jams, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
dry food mixes, hot instant sauces/gravies/soups/drinks, dressings Regulatory: Kosher, Halal certified C*HiForm 12791 [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy maize starch See Corn starch, waxy CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Viscosifier, stabilizer, dispersant for cake mixes, sheeted baked snacks, marmalades, jams, hot instant and energy drinks, microwave foods, baby drinks, baby meals Regulatory: Kosher, Halal certified C*HiForm 72345 [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: tapioca See Tapioca starch Uses: Viscosifier, stabilizer, dispersant for instant creams fillings, bakery mixes, fresh cheese, marmalades, jams, dry food mixes, instant pudding and desserts, hot instant energy drinks, sauce binders, vending soups, vinaigrettes, microwave foods Regulatory: Kosher, Halal certified Chocotop™ 100 [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Range of fractionated soya lecithins See Lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Emulsifier, visc. reducer for confections, esp. for chocolate mfg. Features: Controls yield value Properties: Liq.; amphoteric; 100% conc. Chocotop™ 320 [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soybean lecithin, fractionated See Lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Emulsifier, visc. reducer for chocolate prods. Properties: Fluid Cinnamon Oil 950 [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Eugenol (1-10%) and Cinnamic aldehyde (> 50%) See Cinnamal CAS 97-53-0; 104-55-2; EINECS/ELINCS 202589-1; 203-213-9 Uses: Flavor for food and beverages Regulatory: SARA §311/312 listed; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; Japan IEC; Philippines PICCS; China SEPA/CICS 165
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Yel. liq.; cinnamon odor and taste; sp.gr. 1.05; vapor dens. ≈ 4.6; b.p. 239 C; flash pt. (TCC) 100 C Toxicology: May cause irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves, apron Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, acrid fumes HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 1 Storage: Do not store near excessive heat, open flames, strong acids, strong bases; keep container tightly closed C*IsoMaltidex [Cargill Sweetness Solutions http://www.cargillsweetness.com] Chem. Descrip.: Isomalt CAS 64519-82-0 Uses: Protects against moisture pickup in hard candy Properties: Powd. C*IsoMaltidex LQ [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Isomalt and maltitol syrup Uses: Sweetener for hard candy Features: Improved workability; increased visc. Properties: Liq. Citation™ 55 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. mineral oil NF CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-455-8 Uses: Release agent, binder, lubricant for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3620, 573.680; USDA H-1 and/or 3H certified Properties: Odorless; tasteless; sp.gr. 0.8270.850; visc. 150-605 SUS (100 F) Toxicology: Nontoxic Citation™ 55S [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. mineral oil NF CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-455-8 Uses: Release agent, binder, lubricant for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3620, 573.680 Properties: Odorless; tasteless; sp.gr. 0.8270.838; visc. 150-605 SUS (100 F) Toxicology: Nontoxic Citation™ 70 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. mineral oil NF CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-455-8 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Divider oil and pan oil for bakery doughs; food grade protective coatings Regulatory: NF, FCC, FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3620, 573.680; kosher, USDA H-1 and/or 3H certified; SARA §302, 311/312, 313 nonreportable ; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Colorless oily liq.; odorless; tasteless; negligibly sol. in water; sol. in hydrocarbons; sp.gr. 0.835-0.854; visc. 165755 SUS (100 F); vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg; pour pt. 20 F; flash pt. 280 F Toxicology: ACGIH TLV -TWA 5 mg/m3 (oil mist), OSHA PEL 5 mg/m3 (oil mist); nontoxic Precaution: Avoid excessive heat and open flames, chlorine, fluorine, and other strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in sealed containers and in cool, well-ventilated area away from strong oxidizers and combustible material Citation™ 90 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. mineral oil NF CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-455-8 Uses: Divider oil and pan oil for bakery doughs; food grade protective coatings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3620, 573.680; USDA H-1 and/or 3H certified Properties: Colorless oily liq.; odorless; tasteless; negligibly sol. in water; sol. in hydrocarbons; sp.gr. 0.839-0.859; visc. 185905 SUS (100 F); vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg; pour pt. 20 F; flash pt. 280 F Toxicology: ACGIH TLV -TWA 5 mg/m3 (oil mist), OSHA PEL 5 mg/m3 (oil mist); nontoxic Precaution: Avoid excessive heat and open flames, chlorine, fluorine, and other strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in sealed containers and in cool, well-ventilated area away from strong oxidizers and combustible material Citation™ 100 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: White mineral oil NF CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-455-8 Uses: Release agent, binder, lubricant for foods 166
Part I: Trade Name Reference Regulatory: USP/NF, FCC, kosher, FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3620, 573.680; SARA §302, 311/312, 313 nonreportable ; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Colorless oily liq.; odorless; tasteless; sp.gr. 0.839-0.859; visc. 195 SUS (100 F); vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg; pour pt. 20 F max.; flash pt. ≥ 280 F Toxicology: Nontoxic Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: Store in sealed containers and in cool, well-ventilated area away from strong oxidizers and combustible material Citation™ 130 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. mineral oil NF CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-455-8 Uses: Release agent, binder, lubricant for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3620, 573.680 Properties: Odorless; tasteless; sp.gr. 0.8480.867; visc. 125-135 SUS (100 F) Toxicology: Nontoxic Citation™ 150 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. mineral oil NF CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-455-8 Uses: Release agent, binder, lubricant for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3620, 573.680 Properties: Odorless; tasteless; sp.gr. 0.8500.870; visc. 145-155 SUS (100 F) Toxicology: Nontoxic Citation™ 180 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: White mineral oil USP CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-455-8 Uses: Dough divider, confectionery release agent Regulatory: USP, FCC, kosher, FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3620, 573.680; SARA §302, 311/312, 313 nonreportable ; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Colorless; odorless; tasteless; negligibly sol. in water; sol. in hydrocarbons; sp.gr. 0.859-0.875; visc. 180-190 SUS (100 F); vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg; pour pt. 20 F; flash pt. (COC) 350 F Toxicology: ACGIH TLV -TWA 5 mg/m3 (oil mist), OSHA PEL 5 mg/m3 (oil mist); Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
nontoxic; TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid excessive heat and open flames, chlorine, fluorine, and other strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in sealed containers and in cool, well-ventilated area away from strong oxidizers and combustible material Citation™ 210 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: White mineral oil USP CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-455-8 Uses: Release agent, binder, lubricant for foods Regulatory: USP, FCC, kosher, FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3620, 573.680; USDA H-1 and/or 3H certified Properties: Odorless; tasteless; negligibly sol. in water; sol. in hydrocarbons; sp.gr. 0.8470.868; visc. 200-215 SUS (100 F); vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg; pour pt. 20 F; flash pt. (COC) 350 F Toxicology: ACGIH TLV -TWA 5 mg/m3 (oil mist), OSHA PEL 5 mg/m3 (oil mist); nontoxic Precaution: Avoid excessive heat and open flames, chlorine, fluorine, and other strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in sealed containers and in cool, well-ventilated area away from strong oxidizers and combustible material Citation™ 280 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: White mineral oil USP CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-455-8 Uses: Release agent, binder, lubricant for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3620, 573.680 Properties: Odorless; tasteless; sp.gr. 0.8480.870; visc. 270-290 SUS (100 F) Toxicology: Nontoxic Citation™ 350 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: White mineral oil USP CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-455-8 Uses: Release agent, binder, lubricant for foods Regulatory: USP, FCC, kosher, FDA 21CFR 167
Part I: Trade Name Reference §172.878, 178.3620, 573.680; USDA H-1 and/or 3H certified Properties: Odorless; tasteless; negligibly sol. in water; sol. in hydrocarbons; sp.gr. 0.8500.873; visc. 345-365 SUS (100 F); vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg; pour pt. 20 F; flash pt. (COC) 350 F Toxicology: ACGIH TLV -TWA 5 mg/m3 (oil mist), OSHA PEL 5 mg/m3 (oil mist); nontoxic Precaution: Avoid excessive heat and open flames, chlorine, fluorine, and other strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in sealed containers and in cool, well-ventilated area away from strong oxidizers and combustible material Citation™ 550 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: White mineral oil USP CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-455-8 Uses: Release agent, binder, lubricant for foods Regulatory: USP, FCC, kosher, FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3620, 573.680 Properties: Odorless; tasteless; negligibly sol. in water; sol. in hydrocarbons; sp.gr. 0.8600.880; visc. 475-595 SUS (100 F); vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg; pour pt. 20 F; flash pt. (COC) 350 F Toxicology: ACGIH TLV -TWA 5 mg/m3 (oil mist), OSHA PEL 5 mg/m3 (oil mist); nontoxic Precaution: Avoid excessive heat and open flames, chlorine, fluorine, and other strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in sealed containers and in cool, well-ventilated area away from strong oxidizers and combustible material Cithrol GDO N/E [Croda Chem. Europe Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl dioleate CAS 25637-84-7; EINECS/ELINCS 247-144-2 Uses: Emulsifier, coemulsifier, stabilizer, wetting agent, lubricant in foods Properties: Liq.; HLB 2.0; nonionic; 100% conc.
Uses: Emulsifier, coemulsifier, stabilizer, wetting agent, lubricant in foods Properties: Liq.; HLB 2.9; anionic; 100% conc. Cithrol GDS N/E [Croda Chem. Europe Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl distearate CAS 1323-83-7; EINECS/ELINCS 215-359-0 Uses: Emulsifier, coemulsifier, stabilizer, wetting agent, lubricant in foods Properties: Solid; HLB 3.4; nonionic; 100% conc. Cithrol GDS S/E [Croda Chem. Europe Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl distearate SE Uses: Emulsifier, coemulsifier, stabilizer, wetting agent, lubricant in foods Properties: Solid; HLB 4.2; anionic; 100% conc. Cithrol GML S/E [Croda Chem. Europe Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl laurate SE CAS 27215-38-9 Uses: Emulsifier, coemulsifier, stabilizer, wetting agent, lubricant in foods Properties: Liq.; HLB 5.6; anionic; 100% conc. Cithrol GMO N/E [Croda Chem. Europe Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl oleate CAS 111-03-5; EINECS/ELINCS 203-827-7 Uses: Emulsifier, coemulsifier, stabilizer, wetting agent, lubricant Properties: Amber liq./semisolid; HLB 3.3; nonionic; 100% conc. Cithrol GMS 0400 [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl monostearate NF See Glyceryl stearate CAS 123-94-4; EINECS/ELINCS 204-664-4 Uses: Stabilizer, emulsifier, lubricant in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1324, GRAS; FDA Inactive Ingredients Guide listed Properties: Off-wh. pastille; disp. in min. oil; insol. in water, IPA, propylene glycol; m.p. 55 C; nonionic
Cithrol GDO S/E [Croda Chem. Europe Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl dioleate SE
Cithrol GMS A/S [Croda Chem. Europe Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: glyceryl stearate and PEG-100 stearate See Glyceryl stearate SE Uses: Emulsifier, coemulsifier, stabilizer, wetting agent, lubricant in foods Properties: Wh. waxy solid; HLB 10.9; m.p. 52 C; sapon. no. 96; nonionic; 100% conc.
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part I: Trade Name Reference Cithrol GMS N/E [Croda Chem. Europe Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate CAS 31566-31-1 Uses: Emulsifier, coemulsifier, stabilizer, wetting agent, lubricant in foods Properties: Off-wh. solid; HLB 3.4; nonionic; 100% conc. Cithrol GMS S/E [Croda Chem. Europe Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate SE CAS 31566-31-1 Uses: Emulsifier, coemulsifier, stabilizer, wetting agent, lubricant in foods Properties: Solid; HLB 4.4; anionic; 100% conc. Cithrol PGML S/E [Croda Chem. Europe Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol laurate SE Uses: Emulsifier, coemulsifier, stabilizer, wetting agent, lubricant in foods Properties: Liq.; HLB 3.6; anionic; 100% conc. Cithrol PGMO S/E [Croda Chem. Europe Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol oleate SE Uses: Emulsifier, coemulsifier, stabilizer, wetting agent, lubricant in foods Properties: Liq.; HLB 3.9; anionic; 100% conc. Citral FG [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: 2,6-Octadienal, 3,7-dimethylSee Citral CAS 5392-40-5; EINECS/ELINCS 226-394-6 Uses: Flavor, fragrance Properties: Cl., colorless to pale yellowish liq.; citrus, lemon, agrumic, peely odor; fresh, fruity, citrus-like, candy-like taste; substantivity 24 hrs. Citral Extra [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: 2,6-Octadienal, 3,7-dimethylSee Citral CAS 5392-40-5; EINECS/ELINCS 226-394-6 Uses: Fresh, lemon-like, green, sl. lime-like fragrance and flavoring Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR 182.60; Canada DSL; Japan ENCS (no. 2-515) Properties: Cl., colorless to pale yellowish liq.; fresh, citrusy-green, lemon peel odor; freshfruity, lemon-like taste; sparingly sol. in water; sol. in in most org. solvs.; m.w. 152.23; sp.gr. 0.878-0.890; b.p. 225 C; flash pt. (CC) 98 C; ref. index 1.4860-1.4900; substantivity 24 hrs. Toxicology: TSCA listed Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Storage: Store in original containers @ R.T.; test for quality after 24 mos. Citraxine [Vaessen-Schoemaker http://www.vaessen-schoemaker.com] Chem. Descrip.: Phosphate-free curing compd. on citrate basis Uses: Curing agent for traditional-style cooked hams Features: Improved natural flavor Citreatt Lemon 3123 [R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com] Chem. Descrip.: Deterpenated lemon oil See Lemon (Citrus medica limonum) oil CAS 8008-56-8; EINECS/ELINCS 284-515-8 Uses: Flavoring agent for foods Properties: Oil; sol. in 90% ethanol; dens. 0.9010.909; flash pt. > 80 C; ref. index 1.482-1.486 Citreatt Lemon 6122 [R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com] Chem. Descrip.: Partially deterpenated lemon oil See Lemon (Citrus medica limonum) oil CAS 8008-56-8; EINECS/ELINCS 284-515-8 Uses: Flavoring agent for foods Properties: Oil; sol. 1 in 5-10 in 90% ethanol; dens. 0.855-0.865; flash pt. > 51 C; ref. index 1.475-1.478 Citreatt Lime 3135 [R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com] Chem. Descrip.: Deterpenated lime oil See Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) oil CAS 8008-26-2; EINECS/ELINCS 290-010-3 Uses: Flavoring agent for foods Properties: Oil; sol. in 90% ethanol; dens. 0.9110.921; flash pt. > 68 C; ref. index 1.478-1.481 Citreatt Lime 6134 [R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com] Chem. Descrip.: Partially deterpenated lime oil See Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) oil CAS 8008-26-2; EINECS/ELINCS 290-010-3 Uses: Flavoring agent for foods Properties: Oil; sol. in 90% ethanol; dens. 0.8830.890; flash pt. > 54 C; ref. index 1.475-1.478 Citreatt Orange 3111 [R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com] Chem. Descrip.: Deterpenated orange oil See Orange (Citrus aurantium dulcis) oil 169
Part I: Trade Name Reference CAS 8008-57-9 Uses: Flavoring agent for foods Properties: Oil; sol. 1 to 2-10 in 90% ethanol; dens. 0.873-0.883; flash pt. > 71 C; ref. index 1.460-1.466 Citreatt Orange 6110 [R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com] Chem. Descrip.: Partially deterpenated orange oil See Orange (Citrus aurantium dulcis) oil CAS 8008-57-9 Uses: Flavoring agent for foods Properties: Oil; sol. 1 to 8-10 in 90% ethanol; dens. 0.841-0.848; flash pt. > 49 C; ref. index 1.470-1.473 Citric Acid FCC Fine Granular [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Citric acid anhydrous CAS 77-92-9; EINECS/ELINCS 201-069-1 Uses: Taste enhancer, solubilizer, texturizer in food and beverages Properties: Colorless to wh. cryst. powd.; odorless; acetic taste; sl. deliquescent in moist air; sol. in water (1g/0.5 ml) Citric Acid FCC Granular [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Citric acid anhydrous CAS 77-92-9; EINECS/ELINCS 201-069-1 Uses: Taste enhancer, solubilizer, texturizer in food and beverages Properties: Colorless to wh. cryst. powd.; odorless; acetic taste; sl. deliquescent in moist air; sol. in water (1g/0.5 ml) Citric Acid FCC Powder [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Citric acid anhydrous CAS 77-92-9; EINECS/ELINCS 201-069-1 Uses: Taste enhancer, solubilizer, texturizer in food and beverages Properties: Colorless to wh. cryst. powd.; odorless; acetic taste; sl. deliquescent in moist air; sol. in water (1g/0.5 ml) Citric Acid, USP FCC Anhydrous Granular [DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com] Chem. Descrip.: Citric acid USP, FCC, EP CAS 77-92-9; EINECS/ELINCS 201-069-1 Uses: Acidulant, flavor enhancer, sequestrant, dispersant in processed foods and beverages Regulatory: GRAS, USP, FCC Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Storage: Store in dry place; avoid excessive exposure to heat and humidity Citric Acid Anhyd.FG [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Citric acid CAS 77-92-9; EINECS/ELINCS 201-069-1 Uses: Acidulant, flavor enhancer, sequestrant, dispersant in processed foods and beverages; used as sequestrant of metal ions to give protection from the development of off-flavors and off-odors in certain foodstuffs Features: Imparts a clean, refreshing tartness Properties: Translucent crystals or wh. cryst. powd.; strong acidic taste; odorless; very sol. in water; freely sol. in alcohol Storage: Store in tight containers; avoid exposure to heat and humidity Citric Acid Anhyd.GR [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Citric acid CAS 77-92-9; EINECS/ELINCS 201-069-1 Uses: Acidulant, flavor enhancer, sequestrant, dispersant in processed foods and beverages Features: Imparts a clean, refreshing tartness Properties: Translucent crystals or wh. cryst. powd.; strong acidic taste; odorless; very sol. in water; freely sol. in alcohol Storage: Store in tight containers; avoid exposure to heat and humidity Citri-Fi® 100 [Fiberstar http://www.fiberstar.net] Chem. Descrip.: Citrus fiber Chem. Analysis: 6.78% moisture; 1.02% fat; 33.3% sol. fiber; 37.6% insol. fiber Uses: Fat replacement, moisture control agent, oil and water binder, and thickener for breads, buns, and rolls, pastry, pies, cakes, and cookies, pizza crust, tortillas, and chips, Italian sausages, nutritional bars Features: All natural Regulatory: FDA GRAS and non-GMO Properties: Lt. yel to beige, free-flowing powd.; > 95% thru < 30 mesh Toxicology: Essentially nonallergenic Storage: 3 yr. shelf life from date of manufacture; store in a clean, cool, dry place Citri-Fi® 100 FG [Fiberstar http://www.fiberstar.net] Chem. Descrip.: Citrus fiber Chem. Analysis: 6.78% moisture; 1.02% fat; 33.3% sol. fiber; 37.6% insol. fiber 170
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Moisturizer in cinnamon rolls, Danish pastry, and bagels; moisture retention aid in fruit fillings; stabilizer in cheese cake; strengthening agent in cereals and crackers; syneresis control in smoothies; fat reduction agent in sauces, gravy, mayonnaise Features: All natural Regulatory: FDA GRAS and non-GMO Properties: Lt. yel to beige, free-flowing fine grans..; > 95% thru < 100 mesh Toxicology: Presents essentially nonallergenic Storage: 3 yr. shelf life from date of manufacture; store in a clean, cool, dry place Citri-Fi® 100 M40 [Fiberstar http://www.fiberstar.net] Chem. Descrip.: Citrus fiber Chem. Analysis: 6.78% moisture; 1.02% fat; 33.3% sol. fiber; 37.6% insol. fiber Uses: Syneresis control agent beef patties, emulsifier and flavor retention aid in marinades Features: All natural Regulatory: FDA GRAS and non-GMO Properties: Lt. yel to beige, free-flowing powd.; > 90% thru < 200 mesh Toxicology: Presents essentially nonallergenic Storage: 3 yr. shelf life from date of manufacture; store in a clean, cool, dry place Citri-Fi® 200 [Fiberstar http://www.fiberstar.net] Chem. Descrip.: Citrus fiber Chem. Analysis: 7.06% moisture; 1.14% fat; 37.6% sol. fiber; 38% insol. fiber Uses: Fat replacement, moisture control agent, oil and water binder, and thickener for pastries, cakes, pies, burrito fillings, sauce/salad fillings, fried chicken and corn dogs, Italian meatballs and sausages Features: All natural Regulatory: FDA GRAS and non-GMO Properties: Lt. yel to beige, free-flowing powd.; > 95% thru < 30 mesh Toxicology: Presents essentially nonallergenic Storage: 3 yr. shelf life from date of manufacture; store in a clean, cool, dry place Citri-Fi® 300 FG [Fiberstar http://www.fiberstar.net] Chem. Descrip.: Citrus fiber Chem. Analysis: 8.29% moisture; 1.38% fat; 75.8% sol. fiber; 40.6% insol. fiber Uses: Moisturizer in biscuits, cake donuts; emulsifier and flavor retention aid in Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
marinades Features: All natural Regulatory: FDA GRAS and non-GMO Properties: Lt. yel to beige, free-flowing fine grans..; > 95% thru < 30 mesh Toxicology: Presents essentially nonallergenic Storage: 3 yr. shelf life from date of manufacture; store in a clean, cool, dry place Citrocoat® [Jungbunzlauer Int'l. AG http://www.jungbunzlauer.com/] Chem. Descrip.: encapsulated citric acid CAS 77-92-9; EINECS/ELINCS 201-069-1 Uses: Foam inhibitor in gelling agents and preserving sugar; acidulant in instant drinks; extended/sustained acidulant in sour fruit gums and chewing gums; acidulant in milk products; flour improver Features: Protects against moisture, microorganisms, oxygen, temp., chemical reactions Regulatory: EP compliance Properties: Gran. Citrofol® AI [Jungbunzlauer http://www.jungbunzlauer.com/w; Jungbunzlauer Int'l. AG http://www.jungbunzlauer.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Triethyl citrate FCC, USP/NF, EP CAS 77-93-0; EINECS/ELINCS 201-070-7 Uses: Food additive; flavoring agent, solvent, vehicle in foods; carrier for flavors; whipping aid in dried egg white Features: Stable to light; sweet, plum-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1911 GRAS; USP approved; E 1505; DOT nonregulated; CERCLA nonhazardous; SARA nonhazardous Properties: Colorless/translucent sl. oily liq., free of suspended matter; sl. odor; sol. 6.5 g/100 ml in water; m.w. 276.3; sp.gr. 1.137; visc. 35.2 mPa·s; vapor pressure 1.33 hPa (107 C); b.p. 294 C; sapon. no. 609.20; pour pt. -45.5 C; flash pt. 150 C; ref. index 1.440; 99% min. assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 3200 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5000 mg/kg; LC50 (inh., rat, 6 h) 1300 mg/kg; may cause eye and skin irritation; TSCA listed Environmental: readily biodeg. Precaution: Incompat. with strong bases and oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. may lead to release of irritating gases and vapors 171
Part I: Trade Name Reference HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Unlimited storage when stored @ R.T. in tightly closed original container in cool, dry place Citrofol® BII [Jungbunzlauer http://www.jungbunzlauer.com/w; Jungbunzlauer Int'l. AG http://www.jungbunzlauer.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Acetyltributyl citrate USP/NF See Acetyl tributyl citrate CAS 77-90-7; EINECS/ELINCS 201-067-0 Uses: Flavor, plasticizer for foods Features: High b.p. Regulatory: DOT nonregulated; CERCLA nonhazardous; SARA nonhazardous Properties: Colorless/translucent sl. oily liq., free of suspended matter; sl. odor; insol. in water; m.w. 402.5; sp.gr. 1.045; visc. 33 mPa·s; vapor pressure 1.33 hPa (173 C); b.p. 327 C; sapon. no. 550-558; pour pt. -59 C; flash pt. 204 C; ref. index 1.445; 99% min. assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 26,300 mg/kg; may cause eye and skin irritation with susceptible persons; TSCA listed Environmental: readily biodeg. Precaution: Incompat. with strong bases and oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. can lead to release of irritating gases and vapors HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Unlimited storage when stored @ R.T. in tightly closed original container in cool, dry place Citronellal 80 [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: 3,7-Dimethyl-6-octen-1-al See Citronellal CAS 106-23-0; EINECS/ELINCS 203-376-6 UN 1993 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods; raw material for mfg. of flavor grade citronellal; chem. intermediate for synthesis of other flavor chems. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; DOT regulated Properties: Cl. liq.; m.w. 154.25; sp.gr. 0.8500.863; dens. 7.14 lb/gal; b.p. 202.2 C; flash pt. (TCC) 78.9 C; ref. index 1.446-1.456 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 2500 mg/kg; no skin sensitization or irritation; TSCA listed Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Precaution: Combustible Citronellol 96 FCC [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Citronellol See β-Citronellol CAS 106-22-9; EINECS/ELINCS 203-375-0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, fragrance in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; DOT: Chemicals n.o.i. Properties: APHA 20 max. liq.; clean rose floral note; sol. 1 in 2 in 70% alcohol v/v; sp.gr. 0.850-0.860; b.p. 434 F; flash pt. (TCC) 214 F; ref. index 1.454-1.462 (20 C); 96% min. act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3450 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 2650 mg/kg; undiluted liq. may cause skin/eye irritation Citronellol AJ FCC [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Citronellol See β-Citronellol CAS 106-22-9; EINECS/ELINCS 203-375-0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, fragrance in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; DOT: Chemicals n.o.i. Properties: APHA 20 max. liq.; clean rose floral note; sol. 1 in 2 in 70% alcohol v/v; sp.gr. 0.850-0.860; b.p. 426 F; flash pt. (TCC) 214 F; ref. index 1.454-1.462 (20 C); 94-96% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3450 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 2650 mg/kg; undiluted liq. may cause skin/eye irritation Citrostabil® S [Jungbunzlauer Int'l. AG http://www.jungbunzlauer.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Buffered, highly conc. citric acid aq. sol'n. CAS 77-92-9; EINECS/ELINCS 201-069-1 Uses: Acidulant, pH control agent for mfg. of candy, hard caramels and jelly articles (preventing sugar inversion), and for fish prods. Features: Provides clear, fresh, fruity taste; high buffering capacity; suppresses hydrolytic decomp. of colloids; minimal water content Regulatory: EU compliance as food addit. Properties: Colorless to lt. yel. cl. liq., nearly odorless; completely misc. with water; dens. ≈ 1.30 g/ml; visc. 50-80 mPa·s; b.p. 105 C; pH 2.0-2.2 (10%); ≈ 75% act.; 25-27% water Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 11,700 mg/kg; may cause eye or skin irritation Environmental: readily biodeg. Storage: Store @ R.T. in original container; 172
Part I: Trade Name Reference avoid freezing Citrus Booster, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor in citrus, fruit beverages Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Cl. liq.; citrus taste; sol. in water, oil, alcohol Use Level: 1 ppm as consumed Claigeon® [Zeon http://www.zeon.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Methyl dihydrojasmonate CAS 24851-98-7; EINECS/ELINCS 253-379-1 Uses: Citrus flavor for flavoring compounds Features: Tenacious floral, jasmin-like odor Regulatory: GRAS Properties: Colorless to pale yel. liq.; tenacious floral, jasmin-like odor; m.w. 226.3; dens. 0.999-1.007; flash pt. 160 C; ref. index 1.4561.462; acid value ≤ 1 Toxicology: TSCA listed Clarase® Conc. [Genencor Int'l. http://www.genencor.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fungal α-amylase from controlled fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae var.; FCC See Amylase CAS 9000-92-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-567-7 Uses: Food-grade enzyme for dextrinizing (liquefying) and saccharifying (glucose and maltose liberating) starch; used for baking, brewing, cereal, chocolate syrup, jelly, juice, syrups, and starch modification Properties: Wh. to lt. tan amorphous dry powd., free of offensive odor; readily water-sol. Storage: Activity loss < 10% in 1 yr. stored in sealed containers under cool, dry conditions; 5 C storage extends life Clarit® 100 [Süd-Chemie AG http://www.sudchemie.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium bentonite Chem. Analysis: 0.04% Na; 0.62% Ca; 0.14% Mg; 0.12% Fe; 6.0 ppm lead; 1.2 ppm arsenic Uses: Additive/aux., clarifier improving life span, digestibility and appearance of foods, beverages; binder, stabilizer for protein and other impurities in wines, beers, fruit juices, vinegar Features: Good swelling props.; can easily be suspended and stirred right into the beverage Properties: Beige gran.; earthy, clean odor; particle size 0.23-5 mm Clarit® 125 [Süd-Chemie AG http://www.sudHandbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
chemie.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium bentonite/sodium bentonite Chem. Analysis: 15% max. mositure; 0.46% Na; 0.52% Ca; 0.15% Mg; 0.11% Fe; 5.0 ppm lead; 1.0 ppm arsenic Uses: Additive/aux., adsorbent, clarifier improving life span, digestibility and appearance of foods, beverages; binder, stabilizer for protein and other impurities in wines, beers, fruit juices, vinegar Properties: Beige gran.; earthy, clean odor; particle size 0.23-5 mm Clarit® 1100 [Süd-Chemie AG http://www.sudchemie.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium bentonite/sodium bentonite Chem. Analysis: 15% max. mositure; 0.26% Na; 0.74% Ca; 0.23% Mg; 0.04% Fe; 4.5 ppm lead; 1.1 ppm arsenic Uses: Additive/aux., adsorbent, clarifier improving life span, digestibility and appearance of foods, beverages; binder, stabilizer for protein and other impurities in wines, beers, fruit juices, vinegar Features: Low iron content; easily suspended and stirred into beverage Regulatory: E-Nr. 558 compliant Properties: Lt. beige gran.; earthy, clean odor; particle size 0.23-5 mm Clarity [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fractionated partially hydrogenated soybean oil CAS 8016-70-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-410-2 Uses: Specialty oil for salad dressing and light duty cooking; diluent, lubricant, moisturizer for clinical nutrition, nutritional/sports supplements Properties: Lovibond 1.5R liq.; m.p. < 70 F; acid no. 0.1 max.; iodine no. 120 max. Clay BC 347 [Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com] Chem. Descrip.: Colloidal kaolin USP Chem. Analysis: SiO2 (44-48%); Al2O3 (39-41%); CaO (0.30%); Fe2O3 (0.70%) CAS 1332-58-7; EINECS/ELINCS 296-473-8 Uses: Anticaking agent for solids and clarifier for liqs. during food processing Regulatory: DOT nonhazardous; SARA §311/312 reportable, §304/313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to buff powd.; odorless; insol. in water; sp.gr. 2.60; dens. 45-52 lb/ft3 (tapped), 173
Part I: Trade Name Reference 18-24 lb/ft3 (loose); dry brightness 86-90; nonflamm.; pH 7-8; 1% max. moisture Toxicology: ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 total dust, 5 mg/m3 respirable dust; long-term overexposure to high concs. of dust may produce x-ray evidence of dust in lungs and may affect respiratory function; TSCA listed Environmental: no harmful effects known other than those associated with suspended inert solids in water Precaution: Slippery when wet Hazardous Ingredients: Inhalable silica not expected to be present in dust at levels exceeding 1%; cryst. silica Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry area at ambient temps. Clay BC 638 [Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com] Chem. Descrip.: Kaolin USP Chem. Analysis: SiO2 (44-46%); Al2O3 (38-40%); CaO (0.01-0.04%); MgO (0.20-0.30%); Fe2O3 (0.20-0.40%); TiO2 (1.20-1.60%) CAS 1332-58-7; EINECS/ELINCS 296-473-8 Uses: Anticaking agent for solids and clarifier for liqs. during food processing Regulatory: DOT nonhazardous; SARA §311/312 reportable, §304/313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to buff fine powd.; 4 µ median particle size; 99.7% through 325 mesh, 100% through 200 mesh; odorless; insol. in water; sp.gr. 2.60; dens. 53-58 lb/ft3 (tapped), 21-25 lb/ft3 (loose); oil absorp. 24-30; dry brightness 84-88; nonflamm.; pH 4.3-5.3; 2-4% moisture Toxicology: ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 total dust, 5 mg/m3 respirable dust; long-term overexposure to high concs. of dust may produce x-ray evidence of dust in lungs and may affect respiratory function; TSCA listed Environmental: no harmful effects known other than those associated with suspended inert solids in water Precaution: Slippery when wet Hazardous Ingredients: Inhalable silica not expected to be present in dust at levels exceeding 1%; cryst. silica Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry area at ambient temps. CleanSet 03730 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: native corn starch blended Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
with food grade mineral oil (0.7%) See Corn (Zea mays) starch Chem. Analysis: 10% moisture; 0.1% ash CAS 9005-25-8; 8012-95-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6; 232-384-2 Uses: Moisture absorbent for cast confections; functional component in mogul mfg. systems for gum and jelly candies, marshmallow, and fondant creams Features: Receives and holds clear, detailed impressions through depositing, drying, cooling, and setting; added oil reduces dust for improved plant sanitation Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878 Properties: Wh. odoless fine powd.; bulk dens. (packed) 46 lbs/ft3; pH 5.0 Precaution: Excessive dusting can be flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity CleanSet 03736 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: native corn starch blended with food grade mineral oil (0.8%) See Corn (Zea mays) starch Chem. Analysis: 10% moisture CAS 9005-25-8; 8012-95-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6; 232-384-2 Uses: Moisture absorbent for cast confections; functional component in mogul mfg. systems for gum and jelly candies, marshmallow, and fondant creams Features: Receives and holds clear, detailed impressions through depositing, drying, cooling, and setting; added oil reduces dust for improved plant sanitation Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878 Properties: Wh. odoless fine powd.; pH (1:5) 5.0 Precaution: Excessive dusting can be flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity CleanSet 03737 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: native corn starch blended with food grade mineral oil (0.2%) See Corn (Zea mays) starch Chem. Analysis: 10.5% moisture CAS 9005-25-8; 8012-95-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6; 232-384-2 174
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Moisture absorbent for cast confections; functional component in mogul mfg. systems for gum and jelly candies, marshmallow, and fondant creams Features: Receives and holds clear, detailed impressions through depositing, drying, cooling, and setting; added oil reduces dust for improved plant sanitation Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878 Properties: Wh. odoless fine powd.; pH (1:5) 5.0 Precaution: Excessive dusting can be flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity CleanSet 03738 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: native corn starch blended with food grade mineral oil (0.3%) See Corn (Zea mays) starch Chem. Analysis: 10.5% moisture CAS 9005-25-8; 8012-95-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6; 232-384-2 Uses: Moisture absorbent for cast confections; functional component in mogul mfg. systems for gum and jelly candies, marshmallow, and fondant creams Features: Receives and holds clear, detailed impressions through depositing, drying, cooling, and setting; added oil reduces dust for improved plant sanitation Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878 Properties: Wh. odoless fine powd.; pH (1:5) 5.0 Precaution: Excessive dusting can be flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Clearate B-60 [W.A. Cleary Prods. http://www.waclearyproducts.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soya lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: W/o emulsifier for food Properties: Liq.; nonionic; 65% conc. Clearate Special Extra [W.A. Cleary Prods. http://www.waclearyproducts.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Dispersant in foods Properties: Liq.; nonionic
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Clearate WDF [W.A. Cleary Prods. http://www.waclearyproducts.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soya lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: O/w emulsifier for foods, icings, cakes, instant cocoa Properties: Liq.; HLB 8.0; nonionic; 60% conc. Clearbrew® 43% IX High Maltose Liquid Adjunct [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltose (43%), maltotriose (20%), dextrose (12%) and higher saccharides See Glucose Chem. Analysis: 80.4-81.6% total extract; 18.419.6% mositure CAS 69-79-4; 1109-28-0; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-716-5; 214-174-2; 200075-1 Uses: Adjunct for brewing Features: Demineralized; low levels of sodium and sulfur dioxide; color-stable Regulatory: FDA 21CFR 184.1865 GRAS Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4198 (100/60 F); dens. 11.84 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 54,000 cps (80 F); ref. index 1.4923-1.4956 (45 C); 73-77% total fermentables Storage: Shelf life ≥ 6 mos.; store @ 110-130 F Clearbrew® 53/44 Liquid Adjunct [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltose (31%), maltotriose (20%), dextrose (24%) and higher saccharides See Glucose Chem. Analysis: 84.5% total extract; 40 ppm max. SO2; 327 cal/100/g CAS 69-79-4; 1109-28-0; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-716-5; 214-174-2; 200075-1 Uses: Adjunct for the brewing industry Features: High conc. of fermentable sugars Regulatory: FDA 21CFR 184.1865 GRAS Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4396 (80 F); dens. 12.00 lb/gal (80 F); visc. 140,000 cps (80 F); ref. index 1.4970-1.5003 (45 C); pH (1:10) 4.5-5.3; 75% total fermentables Storage: Shelf life ≥ 6 mos.; store @ 110-130 F Clearbrew® 60/43 Liquid Adjunct [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltose (36%), maltotriose (10%), dextrose (31%) and higher saccharides See Glucose Chem. Analysis: 81.3-82.5% total extract; 40 175
Part I: Trade Name Reference ppm max. SO2; 326 cal/100/g CAS 69-79-4; 1109-28-0; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-716-5; 214-174-2; 200075-1 Uses: Adjunct for brewing full-bodied beers Features: High conc. of fermentable sugars Regulatory: FDA 21CFR 184.1865 GRAS Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4264 (80 F); dens. 11.89 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 100,000 cps (80 F); ref. index 1.4918-1.4950 (45 C); pH (1:10) 4.5-5.3; 7579% total fermentables Storage: Shelf life ≥ 6 mos.; store @ 110-130 F Clearbrew® 60/44 IX Liquid Adjunct [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltose (36%), maltotriose (10%), dextrose (31%) and higher saccharides See Glucose Chem. Analysis: 83.4-84.6% total extract; 3 ppm max. SO2; 335 cal/100/g CAS 69-79-4; 1109-28-0; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-716-5; 214-174-2; 200075-1 Uses: Adjunct for brewing full-bodied beers Features: Demineralized; color-stable adjunct; low levels of salt and SO2 Regulatory: FDA 21CFR 184.1865 GRAS Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4398 (80 F); dens. 12.00 lb/gal (80 F); visc. 140,000 cps (80 F); ref. index 1.4974-1.5007 (45 C); pH (1:10) 4.0-6.0; 7579% total fermentables Storage: Shelf life ≥ 6 mos.; store @ 110-130 F Clearbrew® 60/44 Liquid Adjunct [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltose (36%), maltotriose (10%), dextrose (31%) and higher saccharides See Glucose Chem. Analysis: 83.3-84.5% total extract; 40 ppm max. SO2; 334 cal/100/g CAS 69-79-4; 1109-28-0; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-716-5; 214-174-2; 200075-1 Uses: Adjunct for brewing full-bodied beers Features: High conc. of fermentable sugars Regulatory: FDA 21CFR 184.1865 GRAS Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4401 (80 F); dens. 12.01 lb/gal (80 F); visc. 100,000 cps (80 F); ref. index 1.4972-1.5005 (45 C); pH (1:10) 4.5-5.3; 7579% total fermentables Storage: Shelf life ≥ 6 mos.; store @ 110-130 F Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Clearbrew® 63/43 Liquid Adjunct [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltose (31%), maltotriose (13%), dextrose (36%) and higher saccharides See Glucose Chem. Analysis: 81.4-82.6% total extract; 40 ppm max. SO2; 327 cal/100/g CAS 69-79-4; 1109-28-0; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-716-5; 214-174-2; 200075-1 Uses: Adjunct for the brewing industry Features: High conc. of fermentable sugars Regulatory: FDA 21CFR 184.1865 GRAS Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4263 (80 F); dens. 11.89 lb/gal (80 F); visc. 25,000 cps (80 F); ref. index 1.4916-1.4948 (45 C); pH (1:10) 4.5-5.3; 7579% total fermentables Storage: Shelf life ≥ 6 mos.; store @ 110-130 F Clearbrew® 63/44 Liquid Adjunct [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltose (31%), maltotriose (13%), dextrose (36%) and higher saccharides See Glucose Chem. Analysis: 83.4-84.6% total extract; 40 ppm max. SO2; 335 cal/100/g CAS 69-79-4; 1109-28-0; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-716-5; 214-174-2; 200075-1 Uses: Adjunct for the brewing industry Features: High conc. of fermentable sugars Regulatory: FDA 21CFR 184.1865 GRAS Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4399 (80 F); dens. 12.01 lb/gal (80 F); visc. 110,000 cps (80 F); ref. index 1.4969-1.5002 (45 C); pH (1:10) 4.5-5.3; 7882% total fermentables Storage: Shelf life ≥ 6 mos.; store @ 110-130 F Cleardex® 25/42 EE Low SO2 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 77.3-78.5% total solids; 21.522.7% moisture; 23-27 DE CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener for infant food; adds body, mouthfeel, and crystallization control in dairy, ice cream, coffee creamers, and meats Features: Low protein and mineral content; low dextrose content Regulatory: FDA 21CFR 184.1865 GRAS Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland 176
Part I: Trade Name Reference taste; sp.gr. 1.4131 (80 F); dens. 11.77 lb/gal (80 F); ref. index 1.4885-1.4918; pH 4-6 (1:1) Storage: Store @ 110-130 F; evaluate for fitness after 6 mos. Cleardex® 25/42 IX [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 77.5-78.7% total solids; 21.322.5% moisture; 23-27 DE; 312 cal/100 g CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener; adds body, mouthfeel, and crystallization control in dairy, ice cream, and meats; also for spray drying, coating, and bulking applics. Features: Demineralized; low dextrose content Regulatory: FDA 21CFR 184.1865 GRAS Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4125 (80 F); dens. 11.78 lb/gal (80 F); visc. 160,000 cP; ref. index 1.48761.4909; pH 4.5-5.3 (1:1) Storage: Store @ 110-130 F; evaluate for fitness after 6 mos. Cleardex® 28/42 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 77.4-78.6% total solids; 21.422.6% moisture; 26-30 DE; 311 cal/100 g CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener; adds body, mouthfeel, and crystallization control in dairy, ice cream, and meats; also for spray drying, coating, and bulking applics. Features: Demineralized; low dextrose content Regulatory: FDA 21CFR 184.1865 GRAS Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4127 (80 F); dens. 11.78 lb/gal (80 F); visc. 160,000 cP; ref. index 1.48761.4909; pH 4.5-5.3 (1:1) Storage: Store @ 110-130 F; evaluate for fitness after 6 mos. Cleardex® 36/43 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 79.8-81.0% total solids; 19.020.2% moisture; 34-38 DE; 320 cal/100 g CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener; adds body and crystallization control in ice cream, frozen novelties, and chips Features: Low dextrose content; heat shock stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR 184.1865 GRAS Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4265 (80 F); dens. 11.89 lb/gal (80 F); visc. 132,000 cP; ref. index 1.49251.4958; pH 4.5-5.3 (1:1) Storage: Store @ 110-130 F; evaluate for fitness after 6 mos. Clearjel® [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, visc. builder, texturizer for canned foods (cream style corn, pork and beans, soups, sauces, gravies), bakery prods. (fruit pie fillings), specialty items; thickener, clarifier, and gloss aid in retorted foods; shelf life extender for canned foods Features: Offers smooth, short, stable texture and resist. to boil during baking; does not set to gel on cooling; resist. to high temp., acid; not rec. for frozen food applics. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; bland flavor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Clearjel® S [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, visc. builder, texturizer, gloss aid for canned foods (cream style corn, soups, sauces, gravies, canned dinner prods.), specialty items Features: Provides smooth, short texture in high pH systems; little or no tendency to gel; remains smooth after extended storage Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; 177
Part I: Trade Name Reference insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Clearsweet® 25/42 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: Total solids 77.4-78.6%; moisture 21.4-22.6%; sulfated ash 0.4% max.; protein 0.05%; sulfur dioxide 40 ppm max. CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener; adds body, mouthfeel, and crystallization control in dairy, ice cream, and meats; for spray drying, coating, and bulking applics. Regulatory: GRAS 21CFR 184.1865 Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4127 (80/60 F); dens. 11.78 lb/gal (80 F); visc. 160,000 cP (80 F), 5000 cP (140 F); ref. index 1.4876-1.4909; pH 4.5-5.3 (1:1); DE 23-27 Storage: Store @ 110-130 F; evaluate for fitness after 6 mos. Clearsweet® 25/42 IX [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: Total solids 77.5-78.7%; moisture 21.3-22.5%; sulfated ash 0.05% max.; sulfur dioxide 3 ppm max..; 312 cal/g; DE 23-27 CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener; adds body, mouthfeel, and crystallization control in dairy, ice cream, and meats; for spray drying, coating, and bulking applics. Features: Low dextrose content Regulatory: FDA 21CFR 184.1865 GRAS Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4125 (80 F); dens. 11.78 lb/gal (80 F); visc. 160,000 cP (80 F), 5000 cP (140 F); ref. index 1.4880-1.4912; pH 4.0-6.0 (1:1) Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Storage: Store @ 110-130 F; evaluate for fitness after 6 mos. Clearsweet® 28/42 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: Total solids 77.4-78.6%; moisture 21.4-22.6%; sulfated ash 0.4% max.; protein 0.05%; sulfur dioxide 40 ppm max. CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener; adds body, mouthfeel, and crystallization control in dairy, ice cream, and meats; for spray drying, coating, and bulking applics. Features: Low dextrose content Regulatory: GRAS 21CFR 184.1865 Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4127 (80/60 F); dens. 11.78 lb/gal (80 F); visc. 160,000 cP (80 F), 5000 cP (140 F); ref. index 1.4876-1.4909; pH 4.5-5.3 (1:1); DE 26-30 Storage: Store @ 110-130 F; evaluate for fitness after 6 mos. Clearsweet® 36/43 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: Total solids 79.8-81.0%; moisture 19.0-20.2%; sulfated ash 0.4% max.; protein 0.05%; sulfur dioxide 40 ppm max. CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener for foods; bodying power and crystallization control for ice cream, frozen novelties, and chips Features: Heat shock stability; low dextrose content Regulatory: GRAS 21CFR 184.1865 Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4265 (80/60 F); dens. 11.89 lb/gal (80 F); visc. 132,000 cP (80 F), 3100 cP (140 F); ref. index 1.4926-1.4959; DE 41-45; pH 4.5-5.3 (1:1) Storage: Store @ 110-130 F; evaluate for fitness after 6 mos. Clearsweet® 43% High Maltose [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: Total solids 80.3-81.5%; moisture 18.5-19.7%; sulfated ash 0.4% max.; protein 0.07%; sulfur dioxide 40 ppm max. CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener; improves flavor, body, and texture at high sucrose replacement levels while imparting resistance to color 178
Part I: Trade Name Reference formation, moisture absorption, and crystallization in finished products such as hard candies Features: Contains maltose as its major carbohydrate constituent Regulatory: GRAS 21CFR 184.1865 Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4262 (80/60 F); dens. 11.89 lb/gal (80 F); visc. 54,000 cP (80 F), 1600 cP (140 F); ref. index 1.4921-1.4954; pH 4.5-5.3 (1:1) Storage: Store @ 110-130 F; evaluate for fitness after 6 mos. Clearsweet® 43/43 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup, acid-converted Chem. Analysis: Moisture 18.7-18.8%; sulfated ash 0.4% max.; protein 0.05%; sulfur dioxide 40 ppm max. CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener for foods (confections, jams, jellies, fountain and table syrups); provides body in sauces, and condiments, and provides protectionfrom crystallization in products such as ice cream and confections Features: Carbon-refined Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1865 GRAS Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4197 (100/60 F); dens. 11.84 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 81,000 cps (80 F); ref. index 1.4936; DE 43; pH 4.5 (1:1); 80.7% total solids Storage: Store @ 110 -130 F; retest after 6 mos. Clearsweet® 43/43 IX [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup, carbon-refined Chem. Analysis: Total solids 80.2-81.4%; moisture 18.6-19.8%; sulfated ash 0.05% max.; sulfur dioxide 3 ppm max.; sodium 200 ppm max. CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener for foods (confections, jams, jellies, fountain and table syrups) Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1865 GRAS Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4262 (80/60 F); dens. 11.89 lb/gal (80 F); visc. 81,000 cP (80 F), 2500 cP (140 F); ref. index 1.4923-1.4956; DE 41-45; pH 4-6 (1:1) Storage: Store @ 110-130 F; evaluate for fitness after 6 mos. Clearsweet® 43/43 Low SO2 [Cargill Foods Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup, carbon-refined Chem. Analysis: Total solids 80.1-81.3%; moisture 18.7-19.9%; protein 0.05%; sulfated ash 0.4% max.; sulfur dioxide 10 ppm max. CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener for foods (confections, jams, jellies, fountain and table syrups); provides body in sauces, and condiments, and provides protection from crystallization in products such as ice cream and confections Features: Mod. sweetness level; carbon-refined; minimal sulfur dioxide content Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1865 GRAS Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4264 (80/60 F); dens. 11.89 lb/gal (80 F); visc. 81,000 cP (80 F), 2500 cP (140 F); ref. index 1.4920-1.4953; DE 41-45; pH 4.5-5.3 (1:1) Storage: Store @ 110-130 F; evaluate for fitness after 6 mos. Clearsweet® 43/44 IX [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup, carbon-refined Chem. Analysis: Total solids 82.2-83.4%; moisture 16.6-17.8%; sulfated ash 0.05% max.; sulfur dioxide 3 ppm max.; sodium 200 ppm max. CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener for foods (confections, jams, jellies, fountain and table syrups); provides body in sauces, and condiments, and provides protection from crystallization in products such as ice cream and confections Features: Demineralized to contain low levels of salt and SO2 Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1865 GRAS Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4339 (80/60 F); dens. 12.00 lb/gal (80 F); visc. 220,000 cps (80 F); ref. index 1.4978-1.5011; pH 4-6 (1:1); DE 41-45 Storage: Store @ 110-130 F; evaluate for fitness after 6 mos. Clearsweet® 43/44.5 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup, carbon-refined Chem. Analysis: Total solids 83.1-84.3%; moisture 15.7-16.9%; sulfated ash 0.4% max.; protein 0.07%; sulfur dioxide 40 ppm max. CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 179
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Sweetener for chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1865 GRAS Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4470 (80/60 F); dens. 12.06 lb/gal (80 F); visc. 700,000 cps (80 F); ref. index 1.5003-1.5037; pH 4.5-5.3 (1:1); DE 4145 Storage: Store @ 110-130 F; evaluate for fitness after 6 mos. Clearsweet® 43/45 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: Total solids 84.1-85.3%; moisture 14.7-15.9%; sulfated ash 0.4% max.; protein 0.07%; sulfur dioxide 40 ppm max. CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener for chewing gum Features: Carbon-refined Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1865 GRAS Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4540 (80/60 F); dens. 12.12 lb/gal (80 F); visc. 1,200,000 cP (80 F), 12,000 cP (140 F); ref. index 1.5032-1.5065; pH 4.55.3 (1:1); DE 41-45 Storage: Store @ 110-130 F; evaluate for fitness after 6 mos. Clearsweet® 43/45 IX [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: Total solids 84.2-85.4%; moisture 14.6-15.8%; sulfated ash 0.05% max.; sulfur dioxide 3 ppm max. CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener for chewing gum Features: Carbon-refined; contains low levels of salt and SO2 Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1865 GRAS Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4537 (80/60 F); dens. 12.12 lb/gal (80 F); visc. 1,200,000 cP (80 F), 12,000 cP (140 F); ref. index 1.5034-1.5068; pH 4-6 (1:1); DE 41-45 Storage: Store @ 110-130 F; evaluate for fitness after 6 mos. Clearsweet® 50% High Maltose [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: Total solids 80.4-81.6%; moisture 18.4-19.6%; sulfated ash 0.4% max.; protein 0.07%; sulfur dioxide 40 ppm max. CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener that improves flavor, body, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
and texture while imparting resistance to color formation, moisture absorption, and crystallization for hard candies Features: High maltose syrup Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1865 GRAS Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4262 (80/60 F); dens. 11.89 lb/gal (80 F); visc. 33,000 cP (80 F), 1200 cP (140 F); ref. index 1.4920-1.4952; pH 4.5-5.3 (1:1) Storage: Store @ 110-130 F; evaluate for fitness after 6 mos. Clearsweet® 53/44 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: Total solids 82.7-83.9%; moisture 16.1-17.3%; sulfated ash 0.4% max.; protein 0.07%; sulfur dioxide 40 ppm max.; DE 51-55 CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener for foods requiring a lower level of higher saccharides and a lower moisture level, such as preserves and jams and jellies Features: Carbon-refined; high solids Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1865 GRAS Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4396 (80/60 F); dens. 12.00 lb/gal (80 F); visc. 140,000 cP (80 F), 3,200 cP (140 F); ref. index 1.4970-1.5003; pH 4.5-5.3 (1:1) Storage: Store @ 110-130 F; evaluate for fitness after 6 mos. Clearsweet® 53/44 Low SO2 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup, Chem. Analysis: Total solids 82.7-83.9%; moisture 16.1-17.3%; sulfated ash 0.4% max.; protein 0.07%; sulfur dioxide 10 ppm max.; DE 51-55 CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener for foods requiring a lower level of higher saccharides and a lower moisture level, such as preserves and jams and jellies Features: Carbon-refined with high solids and the added feature of a minimal sulfur dioxide content; increased conc. of dextrose and maltose and reduced level of higher saccharides Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1865 GRAS Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4396 (80/60 F); dens. 12.00 180
Part I: Trade Name Reference lb/gal (80 F); visc. 140,000 cP (80 F), 3,200 cP (140 F); ref. index 1.4970-1.5003; pH 4.5-5.3 (1:1) Storage: Store @ 110-130 F; evaluate for fitness after 6 mos. Clearsweet® 63/43 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup, carbon-refined Chem. Analysis: Total solids 81.4-82.6%; moisture 17.4-18.6%; sulfated ash 0.4% max.; protein 0.07; sulfur dioxide 40 ppm max. CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener for foods (baking, flavoring, beverages) Features: High conc. of fermentable sugars; lower visc. Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1865 GRAS Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4263 (80/60 F); dens. 11.89 lb/gal (80 F); visc. 25,000 cps (80 F), 1000 cP (140 F); ref. index 1.4916-1.4948; DE 61-65; pH 4.5-5.3 (1:1) Storage: Store @ 110-130 F; evaluate for fitness after 6 mos. Clearsweet® 63/44 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: Total solids 83.4-84.6%; moisture 15.4-16.6%; sulfated ash 0.4% max.; protein 0.07; sulfur dioxide 40 ppm max. ; DE 61-65 CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener for foods (baking, flavoring, beverages) Features: Higher levels of mono- and disaccharides; high sweetness and fermentability Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1865 GRAS Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4399 (80/60 F); dens. 12.01 lb/gal (80 F); visc. 110,000 cps (80 F), 2500 cP (140 F); ref. index 1.4969-1.5002;pH 4.5-5.3 (1:1) Storage: Store @ 110-130 F; evaluate for fitness after 6 mos. Clearsweet® 63/44 Low SO2 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: Total solids 83.4-84.6%; moisture 15.4-16.6%; sulfated ash 0.4% max.; protein 0.07; sulfur dioxide 10 ppm max.; DE 61-65 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener for foods (baking, flavoring, beverages) Features: Carbon-refined; minimal sulfur dioxide content; high conc. of fermentable sugars Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1865 GRAS Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4399 (80/60 F); dens. 12.01 lb/gal (80 F); visc. 110,000 cps (80 F), 2500 cP (140 F); ref. index 1.4969-1.5002; pH 4.5-5.3 (1:1) Storage: Store @ 110-130 F; evaluate for fitness after 6 mos. Clearsweet® 95% Dextrose Corn Syrup [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 71% total solids; moisture 28.529.5%; sulfated ash 0.05% max.; sulfur dioxide 2 ppm max.; DE 97 CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener for foods (baking, brewing, fermentation, pickles, wine) Features: Low ash; high dextrose content Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1865 GRAS Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.3348 (100/60 F); dens. 11.13 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 57 cps (120 F); ref. index 1.4644; pH 4.2 (1:1) Clearsweet® 99 Refined Liquid Dextrose [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Dextrose (99%) See Glucose Chem. Analysis: Moisture 28.5-29.5%; sulfated ash 0.05% max.; sulfur dioxide 2 ppm max. CAS 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-075-1 Uses: Sweetener, carbohydrate source in fermentation for foods, brewing Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1865 GRAS Properties: Cl. liq. @ 140 F, solid @ R.T.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.3341 (100/60 F); dens. 11.12 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 41 cps (130 F); ref. index 1.4640; pH 4.5 (10%); 71% total solids; 99.5% fermentables Storage: Store @ 125-135 F Clearsweet® Unrefined 95% Dextrose Corn Syrup [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 71% total solids; 28.5-29.5% moisture; DE 95-99 CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Fermentation feedstock for food Features: High dextrose content 181
Part I: Trade Name Reference Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1865 GRAS Properties: Sp.gr. 1.2821 (20 C); dens. 10.67 lb/gal (20 C); ref. index 1.4395; pH 3.4-5.4 (1:1) CLSP 499 [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Palm kernel oil, lecithin See Lecithin; Palm (Elaeis guineensis) kernel oil CAS 8023-79-8; 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-425-4; 232-307-2 Uses: Lauric coating fat for pastel and chocolate flavored confectionery coatings; cocoa butter alternative in confectionery or compound coatings, solid bars, blocks, filled bars, shell moldings, hollow figures, pralines and high quality caramels and toffees Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Wh. to yel. crystalline matrix or oily liq.; insol. in water; m.p. 31-33.8 C Toxicology: Dermatitis could result from prolonged residence of oil on skin of allergy sensitive individuals Precaution: Avoid excessive heating and inh. of veg. mists Storage: 6 mos. shelf life; store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight @ 65-80 F CLSP 555 [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated palm kernel oil, lecithin See Hydrogenated palm kernel oil; Lecithin CAS 68990-82-9; 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 273-627-2; 232-307-2 Uses: Lauric center fat or confectionery coating fat; peanut butter fillings; cocoa butter alternative for confectionery or compound coatings, solid bars, blocks, filled bars, shell moldings, hollow figures, whipping powders, coffee whiteners and caramels and toffees Features: Used where a high degree of diluent fat is present Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Wh. to yel. crystalline matrix or oily liq.; insol. in water Storage: 6 mos. shelf life; store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight @ 65-80 F C*Maltidex CH 16385 [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltitol syrup CAS 585-88-6; EINECS/ELINCS 209-567-0 Uses: Sweetener for hard and soft candies, gums, pastilles, foams, jam, jellies, ice Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
cream, baked goods, sugar-free prods., diabetic prods. Features: Functional replacement for sugar and glucose syrup in sugar-free and diabetic prods. Regulatory: USP/NF, EP Properties: Crystalline wh. powd.; 55% act. C*Maltidex L 16303 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltitol syrup CAS 585-88-6; EINECS/ELINCS 209-567-0 Uses: Sweetener for hard and soft candies, gums, pastilles, foams, jam, jellies, ice cream, baked goods, sugar-free prods., diabetic prods. Features: Functional replacement for sugar and glucose syrup in sugar-free and diabetic prods. Regulatory: USP/NF, EP Properties: Cl. colorless syrup; 55% act. C*Maltidex M 16311 [Cargill Sweetness Solutions http://www.cargillsweetness.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltitol syrup CAS 585-88-6; EINECS/ELINCS 209-567-0 Uses: Sweetener for hard and soft candies, gums, pastilles, foams, jam, jellies, ice cream, baked goods, sugar-free prods., diabetic prods. Features: Functional replacement for sugar and glucose syrup in sugar-free and diabetic prods. Regulatory: USP/NF, EP Properties: Cl. colorless syrup; 75% act. CMC Daicel [Daicel USA] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Thickener, binder, stabilizer, protective colloid, suspending agent for foods CMP-221 [Am. Casein http://www.americancasein.com] Chem. Descrip.: Milk protein isolate Chem. Analysis: 6% moisture CAS 9000-71-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-555-1 Uses: Additive for low-fat prods., nutritional supplements in powd. or extruded form Features: Exc. sol.; low fat content; low lactose content; natural ingred., consumer-friendly labeling; better-balanced amino acid profile than casein or vegetable proteins Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Lt. cream color; clean, milk-like flavor; disp. in water; pH 6.7-7.2; 90% protein Storage: Store in cool, dry place 182
Part I: Trade Name Reference CMP-GP [Am. Casein http://www.americancasein.com] Chem. Descrip.: Milk protein isolate CAS 9000-71-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-555-1 Uses: Binder, emulsifier, whitener for medical/diet formulations, health drinks Features: Low in sodium; low pH tolerant; high protein content; low lactose level; natural ingred., consumer-friendly labeling Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Creamy wh. fine powd.; clean, milklike flavor; pH 6.7; 6% moisture Storage: Store in cool, dry place CMP-I® [Am. Casein http://www.americancasein.com] Chem. Descrip.: Milk protein CAS 9000-71-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-555-1 Uses: Binder, emulsifier, whitener for medical/diet formulations, health drinks Features: Fat sparing props.; low in sodium; low pH tolerant; natural ingred., consumer-friendly labeling Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Lt. cream-colored fine powd.; clean, milk-like flavor; sol. in water; pH 6.8-7.3; 5.5% moisture Toxicology: Nontoxic; nonsensitizing; nonirritant Storage: Store in cool, dry place CNP BRSDE42CL [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Clarified brown rice syrup Chem. Analysis: Ash 0.7% Uses: Sweetener in food Features: Low flavor impact Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Straw to amber; sweet taste; dens. 11.8 lbs/gal @ 100 F; visc. 125 poise @ 100 F; pH 6.0-6.6 (5% dilution); dextrose equivalent 45%; glucose 21 g/100 g; maltose 19 g/100 g Storage: Store unopened @ 60-90 F in food grade warehouse CNP BRSHG40 [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: High glucose brown rice syrup Uses: Lightly filtered to make opaque syrup with buttery flavor notes; preferred sweetener for soy-based prods., granola, cereals, sauces, catsup Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Dens. 11.8 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 100 poise (100 F); DE 70; pH 6.0-6.6 (10%) Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CNP BRSHM [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: High maltose brown rice syrup Uses: Lightly filtered to make opaque syrup with buttery flavor notes; sweetener for hard candies, cough drops, home brew beers, flavor carrier, extruded bars/confections Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Dens. 11.8 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 125 poise (100 F); DE 42; pH 6.0-6.6 (10%) CNP BRSHMCL [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Clarified high maltose brown rice syrup Uses: Sweetener, flavor carrier for hard candies, home brew beers, extruded bars/confections Features: Patented syrup with further filtration to produce a clear syrup with low flavor profile Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Dens. 11.8 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 125 poise (100 F); DE 42; pH 6.0-6.6 (5%) CNP BRSMC10 [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Med. conversion brown rice syrup Uses: Lightly filtered to make opaque syrup with buttery flavor notes; sweetener, humectant for soy-based prods.; beverage sweetener, licorice, soft confections, caramel corn, granola, cereals, baked goods, cookies, table syrups, desserts Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Dens. 11.8 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 125 poise (100 F); DE 50; pH 6.0-6.6 (10%) CNP BRSMC20 [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Med. conversion brown rice syrup Uses: Lightly filtered to make opaque syrup with buttery flavor notes; sweetener, humectant for soy-based prods.; beverage sweetener, licorice, soft confections, caramel corn, granola, cereals, baked goods, cookies, table syrups, desserts Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Dens. 11.8 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 100 poise (100 F); DE 55; pH 6.0-6.6 (10%) CNP BRSMC35 [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Med. conversion brown rice syrup 183
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Lightly filtered to make opaque syrup with buttery flavor notes; sweetener, humectant for soy-based prods.; beverage sweetener, licorice, soft confections, caramel corn, granola, cereals, baked goods, cookies, table syrups, desserts Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Dens. 11.8 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 100 poise (100 F); DE 60; pH 6.0-6.6 (10%) CNP BRSMC35CL [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Clarified med. conversion brown rice syrup Uses: Sweetener, humectant for soy-based prods.; sweetener for beverages, licorice, soft confections, caramel corn, granola, cereals, baked goods, cookies, table syrups Features: Patented syrup with further filtration to produce a clear syrup with low flavor profile Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Dens. 11.8 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 100 poise (100 F); DE 57; pH 6.0-6.6 (5%) CNP BRSSHG40 [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: High glucose brown rice syrup solids Uses: Sweetener, humectant for instant soups, baking, soy-based prods. Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Lt. beige drum-dried powd., -30 mesh, caramel flavor; DE 70; pH 6.0-6.6 (5%)
produce a clear syrup with low flavor profile Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Lt. beige drum-dried powd., -30 mesh, caramel flavor or off-wh. spray-dried powd., -100 mesh, bland taste; DE 42; pH 6.06.6 (5%) CNP Fat Replacer [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: rice syrup See Brown rice syrup Chem. Analysis: 14% moisture; 0.5% ash Uses: Fat substitute in food prods. Features: Can replace up to 100% of the fat in reduced fat or fat-free products Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to straw solid; waxy sweet taste; dens. 10 lb/gal; pH 6.0-6.6 Storage: Store unopened @ 60-90 F in food grade warehouse CNP OPPRSRDCL [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Clarified partially polished org. brown rice syrup Chem. Analysis: 0.7% ash Uses: Sweetener in food Properties: Gold to amber; sweet taste; dens. 11.8 lbs/gal @ 100 F; visc. 150 poise @ 100 F; pH 6.0-6.6 (5% dilution) Storage: Store unopened @ 60-90 F in food grade warehouse
CNP BRSSHM [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: High maltose brown rice syrup solids Uses: Sweetener, flavor carrier for hard candies, home brew beers, extruded bars/confections Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Off-wh. spray-dried powd., -100 mesh, bland taste or lt. beige drum-dried powd., -30 mesh, caramel flavor; DE 42; pH 6.0-6.6 (5%)
CNP ORSHG40 [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: High-glucose, organic brown rice syrup Chem. Analysis: Glucose 3 g/100 g; maltose 29 g/100 g Uses: Sweetener in food Features: Lightly filtered; mild buttery flavor note Properties: Straw to amber; sweet taste; dens. 11.8 lbs/gal @ 100 F; visc. 100 poise @ 100 F; pH 6.0-6.6 (5% dilution); 70% dextrose equivalent Storage: Store unopened @ 60-90 F in food grade warehouse
CNP BRSSHMCL [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Clarified high maltose brown rice syrup solids Uses: Sweetener, flavor carrier for hard candies, home brew beers, extruded bars/confections Features: Patented syrup with further filtration to
CNP ORSHM [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: org. brown rice syrup Uses: Sweetener in food Features: Lightly filtered; mild buttery flavor note Properties: Straw to amber; sweet taste; dens. 11.8 lbs/gal @ 100 F; visc. 150 poise @ 100 F; pH 6.0-6.6 (5% dilution); dextrose equivalent
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part I: Trade Name Reference 42%; glucose 3 g/100 g; maltose 29 g/100 g Storage: Store unopened @ 60-90 F in food grade warehouse CNP ORSHMCL [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Clarified org. brown rice syrup Chem. Analysis: Ash 0.7% Uses: Sweetener in food Properties: Gold to amber; sweet taste; dens. 11.8 lbs/gal @ 100 F; visc. 125 poise @ 100 F; pH 6.0-6.6 (5% dilution); dextrose equivalent 42%; glucose 4 g/100 g; maltose 31 g/100 g Storage: Store unopened @ 60-90 F in food grade warehouse CNP ORSMC10 [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: org. brown rice syrup Uses: Sweetener in food Features: Lightly filtered; mild buttery flavor note Properties: Straw to amber; sweet taste; dens. 11.8 lbs/gal @ 100 F; visc. 125 poise @ 100 F; pH 6.0-6.6 (5% dilution); dextrose equivalent 50%; glucose 13 g/100 g; maltose 33 g/100 g Storage: Store unopened @ 60-90 F in food grade warehouse CNP ORSMC20 [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: org. brown rice syrup Uses: Sweetener in food Features: Lightly filtered; mild buttery flavor note Properties: Straw to amber; sweet taste; dens. 11.8 lbs/gal @ 100 F; visc. 100 poise @ 100 F; pH 6.0-6.6 (5% dilution); dextrose equivalent 55%; glucose 20 g/100 g; maltose 19 g/100 g Storage: Store unopened @ 60-90 F in food grade warehouse CNP ORSMC35 [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: org. brown rice syrup Uses: Sweetener in food Features: Lightly filtered; mild buttery flavor note Properties: Straw to amber; sweet taste; dens. 11.8 lbs/gal @ 100 F; visc. 100 poise @ 100 F; pH 6.0-6.6 (5% dilution); dextrose equivalent 60%; glucose 33 g/100 g; maltose 23 g/100 g Storage: Store unopened @ 60-90 F in food grade warehouse CNP ORSMC35CL [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Clarified org. brown rice syrup Chem. Analysis: Ash 0.7% Uses: Sweetener in food Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Gold to amber; sweet taste; dens. 11.8 lbs/gal @ 100 F; visc. 125 poise @ 100 F; pH 6.0-6.6 (5% dilution); dextrose equivalent 60%; glucose 29 g/100 g; maltose 25 g/100 g Storage: Store unopened @ 60-90 F in food grade warehouse CNP ORSMC40 [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: org. brown rice syrup Uses: Sweetener in food Features: Lightly filtered; mild buttery flavor note Properties: Straw to amber; sweet taste; dens. 11.8 lbs/gal @ 100 F; visc. 100 poise @ 100 F; pH 6.0-6.6 (5% dilution); dextrose equivalent 70%; glucose 40 g/100 g; maltose 16 g/100 g Storage: Store unopened @ 60-90 F in food grade warehouse CNP PPRSRDCL [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Clarified low conversion partially polished brown rice syrup Uses: Sweetener for foods Features: Patented syrup with further filtration to produce a clear syrup with low flavor profile; preferred in high usage and nonfat prod. formulation Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Dens. 11.8 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 150 poise (100 F); DE 26; pH 6.0-6.6 (5%) CNP RPC70XFG [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Rice protein conc. Chem. Analysis: < 5% moisture; 1.8% ash Uses: Nutrient, protein source for wide range of dry mixes, prepared foods, animal feed, hypoallergenic protein prods. Features: Patented prod. providing both conc. rice protein and dietary fiber with low residual sugars Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Finely ground powd., > 90% -140 mesh; pH 6.0-6.6 (5% disp.); > 69% protein CNP RSSHG40 [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: High glucose rice syrup solids Uses: Sweetener, humectant for instant soups, baking, soy-based prods. Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Lt. beige drum-dried powd., -30 mesh, caramel flavor; sol. in water; DE 70; pH 6.0-6.6 (5%) CNP RSSHM [Calif. Natural Prods. 185
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: High maltose rice syrup solids Uses: Drum-dried: sweetener, humectant for instant soups, baking, soy-based prods.; spray-dried: carrier, sol. complex carbohydrate, bulking agent, flavor carrier for dry beverage mixes for sports/oral rehydration, home brew kits Features: Low osmolality Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Off-wh. spray-dried powd., -100 mesh, bland taste or lt. beige drum-dried powd., -30 mesh, caramel flavor; sol. in water; DE 42; pH 6.0-6.6 (5%)
profile; used for applics. with high syrup usage or lightly flavored prods. such as vanillaflavored desserts Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Dens. 11.8 lb/gal; visc. 125 poise (100 F); DE 42; pH 6.0-6.6 (5%) CNP WRSMC30 [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Med. conversion rice syrup Uses: Patented traditional syrup from wh. rice, lightly filtered to produce a translucent syrup Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Dens. 11.8 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 100 poise (100 F); DE 57; pH 6.0-6.6 (5%); dextrose equivalent 57%; glucose 25 g/100 g; maltose 27 g/100 g
CNP RSSRD [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Low conversion rice syrup solids Uses: Carrier, sol. complex carbohydrate, bulking agent, flavor carrier for dry beverage mixes for sports/oral rehydration, home brew kits Features: Low osmolality Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Off-wh. spray-dried powd., -100 mesh, bland taste; sol. in water; DE 26; pH 6.0-6.6 (5%)
CNP WRSMC30CL [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Clarified med. conversion rice syrup Uses: Patented clear syrup with low flavor profile; used for applics. with high syrup usage or lightly flavored prods. such as vanillaflavored desserts Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Dens. 11.8 lb/gal; visc. 100 poise (100 F); DE 57; pH 6.0-6.6 (5%)
CNP WRSHG40 [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: High glucose rice syrup Uses: Patented traditional syrup from wh. rice, lightly filtered to produce a translucent syrup Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Dens. 11.8 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 100 poise (100 F); DE 70; pH 6.0-6.6 (5%); dextrose equivalent 70%; glucose 42 g/100 g; maltose 19 g/100 g
CNP WRSRD [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Low conversion rice syrup Uses: Patented traditional syrup from wh. rice, lightly filtered to produce a translucent syrup Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Dens. 11.8 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 150 poise (100 F); DE 26; pH 6.0-6.6 (5%); dextrose equivalent 26%; glucose 6 g/100 g; maltose 13 g/100 g
CNP WRSHM [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: High maltose rice syrup Uses: Patented traditional syrup from wh. rice, lightly filtered to produce a translucent syrup Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Dens. 11.8 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 125 poise (100 F); DE 42; pH 6.0-6.6 (5%); dextrose equivalent 42%; glucose 3 g/100 g; maltose 31 g/100 g
CNP WRSRDCL [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Clarified low conversion rice syrup Uses: Patented clear syrup with low flavor profile; used for applics. with high syrup usage or lightly flavored prods. such as vanillaflavored desserts Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Dens. 11.8 lb/gal; visc. 150 poise (100 F); DE 26%; pH 6.0-6.6 (5%); dextrose equivalent 26%; glucose 6 g/100 g; maltose 13 g/100 g
CNP WRSHMCL [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Clarified high maltose rice syrup Uses: Patented clear syrup with low flavor Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part I: Trade Name Reference Co-adjuzyme® [Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com] Chem. Descrip.: Conc. fungal saccharifying enzyme system Uses: Brewing enzyme for prod. of fermentable sugars Properties: Liq. Coated Ascorbic Acid, Type EC [DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ascorbic acid USP, FCC See L-Ascorbic acid; Ethylcellulose CAS 50-81-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-066-2 Uses: Source of vitamin C and antioxidant in foods where ethylcellulose is permitted as a food additive Regulatory: USP, FCC, Ph. Eur. Properties: Wh. or sl. yel. cryst. powd., pract. odorless, pleasantly tart taste; 100% through 20 mesh, 20% max. through 50 mesh; sol. 1 g/3 ml water, 30 ml alcohol; m.w. 176.13; bulk dens. 0.8-1.0 (tapped); m.p. 190 C; pH 1.9-2.4 (10% aq.); 97.5% min. assay Precaution: Sensitive to heat Storage: Store in tight, light-resist. containers, optimally @ ≤ 72 F; avoid exposure to moisture and excessive heat Cocal Reaction Flavor, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor in chocolate, confectionaries, baked goods, coffee Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Dk. brown, visc. liq.; strong, rich chocolate taste; sol. in water, PG, alcohol Cocoa Powder Black Alkalized [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Analysis: 10-12% fat Uses: Flavor booster for bakery prods; coloring ingred.; blending component Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Blk.; pH 7.5-8.7 Storage: Store @ 55-65 F and < 50% relative humidity in well-ventilated area free from strong odors and well ventilated Cocoa Powder Dark Brown Alkalized [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Analysis: 10-12% fat Uses: Flavoring agent for cereal and bakery prods., coatings, coloring ingred. Properties: Dk. brn.; pH 7.5-8.5 Storage: Store @ 55-65 F and < 50% relative Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
humidity in well-ventilated area Cocoa Powder Lightly Alkalized - Medium Fat [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Analysis: 15-22% fat Uses: Flavoring agent for hot chocolate drinks, breakfast cocoas, instant drink mixes, pastes, syrups, pudding and ice cream powders, ice creams, dairy products like puddings, chocolate milk and custards Properties: Med. brn.; pH 6.5-7.5 Storage: Store @ 55-65 F and < 50% relative humidity in well-ventilated area Cocoa Powder Medium Alkalized [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Analysis: 15-22% fat Uses: Flavoring for dairy products like mousses and puddings, dairy mixes, ice creams, syrups, toppings, frostings, fudges, pastes, chocolate confectionery, bakery products and mixes Properties: Med. to dk. brn.; pH 6.5-7.5 Storage: Store @ 55-65 F and < 50% relative humidity in well-ventilated area away from strong odors Cocoa Powder Medium Alkalized - Medium Fat [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Analysis: 15-22% fat Uses: Flavoring agent for dairy products like mousses and puddings, dairy mixes, ice creams, syrups, toppings, frostings, fudges, pastes, chocolate confectionery, bakery products and mixes Properties: Med. to dk. brn.; pH 6.5-7.5 Storage: Store @ 55-65 F and < 50% relative humidity in well-ventilated area away from strong odors Cocoa Powder Natural [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Analysis: 10-12% fat Uses: Flavoring agent for compound coatings, bakery products, spreads, syrups, frostings, toppings, creams, chocolate confectionery Properties: Lt. brn.; pH 5.1-6.0 Storage: Store @ 55-65 F and < 50% relative humidity in well-ventilated area Cocoa Powder Natural - High Fat [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Analysis: 22-24% fat 187
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Flavoring agent for compound coatings, bakery products, spreads, syrups, frostings, toppings, creams, chocolate confectionery Properties: Lt. brn.; pH 5.1-6.0 Storage: Store @ 55-65 F and < 50% relative humidity in well-ventilated area Cocoa Powder Natural - Medium Fat [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Analysis: 15-22% fat Uses: Flavoring agent for compound coatings, bakery products, spreads, syrups, frostings, toppings, creams, chocolate confectionery Properties: Lt. brn.; pH 5.1-6.0 Storage: Store @ 55-65 F and < 50% relative humidity in well-ventilated area Coconad MT [Kao Corp. http://www.kao.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Caprylic triglyceride Uses: Emulsifier for foods; coffee whitener, flavor diluent Properties: Pale, yel., cl. liq.; solid. pt. -20 max; nonionic; 100% conc. Coconad RK [Kao Corp. http://www.kao.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Caprylic/capric triglyceride CAS 65381-09-1; EINECS/ELINCS 265-724-3 Uses: Emulsifier for foods; coffee whitener, release agent for processing, flavor diluent Properties: Pale, yel., cl. liq.; solid. pt. -20 max; nonionic; 100% conc. Coffee Booster - 1, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor in sweet goods, beverages Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Cl. liq.; freshly brewed coffee taste; sol. in oil, PG, alcohol Use Level: 0.5-2 ppm as consumed Coffee Booster - 2, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor in sweet goods, beverages Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Cl. yel. liq.; freshly brewed coffee taste; sol. in oil, PG, alcohol Use Level: 0.5-2 ppm as consumed Cold Pressed Grapefruit Oil [Florida Chem. http://www.floridachemical.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cold pressed grapefruit oil See Grapefruit (Citrus grandis) oil CAS 8016-20-4 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Colorant, flavor enhancer, fragrance enhancer for foods Properties: Cl. to pale yel. oil; sweet grapefuit aroma; sol. in benzyl benzoate and min. oil; sl. sol. in PG; insol. in water and glycerine; sp.gr. 0.848-0.858; vapor pressure 2 mm Hg (20 C); b.p. 349 F; flash pt. (CC) 48 C; ref. index 1.4750-1.4780; 98% volatile Toxicology: Mod. irritant to skin, eyes, nose, and throat; sl. allergen; mod. ing. and sl. inh. hazard Precaution: Combustible; keep away from heat, sparks, open flame; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Ingredients: None HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ < 21 C in well-ventilated, covered area; once opened, head space should be purged with inert gas and tightly resealed Cold Pressed Orange Oil [Florida Chem. http://www.floridachemical.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cold pressed orange oil— midseason and Valencia See Orange (Citrus aurantium dulcis) oil CAS 8008-57-9 Uses: Color enhancer, flavor booster for foods Properties: Lt. yel.-orange liq.; fresh orange aroma; sol. in benzyl benzoate, min. oil; sl. sol. in propylene glycol; insol. in water, glycerine; sp.gr. 0.842-0.846; vapor pressure 2 mm Hg (20 C); b.p. 349 F; flash pt. (CC) 118 F; ref. index 1.4720-1.4740; 98% volatile Toxicology: Mod. irritant, sl. allergen; mod. ing. and sl. inh. hazard Precaution: Combustible; keep away from heat, sparks, open flame; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store tightly sealed in full containers in well-ventilated area @ < 21 C; partially filled containers should be blanketed with nitrogen Colflo® 67 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Visc. builder, texturizer, cold temp. storage stabilizer, shelf life extender for frozen foods, fruit pie fillings, frozen meat pies and gravies, frozen soups and sauces, frozen Oriental foods 188
Part I: Trade Name Reference Features: Very good freeze/thaw stability; produces smooth, short texture; suitable at low pH; exc. clarity; no syneresis Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; bland taste; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Colloidal Kaolin BC 825 [Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com] Chem. Descrip.: Kaolin USP (95%), bentonite (5%) Chem. Analysis: SiO2 (43-47%); Al2O3 (36-40%); CaO (0.04-0.08%); MgO (0.20-0.40%); Fe2O3 (0.20-0.40%); TiO2 (1.20-2.20%) Uses: Anticaking agent for solids and clarifier for liqs. during food processing Regulatory: USP Properties: Wh. to buff fine powd.; 99.8% through 325 mesh, 100% through 200 mesh; odorless; insol. in water; sp.gr. 2.58; dens. 3238 lb/ft3 (tapped), 12-18 lb/ft3 (loose); oil absorp. 49-53; dry brightness 88-92; nonflamm.; pH 6.5-8.5; 1% max. moisture; 0% volatiles Toxicology: ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 (total nuisance dust), 5 mg/m3 (respirable nuisance dust); may cause delayed respiratory disease if dust is inhaled over prolonged period Precaution: Very slippery when wet Hazardous Ingredients: Cryst. silica Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Colloidal Kaolin BC 2457 [Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com] Chem. Descrip.: Colloidal kaolin USP Chem. Analysis: SiO2 (44-46%); Al2O3 (37-40%); CaO (0.03-0.06%); MgO (0.20-0.40%); Fe2O3 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
(0.20-0.40%); TiO2 (1.50-2.00%) CAS 1332-58-7; EINECS/ELINCS 296-473-8 Uses: Anticaking agent for solids and clarifier for liqs. during food processing Regulatory: DOT nonhazardous; SARA §311/312 reportable, §304/313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to buff powd.; 0.60 µ median particle size; 99.8% through 325 mesh; 100% through 200 mesh; odorless; insol. in water; sp.gr. 2.60; dens. 33-39 lb/ft3 (tapped), 12-16 lb/ft3 (loose); oil absorp. 36-40; dry brightness 88-91; nonflamm.; pH 6.7-7.7; 1% max. moisture; 0% volatiles Toxicology: ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 total dust, 5 mg/m3 respirable dust; long-term overexposure to high concs. of dust may produce x-ray evidence of dust in lungs and may affect respiratory function; TSCA listed Environmental: no harmful effects known other than those associated with suspended inert solids in water Precaution: Slippery when wet Hazardous Ingredients: Inhalable silica not expected to be present in dust at levels exceeding 1%; cryst. silica Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry area at ambient temps. Colloidal Kaolin BC 2747 [Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com] Chem. Descrip.: Colloidal kaolin USP Chem. Analysis: SiO2 (44-47%); Al2O3 (38-41%); CaO (0.30%); Fe2O3 (0.70%) CAS 1332-58-7; EINECS/ELINCS 296-473-8 Uses: Anticaking agent for solids and clarifier for liqs. during food processing Regulatory: USP, DOT nonhazardous; SARA §311/312 reportable, §304/313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to buff powd.; odorless; insol. in water; sp.gr. 2.60; dens. 45-52 lb/ft3 (tapped), 18-24 lb/ft3 (loose); dry brightness 86-90; nonflamm.; pH 7-8 Toxicology: ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 total dust, 5 mg/m3 respirable dust; long-term overexposure to high concs. of dust may produce x-ray evidence of dust in lungs and may affect respiratory function; TSCA listed Environmental: no harmful effects known other than those associated with suspended inert solids in water Precaution: Slippery when wet Hazardous Ingredients: Inhalable silica not expected to be present in dust at levels 189
Part I: Trade Name Reference exceeding 1%; cryst. silica Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry area at ambient temps. Colloidal Kaolin BC 2749 [Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com] Chem. Descrip.: Colloidal kaolin USP Chem. Analysis: SiO2 (44-46%); Al2O3 (38-41%); CaO (0.02-0.05%); MgO (0.20-.40%); Fe2O3 (0.20-0.40%); TiO2 (1.30-1.80%) CAS 1332-58-7; EINECS/ELINCS 296-473-8 Uses: Anticaking agent for solids and clarifier for liqs. during food processing Regulatory: USP, DOT nonhazardous; SARA §311/312 reportable, §304/313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to buff powd.; 1.00 µ median particle size; 99.9% through 200 mesh; odorless; insol. in water; sp.gr. 2.60; dens. 3339 lb/ft3 (tapped), 12-17 lb/ft3 (loose); oil absorp. 38-42; dry brightness 87-91; nonflamm.; pH 6.7-7.7; 1% max. moisture Toxicology: ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3 total dust, 5 mg/m3 respirable dust; long-term overexposure to high concs. of dust may produce x-ray evidence of dust in lungs and may affect respiratory function; TSCA listed Environmental: no harmful effects known other than those associated with suspended inert solids in water Precaution: Slippery when wet Hazardous Ingredients: Inhalable silica not expected to be present in dust at levels exceeding 1%; cryst. silica Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry area at ambient temps. Complemix® 50 [Cytec Ind. http://www.cytec.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sulfonated ester Uses: Wetting agent, emulsifier, clouding agent for foods and beverages Properties: Nearly colorless liq.; sp.gr. 0.93; anionic; 50% act. Complemix® 100 [Cytec Ind. http://www.cytec.com; Cytec Ind. BV] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate NF See Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate CAS 577-11-7; EINECS/ELINCS 209-406-4 Uses: Surfactant, emulsifier, wetting agent, clouding agent for foods and beverages; dispersant; solubilizer; modifier Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: TSCA, EEC compliance Properties: Wh. waxy solid, odor of octyl alcohol; sol. 1.5 g/100 g in water; sp.gr. 1.1; anionic; 100% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat), 4.2 g/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 1 g/kg; causes moderate eye and skin irritation Compritol® 888 ATO [Gattefosse http://www.gattefossecorp.com; Gattefosse Spain http://www.gattefosse.es] Chem. Descrip.: Tribehenin CAS 18641-57-1; EINECS/ELINCS 242-471-7 Uses: Emulsifier for foods; additive for tablet mfg. Features: Lipophilic Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1328 GRAS; USP/NF, EP, and JSFA compliance; DMF no. 4663 Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd. (spherical particles), faint odor, tasteless; 85% through 250 mesh; sol. hot in chloroform, methylene chloride; insol. in water, min. oil, ethanol; m.p. 69-74 C; HLB 2.0; acid no. < 4; iodine no. < 3; sapon. no. 145-165; nonionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: LD0 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg Storage: Preserve in orig. container; store below 35 C; prevent exposure to air, light, heat, and moisture Concentrated DARILOID® KB [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol alginate blend CAS 9005-37-2 Uses: Stabilizer for dairy prods., sour cream, cottage cheese dressings, cream cheese, egg nog, ice cream fruit, cottage cheese fruit, fruit beverages, water ice, sherbet and lowfat novelties Properties: 28 mesh; milk-sol.; pH 5.4 Concentrated DARILOID® XL [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium alginate blend See Algin Uses: Gellant, suspending agent, thickener, stabilizer for milk-based systems (puddings, pie fillings, custards, cheese dips, cheesecake, eggnog, milk shake powd., chiffons, toppings, syrups, baked cream fillings, whipping cream) Properties: 42 mesh; milk-sol.; pH 10 (1%)
Part I: Trade Name Reference Confectioners F & G [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified See Food starch, modified Uses: Visc. builder, texturizer in gum candies; gelling agent in confectionery Features: Thin-boiling starch for developing proper depositing visc. and finished textures Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd.; pH 5.5; 11% moisture Consista® [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Stabilizer, thickener for prod. of creamstyle corn, meat prods., and other low-acid foods Features: High visc.; provides short, smooth textures, exc. clarity, resist. to syneresis, freeze/thaw cycles Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd.; bland; 90% through 100 mesh; pH 5.5 (uncooked); 10-12% moisture Use Level: 1.5-5.0% (cream-style corn, gravies, sauces, soups, puddings) Controx® VP [Cognis http://www.cognis.de] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin (40%), tocopherol (25%), ascorbyl palmitate (25%), hydrogenated palm glyceride citrate (10%) Uses: Antioxidant for fats in the food industry, esp. for stabilization of vegetable oils, frying fats, margarine, shortenings, release agents Regulatory: EU compliance Properties: Reddish-brn. paste, typ. odor, mild taste; oil-sol.; 17.5% tocopherol. Use Level: 0.02-0.1% on fat content in final prod. Cookerzyme® [Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com] Chem. Descrip.: Bacterial enzyme system derived from Bacillus subtilis Uses: Brewing enzyme for rapid hydrolysis of starch adjuncts Properties: Powd. or liq. CornSweet® 42 [ADM Corn Processing http://www.adm.org/naen/ahn/cornprocessing .asp; MLG Enterprises] Chem. Descrip.: High fructose corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener for use at 50-100% replacement for sucrose or invert sugar; clean, nonmasking sweetness for use in Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
delicate flavored foods Properties: Water-wh. low-visc. syrup, sweet taste; dens. 11.23 lb/gal; visc. 225 cps (70 F); b.p. 230 F; pH 3.5; 71% solids, 42% min. fructose, 29% moisture Storage: Store @ 80-90 F CornSweet® 55 [ADM Corn Processing http://www.adm.org/naen/ahn/cornprocessing .asp; MLG Enterprises] Chem. Descrip.: High fructose corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener for carbonated drinks, still drinks, processed foods Properties: Water-wh. syrup, sweet taste; odorless; sp.gr. 1.35; dens. 11.55 lb/gal; visc. 1200 cps (70 F); b.p. 230 F; pH 3.5; 77% solids, 55% min. fructose, 23% moisture Storage: Store @ 80-85 F for ease in pumping and blending Cornsweet® 90 [ADM Corn Processing http://www.adm.org/naen/ahn/cornprocessing .asp] Chem. Descrip.: high fructose corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 90% fructose; 77% solids; 23% moisture CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in reduced calorie foods such as beverages, jellies, and dressings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR 184.1866; FCC Properties: Cl., colorless to sl. straw colored liq.; sweet taste; odorless; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.35; b.p. 230 F; pH 3.5 Toxicology: Nontoxic; noncarcinogenic Storage: Store @ 70-85F CornSweet® 95 [ADM Corn Processing http://www.adm.org/naen/ahn/cornprocessing .asp; MLG Enterprises] Chem. Descrip.: High fructose corn syrup Chem. Analysis: Moisture 23%; sulfated ash 0.03% CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener offering intense sweetness, sweetness synergism, flavor enhancement, humectancy, low water activity, f.p. depression, high osmotic pressure; for beverages, baked goods, frozen foods, cereals, dairy prods., reduced-calorie foods Properties: Water-wh. liq., very sweet taste; sp.gr. 1.35; dens. 11.56 lb/gal; visc. 575 cps (80 F); b.p. 230 F; pH 3.5; 77% dry solids, 95% fructose. Storage: Store @ 65-75 F 191
Part I: Trade Name Reference CornSweet® Crystalline Fructose [ADM Corn Processing http://www.adm.org/naen/ahn/cornprocessing .asp; MLG Enterprises] Chem. Descrip.: Fructose FCC/USP Uses: Sweetener offering intense sweetness, sweetness synergism, flavor enhancement, humectancy, low water activity, f.p. depression, high osmotic pressure; for beverages, baked goods, frozen foods, cereals, dairy prods., reduced-calorie foods Properties: Wh. free-flowing cryst., odorless, clean very sweet taste; 1% max. on 16 mesh, 10% max. through 100 mesh; bulk dens. 52 lb/ft3; m.p. 103 C; 99.9% act. Storage: Store @ 25 C and 50% r.h. 42/43 Corn Syrup [MLG Enterprises] Chem. Descrip.: Acid converted corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener, flavoring agent, bodying agent, moisture retention aid in foods, candies, jams, jellies, fountain and table syrups Properties: Water-wh. med. visc. liq., char. odor, sweet-bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4201 (100/60 F); dens. 11.84 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 1000 poises (80 F); pH 4.8; DE 42; Baumé 43 (100 F); 80.7% total solids, 19.3% moisture 62/43 Corn Syrup [MLG Enterprises] Chem. Descrip.: Acid-enzyme converted corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener for baked goods (bread, rolls), nougats, fondants, etc. Features: High proportion of fermentable carbohydrates and increased sweetness Properties: Water-wh. syrup, char. odor, sweet taste; sp.gr. 1.4201 (100/60 F); dens. 11.84 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 400 poises (80 F); pH 4.8 (1:1); DE 62; Baumé 43 (100 F); 82% total solids, 18% moisture Corn Syrup 36/43 [ADM Corn Processing http://www.adm.org/naen/ahn/cornprocessing .asp] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 80.3% total solids, 19.7% moisture CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Nutritive carbohydrate sweetener for ice cream, hard candies, cough drops; crystal formation inhibitor and bodying agent Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Colorless syrup; dens. 11.84 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 1000 poise (80 F); pH 4.8 (1:1); DE 36; Baume 43 (100 F) Corn Syrup 42/43 [ADM Corn Processing http://www.adm.org/naen/ahn/cornprocessing .asp] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Nutritive carbohydrate sweetener for candies, jams, jellies, fountain and table syrups Properties: Dens. 11.84 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 1000 poise (80 F); pH 4.8 (1:1); DE 42; Baume 43 (100 F); 80.7% total solids, 19.3% moisture Corn Syrup 52/43 [ADM Corn Processing http://www.adm.org/naen/ahn/cornprocessing .asp] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Nutritive carbohydrate sweetener for marshmallows, gum drops, nougats; sl. sweeter than 42/43 Properties: Dens. 11.84 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 550 poise (80 F); pH 4.8 (1:1); DE 52; Baume 43 (100 F); 81.2% total solids, 18.8% moisture Corn Syrup 62/43 [ADM Corn Processing http://www.adm.org/naen/ahn/cornprocessing .asp] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Nutritive carbohydrate sweetener for baked goods, nougats, fondants; sweeter than 42/43 Properties: Dens. 11.84 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 400 poise (80 F); pH 4.8 (1:1); DE 62; Baume 43 (100 F); 82% total solids, 18% moisture Corn Syrup 62/44 [ADM Corn Processing http://www.adm.org/naen/ahn/cornprocessing .asp] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Nutritive carbohydrate sweetener for baked goods, nougats, fondants Properties: Dens. 11.95 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 1300 poise (80 F); pH 4.8 (1:1); DE 62; Baume 44 (100 F); 84% total solids, 16% moisture Corn Syrup 97/71 [ADM Corn Processing http://www.adm.org/naen/ahn/cornprocessing .asp] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 192
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Nutritive carbohydrate sweetener with high sweetness and high fermentables; for fermentation, baked goods Features: Highly enzyme converted; it may be used interchangeably with liquid dextrose Properties: Dens. 11.07 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 0.36 poise (120 F); pH 4.5 (1:1); DE 97; 71% total solids, 29% moisture Cottonseed Cooking Oil [ADM Refined Oils http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cottonseed oil, refined, bleached, deodorized See Cottonseed (Gossypium) oil CAS 8001-29-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-280-7 Uses: Veg. oil for frying Properties: Cloudy oil, pleasing flavor; iodine no. 100-115 Covi-Ox® T-70 [Cognis/Nutrition & Health; Cognis/Care Chems.; Cognis Canada] Chem. Descrip.: Tocopherol CAS 1406-18-4; EINECS/ELINCS 215-798-8 Uses: Antioxidant, blocking agent for foods Features: Natural Regulatory: 21 CFR §182.3890 Properties: Brwnsh. red visc. liq.; 70% min. total natural tocopherols Covi-Ox® T-90 [Cognis/Nutrition & Health] Chem. Descrip.: Mixed tocopherol conc. NF/FCC (typically 14% d-α, 2% d-β, 60% d-γ, 24% d-δ CAS 1406-18-4; EINECS/ELINCS 215-798-8 Uses: Antioxidant for foods; γ-tocopherol source in nutritional supplements Features: Low volatility; exc. carry-through chars. Regulatory: 21 CFR §182.3890, kosher Properties: Brownish-red cl. visc. oil; bland to mild odor and taste; misc. with org. solvs., veg. oils, animal fats; sparingly sol. in abs. ethanol; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.94-0.96 g/cm3 Precaution: Unstable to acid, light, alkali, oxidizing agents Storage: 36 mos. shelf life when stored @ 15-30 C in unopened original container; protect from heat, light, and air in tightly closed containers; do not refrigerate Covitol® 700 [Cognis/Nutrition & Health] Chem. Descrip.: D-α-Tocopherol USP on silicon dioxide carrier, surf. treated with gum acacia See Acacia; Silica Uses: Antioxidant; nutrient, dietary supplement for chewable tablets and twoHandbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
piece capsules; natural vitamin E fortifier for foods Features: Stable to air and light; unstable to alkali and acid Properties: Wh. to lt. cream free-flowing gran. powd.; bland odor and taste; 60% through 40 mesh, 10% through 120 mesh; insol. in water and org. solvs.; bulk dens. 0.40-0.50 g/cm3 Storage: 1 yr. shelf life in unopened original container; protect from heat, light, moisture, and freezing Covitol® 700 WD [Cognis/Nutrition & Health] Chem. Descrip.: D-α-Tocopherol USP/FCC in carrier of gum acacia, surf. treated See Acacia Uses: Antioxidant; nutrient, dietary supplement for dry powd. mixes and effervescent tablets that are added to water; natural vitamin E fortifier for foods incl. dry baby formulas Features: Stable to air and light; unstable to alkali and acid Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Lt. tan fine powd.; bland odor and taste; water-disp.; insol. in org. solvs. Storage: 1 yr. shelf life in unopened original container; protect from heat, light, moisture, and freezing Covitol® 1360 [Cognis/Nutrition & Health] Chem. Descrip.: Tocopheryl acetate CAS 1406-70-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-710-0 Uses: Dietary supplement in food prods. Regulatory: USP, FCC, kosher, Halal Properties: Yel. cl. visc. liq.; wh. to off-wh. cryst. powd. with mild odor or taste; sparingly sol. in ethanol; misc. with org. solvents, veg. oils and fats; insol. in water; sp. gr. 0.94-0.95; m.p. 7378 C; 960 mg/g min. assay Storage: Store in tightly closed dontainer in cool, dry place protected from heat, light, and oxygen Covitol® 1360J [Cognis/Nutrition & Health] Chem. Descrip.: d-α-Tocopheryl acetate USP/FCC CAS 58-95-7; EINECS/ELINCS 231-710-0 Uses: Nutrient, dietary supplement liq. prep. and food fortification Features: Stable to air, light, acids Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Very pale yel. cl. visc. oil; little or no odor and taste; misc. with org. solvs., veg. oils and fats; sparingly sol. in ethanol; insol. in 193
Part I: Trade Name Reference water; m.w. 472.75; sp.gr. 0.94-0.96 g/cm3 Precaution: Unstable to alkali and oxidizing agents Storage: 48 mos. shelf life in unopened original pkg.; store @ 15-30 C; protect from heat, light, air in tightly closed containers; do not refrigerate; may crystallize on exposure to cold temps. Covitol® F-350M [Cognis/Nutrition & Health] Chem. Descrip.: Tocopherol CAS 1406-18-4; EINECS/ELINCS 215-798-8 Uses: Preservative for drink mixes; dietary supplement for foods Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §182.3890 Properties: Cream powd.; mild odor and taste; insol. in veg. oils and org. solvents; 235 mg/g of d-α tocopherol conc. FCC plus 59 mg/g of d-β, d-γ, and d-δ tocopherol FCC. Storage: Store in tightly closed dontainer in cool, dry place protected from heat, light, and oxygen; use promptly after opening Covitol® F-1000-2 [Cognis/Nutrition & Health] Chem. Descrip.: Tocopherol and soybean oil See Soybean (Glycine soja) oil CAS 1406-18-4; 8001-22-7; EINECS/ELINCS 215-798-8; 232-274-4 Uses: Dietary supplement in foods Features: Derived from nat. sources Regulatory: USP, FCC< kosher, Halal Properties: Brn.-red cl. visc. oil; bland to mild odor; misc. with org. solvs., veg. oils and fats; sparingly sol. in ethanol; insol. in water; sp. gr. 0.94-0.95; 671 mg/g min. assay Storage: 36 mos. shelf life; store in tightly closed dontainer in cool, dry place protected from heat, light, and oxygen COWCIUM® Natural Milk Calcium FG [Garuda Int'l. http://www.garudaint.com] Chem. Descrip.: Natural milk calcium (calcium (27% minimum) and phosphorus (10% minimum) mixture) derived from bovine milk CAS 7758-23-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-837-1 Uses: Calcium source, phosphorus source for direct compression of nutritional supplement tablets, food supplements Features: Directly compressible; free of lactose Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine gran.; min. salt flavor; 10% max. moisture; 27% min. Ca, 10% min. P Storage: 3 yr. min. shelf life; store in cool, dry location (5-20 C, < 60% r.h.) with fresh, clean, circulating air; protect from microbial Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
contamination Coyote Brand Agar 80 mesh [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Chem. Descrip.: colloidal polysaccharide Uses: Gellant, moisture stabilizer for baked goods, meat applics., dairy prods.; gelatin replacement in vegan prods. Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1115; kosher Properties: Sol. in boiling water; gel strength 900-1000 g/cm2 Coyote Brand Agar 100 mesh [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Chem. Descrip.: colloidal polysaccharide Uses: Gellant, moisture stabilizer for baked goods, meat applics., dairy prods.; gelatin replacement in vegan prods.; texturizer for icing Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1115; kosher Properties: Sol. in boiling water; gel strength 900-1000 g/cm2 Coyote Brand Agar Type Z100 [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Chem. Descrip.: colloidal polysaccharide Uses: Gellant, moisture stabilizer for baked goods, meat applics., dairy prods.; gelatin replacement in vegan prods. Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1115; kosher Properties: Sol. in boiling water; gel strength 900-1000 g/cm2 Coyote Brand Agar-Agar 150 Mesh Gelidium [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Chem. Descrip.: colloidal polysaccharide Uses: Gellant, moisture stabilizer for baked goods, meat applics., dairy prods.; gelatin replacement in vegan prods. Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1115; kosher Properties: Sol. in boiling water; gel strength < 750 g/cm2 Coyote Brand Tara Gum [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Chem. Descrip.: Tara gum, polysaccharide composed of mannose and galactose derived from the tara seed Chem. Analysis: Moisture < 14%; ash (total) < 10%; heavy metals as Pb 20 ppm max.; Pb 5 ppm max.; As 3ppm max. CAS 39300-88-4 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, gelling agent, suspension aid in food Regulatory: FDA GRAS 194
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Wh. powd.; 98% through US Std. 80 mesh; Brookfield visc. 3500-5000 cps in 1% sol'n. (spindle 4, 25 C, 20 rpm), 4000-6000 cps (spindle 4, 85 C, 20 rpm); pH 4-6 (1% sol'n.) Coyote Brand Xanthan 80 mesh [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Chem. Descrip.: exocellular polysaccharide Uses: Visc. control agent for baked goods, beverages, confectionery, dairy prods., desserts, dressings and dips, fried foods, frozen foods, meat analogs, pasta, restructured foods, pet foods, soups, sauces, and gravies Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.695 Properties: Disp in cold water; visc. generally 1200-1650 cps Coyote Brand Xanthan 80 mesh C [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Chem. Descrip.: exocellular polysaccharide Uses: Visc. control agent for baked goods, beverages, confectionery, dairy prods., desserts, dressings and dips, fried foods, frozen foods, meat analogs, pasta, restructured foods, pet foods, soups, sauces, and gravies Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.695 Properties: Visc. generally 1200-1650 cps Coyote Brand Xanthan 200 mesh [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Chem. Descrip.: exocellular polysaccharide Uses: Visc. control agent for baked goods, beverages, confectionery, dairy prods., desserts, dressings and dips, fried foods, frozen foods, meat analogs, pasta, restructured foods, pet foods, soups, sauces, and gravies Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.695 Properties: Visc. generally 1200-1650 cps Coyote Brand Xanthan DF [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Chem. Descrip.: exocellular polysaccharide Uses: Visc. control agent in food Features: Nongelling; dust-free Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.695 Properties: Visc. generally 1200-1650 cps Coyote Brand Xanthan ID [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Chem. Descrip.: exocellular polysaccharide Uses: Mouthfeel enhancer and visc. control agent in baked goods, beverages, confectionery, dairy prods., desserts, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
dressings and dips, fried foods, frozen foods, meat analogs, pasta, restructured foods, pet foods, soups, sauces, and gravies Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.695 Properties: Instantly disp.; visc. generally 12001650 cps Coyote Brand Xanthan ST [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Chem. Descrip.: exocellular polysaccharide Uses: Visc. control agent in food Features: Nongelling; for use in high salt/brine food Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.695 Properties: Visc. generally 1200-1650 cps Coyote Brand Xanthan TR [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Chem. Descrip.: exocellular polysaccharide Uses: Visc. control agent in food Features: Nongelling; transparent Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.695 Properties: Visc. generally 1200-1650 cps Coyote Stabilizer APG-200 [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Uses: Suspension aid, mouthfeel enhancer in dairy-based drinks, other beverages, desserts, dressings and dips, frozen food, soups, sauces, and gravies Coyote Stabilizer C-Gum 200 [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Uses: Gellant in water dessert gels Coyote Stabilizer CKLX-MS [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Chem. Descrip.: blend of carrageenan, locust bean gum, xanthan, konjac See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Konjac flour; Xanthan gum Chem. Analysis: Heavy metals 40 ppm max.; arsenic 2 ppm max.; lead 10 ppm max. Uses: Thickener, gelling agent, fat replacer in foods, pet foods Regulatory: Kosher; FDA 21 CFR §170.30, 172.620, 172.695, 184.1343 Properties: Off-wh. powd.; typical bland odor; particle size 75% through US Std. 80 mesh; Brookfield visc. 3000 cps min. (spindle 4, 4 h); pH 4.3-6.3 (1% sol'n); gel strength 300 g/cm2 min. (0.5% sol'n.) Coyote Stabilizer CS-100 [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Uses: Suspension aid for beverages 195
Part I: Trade Name Reference Coyote Stabilizer CS-DK [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Uses: Thickener, gelling agent for pudding Coyote Stabilizer CT-D100 [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Uses: Texturizer for yogurt Coyote Stabilizer DS-101 [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Uses: Suspension aid, mouthfeel enhancer for smoothies; suspension aid, emulsifier in salad dressings; viscosifier, texturizer, suspension aid, shelf life extender in beverages, dressings, dips, ice cream, salsas, soups, gravies Regulatory: Kosher Coyote Stabilizer HCS-1 [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Uses: Shelf life extender for ice cream Coyote Stabilizer HTPF [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Uses: Creates viscous set, prevents boil-out in pie fillings Coyote Stabilizer JB-900 [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Uses: Creates viscous set, prevents boil-out in pie fillings Coyote Stabilizer KS-Flan [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Uses: Prevents syneresis in puddings Coyote Stabilizer KSP-1 [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Uses: Prevents syneresis in puddings Coyote Stabilizer KT-MS [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Chem. Descrip.: konjac flour, tara gum See Tara gum Uses: Solids reducer for BBQ sauces; thickener Coyote Stabilizer NJ-1 [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Uses: For aseptic, UHT, HTST formualtions; in coffee, cappuccino Coyote Stabilizer NJ-2 [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Uses: Phase separation control in nondairy creamers Coyote Stabilizer OG-500 [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Uses: Freeze/thaw control for frozen foods Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Coyote Stabilizer PF-3 [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Uses: Suspension aid, emulsifier in salad dressings Coyote Stabilizer ST-101 [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Uses: Solids reducer for BBQ sauces Regulatory: Kosher Coyote Stabilizer TC-1 [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Uses: Shelf-life extender, freeze-thaw improver for tortillas Coyote Stabilizer TC-20 [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Uses: Shelf-life extender, freeze-thaw improver for tortillas Coyote Stabilizer VPB-1 [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Uses: Fat replacer, binder for meat analogs Coyote Brand Konjac A [Gum Tech. http://www.gumtech.com/home/index.php] Chem. Descrip.: Konjac, linear polysaccharide composed of mannose and glucose derived from tubers of "elephant yam" See Konjac flour Chem. Analysis: Moisture < 14%; ash (total) < 1%; heavy metals as Pb 30 ppm max.; Pb 5 ppm max.; As 3 ppm max. CAS 37220-17-0 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer in food; dough conditioner, extender in bakery applics.; moisture control agent in noodle, dumpling applics.; gelling agent, texturizer in confectionery, dairy prods.; thickener, mouthfeel in beverages Regulatory: FDA GRAS Properties: Wh. powd.; particle size 95% through 100 mesh; Brookfield visc. > 18,000 cps (1% sol'n., spindle 6, 20 rpm); pH 6-8 (1% sol'n) C.P. 30 [British Bakels http://www.bakels.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat flour and calcium propionate See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) flour CAS 130498-22-5; 4075-81-4; EINECS/ELINCS 310-127-6; 223-795-8 Uses: Mold inhibitor for breads, rolls Properties: Powd. Use Level: 0.7% of flour wt. Toxicology: May cause allergic reaction, sensitization, eye and skin irritation; prolonged skin contact may cause dermatitis 196
Part I: Trade Name Reference Environmental: readily biodeg. Storage: Store in orig. pkg. in cool, dry place CPF™ [Cargill Flavor Systems http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/] Uses: Cheese flavor in food Features: Variety of flavor profiles available C*PharmIsoMaltidex 16540 [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Isomalt CAS 64519-82-0 Uses: Sweetener for sugar-free candies, diabetic prods. Features: Functional replacement for sugar and glucose syrup in sugar-free and diabetic prods. Regulatory: EP C*Pulp Tex 12930 [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Pregelatinized starch from waxy maize See Starch, pregelatinized CAS 977050-93-3 Uses: Texturizer, stabilizer for foods, esp. bakery prods. (muffin/cake mixes), instant sauces/gravies, food powds., microwave foods, beverage mixes, tomato sauces Regulatory: Kosher, Halal certified CreamTex™ 75720 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: stabilized, medium cross-linked tapioca starch listed as food starch, modified See Food starch, modified Chem. Analysis: 13% moisture; 0.5% ash CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Thickener in frozen soups and sauces, chilled dairy desserts, neutral sauces Features: Good heat and shear stability; short, smooth and creamy texture; high viscosity Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Powd.; bland taste; easily disp. in cold water; bulk dens. 700 g/l; pH 6.0 Precaution: Excessive dust is flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Cream Enhancer - 1, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor to impart sweetness and mouthfeel of cream Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Colorless to lt. yel., cl. liq.; faintly Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
spicy taste; sol. in alcohol, PG, water Use Level: 0.02%-0.2% Cremodan® DC [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Uses: Stabilizer, ice crystal control agent, color binder, bodying agent, texturizer in water ices Cremodan® Mousse [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Emulsifier/stabilizer system Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, aerating agent, shelf life enhancer in frozen mousse Cremodan® SL [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Emulsifier/stabilizer system Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, bodying agent, texturizer, ice crystal control agent, aerating agent in sorbet and sherbet Cremophor® NP 10 [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: Nonoxynol-10 CAS 9016-45-9; EINECS/ELINCS 248-294-1 Uses: Solubilizer for essential oils and flavors Properties: Liq.; nonionic Cremophor® NP 14 [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: Nonoxynol-14 CAS 9016-45-9 Uses: Solubilizer for essential oils and flavors Properties: Liq.; nonionic Crestaflake [Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Specialty fat Uses: Flavor enhancer, texturizer for pizza crust Features: For incorporation into dough before baking Properties: Flakes Crestagel [Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk] Uses: Glazing agent, gloss aid for sweet rolls, hot cross buns, etc. Features: Sweet; adds surface sheen Properties: Gel Crestaglaze Conc. [Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk] Uses: Glazing agent, gloss aid for bread prods. 197
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Paste Crestawhip 100 [Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk] Uses: Emulsifier for baking Features: Multifunctional gel type system; for use by craft and small scale bakers Crestawhip 200 [Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk] Uses: Emulsifier for baking Features: High efficiency; general purpose; gel type; gives consistency in prod. volume, whip times, and batter sp.gr.; for use in plant bakeries and larger manufacturing operations Crestawhip 225 [Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk] Uses: Emulsifier for baking Features: Gives exc. consistency in finished sponge; minimizes manual handling; deliverable semi-bulk Properties: Pumpable and meterable soft gel Crestawhip 250 [Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk] Uses: Emulsifier for baking Features: Conc.; general purpose; gel type; for use in plant bakeries and larger manufacturing operations; can be used typically at levels of 70% of Crestawhip 200 Crestawhip 450 [Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk] Uses: Emulsifier for baking Features: Gel type; single emulsifier Crester KZ [Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglycerol and edible fatty acid mixed esters Uses: Emulsifier for foods, coffee whiteners; volume improver, texturizer, and shelf life extender in cakes and flour confectionery; gel stabilizer in sponges and Swiss rolls; whipping aid, foam stabilizer in whipped desserts; emulsion stabilizer in syn. creams Properties: Solid; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 3 max.; sapon. no. 120-150; nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: 2-4% basis shortening (cakes), 1015% gel systems (sponges) Crester L [Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglycerol and fatty acids mixed ester Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Crystallization control agent, aerating agent, emulsifier for foods; emulsifier for margarine; emulsion stabilizer for syn. creams Properties: Paste; acid no. 5 max.; sapon. no. 130-140; nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: 0.3-4% Crester PR [Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglycerol polyricinoleate See Polyglyceryl polyricinoleate Uses: Visc. modifier in foods; emulsifier in bakery release sprays; flow aid reducing yield value of chocolate or coatings Properties: Liq.; acid no. 6 max.; iodine no. 72103; sapon. no. 170-180; nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: 0.2-0.5% (chocolate), 1-4% (pan grease) Storage: Store under cool, dry conditions Creta Plus [Omya UK http://www.omya.co.uk/web/omya_uk.nsf/Ho mePage_Lang1?OpenForm&omya_langid=1& omya_navid=0000] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium carbonate with addition of thiamine hydrochloride, nicotinamide and reduced iron See Niacinamide; Thiamine HCl Chem. Analysis: 0.1% moisture CAS 471-34-1; 67-03-8; 98-92-0; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9; 200-641-8; 202713-4 Uses: Fortification and mfg. of bread and flour Properties: Mean particle size 3.4 μ; dens. 2.7 g/ml; pH 9; 98% Calcium carbonate Creta Praeparata V [Omya UK http://www.omya.co.uk/web/omya_uk.nsf/Ho mePage_Lang1?OpenForm&omya_langid=1& omya_navid=0000] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium carbonate CAS 471-34-1; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Fortification and mfg. of bread and flour, cereals Regulatory: BP Properties: Mean particle size 3 μ; bulk dens. (packed) 1.2 g/ml; pH 9; 98% Calcium carbonate Crill 1 [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan laurate CAS 1338-39-2; EINECS/ELINCS 215-663-3 Uses: Emulsifier, wetting agent for foods; 198
Part I: Trade Name Reference antifoam for syrups, calf starters Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 175.320, 175.380, 175.390, 176.170, 176.210, 178.3120, 178.3400; 40CFR §180.1001(c)(e) exempt; EEC, UK clearance; DOT nonregulated/nonhazardous; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Pale yel. cl. visc. liq.; sol. in ethanol, oleyl alcohol, min. oil; disp. in water; sp.gr. 1.00; visc. 39-49 poise; HLB 8.6; acid no. 4-7; sapon. no. 160-175; hyd. no. 330-358; nonionic; 98% conc. Use Level: 0.1-0.2% (calf starters), 0.01-0.05% (syrups) Toxicology: LD50 (acute oral) > 20 g/kg; essentially nonirritating to eyes; may be mildly irritating to skin; no significant adverse health effects are known; may aggravate pre-existing dermatological conditions Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Burning will produce COx Storage: Store under cool, dry conditions Crill 2 [Croda Chem. Europe Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan palmitate CAS 26266-57-9; EINECS/ELINCS 247-568-8 Uses: Emulsifier, wetting agent for foods; antifoam for syrups, calf starters Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.320, 176.210, 178.3120, 178.3400; 40CFR §180.1001(c)(e) exempt; EEC compliance; FDA nonregulated/nonhazardous; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Pale tan hard waxy solid; partially sol. in propylene glycol, ethyl and oleyl alcohols, olive oil, oleic acid; disp. in water; vapor pressure negligible; m.p. 46 C; HLB 6.7; sapon. no. 140-150; nonionic; 98% conc. Toxicology: Acute oral toxicity > 15.9 g/kg; essentially nonirritating to eyes (30% sol'n.), and to skin (50% sol'n.); no adverse health effects are known; may aggravate preexisting dermatological conditions Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Burning will produce COx Storage: Store under cool, dry conditions Crill 3 [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.crodausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan stearate CAS 1338-41-6; EINECS/ELINCS 215-664-9 Uses: Emulsifier for shortenings; controls crystallization and prevents fat bloom in chocolate and coatings; emulsion stabilizer in coffee whiteners, whipped desserts Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 172.836, 172.842, 173.340, 175.105, 175.320, 176.210, 178.3400; 40CFR §180.1001(c)(e) exempt; EEC, UK clearance Properties: Cream/yel. hard waxy solid; low odor; partially sol. in oleyl alcohol, olive oil, oleic acid; insol. in water; m.p. 54 C; HLB 4.7; acid no. 5-10; sapon. no. 146-157; hyd. no. 235-260; nonionic; 98% conc. Use Level: 0.5% (chocolate), 0.1-0.2% (coffee whiteners), 0.2-0.4% (shortenings, whipped desserts) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 31 g/kg; nonirritating to eyes Storage: Store under cool, dry conditions Crill 3 NF [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan stearate NF CAS 1338-41-6; EINECS/ELINCS 215-664-9 Uses: Emulsifier, rehydration aid in foods Features: Mild; multifunctional; solubilizer for compds. with low sol. in lipophilic bases Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.836, 172.842 Properties: Cream/yel. solid; sol. in ethanol, oleyl alcohol, min. oil, IPM, olive oil, oleic acid; insol. in water; gels in propylene glycol; HLB 4.7; acid no. < 10; sapon. no. 147-157; hyd. no. 235-260; nonionic; 1% max. water Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 31 g/kg; nonirritating to eyes; mild skin irritant Crill 4 [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com; Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk; Croda Chem. Europe Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan oleate CAS 1338-43-8; EINECS/ELINCS 215-665-4 Uses: Antifoam for food processing; emulsion stabilizer for calf starters, syn. creams, whipped desserts; wetting agent, defeathering aid in poultry Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.320, 176.210, 178.3400; 40CFR §180.1001(c)(e) exempt; EEC compliance Properties: Amber visc. liq.; sol. in ethyl, 199
Part I: Trade Name Reference isopropyl, and oleyl alcohols, min. oil, IPM, olive oil, oleic acid; HLB 4.3; acid no. 5.5-7.5; sapon. no. 147-160; hyd. no. 193-209; nonionic; 98% conc. Use Level: 0.5-5%; 0.2-0.4% (calf starter, whipped dessert); 0.1-0.2% (cream), 175 ppm of scald water (poultry) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 40 g/kg; nonirritating to eyes Crill 35 [Croda Chem. Europe Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan tristearate CAS 26658-19-5; EINECS/ELINCS 247-891-4 Uses: Emulsifier, lubricant for foods Properties: Pale tan hard waxy solid; partly sol. in oleyl alcohol, min. and olive oil, IPM, oleic acid; m.p. 48 C; HLB 2.1; sapon. no. 176-188; nonionic; 98% conc. Crill 41 [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com; Croda Chem. Europe Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan tristearate CAS 26658-19-5; EINECS/ELINCS 247-891-4 Uses: Emulsifier for foods; controls crystallization and prevents fat bloom in chocolate and confectioners coatings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.320, 176.210, 178.3120, 178.3400; 40CFR §180.1001(c)(e) exempt; EEC compliance Properties: Cream/yel. solid; m.p. 53 C; HLB 2.1; acid no. 7 max.; sapon. no. 172-185; hyd. no. 60-80; nonionic Crill 43 [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan sesquioleate CAS 8007-43-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-360-1 Uses: W/o emulsifier, wetting agent, pigment dispersant for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.320, 176.210, 178.3120; 40CFR §180.1001(c)(e) exempt Properties: Amber visc. liq.; sol. in oleyl alcohol, min. and olive oil, oleic acid; HLB 3.7; sapon. no. 149-160; nonionic; 98% conc. Crill 45 [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com; Croda Chem. Europe Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan trioleate CAS 26266-58-0; EINECS/ELINCS 247-569-3 Uses: W/o emulsifier, wetting agent, pigment dispersant for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.320, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
176.210, 178.3120, 178.3400; 40CFR §180.1001(c)(e) exempt Properties: Amber visc. liq.; sol. in oleyl alcohol, min. oil, olive oil, IPM, IPA, oleic acid; insol. in water, propylene glycol; HLB 1.8; sapon. no. 172-186; nonionic; 98% conc. Crill 50 [Croda Chem. Europe Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan oleate, tech. CAS 1338-43-8; EINECS/ELINCS 215-665-4 Uses: Emulsifier, dispersant, wetting agent for foods Properties: Liq.; nonionic; 98% conc. Crillet 1 HP [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 20 NF, EP CAS 9005-64-5 Uses: Solubilizer, o/w emulsifier, stabilizer, dispersant, wetting agent in foods Features: Often combined with a member of the Crill range in emulsification systems Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 175.105, 176.210, 178.3400; 40CFR §180.1001(c)(e) exempt; EP compliance Properties: Yel. to amber cl. liq.; low odor; sol. in water, ethyl alcohol, IPA, propylene glycol, oleyl alcohol, oleic acid; HLB 16.7; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 40-50; hyd. no. 96-108; peroxide value 2 max.; surf. tens. 38.5 dynes/cm (0.1%); nonionic; ≤ 0.2% water Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 30 g/kg; mild skin irritant; nonirritating to eyes Crillet 1 NF [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 20 NF CAS 9005-64-5 Uses: Solubilizer, o/w emulsifier, stabilizer, dispersant, wetting agent in foods Features: Often combined with a member of the Crill range in emulsification systems Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 175.105, 176.210, 178.3400; 40CFR §180.1001(c)(e) exempt; EEC compliance Properties: Yel. to amber cl. liq.; low odor; sol. in water, ethyl alcohol, IPA, propylene glycol, oleyl alcohol, oleic acid; partly sol. in IPM; insol. in propylene glycol, min. oil; HLB 16.7; acid no. 2.2 max.; sapon. no. 40-50; hyd. no. 96-108; surf. tens.; nonionic; 97% conc.; 3% max. water Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 30 g/kg; mild skin irritant; nonirritating to eyes 200
Part I: Trade Name Reference Crillet 1 Super [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG (20) sorbitan monolaurate See Polysorbate 20 CAS 9005-64-5 (generic) Uses: Solubilizer for flavors Regulatory: FDA Inactive Ingredients Guide listed Properties: Cl. yel. liq.; HLB 16.7; nonionic Crillet 2 Super [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG (20) sorbitan monopalmitate See Polysorbate 40 Uses: Surfactant for foods Properties: Cl. yel. liq.; HLB 15.6; nonionic Crillet 3 [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 60 CAS 9005-67-8 Uses: Emulsifier for foods, icings; starch/protein complexing agent and aerating agent in cakes; emulsion stabilizer in calf starters, coffee whiteners, margarine; crystallization control agent; reduces palate cling in chocolate and coatings; fat separation preventer Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 172.836, 175.105, 176.210, 178.3400; 40CFR §180.1001(c)(e) exempt; EEC, UK clearance Properties: Yel. liq. gels to soft solid on cooling; sol. in ethyl, isopropyl, and oleyl alcohol, oleic acid; partly sol. in water; HLB 14.9; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 45-55; hyd. no. 81-96; pH 5-7 (5%); surf. tens. 42.5 dynes/cm (0.1%); nonionic; 97% conc. Use Level: 0.2-0.4% (cake), 0.1-0.2% (calf starter), 0.5% (chocolate), 0.05-0.1% (coffee whitener) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 38 g/kg; nonirritating to eyes Storage: Store under cool, dry conditions Crillet 3 NF [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 60 NF CAS 9005-67-8 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Features: Produces stable emulsions; multipurpose Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.836, 172.842 Properties: Yel. visc. liq. to soft solid; sol. in Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
water, ethanol, oleyl alcohol, oleic acid, IPA; disp. in propylene glycol; partly sol. in IPM; insol. in propylene glycol, min. oil, olive oil; HLB 14.9; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 45-55; hyd. no. 81-96; nonionic; 3% max. water Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 38 g/kg; mild skin irritant; nonirritating to eyes Crillet 4 [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com; Croda Chem. Europe Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 80 NF CAS 9005-65-6 Uses: Emulsifier for foods; fat agglomeration control agent in ice cream; solubilizer producing stable vitamin and essential oil emulsions Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 172.623, 172.840, 172.846, 173.340, 175.105, 176.210, 178.3400; 40CFR §180.1001(c)(e) exempt; EEC, UK clearance Properties: Yel. amber cl. liq.; faint char. odor; sol. in water, ethyl, isopropyl, and oleyl alcohols, oleic acid; HLB 15.0; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 45-55; hyd. no. 65-80; pH 6-7 (5%); surf. tens. 42.5 dynes/cm (0.1%); nonionic; 97% conc. Use Level: 0.02-0.05% (ice cream), 5-15% of oil or vitamin Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 38 g/kg; nonirritating to eyes Storage: Store under cool, dry conditions Crillet 4 HP [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 80 NF CAS 9005-65-6 Uses: Emulsifier, yeast defoamer, solubilizer, dispersant, surfactant, wetting agent in foods Features: Esp. suitable for systems with unsat. lipid components Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.840, 172.846; FDA Inactive Ingredients Guide listed Properties: Cl. yel. liq.; sol. in water, IPA; disp. in propylene glycol; insol. in min. oil; HLB 15.0; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 45-55; hyd. no. 6580; peroxide value ≤ 2; nonionic; ≤ 0.2% water Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 38 g/kg; mild skin irritant; nonirritating to eyes Crillet 4 NF [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 80 NF CAS 9005-65-6 201
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Emulsifier, yeast defoamer, solubilizer, dispersant, surfactant, wetting agent in foods Features: Esp. suitable for systems with unsat. lipid components Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.840, 172.846 Properties: Yel. to amber clear; sol. in water, ethanol, oleyl alcohol, oleic acid, IPA; partly sol. in IPM; disp. in propylene glycol; insol. in min. oil, olive oil; HLB 15.0; acid no. 2.2 max.; sapon. no. 45-55; hyd. no. 65-80; nonionic; 3% max. water Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 38 g/kg; mild skin irritant; nonirritating to eyes Crillet 4 Super [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 80 CAS 9005-65-6 Uses: Surfactant; o/w emulsifier, solubilizer, stabilizer, wetting agent, dispersant; multipurpose food additive Regulatory: NF, FDA Inactive Ingredients Guide listed Properties: Cl. yel. liq.; HLB 15.0; nonionic Crillet 31 [Croda Chem. Europe Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 61 CAS 9005-67-8 Uses: Emulsifier, solubilizer, wetting agent for food applics. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §176.210 Properties: Yel./amber solid; sol. in oleyl alcohol, oleic acid; partly sol. in ethanol, IPM, olive oil, kerosene, xylene, trichlorethylene; partly sol. (gels) in water, min. oil; HLB 9.6; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 98-113; hyd. no. 170-200; nonionic; 97% conc. Crillet 35 [Croda Chem. Europe Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 65 CAS 9005-71-4 Uses: Emulsifier, solubilizer, wetting agent for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.838, 176.210, 178.3400; 40CFR §180.1001(c)(e) exempt; EEC compliance Properties: Cream/buff waxy solid; sol. in ethyl and oleyl alcohols, oleic acid, trichlorethylene, partly sol. in water; HLB 10.5; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 88-98; hyd. no. 44-60; surf. tens. 42.5 dynes/cm (0.1%); nonionic; 97% conc. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Crillet 41 [Croda Chem. Europe Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 81 CAS 9005-65-6 Uses: Emulsifier, solubilizer, wetting agent for food applics. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §176.210; 40CFR §180.1001(c) exempt Properties: Amber liq.; sol. in ethanol, oleyl alcohol, IPM, oleic acid, kerosene, butyl stearate; partly sol. in water, olive oil, xylene, trichlorethylene; HLB 10.0; acid no. 2 max.; sapon no. 96-104; hyd. no. 134-150; nonionic; 97% conc. Crillet 45 [Croda Chem. Europe Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 85 CAS 9005-70-3 Uses: Emulsifier, solubilizer, wetting agent for food applics. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §176.210, 178.3400; 40CFR §180.1001(c)(e) exempt Properties: Amber cl. visc. liq.; sol. in ethyl and oleyl alcohols, IPM, oleic acid, kerosene, trichlorethylene, butyl stearate; HLB 11.0; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 82-95; hyd. no. 39-52; surf. tens. 41 dynes/cm (0.1%); nonionic; 97% conc. Crispcoat™ UC [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: High amylose corn starch and dextrin See Corn (Zea mays) starch Uses: Gellant, film-former, texturizer for battered and fried foods, esp. French fries Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1, 184.1277; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 5 (1%); 11% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity 202
Part I: Trade Name Reference Crisp Film® [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified (high amylose corn starch) See Food starch, modified Uses: Gellant, film-former, texturizer for extruded foods; protective barrier as coating for fried foods Features: Imparts internal bonding strength and texture; gelatinizes at higher temps. than conventional starches; reduced oil pickup and moisture loss Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); 11% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Crisp Note, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor in savory prods. Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Colorless to lt. yel. liq.; crisp fried chicken, bacon, beef fat taste; sol. in oil, PG, alcohol, fat Use Level: 10-20 ppm Crodacreme Range [Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of mono/diglycerides of fatty acids, guar gum, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, carrageenan, and glucose syrup solids See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium; Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Corn syrup solids; Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum; Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer for ice cream Regulatory: UK clearance Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Solid; nonionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: ADI 150 mg/kg bodyweight Storage: Store under cool, dry conditions Crodamol GTCC [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com; Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk; Croda Chem. Europe Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl tricaprylate/caprate See Caprylic/capric triglyceride CAS 65381-09-1; EINECS/ELINCS 265-724-3 Uses: Lubricant, release agent, glazing agent for bakery prods., sugar confectionery, flour confectionery; solvent carrier for flavors and fragrances; prevents excessive dehydration in dried fruit; hypoallergenic baby food formulations; wetting agent; nutritional source of lipids Features: Exc. oxidative stability; nongreasy; substitute for min. hydrocarbon oils Regulatory: Kosher; non-GM Properties: Colorless to pale straw cl. liq.; sol. in castor oil, corn oil, min. oil, oleyl alcohol, ethanol; sp.gr. 0.950; visc. 30 cst; acid no. 0.2 max.; iodine no. 1 max.; sapon. no. 325-345; nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: 0.25-1% (dried fruit, sugar confectionery) Storage: Store under cool, dry conditions Crodatem L [Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Diacetyl tartaric acid derivs. of fatty acid mono and diglycerides See Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides CAS 91052-81-2 Uses: Antistaling agent, starch complexing agent in biscuits, cake mixes, gravy mix; toffee emulsifier; controls starch gelation in snack foods, pastas; improves dispersibility of coffee whiteners; emulsifies fat in meat prods. Properties: Amber visc. liq.; acid no. 110-130; iodine no. 70-80; sapon. no. 45-500; nonionic; 100% conc. Crodesta F-10 [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com; Croda Chem. Europe Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose distearate CAS 27195-16-0; EINECS/ELINCS 248-317-5 203
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, texturizer in foods; protective coating on fruits Regulatory: FDA 21CFR 172.859 Properties: Off-wh. powd.; sol. in oil; insol. in water; HLB 3.0; m.p. 60-68 C; acid no. 5 max.; iodine no. 1 max.; sapon. no. 140-200; hyd. no. 80-130; nonionic; 100% act. Crodesta F-110 [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com; Croda Chem. Europe Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose distearate and sucrose stearate Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, texturizer in foods; protective coating on fruits Regulatory: FDA 21CFR 172.859 Properties: Off-wh. powd.; water-sol.; HLB 12.0; m.p. 72-78 C; acid no. 5 max.; iodine no. 1 max.; sapon. no. 85-145; hyd. no. 475-525; nonionic; 100% act. Crodesta F-160 [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com; Croda Chem. Europe Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose stearate CAS 25168-73-4; EINECS/ELINCS 246-705-9 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, texturizer in foods; protective coating on fruits Regulatory: FDA 21CFR 172.859 Properties: Wh. powd.; water-sol.; HLB 14.5; m.p. 70-74 C; acid no. 5 max.; iodine no. 1 max.; sapon. no. 75-153; hyd. no. 545-595; nonionic; 100% act. Crossential® GLA E95 SR [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: high purity γ-Linolenic acid CAS 506-26-3; EINECS/ELINCS 293-054-1 Uses: Dietary supplement Features: Low peroxide value and para-anisidine value Properties: Cl. pale yel. liq.; 95% min. Crossential® EPO TG25 [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: γ-Linoleic acid derived from evening primrose oil See Linoleic acid CAS 60-33-3; EINECS/ELINCS 289-859-2 Uses: Fatty acids used as dietary supplement Properties: Yel. liq.; sol. in min. oil, IPA; insol. in water, propylene glycol; HLB 7.12; 25% as triglyceride Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Crossential® GLA TG40 [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: γ-linolenic acid derived from borage seed oil See Linolenic acid CAS 463-40-1; EINECS/ELINCS 207-334-8 Uses: Nutritional applics. Properties: Yel. liq.; sol. in min. oil, IPA; insol. in water, propylene glycol; HLB 7.21; 38% as triglyceride Crossential® GMO [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerol monooleate See Glyceryl oleate Chem. Analysis: 90% monoester, 84% oleic acid CAS 37220-82-9; EINECS/ELINCS 247-038-6 Uses: W/o emulsifier and emulsion stabilizer in nutritional applics. Regulatory: EP, GRAS, FDA Inactive Ingredients Guide listed Properties: Yel. liq.; sol. in min. oil, IPA; insol. in water, propylene glycol; HLB 3.3; 38% as triglyceride Crossential® LN80 [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: α-Linolenic acid See Linolenic acid Chem. Analysis: 80% min. free fatty acid purity CAS 463-40-1; EINECS/ELINCS 207-334-8 Uses: Nutritional value in dietary applications; source of energy; dietary supplement in clinical nutrition Properties: Liq. Crossential® SA-14 [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vipers bugloss (Echium plantagineum) oil Chem. Analysis: 88% unsaturated fatty acids of which 47% are n-3 and 25% are n-6 CAS 84988-87-4; EINECS/ELINCS 284-877-7 Uses: Nutrient supplement Regulatory: DOT nonregulated; SARA nonreportable Properties: Pale yel. oily liq.; sol. in min. oil, IPA; insol. in water, propylene glycol; sp.gr. < 1; HLB 18.58; acid no. 2.0 max. Toxicology: May cause sl. eye irritation Precaution: Avoid strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Ingredients: None 204
Part I: Trade Name Reference Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx Storage: Store in cool, dry place Crust EZE [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat flour; diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides; distilled monoglycerides; veg. oil (soybean oil); ascorbic acid; azodicarbonamide; fungal amylase; l-cysteine hydrochloride See L-Ascorbic acid; Cysteine hydrochloride anhydrous; Soybean (Glycine soja) oil; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) flour Uses: Dough conditioner, texturizer for crusty hard rolls, Italian and French bread, rolls; shelf life extender Use Level: 2% based on flour wt. Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location; best when used before 9 mos. Crystal Ace PL-300L [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Distilled monoglyceride, propylene glycol fatty acid ester, fat, and oil Uses: Shortening base for cake Properties: Liq. Crystal Tex™ 627 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tapioca dextrin Uses: Gellant, film-former, shelf life extender for panned confectionery, high-solids baked fillings, bakery and snack glazes; adhesion promoter, barrier in panned confectionery; carrier for spray-dried flavor and fragrance encapsulation Features: Exc. hydratability; rec. where immediate water binding is required, i.e., gumming and dusting applics.; low visc.; provides smooth mouthfeel; exc. sol'n. stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1277; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to yel. fine powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH 34 (1%); 10% max. moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Crystal Tex™ 644 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tapioca dextrin Uses: Gellant, film-former for confectionery, dairy desserts, soups, sauces, bakery/snack glazes, bakery fillings, dressings; gloss aid, strengthener, stabilizer, barrier aid for confectionery; fat mimetic and mouthfeel enhancer in dairy desserts, dressings; rheology control agent in soups, sauces; gloss aid in baker/snack glazes; crisping agent in coated prods. Features: Good fat barrier props.; hydrates easily above 75 C; very low hot visc. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1277; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to yel. fine powd.; dextrin odor; sl. sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; bulk dens. 36 lb/ft3; pH 3-4 (1%); 10% max. moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; no hazard by ing.; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Crystal Tex™ 648 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tapioca dextrin Uses: Gellant, film-former, structurizing agent, texturizer, mouthfeel enhancer in confectionery, dairy desserts, bakery/snack glazes, bakery fillings, dressings, spreads; crisping agent in coated prods.; gloss aid, strengthener, stabilizer, barrier aid for confectionery; gum Arabic replacement in confectionery hard gums; fat mimetic and mouthfeel enhancer in dairy desserts, dressings, spreads; gloss aid in bakery/snack glazes Features: Hydrates easily above 75 C; very low 205
Part I: Trade Name Reference hot visc. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1277; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Creamy to wh. fine powd.; starch odor; neutral taste; sl. sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH 3-4 (1%); 10% max. moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Crystalac® Confectioner's Glaze [Mantrose Bradshaw Zinsser http://www.mbzgroup.com] Uses: Glazing agent for confectionery Features: Minimizes tack and dries fast CrystalBan™ [Nutricepts http://www.nutricepts.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium gluconate CAS 527-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 208-407-7 Uses: Calcium lactate crystallization inhibitor, body enhancer, and yield improver for processed cheese; moisture migration inhibitor in the cheese block Features: Applied at the last or next to last salting stage in the same manner that sodium chloride salt is applied Regulatory: FDA GRAS Properties: Wh. crystals; 30% thru 40 mesh; pH 6.8-7.5 (10% suspension); 99.5% Use Level: 0.6% and 0.9% of curd weight Storage: 2 yr. shelf life; store in dry area CrystaLean® [Opta Food Ingreds. http://www.opta-food.com] Chem. Descrip.: Starch-based Uses: Bulking agent, texturizer, fiber, strengthener for baked prods., extruded snacks, cereals, diabetic and nutritional foods Features: Conc. source of resist. starch; provides controlled release of glucose; benefits of both sol. and insol. fiber Regulatory: Kosher Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Wh. color; bland flavor; not gritty Crystal Gum™ [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tapioca dextrin Uses: Gellant, film-former for pan coating of confections; glazing agent for cakes, donuts, fruit, nuts, and candies; gum Arabic replacement in hard candies; fat dispersant, butter flavor enhancer in butter sauces for frozen vegetables Features: Good clarity; resist. to cracking and chipping; nontacky Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1277; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. to yel. powd.; starch odor; bland flavor; disp. in cold water, but optimal sol. @ 60-71 C; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 3.5 (1%); 7% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity CS-10FG [Ducey Chem.] Uses: Antifoam for direct food uses (wine, beverages, edible oils, seafood) Storage: 6 mos. shelf life CS-30FG [Ducey Chem.] Uses: Antifoam for direct food uses (wine, beverages, edible oils, seafood) Storage: 6 mos. shelf life CS-100FG [Ducey Chem.] Uses: Antifoam for direct food uses (wine, beverages, edible oils, seafood) Storage: 6 mos. shelf life CS-922 [Am. Casein http://www.americancasein.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium sodium caseinate, spray dried Uses: Solubilizer for foods, imitation cheese, bakery prods., frozen dairy desserts, health foods, nutritional drinks Regulatory: Kosher 206
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Wh. to lt. cream fine free-flowing powd.; clean/bland odor/flavor; pH 6.6-7.7; 6% moisture Storage: Store in cool, dry place C*Sorbidex C [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitol syrup CAS 50-70-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-061-5 Uses: Humectant, shelf life extender for foods, chewing gum; sweetener Features: Crystallizing props. Properties: Syrup C*Sorbidex C 16121 [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitol liquid CAS 50-70-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-061-5 Uses: Humectant to extend shelf-life of foods, baked goods; noncariogenic sweetener for food Regulatory: USP/NF, EP, JP Properties: Cl. colorless syrup; sweet taste C*Sorbidex C 16122 [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitol liquid CAS 50-70-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-061-5 Uses: Humectant to extend shelf-life of foods, baked goods; noncariogenic sweetener for food Regulatory: USP/NF, EP, JP Properties: Cl. colorless syrup; sweet taste C*Sorbidex S 16603 [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitol CAS 50-70-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-061-5 Uses: Cooling aid, hygroscopicity aid, solubilizer in chewing gum, biscuits, ginger bread, fruit fillings, and ice cream Regulatory: USP/NF, EP, JP Properties: Sweet taste; rapidly sol. in water C*Tex 06201 [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Texturizer, stabilizer, viscosifier for foods, esp. fruit pie fillings, chilled desserts, puddings, yogurt desserts, soups, sauces, gravies Features: Cook-up starch Regulatory: Kosher, Halal certified
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
C*Tex 06203 [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Texturizer, stabilizer, viscosifier for foods, esp. canned custards, puddings, salad dressings, mayonnaise, soups, sauces, gravies, ketchup Features: Cook-up starch Regulatory: Kosher, Halal certified C*Tex 06204 [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy maize starch See Corn starch, waxy CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Texturizer, stabilizer, viscosifier for foods, esp. baking stable fruit fillings, chilled puddings and desserts, canned custards, UHT puddings and desserts, ketchup and tomato sauces Regulatory: Kosher, Halal certified C*Tex 06205 [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Texturizer, stabilizer, viscosifier for foods, esp. dry food mixes, soups, sauces, gravies, ketchup, baby foods, bakery prods. (fruit pie fillings), canned custards Features: Cook-up starch Regulatory: Kosher, Halal certified C*Tex 06209 [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Texturizer, stabilizer, viscosifier for foods, esp. bakery prods. (cream fillings, fruit pie fillings), dry food mixes, soups, sauces, gravies, baby foods, chilled dairy desserts, puddings Features: Cook-up starch Regulatory: Kosher, Halal certified C*Tex 06214 [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Texturizer, stabilizer, viscosifier for foods, esp. fruit pie fillings, chilled desserts, canned custards, dry food mixes, salad dressings, mayonnaise, soups, sauces, gravies, ketchup 207
Part I: Trade Name Reference Features: Cook-up starch Regulatory: Kosher, Halal certified C*Tex 06218 [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy maize starch See Corn starch, waxy CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Texturizer, stabilizer, viscosifier for foods, esp. pie fillings, quiche fillings, fruit desserts, dry mixes and food prods., baby foods Regulatory: Kosher, Halal certified C*Tex 06219 [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Texturizer, stabilizer, viscosifier for foods, esp. dry food mixes, soups, sauces, gravies, baby foods, bakery prods. (cream fillings, fruit pie fillings, soft bread, cakes), chilled dairy desserts, puddings Features: Cook-up starch Regulatory: Kosher, Halal certified C*Tex-Instant 12605 [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Pregelatinized starch from waxy maize See Starch, pregelatinized CAS 977050-93-3 Uses: Texturizer, stabilizer for foods, esp. bakery prods. (instant fruit pie fillings, muffin/cake mixes, cookies, extruded snacks), instant puddings/soups/sauces/gravies, food powds., microwave foods, salad dressings, mayonnaise, beverage mixes, tomato sauces Regulatory: Kosher, Halal certified C*Tex-Instant 12606 [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Pregelatinized starch from waxy maize See Starch, pregelatinized CAS 977050-93-3 Uses: Texturizer, stabilizer for foods, esp. bakery prods. (instant cream/fruit pie fillings, muffin/cake mixes, frozen dough, extruded snacks), low-fat butter spreads, instant puddings/soups/sauces/gravies, salad dressings, mayonnaise Regulatory: Kosher, Halal certified
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
C*Tex-Instant 12612 [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Uses: Visc. developer, stabilizer for instant cream fillings, instant pie fillings, quiche fillings, cake mixes Regulatory: Kosher, Halal certified C*Tex-Instant 12616 [Cargill-Cerestar BVBA http://www.cargill.com/] Uses: Visc. developer, stabilizer for instant cream fillings, instant pie fillings, crackers, fresh cheese, cheese preps., cheese sauces, dry food mixes, instant pudding and desserts, instant sauces and gravies, instant soups, baby drinks, baby meals Regulatory: Kosher, Halal certified Culinox® 999® Food Grade Salt [Morton Salt http://www.mortonsalt.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium chloride FCC CAS 7647-14-5; EINECS/ELINCS 231-598-3 Uses: Salt for comminuted meats, baking, canning/pickling, cheese, confections, egg. prods., meat/poultry, margarine, spreads, peanut butter, mayonnaise, salad dressings Features: High purity food-grade; consistent saltiness intensity and stringent standards on visible, insol. extraneous material Properties: Cubic crystals; 44-64% retained on 50 mesh, 17-36% on 70 mesh; mean crystal size 340 µm; mean surf. area 84 cm2/g; bulk dens. 1.2-1.27 g/ml (loose); 99.97% NaCl Curafos® 11-2 [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium tripolyphosphate FCC, sodium polyphosphate glassy FCC See Pentasodium triphosphate; Sodium hexametaphosphate Uses: Food additive for meat, poultry, and seafood industries; enhances and stabilizes cured meat color, inhibits undesirable color changes and off-flavors, increases retention of natural juices in cured meat prods., beef roasts, fabricated meat; antioxidant providing better flavor and aroma; improves texture of final prod. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. gran., odorless; 1% max. on 20 mesh, 30% max. through 100 mesh; pH 9.19.8 (1%) Storage: Store cool and dry Curafos® 22-4 [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium tripolyphosphate 208
Part I: Trade Name Reference FCC, sodium polyphosphate glassy FCC See Pentasodium triphosphate; Sodium hexametaphosphate CAS 7758-29-4; 10124-56-8; EINECS/ELINCS 213-837-7; 233-343-1 Uses: Food additive, color enhancer, moisture retention aid for use in pickle sol'ns. for cured beef prods., corned beef, pastrami, cured pork prods., bacon Features: Provides more rapid cure color development, better natural juice retention, reduced shrinkage Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. gran., odorless; 1% max. on 20 mesh, 30% max. through 100 mesh; pH 8.89.2 (1%) Storage: Store cool and dry Curafos® Optibind [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium tripolyphosphate FCC, Trisodium diphosphate See Pentasodium triphosphate; Tetrasodium pyrophosphate CAS 7758-29-4; 7722-88-5; 14691-80-6; EINECS/ELINCS 213-837-7; 231-767-1 Uses: Yield and appearance enhancer in processed meat prods. Features: Food grade Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. gran., odorless; sol. in water; pH 9.3 (1% sol'n.); hygroscopic; < 30% Toxicology: OSHA TWA 15 mg/m3 (total dust); may cause eye, skin, and resp. tract irritation; low acute dermal toxicity; TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid direct or prolonged contact with skin and eyes, breathing dust, extreme humidity, strong acids and oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: POx and SOx NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: 18 mos. shelf life; store cool and dry in tightly closed container Curafos® STPP [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium tripolyphosphate FCC See Pentasodium triphosphate CAS 7758-29-4; EINECS/ELINCS 231-694-5 UN 3077 Uses: Food additive for meat processing, poultry, and seafood industries, processed foods, confections Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1810; SARA nonhazardous; kosher; Canada DSL, Australia AICS, Japan MITI listed Properties: Wh. gran. or powd.; 1% max. on 20 mesh, 20 max. through 100 mesh (gran.), 1% max. on 40 mesh, 80% min. through 100 mesh (powd.); odorless; m.w. 368; sol. 13% in water; m.p. 622 C; pH 9.5-10.3 (1%); noncombustible; 85% min. assay Toxicology: OSHA TWA 15 mg/m3; may cause sl. eye irritation, skin irritation; inh. of dusts may cause upper respiratory tract irritation; ing. of lg. quantities may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, skin discoloration, dec. blood pressure/heart rate, coma; TSCA listed Precaution: DOT environmental hazard; incompat. with strong acids, strong oxidizing agents; avoid water Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: NaOx, POx NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: 18 mos. shelf life; hygroscopic; store in cool, dry area in tightly closed containers Curafos® Stabilcolor [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium tripolyphosphate FCC, Trisodium diphosphate CAS 14691-80-6 Uses: Binding agent and appearance enhancer in processed meat prods., poultry, and seafood products Features: Food grade Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. gran., odorless powd.; sol. in water; dens. 0.7-0.8 g/ml; m.p. > 600 C; pH 7.1 (1% sol'n.); hygroscopic; 100% Toxicology: OSHA TWA 15 mg/m3 (total dust); may cause eye, skin, and resp. tract irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid direct or prolonged contact with skin and eyes, breathing dust, extreme humidity, strong acids and oxidizing agents NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: 24 mos. shelf life; store cool and dry in tightly closed container Curafos® Optibalance [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium tripolyphosphate FCC, Trisodium diphosphate See Pentasodium triphosphate CAS 7758-29-4; 14691-80-6; EINECS/ELINCS 213-837-7 209
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Yield and appearance enhancer in processed meat prods. Regulatory: Kosher; FCC Properties: Wh. gran., odorless; > 90% thru #20 mesh, < 35% thru #100 mesh; bulk dens. 0.6g/cc (loose); pH 8.3-8.9 (1% sol'n.); hygroscopic Toxicology: OSHA TWA 15 mg/m3 (total dust); TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid direct or prolonged contact with skin and eyes, breathing dust, extreme humidity, strong acids and oxidizing agents NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: 18 mos. shelf life; store cool and dry Curavis® 250 [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium hexametaphosphate FCC, sodium tripolyphosphate FCC, sodium acid pyrophosphate FCC See Pentasodium triphosphate CAS 10124-56-8; 7758-29-4; 7758-16-9; EINECS/ELINCS 233-343-1; 213-837-7; 231835-0 Uses: Food additive, protein binder, emulsion stabilizer, texturizer, mouthfeel enhancer, color enhancer, color stabilizer for cooked sausage items such as franks, bologna, Vienna sausage, knockwurst Regulatory: FCC, USDA, kosher approved Properties: Wh. gran., odorless; 5% max. on 20 mesh, 30% max. through 100 mesh; pH 7.68.1 (1%) Toxicology: OSHA TWA 15 mg/m3 (total dust) ; LD50 (dermal, rabbit) > 4640 mg/kg; eye, skin, and resp. tract irritant; noncarcinogenic; TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid direct or prolonged contact with skin and eyes, breathing dust, extreme humidity, strong acids and oxidizing agents NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store cool and dry in tightly closed container isolated from all toxic and harmful substances Curavis® 350 [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium hexametaphosphate FCC, sodium tripolyphosphate FCC, sodium acid pyrophosphate FCC See Pentasodium triphosphate CAS 10124-56-8; 7758-29-4; 7758-16-9; EINECS/ELINCS 233-343-1; 213-837-7; 231835-0 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Food additive, color enhancer in cooked sausage prods., franks, bologna, Vienna sausage, knockwurst Features: Developed to allow faster cure color development; rec. for rapid processing techniques Regulatory: USDA, kosher approved Properties: Wh. gran, odorless; 5% max. on 20 mesh, 30% max. through 100 mesh; pH 7.07.5 (1%) Toxicology: OSHA TWA 15 mg/m3 (total dust) ; LD50 (dermal, rabbit) > 4640 mg/kg; eye, skin, and resp. tract irritant; noncarcinogenic Precaution: Avoid direct or prolonged contact with skin and eyes, breathing dust, extreme humidity, strong acids and oxidizing agents NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store cool and dry CVC™ Type A Coated Ascorbic Acid [BASF http://www.basf.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ascorbic acid and Ethylcellulose (≈ 1.2%) See L-Ascorbic acid CAS 50-81-7; 9004-57-3; EINECS/ELINCS 200066-2 Uses: Dietary supplement for food Regulatory: USP/FCC Properties: Wh. fine gran. powd.; almost odorless; particle size US Sieve #30 (600μ) min. 99% thru; m.w. 176.1; ≈ 97% act. Storage: 42 months shelf-life; store in tightly closed containers @ R.T; protect from light and in a dry place Cyanox® 1212 [Cytec Ind./Polymer Addit.] Chem. Descrip.: Mixed lauryl-stearyl thiodipropionate See Lauryl/stearyl thiodipropionate Uses: Antioxidant for foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS (0.02% max. total antioxidants) Properties: Wh. waxy cryst. flakes, char. sweet ester odor; sol. (g/100 g): 30.0 g in toluene, 4.2 g in n-heptane; 0.05 g in water and 95% ethanol; sp.gr. 1.018; bulk dens. 27.6 lb/ft3; vapor pressure 2.7 mm Hg (163 C); m.p. 50 C; acid no. 1.0 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg (estimate), (dermal, rabbit) > 2 g/kg (estimate); minimal eye and skin irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, oxides 210
Part I: Trade Name Reference of sulfur Cyanox® LTDP [Cytec Ind./Polymer Addit.] Chem. Descrip.: Dilauryl thiodipropionate CAS 123-28-4; EINECS/ELINCS 204-614-1 Uses: Preservative for foods; antioxidant migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §181.24, 182.3280, GRAS; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EINECS listed Properties: Wh. cryst. powd., char. sweet ester odor; sol. (g/100 g): 51.2 g in MEK and acetone, 40.5 g in n-heptane, 39.4 g in ethyl acetate; < 0.5 g in 95% ethanol; m.w. 514; sp.gr. 0.915 (50 C); bulk dens. 30 lb/ft3; vapor pressure 0.2 mm Hg (163 C); m.p. 40 C; acid no. 1.0; decomp. temp. > 300 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 25 g/kg (estimate), (dermal, rabbit) > 10 g/kg (estimate); LC50 (inh., rat, 4 h) > 3000 ppm; direct contact may cause mild eye and skin irritation; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, SOx NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Cyanox® STDP [Cytec Ind./Polymer Addit.] Chem. Descrip.: Distearyl thiodipropionate CAS 693-36-7; EINECS/ELINCS 211-750-5 Uses: Antioxidant migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §181.24; GRAS (200 ppm max.) Properties: Wh. waxy cryst. flakes, char. sweet ester odor; sol. (g/100 g): 10.7 g in toluene, 1.5 g in n-heptane; < 0.5 g in ethyl acetate, 95% ethanol, and MEK; m.w. 683; sp.gr. 1.027; dens. 4.18 lb/gal; bulk dens. 26.9 lb/ft3; vapor pressure 0.15 mm (162 C); m.p. 64 C; acid no. 1.5 max. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg (estimate), (dermal, rabbit) > 2 g/kg (estimate); direct contact may cause minimal eye and skin irritation; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, oxides of sulfur Cysteine Peption [DMV Int'l. http://www.dmvinternational.com] Chem. Descrip.: whey protein-hydrolyzate CAS 84082-51-9; EINECS/ELINCS 281-998-7 Uses: Dietary supplement for powders, bars and acid-based drinks Features: Benefits the liver and antioxidant redox state
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Dairyland C 270 [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sweet dairy whey; nonfat dry milk; sodium caseinate; disodium phosphate See Sodium phosphate dibasic anhydrous Uses: Supplement, nonfat dry milk substitute in baking goods, cakes, cream fillings, sweets Features: Eliminates the soy flour flavor assoc. with soy/whey blends, esp. in cakes and delicate flavored sweet goods Properties: 4% moisture Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location; best when used before 9 mos; keep container closed when not in use DARILOID® [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: sodium alginate, dextrin, phosphoric acid, trisodium salt See Algin; Sodium phosphate tribasic CAS 9005-38-3; 9004-53-9; 7601-54-9 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer for dairy prods.; thickener for foods, chocolate milk, softserve frozen desserts, ice cream, ice milk, custard, variegated syrup, fudge toppings, puddings, pie filings, cheese dips, eggnog, whipping cream Regulatory: Canada DSL; Australia AICS Properties: Lt. ivory gran.; sl. odor; 42 mesh; milk-sol. at pasteurization temps.; sol. in water; pH 10 (1%) Toxicology: Nuisance dust; may cause mild irritation; TSCA listed Environmental: biodeg. Precaution: Wear safety glasses, gloves; slippery when wet; incompat. with strong oxidizers; minimize dust generation, accumulation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry place out of direct sunlight; keep container tightly closed Dariloid® QH [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Buffered standardized sodium alginate See Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Gellant, emulsifier, stabilizer for instant powd. mixes, puddings, cheesecake mix, whipped toppings, bakery fillings, instant egg nog, milk shake, and dessert dry mixes 211
Part I: Trade Name Reference Regulatory: FDA 21CFR GRAS; kosher Properties: Lt. ivory fine gran. powd.; 100 mesh; milk-sol.; pH 10.2 (1%) Darimix SD-101 [Am. Casein http://www.americancasein.com] Chem. Descrip.: Solubilized reconstructed milk prod. from dairy derived ingreds. Chem. Analysis: 5.0% moisture; 5000 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 2400 mg/kg; nonirritating, nonsensitizing to skin Dimodan® CP [Danisco Cultor http://ingredients.danisco.com; Danisco USA http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cottonseed oil dist. 222
Part I: Trade Name Reference monoglyceride, unsat. See Cottonseed glyceride CAS 8029-44-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-438-5 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Regulatory: EU, FDA §184.1505, GRAS; avail. as kosher grade Properties: Plastic; m.p. 52 C; iodine no. 80; nonionic; 90% min. monoester Dimodan® H SK-A [Danisco Cultor http://ingredients.danisco.com; Danisco USA http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated soybean oil dist. monoglyceride, unsat. See Hydrogenated soy glyceride CAS 61789-08-0; EINECS/ELINCS 263-030-5 Uses: Emulsifier, starch complexing agent, antisticking agent for foods; crumb softener for bread; aerating agent in cake mixes and frozen desserts Regulatory: EU, FDA §184.1505, GRAS Properties: Beads, powd.; m.p. 72 C; iodine no. 2 max.; nonionic; 90% min. monoester Dimodan® HA [Danisco Cultor http://ingredients.danisco.com; Danisco USA http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dist. monoglyceride from edible refined hydrogenated lard or tallow See Hydrogenated lard glyceride; Hydrogenated tallow glyceride Uses: Emulsifier, starch complexing agent for foods, margarine, cake shortenings, confectionery coatings; softener for bread; peanut butter stabilizer; amylose complexing agent for dehydrated potatoes Regulatory: EU E471, FDA 21CFR §184.1505, GRAS Properties: Beads; m.p. 70 C; iodine no. 2 max.; nonionic; 90% min. monoester Use Level: 0.1-0.2% (margarine), 2-6% (cake shortening), 0.5-1.5% (starchy foods) Storage: Store in cool, dry area Dimodan® HP [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dist. Vegetable oil glyceride from edible, fully hydrogenated palm-based oil See Hydrogenated lard glyceride Chem. Analysis: Monoester content 90% min.; free glycerol 1% max.; s 3 mg/kg max.; Pb 2 mg/kg max.; Hg 1 mg/kg max.; Cd 1 mg/kg max. heavy metals 10 mg/kg max. CAS 97593-29-8; EINECS/ELINCS 307-332-8 Uses: Emulsifier for food Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: EU E471 compliant; FDA 21CFR §184.1324 Properties: Iodine no. 2 max.dropping pt. ≈ 69C; nonionic Storage: Store in cool, dry area @ r.t. and r.h. 80% max. Dimodan® O Kosher [Danisco Cultor http://ingredients.danisco.com; Danisco USA http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Partially hydrogenated soybean oil glyceride with antioxidants (200 ppm max. BHT, 200 ppm max. citric acid) See Hydrogenated soy glyceride CAS 61789-08-0; EINECS/ELINCS 263-030-5 Uses: Emulsifier for foods, margarine, icing shortenings, coffee whiteners Regulatory: EU, FDA 21CFR §184.1505, GRAS, FCC, kosher Properties: Block; m.p. 57 C; iodine no. 60; nonionic; 90% min. monoester Use Level: 0.1-0.3% (margarine), 2-6% (cake shortening), 0.3-1% (icing shortening), 0.1-2% (coffee whiteners) Storage: Store under cool, dry conditions Dimodan® PV 300 Kosher [Danisco Cultor http://ingredients.danisco.com; Danisco USA http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated soybean oil dist. monoglyceride, unsat. See Hydrogenated soy glyceride CAS 61789-08-0; EINECS/ELINCS 263-030-5 Uses: Emulsifier, starch complexing agent, antisticking agent in foods; crumb softener for bread; aerating agent in cake mixes and frozen desserts; amylose complexing agent for extruded snack foods, pasta, and dehydrated potato prods. Regulatory: EU, FDA §184.1505, GRAS; kosher Properties: Fine powd.; m.p. 72 C; iodine no. 5 max.; nonionic; 90% min. monoester Use Level: 0.3-1% on flour (bread), 0.1-0.3% (pasta), 0.1-0.5% (dehydrated potatoes) Storage: Store in cool, dry area Dimodan® PVP Kosher [Danisco Cultor http://ingredients.danisco.com; Danisco USA http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated palm oil dist. monoglyceride See Hydrogenated palm glyceride CAS 97593-29-8; EINECS/ELINCS 294-638-9 Uses: Emulsifier for margarine, cake shortening, confectionery coatings; crumb 223
Part I: Trade Name Reference softener for bread; amylose complexing agent for dehydrated potato prods.; aerating agent for cake mixes, frozen desserts; starch complexing agent in foods; stabilizer, mouthfeel enhancer, gloss aid, flavor enhancer for peanut butter Regulatory: EU E471; FDA 21CFR §184.1505, GRAS; kosher Properties: Beads; m.p. 69 C; iodine no. 2 max.; nonionic; 90% min. monoester Use Level: 0.1-0.2% (margarine), 2-6% (cake shortening), 1-2.5% (peanut butter), 0.1-0.5% (dried potato) Storage: Store in cool, dry area Dimodan® S [Danisco Cultor http://ingredients.danisco.com; Danisco USA http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lard dist. monoglyceride, unsat. with antioxidants (200 ppm max. BHT, 200 ppm max. citric acid) See Lard glyceride CAS 61789-10-4; EINECS/ELINCS 263-032-6 Uses: Emulsifier for foods, margarine, cake shortenings, icing shortenings, coffee whiteners Regulatory: EU, FDA 21CFR §184.1505, GRAS; FCC Properties: Block; m.p. 55 C; iodine no. 50; nonionic; 90% min. monoester Use Level: 0.1-0.3% (margarine), 2-6% (cake shortening), 2-3% (icing shortening), 0.1-1% (coffee whitener) Storage: Store in cool, dry area Direct-Set™ [DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com] Uses: Starter culture for cheese and dairy prods. Disfoam CA-115 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Polyalkylene glycol deriv. Uses: Defoaming agent for medium composed of nonfat soybean powd., vegetable oils Properties: Insol. in water Disfoam CA-123 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Polyalkylene glycol deriv. Uses: Defoaming agent for medium composed of molasses, nonfat soybean powd., starch Properties: Sl. sol. in cold water Disfoam FD-2 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Polyalkylene glycol deriv. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Defoaming effect for aq. systems incl. food processing Dissolvine® E-CA-10 [Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium disodium EDTA, USP CAS 62-33-9; EINECS/ELINCS 200-529-9 Uses: Sequestrant for foods Features: Food grade Regulatory: USP, DOT nonregulated; DSL listed Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; odorless; sol. 800 g/l in water (20 C); bulk dens. 690 kg/m3; m.p. 348 C; pH 7 (1% sol'n.); 98-100% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; inh. of dust may cause mild irritation; possible eye irritant; TSCA listed Environmental: LC50 (bluegill, 96 hr) 2340 mg/l; COD 690 mg/g Precaution: Avoid contact with aluminum, copper, copper alloys, and nickel; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Oxides of carbon and nitrogen NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep closed and dry Dissolvine® E-FE-13 [Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium ferric EDTA CAS 15708-41-5; EINECS/ELINCS 239-802-2 Uses: Sequestrant for foods Features: Food grade Properties: Yel.-grn. odorless powd.; m.p. 80 C; pH ≈ 4.0-5.5 (1% sol'n.); 87-89% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2,000 mg/kg; minimally irritating to eyes; sl. irritating to skin; noncarcinogenic; TSCA listed Environmental: biodegradable; LC50 (fish, 96 h) 2592 mg/l Precaution: Avoid contact with aluminum, copper, copper alloys, and nickel; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Oxides of carbon and nitrogen NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep closed and dry Dissolvine® NA-2-P [Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com] Chem. Descrip.: Disodium EDTA, USP CAS 139-33-3; EINECS/ELINCS 205-358-3 Uses: Sequestrant for foods Features: Food-grade Regulatory: USP, DOT nonregulated; DSL listed 224
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; odorless; sol. 100 g/l in water (20 C); bulk dens. 700 kg/m3; m.p. 110 C; pH 4.5 (1% sol'n.); 89.491.2% act. Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid contact with aluminum, copper, copper alloys, and nickel; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Oxides of carbon and nitrogen NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep closed and dry Divergan® F [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: Crospovidone CAS 9003-39-8 Uses: Stabilizing and clarifying agents for drinks (beer, wine, clear fruit juices) Features: Improves color, bouquet, taste and stability in wine Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to creamy hygroscopic powd.; faint characteristic odor; insol. in water and common solvents; bulk dens. 0.10-0.30 g/cm3 Storage: 3 yr shelf life when stored in unopened containers Divergan® HM [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: CrosslinkedPVPP based See Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seed oil CAS 9003-39-8 Uses: Shelf-life extender, colloidal stabilizer, clarifier in beverages, wine or sparkling wine stock Features: Removes heavy metals; can be used in conjunction with other stabilizers; easy handling and disposal Regulatory: FDA approved Properties: Creamy wh. hygroscopic powd.; insol. in water and all common solvents; bulk dens. 0.10-0.30 g/cm3 Divergan® RS [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: Crospovidone CAS 9003-39-8 Uses: Stabilizing agent for beer; used during filtration for reduction of phenolic compds. Features: Coarse-grain particles; mechanically strong Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. hygroscopic powd.; avg. particle size 80-00 μ faint characteristic odor; insol. in water and all common solvents Storage: 3 yr shelf life when stored in unopened containers Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Divider Oil # 90 [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mineral oil EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Release agent for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3620; USP/NF Properties: Water transparent color; tasteless; visc. 85-90 SSU (100 F); pour pt. 20 F max.; flash pt. (COC) 345 F min. Storage: 1 yr. max. shelf life; store in cool, dry location; keep container closed when not in use Divider Oil #200 [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mineral oil Uses: Release agent for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3620; USP/NF Properties: Transparent liq.; visc. 200-210 SSU at 100 F; pour pt 20 F max; flash pt. (COC) 370 F min. Storage: 1 yr. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location; keep container closed when not in use Divider Oil # 210 [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mineral oil EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Release agent for foods Features: Type 210 visc. Regulatory: USP DK Creamer [Dai-ichi Kogyo Seiyaku http://www.dks-web.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Emulsifier blend Uses: Emulsifier in foods DK Ester F-10 [Dai-ichi Kogyo Seiyaku http://www.dks-web.co.jp/; Montello] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose fatty acid ester See Sucrose fatty acid esters Chem. Analysis: 808 Kcal/100g CAS 977019-37-6 Uses: Food additive for stabilizing emulsion, dispersant, solubilizer Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; avg. m.w. 1588; HLB 1.0; nonionic; 100% conc. DK Ester F-20W [Dai-ichi Kogyo Seiyaku http://www.dks-web.co.jp/; Montello] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose fatty acid ester See Sucrose fatty acid esters 225
Part I: Trade Name Reference Chem. Analysis: 763 Kcal/100g CAS 977019-37-6 Uses: Emulsion stabilizer, dispersant, solubilizer, lubricant for foods Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Avg. m.w. 1275; HLB 2.0 DK Ester F-50 [Dai-ichi Kogyo Seiyaku http://www.dks-web.co.jp/; Multi-Kem http://www.multikem.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose fatty acid ester See Sucrose fatty acid esters Chem. Analysis: 675 Kcal/100g CAS 977019-37-6 Uses: Emulsion stabilizer, dispersant, solubilizer for foods; starch retrogradation inhibitor in baked goods, flour pastes and fish paste Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; avg. m.w. 777; HLB 6.0; nonionic; 100% conc. DK Ester F 70 [Dai-ichi Kogyo Seiyaku http://www.dks-web.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose fatty acid ester See Sucrose fatty acid esters Chem. Analysis: 668 Kcal/100g CAS 977019-37-6 Uses: Food additive for stabilizing emulsion, dispersant, solubilizer Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; avg. m.w. 754; HLB 8.0; nonionic; 100% conc. DK Ester F 90 [Dai-ichi Kogyo Seiyaku http://www.dks-web.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose fatty acid ester See Sucrose fatty acid esters Chem. Analysis: 662 Kcal/100g CAS 977019-37-6 Uses: Food additive for stabilizing emulsion, dispersant, solubilizer; starch retrogradation inhibitor in baked goods, flour pastes and fish paste Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; avg. m.w. 736; HLB 9.5; nonionic; 100% conc. DK Ester F-110 [Dai-ichi Kogyo Seiyaku http://www.dks-web.co.jp/; Multi-Kem http://www.multikem.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose fatty acid ester See Sucrose fatty acid esters Chem. Analysis: 658 Kcal/100g CAS 977019-37-6 Uses: O/w emulsifier for coffee whiteners and Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
creamers, whipped toppings, frozen dairy desserts, and milk drinks; starch retrogradation inhibitor in baked goods, flour pastes and fish paste Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; avg. m.w. 723; HLB 11.0; nonionic; 100% conc. DK Ester F-140 [Dai-ichi Kogyo Seiyaku http://www.dks-web.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose fatty acid ester See Sucrose fatty acid esters Chem. Analysis: 646 Kcal/100g CAS 977019-37-6 Uses: Food additive for stabilizing emulsion, dispersant, solubilizer Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; avg. m.w. 690; HLB 13.0; nonionic; 100% conc. DK Ester F-160 [Dai-ichi Kogyo Seiyaku http://www.dks-web.co.jp/; Multi-Kem http://www.multikem.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose fatty acid ester See Sucrose fatty acid esters Chem. Analysis: 6534Kcal/100g CAS 977019-37-6 Uses: O/w emulsifier for coffee whiteners and creamers, whipped toppings, frozen dairy desserts, and milk drinks; starch retrogradation inhibitor in baked goods, flour pastes and fish paste; prevents flatsour spoilage in canned coffee and tea drinks Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; avg. m.w. 659; HLB 15.0; nonionic; 100% conc. DK Foamer [Dai-ichi Kogyo Seiyaku http://www.dks-web.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Emulsifier blend Uses: Emulsifier, foaming agent in foods Do Crest 60 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Ethoxylated monodiglycerides and wheat flour See Ethoxylated mono- and diglycerides; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) flour Uses: Dough shortening for yeast-raised bakery prods. Properties: Wh. powd.; 4% max. moisture Do Crest Gold [Am. Ingreds./Patco http://www.patco-additives.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy flour, ethoxylated mono226
Part I: Trade Name Reference diglycerides See Ethoxylated mono- and diglycerides; Soybean (Glycine soja) flour Uses: Dough strengthener for yeast-raised prods. Properties: Cream powd.; 26% min. protein Doh-Tone [Am. Ingreds./Patco http://www.patco-additives.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat starch, enzyme, calcium stearate, and silicon dioxide See Silica; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch Uses: Enzyme for wh. bread, variety breads, hamburger buns, sweet rolls, donuts Features: Alternative to malted-barley flour as a flour treatment; improved loaf volume Properties: Free-flowing powd.; 7-11% moisture; 0.50-1% ash Dohyfral D3-2000 AG [Solvay Pharmaceuticals BV http://www.solvayvitamins.nl/] Chem. Descrip.: Cryst. Vitamin D3 in peanut oil See Cholecalciferol; Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) oil CAS 67-97-0; 8002-03-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200673-2; 232-296-4 Uses: Vitamin for foods, margarine, milk) Regulatory: USP, Ph.Eur. compliance Domestic CM Enrichment with Folic Acid [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch; ferrous sulfate; niacin; thiamine mononitrate; tricalcium phosphate; riboflavin; folic acid See Calcium phosphate tribasic; Corn (Zea mays) starch; Ferrous sulfate anhydrous; Nicotinic acid; Thiamine nitrate Uses: Vitamin source, iron source for corn meal Features: Meets std. for enriched corn meals Properties: Powd. Use Level: ½ oz/100 lb of corn meal Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location; best when used before 9 mos; keep container closed when not in use Donut Pyro® [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium acid pyrophosphate, leavening, FCC CAS 7758-16-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-835-0 Uses: Leavening agent for baking, cereals, esp. doughnut mixes prepared in doughnut machines Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1087 Properties: Wh. odorless powd.; 100% through 60 mesh, 99% through 200 mesh; sol. 13 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
g/100 g saturated sol'n.; m.w. 221.94; bulk dens. 68 lb/ft3; pH 4.3 (1%); 100% act. Toxicology: OSHA TWA 15 mg/m3 (total dust) ; LD50 (dermal, rabbit) > 7940 mg/kg; eye, skin, and resp. tract irritant; noncarcinogenic Precaution: Avoid dusting conditions, open flame, spark, static electricity, strong bases and oxidizing agents NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Do Sure [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Whey and L-cysteine monohydrochloride See Cysteine hydrochloride anhydrous Uses: Dough conditioner for pizza dough Features: No-time; provides rapid dough development; whey contributes tenderness, flavor, and crust color Properties: Dry free-flowing powd.; 90% through 60 mesh; 3.5-5% moisture Use Level: 2 lb/100 lb flour Storage: 12 mos. shelf life, best when used before 9 mos; store in cool, dry location; keep containers well closed when not in use Double Strength Acid Proof Caramel Colour [MLG Enterprises] Chem. Descrip.: Caramel color See Caramel CAS 8028-89-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-435-9 Uses: Colorant for foods, beverages, acidulated carbonated beverages, nonacidulated drinks, processed foods Features: Natural; prolonged stability and brilliance in acidulated carbonated beverages Properties: Sp.gr. 1.266-1.277 (60 F); dens. 10.54-10.63 lb/gal (60 F); visc. 300 cps max. (68 F); pH 2.8-3.0 Storage: 2 yr. min. shelf life Doughcon-Ace MB [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: emulsifier, vitamin C (0.6%), enzyme, yeast food Uses: Volume improver and softener for bakery prods., esp. for frozen dough Features: Halal grade available Properties: Disp. in water Use Level: 0.5-2% to flour weight Doughmaker [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum, enzyme active soy flour, SSL, datem, ascorbic acid, enzyme, corn starch See L-Ascorbic acid; Corn (Zea 227
Part I: Trade Name Reference mays) starch; Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides; Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum; Soybean (Glycine soja) flour Uses: Bromate replacer in pan breads, hearth breads, buns, and rolls Properties: Low-dusting powd.; 11-13% protein; 0.81-0.83% ascorbic acid Doughmaker 4 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Datem, calcium sulfate, ascorbic acid, enzyme, ADA, monodiglycerides, wheat starch See L-Ascorbic acid; Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of monoand diglycerides; Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch Uses: Bromate replacer in pan breads, hearth breads, buns, and rolls Properties: Off-wh. powd.; 2.3-2.5% ascorbic acid Doughmaker 5 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum, enzyme active soy flour, SSL, datem, sunflower oil, ascorbic acid, ADA, corn starch See L-Ascorbic acid; Corn (Zea mays) starch; Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides; Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum; Soybean (Glycine soja) flour; Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seed oil Uses: Bromate replacer in pan breads, hearth breads, buns, and rolls Properties: Tan powd.; 6-8.5% moisture; 7-9% protein DoughMaster 200 [Am. Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of oxidants, fungal enzymes, surfactants, and enzyme active soy flour See Soybean (Glycine soja) flour Uses: Dough conditioner, dough improver, bread improver for baked goods Features: Bromate-free; provides exc. tolerance and str. Regulatory: Kosher DoughMaster 300 [Am. Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of oxidants, fungal enzymes, surfactants, and enzyme active soy flour See Soybean (Glycine soja) flour Uses: Dough conditioner, dough improver, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
bread improver for frozen doughs Features: Bromate-free Regulatory: Kosher Doughmaster FR(V) [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: vital gluten, glycerin fatty acid ester See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) gluten CAS 8002-80-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-317-7 Uses: Improver for machine tolerance and extensibility to industrially-processed bread and buns Features: Halal grade available Use Level: 2-3% to flour weight Dough-Rise™ [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: sodium aluminum phosphate and a mixture of monocalcium phosphate and calcium acid pyrophosphate See Calcium dihydrogen pyrophosphate; Calcium phosphate monobasic anhydrous; Sodium aluminum phosphate acidic CAS 7785-88-8; 7758-23-8; 14866-19-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-090-4; 231-837-1 Uses: Leavening agent for baking, cereals, esp. doughnut mixes prepared in doughnut machines Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1217 (calcium phosphate) and §182.1781 (sodium aluminum phosphate) Properties: Wh. odorless powd.; pH 3.2-3.6 (1%) Toxicology: OSHA TWA 15 mg/m3 (total dust) ; may cause burns, permanent damage to the cornea; irritant to skin and resp. tract Precaution: Avoid dusting conditions, extreme heat and humidity NFPA: Health 3, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: 18 mos. shelf life Dow EP530 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Poloxamer-181 See Poloxamer 181 CAS 53637-25-5 Uses: Defoamer in scald baths for poultry defeathering and hog dehairing machines Regulatory: 21CFR §172.808, 176.200, 176.210, 178.1010 Properties: Liq.; m.w. 2000; sp.gr. 1.017; dens. 8.46 lb/gal; visc. 321 cSt; pour pt. -32 C; flash pt. (PMCC) > 420 F; ref. index 1.452; surf. tens. 42.6 dynes/cm (100 ppm); nonionic
Part I: Trade Name Reference Dow Corning® 200 Fluid, Food Grade [Dow Corning http://www.dowcorning.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethyl silicone fluid See Dimethicone CAS 9006-65-9 Uses: Defoamer for nonaq. systems, food processing, meat, poultry and seafood processing, rendering Regulatory: FDA, EPA, USDA, kosher approved Properties: Thin cl. fluid; sol. in food-grade glycols; visc. 350 cSt; 100% act. Dow Corning® 1920 Powdered Antifoam [Dow Corning http://www.dowcorning.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone dispersed on freeflowing powd. Uses: Defoamer for fermentation, beverages, preserves, meat, poultry, seafood, and rendering in food industry Regulatory: FDA, USDA, kosher approved Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; sol. in foodgrade glycols; nonionic; 20% act. Use Level: 50 ppm Dow Corning® Q7-2243 LVA [Dow Corning http://www.dowcorning.com] Chem. Descrip.: polydimethylsiloxane See Dimethylsiloxane CAS 63148-62-9 Uses: Antifoam for foods Regulatory: USP, EP, FDA 21CFR §173.340, 332.10; kosher Properties: Gray translucent visc. liq.; sp. gr. 0.975; ref. index 1.404; nonionic; 100% act. Storage: 18 mo shelf life stored in original unopened containers at ambient temps.; avoid extreme temps.; settling may occur during storage; mix before use Dow Corning® Q7-2587 [Dow Corning http://www.dowcorning.com] Chem. Descrip.: Simethicone emulsion USP contg. simethicone USP, stearate emulsifiers, sorbic acid, benzoic acid, thickeners, and water Chem. Analysis: 41.7 % NV; 30.4 % siloxane Uses: Defoamer for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340, 332.10; USP Properties: Wh. creamy flowable liq.; characteristic odor; water-dilutable; sp. gr. 1.0; visc. 10000 cSt; b.p. 35 C; flash pt. (CC) > 214 F; pH 2.6; nonionic; 30% act. Toxicology: Sl. eye irritant Precaution: Avoid contact with oxidizing materials Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx, incompletely burned carbon compds., SiO2, Cl compds, formaldehyde, and metal oxides NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 24 mos. shelf life when stored between 5 and 32 C; stir gently before use; do not ship below 0 C; freeze/thaw cycling may break emulsion Dow Corning® Antifoam 1500 [Dow Corning http://www.dowcorning.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethylsiloxane (> 60.0%) and Methylated silica (7.0 - 13.0%) See Siloxanes and silicones, dimethyl, reaction prods. with silica CAS 63148-62-9; 67762-90-7 Uses: Foam control agent for foods, meat and poultry prod., fermentation Regulatory: FDA, USDA, EPA, kosher approved; SARA §311/312/313 unreportable Properties: Med. off-wh. liq.; dilutable in foodgrade glycols; sp. gr. 1.0; visc. 900 mPa s; b.p. ≥ 100 C; flash pt. (CC) > 100 C; 100% act. Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Wear safety glasses as min. protection; avoid oxidizing materials Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx, traces of incompletely burned C compounds, SiO2, and formaldehyde NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Dow Corning® Antifoam 1510-US [Dow Corning http://www.dowcorning.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone emulsion Uses: Foam control agent for foods, fermentation, beverages, preserves, meat, poultry, seafood, fruit and vegetable processing Regulatory: FDA, EPA, USDA, kosher approved Properties: Med. wh. cream; nonionic; 10% act. Dow Corning® Antifoam 1520-US [Dow Corning http://www.dowcorning.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone emulsion Uses: Foam control agent for foods, fermentation, beverages, meat/poultry/seafood processing Features: Effective for hot and cold systems Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340, 176.170, 176.180, EPA 40CFR §180.1001, USDA, kosher approved Properties: Milky-wh. thin cream; water-dilutable; sp.gr. 1.0; visc. 6000 cp; pH 4.0; nonionic; 20% act. 229
Part I: Trade Name Reference Use Level: 10 ppm (foods) Toxicology: May cause temporary eye discomfort Storage: 12 mo shelf life when store @ 20-40 C Dow Corning® Antifoam A Compd., Food Grade [Dow Corning http://www.dowcorning.com] Chem. Descrip.: Simethicone CAS 8050-81-5 Uses: Foam control agent for food processing, beverage processing, fermentation, edible oil mfg., rendering Regulatory: FDA, USDA, EPA, kosher approved Properties: Med. off-wh., gray liq.; dilutable in aliphatic, aromatic or chlorinated solvs., food grade glycols; nonionic; 100% act. Dow Corning® Antifoam AF Emulsion, Food Grade [Dow Corning http://www.dowcorning.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Aq. simethicone emulsion CAS 8050-81-5 Uses: Foam control agent for foods, beverages, preserves, fermentation, dairy prods., rendering Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340, USDA, EPA 40CFR §180.1001, kosher Properties: Milky wh. thick cream; waterdilutable; sp.gr. 1.0; visc. 50,000 cp; pH 3.5; nonionic; 30% act. Use Level: 30 ppm Toxicology: Food grade; may cause temporary eye discomfort Storage: 6 mo shelf life when stored @ 20-40 C Dow Corning® Antifoam C Emulsion [Dow Corning http://www.dowcorning.com] Chem. Descrip.: Aq. simethicone emulsion CAS 8050-81-5 Uses: Foam control agent for food processing, fruit juice processing, food sauce prep. Features: Food grade Regulatory: FDA, EPA, kosher, USDA approved Properties: Med. wh. cream; water dilutable; nonionic; 30% act. Use Level: 30 ppm Dow Corning® Antifoam FG-10 [Dow Corning http://www.dowcorning.com] Chem. Descrip.: Aq. silicone emulsion Uses: Foam control agent for food industry, fermentation, beverages, preserves, meat, poultry, seafood, high sugar-content processes Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: FDA, EPA, USDA, kosher approved Properties: Thin wh. cream; nonionic; 10% act. Use Level: 100 ppm Dow Corning® Medical Antifoam AF Emulsion [Dow Corning http://www.dowcorning.com] Chem. Descrip.: Simethicone USP emulsion with stearate emulsifiers, sorbic acid, and water Uses: Foam preventive/suppressant in fermentation processes Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §332.10 (OTC drug), 173.340 (to 33.3 ppm in foods) Properties: Wh. creamy paste; water-dilutable; sp.gr. 1.0; pH 2.7; nonionic; 30% act. Toxicology: Essentially no significant silicone absorption on ingestion Storage: 12 mo shelf life stored in original unopened containers between 5 and 32 C; avoid freezing; freeze/thaw cycling may break emulsion Dow Glycerine 96% USP [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerin FCC, USP CAS 56-81-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-289-5 Uses: Humectant, solvent in foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS; E422 compliant; avail. in kosher grade Properties: Colorless visc. liq.; odorless; sweet taste; misc. with ethanol, IPA, water; immiscible with benzene, chloroform, ethyl ether, heptane; sp.gr. 1.25170; dens. 1.24770g/cm3; visc. 624 cps (20 C); f.p. 8 C; b.p. 175 C; flash pt. (PMCC) > 198.8 C; ref. index 1.46752 (20 C); 96% act., 4% water Dow Glycerine 99.5% USP/EP [Dow Europe] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerin FCC, USP, EP CAS 56-81-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-289-5 Uses: Humectant, solvent in foods; sweetener, flavoring agent Regulatory: USP, Eur. Ph., FDA GRAS; E422 compliant; avail. in kosher grade Properties: Colorless visc. liq.; odorless; sweet taste; misc. with ethanol, IPA, water; immiscible with benzene, chloroform, ethyl ether, heptane; m.w. 92.09; sp.gr. 1.26201; dens. 1.25802 g/cm3; visc. 1410 cps (20 C); vapor pressure 0.0025 mm Hg (50 C); f.p. 17 C; b.p. 290 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 195.5 C; ref. index 1.47399 (20 C); surf. tens. 63 dynes/cm (20 C); 99.5% act.
Part I: Trade Name Reference DP 40 [DMV Int'l. http://www.dmvinternational.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated coconut oil; glucose syrup; sodium caseinate; lactylated esters of mono- and diglycerides; sodium alginate See Algin; Glucose, liquid; Lactic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Instant whipping base for toppings, cake fillings, and ready-to-eat desserts such as mousses, cheesecakes, and ice cream Features: Gelatin-free; cannot be overwhipped Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §168.120, 170.3, 172.848, 182.1748, 184.1724 Properties: Off-wh. spary-dried emulsion; clean, sl. sweet flavor; 3% max. moisture Use Level: 5-10% in mousse recipes Storage: 2 yr. shelf life when stored in a cool, odor-free, dry environment at 5-22 C and 0.1 mm Hg; vapor dens. 4.5; i.b.p. 191 C min.; pour pt. -40 C; flash pt. (COC) 74 C; KB value 28; < 1% aromatics Toxicology: Cause skin irritation; aspiration hazard if ing.; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear gloves, eye protection; combustible liq., vapor; keep away from all sources of ignition NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Drakesol® 205 [Penreco http://www.penreco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petroleum distillates, hydrotreated middle CAS 64742-46-7; EINECS/ELINCS 265-148-2 Uses: Solvent for food processing; coating on egg shells; defoamer in foods; float on fermentation fluids; froth flotation cleaning of vegetables Features: High purity Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.884, 178.3650, 573.740; DOT not regulated; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; China listed; Europe EINECS; Japan ENCS; Korea ECL; Philippines PICCS Properties: Colorless liq.; sl. peroleum odor; sol. in hydrocarbons,; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.795 (60/60 F); dens. 6.64 lb/gal (60 F); visc. 2.18 cSt (100 F); vapor pressure 0.22 mm Hg; vapor dens. 4.5; i.b.p. 221 C min.; pour pt. -26 C; b.p. 226.7 C; flash pt. 99 C; KB value 26.5; < 1% aromatics Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid breathing vapors, mists Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Dense smoke, CO, CO2, other oxides HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, well-ventilated area in closed containers away from heat, sparks, open flame, oxidizers Drakesol® 220 [Penreco http://www.penreco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mineral oil CAS 8042-47-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Coating on egg shells; defoamer in foods; float on fermentation fluids; froth flotation cleaning of vegetables Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.884, 178.3650, 573.740; SARA §313 nonreportable; OSHA nonhazardous; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; China listed; Europe EINECS; Japan ENCs; Korea ECL; Philippines PICCS Properties: Cl. liq.; sl hydrocarbon odor; sol. in Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
hydrocarbons; insol. in water; m.w. 0.8; sp.gr. 0.804 (60/60 F); dens. 6.69 lb/gal (60 F); visc. 2.28 cSt (100 F); vapor pressure < 0.1 mm Hg; vapor dens. 6.7; i.b.p. 235 C min.; pour pt. -18 C; b.p. 239.4-276.7 C; flash pt. 102 C; KB value 24.5; < 1% aromatics Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Do not allow to enter sewers, watercourses; avoid breathing vapors or mist Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, other oxides HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in closed containers away from heat, sparks, open flame, oxidizers Drakesol® 260 [Penreco http://www.penreco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mineral oil CAS 8042-47-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Coating on egg shells; defoamer in foods; float on fermentation fluids; froth flotation cleaning of vegetables Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.884, 178.3620(b), 178.3650, 573.740; OSHA nonhazardous; DOT not regulated; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; China listed; Europe EINECS; Japan ENCs; Korea ECL; Philippines PICCS Properties: Cl. liq.; sl. hydrocarbon; m.w. 230; sol. in hydrocarbons; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.812 (60/60 F); dens. 6.76 lb/gal (60 F); visc. 4.3 cSt (100 F); vapor pressure < 0.1 mm Hg; vapor dens. 8.1; i.b.p. 266 C min.; pour pt. -4 C; b.p. 268.3-307.8 C; flash pt. 127 C; KB value 22.6; autoignition temp. 220 C; < 1% aromatics; 100% volatiles Toxicology: Wear eye protection; TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid breathing vapors, mists; do not allow to enter sewers, watercourses Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Dense smoke, CO, CO2, other oxides HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in closed containers away from heat, sparks, open flame, oxidizers Drakesol® 260 AT [Penreco http://www.penreco.com] Chem. Descrip.: White mineral oil, tech. CAS 8042-47-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Froth flotation cleaning of vegetables Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.884, 178.3620(b), 178.3650, 573.740; not regulated for shipping; CERCLA, SARA §311/312/313 nonreportable Properties: Transparent water-wh. liq.; ngeligible 237
Part I: Trade Name Reference sol. in water; m.w. 230; sp.gr. 0.8146 (15.6 C); dens. 6.78 lb/gal (15.6 C); visc. 3.90 cSt (100 F); vapor pressure 0.01 mm Hg; vapor dens. > 1; i.b.p. 268 C; pour pt. -6.67 C; cloud pt. -2.8 C; flash pt. (CC) 127 C; autoignition temp. 220 C; ref. index 1.4498 (20 C); KB value 22; sp. heat 0.492; < 1% aromatics Toxicology: TSCA listed HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep containers tightly closed in cool, well-ventilated area away from heat and all sources of ignition Drakesol® 305 [Penreco http://www.penreco.com] Chem. Descrip.: White mineral oil, tech. CAS 8042-47-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Froth flotation cleaning of vegetables Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.884, 178.3620(b), 178.3650, 573.740; DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/312/313 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EINECS, Australia AICS, China, Japan ENCS, Korea KCL, Philippines PICCS listed Properties: Cl. liq.; sl. hydrocarbon odor; sol. in hydrocarbons; insol. in water; m.w. 266; sp.gr. 0.8299 (15.6 C); dens. 6.91 lb/gal (15.6 C); visc. 6.27 cSt (100 F); vapor pressure < 0.01 mm Hg; vapor dens. 9.2; i.b.p. 304 C; pour pt. 4.4 C; b.p. 304.4-357.2 C; cloud pt. 10 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 151.7 C; autoignition temp. 220 C; ref. index 1.4570 (20 C); KB value 20; sp. heat 0.493; 100% act. Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 5 mg/m3, STEL 10 mg/m3 (oil mist); minimal eye/minimal to sl. skin irritant; not expected to be inh. hazard @ ambient conditions; aspiration may cause chem. pneumonitis, pulmonary edema, hemorrhage, death; ing. may cause GI discomfort, vomiting, diarrhea; laxative props.; TSCA listed Environmental: do not allow spills to enter sewers or watercourses Precaution: May react with strong oxidizing agents; spillages may be slippery Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: dense smoke, CO, CO2, other oxides HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in closed containers away from heat, sparks, open flame, oxidizing materials Draketex 50 [Penreco http://www.penreco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lt. mineral oil NF CAS 8042-47-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Release agent, binder, lubricant, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
defoamer, protective coating, antidusting agent, sealant, polishing agent in foods; float on fermentation fluids to prevent/retard evaporation and contamination Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3620, 573.680; DOT and OSHA nonhazardous Properties: Sp.gr. 0.820-0.835; dens. 6.86-6.96 lb/gal; visc. 6.5-7.8 cSt (40 C); pour pt. -9 C; flash pt. 152 C; ref. index 1.4570 Toxicology: TSCA listed Drapex® 6.8 [Chemtura/Plastic Addit.] Chem. Descrip.: Epoxidized soybean oil CAS 8013-07-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-391-0 Uses: Plasticizer migrating from food pkg. Features: Imparts exc. heat and lt. stability; offers resist. to extraction by oils and solvs., resist. to migration, low volatility Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §181.27 Properties: Liq.; Gardner 1 color, faintly fatty odor; sol. < 0.01% in water; m.w. 1000; sp.gr. 0.992; dens. 8.27 lb/gal; visc. 320 cps; pour pt. 0 C; acid no. 0.5; iodine no. 1.6; flash pt. (COC) 290 C; ref. index 1.45710 Dress'n® 400 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from dent and waxy corn See Food starch, modified Uses: Cook-up starch, emulsion stabilizer, visc. builder, texturizer for semisolid or heavy cream type salad dressings Features: Good acid tolerance; resist. to shear; produces visc. dressing with short, smooth texture and no set-back Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd.; pH 5.5; 11% moisture DREWMULSE® 200K [Stepan http://www.stepan.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Emulsifier, emollient, antistat, stabilizer, visc. builder, opacifier for foods (breads, chewing gum base, frozen desserts, peanut butter, margarine, candies, toppings) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 176.200, 176.210, 177.2800; kosher; Europe, Japan, Canada, Australia, Korea, Philippines, China listed Properties: Ivory wh. flakes; sl. fatty odor; sp.gr. 0.9145; visc. 30 cSt (70 C); m.p. 60 C; HLB 2.8; iodine no. 2; sapon. no. 170; flash pt. > 94 238
Part I: Trade Name Reference C; 0% RVOC; nonionic; 42% monoester; 0.17% moisture Toxicology: LD50 > 5 g/kg; TSCA listed Environmental: biodeg. Storage: Store @ 18-32 C; avoid prolonged storage above 32 C DREWMULSE® GMC-810 [Stepan http://www.stepan.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mixture of Caprylic acid monoglyceride, Glyceryl monodecanoate, Glyceryl dicaprylate, Glyceryl dicaprate, Triglycerides, mixed decanoate and octanoateand Glycerin See Caprylic/capric triglyceride; Glyceryl caprate; Glyceryl caprylate CAS 26402-26-6; 26402-22-2; 36354-80-0 20; 53988-07-1; 73398-61-5; 56-81-5; EINECS/ELINCS 247-668-1; 247-667-6; 252992-1; 258-903-2; 277-452-2; 200-289-5 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, opacifier and visc. builder Regulatory: GRAS Properties: Sl. yel. soft solid to liq.; fatty odor; dispersibel in water; sol. in propylene glycol (10% w/v), ethyl acetate (10% w/v), and xylene (10% w/v); sp. gr. 0.992; m.p, 24-30 C; HLB 4.8; acid no. 1.0; iodine no 0.05; sapon. no. 276; flash pt. (PMCC) >94 C; nonionic Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 12600 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) >10 g/kg; may cause sl. irritation to eyes and skin Environmental: biodeg. Precaution: Wear goggles and gloves if splashing is possible; avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents and strong alkalies Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in drums @ < 32 C in a dry, wellventilated aqrea; avoid freezing and excessive heat DREWMULSE® GMO Kosher [Stepan http://www.stepan.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl oleate Chem. Analysis: 0.01% moisture; 15 g total carbohydrate; 85 g total fat; 825 cal CAS 25496-72-4; EINECS/ELINCS 247-038-6 Uses: Antifoam or defoaming agent, lubricant for food; emulsifier for shortenings, bakery mixes, bread, cake mixes, icings; dispersant and solubilizing agent for flavors and essential oils Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §175.300, 175.320 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
184.1323 (GRAS); kosher Properties: Gardner 6 liq.; mild, fatty odor; sp. gr. 0.94; visc. 92.0 cps (100 F); HLB 3.4; iodine no. 78; sapon. no. 168; flash pt. 239 C; nonionic; 40-45% conc. Toxicology: Sl. skin and minimal eye irritation Storage: Store in sealed containers @ < 32 C; avoid overheating DREWPOL 3-5-CC [Stepan http://www.stepan.com] Chem. Descrip.: Triglycerol penta(caprylatecaprate) CAS 147923-42-0 Uses: Carrier for flavors, vitamins, essential oils and colors; lubricant; mineral oil alternative, for applics. including release agent and polishing agent.; fat source for specialized nutritional prods. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.854; kosher grade Properties: Pale yel. liq., bland flavor and odor; sp. gr. 0.93; HLB 3.0 ; iodine no. 0.06; sapon. no. 305; flash pt. (PMCC) 280 C; ref. index 1.45; pH 6 (10% aq.); nonionic; 100% act. Use Level: 0% RVOC Toxicology: Eye irritant; mild skin irritant; inh. of vapors or mists of the product may be irritating to the resp. tract; TSCA listed Environmental: biodeg. Precaution: Wear safety goggles with side shields; use impervious gloves Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in sealed containers @ < 90 F DREWPOL® 10-1-CC [Stepan http://www.stepan.com] Chem. Descrip.: Decaglyceryl monocaprylate See Polyglyceryl-10 caprylate Chem. Analysis: 0.06% moisture; 26.4 g/100 g total fat; 220 cal /100 g CAS 68937-16-6 Uses: Weighting agent for beverage emulsions Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.854.kosher Properties: Visc. amber cl. to sl. hazy visc. liq.; f.p. -7 C; HLB 14.5; acid no. 2.8; iodine no. 2; sapon. no. 100; hyd. no. 700; pH 7 (3% disp.); flash pt. (PMCC) > 94 C; surf. tension 29 dynes/cm; nonionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 ml/kg); pract. nontoxic Environmental: biodeg. 239
Part I: Trade Name Reference Precaution: Wear safety goggles and gloves Storage: Avoid prolonged storage above 90 F DREWPOL® 10-6-O [Stepan http://www.stepan.com] Chem. Descrip.: Decaglyceryl hexaoleate See Polyglyceryl-10 hexaoleate CAS 65573-03-7 Uses: Food emulsifier for margarine; solubilizer for flavors and essential oils; dispersant for high-solids preps.; suspending agent for food colors; antifoam and defoaming agent in sugar-protein syrups; inhibits crystallization in salad oils Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.854, kosher Properties: Amber cl. to hazy visc. liq.; sp. gr. 0.972; visc. 821 cSt; HLB 6.0; acid no. 2.1; iodine no. 75; sapon. no. 153; hyd. no. 113; nonionic; 0.1% moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 ml/kg); practically nontoxic orally Environmental: biodegradable Precaution: Avoid prolonged storage above 90 F DREWPOL® 10-10-O [Stepan http://www.stepan.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-10 decaoleate (95-100%) and Oleic acid (0-5%) CAS 11094-60-3; 112-80-1; EINECS/ELINCS 234-316-7; 204-007-1 Uses: Emulsifier for margarines and shortenings (0.1 - 1.0%); solubilizer for vitamins, flavors; inhibits crystallization in salad oils; antifoam and defoaming agent especially in sugar-protein syrups Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.854, kosher Properties: Amber cl. visc. liq.; fatty odor; sp. gr. 0.9014 g/ml; visc. 92.2 cSt @37 C; m.p. -37.2 C; acid no. 10.0 max.; HLB 3.0; flash pt. >94 C; nonionic Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) >5000-15,000 mg/kg; noncarcinogenic; pract. nontoxic orally; may cause mild irritation to eyes; inh. of vapors irritating to respiratory system; acute ing. may cause mild GI distress Environmental: biodegradable Precaution: Wear goggles and gloves Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx and/or low molecular weight hydrocarbons HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 DREWPOL PGPR [Stepan http://www.stepan.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl polyricinoleate Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 68936-89-0 Uses: Rheology modifier in chocolate coatings; emulsifier for margarines and shortenings; solubilizer for flavors and essential oils; suspending agent for food colors; antifoam and defoaming agent especially in sugar-protein syrups; stabilizer in w/o emulsions; flow improver for molten chocolate Regulatory: FDA GRAS; E476; kosher grade Properties: Lt. yel. liq., mild fatty odor; sp. gr. 0.944; HLB 0.4; iodine no. 85; sapon. no. 184; hyd. no. 85; flash pt. (PMCC) > 93.9 C; nonionic; 100% act. Use Level: 0-7.5 mg/kg bw; ≤ 0.3% in chocolate; ≤ 1.0% for margarines, low fat margarines, spreads, creamers, and dairy analogs at levels Toxicology: Mild eye and skin irritant; inh. of vapors or mists of the product may be irritating to the resp. tract; TSCA listed Environmental: biodeg. Precaution: Wear safety goggles and face shield if splashing is possible; use impervious gloves and suitable protective clothing; may react with strong alkalies Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp: COx HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry, well-ventilated area Dri-Do [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: White flour, salt, calcium sulfate, calcium peroxide See Sodium chloride Uses: Dough drier, whitener in yeast-raised baked goods Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; 10-11% moisture; 19.1-21% ash Dri-Do Plus [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Soy flour, salt, calcium peroxide See Sodium chloride; Soybean (Glycine soja) flour Uses: Dough drier used to reduce stickiness and/or increase absorption of yeast leavened doughs Properties: Cream-colored free-flowing powd.; 6.5% moisture; 10-12.5% ash Dri-Mol® [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Molasses, wheat starch, calcium stearate (anticaking agent), soy 240
Part I: Trade Name Reference flour, lecithin (processing aid) See Molasses (Saccharum officinarum); Soybean (Glycine soja) flour; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch Uses: Sweetener, colorant, partial leavening agent for variety breads, baked goods, desserts, barbecue sauces, mixes Features: Mild; high water absorp.; convenient handling Properties: Dk. rich brn. free-flowing powd.; 98% min. through 25 mesh; 30-60% through 60 mesh; bulk dens. 47 lb/ft3 (loose), 58 lb/ft3 (packed); 55% molasses solids; 4% max. moisture; 4% max. protein Use Level: Replaces liq. molasses at ≈ lb for lb Storage: 1 yr. shelf life when stored unopened @ normal R.T. (65-75 F) Dri-Mol® 60 [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Molasses; wheat starch; silicon dioxide; lecithin See Molasses (Saccharum officinarum); Silica; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch Uses: Sweetener, flavor enhancer, leavening agent for breads, baking Features: High water absorption; imparts a nat., dark coloring; avoids waste factor involved with drums; storage space required is minimal Properties: Dark rich, brn. powd.; 98% min. through 25 mesh; 30-60% through 60 mesh, 20-40% through 100 mesh; dens. 47 lb/ft3 (loose), 58 lb/ft3 (packed); 60% solids Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store at room temp. 65-75 F; recommend stacking prod. at no more than two pallets high Dri-Mol® 604 [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Molasses, wheat starch, high fructose corn syrup, calcium stearate (anticaking agent), soy flour, hydroxylated lecithin (processing aid) See Corn syrup, high fructose; Molasses (Saccharum officinarum); Soybean (Glycine soja) flour; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch Uses: Sweetener, flavor enhancer, colorant, partial leavening agent for baked goods, desserts, mixes Features: Mild; high water absorp.; convenient handling Properties: Lt. brn. free-flowing powd.; 98% min. through 25 mesh; 30-60% through 60 mesh; bulk dens. 48 lb/ft3 (loose), 58 lb/ft3 (packed); 55% molasses solids; 4% max. moisture; 1.5% Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
max. protein Use Level: Replaces liq. molasses at ≈ lb for lb Storage: 1 yr. shelf life when stored unopened @ normal R.T. (65-75 F) Dri-Mol® Flake [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Molasses; wheat starch; soy flour; lecithin See Molasses (Saccharum officinarum); Soybean (Glycine soja) flour; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch Uses: Sweetener, flavor enhancer for baked goods, health foods Features: High water absorption; imparts a nat., dark coloring; avoids waste factor involved with drums; storage space required is minimal Properties: Dark rich brn. flake; 30% min. through 20 mesh, 10% through 40 mesh; dens. 25 lb/ft3 (loose), 32 lb/ft3 (packed) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store at room temp. 65-75 F; recommend stacking prod. at no more than two pallets high Dritex S [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated soybean oil CAS 8016-70-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-410-2 Uses: Crystallization promoter, m.p. modifier, bodying agent, lubricant, and moisturizer for clinical nutrition, nutritional/sports supplements Properties: Lovibond 3R max. liq., flake, bead; drop pt. 155 F; acid no. 0.2 max.; iodine no. 15; sapon. no. 189-197 Toxicology: Nontoxic Drize-P Powder [Cain Food Industries http://www.cainfood.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium sulfate, soy flour, diammonium phosphate, calcium peroxide, tricalcium phosphate See Ammonium phosphate, dibasic; Calcium phosphate tribasic; Soybean (Glycine soja) flour Uses: Dough conditioner for yeast-raised baked goods Features: Produces drier doughs with improved handling chars. Properties: Powd. Use Level: 0.5 oz/cwt flour Storage: 6 mos. shelf life stored under cool, dry conditions Dry-Flo® [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified See Food starch, modified CAS 53124-00-8 241
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Dusting aid and lubricant for foods Features: Hydrophobic; extremely resist. to wetting in aq. media Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. free-flowing fine powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear safety glasses; potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity DryGel™ 03417 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch Chem. Analysis: 4.5% moisture, 10 mg/kg max. SO2 CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Dusting agent, moisture control agent, anticaking agent, flow aid in dough and noodle prods., dry mixes, batter and breading mixes, confectioners' sugar, baking powd., icing mixes Features: Controls moisture of other ingredients present in dry mixes Properties: Bulk dens. (packed) 53 lbs/ft3; pH 5.0 Precaution: Excessive dusting can be flamm. and explosive. Storage: Shelf life 12 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity DryGel™ 03418 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch Chem. Analysis: 6.5% moisture CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Dusting agent, moisture control agent, anticaking agent, flow aid in dough and noodle prods., dry mixes, batter and breading mixes, confectioners' sugar, baking powd., icing mixes Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Features: Controls moisture of other ingredients present in dry mixes Properties: Bulk dens. (packed) 46 lbs/ft3; pH 5.0 Precaution: Excessive dusting can be flamm. and explosive. Storage: Shelf life 12 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Dry-Tack® 250 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carbohydrate Uses: Binder and adhesion agent for particulates, seasonings and flavorings to low-moisture foods, including snacks, cereals and bakery prods. Features: Hydrophobic; extremely resist. to wetting in aq. media Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. free-flowing fine powd.; starch odor; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 3.5 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: Low oral toxicity; particulates may scratch eye surface cna cause mech. irritation; nontoxic Precaution: Wear safety glasses; potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Dry Vitamin D3 Type 100 SD [DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cholecalciferol compounded with dicalcium phosphate, lactose, acacia, coconut oil, BHT, and silicon dioxide See Calcium phosphate dibasic dihydrate; Coconut (Cocos nucifera) oil; Silica CAS 67-97-0; 7757-93-9; 63-42-3; 9000-01-5; 8001-31-8; 128-37-0; EINECS/ELINCS 200673-2; 231-826-1; 200-559-2; 232-519-5; 232282-8; 204-881-4; 231-545-4 Uses: Nutrient for foods and prods. which are reconstituted with liqs. Properties: Sol. in cold water; 100,000 min. IU vitamin D/g Toxicology: Vitamin D: potentially toxic esp. for young children; excessive ingestion may cause hypercalcemia, hypercalcuria Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly closed 242
Part I: Trade Name Reference container; sensitive to air, heat, light, and humidity Dry Vitamin E Acetate 50% SD [DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com] Chem. Descrip.: dl-α-Tocopheryl acetate USP, FCC compded. with hydrolyzed gelatin, 3% silicon dioxide See Silica CAS 7695-91-2; 68410-45-7; EINECS/ELINCS 231-710-0; 270-082-2; 231-545-4 Uses: Vitamin E source for food prods., chewable or coated dietary supplements Regulatory: FDA GRAS Properties: Wh. to off-wh. free-flowing powd., acceptable odor and taste; 95% min. through 20 mesh; sl. hygroscopic; disp. readily in cold or warm water; 50% min. dl-α-tocopheryl acetate Storage: Store in dry place in tightly closed container; avoid excessive heat DS-100A [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Distilled diglycerol monostearate See Polyglyceryl-2 stearate CAS 9009-32-9; EINECS/ELINCS 235-777-7 Uses: O/w emulsifier; alpha-ending emulsifier; alpha-crystalline stabilizer for sponge cake foaming gel Properties: Plastic; acid value 3 max.; iodine value 2 max.; sapon. value 120-135 DSP/TSP 30% [FBC Ind. http://www.fbcindustries.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium phosphate dibasic, sodium phosphate tribasic (0.866:1) See Sodium phosphate dibasic anhydrous Chem. Analysis: Arsenic 3 ppm max.; fluoride 50 ppm max.; heavy metals 10 ppm max. Uses: Acidulant, buffer, nutritional supplement, emulsifier in foods Regulatory: FCC grade; DOT nonregulated Properties: Colorless cl. liq.; odorless; sp.gr. 1.362 (55 C); solid. pt. 38.5 C; pH 11.41 (1% sol'n.); 30% conc. Toxicology: Sl. eye and skin irritant Duodenal Substance [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vacuum-dried defatted glandular prod. Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Powd. or freeze-dried form Durem™ 114 [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides with Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
BHT and citric acid to protect flavor See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for foods, icings, cakes, margarine, sweet doughs, whipped toppings, veg. dairy prods., reduced-fat foods Regulatory: GRAS Properties: Cream plastic, typ. odor/flavor; HLB 2.8; m.p. 43-49 C; iodine no. 65-75; flash pt. 300 F min.; nonionic; 100% conc.; 40% min. alpha monoglyceride Storage: Store in cool, dry place away from odor-producing substances Durem™ 117 [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides with citric acid (preservative) See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for foods, margarine, bread, frozen desserts, veg. dairy prods., Danish, candies, chewing gum, reduced-fat foods Regulatory: GRAS Properties: Wh. beads, flakes, typ. odor/flavor; m.p. 62-65 C; HLB 2.8; iodine no. 5 max.; flash pt. 300 F min.; nonionic; 100% conc.; 40% min. alpha monoglyceride Use Level: 0.04-0.25% (frozen desserts) Storage: Store in cool, dry place away from odor-producing substances Durem™ 204 [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides with BHT and citric acid (preservatives) See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for foods, icings, cakes, margarine, sweet doughs, whipped toppings, veg. dairy prods., reduced-fat foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS Properties: Cream plastic, typ. odor/flavor; m.p. 114-121 F; HLB 3.3; iodine no. 65-75; flash pt. 300 F min.; nonionic; 100% conc., 52% min. mono Storage: Store in cool, dry place away from odor-producing substances Durem™ 207 [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides with citric acid to protect flavor See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for foods, frozen desserts, whipped toppings, veg. dairy prods., candies, bread, chewing gum, sweet dough; peanut butter stabilizer Regulatory: GRAS 243
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Wh. bead, flakes, typ. odor/flavor; m.p. 140-146 F; HLB 3.3; iodine no. 5 max.; flash pt. 300 F min.; nonionic; 100% conc.; 52% min. alpha mono Use Level: 0.04-0.25% (frozen desserts) Storage: Store in cool, dry place away from odor-producing substances Durem™ 207-E [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides with citric acid to help protect flavor See Monoand diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for foods, continuous and conventional breads, sweet doughs; emulsifier hydrate for breads and nonfat cakes; crumb softener Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §136.110 Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd., bland odor/flavor; m.p. 140-146 F; HLB 4.2; iodine no. 5 max.; nonionic; 100% act.; 50% min. alpha mono Storage: Store sealed in cool, dry area away from odor-producing substances; 90 days storage life @ 40-80 F Durem™ 224 NG [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides Uses: Emulsifier, dispersant, solubilizer in icings, cakes, margarines, Danish and sweet doughs, whipped toppings and other vegetable dairy systems Features: Food grade; derived from non-GMO vegetable oils Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1505; kosher Properties: Wh. to yel solid matrix or oily liq.; insol. in water; sp. gr. 0.698 -0.921; HLB 3.3; iodine no. .47-57 max.; flash pt. 260 C; 52% min. α-monoglyceride Precaution: Avoid excessive heating Storage: Store in an odor free environment @ 427 C Durem™ 300 [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides, propylene glycol See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier, dispersant, solubilizer in flavor and color systems; wetting agent, antifoam for foods Properties: Cl. liq.; HLB 3.0; iodine no. 63 min.; 45% min. mono Durfax® 60 [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 60 CAS 9005-67-8 Uses: Emulsifier for foods, cakes, whipped Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
toppings, coffee whiteners, icing, confectionery coating Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.836 Properties: Soft gel; sol. in water; HLB 14.0; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 45-55; hyd. no. 81-96; nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: 0.46% max. (cake), 0.4% max. (whipped toppings, coffee whiteners), 0.46% max. (icings), 0.5% max. (confectionery coatings), 1% max. (shortenings) Storage: Store sealed in a cool, dry place away from odor-producing substances; 180 day storage life @ 40-95 F Durfax® 60K [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 60 CAS 9005-67-8 Uses: Emulsifier for foods, o/w emulsions Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Yel. visc. liq.; sol. in water, cottonseed oil; HLB 14.9; nonionic; 100% act. Durfax® 65 [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 65 CAS 9005-71-4 Uses: Emulsifier for foods, frozen desserts, cakes, icings, whipped toppings, coffee whiteners; foaming agent for nonalcoholic beverage mixes Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.838 Properties: Cream plastic; water-disp.; HLB 10.5; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 88-98; hyd. no. 44-60; nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: 0.1% max. (frozen desserts), 0.32% max. (cakes, icings), 0.4% max. (whipped toppings, coffee whiteners) Storage: Store sealed in a cool, dry place away from odor-producing substances; 180 day storage life @ 40-95 F Durfax® 80 [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 80 CAS 9005-65-6 Uses: Emulsifier for foods, frozen desserts, whipped toppings, shortenings; solubilizer, dispersant in pickles, vitamins; yeast defoamer Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.840 Properties: Yel. liq.; water-sol.; HLB 15.0; acid no. 3 max.; sapon. no. 45-55; hyd. no. 65-80; nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: 0.1% max. (frozen desserts), 0.4% max. (whipped toppings), 1% max. (shortenings), 4 ppm max. (yeast) Storage: Store sealed in a cool, dry place away 244
Part I: Trade Name Reference from odor-producing substances; 180 day storage life @ 40-95 F Durfax® EOM [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-20 glyceryl stearate CAS 68153-76-4 Uses: Emulsifier for foods, cakes, icings; dough conditioner in yeast-raised bakery goods; bakery hydrates Properties: Plastic; HLB 13.5; sapon. no. 65-75; hyd. no. 65-80; nonionic; 100% conc. Durfax® EOM K [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-20 glyceryl stearate CAS 68153-76-4 Uses: Emulsifier for foods; dough conditioner Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Paste; m.p. 80-85 F; HLB 13.1; nonionic; 100% act. Durkex 100BHA [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Partially hydrogenated soybean oil with BHA to protect flavor See BHA; Hydrogenated soybean oil Uses: Higher stability oil used in frying (snacks, potato chips), coating/spraying (crackers, croutons), antidusting (spices, grains, dry mixes), moisture barrier (ready-to-freeze breads), color/flavor carrier, clouding agent, lubricant; confectionery Features: Stability approximately three times greater than ordinary salad oil Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to yel. crystalline matrix or liq.; insol. in water; m.p. 3.2-122 F; flash pt. 260 C Precaution: Avoid excessive heating Storage: Store in an area free of undesirable odors @18-35 C Durkex 500 [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Partially hydrogenated veg. oil (cottonseed, soybean) See Hydrogenated vegetable oil CAS 68334-28-1; EINECS/ELINCS 269-820-6 Uses: High stability oil for coating/spraying (dried fruit, crackers), frying/roasting (nuts), antidusting (gravies, soups), color/flavor carrier, lubricant, moisture barrier, min./coconut oil replacement, in confectionery, nondairy veg. prods. Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Wh. to yel. crystalline matrix or liq.; insol. in water; m.p. 3.2-122 F; flash pt. 260 C Precaution: Avoid excessive heating and inh. of veg. oil mists Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Durkex™ NT 100 [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Palm oil See Palm (Elaeis guineensis) oil CAS 8002-75-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-316-1 Uses: High stability oil for coating/spraying (dried fruit, crackers), frying/roasting (nuts), antidusting (gravies, soups), color/flavor carrier, lubricant, moisture barrier, min./coconut oil replacement, in confectionery, nondairy veg. prods. Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Wh. to yel. crystalline matrix or liq.; insol. in water; m.p. 3.2-122 F; flash pt. 260 C Toxicology: Dermatitis could result from prolonged residence of oil on skin of allergy sensitive individuals Precaution: Avoid excessive heating and inh. of veg. oil mists Storage: Store in an area free of undesirable odors @18-35 C Durlac® 100W [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl lactopalmitate/stearate with citric acid to protect flavor Uses: Emulsifier, aerating agent for prepared food mixes, whipped toppings, veg. dairy systems, cakes, cake shortenings; confectionery gloss enhancer Features: Alpha-tending Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.852, EU, DK, FAO/WHO clearance Properties: Lovibond 10R max. flake, tart flavor; m.p. 46-54 C;HLB 2.4; acid no. 5 max.; iodine no. 5 max.; sapon. no. 245-260; flash pt. > 148 C; fire pt. > 148 C; nonionic; 100% conc., 610% mono Use Level: 4-10% (cake shortening), 5-10% fat basis (whipped toppings), 3-5% (instant desserts), 1-3% fat basis (confectionery coatings) Storage: Store in cool, dry place away from odor-producing substances; reseal between use Dur-Lo® [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides with BHA and citric acid to help protect flavor See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for reduced-fat foods; fat replacement or reduction in sour dressings and other veg. dairy systems, bakery cake mixes, cookies Regulatory: GRAS; kosher 245
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Ivory plastic; m.p. 111-122 F; HLB 2.1; iodine no. 66-70; 100% conc., 17-22% alpha mono Use Level: 50% Dur-Lo and 50% water to replace fat in a formula Storage: Store sealed away from odor-producing substances; 6 mo storage life at 65-80 F Durtan® 60 [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan stearate CAS 1338-41-6; EINECS/ELINCS 215-664-9 Uses: Emulsifier, gloss aid for foods, chocolate coatings, cakes, icing, whipped topping, coffee whiteners, confectionery coatings, beverage mixes; syn. flavoring agent Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.842; kosher Properties: Cream flakes; HLB 4.7; acid no. 510; sapon. no. 147-157; hyd. no. 235-260; nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: 0.61% max. (cake), 0.4% max. (whipped toppings, coffee whiteners), 0.7% max. icings, 1% max. (confectionery coatings) Storage: Store sealed in a cool, dry place away from odor-producing substances; 180 day storage life @ 40-80 F Durtan® 65 [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan tristearate Chem. Analysis: 1% moisture CAS 26658-19-5; EINECS/ELINCS 247-891-4 Uses: Emulsifier, gloss aid, bloom inhibitor in compd. coatings and chocolate Features: Inhibits formation of bloom; improves initial gloss Regulatory: FDA GRAS, kosher Properties: Gardner 3 max. cream/flake; capillary m.p. 53-56 C; acid no. 15 max.; sapon. no. 176-188; hyd. no. 66-80; nonionic; 1% moisture Use Level: 0.5-1.0% Storage: Store between 4-27 C; keep away from undesirable odors Dynacet® 211P [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Acetylated monoglycerides of edible fatty acids See Acetylated monoand diglycerides of fatty acids CAS 68990-55-6 Uses: Emulsifier for foods; fat base for prep. of dip coatings; coating agent for Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
shortenings, toppings, meat and sausages; stabilizer in whipping masses and ice cream Regulatory: USP, E472a Properties: Waxy solid; nonionic Dynacet® 212P [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Acetylated monoglycerides of edible fatty acids See Acetylated monoand diglycerides of fatty acids CAS 68990-55-6 Uses: Emulsifier for foods; fat base for prep. of dip coatings; coating agent for shortenings, toppings, meat and sausages; stabilizer in whipping masses and ice cream Properties: Waxy solid; m.p. 35 C; acid no. 1 max.; iodine no. 3 max.; sapon. no. 350; nonionic; 100% conc. Dynacet® 285 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Diacetylated monoglycerides Uses: Lubricant, release agent in prod. of sausage casings Regulatory: USP, CFR §172.828 , E472a Properties: Cl. liq.; dens. 0.98 kg/dm3; visc. 45 mPa·s; acid no. 0.3 max.; iodine no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 385-415 Dynasan® 114 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com; Eigenmann & Veronelli http://www.eigver.it] Chem. Descrip.: Trimyristin CAS 555-45-3; EINECS/ELINCS 209-099-7 Uses: Binder, lubricant for compressed confectioneries Properties: Wh. powd./flakes; m.p. 55-58 C; cl. pt. 57 C; acid no. 1.0 max.; iodine no. 1 max.; sapon. no. 230-238 Environmental: environmentally compat. Dynasan® 116 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. 246
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tripalmitin CAS 555-44-2; EINECS/ELINCS 209-098-1 Uses: Aux. in prod. of compressed sweets Regulatory: JCIC Properties: Wh. microcryst. powd.; sol. in ether and benzene; m.p. 61-65 C; cl. pt. 63 C; acid no. 0.5 max.; iodine no. 1 max.; sapon. no. 205-215 Environmental: environmentally compat. Dynasan® 118 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tristearin CAS 555-43-1; EINECS/ELINCS 209-097-6 Uses: Crystallization accelerator in chocolate, compound coatings, and other fat prods.; lubricant in cakes, prod. of compressed sweets Regulatory: CFR 21 §172.811, JCIC Properties: Wh. microcryst. powd./flakes; sol. in ether and benzene; m.p. 69-73 C; cl. pt. 71 C; acid no. 0.5 max.; iodine no. 1 max.; sapon. no. 186-192; nonionic Environmental: environmentally compat. Dynasan® 120 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerides, triglycerides and derivs. Uses: Aux. in prod. of compressed sweets Properties: Microfine powd. Dynasan® P60 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated palm oil EINECS/ELINCS 271-056-3 Uses: Consistency regulator for fats and fat preps.; coating fat for salt, spices, citric acid; stabilizer to prevent oil separation in nut pastes Regulatory: USP Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; m.p. 58-62 C; acid no. 0.3 max.; iodine no. 3 max.; sapon. no. 190-210; hydroxyl no. 10 max. Environmental: environmentally compat.
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Eastman® DEP [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: Diethyl phthalate CAS 84-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 201-550-6 Uses: Chem. raw material and flavor extractant for flavors and fragrances Regulatory: SARA §311/312 acute health hazard, §313 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EINECS, Australia AICS, Japan MITI, Korea ECL listed Properties: Colorless cl. liq.; odorless; sol. 0.12 g/l in water; sp.gr. 1.12 (20/20 C); dens. 9.32 lb/gal (20 C); visc. 9.5 mPa·s; vapor pressure 0.0005 mbar (20 C); f.p. < -50 C; b.p. 298 C; flash pt. (COC) 161 C; autoignition temp. 457 C; 100% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 9000 mg/kg, (skin, guinea pig) > 20 ml/kg; LC50 (inh., rat, 6 h) > 4.64 mg/l; ACGIH TLV/TWA 5 mg/m3; low hazard; sl. eye/skin irritant; TSCA listed Environmental: BOD5 2000 mg/g; COD 16602100 mg/g; LC50 (rainbow trout, 96 h) 12 mg/l, NOEC 3.8 mg/l, (fathead minnow, 96 h) 17 mg/l, NOEC 4 mg/l; EC50 (daphnia, 48 h) 86 mg/l; prevent runoff from entering drains, sewers, streams Precaution: Reacts with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2 HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in closed containers Eastman® Glacial Acetic Acid Food Grade, Kosher [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glacial acetic acid FCC See Acetic acid, glacial CAS 64-19-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-580-7 Uses: Acidulant, flavor enhancer, carrier, formulating aid, curing agent, preservative in food processing (baked goods, fats, oils, milk prods., frozen dairy prods., processed fruit, condiments, relishes, soft candy, sweet sauce, gelatin, puddings, snack foods, soft beverages) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1005, GRAS; kosher; DOT regulated; SARA §311/312 fire hazard, immediate (acute) health hazard; Canada DSL listed Properties: Colorless liq.; pungent vinegar odor; completely sol. in water; m.w. 60.06; sp.gr. 1.051 (20 C); visc. 1.22 cps (20 C); vapor pressure 11.4 mm Hg (20 C); f.p. 16.4 C; b.p. 118 C; flash pt. (TCC) 42 C; ref. index 1.3698; 247
Part I: Trade Name Reference pH 2.4 (60 g/l water); 99.5-100.5% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3310-3530 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 1060 mg/kg; causes severe eye/skin burns; vapor is irritating by inh., eye contact; harmful if swallowed; ing. may cause burns of GI tract; TSCA listed Environmental: COD 1.03 g oxygen/g; BOD-5 0.34-0.88 g oxygen/g; LC50 (daphnia, 96 h) > 100 mg/l; biodeg.; strongly acidic aq. sol'n.; may cause adverse environmental effects; high BOD; potential to cause oxygen depletion in aq. systems Precaution: Combustible liq. and vapor; can react violently with strong oxidizing agents; can react with metals, strong bases, amines Storage: Keep container closed; keep away from heat and flame Eastman® Propionic Acid, Food Grade, Kosher [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propionic acid CAS 79-09-4; EINECS/ELINCS 201-176-3 Uses: Preservative, mold inhibitor, acidulant, flavor enhancer, carrier, formulating aid, curing agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1081, GRAS; kosher; DOT regulated; SARA §311/312 fire hazard, immediate (acute) health hazard; Canada DSL listed Properties: Colorless liq.; pungent odor; completely sol. in water; sp.gr. 0.993 (20 C); vapor pressure 1 mm Hg (5 C); f.p. -21 C; b.p. 141 C; flash pt. (TCC) 52 C; 100% act. Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 10 ppm; LD50 (oral, rat) 2600-4260 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 496 mg/kg; causes severe skin/eye burns; harmful if swallowed; mist or vapor irritating to eyes and respiratory tract; TSCA listed Environmental: COD 1400 mg/g; BOD-5 3601300 mg/g; LC50 (daphnia, 24 h) 130 mg/l; mod. acidic aq. sol'n.; may cause adverse environmental effects Precaution: Combustible liq. or vapor; reacts with metals, strong bases, amines, strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2 HMIS: Health 3, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep container closed Eastman® Propionic Anhydride, Kosher [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propionic anhydride CAS 123-62-6 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Flavoring agent Regulatory: SARA §311/312 immediate (acute) health hazard, fire hazard, §313 nonreportable Properties: Colorless liq.; pungent odor; dec. in water; m.w. 130.14; sp.gr. 1.007 (24 C); dens. 8.44 lb/gal (20 C); visc. 1.16 cP; vapor pressure 1.33 mbar (21 C); f.p. -45 C; b.p. 167 C; flash pt. (TCC) 63 C; ref. index 1.4022 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2360 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 10.07 g/kg; causes eye and skin burns; harmful if swallowed; mist or vapor irritating to eyes and respiratory tract; TSCA listed Environmental: mod. acidic aq. sol'n.; may cause adverse environmental effects Precaution: Combustible liq. and vapor; reacts with water; contents may develop pressure if exposed to water; reacts with metals, strong bases, amines; reacts violently with strong oxidizing agents HMIS: Health 3, Flammability 2, Reactivity 1 Storage: Keep container closed; keep away from heat and flame Eastman® Triacetin, Food Grade [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: Triacetin CAS 102-76-1; EINECS/ELINCS 203-051-9 Uses: Food additive; flavorings; animal feeds; pet foods; syn. flavoring agent Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1901, GRAS; avail. in kosher grade; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable; Canada DSL listed Properties: Colorless liq.; sl. odor; mod. sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.16 (24 C); visc. 17.4 cps; vapor pressure 1.33 mbar (100 C); f.p. 3 C; b.p. 258 C; decomp. pt. 265 C; flash pt. (COC) 153.3 C; ref. index 1.429-1.431; 99.5% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 6400-12,800 mg/kg, (skin, guinea pig) > 20 ml/kg; sl. skin/eye irritant; nonsensitizing to skin; TSCA listed Environmental: LC50 (fathead minnow, 96 h) > 165 mg/l; EC50 (daphnia, 48 h) > 811 mg/l Precaution: Reacts with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2 HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep container closed EC-25® [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol mono- and diesters of fats and fatty acids, mono- and 248
Part I: Trade Name Reference diglycerides, partially hydrogenated soybean oil, lecithin, BHT, citric acid See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for foods, cakes, cake mixes, cookies, reduced-fat foods Features: Used with all-purpose shortenings for conventional cakes or with emulsified shortenings for very lean cakes, cookies, fatreduced foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.856; kosher Properties: Lt. straw plastic; m.p. 90-100 F; HLB 2.6; nonionic; 100% act., 34-38% propylene glycol monoester Use Level: 12-25% of fat (layer cake), 5-10% (dry mixes), 15-25% of fat (soft cookies) Storage: Store sealed in cool, dry place away from odor-producing substances; 6 mo storage life at 65-85 F Ecco Wax M-85 [Eastern Color & Chem. http://easterncolor.net] Chem. Descrip.: Highly refined microcrystalline wax CAS 63231-60-7; EINECS/ELINCS 264-038-1 Uses: Protective coating on raw fruits/vegetables; masticatory substance in chewing gum base Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.886, 178.3710 Properties: Water-wh. wax; flash pt. (COC) 550 F; congealing pt. 185 F Ecco Wax MM-5 [Eastern Color & Chem. http://easterncolor.net] Chem. Descrip.: Microcrystalline wax CAS 63231-60-7; EINECS/ELINCS 264-038-1 Uses: Protective coating on raw fruits/vegetables; masticatory substance in chewing gum base Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.886, 178.3710 Properties: Wh. medium-firm wax; odorless; insol. in water; sp. gr. 0.940; b.p. 650 F; flash pt. (COC) 535 F Toxicology: Eye irritant; mild skin irritant Precaution: Wear protective glasses or face shield and impervious gloves Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. COx and other noxious vapors Econo Divider Oil [Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Vegetable oil-based Uses: Lubricant for use specifically in Mono® dough dividers, in small bakeries and instore operations Features: Contains no min. hydrocarbons (wh. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
oils) Economix Gelatin [Vyse Gelatin http://www.vyse.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Type A porkskin gelatin, 150 bloom See Gelatin CAS 9000-70-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-554-6 Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, gellant, texturizer in foods Features: General purpose grade Edenor® NHTi/3 [Cognis/Chems. Group http://www.cognis-us.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated tallow glycerides CAS 67701-27-3; EINECS/ELINCS 266-945-8 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Properties: Wh. liq.; odorless; m.p. 56-61 C; acid no. 0-3; iodine no. (Wijs) 0-1; sapon. no. 191202 Storage: 2 wk stability when stored in refined steel or Al tanks @ 70-80 C; 8 wk stability if kept under nitrogen blanket; prod. color may intensify during longer storage without affecting quality Edible Beef Gelatin [GMI Prods. http://www.gmi-originates.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Type B or calfskin gelatin See Gelatin CAS 9000-70-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-554-6 Uses: Edible protein for foods, wine/beer/juice clarification, dietetic uses Regulatory: GRAS Properties: Pale yel. vitreous brittle solid, nearly odorless and tasteless; sol. in warm water; swells due to hydration in cold water; sp.gr. 1.2; dens. 1.3-1.4; b.p. > 100 C (dec.); pH 5.07.5; flash pt. nonflamm.; 9-13% moisture Toxicology: Nuisance dust; contact with dust causes mild eye irritation; inhaling dust may cause respiratory irritation Environmental: biodeg. Storage: Store in airtight containers @ R.T.; avoid exposure to water or excessive heat Edible Kosher Beef Gelatin [GMI Prods. http://www.gmi-originates.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Gelatin CAS 9000-70-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-554-6 Uses: Gellant for desserts, confectionery, lunch meats; whipping agent in marshmallows, mousses; protective colloid in confectionery, ice cream; binder in canned meats, cheeses, dairy; clarifier in beer, wine, juices; film-former in fruit 249
Part I: Trade Name Reference coatings; thickener, emulsifier, stabilizer in foods; processing aid for microencapsulation of colors, flavors, vitamins Properties: Completely sol. in hot water; pH 5.26.2; 8-12% moisture Storage: Store in airtight containers @ R.T.; avoid exposure to water or excessive heat Edicol® [Lucid Colloids http://www.lucidgroup.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Rheology control agent, visc. builder, thickener, processing aid, binder, protective colloid, dough improver in cheese, baked goods, beverages, canned foods, soups, salad dressing, feeds; ice crystal preventer; stabilizer in sour dairy prods.; nat. flavoring agent Properties: Wh. to cream-wh. powd., sl. char. grassy or beany odor, neutral taste; sol. in hot and cold water; nonionic Edigel® 100 Powder Wheat Starch [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat starch See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch Chem. Analysis: 8% moisture; 3.5% protein; 0.6% ash CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Filler, binder for sausage extrusion and pelletized foods Properties: Off-wh. powd.; pH 3.8 Edigel® 201 Powder Wheat Starch [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat starch See Starch Chem. Analysis: 8% moisture; 3.5% protein; 0.6% ash CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Filler, binder for bakery mixes, cakes, muffins, donuts, breadings, soups, cereals Properties: Off-wh. powd.; pH 4.0 EE 90 FX [DMV Int'l. http://www.dmvinternational.com] Chem. Descrip.: egg albumin-hydrolyzate See Albumen CAS 9006-50-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-936-2 Uses: Dietary supplement designed for suboptimal amino acid profile of other dietary proteins in nutritional diet and protein supplements Features: High levels of essential amino acids; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
readily available poly and short chain peptides; high biological value protein EFICACIA™ [Colloides Naturels Int'l. http://www.cniworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Acacia gum See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Emulsion stabilizer for flavors, beverages (soft drinks) Features: Not chemically modified, GMO-free Properties: 100% Use Level: 4-7% in liquid emulsions Egg White Solids Type EP-1 [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrolyzed egg white See Egg whites Uses: Nutrient for foods and beverages Features: High protein; applic. for heating and retorting; will not coagulate Storage: Exc. shelf stability Egg White Solids Type K-200 [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dehydrated egg whites Uses: Gellant, water binder for meats, meat analogues, and breadings Features: High gel str.; forms opaque gel Storage: Exc. shelf stability Egg White Solids Type P-18 [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dehydrated egg whites with sodium lauryl sulfate as whipping aid See Albumen Uses: Whipping agent for confectionery Egg White Solids Type P-18G [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dehydrated egg whites without additives See Albumen CAS 9006-50-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-936-2 Uses: A whipping egg white used in aerated confections or where clarity of sol'n. is important. Egg White Solids Type P-18-J [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Egg white See Egg whites Uses: Whipping agent in aerated confections or where sugar carrying props. are important Features: No additives Storage: Exc. shelf stability Egg White Solids Type P-19 [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dehydrated egg whites See Albumen 250
Part I: Trade Name Reference CAS 9006-50-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-936-2 Uses: Ingred. for bakery and confectionery applics. Features: Similar to P-20 except it does not contain whipping additives Egg White Solids Type P-20 [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Albumen Chem. Analysis: 8% max. moisture CAS 9006-50-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-936-2 Uses: Emulsifier, protective colloid, foaming agent for large commercial bakeries, angel food cakes, meringues, toppings, chiffon pies, candy Features: 80% min. protein; extremely rapid foaming Properties: Powd., bland odor; 100% through 80 mesh, 90% through 100 mesh; pH 6.5-7.5 Storage: Store dry, no refrigeration needed Egg White Solids Type P-20 CMC [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dehydrated egg whites, cellulose gum See Albumen; Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Uses: Emulsifier, protective colloid, foaming agent for large commercial bakeries, angel food cakes, meringues, toppings, chiffon pies, candy Features: Combines foaming props. of P-20 with exc. foam stability by addition of cellulose gum Egg White Solids Type P-21 [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dehydrated egg whites See Albumen CAS 9006-50-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-936-2 Uses: Flavoring agent for use alone or with yolk to prepare omelets, custards, etc. Egg White Solids Type P-39 [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dehydrated egg whites See Albumen CAS 9006-50-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-936-2 Uses: Gellant, binder for meat and seafood; fat replacer Features: pH similar to freshly broken liq. egg white; low cholesterol Egg White Solids Type P-110 [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dehydrated egg whites See Albumen CAS 9006-50-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-936-2 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Binder, coagulant for foods Features: Contains all egg white proteins in natural proportion Egg Yolk Solids Type Y-1 [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dried egg yolk with 40-60 ppm β-carotene color Uses: Food ingred. for sweet doughs, cake mixes, baby foods, sauces, pie fillings, egg noodles, ice cream, eggnog, mayonnaise, salad dressings Features: 30% min. protein, 56% min. fat Properties: Powd.; 100% through 16 mesh; pH 6.5±0.3; 5% max. moisture Storage: Store @ 40-50 F for storage over 30 days Egg Yolk Solids Type Y-1-FF [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dehydrated egg yolk with sodium silicoaluminate See Dried egg yolk Uses: Visc. builder, stabilizer for mayonnaise and salad dressings Features: Contains free-flow agent Use Level: 1 lb/1¼ lb water to replace 2¼ lb liq. or frozen yolk Egg Yolk Solids Type Y-2 [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dehydrated egg yolk stabilized by removal of natural glucose See Dried egg yolk Uses: Ingred. for cake mixes, frozen doughs, and other foods where long shelf life is required Egg Yolk Solids Type Y-2-FF [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dehydrated egg yolk stabilized by removal of natural glucose contg. free-flow agent See Dried egg yolk Uses: Ingred. for cake mixes, frozen doughs, and other foods where long shelf life is required Eisai Natural Vitamin E Series [Eisai http://www.eisai.co.jp/index-e.html; Unipex http://www.unipex.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mixt. of α, β, γ, and δ tocopherols See Tocopherol CAS 1406-18-4; EINECS/ELINCS 215-798-8 Uses: Antioxidant for foods; stabilizer for animal fats, vegetable oils, processed foods, liposoluble vitamins; prevents discoloration and browning of colorants 251
Part I: Trade Name Reference Regulatory: USA GRAS Properties: Oil, emulsion, or emulsified powd. Use Level: 0.02-0.1% of fat and oil content Eleggance™ [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Whey protein concentrate, potato starch, sodium stearoyl lactylate See Starch; Whey protein Chem. Analysis: ≈ 8% moisture CAS 84082-51-9; 9005-25-8; 25383-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 281-998-7; 232-686-4; 246929-7 Uses: Egg replacement Features: Superior textural and organoleptic properties Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892, 182.1, 184.1979; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Cream to yel. powd.; starch odor; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%) Use Level: Liq. whole eggs, yolks, and eggwhites (fresh or frozen), replace 100% egg with 25% of this prod. and 75% liq. or water (by wt.); for dried egg, replace 100% of this prod. Toxicology: Low oral toxicity; particulates may scratch eye surface and cause mech. irritation; nontoxic Precaution: Wear safety glasses; potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Eliane™ 100 [Avebe http://www.avebe.com] Chem. Descrip.: Native potato starch See Starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Thickener for powdered soups and sauces Features: Higher visc. than dried potato starch; easy to reconstitute without lumping; clean, neutral flavor profile; exc. clarity Eliane™ BC 110 [Avebe http://www.avebe.com] Chem. Descrip.: Amylopectin potato starch See Starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Thickener for clear dressings Features: Ultra high clarity; pourable texture; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
exc. process stability; clean, neutral flavor profile Eliane™ BC 140 [Avebe http://www.avebe.com] Chem. Descrip.: potato starch See Starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Thickener for instant fruit fillings Features: Ultra clarity; pure fruit flavor; good baking quality; allows dosage reductions of 20% compared to currently used starches Eliane™ BC 160 [Avebe http://www.avebe.com] Chem. Descrip.: Potato starch See Starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Stabilizer, thickener for instant bakery cream Features: Excellent texture and mouthfeel; cost saving through lower dosage Eliane™ VC 120 [Avebe http://www.avebe.com] Chem. Descrip.: Potato starch See Starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Thickener for clear dressings Features: Ultra high clarity; pourable texture; exc. process stability; clean, neutral flavor profile EM 6 [DMV Int'l. http://www.dmvinternational.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium caseinate CAS 9005-46-3 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer for meat prods. (emulsified sausages, meatballs, meat loaves), dips, spreads, cream soups, nondairy creamers, imitation cheese Features: Exc. heat stability; insensitive to salt Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1748 GRAS Properties: Lt. cream color; 100% through 20 mesh; clean, bland flavor/odor; very sol. in water; easy to disperse and dissolve in brines; bulk dens. 0.53 g/ml (tapped); visc. 3.0 mPa·s; pH 6.8 (10%, 20 C); protein (89.5%) Use Level: 1-2% (meat prods.) Storage: 2 yr. shelf life when stored < 25 C and < 70% r.h. in original sealed bags; store in cool, dry environment EM 7 [DMV Int'l. http://www.dmvinternational.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium caseinate CAS 9005-46-3 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer for yogurt, toppings, nondairy creamers, emulsified meats, and spreads Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1748, GRAS Properties: Lt. cream spray-dried powd.; 100% 252
Part I: Trade Name Reference through 20 mesh; clean, bland flavor and odor; sol. in water (> 99%); dens. 0.50 g/ml (tapped); visc. 2 Pa·s (15%, 20 C); pH 6.8-7.0 (10%, 20 C) Storage: 2 yr. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry environment; store at least 25 C and < 70% humidity in original, sealed bags EM 9N [DMV Int'l. http://www.dmvinternational.com] Chem. Descrip.: Milk protein Chem. Analysis: 90.5% protein; 5% moisture; 3.5% (825C) ash; 0.8% fat; 1550 kJ/100 g CAS 9000-71-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-555-1 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, structure improver, nutritional supplement, and calcium source for nutritional beverages, powdered dietetic prods., protein bars, processed cheese, imitation cheese, and a range of processed meat and poultry prods.; salted jellies of this are used in meat products to improve firmness, sliceability and process yields Features: Solutions characterized by low visc. and opaque appearance; conc. sol'ns. attain high, jelly-like visc. if 1-2% salt is added Properties: Wh. to cream powd.; neutral taste; bulk dens. 475 g/l; pH (10% sol'n.) 6.8 Storage: Shelf life 2 yrs. when stored in odorfree conditions @ 5-25 C and ≤ 70% h.h. in sealed orig. pkg. EM 12 [DMV USA http://www.dmvinternational.com] Chem. Descrip.: Milk protein prepared from fresh curd casein; trisodium citrate, and sodium ascorbate Chem. Analysis: 85.5% protein; 5% moisture; 2% (825 C) ash; 1% fat; 1500 kJ/100 g CAS 9000-71-9; 68-04-2; 134-03-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-555-1; 200-675-3; 205126-1 Uses: Binder in fermented, dry and semi-dry sausages; improves firmness and sliceability of meat prods.; contributes to shorter ripening period and higher production yield Features: Added as a dry powder to the meat/fat blend in the bowl chopper or in the mincing/mixing process Properties: Wh. to cream powd. neutral odor and taste Storage: Shelf life 2 yrs. when stored in odorfree conditions @ 5-25 C and ≤ 70% r.h. in Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
sealed orig. pkg. EM 14 [DMV USA http://www.dmvinternational.com] Chem. Descrip.: Milk protein prepared from fresh curd casein; Sodium bicarbonate as an acidity regulator Chem. Analysis: 82% protein; 9% moisture; 7.7% (825 C) ash; 1% fat; 1420 kJ/100 g; 0.3% lactose CAS 9000-71-9; 144-55-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232555-1; 205-633-8 Uses: Binder in fermented, dry and semi-dry sausages; improves firmness and sliceability of meat prods.; contributes to shorter ripening period and higher production yield Features: Exc. dispersing and dissolving props.; when brushed or sprayed on item, it gives a glossy coating to the finished baked prod. Properties: Wh. to cream powd. neutral odor and taste; sol. in water (>99%); bulk dens. 800 g/l Storage: Shelf life 2 yrs. when stored in odorfree conditions @ 5-25 C and ≤ 70% r.h. in sealed orig. pkg. EM 20 [DMV Int'l. http://www.dmvinternational.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium caseinate CAS 9005-46-3 Uses: Emulsifier providing structure to meat and poultry prods., processed cheese, pasta prods. EM 25 [DMV Int'l. http://www.dmvinternational.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium caseinate CAS 9005-46-3 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, flavor enhancer, texturizer for emulsified meat and poultry prods., sausages, meat loaves, liver prods., luncheon meats, hams Features: Good heat stability; insensitive to salt Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1748 Properties: Lt. cream powd.; 100% through 20 mesh; clean/bland odor and taste; completely sol. in water; bulk dens. 0.53 g/ml (tapped); visc. 1.5 Pa·s (15%, 20 C); pH 6.8 (10%, 20 C); protein (90%); fat (0.8%); moisture (5%) Storage: 2 yr. shelf life when stored below 25 C and < 70% r.h. in original, sealed bags; store in cool, dry environment EM LV [DMV Int'l. http://www.dmvinternational.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium caseinate and soya 253
Part I: Trade Name Reference lecithin See Lecithin Chem. Analysis: 90% protein; 5% moisture; 4% (825C) ash; 1% fat; 1560 kJ/100 g CAS 9005-46-3; 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, protein source in meat prods. Features: Keeps visc. of meat emulsions and brines low Properties: Wh. to cream powd.; neutral taste; bulk dens. 525 g/l; pH (10% sol'n.) 6.8; visc. 1.50 Pa.s Storage: Shelf life 2 yrs. when stored in odorfree conditions @ 5-25 C and ≤ 70% h.h. in sealed orig. pkg. Ema-Up KM-100 [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Distilled monoglyceride, polyglycerol ester of fatty acids, caseinate Uses: Sponge cake emulsifier Properties: Powd. Emalex DISG-2EX [Nihon Emulsion http://www.nihon-emulsion.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Diglyceryl diisostearate See Polyglyceryl-2 diisostearate CAS 67938-21-0; EINECS/ELINCS 267-821-6 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Regulatory: JCID compliance Properties: Pale yel. liq.; HLB 2; nonionic Emalex DISG-3EX [Nihon Emulsion http://www.nihon-emulsion.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-3 diisostearate CAS 85404-84-8; EINECS/ELINCS 291-548-1 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Regulatory: JCID compliance Properties: Pale yel. liq.; HLB 4; nonionic Emalex DISG-5 [Nihon Emulsion http://www.nihon-emulsion.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-5 diisostearate CAS 63705-03-3 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Properties: Cream-colored wax; HLB 6; nonionic Emalex DISG-10EX [Nihon Emulsion http://www.nihon-emulsion.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-10 diisostearate CAS 102033-55-6 Uses: Emulsifier in foods Properties: Nonionic Emalex DSG-2 [Nihon Emulsion http://www.nihon-emulsion.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-2 distearate Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 9009-32-9 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Properties: Cream-colored solid; HLB 2; nonionic Emalex DSG-3 [Nihon Emulsion http://www.nihon-emulsion.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-3 distearate CAS 94423-19-5 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Properties: Cream-colored solid; HLB 3; nonionic Emalex DSG-5 [Nihon Emulsion http://www.nihon-emulsion.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-5 distearate Uses: Emulsifier for foods Properties: Cream-colored solid; HLB 6; nonionic Emalex DSG-6 [Nihon Emulsion http://www.nihon-emulsion.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-6 distearate CAS 9009-32-9; EINECS/ELINCS 252-010-1 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Properties: Nonionic Emalex GMS-B [Nihon Emulsion http://www.nihon-emulsion.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl monostearate See Glyceryl stearate CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Surfactant for foods Features: Lipophilic Regulatory: JSCI compliance Properties: Cream-colored beads; HLB 5; nonionic Emalex GMS-F [Nihon Emulsion http://www.nihon-emulsion.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Surfactant for foods Properties: Cream beads, HLB 5; nonionic Emalex MOG-2 [Nihon Emulsion http://www.nihon-emulsion.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-2 oleate CAS 9007-48-1; EINECS/ELINCS 256-367-4 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Emalex MSG-2 [Nihon Emulsion http://www.nihon-emulsion.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Diglyceryl monostearate See Polyglyceryl-2 stearate CAS 12694-22-3; EINECS/ELINCS 235-777-7 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Regulatory: JCID compliance 254
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Cream-colored solid; HLB 7; nonionic Emalex MSG-2MA [Nihon Emulsion http://www.nihon-emulsion.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Diglyceryl monostearate See Polyglyceryl-2 stearate CAS 12694-22-3; EINECS/ELINCS 235-777-7 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Regulatory: JCID compliance Properties: Cream-colored solid; HLB 5; nonionic Emalex MSG-2ME [Nihon Emulsion http://www.nihon-emulsion.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Diglyceryl monostearate See Polyglyceryl-2 stearate CAS 12694-22-3; EINECS/ELINCS 235-777-7 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Regulatory: JCID compliance Properties: Cream-colored solid; HLB 7; nonionic Emalex MSG-6K [Nihon Emulsion http://www.nihon-emulsion.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Hexaglyceryl monostearate See Polyglyceryl-6 stearate CAS 37349-34-1 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Properties: Pale yel. wax Emalex PGML [Nihon Emulsion http://www.nihon-emulsion.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol monolaurate See Propylene glycol laurate CAS 142-55-2; EINECS/ELINCS 205-542-3 Uses: Surfactant for foods Regulatory: JCID compliance Properties: Pale yel. oil; HLB 4; nonionic Emalex PGMS [Nihon Emulsion http://www.nihon-emulsion.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol monostearate See Propylene glycol stearate CAS 1323-39-3; EINECS/ELINCS 215-354-3 Uses: Surfactant for foods Regulatory: JSCI compliance Properties: Wh. powd.; HLB 2; nonionic Emalex TISG-2 [Nihon Emulsion http://www.nihon-emulsion.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Diglyceryl triisostearate See Polyglyceryl-2 triisostearate CAS 120486-24-0 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Regulatory: JCID compliance Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Pale yel. liq.; HLB 0; nonionic Emalex TISG-10 [Nihon Emulsion http://www.nihon-emulsion.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Decaglyceryl triisostearate See Polyglyceryl-10 triisostearate Uses: Emulsifier for foods Properties: Nonionic Emalex TSG-10 [Nihon Emulsion http://www.nihon-emulsion.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-10 tristearate See Polyglyceryl-10 tristearate CAS 9009-32-9 (generic) Uses: Emulsifier for foods Properties: HLB 8 Emalex VS-31 [Nihon Emulsion http://www.nihon-emulsion.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Mixt. of nonionic surfactants Uses: Solubilizer for oil-sol. vitamins Properties: Pale yel. soft paste; HLB 14; nonionic Emasol L-10(F) [Kao Corp. http://www.kao.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan monolaurate See Sorbitan laurate CAS 1338-39-2; EINECS/ELINCS 215-663-3 Uses: Emulsifier for foods, candy, whipped cream, coffee whiteners, caramel; emulsifier, foaming agent for flour paste Regulatory: Japan approved food additive; JHPA approved for food-contact Properties: Brn. oily liq.; sol. in ethanol, xylene; sol. hazy in water, hexane; visc. 230 mPa·s (60 C); f.p. 13-14 C; HLB 8.6; acid no. 4-7; sapon. no. 158-170; hyd. no. 330-358; nonionic; 100% conc. Emasol P-10(F) [Kao Corp. http://www.kao.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan monopalmitate See Sorbitan palmitate CAS 26266-57-9; EINECS/ELINCS 247-568-8 Uses: Emulsifier for foods, whipped cream, coffee whiteners, caramel; emulsifier, foaming agent for flour paste Regulatory: Japan approved food additive Properties: Ylsh. brn. beads; sol. in xylene; sol. hazy in water, hexane; disp. in ethanol; visc. 310 mPa·s (60 C); m.p. 46 C; HLB 6.7; acid no. 7.5 max.; sapon. no. 140-150; hyd. no. 275-305; nonionic; 100% conc.
Part I: Trade Name Reference EmCap 06376 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Starch sodium octenyl succinate Chem. Analysis: 6% moisture; 0.3% ash; 10 mg/kg max. SO2 Uses: Encapsulation aid, oxidation inhibitor, spray-drying agent, viscosity control agent in high fat systems, spices, and savory Features: Low visc.; cold-water soluble; easily dispersible; good oxidation resistance; lipophilic; can be used alone or in combination with maltodextrins or corn syrup solids to control viscosity with negligible impact on yield Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 and EC Directive 95/2/EC Properties: Bulk dens. (packed) 815 g/l; visc. (Brookfield) @ 30% solids 90 cps; pH 2.8 Precaution: Excessive dust is flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos. from date of manufacture; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity EmCap-Instant 12639 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch, modified Chem. Analysis: 5.5 % moisture; 0.5% ash CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Encapsulation aid, oxidation inhibitor, spray-drying agent, viscosity control agent in spray-dried citrus oils and essences, spray-dried and liquid clouds, spray-dried cheese and dairy flavors Features: Low visc.; superior cold-water soluble; easily dispersible; good oxidation resistance; lipophilic; can be used alone or in combination with maltodextrins or corn syrup solids to control viscosity with negligible impact on yield Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 and EC Directive 95/2/EC Properties: Bland flavor; particle size on US 80 Mesh 25%; bulk dens. (packed) 320 g/l; visc. (Brookfield) @ 30% solids 600 cps; pH 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dust is flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos. from date of manufacture; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Emersol® 6313 NF [Cognis http://www.cognis.de] Chem. Descrip.: Low-titer oleic acid USP/NF CAS 112-80-1; EINECS/ELINCS 204-007-1 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Lubricant, binder, defoamer, emulsifier, solubilizer for foods Features: Food grade Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.860; EPA exempt Properties: Lt. yel. cl. liq., fatty acid odor; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.891 (25/20 C); m.p. 14 C; b.p. 286 C (100 mm); acid no. 201-204; iodine no. 88-93; flash pt. (CC) 184-189 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 21.5 ml/kg; mild eye and skin irritant Storage: Store in closed containers away from heat and open flames; avoid contact with strong oxidizers, alkalis Emersol® 6320 [Cognis http://www.cognis.de] Chem. Descrip.: Stearic acid, double pressed CAS 57-11-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-313-4 Uses: Lubricant, binder, defoamer for foods Features: Food grade Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.860; EPA exempt Properties: Wh. waxy solid, fatty acid odor; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.85 (75/20 C); m.p. 52-57 C; b.p. 383 C; acid no. 205-210; iodine no. 3.55.0; flash pt. (COC) 185 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 10 g/kg; mild eye and skin irritant Storage: Stored in closed containers away from heat or open flames; avoid contact with strong oxidizers, alkalis Emersol® 6321 [Cognis/Chems. Group http://www.cognis-us.com] Chem. Descrip.: Low-titer wh. oleic acid USP/NF CAS 112-80-1; EINECS/ELINCS 204-007-1 Uses: Lubricant, binder, defoamer, emulsifier, solubilizer for foods Features: Food grade Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.860; EPA exempt Properties: Lt. cl. liq., fatty acid odor; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.891 (25/20 C); m.p. 14 C; b.p. 286 C (100 mm); acid no. 201-204; iodine no. 87-92; flash pt. (CC) 184-189 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 21.5 ml/kg; mild eye, moderate skin irritant Storage: Store in closed containers away from heat and open flames; avoid contact with strong oxidizers, alkalis Emersol® 6332 [Cognis http://www.cognis.de] Chem. Descrip.: Stearic acid, triple pressed USP/NF CAS 57-11-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-313-4 Uses: Lubricant, binder, defoamer, emulsifier for foods 256
Part I: Trade Name Reference Features: Food grade Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.860; EPA exempt Properties: Wh. waxy solid, fatty acid odor; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.85 (75/20 C); m.p. 52-57 C; b.p. 383 C; acid no. 205-211; iodine no. 0.5 max.; flash pt. (COC) 185 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 10 g/kg; mild eye and skin irritant Storage: Store in closed containers away from heat and open flames; avoid contact with strong oxidizers, alkalis Emersol® 6333 [Cognis http://www.cognis.de] Chem. Descrip.: Low-linoleic content oleic acid USP/NF CAS 112-80-1; EINECS/ELINCS 204-007-1 Uses: Lubricant, binder, defoamer, emulsifier, solubilizer Features: Food grade Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.860; EPA exempt Properties: Lt. cl. liq., fatty acid odor; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.891 (25/20 C); m.p. 14 C; b.p. 286 C (100 mm); acid no. 200-204; iodine no. 86-91; flash pt. (CC) 184-189 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 21.5 ml/kg; mild eye, moderate skin irritant Storage: Store in closed containers away from heat and open flames; avoid contact with strong oxidizers, alkalis Emersol® 6349 [Cognis http://www.cognis.de] Chem. Descrip.: Stearic acid CAS 57-11-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-313-4 Uses: Lubricant, binder, defoamer for foods Features: Food grade Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.860; EPA exempt Properties: Wh. waxy flakes, fatty acid odor; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.85 (75/25 C); m.p. 5960.5 C; b.p. 383 C (760 mm); acid no. 203206; iodine no. 0.5 max.; flash pt. (COC) 185 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 10 g/kg; mild eye irritant Storage: Keep in closed containers; avoid heat and open flames, contact with strong oxidizers and alkalis Emersol® 7036 [Cognis http://www.cognis.de] Chem. Descrip.: Stearic acid (46%), hexadecanoic acid (53%), and Tetradecanoic acid (1%) See Myristic acid; Palmitic acid CAS 57-11-4; 57-10-3; 544-63-8; EINECS/ELINCS 200-313-4; 200-312-9; 208875-2 Uses: Lubricant, binder, defoamer for foods Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Features: Food grade Regulatory: NF, kosher, free of chick edema factor; SARA §311/312, §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. waxy solid, fatty acid odor; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.85; m.p. 54-56 C; b.p. 215 C; flash pt. (COC) 365 F Toxicology: Nontoxic; not irritating to eyes or skin Precaution: Avoid contact with strong oxidizers, bases and acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in closed containers in cool, dry area Emery® 917 [Cognis/Chems. Group http://www.cognis-us.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerin CP/USP kosher CAS 56-81-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-289-5 Uses: Visc. modifier, flavor enhancer, solvent, humectant, thickener, and solubilizer in foods Properties: Water-wh. liq.; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.2607; m.p. 18 C; b.p. 171 C; flash pt. (CC) 199 C; 99.7% min. glycerol Toxicology: TLV:TWA 10 mg/m3 (mist); LD50 (oral, rat) 12.6 g/kg; mild eye irritant, moderate skin irritant; inhalation of mist may cause respiratory irritation Storage: Store in cool, dry area; avoid excessive heat, open flames; incompat. with strong acids and oxidizers EMG 20 K [Am. Ingreds./Patco http://www.patco-additives.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ethoxylated monodiglycerides, PEG (20) mono-diglycerides See Ethoxylated mono- and diglycerides CAS 61163-33-5 Uses: Emulsifier for foods, icings, whipped toppings, frozen desserts; dough strengthener in yeast-raised doughs Properties: Plastic; sapon. no. 65-75; hyd. no. 65-80 Empire NB-No Time Dough Conditioner [Am. Ingreds./Patco http://www.patcoadditives.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of conditioners, reducing agents, oxidizing agents Uses: Dough conditioner, dough strengthener for breads, rolls, bagels Features: Improves tolerance and machinability of dough; potassium bromate-free Regulatory: Kosher 257
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Powd. Use Level: 1% on flour wt. Emplex [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium stearoyl lactylate CAS 25383-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 246-929-7 Uses: Starch complexing agent, protein complexing agent for bakery prods.; emulsifier, conditioner, softener for processed foods, dehydrated potatoes, cheese substitutes, nondairy coffee whiteners, puddings, snack dips, sauces, and gravies Regulatory: FDA §172.846 Properties: Lt. tan powd., mild caramel odor; sol. in water and oil; acid no. 60-80; ester no. 150190; anionic; 100% conc., 3.5-5.0% sodium Use Level: 0.2-0.6%, 4-8 oz/cwt Storage: Store under cool, dry conditions (< 90 F) Emser® 555 [DMV USA http://www.dmvinternational.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrolyzed milk protein CAS 8049-98-7; EINECS/ELINCS 296-575-2 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, water binder, flavor enhancer for meat and poultry prods. (hot dogs, baloney, other full-fat and low-fat items); brine ingred. Features: Low dusting Properties: Cream colored powd.; 100% through 20 mesh; clean, salty flavor; easily disp. in water; bulk dens. 0.50 g/ml (tapped); low visc.; pH 6.3 (10%, 20 C); protein (57%), fat (3%), moisture (5%) Use Level: 1-2% Storage: 2 yr. shelf life when stored below 25 C and < 70% r.h. in original, sealed bags; store in cool, odor-free, dry environment Emser® 736 [DMV USA http://www.dmvinternational.com] Chem. Descrip.: Reduced lactose whey and hydrolyzed sodium caseinate See Whey, reduced lactose Chem. Analysis: 45% protein Uses: Emulsifier, water binder, flavor enhancer for meat and poultry prods. (sausages, whole muscle items, processed poultry) Features: Clean flavor and color; disp.; low visc. Use Level: 1-2% Storage: 2 yr. shelf life when stored below 25 C and < 70% r.h. in original, sealed bags; store Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
in cool, odor-free, dry environment Emulbesto 100 A [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soybean lecithin, acetylated See Acetylated lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: O/w emulsifier for improved feed utilization, calf milk replacement, piglet starters, fish feed; fat and protein enrichment Properties: Fluid; nonionic Emulbesto 100 E [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soybean lecithin, enzymatically modified See Lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: O/w emulsifier for improved feed utilization, calf milk replacement, piglet starters, fish feed; fat and protein enrichment Properties: Fluid; nonionic Emulfluid® [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Range of hydrophilic lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Fat emulsifier, stabilizer for prod. of foodstuffs (baked goods, margarine, infant formulas, pasta, powd. mixes, release agents) Properties: Liq.; water-disp.; amphoteric; 100% conc. Emulfluid® A [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Higher water dispersibility soy lecithin See Lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Emulsifier, dispersant, solubilizer for aq. systems, o/w emulsions; stabilizer for emulsions and dispersions in mfg. of foodstuffs (baked goods, margarine, infant formulas, powd. mixes, release agents) Properties: Char. odor; water-disp.; acid no. 25 max.; pH 6 (1%); 1% moisture Emulfluid® AS [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Emulsifier, coemulsifier, dispersant for high heat systems, baked goods, release agents Features: Heat-stable 258
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Higher water dispersibility Emulfluid® E [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin, enzymatically modified CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Emulsifier, dispersant for high-fat systems; baking additive for crisp breads, liq. sour doughs; coemulsifier; stabilizer, flavor enhancer improving frying chars. in margarine Properties: Enhanced water dispersibility Emulfluid® HL 66 [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Range of hydroxylated fluid soy lecithins See Hydroxylated lecithin CAS 8029-76-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-440-6 Uses: Emulsifier, dispersant for baked goods, confections, powd. mixes, chewing gums, esp. o/w emulsions Properties: Higher water dispersibility Emulgum™ [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Deoiled soya lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Softener, antistaling agent, moisture retention agent for foods, chewing gum Features: Aids freshness Properties: Powd. Emulpur™ N [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Deoiled soy lecithin See Lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Emulsifier, dispersant esp. for flavorsensitive systems, crackers, cookies, baked goods, powd. mixes, frozen doughs, ice cream Properties: Powd. Emulpur™ N P-1 [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Deoiled soybean lecithin fraction See Lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Emulsifier, release agent for foods, baked goods Features: Natural Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1400, GRAS Properties: Lt. tan to med. yel. powd., bland to sl. nut-like flavor; 90% < 0.315 mm; sol. @ 60 C in fat; disp. in water; pH 5.7-6.5; amphoteric; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
95% conc. Storage: Store below 25 C in sealed containers; sensitive to light; reclose drum immediately after opening Emulsi-Phos 440™ [ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com] Chem. Descrip.: Trisodium phosphate and insol. sodium metaphosphate See Sodium phosphate tribasic CAS 7601-54-9; 10361-03-2; EINECS/ELINCS 231-509-8; 233-782-9 Uses: Emulsifier, protein modifier in pasteurized process cheese Features: Food-grade Regulatory: FCC compliance Properties: Wh. anhyd. powd., no foreign odor; 0.2% max. on 10 mesh Toxicology: Causes eye burns, skin and respiratory tract irritation; avoid breathing dust Storage: Keep container closed; empty containers contain residue Emulsi-Phos 660™ [ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com] Chem. Descrip.: Trisodium phosphate and insol. sodium metaphosphate See Sodium phosphate tribasic CAS 7601-54-9; 10361-03-2; EINECS/ELINCS 231-509-8; 233-782-9 Uses: Emulsifier, protein modifier, visc. builder, melt regulator, bodying agent, hardener in pasteurized process cheese Features: Food-grade Regulatory: FCC compliance Properties: Wh. anhyd. powd., no foreign odor; 0.2% max. on 10 mesh Toxicology: Causes eye burns, skin and respiratory tract irritation; avoid breathing dust Storage: Keep container closed; empty containers contain residue Emulsi-Phos 990™ [ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com] Chem. Descrip.: Trisodium phosphate and insol. sodium metaphosphate See Sodium phosphate tribasic CAS 7601-54-9; 10361-03-2; EINECS/ELINCS 231-509-8; 233-782-9 Uses: Emulsifier, protein modifier, visc. control agent, bodying agent, melt regulator, hardener in pasteurized process cheese 259
Part I: Trade Name Reference Features: Food-grade Regulatory: FCC compliance Properties: Wh. anhyd. powd., no foreign odor; 0.2% max. on 10 mesh Toxicology: Causes eye burns, skin and respiratory tract irritation; avoid breathing dust Storage: Keep container closed; empty containers contain residue Emulthin M-35 [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Emulsifier, dispersant, wetting agent for foods, esp. for baking industry; release agent for waffles; flour improver Properties: Spray-dried powd.; amphoteric; 50% conc. Encapsul® 855 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tapioca dextrin, corn dextrin Uses: Film-former, emulsion stabilizer, encapsulant, binder for flavor oils used in dry mixes, e.g., cakes, puddings, beverages; encapsulant, stabilizer for spices Features: Low visc.; high sol. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1277; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Yel. to lt. tan powd.; dextrin odor; bland taste; readily disp. in cold water under good agitation; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH 3 (1%); ≈ 6% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity EnergySmart® Granular [Advanced Ingreds. http://www.advancedingredients.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fruit juice and nat. grain dextrins Uses: Dietary supplement, refined sugar replacement in foods Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Features: Provides up to 50% longer-lasting energy than sucrose or fructose Regulatory: Kosher, pareve Properties: Pale amber to off-wh. gran.; no odor; bland taste; completely sol. in water; 15 mesh or 24 mesh particle size; sp.gr. 0.8-0.9 g/cc; 3% max. moisture Toxicology: Nontoxic Environmental: biodeg. Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents such as perchloric acid; dust explosion may occur if suspended in air with ignition source Hazardous Ingredients: None Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: 1 yr. shelf life in unopened containers @ < 70 F; relative humidity must not exceed 50% EnergySmart® Liquid [Advanced Ingreds. http://www.advancedingredients.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fruit juice and nat. grain dextrins Uses: Dietary supplement, refined sugar replacement in foods Features: Provides up to 50% longer-lasting energy than sucrose or fructose Regulatory: Kosher, pareve Properties: Amber to dk. brn. syrup; no odor; sweet, bland taste; completely sol. in water; dens. 11.8 lb/gal; visc. 9295 cps (78.5 Brix); b.p. 220 F; 22 ± 1% moisture Toxicology: Nontoxic Environmental: biodeg. Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents such as perchloric acid Hazardous Ingredients: None Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: 1 yr. shelf life in unopened containers @ 50-80 F; darkening may occur over time without affecting quality Engevita® Bland [Lallemand Bio-Ingreds. http://www.bio-lallemand.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dried inactive baker's yeast Uses: Carrier for seasonings; flavor base for crackers, seasonings, health foods; nutrient, vitamin B source in health industry; industrial fermentation of microbes Properties: Flakes, powd., or tablets Engevita® Fortified B [Lallemand Bio-Ingreds. http://www.bio-lallemand.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dried inactive baker's yeast Uses: Carrier for seasonings; flavor base for 260
Part I: Trade Name Reference crackers, seasonings, health foods; nutrient, vitamin B source in health industry; industrial fermentation of microbes Properties: Flakes, powd., or tablets
Enzeco® Catalase [Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com] Uses: Enzyme for foods Features: Not avail. as kosher certified prod.
Engevita® Toasted [Lallemand Bio-Ingreds. http://www.bio-lallemand.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dried inactive baker's yeast Uses: Carrier for seasonings; flavor base for crackers, seasonings, health foods; nutrient, vitamin B source in health industry; industrial fermentation of microbes Properties: Flakes, powd., or tablets
Enzeco® Cellulase FG [Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulase derived from Aspergillus niger CAS 9012-54-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-734-4 Uses: Enzyme for digestive aid prods. Features: Food-grade; high activity on a broad range of cellulose and hemicellulose forms
EN PHOS 50 [FBC Ind. http://www.fbcindustries.com] Chem. Descrip.: Potassium phosphate, dibasic, K2HPO4/potassium phosphate, monobasic KH2PO4 (2.336:1) See Potassium phosphate dibasic Uses: Buffer, sequestrant, antioxidant in foods Regulatory: FCC grade; DOT nonregulated Properties: Colorless cl. liq.; odorless; sp.gr. 1.514; solid. pt. -17.8 C; pH 7.15 (1% sol'n.); 49.8-50.2% conc. Toxicology: Sl. eye and skin irritant
Enzeco® Chillproof [Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com] Chem. Descrip.: derived from Papain Uses: Brewing enzyme that prevents storage 'chill-haze' Properties: Liq. or powd.; completely sol. in water
Enrichment Tablet with Folic Acid [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ferrous sulfate; niacin; thiamine mononitrate; riboflavin; folic acid; other edible excipients See Ferrous sulfate anhydrous; Nicotinic acid; Thiamine nitrate Chem. Analysis: Per tablet: thiamine nitrate (290 mg), riboflavin (170 mg), niacin (2000 mg), folic acid (71 mg), iron (1600 mg) Uses: Enrichment blend, fortifier for bread, buns, rolls Features: Meets std. for Enriched Bakery Products Use Level: 1 tablet/100 lb of flour Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location; best when used before 9 mos; keep container closed when not in use Enzeco® Baking Enzyme 1000 [Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com] Chem. Descrip.: Enzyme derived from Aspergillus niger Uses: Enzyme, shelf life extender for baked goods, esp. sour dough prods. Features: Low pH Properties: Powd. or liq. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Enzeco® Dual Protease [Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com] Chem. Descrip.: Botanical protease CAS 9014-01-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-752-2 Uses: Enzyme for tenderizing seafood such as clam and squid Properties: Powd. Enzeco® Esterase/Lipase [Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com] Chem. Descrip.: Esterase/lipase derived from Mucor miehei See Esterase; Lipase Uses: Enzyme which hydrolyzes triglycerides and produces high levels of short chain fatty acids without excessive prod. of longer chain fatty acids used in flavor modification in cheese,oils, and meats Enzeco® Fungal Acid Protease [Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fungal protease derived from Aspergillus niger CAS 9014-01-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-752-2 Uses: Enzyme used in meat tenderizing in an acid media and low pH protein hydrolysis Properties: Powd.; pH 2.5-3.0 Enzeco® Fungal Alpha Amylase [Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com] Chem. Descrip.: Alpha amylase from Aspergillus oryzae See α-Amylase CAS 9000-90-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-565-6 261
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Enzyme for foods Properties: Liq., powd., or dust-free microgranulate Enzeco® Fungal Lactase [Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lactase derived from Aspergillus oryzae See β-Galactosidase CAS 9031-11-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-864-1 Uses: Enzyme used in tablet applics., and milk-related applics. such as low/no lactose milk, enzyme modified cheese, and cheese prod.; used in dry mixes containing lactose or in lactase type tablets or capsules Features: Stable at acid pH and high temps.; activity is standardized based on assay in Food Chems. Codex IV; optimum temperature of 55 C Properties: pH 4.0-7.5 Enzeco® Fungal Protease Concentrate [Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fungal protease derived from Aspergillus oryzae CAS 9014-01-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-752-2 Uses: Enzyme for the flavor modification of cheese, oils, and meats Features: Cost effectiive for general protein hydrolysis; highly conc.; optimum temp. range of ≤ 50 C Properties: Powd.; pH 3.0-6.0; 500,000 HUT/g Enzeco® Glucoamylase Powder AN [Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glucoamylase derived from Aspergillus niger See Amyloglucosidase CAS 9032-08-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-877-2 Uses: Enzyme for baking applics. to enhance proofing in lean or frozen doughs Features: Very pure glycoamylase with little protease or amylase side activity Properties: Powd. Enzeco® Glucoamylase Powder RO [Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glucoamylase derived from Rhizopus oryzae See Amyloglucosidase CAS 9032-08-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-877-2 Uses: Brewing enzyme Features: High in glucoamylase activity as well as appreciable amts. of endo-amylase and protease activity Properties: Powd. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Enzeco® Lysozyme Chloride [Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com] Chem. Descrip.: Derived from egg whites Uses: Enzyme used as a digestive aid Properties: Liq., powd. or lyophylized crystalline forms Enzeco® Mash-Zyme [Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of special enzymes Uses: Brewing enzyme Features: Duplicates activity of naturally occurring enzymes found in malt Enzeco® Lipase RO 20 [Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lipase derived from Rhizopus oryzae See Lipase CAS 9001-62-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-619-9 Uses: Enzyme used in milk-related applics. Features: Produces significant levels of short chain fatty acids such as C8 Enzeco® Neutral Bacterial Protease 2X [Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com] Chem. Descrip.: Bacterial protease derived from Bacillus subtilis CAS 9014-01-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-752-2 Uses: Enzyme used for the flavor modification of cheese, oils, and meats Features: Substantial amylase side activity; operating temp. ≤ 6- C Properties: pH 6.0-9.0 Enzeco® Pectinase AJ [Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectinase derived from Aspergillus niger CAS 9032-75-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-885-6 Uses: Enzyme used to clarify fruit juices (such as apple and grape) and used for wine mfg. Properties: Liq. Enzeco® Pentosanase DV [Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pentosanase Uses: Enzyme for baking Properties: Liq. Enzeco® Xylanase BSX [Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xylanase derived from Bacillus subtilis 262
Part I: Trade Name Reference CAS 9025-55-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-798-3 Uses: Enzyme used to treat flours for the mfg. of bread and rolls; can be added to dough conditioners or directly in the bakery together with other baking ingreds. Properties: Lt. beige free-flowing powd.; 16,000 BXU/g Use Level: 4-9 g per cwt. flour Storage: Act. loss of < 10% within 1 yr.; store in a dry place @ R.T. Enzobake® [Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of proteases and amylases from A. oryzae See Amylase; Protease Uses: Baking enzyme for addition to the sponge or dough side to improve fermentability and to relax the dough when using strong flours Properties: Powd. Enzopharm® [Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of fungal amylase and fungal protease See Amylase Uses: Enzyme for nutritional supplements Epax 1050 TG [EPAX AS http://www.epax.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fish oil glycerides with eicosapentaenoic acid (6%) and docosahexaenoic acid (27% min.) See Fish glycerides CAS 100085-40-3; EINECS/ELINCS 309-181-3 Uses: Food additive in infant nutrition, functional foods; nutritional supplement for pregnancy/lactation, and elderly/geriatric nutrition Features: Omega-3 fatty acid Properties: Yel. liq.; sl. fish odor; soluble in organic solvent; sp.gr. Ca 900kg/m3; f.p. > 100 C Environmental: readily biodegradable; nontoxic to fish or other aquatic life Storage: Protect against oxidation; cover with nitrogen Epax 4510 TG [EPAX AS http://www.epax.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fish oil glycerides with eicosapentaenoic acid (44%) and docosahexaenoic acid (15% min.) See Fish glycerides Uses: Food additive Features: Omega-3 fatty acid Properties: Sl. yel. liq.; sl. fish odor; soluble in organic solvent; sp.gr. Ca 900kg/m3; f.p. > 180 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
C Environmental: readily biodegradable; nontoxic to fish or other aquatic life Storage: Protect against oxidation; cover with nitrogen Epax 5500 EE [EPAX AS http://www.epax.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ethyl ester with eicosapentaenoic acid (30%) and docosahexaenoic acid (20% min.) Uses: Food additive Features: Omega-3 fatty acid Properties: Sl. yel. liq.; sl. fish odor; soluble in organic solvent; sp.gr. Ca 900kg/m3; f.p. > 160 C Environmental: readily biodegradable; nontoxic to fish or other aquatic life Storage: Protect against oxidation; cover with nitrogen Epax 6000 EE [EPAX AS http://www.epax.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ethyl ester with eicosapentaenoic acid (33% min.) and docosahexaenoic acid (22% min.) Uses: Food additive Features: Omega-3 fatty acid Properties: Sl. yel. liq.; sl. fish odor; soluble in organic solvent; sp.gr. Ca 900kg/m3; f.p. > 160 C Environmental: readily biodegradable; nontoxic to fish or other aquatic life Storage: Protect against oxidation; cover with nitrogen Epax 6000 TG [EPAX AS http://www.epax.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fish oil glycerides with eicosapentaenoic acid (34%) and docosahexaenoic acid (24% min.) See Fish glycerides Uses: Food additive Features: Omega-3 fatty acid Properties: Sl. yel. liq.; sl. fish odor; soluble in organic solvent; sp.gr. Ca 900kg/m3; f.p. > 180 C Environmental: readily biodegradable; nontoxic to fish or other aquatic life Storage: Protect against oxidation; cover with nitrogen Epikuron™ 100 G [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Deoiled soy lecithin See Lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Surfactant, nutritional supplement for health foods, dietetic prods., tonics, 263
Part I: Trade Name Reference tablets, powd. mixes Properties: Gran. Epikuron™ 130 [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Phosphatidylcholine-enriched (30% min.) deoiled soy lecithin See Lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Emulsifier, choline enrichment, carrier for dietetics, tonics, tablets, nutritional supplements, powd. mixes Properties: Powd. Epikuron™ 130 G [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Phosphatidylcholine-enriched (30% min.) deoiled soy lecithin See Lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Surfactant for enhanced nutritional supplements, dietetic supplements, health foods Properties: Gran. Equal® [NutraSweet http://www.nutrasweet.com] Chem. Descrip.: Aspartame CAS 22839-47-0; EINECS/ELINCS 245-261-3 Uses: Sweetener for foods, hot/cold beverages incl. yogurt, frozen desserts, soft drinks, puddings, breakfast foods Features: Low-calorie; limited use in cooking and baking; loss of sweetness may result on prolonged exposure to high temps.; 2 calories/tsp. Storage: Indefinite shelf life if kept dry, away from heat and humidity Eribate® [PMP Fermentation Prods. http://www.pmpinc.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium erythorbate FCC CAS 6381-77-7; EINECS/ELINCS 228-973-9 Uses: Antioxidant, preservative for fresh and cured meats, fish, beverages, fruit, vegetables; inhibits growth of microorganisms and formation of nitrosamines in cured meats; color stabilizer, flavor protectant, shelf life extender in foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS; USDA Properties: Wh. or ylsh. wh. cryst. powd. or gran., odorless; readily water-sol.; m.w. 216.12; pH 5.5-8.0 (1 in 20 sol'n.); 98.0% min. assay Use Level: 87.5 oz/100 gal of pickle, 7/8 oz/100 lb (meat or meat byprods.), 10% sol'n. (applied to surfaces of cured cuts prior to pkg.) Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Toxicology: Nontoxic Precaution: Stable in dry form, easily oxidized on exposure to air in aq. sol'n. Storage: Store in tight, light-resist. containers Eridex 16952 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Erythritol (99.5%) Chem. Analysis: 99.85% dry substance; < 0.2 Kcal/g CAS 149-32-6; EINECS/ELINCS 205-737-3 Uses: Low-calorie sweetener; flavor enhancer, formulation aid, humectant, nutritive sweetener, stabilizer, thickener, sequestrant,and texturizer in sugar-free fruit preps., and low-calorie bakery pie fillings Features: Nonhygroscopic; low solubility, easy crystallization; reduced laxative effects; can easily be dissolved in water and is recommended for use in solutions Regulatory: FDA GRAS, Australia, New Zealand, JECFA, Taiwan, Singapore, Korea, Russia, Israel, South Africa and Paraguay approved Properties: Wh. cryst. powd.; sweet taste, cooling effect; pH (30% sol'n.) 6 Use Level: FDA: bakery fillings, cakes, and cookies- 15%; chewing gum-60%; reduced and low calorie carbonated and noncarbonated beverages- 3.5%; hard candy99%; frozen dairy desserts and puddings- 10% Precaution: Excessive dusting is flammable and explosive Storage: Shelf life 36 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Eridex 16955 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Erythritol (99.85%) Chem. Analysis: (< 0.2 Kcal/g) CAS 149-32-6; EINECS/ELINCS 205-737-3 Uses: Low-calorie sweetener; flavor enhancer, formulation aid, humectant, nutritive sweetener, stabilizer, thickener, sequestrant,and texturizer in sugar-free fruit preps., and low-calorie bakery pie fillings Features: Nonhygroscopic; low solubility, easy crystallization; reduced laxative effects; can easily be dissolved in water and is recommended for use in solutions Regulatory: FDA GRAS, Australia, New Zealand, JECFA, Taiwan, Singapore, Korea, Russia, Israel, South Africa and Paraguay approved 264
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Transparent coarse cryst.; sweet taste, cooling effect; pH (30% sol'n.) 6 Use Level: FDA: bakery fillings, cakes, and cookies- 15%; chewing gum-60%; reduced and low calorie carbonated and noncarbonated beverages- 3.5%; hard candy99%; frozen dairy desserts and puddings- 10% Precaution: Excessive dusting is flammable and explosive Storage: Shelf life 36 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Ervol® [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. mineral oil NF CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Release agent, binder, lubricant, defoamer, protective coating, antidusting agent, sealant, polishing agent in foods; float on fermentation fluids to prevent/retard evaporation and contamination Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, §178.3620(a) Properties: Water-wh., odorless, tasteless; sp.gr. 0.849-0.865; visc. 24-26 cSt (40 C); pour pt. -7 C; flash pt. 185 C Esprion® 300 [DMV USA http://www.dmvinternational.com] Chem. Descrip.: Demineralized and delactose whey Chem. Analysis: 30% protein; 55.8% carbohydrates; 2% fat; 8.7% (550 C) ash; 3.5% moisture; 1500 kJ/100g CAS 92129-90-3 Uses: Skim milk substitute in ice cream, other dairy prods., confectionery, soups, and sauces Features: 1:1 replacement for skim milk; between 25-50% of skim milk powd. can be replaced by this prod. Regulatory: EU compliant for non-GMO labeling Properties: Wh. to cream powd.; neutral taste; particle size 2 g/kg; vapor can cause irritation; eye irritant; nonirritant to skin; non mutagenic; TSCA listed Environmental: readily biodeg.; LC50 48 h, fish) >100 mg/l Precaution: Avoid strong oxidizing agents Storage: Store @ R.T. in dry atmosphere Estasan™ GT 8-65 3577 [Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com; Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Caprylic/capric triglyceride (65% C8 + 35% C10) CAS 65381-09-1; EINECS/ELINCS 265-724-3 Uses: Solvent, carrier for flavors, fragrances, food ingreds.; lubricant, mold release for Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
foods; nutrient, fat source in dietetic prods., adult and infant nutrition Features: Min. oil replacement Regulatory: Ph.Eur., BP, DAB compliance; Japan approval Properties: Lovibond 5Y/0.5R oil, odorless, bland taste; visc. 23 mPa·s; acid no. 0.1 max.; iodine no. 0.5 max.; sapon. no. 325-360; hyd. no. 5 max.; cloud pt. -5 C Environmental: readily biodeg. Storage: Store @ R.T. in dry atmosphere Estasan™ GT 8-70 3579 [Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com; Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Caprylic/capric triglyceride (70% C8 + 25-30% C10) CAS 65381-09-1; EINECS/ELINCS 265-724-3 Uses: Solvent, carrier for flavors, fragrances, food ingreds.; lubricant, mold release for foods; nutrient, fat source in dietetic prods., adult and infant nutrition Features: Min. oil replacement Regulatory: Ph.Eur., BP, DAB compliance; Japan approval Properties: Lovibond 5Y/0.5R oil, odorless, bland taste; visc. 23 mPa·s; acid no. 0.1 max.; iodine no. 0.5 max.; sapon. no. 335-360; hyd. no. 5 max.; cloud pt. -12 C Environmental: readily biodeg. Storage: Store @ R.T. in dry atmosphere Ester Gum 8D [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: Deodorized glycerol ester of wood rosin, chewing gum grade (> 98%) and residual additives, modifiers, colorants, reactants and/or impurities (< 2%) See Glyceryl rosinate CAS 8050-31-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-482-5 Uses: Masticatory ingred. in chewing gums Features: Thermoplastic resin Regulatory: OSHA nonhazardous; DOT nonregulated; TDG nonregulated; ICAO nonregulated; IMDG nonregulated; WHMIS noncontrolled; SARA §313 nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; Japan MITI; Korea ECL Properties: USDA Rosin N max. flakes; odorless; negligible sol. in water; sol. in aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, esters, ketones, and CCl4; sp.gr. 1.08; dens. 1.07 kg/l; soften. pt. 90 C; acid no. 6.5 Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Wear face shield, gloves when 266
Part I: Trade Name Reference handling molten material; incompat. with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep container closed Ester Gum 8D-SP [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: Deodorized glycerol ester of tall oil rosin-chewing gum grade See Glyceryl rosinate CAS 8050-31-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-482-5 Uses: Hard thermoplastic resin used in chewing gums Properties: USDA Rosin Scale: WG solid, flakes; low odor; sol. in aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, esters, ketones, and CCl4; dens. 1.07 k/gl; R&B soften. pt. 80 C; acid no. 6.9 Ester Gum 10D [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerol ester of a partially dimerized rosin See Glyceryl rosinate CAS 8050-31-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-482-5 Uses: Softener, plasticizer for elastomeric masticatory agents in chewing gums Features: Thermoplastic resin Properties: USDA Rosin M max. flakes; sol. in aromatic, aliphatic, and chlorinated hydrocarbons, esters, ketones; insol. in water; G-H visc. H; soften. pt. 116 C; acid no. 7 Ethocel™ Standard 4 Premium [Dow http://www.dow.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ethylcellulose NF, FCC, JP CAS 9004-57-3 Uses: Color diluent in foods; fixing agent for flavors; binder, filler in dry vitamin preps., animal feeds; water vapor barrier to improve shelf life, prevent hydrolysis of ingreds., mask taste Features: Chemically inert; broad compat.; good stability @ pH 3-11 Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1, 73.1001(b), 172.868, 573.420 Properties: Wh. to lt. tan gran. powd.; essentially odorless and tasteless; insol. in water; bulk dens. 0.4 g/cc; visc. 3-5.5 cP (5% in 80/20 toluene:alcohol); nonionic; 48.0-49.5% ethoxyl content Toxicology: Dust may cause temporary mech. irritation to eyes under extreme conditions; considered nuisance dusts when inhaled Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Environmental: nonbiodeg. Precaution: Will burn under certain conditions; melts on exposure to open flame; supports combustion; can form explosive mixts. in air; store away from peroxides or other oxidizing agents Storage: 2 yr. shelf life when stored below 32 C in dry area away from heat sources Ethocel™ Standard 7 FP Premium [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ethylcellulose NF, FCC, JP CAS 9004-57-3 Uses: Binder, filler for foods; protective coating for vitamin/min. tablets; fixing agent for flavors Regulatory: GRAS; FDA 21CFR §73.1, 73.1001, 172.868, 573.420; FCC III and NF 18 compliance Properties: Wh. fine particle; 5-15 µ mean particle size; essentially odorless and tasteless; sol. in org. solvs. incl. aliphatic alcohols, ethers, ketones, and aromatic hydrocarbons; insol. in water; visc. 6-8 cP; nonionic; 48-49.5% ethoxyl content; 2% moisture Toxicology: Dust may cause temporary mech. irritation to eyes under extreme conditions; considered nuisance dusts when inhaled Environmental: nonbiodeg. Precaution: Will burn under certain conditions; melts on exposure to open flame; supports combustion; can form explosive mixts. in air; store away from peroxides or other oxidizing agents Storage: 2 yr. shelf life when stored below 32 C in dry area away from heat sources Ethocel™ Standard 7 Premium [Dow http://www.dow.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ethylcellulose NF, FCC, JP CAS 9004-57-3 Uses: Binder, filler for foods, dry vitamin preps., animal feed; protective coating for vitamin/min. tablets; color diluent in foods; fixing agent for flavors; water vapor barrier to improve shelf life, prevent hydrolysis of ingreds., mask taste Features: Chemically inert; broad compat.; good stability @ pH 3-11 Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1, 73.1001(b), 172.868, 573.420 Properties: Wh. to lt. tan gran. powd.; essentially 267
Part I: Trade Name Reference odorless and tasteless; insol. in water; bulk dens. 0.4 g/cc; visc. 6-8 cP (5% in 80/20 toluene:alcohol); nonionic; 48.0-49.5% ethoxyl content Toxicology: Dust may cause temporary mech. irritation to eyes under extreme conditions; considered nuisance dusts when inhaled Environmental: nonbiodeg. Precaution: Will burn under certain conditions; melts on exposure to open flame; supports combustion; can form explosive mixts. in air; store away from peroxides or other oxidizing agents Storage: 2 yr. shelf life when stored below 32 C in dry area away from heat sources Ethocel™ Standard 10 Premium [Dow http://www.dow.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ethylcellulose NF, FCC, JP CAS 9004-57-3 Uses: Binder, filler for foods, dry vitamin preps., animal feed; protective coating for vitamin/min. tablets; color diluent in foods; fixing agent for flavors; water vapor barrier to improve shelf life, prevent hydrolysis of ingreds., mask taste Features: Chemically inert; broad compat.; good stability @ pH 3-11 Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1, 73.1001(b), 172.868, 573.420 Properties: Wh. to lt. tan gran. powd.; essentially odorless and tasteless; insol. in water; bulk dens. 0.4 g/cc; visc. 9-11 cP (5% in 80/20 toluene:alcohol); nonionic; 48.0-49.5% ethoxyl content Toxicology: Dust may cause temporary mech. irritation to eyes under extreme conditions; considered nuisance dusts when inhaled Environmental: nonbiodeg. Precaution: Will burn under certain conditions; melts on exposure to open flame; supports combustion; can form explosive mixts. in air; store away from peroxides or other oxidizing agents Storage: 2 yr. shelf life when stored below 32 C in dry area away from heat sources Ethocel™ Standard 14 Premium [Dow http://www.dow.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ethylcellulose NF, FCC, JP CAS 9004-57-3 Uses: Binder, filler for foods, dry vitamin Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
preps., animal feed; protective coating for vitamin/min. tablets; color diluent in foods; fixing agent for flavors; water vapor barrier to improve shelf life, prevent hydrolysis of ingreds., mask taste Features: Chemically inert; broad compat.; good stability @ pH 3-11 Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1, 73.1001(b), 172.868, 573.420 Properties: Wh. to lt. tan gran. powd.; essentially odorless and tasteless; insol. in water; visc. 12.6-15.4 (5% sol'n of 80% toluene and 20% alcohol); nonionic; 48.0-49.5% ethoxyl content Toxicology: Dust may cause temporary mech. irritation to eyes under extreme conditions; considered nuisance dusts when inhaled Environmental: nonbiodeg. Precaution: Will burn under certain conditions; melts on exposure to open flame; supports combustion; can form explosive mixts. in air; store away from peroxides or other oxidizing agents Storage: 2 yr. shelf life when stored below 32 C in dry area away from heat sources Ethocel™ Standard 20 Premium [Dow http://www.dow.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ethylcellulose NF, FCC, JP CAS 9004-57-3 Uses: Binder, filler for foods, dry vitamin preps., animal feed; protective coating for vitamin/min. tablets; color diluent in foods; fixing agent for flavors; water vapor barrier to improve shelf life, prevent hydrolysis of ingreds., mask taste Features: Chemically inert; broad compat.; good stability @ pH 3-11 Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1, 73.1001(b), 172.868, 573.420 Properties: Wh. to lt. tan gran. powd.; essentially odorless and tasteless; insol. in water; bulk dens. 0.4 g/cc; visc. 18-22 cP (5% in 80/20 toluene:alcohol); nonionic; 48.0-49.5% ethoxyl content Toxicology: Dust may cause temporary mech. irritation to eyes under extreme conditions; considered nuisance dusts when inhaled Environmental: nonbiodeg. Precaution: Will burn under certain conditions; melts on exposure to open flame; supports combustion; can form explosive mixts. in air; store away from peroxides or 268
Part I: Trade Name Reference other oxidizing agents Storage: 2 yr. shelf life when stored below 32 C in dry area away from heat sources Ethocel™ Standard 45 Premium [Dow http://www.dow.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ethylcellulose NF, FCC, JP CAS 9004-57-3 Uses: Binder, filler for foods, dry vitamin preps., animal feed; protective coating for vitamin/min. tablets; color diluent in foods; fixing agent for flavors; water vapor barrier to improve shelf life, prevent hydrolysis of ingreds., mask taste Features: Chemically inert; broad compat.; good stability @ pH 3-11 Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1, 73.1001(b), 172.868, 573.420 Properties: Wh. to lt. tan gran. powd.; essentially odorless and tasteless; insol. in water; bulk dens. 0.4 g/cc; visc. 41-49 cP (5% in 80/20 toluene:alcohol); nonionic; 48.0-49.5% ethoxyl content Toxicology: Dust may cause temporary mech. irritation to eyes under extreme conditions; considered nuisance dusts when inhaled Environmental: nonbiodeg. Precaution: Will burn under certain conditions; melts on exposure to open flame; supports combustion; can form explosive mixts. in air; store away from peroxides or other oxidizing agents Storage: 2 yr. shelf life when stored below 32 C in dry area away from heat sources Ethocel™ Standard 100 Premium [Dow http://www.dow.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ethylcellulose NF, FCC, JP CAS 9004-57-3 Uses: Binder, filler for foods, dry vitamin preps., animal feed; protective coating for vitamin/min. tablets; color diluent in foods; fixing agent for flavors; water vapor barrier to improve shelf life, prevent hydrolysis of ingreds., mask taste Features: Chemically inert; broad compat.; good stability @ pH 3-11 Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1, 73.1001(b), 172.868, 573.420 Properties: Wh. to lt. tan gran. powd.; essentially odorless and tasteless; insol. in water; bulk dens. 0.4 g/cc; visc. 90-110 cP (5% in 80/20 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
toluene:alcohol); nonionic; 48.0-49.5% ethoxyl content Toxicology: Dust may cause temporary mech. irritation to eyes under extreme conditions; considered nuisance dusts when inhaled Environmental: nonbiodeg. Precaution: Will burn under certain conditions; melts on exposure to open flame; supports combustion; can form explosive mixts. in air; store away from peroxides or other oxidizing agents Storage: 2 yr. shelf life when stored below 32 C in dry area away from heat sources Evanstab® 12 [Evans Chemetics http://www.evans-chemetics.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dilauryl thiodipropionate CAS 123-28-4; EINECS/ELINCS 204-614-1 Uses: Stabilizer, preservative for oils, fats, foods Features: Nonstaining Properties: Wh. cryst. flakes or powd.; m.w. 514; f.p. 40.0 C min.; sol. in acetone, MEK, nheptane, toluene, ethyl acetate, ethanol; acid no. 1.0 max.; 99.0% min. assay Evanstab® 18 [Evans Chemetics http://www.evans-chemetics.com] Chem. Descrip.: Distearyl thiodipropionate CAS 693-36-7; EINECS/ELINCS 211-750-5 Uses: Antioxidant for edible fats and oils Features: Nonstaining Regulatory: FDA approved Properties: Wh. cryst. flakes or powd.; m.w. 683; f.p. 64.0 C min.; sol. (g/100 g sol'n.) 11 g toluene, 2 g n-heptane; < 1 g ethyl acetate, 95% ethanol, MEK, water; 98.0% min. assay EverFresh® [Opta Food Ingreds. http://www.opta-food.com] Uses: Melanosis inhibitor, sulfite replacement to prevent blackspot on shrimp Features: Patented; binds to the enzyme causing undesirable surf. discoloration; no effect on flavor or texture; more effective than sulfites; self-affirmed GRAS prod. Eversoft Plus Kosher [Am. Ingreds./Patco http://www.patco-additives.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat flour, calcium sulfate, salt, and enzyme See Sodium chloride; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) flour Uses: Enzymatic softener for yeast-raised white bread, hamburger buns, sweet rolls, donuts, and sponge, snack, and foam cakes 269
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Cream-colored powd.; 8.9-11.9% moisture, 2.6-3.6% salt Exafine® 250 [Cosucra SA http://www.cosucra.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pea outer fibers Uses: Dietary fiber with high water retention capacity; for bakery prods., pasta, snacks, cereals, dietary specialties, extruded prods. Properties: Beige powd., neutral taste; 90% < 250 µ; 90% min. dry matter. Storage: Store under dry conditions Exafine® 500 [Cosucra SA http://www.cosucra.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pea outer fibers Uses: Dietary fiber with high water retention capacity; for bakery prods., pasta, snacks, cereals, dietary specialties, extruded prods. Properties: Beige powd., neutral taste; 90% < 500 µ; 90% min. dry matter. Storage: Store under dry conditions Exafine® 1000 [Cosucra SA http://www.cosucra.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pea outer fibers Uses: Dietary fiber with high water retention capacity; for bakery prods., pasta, snacks, cereals, dietary specialties, extruded prods. Properties: Beige powd., neutral taste; 90% < 1 mm; 90% min. dry matter. Storage: Store under dry conditions Exafine® 2000 [Cosucra SA http://www.cosucra.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pea outer fibers Uses: Dietary fiber with high water retention capacity; for bakery prods., pasta, snacks, cereals, dietary specialties, extruded prods. Properties: Beige powd., neutral taste; 90% < 2 mm; 90% min. dry matter. Storage: Store under dry conditions Excel 122V [Kao Corp. http://www.kao.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl mono/distearate; glyceryl mono/dioleate Uses: Emulsifier for foods, margarine, shortening; emulsifier, dispersant for peanut butter; antistaling agent for bread, prepared mixes Regulatory: Japan approved food additive; JHOSPA compliance Properties: Lt. yel. paste; sol. hazy in ethanol, xylene; disp. in hexane; insol. in water; visc. 42 mPa·s (60 C); HLB 3; acid no. 3 max.; nonionic; 100% conc.; 52% min. total monoglycerides Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Excel 200 [Kao Corp. http://www.kao.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl mono/distearate; glyceryl mono/dioleate Uses: Emulsifier for foods, margarine, shortening; emulsifier, dispersant for peanut butter; antistaling agent for bread, prepared mixes Regulatory: Japan approved food additive; JHOSPA compliance Properties: Wh. powd.; disp. in ethanol, xylene; insol. in water, hexane; visc. 29 mPa·s (74 C); HLB 3.5; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 14-18; nonionic; 100% conc.; 79% min. total monoglycerides Excel O-95F [Kao/Edible Fat & Oil http://www.kao.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Monoglyceride oleic acid base, distilled See Glyceryl oleate CAS 111-03-5; EINECS/ELINCS 203-827-7 Uses: Emulsifier Properties: Solid; HLB 3.5; nonionic; 100% conc. Excel O-95R [Kao Corp. http://www.kao.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Monoglyceride oleic acid base, distilled See Glyceryl oleate CAS 111-03-5; EINECS/ELINCS 203-827-7 Uses: Emulsifier for foods; flavoring agent Features: High purity; effective at lower use levels; good stability Regulatory: JSCI compliance Properties: Wh. waxy solid; mild taste; sol. in ethanol, xylene; insol. in water, hexane; HLB 3.5; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 75-85; nonionic; 100% conc.; 93% min. total monoglycerides Excel P-40 [Kao Corp. http://www.kao.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerol monostearate, glycerol distearate See Glyceryl distearate; Glyceryl stearate Uses: Emulsifier for foods Properties: Wh. powd.; sl. insol. in xylene; insol. in ethanol, n-hexane, water; acid no. 3 max.; HLB 2.8 Excel P-40S [Kao Corp. http://www.kao.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl mono and distearates See Glyceryl mono/distearate Uses: Emulsifier for foods, margarine, shortening; emulsifier, dispersant for peanut butter; antistaling agent for bread, prepared mixes Regulatory: Japan approved food additive; JHOSPA compliance Properties: Wh. powd.; disp. in water, xylene; 270
Part I: Trade Name Reference insol. in ethanol, hexane; visc. 26 mPa·s (80 C); m.p. 55.5-59.5 C; HLB 2.8; acid no. 3 max.; sapon. no. 163-173; nonionic; 100% conc.; 35% min. total monoglycerides Excel T-95 [Kao Corp. http://www.kao.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate Uses: Emulsifier for foods Features: High purity; effective at lower use levels; good stability Regulatory: Japan approved food additive; JSCI, JHOSPA compliance Properties: Wh. beads; mild taste; disp. in ethanol, xylene; insol. in water, hexane; visc. 28 mPa·s (80 C); m.p. 63-68 C; HLB 3.8; acid no. 2 max.; iodine no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 155165; nonionic; 100% conc.; 95% min. total monoglycerides Excel T-95 Powder [Kao Corp. http://www.kao.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerol monostearate See Glyceryl stearate Uses: Emulsifier for foods Properties: Wh. powd.; sl. sol. in ethanol, xylene; insol. in n-hexane, water; m.p. 63-68 C; acid no. 2 max.; HLB 3.8 Excel VS-95 [Kao Corp. http://www.kao.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Monoglyceride, dist. See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for foods Features: High purity; effective at lower use levels; good stability Regulatory: Japan approved food additive; JSCI compliance Properties: Wh. beads; mild taste; disp. in ethanol, xylene; insol. in water, hexane; m.p. 63-68 C; HLB 3.8; acid no. 2 max.; iodine no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 155-165; nonionic; 100% conc.; 95% min. total monoglycerides Excelsponge-7 [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Distilled monoglyceride, propylene glycol fatty acid ester, polyglycerol fatty acid ester, sorbitol CAS 50-70-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-061-5 Uses: Foaming gel for sponge cake with fat and oil Exp F 115 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch CAS 9005-25-8 Uses: Gelling agent, texturizer, visc. control Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
agent in confectionery Exp F 117 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Gelling agent, texturizer, visc. control agent in confectionery Exp F 301 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Cold processing agent, freeze/thaw stabilizer, moisture control agent, shelflife/freshness improver, texturizer, visc. control agent in bakery, snacks; cold processing agent, shelf-life/freshness improver, texturizer, visc. control agent in fruit fillings, fruit preps., jams; bodying agent, cold processing agent, process stability improver, texturizer, visc. control agent in dairy Exp F 303 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Cold processing agent, freeze/thaw stabilizer, moisture control agent, shelflife/freshness improver, texturizer, visc. control agent in bakery, snacks; cold processing agent, shelf-life/freshness improver, texturizer, visc. control agent in fruit fillings, fruit preps., jams; bodying agent, cold processing agent, process stability improver, texturizer, visc. control agent in dairy Exp F 307 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Cold processing agent, freeze/thaw stabilizer, moisture control agent, shelflife/freshness improver, texturizer, visc. control agent in bakery, snacks; cold processing agent, shelf-life/freshness improver, texturizer, visc. control agent in fruit fillings, fruit preps., jams; bodying agent, cold processing agent, process 271
Part I: Trade Name Reference stability improver, texturizer, visc. control agent in dairy Expandex™ Modified Starch [Corn Prods. http://www.cornproductsUS.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified tapioca starch See Starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Texturizer, expansion and structure stabilizer for ethnic and gluten-free bakery applics.; synergist for leavening agents Explosol® SSG-1 [Blanver Farmoquimica http://www.blanver.com.br; Blanver USA http://www.blanver.com.br] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium starch glycolate CAS 9063-38-1 Uses: Disintegrant, dissolution aid in dry blends, foods Features: Absorbs water rapidly; resulting swelling causes rapid disintegration of tablets and granules Properties: Wh. to sl. yel. relatively free-flowing powd.; ≤ 10% on 200 mesh; odorless; tasteless; visc. 36 cps; pH 6.45 (1 g/30 ml water); 1.03% loss on drying Explosol® SSG-2 [Blanver Farmoquimica http://www.blanver.com.br; Blanver USA http://www.blanver.com.br] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium starch glycolate CAS 9063-38-1 Uses: Disintegrant, dissolution aid in dry blends, foods Features: Absorbs water rapidly; resulting swelling causes rapid disintegration of tablets and granules Properties: Wh. to sl. yel. relatively free-flowing powd.; ≤ 10% on 200 mesh; odorless; tasteless; visc. 24 cps; pH 6.90 (1 g/30 ml water); 3.56% loss on drying Exp-Merigel 113 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: waxy maize starch, See Corn starch, waxy CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Water binder, viscosity builder, freeze/thaw stabilizer in instant desserts, soups and sauces Features: Highly crosslinked and stabilised pregelatinized starch; to low pH and high sheer processing and it provides better dispersibility and faster viscosity development Export Masa Enrichment [ADM Specialty Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch; vitamin A palmitate; niacin; BHA; BHT; reduced iron; thiamine mononitrate; riboflavin; tricalcium phosphate; folic acid See Calcium phosphate tribasic; Corn (Zea mays) starch; Nicotinic acid; Retinyl palmitate; Thiamine nitrate Uses: Enrichment blend for corn masa flour Features: Meets fortification requirement for Instant Corn-Soya Masa Flour (MF) Properties: Free-flowing powd. Use Level: 0.5 oz/100 lb of instant corn masa flour/soya flour formulated blend Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location; best when used before 9 mos; keep container closed when not in use Export Mineral Blend with TCP [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: tricalcium phosphate; iodized salt; magnesium oxide; ferrous fumarate; zinc sulfate See Calcium phosphate tribasic; Sodium chloride Uses: Specialty mineral blend for export blends Features: Meets min. requirements for Corn-Soy Blend (CSB), Wheat-Soy Blend (WSB), CornSoy Milk Blend (CSSM), Wheat-Soy Milk Blend (WSM) Properties: Powd. Use Level: 60.17 lb/2000 lb batch of final product Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location; best when used before 9 mos; keep container closed when not in use Expresa® 2200 [DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com] Chem. Descrip.: Brewer's yeast extract, purified and autolyzed See Yeast extract CAS 8013-01-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-387-9 Uses: Flavor enhancer, bodying agent, mouthfeel enhancer, nutrient in savory foods, biscuits, sauces, dark meaty flavors, snack seasonings Features: Instant solubility; high sol. nitrogen components (> 11%); very low NaCl (< 0.2%) and chloride Exter™ Family [DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrolyzed vegetable proteins See Hydrolyzed vegetable protein CAS 100209-45-8; EINECS/ELINCS 309-353-8 272
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Flavoring agent for beef, chicken, cheese, fish, bouillon, pork Features: Flavor-specific profile incl. basic HVP flavors, general roasted/brown beef, chicken, pork, tomato, onion, cheese, mushroom, bacon, and ham Regulatory: Meets US and European regulatory standards Properties: Powd., liq., and paste forms Extract of Hog Bile [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hog bile extract contg. hyodeoxycholic acid, sodium glycohyodeoxycholate, sodium taurohydeoxycholate Uses: Nutritive food additive Storage: Preserve in tight containers with moisture-proof liners, in cool, dry place Extract of Ox Bile NF XI [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ox bile extract contg. 45-50% sodium taurocholate, 25% sodium glycocholate EINECS/ELINCS 206-643-5 Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Lt. color; sol. in water, alcohol; pH 6.5-7.5 Storage: Preserve in tight containers with moisture-proof liners, in cool, dry place Extram® H [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy flour, whey, calcium sulfate See Soybean (Glycine soja) flour Chem. Analysis: 5.9% moisture Uses: Nonfat dry milk replacement, texturizer in baked goods, breads, cakes, sweet goods, cookies, donuts, Roman Meal prods. Features: Economical Properties: 41% protein Use Level: 1-3% on flour wt.; replaces nonfat dry milk @ lb for lb (breads, sweet goods, cookies); 20-50% replacement of nonfat dry milk (cakes, donuts) Storage: 9 mos. max. shelf life; store in cool, dry location; keep container closed when not in use Eye Substance [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vacuum-dried defatted glandular prod. Uses: Nutritive food additive Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Powd. E-Z 1 [Brolite Prods. http://www.bakewithbrolite.com] Uses: Dough improver for all flat breads incl. pitas, pizzas, and tortillas; improves flavor, handling, and shelf-life EZ Fill 06370 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Starch sodium octenyl succinate Chem. Analysis: 11% moisture; 0.2% ash; SO2 10 mg/kg max. Uses: Filling aid in canned soups, sauces and gravies, canned pasta sauces, canned pet foods, shelf-stable items Features: High filling viscosity; cohesive texture; ensures uniform suspension of particulates for consistent fill; minimal splash-out or spillage for high-speed fillings; retains some viscosity post-process Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.892 and EC Directive 95/2/EC Properties: Bulk dens. (packed) 740 g/l; pH 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flammable and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity EZ Fill 06750 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch, modified Chem. Analysis: 12% moisture CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Filling aid in canned soups, canned stews, canned pet foods, shelf-stable retorted items Features: Cooks out quickly to a high initial visc.; cohesive texture; provides uniform suspension of particulates for consistent fill; starch thins during retorting to permit rapid heat penetration; limited residual viscosity after retorting; exc. clarity Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.892 and EC Directive 95/2/EC Properties: Bulk dens. (packed) 740 g/l; pH (1:3) 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flammable and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Famodan MS Kosher [Danisco USA 273
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan stearate CAS 1338-41-6; EINECS/ELINCS 215-664-9 Uses: Emulsifier for foods; fat crystal modifier and bloom retarder in cocoa butter substitutes, compd. coatings, imitation dairy systems; texturizer for frostings and icings Regulatory: EU, FDA 21CFR §172.842, FCC, kosher; ADI 0-25 mg/kg Properties: Coarse powd.; m.p. 57 C; acid no. 510; iodine no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 147-157; hyd. no. 235-260; nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: 0.5-2% based on fat content Storage: Store in cool, dry area Farinex™ T 440 [Avebe http://www.avebe.com] Chem. Descrip.: tapioca starch See Starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Thickener for cold-prepared fruit fillings and jams Features: Exc. clarity; rapid visc. development; smooth, shiny appearance Farinex WM 55 [Avebe http://www.avebe.com] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy maize starch See Corn starch, waxy CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Binder, thickener, and shelf-life improver in bakery prods. and instant desserts including cream fillings Features: Good resistance to shear and heat Fat Replacer 785 [Vaessen-Schoemaker http://www.vaessen-schoemaker.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carbohydrates (maltodextrin, vegetable fiber), stabilizers (carrageenan, carboxymethylcellulose sodium), flavor See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) Chem. Analysis: 45-50% carbohydrates, 5% max. protein, 5% max. salt, 0.5% max. fat, 5% max. moisture CAS 9050-36-6; 9000-07-1; 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4; 232-524-2; 265995-8 Uses: Fat replacement for partial or full replacement of solid animal fats in processed meat prods. (burgers, cooked sausage, liver paté); reduces cooking/frying losses Features: Does not affect taste, texture, or mouthfeel; stable @ -18 to 160 C FDF™ [Cargill Flavor Systems http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/] Uses: Cheese, butter flavor in food Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Features: Variety of flavor profiles available Properties: Liq. F E Blend K with Folic Acid [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch; niacin; reduced iron; thiamine mononitrate; riboflavin; folic acid; tricalcium phosphate See Calcium phosphate tribasic; Corn (Zea mays) starch; Nicotinic acid; Thiamine nitrate Uses: Enrichment blend for corn meal Properties: Free-flowing powd. Use Level: 0.25 oz/100 lb of corn meal Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location; best when used before 9 mos; keep container closed when not in use Fermaloid® [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monocalcium phosphate, corn starch, salt, ammonium sulfate, potassium bromate, potassium iodate See Calcium phosphate monobasic anhydrous; Corn (Zea mays) starch; Sodium chloride Uses: Yeast food, dough improver, and water conditioner for breads, fermentation Features: Acid-type; provides acid salt to lower pH value in the dough Properties: Gran.; 100% through 20 mesh Use Level: 8-10 oz/100 lb flour Storage: 12 mos. shelf life, best when used before 9 mos; store in cool, dry location; keep containers well closed when not in use Ferment Buffer [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calciumcarbonate, ammonium sulfate, flour, calcium sulfate, salt See Calcium carbonate; Sodium chloride Uses: Yeast food, buffer for controlled fermentation brew systems Features: Produces even yeast growth for optimum prod. of fermentation flavors and yeast conditioning Properties: Off-wh. gran.; 100% through 20 mesh; 2.5% moisture Storage: 12 mos. shelf life, best when used before 9 mos; store in cool, dry location; keep containers well closed when not in use Fermented Soy Sauce Powd. 5300 [Nikken Foods Co. Ltd. http://www.nikkenfoods.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Naturally fermented soy sauce with added MSG See Caprylic glycinate; MSG 274
Part I: Trade Name Reference CAS 142-47-2 Uses: Flavoring for soups, stews, gravies, seasonings, cocktail mixes, juices, dressings, vegetable spreads, snack foods, prepared foods Properties: Free-flowing powd. Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area in sealed containers; avoid storage at elevated temps. Fermented Soy Sauce Powd. 5301 [Nikken Foods Co. Ltd. http://www.nikkenfoods.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Naturally fermented soy sauce Uses: Flavoring for soups, stews, gravies, seasonings, cocktail mixes, juices, dressings, vegetable spreads, snack foods, prepared foods Properties: Free-flowing powd. Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area in sealed containers; avoid storage at elevated temps. Fermented Soy Sauce Powd. 5303 [Nikken Foods Co. Ltd. http://www.nikkenfoods.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Naturally fermented soy sauce Uses: Flavoring for soups, stews, gravies, seasonings, cocktail mixes, juices, dressings, vegetable spreads, snack foods, prepared foods Properties: Free-flowing powd. Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area in sealed containers; avoid storage at elevated temps. Fermented Soy Sauce Powd. 5307 [Nikken Foods Co. Ltd. http://www.nikkenfoods.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Naturally fermented soy sauce Uses: Flavoring for soups, stews, gravies, seasonings, cocktail mixes, juices, dressings, vegetable spreads, snack foods, prepared foods Properties: Free-flowing powd. Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area in sealed containers; avoid storage at elevated temps. Fermented Soy Sauce Powd. 5311 [Nikken Foods Co. Ltd. http://www.nikkenfoods.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Naturally fermented soy sauce Uses: Flavoring for soups, stews, gravies, seasonings, cocktail mixes, juices, dressings, vegetable spreads, snack foods, prepared foods Properties: Free-flowing powd. Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area in sealed containers; avoid storage at elevated Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
temps. Fermented Soy Sauce Powd. 5317 [Nikken Foods Co. Ltd. http://www.nikkenfoods.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Naturally fermented soy sauce Uses: Flavoring for soups, stews, gravies, seasonings, cocktail mixes, juices, dressings, vegetable spreads, snack foods, prepared foods Properties: Free-flowing powd. Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area in sealed containers; avoid storage at elevated temps. Fermented Soy Sauce Powd. 5320 [Nikken Foods Co. Ltd. http://www.nikkenfoods.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Naturally fermented Chineseproduced soy sauce Uses: Flavoring for soups, stews, gravies, seasonings, cocktail mixes, juices, dressings, vegetable spreads, snack foods, prepared foods Properties: Free-flowing powd. Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area in sealed containers; avoid storage at elevated temps. Ferronyl® [ISP http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Carbonyl iron FCC See Iron CAS 7439-89-6; EINECS/ELINCS 231-096-4 Uses: Dietary iron supplement for vitamins, foods, animal feeds Features: High bioavailability; highly resist. to oxidation Regulatory: GRAS; FDA 21CFR §184.1375, 582.5375 Properties: Micropowd.; 3-4 µ avg. particle size; 90% < 10 µ particle size; 98% min. Fe Toxicology: Very low toxicity FiberRite™ RW [Midwest Grain Prods. http://www.midwestgrain.com] Chem. Descrip.: starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Fiber source and crispness enhancer in bakery prods., pasta and nutritional food prods., snacks, batter prods., and breakfast cereals Features: Easily incorporated in food formulations Properties: Wh.; neutral flavor Fibersym® RW [Midwest Grain Prods. http://www.midwestgrain.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat starch See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch 275
Part I: Trade Name Reference CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Fiber source and crispness enhancer in bakery prods., pasta and nutritional food prods., snacks, batter prods., and breakfast cereals Features: Resistant; delivers 70% total dietary fiber (AOAC Method 991.43); low waterholding capacity; nearly invisible source of fiber Properties: Wh.; neutral flavor Fibrex® [Danisco Sugar http://www.danisco.com; Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Natural prod. from sugarbeets Uses: Dietary fiber for bakery prods., meat prods.; moisture retention aid, shelf life extender in breads; fat replacer (finer fractions); texturizer (coarse fractions) Features: Provides calorie reduction, prolongs freshness in bread thru water-holding capacity; gluten-free Properties: Avail. in various particle sizes, coarse sm. and large flakes; pH 4.5±0.5; 73% dietary fiber of which 1/3 is soluble Use Level: 1-3% on flour wt. (breads), 1-1.5% on meat quantity (meat loaf, sauce, pates, soups), 0.5-1% (hamburgers) Storage: Store dry @ < 65% r.h. Fibrim® [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy fiber Uses: Dietary fiber for baked goods, cereals, beverages, high-fiber and reduced-calorie foods Properties: Light color; neutral taste Fibruline® XL [Cosucra SA http://www.cosucra.com] Chem. Descrip.: Chicory inulin Chem. Analysis: 99% min. fiber; 0.5% free sugars CAS 9005-80-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-684-3 Uses: Fat mimetic, fat replacement, and texturizer in food Features: Natural, GMO-free Properties: Wh. fiber; tasteless and odorless; highly dispersible Storage: Store under dry conditions for max. 1 yr. Fibruline® Instant [Cosucra SA http://www.cosucra.com] Chem. Descrip.: Chicory inulin Chem. Analysis: 90% min. fiber CAS 9005-80-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-684-3 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Fat mimetic and texturizer in food Features: Natural, GMO-free Properties: Wh. fiber; tasteless and odorless; highly dispersible; 10% solubility Storage: Store under dry conditions for max. 1 yr. Filmtec® [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Spiral wound, composite thin film membranes consisting of ultrathin polyamide barrier, polysulfone interlayer, and polyester web See Polysulfone resin Uses: Membrane for liq. separations for food processing Features: Superior resist. to chem. hydrolysis and microbiological attack Regulatory: Meets all FDA requirements for food contact Filmtec® BW30-400 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Spiral wound, composite thin film membrane consisting of ultrathin polyamide barrier, polysulfone interlayer, and polyester web See Polysulfone resin Uses: Membrane for RO liq. separations for food processing Features: Superior resist. to chem. hydrolysis and microbiological attack Regulatory: Meets all FDA requirements for food contact Filmtec® BW30-2540 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Spiral wound, composite thin film membrane consisting of ultrathin polyamide barrier, polysulfone interlayer, and polyester web See Polysulfone resin Uses: Membrane for RO liq. separations for food processing Features: Superior resist. to chem. hydrolysis and microbiological attack Regulatory: Meets all FDA requirements for food contact Properties: 2.5 in.; water flow rate 600 gpd Filmtec® BW30-4014 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Spiral wound, composite thin film membrane consisting of ultrathin polyamide barrier, polysulfone interlayer, and polyester web See Polysulfone resin Properties: 4 in.; water flow rate 450 gpd Filmtec® BW30-4040 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Spiral wound, composite thin film membrane consisting of ultrathin 276
Part I: Trade Name Reference polyamide barrier, polysulfone interlayer, and polyester web See Polysulfone resin Uses: Membrane for RO liq. separations for food processing Features: Superior resist. to chem. hydrolysis and microbiological attack Regulatory: Meets all FDA requirements for food contact Properties: 4 in.; water flow rate 1800 gpd Filmtec® SW30-2514 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Spiral wound, composite thin film membrane consisting of ultrathin polyamide barrier, polysulfone interlayer, and polyester web See Polysulfone resin Uses: Membrane for sea water purification for emergency drinking water at sea Properties: Water flow rate 100 gpd Filmtec® SW30-2540 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Spiral wound, composite thin film membrane consisting of ultrathin polyamide barrier, polysulfone interlayer, and polyester web See Polysulfone resin Uses: Membrane for sea water purification for emergency drinking water at sea, food processing Features: Superior resist. to chem. hydrolysis and microbiological attack Regulatory: Meets all FDA requirements for food contact Properties: Water flow rate 500 gpd Filmtec® SW30-4040 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Spiral wound, composite thin film membrane consisting of ultrathin polyamide barrier, polysulfone interlayer, and polyester web See Polysulfone resin Uses: Membrane for sea water purification for emergency drinking water at sea, food processing Features: Superior resist. to chem. hydrolysis and microbiological attack Regulatory: Meets all FDA requirements for food contact Properties: Water flow rate 1500 gpd Filmtec® SW30HR-2521 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Spiral wound, composite thin film membrane consisting of ultrathin polyamide barrier, polysulfone interlayer, and polyester web See Polysulfone resin Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Membrane for sea water purification for emergency drinking water at sea, food processing Features: Superior resist. to chem. hydrolysis and microbiological attack Regulatory: Meets all FDA requirements for food contact Properties: Water flow rate 130 gpd Filmtec® TW30-2026 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Spiral wound, composite thin film membrane consisting of ultrathin polyamide barrier, polysulfone interlayer, and polyester web See Polysulfone resin Uses: Membrane for RO liq. separations of tap water elements for use in food processing Features: Superior resist. to chem. hydrolysis and microbiological attack Regulatory: Meets all FDA requirements for food contact Properties: 2.12 in.; water flow rate 220 gpd Filmtec® TW30-2514 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Spiral wound, composite thin film membrane consisting of ultrathin polyamide barrier, polysulfone interlayer, and polyester web See Polysulfone resin Uses: Membrane for RO liq. separations of tap water elements for use in food processing Features: Superior resist. to chem. hydrolysis and microbiological attack Regulatory: Meets all FDA requirements for food contact Properties: 2.5 in.; water flow rate 150 gpd Filmtec® TW30-2521 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Spiral wound, composite thin film membrane consisting of ultrathin polyamide barrier, polysulfone interlayer, and polyester web See Polysulfone resin Uses: Membrane for RO liq. separations of tap water elements for use in food processing Features: Superior resist. to chem. hydrolysis and microbiological attack Regulatory: Meets all FDA requirements for food contact Properties: 2.5 in.; water flow rate 250 gpd
Part I: Trade Name Reference Filmtec® TW30-2540 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Spiral wound, composite thin film membrane consisting of ultrathin polyamide barrier, polysulfone interlayer, and polyester web See Polysulfone resin Uses: Membrane for RO liq. separations of tap water elements for use in food processing Features: Superior resist. to chem. hydrolysis and microbiological attack Regulatory: Meets all FDA requirements for food contact Properties: 2.5 in.; water flow rate 600 gpd Filmtec® TW30-4014 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Spiral wound, composite thin film membrane consisting of ultrathin polyamide barrier, polysulfone interlayer, and polyester web See Polysulfone resin Uses: Membrane for RO liq. separations of tap water elements for use in food processing Features: Superior resist. to chem. hydrolysis and microbiological attack Regulatory: Meets all FDA requirements for food contact Properties: 4 in.; water flow rate 450 gpd Filmtec® TW30-4021 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Spiral wound, composite thin film membrane consisting of ultrathin polyamide barrier, polysulfone interlayer, and polyester web See Polysulfone resin Uses: Membrane for RO liq. separations of tap water elements for use in food processing Features: Superior resist. to chem. hydrolysis and microbiological attack Regulatory: Meets all FDA requirements for food contact Properties: 4 in.; water flow rate 800 gpd Filmtec® TW30-4040 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Spiral wound, composite thin film membrane consisting of ultrathin polyamide barrier, polysulfone interlayer, and polyester web See Polysulfone resin Uses: Membrane for RO liq. separations of tap water elements for use in food processing Features: Superior resist. to chem. hydrolysis Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
and microbiological attack Regulatory: Meets all FDA requirements for food contact Properties: 4 in.; water flow rate 1800 gpd Filmtec® TW30HP-2540 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Spiral wound, composite thin film membrane consisting of ultrathin polyamide barrier, polysulfone interlayer, and polyester web See Polysulfone resin Uses: Membrane for RO liq. separations of tap water elements for use in food processing Features: Superior resist. to chem. hydrolysis and microbiological attack Regulatory: Meets all FDA requirements for food contact Filmtec® TW30HP-4611 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Spiral wound, composite thin film membrane consisting of ultrathin polyamide barrier, polysulfone interlayer, and polyester web See Polysulfone resin Uses: Membrane for RO liq. separations of tap water elements for use in food processing Features: Superior resist. to chem. hydrolysis and microbiological attack Regulatory: Meets all FDA requirements for food contact Filmtec® TW30HP-4641 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Spiral wound, composite thin film membrane consisting of ultrathin polyamide barrier, polysulfone interlayer, and polyester web See Polysulfone resin Uses: Membrane for RO liq. separations of tap water elements for use in food processing Features: Superior resist. to chem. hydrolysis and microbiological attack Regulatory: Meets all FDA requirements for food contact Finlac™ DC [Danisco Sweeteners http://www.daniscosweeteners.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lactitol CAS 585-86-4; EINECS/ELINCS 209-566-6 Uses: Sweetener for confections Features: Reduced caloric level; requires no binders; nonhygroscopic Regulatory: EP Properties: Wh. cryst. powd.; pract. odorless; 278
Part I: Trade Name Reference mild, sweet taste; 100% assay Finmalt L [Danisco Sweeteners http://www.daniscosweeteners.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltitol syrup CAS 585-88-6; EINECS/ELINCS 209-567-0 Uses: Sweetener for foods, soft candies Features: Sugar replacement and reduction; calorie reduction Properties: Colorless liq., odorless, sweet taste; pH 4-6; 75% dry substance Storage: Store below 30 C; avoid temp. fluctuations, water condensation Firm-Tex® [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Visc. builder, binder, texturizer, shelf life extender in cooked meat prods., e.g., turkey rolls; moisture loss reducer in vacuum packaged meats; visc. builder, texturizer in high pH soups, sauces, gravies; water binder in pasta fillings Features: Low gelatinization temp.; exc. water binding capacity; partial replacement for skin milk powd.; smooth, short texture Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Use Level: 2-4% Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Fish 30% [Arista Ind. http://www.aristaindustries.com] Chem. Descrip.: Marine lipid conc. Uses: Nutrient supplement Properties: Gardner 5.5 color; sp.gr. 0.9170.932; acid no. 2; iodine no. 180-205; sapon. no. 180-192
http://www.aristaindustries.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fish liver oil Uses: Nutritive additive Properties: Acid no. < 1.2; iodine no. 140-180; sapon. no. 155-175 Flavourcin™ 1500 [Britannia Natural Prods. http://amcan-ingredients.com/pages/fca.htm] Uses: Flavoring agent, antibacterial for foods (soups, sauces, dips, spreads, frozen foods) Features: Garlic flavor Properties: Aq. sol'n. or dry powd. Flo-Max 5 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy Chem. Analysis: Moisture ≈ 10%) Uses: Glaze for fruits, nuts, pastries; replacement for gum Arabic Regulatory: OSHA nonhazardous Properties: Off-wh. powd.; starch odor; m.w. 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 5 Toxicology: May cause mechanical eye irritation; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, nitrogen, water HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ ambient temps. FloAm® 200 [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Powdered cellulose, dextrose, enzymes See Glucose Uses: Oxygen scavenger, anticaking agent, antimycotic reducing oxygen levels in packaged shredded cheese (mozzarella, muenster, Monterey jack) Properties: Wh. fibrous powd.; 5% max. 100 mesh, 20% max. 200 mesh; partly sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.5 g/cc; pH 5-7.5 (10% susp.) Use Level: 2% by wt. of cheese Toxicology: Inhalation of enzyme dust may cause allergenic reactions on repeated exposure; skin/eye irritant on prolonged direct contact Storage: Store in cool, dry area; avoid exposure to high temps. and humidity FloAm® 200C [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Powdered cellulose, dextrose, annatto, enzymes See Annatto (Bixa orellana); Glucose
Fish Liver Oil [Arista Ind. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Oxygen scavenger, anticaking agent, antimycotic reducing oxygen levels in packaged shredded cheese (cheddar or Colby type cheeses) Properties: Cheese-colored fibrous powd.; 5% max. 100 mesh, 20% max. 200 mesh; partly sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.5 g/cc; pH 5-7.5 (10% susp.) Use Level: 2% by wt. of cheese Toxicology: Inhalation of enzyme dust may cause allergenic reactions on repeated exposure; skin/eye irritant on prolonged direct contact Storage: Store in cool, dry area; avoid exposure to high temps. and humidity FloAm® 210 HC [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Powdered cellulose, dextrose, annatto, enzymes See Annatto (Bixa orellana); Glucose Uses: Oxygen scavenger, anticaking agent, antimycotic reducing oxygen levels in packaged shredded cheese Properties: Cheese-colored fibrous powd.; 5% max. 100 mesh, 20% max. 200 mesh; partly sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.5 g/cc; pH 5-7.5 (10% susp.) Use Level: 2% Toxicology: Inhalation of enzyme dust may cause allergenic reactions on repeated exposure; skin/eye irritant on prolonged direct contact Storage: Store in cool, dry area; avoid exposure to high temps. and humidity FloAm® 221 [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Powdered cellulose, potassium sorbate Uses: Anticaking agent, antimycotic agent reducing oxygen levels in packaged shredded cheese Properties: Powd.; 5% max. 100 mesh, 20% max. 200 mesh; pH 5-7.5 (10% susp.) FloAm® 240 [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose, dextrose, enzymes See Glucose Uses: Oxygen scavenger, reducing oxygen levels in packaged cheese
See Glucose Uses: Oxygen scavenger which preserves freshness of shredded and grated cheese prods. without use of fungicides, bactericides, or other toxic compds., while acting as anticaking agent; antimycotic agent by reducing oxygen level in pkg. Properties: Trace through 30 mesh; 30% through 100 mesh; 60% through 200 mesh; pH 5-7.5 Use Level: 2% (shredded cheese) FloAm® 500 CF [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Rice flour, nat. flavors, salt, dextrose, annatto, enzymes See Annatto (Bixa orellana); Glucose Uses: Oxygen scavenger, anticaking agent, antimycotic agent in shredded cheese; cheddar flavor enhancer Properties: Trace through 30 mesh; 30% through 100 mesh; 60% through 200 mesh; pH 4.5-7 Use Level: 4% FloAm® 500 TF [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Rice flour, taco spices, salt, dextrose, annatto, enzymes See Annatto (Bixa orellana); Glucose Uses: Oxygen scavenger, anticaking agent, antimycotic agent in shredded cheese; provides taco flavoring for food service or consumer pkgs. of flavored cheese Properties: Trace through 30 mesh; 30% through 100 mesh; 60% through 200 mesh; pH 5-7.5 Use Level: 4% FloAm® 540 [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Rice flour, dextrose, enzymes See Glucose Uses: Oxygen scavenger which preserves freshness of packaged cheese prods. FloAm® 740 [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Rice flour, cellulose, dextrose, enzymes See Glucose Uses: Oxygen scavenger which preserves freshness of packaged cheese prods., esp. high moisture cheese
FloAm® 500 [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Rice flour, dextrose, enzymes Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part I: Trade Name Reference FloAm® System [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Oxygen scavenging enzymes, anticaking agent (powd. cellulose, sodium aluminum silicate, microcryst. cellulose, etc.), dextrose (a processing aid) See Glucose; Microcrystalline cellulose; Sodium silicoaluminate Uses: Oxygen scavenging enzyme system which protects packaged prods. from mold by reducing oxygen content; produces no off flavors or odors; used for shredding or dicing of mozzarella, muenster, monterey jack, and other cheeses Properties: Wh. powd. Use Level: 2% max. (CFR) Flo-Gard® AB [PPG Ind. http://www.ppg.com; http://www.ppgchloralkali.com] Chem. Descrip.: Amorphous silica See Silica, amorphous Chem. Analysis: SiO2 anhyd. basis (97.5% ) CAS 112926-00-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Anticaking agent for powd. foods; absorbent for oils and fats in batter mixes, bread conditioners, dried egg yolks, dehydrated soup mixes, milk substitutes, real and artificial cheese powds., spices, and artificial sweetener Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §133.146, 160.105, 160.180, 172.480; Kosher and Pareve approved Properties: Wh. ultrafine powd.; odorless; tasteless; 20 µm median agglomerate size; bulk dens. 8 lb/ft3; surf. area 150 m2/g; moisture absorp. 200 ml/100 g; oil absorp. (corn oil) 270 ml/100 g; pH 7 (5% aq. suspension) Use Level: 2% max. Toxicology: Drying effect on skin, mucous membranes Flo-Gard® FF [PPG/Silica Prods. http://www.ppg.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicon dioxide See Silica EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Flow control agent, anticaking agent for finer, smaller particle size foods; absorbent for oils and fats in fine salts, seasoned salts, non-dairy creamers, and paprika Properties: Fine free-flowing powd.; 10 µm median agglomerate size; sp.gr. 2.1; bulk dens. 8 lb/ft3; surf. area 180 m2/g; moisture Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
absorp. 165 cc/100 g; oil absorp. 210 cc/100 g; pH 7 (5% aq. suspension); ref. index 1.46; MOH Scale hardness 0; 97.5% SiO2 anhyd. basis Toxicology: Drying effect on skin, mucous membranes Flo-Gard® SP [PPG Ind. http://www.ppg.com; http://www.ppgchloralkali.com] Chem. Descrip.: Amorphous precipitated silica See Silica, amorphous CAS 112926-00-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Flow control agent for powd. foods Features: Na2SO4 residual salt Properties: Powd.; pH 7 (5% slurry) Flojel® 60 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch derived from corn See Food starch, modified Uses: Gellant, film-former for confections (jelly gum candies, orange slices, mint leaves, jelly bean centers), chewing gum, pharmaceutical tablets, pet foods; whitening agent in sugar shells Features: Thin boiling; low hot visc.; used at higher solids than conventional starches; produces jellies with exc. sheen and desirable stringy texture Regulatory: OSHA nonhazardous; DOT not regulated Properties: Wh. to off-wh. coarse powd.; starch odor; m.w. 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 5; ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Wear safety glasses, gloves; sensitive to static electricity Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, nitrogen, water HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ ambient temps. Flojel® 65 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from corn See Food starch, modified Uses: Gellant, film-former for confections (jelly gum candies, orange slices, mint leaves, jelly bean centers), chewing gum; whitening agent in sugar shells Features: Thin boiling; low hot visc.; used at higher solids than conventional starches; produces jellies with exc. sheen and desirable stringy texture Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT 281
Part I: Trade Name Reference nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 5.5 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Use Level: 12-14% dry solids basis (gum candy, as sole gellant) Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Flojel® G [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from corn See Food starch, modified Uses: Gellant, film-former for confections (jelly gum candies, orange slices, mint leaves, jelly bean centers), chewing gum; whitening agent in sugar shells Features: Thin boiling; low hot visc.; used at higher solids than conventional starches; produces jellies with exc. sheen and desirable stringy texture Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 5.5 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Use Level: 12-14% dry solids basis (gum candy, as sole gellant) Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Flo-Malt® [ADM Specialty Ingreds. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Extract of malted barley and corn, wheat starch, silicon dioxide (anticaking agent), hydroxylated lecithin (processing aid) See Malt; Silica; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch CAS 977023-73-6 Uses: Sweetener, flavoring agent, flavor enhancer for baked goods, mixes, candy, cereals, dairy prods. Features: Convenient handling; high water absorp.; improves yeast fermentation Properties: Lt. tan free-flowing powd.; 98% min. through 25 mesh; 30-50% through 60 mesh; bulk dens. 46 lb/ft3 (loose), 57 lb/ft3 (packed); 65% malt extract solids; 8% max. moisture; 3% max. protein Use Level: Replaces liq. malt @ ≈ lb for lb Storage: 1 yr. shelf life when stored unopened @ normal R.T. (65-75 F) Fluid AK [Wacker Silicones http://www.wackersilicones.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethylpolysiloxane terminated with nonreactive trimethylsiloxy groups See Dimethicone CAS 9006-65-9 Uses: Defoamer in food processing Features: Features inertness, heat and oxidative stability, exc. elec. props. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340, 175.105, 176.200, 176.210; EPA 40CFR §181.1001(c)(d) Properties: Colorless cl. liq.; misc. with nonpolar liqs. (hydrocarbons, chlorinated hydrocarbons, ethers); range of visc.; ref. index 1.35-1.41; dielec. str. 350 V/mil; dielec. const. 2.7 (100 cycles); vol. resist. 1 x 1014 ohm-cm (500 V) Foam Blast® 7 [Emerald Foam Control http://www.emeraldmaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone antifoam compd. Uses: Antifoam, foam control agent in nonaq. systems, edible oil processing, meat processing, fat rendering Features: Food-grade Properties: 100% act. Foam Blast® 10 [Emerald Foam Control http://www.emeraldmaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone antifoam compd. Uses: Antifoam, foam control agent in nonaq. systems, edible oil processing, meat processing, fat rendering Features: Food-grade; more compat. and 282
Part I: Trade Name Reference dispersible than Foam Blast 5, but less defoaming efficiency Properties: Solv. disp.; emulsifiable in water; 100% act. Foam Blast® 10K [Emerald Foam Control http://www.emeraldmaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone compd. Uses: Defoamer for nonaq. foods Regulatory: Kosher Properties: 100% act. Foam Blast® 102 [Emerald Foam Control http://www.emeraldmaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Polydimethylsiloxane emulsion See Polydimethylsiloxane CAS 9016-00-6 Uses: Defoamer for starch and proteinaceous systems, hot and cold processes, yeast fermentations, sugar beet processing, caustic potato peeling, starch, protein, animal feeds Features: Food-grade; rec. for systems requiring an acid or alkaline tolerant defoamer Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340, 100 ppm max. Properties: Wh. emulsion; dens. 8.35 lb/gal; visc. 1500-2500 cps; flash pt. (PMCC) none; pH 7.2; nonionic; 10% silicone Use Level: 0.01-0.1% based on foaming system; 10-100 ppm (foods) Foam Blast® 102K [Emerald Foam Control http://www.emeraldmaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone defoamer Uses: Defoamer for starch and proteinaceous systems, yeast fermentations, sugar beet processing, caustic potato peeling, vegetable processing, soups, gravies, fruit juices, jellies/jams, freeze-dried coffee, clam processing, animal feeds Features: Food-grade; rec. for systems requiring an acid or alkaline tolerant defoamer Regulatory: FDA §173.340, 100 ppm max., USDA, kosher compliance; exempt from labeling under 21CFR §101.100(a)(3)(ii)(c) Properties: Wh. emulsion; disp. in water; dens. 8.50 lb/gal; visc. 1200-1600 cps; flash pt. (PMCC) none; pH 6.5-7.5; nonionic; 10% act. Use Level: 10-100 ppm Foam Blast® 150 [Emerald Foam Control http://www.emeraldmaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone emulsion Uses: Defoamer for processing seafood, potatoes, freeze-dried beverages, syrup Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
evaporations, and cooking of fruits and vegetables Properties: Disp. in water; 30% act. Foam Blast® 150K [Emerald Foam Control http://www.emeraldmaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone emulsion Uses: Defoamer for starch and proteinaceous systems, yeast fermentations, sugar beet processing, caustic potato peeling, seafood/vegetable processing, soups, gravies, fruit juices, jellies/jams, freezedried coffee, animal feeds Features: Food-grade; rec. for systems requiring an acid or alkaline tolerant defoamer Regulatory: FDA §173.340, 33 ppm max., kosher compliance Properties: Wh. emulsion; disp. in water; dens. 8.30 lb/gal; visc. 2100 cps; flash pt. (PMCC) none; pH 7.0; nonionic; 30% act. Use Level: 5-33 ppm Foam Blast® 300K [Emerald Foam Control http://www.emeraldmaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Nonsilicone defoamer Uses: Defoamer for food processing, esp. extraction of protein from soybeans, potato and vegetable slicing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340(a)(2) Properties: Dk. amber opaque liq.; disp. in water; sp.gr. 0.950 g/ml; dens. 7.92 lb/gal; visc. 300 cps; pour pt. 45 F; flash pt. (PMCC) > 550 F; nonionic; 100% organic Use Level: 25-250 ppm, 1000 ppm max. Storage: Store above 40 F; if solidified, heat before use; if stratified, mix before use Foam Buster™ [Helena http://www.helenachemical.com] Chem. Descrip.: dimethyl polysiloxane (20%) and emulsifiers See Dimethylsiloxane CAS 63148-62-9 Uses: Defoamer for food processing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340; RCRA, CERLCA nonreportable; not regulated for transport; SARA Immediate Health Hazard Properties: Wh. milky liq.; faint odor; disp. in water; sp.gr. 0.97-0.98 (75 F); dens. 8.10-8.20 lb/gal; visc. 600 max. cps; f.p. < 35 F; flash pt. > 200 F; 20% act.; < 1% volatiles Toxicology: Nontoxic; may cause skin, eye irritation Precaution: Wear impervious gloves, chemical goggles Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx, silicon 283
Part I: Trade Name Reference oxides under fire conditions NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Foamkill® 8G [Crucible] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone compd. Uses: Defoamer for nonaq. systems, foods, starch extractions and processing, anaerobic fermentations, vitamins Regulatory: FDA §173.340 Properties: Gray sl. hazy liq., bland odor; insol. in water; sp.gr. 1.020; b.p. > 300 F; flash pt. (TOC) > 300 F; 100% act. Toxicology: May cause eye irritation, mild skin irritation on prolonged/repeated contact Foamkill® 618 [Crucible] Chem. Descrip.: Org. and organo-silicone conc. See Silicone Uses: Defoamer for foods Regulatory: FDA §175.105, 176.210, 178.3120 Properties: Pale yel.; hydrocarbon odor; disp. in water; sp.gr. 0.930; visc. 1000 cps; flash pt. (TOC) 250 F; nonionic; 100% act. Storage: 1 yr. min. shelf stability Foamkill® 810F [Crucible] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethicone emulsion CAS 9006-65-9 Uses: Defoamer for aq. systems, foods, egg washing, soft drink and wine making, vegetable processing, yeast processing, jam/jellies, starch sol'ns., protein processing Regulatory: FDA §173.340, 175.105, 175.320, 176.200, 176.210 Properties: Wh. pourable visc. liq., bland odor; disp. in water; sp.gr. 1.000; dens. 8.3 lb/gal; visc. 300 cps; b.p. 212 F; flash pt. (TOC) > 212 F; pH 7.0; nonionic; 10% act. Use Level: 100 ppm max. Toxicology: May cause eye irritation, mild skin irritation on prolonged/repeated contact Foamkill® 830F [Crucible] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethicone CAS 9006-65-9 Uses: Defoamer for aq. systems, foods, soft drink mfg., fermentation, vegetable washing, sugar beet processing, jams/jellies, starch and protein processing Regulatory: FDA §172.340, 173.340, 175.105, 175.300, 176.200, 176.210 Properties: Wh. pourable visc. liq., bland odor; disp. in water; sp.gr. 0.993; dens. 8.3 lb/gal; visc. 3500 cps; b.p. 212 F; flash pt. (TOC) > 212 F; pH 7.0; nonionic; 30% act. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Use Level: To 33 ppm Toxicology: May cause eye irritation, mild skin irritation on prolonged/repeated contact Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Produces SiO2 upon burning Storage: Avoid freezing Foamkill® 836A [Crucible] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone emulsions See Silicone emulsion Uses: Defoamer for foods Regulatory: FDA §175.105, 175.300, 176.200, 176.210 Properties: Wh. pourable viscous liq.; sp.gr. 1.00; visc. 3000 cps; pH 8.0; nonionic Foamkill® MSF Conc. [Crucible] Chem. Descrip.: Organo-silicone See Silicone Uses: Defoamer for high and low temp. applics., esp. foods (fruit and veg. washing, egg washing, soft drinks, wine making, yeast processing, jam/jellies, sugar refining) Features: Conc. for formulating defoamers Regulatory: FDA §173.340, 175.105, 175.300, 176.200, 176.210 Properties: Wh. visc. liq., mild pleasant odor; readily disp. in water; sp.gr. 1.084; dens. 9.02 lb/gal; visc. 20,000 cps; b.p. 212 F; flash pt. > 212 F; pH 9.02 (1%); nonionic; 15% dimethylpolysiloxane Use Level: 66 ppm max. Toxicology: May cause eye irritation, mild skin irritation on prolonged/repeated skin contact Folded Orange Oil 5-Fold [Florida Chem. http://www.floridachemical.com] Chem. Descrip.: Orange oil distilled from winterized peel oil of fresh oranges See Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium amara) peel extract CAS 8028-48-6 Uses: Flavoring agent, fragrance, color enhancer for foods, beverages Properties: Dk. orange oil; fresh orange aroma; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.860-0.870; b.p. 349 F; flash pt. (CC) 48 C; ref. index 1.4775-1.4785; 85% volatile Toxicology: Mod. irritant to skin, eyes, nose, and throat; sl. allergen; mod. ing. and sl. inh. hazard Precaution: Combustible; keep away from heat, sparks, open flame; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Ingredients: None 284
Part I: Trade Name Reference HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ 0-24 C in orig. sealed containers in sprinklered warehouse; once opened, head space should be purged with inert gas and tightly resealed Folded Orange Oil 10-Fold [Florida Chem. http://www.floridachemical.com] Chem. Descrip.: Orange oil distilled from winterized peel oil of fresh oranges See Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium amara) peel extract CAS 8028-48-6 Uses: Flavoring agent, fragrance, color enhancer for foods, beverages Properties: Dk. orange oil; fresh orange aroma; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.870-0.890; b.p. 349 F; flash pt. (CC) 49 C; ref. index 1.4760-1.4860; 78% volatile Toxicology: Mod. irritant to skin, eyes, nose, and throat; sl. allergen; mod. ing. and sl. inh. hazard Precaution: Combustible; keep away from heat, sparks, open flame; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Ingredients: None HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ 0-24 C in orig. sealed containers in sprinklered warehouse; once opened, head space should be purged with inert gas and tightly resealed Folic Acid 10% Trituration [DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com] Chem. Descrip.: Folic acid USP, FCC in calcium phosphate dibasic carrier CAS 59-30-3; 7757-93-9; EINECS/ELINCS 200419-0; 231-826-1 Uses: Vitamin essential for forming certain body proteins and genetic materials for cell nucleus; for food formulations Properties: Lt. yel. to ylsh. orange powd.; 100% through 80 mesh; insol. in water and org. solvs.; m.w. 441.40; 10% min. assay Precaution: Fairly stable in presence of air and heat, but destroyed by light and uv radiation Storage: Store in tight, light-resist. containers; avoid exposure to moisture and excessive heat Fonoline® White [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum USP CAS 8027-32-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Release agent, lubricant, sealant, polishing agent, protective coating, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
defoamer in foods; confectionery lubricants; meat packing Features: Soft, low m.p. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.880 Properties: Wh., odorless; visc. 9-14 cSt (100 C); m.p. 53-58 C; pour pt. 20 F Fonoline® Yellow [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum USP CAS 8027-32-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Release agent, lubricant, sealant, polishing agent, protective coating, defoamer in foods; confectionery lubricant; meat packing Features: Soft, low m.p. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.880 Properties: Yel., odorless; visc. 9-14 cSt (100 C); m.p. 53-58 C; pour pt. 20 F; HLB 8.4; 99% solids Formulaid® [Martek Biosciences http://www.martekbio.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blended vegetable triglyceride oils (docosahexaenoic acid and arachidonic acid) Uses: Supplement for infant formulas Features: Closely matches composition of breast milk Regulatory: GRAS Properties: Golden cl. liq. FP600 [Midwest Grain Prods. http://www.midwestgrain.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat protein conc. See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) protein Uses: Improves the extensibility and sheeting of dough; enhances pliability and shelf life of tortillas and flat bread; improves textural firmness in pasta, meat extended and meat analog prods.; binding agent in surimi prods.; partial replacement for egg whites in dairy prods. Storage: Store under cool, dry and sanitary conditions Freedom™ 540 [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Palm oil See Palm (Elaeis guineensis) oil CAS 8002-75-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-316-1 Uses: Coating fat for bakery, confectionery, and nutritional bars Features: Steep melting profile; good heat stability Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Wh. to yel. crystalline matrix or oily 285
Part I: Trade Name Reference liq.; insol. in water Toxicology: Dermatitis could result from prolonged residence of oil on skin of allergy sensitive individuals Precaution: Avoid excessive heating and inh. of veg. mists Storage: 6 mos. shelf life; store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight @ 65-80 F Freedom™ 875 [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Palm oil and palm kernel oil See Palm (Elaeis guineensis) kernel oil; Palm (Elaeis guineensis) oil CAS 8002-75-3; 8023-79-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-316-1; 232-425-4 Uses: Coating fat for cookies, donuts, and snack cake Features: Steep melting profile; good heat stability; fast crystallization properties Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Wh. to yel. crystalline matrix or oily liq.; insol. in water Toxicology: Dermatitis could result from prolonged residence of oil on skin of allergy sensitive individuals Precaution: Avoid excessive heating and inh. of veg. mists Storage: 6 mos. shelf life; store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight @ 65-80 F
CAS 8002-75-3; 8023-79-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-316-1; 232-425-4 Uses: Coating fat for confectionery Features: Steep melting profile; good heat stability; nontempering Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Wh. to yel. crystalline matrix or oily liq.; insol. in water Toxicology: Dermatitis could result from prolonged residence of oil on skin of allergy sensitive individuals Precaution: Avoid excessive heating and inh. of veg. mists Storage: 6 mos. shelf life; store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight @ 65-80 F Freedom™ IC 600 [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Palm oil See Palm (Elaeis guineensis) oil CAS 8002-75-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-316-1 Uses: Coating fat for ice cream and frozen dessert Features: Quick setting properties Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Wh. to yel. crystalline matrix or oily liq.; insol. in water Toxicology: Dermatitis could result from prolonged residence of oil on skin of allergy sensitive individuals Precaution: Avoid excessive heating and inh. of veg. mists Storage: 6 mos. shelf life; store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight @ 65-80 F
Freedom™ 905 [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Palm oil and palm kernel oil See Palm (Elaeis guineensis) kernel oil; Palm (Elaeis guineensis) oil CAS 8002-75-3; 8023-79-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-316-1; 232-425-4 Uses: Coating fat for confectionery and bakery prods. Features: Steep melting profile; good heat stability; improved crystallization properties Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Wh. to yel. crystalline matrix or oily liq.; insol. in water Toxicology: Dermatitis could result from prolonged residence of oil on skin of allergy sensitive individuals Precaution: Avoid excessive heating and inh. of veg. mists Storage: 6 mos. shelf life; store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight @ 65-80 F
Freeze Dried Beef Liver Powd. Defatted [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dried defatted powd. processed from beef livers Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Powd. Storage: Store in cool, dry area
Freedom™ 910 [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Palm oil and palm kernel oil See Palm (Elaeis guineensis) kernel oil; Palm (Elaeis guineensis) oil
Freeze Dried Beef Liver Powder [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dried powd. processed from beef livers
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Free-Flowing KCl [Reheis http://www.reheis.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Potassium chloride USP/FCC, BP, EP CAS 7447-40-7; EINECS/ELINCS 231-211-8 Uses: Functional food additive Features: Resists hardening and caking for up to 12 wks Properties: Gran.; 20-60 mesh
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Powd. Freeze Dried Pork Liver Powder Defatted [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dried powd. processed from pork livers Chem. Analysis: 6% max. loss on drying Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Powd. Storage: Store in a cool dry place Freeze Dried Pork Liver Powder Undefatted [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dried powd. processed from pork livers Chem. Analysis: 6% max. loss on drying Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Powd. Storage: Store in a cool dry place Freezist® M [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for canned puddings, frozen sauces, pies, sauces, gravies, soups, baby foods, fruit pie fillings Features: Exc. freeze/thaw and cold temp. stability; forms smooth, creamy cooked preps. with resist. to heat and acid Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Powd.; 98% through 60 mesh; pH 5.0 (50% uncooked sol'n.); 11.5% moisture Frescolat MGA [Symrise USA http://www.symrise.com] Chem. Descrip.: Menthone glycerin acetal CAS 63187-91-7 Uses: Cooling agent, flavoring agent in foods Features: Mild cooling flavor Regulatory: FEMA/GRAS approved Properties: Colorless cl. liq.; faintly minty odor, easily masked by perfume oils; virtually tasteless; oil-sol.; m.w. 228.4; dens. 1.030; congeal pt. < -30 C; acid no. 1 max.; flash pt. > 100 C; ref. index 1.473-1.480; 98% min. assay Precaution: Avoid combustible substances Storage: 1 yr. min. storage stability when stored in tightly sealed containers under cool conditions Frescolat® ML [Symrise USA http://www.symrise.com] Chem. Descrip.: Menthyl lactate Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 59259-38-0; EINECS/ELINCS 261-678-3 Uses: Cooling agent, flavoring agent in powd. drink mixes, chewing gums, sweets Features: Mild cooling flavor Properties: Colorless liq. or solid, faintly minty odor, pract. tasteless; sol. in ethanol (50 vol. %), diethyl phthalate, min. oil, 1,2-propanediol; m.w. 228.4; acid no. 1 max.; flash pt. > 100 C; pH 4-8 Precaution: Avoid combustible substances Fresh-N® [Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com] Chem. Descrip.: Alpha amylase from B. subtilis See α-Amylase CAS 9000-90-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-565-6 Uses: Enzyme, shelf life extender for baked goods Features: Heat-resist. Freshness Enhancer - BWF, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor to impart berries and fruit flavors to food prods. Features: Has freshly picked, vine ripened taste Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Colorless to lt. yel. liq.; tasteless, sl. saltly taste; sol. in water, alcohol, oil, PG Use Level: 0.1-1.0 ppm as consumed Freshness Enhancer - Cit, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor to impart "freshly squeezed" taste to citrus flavors, juices and other citrus prods. Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Colorless liq.; tasteless, sl. saltly taste; sol. in water, alcohol, oil, PG Use Level: 0.1-1.0 ppm as consumed Freshness Enhancer - D, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor to impart "freshly prepared" taste to dairy flavors, prods. Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Lt. yel. to yel. liq.; tasteless, sl. saltly taste; sol. in water, alcohol, oil, PG Use Level: 0.1-1.0 ppm consumed Freshness Enhancer - MBF, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor to impart "fresh picked, vine ripened" taste to mint, berry and fruit 287
Part I: Trade Name Reference Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Yel. to lt yel., cl. liq.; tasteless, sl. saltly taste; sol. in water, alcohol, oil, PG Use Level: 0.1-1.0 ppm consumed Freshness Enhancer - Mint, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor to impart "fresh picked" taste to mint Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Yel. to lt yel., cl. liq.; tasteless, sl. saltly taste; sol. in water, alcohol, oil, PG Use Level: 0.1-1.0 ppm consumed Friendy 55(V) [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Vegetable oil, sorbitol, distilled monoglyceride, propylene glycol fatty acid ester, sorbitan fatty acid ester, polyglycerol fatty acid ester CAS 68956-68-3; 50-70-4; EINECS/ELINCS 273313-5; 200-061-5 Uses: Emulsifier; foaming gel for sponge cake with fat and oil
Uses: Thickener, texturizer for foods incl. retorted foods, aseptically canned prods., dairy prods. (puddings, cream fillings), frozen foods, fruit prods., acidic sauces Features: Exc. resist. to heat, acid, shear, exceptional cold temp. storage stability; smooth, short texture Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity
Friendy FF-30 [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Vegetable oil, distilled monoglyceride, propylene glycol fatty acid ester CAS 68956-68-3; EINECS/ELINCS 273-313-5 Uses: Emulsifier; multifunctional shortening
Fructamyl 50A [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: fructose CAS 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in beverages, fruit preparations, dairy prods. Properties: Crystalline
Friendy M [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Vegetable oil, sorbitol, distilled monoglyceride, glycerin fatty acid ester, lecithin CAS 68956-68-3; 50-70-4; 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 273-313-5; 200-061-5; 232307-2 Uses: Quality improver for noodles
Fructamyl 211 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: fructose CAS 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in beverages, fruit preparations, dairy prods. Properties: Liq.
Friendy SB [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Edible oil and an emulsifier See Vegetable oil CAS 68956-68-3; EINECS/ELINCS 273-313-5 Uses: Butter cream compound Features: Halal grade available Frigex®-W [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Fructofin® C [Danisco Sweeteners http://www.daniscosweeteners.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fructose FCC, USP, NF CAS 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener for baked goods, beverages, cereals, confections, desserts, dairy prods., jams and preserves, meal replacements, and sports nutrition Features: Food grade; stable to air and heat Properties: Wh. cryst. powd.; pract. odorless; very sweet taste; very sol. in water (≈ 3.5 g/ml); sol. in ethanol; sparingly sol. in ether; m.w. 180.16; m.p. 102-105 C; pH 4.5-7 (10%); 288
Part I: Trade Name Reference 98% min. act.; 0.1% max. moisture Toxicology: Relatively nontoxic by ing.; may cause skin/eye irritation; prolonged inh. (nuisance particle) may cause respiratory irritation Precaution: Sl. fire hazard when exposed to heat or flame; may burn but does not ignite readily; dust-air mixts. may ignite or explode; avoid contact with strong oxidizers, excessive heat, sparks, open flame Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. may release toxic/hazardous gases Storage: 1 yr. shelf life in original sealed pkg. stored below 25 C and < 60% r.h.; hygroscopic Fructofin® CFP [Danisco Sweeteners http://www.daniscosweeteners.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fructose, endotoxin free white crystalline powder CAS 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener for baked goods, beverages, cereals, confections, desserts, dairy prods., jams ad preserves, meal replacements, and sports nutrition Regulatory: Ph. Eur., USP/NF grade Properties: White crystalline powder with a very sweet taste, 350 µm-600 µm, NMT 10%870 µm Fructofin® CM [Danisco Sweeteners http://www.daniscosweeteners.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fructose, milled CAS 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener for baked goods, beverages, cereals, confections, desserts, dairy prods., jams ad preserves, meal replacements, and sports nutrition Properties: White crystalline powder with a very sweet taste Fruisana [Danisco Sweeteners http://www.daniscosweeteners.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fructose CAS 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener FruitSavr® [Advanced Ingreds. http://www.advancedingredients.com] Chem. Descrip.: fruit juice concs. with mediumchain carbohydrates Uses: Moisture binder, shelf-life extender, freeze/thaw stabilizer, and oxidation retarder for fruits, fruit fillings, jams, jellies, fruit yogurt Features: Typically doubles the shelf life of most Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
fruit Regulatory: GRAS, kosher Properties: Amber to dk.-brn. liq.; odorless; bland taste; completely sol. in water; dens. 11.8 lb/gal; b.p. 220 F Toxicology: Noncarcinogenic; not harmful Environmental: biodeg. Hazardous Ingredients: None Storage: Shelf life 12 mos. for unopened container; store @ 55-90 F; storage @ > 90 F will accelerate the darkening; do not refrigerate during either shipping or storage Fruitfil® 1 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for neutral and low-acid foods, citrus-flavored puddings/fillings for pies and cakes, dry sauce, soup, and gravy mixes, canned foods, infant foods Features: Provides bland flavor, soft tender gel, good clarity Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; kosher, Passover certified Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; mixes readily in cold water; pH 5.7; 11% moisture Fruitrim® [Advanced Ingreds. http://www.advancedingredients.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fruit juice and nat. grain dextrins Uses: Fat replacement for low-fat or fat-free baked goods (breads, brownies, caramels, cinnamon rolls, crackers, flan, frostings, ice cream, muffins, pies, rolls, salad dressings, torts, waffles, yogurts, etc.); binder, emulsifier, and antioxidant in foods Regulatory: Kosher, pareve Properties: Amber liq.; no odor; bland taste; completely sol. in water; dens. 11.8 lb/gal; visc. 4000 cps (78.5 Brix); b.p. 220 F; 22 ± 1% moisture; glucose (42-50%); fructose (2028%); maltose (15-21%); sucrose (0-6%) Toxicology: Nontoxic Environmental: biodeg. Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents such as perchloric acid Hazardous Ingredients: None Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: 1 yr. shelf life in unopened containers @ 50-80 F; darkening may occur over time without affecting quality 289
Part I: Trade Name Reference Fungamyl 800 L [Novozymes A/S http://www.novozymes.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fungal α-amylase with small amount of amyloglucosidase See Amyloglucosidase CAS 9000-90-2; 9032-08-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-565-6; 232-877-2 Uses: Breaks down starch in baked goods Storage: 3 mos. shelf life when stored at 25 C; longer shelf life when stored at 5 C; store under dry and cold condition preferable under refrigeration Fungamyl Super BR [Novozymes A/S http://www.novozymes.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fungal α-amylase and glucose oxidase CAS 9000-90-2; 9001-37-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-565-6; 232-601-0 Uses: Used in bread improvers for replacing bromate Features: Suitable for GMO-sensitive applications Storage: 3 mos. shelf life when stored at 25 C; longer shelf life when stored at 5 C; store under dry and cold condition preferable under refrigeration Furfurrole 302 [Int'l. Flavors & Fragrances US http://www.iff.com] Chem. Descrip.: 1H-Pyrrole, 1-(2furanylmethyl) See 1-Furfuryl-1H-pyrrole CAS 1438-94-4; EINECS/ELINCS 215-876-1 Uses: Flavoring agent in food Regulatory: Kosher Parve Properties: Pale orange to dk. orange cl. liq.; horseradish odor; m.w. 147; sp.gr. 1.1001.200; flash pt. (CC) 180 F; ref. index 1.52901.5360 (20 C) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life G-038 [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Acetic acid ester of monoglyceride Uses: Coating agent for meat prods., nuts; releasing agent, defoamer, plasticizer for chewing gum, plastics; enhances aerating ability of shortenings, toppings Properties: Liq.; hydroxyl 20 max.; sapon. value 380-398; iodine value 27-37; acid value 3 max. G-002 [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Acetic acid ester of monoglyceride Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Coating agent for meat prods., nuts; releasing agent, defoamer, plasticizer for chewing gum, plastics; enhances aerating ability of shortenings, toppings Properties: Liq.; hydroxyl 20 max.; sapon. value 440-455; iodine value 2 max.; acid value 3 max. G-508 [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Acetic acid ester of monoglyceride Uses: Coating agent for meat prods., nuts; releasing agent, defoamer, plasticizer for chewing gum, plastics; enhances aerating ability of shortenings, toppings Properties: Waxy block; m.p. 40-46 C; hydroxyl 125-155; sapon. value 280-295; iodine value 3 max.; acid value 3 max. Gadocal+ [Gadot Biochem. Ind. http://www.gadotbio.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium citrate tetrahydrate See Calcium citrate CAS 5785-44-4; EINECS/ELINCS 212-391-7 Uses: Dietary supplement, calcium source for beverages, citrus flavored applics.; citric acid substitute Features: Kosher Properties: Wh. powd., pract. odorless, tart acid taste; very sol. in cold water; vapor pressure pract. zero; pH 3.2-3.7 (1%) Toxicology: Ing. in large quantities may cause nausea, vomiting, cramps; inh. causes coughing, sneezing, and labored breathing; sl. skin irritation; sl. eye irritation; may cause some allergic reaction Environmental: biodeg. Storage: Store in a cool, dry place; use in wellventilated areas; avoid humidity and high temps.; preserve in well-closed containers Gadocal Gold [Gadot Biochem. Ind. http://www.gadotbio.com] Chem. Descrip.: citric acid calcium salt and carbohydrates See Calcium citrate CAS 813-94-5; EINECS/ELINCS 212-391-7 Uses: Dietary supplement, calcium source, acidity regulator, and firming agent in food Features: Kosher; non-GMO prod. Properties: Wh. solid crystals, no unusual odor, tart acid taste; fpH 3.0-5.0 Toxicology: May cause respiratory tract, eye and skin irritation; nontoxic Environmental: biodeg. 290
Part I: Trade Name Reference Precaution: Use goggles, full suit, dust respirator, boots, and gloves Storage: 2-yr. shelf life; store in a cool, dry place; use in well-ventilated areas; avoid humidity and high temps.; preserve in wellclosed containers Gadolin Calcium [Gadot Biochem. Ind. http://www.gadotbio.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium citrate and dietary fiber Chem. Analysis: 4.8-5.3% assay (as Ca); 5256% dietary fiber; 68-71% total carbohydrates CAS 813-94-5; EINECS/ELINCS 212-391-7 Uses: Dietary supplement, calcium source, acidity regulator in food Features: Kosher; non-GMO prod. Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd., pract. odorless; freely sol. in water; vapor pressure pract. zero; pH 4.0-5.0 (1%) Storage: 2 yr. shelf life; store in a cool, dry place; use in well-ventilated areas; avoid humidity and high temps.; preserve in well-closed containers Gadolin Magnesium [Gadot Biochem. Ind. http://www.gadotbio.com] Chem. Descrip.: Magnesium citrate Chem. Analysis: 73-77% carbohydrates; 50-55% dietary fiber; 146 Kcal/100 g CAS 7779-25-1 Uses: Dietary supplement, acidity regulator and dietary supplement for foods Features: No raw materials from bovine origin are used nor are any bovine constituents present Regulatory: Kosher; EU directive 2003/89, annex 3a for no food allergens; non-GMO prod. Properties: Wh. to off-wh.powd., pract. odorless; very sol. in water;pH 3.8-4.8 (1%) Storage: 2 yr shelf-life; store in a cool, dry place in a tightly closed container; avoid exposure to air Gadomag+ [Gadot Biochem. Ind. http://www.gadotbio.com] Chem. Descrip.: Magnesium citrate CAS 7779-25-1 Uses: Dietary supplement, magnesium source for foods, beverages Features: Kosher Properties: Wh. powd., pract. odorless; very sol. in water; pH 4.0-6.0 (1%); 12.5% min. assay (as Mg); 1% max. water Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Toxicology: Irritating to eyes, skin, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract; may be harmful if swallowed Precaution: Avoid raising dust Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Toxic fumes of CO Storage: Store in a cool, dry place in sealed bags Gado Multimin [Gadot Biochem. Ind. http://www.gadotbio.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium citrate, magnesium citrate, zinc citrate dihydrate, and fructose See Zinc citrate Chem. Analysis: 7.8-8.6% calcium; 2-2.4% magnesium; 30% carbohydrates; 256.5 Kcal/100 g CAS 813-94-5; 3344-18-1; 5990-32-9; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 212-391-7; 208-901-2; 200333-3 Uses: Dietary supplement, calcium source, acidity regulator in food Features: Kosher; non-GMO prod. Properties: Wh. solid crystals., no unusual odor; freely sol. in water; vapor pressure pract. zero; pH 4.0-5.0 (1%) Toxicology: Skin and eye irritant Environmental: biodeg.; no ecotoxicity Precaution: Emits toxic fumes under fire conditions; wear goggles, full suit, dust respirator, boots, and gloves; reactive with oxidizers; avoid breathing dust Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO and ZO toxic fumes Storage: 2 yr. shelf life; store in a cool, dry place; use in well-ventilated areas; avoid humidity and high temps.; preserve in well-closed containers Gadophit [Gadot Biochem. Ind. http://www.gadotbio.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium hydroxide phosphate and calcium citrate Chem. Analysis: 30-33% min. assay (as Ca); 1% max. water CAS 12167-74-7; 813-94-5; EINECS/ELINCS 212-391-7 Uses: Calcium fortification for soy and dairy prods. Features: Kosher; non-GMO prod. Properties: Wh. powd., odorless; < 10 μ (97%) very sl. sol. in water; pH 3.5-4.5 (1%) Precaution: Wear chemical safety goggles, gloves, and dust mask Storage: 2 yr. shelf life; store in a cool, dry place 291
Part I: Trade Name Reference in sealed bags Gadozinc+ [Gadot Biochem. Ind. http://www.gadotbio.com] Chem. Descrip.: Zinc citrate CAS 546-46-3 Uses: Dietary supplement for foods and beverages Features: Kosher Properties: Wh. powd., pract. odorless; very sol. in water; m.p. 335 C; pH 4.0-5.0 (1%); 25% min. assay (as Zn) Toxicology: Irritating to eyes, skin, mucous membranes, and upper respiratory tract; may be harmful by inh., ing., or skin absorp. Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents; avoid raising dust Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Toxic fumes of CO, CO2, Zn, ZnO; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Store in a cool, dry place Galacid Excel 50 [Galactic http://www.lactic.com/] Chem. Descrip.: L(+) Lactic acid (49.5-50.5%) See Lactic acid Chem. Analysis: Heavy metals 10 ppm max.; iron 10 ppm max.; calcium 10 ppm max.; chloride 10 ppm max.; sulfate 10 ppm max.; sulphated ash 0.05% max.; cyanide 5 ppm max.; lead 0.5 ppm max.; arsenic 1 ppm max.; mercury 1 ppm max. Uses: Flavoring agent and pH control agent in food Regulatory: GRAS; Europe E270; complies with Food Chemical Codex V Properties: Cl. liq.; Hazen color 50 max.; sl. acid odor, taste; m.w. 90.08; dens. 1.11-1.13; hygroscopic Galacid Excel 80 [Galactic http://www.lactic.com/] Chem. Descrip.: L(+) Lactic acid (49.5-50.5%) See Lactic acid Chem. Analysis: Heavy metals 10 ppm max.; iron 10 ppm max.; calcium 10 ppm max.; chloride 10 ppm max.; sulfate 10 ppm max.; sulphated ash 0.05% max.; cyanide 5 ppm max.; lead 0.5 ppm max.; arsenic 1 ppm max.; mercury 1 ppm max. Uses: Flavoring agent and pH control agent in food Regulatory: GRAS; Europe E270; complies with Food Chemical Codex V Properties: Cl. liq.; Hazen color 50 max.; sl. acid Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
odor, taste; m.w. 90.08; dens. 1.18-1.19; hygroscopic Galacid Excel 88 [Galactic http://www.lactic.com/] Chem. Descrip.: L(+) Lactic acid (87.5-88.5%) See Lactic acid Chem. Analysis: Heavy metals 10 ppm max.; iron 10 ppm max.; calcium 10 ppm max.; chloride 10 ppm max.; sulfate 10 ppm max.; sulphated ash 0.05% max.; cyanide 5 ppm max.; lead 0.5 ppm max.; arsenic 1 ppm max.; mercury 1 ppm max. Uses: Flavoring agent and pH control agent in food Regulatory: GRAS; Europe E270; complies with Food Chemical Codex V Properties: Cl. liq.; Hazen color 50 max.; sl. acid odor, taste; m.w. 90.08; dens. 1.20-1.22 Galacid Feed 80 - XT [Galactic http://www.lactic.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Lactic acid (80% min.) Chem. Analysis: Heavy metals 10 ppm max.; iron 150 ppm max.; calcium 120 ppm max.; chloride 40 ppm max.; sulfate 150 ppm max.; sulphated ash 1% max.; lead 5 ppm max.; arsenic 1 ppm max.; mercury 1 ppm max. Uses: Flavoring agent and pH control agent in food Properties: Brown liq.; m.w. 90.08; dens. 1.181.28 Galacid Food 80 [Galactic http://www.lactic.com/] Chem. Descrip.: L(+) Lactic acid (79.5-80.5%) See Lactic acid Chem. Analysis: Heavy metals 10 ppm max.; iron 10 ppm max.; calcium 10 ppm max.; chloride 10 ppm max.; sulfate 10 ppm max.; sulphated ash 0.1% max.; cyanide 5 ppm max.; lead 0.5 ppm max.; arsenic 1 ppm max.; mercury 1 ppm max. Uses: Preservative and pH control agent in mayonnaise, dressings, sauces, salads, fish and shrimp prods.; direct acidification of cottage cheese, mozzarella, etc.; fermentation booster in rye bread; flavoring agent in margarine, butter, yogurt; pH adjuster in wine, cider, canned vegetables such as gherkins, olives, rasped carrots, onions, etc Regulatory: GRAS; Europe E270; complies with Food Chemical Codex V Properties: Sl. yel. liq.; Hazen color 150 max.; sl. 292
Part I: Trade Name Reference acid odor, taste; m.w. 90.08; dens. 1.18-1.19 Galacid Food 80 Improved [Galactic http://www.lactic.com/] Chem. Descrip.: L(+) Lactic acid (79.5-80.5%) See Lactic acid Chem. Analysis: Heavy metals 10 ppm max.; iron 10 ppm max.; calcium 10 ppm max.; chloride 10 ppm max.; sulfate 10 ppm max.; sulphated ash 0.1% max.; cyanide 5 ppm max.; lead 0.5 ppm max.; arsenic 1 ppm max.; mercury 1 ppm max. Uses: Preservative and pH control agent in mayonnaise, dressings, sauces, salads, fish and shrimp prods.; direct acidification of cottage cheese, mozzarella, etc.; fermentation booster in rye bread; flavoring agent in margarine, butter, yogurt; pH adjuster in wine, cider, canned vegetables such as gherkins, olives, rasped carrots, onions, etc Regulatory: GRAS; Europe E270; complies with Food Chemical Codex V Properties: Sl. yel. liq.; Hazen color 100 max.; sl. acid odor, taste; m.w. 90.08; dens. 1.18-1.19 Galacid Food 88 [Galactic http://www.lactic.com/] Chem. Descrip.: L(+) Lactic acid (87.5-88.5%) See Lactic acid Chem. Analysis: Heavy metals 10 ppm max.; iron 10 ppm max.; calcium 10 ppm max.; chloride 10 ppm max.; sulfate 10 ppm max.; sulphated ash 0.1% max.; cyanide 5 ppm max.; lead 0.5 ppm max.; arsenic 1 ppm max.; mercury 1 ppm max. Uses: Preservative and pH control agent in mayonnaise, dressings, sauces, salads, fish and shrimp prods.; direct acidification of cottage cheese, mozzarella, etc.; fermentation booster in rye bread; flavoring agent in margarine, butter, yogurt; pH adjuster in wine, cider, canned vegetables such as gherkins, olives, rasped carrots, onions, etc Regulatory: GRAS; Europe E270; complies with Food Chemical Codex V Properties: Sl. yel. liq.; Hazen color 150 max.; sl. acid odor, taste; m.w. 90.08; dens. 1.1951.205 Galacid Food 88 Improved [Galactic http://www.lactic.com/] Chem. Descrip.: L(+) Lactic acid (87.5-88.5%) See Lactic acid Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Chem. Analysis: Heavy metals 10 ppm max.; iron 10 ppm max.; calcium 10 ppm max.; chloride 10 ppm max.; sulfate 10 ppm max.; sulphated ash 0.1% max.; cyanide 5 ppm max.; lead 0.5 ppm max.; arsenic 1 ppm max.; mercury 1 ppm max. Uses: Preservative and pH control agent in mayonnaise, dressings, sauces, salads, fish and shrimp prods.; direct acidification of cottage cheese, mozzarella, etc.; fermentation booster in rye bread; flavoring agent in margarine, butter, yogurt; pH adjuster in wine, cider, canned vegetables such as gherkins, olives, rasped carrots, onions, etc Regulatory: GRAS; Europe E270; complies with Food Chemical Codex V Properties: Sl. yel. liq.; Hazen color 100 max.; sl. acid odor, taste; m.w. 90.08; dens. 1.1951.205 Galacid Heat-Stable 80 [Galactic http://www.lactic.com/] Chem. Descrip.: L(+) Lactic acid (79.5-80.5%) See Lactic acid Chem. Analysis: Heavy metals 5 ppm max.; iron 10 ppm max.; calcium 10 ppm max.; chloride 10 ppm max.; sulfate 10 ppm max.; sulphated ash 0.05% max.; cyanide 5 ppm max.; lead 0.5 ppm max.; arsenic 1 ppm max.; mercury 1 ppm max. Uses: Preservative and pH control agent in mayonnaise, dressings, sauces, salads, fish and shrimp prods.; direct acidification of cottage cheese, mozzarella, etc.; fermentation booster in rye bread; flavoring agent in margarine, butter, yogurt; pH adjuster in wine, cider, canned vegetables such as gherkins, olives, rasped carrots, onions, etc Regulatory: GRAS; Europe E270; complies with Food Chemical Codex V, EP 2002, USP 27 Properties: Sl. yel. liq.; Hazen color 50 max.; sl. acid odor, taste; m.w. 90.08; dens. 1.18-1.19 Galacid Heat-Stable 88 [Galactic http://www.lactic.com/] Chem. Descrip.: L(+) Lactic acid (87.5-88.5%) See Lactic acid Chem. Analysis: Heavy metals 5 ppm max.; iron 10 ppm max.; calcium 10 ppm max.; chloride 10 ppm max.; sulfate 10 ppm max.; sulphated ash 0.05% max.; cyanide 5 ppm max.; lead 0.5 ppm max.; arsenic 1 ppm max.; mercury 1 293
Part I: Trade Name Reference ppm max. Uses: Preservative and pH control agent in mayonnaise, dressings, sauces, salads, fish and shrimp prods.; direct acidification of cottage cheese, mozzarella, etc.; fermentation booster in rye bread; flavoring agent in margarine, butter, yogurt; pH adjuster in wine, cider, canned vegetables such as gherkins, olives, rasped carrots, onions, etc Regulatory: GRAS; Europe E270; complies with Food Chemical Codex V, EP 2002, USP 27 Properties: Cl. liq.; Hazen color 50 max.; sl. acid odor, taste; m.w. 90.08; dens. 1.20-1.21 Galacid Heat-Stable 90 [Galactic http://www.lactic.com/] Chem. Descrip.: L(+) Lactic acid (89.5-90.5%) See Lactic acid Chem. Analysis: Heavy metals 5 ppm max.; iron 10 ppm max.; calcium 10 ppm max.; chloride 10 ppm max.; sulfate 10 ppm max.; sulphated ash 0.05% max.; cyanide 5 ppm max.; lead 0.5 ppm max.; arsenic 1 ppm max.; mercury 1 ppm max. Uses: Preservative and pH control agent in mayonnaise, dressings, sauces, salads, fish and shrimp prods.; direct acidification of cottage cheese, mozzarella, etc.; fermentation booster in rye bread; flavoring agent in margarine, butter, yogurt; pH adjuster in wine, cider, canned vegetables such as gherkins, olives, rasped carrots, onions, etc Regulatory: GRAS; Europe E270; complies with Food Chemical Codex V, EP 2002, USP 27 Properties: Sl. yel. liq.; Hazen color 50 max.; sl. acid odor, taste; m.w. 90.08; dens. 1.20-1.21 Galacid Powder 25 [Galactic http://www.lactic.com/] Chem. Descrip.: nat. Lactic acid (25%) with carriers of maltodextrine, arabic gum Chem. Analysis: Heavy metals 10 ppm max. Uses: Preservative and pH control agent in mayonnaise, dressings, sauces, salads, fish and shrimp prods.; direct acidification of cottage cheese, mozzarella, etc.; fermentation booster in rye bread; flavoring agent in margarine, butter, yogurt; pH adjuster in wine, cider, canned vegetables such as gherkins, olives, rasped carrots, onions, etc Regulatory: Europe E270 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Wh. powd.; freely sol. in water; m.w. 90.08; pH 2.6-2.8 (1% sol'n) Galaflow PL 60 [Galactic http://www.lactic.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Potassium lactate (59-61%) Chem. Analysis: Potassium 17.7-18.9%; sodium 0.14% max.; heavy metals 10 ppm max.; iron 10 ppm max.; calcium 10 ppm max.; chloride 50 ppm max.; sulfate 10 ppm max.; cyanide 0.5 ppm max.; lead 2 ppm max.; arsenic 1 ppm max.; mercury 1 ppm max. CAS 996-31-6; EINECS/ELINCS 213-631-3 Uses: Antimicrobial agent in meat prods.; shelf life improver for sausages, hams, poultry, etc Regulatory: GRAS; Europe E326; complies with FCC V Properties: Hazen color fresh sol'n 50 max.; almost odorless; mild saline taste; m.w. 128.2; dens. 1.32-1.35; pH 6.5-7.5 Galaflow PSL 60 75/25 [Galactic http://www.lactic.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Potassium lactate (44-46%) and sodium lactate (14-16%) Chem. Analysis: Potassium 13.4-14.1%; sodium 2.8-3.3% max.; heavy metals 10 ppm max.; iron 10 ppm max.; calcium 10 ppm max.; chloride 30 ppm max.; sulfate 20 ppm max.; lead 2 ppm max.; arsenic 1 ppm max.; mercury 1 ppm max. CAS 996-31-6 Uses: pH control agent and preservative in fish and shrimps prods.; shelf life inprover in sausages, hams, poultry, etc. Regulatory: GRAS; Europe E325, E326 Properties: Cl. sol'n; Hazen color fresh sol'n 100 max.; almost odorless; mild saline taste; dens. 1.32-1.35; pH 6.5-7.5 Galaflow SL [Galactic http://www.lactic.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium lactate CAS 72-17-3; EINECS/ELINCS 200-772-0 Uses: Antimicrobial agent in meat prods.; shelf life improver for sausages, hams, poultry, etc Galaflow SPL 60 50/50 [Galactic http://www.lactic.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Potassium lactate (29-31%) and sodium lactate (29-31%) Chem. Analysis: Potassium 8.8-9.5%; sodium 5.9-6.4% max.; heavy metals 10 ppm max.; iron 10 ppm max.; calcium 10 ppm max.; chloride 30 ppm max.; sulfate 20 ppm max.; 294
Part I: Trade Name Reference lead 2 ppm max.; arsenic 1 ppm max.; mercury 1 ppm max. Uses: pH control agent and preservative in fish and shrimps prods.; shelf life inprover in sausages, hams, poultry, etc. Regulatory: GRAS; Europe E325, E326 Properties: Cl. sol'n; Hazen color fresh sol'n 50 max.; almost odorless; mild saline taste; dens. 1.32-1.35; pH 6.5-7.5 Galaflow SPL 60 60/40 [Galactic http://www.lactic.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Potassium lactate (23-25%) and sodium lactate (35-37%) Chem. Analysis: Potassium 7.0-7.6%; sodium 7.1-7.6% max.; heavy metals 10 ppm max.; iron 10 ppm max.; calcium 10 ppm max.; chloride 30 ppm max.; sulfate 20 ppm max.; lead 2 ppm max.; arsenic 1 ppm max.; mercury 1 ppm max. Uses: pH control agent and preservative in fish and shrimps prods.; shelf life inprover in sausages, hams, poultry, etc. Regulatory: GRAS; Europe E325, E326 Properties: Cl. sol'n; Hazen color fresh sol'n 100 max.; almost odorless; mild saline taste; dens. 1.32-1.35; pH 6.5-7.5 Galaxium [Galactic http://www.lactic.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium lactate CAS 814-80-2; EINECS/ELINCS 212-406-7 Uses: Mineral supplement (calcium source) for food and health food fortification, dairy prods., sports and diet drinks; firming agent for bottled fruits and vegetables; gellant for jams and jellies Features: High sol. Galaxium Pentahydrate Powder [Galactic http://www.lactic.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium lactate Chem. Analysis: Calcium 13.1-14.5%; heavy metals 5 ppm max.; iron 80 ppm max.; chloride 80 ppm max.; sulfate 400 ppm max.; phosphate 150 ppm max.; lead 2 ppm max.; arsenic 3 ppm max.; mercury 1 ppm max.; fluoride 15 ppm max.; madnesium and alkali salts 1.0% max. Uses: Calcium supplement, gelling agent, and firming agent in food Regulatory: FDA GRAS; Europe E327; complies with FCC V Properties: Wh. crystalline powd.; highly sol.; mild taste; m.w. 308; pH 6-8 Garlic Booster Natural, Kosher, Single Fold Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
[Natural Advantage http://www.naturaladvantage.net] Uses: Flavor to replace fresh garlic or add fresh top note to garlic oil Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Cl. yel. liq.; fresh garlic taste; sol. in oil Use Level: 1-1000 ppm Garlic Replacer Natural, Kosher [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor to replace garlic oil in many applics. Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Yel. liq.; strong garlic taste; sol. in oil, alcohol Use Level: 0.1-1.0 ppm Gb Select® [DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com] Chem. Descrip.: yeast extracts and yeast extract-based natural flavorings Uses: Flavoring agent, mouthfeel enhancer for meat, beef, chicken, and pork Features: Does not contain added HVP, MSG, GMP, IMP and/or caramel; replaces meat extracts; contributes to color performance Storage: 18 mos. GD 2210 [Syral http://www.syral.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Glucose syrup solids See Corn syrup solids Chem. Analysis: 22% DE CAS 68131-37-3; EINECS/ELINCS 268-616-4 Uses: Bodying agent, viscosity builder, mouthfeel enhancer, and binding agent for sauces/soups and sweet dry blends Features: 27% of the sweetening power of sucrose Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1865; EC council directive 2001/111/EEC Properties: Bulk dens. 600 g/l; tapped dens. 730 g/l GD 2910 [Syral http://www.syral.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Glucose syrup solids See Corn syrup solids Chem. Analysis: 29% DE CAS 68131-37-3; EINECS/ELINCS 268-616-4 Uses: Bodying agent, viscosity builder, mouthfeel enhancer, and binding agent for bakery fillings, glazes, icings, cakes and biscuits, coffee creamers, chewable candies, cereal bars, frozen foods, and 295
Part I: Trade Name Reference sweet dry blends Features: 31% of the sweetening power of sucrose Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1865; EC council directive 2001/111/EEC Properties: Bulk dens. 550 g/l
Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2600 mg/kg; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Sulfur oxides NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly closed container; avoid exposure to excessive heat
GD 3910 [Syral http://www.syral.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Glucose syrup solids See Corn syrup solids Chem. Analysis: 39% DE CAS 68131-37-3; EINECS/ELINCS 268-616-4 Uses: Bodying agent, viscosity builder, mouthfeel enhancer, browning agent, and binding agent for glazes and icings, biscuits, confectionery, infant food, frozen foods, and sweet dry blends Features: 41% of the sweetening power of sucrose Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1865; EC council directive 2001/111/EEC Properties: Bulk dens. 750 g/l; tapped dens. 830 g/l
Gelcarin® DG 5262 [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan, sucrose, potassium chloride, calcium sulfate, dihydrate See Calcium sulfate dihydrate; Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; 57-50-1; 7447-40-7; 10101-414; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2; 200-334-9; 231-211-8 Uses: Gellant, stabilizer, thickener for water, foodstuffs, caramel fillings and toppings Features: Provides short texture, creamy mouthfeel Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Philippines PICCS Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. in water 10% max.; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 6-10.5 (1% sol'n.) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2600 mg/kg; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Sulfur oxides NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly closed container
Gelatinized Dura-Jel® [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for acid and neutral systems, cake mixes, instant puddings, bakery fillings, soft, cookies, instant gravy/sauce mixes Features: Gelatinized starch; good freeze/thaw stability, clarity, blandness, resist. to syneresis Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd., bland flavor; pH 5; 5% moisture Gelcarin® DG 3252 [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan, sucrose, potassium chloride See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; 57-50-1; 7447-40-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2; 200-334-9; 231211-8 Uses: Gellant, stabilizer, thickener for water, foodstuffs, caramel fillings and toppings Features: Provides short texture, creamy mouthfeel Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Philippines PICCS Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. in water 10% max.; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 6-10.5 (1% sol'n.) Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Gelcarin® DG 5264 [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan, sucrose See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; 57-50-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232524-2; 200-334-9 Uses: Gellant, stabilizer, thickener for water, foodstuffs, caramel fillings and toppings Features: Provides short texture, creamy mouthfeel Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Philippines PICCS Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. in water 10% max.; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 7-10.5 (1.5% sol'n.) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2970 mg/kg; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Sulfur oxides NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly closed container Gelcarin® DX 4268 [FMC Biopolymer 296
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan, potassium citrate, sucrose See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; 866-84-2; 57-50-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2; 212-755-5; 200334-9 Uses: Gellant, stabilizer, thickener for water, foodstuffs, caramel fillings and toppings Features: Provides short texture, creamy mouthfeel Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Philippines PICCS Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. in water 10% max.; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 7-10 (1.5% sol'n.) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2970 mg/kg; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Sulfur oxides NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly closed container; avoid excessive heat Gelcarin® GP-359 [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Fat replacement system for sour cream; provides creamy mouthfeel, soft gel structure, smoothness, and opacity Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sp. gr. ≈ 1; pH 7.0-10.5 (1.5% sol'n.) Toxicology: Low oral, dermal, and inh. toxicity; nonirritating to eyes and skin; noncarcinogenic Environmental: not expected to have significant toxicity to aquatic organisms Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: SO2 NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in tightly closed container in a cool, dry place Gelcarin® GP-379NF [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Iota-Carrageenan USP/NF See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Fat replacement for gravies providing creaminess, cling, hot visc., and mouthfeel; provides creamy texture, foam stability, syneresis control, and aids extrusion of proteins in whipped toppings Features: High thixotropy; elastic medium str. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
gel type; polyol reactive; protein reactive; promotes freeze/thaw stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.7255; GRAS; kosher Properties: Sol. in hot water Storage: 14 mos. shelf life Gelcarin® GP-911NF [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Kappa-Carrageenan USP/NF See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Fat replacement, mouthfeel enhancer, opacifier, flavor enhancer for nonfat pasteurized processed cheese Features: Low visc.; brittle, firm gel type; polyol reactive; protein reactive; provides creamy mouthfeel, loaf structure, sliceability, smoothness, opacity; reduces rubber texture Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.7255; GRAS; kosher Properties: Sol. in hot water; partly sol. in cold water Storage: 14 mos. shelf life Gelcarin® GP 4265 [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan, sucrose, potassium chloride See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; 57-50-1; 7447-40-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2; 231-211-8 Uses: Gellant, stabilizer, thickener for water, foodstuffs, caramel fillings and toppings Features: Rec. for gelatin-free gels; provides short texture, creamy mouthfeel Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Philippines PICCS Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. in water 10% max.; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 6-10.5 (1% sol'n.) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2600 mg/kg; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Sulfur oxides NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry place in tightly closed container; avoid exposure to excessive heat Gelcarin® ME 8151 [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan, sodium chloride, rapeseed oil See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Rapeseed (Brassica campestris) oil CAS 9000-07-1; 7647-14-5; 8002-13-9; 297
Part I: Trade Name Reference EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2; 231-598-3 Uses: Gellant for foods, caramel fillings and toppings Features: Provides short texture, creamy mouthfeel Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Philippines PICCS Properties: Lt. tan to tan powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. in water 12% max.; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 7.5-10.5 Toxicology: ACGIH TWA 10 mg/m3 (inhalable particulate), 3 mg/m3 (respirable particulate); TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Sulfur oxides NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry place in tightly closed container; avoid exposure to excessive heat Gelcarin® PS 3439 [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan, locust bean gum, konjac flour, potassium chloride See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-07-1; 9000-40-2; 37220-17-0; 744740-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2; 232-541-5; 253-404-6; 231-211-8 Uses: Gellant for foods, caramel fillings and toppings Features: Provides short texture, creamy mouthfeel Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Philippines PICCS Properties: Lt. tan to tan powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. in water 12% max.; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 7.5-9.5 Toxicology: Respiratory sensitizer; respiratory irritant; ACGIH TWA 10 mg/m3 (inhalable particulate), 3 mg/m3 (respirable particulate); TSCA listed Environmental: keep material out of lakes, streams, ponds, sewer drains Precaution: Becomes slippery when wet; prevent eye contact Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Sulfur oxides NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry place in tightly closed container; avoid exposure to excessive heat Gelcarin® SQ 3290 [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dextrose, carrageenan, locust bean gum, konjac flour, xanthan gum, postassium citrate See Carrageenan Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
(Chondrus crispus); Glucose; Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum; Potassium citrate CAS 50-99-7; 9000-07-1; 9000-40-2; 37220-170; 11138-66-2; 866-84-2; EINECS/ELINCS 200-075-1; 232-524-2; 232-541-5; 253-404-6; 234-394-2; 212-755-5 Uses: Gellant for foods, caramel fillings and toppings Features: Provides short texture, creamy mouthfeel Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Philippines PICCS Properties: Powd.; marine odor; sol. in water 10% max.; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 6.0-11 (in sol'n.) Toxicology: Respiratory sensitizer; respiratory irritant at high concs.; ACGIH TWA 10 mg/m3 (inhalable particulate), 3 mg/m3 (respirable particulate); TSCA listed Environmental: keep material out of lakes, streams, ponds, sewer drains Precaution: Becomes slippery when wet; prevent eye contact Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Sulfur and nitrogen oxides NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry place in tightly closed container Gelcarin® XP 3337 [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dextrose, carrageenan, glyceryl monostearate, locust bean gum, konjac flour, xanthan gum, postassium citrate See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Glucose; Glyceryl stearate; Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum; Potassium citrate CAS 50-99-7; 9000-07-1; 31566-31-1; 9000-402; 37220-17-0; 11138-66-2; 866-84-2; EINECS/ELINCS 200-075-1; 232-524-2; 250705-4; 232-541-5; 253-404-6; 234-394-2; 212755-5 Uses: Gellant for foods, caramel fillings and toppings Features: Provides short texture, creamy mouthfeel Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Philippines PICCS Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. in water 12% max.; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 6.5-9.5 (1.5% gel) Toxicology: Respiratory sensitizer; respiratory 298
Part I: Trade Name Reference irritant at high concs.; ACGIH TWA 10 mg/m3 (inhalable particulate), 3 mg/m3 (respirable particulate); TSCA listed Environmental: keep material out of lakes, streams, ponds, sewer drains Precaution: Becomes slippery when wet Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Sulfur and nitrogen oxides NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry place in tightly closed container Gelcarin® XP 3435 [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dextrose, carrageenan, locust bean gum, konjac flour, postassium citrate See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Glucose; Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum; Potassium citrate CAS 50-99-7; 9000-07-1; 9000-40-2; 37220-170; 866-84-2; EINECS/ELINCS 200-075-1; 232524-2; 232-541-5; 253-404-6; 212-755-5 Uses: Gellant for foods, caramel fillings and toppings Features: Provides short texture, creamy mouthfeel Regulatory: SARA §311 Acute Health Hazard; CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Philippines PICCS Properties: Lt. tan to tan powd.; marine odor; sol. in water 10% max.; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 7.0 Toxicology: Respiratory sensitizer; respiratory irritant at high concs.; ACGIH TWA 10 mg/m3 (inhalable PNOC), 3 mg/m3 (respirable PNOC); TSCA listed Environmental: keep material out of lakes, streams, ponds, sewer drains Precaution: Becomes slippery when wet Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Sulfur and nitrogen oxides NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry place in tightly closed container Gelcarin® XP 3447 [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dextrose, carrageenan, locust bean gum, konjac flour See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Glucose; Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 50-99-7; 9000-07-1; 9000-40-2; 37220-170; EINECS/ELINCS 200-075-1; 232-524-2; 232-541-5; 253-404-6 Uses: Gellant for foods, caramel fillings and Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
toppings Features: Provides short texture, creamy mouthfeel Regulatory: SARA §311 Acute Health Hazard; CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Philippines PICCS Properties: Lt. tan to tan powd.; marine odor; sol. in water 10% max.; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 7-10 Toxicology: Respiratory sensitizer; respiratory irritant at high concs.; ACGIH TWA 10 mg/m3 (inhalable PNOC), 3 mg/m3 (respirable PNOC); TSCA listed Environmental: keep material out of lakes, streams, ponds, sewer drains Precaution: Becomes slippery when wet Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Sulfur and nitrogen oxides NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry place in tightly closed container Geleol® [Gattefosse http://www.gattefossecorp.com; Gattefosse Spain http://www.gattefosse.es] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate CAS 31566-31-1 Uses: Emulsifier, consistency agent, opacifier for foods Regulatory: EP, USP/NF compliance; E471, FCC, PSFA compliance; DMF no. 9052 Properties: Gardner < 3 waxy solid, faint odor; m.p. 53-57 C; HLB 3.0; acid no. < 3; iodine no. < 3; sapon. no. 160-180; nonionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: Sl. irritating to eyes, nonirritating to skin Gel 'N' Melt® [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified See Food starch, modified Uses: Texturizer, strengthener for imitation cheese incl. mozzarella, processed American, and cheddar Features: Replacement for caseins and caseinates; enhances melt, sliceability; thermoreversible Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; bland taste; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 5.5 (1%); ≈ 9% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible 299
Part I: Trade Name Reference nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Gelose® 50 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: unmodified high-amylose starch Chem. Analysis: Moisture 15% max.; protein 0.5%; fat < 0.3%; ash 0.5%; sodium 0.0095%; calcium 0.0048%; potassium 0.002%; Mg 0.0041%; Fe 0.0005%; phosphorus < 0.0011%; zinc 0.0003% CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Thickener, crispness improver for confectionery, batters, extruded product Features: Gluten-free; superior freeze-thaw stability; easy to digest Regulatory: Kosher; GRAS; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Wh. powd.; sl. cereal odor; 99% through 112 micron screen; pH 4.0-5.5 Toxicology: Nontoxic Precaution: Potential dust explosion hazard Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO2, water, typical combustion by-products HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 2 yrs. shelf life; keep away from water, humidity, high temps. Gelose® 80 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch Chem. Analysis: Moisture 15% max.; protein 0.5%; fat < 0.3%; ash 0.5%; sodium 0.0095%; calcium 0.0048%; potassium 0.002%; Mg 0.0041%; Fe 0.0005%; phosphorus < 0.0011%; zinc 0.0003% CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Thickener, crispness improver for confectionery, batters, extruded product Features: Gluten-free; superior freeze-thaw stability; easy to digest Regulatory: Kosher; GRAS; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Wh. powd.; sl. cereal odor; 99% through 112 micron screen; pH 4.0-5.5 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Toxicology: Nontoxic Precaution: Potential dust explosion hazard Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO2, water, typical combustion by-products HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 2 yrs. shelf life; keep away from water, humidity, high temps. GemGel 100 [Manildra Group USA http://www.manildrausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: pregelatinized wheat starch See Starch Chem. Analysis: 9.0% moisture; 0.40% protein; 0.5% fat; 0.5% fiber; 0.4% ash CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Thickener for food Features: Food grade; for applications requiring superior color, flavor and clarity Properties: Wh. powd.; 80% min. thru US Sieve #100; bulk dens. 30-35 lb/ft3; pH 6.0 Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry place Gempolym [G.M. Assoc. http://www.gempolym.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Galactomannan polysaccharide See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Texturizer, binder for dough; homogenizer for peanut butter; texturizer for soups, sauces, dressings, and mayonnaise; water binder, texturizer, taste improver for sausages, canned meats, fish and veg. dishes Properties: Rod-like; very sol. in cold water; m.w. 1-2 X 106 GemStar 100 [Manildra Group USA http://www.manildrausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: highly refined wheat starch See Starch Chem. Analysis: 11.0% moisture; 0.40% protein; 0.5% fat; 0.5% fiber; 0.25% ash CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Thickener for food Features: Food grade; for applications requiring superior color, flavor and clarity Properties: Wh. powd.; 100% thru US Sieve #40; bulk dens. 38-40 lb/ft3; pH 6.50 Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry place GemStar 2000 [Manildra Group USA http://www.manildrausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: modified, crosslinked wheat 300
Part I: Trade Name Reference starch See Sodium hypochlorite; Starch Chem. Analysis: 10-12% moisture CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Thickener for food systems that are resistant to heat, sheer, and low pH conditions Features: Cooked paste is more viscosity stable than native starch; resistance to viscosity breakdown and loss of texture in acidic media; resistance to mechanical sheer and viscosity breakdown at high (retort) temps.; GMO-free carbohydrates Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; pH 5.0-6.0 Storage: Stored in a cool, dry, and sanitary place GemStar 3000 [Manildra Group USA http://www.manildrausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: modified wheat starch See Starch Chem. Analysis: 10-12% moisture CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Thickener for food Features: In food systems that require paste clarity and low temp. stability; lower gelatinization temp.; GMO-free carbohydrate; improved freeze-thaw stability Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; pH 4.5-6.0 Storage: Stored in a cool, dry, and sanitary place GemStar 3000 [Manildra Group USA http://www.manildrausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: modified wheat starch oxidized with sodium hypochlorite See Starch Chem. Analysis: 10-12% moisture CAS 9005-25-8; 7681-52-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4; 231-668-3 Uses: Thickener for food systems that require high solids dispersions and resistance to viscosity increases or gelling; GMO-free carbohydrates; adhesion promoter for food coatings or batters Features: Low visc.; soft-gel formation; resistance to retrogration Properties: Wh. powd.; pH 5.0-6.0 Storage: Stored in a cool, dry, and sanitary place Genu® 12CG [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin, low-methoxyl CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gellant, thickener for fruit preps. in fruit yogurt, bakery fillings; thickener, suspending agent for toppings and variegated syrups in bakery industry Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1588, GRAS Properties: pH 3.8-4.4 (1%); 27-35% Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
methoxylation; 65-73% free acid Use Level: 0.8-1.4% (yogurt fruit, bakery fillings), 0.5-1.0% (toppings, sauces, syrups) Genu® 18CG [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin, low-methoxyl CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gellant, thickener for fruit preps. in fruit yogurt, bakery fillings, fruit spreads with 45-68% sol. solids; gellant for canned fruit preps. for fruit-flavored milk dessert Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1588, GRAS Properties: pH 3.2-4.0 (1%); 35-45% methoxylation; 55-65% free acid Use Level: 0.8-1.0% (yogurt fruit, bakery fillings) Genu® 18CG-YA [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin, low-methoxyl CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Protein stabilizer for cultured milk prods.; increases body; designed for cup set Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1588, GRAS Use Level: 0.1-0.2% (cultured milk prods.) Genu® 20AS [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin, low-methoxyl CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gellant for jams, jellies, yogurt fruit, bakery fillings, fruit spreads with 45-68% sol. solids; thickener for toppings, ready-tospread frostings, and variegated syrups in bakery industry Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1588, GRAS Properties: pH 3.8-4.4 (1%); 33-40% methoxylation; 15-20% amidation Use Level: 0.8-1.0% (yogurt fruit, bakery fillings), 0.2-0.6% (frostings) Genu® 22CG [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin, low-methoxyl CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gellant, thickener for yogurt fruit, bakery fillings, fruit spreads with 45-68% sol. solids; viscosity builder, bodying agent for ready-to-spread frostings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1588, GRAS Use Level: 0.2-0.6% (frostings), 0.8-1.0% (yogurt fruit, bakery fillings) Genu® 102AS [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin, low-methoxyl 301
Part I: Trade Name Reference CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gellant, thickener for yogurt fruit, bakery fillings, fruit spreads with 45-68% sol. solids, firm jellies in confectionery industry at neutral pH Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1588, GRAS Use Level: 0.8-1.0% (yogurt fruit, bakery fillings), 1.5-2.0% (firm jellies) Genu® 104AS [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin, low-methoxyl CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gellant for jams, jellies, yogurt fruit, bakery fillings, fruit spreads with 5-25% sol. solids, milk prods.; thickener for toppings, ready-to-spread frostings, and variegated syrups in bakery industry Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1588, GRAS Properties: pH 3.8-4.4 (1%); 27-33% methoxylation; 20-25% amidation Use Level: 0.8-1.4% (yogurt fruit, bakery fillings), 0.2-0.6% (frostings) Genu® 104AS-YA [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin, low-methoxyl CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Protein stabilizer, bodying agent for cultured milk prods. Features: Designed for bulk set Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1588, GRAS Use Level: 0.1-0.2% (cultured milk prods.) Genu® BA-KING [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin, high-methoxyl CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gellant for heat-stable jams and jellies in fruit preserving and bakery industries Features: Allows filling large containers @ elevated temps. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1588, GRAS Properties: pH 2.7-3.2 (4%); 68-71% methoxylation Use Level: 0.5-1.0% (fruit filling) Genu® BB Rapid Set [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin, high-methoxyl CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gellant for jams and preserves in jars, jellies in bakery industry; stabilizer for pulp suspension and oil emulsion in citrus drink concs. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1588, GRAS Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: pH 3.4-4.2 (4%); 71-75% methoxylation Use Level: 0.2-9.5% (jams, jellies in jars) Genu® DD Extra-Slow Set [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin, high-methoxyl CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gellant for jams and preserves in lg. containers, e.g., drums Features: Allows for lower filling temp. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1588, GRAS Properties: pH 3.4-4.2 (4%); 61-64% methoxylation Use Level: 0.3-0.7% (jams) Genu® DD Slow Set [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin, high-methoxyl CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gellant for jams and preserves in lg. containers Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1588, GRAS Properties: pH 3.4-4.2 (4%); 63-66% methoxylation Use Level: 0.3-0.7% (jellies in jars) Genu® JMJ [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin, high-methoxyl type CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Stabilizer, protective colloid for milk proteins in cultured milk drinks and milk/fruit juice drinks having a long shelf life Features: Allows pasteurization of acidic milk prods. without curdling Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1588, GRAS Properties: pH 2.7-3.2 (4%) Use Level: 0.4-0.7% (dairy drinks) Genu® Type DJ [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin, low-methoxyl CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gellant for jellies (jet cook applics.) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1588, GRAS Use Level: 1.0-2.5% (jellies) Genu® VIS [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin, high-methoxyl CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Bodying agent, mouthfeel enhancer in diet soft drinks, fruit drinks Features: Restores mouthfeel imparted by natural sweeteners Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1588, GRAS Use Level: 0.1-0.2% (diet soft drinks, fruit drinks) 302
Part I: Trade Name Reference Genugel® X-902-02 [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Gellant, thickener, stabilizer, suspending agent, water binder, bodying agent, mouthfeel enhancer for foods Genulacta® CP-100 [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Visc. builder, mouthfeel enhancer in instant puddings and flan Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.620; USDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.7 Use Level: 0.2-0.3% (instant puddings) Genulacta® CSM-2 [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Thickener, mouthfeel enhancer in instant aerated desserts; suspending agent for cocoa in instant chocolate drinks Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.620; USDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.7 Use Level: 0.15-0.25% (aerated desserts), 0.050.10% (instant chocolate drink) Genu® Pectins [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin; high-methoxyl and low-methoxyl purified natural hydrocolloid derived from citrus peels CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gellant for jellies, jams, fruit preps.; visc. builder, bodying agent, suspending agent, protective colloid, and stabilizer for foods, convenience foods, beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1588, GRAS Properties: Lt. cream to grayish powd.; no odor and flavor Genu® Pectin USP/100 [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin USP CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gelling agent for jellies, jams, fruit preps.; visc. builder, bodying agent, suspending agent, protective colloid, and stabilizer for food systems, convenience Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
foods and beverages Regulatory: FCC, EEC compliance; GRAS Properties: Free-flowing granulate; essentially odorless and flavorless; 100-mesh particle size; sol. in water as 4% sol'n. @ 60 C; high m.w.; whiteness > 83; pH 3.6-4.1 (1% aq.) Genu® Pectin USP/200 [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin USP CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gelling agent for jellies, jams, fruit preps.; visc. builder, bodying agent, suspending agent, protective colloid, and stabilizer for food systems, convenience foods, beverages, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries Regulatory: FCC, EEC compliance; GRAS Properties: Free-flowing granulate; essentially odorless and flavorless; 200-mesh particle size; sol. in water as 4% sol'n. @ 60 C; high m.w.; whiteness > 88; pH 3.6-4.4 (1% aq.) Genu® Pectin USP-L/200 [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin USP CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gelling agent for jellies, jams, fruit preps.; visc. builder, bodying agent, suspending agent, protective colloid, and stabilizer for food systems, convenience foods, beverages, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries Regulatory: FCC, EEC compliance; GRAS Properties: Free-flowing granulate; essentially odorless and flavorless; sol. in water as 4% sol'n. @ 60 C; visc. 80-180 cs (2%); pH 3.6-4.4 (1% aq.) Genuvisco® [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Gellant, thickener, stabilizer, suspending agent, water binder, bodying agent, mouthfeel enhancer for foods Genuvisco® CSW-2 [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Gellant, visc. builder, mouthfeel enhancer, bodying agent for instant coldwater visc., nondairy prods. 303
Part I: Trade Name Reference Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.620; USDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.7 Use Level: 0.1-0.3% (instant prods.) Geraniol BJ FCC [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Geraniol (70-72%), nerol Uses: Flavoring agent for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.60; DOT: Chemicals n.o.i. Properties: Liq.; mild sweet floral-rose odor; sol. 1 in 3 in 70% alcohol v/v; sp.gr. 0.870-0.885; b.p. 444 F; flash pt. (TCC) 214 F; ref. index 1.469-1.478 (20 C); 99% min. act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3600 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5000 mg/kg; mild skin irritation and sensitization possible Geraniol Fine FCC [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Geraniol (98% min.), nerol (1%) Uses: Flavoring agent for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.60; DOT: Chemicals n.o.i. Properties: APHA 30 max. liq.; mild sweet floralrose odor; sol. 1 in 3 in 70% alcohol v/v; sp.gr. 0.870-0.885; b.p. 444 F; flash pt. (TCC) 217 F; ref. index 1.469-1.478 (20 C); 99% min. act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3600 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5000 mg/kg; mild skin irritation and sensitization possible Geranyl Acetate 60 FCC [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Geranyl acetate (60-65%), neryl acetate Uses: Flavoring agent for fruit flavor compositions Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.60; DOT: Chemicals n.o.i. Properties: APHA 20 max. liq.; sweet, floral-fruit rosy odor; sp.gr. 0.900-0.914; b.p. 452 F; acid no. 0.1 max.; flash pt. (TCC) 218 F; ref. index 1.458-1.464 (20 C); 98.5% min. act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 6300 mg/kg; mildly to severely irritating to skin in undiluted form; nonsensitizing Geranyl Acetate Extra FCC [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Geranyl acetate (98% min.) CAS 105-87-3; EINECS/ELINCS 203-341-5 Uses: Flavoring agent for fruit flavor compositions Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.60; DOT: Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Chemicals n.o.i. Properties: APHA 20 max. liq.; sweet, floral-fruit rosy odor; sol. 1 in 9 in 70% alcohol; sp.gr. 0.900-0.914; b.p. 451 F; acid no. 1.0 max.; flash pt. (TCC) 220 F; ref. index 1.458-1.464 (20 C); 98.5% min. act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 6300 mg/kg; mildly to severely irritating to skin in undiluted form; nonsensitizing Gistex® [DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com] Chem. Descrip.: Baker's yeast extract CAS 8013-01-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-387-9 Uses: Meat extract replacement, flavor, flavor enhancer for foods Features: Imparts a savory stock type flavor and enhances other savory flavor notes; synergistically enhances hydrolyzed veg. protein used at 1 part Glistex to 2 parts HVP Gistex® XII [DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com] Chem. Descrip.: Baker's yeast extract CAS 8013-01-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-387-9 Uses: Flavor enhancer, nutrient, vitamin B source, glutamic acid source in savory foods, soups, sauces, stocks Features: Offers a clean flavor profile and exc. enhancing abilities; effective at maximizing the flavor of meat, fish, game, poultry, and vegetables Regulatory: Kosher Glacier II [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dextrose; agar; locust bean gum; titanium dioxide; modified tapioca starch; salt; mono- and diglycerides; nonfat milk See Glucose; Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum; Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids; Nonfat dry milk; Sodium chloride Uses: Icing stabilizer; freeze-thaw stabilizer for frozen donut glazes, icings Properties: Wh. powd.; bland odor Use Level: 5-7% based on powdered sugar wt. Toxicology: Can cause allergic reaction to skin Precaution: Avoid contact with oxidizers, reducers, and bases Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location; best when used before 9 mos; keep container closed when not in use; do not leave product exposed to the air for extended 304
Part I: Trade Name Reference periods as it will absorb moisture Glass H® [ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com] Chem. Descrip.: Long chain sodium hexametaphosphate CAS 10124-56-8; EINECS/ELINCS 233-343-1 Uses: Sequestrant, emulsifier, suspending agent, protein stabilizer for dairy prods. esp. processed cheese, ice cream, and frozen desserts; protein dispersant in whey processing; water binder for cured pork Regulatory: FDA GRAS; FCC compliance Properties: Powd., gran., plate; 99.9% through 20 mesh (powd.), 100% through 8 mesh (gran.); infinitely sol. in water; m.w. 2204; pH 6.3 (1%); anionic Use Level: 2% (process cheese), 0.1-0.5% (whey), 0.1-0.2% (ice cream) Glicepol 160 [Oxiteno Mexico http://www.oxiteno.com.mx] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerol stearate See Glyceryl stearate CAS 31566-31-1 Uses: Emulsifier for foods, shortening, margarine, icings, dairy substitutes, cake mixes, Danish, sweet dough, whipped toppings, chewing gum, frozen desserts, caramels, dried potatoes; defoamer for food processing; peanut butter stabilizer Properties: Cream colotred waxy flakes; HLB 2.8; nonionic; 100% conc. Glicepol 180 [Oxiteno Mexico http://www.oxiteno.com.mx] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerol oleate See Glyceryl oleate CAS 25496-72-4; EINECS/ELINCS 203-827-7 Uses: Emulsifier for foods, baking, ice cream, shortening, margarine, frozen desserts; antifoam for sugar and protein processing Properties: Amber paste; HLB 2.8; nonionic; 100% conc. Glicepol GMS 20 [Oxiteno Mexico http://www.oxiteno.com.mx] Chem. Descrip.: POE (20) glycerol stearate See PEG-20 glyceryl stearate CAS 977055-13-2 Uses: Dough conditioner; emulsifier in baking, dairy, confectionery, snack, margarine, coffee whiteners, icings, and whipped toppings Properties: Lt. yel. semisolid paste; HLB 13.1; nonionic; 100% conc. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Glicopol 2-G [Undesa http://www.undesa.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl dilaurate CAS 27638-00-2; EINECS/ELINCS 248-586-9 Uses: Food lubricant Properties: Nonionic Globe® Corn Syrup Solids [Corn Prods. http://www.cornproductsUS.com] Chem. Descrip.: corn syrup solids CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetness control agent, bodying agent, viscosity builder, flavor, humectant, binding agent, and browning agent in beverages and other food applics. Features: Has consistent carbohydrate distribution and low ash content; used where liq. prods. cannot be used Gloria® [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. mineral oil USP CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Lubricant, carrier for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, §178.3620(a) Properties: Water-wh., odorless, tasteless; sp.gr. 0.859-0.880; visc. 39-42 cSt (40 C); pour pt. 12 C; flash pt. 204 C Glucidex 2 [Roquette http://www.roquette.fr] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy maize-based Uses: Gellant, thickener for confectionery, gums, jellies, chewy sweets, toffees, marshmallows Properties: Cl. thick sol'n. Glucidex 6 D [Roquette http://www.roquette.fr] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin CAS 9050-36-6 Uses: Carrier for confectionery hard gums; coating; spray drying of heat-sensitive prods. Features: Nonhygroscopic Properties: Clear sol'n.; bland taste Glucidex 9 [Roquette http://www.roquette.fr] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin CAS 9050-36-6 Uses: Carrier for foods Properties: Cl. thick sol'n.; bland taste; neutral sweetness Glucidex 12 D [Roquette http://www.roquette.fr] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Nutrient, bulking agent in milk powds., 305
Part I: Trade Name Reference baby foods in jars, dry soups and sauces Properties: Cl. sol'n.; very sl. sweet taste Glucidex 17 D [Roquette http://www.roquette.fr] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin CAS 9050-36-6 Uses: Nutrient, bulking agent in milk powds., baby foods in jars, dry soups and sauces Properties: Cl. sol'n.; very sl. sweet taste Glucidex 19 D [Roquette http://www.roquette.fr] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin CAS 9050-36-6 Uses: Nutrient, bulking agent in milk powds., baby foods in jars, dry soups and sauces Properties: Cl. sol'n.; very sl. sweet taste Glucidex 21 D [Roquette http://www.roquette.fr] Chem. Descrip.: Low DE dried glucose syrup See Glucose, liquid Uses: Water binder, visc. builder for meat prods., alcohol-free beers, ketchup, sauces, coffee whiteners Features: Hardly fermentable Glucidex 29 D [Roquette http://www.roquette.fr] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin CAS 9050-36-6 Uses: Reducing sugar source, oligosaccharide source in foods Properties: Sl. sweet taste Glucidex® IT6 [Roquette http://www.roquette.fr] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Bulking agent for dry beverage mixes, dry soups, sauces, and spice blends; carrier for flavors and fragrances Features: Easier handling and processing; better flowability; quick disp. and dissolution; consistent particle size Regulatory: USP/NF, EP Properties: Spherical, wh. free-flowing microgran. powd.; odorless; almost instantaneous dispersal and dissolution in water Glucidex® IT8 [Roquette http://www.roquette.fr] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Bulking agent for dry beverage mixes, dry soups, sauces, and spice blends; carrier for flavors and fragrances Features: Easier handling and processing; better flowability; quick disp. and dissolution; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
consistent particle size Regulatory: USP/NF, EP Properties: Spherical, wh. free-flowing microgran. powd.; odorless; almost instantaneous dispersal and dissolution in water Glucidex® IT12 [Roquette http://www.roquette.fr] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Bulking agent for dry beverage mixes, dry soups, sauces, and spice blends; carrier for flavors and fragrances Features: Easier handling and processing; better flowability; quick disp. and dissolution; consistent particle size Regulatory: USP/NF, EP Properties: Spherical, wh. free-flowing microgran. powd.; odorless; almost instantaneous dispersal and dissolution in water Glucidex® IT19 [Roquette http://www.roquette.fr] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Bulking agent for dry beverage mixes, dry soups, sauces, and spice blends; carrier for flavors and fragrances Features: Easier handling and processing; better flowability; quick disp. and dissolution; consistent particle size Regulatory: USP/NF, EP Properties: Spherical, wh. free-flowing microgran. powd.; odorless; almost instantaneous dispersal and dissolution in water Glucidex® IT21 [Roquette http://www.roquette.fr] Chem. Descrip.: Dried glucose syrup See Glucose, liquid Uses: Bulking agent for dry beverage mixes, dry soups, sauces, and spice blends; carrier for flavors and fragrances Features: Easier handling and processing; better flowability; quick disp. and dissolution; consistent particle size Regulatory: USP/NF, EP Properties: Spherical, wh. free-flowing microgran. powd.; odorless; almost instantaneous dispersal and dissolution in water Glucidex® IT29 [Roquette 306
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.roquette.fr] Chem. Descrip.: Dried glucose syrup See Glucose, liquid Uses: Bulking agent for dry beverage mixes, dry soups, sauces, and spice blends; carrier for flavors and fragrances Features: Easier handling and processing; better flowability; quick disp. and dissolution; consistent particle size Regulatory: USP/NF, EP Properties: Spherical, wh. free-flowing microgran. powd.; odorless; almost instantaneous dispersal and dissolution in water Glucidex® IT33 [Roquette http://www.roquette.fr] Chem. Descrip.: Dried glucose syrup See Glucose, liquid Uses: Bulking agent for dry beverage mixes, dry soups, sauces, and spice blends; carrier for flavors and fragrances Features: Easier handling and processing; better flowability; quick disp. and dissolution; consistent particle size Regulatory: USP/NF, EP Properties: Spherical, wh. free-flowing microgran. powd.; odorless; almost instantaneous dispersal and dissolution in water Glucidex® IT38 [Roquette http://www.roquette.fr] Chem. Descrip.: Dried glucose syrup See Glucose, liquid Uses: Bulking agent for dry beverage mixes, dry soups, sauces, and spice blends; carrier for flavors and fragrances Features: Easier handling and processing; better flowability; quick disp. and dissolution; consistent particle size Regulatory: USP/NF, EP Properties: Spherical, wh. free-flowing microgran. powd.; odorless; almost instantaneous dispersal and dissolution in water Glucidex® IT47 [Roquette http://www.roquette.fr] Chem. Descrip.: Dried glucose syrup See Glucose, liquid Uses: Bulking agent for dry beverage mixes, dry soups, sauces, and spice blends; carrier for flavors and fragrances Features: Easier handling and processing; better Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
flowability; quick disp. and dissolution; consistent particle size Regulatory: USP/NF, EP Properties: Spherical, wh. free-flowing microgran. powd.; odorless; almost instantaneous dispersal and dissolution in water Glucodry 210 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose syrup solids See Corn syrup solids CAS 68131-37-3 Uses: Sweetener in baby foods, confectionery prods., coffee creamers, dry mixes Properties: Powd. Glucodry 210 G [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: dried glucose syrup See Corn syrup solids CAS 68131-37-3 Uses: Bulking agent, dispersing agent, sweetener in baby foods, dry mixes Glucodry 310 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose syrup solids See Corn syrup solids CAS 68131-37-3 Uses: Sweetener in baby foods, confectionery prods., coffee creamers, dairy prods., dry mixes Glucodry 350 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose syrup solids See Corn syrup solids CAS 68131-37-3 Uses: Sweetener in bakery prods., baby foods, confectionery prods., coffee creamers, dairy prods., dry mixes Glucodry 380 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose syrup solids See Corn syrup solids CAS 68131-37-3 Uses: Sweetener in baby foods, dairy prods. Glucodry 430 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose syrup solids See Corn syrup solids CAS 68131-37-3 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery, fruit-based 307
Part I: Trade Name Reference prods., bakery prods., meats, soups, sauces, dressings, frozen dairy, alcoholic beverages; sucrose replacement for fatbased cream fillings Features: Regular ground type; renders creamy and not to sweet taste without impact on processing Use Level: 30% of total dry sugars Glucomalt 151 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: high maltose glucose syrup See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 38 DE; 79% DS CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery, fermentation prods., ice cream Properties: Visc. 14.5 Pa s (40 C) Glucomalt 161 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: high maltose glucose syrup See Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery, fermentation prods., ice cream Glucomalt 351 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: high maltose glucose syrup See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 43 DE; 79% DS CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery, fermentation prods., bakery prods. Properties: Visc. 6.5 Pa s (40 C) Glucomalt 361 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: high maltose glucose syrup See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 43 DE; 81% DS CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery Properties: Visc. 14.0 Pa s (40 C) Glucomalt 371 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: high maltose glucose syrup See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 43 DE; 83% DS CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery Properties: Visc. 67 Pa s (40 C)
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Glucomalt 451 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: high maltose glucose syrup See Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery Glucomalt 461 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: high maltose glucose syrup See Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery Glucomalt 551 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: high maltose glucose syrup See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 42 DE; 79% DS CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery, bakery prods., fermentation prods., ice cream Properties: Visc. 6.5 Pa s (40 C) Glucomalt 561 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: high maltose glucose syrup See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 42 DE; 81% DS CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery, fermentation prods. Properties: Visc. 14.5 Pa s (40 C) Glucomalt 571 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: high maltose glucose syrup See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 42 DE; 83% DS CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery Properties: Visc. 69.0 Pa s (40 C) Glucomalt 661 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: high maltose glucose syrup See Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery, fermentation prods. Glucomalt 710 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: high maltose glucose syrup See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 52 DE; 70% DS CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 308
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Sweetener in fermentation prods. Properties: Visc. 0.2 Pa s (40 C) Glucomalt 731 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: high maltose glucose syrup See Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in fermentation prods. Glucomalt 760 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: high maltose glucose syrup See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 52 DE; 80% DS CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery, bakery, fruit-based prods., fermentation prods. Properties: Visc. 4.0 Pa s (40 C) Glucomalt 771 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: high maltose glucose syrup See Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery, bakery, fruit-based prods., fermentation prods. Gluconal® CA M [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium gluconate monohydrate FCC/USP, EP, JP CAS 299-28-5; EINECS/ELINCS 206-075-8 Uses: Mineral source for dietary supplements, fortified foods, animal feeds Features: Food grade Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184, GRAS Properties: Wh. powd./gran.; odorless; pract. tasteless; sol. 40 g/l water; m.w. 448.4; bulk dens. 300-650 kg/m3; pH 7.5 (1%); 98.5-100% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; nonhazardous at current use levels; extremely high levels may result in hypercalcemia and possible renal impairment Storage: Store in well-closed containers in dry place at ambient temps. (15-20 C); material should be retested after 3 yrs. storage Gluconal® CU-P [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Copper gluconate FCC/USP See Copper gluconate (ic) CAS 527-09-3; EINECS/ELINCS 208-408-2 Uses: Mineral source for dietary Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
supplements, fortified foods, animal feeds Features: Food grade Regulatory: USP, FCC, FDA 21CFR §184.1260, 582.80; US GRAS Properties: Lt. blue powd.; faint char. odor; almost tasteless; sol. 500 g/l water; m.w. 453.8; bulk dens. 450-550 kg/m3; pH 4.6 (1%); decomp. temp. ≈ 160 C; 98-100% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1710 mg/kg; harmful if swallowed; nonhazardous at current use levels Storage: Store in well-closed containers in dry place at ambient temps. (15-20 C); material should be retested after 3 yrs. storage Gluconal® FE Food [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ferrous gluconate FCC CAS 299-29-6; EINECS/ELINCS 206-076-3 Uses: Mineral source for dietary supplements, fortified foods, animal feeds; color enhancer, texturizer for blk. olives during canning Features: Food grade Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §582.80; US GRAS, E 579 compliant Properties: Yel.-gray to pale greenish-yel. powd./gran.; faint char. odor resembling burnt sugar; saline taste at first, then sl. chalybeate; sol. 100 g/l water; m.w. 446.1; bulk dens. 650850 kg/m3; pH 4.5 (1%); decomp. temp. ≈ 100 C; 87.5-95% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 4600 mg/kg; nonhazardous at current use levels Environmental: readily biodegradable; no bioaccumulation Precaution: Avoid strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx Storage: Store in well-closed containers, protected from light, in dry place at ambient temps. (15-20 C); material should be retested after 3 yrs. storage Gluconal® FE Pharma [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ferrous gluconate FCC CAS 299-29-6; EINECS/ELINCS 206-076-3 Uses: Mineral source for human and veterinary pharmaceuticals, dietary supplements Features: Pharmaceutical grade Regulatory: USP. EP, E 579; FDA GRAS Properties: Yel.-gray to pale greenish-yel. powd.; char. odor resembling burnt sugar; saline taste 309
Part I: Trade Name Reference at first, then sl. chalybeate; sol. 100 g/l water; m.w. 482.2; bulk dens. 650-850 kg/m3; pH (10 g/90 g water); decomp. temp. ≈ 100 C; 97.0-102.0% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 4600 mg/kg; nonhazardous at current use levels Environmental: readily biodegradable; no bioaccumulation Precaution: Avoid strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx Storage: Store in well-closed containers, protected from light, in dry place at ambient temps. (15-20 C); material should be retested after 3 yrs. storage Gluconal® K-G [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Potassium gluconate FCC/USP See Potassium D-gluconate CAS 299-27-4; EINECS/ELINCS 206-074-2 Uses: Mineral source for dietary supplements, fortified foods, animal feeds Features: Food grade Regulatory: USP, US GRAS, E 577 compliant Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd./gran.; faint char. odor; sl. bitter taste; sol. 1000 g/l cold water; m.w. 234.3; bulk dens. 500-650 kg/m3; pH 7.1 (1%); 95-100% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 6060 mg/kg; nonhazardous at current use levels; may cause eye irritation with susceptible persons or irritation of the respiratory tract Precaution: Use dust mask, safety glasses; avoid strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx Storage: Store in well-closed containers in dry place at ambient temps. (15-20 C); material should be retested after 3 yrs. storage Gluconal® MG-P [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Magnesium gluconateanhydrous FCC/USP CAS 3632-91-5; EINECS/ELINCS 222-848-2 Uses: Mineral source for dietary supplements, fortified foods, animal feeds Features: Food grade Regulatory: USP, US GRAS, E 580 compliant Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd./gran.; sol. 160 g/l cold water; m.w. 414.6; bulk dens. 500-750 kg/m3; pH 7.3 ((50 g/l H2O, solution)); 86-99% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 9100 mg/kg; nonhazardous at current use levels; may Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
cause eye irritation with susceptible persons or irritation of the respiratory tract Environmental: readily biodegradable; no bioaccumulation Precaution: Use dust mask, safety glasses; avoid strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx Storage: Store in well-closed containers in dry place at ambient temps. (15-20 C); material should be retested after 3 yrs. storage Gluconal® MN-P [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Manganese gluconate FCC/USP CAS 6485-39-8; EINECS/ELINCS 229-350-4 Uses: Mineral source for dietary supplements, fortified foods, animal feeds Features: Food grade Regulatory: USP, FDA 21CFR §184.1452, 582.5452; US GRAS compliant Properties: Off-wh. odorless powd. or gran.; astringent taste; sol. 110 g/l cold water; m.w. 481.3; bulk dens. 500-600 kg/m3; pH ≈6.5 (50 g/l H2O, sol'n.); 90.5-100% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; nonhazardous at current use levels; nontoxic Environmental: readily biodegradable; no bioaccumulation Precaution: Use dust mask, safety glasses; avoid strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx Storage: Store in well-closed containers in dry place at ambient temps. (15-20 C); material should be retested after 3 yrs. storage Gluconal® ZN-G [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Zinc gluconate FCC/USP CAS 4468-02-4; EINECS/ELINCS 224-736-9 Uses: Mineral source for dietary supplements, fortified foods, animal feeds Features: Food grade Regulatory: USP, FCC, FDA 21CFR §182.8988; US GRAS, California Proposition 65 compliant Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd./gran.; almost tasteless; faint characteristic odor; sol. 100 g/l cold water; m.w. 455.7; bulk dens. 600-800 kg/m3; pH 6.5 (1%); decomp. temp. ≈155 C; 85.5-100% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; nonhazardous at current use levels Environmental: readily biodegradable; no 310
Part I: Trade Name Reference bioaccumulation Precaution: Use dust mask, safety glasses; avoid strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx Storage: Store in well-closed containers in dry place at ambient temps. (15-20 C); material should be retested after 3 yrs. storage Gluconal® ZN-P [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Zinc gluconate anhydrous Chem. Analysis: 11.6% max. mositure CAS 4468-02-4; EINECS/ELINCS 224-736-9 Uses: Mineral source for dietary supplements, fortified foods, animal feeds Features: Food grade Regulatory: USP, FCC, FDA 21CFR §182.8988; US GRAS, California Proposition 65 compliant Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd..; almost tasteless; faint characteristic odor; sol. in water (10 g/100 ml); m.w. 455.7; bulk dens. 600-800 kg/m3; pH 6.5 (1%); decomp. temp. ≈155 C; 97.0-102.0% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; nonhazardous at current use levels Environmental: readily biodegradable; no bioaccumulation Precaution: Use dust mask, safety glasses; avoid strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx Storage: Store in well-closed containers in dry place at ambient temps. (15-20 C); material should be retested after 3 yrs. storage Glucoplus 161 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: high DE glucose syrup See Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery Glucoplus 163 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: high DE glucose syrup See Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery Glucoplus 173 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: high DE glucose syrup See Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery Glucoplus 331 [Tate & Lyle UK Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: high DE glucose syrup See Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery, fermentation prods. Glucoplus 351 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: high DE glucose syrup See Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery, fermentation prods. Glucoplus 361 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: high DE glucose syrup See Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery, fermentation prods., ice cream Glucoplus 371 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: high DE glucose syrup See Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery Glucoplus 531 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: high DE glucose syrup See Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in bakery prods. Glucoplus 561 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: high DE glucose syrup See Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery, bakery prods., fermentation prods., ice cream Glucoplus 571 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: high DE glucose syrup See Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery Glucosweet 251 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose syrup with fructose See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 9% fructose on dry content 311
Part I: Trade Name Reference CAS 8029-43-4; 7660-25-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in bakery prods., ice cream Features: Produced from a multiple enzyme process Glucosweet 261 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose syrup with fructose See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 9% fructose on dry content; 62 DE; 81% DS CAS 8029-43-4; 7660-25-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery, bakery prods., ice cream Properties: Visc. 3.5 Pa s (40 C) Glucosweet 341 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose syrup with fructose See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 9% fructose on dry content CAS 8029-43-4; 7660-25-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery, bakery prods., fruit-based prods. Glucosweet 361 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose syrup with fructose See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 9% fructose on dry content; 67 DE; 81% DS CAS 8029-43-4; 7660-25-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery, bakery prods., fruit-based prods. Properties: Visc. 3.0 Pa s (40 C) Glucosweet 371 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose syrup with fructose See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 9% fructose on dry content; 61 DE; 83% DS CAS 8029-43-4; 7660-25-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery, bakery prods., fruit-based prods., ice cream Properties: Visc. 11 Pa s (40 C) Glucosweet 431 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose syrup with fructose See Corn syrup Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Chem. Analysis: 9% fructose on dry content; 70 DE; 75% DS CAS 8029-43-4; 7660-25-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in beverages, dairy, fruit preparations, prepared foods, soups, sauces, dressings Properties: Visc. 0.3 Pa s (40 C) Glucosweet 451 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose syrup with fructose See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 9% fructose on dry content; 70 DE; 79% DS CAS 8029-43-4; 7660-25-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery Properties: Visc. 1.1 Pa s (40 C) Glucosweet 461 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose syrup with fructose See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 9% fructose on dry content; 70 DE; 81% DS CAS 8029-43-4; 7660-25-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery, dairy, fruitbased prods., ice cream, sauces Properties: Visc. 2.8 Pa s (40 C) Glucosweet 471 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose syrup with fructose See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 9% fructose on dry content; 70 DE; 83% DS CAS 8029-43-4; 7660-25-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery, bakery, fruit-based prods. Properties: Visc. 6.0 Pa s (40 C) Glucosweet 481 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose syrup with fructose See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 9% fructose on dry content; 70 DE; 815 DS CAS 8029-43-4; 7660-25-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery, fruit-based prods. Properties: Visc. 14.2 Pa s (40 C) 312
Part I: Trade Name Reference Glucosweet 611 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose syrup with fructose See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 9% fructose on dry content CAS 8029-43-4; 7660-25-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in beverages, dairy, fruit preparations, prepared foods, soups, sauces, dressings Glucosweet 660 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose syrup with fructose See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 9% fructose on dry content CAS 8029-43-4; 7660-25-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in beverages Glucosweet 661 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose syrup with fructose See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 9% fructose on dry content; 75 DE; 81% DS CAS 8029-43-4; 7660-25-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in beverages Properties: Visc. 2.2 Pa s (40 C) Glucosweet 680 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose syrup with fructose See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 9% fructose on dry content; 75 DE; 84% DS CAS 8029-43-4; 7660-25-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in fruit-based prods. Properties: Visc. 7.5 Pa s (40 C) Glucosweet 681 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose syrup with fructose See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 9% fructose on dry content CAS 8029-43-4; 7660-25-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in fruit-based prods. Glucosweet 711 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose syrup with fructose See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 9% fructose on dry content; 80 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
DE; 71% DS CAS 8029-43-4; 7660-25-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in beverages, dairy, fruit preparations, prepared foods, soups, sauces, dressings Properties: Visc. 0.1 Pa s (40 C) Glucosweet 731 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose syrup with fructose See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 9% fructose on dry content; 80 DE; 75% DS CAS 8029-43-4; 7660-25-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in beverages, dairy, fruit preparations, prepared foods, soups, sauces, dressings Properties: Visc. 0.25Pa s (40 C) Glucosweet 761 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose syrup with fructose See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 9% fructose on dry content; 80 DE; 81% DS CAS 8029-43-4; 7660-25-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in beverages, fruit-based prods. Properties: Visc. 2.0 Pa s (40 C) Glucosweet 931 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose syrup with fructose See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 9% fructose on dry content CAS 8029-43-4; 7660-25-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in beverages, dairy, fruit preparations, prepared foods, soups, sauces, dressings Properties: Visc. 0.15 Pa s (40 C) Glutaminase Daiwa C100S [Amano Enzyme http://www.amano-enzyme.co.jp; Amano Enzyme USA; Unipex http://www.unipex.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glutaminase from Bacillus subtilis with sodium chloride as an additive See Glutaminase CAS 9001-47-2; 7647-14-5; EINECS/ELINCS 231-598-3 Uses: Enzyme for foods, converting Lglutamine to L-glutamic acid which has 313
Part I: Trade Name Reference flavor enhancing props. in savory food systems, e.g., miso, soy sauce, mirin (sweet sake used as a seasoning) and pickles, etc. Features: Good thermal stability, salt-resistance, and alcohol-resistance Properties: Lt. brn. powd.; typical fermentation odor; sol. in water Toxicology: May irritate skin and eyes; inh. of aerosols or dust resulting from inappropriate handling may induce sensitization and may cause allergic reactions in sensitized individuals; nontoxic Environmental: biodeg.; not harmful to aquatic and marine organisms when dissolved with copious amounts of water Precaution: Wear approved respirator, latex gloves, and eye protection for dust and potential airborne concs. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: Store cool and dry Gluzyme 10000 BG [Novozymes A/S http://www.novozymes.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glucose oxidase CAS 9001-37-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-601-0 Uses: Gluten strengthening aid in bread improvers Features: Cost-effective; facilitates baking processes; consistently high volume; superior product appearance; reliable dough handling Storage: 3 mos. shelf life when stored at 25 C; longer shelf life when stored at 5 C; store under dry and cold condition preferable under refrigeration Gluzyme Mono 10000 BG [Novozymes A/S http://www.novozymes.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glucose oxidase CAS 9001-37-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-601-0 Uses: Gluten strengthening aid in bread improvers Features: Suitable for GMO-sensitive applics.; cost-effective; facilitates baking processes; consistently high volume; superior product appearance; reliable dough handling Storage: 3 mos. shelf life when stored at 25 C; longer shelf life when stored at 5 C; store under dry and cold condition preferable under refrigeration Glycomul® L K [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan laurate CAS 1338-39-2; EINECS/ELINCS 215-663-3 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Amber cl. liq.; sol. in methanol, ethanol, naphtha; disp. in water; sp.gr. 1.0; visc. 3100 cps (30 C); HLB 9; acid no. 7 max.; sapon. no. 158-170; hyd. no. 330-358; flash pt. 204 C; pH 6.5 (5%); nonionic; 99% min. conc. Glycomul® S KFG [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan stearate NF, FCC CAS 1338-41-6; EINECS/ELINCS 215-664-9 Uses: Emulsifier for foods, baked goods, icings, fillings, whipped toppings; rehydration aid in prod. of active dry yeast; syn. flavoring agent Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 172.842; kosher certified Properties: Tan beads, mild odor; 100% through 8 mesh, 5% through 100 mesh; m.p. 53 C; HLB 5; acid no. 5-10; sapon. no. 147-157; hyd. no. 235-260; nonionic; 1% max. moisture Glycomul® TS KFG [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan tristearate CAS 26658-19-5; EINECS/ELINCS 247-891-4 Uses: Emulsifier for foods; antibloom agent in chocolates Properties: Gardner 2 beads; m.p. 55 C; HLB 2; acid no. 14; nonionic Glycon® CAN KFG [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dist. canola fatty acid See Canola acid CAS 67701-08-0 Uses: Lubricant, binder, defoamer for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.860; FCC approved; kosher food grade Properties: Lovibond 3Y/0.3R color (5¼); acid no. 270; iodine no. 120-125; sapon. no. 201 Glycon® CLK KFG [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Coconut fatty acid See Coconut acid EINECS/ELINCS 262-978-7 Uses: Lubricant, binder, defoamer for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.860; FCC approved; kosher food grade Properties: Lovibond 3Y/0.3R color (5¼); acid no. 270; iodine no. 3-5; sapon. no. 272 Glycon® G-100 [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerin CAS 56-81-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-289-5 314
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Humectant, bodying agent, moisture control agent for sugarless confections, controlled-moisture foods; sweetener, flavoring agent Properties: Cl., colorless liq.; odorless; APHA 12 max. color; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.2607; vapor pressure < 0.1 mm Hg; vapor dens. 3.17; b.p. 290 C; flash pt. (COC) 177 C; autoignition temp. 370 C; 99.5% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 12,600 mg/kg, (oral, mouse) 4090 mg/kg, (oral, guinea pig) 7750 mg/kg; LC50 (inh., rat) > 570 mg/m3 Environmental: ERC50 (mycrostic sp.) 2900 mg/l, (entosiphon sp.) 3200 mg/l Precaution: Spills may be slippery; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Acrolein, other toxic vapors, COx Storage: Keep container closed when not in use; protect from light, heat Glycon® G-300 [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerin (96%) CAS 56-81-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-289-5 Uses: Humectant, bodying agent, moisture control agent for sugarless confections, controlled-moisture foods; sweetener, flavoring agent Properties: Cl., colorless liq.; odorless; APHA 12 max. color; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.25; vapor pressure < 0.1 mm Hg; vapor dens. 3.17; b.p. 290 C (decomposes); flash pt. (COC) 177 C; autoignition temp. 370 C; sp.gr. 1.2517; 96% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 12,600 mg/kg, (oral, mouse) 4090 mg/kg, (oral, guinea pig) 7750 mg/kg, (oral, rabbit) 27 g/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 10 g/kg; mild skin, eye irritant Environmental: ERC50 (mycrostic sp.) 2900 mg/l, (entosiphon sp.) 3200 mg/l Precaution: Spills may be slippery; wear adequate protective clothing; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO2 Storage: Keep container until use; protect from heat, direct sunlight Glycon® O75 KFG [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: High oleic fatty acid See Oleic acid CAS 112-80-1; EINECS/ELINCS 204-007-1 Uses: Lubricant, binder, defoamer for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.860; FCC Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
approved; kosher food grade Properties: Lovibond 2Y/0.2R color (5¼); acid no. 200; iodine no. 125-135; sapon. no. 201 Glycon® S-65 T [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated tallow fatty acid See Hydrogenated tallow acid CAS 61790-38-3; EINECS/ELINCS 263-130-9 Uses: Lubricant, binder, defoamer for foods; component of other food additives Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.860 Properties: Acid no. 204; iodine no. 0.8; sapon. no. 205 Glycon® S-70 KFG [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: 70% Stearic acid CAS 57-11-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-313-4 Uses: Lubricant, binder, defoamer for foods; component of other food additives Features: Food grade Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.860; kosher Properties: Solid; acid no. 203; iodine no. 0.8; sapon. no. 204 Glycon® S-90 KFG [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: 90% Stearic acid CAS 57-11-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-313-4 Uses: Lubricant, binder, defoamer for foods; component of other food additives Features: Food grade Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.860; kosher Properties: Solid; acid no. 199; iodine no. 0.7; sapon. no. 201 Glycon® SFA KFG [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soya fatty acid See Soy acid CAS 68308-53-2; EINECS/ELINCS 269-657-0 Uses: Lubricant, binder, defoamer for foods Features: Food grade Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.860; FCC approved; kosher Properties: Lovibond 2Y/0.3R color (5¼); acid no. 200; iodine no. 126 min.; sapon. no. 201 Glycon® TP KFG [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Stearic acid, triple pressed. CAS 57-11-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-313-4 Uses: Lubricant, binder, defoamer for foods; component of other food additives Features: Food grade Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.860; kosher Properties: Solid; acid no. 210; iodine no. 0.8; sapon. no. 211 315
Part I: Trade Name Reference Glycosperse® L-10 K [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-10 sorbitan laurate CAS 9005-64-5 Uses: O/w emulsifier, visc. modifier for aq. systems, foods Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Gardner 5 liq.; HLB 8; acid no. 2; nonionic Glycosperse® L-20 K [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 20 CAS 9005-64-5 Uses: Emulsifier, flavor solubilizer, flavor dispersant in foods Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Yel. cl. liq.; sol. in water, alcohol, acetone; sp.gr. 1.1; visc. 400 cps; HLB 16.7; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 40-50; hyd. no. 96108; pH 7 (5%); nonionic; 3% max. moisture Glycosperse® O-20 KFG [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 80 NF FCC CAS 9005-65-6 Uses: Emulsifier for ice cream, frozen desserts, whipped edible oil topping; solubilizer, dispersant for shortenings, pickles, vitamin-min. preps., gelatin desserts; wetting agent in poultry defeathering scald, colorants; defoamer for cottage cheese Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.100, 73.1001, 172.515, 172.840, 173.40, 175.105, 175.300, 178.3400; kosher Properties: Amber cl. liq., mild odor; HLB 15.0; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 45-55; hyd. no. 6580; nonionic; 3% max. moisture Storage: Store in cool, dry area Glycosperse® S-20 KFG [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 60 NF FCC CAS 9005-67-8 Uses: Emulsifier for whipped toppings, cakes, shortenings, nondairy creamers, protective coatings on raw fruits/vegs.; opacifier in confection coatings; foaming agent in beverages; dispersant in gelatin desserts; wetting agent for colors Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.836; kosher Properties: Gardner 7 max. soft solid; HLB 15.0; m.p. 28 C; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 45-55; hyd. no. 81-96; pH 7 (5%); nonionic; 3% max. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
moisture Storage: Store in cool, dry area Glycosperse® TS-20 KFG [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 65 FCC CAS 9005-71-4 Uses: Emulsifier for ice cream, frozen desserts, cakes, whipped toppings, nondairy creamers, icings, fillings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.838; kosher Properties: Soft solid, bland odor; m.p. 31 C; HLB 11.0; acid no. 2 max.; iodine no. 1 max.; sapon. no. 88-98 hyd. no. 44-60; nonionic; 3% max. moisture Storage: Store in cool, dry area GMS 90 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrated monoglycerides Chem. Analysis: 23% mono Uses: Emulsifier for breads, buns, sweet goods, tortillas, pizza Properties: Wh. plastic; iodine no. 3 max. GMS 90 Double Strength [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrated monoglycerides Uses: Emulsifier for breads, buns, yeast leavened sweet goods, tortillas, pizza Properties: Wh. plastic; iodine no. 3 max.; 45% mono GMS 400V [Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate, veg. grade CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Prevents sticking and hardening in chewing gum; emulsion stabilizer for margarine; emulsifier in shortenings increasing performance in cake and pastry prod. Properties: Solid; m.p. 57-60 C; acid no. 2 max.; iodine no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 160-170; nonionic; 45% min. monoglyceride Use Level: 0.5% (chewing gum), 0.25-0.5% (margarine), 6-8% (shortenings) GMS 402V [Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate SE, veg. grade CAS 11099-07-3 Uses: Starch complexing agent, shelf life extender for bread; improves quality and volume in cakes; emulsifier in coffee 316
Part I: Trade Name Reference whiteners, filled milk; stabilizer for mayonnaise; fat dispersant in soups Features: Controls/improves emulsification Properties: Solid; m.w. 54-58 C; acid no. 2 max.; iodine no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 158-165; anionic; 42% min. monoglyceride Use Level: 0.75-5% (bread, cake), 1-1.5% (coffee whitener), 0.5% (mayonnaise), 6-8% (shortenings) Gold n Flavor® 25/75 Butter Blends [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Analysis: Contains 25% butter Uses: Flavoring in food Properties: M.p. 46-49 C; iodine value 76-79 Storage: Store @ R.T. Gold n Flavor® 105-090 Bakers Margarine [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Uses: Flavor and butter substitute in bakery prods. and fillings Properties: M.p. 113-122 C; iodine value 68-80 Storage: Store @ R.T. Gold n Flavor® 105-100 Bakers Roll-in Margarine [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Uses: Flavoring; butter substitute Features: Exc. buttery flavor Properties: M.p. 111.2-120.2 C; iodine value 74 Storage: Store @ R.T. Gold n Flavor® 105-060 Table Grade Margarine [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Uses: Flavoring for cookies, icings, fillings, sauces, soups, Danish pastries, breads and rolls, candies, and caramels Properties: Iodine value 94 Storage: Store @ R.T. Golden Gate Sour [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Flour, salt, corn flour, malt, fumaric acid, sodium diacetate, and lactic acid See Corn (Zea mays) flour; Sodium chloride Uses: Sour dough flavoring agent for bread, rolls, and specialty prods. Features: Stable components; acidic nature assists in retarding growth of mold Properties: Dry free-flowing powd.; 98% through 20 mesh; pH 3.8 (5%); 10% moisture Use Level: 10% on total flour Storage: 12 mos. shelf life, best when used before 9 mos; store in cool, dry location; keep containers well closed when not in use Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Goldex® II [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn flour, corn dextrin, salt, FD&C yellow #5, FD&C red #40 See Corn (Zea mays) flour; Dextrin; FD&C Red No. 40; FD&C Yellow No. 5; Sodium chloride Uses: Colorant, texturizer, moisture retention aid for baked goods Features: Provides a rich yellow color in dry convenient-to-use form; readily disperses for even color distribution Properties: Lt. yel. dry free-flowing powd.; 100% through 20 mesh; 9.5% max. moisture Use Level: 3-3.5% on total flour (cakes); 11.15% on flour (yeast-raised sweet goods, specialty breads) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life, best when used before 9 mos; store in cool, dry location; keep containers well closed when not in use Gold-N-Shine [Brolite Prods. http://www.bakewithbrolite.com] Uses: Powd. designed to replace egg wash; imparts golden shine to baked goods when mixed with water; dissolves easily, does not lump Properties: Free-flowing powd. Granular Gum Arabic Type A-1 NF Premium [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Protective colloid, stabilizer, suspending agent, emulsifier, film-former, visc. builder for foods, confectionery, flavors; foam stabilizer in brewing; sugar crystallization retarder in candies, jellies, glazes, chewing gums; flavoring agent Properties: Wh. gran., almost odorless and tasteless; sol. in hot or cold water Granular Gum Arabic Type A-2 NF Premium [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Protective colloid, stabilizer, suspending agent, emulsifier, film-former, visc. builder for foods, confectionery, flavors; foam stabilizer in brewing; sugar crystallization retarder in candies, jellies, glazes, chewing gums; flavoring agent Properties: Wh. gran., almost odorless and tasteless; sol. in hot or cold water
Part I: Trade Name Reference Granular Gum Ghatti #1 [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum ghatti CAS 9000-28-6 Uses: Stabilizer, binder, emulsifier forming o/w emulsions; used in beverage emulsions where it forms orange oil emulsions, in table syrup emulsions Properties: Water-sol. Grapefruit Artificial Flavor 4115 [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: n-Octanal (1-10%), n-Decacal (1-10%), β-Linalool (1-10%), Triacetin (1050%), d-Limonene (10-50%) See Decanal; Linalool CAS 124-13-0; 112-31-2; 78-70-6; 102-76-1; 5989-27-5; EINECS/ELINCS 204-683-8; 203957-4; 201-134-4; 203-051-9; 227-813-5 UN 1993 Uses: Grapefruit flavor for food Regulatory: Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China SEPA/CICS Properties: Nearly colorless liq.; grapefruit odor; sp.gr. 0.975; vapor dens. > 1; b.p. 189 C; flash pt. (TCC) 52 C Toxicology: Skin irritant; ing. may cause lung damage; TSCA listed Environmental: marine pollutant Precaution: Wear safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves, apron; incompat. with strong acids, bases and materials that react with unsat. hydrocarbons, alcohols, esters and aldehydes Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, acrid fumes HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 2, Reactivity 1 Storage: Do not store near excessive heat, open flames, strong acids, strong bases; keep container tightly closed; avoid prolonged exposure to air Grapefruit Terpenes [Florida Chem. http://www.floridachemical.com] Chem. Descrip.: Grapefruit oil terpenes Chem. Analysis: D-Limonene (95%) CAS 68917-32-8 Uses: Flavoring agent and aroma additive for foods Properties: Cl. liq.; grapefuit aroma; sol. in benzyl benzoate and min. oil; sl. sol. in PG; insol. in water and glycerine; sp.gr. 0.842; vapor pressure ≈ 1 mm Hg (20 C); flash pt. (CC) 115 F; 95% volatile Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Toxicology: Mod. irritant to skin, eyes, nose, and throat; sl. allergen; mod. ing. and sl. inh. hazard Precaution: Combustible; keep away from heat, sparks, open flame; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Ingredients: D-limonene Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. produces CO, CO2, and smoke HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ < 21 C in well-ventilated, covered area; once opened, head space should be purged with inert gas and tightly resealed Green Banana Powder Trogreen Trobana® [Confoco http://www.confoco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cavendish bananas Chem. Analysis: Moisture 5.0% max.; protein 34%; fat < 1.0%; 62-63% carbohydrates; 6-10% fiber Uses: Banana flavor in foods; gluten-free flour to replace wheat flour for those with gluten allergies; neutral flavor carrier and thickener in liq. formulations and dry mixes Features: High in potassium; good gelling chars.; no carriers or additives used Regulatory: Halal, kosher certified; GMO compliant Properties: Cream powd. Storage: 18 mos. when stored @ 21 C in sealed orig. containers Green Soap [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Fatty acid sodium salt Uses: Lubricant for food industry Properties: Green solid Greetin [Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: vegetable oil-based Uses: Release emulsion for highly automated, high vol. prod. lines of bread prods. Grilamid® L25 [EMS-GRIVORY N. Am. http://www.emsgrivory.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Nylon 12 resin CAS 25038-74-8 Uses: Used in sausage skins for precooked sausages Properties: Dens. 1.01 g/cm3; m.p. 176 C; ens. E-Mod 1100 MPa; stress @ yield 6 MPa; tear resist. 5 N/mm; impact str. (notched, Charpy, 23 C) 10 kJ/m2); melt volume rate (275 C/5 kg) 20 cm3/10 min 318
Part I: Trade Name Reference Storage: Store in sealed , undamaged bags Grindamyl™ [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Uses: Baking enzyme providing superior handling in dough, and larger volume, better crust color, finer crumb structure, better crumb softness, and extended shelf life in baked goods Grindox™ [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Uses: Antioxidant for fats and oils, margarines and spreads, snacks, dressings and marinades, processed meat and fish prods., bakery prods. such as cereals, biscuits, and crackers Grindox™ Ascorbyl Palmitate [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ascorbyl palmitate CAS 137-66-6; EINECS/ELINCS 205-305-4 Uses: Antioxidant for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.3149 GRAS; E304 compliant Grindsted™ ACETEM [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Acetic acid esters of monoglycerides See Acetylated mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids CAS 68990-55-6 Uses: Emulsifier, aerating agent for foods, shortenings, toppings, cakes, edible coatings; plasticizer for chewing gum base Properties: Solid/liq.; nonionic; 100% conc. Grindsted™ Alginate FD 000 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Alginic acid CAS 9005-32-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232-680-1 Uses: Texturizer for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1011, GRAS; E400 compliant Properties: Water-sol. Grindsted™ Alginate FD 100 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium alginate See Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Texturizer for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1724, GRAS; E401 compliant Properties: Water-sol. Grindsted™ Alginate FD 200 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Potassium alginate CAS 9005-36-1 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Texturizer for foods; gellant for bakery fruit fillings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1610, GRAS; E402 compliant Properties: Water-sol. Grindsted™ Alginate FD 400 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium alginate CAS 9005-35-0 Uses: Texturizer for foods; gellant for bakery fruit fillings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1187, GRAS; E404 compliant Properties: Water-sol. Grindsted™ BK [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Uses: Stabilizer, texturizer for fresh cheese (cottage cheese, cream cheese), processed cheese (spreadable, sliced or shredded), cheese analogs Grindsted™ Carrageenan CW 100 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Gellant, visc. builder, flavor enhancer for fruit glazes Grindsted™ CITREM [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Citric acid esters of mono and diglycerides See Citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids CAS 68990-05-6 Uses: Emulsifier for foods, frying margarine and meat emulsions Properties: Flakes; HLB 11; anionic; 100% conc. Grindsted™ FSB [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, moisture retention aid for baked goods; inc. volume in cakes Grindsted™ GA 1350 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Emulsifier blend Uses: Emulsifier, aerating agent, stabilizer in cakes Grindsted™ GA 1350 K-A [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol ester in fatty acids, mono-diglycerides, sodium stearoyl 319
Part I: Trade Name Reference lactylate and tricalcium phosphate See Propylene glycol esters of fatty acids Chem. Analysis: As 3 mg/kg max.; Pb 2 mg/kg max.; Hg 1 mg/kg max.; Cd 1 mg/kg max. heavy metals 10 mg/kg max.; free propylene glycol 1% max.; free glycerol 1% max.; monoester content 75% min. Uses: Emulsifier for regular and reduced fat cakes and muffins Features: Improved whipping of cake and muffin batter; improved grain and texture; increased tenderness of low-fat prods. Regulatory: Kosher; FDA 21CFR §172.846, 172.856, 182.1217, 184.1505; E471, 477, 481 compliant Properties: Powd.; acid value 15 max.; iodine value 2 max. Use Level: 0.75-1.0% for high ratio, low fat cakes; 0.25-0.75% for cake muffins; 0.5-1.0% for low fat cake muffins Storage: 12 mos. when stored in unbroken pkg. @ < 10 C and < 80% relative humidity; keep away from sunlight and odorous prods. Grindsted™ Guar [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Texturizer for foods; stabilizer for fruit pulp and juice, mouthfeel improver for carbonated soft drinks Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1339 GRAS; E412 compliant Properties: Water-sol.
Grindsted™ LACTEM P-22 Kosher [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lactic acid esters of mono and diglycerides See Lactic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Chem. Analysis: As 3 mg/kg max.; Pb 2 mg/kg max.; Hg 1 mg/kg max.; Cd 1 mg/kg max. heavy metals 10 mg/kg max. Uses: Emulsifier for vegetable whipping creams, chocolate, chocolate compound, topping powds., cake margarine, high ratio shortening Regulatory: Kosher; FDA 21CFR §172.852; E472b compliant Properties: Beads; m.p. ≈ 44 C; acid value 4 max.; iodine value 2 max.; sapon. value 270300 Use Level: 3-8% (cake shortening), 8-12% (whipped topping powd.), 0.5-1% (liq. imitation whipping cream), 0.2-0.5% (UHT dairy creams), 0.5-2% (compd. coatings) Storage: 12 mos. when stored in unbroken pkg. @ < 10 C and < 80% relative humidity; keep away from sunlight, odorous prods. Grindsted™ LBG [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Locust bean gum See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-40-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-541-5 Uses: Texturizer for foods; reduces syneresis, improves pumpability in bakery fruit fillings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1343 GRAS; E410 compliant Properties: Water-sol.
Grindsted™ JU [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Uses: Stabilizer for fruit pulp and juice, mouthfeel improver for carbonated soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, vegetable protein drinks, coffee and tea beverages
Grindsted Monodye HV 52 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Diglycerides Uses: Food additive Regulatory: GRAS
Grindsted™ LACTEM [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lactic acid esters of mono and diglycerides See Lactic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for foods, shortening, cake mixes, cake improvers, toppings, and dessert powds. Properties: Solid/flakes; HLB 5.1-8.2; nonionic; 100% conc.
Grindsted™ Pectin [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Texturizer for foods; stabilizer for fruit pulp and juice, mouthfeel improver for carbonated soft drinks Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1588 GRAS; E440 compliant Properties: Water-sol.
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part I: Trade Name Reference Grindsted™ PECTIN CF 120 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gellant, texturizer for bakery fruit fillings Features: Ensures flavor release Grindsted™ PECTIN CF 140 B [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gellant, texturizer for bakery fruit fillings Features: Superior syneresis control; suitable for post processing and subsequent gelation Grindsted™ PECTIN FB 220 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gellant, stabilizer for bakery fruit fillings Features: Provides pumpable fruit preps.; ensures flavor release Grindsted™ PECTIN FB 850 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gellant, stabilizer for bakery fruit fillings Features: Provides pumpable fruit preps.; ensures flavor release Grindsted™ PECTIN LA 040 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gellant, texturizer for jams, jellies Features: Provides spreadable to softly gelled textures Grindsted™ PECTIN LB 401 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gellant, visc. builder, flavor enhancer for fruit glazes Grindsted™ PECTIN LC 700 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Thixotrope for fruit glazes including high-sugar/low-sugar jams and jellies, fruit preps. for yogurt and ice cream Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Grindsted™ PECTIN MRS 351 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gellant, texturizer for jams, jellies, bakery fillings Features: Provides homogeneous fruit distribution Grindsted™ PECTIN RS 400 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gellant, texturizer for jams, jellies Features: Provides homogeneous fruit distribution Grindsted™ PECTIN SF [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gellant, texturizer for jams, jellies Features: Provides spreadable to softly gelled textures Grindsted™ PECTIN SS 200 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gellant, texturizer for jams, jellies Features: Provides spreadable texture esp. in puree and pulp Grindsted™ PECTIN XSS 100 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gellant, texturizer for jams, jellies Features: Provides spreadable texture esp. in puree and pulp Grindsted™ PECTIN YF 310 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Thixotrope, suspending agent for fruit in yogurt fruit preps. Grindsted™ PECTIN YF 450 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Thixotrope, suspending agent for fruit in yogurt fruit preps. Grindsted™ PECTIN YF 738 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin 321
Part I: Trade Name Reference CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Stabilizer, visc. builder in yogurt fruit preps. Grindsted™ PGMS USV K-A [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Distilled propylene glycol esters made from fully hydrogenated vegetable oil with added antioxidant Chem. Analysis: Monoester content 90% min.; free propylene glycol 1.2% max.; As 3 mg/kg max.; Pb 2 mg/kg max.; Hg 1 mg/kg max.; Cd 1 mg/kg max.; heavy metals 10 mg/kg max. Uses: Emulsifier for whipped toppings, cake shortenings, cake mixes Features: Short whipping time; improves overrun; creates nice, stiff foam; provides clean mouthfeel when whipped; promotes large cake volume; promotes uniform crumb structure and bigger volume in cakes Regulatory: Kosher; FDA 21 CFR §172.856 Properties: Beads; dropping pt. ≈ 40 C; iodine value 5 max. Use Level: 0.5-6.0% depneding on product Storage: 18 mos. in unbroken packaging in cool, dry area; keep away from sunlight Grindsted™ PRO 45 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Emulsifier and propionate system Uses: Emulsifier, moisture retention aid for baked goods GRINDSTED®Xanthan 80 [Danisco Textural Ingredients] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum USP, EP CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Emulsion stabilizer, foam stabilizer, syneresis control agent for salad dressings, cake mixes, sauces, relishes, fruit fillings, fruit beverages, cole slaw dressings, instant soups Features: Antisyneresis effect; absence of thixotropy; freeze-thaw stable; stable in high salt sol'ns. @ pH 3-9; temp.-resist.; synergistic with guar, locust bean gum Regulatory: DOT nonregulated; SARA nonreportable Properties: Creamy-wh. fine powd.; 100% min. through 60 mesh, 95% min. through 80 mesh; almost neutral odor; sol. in cold water; sp.gr. 0.8; visc. 1400-1700 mPa·s; flash pt. (Seta CC) > 93 C; pH 5-8 (1%); 91-108% assay; 713% loss on drying Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Toxicology: May cause skin, eye, and respiratory tract irritation; low acute oral toxicity; TSCA listed Precaution: Will burn under fire conditions; dust explosion hazard; avoid dusting conditions, extreme heat, open flame, sparks; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 2 yr. shelf life when stored cool and dry in closed containers GRINDSTED®Xanthan 200 [Danisco Textural Ingredients] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum USP, EP CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, suspending agent for solids and oil droplets, emulsion stabilizer, foam stabilizer in foods (baking, cereals, meat, poultry, dairy/cheese, processed foods, beverages, confections) Features: Pseudoplastic behavior; antisyneresis effect; absence of thixotropy; stable in acidic and alkaline sol'ns.; temp.-resist.; synergistic with guar and locust bean gums; freeze-thaw and pH stable (3-9); instant visc. buildup, fair dispersibility Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.695; E 415 compliance; kosher; DOT nonregulated; SARA nonreportable Properties: Creamy-wh. very fine gran. powd.; 100% min. through 80 mesh, 92% min. through 200 mesh; almost neutral odor; sol. in cold water; sp.gr. 0.8; visc. 1200-1600 mPa·s; flash pt. (CC) > 93 C; pH 6-8 (1%); 91-108% assay; 6-12% loss on drying Use Level: 0.15-0.5% (salad dressing), 0.050.25% (cake mixes), 0.1-0.3% (sauces), 0.10.25% (relish), 0.03-0.15% (fruit fillings), 0.050.15% (fruit beverages), 0.3-0.5% (dry instant soups) Toxicology: May cause foreign body irritation to eyes; essential nonirritating to skin (may cause sl. transient irritation); dusts may cause upper respiratory tract irritation; pract. nontoxic by ing.; TSCA listed Precaution: Will burn under fire conditions; dust explosion hazard; avoid dusting conditions, extreme heat, open flame, sparks; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents, cationic surfactants; spills may become slippery when wet Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx (under fire 322
Part I: Trade Name Reference conditions) HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 2 yr. shelf life when stored cool and dry in closed containers
sol. in cold water; visc. 1200-1600 cps; pH 6-8; 6-14% moisture Storage: 2 yr. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry area
GRINDSTED®Xanthan CLEAR 200 [Danisco Textural Ingredients] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum (> 88%), water (< 12%) CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Emulsion stabilizer, foam stabilizer, syneresis control agent for salad dressings, cake mixes, sauces, relishes, fruit fillings, fruit beverages, cole slaw dressings, instant soups Features: Produces translucent prods.; freezethaw stable; stable in high salt sol'ns., @ pH 39; pseudoplastic behavior; synergistic with guar gum, locust bean gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.695; DOT nonregulated; SARA nonhazardous; Canada DSL, Australia AICS, Japan MITI listed Properties: Off-wh. powd.; 200 mesh; flour-like odor; sol. in cold water; sp.gr. 0.8 (25 C); visc. 1300-1700 cps; flash pt. (CC) > 93 C; pH 6-8 (1%); 6-12% moisture Toxicology: OSHA TWA 5 mg/m3 (resp. fraction); may cause foreign body irritation in eyes, sl. transient skin irritation; inh. of dusts may cause upper respiratory tract irritation; pract. nontoxic by ing. Precaution: Will burn; mod. dust explosion hazard; spills may be slippery when wet; avoid dusting conditions, extreme heat, sparks, open flame; incompat. with strong oxidizers, cationic surfactants NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 2 yr. shelf life when stored in a dry area in closed containers
GRINDSTED®Xanthan EASY [Danisco Textural Ingredients] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum USP, EP CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, suspending agent for solids and oil droplets, emulsion stabilizer, foam stabilizer in foods (baking, cereals, meat, poultry, dairy/cheese, processed foods, beverages, confections) Features: Pseudoplastic behavior; antisyneresis effect; absence of thixotropy; stable in acidic and alkaline sol'ns.; temp.-resist.; synergistic with guar, locust bean gums; freeze-thaw and pH stable (3-9); very fast visc. buildup, very good dispersibility Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Creamy-wh. gran. powd.; 90% min. through 20 mesh, 5% max. through 200 mesh; almost neutral odor; sol. in cold water; visc. 1200-1600 mPa·s; pH 6-8 (1%); 91-108% assay; 8-14% loss on drying Use Level: 0.15-0.5% (salad dressing), 0.050.25% (cake mixes), 0.1-0.3% (sauces), 0.10.25% (relish), 0.03-0.15% (fruit fillings), 0.050.15% (fruit beverages), 0.3-0.5% (dry instant soups) Storage: 2 yr. shelf life when stored cool and dry
GRINDSTED®Xanthan CLEAR SUPRA [Danisco Textural Ingredients] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Emulsion stabilizer, foam stabilizer, syneresis control agent for salad dressings, sauces, bakery emulsions, fruit preps., syrups, pickle relishes Features: Freeze-thaw stable; highly resist. to temp.; stable in high salt sol'ns., @ pH 3-9; synergistic with guar and locust bean gum; nondusting Properties: Creamy wh. powd.; 95% min. through 16 mesh, 5% max. through 200 mesh; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
GRINDSTED®Xanthan SM [Danisco Textural Ingredients] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum, food grade CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Emulsion stabilizer, foam stabilizer, syneresis control agent in salad dressings, cake mixes, sauces, relishes, fruit fillings, fruit beverages, cole slaw dressings, instant soups Features: Freeze-thaw stable; stable in high salt sol'ns., @ pH 3-9; pseudoplastic behavior; easily dispersible with special grades Properties: Creamy-wh. color; sol. in cold water; visc. 1400 cps min; pH 6-8; 6-12% moisture Storage: 2 yr. shelf life when stored in cool, dry conditions GRINDSTED®Xanthan SUPRA [Danisco Textural Ingredients] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Emulsion stabilizer, suspending agent, 323
Part I: Trade Name Reference thickener for foods Features: Freeze-thaw and pH stable (3-9); synergistic with guar and locust bean gums; slow visc. buildup, exc. dispersibility Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Very coarse gran.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.15-0.5% (salad dressing), 0.050.25% (cake mixes), 0.1-0.3% (sauces), 0.10.25% (relish), 0.03-0.15% (fruit fillings), 0.050.15% (fruit beverages), 0.3-0.5% (dry instant soups) GRINDSTED®Xanthan ULTRA [Danisco Textural Ingredients] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum, food grade CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Visc. builder for salad dressings, chocolate syrups, cake icings and fillings, and cake mixes Features: Designed for rapid hydration Properties: Visc. 1200-1600 cps; pH 6-8; 6-12% moisture Guardian™ NR 100 [Danisco Cultor http://ingredients.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Nisin and Rosemary extract See Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) extract CAS 1414-45-5; 84604-14-8; EINECS/ELINCS 215-807-5; 283-291-9 Uses: Antioxidant and antimicrobial in pasteurized soups and sauces, low-pH sauces and marinades, and RTE foods Features: Natural; growth delay of spoilage such as lactic bacteria; against gram-positive bacteria Guardian™ NR 250 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Nisin and Rosemary extract See Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) extract CAS 1414-45-5; 84604-14-8; EINECS/ELINCS 215-807-5; 283-291-9 Uses: Antioxidant and antimicrobial in heatprocessed meat products such as cooked sausages, hot dogs, and cooked hams Features: Natural; growth delay of spoilage such as lactic bacteria; against gram-positive bacteria Guardian® [Danisco Cultor http://ingredients.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Rosemary extract See Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) extract CAS 84604-14-8; EINECS/ELINCS 283-291-9 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Antioxidant for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS Guar Gum Food Grade 40N [Hindustan Gum & Chems. http://www.hindustangum.com] Uses: Thickener, viscosifier, texturizer Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water; visc. 4000 cps (1%) Guar Gum Food Grade 55I [Hindustan Gum & Chems. http://www.hindustangum.com] Uses: Thickener, viscosifier, texturizer Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water; visc. 5500 cps (1%) Guar Gum Food Grade 150FC [Hindustan Gum & Chems. http://www.hindustangum.com] Uses: Thickener, viscosifier, texturizer Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water; visc. 5000 cps (1%) Guar Gum Food Grade 160FC [Hindustan Gum & Chems. http://www.hindustangum.com] Uses: Thickener, viscosifier, texturizer Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water; visc. 5800 cps (1%) Guar Gum Food Grade 225F [Hindustan Gum & Chems. http://www.hindustangum.com] Uses: Thickener, viscosifier, texturizer Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water; visc. 3000 cps (1%) Guar Gum Food Grade 260F [Hindustan Gum & Chems. http://www.hindustangum.com] Uses: Thickener, viscosifier, texturizer Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water; visc. 5800 cps (1%) Guar Gum Food Grade 270F [Hindustan Gum & Chems. http://www.hindustangum.com] Uses: Thickener, viscosifier, texturizer Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water; visc. 6800 cps (1%) Guar Gum Food Grade 4000FC [Hindustan Gum & Chems. http://www.hindustangum.com] Uses: Thickener, viscosifier, texturizer Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water; visc. 4000 cps (1%) Guar Gum Food Grade 4500F [Hindustan Gum & Chems. http://www.hindustangum.com] Uses: Thickener, viscosifier, texturizer Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water; visc. 4500 cps (1%) Guar Gum Food Grade DP80 [Hindustan Gum & Chems. http://www.hindustangum.com] Uses: Thickener, viscosifier, texturizer 324
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water; visc. 120 cps (1%) Guar Gum Food Grade HV400F [Hindustan Gum & Chems. http://www.hindustangum.com] Uses: Thickener, viscosifier, texturizer Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water; visc. 5200 cps (1%) Guava Treattarome 9740 [R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hexanol, ethyl butyrate, ethyl hexanoate, cis 3-hexenyl acetate, ethyl phenylacetate, phenylethyl acetate, and 3phenylpropyl acetate See Ethyl caproate; 3-Hexenyl acetate; Hexyl alcohol; Hydrocinnamyl acetate CAS 111-27-3; 105-54-4; 123-66-0; 1708-82-3; 101-97-3; 122-72-5; EINECS/ELINCS 203852-3; 203-306-4; 204-640-3; 216-965-8; 202993-8; 204-569-8 Uses: Flavor for food Properties: Guava flavor Use Level: 0.02-0.06 Guava Flakes Trobana® [Confoco http://www.confoco.com] Chem. Descrip.: pink Guava Chem. Analysis: 4% max. moisture; 65% carbohydrates Uses: Guava flavor for dry fruit preparations, nectars, drinks, cakes, muffins, pies, bread, frozen desserts, and soft food diets Features: Produced by ripening, blanching, extracting, pulping, sieving and sterilizing the pulp, then drum drying it without any carriers or additivies Regulatory: Halal, kosher certified, GMO compliant Properties: Dk. red flakes.; dehydrated Guava odor;/flavor/color; 15-30% retained thru US 20 mesh; dens. 100-150 g/l Use Level: Flakes reconstituted 9:1 with water Storage: 18 mos. when stored @ 21 C in sealed, original containers Guava PowderTrobana® [Confoco http://www.confoco.com] Chem. Descrip.: pink Guava Chem. Analysis: 4% max. moisture; 65% carbohydrates Uses: Guava flavor for dry fruit preparations, nectars, drinks, cakes, muffins, pies, bread, frozen desserts, and soft food diets Features: Produced by ripening, blanching, extracting, pulping, sieving and sterilizing the Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
pulp, then drum drying it without any carriers or additivies Regulatory: Halal, kosher certified, GMO compliant Properties: Dk. red powd..; dehydrated Guava odor;/flavor/color; 15-30% retained thru US 60 mesh; dens. 480-560 g/l Storage: 18 mos. when stored @ 21 C in sealed, original containers Gum Arabic CSP Spray Dried [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum arabic NF from Acacia senegal See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Used in the food industry; in prep. of lowcalorie dry food and beverage mixes; flavoring agent Properties: Creamy wh. powd., 98% through 120 mesh; sol. 1 g/2 ml of water yielding lt. amber sol'n.; pH 4.0-4.5 Gum Arabic G-150 Powdered [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Protective colloid, stabilizer, thickener for confectionery, candies, jellies, glazes, chewing gum, flavor emulsions, citrus oil and beverage flavor emulsions; foam stabilizer in beer Properties: Colorless, odorless, tasteless; watersol. Gum Arabic NF/FCC Clean Amber Sorts [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Protective colloid, stabilizer, thickener for confectionery, candies, jellies, glazes, chewing gum, flavor emulsions, citrus oil and beverage flavor emulsions; foam stabilizer in beer; flavoring agent Properties: Colorless, odorless, tasteless; watersol. Gum Guar Type M Powdered [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, binder, suspending agent, stabilizer, dietary fiber source for soft cheese, ice cream, fruit drinks, dietetic beverages, cocoa beverages, baked goods, frozen pie fillings, icings, salad dressings, 325
Part I: Trade Name Reference relishes; binder/lubricant in sausages Properties: Water-sol. Gum Guar Type MM Powdered (HV) [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, binder, suspending agent, stabilizer, dietary fiber source for soft cheese, ice cream, fruit drinks, dietetic beverages, cocoa beverages, baked goods, frozen pie fillings, icings, salad dressings, relishes; binder/lubricant in sausages Properties: Water-sol. Gum Guar Type MM Powdered [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, binder, suspending agent, stabilizer, dietary fiber source for soft cheese prods., ice cream, fruit drinks, dietetic/cocoa beverages, baked goods, frozen pie fillings, icings, salad dressings, relishes; binder/lubricant in sausages Properties: Wh. to cream-wh. fine powd., nearly odorless; 97% through 140 mesh, ≥ 90% through 200 mesh; visc. ≥ 3500 cps (1%); pH 5.0-6.4 Gumixan K [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Hydrophilic colloid, thickener, suspending agent, emulsion stabilizer for foods (salad dressings, sauces, canned foods, frozen foods, beverages, syrups, bakery prods.) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.695; FCC; E-415; kosher Properties: Cream to wh. powd., std. particle size; readily sol. in hot or cold water, common acidulants; sol. hot in glycerol, ethylene glycol Use Level: 0.2-1% (salad dressing, sauces), 0.05-0.1% (powd. beverages), 0.1-0.5% (syrups, bakery fillings) Gumixan KF [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Hydrophilic colloid, thickener, suspending agent, emulsion stabilizer for foods (salad dressings, sauces, canned Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
foods, frozen foods, beverages, syrups, bakery prods.) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.695; FCC; E-415; kosher Properties: Cream to wh. fine powd.; readily sol. in hot or cold water, common acidulants; sol. hot in glycerol, ethylene glycol Use Level: 0.2-1% (salad dressing, sauces), 0.05-0.1% (powd. beverages), 0.1-0.5% (syrups, bakery fillings) Gum Tragacanth Ribbons and Flakes [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Tragacanth gum See Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer) gum CAS 9000-65-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-552-5 Uses: Emulsifier, suspending agent, thickener, stabilizer, binder in foods (salad dressings, sauces, bakery toppings, flavor syrups, confectionery) Properties: Ylsh. wh. to tan powd., odorless, insipid taste; swells rapidly in hot or cold water; insol. in alcohol, other org. solvs. H-50 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener for instant puddings, instant pastry fillings, instant gravies, instant soups, refrigerated and frozen prods. Features: Pregelatinized; high visc.; provides smoothness, creaminess, fast mouth meltaway, bland flavor; exc. low temp. stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd.; starch odor; bland taste; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 8% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity
Part I: Trade Name Reference Halibut Liver Oil 60,000A/1,000D [Arista Ind. http://www.aristaindustries.com] Chem. Descrip.: Halibut liver oil Uses: Nutritive additive Features: 60,000 IU/g min. vitamin A, 1000 IU/g max. vitamin D Properties: Acid no. 2; iodine no. 112-150; sapon. no. 180 max. HallStar® GDS 386F [HallStar http://www.cphall.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl distearate Chem. Analysis: 210 ppm moisture CAS 1323-83-7; EINECS/ELINCS 215-359-0 Uses: Encapsulating agent for flavors; emulsifier for dairy and bakery products Features: Food-grade Regulatory: FDA GRAS Properties: Wh. to off-wh. waxy flake, typ. mild fatty odor; insol. in water; sol. in IPA, min. oil; partly sol. in peanut oil; m.p. 56-59 C; HLB 2.4; acid no. 5.0 max.; sapon. no. 182-188; flash pt. (COC) 450 F; nonionic; 100% conc. Precaution: Wear safety goggles and gloves Storage: Store in sealed containers; avoid prolonged storage > 90 Hamine [Vaessen-Schoemaker http://www.vaessen-schoemaker.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mixt. of food grade phosphates Uses: Food additive, buffer, color enhancer for cured meat and fish prods. subject to heat treatment, e.g., cooked hams, pork loins, poultry meats Features: Reduces cooking losses, improves sliceability and color Properties: Completely sol. in cold water Hamine-Mix [Vaessen-Schoemaker http://www.vaessen-schoemaker.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mixt. of food grade phosphates and functional additives Uses: Food additive, buffer for cured meat and fish prods. subject to heat treatment, e.g., cooked hams, pork loins, poultry meats, beef rounds, bacon Use Level: 10-30 g/kg final prod. HCA-411 [Am. Casein http://www.americancasein.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrolyzed casein Chem. Analysis: 5% moisture CAS 65072-00-6; EINECS/ELINCS 265-363-1 Uses: Binder, emulsifier, film-former for nutritional applics. Features: Provides a rich source of short chain Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
peptides and amino acids Properties: Cream-colored fine spray-dried powd.; sl. bitter flavor; sol. in water (not a cl. sol'n.); pH 6.4-6.8; 86% protein Storage: Store in cool, dry place below 25 C Heart Substance [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vacuum-dried defatted glandular prod. Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Powd. or freeze-dried form Hearty Beef Key, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor of beef and savory for food prods. Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Cl. lt. yel. to yel. liq.; roast beef, pot roast, beefy taste; sol. in oil and alcohol Use Level: 0.005-0.5 ppm as consumed in finsihed prods. Hedimuls-LO/01 [Dr. W. Kolb AG http://www.kolb.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of alkoxylated alcohols and ester Uses: Sec. direct food additive permitted in food for human consumption; emulsifier; surfactant Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173, 178.3400 Properties: Pasty; sol. in water (80 C), ethanol, toluene; sl. sol. in min. oil (80 C); dens. ≈ 1.00 g/cm3 (50 C); visc. ≈ 100 mPa·s (50 C); HLB ≈ 10.5; > 98% act. Toxicology: LD50 > 39 g/kg Environmental: LC50 (daphnia, 48 h) > 10 mg/l; biodeg. (OECD 302 B) ≈ 37% Hedimuls-PW/01 [Dr. W. Kolb AG http://www.kolb.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of alkoxylated alcohols and ester Uses: Food additive permitted for direct addition to food for human consumption; defoamer in processing foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172, 173.340, 175.105, 178.3400 Properties: Solid; sol. in ethanol, toluene; dens. ≈ 1.02 g/cm3 (50 C); visc. ≈ 185 mPa·s (50C); HLB ≈ 9.8; > 99.5% act. Toxicology: LD50 > 15 g/kg Environmental: LC50 (daphnia, 48 h) > 10 mg/l; biodeg. (OECD 302 B) ≈ 60% 327
Part I: Trade Name Reference Hedimuls-RS/01 [Dr. W. Kolb AG http://www.kolb.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of alkoxylated alcohols and ester Uses: Sec. direct food additive permitted in food for human consumption Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173, 178.3400 Properties: Solid; sol. in ethanol, toluene, min. oil (80 C), water (80 C); dens. ≈ 1.00 g/cm3 (50 C); visc. ≈ 99 mPa·s (50 C); HLB ≈ 10.5; > 98% act. Toxicology: LD50 > 39 g/kg Environmental: LC50 (daphnia, 48 h) > 10 mg/l; biodeg. (OECD 302 B) ≈ 37% Hedimuls-TO/01 [Dr. W. Kolb AG http://www.kolb.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of alkoxylated alcohol and ester Uses: Food additive permitted for direct addition to food for human consumption; defoamer in processing foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172, 173.340, 175.105, 178.3400 Properties: Solid; sol. in toluene; sol. in ethanol (80 C); insol. in water, min. oil; dens. ≈ 1.02 g/cm3 (50 C); visc. ≈ 185 mPa·s (50 C); HLB ≈ 9.8; > 99.5% act. Toxicology: LD50 > 15 g/kg Environmental: LC50 (daphnia, 48 h) > 10 mg/l; biodeg. (OECD 302 B) ≈ 60% Hedipin-DITA [Dr. W. Kolb AG http://www.kolb.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Diisotridecyl adipate CAS 26401-35-4; EINECS/ELINCS 247-660-8 Uses: Surfactant for foods, feed Properties: Liq.; sapon. no. 225
Hedipin-PEDS G [Dr. W. Kolb AG http://www.kolb.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Pentaerythrityl distearate CAS 13081-97-5; EINECS/ELINCS 235-991-0 Uses: Surfactant for foods, feed Properties: Pellets; sapon. no. 180; nonionic Hedipin-SHO/500 [Dr. W. Kolb AG http://www.kolb.ch] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-50 sorbitan hexaoleate CAS 57171-56-9 Uses: Surfactant for foods, feed Properties: Liq.; HLB 10; nonionic Henneg-50 [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Prepared scrambled egg mix contg. whole egg, skim milk, and vegetable oil Uses: Add water for scrambled eggs or as food ingred. Hentex-10 [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Whole egg and corn syrup See Egg powder Uses: Frozen whole egg replacement in cookies, muffins, pies, yeast dough, breads, bagels, and layer cakes Hentex-12 [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pasteurized whole egg solids, maltodextrin, corn starch, and salt See Corn (Zea mays) starch; Egg powder; Sodium chloride Uses: Whole egg replacement for muffins, cookies, and cakes Features: Cost effective alternative
Hedipin-IOO [Dr. W. Kolb AG http://www.kolb.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Isooctyloleate See Isooctyl oleate Uses: Surfactant for foods, feed Properties: Liq.; sapon. no. 145
Hentex-20 [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Whole egg fortified with yolk and co-dried with corn syrup See Dried egg yolk; Egg powder Uses: Ingred. for cakes, soft cookies, doughnuts, or where extra richness is required
Hedipin-ITS [Dr. W. Kolb AG http://www.kolb.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Isotridecylstearate See Isotridecyl stearate CAS 31565-37-4; EINECS/ELINCS 250-703-3 Uses: Surfactant for foods, feed Properties: Liq.; sapon. no. 128
Hentex-20A [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Whole egg fortified with yolk and co-dried with corn syrup See Corn syrup; Dried egg yolk; Egg powder Uses: Modification of Hentex-20 for use where egg function is less critical.
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part I: Trade Name Reference Hentex-30 [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Egg yolk, corn syrup, and dextrin blend See Dried egg yolk Uses: Ingred. for sweet doughs, pie bases, doughnuts, and ice cream Hentex-30A [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Egg yolk, corn syrup, and dextrin blend modified with yolk and corn syrup See Dried egg yolk Uses: Ingred. for sweet doughs, pie bases, doughnuts, and ice cream, and where extra richness is required Hentex-35 [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Egg white, corn oil, and nonfat dry milk See Corn (Zea mays) oil; Egg powder Uses: Whole egg replacement, protein source for foods Features: Contains no cholesterol, source of high quality protein Hentex-70 [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Whole egg co-dried with sucrose See Egg powder Uses: Ingred. for sponge cakes and other cakes where whipping performance is important Hentex-76 [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Whole egg, soy flour, corn syrup, salt, and lecithin blend See Egg powder; Sodium chloride; Soybean (Glycine soja) flour Uses: Ingred. for yeast doughs, cookies, and some cakes Hentex-85 [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Egg yolk, whole egg, sucrose blend See Dried egg yolk; Egg powder Uses: Egg replacement for foods Features: Rec. for applics. requiring extra richness of yolk as well as the structure building props. of whole egg Hentex Type P-100 [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Instantized albumen CAS 9006-50-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-936-2 Uses: Ingred. for nutritional drinks Features: Sugar free, nonwhipping Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Storage: Exc. shelf stability Hentex Type P-600 [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Albumen with sodium lauryl sulfate as whipping aid Uses: Ingred. for high protein drink mixes and other applics. where instant props. are required Features: High foaming instant prod. Hentex Type P-1100 [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Albumen with no additives CAS 9006-50-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-936-2 Uses: Ingred. for high protein drink mixes and other applics. where instant props. are required Features: Instantized egg white prod. Hercules® AR 160 [Hercules http://www.herc.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-16 rosinate See PEG-16 rosin acid Uses: Low foaming surfactant, detergent, emulsifier, wetting agent, suspending agent, dispersant for food related areas Regulatory: FDA compliance Properties: Gardner 14 soft wax; sol. in water, IPA, benzene, toluene, ester solvs.; visc. 250 cps (38 C); cloud pt. 68 C (2%); pH 8 (1%); surf. tens. 37.6 dynes/cm (0.1% aq.); nonionic; 100% conc. Hercules® Ester Gum 8BG [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Purified glycerol ester of wood rosin, beverage grade See Glyceryl rosinate CAS 8050-31-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-482-5 Uses: Clouding agent, citrus oil stabilizer for beverages Features: Thermoplastic resin gum Properties: USDA Rosin N max. flakes; sol. in aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, terpenes, esters, ketones, and citrus and essential oils; dens. 1.08 kg/l; soften. pt. 90 C; acid no. 6.5. Hetsorb O-5 [Global-Seven http://www.globalseven.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 81 CAS 9005-65-6 Uses: Emulsifier, surfactant, visc. reducer for foods Properties: Gardner 8 max. liq.; sol. in IPA; disp. in water; HLB 10.0; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 329
Part I: Trade Name Reference 96-104; hyd. no. 134-150; nonionic; 97% conc. Hexahop® 95 [John I. Hass http://www.barthhaasgroup.com/] Chem. Descrip.: hexahydro-iso-α acids and tetrahydro-iso-α acids produced from CO2 hop extract Uses: Brewery additive that acts as an antimicrobial and improves foam stand and cling used for light-stable hopping in beer that will be packaged in green or clear glass Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.560(b)(6)(7) Properties: Amber colored aq. sol'n.; sol. in deionized water and alcohol; dens. 1.04 g/ml; visc. 49.65 mPas; pH 8.5-11.0; 10% w/w Storage: Store in unopened cartons @ 15-25 C Hexahop Gold® [John I. Hass http://www.barthhaasgroup.com/] Chem. Descrip.: hexahydro-iso-α acids and tetrahydro-iso-α acids produced from CO2 hop extract Uses: Brewery additive providing bitterness to beer; foam enhancer, antimicrobial agent for beer Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.560(b)(6)(7) Properties: Yel. to amber colored aq. sol'n.; sol. in deionized water and alcohol; dens. 1.02 g/ml; visc. 49.65 mPas; pH 8.5-11.0; 10% w/w Storage: Store in unopened cartons @ 15-25 C Hexaphos® [ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com] Chem. Descrip.: Med. chain sodium hexametaphosphate CAS 10124-56-8; EINECS/ELINCS 233-343-1 Uses: Sequestrant, emulsifier, suspending agent, protein stabilizer for dairy prods. esp. processed cheese, ice cream, and frozen desserts; protein dispersant in whey processing; water binder for cured pork Regulatory: FDA GRAS; FCC compliance Properties: Powd., gran., plate; 99.9% through 20 mesh (powd.), 100% through 8 mesh (gran.); infinitely sol. in water; m.w. 1388; bulk dens. 62 lb/ft3 (powd.), 79 lb/ft3 (gran.), 75 lb/ft3 (plate); pH 6.9 (1%); anionic Use Level: 2% (process cheese), 0.1-0.5% (whey), 0.1-0.2% (ice cream) Hi-maize 260 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Resistant starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Dietary fiber, texturizer for lowHandbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
moisture foods, breads, muffins, snacks, pretzels, cereals, pasta Features: Less water holding prop.; contributes to uniform cell size and improves structure; virtually fat-free; doesn't turn rancid Properties: Wh. to off wh. fine powd.; 10-15 µ avg. particle size; bland taste; pH 4.5-7.5 (20% slurry); 60% min. TDF; 14% max. moisture Storage: 24 mos. shelf life; store away from highly aromatic materials Hi-Cap™ 100 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Film-former, encapsulant for flavors, clouds, vitamins, and spices in dry beverage mixes, coffees, teas, creamers, bakery dry mixes (cakes, cookies), breakfast drinks, bar mixes Features: Rec. at high oil loading; exc. resist. to oxidation; total replacement for gum Arabic and gelatin; forms very stable o/w emulsions at higher solids; reduced losses during spraydrying Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. fine powd.; starch odor; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 4 (1%); ≈ 6% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Hi-Cap™ 200 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch, corn syrup solids See Food starch, modified Uses: Encapsulating agent for flavors, clouds, vitamins, spices used in dry beverage mixes, bakery dry mixes, creamers Features: Exc. resist. to oxidation; forms stable high load o/w emulsions; total replacement for 330
Part I: Trade Name Reference gum Arabic and gelatin Properties: Wh. fine powd.; pH ≈ 4; ≈ 6% moisture Hiflo® [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Visc. builder, texturizer, clarifier, gloss aid for foods, frozen gravies, sauces, pot pies, and dinners Features: Good low temp. storage stability Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; bland taste; pH ≈ 6; ≈ 11% moisture Storage: 24 mos. shelf life; store away from highly aromatic materials HiForm™ 12744 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate Chem. Analysis: 8% moisture CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Granular cold water swelling starch used in moderate cold manufacturing processes such as sauces, fruit fillings and toppings, dry soup mix and gravies Features: Instant viscosity without cooking; rapid hydration, excellent texture and long shelf life; good dispersion props. Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.892 and EC Directive 95/2/EC Properties: 90% thru US 200 mesh; 600 g//l; pH 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flammable and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity HiForm™ 72348 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate Chem. Analysis: 6% moisture CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Granular cold water swelling starch and water binder used in a wide variety of instant foods and in mild to medium cold mfg. processes such as in instant sauces, instant bakery fillings, dairy and yogurt desserts and frozen foods Features: Smooth and superior creamy texture; moderate heat and shear resistance; superior freeze-thaw stability; exc. cl. flavor and paste Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
clarity; stability at both low and high temps Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.892 and EC Directive 95/2/EC Properties: 550 g//l; pH 6 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flammable and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Hi-Jel™ S [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, texturizer for instant puddings, dips, sauces, acidic systems Features: Pregelatinized starch; provides med. visc.; imparts smooth, creamy texture Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd., bland flavor; 0.5% on 60 mesh, 72% through 200 mesh; pH 6; 6% moisture Hi-maize® 240 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: granular resistant starch Uses: Dietary fiber for use in breads, bakery prods., nutrition bars, breakfast cereals, pasta and noodles, sheeted baked snacks, extruded snacks, and thickened beverages; texturizer and processing aid in lowmoisture food systems Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1, 184.1277; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); 11% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity HiOmega® Flaxseed Oil [Polar Foods http://www.polarfoods.net] Chem. Descrip.: Flaxseed oil See Linseed (Linum usitatissimum) oil 331
Part I: Trade Name Reference Chem. Analysis: 0.11% moisture CAS 8001-26-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-278-6 Uses: Dietary fiber and bone improvement supplement in food Features: Improve digestive health in general and bone health in particular Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher; non-GMO Properties: Golden yel. oil; acid no. 0.50; peroxide no. 4.0; ≈ 92% assay Storage: 2 yr. shelf life in the original unopened containers; store in a cool and dry environment, protected from direct sunlight; once opened, the oil should be blanketed under nitrogen and used within 6 mos. HiOmega® Micro 35™ Powder [Polar Foods http://www.polarfoods.net] Chem. Descrip.: Flaxseed oil, maltodextrin, and stearic acid as a coating See Linseed (Linum usitatissimum) oil Chem. Analysis: 0.11% moisture CAS 8001-26-1; 9050-36-6; 57-11-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-278-6; 232-940-4; 200313-4 Uses: Source of EFAs for nutraceuticals, dietary supplements, salad dressings and condiments, baking prods., cereals, beverages, juices, frozen foods, processed meats and cheeses, and nutritional bars Features: High levels of Omega 3; shelf stable; light tasting, and low odor; contains no allergens; 0 trans fat Regulatory: Kosher; non-GMO Properties: Wh. to off-wh. free-flowing granules; 100% thru 12 mesh screen; ≈ 92% assay Storage: 18 mos. shelf life when stored in orig. sealed pkg.; store in a cool and dry environment, protected from heat @ 50-90 F Hi-Set® 322 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified See Food starch, modified Uses: Gellant, film-former for confectionery, jelly gum candies, gum drops, jelly bean centers Features: Low hot visc.; offers benefits of thinboiling and high amylose starches; can form firm gels; gelatinizes at sl. higher temp. than conventional starches; fast setting; longer shelf life; rec. for continuous processing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
insol. in water; m.w. >10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 5.5 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Use Level: 12-14% dry solids basis (jelly gum candies) Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Hi-Set® 377 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch See Food starch, modified Uses: Gellant, film-former for confections, gum candies, fruit snacks, fruit bars Features: Low hot visc. Properties: Wh. powd; pH ≈ 5; ≈ 11% moisture Use Level: 12-14% Hi-Set® C [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch (high amylose corn starch) See Food starch, modified Uses: Gellant, texturizer for confectioneries such as jelly gum candies; coating, filmformer for French fries Features: High gel str.; quick setting; requires higher cooking temps. than regular corn starch Properties: Wh. powd.; pH ≈5; ≈ 11% moisture; ≈ 55% amylose Hi-Set® CHG [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch (high amylose corn starch) See Food starch, modified Uses: Gellant for confections such as jelly gum mfg.; stabilizer for aerated confections such as nougats Features: Low hot visc.; superatmospheric cooking temps. of 300-335 F are required; faster production and increased yield due to quick-setting chars. Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; pH ≈ 5; ≈ 11% moisture; ≈ 55% amylose 332
Part I: Trade Name Reference HLA-198 [Am. Casein http://www.americancasein.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrolyzed whey protein conc. Chem. Analysis: 6% moisture; 5% fat Uses: Binder, emulsifier, film-former for nutritional applics. Features: Provides a rich source of short chain peptides and amino acids Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Cream-colored fine spray-dried powd.; bland flavor; sol. in water; 83% protein (dry basis) Storage: Store in cool, dry place below 25 C
sp.gr. 0.98-1.03; dens. 8.4 lb/gal.; visc. 2300 cps; vapor pressure 32 C
HMP-26 [Am. Casein http://www.americancasein.com] Chem. Descrip.: Partially hydrolyzed Sodium caseinate Chem. Analysis: 6% moisture; 2% fat CAS 9004-36-3 Uses: Binder and emulsifier for foods, imitation cheese, bakery prods., frozen dairy desserts, fish and meat prods. Properties: Wh. to lt. cream fine free-flowing powd.; clean/bland odor/flavor; pH 6.6-7.2; 92% protein Storage: Store in cool, dry place
Hodag® CO-350 [Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethylsiloxane CAS 63148-62-9 Uses: Antifoam for nonaq. foaming systems, fermentation, foods Regulatory: FDA approved; SARA §311/312 possible chronic health effects, §313 nonreportable Properties: Colorless syrup-like cl. liq.; mild odor; sol. in amyl acetate, aromatic solvs., 2ethylhexanol, kerosene; insol. in water, paraffin oil, glycols, ethanol, methanol, glycerin; sp.gr. 0.97; dens. 8.3 lb/gal; visc. 330-370 cSt; vapor pressure < 1 mm Hg; b.p. > 200 C; pour pt. -50 C; flash pt. (COC) 221 C; 100% act.; 0.1% volatile Toxicology: Vapors/finely misted material may irritate mucous membranes and cause irritation, dizziness, nausea; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents; keep away from excessive heat, ignition sources Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2, thick smoke NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 6 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original containers @ 20-32 C; store and use in well-ventilated areas; store out of sun
Hodag® CB-6 KP [Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fatty acid ester emulsion Uses: Antifoam for cane and beet sugar processing; crystallization promoter for sugar; emulsifier for nonsugar components assisting in their removal during cane and beet sugar processing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.854, 176.210 Properties: Amber liq.; bland odor; disp. in water;
Hodag® FD-62 K [Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polydimethylsiloxane emulsion See Dimethylsiloxane CAS 63148-62-9 Uses: Antifoam for aq. systems for fermentation, foods (beverages, syrups, chewing gum bases, yeast mfg., wine, vinegar, jams, cooking oils, chocolate, etc.) Regulatory: Kosher, FDA 21CFR
HLA-209 [Am. Casein http://www.americancasein.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrolyzed lactalbumin See Whey protein Chem. Analysis: 6% moisture; 4% fat CAS 9013-90-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-750-1 Uses: Protein supplement in nutritional applics. Features: Provides a rich source of short chain peptides and amino acids Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Cream-colored, fine, spray dried powder; sl. bitter flavor; pH 6.1-6.8; 93.6% protein (dry basis) Storage: Store in a cool place < 25 C
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part I: Trade Name Reference §173.340(a)(2); SARA §311/312 possible chronic health effects, §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. creamy emulsion; mild odor; disp. in water with mild agitation; sp.gr. 0.981.02; dens. 8.3 lb/gal; visc. 2100 cSt; vapor pressure 20 mm Hg (20 C); b.p. > 100 C; pour pt. 10 C; flash pt. (COC) 221 C; 10% act.; 8090% volatiles by vol. Toxicology: Vapors/finely misted material may irritate mucous membranes and cause irritation, dizziness, nausea; may cause eye irritation; thermal burns possible on skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents; keep away from excessive heat, ignition sources Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2, thick smoke NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: 6 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original containers @ 20-32 C; protect from freezing; store and use in well-ventilated areas; store out of sun Hodag® FD-82K [Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polydimethylsiloxane emulsion See Dimethylsiloxane CAS 63148-62-9 Uses: Antifoam for aq. systems for fermentation, foods (beverages, syrups, chewing gum bases, yeast mfg., wine, vinegar, jams, cooking oils, chocolate, etc.) Features: Avail. as kosher grade, Hodag FD-82 K Regulatory: FDA approved, 30 ppm max. in final prod. Properties: Wh. creamy emulsion; mild odor; disp. in water with mild agitation; sp.gr. 0.991.02; dens. 8.3 lb/gal; visc. 2100 cSt; vapor pressure 15 mm Hg (20 C); i.b.p. 100 C; pour pt. 10 C; flash pt. (COC) > 20 F; 30% act.; 5070% volatiles (water) Toxicology: Vapors/finely misted material may irritate mucous membranes and cause irritation, dizziness, nausea; may cause eye irritation; ing. may irritate digestive tract; prolonged/repeated skin contact may irritate hair follicles and block sebaceous glands; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents; keep away from excessive heat, ignition sources; spillages may be slippery Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CO2, thick smoke NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 6 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original containers @ 20-32 C; protect from freezing; store and use in well-ventilated areas; store out of sun Hodag® FLO-3K [Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Proprietary fatty acid ester blend Uses: Antifoam for corn processing aid in syrups, starches, and molasses; emulsifier in food processing Properties: Amber liq.; mild odor; disp. in water; sp.gr. 0.98; dens. 8.2 lb/gal.; visc. 800 cst; vapor pressure 200 C; pour pt. -2 C; 100% act. Toxicology: Inh. of vapors or finely misted materials may cause irritation to mucosa, dizziness, and nausea; irritant to eyes, GI, and skin; TSCA listed Hazardous Ingredients: Combustion: CO, CO2, thick smoke NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 1 yr. shelf life when stored in closed, factory sealed containers at temps. >49 C Hodag® S-35 K [Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids with propylene glycol Uses: Emulsifier, dough strengthener, flavoring agent, formulation aid, lubricant, release agent, solvent, vehicle, stabilizer, thickener, surfactant, surface-finishing agent, texturizer for foods incl. shortenings, whipped toppings, coffee whiteners, frozen desserts, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §170.3, 176.210, 184.1(b)(1), 184.1505, GRAS; FCC compliant; kosher; SARA §311/312/313 nonreportable Properties: Yel. cl. liq.; bland odor; sol. in alcohols, veg. and min. oils; disp. in water; sp.gr. 0.97; dens. 8.3 lb/gal; visc. 140 cps; vapor pressure < 1 mm Hg; b.p. > 200 C; HLB 2.8; acid no. 5 max.; iodine no. 83; sapon. no. 135; pour pt. -17 C; clear pt. 24 C; flash pt. (COC) 110 C; nonionic; 100% conc.; 1% max. moisture Toxicology: May cause eye irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents; keep away from excessive heat, 334
Part I: Trade Name Reference ignition sources; spillages may be slippery Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2, thick smoke NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 1 yr. shelf life when stored in closed original containers below 32 C; store and use in well-ventilated areas Hombitan® FG [Sachtleben Chemie GmbH http://www.sachtleben.de/] Chem. Descrip.: Titanium dioxide CAS 13463-67-7; EINECS/ELINCS 236-675-5 Uses: Pigment for sugar coatings, chewing gum, boiled sweets and cigarette paper Features: Exc. opacity, optimum dispersibility in all media and best possible lightening power; ultra-high purity and safety Regulatory: FDA compliant, E 171 Homecraft™ Create 730 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat flour See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) flour Chem. Analysis: 12% moisture CAS 130498-22-5; EINECS/ELINCS 310-127-6 Uses: Functional flour used as a thickener and stabilizer in neutral and acidic food systems Features: Use where tolerance to heat and shear is required; imparts smooth texture and exc. mouthfeel Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §137.105; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. powd.; typical odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.3; pH ≈ 6 (1%) Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact Precaution: Wear safety goggles and gloves; potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Homecraft™ Create 765 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat flour See Wheat Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
(Triticum vulgare) flour Chem. Analysis: 12% moisture CAS 130498-22-5; EINECS/ELINCS 310-127-6 Uses: Functional flour used as a thickener and stabilizer in neutral and acidic food systems such as cheese and meat sauces and soups Features: Use where exceptional freeze-thaw stability is required and texture and flavor balance is desired Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §137.105; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. powd.; typical odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.3; pH ≈ 6 (1%) Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact Precaution: Wear safety goggles and gloves; potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Homecraft™ Express 760 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pregelatinized wheat flour See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) flour Chem. Analysis: 10% moisture CAS 130498-22-5; EINECS/ELINCS 310-127-6 Uses: Functional flour used as a thickener and stabilizer in neutral and acidic food systems and those requiring cooking and baking; used in dry mix soups, gravies, sauces and microwavable applics. Features: Contributes a short, heavy bodied texture; good acid and heat tolerance; lends the texture, opacity and flavor balance; good synergy with a variety of thickeners Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §137.105; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. powd.; typical odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.3; pH ≈ 6 (1%) Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; low oral toxicity; low 335
Part I: Trade Name Reference toxicity by skin contact Precaution: Wear safety goggles and gloves; potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Honi-Bake® [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Honey, high fructose corn syrup, wheat starch, corn syrup, soy flour, calcium stearate (anticaking agent), lecithin (processing aid) See Corn syrup, high fructose; Soybean (Glycine soja) flour; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch Uses: Sweetener, flavor enhancer, humectant for baked goods, variety breads, mixes, sauces, snacks Features: Convenient handling; high water absorp.; source of reducing sugars Properties: Golden yel. free-flowing powd.; 98% min. through 25 mesh; 30-50% through 60 mesh; mild honey flavor; bulk dens. 47 lb/ft3 (loose), 57 lb/ft3 (packed); 65% honey solids; 3.5% max. moisture; 1.7% max. protein Use Level: Replaces liq. honey at ≈ lb for lb Storage: 1 yr. shelf life when stored unopened @ normal R.T. (65-75 F) Honi-Bake® 705 [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Honey, wheat starch, soy flour, calcium stearate (anticaking agent), lecithin (processing aid) See Soybean (Glycine soja) flour; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch Uses: Sweetener, flavor enhancer, humectant for baked goods, mixes, sauces, snacks Features: Convenient handling; high water absorp.; source of reducing sugars Properties: Golden yel. free-flowing powd.; 98% min. through 25 mesh; 30-50% through 60 mesh; intense honey flavor; bulk dens. 46 lb/ft3 (loose), 60 lb/ft3 (packed); 65% honey solids; 3.5% max. moisture; 1.7% max. protein Use Level: Replaces liq. honey at ≈ lb for lb Storage: 1 yr. shelf life when stored unopened @ normal R.T. (65-75 F)
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Honi-Flake [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Honey; high fructose corn syrup; wheat starch; corn syrup; soy flour; lecithin See Corn syrup, high fructose; Soybean (Glycine soja) flour; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch Uses: Sweetener, flavor enhancer, colorant in baked goods, health foods Features: High water absorption; imparts a nat., dark coloring; avoids waste factor involved with drums and sanitation problems inherent with liq. honey; storage space required is minimal Properties: Golden yel. flake; 30% min. through 20 mesh, 10% max. through 40 mesh; dens. 33 lb/ft3 (loose), 40 lb/ft3 (packed) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store at room temp. 65-75 F; recommend stacking prod. at no more than two pallets high Honi-Flake 705 [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Honey; wheat starch; soy flour; lecithin See Soybean (Glycine soja) flour; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch Uses: Sweetener, flavor enhancer, humectant for baked goods Features: High water absorption; imparts a nat., dark coloring; avoids waste factor involved with drums and sanitation problems inherent with liq. honey; storage space required is minimal Properties: Golden yel. flake; 30% max. through 20 mesh; 10% max. through 40 mesh; dens. 30 lb/ft3 (loose), 41 lb/ft3 (packed) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store at room temp. 65-75 F; recommend stacking prod. at no more than two pallets high Hoosier 5 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Processing aid, flow aid, moisture control agent, external dusting agent in dry food mixes (soups, sauces) Features: Low moisture content Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 5.5 (1%); 7.5% max. moisture (as packed) Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye 336
Part I: Trade Name Reference surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Hop Pellets Isomerized [John I. Hass http://www.barthhaasgroup.com/] Uses: Brewery additive providing bitterness and hop aroma to beer Storage: Store in unopened cartons @ 0-8 C for max. potential Hop Pellets Stabilized [John I. Hass http://www.barthhaasgroup.com/] Uses: Brewery additive providing bitterness and hop aroma to beer Storage: Store in unopened cartons @ 0-8 C for max. potential Hop Pellets Type 45 [John I. Hass http://www.barthhaasgroup.com/] Chem. Analysis: 7-12% moisture Uses: Brewery additive providing bitterness and hop aroma to beer Regulatory: FDA GRAS Properties: Cylindrical pellets; 6 mm diameter Storage: Store in unopened cartons @ 0-8 C for max. potential Hop Pellets Type 90 [John I. Hass http://www.barthhaasgroup.com/] Chem. Analysis: 0.4-3.5% hop oils; 4-16% α acids; 7-12% moisture Uses: Brewery additive providing bitterness and hop aroma to beer Storage: Store in unopened cartons @ 0-8 C for max. potential HT® Monocalcium Phosphate [ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium phosphate FCC See Calcium phosphate monobasic monohydrate CAS 10031-30-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-837-1 Uses: Acidulant for foods and beverages, leavening acid, nutrient, dietary supplement, yeast food dough conditioner Regulatory: FCC compliance HT-Proteolytic® 200N [Deerland Enzymes Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.deerland-enzymes.com] Chem. Descrip.: Bacterial protease CAS 9014-01-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-752-2 Uses: Enzyme for hydrolysis of proteins for baking (cracker/cookie gluten modification), brewing (malt supplementation), candy, fermentation, fish/soya processing, protein modification, animal feed supplements Features: Food-grade; effective over neutral and alkaline pH range Properties: Wh. to lt. tan amorphous dry powd., free of offensive odor; readily water-sol.; 2500 - 4500 NU/g Storage: Activity loss < 10% in 1 yr. stored in sealed containers under cool, dry conditions; 5 C storage extends life HT-Proteolytic® Conc. [Deerland Enzymes http://www.deerland-enzymes.com] Chem. Descrip.: Bacterial protease See Protease CAS 9014-01-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-752-2 Uses: Food-grade enzyme for hydrolysis of proteins over neutral and alkaline pH range; for baking (cracker/cookie gluten modification), brewing (malt supplementation), candy, fermentation, fish/soya processing, protein modification Properties: Wh. to lt. tan amorphous dry powd., free of offensive odor and taste; readily watersol.; 2500 - 4500 NU/g Storage: Activity loss ≤ 10% in 1 yr. stored in sealed containers under cool, dry conditions; 5 C storage extends life HuberCal 150 Elite [Huber Engineered Materials http://www.hubermaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium carbonate Chem. Analysis: Lead levels < 125 ppb CAS 1317-65-3; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Calcium source for dietary supplements and food Regulatory: USP, EP, JP; kosher, SARA §311/312, 313 nonreportable; FDA §21 CFR 137.105, 137.350, 169.115, 173.25, 175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 177.1210, 178.3297, 181.29, 184.1409 Properties: Wh. odorless powd.; particle size, median 20 μ; screen residue, 325 mesh 35%; sol. in water (1.3 mg/l,); bulk dens., tamped 1.6 g/cc; decomp. temp. 700-900 C; pH 8.4-10.2 (5% aq. suspension); 200 mg/l; not considered to be harmful to aquatic life Precaution: Wear safety glasses with side shields and impervious gloves; avoid contact with strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: 1 yr shelf life when stored in original protective pkg. away from moisture, and extremes in temperature (> 90 F) and humidity (> 80% relative humidity) HuberCal 150 FG [Huber Engineered Materials http://www.hubermaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium carbonate CAS 1317-65-3; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Calcium source for dietary supplements and food fortification Features: Food grade, high purity, low moisture Regulatory: FCC compliant; FDA 21 CFR §137.105, 137.350, 169.115, 173.25, 175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 177.1210, 178.3297, 181.29, 184.1409 Properties: Wh. odorless powd.; particle size, median 20 μ; sol. in water (1.3 mg/l,); dens.2.7 g/cc; decomp. temp. 700-900 C; pH 8.4-10.2 (5% aq. suspension) Toxicology: ACGIH 10 mg/m3 total dust; LD50 (oral, rat) 6450 mg/kg; dust may cause mechanical irritation to eyes; dries skin and mucous membranes; inh. causes respiratory tract irritation; noncarcinogenic Environmental: nonbiodeg.; LC50 (fish) > 200 mg/l; not considered to be harmful to aquatic life Precaution: Wear safety glasses with side shields and impervious gloves; avoid contact with strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: 1 yr shelf life when stored in original protective pkg. away from moisture, and extremes in temperature (> 90 F) and humidity (> 80% relative humidity)
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
HuberCal 250 FG [Huber Engineered Materials http://www.hubermaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium carbonate CAS 1317-65-3; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Calcium source for dietary supplements and food fortification Features: Food grade, high purity, low moisture Regulatory: FCC compliant; kosher, SARA §311/312, 313 nonreportable; FDA 21 CFR §137.105, 137.350, 169.115, 173.25, 175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 177.1210, 178.3297, 181.29, 184.1409 Properties: Wh. odorless powd.; particle size, median 12 μ; sol. in water (1.3 mg/l,); dens.2.7 g/cc; decomp. temp. 700-900 C; pH 8.4-10.2 (5% aq. suspension); 100% Toxicology: ACGIH 10 mg/m3 total dust; LD50 (oral, rat) 6450 mg/kg; dust may cause mechanical irritation to eyes; dries skin and mucous membranes; inh. causes respiratory tract irritation; noncarcinogenic; TSCA listed Environmental: nonbiodeg.; LC50 (fish) > 200 mg/l; not considered to be harmful to aquatic life Precaution: Wear safety glasses with side shields and impervious gloves; avoid contact with strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: 1 yr shelf life when stored in original protective pkg. away from moisture, and extremes in temperature (> 90 F) and humidity (> 80% relative humidity) HuberCal 500 FG [Huber Engineered Materials http://www.hubermaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium carbonate CAS 1317-65-3; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Calcium source for dietary supplements and food fortification Features: Food grade, high purity, low moisture Regulatory: FCC compliant; kosher, SARA §311/312, 313 nonreportable; FDA 21 CFR §137.105, 137.350, 169.115, 173.25, 175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 177.1210, 178.3297, 181.29, 184.1409 Properties: Wh. odorless powd.; particle size, median 6 μ; sol. in water (1.3 mg/l,); dens.2.7 g/cc; decomp. temp. 700-900 C; pH 8.4-10.2 (5% aq. suspension); 100% Toxicology: ACGIH 10 mg/m3 total dust; LD50 (oral, rat) 6450 mg/kg; dust may cause 338
Part I: Trade Name Reference mechanical irritation to eyes; dries skin and mucous membranes; inh. causes respiratory tract irritation; noncarcinogenic Environmental: nonbiodeg.; LC50 (fish) > 200 mg/l; not considered to be harmful to aquatic life Precaution: Wear safety glasses with side shields and impervious gloves; avoid contact with strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: 1 yr shelf life when stored in original protective pkg. away from moisture, and extremes in temperature (> 90 F) and humidity (> 80% relative humidity) Hubersorb® 600 [Huber Engineered Materials http://www.hubermaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium silicate (99%) and sodium sulfate (1%) CAS 1344-95-2; 7757-82-6; EINECS/ELINCS 215-710-8; 231-820-9 Uses: Conditioner, carrier, anticaking agent, flow aid for foods Properties: Wh. odorless powd.; 6 µm avg. particle size; insol. in water; m.p. ≈ 1700 C;surf. area 300 m2/g; oil absorp. 475 cc/100 g; pH 10.0 (20%); noncombustible Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; nonirritating to eyes; may dry skin and mucous membranes; does not cause sensitization; noncarcinogenic Environmental: does not present any risk to the environment; not biodegradable; inert Precaution: Wear safety goggles with side shields, protective clothing, impervious gloves Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a tightly closed container in a dry area Hubersorb® 5121 [Huber Engineered Materials http://www.hubermaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium silicate (>98%) and sodium sulfate ( 5000 mg/kg; nonirritating to eyes; may dry skin and mucous membranes; does not cause sensitization; noncarcinogenic Environmental: does not present any risk to the environment; not biodegradable; inert Precaution: Wear safety goggles with side shields, protective clothing, impervious gloves Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a tightly closed container in a dry area Hyderase [Amano Enzyme http://www.amanoenzyme.co.jp; Amano Enzyme USA] Chem. Descrip.: Glucose oxidase from Aspergillus See Glucose oxidase CAS 9001-05-2; 9001-37-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-577-1; 232-601-0 Uses: Enzyme for yeast-raised baked goods, removal of oxygen and glucose Features: Replaces potassium bromate; food enzyme in Europe and Japan markets, improving mixing/proofing tolerance, providing high vol. yield in wheat doughs; replacement for ascorbic acid Regulatory: Certified food additive in Japan Properties: Off-wh. to lt. brn. powd.; sl. odor; sol. in water Toxicology: May be a skin irritant; inh. of aerosols or dust may induce sensitization and allergic reactions in sensitized individuals; nontoxic Environmental: biodegradable; not harmful to aquatic and marine organisms when dissolved with copious amounts of water Precaution: Wear respirator, protective glasses, and impervious gloves; avoid dust formation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: Store container in a cool and dry place Hyderase HC [Amano Enzyme http://www.amano-enzyme.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Glucose oxidase from Aspergillus niger See Catalase; Glucose oxidase CAS 9001-37-0; 9001-05-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-601-0; 232-577-1 339
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Enzyme for food processing, baking, removal of oxygen and glucose Properties: Off-wh. to brn. powd.; sl. odor; sol. in water; stable pH range 5.0-8.0; Glucose oxidase activity ≥ 1,500 units/g; catalase activity 60,000 -90,000 units/g Toxicology: May be a skin irritant; inh. of aerosols or dust may induce sensitization and allergic reactions in sensitized individuals; nontoxic Environmental: biodegradable; not harmful to aquatic and marine organisms when dissolved with copious amounts of water Precaution: Wear respirator, protective glasses, and impervious gloves; avoid dust formation Hyderase L [Amano Enzyme http://www.amano-enzyme.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Glucose oxidase from Aspergillus niger See Catalase; Glucose oxidase CAS 9001-37-0; 9001-05-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-601-0; 232-577-1 Uses: Enzyme for food processing, removal of oxygen and glucose Properties: Lt. to dk. brown liq.; sl. odor; sol. in water; Glucose oxidase activity ≥ 10,000 units/g; catalase activity ≥ 100,000 units/g Toxicology: May be a skin irritant; inh. of aerosols or dust may induce sensitization and allergic reactions in sensitized individuals; nontoxic Environmental: biodegradable; not harmful to aquatic and marine organisms when dissolved with copious amounts of water Precaution: Wear respirator, protective glasses, and impervious gloves; avoid dust formation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Hydrobrite® 300PO [Chemtura http://www.chemtura.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. mineral oil USP CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Release agent, binder, lubricant, defoamer, protective coating, antidusting agent, sealant, polishing agent in foods; float on fermentation fluids to prevent/retard evaporation and contamination Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3620(a) Properties: Odorless, tasteless; sp.gr. 0.8500.880; visc. 48-60 cSt (40 C); distill. pt. 260 C min. (10 mm, 2.5%); pour pt. 10 F Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Hydrobrite® 1000 [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: Highly refined white mineral oil USP See Mineral oil CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-455-8 Uses: Protective coating on foods Features: Hydrophobic; chemically inert; exc. UV and color stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3620(a) Properties: Colorless; odorless; tasteless; m.w. 690; sp.gr. 0.860-0.885; kinematic visc. 180240 cSt (40 C) Hydrokote® 102 [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated vegetable oil with lecithin CAS 68334-28-1; 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 269-820-6; 232-307-2 Uses: Food ingred. Features: Cocoa butter replacement Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1, GRAS Properties: Off-wh. waxy solid; insol. in water; vapor pressure 500 F; iodine no. 5 max.; sapon. no. 230250; flash pt. (COC) >390 F Toxicology: Contact with eyes and skin not expected to cause serious irritation Precaution: Wear chemical splash goggles and neoprene gloves for hot oil; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx Storage: Retest and re-qualify 12 mos. from the date of manufacture; store in a dry, odor-free location @ R.T. Hydrokote® 112 [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated vegetable oil CAS 68334-28-1; EINECS/ELINCS 269-820-6 Uses: Bodying agent, lubricant, moisturizer, visc. modifier in clinical nutrition, nutritional/sports supplements Features: Cocoa butter replacement Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1 (GRAS) Properties: Lt. yel. oil when melted; sp.gr. ≈ 0.9; vapor pressure < 1 mm Hg; m.p. 45.6-47.8 C; b.p. > 500 F; iodine no. 5 max.; sapon. no. 225-245; flash pt. (COC) > 390 C Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx Hyflo Super-Cel® [Celite http://www.worldminerals.com/celite.html] Chem. Descrip.: Diatomaceous earth 340
Part I: Trade Name Reference CAS 7631-86-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Filter aid for beer processing Properties: Wh. powd.; 7 µ median pore size; 5% 150 mesh residue; sp.gr. 2.3; dens. 10 lb/ft3 (dry); pH 10 Hylon® V [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Unmodified high amylose corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Gellant, film-former, opacifier for foods, confectionery, jelly gum candies, batter coatings, extruded and fried snacks Features: Can form more rigid gels than conventional corn starch; forms stronger, tougher films; requires higher cooking temps. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. >10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 5.5 (1%); ≈ 70% amylose; ≈ 11% moisture Use Level: 25-50% of total starch (jelly gum candies) Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Hylon® VII [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Unmodified high amylose corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Gellant, film-former, opacifier for foods, confectionery, jelly gum candies, batter coatings, extruded and fried snacks Features: Can form more rigid gels than conventional corn starch; forms stronger, tougher films; requires higher cooking temps. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. >10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 5.5 (1%); ≈ 55% amylose; ≈ 11% moisture Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Use Level: 30-60% of total starch (jelly gum candies) Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Hypothalamus Substance [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vacuum-dried defatted glandular prod. Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Powd. Hystar® 3375 [Corn Prods. Spec. Ingreds. http://www.cornproductsus.com/cps/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated starch hydrolysate Chem. Analysis: Water 25% CAS 68425-17-2 Uses: Humectant, bodying agent, sweetener, moisture control agent for sugarless confections, controlled-moisture foods Features: Rec. where sweet taste and low hygroscopicity are required Regulatory: Kosher certification Properties: Water-wh. cl. liq.; sp.gr. 1.32; visc. 7000 cps (25 C), 1500 cps (40 C); pH neutral; 75% act. Hystar® 4075 [Corn Prods. Spec. Ingreds. http://www.cornproductsus.com/cps/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated starch hydrolysate CAS 68425-17-2 Uses: Humectant, bodying agent, moisture control agent for sugarless confections, controlled-moisture foods Features: Rec. where sweet taste and low hygroscopicity are required Regulatory: Kosher certification Properties: Water-wh. cl. liq.; sp.gr. 1.33; visc. 1000 cps (40 C); pH neutral; 75% act. Hystar® 5875 [Corn Prods. Spec. Ingreds. http://www.cornproductsus.com/cps/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated starch 341
Part I: Trade Name Reference hydrolysate CAS 68425-17-2 Uses: Humectant, bodying agent, moisture control agent for sugarless confections, controlled-moisture foods Features: Rec. where texture and taste are important Properties: Water-wh. cl. liq.; sp.gr. 1.35; visc. 1700 cps (25C), 500 cps (40 C); pH 5.0-7.5 (14% w/w in water); 75% act.
Hystrene® 5016 NF FG [Chemtura http://www.chemtura.com] Chem. Descrip.: Stearic acid, triple pressed CAS 57-11-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-313-4 Uses: Lubricant, release agent, binder, defoamer for foods; component for producing other food grade additives; flavoring agent Properties: Lovibond 1.0Y-0.1R solid; solid pt. 54.5-56.5 C; acid no. 206-210; iodine no. 0.5 max.; sapon. no. 206-211; 100% conc.
Hystar® 5885 [Corn Prods. Spec. Ingreds. http://www.cornproductsus.com/cps/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltitol (> 55%) Chem. Analysis: Water 14-16% Uses: Sweetener in baked goods, confectionery applics.; replacement for sucrose in sugar-free applics. Features: For applics. requiring higher solids content Properties: Cl., syrupy liq.; visc. 55,000 cps; pH neutral; 75% act.
Hystrene® 7018 FG [Chemtura http://www.chemtura.com] Chem. Descrip.: Stearic acid CAS 57-11-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-313-4 Uses: Lubricant, release agent, binder, defoamer for foods; component for producing other food grade additives; flavoring agent Properties: Lovibond 1.0Y-0.1R solid; solid. pt. 58.0-62.5 C; acid no. 200-205; iodine no. 0.8 max.; sapon. no. 200-206; 100% conc.
Hystar® 6075 [Corn Prods. Spec. Ingreds. http://www.cornproductsus.com/cps/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated starch hydrolysate CAS 68425-17-2 Uses: Humectant, bodying agent, moisture control agent for sugarless confections, controlled-moisture foods Features: Rec. where very low hygroscopicity is required Regulatory: Kosher certification Properties: Water-wh. cl. liq., bland taste; sp.gr. 1.35; visc. 2000 cps (40 C); pH neutral; 75% act. Hystar® HM-75 [Corn Prods. Spec. Ingreds. http://www.cornproductsus.com/cps/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated starch hydrolysate Chem. Analysis: Water 24-26% CAS 68425-17-2 Uses: Humectant, bodying agent, sweetener, moisture control agent for sugarless confections, controlled-moisture foods Features: Rec. where taste and texture are important Regulatory: Kosher certification Properties: Water-wh. cl. liq.; sp.gr. 1.48; visc. 1600 cps (25 C), 500 cps (40 C); pH neutral; 75% act.
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Hystrene® 9718 NF FG [Chemtura http://www.chemtura.com] Chem. Descrip.: Stearic acid NF (92%) CAS 57-11-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-313-4 Uses: Lubricant, release agent, binder, defoamer for foods; component for producing other food grade additives; flavoring agent Properties: Solid; solid. pt. 66.5-68.5 C; acid no. 196-201; iodine no. 0.8 max.; sapon no. 196201; 100% conc. IGI 1070A [IGI http://www.igiwax.com] Chem. Descrip.: Paraffin wax See Paraffin Chem. Analysis: 0.7% max oil CAS 8002-74-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-315-6 Uses: Wax used in food Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.886, 178.3710 compliant Properties: Saybolt color 28 min.; visc. (kinematic) 3.6 cSt @ 212 F; m.p. 129 F IGI 1230A [IGI http://www.igiwax.com] Chem. Descrip.: Paraffin wax See Paraffin Chem. Analysis: 0.5% max oil CAS 8002-74-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-315-6 Uses: Wax used in food Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.886, 178.3710 compliant Properties: Saybolt color 28 min.; visc. (kinematic) 3.3 cSt @ 212 F; m.p. 130 F IGI 1239A [IGI http://www.igiwax.com] Chem. Descrip.: Paraffin wax See Paraffin Chem. Analysis: 0.5% max oil 342
Part I: Trade Name Reference CAS 8002-74-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-315-6 Uses: Wax used in food Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.886, 178.3710 compliant Properties: Saybolt color 28 min.; visc. (kinematic) 4.3 cSt @ 212 F; m.p. 138 F IGI 1240A [IGI http://www.igiwax.com] Chem. Descrip.: Paraffin wax See Paraffin Chem. Analysis: 0.5% max oil CAS 8002-74-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-315-6 Uses: Wax used in food Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.886, 178.3710 compliant Properties: Saybolt color 28 min.; visc. (kinematic) 4.1 cSt @ 212 F; m.p. 136 F Ice # 2 [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate and polysorbate 80 Uses: Stabilizer, emulsifier, bodying agent for frozen desserts Features: Provides overrun and dryness Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.840 Properties: Ivory bead; HLB 5.2; m.p. 59-63 C; nonionic; 32-38% alpha monoglyceride Use Level: 0.04-0.25% (frozen desserts) Storage: Store in cool, dry place; reseal drums between use; 3 mo life for optimum freeflowing props. Idromag® ERB [Solvay SA http://www.solvay.com] Chem. Descrip.: Magnesium hydroxide Chem. Analysis: 99.0-100.5% of magnesium hydroxide CAS 1309-42-8; EINECS/ELINCS 215-170-3 Uses: pH control agent, and processing aid in food processing Regulatory: EP Properties: Wh. fine amorphous powd.; pract. insol. in water; dissolves in dilute acids Storage: Keep in bags tightly closed and stored in original packaging Idromag® ERM [Solvay SA http://www.solvay.com] Chem. Descrip.: Magnesium hydroxide Chem. Analysis: 95.0-100.5% of magnesium hydroxide CAS 1309-42-8; EINECS/ELINCS 215-170-3 Uses: pH control agent, and processing aid in food processing Regulatory: EP Properties: Wh. fine amorphous powd.; pract. insol. in water; dissolves in dilute acids Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Storage: Keep in bags tightly closed and stored in original packaging IDX-20 NB [Cain Food Industries http://www.cainfood.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium iodate and other edible excipients CAS 7789-80-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-191-3 Uses: Dough conditioner, oxidation agent in foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS Properties: Wh. dust-free tablets, odorless; disp. in water; 0.908 g calcium iodate/tablet Storage: 6 mos. shelf life; store cool and dry IF-131 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, texturizer for instant soups, instant gravy dry mixes, instant sauces Features: Pregelatinized; high visc.; provides rapid dispersibility, smoothness; exc. low temp. stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. sl. coarse powd.; starch odor; bland taste; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 8% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Imperial 400 [Luzenac Am. http://www.luzenac.com; Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com] Chem. Descrip.: Talc USP/FCC CAS 14807-96-6; EINECS/ELINCS 238-877-9 Uses: Anticaking agent, coating agent, lubricant, release agent, surf. finishing agent, texturizer in foods, food processing; dusting agent, filler for chewing gum; release agent in tablet molds Features: Inert Regulatory: FDA approved for food-contact 343
Part I: Trade Name Reference applics.; DOT nonhazardous Properties: Wh. to grayish-wh. fine powd.; 4.5 µ median particle size; 99.9% through 325 mesh; sl. earthy odor; sol. in hot, conc. phosphoric acid; insol. in water, cold acids and alkalis; sp.gr. 2.7-2.8; dens. 38 lb/ft3 (tapped), 14 lb/ft3 (loose); oil absorp. 35; brightness 90; pH sl. alkaline; hardness (Mohs) 1.0-1.5; 0.4% max. moisture Toxicology: ACGIH TWA/TLV 2 mg/m3 (respirable dust); inh. of lg. amts. of dust may cause mucous membranes/respiratory tract irritation; chronic exposure may cause pulmonary fibrosis, shortness of breath, chronic cough, heart failure, pneumoconiosis; tumorigen; TSCA listed Precaution: Very slippery when wet Hazardous Ingredients: May contain 0-3% of: dolomite, chlorite, calcite, magnesite Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in sealed containers Imperial FD [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy flour, dextrose, calcium sulfate, sodium stearoyl lactylate, wheat flour, tricalcium phosphate, fungal enzymes, ascorbic acid See L-Ascorbic acid; Calcium phosphate tribasic; Glucose; Soybean (Glycine soja) flour; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) flour Uses: Dough conditioner, shelf life extender for yeast-raised frozen bakery prods. Features: Increased tolerance in freeze/thaw cycles Properties: Gran.; 99.5% through 20 mesh; 12.5% moisture Use Level: 2% on total flour wt. Storage: 12 mos. shelf life, best when used before 9 mos; store in cool, dry location; keep containers well closed when not in use Improved Paniplus M [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy flour, calcium sulfate, salt, dicalcium phosphate, calcium peroxide, ammonium phosphate See Calcium phosphate dibasic; Sodium chloride; Soybean (Glycine soja) flour Chem. Analysis: 10.8% moisture Uses: Dough conditioner, oxidizer, crumb whitener, calcium source for nutritional fortification, shelf life extender in breads Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Features: Similar to Regular Paniplus with additional benefit of crumb whitening and additional amts. of calcium for nutritional fortification; produces fine grain and texture Properties: Gran.; 98% min.through 40 mesh; pH 9.4 (5% aq.); 0.71% calcium peroxide activity Use Level: 6-8 oz/10 lb flour Storage: 12 mos. shelf life, best when used before 9 mos; store in cool, dry location; keep containers well closed when not in use Imwitor® 161 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan tristearate CAS 26658-19-5; EINECS/ELINCS 247-891-4 Uses: Fat blooming retarder in foods Regulatory: E492 Properties: Powd. Imwitor® 171 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Self-emulsifying monodiglyceride See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier, complexing agent for pasta, bakery goods, potato prods., margarine, and ice cream Regulatory: E471 Properties: Powd.; nonionic; 85% conc. Imwitor® 175 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Self-emulsifying mono/diglyceride derived from edible oils See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for baking, bread improvers, soups, sauces, dressings, sausages Regulatory: E471 Properties: Powd.; m.p. 60 C; acid no. 5 max.; iodine no. 3 max.; sapon. no. 140-160; nonionic; 50% monoglycerides Imwitor® 191 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. 344
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate CAS 31566-31-1 Uses: Emulsifier for bread improvers, soft caramels, potato prods., margarine, ice cream, pasta Regulatory: E471 Properties: Ylsh. powd.; sol. in oils, molten fats, acetone, ether; m.p. 66-71 C; solid. pt. 63-68 C; HLB 4.4; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 3 max.; sapon. no. 155-170; nonionic; 90% monoglycerides Environmental: environmentally compat. Imwitor® 325 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides derived from edible oils See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for foods, bread improvers; stabilizer in whipping masses and ice cream; fat base for prep. of dip coatings Properties: Powd.; m.p. 70 C; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 3 max.; sapon. no. 165-175; nonionic; 60% monoglycerides Imwitor® 361 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides esterified with citric acid See Citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids CAS 68990-05-6 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer for boiled and cooked sausages, soups, sauces, dressings; soft fat, filling fat for food fillings Regulatory: E472c, E472b Properties: Owd. Imwitor® 370 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate citrate CAS 39175-72-9; EINECS/ELINCS 259-855-5 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer for boiled and cooked sausages, soups, sauces, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
dressings Features: Food-grade Regulatory: E472c, E472b Properties: Wh. to ivory powd., neutral odor and taste; m.p. 60 C; HLB 10-12; acid no. 15-25; iodine no. 3 max.; sapon. no. 230-260; anionic; 10-30% monoglycerides Environmental: environmentally compat. Imwitor® 372 P [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Citric acid esters of monoand diglycerides of fatty acids CAS 68990-05-6 Uses: Emulsifier and stabilizer in meat prods., sausages, and cheeses Features: Forms stable emulsions at pH 4-7 Regulatory: E 472 c, JCIC Properties: Flakes; oil-sol.; acid no. 25 max.; HLB ≈ 10-12 Imwitor® 372 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides esterified with citric acid See Citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids CAS 68990-05-6 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer for boiled and cooked sausages, soups, sauces, dressings; hard fat for prod. of finished items Features: High melting; good temp. stability Regulatory: E472c, E472b Properties: Powd./flakes; m.p. 60 C; acid no. 25 max.; iodine no. 2; sapon. no. 240-260; 20% monoglycerides Imwitor® 373 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides esterified with citric acid See Citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids CAS 68990-05-6 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer for boiled and 345
Part I: Trade Name Reference cooked sausages, soups, sauces, dressings; hard fat for prod. of solid and hollow items Regulatory: E471, E472c Properties: Powd./flakes; m.p. 60 C; acid no. 20 max.; iodine no. 2; sapon. no. 170-185; 35% monoglycerides Imwitor® 375 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl citrate/lactate/linoleate/oleate CAS 9174-23-9 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer for release emulsions; o/w emulsifier for highly polar oils and fats, for foods; hard fat Features: Food-grade Regulatory: E472b, E472c compliance Properties: Yel. highly visc. liq., char. odor (similar to soya oil), neutral taste; sol. in acetone, MCT, fatty oils; water-disp.; HLB 11.0; acid no. 15 max.; iodine no. 90; sapon. no. 230-250; nonionic; 10-30% monoglcyerides Environmental: environmentally compat. Imwitor® 380 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides, esterified with citric acid and mono- and diglycerides, esterified with lactic acid See Citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids; Lactic acid esters of monoand diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: O/w emulsifier, stabilizer for boiled and cooked sausages, soups, salads, dressings Regulatory: E472c, E472b Properties: Ylsh. liq.; oil-sol.; HLB ≈ 11 Imwitor® 440 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl monoleate linoleate Uses: Emulsifier for bread improvers; stabilizer for whipping masses and ice cream; fat base for prep. of dip coatings Regulatory: USP, EP compliant Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Ylsh. liq.; HLB 3.7; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 120; sapon. no. 155-175; nonionic; > 40% monoglycerides Imwitor® 460 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides based on soya oil See Soybean oil glycerides Uses: Emulsifier for bread improvers; stabilizer in whipping masses and ice cream; fat base for prep. of dip coatings Regulatory: E471 compliant Properties: Pasty; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 110; sapon. no. 160-175; nonionic; 60% monoglycerides Imwitor® 491 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Emulsifier for bread improvers, soft caramels, baking goods, toffees, potato prods., ice cream, margarine, and pasta; coemulsifier; dispersant; consistency regulator; dietary food Regulatory: USP/NF Properties: Off-wh. powd.; m.p. 66-77; nonionic; 90% conc. Imwitor® 515 S [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides esterified with lactic acid See Lactic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for baked goods, whipped toppings Regulatory: E472b Properties: Flakes Imwitor® 520 S [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides 346
Part I: Trade Name Reference esterified with lactic acid See Lactic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for baked goods, whipped toppings Regulatory: E472b Properties: Flakes Imwitor® 550 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium stearyl lactylate See Sodium stearoyl lactylate CAS 25383-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 246-929-7 Uses: Emulsifier, dispersant for baked goods, breads, cakes, cake mixes, pastry, toppings, and snacks; compressing aid in prod. of compressed sweets Regulatory: E481 compliant Properties: Powd.; nonionic; 100% conc. Imwitor® 600 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-3 polyricinoleate CAS 29894-35-7 Uses: W/o emulsifier for low-calorie spreads and salad dressings, cocoa-based sweets, chocolate masses Regulatory: E476 Properties: Liq.; HLB ≈ 4 Imwitor® 651 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl ester based on edible fats Uses: Emulsifier for baked goods, fat emulsions, chewing gum Regulatory: E475 Properties: Powd., pellets Imwitor® 652 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl ester ased on edible fats Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Emulsifier for baked goods, fat emulsions, chewing gum Regulatory: E475 Properties: Powd., pellets Imwitor® 742 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Caprylic/capric glycerides CAS 85409-09-2; EINECS/ELINCS 287-075-5 Uses: Plasticizer for hard fats; compressing aid in prod. of compressed sweets Regulatory: DAB 1999, USP/ NF, JCIC Properties: Wh-ylsh. cryst. solid, sl. coconut odor, fatty bitter taste; sol. in ethanol, acetone, ether, heptane, hexane; misc. with oils and fats; m.p. 25 C; HLB 3-4; acid no. 2 max.; iodine no. 1 max.; sapon. no. 250-280; nonionic; 45% min. monoglycerides Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg; moderate skin irritant (undiluted) Environmental: environmentally compat. Imwitor® 900 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate CAS 85666-92-8; EINECS/ELINCS 234-325-6 Uses: W/o coemulsifier, dispersant, stabilizer for bread improvers, margarine, ice cream, sausages; compressing aid in prod. of compressed sweets Regulatory: E471 compliant Properties: Ylsh. powd.; sol. in fats, oils, waxes; m.p. 56-61 C; HLB 3.0; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 3 max.; sapon. no. 160-175; nonionic; 4050% monoglycerides Environmental: environmentally compat. Imwitor® 900 K [Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Food emulsifier Regulatory: USP, Ph.Eur., JCIC Properties: Wh. powd.; sl. fatty odor; sol. in all fats, oils, waxes, chloroform, ether, ethanol (@ 60 C); m.p. 56-60 C; acid no. 3 max.; HLB 3.8; sapon. no. 160-176; nonionic; 100% conc., 4248% monoglycerides Imwitor® 928 [Sasol Germany 347
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl cocoate CAS 61789-05-7; EINECS/ELINCS 263-027-9 Uses: Surfactant for nutritional fields; crystallization accelerator for chocolate, compd. coatings, other fat prods.; stabilizer; dispersant Regulatory: DAB 1999, USP/NF, JCIC Properties: Soft wh. substance; sol. in acetone, ether, water/ethanol; m.p. 33-37 C; acid no. 2 max.; iodine no. 3 max.; sapon. no. 200-220; nonionic Environmental: environmentally compat. Imwitor® 948 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides derived from unsat. edible oils Uses: Emulsifier, wetting agent for dried milk powd.; compressing aid in prod. of compressed sweets Regulatory: E473 compliant; USP, Ph. Eur. Properties: Ylsh. liq.; > 40% monoglyceride content Imwitor® 960 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate SE CAS 11099-07-3 Uses: Emulsifier for bread improvers, potato prods., sausages; consistency regulator for coating and hydrophobing of powd. foodstuffs and additives, e.g., salt, spices, citric acid Regulatory: E471 compliant Properties: Ylsh. flakes; sol. in fats, oils, waxes; m.p. 56-61 C; HLB 12.0; acid no. 5 max.; iodine no. 3 max.; sapon. no. 150-180; anionic; 35% monoglycerides Imwitor® 960K [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate SE Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
containing sodium stearate CAS 31566-31-1; 822-16-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-325-6; 212-490-5 Uses: Emulsifier for bread improvers Features: Self-emulsifying Regulatory: B.P., JCIC Properties: Ylsh. flakes; m.p. 56-61 C; HLB 12; acid no. 6 max.; iodine no. 3 max.; sapon. no. 150-175; anionic; 30% min. monoglycerides; 7% max. free glycerol Environmental: environmentally compat. Imwitor® 988 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl caprylate CAS 26402-26-6; EINECS/ELINCS 247-668-1 Uses: Surfactant, emulsifier, solubilizer, dispersant, plasticizer, lubricant, consistency regulator, carrier for nutritional fields; softener for chewing gum bases; emulsifier for bread improvers Regulatory: E472 compliant; USP/ NF, JCIC Properties: Almost colorless liq./semisolid; sol. in water/ethanol (25/75), acetone, ether, heptane; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 3 max.; sapon. no. 275-300; nonionic; 50% monoglycerides Environmental: environmentally compat. Imwitor® 1327 GR [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides esterified with diacetyl tartaric acid (with carrier) See Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides CAS 91052-81-2 Uses: Emulsifier for bread improvers; hard fat Features: Well-balanced consistency and melting chars. Regulatory: E472e, E170, E341 compliance Properties: Powd. Imwitor® 1339 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides esterified with diacetyl tartaric acid (with carrier) See Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides CAS 91052-81-2 348
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Emulsifier for bread improvers Features: Hard fat for prod. of finished items with good temp. stability Regulatory: E472e, E170 compliance Properties: Powd.; acid no. 65-85; iodine no. 2; sapon. no. 380-420 Imwitor® 2020 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monoglyceride diacetylated tartaric acid ester See Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides CAS 91052-81-2 Uses: Emulsifier for foods, baked goods, bread improvers; soft filling fat for prod. of confectionery and fillings with a cooling effect Properties: Pasty; acid no. 65-85; iodine no. 80; sapon. no. 420-455; 100% conc. Incromega DHA 500TG SR [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: Omega 3 essential fatty acids derived from marine oils (eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid (10:50)) EINECS/ELINCS 309-181-3 Uses: Dietary supplement for clinical nutrition, maternal nutrition, infant eye, brain and nervous system development; functional foods Properties: Liq. Incromega DHA700E SR [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: Docosahexaenoic acid CAS 25167-62-8; EINECS/ELINCS 309-181-3 Uses: Dietary supplement for clinical nutrition, maternal nutrition, infant eye, brain and nervous system development; functional foods Regulatory: EP Properties: Cl. pale liq. Incromega TG3322 [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: Omega 3 essential fatty acids derived from marine oils [eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid (33:22)] EINECS/ELINCS 309-181-3 Uses: Dietary supplement in functional foods Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: Eu.Ph. compliant Properties: Liq., sol. in min. oil; partly sol. in IPA; insol. in water, propylene glycol Industrene® 226 FG K [Chemtura http://www.chemtura.com] Chem. Descrip.: Canola acid CAS 67701-08-0 Uses: Lubricant, release agent, binder, defoamer for foods; intermediate for food emulsifiers Properties: Liq.; Lovibond 25.0Y/2.5R; solid. pt. 26 C max.; acid no. 195-203; iodine no. 125135; sapon. no. 195-204; 100% conc. Industrene® 5016 NF [Chemtura http://www.chemtura.com] Chem. Descrip.: Stearic acid NF CAS 57-11-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-313-4 Uses: Lubricant, release agent, binder, defoamer for foods; intermediate for foodgrade emulsifiers; flavoring agent Properties: Acid no. 206-210; iodine no. 0.5 max.; sapon. no. 206-211 Industrene® 7018 FG [Chemtura http://www.chemtura.com] Chem. Descrip.: 70% Stearic acid CAS 57-11-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-313-4 Uses: Lubricant, release agent, binder, defoamer for foods; intermediate for foodgrade emulsifiers Properties: Lovibond 2.0Y/0.2R solid; solid. pt. 58-62 C; acid no. 200-207; iodine no. 1 max.; sapon. no. 200-208; 100% conc. Instant Thickener [British Bakels http://www.bakels.com] Chem. Descrip.: Esterified waxy maize starch See Corn starch, waxy CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Thickener for foods, cold pie fillings Features: Disperses, gels easily in cold water Properties: Wh. to cream powd.; neutral odor, taste Toxicology: Contains substances, which may cause sensitization, allergic, or irritant response; may cause irritation of the resp. tract Environmental: readily biodeg. Precaution: Wear eye, skin, and resp. protection; avoid dust formation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: 9 mos. shelf life when stored in cool and dry conditions 349
Part I: Trade Name Reference Instant Calcium [Nutragal Ltd http://www.nutragal.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soluble calcium salt Uses: Calcium source, mineral fortifier for food and health food such as beverage powders, instant baby food powders, soup powders, coffee whiteners, tabletop sweeteners, cocoa powders, instant puddings, sports powder drinks, dairy products, and animal food Features: Tasteless, odorless, and colorless when dissolved; granular like texture and freeflowing chars.; calcium content may enable suitable health claim labeling Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184, GRAS; kosher Properties: Wh. powd.; instantly sol. in cold or hot water; bulk dens. 400-650 kg/m3; 9.410.6% Ca Storage: 2 yr. shelf life when stored under cool and dry conditions Instant Cal + Magnesium [Nutragal Ltd http://www.nutragal.com] Chem. Analysis: content (6.47.1%); (3.3-3.5%) Uses: Mineral fortifier for food and health food such as beverage powders, instant baby food powders, instant soup powders, coffee whiteners, tabletop sweeteners, cocoa powders, instant puddings, sports powder drinks, and dairy products Features: Tasteless, odorless, and colorless when dissolved Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. powd.; instantly sol. in cold or hot water; bulk dens. 400-650 kg/m3 Storage: 2 yr. shelf life when stored under cool and dry conditions Instant Cal + Vitamin D [Nutragal Ltd http://www.nutragal.com] Chem. Analysis: content (9.410.6%); content (40 I.U.); Origanox™ (stabilizer) Uses: Mineral fortifier for food and health food such as beverage powders, instant baby food powders, instant soup powders, coffee whiteners, tabletop sweeteners, cocoa powders, instant puddings, sports powder drinks, and dairy products Features: Tasteless, odorless, and colorless when dissolved Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184, GRAS; kosher Properties: Wh. powd.; instantly sol. in cold or Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
hot water; bulk dens. 400-650 kg/m3 Storage: 2 yr. shelf life when stored under cool and dry conditions Instant Clearjel® [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, texturizer for dry mix gravies and sauces, instant fruit pie fillings, applics. contg. acid or that require cooking/baking, refrigerated and frozen foods Features: Pregelatinized; good heat and acid tolerance; good cold temp. storage stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 8% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Instant N-Oil® [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pregelatinized tapioca dextrin Uses: Texturizer, fat enhancer, mouthfeel enhancer for low-fat and low-oil foods prods., frozen desserts, pourable and spoonable salad dressings, margarine spreads, imitation sour cream Features: Pregelatinized; can be processed under high temps., acidic conditions, high shear Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1277; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. sl. coarse powd.; starch odor; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 5 (1%); ≈ 7% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 350
Part I: Trade Name Reference 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Instant N-Oil® II [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tapioca maltodextrin Uses: Texturizer, fat enhancer, mouthfeel enhancer for low-fat and low-oil foods prods., frozen desserts, pourable and spoonable salad dressings, imitation sour cream, microwavable cheese sauces Features: Pregelatinized; exc. long term stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1444; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; very bland taste; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6.5 (1%); ≈ 7% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Instant Pure-Flo® [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pregelatinized modified food starch derived from waxy corn See Food starch, modified Uses: Visc. builder, texturizer, bodying agent for instant dry mixes such as soups, gravies, and beverages, refrigerated and frozen foods Features: Gains viscosity rapidly; exc. low temp. stability; rec. where ease of dispersibility is important Regulatory: Not regulated for transport; FDA 21 CFR §172.892; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. sl. coarse powd.; starch odor; bland taste; sol. in water; m.w. > Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6; ≈ 8% moisture Toxicology: Mechanical eye irritant; low oral toxicity; TSCA listed Precaution: Sensitive to static electricity Instant Pure-Flo® F [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, texturizer for cream soups, Bavarian cream fillings, gravies, instant puddings, refrigerated and frozen foods Features: Pregelatinized; extremely smooth; provides sheen, fast mouth meltaway; exc. low temp. stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. finely ground powd.; starch odor; bland taste; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 8% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Instant Purity® SMR [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tapioca maltodextrin Uses: Texturizer, nonfat milk solids replacement, mouthfeel enhancer in ice cream, frozen desserts Features: Does not mask desirable flavors or contribute off-notes; slows meltdown Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1444; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. powd.; starch odor; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6.5 (1%); ≈ 7% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed 351
Part I: Trade Name Reference Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Instant Tender-Jel® 419 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Visc. builder, texturizer for salad dressings, tomato prods., fruit mixes, pie fillings, instant soups, sauces, and gravies Features: Pregelatinized starch; provides stable visc. in acid and neutral food systems, clarity, sheen, short texture Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd.; 97% through 100 mesh, 80% through 200 mesh; pH 5; 3% moisture Storage: Store at ambient temps. and humidity; store under cool, dry conditions for sl. improved handling Instant Tender-Jel® 434 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Visc. builder, water binder for extra moist cakes, doughnuts, soft cookies, fruit pie fillings, mixes, instant cream-style soups, instant gravies Features: Pregelatinized starch; high moisture capacity for high visc. sol'ns. and high moisture gels Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd.; 5% max. on 100 mesh, 75% min. through 200 mesh; pH 4.5-6.0; 5.5% max. moisture Storage: Store at ambient temps. and humidity; store under cool, dry conditions for sl. improved handling Instant Tender-Jel® 479 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Visc. builder, water binder for high acid tomato-based sauces and fruit fillings, and for dry mixes Features: Precooked starch; produces med. visc. sol'ns. with exc. resist. to heat, refrigeration, acid, shear stresses; hydrates at slow rate Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Powd.; 15% on 60 mesh, 65% on 100 mesh, 30% through 100 mesh; pH 5.0-6.5; 5.5% moisture Instant Tender-Jel® 480 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Visc. builder for sauces, gravies, dips, toppings, fillings, dry mixes Features: Precooked starch; produces med. to high visc. sol'ns. @ 1-5% usage levels; reduced lumping tendencies; resists heat, moderate stress; exc. freeze/thaw stability; for systems above pH 4 Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Powd.; 5% on 60 mesh, 65% on 100 mesh, 30% through 100 mesh; pH 5.0-6.5; 5.5% moisture Instant Tender-Jel® C [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Visc. builder, water binder for extra moist cakes, doughnuts, soft cookies, fruit pie fillings/mixes, instant cream-style soups, instant gravies Features: Pregelatinized starch; high moisture holding, forming high visc. sol'ns. and high moisture gels Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd.; 5% max. on 100 mesh, 80% min. through 200 mesh; pH 5-6; 2-5% moisture Storage: Store at ambient temps. and humidity; store under cool, dry conditions for sl. improved handling Instant Textaid®-A [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, texturizer for wide range of food applics., incl. instant soups, sauces, toppings Features: Pregelatinized; rec. for systems where heat and mech. stress are minimal; ease of dispersion; fast mouth meltaway Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. coarse powd.; starch odor; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 8 (1%); ≈ 8% moisture 352
Part I: Trade Name Reference Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Instant Textra [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified Uses: Visc. builder, mouthfeel enhancer, lubricant, texturizer, gloss aid, clarifier for beverages, sauces, syrups; suspending agent for fruit pulp in beverages; texturizer for reduced-solids foods, e.g., "lite" pancake or fruit syrups Features: Oil-like props.; resist. to acid, heat, and mod. shear Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; bland taste; sol. in cold water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 7% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Instant X-Pand'R® [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Binder for dough; texture improver in bakery and snack prods. Features: Provides expansion uniform cell structure to finished products Storage: Store at ambient temps. and humidity; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
store under cool, dry conditions for sl. improved handling Insta*Starch® 10/70 SH [Primera Foods http://www.primerafoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified tapioca starch, maltodextrin See Tapioca starch Uses: Thickener for soups, sauces and gravies, fruit fillings and toppings, puddings, cream fillings, and dry mixes Features: Dustless; performs well in liq. or dry systems, acidic prods. to pH 4; short, creamy texture; good freeze-thaw stability; exc. for dry mixes Regulatory: Kosher approved Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; bland odor/taste; bulk dens. 0.20-0.30 g/cc; visc. 350-750 cps; 8% max. moisture Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry place Insta*Starch® 100 PFX [Primera Foods http://www.primerafoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch, guar gum, vegetable oil See Food starch, modified; Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum Uses: Visc. builder, texturizer, thickener for soups, sauces and gravies, fruit fillings and toppings, puddings, cream fillings and dry mixes Features: Disperses with min. agitation; dustless and free-flowing; good freeze-thaw stability; exc. for dry mixes; effective in acidic prods to pH 4 Regulatory: Kosher approved Properties: Off-wh. color; bland odor/taste; instantly disp. in hot or cold formulas; bulk dens. 0.24-0.30 g/cc; visc. 9-15 (Bostwick); 8% max. moisture Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry place Insta*Thick® CMC 7LXF [Primera Foods http://www.primerafoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Thickener, suspending agent, texturizer, mouthfeel enhancer for lowcalorie syrups, sauces, gravies, beverages, frozen desserts, cream fillings, toppings Features: Exc. stability at low usage levels; good freeze-thaw stability; dustless and free-flowing; clear appearance in syrups 353
Part I: Trade Name Reference Regulatory: Kosher approved Properties: Off-wh. powd.; 1% max. on 20 mesh, 1% max. below 200 mesh; bland odor/taste; rapid disp. in cold or hot water; bulk dens. 0.22-0.34 g/cc; visc. 20-100 cps; 7.5% max. moisture Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry place Insta*Thick® CMC (9M) [Primera Foods http://www.primerafoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Thickener, suspending agent, texturizer, mouthfeel enhancer for lowcalorie syrups, sauces, gravies, beverages, frozen desserts, cream fillings, and toppings; thickener for low-calorie foods Features: Exc. stability at low usage levels; dustless and free-flowing; clear appearance in syrups; good freeze-thaw stability, stability @ pH 4-10 Regulatory: Kosher approved Properties: Wh. powd.; 35% max. on 40 mesh, 90% min. on 200 mesh; bland odor/taste; rapid disp. in cold or hot water; bulk dens. 0.22-0.32 g/cc; visc. 100-250 cps; 9% max. moisture Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry place Insta*Thick® CMC 10(12) HS [Primera Foods http://www.primerafoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carboxymethylcellulose gum, maltodextrin See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Uses: Visc. builder, dispersant for foods Regulatory: Kosher approved Properties: Off-wh. powd.; 10% max. on 30 mesh, 1% max. below 200 mesh; bland odor/taste; bulk dens. 0.22-0.30 g/cc; visc. 1000-2000 cps; 7% max. moisture Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in cool, dry place Insta*Thick® G2X-10 [Primera Foods http://www.primerafoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin, guar gum, xanthan gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum Uses: Visc. builder, thickener, dispersant for salad dressings, dairy and fruit dips, soups, salsa, relishes, entrees, sauces, toppings, beverages, and dry mixes Features: Rapid dispersion and dissolution; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
lump-free thickening; can be used in liq. or dry systems; dustless and free-flowing Regulatory: Kosher approved Properties: Off-wh. powd.; 25% max. on 40 mesh, 88% min. on 200 mesh; bland odor/taste; bulk dens. 0.22-0.30 g/cc; visc. 800-1200 cps; 7.5% max. moisture Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry place Insta*Thick® Guar Gum [Primera Foods http://www.primerafoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, visc. builder, fiber source, dispersant for sauces, gravies, dairy and fruit dips, cream fillings, frozen dairy desserts, salad dressings, nutritional beverages, salsas, relishes, beverages Features: Rapid dispersion and dissolution; thickens rapidly in cold or hot water; lump-free thickening; dustless and free-flowing; nat. Regulatory: Kosher approved Properties: Off-wh. powd.; 35% max. on 40 mesh, 90% min. on 200 mesh; bland odor/taste; bulk dens. 0.22-0.30 g/cc; 11% max. moisture Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry place Insta*Thick® Gum Arabic [Primera Foods http://www.primerafoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Stabilizer, low-calorie bulking agent, fiber source, flavor encapsulant, foam stabilizer, emulsion stabilizer, dispersant for liq. beverages, confections, high fiber mixes; flavoring agent Features: Low visc.; rapid dispersion and dissolution Regulatory: Kosher approved Properties: Off-wh. powd.; 35% max. on 40 mesh, 905 min.on 200 mesh; bland odor/taste; bulk dens. 0.22-0.32 g/cc; 10% max. moisture Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry place Insta*Thick® Locust Bean Gum [Primera Foods http://www.primerafoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Locust bean gum See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-40-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-541-5 Uses: Stabilizer, thickener for frozen dairy 354
Part I: Trade Name Reference desserts, gravies, sauces, dairy and fruit dips, salad dressings, salsas, relishes, dry mixes Features: Lump-free thickening; rapid dispersion; dustless and free-flowing; thickens rapidly in cold water or hot water, but achieves max. visc. @ ≥ 170 F Insta*Thick® X-10 [Primera Foods http://www.primerafoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin, xanthan gum Uses: Visc. builder, thickener, stabilizer, freeze-thaw stabilizer, dispersant for soups, dairy and fruit dips, salad dressings, sauces, gravies, fillings, toppings, salsas, relishes, dry mixes Features: Lump-free thickening; stabilizes low pH systems; can be used in liq. or dry systems; rapid dispersion and dissolution Properties: Off-wh. powd.; 25% max. on 40 mesh, 88% min. on 200 mesh; bland odor/taste; bulk dens. 0.24-0.30 g/cc; 7.5% max. moisture Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in cool, dry place Insta*Thick® Xanthan Gum [Primera Foods http://www.primerafoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Visc. builder, stabilizer, emulsion stabilizer, texturizer for emulsions, sauces, gravies, toppings, syrups, confections, soups, frozen foods, salad dressings, bakery fillings and icings, beverages Features: High visc.; good pH stability; reacts with guar and locust bean gums to give gelled textures; works well in dry mixes; dustless and free-flowing Regulatory: Kosher approved Properties: Off-wh. powd.; 25% max. on 40 mesh, 80% min. on 200 mesh; bland odor/taste; rapidly sol. in cold and hot water; bulk dens. 0.22-0.28 g/cc; visc. 600-1200 cps; 13% max. moisture Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry place IPSO-C403 [Vaessen-Schoemaker http://www.vaessen-schoemaker.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy protein conc. from high quality defatted soy beans See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Protein source Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Powd.; 95% < 150 µ particle size; 70% min. protein. IPSO-FC [Vaessen-Schoemaker http://www.vaessen-schoemaker.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy protein isolate See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Protein source, gellant, oil emulsifier for spray-dried processed foods, e.g., semidairy and nondairy fat concs., spraydried milk replacers, etc. Features: Low heat gelling Properties: Cream-colored nondusting powd.; highly sol.; 92% protein, 5% moisture IPSO-MR Dispersible [Vaessen-Schoemaker http://www.vaessen-schoemaker.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy protein isolate See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Protein source, gellant, emulsifier for comminuted meats, injection brines for additional binding and sliceability in cooked hams, cooked sausage, pork loins, poultry prods., patties, meat and fish balls, cream soups Features: Strong gelling Properties: Cream-colored nondusting freeflowing powd., neutral taste and flavor; pH 7; 92.2% protein, 3.5% moisture Iron Bile Salts [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of ox bile with a source of ferric iron Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Brnsh.-yel. powd.; hygroscopic; pH 6.6 IS-07(P) [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerin fatty acid ester and stabilizers Uses: Emulsifier for low-fat and high-fat ice cream, bar ice, cup ice, and soft-serve Features: Kosher grade available Isagel® PF 38 [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cassia gum, Potassium chloride, Potassium carbonate, calcium carbonate, AMF carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 11078-30-1; 7447-40-7; 584-08-7; 471-341; 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 234-299-6; 355
Part I: Trade Name Reference 231-211-8; 209-529-3; 207-439-9; 232-524-2 Uses: Gellant for foods Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Lt. tan powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. in water 15% max.; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 9.5-11.5 Toxicology: May be irritating to eyes, skin; ACGIH TWA 10 mg/m3 (inhalable PNOC), 3 mg/m3 (respirable PNOC) Precaution: Becomes slippery when wet Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Sulfur oxides NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry place in tightly closed container; avoid exposure to excessive heat Isagel® RGS 40 [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: processed euchema seaweed and dextrose See Glucose CAS 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-075-1 Uses: Gellant for foods Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Japan ENCS; Korea; Philippines PICCS Properties: Ylsh. to wh. powd.; odorless; sol. in water 12% max.; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 9-11 Toxicology: ACGIH TWA 10 mg/m3 (inhalable PNOC), 3 mg/m3 (respirable PNOC); TSCA listed Precaution: Becomes slippery when wet Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Sulfur oxides NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry place in tightly closed container; avoid exposure to excessive heat Isagum® SB 35 N [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: guar gum, xanthan gum, cassia gum, locust bean gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum; Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-30-0; 11138-66-2; 11078-30-1; 900040-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8; 234-394-2; 234-299-6; 232-541-5 Uses: Gellant for foods Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL (except cassia gum); Australia AICS; Korea Properties: Lt. tan powd.; almost odorless; sol. in water 15% max.; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 5.5-7.0 (1% sol'n.) Toxicology: ACGIH TWA 10 mg/m3 (inhalable PNOC), 3 mg/m3 (respirable PNOC); TSCA listed Precaution: Becomes slippery when wet Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Sulfur oxides NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry place in tightly closed container; avoid exposure to excessive heat IsoClear® 42 High Fructose Corn Syrup [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: High fructose corn syrup See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: Moisture 28.5-29.5%; sulfated ash 0.05% max.; sulfur dioxide 3 ppm max. CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener for foods, beverages, pharmaceuticals Features: Replaces sucrose and invert syrup; clean, nonmasking taste; meets all stds. of National Soft Drink Assoc. for color, taste, odor, floc, sediment, and microbiological stds. Regulatory: GRAS 21CFR §184.1866 Properties: Water-wh. cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.3372 (100/60 F); dens. 11.15 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 220 cps (80 F); ref. index 1.4643 (20 C); pH 4.0; 94% solids (fructose 42%, dextrose 52%); 71% total solids IsoClear® 55 High Fructose Corn Syrup [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: High fructose corn syrup See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: Moisture 22.5-23.5%; sulfated ash 0.05% max.; sulfur dioxide 3 ppm max. CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener for foods, beverages Features: Replaces sucrose and invert syrup; clean, nonmasking taste; easy handling; stable; meets all stds. of National Soft Drink Assoc. for color, taste, odor, floc, sediment, and microbiological stds. Regulatory: GRAS 21CFR §184.1866 Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.3746 (100/60 F); dens. 11.46 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 760 cps (80 F); ref. index 1.4786 (20 C); pH 4.0; 96% solids (fructose 55%, dextrose 41%); 77% total solids Isohop® [John I. Hass http://www.barthhaasgroup.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Aq. sol'n. of potassium salts of isoalpha acids standardized at 30% w/v, from hop conc. Uses: Brewery additive providing economic, controlled bitterness to beer Features: For post-fermentation injection Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.560(b)(2-5), Storage: Store @ 2-8 C under refrigeration 356
Part I: Trade Name Reference Isosweet 031 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose-fructose syrup Chem. Analysis: 50% fructose in dry content; 75% DS Uses: Sweetener in beverages, dairy, fruit preparations Properties: Visc. 0.05 Pa s (40 C) Isosweet 041 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose-fructose syrup Chem. Analysis: 50% fructose in dry content; 77% DS CAS 50-99-7; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in carbonated beverages, dairy, fruit preps. Properties: Visc. 0.07 Pa s (40 C) Isosweet 100 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: high fructose corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 42% high fructose; 71% solids CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in food formulations, beverages formulations Features: Can be used to replace up to 100% of the sucrose in most food and beverage formulations; from a multiple enzyme process Isosweet 111 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose-fructose syrup Chem. Analysis: 42% fructose in dry content; 71% DS CAS 50-99-7; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in carbonated beverages, nectars and fruit drinks, ice tea and coffee drinks, yogurt, bakery fillings, dairy, confectionery, fermentation prods. Properties: Visc. 0.05 Pa s (40 C) Isosweet 131 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose-fructose syrup Chem. Analysis: 42% fructose in dry content CAS 50-99-7; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in beverages Isosweet 180 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: high fructose corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 42% high fructose; 80% solids Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in food and beverages Features: Can be used to replace up to 100% of the sucrose in most food and beverage formulations; from a multiple enzyme process Properties: Clean, nonmasking taste; water wh. color Isosweet 311 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose-fructose syrup Chem. Analysis: 34% fructose in dry content; 71% DS CAS 50-99-7; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in carbonated beverages, sports and energy drinks, and dairy prods. Properties: Visc. 0.07 Pa s (40 C) Isosweet 331 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose-fructose syrup Chem. Analysis: 34% fructose in dry content; 75% DS CAS 50-99-7; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in beverages, dairy Properties: Visc. 0.18 Pa s (40 C) Isosweet 360 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose-fructose syrup Chem. Analysis: 34% fructose in dry content; 80% DS CAS 50-99-7; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in bakery prods., beverages Properties: Visc. 0.60 Pa s (40 C) Isosweet 411 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose-fructose syrup Chem. Analysis: 28% fructose in dry content; 71% DS CAS 50-99-7; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in beverages, processed fruit, dairy desserts Isosweet 413 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose-fructose syrup Chem. Analysis: 28% fructose in dry content CAS 50-99-7; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in beverages, processed 357
Part I: Trade Name Reference fruit, dairy desserts Properties: Visc. 0.05 Pa s (40 C) Isosweet 431 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose-fructose syrup Chem. Analysis: 28% fructose in dry content; 75% DS CAS 50-99-7; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in beverages, dairy desserts Properties: Visc. 0.08 Pa s (40 C) Isosweet 433 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose-fructose syrup Chem. Analysis: 28% fructose in dry content CAS 50-99-7; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in beverages, dairy desserts Isosweet 460 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose-fructose syrup Chem. Analysis: 28% fructose in dry content; 80% DS CAS 50-99-7; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in beverages, dairy prods., fruit prods. Properties: Visc. 0.75 Pa s (40 C) Isosweet 470 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose-fructose syrup Chem. Analysis: 28% fructose in dry content; 82% DS CAS 50-99-7; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in fruit prods. Properties: Visc. 1.6 Pa s (40 C) Isosweet 490 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose-fructose syrup Chem. Analysis: 28% fructose in dry content; 86% DS CAS 50-99-7; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in fruit prods., confectionery Properties: Visc. 6.0 Pa s (40 C) Isosweet 511 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose-fructose syrup Chem. Analysis: 24% fructose in dry content CAS 50-99-7; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
075-1; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in fruit prods., beverages Isosweet 513 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose-fructose syrup Chem. Analysis: 24% fructose in dry content; 71% DS CAS 50-99-7; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in beverages, canned fruit, canned vegetables, savory sauces Properties: Visc. 0.06 Pa s (40 C) Isosweet 531 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose-fructose syrup Chem. Analysis: 24% fructose in dry content; 75% DS CAS 50-99-7; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in beverages, fruit prods. Properties: Visc. 0.3 Pa s (40 C) Isosweet 533 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose-fructose syrup Chem. Analysis: 24% fructose in dry content; 75% DS CAS 50-99-7; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in savory sauces Properties: Visc. 0.17 Pa s (40 C) Isosweet 560 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose-fructose syrup Chem. Analysis: 24% fructose in dry content; 80% DS CAS 50-99-7; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in fruit prods. Properties: Visc. 1.2 Pa s (40 C) Isosweet 631 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose-fructose syrup Chem. Analysis: 24% fructose in dry content; ; 75% DS CAS 50-99-7; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in beverages, fruit prods., prepared foods Properties: Visc. 0.3 Pa s (40 C)
Part I: Trade Name Reference Isosweet 633 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose-fructose syrup Chem. Analysis: 21% fructose in dry content CAS 50-99-7; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in fruit prods. Isosweet 660 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose-fructose syrup Chem. Analysis: 18% fructose in dry content; 80% DS CAS 50-99-7; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in fruit preparations, confectionery, prepared foods Properties: Visc. 1.4 Pa s (40 C) Isosweet 671 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose-fructose syrup Chem. Analysis: 18% fructose in dry content CAS 50-99-7; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in fruit preparations, ice cream Isosweet 683 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose-fructose syrup Chem. Analysis: 18% fructose in dry content CAS 50-99-7; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in fruit preparations Isosweet 711 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose-fructose syrup Chem. Analysis: 9% fructose in dry content; 71% DS CAS 50-99-7; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in beverages Properties: Visc. 0.1 Pa s (40 C) Isosweet 731 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose-fructose syrup Chem. Analysis: 9% fructose in dry content; 75% DS CAS 50-99-7; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in beverages, prepared foods, savory sauces Properties: Visc. 0.3 Pa s (40 C) Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Isosweet 733 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose-fructose syrup Chem. Analysis: 18% fructose in dry content; 75% DS CAS 50-99-7; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in beverages, prepared foods Properties: Visc. 0.2 Pa s (40 C) Isosweet 760 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: glucose-fructose syrup Chem. Analysis: 18% fructose in dry content; 80% DS CAS 50-99-7; 57-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1; 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in beverages, fruit preparations, prepared foods Properties: Visc. 1.1 Pa s (40 C) Isosweet 5500 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: corn syrup with the principal sugars contained being Fructose and Dextrose See Glucose Chem. Analysis: 55% high fructose CAS 57-48-7; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200333-3; 200-075-1 Uses: Sweetener in carbonated beverages, still beverages, processed foods Ixper® 60 C Calcium Peroxide FCC [Solvay Interox] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium peroxide (60%), calcium carbonate (12-26%), and calcium hydroxide (10-24%) CAS 1305-79-9; 1305-62-0; 471-34-1; EINECS/ELINCS 215-139-4; 215-137-3; 207439-9 UN 1457 Uses: Enhances flavor, texture, shelf life in dough conditioners for baking Regulatory: Kosher; SARA §311/312 fire/immediate health hazard Properties: Very pale yel powd.; odorless; sl. water sol.; m.w. 72.08; sp.gr. 2.92; bulk dens. 800 kg/m3; m.p. 275 C; decomposition temp. > 275 C; pH 11.9 (10 g/l slurry); 13.3% avail. oxygen Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat, powd. 50%) > 2 g/kg, (dermal., rat, powd. 50%) > 2 g/kg, (inh., rat, powd. 35%) > 5 g/m3; irritating to mucous membrane and skin; corrosive to 359
Part I: Trade Name Reference eyes Environmental: LC50 (cyprinus carpio, 48 h, powd. 50%) 160 mg/l; EC50 (daphnia sp., 24 h, powd. 16%) 25.6 mg/l Precaution: Wear dust-proof goggles, protective gloves, overalls; oxidizer; store away from water, acids, bases, metals, metal salts, reducing agents, org. materials, flamm. substances Storage: Store below 40 C in dry location away from heat, direct sunlight in containers fitted with safety valve or vent Ixper® 75 C Calcium Peroxide FCC [Solvay Interox] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium peroxide (75%), calcium carbonate, and calcium hydroxide UN 1457 Uses: Enhances flavor, texture, shelf life in dough conditioners for baking Regulatory: SARA §311/312 fire/immediate health hazard Properties: Very pale yel powd.; odorless; sl. water sol.; m.w. 72.08; bulk dens. 0.55-0.65 g/ml; pH ≈ 12; 16.1-17.2% avail. oxygen Precaution: Oxidizer; store away from acids, bases, metals, metal salts, reducing agents, org. materials, flamm. substances Storage: Store below 40 C in dry location away from heat, direct sunlight in containers fitted with safety valve or vent J-0021 [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Decaglycerol monolaurate See Polyglyceryl-10 laurate Uses: O/w emulsifier; alpha-ending emulsifier; alpha-crystalline stabilizer for sponge cake foaming gel Properties: Visc. paste; acid value 6 max.; iodine value 3 max.; sapon. value 60-72 J-0081H [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Decaglycerol monostearate See Polyglyceryl-10 stearate CAS 37349-34-1 Uses: O/w emulsifier; alpha-ending emulsifier; alpha-crystalline stabilizer for sponge cake foaming gel Properties: Hydrated paste; acid value 1 max.; sapon. value 21-26 J-0381 [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Decaglycerol monoleate See Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Polyglyceryl-10 oleate Uses: O/w emulsifier; alpha-ending emulsifier; alpha-crystalline stabilizer for sponge cake foaming gel Properties: Visc. paste; acid value 6 max.; iodine value 23-33; sapon. value 55-67 J-4081 [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Tetraglycerol monostearate See Polyglyceryl-4 stearate Uses: O/w emulsifier; for aerated food with high fat content cakes and sponges, certain types of margarine and other emulsions Properties: Beads; acid value 10; iodine value 3 max.; sapon. value 136-160; HLB 5.6 J-4581 [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Tetraglycerol monooleate See Polyglyceryl-4 oleate Uses: O/w emulsifier; for aerated food with high fat content cakes and sponges, certain types of margarine and other emulsions Properties: Visc. paste; acid value 12; iodine value 38-58; sapon. value 120-150; HLB 6.3 Jasmoneige® [Zeon http://www.zeon.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Methyl jasmonate CAS 39924-52-2; EINECS/ELINCS 254-705-5 Uses: Flavoring agent Features: Powerful floral-herbaceous, sweet odor-like jasmin absolute Regulatory: GRAS Properties: Colorless to pale yel. liq.; floralherbaceous, sweet, jasmin-like odor; m.w. 224.3 Toxicology: TSCA listed Jungbunzlauer Xanthan Gum, Food Grade [Jungbunzlauer Int'l. AG http://www.jungbunzlauer.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Polysaccharide Uses: Thickener and stabilizer for food prods. (salad dressings, bakery, beverages, instant prods., canned food, soups, gravies, sauces, frozen foods, confectionery, dairy prods., meat prods., dietetic prods.) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.695; EEC, FAO, FCC, USP, JSFA approved Properties: Wh.- to cream-colored free-flowing powd., 100% < 250 µm (60 US mesh, normal), 100% < 180 µm (80 US mesh, fine); readily sol. in water; insol. in most org. solvs.; visc. 1300-1700 mPa·s; pH 7±1 (1%); anionic; 91360
Part I: Trade Name Reference 108% assay (dry basis); < 15% moisture Storage: Store in cool, dry place; preservative rec. if stored > 24 h JustFiber® 20E [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Uses: Pseudo-emulsifier in cake and muffin batter systems; anticaking agent for cheese Features: Provide better adhesion and improved absorption in cheese Properties: Wh.; odorless Use Level: 2% JustFiber® 20PS [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose with potassium sorbate Chem. Analysis: ≤ 0.3% ash CAS 9004-34-6; 590-00-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232674-9; 246-376-1 Uses: Anticaking agent formulated to improve the flow of shredded and grated cheese Properties: Wh.; odorless; ≤ 80% thru #100 mesh, ≤ 60% thru #200 mesh; pH 5.0 - 7.5 (10% suspension) Use Level: 2% JustFiber® 80 [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Uses: Pseudo-emulsifier in cake and muffin batter systems; anticaking agent for cheese Features: Provide better adhesion and improved absorption in cheese Properties: Wh.; odorless Use Level: 2-3% JustFiber® BF200 FCC [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: dietary fiber from bamboo Uses: Strengthener for baked products, including pretzels, wafers, baked and fried tortilla chips and ice cream cones; bulking agent in food; fat reducer by decreasing fat pick-up during frying; improves dimensional stability by reducing shrinkage in fragile foods Regulatory: FCC Properties: Avg. fiber length 40 μ; 90-100% thru #100 mesh, 75-90% thru #200 mesh; dens., bulk 2.1-2.5 cc/g; water retention 3.8 g/g JustFiber® BF200 [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: dietary fiber from bamboo Uses: Strengthener for baked products, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
including pretzels, wafers, baked and fried tortilla chips and ice cream cones; bulking agent in food; fat reducer by decreasing fat pick-up during frying; improves dimensional stability by reducing shrinkage in fragile foods Properties: Flavorless and odorless; avg. fiber length 35 μ; 0% thru #40; 90-100% thru #100 mesh, 70-90% thru #200 mesh; dens., bulk 15 lb/ft3; water retention 3.5 g/g JustFiber® BFC 40 [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: dietary fiber from bamboo Uses: Strengthener for baked products, including pretzels, wafers, baked and fried tortilla chips and ice cream cones; bulking agent in food; fat reducer by decreasing fat pick-up during frying; improves dimensional stability by reducing shrinkage in fragile foods Properties: Avg. fiber length 400 μ; 90-95% thru #100 mesh, 70-80% thru #200 mesh; dens., bulk 5.0-6.0 cc/g; water retention 7.0 g/g JustFiber® BVF 65 FCC [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: dietary fiber from cotton seed Uses: Strengthener for baked products, including pretzels, wafers, baked and fried tortilla chips and ice cream cones; bulking agent in food; fat reducer by decreasing fat pick-up during frying; improves dimensional stability by reducing shrinkage in fragile foods Regulatory: FCC Properties: Avg. fiber length 55 μ; 0% thru #40 mesh, 85% thru #100 mesh, 60% thru #200 mesh; bulk dens. 180-220 cc/50 g; water retention 5.0 g/g JustFiber® BVF 200 FCC [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: dietary fiber from cotton seed Chem. Analysis: 99% total dietary fiber Uses: Strengthener for beverages, baked products, including pretzels, wafers, baked and fried tortilla chips and ice cream cones; bulking agent in food; fat reducer by decreasing fat pick-up during frying; improves dimensional stability by reducing shrinkage in fragile foods Regulatory: FCC Properties: Flavorless and odorless; avg. fiber length 40 μ; 0% thru #40 mesh, 90% thru #100 361
Part I: Trade Name Reference mesh, 80% thru #200 mesh; bulk dens. 130160 cc/50 g; water retention 3.8 g/g JustFiber® C10CL [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: dietary fiber from bamboo Uses: Strengthener for baked products, including pretzels, wafers, baked and fried tortilla chips and ice cream cones; bulking agent in food; fat reducer by decreasing fat pick-up during frying; improves dimensional stability by reducing shrinkage in fragile foods Properties: Avg. fiber length 900 μ; 30% thru #40 mesh, 40% thru #100 mesh, 10% thru #200 mesh; bulk dens., 280-320 cc/50 g; water retention 10.0 g/g JustFiber® C100FCC [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: dietary fiber from bamboo Uses: Strengthener for baked products, including pretzels, wafers, baked and fried tortilla chips and ice cream cones; bulking agent in food; fat reducer by decreasing fat pick-up during frying; improves dimensional stability by reducing shrinkage in fragile foods Regulatory: FCC Properties: Avg. fiber length 75μ; 5% thru #40 mesh, 70% thru #100 mesh, 20% thru #200 mesh; bulk dens., 240-260 cc/50 g; water retention 7.0 g/g JustFiber® L20 [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Uses: Pseudo-emulsifier in cake and muffin batter systems; anticaking agent for cheese Features: Provide better adhesion and improved absorption in cheese Properties: Wh.; odorless Use Level: 1-2% JustFiber® WWF10 [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: dietary wheat fiber Uses: Water and oil binder in food systems; dimensional stabilizer and volume enhancer in baked goods; texturizer in foods including sauces and dips Properties: Avg. fiber length 400 μ; 30% thru #40 mesh, 40% thru #100 mesh, 10% thru #200 mesh; bulk dens., 300-380 cc/50 g; water retention 10.0 g/g JustFiber® WWF40 [Int'l. Fiber Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: dietary wheat fiber Uses: Water and oil binder in food systems; dimensional stabilizer and volume enhancer in baked goods; texturizer in foods including sauces and dips Properties: Avg. fiber length 60 μ; 60-90% through #100 mesh, 25-55% through #200 mesh; dens., bulk 8.0 lb/ft3; water retention 6.5 g/g JustFiber® WWF200 [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: dietary wheat fiber Chem. Analysis: 99% total dietary fiber Uses: Water and oil binder in food systems and beverages; dimensional stabilizer and volume enhancer in baked goods; texturizer in foods including sauces and dips Features: Rapid suspension because of ultrafine particle size Properties: Flavorless and odorless; avg. fiber length 35 μ; 0% thru #40 mesh, 95% thru #100 mesh, 80% thru #200 mesh; bulk dens., 120130 cc/50 g; water retention 3.5 g/g JustFiber® WWF300 [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: dietary wheat fiber Uses: Water and oil binder in food systems; dimensional stabilizer and volume enhancer in baked goods; texturizer in foods including sauces and dips Properties: Avg. fiber length 22 μ; 0% thru #40 mesh, 98% thru #100 mesh, 90% thru #200 mesh; bulk dens., 130-150 cc/50 g; water retention 4.0 g/g K4484 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tapioca dextrin Uses: Gellant, film-former for glazes, pan coating, confectionery, candies; adhesive, binder in food prods.; glazing agent, filmformer for pastry glazes, on fruits, nuts, candies; gum Arabic replacement in hard gum candies; carrier for spray-dried prods. Features: High sol.; good clarity; low hot visc. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1277; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. to yel. powd.; dextrin odor; bland flavor; disp. in cold water, optimal sol. @ 60-71 C; m.w. >10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 2.5 (1%); ≈ 7% moisture 362
Part I: Trade Name Reference Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Kalipol™ 32 [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monosodium phosphate, 32% act. sol'n. See Sodium phosphate CAS 7558-80-7; EINECS/ELINCS 231-449-2 Uses: Buffer for water treatment in foods, animal feeds Features: Avail. in food grade Properties: Cl. solid, sp.gr. 1.2; visc. 5 mPa · s; pH 4-5 (1% act. sol'n.); 31-33% act. Karaya Gum FCC [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Karaya gum See Karaya (Sterculia urens) gum CAS 9000-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-539-4 Uses: Stabilizer, water binder, emulsifier for water ices, sherbets, cheese spreads, meringue powds., meat processing Properties: Water-sol. Kasal® [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium aluminum phosphate, basic FCC See Sodium aluminum phosphate basic Uses: Food additive for baking, cereals, dairy, and processed cheese Properties: Wh. powd., odorless; 0% on 200 mesh, 2% on 325 mesh; sl. sol.; bulk dens 42 lb/ft3; pH 9.3 (25% susp.) Kasal® [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium aluminum phosphate acidic CAS 7785-88-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-090-4 Uses: Emulsifier for processed cheeses Regulatory: FCC; FDA 21CFR §182.1781 Properties: Wh. odorless powd.; dens. 0.38 g/ml ; pH 9.2 (1%); 100% act. Toxicology: OSHA TWA 15 mg/m3 (total dust) ; LD50 (rate, oral) > 5000 mg/kg, (dermal, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg; may cause eye irritation; not irritating to skin; low acute inh. toxicity; TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid strong acids, alkaloids, pyrogallol, lead acetate, resorcinol, antipyrine, chloral hydrate Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: POx and SOx NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store in tightly closed containers in an area that is sanitary, dry, cool, isolated from all toxic and harmful substances Katch® Fish Phosphate [ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium tripolyphosphate and sodium hexametaphosphate See Pentasodium triphosphate Uses: Additive for fish processing; sequestrant for multivalent metal ions to inhibit oxidative rancidity; moisture regulator during thawing and cooking; emulsifier for fat and protein; solubilizer Features: Food grade Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.6760, 182.6810, GRAS; FCC compliance Properties: Wh. gran.; 15% max. on 20 mesh, 30% max. through 100 mesh Use Level: < 0.5% Toxicology: May cause irritation to respiratory tract; avoid breathing dust Storage: Keep container closed Kaydol® [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: White mineral oil USP (100%) with trace amounts of Vitamin E (5-10 ppm) See D-α-Tocopherol CAS 8020-83-5; 59-02-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232384-2; 200-412-2 Uses: Release agent, binder, lubricant, defoamer, protective coating, antidusting agent, sealant, polishing agent in foods; float on fermentation fluids to prevent/retard evaporation and contamination Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, §178.3620(a;) DOT, IMDG, ICAo nonregulated; SARA §311/312/313 nonreportable; NJ Right-to-Know; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; Japan ENCS; Korea ECL Properties: Water-wh. liq.; odorless; tasteless; insol. in water; sol. in organic solvents; sp.gr. 0.869-0.885; visc. 64-70 cSt (40 C); vapor pressure < 0.01 mm Hg; pour pt. -23 C; b.p. > 230 C; flash pt. > 188 C; partitioning coefficient 363
Part I: Trade Name Reference log POW > 6; 0% volatiles Toxicology: LD50 (ing., rat) > 5000 mg/kg; mineral oil mist: ACGIH TWA 5.0 mg/m3, STEL 10.mg/m3; chronic inh. may cause pulmonary edema or aspiration pneumonia; oil deposits in the lung from inh. may lead to fibrosis and reduced pulmonary function; prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause irritation or oil acne; TSCA listed Environmental: inherently biodeg. under aerobic conditions Precaution: Use oil resistant gloves, face shield, protective clothing; prevent from entering sewers and drains; residual vapors may ignite; ground all containers and equipment; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx, soot NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep drums tightly closed; store in dry place out of strong sunlight and away from heat, flame KC Yeast Food - No Bromate [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium sulfate; salt; starch; ammonium sulfate; ascorbic acid; azodicarbonamide See L-Ascorbic acid; Sodium chloride Uses: Yeast food; fermentation accelerator; dough improver Features: Increases loaf volume due to faster yeast growth and improved gas retention; provides nitrogen and mineral nutrients for rapid yeast growth; contains no potassium bromate Properties: Powd.; 100% through 20 mesh Use Level: 6-12 oz per 100 lbs of flour Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location; best when used before 9 mos. KC Yeast Food - No Oxidants [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium sulfate; salt; starch; ammonium sulfate See Sodium chloride Uses: Yeast food; fermentation accelerator; dough improver Features: Provides nitrogen and mineral nutrients for rapid yeast growth and calcium salts for water conditioning; increases loaf volume due to faster yeast growth and improved gas retention Properties: Powd.; 100% through 20 mesh Use Level: 6-12 oz per 100 lbs of flour Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location; best when used before 9 mos. KELACID® NF [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Alginic acid CAS 9005-32-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232-680-1 Uses: Gellant, emulsifier, stabilizer for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1011, GRAS; FCC/NF compliance; EU E400 compliance; Kosher approved Properties: Wh. fibrous particles, odorless and tasteless; 93% min. through 80 mesh, 88% min. through 100 mesh; sol. in alkaline sol'n.; swells in water; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; pH 2.63.2 (3% aq. slurry); surf. tens. 53 dynes/cm; 7% moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; excessive dust inhalation may cause respiratory irritation; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Precaution: Not flamm., but powd. will burn if involved in fire; spills are slippery; incompat. with strong oxidizers Storage: Store in cool, dry place @ 46-59 F Kelcogel® [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Purified gellan gum FCC CAS 71010-52-1; EINECS/ELINCS 275-117-5 Uses: Gellant, texturizer, stabilizer, suspending agent, film-former in foods, aspics, confections, dessert gels, icings, bakery fillings, dairy prods., frostings, glazes, jams/jellies, structured foods, lowfat foods, beverages, pet foods Features: High m.w. polysaccharide Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.665; EU E418, JECFA, Japan, Canada approvals Properties: Cream to wh. dry free-flowing powd., sl. odor; 100% through 28 mesh; water-sol.; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; pH 4.5-7.5; anionic Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; excessive dust inhalation may cause respiratory irritation; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Environmental: readily biodeg. Precaution: Not flamm., but powd. will burn if involved in a fire; spills are slippery when wet; incompat. with strong oxidizers Storage: Store in cool, dry place Kelcogel® BF [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gellan gum CAS 71010-52-1; EINECS/ELINCS 275-117-5 364
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Gellant for bakery fillings (< 50% solids) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.665; EU E418, JECFA, Japan, Canada approvals Properties: Cream to wh. dry free-flowing powd., sl. odor; 100% through 28 mesh; water-sol.; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; pH 7.0-9.0 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; excessive dust inhalation may cause respiratory irritation; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Environmental: readily biodeg. Precaution: Not flamm., but powd. will burn if involved in a fire; spills are slippery when wet; incompat. with strong oxidizers Storage: Store in cool, dry place Kelcogel® BF10 [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gellan gum CAS 71010-52-1; EINECS/ELINCS 275-117-5 Uses: Gellant for bakery fillings (> 50% solids) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.665; EU E418, JECFA, Japan, Canada approvals Properties: Wh. to tan powd., sl. odor; 42 mesh; water-sol.; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; pH 6.5-8.5 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; excessive dust inhalation may cause respiratory irritation; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Environmental: readily biodeg. Precaution: Not flamm., but powd. will burn if involved in a fire; spills are slippery when wet; incompat. with strong oxidizers Storage: Store in cool, dry place Kelcogel® F [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gellan gum CAS 71010-52-1; EINECS/ELINCS 275-117-5 Uses: Gellant, film-former, stabilizer, suspending agent, texturizer for foods, aspics, farinaceous foods, structured foods, beverages, dairy, sauces, batters, breadings, lowfat spreads, adhesion systems Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.665; EU E418, JECFA, Japan, Canada approvals Properties: Wh. to tan powd., sl. odor; 100 mesh; water-sol.; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; pH 4.57.5 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; excessive dust inhalation may cause respiratory irritation; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Environmental: readily biodeg. Precaution: Not flamm., but powd. will burn if involved in a fire; spills are slippery when wet; incompat. with strong oxidizers Storage: Store in cool, dry place Kelcogel® IF [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gellan gum CAS 71010-52-1; EINECS/ELINCS 275-117-5 Uses: Gellant, binder for icings, frostings, and glazes Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.665; EU E418, JECFA, Japan, Canada approvals Properties: Cream to wh. dry free-flowing powd., sl. odor; 100% through 28 mesh; water-sol.; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; pH 4.5-7.5 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; excessive dust inhalation may cause respiratory irritation; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Environmental: readily biodeg. Precaution: Not flamm., but powd. will burn if involved in a fire; spills are slippery when wet; incompat. with strong oxidizers Storage: Store in cool, dry place Kelcogel® JJ [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gellan gum CAS 71010-52-1; EINECS/ELINCS 275-117-5 Uses: Gellant for reduced-calorie jams and jellies, fruit spreads Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.665; EU E418, JECFA, Japan, Canada approvals Properties: Cream to wh. dry free-flowing powd., sl. odor; 100% through 28 mesh; water-sol.; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; pH 7-9 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; excessive dust inhalation may cause respiratory irritation; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Environmental: readily biodeg. Precaution: Not flamm., but powd. will burn if involved in a fire; spills are slippery when wet; incompat. with strong oxidizers Storage: Store in cool, dry place Kelcogel® LT [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gellan gum, low acyl CAS 71010-52-1; EINECS/ELINCS 275-117-5 Uses: Gellant, thickener, stabilizer, binder, film-former for foods, dessert gels, dairy, dressings, sauces, reduced-fat spreads, 365
Part I: Trade Name Reference spice adhesion on snacks, batters and dressings Properties: Particle size (Tyler) 42 mesh Kelcogel® LT100 [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gellan gum, high acyl CAS 71010-52-1; EINECS/ELINCS 275-117-5 Uses: Gellant, film-former, texturizer for foods, dairy, dips, dressings, cheese, puddings; film-former for improved crispness, w/o barrier and holding time for fried foods, dessert gels, confectionery, marshmallow creams, non-fruit fillings, beverages Features: Provides elastic, cohesive gel texture Properties: Particle size (Tyler) 40 mesh Kelcoloid® HVF [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol alginate CAS 9005-37-2 Uses: Gellant, emulsifier, stabilizer for foods, fruit and chocolate syrups, sauces, icings, frozen foods, salad dressings, relish, batters, barbecue sauces, food emulsions; flavoring agent Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.858, EU E405 compliance Properties: Cream fibrous particles, sl. odor; 175 µ particle size; 80 mesh; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.46; dens. 33.71 lb/ft3; visc. 400 cps (1%), 7000 cps (2%); ref. index 1.3343; pH 3.7; surf. tens. 58 dynes/cm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers Kelcoloid® LVF [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol alginate CAS 9005-37-2 Uses: Gellant, emulsifier, stabilizer for foods, fruit and chocolate syrups, sauces, icings, frozen foods, salad dressings, relish, batters, barbecue sauces, food emulsions; flavoring agent Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.858, EU E405 compliance Properties: Cream fibrous particles; 175 µ particle size; 80 mesh; sp.gr. 1.46; dens. 33.71 lb/ft3; visc. 120 cps (1%), 1200 cps (2%); ref. index 1.3343; pH 3.7; surf. tens. 58 dynes/cm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers Kelcoloid® O [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol alginate CAS 9005-37-2 Uses: Gellant, emulsifier, stabilizer for foods; foam stabilizer for beer; flavoring agent Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.858, EU E405 compliance Properties: Cream fibrous particles; 175 µ particle size; sp.gr. 1.46; dens. 33.71 lb/ft3; visc. 25 cps (1%), 130 cps (2%); ref. index 1.3343; pH 4.0; surf. tens. 58 dynes/cm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers Kelcoloid® S [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol alginate CAS 9005-37-2 Uses: Gellant, emulsifier, stabilizer for foods, fruit and chocolate syrups, sauces, icings, frozen foods, salad dressings, relish, batters, barbecue sauces, food emulsions; foam stabilizer for beer; flavoring agent Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.858, EU E405 compliance Properties: Cream fibrous particles; 175 µ particle size; sp.gr. 1.46; dens. 33.71 lb/ft3; visc. 20 cps (1%), 120 cps (2%); ref. index 1.3343; pH 4.1; surf. tens. 58 dynes/cm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers Kelcosol® [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Gellant, suspending agent, emulsifier, thickener, stabilizer for foods (puddings, pie fillings, bakery fillings, chiffons, sauces, dessert gels) Features: High visc. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1724, GRAS; EU E401 compliance Properties: Cream fibrous particles, sl. odor; 80 mesh; water-sol.; sp.gr. 1.64; dens. 43.38 lb/ft3; visc. 1300 cps (1%), 15,000 cps (2%); pH 7; surf. tens. 70 dynes/cm; 9% moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers 366
Part I: Trade Name Reference KELGIN® F [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Algin, refined CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Gellant, emulsifier, thickener, suspending agent, stabilizer for foods (batters, icings, bakery gels, sauces, gravies, frozen foods, syrups, fountain syrups, dry mixes, dietetic beverages) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1724, GRAS; EU E401 compliance Properties: Ivory gran., sl. odor; 80 mesh; watersol.; sp.gr. 1.59; dens. 54.62 lb/ft3; visc. 300 cps (1%), 4000 cps (2%); ref. index 1.3343; pH 7; surf. tens. 62 dynes/cm; 13% moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers KELGIN® HV [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Gellant, emulsifier, thickener, suspending agent, stabilizer for foods (batters, icings, bakery gels, sauces, gravies, frozen foods, syrups, fountain syrups, dry mixes, dietetic beverages) Features: High visc. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1724, GRAS; EU E401 compliance Properties: Ivory gran., sl. odor; 30 mesh; watersol.; sp.gr. 1.59; dens. 54.62 lb/ft3; visc. 800 cps (1%), 10,000 cps (2%); ref. index 1.3343; pH 7; surf. tens. 62 dynes/cm; 13% moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers KELGIN® LV [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Gellant, emulsifier, thickener, suspending agent, stabilizer for foods (batters, icings, bakery gels, sauces, gravies, frozen foods, syrups, fountain syrups, dry mixes, dietetic beverages) Features: Low-visc. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1724, GRAS; EU E401 compliance Properties: Ivory gran., sl. odor; 42 mesh; watersol.; sp.gr. 1.59; dens. 54.62 lb/ft3; visc. 60 cps (1%), 500 cps (2%); ref. index 1.3343; pH 7; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
surf. tens. 62 dynes/cm; 13% moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers KELGIN® MV [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Gellant, emulsifier, thickener, suspending agent, stabilizer for foods (batters, icings, bakery gels, sauces, gravies, frozen foods, syrups, fountain syrups, dry mixes, dietetic beverages) Features: Med.-visc. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1724, GRAS; EU E401 compliance Properties: Ivory gran., sl. odor; 30 mesh; watersol.; sp.gr. 1.59; dens. 54.62 lb/ft3; visc. 400 cps (1%), 6000 cps (2%); ref. index 1.3343; pH 7; surf. tens. 62 dynes/cm; 13% moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers KELGIN® QL [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium alginate blend See Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Gelling agent, emulsifier and stabilizer in foods Properties: Ivory gran. particles; visc. 30 cps; pH neutral. KELGIN® XL [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Refined sodium alginate See Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Gellant, emulsifier, thickener, suspending agent, stabilizer for foods (batters, icings, bakery gels, sauces, gravies, frozen foods, syrups, fountain syrups, dry mixes, dietetic beverages) Features: Very low visc. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1724, GRAS; EU E401 compliance Properties: Ivory gran., sl. odor; 42 mesh; watersol.; sp.gr. 1.59; dens. 54.62 lb/ft3; visc. 30 cps (1%), 160 cps (2%); ref. index 1.3343; pH 7; surf. tens. 62 dynes/cm; 13% moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers 367
Part I: Trade Name Reference Kelgum® [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum, locust bean gum See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum Uses: Thickener for desserts, gelled confectioneries, gels Kelgum® 87 [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum, xanthan gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum Uses: Stabilizer, bodying agent, thickener for dairy prods., pasteurized process cheese food, yogurt dry mix, novelty water and ice milk bars, salad dressing, gravies, pasteurized liq. egg preps., syrup, pudding dry mix, cookie filling, nonfat frozen desserts Properties: 100 mesh; visc. 2700 cps (1%); pH 7.0 Use Level: 0.1-0.3% (coldpack cheese), 0.210.28% (nonfat frozen desserts), 0.2-0.45% (salad dressing), 0.15-0.3% (dry pudding mix), 0.08-0.2% (imitation liq. creamer), 0.12-0.18% (novelty ice milk bars) Kelgum® 100 [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum, xanthan gum, locust bean gum, See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum; Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum Uses: Suspending agent, thickener, stabilizer for ice cream, frozen novelties, sherbet, sorbet, whipping cream Kelgum® 331 [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum, xanthan gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum Uses: Suspending agent, thickener, stabilizer for food service dressings, sauces, cold pack cheese Kelgum® GFS [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum, locust bean gum, guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum; Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum Uses: Gellant, thickener, syneresis control agent for processed cheeses, sour cream, cream cheese, cheesecake, dry bakery blends
http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum, guar gum, carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum Uses: Suspending agent, thickener, stabilizer for ice cream, sorbet, milk shakes KELMAR® [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Potassium alginate CAS 9005-36-1 Uses: Gellant, emulsifier, stabilizer, water binder for foods, dietetic and low-sodium foods, dry mixes Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1610, GRAS; EU E402 compliance Properties: Cream gran., sl. odor; 100 mesh; water-sol.; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; visc. 270 cps (1%), 3200 cps (2%); pH 7.0 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; excessive dust inhalation may cause respiratory irritation; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Precaution: Not flamm., but powd. will burn if involved in a fire; spills may be slippery; incompat. with strong oxidizers Kelnoodlizer® [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol alginate blend CAS 9005-37-2 Uses: Thickener, binder for noodles Properties: Particle size (Tyler) 20 mesh; visc. 150 cps (1%) KELSET® [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium alginate See Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Gellant, emulsifier, stabilizer in foods (bakery fillings, tomato sauces, glazes) Features: Self-gelling gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1724, GRAS; EU E401 compliance Properties: Lt. ivory soft gel, sl. odor; 177 µ particle size; 80 mesh; water-sol.; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; pH 7.0 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers
Kelgum® XK9 [CP Kelco Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part I: Trade Name Reference Keltone® [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Algin See Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Gelling agent, emulsifier and stabilizer in foods (hot and cold water dessert gels) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1724, GRAS; EU E401 compliance KELTONE® HV [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Low calcium sodium alginate NF See Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Gellant, thickener, stabilizer, suspending agent, film-former for foods, puddings, pie fillings, bakery fillings, chiffons, sauces, and dessert gels Features: Med. visc. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1724, GRAS; EU E401 compliance; Kosher approved Properties: Wh. to tan powd., sl. odor; 95% min. through 60 mesh, 90% min. through 80 mesh; water-sol.; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; visc. 400 cps (1%), 3500 cps (2%); pH 7; 90.8-106.0% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers Storage: Store in cool, dry place @ 46-59 F KELTONE® LVNF [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Low calcium sodium alginate NF See Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Gellant, thickener, stabilizer, suspending agent, film-former for foods, puddings, pie fillings, bakery fillings, chiffons, sauces, and dessert gels Features: Low-visc. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1724, GRAS; EU E401 compliance; Kosher approved Properties: Wh. to tan powd., sl. odor; 95% min. through 100 mesh, 85% min. through 150 mesh; water-sol.; sp.gr. 1.64; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; visc. 100-300 cP (2%), 250 cps (2%); pH 6.4-8.0 (2%); ref. index 1.3342; 90.8-106.0% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers Storage: Store in cool, dry place @ 46-59 F KELTOSE® [ISP Alginates Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium alginate and ammonium alginate Uses: Gellant, binder, emulsifier, and stabilizer in foods, icings, fruit fillings, meringues Regulatory: FDA GRAS Properties: Ivory gran., sl. odor; 177 µ particle size; 80 mesh; water-sol.; dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; visc. 250 cps; pH 7.0 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; dry powd. may cause eye irritation, skin irritation on prolonged contact; excessive dust inhalation may cause respiratory irritation Environmental: readily biodeg. Precaution: Not flamm., but powd. will burn if involved in a fire; spills may be slippery; incompat. with strong oxidizers, alkaline sol'ns. Storage: Store in cool, dry place Keltrol® [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food-grade xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Stabilizer for foods, bakery fillings, flavor emulsions, canned food, dry mixes, frozen foods, juice drinks, dressings, relishes, gravies, sauces, syrups, baked goods, batters, puddings and pie fillings; suspending agent for fruit pulp Features: Stable in acid systems; salt compatibility Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.695; EU E415 compliance Properties: Cream to wh. powd., sl. odor; ≥ 95% through 80 mesh; sol. in hot and cold water; swells in glycerin and propylene glycol; sp.gr. 1.5; bulk dens. 52.2 lb/ft3; visc. 1200-1600 cps (1% gum in 1% KCl sol'n.); pH 7.0; surf. tens. 75 dynes/cm; 11% moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; excessive dust inhalation may cause respiratory irritation; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Environmental: readily biodeg. Precaution: Not flamm., but powd. will burn if involved in a fire; spills are slippery; incompat. with strong oxidizers Keltrol® 521 [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for dressings, 369
Part I: Trade Name Reference frozen desserts, sauces, milk prods., salsas, fruit preps., relishes, syrups, baked goods, instant desserts Features: Low dusting Keltrol® 1000 [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: High microbiological purity grade thickener, stabilizer used for bakery fillings, flavor emulsions, canned foods, dry mixes, frozen foods, juice drinks, dressings, relishes, gravies, sauces, syrups, baked goods, batters, puddings, pie fillings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.695; EU E415 compliance Properties: Wh. to tan powd., sl. odor; 175 µ particle size; water-sol.; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; visc. 1400 cps (1%); pH 7.0 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; excessive dust inhalation may cause respiratory irritation; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Environmental: readily biodeg. Precaution: Not flamm., but powd. will burn if involved in a fire; spills are slippery; incompat. with strong oxidizers Keltrol® BT [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Thickener, emulsifier, suspending agent, stabilizer for foods, bakery fillings, flavor emulsions, canned foods, dry mixes, frozen foods, juice drinks, dressings, relishes, gravies, sauces, syrups, baked goods, batters, puddings, pie fillings Features: Brine tolerant; improved sol. in high salt systems Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.695; FCC, NF, EU E415 compliance; Kosher approved Properties: Cream to wh. gran. powd., sl. odor; ≥ 95% through 80 mesh; sol. in hot or cold water; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; visc. 1200-1600 cps (1% gum in 1% KCl sol'n.); pH 6.1-8.1 (1% aq.); 6-14% moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; excessive dust inhalation may cause respiratory irritation; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Environmental: readily biodeg. Precaution: Not flamm., but powd. will burn if involved in a fire; spills are slippery; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
incompat. with strong oxidizers Storage: Store in sealed containers in cool, dry place @ 46-59 F Keltrol® CR [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum NF CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Food-grade thickener, stabilizer, emulsifier, suspending agent for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.695; EU E415 compliance; Kosher approved Properties: Wh. to tan powd., sl. odor; 100% min. through 80 mesh, 92% min. through 200 mesh; water-sol.; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; visc. 1200-1600 cP (1% salt sol'n.); pH 6.1-8.1 (1%); 91-108% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; excessive dust inhalation may cause respiratory irritation; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Environmental: readily biodeg. Precaution: Not flamm., but powd. will burn if involved in a fire; spills are slippery; incompat. with strong oxidizers Storage: Store in sealed containers in cool, dry place @ 46-59 F Keltrol® F [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food-grade xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Stabilizer for foods, bakery fillings, flavor emulsions, canned foods, dry mixes, frozen foods, juice drinks, dressings, relishes, gravies, sauces, syrups, baked goods, batters, puddings, pie fillings; suspending agent for fruit pulp Features: Rapidly soluble Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.695; EU E415 compliance Properties: Cream to wh. powd.; ≥ 92% through 200 mesh; sol. in cold and hot water; swells in glycerin and propylene glycol; sp.gr. 1.5; bulk dens. 52.2 lb/ft3; visc. 1200-1600 cps (1% gum in 1% KCl sol'n.); pH 7.0; surf. tens. 75 dynes/cm; 11% moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; excessive dust inhalation may cause respiratory irritation; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Environmental: readily biodeg. Precaution: Not flamm., but powd. will burn if involved in a fire; spills are slippery; incompat. with strong oxidizers 370
Part I: Trade Name Reference Keltrol® GM [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Thickener, suspending agent, stabilizer for bakery fillings, flavor emulsions, canned foods, dry mixes, frozen foods, juice drinks, dressings, relishes, gravies, sauces, syrups, baked goods, batters, puddings, pie fillings Features: Dust-free Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.695; FCC, NF, EU E415 compliance; kosher Properties: Cream to wh. gran. powd., sl. odor; ≥ 95% through 42 mesh, ≤ 25% through 100 mesh; sol. in cold or hot water; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; visc. 1200-1600 cps (1% gum in 1% KCl sol'n.); pH 6.1-8.0 (1% aq.) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; excessive dust inhalation may cause respiratory irritation; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Environmental: readily biodeg. Precaution: Not flamm., but powd. will burn if involved in a fire; spills are slippery; incompat. with strong oxidizers Keltrol® HP [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, suspending agent for bakery fillings, flavor emulsions, canned foods, dry mixes, juice drinks, beverages, frozen foods, pourable and spoonable dressings, relishes, gravies and sauces, syrups, baked goods, batters, puddings Features: Greater suspending power Properties: Particle size (Tyler) 80 mesh; visc. 1500 cps (1%) Keltrol® HP 594 [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for dressings, sauces, marinades Features: Exc. suspension; high visc. at low use level Keltrol® RD 576 [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for relishes, salsas, fruit toppings Features: Transparent; low dusting; very dispersible Keltrol® RD [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for bakery fillings, flavor emulsions, canned foods, dry mixes, frozen foods, juice drinks, dressings, relishes, gravies, sauces, syrups, baked goods, batters, puddings, pie fillings Features: Readily dispersible Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.695; EU E415 compliance Properties: Wh. to tan powd., sl. odor; 990 µ particle size; water-sol.; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; visc. 1400 cps (1%); pH 7.0 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; excessive dust inhalation may cause respiratory irritation; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Environmental: readily biodeg. Precaution: Not flamm., but powd. will burn if involved in a fire; spills are slippery; incompat. with strong oxidizers Keltrol® SF [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Thickener, suspending agent, stabilizer for bakery fillings, flavor emulsions, canned foods, dry mixes, frozen foods, juice drinks, dressings, relishes, gravies, sauces, syrups, baked goods, batters, puddings, pie fillings Features: Altered rheology; smooth flow Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.695; FCC, NF, EU E415 compliance; kosher Properties: Wh. to cream powd., sl. odor; ≥ 100% through 60 mesh, ≥ 95% through 80 mesh; sol. in cold or hot water; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; visc. 800-1300 cps; pH 6.1-8.1 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; excessive dust inhalation may cause respiratory irritation; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Environmental: readily biodeg. Precaution: Not flamm., but powd. will burn if involved in a fire; spills are slippery; incompat. with strong oxidizers 371
Part I: Trade Name Reference Keltrol® T [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Thickener, suspending agent, stabilizer for bakery fillings, flavor emulsions, canned foods, dry mixes, frozen foods, juice drinks, dressings, relishes, gravies, sauces, syrups, baked goods, batters, puddings, pie fillings Features: Transparent; produces clear sol'ns. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.695; FCC, NF, EU E415 compliance; kosher Properties: Cream to wh. powd., sl. odor; 100% through 60 mesh, ≥ 95% through 80 mesh; sol. in hot or cold water; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; visc. 1200-1600 cps (1% gum in 1% KCl sol'n.); pH 7.0±1.0 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; excessive dust inhalation may cause respiratory irritation; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Environmental: readily biodeg. Precaution: Not flamm., but powd. will burn if involved in a fire; spills are slippery; incompat. with strong oxidizers Storage: Store in sealed containers in cool, dry place @ 46-59 F Keltrol® T 622 [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for vinaigrette style dressings, clear beverages, relishes, syrups Features: Transparent; very versatile Keltrol® TF [CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Emulsifier, thickener, suspending agent, stabilizer for bakery fillings, flavor emulsions, canned foods, dry mixes, frozen foods, juice drinks, dressings, relishes, gravies, sauces, syrups, baked goods, batters, puddings, pie fillings Features: Rapidly soluble; transparent; suitable for clear systems Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.695; FCC, NF, EU E415 compliance; kosher Properties: Cream to wh. powd., sl. odor; 100% through 80 mesh, ≥ 92% through 200 mesh; sol. in hot or cold water; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; visc. 1200-1600 cps (1% gum in 1% KCl Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
sol'n.); pH 7.0±1.0 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; excessive dust inhalation may cause respiratory irritation; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Environmental: readily biodeg. Precaution: Not flamm., but powd. will burn if involved in a fire; spills are slippery; incompat. with strong oxidizers Storage: Store in sealed containers in cool, dry place @ 46-59 F Kelvis® [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium alginate, refined See Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Gellant, suspending agent, emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener, binder for food batters; thickener, binder for sauces, noodles Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1724, GRAS; EU E401 compliance Properties: Ivory gran.; 150 mesh; water-sol.; sp.gr. 1.59; dens. 54.62 lb/ft3; visc. 760 cps (1%), 9000 cps (2%); ref. index 1.3343; pH 7; surf. tens. 62 dynes/cm; 13% moisture Kemamide® S [Chemtura/Olefins & Styrenics] Chem. Descrip.: Stearamide CAS 124-26-5; EINECS/ELINCS 204-693-2 Uses: Release agent migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: DOT nonregulated; FDA 21CFR §175.105, 177.1210, 178.3860, 178.3910, 179.45, 181.28; CERCLA nonregulated; SARA nonreportable; PA Right-to-Know nonregulated; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; NJ Right-to-Know reportable; Japan ENCS; Korea ECL; Philippines PICCS Properties: Gardner 4 max. waxy solid, powd. or pellet; sl. fatty odor; m.w. 278; sol. (g/100 g solv. @ 50 C) > 10 in chloroform, 10 in IPA, 4 in MEK, 3 in methyl alcohol, 2 in toluene; insol. in water; dens. 0.809 g/ml (130 C); visc. 5.8 cP (130 C); m.p. 98-108 C; b.p. > 288 C; acid no. 4 max.; iodine no. 3 max.; flash pt. 197 C (PMCC); fire pt. 268 C (COC); 95% min. amide Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 10,000 mg/kg; dust may cause respiratory tract irritation; may cause sl. eye, skin irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Use safety glasses, neoprene gloves; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents 372
Part I: Trade Name Reference Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, other harmful gases; thermal decomposition may result in NOx HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store at ambient temp. Kemamide® U [Chemtura/Olefins & Styrenics] Chem. Descrip.: Oleamide CAS 301-02-0; EINECS/ELINCS 206-103-9 Uses: Release agent migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 175.380, 175.390, 178.3910, 179.45, 181.28; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; Japan ENCS; Korea ECL Properties: Gardner 5 max. waxy solid, powd., and pellet; sl. fatty odor; m.w. 275; insol. in water; sol. (g/100 g solv. @ 30 C) > 30 in IPA, 28 in methyl alcohol, 25 in toluene, > 20 in MEK; dens. 0.823 g/ml (130 C); visc. 5.5 cP (130 C); m.p. 68-78 C; b.p. > 260 C; acid no. 4 max.; iodine no. 72-90; flash pt. 245 C (COC); 95% min. amide Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 10,000 mg/kg; dust may cause respiratory tract irritation; may cause sl. eye, skin irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Use safety glasses, neoprene gloves; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, NOx Storage: Store at ambient temp. Kemamide® W-39 [Chemtura/Olefins & Styrenics] Chem. Descrip.: Ethylene distearamide CAS 110-30-5; EINECS/ELINCS 203-755-6 Uses: Release agent migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: DOT nonregulated; FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 175.380, 175.390, 176.170, 177.1200, 177.2470, 177.2480, 181.28; CERCLA nonregulated; SARA nonreportable; NJ Right-to-Know reportable Properties: Gardner 18 max. flakes; sl. fatty odor; insol. in water; sol. (g/100 g solv. @ 70 C) 2.0 g toluene, 1.6 g dichloroethane; 1.4 g IPA, 0.9 g MEK; m.p. 140 C; acid no. 10 max.; m.p. 140 C; b.p. > 260 C; flash pt. 299 C (COC); fire pt. 315 C (COC); nonionic Toxicology: Dust may cause respiratory tract irritation; may cause sl. eye, skin irritation Environmental: not expected to be toxic to aquatic organisms Precaution: Use safety glasses, neoprene gloves; incompat. with strong oxidizing Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, NOx HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Kemester® 2050 [Chemtura http://www.chemtura.com] Chem. Descrip.: Methyl eicosenate See Methyl eicosanoate CAS 1120-28-1; EINECS/ELINCS 214-304-8 Uses: Foam depressant and nutrient in fermentation Properties: Gardner 14 max. color; acid no. 25 max.; iodine no. 90-110; sapon. no. 180-190 Kemester® 4516 [Chemtura http://www.chemtura.com] Chem. Descrip.: Methyl stearate See Methyl stearate CAS 112-61-8; EINECS/ELINCS 203-990-4 Uses: Defoamer, nutrient in fermentation Properties: Gardner 1 max. color; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 2.5 max.; sapon. no. 192-202 Kemstrene® 96.0% USP [Chemtura http://www.chemtura.com] Chem. Descrip.: Refined glycerin USP CAS 56-81-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-289-5 Uses: Ingred. in food prods. Properties: Sp.gr. 1.25165 min; 96.0% purity Kena® FP-28 [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium tripolyphosphate FCC, sodium hexametaphosphate FCC blend See Pentasodium triphosphate CAS 7758-29-4; 10124-56-8; EINECS/ELINCS 213-837-7; 233-343-1 Uses: Food additive, oxidative stabilizer, tenderizer, moisture retention aid, texturizer for poultry to be cooked, smoked, cured, or dehydrated, and for raw frozen items, chicken rolls, turkey rolls, cooked boned chicken meat, precooked breaded parts, barbecued chicken, other convenience foods Features: Provides oxidative stability, increases tenderness, provides better moisture retention, better texture Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. gran., odorless; 1% max. on 20 mesh, 30% max. through 100 mesh; sol. in water; m.p. 622 C; pH 9.1-9.8 (1%); hygroscopic Toxicology: OSHA TWA 15 mg/m3 (total dust); eye and skin irritant; low acute inh. toxicity; TSCA listed 373
Part I: Trade Name Reference Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: POx and SOx NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store cool and dry Kidney Substance [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vacuum-dried defatted glandular prod. Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Powd. or freeze-dried form Kirnol® Range [Cognis http://www.cognis.de] Chem. Descrip.: Fatty acid mono and diglycerides based or vegetable or animal sources See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for foods, baked goods Features: General purpose Properties: Nonionic; < 60% mono content Kiwifruit Treattarome 9770 [R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com] Chem. Descrip.: Methyl butyrate, ethyl butyrate, hexanal, trans 2-hexenal, hexanol,ethyl hexanoate, methyl benzoate, ethyl benzoate See Ethyl caproate; trans-2Hexenal; Hexyl alcohol CAS 623-42-7; 105-54-4; 66-25-1; 6728-26-3; 111-27-3; 123-66-0; 93-58-3; 93-89-0; EINECS/ELINCS 210-792-1; 203-306-4; 200624-5; 229-778-1; 203-852-3; 204-640-3; 202259-7; 202-284-3 Uses: Flavor for food Features: Fresh, green, fruity Properties: Kiwi fruit flavor Use Level: 0.02-0.06 Klearol® [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. mineral oil NF CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Gloss aid, plasticizer, release agent, softener in food processing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, §178.3620(a) Properties: Water-wh., odorless, tasteless; sp.gr. 0.822-0.833; visc. 7-10 cSt (40 C); pour pt. -7 C; flash pt. 138 C Kleistase E5S [Amano Enzyme http://www.amano-enzyme.co.jp; Amano Enzyme USA] Chem. Descrip.: bacterial α-Amylase from Bacillus subtilis with sodium chloride ethanol, and DL-methionine as additives See Alcohol; α-Amylase Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 9000-90-2; 7647-14-5; 64-17-5; 59-51-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-565-6; 231-598-3; 200578-6; 200-432-1 Uses: Enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of starch (glucose syrup, fructose syrup, maltose syrup, dextrin, etc); improves the quality of biscuits, crackers, etc. Properties: Tan to brn. liq.; fermentation odor; sol. in water; pH 5.8-6.8; ≥ 51,300 AU/g act. Toxicology: Inh. of aerosols or dust resulting from inappropriate handling may induce sensitization and may cause allergic reactions in sensitized individuals; skin irritant; nontoxic Environmental: biodegradable; not harmful to aquatic and marine organisms when dissolved with copious amounts of water Precaution: Wear respirator, protective glasses, and impervious gloves; avoid inhalation of dusts and mists, splashing, and high-pressure washing Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: Store in cool, dry place with good ventilation Kleistase T10S [Amano Enzyme http://www.amano-enzyme.co.jp; Amano Enzyme USA] Chem. Descrip.: bacterial thermostable αAmylase from Bacillus subtilis dditives See α-Amylase CAS 9000-90-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-565-6 Uses: Enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of starch (maltodextrin, glucose syrup, highfructose syrup, high-maltose syrup, and oligosaccharide); reducing the high viscosity of the starch slurry; used in brewing industry and alcohol prod. Properties: Tan to brn. liq.; fermentation odor; sol. in water; pH 6.5-7.5; ≥ 13,100 LJ/g act. Toxicology: Inh. of aerosols or dust resulting from inappropriate handling may induce sensitization and may cause allergic reactions in sensitized individuals; skin irritant; nontoxic Environmental: biodegradable; not harmful to aquatic and marine organisms when dissolved with copious amounts of water Precaution: Wear respirator, protective glasses, and impervious gloves; avoid inhalation of mists, splashing, and highpressure washing Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None 374
Part I: Trade Name Reference Storage: Store in cool, dry place with good ventilation Klucel® 'F' Grades [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Premium grades hydroxypropylcellulose NF; grades designated 'FF' also meet FCC specs. CAS 9004-64-2 Uses: Surface-active thickener, stabilizer, film-former, suspending agent, protective colloid for food applics. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.870 Properties: Off-wh. powd., tasteless; 85% min. through 30 mesh, 99% min. through 20 mesh; water-sol.; dissolves easily in many polar org. solvs.; soften. pt. 100-150 C; pH 5.0-8.5; surf. tens. 43.6 dynes/cm (0.1%); nonionic; 5% max. moisture Toxicology: Nontoxic orally; nonirritating to skin; may cause transient eye irritation KocoaKreme 154 [Kerry Ingreds. http://www.kerrygroup.com; http://www.kerryingredients.com] Chem. Analysis: Fat 27% Uses: Foaming agent in beverage applics. Properties: Dens. 0.22-0.26 Kol Guard® 7373 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Freeze/thaw stabilizer for neutral pH, frozen foods, frozen fruits, cream pies, boilin-bag foods, pot pies, TV dinners, canned fillings, lemon puddings, refrigerated foods, baby foods Features: Imparts sheen, clarity, blandness Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd.; pH 5.6; 11% moisture Kol Guard® 7413 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Stabilizer for low-temp., low pH food systems incl. fresh/frozen fruit pies, meat prods., sauces, gravies, baby food; shelf life extender in cook-up puddings; body/mouthfeel/creaminess/smoothness enhancer, shelf-life/freshness improver, visc. control agent for soups, sauces, gravies, dressings Features: Resists freeze/thaw breakdown, maintains short paste texture, high sheen, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
clarity Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd.; pH 5.6; 11.5% moisture Kol Guard® 7467 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: starch Uses: Viscosifier, body/mouthfeel/creaminess/smoothness/sh elf-life/freshness improver in soups, sauces, gravies, dressing, fruit filling, fruit preps., jams Features: For neutral to acidic food systems Kollidon® CL [BASF http://www.basf.com; BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: Crospovidone CAS 9003-39-8 Uses: Filter aid for clarification of wine and beer Regulatory: USP/NF, EP, JP Properties: 60% max. < 50 µm; 95% min. < 250 µm; insol. but swells in water; bulk dens. 0.300.40 g/ml; surf. area 1 m2/g; pH 5.0-7.5 (1% aq.); swelling pressure ≈ < 10 kPa; 12.0-12.8% N; [le[ 5% loss on drying Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 6.8 g/kg; no teratogenic, mutagenic or carcinogenic effects Storage: Hygroscopic; 3 yrs. min. shelf life Kosteran-T/1 [Dr. W. Kolb AG http://www.kolb.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan monotallate See Sorbitan tallate Uses: Surfactant for foods, feed Properties: Liq.; HLB 4.3; nonionic Koster Keunen Beeswax [Koster Keunen http://www.kosterkeunen.com/] Chem. Descrip.: wh. beeswaxand yel. beeswax See Beeswax, white; Beeswax, yellow CAS 8006-40-4; 8012-89-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-383-7 Uses: Flavoring agent, adjuvant, lubricant, surf. finishing agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1973 Properties: Wh./yel. wax; sol. 24.2 g/100 ml in benzene; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.950-0.960; m.p. 61-65 C; acid no. 17-24; iodine no. 8-11; cloud pt. < 65 C; b.p. > 260 C; flash pt. 242250 C; ref. index 1.4398-1.4451; dielec. const. 3.1-3.3 Toxicology: LD50 (oral) 5 g/kg Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers, acids 375
Part I: Trade Name Reference HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 1 Koster Keunen Beeswax #100P [Koster Keunen http://www.kosterkeunen.com/] Chem. Descrip.: White beeswax See Beeswax, white CAS 8006-40-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-383-7 Uses: Flavoring agent, adjuvant, lubricant, surf. finishing agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1973 Properties: Wh. wax; m.p. 61-65 C; acid no. 1724; iodine no. 8-11; cloud pt. < 65 C; flash pt. 2420250 C Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers, acids HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 1 Koster Keunen Candelilla [Koster Keunen http://www.kosterkeunen.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Candelilla (Euphorbia cerifera) wax CAS 8006-44-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-347-0 Uses: Gellant for candy; chewing gum base Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.615, 175.105, 175.320, 176.180 Properties: Yel to brn. wax; aromatic odor; sol. hot in alcohol, benzene, petroleum ether; sp.gr. 0.9820-0.9930; m.p. 68.5-72.5 C; b.p. > 240 C; flash pt. (COC) > 240 C; acid no. 1119; iodine no. 19-44; sapon. no. 44-66; ref. index 1.4555; dielec. const. 2.50-2.63 Precaution: Wear gloves, splash goggles; incompat. with strong oxidizers HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 1 Storage: Store in cool, dry well-ventilated area away from oxidizers, acids Koster Keunen Carnauba [Koster Keunen http://www.kosterkeunen.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Carnauba (Copernicia cerifera) wax See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax CAS 8015-86-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-399-4 Uses: Anticaking agent, formulation aid, lubricant, release agent, surface-finishing agent in foods, candy Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1978 Properties: Wax; sol. (g/100 cc): 1.690 g chloroform, 0.610 g xylene, 0.518 g benzene, 0.440 g turpentine, 0.324 g acetone; sp.gr. 0.996-0.998; m.p. 82.5-86 C; acid no. 2-6; iodine no. 7-14; sapon. no. 78-88; flash pt. > 300 C; ref. index 1.463; dielec. const. 2.674.20 Koster Keunen Microcrystalline Waxes [Koster Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Keunen http://www.kosterkeunen.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Microcrystalline wax CAS 64742-42-3; EINECS/ELINCS 264-038-1 Uses: Chewing gum base; protective coating on raw fruits and vegetables; defoamer for foods Regulatory: FDA §172.886, 178.3710 Properties: Wh. to amber wax; sp.gr. 0.90-0.94; visc. 50-100 (210 F); m.p. 140-190 F; acid no. 0-0.2; iodine no. 0.-1.5; sapon. no. 0-2; flash pt. > 425 F; fire pt. > 550 F Koster Keunen Paraffin Wax [Koster Keunen http://www.kosterkeunen.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Paraffin CAS 8002-74-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-315-6 Uses: Wax for protection of foods, fruits, cheese, and vegetables; chewing gum base Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.615, 175.250, 175.300 Properties: Wax; sol. (g/100 cc): 40 g benzene, 9 g min. oil, 3 g dichloroethane, 0.4 g IPA; m.p. various grades from 118-165 F; ref. index 1.4219-1.4357 Koster Keunen Synthetic Spermaceti [Koster Keunen http://www.kosterkeunen.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Syn. spermaceti (cetyl palmitate and other esters) See Cetyl esters CAS 136097-97-7 Uses: Moisturizer, thickener, gellant for mfg. of sweetmeats, candies, confectionery Regulatory: FDA approved Properties: Pastilles; sol. in boiling alcohol, chloroform, carbon disulfide, volatile oils; sp.gr. 0.940-0.946; visc. 6.7-7.4 (100 C); m.p. 45-49 C; acid no. 0-0.5; iodine no. < 3; sapon. no. 116-125; flash pt. > 240 C; ref. index 1.440 (60 C) Kotilen-S/3 [Dr. W. Kolb AG http://www.kolb.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 65 CAS 9005-71-4 Uses: Surfactant for foods, feed Properties: Solid; HLB 10.5; nonionic KRYSTAR® 300 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fructose Uses: Sweetener in bakery prods., snacks, beverages, confectionery, dairy prods., sauces, prepared foods Features: Noncaloric; noncariogenic; made from sugar; approx. 600 times sweeter than sugar; extremely stable; maintains sweetness @ high food processing temps. (pasteurization, 376
Part I: Trade Name Reference sterilization, etc.) and prolonged storage; stable in neutral and acidic prods. Properties: Wh. gran. or syrup Krystar® 300 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fructose CAS 7660-25-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in beverages, dairy, fruit preparations Features: High solubility, synergy with nutritive and non-nutritive sweeteners and interaction with a variety of food ingreds. Properties: Wh. free-flowing crystalline material or water wh. liq. KRYSTAR® 450 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fructose Uses: Sweetener in bakery prods., snacks, beverages, confectionery, dairy prods., sauces, prepared foods Properties: Wh. gran. or syrup Krystar® 450 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fructose CAS 7660-25-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-333-3 Uses: Sweetener in beverages, dairy, and fruit preps. Properties: Wh. free-flowing crystalline material or water wh. liq. KRYSTAR® Liquid [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fructose Uses: Sweetener in bakery prods., snacks, beverages, confectionery, dairy prods., sauces, prepared foods Properties: Liq.; 77% solids KRYSTAR® Powder [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fructose Uses: Sweetener in bakery prods., snacks, beverages, confectionery, dairy prods., sauces, prepared foods Properties: Powd. LE 80 BT [DMV Int'l. http://www.dmvinternational.com] Chem. Descrip.: Whey protein-hydrolysate CAS 84082-51-9; EINECS/ELINCS 281-998-7 Uses: Protein supplement for drink mixes and special diet foods Features: Predigested; mixture of short chain peptides and free amino acids; high levels of Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
essential amino acids; high biological value Storage: 2 yr. shelf life when stored under conditions of 5-25 C and max. 75% r.h. in the original sealed bag Lac-Glaze 20E [Japan Shellac http://www.japan-shellac.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Bleached dewaxed shellac/ethanol See Alcohol Uses: Coating agent, gloss aid, moisture barrier, antiblocking agent, shelf life extender for foods, esp. for coating chocolates, candies, fruits, health foods Properties: Lt. yel.; 20 ± 1.5% NV Lac-Glaze 20E-N [Japan Shellac http://www.japan-shellac.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: NSC shellac/ethanol See Alcohol Uses: Coating agent, gloss aid, moisture barrier, antiblocking agent, shelf life extender for foods, esp. for coating chocolates, candies, fruits, health foods Properties: Brn.; 20 ± 1.5% NV Lac-Glaze 25E [Japan Shellac http://www.japan-shellac.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Bleached dewaxed shellac/ethanol See Alcohol Uses: Coating agent, gloss aid, moisture barrier, antiblocking agent, shelf life extender for foods, esp. for coating chocolates, candies, fruits, health foods Properties: Lt. yel.; 25 ± 2% NV Lac-Glaze 25E-N [Japan Shellac http://www.japan-shellac.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: NSC shellac/ethanol See Alcohol Uses: Coating agent, gloss aid, moisture barrier, antiblocking agent, shelf life extender for foods, esp. for coating chocolates, candies, fruits, health foods Properties: Brn.; 25 ± 2% NV Lac-Glaze 32E [Japan Shellac http://www.japan-shellac.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Bleached dewaxed shellac/ethanol See Alcohol Uses: Coating agent, gloss aid, moisture barrier, antiblocking agent, shelf life extender for foods, esp. for coating chocolates, candies, fruits, health foods Properties: Yel.; 32 ± 2% NV
Part I: Trade Name Reference Lac-Glaze 32E-N [Japan Shellac http://www.japan-shellac.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: NSC shellac/ethanol See Alcohol Uses: Coating agent, gloss aid, moisture barrier, antiblocking agent, shelf life extender for foods, esp. for coating chocolates, candies, fruits, health foods Properties: Brn.; 32 ± 2% NV Lactarin® CM 2254 [FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan, sucrose See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; 57-50-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232524-2; 200-334-9 Uses: Visc. improver, mouthfeel improver, suspension aid, stabilizer chocolate milk systems, including HTST and UHT Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Philippines PICCS Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. 10% max. in water; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 6.0-10.5 Toxicology: Sucrose: LD50 (oral, rat) 2970 mg/kg; carrageenan: LD50 (dermal, rabbit) > 2 g/kg, (inh., rat, 4 h) > 0.93 mg/l; nonsensitizing; TSCA listed Precaution: Becomes slippery when wet Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Sulfur oxides NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry place in tightly closed container Lactarin® MV-306 [FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan and dextrin See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; 9004-53-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2; 232-675-4 Uses: Fat replacement system for cheese sauce Features: Provides cling, creaminess, hot visc., and mouthfeel Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. in water (10% max.); sp. gr. ≈ 1; pH 6.0-10.5 (1.5% sol'n.) Toxicology: Low oral, dermal and inh. toxicity; nonirritating to eyes and skin; noncarcinogenic Environmental: not expected to have significant toxicity to aquatic organisms Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: SOx NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Storage: Store in tightly closed container away from excessive heat Lactarin® MV-308 [FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan and dextrin See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; 9004-53-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2; 232-675-4 Uses: Fat replacement system for frozen shakes; prevents whey separation and improves mouthfeel Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. in water (10% max.); sp. gr. ≈ 1; pH 6.0-10.5 (1.5% sol'n.) Toxicology: Low oral, dermal and inh. toxicity; nonirritating to eyes and skin; noncarcinogenic Environmental: not expected to have significant toxicity to aquatic organisms Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: SOx NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in tightly closed container away from excessive heat Lactarin® MV-406 [FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Fat replacement system for buttermilktype dry mix dressings Features: Provides creaminess, thickening, body, cling, and mouthfeel Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. in water (10% max.); sp. gr. ≈ 1; pH 7.0-10.5 (1.5% sol'n.) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5,000 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 2,000 mg/kg; low oral, dermal and inh. toxicity; nonirritating to eyes and skin; noncarcinogenic Environmental: not expected to have significant toxicity to aquatic organisms Precaution: Accumulation of excessive dust on overhead structures may form explosive concentrations when disturbed and dispersed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: SOx NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in tightly closed container away from excessive heat Lactarin® MV 2066 [FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan See 378
Part I: Trade Name Reference Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Thickener, suspension aid for water, milk applics. such as flavored cold drinks, desserts Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Philippines PICCS Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. 10% max. in water; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 7.0-10.5 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 2 g/kg, (inh., rat, 4 h) > 0.93 mg/l; nonsensitizing; TSCA listed Precaution: Becomes slippery when wet Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Sulfur oxides NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly closed container; avoid exposure to excessive heat Lactarin® PS-185X [FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Fat replacement system for buttermilktype dry mix dressings Features: Provides creaminess, thickening, body, cling, and mouthfeel Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. in water (10% max.); sp. gr. ≈ 1; pH 7.0-10.5 (1.5% sol'n.) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5,000 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 2,000 mg/kg; low oral, dermal and inh. toxicity; nonirritating to eyes and skin; noncarcinogenic Environmental: not expected to have significant toxicity to aquatic organisms Precaution: Accumulation of excessive dust on overhead structures may form explosive concentrations when disturbed and dispersed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: SOx NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in tightly closed container away from excessive heat Lactarin® XP 3410 [FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenam, guar gum, microcrystalline cellulose, sodium carboxymethylcellulose See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium; Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 9000-07-1; 9000-30-0; 9004-34-6; 9004-324; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2; 232-536-8; 232-674-9 Uses: Gellant for foods Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Philippines PICCS Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. 10% max. in water; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 5.5-10.0 Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Becomes slippery when wet NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry place in tightly closed container Lactase 14-DS [Amano Enzyme http://www.amano-enzyme.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Lactase from Aspergillus oryzae See β-Galactosidase CAS 9031-11-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-864-1 Uses: Enzyme for dietary supplement use Properties: Off-wh. to brn. powd.; sl. odor; sol. in water; β-Galactosidase act. ≥ 14,000 u/g Toxicology: Eye and skin irritant; dust may cause sensitization in allergic individuals when inhaled; nontoxic Environmental: biodegradable; not harmful to marine and aquatic organisms Precaution: Wear respirator, protective glasses, and impervious gloves; avoid dust formation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: Store in cool, dry place Lactase F Amano [Mitsubishi Int'l. http://www.micusa.com; Amano Enzyme USA] Chem. Descrip.: Lactase from Aspergillus oryzae See β-Galactosidase CAS 9031-11-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-864-1 Uses: Enzyme for dairy processing, lactose hydrolysis Features: Very stable to heat Properties: Sl. yel. to wh. powd.; sl. odor; sol. in water; insol. in ethanol, acetone, and isopropyl alcohol; ≥ 14,000 units/g lactase act. Toxicology: Irritant to eyes and skin; nontoxic; nonpathogenic Environmental: biodeg.; not harmful to aquatic and marine organisms when dissolved with copious amounts of water Precaution: Wear approved respirator, latex gloves, and eye protection; avoid dust formation, splashing, and high-pressure 379
Part I: Trade Name Reference washing Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: Store in cool, dry place with good ventilation Lacticol® CFT [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium alginate; Diphosphoric acid, tetrasodium salt; Diphosphoric acid, disodium salt; Sucrose See Algin; Sodium acid pyrophosphate; Tetrasodium pyrophosphate CAS 9005-38-3; 7722-88-5; 7758-16-9; 57-50-1; EINECS/ELINCS 231-767-1; 231-835-0; 200334-9 Uses: Thickener, gellant for savory dips, bakery cream fillings, cheesecake toppings, milk shakes, instant drinks, chilled desserts, instant puddings and mousses Regulatory: FDA GRAS Properties: Wh. to tan powd.; sl. odor; sol. in water; pH ≈ 7 (1% sol'n.) Toxicology: Mild eye irritant; prolonged contact with skin can cause drying or chapping Environmental: biodeg. Precaution: Wear safety glasses and gloves; minimize dust formation; avoid strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx Storage: Store in tightly closed containers in a cool, dry place, out of direct sunlight Lacticol® F336 [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Phosphoric acid, disodium salt; Diphosphoric acid, tetrasodium salt; Sulfuric acid, calcium salt (1:1); Alginic acid, sodium salt; Sucrose See Algin; Calcium sulfate dihydrate; Sodium phosphate dibasic anhydrous; Tetrasodium pyrophosphate CAS 7558-79-4; 7722-88-5; 10101-41-4; 900538-3; 57-50-1; EINECS/ELINCS 231-448-7; 231-767-1; 231-900-3; 200-334-9 Uses: Thickener, gellant for milk-based systems, bakery cream fillings, cheesecake toppings, instant puddings Properties: Wh. to ylsh. brn. powd.; sl. odor; pH ≈ 8 (1% sol'n.) Toxicology: Mild eye irritant; prolonged contact with skin can cause drying or chapping; nonmutagenic; nonteratogenic Environmental: biodeg. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Precaution: Wear safety glasses and gloves; powdered material may form explosive dustair mixtures; minimize dust formation; avoid strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Lacticol® F616 [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Alginate blend Uses: Thickener, gellant for bakery filling creams, milk-based desserts, pie fillings Properties: 125-250 μ, 60-120 mesh Lactipol C [Oxiteno Mexico http://www.oxiteno.com.mx] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium stearoyl-2-lactylate See Calcium stearoyl lactylate CAS 5793-94-2; EINECS/ELINCS 227-335-7 Uses: Emulsifier, complexing agent for dehydrated potatoes, dairy systems; dough conditioner for yeast-raised baked prods.; crumb softener; starch complexing agent; bread improver; freeze/thaw emulsions Properties: Fine wh. powd.; HLB 21.0; anionic; 100% conc. Lactipol S [Oxiteno Mexico http://www.oxiteno.com.mx] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate See Sodium stearoyl lactylate CAS 25383-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 246-929-7 Uses: Conditioner, softener for baked prods.; emulsifier and complexing agent for dehydrated potatoes, dairy systems, puddings, sauces, icings, and imitation cheeses; dough conditioner for yeastraised baked goods Properties: Wh. creamy powd.; HLB 21.0; anionic; 100% conc. Lactitol AC [Danisco Sweeteners http://www.daniscosweeteners.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lactitol anhyd. (98-102%) See Lactitol CAS 585-86-4; EINECS/ELINCS 209-566-5 Uses: Sweetener, bulking agent, sucrose replacement in chocolate, baked goods, chewing gum, ice cream, fruit preps., confections, table-top sweeteners; cryoprotectant for surimi Features: Stable to air and heat Properties: Wh. cryst. powd.; odorless; mild sweet taste; highly sol. in water (≈ 1.9 g/ml); sparingly sol. to insol. in most org. solvs.; m.w. 380
Part I: Trade Name Reference 344.37; m.p. 147-154 C; pH 4.5-7.0 (10%); 0.5% max. moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27.5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 4.5 g/kg; may cause skin/eye irritation; prolonged inh. (nuisance particle) may cause respiratory irritation; excessive consumption can cause laxation Environmental: LC50 (daphnia magna) > 10,000 mg/l; biodeg. complete in 5 days Precaution: Sl. fire hazard when exposed to heat or flame; may burn but does not ignite readily; dust-air mixts. may ignite or explode; avoid contact with strong oxidizers, strong acids, excessive heat, sparks, open flame Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. may release toxic/hazardous fumes of furfural, CO2, CO Storage: 2 yrs. shelf life when stored in original sealed pkgs. below 20 C and < 55% r.h.; marginally hygroscopic Lactitol MC [Danisco Sweeteners http://www.daniscosweeteners.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lactitol monohydrate CAS 81025-04-9; EINECS/ELINCS 209-566-5 Uses: Sweetener, bulking agent, sucrose replacement in chocolate, baked goods, chewing gum, ice cream, fruit preps., confections, table-top sweeteners; cryoprotectant for surimi Features: Stable to air and heat Properties: Wh. cryst. powd.; odorless; mild sweet taste; highly sol. in water (≈ 1.7 g/ml); sparingly sol. to insol. in most org. solvs.; m.w. 362.37; m.p. 94-100 C; pH 4.5-7.0 (10%); 98101% act.; 4.5-5.5% max. moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27.5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 4.5 g/kg; relatively nontoxic by ing.; may cause skin/eye irritation; prolonged inh. (nuisance particle) may cause respiratory irritation; excessive consumption can cause laxation Environmental: LC50 (daphnia magna) > 10,000 mg/l; biodeg. complete in 5 days Precaution: Sl. fire hazard when exposed to heat or flame; may burn but does not ignite readily; dust-air mixts. may ignite or explode; avoid contact with strong oxidizers, strong acids, excessive heat, sparks, open flame Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. may release toxic/hazardous fumes of Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
furfural, CO2, CO Storage: Only marginally hygroscopic; 2 yrs. shelf life when stored in original, sealed pkgs. below 25 C and < 65% r.h. Lactoferrin [DMV Int'l. http://www.dmvinternational.com] Chem. Descrip.: Milk protein-derived from cow's milk CAS 9000-71-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-555-1 Uses: Antimicrobial and bacteriostat for organisms such as E. coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Listeria, and Candida for infant formulas, health supplements, functional foods and drinks; promotes balance of the intestinal flora; antioxidant; iron scavenger; iron carrier and the bioavailability promoter of iron Features: Purified and spray-dried Lactogel® FX 7351 [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan, sucrose, disodium phosphate See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Sodium phosphate dibasic anhydrous CAS 9000-07-1; 57-50-1; 7558-79-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2; 200-334-9; 231448-7 Uses: Gellant, stabilizer, thickener for water, foodstuffs, hot filled dairy desserts, flans Regulatory: CERCLA reportable (disodium phosphate: 5000 lbs); Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Philippines PICCS; WHMIS D2B Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. in water 10% max.; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 6.5-9.5 (1% sol'n.) Toxicology: TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Sulfur oxides NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly closed container Lactoperoxidase [DMV Int'l. http://www.dmvinternational.com] Chem. Descrip.: Milk protein-derived from cow's milk CAS 9000-71-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-555-1 Uses: Preservative for food; promotes balance of the intestinal flora Features: Purified and spray-dried Lactoval® [DMV Int'l. http://www.dmvinternational.com] Chem. Descrip.: Milk calcium complex Chem. Analysis: 17% calcium Uses: Calcium source for calcium-fortified 381
Part I: Trade Name Reference drinks, tablets, fermented milk prods., sports beverages, milk shakes, breakfast cereals, and dietary supplements Properties: Wh. cream colored powd.; 95% < 100 µm particle size; milky, bland flavor and odor; dens. 500 g/l (packed); pH 6.0 (10% disp., 20 C) Storage: 2 yr. shelf life when stored under conditions of 5-25 C and max. 75% r.h. in the original sealed bag Lactoval® HiCal [DMV Int'l. http://www.dmvinternational.com] Chem. Descrip.: Milk calcium complex Chem. Analysis: 4% protein; 4% carbohydrates; 2000 mg/kg Environmental: nontoxic to fish and bacteria Storage: Keep in dry storage @ R.T. Lime Oil 410 [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: α-Terpineol (1-10%), γTerpineol (10-50%), d-Limonene (10-50%), Terpinolene (1-10%), Citral (10-50% See γTerpinene CAS 98-55-5; 99-85-4; 5989-27-5; 586-62-9; 5392-40-5; EINECS/ELINCS 202-680-6; 202794-6; 227-813-5; 209-578-0; 226-394-6 UN 1993 Uses: Flavor in food Regulatory: SARA §311/312 listed; Canada DSL; Australia AICS Properties: Nearly colorless liq.; lime odor; sol. in alcohol; sp.gr. 0.856; vapor dens. > 1; b.p. 177 C; flash pt. (TCC) 50 C Toxicology: Harmful; skin irritant; may cause skin sensitization; ing. may cause lung 390
Part I: Trade Name Reference damage; TSCA listed Environmental: marine pollutant; toxic to aquatic organisms Precaution: Flamm.; wear safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves, apron; incompat. with strong acids, bases and materials that react with unsat. hydrocarbons and oxygenated terpenes Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, acrid fumes HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 2, Reactivity 1 Storage: Do not store near excessive heat, open flames, strong acids, strong bases; keep container tightly closed; avoid prolonged exposure to air Lime Oil E-96 [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: α-Terpineol (10-50%), γTerpineol (10-50%), D-Limonene (10-50%) See γ-Terpinene CAS 98-55-5; 99-85-4; 5989-27-5; EINECS/ELINCS 202-680-6; 202-794-6; 227813-5 UN 1993 Uses: Flavor in food Regulatory: SARA §311/312 listed; Australia AICS Properties: Nearly colorless liq.; lime odor; sol. in alcohol; sp.gr. 0.856; vapor dens. > 1; b.p. 163 C; flash pt. (TCC) 50 C Toxicology: Harmful; skin irritant; may cause skin sensitization; ing. may cause lung damage; TSCA listed Environmental: marine pollutant; very toxic to aquatic organisms Precaution: Flamm.; wear safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves, apron; incompat. with strong acids, bases and materials that react with unsat. hydrocarbons and oxygenated terpenes Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, acrid fumes HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 2, Reactivity 1 Storage: Do not store near excessive heat, open flames, strong acids, strong bases; keep container tightly closed; avoid prolonged exposure to air Linalool 95 [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Linalool (98.5%) CAS 78-70-6; EINECS/ELINCS 201-134-4 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, adjuvant in Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.60; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; Japan IEC; Korea KECL/ECL; Philippines PICCS Properties: Cl. liq.; floral odor; sol. 1 in 4 in 60% alcohol; m.w. 154.25; sp.gr. 0.861-0.870; dens. 7.20 lb/gal; vapor pressure ≈ 0.4 mm Hg; vapor dens. 5.3; b.p. 192.8 C; flash pt. (TCC) 80 C; ref. index 1.461-1.465 (20 C); 95% min. act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2790 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) 5610 mg/kg; undiluted liq. may be irritating to skin and eyes; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq.; wear safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves; incompat. with strong acids, bases, materials that react with terpene alcohols Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, acrid fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 1 Storage: Keep container tightly closed when not in use; keep away from excessive heat, open flames, strong acids, strong bases; avoid prolonged exposure to air Linalool 925 [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: 3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-ol See Linalool CAS 78-70-6; EINECS/ELINCS 201-134-4 UN 1993 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, adjuvant in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.60; DOT regulated Properties: Cl. liq.; m.w. 154.25; sp.gr. 0.863; dens. 7.2 lb/gal; b.p. 192.8 C; flash pt. (TCC) 78.9 C; ref. index 1.463 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2790 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 5610 mg/kg; undiluted liq. may irritate eyes and skin; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Lipase 8 [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lipase CAS 9001-62-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-619-9 Uses: Fat-splitting enzyme for removal of yolk lipids from egg albumen; ingred. for vitamin-mineral mixes Features: Min. 8 USP lipase units/mg Properties: Sl. yel. or cream-colored powd., sl. nonoffensive odor 391
Part I: Trade Name Reference Storage: Preserve in tight containers in cool, dry place Lipase 16 [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lipase CAS 9001-62-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-619-9 Uses: Fat-splitting enzyme for removal of yolk lipids from egg albumen; ingred. for vitamin-mineral mixes Features: Min. 16 USP lipase units/mg Properties: Sl. yel. or cream-colored powd., sl. nonoffensive odor Storage: Preserve in tight containers in cool, dry place Lipase 24 [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lipase CAS 9001-62-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-619-9 Uses: Fat-splitting enzyme for removal of yolk lipids from egg albumen; ingred. for vitamin-mineral mixes Features: Min. 24 USP lipase units/mg Properties: Sl. yel. or cream-colored powd., sl. nonoffensive odor Precaution: Preserve in tight containers in cool, dry place Storage: Preserve in tight containers in cool, dry place Lipase 30 [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lipase CAS 9001-62-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-619-9 Uses: Fat-splitting enzyme for removal of yolk lipids from egg albumen; ingred. for vitamin-mineral mixes Features: Min. 30 USP lipase units/mg Properties: Sl. yel. or cream-colored powd., sl. nonoffensive odor Storage: Preserve in tight containers in cool, dry place Lipase A Amano 6 [Amano Enzyme http://www.amano-enzyme.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Lipase from Aspergillus niger CAS 9001-62-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-619-9 Uses: Enzyme for hydrolysis of oils and fats for flavor prod.; useful for transesterifications Regulatory: Certified as existing food additive in Japan Properties: Lt. yelsh. to lt. brn. powd.; ≥ 60,000 units/g of lipase act. Toxicology: Eye and skin irritant; dust may cause sensitization when inhaled Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Storage: Store in cool, dry conditions Lipase AP12 [Amano Enzyme http://www.amano-enzyme.co.jp; Amano Enzyme USA] Chem. Descrip.: Lipase from Aspergillus niger CAS 9001-62-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-619-9 Uses: Enzyme Properties: Lt. yel.-brown powd.; sl. peculiar odor and taste; sol. in water; insol. in ethanol; fat digestive act. 12000-15000 u/g ( pH 7) Toxicology: May be a skin irritant; inh. of aerosols or dust may induce sensitization and allergic reactions in sensitized individuals; nontoxic Environmental: biodegradable; not harmful to aquatic and marine organisms when dissolved with copious amounts of water Precaution: Wear respirator, protective glasses, and impervious gloves; avoid dust formation Storage: Store container in a cool and dry place Lipase AY Amano 30 [Amano Enzyme http://www.amano-enzyme.co.jp; Amano Enzyme USA] Chem. Descrip.: Lipase from Candida rugosa CAS 9001-62-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-619-9 Uses: Enzyme for dairy processing, fats and oils processing for flavor production and for the production of enzyme modified cheese Regulatory: FDA GRAS; certified as a food additive in Japan Properties: Lt. yel.-brown powd.; sl. odor; sol. in water; m.w. 64,000; stable pH range 5.0-8.0; Lipase act. ≥ 30,000 units/g Toxicology: May be a skin irritant; inh. of aerosols or dust may induce sensitization and allergic reactions in sensitized individuals; nontoxic Environmental: biodegradable; not harmful to aquatic and marine organisms when dissolved with copious amounts of water Precaution: Wear respirator, protective glasses, and impervious gloves; avoid dust formation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: Store container in a cool and dry place Lipase DF-DS [Amano Enzyme http://www.amano-enzyme.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Triacylglycerol lipase from Rhizopus oryzae fermentation See Lipase CAS 9001-62-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-619-9 392
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Enzyme for dietary supplement use for improving digestion Properties: Off-wh. to brn. powd.; sl. odor; sol. in water; pH range 2.0- 9.0; Lipase act. ≥ 150 units/g Toxicology: Eye and skin irritant; dust may cause sensitization in allergic individuals when inhaled; nontoxic Environmental: biodegradable; not harmful to marine and aquatic organisms Precaution: Wear respirator, protective glasses, and impervious gloves; avoid dust formation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: Store in cool, dry place Lipase DS [Amano Enzyme http://www.amanoenzyme.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Lipase from Aspergillus niger CAS 9001-62-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-619-9 Uses: Enzyme for dietary supplement use Properties: Lt. ylsh. to lt. brn. powd.; sl. odor; sol. in water; pH range 2.0- 9.0; Lipase act. ≥ 120,000 u/g Toxicology: Eye and skin irritant; dust may cause sensitization in allergic individuals when inhaled; nontoxic Environmental: biodegradable; not harmful to marine and aquatic organisms when dissolve with copious amounts of water Precaution: Wear respirator, protective glasses, and impervious gloves; avoid dust formation Storage: Store in cool, dry place Lipase G Amano 50 [Amano Enzyme http://www.amano-enzyme.co.jp; Amano Enzyme USA] Chem. Descrip.: Lipase from Penicillium camembertii CAS 9040-75-9 Uses: Enzyme for dairy processing, fats and oils processing Properties: Off-wh. to brn. powd.; sl. odor; sol. in water; stable pH range 4.0- 7.0; Lipase act. ≥ 50,000 units/g Toxicology: Eye and skin irritant; dust may cause sensitization in allergic individuals when inhaled; nontoxic Environmental: biodegradable; not harmful to marine and aquatic organisms when dissolve with copious amounts of water Precaution: Wear respirator, protective glasses, and impervious gloves; avoid dust Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
formation Lipase M Amano 10 [Amano Enzyme http://www.amano-enzyme.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Lipase from Mucor javanicus CAS 9001-62-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-619-9 Uses: Enzyme for dairy processing, fats and oils processing Properties: Powd.; ≥ 10,000 units/g lipase act. Lipo GMS 450 [Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Emulsifier, emulsion stabilizer for foods, frozen desserts, dairy systems, whipped toppings, confections, chewing gum, baked goods, sweet doughs, and peanut butter Features: General purpose Regulatory: Kosher grade avail. Properties: Wh. bead or flake; HLB 3.6±1; acid no. 5 max.; sapon. no. 165-182; nonionic; 100% act. Lipo GMS 470 [Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate SE CAS 11099-07-3 Uses: Emulsifier, emulsion stabilizer for foods, frozen desserts, dairy systems, whipped toppings, confections, chewing gum, baked goods, sweet doughs, and peanut butter Features: General purpose Regulatory: Kosher grade avail. Properties: Wh. bead or flake; HLB 5.8±1; acid no. 5 max.; sapon. no. 138-152; anionic; 100% act. Lipoec® [Cognis/Nutrition & Health] Chem. Descrip.: Emulsifier blend based on lactated glycerides See Thioctic acid CAS 62-46-4 Uses: Dietary supplement in the food industry Properties: Yel. cryst. powd.; faint odor; sol. in methanol, ethanol, and chloroform; pract. insol. in water; m.w. 206.33; bulk dens. 0.40 g/cc; m.p. 60-62 C; 100% conc. Precaution: Will polymerize @ temp. > 62 C in the presence of moisture when exposed to light Storage: 2 yr. shelf life when stored in a tightly closed container @ R.T. protected from heat and light 393
Part I: Trade Name Reference Lipomic 601 [Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Mica CAS 12001-26-2; EINECS/ELINCS 310-127-6 Uses: Filler, slip agent for foods Features: Controlled particle size distribution; talc replacement Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.2496; DOT nonregulated Properties: Off-wh. to gray shiny powd.; 36-40 µ particle size; odorless; insol. in water, most org. solvs.; sp.gr. 2.80; flash pt. none; pH 6-8 (10% aq.); 1% max. moisture Toxicology: Long-term overexposure to high concs. of dust may produce x-ray evidence of dust in the lungs, and may affect respiratory function Environmental: biodeg. Precaution: Container may be hazardous when emptied Hazardous Ingredients: May contain < 1% silica (quartz) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None known Storage: Keep containers closed until used; do not store in heat or direct sunlight Liponate GC-K [Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Caprylic/capric triglyceride CAS 65381-09-1; EINECS/ELINCS 265-724-3 Uses: Clouding agent, diluent for vitamins, solvent for oil-disp. materials, useful in flavor systems and dietary formulations Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §170.30; kosher grade Properties: Colorless to sl. yel. oily liq., bland odor and taste; sol. in anhyd. alcohol, min. and veg. oils; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.935-0.955; acid no. 0.1 max.; iodine no. 1 max.; sapon. no. 335-360; nonionic Liponate PC [Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol dicaprylate/dicaprate CAS 68583-51-7; EINECS/ELINCS 271-516-3 Uses: Clouding agent, diluent for vitamins, solvent for oil-disp. materials, useful in flavor systems and dietary formulations Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.860, 172.856; kosher grade avail. Properties: Colorless cl. liq., bland odor and taste; sol. in min. and veg. oils, ethanol; waterinsol.; acid no. 0.1 max.; iodine no. 1 max.; sapon. no. 315-335; nonionic Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Lipopan 50 BG [Novozymes A/S http://www.novozymes.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lipase CAS 9001-62-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-619-9 Uses: Crumb structure improver, whiteness improver, and dough conditioner and stabilizer Features: Unlocks the natural strengthening potential in flour Storage: 3 mos. shelf life when stored at 25 C; longer shelf life when stored at 5 C; store under dry and cold condition preferable under refrigeration Lipopan F BG [Novozymes A/S http://www.novozymes.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lipase CAS 9001-62-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-619-9 Uses: Dough strengthener for French- and Turkish-style bread, overnight fermented bread Features: Provides good dough stability, bread volume, and quality Storage: 3 mos. shelf life when stored at 25 C; longer shelf life when stored at 5 C; store under dry and cold condition preferable under refrigeration Lipopan S BG [Novozymes A/S http://www.novozymes.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lipase CAS 9001-62-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-619-9 Uses: Whitener in Chinese steamed bread Features: Effectively replaces some of the chemical bleaching agents used to give steamed bread its pure white color Storage: 3 mos. shelf life when stored at 25 C; longer shelf life when stored at 5 C; store under dry and cold condition preferable under refrigeration Liposorb L-20 [Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 20 CAS 9005-64-5 Uses: O/w emulsifier, thickener, lubricant for foods (flavor systems, salad dressings, pickles, coffee whiteners, whipped toppings, frozen desserts, baked goods, icings, fillings, and confections); solubilizer for oils Features: Hydrophilic; used in conjunction with Liposorb esters Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; kosher grade avail. 394
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Yel. liq.; HLB 16.7±1; sapon. no. 4050; hyd. no. 96-108; nonionic; 100% act. Liposorb O-20 [Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 80 CAS 9005-65-6 Uses: Surfactant for food processing; flavor and color dispersant for pickles; defoamer for beet sugar, yeast processing; wetting agent for poultry defeathering; crystal control agent for salt; solubilizer for oils Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.840; kosher grade avail. Properties: Yel. liq.; HLB 15.0±1; sapon. no. 4555; hyd. no. 65-80; nonionic; 100% act. Liposorb O-20K [Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 80 CAS 9005-65-6 Uses: Surfactant for foods Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Yel. to lt. amber liq.; bland char. odor; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.050-1.090; b.p. > 212 F; flash pt. > 300 F; pH 5.5-7.0 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) < 5 g/kg; nontoxic; nonirritating to eyes; TSCA listed Environmental: biodeg.; no known ecological problems Precaution: Keep away from heat and flame Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO2, CO Storage: Keep containers closed until use; do not store in heat or direct sunlight Liposorb S [Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan stearate CAS 1338-41-6; EINECS/ELINCS 215-664-9 Uses: Emulsifier, thickener, lubricant, surfactant for foods (coffee whiteners, whipped toppings, frozen desserts, baked goods, icings, fillings, and confectionery coatings) Features: Lipophilic; used with POE Liposorb series Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.842; kosher grade avail. Properties: Cream beads or flakes; HLB 4.7±1; sapon. no. 147-157; hyd. no. 235-260; nonionic; 100% act. Liposorb S-20K [Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 60 CAS 9005-67-8 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Emulsifier, defoamer for foods, flavor systems, salad dressings, pickles, coffee whiteners, whipped toppings, frozen desserts, baked goods, icings, fillings, and confections; solubilizer for oils Features: Hydrophilic; used in conjunction with Liposorb sorbitan esters Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.836; kosher grade avail. Properties: Yel. liq. to gel; bland char. odor; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.0; b.p. > 212 F; HLB 14.9±1; sapon. no. 45-55; hyd. no. 81-96; flash pt. > 300 F; pH 5.5-7.0; nonionic; 100% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) < 5 g/kg; nontoxic; nonirritating to eyes; TSCA listed Environmental: biodeg. Precaution: Keep away from heat and flame Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO2, CO Storage: Keep containers closed until use; do not store in heat or direct sunlight Liposorb TS [Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan tristearate CAS 26658-19-5; EINECS/ELINCS 247-891-4 Uses: Emulsifier, thickener for coffee whiteners, whipped toppings, frozen desserts, baked goods, icings, fillings, and confectionery coatings Features: Lipophilic; used with POE Liposorb series Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.842; kosher grade avail. Properties: Cream flakes or beads; HLB 2.1±1; sapon. no. 175-190; hyd. no. 65-80; nonionic; 100% act. Liposorb TS-20 [Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 65 CAS 9005-71-4 Uses: Emulsifier, defoamer for foods, flavor systems, salad dressings, pickles, coffee whiteners, whipped toppings, frozen desserts, baked goods, icings, fillings, and confections Features: Hydrophilic; used in conjunction with Liposorb sorbitan esters Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.838; kosher grade avail. Properties: Tan solid wax; HLB 10.5±1; sapon. no. 88-98; hyd. no. 44-60; nonionic; 100% act.
Part I: Trade Name Reference Liposorb TS-20K [Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 65 CAS 9005-71-4 Uses: Texturizer for cakes, doughnuts, icings; dispersant for nondairy coffee whiteners Regulatory: Kosher; Japan listed Properties: Yel. to tan waxy solid; bland char. odor; sol. in ethanol; sl. sol. in veg. oils; disp. in water; misc. hot with min. oil; sp.gr. 1.1; b.p. > 212 F; flash pt. > 300 F; nonionic Toxicology: Nontoxic; nonhazardous; TSCA listed Environmental: biodeg. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 Storage: Keep containers closed until use; do not store in heat or direct sunlight; keep away from heat and flame Lipovol A [Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Avocado (Persea gratissimia) oil See Avocado (Persea gratissima) oil CAS 8024-32-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-428-0 Uses: Conditioner, gloss aid for foods Features: High film gloss and rapid spread Properties: Yel. to green visc. oil, bland char. odor; sol. in oils; sp.gr. 0.908-0.925; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 65-95; sapon. no. 177-198; ref. index 1.460-1.470 Lipovol ALM [Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sweet almond (Prunus amygdalys dulcis) oil See Sweet almond (Prunus amygdalus dulcis) oil CAS 8007-69-0 Uses: Conditioner, gloss aid for foods Features: High film gloss and rapid spread Properties: Pale yel. cl. oily liq., bland, odorless; sol. in min. oil, isopropyl esters, ether, chloroform, benzene, and solv. hexane; waterinsol.; acid no. 2 max.; iodine no. 95-115; sapon. no. 185-200 Lipovol HS-K [Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated soybean oil CAS 8016-70-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-410-2 Uses: Lubricant, conditioner for foods Properties: Yel. oil; acid no. 0.5 max.; iodine no. 101-114; sapon. no. 186-197 Lipovol P [Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Apricot (Prunus armeniaca) kernel oil Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 72869-69-3 Uses: Gloss aid for foods Features: High film gloss Properties: Straw oily liq., bland char. fatty odor; sol. in min. oil and isopropyl esters; insol. in water; acid no. 1 max.; iodine no. 90-115; sapon. no. 185-195 Lipovol PAL [Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Palm (Elaeis guineenis) oil See Palm (Elaeis guineensis) oil CAS 8002-75-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-316-1 Uses: Lubricant, conditioner for foods Properties: Off-wh. paste; acid no. 1 max.; iodine no. 44-59; sapon. no. 195-205 Lipovol SAF [Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) oil CAS 8001-23-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-276-5 Uses: Conditioner, gloss aid for foods Features: High film gloss and rapid spread Properties: Yel. oil; acid no. 2 max.; iodine no. 135-155; sapon. no. 182-202 Lipovol SES [Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sesame (Sesamum indicum) oil CAS 8008-74-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-370-6 Uses: Solvent, vehicle for foods Properties: Yel. cl. liq.; bland char. odor; sol. in isopropyl esters and min. oil; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.916-0.921; acid no. 0.2 max.; iodine no. 103-116; sapon. no. 188-195 Lipovol SOY [Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Soybean (Glycine soja) oil CAS 8001-22-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232-274-4 Uses: Lubricant, conditioner for foods Features: Natural Properties: Yel. oil; acid no. 1 max.; iodine no. 120-145; sapon. no. 180-200 Lipovol SUN [Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sunflower (Helianthus annus) seed oil See Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seed oil CAS 8001-21-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-273-9 Uses: Conditioner, spreading agent, gloss aid for margarine Properties: Lt. yel. oily liq., bland, char. fatty 396
Part I: Trade Name Reference odor; sol. in min. oil and isopropyl esters; insol. in water; acid no. 2 max.; iodine no. 120-140; sapon. no. 185-195; 0.05% max. moisture Lipovol WGO [Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat (Triticum vulgare) germ oil CAS 8006-95-9 Uses: Gloss aid for foods Properties: Yel./brn. oil; char. fatty odor; sol. in oils; insol. in water; acid no. 5 max.; iodine no. 120-140; sapon. no. 175-195 Liquamil-340 [Deerland Enzymes http://www.deerland-enzymes.com] Chem. Descrip.: Bacterial α-amylase of Bacillus subtilis CAS 9000-90-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-565-6 Uses: Antistaling agent in baking; liquefier of adjuncts and removal of starch haze in brewing; viscosity reducer in mfg. of precooked cereals and chocolate syrups Features: Food-grade; exceptional themostability; higher solids can therefore be easily handled and the need to cool prior to enzyme addition is alleviated; no activators required Properties: Wh. to lt. tan amorphous dry powd., free of offensive odor and taste; readily watersol.; 340,000 mwu/g Storage: Activity loss < 10% in 1 yr. stored in sealed containers under cool, dry conditions; 5 C storage extends life Liquamil-1200 [Deerland Enzymes http://www.deerland-enzymes.com] Chem. Descrip.: Bacterial α-amylase of Bacillus subtilis CAS 9000-90-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-565-6 Uses: Antistaling agent in baking; liquefier of adjuncts and removal of starch haze in brewing; viscosity reducer in mfg. of precooked cereals and chocolate syrups Features: Food-grade; exceptional themostability; higher solids can therefore be easily handled and the need to cool prior to enzyme addition is alleviated; no activators required Properties: Wh. to lt. tan amorphous dry powd., free of offensive odor and taste; readily watersol.; 1,200,000 mwu/g Storage: Activity loss < 10% in 1 yr. stored in sealed containers under cool, dry conditions; 5 C storage extends life Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Liquamil 7000 Concentrate [Deerland Enzymes http://www.deerland-enzymes.com] Chem. Descrip.: Bacterial α-amylase of Bacillus subtilis CAS 9000-90-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-565-6 Uses: Antistaling agent in baking; liquefier of adjuncts and removal of starch haze in brewing; viscosity reducer in mfg. of precooked cereals and chocolate syrups Features: Food-grade; exceptional themostability; higher solids can therefore be easily handled and the need to cool prior to enzyme addition is alleviated; no activators required Properties: Wh. to lt. tan amorphous dry powd., free of offensive odor and taste; readily watersol.; 6,000,000-8,000,000 mwu/g Storage: Activity loss < 10% in 1 yr. stored in sealed containers under cool, dry conditions; 5 C storage extends life Liquid Canola Oil [ADM Refined Oils http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Canola oil, low sat. fat, refined, bleached, deodorized See Canola oil CAS 8002-13-9 Uses: Oil for salad dressings, mayonnaise, frying, baking, cooking, processed foods Properties: Cl. brilliant oil, bland flavor; iodine no. 116±3 Liquid Monobac [British Bakels http://www.bakels.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, hydrogenated vegetable oil, acetylated tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, and enzymes CAS 67254-73-3; 68334-28-1; 977093-27-8; EINECS/ELINCS 269-820-6 Uses: Crumb softener and shelf-life extender for bread, rolls, and fermented goods Properties: Liq. Toxicology: May cause eye and skin irritation; prolonged skin contact may cause dermatitis Environmental: readily biodeg. Storage: Store in orig. pkg. in cool, dry place Liquid Vitamin D3 [DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cholecalciferolwith edible corn oil See Corn (Zea mays) oil CAS 67-97-0; 8001-30-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200673-2; 232-281-2 Uses: Used in foods, oil dispersions, encapsulated prods., food fortification 397
Part I: Trade Name Reference Regulatory: USP, FCC, Ph. Eur. Properties: Yel. cl. liq., sl. char. odor, bland fatty taste; misc. with edible oils/fats; sol. in ether, hydrocarbons, chlorinated hydrocarbons; sl. sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 384.64; sp.gr. 0.9-0.95; visc. 50-90 cps; 100,000 min. IU vitamin D/g Toxicology: Vitamin D: potentially toxic esp. for young children; excessive ingestion may cause hypercalcemia, hypercalcuria Storage: Store @ 70 F; refrigerate if stored for several mos., then hold @ 24 h before opening; close tightly Liquinat® [Jungbunzlauer Int'l. AG http://www.jungbunzlauer.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Citric acid CAS 77-92-9; EINECS/ELINCS 201-069-1 Uses: Acidulant, pH control agent for foods, soft drinks, preserved fruit, baking materials, margarine, fats, oils, feeds Features: Liq. form permits easier handling and processing Properties: Liq. Litesse® [Danisco Sweeteners http://www.daniscosweeteners.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polydextrose FCC CAS 68424-04-4 Uses: Bulking agent, texturizer, formulation aid, humectant, mouthfeel enhancer, f.p. depressant, sugar replacement for foods, lite prods., frozen desserts, confections, baked goods, chewing gum Features: Replaces functionality lost when sugar is replaced by high-intensity sweeteners Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.841; EU, Japan, JECFA approvals Properties: Wh. to cream-colored powd., odorless, clean neutral taste; very water-sol.; sparingly to insol. in most org. solvs.; pH 2.53.5 (10% aq.); 90% min. assay, 1 calorie/g Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 30 g/kg; may be mild eye irritant; sensitive individuals may experience laxative effect from excessive consumption Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents, strong acids Storage: Store powd. prod. in well-sealed containers at or below R.T. at low humidity Litesse® II [Danisco Sweeteners http://www.daniscosweeteners.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polydextrose FCC CAS 68424-04-4 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Bulking agent, mouthfeel enhancer, f.p. depressant, texturizer for foods, lite prods., frozen desserts, confections Features: Replaces functionality lost when sugar is replaced by high-intensity sweeteners; provides smooth texture and meltdown Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.841 Properties: Wh. to lt. cream powd., odorless, bland taste; very sol. in water; sparingly to insol. in most org. solvs.; pH 2.5-3.5 (10%); 90% min. assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 30 g/kg; may be mild eye irritant; sensitive individuals may experience laxative effect from excessive consumption Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents, strong acids Storage: Store in tight containers @ or below R.T. under low humidity conditions Litesse® Ultra™ [Danisco Sweeteners http://www.daniscosweeteners.com] Chem. Descrip.: Refined polydextrose (90% min.), 1,6-anhydro-D-glucose (4% max.), sorbitol (6% max.) Uses: Bulking agent, texturizer for foods Properties: Wh. fine powd.; pract. odorless; sl. sweet taste; very sol. in water (≈ 80 g/100 ml @ 20 C); sparingly sol. to insol. in most org. solvs.; m.p. 110-130 C; pH 4.5-6.5 (10% aq.); 4% max. water Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 15 g/kg; relatively nontoxic by ing.; may cause skin irritation, sl. eye irritation; not a known skin sensitizer; prolonged inh. (nuisance particle) may cause respiratory irritation; excessive consumption may cause laxation Environmental: EC50 (daphnia magna, 24 h) > 1000 mg/l Precaution: May burn but does not ignite readily; dust-air mixts. may ignite or explode; avoid contact with strong acids, strong bases, strong oxidizers, excessive heat, sparks, open flame Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly closed containers below 40 C Liver Concentrated Paste [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dried liver extract Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Lt. tan to dk. brn. powd. or paste, char. odor and taste; hygroscopic; partly sol. in 398
Part I: Trade Name Reference water and alcohol Storage: Store in tight containers in cool, dry place Locust Bean Gum Speckless Type D-200 [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Locust bean gum See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-40-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-541-5 Uses: Thickener, water binder, suspending agent, stabilizer for soft cheese and spreads, bread, cakes, biscuits, frozen pie fillings, sausages, stuffed meat prods., canned pet foods; freeze/thaw stabilizer in ice cream Properties: Wh. to cream-wh. powd., nearly odorless; 97% through 100 mesh, ≥ 25% through 200 mesh; visc. ≥ 2800 cps (1%); pH 5.0-6.4 Locust Bean Gum Type A-100 [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Locust bean gum See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-40-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-541-5 Uses: Thickener, visc. modifier, water binder, suspending agent, stabilizer for foods (cheese, confections, bakery prods., pie fillings, meat binder, sauces, salad dressings) Properties: Off-wh. to lt. tan powd.; disp. in water; insol. in most org. liqs. Locust Bean Gum Type A-250 [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Locust bean gum See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-40-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-541-5 Uses: Thickener, visc. modifier, water binder, suspending agent, stabilizer for foods (cheese, confections, bakery prods., pie fillings, meat binder, sauces, salad dressings) Properties: Off-wh. to lt. tan powd.; disp. in water; insol. in most org. liqs. Locust Bean Gum Type A-270 [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Locust bean gum See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-40-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-541-5 Uses: Thickener, visc. modifier, water binder, suspending agent, stabilizer for foods (cheese, confections, bakery prods., pie fillings, meat binder, sauces, salad dressings) Properties: Off-wh. to lt. tan powd.; disp. in water; insol. in most org. liqs. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Lonzest® GMS-C [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl monostearate, cosmetic grade See Glyceryl stearate Chem. Analysis: 42-48% alpha monoglycerides, 3% free glycerin CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Surfactant, emulsifier for o/w emulsions in foods Properties: Lt.-tan beads or flakes; oil-sol.; HLB 5; acid no. 6 max.; iodine no. 3 max.; sapon. no. 168-176; nonionic; 2% max. moisture Lonzest® GMS-D [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl monostearate, disp. See Glyceryl stearate CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Surfactant, emulsifier for foods Properties: Beads; HLB 6; acid no. 3; sapon. no. 143; nonionic Lonzest® GMS-LG [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl monostearate, low glycerine See Glyceryl stearate CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Emulsifier in foods Properties: Beads; HLB 3; acid no. 2; sapon. no. 215; nonionic Lonzest® GMS-TECH [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl monostearate, technical See Glyceryl stearate CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Emulsifier in foods Properties: Beads; acid no. 3; sapon. no. 163 Lonzest® HPO-40 [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-40 sorbitan tetraoleate Chem. Analysis: 0.5% max. moisture CAS 63089-86-1 Uses: O/w emulsifier for foods Properties: Cl. yel. to amber liq.; mild odor; HLB 13; acid no. 7-12; sapon. no. 95-110; hyd. no. 25-35; nonionic Storage: Store in cool, dry area away from heat and direct sunlight Lonzest® MSA [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl monostearate, acid stable See Glyceryl stearate CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Surfactant, o/w emulsifier, visc. modifier in foods Features: Acid-stable; electrolyte-resist. 399
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Beads; HLB 11; acid no. 2; sapon. no. 93; nonionic Lonzest® SMO-20 [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 80 CAS 9005-65-6 Uses: Emulsifier, solubilizer, stabilizer in foods Properties: Liq.; HLB 15.0; nonionic; 100% conc. LoSalt [Klinge Chems. http://www.klingechemicals.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Potassium chloride CAS 7447-40-7; EINECS/ELINCS 231-211-8 Uses: Reduced-sodium salt alternative for cooking and table use Lo-Temp® 452 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch derived from waxy corn See Food starch, modified Uses: Texturizer, water binder for microwave foods, sauces, gravies, emulsified meats; cold processing aid, moisture control agent, shelf-life/freshness improver, visc. control agent in bakery, snacks; body/mouthfeel/creaminess/smoothness/sh elf-life/freshness improver, visc. control agent in fruit filling, fruit preps., jams; body/mouthfeel/creaminess/smoothness/sh elf-life/freshness improver in dairy Features: Specialized starch for low temp. processing in neutral and moderately acidic food systems; good freeze/thaw stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd., good odor/flavor; 88% through 60 mesh; pH 6.0-7.0 (5%); 5% moisture Lo-Temp® 588 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch derived from waxy corn See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener for frozen pies, fruit fillings Features: Specialized starch; acid-stable Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 L.S.B. Stabl [Brolite Prods. http://www.bakewithbrolite.com] Uses: Conc. icing stabilizer designed only to be used in white icings. LSC™ 3070 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin (16-100% by wt.) and mixed triglycerides (0-84% by wt.) Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Release agent, lubricant, and/or emulsifier in spreads, confections, baked goods Features: Low-viscosity Regulatory: 21CFR §184.1400 (GRAS); FCC; CERCLA nonreportable; SARA §302/311/312/313 nonreportable; kosher Properties: Tranlucent, amber liq.; nut-like odor; negligibly sol. in water; sp. gr. < 1; vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid Cl, F, and other strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, well-ventilated place in sealed containers LSC™ 4060 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin (16-100% by wt.) and mixed triglycerides (0-84% by wt.) CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Release agent, lubricant, and/or emulsifier in spreads, confections, baked goods Features: Low-viscosity Regulatory: 21CFR §184.1400 (GRAS); FCC; CERCLA nonreportable; SARA §302/311/312/313 nonreportable; kosher Properties: Tranlucent, amber liq.; nut-like odor; negligibly sol. in water; sp. gr. < 1; vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid Cl, F, and other strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, well-ventilated place in sealed containers LSC™ 5050 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin (16-100% by wt.) and mixed triglycerides (0-84% by wt.) CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Release agent, lubricant, and/or emulsifier in spreads, confections, baked goods Features: Medium-viscosity Regulatory: 21CFR §184.1400 (GRAS); FCC; CERCLA nonreportable; SARA §302/311/312/313 nonreportable; kosher 400
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Tranlucent, brn. liq.; nut-like odor; negligibly sol. in water; sp. gr. < 1; vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid Cl, F, and other strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, well-ventilated place in sealed containers LSC™ 6040 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin (16-100% by wt.) and mixed triglycerides (0-84% by wt.) CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Release agent, lubricant, and/or emulsifier in spreads, confections, baked goods Features: Heavy-bodied Regulatory: 21CFR §184.1400 (GRAS); FCC; CERCLA nonreportable; SARA §302/311/312/313 nonreportable; kosher Properties: Tranlucent, brn. liq.; nut-like odor; negligibly sol. in water; sp. gr. < 1; vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid Cl, F, and other strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, well-ventilated place in sealed containers LSC™ 6040B [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin (16-100% by wt.) and mixed triglycerides (0-84% by wt.) CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Release agent, lubricant, and/or emulsifier in spreads, confections, baked goods Features: Heavy-bodied; bleached version of LSC 6040 Regulatory: 21CFR §184.1400 (GRAS); FCC; CERCLA nonreportable; SARA §302/311/312/313 nonreportable; kosher Properties: Tranlucent, brn. liq.; nut-like odor; negligibly sol. in water; sp. gr. < 1; vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid Cl, F, and other strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, well-ventilated place in sealed containers LSC™ 6040DB [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin (16-100% by wt.) and mixed triglycerides (0-84% by wt.) CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Release agent, lubricant, and/or emulsifier in spreads, confections, baked goods Features: Heavy-bodied; double-bleached version of LSC 6040 Regulatory: 21CFR §184.1400 (GRAS); FCC; CERCLA nonreportable; SARA §302/311/312/313 nonreportable; kosher Properties: Tranlucent, brn. liq.; nut-like odor; negligibly sol. in water; sp. gr. < 1; vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid Cl, F, and other strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, well-ventilated place in sealed containers Lucantin® Red [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: Canthaxanthine CAS 514-78-3; EINECS/ELINCS 208-187-2 Uses: For pigmentation of egg yolks, skin and legs of broilers Lucarotin® 1 CWD/K [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: Beta-carotene See Carotene CAS 7235-40-7; EINECS/ELINCS 230-636-6 Uses: Colorant for foods, feed Properties: Red-orange dry powd.; disperses easily in cold water Storage: 2 yr shelf life when stored in original unopened containers; sensitive light, heat, and moisture Lucarotin® 10 CWD O [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: Beta-carotene in a matrix of Modified food starch and Glucose syrup; stabilized with dl-alpha-Tocopherol with tricalcium phosphate as a flow aid See Calcium phosphate tribasic; Carotene; Corn syrup; Food starch, modified; Tocopherol CAS 7235-40-7; 53124-00-8; 8029-43-4; 140618-4; 7758-87-4; EINECS/ELINCS 230-636-6; 232-436-4; 215-798-8; 231-840-8 401
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Colorant for fruit juices, beverages, lemonade, pasta, cheese, soup and instant soup powder, confectionery, biscuits, etc. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Free-flowing br. to red fine powd.; cold-water dispersible; m.w. 536.9; 10% min. act. Storage: 2 yr shelf life when stored in tightly closed, original containers away from light and moisture @ ≤ 25 C Lucarotin® 10 CWD S/Y [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: Beta-carotene See Carotene CAS 7235-40-7; EINECS/ELINCS 230-636-6 Uses: Colorant for foods Properties: Dry powd. Lucarotin® 20 CWD/R [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: Beta-carotene in a matrix of Modified food starch and Isomalt; stabilized with dl-alpha-Tocopherol, Sodium ascorbatewith tricalcium phosphate as an anticaking agent See Calcium phosphate tribasic; Carotene; Food starch, modified; Tocopherol CAS 7235-40-7; 53124-00-8; 64519-82-0; 140618-4; 134-03-2; 7758-87-4; EINECS/ELINCS 230-636-6; 215-798-8; 205-126-1; 231-840-8 Uses: Colorant for fruit juices, beverages, and other foods Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Free-flowing dk. red fine powd.; characteristic odor; particle size US Sieve #20 (850 μ) 100% min. thru; cold-water dispersible; m.w. 536.9; 20% min. act. Storage: 3 yr shelf life when stored in tightly closed, original containers away from heat, light and moisture @ ≤ 25 C Lucarotin® 20 CWD/R [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: Beta-carotene in a matrix of Modified food starch and Isomalt; stabilized with dl-alpha-Tocopherol, Sodium ascorbatewith tricalcium phosphate as an anticaking agent See Calcium phosphate tribasic; Carotene; Food starch, modified; Tocopherol CAS 7235-40-7; 53124-00-8; 64519-82-0; 140618-4; 134-03-2; 7758-87-4; EINECS/ELINCS 230-636-6; 215-798-8; 205-126-1; 231-840-8 Uses: Colorant for fruit juices, beverages, and other foods Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Free-flowing dk. red fine powd.; characteristic odor; particle size US Sieve #20 (850 μ) 100% min. thru; cold-water dispersible; m.w. 536.9; 20% min. act. Storage: 3 yr shelf life when stored in tightly closed, original containers away from heat, light and moisture @ ≤ 25 C Lucarotin® 30 M [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: Beta-carotene dispersed in Corn oil See Carotene; Corn (Zea mays) oil CAS 7235-40-7; 8001-30-7; EINECS/ELINCS 230-636-6; 232-281-2 Uses: Dietary supplement and colorant for oils, fats, margarine, butter, processed cheese, cheese spreads, milk replacement prods., ice cream, soups, sauces, fillings of baked goods, and egg prods. Properties: Oily disp. Storage: 36 mos. shelf life for unopened container; store under nitrogen in the tightly sealed, lightproof pkg.; once opened use remaining contents as quickly as possible Lucarotin® 30 SUN [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: Beta-carotene dispersed in sunflower oil See Carotene; Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seed oil CAS 7235-40-7; 8001-21-6; EINECS/ELINCS 230-636-6; 232-273-9 Uses: Dietary supplement and colorant for oils, fats, margarine, butter, processed cheese, cheese spreads, milk replacement prods., ice cream, soups, sauces, fillings of baked goods, and egg prods. Properties: Oily disp. Storage: 36 mos. shelf life for unopened container; store under nitrogen in the tightly sealed, lightproof pkg.; once opened use remaining contents as quickly as possible Lumisorb™ PSML-20 K [Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 20 CAS 9005-64-5 Uses: Emulsifier for foods, bakery, dairy, confectionery, and convenience foods Features: Food-grade Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Yel. liq.; sol. in water, alcohol and methanol; sp.gr. 1.1; HLB 16.7; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 40-50; hyd. no. 96-108; nonionic; 100% conc.; 3% max. moisture 402
Part I: Trade Name Reference Lumisorb™ PSML-80 [Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-80 sorbitan laurate (80%0 in water (28%) CAS 9005-64-5 Uses: Emulsifier for foods, bakery, dairy, confectionery, and convenience foods Properties: Yel. liq.; bland odor; water-sol.; sp.gr. 1.1; b.p. >100 C @ 760mm Hg; HLB 19.4; acid no. 3 max.; sapon. no. 7-15; hyd. no. 25-40; flash pt. >232 C (COC); nonionic; 27-29% moisture Toxicology: May cause eye irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 and thick smoke NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Lumisorb™ PSMO-20 FGK [Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 80 FCC CAS 9005-65-6 Uses: Emulsifier for ice cream, fruit sherbet, oils and fats, dietary foods, shortenings, whipped toppings; solubilizer in vitamin preps., pickles; surfactant in salt mfg. and BBQ sauce; wetting agent in poultry defeathering; dispersant for gelatins; defoamer in yeast and cheese mfg., food processing; syn. flavor adjuvant; emulsifier in milk replacers for calves Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 172.840, 173.340, 175.105, 175.300, 176.180, 178.3400, 573.860; SARA §311/312/313 nonreportable Properties: Yel. cl. liq.; bland odor; sol. in water, alcohol, veg. oils, ethyl acetate, methanol, toluene; forms a gel @ 60% in water; insol. in min. oils; sp.gr. 1.07; dens. 9.0 lb/gal; visc. 400 cps; vapor pressure < 1 mm Hg; b.p. > 200 C; HLB 15; acid no. 2.0 max.; sapon. no. 45-55; hyd. no. 65-80; pour pt. -12 C; flash pt. (COC) 278 C; pH 7 (5% aq.); 3% max. moisture Toxicology: May cause eye irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Keep away from oxidizing agents, excessive heat, ignition sources Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion produces CO, CO2, thick smoke NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 1 yr. shelf life when stored in closed, factory-sealed containers below 32 C; store and use in well-ventilated area Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Lumisorb™ PSMO-20K [Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 80 CAS 9005-65-6 Uses: Emulsifier for food processing, frozen desserts; dispersant for flavor oils; flavor enhancer, color enhancer in pickles Features: Improves dryness and melt down in frozen desserts Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.836, 172.845, 172.854; also avail. in kosher grade Properties: Yel. liq., bland odor; water-sol.; sp.gr. 1.1; b.p. > 350 F (760 mm); HLB 15.0; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 45-55; hyd. no. 65-80; flash pt. (COC) > 150 C; nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: 0.05-0.2% Toxicology: May cause eye irritation Precaution: Avoid strong oxidizing agents Storage: Store in well-ventilated areas @ 50-120 F; keep away from oxidizing agents, excessive heat, ignition sources Lumisorb™ PSMS-20 K [Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 60 CAS 9005-67-8 Uses: Emulsifier for food processing (chocolate, confectionery coatings, panned sugar); aerating agent in cakes; volume improver in icings and fillings; whipping aid in whipped toppings; flavor adjuvant; dispersant in dry coffee whiteners; stabilizer in salad dressings; foaming agent in beverage mixes Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 172.836, 172.854, 173.340, 178.3400, 573.840 Properties: Yel. liq. (may gel on standing), mild odor; water-sol.; sp.gr. 1.1; b.p. > 200 C (760 mm); HLB 14.9; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 45-55; hyd. no. 81-96; flash pt. (COC) > 175 C; nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: 0.05-1% Toxicology: May cause eye irritation Precaution: Avoid oxidizing agents Storage: Store in well-ventilated areas @ 50-120 F; keep away from oxidizing agents, excessive heat, ignition sources Lumisorb™ PSMS-20 LK [Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 60 Chem. Analysis: Moisture 3.0% max. CAS 9005-67-8 Uses: Emulsifier, flavor adjuvant 403
Part I: Trade Name Reference Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 172.836, 172.854; Canada DSL; Japan ENCS; Australia AICS; Korea ECL; Switzerland SWISS; Philippines PICCS Properties: Soft solid; mild odor; water-sol.; sp.gr. 1.1; pour pt. 25 C; b.p. > 200 C (760 mm); HLB 14.9; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 45-55; hyd. no. 81-96; pH (2% aq.) 6; flash pt. (COC) 266 C; 100% conc. Toxicology: May cause eye irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, thick smoke NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in well-ventilated areas @ 50-120 F; keep away from oxidizing agents, excessive heat, ignition sources Lumisorb™ PSTS-20K [Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 65 CAS 9005-71-4 Uses: Emulsifier for food processing; dispersant for dry coffee whiteners Properties: Yel. soft solid, bland odor; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.0; b.p. > 200 C (760 mm); HLB 10.5; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 88-98; hyd. no. 42-60; flash pt. (COC) > 175 C; nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: 0.1-0.3% Toxicology: May cause eye irritation Precaution: Avoid strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion produces CO2, CO, thick smoke Storage: Store in well-ventilated area @ 50-120 F; keep away from oxidizing agents, excessive heat, ignition sources Lumisorb™ SML K [Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan laurate CAS 1338-39-2; EINECS/ELINCS 215-663-3 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Properties: Yel. liq.; water-disp.; oil-sol.; sp.gr. 1.0; HLB 8.6; acid no. 7 max.; sapon. no. 158170; hyd. no. 330-358; nonionic; 100% conc. Lumisorb™ SMS KP [Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan stearate CAS 1338-41-6; EINECS/ELINCS 215-664-9 Uses: Emulsifier for food processing (chocolate and confectionery coatings); volume improver in icings and fillings; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
dispersant in dry coffee whiteners, flavor oils; syn. flavoring agent Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.842, 173.310, 173.340, 175.105, 178.3400, 573.960; also avail. kosher Properties: Cream flakes; insol. in water; sp.gr. 1.0; b.p. > 200 C (760 mm); HLB 4.7; acid no. 10 max.; sapon. no. 147-157; hyd. no. 235260; flash pt. (COC) > 175 C; nonionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: May cause eye irritation Precaution: Avoid strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion produces CO2, CO, thick smoke Storage: Store in well-ventilated areas @ 50-120 F; keep away from oxidizing agents, excessive heat, ignition sources Lumisorb™ STS K [Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan tristearate CAS 26658-19-5; EINECS/ELINCS 247-891-4 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Regulatory: Kosher; 21 CFR 178.3400 Properties: Tan flakes; insol. in water, veg. and mineral oils; oil-sol.; sp.gr. 1.0; HLB 2.1; acid no. 15 max.; sapon. no. 175-190; hyd. no. 6580; nonionic; 100% conc. Storage: Store in closed, factory-sealed containers at temps 200 C (760 mm); HLB 3.4; acid no. 2 max.; iodine no. 96; sapon. no. 160-170; pour pt. 0 C; flash pt. 215 C; nonionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: May cause eye irritation Precaution: Avoid strong oxidizing agents 404
Part I: Trade Name Reference Storage: Store in well-ventilated areas @ 50-120 F; keep away from oxidizing agents, excessive heat, ignition sources Lumulse® GMR K [Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl ricinoleate CAS 141-08-2; EINECS/ELINCS 205-455-0 Uses: Emulsifier, opacifier, stabilizer for foods Regulatory: Kosher; CFR 175.105 Properties: Amber liq.; nondispersible in water; sp.gr. 0.99; dens. 8.25 lb/gal; nonionic; 100% conc. Lumulse® GMS K [Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate CAS 31566-31-1 Uses: Low HLB emulsifier for use in coffee whiteners, margarines, cheese spreads, sour cream, dips and ice creams in order to improve dispersibility, control consistency and improve emulsion stability.; used to modify fat crystallization and impart self-emulsifying characteristics to oils and shortenings. Regulatory: GRAS; FDA 21CFR §170.3(o), 175.300, 175.320, 176.200, 176.210, 181.27, 184.1324, 184.1505, 184.1(b)(1) Properties: Wh. flakes; bland odor; sol. in fats, oils, waxes; insol. in water; dens. 7.6 lbs/gal; m.p. 51 C; HLB 3.9; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 1.0; sapon. no. 165-176; flash pt. (COC) > 175 C; nonionic Storage: 1 yr. shelf life; store in closed, factory sealed container @ < 90 F Lumulse® PGO K [Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Triglyceryl monooleate FCC See Polyglyceryl-3 oleate CAS 9007-48-1 Uses: Emulsifier for ice cream providing controlled overrun, drier freezer texture, smoother frozen prod.; surfactant for fats and oils in baked goods (coatings, icing bases, fillings, mixes, flavors); emulsifier for oils in margarine, shortenings; antifoam for carbohydrate systems, syrups, jellies, jams, preserves, dietary emulsions, beverage bases, vitamin concs. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.854; kosher; SARA §311/312/313 nonreportable Properties: Yel. to amber liq.; bland odor and taste; disp. in water; sol. in veg. oil, min. oil, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
IPA; sp.gr. 0.98; dens. 8.1 lb/gal; vapor pressure < 1 mm Hg; HLB 7.0; acid no. 6 max.; iodine no. 100; sapon. no. 125-150; flash pt. (COC) > 175 C; nonionic; 100% conc.; negligible volatiles Toxicology: May cause eye irritation; not likely to cause significant skin irritation on prolonged/repeated contact, but thermal burns possible; inh. of vapors may irritate mucous membranes and cause dizziness, nausea Precaution: Keep away from oxidizing agents, excessive heat, ignition sources Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion produces CO, CO2, thick smoke Storage: 1 yr. shelf life when stored in closed, factory-sealed containers below 32 C; store and use in well-ventilated area Lumulse® POE (20) GMSK [Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-20 glyceryl stearate See PEG-20 glyceryl stearate CAS 68153-76-4 Uses: Emulsifier for cakes, icings, whipped toppings; dough conditioner for breads; dispersant for coffee whiteners; controls agglomeration in frozen desserts Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.834, Part 136 Properties: Pale yel. semisolid, bland odor; sol. in ethanol, partly sol. in veg. oil, disp. in propylene glycol, water; sp.gr. 1.1 (35 C); b.p. > 200 C (760 mm); acid no. 2 max.; iodine no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 65-75; flash pt. (COC) > 300 F; nonionic Use Level: 0.1-0.4% Toxicology: May cause eye, digestive tract irritation; skin irritant on prolonged/repeated contact Precaution: Avoid strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion produces CO, CO2 Storage: Store in closed containers @ 50-120 F; keep away from oxidizing agents, excessive heat, ignition sources Lumulse® POE (100) MS [Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-100 stearate See PEG-2 stearate Chem. Analysis: Moisture 1% max. CAS 9004-99-3 Uses: Emulsifier in foods Regulatory: OSHA nonhazardous Properties: Off-wh. solid; Gardner color 2 max.; 405
Part I: Trade Name Reference bland odor; disp. in water; dens. 8.4 lbs/gal; vapor pressure < 1 mm Hg; vapor dens. >1; evaporation rate 200 C; HLB 13.6; acid value 1 max.; volatiles < 1%; sapon. value 9-15; hyd. value 15-25; flash pt. (COC) > 350 F Toxicology: May cause eye irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers; do not puncture, drag or slide container Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, thick smoke NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Shelf life 2 yrs.; store in closed, factory sealed container @ 50-120 F; keep away from heat, sparks, flame; keep out of sun Lumulse® S-35 [Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerol ester Uses: Emulsifier for food processing Properties: Yel. liq.; sp.gr. 0.97; HLB 3.0; pour pt. 5 C; nonionic; 100% conc. Lung Substance [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vacuum-dried defatted glandular prod. Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Powd. Lutavit® Niacin Feed Grade [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: Nicotinic acid CAS 59-67-6; EINECS/ELINCS 200-441-0 Uses: Vitamin reinforcement for foods Lutein DC [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: Lutein in a matrix of Gelatin; stabilized with Sucrose; stabilized with Tocopherol, Sodium ascorbate, and Ascorbyl palmitate as antioxidants, with tricalcium phosphate as a flow aid See Calcium phosphate tribasic; Xanthophyll CAS 127-40-2; 9000-70-8; 57-50-1; 1406-18-4; 134-03-2; 137-66-6; 7758-87-4; EINECS/ELINCS 204-840-0; 232-554-6; 200334-9; 215-798-8; 205-126-1; 205-305-4 Uses: Dietary supplement for use in multivitamin-mineral, and lycopene tablets, hard capsules and antioxidant formulations Properties: Free-flowing dk. orange powd.; particle size 20 μ), min 90%; water dispersible (35-40 C); m.w. 536.9; 5% min. act. Storage: 2 yr shelf life when stored in tightly closed, original containers away from light, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
heat, and moisture @ ≤ 25 C Lutein-Beads® [LycoRed USA http://www.lycored.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dry stabilized lutein and zeaxanthin See Xanthophyll Chem. Analysis: 8% moisture; lutein (5%); zeaxanthan (0.25%) Uses: Dietary supplement in food premixes Properties: Lt. red beadlets; char. odor; 100% through #20 U.S. Std. Sieve Storage: Store @ 4 C for optimum stability Luwax® OA 5 [BASF http://www.basf.com; BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: Oxidized polyethylene wax See Polyethylene, oxidized CAS 68441-17-8; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Wax for coating of fruits Features: High hardness Regulatory: FDA CFR § 172.260, 176.170/180/210, 172.260, 175.105/125/350, 176.200/300, 177.1200/1210/1390/1400/1620/2600/2800/29 10, 178.3120 Properties: Gran. or powd.; dens. 0.97 g/cc; visc. 410 mm2/s (120 C); m.p. 104 C; drop pt. 110 C; acid no. 16; penetration hardness < 1 dmm Storage: Unlimited shelf life if stored in original containers Lycasin® [Roquette http://www.roquette.fr] Chem. Descrip.: Maltitol CAS 585-88-6; EINECS/ELINCS 209-567-0 Uses: Sweetener for confectionery Features: Reduces hygroscopicity of finished prod.; sufficient visc. to allow its use on industrial confectionery mfg. equip.; cannot be fermented into harmful acids by oral bacteria Regulatory: USP/NF, EP Properties: Cl., visc., colorless liq.; sweet taste; miscible in water Lycasin® HBC [Roquette http://www.roquette.fr] Chem. Descrip.: Maltitol CAS 585-88-6; EINECS/ELINCS 209-567-0 Uses: Sweetener for confectionery Regulatory: USP/NF, EP Properties: Cl., visc., colorless liq.; sweet taste; miscible in water LycoVit® 10% DC [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: Lycopene in a matrix of Modified food starch and Gelatin; stabilized 406
Part I: Trade Name Reference with Sucrose; stabilized with Tocopherol, Sodium ascorbate, and Ascorbyl palmitate with tricalcium phosphate as a flow aid See Calcium phosphate tribasic; Food starch, modified CAS 502-65-8; 53124-00-8; 9000-70-8; 57-50-1; 1406-18-4; 134-03-2; 137-66-6; 7758-87-4; EINECS/ELINCS 207-949-1; 232-554-6; 200334-9; 215-798-8; 205-126-1; 205-305-4 Uses: Colorant for foods Properties: Free-flowing dk. red fine powd.; particle size US Sieve #20 (850 μ) min 100 % thru; water dispersible (35-40 C); m.w. 536.9; 10% min. act. Storage: 3 yr shelf life when stored in tightly closed, original containers away from light and moisture @ ≤ 25 C Lyc-O-Mato® 6% [LycoRed Israel http://www.lycored.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lycopene and other natural tomato phytonutrients extracted from tomatoes Chem. Analysis: < 0.5% moisture CAS 502-65-8; EINECS/ELINCS 207-949-1 Uses: Natural tomato oleoresin for use in food Regulatory: USP/NF, GRAS, E 160d, kosher Properties: Visc. dark red liq.; characteristic odor; 6% lycopene Storage: 2 yr. shelf-life; store in original sealed container at 4 C Lyc-O-Mato® 7% [LycoRed Israel http://www.lycored.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lycopene and other natural tomato phytonutrients extracted from tomatoes Chem. Analysis: < 0.5% moisture CAS 502-65-8; EINECS/ELINCS 207-949-1 Uses: Natural tomato oleoresin for use in food Regulatory: USP/NF, GRAS, E 160d, kosher Properties: Visc. dark red liq.; characteristic odor; 7% lycopene Storage: 2 yr. shelf-life; store in original sealed container at 4 C Lyc-O-Mato® 10% [LycoRed Israel http://www.lycored.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lycopene and other natural tomato phytonutrients extracted from tomatoes Chem. Analysis: < 0.5% moisture CAS 502-65-8; EINECS/ELINCS 207-949-1 Uses: Natural tomato oleoresin for use in food Regulatory: USP/NF, GRAS, E 160d, kosher Properties: Visc. dark red liq.; characteristic odor; 10% min. lycopene Storage: 2 yr. shelf-life; store in original sealed Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
container at 4 C Lyc-O-Mato® 15% [LycoRed Israel http://www.lycored.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lycopene and other natural tomato phytonutrients extracted from tomatoes Chem. Analysis: < 0.5% moisture CAS 502-65-8; EINECS/ELINCS 207-949-1 Uses: Natural tomato oleoresin for use in food Regulatory: USP/NF, GRAS, E 160d, kosher Properties: Visc. dark red liq.; characteristic odor; 15% lycopene Storage: 2 yr. shelf-life; store in original sealed container at 4 C Lymphatic Substance [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vacuum-dried defatted glandular prod. Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Powd. or freeze-dried form Macaroni Enrichment Blend with Folic Acid [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat starch; ferrous sulfate; niacin; thiamine mononitrate; riboflavin; tricalcium phosphate; folic acid See Calcium phosphate tribasic; Ferrous sulfate anhydrous; Nicotinic acid; Thiamine nitrate; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch Uses: Enrichment blend for durum flour Properties: Free-flowing powd. Use Level: 0.5 oz/100 lb of durum flour Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location; best when used before 9 mos; keep container closed when not in use Maco-O-Line 091 [Vaessen-Schoemaker http://www.vaessen-schoemaker.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Binder, gellant, stabilizer, peeling agent, colorant for foods, esp. for injection brines Features: Rec. where low visc. is required and where finished prod. should have firm/strong texture Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; visc. < 300 cps (5%); pH 7-8 (1%); < 10% moisture Use Level: 0.1-0.3% on final prod. wt. Magnasweet® 100 [Mafco Worldwide http://www.magnasweet.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monoammonium 407
Part I: Trade Name Reference glycyrrhizinate See Ammonium glycyrrhizinate CAS 1407-03-0; EINECS/ELINCS 258-887-7 Uses: Sweetener Regulatory: GRAS; Kosher; Parve Properties: Wh. crystalline powd. Magnasweet® 110 [Mafco Worldwide http://www.magnasweet.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monoammonium glycyrrhizinate See Ammonium glycyrrhizinate CAS 1407-03-0 Uses: Sweetener, flavor enhancer Regulatory: GRAS; Kosher; Parve Properties: Liq. Magnasweet® 115 [Mafco Worldwide http://www.magnasweet.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monoammonium glycyrrhizinate See Ammonium glycyrrhizinate CAS 1407-03-0 Uses: Sweetener, flavor enhancer Regulatory: GRAS; Kosher; Parve Properties: Liq. Magnasweet® 118 [Mafco Worldwide http://www.magnasweet.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monoammonium glycyrrhizinate See Ammonium glycyrrhizinate CAS 1407-03-0 Uses: Sweetener, flavor enhancer Regulatory: GRAS; Kosher; Parve Properties: Liq. Magnasweet® 120 [Mafco Worldwide http://www.magnasweet.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monoammonium glycyrrhizinate See Ammonium glycyrrhizinate CAS 1407-03-0 Uses: Sweetener, flavor enhancer Regulatory: GRAS; Kosher; Parve Properties: Wh. powd. Magnasweet® 125 [Mafco Worldwide http://www.magnasweet.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monoammonium glycyrrhizinate See Ammonium glycyrrhizinate CAS 1407-03-0 Uses: Sweetener, flavor enhancer Regulatory: GRAS; Kosher; Parve Properties: Wh. powd. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Magnasweet® 135 [Mafco Worldwide http://www.magnasweet.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monoammonium glycyrrhizinate See Ammonium glycyrrhizinate CAS 1407-03-0 Uses: Sweetener, flavor enhancer Regulatory: GRAS; Kosher; Parve Properties: Wh. powd. Magnasweet® 136 [Mafco Worldwide http://www.magnasweet.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monoammonium glycyrrhizinate See Ammonium glycyrrhizinate CAS 1407-03-0 Uses: Sweetener, flavor enhancer Regulatory: GRAS; Kosher; Parve Properties: Liq. Magnasweet® 150 [Mafco Worldwide http://www.magnasweet.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monoammonium glycyrrhizinate See Ammonium glycyrrhizinate CAS 1407-03-0 Uses: Sweetener, flavor enhancer Regulatory: GRAS; Kosher; Parve Properties: Wh. powd. Magnasweet® 165 [Mafco Worldwide http://www.magnasweet.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monoammonium glycyrrhizinate See Ammonium glycyrrhizinate CAS 1407-03-0 Uses: Sweetener, flavor enhancer Regulatory: GRAS; Kosher; Parve Properties: Wh. powd. Magnasweet® 180 [Mafco Worldwide http://www.magnasweet.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monoammonium glycyrrhizinate See Ammonium glycyrrhizinate CAS 1407-03-0 Uses: Sweetener, flavor enhancer Regulatory: GRAS; Kosher; Parve Properties: Wh. powd. Magnasweet® 185 [Mafco Worldwide http://www.magnasweet.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monoammonium glycyrrhizinate See Ammonium glycyrrhizinate CAS 1407-03-0 408
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Sweetener, flavor enhancer Regulatory: GRAS; Kosher; Parve Properties: Wh. powd. Magnasweet® [Mafco Worldwide http://www.magnasweet.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monoammonium glycyrrhizinate See Ammonium glycyrrhizinate CAS 1407-03-0 Uses: Flavor enhancer, sweetness potentiator for artificial sweetener systems Features: Synergistic with natural sweeteners Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1408 GRAS Properties: Powd. or presolubilized forms (glycerin or propylene glycol sol'ns.), intense lingering sweetness; hygroscopic; sol. in most solvs. Storage: Exc. long-term shelf stability; avoid unwanted moisture accumulation Magnesium Carbonate 309-S Light [Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com] Chem. Descrip.: Magnesium carbonate USP Chem. Analysis: MgO (40-43.5%); CaO (0.45%); Fe (0.02%) CAS 546-93-0; EINECS/ELINCS 208-915-9 Uses: Alkali, drying agent, color retention agent, carrier, anticaking agent in foods; filter aid, clarifier in food and beverage processing Regulatory: USP, kosher, SARA §311/312 acute health hazard, §302/313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. powd.; 99% through 325 mesh; 99.5% through 200 mesh; odorless; insol. in water; sp.gr. 2.24; dens. 4-7 lb/ft3 (loose); vapor pressure nil; decomp. pt. 250 C; pH sl. alkaline; > 98% NV Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 5-10 mg/m3 respirable fraction (total particulate); nuisance dust; dust may cause eye irritation; inh. of dust may cause nose/throat irritation; ing. may cause diarrhea, abdominal pain; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with acids Hazardous Ingredients: Magnesium carbonate (100%) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: If heated to high temps., may emit metallic oxides, CO, CO2 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Magnesium Carbonate 320-S Heavy [Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com] Chem. Descrip.: Magnesium carbonate USP Chem. Analysis: MgO (40-43.5%); CaO (0.45%); Cl (0.07%); Fe (0.01%); SO4 (0.30%) CAS 546-93-0; EINECS/ELINCS 208-915-9 Uses: Alkali, drying agent, color retention agent, carrier, anticaking agent in foods; filter aid, clarifier in food and beverage processing Regulatory: USP, Kosher, SARA §311/312 acute health hazard, §302/313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. powd.; 97% through 325 mesh; 99.5% through 200 mesh; odorless; insol. in water; sp.gr. 2.22; dens. 15-22 lb/ft3 (loose); vapor pressure nil; decomp. pt. 250 C; pH sl. alkaline; > 98% NV Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 5-10 mg/m3 respirable fraction (total particulate); nuisance dust; dust may cause eye irritation; inh. of dust may cause nose/throat irritation; ing. may cause diarrhea, abdominal pain; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with acids Hazardous Ingredients: Magnesium carbonate (100%) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: If heated to high temps., may emit metallic oxides, CO, CO2 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area Magnesium Carbonate 321 [Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com] Chem. Descrip.: Magnesium carbonate USP Chem. Analysis: MgO (40-43.5%); CaO (0.45%); Fe (0.02%) CAS 546-93-0; EINECS/ELINCS 208-915-9 Uses: Alkali, drying agent, color retention agent, carrier, anticaking agent in foods; filter aid, clarifier in food and beverage processing Regulatory: USP, kosher, SARA §311/312 acute health hazard, §302/313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. gran. powd.; 5% through 100 mesh; 15% through 60 mesh, 100% through 20 mesh; odorless; insol. in water; sp.gr. 2.22; dens. 35-40 lb/ft3 (loose); vapor pressure nil; decomp. pt. 250 C; pH sl. alkaline; > 98% NV Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 5-10 mg/m3 respirable fraction (total particulate); nuisance dust; dust may cause eye irritation; inh. of dust may cause nose/throat irritation; ing. may cause diarrhea, abdominal pain; 409
Part I: Trade Name Reference TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with acids Hazardous Ingredients: Magnesium carbonate (100%) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: If heated to high temps., may emit metallic oxides, CO, CO2 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area Magnesium Caseinate S [DMV Int'l. http://www.dmv-international.com] Chem. Descrip.: Magnesium caseinate Chem. Analysis: 91.5% protein; 4% moisture; 3.5% ash; 0.8% fat; 0.2% lactose CAS 68409-78-9 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer for clinical and enteral formulas, sports and functional food Features: Heat stable; spray-dried; gives a low visc. stable sol'n. with a milky appearance Regulatory: EU compliant Properties: Wh.-cream powd.; bland taste; neutral odor; particle size 10,000 mg/kg; sl. irritating to eyes and skin; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a cool, dry place Magox® Feed Grade [Premier Chems. http://www.premierchemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Nat. magnesium oxide (89.5% 412
Part I: Trade Name Reference min.) CAS 1309-48-4; EINECS/ELINCS 215-171-9 Uses: For mineral premixes, feed supplements, and other applics. for livestock and poultry Regulatory: GRAS Properties: Sol. 98-99% in 0.4% HCl; 63% on 100 mesh; bulk dens. 960 kg/m3; Mg (54% min.), CaO (3.2%) Storage: 6 mos. shelf life; hygroscopic, protect from atm. Magox® Feed Grade 100 [Premier Chems. http://www.premierchemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Nat. magnesium oxide (89% min.) CAS 1309-48-4; EINECS/ELINCS 215-171-9 Uses: For mineral premixes, feed supplements, and other applics. for livestock and poultry Regulatory: GRAS Properties: 20% max. on 100 mesh; bulk dens. 960 kg/m3; Mg (54% min.), CaO (3.2%) Storage: 6 mos. shelf life; hygroscopic, protect from atm. Magox® Sugar Grade [Premier Chems. http://www.premierchemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Magnesium oxide (93.72%) CAS 1309-48-4; EINECS/ELINCS 215-171-9 Uses: Neutralizer for raw cane and beet sugar juice; scale inhibitor in juice heaters, evaporators, & juice lines Properties: 91% min. on 400 mesh; bulk dens. 40 lb/ft3 (loose), 58 lb/ft3 (tapped) Storage: 6 mos. shelf life; hygroscopic, protect from atm. Maisine® [Gattefosse http://www.gattefossecorp.com; Gattefosse Spain http://www.gattefosse.es] Chem. Descrip.: Corn glycerides CAS 85536-08-9; EINECS/ELINCS 287-489-6 Uses: Food emulsifier for ice creams, sauces, bread, and rice cakes Properties: Liq.; HLB 3.0; nonionic; 100% conc. Maisine® 35-1 [Gattefosse http://www.gattefossecorp.com; Gattefosse Spain http://www.gattefosse.es] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl monolinoleate See Glyceryl linoleate CAS 2277-28-3; EINECS/ELINCS 218-901-4 Uses: Food additive Regulatory: EP compliance; FDA 21CFR §184.1505 GRAS, FCC, E471, JSFA compliance; DMF no. 5797 Properties: Oily liq.; faint odor; HLB 3 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Maitake Mushroom Extract [Garuda Int'l. http://www.garudaint.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maitake mushroom extract from Grifola frondosa with 20% dextrose carrier See Glucose Uses: Ingred. for health foods, beverages Properties: Brn. fine powd.; min. 20 mesh or finer; partly sol. in water Storage: 24 mo shelf life Maldex 150 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin Chem. Analysis: 15 DE CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Bulking agent, dispersing agent in baby foods, sport drinks, confectionery, dry mixes; energy source, encapsulant or carrier in spray-drying applics.; chewability aid in chews and caramels; foam stabilizer in gums and jellies Properties: Powd. Use Level: ≤ 10% of total sugars Maldex 180 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin Chem. Analysis: 18 DE CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Bulking agent, dispersant in baby foods, sport drinks, confectionery, dry mixes; energy source, encapsulant or carrier in spray-drying applics.; chewability aid in chews and caramels; foam stabilizer in gums and jellies Properties: Powd. Use Level: ≤ 10% of total sugars Maldex G 180 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Bulking agent, dispersant in baby foods, sport drinks, confectionery, dry mixes Properties: Agglomerated powd. Malta*Gran® 10 [Primera Foods http://www.primerafoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn maltodextrin Uses: Bulking agent, crystallization inhibitor, mouthfeel enhancer for nutritional beverages, cocoa and tea mixes, frostings, glaze mixes, cheese sauces, soup mixes; carrier for ingreds. 413
Part I: Trade Name Reference Features: Very low sweetness; reduces bulk dens. of dry mixes; dustless and free-flowing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR GRAS; kosher approved Properties: Wh. powd.; 10% max. on 20 mesh, 90% min. on 200 mesh; bland odor/taste; rapid sol. in cold or hot water; bulk dens. 0.24-0.30 g/cc; pH 4.1-5.0; DE 8-12; 4.8% max. moisture Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry place Malta*Gran® 18 M [Primera Foods http://www.primerafoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn maltodextrin Uses: Bulking agent for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR GRAS; kosher approved Properties: Wh. powd.; 10% max. on 20 mesh, 90% min. on 200 mesh; bland odor/taste; bulk dens. 0.32-0.36 g/cc; pH 4.1-5.0; DE 16-20; 5% max. moisture Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry place Maltisorb® 75/75 [Roquette http://www.roquette.fr] Chem. Descrip.: Maltitol CAS 585-88-6; EINECS/ELINCS 209-567-0 Uses: Sweetener for cereals, milk prods., dry mixes, tablets, snacks, marzipan Features: Sucrose substitute Regulatory: USP/NF, EP, JECFA Properties: Powd.; sweet taste; freely sol. in water; visc. 2400 mPa.s Maltisweet™ 3145 [Corn Prods. Spec. Ingreds. http://www.cornproductsus.com/cps/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltitol sol'n. NF CAS 585-88-6; EINECS/ELINCS 209-567-0 Uses: Caloric sweetener, flavor enhancer in foods, esp. fruit flavors, chewing gum, cookies, cakes, cream centers, dried fruit, fillings, frozen desserts, fudge, gummi candies, hard candy, health bars, jams, jellies, pancake syrups, sauces, soft confections, sports beverages Features: Noncrystallizing; FDA caloric value 3 calories/g; does not promote tooth decay; slowly absorbed for reduced rise in blood glucose and insulin response Properties: Clear, visc. liq.; sweet taste; sol. in water and ethyl alcohol; misc. in glycerin and propylene glycol in all proportions; insol.in veg. and min. oils; visc. ≈1700 cps; b.p. ≈105 C; flash pt. >150 C; 75% sol'n., 65% act. on Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
dry basis Maltisweet™ 6580 [Corn Prods. Spec. Ingreds. http://www.cornproductsus.com/cps/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltitol Chem. Analysis: Water ≈ 20% Uses: Sweetener in bakery, confectionery; replacement for sucrose in sugar-free applics. Properties: Cl. to opaque, visc. liq.; visc. 15,000 cps; pH neutral; 80% solids Maltisweet™ 6585 [Corn Prods. Spec. Ingreds. http://www.cornproductsus.com/cps/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltitol Chem. Analysis: Water ≈ 15% Uses: Sweetener in bakery, confectionery; replacement for sucrose in sugar-free applics. Properties: Cl. to opaque, visc. liq.; visc. 82,500 cps; pH neutral; 85% solids Maltisweet™ B [Corn Prods. Spec. Ingreds. http://www.cornproductsus.com/cps/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltitol Chem. Analysis: Water ≈ 25% Uses: Sweetener in food, confectionery, nutritional bars, hard candy, soft confections, caramel, taffy; replacement for sucrose in sugar-free applics. Properties: Cl. syrupy liq.; visc. 3500 cps; pH 5.0-7.5 (14% w/w in water) Maltisweet™ CM 40 [Corn Prods. Spec. Ingreds. http://www.cornproductsus.com/cps/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltitol Chem. Analysis: Water < 1% Uses: Sweetener, bulking agent in sugar free, reduced calorie and light prods. Features: 90% the sweetness of sucrose and 2.1 cal/g; medium hygroscopicity Regulatory: FCC Properties: Wh. crystalline powd.; particle size 98% through #40 US seive; m.w. 344; m.p. 144-147 C Maltisweet™ CM 100 [Corn Prods. Spec. Ingreds. http://www.cornproductsus.com/cps/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltitol Chem. Analysis: Water < 1% Uses: Sweetener, bulking agent in sugar free, reduced calorie and light prods. Features: 90% the sweetness of sucrose and 2.1 cal/g Properties: Wh. crystalline powd.; particle size 414
Part I: Trade Name Reference 95% through #100 US seive; m.w. 344; sol. 175 g/ 100 ml water; m.p. 144-147 C Maltisweet™ CM 9820 [Corn Prods. Spec. Ingreds. http://www.cornproductsus.com/cps/] Chem. Descrip.: maltitol Chem. Analysis: Water < 1% Uses: Replacement for sugar Properties: Wh. crystalline powd.; particle size > 95% through 840 micron sieve; sol. 175 g/100 ml water; m.w. 344; m.p. 144-147 C Maltisweet™ CM Fines [Corn Prods. Spec. Ingreds. http://www.cornproductsus.com/cps/] Chem. Descrip.: maltitol Chem. Analysis: Water < 1% Uses: Replacement for sugar in most food and confectionery applics. Properties: Wh. crystalline powd.; particle size > 95% through 100 US sieve; sol. 175 g/100 ml water; m.w. 344; m.p. 144-147 C Maltisweet™ IC [Corn Prods. Spec. Ingreds. http://www.cornproductsus.com/cps/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltitol syrup Uses: Sweetener; replacement for sucrose and corn syrup solids in no-sugar-added ice cream prods. Properties: Cl. syrupy liq.; m.w. 344; visc. 1700 cps; m.p. 144-152 C; pH 5.0-7.5 (14% w/w in water) Maltisweet™ M95 [Corn Prods. Spec. Ingreds. http://www.cornproductsus.com/cps/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltitol Chem. Analysis: Moisture 33-35% Uses: Sweetener in bakery, confectionery, frozen dairy, food, nutritional bars, soft cookies, muffins, cakes, pie fillings, spreads, cake and yeast-raised doughnuts, sweet breads, pastries, sugar-free prods. Properties: Cl., visc. liq.; visc. 90 cps; pH 5.0-8.0 (20% sol'n.) Maltisweet™ MH65 [Corn Prods. Spec. Ingreds. http://www.cornproductsus.com/cps/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltitol Uses: Sweetener in hard candy, caramel applics. Properties: Cl. syrupy liq.; visc. 2300 cps; pH 5.0-7.5 (14% w/w/ in water) Maltisweet™ MH80 [Corn Prods. Spec. Ingreds. http://www.cornproductsus.com/cps/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltitol Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Sweetener in sugar-free, hard candy Features: Improved flavor release; equivalent stability to sugar candy; no surface recrystallization; reduces/eliminates the use of high intensity sweetener Maltoferm® 10001 [Briess Malting http://www.briess.com; Ingred. Innovations http://www.ingredientinnovations.com] Chem. Descrip.: Malted barley extract See Malt extract CAS 8002-48-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-310-9 Uses: Flavoring agent for foods Features: Nondiastatic; provides rich natural malt flavor Properties: Free-flowing powd. Precaution: Grain dust explosion possible Storage: Hygroscopic Maltoferm® 10001 VDK [Briess Malting http://www.briess.com; Ingred. Innovations http://www.ingredientinnovations.com] Chem. Descrip.: Malted barley extract See Malt extract CAS 8002-48-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-310-9 Uses: Flavoring agent, colorant in foods Features: Provides rich natural malt flavor and dark color; nondiastatic Properties: Free-flowing powd. Precaution: Grain dust explosion possible Storage: Hygroscopic Maltoferm® A-6001 [Briess Malting http://www.briess.com; Ingred. Innovations http://www.ingredientinnovations.com] Chem. Descrip.: Malted barley extract See Malt extract CAS 8002-48-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-310-9 Uses: Colorant for foods Features: Provides soluble color Properties: Dk. red. to blk. free-flowing powd. Storage: Hygroscopic Maltrin® M040 [Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Nutritive polymer, moisture binder/stabilizer, texturizer in baked goods, cheese prods., processed meats; fat replacement in margarine, confectionery coatings; film-former in spray-drying, encapsulation; cryst. inhibitor in ice cream; anticaking agent; fat and oil replacement; pan coatings; soup and gravy mixes; nonbrowning carrier for drying sensitive 415
Part I: Trade Name Reference prods. Features: Nonsweet; adds sol'n. visc., good mouthfeel Regulatory: 9CFR §318.7(c)(4), 319.140, 319.143, 319.182, 319.180, 319.181, 319.281, 319.300, 319.301, 319.306, 319.312, 381.147(f)(4), 381.159, 381.160; 21CFR §184.1444, GRAS Properties: Wh. powd., bland flavor; can be dissolved up to 40% in water; bulk dens. 0.51 g/cc (packed); DE 5; pH 4-5; 6% max. moisture Maltrin® M050 [Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Nutritive polymer, film-former, visc. builder, opacifier, mouthfeel enhancer for foods, beverages, pan coatings, soup and gravy mixes; nonbrowning carrier for drying sensitive prods.; thickener for food systems Features: Nonsweet Regulatory: 9CFR §318.7(c)(4), 319.140, 319.143, 319.182, 319.180, 319.181, 319.281, 319.300, 319.301, 319.306, 319.312, 381.147(f)(4), 381.159, 381.160; 21CFR §184.1444, GRAS Properties: Wh. powd.; can be dissolved up to 40% in water yielding opaque syrup; bulk dens. 0.56 g/cc (packed); DE 5; pH 4-5 Maltrin® M100 [Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Nutritive polymer, carrier, filler, extender, bulking agent for foods, dry mixes, spray-dried foods, frozen foods, confections, bakery goods, nondairy prods., snack foods; bloom control agent, moisture control agent in hard candy Features: Nonsweet Regulatory: 9CFR §318.7(c)(4), 319.140, 319.143, 319.182, 319.180, 319.181, 319.281, 319.300, 319.301, 319.306, 319.312, 381.147(f)(4), 381.159, 381.160; 21CFR §184.1444, GRAS Properties: Wh. powd., bland, low sweetness; disp. readily to produce cl. sol'ns. at 30%; bulk dens. 0.56 g/cc (packed); DE 10; pH 4.0-4.7 (20%); 6% max. moisture Maltrin® M150 [Grain Processing Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Nutritive polymer, bulking agent, bodying agent, diluent, binder, filler, filmformer, humectant for foods, cake and cookie mixes, confections, frozen desserts, glazes, dehydrated foods, flavored syrups; carrier for seasonings, artificial sweeteners, other powd. food specialties Features: Very slightly sweet; directly compressible Regulatory: 9CFR §318.7(c)(4), 319.140, 319.143, 319.182, 319.180, 319.181, 319.281, 319.300, 319.301, 319.306, 319.312, 381.147(f)(4), 381.159, 381.160; 21CFR §184.1444, GRAS Properties: Wh. powd.; disp. to produce cl. sol'n. at 50%; bulk dens. 0.61 g/cc (packed); DE 15; pH 4.0-4.7 (20%); 6% max. moisture Maltrin® M180 [Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Nutritive polymer; bulking agent, bodying agent, diluent, binder, film-former for foods, cake and cookie mixes, confections, frozen desserts, glazes, dehydrated foods, flavored syrups; carrier for seasonings, artificial sweeteners, other powd. specialties Features: Slightly sweet; directly compressible Regulatory: 9CFR §318.7(c)(4), 319.140, 319.143, 319.182, 319.180, 319.181, 319.281, 319.300, 319.301, 319.306, 319.312, 381.147(f)(4), 381.159, 381.160; 21CFR §184.1444, GRAS Properties: Wh. powd., bland; disp. easily to produce cl. sol'ns. up to 60%; bulk dens. 0.63 g/cc (packed); DE 18; pH 4.0-4.7; 6% max. moisture Maltrin® M200 [Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup solids CAS 68131-37-3 Uses: Coating agent, binder, mouthfeel enhancer foods, coffee whiteners, glazes, cake and cookie mixes, frozen desserts, fondants, frozen egg prods., meringue and icing powds., whipped prods., nut coatings, meat systems Features: For prods. where clarity, blandness, 416
Part I: Trade Name Reference and rapid dispersibility are important; directly compressible Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §168.121, 184.1865, GRAS Properties: Wh. powd.; disp. rapidly in cold or hot water to produce cl. sol'n. at 60%; bulk dens. 0.64 g/cc (packed); DE 20; pH 4.0-4.7 (20%); 6% max. moisture Maltrin® M250 [Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup solids CAS 68131-37-3 Uses: Binder, mouthfeel enhancer for foods, coffee whiteners, imitation dairy prods., peanut butter, citrus powds., frozen desserts, dry mixes, beverages, dried eggs; spray drying aid Features: Dried glucose syrup; directly compressible Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §168.121, 184.1865, GRAS Properties: Wh. powd., sl. sweet, no undesirable aftertaste; disp. rapidly in hot or cold water to produce cl. sol'n. at 70%; bulk dens. 0.67 g/cc (packed); DE 25; pH 4.5-5.5; 6% max. moisture Maltrin® M510 [Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Nutritive polymer, binder, carrier, diluent, sweetness regulator for foods, dry mixes; carrier for artificial sweeteners, seasonings, and other powd. food specialties Features: Flowable form of Maltrin M100; exc. dispersibility and dissolution; directly compressible; improves hardness, friability; low hygroscopicity Regulatory: 9CFR §318.7(c)(4), 319.140, 319.143, 319.182, 319.180, 319.181, 319.281, 319.300, 319.301, 319.306, 319.312, 381.147(f)(4), 381.159, 381.160; 21CFR §184.1444, GRAS Properties: Wh. free-flowing fine gran., bland; disp. easily to produce cl. sol'ns. to 30%; bulk dens. 0.56 g/cc (packed); DE 10; pH 4.0-4.7. Maltrin® M520 [Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Carrier, filler, mouthfeel enhancer for Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
low-moisture food systems (cookie fillings, icings, frostings with smooth mouthfeel), finely milled dry blends (powdered sugar, spices) Regulatory: 9CFR §318.7(c)(4), 319.140, 319.143, 319.182, 319.180, 319.181, 319.281, 319.300, 319.301, 319.306, 319.312, 381.147(f)(4), 381.159, 381.160; 21CFR §184.1444, GRAS Properties: Wh. fine powd., bland, low sweetness; 10% min. on 200 mesh; bulk dens. 34 lb/ft3 (packed); DE 9-12; pH 4.0-4.7 (20%); 6% max. moisture Maltrin® M700 [Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Agglomerated maltodextrin CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Nutritive polymer, bulking agent, carrier, solubilizer, emulsifier for absorbed components in foods, dry mixes (esp. low calorie or high flavored mixes); carrier for most nonaq. liqs. (flavor oils, veg. oils) Features: Agglomerated form of Maltrin M100; exc. dissolution; inert Regulatory: 9CFR §318.7(c)(4), 319.140, 319.143, 319.182, 319.180, 319.181, 319.281, 319.300, 319.301, 319.306, 319.312, 381.147(f)(4), 381.159, 381.160; 21CFR §184.1444, GRAS Properties: Free-flowing gran.; neutral flavor; disp. easily to cl. sol'n. @ 30% solids, opaque sol'n. > 40% solids; bulk dens. 0.13 g/cc (packed); DE 9-12; pH 6.0-7.0 (20%); 6% max. moisture Maltrin® QD M440 [Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Agglomerated maltodextrin CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Nutritive polymer, binder, diluent, flow aid for foods Features: Agglomerated form of Maltrin M040; exc. dispersibility and dissolution Regulatory: 9CFR §318.7(c)(4), 319.140, 319.143, 319.182, 319.180, 319.181, 319.281, 319.300, 319.301, 319.306, 319.312, 381.147(f)(4), 381.159, 381.160; 21CFR §184.1444, GRAS Properties: Wh. free-flowing gran. powd., bland; 90% min. on 200 mesh, 10% max. on 20 mesh; quickly dispersible at levels to 15% in water; bulk dens. 0.30 g/cc (packed); DE 4-7; pH 4.0-5.1 (20%); 6% max. moisture 417
Part I: Trade Name Reference Maltrin® QD M500 [Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Agglomerated maltodextrin CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Nutritive polymer, binder, diluent, flow aid, sweetness regulator for foods Features: Agglomerated form of Maltrin M100; exc. dispersibility and dissolution; directly compressible; improves hardness, friability; low hygroscopicity Regulatory: 9CFR §318.7(c)(4), 319.140, 319.143, 319.182, 319.180, 319.181, 319.281, 319.300, 319.301, 319.306, 319.312, 381.147(f)(4), 381.159, 381.160; 21CFR §184.1444, GRAS Properties: Wh. free-flowing gran., bland, neutral flavor; 90% min. on 200 mesh, 10% min. on 20 mesh; quickly disp. in water to 30%; bulk dens. 0.34 g/cc (packed); DE 9-12; pH 4.0-5.1. Maltrin® QD M550 [Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Agglomerated maltodextrin CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Nutritive polymer, binder, carrier, diluent, flow aid for foods Features: Agglomerated form of Maltrin M150; exc. dispersibility and dissolution; directly compressible Regulatory: 9CFR §318.7(c)(4), 319.140, 319.143, 319.182, 319.180, 319.181, 319.281, 319.300, 319.301, 319.306, 319.312, 381.147(f)(4), 381.159, 381.160; 21CFR §184.1444, GRAS Properties: Wh. free-flowing gran.; 87% on 200 mesh, 4% on 20 mesh; quickly disp. up to 50% solids; bulk dens. 0.37 g/cc (packed); DE 1317; pH 4.0-5.1; 6% max. moisture Maltrin® QD M580 [Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Agglomerated maltodextrin CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Nutritive polymer, binder, diluent, flow aid for foods Features: Quick dispersing; high rate of sol'n., exc. particulate str. Regulatory: 9CFR §318.7(c)(4), 319.140, 319.143, 319.182, 319.180, 319.181, 319.281, 319.300, 319.301, 319.306, 319.312, 381.147(f)(4), 381.159, 381.160; 21CFR §184.1444, GRAS Properties: Wh. free-flowing gran., bland; 10% max. on 20 mesh, 85% min. on 200 mesh; quickly disp. in water to 60% conc.; absorbs up Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
to 10-11% moisture remaining free-flowing; bulk dens. 0.40 g/cc (packed); DE 16.5-19.5; pH 4.0-5.1; 6% max. moisture Maltrin® QD M600 [Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Agglomerated corn syrup solids CAS 68131-37-3 Uses: Nutritive polymer, binder, carrier, bulking agent, diluent, flow aid for foods Features: Agglomerated form of Maltrin M200; quick dispersing; directly compressible Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §168.121, 184.1865, GRAS Properties: Wh. free-flowing gran., bland, sl. sweet; 87% on 200 mesh, 4% on 20 mesh; quickly disp. in water to 60% conc.; bulk dens. 0.40 g/cc (packed); DE 20-23; pH 4.0-5.1 (20%); 6% max. moisture Mammary Substance [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Freeze-dried defatted glandular prod. Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Powd. or freeze-dried form Mango Flakes Trobana® [Confoco http://www.confoco.com] Chem. Descrip.: flesh of ripe mango and green banana (15%) as carrier Chem. Analysis: 3% max. moisture; 2.8% protein; 0.5% fat; 93% carbohydrates Uses: Mango flavor for dry fruit preparations, powdered drinks, nectars, cakes, muffins, pies, bread, frozen desserts, and soft food diets Features: Produced by ripening, blanching, extracting, dosing the green banana and then drum drying it Regulatory: Halal, kosher certified, GMO compliant Properties: Yel. flakes; mashed mango odor;/flavor/color; 12% retained thru US 20 mesh; dens. 190-260 g/l Use Level: One part flakes to six parts water Storage: 18 mos. when stored @ 21 C in sealed, original containers Mango Powder Trobana® [Confoco http://www.confoco.com] Chem. Descrip.: flesh of ripe mango and green banana (15%) as carrier Chem. Analysis: 3% max. moisture; 2.8% protein; 0.5% fat; 93% carbohydrates 418
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Mango flavor for dry fruit preparations, powdered drinks, nectars, cakes, muffins, pies, bread, frozen desserts, and soft food diets Features: Produced by ripening, blanching, extracting, dosing the green banana and then drum drying and milling it Regulatory: Halal, kosher certified, GMO compliant Properties: Yel. powd.; mashed mango odor;/flavor/color; 5% retained thru US 60 mesh; dens. 480-560 g/l Use Level: One part powder to six parts water Storage: 18 mos. when stored @ 21 C in sealed, original containers Mannogem™ [SPI Polyols http://www.spipolyols.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltitol Uses: Sweetener in chewing gum, chocolate, confectionery Regulatory: USP, FCC, FDA 21 CFR §180.25 Properties: Wh. crystalline powd. particle size 98% through #40 US sieve; sol. 22 g/100 ml water; m.w. 182; m.p. 165-169 C; pH 4.0-7.5 (10% w/w in water) Use Level: 98% in pressed mints; 40% in soft candy; 31% in chewing gum; 15% in nonstandardized jams and jelly; 8% in confections, frostings, 5% in other candy, cough drops; < 2.5% in other unstandardized foods Manucol® DH [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium alginate See Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Thickener, gellant, stabilizer for bakery glazes, filling creams, cheesecake toppings, cheese spreads, processed cheeses, instant puddings, aspics Regulatory: DOT not regulated; FDA 21CFR §184.1724, GRAS; EU E401 compliance; Canada DSL; Japan ENCS; Australia AICS Properties: Wh. to tan powd., sl. odor; 250 µ particle size; water-sol.; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; visc. 65 mPa·s; pH neutral Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg; LC50 (inh., rat, 1 h) > 4.7; dry powd. may cause eye irritation; TSCA listed Environmental: biodeg. Precaution: Wear gloves, safety glasses; slippery when wet; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Storage: Store in cool, dry place out of direct sunlight; keep container tightly closed Manucol® DM [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium alginate See Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Gellant, suspending agent, thickener, stabilizer, film-former for ice cream, chilled desserts, softer reversible gels, bakery fillings Regulatory: DOT not regulated; FDA 21CFR §184.1724, GRAS; EU E401 compliance; Canada DSL; Japan ENCS; Australia AICS Properties: Wh. to tan powd., sl. odor; 250 µ particle size; water-sol.; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; visc. 250 cps (1%), 5500 cps (2%); pH 6.0. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg; LC50 (inh., rat, 1 h) > 4.7; dry powd. may cause eye irritation; TSCA listed Environmental: biodeg. Precaution: Wear gloves, safety glasses; slippery when wet; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 Storage: Store in cool, dry place out of direct sunlight; keep container tightly closed Manucol® DMF [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium alginate See Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Gellant, suspending agent, thickener, stabilizer, film-former for bakery filling creams, softer reversible gels, structured fish, potato prods. Regulatory: DOT not regulated; FDA 21CFR §184.1724, GRAS; EU E401 compliance; Canada DSL; Japan ENCS; Australia AICS Properties: Wh. to tan powd., sl. odor; 105 µ particle size; water-sol.; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; visc. 300 cps (1%), 7000 cps (2%); pH 6. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg; LC50 (inh., rat, 1 h) > 4.7; dry powd. may cause eye irritation; nuisance dust; TSCA listed Environmental: biodeg. Precaution: Wear gloves, safety glasses; slippery when wet; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 Storage: Store in cool, dry place out of direct sunlight; keep container tightly closed
Part I: Trade Name Reference Manucol® JKT [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Specialty algin blend requiring addition of a food-grade acid or calcium salt Uses: Gellant, suspending agent, thickener, stabilizer, film-former for foods (structured glacé fruit, high solids fillings, bakery fillings, bakery jellies, dry mixes, instant puddings, instant mousses, egg prods.) Properties: 250 mesh; pH 7. Manucol® LB [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Gellant, suspending agent, thickener, stabilizer, film-former for foods (softer reversible gels, bakery fillings) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1724, GRAS; EU E401 compliance Properties: Wh. to tan powd., sl. odor; 355 µ particle size; 40 mesh; water-sol.; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; visc. 150 cps (1%), 1500 cps (2%); pH 6 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers MANUCOL® SMF [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Alginate and sucrose See Algin CAS 9005-38-3; 57-50-1 Uses: Thickener, gellant, stabilizer used for bakery filling creams, cheesecake toppings, chilled desserts, and instant puddings Regulatory: DOT not regulated; FDA 21CFR §184.1724, GRAS; Canada DSL; Australia AICS Properties: Wh. to ylsh. brn. powd.; sl. odor; sol. in water; pH ≈ 7 (1% sol'n.) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg; LC50 (inh., rat, 1 h) > 4.7; TSCA listed Environmental: biodeg. Precaution: Wear gloves, safety glasses; slippery when wet; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 Storage: Store in cool, dry place out of direct sunlight; keep container tightly closed Manucol® Ester B [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol alginate Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 9005-37-2 Uses: Foam stabilizer for beer; flavoring agent Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.858, EU E405 compliance Properties: Wh. to tan powd., sl. odor; 250 µ particle size; water-sol.; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; visc. 20 cps (1%), 110 cps (2%); pH 4.0 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers Manucol® Ester ER/K [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol alginate CAS 9005-37-2 Uses: Emulsifier, thickener, stabilizer for fermented milks, fruit drinks, citrus concs.; flavoring agent Features: Hydrates readily in hot or cold water; surf. active Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.858, EU E405 compliance; Canada DSL; Japan ENCS; Australia AICS Properties: Wh. to tan powd., sl. odor; 355 µ particle size; water-sol.; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; visc. 125 cps (1%), 1120 cps (2%); pH 4.0 (1% sol'n) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg; dry powd. may cause eye irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear gloves, safety glasses; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 Storage: Store in tightly closed container in cool, dry place out of direct sunlight; hygroscopic Manucol® Ester M [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Alginic acid, ester wth 1,2propanediol See Propylene glycol alginate CAS 9005-37-2 Uses: Emulsifier, thickener, stabilizer for confectionery, pourable dressings, mustard/mint sauces, meringues, yogurt/fruit preps., fruit drinks, citrus concs., topping syrups; flavoring agent Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.858, EU E405 compliance; Canada DSL; Japan ENCS; Australia AICS Properties: Wh. to tan powd., sl. odor; 355 µ particle size; water-sol.; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; visc. 500 cps (1%); pH ≈ 4.0 (1% sol'n) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg; dry powd. may cause eye irritation; TSCA listed 420
Part I: Trade Name Reference Precaution: Wear gloves, safety glasses; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in tightly closed container in cool, dry place out of direct sunlight; hygroscopic Manugel® C [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Specialty algin blend requiring addition of a food-grade acid or calcium salt Uses: Gellant, suspending agent, thickener, stabilizer, film-former for foods (structured glacé fruit, high solids fillings, bakery fillings, bakery jellies, dry mixes) Properties: 60 mesh; pH 10 Manugel® DJX [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium alginate See Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Gellant, suspending agent, thickener, stabilizer, film-former for foods (strong gels, pet foods, dessert gels, structured fish and meat, potato prods.) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1724, GRAS; EU E401 compliance Properties: Wh. to tan powd., sl. odor; 65 µ particle size; water-sol.; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; visc. 200 cps (1%), 2200 cps (2%); pH 7 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers Manugel® DMB [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium alginate See Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Gellant, suspending agent, thickener, stabilizer, film-former for foods (glazes, instant water jelly, structured fish/meat/vegetables/anchovy, tomato prods., potato prods., aspics, coating batters, canned pet food) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1724, GRAS; EU E401 compliance Properties: Wh. to tan powd., sl. odor; 105 µ particle size; water-sol.; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; visc. 300 cps (1%), 3000 cps (2%); pH 6.0 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Manugel® GHB [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium alginate See Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Gellant, suspending agent, thickener, stabilizer, film-former for foods (strong gels, pet foods, dessert gels, structured fish and meat) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1724, GRAS; EU E401 compliance Properties: Wh. to tan powd., sl. odor; 250 µ particle size; water-sol.; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; visc. 75 cps (1%), 550 cps (2%); pH 6 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers Manugel® GMB [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium alginate See Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Thickener, gellant, stabilizer for glazes, instant water jelly, structured fish/meat/vegetables/anchovies/peppers, tomato prods., aspics, coating batters, canned pet food, aquaculture, pet food brawn Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1724, GRAS; EU E401 compliance Properties: Wh. to tan powd., sl. odor; 250 µ particle size; water-sol.; bulk dens. ≈ 50 lb/ft3; visc. 185 cps (1%); pH neutral Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; dry powd. may cause eye irritation Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers Manugel® JKB [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Specialty algin blend requiring addition of a food-grade acid or calcium salt Uses: Gellant, suspending agent, thickener, stabilizer, film-former for foods (structured glacé fruit, high solids fillings, bakery fillings, bakery jellies, dry mixes) Properties: 60 mesh; pH 7. Manugel® L98 [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Specialty algin blend requiring addition of a food-grade acid or calcium salt Uses: Gellant, suspending agent, thickener, stabilizer, film-former for foods (fruit fillings, glazes, instant puddings, instant mousses, instant water jelly) Properties: 150 mesh; pH 7 421
Part I: Trade Name Reference Manugel® PTB [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Alginate blend Uses: Thickener, gellant, stabilizer for fruit fillings Manugel® PTJ [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Specialty algin blend requiring addition of a food-grade acid or calcium salt Uses: Gellant, suspending agent, thickener, stabilizer, film-former for foods (structured glacé fruit, high solids fillings, bakery fillings, bakery jellies, dry mixes) Properties: 150 mesh; pH 7 Manugel® PTJA [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Alginate blend Uses: Thickener, gellant, stabilizer used for fruit fillings MAPS® 501 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy Chem. Analysis: Moisture 15% max.; protein 0.3%; fat 0.23%; ash 0.5%; sodium 0.0090%; calcium 0.0002%; potassium 0.0055%; Mg 0.00079%; Fe 0.00043%; phosphorus 0.0025%; copper < 0.00001%; zinc < 0.00007% Uses: Viscosifier, stabilizer for bakery, soups, sauces, gravies, protein Features: Exc. freeze-thaw stability Regulatory: GRAS; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Wh. powd.; odorless; 98% through 100 micron screen; pH 5.0-7.0 Toxicology: Nontoxic Precaution: Potential dust explosion hazard Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO2, water, typical combustion by-products HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 2 yrs. shelf life; keep away from water, humidity, high temps. Maquat™ FD-2003 [Mason http://www.maquat.com/] Chem. Analysis: Quaternary content 1-3% Uses: Surfactant, odor control agent for use in meat, poultry, dairy, food processing Properties: Blue/green; completely sol. in water; bulk dens. 0.65-0.75; pH 6-8; cationic Toxicology: Sl. toxic by ing.; prolonged, repeated exposure causes skin irritation; may cause minor to mod. eye irritation Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Precaution: Use eye protection, gloves Marbase 2209™ [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Palm oil See Palm (Elaeis guineensis) oil CAS 8002-75-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-316-1 Uses: Coating fat for bakery, confectionery, and nutritional bars Features: Steep melting profile; good heat stability Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Wh. to yel. crystalline matrix or oily liq.; insol. in water Toxicology: Dermatitis could result from prolonged residence of oil on skin of allergy sensitive individuals Precaution: Avoid excessive heating and inh. of veg. mists Storage: 6 mos. shelf life; store in a cool, dry place away @ 65-80 F; no refrigeration required Marinco® H [Rohm & Haas http://www.rohmhaas.com; http://www.acusol.com] Chem. Descrip.: Magnesium hydroxide Chem. Analysis: 96.0-100.5% magnesium hydroxide CAS 1309-42-8; EINECS/ELINCS 215-170-3 Uses: Magnesium source for vitamins, magnesium supplement in fortifiers; neutralizer for foods Regulatory: USP, FCC compliance Properties: Free-flowing powd.; 99% through 325 mesh; bulk dens. 0.2 g/ml; 98.4% act. Toxicology: Toxic when inhaled; harmless to skin Storage: Store in sealed containers in a dry area Marinco® OH [Rohm & Haas http://www.rohmhaas.com; http://www.acusol.com] Chem. Descrip.: Magnesium oxide USP heavy Chem. Analysis: 96.0-100.5% magnesium oxide CAS 1309-48-4; EINECS/ELINCS 215-171-9 Uses: Dietary supplement for food Regulatory: USP Properties: Flat platelets; 3 µm avg. particle size; 99.5% min. through 325 mesh; dens., tamped 0.35-0.65 g/ml; 98.4% act. Marine Colloids™ Carrageenan [FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 422
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Fat replacement systems, gellants; provides rheology, structure, and mouthfeel; nongelling carrageenan binds moisture Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.620, 182.7255, GRAS; EU compliance Properties: Powd. sl. marine odor Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5,000 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 2,000 mg/kg; low oral, dermal and inh. toxicity; nonirritating to eyes and skin; noncarcinogenic Environmental: not expected to have significant toxicity to aquatic organisms Precaution: Powd. becomes slippery when wet; accumulation of overhead settled dust may form explosive concentrations in air when disturbed and dispersed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: SOx NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Masil® SF 5 [Emerald Foam Control http://www.emeraldmaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethicone CAS 9006-65-9 Uses: Release agent, defoamer for nonaq. food processing Properties: Water-wh. oily, cl. liq.; odorless, tasteless; sp.gr. 0.916; visc. 5 cSt; pour pt. -65 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 280 F; ref. index 1.3970 Masil® SF 10 [Emerald Foam Control http://www.emeraldmaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethicone CAS 9006-65-9 Uses: Release agent, defoamer for nonaq. food processing Properties: Sp.gr. 0.940; pour pt. -65 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 320 F; ref. index 1.3990 Masil® SF 100 [Emerald Foam Control http://www.emeraldmaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethicone CAS 9006-65-9 Uses: Release agent, defoamer for nonaq. food processing Properties: Water-wh. oily, cl. liq.; odorless, tasteless; sp.gr. 0.968; visc. 100 cps; pour pt. 55 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 461 C; ref. index 1.4030 Masil® SF 200 [Emerald Foam Control http://www.emeraldmaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethicone CAS 9006-65-9 Uses: Release agent, defoamer for nonaq. food processing Properties: Water-wh. oily, cl. liq.; odorless, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
tasteless; sp.gr. 0.972; visc. 200 cSt; pour pt. 50 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 460 F; ref. index 1.4031 Masil® SF 350 [Emerald Foam Control http://www.emeraldmaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethicone CAS 9006-65-9 Uses: Release agent, defoamer for nonaq. food processing Properties: Water-wh. oily, cl. liq.; odorless, tasteless; sp.gr. 0.973; visc. 350 cSt; pour pt. 50 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 500 F; ref. index 1.4032 Masil® SF 350 FG [Emerald Foam Control http://www.emeraldmaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethicone CAS 9006-65-9 Uses: Release agent, defoamer for nonaq. food processing Properties: Colorless cl. liq., bland odor; misc. in aliphatic/aromatic/halogenated solvs.; insol. in water, lower alcohols; sp.gr. 0.966-0.972; visc. 332.5-367.5 cst; b.p. > 300 F; pour pt. -50 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 500 F; ref. index 1.40251.4045 Toxicology: Temporary eye irritant; nonirritating to skin Storage: Store in well-ventilated area below 120 F Masil® SF 500 [Emerald Foam Control http://www.emeraldmaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethicone CAS 9006-65-9 Uses: Release agent, defoamer for nonaq. food processing Properties: Water-wh. oily, cl. liq.; odorless, tasteless; sp.gr. 0.973; visc. 500 cSt; pour pt. 50 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 500 F; ref. index 1.4033 Masil® SF 1000 [Emerald Foam Control http://www.emeraldmaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethicone CAS 9006-65-9 Uses: Release agent, defoamer for nonaq. food processing Properties: Water-wh. oily, cl. liq.; odorless, tasteless; sp.gr. 0.974; visc. 1000 cSt; pour pt. -50 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 500 F; ref. index 1.4035; CC flash pt. 260 C
Part I: Trade Name Reference Masil® SF 5000 [Emerald Foam Control http://www.emeraldmaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethicone CAS 9006-65-9 Uses: Release agent, defoamer for nonaq. food processing Properties: Water-wh. oily, cl. liq.; odorless, tasteless; sp.gr. 0.975; visc. 5000 cSt; pour pt. -49 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 500 F; ref. index 1.4035 Masil® SF 10,000 [Emerald Foam Control http://www.emeraldmaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethicone CAS 9006-65-9 Uses: Release agent, defoamer for nonaq. food processing Properties: Water-wh. oily, cl. liq.; odorless, tasteless; sp.gr. 0.975; visc. 10,000 cSt; pour pt. -47 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 500 F; ref. index 1.4035 Masil® SF 60,000 [Emerald Foam Control http://www.emeraldmaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethicone CAS 9006-65-9 Uses: Release agent, defoamer for nonaq. food processing Properties: Water-wh. oily, cl. liq.; odorless, tasteless; sp.gr. 0.977; visc. 60,000 cSt; pour pt. -44 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 500 F; ref. index 1.4035 Masil® SF 1,000,000 [Emerald Foam Control http://www.emeraldmaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethicone CAS 9006-65-9 Uses: Release agent, defoamer for nonaq. food processing Properties: Sp.gr. 0.979; pour pt. -25 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 500 F; ref. index 1.4035 Mastercote FP 9002 [Sensient Colors http://www.sensienttech.com/corporate/sensient_color_group.ht m] Chem. Descrip.: Beeswax and carnauba wax in an alcohol solution of shellac See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax CAS 232-383-7; 8015-86-9; 9000-59-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-383-7; 232-399-4; 232549-9 Uses: Coating agent in the polishing of sugar coated confectionery Features: Ready to use; easy to apply; exc. gloss Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Mastercote FP 9072 [Sensient Colors http://www.sensienttech.com/corporate/sensient_color_group.ht m] Chem. Descrip.: Shellac (25%0 in sol'n. CAS 9000-59-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-549-9 Uses: Coating agent, sealing agent, filmformer, barrier, and preprint base for sugar coated confectionery Features: Totally aqueous; no organic solvents; high gloss and good adhesion; alcohol can be added if required Properties: Cl., sl. amber liq. Maxarome® Plus [DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com] Chem. Descrip.: Yeast extract CAS 8013-01-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-387-9 Uses: Flavor enhancer, mouthfeel enhancer, bodying agent, nutrient, amino acid source, vitamin B source in savory foods, low-salt formulations Features: Contains > 4% naturally occurring GMP and IMP flavor nucleotides; imparts a sweeter, savory flavor which is fully expressed when used in conjunction with other flavor systems Regulatory: Kosher, halal Maxarome® Premium [DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com] Chem. Descrip.: Yeast extract CAS 8013-01-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-387-9 Uses: Flavor enhancer, mouthfeel enhancer in food Features: Masks undesirable flavors; enhances salt perception; MSG replacer; rounds off sharp flavor peaks Regulatory: Kosher, halal Properties: Meaty, brothy flavor Maxarome® Standard [DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com] Chem. Descrip.: Yeast extract CAS 8013-01-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-387-9 Uses: Flavor enhancer, mouthfeel enhancer, bodying agent, nutrient, amino acid source, vitamin B source in savory foods, low-salt formulations Features: Masks undesirable flavors; enhances salt perception; MSG replacer; for use whenever cost reduction, flavor enhancement, sodium reduction, MSG replacement, HVP replacement or label statement improvements are desired 424
Part I: Trade Name Reference Regulatory: Kosher, halal Maxavor® [DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com] Chem. Descrip.: Yeast extract-based flavors Uses: Flavoring agent, mouthfeel enhancer, color enhancer, aroma in foods; meat extract replacer Features: Does not contain added HVP, MSG, GMP/IMP and/or caramel Maxavor™ RYE-A, RYE-AS [DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com] Chem. Descrip.: Yeast extract See Yeast extract CAS 8013-01-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-387-9 Uses: Designed to give a general roasted, brown flavor note to a savory system; RYEA is a good starting ingred. when a pandripping type of flavor profile is desired; RYEAS provides a more intense darker roast beef flavor Maxavor™ RYE-B [DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com] Chem. Descrip.: Yeast extract See Yeast extract CAS 8013-01-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-387-9 Uses: Imparts a distinct roast beef note to a finished prod. Maxavor™ RYE-C [DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com] Chem. Descrip.: Yeast extract See Yeast extract CAS 8013-01-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-387-9 Uses: Imparts a distinct baked/roasted chicken skin type note to a finished prod. Maxavor™ RYE-D [DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com] Chem. Descrip.: Yeast extract See Yeast extract CAS 8013-01-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-387-9 Uses: Imparts a sweet roasted pork or poultry note to a finished prod. Maxavor™ RYE-T [DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com] Chem. Descrip.: Yeast extract See Yeast extract CAS 8013-01-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-387-9 Uses: Imparts a unique taste sensation combining nuances of beef and tomato flavor; at high levels the beef notes dominate; compat. with pH 4 systems Properties: Reddish-brn. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Maxi-Gel® 445 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener for neutral to sl. acidic foods, cream soups, cream/fruit pies, sauces, gravies Features: Cook-up starch; rec. for systems requiring high freeze/thaw, visc., and texture stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; disp. in cold water; pH 5.3 (10% slurry); 11.5% moisture Maxi-Gel® 542 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener for puddings, frozen fruit pies Features: Cook-up starch Maxi-Gel® 617 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Freeze/thaw stabilizer, moisture control agent, shelf-life/freshness improver, visc. control agent in bakery, snacks; freeze/thaw stabilizer, fat reducer in dairy; thickener in low pH food systems; body/mouthfeel/creaminess/smoothness/sh elf-life/freshness improver, visc. control agent in fruit fillings, fruit preps., jams, dairy Features: Cook-up starch; exc. freeze/thaw, visc., texture stability Maxi-Gel® 700 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Visc. stabilizer, texturizer for cultured dairy prods. Features: Cook-up starch; exc. freeze/thaw, water holding stability; exceptional processing tolerance Maxi-Gel® 7776 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from waxy corn See Food starch, modified Uses: Cook-up starch, stabilizer, thickener for highly acidic and aseptically processed foods; produces short, smooth pastes resist. 425
Part I: Trade Name Reference to heat, shear, acid, freeze/thaw stresses; for canned fruit pie fillings, tomato-based sauces, gravies Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd.; 5% max. on 60 mesh; pH 4.5-6.0 (cooked); 10-13% moisture Maximaize® DJ [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, texturizer for soups, sauces, gravies, fruit pies, canned foods Features: Cook-up starch; rec. for neutral to acidic foods and foods subject to vigorous processing; provides clarity, sheen, blandness, stability, short texture Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd., odorless, bland flavor; 90% min. through 100 mesh; pH 4.5-6 (10% uncooked sol'n.); 10-13% moisture Maximaize® HV [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for canned foods, cream-style corn, stew gravies, sauces, soups, pie fillings Features: Cook-up starch; rec. for neutral systems and foods that are processed at high temps.; provides short smooth textures, exc. clarity, resist. to syneresis Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd., odorless, bland flavor; 90% min. through 100 mesh; pH 4.5-6 (10% uncooked sol'n.); 10-13% moisture Mazaca® 3543X [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch from maize See Food starch, modified Chem. Analysis: 15% max. moisture; 0.30 g/100 g protein; < 0.23 g/100 g fat; 0.5 g/100 g ash; 87.0 g/100 g carbohydrates CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Adhesion promoter and carrier for clear coat batters for vegetables, meat, poultry, and meat analog Features: Reduces charring and blistering from cooking surface Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. fine powd.; particle size 98% thru #100 US Standard screen; bland taste; pH Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
5.0-7.0 Storage: 2 yr shelf life from date of productions; keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. Mazol® 80 MGK [BASF/Perf. Chems. http://www.basf.com/static/988804217008.htm l] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-20 glyceryl stearate CAS 68153-76-4 Uses: Emulsifier for pan release aids, cake and cake mixes, icings, icing mixes, frozen desserts, coffee whiteners; dough conditioner for yeast-leavened baking prods. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.834; kosher Properties: Pale yel. oily liq. or semigel, faint char. odor, mild taste; sol. in ethanol, water; sol. hot in min. oil; partly sol. in soybean oil, disp. in propylene glycol, veg. oil; sp.gr. 1.00 (70 C); m.p. 25-27 C; b.p. > 300 F; HLB 13.5; acid no. 2 max.; iodine no. 1; sapon. no. 65-75; hyd. no. 65-80; flash pt. (PMCC) > 350 F; nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: 0.5% (dough conditioner), 0.5% (cakes), 0.45% (whipped toppings), 0.5% (icings), 0.2% (frozen desserts), 0.4% (coffee whiteners), 0.5% (emulsifier in pan release agents) Toxicology: Nonirritating Storage: Store in well-ventilated area below 120 F Mazol® 159 [BASF/Perf. Chems. http://www.basf.com/static/988804217008.htm l] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-7 glyceryl cocoate CAS 68201-46-7 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Properties: Amber liq.; sol. in water, min. oil; disp. in min. spirits, toluene, IPA; HLB 13.0; acid no. 5 max.; sapon. no. 82-98; flash pt. (PMCC) > 350 F; nonionic Mazol® 300 K [BASF/Perf. Chems. http://www.basf.com/static/988804217008.htm l] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl oleate CAS 111-03-5; EINECS/ELINCS 203-827-7 Uses: Emulsifier for foods; coemulsifier for cake mixes; antifoam for sugar and protein processing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1323, 184.1666, GRAS; kosher Properties: Amber liq.; sol. in min. oil, toluene, 426
Part I: Trade Name Reference IPA, ethanol, veg. oil; disp. in min. spirits, propylene glycol; insol. in water; m.p. 20 C; HLB 3.8; acid no. 2 max.; iodine no. 80; sapon. no. 145-155; flash pt. (PMCC) > 350 F; nonionic; 100% conc., 40% alpha mono Mazol® GMO K [BASF/Perf. Chems. http://www.basf.com/static/988804217008.htm l] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl oleate CAS 37220-82-9; EINECS/ELINCS 203-827-7 Uses: W/o emulsifier for foods, bakery and prepared mixes, margarine, convenience foods, frozen desserts; antifoam for sugar and protein processing; coemulsifier for cake mixes; dispersant for oil or solvent systems Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1323, GRAS; kosher Properties: Tan paste, ester odor; sol. in min. oil, veg. oil, ethanol, toluene, IPA; disp. in min. spirits, propylene glycol; sp.gr. 0.94; m.p. 25 C; b.p. > 300 F; HLB 3.8; acid no. 2 max.; iodine no. 90; sapon. no. 160-170; flash pt. (PMCC) > 200 F; nonionic; 100% act., 40% min. monoglycerides Toxicology: Nonirritating Storage: Store in well-ventilated area below 120 F Mazol® GMS-K [BASF/Perf. Chems. http://www.basf.com/static/988804217008.htm l] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate CAS 11099-07-3 Uses: W/o emulsifier for foods, bakery and prepared mixes, margarine, convenience foods, frozen desserts; antifoam for sugar and protein processing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR GRAS; kosher Properties: Wh. to cream flakes, ester odor; sol. in IPA; sol. hot in min. oil, veg. oil, propylene glycol, toluene; disp. hot in ethanol; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.908; m.p. 61 C; b.p. > 300 F; HLB 3.9; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 5 max.; sapon. no. 165-176; flash pt. (PMCC) > 350 F; nonionic; 100% conc., 40% min. monoglyceride Toxicology: Nonirritating, noncomedogenic Storage: Store in well-ventilated area below 120 F
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Mazol® PGO-31 K [BASF/Perf. Chems. http://www.basf.com/static/988804217008.htm l] Chem. Descrip.: Triglyceryl oleate See Polyglyceryl-3 oleate CAS 9007-48-1 Uses: Emulsifier for foods; solubilizer for flavors and essential oils Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.854, kosher Properties: Gardner 8 max. liq.; sol. in min. oil, veg. oil, propylene glycol, toluene, IPA; disp. in ethanol, min. spirits; insol. in water; HLB 6.2; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 78; sapon. no. 140150; nonionic; 100% conc. Mazol® PGO-104 K [BASF/Perf. Chems. http://www.basf.com/static/988804217008.htm l] Chem. Descrip.: Decaglyceryl tetraoleate See Polyglyceryl-10 tetraoleate CAS 34424-98-1; EINECS/ELINCS 252-011-7 Uses: Emulsifier for foods; solubilizer and carrier for essential oils and flavors Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.854; kosher Properties: Dk. liq.; sol. in IPA, min. oil, veg. oil, toluene; disp. in ethanol, propylene glycol, min. spirits; insol. in water; HLB 6.2; acid no. 8 max.; iodine no. 61; sapon. no. 125-145; flash pt. (PMCC) > 350 F Mazu® DF 10 P Mod 11 [Emerald Foam Control http://www.emeraldmaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Organic defoamer Uses: Defoamer for yeast fermentation Properties: Liq.; sp.gr. 0.990; visc. 250 cps; flash pt. (PMCC) > 300 F Mazu® DF 100S [Emerald Foam Control http://www.emeraldmaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone compd. Uses: Defoamer for fermentation, veg. oils Features: Food-grade Regulatory: FDA compliance Properties: Liq.; sp.gr. 0.99; flash pt. (PMCC) > 350 F; 100% silicone Mazu® DF 200S [Emerald Foam Control http://www.emeraldmaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone compd. Uses: Defoamer for fermentation, veg. oils Features: Food-grade Regulatory: FDA compliance Properties: Liq.; sp.gr. 0.99; dens. 8.3 lb/gal; visc. 2000 cSt; flash pt. (PMCC) > 350 F; 100% silicone 427
Part I: Trade Name Reference Mazu® DF 201 PM MOD 3 [Emerald Foam Control http://www.emeraldmaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Organic defoamer Uses: Defoamer for protein and starch, potato processing Properties: Liq.; sp.gr. 0.966; visc. 400 cps; flash pt. (PMCC) > 300 F Mazu® DF 203 [Emerald Foam Control http://www.emeraldmaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Organic defoamer Uses: Defoamer for foods, proteins Properties: Liq.; sp.gr. 0.97; visc. 2000 cps; flash pt. (PMCC) > 200 F Mazu® DF 204 [Emerald Foam Control http://www.emeraldmaterials.com/] Uses: Enzyme, amino acid, and citric acid defoamer for fermentation applics. Features: Modest wetting chars. Properties: Cl. liq.; water-disp.; sp.gr. 1.010; visc. 400 cps; flash pt. (PMCC) > 350 F Mazu® DF 210S [Emerald Foam Control http://www.emeraldmaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone emulsion Uses: Defoamer for fermentation, brine systems, cheese processing, chewing gum, food processing, wine making, yeast processing Features: Food-grade Regulatory: FDA compliance Properties: Liq.; water-disp.; sp.gr. 1.00; dens. 8.3 lb/gal; visc. 400 cS; flash pt. (PMCC) none; pH 7.0; nonionic; 10% silicone Mazu® DF 307 [Emerald Foam Control http://www.emeraldmaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Organic defoamer Uses: Defoamer for hot processing, food applics. Properties: Emulsion; sp.gr. 0.99; visc. 1300 cps; flash pt. (PMCC) > 200 F MD 1210 [Syral http://www.syral.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin Chem. Analysis: 12% DE CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Bodying agent, viscosity builder, mouthfeel enhancer, and binding agent for coffee creamers, confectionery, beverages and frozen foods Features: 23% of the sweetening power of sucrose Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1444; EC council directive 2001/111/EC Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Bulk dens. 400 g/l; tapped dens. 540 g/l MD 1225 [Syral http://www.syral.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin Chem. Analysis: 12% DE CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Bodying agent, viscosity builder, mouthfeel enhancer, and binding agent for coffee creamers, confectionery, beverages and frozen foods, spice blends Features: 23% of the sweetening power of sucrose Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1444; EC council directive 2001/111/EC Properties: Bulk dens. 450 g/l; tapped dens. 550 g/l MD 1710 [Syral http://www.syral.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin Chem. Analysis: 17% DE CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Bodying agent, viscosity builder, mouthfeel enhancer, and binding agent for dairy spreads, coffee creamers, infant milk substitute, slimming prods., and enteral nutrition Features: 25% of the sweetening power of sucrose Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1444; EC council directive 2001/111/EC Properties: Bulk dens. 450 g/l MD 1910 [Syral http://www.syral.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin Chem. Analysis: 19% DE CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Bodying agent, viscosity builder, mouthfeel enhancer, and binding agent for dairy spreads, coffee creamers, extruded snacks, ready to use mixes for drinks, sports drinks, slimming prods., and sauces/soups Features: 26% of the sweetening power of sucrose Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1444; EC council directive 2001/111/EC Properties: Bulk dens. 500 g/l; tapped dens. 620 g/l MDG [Adumim Food Ingreds. http://www.adumim.co.il] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids CAS 67254-73-3 Uses: Emulsifier for food 428
Part I: Trade Name Reference Features: Available in grades of 40% and 60% monoglyceride content Meatbind®-3000 [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat gluten See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) gluten Chem. Analysis: 13% moisture, 30% protein, 3.5% fat CAS 8002-80-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-317-7 Uses: Filler, binder in meat prods. Properties: Off-wh. powd. Meaty Key, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor of beef savory for food prods. Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Lt. yel. to yel. liq.; sulfurol, vaitamin B-12 like, roast beef, pot roast, beefy taste; sol. in oil, alcohol Use Level: 0.005-0.2 ppm as consumed Mekon® White [Baker Petrolite/Polymers http://www.bakerhughes.com/bakerpetrolite/p olymers] Chem. Descrip.: Hard microcrystalline wax CAS 63231-60-7; EINECS/ELINCS 264-038-1 Uses: Chewing gum base; microcapsules for flavoring substances Regulatory: Incl. FDA §172.230, 172.615, 175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 177.1200, 178.3710, 179.45 Properties: Wh. wax; very low sol. in org. solvs.; dens. 0.78 g/cc (99 C); visc. 15 cps (99 C); m.p. 94 C Melojel® [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Thickener, texturizer for cooked creams, custard fillings, puddings, icings, Turkish paste, caramels, dry mix soups, sauces, and gravies Features: Provides smooth, rigid texture to finished prod.; not rec. for extended or cold temp. storage Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 5.5 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Melon Key, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor of melon, watermelon, cucumber, tropical flavors, strawberry flavors for food prods. Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Cl. liq.; melon taste; sol. in oil, alcohol, PG; sl. sol. in water Use Level: 0.5-10 ppm as consumed Merecol® FA [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tragacanth, guar, xanthan, and locust bean gums See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum; Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum; Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer) gum; Xanthan gum Uses: Stabilizer for pourable salad dressing, potato salad, bakery, confectionery, flavors, emulsions, carbonated and flavored beverages with pulp; provides economical emulsification, body, and stability Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Cream-colored powd.; ≥ 98% through 60 mesh; readily sol. in hot and cold water; visc. 1000-1700 cps; pH 6.2-6.6 (1%) Use Level: 0.4-0.6% (salad dressing) Merecol® FAL [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum, xanthan gum, gum arabic See Acacia; Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum Uses: Emulsion stabilizer for institutional salad dressings; provides economical emulsification, body, and stability Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Cream-colored powd.; ≥ 98% through 60 mesh; readily sol. in hot and cold water; visc. 1500-2500 cps; pH 6.0-6.5 (1%) Use Level: 0.4-0.6% (salad dressing) 429
Part I: Trade Name Reference Merecol® FT [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Water-sol. vegetable gums Uses: Stabilizer for oil-free salad dressing; achieves body and texture of a low-calorie dressing without the use of oil Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Cream-wh. fine powd., nearly odorless; sol.: must be heated to 90 C for complete hydration Merecol® G [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Natural gums, cellulose gums, and seaweed extracts Uses: Stabilizer for low-calorie syrups Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Off-wh. powd.; completely sol. in hot water Merecol® GL [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Locust bean gum, guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum; Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum Uses: Stabilizer for prod. of cream cheese and flour doughs by tying up free water and minimizing syneresis; improves mouthfeel, body, and texture Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Creamy wh. fine powd., nearly odorless; 98% through 60 mesh; visc. ≥ 500 cps (1%); pH 5.7-6.4 Use Level: 0.25% (flour doughs, cheeses) Merecol® GX [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum, xanthan gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum; Xanthan gum Uses: Stabilizer for processing of dry soup, sauce, and beverage mixes; provides rapid hydration; stable over broad pH range while in aq. media; improves mouthfeel, body, and texture Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Cream-colored fine powd., nearly odorless; ≥ 97% through 80 mesh; readily sol. in hot and cold water; visc. ≥ 2400 cps (1%); pH 5.5-6.5 Use Level: 0.1-0.2% Merecol® I [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Veg. gums and xanthan gum See Xanthan gum Uses: Stabilizer, gellant providing exc. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
emulsion/heat stability in milk- and waterbased pudding and gelled foods, pie fillings, bakery jellies, imitation sour cream, tomato aspic, chip dips, baby foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Off-wh. powd.; completely sol. in hot water Merecol® IC [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum, carrageenan, and psyllium husks, standardized with dextrose See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Glucose; Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum; Psyllium Uses: Stabilizer for ice cream, ice milk; aids prod. of homogeneous mixt. of fat, milk solids, sugar, and water which will result in small ice crystals, uniform air cells when frozen; provides extra dryness for soft-serve items; high in dietary fiber Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Cream-colored dry powd., neutral flavor; readily disp., sol. above 60 C in water; visc. 2000 cps (2%) Use Level: 0.35-0.60% Merecol® K [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of water-sol. gums Uses: General purpose food stabilizer formulated for its ability to hydrate in cold water and milk; adds creaminess and stability to instant puddings and mousse formulations Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Lt. tan powd.; completely sol. in cold water and/or milk; visc. 300-500 cps (1%) Use Level: 0.25-0.50% Merecol® LK [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tragacanth, guar gum, carrageenan, standardized with potassium chloride See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum; Potassium chloride; Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer) gum Uses: Stabilizer formulated as a replacement for xanthan; offers superior flowability, improved mouthfeel Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher for Passover Properties: Cream-colored powd.; ≥ 98% through 60 mesh; readily sol. in hot and cold water; visc. ≥ 1000 cps (1%); pH 6.2-6.6 (1%) 430
Part I: Trade Name Reference Use Level: 0.35-0.60% Merecol® MS [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum FCC standardized with veg. gums See Xanthan gum Uses: Stabilizer for food applics., esp. pourable salad dressings Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Cream-colored powd.; ≥ 97% through 80 mesh; readily sol. in hot and cold water; visc. ≥ 1200 cps (1%); pH 6.2-6.6 (1%) Merecol® R [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum, carrageenan, standardized with calcium sulfate See Calcium sulfate; Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum Uses: Stabilizer aiding prod. of ricotta cheese by minimizing syneresis and improving body texture and mouthfeel; extra dry Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Creamy wh. powd., odorless; 95% through 80 mesh; visc. ≥ 500 cps (1%); pH 5.5-6.5 Use Level: 0.2-0.3% (ricotta cheese) Merecol® RB [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum, locust bean gum, and carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum; Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum Uses: Stabilizer aiding ricotta cheese prod. by tying up free water, minimizing syneresis, and improving mouthfeel, body, and texture; produces ricotta cheese with exc. sliceability, moisture retention, and extended shelf life Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Creamy wh. fine powd., nearly odorless; 98% through 60 mesh; visc. ≥ 1000 cps (1%); pH 5.5-6.5 Merecol® RCS [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum, locust bean gum, and guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum; Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum; Xanthan gum Uses: Stabilizer aiding ricotta cheese prod. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
by tying up free water, minimizing syneresis, improving mouthfeel, body, texture; produces ricotta with exc. sliceability, moisture retention, extended shelf life; also for cottage cheese dressings, spreads Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Creamy wh. fine powd., nearly odorless; 98% through 60 mesh; visc. ≥ 1000 cps (1%); pH 5.5-6.5 Use Level: 0.1-0.2% (ricotta cheese), 0.4-0.5% (spreads) Storage: Store in cool, dry area in closed container Merecol® S [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified starch, carrageenan, vegetable gum, and dextrose See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Glucose; Starch Uses: Stabilizer for use as a gelatin substitute in buttermilk, yogurt, and sour cream dressings; provides desirable set and mouthfeel Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Creamy wh. powd., odorless; sol.: must be heated to 60 C for complete hydration; visc. ≥ 125 cps (2%) Storage: Store in cool, dry area in closed container Merecol® SH [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum and psyllium husks standardized with dextrose See Glucose; Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum; Psyllium Uses: Stabilizer for ice milk, sherbet, fruit ice, lollies, popsicles; assists in homogeneous mixt. of sugar and water which will result in small ice crystals and uniform air cells when frozen; high in dietary fiber Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Cream-colored dry powd., neutral flavor; readily disp., sol. > 60 C in water; visc. ≥ 550 cps Use Level: 0.35-0.60% Merecol® Y [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified starch, carrageenan, veg. gum psyllium, and dextrose See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Glucose; Psyllium; Starch 431
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Stabilizer for use as a gelatin substitute in yogurt, sour cream, and salad dressings; provides desirable set and mouthfeel; high in dietary fiber Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Geige-tan powd., odorless; sol.: must be heated to 60 C for complete hydration; visc. ≥ 125 cps (2%) Merezan® 8 [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum FCC from Xanthomonas campestris CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Thickener for foods Properties: Cream-colored powd., ≥ 97% through 80 mesh; readily sol. in hot and cold water; visc. ≥ 1200 cps (1%); pH 6.1-8.1 (1%) Storage: Store in clean, cool, dry area; 1 yr. min. shelf life Merezan® 20 [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum FCC from Xanthomonas campestris CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Thickener for foods Properties: Cream-colored powd., ≥ 97% through 200 mesh; readily sol. in hot and cold water; visc. ≥ 1200 cps (1%); pH 6.1-8.1 Storage: Store in clean, cool, dry area; 1 yr. min. shelf life Merigel 100 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: pregelatinized corn starch See Corn starch, pregelatinized Uses: Viscosifier in instant dairy desserts, instant baby food formulations, cold process sauces, dressings, dry mix formulations; controls dough rheology; moisture control agent, humectant, texturizer in bakery, snacks; body/mouthfeel enhancer, cold processing aid, texturizer, visc. control agent in dairy, soups, sauces, gravies, dressings Merigel 310 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: highly crosslinked pregelatinized waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy Uses: Body/mouthfeel enhancer, cold processing aid, texturizer, visc. control agent in dairy, soups, sauces, gravies, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
dressings Merigel 340 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: highly crosslinked pregelatinized waxy corn starch See Propyl phenylacetate CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Moisture control agent, humectant, texturizer, shelf-life/freshness improver, freeze/thaw stabilizer in bakery, snacks; cold processing agent, binder, texturizer for prepared foods; body/mouthfeel enhancer, cold processing aid, texturizer, visc. control agent in dairy, soups, sauces, gravies, dressings, fruit fillings, fruit preps., jams Features: Resistant to low pH and high sheer processing Merigel 341 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: highly crosslinked pregelatinized waxy corn starch See Propyl phenylacetate CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Moisture control agent, humectant, texturizer, shelf-life/freshness improver, freeze/thaw stabilizer in bakery, snacks; cold processing agent, binder, texturizer for prepared foods; cold processing aid, texturizer, visc. control agent in dairy, soups, sauces, gravies, dressings, fruit fillings, fruit preps., jams; body/mouthfeel enhancer in dairy, soups, sauces, gravies, dressings Features: Resistant to low pH and high sheer processing Merigel 342 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: crosslinked pregelatinized waxy corn starch See Propyl phenylacetate Uses: Shelf-life/freshness improver, freeze/thaw stabilizer, viscosity control agent in bakery, snacks; body/mouthfeel enhancer in dairy, soups, sauces, gravies, dressings; cold processing aid, texturizer, visc. control agent in dairy, soups, sauces, gravies, dressings, fruit fillings, fruit preps., jams Merigel 347 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: highly crosslinked 432
Part I: Trade Name Reference pregelatinized waxy corn starch See Propyl phenylacetate Uses: Moisture control agent, humectant, texturizer, shelf-life/freshness improver, freeze/thaw stabilizer, visc. control agent in bakery, snacks; cold processing agent, binder, texturizer for prepared foods; cold processing aid, texturizer, visc. control agent in dairy, soups, sauces, gravies, dressings, fruit fillings, fruit preps., jams; body/mouthfeel enhancer in dairy, soups, sauces, gravies, dressings Meritena 100 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn (Zea mays) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Moisture control agent, humectant, texturizer in bakery, snacks; binder, texturizer, visc. control agent for prepared foods; carrier, excipient in pharmaceuticals; binder, gelling agent, texturizer in confectionery; body/mouthfeel enhancer, texturizer, visc. control agent, gelling agent in dairy, soups, sauces, gravies, dressings Meritena 141 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn (Zea mays) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Binder in dough pastel applics. Features: Low microbial count Meritena 200 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: wheat starch Uses: Moisture control agent, humectant, texturizer in bakery, snacks; binder, texturizer, visc. control agent for prepared foods; gelling agent, texturizer in confectionery; body/mouthfeel enhancer, texturizer, visc. control agent in dairy, soups, sauces, gravies, dressings; gelling agent in dairy Meritena 290 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: wheat starch Uses: Moisture control agent, humectant, texturizer in bakery, snacks; binder, texturizer, visc. control agent for prepared foods; gelling agent, texturizer in confectionery; body/mouthfeel enhancer, texturizer, visc. control agent in dairy, soups, sauces, gravies, dressings; gelling Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
agent in dairy Meritena 300 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: corn starch Uses: Body/mouthfeel enhancer, visc. control agent in soups, sauces, gravies, dressings; moisture control agent in bakery, snacks Meritol 121 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitol solution CAS 50-70-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-061-5 Uses: Coating agent for sugar-free pan coating; stabilizer for liq. enzyme preps. in the fermentation industry Regulatory: EP, USP, FCC, E420 Meritol 130 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitol solution CAS 50-70-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-061-5 Uses: Coating agent for sugar-free pan coating; stabilizer for liq. enzyme preps. in the fermentation industry Regulatory: EP, USP, FCC, E420 Meritol 160 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitol solution CAS 50-70-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-061-5 Uses: Binder, adhesion promoter, humectant and shelf-life improver in bakery and confectionery industries Regulatory: EP, USP, FCC, E420 Meritose 100 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: D-Glucose monohydrate Chem. Analysis: 99% dextrose; 0.5% other sugars CAS 5996-10-1; EINECS/ELINCS 200-075-1 Uses: Humectant, shelf-life improver, sweetener, viscosity control agent, and texturizer in bakery prods. confectionery, and snacks; solubilizer in beverages; crumb structure enhancer in cakes and biscuits; cooling agent in panned prods.source of fermentable sugars in cider and fruit wines Features: Provides 70% of the sweetness of sucrose Properties: Cryst. solid Meritose 200 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: D-Glucose monohydrate 433
Part I: Trade Name Reference Chem. Analysis: 99% dextrose and 0.5% other sugars CAS 5996-10-1; EINECS/ELINCS 200-075-1 Uses: Humectant, shelf-life improver, sweetener, viscosity control agent, and texturizer in bakery prods. and snacks; solubilizer in beverages; crumb structure enhancer in cakes and biscuits; cooling agent in panned prods.source of fermentable sugars in cider and fruit wines Features: Provides 70% of the sweetness of sucrose Meritose 220 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: D-Glucose monohydrate Chem. Analysis: 99% dextrose and 0.5% other sugars CAS 5996-10-1; EINECS/ELINCS 200-075-1 Uses: Crumb structure enhancer in cakes and biscuits; cooling agent in panned prods.source of fermentable sugars in cider and fruit wines Features: Provides 70% of the sweetness of sucrose Meritose 300 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: D-Glucose monohydrate Chem. Analysis: 99% dextrose and 0.5% other sugars CAS 5996-10-1; EINECS/ELINCS 200-075-1 Uses: Humectant, shelf-life improver, sweetener, viscosity control agent, and texturizer in bakery prods. and snacks; solubilizer in beverages; crumb structure enhancer in cakes and biscuits; cooling agent in panned prods.; source of fermentable sugars in cider and fruit wines Features: Provides 70% of the sweetness of sucrose Properties: 91% dry substance Metarin™ 210-L [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin with selected oil carriers Uses: Release agent for confectionery Features: Offers ease of handling in cold weather and capacity for uniform spraying and thin films Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172, 182 Properties: Liq.; acid no. 0.5-1.0; 0.2-0.5% moisture Storage: 1 yr. shelf life in original, unopened Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
containers; store at 60-90 F Metarin™ 436 [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin and veg. oil See Vegetable oil Uses: Instantizer, dispersant, flavor enhancer, wetting agent, antisedimentation agent, antiflotation agent for mfg. of cold water-sol. food prods. Features: High oxidative stability Regulatory: GRAS, FDA 21CFR 184.1400 Properties: Gardner 14 max. color; visc. 1.25 poise max.; acid no. 20 max.; 1% max. moisture Metarin™ 785-15K [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin, veg. oils, stearates, and antioxidants See Vegetable oil Uses: Release agent for use on belts and/or hot or cold slabs, esp. effective with nut brittles and hard candies Features: Does not impart color to prod.; resist. to oxidation Properties: Milky noncongealing liq., odorless, tasteless; visc. 200 cps Metarin™ C [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Compd. of deoiled soybean lecithin and milk constituents See Lecithin Uses: Instantizer for caseinates Properties: Powd. Metarin™ CP [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Deoiled soy lecithin See Lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Instantizer for powd. mixes, milk prods., dietetic prods., soups, sauces, flavor-sensitive systems Features: Enhanced props. Properties: Powd. Metarin™ DA 51 [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Food additive Features: Multipurpose; sprayable at R.T.; can be dissolved in other fats and oils Regulatory: GRAS, FDA 21CFR §184.1400 Properties: Gardner 14 max. color; visc. 1500 cps; acid no. 25 max.; 0.8% max. moisture 434
Part I: Trade Name Reference Metarin™ F [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Compd. of soybean lecithin and vegetable oils See Lecithin Uses: Instantizer for foods (cocoa prods., soups, sauces), animal feed Features: Hydrophilic; cold sprayable Properties: Liq.; nonionic; 100% conc. Metarin™ P [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Deoiled soy lecithin See Lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Instantizer for powdery foods, milk powds., cocoa prods., dietetic prods., proteins, soups, sauces, baby food, esp. flavor-sensitive systems Features: Hydrophilic Properties: Powd.; sol. in oil and fat; nonionic; 100% conc. Methocel® 310 Series [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose ether Uses: Thickener, binder, film-former, moisture retention aid, suspending agent, surfactant, lubricant, protective colloid, and emulsifier for foods Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sl. off-wh. gran.; 100-500 µ particle size; sol. in water and some org. solvs.; 8% max. moisture Toxicology: TSCA listed Methocel® A4C Premium [Dow http://www.dow.com; Colorcon http://www.colorcon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Methylcellulose Chem. Analysis: 5% max. loss on drying CAS 9004-67-5 Uses: Granulation binder, viscosity modifier, suspending agent in foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS 21CFR §182.1480, 9CFR 318.7, 381.147, FCC, USP, EP, JP, BP; kosher Properties: Wh. to sl. off-wh. gran. powd.; 99.0% min. through # 40 US standard sieve; watersol.; visc. 289-525 mPa·s; pH 5.5-8.0 (1% sol'n.) Storage: 5 yr shelf life from date of manufacture; store in a tightly sealed container Methocel® A15C Premium [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Methylcellulose Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 9004-67-5 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, emulsifier, adhesive, gellant in foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS 21CFR §182.1480, 9CFR 318.7, 381.147, FCC, USP, EP, JP, BP; kosher Properties: Visc. 1500 cps Methocel® A15LV Premium [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Methylcellulose CAS 9004-67-5 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, emulsifier, adhesive, gellant in foods; volume improver and moisturizer in microwave cakes; bodying agent and texturizer for reducedfat cheese sauces Features: Adds fat-like texture Regulatory: FDA GRAS 21CFR §182.1480, 9CFR 318.7, 381.147, FCC, USP, EP, JP, BP; kosher Properties: Wh./off-wh. powd.; visc. 15 mPa·s Use Level: 0.4-0.8% (cake), 1% (reduced-fat cheese sauce) Methocel® E4M Premium EP [Dow http://www.dow.com; Colorcon http://www.colorcon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose Chem. Analysis: 5% max. loss on drying: CAS 9004-65-3 Uses: Visc. control agent, gellant, foam booster/stabilizer, film-former, dispersant, lubricant, binder, emulsion stabilizer, suspending agent for foods; improves binding str., aids release in extruded seafood prods.; mouthfeel enhancer in salad dressings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.874, USDA, FCC, USP, EP, JP, BP; kosher Properties: Wh./off-wh. powd.; 99.0% min. through #40 US standard sieve; visc. 4000 mPa·s; pH 5.5-8.0 (1% sol'n.) Storage: Shelf life 5 yr from date of manufacture; keep in closed containers Methocel® E6 Premium [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose CAS 9004-65-3 Uses: Visc. control agent, gellant, foam booster/stabilizer, film-former, dispersant, lubricant, binder, emulsion stabilizer, and 435
Part I: Trade Name Reference suspending agent for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.874, USDA, FCC, USP, EP, JP, BP; kosher Properties: Wh./off-wh. powd.; visc. 6 mPa·s Methocel® E15 Food Grade [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose CAS 9004-65-3 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, emulsifier, adhesive, gellant in foods; improves binding str. and reduces oil absorp. during frying in tacos, meat/poultry/seafood batters, French fry dips Regulatory: FDA, FCC, USP, EP, JP, BP; kosher Properties: Visc. 15 cps Use Level: 0.1-0.75% (taco), 0.2-0.5% (meat batter) Methocel® E15LV [Dow http://www.dow.com; Colorcon http://www.colorcon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose ether Uses: Thickener, binder, film-former, moisture retention aid, suspending agent, surfactant, lubricant, protective colloid, and emulsifier for foods Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sp.gr. 1.29; tens. str. 69 MPa±10%; elong. 5-15% Toxicology: TSCA listed Methocel® E15LV Premium [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose CAS 9004-65-3 Uses: Visc. control agent, gellant, foam booster/stabilizer, film-former, dispersant, lubricant, binder, emulsion stabilizer, and suspending agent for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.874, USDA, FCC, USP, EP, JP, BP; kosher Properties: Wh./off-wh. powd.; visc. 15 mPa·s Methocel® F4M Premium [Dow http://www.dow.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose CAS 9004-65-3 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, emulsifier, adhesive, gellant in foods; provides moist texture in reduced-fat cakes; provides firm thermal gel structure to structured meat, veg., and poultry prods. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.874, USDA, FCC, USP, EP, JP, BP; kosher Properties: Visc. 4000 cps Use Level: 0.2-0.4% (cake), 0.8% (structured meat) Methocel® J5MS [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose CAS 9004-65-3 Uses: Thickener, binder, film-former, moisture retention aid, suspending agent, surfactant, lubricant, protective colloid, and emulsifier for foods Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Visc. 5000 mPa·s Toxicology: TSCA listed Methocel® K3 Premium [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose CAS 9004-65-3 Uses: Visc. control agent, film-former for foods; improves freeze/thaw stability in bakery glazes; provides elasticity and improves adhesion of candy coatings; emulsion stabilizer, dispersant for flavor oil emulsions and encapsulation Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.874, USDA, FCC, USP, EP, JP, BP; kosher Properties: Wh./off-wh. powd.; visc. 3 mPa·s Use Level: 0.1-10.2% (glaze), 0.5-12% (candy coatings), 10-16% (flavors) Methocel® K4M Premium [Dow http://www.dow.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose CAS 9004-65-3 Uses: Visc. control agent, gellant, foam booster/stabilizer, film-former, dispersant, lubricant, binder, emulsion stabilizer, suspending agent for foods, ice cream cones, icings, extruded seafood prods., structured meats/poultry, desserts, soups; bodying agent, texturizer in rice flour breads; dough release agent in tortillas; binder in tacos; lubricant in extruded snacks Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.874, USDA, FCC, USP, EP, JP, BP; kosher Properties: Visc. 4000 mPa·s Use Level: 1-3% basis flour (rice flour bread), 436
Part I: Trade Name Reference 0.2-0.4% wet dough basis (tortilla), 0.1-0.75% (taco) Methocel® K15M Premium [Dow http://www.dow.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose CAS 9004-65-3 Uses: Visc. control agent, gellant, foam booster/stabilizer, film-former, dispersant, lubricant, binder, emulsion stabilizer, and suspending agent for foods, gravies, whipped toppings, desserts, diet foods, pet foods; stabilizer and shelf life extender for salad dressings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.874, USDA, FCC, USP, EP, JP, BP; kosher Properties: Wh./off-wh. powd.; visc. 15,000 mPa·s Use Level: 0.3-0.5% (dressings, gravies), 0.10.5% (desserts), 0.3-0.8% (diet foods) Methocel® K100LV Premium [Dow http://www.dow.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose CAS 9004-65-3 Uses: Visc. control agent, gellant, foam booster/stabilizer, film-former, dispersant, lubricant, binder, emulsion stabilizer, suspending agent for foods, whipped toppings, mousses, canned pet foods; moisturizer, volume improver in muffins, conventional, microwave, and reduced-fat cakes; texturizer for butter cream icings; stabilizer for structured potato prods. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.874, USDA, FCC, USP, EP, JP, BP; kosher Properties: Wh./off-wh. powd.; visc. 100 mPa·s Use Level: 0.03-0.25% (muffins), 0.15-0.8% (cake), 0.1-0.2% powd. sugar basis (icings), 0.3-0.5% (potato) Methocel® K100M Premium [Dow http://www.dow.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose CAS 9004-65-3 Uses: Visc. control agent, gellant, foam booster/stabilizer, film-former, dispersant, lubricant, binder, emulsion stabilizer, and suspending agent for foods; dough release Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
agent in tortillas; binder in taco shells/chips, extruded onion rings; improves pie fillings; stabilizer for salad dressings; adhesion promoter for glazes Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.874, USDA, FCC, USP, EP, JP, BP; kosher Properties: Wh./off-wh. powd.; visc. 100,000 mPa·s Use Level: 0.1-0.75% (taco), 0.3-0.5% (pie fillings, dressings), 0.5-2.5% (onion), 1% (glaze) Methyl/Propyl Parbens (3/1) NF [Protameen http://www.protameen.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Methylparaben and propylparaben Uses: Preservative for foods Meyprodor® [Danisco Textural Ingredients] Chem. Descrip.: Galactomannan CAS 11078-30-1; EINECS/ELINCS 234-299-6 Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, fiber enrichment for foods Features: Low microbial counts; no guar taste or odor Properties: Neutral taste and odor Meyprodyn 200® [Danisco Textural Ingredients] Chem. Descrip.: Locust bean gum See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-40-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-541-5 Uses: Binder, stabilizer, thickener for foods, esp. for cold processing Features: Very low bacterial count; exc. freezethaw stability; acid stable Properties: Wh. creamy fine powd.; neutral taste; 60% min. -200 mesh; cold water sol.; pH 6 (1%) Storage: Store cold and dry in original packing Meyprogen®-MP® [Danisco Functional Systems http://www.danisco.com/functionalsystems] Chem. Descrip.: Carob bean gum See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-40-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-541-5 Uses: Stabilizer, gellant for foods, esp. for meat applics.; texture improver, consistency improver, sliceability improver, syneresis inhibitor Properties: Neutral smell and taste Meyprogen®-MS® [Danisco Functional Systems http://www.danisco.com/functionalsystems] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrocolloids 437
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Thickener/stabilizer/starch/emulsifier for convenience food (dressings, soups, sauces, ketchup, salad compds.) Meypro-Guar® CSA 200/50 F [Danisco Textural Ingredients] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Texture modifier, syneresis control agent, and viscosity builder in a wide range of food prods. including dressings, ice cream, cakes, beverages, and dairy prods. Properties: Wh. to creamy colored fine powd.; 1.00% max. on 150 mesh; sol. in water; visc. 4800 mPa·s (after 2 h min.), 5000 mPa·s (after 24 h min.); pH 6.5 (1% sol'n.); 12% moisture Storage: Store in cool dry area in original unopened pkg. Meypro-Guar® CSA 200/50 HF [Danisco Textural Ingredients] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Texture modifier, syneresis control agent, and viscosity builder in a wide range of food prods. including dressings, ice cream, cakes, beverages, and dairy prods. Properties: Particle size 106 µm; visc. > 6000 mPa·s Meypro-Guar® CSAA M100 [Danisco Textural Ingredients] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Texture modifier, syneresis control agent, and viscosity builder in a wide range of food prods. including dressings, ice cream, cakes, beverages, and dairy prods. Properties: Particle size 150 µm; visc. 30004000 mPa·s Meypro-Guar® CSAA M175 [Danisco Textural Ingredients] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Texture modifier, syneresis control agent, and viscosity builder in a wide range of food prods. including dressings, ice cream, cakes, beverages, and dairy prods. Properties: Particle size 88 µm; visc. 3000-4000 mPa·s Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Meypro-Guar® CSAA M200 [Danisco Textural Ingredients] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Texture modifier, syneresis control agent, and viscosity builder in a wide range of food prods. including dressings, ice cream, cakes, beverages, and dairy prods. Properties: Particle size 75 µm; visc. 3000-4000 mPa·s Meypro-Guar® CSAA M225 [Danisco Textural Ingredients] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Texture modifier, syneresis control agent, and viscosity builder in a wide range of food prods. including dressings, ice cream, cakes, beverages, and dairy prods. Properties: Particle size 69 µm; visc. 3000-4000 mPa·s MG-60 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Vital wheat gluten, polysorbate 60, partially hydrogenated soy oil, sodium stearoyl lactylate See Soybean (Glycine soja) oil; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) gluten Uses: Ingred. for wh. bread, variety breads, hamburger and hot dog buns Features: Modified gluten Properties: Honey-colored powd.; 5-8% moisture, 58% min. protein MG-F [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Vital wheat gluten, ethoxylated mono-diglycerides See Ethoxylated mono- and diglycerides; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) gluten Uses: Ingred. for high-fiber bread prods. Features: Modified gluten Properties: Free-flowing powd.; water-disp.; 6.5% moisture, 70.3% min. protein MGO [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl oleate CAS 25496-72-4; EINECS/ELINCS 247-038-6 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Features: Lipophilic Regulatory: JSCI listed Properties: Pale yel. paste; HLB 2.5; nonionic; 438
Part I: Trade Name Reference 100% conc. Toxicology: TSCA listed MG-S [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Vital wheat gluten, sodium stearoyl lactylate, calcium stearoyl-2lactylate, lactylic stearate See Calcium stearoyl lactylate; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) gluten Uses: Ingred. for standardized baked prods. Features: Modified gluten Properties: Cream-colored fine powd.; 4.5% moisture, 56% protein MGS-150V [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate SE CAS 11099-07-3; EINECS/ELINCS 234-325-6 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Features: Acid-stable Regulatory: JSCI listed Properties: Wh. plate; HLB 10.0; anionic MGS-ASE [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate SE CAS 11099-07-3; EINECS/ELINCS 234-325-6 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer for foods Features: Contains soap Regulatory: JSCI listed Properties: Wh. flake; HLB 6.0; anionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: TSCA listed MGS-AV [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate CAS 11099-07-3; EINECS/ELINCS 234-325-6 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer for foods Features: Lipophilic Regulatory: JSCI listed Properties: Wh. flake; HLB 4.0; nonionic; 100% conc. MGS-BMV [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate CAS 11099-07-3; EINECS/ELINCS 234-325-6 Uses: Emulsifier in foods Properties: Wh. bead; HLB 3.0; lipophilic MGS-BSEV [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate SE CAS 11099-07-3; EINECS/ELINCS 234-325-6 Uses: Emulsifier in foods Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Wh. bead; HLB 8.0; lipophilic MGS-DEXV [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate, Glyceryl stearate SE and PEG-10 stearate CAS 11099-07-3; 9004-99-3; EINECS/ELINCS 234-325-6 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer for foods Features: Lipophilic Regulatory: JSCI listed Properties: Wh. flake; HLB 5.5; anionic; 100% conc. MGS-F20V [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate Chem. Analysis: Monoglyceride 20% CAS 11099-07-3; EINECS/ELINCS 234-325-6 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer for foods Features: Lipophilic Regulatory: JSCI listed Properties: Wh. flake; HLB 7.0; nonionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: TSCA listed MGS-F40V [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate Chem. Analysis: 40% monoglyceride CAS 11099-07-3; EINECS/ELINCS 234-325-6 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer for foods Features: Lipophilic Regulatory: JSCI listed Properties: Wh. flake; HLB 4.0; nonionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: TSCA listed MGS-F50 [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate Chem. Analysis: 50% monoglyceride CAS 11099-07-3; EINECS/ELINCS 234-325-6 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer for foods Features: Lipophilic Regulatory: JSCI listed Properties: Wh. bead; HLB 3.5; nonionic; 100% conc.; 50% monoglyceride Toxicology: TSCA listed MGS-F50SE [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate SE CAS 11099-07-3; EINECS/ELINCS 234-325-6 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Features: Lipophilic 439
Part I: Trade Name Reference Regulatory: JSCI listed Properties: Wh. flake; HLB 5.0; anionic Toxicology: TSCA listed MGS-F75V [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate Chem. Analysis: 75% monoglyceride CAS 11099-07-3; EINECS/ELINCS 234-325-6 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer for foods Features: Lipophilic Regulatory: JSCI listed Properties: Wh. flake; HLB 1.5; nonionic; 100% conc.; 75% monoglyceride Toxicology: TSCA listed MGS-TGL [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate, stearic acid, glycol stearate and triceteth-5 phosphate CAS 11099-07-3; 57-11-4; 111-60-4; EINECS/ELINCS 234-325-6; 200-313-4; 203886-9 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Features: Acid-stable; lipophilic Properties: Wh. bead; HLB 2.0; nonionic MGS-TGV [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate, stearic acid, sorbitan stearate and sodium dioleth-8 phosphate See Sodium oleth-8 phosphate CAS 11099-07-3; 57-11-4; 1338-41-6; 57486-096; EINECS/ELINCS 234-325-6; 200-313-4; 215-664-9 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Features: Acid-stable; lipophilic Properties: Wh. flake; HLB 4.0; nonionic MGU [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl undecylenate Uses: Emulsifier Properties: Colorless to lt. yel. liq./paste Michem® Emulsion 03825 [Michelman http://www.michem.com; http://www.expandingpaper.com] Chem. Descrip.: PE wax aq. emulsion See Polyethylene wax CAS 9002-88-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Shelf-life extender for fruit and vegetable coatings Features: Rec. @ pH 7+ Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: 0.050 µ particle size; sp.gr. 0.970.99; visc. < 200 cps; flash pt. > 65 C; pH 8.59.5; anionic; 25% NV Michem® Emulsion 62125AM [Michelman http://www.michem.com; http://www.expandingpaper.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carnauba wax emulsion See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax Chem. Analysis: 24.5 - 25.5% NV CAS 8015-86-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-399-4 Uses: Shelf-life extender for edible skinned or nonedible skinned fresh fruit and vegetable coatings Features: Rec. @ pH 7+ Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172, 175.105 Properties: 0.030 µ particle size; sp.gr. 0.981.00; Brookfield visc. < 200 cps; flash pt. > 61 C; pH 9.0; anionic; 25% NV Microcat® ECL [Bioscience http://www.bioscienceinc.com] Chem. Descrip.: Microbial catalyst Uses: Enzyme, protein, surfactant for cleaning and deodorizing applics. in meatpacking and food processing Features: Food-grade Properties: Brn. translucent liq. Toxicology: Nontoxic, nonpathogenic Environmental: harmless to aquatic life Storage: 1 yr. shelf life; store in-doors @ R.T. Microcel® 101 [Blanver Farmoquimica http://www.blanver.com.br; Blanver USA http://www.blanver.com.br] Chem. Descrip.: Microcrystalline cellulose CAS 9004-34-6 Uses: Bulking agent, filler, fiber supplement, anticaking agent, antisticking agent, antiblocking agent, flow aid, extrusion aid in foods, cheese, snacks, cereals, drink mixes, pasta, breads, pastries Properties: Wh. fine cryst. powd.; 50 µ avg. particle size; 1% max. on 60 mesh, 30% max. on 200 mesh; odorless; bulk dens. 0.2-0.4 g/cm3, 0.4-0.6 g/cm3 (tapped); < 5% loss on drying Microcel® 102 [Blanver Farmoquimica http://www.blanver.com.br; Blanver USA http://www.blanver.com.br] Chem. Descrip.: Microcrystalline cellulose CAS 9004-34-6 Uses: Bulking agent, filler, fiber supplement, anticaking agent, antisticking agent, antiblocking agent, flow aid, extrusion aid 440
Part I: Trade Name Reference in foods, cheese, snacks, cereals, drink mixes, pasta, breads, pastries Properties: Wh. fine cryst. powd.; 100 µ avg. particle size; 8% max. on 60 mesh, 45% max. on 200 mesh; odorless; bulk dens. 0.2-0.4 g/cm3, 0.4-0.6 g/cm3 (tapped); < 5% loss on drying MicroGARD® MG 100 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lactic acid culture Chem. Analysis: 2.9% moisture Uses: Preservative, flavor enhancer for dairy prods., cottage cheese, yogurt, dips, blended cheeses, fresh soups, confections, and prepared sauces Features: Natural; retards growth of gram neg. bacteria, yeast, and molds; also helps control gas production; little or no effect on taste, flavor, or color of food Regulatory: FDA GRAS Properties: Off-wh. color; sl. cooked odor; buttermilk flavor; pH 7.0-7.3 Use Level: 0.1-0.3% (cottage cheese and yogurt); 0.3-1.5% (refrigerated foods, pastries, sauces, and other high moisture prods.) Storage: 1 yr. shelf life @ cool warehouse temps. MicroGARD® MG 200 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: cultured dextrose See Glucose CAS 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-075-1 Uses: Preservative, flavor enhancer for refrigerated salad dressings, pasta and pizza sauces, salsas, fruit juices, pastas, soups, lowfat prods. Features: Natural; retards growth of gram neg. bacteria, yeasts, and molds; little or no effect on taste, flavor, or color of food Regulatory: FDA GRAS Properties: Off-wh. liq.; sl. cooked odor; buttermilk flavor; pH 7.0-7.3; 2.9% moisture Use Level: 0.3-1.0% for dressings, sauces, and other high moisture prods. MicroGARD® MG 300 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: cultured skim milk (grade A) Uses: Preservative, antimicrobial, bacteriostat, shelf life extender, flavor enhancer in foods, refrigerated salad dressings, pasta and pizza sauces, fresh salsas, wet salads, soups, confections, and Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
dessert cups Features: Natural; retards growth of gram positive bacteria; delays prod. gassing and souring; little or no effect on taste, flavor, or color of food Regulatory: FDA GRAS Properties: Off-wh. color; sl. cooked odor; buttermilk flavor; pH 7.0-7.3; 2.9% moisture Use Level: 0.5-1.0% for high moisture foods Storage: 1 yr. shelf life @ cool warehouse temps. MicroGARD® MG 400 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Nonfat milk, lactic acid culture Uses: Preservative, flavor enhancer for foods, refrigerated salad dressings and dips, refrigerated sauces, soups, blended meats, lowfat prods. Features: Natural; retards growth of gram neg. bacteria, lactics, bacilli, selected yeast, and molds Properties: Off-wh. liq.; sl. cooked odor; buttermilk flavor; pH 7.0-7.3; 2.9% moisture Use Level: 0.5-2.0% for refrigerated foods, blended cheeses, dressings, pie fillings, and meats Storage: 1 yr. shelf life at cool warehouse temps. MicroGARD® MG Guardian 300 CM1-50 [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: cultured skim milk (grade A) Uses: Nat. dairy food preservative Features: Little or no effect on taste, flavor, or color of food Micro-White® 10 Codex [IMERYS http://www.imerys.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium carbonate Chem. Analysis: CaCO3 (97%) CAS 1317-65-3; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Food-grade calcium supplement and extender meeting purity requirements for food and food contact applics. (flour, cake mixes, cereals, chewing gum, crackers) Regulatory: FCC, kosher Properties: Wh. powd., odorless, tasteless; 1.0 µm mean particle size; trace retained on 325 mesh; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 2.71; pH 9-10 Toxicology: TLV-TWA 10 mg/m3; considered nuisance dust; chronic exposure may cause respiratory problems; may cause skin irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Nonflamm., nonexplosive; will 441
Part I: Trade Name Reference react with acids to produce carbon dioxide Micro-White® 10 Slurry [IMERYS http://www.imerys.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium carbonate CAS 1317-65-3; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Pigment, filler, reinforcing agent for foods Features: Ultrafine; exc. optical props.; low visc., low adhesive demand; good retention as filler Properties: Slurry, odorless; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 2.71; dens. 15.87 lb/gal; visc. 250 cps; surf. area 8 m2/g; pH 9-10; nonflamm.; 75% solids Precaution: Incompat. with acids
extender meeting purity requirements for food and food contact applics. (flour, cake mixes, cereals, chewing gum, crackers) Regulatory: FCC, kosher Properties: Wh. powd., odorless, tasteless; 7 µm mean particle size; 0.35% retained on 325 mesh; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 2.71; pH 9-10 Toxicology: TLV-TWA 10 mg/m3; considered nuisance dust; chronic exposure may cause respiratory problems; may cause skin irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Nonflamm., nonexplosive; will react with acids to produce carbon dioxide
Micro-White® 25 Codex [IMERYS http://www.imerys.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium carbonate Chem. Analysis: CaCO3 (96.8%) CAS 1317-65-3; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Food-grade calcium supplement and extender meeting purity requirements for food and food contact applics. (flour, cake mixes, cereals, chewing gum, crackers) Regulatory: FCC, kosher Properties: Wh. powd., odorless, tasteless; 3 µm mean particle size; trace retained on 325 mesh; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 2.71; pH 9-10 Toxicology: TLV-TWA 10 mg/m3; considered nuisance dust; chronic exposure may cause respiratory problems; may cause skin irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Nonflamm., nonexplosive; will react with acids to produce carbon dioxide
Micro-White® 100 Codex [IMERYS http://www.imerys.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium carbonate Chem. Analysis: CaCO3 (95%) CAS 1317-65-3; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Food-grade calcium supplement and extender meeting purity requirements for food and food contact applics. (flour, cake mixes, cereals, chewing gum, crackers) Regulatory: FCC, kosher Properties: Wh. powd., odorless, tasteless; 17 µm mean particle size; 7% retained on 325 mesh; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 2.71; pH 9-10 Toxicology: TLV-TWA 10 mg/m3; considered nuisance dust; chronic exposure may cause respiratory problems; may cause skin irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Nonflamm., nonexplosive; will react with acids to produce carbon dioxide
Micro-White® 25 Slurry [IMERYS http://www.imerys.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium carbonate CAS 1317-65-3; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Filler pigment, reinforcing agent for foods Features: Med.-fine wet-ground Properties: Slurry, odorless; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 2.71; dens. 15.32 lb/gal; visc. 500 cps; surf. area 3.5 m2/g; pH 9-10; nonflamm.; 72% solids Precaution: Incompat. with acids
Midset™ 30 [Midwest Grain Prods. http://www.midwestgrain.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified wheat starch See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Adhesion promoter and crispness enhancer in gummy candies, jelly bean centers, starch jellies, licorice, taffy, as well as batter and coating systems; heat-lamp stabilizer for batters and coatings Features: Low visc.; allows inclusion of high solids in candy and confections
Micro-White® 50 Codex [IMERYS http://www.imerys.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium carbonate Chem. Analysis: CaCO3 (95.5%) CAS 1317-65-3; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Food-grade calcium supplement and
Midsol™ 1 [Midwest Grain Prods. http://www.midwestgrain.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat starch See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Tenderizer in bakery mixes; pan
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part I: Trade Name Reference release agent for baking Features: Low visc.; resistant to heat and low pH foods; resists hydration and swelling in extrusion applics.
pie crusts, baby food, puddings, salad dressings, sauces, gravies, soups and cereal products Properties: Wh.; bland flavor
Midsol™ 2AD [Midwest Grain Prods. http://www.midwestgrain.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat starch See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Water binder, gellant, stabilizer, freezethaw stabilizer in emulsified meat and surimi products Features: High visc., shear and acid resistant
Midsol™ 75 [Midwest Grain Prods. http://www.midwestgrain.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat starch See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Visc. builder, film-former, weeping control agent in icings and glazes Features: Refined large granule; provides higher visc.
Midsol™ 4 [Midwest Grain Prods. http://www.midwestgrain.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat starch See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Visc. builder for soups, sauces, gravies, and bakery fillings; moisture control agent; texturizer in baking Features: High visc.; provides good paste clarity, limited gel formation; freeze-thaw stable; exc. heat, acid and shear stability
Midsol™ Adhere [Midwest Grain Prods. http://www.midwestgrain.com] Chem. Descrip.: Highly refined, modified wheat starch See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Adhesion promoter, film-former for batter and breading applics. Features: Provides smooth coatings Properties: Powd.; 70% min. through 200 mesh; pH 5-6.5; 9.012% moisture Storage: Store in a cool, dry, and sanitary area
Midsol™ 35 [Midwest Grain Prods. http://www.midwestgrain.com] Chem. Descrip.: Starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Adhesion promoter, film-former for meat and veg. batters and breadings Features: Low visc.
Midsol™ Adhere Plus [Midwest Grain Prods. http://www.midwestgrain.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified wheat starch See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Adhesion promoter, binder, and crisping agent in batter systems for breaded, deep-fried foods including meat, poultry, fish, french fries and appetizers Storage: Store in a cool, dry, and sanitary area
Midsol™ 46 [Midwest Grain Prods. http://www.midwestgrain.com] Chem. Descrip.: modified, cook-up Wheat starch See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Texturizer, thickener for soups, sauces, gravies, pie fillings and bakery mixes; stabilizer, moisture control agent in refrigerated and frozen storage conditions Features: Increases process stability of foods subjected to high temperature and shear, as well as acidic conditions Properties: Wh. Midsol™ 50 [Midwest Grain Prods. http://www.midwestgrain.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat starch See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Water binder and fat emulsion stabilizer in cakes, icings, glazes, cookies, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Midsol™ Krisp [Midwest Grain Prods. http://www.midwestgrain.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cook-up modified wheat starch See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Adhesion promoter, film-former; crispness promoter, oil pick-up reducer, shelf life extender in fried foods Features: Cook-up modified; provides extended shelf life under heat lamp Properties: Powd.; 70% min. through 200 mesh; pH 5-6.5; 9.012% moisture Storage: Store in a cool, dry, and sanitary area Miglyol® 808 [Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tricaprylin CAS 538-23-8; EINECS/ELINCS 208-686-5 443
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Specialty oil for prod. of dietary foods containing MCT Regulatory: USP, Ph. Eur., JPE Properties: Colorless to sl. yel. liq.; dens. 0.95 kg/dm3; visc. 25-35 mPa·s; turbidity pt. -5 C; acid no. 0.2 max.; iodine no. 1 max.; sapon. no. 350-360 Environmental: environmentally compat. Miglyol® 810 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Caprylic/capric triglyceride CAS 65381-09-1; EINECS/ELINCS 265-724-3 Uses: Lubricant, carrier, vehicle, solvent for dietary prods. Regulatory: USP, Ph. Eur., JPE, DMF Properties: Colorless liq., neutral odor; sol. in diethyl ether, petrol. ether, chloroform, IPA, toluene, alcohol, min. oil, acetone; sp.gr. 0.940.95; visc. 25-35 mPa·s; acid no. 0.1 max.; iodine no. 0.5 max.; sapon. no. 335-355; pH neutral; cloud pt. 0 C; nonionic Environmental: environmentally compat. Miglyol® 810 N [Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl tricaprylate/tricaprate See Caprylic/capric triglyceride CAS 65381-09-1; EINECS/ELINCS 265-724-3 Uses: Specialty oil for prod. of dietary foods containing MCT Properties: Liq.; dens. 0.95 kg/dm3; visc. 25-35 mPa·s; turbidity pt. 0 C; acid no. 0.2 max.; iodine no. 1 max.; sapon. no. 335-355 Miglyol® 812 [Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Caprylic/capric triglyceride CAS 65381-09-1; EINECS/ELINCS 265-724-3 Uses: Dispersant, lubricant, anticaking agent, carrier, solvent, solubilizer, suspending agent for dietetic prods. Features: Stable to oxidation Regulatory: USP, Ph. Eur., JPE, DMF Properties: Colorless liq.; sol. in alcohol, min. oil, acetone; visc. 25-35 mPa·s; acid no. 0.1 max.; iodine no. 0.5 max.; sapon. no. 325-345; cloud pt. 10 C; nonionic; 100% conc. Environmental: environmentally compat. Miglyol® 812 N [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl tricaprylate/tricaprate See Caprylic/capric triglyceride CAS 65381-09-1; EINECS/ELINCS 265-724-3 Uses: Specialty oil for prod. of dietary foods containing MCT; fat component for medical nutrition Features: Oxidation-stable Properties: Thin oily liq.; dens. 0.95 kg/dm3; visc. 25-35 mPa·s; turbidity pt. 10 C; acid no. 0.2 max.; iodine no. 1 max.; sapon. no. 325-345 Miglyol® 840 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol dicaprylate/dicaprate CAS 68583-51-7; EINECS/ELINCS 271-516-3 Uses: Dispersant, lubricant, carrier, vehicle, solvent, solubilizer, suspending agent for dietetic prods.; flavor fixing agent Features: Oxidation-stable Regulatory: DAB, JCIC, DMF Properties: Colorless liq.; sol. in alcohol, min. oil, acetone; visc. 8-14 mPa·s; acid no. 0.1 max.; iodine no. 0.5 max.; sapon. no. 320-340; cloud pt. -30 C Environmental: environmentally compat. Miglyol® 854 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Triglycerides contg. beeswax Uses: Antisticking agent, glazing agent for sweets, licorice, jelly babies, wine gums Features: Rec. for prods. with tendency to stick Properties: Med. visc. liq. Miglyol® 855 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Triglycerides contg. beeswax Uses: Antisticking agent, glazing agent for sweets, licorice, jelly babies, wine gums Features: Rec. for prods. with tendency to stick Properties: Med. visc. liq. 444
Part I: Trade Name Reference Miglyol® 857 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Triglycerides contg. beeswax Uses: Antisticking agent, glazing agent for sweets, licorice, jelly babies, wine gums Features: Rec. for prods. with tendency to stick Properties: Visc. liq. Miglyol® 860 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Triglycerides contg. beeswax and carnauba wax Uses: Antisticking agent, glazing agent for sweets, licorice, jelly babies, wine gums Features: Rec. for prods. with tendency to stick Properties: Visc. liq. Miglyol® 864 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Triglycerides contg. beeswax and carnauba wax Uses: Antisticking agent, glazing agent for sweets, licorice, jelly babies, wine gums Features: Rec. for prods. with tendency to stick Properties: Med. visc. liq. Miglyol® 866 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Triglycerides contg. beeswax and carnauba wax Uses: Antisticking agent, glazing agent for sweets, licorice, jelly babies, wine gums Features: Rec. for prods. with tendency to stick Properties: Med. visc. liq. Miglyol® 870 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Triglycerides contg. beeswax and carnauba wax Uses: Antisticking agent, glazing agent for Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
sweets, licorice, jelly babies, wine gums Features: Rec. for prods. with tendency to stick Properties: Med. visc. liq. Miglyol® 8108 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl tricaprylate/tricaprate See Caprylic/capric triglyceride CAS 65381-09-1; EINECS/ELINCS 265-724-3 Uses: Specialty oil for prod. of dietary foods containing MCT Regulatory: USP,EP, JPE Properties: Liq.; dens. 0.95 kg/dm3; visc. 25-35 mPa·s; turbidity pt. 0 C; acid no. 0.2 max.; iodine no. 1 max.; sapon. no. 335-355 Milkvis CM™ [Marcel Carrageenan http://www.marcel.com.ph] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Stabilizer, flavor release agent, suspending aid for chocolate milk drinks Features: Imparts homogenous appearance and texture Milopol G-7 [Undesa http://www.undesa.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-7 glyceryl cocoate CAS 68201-46-7 Uses: Food lubricant Properties: Yel. visc. liq.; typical odor; sol. in water; dens. ≈ 1.05 g/ml; f.p. ≈ 0 C; flash pt. > 270 C Toxicology: Nontoxic by ing., inh., or skin contact Environmental: biodeg.; low toxicity to aquatic life Precaution: Wear goggles and gloves; avoid contact with flames and strong oxidants Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx Storage: Store in original container, @ R.T. closed and protected from damp and heat sources Mineral Jelly No. 10 [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum CAS 8009-03-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Release agent, lubricant, sealant, polishing agent, protective coating, defoamer in foods 445
Part I: Trade Name Reference Regulatory: OSHA nonhazardous; FDA 21CFR §172.880 Properties: Lovibond 1Y color; odorless; tasteless; misc. with cosmetic ingred. used in oil-base formulations; visc. 40-43 SUS (210 F); m.p. (Saybolt) 97-105 F; pour pt. 95-105 F Mineral Jelly No. 14 [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum CAS 8009-03-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Release agent, lubricant, sealant, polishing agent, protective coating, defoamer in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.880 Properties: Lovibond 1.0Y color; visc. 2.6-5.7 cSt (100 C); m.p. 38-52 C Mineral Jelly No. 17 [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum USP CAS 8009-03-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Release agent, lubricant, sealant, polishing agent, protective coating, defoamer in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.880 Properties: Lovibond 1.0Y color; visc. 2.6-5.7 cSt (100 C); m.p. 36-49 C Mineral Spirits 066/3 [CITGO Petrol. http://www.citgo.com/home.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Stoddard solvent CAS 8052-41-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-489-3 UN 1268 Uses: Froth flotation cleaning of vegetables; food coatings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.882, 172.884, 175.105, 178.3910; SARA §302/304 nonreportable, §311/312 acute health/chronic health/fire hazard, §313 nonreportable; Calif. Prop. 65 nonreportable; may contain detectable amts. 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene Properties: Colorless transparent liq.; lt. paraffinic hydrocarbon odor; sl. sol. in cold water (< 0.05%); sp.gr. 0.770-0.810 (60/60 F); dens. 6.48 lb/gal (15.6 C); visc. 1.36 cst (20 C); vapor pressure 2.6 mm Hg (20 C); f.p. -65 to -25 C; b.p. 160-200 C; flash pt. (TCC) 42-45 C; autoignition temp. 230 C; ref. index 1.4262 (20 C); KB value 33; VOC 777 g/l; 100% act. Toxicology: ACGIH TLV TWA 100 ppm; LD50 (oral, rat) > 34,600 mg/kg; mist/vapor may irritate eyes, mucous membranes, respiratory tract; liq. contact may cause minimal to mod. eye irritation, mod. to Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
severe skin irritation/inflamm.; may be harmful by inh., skin absorp.; overexposure may cause CNS depression, other target organ effects; may be harmful or fatal by ing.; aspiration into lungs can cause pulmonary edema, chem. pneumonia; TSCA listed Environmental: may cause oxygen depletion in waterways; potentially toxic to water ecosystems; may be hazardous to aquatic life; prevent entry into sewers, waterways; not a DOT marine pollutant Precaution: Combustible liq.; flamm. limits 0.6-6.0%; vapor may cause flash fire; vapors are heavier than air, may flash back; may create vapor/air explosion hazard in confined spaces; spills may create a slipping hazard; floats on water; container can rupture in fire; prevent entry into basements, confined areas; bond and ground equip.; incompat. with strong acids, alkalis, oxidizers (liq. chlorine, other halogens, hydrogen peroxide, oxygen) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: smoke, CO, CO2, possibly other harmful gases/vapors HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in tightly closed containers in cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat, sparks, ignition sources, strong oxidizing conditions MingQiong Brand [Fujian Sanming] Chem. Descrip.: Agar CAS 9002-18-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-658-1 Uses: Stabilizer, densifying agent, coagulant, emulsifier, flotation agent for beverages, ice cream, sugar, canned foods, meat prods.; gellant in canned meats, meat prods., fruit jelly Properties: ≤ 15% moisture; ≤ 5% ash Use Level: 0.2-0.5% (gellant for meats); 0.10.3% (fruit jelly) Storage: Keep dry; store @ 18-25 C Mira-Cap® [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Emulsifier, encapsulant for oils incl. flavor oils in dry mixes (beverage powds., bakery and confectionery blends); emulsifier in salad dressings, imitation dairy prods., nondairy coffee whiteners; 446
Part I: Trade Name Reference film-former Features: Lipophilic Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. to off-wh. noncaking powd., bland flavor; cold water-sol.; visc. 100 cp (80 F, 30% solids); pH 6.5; 6% max. moisture Mira-Cleer® 187 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from dent corn See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, mouthfeel enhancer in low-acid or neutral foods, dry pudding mixes, ice cream toppings, bakery fillings, gravies, dairy-based sauces, stews Features: High visc.; resists. thinning, congealing; contributes freeze/thaw stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; readily mixes in cold water; pH 5.7 (10% slurry); 10% moisture Mira-Cleer® 340 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from dent corn See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener for neutral to low pH foods, aseptic puddings, cheese sauces, tomato sauces, fruit fillings, canned retorted prods.; binder for cooked structured foods Features: Resist. to congealing; provides stable visc., good shelf life under refrigeration Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; disp. in cold water; pH 5.7 (10% slurry); 10% moisture Mira-Cleer® 516 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from dent corn See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener for canned pet foods, condiment sauces, canned fruit fillings for pies Features: Cook-up starch; rec. for highly acidic foods, or foods processed at high retorting temps.; exc. temp. stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; disp. in cold water; pH 5.7 (10% slurry); 11.5% moisture Mira-Gel® 463 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Gellant, texturizer for gel/structured Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
applics., texture modification, highmoisture desserts, cold batters, cookie doughs, bakery fillings, low-moisture confections, icings, microwave preps.; visc. control agent in bakery, snacks, dairy, fruit fillings, fruit preps., jams, dairy, confectionery Features: Cold water swelling gran. starch which forms gels @ R.T. Properties: Wh. powd.; 0.1% max. on 30 mesh, 95% min. through 100 mesh; pH 5.5; 5% moisture Miranol® J2M Conc. [Rhodia HPCII http://www.rhodia-hpcii.com; Rhodia HPCII France http://www.hpcii.rhodia.com] Chem. Descrip.: Disodium capryloamphodiacetate CAS 68608-64-0; EINECS/ELINCS 231-721-0 Uses: Emulsifier, wetting agent for food washing and peeling Properties: Cl. liq.; pH 8.2-8.6; amphoteric; 4850% solids Environmental: biodeg. Mira-Quik® MGL [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from potato See Food starch, modified Uses: Gellant, stabilizer, visc. control agent for gelled foods such as confectionery jellies, bakery fillings, desserts Features: Outstanding gel clarity; high amylose, gelatin replacement Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Off-wh. powd., bland flavor; pH 5; 12% moisture Mira-Set® 285 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from dent corn See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener for prod. of jelly candies, extrusion of fruit pieces or fillings Features: Thin-boiling confectioner's starch Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd.; 0.1% on 60 mesh, 99% through 100 mesh; pH 5.5; 7% moisture Mira-Sperse® 606 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Shelf-life improver, viscosity control agent in dairy prods. and prepared foods; moisture control agent in baker and snack 447
Part I: Trade Name Reference prods. Features: Designed for neutral to mildly acetic food systems Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Mira-Sperse® 622 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified See Food starch, modified Uses: Cold processing agent, moisture control agent, visc. control agent in bakery, snacks; body/mouthfeel enhancer, visc. control agent in beverages, dairy; cold processing agent, freeze/thaw stabilizer, dispersant in dairy; body/mouthfeel enhancer, cold processing agent, visc. control agent in fruit fillings, fruit preps., jams, prepared foods, soups, sauces, gravies, dressings Mira-Sperse® 623 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for no-oil processed foods, low sugar systems, hot water dispersed dry mixes, acidic food systems, systems which undergo severe processing Features: Cold water swelling starch; exc. flow props Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Agglomerated powd., good odor/flavor; 20% on 30 mesh, 30% through 120 mesh; bulk dens. 11-16 lb/ft3; pH 5-7; 68.5% moisture Mira-Sperse® 626 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for no-oil processed foods, low sugar systems, hot water dispersed dry mixes, neutral to mildly acidic food systems, systems processed under mild conditions Features: Cold water swelling starch; exc. flow props. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Agglomerated powd., good odor/flavor; 20% on 30 mesh, 30% through 120 mesh; bulk dens. 11-16 lb/ft3; pH 5-7; 68.5% moisture
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Mira-Sperse® 2000 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified See Food starch, modified Uses: Freeze/thaw stabilizer, humectant, visc. control agent, shelf-life/freshness improver in bakery, snacks; body/mouthfeel enhancer, visc. control agent, cold processing agent, freeze/thaw stabilizer, shelf-life/freshness improver, dispersant in dairy; body/mouthfeel enhancer, visc. control agent, shelf-life/freshness improver in prepared foods, soups, sauces, gravies, dressings; moisture control agent in prepared foods; dispersant in soups, sauces, gravies, dressings Mira-Thik® 468 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from dent corn starch See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for acidic foods, dry instant foods, pourable/spoonable salad dressings, fruit pie fillings, pickle relishes, microwave foods Features: Cold water hydrating starch; provides superior smoothness, syneresis control, freeze/thaw resist. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd., good odor/flavor; 0.5% on 60 mesh, 98% through 100 mesh; bulk dens. 30 lb/ft3; pH 6.0; 5% moisture Mira-Thik® 469 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from dent corn starch See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, texturizer, mouthfeel enhancer for neutral to mildly acidic foods, dry instant foods, puddings, glazes, sauces, soups, gravies, pastry fillings, dairy/microwave prods. Features: Cold water hydrating starch; improves texture, mouthfeel; exc. freeze/thaw stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd., good odor/flavor; 0.5% on 60 mesh, 98% through 100 mesh; bulk dens. 30 lb/ft3; pH 6.0; 5% moisture
Part I: Trade Name Reference Mira-Thik® 470 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: modified food starch from dent corn See Food starch, modified Uses: Freeze/thaw stabilizer, humectant, visc. control agent, shelf-life/freshness improver in bakery, snacks; body/mouthfeel enhancer, cold processing agent, freeze/thaw stabilizer, shelf-life/freshness improver in dairy; body/mouthfeel enhancer, visc. control agent, shelflife/freshness improver in soups, sauces, gravies, dressings Mira-Thik® 603 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for dry mix and processed foods, acidic food systems, systems which undergo severe processing, spoonable/pourable salad dressings, fruit pie fillings, acidic sauces, microwave applics. Features: Instant starch; exc. freeze/thaw stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd., good odor/flavor; 0.5% on 60 mesh, 98% through 100 mesh; bulk dens. 33 lb/ft3 (loose); pH 6.0; 7% moisture Mira-Thik® 606 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for dry mix and processed foods, neutral to mildly acidic food systems, systems processed under mild conditions, gravies, sauces, bakery fillings, dairy prods. Features: Instant starch; exc. freeze/thaw stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd., good odor/flavor; 0.5% on 60 mesh, 98% through 100 mesh; bulk dens. 33 lb/ft3 (loose); pH 6.0; 7% moisture Mira-Thik® 609 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch See Food starch, modified Uses: Cold processing aid, moisture control agent, freeze/thaw stabilizer, visc. control Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
agent, shelf-life/freshness improver in bakery, snacks; body/mouthfeel enhancer, cold processing agent, freeze/thaw stabilizer, shelf-life/freshness; body/mouthfeel enhancer, shelflife/freshness improver in soups, sauces, gravies, dressings; visc. control agent in prepared foods Features: Smooth texture Mix 41 [Vaessen-Schoemaker http://www.vaessen-schoemaker.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy protein isolate, milk protein, and carbohydrates See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein CAS 9010-10-0; 9000-71-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8; 232-555-1 Uses: Food supplement for children and adults, esp. for sportsmen and for people who perform hard physical labor Properties: Pleasant taste and flavor; 41% protein. Mix 63 [Vaessen-Schoemaker http://www.vaessen-schoemaker.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy protein isolate and carbohydrates See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein CAS 9010-10-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Food supplement esp. suited for slimming purposes since it takes more energy to digest than it contains Features: Low in fat, cholesterol- and lactosefree; daily consumption of 75-100 g supplies FAO/WHO-required amt. of protein Properties: 63% protein. Mix 70 [Vaessen-Schoemaker http://www.vaessen-schoemaker.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy protein isolate, milk protein, and carbohydrates See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein CAS 9010-10-0; 9000-71-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8; 232-555-1 Uses: Food supplement suited for slimming purposes Features: Similar to Mix 63; increased protein content permits lower daily intake M Kemfluid 219-D [Undesa http://www.undesa.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono-di glycerine C16-C18 fatty acids mixture Uses: Food lubricant 449
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Yel. visc. liq.; typical odor; insol. in water; sol. in fat; dens. ≈ 0.92 g/ml; f.p. 10 C; flash pt. > 190 C Toxicology: Nontoxic by ing., inh., or skin contact Precaution: Wear goggles and gloves; avoid contact with flames Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: Store in original container, @ R.T. closed and protected from damp and heat sources MLO® [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Flour, calcium sulfate, salt, and fungal protease enzymes See Sodium chloride Uses: Dough conditioner for breads Features: Produces mellow, pliable dough; reduces mixing time by 15-25% Properties: Lt. cream powd.; 98% min. through 40 mesh Use Level: 4-12 oz/100 lb flour Storage: 12 mos. shelf life, best when used before 9 mos; store in cool, dry location; keep containers well closed when not in use MoisturLok® Liquid [Advanced Ingreds. http://www.advancedingredients.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dextrose, dextrin See Glucose CAS 50-99-7; 9004-53-9; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1; 232-675-4 Uses: Moisture control agent in processed meat prods. (cold cuts, hamburgers, hot dogs, processed beef, sausage, etc.) Features: Cuts total ingredient costs, increases production yields and increases shelf life, which reduces spoils and returns Properties: Amber to dk. brn. liq.; sol. in water; dens.11.8 lb/gal; b.p. 220 F Toxicology: Noncarcinogenic Environmental: biodeg. Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents such as perchloric acid Hazardous Ingredients: None Storage: Shelf life 12 mos. for unopened container; store @ ≤ 55 F; darkening may occur over time without affecting quality; do not refrigerate during either shipping or storage; after opening, use the remaining contents within two weeks
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
MoisturLok® Powder [Advanced Ingreds. http://www.advancedingredients.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dextrose, dextrin, and fiber See Glucose CAS 50-99-7; 9004-53-9; EINECS/ELINCS 200075-1; 232-675-4 Uses: Moisture control agent in processed meat prods. (cold cuts, hamburgers, hot dogs, processed beef, sausage, etc.) Features: Cuts total ingredient costs, increases production yields and increases shelf life, which reduces spoils and returns Properties: Cream-gold powd., odorless, sweetpowdery taste; dens. 26 lb/ft3 Toxicology: Noncarcinogenic Environmental: biodeg. Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents such as perchloric acid; dust explosion may occur if suspended in air with ignition source Storage: 12 mos. shelf life if stored in tightly closed containers; store @ ≤ 85 F Mold-Out® [Am. Casein http://www.americancasein.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cultured wheat flour See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) flour CAS 130498-22-5; EINECS/ELINCS 310-127-6 Uses: Mold inhibitor, pH control agent, flavor enhancer, aroma enhancer for baked goods, bread, rolls, cakes, doughnuts, pizza crusts, tortillas, pita bread Features: No preservatives; in some cases, less yeast can be used; eliminates necessity of adding chems. such as calcium propionate Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Free-flowing powd.; pH < 5.5; < 13% moisture Use Level: 8-16 oz/00 lb flour (bread, rolls) Storage: Store in cool, dry area Monestriol DM [Undesa http://www.undesa.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Acetylated glycerine monostearate See Acetylated glyceryl stearate Uses: Food lubricant Properties: Nonionic Monestriol GCT [Undesa http://www.undesa.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl monostearate Uses: Food lubricant 450
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Nonionic Monestriol GE [Undesa http://www.undesa.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono, di, triglycerides C12C18 CAS 91052-53-8; EINECS/ELINCS 293-214-0 Uses: Food lubricant Regulatory: Not classified as dangerous for transport Properties: Yellowish (molten) to ivory-wh. (solid); typical odor; insol. in water; sol. in fat; dens. ≈ 0.95; m.p. 58 C; flash pt. > 200 C; nonionic Environmental: biodeg.; keep out of sewers, drains, surface and underground water; considered to be to low toxicity for aquatic life Precaution: Wear gloves, goggles, overalls; avoid contact with flames Storage: For molten product, store between 6575 C; for solid product, store in closed container @ R.T. protected from dampness, heat sources Monestriol GP [Undesa http://www.undesa.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Food lubricant Properties: Nonionic Monestriol GP-35 [Undesa http://www.undesa.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono, di, triglycerides of fatty acids in C12-C18 See Mono, di, triglycerides C12-C18 CAS 91052-53-8; EINECS/ELINCS 293-214-0 Uses: Food lubricant Regulatory: Not classified as dangerous for transport Properties: Yellowish (molten) to ivory-wh. (solid); typical odor; insol. in water; sol. in fat; dens. ≈ 0.95; m.p. 58 C; flash pt. > 200 C; nonionic Environmental: biodeg.; keep out of sewers, drains, surface and underground water; considered to be to low toxicity for aquatic life Precaution: Wear gloves, goggles, overalls; avoid contact with flames Storage: For molten product, store between 65Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
75 C; for solid product, store in closed container @ R.T. protected from dampness, heat sources Monestriol GP-35-3% [Undesa http://www.undesa.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono, di, triglycerides of fatty acids in C12-C18 See Mono, di, triglycerides C12-C18 CAS 91052-53-8; EINECS/ELINCS 293-214-0 Uses: Food lubricant Regulatory: Not classified as dangerous for transport Properties: Ivory-wh. sol.; typical odor; disp. in water; sol. in fat; dens. ≈ 0.90; m.p. ≈ 58 C; flash pt. > 200 C; anionic Environmental: biodeg.; keep out of sewers, drains, surface water currents; considered to be to low toxicity for aquatic life Precaution: Wear gloves, goggles, overalls; avoid contact with flames Storage: Store in original container @ R.T.; protect from dampness, heat sources Monestriol GP-35-AE [Undesa http://www.undesa.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono, di, triglycerides of fatty acids in C12-C18 See Mono, di, triglycerides C12-C18 CAS 91052-53-8; EINECS/ELINCS 293-214-0 Uses: Food lubricant Regulatory: Not classified as dangerous for transport Properties: Ivory-wh. sol.; typical odor; disp. in water; sol. in fat; dens. ≈ 0.90; m.p. ≈ 59 C; flash pt. > 200 C; anionic Environmental: biodeg.; keep out of sewers, drains, surface water currents; considered to be to low toxicity for aquatic life Precaution: Wear gloves, goggles, overalls; avoid contact with flames Storage: Store in original container @ R.T.; protect from dampness, heat sources Monestriol GP-40 [Undesa http://www.undesa.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono, di, triglycerides of fatty acids in C12-C18 See Mono, di, triglycerides C12-C18 CAS 91052-53-8; EINECS/ELINCS 293-214-0 Uses: Food lubricant Regulatory: Not classified as dangerous for 451
Part I: Trade Name Reference transport Properties: Ivory-wh. sol.; typical odor; insol. in water; sol. in fat; dens. ≈ 0.90; m.p. ≈ 58 C; flash pt. > 200 C; nonionic Toxicology: Not toxic by inh., contact, ing. Environmental: biodeg.; keep out of sewers, drains, surface water currents; considered to be to low toxicity for aquatic life Precaution: Wear gloves, goggles, overalls; avoid contact with flames Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 Storage: Store sol. product @ R.T. in original, sealed container Monestriol GP-40-CF [Undesa http://www.undesa.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono, di, triglycerides of fatty acids in C12-C18 See Mono, di, triglycerides C12-C18 CAS 91052-53-8; EINECS/ELINCS 293-214-0 Uses: Food lubricant Regulatory: Not dangerous for transport Properties: Ivory-wh. solid; typical odor; insol. in water; sol. in fat; dens. ≈ 0.90; m.p. ≈ 58 C; flash pt > 200 C; nonionic Toxicology: Nontoxic Environmental: biodeg. in water; considered to be of low toxicity for aquatic life Precaution: Keep out of sewers, drains, surface and underground water; avoid contact with flames Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 Storage: Store @ R.T. in original, sealed container; protect from direct sun exposure Monestriol GP-40-DC [Undesa http://www.undesa.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Food lubricant Properties: Nonionic Monestriol GP-45 [Undesa http://www.undesa.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl monostearate Uses: Food lubricant Properties: Nonionic Monestriol GP-45-DC [Undesa http://www.undesa.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono, di, triglycerides of fatty Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
acids in C12-C18 See Mono, di, triglycerides C12-C18 CAS 91052-53-8; EINECS/ELINCS 293-214-0 Uses: Food lubricant Regulatory: Not classified as dangerous for transport Properties: Yellowish (molten) to ivory-wh. (solid); typical odor; insol. in water; sol. in fat; dens. ≈ 0.95; m.p. 58 C; flash pt. > 200 C; nonionic Toxicology: Non-toxic by inh., contact, ing. Environmental: biodeg.; keep out of sewers, drains, surface water currents; considered to be to low toxicity for aquatic life Precaution: Wear gloves, goggles, overalls; avoid contact with flames Storage: For molten product, store between 6575 C; for solid product, store in closed container @ R.T. protected from dampness, heat sources Mono Ace SP Gold [Dai-ichi Kogyo Seiyaku http://www.dks-web.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Emulsifier blend Uses: Emulsifier, foaming agent in foods Monofreeze 80 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides and polysorbate 80 See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Food additive for frozen desserts Properties: Free-flowing powd.; c.m.p. 140-150 F; iodine no. 38 max.; 41.5% mono min. Monofresh Super [British Bakels http://www.bakels.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat flour, vegetable oil, calcium sulfate, soya flour, and enzumes See Soybean (Glycine soja) flour; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) flour CAS 130498-22-5; 68956-68-3; 7778-18-9; 68513-95-1; EINECS/ELINCS 310-127-6; 273313-5; 231-900-3 Uses: Crumb softener and antistaling agent for bread, rolls, and fermented goods Properties: Powd. Use Level: 0.5-1% on flour wt. Toxicology: May cause allergic reaction, sensitization, eye and skin irritation; prolonged skin contact may cause dermatitis Environmental: readily biodeg. Precaution: Avoid dust formation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: 6 mos. shelf life when stored in cool 452
Part I: Trade Name Reference and dry conditions Monolan® PL [Akzo Nobel Surf. Chem. AB http://www.surface.akzonobel.com] Chem. Descrip.: High m.w. EO/PO copolymer See EO/PO block polymer or copolymer CAS 9003-11-6 Uses: Defoamer component for sugar beet and yeast prod. Properties: Pale yel. cl. liq., mild odor; sp.gr. 0.973; visc. 930 cs; flash pt. (PMCC) > 150 C; nonionic; 100% act. Monomuls® 90 O18 PH [Cognis/Care Chems.; Cognis GmbH/Care Chems. http://www.cognis.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl oleate CAS 111-03-5; EINECS/ELINCS 203-827-7 Uses: W/o emulsifier, stabilizer, refatting agent, thickener for foods; flavoring agent Regulatory: DAC compliance Properties: Almost wh. paste, sl. fatty odor; HLB 3.4; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 67-80; sapon. no. 150-160; nonionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: Up to 5% conc., toxicologically harmless with no irritating or sensitizing effects Storage: 1 yr. min. storage life in sealed original containers at temps. below 30 C, protected from moisture Moon™ Glycerine USP K [Procter & Gamble http://www.pgchemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerin USP (99-100%) Chem. Analysis: 0.3% max. moisture CAS 56-81-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-289-5 Uses: Emulsifier, emollient, humectant, sweetener Regulatory: USP, DOT/ADR/RID/IMDG/ICAO/IATA not regulated; Canada DSL; Japan; Australia; Philippines; China; Korea Properties: APHA 20 max. cl. visc. liq.; bland odor; sweet taste; complete sol. in water; misc. in ethanol; sl. sol. in acetone; insol. in ether, chloroform; relative dens. 1.262; visc. ≈ 1300 mPa·s; vapor pressure < 0.008 mm Hg; m.p. ≈ 18 C; b.p. > 288 C; flash pt. (PMCC) > 198.9 C; auto-ignition temp. ≈ 400 C; 99-101% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2 g/kg; may cause mild, transient eye irritation; TSCA listed Environmental: LC50 (goldfish, 24 h) > 5 g/l; LC0 (golden orfe, 48 h) > 250 mg/l; LC100 (rainbow trout, 96 h) 51-57 g/l; NOEC Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
(chilomonas paramecium, 48 h) > 10 g/l, (entosiphon sulcatum, 72 h) 3200 mg/l; biodeg. Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers, strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal reaction may release acrolein Storage: Store in clean, tight containers to prevent moisture pickup from air; can be stored in aluminum, stainless steel, fiberglass or resin lined steel vessels Moon™ Kosher Glycerine USP NK [Procter & Gamble http://www.pgchemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerin USP (99-100%) Chem. Analysis: 0.3% max. moisture CAS 56-81-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-289-5 Uses: Emulsifier, emollient, humectant, sweetener Regulatory: USP, kosher, DOT/ADR/RID/IMDG/ICAO/IATA not regulated; Canada DSL; Japan; Australia; Philippines; China; Korea Properties: APHA 20 max. cl. visc. liq.; bland odor; sweet taste; complete sol. in water; misc. in ethanol; sl. sol. in acetone; insol. in ether, chloroform; relative dens. 1.262; visc. ≈ 1300 mPa·s; vapor pressure < 0.008 mm Hg; m.p. ≈ 18 C; b.p. > 288 C; flash pt. (PMCC) > 198.9 C; auto-ignition temp. ≈ 400 C; 99-101% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2 g/kg; may cause mild, transient eye irritation; TSCA listed Environmental: LC50 (goldfish, 24 h) > 5 g/l; LC0 (golden orfe, 48 h) > 250 mg/l; LC100 (rainbow trout, 96 h) 51-57 g/l; NOEC (chilomonas paramecium, 48 h) > 10 g/l, (entosiphon sulcatum, 72 h) 3200 mg/l; biodeg. Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers, strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal reaction may release acrolein Storage: Store in clean, tight containers to prevent moisture pickup from air; can be stored in aluminum, stainless steel, fiberglass or resin lined steel vessels Morflex® MSC [Vertellus Perf. Materials http://www.vertellus.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monostearyl citrate See Stearyl citrate CAS 1337-33-3; EINECS/ELINCS 215-654-4 Uses: Chelating agent, stabilizer for oils; 453
Part I: Trade Name Reference sequestrant in foods and feed Features: Synergistic with antioxidants Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.300, 175.380, 175.390, 176.170, 177.1210, 178.3910, 181.27, 582.6851 Properties: Waxy solid; sol. ≈ 1% in olive oil, safflower oil, corn oil, peanut oil, veg. oil; sp.gr. 0.92 (85 C); m.p. 47 C min.; sapon. no. 140170; neutral. no. 100-125; flash pt. (COC) > 400 F Morillol® [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: 1-Octene-3-ol See 1-Octen-3ol CAS 3391-86-4; EINECS/ELINCS 222-226-0 UN 2810 Uses: Mushroom-like, earthy, herbaceous fragrance and flavoring Properties: Colorless liq.; intense, earthy, mushroom-like odor; sol. in many org. solvs.; sparingly sol. in water; dens. 0.830-0.838; visc. 5.3 mm2; vapor pressure 1 mbar (@ 20 C), 3 mbar (@ 50 C); m.p. -49 C; b.p. 79-81 C (@ 20 hPa); flash pt. 68 C; ignition temp. 245 C; ref. index 1.434-1.440; lel 0.9%; uel 8.0 %; tenacity > 5 days; substantivity > 48 hrs. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 200-1000 mg/l; LC50 (inh., rat, 4 h) 3.72 mg/l; harmful by ing.; skin, eye irritant Environmental: LC50 (brachydanio rerio, 96 h) 1.8 mg/l; EC10 (pseudomonas putida, 0.5 h) 1950 mg/l; EC50 (pseudomonas putida, 0.5 h) 3300 mg/l; EC 90 (pseudomonas putida, 0.5 h) 4600 mg/l; readily biodeg. Precaution: Wear protective gloves, safety glasses with side shields Storage: Keep tightly closed in dry, cool, wellventilated place; protect from light Morton® Flour Salt [Morton Salt http://www.mortonsalt.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Extra fine sodium chloride FCC with anticaking additive (1.5% tricalcium phosphate) See Calcium phosphate tribasic Chem. Analysis: NaCl (98.5%) Uses: Salt providing nutritionally avail. calcium from its anticaking additive for food processing (cereal, flour, powd. cheese, dry mixes, dough conditioners, frostings, meat cures, tenderizers, enzyme preps., snacks Features: Food-grade; ground to be extremely fine and free flowing Regulatory: Tricalcium phosphate: GRAS, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
exempt from label declaration under 21CFR §101.100(a)(3) Properties: Fine powd.; 25-37% retained on 140 mesh, 20-27% on 200 mesh; mean crystal size 100 µm; mean surf. area 400 cm2/g; bulk dens. 0.96-1.06 ml (loose) MP2 Harborlite® 900 [Advanced Minerals http://www.advancedminerals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Perlite CAS 130885-09-5 Uses: Filter aid for beverage industry Properties: Wh. odorless powd.; negligibly sol. in water; sp.gr. 2.2-2.4; pH 6.5 - 7.5; nonflamm. Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 5 mg/m3 (respirable dust); prolonged and repeated exposure to dust can cause chronic pulmonary disease Environmental: chemically inert in the environment Precaution: Wear full-face respirator and goggles with side shields; incompat. with HF acid; avoid breathing dust MSOPB [Undesa http://www.undesa.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Triglyceride saturated C16C18 fatty acids and Triglyceride unsaturated C16-C18 fatty acids Uses: Food lubricant MSOPB/G [Undesa http://www.undesa.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Triglyceride saturated C16C18 fatty acids and Triglyceride unsaturated C16-C18 fatty acids Uses: Food lubricant Muffin Aid® [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Rice flour, fumaric acid, protease, calcium peroxide, and sorbic acid Chem. Analysis: 6% moisture; 5% protein CAS 110-17-8; 9014-01-1; 1305-79-9; 110-44-1; EINECS/ELINCS 203-743-0; 232-752-2; 215139-4; 203-768-7 Uses: Structuring agent for English muffins Properties: Off-wh. powd.; acidic odor; pH 2.8 Use Level: 0.5% to 0.75% in flour Precaution: Avoid contact with oxidizers, reducers, and bases Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx Storage: 12 mos. shelf life, store in cool, dry location; keep containers well closed when not 454
Part I: Trade Name Reference in use Multi-Kem HP-12HS [Multi-Kem http://www.multikem.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Thickener for food Features: High-efficiency; resistant to heat, enzyme and bacterial decomp.; superb waterholding ability; wide compatibility with other anionic and nonionic thickening agents Properties: Brookfield visc. 6,000-8,000 cps @ 1% sol'n. Multifect AA 16L [Genencor Int'l. http://www.genencor.com] Chem. Descrip.: α-Amylase See Amylase CAS 9000-92-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-567-7 Uses: Food-grade enzyme for dextrinizing (liquefying) and saccharifying (glucose and maltose liberating) starch; used for baking, brewing, cereal, chocolate syrup, jelly, juice, syrups, and starch modification Properties: Amber to lt. brn. nonviscous liq., free of offensive odor; misc. with water Storage: Activity loss ≤ 10% in 3 mo when stored in sealed containers under cool, dry conditions Multifect AA 23L [Genencor Int'l. http://www.genencor.com] Chem. Descrip.: β-Amylase (barley) See Amylase CAS 9000-92-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-567-7 Uses: Enzyme for food processing in high maltose syrups, malt diastatic supplementation Properties: Liq. Multifect CA 1000L [Genencor Int'l. http://www.genencor.com] Chem. Descrip.: Catalase CAS 9001-05-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-577-1 Uses: Enzyme which removes residual hydrogen peroxide by direct conversion to water and oxygen Features: Food grade; does not influence taste, texture, or aroma of final prod.; can be used over wide pH range; act. at low pH; more useful than beef liver catalase Regulatory: FAO, WHO, FCC approved; certified kosher Properties: Brnish. cl. liq.; pH 5.25±0.15 Storage: 1 yr. shelf life in closed container @ 2-4 C Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Multifect GO 1500L [Genencor Int'l. http://www.genencor.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glucose oxidase and catalase Uses: Enzyme which removes oxygen from food prods. where oxidation is a problem, such as mayonnaise and salad dressings; prod. is appropriate for use in general food applics. where oxygen removal is desired Regulatory: FAO, WHO, FCC approved; certified kosher Properties: Brn. cl. liq.; pH 5.25±0.15 Storage: 1 yr. shelf life in closed container @ 2-4 C Multifex-MM™ [Specialty Mins. http://www.mineralstech.com] Chem. Descrip.: Precipitated calcium carbonate CAS 471-34-1; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Calcium source for high-calcium cow's milk, flavor fortified children's milk, calcium-fortified soy milk, liq. yogurts, smoothie drinks, dry beverage mixes, liq. meals and infant formulas Features: Ultrafine; high bioavailablility; mod. oil absorption; suspends well minimizing settling; no calories, carbohydrates or fats; uncoated; lactose-free Regulatory: FDA GRAS; USP, EP, FCC Properties: Fine powd.;rhombohedral shape; 0.07 µ avg. particle size; sol. in acids, insol. in water and and inorg. solvents; sp.gr. 2.71; dens. (tapped) 0.43 g/cc; oil absorp. 26; dry brightness 98; hydrophilic Multi-Kem FG 30-40X [Multi-Kem http://www.multikem.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, water binder for pet foods, bakery mixes; dairy stabilizer Features: Rapid hydration; wide compat. with other thickeners Properties: Coarse gran.; hydrates in cold and hot water to yield visc. sol'ns.; visc. 2900-3600 cps (1% aq.) Multi-Kem FG 30-70 [Multi-Kem http://www.multikem.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, water binder for pet foods, bakery mixes; dairy stabilizer 455
Part I: Trade Name Reference Features: Rapid hydration; wide compat. with other thickeners Properties: Fine gran.; hydrates in cold and hot water to yield visc. sol'ns.; visc. 2900-3600 cps (1% aq.) Multi-Kem FG 60-30 [Multi-Kem http://www.multikem.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, water binder for pet foods, bakery mixes; dairy stabilizer Features: Rapid hydration; wide compat. with other thickeners Properties: Coarse gran.; hydrates in cold and hot water to yield visc. sol'ns.; visc. 3300-4000 cps (1% aq.) Multi-Kem FG 60-50 [Multi-Kem http://www.multikem.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, water binder for pet foods, bakery mixes; dairy stabilizer Features: Rapid hydration; wide compat. with other thickeners Properties: Coarse gran.; hydrates in cold and hot water to yield visc. sol'ns.; visc. 3750-4500 cps (1% aq.) Multi-Kem FG 60-70 [Multi-Kem http://www.multikem.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, water binder for pet foods, bakery mixes; dairy stabilizer Features: Rapid hydration; wide compat. with other thickeners Properties: Very fine gran.; hydrates in cold and hot water to yield visc. sol'ns.; visc. 4800-5500 cps (1% aq.) Multiwax® 180-W [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: Microcrystalline wax NF (100%), 2,6-di-t-butyl-p-cresol (< 10 ppm) See BHT CAS 63231-60-7; 128-37-0; EINECS/ELINCS 264-038-1 UN 3257 Uses: Chewing gum base; protective coating on raw fruits and vegetables Regulatory: FDA §172.886, 178.3710; SARA Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
§311/312 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EINECS, Australia AICS, Japan ENCS listed Properties: Wh. waxy solid; odorless; tasteless; sol. in org. solvs.; misc. with petrol. prods., many essential oils, most animal and veg. fats, oils, and waxes; insol. in water; sp.gr. < 1; visc. 14.3-18.0 cSt (99 C); vapor pressure < 0.005 hPa; m.p. 54-102 C; flash pt. (COC) > 210 C Toxicology: Ing. unlikely to have toxic effects, but may act as intestinal lubricant and result in diarrhea; inh. of vapor/mist may be harmful; aspiration may cause pulmonary edema or aspiration pneumonia; oil deposits in lungs may lead to fibrosis; prolonged/repeated inh. of excessive amts. of oil mist/vapors may cause respiratory tract irritation; when molten, may cause thermal burns; TSCA listed Environmental: stable in water; can be mechanically separated from water; not expected to be acutely toxic to aquatic organisms; prevent entry to sewers, drains Precaution: Will burn if involved in fire; oil will float on water and can spread any fire; residual vapors may explode on ignition; bond/ground all containers/equip.; spillages may be slippery; normally unreactive, but avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents, sunlight, UV light, heat, high temps. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: COx, soot HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry place away from strong sunlight; store below 90 C; keep containers tightly closed to prevent contamination Multiwax® ML-445 [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: Microcrystalline wax NF (100%), 2.6-di-t-butyl-p-cresol (< 10 ppm) See BHT CAS 63231-60-7; EINECS/ELINCS 264-038-1 UN 3257 Uses: Chewing gum base; protective coating on raw fruits and vegetables Regulatory: FDA §172.886, 178.3710; SARA §311/312 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EINECS, Australia AICS, Japan ENCS listed Properties: Wh. solid.; odorless; sol. in org. solvs.; misc. with petrol. prods., many essential oils, most animal and veg. fats, oils, and waxes; insol. in water; sp.gr. < 1; visc. 14.318.0 cSt (99 C); vapor pressure < 0.005 hPa 456
Part I: Trade Name Reference (20 C); m.p. 54-102 C; flash pt. (COC) 274 C min.; 100% act. Toxicology: Ing. unlikely to have toxic effects, but may act as intestinal lubricant and result in diarrhea; inh. of vapor/mist may be harmful; aspiration may cause pulmonary edema or aspiration pneumonia; oil deposits in lungs may lead to fibrosis; prolonged/repeated inh. of excessive amts. of oil mist/vapors may cause respiratory tract irritation; when molten, may cause thermal burns; TSCA listed Environmental: stable in water; can be mechanically separated from water; not expected to be acutely toxic to aquatic organisms; prevent entry to sewers, drains Precaution: Will burn if involved in fire; oil will float on water and can spread any fire; residual vapors may explode on ignition; bond/ground all containers/equip.; spillages may be slippery; normally unreactive, but avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents, sunlight, UV light, heat, high temps. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: COx, soot HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry place away from strong sunlight; store below 90 C; keep containers tightly closed to prevent contamination Multiwax® W-445 [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: Microcrystalline wax NF CAS 63231-60-7; EINECS/ELINCS 264-038-1 Uses: Chewing gum base; protective coating on raw fruits and vegetables Regulatory: FDA §172.886, 178.3710 Properties: Lt. yel. to wh. wax; odorless; tasteless; misc. with petrol. prods., many essential oils, most animal and veg. fats, oils, and waxes; sp.gr. < 1; visc. 14.3-18.0 cSt (99 C); m.p.77-82 C; flash pt. (COC) 274 C min. Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers such as hydrogen peroxide, bromine, and chromic acid; use heat protective impervious gloves when handling molten product; use chemical safety goggles and, if handling hot, full face shield Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep away from heat, flame and strong oxidizing agents; storage temp. < 93 C Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Multiwax® W-835 [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: Microcrystalline wax NF (100%), 2,6-di-t-butyl-p-cresol (< 10 ppm) See BHT CAS 63231-60-7; EINECS/ELINCS 264-038-1 UN 3257 Uses: Chewing gum base; protective coating on raw fruits and vegetables Features: Relatively high m.p. Regulatory: FDA §172.886, 178.3710; SARA §311/312 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EINECS, Australia AICS, Japan ENCS listed Properties: Wh. waxy solid; odorless; tasteless; sol. in org. solvs.; insol. in water; sp.gr. < 1; visc. 14.3-18.0 cSt (99 C); vapor pressure < 0.005 hPa (20 C); m.p. 54-102 C; flash pt. (COC) > 210 C Toxicology: Ing. unlikely to have toxic effects, but may act as intestinal lubricant and result in diarrhea; inh. of vapor/mist may be harmful; aspiration may cause pulmonary edema or aspiration pneumonia; oil deposits in lungs may lead to fibrosis; prolonged/repeated inh. of excessive amts. of oil mist/vapors may cause respiratory tract irritation; when molten, may cause thermal burns; TSCA listed Environmental: stable in water; can be mechanically separated from water; will float on surf. of water; not expected to be acutely toxic to aquatic organisms; prevent entry to sewers, drains Precaution: Will burn if involved in fire; oil will float on water and can spread any fire; residual vapors may explode on ignition; bond/ground all containers/equip.; spillages may be slippery; normally unreactive, but avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents, sunlight, UV light, heat, high temps. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: COx, soot HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry place away from strong sunlight; store below 90 C; keep containers tightly closed to prevent contamination Mushroom Booster, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor of dry mushroom, beef, marinades for food prods. Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 457
Part I: Trade Name Reference 101.22; kosher Properties: Cl. liq.; char. mushroom, waxy, sweat, green taste; sol. in oil, alcohol Use Level: 10 ppm as consumed Must Enhancer, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor to impart "freshly picked, vine ripened" taste to berry, fruit flavors and prods. Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Colorless to lt. yel., cl. liq.; tasteless, sl. saltly taste; sol. in alcohol, PG, water, oil Use Level: 0.1-1.0 ppm as consumed Mycolase™ [DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com] Uses: Enzyme for liquefying and saccharifying starch into fermentable sugars for use in juices Mylose 120 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: acid converted, low DE glucose syrup See Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in fermentation prods., baby food, coffee creamers Mylose 150 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: acid converted, low DE glucose syrup See Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in fermentation prods., baby food, coffee creamers Mylose 151 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: acid converted, low DE glucose syrup See Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in fermentation prods., baby food, coffee creamers Mylose 220 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: acid converted, low DE glucose syrup See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 33 DE; 72% DS CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in baby food, beverages, coffee creamers, spray dried prods. Properties: Visc. 1.2 Pas (40 C)
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Mylose 251 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: enzyme converted, low DE glucose syrup See Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in baby food, beverages, coffee creamers, spray dried prods. Mylose 451 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: acid converted, low DE glucose syrup See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 39 DE; 79% DS CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in high-boiling confectionery, chewy caramels, gums and jellies, fondant and cream fillings, processed fruit, bakery prods., ice cream Properties: Visc. 7.5 Pas (40 C) Mylose 461 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: acid converted, low DE glucose syrup See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 39 DE; 81% DS CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in high-boiling confectionery, chewy caramels, gums and jellies, processed fruit, bakery prods., ice cream Properties: Visc. 25 Pas (40 C) Mylose 471 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: acid converted, low DE glucose syrup See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 39 DE; 83% DS CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in high-boiling confectionery, chewy caramels, gums and jellies, fondant and cream fillings, chewing gum, processed fruit, bakery prods., ice cream Properties: Visc. 75 Pas (40 C) Mylose 651 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: acid converted, low DE glucose syrup See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 41 DE; 79% DS CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in chewy caramels. gums and jellies, candy bars, fondant and cream fillings, processed fruit, bakery prods., ice cream Properties: Visc. 7 Pas (40 C) 458
Part I: Trade Name Reference Mylose 658 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: acid converted, low DE glucose syrup See Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in confectionery, processed fruit, bakery prods., ice cream Mylose 661 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: acid converted, low DE glucose syrup See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 41 DE; 83% DS CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in chewy caramels, gums and jellies, candy bars, processed fruit, bakery prods., ice cream Properties: Visc. 20 Pas (40 C) Mylose 671 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: acid converted, low DE glucose syrup See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 41 DE; 83% DS CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in chewy caramels, gums and jellies, candy bars, fondant and cream fillings, processed fruit, bakery prods., ice cream Properties: Visc. 70 Pas (40 C) Myrcene Supra, FCC [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: 7-Methyl-3-methylene-1,6octadiene See Myrcene CAS 123-35-3; EINECS/ELINCS 204-622-5 UN 2319 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in root beer, citrus, and fruit complexes (trace amts.) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; DOT regulated; FCC compliant; listed in Canada, Australia, Japan, Korea, Philippines, China Properties: Colorless cl. liq.; m.w. 136.24; sp.gr. 0.7890-0.7975; dens. 6.60 lb/gal; b.p. 165 C; flash pt. (TCC) 44.4 C; ref. index 1.466-1.471 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5000 mg/kg; undiluted liq. may irritate skin and eyes; TSCA listed Myrj® 45 [Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-8 stearate CAS 9004-99-3 Uses: Food additive in bakery prods. Features: General purpose Regulatory: Canada compliance Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Wh. cream-colored soft waxy solid; sol. in alcohol, disp. in water; sp.gr. 1.0; HLB 11.1; pour pt. 28 C; sapon. no. 82-95; nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: Canada: 0.4% max. (baked goods) Myrj® 52 [Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-40 stearate NF CAS 9004-99-3 Uses: O/w emulsifier for foods; antifoam for processed foods, fruit jellies, preserves, sauces Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340 Properties: Ivory waxy solid or flake; sol. in water, acetone, ether, alcohol; sp.gr. 1.1; HLB 16.9; pour pt. 38 C; sapon. no. 25-35; nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: 0.02-0.05% (defoaming) Myrj® 52S Pharma [Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-40 stearate NF CAS 9004-99-3 Uses: Defoamer for food processing Regulatory: EP, FDA 21CFR §173.340 Properties: Wh. waxy granular solid; sol. in water, toluol, acetone, ether, Cellosolve, CCl4, alcohol; sp.gr. 1.1; HLB 16.9; pour pt. 38 C; sapon. no. 25-35; nonionic; 100% conc. Myvacet® 9-08K [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Acetylated hydrogenated coconut oil glyceride, dist. Uses: Emulsifier for food processing Properties: Liq.; sp.gr. 0.94 (80 C); m.p. 4-12 C; HLB 3.8-4.0; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 5 max.; sapon. no. 410-440; hyd. no. 0-20; nonionic; 96% min. acetylation Myvacet® 9-45K [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Acetylated hydrogenated soybean oil glyceride Uses: Emulsifier, lubricant, solvent for icings and shortenings Properties: Liq.; sp.gr. 0.94 (80 C); m.p. 4-12 C; HLB 3.8-4.0; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 43-53; sapon. no. 370-382; hyd. no. 0-15; nonionic; 96% min. acetylation Myvatex® 3-50K [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate (dist.) and propylene glycol stearate (dist.) 459
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Emulsifier for foods Properties: Sm. beads; sp.gr. 0.91 (80 C); m.p. 58 C; acid no. < 3; iodine no. 5 max.; nonionic; 90% max. monoester Myvatex® 8-16K [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated palm oil monoglycerides, dist. See Hydrogenated palm glyceride EINECS/ELINCS 294-638-9 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Properties: Beads; m.p. 61 C; acid no. < 3; iodine no. 28; nonionic; 72% min. monoester Myvatex® 40-06S [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Myvatex 3-50, lactylic stearate, potassium sorbate, and water Uses: Food emulsifier; improves aeration, volume, texture, and extends shelf life in cakes Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.848, 172.856, 184.1505 Properties: Wh. creamy paste; HLB 3.8-4.0; acid no. < 13; iodine no. < 2; nonionic; 25% solids Storage: Prod. must not be allowed to freeze; 6 mo shelf life
glyceride; Rapeseed glyceride Uses: Emulsifier for foods; stabilizer for peanut butter Properties: Beads; m.p. 63 C; acid no. < 4; iodine no. 5 max.; 18% min. monoglyceride Use Level: 1.3-1.75% (peanut butter), FDA max. 2.77% Myvatex® Texture Lite® K [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soybean oil monoglycerides, propylene glycol monoesters, sodium stearoyl lactylate, silicon dioxide See Propylene glycol mono- and diesters of fats and fatty acids; Silica; Soy glyceride Uses: Emulsifier for cakes, icings, cream fillings, whipped toppings, sauces Properties: Powd.; sp.gr. 0.94 (80 C); HLB 3.84.0; acid no. < 13; iodine no. 3 max.; nonionic; 80% min. monoester Myverol 18-01 [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dist. monoglycerides See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Surfactant for foods Properties: Microbead; HLB 4.0; nonionic; 100% conc.
Myvatex® Mighty Soft® K [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dist. monoglyceride prepared from soybean oil See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Self-hydrating dough strengthener, crumb softener, starch complexing agent, extrusion aid, bodying agent, extension aid for yeast-raised bakery goods, ice cream, frozen desserts, pasta, pet food; reduces stickiness, increases shelf life Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1505 Properties: Wh. powd., odorless; water-disp.; sp.gr. 0.94 (80 C); m.p. 67 C; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 19-36; nonionic; 90% min. monoester Use Level: 0.25-0.5% on flour wt. (baked goods), 1% (cereals), 0.3% (snacks, pet foods), 0.25% (cake), 0.05-0.07% (ice cream), 1-1.75% (pasta) Storage: 12 mo shelf life
Myverol® 18-04 [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com; Mitsubishi Chem. http://www.mkagaku.co.jp/index_en.htm] Chem. Descrip.: Dist. hydrogenated palm oil glyceride See Hydrogenated palm glyceride CAS 67784-87-6; EINECS/ELINCS 294-638-9 Uses: Emulsifier for baked goods, confectionery prods., dehydrated potatoes, etc.; texturizer and antisticking agent in toffees; emulsifier for infant formulas; emulsion stabilizer, antispattering aid in margarine; oil stabilizer, mouthfeel enhancer, flavor enhancer in peanut butter Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1505 (GRAS), EC E471 Properties: Sm. beads; sp.gr. 0.94 (80 C); m.p. 66 C; HLB 3.8-4.0; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 5 max.; nonionic; 90% min. monoester Storage: 24 mo shelf life
Myvatex® Monoset® K [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Rapeseed oil monoglycerides, cottonseed oil monoglycerides, dist. See Cottonseed
Myverol® 18-04K [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated palm oil glyceride See Hydrogenated palm glyceride
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part I: Trade Name Reference EINECS/ELINCS 294-638-9 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer for foods, candy, infant formula, margarine, peanut butter Properties: Sm. bead; sp.gr. 0.94 (80 C); m.p. 66 C; HLB 4.0; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 5 max.; nonionic; 90% min. monoglyceride Myverol® 18-06K [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated soy glyceride CAS 61789-08-0; EINECS/ELINCS 263-030-5 Uses: Emulsifier for foods, candy, chewing gum, cake mixes, infant formula, whipped toppings Properties: Wh. bead, char. odor; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 0.92 (80 C); m.p. 69 C; b.p. 460 C; HLB 4.0; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 5 max.; flash pt. (COC) 227 C; nonionic; 90% min. monoester Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (dermal, rat) > 2 g/kg; nonirritating to skin; sl. eye irritant Myverol 18-06PK [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl monostearate (from hydrogenated soybean oil) See Glyceryl stearate CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Emulsifier for foods; starch complexing agent, lubricant, and processing aid for extruded foods, for pasta, cereals, instant potatoes, snack foods, pet foods, ice cream, frozen desserts Properties: Powd.; sp.gr. 0.92 (80 C); m.p. 69 C; congeal pt. 70 C; cl. pt. 78 C; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 5 max.; nonionic; 90% min. monoester Use Level: 1.0-1.5% (pasta) Storage: 24 mo shelf life Myverol® 18-07 [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated cottonseed glyceride, dist. CAS 61789-07-9; EINECS/ELINCS 263-028-4 Uses: Emulsifier for foods; texturizer, antisticking agent in toffees; gloss aid, crystallization promoter in confectionery coatings; emulsion stabilizer, antispattering aid in margarine; aerating agent for whipped toppings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1505 (GRAS), EC E471 Properties: Sm. beads; sp.gr. 0.92 (80 C); m.p. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
68 C; HLB 3.8-4.0; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 5 max.; nonionic; 90% min. monoester Storage: 24 mo shelf life Myverol® 18-07K [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated cottonseed glyceride CAS 61789-07-9; EINECS/ELINCS 263-028-4 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer for foods, candy, chewing gum, cake mixes, confectionery coatings, infant formula, whipped toppings, peanut butter Properties: Sm. beads; sp.gr. 0.92 (80 C); m.p. 68 C; HLB 4.0; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 5 max.; nonionic; 90% min. monoglyceride Use Level: 1.5-2.0% (peanut butter) Myverol® 18-35K [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Palm oil glyceride See Palm glyceride CAS 97553-32-7; EINECS/ELINCS 307-189-1 Uses: Emulsifier for foods, confectionery coatings, infant formulas, shortenings Properties: Plastic; sp.gr. 0.94 (80 C); m.p. 60 C; HLB 4.0; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 36-45; nonionic; 90% min. monoester Myverol® 18-50K [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated veg. glyceride, dist. See Hydrogenated vegetable glyceride CAS 61789-08-0; EINECS/ELINCS 263-030-5 Uses: Emulsifier for foods, icings, cream fillings, cake mixes, shortenings Properties: Plastic; sp.gr. 0.94 (80 C); m.p. 54 C; HLB 4.0; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 50-60; nonionic; 90% min. monoester Myverol® 18-92K [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sunflower seed oil glyceride CAS 91723-14-7; EINECS/ELINCS 294-518-6 Uses: Emulsifier for foods, icings, cream fillings, shortenings Properties: Semiplastic; sp.gr. 0.90 (80 C); m.p. 41 C; HLB 4.0; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 105115; nonionic; 100% conc. Myverol® 18-99 [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com; Mitsubishi Chem. http://www.mkagaku.co.jp/index_en.htm] Chem. Descrip.: Dist. glyceryl monooleate deriv. from refined low-erucic canola oil See 461
Part I: Trade Name Reference Glyceryl oleate CAS 111-03-5; EINECS/ELINCS 203-827-7 Uses: Emulsifier for foods; antifoam for food processing; emulsion stabilizer for diet spreads; emulsifier, aerating agent for icings; oil stabilizer, mouthfeel enhancer, flavor enhancer in peanut butter Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1505, GRAS; EC E471 Properties: Semiplastic; sp.gr. 0.93 (80 C); m.p. 35 C; HLB 3.8-4.0; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 90-95; nonionic; 90% min. monoester Storage: 6 mo shelf life Myverol® P-06 [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol hydrogenated soybean oil monostearate See Propylene glycol stearate CAS 1323-39-3; EINECS/ELINCS 215-354-3 Uses: Aerating emulsifier for cakes and whipped toppings; provides emulsion stability, extends shelf life; aerator for shortenings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.856, EC E477 Properties: Beads; sp.gr. 0.89 (80 C); m.p. 45 C; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 5 max.; nonionic; 90% min. monoester Storage: 24 mo shelf life Myverol® P-06K [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dist. monoester from hydrogenated soybean oil and propylene glycol Chem. Analysis: 90% propylene glycol monoester Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, aerating agent in cakes and whipped toppings Properties: Sm. beads; readily sol. in fats and oils; sp.gr. 0.89 (80 C); m.p. 45 C; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 5 max.; nonionic; 90% min. monoester content Myverol® SMG V [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dist. succinylated monoglycerides from hydrogenated palm oil or palm stearine Uses: Food emulsifier; dough strengthener for yeast-raised bakery prods.; provides good crumb softening and antistaling props. to baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR 172.830 Properties: Beads; sp.gr. 0.94 (80 C); m.p. 58 C; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
acid no. 70-120; iodine no. 3 max.; 12-20% monoester, 55% min. monoglycerides Use Level: 0.125-0.25% flour wt. (baked goods) Storage: 12 mo shelf life Myverol® SMG® VK [Kerry Bioscience http://www.kerryamericas.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated palm oil or palm stearine succinylated monoglyceride See Hydrogenated palm oil succinylated glyceride Uses: Emulsifier for shortenings, dough strengthener, softener for bread baking Properties: Beads; m.p. 58 C; acid no. 70-120; iodine no. 3 max.; nonionic; 12-20% monoester NAA-34 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Oleic acid CAS 112-80-1; EINECS/ELINCS 204-007-1 Uses: Surfactant in food Properties: Liq.; m.p. 8 C; acid no. 198-204; iodine no. 84-92 max. NAA-35 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Oleic acid CAS 112-80-1; EINECS/ELINCS 204-007-1 Uses: Surfactant in food Properties: Liq.; m.p. 8 C; acid no. 196-205; iodine no. 85-95 max. NAA-38 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Oleic acid CAS 112-80-1; EINECS/ELINCS 204-007-1 Uses: Surfactant in food Properties: Liq.; m.p. 8 C; acid no. 196-205; iodine no. 97-107 max. NAA-60 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Caproic acid CAS 142-62-1; EINECS/ELINCS 205-550-7 Uses: Surfactant food additive Properties: Yellowish transparent liq.; acid no. 425-483; iodine no. 7.0 max. NAA-82 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Caprylic acid CAS 124-07-2; EINECS/ELINCS 204-677-5 Uses: Surfactant food additive Properties: Liq.; m.p. 15.5-16.5 C; acid no. 382390; iodine no. 0.5 max. NAA-102 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Capric acid CAS 334-48-5; EINECS/ELINCS 206-376-4 Uses: Food additive Properties: Liq.; m.p. 29.5-31.5 C; acid no. 323327; iodine no. 0.5 max. 462
Part I: Trade Name Reference NAA-122 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Lauric acid CAS 143-07-7; EINECS/ELINCS 205-582-1 Uses: Food additive Properties: Bead; m.p. 43-44 C; acid no. 278282; iodine no. 0.5 max. NAA-142 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Myristic acid CAS 544-63-8; EINECS/ELINCS 208-875-2 Uses: Food additive Properties: Bead; m.p. 53-54 C; acid no. 242248; iodine no. 0.5 max. NAA-160 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Palmitic acid CAS 57-10-3; EINECS/ELINCS 200-312-9 Uses: Emulsifier for food Properties: Bead; m.p. 59-62 C; acid no. 215220; iodine no. 1.0 max.
CAS 57-11-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-313-4 Uses: Emulsifier for food Properties: Bead; m.p. 54-58 C; acid no. 204210; iodine no. 0.5 max. NAA-176 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Stearic acid (special) CAS 57-11-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-313-4 Uses: Emulsifier for food Properties: Bead; m.p. 54-57 C; acid no. 207212; iodine no. 0.5 max. NAA-180 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Stearic acid (special) CAS 57-11-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-313-4 Uses: Emulsifier for food Properties: Bead; m.p. 65-69 C; acid no. 195206; iodine no. 2.0 max.
NAA-174 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Stearic acid (special) CAS 57-11-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-313-4 Uses: Emulsifier for food Properties: Bead; m.p. 56.5-60.5 C; acid no. 202-208; iodine no. 1.0 max.
Nadex® 772 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn dextrin See Dextrin CAS 9004-53-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-675-4 Uses: Film-former, emulsifier, encapsulant for spray-dried flavors and oils for use in dry mixes (cakes, puddings, drinks); encapsulant, stabilizer for spices Features: Stable; low visc.; high sol. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1277; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. to tan powd.; dextrin odor; disp. in cold water with agitation, optimal sol. @ 60-71 C; pH ≈ 3 (1%); ≈ 6% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity
NAA-175 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Stearic acid (special) CAS 57-11-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-313-4 Uses: Emulsifier for food Properties: Bead; m.p. 54-58 C; acid no. 204210; iodine no. 0.5 max.
Naftonox® BHT [Chemetall GmbH http://www.chemetall.com] Chem. Descrip.: 2,6-Di-t-butyl-4-methylphenol See BHT CAS 128-37-0; EINECS/ELINCS 204-881-4 Uses: Antioxidant for food
NAA-171 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Palmitic acid CAS 57-10-3; EINECS/ELINCS 200-312-9 Uses: Emulsifier for food Properties: Bead; m.p. 52.5-56.5 C; acid no. 209.5-215.5; iodine no. 2.0 max. NAA-172 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Stearic acid (special) CAS 57-11-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-313-4 Uses: Emulsifier for food Properties: Bead; m.p. 54-58 C; acid no. 204210; iodine no. 1.0 max. NAA-173K [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Stearic acid (special) CAS 57-11-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-313-4 Uses: Emulsifier for food Properties: Bead; m.p. 65-69 C; acid no. 195206; iodine no. 2.0 max.
NAA-175S [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Stearic acid (special) Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part I: Trade Name Reference Naftonox® TMQ [Chemetall GmbH http://www.chemetall.com] Chem. Descrip.: Poly-2,2,4-trimethyl-1,2dihydroquinoline See 2,2,4-Trimethyl-1,2dihydroquinoline polymer CAS 26780-96-1 Uses: Antioxidant for food Features: Faintly staining Nastar® [Cosucra SA http://www.cosucra.com] Chem. Descrip.: Native pea starch contg. 35% amylose and 65% amylopectin CAS 9005-82-7; 9037-22-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-685-9; 232-911-6 Uses: Gellant, viscosifier with exc. stability to high temps., to shearing, and to variations in pH; for instant soups and sauces, powd. puddings and desserts, canned foods, confectionery, meat prods., cereal prods., dehydrated prods., extruded prods. Properties: Wh. powd., neutral taste; 88% min. dry matter Storage: Store under dry conditions Natamax® G [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Natamycin CAS 7681-93-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-683-5 Uses: Antimycotic agent for inhibition of yeasts, molds, fungi, shelf-life extender in beverages and wine Features: No added salt; natural; high efficacy at low concs.; no effect on taste, flavor, or color of food; no reported allergic or sensory reactions Regulatory: FDA GRAS; E235 and JECFA compliant Toxicology: May cause skin and eye irritation Precaution: Prevent exposure to chemical oxidants and sunlight; avoid contact with oxidizing agents, heavy metals Natamax® Gel [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Natamycin CAS 7681-93-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-683-5 Uses: Antimycotic agent for inhibition of yeasts, molds, fungi, shelf-life extender in cheese surface treatment, dry sausages surface treatment Features: Improved surface adhesion; natural; high efficacy at low concs.; no effect on taste, flavor, or color of food; no reported allergic or sensory reactions Regulatory: FDA GRAS; E235 and JECFA compliant Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Toxicology: May cause skin and eye irritation Precaution: Prevent exposure to chemical oxidants and sunlight; avoid contact with oxidizing agents, heavy metals Natamax® SF [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Natamycin CAS 7681-93-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-683-5 Uses: Antimycotic agent for inhibition of yeasts, molds, fungi, shelf-life extender in spraying, shredded and blocked cheese, bakery prods. Features: No added sugar; natural; high efficacy at low concs.; no effect on taste, flavor, or color of food; no reported allergic or sensory reactions Regulatory: FDA GRAS; E235 and JECFA compliant Toxicology: May cause skin and eye irritation Precaution: Prevent exposure to chemical oxidants and sunlight; avoid contact with oxidizing agents, heavy metals Natamax® Salt [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: natamycin CAS 7681-93-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-683-5 Uses: Antimycotic agent for inhibition of yeasts, molds, fungi, shelf-life extender in shredded cheese, PVA cheese coating, dry sausages surface treatment Features: No added sugar; natural; high efficacy at low concs.; no effect on taste, flavor, or color of food; no reported allergic or sensory reactions Regulatory: FDA GRAS; E235 and JECFA compliant Use Level: ADI: 0.3 mg/kg body weight per day Toxicology: May cause skin and eye irritation Precaution: Prevent exposure to chemical oxidants and sunlight; avoid contact with oxidizing agents, heavy metals Natamax® [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: 50:50 powd. blend of lactose and active ingred. natamycin CAS 63-42-3; 7681-93-8; EINECS/ELINCS 200559-2; 231-683-5 Uses: Antimycotic for inhibition of yeasts, molds, fungi, shelf life extender in foods, cheese, meats, esp. suitable for surface applics. Features: Natural; high efficacy at low concs.; no effect on taste, flavor, or color of food; no 464
Part I: Trade Name Reference reported allergic or sensory reactions Regulatory: FDA GRAS; E235 and JECFA compliant Properties: Cryst.; low sol. in aq. sol'ns., most org. solvs.; more sol. at pH < 3 and > 9 Use Level: ADI: 0.3 mg/kg body weight per day Toxicology: May cause skin and eye irritation Precaution: Prevent exposure to chemical oxidants and sunlight; avoid contact with oxidizing agents, heavy metals National® 46 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tapioca dextrin, corn dextrin, food starch modified See Food starch, modified Uses: Encapsulant for citrus flavors and other delicate flavor oils, film-former, emulsion stabilizer for spray drying and in cakes, cookies, spice and beverage dry mixes Features: Low visc.; total replacement for gum Arabic Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892, 184.1277; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. to lt. tan powd.; starch odor; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 3 (1%); ≈ 6% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity National® 77-1744 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize, with erythorbic acid See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, freeze/thaw stabilizer, suspending agent for particulates in canned foods, soups, stews, gravies, pet foods Features: Reduces tendency for fat migration during retorting Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd.; pH ≈ 6; ≈ Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
8% moisture National® 104 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener for high-solids systems, fruit fillings Features: Pregelatinized; exc. resist. to heat, acid, shear; good freeze/thaw stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. coarse powd.; starch odor; bland taste; sol. in cold water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 8% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity National® 150 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch based on waxy maize, erythorbic acid added See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, suspending agent for particulate ingreds. in canned foods, e.g., soups, stews, gravies, pet foods, etc. Features: Reduces tendency for fat migration during retorting Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892, 182.3041; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 3.5 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion 465
Part I: Trade Name Reference prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity National® 0280 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tapioca dextrin Uses: Crisping agent, gellant, film-former, texturizer for battered and fried foods, esp. French fries Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1277; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. powd.; dextrin odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 4 (1%); 7% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity National® 465 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Visc. builder, texturizer, mouthfeel enhancer for high pH foods, acid-contg. foods, refrigerated/frozen foods, pie fillings, puddings, gravies, sauces, canned foods, aseptically processed foods (creambased sauces and puddings), microwavable prods. Features: Good resist. to heat, acid, shear; exc. cold temp. storage stability; develops smooth, short texture Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity National® 711 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, texturizer for dry mixes, instant soups/gravies/sauces, instant fruit filling in baked prods., refrigerated/frozen prods. Features: Pregelatinized; ease of dispersion; imparts short, sl. grainy texture; good resist. to acid and heat; good cold temp. storage stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. sl. coarse powd.; starch odor; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 8% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity National® 740 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from corn See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, texturizer for low acid foods and dry mixes (puddings, cream fillings, pastry fillings, soups, sauces, gravies), retorted foods, cooked foods, and refrigerated/frozen foods; water binder in emulsion meats Features: Imparts smooth, short texture; exc. cold temp. storage stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from 466
Part I: Trade Name Reference dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity National® 814 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified See Food starch, modified Uses: Crisping agent, gellant, film-former, texturizer for battered and fried foods, esp. French fries Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 5.5 (1%); 11% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity National® 912 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Stabilizer for flavor and cloud emulsions in carbonated beverages, and other food emulsions, bakery emulsions, vitamin suspensions, liq. foods contg. oils and fats Features: Gum Arabic replacement Properties: Wh. fine powd.; pH ≈ 5; ≈ 11% moisture National® 1215 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch, unmodified See Corn (Zea mays) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Thickener, texturizer, moisture Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
retention agent in foods, dry mixes, instant puddings, instant soups, instant gravies, instant sauces; moisture retention aid in cake mixes Features: Pregelatinized Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. coarse powd.; starch odor; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 5.5 (1%); ≈ 8% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity National® 1333 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Visc. builder, texturizer for foods, esp. lemon pie fillings, barbecue sauce, refrigerated/frozen foods, low-pH canned foods Features: Exc. resist. to overcooking; resist. to heat, acid, shear; very good cold temp. storage stability; imparts smooth, short texture Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd.; pH ≈ 6; ≈ 11% moisture National® 1457 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Visc. builder, texturizer for canned foods, low pH fruit fillings, aseptically prepared puddings and fillings, heatprocessed foods Features: Exc. resist. to high temp., shear, acid; imparts smooth, short texture; exc. low temp. and shelf stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture 467
Part I: Trade Name Reference Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity National® 1545 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch deroved from waxy maize, erythorbic acid added See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, suspending agent for particulate ingreds. in canned foods, e.g., soups, stews, gravies, pet foods, etc. Features: Reduces tendency for fat migration during retorting Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; pH ≈ 3; ≈ 11% moisture National® 1658 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, texturizer for foods esp. aseptically processed puddings, cream fillings, pastry fillings, retorted prods., refrigerated/frozen foods Features: Imparts smooth, short texture when hot, sl. firm texture on cooling; exc. cold temp. storage stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity National® 320 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch See Food starch, modified Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Fat mimetic, lubricant, mouthfeel enhancer in cold-process liq. foods such as instant salad dressings, soups, sauces Features: Very oily; exc. visc. stability in liqs.; contributes virtually no visc.; very resist. to heat, acid, mech. shear; resist. to gelling Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd., bland taste; pH ≈6; ≈8% moisture National® 4012 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, texturizer for foods esp. cream/milk-contg. canned foods, pet foods, aseptically processed puddings, other cereal processing Features: Facilitates processing of canned foods in a shorter time, esp. in high temp. continuous retorts; imparts smooth, short texture; good resist. to high shear, acid conditions; provides exc. stability during refrigerated/frozen storage Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity National® 5717 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener for turnover fillings (to prevent boilout during baking), dry mix instant gravies/sauces/salad dressings/beverages Features: Pregelatinized; yields high visc.; very stable @ low pH and extreme heat; withstands high acid and high shear conditions; relatively slow hydration rate Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. sl. coarse powd.; starch odor; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 468
Part I: Trade Name Reference 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 8% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity National® 5730 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Thickener, texturizer for baked or fried puffed foods, snacks, pet foods, crackers, other baked goods Features: Pregelatinized; produces wide variety of textures from light expanded items to crisp brittle prods. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. sl. coarse powd.; starch odor; neutral taste; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 4 (1%); ≈ 8% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity National® 6912 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, suspending agent for particulate ingreds. in canned foods, e.g., soups, stews, gravies, pet foods, etc. Features: Reduces tendency for fat migration during retorting Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; pH ≈ 5; ≈ 11% moisture National® DSR [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Texturizer, nonfat milk solids replacement, mouthfeel enhancer for ice cream, frozen desserts Features: Does not mask desirable flavors or contribute off-notes; slows meltdown Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1444; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 7% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity National® Frigex [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified Uses: Visc. builder, texturizer, low temp. stabilizer for foods esp. puddings, cream fillings, dairy prods. Features: Very stable under low temp. storage; exc. resist. to heat, acid, shear; smooth, short texture; rec. for HTST, UHT, and conventional batch cooking Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; bland taste; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; 469
Part I: Trade Name Reference minimize dust generation Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity National® Frigex HV [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified Uses: Visc. builder, texturizer, mouthfeel enhancer for heat-processed dairy prods., puddings, cream pie filings, desserts; thickener for cream sauces, soups, Bavarian creams Features: Very stable under low temp. storage; smooth, short texture; clean flavor profile Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; bland taste; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Natural Chicken Key [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor in meat, chicken, beef, soups Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Yel.-orange, cl. liq.; roasted chicken, meaty taste; insol. in water; sol. in oil, alcohol Use Level: 0.25 ppm as consumed Natural Flavor White Sour [Am. Ingreds./Patco http://www.patco-additives.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat flour, potato flour, lactic acid, and soy flour See Potato (Solanum tuberosum) flour; Soybean (Glycine soja) flour; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) flour Uses: Sour for French bread, English muffins, snack crackers, brown-and-serve prods., snacks Properties: Free-flowing powd.; pH 3.0-3.4; 11.513.5% protein Natural Replacer for Buchu [Natural Advantage Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Peach, berry, grape flavor for food Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Cl. liq.; fruity, black currant taste; sol. in alcohol Use Level: 0.001-0.1ppm as consumed Natural Replacer for Onion [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor to replace onion oil in food applics. Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Cl., colorless liq.; strong onion flavor; sol. in alcohol, oil; sl. sol. in water Use Level: 0.1-10 ppm Natural Replace for Onion [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor in meat and savory flavors; replacement for onion oil Features: Strong onion flavor Regulatory: GRAS; CFR §172.510; 21 CFR §101.22; kosher Properties: Cl. colorless liq.; onion odor; sol. in alcohol, oil; sl. sol. in water Use Level: 0.1-10 ppm as consumed NatureTones™ [Kerry Ingreds. http://www.kerrygroup.com; http://www.kerryingredients.com] Uses: Natural flavorings from beef and clam extracts, wine, vinegar, soy sauce, etc. Naturome™ Extracts [Danisco Cultor http://ingredients.danisco.com; Danisco USA http://www.danisco.com] Uses: Flavoring agent for alcoholic beverages, fruit juices, bakery fruit fillings Features: Volatile natural ingreds. NBF™ [Cargill Flavor Systems http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/] Uses: Butterfat flavor for food Properties: Powd. N-Creamer™ 46 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Emulsion stabilizer, encapsulant in fatcontg. spray-dried powds., coffee creamers, liq. emulsions (beverages, salad dressings, o/w emulsions) Features: Sodium caseinate replacement; more stable than caseinates in low pH systems 470
Part I: Trade Name Reference Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. fine powd.; starch odor; sol. in cold water, optimal sol. @ 71 C; water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 4 (1%); ≈ 6% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity NDF™ [Cargill Flavor Systems http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/] Uses: Dairy flavor of sour cream, cream, condensed milk, milk, buttermilk, yogurt for food prods. Properties: Powd. NEOBEE® 18 [Stepan http://www.stepan.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hybrid safflower oil, refined, deodorized See Hybrid safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) oil CAS 8001-23-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-276-5 Uses: Oil for margarine, mayonnaise, salad dressings; solubilizer, solvent, lubricant for foods; nutritional fluid Features: Highly stable Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §170.30, GRAS; avail. in kosher grade Properties: Sl. yel. liq., sl. fatty odor, bland taste; sol. in alcohol, min. oil, acetone; sp.gr. 0.915; visc. 70 cps; iodine no. 90; sapon. no. 190; surf. tens. 31.6 dynes/cm. Toxicology: Nonirritating Storage: Avoid prolonged storage above 90 F NEOBEE® 895 [Stepan http://www.stepan.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tricaprylin CAS 538-23-8; EINECS/ELINCS 208-686-5 Uses: Fat source in nutritional prods.; carrier for flavors, vitamins, essential oils, and colors Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher; Europe, Japan, Canada, Australia, and Korea listed Properties: Water-wh. liq.; bland odor and taste; sp.gr. 0.958; visc. 12.8 cSt (40 C); m.p. 9 C; iodine no. 1.0; sapon.no. 356; hyd. no. 3.0; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
flash pt. (PMCC) 229.4 C; ref. index 1.446; 200 ppm moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) >15,000 mg/kg; may cause very mild transient eye but not skin irritation when applied undiluted; TSCA listed Environmental: biodeg. HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in sealed containers below 32 C; avoid overheating or freezing NEOBEE® 1053 [Stepan http://www.stepan.com] Chem. Descrip.: Caprylic/capric triglyceride CAS 73398-61-5; EINECS/ELINCS 265-724-3 Uses: Carrier, solubilizer for flavors, vitamins; diluent for food colors, essential oils; clouding agent for beverages; fat source for nutritional prods. Features: Min. oil alternative Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §170.30, GRAS; kosher; Europe, Japan, Canada, Australia listed Properties: Water-wh. liq.; bland odor and taste; sol. in min. oil, acetone, alcohol; sp.gr. 0.949; visc. 15.9 cSt (100 F); f.p. 5 C; iodine no. 0.1; sapon. no. 334; hyd. no. 1.2; flash pt. (PMCC) 260 C; ref. index 1.447; surf. tens. 29.9 mN/m; 0% RVOC; 0.05% moisture Toxicology: LD50 (rat) > 36 ml/kg; may cause very mild transient eye irritation but no skin irritation when applied undiluted Environmental: biodeg. Storage: Store in sealed containers below 32 C; avoid prolonged storage above 32 C; avoid overheating NEOBEE® 1095 [Stepan http://www.stepan.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tricaprin CAS 621-71-6; EINECS/ELINCS 210-702-0 Uses: Hydrogenated fat replacement in margarine, icings, and confections Regulatory: Kosher; GRAS Properties: Cream-colored waxy solid; bland odor; visc. 20.1 cSt (100 F); m.p. 30-33 C; iodine no. 0.04; sapon. no. 300; hyd. no. 5; flash pt. (PMCC) 254 C; 1000 ppm moisture; 0.05% free fatty acid Toxicology: LD50 (rat) > 36 ml/kg; may cause very mild transient eye irritation; no skin irritation Environmental: biodeg.
Part I: Trade Name Reference NEOBEE® M-5 [Stepan http://www.stepan.com] Chem. Descrip.: Caprylic/capric triglyceride CAS 73398-61-5; EINECS/ELINCS 265-724-3 Uses: Diluent, vehicle, carrier for flavors, vitamins, nutritional fluids; solubilizer, cosolvent for fragrances, flavors, food colors; clouding agent for beverages; source of nutritional MCT; fat source in nutritional prods. Features: Min. oil alternative Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §170.30, GRAS; kosher; Europe, Japan, Canada, Australia listed Properties: Water-wh. oily liq.; bland odor and taste; sol. in alcohol, min. oil, acetone; sp.gr. 0.945; visc. 14.9 cSt (100 F); f.p. -5 C; acid no. 0.10 max.; iodine no. 0.006; sapon. no. 345; hyd. no. 1.4; flash pt. (MCC) 260 C; ref. index 1.447; surf. tens. 28.8 mN/m; 0% RVOC; 200 ppm moisture Toxicology: LD50 (rat) > 30 ml/kg; may cause very mild transient eye but no skin irritation if applied undiluted Environmental: biodeg. Storage: Store in sealed containers below 32 C; avoid prolonged storage above 32 C; avoid overheating NEOBEE® M-20 [Stepan http://www.stepan.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol dicaprylate/dicaprate CAS 68583-51-7; EINECS/ELINCS 271-516-3 Uses: Solubilizer, solvent, lubricant, essential oil diluent in foods Features: Low visc. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §170.30, 172.856; avail. in kosher grade Properties: Pale yel. oily liq., bland odor; sol. in alcohol containing up to 20% water; visc. 9.5 cps; f.p. -20 C; iodine no. 1 max.; sapon. no. 326; hyd. no. 0.6; flash pt. (PMCC) 176.7 C; 0.04% moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) >5000 - 15,000 mg/kg; eye irritant; not a primary skin irritant; ing. does not cause adverse effects Environmental: biodeg. Precaution: Wear safety glasses with side shields Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Avoid prolonged storage above 90 F; keep the container tightly closed and in a cool, well-ventilated place Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Neobor® [U.S. Borax http://www.borax.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium tetraborate pentahydrate CAS 12179-04-3; EINECS/ELINCS 215-540-4 Uses: Mfg. of paper/paperboard for food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 176.180, 181.30; SARA nonreportable, DOT nonregulated; Japan MITI; South Korea listed; Canada DSL Properties: Wh. cryst. gran. or powd.; odorless; sol. in water, glycols; m.w. 291.35; sp.gr. 1.81; vapor pressure negligible (20 C); m.p. < 200 C; pH 9.3 (3%); nonflamm.; > 99% act. Toxicology: OSHA PEL 10 mg/m3 total dust; LD50 (oral, rat) 3200-3400 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg; LC50 (inh., rat) > 2.0 mg/l; low acute oral and dermal toxicity; inh. @ > 10 mg/m3 may cause mild irritation to nose and throat; TSCA listed Environmental: EC50 (Daphnia magna, 24 h) 242 mg; lg. amts. can be harmful to plants and other species Precaution: Reacts as weak acid which may cause corrosion of base metals; incompat. with strong reducing agents which will generate hydrogen gas NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Rec. dry indoor storage @ R.T. Nerolex™ FCC [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: cis-3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien1-ol See Nerol CAS 106-25-2; EINECS/ELINCS 203-378-7 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Features: Raspberry-strawberry effect Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515 Properties: APHA 20 max. cl. liq.; sol. 1 in 9 v/v (50% alcohol); sp.gr. 0.875-0.880; dens. 7.29 lb/gal; b.p. 222.2 C; acid no. 0.2 max.; flash pt. (TCC) > 100 C; ref. index 1.473-1.478 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5000 mg/kg; may cause eye and skin irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Nerol/Geraniol 60/40, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor to add sweetness and warm, fruity notes to citrus, raspberry-strawberry, honey and other flavors to food prods. Regulatory: Flavor to add sweetness and warm, fruity notes to citrus, raspberry-strawberry, honey and other flavors to food prods. 472
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Colorless liq.; very sweet, deep fruity taste with citrus, raspberry overtones; sol. in most common org. solvs.; insol. in water; sol. 1:5 in 50% alochol Use Level: 10 ppm Nerolidol [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: Z,E-3,7,11-Trimethyl-1,6,10dodecatriene-3-ol See Trimethyldodecatrieneol CAS 7212-44-4; EINECS/ELINCS 230-597-5 Uses: Fragrance, flavoring in food Properties: Cl. colorless to pale yel. liq.; sweetly floral, green, woody, lilly-like odor; sparingly sol. in water; sol. in many org. solvs.; m.w. 222.37; sp.gr. 0.870-0.876; b.p. 260-266 C; flash pt. (CC) 125 C; ref. index 1.478-1.483 Use Level: 1-10% Storage: Store in original container @ R.T.; test for quality after 30 mos. Neryl/Geranyl Acetates 60/40, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor to add sweetness and warm, fruity notes to citrus, neroli, raspberry, honey and other flavors in food applics. Regulatory: GRAS; CFR §172.510; 21 CFR §101.22; kosher; FEMA Properties: Colorless liq.; very sweet, deep fruity taste with citrus, raspberry overtones; sol. in alcohol, oil; very sl. sol. in water Use Level: 10 ppm NETO® 7300-43/43 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: acid/enzyme converted corn syrup EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener NETO® 7350-50/43 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: acid/enzyme converted corn syrup EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Flavor, body, texture improver Neutrase® 1.5 MG [Novozymes A/S http://www.novozymes.com] Chem. Descrip.: Protease CAS 9014-01-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-752-2 Uses: Neutral enzyme for dough extensibility improvement in the production of biscuits, crackers, wafers, and cookies Features: Reliable dough handling; consistently high volume; superior product appearance Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Brn. cl. liq.; water-sol.; dens. 1.25 g/ml Newlase F [Amano Enzyme http://www.amanoenzyme.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Lipase from Rhizopus niveus CAS 9001-62-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-619-9 Uses: Enzyme for fats and oils processing Properties: Off-wh. to brn. powd.; sl. odor; sol. in water Toxicology: May cause skin irritation; repeated inh. of enzyme dust may induce sensitization and allergic-type reactions in sensitized individuals; nontoxic Environmental: biodegradable; not harmful to aquatic and marine organisms when dissolved with copious amounts of water Precaution: Wear respirator, protective glasses and impervious gloves; avoid dust formation Storage: Store in cool, dry place NFDM Phos LD Instant [Kerry Ingreds. http://www.kerrygroup.com; http://www.kerryingredients.com] Uses: Foaming agent in beverages Features: Buffered for use in coffee-based beverages Properties: Dens. 0.26-0.31 NFDM Phos Nth Instant [Kerry Ingreds. http://www.kerrygroup.com; http://www.kerryingredients.com] Uses: Foaming agent in beverages Features: Buffered for use in coffee-based beverages Properties: Dens. 0.36-0.44 N-Flate™ [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Nonfat dry milk, polyglyceryl esters, food starch modified, guar gum See Food starch, modified; Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum Uses: Shortening replacement, volume improver, texturizer, moisture retention aid in cake mixes, baked goods, reducedcalorie baked goods, whipped prods., microwave cakes Features: Imparts uniform cell structure; exc. tolerance to shear Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §131.125, 172.892, 172.854, 184.1339 Properties: Off-wh. free-flowing powd.; insol. in water; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6.5 (1%); ≈ 10% moisture 473
Part I: Trade Name Reference Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity N'Hance CM [Cain Food Industries http://www.cainfood.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium salts, enzymes, azodicarbonamide, ascorbic acid, and calcium iodate See L-Ascorbic acid Uses: Dough conditioner for continuous mix bread prod. Features: Potassium bromate-free; provides rapid recovery from abusive dough development in continuous mix systems Properties: Free-flowing powd. Use Level: 6 oz/cwt flour Storage: 6 mos. shelf life under cool, dry conditions N'Hance (Phase I) Powd. [Cain Food Industries http://www.cainfood.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy flour, calcium salts, ammonium sulfate, salt, ascorbic acid, azodicarbonamide, and fungal enzymes See L-Ascorbic acid; Sodium chloride; Soybean (Glycine soja) flour Uses: Fermentation aid, dough conditioner for most yeast-raised bakery prods. Features: Provides extensibility and gasretaining props. Properties: Free-flowing powd. Use Level: 8 oz/cwt flour Storage: 6 mos. shelf life under cool, dry conditions N'Hance (Phase II) Tablets [Cain Food Industries http://www.cainfood.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium iodate, azodicarbonamide, fungal enzymes, and other edible excipients Uses: Dough conditioner, dough strengthener in yeast-raised bakery prods. Features: Produces strengthening effects of potassium bromate; provide uniform oxidation of flour, improves gas retention, bread quality; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
esp. effective with low protein or poor gluten quality flours Properties: Tablets Use Level: 1-2 tablets in conjunction with Phase I Storage: 6 mos. shelf life under cool, dry conditions N'Hance SD [Cain Food Industries http://www.cainfood.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy flour, calcium salts, ascorbic acid, azodicarbonamide, calcium iodate, and fungal enzymes See L-Ascorbic acid; Soybean (Glycine soja) flour Uses: Dough conditioner for use on dough side of liq. fermentation systems where no compounded yeast foods are used, and for straight doughs, sweet doughs, Danish, frozen doughs Features: Potassium bromate replacement Properties: Free-flowing powd. Use Level: 0.375-0.5% Storage: 6 mos. shelf life under cool, dry conditions Niacet Calcium Acetate FCC [Niacet http://www.niacet.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium acetate FCC CAS 62-54-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-540-9 Uses: Sequestrant, thickener, pH control agent for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1185; OSHA nonhazardous; RCRA, CERCLA, SAS Title II nonreportable Properties: Wh. powd.; odorless; sol. 26% in water, 2.5% in methanol, 0.1% in ethanol; m.w. 167.10; bulk dens. ≈ 30 lbs/ft3; m.p. 445 C; pH 6.3-8.3 (10% aq.); 99.0% min. purity (dry basis) Toxicology: Relatively low toxicity; strong sol'ns. may cause some eye irritation; transient irritant on inhalation of dust; TSCA listed Environmental: biodeg. Precaution: Wear safety glasses; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO Niacet Calcium Propionate FCC [Niacet http://www.niacet.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium propionate CAS 4075-81-4; EINECS/ELINCS 223-795-8 Uses: Antimicrobial for control of molds in foods (baked goods, bread, rolls, pies, cakes, pie fillings, cheese), animal feeds 474
Part I: Trade Name Reference Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1221 (GRAS) Properties: Wh. powd. or gran.; sol. 28.5% in water, 2% in methanol; m.w. 186.22; m.p. 400 C dec.; pH 8-9.5 (10% aq.); 99% min. purity Use Level: 3-5 oz/cwt flour (wh. bread), 2-4 oz/cwt batter (cheese cake), 0.3% max. (cheese prods.) Toxicology: Food additives, low toxicity; minimal reaction on skin and eye contact; breathing concs. of dust will be irritating Niacet Sodium Acetate 60% FCC [Niacet http://www.niacet.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium acetate FCC See Sodium acetate anhydrous CAS 127-09-3; EINECS/ELINCS 204-823-8 Uses: Flavoring agent, adjuvant, pH control agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1721 Properties: Cl. fine cryst.; sol. 73% in methanol, 58% in water, 12% in ethanol; m.w. 136.09; m.p. 58 C; pH 6.5-8.5 (10% aq.); 99% min. purity Toxicology: Low toxicity; strong sol'ns. will cause some eye irritation; only mild skin irritation on prolonged contact Niacet Sodium Acetate Anhyd. FCC [Niacet http://www.niacet.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium acetate anhyd. FCC See Sodium acetate anhydrous CAS 127-09-3; EINECS/ELINCS 204-823-8 Uses: Flavoring agent, adjuvant, pH control agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1721 (GRAS) Properties: Wh. powd.; sol. 26% in methanol, 3.2% in ethanol; sol. 58% in water @ 60 C; m.w. 82.03; m.p. 324 C; pH 7.5-9.2 (10% aq.); 99% min. purity Toxicology: Low toxicity; strong sol'ns. will cause some eye irritation; only mild skin irritation on prolonged contact Precaution: Wear safety glasses; avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents and production of airborne particles Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO Niacet Sodium Diacetate FCC [Niacet http://www.niacet.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium diacetate FCC CAS 126-96-5; EINECS/ELINCS 204-814-9 Uses: Antimicrobial, flavoring agent, adjuvant, and pH control agent, acetic acid source, sodium acetate source in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1754 (GRAS) Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Wh. cryst. powd.; sol. 40% i water, 26% in methanol, 5% in ethanol; m.w. 142.09; m.p. 328 C; pH 4.0-5.0 (10% aq.); 58-60% purity; 39-41% avail. acetic acid Toxicology: Moderately toxic; skin irritant, serious eye irritant on prolonged contact with dust or strong sol'ns. Niacet Sodium Propionate FCC [Niacet http://www.niacet.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium propionate FCC CAS 137-40-6; EINECS/ELINCS 205-290-4 Uses: Antimicrobial for control of mold in foods (baked goods, bread, rolls, pie crust and fillings, cake, cheese prods.), animal feeds Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1784 (GRAS) Properties: Wh. powd.; sol. 49% in water, 14% in methanol, 1.4% in ethanol; m.w. 96.06; m.p. 285 C; pH 7.5-9.0 (10% aq.); 99% min. purity Use Level: 3-5 oz/cwt flour (wh. bread), 2-4 oz/cwt batter (cheese cake), 0.3% max. (cheese prods.) Toxicology: Food additive, low toxicity; minimal reaction on skin and eye contact; breathing concs. of dust will be irritating Niacin USP, FCC [DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com] Chem. Descrip.: Nicotinic acid USP-FCC CAS 59-67-6; EINECS/ELINCS 200-441-0 Uses: Vitamin, pellagra preventive for supplementing cereal grain foods Properties: Wh. fine gran. cryst. or cryst. powd., odorless; sol. 1 g/60 ml water; freely sol. in boiling alcohol, sol'ns. of alkali hydroxides and carbonates; pract. insol. in ether; m.w. 123.11; bulk dens. 0.56 g/ml (loose); m.p. 234-238 C; 99.5-101% assay Toxicology: Ingestion may produce vascular dilation; high level intakes may produce severe liver damage Storage: Store in tight, light-resist. containers; avoid exposure to moisture, excessive heat Niacinamide USP, FCC [DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com] Chem. Descrip.: Niacinamide USP FCC CAS 98-92-0; EINECS/ELINCS 202-713-4 Uses: Essential nutrient for multivitamin preps. and food fortification Properties: Wh. free-flowing cryst. powd., nearly odorless, bitter taste; pH (5% aq. sol'n.) 6.07.5, m.p. 128-131 C, 70% min. through 40 mesh, 5% min. through 100 mesh; sol. 1 g/1 ml water, 1.5 ml alcohol, 10 ml glycerin; m.w. 475
Part I: Trade Name Reference 122.13; m.p. 128-131 C; 99.0-101% (dried) assay Storage: Store in dry place @ 59-86 F Nipabutyl [Clariant/Functional Chems. http://www.fun.clariant.com] Chem. Descrip.: Butylparaben NF, BP, FCC, Eur. Ph. CAS 94-26-8; EINECS/ELINCS 202-318-7 Uses: Preservative, bactericide, fungicide for foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS; EC 0.4% max.; Japan 1% Properties: Wh. cryst. powd., odorless or very faint aromatic odor, tasteless; sol. (g/100 g solv.) 240 g acetone, 220 g methanol, 208 g ethanol, > 200 g IPA, 150 g ether, > 100 g lanolin; m.w. 194.23; m.p. 68-69 C; > 99% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) > 5 g/kg; nonirritating to skin; sl. irritating to eyes Nipabutyl Sodium [Clariant/Functional Chems. http://www.fun.clariant.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium butylparaben CAS 36457-20-2; EINECS/ELINCS 253-049-7 Uses: Preservative, bactericide, fungicide for foods Properties: Wh. fine hygroscopic powd.; sol. in cold water; m.w. 216.21; pH 9.5-10.5 (0.1% aq.); > 99% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) > 2 g/kg; pure material irritating to skin; sl. irritating to eyes and nasal passages Nipacide® OPP [Clariant/Functional Chems. http://www.fun.clariant.com] Chem. Descrip.: O-Phenyl phenol See oPhenylphenol CAS 90-43-7; EINECS/ELINCS 201-993-5 Uses: Preservative for citrus fruit Properties: Cream to wh. flakes, sl. phenolic odor; sol. (g/100 g): 800 g in methanol, 660 g acetone, 590 g ethanol, 490 g ether, 300 g propylene glycol, 275 g ethylene glycol, 270 g benzene; m.w. 170; bulk dens. 0.60-0.65; m.p. 56-58 C; b.p. 286 C; flash pt. (COC) 138 C; 99.5% min. purity Use Level: 0.15-1.3% (citrus dips) Toxicology: LD50 (rats) 2000 mg/kg; harmful by ingestion; corrosive to skin and eyes Storage: Unlimited shelf life if protected from light and moisture; keep containers tightly closed
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Nipacombin SK [Clariant/Functional Chems. http://www.fun.clariant.com] Chem. Descrip.: Combination of sodium salts of para hydroxy benzoic acid esters Uses: Antimicrobial, preservative for foods Features: For use to pH 8.0-8.5 Properties: Sol. in cold water Nipagin A [Clariant/Functional Chems. http://www.fun.clariant.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ethylparaben NF, BP, FCC, Eur.Ph. CAS 120-47-8; EINECS/ELINCS 204-399-4 Uses: Preservative, bactericide, fungicide for foods (beer, flavors, fruit juices, fish, pickles, sauces, soft drinks, yogurt) Regulatory: FDA GRAS; EC 0.4% max.; Japan 1% Properties: Wh. fine cryst. powd., odorless or very faint aromatic odor, tasteless; sol. (g/100 g solv.) 84 g acetone, 81 g methanol, 70 g ethanol, 40 g ether, 30 g lanolin; m.w. 166.18; m.p. 115-117 C; pH 7; > 99% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 8 g/kg; sl. poisonous if swallowed; nonirritating to skin; sl. irritating to eyes; produces a sl. burning sensation of mouth and tongue Environmental: not very resist. to microbial degradation Precaution: Dust in confined conditions can be a dangerous fire and explosion hazard Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Decomp. may produce acrid irritating thick black smoke Nipagin A Sodium [Clariant/Functional Chems. http://www.fun.clariant.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium ethylparaben CAS 35285-68-8; EINECS/ELINCS 252-487-6 Uses: Antimicrobial, preservative, bactericide, fungicide for foods (beer, flavors, fruit juices, fish, pickles, sauces, soft drinks, yogurt) Properties: Wh. fine powd., almost odorless, tasteless; hygroscopic; sol. in cold water; m.w. 188.16; pH 9.5-10.5 (0.1% aq.); > 99% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 2.5 g/kg; sl. poisonous if swallowed; pure material irritating to skin; severe eye irritant; sl. irritating to nasal passages; produces sl. burning sensation of mouth and tongue Environmental: not very resist. to microbial degradation Precaution: Dust in confined conditions can be dangerous fire and explosion hazard 476
Part I: Trade Name Reference Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Decomp. may produce acrid irritating thick black smoke Nipagin M [Clariant/Functional Chems. http://www.fun.clariant.com] Chem. Descrip.: Methylparaben NF, BP, FCC, Eur. Ph. CAS 99-76-3; EINECS/ELINCS 202-785-7 Uses: Antimicrobial, preservative, bactericide, fungicide for foods (beer, flavors, fruit juices, fish, pickles, sauces, soft drinks, yogurt, soy sauce) Regulatory: FDA GRAS; EC 0.4% max.; Japan 1% Properties: Wh. fine cryst. powd., odorless or very faint aromatic odor, tasteless; sol. (g/100 g solv.): 64 g acetone, 60 g IPA, 58 g methanol, 48 g ethanol, 35 g propylene glycol, 23 g ether; m.w. 152.15; m.p. 125-128 C; b.p. 298.6 C; pH ≤ 7; > 99% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 8 g/kg; sl. poisonous if swallowed; sl. irritating to eyes; nonirritating to skin; produces sl. burning sensation of mouth and tongue Environmental: not very resist. to microbial degradation Precaution: Dust in confined conditions can be dangerous fire and explosion hazard Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Decomp. may produce acrid irritating thick black smoke Nipagin M Sodium [Clariant/Functional Chems. http://www.fun.clariant.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium methylparaben CAS 5026-62-0; EINECS/ELINCS 225-714-1 Uses: Preservative, bactericide, fungicide for foods (beer, flavors, fruit juices, fish, pickles, sauces, soft drinks, yogurt) Properties: Wh. powd., almost odorless, tasteless; hygroscopic; sol. in cold water; m.w. 174.1; pH 9.5-10.5 (0.1%); > 99% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 2.0 g/kg; poisonous if swallowed; severe eye irritant; sl. irritating to skin; sl. irritating to nasal passages; produces sl. burning sensation of mouth and tongue Environmental: not very resist. to microbial degradation Precaution: Dust in confined conditions can be dangerous fire and explosion hazard Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Decomp. may produce acrid irritating thick black smoke
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Nipanox® BHT [Clariant/Functional Chems. http://www.fun.clariant.com] Chem. Descrip.: BHT CAS 128-37-0; EINECS/ELINCS 204-881-4 Uses: Antioxidant for food Properties: Colorless or wh. cryst. powd., odorless and tasteless; insol. in water; m.w. 220.4; f.p. 69.2 C; b.p. 265 C; flash pt. (PM) 122 C; > 99.5% act. Toxicology: Nontoxic Nipasept Sodium® [Clariant/Functional Chems. http://www.fun.clariant.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium methylparaben, sodium propylparaben, and sodium ethylparaben Uses: Preservative, bactericide, fungicide for aq. foodstuffs Features: Suitable for alkaline preps. to pH 8.08.5 Properties: Sol. in cold water Nipasol M [Clariant/Functional Chems. http://www.fun.clariant.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propylparaben NF, BP, FCC, Eur.Ph. CAS 94-13-3; EINECS/ELINCS 202-307-7 Uses: Preservative, bactericide, fungicide for foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS; EC 0.4% max.; Japan 1% Properties: Wh. fine cryst. powd., odorless or very faint aromatic odor, tasteless; sol. (g/100 g solv.): 105 g acetone, 100 g in methanol, ethanol, 88 g IPA, 80 g lanolin, 50 g ether; m.w. 180.20; m.p. 95-98 C; > 99% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 8 g/kg (pract. nonharmful by ingestion); nonirritant to skin; sl. irritant to eyes Nipasol M Sodium [Clariant/Functional Chems. http://www.fun.clariant.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium propylparaben CAS 35285-69-9; EINECS/ELINCS 252-488-1 Uses: Preservative, bactericide, fungicide for foods Properties: Wh. hygroscopic powd.; sol. in cold water; m.w. 202.2; pH 9.5-10.5 (0.1%); > 99% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 3.7 g/kg (pract. nonharmful); nonirritating to skin; sl. irritating to eyes, nasal passages Nipastat® [Clariant/Functional Chems. http://www.fun.clariant.com] Chem. Descrip.: Methylparaben (> 50%), 477
Part I: Trade Name Reference butylparaben (> 20%), ethylparaben ( 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 6% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity N-Lite® L [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified See Food starch, modified Uses: Texturizer, fat mimetic, lubricant, mouthfeel enhancer for liq. food systems, no- or low-fat prods., spoonable salad dressings, canned soups, microwavable cheese sauces Features: Very oily; exc. stability to gelling; very resist. to acid, heat, shear Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; bland flavor; disp. easily in water with minimal agitation; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6.5 (1%); ≈ 9% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity N-Lite® LP [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified See Food starch, modified Uses: Fat mimetic, mouthfeel enhancer, lubricant in cold-process liq. food systems, no- and low-fat prods., pourable instant salad dressings, dry mix soups, microwavable cheese sauces Features: Resist. to gelling, heat, acid, mech. shear; provides smooth, creamy texture Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 7% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity N-Lok® [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified with corn syrup See Food starch, modified CAS 53124-00-8; 8029-43-4 Uses: Encapsulant for flavors (esp. orange and lemon flavors), fats, oils, and vitamins, film-former, emulsion stabilizer in highsolids emulsions for spray-drying, dry mixes (cakes, cookies, beverages, spices) Features: Low visc.; exc. resist. to oxidation; total replacement for gum Arabic, gelatin Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892, 184.1865; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. powd.; starch odor; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 4 (1%); ≈ 6% 481
Part I: Trade Name Reference moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity N-Lok® 1930 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified with Corn syrup added See Food starch, modified CAS 53124-00-8; 8029-43-4 Uses: Encapsulating agent for flavors, fats, oils and vitamins Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. powd.; starch odor; disperses in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 4 (1%); ≈ 6% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; nontoxic; TSCA listed Environmental: no aquatic toxicity established Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Nofable AO-80 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Oleyl alcohol CAS 143-28-2; EINECS/ELINCS 205-597-3 Uses: Surfactant in food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Nofable AO-90 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Oleyl alcohol CAS 143-28-2; EINECS/ELINCS 205-597-3 Uses: Surfactant in food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Nofable AO-99 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Oleyl alcohol CAS 143-28-2; EINECS/ELINCS 205-597-3 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Nofable BO-90K [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Potassium oleate CAS 143-18-0; EINECS/ELINCS 205-590-5 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; anionic Nofable BO-90N [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium oleate CAS 143-19-1; EINECS/ELINCS 205-591-0 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless Nofable BO-90T [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Triethanolamine oleate See TEA-oleate CAS 2717-15-9; EINECS/ELINCS 220-311-7 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; anionic Nofable BO-99K [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Potassium oleate CAS 143-18-0; EINECS/ELINCS 205-590-5 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; anionic Nofable BO-99N [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium oleate CAS 143-19-1; EINECS/ELINCS 205-591-0 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless Nofable BO-99T [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Triethanolamine oleate See TEA-oleate CAS 2717-15-9; EINECS/ELINCS 220-311-7 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; anionic Nofable CO-90 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Cholesterol oleate See Cholesteryl oleate CAS 303-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 206-142-1 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless Nofable CO-99 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Cholesterol oleate See Cholesteryl oleate CAS 303-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 206-142-1 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless
Part I: Trade Name Reference Nofable EAO-80 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: POE oleyl ether See Oleth CAS 9004-98-2 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Nofable EAO-90 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: POE oleyl ether See Oleth CAS 9004-98-2 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Nofable EAO-99 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: POE oleyl ether See Oleth CAS 9004-98-2 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Nofable EO-90 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Ethyl oleate CAS 111-62-6; EINECS/ELINCS 203-889-5 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless Nofable EO-99 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Ethyl oleate CAS 111-62-6; EINECS/ELINCS 203-889-5 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless Nofable ESO-99 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: POE sorbitan oleate Uses: Surfactant in food Properties: Colorless; odorless Nofable ESO-90 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: POE sorbitan oleate Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless Nofable FO-9061 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Fluoroalcohol oleate (1,1,7trihydrododecafluoroheptanol-1) Uses: Surfactant suitable for use in foods Properties: Colorless; odorless Nofable FO-9062 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Fluoroalcohol oleate (1,1,2,2tetrahydrotridecafluorooctanol-1) Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless Nofable FO-9081 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Fluoroalcohol oleate (1,1,9trihydrohexadecafluorononanol-1) Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless Nofable FO-9082 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Fluoroalcohol oleate (1,1,2,2Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
tetrahydroheptadecafluorodecanol-1) Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless Nofable FO-9961 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Fluoroalcohol oleate (1,1,7trihydrododecafluoroheptanol-1) Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless Nofable FO-9962 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Fluoroalcohol oleate (1,1,2,2tetrahydrotridecafluorooctanol-1) Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless Nofable FO-9981 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Fluoroalcohol oleate (1,1,9trihydrohexadecafluorononanol-1) Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless Nofable FO-9982 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Fluoroalcohol oleate (1,1,2,2tetrahydroheptadecafluorodecanol-1) Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless Nofable GO-901 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerol monooleate, 40% See Glyceryl oleate CAS 111-03-5; EINECS/ELINCS 203-827-7 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic; > 99% act. Nofable GO-901P [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerol monooleate, 80% See Glyceryl oleate CAS 111-03-5; EINECS/ELINCS 203-827-7 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic; > 99% act. Nofable GO-902 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerol dioleate See Glyceryl dioleate CAS 25637-84-7; EINECS/ELINCS 247-144-2 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic; > 99% act. Nofable GO-903 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerol trioleate See Triolein CAS 122-32-7; EINECS/ELINCS 204-534-7 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic; > 99% 483
Part I: Trade Name Reference act. Nofable GO-991 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerol monooleate, 50% See Glyceryl oleate CAS 111-03-5; EINECS/ELINCS 203-827-7 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic; oleic acid content >99% Nofable GO-991H [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerol monooleate, 99% See Glyceryl oleate CAS 111-03-5; EINECS/ELINCS 203-827-7 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic; > 99% act. Nofable GO-991P [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerol monooleate, 90% See Glyceryl oleate CAS 111-03-5; EINECS/ELINCS 203-827-7 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Nofable GO-992 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerol dioleate See Glyceryl dioleate CAS 25637-84-7; EINECS/ELINCS 247-144-2 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Nofable GO-993 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerol trioleate See Triolein CAS 122-32-7; EINECS/ELINCS 204-534-7 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic; > 99% act. Nofable MO-90 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Methyl oleate CAS 112-62-9; EINECS/ELINCS 203-992-5 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Nofable MO-99 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Methyl oleate CAS 112-62-9; EINECS/ELINCS 203-992-5 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Nofable OO-9080 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Oleyl oleate CAS 3687-45-4; EINECS/ELINCS 222-980-4 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Nofable OO-9090 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Oleyl oleate CAS 3687-45-4; EINECS/ELINCS 222-980-4 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless Nofable OO-9980 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Oleyl oleate CAS 3687-45-4; EINECS/ELINCS 222-980-4 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless Nofable OO-9990 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Oleyl oleate CAS 3687-45-4; EINECS/ELINCS 222-980-4 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless Nofable OO-9999 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Oleyl oleate CAS 3687-45-4; EINECS/ELINCS 222-980-4 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless Nofable PGO-900L [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Linear decaglycerol oleate See Polyglyceryl-10 oleate CAS 9007-48-1; EINECS/ELINCS 279-230-0 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Nofable PGO-900M [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Mixed decaglycerol oleate See Polyglyceryl-10 oleate CAS 9007-48-1; EINECS/ELINCS 279-230-0 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Nofable PGO-902L [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Linear diglycerol oleate See Polyglyceryl-2 oleate CAS 9007-48-1; EINECS/ELINCS 256-367-4 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Nofable PGO-904L [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Linear tetraglycerol oleate See Polyglyceryl-4 oleate CAS 9007-48-1 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Nofable PGO-904M [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Mixed tetraglycerol oleate See Polyglyceryl-4 oleate CAS 9007-48-1 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic 484
Part I: Trade Name Reference Nofable PGO-906L [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Linear hexaglycerol oleate See Polyglyceryl-6 oleate CAS 9007-48-1 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Nofable PGO-906M [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Mixed hexaglycerol oleate See Polyglyceryl-6 oleate CAS 9007-48-1 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Nofable PGO-908L [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Linear octaglycerol oleate See Polyglyceryl-8 oleate CAS 9007-48-1 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Nofable PGO-990L [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Linear decaglycerol oleate See Polyglyceryl-10 oleate CAS 9007-48-1; EINECS/ELINCS 279-230-0 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Nofable PGO-990M [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Mixed decaglycerol oleate See Polyglyceryl-10 oleate CAS 9007-48-1; EINECS/ELINCS 279-230-0 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Nofable PGO-992L [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Linear diglycerol oleate See Polyglyceryl-2 oleate CAS 9007-48-1; EINECS/ELINCS 256-367-4 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Nofable PGO-994L [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Linear tetraglycerol oleate See Polyglyceryl-4 oleate CAS 9007-48-1 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Nofable PGO-994M [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Mixed tetraglycerol oleate See Polyglyceryl-4 oleate CAS 9007-48-1 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic
See Polyglyceryl-6 oleate CAS 9007-48-1 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Nofable PGO-996M [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Mixed hexaglycerol oleate See Polyglyceryl-6 oleate CAS 9007-48-1 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Nofable PGO-998L [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Linear octaglycerol oleate See Polyglyceryl-8 oleate CAS 9007-48-1 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Nofable SO-901 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan monooleate See Sorbitan oleate CAS 1338-43-8; EINECS/ELINCS 215-665-4 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Nofable SO-902 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan sesquioleate CAS 8007-43-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-360-1 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Nofable SO-903 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan trioleate CAS 26266-58-0; EINECS/ELINCS 247-569-3 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Nofable SO-991 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan monooleate See Sorbitan oleate CAS 1338-43-8; EINECS/ELINCS 215-665-4 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Nofable SO-992 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan sesquioleate CAS 8007-43-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-360-1 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic Nofable SO-993 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan trioleate CAS 26266-58-0; EINECS/ELINCS 247-569-3 Uses: Surfactant for food Properties: Colorless; odorless; nonionic
Nofable PGO-996L [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Linear hexaglycerol oleate Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part I: Trade Name Reference N-Oil® [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tapioca dextrin Uses: Texturizer, fat enhancer, mouthfeel enhancer, visc. builder for low-fat and lowoil foods, frozen desserts, pourable/spoonable salad dressings, margarine spreads, imitation sour cream Features: Can be processed under high temps., acidic conditions, shear Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1277; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 3.5 (1%); ≈ 7% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Non Acidified Aseptic Banana Puree Trobana® [Confoco http://www.confoco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cavendish bananas Uses: Banana flavor for fruit preps., nectars, juices, cakes, muffins, pies, bread, baby food, ice cream, yogurt and other frozen desserts and soft food diets Features: Produced by ripening, hand peeling, pulping, sieving and deaerating banana pulp; then, aseptically processing and packaging in presterilized bags @ R.T. Regulatory: Halal, kosher certified; GMO complaint Properties: Ripe banana color/flavor/odor; pH 4.7-5.2 Storage: 12 mos. when stored @ 15-30 C in sealed containers Non-Diastatic Malt Syrup #40600 [MLG Enterprises] Chem. Descrip.: Liq. extract of corn and malted barley See Malt extract CAS 8002-48-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-310-9 Uses: Sweetener, malt flavoring agent, colorant, humectant, nutrient, shelf life Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
extender, texturizer for baked goods, baby foods, ice cream, confections, cereal Features: Enriches color to a rich golden appearance; contributes to nutritional value Regulatory: Kosher Properties: pH 4.3-5.5 (10%); 10-25% solids Storage: Store @ 40-90 F; 6 mos. max. shelf life Noopazyme [Novozymes A/S http://www.novozymes.com] Chem. Descrip.: fungal Lipase CAS 9001-62-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-619-9 Uses: Increases the brightness and whiteness of cooked white noodles and reduces the grey color of pasta made from wheat flour of poor quality; antisticking agent and firmness improver for pasta Storage: 3 mos. shelf life when stored at 25 C; longer shelf life when stored at 5 C; store under dry and cold condition preferable under refrigeration Norfox® PGFC [Norman, Fox http://www.norfox.ws/] Uses: Cooling agent for immersion cooling of packaged foods and beverages Novamyl™ 1500 MG [Novozymes A/S http://www.novozymes.com] Chem. Descrip.: Enzymes; wheat grits Uses: Shelf life extender, antistaling agent, water retention aid in baked goods; synergist in combination with other enzymes such as fungal α-amylase, xylanase, and lipase Features: Can be added on top of your current formulation as it does not affect dough characteristics, loaf volume or crumb structure; Effective in most yeast-raised products with baking times longer than 5 min. Properties: Powd.; 10-15% on 40 mesh Use Level: 0.2-0.8 oz per 100 lbs of flour (white pan bread, whole grain bread, soft rolls, buns) Storage: 3 mos. shelf life when stored at 25 C; longer shelf life when stored at 5 C; store under dry and cold condition preferable under refrigeration Novamyl™ L [Novozymes A/S http://www.novozymes.com] Chem. Descrip.: maltogenic amylase CAS 9000-92-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-567-7 Uses: Shelf-life extender, antistaling agent in baked goods Features: Effective in most yeast-raised prods. with baking times longer than 5 minutes; 486
Part I: Trade Name Reference improve eating quality over time by maintaining softness and elasticity Storage: 3 mos. shelf life when stored at 25 C; longer shelf life when stored at 5 C; store under dry and cold condition preferable under refrigeration Novasin [Danisco http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Nisin Chem. Analysis: ≤ 2% moisture CAS 1414-45-5; EINECS/ELINCS 215-807-5 Uses: Antimicrobial, shelf life extender for pasteurized processed cheese and liq. eggs, salad dressings, sauces, soups, convenience foods, juices, high moisture baked goods Regulatory: FDA GRAS; E234, EU25 and JECFA compliant Properties: Tan to brn. powd.; sol. in water Storage: 2 yr. shelf life when stored cool and dry Novation® 1600 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Potato starch See Potato (Solanum tuberosum) starch Chem. Analysis: ≈ 18% moisture CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, flavor enhancer, texturizer, binder, shelf life extender, consistency agent for aq. foods, fabricated potato prods., processed meats, canned vegetables or fish, pasteurized prods.; partial extender for potato flakes Features: Rec. for mod. temp./shear processing, neutral pH systems; low gelatinization Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. to cream fine powd.; starch odor; bland taste; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%) Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Novation® 1900 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Potato starch See Potato (Solanum tuberosum) starch Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Chem. Analysis: ≈ 18% moisture CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Visc. builder, texturizer, flavor enhancer, mouthfeel enhancer for dry mix soups/sauces, low-fat prods.; water-binder, moisture loss reducer, shelf life extender, consistency agent in vacuum packaged meats Features: Rec. for low temp./low shear processing; low gelatinization; smooth texture Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. to cream fine powd.; starch odor; bland taste; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%) Use Level: 3-4% Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Novation® 2300 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy Chem. Analysis: ≈ 12% moisture CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Visc. builder, texturizer, flavor enhancer, stabilizer in foods, aseptic puddings, dips, sauces, salad dressings, highly acidic systems, fruit fillings Features: Rec. for high temp./high shear processing; imparts smooth, short texture; does not set to a gel Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. to cream fine powd.; starch odor; bland flavor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%) Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation 487
Part I: Trade Name Reference Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Novation® 2600 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy Chem. Analysis: ≈ 12% moisture CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Visc. builder, texturizer, stabilizer, flavor enhancer in foods, retorted soups, gravies, cook-up home preps. Features: Rec. for low to mod. temp./shear processing at neutral pH; imparts smooth, short texture; does not set to a gel Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. to cream fine powd.; starch odor; bland flavor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%) Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Novation® 2700 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy Chem. Analysis: ≈ 12% moisture CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Thickener, texturizer, stabilizer, flavor enhancer in foods, sauces, gravies, soups, dry mixes, dairy foods, delicately flavored sauces, puddings, desserts Features: Rec. for low to mod. temp./shear processing at neutral pH; imparts smooth, short texture; does not set to a gel on cooling Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. to cream fine powd.; starch odor; bland flavor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%) Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Novation® 3300 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tapioca starch Chem. Analysis: ≈ 12% moisture Uses: Visc. builder, texturizer, stabilizer, flavor enhancer, mouthfeel enhancer in dairy foods, yogurt Features: Lower hot visc.; rec. for high temp./high shear processing; imparts smooth, short texture; sets to tender gel on cooling Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. to cream fine powd.; starch odor; bland flavor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%) Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Novation® 3600 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tapioca starch Chem. Analysis: ≈ 12% moisture Uses: Visc. builder, texturizer, stabilizer, flavor enhancer, mouthfeel enhancer in dairy foods, yogurt, sour cream, pasteurized puddings, desserts, soups, sauces; stabilizer, texturizer in fruit preps.; texturizer, reduces meltdown in ice cream Features: Lower hot visc.; rec. for mod. temp./shear processing; imparts smooth, short texture; sets to tender gel on cooling Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. to cream fine powd.; starch odor; bland flavor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%) Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 488
Part I: Trade Name Reference 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Novation® 4600 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy Chem. Analysis: ≈ 8% moisture CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Thickener for instant foods incl. sauces, gravies, dry mixes; flavor enhancer in some food systems Features: Cold water swelling, providing props. of premium instant starches; exc. sheen, clarity, smoothness; short textured; mod. resist. to heat, acid, shear; improved shelf life stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. to cream fine powd.; starch odor; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%) Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Novation® 5600 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy Chem. Analysis: ≈ 8% moisture CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Thickener, texturizer for instant foods incl. soups, sauces, gravies, dry mixes; flavor enhancer in some food systems Features: Cold water swelling, providing props. of premium instant starches; exc. sheen, clarity, smoothness; short textured; mod. resist. to heat, acid, shear; improved shelf life stability Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. to cream free-flowing coarse powd.; starch odor; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%) Use Level: 5% max. (dry solids basis) Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Novation® 5600-OC [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy Chem. Analysis: ≈ 8% moisture CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Thickener, texturizer for instant foods incl. soups, sauces, gravies, dry mixes, organic foods; flavor enhancer in some food systems Features: Cold water swelling, providing props. of premium instant starches; exc. sheen, clarity, smoothness; short textured; mod. resist. to heat, acid, shear; improved shelf life stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. to cream free-flowing coarse powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 5.5 (1%) Use Level: 5% max. (dry solids basis) Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to 489
Part I: Trade Name Reference static electricity Novation® 6600 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Potato starch See Potato (Solanum tuberosum) starch Chem. Analysis: 8% max. moisture CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Binder, texturizing agent, flavor, thickener in soya, vegetarian and fish burgers, meats, potato prods., dry mix soups and sauces Properties: Yel. powd.; dextrin odor; sol. in water; pH 4.8-7.0 Toxicology: May cause mechanical eye irritation Environmental: readily biodeg.; low potential to bioaccumulate Precaution: Wear safety glasses, gloves Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, nitrogen, unidentified org. compds. Storage: Store @ ambient temps. in clean, dry, well-ventilated place away from odorous materials Novation® 8300 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Rice starch from waxy rice See Rice (Oryza sativa) starch Chem. Analysis: ≈ 12% moisture Uses: Texturizer, freeze/thaw stabilizer, flavor enhancer for foods esp. aseptic puddings, dips, sauces, salad dressings, fruit fillings Features: Imparts smooth, short texture; does not set to a gel; rec. for high temp./high shear processing or acidic systems Properties: Off-wh. to cream fine powd.; very bland flavor; pH ≈ 6 Storage: 24 mos. shelf life; store away from highly aromatic materials Novation® 8600 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy rice starch See Rice (Oryza sativa) starch Chem. Analysis: ≈ 12% moisture Uses: Texturizer, freeze-thaw stabilizer, flavor enhancer for retorted soups, gravies, and cook-up at home preps. Features: Rec. for mod. temp. and shear food processing @ neutral pH Regulatory: Meets Nat'l. Food Processor Assoc. stds. for thermophilic spores Properties: Off-wh. to cream fine powd., bland taste; pH ≈ 6 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Novation® 9230 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy Chem. Analysis: ≈ 12% moisture CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Visc. builder, texturizer, stabilizer, flavor enhancer in organic foods, aseptic puddings, dips, sauces, salad dressings, highly acidic systems, fruit fillings Features: Rec. for high temp./high shear processing, low pH systems; imparts smooth, short texture; does not set to a gel Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. to cream fine powd.; starch odor; bland flavor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%) Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Novation® 9260 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy Chem. Analysis: ≈ 12% moisture CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Visc. builder, texturizer, stabilizer, flavor enhancer in foods, retorted soups, gravies, cook-up home preps., organic foods Features: Rec. for low to mod. temp./shear processing at neutral pH; imparts smooth, short texture; does not set to a gel Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. to cream fine powd.; starch odor; bland flavor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%) Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by 490
Part I: Trade Name Reference skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Novation® 9270 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy Chem. Analysis: ≈ 12% moisture CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Thickener, texturizer, stabilizer, flavor enhancer in foods, sauces, gravies, soups, dry mixes, dairy foods, delicately flavored sauces, puddings, desserts, organic foods Features: High visc.; rec. for low to mod. temp./shear processing; imparts smooth, short texture; does not set to a gel on cooling Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. to cream fine powd.; starch odor; bland flavor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%) Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Novation® 9330 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Organic tapioca starch Chem. Analysis: ≈12% moisture Uses: Visc. builder, stabilizer, texturizer, gellant, mouthfeel enhancer for processed organic foods, dairy foods, yogurt Features: Rec. for higher temp. and shear processing Regulatory: Certified as organic by LACON in Europe and by QAI in the United States Properties: Off-wh. to cream fine powd., bland taste; pH ≈6 Novation® 9360 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Organic tapioca starch Chem. Analysis: ≈ 12% moisture Uses: Visc. builder, stabilizer, texturizer, gellant, mouthfeel enhancer for processed organic foods, pasteurized puddings, desserts, soups, sauces, ice cream, dairy, fruit preps., sour cream Features: Rec. for mod. temp. and shear food processing Properties: Off-wh. to cream fine powd., bland taste; pH ≈ 6 Novation® 9460 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy Chem. Analysis: ≈ 8% moisture CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Thickener for instant foods incl. sauces, gravies, dry mixes; flavor enhancer in some food systems Features: Cold water swelling, providing props. of premium instant starches; exc. sheen, clarity, smoothness; short textured; mod. resist. to heat, acid, shear; improved shelf life stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. to cream fine powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 5.5 (1%) Use Level: 5% max. (dry solids basis) Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Novation® 9560 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch See Starch Chem. Analysis: ≈ 8% moisture CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Texturizer and binder in sauces, gravies and a range of dry mixes 491
Part I: Trade Name Reference reconstituted at cold or ambient conditions Features: Works well if hot or boiling water is required; designed for use in processed foods labeled as organic Properties: Off-wh. to cream powd.; sp. gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 Toxicology: Particulates may scratch eye surf. and cause mech. irritation; low order toxicity orally and in skin contact; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3 Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ ambient temp. Novation® Prima 300 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Flavor synergist; texturizer, and stabilizer in food prods. that undergo low to mod. heat and shear conditions such as frozen and refrig. entrees, shelf-stable soups and desserts, dairy prods. and fruit preps. Features: Good freeze/thaw stability; tolerance to low temperature storage; bland flavor profile Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. to cream fine powd.; starch odor; sp. gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 Toxicology: Particulates may scratch eye surf. and cause mech. irritation; low order toxicity orally and in skin contact; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3 Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Novation® Prima 600 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Flavor synergist; texturizer, and Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
stabilizer in aseptic puddings, dips and sauces and salad dressings, highly acidic systems such as fruit fillings Features: Good freeze/thaw stability; tolerance to low temperature storage; bland flavor profile Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. powd.; starch odor; sp. gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 Toxicology: Particulates may scratch eye surf. and cause mech. irritation; low order toxicity orally and in skin contact; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3 Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity NovaXan 80 [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Heat stabilizer, thickener, rheology control agent in bakery applics. Features: Enhances the structure of baked products without toughening, facilitating release from baking pans and reducing fragility of the finished prod, Use Level: 0.10-0.50% in bakery fillings; 0.010.10% in low-calorie breads NovaXan 200 [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, rheology control agent in food; stabilizer in salad dressings, sauces and condiments Features: High visc. at low conc.; pseudoplastic flow behavior facilitates mixing, pumping, filling, and pouring; synergistic with other galactomannans; hydrates rapidly and effectively in dry-mix formulations Regulatory: FCC; NF JECFA Properties: Cream colored, free-flowing powd.; particle size 92% thru U.S. standard 200 mesh, 100% thru U.S. standard 80 mesh; visc. 1200-1600 cP; pH 6.1-8.1 Use Level: 0.05-0.20% in cakes, muffins; 0.030.020% in refrigerated, frozen dough systems; 492
Part I: Trade Name Reference 0.10-0.80% in soft cookies; 0.50-1.0% in gluten-free breads; 0.10-1.0% in batter coatings; 0.02-0.10% in tortillas Novelose® 330 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Dietary fiber, texturizer for foods, extruded foods, ready-to-eat cereals, snacks, pasta/noodles, some baked goods, fried foods Features: Resistant to digestion; provides uniform cell size, exc. expansion, improved processing; low water holding capacity; sm. particle size Properties: Wh. to lt. colored powd.; bland flavor; pH ≈ 5.5; 30% TDF; ≈ 8% moisture; < 1% fat Storage: 24 mos. shelf life; store away from highly aromatic materials Novomega™ [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: encapsulated menhaden oil, modified food starch, soy protein, mixed tocopherols, and TBHQ See t-Butyl hydroquinone; Food starch, modified; Soybean (Glycine soja) protein; Tocopherol Chem. Analysis: 4% max. moisture; 41% polyenes; 28% monoenes; 31% saturates; caloric value 650 cal/100 g CAS 8002-50-4; 53124-00-8; 9010-10-0; 140618-4; 1948-33-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-311-4; 232-720-8; 215-798-8; 217-752-2 Uses: Oil that enhances nutritional value of baked goods and bread Features: Resists harsh processin g;easy to handle Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892, 182.1, 182.3890, 184.1472 Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; particle size 100 μ (avg.); bulk dens. ≈ 20 lb/ft3 Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 6-12 mos. shelf life;store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight NP-3 [Nonpareil http://www.nonpareilpotato.com] Chem. Descrip.: Potato extract See Potato Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
(Solanum tuberosum) extract Chem. Analysis: 7.6% max. moisture; 8% protein; 2.0-3.5% ash; 6.1% fiber; 0.8% fat CAS 90083-08-2; EINECS/ELINCS 290-202-7 Uses: Flavoring agent, binder, extender, and antioxidant in processed meats, poultry, and seafood; freeze-thaw stabilizer in hot dogs Features: Replacement for non-fat dry milk as a binder in hot dogs Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to lt. tan fine powd.; bland odor; pH 5.5-7.5 (20% slurry) Use Level: < 2% when used as a flavoring agent; ≤ 12% as binders and extenders; 3% as antioxidant in processed meats Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store in a cool, dry place in tightly closed containers NP-4 [Nonpareil http://www.nonpareilpotato.com] Chem. Descrip.: Potato extract and sodium acid pyrophosphate Chem. Analysis: 7.41% moisture; 7.8% protein; 2.0-3.5% ash; 6.0% fiber; 0.78% fat CAS 90083-08-2; 7758-16-9; EINECS/ELINCS 290-202-7; 231-835-0 Uses: Flavoring agent, binder, extender, and antioxidant in processed meats, poultry, and seafood Features: Yields exc. liq. and flavor stability Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to lt. tan fine powd.; bland odor; pH 5.5-7.5 (20% slurry) Use Level: < 2% when used as a flavoring agent; ≤ 12% as binders and extenders; 3% as antioxidant in processed meats Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store in a cool, dry place in tightly closed containers NP-5 [Nonpareil http://www.nonpareilpotato.com] Chem. Descrip.: Potato extract and mustard See Potato (Solanum tuberosum) extract Chem. Analysis: 7.57% max. moisture; 13.57% protein; 2.0-3.5% ash; 5.82%fiber; 9.7% fat CAS 90083-08-2; EINECS/ELINCS 290-202-7 Uses: Flavoring agent, binder, extender, and antioxidant in processed meats, poultry, and seafood; freeze-thaw stabilizer in hot dogs Features: All natural; pecially designed for use in injection and vacuum tumbling applics. Regulatory: Kosher 493
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Wh. to lt. tan fine powd.; bland odor; pH 5.5-7.5 (20% slurry) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store in a cool, dry place in tightly closed containers N-So-Soft [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat flour; enzymes See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) flour Uses: Enzyme softener in flour tortillas, bagels; shelf life extender in bagels Features: Special high-temperature resistant enzyme product; provide extended softness to products that endure high-temp. processing Use Level: 2-3 oz/100 lb flour (bagels); 6-8 oz/100 lb flour (tortillas); 2.5-3 oz/100 lb flour (pitas) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location; best when used before 9 mos; keep containers well closed when not in use N-Surance™ [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: food starch, modifiedl and maltodextrin See Food starch, modified CAS 53124-00-8; 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Heat-shock stabilizer for frozen desserts; prevents excessive coarseness and iciness in ice cream and other frozen desserts; ice crystal growth inhibitor, bodying agent, creaminess improver, meltdown controller in frozen desserts Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892, 184.1444 Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; sp. gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (in sol'n.) Use Level: 1.5% Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact Precaution: Avoid dispersing powd. in air; prevent build-up of powd. on surf. HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 6-12 mos. shelf life;store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight N-Tack® [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup solids derived from waxy corn starch CAS 68131-37-3 Uses: Tackifier, adhesion promoter for seasonings, flavors, and particulates on Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
snacks, cereals, reduced-fat snacks, pretzels, crackers, baking Features: Low visc.; high solids Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §168.121; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; bland taste; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 10% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Nu Mould™ [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch with mineral oil See Corn (Zea mays) starch CAS 9005-25-8; 8012-95-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6; 232-384-2 Uses: Molding medium for confections such as marshmallows, jelly gums, cream centers, and caramels Features: Added mineral oil enables it to be easily compacted and used to form sharp molded impressions for confections; ensures dust-free prods. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh.powd.; starch odor; sp. gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 5.5 (in sol'n.) Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx, N Nurupan™ [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fullfat toasted soy flour See Soybean (Glycine soja) flour CAS 68513-95-1 494
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Antioxidant, emulsifier, shelf life extender in dry baked goods, fancy pastry, confectionery Features: Extends freshness Properties: Powd. Nustar® [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from tapioca and potato See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for fruit pie fillings, processed foods, frozen meat pies and gravies, soups, sauces, oriental foods Features: Cook-up starch; stable to heat, acid, freeze/thaw stress; maintains clarity and sheen, resists syneresis Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd.; 98% through 100 mesh, 85% through 200 mesh; pH 6.0; 13% moisture Nu-Star® 115 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: modified potato starch Nu-Star® 120 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: modified potato starch See Starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Body/mouthfeel enhancer, freeze/thaw stabilizer, shelf-life/freshness improver in dairy; freeze/thaw stabilizer, moisture control agent, texturizer, water binder in meats; body/mouthfeel enhancer, texturizer, shelf-life/freshness improver, visc. control agent in soups, sauces, gravies, dressings Nu-Star® 140 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified potato starch See Starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Freeze/thaw stabilizer, humectant, visc. control agent, moisture control agent in bakery, snacks; body/mouthfeel enhancer, freeze/thaw stabilizer, shelf-life/freshness improver, visc. control agent in dairy; body/mouthfeel enhancer, texturizer, shelflife/freshness improver, visc. control agent in soups, sauces, gravies, dressings Features: Moderate visc.; exc. water binding chars. NutraFiber® NF 40 [Int'l. Fiber Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose Chem. Analysis: 5.5% moisture CAS 9004-34-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9 Uses: Bulking agent, shelf life improver, texturizer in food Features: Highly pruified; low calorie and low carbohydrate content; derived from all natural plant sources Properties: Inert in color, flavor, and odor; 8095% thru on 100 mesh; 60-95% thru on 200 mesh; avg. fiber length 60 μ; insol. in water; bulk dens.2.8-3.3 cc/g; water retention 5.5 g/g NutraFiber® NF 200 [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose CAS 9004-34-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9 Uses: Bulking agent, shelf life improver, texturizer in food Features: Highly pruified; low calorie and low carbohydrate content; derived from all natural plant sources Properties: Inert in color, flavor, and odor; 93100% thru on 100 mesh; 75-100% thru on 200 mesh; avg. fiber length 22 μ; insol. in water; bulk dens.2.1-2.4 cc/g; water retention 3.0 g/g NutraFiber® NF 300 [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose Chem. Analysis: 3.0% moisture CAS 9004-34-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9 Uses: Bulking agent, shelf life improver, texturizer in food Features: Highly pruified; low calorie and low carbohydrate content; derived from all natural plant sources Properties: Inert in color, flavor, and odor; 100% thru on 100 mesh; 100% thru on 200 mesh; avg. fiber length 35 μ; insol. in water; bulk dens.2.1-2.6 cc/g; water retention 4.2 g/g NutraSweet® [NutraSweet http://www.nutrasweet.com] Chem. Descrip.: Aspartame CAS 22839-47-0; EINECS/ELINCS 245-261-3 Uses: Sweetener for foods, hot/cold beverages Features: Low-calorie; approx. 200 times sweeter than sugar; limited use in cooking and baking; loss of sweetness may result on prolonged exposure to high temps.; 2 calories/tsp. Properties: Crystalline powd., gran., 495
Part I: Trade Name Reference encapsulated, micronized, or liq.; odorless; particle size < 150 µm; bulk dens. 0.25 kg/l; 100% act. Storage: Indefinite shelf life if kept dry, away from heat and humidity Nutricol® ME 7421 [FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Konjac flour, potato starch See Potato (Solanum tuberosum) starch CAS 37220-17-0; 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 253-404-6 Uses: Gellant for foodstuffs Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; SARA §311 Acute Health Hazard; Canada DSL (konjac flour) Properties: Lt tan to tan powd.; marine odor; sol. 15% max. in water; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 6-9 (in sol'n.) Toxicology: Respiratory sensitizer Environmental: not expected to be toxic to the environment, aquatic organisms Precaution: Becomes slippery when wet Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Oxides of nitrogen and sulfur NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry place in tightly closed container Nutricol® ME 9420 [FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Konjac flour, potato starch See Potato (Solanum tuberosum) starch CAS 37220-17-0; 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 253-404-6 Uses: Gellant for foodstuffs Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; SARA §311 Acute Health Hazard; Canada DSL (konjac flour) Properties: Lt tan to tan powd.; marine odor; sol. 15% max. in water; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 6-9 (in sol'n.) Toxicology: Respiratory sensitizer Environmental: not expected to be toxic to the environment, aquatic organisms Precaution: Becomes slippery when wet Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Oxides of nitrogen and sulfur NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry place in tightly closed container Nutricol® XP 3413 [FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan, Konjac flour, potato starch See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Potato (Solanum tuberosum) Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
starch CAS 9000-07-1; 37220-17-0; 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2; 253-404-6 Uses: Gellant for foodstuffs Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; SARA §311 Acute Health Hazard; Canada DSL (carrageenan, konjac flour) Properties: Lt tan to tan powd.; marine odor; sol. 15% max. in water; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 6-9 (in sol'n.) Toxicology: Respiratory sensitizer Environmental: not expected to be toxic to the aquatic organisms Precaution: Becomes slippery when wet Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Oxides of nitrogen and sulfur NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry place in tightly closed container Nutriene Tocotrienol [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tocotrienol tocopherol conc. Uses: Nutrient, dietary supplement for foods Regulatory: DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/312 nonreportable Properties: Dk. red oily liq.; sl. odor; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 0.91 (30 C); m.p. 15 C; flash pt. > 93 C; 100% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg, (skin, rat) > 2000 mg/kg; low hazard by inh., eye and skin contact; expected to be low ing. hazard Precaution: Can react with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2 HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep container closed Nutrifos® 088 [ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium tripolyphosphate See Pentasodium triphosphate CAS 7758-29-4; EINECS/ELINCS 213-837-7 Uses: Texturizer, retention agent in meat and dessert prods.; sequestrant inhibiting oxidative rancidity; moisture loss regulator during thawing/cooking; emulsifier for fat and protein; in pet foods, prod. of food starch, as egg wash, boiler water additive Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.6810, GRAS, 582, 172.892, 173.310; USDA 9CFR §318.7, 318.147; FCC compliance Properties: Anhyd. wh. free-flowing lt. dense 496
Part I: Trade Name Reference gran.; 1% max. on 16 mesh, 30% max. through 100 mesh; m.w. 367.9; pH 9.5-10.1 (1%); 90% min. assay Use Level: 0.5% max. (processed meat and poultry, seafood) Toxicology: May cause irritation to respiratory tract; avoid breathing dust Nutrifos® 100 [ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com] Chem. Descrip.: mixture of potassium phosphates CAS 7758-29-4; EINECS/ELINCS 213-837-7 Uses: Antioxidant, moisture rentention aid during thawing and cooking; emulsifier for fats and proteins; sequestrant, pH control agent, buffering agent, coagulant, dispersing agent, protein modifier, curing agent, flavor enhancer, humectant, thickener, stabilizer, and texturizer in meat, processed meat, poultry and seafood Features: Highly soluble and sodium free Nutrifos® B-75 [ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium tripolyphosphate and sodium hexametaphosphate See Pentasodium triphosphate Uses: Sequestrant inhibiting oxidative rancidity in foods; moisture loss regulator during thawing/cooking; emulsifier for fat, protein; solubilizer Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.6810, 182.6760, GRAS; USDA approved; FCC compliance Properties: Wh. gran.; 15% max. on 20 mesh, 30% max. through 100 mesh Use Level: 0.5% max. (seafood, processed meats and poultry) Toxicology: May cause irritation to respiratory tract; avoid breathing dust Storage: Keep container closed Nutrifos® B-90 [ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium hexametaphosphate blend See Pentasodium triphosphate Uses: Sequestrant inhibiting oxidative rancidity in cured meats, eggs, poultry, processed meats, seafood, and spice blends; moisture loss regulator during thawing/cooking; emulsifier for fat, protein; solubilizer Regulatory: FCC compliance Properties: Wh. gran. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Nutrifos® BC [ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium tripolyphosphate FCC See Pentasodium triphosphate CAS 7758-29-4; EINECS/ELINCS 213-837-7 Uses: Sequestrant inhibiting oxidative rancidity in foods; moisture loss regulator during thawing/cooking; emulsifier for fat, protein Features: Fast-dissolving when dry-blended with sodium chloride Regulatory: FCC compliance Properties: Wh. powd.; m.w. 367.9 Nutrifos® L-50 [ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium tripolyphosphate and tetrasodium pyrophosphate See Pentasodium triphosphate Uses: Sequestrant inhibiting oxidative rancidity in foods; moisture loss regulator during thawing/cooking; emulsifier for fat, protein; gellant in surimi Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.6810, 182.6789, GRAS; USDA approved Properties: Anhyd. wh. powd.; 10% max. on 100 mesh, 65% min. through 270 mesh; pH 9.810.5 (1%); 54% min. assay (as P2O5) Use Level: 0.5% max. (processed meat and poultry, seafood) Toxicology: May cause irritation to respiratory tract; avoid breathing dust Storage: Keep container closed Nutrifos® Powder [ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium tripolyphosphate, anhydrous See Pentasodium triphosphate CAS 7758-29-4; EINECS/ELINCS 213-837-7 Uses: Sequestrant inhibiting oxidative rancidity in foods; moisture loss regulator during thawing/cooking; emulsifier for fat, protein; in pet foods; prod. of food starch; as boiler water additive for food contact; as egg washing compd. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.6810, GRAS, 582, 172.892, 173.310; USDA 9CFR §318.7, 318.147 Properties: Anhyd. wh. powd.; 10% max. on 100 mesh, 65% min. through 270 mesh; pH 9.510.2 (1%); 90% min. assay Use Level: 0.5% max. (processed meat and poultry, seafood) Toxicology: May cause irritation to respiratory 497
Part I: Trade Name Reference tract; avoid breathing dust Storage: Keep container closed Nutrilife® [Cognis http://www.cognis.de] Chem. Descrip.: Enzyme-protein compds. with primarily α-amylase activity CAS 9000-90-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-565-6 Uses: Enzyme for baking, improving mixing and fermentation tolerance, improving dough rheology, providing fine crumb structure, increasing volume; antistaling agent for baking Features: Synergistic effect with emulsifiers Regulatory: FAO/WHO compliance Properties: Powd.; bulk dens. 500-600 g/l; 5-8% moisture Storage: 1 yr. storage life if kept dry @ R.T. Nutriloid® Gum Arabic [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Soluble dietary fiber, emulsifier, coating agent, binder for powd. or liq. drinks, juices, milk shakes, soups, and sauces; flavoring agent Features: Helps emulsify, coat, and bind without increasing visc. Properties: Sol. in cold water; visc. 1 cps (1%), 10 cps (10%); 94.2% soluble fiber Nutrinova® Potassium Sorbate Granules [Nutrinova GmbH http://www.nutrinova.com] Chem. Descrip.: Potassium sorbate CAS 590-00-1; EINECS/ELINCS 246-376-1 Uses: Preservative for a wide variety of food, yeast-leavened bakery prods., beverages, dairy prods., margarine and low-fat spread, and wines Features: Used in products with low water content Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher; GMO-free; JECFA compliant Properties: Grans., powd., or 50% aq. sol'n.; sol. in water Vinsorb® [Nutrinova GmbH http://www.nutrinova.com] Chem. Descrip.: Potassium sorbate CAS 590-00-1; EINECS/ELINCS 246-376-1 Uses: Preservative for a wide variety of food, yeast-leavened bakery prods., beverages, dairy prods., margarine and low-fat spread, and wines Features: Used in products with low water content Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher; GMO-free; JECFA compliant Properties: Neutral taste and smell Nutrinova® Sorbic Acid [Nutrinova GmbH http://www.nutrinova.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbic acid CAS 110-44-1; EINECS/ELINCS 203-768-7 Uses: Preservative for a wide variety of food, yeast-leavened bakery prods., beverages, dairy prods., margarine and low-fat spread, and wines Features: Used in products with low water content Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher; GMO-free; JECFA compliant Properties: Sparingly sol. in water Nutriose® FB06 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: resistant dextrin CAS 9004-53-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-675-4 Uses: Dietary fiber for beverages, diary, soups, sauces, extruded snacks, cereals and baked goods; bodying agent and mouthfeel enhancer; improves the aftertaste of highintensity sweeteners; fat or sugar replacer Features: Adds fiber, reduces fat or sugar and lowers calories Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §170.30; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. powd.; negligible odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 5.0 (1%) Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Nutrisoy® 7B [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lipoxidase enzyme active and defatted soy flour See Soybean (Glycine soja) flour Uses: Dough conditioner, crumb whitener for 498
Part I: Trade Name Reference breads and rolls Features: The enzyme bleaches yel. pigments in flour to produce a brighter, whiter crumb Properties: 7% moisture; 52% protein; 1% fat Storage: 18 mos. shelf life, best when used before 12 mos; store in cool, dry location; keep containers well closed when not in use Nutristim® [Danisco Cultor http://ingredients.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Betaine CAS 107-43-7; EINECS/ELINCS 203-490-6 Uses: Methyl donor for fermentation Features: Provides methyl groups helping to maintain high metabolic activity; used in the production of amino acids and some vitamins. N-Zorbit® M [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tapioca maltodextrin, ammonium bicarbonate Uses: Dispersant, volume improver for dry food mixes, soup mixes, gravy mixes, cake mixes; diluent for spice blends, color blends, dry mix beverages; flow aid in foods contg. veg. oils and nonaq. liqs.; grinding aid for high oil or fatty foods, e.g., nuts; adsorbent for oils and fats; bulking agent for low-calorie, artificially sweetened dry mixes Features: Very low bulk dens. Properties: Off-wh. free-flowing powd.; bland taste; sol. in cold water; bulk dens. ≈ 6 lb/ft3; pH ≈ 7; ≈ 5% moisture O.B. Stabilizer [Brolite Prods. http://www.bakewithbrolite.com] Uses: Stabilizer for meringue toppings; prevents fillings from cracking during baking; also for bread wash, glazes, and icing Oenogum™ S FiltraClear [Colloides Naturels Int'l. http://www.cniworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Senegal Acacia gum See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Stabilizer for wines Features: Low fouling index and very low turbidity Properties: Powd. Use Level: 10 to 30g/hl Ointment Base No. 4 [Penreco http://www.penreco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. petrolatum USP CAS 8027-32-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Release agent, lubricant, sealant, polishing agent, protective coating, defoamer in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR 172.880, 178.3700, 573.720; OSHA and FDA nonhazardous Properties: Wh. semisolid, odorless; sol. in hydrocarbons; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.8 (60/60 F); visc. 60-70 SUS (210 F); m.p. 118-125 F; congeal pt. 109-119 F; flash pt. (COC) 400 F Toxicology: Pract. nontoxic by ingestion, but laxative props. may cause abdominal cramps, diarrhea; minimally irritating to eyes and skin on direct contact; STEL 10 mg/m3 (as oil mist); TSCA listed Precaution: Combustion may produce dense smoke, CO, CO2, other oxides; may react with strong oxidizing agents Storage: Store in closed containers away from heat, sparks, open flame, oxidizers Ointment Base No. 6 [Penreco http://www.penreco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. petrolatum USP CAS 8027-32-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Release agent, lubricant, sealant, polishing agent, protective coating, defoamer in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR 172.880, 178.3700, 573.720; OSHA and FDA nonhazardous Properties: Wh. semisolid, odorless; sol. in hydrocarbons; sp.gr. 0.864 (60/60 F); visc. 6070 SUS (210 F); m.p. 122-133 F; congeal pt. 120-130 F; flash pt. (COC) 400 F Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Combustion may produce dense smoke, CO, CO2, other oxides; may react with strong oxidizing agents Storage: Store in closed containers away from heat, sparks, flame, oxidizers OL-700 [Procter & Gamble http://www.pgchemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Oleic acid (70-95%) CAS 112-80-1; EINECS/ELINCS 204-007-1 Uses: Humectant in food Regulatory: Not regulated for transport; Canada DSL; Australia; Korea; Japan ENCS; Philippines, China Properties: Water wh. to yellowish liq.; musty, fatty odor; negligible sol. in water; relative dens. ≈ 0.9; vapor pressure < 0.75 mm Hg; b.p. > 260 C; flash pt. > 180 C; acid no. 198204; iodine no. 88-95; 0.3% max. moisture Toxicology: Causes mild, transient eye 499
Part I: Trade Name Reference irritation; ing. may cause GI tract irritation; prolonged, repeated contact causes mild, primary skin irritation; TSCA listed Environmental: LC50 (fathead minnow, 96 h) 205 mg/l, (red killfish, 96 h) 217 mg/l; lethal dose (goldfish) 8 mg/l Precaution: Wear goggles or face shield with goggles, rubber or plastic gloves, respirator if mist, vapor is generated; avoid all contact; incompat. with strong oxidizers; do not dispose of via sinks, drains or into the immediate environment Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp., burning may produce CO, CO2 Storage: Store in resin-lined steel, aluminum, stainless steel or reinforced fiberglass vessels away from sources of ignition OL-710 [Procter & Gamble http://www.pgchemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Oleic acid (70-95%) CAS 112-80-1; EINECS/ELINCS 204-007-1 Uses: Humectant in food Regulatory: Not regulated for transport; Canada DSL; Australia; Korea; Japan ENCS; Philippines, China Properties: Water wh. to yellowish liq.; musty, fatty odor; negligible sol. in water; relative dens. ≈ 0.9; vapor pressure < 0.75 mm Hg; b.p. > 260 C; flash pt. > 180 C; acid no. 199204; iodine no. 88-95; 0.3% max. moisture Toxicology: Causes mild, transient eye irritation; ing. may cause GI tract irritation; prolonged, repeated contact causes mild, primary skin irritation; TSCA listed Environmental: LC50 (fathead minnow, 96 h) 205 mg/l, (red killfish, 96 h) 217 mg/l; lethal dose (goldfish) 8 mg/l Precaution: Wear goggles or face shield with goggles, rubber or plastic gloves, respirator if mist, vapor is generated; avoid all contact; incompat. with strong oxidizers; do not dispose of via sinks, drains or into the immediate environment Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp., burning may produce CO, CO2 Storage: Store in resin-lined steel, aluminum, stainless steel or reinforced fiberglass vessels away from sources of ignition Olean® [Procter & Gamble http://www.pgchemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: proprietary Uses: Fat replacer and frying oil substitute Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
used in snack foods such as potato chips, tortilla chips, cheese curls, sprayed crackers, and microwave popcorn Oleocal® C-102 [Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Rapeseed oil, low erucic acid, refined, bleached, deodorized See Rapeseed (Brassica campestris) oil CAS 120962-03-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-299-0 Uses: Oil for foods (baking, blending, frying, salad dressings) Features: Exceptional shelf life Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §176.210, 177.2800, 184.1555; DOT nonreportable; SARA §311/312/313 nonreportable; Calif. Prop. 65 nonreportable; Canada DSL, Korea ECL listed Properties: Lt. amber cl. liq.; faint fatty odor; bland flavor; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.92; dens. 7.6 lb/gal; visc. 67 cSt; vapor pressure < 1 mm Hg; b.p. > 200 C; iodine no. 118; pour pt. -32 C; flash pt. (PMCC) > 200 C; ref. index 1.46; 100% act.; 0.15% moisture Toxicology: Negligible effect by inh. unless heated to produce vapors; vapors may irritate mucous membranes and cause dizziness, nausea; may cause eye irritation; thermal burns possible on skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Spillages may be slippery; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2, thick smoke NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in closed containers @ 10-49 C in well-ventilated area, away from oxidizing agents, excessive heat, ignition sources, sunlight Oleocal® C-102 A [Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Rapeseed oil, low erucic acid, from food-grade canola oil, refined, bleached, deodorized with additive to inc. oxidative stability See Rapeseed (Brassica campestris) oil CAS 120962-03-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-299-0 Uses: Oil for foods (baking, blending, frying, salad dressings) Features: Increased oxidative stability; exc. thermal stability; high flash pt.; low volatility; exc. shelf life Regulatory: DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/312/313 nonreportable; Calif. Prop. 65 500
Part I: Trade Name Reference nonreportable; Canada DSL, Korea ECL listed Properties: Lt. amber liq.; faint fatty odor; bland flavor; sol. in min. oil; disp. in propylene glycol, hexylene glycol; insol. in ethanol, water; sp.gr. 0.92; dens. 7.6 lb/gal; visc. 67 cSt; vapor pressure < 1 mm Hg; b.p. > 200 C; iodine no. 118; pour pt. -32 C; smoke pt. 250 C; flash pt. (COC) 321 C; ref. index 1.46; 99.9% act.; 0.15% max. moisture Toxicology: Pract. nontoxic; negligible effect by inh. unless heated to produce vapors; vapors may irritate mucous membranes and cause dizziness, nausea; may cause eye irritation; thermal burns possible on skin contact; TSCA listed Environmental: biodeg. Precaution: Combustible liq.; spillages may be slippery; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2, thick smoke NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 9 mos. shelf life when stored in closed, factory-sealed containers @ 10-49 C, in wellventilated area, away from oxidizing agents, excessive heat, ignition sources, sunlight Oleocal® ME-70 [Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Methyl esters of animal fat, primarily methyl oleate Uses: Food coatings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.225, 175.105 Properties: Yel. liq.; mild odor; sp.gr. 0.88; dens. 7.3 lb/gal; visc. 5 cSt (40 F); acid no. 1 max.; iodine no. 60-68; sapon. no. 190-195; pour pt. 4 C; cloud pt. 11 C; flash pt. (COC) 188 C; 95% act.; 0.1% max. moisture Toxicology: Nontoxic Oleocal® ME-112 [Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Methyl canolate CAS 112-62-9; EINECS/ELINCS 203-992-5 Uses: Food coatings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.225, 175.105 Properties: Yel. liq.; mild odor; sp.gr. 0.88; dens. 7.3 lb/gal; visc. 5 cSt (40 F); acid no. 1 max.; iodine no. 110-118; sapon. no. 182-193; pour pt. 4 C; cloud pt. 11 C; flash pt. (COC) 188 C; nonionic; 95% act.; 0.1% max. moisture Environmental: biodeg.
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Oleocal® ME-130 [Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Methyl soyate CAS 67784-80-9 Uses: Food coatings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.225, 175.105 Properties: Yel. liq.; mild odor; sp.gr. 0.88; dens. 7.3 lb/gal; visc. 4.6 cSt (40 F); acid no. 1 max.; iodine no. 128-136; sapon. no. 189-194; pour pt. -15 C; cloud pt. -5 C; flash pt. (COC) 190 C; 95% act.; 0.1% max. moisture Toxicology: Pract. nontoxic Environmental: biodeg. Omegaphyl 3020 [Procter & Gamble http://www.pgchemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Omega-3 triglyceride, ≈ 100% with mixed tocopherols < 1%, soybean oil See Soybean (Glycine soja) oil CAS 8016-70-4 Uses: Nutraceutical and dietary supplement Properties: Sl. yel. liq.; bland to mild fish-like odor; insol. in water; sol. in fat; sp. gr. 0.88; b.p. > 250 C; acid no. 3 max; flash pt. (PMCC) >93 C Toxicology: May cause mild irritation to eyes, skin, and resp. tract Precaution: Wear safety goggles and Neoprene gloves; keep away from strong oxidizing agents. heat, sparks, or open flame Storage: Store in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dry area away from lt. and air OmegaPure® Refined Menhaden Oil [Omega Protein http://www.omegapure.com] Chem. Descrip.: Menhaden oil, tocopherol, and TBHQ See t-Butyl hydroquinone CAS 8002-50-4; 1406-18-4; 1948-33-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-311-4; 215-798-8; 217752-2 Uses: Source of essential long chain omega3 fatty acids for baked goods, candies, milk and meat prods.; fish and poultry prods., processed fruit and vegetable juices, snack foods, sauces, toppings, and syrups Features: Oxidative and flavor stability; benefits of both EPA and DHA Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Gardner 3.5 max; tasteless; odorless; peroxide no. 1-3 Omya-Cal FG 4-AZ [Omya Arizona] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium carbonate FCC CAS 1317-65-3; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 501
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Calcium fortifier for foods and dietary supplements Features: No ozone-depleting chems. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1409; kosher; Canada DSL listed Properties: Wh. powd.; 3.8 µ median diam.; odorless; sol. 1.3 mg/100 g water (18 C); sp.gr. 2.7; dens. 0.60 g/cc (loose), 1.10 g/cc (packed); brightness 93; flash pt. nonflamm.; pH 9.7 (10% slurry); < 0.2% moisture Toxicology: Dust may irritate respiratory tract; eye irritant; repeated/prolonged skin contact may cause drying, irritation; ing. of very lg. quantities may cause intestinal obstruction, constipation; chronic exposure may cause pneumoconiosis; TSCA listed Precaution: Reacts with acids to liberate CO2; ignites on contact with fluorine; incompat. with alum and ammonium salts Hazardous Ingredients: Limestone (> 99%); silica quartz (< 0.3%) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. can produce calcium oxide and CO2 NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Omya-Cal FG 6-AZ [Omya Arizona] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium carbonate FCC CAS 1317-65-3; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Calcium fortifier for foods and dietary supplements Features: No ozone-depleting chems. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1409; kosher; Canada DSL listed Properties: Wh. powd.; 6.0 µ median diam.; odorless; sol. 1.3 mg/100 g water (18 C); sp.gr. 2.7; dens. 0.65 g/cc (loose), 1.20 g/cc (packed); brightness 93; flash pt. nonflamm.; pH 9.7 (10% slurry); < 0.2% moisture Toxicology: Dust may irritate respiratory tract; eye irritant; repeated/prolonged skin contact may cause drying, irritation; ing. of very lg. quantities may cause intestinal obstruction, constipation; chronic exposure may cause pneumoconiosis; TSCA listed Precaution: Reacts with acids to liberate CO2; ignites on contact with fluorine; incompat. with alum and ammonium salts Hazardous Ingredients: Limestone (> 99%); silica quartz (< 0.3%) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. can produce calcium oxide and CO2 NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Omya-Cal FG 10-AZ [Omya Arizona] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium carbonate FCC CAS 1317-65-3; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Calcium fortifier for foods and dietary supplements Features: No ozone-depleting chems. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1409; kosher; Canada DSL listed Properties: Wh. powd.; 12 µ median diam.; odorless; sol. 1.3 mg/100 g water (18 C); sp.gr. 2.7; dens. 0.80 g/cc (loose), 1.50 g/cc (packed); brightness 92; flash pt. nonflamm.; pH 9.7 (10% slurry); < 0.2% moisture Toxicology: Dust may irritate respiratory tract; eye irritant; repeated/prolonged skin contact may cause drying, irritation; ing. of very lg. quantities may cause intestinal obstruction, constipation; chronic exposure may cause pneumoconiosis; TSCA listed Precaution: Reacts with acids to liberate CO2; ignites on contact with fluorine; incompat. with alum and ammonium salts Hazardous Ingredients: Limestone (> 99%); silica quartz (< 0.3%) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. can produce calcium oxide and CO2 NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Omya-Cal FG 15-AZ [Omya Arizona] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium carbonate FCC CAS 1317-65-3; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Calcium fortifier for foods and dietary supplements Features: No ozone-depleting chems. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1409; kosher; Canada DSL listed Properties: Wh. powd.; 15 µ median diam.; odorless; sol. 1.3 mg/100 g water (18 C); sp.gr. 2.7; dens. 1.00 g/cc (loose), 1.55 g/cc (packed); brightness 92; flash pt. nonflamm.; pH 9.7 (10% slurry); < 0.2% moisture Toxicology: Dust may irritate respiratory tract; eye irritant; repeated/prolonged skin contact may cause drying, irritation; ing. of very lg. quantities may cause intestinal obstruction, constipation; chronic exposure may cause pneumoconiosis; TSCA listed Precaution: Reacts with acids to liberate CO2; ignites on contact with fluorine; incompat. with alum and ammonium salts Hazardous Ingredients: Limestone (> 99%); silica quartz (< 0.3%) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. can produce calcium oxide and CO2 502
Part I: Trade Name Reference NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 OptaGrade® [Opta Food Ingreds. http://www.opta-food.com] Chem. Descrip.: Starch-based CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Texturizer, thickener, binder, stabilizer for dairy prods., cottage cheese, sour cream, natural and processed cheese, cream cheese; fat replacement in reduced fat and fat-free prods. Features: Provides firmer texture, creamy mouthfeel Regulatory: Kosher OptaMist® [Opta Food Ingreds. http://www.opta-food.com] Chem. Descrip.: Starch-based CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Texturizer, thickener, binder, stabilizer for dairy prods., cottage cheese, sour cream, natural and processed cheese, cream cheese; fat replacement in reduced fat and fat-free prods. Features: Provides firmer texture, creamy mouthfeel Regulatory: Kosher Optim™ Glycerine 99.7 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerin FCC, USP CAS 56-81-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-289-5 Uses: Humectant, solvent in foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS; E422 compliant; kosher grade; SARA §311/312 nonhazardous Properties: Colorless visc. liq.; odorless; sweet taste; misc. with ethanol, IPA, water; immiscible with benzene, chloroform, ethyl ether, heptane; m.w. 92.09; sp.gr. 1.26201; dens. 1.25802 g/cm3; visc. 1410 cps (20 C); vapor pressure 0.0025 mm Hg (50 C); f.p. 17 C; b.p. 290 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 195.5 C; autoignition temp. 370 C; ref. index 1.47399 (20 C); surf. tens. 63 dynes/cm (20 C); dielec. const. 41.14 (2 x 106 Hz, 20 C); 99.7% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 17,000-27,200 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 10,000 mg/kg; may cause sl. transient eye irritation; may be absorbed through skin in potentially harmful amts. when applied in lg. quantities to severe burns; extremely low toxicity by ing.; swallowing larger amts. may cause injury, CNS effects, inc. blood sugar levels; inh. of heated material or mist may cause upper respiratory irritation; may cause Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
kidney/liver/GI effects in very lg. doses Environmental: high biodeg.; BOD5 0.54 p/p; low bioconcentration potential; LC50 (fish) > 100 mg/l; pract. nontoxic to fish; prevent entry into sewers, storm drains, surf. water, soil Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents (e.g., sodium hypochlorite, hypochlorous acid) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Acrolein; combustion: aldehydes, CO, CO2 Storage: Store @ 64-130 F Orchic Substance [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vacuum-dried defatted glandular prod. Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Powd. Organic Banana Powder Bio-Trofi Trobana® [Confoco http://www.confoco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gross Michel bananas Chem. Analysis: Moisture 3.0% max.; protein 3.7%; fat 0.5%; carbohydrates 80%, 350 cal/100 G Uses: Flavoring agent in dry fruit preparations, powdered drinks, cake mixes, nectars, juices, cakes, muffins, pies, bread, baby food, ice cream, yogurt, frozen desserts, and soft diet food Features: Produced by ripening hand peeling, pulping, sieving and sterilizing the pulp. then roller drying and milling; carriers and additives are not used Regulatory: Halal, kosher, BCS Oko-Garantie GmbH certified Properties: Creamy yel. powd.; banana taste/odor; 10% max. retained on 60 mesh; dens. 600-680 g/l Storage: 18 mos. when stored @ 21 C in sealed original containers Organic Bio-Banana Flakes Trobana® [Confoco http://www.confoco.com] Chem. Descrip.: fresh bananas Chem. Analysis: 2.5% max. moisture; 3.5% protein; 0.5% fat; 80% carbohydrates; 350 cal/ 100 g Uses: Banana flavoring agent in dry fruit preps., powdered drinks, cake mixes, nectars, juices, cakes, muffins, pies, bread, baby food, ice cream, yogurt and other frozen desserts, and soft food diets Features: Produced by controlled ripening, hand 503
Part I: Trade Name Reference peeling, pulping, sieving and sterilizing the pulp, then roller drying it; no carriers or additives used Regulatory: Halal, kosher certified; BCS OkoGarantie GmbH ( Germany) for processing of organic prods. Properties: Creamy ylsh. flakes; ripe banana odor; dens. 360-440 g/l; acidity 1-2% Storage: 18 mos. when stored @ 21 C in sealed, high dens. PE containers Organolatum™ [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Uses: Release agent, conditioner in food Regulatory: 21CFR 184.1505 (GRAS), kosher; certified organic Properties: Wh. opaque semisolid; m.p. 100-140 F Origanox™ OS-LB [RAD Int'l. http://www.radint.com] Chem. Descrip.: Origanum vulgare extract See Wild marjoram extract Uses: Antioxidant in food processing, bakery prods. and snacks, sauces, dressing, mayonaise, condiments, fried prods., bulk oils, margarines, oils, fats, fish oils, pet food prods., health care prods., dietary supplements, Properties: Sol. in water; disp. in oil Origanox™ WS [RAD Int'l. http://www.radint.com] Chem. Descrip.: Origanum vulgare extract See Wild marjoram extract Uses: Antioxidant in food processing and health foods Features: Natural; easy skin penetration; very effective to protect oxygen-sensitive ingreds., e.g., natural fragrances, colors, flavors; stable and act. @ 180 C Regulatory: FDA GRAS Properties: Yel. to lt. brn. powd.; mild tea-like odor; completely sol. in water; 7% act. Use Level: 0.01-0.05% Toxicology: Nontoxic Storage: 2 yrs. shelf life when stored in cool, dry place Origanox™ WS-CR [RAD Int'l. http://www.radint.com] Chem. Descrip.: mixt. of Origanox™ WS (water soluble Origanum vulgare) and Cranberry extract See Cranberry (vaccinum macrocarpon) fruit extract; Wild marjoram extract Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 8015-01-8; 91770-88-6; EINECS/ELINCS 294-875-8 Uses: Antioxidant in food processing, bakery prods. and snacks, sauces, dressing, mayonaise, condiments, fried prods., bulk oils, margarines, oils, fats, fish oils, pet food prods., health care prods., dietary supplements, Features: Natural; allows for "green" labeling; highly effective at low dosing; supports antimicrobial activity; organoleptic neutral Properties: Sol. in water; disp. in oil Origanox™ WS-LB [RAD Int'l. http://www.radint.com] Chem. Descrip.: Origanum vulgare extract See Wild marjoram extract Uses: Antioxidant in food processing, bakery prods. and snacks, sauces, dressing, mayonaise, condiments, fried prods., bulk oils, margarines, oils, fats, fish oils, pet food prods., health care prods., dietary supplements, anti-inflammatory agent; free radical scavenger; anti-allergic agent Features: Natural; allows for "green" labeling; highly effective at low dosing; supports antimicrobial activity; organoleptic neutral; used in prods. sensitive to sl. taste or color changes Properties: Sol. in water; disp. in oil 21115 Ovalett [British Bakels http://www.bakels.com] Chem. Descrip.: Water; sugar; polyglycerol esters of fatty acids; mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids; Sucrose Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer for sponge and cake batters Properties: Unpigmented paste Use Level: 1-2% on batter wt. Storage: 9 mos. shelf life when stored in cool and dry conditions 21110 Ovalett NNC [British Bakels http://www.bakels.com] Chem. Descrip.: Water; sugar; polyglycerol esters of fatty acids; mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids; potassium sorbate See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids; Sucrose Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer for sponge and cake batters Properties: Unpigmented paste Use Level: 1-2% on flour wt. Storage: 6 mos. shelf life when stored in cool 504
Part I: Trade Name Reference and dry conditions 21118 Ovalett Special [British Bakels http://www.bakels.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglycerol esters of fatty acids; mono- and di-glycerides of fatty acids; sugar; potassium sorbate See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids; Sucrose Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer for sponge and cake batters Properties: Unpigmented paste Storage: 6 mos. shelf life when stored in cool and dry conditions Ovarian Substance [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vacuum-dried defatted glandular prod. Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Powd. or freeze-dried form Oxine® [Bio-Cide Int'l. http://www.biocide.com; FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium chlorite (3.35% min.), chlorine dioxide (trace), water Uses: Bacteriostat for direct food contact applics., food processing Features: Nonflamm.; nonexplosive; stable sol'n. Regulatory: EPA reg. no. 9804-1; FDA, USDA approvals; kosher certified; DOT nonhazardous; SARA §312/313 nonreportable; chlorine dioxide produced from activation reportable under SARA §313 Properties: Colorless cl. liq.; very faint chlorinelike odor; sol. 100% in water; sp.gr. 1.03 g/ml (20 C); vapor pressure 23.7 mm Hg; f.p. -1.72 C; b.p. 100.5 C; pH 8.35; < 0.1% volatiles; 2.08% avail. ClO2 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 4360 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 2020 mg/kg; may cause eye and skin irritation; ing. may cause gastric discomfort, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, methemoglobinemia (in lg. quantities); may be irritating to nose and throat; TSCA listed Precaution: Strong oxidizer; do not allow chlorine dioxide gas to accumulate in confined spaces; do not allow prod. to evaporate to dryness; incompat. with acids, chlorine compds., hypochlorites, sulfur/sulfite compds., phosphorus, org. solvs. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Exposure to acids Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
or chlorine compds. can produce uncontrolled generation of chlorine dioxide gas NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 1 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from incompat. materials, combustible/flamm. materials, direct sunlight; keep containers tightly closed when not in use; prevent spillages Oxipur [Vaessen-Schoemaker http://www.vaessen-schoemaker.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mixt. of saccharides of different degrees of polymerization Uses: Water binder, color enhancer, color stabilizer, flavor enhancer, bacteriological stabilizer, sliceability aid, moisture retention agent for foods, cooked meats, poultry prods., e.g., hams, cassler, tongues Properties: Low sweetness profile; easily sol. in water; pH 5-6 (1%); DE 20%; 5% max. moisture Use Level: 1-2% on final prod. Oxipur-Mix [Vaessen-Schoemaker http://www.vaessen-schoemaker.com] Chem. Descrip.: Complete injection brine mix Uses: Water binder, moisture retention aid, color enhancer, and sliceability aid in cooked hams and shoulders, pork loins Oxitabs [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Potassium bromate, calcium iodate, and other edible excipients Uses: Oxidizing agent, dough conditioner for breads Features: Increases loaf volume; improves crumb structure Properties: Wh. tablets; 45 ppm potassium bromate and 15 ppm calcium iodate per tablet Use Level: 1-2 tablets/100 lb flour Storage: 12 mos. shelf life, best when used before 6 mos; store in cool, dry location; keep containers well closed when not in use Oxyfos™ [Garuda Int'l. http://www.garudaint.com] Chem. Descrip.: Kidney or pinto bean extract contg. kaempferol (natural antioxidant) Uses: Free radical scavenger preventing cell degradation caused by lipid peroxidation in the human body, and fructooligosaccharides source to promote beneficial intestinal flora (bifidobacteria), for use in healthy foods/snacks, 505
Part I: Trade Name Reference encapsulated or tableted nutritional supplements; antioxidant in ramen noodles, high fat snacks and foods; flavor potentiator; HVP replacement Properties: Brn. powd.; sol. in water with agitation; < 10% moisture Use Level: 2-15% (foods) Storage: 2 yr. min. shelf life; store in cool (15-30 C) dry environment, protected from heat Oxy’Less®.CS [Naturex http://www.naturex.com] Chem. Descrip.: rosemary extract containing carnosic acid See Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) extract CAS 84604-14-8; 3650-09-7; EINECS/ELINCS 283-291-9 Uses: Antioxidant for snacks, animal fats, mayonnaise, potato flakes, cookies, flavors, and seafood Properties: Tan powd.; very lt. flavor; oil-sol.; 20% carnosic acid Oxy’Less®.Clear [Naturex http://www.naturex.com] Chem. Descrip.: rosemary extract containing carnosic acid See Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) extract CAS 84604-14-8; 3650-09-7; EINECS/ELINCS 283-291-9 Uses: Antioxidant for snacks, animal fats, mayonnaise, potato flakes, cookies, flavors, and seafood Properties: Amber liq.; very lt. flavor; oil-sol. and water-disp.; 4.5% min. carnosic acid Oxy’Less®.Clear S [Naturex http://www.naturex.com] Chem. Descrip.: rosemary extract containing carnosic acid See Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) extract CAS 84604-14-8; 3650-09-7; EINECS/ELINCS 283-291-9 Uses: Antioxidant for snacks, animal fats, mayonnaise, potato flakes, cookies, flavors, and seafood Properties: Tan powd..; very lt. flavor; oil-and water-disp.; 4% min. carnosic acid Oxynex® 2004 [Merck KGaA http://www.merck.de; Rona http://www.emdchemicals.com/rona/1000.asp] Chem. Descrip.: BHT (20%), ascorbyl palmitate (10%), citric acid (10%), glyceryl stearate, glyceryl oleate, propylene glycol Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Antioxidant for essential oils Regulatory: EC and US GRAS compliance Properties: Unctuous mass, almost odorless, pract. tasteless; sol. in many org. solvs.; insol. in water Oxynex® AP [Merck KGaA http://www.merck.de; Rona http://www.emdchemicals.com/rona/1000.asp] Chem. Descrip.: Vegetable oil, lecithin, ascorbyl palmitate, and citric acid Uses: Antioxidant for edible oils, salad dressing, mayonnaise, margarines, fatty filling for confectionery Features: May be mixed straight into fats and oils without further processing Regulatory: GRAS Properties: Reddish brown to brown suspension; characteristic odor Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store in tightly sealed container @ 15-25 C Oxynex® K [Merck KGaA http://www.merck.de; Rona http://www.emdchemicals.com/rona/1000.asp] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-8 (62%), tocopherol (30%), ascorbyl palmitate (5%), ascorbic acid (1%), and citric acid (1%) See LAscorbic acid Uses: Antioxidant, stabilizer for fats and oils, free radical scavenger for foods, essential oils Features: Esp. for protection of sat. and unsat. components of the oil phase and for inhibition of formation of free radicals Regulatory: EC, GRAS compliance Properties: Yel. to lt. brn. transparent liq., char. faint odor; des, 1.07 g/cm3; flash pt. > 100 C; pH 3.5 (20 g/l, water) Environmental: sl. polluting substance Oxynex® L [Merck KGaA http://www.merck.de; Rona http://www.emdchemicals.com/rona/1000.asp] Chem. Descrip.: Tocopherol (30%), ascorbyl palmitate (5%), ascorbic acid (1%), citric acid (1%), ethanol (53%), vegetable oil (20%) See Alcohol; L-Ascorbic acid UN 1170 Uses: Antioxidant for stabilization of highgrade fats, oils and fat-containing foodstuffs (e.g., shortenings), anti-adhesive emulsions, dried soups, instant cake mixes, essential oils Properties: Yel. to reddish brn. transparent liq., 506
Part I: Trade Name Reference char. odor; dens. 0.89 g/cm3; flahs pt. 11 C; pH 3 - 4 (20 g/l, water) Environmental: sl. polluting substance Precaution: Highly flamm. Storage: Keep container tightly closed; keep away from sources of ignition - no smoking Oxynex® LM [Merck KGaA http://www.merck.de; Rona http://www.emdchemicals.com/rona/1000.asp] Chem. Descrip.: Tocopherol (25%), lecithin (25%), ascorbyl palmitate (20%), glyceryl stearate, glyceryl oleate, citric acid (2.5%) Uses: Antioxidant esp. for high-grade veg. fats and fat-containing foodstuffs (e.g., shortenings), mayonnaise, margarine, cake mixes, essential oils Regulatory: German, EC, US GRAS compliances Properties: Lt. brn. waxy solid; odorless and tasteless in dilution; sol. in oils and fats; sparingly sol. in water; dens. 1.04 g/cm3; m.p. ≈55 C Environmental: sl. polluting substance Storage: Store at 2 C to 8 C. Oxyvac™ [Nutricepts http://www.nutricepts.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dextrose, enzymes See Glucose Uses: Processing aid in food prod. Features: Will discolor some red meats; has no effect on taste of food Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §101.100(3)(ii)(c) OxyVac™-S [Nutricepts http://www.nutricepts.com] Chem. Descrip.: Enzyme system Uses: Antioxidant and shelf-life extender in fresh whole muscle meats and cooked whole or divided meats; processing aid in food prods. Features: Designed to not produce flavors, odors, or color changes Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §101.100(3)(ii)(c); kosher Properties: Wh. fine powd. Ozonox 47316 Prills [Sovereign http://www.sovchem.net] Chem. Descrip.: High m.w. proprietary hydrocarbon blend Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.615(a), 177.1200(c), 177.1650(a)(3), 177.2600, 178.3710 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Wh. prills; sp. gr. 0.91; m.p. 63-66 C; b.p. > 315 C; 100% Toxicology: Dust and fumes can irritate eyes; may cause mild irritation to skin; irritant from inh.; noncarcinogenic Environmental: very slow biodegradation Precaution: Wear gloves, dust mask and eye/face; avoid contact with eyes and skin; prevent dust formation and contact with water Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 5 yr. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry place in unopened containersaway from strong oxidizing agents Packers Powder [Vaessen-Schoemaker http://www.vaessen-schoemaker.com] Chem. Descrip.: Nitrite curing salts Uses: Curing agent for cured meats Panacet 810 [NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Med. chain triglyceride Uses: Raw material for special foods Properties: Liq.; nonionic; 100% conc. Panalite® 90-80 K [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Analysis: Monoglyceride content > 90%; free glycerol 1.2% Uses: Emulsifier, shelf-life extender, stabilizer, aeration enhancer, taste improver in bakery prods., margarine and peanut butter, coffee whiteners, extruded prods. Properties: Ivory block or flake; m.p. 128-136 F; acid value 3 max.; iodine value 50-60 Storage: Store @ < 95 C; avoid excessive exposure to light, moisture Panalite® 90-130 K [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Analysis: Monoglyceride content > 90%; free glycerol 1.2% Uses: Emulsifier, shelf-life extender, stabilizer, aeration enhancer, taste improver in bakery prods., margarine and peanut butter, coffee whiteners, extruded prods. Properties: Ivory color; m.p. 90-110 F; acid value 3 max.; iodine value 80-100 Storage: Store @ < 75 C; avoid excessive exposure to light, moisture
Part I: Trade Name Reference Panalite® 90D K [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dist. mono- and diglycerides derived from vegetable sources, ascorbic acid (to preserve freshness) See L-Ascorbic acid; Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier, shelf-life extender, stabilizer, aeration enhancer, taste improver in bakery prods., margarine and peanut butter, coffee whiteners, extruded prods. Features: Self-emulsifying; readily hydrates during mixing; improves volume, grain, machining props. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. superfine powd.; m.p. 66 C; nonionic; 90% min. alpha mono Use Level: 2-5 oz/100 lb flour (bread); 4-6 oz/100 lb flour (sweet goods) Storage: 12 mos. max. shelf life; store in cool, dry location; maintain prod. below 90 F at all times; keep containers closed when not in use Panatex® K [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrated monoglycerides; polysorbate 60; acetic acid; propionic acid Uses: Shelf life extender for baking; emulsifier for w/o emulsions; crumb softener Features: Lipophilic Properties: Creamy wh. soft plastic; pH 3.5 (5% aq.); 21% alpha monoglyceride; 76% volatiles Use Level: 6-16 oz per 100 lbs of flour (breads), 8-16 oz per 100 lbs of flour (buns, rolls), 1-3% based on flour (sweets, yeast raised doughnuts), 1% based on flour (cakes) Storage: 12 mos. max. shelf life; best used before 9 mos; avoid extremes of heat and cold; material will separate above 135 F; will freeze below 32 F; store at 70-90 F for two days before use Pancreas Substance [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Freeze-dried defatted glandular prod. Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Powd. Pancreatin 3X USP Powder [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lipase, amylase, and protease enzymes Uses: Enzyme for hydrolysis of proteins, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
carbohydrates, or fats; enzyme for food/cheese mfg., meat tenderizers; digestive aid in nutritional formulas (tablets, capsules, powds.), animal health formulas Properties: Powd. Storage: Store in a cool, dry area in tightly closed polyliners within secure containers Pancreatin 4X USP Granular [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lipase, amylase, and protease enzymes Uses: Enzyme for hydrolysis of proteins, carbohydrates, or fats; enzyme for food/cheese mfg., meat tenderizers; digestive aid in nutritional formulas (tablets, capsules, powds.), animal health formulas Regulatory: USP Properties: Mottled tan, free-flowing mixture of granules and powd. Storage: Store in a cool, dry area in tightly closed polyliners within secure containers Pancreatin 4X USP Powder [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lipase, amylase, and protease enzymes Uses: Enzyme for hydrolysis of proteins, carbohydrates, or fats; enzyme for food/cheese mfg., meat tenderizers; digestive aid in nutritional formulas (tablets, capsules, powds.), animal health formulas Regulatory: USP Properties: Mottled tan, free-flowing mixture of granules and powd. Storage: Store in a cool, dry area in tightly closed polyliners within secure containers Pancreatin 5X USP Powder [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lipase, amylase, and protease enzymes Uses: Enzyme for hydrolysis of proteins, carbohydrates, or fats; enzyme for food/cheese mfg., meat tenderizers; digestive aid in nutritional formulas (tablets, capsules, powds.), animal health formulas Properties: Powd. Storage: Store in a cool, dry area in tightly closed polyliners within secure containers Pancreatin 6X USP Powder [Am. Labs 508
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lipase, amylase, and protease enzymes Uses: Enzyme for hydrolysis of proteins, carbohydrates, or fats; enzyme for food/cheese mfg., meat tenderizers; digestive aid in nutritional formulas (tablets, capsules, powds.), animal health formulas Properties: Powd. Storage: Store in a cool, dry area in tightly closed polyliners within secure containers Pancreatin 8X USP Powder [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lipase, amylase, and protease enzymes Uses: Enzyme for hydrolysis of proteins, carbohydrates, or fats; enzyme for food/cheese mfg., meat tenderizers; digestive aid in nutritional formulas (tablets, capsules, powds.), animal health formulas Regulatory: USP Properties: Wh. to off-wh. granules Storage: Store in a cool, dry area in tightly closed polyliners within secure containers Pancreatin BP 98 [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lipase, amylase, and protease enzymes Uses: Enzyme for hydrolysis of proteins, carbohydrates, or fats; enzyme for food/cheese mfg., meat tenderizers; digestive aid in nutritional formulas (tablets, capsules, powds.), animal health formulas Pancreatin USP 23 [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lipase, amylase, and protease enzymes Uses: Enzyme for hydrolysis of proteins, carbohydrates, or fats; enzyme for food/cheese mfg., meat tenderizers; digestive aid in nutritional formulas (tablets, capsules, powds.), animal health formulas Properties: Powd. Pancrelipase USP Powder [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lipase, amylase, and protease enzymes Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Enzyme for hydrolysis of proteins, carbohydrates, or fats; enzyme for food/cheese mfg., meat tenderizers; digestive aid in nutritional formulas (tablets, capsules, powds.), animal health formulas Regulatory: USP Properties: Off-wh. to lt. tan powd. Storage: Store in a cool, dry area in tightly closed polyliners within secure containers PanEze™ [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soybean oil, lecithin, and cottonseed oil See Cottonseed (Gossypium) oil; Soybean (Glycine soja) oil CAS 8001-22-7; 8002-43-5; 8001-29-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-274-4; 232-307-2; 232280-7 Uses: Release agent for baked goods Features: Flourless, sprayable Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; SARA §302//313 nonreportable; kosher; certified organic Properties: Opaque, yel, semisolid liq.; mild odor; negligibly sol. in water; sol. in hydrocarbons; vapor pressure < 1.0 mmHg Toxicology: Nonirritating to eyes and skin Precaution: Avoid excessive heat, open flames, Cl, F, and other strong oxidizers, and strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Smoke, CO, and other prods. of incomplete combustion NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store away from strong oxidizing agents or combustible material PanEze™ W [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soybean oil, lecithin, and cottonseed oil See Cottonseed (Gossypium) oil; Soybean (Glycine soja) oil CAS 8001-22-7; 8002-43-5; 8001-29-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-274-4; 232-307-2; 232280-7 Uses: Release agent for baked goods Features: Flourless, sprayable Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; SARA §302//313 nonreportable; kosher; certified organic Properties: Opaque, yel, semisolid liq.; mild odor; negligibly sol. in water; sol. in hydrocarbons; vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg Toxicology: Nonirritating to eyes and skin Precaution: Avoid excessive heat, open 509
Part I: Trade Name Reference flames, Cl, F, and other strong oxidizers, and strong acids NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store away from strong oxidizing agents or combustible material Panicrust LC K [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium stearoyl lactylate, calcium sulfate, L-cysteine hydrochloride See Cysteine hydrochloride anhydrous Uses: Dough strengthener, dough conditioner, texturizer, stabilizer for pizza crust, tortillas, puff pastry, yeast-raised doughs, no-time bread systems Features: Reduces mixing time, minimizes shrinkage; improves freeze-thaw stability Properties: Off-wh. to lt. tan free-flowing powd.; 98% through 20 mesh; 1% max. moisture Use Level: 8-16 oz/100 lb flour Storage: 12 mos. shelf life, best when used before 9 mos; store in cool, dry location; keep containers well closed when not in use Paniplex CK [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium stearoyl lactylate CAS 5793-94-2; EINECS/ELINCS 227-335-7 Uses: Conditioner, emulsifier, texturizer for baked goods, frozen dough, puddings, toppings, dehydrated potatoes, extruded prods.; dough strengthener, shelf life extender for yeast-raised baked goods; whipping agent Features: Improves dough tolerance, retards crumb firming and improves prod. texture Properties: Cream-colored powd.; acid no. 5086; ester no. 125-164; anionic; 32-38% total lactic acid; 4.2-5.2% Ca Use Level: 4-6 oz/100 lb flour (bread); 6-8 oz/100 lb flour (buns, rolls) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life, best when used before 9 mos; sl. hygroscopic; store in cool, dry location; avoid temps. above 90 F at all times; keep containers well closed when not in use Paniplex SK [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium stearoyl lactylate CAS 25383-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 246-929-7 Uses: Conditioner, emulsifier, texturizer for baked goods, frozen doughs, puddings, whipped toppings, dehydrated potatoes, extruded prods.; emulsifier for water and oil Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
systems; dough strengthener/softener in baked goods, bread, buns, rolls; texturizer for yeast-raised donuts, donut mixes, cakes; freeze/thaw stabilizer in coffee creamers, puddings; emulsion stabilizer in icings and fillings; visc. control agent in sauces, gravies Features: Lipophilic; improves dough tolerance, retards crumb firming and improves prod. texture Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §136.110(c)(15), 172.846 Properties: Cream-colored powd.; readily disp. in hot oil, fat, or water; acid no. 60-80; ester no. 150-190; anionic; 31-34% total lactic acid; 3.55.0% Na Use Level: 0.25-0.50% on flour wt. (bread, buns, rolls); 0.5% max. on flour wt. (yeast-raised donuts); 0.1-0.2% on finished prod. wt. (cakes); 0.5% max. on flour wt. (yeast-raised sweet goods); 0.1-0.5% on flour wt (cookies, crackers) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life, best when used before 9 mos; sl. hygroscopic; store in cool, dry location; avoid temps. above 90 F at all times; keep containers well closed when not in use Paniset® [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sugar, calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate, vegetable gums (agar, locust bean gum), dextrose, sodium phosphate, mono- and diglycerides See Glucose; Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum; Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids; Sucrose Uses: Stabilizer for icings, glazes Features: Single-strength; remains easily pumpable for extended periods, but dries rapidly after applic. to bakery foods; max. control over water migration; rec. for icings requiring long pot life without thickening Properties: 3% loss on drying; 41% ash Use Level: 8-10% on powd. sugar wt. (icings); 68% on powd. sugar (glazes) Storage: 12 mos. max. shelf life, best when used before 9 mos; store in cool, dry location; keep container well closed when not in use; hygroscopic; do not expose to air for extended periods Panistay® [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sugar, calcium carbonate, 510
Part I: Trade Name Reference calcium sulfate, vegetable gums (agar, locust bean gum), dextrose, sodium phosphate, titanium dioxide, mono- and diglycerides See Glucose; Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum; Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids; Sucrose Uses: Stabilizer for glossy white icings and glazes for sweet goods, Danish, donuts, honeybuns, fried prods. Features: Single-strength; easily pumpable for extended periods, but dries rapidly after applic. to bakery foods; rec. where long pot life without thickening is required; max. control over water migration Properties: 3% loss on drying; 42% ash Use Level: 8-10% on powd. sugar wt. (icings); 610% on powd. sugar (glazes) Storage: 12 mos. max. shelf life, best when used before 9 mos; store in cool, dry location; keep container well closed when not in use; hygroscopic; do not expose to air for extended periods PanKote™ [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vegetable-based cake pan grease Uses: Release agent for baked goods, esp. sweet goods Features: Sprayable Regulatory: Food-grade; kosher Properties: Semisolid PanKote™ L [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pan grease Uses: Release agent for baked goods, esp. cakes Features: Sprayable; very cost effective; lowvisc. PanKote™ T [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pan grease Uses: Release agent for baked goods, esp. cakes Features: Sprayable; high visc. version of PanKote Properties: Visc. 4000 cps Panodan™ 120 Series [Danisco USA http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Diacetyl tartaric esters of mono- and diglycerides, enzymes, and flow agents See Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides Uses: Emulsifier, emulsion stabilizer; dough Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
strengthener for foods, baked goods; improves fat particle distribution in coffee whiteners Panodan™ 140 Series [Danisco USA http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Diacetyl tartaric esters of mono- and diglycerides, enzymes, and flow agents See Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides Uses: Emulsifier, emulsion stabilizer; dough strengthener for foods, baked goods; improves fat particle distribution in coffee whiteners Panodan™ 150 [Danisco USA http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Diacetyl tartaric ester/monoand diglycerides blend See Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides Uses: Emulsifier, emulsion stabilizer; dough strengthener for foods, baked goods; improves fat particle distribution in coffee whiteners Regulatory: Avail. in kosher grade Properties: Powd.; acid no. 47-57; sapon. no. 325-355 Panodan™ 150 Kosher [Danisco USA http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of diacetyl tartaric acid ester of mono-and diglycerides and monodiglycerides from edible refined vegetable fats See Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides Uses: Dough conditioner for yeast-raised baked goods; crumb softener for white bread Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1101, 184.1505, GRAS; FCC, kosher Properties: Fine powd.; drop pt. 56 C; acid no. 47-57; iodine no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 325-355 Use Level: 0.3-0.7% on flour in yeast-raised doughs Storage: Store in dry area, below 20 C, with liner securely closed Panodan™ 205 [Danisco USA http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Diacetyl tartaric ester of monoglycerides with 5% flow agent See Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides Uses: Emulsifier, emulsion stabilizer; dough strengthener for foods, baked goods; 511
Part I: Trade Name Reference improves fat particle distribution in coffee whiteners Regulatory: Avail. in kosher grade Properties: Fine powd.; acid no. 62-76; sapon. no. 380-425 Panodan™ 205 K [Danisco USA http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Diacetyl tartaric ester of monoglycerides See Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides Chem. Analysis: As 3 mg/kg max.; Pb 2 mg/kg max.; Hg 1 mg/kg max.; Cd 1 mg/kg max. heavy metals 10 mg/kg max. Uses: Emulsifier for yeast raised baked goods Features: Increases volume of baked bread; improves dough stability, handling and production tolerance of bakery goods Regulatory: E472e; FDA 21 CFR §184.1101; kosher Properties: Fine powd.; dropping pt. ≈ 50 C; acid no. 62-76; sapon. no. 380-425 Storage: 18 mos. when stored in unbroken pkg. in cool, dry area @ < 20 C Panodan™ 235 [Danisco USA http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monoglyceride diacetyl tartaric acid ester See Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides CAS 91052-81-2 Uses: Emulsifier for bakery prods. Properties: Wh. fine powd.; m.p. 45 C; sapon. no. 395-420; anionic Panodan™ FDP [Danisco USA http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Diacetyl tartaric ester of monoglycerides See Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides CAS 91052-81-2 Uses: Emulsifier, emulsion stabilizer; dough strengthener for foods, baked goods; improves fat particle distribution in coffee whiteners Regulatory: EU, FDA 21CFR §184.1101, GRAS; ADI 0-50 mg/kg; avail. in kosher grade Properties: Beads.; acid no. 62-76; sapon. no. 380-425 Panodan™ FDP Kosher [Danisco USA http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Diacetyl tartaric acid ester of mono- and diglycerides made from edible refined vegetable fat See Diacetyl tartaric Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
acid esters of mono- and diglycerides CAS 91052-81-2 Uses: Dough conditioner, volume improver for yeast-raised doughs; emulsifier for liq. and powd. coffee whiteners, confectionery prods., vitamin dispersions, o/w emulsions Features: Gives more tolerance in mfg. doughs Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1101, GRAS; EU E472(e), kosher Properties: Powd.; m.p. 45 C; acid no. 62-76; iodine no. 3 max.; sapon. no. 380-425 Use Level: 0.2-0.5% (yeast-raised doughs), 0.10.2% (liq. coffee whitener), 0.3-1% (powd. coffee whitener), 0.5-1% (confectionery coatings), 0.2-1% (o/w emulsions) Storage: Store in cool, dry area @ 10 C; storage above 20 C may cause caking Panodan™ SDK [Danisco USA http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Diacetyl tartaric ester of monoglycerides See Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides CAS 91052-81-2 Uses: Emulsifier, emulsion stabilizer; dough strengthener for foods, baked goods; improves fat particle distribution in coffee whiteners Regulatory: EU, FDA §184.1101 (GRAS); ADI 050 mg/kg; avail. in kosher grade Properties: Amber semiliq.; m.p. 45 C; acid no. 62-76; sapon. no. 380-425 Pan-O-Lite® [ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium aluminum phosphate with calcium phosphate monohydrate, calcium carbonate, precipitated amorphous silica See Calcium phosphate monobasic monohydrate; Silica; Sodium aluminum phosphate acidic Uses: Acidulant, leavening agent in bakery applics. (pancakes, waffles, cakes, prepared mixes) Features: Adds to structure resiliency, crumb whiteness, and baking tolerance of wh. cake mixes Regulatory: FCC compliance Properties: Anhyd. wh. powd.; 3% max. on 100 mesh, 12% max. on 140 mesh Panosorb® [Nutrinova GmbH http://www.nutrinova.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbic acid CAS 110-44-1; EINECS/ELINCS 203-768-7 512
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Preservative against molds, yeast, and bacteria for slice and packaged breads, yeast-raised cakes and fine bakery products, French style bakery goods, buns, rolls, sour dough prods., bagels, pretzels, pizza, English muffins Features: Less yeasty flavor; low-dust prod.; no negative impact on dough or bread volume leading to savings in yeast quantities and fermentation time Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher; GMO-free; JECFA compliant Properties: Neutral odor, flavor, taste Pantastic [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy flour; enzymes See Soybean (Glycine soja) flour Uses: Dough strengthener, dough conditioner, shelf life extender, softener for yeast-raised dough prods. Features: Provides a whiter crumb with a fine grain and texture Use Level: 0.25% based on flour Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location; best when used before 9 mos; keep containers well closed when not in use Papain Concentrate [Deerland Enzymes http://www.deerland-enzymes.com] Chem. Descrip.: Protease Chem. Analysis: 45,000 F.C.C. PU/mg assay CAS 9014-01-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-752-2 Uses: Enzyme for hydrolysis of proteins; for brewing (stabilizes and chillproofs beer); fermentation; fish/soya processing; meat tenderizers; protein modification; animal feed supplement Features: Rapidly reduces viscosity of protein gels Properties: Tan to lt. brn. amorphous dry powd., free of offensive odors and taste; water-sol. Use Level: 0.01-0.1% Storage: Activity loss ≤ 10% in 1 yr. stored in sealed containers under cool dry conditions; 5 C storage extends life Papaya Powder Trobana® [Confoco http://www.confoco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maradol red papaya and green banana (20%) Chem. Analysis: 5% max. moisture; 5% protein ; 1.0% fat; 85% carbohydrates; 4% ash ; 7% dietary fiber Uses: Papaya flavor in dry fruit preparations, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
powdered drinks, cakes, muffins, pies, bread, frozen desserts, and soft food diets Features: Produced by ripening, blanching, extracting, pulping, dosing green banana carrier and the mixture, then drum drying and milling it Regulatory: Halal, kosher certified; GMO compliant Properties: Orange yel. powd.; papaya odor/flavor; 10% min thru US 60 mesh; dens. 600-700 g/l Storage: 18 mos. when stored @ 21 C in sealed original containers Paramount B [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Partially hydrogenated palm kernel oil CAS 68990-82-9; EINECS/ELINCS 273-627-2 Uses: Lauric center fat for confectioner's coatings, veg. dairy systems, candy centers, icings Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Solid; m.p. 93-96 F Paramount C [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Partially hydrogenated palm kernel oil, lecithin Uses: Lauric center fat for confectioner's coatings, veg. dairy systems, candy centers, icings Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Flake; m.p. 101-104 F Paramount H [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Partially hydrogenated veg. oil (palm kernel, soybean, cottonseed) See Hydrogenated vegetable oil CAS 68334-28-1; EINECS/ELINCS 269-820-6 Uses: Lauric center fat for confectioner's coatings, veg. dairy systems, candy centers, icings Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Liq.; m.p. 107-109 F Paramount X [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Partially hydrogenated veg. oil (palm kernel, soybean, cottonseed) See Hydrogenated vegetable oil CAS 68334-28-1; EINECS/ELINCS 269-820-6 Uses: Lauric center fat for confectioner's coatings, veg. dairy systems, candy centers, icings, doughnut glazes; icing stabilizer Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Liq.; m.p. 107-109 F 513
Part I: Trade Name Reference Paramount XX [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Partially hydrogenated veg. oil (palm kernel, soybean, cottonseed) See Hydrogenated vegetable oil CAS 68334-28-1; EINECS/ELINCS 269-820-6 Uses: Lauric center fat for confectioner's coatings, veg. dairy systems, candy centers, icings, doughnut glazes; icing stabilizer Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Flake; m.p. 117-119 F Parathyroid Substance [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vacuum-dried defatted glandular prod. Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Powd. Parmesan Acid, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Chem. Descrip.: 3-Methylpentanoic acid CAS 105-43-1; EINECS/ELINCS 203-297-7 Uses: Flavor of Parmesan cheese used in cheese blend prods. Features: Naturally occurs in baked potato, cheese, rum, and Oriental tobacco Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Cl., colorless liq.; Parmesan cheese flavor; sol. in alcohol, oil, water, and PG Use Level: 0.02-5 ppm as consumed Parotid Substance [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vacuum-dried defatted glandular prod. Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Powd. Partially Hydro Soybean Oil [ADM Refined Oils http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Partially hydrogenated soybean oil See Hydrogenated soybean oil CAS 8016-70-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-410-2 Uses: Oil with exc. oxidative stability; for breads, rolls, processed fried foods, packaged frying oil Properties: Lovibond 1.5R max. oil, bland flavor; iodine no. 108±4 Paselli™ EZ 2909 [Avebe http://www.avebe.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified tapioca starch See Starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Thickener for instant puddings Features: Clean flavor profile; smooth, creamy texture; exc. processing, freeze/thaw stability Paselli™ EZ Range [Avebe http://www.avebe.com] Chem. Descrip.: Potato starch See Starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Paselli™ EZ Sperse Range [Avebe http://www.avebe.com] Chem. Descrip.: Potato starch See Starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Viscosifier for cold-prepared fruit and cream fillings, cook-up puddings, hot beverages Features: Smooth texture Paselli™ Easy-Gel [Avebe http://www.avebe.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified potato starch See Starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Viscosifier, bodying agent, mouthfeel enhancer for cold-prepared desserts, pudding, mousse, cheesecake, bavarois Features: Can be substituted for gelatin in instant aerated or set desserts Paselli™ FP [Avebe http://www.avebe.com] Chem. Descrip.: Potato fiber Uses: Water binder for meat, snacks, soups Paselli™ SA 2 [Avebe http://www.avebe.com] Chem. Descrip.: partially hydrolyzed potato starch See Starch Chem. Analysis: 3.8 kcal/g; < 3 DE CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Fat replacer in bakery goods, low-fat foods Features: Fully digestible Properties: Off-wh. powd.; bulk dens. 400 kg/m3; pH 5.5-7.0 Storage: 1 yr. shelf life Passion Fruit Flakes Trobana® [Confoco http://www.confoco.com] Chem. Descrip.: passion fruit and green banana (10%) as carrier Chem. Analysis: 5% max. moisture Uses: Passion fruit flavor in dry fruit preparations, drinks, vegetable preps., baby foods, cakes, soups, drinks, and soft food diets Features: Foreign material absent; produced by ripening, blanching, extracting, pulping, dosing the green banana as carrier and sieving the 514
Part I: Trade Name Reference mixture, then drum drying it Regulatory: Halal, kosher certified; GMO compliant Properties: Yel. flakes; mashed cooked passion fruit odor/flavor; 25% min. thru US 20 mesh; dens. 350-500 g/l Storage: 18 mos. when stored @ 21 C in sealed original containers Passion Fruit Powder Trobana® [Confoco http://www.confoco.com] Chem. Descrip.: passion fruit and green banana Chem. Analysis: 5% max. moisture Uses: Flavoring agent in dry fruit preparations, drinks, vegetable preparations, baby foods, cakes, soups, drinks Regulatory: Halal, kosher certified Properties: Mashed cooked passion fruit odor/flavor; dens. 350-500 g/l Storage: 18 mos. when stored @ 21 C in sealed containers Passion Fruit Treattarome 9750 [R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ethyl butyrate, ethyl hexanoate, hexyl acetate, hexyl hexanoate, linalool, 2-methyl-4-propyl-1,3-oxathiane, and various sulfur esters See Ethyl caproate CAS 105-54-4; 123-66-0; 142-92-7; 6378-65-0; 78-70-6; 67715-80-4; EINECS/ELINCS 203306-4; 204-640-3; 205-572-7; 228-952-4; 201134-4; 261-699-8 Uses: Flavor for food Properties: Passion fruit flavor Use Level: 0.01-0.05% Passionate Melon, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor of tropical flavor for food applcs. Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Lt. yel. cl. liq.; passionfruit, honeydew melon, watermelon flavor; sol. in alcohol, oil, PG Use Level: 0.1-4 ppm as consumed Patco® 3 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of Emplex sodium stearoyl lactylate and Verv® calcium stearoyl-2-lactylate See Calcium stearoyl lactylate Uses: Conditioner, softener, starch complexing agent, protein complexing Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
agent for yeast-leavened bakery prods., buns, rolls, bread, sweet goods Regulatory: FDA approved 8 oz/cwt flour max. Properties: Lt. tan powd., mild caramel odor; acid no. 55-83; ester no. 137-177; 100% act., 3.9-5.1% sodium/calcium Use Level: 4-8 oz/cwt flour Storage: Store under cool, dry conditions Pationic® 900 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl monostearate/oleate from animal sources See Glyceryl stearate CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Direct food substance Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1324, GRAS Properties: Ivory wh. fine beads; m.p. 66 C; nonionic; 96% monoglyceride Pationic® 901 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Dist. glyceryl stearate derived from fully hydrogenated veg. oil CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Direct food substance Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1324, GRAS Properties: Ivory wh. fine beads; m.p. 72 C; nonionic; 96% monoglyceride Pationic® 907 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl oleate from veg. sources CAS 111-03-5; EINECS/ELINCS 203-827-7 Uses: Direct food substance; flavoring agent Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1505, GRAS Properties: Ivory wh. liq. @ 40-45 C, soft paste at ambient temps.; nonionic; 96% monoglyceride Pationic® 909 [Am. Ingreds./Patco http://www.patco-additives.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dist. glyceryl stearate derived from fully hydrogenated veg. oil CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Direct food substance Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1324, GRAS Properties: Ivory wh. fine beads; 98% through 100 mesh; m.p. 72 C; nonionic; 96% monoglyceride Pationic® 919 [Am. Ingreds./Patco http://www.patco-additives.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl tristearate See Tristearin CAS 555-43-1; EINECS/ELINCS 209-097-6 515
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Migrating from cotton/cotton fabrics in dry food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.70 Properties: Ivory wh. fine beads; 98% through 100 mesh; m.p. 65 C; nonionic Pationic® 925 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium/sodium stearoyl lactylate Uses: Dough strengthener, emulsifier, processing aid, surfactant, stabilizer, formulation aid, texturizer, whipping agent, conditioner in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.844, 172.846 Properties: Off-wh. powd.; 99% through 20 mesh; m.p. 45-55 C; sapon. no. 195-230 Pationic® 930 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium stearoyl-2-lactylate See Calcium stearoyl lactylate CAS 5793-94-2; EINECS/ELINCS 227-335-7 Uses: Dough conditioner, whipping agent, conditioner in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.844 Properties: Off-wh. powd.; 99% through 20 mesh; m.p. 45-55 C; sapon. no. 195-230; anionic; 4.2-5.2% Ca Pationic® 940 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium stearoyl-2-lactylate See Calcium stearoyl lactylate CAS 5793-94-2; EINECS/ELINCS 227-335-7 Uses: Dough conditioner, whipping agent, conditioner in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.844 Properties: Ivory free-flowing powd.; basic pH; anionic; 12% Ca Pationic® 1019 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl tristearate See Tristearin CAS 555-43-1; EINECS/ELINCS 209-097-6 Uses: Migrating from cotton/cotton fabrics in dry food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.70 Properties: Ivory wh. very fine flakes; m.p. 65 C Pationic® 1042 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Direct food substance Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1505, GRAS Properties: Ivory wh. very fine flakes; m.p. 60-63 C; 43% monoglyceride Pationic® 1042K [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate, kosher CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Direct food substance Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1505, GRAS Properties: Ivory wh. very fine flakes; m.p. 62 C; 43% α-monoglyceride Pationic® 1042KB [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate, kosher See Glyceryl stearate CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Direct food substances affirmed as GRAS Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1505, GRAS Properties: Ivory wh. fine beads; m.p. 62 C; 43% α-monoglyceride Pationic® 1052 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate from animal sources CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Direct food substance Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1505, GRAS Properties: Ivory wh. very fine flakes; m.p. 62 C; 53% α-monoglyceride Pationic® 1052K [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate from veg. sources, kosher CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Direct food substance Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1505, GRAS Properties: Ivory wh. very fine flakes; m.p. 62 C; 53% α-monoglyceride Pationic® 1052KB [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Direct food substances affirmed as GRAS Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1505, GRAS; kosher Properties: Ivory wh. fine beads; m.p. 62 C; 53% α-monoglyceride Pationic® 1061 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl oleate from veg. sources 516
Part I: Trade Name Reference CAS 111-03-5; EINECS/ELINCS 203-827-7 Uses: Direct food additive Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1505, GRAS Properties: Amber visc. liq. @ 19 C; m.p. 39-41 C; 44% α-monoglyceride Pationic® 1233 [Am. Ingreds./Patco http://www.patco-additives.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium lactate CAS 814-80-2; EINECS/ELINCS 212-406-7 Uses: Firming agent, flavor enhancer, flavoring agent, adjuvant, leavening agent, nutrient supplement, stabilizer, thickener in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1207, GRAS Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; pH 7.1 (1%); 13% Ca Pationic® 1240 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium lactate CAS 814-80-2; EINECS/ELINCS 212-406-7 Uses: Firming agent, flavor enhancer, flavoring agent, adjuvant, leavening agent, nutrient supplement, stabilizer, thickener in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1207, GRAS Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; pH basic; 19.5% Ca Pationic® 1250 [Am. Ingreds./Patco http://www.patco-additives.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium lactate CAS 814-80-2; EINECS/ELINCS 212-406-7 Uses: Firming agent, flavor enhancer, flavoring agent, adjuvant, leavening agent, nutrient supplement, stabilizer, thickener in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.844, 184.1207 Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; pH basic; 15.5% Ca Paygel® 290/295 [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pregelatinized wheat starch, highly refined, unmodified See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Thickener, binder, water absorbent, fat emulsion stabilizer for foods, sausages, canned chili, soups, meat sauces, gravies, breading compds., donuts, flour-based mixes; strengthener in baked goods Properties: Wh. powd.; 99% min. through 30 mesh, 90% min. through 100 mesh; hydrates Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
rapidly in cold water; bulk dens. 26 lb/ft3 (loose), 30 lb/ft3 (packed); pH 6.0 (10% slurry); 7% moisture, 0.6% protein Storage: 1 yr. max. shelf life; store in cool, dry location; keep container closed when not in use PB-100 [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: propylene glycol esters of fatty acids See Propylene glycol monoand diesters of fats and fatty acids CAS 977050-70-6 Uses: Alpha-ending emulsifier in toppings, powdered cake improvers, cake mixes; alpha-crystalline stabilizer for sponge cake foaming gel Regulatory: E477 Properties: Beads; m.p. 54-60; HLB 3.0 (caluculated); acid value 3 max.; iodine value 3 max.; sapon. value 135-145; hydroxyl value 135-160 PD-23 [Chemtura http://www.chemtura.com] Chem. Descrip.: Deodorized kerosene CAS 8008-20-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-366-4 Uses: Solvent, defoamer in froth flotation of vegetables Features: Refined aliphatic solvent; non-VOC Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.884, 178.3650 Properties: Colorless cl. liq., nearly odorless; sp.gr. 0.800 (60/60 C); visc. 2.6 cSt (40 C); vapor pressure < 0.01 mm Hg (20 C); b.p. 452 F; pour pt. 0 F; flash pt. (COC) 230 F; ref. index 1.442 PD-25 [Chemtura http://www.chemtura.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petroleum distillates EINECS/ELINCS 232-298-5 Uses: Solvent, defoamer in froth flotation of vegetables Features: Refined aliphatic solvent; non-VOC Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.884, 178.3650 Properties: Colorless cl. liq., nearly odorless; sp.gr. 0.810 (60/60 C); visc. 3.9 cSt (40 C); vapor pressure < 0.01 mm Hg (20 C); b.p. 510 F; pour pt. 20 F; flash pt. (COC) 260 F; ref. index 1.446 PD-28 [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petroleum distillates EINECS/ELINCS 232-298-5 Uses: Solvent, defoamer in froth flotation of vegetables Features: Refined aliphatic solvent; non-VOC Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3620(a) 517
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Colorless liq., nearly odorless; sp.gr. 0.820 (60/60 C); visc. 4.6 cSt (40 C); vapor pressure < 0.01 mm Hg (20 C); b.p. 526 F; pour pt. 30 F; flash pt. (COC) 285 F; ref. index 1.450 Peanut oil 545-000 [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: fully refined peanut oil See Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) oil CAS 8002-03-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232-296-4 Uses: Peanut flavor in food Properties: Iodine value 90-110 Storage: Store @ R.T. Pear Enhancer, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor to enhance, build pear flavors Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Cl., colorless liq.; bartlett pear taste; sl. sol. in water; sol. in alcohol, oil Use Level: 2-10 ppm as consumed PenBind® 100 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch from potatoes See Food starch, modified Chem. Analysis: 18% max. moisture; < 0.1g/100g protein; < 0.1g/100g; fat; 0.3 g/100 g ash; +85.0 g/100 g carbohydrates CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Binder, gellant, stabilizer, texturizer in processed meat prods., fresh and processed poultry, deli meats, and hams Features: Very high visc.; smooth texture; retort and shear stabiltiy; does not mask texture or taste Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd.; bland taste; particle size 98% thru US #100 screen; pH 6.0-8.0 Storage: 2 yr shelf life from date of productions; keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenBind® 120 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch from potatoes See Food starch, modified Chem. Analysis: 18% max. moisture; < 0.22 g/100 g protein; < 0.1 g/100 g fat; 0.3 g/100 g ash; 85.0 g/100 g carbohydrates CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Moisture barrier, crisping agent, and adhesion promoter for clear coat batters Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Features: Remains crispy throughout extended hold times; reduces toughness; low visc. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd.; bland taste; particle size 98% thru US #100 screen; pH 6.0-8.0 Storage: 2 yr shelf life from date of productions; keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenBind® 123 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch from potatoes See Food starch, modified Chem. Analysis: 18% max. moisture; < 0.22 g/100 g protein; < 0.1 g/100 g fat; 0.3 g/100 g ash; 85.0 g/100 g carbohydrates CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Moisture barrier, crisping agent, and toughness extender for clear coat batters Features: Used where improved hold time is required; extremely wh. in color Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd.; bland taste; particle size 98% thru US #100 screen; pH 6.0-8.0 Storage: 2 yr shelf life from date of productions; keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenBind® 150 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch from tapioca See Food starch, modified Chem. Analysis: 15% max. moisture; < 0.2 g/100 g protein; < 0.2 g/100 g; fat; 0.24 g/100 g ash; 89.0 g/100 g carbohydrates CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Moisture barrier, crisping agent for clear coat batters Features: Remains crispy throughout extended hold times; reduces toughness; low visc. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd.; bland taste; particle size 98% thru US #100 screen; pH 5.0-7.0 Storage: 2 yr shelf life from date of productions; keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenBind® 180 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch See Food starch, modified Chem. Analysis: 18% max. moisture; 0.1 g/100 g 518
Part I: Trade Name Reference protein; < 0.1 g/100 g fat; 0.3 g/100 g ash; +85.0 g/100 g carbohydrates CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Moisture barrier, crisping agent for French fry clear coat batters Features: Extends heat lamp hold times Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd.; bland taste; particle size 98% thru US #100 screen; pH 6.0-8.0 Storage: 2 yr shelf life from date of productions; keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenBind® 190 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch from potatoes See Food starch, modified Chem. Analysis: 18% max. moisture; 0.1 g/100 g protein; < 0.1 g/100 g fat; 0.3 g/100 g ash; +85.0 g/100 g carbohydrates CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Moisture barrier, crisping agent for clear coat batters Features: Extends heat lamp hold times Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd.; bland taste; particle size 98% thru US #100 screen; pH 6.0-8.0 Storage: 2 yr shelf life from date of production; keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenBind® 196 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch from potatoes See Food starch, modified Chem. Analysis: 18% max. moisture; 0.1 g/100 g protein; < 0.1 g/100 g fat; 0.3 g/100 g ash; +85.0 g/100 g carbohydrates CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Moisture barrier for clear coat batters Features: Inc. hold time, reduces oil pick-up in food service applics. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd.; bland taste; particle size 98% thru US #100 screen; pH 6.0-8.0 Storage: 2 yr shelf life from date of production; keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenBind® 830 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch from Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
potatoes See Food starch, modified Chem. Analysis: 18% max. moisture; < 0.1 g/100 g protein; < 0.1 g/100 g fat; 0.33 g/100 g ash; +82.0 g/100 g carbohydrates CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Gelling agent and texturizer in imitation cheese Features: Water holding capacity; med. visc. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd.; bland taste; particle size 98% thru US #100 screen; pH 5.5-7.5 Storage: 2 yr shelf life from date of production; keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenBind® 959 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch See Food starch, modified Chem. Analysis: 15% max. moisture; 0.12 g/100 g protein; < 0.59 g/100 g fat; 0.26 g/100 g ash; +88.0 g/100 g carbohydrates CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Freeze-thaw stabilizer, gellant, water binder for processed meat prods. Features: Provides clear disp. with protein @ low cooking temps.; does not mask desired meat texture or taste Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd.; bland taste; particle size 98% thru US #100 screen; pH 5.5-7.5 Storage: 2 yr shelf life from date of productions; keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenBind® 1000 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch from potatoes See Food starch, modified Chem. Analysis: 18% max. moisture; < 0.1g/100g protein; < 0.1g/100g fat; 0.3 g/100 g ash; 85.0 g/100 g carbohydrates CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Freeze-thaw stabilizer, gellant, water binder for processed meat prods., deli meats, turkey breasts, and hams Features: Provides clear disp. with protein @ low cooking temps.; does not mask desired meat texture or taste Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd.; bland taste; particle size 98% thru US #100 screen; pH 6.0-8.0 Storage: 2 yr shelf life from date of productions; 519
Part I: Trade Name Reference keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenBind® 1015 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch from potatoes See Food starch, modified Chem. Analysis: 18% max. moisture; < 0.1g/100g protein; < 0.1g/100g fat; 0.3 g/100 g ash; 85.0 g/100 g carbohydrates CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Freeze-thaw stabilizer, gellant, water binder for processed meat prods., deli meats, turkey breasts, canned meat prods., and hams Features: Provides yield improvement, purge deduction, smooth texture, clear dispersion; high visc. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd.; bland taste; particle size 98% thru US #100 screen; pH 6.0-8.0 Storage: 2 yr shelf life from date of productions; keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenCling® 205 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch from potatoes See Food starch, modified Chem. Analysis: 18% max. moisture; < 0.1 g/100 g protein; < 0.1 g/100 g fat; 0.5 g/100 g ash; +81.0 g/100 g carbohydrates CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Crispness improver, binder, and film former for predusts, batters, and Asian noodles Features: Smooth texture; high visc.; provides yield improvement; does not mask subtle flavors of prods. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd.; bland taste; particle size 98% thru US #100 screen; pH 6.0-8.0 Storage: 2 yr shelf life from date of productions; keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenCling® 510 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch from potatoes See Food starch, modified Chem. Analysis: 18% max. moisture; 0.27 g/100 g protein; < 0.1 g/100 g fat; 0.1 g/100 g ash; +85.0 g/100 g carbohydrates Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Moisture barrier, water binder, texturizer for reduced fat emulsified meat prods. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd.; bland taste; particle size 98% thru US #100 screen; pH 6.0-8.0 Storage: 2 yr shelf life from date of productions; keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenCling® 530 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch from potatoes See Food starch, modified Chem. Analysis: 18% max. moisture; 0.27 g/100 g protein; < 0.1 g/100 g fat; 0.3 g/100 g ash; +85.0 g/100 g carbohydrates CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Moisture control agent, water binder, texturizer for reduced-fat emulsified meat prods. Features: Very high visc.; improves yield Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd.; bland taste; particle size 98% thru US #100 screen; pH 6.0-8.0 Storage: 2 yr shelf life from date of productions; keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenCling® 580 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch from potatoes See Food starch, modified Chem. Analysis: 18% max. moisture; 0.22 g/100 g protein; < 0.1 g/100 g fat; 0.3 g/100 g ash; +85.0 g/100 g carbohydrates CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Moisture control agent, water binder, firming agent, film-former for reduced-fat emulsified meats; moisture control agent, water binder, crisping agent, film-former for wafers and crackers Features: Short body; med. visc. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd.; bland taste; particle size 98% thru US #100 screen; pH 6.0-8.0 Storage: 2 yr shelf life from date of productions; keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenCling® 597 [Penford Food Ingreds. 520
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch from potatoes See Food starch, modified Chem. Analysis: 18% max. moisture; 0.27 g/100 g protein; < 0.1 g/100 g fat; 0.3 g/100 g ash; +85.0 g/100 g carbohydrates CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Smoothing agent, crisping agent for clear coat batters, breadings Features: Provides extended hold time; offsets surface roughness caused by other ingreds. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd.; bland taste; particle size 98% thru US #100 screen; pH 6.0-8.0 Storage: 2 yr shelf life from date of productions; keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenCling® 720B [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: dextrin Chem. Analysis: Moisture 8% max.; protein 0.1%; fat < 0.1%; ash 0.5%; sodium 0.0030%; calcium 0.0024%; potassium 0.0045%; Mg 0.007%; Fe < 0.0001%; phosphorus 0.080%; copper 0.0003%; zinc 0.0002% Uses: Thickener, crispness improver for batters and breadings, cl. coat batters Features: Extends hold time Regulatory: GRAS; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Wh. powd.; odorless; 75% through US standard #200, 90% through US standard 100 screen; pH 5.0-7.0 Toxicology: Nontoxic Precaution: Potential dust explosion hazard Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO2, water, typical combustion by-products Storage: 2 yrs. shelf life; keep away from water, humidity, high temps. PenCling® 9172 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch from potatoes See Food starch, modified CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Adhesion promoter and carrier for clear coat batters for vegetables, meat, poultry, and meat analog Features: Reduces charring and blistering from cooking surface Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; bland taste Storage: 2 yr shelf life from date of productions; keep away from water, humidity, high temps. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
to avoid moisture absorp. PenCook® 10 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Native potato starch See Potato (Solanum tuberosum) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Water binder, visc. builder, gellant, adhesive for soups, sauces, gravies, baked goods, meats, seafood Regulatory: Kosher; GRAS; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Wh. color; odorless; bland taste Toxicology: Nontoxic Precaution: Potential dust explosion hazard Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO2, water, typical combustion by-products HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenCook® 30 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: native rice starch See Rice (Oryza sativa) starch Chem. Analysis: Moisture 14%; protein 0.37%; fat 0.44%; ash 0.24%; sodium 0.0398%; calcium 0.0253%; potassium 0.0027%; Mg 0.0067%; Fe 0.00008%; phosphorus < 0.020%; copper 0.00011%; zinc 0.00014% Uses: Viscosifier, water-holding aid, binder for coatings, protein, baby food, extruded snacks, dairy and desserts Features: Gluten-free Properties: Wh. powd.; bland taste; 98% through US screen #100; pH 5.5-7.5 Storage: 2 yrs. shelf life; keep away from water, humidity, high temps. PenCook® 37 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: native waxy rice starch See Rice (Oryza sativa) starch Chem. Analysis: Moisture 14% max.; protein 0.43%; fat 0.25%; ash 0.24%; sodium 0.0447%; calcium 0.016%; potassium 0.0027%; Mg 0.0050%; Fe 0.00007%; phosphorus < 0.020%; copper 0.00010%; zinc 0.00007% Uses: Viscosifier, water-holding aid, binder for baby food, health food, processed meats, coatings, chicken and mushroom marinade, puffed snacks, dairy desserts, ice cream Features: Gluten-free; superior freeze-thaw 521
Part I: Trade Name Reference stability; easy to digest Properties: Wh. powd.; bland taste; 98% through US screen #100; pH 5.5-7.5 Storage: 2 yrs. shelf life; keep away from water, humidity, high temps. PenCook® 50 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Native tapioca starch Uses: Water binder, visc. builder, dusting agent, adhesive, thickener for foods Regulatory: Kosher; GRAS; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Wh. powd.; odorless; bland taste Precaution: Potential dust explosion hazard Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO2, water, typical combustion by-products HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenCrisp® 905 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch, potato dextrin, rice flour, Salt, Sodium acid pyrophosphate, sodium bicarbonate, and xanthan gum See Food starch, modified; Sodium chloride Chem. Analysis: 15% max. moisture; 1.9 g/100 g protein; 0.2 g/100 g fat; 6.8 g/100 g ash; 80.0 g/100 g carbohydrates CAS 53124-00-8; 7647-14-5; 758-16-9; 144-558; 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 231-598-3; 231-835-0; 205-633-8; 234-394-2 Uses: Adhesion promoter, carrier, binder, and film former for clear coat batters for vegetables, meat, poultry, and meat analog Features: Provides extended hold time Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; bland taste; pH 6.0-8.0 Storage: Keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenPlus® 40 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pregelatinized modified food starch from potato See Food starch, modified Uses: Water binder, crisping agent for extruded snacks, cereals, pet foods Features: Reduces machine energy requirements Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Bland taste Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Storage: Keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenPlus® 40M [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pregelatinized modified food starch from potato, monoglycerides See Food starch, modified Uses: Water binder, crisping agent for extruded snacks, cereals, pet foods Features: Contains lubricants for inc. extruder throughput; reduces machine energy requirements Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Bland taste Storage: Keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenPlus® 47 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pregelatinized modified food starch from potato See Food starch, modified Uses: Water binder, texturizer for custard creams, pie fillings, cakes, muffins, soups, gravies, sauces, cheese sauces, salad dressings Features: Provides smooth glistening texture, clear heavy disp., short body; stable @ low pH Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. color; bland taste Storage: Keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenPlus® 47B [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pregelatinized modified food starch from potato See Food starch, modified Uses: Water binder, texturizer for custard creams, pie fillings, cakes, muffins, soups, gravies, sauces, cheese sauces, salad dressings Features: Provides smooth glistening texture, clear heavy disp., short body; stable @ low pH Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. color; bland taste Storage: Keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenPlus® 205 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pregelatinized modified food starch from potatoes See Food starch, modified Uses: Water binder, visc. builder for cakes, 522
Part I: Trade Name Reference muffins, pancakes, waffles, breads, frostings, soups, sauces, gravies; volume improver for cakes and muffins Features: Provides heavy clear disps., short body Regulatory: Kosher; GRAS; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Wh. color; bland taste Toxicology: Nontoxic Precaution: Potential dust explosion hazard Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO2, water, typical combustion by-products HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenPlus® 205B [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pregelatinized modified food starch from potato See Food starch, modified Uses: Water binder, visc. builder for cakes, muffins, pancakes, waffles, breads, frostings, soups, sauces, gravies; volume improver for cakes and muffins Features: Provides heavy clear disps., short body Regulatory: Kosher; GRAS; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Wh. powd.; odorless; bland taste Toxicology: Nontoxic Precaution: Potential dust explosion hazard Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO2, water, typical combustion by-products HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenPlus® 300 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pregelatinized modified food starch from potato See Food starch, modified Uses: Water binder, visc. builder for cakes, cookies, muffins, donuts, corn breads, waffles, pancakes, breads, emulsified meats; volume improver for cakes Features: Provides clear disp., long body Regulatory: Kosher; GRAS; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Wh. powd.; odorless; bland taste Toxicology: Nontoxic Precaution: Potential dust explosion hazard Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO2, water, typical Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
combustion by-products HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenPlus® 2100 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pregelatinized modified food starch from potato See Food starch, modified Uses: Visc. builder, water binder, texturizer, freeze-thaw stabilizer for soups, sauces, gravies Features: Provides smooth, creamy, sl. grainy texture; superior steam table stability over extended hold times Regulatory: Kosher; GRAS; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Wh. powd., odorless, bland taste Toxicology: Nontoxic Precaution: Potential dust explosion hazard Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO2, water, typical combustion by-products HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenPlus® MG [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pregelatinized unmodified potato starch, monoglyceride See Potato (Solanum tuberosum) starch Uses: Water binder, softener, antitackifier, antistaling agent, moisture retention aid for doughs, wheat and corn flour tortillas, pizza crusts Features: Improves machinability Regulatory: Kosher Storage: Keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenPlus® UM [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pregelatinized unmodified potato starch See Potato (Solanum tuberosum) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Visc. builder, water binder for cakes, muffins, pancakes, waffles, donuts, breadings, nuts, batters, coatings, corn breads, ice creams cones Features: Provides transparent disp., long body Regulatory: Kosher; GRAS; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Wh. powd.; sm. particle size; bland 523
Part I: Trade Name Reference taste Toxicology: Nontoxic Precaution: Potential dust explosion hazard Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO2, water, typical combustion by-products HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. PenPlus® UX [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pregelatinized unmodified potato starch See Potato (Solanum tuberosum) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Visc. builder, water binder for cakes, muffins, pancakes, waffles, donuts, breadings, nuts, batters, coatings, corn breads, ice creams cones Features: Provides transparent disp., long body Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. color; lg. particle size; bland taste Storage: Keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. Penreco Amber [Penreco http://www.penreco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum USP CAS 8027-32-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Release agent, lubricant, sealant, polishing agent, protective coating, defoamer in foods; fruit/vegetable coatings; animal feed supplements Regulatory: FDA 21CFR 172.880, 178.3700, 573.720; OSHA nonhazardous; DOT nonhazardous Properties: Yel. semisolid, odorless; sol. in hydrocarbons; sp.gr. 0.86 (60 F); visc. 68-82 SUS (210 F); m.p. 122-135 F; congeal pt. 123 F; solid. pt. 122 F; flash pt. (COC) 400 F; 100% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) >5 g/kg; LD50 (dermal, rat) 2 g/kg; ACGIH 5 mg/m3 TWA, 10 mg/m3 STEL; pract. nontoxic by ingestion, but laxative props. may cause abdominal cramps, diarrhea; minimally irritating to eyes and skin on direct contact; STEL 10 mg/m3 (as oil mist); TSCA listed Precaution: May react with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: dense smoke, CO, CO2, other oxides Storage: Store in closed containers away from Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
heat, sparks, open flame, oxidizers Penreco Blond [Penreco http://www.penreco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum USP CAS 8027-32-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Release agent, lubricant, sealant, polishing agent, protective coating, defoamer in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR 172.880, 178.3700, 573.720; OSHA nonhazardous; DOT nonhazardous Properties: Yel. semisolid, odorless; sol. in hydrocarbons; sp.gr. 0.86 (60 F); visc. 68-82 SUS (210 F); m.p. 122-135 F; congeal pt. 123 F; solid. pt. 122 F; flash pt. (COC) 400 F; 100% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) >5 g/kg; LD50 (dermal, rat) 2 g/kg; ACGIH 5 mg/m3 TWA, 10 mg/m3 STEL; pract. nontoxic by ingestion, but laxative props. may cause abdominal cramps, diarrhea; minimally irritating to eyes and skin on direct contact; STEL 10 mg/m3 (as oil mist); TSCA listed Precaution: May react with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: dense smoke, CO, CO2, other oxides Storage: Store in closed containers away from heat, sparks, open flame, oxidizers Penreco Cream [Penreco http://www.penreco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. petrolatum USP CAS 8027-32-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Release agent, lubricant, sealant, polishing agent, protective coating, defoamer in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR 172.880, 178.3700, 573.720; OSHA nonhazardous; DOT nonhazardous Properties: Cream visc. semisolid, odorless; sol. in hydrocarbons; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.87 (60/60 F); visc. 64-75 SUS (210 F); m.p. 122125 F; b.p. 650 F; congeal pt. 125 F; solid. pt. 122 F; flash pt. (COC) 445 F Toxicology: Pract. nontoxic by ingestion, but laxative props. may cause abdominal cramps, diarrhea; minimally irritating to eyes and skin on direct contact; STEL 10 mg/m3 (as oil mist); TSCA listed Precaution: May react with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: 524
Part I: Trade Name Reference dense smoke, CO, CO2, other oxides Storage: Store in closed containers away from heat, sparks, open flame, oxidizers Penreco Lily [Penreco http://www.penreco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. petrolatum USP CAS 8027-32-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Release agent, lubricant, sealant, polishing agent, protective coating, defoamer in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR 172.880, 178.3700, 573.720; OSHA nonhazardous; DOT nonhazardous Properties: Wh. visc. material, odorless; sol. in hydrocarbons; sp.gr. 0.86 (60/60 F); visc. 6475 SUS (210 F); m.p. 122-135 F; b.p. 650 F; congeal pt. 124 F; solid. pt. 123 F; flash pt. (COC) 400 F Toxicology: Pract. nontoxic by ingestion, but laxative props. may cause abdominal cramps, diarrhea; minimally irritating to eyes and skin on direct contact; STEL 10 mg/m3 (as oil mist); TSCA listed Precaution: May react with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: dense smoke, CO, CO2, other oxides Storage: Store in closed containers away from heat, sparks, open flame, oxidizers Penreco Regent [Penreco http://www.penreco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. petrolatum USP CAS 8027-32-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Release agent, lubricant, sealant, polishing agent, protective coating, defoamer in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR 172.880, 178.3700, 573.720; OSHA nonhazardous; DOT nonhazardous Properties: Wh. semisolid, odorless; sol. in hydrocarbons; sp.gr. 0.86 (60/60 F); visc. 5770 SUS (210 F); m.p. 125-130 F; b.p. 650 F; congeal pt. 120 F; solid. pt. 119 F; flash pt. (COC) 400 F Toxicology: Pract. nontoxic by ingestion, but laxative props. may cause abdominal cramps, diarrhea; minimally irritating to eyes and skin on direct contact; STEL 10 mg/m3 (as oil mist); TSCA listed Precaution: May react with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
dense smoke, CO, CO2, other oxides Storage: Store in closed containers away from heat, sparks, open flame, oxidizers Penreco Royal [Penreco http://www.penreco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum USP CAS 8009-03-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Release agent, lubricant, sealant, polishing agent, protective coating, defoamer in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR 172.880, 178.3700, 573.720; OSHA nonhazardous; DOT nonhazardous Properties: Yel. semisolid, odorless; sol. in hydrocarbons; sp.gr. 0.86 (60 F); visc. 57-70 SUS (210 F); m.p. 118-130 F; congeal pt. 118 F; solid. pt. 115 F; flash pt. (COC) 400 F; 100% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) >5 g/kg; LD50 (dermal, rat) 2 g/kg; ACGIH 5 mg/m3 TWA, 10 mg/m3 STEL; pract. nontoxic by ingestion, but laxative props. may cause abdominal cramps, diarrhea; minimally irritating to eyes and skin on direct contact; STEL 10 mg/m3 (as oil mist); TSCA listed Precaution: May react with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: dense smoke, CO, CO2, other oxides Storage: Store in closed containers away from heat, sparks, open flame, oxidizers Penreco Snow [Penreco http://www.penreco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. petrolatum USP CAS 8027-32-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Base, solvent, carrier for foods (animal feed supplement, fruit/veg. coatings); release agent, lubricant, sealant, polishing agent, protective coating, defoamer in foods Regulatory: USP, FDA 21CFR 172.880, 178.3700, 573.720; OSHA nonhazardous; DOT nonhazardous Properties: Wh. opaque semisolid, odorless; sol. in hydrocarbons; sp.gr. 0.86 (60/60 F); visc. 64-75 SUS (210 F); vapor pressure < 1 mm Hg (70 F); m.p. 122-135 F; b.p. 650 F; congeal pt. 123 F; solid. pt. 121 F; flash pt. (COC) 400 F Toxicology: Pract. nontoxic by ingestion, but laxative props. may cause abdominal cramps, diarrhea; minimally irritating to eyes and skin on direct contact; STEL 10 525
Part I: Trade Name Reference mg/m3 (as oil mist); TSCA listed Precaution: May react with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: dense smoke, CO, CO2, other oxides Storage: Store in closed containers away from heat, sparks, open flame, oxidizers Penreco Super [Penreco http://www.penreco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. petrolatum USP CAS 8027-32-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Release agent, lubricant, sealant, polishing agent, protective coating, defoamer in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR 172.880, 178.3700, 573.720; OSHA nonhazardous; DOT nonhazardous Properties: Wh. opaque semisolid, odorless; sol. in hydrocarbons; sp.gr. 0.86 (60/60 F); visc. 60-75 SUS (210 F); m.p. 122-135 F; b.p. 650 F; congeal pt. 125 F; solid. pt. 124 F; flash pt. (COC) 400 F Toxicology: Pract. nontoxic by ingestion, but laxative props. may cause abdominal cramps, diarrhea; minimally irritating to eyes and skin on direct contact; STEL 10 mg/m3 (as oil mist); TSCA listed Precaution: May react with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: dense smoke, CO, CO2, other oxides Storage: Store in closed containers away from heat, sparks, open flame, oxidizers Penreco Ultima [Penreco http://www.penreco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. petrolatum USP CAS 8027-32-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Base, carrier for foods, fruit/vegetable coatings; release agent, lubricant, sealant, polishing agent, protective coating, defoamer in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR 172.880, 178.3700, 573.720; OSHA nonhazardous; DOT nonhazardous Properties: Wh. opaque semisolid, odorless; sol. in hydrocarbons; sp.gr. 0.86 (60/60 F); visc. 60-70 SUS (210 F); m.p. 130-140 F; b.p. 650 F; congeal pt. 130 F; solid. pt. 128 F; flash pt. (COC) 400 F Toxicology: Pract. nontoxic by ingestion, but laxative props. may cause abdominal cramps, diarrhea; minimally irritating to Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
eyes and skin on direct contact; STEL 10 mg/m3 (as oil mist); TSCA listed Precaution: May react with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: dense smoke, CO, CO2, other oxides Storage: Store in closed containers away from heat, sparks, open flame, oxidizers PenTexture® 300 [Penford Food Ingreds. http://www.penfordfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch from potatoes See Food starch, modified Chem. Analysis: Moisture 8% max.; protein < 0.1%; fat < 0.1%; ash 0.3%; +95.0 g/100 g CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Bulking agent for and natural colorant for tomato sauces, tomato paste, pizza sauces, spaghetti sauces, pulp, fruit-based prods. Features: Easily dispersed in food systems; pulpy texture; no flavor interference in tomato prods. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to off wh. coarse particles; bland taste; 98% through US standard #12, 90% through US standard 100 screen; pH 5.0-7.0 Storage: 2 yr. shelf life from date of prod.; keep away from water, humidity, high temps. to avoid moisture absorp. Peppermint Oil 540 [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: L-Menthol (> 50%), Neomenthol (1-10%), L-Menthone (10-50%), L-Methyl acetate (1-10%), 1,8-Cineole (110%) See Eucalyptol; 1-Menthol; l-Menthyl acetate; d-Neomenthol CAS 2216-51-5; 2216-52-6; 14073-97-3; 262323-6; 470-82-6; EINECS/ELINCS 218-690-9; 218-691-4; 237-926-1; 220-076-0; 207-431-5 UN 1993 (bulk) Uses: Flavor for chocolate/mint candies, and chewing gum Regulatory: SARA §311/312 listed; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; Japan IEC Properties: Cl., colorless liq.; mint-type odor; sol. in alcohol; sp.gr. 0.896; vapor dens. > 1; b.p. 204 C; flash pt. (TCC) 74 C Toxicology: Skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves, apron; incompat. with strong acids, bases and materials that react with unsat. hydrocarbons, alcohols, esters 526
Part I: Trade Name Reference and ethers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, acrid fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 1 Storage: Do not store near excessive heat, open flames, strong acids, strong bases; keep container tightly closed; avoid prolonged exposure to air Pepsin 1:3000 Powder [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pepsin CAS 9001-75-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-629-3 Uses: Proteolytic enzyme for food/cheese mfg., meat tenderizers; digestive aid in nutritional formulas (tablets, capsules, powds.), animal health formulas; digests coagulated egg albumen; enzyme for hydrolysis of proteins Properties: Off-wh. to lt. brn. powd., nonoffensive char. odor, salty taste; freely sol. in water; pract. insol. in alcohol, chloroform, ether; pH 3-4 (2%) Storage: Preserve in tight containers with moisture-proof liners, in cool, dry place Pepsin 1:6000 [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pepsin CAS 9001-75-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-629-3 Uses: Proteolytic enzyme for food/cheese mfg., meat tenderizers; digestive aid in nutritional formulas (tablets, capsules, powds.), animal health formulas; digests coagulated egg albumen; enzyme for hydrolysis of proteins Properties: Powd. or gran. Storage: Preserve in tight containers with moisture-proof liners, in cool, dry place Pepsin 1:10,000 Powd. or Gran. [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pepsin CAS 9001-75-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-629-3 Uses: Proteolytic enzyme for food/cheese mfg., meat tenderizers; digestive aid in nutritional formulas (tablets, capsules, powds.), animal health formulas; digests coagulated egg albumen; enzyme for hydrolysis of proteins Properties: Weak yel. to lt. brn. gran. or powd., nonoffensive char. odor, salty taste; freely sol. in water; pract. insol. in alcohol, chloroform, ether; pH 3-4 (2%) Storage: Preserve in tight containers with Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
moisture-proof liners, in cool, dry place Pepsin 1:15,000 Powd. [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pepsin CAS 9001-75-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-629-3 Uses: Proteolytic enzyme for food/cheese mfg., meat tenderizers; digestive aid in nutritional formulas (tablets, capsules, powds.), animal health formulas; digests coagulated egg albumen; enzyme for hydrolysis of proteins Properties: Weak yel. to lt. brn. powd., nonoffensive char. odor, salty taste; freely sol. in water; pract. insol. in alcohol, chloroform, ether; pH 3-4 (2%) Storage: Preserve in tight containers with moisture-proof liners, in cool, dry place Perfecta® [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum USP CAS 8027-32-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Release agent, lubricant, sealant, polishing agent, protective coating, defoamer in foods Features: Lightest color, med. consistency, high m.p. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.880 Properties: Lovibond 0.3Y color; visc. 9-14 cSt (100 C); m.p. 57-60 C Perfectamyl™ Gel MB [Avebe http://www.avebe.com] Chem. Descrip.: Potato starch See Starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Texturizer, gellant for casein-reduced cheese analogs, and dairy prods. Perfection® [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium acid pyrophosphate, leavening, FCC CAS 7758-16-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-835-0 Uses: Leavening agent for baking, cereals, doughnuts, cakes, prepared mixes, devil's food cake formulations Features: Food-grade; fast acting; often used with slower-acting sodium acid pyrophosphates to increase reaction rate Regulatory: FCC Properties: Wh. odorless powd.; 100% through 60 mesh, 99% through 200 mesh; sol. 13 g/100 g saturated sol'n.; m.w. 221.94; bulk dens. 68 lb/ft3; m.p. > 900 C;pH 4.3 (1%); hygroscopic; 100%. act. 527
Part I: Trade Name Reference Toxicology: OSHA:TWA 15 mg/m3 (total dust); LD50 (oral, rat) 2650 mg/kg; may cause eye, skin, and resp. tract irritation; may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid breathing dust, direct or prolonged contact with skin and eyes, dusting conditions, heat, open flame, spark, static electricity, strong bases and oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: POx NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store in an area that is cool, dry, away from ignition sources, isolated from all toxic and harmful substances Performarome [Danisco Cultor http://ingredients.danisco.com; Danisco USA http://www.danisco.com] Uses: Flavoring agent for hard-boiled candies, bakery fruit fillings Performix™ A Lecithin [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy lecithin and mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids See Lecithin Chem. Analysis: 1% max. moisture; 0.05% max. hexane insol. ; 56% min. acetone insol. CAS 8002-43-5; 67254-73-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: W/o and o/w emulsifier for chewing gum bases, confections, and margarine. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1400, 184.1505; EC Directive 74/329/EEC. Properties: Translucent liq.; Gardner color 14 max.; acid value 30 max. Storage: 18 mos. when stored @ < 95 C in unopened, original packaging; avoid excessive exposure to light, moisture Performix™ E Lecithin [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin Chem. Analysis: 0.80% max. moisture CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Emulsifier in agglomerated powders, aqueous release agents, instant beverage mixes and foods Properties: Gardner color 14 max.; translucent fluid; acid value 26 max.; hexane insol. 0.05% max.; acetone insol. 50% min.; moisture 0.8% max. Storage: 18 mos. when stored @ < 95 C in unopened, original packaging; avoid excessive exposure to light, moisture Perma-Flo® [Tate & Lyle UK Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for acidic and neutral foods, sauces, gravies, puddings, pie fillings, canned and frozen foods, baby foods, imitation dairy prods. Features: Cook-up starch; maintains freezethaw/shelf-life stability, bland flavor, smooth uniform visc. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd., bland flavor; 95% through 100 mesh; pH 5.5 (uncooked); 12% moisture Perma-Flo® HV [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Freeze/thaw stabilizer, visc. control agent, moisture control agent, shelflife/freshness improver in bakery, snacks; body/mouthfeel enhancer, shelflife/freshness improver, visc. control agent in soups, sauces, gravies, dressings Features: High visc.; smooth texture; good stability in acidic and neutral systems and in high shear pumping and mixing processes Permitex [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sugar; calcium carbonate; agar; salt; mono- and diglycerides; artificial flavor See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids; Sodium chloride; Sucrose Uses: Icing stabilizer Features: Quick setting props. allow products to be packaged soon after applic., but icings and glazes remain pumpable at applic. temp. Use Level: 2-3% based on powdered sugar wt. Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location; best when used before 9 mos; keep container closed when not in use; do not leave product exposed to the air for extended periods as it will absorb moisture Pescamine [Vaessen-Schoemaker http://www.vaessen-schoemaker.com] Uses: Yield improvers for fish; reduces dripping losses in frozen fish prods. PG USP [Lyondell http://www.lyondell.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol CAS 57-55-6; EINECS/ELINCS 200-338-0 Uses: Stabilizer, emulsifier, texturizer, antioxidant, anticaking agent, humectant 528
Part I: Trade Name Reference for certain food applics. Regulatory: USP, FCC, Eur. Ph., JP Properties: APHA 10 max. color; sol. in water; m.w. 76.1; sp.gr. 1.035 (20/20 C); dens. 8.62 lb/gal (20 C); visc. 46 cps; vapor pressure < 0.1 mm Hg (20 C); b.p. 189 C; HLB 9.4; flash pt. (Seta) 211 F; ref. index 1.431; surf. tens. 38 dynes/cm; sp. heat 0.593 Cal/g°C; 99.5% min. assay HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Phenylethyl Alcohol Extra [BASF http://www.basf.com] Chem. Descrip.: 2-Phenylethanol See Phenethyl alcohol CAS 60-12-8; EINECS/ELINCS 200-456-2 Uses: Mildly floral, rose-like fragrance and flavoring with nuances of hyacinth and honey Properties: Cl., colorless liq.; floral, rose, honey odor; floral, rose, sl. chocolate-like taste; sol. in water (20 g/l), ethanol (> 500 g/l); dens. 1.02; visc. 12 mm2/s; vapor pressure 0.08 mbar; m.p. -65 C; b.p. 219 C; flash pt. 101.5 C; pH 67; autoignition temp. 410 C; lel 1.4%; uel 11.9%; substanitivity > 48 hrs. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2230 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) 2 g/kg; irritating to eyes Environmental: LC50 (Leuciscus idus, 96 h) 220-460 mg/l; NOEC 100 mg/l; EC/LC0 (48 h) ≈ 250 mg/l; do not allow product to enter drains; readily biodeg. Precaution: Wear protective gloves, safety glasses with side shields; avoid contact with skin Storage: Keep tightly closed in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place; protect from light Phosal® 50 SA+ [Am. Lecithin http://www.americanlecithin.com] Chem. Descrip.: Safflower oil and lecithin See Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) oil Uses: Solubilizer for lipophilic substances; phosphatidylcholine source for nutritional supplements, esp. as capsule filling mass Properties: Honey yel. fluid, typ. odor; dilutable with water; dens. 0.9-1.0 g/cm3 (20 C); visc. 5000 mPa·s max.; pH 5.5-7.5; 53 ± 3% phosphatidylcholine Toxicology: Edible; oral and topical applicable; nontoxic Environmental: biodeg. Precaution: Wear safety glasses; avoid contact with eyes Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Storage: Store in clean, cool, dry place @ 15-20 C in well-closed containers; warming reverses sedimentation; protect from light, gross contamination with bacteria; use soon after opening Phosal® 53 MCT [Am. Lecithin http://www.americanlecithin.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin in Caprylic/capric triglyceride, and Alcohol (5% max.); Oleic acid, and Ascorbyl palmitate CAS 8030-76-0; 526220-27-2; 64-17-5; 112-801; 137-66-6; EINECS/ELINCS 310-129-7; 265724-3; 200-578-6; 204-007-1; 205-305-4 Uses: Solubilizer for lipophilic substances; phosphatidylcholine source for dietetics, esp. as filling mass for soft gelatin capsules Properties: Honey yel. fluid, typ. odor; dilutable with water; sp.gr. 1.0 g/ml; visc. 5000 mPa·s max.; flash pt. 30 C; pH 6-8; 56 ± 3% phosphatidylcholine; 5% ethanol Toxicology: Avoid eye contact and ingestion; harmless by inh. and skin contact; considered nontoxic Storage: Store in clean, dry place @ R.T. in closed containers; warming reverses sedimentation; use immediately after opening; protect from light Phosal® 75 SA [Am. Lecithin http://www.americanlecithin.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin, ethanol, and safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) oil See Alcohol Uses: Solubilizer for lipophilic substances; phosphatidylcholine source for nutritional supplements, esp. as capsule filling mass Properties: Honey yel. fluid, nut-like odor; dilutable with water; dens. 1.0 g/cm3; visc. 5500 mPa·s max.; pH 6-8; 75 ± 3% phosphatidylcholine, 9% ethanol Toxicology: Edible; oral and topical applicable; nontoxic Environmental: biodeg. Precaution: Wear safety glasses; avoid contact with eyes; avoid sources of ignition and static discharges Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: Store in clean, dry place @ 15-25 C in tightly closed containers; warming reverses sedimentation; use soon after opening; protect from light, gross contamination with bacteria Phospholipon® 90 G [Am. Lecithin 529
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.americanlecithin.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin, 90% min. soya 3-snphosphatidylcholine CAS 97281-47-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Phosphatidylcholine source for dietetics Properties: Lt. yel. solid or gran., typ. odor; dilutable with water; dens. 1.0 g/cm3 (20 C); bulk dens. 400-500 kg/m3; acid no. 0.5 max.; pH 7±1; 95% conc. Toxicology: Harmless; edible; oral and topical applicable Environmental: biodeg.; ecologically harmless; forms slippery surfs. with water; do not discharge into drains, surf. waters, groundwater Storage: Hygroscopic; store in clean, dry place @ 5-20 C in tightly closed containers, sealed under inert gas; protect from light Phytol™ PNUT [Custom Ingreds. http://www.custoblend.com] Chem. Descrip.: Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) oil CAS 8002-03-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232-296-4 Uses: Lubricating oil for foods Regulatory: EU, Japan approved PhytroX® LT 10 [Jan Dekker BV http://www.jandekker.com/] Chem. Descrip.: D-mixed tocopherols, ascorbyl palmitate in a lecithin and sunflower oil carrier See Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seed oil; d-δTocopherol CAS 119-13-1; 137-66-6; 8002-43-5; 8001-21-6; EINECS/ELINCS 205-305-4; 232-307-2; 232273-9 Uses: Preservative, shelf-life extender for vegetable oils and animal fats, frying oils and specific oil blends for infant food, mayonnaise, baked products and confectionery PhytroX® LT 15 [Jan Dekker BV http://www.jandekker.com/] Chem. Descrip.: D-mixed tocopherols, ascorbyl palmitate in a lecithin and sunflower oil carrier See Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seed oil; d-δTocopherol CAS 119-13-1; 137-66-6; 8002-43-5; 8001-21-6; EINECS/ELINCS 205-305-4; 232-307-2; 232273-9 Uses: Preservative, shelf-life extender for Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
vegetable oils and animal fats, frying oils and specific oil blends for infant food, mayonnaise, baked products and confectionery PhytroX® LTR 10 [Jan Dekker BV http://www.jandekker.com/] Chem. Descrip.: D-mixed tocopherols, ascorbyl palmitate and rosemary extractin a lecithin and sunflower oil carrier See Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) extract; Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seed oil; dδ-Tocopherol CAS 119-13-1; 137-66-6; 84604-14-8; 8002-435; 8001-21-6; EINECS/ELINCS 205-305-4; 283-291-9; 232-307-2; 232-273-9 Uses: Preservative, shelf-life extender for frying oils and specific oil blends for infant food, mayonnaise, baked products and confectionery PhytroX® LTR 15 [Jan Dekker BV http://www.jandekker.com/] Chem. Descrip.: D-mixed tocopherols, ascorbyl palmitate and rosemary extractin a lecithin and sunflower oil carrier See Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) extract; Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seed oil; dδ-Tocopherol CAS 119-13-1; 137-66-6; 84604-14-8; 8002-435; 8001-21-6; EINECS/ELINCS 205-305-4; 283-291-9; 232-307-2; 232-273-9 Uses: Preservative, shelf-life extender for frying oils and specific oil blends for infant food, mayonnaise, baked products and confectionery PhytroX® Tocomix L50 [Jan Dekker BV http://www.jandekker.com/] Chem. Descrip.: D-mixed tocopherols (50%), ascorbyl palmitate, lecithin and sunflower oil as carrier See Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seed oil; d-δ-Tocopherol CAS 119-13-1; 137-66-6; 8002-43-5; 8001-21-6; EINECS/ELINCS 205-305-4; 232-307-2; 232273-9 Uses: Preservative, shelf-life extender for vegetable oils and animal fats, frying oils and specific oil blends for infant food, mayonnaise, baked products and confectionery Features: Easy to handle; cost effective
Part I: Trade Name Reference PhytroX® Tocomix L70 [Jan Dekker BV http://www.jandekker.com/] Chem. Descrip.: D-mixed tocopherols (70%), ascorbyl palmitate, lecithin and sunflower oil as carrier See Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seed oil; d-δ-Tocopherol CAS 119-13-1; 137-66-6; 8002-43-5; 8001-21-6; EINECS/ELINCS 205-305-4; 232-307-2; 232273-9 Uses: Preservative, shelf-life extender for vegetable oils and animal fats, frying oils and specific oil blends for infant food, mayonnaise, baked products and confectionery Features: Easy to handle; cost effective Piccolyte® C115 [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polydipentene CAS 9003-73-0 Uses: Cleared under FDA regulations for use as masticatory agents in chewing gum compositions Regulatory: FDA compliance as masticatory agent in chewing gum Properties: Gardner 4 (50% in toluene) solid, flakes; sol. in aliphatic, aromatic, chlorinated hydrocarbons, min. oil, VM&P naphtha, turpentine, ether, amyl and butyl acetates, long-chain aliphatic alcohols; sp.gr. 0.94-0.99; melt visc. 204 C (1 poise); soften. pt. (R&B) 115 C; acid no. < 1; sapon. no. < 2; flash pt. (COC) 235 C Piccolyte® C125 [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyterpene resin derived from poly-limonene See Terpene resin CAS 9003-74-1 Uses: Masticatory agents in chewing gum compositions Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.515, 172.615, 175.105, 175.320, 175.380, 175.390, 176.170, 176.180, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.2600 Properties: Gardner 4 (50% in toluene) solid, flakes; sol. in aliphatic, aromatic, and chlorinated hydrocarbons, min. oil, VM&P naphtha, turpentine, ether, amyl and butyl acetates, long-chain aliphatic alcohols; sp.gr. 0.94-0.99 melt visc. 214 C; soften. pt. (R&B) 125 C; acid no. < 1; sapon. no. < 2; flash pt. (COC) 241 C
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Piccolyte® S115 [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyterpene resin derived from poly-β-pinene See Terpene resin CAS 9003-74-1 Uses: Marking on fruits and vegs., chewing gum base Regulatory: FDA compliance Properties: Gardner 2 solid; sol. in aliphatic, aromatic, and chlorinated hydrocarbons, esters, ethers, long-chain alcohols, higher ketones; insol. in water; dens. 0.99 kg/l; melt visc. 220 C; acid no. < 1; sapon. no. < 2; soften pt. 115 C; flash pt. (COC) 234 C Pie Dough Culture [Brolite Prods. http://www.bakewithbrolite.com] Uses: Provides greater tolerances to mixing variation in pie doughs, improves crust color and flavor; produces finished crusts with dry, flaky char. Pie Dough-N-Answer [Brolite Prods. http://www.bakewithbrolite.com] Uses: Pie dough relaxer that produces tender, flaky crust while preventing doughs from shrinking. Pineal Substance [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Freeze-dried defatted glandular prod. Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Powd. Pineapple Flakes Trobana® [Confoco http://www.confoco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cayenne pineapple and green banana as carrier (20%) Chem. Analysis: 5% max. moisture; 2.1% protein; 0.5% fat; 52% total sugars; 5% dietary fiber Uses: Pineapple flavor in dry fruit preparations, powdered drinks, cake mixes, pies, bread and some frozen desserts and soft food diets Features: Produced by ripening the pineapple, extracting, pulping, dosing the green banana carrier and sieving the mixture; then drum drying it Regulatory: Halal, kosher certified; GMO complaint Properties: Pineapple color/flavor/odor; flakes; 25% retained thru 20 mesh; dens. 360-440 g/l Use Level: Reconstituted 1:5 with water are used in the same uses as crushed pineapple 531
Part I: Trade Name Reference Storage: 18 mos. when stored @ 21 C in sealed original containers Pineapple Powder Trobana® [Confoco http://www.confoco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cayenne pineapple and green banana as carrier (20%) Chem. Analysis: 5% max. moisture; 2.1% protein; 0.5% fat; 52% total sugars; 5% dietary fiber Uses: Pineapple flavor in dry fruit preparations, powdered drinks, cake mixes, pies, bread and some frozen desserts and soft food diets Features: Produced by ripening the pineapple, extracting, pulping, dosing the green banana carrier and sieving the mixture; then drum drying it Regulatory: Halal, kosher certified; GMO complaint Properties: Pineapple color/flavor/odor; powd.; 25% retained thru 20 mesh; dens. 550-650 g/l Storage: 18 mos. when stored @ 21 C in sealed original containers Pineapple Ketone, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Chem. Descrip.: 2,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxy3(2H)furanone See 4-Hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl3(2H) furanone CAS 3658-77-3; EINECS/ELINCS 222-908-8 Uses: Flavor for use in fruit, meat, coffee, candy, cola, and baked goods Features: Naturally occurs in coffee, grapes, malt, pineapples, raspberries, roasted almonds and filberts, strawberries Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Lt. yel. to dark tan solid; cotton candy, caramelized pineapple-strawberry odor and taste; sol. in alcohol, PG, sl. sol. in water Pineapple Ketone Acetate, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Chem. Descrip.: 2,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxy3(2H)furanone See Furaneol acetate CAS 4166-20-5 Uses: Flavoring agent in fruit, meat, coffee, candy, cola, baked goods, artificially sweetened foods and beverages Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Colorless to lt. yel. liq.; sugar odor and taste; sol. in alcohol, oil, and PG, sl. sol. in water Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Use Level: 0.005-5 ppm as consumed alpha-Pinene P&F [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: α-Pinene with 400 ppm Tenox GT-1 (food-grade antioxidant) CAS 7785-26-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-077-3 UN 2368 Uses: Syn. flavoring agent Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515 Properties: Colorless liq., warm resinous pinelike aroma, balsamic taste; sol. 1 in 15 in 80% alcohol; m.w. 136.24; sp.gr. 0.851-0.855; dens. 7.14 lb/gal; b.p. 156.7 C; flash pt. (TCC) 29.4 C; ref. index 1.464-1.468 (20 C); 99% min. act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3700 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 5000 mg/kg; mod. skin irritant; oxidized material produces some sensitization reactions; TSCA listed Environmental: marine pollutant beta-Pinene P&F [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: β-Pinene with 500 ppm Tenox GT-1 (food-grade antioxidant) CAS 18172-67-3; EINECS/ELINCS 242-060-2 UN 2319 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515 Properties: Cl. appearance, dry woody or piney resinous odor; sol. 1 in 14 in 80% alcohol; m.w. 136.24; sp.gr. 0.864-0.872; dens. 7.24 lb/gal; b.p. 165 C; flash pt. (TCC) 35 C; ref. index 1.477-1.481 (20 C); 97% min. act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 4700 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 5000 mg/kg; mod. skin irritant; contact may cause skin and eye irritation; TSCA listed Pinnacle™ 170 USP White Petrolatum [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum white See Petrolatum CAS 8009-03-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Lubricant, conditioner, moisture resistance/retention aid in food Regulatory: USP, FCC, 21CFR 172.880, 178.3700, 573.720; SARA §311/312, 313 nonreportable; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Opaque, white semisolid; mild odor; negligibly sol. in water; sol. in hydrocarbons; sp. gr < 1; vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg; 35-80 C; consistency 170 dmm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2000 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg; ACGIH TLV532
Part I: Trade Name Reference TWA 2 mg/m3 (oil mist), OSHA PEL 2 mg/m3 (wax fumes) Precaution: Avoid extreme heat, chlorine, fluorine, strong oxidizers, and strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Paraffin fumes NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in sealed containers away from strong oxidizing agents or combustible material Pinnacle™ 170A USP Amber Petrolatum [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum amber See Petrolatum CAS 8009-03-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Lubricant, conditioner, moisture resistance/retention aid in food Regulatory: USP, FCC, 21CFR 172.880, 178.3700, 573.720; SARA §311/312, 313 nonreportable; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Opaque, amber semisolid; mild odor; negligibly sol. in water; sol. in hydrocarbons; sp. gr < 1; vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg; 35-80 C; consistency 170 dmm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2000 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg; ACGIH TLVTWA 2 mg/m3 (oil mist), OSHA PEL 2 mg/m3 (wax fumes) Precaution: Avoid extreme heat, chlorine, fluorine, strong oxidizers, and strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Paraffin fumes NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in sealed containers away from strong oxidizing agents or combustible material Pinnacle™ 190 USP White Petrolatum [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum white See Petrolatum CAS 8009-03-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Lubricant, conditioner, moisture resistance/retention aid in food Regulatory: USP, FCC, 21CFR 172.880, 178.3700, 573.720; SARA §311/312, 313 nonreportable; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Opaque, white semisolid; mild odor; negligibly sol. in water; sol. in hydrocarbons; sp. gr < 1; vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg; 35-80 C; consistency 190 dmm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2000 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg; ACGIH TLVTWA 2 mg/m3 (oil mist), OSHA PEL 2 mg/m3 (wax fumes) Precaution: Avoid extreme heat, chlorine, fluorine, strong oxidizers, and strong acids Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Paraffin fumes NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in sealed containers away from strong oxidizing agents or combustible material Pinnacle™ 190A USP Amber Petrolatum [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum amber See Petrolatum CAS 8009-03-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Lubricant, conditioner, moisture resistance/retention aid in food Regulatory: USP, FCC, 21CFR 172.880, 178.3700, 573.720; SARA §311/312, 313 nonreportable; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Opaque, amber semisolid; mild odor; negligibly sol. in water; sol. in hydrocarbons; sp. gr < 1; vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg; 35-80 C; consistency 190 dmm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2000 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg; ACGIH TLVTWA 2 mg/m3 (oil mist), OSHA PEL 2 mg/m3 (wax fumes) Precaution: Avoid extreme heat, chlorine, fluorine, strong oxidizers, and strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Paraffin fumes NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in sealed containers away from strong oxidizing agents or combustible material Pinnacle™ 225 USP White Petrolatum [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum white See Petrolatum CAS 8009-03-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Lubricant, conditioner, moisture resistance/retention aid in food Regulatory: USP, FCC, 21CFR 172.880, 178.3700, 573.720; SARA §311/312, 313 nonreportable; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Opaque, white semisolid; mild odor; negligibly sol. in water; sol. in hydrocarbons; sp. gr < 1; vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg; 35-80 C; consistency 225 dmm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2000 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg; ACGIH TLVTWA 2 mg/m3 (oil mist), OSHA PEL 2 mg/m3 (wax fumes) Precaution: Avoid extreme heat, chlorine, fluorine, strong oxidizers, and strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Paraffin fumes NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in sealed containers away from strong oxidizing agents or combustible material 533
Part I: Trade Name Reference Pinnacle™ 225A USP Amber Petrolatum [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum amber See Petrolatum CAS 8009-03-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Lubricant, conditioner, moisture resistance/retention aid in food Regulatory: USP, FCC, 21CFR 172.880, 178.3700, 573.720; SARA §311/312, 313 nonreportable; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Amber semisolid; mild odor; negligibly sol. in water; sol. in hydrocarbons; sp. gr < 1; vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg; 35-80 C; consistency 225 dmm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2000 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg; ACGIH TLVTWA 2 mg/m3 (oil mist), OSHA PEL 2 mg/m3 (wax fumes) Precaution: Avoid extreme heat, chlorine, fluorine, strong oxidizers, and strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Paraffin fumes NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in sealed containers away from strong oxidizing agents or combustible material Pinnacle™ LC 170 Petrolatum, USP [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum CAS 8009-03-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Lubricant, conditioner, moisture resistance/retention aid in food Regulatory: USP, FCC, 21CFR 172.880, 178.3700, 573.720; SARA §311/312, 313 nonreportable; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Opaque, white semisolid; mild odor; negligibly sol. in water; sol. in hydrocarbons; sp. gr < 1; vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg; 35-80 C; consistency 170 dmm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2000 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg; ACGIH TLVTWA 2 mg/m3 (oil mist), OSHA PEL 2 mg/m3 (wax fumes) Precaution: Avoid extreme heat, chlorine, fluorine, strong oxidizers, and strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Paraffin fumes NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in sealed containers away from strong oxidizing agents or combustible material Pinnacle™ LC 190 Petrolatum, USP [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum CAS 8009-03-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Lubricant, conditioner, moisture Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
resistance/retention aid in food Regulatory: USP, FCC, 21CFR 172.880, 178.3700, 573.720; SARA §311/312, 313 nonreportable; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Opaque, white semisolid; mild odor; negligibly sol. in water; sol. in hydrocarbons; sp. gr < 1; vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg; 35-80 C; consistency 190 dmm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2000 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg; ACGIH TLVTWA 2 mg/m3 (oil mist), OSHA PEL 2 mg/m3 (wax fumes) Precaution: Avoid extreme heat, chlorine, fluorine, strong oxidizers, and strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Paraffin fumes NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in sealed containers away from strong oxidizing agents or combustible material Pinnacle™ LC 225 Petrolatum, USP [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum CAS 8009-03-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Lubricant, conditioner, moisture resistance/retention aid in food Regulatory: USP, FCC, 21CFR 172.880, 178.3700, 573.720; SARA §311/312, 313 nonreportable; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Opaque, white semisolid; mild odor; negligibly sol. in water; sol. in hydrocarbons; sp. gr < 1; vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg; 35-80 C; consistency 225 dmm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2000 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg; ACGIH TLVTWA 2 mg/m3 (oil mist), OSHA PEL 2 mg/m3 (wax fumes) Precaution: Avoid extreme heat, chlorine, fluorine, strong oxidizers, and strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Paraffin fumes NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in sealed containers away from strong oxidizing agents or combustible material Pinnacle™ WF 170 Petrolatum, USP [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum CAS 8009-03-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Lubricant, conditioner, moisture resistance/retention aid in food Regulatory: USP, FCC, 21CFR 172.880, 178.3700, 573.720; SARA §311/312, 313 nonreportable; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Opaque, white semisolid; mild odor; negligibly sol. in water; sol. in hydrocarbons; 534
Part I: Trade Name Reference sp. gr < 1; vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg; 35-80 C; consistency 170 dmm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2000 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg; ACGIH TLVTWA 2 mg/m3 (oil mist), OSHA PEL 2 mg/m3 (wax fumes) Precaution: Avoid extreme heat, chlorine, fluorine, strong oxidizers, and strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Paraffin fumes NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in sealed containers away from strong oxidizing agents or combustible material Pinnacle™ WF 190 Petrolatum, USP [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum CAS 8009-03-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Lubricant, conditioner, moisture resistance/retention aid in food Regulatory: USP, FCC, 21CFR 172.880, 178.3700, 573.720; SARA §311/312, 313 nonreportable; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Opaque, white semisolid; mild odor; negligibly sol. in water; sol. in hydrocarbons; sp. gr < 1; vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg; 35-80 C; consistency 190 dmm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2000 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg; ACGIH TLVTWA 2 mg/m3 (oil mist), OSHA PEL 2 mg/m3 (wax fumes) Precaution: Avoid extreme heat, chlorine, fluorine, strong oxidizers, and strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Paraffin fumes NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in sealed containers away from strong oxidizing agents or combustible material Pinnacle™ WF 225 Petrolatum, USP [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum CAS 8009-03-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Lubricant, conditioner, moisture resistance/retention aid in food Regulatory: USP, FCC, 21CFR 172.880, 178.3700, 573.720; SARA §311/312, 313 nonreportable; CERCLA nonreportable Properties: Opaque, white semisolid; mild odor; negligibly sol. in water; sol. in hydrocarbons; sp. gr < 1; vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg; 35-80 C; consistency 225 dmm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2000 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg; ACGIH TLVTWA 2 mg/m3 (oil mist), OSHA PEL 2 mg/m3 (wax fumes) Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Precaution: Avoid extreme heat, chlorine, fluorine, strong oxidizers, and strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Paraffin fumes NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in sealed containers away from strong oxidizing agents or combustible material Pionier® 17106 [Hansen & Rosenthal http://www.hansen-rosenthal.de/] Chem. Descrip.: Polydecene (> 50%), hydrogenated microcrystalline wax (2550%) Uses: Protective coating on raw fruits/vegetables; masticatory substance in chewing gum base Features: Smooth consistency; good adhesiveness Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.886, 178.3710; DAB, BP compliance Properties: Snow-wh. liq./solid; m.w. > 500; dens. 830-840 kg/m3 (70 C); visc. 9.5-11.5 mm2/s (90 C); m.p. 65-70 C; congeal pt. 59-64 C Toxicology: Nontoxic orally Environmental: not ecotoxic; potentially biodeg.; not expected to bioaccumulate in aquatic environment Pisane® [Cosucra SA http://www.cosucra.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pea protein isolate Uses: Functional and nutritional additive, water and fat binder, emulsifier, foaming agent for meat and fish prods., biscuits, pastry-making, desserts, prepared dishes, soups, sauces, dietary, health, and baby foods Features: GMO-free; gluten-free Properties: Cream-colored powd., neutral taste; < 150 µ; easily dispersible; pH 7.5 (10%); 94% min. dry matter Storage: Store under dry conditions for max. 1 yr. Pita Soft [Brolite Prods. http://www.bakewithbrolite.com] Uses: Dough improver providing greater tolerance and keeping qualities in lean formulated baked goods such as pita breads, tortillas, soft pretzels, and bagels; keeps prods. soft for days Placental Substance [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vacuum-dried defatted glandular prod. Uses: Nutritive food additive 535
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Powd. Plantain Powder Trobana® [Confoco http://www.confoco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Plantain bananas Chem. Analysis: 5% max. moisture; 4-7 protein%; 0.6% fat; 62-65% carbohydrates; 5% fiber Uses: Neutral flavoring agent in foods; glutenfree wheat flour replacement; thickener in liq. formulations, dry mixes Regulatory: Halal, kosher certified Properties: Cream powd.; neutral flavor Storage: 18 mos. when stored @ 21 C in sealed containers Plantex® [DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com] Chem. Descrip.: Range of prods. based on yeast extracts and manufactured under mild conditions where all hydrolysis is accomplished by enzymes and all processing is at low temps. See Yeast extract CAS 8013-01-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-387-9 Uses: Flavoring agent for foods Features: HVP-free; flavor profiles incl. basic flavors, general roasted/brown beef, chicken, pork, tomato, onion, cheese, mushroom, bacon, and ham Properties: Powd. and paste forms Plasdone® C-15 [ISP http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: 2-Pyrrolidinone, 1-ethenyl-, homopolymer See PVP CAS 9003-39-8; EINECS/ELINCS 201-800-4 Uses: Clarifier for beer, wine, vinegar; tableting adjuvant for vitamins, minerals, flavor concs., nonnutritive sweeteners; stabilizer, bodying agent, dispersant in foods Regulatory: Not regulated for transport; FDA 21CFR §173.55; USP, FCC, BP, German Ph., French Ph., Italian Ph. compliance; Canada DSL; Japan ENCS; Australia AICS Properties: Wh. to creamy wh. powd, odorless, tasteless; 50 µ mean particle size; hygroscopic; sol. in aq. and org. solv. systems; bulk dens. 0.1-0.25 g/cc; pH 3-7 (5% aq.); 5% max. moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral) > 10 g/kg; very low chronic oral toxicity; TSCA listed Environmental: LC50 (juvenile turbot, 96 h) > 1 g/l, (corophium volutator, 10 d) > 1 g/l; EC50 (marine algae, 72 h) > 1 g/l; not readily biodeg. (11% in 28 d) Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Precaution: Wear gloves, safety glasses; incompat. oxidizers, reducers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Oxides of nitrogen Storage: Prevent excessive moisture pickup; store in tightly closed containers in coo, dry place out of direct sunlight; keep away from heat, sparks, flame Plasdone® C-30 [ISP http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: PVP (Povidone USP) CAS 9003-39-8; EINECS/ELINCS 201-800-4 Uses: Clarifier for beer, wine, vinegar; tableting adjuvant for vitamins, minerals, flavor concs., nonnutritive sweeteners; stabilizer, bodying agent, dispersant in foods Regulatory: USP/NF, FCC, BP, EP, JP, JPE compliance; FDA 21CFR §173.55; Canada DSL; Japan ENCS; Australia AICS Properties: Wh. to creamy wh. powd, odorless, tasteless; 30 µ mean particle size; hygroscopic; sol. in water, aq. and org. solv. systems; bulk dens. 0.25-0.4 g/cc; flash pt. none; pH 3-7 (5% aq.); 5% max. moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 10 m/kg (very low toxicity); not absorbed topically; not a primary skin irritant; nonirritating to eyes; nonsensitizing; prolonged contact may cause dermatitis; nuisance dust: TLV/TWA 10 mg/m3 total, 5 mg/m3 respirable; TSCA listed Environmental: LC50 (juvenile turbot, 96 h) > 1 g/l, (corophium volutator, 10 d) > 1 g/l; EC50 (marine algae, 72 h) > 1 g/l; not readily biodeg. (11% in 28 d) Precaution: Wear gloves, safety glasses; incompat. with strong oxidizing or reducing agents; heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Oxides of nitrogen Storage: Prevent excessive moisture pickup Plasdone® K-25 [ISP http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: PVP (Povidone USP) CAS 9003-39-8; EINECS/ELINCS 201-800-4 Uses: Clarifier for beer, wine, vinegar; tableting adjuvant for vitamins, minerals, flavor concs., nonnutritive sweeteners; stabilizer, bodying agent, dispersant in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.55; USP, FCC, BP, German Ph., French Ph., Italian Ph. compliance Properties: Wh. or creamy wh. powd., odorless, 536
Part I: Trade Name Reference tasteless; hygroscopic; sol. in aq. and org. solvs.; pH 3-7 (5% aq.); 5% max. moisture Toxicology: Very low chronic oral toxicity Storage: Prevent excessive moisture pickup Plasdone® K-29/32 [ISP http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: PVP (Povidone USP) CAS 9003-39-8; EINECS/ELINCS 201-800-4 Uses: Clarifier for beer, wine, vinegar; tableting adjuvant for vitamins, minerals, flavor concs., nonnutritive sweeteners; stabilizer, bodying agent, dispersant in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.55; USP, FCC, BP, German Ph., French Ph., Italian Ph. compliance Properties: Wh. or creamy wh. powd., odorless, tasteless; hygroscopic; sol. in water, aq. and org. solvs.; flash pt. none; pH 3-7 (5% aq.); 5% max. moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 100,000 mg/kg; very low chronic oral toxicity; not absorbed topically; not a primary skin irritant; nonirritating to eyes; nuisance dust: TLV/TWA 10 mg/m3 total, 5 mg/m3 respirable Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing or reducing agents; heated to decomp., may emit toxic fumes of NOx Storage: Prevent excessive moisture pickup Plasdone® K-90 [ISP http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: PVP (Povidone USP) CAS 9003-39-8; EINECS/ELINCS 201-800-4 Uses: Clarifier for beer, wine, vinegar; tableting adjuvant for vitamins, minerals, flavor concs., nonnutritive sweeteners; stabilizer, bodying agent, dispersant in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.55; USP, FCC, JP,BP, German Ph., French Ph., Italian Ph. compliance Properties: Wh. or creamy wh. powd., odorless, tasteless; 10% max. < 75 µ particle size; hygroscopic; sol. in water, aq. and org. solvs.; bulk dens. 0.4-0.6 g/cc; pH 3-7 (5% aq.); 5% max. moisture Toxicology: Very low chronic oral toxicity; essentially nontoxic by inh., IV, or other parenteral routes; not a primary skin irritant; nonsensitizing; nonirritating to eyes Storage: Prevent excessive moisture pickup Pluracol® E300 [BASF/Perf. Chems. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.basf.com/static/988804217008.htm l] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-6 CAS 25322-68-3; EINECS/ELINCS 220-045-1 Uses: Dispersant in food tablets and preps. Properties: Colorless cl. liq.; m.w. 300; sol. in water and org. solvs. except aliphatic hydrocarbons; dens. 9.4 lb/gal; sp.gr. 1.12; visc. 5.9 cs (99 C); flash pt. (COC) 210 C; pour pt. -13 C; surf. tens. 62.9 dynes/cm (1%); pH 5.7 (5% aq.); nonionic Pluracol® E400 [BASF/Perf. Chems. http://www.basf.com/static/988804217008.htm l] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-8 CAS 25322-68-3; EINECS/ELINCS 225-856-4 Uses: Dispersant in food tablets and preps. Properties: Colorless cl. liq.; sol. in water and org. solvs. except aliphatic hydrocarbons; dens. 9.4 lb/gal; sp.gr. 1.12; visc. 7.39 cs (210 F); flash pt. 460 F; surf. tens. 66.6 dynes/cm (1%); pH 6.2 (5% aq.); nonionic; 100% act. Pluracol® E600 [BASF/Perf. Chems. http://www.basf.com/static/988804217008.htm l] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-12 CAS 25322-68-3; EINECS/ELINCS 229-859-1 Uses: Dispersant in food tablets and preps. Properties: Colorless cl. liq.; sol. in water and org. solvs. except aliphatic hydrocarbons; dens. 9.4 lb/gal; sp.gr. 1.12; visc. 10.83 cs (210 F); flash pt. 480 F; surf. tens. 65.2 dynes/cm (1%); pH 5.3 (5% aq.); nonionic; 100% act. Pluracol® E4000 [BASF/Perf. Chems. http://www.basf.com/static/988804217008.htm l] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-75 CAS 25322-68-3; EINECS/ELINCS 203-989-9 Uses: Dispersant in food tablets and preps. Properties: Wh. waxy solid; sol. in water and org. solvs. except aliphatic hydrocarbons; dens. 10.0 lb/gal; sp.gr. 1.20; m.p. 59.5 C; flash pt. > 490 F; surf. tens. 61.9 dynes/cm (1%); pH 6.7 (5% aq.); nonionic; 100% act. Pluracol® W5100N [BASF/Perf. Chems. http://www.basf.com/static/988804217008.htm l] Chem. Descrip.: PPG-33-buteth-45 CAS 74623-31-7 Uses: Defoamer for food processing Properties: APHA 40 max. visc. liq.; sol. in 537
Part I: Trade Name Reference water, alcohols, ketones, esters, benzene, toluene, glycol ethers, chlorinated solvs.; dens. 8.83 lb/gal; sp.gr. 1.06; visc. 5100 SUS (100 F); cloud pt. 55 C (1%); flash pt. (OC) 437 F; pour pt. -20 F; pH 5.5-7.0 (10% aq.); nonionic Plurafac® LF 1300 [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: Alkoxylated straight chain alcohol Uses: Defoamer for sugar processing Features: Low foaming Properties: Sl. ylsh. cl. liq.; sol. @ 10% in wh. spirit, benzene, ethanol, IPA, trichlorethylene; dens. 0.97 g/cm3; visc. 140 cps; set pt. -5 C; pH 7 (5% aq.); surf. tens. 35 dynes/cm (0.1% aq.); nonionic; 100% conc. Environmental: < 80% biodeg.; toxic to aquatic organisms; may cause long-term adverse effects on aquatic environment Storage: Hygroscopic; 2 yrs. shelf life when stored in tightly closed original containers below 20 C Plurol® Diisostearique [Gattefosse France http://www.gattefosse.fr] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-3 diisostearate CAS 66082-42-6; EINECS/ELINCS 291-548-1 Uses: W/o emulsifier for foods Features: Cold process; exc. appearance, gloss, afterfeel, and stability at 50 C Regulatory: DMF no. 11696 Properties: Pale yel. cl. to sl. opalescent visc. liq., faint odor; sol. in min. and veg. oils; insol. in water, alcohols; acid no. < 5; iodine no. < 8; sapon. no. 128-148; ref. index 1.471-1.475; nonionic; < 0.5% water Storage: Avoid moisture and air; storage below 18 C can lead to reversible opalescence Plurol® Oleique CC 497 [Gattefosse France http://www.gattefosse.fr] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-6 oleate CAS 9007-48-1 Uses: Emulsifier for foods; cloud inhibitor in salad oils Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.854; FCC compliance; worldwide food additive status; E475 compliance Properties: Visc. liq.; char. odor; HLB 6; nonionic Plurol® Stearique WL 1009 [Gattefosse France http://www.gattefosse.fr] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-6 distearate CAS 34424-97-0; EINECS/ELINCS 252-010-1 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: FCC listed Properties: Gardner < 10 waxy solid, faint odor; sol. in chloroform, methylene chloride; partly sol. in ethanol; disp. in water; HLB 9.0; drop pt. 48-53 C; acid no. < 5; iodine no. < 3; sapon. no. 120-140; pH 7.0-9.5 (10% aq.); nonionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: Nonirritating to eyes Pluronic® PE 6100 [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: PO/EO block polymer See EO/PO block polymer or copolymer CAS 9003-11-6 Uses: Defoamer for sugar processing Features: Low foaming Properties: Colorless cl. liq.; sol. in ethanol, 2propanol, toluene, tetrachloroethylene, min. spirit; m.w. 2000; dens. 1.02 g/cm3; visc. 350 mPa·s; pour pt. -20 C; cloud pt. 24 C (1% aq.); ref. index 1.45; pH 7 (5% aq.); surf. tens. 40 mN/m (1 g/l in DW); nonionic; 100% conc. Pluronic® PE 6200 [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: PO/EO block polymer See EO/PO block polymer or copolymer CAS 9003-11-6 Uses: Defoamer for sugar processing Features: Low foaming Properties: Colorless cl. liq.; sol. in water, 10% HCl, ethanol, 2-propanol, toluene, tetrachloroethylene; m.w. 2500; dens. 1.04 g/cm3; visc. 500 mPa·s; pour pt. -14 C; cloud pt. 32 C (1% aq.); ref. index 1.45; pH 7 (5% aq.); surf. tens. 41 mN/m (1 g/l in DW); nonionic; 100% conc. Pluronic® PE 6400 [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: PO/EO block polymer See EO/PO block polymer or copolymer CAS 9003-11-6 Uses: Defoamer for sugar processing Features: Low foaming Properties: Colorless sl. cloudy liq.; sol. in water, 10% HCl, ethanol, 2-propanol, toluene, tetrachloroethylene; m.w. 3000; dens. 1.05 g/cm3; visc. 1000 mPa·s; pour pt. 16 C; cloud pt. 59 C (1% aq.); ref. index 1.45; pH 7 (5% aq.); surf. tens. 41 mN/m (1 g/l in DW); nonionic; 100% conc. Pluronic® PE 8100 [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: PO/EO block polymer See 538
Part I: Trade Name Reference EO/PO block polymer or copolymer CAS 9003-11-6 Uses: Defoamer for sugar processing Features: Low foaming Properties: Colorless cl. to sl. cloudy liq.; sol. in 2-propanol, toluene, tetrachloroethylene; m.w. 2600; dens. 1.04 g/cm3; visc. 700 mPa·s; pour pt. -30 C; cloud pt. 18 C (1% aq.); ref. index 1.45 (70 C); pH 7 (5% aq.); surf. tens. 35 mN/m (1 g/l in DW); nonionic; 100% conc. Pluronic® RPE 2520 [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: EO/PO block polymer See EO/PO block polymer or copolymer CAS 9003-11-6 Uses: Defoamer for sugar processing Properties: Liq.; sol. in toluene, min. spirits, wh. spirit, spindle oil, ethanol, IPA; dens. 1.0 g/cc; visc. 1500 cps; set pt. -20 C; cloud pt. 28 C (in water); pH 9 (5% aq.); surf. tens. 37 dynes/cm; nonionic; 100% conc. Storage: Hygroscopic; 2 yr. shelf life when stored indoors in tightly sealed original pkg.; protect from frost; may become cloudy @ low temps. (heat to 25-30 C to reverse) PO-100 [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol ester of fatty acids Uses: Alpha-ending emulsifier in toppings, powdered cake improvers, cake mixes, alpha-crystalline stabilizer for sponge cake foaming gel Properties: Liq.; HLB 3.4 (caluculated); acid value 3 max.; iodine value 3 max.; sapon. value 162-172; hydroxyl value 165-195 Poem DM-100 [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Uses: Emulsifier and antibacterial in food Poem DO-100 [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Uses: Emulsifier for oils and fats in food Poem DP-95RF [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Uses: Emulsifier and antibacterial for beverages Use Level: 300-1500 ppm in coffee; 2000-3000 ppm in corn soup and shiruko Poem DS-100A [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Uses: Emulsifier and foaming agent for cakes Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Features: Gives smooth, good texture; keeps natural flavor of cake; stable cake through high foaming stability; produces a variety of cakes that are highly oil-proof Polar Bake [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of conditioners, enzymes, and oxidizing agents Uses: Dough conditioner, frozen dough stabilizer for baked goods Features: Provides exc. machinability, reduced proof times, and exc. grain, texture, crust color, and freshness of finished prod. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd. PolarTex 05732 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Modified Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch Chem. Analysis: 10% moisture; 10 ppm max. SO2 CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Thickener and water binder for use in bologna, hot dogs, poultry loaves, surimi, fruit and pie fillings, sauces, gravies, and soups Features: Excellent cold storage and freezethaw stability; low heat hydration temp. Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.892 Properties: Particle size 2% thru 100 mesh; bulk dens. (packed) 43 lbs/ft3; pH (1:5) 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flammable and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity PolarTex 05733 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate Chem. Analysis: 10% moisture; 10 ppm max. SO2 CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Thickener for aseptic puddings, cheese sauces, fruit fillings, gravies, tomato sauces Features: Exce. cold storage stability; mod. set back; smooth, creamy texture Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.892 Properties: Particle size 2% thru 100 mesh; bulk dens. (packed) 49 lbs/ft3; pH (1:5) 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flammable 539
Part I: Trade Name Reference and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity PolarTex 05734 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Modified Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch Chem. Analysis: 10% moisture CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Thickener for use in acidic sauces, fruit fillings, refrigerated or frozen foods, retorted foods, toppings, and hot-filled foods Features: Provides stability at low pH, high temp. processing and in excessive shear equipment; smooth creamy texture; good freeze-thaw stability Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.892 Properties: Particle size 2% thru 100 mesh; pH (1:5) 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flammable and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity PolarTex 05735 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate Chem. Analysis: 11% moisture; 0.5% ash CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Viscosifier for aseptic puddings and desserts, cream fillings, dairy prods., hot dogs, formed meat, surimi and poultry prods., retorted prods. Features: Low hot paste visc.; withstands wide range of processing conditions; stable in neutral and acidic food systems; contributes to soft, tender set of finished prods.; exc. freezethaw stability Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.892 Properties: Bland flavor; bulk dens. (packed) 48 lbs/ft3; pH 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flammable and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity PolarTex 05736 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl distarch Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
phosphate Chem. Analysis: 11% moisture; 0.5% ash CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Viscosifier for use in canned food items, aseptically processed food, lemon fillings, Bavarian creams, puddings and cream pie fillings Features: Withstands a wide range of processing conditions; performs well in acidic systems; contributes a soft, tender set to finished prods.; good freeze-thaw stability; low hot paste viscosity provides rapid heat transfer Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.892 Properties: Bland flavor; bulk dens. (packed) 770 g/l; pH 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flammable and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity PolarTex 06727 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate Chem. Analysis: 11% moisture; 0.5% ash CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Viscosifier and stabilizer designed for food systems requiring light to moderate processing, such as frozen entrees, soups, sauces and gravies, hot dogs, formed meat, surimi and poultry, injected ham and poultry, and dry mixes (cook-up) Features: Low gelatinization temps., exc. pastry clarity; extremely high viscosity in neutral pH systems; exceptional cold storage and freezethaw stability; creamy texture; adaptable to most batch systems Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.892 Properties: Bland flavor; bulk dens. (packed) 720 g/l; pH 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flammable and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity PolarTex 06728 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate Chem. Analysis: 11% moisture CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Viscosifier and stabilizer designed for 540
Part I: Trade Name Reference food systems requiring light to moderate processing, such as frozen entrees, soups, sauces and gravies, hot dogs, formed meat, surimi and poultry, injected ham and poultry, and dry mixes Features: Low gelatinization temps., exc. pastry clarity; extremely high viscosity in neutral pH systems; exceptional cold storage and freezethaw stability; creamy texture Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.892 and EC Directive 95/2/EC Properties: Bland flavor; pH (1:3) 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flammable and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity
foods (gravies, soups, sauces), spoonable dressings, yogurt, and sour Features: Superior performance in continuous, high shear systems; stable viscosity under conditions of extreme heat and/or acid; good cold storage and freeze-thaw stability; short texture; exc. paste clarity Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.892 and EC Directive 95/2/EC Properties: Bland flavor; bulk dens. (packed) 720 g/l; pH 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flammable and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity
PolarTex 06740 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate Chem. Analysis: 11% moisture; 0.5% ash CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Thickener designed for food systems requiring moderate to severe processing, such as bakery and fruit fillings, aseptic/shelf stable foods, soups, sauces and gravies, barbeque and tomato-based sauces, and salad dressings Features: Superior performance in continuous high shear systems; resistant to high heat and low pH; good cold storage and freeze-thaw stability; short texture; excellent paste clarity Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.892 and EC Directive 95/2/EC Properties: Bland flavor; bulk dens. (packed) 720 g/l; pH 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flammable and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity
PolarTex 06747 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate Chem. Analysis: 11% moisture; 0.5% ash CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Viscosifier and stabilizer designed for food systems requiring severe processing and/or good heat penetration, such as canned fruit fillings, aseptic/shelf stable foods (gravies, soups, sauces), spoonable dressings, yogurt, and sour cream Features: Superior performance in continuous, high shear systems; stable viscosity under conditions of extreme heat and/or acid; good cold storage and freeze-thaw stability; short texture; exc. paste clarity Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.892 and EC Directive 95/2/EC Properties: Bland flavor; bulk dens. (packed) 720 g/l; pH 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flammable and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity
PolarTex 06746 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate Chem. Analysis: 11% moisture; 0.5% ash CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Viscosifier and stabilizer designed for food systems requiring severe processing and/or good heat penetration, such as canned fruit fillings, aseptic/shelf stable
PolarTex 06748 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate Chem. Analysis: 11% moisture CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Viscosifier and stabilizer designed for food systems requiring moderate to severe processing conditions, such as pie fillings, bakery cream, frozen desserts, canned
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part I: Trade Name Reference soups and sauces, salad dressings and creams; UHT dairy desserts Features: Exceptional cold storage and freezethaw stability; smooth, short texture; exc. paste clarity; resistant to high heat conditions Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.892 and EC Directive 95/2/EC Properties: Bland flavor; bulk dens. (packed) 720 g/l; pH 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flammable and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity PolarTex-Instant 12640 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate Chem. Analysis: 5% moisture; 0.9% ash CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Pregelatinized thickener and binder designed for use in a wide variety of food prods. including instant puddings and pie fillings, soup, sauce and gravy mixes, cake and bakery mixes, cheese sauces, and custard fillings Features: Extremely high viscosity without cooking; smooth, creamy texture similar to cook-up starches; exc. cold storage and freeze-thaw stability; hydrates rapidly; provides moisture retention and extends shelf life of baked products Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.892 and EC Directive 95/2/EC Properties: Bland flavor; 90% thru US 200 Mesh (.075 mm); bulk dens. (packed) 710 g/l; pH 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flammable and explosive Storage: Shelf life 6 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity PolarTex-Instant 12641 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate Chem. Analysis: 3.5% moisture; 0.3% ash CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Instant thickener recommended for food prods. prepared under abusive processing conditions, such as pastry fillings, puddings, fruit pies, sauce and gravy mixes, dressings Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Features: Resistant to heat, acid and shear conditions; prevents boil-out in fruit pies and turnovers; exc. cold storage and freeze-thaw stability; provides moderate viscosity without cooking; for both neutral and acidic systems; rehydrates rapidly Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.892 and EC Directive 95/2/EC Properties: 85% thru US 200 Mesh (.075 mm); bulk dens. (packed) 800 g/l; pH 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flammable and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity PolarTex-Instant 12643 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate Chem. Analysis: 8% moisture; 0.9% ash CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Pregelatinized thickener and binder designed to provide excellent storage stability in a variety of food prods. such as cake and bakery mixes, muffins and quick breads, instant puddings, custard and pie fillings, soups, sauces; and gravy mixes Features: Rapid hydration; extremely high viscosity without cooking; can be used in neutral and acidic foods; exc. cold storage, freeze-thaw stability, and paste clarity Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.892 and EC Directive 95/2/EC Properties: 85% thru US 200 Mesh (.075 mm); bulk dens. (packed) 710 g/l; pH 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flammable and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Polyaldo® 10-1-O [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Decaglyceryl monooleate See Polyglyceryl-10 oleate CAS 9007-48-1; EINECS/ELINCS 279-230-0 Uses: Emulsifier for cakes, ice cream, desserts, beverages Features: Polysorbate replacer Regulatory: Made to food grade and Kosher requirements Properties: Waxy solid; HLB 13; nonionic Polyaldo® 10-1-O KFG [Lonza 542
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-10 oleate CAS 9007-48-1; EINECS/ELINCS 279-230-0 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.854, kosher Properties: Hazy visc. liq., mild odor, bland taste; HLB 14; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 70-80; hyd. no. 480-510; nonionic Polyaldo® 10-1-S KFG [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Decaglyceryl monostearate See Polyglyceryl-10 stearate CAS 37349-34-1 Uses: Emulsifier, aerating agent in cakes, desserts, beverages Features: Polysorbate replacer Regulatory: Made to food grade and Kosher requirements Properties: Soft solid; HLB 13; nonionic Polyaldo® 10-2-P [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Decaglyceryl dipalmitate See Polyglyceryl-10 dipalmitate Uses: Emulsifier, crystallization inhibitor in cakes, desserts, beverages Features: Polysorbate replacer Regulatory: Made to food grade and Kosher requirements Properties: Soft solid; HLB 12; nonionic Polyaldo® 10-6-O KFG [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Decaglyceryl hexaoleate See Polyglyceryl-10 hexaoleate Uses: Wetting agent in foods (icings, whipped toppings, pie fillings), beverages Regulatory: Made to food grade and Kosher requirements; 21 CFR 172.854 Properties: Liq.; acid value 5 max.; sapon. value 135-155; HLB 5; nonionic; 1% max, moisture Polyaldo® DGDO [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-10 decaoleate CAS 11094-60-3; EINECS/ELINCS 234-316-7 Uses: Emulsifier for baking, ice cream, general food use; crystal inhibitor in veg. oils; wetting agent; defoamer in sugarprotein syrups; dispersant, solubilizer for margarine Properties: Liq.; HLB 3.0; nonionic; 100% conc. Polyaldo® DGDO KFG [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-10 decaoleate CAS 11094-60-3; EINECS/ELINCS 234-316-7 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Dispersant, solubilizer in margarine; antifoam and defoamer in sugar-protein syrups; crystallization inhibitor in high quality salad oils for salad dressings and mayonnaise Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.854; kosher Properties: Amber cl. liq., mild odor; sol. in ethanol, min. and veg. oils, insol. in water; HLB 3±1; acid no. 20 max.; iodine no. 80 max.; sapon. no. 155-185; hyd. no. 25-45; nonionic Use Level: 0.02-0.05% (syrups), 0.1-1.0% (margarine), 0.1% (salad oils) Storage: Store in cool, dry area Polyaldo® HGDS [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-6 distearate CAS 9009-32-9; EINECS/ELINCS 252-010-1 Uses: Emulsifier for baking, ice cream, reduced-fat foods, general food use; whipping agent for toppings and icings; foam stabilizer in acidic formulations; fat emulsifier; antisticking agent Properties: Bead; HLB 7.0; nonionic; 100% conc. Polyaldo® HGDS KFG [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-6 distearate CAS 9009-32-9; EINECS/ELINCS 252-010-1 Uses: Emulsifier for cake mixes; whipping agent, foam stabilizer providing overrun to whipped creams; freeze/thaw stabilizer for frozen desserts; antisticking agent and chewability promoter in chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.854; kosher Properties: Tan beads, mild fatty odor, bland taste; sol. in ethanol; disp. in water; HLB 7±1; m.p. 56 C; acid no. 6 max.; iodine no. 3 max.; sapon. no. 120-140; nonionic Use Level: 0.1-0.5% (frozen desserts) Storage: Store in cool, dry area Polyaldo® HGMP KFG [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl ester fatty acid See Polyglyceryl-10 dipalmitate Chem. Analysis: 0.5% max. moisture; 4% max. ash CAS 67784-82-1 Uses: Emulsifier for cake mixes; whipping agent in whipped creams; freeze/thaw stabilizer Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Waxy tan to lt. brn. solid; mild odor; mild taste; m.p. 45-50 C; HLB 11; acid no. 4 543
Part I: Trade Name Reference max.; iodine no. 1 max.; hydrophilic; nonionic Storage: Store in cool, dry place Polyaldo® TGMS [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-3 stearate CAS 37349-34-1; EINECS/ELINCS 248-403-2 Uses: Emulsifier for baking, ice cream, whipped toppings, fillings, frostings, salad dressings, aerated fat systems, shortenings, general food use; aerating agent, whipping agent in fat-based systems and shortenings; fat replacement in frozen desserts; hardener, gloss aid in hard butters Regulatory: Kosher certified; 21 CFR 172.854 Properties: Off-wh. beads; bland taste; mild odor; m.p. 55 CHLB 7.0; acid no. 8 max.; nonionic; 100% conc. Storage: Store in a dry, cool area. Polyaldo® TGMSH KFG [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Triglyceryl monoshortening See Polyglyceryl-3 shortening Chem. Analysis: 1% max. moisture Uses: Polysorbate replacer in icings, whipped toppings, and pie fillings Regulatory: 21 CFR 172.854; kosher Properties: Viscous liq.; sl. haze; HLB 7; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no.115-135; hyd. no. 330-390; nonionic; 1% max. moisture Polyaldo® TGMS KFG [Lonza http://www.lonza.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-3 stearate CAS 37349-34-1; EINECS/ELINCS 248-403-2 Uses: Emulsifier for foods; aerating agent, whipping agent in fat-based systems, cakes, and cake icings; permits substantial fat reduction in frozen desserts; hardener and gloss aid in hard butter confectionery coatings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.854; kosher Properties: Off-wh. beads, mild odor, bland taste; sol. in ethanol, min. and veg. oils; insol. in water; HLB 7±1; m.p. 55 C; acid no. 8 max.; iodine no. 4 max.; sapon. no. 120-140; nonionic Storage: Store in cool, dry area Polyclar® 10 [ISP http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone homopolymer See Crospovidone CAS 9003-39-8 Uses: Beer stabilizer and haze inhibitor Properties: Fine wh. powd.; 13 µ avg. particle Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
size; insol. in water, acids, alkalis, and all org. solvs.; pH 5-11 (1 g/100 ml water) Polyclar® BV [ISP http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone See Crospovidone CAS 9003-39-8 Uses: Binder, adsorbent, and complexing agent in beer foam stabilization Features: No adverse effects on flavor, color, or aroma Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.50 Properties: Off-wh. free-flowing powd.; particle size (avg.) 30 μ; insol. in water; pH 5.0-11.0 (1% sol'n.) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) >5,000 mg/kg; low toxicity; not irritating to skin; TSCA listed Environmental: EC50 (maine algae, 72 h) >1,000 mg/L; biodeg.: 11% in 28 days Precaution: Avoid generating or breathing dust, strong oxidizing and reducing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: NOx NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry area away from direct sunlight Polyclar® Super R [ISP http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone See Crospovidone CAS 9003-39-8 Uses: Shelf-life extender, haze inhibitor, stabilizer for beer Features: Insol. in beer Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.50 Properties: Off-wh. free-flowing powd.; particle size (avg.) 25 μ; insol. in water; pH 5.0-11.0 (1% sol'n.) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) >5,000 mg/kg; low toxicity; not irritating to skin; TSCA listed Environmental: EC50 (maine algae, 72 h) >1,000 mg/L; biodeg.: 11% in 28 days Precaution: Wear safety glasses and gloves HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Polyclar® Ultra Fine [ISP http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone See Crospovidone Chem. Analysis: 5% max. moisture CAS 9003-39-8 Uses: Binder, adsorbent, and complexing agent in beer foam stabilization Properties: Wh. to grey, free-flowing powd.; particle size (avg.) 13 mm; insol. in water; pH 544
Part I: Trade Name Reference 3.0-7.0 (5% sol'n.); hygroscopic Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) >5,000 mg/kg; low toxicity; not irritating to skin; TSCA listed Environmental: EC50 (maine algae, 72 h) >1,000 mg/L; biodeg.: 11% in 28 days Precaution: Avoid generating or breathing dust, strong oxidizing and reducing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: NOx HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry area away from direct sunlight Polyclar® Ultra K-100 [ISP http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone blended with cellulose, caseinate, and silicates See Crospovidone CAS 9003-39-8; 9004-34-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9 Uses: Binder, adsorbent, and complexing agent in wine stabilization Properties: Wh. to grey, free-flowing powd.; pH 6-8; hygroscopic Toxicology: Low toxicity Polycon® S60 K [Am. Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan stearate CAS 1338-41-6; EINECS/ELINCS 215-664-9 Uses: Emulsifier, crystallization promoter, surface film-former, defoamer, flavor dispersant for foods, cakes, icings in combination with mono- and diglycerides, confectionery, coffee whiteners, whipped toppings; syn. flavoring agent Features: Lipophilic; rec. for emulsions where weaker water-binding props. and enhanced aeration are desired Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.842 Properties: Cream-colored powd.; m.p. 130 F; HLB 4.7; nonionic Use Level: 0.02-0.05% (defoaming), 0.5-2% (flavors) Polyglycol P1200 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: PPG-20 CAS 25322-69-4 Uses: Boiler water additive (food contact); defoamer for beet sugar and yeast processing Regulatory: 21CFR §173.310, 173.340(a)(3), 176.200, 176.210 Properties: Liq.; m.w. 1200; sp.gr. 1.007; dens. 8.38 lb/gal; visc. 175 cSt; pour pt. -40 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 345 F; ref. index 1.448; surf. tens. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
43.3 dynes/cm (100 ppm); sp. heat 0.459 cal/g/°C; nonionic Polyglycol P2000 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: PPG-26 CAS 25322-69-4 Uses: Boiler water additive (food contact); defoamer for beet sugar and yeast processing Regulatory: 21CFR §173.310, 173.340(a)(3), 176.200, 176.210 Properties: Liq.; sol. in ethanol, IPM, cyclomethicone, sunscreens, lactic acid; partly sol. in water, lt. min. oil; m.w. 2000; sp.gr. 1.002; dens. 8.34 lb/gal; visc. 300 cSt; pour pt. -30 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 390 F; ref. index 1.449; surf. tens. 39.6 dynes/cm (100 ppm); sp. heat 0.452 cal/g/°C; nonionic Polyglycol P4000 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: PPG-30 CAS 25322-69-4 Uses: Boiler water additive (food contact) Regulatory: 21CFR §173.310, 176.200 Properties: Liq.; m.w. 4000; sp.gr. 1.005; dens. 8.36 lb/gal; visc. 800 cSt; pour pt. -26 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 365 F; ref. index 1.450; surf. tens. 39.6 dynes/cm (100 ppm); nonionic Polymuls® Range [Cognis http://www.cognis.de] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglycerol esters Uses: Emulsifier for foods, snacks, cereals, desserts, cake fillings, shortening Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.854; E475 compliance Polymuls® PGPR [Cognis http://www.cognis.de] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglycerol polyricinoleate See Polyglyceryl polyricinoleate Uses: Emulsifier for foods, margarine, shortening, chocolate confectionery; release agent, glazing agent for foods Regulatory: E476 compliance Polyox® WSR 301 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-90M NF CAS 25322-68-3 Uses: Foam stabilizer in fermented malt beverages (300 ppm max.) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.770, 175.300, 175.380, 175.390, 176.170, 176.180, 177.1210, 177.1350; EPA 40CFR §180.1001(d) Properties: Wh. gran. powd., mild ammoniacal 545
Part I: Trade Name Reference odor; 100% through 10 mesh, 96% through 20 mesh; sol. in water, some chlorinated solvs., alcohols, aromatic hydrocarbons, ketones; m.w. 4,000,000; bulk dens. 19-37 lb/ft3; visc. 1650-5500 cps (1% aq.); m.p. 62-67 C; pH 810 (1% aq.); nonionic Precaution: Slippery when wet Storage: Store in sealed containers below 25 C, away from heat; avoid dust buildup Polyox® WSR 303 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyethylene oxide NF CAS 25322-68-3 Uses: Foam stabilizer in fermented malt beverages (300 ppm max.) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.770, 175.300, 175.380, 175.390, 176.170, 176.180, 177.1210, 177.1350; EPA 40CFR §180.1001(d) Properties: Wh. gran. powd., mild ammoniacal odor; 100% through 10 mesh, 96% through 20 mesh; sol. in water, some chlorinated solvs., alcohols, aromatic hydrocarbons, ketones; m.w. 7,000,000; bulk dens. 19-37 lb/ft3; visc. 7500-10,000 cps (1% aq.); m.p. 62-67 C; pH 810 (sol'n.); nonionic Precaution: Slippery when wet Storage: Store in sealed containers below 25 C, away from heat; avoid dust buildup Polyox® WSR 308 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyethylene oxide CAS 25322-68-3 Uses: Foam stabilizer in fermented malt beverages (300 ppm max.) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.770, 175.300, 175.380, 175.390, 176.170, 176.180, 177.1210, 177.1350; EPA 40CFR §180.1001(d) Properties: Wh. gran. powd., mild ammoniacal odor; 100% through 10 mesh, 96% through 20 mesh; sol. in water, some chlorinated solvs., alcohols, aromatic hydrocarbons, ketones; m.w. 8,000,000; sp.gr. 1.15-1.26; bulk dens. 19-37 lb/ft3; visc. 10,000-15,000 cps (1% aq.); m.p. 62-67 C; pH 8-10 (sol'n.); nonionic Precaution: Slippery when wet Storage: Store in sealed containers below 25 C, away from heat; avoid dust buildup Polyox® WSR Coagulant [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-115M NF CAS 25322-68-3 Uses: Foam stabilizer in fermented malt Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
beverages (300 ppm max.) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.770, 175.300, 175.380, 175.390, 176.170, 176.180, 177.1210, 177.1350; EPA 40CFR §180.1001(d) Properties: Wh. gran. powd., mild ammoniacal odor; 100% through 10 mesh, 96% through 20 mesh; sol. in water, some chlorinated solvs., alcohols, aromatic hydrocarbons, ketones; m.w. 5,000,000; sp.gr. 1.15-1.26; bulk dens. 19-37 lb/ft3; visc. 5500-7500 cps (1% aq.); m.p. 62-67 C; pH 8-10 (sol'n.); nonionic Precaution: Slippery when wet Storage: Store in sealed containers below 25 C, away from heat; avoid dust buildup Polywax® 500 [Baker Petrolite http://www.bakerhughes.com/bakerpetrolite] Chem. Descrip.: Polyethylene homopolymer (m.w. 500) CAS 9002-88-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: Incl. FDA §172.888, 175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 177.1200, 178.3720, 179.45 Properties: Prills; low sol. in org. solvs., esp. at R.T.; sol. in CCl4, benzene, xylene, toluene, turpentine; m.w. 500; melt index > 5000 g/10 min; dens. 0.93 g/cc; visc. 6.6 cps (99 C); m.p. 88 C; soften. pt. (R&B) 88 C Polywax® 600 [Baker Petrolite http://www.bakerhughes.com/bakerpetrolite] Chem. Descrip.: Polyethylene homopolymer (m.w. 600) CAS 9002-88-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Food applics. Features: Syn. polymer; outstanding heat stability and resist. to chemical attack Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.888, 175.105, 175.125, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.3720, 178.3850, 179.45 Properties: Visc. 64 SUS (149 C); m.p. 94 C Polywax® 655 [Baker Petrolite http://www.bakerhughes.com/bakerpetrolite] Chem. Descrip.: Polyethylene homopolymer (m.w. 655) CAS 9002-88-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: Incl. FDA 21CFR §172.888, 175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 177.1200, 178.3720, 179.45 546
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Prilled; low sol. in org. solvs., esp. at R.T.; sol. in CCl4, benzene, xylene, toluene, turpentine; m.w. 655; melt index > 5000 g/10 min; dens. 0.94 g/cc; visc. 5 cps (149 C); m.p. 99 C; soften. pt. (R&B) 99 C Polywax® 850 [Baker Petrolite http://www.bakerhughes.com/bakerpetrolite] Chem. Descrip.: Polyethylene homopolymer (m.w. 850) CAS 9002-88-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Food applics. Regulatory: Incl. FDA 21CFR §172.888, 175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 177.1200, 178.3720, 179.45 Properties: M.w. 850; melt index > 5000 g/10 min; dens. 0.96 g/cc; visc. 8.5 cs (149 C); m.p. 107 C; soften. pt (R&B) 107 C Polywax® 1000 [Baker Petrolite http://www.bakerhughes.com/bakerpetrolite] Chem. Descrip.: Polyethylene homopolymer (m.w. 1000) CAS 9002-88-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Food applics. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.888, 175.105, 175.125, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.3720, 178.3850, 179.45 Properties: Prilled; low sol. in org. solvs., esp. at R.T.; sol. in CCl4, benzene, xylene, toluene, turpentine; m.w. 1000; melt index > 5000 g/10 min; dens. 0.96 g/cc; visc. 12 cps (149 C); m.p. 113 C; soften. pt. (R&B) 113 C Polywax® 2000 [Baker Petrolite http://www.bakerhughes.com/bakerpetrolite] Chem. Descrip.: Polyethylene homopolymer (m.w. 2000) CAS 9002-88-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Ion-exchange membrane in prod. of grapefruit juice to adjust ratio of citric acid to total solids Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.20, 175.105, 175.125, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1520, 177.2600, 178.3570, 178.3850, 179.45 Properties: Prilled; low sol. in org. solvs., esp. at R.T.; sol. in CCl4, benzene, xylene, toluene, turpentine; m.w. 2000; melt index > 5000 g/10 min; dens. 0.97 g/cc; visc. 48 cps (149 C); m.p. 126 C; soften. pt. (R&B) 126 C
http://www.bakerhughes.com/bakerpetrolite] Chem. Descrip.: Polyethylene homopolymer (m.w. 3000) CAS 9002-88-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Ion-exchange membrane in prod. of grapefruit juice to adjust ratio of citric acid to total solids Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.20, 175.105, 175.125, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1520, 177.2600, 178.3570, 178.3850, 179.45 Properties: M.w. 3000; melt index > 5000 g/10 min; dens. 0.98 g/cc; visc. 130 cps (149 C); m.p. 129 C; soften. pt. (R&B) 129 C Polywet® ND-2 [Chemtura/Rubber Chems. http://www.cromptoncorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium polyacrylate, bisulfite terminated aq. sol'n. CAS 9003-04-7 Uses: Min. scale control agent during evaporation of beet or cane sugar juice; boiler water additive (food contact); defoamer in food processing Features: Effective over wide pH range; resists hydrolysis; stable to acid and alkali Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.73, 173.310, 173.340, 175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 177.1210; Australia, Canada, China, EU, Japan, Korea, and Philippines compliances; DOT, IMDG, ICAO nonregulated; SARA §311/312/313 nonreportable; NJ Rightto-Know Properties: Colorless to sl. yel. cl. liq., char. odor; sol. in alcohols and water; m.w. ≈ 1000; sp.gr. 1.16; visc. 24-40 cps; pH 6.8-7.8; anionic; 25% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 23 g/kg; eye irritant; TSCA listed Environmental: LC50 (bluegill sunfish, 96 h) > 8000 ppm; nontoxic to fish or activated sludge microorganisms Precaution: Use chemical resistant gloves, safety glasses, chemical protective clothing; prevent from entering sewer systems, surface water or soil NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in closed containers away from sources of direct heat in a dry area; stable to prolonged storage below freezing
Polywax® 3000 [Baker Petrolite Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part I: Trade Name Reference Polywet® ND-35 [Chemtura http://www.chemtura.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium polyacrylate, bisulfite terminated, aq. sol'n. CAS 9003-04-7 Uses: Min. scale control agent during evaporation of beet or cane sugar juice; boiler water additive (food contact); defoamer in food processing Features: Nonfoaming; effective over broad pH range Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.73, 173.310, 173.340, 175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 177.1210; DOT, IMDG, ICAO nonregulated; SARA §311/312/313 nonreportable; NJ Right-to-Know; Australia, Canada, China, EU, Japan, Korea, and Philippines compliances Properties: Colorless to sl. yel. liq.; char. odor; sol. in alcohols and water; sp.gr. 1.25; visc. 5090 cps; pH 7.2; anionic; 34% solids Toxicology: Expected LD50 (oral, rat) > 11 g/kg; sl. irritating to eyes; nonirritating to skin; TSCA listed Precaution: Use chemical resistant gloves, safety glasses, chemical protective clothing; prevent from entering sewer systems, surface water or soil; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store away from sources of direct heat in dry area; keep containers closed when not in use; stable to prolonged storage at temps. below freezing Polywet® WTC 6512 [Chemtura/Rubber Chems. http://www.cromptoncorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium polyacrylate, bisulfite terminated, aq. sol'n. CAS 9003-04-7 Uses: Min. scale control agent during evaporation of beet or cane sugar juice; boiler water additive (food contact); defoamer in food processing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.73, 173.310, 173.340, 175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 177.1210; Australia, Canada, EU, Japan, Korea, and Philippines compliances Properties: Yel. to amber liq.; char. odor; sol. in alcohols and water; sp.gr. 1.30; visc. 400-1300 cps; pH 6.8-7.8; anionic; 48% solids Toxicology: Expected LD50 (oral, rat) 10 g/kg; may cause eye irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
agents Storage: Store away from sources of direct heat in dry area; keep containers closed when not in use; stable to prolonged storage at temps. below freezing Polywet® Z-1766 [Chemtura/Rubber Chems. http://www.cromptoncorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium polyacrylate, bisulfite terminated, aq. sol'n. CAS 9003-04-7 Uses: Min. scale control agent during evaporation of beet or cane sugar juice; boiler water additive (food contact); defoamer in food processing Features: Effective over broad pH range; resists hydrolysis Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.73, 173.310, 173.340, 175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 177.1210; Australia, Canada, EU, Japan, Korea, and Philippines compliances Properties: Colorless to sl. yel. cl. to opalescent liq., char. odor; sol. in alcohols and water; sp.gr. 1.23; visc. 180-350 cps; pH 7.0; anionic; 35% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 12.3 g/kg; nonirritating to eyes and skin Storage: Store in closed containers away from sources of direct heat in a dry area; stable to prolonged storage below freezing Pork Pancreas Substance [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Freeze-dried defatted prod. derived from hog pancreas glands Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Powd. Potassium Caseinate S [DMV USA http://www.dmv-international.com] Chem. Descrip.: Potassium caseinate CAS 68131-54-4 Uses: Emulsifier for low-sodium dietetic foods Properties: Spray-dried Potato Enhancer - 1, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor to enhance potato flavors of snack foods, sauces, soups Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Cl., colorless liq.; potato taste; insol. in water; sol. in alcohol, oil Use Level: 0.001-0.01% as consumed 548
Part I: Trade Name Reference Powdered Agar Agar Bacteriological Grade [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Agar agar CAS 9002-18-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-658-1 Uses: Gellant, suspending agent, emulsifier, bulking agent for foods (bakery prods., confectionery, dairy, cheese, canning); flavoring agent Properties: Wh. to pale yel. powd., sl. char. odor, mucilaginous taste; insol. in cold water, slowly sol. in hot water, completely sol. in boiling water; insol. in alcohol and most org. solvs. Powdered Agar Agar Type K-60 [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Agar agar CAS 9002-18-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-658-1 Uses: Gellant, suspending agent, emulsifier, bulking agent for foods (bakery prods., confectionery, dairy, cheese, canning); flavoring agent Properties: Wh. to pale yel. powd., sl. char. odor, mucilaginous taste; insol. in cold water, slowly sol. in hot water, completely sol. in boiling water; insol. in alcohol and most org. solvs. Powdered Agar Agar Type K-80 [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Agar agar CAS 9002-18-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-658-1 Uses: Gellant, suspending agent, emulsifier, bulking agent for foods (bakery prods., confectionery, dairy, cheese, canning); flavoring agent Properties: Wh. to pale yel. powd., sl. char. odor, mucilaginous taste; insol. in cold water, slowly sol. in hot water, completely sol. in boiling water; insol. in alcohol and most org. solvs. Powdered Agar Agar Type K-100 [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Agar agar CAS 9002-18-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-658-1 Uses: Gellant, suspending agent, emulsifier, bulking agent for foods (bakery prods., confectionery, dairy, cheese, canning); flavoring agent Properties: Wh. to pale yel. powd., sl. char. odor, mucilaginous taste; insol. in cold water, slowly sol. in hot water, completely sol. in boiling water; insol. in alcohol and most org. solvs. Powdered Agar Agar Type K-150 [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Agar agar CAS 9002-18-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-658-1 Uses: Gellant, suspending agent, emulsifier, bulking agent for foods (bakery prods., confectionery, dairy, cheese, canning); flavoring agent Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Wh. to pale yel. powd., sl. char. odor, mucilaginous taste; insol. in cold water, slowly sol. in hot water, completely sol. in boiling water; insol. in alcohol and most org. solvs. Powdered Guar Gum Type A [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, visc. modifier, water binder, stabilizer, lubricant for foods (dairy prods., bakery, meat, beverages, salad dressings) Properties: Wh. to ylsh. powd., nearly odorless, bland taste; disp. in cold or hot water; insol. in org. solvs. Powdered Guar Gum Type AA [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, visc. modifier, water binder, stabilizer, lubricant for foods (dairy prods., bakery, meat, beverages, salad dressings) Properties: Wh. to ylsh. powd., nearly odorless, bland taste; disp. in cold or hot water; insol. in org. solvs. Powdered Guar Gum Type B [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, visc. modifier, water binder, stabilizer, lubricant for foods (dairy prods., bakery, meat, beverages, salad dressings) Properties: Wh. to ylsh. powd., nearly odorless, bland taste; disp. in cold or hot water; insol. in org. solvs. Powdered Guar Gum Type BB [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, visc. modifier, water binder, stabilizer, lubricant for foods (dairy prods., bakery, meat, beverages, salad dressings) Properties: Wh. to ylsh. powd., nearly odorless, bland taste; disp. in cold or hot water; insol. in org. solvs. Powdered Gum Arabic Type B-100 NF Premium [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Protective colloid, stabilizer, suspending agent, emulsifier, film-former, visc. builder for foods (confectionery, 549
Part I: Trade Name Reference flavors); foam stabilizer in brewing; sugar crystallization retarder in candies, jellies, glazes, chewing gum; flavoring agent Properties: Powd., almost odorless and tasteless; sol. in hot or cold water Powdered Gum Arabic Type B-200 NF Premium [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Protective colloid, stabilizer, suspending agent, emulsifier, film-former, visc. builder for foods (confectionery, flavors, foam stabilizer in brewing); sugar crystallization retarder in candies, jellies, glazes, chewing gum; flavoring agent Properties: Powd., almost odorless and tasteless; sol. in hot or cold water Powdered Gum Ghatti #1 [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum ghatti CAS 9000-28-6 Uses: Stabilizer, binder, emulsifier forming o/w emulsions; used in beverage emulsions where it forms orange oil emulsions, in table syrup emulsions Properties: Off-wh. to lt. amber gum; 99% through 80 mesh, ≥ 90% through 100 mesh; visc. ≥ 100 cps (5%) Powdered Gum Ghatti G-1 [Importers Service http://www.iscgums.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Gum ghatti Chem. Analysis: 15% max. moisture; 3.6% max. total ash, 2.5% acid insol. residue CAS 9000-28-6 Uses: Emulsifier, suspending agent, emulsion stabilizer for foods; emulsifier for flavor oils; stabilizer for table syrup emulsions Features: Low ash Properties: Lt. brn. free-flowing powd., odorless; 99.9% min. through 80 mesh, 98% min. through 140 mesh; visc. 200 cps min. (5%); pH 4.5-5.2 (5%) Powdered Gum Karaya Superfine #1 FCC [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Karaya gum FCC See Karaya (Sterculia urens) gum CAS 9000-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-539-4 Uses: Stabilizer, water binder, emulsifier for foods, water ices, sherbets, cheese spreads, meringue powds., meat Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
processing Properties: Water-sol. Powdered Gum Karaya Superfine XXXX FCC [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Karaya gum NF/FCC See Karaya (Sterculia urens) gum CAS 9000-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-539-4 Uses: Stabilizer, water binder, emulsifier for water ices, sherbets, cheese spreads, meringue powds., meat processing Properties: Powd.; 100% through 80 mesh, ≥ 60% through 200 mesh; swells in water, insol. in alcohol; visc. ≥ 200 cps (1%); pH 4.4-4.8 Use Level: 0.2-0.4% (sherbets), < 0.8% (cheese spreads), 0.25-1% (meat) Powdered Gum Tragacanth BP [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Tragacanth gum See Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer) gum CAS 9000-65-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-552-5 Uses: Emulsifier, suspending agent, thickener, stabilizer, binder in foods (salad dressings, sauces, bakery toppings, flavor syrups, confectionery) Properties: Ylsh. wh. to tan powd., odorless, insipid taste; swells rapidly in hot or cold water; insol. in alcohol, other org. solvs. Powdered Gum Tragacanth T-150 [Importers Service http://www.iscgums.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Gum tragacanth USP/NF/FCC See Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer) gum CAS 9000-65-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-552-5 Uses: Thickener, visc. control agent, emulsifier in foods Features: Low insol. matter Properties: Off-wh. free-flowing powd., bland mucilaginous odor and taste; 95% min. through 140 mesh, 65% min. through 200 mesh; visc. 1000 cps min. (1%); pH 5-6 (1%); 15% max. moisture Powdered Gum Tragacanth T-200 [Importers Service http://www.iscgums.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Gum tragacanth USP/NF/FCC See Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer) gum CAS 9000-65-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-552-5 Uses: Thickener, visc. control agent, emulsifier in foods Features: Low insol. matter Properties: Lt. cream to lt. yel. free-flowing powd., bland mucilaginous odor and taste; 95% min. through 140 mesh, 65% min. through 200 mesh; visc. 700 cps min. (1%); pH 5-6 (1%); 15% max. moisture 550
Part I: Trade Name Reference Powdered Gum Tragacanth T-300 [Importers Service http://www.iscgums.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Gum tragacanth USP/NF/FCC See Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer) gum CAS 9000-65-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-552-5 Uses: Thickener, visc. control agent, emulsifier in foods Features: Low insol. matter Properties: Lt. cream to lt. yel. free-flowing powd., bland mucilaginous odor and taste; 95% min. through 140 mesh, 65% min. through 200 mesh; visc. 490 cps min. (1%); pH 5-6 (1%); 15% max. moisture Powdered Gum Tragacanth T-400 [Importers Service http://www.iscgums.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Gum tragacanth USP/NF/FCC See Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer) gum CAS 9000-65-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-552-5 Uses: Thickener, visc. control agent, emulsifier in foods Features: Low insol. matter Properties: Lt. cream to lt. yel. free-flowing powd., bland mucilaginous odor and taste; 95% min. through 140 mesh, 65% min. through 200 mesh; visc. 350 cps min. (1%); pH 5-6 (1%); 15% max. moisture Powdered Gum Tragacanth T-500 [Importers Service http://www.iscgums.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Gum tragacanth USP/NF/FCC See Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer) gum CAS 9000-65-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-552-5 Uses: Thickener, visc. control agent, emulsifier in foods Features: Low insol. matter Properties: Lt. cream to lt. yel. free-flowing powd., bland mucilaginous odor and taste; 95% min. through 140 mesh, 65% min. through 200 mesh; visc. 280 cps min. (1%); pH 5-6 (1%); 15% max. moisture Powdered Gum Tragacanth Type B-1 NF Premium [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Tragacanth gum See Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer) gum CAS 9000-65-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-552-5 Uses: Emulsifier, suspending agent, thickener, stabilizer, binder in foods (salad dressings, sauces, bakery toppings, flavor syrups, confectionery) Properties: Ylsh. wh. to tan powd., odorless, insipid taste; swells rapidly in hot or cold water; insol. in alcohol, other org. solvs. Powdered Gum Tragacanth Type B-12 NF Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Premium [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Tragacanth gum See Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer) gum CAS 9000-65-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-552-5 Uses: Emulsifier, suspending agent, thickener, stabilizer, binder in foods (salad dressings, sauces, bakery toppings, flavor syrups, confectionery) Properties: Ylsh. wh. to tan powd., odorless, insipid taste; swells rapidly in hot or cold water; insol. in alcohol, other org. solvs. Powdered Gum Tragacanth Type C-5 NF [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Tragacanth gum See Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer) gum CAS 9000-65-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-552-5 Uses: Emulsifier, suspending agent, thickener, stabilizer, binder in foods (salad dressings, sauces, bakery toppings, flavor syrups, confectionery) Properties: Ylsh. wh. to tan powd., odorless, insipid taste; swells rapidly in hot or cold water; insol. in alcohol, other org. solvs. Powdered Gum Tragacanth Type G-1 NF Premium [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Tragacanth gum See Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer) gum CAS 9000-65-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-552-5 Uses: Emulsifier, suspending agent, thickener, stabilizer, binder in foods (salad dressings, sauces, bakery toppings, flavor syrups, confectionery) Properties: Ylsh. wh. to tan powd., odorless, insipid taste; swells rapidly in hot or cold water; insol. in alcohol, other org. solvs. Powdered Gum Tragacanth Type G-2 NF Premium [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Tragacanth gum See Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer) gum CAS 9000-65-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-552-5 Uses: Emulsifier, suspending agent, thickener, stabilizer, binder in foods (salad dressings, sauces, bakery toppings, flavor syrups, confectionery) Properties: Ylsh. wh. to tan powd., odorless, insipid taste; swells rapidly in hot or cold water; insol. in alcohol, other org. solvs. Powdered Gum Tragacanth Type G-2S NF Premium [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Tragacanth gum See Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer) gum CAS 9000-65-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-552-5 551
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Emulsifier, suspending agent, thickener, stabilizer, binder in foods (salad dressings, sauces, bakery toppings, flavor syrups, confectionery) Properties: Ylsh. wh. to tan powd., odorless, insipid taste; swells rapidly in hot or cold water; insol. in alcohol, other org. solvs. Powdered Gum Tragacanth Type M-3 NF Premium [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Tragacanth gum See Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer) gum CAS 9000-65-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-552-5 Uses: Emulsifier, suspending agent, thickener, stabilizer, binder in foods (salad dressings, sauces, bakery toppings, flavor syrups, confectionery) Properties: Ylsh. wh. to tan powd., odorless, insipid taste; swells rapidly in hot or cold water; insol. in alcohol, other org. solvs. Powdered Locust Bean Gum Type D-200 [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Locust bean gum FCC See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-40-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-541-5 Uses: Thickener, water binder, suspending agent, and stabilizer for soft cheese, cheese spreads, ice cream, baked goods, cakes, frozen pie fillings, sausages, stuffed meat prods., canned pet foods Properties: Water-sol. Powdered Tragacanth Gum Type E-1 [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tragacanth gum See Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer) gum CAS 9000-65-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-552-5 Uses: Thickener, water binder, suspending agent, emulsifier for salad dressings, bakery, flavor emulsions, fruit fillings, cream fillings, citrus beverages, barbecue and steak sauces Properties: Water-sol. Powdered Tragacanth Gum Type W [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tragacanth gum NF See Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer) gum CAS 9000-65-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-552-5 Uses: Thickener, water binder, suspending agent, emulsifier for salad dressings, bakery, flavor emulsions, fruit fillings, cream fillings, citrus beverages, barbecue and steak sauces Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Wh. to cream-wh. fine powd.; 100% through 80 mesh, ≥ 45% through 200 mesh; visc. 420-520 cps (1%); pH 4.8-5.8 PP-100 [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol ester of fatty acids Uses: Alpha-ending emulsifier in toppings, powdered cake improvers, cake mixes, alpha-crystalline stabilizer for sponge cake foaming gel Properties: Waxy block; m.p. 30-36; HLB 3.7 (caluculated); acid value 3 max.; iodine value 3 max.; sapon. value 173-183; hydroxyl value 170-190 PR-100 [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Tetraglycerol polyricinoleate Uses: O/w emulsifier; visc. reducer for chocolate Properties: Visc. paste; acid value 3; iodine value 72-103; hydroxyl value 75-100 Praline Reaction Flavor, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor for strawberry, meat, confectionaries, baked goods Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Brownish-red liq.; caramelized sugar, sweet flavor; sol. in alcohol, water, PG Use Level: 0.002-0.01% Precept™ 8120™ [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Special grade lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Wetting agent, o/w emulsifier, dough conditioner for bread and pita; release agent; lubricant Features: Low VOCs Regulatory: GRAS Properties: Yel. powd.; low flavor; oil sol.; disp. in water; HLB 8-10; acid no. 15; 1.0% moisture; 97% acetone insolubles Environmental: biodeg. Hazardous Ingredients: None Precept™ 8140™ [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Special grade lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Wetting agent, o/w emulsifier, release agent, lubricant in sugar-coated snacks and precooked waffles Features: Low VOCs; heat resist. 552
Part I: Trade Name Reference Regulatory: GRAS Properties: Yel. powd.; low flavor; oil sol.; disp. in water; HLB 8-10; acid no. 15; 1.0% moisture; 97% acetone insolubles Environmental: biodeg. Hazardous Ingredients: None Precept™ 8160™ [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Deoiled, enzyme-modified lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Wetting agent, o/w emulsifier, crumb softener, dough conditioner, lubricant in foods Features: Low VOCs Regulatory: GRAS; kosher Properties: Yel. powd.; low flavor; oil sol.; disp. in water; HLB 8-10; acid no. 20; 0.8% moisture; 97% acetone insolubles Environmental: biodeg. Hazardous Ingredients: None Precirol ATO 5 [Gattefosse France http://www.gattefosse.fr] Chem. Descrip.: Tripalmitin and tristearin Uses: Food additive Features: Lipophilic Regulatory: EP compliance; FDA 21CFR §184.1329 GRAS, FCC, Japanese Stds. of Food Addit.; CMF no. 5116 Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd.; faint odor; m.p. 53-57 C; HLB 2.0; acid no. < 6; iodine no. < 3; sapon. no. 175-195; nonionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: LD0 (oral, rat) > 6 g/kg Prefera® CSL [Cognis http://www.cognis.de] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium stearoyl lactylate CAS 5793-94-2; EINECS/ELINCS 227-335-7 Uses: Dough conditioner for breads, rolls Properties: Powd.; anionic; 100% conc. Prefera® SSL [Cognis http://www.cognis.de] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium stearoyl lactyl-2lactate See Sodium stearoyl lactylate CAS 25383-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 246-929-7 Uses: Emulsifier, fermentation tolerance improver, volume improver, texturizer, antistaling agent for foods, yeast-raised baked goods Regulatory: EU E 481; FDA 21CFR §172.846 Properties: Cream-colored microbeads, char. odor and taste; 10% on 0.2 mm sieve, 65% on 0.5 mm sieve; bulk dens. 550-650 g/l; m.p. 4250 C; acid no. 60-80; sapon. no. 210-240; pH 5-6 (1:10 in methanol/water 1:1); 30-34% lactic acid content Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Storage: 1 yr. shelf life stored under cool, dry conditions below 20 C Pregel 10 [Midwest Grain Prods. http://www.midwestgrain.com] Chem. Descrip.: Instant wheat starch See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Thickener, texturizer, fat absorption control agent, visc. control agent in foods Features: Thickens without cooking; provides a creamy texture and structure to foods Pregel 40 [Midwest Grain Prods. http://www.midwestgrain.com] Chem. Descrip.: Instant wheat starch See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Water binder, moisture retention aid, shelf life extender in baked goods; flow aid for retorted prods. Features: High visc.; hydrates rapidly Pregel 46 [Midwest Grain Prods. http://www.midwestgrain.com] Chem. Descrip.: Instant wheat starch See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Moisture retention aid in baking; visc. control agent in soups, sauces, gravies Features: Hydrates rapidly; superior acid, heat and shear stability Pre-Gel Amaranth Powder [Nu-World Amaranth http://www.nuworldamaranth.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Natural amaranth powd. CAS 915-67-3; EINECS/ELINCS 213-022-2 Uses: Absorbent, diluent, disintegrant, nutrient, compression agent for foods Features: Meets specs for food ingred. Properties: Off-wh. free-flowing powd.; 4.5-6.0% moisture Prejel™ 200 [Avebe http://www.avebe.com] Chem. Descrip.: modified potato starch See Starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Stabilizer, thickener for cold-prepared fruit fillings and jams Features: Exc. clarity; rapid visc. development; smooth, shiny appearance; baking stable; lowpH stable; resistant to freeze/thaw processing Prejel™ VA 70 S AGGL [Avebe http://www.avebe.com] Uses: Thickener for cold or hot prepared fruit fillings, instant desserts, frostings 553
Part I: Trade Name Reference Features: Use when lumping must be avoided Premi®Coat [DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com] Chem. Descrip.: Natamycin-based Uses: Surface preservative, shelf life enhancer for fully matured dry-cured sausages Features: Nonedible; minimizes moisture loss; protects against growth of mold, yeast, and surf. bacteria Premi®Nat [DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com] Chem. Descrip.: Natamycin-based Uses: Antimycotic for dry fermented meats and sausages Premium Granular Gum Arabic [Importers Service http://www.iscgums.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Food additive; emulsifier in soft drinks; film-former in confections; emulsion stabilizer in flavors Features: Low bacteria count; low visc. Properties: Lt. amber coarse gran., odorless, tasteless; 90% min. through 6 mesh, 20% max. through 60 mesh; visc. 200 cps max. (20%); pH 4.0-4.8 (20%); 15% max. moisture Premium Powdered Gum Arabic [Importers Service http://www.iscgums.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Food additive; emulsifier in soft drinks; film-former in confections; emulsion stabilizer in flavors Features: Low bacteria count; low visc. Properties: Off-wh. to buff free-flowing powd., odorless, tasteless; 98% min. through 140 mesh; pH 4-4.8 (20%); 15% max. moisture Premium Powdered Gum Karaya No. 1 [Importers Service http://www.iscgums.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Karaya gum See Karaya (Sterculia urens) gum CAS 9000-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-539-4 Uses: Water binder for meats Features: Low insol. matter; lt. color Properties: Buff to lt. tan free-flowing powd., faint acetic acid-like odor; 99% min. through 80 mesh; visc. 300 cps min. (1%), 7000 cps min. (2%); pH 4.3-5.0 (1%); 19% max. moisture
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Premium Powdered Gum Karaya No. 1 Special [Importers Service http://www.iscgums.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Karaya gum See Karaya (Sterculia urens) gum CAS 9000-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-539-4 Uses: Water binder for meats Features: Low insol. matter; lt. color Properties: Off-wh. to buff free-flowing powd., faint acetic acid-like odor; 99% min. through 80 mesh; visc. 400 cps min. (1%), 8000 cps min. (2%); pH 4.3-5.0 (1%); 20% max. moisture Premium Powdered Gum Karaya No. 2 [Importers Service http://www.iscgums.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Karaya gum See Karaya (Sterculia urens) gum CAS 9000-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-539-4 Uses: Water binder for meats Features: Low insol. matter; lt. color Properties: Buff to lt. brn. free-flowing powd., faint acetic acid-like odor; 99% min. through 80 mesh; visc. 300 cps min. (1%), 6000 cps min. (2%); pH 4.3-5.0 (1%); 19% max. moisture Premium Powdered Gum Karaya No. 2 HV [Importers Service http://www.iscgums.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Karaya gum See Karaya (Sterculia urens) gum CAS 9000-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-539-4 Uses: Water binder for meats Features: Low insol. matter; lt. color Properties: Tan to lt. brn. free-flowing powd., faint acetic acid-like odor; 99% min. through 80 mesh; visc. 500 cps min. (1%), 8000 cps min. (2%); pH 4.3-5.0 (1%); 19% max. moisture Premium Powdered Gum Karaya No. 3 [Importers Service http://www.iscgums.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Karaya gum See Karaya (Sterculia urens) gum CAS 9000-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-539-4 Uses: Water binder for meats Features: Low insol. matter; lt. color Properties: Tan to brn. free-flowing powd., faint acetic acid-like odor; 99% min. through 80 mesh; visc. 200 cps min. (1%), 5000 cps min. (2%); pH 4.3-5.0 (1%); 19% max. moisture Premium Spray Dried Gum Arabic [Importers Service http://www.iscgums.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Emulsifier for soft drinks; film-former in confections; emulsion stabilizer in flavors Features: Low bacteria count; low visc. Properties: Wh. to cream free-flowing powd., 554
Part I: Trade Name Reference odorless, tasteless; 99% min. through 60 mesh, 80% min. through 140 mesh; visc. 150 cps max. (20%); pH 4.0-4.8 (20%); 12% max. moisture Prenol [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: 3-Methyl-2-butene-1-ol See 3Methyl-2-buten-1-ol CAS 556-82-1; EINECS/ELINCS 209-141-4 Uses: Fragrance and flavoring (fresh, herbal, green, fruity, sl. lavender-like) Features: Alkali-stable Regulatory: Ksher Properties: Colorless liq.; sol. in water (170 g/l) and many organic solvents; sp. gr. 0.8450.865; b.p. 141 C (1013 hPa); flash pt. 51.5 C; ref. index 1.442-1.444 Use Level: Trace levels Toxicology: TSCA listed Storage: 24 mos. shelf life; store in original sealed containers @15-25 C Preventol® O Extra Flakes [Bayer AG http://www.bayer-ag.de; http://www.bayer.com] Chem. Descrip.: 2-Phenylphenol (99.5% min.) See o-Phenylphenol CAS 90-43-7; EINECS/ELINCS 201-993-5 Uses: Preservative, bactericide, yeast inhibitor, fungicide for whole citrus fruit Preventol® ON Extra Flakes [Bayer AG http://www.bayer-ag.de; http://www.bayer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium 2-phenylphenolate (95% min.) See Sodium o-phenylphenate CAS 132-27-4; EINECS/ELINCS 205-055-6 Uses: Preservative, bactericide, yeast inhibitor, fungicide for whole citrus fruit Features: Broad spectrum activity against bacteria, yeasts, mold fungi Pricerine™ 9081 [Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerine See Glycerin CAS 56-81-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-289-5 Uses: Solvent, humectant, bodying agent in foods Properties: APHA 10 color; odorless; sp.gr. 1.228; 86.5% min. act. Pricerine™ 9083 [Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerine See Glycerin CAS 56-81-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-289-5 Uses: Solvent, humectant, bodying agent for Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
foods Properties: APHA 10 color; odorless; sp.gr. 1.262; 99.5% min. act. Pricerine™ 9091 [Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vegetable grade glycerin CAS 56-81-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-289-5 Uses: Solvent, humectant, bodying agent Regulatory: SARA §311/312 Immediate Hazard, §313 nonreportable; TDG, DOT not regulated; Canada, Australia, EU, USA, Japan, China, Korea, Philippines compliant Properties: APHA 10 color; liq. odorless; misc. in ethanol; sl. sol. in acetone; insol. in in ether and in chloroform; sp.gr. 1.262; b.p. 290 Cflash pt. (OC) 177 C; pH ≈ 7; 99.5% min. act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) >25,000 mg/kg; LC50(dermal, rabbit) >18700 mg/kg; OSHA PEL 15 mg/m3 TWA (total dust); not genotoxic Environmental: BOD (5 d) 86%; LC50 (96 h, fish) > 5000 mg/l; low toxicity to aquatic organisms Precaution: Wear safety glasses with side shields and impervious gloves; avoid strong oxidizing agents HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in original closed containers under dry conditions. hygroscopic Pricerine™ 9098 [Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerine See Glycerin CAS 56-81-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-289-5 Uses: Solvent, humectant, bodying agent for foods Properties: APHA 15 color; sp.gr. 1.263; 99.7% min. act. Pricerine™ 9099 [Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerin CAS 56-81-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-289-5 Uses: Solvent, humectant, bodying agent Regulatory: TDG, DOT not regulated; Canada, Australia, EU, USA, Japan, China, Korea, Philippines compliant Properties: APHA 10 color; liq. odorless; miscible in water and ethanol; sl. sol. in acetone; insol. in ether and chloroform; sp.gr. 1.263; b.p. 290 C; flash pt. (OC) 177 C; pH ≈ 7; 99.7% min. act. Toxicology: OSHA PEL 15 mg/m3 TWA (total dust); LD50 (oral, rat) >25, 000 mg/kg; 555
Part I: Trade Name Reference nonirritant to eyes, by ing., and inh. Environmental: BOD (5 d) 86%; LC50 (96 h, fish) > 5000 mg/l; low toxicity to aquatic organisms Precaution: Wear safety glasses with side shields and PVC gloves; avoid strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Acrolein HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in the original closed containers under dry conditions; hygroscopic Prime Alginate F-400 [Multi-Kem http://www.multikem.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium alginate See Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Gellant for foods Features: Offers high rate of reactivity with calcium salts to form firm heat-stable gels Properties: Tan to gray powd., sl. char. aroma; cold-water sol. forming a visc. sol'n.; visc. 400 cps (1%); pH 6-7; 15% max. moisture Storage: Store away from moisture, humidity, and high temps. Prime Alginate F-500 [Multi-Kem http://www.multikem.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium alginate See Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Gellant for foods, reformed foods, batter mixes, creme fillings, calciumreactive applics. Properties: Visc. 500-700 cps (1%) Prime Alginate F-600 [Multi-Kem http://www.multikem.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium alginate See Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Gellant for foods Features: Offers high rate of reactivity with calcium salts to form firm heat-stable gels Properties: Tan to gray powd., sl. char. aroma; cold-water sol. forming a visc. sol'n.; visc. 600+ cps (1%); pH 6-7; 15% max. moisture Storage: Store away from moisture, humidity, and high temps. Prime Alignate F-25 [Multi-Kem http://www.multikem.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium alginate See Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Gellant for foods, structured foods, heat-resist. jellies, bakery mixes, food coatings, frostings; thickener for sauces Features: Offers high rate of reactivity to form firm heat-stable gels Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Tan to gray powd., sl. char. aroma; cold-water sol. forming a visc. sol'n.; visc. 25 cps (1%); pH 6-7; 15% max. moisture Storage: Store away from moisture, humidity, and high temps. Prime Alignate F-40 [Multi-Kem http://www.multikem.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium alginate See Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Gellant for foods Features: Offers high rate of reactivity to form firm heat-stable gels Properties: Tan to gray powd., sl. char. aroma; cold-water sol. forming a visc. sol'n.; visc. 40 cps (1%); pH 6-7; 15% max. moisture Storage: Store away from moisture, humidity, and high temps. Prime Alignate F-200 [Multi-Kem http://www.multikem.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium alginate See Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Gellant for foods, heat-resist. jellies, bakery mixes Features: Designed for mixing with other dry ingreds. and where rapid sol. is required Properties: -200 mesh; visc. 400-600 cps (1%) Pro V2 [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrolysed wheat protein See Hydrolyzed wheat protein CAS 70084-87-6; EINECS/ELINCS 305-225-0 Uses: Protein enrichment in sports recovery bars and drinks, meal replacements, medicinal foods, functional foods, enteral foods used after surgery, radio- or chemotherapy or other catabolic conditions Features: Highly bioavailable glutamine source; low odor and color, making it suitable for blending with other proteins; sol. over pH range 3-8 Properties: Off-wh. powd. readily dispersible in water ProEm™ 100 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono-/diglycerides Chem. Analysis: α monoglycerides [42%] and diglycerides Uses: W/o emulsifier in food Regulatory: 21CFR 184.1505 (GRAS), kosher Properties: Wh. to yel. semisolid; m.p. 80-85 F ProEm™ 300 [Avatar 556
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono-/diglycerides Chem. Analysis: α monoglycerides [46%] and diglycerides Uses: W/o and o/w emulsifier in food Regulatory: 21CFR 184.1505 (GRAS), kosher Properties: Cl. yel. liq,; m.p. 70 F ProEm™ 74 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono-/diglycerides Chem. Analysis: α monoglycerides [42%] and diglycerides Uses: W/o and o/w emulsifier in food Regulatory: 21CFR 184.1505 (GRAS), kosher Properties: Ivory-white flaked solid; m.p. 135145 F ProEm™ 75 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono-/diglycerides Chem. Analysis: α monoglycerides [52%] and diglycerides Uses: W/o and o/w emulsifier in food Regulatory: 21CFR 184.1505 (GRAS), kosher Properties: Ivory-white flaked solid; m.p. 140145 F Probenz® PG [Velsicol http://www.velsicol.com] Chem. Descrip.: Potassium benzoate FCC CAS 582-25-2; EINECS/ELINCS 209-481-3 Uses: Preservative in foods, beverages Regulatory: GRAS, DOT nonregulated Properties: Wh. cryst. powd.; odorless; easily sol. in cold water; very sl. sol. in methanol; m.w. 160.22; sp.gr. 1.5; b.p. > 300 C; 100% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 4800 mg/kg; may cause eye, skin, respiratory tract irritation Precaution: May be slippery when wet; may be combustible at high temps.; may form explosive dust-air mixts.; incompat. with ferric salts, acids, oxidizers; use splash goggles, lab coat, gloves Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Compds. of C, H, N, and O, pungent fumes; combustion prods.: CO, CO2 HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Hygroscopic; store in ventilated area away from ignition sources Probenz® SG [Velsicol http://www.velsicol.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium benzoate FCC Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 532-32-1; EINECS/ELINCS 208-534-8 Uses: Preservative for carbonated beverages, preserved fruit and its juices, syrups, jams, fillings, prepared salads and condiments; flavoring agent Regulatory: DOT nonregulated Properties: Wh. cryst./gran.; odorless; easily sol. in cold water, hot water; partly sol. in methanol; m.w. 144.11; sp.gr. 1.44; vapor pressure 0 mm Hg (20 C); m.p. 300 C; pH 8 (1% aq.); 99100% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 4010 mg/kg, (oral, mouse) 1600 mg/kg, (oral, rabbit) 2000 mg/kg, (oral, dog) 2000 mg/kg; may be harmful by ing. (sm. amts. mixed with food not harmful to humans; lg. amts. may cause stomach pain, nausea, vomiting); may cause skin irritation; TSCA listed Environmental: medaka, oryzias latipes were given up to 80,000 ppm in their diet; 13/50 fish died after 24 weeks Precaution: Combustible; very sl. to sl. flamm. in presence of open flames, sparks, heat; highly reactive with oxidizing agents HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Hygroscopic; store in ventilated area away from ignition sources Procol CLA [Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com] Chem. Descrip.: Conjugated Linoleic acid and Hydrolyzed protein CAS 60-33-3; 73049-73-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200470-9 Uses: Protein enrichment in protein bars and drinks, dietary supplement, and slimming prods., sports nutrition, fortified foods Features: Bland taste and aroma; excellent energy source Regulatory: Kosher grade available Properties: Off-wh. powd. ProCon™ [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Uses: Release agent for confectionery Features: For slab, belt, and kettle release; stable at high temps. Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Paste ProCon™ 7 NF [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mineral oil NF Uses: Release agent for confectionery Features: Highly stable Regulatory: USDA H-1 and 3H listed; kosher 557
Part I: Trade Name Reference certified Properties: Odorless; tasteless; low visc. ProCon™ 9 NF [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mineral oil NF Uses: Release agent for confectionery Features: Highly stable Regulatory: USDA H-1 and 3H listed; kosher certified Properties: Odorless; tasteless; med. visc. Procon® 20/60 [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy protein conc. See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Protein source, water binder in cooked or raw beef patties, ground meat foods, coarse ground sausages, and meatballs Features: Good water binding but limited fat binding and emulsification props. Properties: Uncolored gran.; 97% min. through #14 sieve, 10% max. through #60 sieve; 70% min. protein, 10% max. moisture Storage: Store in cool, dry place below 26.5 C at ≤ 60% r.h. Procon® 20/60-SL [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soya protein conc. See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Protein, water binder for foods Features: Good water binding but limited fat binding and emulsification props. Properties: Lt. tan gran., fortified ProCon™ 350 USP [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mineral oil USP Uses: Release agent for confectionery Features: Highly stable Regulatory: USDA H-1 and 3H listed; kosher certified Properties: Odorless; tasteless; high visc. ProCon™ 8515 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Uses: Release agent for confectionery, esp. for mfg. of brittles and hard candies Features: Effective on hot or cold fiber or neoprene slabs or belts; stable at high temps.; presence of solids requires agitation during use Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Sprayable fluid Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
ProCon™ CP [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Uses: Release agent for confectionery, esp. for kettle release for hard candies Features: Rec. where clarity is most important; stable at high temps. Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Stiff paste ProCon™ EZE [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Uses: Release agent for confectionery Features: Cost-effective; stable at high temps. Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Sprayable fluid ProCon™ S [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Contains hydrophobic silica for bodying See Silica Uses: Release agent for confectionery Features: Stable at high temps.; requires no agitation Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Sprayable fluid ProCon™ SM [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Uses: Release agent for confectionery for slab, belt, and kettle release Features: Stable at high temps. Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Opaque yel. semisolid ProCon™ VS [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Veg.-based Uses: Release agent for confectionery Features: Cost-effective; stable at high temps. Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Sprayable fluid; smoke pt. 400 F min. Pro-Fam® 646 [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Isolated Soy protein See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein Chem. Analysis: 6% max. moisture; 380 calories/100 g CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Soy protein used for dry powdered mixes, injected meat products Features: Recommended for use in brine systems that are to be injected into meat and fish products Properties: 90% on #100 U.S. standard screen; dispersible; pH (10% disp. in water) 6.2-6.6; 90% min. protein 558
Part I: Trade Name Reference Storage: Shelf life 1 yr.; store below 75 F and 60% relative humidity Pro-Fam® 780 [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Isolated Soy protein See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein Chem. Analysis: 6% max. moisture; 380 calories/100 g CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Soy protein for use in nutritional bars, high-protein rice crisps, infant formulas, nutritional supplements, spray-dried products, creamers, and high-fat powders Features: For applications where very lowviscosity protein is desired; clean-flavored Regulatory: Kosher Properties: 90% on #100 U.S. standard screen; pH (10% disp. in water) 6.8-7.2; 90% min. protein Storage: Shelf life 1 yr.; store below 75 F and 60% relative humidity Pro-Fam® 781 [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Isolated Soy protein See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein Chem. Analysis: 6% max. moisture; 380 calories/100 g CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Soy protein for use in nutritional supplements, dairy-free products, infant formulas, milk-replacers, spray-dried products, creamers, and high-fat powders Features: For applications where very lowviscosity protein is desired; clean-flavored Regulatory: Kosher Properties: 90% on #100 U.S. standard screen; pH (10% disp. in water) 6.8-7.2; 90% min. protein Storage: Shelf life 1 yr.; store below 75 F and 60% relative humidity Pro-Fam® 782 [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Isolated Soy protein See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein Chem. Analysis: 6% max. moisture; 360 calories/100 g CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Soy protein for use in nutritional bars, beverages, and other nutraceutical and functional food applics. Features: For applications where highly dispersible, highly soluble protein is desired; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
bland flavor Regulatory: Kosher Properties: 90% on #100 U.S. standard screen; pH (10% disp. in water) 6.8-7.2; 80% min. protein Storage: Shelf life 1 yr.; store below 75 F and 60% relative humidity Pro-Fam® 825 [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Isolated Soy protein See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein Chem. Analysis: 6% max. moisture; 380 calories/100 g CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Soy protein designed for low-viscosity beverages, nutritional bars, and extruded cereal pieces Features: For applications where highly dispersible, highly soluble protein is desired; bland flavor; low viscosity Regulatory: Kosher Properties: 90% on #100 U.S. standard screen; pH (10% disp. in water) 6.6-7.3; 90% min. protein Storage: Shelf life 1 yr.; store below 75 F and 60% relative humidity Pro-Fam® 873 [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Isolated Soy protein See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein Chem. Analysis: 6% max. moisture; 380 calories/100 g; 2 mg/g min. isoflavones CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Soy protein designed for nutritional bars, extruded cereal pieces, beverages/supplements, sauces, gravies, soups, and dairy blends Features: For applications where highly dispersible, highly soluble protein is desired Regulatory: Kosher Properties: 90% on #100 U.S. standard screen; pH (10% disp. in water) 6.7-7.3; 90% min. protein Storage: Shelf life 1 yr.; store below 75 F and 60% relative humidity Pro-Fam® 875 [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Isolated Soy protein See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein Chem. Analysis: 6% max. moisture; 380 calories/100 g CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 559
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Soy protein that stabilizes sauces and soups Features: Highly soluble Regulatory: Kosher Properties: 90% on #100 U.S. standard screen; pH (10% disp. in water) 6.7-7.3; 90% min. protein Storage: Shelf life 1 yr.; store below 75 F and 60% relative humidity Pro-Fam® 880 [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Isolated Soy protein See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Soy protein for extruded cereal pieces and beverages Features: Highly soluble, dispersible, med. viscosity Regulatory: Kosher Properties: 90% on #100 U.S. standard screen; pH (10% disp. in water) 6.7-7.3; 90% min. protein Storage: Shelf life 1 yr.; store below 75 F and 60% relative humidity Pro-Fam® 891 [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Isolated Soy protein See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein Chem. Analysis: 6% max. moisture; 380 calories/100 g CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Soy protein designed for extruded cereal pieces, beverages/supplements, sauces, gravies, soups, and dairy blends Features: Highly soluble, dispersible Regulatory: Kosher Properties: 90% on #100 U.S. standard screen; pH (10% disp. in water) 6.7-7.3; 90% min. protein Storage: Shelf life 1 yr.; store below 75 F and 60% relative humidity Pro-Fam® 892 [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Isolated Soy protein See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein Chem. Analysis: 6% max. moisture; 380 calories/100 g; isoflavones 2 mg/g min. CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Soy protein designed for nutritional beverages Features: Highly soluble, dispersible, mediumviscosity, unique flavor Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: Kosher Properties: 90% on #100 U.S. standard screen; pH (10% disp. in water) 6.7-7.3; 90% min. protein Storage: Shelf life 1 yr.; store below 75 F and 60% relative humidity Pro-Fam® 922 [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Isolated Soy protein and calcium phosphate See Calcium phosphate monobasic anhydrous; Soybean (Glycine soja) protein Chem. Analysis: 6% max. moisture; 360 calories/100 g CAS 68153-28-6; 7758-23-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8; 231-837-1 Uses: Soy protein, emulsifier, and emulsion stabilizer designed for nutritional beverages Features: Highly soluble, readily dispersible, moderate viscosity when dispersions are heated, low odor and flavor profile, calcium fortified Regulatory: Kosher Properties: 90% on #100 U.S. standard screen; pH (10% disp. in water) 6.8-7.3; 80% min. protein Storage: Shelf life 1 yr.; store below 75 F and 60% relative humidity Pro-Fam® 930 [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Isolated Soy protein and soy lecithin (1 Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid excessive heat, open flames, Cl, F, and other strong oxidizers and strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Incomplete burning can produce COx and other toxic gases NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store away from strong oxidizing agents or combustible material ProKote™ ODO [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Uses: Dough divider Regulatory: Organic certified Properties: Translucent lt., amber liq. ProKote™ S [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Uses: Release agent for baking, high-speed egg baking and frying Features: High performance under baking conditions above 500 F ProKote™ S35 [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone-based Uses: Release agent for use with waffle irons Features: High performance Properties: Water-sol. ProKote™ V [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Conventional soybean oilbased release agent See Soybean (Glycine soja) oil Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 8001-22-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232-274-4 Uses: Release agent for bun, bread and roll production Features: Food-grade Regulatory: Kosher ProKote™ VO [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Uses: Release agent for baked goods Features: Food-grade Regulatory: Certified organic Properties: Translucent lt, amber liq. ProKote™ VS [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Partially hydrogenated soybean oil, lecithin, dimethylpolysiloxane, and TBHQ complex See t-Butyl hydroquinone; Dimethylsiloxane CAS 8016-70-4; 8002-43-5; 63148-62-9; 194833-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-410-2; 232-307-2; 217-752-2 Uses: Release agent for baked goods Features: Blended with winterized veg. oil to reduce polymerization and increase AOM stability Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; SARA §302/313 nonreportable Properties: Cl., lt. yel. liq.; mild odor; negligibly sol. in water; sp. gr. ≈ 0.921; vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid excessive heat, open flames, Cl, F, other strong oxidizers, and strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Smoke, CO, and other prods. of incomplete combustion NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Promax® 70 [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Functional soya protein conc. See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Protein source, emulsifier, water binder, fat binder for foods Properties: Lt. cream-colored fine powd. Promax® 70L [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Functional soya protein conc. See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Protein source, emulsifier, water binder, fat binder for foods Properties: Lt. cream-colored fine powd. Promodan SP [Danisco USA 563
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol stearate CAS 1323-39-3; EINECS/ELINCS 215-354-3 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Properties: M.p. 38-45 C; 90% min. monoester Promodan USV [Danisco USA http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol ester Uses: Emulsifier for foods; aerating agent and foam stabilizer for whipped toppings; aerating agent for fine bakery goods and cake shortenings (in combination with Dimodans) Regulatory: EU, FDA §172.856 Properties: Sm. beads; drop pt. 41 C; 90% min. monoester Promodan USV Kosher [Danisco USA http://www.danisco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol ester made from fully hydrogenated vegetable oil with antioxidant (200 ppm max. citric acid in propylene glycol) Uses: Emulsifier for cake mixes, cake shortenings, whipped toppings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.856; kosher Properties: Ivory beads; drop pt. 41 C; iodine no. 5 max.; 90% min. propylene glycol monoester Use Level: 3-6% based on fat (cake mixes), 36% (shoretning), 0.5-1% (prewhipped frozen toppings), 5-10% (powd. toppings), 0.5-1% (imitation whipped cream) Storage: Store in cool, dry area; storage above 20 C may cause caking ProOxine® [Bio-Cide Int'l. http://www.biocide.com; FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium chlorite (8.33% min.), chlorine dioxide (trace), water UN 1908 Uses: Bacteriostat, deodorizer for direct food contact applics., food processing Features: Stable Regulatory: EPA reg. no. 9804-9; FDA, USDA approvals; kosher certified; DOT nonhazardous; SARA §312/313 nonreportable; chlorine dioxide produced from activation reportable under SARA §313 Properties: Colorless cl. liq.; very faint chlorinelike odor; sol. 100% in water; sp.gr. 1.06-1.10 g/ml (20 C); vapor pressure 23.7 mm Hg; f.p. 3.78 C; b.p. 105 C; pH 8.7; 97% volatiles; 2.08% avail. ClO2 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 500-5050 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 5050 mg/kg; may cause eye and skin irritation; ing. may cause gastric discomfort, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, methemoglobinemia (in lg. quantities); may be irritating to nose and throat; TSCA listed Precaution: Strong oxidizer; do not allow chlorine dioxide gas to accumulate in confined spaces; do not allow prod. to evaporate to dryness; incompat. with acids, chlorine compds., hypochlorites, sulfur/sulfite compds., phosphorus, org. solvs. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Exposure to acids or chlorine compds. can produce uncontrolled generation of chlorine dioxide gas NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 1 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from incompat. materials, combustible/flamm. materials, direct sunlight; keep containers tightly closed when not in use; prevent spillages ProPhos™ [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Uses: Lubricant, release agent for baking Features: Premium pan release; stability superior to lecithin Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §170.3(o)(18) GRAS Proplus® Brand Isolated Soy Protein Prod. [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Isolated soy protein with vitamins, minerals See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein Uses: Nutrient, protein source for meat prods. Features: No cholesterol; virtually no fats or carbohydrates Propylene Glycol USP, FCC [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: 1,2-Propanediol See Propylene glycol CAS 57-55-6; EINECS/ELINCS 200-338-0 Uses: Solvent, humectant, preservative for foods, pet foods, snacks Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1666; USDA approved; Kosher Properties: Colorless cl. visc. liq.; practically odorless; sl. char. taste; completely sol. in water, acetone, ethyl ether, and methanol; m.w. 76.10; sp.gr. 1.0381; dens. 8.64 lb/gal; visc. 60.5 cP (20 C); vapor pressure < 0.1 mm 564
Part I: Trade Name Reference Hg (20 C); f.p. -60 C; b.p. 187 C; flash pt. (TCC) 101 C; ref. index 1.4326 (20 C); 99.5% purity Toxicology: Low toxicity Storage: Hygroscopic; overheating for prolonged periods may result in degradation of odor and taste Propylene Glycol Alginate HV [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol alginate CAS 9005-37-2 Uses: Food grade emulsifier and stabilizer for thick, creamy, textured salad dressings, w/o emulsions Properties: Water-sol. Propylene Glycol Alginate LV FCC [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol alginate FCC standardized with dextrose See Glucose; Propylene glycol alginate Uses: Emulsifier and stabilizer for salad dressings, meat and flavor sauces, milk shakes, fountain syrups, and fruit juices Properties: Wh. to ylsh. powd., flavorless; ≥ 95% through 80 mesh; visc. 1000-1500 cps (2%); pH 3.6-4.3 Use Level: 0.4-1.0% Propymuls® Range [Cognis http://www.cognis.de] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol esters Uses: Emulsifier for foods, desserts, cake fillings, margarine, shortening Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.856; E477 compliance Prostate Substance [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vacuum-dried defatted glandular prod. Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Powd. or freeze-dried form Protachem™ OMC [Protameen http://www.protameen.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Octyl methoxycinnamate CAS 5466-77-3; EINECS/ELINCS 226-775-7 Uses: UV absorber in foods Features: {UV absorber} in foods Protachem™ SLP 95 [Protameen http://www.protameen.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium lauryl sulfate CAS 151-21-3; EINECS/ELINCS 205-788-1 Uses: Surfactant in foods Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Features: Only made for large special orders Protacide™ DMDM [Protameen http://www.protameen.com/] Chem. Descrip.: DMDM hydantoin CAS 6440-58-0; EINECS/ELINCS 229-222-8 Uses: Shelf-life extender for food Protacide™ NA2 P [Protameen http://www.protameen.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Disodium EDTA CAS 139-33-3; EINECS/ELINCS 205-358-3 Uses: Shelf-life extender in food Protacide™ NA3 EDTA [Protameen http://www.protameen.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Trisodium EDTA CAS 150-38-9; EINECS/ELINCS 205-758-8 Uses: Shelf-life extender for food Protanal Ester CF [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol alginate CAS 9005-37-2 Uses: Stabilizer, emulsifier, mouthfeel enhancer, texturizer for lactobacillus drinks Properties: Wh. to tan powd., sl. odor; sol. in water Toxicology: TLV 10 mg/m3 total dust; LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg (essentially nontoxic); may cause eye irritation Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Storage: Store in cool, dry place Protanal Ester SD-H [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol alginate CAS 9005-37-2 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, emulsifier, mouthfeel enhancer, texturizer, syneresis preventer for mayonnaise/dressings; flavoring agent Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; Australia AICS; China; Japan ENCS (8-236/8-237/8247); Korea (KE-00490); Philippines PICCS Properties: Wh. to tan powd., sl. odor; sol. in water; autoignition temp. > 200 C; pH 3.5-4.7 (2% aq. sol'n.) Toxicology: TLV 10 mg/m3 total dust; LD50 (oral, rat) > 7.2 g/kg (essentially nontoxic); may cause eye irritation; TSCA listed Environmental: BOD(5) ≈ 300 mg O2/g; COD ≈ 600 mg O2/g Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents, high temps. high humidity 565
Part I: Trade Name Reference HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 1 Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly closed container; avoid exposure to excessive heat Protease A Amano 2 [Amano Enzyme http://www.amano-enzyme.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Protease from Aspergillus oryzae CAS 9073-78-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-642-4 Uses: Enzyme for hydrolysis of cheese protein for cheese flavor and cheese whey protein for hypoallergenic protein Regulatory: GRAS, FCC; certified as existing food additive in Japan Properties: Lt. ylsh. to lt. brn. powd.; sl. odor; sol. in water; ≥ 20,000 units/g Toxicology: Eye and skin irritant; inh. of enzyme dust may induce sensitization and may cause allergic type reactions in sensitized individuals Environmental: biodeg.; not harmful to aquatic and marine organisms when dissolved with copious amounts of water Precaution: Avoid dust formation, splashing and high-pressure washing; wear respirator, latex gloves and protective glasses Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: Store in cool, dry place with good ventilation Protease A-DS [Amano Enzyme http://www.amano-enzyme.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Protease from Aspergillus oryzae CAS 9073-78-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-642-4 Uses: Enzyme for dietary supplement use Properties: Off-wh. to brn. powd.; sl. odor; sol. in water; pH range 2.0- 9.0; protease act. ≥ 20,000 u/g Toxicology: Eye and skin irritant; dust may cause sensitization in allergic individuals when inhaled; nontoxic Environmental: biodegradable; not harmful to marine and aquatic organisms when dissolve with copious amounts of water Precaution: Wear respirator, protective glasses, and impervious gloves; avoid dust formation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Storage: Store in cool, dry area Protease DS [Amano Enzyme http://www.amano-enzyme.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Protease from Aspergillus Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
melleus CAS 9074-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-642-4 Uses: Enzyme for dietary supplement use Properties: Off-wh. to brn. powd.; sl. odor; sol. in water; pH range 2.0- 9.0; protease act. ≥ 60,000 u/g Toxicology: Eye and skin irritant; dust may cause sensitization in allergic individuals when inhaled; nontoxic Environmental: biodegradable; not harmful to marine and aquatic organisms when dissolve with copious amounts of water Precaution: Wear respirator, protective glasses, and impervious gloves; avoid dust formation Storage: Store in cool, dry area Protease DS [Amano Enzyme http://www.amano-enzyme.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Phytase enzyme CAS 37288-11-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-630-9 Uses: Enzyme for dietary supplements Properties: Off-wh. to brn. powd.; sl. odor; sol. in water; pH range 2.0- 9.0; phytase act. ≥ 3,000 u/g Toxicology: Eye and skin irritant; dust may cause sensitization in allergic individuals when inhaled; nontoxic Environmental: biodegradable; not harmful to marine and aquatic organisms when dissolve with copious amounts of water Precaution: Wear respirator, protective glasses, and impervious gloves; avoid dust formation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Protease M Amano [Amano Enzyme http://www.amano-enzyme.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Protease from Aspergillus oryzae CAS 9025-49-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-642-4 Uses: Enzyme for food processing; protein, acid casein, and cheese protein hydrolysis Regulatory: Japanese certified food additive Properties: Lt. ylsh. to lt. brn. powd.; sl. odor; sol. in water; stable pH range 3.0-6.0; protease act. ≥ 5500 units/g Toxicology: Eye and skin irritant; dust may cause sensitization in allergic individuals when inhaled; nontoxic Environmental: biodegradable; not harmful to marine and aquatic organisms when dissolve with copious amounts of water Precaution: Wear respirator, protective 566
Part I: Trade Name Reference glasses, and impervious gloves; avoid dust formation Storage: Store in cool, dry area Protease N Amano [Amano Enzyme http://www.amano-enzyme.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Protease from Bacillus subtilis CAS 76774-43-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-752-2 Uses: Enzyme for hydrolysis of cheese whey protein Properties: Lt. ylsh. to lt. brn. powd.; sl. odor; sol. in water; stable pH range 5.0-7.0; protease act. ≥ 150,000 units/g Toxicology: Eye and skin irritant; dust may cause sensitization in allergic individuals when inhaled; nontoxic Environmental: biodegradable; not harmful to marine and aquatic organisms when dissolve with copious amounts of water Precaution: Wear respirator, protective glasses, and impervious gloves; avoid dust formation Storage: Store in cool, dry area
mycelia Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.230, 173.320, 175.105, 176.170, 176.180, 176.300; BP, USP, MITI and BGA approved Properties: Liq.; 50% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 320 mg/kg; strong skin and eye irritant; TSCA listed Protector Gelatin [Vyse Gelatin http://www.vyse.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Type A porkskin gelatin, 200 bloom CAS 9000-70-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-554-6 Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, gellant, texturizer in food processing, bakery prods. Features: General purpose; low bloom; low visc. Protex 50FP [Genencor Int'l. http://www.genencor.com] Chem. Descrip.: Protease derived from Aspergillus oryzae var., maltodextrin diluent CAS 9014-01-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-752-2 Uses: Enzyme for hydrolysis of peptide bonds; for baking (improves grain, texture, loaf volume), meat tenderizer formulations; hydrolyzes and modifies plant and animal protein under acid conditions; brewing, fermentation Properties: Lt. tan to wh. powd., free of offensive odor and taste; water-sol. Use Level: 0.01-0.1% Storage: Activity loss ≤ 10% in 1 yr. stored in sealed containers under cool dry conditions; 5 C storage extends life
Protease P Amano 6 [Amano Enzyme http://www.amano-enzyme.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Protease from Aspergillus melleus CAS 9074-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-642-4 Uses: Enzyme for flavor improvement of meat extract and fish juice Regulatory: Certified food additive in Japan Properties: Lt. ylsh. to lt. brn. powd.; sl. odor; sol. in water; stable pH range 5.0-9.0; protease act. ≥ 60,000 units/g Toxicology: Eye and skin irritant; dust may cause sensitization in allergic individuals when inhaled; nontoxic Environmental: biodegradable; not harmful to marine and aquatic organisms when dissolve with copious amounts of water Precaution: Wear respirator, protective glasses, and impervious gloves; avoid dust formation Storage: Store in cool, dry area
Protol® [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. mineral oil USP CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Lubricant, carrier for food processing Features: Hydrophobic; chemically inert; exc. UV and color stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, §178.3620(a) Properties: Water-wh., odorless, tasteless; sp.gr. 0.859-0.875; visc. 35-37 cSt (40 C); pour pt. 12 C; flash pt. 188 C
Protectol® GDA [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: Glutaraldehyde See Glutaral CAS 111-30-8; EINECS/ELINCS 203-856-5 Uses: Antimicrobial in cane and beet sugar mills; disinfectant in sugar refining; microcapsules for flavoring substances Features: Prevents growth of bacteria, slimeforming microorganisms, algae, and fungal
Protopet® Alba [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum USP CAS 8027-32-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Carrier, lubricant, moisture barrier, protective agent, softener for food processing Features: Med. consistency and m.p.
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part I: Trade Name Reference Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.880 Properties: Lovibond 1.0Y color, odorless; visc. 10-16 cSt (100 C); m.p. 54-60 C Protopet® White 1S [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum USP CAS 8027-32-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Carrier, lubricant, moisture barrier, protective agent, softener for food processing, meat packing; confectionery lubricant; release agent Features: Med. consistency and m.p. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.880 Properties: Lovibond 1.5Y color, odorless; visc. 10-16 cSt (100 C); m.p. 54-60 C Protopet® White 2L [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum USP CAS 8027-32-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Carrier, lubricant, moisture barrier, protective agent, softener for food processing Features: Med. consistency and m.p. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.880 Properties: Lovibond 8Y0.6R color, odorless; visc. 10-16 cSt (100 C); m.p. 54-60 C Protopet® White 3C [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum USP CAS 8027-32-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Carrier, lubricant, moisture barrier, protective agent, softener for food processing Features: Med. consistency and m.p. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.880 Properties: Lovibond 25Y1.0R color, odorless; visc. 10-16 cSt (100 C); m.p. 54-60 C Protopet® Yellow 2A [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum USP CAS 8027-32-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Carrier, lubricant, moisture barrier, protective agent, softener for food processing, meat packing; confectionery lubricant; release agent Features: Med. consistency and m.p. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.880 Properties: Lovibond 30Y/2.5R color, odorless; visc. 10-16 cSt (100 C); m.p. 54-60 C
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
PROVIgel® CSS 25 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Carob bean gum See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-40-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-541-5 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for foods Regulatory: E410 compliance Properties: Hot-water sol.; visc. 2100-2500 mPa·s (hot visc.) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVIgel® CSS 30 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Carob bean gum See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-40-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-541-5 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for foods Regulatory: E410 compliance Properties: Hot-water sol.; visc. 2600-3000 mPa·s (hot visc.) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVIgel® CSS 300 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Carob bean gum See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-40-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-541-5 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for foods Regulatory: E410 compliance Properties: Visc. 2800-3000 mPa·s (1% aq., 1 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVIgel® CSS 330 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Carob bean gum See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-40-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-541-5 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for foods Regulatory: E410 compliance Properties: Visc. 3000-3200 mPa·s (1% aq., 1 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVIgel® CSS 35 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Carob bean gum See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-40-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-541-5 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for foods 568
Part I: Trade Name Reference Regulatory: E410 compliance Properties: Hot-water sol.; visc. 2700-3100 mPa·s (hot visc.) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight
calorie foods Regulatory: E412 compliance Properties: Visc. 700-1100 mPa·s (3% aq., 1 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight
PROVIgel® DPC 6 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Depolymerized carob bean gum See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-40-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-541-5 Uses: Stabilizer, thickener for foods Regulatory: E410 compliance Properties: Sol. in hot water; visc. 600-900 mPa·s (1% aq., 1 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight
PROVIgel® DPG 5 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Depolymerized guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Stabilizer, binder, thickener for foods; stabilizer for diet prods. and reducedcalorie foods Regulatory: E412 compliance Properties: Visc. 4000-4500 mPa·s (3% aq., 1 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight
PROVIgel® DPC 15 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Depolymerized carob bean gum See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-40-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-541-5 Uses: Stabilizer, thickener for foods Regulatory: E410 compliance Properties: Sol. in hot water; visc. 1200-1500 mPa·s (1% aq., 1 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight
PROVIgel® DPG 7 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Depolymerized guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Stabilizer, binder, thickener for foods; stabilizer for diet prods. and reducedcalorie foods Regulatory: E412 compliance Properties: Visc. 500-700 mPa·s (1% aq., 2 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight
PROVIgel® DPG 1 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Depolymerized guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Stabilizer, binder, thickener for foods; stabilizer for diet prods. and reducedcalorie foods Regulatory: E412 compliance Properties: Visc. 800-950 mPa·s (10% aq., 1 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight
PROVIgel® DPG 9 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Depolymerized guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Stabilizer, binder, thickener for foods; stabilizer for diet prods. and reducedcalorie foods Regulatory: E412 compliance Properties: Visc. 1900-2400 mPa·s (1% aq., 2 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight
PROVIgel® DPG 3 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Depolymerized guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Stabilizer, binder, thickener for foods; stabilizer for diet prods. and reduced-
PROVIgel® DPG 11 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Depolymerized guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Stabilizer, binder, thickener for foods; stabilizer for diet prods. and reduced-
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part I: Trade Name Reference calorie foods Regulatory: E412 compliance Properties: Visc. 3500-4000 mPa·s (1% aq., 2 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVIgel® EXC 25 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Extracted carob bean gum See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-40-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-541-5 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for foods Regulatory: E410 compliance Properties: Sol. in hot water; visc. 2100-2500 mPa·s (1% aq., 1 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVIgel® EXC 30 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Extracted carob bean gum See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-40-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-541-5 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for foods Regulatory: E410 compliance Properties: Sol. in hot water; visc. 3000-3500 mPa·s (1% aq., 1 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVIgel® EXC 35 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Extracted carob bean gum See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-40-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-541-5 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for foods Regulatory: E410 compliance Properties: Sol. in hot water; visc. 2700-3100 mPa·s (1% aq., 1 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVIgel® EXG 01 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Extracted, depolymzerized guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, binder Properties: Sol. in cold water; visc. 80-150 mPa·s (1% aq., 1 h)
http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Extracted, depolymzerized guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, binder, stabilizer for foods Regulatory: E412 compliance Properties: Sol. in cold water; visc. 400-800 mPa·s (1% aq., 1 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVIgel® EXG 10 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Extracted, depolymzerized guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, binder, stabilizer for foods Regulatory: E412 compliance Properties: Sol. in cold water; visc. 900-1500 mPa·s (1% aq., 1 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVIgel® EXG 20 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Extracted, depolymzerized guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, binder, stabilizer for foods Regulatory: E412 compliance Properties: Sol. in cold water; visc. 1900-2300 mPa·s (1% aq., 1 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVIgel® EXG 40 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Extracted guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, binder, stabilizer for foods Regulatory: E412 compliance Properties: Sol. in cold water; visc. 4500-5000 mPa·s (1% aq., 1 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight
PROVIgel® EXG 05 [Provisco Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part I: Trade Name Reference PROVIgel® GSS 5 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum with high galactomanan content See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for nutritional prods. Features: Easily combined with other hydrocolloids Regulatory: E412 compliance Properties: Sol. in cold water; visc. 2500-3000 mPa·s (1% aq., 1 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVIgel® GSS 6 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum with high galactomanan content See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for nutritional prods. Features: Easily combined with other hydrocolloids Regulatory: E412 compliance Properties: Sol. in cold water; visc. 2700-3900 mPa·s (1% aq., 1 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVIgel® GSS 7 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum with high galactomanan content See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for nutritional prods. Features: Easily combined with other hydrocolloids Regulatory: E412 compliance Properties: Sol. in cold water; visc. 3000-3500 mPa·s (1% aq., 1 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVIgel® GSS 8 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum with high galactomanan content See Guar Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
(Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for nutritional prods. Features: Easily combined with other hydrocolloids Regulatory: E412 compliance Properties: Sol. in cold water; visc. 5550-6000 mPa·s (1% aq., 1 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVIgel® GSS 9 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum with high galactomanan content See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for nutritional prods. Features: Easily combined with other hydrocolloids Regulatory: E412 compliance Properties: Sol. in cold water; visc. 3000-3500 mPa·s (1% aq., 1 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVIgel® GSS 10 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum with high galactomanan content See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for nutritional prods. Features: Easily combined with other hydrocolloids Regulatory: E412 compliance Properties: Sol. in cold water; visc. 5000-5500 mPa·s (1% aq., 1 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVIgel® GSS 11 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum with high galactomanan content See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for nutritional prods. 571
Part I: Trade Name Reference Features: Easily combined with other hydrocolloids Regulatory: E412 compliance Properties: Sol. in cold water; visc. 5550-6000 mPa·s Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVIgel® NAC 25 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Carob bean gum with high galactomannan content See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-40-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-541-5 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for foods Regulatory: E410 compliance Properties: Wh. to cream-colored powd.; neutral taste; sol. in hot water; visc. 2000-2400 mPa·s (1% aq., 1 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVIgel® NAC 30 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Carob bean gum with high galactomannan content See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-40-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-541-5 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for foods Regulatory: E410 compliance Properties: Wh. to cream-colored powd.; neutral taste; sol. in hot water; visc. 2500-3000 mPa·s (1% aq., 1 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVIgel® NAC 35 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Carob bean gum with high galactomannan content See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-40-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-541-5 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for foods Regulatory: E410 compliance Properties: Wh. to cream-colored powd.; neutral taste; sol. in hot water; visc. 3000-3200 mPa·s (1% aq., 1 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
PROVIgel® NAG 753 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum with high galactomanan content See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener for foods Regulatory: E412 compliance Properties: Visc. 3300-3700 mPa·s (1% aq., 2 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVIgel® NAG 755 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum with high galactomanan content See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener for foods Regulatory: E412 compliance Properties: Visc. 4800-5200 mPa·s (1% aq., 2 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVIgel® NAG 903 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum with high galactomanan content See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener for foods Regulatory: E412 compliance Properties: Visc. 3300-3700 mPa·s (1% aq., 2 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVIgel® NAG 905 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum with high galactomanan content See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener for foods Regulatory: E412 compliance Properties: Visc. 4800-5200 mPa·s (1% aq., 2 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVIgel® NAT 201 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Tara gum CAS 39300-88-4 572
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Thickener for foods Regulatory: E417 compliance Properties: Sol. in cold water; visc. 3500-4500 mPa·s (1% aq., 2 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVIgel® NAT 202 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Tara gum CAS 39300-88-4 Uses: Thickener for foods Regulatory: E417 compliance Properties: Sol. in cold water; visc. 2950-3200 mPa·s (1% aq., 2 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVIgel® NAT 203 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Tara gum CAS 39300-88-4 Uses: Thickener for foods Regulatory: E417 compliance Properties: Sol. in cold water; visc. 4500-6000 mPa·s (1% aq., 2 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVIgel® NAT 204 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Tara gum CAS 39300-88-4 Uses: Thickener for foods Regulatory: E417 compliance Properties: Sol. in cold water; visc. 400-5500 mPa·s (1% aq., 2 h) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVIgel® TSS [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Chem. Descrip.: Tara gum CAS 39300-88-4 Uses: Thickener and binder for foods Regulatory: E417 compliance Properties: Sol. in hot water; visc. 5000-6800 mPa·s (hot ), 3000-3800 mPa·s (cold), Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight Provim ESP® [ADM Specialty Ingreds. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vital wheat gluten See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) gluten CAS 8002-80-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-317-7 Uses: Forms cohesive, elastic dough, increases baking tolerances with increased absorp., mixing time tolerance, and fermentation tolerance for food prods. incl. baked goods, cereals, pet foods, pasta, and cheese analog prods. Features: Easily mixed with other dry ingreds.; easily handled and stored Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1322 GRAS Properties: Lt. tan powd.; 100% through 30 mesh, 5% max. on 60 mesh; insol. in water; 58% moisture, 75% protein, 1% fat Use Level: 2-3% on flour wt. (hard rolls, French and Italian breads); 1-3% on flour (dark breads, rye); 2-3% on flour (raisin bread); 0.51.5% on flour (yeast-raised sweet goods); 12% on flour (pretzels, crackers) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life, best when used before 9 mos; store in cool, dry location; keep containers well closed when not in use PROVImel® DN 10 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Uses: Thickener, binder for soups, sauces, ready-to-serve meals, salad creams, salad mayonnaises, chutneys, fine-cuisine salads PROVImel® DN 11 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, binder for soups, sauces, ready-made meals, cold preps. of emulsified, oil-contg. sauces Features: Improves appearance; provides creamy consistency; exc. freeze/thaw stability, acid stability; prevents phase separation Properties: Sol. in cold water Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVImel® DN 12 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, binder, shelf life extender for soups, sauces, delicatessen Features: Improves appearance; provides creamy consistency; improves freeze/thaw capacity; exc. effect on sterilizing capacity Properties: Sol. in hot water Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight 573
Part I: Trade Name Reference PROVImel® DN 13 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Uses: Stabilizer for salad dressings, dressings and sauces with oil content of 60% Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVImel® DN 14 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Uses: Stabilizer, binder, thickener for soups, sauces, ready-made meals, salad dressings Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVImel® DN 15 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Uses: Stabilizer, binder, thickener for processed foods, sauces, frozen foods, delicatessen, ketchup Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVImel® FM 601 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Uses: Stabilizer for sour milk prods., yogurt Features: Disperses very well and gives the yoghurt a good firmness and structure as well as a fine, creamy consistency Properties: Not-water sol. Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVImel® FM 602 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Uses: Stabilizer for sour milk prods., yogurt Features: Does not at all affect the viscosity of the yogurt milk before pasteurization Properties: Hot-water-sol. Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVImel® FO 1 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Uses: Stabilizer, emulsifier for soft ice cream, milk shakes, and water ice Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVImel® FO 2 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Uses: Stabilizer for water ices with high Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
overrun Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVImel® FO 3 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Uses: Stabilizer for water ices without overrun Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVImel® FO 4 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Uses: Stabilizer, emulsifier for ice cream, milk ice cream, industrially produced Nougat sauces, topping syrup Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVImel® FO 5 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Uses: Stabilizer, emulsifier for milk ice cream and ice cream with vegetable fat Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVImel® FO 6 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Uses: Stabilizer, emulsifier for ice cream with milk fat or vegetable-based fat Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVImel® FO 7 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Uses: Stabilizer for soft ice cream powd. Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in closed original pkg. at R.T. and protected from moisture and direct sunlight PROVImel® NT 611 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for the production of fruit syrups PROVImel® NT 625 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer for industrially produced dessert sauces with a fat content of 8-16% PROVImel® NT 631 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for the production 574
Part I: Trade Name Reference of fruit preps. such as syrups, fruit soups PROVImel® NT 650 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Uses: Stabilizer for commercial production of frozen mousses with a fat content of 3-10% PROVImel® NT 659 [Provisco http://www.provisco.ch] Uses: Gelling agent, stabilizer for instant powdered formulations for cream type puddings produced with cold milk Provon® 190 HS [Glanbia Nutritional http://www.glanbianutritionals.com] Chem. Descrip.: nonfat whey protein isolate Chem. Analysis: 92% protein; 4.0% moisture; < 0.5% fat CAS 84082-51-9; EINECS/ELINCS 281-998-7 Uses: Nutritional supplement, emulsifier in cl. protein fortified beverages and dietetic prods. Features: Sol. over a wide pH range Regulatory: Kosher and Halal approved Properties: Bland taste; pH 6.4 (10% sol'n.) Storage: 2 yr. shelflife; store in a cool, dry, clean environment @ R.T. away from strong odors and other contaminants Provon® 290 [Glanbia Nutritional http://www.glanbianutritionals.com] Chem. Descrip.: instantized whey protein isolate, lecithin Chem. Analysis: 90% protein; 4.5% moisture; < 1.3% fat CAS 84082-51-9; 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 281-998-7; 232-307-2 Uses: Nutritional supplement and emulsifier in sports and fortified beverages, dietetic prods., and nutritional dry mixes Features: Sol. over a wide pH range Regulatory: Kosher and Halal approved Properties: Neutral taste; water-disp.; pH 7.0 (10% sol'n.) Storage: 2 yr. shelflife; store in a cool, dry, clean environment @ R.T. away from strong odors and other contaminants Provon® A-190 [Glanbia Nutritional http://www.glanbianutritionals.com] Chem. Descrip.: whey protein isolate, phosphoric acid, and citric acid Chem. Analysis: 80% protein; 3.0% moisture; < 1.0% fat CAS 84082-51-9; 7664-38-2; 77-92-9; EINECS/ELINCS 281-998-7; 231-633-2; 201Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
069-1 Uses: Nutritional supplement in sports and fortified beverages, smoothies, dietetic prods., protein waters, protein fortified teas and juices, nutritional dry mixes Features: Better flavor expression @ low pH; clean flavor; low foaming. sl. turbid and cloudy Regulatory: Kosher and Halal approved Properties: Bland taste; pH 3.2-3.5 (10% sol'n.) Storage: 2 yr. shelflife; store in a cool, dry, clean environment @ R.T. away from strong odors and other contaminants Proxan® SG 22 [FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com] Chem. Descrip.: xanthan gum, guar gum, dextrose See Glucose; Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 11138-66-2; 9000-30-0; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2; 232-536-8; 200075-1 Uses: Gellant for foods Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Japan ENCS (8535/8-90/8-543/8-46); Korea (KE-35422/KE18143/KE-17727); Philippines PICCS Properties: Ylsh. to wh. powd.; almost odorless; sol. 12% max. in water; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 5.5-8.0 (1%sol'n.) Toxicology: ACGIH TWA 10 mg/m3 (inhalable PNOC), 3 mg/m3 (respirable PNOC); TSCA listed Precaution: Becomes slippery when wet Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Oxides of sulfur NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry place in tightly closed container Proxan® SG 23 [FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com] Chem. Descrip.: xanthan gum, guar gum, dextrose See Glucose; Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 11138-66-2; 9000-30-0; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2; 232-536-8; 200075-1 Uses: Gellant for foods Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Japan ENCS (8535/8-90/8-543/8-46); Korea (KE-35422/KE18143/KE-17727); Philippines PICCS Properties: Ylsh. to wh. powd.; almost odorless; sol. 12% max. in water; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 6.0-8.0 (1%sol'n.) 575
Part I: Trade Name Reference Toxicology: ACGIH TWA 10 mg/m3 (inhalable PNOC), 3 mg/m3 (respirable PNOC); TSCA listed Precaution: Becomes slippery when wet Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Oxides of sulfur NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry place in tightly closed container Proxan® SG 25 [FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com] Chem. Descrip.: xanthan gum, guar gum, dextrose See Glyceryl stearate SE; Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 11138-66-2; 9000-30-0; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2; 232-536-8; 200075-1 Uses: Gellant for foods Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Japan ENCS (8535/8-90/8-543/8-46); Korea (KE-35422/KE18143/KE-17727); Philippines PICCS Properties: Ylsh. to wh. powd.; almost odorless; sol. 12% max. in water; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 5.5-7.0 (1%sol'n.) Toxicology: ACGIH TWA 10 mg/m3 (inhalable PNOC), 3 mg/m3 (respirable PNOC) Precaution: Becomes slippery when wet Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Oxides of sulfur NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry place in tightly closed container PS-100 [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol ester of fatty acids Uses: Alpha-ending emulsifier in toppings, powdered cake improvers, cake mixes, alpha-crystalline stabilizer for sponge cake foaming gel Properties: Beads; m.p. 42-48; HLB 3.9 (caluculated); acid value 3 max.; iodine value 3 max.; sapon. value 157-167; hydroxyl value 175-195
Chem. Analysis: Iron 15 mg/100 g; calcium 250 mg/ 100 g; moisture 3.5-4.5% Uses: Nutrient, protein source, dietary fiber, flavoring agent, texturizer, vitamin source for variety breads, cookies, cereals, stuffing, snacks, breading, other baked, stove-top, frozen, microwavable, fried, and extruded foods Features: Nongluten natural additive; provides 'soft crunch' texture, mild nutty toasted sweet flavor Properties: Sl. toasted nutty flavor; 4 ± 0.5% moisture Pumpkin Flakes Trobana® [Confoco http://www.confoco.com] Chem. Descrip.: flesh of Cucurvita Moschata pumpkin Chem. Analysis: 4% moisture; 9% protein; 1-2% fat ; ≈ 1-2% ash; 75% carbohydrates Uses: Pumpkin flavor for vegetable preparations, cakes, muffins, pies, bread, baby food and soft food diets Features: Flakes reconstituted 1:9 with water is same traditional uses as cooked pumpkin; no additives or carriers are used Regulatory: Halal, kosher certified, GMO compliant Properties: Tan ylsh. flakes; mashed cooked pumpkin odor;/flavor/color; 15-30% retained thru US 20 mesh Use Level: Flakes reconstituted 1:9 with water Storage: 18 mos. when stored @ 21 C in sealed, original containers
Puffed Amaranth [Nu-World Amaranth http://www.nuworldamaranth.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Whole grain Amaranthus cruentus
Pumpkin Powder Trobana® [Confoco http://www.confoco.com] Chem. Descrip.: flesh of Cucurvita Moschata pumpkin Chem. Analysis: 4% moisture; 9% protein; 1-2% fat ; ≈ 1-2% ash; 75% carbohydrates Uses: Pumpkin flavor for dry soups and other vegetable preparations, cake mixes, muffins, pies, bread, baby food and soft food diets Features: Produced by ripening, blanching, extracting, pulping, sieving and sterilizing the pulp. then drying it without any carriers or additivies, and milling it Regulatory: Halal, kosher certified, GMO compliant Properties: Tan ylsh. powd.; mashed cooked pumpkin odor;/flavor/color; 5% retained thru US 60 mesh Storage: 18 mos. when stored @ 21 C in sealed,
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
P/T 25 [Brolite Prods. http://www.bakewithbrolite.com] Uses: Pizza and tortilla conditioner resulting in shorter mixing times with increased extensibility; minimizes cracking of tortillas.
Part I: Trade Name Reference original containers Pumpkin Essence - 1000 Fold Trobana® [Confoco http://www.confoco.com] Chem. Descrip.: flesh of the wilted fresh pumpkin of the species Cucurvita Moschata Uses: Pumpkin flavor in a water-based aroma system esp. in refrigerated and frozen prods.; used in combination with pumpkin puree and other ingredis. to enhance the pumpkin aroma of prods. Features: Produced by condensation of volatile components of freshly processed pumpkin products Regulatory: Halal, kosher certified, GMO compliant Properties: Cl. colorless liq.; intense pumpkin odor; sol. in water, ethanol, propylene glycol; insol. in veg. oils; sp. gr. ≈ 1.0 Use Level: 1% by weight and adjust up or down as desired Storage: 12 mos. when stored @ < 7 C in sealed containers without exposure to air or light Purac® BF S/30 [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: L-Lactic acid buffered with Lsodium lactate, potassium lactate See Lactic acid; Sodium lactate Uses: Food additive Regulatory: USA GRAS, FCC, JSFA, EUSFA compliance; E270 and E325 compliance Properties: Lt. yel. liq.; char. odor; completely sol. in water; dens. 1.24-1.26 g/ml (20 C); b.p. 105-115 C; decomp. pt. > 200 C; pH 2.8-3.2 (10% aq.); 78-82% assay Toxicology: May cause eye irritation Environmental: probably readily biodeg. Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. can produce irritating gases and vapors Storage: Keep tightly closed in dry place; avoid prolonged storage times; avoid temps. above 200 C Purac® CL 21 HiPure [PURAC biochem http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: L(+)-Lactic acid; citric acid See Lactic acid Chem. Analysis: Heavy metals 10 ppm max.; iron 10 ppm max.; chlroide 20 ppm max.; sulphate 10 ppm max. CAS 79-33-4; 77-92-9; EINECS/ELINCS 201196-2; 201-069-1 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: pH regulator, flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: USA FDA GRAS; E270, E330 compliance Properties: Lt. yel. liq.; Apha color 30 max.; char. odor; completely sol. in water; dens. 1292 kg/m3; visc. 60 cP; b.p. 114 C; pH 2.0-3.0 (10% sol'n.) Toxicology: Risk of serious damage to eyes; skin irritant Environmental: no bioaccumulation Precaution: Wear rubber gloves, face shield or tightly fitting safety goggles, lightweight protective clothing; incompat. with oxidizing agents; avoid temps. > 200 C Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. can produce irritating gases and vapors Storage: Keep container tightly closed Purac® CL 21/80 [PURAC biochem http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: L-Lactic acid; citric acid See Lactic acid Uses: pH adjuster, flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: USA FDA GRAS; E270, E330 compliance; SARA III nonreportable Properties: Lt. yel. liq.; strong vinegar-like odor; completely sol. in water; dens. 1.28-1.30 g/ml; decomp. pt. > 200 C; pH 2.0-2.2 (10% aq.) Toxicology: Skin and severe eye irritant; risk of serious eye damage; inh. may cause irritation, breathing difficulties, headache, dizziness; ing. may cause burns, vomiting, GI upset; TSCA listed Environmental: bioaccumulation unlikely; do not allow contamination of ground water Precaution: Incompat. with oxidizing agents, metals, acids, bases Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx; thermal decomp. can produce irritating gases and vapors HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep container tightly closed; keep in cool, dry place; avoid temps. above 200 C Purac® FCC 50 [PURAC biochem http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: L-Lactic acid See Lactic acid CAS 79-33-4; EINECS/ELINCS 201-296-2 Uses: Acidulant, preservative, flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: USA FDA GRAS, FCC, JSFA, EUSFA, E 270 compliance Properties: Colorless, yel. or lt. brn. liq.; char. agreeable odor; mild acid taste; completely sol. 577
Part I: Trade Name Reference in water; dens. 1.12-1.14 g/ml (20 C); visc. 560 mPa·s (50-90%); b.p. 110 C (40%); decomp. pt. > 200 C; pH < 2; surf. tens. 44-50 mN/m (50-90%); 49.5-50.5% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3730 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg; irritating to eyes and skin; risk of serious eye damage; inh. may cause respiratory system irritation Environmental: readily biodeg.; BOD5 0.45 mg O2/mg; COD 0.90 mg O2/mg; EC50 (daphnia, 48 h) 240 mg/l; LC50 (fish, 48 h) 320 mg/l Precaution: Incompat. with oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. can produce irritating gases and vapors Storage: Keep container tightly closed; avoid temps. above 200 C
in water; dens. 1.20-1.22 g/ml (20 C); visc. 560 mPa·s (50-90%); b.p. 110 C (40%); decomp. pt. > 200 C; pH < 2; surf. tens. 44-50 mN/m (50-90%); 87.5-88.5% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3730 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg; irritating to eyes and skin; risk of serious eye damage; inh. may cause respiratory system irritation Environmental: readily biodeg.; BOD5 0.45 mg O2/mg; COD 0.90 mg O2/mg; EC50 (daphnia, 48 h) 240 mg/l; LC50 (fish, 48 h) 320 mg/l Precaution: Incompat. with oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. can produce irritating gases and vapors Storage: Keep container tightly closed; avoid temps. above 200 C
Purac® FCC 80 [PURAC biochem http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: L-Lactic acid See Lactic acid CAS 79-33-4; EINECS/ELINCS 201-296-2 Uses: Acidulant, preservative, flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: USA FDA GRAS, FCC, JSFA, EUSFA, E 270 compliance Properties: Colorless, yel. or lt. brn. liq.; char. agreeable odor; mild acid taste; completely sol. in water; dens. 1.18-1.20 g/ml (20 C); visc. 560 mPa·s (50-90%); b.p. 110 C (40%); decomp. pt. > 200 C; pH < 2; surf. tens. 44-50 mN/m (50-90%); 79.5-80.5% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3730 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg; irritating to eyes and skin; risk of serious eye damage; inh. may cause respiratory system irritation Environmental: readily biodeg.; BOD5 0.45 mg O2/mg; COD 0.90 mg O2/mg; EC50 (daphnia, 48 h) 240 mg/l; LC50 (fish, 48 h) 320 mg/l Precaution: Incompat. with oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. can produce irritating gases and vapors Storage: Keep container tightly closed; avoid temps. above 200 C
Purac® HS 50 [PURAC biochem http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: L-Lactic acid See Lactic acid CAS 79-33-4; EINECS/ELINCS 201-296-2 Uses: Acidulant, antimicrobial, preservative, flavoring agent for foods Features: Heat-stable Regulatory: FCC, JSFA, EUSFA, E 270, FDA GRAS compliance Properties: Colorless/yel./lt. brn. liq.; char. agreeable odor; mild acid char.; completely sol. in water; m.w. 90; dens. 1.12-1.14 g/ml (20 C); visc. 5-60 mPa·s (50-90%); b.p. 110 C (40%), 125 C (90%); decomp. pt. > 200 C; flash pt. none; pH < 2; surf. tens. 50-44 mN/m (50-90% sol'n.); 49.5-50.5% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3730 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg; irritating to eyes and skin; risk of serious damage to eyes; inh. of mist causes respiratory system irritation; nonmutagenic; noncarcinogenic Environmental: readily biodeg.; BOD5 0.45 mg O2/mg; COD 0.90 mg O2/mg; no bioaccumulation; EC50 (daphnia, 48 h) 240 mg/l; LC50 (fish, 48 h) 320 mg/l Precaution: Incompat. with oxidizing agents; avoid temps. above 200 C Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. can produce irritating gases and vapors Storage: Keep container tightly closed
Purac® FCC 88 [PURAC biochem http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: L-Lactic acid See Lactic acid CAS 79-33-4; EINECS/ELINCS 201-296-2 Uses: Acidulant, preservative, flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: USA FDA GRAS, FCC, JSFA, EUSFA, E 270 compliance Properties: Colorless, yel. or lt. brn. liq.; char. agreeable odor; mild acid taste; completely sol. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Purac® LM 25 HiPure [PURAC biochem http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: L(+)-Lactic acid (25-54%), malic acid See N-Hydroxysuccinic acid; Lactic acid CAS 79-33-4; 617-48-1; EINECS/ELINCS 201578
Part I: Trade Name Reference 196-2 Uses: pH regulator, flavoring agent in confectionery prods. Regulatory: USA FDA GRAS; E270, E296 compliance Properties: Colorless to yel. liq.; Apha color 30 max.; char. odor; completely sol. in water; b.p. > 100 C; decomp. temp. > 200 C; pH 2.3-2.5 Toxicology: Risk of serious damage to eyes; skin irritant; inh. of mists causes respiratory system irritation Environmental: no bioaccumulation Precaution: Wear rubber gloves, face shield or tightly fitting safety goggles, lightweight protective clothing; incompat. with oxidizing agents; avoid temps. > 200 C Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. can produce irritating gases and vapors Storage: Keep container tightly closed Purac® PF 90 [PURAC biochem http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: L-Lactic acid See Lactic acid CAS 79-33-4; EINECS/ELINCS 201-296-2 Uses: pH regulator and acidulant in food Regulatory: USP, JP, EP, FDA GRAS, E 270 compliance Properties: Colorless/yel./lt. brn. liq.; char. agreeable odor; mild acid char.; completely sol. in water; m.w. 90; dens. 1.20-1.21 g/ml (20 C); visc. 5-60 mPa·s (50-90%); b.p. 110 C (40%), 125 C (90%); decomp. pt. > 200 C; flash pt. none; pH < 2; surf. tens. 50-44 mN/m (50-90% sol'n.); 89.5-90.5% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3730 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg; irritating to eyes and skin; risk of serious damage to eyes; inh. of mist causes respiratory system irritation; nonmutagenic; noncarcinogenic Environmental: readily biodeg.; BOD5 0.45 mg O2/mg; COD 0.90 mg O2/mg; no bioaccumulation; EC50 (daphnia, 48 h) 240 mg/l; LC50 (fish, 48 h) 320 mg/l Precaution: Incompat. with oxidizing agents; avoid temps. above 200 C Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. can produce irritating gases and vapors Storage: Keep container tightly closed Purac® PH 90 [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: L(+) Lactic acid See Lactic acid CAS 79-33-4; EINECS/ELINCS 201-196-2 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: USP, JP, EP and GRAS compliance Properties: APHA 10 max. liq., characteric odor; bland acid taste; completely sol. in water; m.w. 90; sp.gr. 1.21-1.22; visc. 5-60 mPa.s; b.p. 110C; pH 200 C; 87.588.5% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat ) 3730 mg/kg; LD50 (dermal, rabbit ) 2000 mg/kg; irritating to skin; risk of serious damage to eyes; inhalation causes burns of the upper digestive and respiratory tracts Environmental: EC50 (daphnia, 48 h) 240mg/l; readily biodegradable; BOD5 = 0.45 mg O2 /mg; COD = 0.90 mg O2 /mg Precaution: Avoid contact with skin and eyes; use personal protective equipment; avoid oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Irritating gases and vapors Storage: Keep container tightly closed and properly labeled Purac® Powder H 60 [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lactic acid (58-62%); calcium lactate (35-41%) Uses: Food additive Regulatory: USA FDA GRAS; E 270, E 327 compliance Properties: Wh. to sl. yel. powd.; char. lactic acid flavor; pure lactic acid taste; 4% max. water Storage: Store in cool, dry place (12-15 C); keep container tightly sealed Purac Sanilac® [PURAC biochem http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lactic acid CAS 50-21-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-018-0 UN 1760 Uses: Flavoring agent Regulatory: EPA FIFRA registration ; FDA GRAS compliant Properties: Colorless/yel./lt. brn. liq. with agreeable odor; sol. in water; m.w. 90.08; dens. 1.18-1.19 g/ml; visc. 5-60 mPa·s; b.p. 110 C (40% sol.), 125 C (90% sol.); f.p. > 112 C; pH 2 Toxicology: Causes irreversible eye damage or skin burns; harmful if swallowed; inh. cause irritation of the respiratory tract; LD50 (oral, rat) 3730 mg/kg, (oral, mouse) 4875 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 2000 mg/kg; ing. may cause GI irritation; TSCA listed Environmental: biodegradable; EC50 (daphnia, 579
Part I: Trade Name Reference 96h) 240 mg/l, (algae) 3500 mg/l; LC50 (fish, 48h) 320 mg/l; no bioaccumulation Precaution: Do not get in eyes, on skin or on clothing; wear impervious gloves and tightly fitting safety goggles; avoid temp. above 140 C Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep container tightly closed in a cool, dry place Puracal® DC [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium lactate pentahydrate See Calcium lactate CAS 63690-56-2; EINECS/ELINCS 212-406-7 Uses: Nutrient supplement Features: Nonhygroscopic; low friability; high compactibility; high sol. and bioavailability Regulatory: GRAS, FCC, USP, EP, JSFA, EUSFA compliance Properties: Wh. powd.; 90% min. 100-425 µm sieve; neutral odor and taste; sol. 9 g/100 ml in water; m.w. 218; pH 6.0-8.5 (10 g in 90 g water); 99-101% assay
22-27% loss on drying Toxicology: LDLo (IV, mouse) 140 mg/kg; health injuries are not known or expected under normal use; avoid contact with skin and eyes; noncarcinogenic; nonmutagenic Environmental: no special environmental precautions required; no bioaccumulation Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx Storage: Nonhygroscopic; keep tightly closed in a dry place
Puracal® PP/FCC [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium lactate pentahydrate See Calcium lactate CAS 63690-56-2; EINECS/ELINCS 212-406-7 Uses: Calcium fortifier, nutrient supplement, bioavailability enhancer for beverages, juices, powd. drinks Features: Provides good sol. Regulatory: USA GRAS, FCC, USP, EP, E327, DAB, JSFA compliance Properties: Wh. powd./chips; sol. 9 g/100 ml in water; m.w. 218 (anhyd.); pH 6.0-8.5 (10% aq.); 98% min. assay
Purac® Fresh S [PURAC biochem http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium L-lactate (30-50%) and acetic acid (20-40%) CAS 867-56-1; 64-19-7; EINECS/ELINCS 212762-3; 200-580-7 UN 2790 Uses: pH regulator, flavoring agent, and preservative in foods Regulatory: USA FDA GRAS; E325, E260 compliance Properties: Lt. yel. liq.; Apha color 50 max.; mild acid taste; completely sol. in water; sp. gr. 1.16-1.18; dens. 1170-1190 kg/m3; flash pt. > 176 F; pH 3.0-3.4 Toxicology: Causes burns to eyes, skin and resp. tract; TSCA listed Environmental: bioaccumulation unlikely Precaution: Wear rubber gloves, face shield or tightly fitting safety goggles, protective clothing; incompat. with oxidizing agents; avoid temps. > 200 C Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. can produce irritating gases and vapors NFPA: Health 3, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep container tightly closed
Puracal® PP/USP [PURAC biochem http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium lactate pentahydrate See Calcium lactate CAS 63690-56-2; EINECS/ELINCS 212-406-7 Uses: Calcium fortifier for foods Regulatory: E 327, FDA GRAS, FCC, USP/EP, JSFA, EUSFA compliance Properties: Wh. powd.; 90% min. 75-425 µm, 98% min. ≤ 500 µm; neutral odor and taste; sol. 9 g/100 ml water; m.w. 218; bulk dens. 300-500 kg/m3; m.p. > 200 C; decomp. pt. > 200 C; flash pt. not applicable; pH 6-8.5 (10% aq.); 99-101% assay; 13.4-14.5% assay (Ca);
Purac® Fresh S39 [PURAC biochem http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium L-lactate (29-31%) and acetic acid (39-41%) Chem. Analysis: 68-72% total dry solids CAS 867-56-1; 64-19-7; EINECS/ELINCS 212762-3; 200-580-7 UN 2790 Uses: pH regulator, flavoring agent, and preservative in foods Regulatory: USA FDA GRAS; E325, E260 compliance Properties: Lt. yel. liq.; Apha color 50 max.; mild acid taste; completely sol. in water; sp. gr.
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part I: Trade Name Reference 1.17-1.19; dens. 1170-1190 kg/m3; flash pt. > 176 F; pH 4.1-4.5 Toxicology: Causes burns to eyes, skin and resp. tract Environmental: bioaccumulation unlikely Precaution: Wear rubber gloves, face shield or tightly fitting safety goggles, protective clothing; incompat. with oxidizing agents; avoid temps. > 200 C Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. can produce irritating gases and vapors Storage: Keep container tightly closed Puramex® AL [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Aluminum lactate CAS 18917-91-4; EINECS/ELINCS 242-670-9 Uses: Mineral fortification of milk and fermented dairy drinks Properties: Wh. odorless powd.; sol. 26 g/100 ml in water; m.w. 294; bulk dens. 580 kg/m3; m.p. > 200 C; pH 3-4 (4% aq. sol'n.)); 99% min. assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral/rat) >2000mg/kg; noncarcinogenic; may cause Alzheimer's Disease if introduced parenterally Precaution: Avoid strong oxidizers and dust formation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx Puramex® FE [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ferrous lactate CAS 85993-25-5; EINECS/ELINCS 227-608-0 Uses: Mineral fortification of milk and fermented dairy drinks Regulatory: FDA GRAS; EU E585 compliance Properties: Lt. green powd.; sl. characteristic odor; sol. 2.2 g/100 ml in water; m.w. 270; bulk dens. 680 kg/m3; m.p. 150 -170 C; pH 4.5-6.0 (2% aq.); decomp. temp. > 200 C; 98% min. assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat )> 2000mg/kg; eye irritant; TSCA listed Environmental: readily biodegradable Precaution: Insure adequate ventilation; avoid strong oxidizers NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep in dry place Puramex® MG [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Magnesium lactate CAS 18917-93-6; EINECS/ELINCS 242-671-4 Uses: Mineral fortification of milk and Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
fermented dairy drinks Properties: Wh. odorless powd.; sol. 5.2 g/100 ml in water; m.w. 238; dens. 500kg/m3; m.p. 200 CpH 5.0-7.0 (5% aq. sol'n.); 98% min. assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral/rat) >2000mg/kg; noncarcinogenic; TSCA listed Precaution: May cause dust explosion; avoid oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx Puramex® MN [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Manganese lactate CAS 16039-56-8 Uses: Mineral fortification of milk and fermented dairy drinks Properties: Pink powd.; sol. 10 g/100 ml in water; m.w. 233 (anhyd.); pH 5.0-7.0 (5% aq.); 98% min. assay Puramex® ZN [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Zinc lactate dihydrate CAS 63179-81-7; EINECS/ELINCS 240-178-9 Uses: Mineral fortification of milk and fermented dairy drinks Properties: Wh. odorless powd.; sol. 5 g/100 ml in water; m.w. 279.4; bulk dens. 900 kg/m3; m.p. 200 C; pH 5-8 (10% aq. sol'n.); 98% min. assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral/rat) >2000mg/kg; may cause eye irritation with susceptible persons; harmful if swallowed ; noncarcinogenic Environmental: EC50 (daphnia, 48 h) 8.3 mg/l Precaution: Thermal decomposition releases irritating gases and vapors; avoid dust formation; remove all sources of ignition Storage: Keep in dry place Purasal® HiPure P [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Potassium lactate CAS 996-31-6; EINECS/ELINCS 213-631-3 Uses: Humectant, antimicrobial preservative for foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS; EU E326 compliance; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: APHA 100 max. liq.; sl. to no odor; mildly saline taste; high sol. in water; m.w. 128 (anhyd.); sp.gr. 1.32-1.35 g/ml (20 C); dens. 11-11.3 lb/gal; b.p. 239 F (60% sol'n.); flash pt. none; ref. index 1.415-1.422; pH 5.5-7.5 (10% aq.); 58-62% assay Toxicology: Nonhazardous; TSCA listed 581
Part I: Trade Name Reference Hazardous Ingredients: None Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep containers tightly closed; store in cool, dry, ventilated area; avoid temps. above 239 F Purasal® LITE 60 S/6 [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium lactate; potassium lactate Uses: Food additive Regulatory: USA FDA GRAS, FCC, EUSFA, E325, E326 compliance Properties: Lt. yel. liq.; sl. to no odor; completely sol. in water; dens. 1.32-1.35 g/ml (20 C); visc. 38 cps (20 C); b.p. 116 C; decomp. pt. > 200 C; pH 6.5-7.5 (60%); ref. index 1.415-1.425; 60% act. in water Toxicology: No known health hazards Environmental: unlikely to bioaccumulate Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx; burning produces irritating fumes Storage: Keep tightly closed in dry place; avoid temps. above 200 C Purasal® NH/COS [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ammonium lactate CAS 515-98-0; EINECS/ELINCS 208-214-8 Uses: Nutrient supplement in foods Properties: APHA 50 max. cl. liq.; m.w. 107; dens. 1.16-1.19 g/ml; ref. index 1.42-1.45; pH 4.0-5.0 (14.2 g in 85.8 g water); 99-101% assay Purasal® P HiPure 60 [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: L-Potassium lactate aq. sol'n. See Potassium lactate CAS 996-31-6; EINECS/ELINCS 288-752-8 Uses: Antimicrobial in foods Regulatory: USA FDA GRAS, FCC, EUSFA, E 326 compliance Properties: Lt. yel. liq.; sl. to no odor; mild saline taste; completely sol. in water; dens. 1.32-1.35 g/ml (20 C); visc. 24-26 mPa·s (20 C, 60%); b.p. 115 C (60%); decomp. pt. > 200 C; pH 6.5-8.5; ref. index 1.415-1.422; 58-62% assay Toxicology: May cause eye irritation Environmental: unlikely to bioaccumulate Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx; burning produces irritating fumes Storage: Keep tightly closed in a dry place; avoid temps. above 200 C Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Purasal® S [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium lactate CAS 72-17-3; EINECS/ELINCS 200-772-0 Uses: Humectant, antimicrobial preservative for foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS; JSFA, EU E325 compliance; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: APHA 100 max. liq.; sl. to no odor; mildly saline taste; high sol. in water; m.w. 112 (anhyd.); sp.gr. 1.32-1.34 g/ml (20 C); dens. 11-11.2 lb/gal; flash pt. none; ref. index 1.4221.425; pH 6.5-8.5 (10% aq.); 59-61% assay Toxicology: Nonhazardous; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep containers tightly closed; store in cool, dry, ventilated area; avoid temps. above 239 F Purasal® S/PF 60 [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium lactate CAS 72-17-3; EINECS/ELINCS 200-772-0 Uses: Emulsifier, humectant, pH control agent for foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS; USP, EU E325 compliance; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: APHA 50 max. liq.; sl. to no odor; high sol. in water; m.w. 112 (anhyd.); sp.gr. 1.32-1.34 g/ml (20 C); flash pt. none; ref. index 1.422-1.425; pH 6.5-8.5 (10% aq.); 59-61% assay Toxicology: Nonhazardous; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep containers tightly closed; store in cool, dry, ventilated area; avoid temps. above 239 F Purasal® S/SP 60 [PURAC biochem http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium lactate CAS 72-17-3; EINECS/ELINCS 200-772-0 Uses: Emulsifier, flavor enhancer, flavor adjuvant, humectant, pH control agent, antimicrobial in foods; shelf life extender, flavor enhancer for cooked beef; pathogen control agent in cured and uncured meats, poultry prods., reduced-fat prods. Regulatory: FDA GRAS, USDA 9CFR §319.180; JSFA compliance; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: APHA 200 max. liq.; sl. to no odor; mildly saline taste; high sol. in water; m.w. 112 582
Part I: Trade Name Reference (anhyd.); sp.gr. 1.32-1.34 g/ml (20 C); flash pt. none; ref. index 1.422-1.425; pH 6.5-8.5; anionic; 59-61% assay Use Level: 2% max. (meat and poultry prods.) Toxicology: Nonhazardous; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep containers tightly closed; store in cool, dry, ventilated area; avoid temps. above 239 F Purasolv® BL [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: n-Butyl-(S)-lactate See Butyl(S)-lactate CAS 34451-19-9; EINECS/ELINCS 252-036-3 Uses: Food additive; flavoring agent Features: Non-ozone depleting Regulatory: FDA approved GRAS flavor Properties: Colorless to lt. yel. cl. liq.; mild char. odor; partly misc. with water and most org. solvs.; m.w. 146; sp.gr. 0.975-0.985 (20 C); visc. 3.9 mPa·s; vapor pressure 0.3 mbar (20 C); b.p. 189 C; flash pt. (CC) 79 C; autoignition temp. 380 C; ref. index 1.418-1.422; 97% min. assay Toxicology: TLV 25 mg/m3 max.; LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; LC50 (inh., rat) > 5140 mg/m3; irritating to eyes, skin; risk of serious eye damage; may degrease skin; may cause coughing, headache; high concs. of vapors may cause respiratory tract irritation, narcotic effects Environmental: BOD5 0.76 mg O2/mg; COD 1.97 mg O2/mg; readily biodeg.; unlikely to bioaccumulate; EC50 (daphnia, 48 h) 423 mg/l, (algae) 0.93 g/l; LC50 (fish, 48 h) 75 mg/l Precaution: LEL 1% (100 C); UEL 7.9% (150 C); can be oxidized; hydrolyzes in presence of water, acids, bases; avoid temps. above 79 C Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: irritating fumes Storage: Keep container tightly closed Purasolv® EL [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ethyl-(S)- lactate See Ethyl(S)-lactate CAS 687-47-8; EINECS/ELINCS 211-694-1 UN 1190 Uses: Food additive; flavoring agent Features: Non-ozone depleting; low volatility Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: FDA approved GRAS flavor; JECFA approved food additive Properties: Colorless cl. liq.; mild char. odor; completely misc. with water, most org. solvs.; m.w. 118; sp.gr. 1.03 (20 C); visc. 2.8 cP (20 C); vapor pressure 2.7 mbar (20 C); m.p. -3 C; b.p. 154 C; flash pt. (CC) 61 C; autoignition temp. 400 C; surf. tens. 30.6 dynes/cm; KB value > 1000 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 2500 mg/kg; LC50 (inh., rat, 8 h) > 5400 mg/m3; eye irritant; risk of serious eye damage; irritating to respiratory system, mucous membranes; skin contact may degrease skin, cause erythema Environmental: BOD28 1.43 mg O2/mg; COD 1.66 mg O2/mg; readily biodeg.; unlikely to bioaccumulate; EC50 (daphnia, 48 h) 683 mg/l, (algae) 2200 mg/l; LC50 (fish, 48 h) 320 mg/l Precaution: Hydrolyzes in presence of water, acids, bases; avoid temps. above 61 C Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx; thermal decomp. can lead to release of irritating gases and vapors Storage: Keep container tightly closed Purasolv® ELECT [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ethyl-(S)- lactate See Ethyl(S)-lactate CAS 687-47-8; EINECS/ELINCS 211-694-1 UN 1190 Uses: Food additive Features: Non-ozone depleting Regulatory: FDA GRAS; FAO/WHO, JECFA approved Properties: Colorless cl. liq., char. mild pleasant odor; misc. with water and most org. solvs.; m.w. 118; sp.gr. 1.030-1.038; m.p. -3 C; b.p. 154 C; flash pt. (CC) 52 C; ref. index 1.4101.420; autoignition temp. 400 C; 99% min. assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 2500 mg/kg; LC50 (inh., rat, 8 h) > 5400 mg/m3; eye irritant; risk of serious eye damage; irritating to respiratory system, mucous membranes; skin contact may degrease skin, cause erythema; inh. of high vapor concs. can cause CNS depression, narcosis; immediately degrades into lactic acid and ethanol Environmental: BOD28 1.43 mg O2/mg; COD 1.66 mg O2/mg; readily biodeg.; unlikely to bioaccumulate; EC50 (daphnia, 48 h) 683 583
Part I: Trade Name Reference mg/l, (algae) 2200 mg/l; LC50 (fish, 48 h) 320 mg/l Precaution: Hydrolyzes in presence of water, acids, bases; avoid temps. above 61 C Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx; thermal decomp. can lead to release of irritating gases and vapors Storage: Keep container tightly closed Purasolv® ELS [PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ethyl-(S)- lactate See Ethyl(S)-lactate CAS 687-47-8; EINECS/ELINCS 211-694-1 UN 1190 Uses: Food additive Features: Non-ozone depleting Regulatory: FDA GRAS; FAO/WHO, JECFA approved Properties: Colorless cl. liq., char. mild pleasant odor; misc. with water and most org. solvs.; m.w. 118; sp.gr. 1.030-1.038; m.p. -3 C; b.p. 154 C; flash pt. (CC) 52 C; ref. index 1.4101.420; autoignition temp. 400 C; 98% min. assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 2500 mg/kg; LC50 (inh., rat, 8 h) > 5400 mg/m3; eye irritant; risk of serious eye damage; irritating to respiratory system, mucous membranes; skin contact may degrease skin, cause erythema; inh. of high vapor concs. can cause CNS depression, narcosis; immediately degrades into lactic acid and ethanol Environmental: BOD28 1.43 mg O2/mg; COD 1.66 mg O2/mg; readily biodeg.; unlikely to bioaccumulate; EC50 (daphnia, 48 h) 683 mg/l, (algae) 2200 mg/l; LC50 (fish, 48 h) 320 mg/l Precaution: Hydrolyzes in presence of water, acids, bases; avoid temps. above 61 C Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx; thermal decomp. can lead to release of irritating gases and vapors Storage: Keep container tightly closed Pure Food Powder [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: unmodified corn starch Uses: Processing aid, visc. control agent for dry mix cakes and muffins, fillings; body/mouthfeel enhancer, gelling agent in cheese sauce, desserts; gelling agent, moisture control agent, visc. control agent in batters, breading; body/mouthfeel Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
enhancer, visc. control agent in dry mix soups and sauces, savory sauces, soups Pureco® 76 [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Coconut (Cocos nucifera) oil, refined, bleached, deodorized CAS 8001-31-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-282-8 Uses: Diluent, lubricant, vehicle, carrier for pail coating, corn popping, nut roasting, mellorine, general purpose food applics., infant formulas, nutritional/sports supplements Properties: Lovibond R1.5 max. semisolid; typical odor; m.p. 74.3-80.6 F; iodine no. 10 max.; sapon. no. 248-264. Storage: Retest and requalify 12 mos. from the date of manufacture.; store in dry place @ R.T. Pureco® Canola [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Canola oil, refined, bleached, deodorized CAS 8002-13-9 Uses: Lubricant for nutritional prods. Features: Melting props. Properties: Lovibond 1.5 red max. liq.; vapor pressure > 1 mm Hg; b.p. >500 F; sapon. no. 180-193 ; flash pt. (COC) > 500 F Precaution: Wear chemical splash goggles and neoprene gloves for hot oil; avoid high temps. near flash pt. and strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx Storage: Retest and requalify 12 months from the date of manufacture; store in dry place @ R.T. Pureco® HOS [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: High oleic sunflower seed oil, refined, bleached, deodorized See Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seed oil CAS 8001-21-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-273-9 Uses: Lubricant for nutritional prods. Features: Melting props. Properties: Pale yel oil; neutral odor; sp. gr. 0.92; vapor pressure 200 C Toxicology: Not a serious eye irritant; no adverse effects to skin or by ing. Environmental: prevent run-off to sewers, streams or other bodies of water Precaution: Avoid strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx Storage: Retest and requalify 12 mos. from the 584
Part I: Trade Name Reference date of manufacture; store in a dry place @ R.T. Pureco® HSC-1 [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Partially hydrogenated veg. oils, refined, bleached, deodorized See Hydrogenated vegetable oil EINECS/ELINCS 269-820-6 Uses: Lubricant for nutritional prods. Features: Melting props. Properties: Solid @ R.T.; lt.-yel. liq. above m.p.; vapor pressure 500 F Toxicology: Contact with skin and eyes not expected to cause serious irritation; mist classified as nuisance particulates (ACGIH) Precaution: Wear chemical splash goggles Storage: Retest and requalify 12 months from the date of manufacture; store in a dry place at 70-75 F Pure-Cote™ B790 NF [Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified See Food starch, modified Uses: Binder for seasonings on snacks and cereals; smooth glossy coating agent for Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
confections and baked goods Features: Fast drying; low visc. Regulatory: NF Properties: Cl. film; flavor-free; sol. in cold water; very low visc. Pure-Dent® B700 NF [Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Unmodified corn (Zea mays) starch USP, NF CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Thickener for salad dressings, cooked puddings, bakery fillings, gravies Regulatory: NF Properties: Off-wh. powd., no odor, bland flavor; pH 5.5-6.5; 9-12.5% moisture Pure-Dent® B810 NF [Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn (Zea mays) starch NF CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Binder, diluent, absorbent, disintegrant, sweetness regulator for foods Features: Free-flowing; inert; low hygroscopicity; improves hardness and friability; food additive complying with regs. for food starch-modified; high visc., exc. gel str. Regulatory: NF, FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd., no odor, bland flavor; pH 4.5-7.0; 8-11% moisture Pure-Dent® B812 USP [Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn (Zea mays) starch USP CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Binder, diluent, absorbent for foods Features: Food additive complying with regs. for food starch-modified Regulatory: USP, FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd., odorless, bland flavor; pH 6.0; 11% moisture Pure-Dent® B815 NF [Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn (Zea mays) starch NF CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Binder, diluent, absorbent for foods Features: Food additive complying with regs. for food starch-modified Regulatory: NF, FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. fine powd., odorless, bland flavor; pH 4.5-7.0; 8-11% moisture Pure-Dent® B816 USP [Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Topical corn (Zea mays) 585
Part I: Trade Name Reference starch USP CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Binder, diluent, absorbent for foods Features: Food additive complying with regs. for food starch-modified Regulatory: USP, FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd., odorless, bland flavor; pH 6.0; 11% moisture Pure-Dent® B880 NF [Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified corn (Zea mays) starch NF CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Binder, diluent, absorbent for foods Features: Low visc.; inert; food additive complying with regs. for food starch-modified Regulatory: NF, FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd., odorless, bland flavor; pH 6.0; 11% moisture Pure-Dent® B890 NF [Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified corn (Zea mays) starch NF CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Binder, diluent, absorbent for foods Features: Low visc.; inert; food additive complying with regs. for food starch-modified Regulatory: NF, FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd., odorless, bland flavor; sol. in cold water; pH 6.0; 11% moisture Pure-Flo® [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Visc. builder, texturizer for aseptically processed foods, canned puddings Features: Very resist. to high temps. and shear; exc. freezer/refrigerator storage stability; produces smooth, short, heavy texture Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; bland flavor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Pure-Gel® B980 [Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified See Food starch, modified Uses: Stabilizer, thickener for frozen foods, soups, sauces, gravies, fruit pie fillings requiring additional processing tolerance Features: Rec. for food systems requiring heat, shear, or acid stability; imparts good freeze/thaw stability Pure-Gel® B990 [Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified See Food starch, modified Uses: Stabilizer, thickener for frozen foods, soups, sauces, gravies, fruit pie fillings, emulsified meats, ham prods. Features: Rec. for food systems requiring heat, shear, or acid stability; imparts exc. freeze/thaw stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd., odorless, bland flavor; pH 6.0; 10.5% moisture Pure-Gel® B992 [Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified FCC See Food starch, modified CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Stabilizer, thickener for frozen foods, soups, sauces, gravies, fruit pie fillings requiring additional processing tolerance Features: Rec. for food systems requiring heat, shear, or acid stability; imparts exc. freeze/thaw stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd., typ. odor, bland flavor; pH 6.0; 10.5% moisture Pure-Gel® B994 [Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified See Food starch, modified Uses: Stabilizer, thickener for frozen foods, soups, sauces, gravies, fruit pie fillings requiring additional processing tolerance Features: Rec. for food systems requiring heat, shear, or acid stability; imparts good freeze/thaw stability
Part I: Trade Name Reference Pure-Gel® B996 [Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified See Food starch, modified Uses: Stabilizer, thickener for frozen foods, soups, sauces, gravies, fruit pie fillings requiring additional processing tolerance Features: Rec. for food systems requiring heat, shear, or acid stability; imparts mod. freeze/thaw stability Pure/Riviera Olive Oil NF [Arista Ind. http://www.aristaindustries.com] Chem. Descrip.: Olive oil See Olive (Olea europaea) oil CAS 8001-25-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-277-0 Uses: Food ingred. Properties: Greenish-yel. bright and cl. oily liq.; sp.gr. 0.910-0.915; solid. pt. 17-26 C; acid no. 0.5; iodine no. 79-88; sapon. no. 190-195 Pure-Set® B950 [Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified See Food starch, modified CAS 65996-63-6 Uses: Gellant, binder for confectionery, gum candies, jellies; binder for frankfurters and bologna Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd., sl. odor, bland flavor; pH 5.5-6.5; 9-12% moisture Purity® 4 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch, modified derived from tapioca CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Texturizer, mouthfeel enhancer for foods, fillings, sauces, puddings, dry mixes, canned foods, frozen foods Features: Smooth, short texture; good resist. to heat, acid, shear; inherent freeze/thaw stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; bland taste; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Purity® 5 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch, modified CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Moisture control agent, flow aid, dusting agent, shelf life extender for dry food mixes; anticaking agent for hygroscopic materials; texturizing agent Features: Low moisture content; protects moisture-sensitive ingreds.; imparts smooth, short texture Properties: Wh. powd.; pH ≈ 5; 7.5% max. moisture (as packed) Purity® 21D [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch, modified CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Gellant, film-former for foods Features: High whiteness; firm gel str. in sol'ns. on cooling Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%) Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Purity® 69 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified starch derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Clarifier, smoothing agent, texturizer, stabilizer for cream and fruit pie fillings, sauces, gravies; stabilizer for frozen foods Features: Resist. to high temps., low pH 587
Part I: Trade Name Reference Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; bland flavor; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6; ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: TWA 10 mg/m3; nuisance dust; particulates may scratch eye surfaces and cause mech. irritation; low toxicity to skin and by ing.; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; sensitive to static elec.; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N Storage: Store @ ambient temps. Purity® 270 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch, modified CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Visc. builder, protective colloid for salad dressings Features: Rec. for continuous processing; low hot visc.; develops soft gel on cooling; latent set Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; bland flavor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 5.5 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Purity® 420 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch, modified CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Visc. builder, protective colloid, texturizer, bodying agent, shelf life extender for salad dressings, sauces Features: Rec. for continuous processing; resist. to acid, shear, high temps. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd., starch odor; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH 5.5 (1%); ≈ 11% Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
moisture Toxicology: TWA 10 mg/m3; nuisance dust; particulates may scratch eye surfaces and cause mech. irritation; low toxicity to skin and by ing.; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; sensitive to static elec.; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N Storage: Store @ ambient temps. Purity® 550 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch, modified CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Visc. builder, stabilizer, protective colloid, texturizer, shelf-life extender for salad dressings Features: Rec. for continuous and batch processing; resist. to shear Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd., starch odor; m.w. > 10000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH 5.5 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: TWA 10 mg/m3; nuisance dust; particulates may scratch eye surfaces and cause mech. irritation; low toxicity to skin and by ing.; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; sensitive to static elec.; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N Storage: Store @ ambient temps. Purity® 660 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch derived from corn See Food starch, modified CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Visc. builder, texturizer, mouthfeel enhancer for cream and/or milk-containing canned foods, pet foods, processed puddings and desserts Features: Rec. for high temp. continuous retorts; exc. stability during refrigerated and frozen storage; good resist. to high shear and acid conditions Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd., starch odor; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH 6 (1%); ≈ 11% 588
Part I: Trade Name Reference moisture Toxicology: TWA 10 mg/m3; nuisance dust; particulates may scratch eye surfaces and cause mech. irritation; low toxicity to skin and by ing.; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; sensitive to static elec.; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N Storage: Store @ ambient temps. Purity® 825 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Moisture control agent, flow aid, dusting agent for dry food mixes; anticaking agent for hygroscopic materials; texturizing agent Features: Low moisture content; protects moisture-sensitive ingreds.; imparts smooth, short texture Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; pH ≈ 6; 2.5% max. moisture (as packed) Purity® 87 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Visc. builder for yogurt, sour cream, and cultured prods. Features: Extremely resist. to high heat, shear, acid; exc. low temp. and long-term storage stability Properties: Bland Storage: Long term storage stability Purity® 90 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Texturizer, thickener, water binder, mouthfeel enhancer for foods contg. a protein matrix, Asian food prods. incl. noodles, meat prods. (hot dogs, emulsion meats, low-fat meat prods.); thickener for dry food mixes Features: Low gelatinization temp.; rapid hydration profile; good clarity; low temp. stability; does not mask flavors Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Purity® 9200 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch Chem. Analysis: ≈11% moisture CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Thickener and texturizing agent in cooked snacks; viscosity aid in canning operations Features: Develops viscosity without gelling properties and a clear, cohesive long texture when cooked Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; sp. gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Purity® CS C [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Visc. builder, texturizer for gravies, soups, puddings, refrigerated/frozen foods; colorant, brightener, gloss aid, stabilizer for cream-style corn Features: Exc. clarity; will not gel upon cooling; 589
Part I: Trade Name Reference exc. resist. to low temp. storage Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; extremely bland; pH ≈ 6; ≈ 11% moisture Purity® D [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified Uses: Texturizer, gellant for bakery and Bavarian cream fillings, dry mixes, and canned cream fillings; thickener for baby foods, fruit gels Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; neutral taste; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH 6 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: TWA 10 mg/m3; nuisance dust; particulates may scratch eye surfaces and cause mech. irritation; low toxicity to skin and by ing. Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; sensitive to static elec.; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N Storage: Store @ ambient temps. Purity® FC [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, tricalcium phosphate See Calcium phosphate tribasic; Food starch, modified Uses: Flow aid, dusting agent, antisticking agent, shelf life extender for noodles, dough skins, dry food mixes, confections Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; pH ≈ 6; ≈ 10% moisture Purity* FG [Petro-Canada http://www.petrocanada.ca; http://www.calflo.com] Uses: Heat transfer fluid for use in food processing Regulatory: USDA and Canadian Dept. of Agric. approved; Kosher Properties: Cl. and bright liq.; odorless; sp.gr. 0.853 (15 C), 0.651 (316 C); visc. 34.2 cSt (40 C), 0.72 cSt (316 C); vapor pressure 0.44 kPa (38 C), 14.27 kPa (316 C); pour pt. -18 C; flash pt. (COC) 209 C; sp.heat 1.94 kJ/kg·K (38 C), 2.88 kJ/kg·K (316 C) Toxicology: Nontoxic
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Purity® HO [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, corn syrup solids See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener for low acid food prods., instant puddings, bakery fillings; nonfat dried milk replacement in baked goods in combination with whey solids Features: Pregelatinized; high cold visc.; rec. for food prods. that are not subjected to high temps. or violent agitation Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892, 184.1865; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd.; starch odor; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 8% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Purity® HPC [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, texturizer, gloss aid, clarifier, syneresis inhibitor for aq. food systems, high acid foods, retorted prods., soups, sauces, bottled pickles, relishes, fruit fillings Features: Good freeze-thaw stability; improved heat penetration in sterilized prods. Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; pH ≈ 6; ≈ 11% moisture Purity® NCS [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch derived from corn See Food starch, modified Uses: Gellant, thickener, texturizer, shelf life extender for canned foods, licorice, cream style corn, gravies, sauces, and stews Features: Very resist. to overcooking in low pH systems; resist. to high shear processing Regulatory: Meets National Food Processors 590
Part I: Trade Name Reference Assoc. standards for thermophilic spores Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; pH ≈ 5; ≈ 11% moisture Purity® TF [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dent corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Gellant, film-former, texturizer for cooked creams, custard fillings, puddings, icings, Turkish paste confectioneries, caramels; opacifier for soups, sauces, gravies; molding starch additive Features: Not rec. for extended or cold temp. storage; tendency to exhibit syneresis Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 5.5 (1%) Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Purity® W [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Visc. builder, texturizer, smoothing agent, clarifier for gravies, stews, soups, puddings, desserts; colorant, brightener, gloss aid in cream-style corn Features: Smooth, short texture; good low and high temp. stability; minimizes the retrogradation over long storage periods; effective in neutral and some acid systems Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd., starch odor; very bland taste; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH 6 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: TWA 10 mg/m3; nuisance dust; particulates may scratch eye surfaces and cause mech. irritation; low toxicity to skin Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
and by ing.; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; sensitive to static elec.; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N Storage: Store @ ambient temps. Purity® Cloud [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, opacifier for processed gravies, sauces, soups, and stews Features: Good low temp. stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; bland taste; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH 5.5 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: TWA 10 mg/m3; nuisance dust; particulates may scratch eye surfaces and cause mech. irritation; low toxicity to skin and by ing.; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; sensitive to static elec.; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N Storage: Store @ ambient temps. Purity® Gum 40 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified Uses: Texturizer, gum Arabic replacement in hard gum candies, e.g., lozenges, cough drops, wine gums, fruit gums; film-former in coatings for confections, glazes Features: Exc. clarity, sheen, stability; low visc.; provides uniform flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation 591
Part I: Trade Name Reference Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Purity® Gum 59 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Texturizer, film-former, gum Arabic replacement in pan coating of confections and tablets, as glaze for bakery items, as coating for adhesion of seasonings and seeds to crackers and nut meats Features: Low visc.; produces smooth, clear, glossy, nonsticky, pliable films with exc. resist. to cracking and chipping Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; sol. in cold water, but heating @ 60-71 C yields complete disp. at faster rate; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 5.5 (1%); ≈ 6% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Purity® Gum 539 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified and corn syrup solids See Food starch, modified Uses: Emulsion stabilizer for food emulsions, bakery emulsions, beverage clouds; visc. builder, stabilizer for oil in pourable salad dressings Features: Pregelatinized; very good dispersibility; high visc.; partial or total replacement for gums Properties: Wh. to off-wh. coarse powd.; pH ≈ 5; ≈ 8% moisture Purity® Gum 1773 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Emulsion stabilizer for food emulsions, bakery emulsions, vitamin suspensions, liq. foods contg. oils and fats, flavor emulsions, beverage clouds in carbonated and still beverages; gum Arabic replacement in flavor emulsions Features: Very good visc. stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. fine powd.; starch odor; sol. in cold water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 4 (1%); ≈ 6% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Purity® Gum 2000 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Emulsion stabilizer for food emulsions, bakery emulsions, vitamin suspensions, liq. foods contg. oils and fats, flavor emulsions, beverage clouds in carbonated and still beverages; gum Arabic replacement in flavor emulsions Features: Very good visc. stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. fine powd.; starch odor; sol. in cold water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 4 (1%); ≈ 6% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation 592
Part I: Trade Name Reference Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Purity® Gum BE [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Emulsion stabilizer for flavors and cloud emulsions in carbonated and still beverages; emulsion stabilizer in other food emulsions, bakery emulsions, vitamin suspensions, liq. foods contg. oils and fats; gum Arabic replacement Features: Low visc. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. fine powd.; starch odor; sol. in cold water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 4 (1%); ≈ 6% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Puron AG [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Disodium diphosphate See Sodium acid pyrophosphate CAS 7758-16-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-835-0 Uses: Aerating agent, acidulant for prep. of baking powders, self-raising flours, chemically leavened baked flour confections Features: Used in conjunction with sodium bicarbonate Properties: Wh. powd.; m.w. 221.97; bulk dens. 1.1; pH 4.3 Storage: 2 yr. shelf life Puron F [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Disodium diphosphate See Sodium acid pyrophosphate CAS 7758-16-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-835-0 Uses: Acidulant, buffer in foodstuffs; additive Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
in meat processing; constituent of emulsifying salts; darkening preventive for potatoes Features: Non-aerator grade Properties: Wh. powd.; m.w. 221.97; bulk dens. 1.1; pH 3.7-5.0; 95% min. assay Storage: 2 yr. shelf life Puron SR [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Disodium diphosphate See Sodium acid pyrophosphate Chem. Analysis: Lead < 1 ppm; arsenic < 1 ppm; cadmium < 0.1 ppm; fluoride < 3.5 ppm; heavy metal < 10 ppm; mercury < 1 ppm CAS 7758-16-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-835-0 Uses: Aerating agent, acidulant for prep. of baking powders, chemically leavened flour confectioneries Features: Used in conjunction with sodium bicarbonate; slower acting than Puron AG Properties: Wh. powd.; m.w. 221.97; bulk dens. 1.1; pH 4.3 Storage: 2 yr. shelf life Purox B food/pharma [DSM Special Prods. http://www.dsm.com/en_US/html/dsp/homepa ge.htm] Chem. Descrip.: Benzoic acid CAS 65-85-0; EINECS/ELINCS 200-618-2 Uses: Preservative in food Regulatory: USP/NF, EP, JP, FCC; kosher Properties: Wh. flakes; characteristic odor; solid. pt. 121.5-122.5 C; 99.98 min. assay Storage: 2 yr shelf life Py-ran® [ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monocalcium phosphate anhydrous, monoaluminum phosphate anhydrous, dicalcium phosphate anhydrous, and amorphous precipitated silicon dioxide See Aluminum orthophosphate; Calcium phosphate dibasic; Calcium phosphate monobasic anhydrous; Diatomaceous earth CAS 7758-23-8; 7784-30-7; 7757-93-9; 7631-869; EINECS/ELINCS 231-837-1; 232-056-9; 231-826-1; 231-545-4 Uses: Functional food additive; buffer, dietary supplement, dough conditioner, firming agent, leavening agent, sequestrant, stabilizer in cereals, dough, preserves, fruit jelly; calcium supplement in foods Regulatory: FCC compliance Properties: Wh., odorless crystals; 0.5% max. on 100 mesh, 15% max. on 200 mesh; 16.8593
Part I: Trade Name Reference 18.3% assay (as Ca) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 7,100 mg/kg; practically nontoxic; sl. irritating to eyes and skin; TSCA listed HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Pyrazine Mixture, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor for cocoa, chocolate, coffee, roasted nuts, meats, potato, tobacco Regulatory: GRAS; CFR §172.510; 21 CFR §101.22; kosher Properties: Lt yel. liq.; nutty, roasted, chocolate taste; sol. in oil, PG, alcohol; insol. in water; sp. gr. 0.968-0.970 (15 C); b.p. 59 C (10mm Hg); flash pt. 57 C Use Level: 0.05-5 ppm Storage: 24 mos. shelf life; store in tightly closed container away from light and sources of ignition @ ≤ 20 C Pyridoxine Hydrochloride USP, FCC [DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vitamin B6 See Pyridoxine HCl CAS 58-56-0; EINECS/ELINCS 200-386-2 Uses: Dietary supplement for mfg. of dry and liq. pharmaceuticals and in vitamin fortification of foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR GRAS; USP, FCC, Ph. Eur. Properties: Wh. cryst. powd., odorless; 95% min. through 100 mesh; freely sol. in water (1 g/5ml); sl. sol. in alcohol (1 g/100 ml); insol. in ether; m.w. 205.64; m.p. 202-206 C; pH 2-4 (10% aq.); 98% min. assay Toxicology: Ingestion of 500 mg or more daily for 6 mos. may cause ataxia and severe neuropathy Precaution: Avoid exposure to excessive heat, alkali, light Storage: Store in tightly closed containers away from light, moisture, excessive heat @ optimum temp. < 72 F QEMI DF 210 FG [Qemi Int'l. http://www.qemi.com] Chem. Descrip.: silicone defoamer in silicone emulsion Uses: Defoamer for food processing and fermentation processes Properties: Cream wh.; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.0; nonionic; 10% act. QEMI DF 220 FG [Qemi Int'l. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.qemi.com] Chem. Descrip.: silicone defoamer in silicone emulsion Uses: Defoamer for food processing and fermentation processes Properties: Cream wh.; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.0; pH (5% aq.) 7.5; nonionic; 20% act. QEMI DF 230 FG [Qemi Int'l. http://www.qemi.com] Chem. Descrip.: silicone defoamer in silicone emulsion Uses: Defoamer for fermentation process and instant coffee Properties: Amber liq.; sl. odor; sl. disp. in water; sp.gr. 0.96; visc. 50-175; pour pt. 8-11 C; nonionic; 100% act. Storage: Stable for 12 mos.; keep in closed container @ R.T. away from heat, sparks, open flame; avoid storing outdoors QEMI DF 8501A [Qemi Int'l. http://www.qemi.com] Chem. Descrip.: mixture of org. compounds Uses: Defoamer for starch and protein sol'ns. for food Regulatory: 21 CFR §173.340(a), 573.940; kosher Properties: Yel. opaque liq.; disp. in water; sp.gr. 0.96; visc. 1000-3500 cps; pour pt. -5 C Storage: Keep in closed container away from extreme heat; protect from freezing QEMI DF 8542R [Qemi Int'l. http://www.qemi.com] Chem. Descrip.: org. antifoam Chem. Analysis: Water 0.1% Uses: Defoamer for the mfg. of citric acid, amino acids, enzymes, food processing Features: Increased yield; exc. foam control Regulatory: 21 CFR §173.340(3); kosher; pareve Properties: Cl. liq.; sp.gr. 0.998; visc. 400 cps Storage: Keep in closed container away from extreme heat; protect from freezing QEMI DF 8942 [Qemi Int'l. http://www.qemi.com] Chem. Descrip.: org. antifoam Uses: Defoamer for food processing and food contact applics. Regulatory: 21 CFR §173.340, 175.105, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1400, 178.3120 Properties: Opaque wh. to amber liq.; sp.gr. 1.0; visc. 550 cps; pour pt. < 30 F; flash pt. (PMCC) 594
Part I: Trade Name Reference > 300 F; 100% act. Storage: Store @ ambient temps. Qemisurf 300K [Qemi Int'l. http://www.qemi.com] Uses: Surfactant, antifoam for food processing Properties: Cl. yel. liq.; mild fatty odor; bland taste; sp.gr. 0.96; Brookfield visc. ≈ 180 cps; flash pt. 300 F; HLB 2.8 Storage: Store @ R.T. Qual Flo® [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Powd. cellulose FCC CAS 9004-34-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, flow aid for foods, mozzarella, provolone cheeses in institutional size bags for pizzeria, restaurant, and retail trades Features: Designed for fast turnover foods that do not require prolonged shelf life Properties: Wh. fibrous powd., odorless; 0% 300 µ residue, 30% max. 32 µ residue; 40 µ avg. fiber length, 18 µ avg. fiber thickness; partly sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.5 g/cc; apparent dens. 185-220 g/l; pH 5-7.5; 99.5% act. Toxicology: Inhalation of dust may cause allergenic reactions on repeated exposure Storage: Store in cool, dry area Qual Flo® 20E [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Uses: Improves flow, prevents clumping, anticaking agent for cheese Properties: Wh. Use Level: 2% Qual Flo® 20PS [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Uses: Improves flow, prevents clumping, anticaking agent for cheese Properties: Wh. Qual Flo® 200 [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Uses: Improves flow, prevents clumping, anticaking agent for cheese Properties: Wh. Use Level: 2-3% Qual Flo® 200LD [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Uses: Improves flow, prevents clumping, anticaking agent for cheese Properties: Wh. Use Level: 1-2% Qual Flo® C [Int'l. Fiber Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Powd. cellulose FCC, annatto See Annatto (Bixa orellana); Cellulose Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, and flow agent for foodstuffs; designed for fast turnover foods that do not require prolonged shelf life, e.g., institutional size bags for pizzeria, restaurant, and retail trades; for cheddar, Colby cheeses Properties: Yel.-orange fibrous powd., odorless; 0% 300 µ residue, 30% max. 32 µ residue; 40 µ avg. fiber length, 18 µ avg. fiber thickness; partly sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.5 g/cc; apparent dens. 185-220 g/l; pH 5-7.5; 99.5% act. Toxicology: Inhalation of dust may cause allergenic reactions on repeated exposure Storage: Store in cool, dry area Qual Flo® EXT [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Uses: Improves flow, prevents clumping, anticaking agent for cheese Properties: Wh. Quick-Tex W4 Icing Stabilizer [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Uses: Icing stabilizer, shelf life extender for most transparent icings Features: Boiling type Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd. Quix Icing Stabilizer [Am. Ingreds./Patco http://www.patco-additives.com] Uses: Icing stabilizer, shelf life extender for transparent icings Features: Boiling type Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd. Use Level: 0.5-0.7% on powd. sugar Radiamuls MG 2141 [Oleon NV http://www.oleon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerol monostearate, SE See Glyceryl stearate SE CAS 11099-07-3 Uses: Plasticizer, homogenizer, defoamer, rehydrator, anticaking agent in foods Properties: Powd./flakes; anionic; 40% conc. Radiamuls MG 2143 [Oleon NV http://www.oleon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vegetable glycerol monostearate See Glyceryl stearate CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Plasticizer, homogenizer, defoamer, 595
Part I: Trade Name Reference rehydrator, anticaking agent in foods Properties: Powd./flakes; HLB 3.0; nonionic; 40% conc. Radiamuls MG 2152 [Oleon NV http://www.oleon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerol monooleate See Glyceryl oleate CAS 111-03-5; EINECS/ELINCS 203-827-7 Uses: Plasticizer, homogenizer, defoamer, rehydrator, anticaking agent in foods Properties: Liq.; HLB 2.8; nonionic; 40% conc. Radiamuls MG 2900 [Oleon NV http://www.oleon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerol monostearate See Glyceryl stearate CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Plasticizer, homogenizer, defoamer, rehydrator, anticaking agent in foods Properties: Powd./flakes; HLB 3.9; nonionic; 90% + conc. Rapidase® [DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectinase CAS 9032-75-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-885-6 Uses: Range of enzymes for maceration, cloudy juice, depectinization, advanced extraction, pomace pectin recovery, advanced pomace extraction, French cider production and starch degradation Redihop® [John I. Hass http://www.barthhaasgroup.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Highly purified aq. sol'n. of of the potassium salt of reduced isoalpha acids standardized @ 35% w/w, from hops extract Uses: Flavoring agent (bittering agent), light stabilizer for light or reduced-calorie beers Features: Provides a smooth bitterness with less after-bitter and improved light stability; for postfermentation injection Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.560(b)(2-5), Storage: Store at 20-22 C; may precipitate during storage Redisol® 78D [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from potato See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, texturizer for toppings, icings, cheese sauces; meringue stabilizer; film-former on dry roasted peanuts Features: Pregelatinized starch; produces med. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
flow, smooth, cream-like texture Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd.; 5% on 60 mesh, 50% through 200 mesh; pH 6; 6% moisture Redisol® 88 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, texturizer, mouthfeel enhancer for instant foods, dry mixes, puddings, icings, pie fillings, chip dips, soup mixes, spreads Features: Pregelatinized starch; provides heavy flow, smooth, creamy texture, sl. chewy tender mouthfeel Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Powd.; 98% through 100 mesh, 85% through 200 mesh; pH 6.0; 6% moisture Redisol® 248 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from potato See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, bulking agent for milk-gel instant puddings, cream soup mixes, sauces, gravies, snack dips, spreads Features: Pregelatinized starch; provides smooth, visc. sol'ns., good acid resist. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; kosher, Passover certified Properties: Powd.; 0.2% on 140 mesh, 92% through 200 mesh; cold water sol.; pH 6.0; 7% moisture Redisol® 412 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for convenience foods, instant puddings, cake mixes, icings, nonbaked refrigerated desserts Features: Pregelatinized starch; produces smooth, soft, tender gels of short texture Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Powd.; 98% through 100 mesh, 85% through 200 mesh; pH 6.0; 7% moisture Redi-Tex® [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from dent corn See Food starch, modified Chem. Analysis: 5-6% moisture Uses: Texturizer for hot or cold processed food systems, apple sauce, tomato paste/sauce, apricot puree, sauces, 596
Part I: Trade Name Reference gravies, dry mixes; extender for tomato pastes, juices, soups, stews, sauces; extender for coconut in candies Features: Cold water swelling starch providing pulpy texture Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. flakes, bland flavor; 2% on 10 mesh, 97% on 100 mesh, 3% through 100 mesh; visc. 34,000 cps; pH 6.0 (10%) Red Miso Powder 6100 [Nikken Foods Co. Ltd. http://www.nikkenfoods.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Fermented soy beans and barley with salt Uses: Provides a salty, meaty flavor with bitter overtones; used for oriental sauces, soups, chili, spreads, and as replacement for MSG or HVP; most effective in beef or pork applics. Properties: Brn. freeze-dried free-flowing fine powd., mild typical fermented soy aroma; 4% moisture, 20.6% protein, 20% salt, 9% fat Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area in sealed containers; avoid storage at elevated temps. Reduce®-150 [Am. Ingreds./Patco http://www.patco-additives.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of sodium stearoyl lactylate, calcium sulfate, and sodium sulfite Uses: Dough conditioner for flour tortillas, pie crusts, and pizza shells Properties: Lt. tan free-flowing powd., mild caramel odor; acid no. 30-40; 11-15% calcium, 2.0-2.8% sodium Use Level: 4-16 oz/cwt flour Storage: Store under cool, dry conditions Regent® 12XX [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monocalcium phosphate, monohydrate FCC See Calcium phosphate monobasic monohydrate CAS 10031-30-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-837-1 Uses: Acidulant, leavening agent for baking, cereal, pancake mixes, cookie mixes, angel food cakes, beverages; bread improver in yeast-raised doughs Features: Very fast action; used with other acids in double-acting baking powds. Properties: Brilliant wh. free-flowing cryst.; 99% through 100 mesh, 87% through 200 mesh; bulk dens. 66 lb/ft3; neutralizing value 80; pH 3.7 (1%); 15.9-17% assay (Ca) Regular Paniplus® 2X [ADM Specialty Ingreds. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium sulfate; calcium peroxide; dicalcium phosphate; diammonium phosphate See Ammonium phosphate, dibasic; Calcium phosphate dibasic Uses: Dough conditioner, shelf life extender, calcium source in foods Properties: Dull wh. powd.; 98% through 40 mesh; 1.46% calcium peroxide Use Level: 3-4 oz per 100 lbs of flour Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location; best when used before 9 mos; keep containers well closed when not in use Reheis Less Salt Blend [Reheis http://www.reheis.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Potassium chloride, USP/FCC, BO, EP CAS 7447-40-7; EINECS/ELINCS 231-211-8 Uses: Sodium replacement or nutrient replacement for foods Reishi Mycelium Biomass REIMYC [Garuda Int'l. http://www.garudaint.com] Chem. Descrip.: Reishi mycelium biomass from Ganoderma lucidum Uses: Ingred. for health foods; powds. in herbal tea blends Features: Polysaccharides and peptidomannans actives Properties: Lt. rdsh.-brn. powd.; insol. in water Storage: 24 mo shelf life Reishi Mycelium Extract [Garuda Int'l. http://www.garudaint.com] Chem. Descrip.: Reishi mycelium extract from Ganoderma lucidum with 70% dextrose carrier See Glucose Uses: Ingred. for health foods, teas, beverages, nutritional supplements Features: Polysaccharides and lignins actives Properties: Brownish-red gran. Storage: 24 mo shelf life Remy CA [Remy Industries NV http://www.remy-industries.be] Chem. Descrip.: Rice starch See Rice (Oryza sativa) starch CAS 9005-25-8 Uses: Gellant, binder for confectionery, fancy foods Features: Neutral starch Properties: Wh. oven-dried crystals Remy DR [Remy Industries NV 597
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.remy-industries.be] Chem. Descrip.: Rice starch See Rice (Oryza sativa) starch CAS 9005-25-8 Uses: Gellant, binder for foods, confectionery, chocolate filling, biscuits, extruded snacks, custards, frozen vegetables with cream sauce Features: Milled neutral starch Properties: Wh. powd., neutral taste; 7% max. on 200 mesh; sol. in hot water; insol. in cold water; bulk dens. 0.40 g/cm3; pH 6.0-7.5 (10%); 15% max. moisture, 0.55% max. protein, 0.1% max. fat Toxicology: Nonhazardous Precaution: Dust explosion is possible Storage: 5 yr. min. storage life when stored in unopened original packing in dry place free from odors, insects, rodents Remy FG [Remy Industries NV http://www.remy-industries.be] Chem. Descrip.: Rice starch See Rice (Oryza sativa) starch CAS 9005-25-8 Uses: Gellant, binder for confectionery molding, dusting of chewing gum, baking powd. Features: Neutral starch Properties: Wh. finely milled powd., neutral taste Remy FG-P [Remy Industries NV http://www.remy-industries.be] Chem. Descrip.: Rice starch See Rice (Oryza sativa) starch CAS 9005-25-8 Uses: Gellant, binder for baby foods, food specialties, instant foods Features: Pregelatinized starch Properties: Wh. powd., neutral taste; cold water sol. Remygel 14-552 [Remy Industries NV http://www.remy-industries.be] Chem. Descrip.: Modified waxy rice starch See Rice (Oryza sativa) starch CAS 9005-25-8 Uses: Binder, thickener, stabilizer, oil/fat substitute in baby foods, sauces, soups, salad dressings, frozen foods, preserves, low-fat margarine/butter Features: When cooked, forms a creamy gel which resists freezing, sterilization, acid environments Properties: Wh. powd., neutral taste; 7% max. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
on 200 mesh; sol. in hot water; insol. in cold water; bulk dens. 0.40 g/cm3; pH 6.0-7.5 (10%); 15% max. moisture, 0.55% max. protein, 0.1% max. fat Toxicology: Nonhazardous Precaution: Dust explosion is possible Storage: 5 yr. min. storage life in unopened original packing in dry place free from odors, insects, and rodents Remygel 14-552-P [Remy Industries NV http://www.remy-industries.be] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy rice starch See Rice (Oryza sativa) starch CAS 9005-25-8 Uses: Binder, thickener, stabilizer, oil/fat substitute in food specialties, baby foods, sauces, soups, salad dressings, frozen foods, preserves, low-fat margarine/butter Features: Pre-cooked version of Remygel AX and AX-2 Properties: Wh. powd., neutral taste; sol. in cold water Remygel 663 [Remy Industries NV http://www.remy-industries.be] Chem. Descrip.: Modified waxy rice starch See Rice (Oryza sativa) starch CAS 9005-25-8 Uses: Binder, thickener, stabilizer, oil/fat substitute in food specialties, baby foods, sauces, soups, salad dressings, frozen foods, preserves, low-fat margarine/butter, fruit preps. Features: Oven-stable, less sensitive to shear stress Properties: Wh. powd., neutral taste; 7% max. on 200 mesh; sol. in hot water; insol. in cold water; bulk dens. 0.40 g/cm3; pH 6.0-7.5 (10%); 15% max. moisture, 0.55% max. protein, 0.1% max. fat Toxicology: Nonhazardous Precaution: Dust explosion is possible Storage: 5 yr. min. storage life in unopened original packing in dry place free from odors, insects, and rodents Remygel 663-B-P [Remy Industries NV http://www.remy-industries.be] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy rice starch See Rice (Oryza sativa) starch CAS 9005-25-8 Uses: Binder, thickener, stabilizer, oil/fat substitute in food specialties, baby foods, sauces, soups, salad dressings, frozen 598
Part I: Trade Name Reference foods, preserves, low-fat margarine/butter Features: Pre-cooked version of Remygel AX and AX-2 Properties: Wh. powd., neutral taste; sol. in cold water Remyline AX-Dr [Remy Industries NV http://www.remy-industries.be] Chem. Descrip.: Native waxy rice starch See Rice (Oryza sativa) starch CAS 9005-25-8 Uses: Binder, thickener, stabilizer, oil/fat substitute in food specialties, baby foods, sauces, soups, salad dressings, frozen foods, preserves, low-fat margarine/butter; when cooked, forms a smooth gel which resists freezing Properties: Wh. powd., neutral taste; 7% max. on 200 mesh; sol. in hot water; insol. in cold water; bulk dens. 0.40 g/cm3; pH 6.0-7.5 (10%); 15% max. moisture, 0.55% max. protein, 0.1% max. fat Toxicology: Nonhazardous Precaution: Dust explosion is possible Storage: 5 yr. min. storage life in unopened original packing in dry place free from odors, insects, and rodents Remyline FG-AX-P [Remy Industries NV http://www.remy-industries.be] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy rice starch See Rice (Oryza sativa) starch CAS 9005-25-8 Uses: Binder, thickener, stabilizer, oil/fat substitute in food specialties, baby foods, sauces, soups, salad dressings, frozen foods, preserves, low-fat margarine/butter Features: Pre-cooked version of Remyline AX Properties: Wh. powd., neutral taste; sol. in cold water Resinall 622 [Resinall http://www.resinall.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Rosin ester in toluene Uses: Chewing gum base Properties: Neat resin: dens. 9.0 lb/gal; m.p. (R&B) 90 C; acid no. 8; 70% solids in toluene: Gardner 9 color; visc. (Gardner) 2 Resinogum DD [Colloides Naturels Int'l. http://www.cniworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum resin dammar purified and deodorized See Dammar CAS 9000-16-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-528-4 Uses: Stabilizer for essential oils in emulsions for flavored drinks Features: 100% natural food resin; not Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
chemically modified; dissolves rapidly at R.T. in essential oils of up to 50% conc. Properties: Yel. flakes; sp.gr. 1.04-1.08; m.p. 75125 C Resistamyl 131 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Viscosifier, bodying agent in instant prods.; texturizer in foods; suspension aid in canned prods.; improves crispiness, reduces oil uptake in batters, breadings Resistamyl 231 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Viscosifier, bodying agent in instant prods.; texturizer in foods; suspension aid in canned prods.; improves crispiness, reduces oil uptake in batters, breadings Resistamyl 310 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: crosslinked waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Thickener in canned foods, instant cook up foods; visc. control agent, texturizer, body/mouthfeel enhancer in soups, sauces, gravies, dressings Resistamyl 330 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: modifier waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy Uses: Freeze/thaw stabilizer, moisture control agent, shelf-life/freshness improver, visc. control agent for bakery, snacks; body/mouthfeel enhancer, texturizer, visc. control agent in soups, sauces, gravies, dressings; suspension agent in canned foods Resistamyl 341 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: crosslinked, stabilized waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Visc. control agent, chill stabilizer, shelf-life improver for neutral pH canned foods; visc. control agent, body/chill stabilizer for dry mixes, soups, sauces, 599
Part I: Trade Name Reference dairy desserts; moisture control agent, texturizer, water binder, extender for meats; freeze/thaw stabilizer, shelf-life/freshness improver, visc. control agent in bakery, snacks; texturizer, stabilizer in soups, sauces, gravies, dressings Resistamyl 342 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: highly crosslinked, stabilized waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Visc. control agent, body enhancer, freeze/thaw stabilizer in canned foods, soups, low pH sauces, salad dressings and relishes, fruit preparations and dairy desserts Resistamyl 343 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: highly crosslinked, stabilized waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Visc. control agent, body enhancer, freeze/thaw stabilizer in canned foods, soups, low pH sauces, salad dressings, relishes, fruit preparations and dairy desserts Resistamyl 345 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: highly crosslinked, stabilized waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Visc. control agent, body enhancer, freeze/thaw stabilizer in canned foods, soups, low pH sauces, relishes, fruit preparations and dairy desserts Resistamyl 346 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: highly crosslinked, stabilized waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Freeze/thaw stabilizer, shelflife/freshness improver, visc. control agent for bakery, snacks; body/mouthfeel enhancer, freeze/thaw stabilizer, texturizer, visc. control agent for dairy; moisture control agent, texturizer, water binder, extender for meat; body/mouthfeel enhancer, shelf-life/freshness improver, stabilizer, texturizer, visc. control agent for soups, sauces, gravies, dressings Resistamyl 347 [Tate & Lyle UK Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: crosslinked, stabilized waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Freeze/thaw stabilizer, shelflife/freshness improver, visc. control agent for bakery, snacks; body/mouthfeel enhancer, freeze/thaw stabilizer for dairy; texturizer, visc. control agent for dairy, fruit filling, fruit preps., jams; moisture control agent, texturizer, water binder, extender for meat; body/mouthfeel enhancer, shelflife/freshness improver, stabilizer, texturizer, visc. control agent for soups, sauces, gravies, dressings Resistamyl 348 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: crosslinked, stabilized waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Body/mouthfeel enhancer, freeze/thaw stabilizer for dairy; texturizer, visc. control agent for dairy, fruit filling, fruit preps., jams; body/mouthfeel enhancer, shelflife/freshness improver, stabilizer, texturizer, visc. control agent for soups, sauces, gravies, dressings Resistamyl 349 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: highly crosslinked, stabilized waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy Uses: Body/mouthfeel enhancer, processing stabilizer, texturizer, visc. control agent for dairy; body/mouthfeel enhancer, stabilizer, texturizer, visc. control agent for soups, sauces, gravies, dressings Revel A [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Palm oil See Palm (Elaeis guineensis) oil Chem. Analysis: 0.05% free fatty acd CAS 8002-75-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-316-1 Uses: Structuring and stabilizing fat for peanut butter; crystallizing agent in lauric fat-based compound coatings Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Wh. to yel. crystalline matrix; insol. in water; capillary m.p. 140 F; iodine no. 14; peroxide no. 1.0 max.; flash pt. > 500 F Use Level: 2% in peanut butter and 1.5-3.5% in the coating fat phase Precaution: Avoid inh. of veg. mists Storage: 180 day shelf life; store @ 15-26 C in 600
Part I: Trade Name Reference area free of odors Rex® Vitamin Fortified Wheat Germ Oil [Viobin http://www.viobinusa.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat germ oil, fortified with vitamin A and vitamin D See Cholecalciferol; Ergocalciferol; Retinol; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) germ oil Uses: Nutritive ingred. Features: Nutritionally rich veg. oil contg. ≈ 6% lecithin-rich phosphatides, 4.7% unsaponifiable material rich in octacosonal, vitamin E, active tocopherols, sitosterols, and dihydrositosterol Properties: Oil Rezista® [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, shelf life extender for acidic foods which are held at high temps. for long periods, tart fruit pie fillings, glazes, baker's jellies, yogurt fruit bases Features: Cook-up starch; provides freeze/thaw stability, resist. to syneresis Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd., bland flavor; pH 5.0 (uncooked); 12% moisture Rezista® 682 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: waxy cook up starch Uses: Body/mouthfeel enhancer, processing stabilizer, shelf-life/freshness improver, temp/pH/shear/freeze-thaw stabilizer, visc. control agent for soups, sauces, gravies, dressings Rezista® HV [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy Uses: Body/mouthfeel enhancer, processing stabilizer, shelf-life/freshness improver, temp/pH/shear/freeze-thaw stabilizer, visc. control agent for soups, sauces, gravies, dressings Rheodol SP-S30 [Kao Corp. http://www.kao.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan tristearate CAS 26658-19-5; EINECS/ELINCS 247-891-4 Uses: Food additive (Japan) Features: Highly lipophilic Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: Japan approved food additive; JSCI compliance Properties: Grayish wh. powd.; sol. in xylene; sol. hazy in ethanol; disp. in hexane; insol. in water; m.p. 54.4 C; HLB 2.1; acid no. 12-14; sapon. no. 176-188; hyd. no. 66-80; nonionic; 100% conc. Rhodacal® DS-4 [Rhodia HPCII http://www.rhodia-hpcii.com; Rhodia HPCII France http://www.hpcii.rhodia.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate aq. sol'n. See Sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate CAS 25155-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 246-680-4 Uses: Surfactant for fruit and vegetable washing Regulatory: FDA compliance; exempt from tolerance under EPA 40CFR §180.1001(c)(e) Properties: Dk. brn. liq.; surf. tens. 32 dynes/cm (@ CMC); anionic; 22% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rats) 2.77 g/kg, (IV, mice) 105 mg/kg Rhodacal® LDS-22 [Rhodia HPCII http://www.rhodia-hpcii.com] Chem. Descrip.: Linear sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate See Sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate CAS 68081-81-2; EINECS/ELINCS 246-680-4 Uses: Emulsifier for fruit and vegetable washing Regulatory: FDA compliance Properties: Gardner 2 cl. liq.; visc. 200 cps; pH 7.0-8.2 (10%); surf. tens. 32 dynes/cm (@ CMC); anionic; 22.4-22.6% act. Storage: 270 day shelf life Rhodaline 202 [Rhodia HPCII http://www.rhodia-hpcii.com] Chem. Descrip.: Med. m.w. sodium polyacrylate sol'n. CAS 9003-04-7 Uses: Boiler water additive (food contact) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.310, 175.105, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180; EPA compliance Properties: Lt. straw-colored liq.; water-sol.; m.w. 60,000; sp.gr. 1.25; visc. 2000 cps; pH 8.0; anionic; 35% solids Storage: Not affected by freeze-thaw cycling; can be stored over wide temp. range; if prod. freezes, warm to 100 F and mix well before using Rhodapon® BOS [Rhodia HPCII 601
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.rhodia-hpcii.com; Rhodia HPCII France http://www.hpcii.rhodia.com; HallStar http://www.cphall.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium 2-ethylhexylsulfate See Sodium 2-ethylhexyl sulfate CAS 126-92-1; EINECS/ELINCS 204-812-8 Uses: Surfactant for fruit and vegetable washing Features: High electrolyte tolerance Regulatory: FDA compliance Properties: Cl. liq.; visc. 50 cps; cloud pt. < 10 C; pH 9.5-10.5 (10%); surf. tens. 33 dynes/cm (@ CMC); anionic; 39-40% act. Environmental: biodeg. Rhodapon® LCP [Rhodia HPCII http://www.rhodia-hpcii.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium lauryl sulfate CAS 151-21-3; EINECS/ELINCS 205-788-1 Uses: Surfactant for fruit coatings Features: Low cloud pt. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.210, 172.822, 175.105, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1630, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.1010, 178.3120, 178.3400, 179.45 Properties: Yel. cl. liq.; visc. 100 cps; pH 7.5-8.5 (10%); surf. tens. 30 dynes/cm (@ CMC); anionic; 29-30% act. Rhodapon® LSB [Rhodia HPCII http://www.rhodia-hpcii.com; HallStar http://www.cphall.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium lauryl sulfate CAS 151-21-3; EINECS/ELINCS 205-788-1 Uses: Emulsifier, whipping agent, surfactant, wetting agent in foods, coatings on fresh citrus fruits Features: High-foaming Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.210, 172.822, 175.105, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1630, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.1010, 178.3120, 178.3400, 179.45 Properties: Pale cl. liq.; visc. 150 cps; HLB 40; cloud pt. 20 C; pH 8 (10%); anionic; 29% act. Rhodapon® SM Special [Rhodia HPCII http://www.rhodia-hpcii.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium lauryl sulfate CAS 151-21-3; EINECS/ELINCS 205-788-1 Uses: Emulsifier, whipping agent, surfactant, wetting agent in foods, coatings on fresh citrus fruits Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.210, 172.822, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
175.105, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1630, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.1010, 178.3120, 178.3400, 179.45 Properties: Wh. paste; pH 8; anionic; 38% act. Rhodiarome® Extra-Pure [Rhodia Organics http://www.rhodia-ppa.com/ppa/home.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Ethyl vanillin CAS 121-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 204-464-7 Uses: Used in combination with vanillin as a flavoring agent in food Regulatory: FEMA; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; China; Europe EINECS; Japan ENCS; Philippines PICCS; South Korea; Kosher Properties: Powd.; powerful vanilla odor Toxicology: TSCA listed Rhodorsil® R-4710AC [Bluestar Silicones France] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethylpolysiloxane emulsion Uses: Antifoam for food processing Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sp.gr. 1.0; dilutable in water; visc. 400 cSt; pH 7.0; nonionic Storage: 1 yr. when stored in original, unopened container @ 2-30 C Rhodorsil® RA-4730AC [Bluestar Silicones France] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethylpolysiloxane emulsion Uses: Antifoam for food processing, fruit and juice processing Features: Highly effective in many acid or alkaline sol'ns Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR 173.340 (for conc. < 33 ppm); kosher Properties: Sp.gr. 1.0; dilutable in water; visc. 1000-2000 cSt; pH 7.0; solids 30%; nonionic Storage: 1 yr. when stored in original, unopened container @ 1-30 C Rhovanil #174 Fine Mesh [Rhodia Organics http://www.rhodia-ppa.com/ppa/home.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Vanillin CAS 121-33-5; EINECS/ELINCS 204-465-2 Uses: Flavor in confectioneries by mixing it to sugar powder, chocolate powders, vanillin sugar, beverages Regulatory: FEMA; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; China; Europe EINECS; Japan ENCS; Philippines PICCS; South Korea; Hallal; Kosher Properties: Powd.; vanilla odor Toxicology: TSCA listed Rhovanil #174 Free Flow [Rhodia Organics 602
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.rhodia-ppa.com/ppa/home.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Vanillin CAS 121-33-5; EINECS/ELINCS 204-465-2 Uses: Flavoring agent for bakeries, confectionery, chocolate powders, beverages Features: Used where automatical dosing equipment are used, or when ingredients have to face long transport durations Regulatory: FEMA; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; China; Europe EINECS; Japan ENCS; Philippines PICCS; South Korea; Hallal; Kosher Properties: Powd.; vanilla odor Toxicology: TSCA listed Rhovanil™ Extra-Pure [Rhodia Organics http://www.rhodia-ppa.com/ppa/home.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: Vanillin CAS 121-33-5; EINECS/ELINCS 204-465-2 Uses: Flavor for chocolate, ice creams, soft drinks, confectioneries, and baking Regulatory: Australia AICS; Canada DSL; China; Europe EINECS; Japan ENCS; Philippines PICCS; South Korea; Hallal; Kosher Properties: Powd.; sweet, creamy, vanilla odor Toxicology: TSCA listed Riboflavin-5´-Phosphate Sodium USP, FCC [DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com] Chem. Descrip.: Riboflavin-5´-phosphate sodium USP, FCC, EP CAS 130-40-5; EINECS/ELINCS 204-988-6 Uses: Riboflavin source in in instant dry foods where it is essential to obtain potencies above the solubility of riboflavin Regulatory: USP Properties: Yellow to orange powd., pH (1% aq. sol'n.) 5.0-6.3; sol. in water ≈ 3g/100mL, very sl. sol. in alcohol, pract. insol. in ether, chloroform, and acetone; 75.0-79.0% (dry) assay Precaution: Incompat. with sol'ns. contg. calcium or metallic salts which form insoluble phosphates Storage: Store in dry place @ 59-86 F in tight, light-resist. containers; avoid heat and prolonged exposure to light Rice*Complete® 3 [Primera Foods http://www.primerafoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: 10% Rice protein, 90% rice maltodextrin (3DE) Uses: Fat mimetic, mouthfeel enhancer, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
texturizer, gellant, fat/oil replacement in salad dressings, baked goods, frostings, soups, gravies, dips; adhesive for granola, nut coatings; bodying agent for beverages; moisture retention agent Features: Provides creamy texture in water; gels in cold water above 15% Properties: Creamy wh. powd., bland odor, flavor; 100% through 140 mesh; 10% rice protein, 8% max. moisture Storage: Store in cool, dry area Rice*Complete® 35 [Primera Foods http://www.primerafoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: 10% Rice protein, 90% rice syrup solids (25DE) Uses: Fat mimetic, mouthfeel enhancer, sweetener in baked goods, frostings, nutritional beverages; bodying agent in beverages Properties: Cream-colored powd., bland odor, flavor; 100% through 140 mesh; 10% rice protein, 8% max. moisture Storage: Store in cool, dry area RICEO™ [Tsuno Rice Fine Chems. http://www.tsuno.co.jp; Tri-K Ind. http://www.tri-k.com] Chem. Descrip.: extracted from rice bran See Rice (Oryza sativa) bran Chem. Analysis: 8.2% protein; 11.1% dietary fiber; 5.33% K; 11.1% inositol Uses: Functional food Features: Rich source of the water-soluble vitamins; GMO-free Properties: Water-sol. powd. Rice*Trin® 16 [Primera Foods http://www.primerafoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Rice maltodextrin Uses: Bodying agent, mouthfeel enhancer, osmolality regulator, carrier for flavors and minor ingreds., bulking agent in frostings, baked goods, soups, sauces, salad dressings, coffee whiteners, confections, snacks Features: Natural; no excess sweetness Regulatory: FDA 21CFR GRAS Properties: Creamy wh. powd., bland odor and flavor; sol. in cold or hot water Storage: Store in cool, dry area Rice*Trin® 16 Organic [Primera Foods http://www.primerafoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Rice maltodextrin Uses: Crystallization inhibitor, bulking agent, 603
Part I: Trade Name Reference gloss aid, mouthfeel enhancer for confections, salad dressings, baked goods, coffee whiteners, nutritional beverages, soups, sauces, gravies, dips Features: Low sweetness; hypoallergenic; dustless and free-flowing; GMO-free Regulatory: FDA 21CFR GRAS; kosher approved Properties: Off-wh. powd.; 2% max. on 20 mesh; sl. sweet odor/taste; rapid sol. in cold or hot water; bulk dens. 0.55-0.66 g/cc; pH 6-7; DE 14-18; 6% max. moisture Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry place Rice*Trin® 35 [Primera Foods http://www.primerafoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Rice syrup solids (35DE) Uses: Bodying agent, mouthfeel enhancer, osmolality regulator, sweetener, humectant for nutritional beverages, confections, snacks, baked goods Features: Natural Properties: Creamy wh. powd., bland odor and flavor; 100% through 140 mesh; sol. in cold or hot water; < 6% moisture Storage: 12 mos. when stored in cool, dry area
supplement, iron fortifier for flour Features: Provides vitamins and iron per 100 lb flour to conform with FDA 21CFR §136.115A(1) Regulatory: FDA GRAS Properties: Yel. tablet; disp. in R.T. water; 4.984 g ferrous sulfate, 2 g niacin, 0.29 g thiamine HCl, 0.17 g riboflavin/tablet Use Level: 1 tablet/cwt flour Storage: 6 mos. storage life under cool, dry conditions Rikemal Agepet [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Distilled monoglyceride, calcium carbonate, lecithin CAS 471-34-1; 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9; 232-307-2 Uses: Defoamer in tofu processing Features: Kosher grade available Rikemal MI-1 [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Distilled monoglyceride, edible fat Uses: Emulsifier for bar ice cream Features: Helps maintain desirable firmness and texture; enhances heat shock resistance
Rice Trin® 35 Organic [Primera Foods http://www.primerafoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Rice syrup solids Uses: Sweetener, osmolality regulator, crystallization inhibitor, opacifier for org. foods, confections, sauces, baked goods, frozen desserts, toppings, syrups, beverages, ice cream, yogurt, pudding, org. infant rehydration formulas Features: Hypoallergenic; GMO-free Properties: Off-wh. powd.; 2% max.on 20 mesh; sl. sweet odor/taste; bulk dens. 0.55-0.65 g/cc; pH 6-7; DE 33-37; 6% max. moisture Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in cool, dry place
Rikemal MI-2-(V) [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Distilled monoglyceride, edible fat Uses: Emulsifier for high fat ice cream requiring exc. palate-pleasing texture and feel Features: Kosher grade available
Rice Vinegar Flavored Powder 5401 [Nikken Foods Co. Ltd. http://www.nikkenfoods.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: fortified rice vinegar Uses: Flavoring agent in food
Rikemal MI-8(V) [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Distilled monoglyceride, edible fat Uses: Emulsifier for bar ice cream Features: Kosher grade available; provides firmness and texture and enhances heat shock resistance
Rich-Pak® [Cain Food Industries http://www.cainfood.com] Chem. Descrip.: Thiamine hydrochloride, riboflavin, niacin, ferrous sulfate, and other edible excipients See Ferrous sulfate anhydrous; Nicotinic acid; Thiamine HCl Uses: Nutrient supplement, vitamin Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Rikemal MI-3 [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Distilled monoglyceride, edible fat Uses: Emulsifier for soft ice cream Features: Provides a firm and creamy texture as well as heat shock resistance
Rikemal MM-100 [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Distilled monoglyceride, 604
Part I: Trade Name Reference caseinate, dextrose See Glucose CAS 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-075-1 Uses: Emulsifier for bread, rolls,and other bakery prods. Features: Direct blend with flour is recommended Properties: Disp. in water Use Level: 0.25-0.3% to flour weight Rikemal Super [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Distilled monoglyceride, calcium carbonate, lecithin, and silicon dioxide See Novaculite CAS 471-34-1; 8002-43-5; 14808-60-7; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9; 232-307-2 Uses: Softener and dough improver for bakery prods. Features: Direct blend with dough is recommended; kosher grade available Use Level: 0.25-0.3% to flour weight Rikemal Y-61 [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerin fatty acid ester, sucrose fatty acid ester, lecithin, sorbitan fatty acid ester CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: O/w emulsifier in food Rimulsoft Super [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Distilled monoglyceride Uses: Emulsifier; softener for bakery prods. Features: Kosher grade available; direct blend with dough is recommended Use Level: 0.25-0.3% to flour weight Riplex IF-22 [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: proprietary formula with unsaturated DMG base Uses: Stabilizer-emulsifier for use in rice ice cream Features: Good maintenance of structure property and suitable for ice cream that requires to be heat shock resistant Riplex IS-10 [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: proprietary formula with saturated DMG base Uses: Stabilizer-emulsifier for use in rice ice cream Features: Good melting sensation in mouth without gluey feeling; superior solubility; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
uniform quality; low cost Riplex SF-33 [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: proprietary formula with unsaturated DMG base Uses: Stabilizer-emulsifier for use in sherbet Features: Appropriate overrun and good melting sensation in the mouth; promotes more efficient freezing process Rocarna [Vaessen-Schoemaker http://www.vaessen-schoemaker.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mixt. of reducing sugars, vitamins, organic and inorganic salts Uses: Maturing agent, curing agent, pH adjuster, color retention aid, color stabilizer, rancidity inhibitor for prod. of semi-dried sausage and salami Features: Complete additive; used with Vascoferment starter cultures Properties: 5% max. moisture Use Level: 10 g Rocarna with 10 g nitrite salt/1 kg sausage mix Rockdefoam MSL-59 [Rock Chemie http://www.rockchemie.com/] Chem. Descrip.: silcone-based Chem. Analysis: 55 ± 1% solids Uses: Defoamer in food applics. Properties: Milky visc. liq.; dens. 1.055 g/cc; solid. pt. +3neutral pH; nonionic Toxicology: Not harmful Rockdefoam NUL-200 [Rock Chemie http://www.rockchemie.com/] Uses: Defoamer for the production of gelatin, potato and sugar processing Properties: Yellowish liq.; sp.gr. 0.93-0.97; visc. 200-400 cp; flash pt. 220 C; 100% act. Use Level: 50-100 ppm Toxicology: Considered to be harmless Environmental: readily biodeg.; non-toxic to aquatic life Rockdefoam SL-45 [Rock Chemie http://www.rockchemie.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Poly dimethyl siloxane Uses: Defoamer for food Features: Does not cause corrosion Properties: Milky visc. liq.; neutral pH (1:10 solv.); nonionic Toxicology: Considered to be harmless Rockdefoam SL-59 [Rock Chemie http://www.rockchemie.com/] Chem. Descrip.: silicone-based 605
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Defoamer in food applics. Properties: Milky visc. liq.; neutral pH (1:10 solv.); nonionic Toxicology: Considered to be harmless Rockdefoam SLU-120 [Rock Chemie http://www.rockchemie.com/] Chem. Descrip.: modified polydimethyl siloxane emulsion Uses: Defoamer for various stages of sugar mfg. Features: Silicon-based Properties: Milky liq.; disp. in water; pH neutral (1:10 solv.); 19-21% solids; nonionic Toxicology: Considered to be harmless Storage: Protect from freezing Rocoat® Niacinamide 331/3% [DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com] Chem. Descrip.: Niacinamide USP FCC coated with mono and diglycerides of edible fatty acids and ≤ 1.5% silicon dioxide See Monoand diglycerides of fatty acids; Silica CAS 98-92-0; 67701-32-0; EINECS/ELINCS 202713-4 Uses: Nutrient for dry foods Features: Provides taste-free and odorless form and protects the vitamin Regulatory: FDA GRAS Properties: Wh. relatively free-flowing powd. with some soft agglomerates, sl. char. odor, satisfactory taste; 99% min. through 20 mesh, 50% max. through 200 mesh; 32.6% assay (niacinamide) Storage: Store below 72 F Rocoat® Thiamine Mononitrate 331/3% [DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com] Chem. Descrip.: Thiamine nitrate USP/FCC in inert coating of mono- and diglycerides of edible fatty acids See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids CAS 532-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 208-537-4 Uses: Nutrient for dry foods Features: Provides taste-free and odorless form and protects the vitamin Regulatory: FDA GRAS Properties: Wh. to off-wh. relatively free-flowing powd. with some soft agglomerates, sl. odor, taste-free; 99% min. through 30 mesh, 50% max. through 200 mesh; 32.6% assay Storage: Store in a dry place @ 46-59 F
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Rolloff 100C [Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Vegetable oil-based with natural emulsifiers Uses: Release agent for cake and sponge release applics., for use on pans, baking sheets, indented trays, and oven bands Features: General purpose; can be applied by brush, spray and spinning disk Rolloff 200 [Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk] Uses: Release agent for foods Features: For applic. onto oven bands where min. applic. levels require a low visc., high efficiency system Ross Beeswax [Frank B. Ross http://www.frankbross.com] Chem. Descrip.: Beeswax CAS 8012-89-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-383-7 Uses: Flavoring agent, adjuvant Features: Avail. as crude, yel. refined, and wh. bleached grades Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1973 Properties: Lt. taffy to deep brn. wax, char. honey odor; m.p. 62-65 C; acid no. 17-24; cloud pt. -65 C max. Ross Candelilla Wax [Frank B. Ross http://www.frankbross.com] Chem. Descrip.: Candelilla wax See Candelilla (Euphorbia cerifera) wax CAS 8006-44-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-347-0 Uses: Chewing gum base Features: Avail. as crude and refined grades Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.615, 175.105, 175.320, 176.180 Properties: Grayish-green wax-like fat, aromatic odor; sp.gr. 0.977-0.982; m.p. 38-49 C; acid no. 5-24; iodine no. 2-10; sapon. no. 210-239; flash pt. 470 F min.; ref. index 1.4360 Ross Carnauba Wax [Frank B. Ross http://www.frankbross.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carnauba (Copernicia cerifera) wax See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax CAS 8015-86-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-399-4 Uses: Anticaking agent, formulation aid, lubricant, release agent, surface-finishing agent in foods Features: Avail. as Prime or No. 1 Yel. or No. 3 North Country grades Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1978 Properties: Flakes or powd.; sp.gr. 0.996-0.998; 606
Part I: Trade Name Reference m.p. 181.4 F min.; acid no. 2-10; iodine no. 714; sapon. no. 78-95; flash pt. 570 F min.; ref. index 1.4540 Ross Wax #100 [Frank B. Ross http://www.frankbross.com] Chem. Descrip.: Synthetic wax CAS 8002-74-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-315-6 Uses: Chewing gum base; protective coating on raw fruits and vegetables; defoamer in foods Regulatory: FDA §172.886, 172.888 Properties: Wh. flakes; sol. hot in most solvs.; visc. 80 SUS (120 C); congeal pt. 200-210 F; acid no. nil; sapon. no. nil Royal Baking Powd. [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch, sodium aluminum phosphate, sodium bicarbonate, monocalcium phosphate See Calcium phosphate monobasic anhydrous; Corn (Zea mays) starch; Sodium aluminum phosphate acidic Uses: Leavening agent for cakes having a high portion of corn syrup solids or other simple sugars in place of sucrose Features: Multiple-acting Use Level: 6% max. on flour Storage: 12 mos. shelf life, best when used before 9 mos; store in cool, dry location; keep containers well closed when not in use RTU-Icing Stabilizer [Am. Ingreds./Patco http://www.patco-additives.com] Uses: Icing stabilizer for ready-to-use donut glazes, white, chocolate, and maple icings Features: Produces high gloss icings and glazes with clean flavor and exc. eye appeal Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd. Use Level: 10% on powd. sugar Rudol® [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lt. mineral oil NF EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Binder, carrier, conditioner, defoamer, dispersant, extender, lubricant, moisture barrier, plasticizer, protective agent, softener for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3620(a) Properties: Water-wh., odorless, tasteless; sp.gr. 0.852-0.870; visc. 28-30 cSt (40 C); pour pt. -7 C; flash pt. 188 C Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Rye Sour #4 [Brolite Prods. http://www.bakewithbrolite.com] Uses: Conc. natural rye flavor for a distinctive rye flavor for high quality rye breads Rye Sour (Culture) [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Rye flour; spices; salt; onion powd.; bacterial culture See Onion powder; Rye (Secale cereale) flour; Sodium chloride Uses: Sour, flavoring agent for rye bread Features: Tangy rye flavor; acidity from the souring organisms helps retard rope development Use Level: 5.5-6.5% based on flour wt. Storage: Recommended shelf life is 9 mos. when stored in a cool dry location; to prolong shelf stability, store under 60 F Ry-Fla-Vor [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Rye flour, salt, fumaric acid, acetic acid, spices See Rye (Secale cereale) flour; Sodium chloride Uses: Flavoring agent for rye bread; flavor enhancer for wheat bread, oatmeal bread, other variety breads Features: Highly conc.; imparts a pleasing aroma and tart taste; lowers pH of finished rye bread, imparting distinct acid flavor Properties: 98% through 20 mesh; typ. rye odor; 10% moisture Use Level: 8 oz/100 lb flour (American type rye); 16 oz/100 lb flour (pumpernickel, salt rye); 24 oz/100 lb flour (Jewish rye); 6-9 oz/100 lb flour (wheat bread, oatmeal bread) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life, best when used before 9 mos; store in cool, dry location; keep containers well closed when not in use Ryoto Ester SP [Mitsubishi-Kagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sugar ester, monoglyceride, sorbitol, propylene glycol See Sodium laureth-5 sulfate Uses: Emulsifier, batter aerating agent, stabilizer for foods, sponge and pound cake Use Level: 6% on flour (sponge cake) Ryoto Polyglycerol Ester B-100D [MitsubishiKagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Decaglycerol behenate See Polyglyceryl-10 behenate Uses: Emulsifier, solubilizer for foods Properties: Liq.; HLB 3 607
Part I: Trade Name Reference Ryoto Polyglycerol Ester ER-60D [MitsubishiKagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Decaglycerol erucate See Polyglyceryl-10 erucate Uses: Emulsifier, solubilizer for foods Properties: Liq.; HLB 7 Ryoto Polyglycerol Ester L-7D [MitsubishiKagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Decaglycerol laurate See Polyglyceryl-10 laurate CAS 34406-66-1 Uses: Emulsifier, solubilizer for foods Properties: Liq.; HLB 16 Ryoto Polyglycerol Ester L-10D [MitsubishiKagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Decaglycerol laurate See Polyglyceryl-10 laurate CAS 34406-66-1 Uses: Emulsifier, solubilizer for foods Properties: Liq.; HLB 15 Ryoto Polyglycerol Ester L-20D [MitsubishiKagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Decaglycerol laurate See Polyglyceryl-10 laurate CAS 34406-66-1 Uses: Emulsifier, solubilizer for foods Properties: Liq.; HLB 13 Ryoto Polyglycerol Ester O-15D [MitsubishiKagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Decaglycerol oleate See Polyglyceryl-10 oleate CAS 9007-48-1; EINECS/ELINCS 279-230-0 Uses: Emulsifier, solubilizer for foods Properties: Liq.; HLB 13 Ryoto Polyglycerol Ester S-24D [MitsubishiKagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Decaglycerol stearate See Polyglyceryl-10 stearate CAS 37349-34-1 Uses: Emulsifier, solubilizer for foods Properties: Solid; HLB 11-12 Ryoto Polyglycerol Ester S-28D [MitsubishiKagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Decaglycerol stearate See Polyglyceryl-10 stearate CAS 37349-34-1 Uses: Emulsifier, solubilizer for foods Properties: Solid; HLB 10-12
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Ryoto Polyglycerol Ester SWA-10D [MitsubishiKagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Decaglycerol stearate See Polyglyceryl-10 stearate CAS 37349-34-1 Uses: Emulsifier, solubilizer for foods Properties: Aq. paste; HLB 14-15; 40% ester, 5% ethanol, 55% water Ryoto Polyglycerol Ester SWA-15D [MitsubishiKagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Decaglycerol stearate in water/ethanol See Alcohol; Polyglyceryl-10 stearate Uses: Emulsifier, solubilizer for foods Properties: Aq. paste; HLB 13-14; 30% ester, 5% ethanol, 65% water Ryoto Polyglycerol Ester SWA-20D [MitsubishiKagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Decaglycerol stearate in water/ethanol See Alcohol; Polyglyceryl-10 stearate Uses: Emulsifier, solubilizer for foods Properties: Aq. paste; HLB 12-13; 30% ester, 5% ethanol, 65% water Ryoto Sugar Ester B-370 [Mitsubishi-Kagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose tribehenate Uses: Emulsifier, antibacterial, wetting agent, dispersant for foods; anticaking agent for hygroscopic powd. foods (spices, powd. seasonings); antisticking for noodles; emulsifier for coffee whiteners, shortening Properties: Powd.; odorless; tasteless; partly sol. in propylene glycol, glycerin, liq. paraffin, soybean oil, cottonseed oil, water; m.p. 53-63 C; decomp. pt. 241 C; HLB 3; nonionic Use Level: 0.5-1.5% (spices), 0.1-0.5% (coffee whitener), 0.1-10% (shortening) Toxicology: Nontoxic; nonirritating to eyes and skin Environmental: biodeg. Ryoto Sugar Ester ER-190 [Mitsubishi-Kagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose erucate Uses: Emulsifier for foods, creams, milk beverages, confections, chewing gum; demulsifier for whipping cream, ice cream; wetting agent, dispersant for colorants; fresh fruit coating; starch complexing agent; antistaling agent; dough conditioner; aerating agent for batters; fat crystal 608
Part I: Trade Name Reference control agent in chocolate; shortening oil Properties: Liq.; odorless; tasteless; HLB 1 Toxicology: Nontoxic; nonirritating to eyes and skin Environmental: biodeg. Ryoto Sugar Ester ER-290 [Mitsubishi-Kagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose erucate Uses: Emulsifier for foods, creams, milk beverages, confections, chewing gum; demulsifier for whipping cream, ice cream; wetting agent, dispersant for colorants; fresh fruit coating; starch complexing agent; antistaling agent; dough conditioner; aerating agent for batters; fat crystal control agent in chocolate; shortening oil Properties: Resinous; odorless; tasteless; HLB 2 Toxicology: Nontoxic; nonirritating to eyes and skin Environmental: biodeg. Ryoto Sugar Ester L-195 [Mitsubishi-Kagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose polylaurate Uses: Emulsifier for foods; antisticking for noodles; emulsifier for coffee whiteners, shortening Properties: Waxy; odorless; tasteless; HLB 1; nonionic Use Level: 0.5-1% on flour (noodles), 0.1-0.5% (coffee whitener), 0.1-10% (shortening) Toxicology: Nontoxic; nonirritating to eyes and skin Environmental: biodeg. Ryoto Sugar Ester L-595 [Mitsubishi-Kagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose dilaurate CAS 25915-57-5; EINECS/ELINCS 247-345-5 Uses: Emulsifier, antibacterial, wetting agent, dispersant for foods; antisticking agent for noodles; emulsifier for coffee whiteners, shortening Properties: Pellet; odorless; tasteless; sol. in water, ethanol; partly sol. in glycerin; HLB 5; nonionic Use Level: 0.5-1% on flour (noodles), 0.1-0.5% (coffee whitener), 0.1-10% (shortening) Toxicology: Nontoxic; nonirritating to eyes and skin Environmental: biodeg.
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Ryoto Sugar Ester L-1695 [Mitsubishi-Kagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose laurate CAS 25339-99-5; EINECS/ELINCS 246-873-3 Uses: Emulsifier, antibacterial, wetting agent, dispersant for foods; antisticking agent for noodles; emulsifier for coffee whiteners, shortening Properties: Pellet; odorless; tasteless; sol. in water, ethanol; partly sol. in glycerin; m.p. 3547 C; decomp. pt. 235 C; HLB 16; surf. tens. 31.6 dynes/cm (0.1% aq.); nonionic Use Level: 0.5-1% on flour (noodles), 0.1-0.5% (coffee whitener), 0.1-10% (shortening) Toxicology: Nontoxic; nonirritating to eyes and skin Environmental: biodeg. Ryoto Sugar Ester LWA-1570 [MitsubishiKagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose laurate, water (50%), ethanol (4%) See Alcohol Uses: O/w and w/o emulsifier, softener, conditioner, aerating agent in foods; detergent for foods, vegetable/fruit scrubbing Properties: Liq.; odorless; tasteless; HLB 15.0; nonionic; 40% conc. Use Level: 0.5-1% on flour (noodles), 0.1-0.5% (coffee whitener), 0.1-10% (shortening) Toxicology: Nontoxic; nonirritating to eyes and skin Environmental: biodeg. Ryoto Sugar Ester M-1695 [Mitsubishi-Kagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose myristate CAS 27216-47-3; EINECS/ELINCS 248-340-0 Uses: Emulsifier, antibacterial, wetting agent, dispersant for foods; antiprecipitant in canned drinks; antisticking agent for noodles; emulsifier for coffee whiteners, shortening Properties: Pellet; sol. in water, propylene glycol, ethanol; partly sol. in glycerin; m.p. 27-40 C; decomp. pt. 243 C; HLB 16; nonionic Use Level: 0.03-0.3% (canned drinks), 0.5-1% on flour (noodles), 0.1-0.5% (coffee whitener), 0.1-10% (shortenin Ryoto Sugar Ester O-170 [Mitsubishi-Kagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose polyoleate Uses: Antisticking agent for noodles; emulsifier for foods, coffee whiteners, 609
Part I: Trade Name Reference shortening Properties: Liq.; odorless; tasteless; HLB 1; nonionic Use Level: 0.5-1% on flour (noodles), 0.1-0.5% (coffee whitener), 0.1-10% (shortening) Toxicology: Nontoxic; nonirritating to eyes and skin Environmental: biodeg. Ryoto Sugar Ester O-1570 [Mitsubishi-Kagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose oleate CAS 25496-92-8; EINECS/ELINCS 247-041-2 Uses: Emulsifier, antibacterial, wetting agent, dispersant for foods, vegetable/fruit scrubbing; improves dryness in ice cream; fruit coating agent; antisticking agent for noodles; emulsifier for coffee whiteners, shortening Properties: Pellet; sol. in water, ethanol; partly sol. in glycerin; m.p. 27-43 C; decomp. pt. 227 C; HLB 15; surf. tens. 34.5 dynes/cm (0.1% aq.); Ross-Miles foam 14 mm (0.25% aq., initial); nonionic Use Level: 0.1-0.3% (ice cream), 0.5-1% on flour (noodles), 0.1-0.5% (coffee whitener), 0.1-10% (shortening) Ryoto Sugar Ester OWA-1570 [MitsubishiKagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose oleate CAS 25496-92-8; EINECS/ELINCS 247-041-2 Uses: Emulsifier, conditioner, softener, detergent for foods, vegetable/fruit scrubbing Properties: Paste; odorless; tasteless; HLB 15.0; nonionic; 40% conc. Use Level: 0.5-1% on flour (noodles), 0.1-0.5% (coffee whitener), 0.1-10% (shortening) Toxicology: Nontoxic; nonirritating to eyes and skin Environmental: biodeg. Ryoto Sugar Ester P-170 [Mitsubishi-Kagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose palmitate CAS 26446-38-8; EINECS/ELINCS 247-706-7 Uses: Emulsifier for foods, creams, milk beverages, confections, chewing gum; demulsifier for whipping cream, ice cream; wetting agent, dispersant for colorants; fresh fruit coating; starch complexing agent; antistaling agent; dough conditioner; aerating agent for batters; fat crystal control agent in chocolate; shortening oil Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Powd.; odorless; tasteless; HLB 1; nonionic Toxicology: Nontoxic; nonirritating to eyes and skin Environmental: biodeg. Ryoto Sugar Ester P-1570 [Mitsubishi-Kagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose palmitate CAS 26446-38-8; EINECS/ELINCS 247-706-7 Uses: Emulsifier, conditioner, softener, detergent for foods; solubilizer, dispersant for flavors; fat crystal inhibitor for fats and oils; dough strengthener; improves dryness in ice cream; fruit coating agent; antisticking agent for noodles; emulsifier for coffee whiteners, shortening; canned drinks Properties: Powd.; odorless; tasteless; partly sol. in water, propylene glycol, glycerin, liq. paraffin, soybean and cottonseed oils; m.p. 4754 C; decomp. pt. 237 C; HLB 15.0; surf. tens. 35.4 dynes/cm (0.1% aq.); Ross-Miles foam 15 mm (0.25% aq., initial); nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: 0.3-1% on flour (bread), 0.1-0.3% (ice cream), 0.03-0.3% (canned drinks), 0.51% on flour (noodles) Toxicology: Nontoxic; nonirritating to eyes and skin Environmental: biodeg. Ryoto Sugar Ester P-1670 [Mitsubishi-Kagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose palmitate CAS 26446-38-8; EINECS/ELINCS 247-706-7 Uses: Emulsifier, conditioner, softener, detergent for foods; solubilizer, dispersant for flavors; fat crystal inhibitor for fats and oils; dough strengthener; improves dryness in ice cream; antisticking agent for noodles; emulsifier for coffee whiteners, shortening; canned drinks, soy sauce Properties: Powd.; odorless; tasteless; sol. in water; partly sol. in propylene glycol, glycerin, liq. paraffin, soybean and cottonseed oils; m.p. 40-48 C; decomp. pt. 235 C; HLB 16; surf. tens. 34.5 dynes/cm (0.1% aq.); Ross-Miles foam 24 mm (0.25% aq., initial); nonionic Use Level: 0.3-1% on flour (bread), 0.1-0.3% (ice cream), 0.03-0.3% (canned drinks), 0.010.002% (soy sauce) Toxicology: Nontoxic; nonirritating to eyes and skin Environmental: biodeg. 610
Part I: Trade Name Reference Ryoto Sugar Ester POS-135 [Mitsubishi-Kagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose ester of mixed fatty acid with sm. amt. of tocopherol (antioxidant) See Sucrose fatty acid esters Uses: Emulsifier for foods, esp. shortening; crystallization enhancer for solid fats, producing smooth texture and preventing separation; visc. reducer, prevents fat blooming and controls rate of crystallization in chocolates Properties: Waxy; odorless; tasteless; HLB 1 Toxicology: Nontoxic; nonirritating to eyes and skin Environmental: biodeg. Ryoto Sugar Ester S-070 [Mitsubishi-Kagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose polystearate Uses: O/w and w/o emulsifier, softener, conditioner, aerating agent in foods; antisticking agent for noodles; emulsifier for coffee whiteners, shortening Properties: Powd.; nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: 0.5-1% on flour (noodles), 0.1-0.5% (coffee whitener), 0.1-10% (shortening) Ryoto Sugar Ester S-170 [Mitsubishi-Kagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose di, tristearate See Sucrose polystearate Uses: Emulsifier, conditioner, softener, detergent for foods; o/w emulsifier in caramels, coffee whitener, shortening, whipped toppings, ice cream, chocolate; anticaking agent in powd. foods (spices, seasonings); antifoam in soybean curd; antisticking agent for noodles Properties: Powd.; odorless; tasteless; partly sol. in propylene glycol, glycerin, liq. paraffin, soybean and cottonseed oils; insol. in water; m.p. 51-61 C; decomp. pt. 260 C; HLB 1.0; nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: 0.1-0.5% (caramel, margarine), 0.20.5% (chocolate), 0.5-1.5% (spices), 0.5-1% on flour (noodles) Toxicology: Nontoxic; nonirritating to eyes and skin Environmental: biodeg. Ryoto Sugar Ester S-270 [Mitsubishi-Kagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose di, tristearate See Sucrose polystearate Uses: Emulsifier, conditioner, softener, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
detergent for foods; o/w emulsifier in caramels, margarine, coffee whiteners, shortening, chocolate, whipped toppings, ice cream; antifoam in soybean curd; antisticking agent for noodles Properties: Powd.; odorless; tasteless; partly sol. in propylene glycol, glycerin, liq. paraffin, soybean and cottonseed oils; insol. in water; m.p. 52-61 C; decomp. pt. 253 C; HLB 2.0; nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: 0.1-0.5% (caramel, margarine), 0.20.5% (chocolate), 0.5-1% on flour (noodles), 0.1-10% (shortening) Toxicology: Nontoxic; nonirritating to eyes and skin Environmental: biodeg. Ryoto Sugar Ester S-370 [Mitsubishi-Kagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose tristearate CAS 27923-63-3; EINECS/ELINCS 248-731-6 Uses: Emulsifier, conditioner, softener, detergent for foods; o/w emulsifier in caramels, coffee whiteners, shortening, chocolate, whipped toppings, ice cream; antifoam in soybean curd; antisticking agent for noodles Properties: Powd.; odorless; tasteless; partly sol. in propylene glycol, glycerin, liq. paraffin, soybean and cottonseed oils; insol. in water; m.p. 51-58 C; decomp. pt. 238 C; HLB 3; nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: 0.1-0.5% (caramel, soybean curd); 0.2-0.5% (chocolate), 0.5-1% on flour (noodles) Toxicology: Nontoxic; nonirritating to eyes and skin Environmental: biodeg. Ryoto Sugar Ester S-370F [Mitsubishi-Kagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose tristearate CAS 27923-63-3; EINECS/ELINCS 248-731-6 Uses: Emulsifier, conditioner, softener, detergent for tablet candy Features: Increases fluidity of raw materials and efficiency of filling in tableting machine; ultrafine version of S-370 Properties: Ultrafine powd.; odorless; tasteless; HLB 3; nonionic Use Level: 0.5-1.5% (tablet candy) Toxicology: Nontoxic; nonirritating to eyes and skin Environmental: biodeg. 611
Part I: Trade Name Reference Ryoto Sugar Ester S-570 [Mitsubishi-Kagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose distearate CAS 27195-16-0; EINECS/ELINCS 248-317-5 Uses: Emulsifier, conditioner, softener, detergent for foods; volume improver, crumb improver in sponge cake; w/o emulsifier in caramels, chewing gum, margarine, low-fat spreads, chocolate, sugar mfg., coffee whiteners; antisticking agent for noodles; anticrystallization agent for jelly Properties: Powd.; odorless; tasteless; partly sol. in propylene glycol, glycerin, liq. paraffin, soybean and cottonseed oils; insol. in water; m.p. 50-57 C; decomp. pt. 231 C; HLB 5.0; surf. tens. 38.1 dynes/cm (0.1% aq.); nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: 0.3-1% (sponge cake), 0.1-0.5% (caramel), 0.2-0.5% (chocolate), 0.005-0.01% (sugar) Toxicology: Nontoxic; nonirritating to eyes and skin Environmental: biodeg. Ryoto Sugar Ester S-770 [Mitsubishi-Kagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose distearate CAS 27195-16-0; EINECS/ELINCS 248-317-5 Uses: Emulsifier, conditioner, softener, detergent for foods; volume improver, crumb improver in sponge cake; w/o emulsifier in caramels, chewing gum, coffee whiteners, shortening, chocolate, ice cream; antisticking agent for noodles; anticrystallization for jelly; syneresis preventer in puddings Properties: Powd.; odorless; tasteless; partly sol. in propylene glycol, glycerin, liq. paraffin, soybean and cottonseed oils, water; m.p. 4960 C; decomp. pt. 233 C; HLB 7.0; surf. tens. 37.4 dynes/cm (0.1% aq.); nonionic Use Level: 0.3-1% (sponge cake), 0.1-0.5% (caramel), 0.2-0.5% (chocolate), 0.1-0.3% (ice cream) Toxicology: Nontoxic; nonirritating to eyes and skin Environmental: biodeg. Ryoto Sugar Ester S-970 [Mitsubishi-Kagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose mono, distearate See Sucrose distearate CAS 27195-16-0; EINECS/ELINCS 248-317-5 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Emulsifier, conditioner, softener, detergent for foods; volume improver, crumb improver in sponge cake; emulsifier in caramels, chewing gum, coffee whiteners, shortening; antisticking agent for noodles; anticrystallization agent for jelly; syneresis preventer in pudding; in ice cream Properties: Powd.; odorless; tasteless; partly sol. in propylene glycol, glycerin, liq. paraffin, soybean and cottonseed oils, water; m.p. 4956 C; decomp. pt. 234 C; HLB 9.0; surf. tens. 35.8 dynes/cm (0.1% aq.); nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: 0.3-1% (sponge cake), 0.1-0.5% (caramel), 0.1-0.3% (ice cream), 0.1-0.5% (coffee whitener) Toxicology: Nontoxic; nonirritating to eyes and skin Environmental: biodeg. Ryoto Sugar Ester S-1570 [Mitsubishi-Kagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose stearate CAS 25168-73-4; EINECS/ELINCS 246-705-9 Uses: Emulsifier, conditioner, detergent for foods; solubilizer, dispersant for flavors; dough strengthener; volume improver, crumb improver in sponge cake; fruit coating agent; antisticking agent for noodles; emulsifier for coffee whiteners, shortening; in ice cream, frozen foods Properties: Powd.; odorless; tasteless; sol. in water; partly sol. in propylene glycol, glycerin, liq. paraffin, soybean and cottonseed oils; m.p. 49-55 C; decomp. pt. 234 C; HLB 15.0; surf. tens. 34.7 dynes/cm (0.1% aq.); Ross-Miles foam 11 mm (0.25% aq., initial); nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: 0.3-1% on flour (bread, sponge cake), 0.1-0.3% (ice cream), 0.2-1% (frozen foods) Toxicology: Nontoxic; nonirritating to eyes and skin Environmental: biodeg. Ryoto Sugar Ester S-1670 [Mitsubishi-Kagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose stearate CAS 25168-73-4; EINECS/ELINCS 246-705-9 Uses: Emulsifier, conditioner, detergent for foods; solubilizer, dispersant for flavors; visc. reducer in chocolate; dough strengthener; volume improver, crumb 612
Part I: Trade Name Reference improver in sponge cake; antisticking agent for noodles; emulsifier for coffee whiteners, shortening; in ice cream, frozen foods Properties: Powd.; odorless; tasteless; sol. in water; partly sol. in propylene glycol, glycerin, liq. paraffin, soybean and cottonseed oils; m.p. 49-56 C; decomp. pt. 237 C; HLB 16; surf. tens. 34.7 dynes/cm (0.1% aq.); Ross-Miles foam 12 mm (0.25% aq., initial); nonionic Use Level: 0.3-1% on flour (bread, sponge cake), 0.1-0.3% (ice cream), 0.2-1% (frozen foods) Toxicology: Nontoxic; nonirritating to eyes and skin Environmental: biodeg. Ry-So [Am. Ingreds./Patco http://www.patcoadditives.com] Chem. Descrip.: Rye flour, lactic acid, monocalcium phosphate, salt, phosphoric acid, acetic acid, and dry yeast See Calcium phosphate monobasic anhydrous; Rye (Secale cereale) flour; Sodium chloride Uses: Sour for rye breads and rye flour-based snacks Properties: Free-flowing powd.; pH 3.4-3.6; 7.59.5% protein SAF-119FG [Silchem http://www.silcheminc.com; Akrochem http://www.akrochem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethylsiloxane fluid with nonionic emulsifiers Uses: Antifoam for foods Features: Prevents foam from forming; keeps system nonfoaming with quick knockdown; 4 cycle min. freeze/thaw stability Properties: Wh. fluid; sp.gr. ≈ 1.0; visc. 1500 cps max.; nonionic; 10% silicone Storage: Exc. stability when stored in cool area (40-80 F) in tightly closed containers; avoid freezing; avoid temps. over 115 F (will cause separation) SAF-129FG [Silchem http://www.silcheminc.com; Akrochem http://www.akrochem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethylsiloxane fluid with nonionic emulsifiers Uses: Antifoam for foods Features: Prevents foam from forming; keeps system nonfoaming with quick knockdown; 4 cycle min. freeze/thaw stability Properties: Wh. fluid; sp.gr. ≈ 1.0; visc. 1500 cps max.; nonionic; 20% silicone Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Storage: Exc. stability when stored in cool area (40-80 F) in tightly closed containers; avoid freezing; avoid temps. over 115 F (will cause separation) SAF-139FG [Silchem http://www.silcheminc.com; Akrochem http://www.akrochem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethylsiloxane fluid with nonionic emulsifiers Uses: Antifoam for foods Features: Prevents foam from forming; keeps system nonfoaming with quick knockdown; 4 cycle min. freeze/thaw stability Properties: Wh. fluid; sp.gr. ≈ 1.0; visc. 1500 cps max.; nonionic; 30% silicone Storage: Exc. stability when stored in cool area (40-80 F) in tightly closed containers; avoid freezing; avoid temps. over 115 F (will cause separation) Sag 100 [GE Silicones http://www.gesilicones.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone compd. Uses: Antifoam for edible oil processing, jam/jelly/sauce mfg., food frying, hog scalding, feed supplement mfg. Features: Food grade, autoclavable Regulatory: DOT nonregulated; FDA 21CFR §173.340, 175.105, 176.170, 176.180; BATF 27CFR §240.1051; USDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; CERCLA nonreportable; SARA nonreportable; MA Right-to-Know nonreportable; PA Right-to-Know nonreportable; NJ Right-to-Know reportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; Japan ENCS; Korea ECL; Philippines PICCS; Europe EINECS Properties: Translucent liq.; mild odor; sp.gr. 0.988; vapor dens. > 1; vapor pressure < 1.33 hPa; m.p. < -50 C; b.p. > 150 C; flash pt. 207 C; evaporation rate < 1 Toxicology: TSCA listed Environmental: prevent runoff Precaution: Use protective gloves, glasses Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx, oxides of silicon HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Sag 710 [GE Silicones http://www.gesilicones.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethicone and silica Uses: Antifoam for beverage mfg., whey processing, dehydration/evap./extraction processes, meat/poultry processing, 613
Part I: Trade Name Reference washing/pkg. operations (eggs, vegetables, seafood), ethanol fermentation, flavorings mfg. Features: Food-grade Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340, 175.105 Properties: Disp. in water; 10% act. Sag 720 [GE Silicones http://www.gesilicones.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone emulsion Uses: Defoamer for beverage mfg., whey processing, dehydration/evap./extraction processes, meat/poultry processing, washing/pkg. operations (eggs, vegetables, seafood), ethanol fermentation, flavorings mfg. Features: Food-grade Regulatory: DOT nonregulated; FDA 21CFR §173.340, 175.105; USDA approved; CERCLA nonreportable; SARA nonreportable; MA Right-to-Know reportable (hydrogen chloride); NJ Right-to-Know reportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; Japan ENCS; Korea ECL; Philippines PICCS Properties: Opaque wh. liq.; mild odor; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.01; vapor dens > 1; vapor pressure < 26.6 hPa; m.p. 0 C; b.p. > 100 C; evaporation rate < 1; 20% act. Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Use protective gloves and glasses Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx, oxides of silicon HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Sag 730 [GE Silicones http://www.gesilicones.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silica filled polydimethylsiloxane (< 35%) and proprietary additives (< 10%) in water Uses: Defoamer for beverage mfg., whey processing, dehydration/evap./extraction processes, meat/poultry processing, washing/pkg. operations (eggs, vegetables, seafood), ethanol fermentation, flavorings mfg. Features: Food-grade Regulatory: DOT nonregulated; FDA 21CFR §173.340, 175.105, 176.170, 176.180, 177.1640(b); BATF 27CFR §240.1051; USDA approved; CERCLA nonreportable; SARA nonreportable; MA Right-to-Know reportable (hydrogen chloride); PA Right-to-Know nonreportable; NJ Right-to-Know reportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; Japan ENCS; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Korea ECL; Philippines PICCS; Europe EINECS Properties: Opaque wh. liq.; mild odor; disp. in water; sp.gr. 1.007; vapor dens > 1; vapor pressure < 26.6 hPa; m.p. 0 C; b.p. > 100 C; evaporation rate < 1; 30% act. Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Use protective gloves and glasses Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx, oxides of silicon HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Sag 770 [GE Silicones http://www.gesilicones.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silica filled polydimethylsiloxane (< 15%) and proprietary additives (< 30%) in water Uses: Foam control agent in snack food processing, ethanol fermentation, vegetable washing, beverage processing Features: Food grade emulsion used to control protein or starch stabilized foam; provides rapid knockdown of existing foams; exc. durability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340, 175.105, 176.170, 176.180, 177.1640(b); USDA approved Properties: Opaque wh. liq.; mild odor; disp. in water; sp.gr. 1.0; vapor dens > 1; vapor pressure < 26.6 hPa; m.p. 0 C; b.p. > 100 C; evaporation rate < 1 Precaution: Use protective gloves, glasses; prevent runoff Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx, oxides of silicon Sag 5693 [GE Silicones http://www.gesilicones.com] Uses: Antifoam for sugar beet processing, in mold, fungal, and yeast fermentation Features: Food grade; combines foam control with low oxygen suppression; autoclavable Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340 Properties: Sol. in lard, soybean, and vegetable oils; disp. in water SAIB-SG [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose acetate isobutyrate, special grade CAS 126-13-6; EINECS/ELINCS 204-771-6 Uses: Clouding agent for clear liqs., for use in food drinks except in U.S. Features: Good thermal, UV, and hydrolytic stability Regulatory: Kosher 614
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Gardner < 1 visc. liq., low odor; sol. in most alcohols, veg. oils, flavoring oils, animal fats, veg.-based waxes; m.w. 832-856; sp.gr. 1.146; dens. 9.55 lb/gal; visc. 100,000 cP (30 C); dec. pt. 288 C; flash pt. (COC) 260 C; ref. index 1.454 (20 C) Use Level: 50-500 ppm (various countries except U.S.) Storage: Warm drum contents to 25-40 C for ease of handling Salioca 05330 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Maize starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch Chem. Analysis: 11.0% moisture; 0.4% ash CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Bodying agent and viscosifier for food systems requiring low hot viscosity and firm body such as salad dressings, institutional pack dressings and as a dressing base Features: Dressings exhibit very firm body; thin hot paste viscosity; low initial viscosity increases ease of forming emulsion; high setback on storage; exc. acid, heat and shear stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 and EC Directive 95/2/EC Properties: Bulk dens. (packed) 49 lbs/ft3; pH 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Salioca 06436 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Maize starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch Chem. Analysis: 11.0% moisture; 0.4% ash CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Bodying agent and viscosifier for food systems requiring heavy with a tender gel body such as spoonable dressings, Bavarian creams, puddings, and as a dressing base Features: Dressings are heavy bodied and creamy; thin hot paste visc.; provides acid, heat and shear stability; tolerates a wide range of process conditions; adaptable to a range of formulation variables; good shelf-life stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 and EC Directive 95/2/EC Properties: Bulk dens. (packed) 49 lbs/ft3; pH 5.5 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Precaution: Excessive dusting is flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Salioca™ 06758 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Modified Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch Chem. Analysis: 10.0% moisture; 10 ppm max. SO2 CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Bodying agent and viscosifier for food systems requiring heavy with a tender gel body such as spoonable dressings, Bavarian creams, puddings, and as a dressing base Features: Short, creamy texture; moderate setback; exc. processing and shelf stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Particle size 2.0% thru 100 mesh; bulk dens. (packed) 42 lbs/ft3; pH 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flamm. and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Salivation Enhancer, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor to impart succulence, cause salivation Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Yel. to amber liq.; over ripe fruit taste; sol. in water, alcohol, oil, PG Use Level: 1-10 ppm Salt Enhancer, Natural, Kosher [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Chem. Analysis: 11% sodium Uses: Flavor enhancer for use with potassium chloride and/or sodium chloride to amplify salty taste; to remove aftertaste of potassium Features: Does not replacer salt; naturally occurring Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Wh. powder; salty taste; sol. in water Use Level: 0.1% in dry form Sammi Gelatine [Sammi Ind. Co. Ltd http://www.sammi-gelatin.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gelatin KP, USP/NF, JP, BP 615
Part I: Trade Name Reference CAS 9000-70-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-554-6 Uses: Gellant, thickener, film-former, protective colloid, adhesive agent, stabilizer, emulsifier, foaming agent, whipping agent, beverage fining agent for foods Properties: 12 mesh; visc. 23-46 mps; pH 5.05.5; < 12% loss on drying Santicizer® 141 [Ferro/Polymer Addit. http://www.ferro.com] Chem. Descrip.: 2-Ethylhexyl diphenyl phosphate (91-93%) See Diphenyl octyl phosphate CAS 1241-94-7 Uses: Plasticizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: DOT nonregulated; SARA reportable; FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 175.320, 181.27 compliant Properties: APHA 40 max. cl. oily liq.; odorless; m.w. 362; b.p. 239 C; sol. 0.003% in water; sp.gr. 1.088-1.093; dens. 9.1 lb/gal; visc. 16.4 cSt; pour pt. -54 C; ref. index 1.507-1.510; flash pt. (COC) 435 F; fire pt. (COC) 460 F; 43 phr in PVC sheet: tens. str. 2930 psi; tens. elong. 320%; hardness (Shore A) 84; VOC 2.5% Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 15,800 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 7940 mg/kg; causes skin irritation; elev. processing temps. may release toxic vapors which are harmful if inh.; TSCA listed Environmental: LC50 (fathead minnow, 96 h) 14 mg/l, (rainbow trout, 96 h) 15 mg/l; harmful; EC50 (daphnia magna, 48 h) 0.15 mg/l, (algae, 48 h) 0.2 mg/l; toxic Santone® 3-1-SH [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-3 stearate CAS 37349-34-1; EINECS/ELINCS 248-403-2 Uses: Emulsifier; aerating agent for lipid systems; solubilizer; color/flavor dispersant in water Properties: Cream bead; m.p. 128-130 F; HLB 7.2; sapon. no. 122-139; nonionic; 27-34% total mono- and diglycerides Santone® 3-1-S XTR [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Triglyceryl stearate See Polyglyceryl-3 stearate CAS 37349-34-1; EINECS/ELINCS 248-403-2 Uses: Emulsifier, aerating agent, whipping agent for foods, nonaq. lipid systems in bakery, dairy, and confectionery applics. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.854; kosher Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Wh. bead; m.p. 125-135 F; drop pt. 52-56 C; HLB 6.9; acid no. 8 max.; iodine no. 3 max.; sapon. no. 130-145; hyd. no. 300-350; nonionic Storage: Store sealed in cool, dry place away from odor-producing substances; 1 yr. storage life at 40-80 F Santone® 8-1-O [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-8 oleate CAS 9007-48-1 Uses: Emulsifier, visc. reducer for foods, protein systems; emulsion stabilizer in ice cream toppings; direct replacement for polysorbates (1:1); in whipped toppings; clouding agent for beverages; color and flavor dispersant; gloss aid in compound coatings; wetting agent for proteins and cocoa powd. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.854; kosher Properties: Amber liq.; visc. 16,000 cps (50 C); HLB 13.0; acid no. 5 max.; iodine no. 30-40; sapon. no. 75-85; hyd. no. 460-520; nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: 0.1-0.45% (whipped toppings), 0.10.4% (protein), 0.1-1% (beverages), 0.5-1% (ice cream toppings), 2% fat basis (compd. coatings) Storage: Store sealed in cool, dry place away from odor-producing substances; 1 yr. storage life at 40-95 F; stir well Santone® 10-10-0 [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglycerol-10 decaoleate See Polyglyceryl-10 decaoleate CAS 11094-60-3; EINECS/ELINCS 234-316-7 Uses: Food emulsifier; solubilizer; emulsion stabilizer; dispersant aid in flavors and colors; antifoam in sugar-protein syrups; emulsifier, lubricant, stabilizer in chilled and frozen foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.854; kosher Properties: Lovibond 4.0R max. liq.; visc. 88 cps (50 C); HLB 2.0; acid no. 6 max.; iodine no. 65-80; sapon. no. 165-180; hyd. no. 25-45; nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: 0.5-1% (colors/flavors), 0.5-1% (emulsion stabilizer), 0.05% (antifoam) Storage: Store sealed in cool, dry place away from odor-producing substances; 1 yr. storage life at 40-90 F SAPP-NL [ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium acid pyrophosphate 616
Part I: Trade Name Reference CAS 7758-16-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-835-0 Uses: Emulsion stabilizer; improves flavor and texture in hot dogs and lunch meats; pH control agent and sequestrant in icings and frostings; protein modifier in processed meats; emulsifier in cheese processing; prevents darkening in processed potatoes Features: For products that require a long production cycle, long bench tolerance or long storage life Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh., free-flowing powd.; odorless; tasteless SAPP 26 [ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium acid pyrophosphate CAS 7758-16-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-835-0 Uses: Leavening acid for powder, cake mixes, refrigerated or frozen dough and cake doughnuts; emulsifier, formulation aid, humectant, pH control agent, acidulant, buffering agent, coagulant, dispersing agent, protein modifier, processing aid, sequestrant, stabilizer and thickener, synergist, and texturizer Features: Food grade; slow-reacting, med. reactivity grade; used is in products that require a long production cycle, long bench tolerance or long storage life Regulatory: FDA GRAS Properties: Wh., free-flowing powd.; odorless; tasteless; 93% through 200 mesh; sol. 15 g/100 g water; m.w. 221.9; bulk dens. 65 lb/ft3; 98.3% assay SAPP 28 [ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium acid pyrophosphate CAS 7758-16-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-835-0 Uses: Double-acting leavening agent for baked goods; slow-med. reactivity; general purpose leavening acid and major component of commercial baking powds., prepared mixes, bakery cakes; emulsifier, formulation aid, humectant, pH control agent, acidulant, buffering agent, coagulant, dispersing agent, protein modifier, processing aid, sequestrant, stabilizer and thickener, synergist, and texturizer Features: All-purpose; delayed gas release is especially suited to institutional and Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
commercial baking of large batches Regulatory: FCC, kosher Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; odorless; tasteless; 93% through 200 mesh; sol. 15 g/100 g water; m.w. 221.9; bulk dens. 65 lb/ft3; 98.5% assay SAPP #4 [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium acid pyrophosphate Chem. Analysis: 93.0% min. assay CAS 7758-16-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-835-0 Uses: Leavening acid for refrigerated biscuits and other products requiring a slow reaction rate Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §182.1087; FCC; kosher Properties: Wh. powd.; odorless; 1% max. thru #100 mesh, 15% max. thru #200 mesh; sol. in water; m.p. > 900 C; pH 3.8-4.5 @ 1 wt/wt%; 100% act. Toxicology: OSHA:TWA 2.5 mg/m3 (total dust); LD50 (oral, mouse) 2650 mg/kg; eye irritant; sl. irritant to skin; may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; noncarcinogenic; TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid dusting conditions, sparks, heat, open flame, static electricity, strong bases and oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: POx NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store in cool, dry area SAPP 40 [ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium acid pyrophosphate CAS 7758-16-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-835-0 Uses: Double-acting leavening agent for baked goods; fastest grade in which 40% of avail. acidity released initially during mixing; used alone or in combination for machined cake donuts and prepared mixes; emulsifier, formulation aid, humectant, pH control agent, acidulant, buffering agent, coagulant, dispersing agent, protein modifier, processing aid, sequestrant, stabilizer and thickener, synergist, and texturizer Regulatory: FCC, kosher Properties: Wh., free-flowing powd.; odorless; tasteless SAPP 43 [ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium acid pyrophosphate 617
Part I: Trade Name Reference CAS 7758-16-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-835-0 Uses: Leavening acid for baking powder, cake mixes, refrigerated or frozen dough and cake doughnuts; emulsifier, formulation aid, humectant, pH control agent, acidulant, buffering agent, coagulant, dispersing agent, protein modifier, processing aid, sequestrant, stabilizer and thickener, synergist, and texturizer Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh., free-flowing powd.; odorless; tasteless SAPP RD-1 [ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium acid pyrophosphate CAS 7758-16-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-835-0 Uses: Leavening acid for baking powder, cake mixes, refrigerated or frozen dough and cake doughnuts; emulsifier, formulation aid, humectant, pH control agent, acidulant, buffering agent, coagulant, dispersing agent, protein modifier, processing aid, sequestrant, stabilizer and thickener, synergist, and texturizer Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh., free-flowing powd.; odorless; tasteless Satin Sweet® 55% Maltose Corn Syrup [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: High maltose (57%) corn syrup Chem. Analysis: Moisture 18-20%; sulfated ash 0.05% max.; sulfur dioxide 2 ppm max. CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener for foods (dairy, brewing, confectionery) Features: Near absence of sodium and sulfur dioxide Regulatory: GRAS 21CFR §184.1865 Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4194 (100/60 F); dens. 11.83 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 25,500 cps (80 F); ref. index 1.4938 (45 C); pH 4.0 (1:1); 81% total solids Satin Sweet® 65% Maltose Corn Syrup [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: High maltose (65%) corn syrup Chem. Analysis: Moisture 18-20%; sulfated ash 0.05% max.; sulfur dioxide 2 ppm max. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener for foods (ice cream, table syrups, confectionery) Features: Near absence of sodium and sulfur dioxide Regulatory: GRAS 21CFR §184.1865 Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4174 (100/60 F); dens. 11.82 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 25,500 cps (80 F); ref. index 1.4929 (45 C); pH 4.3 (1:1); 81% total solids Satin Sweet® 70% Maltose Corn Syrup [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: High maltose (70%) corn syrup Chem. Analysis: Moisture 18-20%; sulfated ash 0.05% max.; sulfur dioxide 2 ppm max. CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener for foods (ice cream, table syrups, confectionery) Features: Near absence of sodium and sulfur dioxide Regulatory: GRAS 21CFR §184.1865 Properties: Cl. liq.; char. odor; sweet, bland taste; sp.gr. 1.4169 (100/60 F); dens. 11.81 lb/gal (100 F); visc. 25,500 cps (80 F); ref. index 1.4927 (45 C); pH 4.0 (1:1); 81% total solids Savorkey® [DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com] Uses: Flavoring agent that produce chicken and beef profiles Storage: 18 mos. shelf life SC-5050 [Calumet Lubricants http://www.calumetlubricants.com] Chem. Descrip.: Paraffin wax CAS 8002-74-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-315-6 Uses: Chewing gum base Properties: Saybolt color +30; 37.0 SUS @ 210 F; m.p. 124.5 F SC-5051 [Calumet Lubricants http://www.calumetlubricants.com] Chem. Descrip.: Paraffin wax CAS 8002-74-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-315-6 Uses: Chewing gum base; protective coating on fruits and vegetables; defoamer Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.886, 178.3710 Properties: Saybolt color +30; 37.0 SUS @ 210 F; m.p. 124.5 F
Part I: Trade Name Reference Scogin™ HV [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium alginate See Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Thickener, water binder, emulsion stabilizer, suspending agent, gellant, filmformer for foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Japan ENCS (8-237); Korea (KE00492); Philippines PICCS Properties: Ivory colored granular powd.; 30 mesh; almost odorless; sol. in water; visc. 130 cps (0.5%), 800 cps (1%), 10,000 cps (2%), 75,000 (3%); pH 6.5-8.5 (1% aq.sol'n.); autoignition temp. > 200 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg; LC50 (inh., rat, 1 h) 4.72 mg/l; ACGIH TWA 10 mg/m3 (inhalable particulate), 3 mg/m3 (respirable particulate); TSCA listed Environmental: BOD(5) ≈ 400 mg O2/g; COD ≈ 650 mg O2 g; biodeg. Precaution: Becomes slippery when wet; incompat. with strong oxidizers, high temps., high humidity HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Avoid exposure to extreme heat Scogin™ LV [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium alginate See Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Thickener, water binder, emulsion stabilizer, suspending agent, gellant, filmformer for foods; flavor enhancer Regulatory: FDA GRAS; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Japan ENCS (8-237); Korea (KE00492); Philippines PICCS Properties: Ivory colored granular powd.; 40 mesh; almost odorless; sol. in water; visc. 20 cps (0.5%), 60 cps (1%), 600 cps (2%), 3500 (3%); pH 6.5-8.5 (1% aq.sol'n.); autoignition temp. > 200 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg; LC50 (inh., rat, 1 h) 4.72 mg/l; ACGIH TWA 10 mg/m3 (inhalable particulate), 3 mg/m3 (respirable particulate); TSCA listed Environmental: BOD(5) ≈ 400 mg O2/g; COD ≈ 650 mg O2 g; biodeg. Precaution: Becomes slippery when wet; incompat. with strong oxidizers, high temps., high humidity NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly closed Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
container; avoid exposure to extreme heat Scogin™ MV [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium alginate See Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Thickener, water binder, emulsion stabilizer, suspending agent, gellant, filmformer for foods; flavor enhancer Regulatory: FDA GRAS; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Japan ENCS (8-237); Korea (KE00492); Philippines PICCS Properties: Ivory colored granular powd.; 30 mesh; almost odorless; sol. in water; visc. 80 cps (0.5%), 400 cps (1%), 5000 cps (2%), 30,000 (3%); pH 6.5-8.5 (1% aq.sol'n.); autoignition temp. > 200 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg; LC50 (inh., rat, 1 h) 4.72 mg/l; ACGIH TWA 10 mg/m3 (inhalable particulate), 3 mg/m3 (respirable particulate); TSCA listed Environmental: BOD(5) ≈ 400 mg O2/g; COD ≈ 650 mg O2 g; biodeg. Precaution: Becomes slippery when wet; incompat. with strong oxidizers, high temps., high humidity NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 SeaFresh™ 10 [FBC Ind. http://www.fbcindustries.com] Chem. Descrip.: Long chain polyphosphate Chem. Analysis: 0.1% insol. substances Uses: Protein denaturation inhibitor, dehydration inhibitor for frozen shrimps Features: High viscosity at working temps. Regulatory: FDA GRAS; FCC grade Properties: Cl., colorless, odorless liq.; sp. gr. 1.53-1.55; visc. 70 cp; pH (1% sol'n.) 6.5-7.2 solid. pt. -11.5 C Toxicology: Sl. irritant to eyes and skin SeaFresh™ 50 [FBC Ind. http://www.fbcindustries.com] Chem. Descrip.: Long chain polyphosphate Chem. Analysis: 0.1% insol. substances Uses: Protein denaturation inhibitor, dehydration inhibitor for frozen shrimps Features: High viscosity at working temps. Regulatory: FDA GRAS; FCC grade Properties: Cl., colorless, odorless liq.; sp. gr. 1.53-1.55; visc. 70 cp; pH (1% sol'n.) 6.5-7.2 solid. pt. -11.5 C Toxicology: Sl. irritant to eyes and skin
Part I: Trade Name Reference SeaGel® DP 437 [FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan, dextrose See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Glucose CAS 9000-07-1; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232524-2; 200-075-1 Uses: Viscosifier for foodstuffs, caramel fillings and toppings Features: Provides short texture, creamy mouthfeel Regulatory: DOT not regulated; CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Philippines PICCS Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. 10% max. in water; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 6.0-10.5 (1.5% sol'n.) Toxicology: Low oral, dermal and inh. toxicity; nonirritating to eyes and skin; noncarcinogenic; TSCA listed Environmental: not expected to have significant toxicity to aquatic organisms Precaution: Becomes slippery when wet; accumulation of overhead settled dust may form explosive concentrations in air when disturbed and dispersed NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly closed container SeaGel® FL 644L [FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan, dextrose, locust bean gum See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Glucose; Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-07-1; 50-99-7; 9000-40-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2; 200-075-1; 232541-5 Uses: Viscosifier for foodstuffs, caramel fillings and toppings Features: Provides short texture, creamy mouthfeel Regulatory: DOT not regulated; CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Philippines PICCS Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. 10% max. in water; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 7.0-10.5 (1.5% sol'n.) Toxicology: Low oral, dermal and inh. toxicity; nonirritating to eyes and skin; noncarcinogenic Environmental: not expected to have significant toxicity to aquatic organisms Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Precaution: Becomes slippery when wet; accumulation of overhead settled dust may form explosive concentrations in air when disturbed and dispersed NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly closed container SeaGel® GP 713 [FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan, dextrose, sodium chloride See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Glucose CAS 9000-07-1; 50-99-7; 7647-14-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2; 200-075-1; 231598-3 Uses: Viscosifier for foodstuffs, caramel fillings and toppings Features: Provides short texture, creamy mouthfeel Regulatory: DOT not regulated; CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Philippines PICCS Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. 10% max. in water; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 7.0-10.5 (1.5% sol'n.) Toxicology: May be irritating to eyes, skin Environmental: not expected to have significant toxicity to aquatic organisms Precaution: Becomes slippery when wet; accumulation of overhead settled dust may form explosive concentrations in air when disturbed and dispersed NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly closed container SeaGel® PS 182 [FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenanand dextrose See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Glucose CAS 9000-07-1; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232524-2; 200-075-1 Uses: Viscosifier for food, caramel fillings and toppings Features: Provides short texture, creamy mouthfeel Regulatory: DOT not regulated; CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Philippines PICCS Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. 10% max. in water; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 6.0-10.5 (1.5% sol'n.) 620
Part I: Trade Name Reference Toxicology: ACGIH TWA 10 mg/m3 (inhalable PNOC), 3 mg/m3 (respirable PNOC); may be irritating to eyes and skin; low oral, dermal and inh. toxicity; noncarcinogenic; TSCA listed Environmental: not expected to have significant toxicity to aquatic organisms Precaution: Becomes slippery when wet Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: SO2 NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly closed container SeaGel® XP 3428 [FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Konjac flour, modified corn starch, microcrystalline cellulose, sodium carboxymethylcellulose See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium; Corn (Zea mays) starch CAS 37220-17-0; 9005-25-8; 9004-34-6; 900432-4; EINECS/ELINCS 253-404-6; 232-679-6; 232-674-9 Uses: Gellant, viscosifier for foodstuffs, caramel fillings and toppings Features: Provides short texture, creamy mouthfeel Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; SARA §311 Acute Health Hazard; Canada DSL Properties: Lt. tan to tan powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. 12% max. in water; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 5.0-7.5 Toxicology: Respiratory sensitizer; nonirritating to eyes and skin; noncarcinogenic Precaution: Becomes slippery when wet Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: NOx and SOx NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry place in tightly closed container SeaGel® XP 3611 [FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan, dextrose, potassium chloride See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Glucose CAS 9000-07-1; 50-99-7; 7447-40-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2; 200-075-1; 231211-8 Uses: Viscosifier for food, caramel fillings and toppings Features: Provides short texture, creamy mouthfeel Regulatory: DOT not regulated; CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. 10% max. in water; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 7.0-10.5 (1.5% sol'n.) Toxicology: May be irritating to eyes, skin; nonsensitizing to the skin; noncarcinogenic Environmental: not expected to have significant toxicity to aquatic organisms Precaution: Becomes slippery when wet NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly closed container SeaKem® CM-611 [FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com] Chem. Descrip.: carrageenan and dextrose See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Glucose CAS 9000-07-1; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232524-2; 200-075-1 Uses: Fat replacement system for fluid milk Features: Provides mouthfeel and body; prevents whey separation Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. in water (10% max. by wt.); pH 6.0 - 10.5 (1.5% sol'n.) Toxicology: Irritating to the eyes and skin; nonsensitizing to the skin Environmental: not expected to have significant toxicity to aquatic organisms Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: SOx NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a tightly closed container in cool, dry place SeaKem® GP-418 [FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan and dextrose See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Glucose CAS 9000-07-1; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232524-2; 200-075-1 Uses: Fat replacement system for nonfat pasteurized processed cheese; provides creamy mouthfeel, loaf structure, sliceability, smoothness, opacity; enhances flavor; reduces rubber texture Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. in water (12% max. by wt.); pH 6.0 - 10.5 (1.5% sol'n.) Toxicology: Nonirritating to the eyes and skin; nonsensitizing to the skin; noncarcinogenic Environmental: not expected to have significant toxicity to aquatic organisms Precaution: Slippery when wet Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: SOx NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 621
Part I: Trade Name Reference Storage: Store in a tightly closed container in cool, dry place SeaKem® IC-611 [FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com] Chem. Descrip.: carrageenan and dextrose See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Glucose CAS 9000-07-1; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232524-2; 200-075-1 Uses: Fat replacement system for hard-pack and soft-serve frozen desserts, frozen yogurt; provides creamy mouthfeel, ice crystal control, improved extrudability, and control of whey separation Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. in water (12% max. by wt.); pH 6.0 - 10.5 (1.5% sol'n.) Toxicology: Nonirritating to the eyes and skin; nonsensitizing to the skin; noncarcinogenic Environmental: not expected to have significant toxicity to aquatic organisms Precaution: Slippery when wet Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: SOx NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a tightly closed container in cool, dry place SeaKem® IC-912 [FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com] Chem. Descrip.: carrageenan and dextrose See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Glucose CAS 9000-07-1; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232524-2; 200-075-1 Uses: Fat replacement system for hard-pack frozen desserts, frozen yogurt; provides creamy mouthfeel, ice crystal control, foam stability, improved extrudability and meltdown, and control of whey separation Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. in water (10% max. by wt.); sp. gr. ≈ 1; pH 6.0 - 10.5 (1.5% sol'n.) Toxicology: Irritating to the eyes and skin; nonsensitizing to the skin; noncarcinogenic Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: SOx NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a tightly closed container in cool, dry place Seenox DL [Shipro Kasei Kaisha http://www.shipro.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Didodecyl thiodipropionate See Dilauryl thiodipropionate CAS 123-28-4; EINECS/ELINCS 204-615-1 Uses: Preservative for foods; antioxidant Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.300, 181.24, 182.3280 Properties: Wh. powd.; m.w. 514.9; m.p. 39-42 C; < 0.1% ash Seenox DS [Shipro Kasei Kaisha http://www.shipro.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Dioctadecyl thiodipropionate See Distearyl thiodipropionate CAS 693-36-7; EINECS/ELINCS 211-750-5 Uses: Antioxidant migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.300, 181.24 Properties: Wh. powd.; m.w. 683.2; m.p. 61-64 C; < 0.1% ash Seesorb 202 [Shipro Kasei Kaisha http://www.shipro.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: 4-t-Butylphenyl salicylate See p-t-Butylphenyl salicylate CAS 87-18-3 Uses: Plasticizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.300, 181.27 Properties: Wh. cryst. powd.; m.w. 270.3; m.p. 62-65 C; < 0.1% ash Serdas® GLN [Elementis Spec. Europe] Chem. Descrip.: Surfactants in mineral oil Uses: Defoamer for sugar processing Properties: Disp. in water Servit® Range [Cognis http://www.cognis.de] Chem. Descrip.: Citric acid esters of mono and diglycerides of fatty acids with other emulsifiers See Citric acid esters of monoand diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Food emulsifier for mfg. of instant dry yeast for baked goods Sethness AP100 [Sethness Prods. http://www.sethness.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sulfite and ammonia process caramel color See Caramel CAS 8028-89-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-435-9 Uses: Colorant for foods (baked goods, flavors, seasonings, sauces, beverages, candy, cereals, chocolate, soup, textured protein, vinegar) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.85, 182.1235; E150d; European Directives 94/36/EC, 95/45/EC Properties: Dk. brn. liq.; char. bitter burnt sugar taste; completely sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.31571.3206 (60 F); dens. 10.95-11.00 lb/gal (60 F); flash pt. > 100 C; pH 2.8-3.1; 100% act. Use Level: 1.0% in candy and licorice 622
Part I: Trade Name Reference Toxicology: No known acute or chronic health hazards Environmental: may contribute to BOD and COD Hazardous Ingredients: None NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 2 yr. min. shelf life when stored in cool, dry environment, ≤ 33 C; high temp. storage accelerates product degradation Sethness OC90 [Sethness Prods. http://www.sethness.com] Chem. Descrip.: Caramel color See Caramel CAS 8028-89-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-435-9 Uses: Colorant for foods (beverages, flavors, seasonings, sauces, cereals, dairy, soup, textured protein, vinegar) Features: Organic and non-GMO Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.85, 182.1235; E150a; European Directives 94/36/EC, 95/45/EC Properties: Dk. brn. liq.; char. bitter burnt sugar taste; completely sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.3111.330 (60 F); dens. 10.93-11.08 lb/gal (60 F); flash pt. > 100 C; pH 3.5-5.0; 100% act. Toxicology: No known acute or chronic health hazards Environmental: may contribute to BOD and COD Hazardous Ingredients: None NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 1 yr. min. shelf life when stored in cool, dry environment, ≤ 33 C; high temp. storage accelerates product degradation Sethness OC234 [Sethness Prods. http://www.sethness.com] Chem. Descrip.: Caramel color See Caramel Chem. Analysis: 4.0% max. moisture CAS 8028-89-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-435-9 Uses: Colorant for foods (beverages, flavors, seasonings, sauces, cereals, dairy, soup, textured protein, vinegar) Features: Organic Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.85, 182.1235; E150a; European Directives 94/36/EC, 95/45/EC Properties: Amorphous dk.-brn. powd.; char. bitter burnt sugar taste; particle size 90% min. thru #100 U.S.S. Sieve; completely sol. in water; pH 6.0-7.5 (1% sol'n.); hygroscopic; 100% act. Toxicology: No known acute or chronic health hazards Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Environmental: may contribute to BOD and COD Precaution: Class I dust hazard Storage: 1 yr. min. shelf life when stored in cool, dry environment, ≤ 90 F; high temp. storage accelerates product degradation Sethness P060 [Sethness Prods. http://www.sethness.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ammonia process caramel color See Caramel CAS 8028-89-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-435-9 Uses: Colorant for foods (beverages, flavors, seasonings, sauces, cereals, dairy, soup, textured protein, vinegar) Features: Positively charged, low sulfite Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.85, 182.1235; E150c; European Directives 94/36/EC, 95/45/EC Properties: Dk. brn. liq.; char. bitter burnt sugar taste; completely sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.3241.336 (60 F); dens. 11.02-11.13 lb/gal (60 F); flash pt. > 100 C; pH 4.5-5.5; 100% act. Toxicology: No known acute or chronic health hazards Environmental: may contribute to BOD and COD Hazardous Ingredients: None NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 2 yr. min. shelf life when stored in cool, dry environment, ≤ 33 C; high temp. storage accelerates product degradation Sethness P170 [Sethness Prods. http://www.sethness.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ammonia process caramel color CAS 8028-89-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-435-9 Uses: Colorant for foods (protein drinks, flavors, seasonings, sauces, cereals, dairy, soup, textured protein, vinegar) Features: Positively charged, low sulfite Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.85, 182.1235; E150c; European Directives 94/36/EC, 95/45/EC Properties: Dk. brn. liq.; char. bitter burnt sugar taste; completely sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.37571.3809 (60 F); dens. 11.46-11.50 lb/gal (60 F); flash pt. > 100 C; pH 3.8-4.1; 100% act. Use Level: 0.4% in protein drinks Toxicology: No known acute or chronic health hazards Environmental: may contribute to BOD and COD 623
Part I: Trade Name Reference Hazardous Ingredients: None NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 2 yr. min. shelf life when stored in cool, dry environment, ≤ 33 C; high temp. storage accelerates product degradation Sethness P212 [Sethness Prods. http://www.sethness.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ammonia process caramel color See Caramel CAS 8028-89-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-435-9 Uses: Colorant for foods (beverages, flavors, seasonings, sauces, cereals, dairy, soup, textured protein, vinegar) Features: Positively charged, low sulfite Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.85, 182.1235; E150c; European Directives 94/36/EC, 95/45/EC Properties: Dk. brn. liq.; char. bitter burnt sugar taste; completely sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.32661.3340 (60 F); dens. 11.05-11.11 lb/gal (60 F); flash pt. > 100 C; pH 4.1-4.7; 100% act. Use Level: 0.4% in protein drinks Toxicology: No known acute or chronic health hazards Environmental: may contribute to BOD and COD Hazardous Ingredients: None NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 2 yr. min. shelf life when stored in cool, dry environment, ≤ 33 C; high temp. storage accelerates product degradation Sethness RT80 [Sethness Prods. http://www.sethness.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sulfite process Caramel color See Caramel CAS 8028-89-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-435-9 Uses: Colorant for foods (beverages, flavors, seasonings, sauces, cereals, dairy, soup, textured protein, vinegar) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.85, 182.1235; E150b; European Directives 94/36/EC, 95/45/EC Properties: Liq.; char. bitter burnt sugar taste; completely sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.250-1.283 (60 F); dens. 10.46-10.73 lb/gal (60 F); flash pt. > 100 C; pH 5.30-6.30; 100% act. Toxicology: No known acute or chronic health hazards Environmental: may contribute to BOD and COD Hazardous Ingredients: None NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Storage: 2 yr. min. shelf life when stored in cool, dry environment, ≤ 33 C; high temp. storage accelerates product degradation Sethness RT120 [Sethness Prods. http://www.sethness.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sulfite and ammonia process caramel color See Caramel CAS 8028-89-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-435-9 Uses: Colorant for foods (baked goods, flavors, seasonings, sauces, beverages, candy, cereals, chocolate, soup, textured protein, vinegar) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.85, 182.1235; E150d; European Directives 94/36/EC, 95/45/EC Properties: Red-toned liq.; char. bitter burnt sugar taste; completely sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.323-1.328 (60 F); dens. 11.02-11.06 lb/gal (60 F); flash pt. > 100 C; pH 3.7-4.0; 100% act. Toxicology: No known acute or chronic health hazards Environmental: may contribute to BOD and COD Hazardous Ingredients: None NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 2 yr. min. shelf life when stored in cool, dry environment, ≤ 33 C; high temp. storage accelerates product degradation Sethness SB115 [Sethness Prods. http://www.sethness.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sulfite and ammonia process caramel color See Caramel CAS 8028-89-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-435-9 Uses: Colorant for foods (baked goods, flavors, seasonings, sauces, beverages, candy, cereals, chocolate, soup, textured protein, vinegar) Features: Non-GMO spirit caramel color Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.85, 182.1235; E150d; European Directives 94/36/EC, 95/45/EC Properties: Liq.; char. bitter burnt sugar taste; completely sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.295-1.343 (60 F); dens. 10.81-11.21 lb/gal (60 F); flash pt. > 100 C; pH 3.00-4.00; 100% act. Toxicology: No known acute or chronic health hazards Environmental: may contribute to BOD and COD Hazardous Ingredients: None NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 2 yr. min. shelf life when stored in cool, 624
Part I: Trade Name Reference dry environment, ≤ 33 C; high temp. storage accelerates product degradation Sethness SP50 [Sethness Prods. http://www.sethness.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ammonia process caramel color See Caramel CAS 8028-89-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-435-9 Uses: Colorant for foods (baked goods, flavors, seasonings, sauces, soup, textured protein) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.85, 182.1235; E150c; European Directives 94/36/EC, 95/45/EC Properties: Dk. brn. liq.; char. bitter burnt sugar taste; completely sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.32661.3340 (60 F); dens. 11.05-11.11 lb/gal (60 F); flash pt. > 100 C; pH 3.7-4.2; 100% act. Toxicology: No known acute or chronic health hazards Environmental: may contribute to BOD and COD Hazardous Ingredients: None NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 2 yr. min. shelf life when stored in cool, dry environment, ≤ 33 C; high temp. storage accelerates product degradation Sethness SSC300 [Sethness Prods. http://www.sethness.com] Chem. Descrip.: Caramel color See Caramel CAS 8028-89-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-435-9 Uses: Colorant for foods (beverages, flavors, seasonings, sauces, cereals, dairy, soup, textured protein, vinegar) Features: Non-GMO Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.85, 182.1235; E150a; European Directives 94/36/EC, 95/45/EC Properties: Liq.; char. bitter burnt sugar taste; completely sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.250-1.283 (60 F); dens. 10.46-10.73 lb/gal (60 F); flash pt. > 100 C; pH 5.30-6.30; 100% act. Toxicology: No known acute or chronic health hazards Environmental: may contribute to BOD and COD Hazardous Ingredients: None NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 2 yr. min. shelf life when stored in cool, dry environment, ≤ 33 C; high temp. storage accelerates product degradation
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Sethness YT25 [Sethness Prods. http://www.sethness.com] Chem. Descrip.: Caramel color See Caramel CAS 8028-89-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-435-9 Uses: Colorant for foods (beverages, flavors, seasonings, sauces, cereals, dairy, soup, textured protein, vinegar) Features: No ammonia or sulfite reactants Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.85, 182.1235; E150a; European Directives 94/36/EC, 95/45/EC Properties: Yel.-toned liq.; char. bitter burnt sugar taste; completely sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.376-1.381 (60 F); dens. 11.45-11.50 lb/gal (60 F); flash pt. > 100 C; pH 3.9-4.4; 100% act. Toxicology: No known acute or chronic health hazards Environmental: may contribute to BOD and COD Hazardous Ingredients: None NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 2 yr. min. shelf life when stored in cool, dry environment, ≤ 33 C; high temp. storage accelerates product degradation SF18-350 [GE Silicones http://www.gesilicones.com; HallStar http://www.cphall.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethicone fluid CAS 9006-65-9 Uses: Lubricant, antifoam, mold release agent for foods; antifoam in fermentation, corn oil mfg., deep-fat frying Regulatory: FDA compliance Properties: Water-wh. cl. oily liq., tasteless, odorless; disp. in org. solvs.; sp.gr. 0.973; dens. 8.0 lb/gal; visc. 350 cs; pour pt. -58 F; flash pt. (PMCC) 204 C; ref. index 1.4030 Sheffield Brand Anhydrous Lactose NF [Kerry Bio-Science/Sheffield Prods. http://www.sheffield-products.com; http://www.kerrygroup.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lactose NF CAS 63-42-3; EINECS/ELINCS 200-559-2 Uses: Nutrient, multifunctional ingred. in infant formulas, geriatric, dietetic, and health foods Properties: Wh. to creamy free-flowing powd.; two grades with various particle sizes (Direct Tableting, 60 M); sol. 40 g/100 ml in water; m.w. 342.3; 0.11% max. moisture Storage: Nonhygroscopic; 12 mos. min. shelf life for unopened pkgs.; store in cool, dry area in 625
Part I: Trade Name Reference closed containers Sheffield Brand Lactose Monohydrate NF [Kerry Bio-Science/Sheffield Prods. http://www.sheffield-products.com; http://www.kerrygroup.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lactose monohydrate NF CAS 10039-26-6 Uses: Nutrient, multifunctional ingred. in infant formulas, geriatric, dietetic, and health foods Properties: Wh. to creamy free-flowing powd.; three grades with various particle sizes (80 M, Capsulating, Impalpable); sol. 20 g/100 ml in water; 0.5% max. moisture Storage: Nonhygroscopic; 12 mos. min. shelf life for unopened pkgs.; store in cool, dry area in closed containers Shellsol® D100S [Shell Netherlands] Chem. Descrip.: Petroleum distillates, hydrotreated light CAS 64742-47-8; EINECS/ELINCS 265-149-8 Uses: Solvent for food Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.884, 178.3650; BgVV compliant Properties: Low odor; m.w. 206; dens. 0.797 kg/l (15 C); visc. 3.2 mm2/s; vapor pressure 0.003 kPa (20 C); i.b.p. 238 C; pour pt. -26 C; flash pt. 105 C; autoignition temp. 232 C; KB value 26; surf. tens. 28 mN/m (20 C); dielec. const. 2.1 (20 C) Precaution: LEL 0.5 vol.% (100 C); UEL 5.5 vol.% (150 C) Storage: 12 mos. min. shelf life under proper storage Shellsol® Heptane [Shell http://www.shellchemicals.com; http://www.shell-lubricants.com] Chem. Descrip.: Heptane (C7) CAS 64742-89-8; EINECS/ELINCS 205-563-8 Uses: Solvent for protective coatings on citrus fruits Features: Hydrotreated; hydrotreating removes unwanted compds. (e.g., sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen), converts unsat. hydrocarbons (olefins, acetylenes, aromatics), results in relatively low odor; exc. for recycling; no more than trace amts. of HAPs Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.250; SARA nonreportable Properties: Saybolt 30 min color; sp.gr. 0.695 (60/60 F); vapor pressure 41 mm Hg (68 F); i.b.p. 189 F min.; distillation range 194-208 F; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
flash pt. 7 F; KB value 32 min.; VOC 5.71 lb/gal; 91.2 vol.% paraffins, 8.8 vol.% cycloparaffins Shellsol® W HT [Shell http://www.shellchemicals.com; http://www.shell-lubricants.com] Chem. Descrip.: Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light aliphatic See Naphtha, light aliphatic CAS 64742-89-8; EINECS/ELINCS 265-192-2 UN 1268 Uses: Solvent for protective coatings on citrus fruits Features: High solvency; hydrotreating removes unwanted compds. (e.g., sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen), converts unsat. hydrocarbons (olefins, acetylenes, aromatics), results in relatively low odor; no more than trace amts. of HAPs; high cycloparaffin content Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.250; SARA §311/131 acute health/chronic health/fire hazard; Calif. Prop. 65 reportable [toluene (0.2%)] Properties: Lt. colored liq.; low hydrocarbon odor; negligible sol. in water; m.w. 101; sp.gr. 0.734 (60/60 F); vapor pressure 41 mm Hg (68 F); i.b.p. 205 F min.; b.p. 210-234 F; flash pt. 7 C; KB value 32 min.; VOC 6.1 lb/gal (60 F) Toxicology: If aspirated, can cause severe lung damage, chem. pneumonitis; may be fatal if swallowed; may cause CNS depression (dizziness, lightheadedness, headache, nausea, incoordination, unconsciousness, death); may cause eye irritation/temporary discomfort, skin irritation, burning sensation, defatting; chronic exposure may cause hearing loss; chronic abuse may cause irregular heart rhythms, cardiac arrest; target organs: heart, auditory system; TSCA listed Environmental: prevent entry into waterways, sewers Precaution: Extremely flamm.; flamm. in air 0.8-8 vol.%; vapors are heavier than air; vapors may flash back; prevent vapor accumulation; ground equip.; avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents; prevent entry into basements, confined areas Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Complex mixt. of airborne solids, liqs. and gases, incl. CO, CO2, other org. compds. HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 3, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep closed when not in use; keep away from heat, sparks, flame 626
Part I: Trade Name Reference Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) Mycelium Biomass, Certified Organic [Garuda Int'l. http://www.garudaint.com] Chem. Descrip.: Shiitake mycelium extract from Lentinus edodes Uses: Nutritional supplement in dried soups or tonic drinks Properties: Brn. gran.; max. 20 mesh or finer; sol. in water Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) Mushroom Extract Powder 4:1 [Garuda Int'l. http://www.garudaint.com] Chem. Descrip.: Shiitake mushroom extract from Lentinus edodes See Glucose Chem. Analysis: < 6.0% moisture; 37.4% protein; 11.2% ash; 43.8% carbohydrates Uses: Ingred. for health food beverages, nutritional supplements Features: Polysaccharides, lentinan actives Properties: Brn. fine powd.; min. 20 mesh or finer; sol. in water Storage: 24 mo shelf life Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) Mycelium Biomass, Certified Organic [Garuda Int'l. http://www.garudaint.com] Chem. Descrip.: Shiitake mycelium biomass from Lentinus edodes Uses: Nutritional supplement and flavoring agent in health foods and teas Features: Polysaccharides, peptidomannans, lentinan actives Properties: Lt. brn. powd.; insol. in water Storage: 24 mo shelf life Shokusen SE [Mitsubishi Chem. http://www.mkagaku.co.jp/index_en.htm] Chem. Descrip.: Sugar esters, propylene glycol, ethanol, and sodium citrate See Alcohol Uses: Detergent for washing agrochemicals and bacteria from foods, vegetables, fruit Features: Minimal foaming Environmental: biodeg. Shur-Fil® 427 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified (waxy corn starch) See Food starch, modified Uses: Processing aid during prep. and filling of canned, retorted foods, e.g., soups, stews, chop suey, chili, vegetables; visc. control agent, suspension aid for soups, sauces, gravies, dressings Features: Cooks up at pre-canning temps. to a Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
thick, stable visc. which holds food particles in uniform suspension for controlled dispensing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Use Level: 3.25-3.75% Shur-Fil® 677 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Uses: Visc. control agent, suspension aid for soups, sauces, gravies, dressings Sicovit® Series [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Uses: Colorant, pigment for foods, instant drink granules Features: Soluble Regulatory: Ph.Fr., USP/NF, FAO compliance, kosher Silbione™ 70414 [Bluestar Silicones France] Chem. Descrip.: Polydimethylsiloxane oil in water Uses: Antifoam for foods Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §175.105, 176.170, 176.180, 176.300 Properties: Wh. creamy liq.; thins in water; nil to sl. odor; sp.gr. 1.0; pH 7; nonionic; 15% act. Storage: 12 mos. shelf life stored in original unopened container @ 2-30 C Silbione™ 70462 [Bluestar Silicones France] Chem. Descrip.: Simethicone CAS 8050-81-5 Uses: Antifoam for food Regulatory: USP/NF, EP Properties: Milky wh. visc.emulsion; dispersible in water; insol. in organic solvents; sp.gr. 1.0; visc. 600 cps; vapor pressure 2.3 kPa; b.p. 100 C; flash pt. > 80 C; pH 3.5; nonionic; 20% act. Toxicology: Not considered harmful by contact with skin or ing. Environmental: LC50 (fish: brachydanio rerio, 96 h) >100 mg/l; not biodegradable or bioaccumulable Precaution: Wear goggles and PVC gloves Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx and silica Storage: 12 mos. shelf life stored in original unopened container @ 5-25 C Silbione® Antifoam 70452 Compound [Bluestar Silicones France] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethylpolysiloxane USP See Dimethicone CAS 9006-65-9 Uses: Antifoam for food processing in coffee, tea, edible and frying oils, mfg. of potato chips, vegetable oil esterification; prep. of wines, molasses, and odorous extracts, 627
Part I: Trade Name Reference preserves and jams Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340, 332.10, 332.15; DOT nonregulated; SARA nonreportable Properties: Off-wh. visc. liq.; sl. odor; insol. in water; sp.gr. 1.0; visc. 1300 cps; vapor pressure < 0.01 mm Hg (20 C); flash pt. (CC)) > 200 C; 100% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 19,800 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 10 ml/kg; sl. eye irritant; nonirritating to skin; pract. nontoxic by acute ing.; TSCA listed Precaution: Will burn under fire conditions; avoid heat, open flame, static electricity, strong bases/acids/oxidizing agents; contains dimethylpolysiloxane which can generate formaldehyde Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion may produce formaldehyde, CO2, cryst. silica; thermal decomp. prods.: dimethylcyclosiloxanes, methylphenylcyclosiloxanes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 12 mos. shelf life if stored @ 40-86 F in tightly closed containers in well-ventilated area away from incompat. materials; do not allow to freeze Silcasil S [Lanxess http://www.lanxess.com] Chem. Descrip.: Precipitated silica See Silica, hydrated CAS 1343-98-2; EINECS/ELINCS 215-683-2 Uses: Anticaking agent, flow aid for foods (table salt, sugar, spices, baking powd., powdered milk, soups, sauces, tomato and fruit powd., instant drinks) Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; odorless; ≈ 7 mean particle size; odorless; pH ≈ 6.5 SiLCRON® G-100 [Millennium Inorg. Chems. http://www.mic-global.com; http://www.millenniumchem.com] Chem. Descrip.: silica gel USP (94-96%) and water (4-6%) See Silica, amorphous CAS 112926-00-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Carrier, anticaking agent, absorbent, dispersant, grinding aid, cleansing agent, desiccant, flow aid in foods Features: Chemically pure; does not impart taste, color, or odor Regulatory: FDA approved; kosher; USP compliance; DOT not regulated; SARA §302/304/313, CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; Japan MITI Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Wh. powd.; insol. in water; sp.gr. 2.1; m.p. ≈ 1600 C; pH 6.5-8.0 (10% slurry) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat, 48 h) > 31,600 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit, 48 h) > 2 g/kg; LC50 (inh., rat, 1 h) > 2 mg/l; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear safety glasses, gloves for prolonged, repeated contact; avoid breathing dust HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry area SiLCRON® G-100T [Millennium Inorg. Chems. http://www.mic-global.com; http://www.millenniumchem.com] Chem. Descrip.: silica gel (94-96%) and water (4-6%) See Silica, amorphous CAS 112926-00-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Carrier, anticaking agent, absorbent, desiccant, flow aid in foods Features: Chemically pure; does not impart taste, color, or odor Regulatory: FDA approved; kosher; DOT not regulated; SARA §302/304/313, CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; Japan MITI Properties: Wh. powd.; insol. in water; sp.gr. 2.1; m.p. ≈ 1600 C; pH 6.5-8.0 (10% slurry) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat, 48 h) > 31,600 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit, 48 h) > 2 g/kg; LC50 (inh., rat, 1 h) > 2 mg/l Precaution: Wear safety glasses, gloves for prolonged, repeated contact; avoid breathing dust HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry area SiLCRON® G-600 [Millennium Inorg. Chems. http://www.mic-global.com; http://www.millenniumchem.com] Chem. Descrip.: silica gel (94-96%) and water (4-6%) See Silica, amorphous CAS 112926-00-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Carrier, cleanser, desiccant, flow aid in foods Regulatory: FDA approved; kosher; DOT not regulated; SARA §302/304/313, CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; Japan MITI Properties: Wh. powd.; insol. in water; sp.gr. 2.1; m.p. ≈ 1600 C; pH 6.5-8.0 (10% slurry) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat, 48 h) > 31,600 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit, 48 h) > 2 g/kg; LC50 (inh., rat, 1 h) > 2 mg/l Precaution: Wear safety glasses, gloves for 628
Part I: Trade Name Reference prolonged, repeated contact; avoid breathing dust HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry area SiLCRON® G-601 [Millennium Inorg. Chems. http://www.mic-global.com; http://www.millenniumchem.com] Chem. Descrip.: silica gel (94-96%) and water (4-6%) See Silica, amorphous CAS 112926-00-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Carrier, cleanser, desiccant, flow aid, grinding aid in foods Regulatory: FDA approved; kosher; DOT not regulated; SARA §302/304/313, CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; Japan MITI Properties: Wh. powd.; insol. in water; sp.gr. 2.1; m.p. ≈ 1600 C; pH 6.5-8.0 (10% slurry) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat, 48 h) > 31,600 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit, 48 h) > 2 g/kg; LC50 (inh., rat, 1 h) > 2 mg/l Precaution: Wear safety glasses, gloves for prolonged, repeated contact; avoid breathing dust HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry area SiLCRON® G-650 [Millennium Inorg. Chems. http://www.mic-global.com; http://www.millenniumchem.com] Chem. Descrip.: silica gel (94-96%) and water (4-6%) See Silica, amorphous CAS 112926-00-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Carrier, anticaking agent, absorbent, dispersant, grinding aid, cleanser, desiccant, flow aid in foods Regulatory: FDA approved; kosher; DOT not regulated; SARA §302/304/313, CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; Japan MITI Properties: Wh. powd.; insol. in water; sp.gr. 2.1; m.p. ≈ 1600 C; pH 6.5-8.0 (10% slurry) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat, 48 h) > 31,600 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit, 48 h) > 2 g/kg; LC50 (inh., rat, 1 h) > 2 mg/l Precaution: Wear safety glasses, gloves for prolonged, repeated contact; avoid breathing dust HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry area
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
SiLCRON® G-910 [Millennium Inorg. Chems. http://www.mic-global.com; http://www.millenniumchem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Amorphous silica gel See Silica, amorphous hydrated CAS 63231-67-4; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Carrier, cleanser, desiccant, powd. dispersant, flow aid in foods Regulatory: FDA approved; kosher Properties: Fine wh. odorless powd.; insol. in water; m.p. ≈1600 C; pH (10% slurry) 3 - 6 Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 80 mg/m3/ % SiO2; LD50 (oral, rat) > 31,600 mg/kg; LD50 (dermal, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg; not considered an ocular irritant based on tests with rabbits.; noncarcinogenic; TSCA listed Environmental: no known adverse effects on the aquatic environment. Silfar® 1000 [Wacker-Chemie AG http://www.wacker.com/cms/de/home/index.js p] Chem. Descrip.: polydimethylsiloxane USP See Polydimethylsiloxane CAS 9016-00-6 Uses: Antifoam for foods Regulatory: USP, EP Silfar® 350 [Wacker-Chemie AG http://www.wacker.com/cms/de/home/index.js p] Chem. Descrip.: polydimethylsiloxane USP See Polydimethylsiloxane CAS 9016-00-6 Uses: Antifoam for foods Regulatory: USP, EP Silfar® 500 [Wacker-Chemie AG http://www.wacker.com/cms/de/home/index.js p] Chem. Descrip.: polydimethylsiloxane USP See Polydimethylsiloxane CAS 9016-00-6 Uses: Antifoam for foods Regulatory: USP, EP Silfar® S 184 [Wacker-Chemie AG http://www.wacker.com/cms/de/home/index.js p] Chem. Descrip.: Simethicone USP CAS 8050-81-5 Uses: Antifoam for foods (esp. for foodstuffs contg. greases and fats), fermentation Features: Readily sterilized by heat Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340; USP, EP 629
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Colorless opaque sl. translucent; dens. 1.0 g/cm3; visc. 2200-4000 mPa·s; 100% act. Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in tightly closed original containers @ 5-30 C Silfar® SE 4 [Wacker-Chemie AG http://www.wacker.com/cms/de/home/index.js p] Chem. Descrip.: Simethicone USP antifoam emulsion CAS 8050-81-5 Uses: Antifoam for foods including vegetables processing and beverages Regulatory: USP, EP Properties: Milky wh. emulsion; dens. 1.0 g/ml; visc. ≈ 1500 -5000 mPa s; nonionic; 30% Storage: 6 month shelf life when stored in tightly closed original containers @ 0-25 C Silfoam® Emulsion SE 21 [Wacker Silicones http://www.wackersilicones.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone emulsion Uses: Antifoam for food processing; USDA approved for egg washing, cleaning meatprocessing equip., fruit/veg. washing, soups, etc. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340, 175.105, 176.200, 176.210; EPA 40CFR §180.1001(d); USDA compliance for egg washing, cleaning meat-processing equip., fruit/veg. washing, soups, etc. Properties: Creamy emulsion; very good dispersibility in water; visc. 1500 cps; anionic; 10% act. Storage: 6 mos. storage life @ R.T.
Uses: Antifoam for food processing; USDA approved for egg washing, cleaning meatprocessing equip., fruit/veg. washing, soups Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340, 175.105, 176.200, 176.210; EPA 40CFR §180.1001(d); USDA compliance for egg washing, cleaning meat-processing equip., fruit/veg. washing, soups, etc. Properties: Creamy emulsion; poor dispersibility in water; visc. 15,000 cps; anionic; 30% act. Storage: 6 mos. storage life @ R.T. Silicone Antifoam Emulsion SE 9 [WackerChemie AG http://www.wacker.com/cms/de/home/index.js p] Chem. Descrip.: Simethicone CAS 8050-81-5 Uses: Antifoam, processing aid for foods, fermentation Regulatory: FDA §173.340, BGA II, VII Properties: Milky wh. med. visc. o/w emulsion; sp.gr. 1.0; pH 6-8; nonionic; 10% act. in water
Silfoam® Emulsion SE 23 [Wacker Silicones http://www.wackersilicones.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone emulsion Uses: Antifoam for food processing; USDA approved for egg washing, cleaning meatprocessing equip., fruit/veg. washing, soups, etc. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340, 175.105, 176.200, 176.210; EPA 40CFR §180.1001(d); USDA compliance for egg washing, cleaning meat-processing equip., fruit/veg. washing, printing ink, soups, etc. Properties: Creamy emulsion; poor dispersibility in water; visc. 5000 cps; anionic; 30% act. Storage: 6 mos. storage life @ R.T.
Silvergum® RE 85K [Arizona http://www.arizonachemical.com; Arizona BV] Chem. Descrip.: glyceryl rosinate See Glyceryl rosinate CAS 8050-31-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-482-5 Uses: Plasticizer and softener in bubble and stick gum bases Features: Good taste and low odor; softening pt. on low end of the FDA softening pt. range; provide soft smoothe texture in gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.615; SARA nonreportable; CERCLA unlisted Properties: Gardner 8 max solid or flakes; sl. odor; m.w. ≈ 751; sp. gr. 1.01soften. pt. (R&B) 80-86 C (of base resin); acid no. 5; flash pt. (SCC) 241.11C; nonflamm. Toxicology: Eye and skin irritant; inh. of dust may cause respiratory irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear chemical goggles and face shield , impervious gloves and coveralls to protect from contact; avoid strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Smoke, COx, and other products of combustion Storage: Store @ ambient temp. and atmospheric pressure; guard against dust accumulation
Silfoam® Emulsion SE 25 [Wacker Silicones http://www.wackersilicones.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone emulsion
Simplex [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium stearoyl lactylate
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part I: Trade Name Reference (50%); wheat flour; enzymes See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) flour Chem. Analysis: 8% moisture Uses: Enzyme softener, strengthener, shelf life extender for baked goods Features: Allows for a reduction in sodium stearoyl lactylate usage without loss of strength Use Level: 0.75-1% per 100 lbs of flour Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location; best when used before 9 mos; keep containers well closed when not in use Sipernat® 22 [Degussa/Fillers & Pigments http://www.degussa-fp.com/fp/en/; Degussa AG/Fillers & Pigments http://www.degussakrefeld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Syn. amorphous precipitated silica See Silica, amorphous CAS 112926-00-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Adsorbent, anticaking agent, and flow control agent for foods (table salt, powd. sweetener); as aid to convert liqs. into powds.; processing aid Features: Hydrophilic Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1, 133.146, 160.105, 160.185, 172.230, 172.340, 172.480, 173.340, 175.105, 175.300, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.2420, 177.2600, 182.90, 573.940(b)(c) Properties: Wh. fluffy powd., 18 nm avg. particle size; dens. 270 g/l (tapped); surf. area 190 m2/g; pH 6.3 (5% aq. susp.); 98% assay Use Level: 0.1-0.5% (table salt), 0.5% (powd. sweetener) Sipernat® 22S [Degussa/Fillers & Pigments http://www.degussa-fp.com/fp/en/; Degussa AG/Fillers & Pigments http://www.degussakrefeld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Precipitated silica See Silica, hydrated CAS 1343-98-2; EINECS/ELINCS 215-683-2 Uses: Flow control agent, anticaking agent for foods (spices, guar gum, dried soup, powd. cheese); converts liqs. to powds. Features: Hydrophilic Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1, 133.146, 160.105, 160.185, 172.230, 172.340, 172.480, 173.340, 175.105, 175.300, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.2420, 177.2600, 182.90, 573.940(b)(c) Properties: Wh. loose powd.; 18 nm avg. particle size; dens. 120 g/l (tapped); surf. area 190 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
m2/g; pH 6.3 (5% aq. susp.); 98% assay Use Level: 0.25-2%; 0.1-2% (spices), 1% (guar gum, powd. cheese), 1-2% (soup) Sipernat® 50 [Degussa/Fillers & Pigments http://www.degussa-fp.com/fp/en/; Degussa AG/Fillers & Pigments http://www.degussakrefeld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Precipitated silica See Silica, hydrated CAS 1343-98-2; EINECS/ELINCS 215-683-2 Uses: Carrier, flow control agent, anticaking agent for foods (spices, high fat seasoning, cake mixes) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1, 133.146, 160.105, 160.185, 172.230, 172.340, 172.480, 173.340, 175.105, 175.300, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.2420, 177.2600, 182.90, 573.940(b)(c) Properties: Loose wh. powd.; pH 6.0-7.4 (5%); 7% max. moisture Use Level: 0.25-2%; 0.1-2% (spices), 1% (high fat seasoning), 1.5% (cake mixes) Toxicology: Inhalation may cause respiratory tract irritation Sipernat® 50S [Degussa/Fillers & Pigments http://www.degussa-fp.com/fp/en/; Degussa AG/Fillers & Pigments http://www.degussakrefeld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Syn. amorphous precipitated silica See Silica, amorphous CAS 112926-00-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Flow control agent, anticaking agent, and defoamer for foods (cocoa powd., dried soup, cake mix) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1, 133.146, 160.105, 160.185, 172.230, 172.340, 172.480, 173.340, 175.105, 175.300, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.2420, 177.2600, 182.90, 573.940(b)(c) Properties: Wh. loose powd.; 7 µm avg. agglomerate size; tapped dens. 100 g/l; surf. area 480 m2/g; pH 6.7 (5%); 99% SiO2, 5% moisture Use Level: 0.25-2%; 0.5-2% (cocoa powd.), 0.5% (dried soup), 1.5% (cake mix) Toxicology: Inhalation may cause respiratory tract irritation Sirodex 310 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: high dextrose-containg glucose syrup Uses: Source of fermentable sugar for 631
Part I: Trade Name Reference fermentation of beer, cider; sucrose substitute in soft drinks, juices, nectars Storage: Store @ > 55 C Sirodex 331 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: high dextrose-containg glucose syrup Uses: Source of fermentable sugar for fermentation of beer, cider; sucrose substitute in soft drinks, juices, nectars Storage: Store @ > 55 C Sirodex 431 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: high dextrose-containg glucose syrup Uses: Source of fermentable sugar for fermentation of beer, cider; sucrose substitute in soft drinks, juices, nectars Storage: Store @ > 55 C Sirodex 810 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: highly pure dextrose sol'n. See Glucose Uses: Used in dextrose panning to produce coated sugar confectionery; sucrose substitute in soft drinks, juices, nectars; used to produce dextrose-based frostings, glazes, fondants Storage: Store @ > 55 C Skipjack Liver Oil 30,000A/20,000D [Arista Ind. http://www.aristaindustries.com] Chem. Descrip.: Skipjack liver oil Uses: Nutritive additive Features: Contains 30,000 IU/g vitamin A, 20,000 IU/g vitamin D Properties: Oil; sp.gr. 0.915-0.925; iodine no. 120-160; sapon. no. 178-190 Skipjack Liver Oil 40,000A/20,000D [Arista Ind. http://www.aristaindustries.com] Chem. Descrip.: Skipjack liver oil Uses: Nutritive additive Features: Contains 40,000 IU/g vitamin A, 20,000 IU/g vitamin D Properties: Oil; sp.gr. 0.915-0.925; iodine no. 120-160; sapon. no. 178-190 SL-10 [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan laurate CAS 1338-39-2; EINECS/ELINCS 215-663-3 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Features: Lipophilic Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: JSCI listed Properties: Pale yel. liq.; HLB 8.6; nonionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: TSCA listed Slip-Ayd® SL 506 [Elementis Spec. http://www.elementis-specialties.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carnauba wax (18.5%) in dipropylene glycol methyl ether (81.5%) See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax; PPG-2 methyl ether Uses: Anticaking agent, formulation aid, lubricant, release agent, surface-finishing agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1978 Properties: 1-3 µ avg. particle size; fineness (Hegman) 7.25; sp.gr. 0.96; dens. 8.0 lb/gal; soften. pt. 82-86 C; hardness 2.0-3.0 Slip-Ayd® SL 508 [Elementis Spec. http://www.elementis-specialties.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carnauba wax (17.5%), isopropanol (82.5%) dispersion See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax; Isopropyl alcohol Uses: Anticaking agent, formulation aid, lubricant, release agent, surface-finishing agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1978 Properties: 2-4 µ avg. particle size; fineness (Hegman) 6.75; sp.gr. 0.82; dens. 6.8 lb/gal; soften. pt. 82-86 C; hardness 2.0-3.0 Slovacid® S 45 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-45 stearate CAS 9004-99-3 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Properties: Solid S-Maz® 60K [BASF/Perf. Chems. http://www.basf.com/static/988804217008.htm l] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan stearate CAS 1338-41-6; EINECS/ELINCS 215-664-9 Uses: Emulsifier, coupling agent for foods, veg. and dairy prods., cakes; gloss aid in chocolate, nondairy creamers; synthetic flavoring; defoamer in food processing; protective coatings on raw fruits/vegetables Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 172.842, 173.340, 573.960; kosher Properties: Wh. to cream flakes, ester odor; sol. in ethanol; disp. in water; sp.gr. 0.954 (70 C); 632
Part I: Trade Name Reference m.p. 52 C; b.p. > 300 F; HLB 4.7; acid no. 10 max.; sapon. no. 147-157; hyd. no. 235-260; flash pt. (PMCC) > 350 F; nonionic Use Level: 0.4% max. (whipped toppings), 0.61% (cakes), 0.7% (icings, fillings), 1% (confectionery coatings), GMP (fruit/veg. coating, flavor, defoamer) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 32 g/kg; nonirritating Storage: Store in well-ventilated area below 120 F S-Maz® 80K [BASF/Perf. Chems. http://www.basf.com/static/988804217008.htm l] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan oleate CAS 1338-43-8; EINECS/ELINCS 215-665-4 Uses: Lubricant, process defoamer, opacifier, coemulsifier, solubilizer, dispersant, suspending agent, coupling agent in foods Features: Prepares exc. w/o emulsions Regulatory: Kosher grade Properties: Gardner 6 liq.; sol. in min. oils, min. spirits, toluene, veg. oil; insol. in water; HLB 4.6; acid no. 8 max.; sapon. no. 149-160; hyd. no. 193-209; flash pt. (PMCC) > 350 F; nonionic S-Maz® 85K [BASF/Perf. Chems. http://www.basf.com/static/988804217008.htm l] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan trioleate CAS 26266-58-0; EINECS/ELINCS 247-569-3 Uses: Lubricant, process defoamer, opacifier, coemulsifier, solubilizer, dispersant, suspending agent, coupling agent in foods Features: Prepares exc. w/o emulsions Regulatory: Kosher grade Properties: Gardner 6 liq.; sol. in min. oils, min. spirits, toluene, veg. oil; insol. in water; HLB 2.1; acid no. 14 max.; sapon. no. 172-186; hyd. no. 56-68; flash pt. (PMCC) > 350 F; nonionic S-Nauba #1-120 [Shamrock Tech. http://www.shamrocktechnologies.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carnauba wax See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax CAS 8015-86-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-399-4 Uses: Wax for fruit and candy coatings; anticaking agent, formulation aid, lubricant, release agent, surf. finishing agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.320, 184.1978 Properties: Pale yel. powd.; 90% -120 mesh; insol. in aliphatic solvs.; partly sol. in aromatic Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
solvs.; sp.gr. 1.00; m.p. 84 C; acid no. 2-10; iodine no. 7-14; sapon. no. 75-85 Toxicology: TSCA listed S-Nauba #1 Flake [Shamrock Tech. http://www.shamrocktechnologies.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carnauba wax See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax CAS 8015-86-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-399-4 Uses: Wax for fruit and candy coatings; anticaking agent, formulation aid, lubricant, release agent, surf. finishing agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.320, 184.1978 Properties: Yel. flake; sp.gr. 1.00; m.p. 84 C; acid no. 2-10; iodine no. 7-14; sapon. no. 7585 Toxicology: TSCA listed S-Nauba #3-120 [Shamrock Tech. http://www.shamrocktechnologies.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carnauba wax See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax CAS 8015-86-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-399-4 Uses: Wax for fruit and candy coatings; anticaking agent, formulation aid, lubricant, release agent, surf. finishing agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.320, 184.1978 Properties: Lt. yel. powd.; 90% -120 mesh; sp.gr. 1.00; m.p. 84 C; acid no. 2-10; iodine no. 7-14; sapon. no. 75-85 Toxicology: TSCA listed S-Nauba #3 Flake [Shamrock Tech. http://www.shamrocktechnologies.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carnauba wax See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax CAS 8015-86-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-399-4 Uses: Wax for fruit and candy coatings; anticaking agent, formulation aid, lubricant, release agent, surf. finishing agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.320, 184.1978 Properties: Amer flake; sp.gr. 1.00; m.p. 84 C; acid no. 2-10; iodine no. 7-14; sapon. no. 7585 Toxicology: TSCA listed S-Nauba 5021 [Shamrock Tech. http://www.shamrocktechnologies.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carnauba wax See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax CAS 8015-86-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-399-4 Uses: Wax for fruit and candy coatings; anticaking agent, formulation aid, lubricant, release agent, surf. finishing agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 633
Part I: Trade Name Reference 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 184.1978; USDA approved Properties: Off-wh. extra fine powd.; 12.5 µ particle size; 100% -400 mesh; sp.gr. 0.995; m.p. 84 C; acid no. 2-10; iodine no. 7-14; sapon. no. 75-85 Toxicology: TSCA listed Snow Fresh® [ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium acid pyrophosphate, calcium chloride, l-ascorbic acid, citric acid Uses: Food additive, color enhancer, texturizer for processed fresh fruit and vegetables; shelf life extender for most treated foods; antioxidant delaying enzymatic browning Regulatory: FCC GRAS Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; pH 2.5±0.3 (1%); 92% min. assay Use Level: 0.5% max. (processed meat and poultry, seafood) Snow White® F&P [U.S. Gypsum http://www.usg.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium sulfate anhyd. See Calcium sulfate CAS 7778-18-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-900-3 Uses: Filler for foods Regulatory: GRAS, FCC, and NF compliant Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; low to no odor; 7 µ median particle size; sol. in water (0.26 g/100 cc); sp.gr. 2.96; bulk dens. ≈ 45-70 lb/ft3; ref. index 1.56; pH 10.4; decomp. > 1450 C Toxicology: Direct contact may cause eye, skin and/or respiratory irritation Environmental: zero VOC content; no known adverse effect on the ecology. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CaO and SO2 NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ R.T. in dry location; keep containers closed when not in use SO-10EX [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan palmitate CAS 26266-57-9; EINECS/ELINCS 247-568-8 Uses: Emulsifier for food Regulatory: Approved as food additive Properties: Lt. yel. flake; HLB 6.7 SO-10V [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan oleate CAS 1338-43-8; EINECS/ELINCS 215-665-4 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: JSCI listed Properties: Yel. liq.; HLB 4.3; nonionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: TSCA listed SO-15MV [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan sesquioleate CAS 8007-43-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-360-1 Uses: W/o emulsifier for foods Regulatory: Approved as food additive Properties: Yel. liq.; HLB 3.7 SO-15V [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan sesquioleate CAS 8007-43-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-360-1 Uses: W/o emulsifier for foods Regulatory: JP compliance; JSCI listed Properties: Yel. liq.; HLB 4.5; nonionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: TSCA listed Sodaphos® [ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com] Chem. Descrip.: Short chain sodium hexametaphosphate CAS 10124-56-8; EINECS/ELINCS 233-343-1 Uses: Emulsifier, sequestrant, suspending agent, protein stabilizer for dairy prods. esp. processed cheese, ice cream, and frozen desserts; protein dispersant in whey processing; water binder for cured pork Regulatory: FDA GRAS; FCC compliance Properties: Powd., gran., plate; 99.9% through 20 mesh (powd.), 100% through 8 mesh (gran.); infinitely sol. in water; m.w. 664; bulk dens. 62 lb/ft3 (powd.), 79 lb/ft3 (gran.), 75 lb/ft3 (plate); pH 7.7 (1%); anionic Use Level: 2% (process cheese), 0.1-0.5% (whey), 0.1-0.2% (ice cream) Soda Phos (FG) [ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium hexametaphosphate CAS 10124-56-8; EINECS/ELINCS 233-343-1 Uses: Sequestrant, neutral salt, deflocculant, curing agent, dough strengthener, emulsifier, firming agent, flavor enhancer, flavoring agent, humectant, nutrient supplement, processing aid, stabilizer and thickener, surface-active agent, synergist, texturizer and buffering agent in meat, seafood, poultry, vegetables, cream, half & half, ice cream, whey, processed cheese, eggs, table syrup and toppings 634
Part I: Trade Name Reference Features: Food-grade Regulatory: Kosher; non-GMO prod. Properties: Wh., free-flowing, odorless, tasteless powd./plates, gran.; completely sol. in water Sodium Alginate HV [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium alginate NF/FCC See Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Food grade emulsifier, stabilizer, suspending agent for ice cream, sherbets, soft drinks, bakery jellies, prevention of freezer burn; freeze/thaw stabilizer for lemon pie fillings Properties: Water-sol. Sodium Alginate LV [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium alginate See Algin Chem. Analysis: Ash 25% max.; insol. matter 0.2% max. CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Food grade emulsifier, stabilizer, suspending agent for ice cream, sherbets, soft drinks, bakery jellies, prevention of freezer burn; freeze/thaw stabilizer for lemon pie fillings Properties: Off-wh. to lt tan; water-sol.; visc. > 20 cps Storage: 2 yrs.; store in tightly sealed containers @ ambient temps. Sodium Ascorbate USP, FCC [DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium ascorbate USP, FCC CAS 134-03-2; EINECS/ELINCS 205-126-1 Uses: Preservative, antioxidant, and vitamin C source in foods, esp. where neutral pH and less acid taste are important, and where freeflowing gran. prod. is required Regulatory: FDA GRAS, USP, FCC, Ph. Eur. Properties: Wh. to ylsh. cryst. powd., pract. odorless, pleasantly saline taste with tart overtone; 90% through 80 mesh, 95% max. through 100 mesh; sol. 90 g/100 ml water; m.w. 198.11; bulk dens. 0.8-1.1 (tapped); pH 7-8 (10% aq.); 99-101% (dry) assay Precaution: Oxidizes readily in sol'n.; exposure to light or atmospheric moisture may darken prod.; avoid contact with iron, copper, or nickel salts Storage: Store in tight, light-resist. containers, optimally @ ≤ 72 F; avoid exposure to moisture and excessive heat Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Sodium Benzoate, Powder FCC Food Grade/E211/EP Grade [Velsicol http://www.velsicol.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium benzoate CAS 532-32-1; EINECS/ELINCS 208-534-8 Uses: Shelf-life extender for foods and beverages Regulatory: DOT nonregulated Properties: Wh. cryst. powd.; odorless; easily sol. in cold water; very sl. sol. in methanol; m.w. 160.22; sp.gr. 1.5; b.p. > 300 C; 100% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 4800 mg/kg, (oral, mouse) 1600 mg/kg, (oral rabbit, 2000 mg/kg, (oral, dog) 200 mg/kg; may cause eye, skin, respiratory tract irritation Precaution: May be slippery when wet; may be combustible at high temps.; may form explosive dust-air mixts.; incompat. with ferric salts, acids, oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Compds. of C, H, N, and O, pungent fumes; combustion prods.: CO, CO2 HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Hygroscopic; store in ventilated area away from ignition sources Sodium Bicarbonate Fine Granular USP/FCC [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium bicarbonate USP CAS 144-55-8; EINECS/ELINCS 205-633-8 Uses: pH control agent for foods (colors, conditioners, starches, candies) Regulatory: USP/FCC Properties: Wh. free-flowing cryst., odorless;trace on 80 mesh, 2.0% max. on 100 mesh; bulk dens. 60 lb/ft3; 99% min. assay Storage: 36mos. shelf life Sodium Bicarbonate Treated Free Flowing [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium bicarbonate, tricalcium phosphate FCC See Calcium phosphate tribasic Uses: Ingred. for foods (self-rising four and corn meal) Properties: Wh. free-flowing cryst., odorless; 2% min. on 80 mesh, 60% max. on 325 mesh; bulk dens. 60 lb/ft3; 99% min. assay Sodium Caseinate Spray F&P [Am. Casein http://www.americancasein.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium caseinate Chem. Analysis: 6% moisture; 2.5 % fat CAS 9005-46-3 635
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Binder, emulsifier for foods (imitation cheese, bakery prods., frozen dairy dessert, health foods) Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to lt. cream free-flowing powd.; clean/bland odor/flavor; pH 6.6-7.2; 91% protein Storage: Store in cool, dry place Sofical Beta [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: vegetable oil, glycerin fatty acid ester, lecithin CAS 68956-68-3; 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 273-313-5; 232-307-2 Uses: Emulsifier; softener for soft bakery specialties Features: Direct blend with dough is recommended Use Level: 2-3% to flour weight Sof-One [Am. Ingreds./Patco http://www.patcoadditives.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat flour, calcium sulfate, salt, and enzyme See Sodium chloride; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) flour Uses: Enzymatic softener for wh. bread, variety breads, hamburger buns, bagels, sweet goods, donuts, yeast-raised cake Properties: Free-flowing powd.; 12-14% moisture; 6.2-7.2% Ca So-Free [Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk] Uses: Release agent for foods Features: Completely free from soya-based ingreds. Soft Cel® [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy flour; calcium sulfate; enzymes See Soybean (Glycine soja) flour Chem. Analysis: 12% max. moisture Uses: Dough conditioner, dough softener, shelf life extender, and enzymatic crumb softener for baked goods Use Level: 2-5 oz per 100 lbs of flour Storage: 9 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location preferably under refrigeration; best when used before 9 mos; keep containers well closed when not in use; at 5 C enzyme activity will be maintained
enzymes; lecithin See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) flour Uses: Dough conditioner, dough softener, shelf life extender, and enzymatic crumb softener for baked goods Properties: 12% max. moisture Use Level: 2-5 oz per 100 lbs of flour Storage: 9 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location preferably under refrigeration; best when used before 9 mos; keep containers well closed when not in use; at 5 C enzyme activity will be maintained Softenol® 3108 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: C8-10 fatty acid triglyceride See C8-10 acid triglyceride Uses: Lubricant for prod. of sausage casings and for machinery used in food and confectionery industries; emulsifier, stabilizer for sausages, soups, dressings, sauces Properties: Liq., neutral odor and taste; dens. 0.950 g/cm3; visc. 25-35 mPa·s; turbidity pt. 10 C; acid no. 0.2 max.; iodine no. 1 max.; sapon. no. 325-345 Environmental: biodeg. Softenol® 3600 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fatty acid ester Uses: Antifoam for prod. of sweets, preserves, jams, potato prods.; emulsifier for bread improvers Softenol® 3660 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Triglyceride Uses: Lubricant; emulsifier for bread improvers Properties: Liq.
Soft Cel® (Without Soy Flour) [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat flour; calcium sulfate; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part I: Trade Name Reference Softenol® 3767 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl ester Uses: Emulsifier for bakery prods. and whipped toppings Softenol® 3945 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Emulsifier for bread improvers, soft caramels, potato prods., margarine, ice cream, pasta Properties: Microcryst. powd. Softenol® 3995 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate CAS 123-94-4 Uses: Emulsifier for bakery prods. and whipped toppings Properties: Powds., 3945, 3995 are microfine powds. Soft-Set® [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from dent corn starch See Food starch, modified Chem. Analysis: 7.5% moisture Uses: Stabilizer, moisture binder for frostings, salad dressings, instant desserts, cream fillings, microwave foods; whipping aid; visc. control agent, gelling agent for dairy, soups, sauces, gravies, dressings, bakery, snacks Features: Cold water swelling instant starch with low initial visc., forming soft gel in 60 min Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. fine powd.; 0.5% max. on 30 mesh, 95% min. through 100 mesh; 70% cold water sol.; pH 5.5 Soft Touch K [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrated mono- and Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
diglycerides, polysorbate 60 (10.8%), sodium stearoyl lactylate, and propionic acid, phosphoric acid (as preservatives) See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier, softener, strengthener for cakes, yeast-raised donuts, and breads; aerating agent, texturizer in cakes; texturizer, shelf life extender in yeast-raised donuts Features: Hydrated Properties: HLB 4.8; pH 4.2 (5% aq.); 68.5% volatiles; 14% alpha monoglyceride Use Level: 8-16 oz/100 lb flour (breads); 1-3% on flour (cakes); 8 oz/100 lb flour (yeast-raised donuts) Storage: 12 mos. max. shelf life, best when used before 9 mos; store @ 70-90 F for two days prior to use; avoid extremes of heat and cold; separates above 135 F; freezes below 32 F; keep from freezing Solec™ 100L [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Distilled soy monoglycerides and soy lecithin See Lecithin; Soy glyceride Uses: Crumb softener, dough conditioner for yeast-raised bakery goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1400, 184.1505, GRAS; kosher approved Properties: Cream-colored free-flowing powd.; m.p. 152-158 F; 70-74% α-monoglycerides; 0.5% max. moisture Storage: Store in cool dry place (60-90 F) Solec® 152 [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Special grade lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Release agent, wetting agent for foods for spray release applics., oil-based aerosol spray release systems Features: Bland, sprayable food grade Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1400; kosher Properties: Amber low visc. fluid; oil-sol.; visc. 1200 cP; acid no. 22; amphoteric; 100% conc. Storage: Store in closed container at 16-32 C; mildly agitate before use Solec™ 162SS [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Special grade lecithin, highly filtered CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Mixing/blending aid, visc. modifier, w/o emulsifier for foods Features: Designed for encapsulation where clarity and brilliance are required 637
Part I: Trade Name Reference Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1400, GRAS; kosher approved Properties: Lt. amber fluid; oil-sol.; visc. 3500 cP; HLB 4; acid no. 36 max.; 0.3% moisture Storage: Store in closed containers @ 16-32 C; 1 yr. shelf life in original, unopened containers Solec™ 68 SB [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy lecithin See Lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: W/o emulsifier for foods, esp. margarine and chocolate confections; mixing/blending aid, visc. modifier Features: Food/standard grade rich in phospholipids Regulatory: FDA §184.1400; kosher Properties: Lt. amber fluid; oil-sol.; visc. 15,000 cP max.; HLB ≈ 2; acid no. 25 max.; amphoteric; 0.8% max. moisture Storage: Store in closed container @ 16-32 C; 1 yr. shelf life Solec™ 68-UB [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy lecithin See Lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: W/o emulsifier for foods, margarine, chocolate confections; mixing/blending aid; visc. modifier Features: Food/standard grade rich in phospholipids Regulatory: FDA §184.1400; kosher Properties: Amber liq.; oil-sol.; visc. 15,000 cP max.; HLB ≈ 2; acid no. 25 max.; amphoteric; 0.8% max. moisture Storage: Store in closed container @ 16-32 C; 1 yr. shelf life Solec™ 70 SB [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy lecithin See Lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: W/o emulsifier for foods, esp. margarine and chocolate confections; mixing/blending aid; visc. modifier Features: Food/standard grade rich in phospholipids Regulatory: FDA §184.1400; kosher Properties: Lt. amber thick fluid; oil-sol.; visc. 30,000 cP max.; HLB ≈ 2; acid no. 26 max.; amphoteric; 0.8% max. moisture Storage: Store in closed container @ 16-32 C; 1 yr. shelf life Solec™ 70 UB [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy lecithin See Lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: W/o emulsifier for foods, esp. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
margarine and chocolate confections; mixing/blending aid; visc. modifier Features: Food/standard grade Properties: Amber fluid; visc. 18,000 cP; acid no. 23; amphoteric; 0.4% moisture Solec™ A [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxylated soy lecithin See Hydroxylated lecithin CAS 8029-76-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-440-6 Uses: O/w emulsifier, release agent, wetting agent for foods, baked goods; solubilizer, dispersant aiding flavor/color incorporation; emulsion stabilizer in salad dressings; wetting agent for fatty powds. Features: Increased hydrophilic props. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.814; kosher approved Properties: Lt. amber-yel. heavy-bodied fluid; oilsol., water-disp.; HLB 9-10; acid no. 27; amphoteric; 1.2% moisture Storage: Store in closed containers @ 16-32 C; 1 yr. shelf life in original, unopened container Solec® C [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Special grade lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: W/o emulsifier, release agent, wetting agent for flavor-sensitive foods and drinks (caramel corn, chocolate, instantizing applics., milk powds.) Features: Sprayable Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1400; kosher Properties: Amber low-visc. fluid, low flavor; oilsol.; visc. 1000 cP; acid no. 27; amphoteric; 0.3% moisture Storage: Store in closed container @ 16-32 C; 1 yr. shelf life in original unopened container Solec™ CX [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Special grade lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, suspending agent for foods; fat control agent in ground meat prods.; improves dough machinability in baked goods; when solubilized, instantizes dry powds. Properties: Yel. gran.; oil-sol., water-disp.; bulk dens. 0.44 g/cc; acid no. 27; amphoteric; 100% conc. Solec™ D [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Special grade lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: O/w emulsifier, visc. modifier, wetting agent for foods esp. instantizing applics. 638
Part I: Trade Name Reference where it controls hydration rate of hydrophilic powds.; fat control agent in ground meat prods.; improves dough machinability in baked goods Properties: Yel. fine powd., low flavor; oil-sol., water-disp.; bulk dens. 0.46 g/cc; acid no. 27; 0.7% moisture Use Level: 0.5-1.0% Solec™ E [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin, ethoxylated monodiglycerides, propylene glycol See Ethoxylated mono- and diglycerides Uses: O/w emulsifier, release agent, wetting agent for foods, esp. instantizing, milk powds.; belt release in continuous cooking operations Regulatory: Kosher approved Properties: Amber fluid; oil-sol., highly waterdisp.; sp.gr. 1.01; visc. 6500 cP; HLB 12; acid no. 17; amphoteric; 0.3% moisture Storage: Store in closed container @ 16-32 C; 1 yr. shelf life in original, unopened container Solec™ F [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Special grade lecithin See Lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: O/w emulsifier, visc. modifier, wetting agent for foods (baked goods, cheese sauces, chocolate, frostings, granola bars, meat gravies, milk powds., nondairy creamers); reduces fat requirement; enhances smoothness, reduces tackiness in chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1400, GRAS; kosher approved Properties: Lt. tan or yel. powd., bland odor and flavor; oil-sol., water-disp.; bulk dens. 0.45 g/cc; acid no. 36 max.; 1% max. moisture Storage: Store in dry, closed, original container below 25 C; 1 yr. shelf life in original unopened container Solec® HR [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Release agent, wetting agent, lubricant, emulsifier for foods Features: Heat-resist. multifunctional ingredient; does not develop burned odor, color, or taste at high temps.; resists darkening at temps. of 350 F Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1400, GRAS; kosher approved Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Amber fluid; sol. in liq. veg. and min oil, aliphatic, aromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons, petroleum ether; sp.gr. 1.01; visc. 3000 cP max.; pour pt. < 5 F; acid no. 36 max.; amphoteric; 0.8% max. moisture Storage: Store in closed containers @ 16-32 C; 1 yr. shelf life Solec™ K [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Enzyme-modified lecithin (treated with phospholipase A) CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Mixing/blending aid, w/o emulsifier, wetting agent for instantizing whole milk powds., o/w emulsions, and for antistaling in confectioneries, breads, rolls, and buns; antistaling agent, shelf-life extender in yeast-raised baked goods; crumb softener; dough conditioner Regulatory: GRAS; kosher Properties: Amber liq.; oil-sol.; disp. in water and aq. systems; visc. 5000 cps; HLB ≈ 12; acid no. 24; 0.4% moisture; 57% acetone insolubles Environmental: biodeg.; low VOC Solec™ M [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Special grade soy lecithin containing coconut oil, cottonseed oil, and antioxidants (propylene glycol, BHA, citric acid) See Coconut (Cocos nucifera) oil; Cottonseed (Gossypium) oil; Lecithin Uses: Release agent, wetting agent for delicately flavored food systems, esp. cheese release Features: Sprayable Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Amber low-visc. fluid, low odor and flavor; oil-sol.; sp.gr. 0.98; visc. 150 cP; acid no. 12; amphoteric; 0.3% moisture Storage: Store in closed container @ 16-32 C; 1 yr. shelf life in original, unopened container Solec™ P [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Special grade lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: O/w emulsifier, visc. modifier, wetting agent for foods; fat control agent in ground meat prods.; improves dough machinability in baked goods; when solubilized, instantizes dry powds. Features: Can be easily sterilized and filtered in solvs. Properties: Yel. gran., low flavor; oil-sol., waterdisp.; bulk dens. 0.38 g/cc; acid no. 27; 0.7% 639
Part I: Trade Name Reference moisture Solec™ S [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxylated lecithin CAS 8029-76-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-440-6 Uses: O/w emulsifier, wetting agent for foods; solubilizer and dispersant aiding color/flavor incorporation; wetting agent for fatty powds. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.814; kosher approved Properties: Lt. amber-yel. heavy-bodied fluid; oilsol., water-disp.; HLB 9-10; acid no. 27; amphoteric; 100% conc. Storage: Store in closed container @ 16-32 C; 1 yr. shelf life in original, unopened container Solec™ W [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Special grade soy lecithin containing coconut oil, cottonseed oil, and antioxidants (propylene glycol, BHA, citric acid) See Coconut (Cocos nucifera) oil; Cottonseed (Gossypium) oil Uses: Release agent, wetting agent for delicately flavored food systems, esp. cheese release Features: Sprayable Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Amber low visc. fluid, low odor and flavor; oil-sol.; visc. 150 cP; acid no. 12; amphoteric; 0.3% moisture Storage: Store in closed container @ 16-32 C; 1 yr. shelf life in original, unopened container Solec™ WD [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Special grade lecithin with ethoxylated monodiglycerides, PG See Propylene glycol Uses: Mixing/blending aid, visc. modifier, w/o emulsifier for foods Features: Low VOCs Regulatory: GRAS Properties: Amber liq.; disp. in water; visc. 1500 cps; HLB ≈ 12; acid no. 17; 0.4% moisture; 49% acetone insolubles Environmental: biodeg. Solid Invert Sugar [MLG Enterprises] Chem. Descrip.: Invert sugar CAS 8013-17-0 Uses: Sweetener for baking and candy Properties: Solid; sp.gr. 1.369; pH 4.5-5.5; 9095% invert on solids, 5-10% sucrose on solids
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Solka-Floc® [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Powd. cellulose CAS 9004-34-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9 Uses: Anticaking agent, dietary fiber, bulking agent, thickener, binder, opacifier, cryostabilizer, filter aid in foods Features: Noncaloric; 99% dietary fiber; aids fat reduction, water absorption, dimensional stability, extrusion; improves cling Solka-Floc® 20 FCC [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose Chem. Analysis: 99% total fiber CAS 9004-34-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9 Uses: Binder for food systems; anticaking and flow agent for dry mixes and shredded/grated cheeses; dimensional stabilizer and volume enhancer in baked prods.; texturizer for foods, including sauces and dips Regulatory: FCC Properties: Avg. fiber length 100 μ; 0.5% thru #40 mesh, 80-90% thru #100 mesh, 55-75% thru #200 mesh; bulk dens. 3.3-4.0 cc/g; water retention 6.5 g/g Solka-Floc® 20 [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose NF CAS 9004-34-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9 Uses: Pseudo-emulsifier in cake and muffin batter systems Features: Improves the aeration process Properties: Powd.; avg. particle size 100 µ; 0-5% on 40 mesh, 80-90% through 100 mesh, 5575% through 200 mesh; wet bulk dens. 11.5 lbs/ft3; pH 5.0-7.5 Solka-Floc® 40 NF [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose CAS 9004-34-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9 Uses: Bulking agent, texturizer in food; water and oil binding agent in food systems; anticaking agent, flow agent for dry mixes Properties: Avg. fiber length 60 microns; bulk volume 2.8-3.3; water retention 5.5 g/g Solka-Floc® 200 FCC [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose CAS 9004-34-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9 Uses: Binder for food systems; anticaking and flow agent for dry mixes and 640
Part I: Trade Name Reference shredded/grated cheeses; dimensional stabilizer and volume enhancer in baked prods; texturizer for foods, including sauces and dips Regulatory: FCC Properties: Avg. fiber length 35 μ; 0% thru #40 mesh, 93-100% thru #100 mesh 75-100% thru #200 mesh; bulk dens. 2.1-2.6 cc/g; water retention 3.0 g/g Solka-Floc® 300 FCC [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose CAS 9004-34-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9 Uses: Binder for food systems; anticaking and flow agent for dry mixes and shredded/grated cheeses; dimensional stabilizer and volume enhancer in baked prods; texturizer for foods, including sauces and dips Properties: Avg. fiber length 22 μ; 0% thru #40 mesh, 100% thru #100 mesh 100% thru #200 mesh; bulk dens. 2.1-2.4 cc/g; water retention 4.2 g/g Solka-Floc® 300 [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose NF CAS 9004-34-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9 Uses: Pseudo-emulsifier in cake and muffin batter systems Features: Improves the aeration process Properties: Avg. particle size 22 µ; 0% on 40 mesh, 100% through 100 mesh, 100% through 200 mesh; wet bulk dens. 20 lbs/ft3; pH 5.0-7.5 Solka-Floc® 900 FCC [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose Chem. Analysis: 99% total dietary fiber CAS 9004-34-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9 Uses: Binder for food systems; anticaking and flow agent for dry mixes and shredded/grated cheeses; dimensional stabilizer and volume enhancer in baked prods; texturizer for foods, including sauces and dips Properties: Avg. fiber length 110 μ; 0-8% thru #40 mesh, 60-80% thru #100 mesh 30-55% thru #200 mesh; bulk dens. 5.2-6.2 cc/g; water retention 9.5 g/g Solka-Floc® 1016 [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose NF Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 9004-34-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9 Uses: Pseudo-emulsifier in cake and muffin batter systems Features: Improves the aeration process Properties: Avg. particle size 210 µ; 0-8% on 40 mesh, 60-80% through 100 mesh, 30-55% through 200 mesh; wet bulk dens. 6.5 lbs/ft3; pH 5.0-7.5 Solka-Floc® JF 600/20 [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Analysis: 99% total dietary fiber Uses: Reduces shrinkage and increases juiciness in meats; dimensional stabilizer in freezing and cooking meats; retains the emulsion of juices and fats; meat extender Features: Zero calories and zero net carbohydrates; cost effective Regulatory: FCC Properties: Avg. fiber length 25 μ; 0% thru #40 mesh, 100% thru #100 mesh 100% thru #200 mesh; bulk dens. 2.1-2.4 cc/g; water retention 4.2 g/g Solka-Floc® JF BH40 FCC [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Analysis: 99% total dietary fiber Uses: Reduces shrinkage and increases juiciness in meats; dimensional stabilizer in freezing and cooking meats; retains the emulsion of juices and fats; meat extender Features: Zero calories and zero net carbohydrates; cost effective Regulatory: FCC Properties: Avg. fiber length 60 μ; 0-3% thru #40 mesh, 80-95% thru #100 mesh 60-85% thru #200 mesh; bulk dens. 2.8-3.3 cc/g; water retention 5.5 g/g Solka-Floc® JF BH200 FCC [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Analysis: 99% total dietary fiber Uses: Reduces shrinkage and increases juiciness in meats; dimensional stabilizer in freezing and cooking meats; retains the emulsion of juices and fats; meat extender Features: Zero calories and zero net carbohydrates; cost effective Regulatory: FCC Properties: Avg. fiber length 35 μ; 0% thru #40 mesh, 93-100% thru #100 mesh 75-100% thru #200 mesh; bulk dens. 2.1-2.6 cc/g; water retention 3.0 g/g
Part I: Trade Name Reference Solka-Floc® JF HS40 FCC [Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/] Chem. Analysis: 99% total dietary fiber Uses: Reduces shrinkage and increases juiciness in meats; dimensional stabilizer in freezing and cooking meats; retains the emulsion of juices and fats; meat extender Features: Zero calories and zero net carbohydrates; cost effective Regulatory: FCC Properties: Avg. fiber length 120 μ; 0-8% thru #40 mesh, 60-80% thru #100 mesh 30-55% thru #200 mesh; bulk dens. 5.2-6.2 cc/g; water retention 9.5 g/g Soluble Beef Liver Powder [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Enzymatic digest of liver Chem. Analysis: 4% max. loss on drying Uses: Nutrient supplement for tablets and capsules Properties: Hygroscopic; completely sol. in water; pH 4.0-6.5 (2% sol'n.) Storage: Store in cool, dry area in tightly closed polyliners within secure containers Soluble Pork Liver Powder [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Enzymatic digest of liver Chem. Analysis: 2.5% max. loss on drying Uses: Nutrient supplement for tablets and capsules Properties: Hygroscopic; completely sol. in water; pH 4.5-5.5 (2% sol'n.) Storage: Store in cool, dry area in tightly closed polyliners within secure containers Soluble Trachea CS 16 Substance [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Defatted powd. processed from beef trachea contg. 16-17% chondroitin sulfate Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Off-wh. to lt. tan amorphous freeflowing powd., char. odor; sol. > 50 g/100 ml in water; 87% protein, 13% N Precaution: Dust-air mixts. may be explosive Storage: Hygroscopic; preserve in tight containers in cool, dry place Soluble Trachea Substance [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glandular prod. contg. 8-10% chondroitin sulfate Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Off-wh. to lt. tan free-flowing powd.; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
hygroscopic; sol.: cl. to hazy sol'n. (5% in water) Sol-U-Tein EA [Fanning http://www.fanncorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Albumen CAS 9006-50-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-936-2 Uses: Binder, coagulant, film-former for foods Properties: Yel. powd.; 100% through 80 mesh; 90% through 100 mesh; bland odor; pH 6.58.0; 75% ovalbumin, ovoconalbumin, ovomucoid, ovomucin, ovoglobulin, lysozyme, and avidin Sonojell® No. 4 [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum CAS 8009-03-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Release agent, lubricant, sealant, polishing agent, protective coating, defoamer in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.880 Properties: Lovibond 0.5Y color; visc. 2.6-5.7 cSt (100 C); m.p. 38-52 C Sonojell® No. 9 [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petrolatum CAS 8009-03-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Release agent, lubricant, sealant, polishing agent, protective coating, defoamer in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.880 Properties: Lovibond color 0.5Y; visc. 2.6-5.7 Cst (100 C); m.p. 42-49 C Sorbax PML-20 [Chemax http://www.chemaxperformancesolutions.com ] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 20 (> 96%) and water (< 4%) CAS 9005-64-5 Uses: O/w emulsifier, solubilizer for flavors Regulatory: RCRA nonreportable; SARA §311/312 Immediate Health Hazard; Canada DSL; Europe EINECS; Japan MITI; Australia AICS Properties: Amber liq.; mild odor; water-sol.; sp.gr. 1.05; HLB 16.7; flash pt. (COC) > 148 C; sapon. no. 45; volatiles 3%; nonionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 64 ml/kg; causes eye, skin, mucous membrane irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear safety glasses with side 642
Part I: Trade Name Reference shields and face shield; wear neoprene or butyl rubber gloves; spills are slippery; incompat. with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Oxides of carbon, smoke, fumes HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep container closed; avoid high temps. Sorbax PMO-5 [Chemax http://www.chemaxperformancesolutions.com ] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 81 CAS 9005-65-6 Uses: O/w emulsifier, solubilizer for flavors; emulsifier for veg. oils Regulatory: RCRA nonreportable; SARA §311/312 Immediate Health Hazard; Canada DSL; Europe EINECS NLP; Japan MITI; Australia AICS; Korea ECL Properties: Visc., lt. amber liq.; mild odor; watersol.; sp.gr. 1.0; HLB 10.0; flash pt. (COC) 149 C; sapon. no. 100; volatiles < 3%; nonionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: Causes eye, skin, mucous membrane irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear safety glasses with side shields and face shield; wear neoprene or butyl rubber gloves; spills are slippery; incompat. with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Oxides of carbon, smoke, fumes HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep container closed; avoid high temps. Sorbax PMO-20 [Chemax http://www.chemaxperformancesolutions.com ] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 80 CAS 9005-65-6 Uses: O/w emulsifier, solubilizer for flavors; emulsifier for veg. oils Regulatory: RCRA nonreportable; SARA §311/312 Immediate Health Hazard; Canada DSL; Europe EINECS; Japan MITI; Australia AICS; Korea ECL; Philippines PICCS Properties: Visc., lt. amber liq.; mild odor; watersol.; sp.gr. 1.08; HLB 15.0; flash pt. (COC) 232 C; sapon. no. 50; volatiles < 3%; nonionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 64 ml/kg; causes eye, skin, mucous membrane irritation; TSCA listed Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Precaution: Wear safety glasses with side shields and face shield; wear neoprene or butyl rubber gloves; spills are slippery; incompat. with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Oxides of carbon, smoke, fumes HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep container closed; avoid high temps. Sorbax PMP-20 [Chemax http://www.chemaxperformancesolutions.com ] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 40 CAS 9005-66-7 Uses: O/w emulsifier, solubilizer for flavors; emulsifier for veg. oils Properties: Liq.; water-sol.; HLB 15.6; sapon. no. 46; nonionic; 100% conc. Sorbax PMS-20 [Chemax http://www.chemaxperformancesolutions.com ] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 60 (> 96%) and water (< 4%) CAS 9005-67-8 Uses: O/w emulsifier, solubilizer for flavors; emulsifier for veg. oils Regulatory: RCRA nonreportable; SARA §311/312 Immediate Health Hazard; Canada DSL; Japan MITI; Australia AICS Properties: Yel. soft paste; bland odor; watersol.; sp.gr. 1.08; vapor dens. > 1; HLB 14.9; flash pt. (COC) 285 C; sapon. no. 50; volatiles 4%; nonionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: Causes eye, skin, mucous membrane irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear safety glasses with side shields and face shield; wear neoprene or butyl rubber gloves; incompat. with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Oxides of carbon, smoke, fumes HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep container closed; avoid high temps. Sorbax PTO-20 [Chemax http://www.chemaxperformancesolutions.com ] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 85 CAS 9005-70-3 Uses: O/w emulsifier, solubilizer for flavors; emulsifier for veg. oils Regulatory: RCRA nonreportable; SARA 643
Part I: Trade Name Reference §311/312 Immediate Health Hazard; Canada DSL; Japan MITI Properties: Yel. liq., gel; bland odor; water-sol.; HLB 11.0; flash pt. (COC) 301 C; sapon. no. 88; volatiles < 1%; nonionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: Causes eye, skin, mucous membrane irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear safety glasses with side shields and face shield; wear neoprene or butyl rubber gloves; incompat. with oxidizers; spills are slippery Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Oxides of carbon, smoke, fumes HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep container closed; avoid high temps. Sorbax PTS-20 [Chemax http://www.chemaxperformancesolutions.com ] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 65 CAS 9005-71-4 Uses: O/w emulsifier, solubilizer for flavors; emulsifier for veg. oils Regulatory: RCRA nonreportable; SARA §311/312 Immediate Health Hazard; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; Korea ECL; Philippine PICCS Properties: Waxy, yel. solid; fatty odor; watersol.; HLB 10.5; sapon. no. 93; volatiles < 4%; nonionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: Causes eye, skin, mucous membrane irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear safety glasses with side shields and face shield; wear neoprene or butyl rubber gloves; incompat. with oxidizers; spills are slippery Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Oxides of carbon, smoke, fumes HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep container closed; avoid high temps. Sorbex [British Bakels http://www.bakels.com] Chem. Descrip.: Potassium sorbate, calcium propionate,and diluent CAS 590-00-1; 4075-81-4; EINECS/ELINCS 246376-1; 223-795-8 Uses: Mold inhibitor for cakes Properties: Powd. Use Level: 0.2% on batter wt. in flour confectionery Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in cool and dry conditions Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Sorbifin® [Danisco Sweeteners http://www.daniscosweeteners.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitol CAS 50-70-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-061-5 Uses: Sweetener, bulking agent in foods Sorbitan 60 K [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan monostearate See Sorbitan stearate CAS 1338-41-6; EINECS/ELINCS 215-664-9 Uses: Emulsifier for baking, o/w emulsions; emulsifier, volume improver, texturizer, stabilizer in batters; rehydration aid in active dry yeast; protective coating for raw fruits and vegs.; syn. flavoring agent; gloss aid in confectionery coatings Features: Highly lipophilic Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.842 Properties: Waxy beads; disp. in oil; m.p. 130 F; acid no. 7; sapon. no. 152; hyd. no. 250; nonionic Use Level: 1-2% on shortening (cakes); 1% max. on total wt. (confectionery coatings); 0.30.5% on total wt. (coffee whiteners) Storage: 1 yr. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location; keep container closed when not in use Sorbitol Sol'n. High Mannitol [ADM Food Addit. http://www.admworld.com; http://food.admworld.com/food] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitol CAS 50-70-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-061-5 Uses: Sweetener, humectant, plasticizer, and stabilizer for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 175.320, 175.380, 176.210, 177.2420, 182.99, 184.1835; GRAS; USP, FCC compliance Toxicology: Noncarcinogenic Environmental: biodeg. Storage: Store in tightly closed container Sorbitol Sol'n. Noncrystallizing [ADM Food Addit. http://www.admworld.com; http://food.admworld.com/food] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitol with other polyhydric alcohols Uses: Humectant, sweetener, visc. builder for sugar-free foods Features: Noncariogenic; formulated to resist crystallization Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 175.320, 175.380, 176.210, 177.2420, 182.99, 184.1835; GRAS; NF, JECFA, E420 644
Part I: Trade Name Reference compliance Properties: Clear, colorless syrup; no odor; sweet bland taste; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.2901.320; visc. 190 cps; b.p. 105 C; ref. index 1.457-1.467; 45-55% assay Environmental: biodeg. Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Storage: Store in dry, well-ventilated area in tightly closed containers Sorbitol Special™ Polyol Solution [SPI Pharma http://www.spipharma.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitol (40-55%), sorbitol anhydrides (15-30%), mannitol (1-10%) See D-Mannitol; Sorbitol anhydride Uses: Plasticizer, gloss aid, moisture control agent for soft gelatin capsules, food supplements Features: Keeps capsule shell soft and pliable; reduces dry time of capsule shell; extends shelf life; noncrystallizing Regulatory: DMF no. 11651; USP pending; worldwide approvals Properties: Cl. visc. liq.; sol. in water; sp. gr. 1.32; b.p. > 212 F; 76% solids; 24% water Toxicology: Ing. of large amounts may cause gastrointestinal disturbances including a laxative action; no skin irritation from shortterm exposure Precaution: Wear goggles and gloves Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx; low molecular weight hydrocarbons HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep container tightly closed and store @ R.T. Sorbo® [SPI Polyols http://www.spipolyols.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitol sol'n. CAS 50-70-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-061-5 Uses: Humectant, bodying agent, flavoring agent, nutritive sweetener, anticaking agent, curing agent, pickling agent, drying agent, emulsifier, firming agent, formulation aid, lubricant, release agent, sequestrant, stabilizer, thickener, texturizer in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1835, GRAS; kosher Properties: Water-wh. liq., essentially odorless, pleasantly sweet taste; sp.gr. > 1.285; visc. 130 cps; ref. index 1.458; 70% act. Sorbo® 70% Sorbitol Sol'n. USP/FCC [SPI Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Pharma http://www.spipharma.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitol sol'n. in water CAS 50-70-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-061-5 Uses: Humectant, sugar crystallization control agent in cereal coatings, chewing gum, cream centers, hard candy, dried fruit, icings, fillings, fondants, frozen desserts, jellies, sauces, sausage, shredded coconut, soft confections, diabetic prods.; nutritive sweetener Features: Inert; can withstand high temps. without browning; does not promote tooth decay; slowly absorbed Regulatory: USP, FCC, FDA 21CFR §184.1835 GRAS Properties: APHA 10 max., cl. visc. liq.; visc. ≈110 cps; b.p. ≈105 C @ 760 mm Hg; flash pt. >300 C; pH neutal to litmus Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 15.9 g/kg; LD50 (oral, mouse) > 17.8 g/kg; may cause sl. irritation to eyes; no skin irritation from short-term exposure; ing. of sm. amounts are nontoxic; ing. of large amounts can cause GI disturbances including a laxative action HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep container tightly closed and store at room temperature Sorbogem™ [Corn Prods. Spec. Ingreds. http://www.cornproductsus.com/cps/] Chem. Descrip.: Cryst. sorbitol CAS 50-70-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-061-5 Uses: Humectant, shelf life extender, texturizer, bodying agent, bulking agent, flavoring agent, sweetener, crystallization modifier/inhibitor, plasticizer, mouthfeel enhancer in foods, baked goods, cake mixes, icings, fillings, frozen desserts, dry roasted nuts, surimi, confectionery, etc. Regulatory: NF, FCC Properties: Wh. crystalline powd. or gran.; m.w. 182; sol. in water (235 g/100 ml water); m.p. 99-101 C; pH 3.5-7.0 (10% w/w in water); 91.0-100.5 assay (dry basis) Sorbogem™ 712 [Corn Prods. Spec. Ingreds. http://www.cornproductsus.com/cps/] Chem. Descrip.: Cryst. sorbitol NF, FCC CAS 50-70-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-061-5 Uses: Cryoprotectant, crystallization inhibitor, freeze pt. depressant, and plasticizer in food and confectionery applics. Regulatory: NF, FCC, Canada DSL 645
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Fine cryst. powd.; 95% < 420 µ, 65% > 74 µ particle size; sweet taste; sol. in water; m.w. 182.17; sp.gr. 1.28; 91-100.5% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 15,900 mg/kg, (oral, mouse) 17,800 mg/kg; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear appropriate eye protection, impervious gloves HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in tightly closed container @ R.T.; hygroscopic Sorbogem™ 834 [Corn Prods. Spec. Ingreds. http://www.cornproductsus.com/cps/] Chem. Descrip.: Cryst. sorbitol NF, FCC CAS 50-70-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-061-5 Uses: Cryoprotectant, crystallization inhibitor, freeze pt. depressant, and plasticizer in food and confectionery applics. Regulatory: NF, FCC, Canada DSL Properties: Med.-coarse free-flowing powd.; 95% < 420 µ, 85% > 74 µ particle size; sweet taste; 91-100.5% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 15,900 mg/kg, (oral, mouse) 17,800 mg/kg; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear appropriate eye protection, impervious gloves HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in tightly closed container @ R.T.; hygroscopic Sorbogem™ 1162 [Corn Prods. Spec. Ingreds. http://www.cornproductsus.com/cps/] Chem. Descrip.: Cryst. sorbitol NF, FCC CAS 50-70-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-061-5 Uses: Cryoprotectant, crystallization inhibitor, freeze pt. depressant, and plasticizer in food and confectionery applics. Regulatory: NF, FCC, Canada DSL Properties: Coarse free-flowing powd.; 75% < 840 µ, 95% > 44 µ particle size; sweet taste; 91-100.5% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 15,900 mg/kg, (oral, mouse) 17,800 mg/kg; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear appropriate eye protection, impervious gloves HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in tightly closed container @ R.T.; hygroscopic Sorbogem™ 2016 [Corn Prods. Spec. Ingreds. http://www.cornproductsus.com/cps/] Chem. Descrip.: Cryst. sorbitol NF, FCC CAS 50-70-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-061-5 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Cryoprotectant, crystallization inhibitor, freeze pt. depressant, and plasticizer in food and confectionery applics. Regulatory: NF, FCC, Canada DSL Properties: Wh. crystalline free-flowing odorless powd.; 92% < 420 µ, 88% > 74 µ particle size; sweet taste; sol. in water; in sol. in in vegetable and mineral oils; miscible in glycerin and propylene glycol in all proportions; flash pt. > 150 C; 91-100.5% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 15,900 mg/kg, (oral, mouse) 17,800 mg/kg; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear appropriate eye protection, impervious gloves HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in tightly closed container @ R.T.; hygroscopic Sorbogem™ Fines [Corn Prods. Spec. Ingreds. http://www.cornproductsus.com/cps/] Chem. Descrip.: Cryst. sorbitol NF, FCC CAS 50-70-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-061-5 Uses: Cryoprotectant, crystallization inhibitor, freeze pt. depressant, and plasticizer in food and confectionery applics. Regulatory: NF, FCC, Canada DSL Properties: Wh. fine cryst. powd.; 95% < 149 µ particle size; sweet taste; sol. in water (235 g/100 ml water); m.w. 182; m.p. 99-101 C; pH 3.5-7.0 (10% w/w in water); 91-100.5% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 15,900 mg/kg, (oral, mouse) 17,800 mg/kg; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear appropriate eye protection, impervious gloves HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in tightly closed container @ R.T.; hygroscopic Sorgen 30 [Dai-ichi Kogyo Seiyaku http://www.dks-web.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan sesquioleate CAS 8007-43-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-360-1 Uses: Antifoamer and emulsifier for foods Properties: Liq.; HLB 3.7; nonionic; 100% conc. Sorgen 40 [Dai-ichi Kogyo Seiyaku http://www.dks-web.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan oleate CAS 1338-43-8; EINECS/ELINCS 215-665-4 Uses: Antifoamer and emulsifier for foods Properties: Liq.; HLB 4.3; nonionic; 100% conc.
Part I: Trade Name Reference Sorgen 50 [Dai-ichi Kogyo Seiyaku http://www.dks-web.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan stearate CAS 1338-41-6; EINECS/ELINCS 215-664-9 Uses: Antifoamer and emulsifier for foods Properties: Pellet; HLB 4.7; nonionic; 100% conc. Sorgen 90 [Dai-ichi Kogyo Seiyaku http://www.dks-web.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan laurate CAS 1338-39-2; EINECS/ELINCS 215-663-3 Uses: Antifoamer and emulsifier for foods Properties: Liq.; HLB 8.6; nonionic; 100% conc. Sorgen TW20 [Dai-ichi Kogyo Seiyaku http://www.dks-web.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: POE-20 sorbitan laurate See Polysorbate 20 CAS 9005-64-5 Uses: Emulsifier and antifoaming agent for foods Properties: Liq.; water-sol.; HLB 16.7; nonionic; 100% conc. Sorgen TW60 [Dai-ichi Kogyo Seiyaku http://www.dks-web.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: POE sorbitan stearate Uses: Emulsifier and antifoaming agent for foods Properties: Sl. yellowish-brn. paste; water-sol.; HLB 14.9; nonionic; 100% conc. Sour Base M [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Uses: Flavoring agent for specialty prods., bread, and rolls. Features: Imparts a tangy, natural fermentation flavor Sour Dough Base [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat flour, potato flour, buttermilk solids, monocalcium phosphate, whey powd., lactic acid, phosphoric acid, and acetic acid See Buttermilk powder; Calcium phosphate monobasic anhydrous; Potato (Solanum tuberosum) flour; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) flour; Whey, dry Uses: Sour for sour-dough breads and snacks Properties: Free-flowing powd.; pH 2.9-3.3; 1012% protein Soyapan™ [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fullfat soya flour, enzyme Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
active See Soybean (Glycine soja) flour CAS 68513-95-1 Uses: Emulsifier, flour improver, shelf life extender for wh. bread and toast, ready mixes, bread improvers, baking additives Features: Provides lighter crumb, freshness Properties: Powd. Soylec® 220T [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: pre-mix product of lecithin, refined soybean oil, and toasted flour See Soybean (Glycine soja) oil Chem. Analysis: 8% max. moisture, 15-19% fat, 16% total dietary fiber; 350 calories /100g CAS 8002-43-5; 8001-22-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2; 232-274-4 Uses: Partial or complete egg and/or shortening replacer for pie crusts; bakery mixes; donuts; sweet goods; cakes; pastries Properties: Free-flowing powd.; 46% min. protein Soylec® A-10 [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Premix prod. of lecithin and Bakers Nutrisoy See Lecithin; Soybean (Glycine soja) flour Chem. Analysis: 16% total dietary fiber; 0.45% min. protein, 10-12% fat, 9% max. moisture; 300 calories/100 g Uses: For bakery mixes (donuts, sweet goods, cakes, pastries); 16% total dietary fiber; 360 calories/100 g Storage: Store 100 C; HLB 4.3; acid no. 8 max.; sapon. no. 145-160; hyd. no. 193-210; pour pt. ≈ 3 F; flash pt. (COC) > 148.9 C; nonionic; 100% act.; 1-2% water Use Level: 0.70 ppm (sugar juice), 1.4 ppm (sugar liquor) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 39.8 g/kg; relatively harmless by ing.; no hazards are known to be associated with exposure; not likely to cause irritation via eye contact, skin contact, inh., or ing.; TSCA listed Environmental: BOD (28 d) 62 %; LC50 (96 h, static, rainbow trout) > 1000 mg/l Precaution: Incompat. with oxidizing agents; wear safety goggles with side shields and impervious gloves Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO2, CO HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ 50-90 F in original closed container Span® 85 [Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com; Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan trioleate Chem. Analysis: 90-100%) CAS 26266-58-0; EINECS/ELINCS 247-569-3 Uses: O/w emulsifier, dispersant, stabilizer, thickener, lubricant, softener for foods, sausage casings Regulatory: DOT, TDG not regulated; RCRA nonreportable; Canada, Australia, Japan, China, Korea, Philippines compliance Properties: Amber liq.; sol. (@ 1%) in IPA, perchloroethylene, xylene, cottonseed and min. oils; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.95; visc. 210 cps; vapor pressure < 1 mm Hg; pour pt. ≈ 26 C; b.p. > 100 C; HLB 1.8; flash pt. (OC) > 300 F; nonionic; 100% act. Use Level: Canada: 0.35% of casing Toxicology: May cause sl. skin irritation Precaution: Wear safety glasses with side shields, impervious gloves; incompat. with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in original container Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Spearmint Oil 603 [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dihydrocarvone (1-10%), Carvone, L- (> 50%), Limonene, L- (10-50%), Menthone, L- (1-10%), Octanol, 3- (1-10%) See l-Carvone; d-Dihydrocarvone; lLimonene; l-Menthone; 3-Octanol CAS 7764-50-3; 6485-40-1; 5989-54-8; 1407397-3; 589-98-0; EINECS/ELINCS 231-857-0; 229-352-5; 227-815-6; 237-926-1; 209-667-4 UN 3082 Uses: Flavor for food Regulatory: SARA §311/312 listed; Canada DSL; Australia AICS Properties: Nearly colorless liq.; mint-type odor; sol. in alcohol; sp.gr. 0.923; vapor dens. ≈ 5.2; b.p. 191 C; flash pt. (TCC) 74 C Toxicology: Harmful by ing.; skin irritant; may cause sensitization by skin contact; TSCA listed Environmental: very toxic to aquatic environment Precaution: Wear safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves, apron; incompat. with strong acids, bases and materials that react with unsat. hydrocarbons, alcohols, ethers and esters Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, acrid fumes HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 2, Reactivity 1 Storage: Do not store near excessive heat, open flames, strong acids, strong bases; keep container tightly closed; avoid prolonged exposure to air Spearmint Oil 660 [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dihydrocarvone (1-10%), Limonene, L- (1-10%) See dDihydrocarvone; l-Limonene CAS 7764-50-3; 5989-54-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-857-0; 227-815-6 UN 1993 (bulk) Uses: Flavor for food Regulatory: SARA §311/312 listed; Canada DSL; Australia AICS Properties: Nearly colorless liq.; mint-type odor; sol. in alcohol; sp.gr. 0.951; vapor dens. ≈ 5.2; b.p. 225 C; flash pt. (TCC) 68 C Toxicology: Harmful by ing.; skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves, apron; incompat. with 649
Part I: Trade Name Reference strong acids, bases and materials that react with unsat. hydrocarbons and oxygenated terpenes Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, acrid fumes HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 2, Reactivity 1 Storage: Do not store near excessive heat, open flames, strong acids, strong bases; keep container tightly closed; avoid prolonged exposure to air Special Liquid Invert Sugar [MLG Enterprises] Chem. Descrip.: Invert sugar CAS 8013-17-0 Uses: Sweetener for soft drinks, fruit drinks, and canning Properties: Liq.; pH 4.8±0.5; 33.2-38.4% sucrose Special Naphtholite 66/3 [CITGO Petrol. http://www.citgo.com/home.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: VM&P naphtha CAS 8032-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-453-7 UN 1268 Uses: Froth flotation cleaning of vegetables; food coatings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.882, 175.105, 178.3530; SARA §302/304 nonreportable, §311/312 acute health/chronic health/fire hazard, §313 nonreportable; Calif. Prop. 65 reportable (benzene, toluene) Properties: Colorless transparent liq.; lt. hydrocarbon odor; negligible sol. in cold water (< 0.01%); sp.gr. 0.750-0.770 (60/60 F); dens. 6.32 lb/gal; visc. 0.786 cSt (20 C); vapor pressure 5.2 mm Hg (20 C); f.p. -57 to -25 C; b.p. 125-151 C; flash pt. (TCC)18-20 C; autoignition temp. ≈ 232 C; ref. index 1.4198 (20 C); KB value 36; VOC 758 g/l Toxicology: ACGIH TLV TWA 300 ppm; LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg; mist/vapor may irritate mucous membranes, respiratory tract; liq. contact may cause minimal eye, mod. to severe skin irritation/inflamm.; may be harmful by inh., skin absorp.; may be harmful or fatal by ing. ; overexposure may cause CNS depression, other target organ effects; aspiration into lungs can cause pulmonary edema, chem. pneumonia; TSCA listed Environmental: may cause oxygen depletion in waterways; potentially toxic to water ecosystems; may be hazardous to aquatic life; may contribute to smog; prevent entry into sewers, waterways; not a DOT marine Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
pollutant Precaution: Flamm.; flamm. limits 0.9-6.7%; vapor may cause flash fire; vapors are heavier than air, may flash back; may create vapor/air explosion hazard in confined space; spills may create slipping hazard; floats on water; container can rupture in fire; prevent entry into basements, confined areas; bond and ground equip.; incompat. with strong acids, alkalis, oxidizers (liq. chlorine, other halogens, hydrogen peroxide, oxygen) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: smoke, CO, CO2, possibly other harmful gases/vapors HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 3, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in tightly closed containers in cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat, sparks, ignition sources, strong oxidizing conditions Special Oil 107 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl trienanthate Uses: Tracer oil for butter; release agent for conveyor belts in the prod. of sweets Properties: Liq.; dens. 0.96 kg/dm3; visc. 20 mPa·s; turbidity pt. -20 C; acid no. 0.3 max.; iodine no. 1 max.; sapon. no. 385-395 Spleen Substance [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vacuum-dried defatted glandular prod. Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Powd. or freeze-dried form Splenda® [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sucralose CAS 56038-13-2 Uses: Sweetener for foods (carbonate, still, and alcoholic beverages, baked goods, cereals, jams, dairy, confections, chewing gum) Features: Noncaloric; noncariogenic; made from sugar; approx. 600 times sweeter than sugar; extremely stable; maintains sweetness @ high food processing temps. (pasteurization, sterilization, etc.) and prolonged storage; stable in neutral and acidic prods. Properties: Free-flowing cryst. powd. or 25% aq. 650
Part I: Trade Name Reference sol'n.; sugar-like taste; water-sol. Environmental: biodeg.; nontoxic to fish and aquatic organisms SPL Lipase 30 [Scientific Protein Labs http://www.spl-pharma.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lipolytic enzyme Uses: Fat-splitting enzyme for foods Properties: Cream-colored amorphous powd., faint char. but not offensive odor; partly sol. in water; insol. in alcohol; ≤ 5% moisture Storage: Store in tight containers in cool, dry place SPL Lipase-CE [Scientific Protein Labs http://www.spl-pharma.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lipolytic enzyme Uses: Fat-splitting enzyme for foods Properties: Cream-colored amorphous powd., faint char. but not offensive odor; partly sol. in water; insol. in alcohol; ≤ 5% moisture Storage: Store in tight containers in cool, dry place; protect from high temps. and excessive moisture SPL Pancreatin 4X USP [Scientific Protein Labs http://www.spl-pharma.com] Chem. Descrip.: Enzymes, principally proteases, amylase, lipase See Protease Uses: Enzyme which hydrolyzes fats to glycerol and fatty acids, changes protein into proteoses and derived substances, converts starch to dextrins and sugars Properties: Cream-colored amorphous powd., faint char. but not offensive odor; partly sol. in water; insol. in alcohol Storage: Store in tight containers in cool, dry place SPL Pancreatin 6X USP [Scientific Protein Labs http://www.spl-pharma.com] Chem. Descrip.: Enzymes, principally proteases, amylase, lipase See Protease Uses: Enzyme which hydrolyzes fats to glycerol and fatty acids, changes protein into proteoses and derived substances, converts starch to dextrins and sugars Properties: Cream-colored amorphous powd., faint char. but not offensive odor; partly sol. in water; insol. in alcohol Storage: Store in tight containers in cool, dry place SPL Pancreatin 8X USP [Scientific Protein Labs http://www.spl-pharma.com] Chem. Descrip.: Enzymes, principally Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
proteases, amylase, lipase See Protease Uses: Enzyme which hydrolyzes fats to glycerol and fatty acids, changes protein into proteoses and derived substances, converts starch to dextrins and sugars Properties: Cream-colored amorphous powd., faint char. but not offensive odor; partly sol. in water; insol. in alcohol Storage: Store in tight containers in cool, dry place SPL Pancrelipase USP [Scientific Protein Labs http://www.spl-pharma.com] Chem. Descrip.: Enzymes, principally lipase, amylase, protease Uses: Enzyme which hydrolyzes fats to glycerol and fatty acids, changes protein into proteoses and derived substances, converts starch to dextrins and sugars Properties: Cream-colored amorphous powd., faint char. but not offensive odor; partly sol. in water; insol. in alcohol Storage: Store in tight containers in cool, dry place Sponge-Up 20 [Riken Vitamin http://www.rikenvitamin.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglycerol esters of fatty acids, distilled monoglyceride, caseinate Uses: Sponge cake emulsifier Properties: Powd. Sporban Regular [Cain Food Industries http://www.cainfood.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium benzoate, propylene glycol, methyl and propyl parabens, water, and citric acid See Methylparaben; Propylparaben Uses: Mold inhibitor, preservative in foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS Properties: Colorless cl. oily liq., odorless, sharp astringent flavor; 20% sodium benzoate, 2% methyl paraben, 1% propyl paraben Storage: 6 mos. shelf life stored under cool, dry conditions Spray Dried Beef Liver Powder [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Frozen raw liver Chem. Analysis: 6% max. loss on drying Uses: Nutrient supplement for tablets and capsules Storage: Store in cool, dry area in tightly closed polyliners within secure containers Spray Dried Gum Arabic NF/FCC CS-R 651
Part I: Trade Name Reference [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Protective colloid, stabilizer, thickener for confectionery, candies, jellies, glazes, chewing gum, flavor emulsions, citrus oil and beverage flavor emulsions; foam stabilizer in beer; flavoring agent Properties: Colorless, odorless, tasteless; watersol. Spray Dried Gum Arabic Type A-180 NF Premium [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Protective colloid, stabilizer, suspending agent, visc. builder, emulsifier, film-former for foods (confectionery, flavors); sugar crystallization retarder in candies, jellies, glazes, chewing gums; foam stabilizer in brewing; flavoring agent Properties: Powd., almost odorless and tasteless; sol. in hot or cold water Spray Dried Gum Arabic Type A-230 NF Extra [Gumix Int'l.] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Protective colloid, stabilizer, suspending agent, visc. builder, emulsifier, film-former for foods (confectionery, flavors); sugar crystallization retarder in candies, jellies, glazes, chewing gums; foam stabilizer in brewing; flavoring agent Properties: Powd., almost odorless and tasteless; sol. in hot or cold water Spray Dried Hemoglobin [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: High protein prod. collected from edible whole beef blood Uses: Meat protein supplement for meat prods. Spray Dried Pork Liver Powder [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Frozen raw liver Chem. Analysis: 6% max. loss on drying Uses: Nutrient supplement for tablets and capsules Storage: Store in cool, dry area in tightly closed polyliners within secure containers SQ®-48 [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat gluten See Wheat Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
(Triticum vulgare) gluten Chem. Analysis: 12% moisture 47% protein, 1.5% fat CAS 8002-80-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-317-7 Uses: Filler, binder in meat prods. Properties: Lt. tan powd.; 12% moisture, 47% protein, 1.5% fat SS-10MV [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan stearate CAS 1338-41-6; EINECS/ELINCS 215-664-9 Uses: Emulsifier and dispersant in food Regulatory: Approved as food additive Properties: Wh. to pale yel. flake; HLB 4.7 SS-15V [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan sesquistearate Uses: Emulsifier for foods Features: Lipophilic Regulatory: JSCI listed Properties: Wh. to pale yel. flake; HLB 4.2; nonionic; 100% conc. SSL [Adumim Food Ingreds. http://www.adumim.co.il] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium stearoyl lactylate CAS 25383-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 246-929-7 Uses: Emulsifier for food Sta-O-Paque® [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: waxy corn starch Uses: Body/mouthfeel enhancer, opacifying agent, visc. control agent for fruit drinks, nutritional drinks, sports drinks Sta-Set RC™ [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Rapeseed oil and cottonseed oil blend See Canola oil; Cottonseed (Gossypium) oil Chem. Analysis: 0.10% max moisture; 0.15% max. free fatty acid CAS 8002-13-9; 8001-29-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-280-7 Uses: Crystal formation agent and stabilizer for peanut butter Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Wh. to yel. crystalline matrix; insol. in water; capillary m.p. 145 F; iodine no. 4; peroxide no. 1.0 max.; flash pt. > 500 F Precaution: Avoid inh. of veg. mists Storage: 120 day shelf life; store @ 65-80 F in area free of odors Stabil® 9 [ICL Performance Prods. 652
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.astaris.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium aluminum phosphate acidic, calcium phosphate anhyd., calcium carbonate, precipitated amorphous silica See Calcium phosphate monobasic anhydrous; Silica Uses: Leavening agent for self-rising flours, self-rising corn meal, and biscuit mixes for a full-volumed/light prod. Regulatory: FCC compliance Properties: Anhyd. wh. powd.; 20% max. on 200 mesh, 10% min. on 325 mesh; 92% min. assay Use Level: 0.5% max. (processed meat and poultry, seafood) StabilEnhance® OSR [Naturex http://www.naturex.com] Chem. Descrip.: rosemary extract containing carnosic acid See Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) extract CAS 84604-14-8; 3650-09-7; EINECS/ELINCS 283-291-9 Uses: Antioxidant for snacks, animal fats, mayonnaise, potato flakes, cookies, flavors, and seafood Properties: Dk. brn. to gold liq. or tan powd.; lt. flavor; oil-sol.; 2.5-5% carnosic acid StabilEnhance® WSR [Naturex http://www.naturex.com] Chem. Descrip.: rosemary extract containing rosmarinic acid See Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) extract CAS 84604-14-8; 20283-92-5 Uses: Enhances the freshness and increases shelf life of beer, soft drinks, and carotenoids; increases stability and enhances the colors of prods. containing anthocyanins Regulatory: FDA 21CFR§101.22; E.C. directive 88/388 and Properties: Tan powd.; very lt. flavor; oil-sol. Stabilite™ 1 [Corn Prods. Spec. Ingreds. http://www.cornproductsus.com/cps/] Chem. Descrip.: maltitol, sorbitol and high m.w. polymers Chem. Analysis: Water 23-28% Uses: Stabilizer, sweetener for sugar-free caramels and hard candy, food, confectionery systems Features: Medium hygroscopicity Properties: Cl., visc. syrupy liq.; visc. 6200 cps; pH neutral Stabilite™ SD30 [Corn Prods. Spec. Ingreds. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.cornproductsus.com/cps/] Chem. Descrip.: maltitol, sorbitol and high m.w. polymers Chem. Analysis: Moisture < 8% Uses: Stabilizer, sweetener for sugar-free caramels and hard candy, food, confectionery systems Properties: Wh. powd.; pH 4.0-5.0 (20% sol'n.) Stabilite™ SD60 [Corn Prods. Spec. Ingreds. http://www.cornproductsus.com/cps/] Chem. Descrip.: maltitol, sorbitol and high m.w. polymers Chem. Analysis: Moisture < 8% Uses: Stabilizer, sweetener for sugar-free caramels and hard candy, food, confectionery systems Properties: Powd.; pH 4.0-5.0 (20% sol'n.) StabiTex 06330 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Distarch phosphate Chem. Analysis: 11% moisture; 0.4% ash; SO2 10 mg/kg max. CAS 55963-33-2 Uses: Thickener recommended for food systems requiring light to moderate processing conditions, such as soups, sauces and gravies, canned foods, Oriental foods, dry mixes (cook-up), and aerated confectionery prods. Features: High viscosity in neutral pH systems; adaptable to most batch systems; cooks easily without prolonged hold times; creamy texture Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.892 and EC Directive 95/2/EC Properties: Bland flavor; bulk dens. (packed) 770 g/l; pH 5.5 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flammable and explosive Storage: Shelf life 24 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity StabiTex-Instant™ 12620 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Distarch phosphate Chem. Analysis: 4% moisture CAS 55963-33-2 Uses: Pregelatinized thickener and binder designed to provide good process stability in a wide variety of food prods., such cake and bakery mixes, fruit and pie fillings, instant puddings, soup, sauces, and gravy; provides moisture retention and extends 653
Part I: Trade Name Reference shelf life in baked products Features: Moderate viscosity without cooking; short texture; good paste clarity; not recommended for frozen food prods.; resistant to heat, acid and shear Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.892 and EC Directive 95/2/EC Properties: 90% thru US 200 Mesh (.075 mm); bulk dens. (packed) 690g/l; pH 5.8 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flammable and explosive Storage: Shelf life 12 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity StabiTex-Instant™ 12624 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Distarch phosphate Chem. Analysis: 5% moisture; 0.3 ash CAS 55963-33-2 Uses: Thickener designed for high-quality food prods., such cake and cookies, instant puddings and pie fillings, instant puddings, soup, sauces, and gravy, and extruded snack foods; provides moisture retention and extends shelf life in baked products Features: Extremely high viscosity without cooking; hydrates quickly; not recommended for frozen food prods.; good past clarity; smooth creamy texture Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.892 Properties: Bland flavor; 70% thru US 200 Mesh (.075 mm); bulk dens. (packed) 690 g/l; pH 5.0 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flammable and explosive Storage: Shelf life 12 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity StabiTex-Instant™ 12625 [Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Acetylated distarch phosphate Chem. Analysis: 5% moisture CAS 68130-14-3 Uses: Pregelatinized thickener and binder designed to provide good process stability in a wide range of food prods. such as fresh and frozen fruit fillings, instant puddings, pie fillings, cake, bakery, and batter mixes, soup, sauce and gravy mixes; provides moisture retention and extends shelf life in baked products Features: Resistant to heat, acid and shear Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
conditions; mod. hydration rate; provides viscosity without cooking; good cold storage and freeze-thaw stability short texture; good paste clarity Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.892 Properties: 85% thru US 200 Mesh (.075 mm); bulk dens. (packed) 800 g/l; pH 5.0 Precaution: Excessive dusting is flammable and explosive Storage: Shelf life 12 mos.; store in a clean, dry, odor-free area at ambient temperature and humidity Stabl Plus [Brolite Prods. http://www.bakewithbrolite.com] Uses: Icing stabilizer designed for wrapped icings; can be used in any icing Features: Highly conc. Sta-Freeze Icing Stabilizer [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Uses: Icing stabilizer, shelf life extender for transparent icings, frozen sweet and Danish icings Features: Boil type; produces icings with exc. freeze/thaw stability Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Plastic Use Level: 10% on powd. sugar Sta-Kleer 1000X Icing Stabilizer [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Uses: Icing stabilizer, shelf life extender for opaque cinnamon roll and donut icings Features: Boil type; not rec. for chocolate, maple or colored icings Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd. Use Level: 2.5-4% on powd. sugar Sta-Kleer C [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Uses: Icing stabilizer for semitransparent icings and glazings Features: Boil type; exc. eye appeal and shelf life Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Free-flowing powd. Use Level: 4-5% on powd. sugar Sta-Kwik Icing Stabilizer [Am. Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com] Uses: Icing stabilizer for transparent flat icings and butter creams Features: Nonboil type for use where cooking facilities are not avail.; exc. for inj. cream 654
Part I: Trade Name Reference filings Properties: Powd. Use Level: 5-10% on powd.sugar Staley® 200-26/42 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: acid/enzyme, low conversion corn syrup EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Mild sweetener; adds body; retards crystallization Properties: Colorless; bland flavor, sl. sweet Staley® 300-36/42 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: acid/enzyme, low conversion corn syrup EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Mild sweetener; adds body; retards crystallization Properties: Colorless; bland flavor, sl. sweet Staley® 1300-42/43 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: acid converted, regular conversion corn syrup EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Improves body in ice cream, confections, canning, baking Staley® 3370 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: enzyme converted corn sweetener See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 90% dextrose; 10% corn sugars EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Sweetener in food Staley® 7350 Waxy No. 1 Starch [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy corn starch See Corn starch, waxy CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Thickener for foods Features: Thick boiling waxy starch; greater thickening, lower gelatinization temp., and improved paste clarity and stability than regular unmodified corn starch Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1 GRAS Properties: Wh. powd.; bulk dens. 40 lb/ft3; pH 4.5-6.0; 10-13% moisture Staley® Pure Food Powd. (PFP) [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Unmodified corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Thickener, bodying agent for bakery fillings, salad dressings, gravies, puddings, sauces, stews, pet foods; adhesion promoter for breading mixes; texturizer for cakes, cookies, and snacks Properties: Wh. powd.; pH 4.0-6.5; 9-10% moisture Staleydex® 95 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: enzyme-converted corn sweetener that is 95% dextrose and 5% other corn sugars See Glucose Chem. Analysis: 95% dextrose CAS 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-075-1 Uses: Sweetener in canned fruits and vegetables and fermentation process for food and beverages Staleydex® 130 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: dextrose See Glucose CAS 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-075-1 Uses: Sweetener in prepared food; flavoring agent in meat Properties: Cl., colorless liq. Staleydex® 333 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: D-glucose monohydrate See Glucose CAS 5996-10-1; EINECS/ELINCS 200-075-1 Uses: Sweetener for bakery prods., snacks, beverages, chewing gum, confectionery, sauces, soups, gravies, and dressings Features: Fermentable; 65-85% as sweet as sucrose Properties: Gran.; readily sol. in water Sta-Lite® 318 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: blend of Maltodextrin and Polydextrose CAS 9050-36-6; 68424-04-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Sweetener, body/mouthfeel improver, viscosity control agent in frozen dairy and dessert prods. Properties: Liq. Sta-Lite® 370 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polydextrose CAS 68424-04-4 Uses: Bulking agent, bodying agent, 655
Part I: Trade Name Reference texturizer in reduced-calorie and lowcalorie foods (baked goods, confections, dairy, jams, jellies, soups, sauces, gravies); sweetener replacement in reduced-calorie, low-calorie foods Features: Nonsweet; low-calorie; provides only 1 Kcal/g Properties: Liq.; water-sol. Sta-Lite® III [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polydextrose CAS 68424-04-4 Uses: Bulking agent, bodying agent, texturizer in reduced-calorie and lowcalorie foods (baked goods, confections, dairy, jams, jellies, soups, sauces, gravies); sweetener replacement in reduced-calorie, low-calorie foods Features: Nonsweet; low-calorie; provides only 1 Kcal/g Properties: Gran.; water-sol. Sta-Lite® III F [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polydextrose CAS 68424-04-4 Uses: Bulking agent, bodying agent, texturizer in reduced-calorie and lowcalorie foods (baked goods, confections, dairy, jams, jellies, soups, sauces, gravies); sweetener replacement in reduced-calorie, low-calorie foods Features: Nonsweet; low-calorie; provides only 1 Kcal/g Properties: Fine gran.; water-sol. Sta-Lite® III WS [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polydextrose CAS 68424-04-4 Uses: Bulking agent, sweetener replacement in low-calorie, reduced-calorie foods Features: Nonsweet; low-calorie; provides only 1 Kcal/g Properties: Gran.; water-sol. Stamere® CK NF FCC [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Thickener, gellant for instant prods.; texturizer in lowfat meat prods. providing juiciness while reducing fat and increasing prod. yield; setting agent, syneresis control Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
agent, separation preventer in milk puddings, custards, and pies Properties: Lt. tan powd.; water-sol.; visc. > 250 cps (1%); pH 6-9 Stamere® CKM FCC [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Stabilizer for instant puddings requiring no heat, ice cream, milk gel, water gel prods., gelatin-type desserts with sheen and mouthfeel of gelatin, low-calorie jams and jellies; moisture control agent, fat control agent in meat prods. Properties: Lt. tan powd.; water-sol.; visc. > 500 cps (1%); pH 8.0-10.5 Use Level: 0.5-0.7% (instant pudding), 0.4% (ice cream) Stamere® CK-S NF FCC [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Suspending agent, stabilizer, thickener, gelling agent for food industry Properties: Water-sol. Stamere® HT [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fucelleran Uses: Gellant for water-gel prods., gelatintype desserts with sheen and mouthfeel of gelatin, low-calorie jams and jellies Stamere® N-325 NF FCC [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Suspending agent, stabilizer, thickener, gelling agent for food industry Properties: Water-sol. Stamere® N-350 E FCC [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Gellant for water-gel prods., gelatintype desserts with sheen and mouthfeel of gelatin, low-calorie jams and jellies Properties: Off-wh. to lt. tan powd.; ≥ 97% through 40 mesh; pH 8-10 656
Part I: Trade Name Reference Stamere® N-350 NF FCC [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Suspending agent, stabilizer, thickener, gellant for foods Properties: Water-sol. Stamere® N-350 S NF FCC [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Suspending agent, stabilizer, thickener, gelling agent for food industry Properties: Water-sol. Stamere® NI NF FCC [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Suspending agent, stabilizer, thickener, gelling agent for food industry Stamere® NIC FCC [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Stabilizer, texturizer, ice crystal control agent for ice cream and related milk prods. Features: Provides smooth, creamy texture with elimination of ice formation; produces slow, smooth melt down Properties: Off-wh. to lt. tan powd.; ≥ 97% through 60 mesh; pH 8-10 Use Level: 0.3-0.12% Stamere® NK [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Gellant, setting agent, syneresis control agent, separation preventer for milk gels such as puddings, custards, pies, etc. Sta-Mist® 7415 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Clouding agent for foods and beverages, esp. carbonated soft drinks Features: Lipophilic starch producing an opaque Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
emulsion when cooked and processed with certain oils Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. pearl powd.; pH 5.7; 11% moisture Standard Super-Cel [Celite http://www.worldminerals.com/celite.html] Chem. Descrip.: Diatomaceous earth CAS 7631-86-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Filler, filter aid, carrier for beer Properties: Buff/pink powd.; 3.5 µ median pore size; 4% 150 mesh residue; sp.gr. 2.2; dens. 8 lb/ft3 (dry); pH 7; 0.5% moisture Sta-Put Plus Icing Stabilizer [Am. Ingreds./Patco http://www.patcoadditives.com] Uses: Icing stabilizer, shelf-life extender for icings and glazes incl. transparent sweet roll and Danish icings, chlocolate, white, or maple donut icings, and donut glazes Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Free-flowing powd. Use Level: 6-8% on powd. sugar Star Flake® Dendritic ES Salt [Morton Salt http://www.mortonsalt.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium chloride FCC with anticaking additive (0.5% sodium silicoaluminate), crystal modifying agent (sodium ferrocyanide) Uses: Table salt Features: High purity food-grade Regulatory: Sodium silicoaluminate: GRAS, 21CFR §182.2727; sodium silicoaluminate and sodium ferrocyanide: exempt from label declaration under 21CFR 101.100(a)(3) Properties: Powd.; 25-45% retained on 70 mesh, 16-38% on 100 mesh; mean crystal size 230 µm; mean surf. area 270 cm2/g; bulk dens. 0.85-0.93 g/ml (loose); 99.9% NaCl Star Flake® Dendritic Salt [Morton Salt http://www.mortonsalt.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium chloride FCC with crystal modifying agent (sodium ferrocyanide) Uses: Salt for comminuted meats, seasonings/flavors, cheddar/Colby cheese processing, cottage cheese, peanut butter, potato/corn chips, oil-roasted snacks, condiments, cake mixes, breadings, enzyme preps., curing prods., sauces Features: High purity; food-grade; high specific surf. area, rapid dissolution rate/flowability, 657
Part I: Trade Name Reference high liq. adsorptive capacity and caking resist., and low apparent density Regulatory: Sodium ferrocyanide: FDA 21CFR §172.490 Properties: Porous star-shaped cryst. cubes; 2545% retained on 70 mesh, 16-38% on 100 mesh; mean crystal size 230 µm; mean surf. area 270 cm2/g; bulk dens. 0.85-0.93 g/ml (loose); 99.9% NaCl Star™ Glycerine USP, FCC [Procter & Gamble http://www.pgchemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerin USP (96% min.) in water CAS 56-81-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-289-5 Uses: Humectant, sweetener Regulatory: USP/FCC, DOT/ADR/RID/IMDG/ICAO/IATA not regulated; Canada DSL; Japan; Australia; Philippines; China; Korea Properties: APHA 10 max. cl. visc. liq.; bland odor; sweet taste; completely sol. in water; misc. with ethanol; sl. sol. in acetone; insol. in ether, chloroform; sp.gr. 1.2517-1.2531; visc. ≈ 1410 mPa·s; vapor pressure < 0.1 mm Hg; b.p. > 288 C; flash pt. (PMCC) > 198.9 C; autoignition temp. ≈ 393 C; 4% max. moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2 g/kg; may cause mild, transient eye irritation; TSCA listed Environmental: LC50 (goldfish, 24 h) > 5 g/l; LC0 (golden orfe, 48 h) > 250 mg/l; LC100 (rainbow trout, 96 h) 51-57 g/l; NOEC (chilomonas paramecium, 48 h) > 10 g/l, (entosiphon sulcatum, 72 h) 3200 mg/l; biodeg. Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers, strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal reaction may release acrolein Storage: Store in clean, tight containers to prevent moisture pickup from air; can be stored in aluminum, stainless steel, fiberglass or resin lined steel vessels Star™ K Glycerine USP, FCC [Procter & Gamble http://www.pgchemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerin USP (96% min.) in water CAS 56-81-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-289-5 Uses: Humectant, sweetener Regulatory: USP/FCC, EP, kosher, DOT/ADR/RID/IMDG/ICAO/IATA not regulated; Canada DSL; Japan; Australia; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Philippines; China; Korea Properties: APHA 10 max. cl. visc. liq.; bland odor; sweet taste; completely sol. in water; misc. with ethanol; sl. sol. in acetone; insol. in ether, chloroform; sp.gr. 1.2517-1.2531; visc. ≈ 1410 mPa·s; vapor pressure < 0.1 mm Hg; b.p. > 288 C; flash pt. (PMCC) > 198.9 C; autoignition temp. ≈ 393 C; 4% max. moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2 g/kg; may cause mild, transient eye irritation; TSCA listed Environmental: LC50 (goldfish, 24 h) > 5 g/l; LC0 (golden orfe, 48 h) > 250 mg/l; LC100 (rainbow trout, 96 h) 51-57 g/l; NOEC (chilomonas paramecium, 48 h) > 10 g/l, (entosiphon sulcatum, 72 h) 3200 mg/l; biodeg. Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers, strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal reaction may release acrolein Storage: Store in clean, tight containers to prevent moisture pickup from air; can be stored in aluminum, stainless steel, fiberglass or resin lined steel vessels Star™ V Glycerine USP, FCC [Procter & Gamble http://www.pgchemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerin USP (96% min.) in water CAS 56-81-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-289-5 Uses: Humectant, sweetener Regulatory: USP/FCC, EP, DOT/ADR/RID/IMDG/ICAO/IATA not regulated; Canada DSL; Japan; Australia; Philippines; China; Korea Properties: APHA 10 max. cl. visc. liq.; bland odor; sweet taste; completely sol. in water; misc. with ethanol; sl. sol. in acetone; insol. in ether, chloroform; sp.gr. 1.2517-1.2531; visc. ≈ 1410 mPa·s; vapor pressure < 0.1 mm Hg; b.p. > 288 C; flash pt. (PMCC) > 198.9 C; autoignition temp. ≈ 393 C; 4% max. moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2 g/kg; may cause mild, transient eye irritation; TSCA listed Environmental: LC50 (goldfish, 24 h) > 5 g/l; LC0 (golden orfe, 48 h) > 250 mg/l; LC100 (rainbow trout, 96 h) 51-57 g/l; NOEC (chilomonas paramecium, 48 h) > 10 g/l, (entosiphon sulcatum, 72 h) 3200 mg/l; biodeg. Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers, 658
Part I: Trade Name Reference strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal reaction may release acrolein Storage: Store in clean, tight containers to prevent moisture pickup from air; can be stored in aluminum, stainless steel, fiberglass or resin lined steel vessels StarchPlus™ SPR [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Rice starch See Rice (Oryza sativa) starch CAS 9005-25-8 Uses: Gellant, shortening, fat substitute for baked goods, sucrose pudding systems Features: Short texture starch; easy mixing; retains most of rice protein while most of fat and fiber are removed; freeze/thaw stable; replaces up to 50% fat in baked goods Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Granulation 95% < 200 mesh; easily dispersed; bulk dens. 28 lb/ft3; pH 6.9 (10% disp.); < 5% moisture StarchPlus™ SPW-LP [Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Low protein waxy rice starch See Rice (Oryza sativa) starch CAS 9005-25-8 Uses: Fat replacement for frozen desserts Features: Long texture starch; low flavor impact; exc. freeze/thaw props. Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Gel; low flavor; bulk dens. 28 lb/ft3; pH 6.3 (10% disp.); < 5% moisture Use Level: 1-5% Starco™ 447 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, texturizer, mouthfeel enhancer for instant foods, dry mixes, puddings, icings, cream fillings, dips, soup mixes, spreads Features: Pregelatinized starch; produces heavy-flow pastes with smooth, creamy texture; imparts sl. fudge-like delicate mouthfeel Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd.; 1% max. on 140 mesh, 90% min. through 200 mesh; pH 5.5; 5.5% max. moisture
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Star-Dri® 1 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin Chem. Analysis: 1 DE CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Flavor carrier, binder, nutritive additive, anticaking agent, mouthfeel enhancer, bodying agent for bakery mixes Features: Provides blandness Properties: Powd.; dens. 31 lb/ft3 Star-Dri® 5 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin Chem. Analysis: 5 DE CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Flavor carrier, nutritive additive, anticaking agent, binder, mouthfeel enhancer, bodying agent for frostings, dairy desserts Features: Provides solubility, blandness Properties: Powd.; dens. 32 lb/ft3 Star-Dri® 10 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin Chem. Analysis: 10 DE CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Flavor carrier, nutritive additive, anticaking agent, binder, mouthfeel enhancer, bodying agent for dairy desserts, sugar fondants, batters Features: Provides solubility, blandness Properties: Powd.; dens. 34 lb/ft3 Star-Dri® 15 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin Chem. Analysis: 15 DE CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Flavor carrier, nutritive additive, anticaking agent, binder, mouthfeel enhancer, bodying agent for confections, beverage mixes, dairy desserts Features: Provides solubility, blandness Properties: Powd.; dens. 35 lb/ft3 Star-Dri® 18 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin Chem. Analysis: 18 DE CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Flavor carrier, nutritive additive, anticaking agent, binder, mouthfeel enhancer, bodying agent for dairy desserts Features: Provides solubility, blandness 659
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Powd.; dens. 36 lb/ft3 Star-Dri® 20 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup solids CAS 68131-37-3 Uses: Maintains visc. and body as fat content is reduced in adult and infant nutritional formulas, salad dressings Properties: Powd.; m.w. 3736; dens. 38 lb/ft3; DE 20 Star-Dri® 42C [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup solids Chem. Analysis: 44 DE CAS 68131-37-3 Uses: Maintains visc. and body as fat content is reduced in meats, dry mixes, ice cream Properties: Coarsely ground powd.; m.w. 1120; dens. 38 lb/ft3 Star-Dri® 42F [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup solids Chem. Analysis: 44 DE CAS 68131-37-3 Uses: Maintains visc. and body as fat content is reduced in frostings, fondants, confections Properties: Finely ground powd.; m.w. 1120; dens. 30 lb/ft3 Star-Dri® 42R [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup solids Chem. Analysis: 44 DE CAS 68131-37-3 Uses: Maintains visc. and body as fat content is reduced in meats, dry mixes, ice cream Properties: Powd.; m.w. 1120; dens. 38 lb/ft3 Star-Dri® 150 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin Chem. Analysis: 15 DE CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Carrier Star-Dri® 180 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin derived from dent corn Chem. Analysis: 18 DE CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Processing aid and viscosity control agent in beverages; sweetener and Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
humectant in bakery prods. and snacks Star-Dri® 200 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup solids derived from waxy corn Chem. Analysis: 20 DE CAS 68131-37-3 Uses: Sweetener and bulking agent for fruit fillings and jams Star-Dri® 240 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn syrup solids CAS 68131-37-3 Uses: Carrier Properties: DE 24 Star-Dri® 1005A [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin Chem. Analysis: 10 DE CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Dispersant, bulking agent, nutritive additive, anticaking agent, binder, mouthfeel enhancer, bodying agent for nutritional beverages, dry mixes, sauces, gravies, spice blends; carrier for oil-sol. flavors, emulsifiers, colors, fats Features: Provides rapid solubility, blandness Properties: Agglomerated powd.; < 20% on 20 mesh, < 20% through 200 mesh; dens. 5 lb/ft3; pH 4-6; 6% max. moisture Star-Dri® 1015A [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin Chem. Analysis: 10 DE CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Dispersant, bulking agent, nutritive additive, anticaking agent, binder, mouthfeel enhancer, bodying agent for nutritional beverages, dry mixes Features: Provides solubility, blandness Properties: Agglomerated powd.; dens. 15 lb/ft3 Starplex® 90 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: High-purity, molecularly distilled monoglyceride prepared from edible fats or oils and glycerin with TBHQ and citric acid See t-Butyl hydroquinone Uses: Softener, shelf life extender in baked goods; emulsifier, stabilizer for fat in sauces and gravies; starch complexing agent for pasta, cereal 660
Part I: Trade Name Reference Features: Provides increased hydration and improved functionality of the monoglyceride Regulatory: FDA GRAS; kosher Properties: Wh. to cream powd.; water-disp.; m.p. 63-69 C; acid no. 4.0 max.; iodine no. 2530; sapon. no. 150-165; 90% min. alpha monoester Use Level: 0.2-1.0%; 2-6 oz/cwt flour Storage: Store below 90 F Starspray [Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk] Uses: Release emulsion for use by the instore and craft baker Features: For applic. by brush or hand spray Starwax® 100 [Baker Petrolite/Polymers http://www.bakerhughes.com/bakerpetrolite/p olymers] Chem. Descrip.: Hard microcrystalline wax consisting of n-paraffinic, branched paraffinic, and naphthenic hydrocarbons CAS 63231-60-7; EINECS/ELINCS 264-038-1 Uses: Chewing gum base; microcapsules for flavoring substances Regulatory: Incl. FDA §172.230, 172.615, 175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 177.1200, 178.3710, 179.45 Properties: Color 1.0 (D1500) wax; very low sol. in org. solvs.; sp.gr. 0.93; visc. 15 cps (99 C); m.p. 88 C
Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd., odorless, bland taste; pH 4.5; 4% moisture Sta-Slim™ 143 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from potato starch See Food starch, modified Uses: Fat replacement, mouthfeel enhancer for low-fat foods, salad dressings, baked goods, imitation cream cheese, soups, meat prods.; texturizer, water binder for meats; body/mouthfeel enhancer, humectant for fruit fillings; humectant, shelf-life/freshness improver, visc. control agent for bakery, snacks Features: 4 calorie/g; provides appearance of higher fat prods.; aids perception of creaminess Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd., odorless, bland taste; pH 7; 11% moisture
Sta-Rx® NF [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch NF See Corn (Zea mays) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Food starch Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; meets specs for food starch modified Properties: Wh. powd., free of objectionable odor, sl. char. taste; 0.5% max. on 80 mesh, 5% max. on 325 mesh; pH 64.5-7.0.0; 9.512.5% moisture
Sta-Slim™ 150 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Instant, pregelatinized modified food starch derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified Uses: Fat replacement, mouthfeel enhancer for low-fat foods, salad dressings, baked goods; body/mouthfeel enhancer, cold processing aid, fat reducer, visc. control in dairy; body/mouthfeel enhancer, calorie reducer, cold processing aid, fat reducer, gelling agent, shelf-life/freshness improver in soups, sauces, gravies, dressings Features: 4 calorie/g; provides appearance of higher fat prods.; aids perception of creaminess Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd., odorless, bland taste; pH 4.5; 4% moisture
Sta-Slim™ 142 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Instant, pregelatinized modified food starch derived from potato See Food starch, modified Uses: Fat replacement, mouthfeel enhancer for low-fat foods, salad dressings, baked goods Features: 4 calorie/g; provides appearance of higher fat prods.; aids perception of creaminess
Sta-Slim™ 151 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified Uses: Fat replacer, mouthfeel enhancer for low-fat foods, salad dressings, baked goods; humectant, shelf-life/freshness improver, visc. control agent for bakery, snacks; body/mouthfeel enhancer, fat reducer, visc. control agent in dairy; body/mouthfeel enhancer, fat reducer, visc.
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part I: Trade Name Reference control agent, gelling agent, shelflife/freshness improver in soups, sauces, gravies, dressings Features: 4 calorie/g; provides appearance of higher fat prods.; aids perception of creaminess Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd., odorless, bland taste; pH 7; 11% moisture Sta-White [Am. Ingreds./Patco http://www.patco-additives.com] Uses: Icing stabilizer, shelf-life extender for very white opaque icings and glazes for sweet rolls, Danishes, and donuts Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Free-flowing powd. Use Level: 4-5% on powd. sugar Staybelite® Ester 5-E [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl hydrogenated rosinate CAS 65997-13-9; EINECS/ELINCS 266-042-9 Uses: Thermoplastic syn. resin; as softener/plasticizer for the masticatory agent in chewing gum bases; used in food processing operations Properties: USDA Rosin solid, flakes; low odor; sol. in esters, ketones, higher alcohols, glycol ethers, and aliphatic, aromatic, and chlorinated hydrocarbons; dens. 1.06 kg/l; Hercules drop soften. pt. 81 C; acid no. 5 STEPANOL® LCP [Stepan http://www.stepan.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium lauryl sulfate CAS 151-21-3; EINECS/ELINCS 205-788-1 Uses: Emulsifier, whipping agent, surfactant, wetting agent in foods Features: Low cloud pt. Regulatory: Kosher; FDA 21CFR §172.822, 176.170, 176.210, 177.1210, 177.1630, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.3400; EU, Japan, Canada, and Australia listed Properties: Cl. low-visc. liq.; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.03; dens. 8.6 lb/gal; visc. 20 cps; f.p. 11 C; pour pt. 14 C; flash pt. (PMCC) > 94 C; pH 78.5 (10%); 0% RVOC; anionic; 28-30% act. Toxicology: Sl. toxic orally; mod. eye irritant; mild skin irritant Environmental: biodeg. Storage: Store in sealed containers in cool, dry place @ 90-125 F Sterotex® HM NF [ABITEC Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated soybean oils; conforms to hydrogenated vegetable oil NF CAS 8016-70-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-410-2 Uses: Tablet lubricant for nutrition Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. fine powd., yel. oil when melted; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.9; vapor pressure < 1 mm Hg; m.p. 67-70 C; b.p. > 500 F; acid no. 0.4 max.; iodine no. 5 max.; sapon. no. 186196; flash pt. (COC) > 550 F Toxicology: Veg. oil mists classified as 'nuisance particles' Precaution: Oil-soaked materials may spontaneously combust; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 Storage: Store in cool, dry place Sterotex® K [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated soybean oil, hydrogenated castor oil Uses: Lubricant for tablets, clinical nutrition Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. to lt. tan powd., odorless; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.9; bulk dens. 0.48; m.p. 8184 C; b.p. > 500 f; acid no. 1 max.; iodine no. 5 max.; sapon. no. 185-195; flash pt. (COC) > 600 F Toxicology: Nontoxic; veg. oil mists classified as 'nuisance particles' Precaution: Oil-soaked materials may spontaneously combust Sterotex® NF [ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated cottonseed oil CAS 68334-00-0; EINECS/ELINCS 269-804-9 Uses: Lubricant for tableting and compaction in nutritional supplements Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. powd. @ R.T., lt. yel. oil when melted; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.9; m.p. 140-145 F; b.p. > 500 F; acid no. 0.4 max.; iodine no. 5 max.; sapon. no. 188-198; flash pt. (COC) > 640 F Toxicology: Veg. oil mists classified as 'nuisance particles'; sl. irritating to eyes, skin Environmental: biodeg. Precaution: Wear safety glasses, PVC gloves, work uniform; oil-soaked materials may spontaneously combust; incompat. with oxidizers 662
Part I: Trade Name Reference NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry area; keep container closed when not in use Stir-N-Set® FG [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified starch derived from tapioca CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Cold processing gelling agent in pastry fillings, imitation custards, cake icings, and spoonable salad dressings, and in foods for institutional, fast food, and restaurant trades Features: Does not require the addition of salts to form the gel; disperses easily in aq. media; performs well in acid and neutral media Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; bland flavor; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6; ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: TWA 10 mg/m3; nuisance dust; particulates may scratch eye surfaces and cause mech. irritation; low toxicity to skin and by ing. Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; sensitive to static elec.; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ ambient temps. Stomach Substance [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vacuum-dried defatted glandular prod. Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Powd. or freeze-dried form Struct-Sure® 20 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified See Food starch, modified Uses: Stabilizer, texturizer, visc. builder, moisture control agent for cultured dairy prods., gelatin-free yogurts, sour cream, cheese derivs., puddings Features: Rec. for dairy systems with high shear and higher temp. HTST processing; vegetarian and kosher status on labels Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; sl. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 10% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Struktol® Calcium Stearate [Struktol http://www.struktol.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium stearate CAS 1592-23-0; EINECS/ELINCS 216-472-8 Uses: Defoamer in food processing; flavoring agent, adjuvant, lubricant, release agent, stabilizer, thickener in foods; stabilizer migrating from food pkg. Features: High purity, clear melt, nonwettable, low dusting Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340, 175.105, 175.320, 176.170, 176.200, 177.1200, 177.2410, 177.2600, 178.2010, 181.29, 184.1229 Properties: Powd.; 7.5% max. on 200 mesh, 1% max. on 100 mesh; bulk dens. 20-22 lb/ft3; m.p. 148-150 C; 4% max. moisture; 11.2% max. CaO Storage: Unlimited storage stability in cool, dry area Struktol® TR 016 [Struktol http://www.struktol.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of calcium fatty acid salt and amide with sites avail. for hydrogen bonding Uses: Defoamer in food processing; adjuvant, lubricant, release agent, stabilizer, thickener in foods; stabilizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340, 175.105, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.200, 177.1200, 177.1400, 177.2260, 177.2410, 177.2600, 178.2010, 178.3860, 179.45, 181.29, 184.1229 Properties: Pale yel. pellets or microbeads, neutral odor; sp.gr. 1.0; m.p. 99 C; flash pt. > 290 C 663
Part I: Trade Name Reference Toxicology: Harmless Storage: > 2 yrs. storage stability under normal storage conditions Struktol® TR 065 [Struktol http://www.struktol.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of med. m.w. resins Uses: Chewing gum base; moisture barrier on soft gelatin capsules Features: Stable to 700 F processing temps.; compat. with polar and nonpolar polymers Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.280, 172.615, 175.105, 175.125, 177.1200, 177.2600 Properties: Lt. tan color, resinous odor; sp.gr. 1.01; drop pt. 108 C Storage: 2 yrs. min. stability under normal storage conditions Struktol® TR 141 [Struktol http://www.struktol.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sat. primary amide Uses: Release agent migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.320, 177.1210, 178.3910, 179.45, 181.28 Properties: Cream-colored beads or pellets; relatively insol. in water; limited sol. in alcohol, ketones, aromatic solvs.; bulk dens. 0.6 lb/ft3; m.p. 98-104 C; acid no. 9; iodine no. 1 max.; flash pt. 210 C; 94% amide Storage: 2 yr. min. storage stability under normal storage conditions Sturcal® F PCC [Mins. Tech. http://www.mineralstech.com] Chem. Descrip.: Precipitated calcium carbonate CAS 471-34-1; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Nutritional supplement and calcium fortifier in cereals, baked goods, beverages including milk and soymilk, yogurts, probiotics, and granola and other snack bars Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §176.170, 176.180, GRAS; USP, BP, Eur. Ph. Properties: Wh. odorless, powd.; partially sol. in water; dens. 0.78-0.96 g/ml; 60-100% Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 6450 mg/kg; dust may irritate eyes and skin; resp. tract irritant Environmental: not harmful to aq. life Precaution: Ignites on contact with F; avoid contact with acids HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area Sturcal® H PCC [Mins. Tech. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.mineralstech.com] Chem. Descrip.: Precipitated calcium carbonate CAS 471-34-1; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Calcium source and bulking agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §176.170, 176.180, GRAS; USP, BP, Eur. Ph. Properties: Wh. odorless, powd.; partially sol. in water; dens. 0.78-0.96 g/ml; 60-100% Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 6450 mg/kg; dust may irritate eyes and skin; resp. tract irritant Environmental: not harmful to aq. life Precaution: Ignites on contact with F; avoid contact with acids HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area Sturcal® L PCC [Mins. Tech. http://www.mineralstech.com] Chem. Descrip.: Precipitated calcium carbonate CAS 471-34-1; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Bulking agent in food Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §176.170, 176.180, GRAS; USP, BP, Eur. Ph. Properties: Wh. odorless, powd.; partially sol. in water; dens. 0.78-0.96 g/ml; 60-100% Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 6450 mg/kg; dust may irritate eyes and skin; resp. tract irritant; TSCA listed Environmental: not harmful to aq. life Precaution: Ignites on contact with F; avoid contact with acids HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area sub4salt® [Jungbunzlauer Int'l. AG http://www.jungbunzlauer.com/] Chem. Descrip.: mineral salts blend Uses: Sodium reducer, sodium substitute for bakery prods., canned foods, convenience foods, dietetic foods, food supplements, sauces, sausages, soups, flavors, seasoning mix for snacks Properties: Grans.; salty taste Sucrosweet 210 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: blend of sucrose and glucose CAS 57-50-1; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200334-9; 200-075-1 Uses: Sweetener in beverages, dairy desserts, sauces 664
Part I: Trade Name Reference Sucrosweet 311 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: blend of sucrose and glucose CAS 57-50-1; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200334-9; 200-075-1 Uses: Sweetener in beverages, dairy desserts, sauces Sulfotex OA [Cognis/Care Chems.; Cognis Canada] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium 2-ethylhexyl sulfate CAS 126-92-1; EINECS/ELINCS 204-812-8 Uses: Foaming agent, wetting agent for food processing Features: Effective in high electrolyte concs. Properties: Lt. amber; dens. 9.2 lb/gal; pH 8.010.0 (10%); anionic; 43-46% act. Environmental: biodeg. Sunett® Food A [Nutrinova GmbH http://www.nutrinova.com] Chem. Descrip.: Acesulfame K See Acesulfame potassium CAS 55589-62-3; EINECS/ELINCS 259-715-3 Uses: Sweetener for beverages, confectionery, dairy prods., table sweeteners, and baked goods Features: Superb solubility; 200 times sweeter than sugar; exc. storage, temp., and pH stability Regulatory: JECFA, FCC, EC, JSFA, EU, and USP compliant Properties: Wh. crystalline powd.; particle size < 1000 µm Sunett® Food B [Nutrinova GmbH http://www.nutrinova.com] Chem. Descrip.: Acesulfame K See Acesulfame potassium CAS 55589-62-3; EINECS/ELINCS 259-715-3 Uses: Sweetener for food dry mixes Features: Exc. dry mixing; 200 times sweeter than sugar; exc. storage, temp., and pH stability Regulatory: JECFA, FCC, EC, JSFA, EU, and USP compliant Properties: Wh. crystalline powd.; particle size < 100-600 µm Sunett® Food C [Nutrinova GmbH http://www.nutrinova.com] Chem. Descrip.: Acesulfame K See Acesulfame potassium CAS 55589-62-3; EINECS/ELINCS 259-715-3 Uses: Sweetener for food dry mixes, table top sweeteners, and sachets Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Features: 200 times sweeter than sugar; exc. storage, temp., and pH stability Regulatory: JECFA, FCC, EC, JSFA, EU, and USP compliant Properties: Wh. crystalline powd.; particle size < 355 µm Sunett® Food D [Nutrinova GmbH http://www.nutrinova.com] Chem. Descrip.: Acesulfame K See Acesulfame potassium CAS 55589-62-3; EINECS/ELINCS 259-715-3 Uses: Sweetener for food dry mixes, chewing gum, table top sweetener, and sachets Features: Larger surface area; 200 times sweeter than sugar; exc. storage, temp., and pH stability Regulatory: JECFA, FCC, EC, JSFA, EU, and USP compliant Properties: Wh. crystalline powd.; particle size < 100 µm Sunmalt [Mitsubishi Chem. http://www.mkagaku.co.jp/index_en.htm] Chem. Descrip.: Maltose monohydrate, food grade See Maltose Chem. Analysis: Moisture < 7% CAS 6363-53-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-716-5 Uses: Sweetener, bulking agent; prolongs shelf life of baked goods; stabilizes and enhances flavors; microbial growth inhibitor on poultry skin; sugar crystallization inhibitor; oils/fats absorber; sweetness reducer; food processing improver Features: One-third the sweetness of sucrose; more heat- or acid-stable than sucrose and is less subject to decomp. or denaturation in food processing Properties: Wh. cryst. powd., free of undesirable odor or taste; 100% through 10 mesh, 15-20% through 50 mesh, 70-75% through 100 mesh; sol. 70 mg/100 ml; m.w. 342; m.p. 120-125 C; pH 4.0-6.0; > 92% purity Use Level: 1.2-2.6% (drinks), 1-2% (bakery prods.), 10-20% (chocolate), 7-10% (chewing gum), 3-4% (ice cream), 20-25% (candy), 1520% (jam), 30-100% (tablets) Sunmalt™ S [Mitsubishi Int'l. http://www.micusa.com] Chem. Descrip.: Crystalline maltose EINECS/ELINCS 200-716-5 Uses: Sweetener, sweetness reducer in foods, savory batters, reduced-fat prods.; 665
Part I: Trade Name Reference melts on baked goods yielding glossy, nontacking coating; adhesion promoter for particulates on baked goods; nutrient providing twice the avail. energy in sports drinks as glucose Features: 30% as sweet as sucrose; exc. flow props. Properties: Spray-dried powd.; m.p. 120-125 C Sunny Safe [Dai-ichi Kogyo Seiyaku http://www.dks-web.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose fatty acid ester compd. See Sucrose fatty acid esters CAS 977019-37-6 Uses: Washing agent for foods Properties: Liq.; nonionic Superb® Oil Hydro Winterized Soybean Oil [ADM Refined Oils http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Partially hydrogenated soybean oil CAS 8016-70-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-410-2 Uses: Veg. oil for salad dressings, cooking, baking, frying, processed foods Properties: Cl. brilliant oil, bland flavor; iodine no. 125±4; peroxide no. 1 max. Supercol® G2-S [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Improves cling of gravies, sauces; good pour chars.; stabilizer, bodying agent for ice cream and frozen desserts Features: Resistant to meltdown; heat-shock resistance by reducing crystal growth during storage Use Level: 0.1-0.25% Supercol® G3-S [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum Chem. Analysis: 13% max. moisture; 0.7 max. fat; 0.9% max. ash CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Improves cling of gravies, sauces; good pour chars.; stabilizer, bodying agent for ice cream; bodying agent in gravies Features: Used where fast disp., high visc., and gradual hydration rate are desired; low content of fines Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1339 Properties: Wh. to cream color powd.; particle size 98% min. thru U.S> sieve #60; disp. in Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
water Supercol® GF [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Bodying agent; improves mouthfeel in beverages; improves suspension of meat/veg. chunks in soups; aids cling in gravies, sauces; prevents syneresis, improves shelf life in cheese spreads; thickener for dry mixes; frozen foods, frostings, jams, meats Properties: Med. to fine grans.; 150 mesh;rapid cold-water hydration Use Level: ≤ 0.3% Supercol® U [Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Bodying agent; mouthfeel enhancer in beverages; syneresis preventer, shelf life extender in cheese spreads; thickener for dry mixes; frozen foods Properties: Fine grans.; 200 mesh; rapid coldwater hydration Use Level: ≤ 0.5% Superfine Ground Mustard [French's Ingreds. http://www.frenchsflavoringredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Mustard Uses: Flavoring agent, flavor enhancer, emulsifier, suspending agent, opacifier for sauces, dressings, low-fat and fat-free applics. Features: Savory; stable to high heat, acid, salt; provides opacity and cling Properties: Disp. in water Superfloc® 103G [Cytec Ind. http://www.cytec.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyacrylamide CAS 9003-05-8 Uses: Flocculant, dewatering aid for food processing waste destined for recycling as animal feed Regulatory: GRAS Properties: Emulsion; anionic Superfloc® 107GD [Cytec Ind. http://www.cytec.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyacrylamide CAS 9003-05-8 666
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Flocculant, dewatering aid for food processing waste destined for recycling as animal feed Regulatory: GRAS Properties: Powd.; anionic Superfloc® 130G [Cytec Ind. http://www.cytec.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyacrylamide CAS 9003-05-8 Uses: Flocculant, dewatering aid for food processing waste destined for recycling as animal feed Regulatory: GRAS Properties: Emulsion; anionic Superfloc® 130GH [Cytec Ind. http://www.cytec.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyacrylamide CAS 9003-05-8 Uses: Flocculant, dewatering aid for food processing waste destined for recycling as animal feed Regulatory: GRAS Properties: Emulsion; anionic Superfloc® 135GD [Cytec Ind. http://www.cytec.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyacrylamide CAS 9003-05-8 Uses: Flocculant, dewatering aid for food processing waste destined for recycling as animal feed Regulatory: GRAS Properties: Powd.; anionic Superfloc® 220G [Cytec Ind. http://www.cytec.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyacrylamide CAS 9003-05-8 Uses: Flocculant, dewatering aid for food processing waste destined for recycling as animal feed Regulatory: GRAS Properties: Emulsion; cationic Superfloc® 234GD [Cytec Ind. http://www.cytec.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyacrylamide CAS 9003-05-8 Uses: Flocculant, dewatering aid for food processing waste destined for recycling as animal feed Regulatory: GRAS Properties: Powd.; cationic Superfloc® 240G [Cytec Ind. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.cytec.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyacrylamide CAS 9003-05-8 Uses: Flocculant, dewatering aid for food processing waste destined for recycling as animal feed Regulatory: GRAS Properties: Emulsion; cationic Superfloc® 240GL [Cytec Ind. http://www.cytec.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyacrylamide CAS 9003-05-8 Uses: Flocculant, dewatering aid for food processing waste destined for recycling as animal feed Regulatory: GRAS Properties: Emulsion; cationic Superfloc® 240GSD [Cytec Ind. http://www.cytec.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyacrylamide CAS 9003-05-8 Uses: Flocculant, dewatering aid for food processing waste destined for recycling as animal feed Regulatory: GRAS Properties: Emulsion; cationic Superfloc® 255G [Cytec Ind. http://www.cytec.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyacrylamide CAS 9003-05-8 Uses: Flocculant, dewatering aid for food processing waste destined for recycling as animal feed Regulatory: GRAS Properties: Emulsion; cationic Superfloc® 730G [Cytec Ind. http://www.cytec.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyamine Uses: Flocculant, dewatering aid for food processing waste destined for recycling as animal feed Regulatory: GRAS Properties: Liq. Superfloc® 770G [Cytec Ind. http://www.cytec.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyamine Uses: Flocculant, dewatering aid for food processing waste destined for recycling as animal feed Regulatory: GRAS Properties: Liq. 667
Part I: Trade Name Reference Superfloc® 781G [Cytec Ind. http://www.cytec.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyamine Uses: Flocculant, dewatering aid for food processing waste destined for recycling as animal feed Regulatory: GRAS Properties: Liq. Storage: Magnifloc® 781G Superla® No. 5 [Chevron http://www.chevron.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. mineral oil USP CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Lubricant for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3570, 178.3620, 573.680, USDA, USP, CTFA approved; kosher; pareve; RCRA, SARA §311/312/313 nonreportable; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; China ECS; Europe EINECS; Korea ECL; Philippines PICCS Properties: Colorless, odorless, tasteless liq.; sol. in hydrocarbons; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.831; visc. 7.84 cSt (40 C), 53 SUS (100 C); pour pt. -7 C; b.p. > 260 C; flash pt. 154 C; ref. index 1.4660; vapor pressure < 0.01 mmHg @ 100 F Toxicology: Not expected to be eye, skin irritant; not expected to be harmful if ing., inh.; ACGIH TLV TWA 5 mg/m3, STEL 10 mg/m3; TSCA listed Environmental: not expected to be readily biodeg. Precaution: Avoid release into sewage, drainage systems, bodies of water; use in well-ventilated area; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Ground all containers Superla® No. 7 [Chevron http://www.chevron.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. mineral oil USP CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Lubricant for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3570, 178.3620, 573.680, USDA, USP, CTFA approved; kosher; pareve; RCRA, SARA §311/312/313 nonreportable; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; China ECS; Europe EINECS; Korea ECL; Philippines PICCS Properties: Colorless, odorless, tasteless liq.; sol. in hydrocarbons; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.851; visc. 13.3 cSt (40 C), 75 SUS (100 C); Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
pour pt. -18 C; b.p. > 260 C; flash pt. 182 C; ref. index 1.4666; vapor pressure < 0.01 mmHg @ 100 F Toxicology: Not expected to be eye, skin irritant; not expected to be harmful if ing., inh.; ACGIH TLV TWA 5 mg/m3, STEL 10 mg/m3; TSCA listed Environmental: not expected to be readily biodeg. Precaution: Avoid release into sewage, drainage systems, bodies of water; use in well-ventilated area; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Ground all containers Superla® No. 9 [Chevron http://www.chevron.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. mineral oil USP CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Lubricant for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3570, 178.3620, 573.680, USDA, USP, CTFA approved; kosher; pareve; RCRA, SARA §311/312/313 nonreportable; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; China ECS; Europe EINECS; Korea ECL; Philippines PICCS Properties: Colorless, odorless, tasteless liq.; sol. in hydrocarbons; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.852; visc. 15.6 cSt (40 C), 85 SUS (100 C); pour pt. -15 C; b.p. > 260 C; flash pt. 185 C; ref. index 1.4715; vapor pressure < 0.01 mmHg @ 100 F Toxicology: Not expected to be eye, skin irritant; not expected to be harmful if ing., inh.; ACGIH TLV TWA 5 mg/m3, STEL 10 mg/m3; TSCA listed Environmental: not expected to be readily biodeg. Precaution: Avoid release into sewage, drainage systems, bodies of water; use in well-ventilated area; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Ground all containers Superla® No. 10 [Chevron http://www.chevron.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. mineral oil USP CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Lubricant for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3570, 178.3620, 573.680, USDA, USP, CTFA approved; kosher; pareve; RCRA, SARA 668
Part I: Trade Name Reference §311/312/313 nonreportable; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; China ECS; Europe EINECS; Korea ECL; Philippines PICCS Properties: Colorless, odorless, tasteless liq.; sol. in hydrocarbons; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.853; visc. 19.0 cSt (40 C), 96 SUS (100 C); pour pt. -12 C; b.p. > 260 C; flash pt. 188 C; ref. index 1.4728; vapor pressure < 0.01 mmHg @ 100 F Toxicology: Not expected to be eye, skin irritant; not expected to be harmful if ing., inh.; ACGIH TLV TWA 5 mg/m3, STEL 10 mg/m3; TSCA listed Environmental: not expected to be readily biodeg. Precaution: Avoid release into sewage, drainage systems, bodies of water; use in well-ventilated area; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Ground all containers Superla® No. 13 [Chevron http://www.chevron.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. mineral oil USP CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Lubricant for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3570, 178.3620, 573.680, USDA, USP, CTFA approved; kosher; pareve; RCRA, SARA §311/312/313 nonreportable; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; China ECS; Europe EINECS; Korea ECL; Philippines PICCS Properties: Colorless, odorless, tasteless liq.; sol. in hydrocarbons; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.856; visc. 25.2 cSt (40 C), 127 SUS (100 C); pour pt. -12 C; b.p. > 260 C; flash pt. 193 C; ref. index 1.4728; vapor pressure < 0.01 mmHg @ 100 F Toxicology: Not expected to be eye, skin irritant; not expected to be harmful if ing., inh.; ACGIH TLV TWA 5 mg/m3, STEL 10 mg/m3; TSCA listed Environmental: not expected to be readily biodeg. Precaution: Avoid release into sewage, drainage systems, bodies of water; use in well-ventilated area; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Ground all containers
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Superla® No. 18 [Chevron http://www.chevron.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. mineral oil USP CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Lubricant for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3570, 178.3620, 573.680, USDA, USP, CTFA approved; kosher; pareve; RCRA, SARA §311/312/313 nonreportable; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; China ECS; Europe EINECS; Korea ECL; Philippines PICCS Properties: Colorless, odorless, tasteless liq.; sol. in hydrocarbons; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.861; visc. 36.0 cSt (40 C), 186 SUS (100 C); pour pt. -12 C; b.p. > 260 C; flash pt. 202 C; ref. index 1.4738; vapor pressure < 0.01 mmHg @ 100 F Toxicology: Not expected to be eye, skin irritant; not expected to be harmful if ing., inh.; ACGIH TLV TWA 5 mg/m3, STEL 10 mg/m3; TSCA listed Environmental: not expected to be readily biodeg. Precaution: Avoid release into sewage, drainage systems, bodies of water; use in well-ventilated area; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Ground all containers Superla® No. 21 [Chevron http://www.chevron.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. mineral oil USP CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Lubricant for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3570, 178.3620, 573.680, USDA, USP, CTFA approved; kosher; pareve; RCRA, SARA §311/312/313 nonreportable; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; China ECS; Europe EINECS; Korea ECL; Philippines PICCS Properties: Colorless, odorless, tasteless liq.; sol. in hydrocarbons; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.863; visc. 40.5 cSt (40 C), 209 SUS (100 C); pour pt. -12 C; b.p. > 260 C; flash pt. 210 C; ref. index 1.4744; vapor pressure < 0.01 mmHg @ 100 F Toxicology: Not expected to be eye, skin irritant; not expected to be harmful if ing., inh.; ACGIH TLV TWA 5 mg/m3, STEL 10 mg/m3; TSCA listed Environmental: not expected to be readily biodeg. Precaution: Avoid release into sewage, 669
Part I: Trade Name Reference drainage systems, bodies of water; use in well-ventilated area; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Ground all containers Superla® No. 31 [Chevron http://www.chevron.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. mineral oil USP CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Lubricant for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3570, 178.3620, 573.680, USDA, USP, CTFA approved; kosher; pareve; RCRA, SARA §311/312/313 nonreportable; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; China ECS; Europe EINECS; Korea ECL; Philippines PICCS Properties: Colorless, odorless, tasteless liq.; sol. in hydrocarbons; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.867; visc. 59.3 cSt (40 C), 310 SUS (100 C); pour pt. -12 C; b.p. > 260 C; flash pt. 227 C; ref. index 1.4763; vapor pressure < 0.01 mmHg @ 100 F Toxicology: Not expected to be eye, skin irritant; not expected to be harmful if ing., inh.; ACGIH TLV TWA 5 mg/m3, STEL 10 mg/m3; TSCA listed Environmental: not expected to be readily biodeg. Precaution: Avoid release into sewage, drainage systems, bodies of water; use in well-ventilated area; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Ground all containers Superla® No. 35 [Chevron http://www.chevron.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. mineral oil USP CAS 8020-83-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-384-2 Uses: Lubricant for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3570, 178.3620, 573.680, USDA, USP, CTFA approved; kosher; pareve; RCRA, SARA §311/312/313 nonreportable; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; China ECS; Europe EINECS; Korea ECL; Philippines PICCS Properties: Colorless, odorless, tasteless liq.; sol. in hydrocarbons; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.868; visc. 67.3 cSt (40 C), 353 SUS (100 C); pour pt. -12 C; b.p. > 260 C; flash pt. 229 C; ref. index 1.4772; vapor pressure < 0.01 mmHg @ 100 F Toxicology: Not expected to be eye, skin Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
irritant; not expected to be harmful if ing., inh.; ACGIH TLV TWA 5 mg/m3, STEL 10 mg/m3; TSCA listed Environmental: not expected to be readily biodeg. Precaution: Avoid release into sewage, drainage systems, bodies of water; use in well-ventilated area; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Ground all containers Superla® No. 38 [Chevron http://www.chevron.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. mineral oil USP Uses: Lubricant for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3570, 178.3620, 573.680, USDA, USP, CTFA approved; kosher; pareve; RCRA, SARA §311/312/313 nonreportable; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; China ECS; Europe EINECS; Korea ECL; Philippines PICCS Properties: Colorless, odorless, tasteless liq.; sol. in hydrocarbons; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.868; visc. 76.0 cSt (40 C), 390 SUS (100 C); pour pt. -12 C; b.p. > 260 C; flash pt. 232 C; vapor pressure < 0.01 mmHg @ 100 F Toxicology: Not expected to be eye, skin irritant; not expected to be harmful if ing., inh.; ACGIH TLV TWA 5 mg/m3, STEL 10 mg/m3; TSCA listed Environmental: not expected to be readily biodeg. Precaution: Avoid release into sewage, drainage systems, bodies of water; use in well-ventilated area; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Ground all containers Superla® No. 50 [Chevron http://www.chevron.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. mineral oil USP Uses: Lubricant for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.878, 178.3570, 178.3620, 573.680, USDA, USP, CTFA approved; kosher; pareve; RCRA, SARA §311/312/313 nonreportable; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; China ECS; Europe EINECS; Korea ECL; Philippines PICCS Properties: Colorless, odorless, tasteless liq.; sol. in hydrocarbons; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.870; visc. 104.0 cSt (40 C), 540 SUS (100 C); pour pt. -12 C; b.p. > 260 C; flash pt. 268 670
Part I: Trade Name Reference C; vapor pressure < 0.01 mmHg @ 100 F Toxicology: Not expected to be eye, skin irritant; not expected to be harmful if ing., inh.; ACGIH TLV TWA 5 mg/m3, STEL 10 mg/m3; TSCA listed Environmental: not expected to be readily biodeg. Precaution: Avoid release into sewage, drainage systems, bodies of water; use in well-ventilated area; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Ground all containers Superol™ K (kosher) [Procter & Gamble http://www.pgchemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerin USP (99.7% min.) CAS 56-81-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-289-5 Uses: Humectant in foods Regulatory: USP/FCC, EP, DOT/ADR/RID/IMDG/ICAO/IATA not regulated; Canada DSL; Japan; Australia; Philippines; China; Korea Properties: APHA 10 max. visc. liq.; odorless; sweet taste; completely sol. in water; misc. with ethanol; sl. sol. in acetone; insol. in ether, chloroform; sp.gr. 1.2613 min.; visc. ≈ 1300 mPa·s; vapor pressure < 0.008 mm Hg; b.p. > 288 C; flash pt. (PMCC) > 198.9 C; autoignition temp. ≈ 400 C; 0.3% max. moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2 g/kg; may cause mild, transient eye irritation; TSCA listed Environmental: LC50 (goldfish, 24 h) > 5 g/l; LC0 (golden orfe, 48 h) > 250 mg/l; LC100 (rainbow trout, 96 h) 51-57 g/l; NOEC (chilomonas paramecium, 48 h) > 10 g/l, (entosiphon sulcatum, 72 h) 3200 mg/l; biodeg. Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers, strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal reaction may release acrolein Storage: Store in clean, tight containers to prevent moisture pickup from air; can be stored in aluminum, stainless steel, fiberglass or resin lined steel vessels Superol™ NK [Procter & Gamble http://www.pgchemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerin USP (99-100%) CAS 56-81-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-289-5 Uses: Humectant in foods Regulatory: USP/FCC, EP, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
DOT/ADR/RID/IMDG/ICAO/IATA not regulated; Canada DSL; Japan; Australia; Philippines; China; Korea Properties: APHA 10 max. visc. liq.; odorless; sweet taste; completely sol. in water; misc. with ethanol; sl. sol. in acetone; insol. in ether, chloroform; sp.gr. 1.2613 min.; visc. ≈ 1300 mPa·s; vapor pressure < 0.008 mm Hg; b.p. > 288 C; flash pt. (PMCC) > 198.9 C; autoignition temp. ≈ 400 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2 g/kg; may cause mild, transient eye irritation; TSCA listed Environmental: LC50 (goldfish, 24 h) > 5 g/l; LC0 (golden orfe, 48 h) > 250 mg/l; LC100 (rainbow trout, 96 h) 51-57 g/l; NOEC (chilomonas paramecium, 48 h) > 10 g/l, (entosiphon sulcatum, 72 h) 3200 mg/l; biodeg. Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers, strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal reaction may release acrolein Storage: Store in clean, tight containers to prevent moisture pickup from air; can be stored in aluminum, stainless steel, fiberglass or resin lined steel vessels Superol™ V (vegetable) [Procter & Gamble http://www.pgchemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerin USP (99-100%) CAS 56-81-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-289-5 Uses: Humectant, emulsifier in foods Regulatory: USP/FCC, EP, DOT/ADR/RID/IMDG/ICAO/IATA not regulated; Canada DSL; Japan; Australia; Philippines; China; Korea Properties: APHA 10 max. visc. liq.; odorless; sweet taste; completely sol. in water; misc. with ethanol; sl. sol. in acetone; insol. in ether, chloroform; sp.gr. 1.2613 min.; visc. ≈ 1300 mPa·s; vapor pressure < 0.008 mm Hg; b.p. > 288 C; flash pt. (PMCC) > 198.9 C; autoignition temp. ≈ 400 C; 0.3% max. moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2 g/kg; may cause mild, transient eye irritation; TSCA listed Environmental: LC50 (goldfish, 24 h) > 5 g/l; LC0 (golden orfe, 48 h) > 250 mg/l; LC100 (rainbow trout, 96 h) 51-57 g/l; NOEC (chilomonas paramecium, 48 h) > 10 g/l, (entosiphon sulcatum, 72 h) 3200 mg/l; biodeg. 671
Part I: Trade Name Reference Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers, strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal reaction may release acrolein Storage: Store in clean, tight containers to prevent moisture pickup from air; can be stored in aluminum, stainless steel, fiberglass or resin lined steel vessels Super Salox [Vaessen-Schoemaker http://www.vaessen-schoemaker.com] Chem. Descrip.: Color enhancing/retaining additives Uses: Protectant, stabilizer for natural meat color in minced meat, meat balls, fresh sausage, hams, corned beef, other processed/cooked meat prods. Regulatory: FAO/WHO, EU compliance Properties: 5% max. moisture Use Level: 0.5-2 g/kg end prod. Super Set [Brolite Prods. http://www.bakewithbrolite.com] Uses: Icing stabilizer Features: Highly conc. blend; prevents icings from breaking down in almost any condition Superset® LV [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified See Food starch, modified Uses: Gellant, film-former, shelf life extender for confections, jelly gum candies, gum drops, jelly bean centers Features: Quick setting; low hot visc.; process tolerance; rec. for continuous processing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; insol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 5.5 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Use Level: 10-13% dry solids basis (confections) Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Superspun [Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Cereal-based Uses: Release agent for control of batter flow, providing smooth surf. to baked goods, esp. prods. to be enrobed in chocolate Supertex/Supertex Plus [Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk] Uses: Emulsifier, crumb softener, shelf life extender for breads Super White Fonoline® [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. petrolatum USP CAS 8027-32-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Release agent, lubricant, sealant, polishing agent, protective coating, defoamer in foods Features: Low m.p. grade with superior snow white color, exhibiting elegant feel and texture Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.880 Properties: Lovibond 0.5Y color; sp. gr. 0.880; visc. 9-14 cSt (100 C); m.p. 50-56 C Super White Protopet® [Sonneborn http://www.sonneborn.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wh. petrolatum USP CAS 8009-03-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-373-2 Uses: Release agent, lubricant, sealant, polishing agent, protective coating, defoamer in foods Features: High purity, med. consistency, med. m.p. grade; rec. where extra whiteness is preferred Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.880, 178.3700 Properties: Lovibond 1.0Y max. color; odorless; sol. in organic solvents and oil; insol. in water; visc. 10-16 cSt (100 C); m.p. 54-60 C; 100% act. Toxicology: No harmful effects Precaution: Wear oil-resistant gloves; avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents and heat or high temps. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: COx and soot NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a tightly closed container in a dry place away from sunlight @ ≤ 90 C Super-Zyme [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Flour, salt, calcium sulfate, and enzyme See Sodium chloride Uses: Enzyme for wh. bread, hamburger 672
Part I: Trade Name Reference buns, sweet rolls, yeast-raised donuts Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; 8% moisture; 20.5% ash Suprarenal (Adrenal) Substance [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vacuum-dried defatted glandular prod. Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Powd. or freeze-dried form Suprarenal Cortex Substance [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vacuum-dried defatted glandular prod. Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Powd. Supro® Brand Isolated Soy Protein [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Isolated soy protein See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Nutrient, protein source for meat prods., beverages, healthy foods, medical foods, baked goods, fresh and frozen desserts, pasta, cereals, nondairy prods. Supro® EX Isolated Soy Protein [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Isolated soy protein See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein CAS 68153-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-720-8 Uses: Protein source, texturizer, emulsion stabilizer for meat prods., flavor-sensitive meat systems Properties: Clean flavor Supro Systems™ Vegetable Protein Product [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Isolated soy protein-based See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein Uses: Protein source, texturizer for processed meats, leavened baked goods Supro XT™ Brand Isolated Soy Protein [Solae http://www.solae.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soy protein-based See Soybean (Glycine soja) protein Uses: Nutrient, protein source for liq. and powd. beverages Surfactant® AR 150 [Hercules http://www.herc.com] Chem. Descrip.: Oxyethylene glycol ester of rosin Uses: Emulsifier, detergent for foods Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Features: Hydrophilic; low foaming Properties: Liq. to wax; nonionic; 100% conc. Surfonic® L12-3 [Huntsman http://www.huntsman.com] Chem. Descrip.: C10-12 pareth-3 CAS 66455-15-0 Uses: Substance in mfg. of paper/paperboard for food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 176.300, 177.1200, 177.1210, 178.3120, 178.3400, 181.30, 182.99; EINECS, DSL, MITI listed Properties: Cl. to sl. turbid liq.; water-insol.; m.w. 295; sp.gr. 0.9317; dens. 7.8 lb/gal; visc. 33 cps; HLB 9.0; hyd. no. 190; pour pt. -12.2 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 137.7 C; pH 5.5-6.5 (1% in aq. IPA); nonionic; 100% act. Toxicology: TSCA listed Environmental: biodeg. Storage: Hygroscopic; protect from moisture Surfonic® L12-6 [Huntsman http://www.huntsman.com] Chem. Descrip.: C10-12 pareth-6 CAS 66455-15-0 Uses: Substance in mfg. of paper/paperboard for food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 176.300, 177.1200, 177.1210, 178.3120, 178.3400, 181.30, 182.99; EINECS, DSL, MITI listed Properties: Cl. to sl. turbid liq.; water-sol.; m.w. 428; sp.gr. 0.9820; dens. 8.2 lb/gal; visc. 43 cps; HLB 12.4; hyd. no. 133; pour pt. 10 C; cloud pt. 48-52 C (1% aq.); flash pt. (PMCC) 162.7 C; pH 5.5-6.5 (1% in aq. IPA); Draves wetting 4.0 s (0.1%); nonionic; 100% act. Toxicology: TSCA listed Environmental: biodeg. Storage: Hygroscopic; protect from moisture Surfonic® L12-8 [Huntsman http://www.huntsman.com] Chem. Descrip.: C10-12 pareth-8 CAS 66455-15-0 Uses: Substance in mfg. of paper/paperboard for food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 176.300, 177.1200, 177.1210, 178.1010, 178.3120, 178.3400, 181.30, 182.99; EINECS, DSL, MITI listed Properties: Liq.; sol. in water; m.w. 516; sp.gr. 1.0045; visc. 98 cps; HLB 13.6; hyd. no. 109; 673
Part I: Trade Name Reference pour pt. 18.3 C; cloud pt. 80 C (1% in DI water); flash pt. (PMCC) 204.4 C; Draves wetting 8.4 s (0.1%); nonionic; 100% act. Toxicology: TSCA listed Environmental: biodeg. Storage: Hygroscopic; protect from moisture Surfonic® L24-3 [Huntsman http://www.huntsman.com] Chem. Descrip.: C12-14 pareth-3 CAS 68439-50-9 Uses: Substance in mfg. of paper/paperboard for food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 176.300, 177.1200, 177.1210, 178.3120, 178.3400, 178.3910, 181.30, 182.99; EINECS, DSL, MITI listed Properties: Cl. to sl. turbid liq.; water-insol.; m.w. 330; dens. 7.8 lb/gal; HLB 8.0; hyd. no. 173; pour pt. 4.4 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 151.7 C; pH 5.5-6.5 (1% in aq. IPA); nonionic; 100% act. Toxicology: TSCA listed Environmental: biodeg. Storage: Hygroscopic; protect from moisture Surfonic® L24-4 [Huntsman http://www.huntsman.com] Chem. Descrip.: C12-14 pareth-4 CAS 68439-50-9 Uses: Substance in mfg. of paper/paperboard for food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 176.300, 177.1200, 177.1210, 178.3120, 178.3400, 181.30, 182.99; EINECS, DSL, MITI listed Properties: Liq.; insol. in water; m.w. 373; sp.gr. 0.9432; visc. 31 cps; HLB 9.4; hyd. no. 150; pour pt. 4.4 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 173.9 C; nonionic; 100% act. Toxicology: TSCA listed Environmental: biodeg. Storage: Hygroscopic; protect from moisture Surfonic® L24-7 [Huntsman http://www.huntsman.com] Chem. Descrip.: C12-14 pareth-7 CAS 68439-50-9 Uses: Substance in mfg. of paper/paperboard for food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 176.300, 177.1200, 177.1210, 178.3120, 178.3400, 181.30, 182.99; EINECS, DSL, MITI listed Properties: Cl. to sl. turbid liq.; water-sol.; m.w. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
487; sp.gr. 0.9824; dens. 8.1 lb/gal; visc. 47 cps; HLB 11.9; hyd. no. 117; pour pt. 15 C; cloud pt. 48-52 C (1% aq.); flash pt. (PMCC) 190.6 C; pH 5.5-6.5 (1% in aq. IPA); Draves wetting 8.7 s (0.1%); nonionic; 100% act. Toxicology: TSCA listed Environmental: biodeg. Storage: Hygroscopic; protect from moisture Surfonic® L24-9 [Huntsman http://www.huntsman.com] Chem. Descrip.: C12-14 pareth-8.2 See C12-14 pareth-8 CAS 68439-50-9 Uses: Substance in mfg. of paper/paperboard for food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 176.300, 177.1200, 177.1210, 178.1010, 178.3120, 178.3400, 181.30, 182.99; EINECS, DSL, MITI listed Properties: Cl. to sl. turbid semiliq.; water-sol.; m.w. 561; sp.gr.0.9935; dens. 8.3 lb/gal; visc. 61 cps; HLB 13.0; hyd. no. 100; pour pt. 20 C; cloud pt. 73-77 C (1% aq.); flash pt. (PMCC) 162.8 C; pH 5.5-6.5 (1% in aq. IPA); Draves wetting 13.9 s (0.1%); nonionic; 100% act. Toxicology: TSCA listed Environmental: biodeg. Storage: Hygroscopic; protect from moisture Surfonic® L24-12 [Huntsman http://www.huntsman.com] Chem. Descrip.: C12-14 pareth-10.8 See C1214 pareth-11 CAS 68439-50-9 Uses: Substance in mfg. of paper/paperboard for food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 176.300, 177.1200, 177.1210, 178.1010, 178.3120, 178.3400, 181.30, 182.99; EINECS, DSL, MITI listed Properties: Waxy solid; water-sol.; m.w. 703; dens. 8.4 lb/gal; HLB 14.4; hyd. no. 83; pour pt. 28 C; cloud pt. 65-71 C (1% in 10% NaCl); flash pt. (PMCC) 204.4 C; pH 5.5-6.5 (1% in aq. IPA); Draves wetting 35.1 s (0.1%); nonionic; 100% act. Toxicology: TSCA listed Environmental: biodeg. Storage: Hygroscopic; protect from moisture
Part I: Trade Name Reference Surfonic® L46-7 [Huntsman http://www.huntsman.com] Chem. Descrip.: C14-16 pareth-7 Uses: Substance in mfg. of paper/paperboard for food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 176.300, 177.1200, 177.1210, 178.3120, 178.3400, 181.30, 182.99; EINECS, DSL, MITI listed Properties: Cl. to sl. turbid semisolid; water-sol.; m.w. 534; sp.gr. 0.9790; dens. 8.0 lb/gal; visc. 63 cps; HLB 11.6; hyd. no. 107; pour pt. 22 C; cloud pt. 48-52 C (1% aq.); flash pt. (PMCC) 204.4 C; pH 5.5-6.5 (1% in aq. IPA); Draves wetting 20.6 s (0.1%); nonionic; 100% act. Toxicology: TSCA listed Environmental: biodeg. Storage: Hygroscopic; protect from moisture Surfonic® L610-3 [Huntsman http://www.huntsman.com] Chem. Descrip.: Ethoxylated alcohol CAS 70879-83-3 Uses: Substance in mfg. of paper/paperboard for food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 176.300, 177.1200, 177.1210, 178.3120, 178.3400, 181.30; EINECS, DSL, MITI listed Properties: Liq.; insol. in water; m.w. 276; sp.gr. 0.9408; visc. 20 cps; HLB 9.6; hyd. no. 210; pour pt. -9.4 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 79.4 C; nonionic; 100% act. Toxicology: TSCA listed Environmental: biodeg. Storage: Hygroscopic; protect from moisture Sustane SAIB [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food grade sucrose acetate isobutyrate CAS 27216-37-1; EINECS/ELINCS 204-771-6 Uses: Weighting agent in beverage emulsions Regulatory: DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/312 nonreportable; kosher Properties: Colorless visc. liq.; sl. odor; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.146; visc. 100,000 cps (30 C); b.p. 288 C (with decomp.); flash pt. (TCC) 226.5 C; 100% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 25.6 g/kg, (skin, rat) > 20 ml/kg; low hazard by inh., eye and skin contact; expected to be low ing. hazard; TSCA listed Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Environmental: BOD-5 0.56-1.4 g oxygen/g; COD 1.63 g oxygen/g; EC50 (daphnia, 48 h) > 1.11 mg/l; high BOD and potential to cause oxygen depletion in aq. systems; low potential to persist in the environment; low potential to affect aquatic organisms Precaution: Can react with strong oxidizing agents HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep container closed Sustane SAIB CO [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose acetate isobutyrate, food grade CAS 27216-37-1; EINECS/ELINCS 204-771-6 Uses: Weighting agent in beverage emulsions; prevents flavoring oil from forming a ring in the finished beverage Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.833, GRAS; kosher Properties: Pt-Co 200 max. color, liq.; sp.gr. 1.1; dens. 9.17 lb/gal; visc. 3000 cps; acid no. 0.2; flash pt. (TCC) 143 C Sustane SAIB ET-10 [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food grade sucrose acetate isobutyrate (89-91%), ethanol (9-11%) See Alcohol Uses: Weighting agent in beverage emulsions; to prevent flavoring oil from forming a ring in the finished beverage Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.833, GRAS; kosher; DOT regulated; SARA §311/312 fire hazard, immediate (acute) health hazard; Canada DSL, EINECS listed; kosher Properties: Lt. yel. visc. liq.; ester odor; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.10; visc. 1000 cps; b.p. 105 C; acid no. < 0.2; flash pt. (Seta CC) 28 C Toxicology: High vapor concs. may cause drowsiness and irritation of the eyes or respiratory tract; prolonged/repeated skin contact may cause drying, cracking, irritation; human skin sensitizer; contains ethanol; expected to be low ing. hazard; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. liq. and vapor; vapors may cause flash fire or ignite explosively; vapors may flash back; may react violently with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2 675
Part I: Trade Name Reference HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 3, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep container tightly closed; keep away from heat, sparks, flame Sweet Potato Flakes Trobana® [Confoco http://www.confoco.com] Chem. Descrip.: tubers of the sweet potato (Ipomea batatas) plant Chem. Analysis: 4% max. moisture; 4-7% protein; 0.5% fat; 3.2% dietary fiber; 50% total sugar; 88% carbohydrates Uses: Sweet potato flavor with same traditional uses of mashed cooked sweet potatoes including soft food diets Features: Produced by sorting. trimming, cooking, pulping, sieving and roller drying, without any carriers or additives; foreign matter absent Regulatory: Halal, kosher certified, GMO compliant Properties: Brownish-orange flakes; mashed cooked sweet potato flavor; 15% retained thru US 20 mesh Use Level: Reconstituted 1:6 with water Storage: 18 mos. when stored @ 21 C in sealed, original containers Sweetness Enhancer - 1, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor enhancer to improve sugar-free formulas Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Cl. yel. liq.; sugary taste; sol. in water, oil, alcohol Use Level: 10-20 ppm as consumed Sweetness Enhancer - 2, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor enhancer to improve sugar-free formulas Features: Removes metallic, thin aftertaste; creates an overall impression of sugar; increases nweetness intensity by 20-50% Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Cl. yel. liq.; sugary taste; sol. in water, oil, alcohol Use Level: 10-20 ppm as consumed Sweet'n'Neat® 50 [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin; honey Uses: Sweetener, humectant, flavor enhancer for foods Features: Nat.; avoids sanitation problems Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
inherent with liq. honey Properties: Lt. yel. powd.; 98% min. through 10 mesh, 78% through 60 mesh, 50% through 100 mesh; 2.5% moisture Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store at room temp. 65-75 F; recommend stacking prod. at no more than two pallets high Sweet'n'Neat® 65 [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Molasses, maltodextrin See Molasses (Saccharum officinarum) Uses: Sweetener, flavor enhancer, humectant for beverages, sauces, mixes Features: Natural; convenient handling Properties: Dk. rich brn. free-flowing spray-dried powd.; 100% min. through 20 mesh; 65% molasses solids; 4% max. moisture Use Level: Replaces liq. molasses @ ≈ lb for lb Storage: 1 yr. shelf life when stored unopened @ normal R.T. (65-75 F) Sweet'n'Neat® 2000 [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Honey, wheat starch, calcium stearate (anticaking agent), lecithin (processing aid) See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch Uses: Sweetener, flavor enhancer, humectant for snacks, candy, baked goods, sauces, dairy, meats, poultry prods., pan and compd. coatings, nut coatings and blends, batter and breading mixes Features: Low moisture content; high water absorp.; source of reducing sugars Properties: Golden yel. free-flowing powd.; 98% min. through 25 mesh; 30-50% through 60 mesh; bulk dens. 49 lb/ft3 (loose), 59 lb/ft3 (packed); 70% honey solids; 3.5% max. moisture; 1.5% max. protein Use Level: 5-10% of total wt.; replaces liq. honey @ lb for lb Storage: 1 yr. shelf life when stored unopened @ normal R.T. (65-75 F) Sweet'n'Neat® 3000 [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Honey, wheat starch, lecithin (processing aid) See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch Uses: Sweetener, flavor enhancer, humectant for natural foods, snacks, candy, baked goods, mixes, sauces, dairy, meats; flavor in frozen desserts and ice cream Features: Natural; low moisture content; high 676
Part I: Trade Name Reference water absorp.; source of reducing sugars; does not contain anticaking agent Properties: Golden yel. free-flowing flakes; 30% mi. through 20 mesh; 10% max. through 40 mesh; bulk dens. 30 lb/ft3 (loose), 39 lb/ft3 (packed); 70% honey solids; 3.5% max. moisture; 1.7% max. protein Use Level: 5-10% of total formula wt. Storage: 1 yr. shelf life when stored unopened @ normal R.T. (65-75 F) Sweet'n'Neat® 4000 [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Molasses, wheat starch, silicon dioxide (anticaking agent), hydroxylated lecithin (processing aid) See Molasses (Saccharum officinarum); Silica; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch Uses: Sweetener, flavor extender, flavor enhancer, vitamin/min. source for baked goods, barbecue sauces, mixes, candy, dairy, meats, poultry prods. Features: Natural; controlled water absorp. capacity; convenient handling Properties: Dk. rich brn. powd.; 98% min. through 25 mesh; 45-75% through 60 mesh; bulk dens. 46 lb/ft3 (loose), 57 lb/ft3 (packed); 75% molasses solids; 4% max. moisture; 6% max. protein Use Level: 5-10% of total formula wt. Storage: 1 yr. shelf life when stored unopened @ normal R.T. (65-75 F) Sweet'n'Neat® 5000 [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Molasses, wheat starch, hydroxylated lecithin (processing aid) See Molasses (Saccharum officinarum); Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch Uses: Sweetener, flavor extender, flavor enhancer, vitamin/min. source for baked goods, barbecue sauces, mixes, candy, dairy, meats, poultry prods.; flavor, texturizer, colorant in crunchy frozen novelty coatings or candy bars; flavor, partial replacement for dairy chocolate chips in ice cream Features: Natural; controlled water absorp. capacity; retains crunch char. in fat-based systems Properties: Dk. rich brn. flake; 30% max. through 20 mesh, 10% max. through 40 mesh; bulk dens. 21 lb/ft3 (loose), 27 lb/ft3 (packed); 75% molasses solids; 4% max. moisture; 6%max. protein Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Use Level: 5-10% of total formula wt. Storage: 1 yr. shelf life when stored unopened @ normal R.T. (65-75 F) Sweet'N'Neat® 7000 Dry Malt Flakes [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Extract of malted barley; corn extract; wheat starch; hydroxylated lecithin See Corn (Zea mays) extract; Malt extract; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch Uses: Sweetener, flavor extender, flavor enhancer in dry technology food applics. Features: Rich malt flavor; crunchy mouthfeel Properties: Lt. tan flakes; 30% max.20 mesh, 10% max. through 40 mesh; dens. 27 lb/ft3 (loose), 37 lb/ft3 (packed) Use Level: 5-10% of the total formula wt. Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store at room temp. 65-75 F; recommend stacking prod. at no more than two pallets high Sweet'N'Neat® Dry Raisin Flakes [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Raisin juice concentrate; wheat starch; hydroxylated lecithin See Raisin juice conc.; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch Uses: Sweetener, humectant, flavor enhancer in dry technology foods Features: Nat.; low moisture content; provides fermentable sugars Properties: Lt. tan flake; 30% max.through 20 mesh, 10% through 30 mesh; dens. 45 lb/ft3 (loose), 53 lb/ft3 (packed); 70% raisin solids (dry basis); 3% moisture Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store at room temp. 65-75 F; recommend stacking prod. at no more than two pallets high Sweet'n'Neat® Dry Raisin Powder [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Raisin juice conc., wheat starch, hydroxylated lecithin (processing aid), silicon dioxide See Silica; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch Uses: Sweetener, flavor enhancer, colorant, humectant, oxidizer, mold retardant for baked goods, mixes, cereal, snacks Features: Natural; low moisture content; provides fermentable sugars; convenient handling Properties: Lt. tan free-flowing powd.; 98% min. through 25 mesh; 25-50% through 60 mesh; bulk dens. 45 lb/ft3 (loose), 53 lb/ft3 (packed); 70% raisin solids; 3% max. moisture; 2.5% 677
Part I: Trade Name Reference max. protein Storage: 1 yr. shelf life when stored unopened @ normal R.T. (65-75 F)
Uses: Syrup for baking, flavoring, beverages Features: High concentration of fermentable sugars
Sweet'n'Neat® Dry Roast Honey Nut Coating [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose, honey, salt, wheat starch, calcium stearate (anticaking agent), lecithin (processing aid) See Sodium chloride; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch Uses: Coating to produce dry-roasted honeycoated nuts, sunflower seeds, and baked or extruded snacks Properties: Lt. yel.; 100% min. through 20 mesh, 80-95% through 60 mesh; sweet, salty, mild honey flavor; bulk dens. 55 lb/ft3 (loose), 67 lb/ft3 (packed); 2% max. moisture Storage: 1 yr. shelf life when stored unopened @ normal R.T. (65-75 F)
Sweetose® 4325-63/43 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: high DE acid/enzyme converted corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Syrup for baking, flavoring, beverages Features: High concentration of fermentable sugars; low SO2
Sweet'n'Neat® Oil Roast Honey Nut Coating [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sucrose, wheat starch, honey, calcium stearate (anticaking agent), lecithin (processing aid) See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch Uses: Coating to produce oil-roasted honeycoated nuts, sunflower seeds, and baked or extruded snacks Properties: Lt. yel.; 100% min.through 20 mesh, 70-95% through 60 mesh; sweet mild honey flavor; bulk dens. 55 lb/ft3 (loose), 67 lb/ft3 (packed); 2% max. moisture Storage: 1 yr. shelf life when stored unopened @ normal R.T. (65-75 F)
Sweetose® 4425-63/44 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: high DE acid/enzyme converted corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Syrup for baking, flavoring, beverages Features: High concentration of fermentable sugars; low SO2
Sweet'n'Neat® Tack Blend X [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maltodextrin, lactose, xanthan gum Uses: Adhesive, browning agent in oilroasted nuts and other snacks Properties: Wh. powd.; 95% min. through 60 mesh; bland flavor; bulk dens. 32 lb/ft3 (loose), 46 lb/ft3 (packed); visc. 150-200 cps (40 C, 46% sol'n.); pH 4-5; 5.0% max. moisture Storage: 1 yr. shelf life when stored unopened @ normal R.T. (65-75 F) Sweetose® 4300-63/43 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: high DE acid/enzyme converted corn syrup EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Sweetose® 4400-63/44 [Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com] Chem. Descrip.: high DE acid/enzyme converted corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Syrup for baking, flavoring, beverages Features: High concentration of fermentable sugars; low SO2
Swelite® [Cosucra SA http://www.cosucra.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pea inner fibers Uses: Dietary fiber with very high water retention capacity; enables development of 'lighter' prods. while maintaining texture; for pastries, cereal prods., meat prods., desserts, dairy prods., soups, sauces, dietetic foods, extruded prods. Properties: Wh. powd., neutral taste; 95% < 400 µ (standard), 95% < 100 µ (micronized) Storage: Store under dry conditions Swelite® Micro [Cosucra SA http://www.cosucra.com; Feinkost Ingred.] Chem. Descrip.: Micronized pea inner fibers Uses: Dietary fiber, gellant, water retention aid; as substitute for high-calorie prods.; in meat/poultry prods., frozen foods, ready meals, soups, sauces, dairy prods., drinks, pastries, confectionery, dietetic foods, extruded prods. Properties: Wh. powd., neutral taste; 90% < 50 µ; 90% min. dry matter Storage: Store under dry conditions 678
Part I: Trade Name Reference Sylysia 256N [Fuji Silysia http://www.fujisilysia.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Syn. amorphous silica, surface treated with hydrocarbon-type wax See Silica, amorphous Chem. Analysis: SiO2 (99.4%) Uses: Microcapsules for flavoring substances Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.230, 176.170 Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd., odorless, tasteless; 2.50-3.50 µm avg. particle size; 0.05% max. 45 µ sieve; insol. in water; sp.gr. 2.1; brightness 90 min.; ref. index 1.46; pH 6.08.3 (5% aq. slurry) Toxicology: Nuisance dust; dust may cause irritation of skin, mucous membranes; silica component: LD50 (oral, rat) > 31,600 mg/kg (48 h), (dermal, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg (48 h); ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3; not considered an ocular irritant Environmental: not known to have any adverse effect on aquatic environment Precaution: Reacts with HF; can burn explosively if a cloud of dust is generated and exposed to ignition source Storage: Keep tightly sealed to protect quality Sylysia 310P [Fuji Silysia http://www.fujisilysia.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Syn. amorphous silica See Silica, amorphous Chem. Analysis: SiO2 (99.5%) CAS 112926-00-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Anticaking agent in salt and seasonings, curing mixts. for meat/poultry Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §160.105, 172.480; USDA cleared for certain uses in salt and seasonings, curing mixts. for meat/poultry Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd., odorless, tasteless; 1.1-1.5 µm avg. particle size; 0.05% max. 45 µ sieve; insol. in water; sp.gr. 2.1; oil absorp. 250-350 ml/100 g (linseed oil); brightness 94 min.; ref. index 1.46; pH 6.8-8.0 (5% aq. slurry) Toxicology: Dust may cause irritation of skin, mucous membranes; LD50 (oral, rat) > 31,000 mg/kg (48 h), (dermal, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg (48 h); ACGIH TLV 6 mg/m3 (total dust); very low oral toxicity; not considered an ocular irritant Environmental: not known to have any adverse effect on aquatic environment Precaution: Nonflamm.; reacts with HF HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep tightly sealed to protect quality Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Sylysia 350 [Fuji Silysia http://www.fujisilysia.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Syn. amorphous silica See Silica, amorphous Chem. Analysis: SiO2 (99.5%) CAS 112926-00-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Anticaking agent in salt and seasonings, curing mixts. for meat/poultry Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §160.105, 172.480; USDA cleared for certain uses in salt and seasonings, curing mixts. for meat/poultry Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd., odorless, tasteless; 1.7-2.1 µm avg. particle size; 0.05% max. 45 µ sieve; insol. in water; sp.gr. 2.1; surf. area 300 m2/g; oil absorp. 300-350 ml/100 g (linseed oil); brightness 95 min.; ref. index 1.46; pH 6.8-8.0 (5% aq. slurry) Toxicology: Dust may cause irritation of skin, mucous membranes; LD50 (oral, rat) > 31,000 mg/kg (48 h), (dermal, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg (48 h); ACGIH TLV 6 mg/m3 (total dust); very low oral toxicity; not considered an ocular irritant Environmental: not known to have any adverse effect on aquatic environment Precaution: Nonflamm.; reacts with HF HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep tightly sealed to protect quality Sylysia 370 [Fuji Silysia http://www.fujisilysia.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Syn. amorphous silica See Silica, amorphous Chem. Analysis: SiO2 (99.5%) CAS 112926-00-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Uses: Anticaking agent in salt and seasonings, curing mixts. for meat/poultry Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §160.105, 172.480; USDA cleared for certain uses in salt and seasonings, curing mixts. for meat/poultry Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd., odorless, tasteless; 3.13 µm avg. particle size; insol. in water; sp.gr. 2.1; oil absorp. 306 ml/100 g; brightness 98.8; ref. index 1.46; pH 7.7 (5% slurry) Toxicology: Dust may cause irritation of skin, mucous membranes; LD50 (oral, rat) > 31,000 mg/kg (48 h), (dermal, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg (48 h); ACGIH TLV 6 mg/m3 (total dust); very low oral toxicity; not considered an ocular irritant Environmental: not known to have any adverse effect on aquatic environment Precaution: Nonflamm.; reacts with HF 679
Part I: Trade Name Reference HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep tightly sealed to protect quality Sylysia 436 [Fuji Silysia http://www.fujisilysia.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Syn. amorphous silica, surf. treated with hydrocarbon-type wax See Silica, amorphous Chem. Analysis: SiO2 (99.4%) Uses: Microcapsules for flavoring substances Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.230, 176.170 Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd., odorless, tasteless; 2.50-3.50 µm avg. particle size; 0.05% max. 45 µ sieve; insol. in water; sp.gr. 2.1; brightness 90 min.; ref. index 1.46; pH 6.08.3 (5% aq. slurry) Toxicology: Nuisance dust; dust may cause irritation of skin, mucous membranes; silica component: LD50 (oral, rat) > 31,600 mg/kg (48 h), (dermal, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg (48 h); ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3; not considered an ocular irritant Environmental: not known to have any adverse effect on aquatic environment Precaution: Reacts with HF; can burn explosively if a cloud of dust is generated and exposed to ignition source Storage: Keep tightly sealed to protect quality Sylysia 456 [Fuji Silysia http://www.fujisilysia.co.jp/] Chem. Descrip.: Syn. amorphous silica, surf. treated with hydrocarbon-type wax See Silica, amorphous Chem. Analysis: SiO2 (99.4%) Uses: Microcapsules for flavoring substances Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.230, 176.170 Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd., odorless, tasteless; 4.9-6.2 µm avg. particle size; 0.05% max. 45 µ sieve; insol. in water; sp.gr. 2.1; brightness 95 min.; ref. index 1.46; pH 6.0-8.3 (5% aq. slurry) Toxicology: Nuisance dust; dust may cause irritation of skin, mucous membranes; silica component: LD50 (oral, rat) > 31,600 mg/kg (48 h), (dermal, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg (48 h); ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3; not considered an ocular irritant Environmental: not known to have any adverse effect on aquatic environment Precaution: Reacts with HF; can burn explosively if a cloud of dust is generated and exposed to ignition source Storage: Keep tightly sealed to protect quality Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Syncal® CaS [PMC Spec. http://www.pmcsg.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium saccharin USP/FCC/BP CAS 6485-34-3; EINECS/ELINCS 229-349-9 Uses: Syn. sweetening agent for dietetic foods, beverages, snacks; for formulations where low sodium content and improved taste are required; exc. free flow chars. and low degree of dust Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §180.37; BP compliance Properties: Wh. fine free-flowing powd.; m.w. 404.45; 98% min. assay Syncal® GS [PMC Spec. http://www.pmcsg.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium saccharin USP/FCC/BP See Saccharin sodium anhydrous CAS 128-44-9; EINECS/ELINCS 204-886-1 Uses: Syn. sweetening agent for dietetic foods, beverages, snacks, tobacco Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §180.37; BP compliance Properties: Wh. nondusting, free-flowing gran., uniformly sized particles, odorless; sol. 46% in water; m.w. 241.20; sp.gr. > 1; 98-101% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 14,200 mg/kg; nuisance dust ACGIH 10 mg/m3; potential for foreign body irritation to eyes, skin, respiratory tract; suspect carcinogen in rats on extreme exposure Precaution: Incompat. with oxidizing agents; hazardous decomp. prods.: CO, NOx, SO2 Storage: Avoid excessive heat and humidity on storage to prevent caking Syncal® GSD [PMC Spec. http://www.pmcsg.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium saccharin USP/FCC/BP See Saccharin sodium anhydrous CAS 128-44-9; EINECS/ELINCS 204-886-1 Uses: Syn. sweetening agent for dietetic foods, beverages, snacks, tobacco Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §180.37; BP compliance Properties: Wh. nondusting gran., mixed sized particles, odorless; sol. 46% in water; m.w. 241.20; sp.gr. > 1; 98-101% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 14,200 mg/kg; nuisance dust ACGIH 10 mg/m3; potential for foreign body irritation to eyes, skin, 680
Part I: Trade Name Reference respiratory tract; suspect carcinogen in rats on extreme exposure Precaution: Incompat. with oxidizing agents; hazardous decomp. prods.: CO, NOx, SO2 Storage: Avoid excessive heat and humidity on storage to prevent caking Syncal® S [PMC Spec. http://www.pmcsg.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium saccharin USP/FCC/BP See Saccharin sodium anhydrous CAS 128-44-9; EINECS/ELINCS 204-886-1 Uses: Syn. sweetening agent for dietetic foods, beverages, snacks Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §180.37; BP compliance Properties: Wh. fine cryst. powd., odorless; m.w. 205.17; sp.gr. > 1; 98-101% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 14,200 mg/kg; suspect carcinogen in rats on extreme exposure; nuisance dust Storage: Avoid excessive heat and humidity to prevent caking Syncal® SDI [PMC Spec. http://www.pmcsg.com] Chem. Descrip.: Saccharin insoluble USP/FCC/BP CAS 81-07-2; EINECS/ELINCS 201-321-0 Uses: Syn. sweetening agent for dietetic foods, beverages, snacks, tobacco Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §180.37; BP compliance Properties: Wh. powd., odorless; sol. 0.03% in water; m.w. 183.18; sp.gr. > 1; m.p. 226-230 C; 98-101% assay Toxicology: Nuisance dust ACGIH 10 mg/m3 Precaution: Incompat. with oxidizing agents Storage: Avoid excessive heat and humidity on storage to prevent caking Syncal® SDS [PMC Spec. http://www.pmcsg.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium saccharin USP/FCC/BP See Saccharin sodium anhydrous CAS 128-44-9; EINECS/ELINCS 204-886-1 Uses: Syn. sweetening agent for dietetic foods, beverages, snacks, tobacco; for applics. requiring free flow chars. and low degree of dust Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §180.37; USP/FCC/BP compliance Properties: Wh. fine free-flowing spray-dried powd.; very fine particle size; sol. 46% in Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
water; m.w. 205.17; sp.gr. > 1; 98-101% assay Toxicology: Nuisance dust TLV 10 mg/m3 Precaution: Incompat. with oxidizing agents Storage: Avoid excessive heat on storage to prevent caking Synperonic® LF/RA260 [Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com; Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Alkoxylated primary alcohol CAS 69227-21-0 Uses: Antifoam for sugar beet processing Features: Low foam Properties: Colorless liq.; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.93 (20 C); hyd. no. 111; pour pt. -19 C; cloud pt. 36 C (10% in 25% BDG); pH 6.3 (1% aq.); nonionic; 100% conc. Environmental: biodeg. Synperonic® PE/L61 [Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com; Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Poloxamer 181 CAS 9003-11-6 Uses: Antifoam for sugar beet processing, fermentation, citric acid, yeast Features: Multiuse Properties: Colorless liq.; sol. in ethanol, toluene; partly sol. in kerosene; insol. in water; m.w. 2100; sp.gr. 1.02; hyd. no. 53; pour pt. 30 C; cloud pt. 17 C (10% aq.); pH 6.3 (2.5% aq.); surf. tens. 36.6 mN/m (0.1%, 20 C); Ross-Miles foam 5 mm (initial, 0.1%); nonionic; 100% conc. Synperonic® PE/L81 [Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com; Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Poloxamer 231 CAS 9003-11-6 Uses: Antifoam for sugar beet processing, fermentation, citric acid, yeast Features: Multiuse Properties: Colorless liq.; sol. in ethanol, toluene; partly sol. in kerosene; insol. in water; m.w. 2750; sp.gr. 1.02; hyd. no. 41; pour pt. 27 C; cloud pt. 16 C (10% aq.); pH 6.3 (2.5% aq.); surf. tens. 35 mN/m (0.1%, 20 C); RossMiles foam 9 mm (initial, 0.1%); nonionic; 100% conc. Synperonic® PE/L101 [Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com; Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Poloxamer 331 CAS 9003-11-6 681
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Antifoam for sugar beet processing, fermentation, citric acid, yeast Features: Multiuse Properties: Colorless liq.; sol. in ethanol, toluene; insol. in water, ethylene glycol; m.w. 3800; sp.gr. 1.02; hyd. no. 29.5; pour pt. -9 C; cloud pt. 11 C (10% aq.); pH 6.3 (2.5% aq.); surf. tens. 32.4 mN/m (0.1%, 20 C); RossMiles foam 17 mm (initial, 0.1%); nonionic; 100% conc. Synperonic® PE/L121 [Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com; Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Poloxamer 401 CAS 9003-11-6 Uses: Antifoam for sugar beet processing, fermentation, citric acid, yeast Features: Multiuse Properties: Colorless liq.; sol. in ethanol, toluene; insol. in water, ethylene glycol; m.w. 4400; sp.gr. 1.02; hyd. no. 25.5; pour pt. -6 C; cloud pt. 10 C (10% aq.); pH 6.3 (2.5% aq.); surf. tens. 32.5 mN/m (0.1%, 20 C); RossMiles foam 24 mm (initial, 0.1%); nonionic; 100% conc. Synperonic® T/701 [Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com; Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Poloxamine 701 CAS 11111-34-5 Uses: Antifoam for sugar beet processing, fermentation, citric acid, yeast Properties: Yel. liq.; insol. in water; m.w. 3700; sp.gr. 1.02; hyd. no. 61.5; pour pt. -24 C; cloud pt. 16.5 C (10% aq.); pH 10 (2.5% aq.); surf. tens. 34.2 mN/m (0.5%, 20 C); Ross-Miles foam 3 mm (initial, 0.1%); nonionic; 100% conc. Synperonic® T/1301 [Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com; Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Poloxamine 1301 CAS 11111-34-5 Uses: Antifoam for sugar beet processing, fermentation, citric acid, yeast Properties: Yel. liq.; insol. in water; m.w. 6900; sp.gr. 1.02; hyd. no. 33; pour pt. -15 C; cloud pt. 12.5 C (10% aq.); pH 10 (2.5% aq.); surf. tens. 33 mN/m (0.5%, 20 C); Ross-Miles foam 9 mm (initial, 0.1%); nonionic; 100% conc.
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Synpro® Aluminum Monostearate NF [Ferro/Polymer Addit. http://www.ferro.com] Chem. Descrip.: Aluminum monostearate NF See Aluminum stearate CAS 7047-84-9; EINECS/ELINCS 230-325-5 Uses: Stabilizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §181.29 Properties: Wh. fine free-flowing powd., 99% through 325 mesh, 98% through 200 mesh; 7.0 µ median particle size; mild fatty odor; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. > 1.0; m.p. 220250 C; flash pt. (PMCC) > 500 F; 15.3% assay (as Al2O3), 1.6% moisture Toxicology: TLV 10 mg/m3; dust can cause discomfort of nose, throat, upper respiratory tract, coughing; eye contact or prolonged skin contact may cause irritation; ingestion can cause gastrointestinal discomfort Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents; decomp. prods.: Al2O3, CO2; dust explosions may occur in presence of ignition source Storage: Store in cool, dry area away from heat, spark or flame Synpro® Calcium Stearate Kosher Food Grade (LD) [Ferro/Polymer Addit. http://www.ferro.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium stearate FCC CAS 1592-23-0; EINECS/ELINCS 216-472-8 Uses: Lubricant, tablet mold release agent, flow aid, antitackifier in foods Properties: Powd.; fineness 99% through 200 mesh; apparent dens. 0.2 g/cc; m.p. 154 C; 2.5% moisture Synpro® Magnesium Stearate Food Grade (Kosher) [Ferro/Polymer Addit. http://www.ferro.com] Chem. Descrip.: Magnesium stearate FCC CAS 557-04-0; EINECS/ELINCS 209-150-3 Uses: Lubricant, tablet mold release agent, flow aid, antitackifier in foods Properties: Powd.; fineness 99% through 325 mesh; apparent dens. 0.25 g/cc; soften. pt. 147 C; 1.5% moisture Synpro® Magnesium Stearate NF Veg. [Ferro/Polymer Addit. http://www.ferro.com] Chem. Descrip.: Magnesium stearate NF CAS 557-04-0; EINECS/ELINCS 209-150-3 Uses: Stabilizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §181.29 Properties: Wh. fine free-flowing powd.; 99.9% 682
Part I: Trade Name Reference through 325 mesh; 7 µ median particle size; mild fatty odor; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. > 1.0; apparent dens. 0.3 g/cc; m.p. 155 C; flash pt. (PMCC) > 500 F; 4.8% assay (as Mg); 2.8% moisture Toxicology: TLV 10 mg/m3; inh. of dust can cause discomfort to nose, throat, upper respiratory tract, coughing, choking; eye contact or prolonged skin contact can cause discomfort; ingestion can cause gastrointestinal discomfort Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents; decomp. prods.: CO2, MgO; dust explosions may occur in presence of ignition source Storage: Store in cool, dry place away from heat, sparks, or flame Synpro® Zinc Stearate (Kosher) [Ferro/Polymer Addit. http://www.ferro.com] Chem. Descrip.: Zinc stearate CAS 557-05-1; EINECS/ELINCS 209-151-9 Uses: Lubricant, tablet mold release agent, flow aid in foods Properties: Fine particulate; 99% through 200 mesh; apparent dens. 0.333 g/cc; m.p. 123 C; 0.2% moisture Syral OX 70 [Syral http://www.syral.com/] Chem. Descrip.: D-Sorbitol See Sorbitol Chem. Analysis: 39% DE CAS 50-70-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-061-5 Regulatory: EEC council directives 94/35/EEC, 95/31/EEC, USP/NF, and FCC compliant Properties: Limpid, colorless, odorless, sl. sweet syrup T-1 [Procter & Gamble http://www.pgchemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Stearic acid CAS 57-11-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-313-4 Uses: Humectant in food prods. Regulatory: Not regulated for transport; Canada DSL; Australia; Korea; Japan ENCS; Philippines, China Properties: Water wh. to yellowish solid; musty, fatty odor; negligible sol. in water; relative dens. ≈ 0.84; vapor pressure < 0.75 mm Hg; b.p. 240 C; flash pt. > 180 C; acid no. 202-209; iodine no. 1 max.; 0.3% max. moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 10 g/kg; causes mild, transient eye irritation; ing. may cause GI tract irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear goggles or face shield with goggles, rubber or plastic gloves, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
respirator if mist, vapor is generated; combustible at sufficient concentrations; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp., burning may produce CO, CO2 Storage: Store away from sources of ignition, incompat. materials T-1855 [Procter & Gamble http://www.pgchemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Octadecanoic acid (48-58%) See Stearic acid CAS 57-11-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-313-4 Uses: Humectant in foods Regulatory: Not regulated for transport; Canada DSL; Australia; Korea; Japan ENCS; Philippines; China Properties: Water wh. to yellowish solid; mesty fatty odor; negligible sol. in water; relative dens. ≈ 0.84; vapor pressure < 0.75 mm Hg @ 100 C; b.p. 240 C @ 15 mm Hg; flash pt. (ASTM D 92) > 180 C; acid no. 204-209; iodine no. 1 max.; 0.3% max. moisture Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Wear rubber gloves, goggles or face shield with goggles, respirator if mist, vapor is generated; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp., burning may produce CO, CO2 Storage: Store away from possible sources of ignition in acid-resistant vessels such as steel, aluminum or stainless steel coated with resin lining TA-10X FG [Taylor http://www.taylorchemical.com/] Uses: Defoaming, antifoam agent for food processing, potatoes, seafood, vegetable washing, pickles, beverages, egg washing, rendering, juices Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §173.340(2); EPA 40 CFR 180.1001(d); kosher, pareve Properties: Wh. liq; Brookfield visc. 1800 cp; nominal pH 4; nonionic; 10% act. TA-20X FG [Taylor http://www.taylorchemical.com/] Uses: Defoaming, antifoam agent for food processing, potatoes, seafood, vegetable washing, pickles, beverages, egg washing, rendering, juices Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §173.340(2); EPA 40 CFR 180.1001(d) Properties: Wh. liq; Brookfield visc. 1800 cp; 683
Part I: Trade Name Reference nominal pH 4; nonionic; 20% act. TA-100 FG [Taylor http://www.taylorchemical.com/] Uses: Defoaming, antifoam agent for corn oil manufacture, deep fat frying, esterification of vegetable oil, adhesive/glue manufacture, rendering Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §173.340(2); EPA 40 CFR 180.1001(d); kosher, pareve Properties: Grey, opaque liq; Brookfield visc. 2800 cp; 100% act. TA-100A FG [Taylor http://www.taylorchemical.com/] Uses: Defoaming, antifoam agent for corn oil manufacture, deep fat frying, esterification of vegetable oil, adhesive/glue manufacture, rendering Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §173.340(2); EPA 40 CFR 180.1001(d); kosher, pareve Properties: Grey, translucent liq; Brookfield visc. 1600 cp; 100% act. Tablo® [Blanver Farmoquimica http://www.blanver.com.br; Blanver USA http://www.blanver.com.br] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium starch glycolate CAS 9063-38-1 Uses: Disintegrant, dissolution aid in wet and dry granulation, dry blends, foods Features: Absorbs water rapidly; resulting swelling causes rapid disintegration of tablets and granules Properties: Wh. to sl. yel. relatively free-flowing powd.; ≤ 10% on 200 mesh; odorless; tasteless; visc. 23 cps; pH 6.30 (1 g/30 ml water); 3.4% loss on drying Tab Tex [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated cottonseed oil CAS 68334-00-9; EINECS/ELINCS 269-804-9 Uses: Release agent, tableting aid for foods and bakery Properties: Wh. fine powd.; c.m.p. 57 C min.; iodine no. 5 max. Tabulose® 101 [Blanver Farmoquimica http://www.blanver.com.br; Blanver USA http://www.blanver.com.br] Chem. Descrip.: Microcrystalline cellulose CAS 9004-34-6 Uses: Bulking agent, filler, fiber supplement, anticaking agent, antisticking agent, antiblocking agent, flow aid, extrusion aid Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
in foods, cheese, snacks, cereals, drink mixes, pasta, breads, pastries Properties: Wh. fine cryst. powd.; 50 µ avg. particle size; 1% max. on 60 mesh, 30% max. on 200 mesh; odorless; bulk dens. 0.2-0.4 g/cm3, 0.4-0.6 g/cm3 (tapped); < 5% loss on drying Tabulose® 102 [Blanver Farmoquimica http://www.blanver.com.br; Blanver USA http://www.blanver.com.br] Chem. Descrip.: Microcrystalline cellulose CAS 9004-34-6 Uses: Bulking agent, filler, fiber supplement, anticaking agent, antisticking agent, antiblocking agent, flow aid, extrusion aid in foods, cheese, snacks, cereals, drink mixes, pasta, breads, pastries Properties: Wh. fine cryst. powd.; 100 µ avg. particle size; 8% max. on 60 mesh, 45% max. on 200 mesh; odorless; bulk dens. 0.2-0.4 g/cm3, 0.4-0.6 g/cm3 (tapped); < 5% loss on drying Tabulose® SC-200 [Blanver Farmoquimica http://www.blanver.com.br; Blanver USA http://www.blanver.com.br] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gel (microcrystalline cellulose and cellulose gum) See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Uses: Suspending agent, visc. builder, thickener, compatibilizer, stabilizer in foods (incl. ice cream, juices) Features: Hydrates rapidly; generates colloidal disp. with thixotropic props. in concs. as low as 1%; stable across wide temp. range Properties: Wh. to lt. cream fine powd.; ≤ 1% on 60 mesh, ≤ 45% on 200 mesh; odorless; insol. in water, org. solvs., dil. acids; pH 6-8 (1.2 g/100 ml water); ≤ 8% loss on drying Storage: Hygroscopic Tabulose® SC-580 [Blanver Farmoquimica http://www.blanver.com.br; Blanver USA http://www.blanver.com.br] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gel (microcrystalline cellulose and cellulose gum) See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Chem. Analysis: Microcrystalline cellulose (8692%), cellulose gum (8-14%) Uses: Suspending agent, visc. builder, thickener, compatibilizer, stabilizer, bulking agent, filler, fiber supplement, sec. emulsifier, fat replacer in foods, ice cream, juices, frozen desserts, salad dressings, 684
Part I: Trade Name Reference drink mixes, lowfat and nonfat prods. Features: Hydrates rapidly; generates colloidal disp. with thixotropic props. in concs. as low as 1%; stable across wide temp. range Properties: Wh. to lt. cream fine powd.; ≤ 1% on 60 mesh, ≤ 45% on 200 mesh; odorless; insol. in water, org. solvs., dil. acids; visc. 72-168 cps (1.2% solids); pH 6-8 (1.2 g/100 ml water); 8.3-13.8% CMC content; ≤ 8% loss on drying Storage: Hygroscopic Tabulose® SC-601 [Blanver Farmoquimica http://www.blanver.com.br; Blanver USA http://www.blanver.com.br] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gel (microcrystalline cellulose and cellulose gum) See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Chem. Analysis: Microcrystalline cellulose (8993%), cellulose gum (7-11%) Uses: Suspending agent, visc. builder, thickener, compatibilizer, stabilizer, bulking agent, filler, fiber supplement, sec. emulsifier, fat replacer in foods, ice cream, juices, frozen desserts, salad dressings, drink mixes, lowfat and nonfat prods. Features: Hydrates rapidly; generates colloidal disp. with thixotropic props. in concs. as low as 1%; stable across wide temp. range Properties: Wh. to lt. cream fine powd.; ≤ 1% on 60 mesh, ≤ 45% on 200 mesh; odorless; insol. in water, org. solvs., dil. acids; visc. 72-168 cps (2.1% solids); pH 6-8 (1.2 g/100 ml water); 6.8-11.3% CMC content; ≤ 8% loss on drying Storage: Hygroscopic Tabulose® SC-611 [Blanver Farmoquimica http://www.blanver.com.br; Blanver USA http://www.blanver.com.br] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gel (microcrystalline cellulose and cellulose gum) See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Uses: Suspending agent, visc. builder, thickener, compatibilizer, stabilizer, bulking agent, filler, fiber supplement, sec. emulsifier, fat replacer in foods, ice cream, juices, frozen desserts, salad dressings, drink mixes, lowfat and nonfat prods. Features: Hydrates rapidly; generates colloidal disp. with thixotropic props. in concs. as low as 1%; stable across wide temp. range Properties: Wh. to lt. cream fine powd.; ≤ 1% on 60 mesh, ≤ 45% on 200 mesh; odorless; insol. in water, org. solvs., dil. acids; pH 6-8 (1.2 g/100 ml water); ≤ 8% loss on drying Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Storage: Hygroscopic Tabulose® SC-612 [Blanver Farmoquimica http://www.blanver.com.br; Blanver USA http://www.blanver.com.br] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gel (microcrystalline cellulose and cellulose gum) See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Chem. Analysis: Microcrystalline cellulose (8189%), cellulose gum (11-19%) Uses: Suspending agent, visc. builder, thickener, compatibilizer, stabilizer, bulking agent, filler, fiber supplement, sec. emulsifier, fat replacer in foods, ice cream, juices, frozen desserts, salad dressings, drink mixes, lowfat and nonfat prods. Features: Hydrates rapidly; generates colloidal disp. with thixotropic props. in concs. as low as 1%; stable across wide temp. range Properties: Wh. to lt. cream fine powd.; ≤ 1% on 60 mesh, ≤ 45% on 200 mesh; odorless; insol. in water, org. solvs., dil. acids; visc. 51-150 cps (2.6% solids); pH 6-8 (1.2 g/100 ml water); 11.3-18.8% CMC content; ≤ 8% loss on drying Storage: Hygroscopic Tabulose® SC-613 [Blanver Farmoquimica http://www.blanver.com.br; Blanver USA http://www.blanver.com.br] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gel (microcrystalline cellulose and cellulose gum) See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Chem. Analysis: Microcrystalline cellulose (8189%), cellulose gum (11-19%) Uses: Suspending agent, visc. builder, thickener, compatibilizer, stabilizer, bulking agent, filler, fiber supplement, sec. emulsifier, fat replacer in foods, ice cream, juices, frozen desserts, salad dressings, drink mixes, lowfat and nonfat prods. Features: Hydrates rapidly; generates colloidal disp. with thixotropic props. in concs. as low as 1%; stable across wide temp. range Properties: Wh. to lt. cream fine powd.; ≤ 1% on 60 mesh, ≤ 45% on 200 mesh; odorless; insol. in water, org. solvs., dil. acids; visc. 340-540 cps (2.6% solids); pH 6-8 (1.2 g/100 ml water); 11.3-18.8% CMC content; ≤ 8% loss on drying Storage: Hygroscopic Tabulose® SC-681 [Blanver Farmoquimica http://www.blanver.com.br; Blanver USA http://www.blanver.com.br] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gel (microcrystalline cellulose and cellulose 685
Part I: Trade Name Reference gum) See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Chem. Analysis: Microcrystalline cellulose (8692%), cellulose gum (8-14%) Uses: Suspending agent, visc. builder, thickener, compatibilizer, stabilizer, bulking agent, filler, fiber supplement, sec. emulsifier, fat replacer in foods, ice cream, juices, frozen desserts, salad dressings, drink mixes, lowfat and nonfat prods. Features: Hydrates rapidly; generates colloidal disp. with thixotropic props. in concs. as low as 1%; stable across wide temp. range Properties: Wh. to lt. cream fine powd.; ≤ 1% on 60 mesh, ≤ 45% on 200 mesh; odorless; insol. in water, org. solvs., dil. acids; visc. 72-168 cps (1.2% solids); pH 6-8 (1.2 g/100 ml water); 8.3-13.8% CMC content; ≤ 8% loss on drying Storage: Hygroscopic Tagat® L2 [Degussa Care Spec.] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-20 glyceryl laurate CAS 51248-32-9 Uses: Surfactant for o/w emulsions; solubilizer for flavors, vitamin oils; dispersant Regulatory: DAC, JCIC registered Properties: Ivory liq.; sol. in water; insol. in veg. and min. oils; m.p. 60-80 C; HLB 15.7; acid no. 2 max.; iodine no. 4 max.; sapon. no. 50-70; hyd. no. 60-80; nonionic; 100% conc. Tagat® O2 [Degussa Care Spec.] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-20 glyceryl oleate CAS 51192-09-7 Uses: Surfactant for o/w emulsions; solubilizer for flavors, vitamin oils; dispersant Regulatory: DAC, JCIC registered Properties: Yel. liq.; sol. in water; insol. in veg. and min. oils; m.p. 70-85 C; HLB 15.0; acid no. 2 max.; iodine no. 21-27; sapon. no. 40-55; hyd. no. 70-85; nonionic; 100% conc. Tagat® S [Degussa Care Spec.] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-30 glyceryl stearate CAS 51158-08-8 Uses: Solubilizer, emulsifier for o/w emulsions; solubilizer for flavors, vitamin oils; dispersant Regulatory: DAC, JSCI registered Properties: Ivory solid, partially liq.; sol. with sl. turbidity in water; insol. in veg. and min. oils; HLB 16.4; acid no. 2 max.; iodine no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 30-47; hyd. no. 53-70; nonionic; 100% conc. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Tagat® S2 [Degussa Care Spec.] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-20 glyceryl stearate CAS 51158-08-8 Uses: Solubilizer for o/w emulsions, flavors, vitamin oils; dispersant Regulatory: DAC, JSCI registered Properties: Ivory solid, partially liq.; sol. with sl. turbidity in water; insol. in veg. and min. oils; m.p. 65-85 C; HLB 15.0; acid no. 2 max.; iodine no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 40-60; hyd. no. 65-85; nonionic; 100% conc. Talin® [RFI Ingreds. http://www.rfiingredients.com] Chem. Descrip.: Thaumatin CAS 53850-34-3 Uses: Sweetener, flavoring agent, flavor enhancer, flavor masking agent, flavor modifier for foods, beverages, esp. with citrus flavors; mouthfeel improver in low fat and low calorie prods. Features: Masks bitter and unpleasant aftertastes associated with soya, intense sweeteners, vitamins, minerals, and herbs; inc. intensity of spice, mint, and fruit flavors; synergistic; noncariogenic Regulatory: FDA GRAS;FEMA 3732; EEC compliance Properties: Freely sol. in water; sol. in aq. alcohol, glycerol, propylene glycol, sugar alcohols; sol. in 66% ethanol; 100% Toxicology: JECFA classified as safe, no max. ADI Tally® 100 Plus [Loders Croklaan Inc] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl stearate, PEG-20 glyceryl stearate, hydrogenated soybean oil Uses: Emulsifier, dough strengthener, crumb softener, and antistaling agent in breads and other yeast-raised baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.834 Properties: Cream bead; HLB 6.1; m.p. 55-57 C; nonionic; 100% conc., 32-37% mono Tamol® 850 [Rohm & Haas http://www.rohmhaas.com; http://www.acusol.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium polymethacrylate aq. sol'n. CAS 25086-62-8 Uses: Scale inhibitor for boiler water (food contact) Features: Low foaming Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.310, 175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180 686
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Lt. yel. cl. liq.; m.w. 30,000; dens. 9.9 lb/gal; visc. 250 cps; pour pt. 32 F; pH 9.010.8; surf. tens. 71 dyne/cm (1%); anionic; 2931% total solids Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rabbit) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 2 g/kg; contact causes irritation of eyes and skin Tamol® 960 [Rohm & Haas http://www.rohmhaas.com; http://www.acusol.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium polymethacrylate aq. sol'n. CAS 25086-62-8 Uses: Scale inhibitor for boiler water (food contact) Features: Low foaming Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.310, 175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180 Properties: Pale yel. cl. liq.; m.w. 5000; dens. 10.6 lb/gal; visc. 550 cps; pour pt. 32 F; pH 89; surf. tens. 63 dynes/cm (1%); anionic; 40% act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; contact causes irritation of eyes and skin Tandem® 5 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides, polysorbate 60 with BHA, and citric acid as preservatives See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Chem. Analysis: 31% alpha monoglyceride CAS 67254-73-3; 9005-67-8; 7664-38-2; 137-406; EINECS/ELINCS 231-633-2; 205-290-4 Uses: Food emulsifier, conditioner/softener for yeast-raised baked goods, e.g., bread, rolls; extends shelf life in doughnuts; enhances aeration, volume, and stability in icings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1505 Properties: Ivory wh. plastic solid; sol. in veg. oils; disp. in water; m.p. 128 F; HLB 8.1; iodine no. 30; flash pt. > 300 F; nonionic Use Level: 0.4-0.5% on flour (bread), 1.2Þ% on flour (doughnuts), 5-7.5% in shortening (icings) Tandem® 8 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides, polysorbate 60 with BHA, and citric acid as preservatives See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Chem. Analysis: 31% alpha monoglyceride CAS 67254-73-3; 9005-67-8; 7664-38-2; 137-40Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
6 (; EINECS/ELINCS 231-633-2; 205-290-4 Uses: Food emulsifier, conditioner/softener for yeast-raised baked goods, e.g., bread, rolls; extends shelf life in doughnuts; enhances aeration, volume, and stability in icings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1505 Properties: Ivory wh. plastic solid; HLB 8.1; iodine no. 22; pour pt. 52 C Use Level: 0.4-0.5% on flour (bread), 1.25% on flour (doughnuts), 5-7.5% in shortening (icings) Tandem® 11H K [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrated mono- and diglycerides, polysorbate 60 with sodium propionate and lactic acid See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Chem. Analysis: 19.5% alpha monoglyceride CAS 67254-73-3; 9005-67-8; 137-40-6; 50-21-5; EINECS/ELINCS 205-290-4; 200-018-0 Uses: Food emulsifier, conditioner/softener for yeast-raised baked goods, e.g., bread, rolls; provides aeration and volume in cakes; extends shelf life in doughnuts Properties: Ivory wh. soft plastic; disp. in water; HLB 6.3; iodine no. < 3; flash pt. > 300 F; pH 5; 50% conc. Use Level: 1-1.2% on flour (bread), 1-2.75% on flour (cake), 2.5% on flour (doughnuts) Tandem® 552 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Mono- and diglycerides, polysorbate 60, phosphoric acid, and sodium propionate as a preservative See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Chem. Analysis: 29% alpha monoglyceride CAS 67254-73-3; 9005-67-8; 7664-38-2; 137-406; EINECS/ELINCS 231-633-2; 205-290-4 Uses: Emulsifier, conditioner, softener for foods, yeast-raised baked goods, e.g., bread, rolls; pan release agent for buns; shelf life extender in doughnuts Features: When sprayed on buns, minimizes seed loss Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1505; kosher Properties: Golden cl. liq.; sol. in veg. oils; disp. in water; m.p. 45 F; HLB 8.1; iodine no. 41; flash pt. > 300 F Use Level: 0.6-0.8% on flour (bread), 1.25% on flour (doughnuts)
Part I: Trade Name Reference Tandem® 552 K [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of mono- and diglycerides and polysorbate 60 See Monoand diglycerides of fatty acids; Polysorbate 60 CAS 67254-73-3; 9005-67-8 Uses: Food emulsifier, conditioner/softener for yeast-raised baked goods, e.g., bread, rolls; extends shelf life in doughnuts Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1505; kosher Properties: Golden cl. liq.; HLB 8.1; iodine no. 41; 29% alpha monoglyceride Use Level: 0.6-0.8% on flour (bread) Tang [MLG Enterprises] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium citrate, citric acid, sodium chloride Uses: Flavoring agent for rye, sour French, pizza crust, English muffins, pretzels, extruded dough prods. Features: Highly conc. precipitated form of citric acid; imparts distinctive tart flavor; replaces dry sours Properties: Free-flowing powd. Use Level: 3-8 oz/cwt flour Storage: Store under cool, dry conditions; 6 mos. shelf life Tapioca #1 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: unmodified tapioca starch Uses: Processing aid, visc. control agent for bakery, snacks; body/mouthfeel enhancer for dairy desserts Properties: Bland flavor Tapioca Dextrin 11 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dextrin CAS 9004-53-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-675-4 Uses: Shelf-life/freshness improver, solubilizer for candy coatings; visc. control agent, crispness enhancer, adhesion aid, cold processing aid for batters, breading; carrier for flavorings, colors in dry preparations Features: Food grade Tapioca Dextrin 12 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dextrin Uses: Shelf-life/freshness improver, solubilizer for candy coatings; visc. control agent, crispness enhancer, adhesion aid, cold processing aid for batters, breading; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
carrier for flavorings, colors in dry preparations Features: Food grade Taterfos® [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium acid pyrophosphate, non-leavening CAS 7758-16-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-835-0 Uses: Additive for processed foods; maintains natural white color of cooked potatoes Regulatory: Kosher, FCC Properties: Wh. powd., odorless; 1% max. on 70 mesh, 95% min. through 200 mesh; sol. 13 g/100 g saturated sol'n.; m.w. 221.9; bulk dens. 68 lb/ft3; pH 4.0-4.8 (1%); 95% min. assay Storage: Store cool and dry T-Det® N-50 [Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Nonoxynol-50 CAS 9016-45-9 Uses: Defoamer for food processing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340; 40CFR §180.1001c,d,e Properties: Wh. solid; water-sol.; sp.gr. 1.07 (132 F); dens. 8.9 lb/gal (132 F); HLB 18.0; pour pt. 120 F; cloud pt. > 212 F (1%); flash pt. (PMCC) > 500 F; pH 5-7 (1% aq.); nonionic; 99.5% min. act. T-Det® N-507 [Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Nonoxynol-50 CAS 9016-45-9 Uses: Defoamer for food processing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340; 40CFR §180.1001c,d,e Properties: APHA 100 opaque liq.; sp.gr. 1.09; dens. 9.1 lb/gal; visc. 760 cps; HLB 18.0; cloud pt. > 100 C (1%); flash pt. > 212 F (TOC); pour pt. 40 F; nonionic; 70 ± 0.5% act. Tenderfil® 8 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for canned and frozen foods, pie/cake fillings, sauces, gravies, soups, frozen dinners, baby foods Features: Cook-up starch; prevents syneresis during storage; high resist. to heat, freezethaw, and acid Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 688
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Wh. powd.; 98% through 100 mesh, 85% through 200 mesh; pH 6.0; 13% moisture Tenderfil® 9 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for canned foods, baby foods, sauces, gravies, soups, dietetic foods, creme fillings, puddings, veg./fruit puree Features: Cook-up starch; good resist. to heat, acids; forms semisoft tender gels with creamy texture; resists syneresis Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Powd., 98% through 100 mesh, 85% through 200 mesh; pH 6.0; 12% moisture Tenderfil® 428 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for pie fillings, aseptic puddings, frozen fillings Features: Cook-up starch for highly acidic food systems and those requiring visc. stability under high shear processing; provides good freeze/thaw stability in frozen preps Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: pH 5-6; 10-13% moisture Tenderfil® 473A [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Thickener for acidic foods, fruit puddings, canned baby foods, bakers jellies, canned cream soups Features: Cook-up starch; provides visc. stability at R.T. and under refrigeration Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; kosher, Passover certified Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; mixes readily in cold water; pH 5.7 (10% slurry); 11.5% moisture Tenox® 2 [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: BHA (20%), propyl gallate (6%), citric acid (4%) in propylene glycol (70%) Uses: Antioxidant for foods, animal feeds, pet foods Features: Food-grade Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/312 acute health hazard, §313 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EINECS, Australia AICS, Japan MITI, Korea ECL listed Properties: Lt. yel. liq.; sl. odor; sol. in water, fats and oils; sp.gr. 1.064 (20 C); visc. 95 cP; b.p. 197 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 108 C; autoignition temp. 429 C; thermal decomp. no exotherm to 500 C Use Level: 0.076% fat (FDA), 0.05% fat (USDA) Toxicology: Causes eye/skin irritation; at elevated temps., vapor may cause eye/respiratory tract irritation; may cause allergic skin reaction; contains BHA, a possible human carcinogen; TSCA listed Precaution: Reacts with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2 HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store @ 10-32 C to avoid separation and prolong shelf life; keep container closed; protect from freezing, contamination Tenox® 4 [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: BHA (20%), BHT (20%) in corn oil (60%) See Corn (Zea mays) oil Uses: Antioxidant for baked goods, bakery mixes and shortening, candies, cereal, cookies, crackers, edible fats, lard, meat prods., nuts, rice, sausages, breaded shrimp, spices, vitamins Features: Food-grade; exc. 'carry through' in baked foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.3169, 182.3173; DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/312 acute health hazard, §313 nonreportable; Calif. Prop. 65 reportable (BHA); Canada DSL, EINECS, Australia AICS, Japan ENCS listed Properties: Lt. yel. liq.; sl. odor; exc. sol. in fats and oils; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 0.942 (20 C); visc. 61 cP; b.p. > 482 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 137 C; autoignition temp. 346 C Use Level: 0.05% fat (FDA), 0.05% fat (USDA) Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 10 mg/m3 (BHT), 10 mg/m3 (corn oil, mist); causes eye/skin irritation; at elevated temps., vapor may cause eye/respiratory tract irritation; ing. may cause GI tract irritation; contains BHA, a possible human carcinogen; TSCA listed Precaution: May accumulate a static charge which could act as an ignition source; can react with strong oxidizing agents 689
Part I: Trade Name Reference Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2 HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store @ 10-32 C to avoid separation and prolong shelf life; keep container closed; protect from freezing, contamination; plastic containers should not be heated above 80 C Tenox® 4B [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: BHT (20%) in corn oil (80%) See Corn (Zea mays) oil Uses: Antioxidant for foods, baked goods and mixes, beverage mixes, candies, cereals, citrus oils, crackers, dessert mixes, edible fats, flavors, meat prods., min. oil, nuts, rice, sausages, breaded shrimp, vitamins, yeast Features: Exc. 'carry through' in baked foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.3169; DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/312 acute health hazard, §313 nonreportable; Calif. Prop. 65 reportable (BHA); Canada DSL, EINECS, Australia AICS, Japan ENCS listed Properties: Lt. yel. liq.; sl. odor; exc. sol. in fats and oils; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 0.951 (20 C); visc. 69 cP; b.p. > 480 C; flash pt. (Seta CC) 152 C Use Level: 0.1% fat (FDA), 0.05% fat (USDA) Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 10 mg/m3 (corn oil, mist); causes eye/skin irritation; at elevated temps., vapor may cause eye/respiratory tract irritation; contains BHA, a possible human carcinogen; TSCA listed Environmental: Expected to have high BOD/potential to cause oxygen depletion in aq. systems, high potential to affect some aquatic organisms, mod. potential to affect germination; after dil. and waste treatment, not expected to cause adverse environmental effects Precaution: Can react with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2 HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store @ 10-32 C to avoid separation and prolong shelf life; keep container closed; protect from freezing, contamination Tenox® 6 [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: BHA (10%), BHT (10%), Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
propyl gallate (6%), citric acid (6%) in corn oil (28%), glyceryl oleate (28%), propylene glycol (12%) See Corn (Zea mays) oil Uses: Antioxidant for foods, baked goods and mixes, crackers, meat and poultry prods., sausages, spices, pet foods, animal feeds Features: Very good 'carry through' in baked foods Regulatory: DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/312 acute health hazard, §313 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EINECS, Australia AICS, Japan MITI, Korea ECL listed Properties: Amber liq.; sl. odor; sol. in water, fats and oils; sp.gr. 1.008 (20 C); visc. 333 cP; m.p. < 0 C; b.p. > 482 C; flash pt. (COC) 113 C; thermal decomp. temp. 480 C Use Level: 0.076% fat (FDA), 0.076% fat (USDA) Toxicology: Causes eye/skin irritation; at elevated temps., vapor may cause eye/respiratory tract irritation; may cause allergic skin reaction; contains BHA, a possible human carcinogen; TSCA listed Precaution: Can react with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2 HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 6 mos. shelf life; store @ 10-32 C to avoid separation and prolong shelf life; keep container closed; protect from freezing, contamination Tenox® 7 [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: BHA (28%), propyl gallate (12%), citric acid (6%) in propylene glycol (34%), glyceryl oleate (20%) Uses: Antioxidant for foods, baked goods and mixes, candies, crackers, edible fats, margarine, meat prods., min. oil, poultry fat, sausages, snack foods, spices, pet foods, animal feeds Features: Food-grade; very good 'carry through' in baked foods Regulatory: DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/312 acute health hazard, §313 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EINECS, Australia AICS, Japan MITI, Korea ECL listed Properties: Amber liq.; sl. odor; very good sol. in fats and oils; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.081 (20 C); visc. 291 cP; f.p. < -18 C; b.p. 236 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 113 C; autoignition temp. 385 C; thermal decomp. no exotherm to 500 C 690
Part I: Trade Name Reference Use Level: 0.05% fat (FDA), 0.035% fat (USDA) Toxicology: Causes eye/skin irritation; at elevated temps., vapor may cause eye/respiratory tract irritation; may cause allergic skin reaction; contains BHA, a possible human carcinogen; TSCA listed Precaution: Can react with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2 HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store @ 10-32 C to avoid separation and prolong shelf life; keep container closed; protect from freezing, contamination Tenox® 8 [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: BHT (20%), corn oil (80%) See Corn (Zea mays) oil Uses: Antioxidant for foods, baked goods, cereals, crackers, nuts, rice, breaded shrimp, vitamins Features: Food-grade; good 'carry through' in baked foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.3173; DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/312 acute health hazard, §313 nonreportable; kosher; Calif. Prop. 65 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EINECS, Australia AICS, Japan ENCS listed Properties: Lt. straw to lt. amber liq.; sl. odor; exc. sol. in fats and oils; negligible sol. in water; sp.gr. 0.925 (20 C); visc. 49 cP; b.p. > 204 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 139 C; autoignition temp. 379 C Use Level: 0.1% fat (FDA), 0.05% fat (USDA) Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 10 mg/m3 (BHT), 10 mg/m3 (corn oil); low hazard by inh., eye/skin contact; expected to be low ing. hazard; TSCA listed Precaution: Can react with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2 HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store @ 10-32 C to avoid separation and prolong shelf life; keep container closed; protect from freezing, contamination Tenox® 20 [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: t-Butyl hydroquinone (< 25%), citric acid (< 15%) in propylene glycol (> 65%) Uses: Antioxidant for foods, baked goods, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
fish oils and prods., frying oils, potato chips, poultry prods., snack foods, veg. oils, inedible fats, pet foods, animal feeds Features: Food-grade; good 'carry through' in baked foods Regulatory: DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/312 acute health hazard, §313 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EINECS, Australia AICS, Japan MITI, Korea ECL listed Properties: Amber liq.; sweet odor; sol. in water, fats and oils; sp.gr. 1.087 (20 C); visc. 235 cP; flash pt. (TCC) 113 C Use Level: 0.1% fat (FDA), 0.05% fat (USDA) Toxicology: Causes eye/skin irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible; reacts with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2 HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store @ 10-32 C to avoid separation and prolong shelf life; keep container closed; protect from freezing; stir well before using Tenox® 20A [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: t-Butylhydroquinone (20%), citric acid (3%) in glyceryl oleate (32%), veg. oils (30%), propylene glycol (15%) See tButyl hydroquinone; Vegetable oil Uses: Antioxidant for foods, candies, cookies, edible fats, fish oils and prods., frying oils, margarine, meat and poultry prods., nuts, potato chips, poultry fat, sausages, snack foods, spices, veg. oil, pet foods, animal feeds Features: Food-grade; good 'carry through' in baked goods Regulatory: DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/312 acute health hazard, §313 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EINECS, Australia AICS, Japan MITI, Korea ECL listed Properties: Amber visc. liq.; sl. odor; sol. in water, fats and oils; sp.gr. 0.998 (20 C); visc. 369 cP; b.p. 105 C; flash pt. 126 C; thermal decomp. temp. 315 C Use Level: 0.1% fat (FDA), 0.05% fat (USDA) Toxicology: Causes eye/skin irritation; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2 HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 6 mos. shelf life; store @ 10-32 C to 691
Part I: Trade Name Reference avoid separation and prolong shelf life; keep container closed; protect from freezing, contamination Tenox® 20B [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: t-Butyl hydroquinone (20%) and citric acid (3%) in propylene glycol (77%) Uses: Antioxidant for foods, baked goods, frying oils, potato chips, poultry prods., snack foods, veg. oils Features: Good 'carry through' in baked foods Properties: Lt. amber to pale golden brn. sol'n.; good sol. in fats and oils; sp.gr. 1.047; visc. 120 cP Use Level: 0.1% fat (FDA), 0.05% fat (USDA) Storage: 12 mos. shelf life Tenox® 21 [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: t-Butylhydroquinone (20%), citric acid (1%) in veg. oil (32%), glyceryl oleate (32%), propylene glycol (15%) See tButyl hydroquinone; Vegetable oil Uses: Antioxidant for foods, frying oils, margarine, snack foods, veg. oils Features: Food-grade; good 'carry through' in baked foods Regulatory: DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/312 acute health hazard, §313 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EINECS, Australia AICS, Japan MITI, Korea ECL listed Properties: Amber visc. liq.; sl. odor; sol. in water, fats and oils; sp.gr. 0.991 (20 C); visc. 284 cP; b.p. 205 C; flash pt. (Seta CC) 112 C; thermal decomp. no exotherm to 500 C Use Level: 0.1% fat (FDA), 0.05% fat (USDA) Toxicology: Causes eye/skin irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Reacts with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2 HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 6 mos. shelf life; store @ 10-32 C to avoid separation and prolong shelf life; keep container closed; protect from freezing, contamination; plastic containers should not be heated above 80 C Tenox® 22 [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: BHA (20%), t-butyl hydroquinone (6%), and citric acid (4%) in propylene glycol (70%) Uses: Antioxidant for foods, baked goods, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
pet foods, animal feeds Features: Food-grade; very good 'carry through' in baked foods Regulatory: DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/312 acute health hazard, §313 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EINECS, Australia AICS, Japan MITI, Korea ECL listed Properties: Lt. amber visc. liq.; sl. odor; sol. in water, fats and oils; sp.gr. 1.054 (20 C); visc. 91 cP; b.p. 204 C; flash pt. (Seta CC) 103 C; thermal decomp. no exotherm to 500 C Use Level: 0.076% fat (FDA), 0.05% fat (USDA) Toxicology: Causes eye/skin irritation; at elevated temps., vapor may cause eye/respiratory tract irritation; contains BHA, a possible human carcinogen; TSCA listed Precaution: Reacts with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2 HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store @ 10-32 C to avoid separation and prolong shelf life; keep container closed; protect from freezing, contamination Tenox® 25 [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: BHT (10%), TBHQ (10%), citric acid (3%) in corn oil (31%), glyceryl oleate (31%), propylene glycol (15%) See tButyl hydroquinone; Corn (Zea mays) oil Uses: Antioxidant for foods, bakery prods. and mixes, shortening, candies, cookies, crackers, edible fats, lard, margarine, meat prods., sausages, snack foods, spices, animal feeds Features: Exc. 'carry through' in baked foods Regulatory: DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/312 acute health hazard, §313 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EINECS, Australia AICS, Japan MITI, Korea ECL listed Properties: Amber visc. liq.; sl. odor; sol. in water, fats and oils; sp.gr. 0.938 (20 C); visc. 190 cP; b.p. 215 C; flash pt. 113 C Use Level: 0.10% fat (FDA), 0.10% fat (USDA) Toxicology: Causes eye/skin irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: May react with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2 HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store @ 10-32 C to 692
Part I: Trade Name Reference avoid separation and prolong shelf life; keep container closed; protect from freezing, contamination Tenox® 26 [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: BHA (10%), BHT (10%), tbutyl hydroquinone (6%), and citric acid (6%) in corn oil (28%), glyceryl oleate (28%), propylene glycol (12%) See Corn (Zea mays) oil Uses: Antioxidant for foods, bakery prods. and mixes, poultry prods., sausages, spices, pet foods, animal feeds Features: Very good 'carry through' in baked foods Properties: Golden brn. sol'n.; exc. sol. in fats and oils; sp.gr. 0.997; visc. 235 cP Use Level: 0.076% fat (FDA), 0.076% fat (USDA) Tenox® A [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: BHA (40%), citric acid (8%) in propylene glycol (52%) Uses: Antioxidant for foods, baked goods, beverage mixes, dessert mixes, rice, breaded shrimp, vitamins Features: Food-grade; exc. 'carry through' in baked foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.3169, 184.1033, 184.1666; DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/312 acute health hazard, §313 nonreportable; Calif. Prop. 65 reportable (BHA); Canada DSL, EINECS, Australia AICS, Japan ENCS listed Properties: Lt. yel. visc. liq.; sl. odor; sol. in water, fats and oils; sp.gr. 1.071 (20 C); visc. 144 cP; b.p. 198 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 108 C; autoignition temp. 390 C Use Level: 0.05% fat (FDA), 0.025% fat (USDA) Toxicology: Causes eye/skin irritation; at elevated temps., vapor may cause eye/respiratory tract irritation; may cause human skin sensitization; ing. may cause GI tract irritation; contains BHA, a possible human carcinogen; TSCA listed Environmental: Expected to have high BOD/potential to cause oxygen depletion in aq. systems, high potential to affect some aquatic organisms, mod. potential to affect germination; after dil. and waste treatment, not expected to cause adverse environmental effects Precaution: May react with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CO2 HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store @ 10-32 C to avoid separation and prolong shelf life; keep container closed; protect from freezing, contamination Tenox® BHA [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: BHA CAS 25013-16-5; EINECS/ELINCS 246-563-8 Uses: Antioxidant for foods, beverage and dessert mixes, chewing gum, flavorings, citrus oils, nuts, vitamins, yeast; shelf life extender in cooked foods; stabilizer for fats, oils, vitamins, pet foods, etc. Features: 'carry through' effect in cooked foods, providing extended shelf life Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §161.175, 164.110, 166.110, 172.110, 172.515, 182.3169; USDA 9CFR 318.7, 381.147; kosher; DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/312 acute health hazard, §313 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EINECS, Australia AICS, Japan MITI, Korea ECL listed Properties: Wh. waxy tablets or flakes, sl. char. odor; sol. in ethanol, diisobutyl adipate, propylene glycol, glyceryl oleate, soya oil, lard, yel. grease, and paraffin; insol. in water; m.w. 180.25; sp.gr. 1.05 (20 C); m.p. 48-63 C; b.p. 264-270 C (733 mm); flash pt. (COC) 155 C; thermal decomp. no exotherm to 500 C; > 99% act. Use Level: 200 ppm (general), 1000 ppm (chewing gum base), 5000 ppm (flavors), 2-90 ppm (dry mixes) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2500-5000 mg/kg; causes eye/skin irritation; dust/vapor irritating to eyes, respiratory tract; TSCA listed Environmental: LC50 (fathead minnow, 96 h) 2.2 mg/l, (daphnia, 96 h) 3.2 mg/l Precaution: Powd. material may form explosive dust/air mixts.; minimize dust generation/accumulation; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2 HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 6 mos. shelf life; keep container closed; protect from contamination
Part I: Trade Name Reference Tenox® BHT [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: BHT CAS 128-37-0; EINECS/ELINCS 204-881-4 Uses: Antioxidant for foods, chewing gum, edible fats, nuts; stabilizer for oils, fats, cereals Features: Provides 'carry through' effectiveness in cooked foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §137.350, 161.175, 164.110, 166.110, 172.115, 172.615, 182.3173; USDA 9CFR 318.7, 381.147; DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/312 acute health hazard, §313 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EINECS, Australia AICS, Japan MITI, Korea ECL listed Properties: Wh. gran. cryst., very sl. odor; sol. in paraffin, lard, yel. grease, diisobutyl adipate; insol. in water, glycerol, propylene glycol; m.w. 220; sp.gr. 1.048 (20 C); m.p. 69.7 C; b.p. 265 C (760 mm); flash pt. (COC) 129 C; autoignition temp. 368 C; thermal decomp. temp. no exotherm to 500 C; 100% act. Use Level: 200 ppm (general), 1000 ppm (chewing gum base), 50 ppm (dry potatoes), 100 ppm (USDA) Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 2 mg/m3; NIOSH REL 10 mg/m3; LD50 (oral, rat) 1700 mg/kg, (skin, guinea pig) > 8000 mg/kg; at elevated temps., vapor may cause eye/respiratory tract irritation; sl to mod. skin irritant; nonsensitizing; TSCA listed Environmental: BOD5 510 mg/g; COD 2270 mg/g; ThOD 2980 mg/g Precaution: Powd. material may form explosive dust/air mixts.; minimize dust generation/accumulation; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2 HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 6 mos. shelf life; keep container closed; protect from contamination Tenox® CA-30 [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol (60-75%), citric acid (15-35%), esters of propylene glycol and citric acid (0-20%) Uses: Antioxidant for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1033, 184.1666; DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/312 immediate (acute) health hazard; kosher Properties: Colorless liq.; sl. odor; sol. in water; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
sp.gr. > 1; m.p. < -10 C Toxicology: Causes eye/skin irritation; at elevated temps., vapor may cause eye/respiratory tract irritation; may cause human skin sensitization; expected to be low ing. hazard Precaution: Can react with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2 HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ 10-32 C to avoid separation and prolong shelf life; keep container closed; protect from freezing Tenox® CA-50 [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol (< 50%), citric acid (< 50%), esters of propylene glycol and citric acid (< 50%), water (< 20%) Uses: Antioxidant, stabilizer, shelf life extender for fats, oils, foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1033, 184.1666; DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/312 immediate (acute) health hazard; kosher Properties: Colorless to lt. straw liq.; sl. odor; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.25 (20 C) Toxicology: Causes eye/skin irritation; at elevated temps., vapor may cause eye/respiratory tract irritation; may cause human skin sensitization; expected to be low ing. hazard Precaution: Can react with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2 HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ 10-32 C to avoid separation and prolong shelf life; keep container closed; protect from freezing Tenox® PG [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propyl gallate CAS 121-79-9; EINECS/ELINCS 204-498-2 Uses: Antioxidant, stabilizer for veg. oils, poultry fat; shelf life extender for butter oils, poultry fat, etc. Features: Nondiscoloring; often in combination with citric acid, BHA, and/or BHT; suggested for use in veg. oils in countries where TBHQ not permitted Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §164.110, 166.110, 172.615, 184.1660; USDA 9CFR 318.7, 381.147; kosher; DOT nonregulated; SARA 694
Part I: Trade Name Reference §311/312 acute health hazard, §313 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EINECS, Australia AICS, Japan MITI, Korea ECL listed Properties: Wh. cryst. powd., very sl. char. odor; sol. in ethanol, propylene glycol, glycerol; sol. 35 mg/l in water; m.w. 212.20; sp.gr. 1.21; m.p. 146-150 C; b.p. 148 C dec.; flash pt. (Seta CC) 187 C; autoignition temp. 438 C; thermal decomp. temp. 330 C; pH 5.7-6.3 Use Level: 200 ppm (general), 1000 ppm (chewing gum base) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3000 mg/kg, (oral, mouse) 2000 mg/kg; may cause allergic skin reaction; TSCA listed Precaution: Can dec. @ elevated temps.; minimize dust generation/accumulation; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2 HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 6 mos. shelf life; store in cool place; keep container closed; protect from contamination Tenox® R [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: BHA (20%), citric acid (20%) in propylene glycol (60%) Uses: Antioxidant for foods, baked goods, pet foods, animal feeds Features: Food-grade; exc. 'carry through' in baked foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.3169, 184.1033, 184.1666; DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/312 acute health hazard, §313 nonreportable; Calif. Prop. 65 reportable (BHA); Canada DSL, EINECS, Australia AICS, Japan ENCS listed Properties: Lt. yel. visc. liq.; sol. in water, fats and oils; sp.gr. 1.117; visc. 229 cP; b.p. 195 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 113 C; autoignition temp. 424 C Use Level: 0.1% fat (FDA), 0.05% fat (USDA) Toxicology: Causes eye/skin irritation; at elevated temps., vapor may cause eye/respiratory tract irritation; ing. may cause GI tract irritation; may cause human skin sensitization; contains BHA, possible human carcinogen; TSCA listed Environmental: Expected to have high BOD/potential to cause oxygen depletion in aq. systems, high potential to affect some aquatic organisms, mod. potential to affect germination; after dil. and waste treatment, not expected to cause adverse environmental effects Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2 HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store @ 10-32 C to avoid separation and prolong shelf life; keep container closed; protect from freezing, contamination Tenox® S-1 [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propyl gallate (20%), citric acid (10%) in propylene glycol (70%) Uses: Antioxidant for foods, fish oils and prods., poultry fat, veg. oils, pet foods, animal feeds Features: Food-grade; fair 'carry through' in baked foods Regulatory: DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/312 acute health hazard, §313 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EINECS, Australia AICCS, Japan MITI, Korea ECL listed Properties: Lt. amber liq. mild odor; sol. in water, fats and oils; sp.gr. 1.127; visc. 244 cP; b.p. 195 C; flash pt. (PMCC) 107 C; autoignition temp. 446 C; thermal decomp. temp. 475 C Use Level: 0.1% fat (FDA), 0.05% fat (USDA) Toxicology: Causes eye/skin irritation; may cause allergic skin reaction; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2 HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store @ 10-32 C to avoid separation and prolong shelf life; keep container closed; protect from freezing, contamination Tenox® S-2 [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propyl gallate (20%), citric acid (1%) in propylene glycol (79%) Uses: Antioxidant for foods Features: Food-grade Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1033, 184.1660, 184.1666; DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/312 acute health hazard, §311 nonreportable; Calif. Prop. 65 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EINECS, Australia AICS, Japan ENCS listed Properties: Lt. amber liq.; mild odor; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.127 (20 C); visc. 244 cP; vapor pressure negligible; b.p. 195 C; flash pt. 695
Part I: Trade Name Reference (PMCC) 107 C; autoignition temp. 446 C Toxicology: Causes eye/skin irritation; may cause allergic skin reaction; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion: CO, CO2 HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep container closed; protect from contamination Tenox® TBHQ [Eastman http://www.eastman.com] Chem. Descrip.: t-Butyl hydroquinone CAS 1948-33-0; EINECS/ELINCS 217-752-2 Uses: Antioxidant, stabilizer for foods, edible fats, fish oils and prods., frying oils, margarine, nuts, poultry fat, veg. oils, waxes; used in combination with BHA and/or BHT in meat and poultry prods. to provide max. protection with USDA compliance Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §164.110, 166.110, 172.185; USDA 9CFR 318.7, 381.147; kosher; DOT nonregulated; SARA §311/312 acute health hazard, §313 nonreportable; Canada DSL, EINECS, Australia AICS, Japan MITI listed Properties: Wh. to lt. tan cryst., very sl. odor; sol. in ethanol, ethyl acetate, propylene glycol, veg. oils; mod. sol. in water; m.w. 166.22; sp.gr. 1.05 (20 C); m.p. 126.5-128.5 C; b.p. 295 C; flash pt. (COC) 171 C; autoignition temp. 457 C; thermal decomp. no exotherm to 400 C Use Level: 200 ppm (FDA); not permitted in combination with propyl gallate Toxicology: LD50 (oral, male rat) 951 mg/kg, (skin, guinea pig) > 1000 mg/kg; causes mod. to strong eye/mod. skin irritation; extended contact may cause temporary skin discoloration; sl. skin sensitization; TSCA listed Environmental: BOD5 70 mg/g; BOD20 2000 mg/g; COD 2200 mg/g; ThOD 2450 mg/g; LC50 (fathead minnow, 96 h) 0.6 mg/l, (daphnid, 96 h) 3.2 mg/l Precaution: Powd. material may form explosive dust/air mixts.; minimize dust generation/accumulation; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 6 mos. shelf life; store in closed container away from contamination Teriyaki Sauce Powder 7028 [Nikken Foods Co. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Ltd. http://www.nikkenfoods.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: blend of fermented soy sauce, flavorings and spices on maltodextrin carrier CAS 9050-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-940-4 Uses: Flavoring agent for food Features: Free of MSG, HVP; can be rehydrated to a full-flavored teriyaki sauce γ-Terpinene P&F [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: 1-Methyl-4-(1-methylethyl)1,4-cyclohexadiene See γ-Terpinene CAS 99-85-4; EINECS/ELINCS 202-794-6 UN 2319 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, fragrance for foods Regulatory: DOT regulated; FDA 21CFR §172.515 Properties: Colorless cl. liq.; char. lemon odor; sl. bitter herbaceous, citrus-like taste (@ > 40 ppm conc.), pleasant and citrusy at lower levels; m.w. 136.24; sp.gr. 0.846-0.848; dens. 7.06 lb/gal; b.p. 115 C; flash pt. (TCC) 55.6 C; ref. index 1.472-1.477; 98% min. act. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3650 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5000 mg/kg; undiluted liq. may irritate skin and eyes; TSCA listed Terra Alba [Allied Custom Gypsum http://www.alliedcustomgypsum.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium sulfate dihydrate (> 90%), calcium sulfate (< 10%), calcium carbonate (< 3%), crystalline silica (< 0.5%) See Quartz CAS 13397-24-5; 7778-18-9; 471-34-1; 1480860-7; EINECS/ELINCS 231-900-3 Uses: Dough conditioner, firming agent, nutrient, dietary supplement in yeast-raised baked goods; carrier for bleaching agents; stabilizer, thickener, pH control agent, sequestrant; in brewing and fermentation processes Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1230, GRAS Properties: Wh. fine free-flowing powd., odorless, tasteless; 95% through 325 sieve; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 172.17; sp.gr. 2.32; bulk dens. 45 lb/ft3 (loose); pH 7-7.5; 98% min. assay Toxicology: Nuisance particulate; high exposure to dust may cause eye and respiratory system irritation Precaution: Incompat. with aluminum, strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: SOx 696
Part I: Trade Name Reference HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Terra-Dry™ Freeze Dried Aloe Vera Powder 100X [Terry Labs http://www.terrylabs.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Freeze-dried aloe vera gel powd. See Aloe barbadensis gel Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods/beverages (health/sports/fitness drinks, juice blends, health foods) Properties: Beige to lt. brn. fine cryst. powd.; After reconstitution 1:99: sp.gr. 0.997-1.004; pH 3.5-5.0; 8% max. moisture Storage: Preserve after reconstitution; may darken with age Terra-Dry™ Freeze Dried Aloe Vera Powder 100X Decolorized [Terry Labs http://www.terrylabs.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Aloe barbadensis leaf juice and maltodextrin Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods/beverages (health/sports/fitness drinks, juice blends, health foods) Properties: Wh. to lt. beige fine cryst. powd.; After reconstitution 1:99: sp.gr. 0.997-1.004; pH 3.5-5.0; 8% max. moisture Storage: Preserve after reconstitution; may darken with age Terra-Pure™ Certified Freeze Dried Aloe Vera Powder 200X [Terry Labs http://www.terrylabs.com] Chem. Descrip.: Aloe barbadensis leaf juice Chem. Analysis: 100% aloe solids; 8% max. moisture Uses: Moisturizer, soothing agent for edible prods., health drinks, sports/fitness drinks, Regulatory: USDA (NOP)/IFOAM certified organic Properties: Wh. to lt. beige fine cryst. powd.; After reconstitution 1:199: sp.gr. 0.997-1.004; pH 3.5-5.0 Storage: Store in a cool, dry place; preserve after reconstitution; may darken with age Terra-Pure™ Certified Spray Dried Aloe Vera Powder, 200X [Terry Labs http://www.terrylabs.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Aloe barbadensis leaf juice Chem. Analysis: 100% aloe solids; 8% max. moisture Uses: In foods, beverages Properties: Lt. cream to beige fine powd., mod. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
veg. odor; disperses rapidly in most aq. sol'ns.; After reconsitituting 1:199 with DI water: sp.gr. 0.997-1.004; pH 3.5-5.0 Storage: Highly hygroscopic; store in cool, dry place with desiccant; add preservatives on reconstitution Terra-Pure™ Non-Preserved Spray Dried Aloe Vera Powder Regular, 200X [Terry Labs http://www.terrylabs.com] Chem. Descrip.: Aloe barbadensis leaf juice Chem. Analysis: 100% aloe solids Uses: Botanical extract for health drinks, juice blends with aloe, health foods, and sports/fitness drinks Features: Pasteurized to maintain efficacy Properties: Lt. cream to beige, fine crystalline powd.; sp.gr. 0.997-1.004 (25 C); pH 3.5-5.0 Storage: Store in a cool, dry place; preserve after reconstitution; may darken with age Terra-Pure™ Non-Preserved Spray Dried Regular 200X [Terry Labs http://www.terrylabs.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Freeze-dried aloe vera gel powd. 200X See Aloe barbadensis gel Chem. Analysis: 8% max. moisture Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods/beverages (health/sports/fitness drinks, juice blends, health foods) Properties: Lt. cream to beige fine cryst. powd.; After reconstitution 1:199: sp.gr. 0.997-1.004; pH 3.5-5.0 Storage: Preserve after reconstitution; may darken with age Terra-Pure™ Non-Preserved Freeze Dried Decolorized 200X [Terry Labs http://www.terrylabs.com] Chem. Descrip.: Aloe barbadensis leaf juice Chem. Analysis: 100% aloe solids; 8% max. moisture Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods/beverages (health/sports/fitness drinks, juice blends, health foods) Properties: Wh. to lt. beige fine cryst. powd.; After reconstitution 1:199: sp.gr. 0.997-1.004; pH 3.5-5.0; 8% max. moisture Storage: Preserve after reconstitution; may darken with age Tetraglyn 1-OV [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-4 oleate CAS 9007-48-1 697
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: O/w emulsifier, anticrystallizing agent for foods Features: Lipophilic Regulatory: JSCI listed Properties: Pale yel. visc. liq.; HLB 6.0; nonionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: TSCA listed Tetraglyn 1-SV [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-4 stearate CAS 37349-34-1 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Features: Lipophilic Regulatory: JSCI listed Properties: Wh. flake; HLB 6.0; nonionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: TSCA listed Tetraglyn 3-S [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-4 tristearate CAS 99734-29-9 Uses: O/w emulsifier, anticrystallizing agent for foods Properties: Wh. flake; nonionic; 100% conc. Tetraglyn 5-O [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-4 pentaoleate CAS 103230-29-1 Uses: O/w emulsifier, anticrystallizing agent for foods Properties: Pale yel. liq.; nonionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: TSCA listed Tetraglyn 5-S [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl-4 pentastearate CAS 99570-00-0 Uses: O/w emulsifier for foods; anticrystallizing agent for fats Properties: Wh. flake; nonionic; 100% conc. Tetrahop® [John I. Hass http://www.barthhaasgroup.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Highly purified aq. sol'n. of potassium salt of tetrahydroisoalpha acids standardized @ 10% w/v, from hops extract Uses: Light stabilizer, foam stabilizer, flavor stabilizer, bitterness enhancer and antimicrobial effects for beer Features: Produces light-stable beer with improved foam stand and cling and enhanced bitterness qualities and flavor stability; for postfermentation injection Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Storage: Store at R.T. Tetrahop® [John I. Hass http://www.barthhaasgroup.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Highly purified aq. sol'n. of potassium salt of tetrahydroisoα acids from CO2 hops extract Chem. Analysis: 9.0% ± 0.5 of tetrahydro-iso-αacids Uses: Foam enhancer and antimicrobial for beer when used as a post fermentation replacement for a part of the normal bittering; protectant against 'light-struck' flavor Properties: Yel. to amber-colored aq. sol'n.; sol. in pH-adjusted demineralized water and ethanol; sp. gr. 1.017; visc. 5.08 mPas Storage: 18 mos.. shelf life; store at R.T. in full, closed containers Textaid®-A [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from corn See Food starch, modified Uses: Texturizer, mouthfeel enhancer for foods esp. tomato prods. (tomato, spaghetti, and pizza sauces), fruit prods. (donut and turnover fillings), drinks, cereals, baby foods; binder, texturizer in fabricated potato prods. Features: Pregelatinized; imparts pulpy or grainy texture to both high and low acid foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. coarse powd.; starch odor; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 8 (1%); ≈ 8% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Textra® [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified Uses: Visc. builder, texturizer, mouthfeel 698
Part I: Trade Name Reference enhancer for liq. foods, beverages, sauces, syrups; suspending agent for particulates, e.g., fruit pulp in juice beverages; promotes adhesion of sauces to food prods. Features: Exc. stability to gelling; provides smooth, flowable texture and sl. cohesiveness; resist. to acid, heat, high shear Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; bland flavor; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 9% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Textra® Plus [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified Uses: Mouthfeel enhancer, gloss aid, clarifier in drinks (coffee, tea, chocolate, dry mixes); suspending agent for fruit pulp in juice beverages; visc. builder, texturizer, adhesion promoter in sauces, e.g., soy sauce; texturizer in reduced-solids foods, e.g., "lite" pancake syrup Features: Exc. dispersibility and oil-like props.; imparts sheen, clarity, bland taste; exc. gelling stability on refrigeration Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. free-flowing coarse powd.; starch odor; bland taste; sol. in cold water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 8% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Textrion PROGEL 800 [DMV Int'l. http://www.dmv-international.com] Chem. Descrip.: whey protein conc. prepared from casein whey CAS 84082-51-9; EINECS/ELINCS 281-998-7 Uses: Texturizer, viscosity builder, serum formation inhibitor in set or stirred yogurts and dessert prods.; texture improver and emulsifier in convenience foods Features: Consistent visc. control; soluble and gelling over wide pH range; exc. flavor profile; suitable for vegetarians Regulatory: EU compliant Properties: Neutral odor and odor Storage: Shelf life 2 yrs when stored in original sealed container @ 5-25 C and 70% max. R.H. in odor free environment Textureze™ NB 100 [ISP http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Alginic acid, sodium salt; Cellulose; Cellulose, carboxymethyl ether, sodium salt; sucrose See Algin; Carboxymethylcellulose CAS 9005-38-3; 9004-34-6; 9004-32-4; 57-50-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9; 265-995-8 Uses: Stabilizer, mouthfeel enhancer, and texturizer for nutritional beverages Features: Impart a refreshing and clean mouthfeel Regulatory: FDA GRAS (21 CFR §184.1724). Properties: Wh. powd.; disp. in water; sp. gr. 0.55, pH 6.0-8.0 (2% solids dispersion); hygroscopic Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) >5,000; may cause mild eye irritation; prolonged contact with skin may cause drying and chapping; TSCA listed Environmental: biodeg. Precaution: Minimize dust generation; avoid contact with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a cool, dry place, out of direct sunlight in tightly closed containers
Part I: Trade Name Reference Textureze™ MT 200 [ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium alginate, dextrose, calcium lactate, distilled monoglycerides and partially hydrogenated vegetable oil See Algin; Glucose CAS 9005-38-3; 50-99-7; 814-80-2; 68334-28-1; EINECS/ELINCS 200-075-1; 212-406-7; 269820-6 Uses: Thickener, gellant, stabilizer for restructured meat prods., poultry pieces (ground or formed, raw or cooked) Regulatory: FDA GRAS Use Level: 2.0% in restructured meat prods.; 1.6% in poultry pieces TFC® 999® Salt [Morton Salt http://www.mortonsalt.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium chloride FCC with trace anticaking agent (sodium ferrocyanide) CAS 7647-14-5; EINECS/ELINCS 231-598-3 Uses: Salt for continuous cheddar/Colby cheese processing Features: Food-grade Regulatory: Sodium ferrocyanide: 21CFR §172.490; exempt from label declaration under 21CFR 101.100(a)(3) Properties: Powd.; 44-64% retained on 50 mesh, 17-36% on 70 mesh; mean crystal size 340 µm; mean surf. area 84 cm2/g; bulk dens. 1.21.27 g/ml (loose); 99.97% NaCl TFC® H.G. Blending Salt [Morton Salt http://www.mortonsalt.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium chloride FCC with anticaking agent (sodium ferrocyanide) Uses: Salt Features: Food-grade Regulatory: Sodium ferrocyanide: FDA 21CFR §172.490, exempt from label declaration under 21CFR §101.100(a)(3) Properties: Powd.; 33-89% retained 40 mesh, 12-49% retained 50 mesh (Hutchinson); mean crystal size 380 µm; mean surf. area 76 cm2/g; bulk dens. 1.15-1.23 g/ml (loose); 99.85% NaCl TFC Purex® Salt [Morton Salt http://www.mortonsalt.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium chloride FCC with anticaking agent (sodium ferrocyanide) Uses: Salt for ham, bacon, corned beef prods. Features: Food-grade Regulatory: Sodium ferrocyanide: FDA 21CFR §172.490, exempt from label declaration under Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
21CFR §101.100(a)(3) Properties: Powd.; 25-57% retained on 50 mesh, 10-37% on 70 mesh; mean crystal size 410 µm; mean surf. area 70 cm2/g; bulk dens. 1.171.28 g/ml (loose); 99.82% NaCl Thermal Select 75%/80%/85% (FG) [ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com] Chem. Descrip.: Phosphoric acid CAS 7664-38-2; EINECS/ELINCS 231-633-2 Uses: Acidulant, pH control agent, buffering agent, flavor enhancer, flavoring agent, sequestrant, stabilizer and thickener, and synergist; used in cola beverages, carbonated and noncarbonated beverages, candy, fruits, jams, and jellies, lard, yogurt, bakery prods. Features: Food-grade Regulatory: FCC compliance Properties: Cl. to sl. golden syrupy liq.; pleasing acid taste when diluted Toxicology: Causes eye burns, skin and respiratory tract irritation; avoid breathing dust Storage: Keep container closed; empty containers contain residue Thermax® 34 [Glanbia Nutritional http://www.glanbianutritionals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Conc. whey protein Chem. Analysis: 34% protein; 4.0% moisture; 4.0% fat CAS 84082-51-9; EINECS/ELINCS 281-998-7 Uses: Nutritional supplement and water binder in ultra-pasteurized and UHT prods., ready-to-drink beverages, chocolate, soups, sauces, ice cream/frozen yogurt, processed cheeses, and infant formulas Features: Exc. flavor profile; acid and heat stable; high solubility Regulatory: Kosher and Halal approved Properties: pH 6.8-7.2 (10% sol'n.) Storage: 2 yr. shelflife; store in a cool, dry, clean environment @ R.T. away from strong odors and other contaminants Thermax® 690 [Glanbia Nutritional http://www.glanbianutritionals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrolyzed whey protein isolate Chem. Analysis: 90% protein; 4.0% moisture; < 1.0% fat Uses: Nutritional supplement for nutritional, weight-loss, clinical nutrition, and sports beverages Features: Sol. over a wide pH range; exc. heat 700
Part I: Trade Name Reference stability; remains stable throughout UHT and retort thermal processing; low fat and carbohydrate content Regulatory: Kosher and Halal approved Properties: Mild taste; pH 7.5(10% sol'n.) Storage: 2 yr. shelflife; store in a cool, dry, clean environment @ R.T. away from strong odors and other contaminants Thermflo® [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Stabilizer, texturizer for fruit fillings and glazes, puddings, custards and cream pie fillings, gravies, sauces, frozen foods Features: Rec. for high or low pH systems processed under high temp., high shear, or lengthy processing conditions Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd., starch odor; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH 6 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: TWA 10 mg/m3; nuisance dust; particulates may scratch eye surfaces and cause mech. irritation; low toxicity to skin and by ing. Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; sensitive to static elec.; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N Storage: Store @ ambient temps. Thermolec 57 [ADM Lecithin http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified soya lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Pan/mold release agent for baked goods, dairy prods., instant beverage mixes, instant foods, confections; emulsifier Properties: Translucent fluid; visc. 30 stokes; HLB 7.0; acid no. 28 max.; 0.80% max. water Thermolec 200 [ADM Lecithin http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified soya lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Emulsifier for infant formulas, coffee creamers, gravies, sauces, baked goods, dairy prods., instant foods and beverage mixes, confections; release agent Properties: Translucent fluid; visc. 60 stokes; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
HLB 7.0; acid no. 30 max.; 0.80% max. water Thermolec WFC [ADM Lecithin http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxylated soya lecithin See Hydroxylated lecithin CAS 8029-76-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-440-6 Uses: Emulsifier for o/w emulsions, infant formulas, coffee creamers, gravies, sauces, instant dry mixes Properties: Translucent fluid; visc. 90 stokes; HLB 11.0; acid no. 30 max.; 1% max. water Thermshear [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch See Food starch, modified Uses: Visc. builder, texturizer, mouthfeel enhancer for dairy prods., puddings, cream fillings, yogurt, dressings; shelf life extender, gloss aid, flow aid for high acid sauces such as plum and lemon; water binder, syneresis inhibitor, stabilizer for prods. that require refrigeration or repeated freeze-thaw cycles Features: Cook-up starch; exc. low temp. stability; rec. for harsh processing conditions Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd., starch odor; bland, neutral taste; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH 6 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: TWA 10 mg/m3; nuisance dust; particulates may scratch eye surfaces and cause mech. irritation; low toxicity to skin and by ing.; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; sensitive to static elec.; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N Storage: Store @ ambient temps. Thermtex® [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch See Food starch, modified Uses: Texturizer, viscosity builder, heat penetration aid in retorted foods such as cook-in-can fruit fillings and aseptically processed canned foods, high shear systems such as emulsion meats, spoonable salad dressings Features: Allows excellent heat penetration during retorting; exc. cold temp. storage 701
Part I: Trade Name Reference stability; exc. resist. to visc. breakdown under extreme processing conditions Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd., starch odor; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH 5.5 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: TWA 10 mg/m3; nuisance dust; particulates may scratch eye surfaces and cause mech. irritation; low toxicity to skin and by ing.; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; sensitive to static elec.; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N Storage: Store @ ambient temps. Thiamine Hydrochloride USP, FCC [DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vitamin B1 hydrochloride USP, FCC, EP See Thiamine HCl CAS 67-03-8; EINECS/ELINCS 200-641-8 Uses: Nutrient, thiamine source in dry prods. (infant formulas, dry foods for reconstitution); flavoring agent Features: Not rec. for dry prods. with high moisture content Regulatory: USP, FCC, Ph. Eur. Properties: Wh. or almost wh. powd.; freely sol. in water Precaution: Avoid heat, alkalis, prolonged light exposure Storage: Store in dry place in tightly closed container Thibola 100 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Gelling agent, texturizer, visc. control agent in jelly and gum candies, processed cheeses, cultured prods.; texturizer, visc. control agent in retort applics. Thibola 230 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Gelling agent, texturizer, visc. control agent in jelly and gum candies, processed cheeses, cultured prods.; texturizer, visc. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
control agent in retort applics. Thibola 300 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Gelling agent, texturizer, visc. control agent in jelly and gum candies Thin-N-Thik® 99 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified, derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Visc. control agent for puddings, sauces, gravies, fruit pie fillings, tomatobased prods., stews, meat prods. Features: Cook-up starch providing controlled thin-to-thick visc. change to retorted and aseptically processed foods, acid and neutral systems Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd.; 90% through 100 mesh; pH 5.5 (uncooked); 12% moisture Thomil G [Undesa http://www.undesa.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl myristate CAS 589-68-4; EINECS/ELINCS 248-329-0 Uses: Food lubricant Properties: Nonionic Thymus Substance [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vacuum-dried defatted glandular prod. Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Powd. or freeze-dried form Ticaxan® Regular [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier, suspending agent, binder, moisture control agent in foods (salad dressings, sauces, fruit beverages, dry mixes, refrigerated dough, cake mixes, relish, pie fillings, bakery emulsions) TIC Pretested® Action Gum 1144 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Thickener, suspending agent for foods, salad dressings, relishes, gravies, sauces Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.25-0.50% 702
Part I: Trade Name Reference TIC Pretested® Action Gum 1155 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Suspending agent for foods, beverages, marinades, meal replacers, esp. for suspending all-natural seaweed liq. base in neutraceutical beverages Features: Provides mouthfeel and suspension without adding visc. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.2-0.3% TIC Pretested® Action Gum 5000 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Thickener, suspending aid for salad dressing, gravies, and dry powd. mixes Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water TIC Pretested® Action Gum 6700 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Thickener, suspending aid for salad dressing, gravies, dry powd. mixes Features: All natural; low cost; low usage Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water TIC Pretested® Action Gum 8200 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Thickener, suspending agent, moisture-binder and shelf-life extender in bakery prods., dry mix applics. Features: All natural; rapid hydration characteristics Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water TIC Pretested® Action Gum 19444 Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, suspending agent in foods Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.2-0.4% TIC Pretested® Agar Agar 100 FCC/NF Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Agar agar gum See Agar CAS 9002-18-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-658-1 Uses: Gellant for foods; anticrystallization agent for sugar in doughnut glazes; texturizer in jelly candies, marshmallows; stabilizer for meringue mixes; flavoring agent; gelatin replacement in fining of wines, juices, and vinegar Features: Rigid gel which must boil to hydrate; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
stable under low pH conditions; tolerates large percentages of salts without changes in gel structure Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Med. mesh powd.; 90% through 100 mesh; m.w. 5000-30,000; visc. forms gel on heating; gel pt. 88-103 F; pH 4-7; 20% max. moisture Use Level: 0.15-0.25% (bakery icings), 0.250.45% (pie fillings), 0.1-0.2% (bakery glazes), 0.5-0.65% (low calorie jams/jellies), 1.1-1.25% (candy gels), 8-10% (dental impressions) TIC Pretested® Agar Agar 110 FCC/NF Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Agar CAS 9002-18-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-658-1 Uses: Gellant for foods, icings, doughnut glazes, canned meats/fish/poultry; anticrystallization agent for sugar in doughnut glazes; texturizer in jelly candies, marshmallows; stabilizer for meringue mixes; gelatin replacement in fining of wines, juices, and vinegar Regulatory: Kosher Properties: 100 mesh powd.; sol. in water @ 212 F for 5 min Use Level: 0.8-1.2% (general use); 0.2% (icings); 0.5-1% (doughnut glazes); 0.3-1.8% (jelly candies, marshmallow); 0.5-2.0% (canned meat/fish/poultry); 0.05-10.15% (wines/juices/vinegar) TIC Pretested® Agar Agar 150 FCC/NF Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Agar CAS 9002-18-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-658-1 Uses: Gellant for foods, icings, doughnut glazes, canned meats/fish/poultry; anticrystallization agent for sugar in doughnut glazes; texturizer in jelly candies, marshmallows; stabilizer for meringue mixes; gelatin replacement in fining of wines, juices, and vinegar Regulatory: Kosher Properties: 150 mesh powd.; sol. in water @ 212 F for 5 min Use Level: 0.2% (icings); 0.5-1% (doughnut glazes); 0.3-1.8% (jelly candies, marshmallow); 0.5-2.0% (canned meat/fish/poultry); 0.05-10.15% (wines/juices/vinegar)
Part I: Trade Name Reference TIC Pretested® Agar RS-100 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Agar CAS 9002-18-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-658-1 Uses: Gellant for foods, icings, doughnut glazes, canned meats/fish/poultry; anticrystallization agent for sugar in doughnut glazes; texturizer in jelly candies, marshmallows; stabilizer for meringue mixes; gelatin replacement in fining of wines, juices, and vinegar Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in water @ 150-180 F Use Level: 0.2% (icings); 0.5-1% (doughnut glazes); 0.3-1.8% (jelly candies, marshmallow); 0.5-2.0% (canned meat/fish/poultry); 0.05-10.15% (wines/juices/vinegar) TIC Pretested® Agaroid RS-30 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Gellant, gelatin replacement for foods (esp. confections, dairy prods., lowfat dairy prods.) Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in water @ 150-180 F Use Level: 0.15-1.3% TIC Pretested® Agaroid RS-500 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Agar CAS 9002-18-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-658-1 Uses: Gellant, gelatin replacement in Gummy Bears and similar jelly-like confections Features: All natural; does not require boiling in order to hydrate; forms flexible, heat reversible gels that have a gelling point below 65 C resulting in more flexible gels Regulatory: Kosher Use Level: 0.60-1.25% TIC Pretested® Arabic FT-1 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic USP See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Carrier, antioxidant, flavor retention aid for spray-dried flavors; flavoring agent Features: Provides clean taste; may be labeled 'natural' Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; 85% min. dietary fiber, 15% max. moisture TIC Pretested® Arabic PH SD [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic FCC/NF See Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Emulsifier, water binder, adhesion promoter for beverage emulsions and flavor encapsulation; low visc. and high fiber for beverage mixes and meal replacers; flavoring agent Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1330, GRAS Properties: Wh. to off-wh. free-flowing powd., odorless, bland flavor; 55% min. on 100 mesh; visc. 300 cps max.; pH 4-5; 85% min. dietary fiber, 15% max. moisture TIC Pretested® Aragum® 1067-T SS Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of gum Arabic, other gums and sugar solids See Acacia Uses: Adhesion promoter, tackifier, thickener for confectionery (snacks, seed cakes), other binding applics. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 5-10% TIC Pretested® Aragum® 3173 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of gum Arabic and other gums See Acacia Uses: Visc. builder for bakery flavor emulsions, confections Features: Gum tragacanth replacement Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.25-0.75% TIC Pretested® Aragum® 9000 M Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of gum Arabic and other gums standardized with dextrin See Acacia Uses: Clouding agent for flavor emulsions Features: 1:1 replacement for gum Arabic; stable in presence of alcohol; can be stored refrigerated without setting Regulatory: FDA approved; kosher Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd., bland odor, sl. sweet flavor; 20% min. on 80 mesh; sol. in cold water; visc. 600 cps max. (30%); pH 4-7; 12% max. moisture Use Level: 15-20% TIC Pretested® Aragum® T-1998 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of gum Arabic and other gums See Acacia Uses: Emulsifier, thickener, stabilizer for beverages, bakery flavors, salad dressing 704
Part I: Trade Name Reference emulsions Features: Gum tragacanth replacement Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.4-1.5% TIC Pretested® Bright Gum Arabic FCC/NF Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Film-former, starch replacer in bakery, dry mixes, meal replacers, tableting applics.; flavor carrier; encapsulant for high-quality flavors; flavoring agent Features: Good adhesion and water binding; superior white/bright color chars. in finished prods. Properties: Bright wh. freeflowing powd.; odorless; bland taste; 80% min. through USS #80 mesh; low visc. TIC Pretested® Bright Gum Arabic NF/USP Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic USP See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Flavor carrier; sugar coating plasticizer; flavoring agent Features: Rec. for light colored applics. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water TIC Pretested® Bright Gum Arabic PreHydrated® [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Binder, flavor carrier, adhesive for foods, confections, soups; glazing agent for bakery glazes, pet food glazes; flavoring agent Features: Dust-free; rapid hydration Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Wh. coarse powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 3-30% TIC Pretested® Caragum 200 [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: blend of deodorized guar gum and locust bean gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum; Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-30-0; 9000-40-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8; 232-541-5 Uses: Visc. control agent, visc. booster, thickener for soups, sauces, gravies; replacement for locust bean gum Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. @ 180 F in water TIC Pretested® Caragum 300 2473 Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier in sauces, baked goods Features: Low cost replacement for locust bean gum at 1:1 ratio Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. @ 165 F in water Use Level: 0.15-1.25% TIC Pretested® CMC 2500 S [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium carboxymethylcellulose See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Thickener for foods; controls texture and ice crystal growth in frozen dairy prods.; retains moisture in bakery and calorie applics.; synergistic with casein, other proteins Regulatory: FDA GRAS, FCC Properties: Off-wh. to tan free-flowing powd., odorless, bland flavor; 25% min. on 140 mesh, 65% max. through 140 mesh; sol. in cold or hot water; visc. 1400-2400 cps; pH 6.0-8.5; 99.5% min. purity, 8% max. moisture TIC Pretested® Colloid 451T Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Texturizer, oil and shortening replacement, moisture retention aid for lowfat muffins; water binder, ice crystal control agent in frozen dough; batter visc. control agent in dry cake mixes Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.15-0.2% (low-fat muffins), 0.2-0.3% (frozen doughs), 0.1-0.15% (dry cake mixes) TIC Pretested® Colloid 488T Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium alginate See Algin CAS 9005-38-3 Uses: Gellant, film-former, emulsifier, suspending agent for foods (dairy prods., extruded foods, beverages, salad dressings, dessert gels, sauces, frozen desserts, bakery prods.) Features: Reactive with milk, calcium ions Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water; med. visc. Use Level: 0.2-1%; 0.3-0.5% (pie fillings) TIC Pretested® Colloid 515M-T Powder [TIC 705
Part I: Trade Name Reference Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Gellant for icings, glazes, fruit fillings; antitackifier, moisture binder, sugar crystallization control aid in icings Features: Forms strong, elastic gels without heat Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.5-0.7% (icings, glazes); 1-2% (fruit fillings) TIC Pretested® Colloid 517 T Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mixt. of kappa and lambda carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Suspending agent for cocoa, bodying agent in milk- and water-based powd. drinks, powd. cocoa drinks, chocolate syrup Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.1-0.4% TIC Pretested® Colloid 590 T Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Water loss control agent, flexibilizer for frozen tortillas, baked goods Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in water @ 165 F Use Level: 0.075-0.1% TIC Pretested® Colloid 600 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Kappa-Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Emulsifier, binder, stabilizer, thickener for bakery gels Features: Needs to be heated to 170 F to hydrate Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in water @ 170 F Use Level: 0.87-1.25% TIC Pretested® Colloid 601 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Kappa-Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Visc. builder for nutritional prods., meal replacers, dairy, shakes, instant hot cocoa Features: Rec. for nutritional prods. sold to nursing homes where prod. must hold constant visc. for up to 4 h Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in water @ 180 F Use Level: 0.35-0.65% TIC Pretested® Colloid 601-M Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Kappa-Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Visc. builder, suspending agent for dairy, meal replacers, shakes, instant hot cocoa Features: No K+ buffer Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.05-0.30% TIC Pretested® Colloid 602 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol alginate CAS 9005-37-2 Uses: Gellant, film-former, emulsifier, suspending agent for foods (dairy prods., extruded foods, beverages, salad dressings, dessert gels, sauces, frozen desserts, bakery prods.) Features: Reactive with milk Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.07-0.20% (finished drink wt.); 0.651.0% (alcoholic beverages) TIC Pretested® Colloid 614 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: For bakery, pie fillings, fresh and frozen pies Features: Freeze-thaw stable Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in water @ 165 F Use Level: 0.15-0.25% (with starch) TIC Pretested® Colloid 666-1 Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Visc. builder for cheese soups, sauces, gravies Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in water @ 180 F Use Level: 0.25-0.75% TIC Pretested® Colloid 710 H Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Kappa-Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) Uses: Gellant, thickener for puddings, baked goods; thickener for syrup, aloe gel Features: Synergistic with most starches; prevents 'weeping' in puddings 706
Part I: Trade Name Reference Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in water @ 180 F Use Level: 0.2-0.5% (alone), 0.1-0.15% (with starch) TIC Pretested® Colloid 720 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lambda-Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Suspending agent, mouthfeel enhancer for milk-based or milk-like beverages Features: Adds rich creaminess Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.2-0.8% TIC Pretested® Colloid 760 MB Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Suspending agent for chocolate milk, dairy prods. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in water @ 180 F Use Level: 0.03-0.04% TIC Pretested® Colloid 775 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lambda-Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Thickener for cold milk, dairy, instant puddings, fruit and chocolate syrups, milk shakes, bakery prods., breadwash, refrigerated omelets Features: Reactive with milk proteins; develops visc. @ low usage levels, soft gels @ higher levels; gels with heat; provides creamy texture, clean full flavor release; synergistic with most starches Regulatory: Kosher approved Properties: 35% max. on 200 mesh; sol. in cold water; visc. 450 cps min. (1%); pH 8-9.5; 12% max. moisture Use Level: 0.1-0.3% (milk shakes), 0.8-1.2% (instant pudding), 0.2% (heated milk); 0.10.4% (refrigerated omelets) TIC Pretested® Colloid 780 MB [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Viscosity builder, suspending agent, and stabilizer system for milk beverages such as chocolate milk Features: Provides a small amount of viscosity at very low levels Regulatory: Kosher Use Level: 0.02-0.30% Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
TIC Pretested® Colloid 787 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Water binder, processing aid which prevents syneresis, aids freeze/thaw props., adds sheen and gloss, prevents cracking in pie fillings; water binder, ice crystals control agent in frozen doughs Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in water @ 180 F Use Level: 0.2-0.4% (pie fillings), 0.05-0.15% (frozen doughs) TIC Pretested® Colloid 787-TP Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Water binder for frozen pizza sauce preventing water from migrating into the dough Regulatory: Kosher Use Level: 0.15-0.25% TIC Pretested® Colloid 825 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Kappa-Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Gellant, opacifier for meats, pet foods Features: Sl. higher levels of insol. matter; yields gels with some opacity Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in water @ 180 F Use Level: 0.1-2.75% TIC Pretested® Colloid 881 M Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Iota-Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Gellant for fruit spreads; suspending agent for solids in liq. systems; combined with starches, used as partial fat replacer in minced and emulsified meats Features: Reactive in water and milk systems; yields pliable gels with superior organoleptic props.; hydrates fully above 70 C Regulatory: FDA approved; kosher Properties: Lt. tan free-flowing powd., nearly odorless, bland flavor; 100% min. through 40 mesh; sol. in water @ 180 F; pH 6-8; 15% max. moisture Use Level: 0.8-1.2% TIC Pretested® Colloid 911 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Glazing agent, coating agent for frozen blueberries; prevents weeping in blueberry muffins, baked goods Features: Added to berries while being thawed, 707
Part I: Trade Name Reference absorbs water to form a glaze Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water Use Level: 1-1.25% TIC Pretested® Colloid 1004 T Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Emulsifier, suspending agent for citrus pulp drinks; emulsifier for coconut cream; suspending agent for pineapple pulp Features: Heat stable @ low pH; all natural Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.15-0.3% TIC Pretested® Colloid 1023 T Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Water binder, ice crystal control agent in frozen doughs, flour and corn tortillas Features: Adds flexibility and strength Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.2-0.4% (frozen doughs) TIC Pretested® Colloid Bind I-96 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Binder in meats, soy burgers, vegetables, noodles, surimi, meat analogs Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in water @ 180 F Use Level: 0.5-1.5% TIC Pretested® Colloid Fold 'N Flex Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Flexibilizer for baked goods, tortillas, pita breads, pizza dough Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water Use Level: 4 oz/100 lb flour TIC Pretested® Colloid Noodlizer Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Noodle and pasta improver; strengthener for fresh noodles Features: Inhibits fat absorption during frying Regulatory: Kosher Use Level: 0.1%-0.35% TIC Pretested® Colloid PM-3161-F Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Suppresses cold water visc., provides water gel str. and protein reactivity in meats (injection, marinade, emulsion) Features: Fine mesh prod. suitable for needle injection (will not clog) Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in water @ 180 F Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Use Level: 1-2% (in brine) TIC Pretested® Colloid PM-6009A Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Suppresses cold water visc., provides water gel str. and protein reactivity in meats, sausages, hot dogs, baloney, salami, pepperoni Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in water @ 180 F TIC Pretested® Colloid Sticktic [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Adhesion promoter, film-former for adhesion of any food prod. (granola bars, spices, sesame seeds, etc.) Use Level: 5-10% (cracker adhesive) TIC Pretested® Colloid Supersmooth Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Suspending agent, bodying agent in nutritional meal replacers Properties: Clean taste Use Level: 0.1-0.4% TIC Pretested® Colloid Ultrasmooth Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Suspending agent, bodying agent in nutritional meal replacers, rice drinks, soybased drinks, functional foods Features: Less foaming than Colloid Supersmooth Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.1-0.4% TIC Pretested® Colloid Vegi-Film Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Edible film, coating for foods, baked goods, as glaze for chicken or other food subject to drying out Features: Elastic, pliable yet strong Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in water @ 180 F Use Level: 1.5-2.5% TIC Pretested® Colloid XC-6515-1 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Stabilizer for sugar syrup when packing cherries Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in water @ 180 F Use Level: 0.3-0.75% TIC Pretested® Dairyblend 140-HD [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Emulsifier for dairy beverages Properties: Sol. in water @ 180 F 708
Part I: Trade Name Reference Use Level: 2-3 lbs/100 gal TIC Pretested® Dairyblend 366-THK [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Thickener for milk, cocoa beverages Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in water @ 180 F TIC Pretested® Dairyblend 850-GRD [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Thickener, suspending agent, water binder for frozen foods, sauces, gravies, marinades Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water TIC Pretested® Dairyblend 2004 [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Emulsifier for ice creams Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in water @ 180 F Use Level: 0.2-0.4% TIC Pretested® Dairyblend 17456 [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Emulsifier for ice creams Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in water @ 180 F Use Level: 0.1-0.35% TIC Pretested® Dairyblend 3540 [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Stabilizer for ice cream and novelties; chewy mouthfeel enhancer TIC Pretested® Dairyblend Organic IC [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Emulsifier for 100% org. ice creams Properties: Sol. in water @ 180 F Use Level: 0.3-0.45% TIC Pretested® Dairyblend WT-P Stabilizer [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: blend of gums and insoluble fiber Uses: Foam stabilizer for full fat and fat free whipped toppings Features: At the prescribed loading levels, the viscosity increase is minimal and does not inhibit foam formation; insoluble solids component aids in the foam stabilization Use Level: 0.4-0.8% of final prod. TIC Pretested® Freedom Gum X-PGA/HV Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of tragacanth, guar, and xanthan gums See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum; Tragacanth Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
(Astragalus gummifer) gum; Xanthan gum Uses: Stabilizer, emulsifier for salad dressings, and rice-based drinks Features: Replacement for propylene glycol alginate Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.2-1.5% TIC Pretested® Freedom Gum X-PGA/LV Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of tragacanth, guar, and xanthan gums See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum; Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer) gum; Xanthan gum Uses: Stabilizer, emulsifier for foods Features: Replacement for propylene glycol alginate Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.2-1.5% TIC Pretested® Guarcel 201 Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum-based See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, mouthfeel enhancer in instant beverages, dry mixes, frozen pops Features: Rapid hydration Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.15-0.25% TIC Pretested® Guarcel 302 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum-based See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum Uses: Thickener for dairy-based dry mix beverages, hot cocoa mix Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.2-0.4% TIC Pretested® Guarcel 402 Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum-based See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum Uses: Thickener for dairy, frozen pops, sorbets, sherbets Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.2-0.4%
Part I: Trade Name Reference TIC Pretested® Guar Gum 8/24 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, suspending agent for instant beverages/soup mixes/cocoa, sauces, marinades, gravies, bakery mixes Features: Fine mesh suitable for dry mixes where rapid hydration is required; high visc.; low microbial profile Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Fine powd.; bland taste; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.1-1.0% TIC Pretested® Guar Gum 8/28-D [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Visc. modifier for instant beverages, instant soup mixes, instant cocoa, sauces, marinades, gravies, bakery mixes Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water TIC Pretested® GuarNT 3500 F Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener for soups, sauces, marinades, gravies, hot cocoa mixes, dry mix applics. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Bland taste; sol. in cold water TIC Pretested® GuarNT Bland 200 HV Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener for soups, sauces, marinades, gravies, hot cocoa mixes, dry mix applics. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Bland taste; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.1-1.5% TIC Pretested® Gum Arabic #1 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Emulsifier for flavor emulsion concs., cloud emulsions and spray-dried cloud powds; foam stabilizer in beer; clarifier in wines; fat emulsifier, sugar crystallization retarder in confections; flavoring agent; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
whipping aid, stabilizer in aerated confections (with hydrolyzed soy protein); glazing agent, stabilizer, flexibilizer in bakery bun glazes Properties: Sol. in cold water TIC Pretested® Gum Arabic 6/60 FCC Granular [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Emulsifier for flavor emulsion concs., cloud emulsions and spray-dried cloud powds; foam stabilizer in beer; clarifier in wines; fat emulsifier, sugar crystallization retarder in confections; flavoring agent; whipping aid, stabilizer in aerated confections (with hydrolyzed soy protein); glazing agent, stabilizer, flexibilizer in bakery bun glazes Features: Easy dispersing, but takes longer to hydrate Properties: Gran.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 15-30% TIC Pretested® Gum Arabic BEV-101 GR Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Emulsifier for flavor emulsion concs., cloud emulsions and spray-dried cloud powds; foam stabilizer in beer; clarifier in wines; fat emulsifier, sugar crystallization retarder in confections; flavoring agent; whipping aid, stabilizer in aerated confections (with hydrolyzed soy protein); glazing agent, stabilizer, flexibilizer in bakery bun glazes Features: 1:1 replacement for A. senegal in beverage emulsions Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water Use Level: 12-22% TIC Pretested® Gum Arabic BEV-202 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Emulsifier for flavor emulsion concs., cloud emulsions and spray-dried cloud powds; foam stabilizer in beer; clarifier in wines; fat emulsifier, sugar crystallization retarder in confections; flavoring agent; whipping aid, stabilizer in aerated confections (with hydrolyzed soy protein); glazing agent, stabilizer, flexibilizer in 710
Part I: Trade Name Reference bakery bun glazes Features: Prehydrated; dust-free; no lumps when dispersed; rapid hydration Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water Use Level: 12-22% TIC Pretested® Gum Arabic Extra Special Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Emulsifier, binder for beverage emulsions; emulsifier for flavor emulsion concs., cloud emulsions and spray-dried cloud powds; foam stabilizer in beer; clarifier in wines; fat emulsifier, sugar crystallization retarder in confections; whipping aid, stabilizer in aerated confections (with hydrolyzed soy protein); glazing agent, stabilizer, flexibilizer in bakery bun glazes; flavoring agent Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Fine powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 5-30% TIC Pretested® Gum Arabic FT-1 Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Encapsulation carrier for flavor oils; carrier for spray-dried flavors; foam stabilizer in beer; clarifier in wines; fat emulsifier, sugar crystallization retarder in confections; whipping aid, stabilizer in aerated confections (with hydrolyzed soy protein); glazing agent, stabilizer, flexibilizer in bakery bun glazes; excipient in pharmaceutical tablets; flavoring agent Features: High in sol. dietary fiber Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 3-30% TIC Pretested® Gum Arabic FT Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic FCC/NF See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Emulsifier for beverage emulsions; encapsulation carrier for flavor oils; dietary fiber for dry mixes and meal replacers; carrier in spray-dried flavors; foam stabilizer in beer; clarifier in wines; flavoring agent; fat emulsifier, sugar crystallization retarder in confections; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
whipping aid, stabilizer in aerated confections (with hydrolyzed soy protein); glazing agent, stabilizer, flexibilizer in bakery bun glazes Features: High in sol. dietary fiber; low visc.; good adhesion and water binding chars.; said to be virtually noncaloric Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1330, GRAS; kosher Properties: Wh. to off-wh. spray-dried freeflowing powd., odorless, bland flavor; 80% min. through 80 mesh; sol. in cold water; visc. 300 cps max.; pH 4-5; 85% dietary fiber, 11% max. moisture Use Level: 3-30% TIC Pretested® Gum Arabic FT Pre-Hydrated® [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Binder; carrier in spray-dried flavors; foam stabilizer in beer; clarifier in wines; formulation of cloud emulsions and spray-dried cloud powds.; sugar crystallization retarder and fat emulsifier in confections; flavoring agent; whipping aid, stabilizer for aerated confections (with hydrolyzed soy protein); glazing agent, stabilizer, flexibilizer for baked buns Features: Dust-free; rapid hydration; high in sol. dietary fiber (typically 85%) Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water Use Level: 3-30% TIC Pretested® Gum Arabic Spray Dry FCC Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic FCC See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Emulsifier for flavor emulsion concs., cloud emulsions and spray-dried cloud powds; foam stabilizer in beer; clarifier in wines; fat emulsifier, sugar crystallization retarder in confections; flavoring agent; whipping aid, stabilizer in aerated confections (with hydrolyzed soy protein); glazing agent, stabilizer, flexibilizer in bakery bun glazes Features: Highest purity Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water Use Level: 5-30%
Part I: Trade Name Reference TIC Pretested® Gum Arabic Spray Dry NF/USP Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic FCC/USP See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier, flavoring agent Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water TIC Pretested® Gum Arabic TP Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Binder, film-former, sol. dietary fiber in nutritional bars, milk-based beverages, pet food; flavoring agent Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water Use Level: 3-30% TIC Pretested® Gum Arabic White 3871 Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Film-former, flavor carrier in confections, marshmallows, pharmaceutical tablets; flavoring agent Features: Produces highest whiteness powd. and sol'n. color Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water Use Level: 3-30% TIC Pretested® Gum Guar 8/22 NF/FCC Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum FCC/NF See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, moisture control agent in foods Features: Quick hydration; freeze/thaw and pH stable (4-9) Regulatory: Kosher approved Properties: Powd.; 4% max. on 100 mesh, 75% min. through 200 mesh; sol. in cold water; visc. 3000 cps min.; pH 4-7; 15% max. moisture Use Level: 0.125-0.2% (instant soup), 0.1250.25% (sauces, gravies, instant beverages), 0.25-0.35% (cake mixes), 0.1-0.4% (ice cream mixes), 0.3-0.45% (batters), 0.15-0.25% (fresh tortillas) TIC Pretested® Gum Guar Bland 200 HV Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
(Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener for soups, sauces, marinades, gravies, hot cocoa mixes, functional foods Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Fine powd.; reduced odor; bland taste; sol. in cold water; high visc. Use Level: 0.1-1.5% TIC Pretested® Gum Guar Bland Fine Mesh Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener for soups, sauces, marinades, gravies, hot cocoa mixes Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Fine powd.; reduced odor; bland taste; sol. in cold water; med. visc. Use Level: 0.1-1.5% TIC Pretested® Gum Guar TICOLV FCC Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, film-former, binder for foods (ice cream, dairy prods., instant soups, dressings, sauces, gravies, cakes, donuts, frozen foods, cheese, pet food) Features: High visc., milk reactivity Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water; visc. 10002000 cP (2%) Use Level: 0.5-2.0% TIC Pretested® Gum Guar VLV Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener for functional foods Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water; very low visc. Use Level: 1-3% TIC Pretested® Locust Bean Gum Clarified Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Locust bean gum See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-40-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-541-5 Uses: Gellant for foods, clear prods., pharmaceuticals Features: Precipitated with alcohol to remove 712
Part I: Trade Name Reference the protein; superior clarity alone and when used with other gums for gels; gelatin replacement Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in water @ 165 F Use Level: 0.15-0.75% TIC Pretested® Locust Bean Gum POR/A Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Locust bean gum See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-40-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-541-5 Uses: Visc. builder for cream cheese, dairy applics., functional foods; water binder in frozen dairy prods. and cream cheese Features: Needs heat to hydrate; freeze/thaw and pH stable (3.6-9) Regulatory: Kosher approved Properties: Powd.; 10% max. on 100 mesh; visc. 2700 cps min. (1%); pH 5-7; 15% max. moisture Use Level: 0.1-0.25% (cake mixes, dough), 0.10.3% (sauces), 0.1-0.4% (dairy stabilizer mix), 0.12-0.2% (fresh tortillas), 0.125-0.25% (pie fillings), 0.2-0.3% (cream cheese), 0.35-0.45% (fruit yogurt) TIC Pretested® No Fat Snack Dry Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Adhesive, binder for spices on snack foods Features: Low fat; replaces oil; requires sec. oven for final drying Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 5-12% TIC Pretested® Nutriloid® Arabic Spray Dry Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Mouthfeel enhancer, texturizer, dietary fiber in high fiber soups, gravies, sauces, functional foods; flavoring agent Features: Provides creamy texture without adding visc.; high in sol. dietary fiber (typically 85%) Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.2-5% TIC Pretested® Nutriloid® Fiberplus Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Dietary fiber, adhesion promoter, filmformer for high fiber soups, bars, functional foods Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Features: High in sol. dietary fiber Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 1-2% TIC Pretested® Nutriloid® Pre-Hydrated Arabic [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Mouthfeel enhancer, texturizer, dietary fiber in high fiber soups, gravies, sauces, functional foods Features: Provides creamy texture without adding visc.; high in sol. dietary fiber (typically 85%); dust-free; produces lump-free dispersions Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.2-5% TIC Pretested® Pectin 1300 [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Viscosifier, mouthfeel enhancer for acidified beverages that contain ingredients such as milk or soy Features: Unstandardized high methoxyl pectin derived from citrus peels; can be used to create gels or films under the proper conditions, including percent solids, pH, temperature, and the presence of plasticizers Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Partially sol. in cold water TIC Pretested® Pectin 1694 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Visc. builder, mouthfeel enhancer for drinks, fruit juices, noncarbonated beverages, functional foods Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.1-0.6% TIC Pretested® Pectin AM 800 [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Viscosifier, mouthfeel enhancer for acidified beverages that contain ingredients such as milk or soy Features: All natural Regulatory: Kosher Use Level: 0.1-0.5%
Part I: Trade Name Reference TIC Pretested® Pectin HM Rapid Set Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gellant for jams, jellies, bakery fillings Features: Rec. for jams that are kept in small jars (< 1 kg); helps avoid fruit flotation; requires pH 3.3-3.5 and 63-67% sugar solids Regulatory: FDA 21CFR GRAS; kosher Properties: Ylsh. to tan free-flowing powd., nearly odorless, sl. sweet mucilaginous taste; 98% min. through 60 mesh; dissolves in water forming opalescent colloid sol'n.; pract. insol. in alcohol; visc. 25-100 cps (1%); pH 3-4.2; 12% max. moisture Use Level: 0.8-1.2% TIC Pretested® Pectin HM Slow Set Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gellant for jams, jellies, preserves, bakery fillings Features: Rec. for jams mfg. in large containers (> 1 kg); requires pH 3.3-3.5 and 63-67% sugar solids Regulatory: FDA 21CFR GRAS; kosher Properties: Ylsh. to tan free-flowing powd., nearly odorless, bland mucilaginous taste; 98% min. through 60 mesh; dissolves in water forming opalescent colloid sol'n.; pract. insol. in alcohol; visc. 25-100 cps (1%); pH 3-4; 12% max. moisture Use Level: 0.8-1.2% TIC Pretested® Pectin LM 32 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin, low methoxyl CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gellant for foods, fruit gels, yogurt Features: Good at pH 2.8-6.5; sets @ 50-70 C; synergistic with locust bean gum Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; partial sol. in cold water, heat to 195 F for gels Use Level: 0.8-1.2% TIC Pretested® Pectin LM 35 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin, amidated low methoxyl CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Gellant for foods, fruit gels, yogurt, yogurt drinks Features: Best at pH 3.2-3.6; sets @ 40-70 C; synergistic with locust bean gum Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: Kosher Use Level: 0.8-1.2% TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Action Gum 1144 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Thickener, suspending agent for foods, salad dressings, relishes, sauces, gravies, soups, industrial applics. Features: Dust-free; produces lump-free disps. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.25-0.50% TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Colloid 602 Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Gellant, film-former, emulsifier, suspending agent for beverages (hot chocolate, instant drinks, alcohol stable drinks), salad dressings Features: Less dust; virtually no lumping; more uniform hydration Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.07-1.0% TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Colloid 886 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Thickener, texturizer, emulsion stabilizer, freeze/thaw stabilizer, suspending agent for gravies, sauces, marinades; suspending agent in other applics. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.1-0.5% TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Freedom Gum XPGA/LV Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of tragacanth, guar, and xanthan gums See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum; Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer) gum; Xanthan gum Uses: Stabilizer, emulsifier for foods, salad dressings, beverages, cream-based beverages, citrus pulp suspension Features: Replacement for propylene glycol alginate; dust-free; lump-free for easier disp. and faster hydration Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.2-1.5% TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Guar Gum 8/24 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar 714
Part I: Trade Name Reference (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, suspending agent for soups, sauces, marinades, gravies, hot cocoa mixes Features: Highest visc.; prehydrated Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; bland taste; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.1-1.0% TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® GuarNT™ Bland Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum Chem. Analysis: 15% max. moisture CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Thickener, visc. builder for foods and beverages incl. frozen foods, bakery fillings, salad dressings, and nutraceutical beverages Features: Prehydrated for ease in use; reduced odor; no mealy taste or off-odor; med. visc. Properties: Tan free-flowing powd.; nearly odorless; bland flavor; 5% max. on USS #40 mesh; visc. 1500 cps min.; pH 3-7 TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Gum Arabic FT Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Carrier for spray-dried flavors; foam stabilizer in beer; clarifier in wines; anticrystallization agent for sugar and fat emulsifier in confections; whipping agent, stabilizer for aerated confections; flavoring agent; stabilizer, flexibilizer in bakery glazes Features: Dust-free; rapid hydration; high in sol. dietary fiber Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 3-30% TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Gum Arabic Spray Dry FCC Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Emulsifier for flavor emulsion concs., cloud emulsions and spray-dried cloud powds; foam stabilizer in beer; clarifier in wines; fat emulsifier, sugar crystallization retarder in confections; flavoring agent; whipping aid, stabilizer in aerated confections (with hydrolyzed soy protein); Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
glazing agent, stabilizer, flexibilizer in bakery bun glazes Features: Less dust; ready for oil addition after only 45 min Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 5-30% TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Locust Bean Gum Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Locust bean gum See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-40-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-541-5 Uses: Gellant for foods, dairy applics., cream cheese Features: Prehydrated; nonlumping; used at 1:1 replacement of powd. locust bean gum Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in water @ 165 F Use Level: 0.15-0.75% TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Pectin 1694 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pectin CAS 9000-69-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-553-0 Uses: Visc. builder, mouthfeel enhancer for drinks, fruit juices, noncarbonated beverages, functional foods Features: Prehydrated for ease of disp.; virtually lump-free; no nuisance dust during handling Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.1-0.2% TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Saladizer® 250 [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Blend of natural gums Uses: Stabilizer, emulsifier, visc. builder for salad dressings, sauces, marinades, gravies, relishes, soups Features: Prehydrated for ease of disp.; less nuisance dust when handled; replacement for xanthan and xanthan/alginate blends; heat stable, freeze/thaw stable; pH stable (3.2-9); hydrates slowly Properties: Dust-free powd.; 90% min on 140 mesh; sol. in cold water; visc. 3500-5000 cps; pH 6-7; 15% max. moisture Use Level: 0.25-0.45% (pourable dressings), 0.45-0.55% (spoonable dressings), 0.25-0.3% (relishes), 0.3-0.4% (fresh salad), 0.25-0.4% (barbecue sauce), 0.25-0.35% (mustard) TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Saladizer® 250ST Powder [TIC Gums 715
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Emulsion stabilizer, mouthfeel enhancer, suspending agent for salad dressing emulsions, hot sauce, relishes, sauces, gravies, Asian marinades/sauces Features: Replacement for xanthan and xanthan/alginate blends; specially formulated for high salt applics. or premix conditions Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.125-0.6% TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Stabilizer 8444 ST [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Stabilizer, suspending agent for highsalt liq. flavor enhancers, relishes, hot sauce, soy sauce, wing sauce Features: More salt-tolerant; suitable for R.T. and refrigerated storage conditions Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.3-0.4% TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Stabilizer XC8444 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Stabilizer, suspending agent for particulates in liq. egg prods., sauces, drinks Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.05-0.15% TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Ticaloid® 210 S Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: blend of natural gums Uses: Binder, emulsifier for confections, low/no fat foods Features: 1:1 replacement for tragacanth; very creamy flow chars. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.5-2.0% TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Ticalose® CMC 15 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Freeze/thaw stabilizer for foods, dairy, frozen foods, baked goods Features: No added visc. to finished prod.; compat. with wide range of food ingreds., e.g., proteins, sugars, and hydrocolloids; stable @ pH 4-10 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Odorless; tasteless; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.2-1.5% TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Ticalose® CMC 2500 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for dairy, noncarbonated beverages, alcoholic beverages, frozen pops Features: Economical; rec. where clarity is not important; compat. with wide range of food ingreds., e.g., proteins, sugars, other hydrocolloids; stable @ pH 4-10 Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; odorless; tasteless; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.1-0.8% TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Ticalose® CMC 2500 X Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for dairy, noncarbonated beverages, alcoholic beverages, frozen pops, cosmetics (liq. makeup) Features: Economical; rec. where clarity is not important; compat. with wide range of food ingreds., e.g., proteins, sugars, other hydrocolloids; stable @ pH 4-10 Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; odorless; tasteless; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.1-0.8% TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Ticalose® CMC 6000 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for syrups, dairy, noncarbonated beverages, frozen pops Features: High visc.; smooth rheology; very clear in sol'n.; nondusting; compat. with wide range of food ingreds., e.g., proteins, sugars, other hydrocolloids; stable @ pH 4-10 Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; odorless; tasteless; sol. in 716
Part I: Trade Name Reference cold water Use Level: 0.075-0.6% TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Ticalose® CMC PH-2500 Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum USP/FCC See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for foods; fat/oil barrier in batters; texturizer and ice crystal control agent in frozen prods.; moisture retention aid in bakery prods. Features: Prehydrated; synergistic with casein, most proteins; stable over pH 4-10 Properties: Dust-free powd., odorless, tasteless; 60% min. on 100 mesh; sol. in hot or cold water; visc. 1500-2500 cps (1%); pH 6.0-8.5; 99.5% min. purity Use Level: 0.1-0.2% (ice cream/soft serve mixes, donut mixes), 0.25-0.4% (variegated syrup, pet food gravy), 0.125-0.2% (cake mixes), 0.075-0.175% (fresh tortilla) TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Ticaxan® Smooth Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for salad dressings, cream sauces, gravies, lowcalorie/low-fat prods. Features: Prehydrated for easy disp.; smooth rheology Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.05-0.35% TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Ticaxan® Xanthan Clear Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for clear syrups, relishes Features: Developed where clear sol'n. color is important Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.01-0.6% TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Ticaxan® Xanthan ST Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, suspending agent, water binder in instant beverages mixes, relishes, hot sauce, Asian sauces, high salt applics. Features: Salt-tolerant Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.01-0.6% TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Xanthan Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, emulsifier, visc. builder for dressings, emulsions, cake mixes, fruit juices, frozen sauces Features: Prehydrated for superior disp. (lumpfree) and faster hydration; not for use in conjunction with cellulose gum or guar gum; pH stable Regulatory: Kosher approved Properties: Dust-free; 60% min on 100 mesh; sol. in cold water; visc. 1000 cps min.; pH 6-7; 15% max. moisture Use Level: 0.2-0.35% (dressings), 0.3-0.5% (emulsions), 0.25-0.35% (cake mixes), 0.070.15% (fruit juices), 0.25-0.3% (frozen sauces) TIC Pretested® Saladizer® 210 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Emulsion stabilizer, mouthfeel enhancer, suspending agent for icings, glazes, confections Features: Gum tragacanth replacement Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.5-2.0% TIC Pretested® Saladizer® 228 M Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum system Uses: Texturizer, emulsion stabilizer, mouthfeel enhancer, suspending agent providing creamy texture and exceptional cling in pourable salad dressings Features: Alternative to xanthan/alginate blends; sensitive to salt which lowers visc. and delays hydration; tolerates vinegar Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.25-0.5% TIC Pretested® Saladizer® 243 M Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Emulsion stabilizer, mouthfeel enhancer, suspending agent for salad 717
Part I: Trade Name Reference dressing emulsions, low oil mayonnaise Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.5-2.5% TIC Pretested® Saladizer® 250 Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum system with emulsifiers Uses: Emulsifier, visc. builder, emulsion stabilizer, mouthfeel enhancer, suspending agent, polysorbate replacement for salad dressings, marinades, gravies, relishes, soups Features: Produces dressings which are creamier and lighter in color Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.1-0.5% TIC Pretested® Stabilizer 64 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Stabilizer, anticrystallization agent for water ices, sorbet Features: Cost effective; aids smooth melt down Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.3-0.5% TIC Pretested® Stabilizer 424 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Stabilizer for cheese sauce, cream cheese, cheesecake, quiche Features: Locust bean gum replacement (1:1 replacement in most applics.) Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in water @ 165 F Use Level: 0.15-0.75% TIC Pretested® Stabilizer Double D Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Stabilizer, water binder for ice cream Features: Good melt down chars.; freeze/thaw stable; produces creamy, not gummy, texture Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in water @ 180 F Use Level: 0.2-0.5% TIC Pretested® Stabilizer Foam Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Foam stabilizer for fondants, marshmallow toppings, whipped cream, meringue and similar products Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Cold water sol. Use Level: 0.1-0.6% TIC Pretested® Stabilizer Ice 101-A Powder [TIC Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Stabilizer for water ices, sherbets, fruit drinks Features: Highest quality Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in water @ 180 F Use Level: 0.2-0.3% TIC Pretested® Stabilizer Ice-200 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Stabilizer for water ices, sherbets, liq. pops (to be frozen by consumer) Features: Exc. dispersion Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.2-0.4% TIC Pretested® Stabilizer Ice-Pop Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Stabilizer for ice pops Features: Provides cool taste, good melting props.; holds flavor from being 'sucked out' prematurely Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.15-0.45% TIC Pretested® Stabilizer Soft Serve Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Stabilizer for ice cream, esp. packaged dry mix which is reconstituted at the ice cream store (soft serve) Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in water @ 180 F Use Level: 0.25-0.65% TIC Pretested® Stabilizer WT Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Stabilizer for whipped cream, imitation whipped cream, low-fat whipped toppings Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in water @ 180 F Use Level: 0.25-0.40% TIC Pretested® Stabilizer XC-424 Heavy Duty [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Stabilizer, water binder for cream cheese, dairy, cheese cake, quiche Features: Heavy duty for industrial cream cheese which must tolerate a lot of abuse Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in water @ 180 F Use Level: 0.15-0.30% 718
Part I: Trade Name Reference TIC Pretested® Stabilizer XC-1692 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Stabilizer for ice cream, dairy Features: 10-12% fat Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in water @ 180 F Use Level: 0.25-0.35% TIC Pretested® Taragel® Konjac High Viscosity [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Thickener, gelling agent Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in water @ 180 F TIC Pretested® Tara Gum 100 [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Thickener for dairy prods., soups, sauces Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in water @ 180 F TIC Pretested® TICA-algin 1500 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Thickener for fruit filled snack bars, pie fillings requiring heat-stability; useful for jelly doughnut fillings, batters and breadings, bakery creams and icings, desserts such as mousse Properties: Sol. in cold water TIC Pretested® Ticagel® 450-PCS Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Antiflocculant, stabilizer for protein in soup concentrate; emulsifier for cocoa and cream containing beverages Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in water @ 180 F Use Level: 0.05%-0.1% TIC Pretested® Ticagel® 550-PT Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Locust bean gum See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum CAS 9000-40-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-541-5 Uses: Gellant for foods Features: Forms rigid gel @ 1.5% gum level when heated to 180 F and cooled to ambient temps.; resultant gel is heat reversible and relatively stable with minimal syneresis during prolonged storage Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in water @ 180 F Use Level: 1.25-1.75% TIC Pretested® Ticagel® 795 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan See Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Gellant, binder, film-former for confectionery coatings, bakery glazes/icings; gelatin replacement in vegetarian foods Features: Yields soft, flexible gel that forms a stable film after drying; compat. with polyols and other bulking agents Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in water @ 180 F Use Level: 0.1-2.0% TIC Pretested® Ticagel® AF-1408 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Thickener for pet food gelling applics. Features: All natural Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Partially sol. in cold water, for gels heat to 180 F TIC Pretested® Ticagel® Algin-CAM Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Gellant for bakery, puddings Features: Provides good clean set Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.8-1.2% TIC Pretested® Ticagel® ME 100 [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: natural hydrocolloid extracted from red seaweed Uses: Gellant, binder, and yield increaser for processed meats Features: Stable in neutral and alkaline pH; degrades in acidic conditions Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in water @ 180 F Use Level: 0.3-0.75% TIC Pretested® Ticagel® PG-730 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum CAS 9000-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-536-8 Uses: Gellant, suspending agent, bodying agent for beverages, mango, fruit juices Features: Pectin replacement Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; bland taste; patial sol. in cold water, heat to 195 F for gels Use Level: 0.4-0.6% TIC Pretested® Ticaloid® 102-B No Fat Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Texturizer, oil and shortening 719
Part I: Trade Name Reference replacement, moisture retention aid for lowfat muffins; antitackifier, moisture binder, sugar crystal control agent in icings; cracker adhesive Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 1-2% (low-fat muffins), 2-4% (icings), 2-4% (cracker adhesive), 1-2% (bakery glazes) TIC Pretested® Ticaloid® 102-DP No Fat Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Additive for low-fat dairy prods., sour cream, low-fat frozen desserts Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in water @ 180 F Use Level: 1.5-2.0% TIC Pretested® Ticaloid® 102-DY No Fat Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Mouthfeel enhancer, anticrystallization agent for low-fat dairy yogurt, ice cream, frozen desserts Features: Improves meltdown props. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in water @ 180 F Use Level: 0.6-1.0% TIC Pretested® Ticaloid® 102 S1 No Fat Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrocolloid blend with emulsifiers and thickeners (tragacanth, gum Arabic, xanthan) See Acacia; Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer) gum; Xanthan gum Uses: Thickener, oil replacement, mouthfeel enhancer for clear, fat-free salad dressings Features: Provides mouthfeel of oil Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water; visc. 18003200 cps; pH 4.5-6.5; 85% dietary fiber, 11% max. moisture Use Level: 1.25-1.5% TIC Pretested® Ticaloid® 102 S2 No Fat Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrocolloid blend with emulsifiers and thickeners (tragacanth, gum Arabic, starch, xanthan) See Acacia; Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer) gum; Xanthan gum Uses: Thickener, oil replacement, mouthfeel enhancer for creamy fat-free salad dressings Features: Provides mouthfeel of oil Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water; visc. 18003200 cps; pH 4.5-6.5; 85% dietary fiber, 11% Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
max. moisture Use Level: 0.7-1.1% TIC Pretested® Ticaloid® 102 S-96 No Fat Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Fat replacement, stabilizer for no-fat and low-fat salad dressings Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 2.25-2.75% TIC Pretested® Ticaloid® 102 S Mayo Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, emulsifier, fat mimetic for mayonnaise, salad dressings, sauces, low-fat and no-fat prods. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 9-13% TIC Pretested® Ticaloid® 412 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Thickener for sauces Features: Economical; rec. for use @ pH 3.5-7.0 Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.1-0.35% TIC Pretested® Ticaloid® 431 M Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Additive for zero-, reduced- or low-sugar jellies Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in water @ 212 F for 5 min Use Level: 1-2% TIC Pretested® Ticaloid® 472 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Additive for fresh salads Features: Propylene oxide-treated Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water TIC Pretested® Ticaloid® 508 M Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Additive for frozen pops, water ices, sherbets Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.2-0.4% TIC Pretested® Ticaloid® 875 [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Thickener for milk prods. such as protein shake, protein drink, pudding, and sour cream; synergist in starch making Features: All natural; interacts with milk and soy protein 720
Part I: Trade Name Reference Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Cold-water sol. TIC Pretested® Ticaloid® 1019 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Suspending agent for pineapple pulp and emulsifier for coconut fat in fruit beverages Features: Acid-stable Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in water @ 180 F Use Level: 0.3-0.4% TIC Pretested® Ticaloid® 1070 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Gellant for jellies, jams, esp. no-sugar jellies Features: Forms clear, flexible gels with no weeping Use Level: 1-2% TIC Pretested® Ticaloid® Lite Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Gellant for foods; moisture retention aid, antistaling aid, oil pickup reducer in doughnuts; moisture retention aid, pan release agent for cakes, high fiber breads, bagels Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.25-1 lb/100 lb flour TIC Pretested® Ticaloid® Tica-thick [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, emulsifier Properties: Sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.1-0.75% TIC Pretested® Ticalose® 602 Standard Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Freeze/thaw stabilizer for frozen foods Features: Med. visc.; narrow visc. range Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water; visc. 400-800 cps Use Level: 0.1-1.25% TIC Pretested® Ticalose® 700 Standard Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Uses: Additive for frozen foods Features: Freeze/thaw stable Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water; med. visc. Use Level: 0.1-1.25% TIC Pretested® Ticalose® CMC 15 Fine Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Thickener, moisture retention aid, filmformer for foods, carbonated beverages (gas entrapment), fruit drinks (mouthfeel enhancement); binder, lubricant in vitamins; ice crystallization control agent in icings Features: Low-visc. grade; rec. where high solids levels, encapsulation, or film-forming are desirable; stable @ pH 4-10 Properties: Fine particle size (120 mesh); odorless; tasteless; visc. 10-15 cps (1%), 2550 cps (2%); anionic Use Level: 0.05-0.5% (icings), 0.1-1% (syrup), 0.1-0.3% (dry beverage mix), 0.05-0.1% (animal feed pellets) TIC Pretested® Ticalose® CMC 2500 Std. Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Thickener, suspending agent, stabilizer, visc. builder, ice crystal control aid, mouthfeel enhancer for foods, ice cream, sorbets, fried foods (controls fat absorp.), cake mixes (retains moisture), meringues (prevents syneresis), pizza/frozen dough (improves dry str.), bar mixes, breakfast drinks, instant gravies/sauces Features: High-visc.; stable @ pH 4-10 Properties: Std. particle size (80 mesh); odorless; tasteless; visc. 1500-2500 cps (1%); anionic Use Level: 0.1-0.7 (variegated syrup), 0.1-0.4% (batter for deep frying), 0.03-0.5% (instant hot cereals), 0.1-0.3% (cake mixes), 0.1-0.5% (soft serve desserts), 0.1-0.3% (reduced-calorie spreads), 0.1-0.4% (tortillas) TIC Pretested® Ticalose® CMC 6000 Fine Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Additive for syrups, dairy, dry mixes, instant beverage mixes Features: Compat. with wide range of food ingreds., e.g., proteins, sugars, other hydrocolloids; stable @ pH 4-10 Properties: Odorless; tasteless; visc. 400-5500 cps Use Level: 0.075-0.6% 721
Part I: Trade Name Reference TIC Pretested® Ticalose® CMC 15000 Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gum See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Visc. builder for dairy, noncarbonated beverages, alcoholic beverages, sugar-free frozen pops, cosmetics (liq. makeup) Features: Exhibits very high visc. at low concs.; very low usage levels required; produces clear sol'ns. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.075-0.6% TIC Pretested® Ticamulsion® A-2010 [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: gum arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Emulsifier in both weighted and unweighted beverage emulsions and other flavor applics. Features: Superior emulsion stability over both modified food starch and traditional gum arabic; non-GMO; can be used at just half the level of other emulsifiers Regulatory: FDA GRAS; FEMA; kosher Properties: Cold water sol. TIC Pretested® Ticaxan® CM-Xanthan Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for sauces, salad dressings, bakery, dairy Features: Reduced nuisance dust Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Coarse powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.05-0.35% TIC Pretested® Ticaxan® Xanthan 200 FCC/USP/NF Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, processing aid for foods Features: Features pseudoplasticity, heat and pH stability, high visc., good sol. Regulatory: FDA approved Properties: Cream-colored free-flowing powd., nearly odorless, typ. bland flavor; 95% min. through 200 mesh, 70% min. through 270 mesh; sol. in cold water; visc. 1000 cps; pH 6.5-7.5; 15% max. moisture Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
TIC Pretested® Ticaxan® Xanthan Clear Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, suspending agent in clear syrups, relishes Features: Rec. for applics. requiring clear sol'ns. and pH stability Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.01-0.6% TIC Pretested® Ticaxan® Xanthan Salt Tolerant Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for high-salt foods, instant beverage mixes, relishes, hot sauce Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.05-0.35% TIC Pretested® Ticaxan® Xanthan Smooth 200 [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for salad dressings, hot sauces, gravies, BBQ sauces Features: Special grade of xanthan produced to create a smooth rheological profile; hydrates faster in finished applics. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.05-0.75% TIC Pretested® Ticaxan® Xanthan Smooth Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xanthan gum CAS 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-394-2 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer for salad dressings, cream sauces, gravies, low calorie/low fat prods. Features: Smooth rheology Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.05-0.35% TIC Pretested® TICorganic™ Arabic Spray Dry Powd. [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: Gum Arabic See Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Uses: Binder, thickener, film-former in org. foods, flavors, confections, functional foods; flavoring agent 722
Part I: Trade Name Reference Features: Certified organic; replaces maltodextrin and modified food starch in spraydried flavors, flavor emulsions, confections; replaces corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup as binder, viscosifier Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water Use Level: 0.5-30% TIC Pretested® TICorganic™ Guar Gum 3500 F Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum Uses: Thickener for dairy prods., sauces, marinades, salads, meats, baked goods, canned foods Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Sol. in cold water TIC Pretested® TICorganic™ Locust Bean Gum Powder [TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com] Chem. Descrip.: locust bean gum See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum Uses: Thickener for gravies, sauces, dairy prods. Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Disp. in cold water Tilol GCT-R [Undesa http://www.undesa.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polyglyceryl polyricinoleate Uses: Food lubricant Properties: Nonionic Tilol GP-O [Undesa http://www.undesa.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl oleate CAS 111-03-5; EINECS/ELINCS 203-827-7 Uses: Lubricant for foods Properties: Nonionic Timeflex [Cain Food Industries http://www.cainfood.com] Chem. Descrip.: Proteolytic enzyme derived from Bacillus subtilis with cereal derivs. and other edible excipients Uses: Bacterial enzyme tablet, fermentation accelerator, quality improver for crackers, cookies, and pizza prod. Features: Provides reduction in mixing Properties: Tablet; readily disintegrates in R.T. water Tinamul® [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Monodiglyceride based on edible fats See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier, oil separation preventer in hazelnut and almond pastes, and for prep. of bakery goods, margarine, ice cream, release agents, sausages, mayonnaise, toffees, snacks Properties: Powd.; m.p. 60 C; acid no. 3 max.; iodine no. 3 max.; sapon. no. 160-170; nonionic; 45% monoglycerides TIstar A [Multi-Kem http://www.multikem.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Tapioca starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-686-4 Uses: Thickener for canned pie fillings, soups and gravies, noodles and glazes Features: Superb water-holding ability; physiologically inert; wide compatibility with other anionic, nonionic thickening agents TIstar C [Multi-Kem http://www.multikem.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Tapioca starch Uses: Thickener for baby foods, puddings, cream fillings, vegetable/fruit purees Features: Superb water-holding ability; physiologically inert; wide compatibility with other anionic, nonionic thickening agents TIstar D [Multi-Kem http://www.multikem.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Tapioca starch Uses: Thickener for canned low-pH pie fillings, sauces, soups and gravies, refrigerated and frozen foods Features: Superb water-holding ability; physiologically inert; wide compatibility with other anionic, nonionic thickening agents TIstar Dextrin D-400 [Multi-Kem http://www.multikem.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Tapioca starch Uses: Thickener for spray-drying flavors, crisp-coating fries Features: Superb water-holding ability; physiologically inert; wide compatibility with other anionic, nonionic thickening agents TIstar Native Tapioca [Multi-Kem http://www.multikem.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Tapioca starch Uses: Thickener for extruded snacks, all natural foods, cookies, cones Features: Superb water-holding ability; physiologically inert; wide compatibility with other anionic, nonionic thickening agents 723
Part I: Trade Name Reference TIstar P [Multi-Kem http://www.multikem.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Tapioca starch Uses: Thickener for chilled desserts, dairy prods., microwave prods. Features: Superb water-holding ability; physiologically inert; wide compatibility with other anionic, nonionic thickening agents TIstar Pearls [Multi-Kem http://www.multikem.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Tapioca starch Uses: Thickener for puddings, souffles, specialties Features: Superb water-holding ability; physiologically inert; wide compatibility with other anionic, nonionic thickening agents TIstar Pregelled Tapioca [Multi-Kem http://www.multikem.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Tapioca starch Uses: Thickener for breading, tableting, instant cold thickening T-Maz® 20 [BASF/Perf. Chems. http://www.basf.com/static/988804217008.htm l] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 20 CAS 9005-64-5 Uses: Emulsifier, solubilizer, wetting agent, stabilizer, dispersant, visc. modifier, suspending agent for foods Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Yel. liq.; sol. in water, ethanol, acetone, toluene, veg. oil, propylene glycol; sp.gr. 1.1; visc. 400 cps; HLB 16.7; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 40-50; hyd. no. 96-108; flash pt. (PMCC) > 350 F; nonionic; 97% act. T-Maz® 28 [BASF/Perf. Chems. http://www.basf.com/static/988804217008.htm l] Chem. Descrip.: PEG-80 sorbitan laurate CAS 9005-64-5 Uses: Emulsifier/solubilizer of essential oils, wetting agent, visc. modifier, stabilizer, dispersant in foods Properties: Pale yel. liq.; sol. in water; sp.gr. 1.0; visc. 1100 cps; HLB 19.2; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 5-15; hyd. no. 25-40; flash pt. (PMCC) > 350 F; 30% max. water T-Maz® 60K [BASF/Perf. Chems. http://www.basf.com/static/988804217008.htm l] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 60 CAS 9005-67-8 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Emulsifier for foods, whipped toppings, shortenings, cake icings/fillings, confectionery coatings, dressings; dough conditioner for bakery goods; protective coatings on raw fruits/vegetables Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 172.836, 173.340, 573.840; kosher Properties: Yel. to amber cl. gel, bland odor; sol. in water, ethanol, min. spirits, toluene; disp. in propylene glycol; sp.gr. 1.08; m.p. 23-25 C; b.p. > 300 F; HLB 14.9; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 45-55; hyd. no. 81-96; flash pt. (PMCC) > 350 F; nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: 0.4% (whipped toppings, coffee whiteners), 1% (shortening), 4.5% (nonalcoholic mixes), 0.5% (confectionery coatings), 0.5% (dough conditioner, gelatin desserts), 0.5-4.5% (colors), GMP (syn. flavor, defoamer) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 64 g/kg; nonirritating Storage: Store in well-ventilated area below 120 F T-Maz® 65K [BASF/Perf. Chems. http://www.basf.com/static/988804217008.htm l] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 65 CAS 9005-71-4 Uses: Emulsifier for frozen desserts, whipped toppings, cake icings and fillings, coffee whiteners; defoamer in food processing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.838, 173.340; kosher Properties: Tan waxy paste, char. ester odor; sol. @ 2% in ethanol, veg. oil, disp. in water, insol. in min. oil, propylene glycol; m.p. 30-32 C; b.p. > 300 F; HLB 10.5; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 88-98; hyd. no. 44-60; flash pt. (PMCC) > 350 F; nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: 0.1% (ice cream), 0.32% (cakes, icings, fillings), 0.4% (whipped toppings, coffee whiteners), GMP (defoamer) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 39.8 g/kg; nonirritating, nonsensitizing Storage: Store in well-ventilated area below 120 F T-Maz® 80 [BASF/Perf. Chems. http://www.basf.com/static/988804217008.htm l] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 80 CAS 9005-65-6 Uses: Emulsifier, solubilizer, wetting agent, 724
Part I: Trade Name Reference stabilizer, dispersant, visc. modifier, suspending agent for foods Properties: Yel. liq.; sol. in water, ethanol, veg. oil, toluol; sp.gr. 1.0; visc. 400 cps; HLB 15.0; sapon. no. 45-55; hyd. no. 65-80; flash pt. (PMCC) > 350 F; nonionic; 97% min. act. T-Maz® 80K [BASF/Perf. Chems. http://www.basf.com/static/988804217008.htm l] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 80 CAS 9005-65-6 Uses: Solubilizer, emulsifier for foods, vitamins, edible oils, ice cream, shortenings, pickles, whipped toppings, gelatin desserts; defoamer in cottage cheese, yeast; crystal modifier in NaCl Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.840, 173.340, 573.860; kosher Properties: Yel. cl. liq., bland odor; sol. in water, ethanol, veg. oil; disp. in propylene glycol, toluene; sp.gr. 1.09; b.p. > 300 F; HLB 15.0; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 45-55; hyd. no. 6580; flash pt. (PMCC) > 350 F; nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: 0.05% (pickle prods.), 0.1% (ice cream), 1% (shortenings), 4% (yeast defoamers), 175-475 mg/day (vitamins), 360 mg/day (dietary prods.), 80 ppm (defoamer in cottage cheese), 50 ppm (BBQ sauce colors) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 30 ml/kg (mild); nonirritating, noncomedogenic Storage: Store in well-ventilated area below 120 F T-Maz® 80KLM [BASF/Perf. Chems. http://www.basf.com/static/988804217008.htm l] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 80, low melt pt. CAS 9005-65-6 Uses: Emulsifier, solubilizer, wetting agent, stabilizer, dispersant, visc. modifier, suspending agent for foods Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Gardner 5 liq.; sol. @ 5% in water, veg. oil, @ 2% in ethanol; disp. in toluene, propylene glycol; HLB 15.0; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 45-55; hyd. no. 65-80; flash pt. (PMCC) > 350 F T-Maz® 81 [BASF/Perf. Chems. http://www.basf.com/static/988804217008.htm l] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 81 CAS 9005-65-6 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Emulsifier, solubilizer, wetting agent, stabilizer, dispersant, visc. modifier, suspending agent for foods Properties: Gardner 6 liq.; sol. in min. spirits; disp. in water, min. oils, toluene, veg. oils; HLB 10.0; sapon. no. 96-104; hyd. no. 134-150; flash pt. (PMCC) > 350 F; nonionic; 100% conc. TO-10V [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 80 CAS 9005-65-6 Uses: Emulsifier, solubilizer, dispersant for foods Features: Hydrophilic Regulatory: JSCI listed Properties: Yel. liq.; water-sol.; HLB 15.0; nonionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: TSCA listed Tocomix L50 IP [Jan Dekker BV http://www.jandekker.com/] Chem. Descrip.: D-mixed tocopherols in sunflower oil as carrier See Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seed oil; d-δTocopherol CAS 119-13-1; 8001-21-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232273-9 Uses: Antioxidant used in biscuits, grains, cereals, nuts, cured meat and sausage, dehydrated potato flakes, mayonnaise, dressings, margarine, veg. oils, animal fats, and frying oils Properties: Liq. Tocomix L70 IP [Jan Dekker BV http://www.jandekker.com/] Chem. Descrip.: D-mixed tocopherols in sunflower oil as carrier See Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seed oil; d-δTocopherol CAS 119-13-1; 8001-21-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232273-9 Uses: Antioxidant used in biscuits, grains, cereals, nuts, cured meat and sausage, dehydrated potato flakes, mayonnaise, dressings, margarine, veg. oils, animal fats, and frying oils Properties: Liq. Tocomix P30 IP [Jan Dekker BV http://www.jandekker.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sray-dried D-mixed tocopherols on a starch carrier See d-δ725
Part I: Trade Name Reference Tocopherol CAS 119-13-1 Uses: Antioxidant used in biscuits, grains, cereals, nuts, cured meat and sausage, dehydrated potato flakes, mayonnaise, dressings, margarine, veg. oils, animal fats, and frying oils Properties: Powd. Toffix® P [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Palm kernel oil triglyceride See Palm oil triglycerides Uses: Fat containing an emulsifier for the prod. of soft caramels, toffees, and chewing sweets Properties: Block; m.p. 36-38 C; acid no. 0.3 max.; iodine no. 5 max.; sapon. no. 235-255 Tomato Key - 1, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor for sauces, soups, dressings, paste, catsup Features: Natural Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Cl. liq.; vine-ripened toamto taste; sol. in water, oil, alcohol, PG Use Level: 0.005% Tomato Key - 2, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor for sauces, soups, dressings, paste, catsup Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Cl. liq.; vine-ripened toamto taste; sol. in water, oil, alcohol, PG Use Level: 0.005% Tomato Oil 010 [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Propylene glycol (> 50 %), Dimethyl sulfide (1-10%) CAS 57-55-6; 75-18-3; EINECS/ELINCS 200309-2; 200-846-2 UN 1993 Uses: Flavor for food Regulatory: SARA §311/312 listed; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; Philippines PICCS; China SEPA/CICS Properties: Nearly colorless liq.; strong tomato odor; sol. in alcohol; sp.gr. 1.024; b.p. 187 C; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
flash pt. (TCC) 22 C Toxicology: Skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. liq.; wear safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves, apron; incompat. with strong acids, bases and materials that react with glycols and sulfides Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, SOx, acrid fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 3, Reactivity 1 Storage: Do not store near excessive heat, open flames, strong acids, strong bases; keep container tightly closed; avoid prolonged exposure to air Tomat-O-Red® 8% [LycoRed Israel http://www.lycored.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lycopene and other antioxidant phytonutrients natural to tomatoes CAS 502-65-8; EINECS/ELINCS 207-949-1 Uses: Antioxidant and colorant for foods such as beverages, powdered beverages, dairy foods, surimi, confectionery, bakery prods., breakfast cereals, nutritional bars, soups, meal replacements, sauces, salsa, pastas, chips and snacks, dips and spreads Features: Nat. food ingred.; used most effectively to color foods after it is emulsified or solubilized to form a transparent microemulsion or an opaque emulsion Regulatory: USP/NF, GRAS, E 160d, kosher Properties: Liq.; instantly dissolves in water; 8% lycopene Storage: 2 yr. shelf-life; store in original sealed container at 4 C Tomat-O-Red® 10% CWD [LycoRed Israel http://www.lycored.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lycopene CAS 502-65-8; EINECS/ELINCS 207-949-1 Uses: Antioxidant and colorant for foods such as beverages, powdered beverages, dairy foods, surimi, confectionery, bakery prods., breakfast cereals, nutritional bars, soups, meal replacements, sauces, salsa, pastas, chips and snacks, dips and spreads Features: Nat. food ingred.; high conc. of lycopene Regulatory: USP/NF, GRAS, E 160d, kosher Properties: Free-flowing powd.; cold water sol.; 100,000 ppm lycopene Storage: 2 yr. shelf-life; store in original sealed container at 4 C
Part I: Trade Name Reference Tomat-O-Red® 2% SG [LycoRed Israel http://www.lycored.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lycopene in glycerol See Glycerin CAS 502-65-8; 56-81-5; EINECS/ELINCS 207949-1; 200-289-5 Uses: Antioxidant and colorant for foods such as beverages, powdered beverages, dairy foods, surimi, confectionery, bakery prods., breakfast cereals, nutritional bars, soups, meal replacements, sauces, salsa, pastas, chips and snacks, dips and spreads Features: Nat. food ingred.; high conc. of lycopene Regulatory: USP/NF, GRAS, E 160d, kosher Properties: Liq.; instantly dissolves in water; 20,000 ppm lycopene Storage: 2 yr. shelf-life; store in original sealed container at 4 C Tonsil® Optimum 210 FF [Süd-Chemie AG http://www.sud-chemie.com] Chem. Analysis: ≈ 10% free moisture, 66.8% SiO2; 14.2% Al2O3; 1.1% CaO; 3.7% Fe2O3; 2.3% MgO; K2O (2.2%) Uses: Bleaching agent and absorption agent for the refinement of eidble oils and fats Features: Exc. filtration performance Properties: Fine, yelsh. grey powd.; particle size 5% > 150 μ, 60% > 25 μ; bulk dens. 550 g/l; surf. area 200 m2/g; pH 2.2-4.8 (10% suspension) Topcithin® [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soya lecithin, highly purified, with bacteriological and analytical controls CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Emulsifier, dispersant, flow aid, shelf life extender for foods (infant formulas, powdered mixes, milk prods., chocolate) Features: Low microbiological and heavy metal content; improves physical appearance Properties: Liq.; nonionic; 100% conc. Topcithin® AF-1 Type DB [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin, natural, double bleached CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Emulsifier, wetting agent, stabilizer for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1400, GRAS Properties: Gardner 12 max. translucent to opaque liq.; visc. 10,000 cps; acid no. 32 max.; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
amphoteric; 100% conc. Topcithin® SB [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin, single bleached CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Emulsifier, wetting agent, stabilizer for foods Regulatory: GRAS, FDA 21CFR §184.1400 Properties: Gardner 14 max. translucent to opaque liq.; visc. 10,000 cps; acid no. 32 max.; 1% max. moisture Topcitihin® UB [Cargill Texturizing Solutions http://www.cargilltexturizing.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin, unbleached CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Emulsifier, wetting agent, stabilizer for foods Regulatory: GRAS, FDA 21CFR §184.1400 Properties: Gardner 16 max. translucent to opaque liq.; visc. 10,000 cps; acid no. 32 max.; 1% max. moisture Top Mate Kosher [Am. Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com] Chem. Descrip.: Mono-diglycerides and ethoxylated mono-diglycerides See Ethoxylated mono- and diglycerides; Monoand diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for foods, bakery mixes, bread, buns, and sweet goods Properties: Cream powd.; 56% min. mono Trachea Substance [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vacuum-dried defatted glandular prod. Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Powd. Tragacanth Gum Ribbon No. 1 NF FCC [Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tragacanth gum See Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer) gum CAS 9000-65-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-552-5 Uses: Thickener, water binder, suspending agent, emulsifier for salad dressings, bakery, flavor emulsions, fruit fillings, cream fillings, citrus beverages, barbecue and steak sauces Properties: Water-sol. Trans-5 [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polydimethylsiloxane emulsion See Silicone emulsion 727
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Antifoam for aq. systems, foods; direct food additive in most foods; processing aid and sec. direct food additive Features: Food-grade; does not impart flavor, odor, or functional attributes to food Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340 compliant Properties: Disp. in water; dens. 8.34 lb/gal; nonionic; 5% silicone Use Level: 200 ppm max. Trans-5 A [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Acidified silicone emulsion Uses: Antifoam for foods Features: Food-grade; formaldehyde-free Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Disp. in water; dens. 8.34 lb/gal; 5% silicone Use Level: 200 ppm max. Trans-5 K [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone emulsion Uses: Antifoam for foods Features: Food-grade Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Disp. in water; dens. 8.34 lb/gal; 5% silicone Use Level: 200 ppm max. Trans-5 PK [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone emulsion Uses: Antifoam for foods Features: Food-grade Regulatory: Kosher for Passover certified Properties: Disp. in water; dens. 8.34 lb/gal; 5% silicone Use Level: 200 ppm max. Trans-10 [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone emulsion Uses: Defoamer for aq. systems incl. food processing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340 Properties: Wh. milky liq.; mild odor; disp. in water; sp.gr. 0.97-1.00; dens. 8.09-8.34 lb/gal; visc. 4220-4880 cps (73 F); b.p. 212 F; flash pt. none to 212 F; pH 7.9-8.2 (as is); nonionic; 10% act. Toxicology: May cause sl. eye and skin irritation; minimal effect by ingestion Hazardous Ingredients: None HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in well-ventilated area below 120 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
F; keep from freezing Trans-10 A [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Acidified silicone emulsion Uses: Antifoam for foods Features: Food-grade; formaldehyde-free Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Disp. in water; dens. 8.34 lb/gal; 10% silicone Use Level: 100 ppm max. Trans-10 K [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone emulsion Uses: Antifoam for foods Features: Food-grade Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Disp. in water; dens. 8.34 lb/gal; 10% act. Use Level: 100 ppm max. Trans-10 M [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone emulsion Uses: Antifoam for foods Features: Thinner visc. than Trans-10 Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Disp. in water; dens. 8.34 lb/gal; 10% act. Use Level: 100 ppm max. Trans-10 PK [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone emulsion Uses: Antifoam for foods Features: Food-grade Regulatory: Kosher for Passover certified Properties: Disp. in water; dens. 8.37 lb/gal; 10% act. Use Level: 100 ppm max. Trans-20 [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone emulsion Uses: Defoamer for aq. systems incl. food processing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340 Properties: Wh. milky liq.; mild odor; water-disp.; sp.gr. 0.98-1.01; dens. 8.17-8.42 lb/gal; b.p. 212 F; flash pt. none to 212 F; pH 7.0-7.3 (5% aq. disp.); nonionic; 20% act. Toxicology: May cause sl. eye and skin irritation; minimal effect by ingestion Hazardous Ingredients: None HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in well-ventilated area below 120 728
Part I: Trade Name Reference F; keep from freezing Trans-20 A [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Acidified silicone emulsion Uses: Antifoam for foods Features: Food-grade; formaldehyde-free Properties: Disp. in water; dens. 8.36 lb/gal; 20% silicone Use Level: 50 ppm max. Trans-20 K [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Acidified silicone emulsion Uses: Antifoam for foods Features: Food-grade; formaldehyde-free Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Disp. in water; dens. 8.35 lb/gal; 20% act. Use Level: 50 ppm max. Trans-20 PK [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone emulsion Uses: Antifoam for foods Features: Food-grade Regulatory: Kosher for Passover certified Properties: Disp. in water; dens. 8.37 lb/gal; 20% act. Use Level: 50 ppm max. Trans-30 [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone emulsion Uses: Defoamer for aq. systems incl. food processing Properties: Wh. milky liq.; mild odor; water-disp.; sp.gr. 0.98-1.01; dens. 8.17-8.42 lb/gal; b.p. 212 F; flash pt. none to 212 F; pH 7.0-7.3 (5% aq. disp.); 30% act. Toxicology: May cause sl. eye and skin irritation; minimal effects by ingestion Hazardous Ingredients: None HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in well-ventilated area below 120 F; keep from freezing Trans-30 K [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone emulsion Uses: Antifoam for foods Features: Food-grade Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Disp. in water; dens. 8.37 lb/gal; 30% silicone Use Level: 33 ppm max. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Trans-30 PK [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone emulsion Uses: Antifoam for foods Features: Food-grade Regulatory: Kosher for Passover certified Properties: Disp. in water; dens. 8.40 lb/gal; 30% act. Use Level: 33 ppm max. Trans-100 [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone compd. Uses: Defoamer for food processing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340 Properties: Lt. gray opaque liq.; bland odor; sol. in aliphatic, aromatic, and chlorinated hydrocarbons; insol. in water; sp.gr. 1.01; dens. 8.42 lb/gal; vapor pressure 0.01 mm Hg; b.p. > 300 F; flash pt. > 500 F; pH 7.0 (5% disp. in 50:50 IPA/water); 100% act. Use Level: 10 ppm max. Toxicology: May cause sl. eye and skin irritation; minimal effects by ingestion Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Burning may produce CO, CO2, SOx Storage: Store in well-ventilated area below 120 F; keep from freezing Trans-100 K [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone compd. Uses: Antifoam for foods Features: Food-grade Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Insol. in water; dens. 8.54 lb/gal; 100% act. Use Level: 10 ppm max. Trans-100 PK [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone compd. Uses: Antifoam for foods Features: Food-grade Regulatory: Kosher for Passover certified Properties: Insol. in water; dens. 8.54 lb/gal; 100% act. Use Level: 10 ppm max. Trans-220 [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Nonsilicone aq. emulsion Uses: Antifoam for food processing Features: Long-lasting Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340 Properties: Wh. creamy liq.; tasteless, odorless; 729
Part I: Trade Name Reference water-disp. with agitation; sp.gr. 0.93-0.95; dens. 7.95 lb/gal; b.p. 212 F; flash pt. > 280 F; pH 7.0-7.2 (5% aq. disp.) Toxicology: May cause sl. eye and skin irritation; minimal effects by ingestion Storage: Store in well-ventilated area below 120 F; keep from freezing Trans-220 K [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Nonsilicone aq. emulsion Uses: Antifoam for foods Features: Food-grade Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Emulsion; disp. in water with agitation; dens. 7.95 lb/gal Trans-278 [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Chem. Descrip.: silicone and polypropylene glycol aq. emulsion See Silicone emulsion Uses: Antifoam for foods, beet sugar/yeast processing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340, 176.170, 176.180, 176.210 compliant Properties: Disp. in water with agitation; dens. 8.34 lb/gal; 19% act. Trans-278 K [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone and polypropylene glycol Uses: Antifoam for foods Features: Food-grade Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Disp. in water with agitation; dens. 8.34 lb/gal Trans-280 [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Uses: Defoamer for use as a direct food additive in processing of beet sugar and yeast Features: Non-aqueous, silicone-free; very quick dispersibility in aqueous media and a high degree of spreadability in the foaming system Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 176.200, 176.210, 178.3120 Properties: Disp. in water Trans-286 [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Nonsilicone aq. emulsion Uses: Antifoam for aq. systems, foods Properties: Disp. in water with agitation; dens. 7.95 lb/gal Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Trans-400 [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Uses: Defoamer for use in food processing Features: Food grade; does not alter the taste or odor of food prods. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR GRAS, §175.105, 175.320, 176.170, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.2260, 177.2800, 178.3910, kosher Properties: Disp. in water Trans-1030 [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone emulsion Uses: Defoamer for aq. systems, foods Features: Food-grade Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.340 Properties: Wh. milky liq.; mild odor; water-disp.; sp.gr. 0.98-1.01; dens. 8.17-8.42 lb/gal; b.p. 212 F; flash pt. none to 212 F; pH 7.0-7.3 (5% aq. disp.); nonionic; 3% silicone Use Level: 333 ppm max. Toxicology: May cause sl. skin and eye irritation Hazardous Ingredients: None HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in well-ventilated area below 120 F; keep from freezing Trans-1030 K [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Silicone emulsion Uses: Defoamer for aq. systems incl. food processing Regulatory: Kosher Properties: Water-disp.; dens. 8.34 lb/gal; 3% silicone Use Level: 333 ppm max. Trans-FG2 [Trans-Chemco http://www.transchemco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Nonsilicone aq. emulsion Uses: Defoamer for veg. canning, food processing Features: Food-grade Properties: Water-disp.; dens. 8.33 lb/gal Trans-P2000 K [Trans-Chemco http://www.trans-chemco.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polypropylene glycol CAS 25322-69-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-338-0 Uses: Defoamer for foods, fermentation Regulatory: Kosher certified Properties: Insol. in water; dens. < 8.30 lb/gal; 100% act. 730
Part I: Trade Name Reference Trem® [Cain Food Industries http://www.cainfood.com] Chem. Descrip.: Active proteolytic enzymes derived from bromelain and other edible excipients Uses: Enzyme tablet, dough improver, texturizer, crumb softener for yeast-raised bakery prods., cookie and cracker doughs Features: Produces fast, controlled mix reduction; provides doughs with superior machinability, improved grain Storage: 6 mos. storage life under cool, dry conditions Triacetina [Undesa http://www.undesa.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl triacetate See Triacetin CAS 102-76-1; EINECS/ELINCS 203-051-9 Uses: Food lubricant Properties: Nonionic TRI-CAL WG [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tricalcium phosphate anhyd. NF, FCC See Calcium phosphate tribasic CAS 7758-87-4; EINECS/ELINCS 231-840-8 Uses: Food additive; mineral supplement Features: Noncombustible Regulatory: NF, FCC, FDA 21CFR §182.1217; DOT nonregulated; SARA nonreportable Properties: Wh. gran. solid; odorless; 1% on 40 mesh, 54% on 100 mesh, 15% through 325 mesh; odorless; tasteless; sol. in dil. min. acid; pract. insol. in water; insol. in alcohol; m.w. 1004.6; m.p. 1670 C; pH 6.8 (20%); 100% act.; 8% max. loss on ignition; 17.3% P, 37.6% Ca Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg; dusts may cause eye irritation, upper respiratory tract irritation; low acute dermal and oral toxicity; ing. of lg. amts. may cause abdominal pain/cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None known HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: 24 mos. shelf life; store in tightly closed containers in cool, dry, sanitary area; avoid contamination of storage containers Triol 91 [Undesa http://www.undesa.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glycerin tricaprylate/tricaprate See Caprylic/capric triglyceride Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 73398-61-5; EINECS/ELINCS 277-452-2 Uses: Lubricant for foods Regulatory: Not regulated for transport Properties: Colorless liq.; typical odor; insol. in water; sol. in fat; dens. ≈ 0.95; flash pt. > 200 C Environmental: keep our of sewers, drains, surface and underground water Precaution: Wear gloves, goggles, overall skin protection; avoid contact with flames Trioleina [Undesa http://www.undesa.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com] Chem. Descrip.: Glyceryl trioleate See Triolein CAS 122-32-7; EINECS/ELINCS 204-534-7 Uses: Food lubricant Properties: Nonionic TRI-TAB [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Tricalcium phosphate anhyd. NF, FCC See Calcium phosphate tribasic Chem. Analysis: 17.3% P, 37.6% Ca CAS 7758-87-4; EINECS/ELINCS 231-840-8 Uses: Mineral supplement Regulatory: NF, FCC , DMF no. 5670 Properties: Wh. gran. solid; 0% on 20 mesh, 15% max. on 40 mesh, 5% max. through 325 mesh; odorless; tasteless; sol. in dil. min. acid; pract. insol. in water; insol. in alcohol; m.w. 1004.6; m.p. 1670 C; pH 7.2 (20% aq. slurry); 8% max. loss on ignition Toxicology: LD50 (dermal, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg; dust may cause eye irritation; low acute dermal toxicity; ing. of large quantities may cause abdominal pain, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; not a suspected carcinogen; TSCA listed Storage: 24 mos. shelf life; store in tightly closed containers in an area that is isolated from all toxic and harmful substances, sanitary, dry, cool Triton® X-15 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Octoxynol-1 CAS 9002-93-1; EINECS/ELINCS 264-520-1 Uses: Surfactant for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.710, 175.105, 176.210, EPA compliance Properties: APHA 250 liq.; sol. in aliphatic hydrocarbons; misc. with aromatics, alcohols, glycols, ethers, ketones; m.w. 250; sp.gr. 0.985; dens. 8.2 lb/gal; visc. 790 cps; HLB 3.6; flash pt. > 300 F (TOC); pour pt. 15 F; nonionic; 100% act. 731
Part I: Trade Name Reference Triton® X-45 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Octoxynol-5 CAS 9002-93-1 Uses: Surfactant, emulsifier for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.710, 175.105, 176.210, 178.3400, EPA compliance Properties: Cl. liq.; sol. in oil; misc. with alcohol, glycols, ethers, ketones, aromatic hydrocarbons; m.w. 426; sp.gr. 1.040; dens. 8.7 lb/gal; visc. 290 cps; HLB 10.4; cloud pt. < 0 C (1%); flash pt. > 300 F (TOC); pour pt. -26 C; surf. tens. 28 dynes/cm (0.1%); Ross-Miles foam 16 mm (0.1%, initial, 120 F); nonionic; 100% act.
Triton® X-305-70% [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Octoxynol-30 CAS 9002-93-1 Uses: Surfactant, emulsifier for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.710, 175.105, 176.210, 178.3400, EPA compliance Properties: APHA 150 liq.; sol. in inorg. salt sol'ns., aq. min. acids; misc. with water, alcohols, glycols, ethers, ketones; m.w. 1526; sp.gr. 1.095; dens. 9.1 lb/gal; visc. 470 cps; HLB 17.3; pour pt. 35 F; cloud pt. > 100 C (1%); flash pt. > 300 F (TOC); surf. tens. 37 dynes/cm (0.1%); Ross-Miles foam 150 mm (0.1%, initial, 120 F); nonionic; 70% act.
Triton® X-100 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Octoxynol-9 (9-10 EO) CAS 9002-93-1 Uses: Surfactant for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.710, 175.105, 176.210, 178.3400, EPA compliance Properties: Cl. liq.; sol. in water, toluene, xylene, trichlorethylene, ethylene glycol, alcohols; m.w. 628; sp.gr. 1.065; dens. 8.9 lb/gal; visc. 240 cps; HLB 13.5; cloud pt. 65 C (1% aq.); flash pt. > 300 F (TOC); pour pt. 45 F; pH 6 (5% aq.); surf. tens. 30 dynes/cm (1%); Ross-Miles foam 110 mm (0.1%, 120 F); nonionic; 100% act.
Triton® X-405-70% [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Octoxynol-40 CAS 9002-93-1 Uses: Surfactant, emulsifier for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.710, 175.105, 176.210, 178.3400, EPA compliance Properties: APHA 250 liq.; sol. in inorg. salt sol'ns., aq. min. acids; misc. with water, alcohols, glycols, ethers, ketones; m.w. 1966; sp.gr. 1.102; dens. 9.2 lb/gal; visc. 490 cps; HLB 17.9; cloud pt. > 100 C (1%); flash pt. > 212 F (TOC); pour pt. 25 F; surf. tens. 37 dynes/cm (0.1%); Ross-Miles foam 126 mm (0.1%, initial, 120 F); nonionic; 70% act.
Triton® X-102 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Octoxynol-13 (12-13 EO) CAS 9002-93-1 Uses: Surfactant for foods Features: Effective at high temps., in presence of electrolytes Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.710, 175.105, 176.210, 178.3400, EPA compliance Properties: Lt. color cl. liq.; sol. in water, many common org. solvs.; m.w. 756; sp.gr. 1.07; dens. 8.9 lb/gal; visc. 330 cps; HLB 14.6; cloud pt. 88 C (1% aq.); flash pt. > 300 F (TOC); pour pt. 60 F; surf. tens. 32 dynes/cm (1%); Ross-Miles foam 130 mm (0.1%, 120 F); nonionic; 100% act.
Triton® X-705-70% [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Octoxynol-70 CAS 9002-93-1 Uses: Emulsifier for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.710, 175.105, EPA compliance Properties: APHA 500 liq.; sol. in inorg. salt sol'ns., aq. min. acids; misc. with water, alcohols, glycols, ethers, ketones; sp.gr. 1.1; dens. 9.2 lb/gal; visc. 505 cP; HLB 18.7; pour pt. 43 F; cloud pt. > 100 C (1% aq.); flash pt. (Seta CC) > 230 F; surf. tens. 39 dynes/cm (0.1%); Ross-Miles foam 95 mm (0.1%, initial, 120 F); nonionic; 70% act.
Triton® X-120 [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Octoxynol-9 (9-10 EO) CAS 9002-93-1 Uses: Surfactant for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.710, 175.105, 176.210, 178.3400 Properties: Wh. solid; m.w. 628; nonionic; 40% conc.
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
TroKote™ [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Light mineral oil, petrolatum, and paraffin wax See Paraffin CAS 8042-47-5; 8009-03-8; 64742-51-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-455-8; 232-373-2 Uses: Lubricant, release agent for baking, troughs and chutes Features: Sprayable; high visc.; food grade Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; SARA §302/313 nonreportable; kosher 732
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Opaque wh. to off-wh. semisolid; mild odor; negligibly sol. in water; sol. in hydrocarbons; sp.gr. 0.815-0.880 (140 F); m.p. 114-122 F; b.p. ≈ 600 F; flash pt. 375 F Toxicology: ACGIH TLV-TWA 5 mg/m3 oil mist, TLV-STEL 10 mg/m3 oil mist; TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid strong oxidizing agents and strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in closed containers away from heat, flames, strong oxidizing agents, or combustible materials TroKote™ Light [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Petroleum-based trough grease Uses: Lubricant, release agent for baking, troughs and chutes Features: Sprayable; low visc. version of TroKote TroKote™ V [Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soybean oil, hydrogenated soybean oil, lecithin, and TBHQ See t-Butyl hydroquinone; Soybean (Glycine soja) oil CAS 8001-22-7; 8016-70-4; 8002-43-5; 1948-330; EINECS/ELINCS 232-274-4; 232-410-2; 232-307-2; 217-752-2 Uses: Release agent for baking, thin film applics. Features: Sprayable; low visc. Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; SARA §302/313 nonreportable; kosher Properties: Opaque, ivory, semisolid; mild odor; negligibly sol. in water (> 0.1%); vapor pressure < 1.0 mm Hg; flash pt. 540 F Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid excessive heat, open flames, Cl, F, other strong oxidizers, and strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx and toxic gases from incomplete burning NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store away from oxidizers and combustible material TruCal® D7 [Glanbia Nutritional http://www.glanbianutritionals.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium (24%), phosphorus (>12.5%) Chem. Analysis: 7% protein; 5.0% moisture; < 0.5% fat Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 7440-70-2; 7723-14-0; EINECS/ELINCS 231-179-5; 231-768-7 Uses: Calcium source for use in nutritional supplements, diet, sports, and isotonic beverages, bakery prods., nutrition bars, calcium-enriched dairy prods. Features: Sol. in acidic pH range Regulatory: Kosher and Halal approved Properties: Free-flowing, off-wh. powd.; bland taste; particle size (90%) < 7 μ Storage: 2 yr. shelflife; store in a cool, dry, clean environment @ R.T. away from strong odors and other contaminants Trypsin 1:75 [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Trypsin CAS 9002-07-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232-650-8 Uses: Proteolytic enzyme for foods, protein digestion Properties: Cream-colored amorphous powd., char. nonoffensive odor Storage: Preserve in tight containers in cool, dry place Trypsin 1:80 [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Trypsin CAS 9002-07-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232-650-8 Uses: Proteolytic enzyme for foods, protein digestion Properties: Cream-colored amorphous powd., char. nonoffensive odor Storage: Preserve in tight containers in cool, dry place Trypsin 1:150 [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Trypsin CAS 9002-07-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232-650-8 Uses: Proteolytic enzyme for foods, protein digestion Properties: Cream-colored amorphous powd., char. nonoffensive odor Storage: Preserve in tight containers in cool, dry place TS-10MV [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 60 CAS 9005-67-8 Uses: Emulsifier, solubilizer, dispersant for foods Properties: Yel. visc. liq.; sol. in water; HLB 14.9; hydrophilic; 100% conc. 733
Part I: Trade Name Reference TS-10V [Nikko Chems. Co. Ltd http://www.nikkol.co.jp/index.html] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 60 CAS 9005-67-8 Uses: Emulsifier, solubilizer, dispersant for o/w prods., foods Features: Hydrophilic Regulatory: JSCI listed Properties: Yel. visc. liq.; sol. in water, ethanol, ethyl acetate, toluene; HLB 14.9; sapon. no. 43-49; pH 5.7-7.7 (5%); nonionic; 100% conc. Toxicology: TSCA listed TSP/DSP 40% [FBC Ind. http://www.fbcindustries.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium phosphate, tribasic/sodium phosphate, dibasic (1:0.866) See Sodium phosphate dibasic anhydrous; Sodium phosphate tribasic Uses: Acidulant, buffer, nutritional supplement, emulsifier in foods Regulatory: FCC grade; DOT nonregulated Properties: Colorless cl. liq.; odorless; sp.gr. 1.480 (65 C); solid. pt. 58 C; pH 11.4 (1% sol'n.); 39.8-40.2% conc.; < 0.2% insol. Toxicology: Sl. eye and skin irritant TVP, Fortified TVP [ADM Soy Protein http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Textured vegetable protein Chem. Analysis: 9% max. moisture; 18% total dietary fiber; 270 calories/100 g Uses: Protein for ground meat in beef patties, sausage, vegetarian foods, meatloaf mix, etc. Properties: Variety of textures, sizes, colors; 5053% protein Storage: Store in a cool dry place
http://www.uniqema.com; Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 60 CAS 9005-67-8 Uses: Solubilizer, emulsifier, dispersant for flavors, vitamin oils; foaming agent for nonalcoholic beverages; improves panned coatings; defoamer for process foods; emulsion stabilizer for salad dressings; in whipped toppings, cakes, icings, puddings Regulatory: USP/NF, EP compliance; FDA 21CFR §172.515, 172.836, 173.340 Properties: Yel. liq.; sol. in water, at low levels in cottonseed oil; visc. 600 cps; HLB 14.9; nonionic Use Level: 1-3% (beverages), 0.2% on coating (panned coatings), 0.02-0.05% (defoaming), 0.3% (salad dressing) Tween® 60K [Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com; Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 60 NF CAS 9005-67-8 Uses: Emulsifier, dough strengthener for foods; emulsifier, dispersant for flavors; foaming agent for beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.836 Properties: Pale yel. liq.; sol. in water, IPA, ethyl alcohol; sp.gr. 1.1; visc. 600 cps; HLB 14.9; flash pt. > 300 F; sapon. no. 45-55; nonionic; 100% act. Tween® 60V [Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 60 See Polysorbate 60 CAS 9005-67-8 Uses: Veg. source base stock; emulsifier for frozen desserts, salad dressings, cake mixes; dough conditioner for bakery Properties: Liq. to gel; HLB 14.9; nonionic; 100% conc.
Tween® 20 Pharma [Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com; Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 20 NF CAS 9005-64-5 Uses: Solubilizer, emulsifier, dispersant for flavors, essential oils, vitamin oils; food surfactant Regulatory: USP/NF, EP compliance; FDA 21CFR §172.515 Properties: Pale yel. liq.; sol. in water, methanol, ethanol, IPA, propylene glycol, ethylene glycol, cottonseed oil; sp.gr. 1.1; visc. 400 cps; HLB 16.7; flash pt. > 300 F; sapon. no. 40-50; nonionic; 100% act.
Tween® 61 [Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com; Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 61 CAS 9005-67-8 Uses: Emulsifier, solubilizer for flavors, vitamin oils; wetting agent; dispersant Properties: Ivory waxy solid; sol. in methanol, ethanol; disp. in water; sp.gr. 1.06; HLB 9.6; flash pt. > 300 F; pour pt. 100 F; sapon. no. 95-115; nonionic; 100% act.
Tween® 60 Pharma [Uniqema
Tween® 65 [Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com;
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 65 CAS 9005-71-4 Uses: Solubilizer, emulsifier for flavors, essential oils, vitamin oils; provides dryness and overrun in ice cream; defoamer for process foods; whipping agent in sherbet, whipped toppings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.838, 173.340; Canada compliance Properties: Tan solid; sol. at low levels in cottonseed oil; disp. in water; HLB 10.5; pour pt. 92 F; nonionic Use Level: 0.05-0.1% (ice cream, sherbet), 0.020.05% (defoaming) Tween® 80K [Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com; Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 80 NF CAS 9005-65-6 Uses: Emulsifier, solubilizer for foods, vitamins, oils; antifoam Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.840 Properties: Yel. brn. liq.; sol. in water, IPA, ethanol; sp.gr. 1.08; visc. 425 cps; HLB 15.0; flash pt. > 300 F; sapon. no. 45-55; nonionic; 100% act. Tween® 80V Pharma [Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com; Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 80 CAS 9005-65-6 Uses: Solubilizer, emulsifier for flavors, vitamin oils; emulsion stabilizer for dietary supplements; provides dryness in ice cream; flavor/color dispersant in pickles, yeast defoamers; antifoam for beet sugar prod.; crystal size control agent in salt Regulatory: USP/NF, EP compliance; FDA 21CFR §172.515, 172.840 Properties: Yel. brn. liq.; sol. in water, at low levels in cottonseed oil; visc. 460 cps; HLB 15.0; nonionic Use Level: 350 mg/daily dose max. (dietary supplements), 0.02-0.1% (ice cream), 0.05% (pickles), 0.02-0.05% (defoaming), 10 ppm (salt) Tween® 81 [Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com; Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 81 CAS 9005-65-6 Uses: Emulsifier, wetting agent, dispersant, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
solubilizer for flavors, vitamin oils Regulatory: SARA §311/312, 313 nonreportable Properties: Yel. brn. oily liq.; sol. in min. and corn oil, dioxane, Cellosolve, methanol, ethanol, ethyl acetate, aniline; disp. in water; sp.gr. 1; visc. 450 cps; HLB 10.0; flash pt. > 300 F; sapon. no. 96-104; nonionic; 100% act. Environmental: BOD (28 d) 50%; COD 2.2g O2/g; low toxicity for aquatic life Precaution: Wear safety goggles with side shields and impervious gloves; avoid strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in original containers Tween® 85 [Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com; Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com] Chem. Descrip.: Polysorbate 85 CAS 9005-70-3 Uses: Emulsifier, wetting agent, dispersant, solubilizer for flavors, vitamin oils Properties: Yel. brn. liq.; sol. in veg. oil, Cellosolve, lower alcohols, aromatic solvs., ethyl acetate, min. oils and spirits, acetone, dioxane, CCl4 and ethylene glycol; disp. in water; sp.gr. 1.0; visc. 300 cps; HLB 11.0; flash pt. > 300 F; sapon. no. 80-95; nonionic; 100% act. Toxicology: Human skin irritant Tylopur® C 300 P2 [Clariant http://www.clariant.com; http://www.clariantnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium carboxymethylcellulose, normal etherification See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Visc. modifier, emulsifier, stabilizer, binder in foods, salad dressings Features: Highly purified Properties: Powd.; 95% min. through 80 mesh, 60% min. through 140 mesh; sol. in water; visc. 300 mPa·s (1.8%, 20 C); pH 6-8 (1%); anionic; 99.5% min. act.; 10% max. moisture Storage: Long shelf life if stored in closed bags under dry conditions Tylopur® C 600 G1 [Clariant http://www.clariant.com; http://www.clariantnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium carboxymethylcellulose See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium 735
Part I: Trade Name Reference CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Visc. modifier, stabilizer in foods, milk shakes Properties: Gran.; 95% min. through 18 mesh, 20% max. through 80 mesh; sol. in water; visc. 600 mPa·s (1.8%, 20 C); pH 6-8 (1%); anionic; 99.5% min. act.; 10% max. moisture Storage: Long shelf life if stored in closed bags under dry conditions Tylopur® C 1000 P2 [Clariant http://www.clariant.com; http://www.clariantnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium carboxymethylcellulose See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Visc. modifier, emulsifier, stabilizer, binder for desserts, whipped puddings, egg custard, mayonnaise, ketchup Features: Highly purified Properties: Sol. in water; visc. 1000 mPa·s (1.8%, 20 C); anionic Storage: Long shelf life if stored in closed bags under dry conditions Tylopur® C 6000 G1 [Clariant http://www.clariant.com; http://www.clariantnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium carboxymethylcellulose, normal etherification See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Binder, crystallization control agent in ice cream; visc. modifier, stabilizer in yogurt, sour milk drinks, fruit and vegetable juices Features: Highly purified Properties: Gran.; 95% min. through 18 mesh; 20% max. through 80 mesh; sol. in water; visc. 6000 mPa·s (1.8%, 20 C); pH 6-8 (1%); anionic; 99.5% min. act.; 10% max. moisture Storage: Long shelf life if stored in closed bags under dry conditions Tylopur® C 10000 P2 [Clariant http://www.clariant.com; http://www.clariantnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium carboxymethylcellulose See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Thickener, binder for sauces, soups, gravies; stabilizer, shelf-life extender in Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
bakery and dough prods. Features: Highly purified Properties: Powd.; 95% min. through 80 mesh, 60% min. through 140 mesh; sol. in water; visc. 10,000 mPa·s (1.8%, 20 C); pH 6-8 (1%); anionic Storage: Long shelf life if stored in closed bags under dry conditions Tylopur® CB 30000 G1 [Clariant http://www.clariant.com; http://www.clariantnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium carboxymethylcellulose, highly etherified See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Binder, crystallization control agent in ice cream; thickener, stabilizer in yogurt, sour milk drinks, fruit and vegetable juices; dispersant, visc. modifier for soft drinks Features: Highly purified Properties: Wh. to pale ylsh. gran.; 95% min. through 18 mesh, 20% max. through 80 mesh; sol. in water; visc. 30,000 mPa·s (1.8%, 20 C); pH 6-8 (1%); anionic; 99.5% min. act.; 10% max. moisture Storage: Long shelf life if stored in closed bags under dry conditions Tylopur® CB 30000 P2 [Clariant/Functional Chems. http://www.fun.clariant.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium carboxymethylcellulose, highly etherified See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Binder, crystallization control agent in ice cream; stabilizer, shelf-life extender in bakery and dough prods.; thickener, stabilizer in yogurt, sour milk drinks, fruit and vegetable juices Properties: Powd.; 95% min. through 80 mesh, 60% min. through 140 mesh; sol. in water; visc. 30,000 mPa·s (1.8%, 20 C); anionic; 99.5% min. act.; 10% max. moisture Storage: Long shelf life if stored in closed bags under dry conditions Type CG6 8x30 [Cameron Carbon http://www.cameroncarbon.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Activated carbon, coal base See Carbon, activated Chem. Analysis: 2% max. moisture; 12% ash CAS 7440-44-0; EINECS/ELINCS 231-153-3 Uses: Beverage decolorization aid Features: High iodine value; well-developed 736
Part I: Trade Name Reference pore structure; excellent mech. str. Properties: Gran.; mesh size >8 15% max.,; 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 5.5 (1%); ≈ 8% moisture Use Level: 10-60% Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Ultraflex® [Baker Petrolite/Polymers http://www.bakerhughes.com/bakerpetrolite/p olymers] Chem. Descrip.: Microcrystalline wax CAS 63231-60-7; EINECS/ELINCS 264-038-1 Uses: Chewing gum base; microcapsules for flavoring substances Features: Offers high ductility, flexibility at very low temps. Regulatory: Incl. FDA 21CFR §172.230, 172.615, 175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 177.1200, 178.3710, 179.45 Properties: Amber wax; also avail. in wh.; dens. 0.93 g/cc; visc. 13 cps (99 C); m.p. 69 C; flash pt. 293 C Ultralec® F [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin Chem. Analysis: 1% max. moisture CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Surfactant, emulsifier, wetting agent for baked goods, confections, dairy products, ice cream stabilizers, icings, frostings, instant beverage mixes, instant foods, and meat Features: Ultrafiltered, deoiled, for hydrophilic instantizing applications, provides excellent Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
emulsification properties in reduced-fat and flavor-sensitive applications Properties: Lt. gold fine granules; HLB 7.0 Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored below 60 F in the original containers; keep container well closed when not in use Ultralec® G [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin Chem. Analysis: 1% max. moisture CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Surfactant, emulsifier, wetting agent for baked goods, confections, dairy products, ice cream stabilizers, icings, frostings, instant beverage mixes, instant foods, and meat Features: Ultrafiltered, deoiled, for hydrophilic instantizing applications, provides excellent emulsification properties in reduced-fat and flavor-sensitive applications Properties: Lt. gold granules; HLB 7.0 Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored below 60 F in the original containers; keep container well closed when not in use Ultralec® P [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Lecithin Chem. Analysis: 1% max. moisture CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Surfactant, emulsifier, wetting agent for baked goods, confections, dairy products, ice cream stabilizers, icings, frostings, instant beverage mixes, instant foods, and meat; in sauces and gravies Features: Ultrafiltered, deoiled, for hydrophilic instantizing applications, provides excellent emulsification properties in reduced-fat and flavor-sensitive applications Properties: Lt. gold powd.; HLB 7.0 Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored below 60 F in the original containers; keep container well closed when not in use Ultra-Set® LT [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified See Food starch, modified Uses: Gellant, film-former for confections, jelly gum candies, gum drops, orange slices, jubes, high-solids centers, panned confections Features: Quick setting; ease of cooking; low hot visc.; rapidly yields high gel str. without having 739
Part I: Trade Name Reference to be cooked at extremely high temps. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; starch odor; sl. sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 5.5 (1%); ≈ 9% moisture Use Level: 10-13% dry solids basis (confections) Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Ultra-Sperse® [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Texturizer, thickener, stabilizer for dry food mixes, instant soups, instant sauces, instant gravies, suspending agent in fruit fillings Features: Cold water swelling; exc. dispersibility; imparts smooth, short texture Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. free-flowing coarse powd.; starch odor; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 7 (1%); ≈ 8% moisture Use Level: 10-60% Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Ultra-Sperse® 5 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, texturizer, mouthfeel enhancer for instant foods, dry mixes (sauces, gravies), bakery applics. (fruit pie fillings, glazes, pastry fillings), instant lowcalorie foods; stabilizer for refrigerated or frozen foods Features: High performance; cold water swelling; yields short texture with good sheen, clarity, smoothness; good resist. to heat, acid, shear Properties: Wh. to off-wh. free-flowing coarse powd.; readily disp. in hot or cold water; pH ≈ 6; ≈ 8% moisture Ultra-Sperse® 2000 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Visc. builder, texturizer, mouthfeel enhancer for instant foods, instant creamstyle soups, cheese sauces, gravies, turnover fillings; cold temp. storage stabilizer for refrigerated or frozen foods Features: High performance; cold water swelling; exc. dispersibility; imparts exc. sheen, smoothness; exc. cold temp. storage stability; resist. to heating Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. free-flowing coarse powd.; starch odor; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 8% moisture Use Level: 10-60% Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Ultra-Sperse® A [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Waxy corn starch See Corn 740
Part I: Trade Name Reference starch, waxy CAS 977050-52-4 Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, mouthfeel enhancer for dry mixes (instant sauces/soups/gravies), esp. those that are reconstituted and microwaved Features: All natural; high performance; cold water swelling; exc. dispersibility; smooth texture; high cold visc. Properties: Wh. to off-wh. free-flowing coarse powd.; bland flavor; pH ≈ 6; ≈ 8% moisture Ultra-Sperse® HV [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Chem. Analysis: ≈ 8% moisture CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Thickener, mouthfeel enhancer for dry mixes (instant sauces/soups/gravies), esp. those that are reconstituted and microwaved Features: Non-GMO, high performance; disperses easily without lumping Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. free-flowing coarse powd.; starch odor; bland flavor; sol. in water; sp. gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6; ≈ 8% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact Precaution: Avoid dispersing powd. in air; prevent build-up on surf. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx, N HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ ambient temp.; sensitive to static electricity Ultra-Sperse® M [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, texturizer, mouthfeel enhancer for turnover fillings and dry mix foods (instant soups/sauces/gravies/salad dressings); cold temp. storage stabilizer for refrigerated or frozen foods Features: High performance; cold water swelling; exc. dispersibility; imparts exc. sheen, clarity, smoothness, short texture; resist. to heat, acid, shear; rec. for harsh Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
processing conditions (microwaving, milling, low pH) Properties: Wh. to off-wh. free-flowing coarse powd.; disp. in hot or cold water; pH ≈ 6; ≈ 8% moisture Ultra-Sperse® SR [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Chem. Analysis: ≈ 8% moisture CAS 53124-00-8 Uses: Thickener, mouthfeel enhancer for heavy bodied salad dressing and microwaveable sauces Features: For food systems subject to severe processing conditions; exc. sheen and cold temp. storage stability to refrigerated or frozen prods. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. coarse powd.; starch odor; bland flavor; sol. in water; sp. gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6; ≈ 8% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact Precaution: Avoid dispersing powd. in air; prevent build-up on surf. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx, N Storage: Store @ ambient temp.; sensitive to static electricity Ultra-Tex® 1 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn starch See Corn (Zea mays) starch CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: Thickener, texturizer, stabilizer, mouthfeel enhancer for instant foods, bakery cream fillings, sauces, dry mixes (reconstituted at cold/ambient temps.), refrigerated or frozen foods, microwave reconstituted foods Features: All natural; cold water swelling; imparts smooth, short texture; clean flavor profile Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd.; pH ≈ 7; ≈ 8% moisture
Part I: Trade Name Reference Ultra-Tex® 2 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, texturizer, stabilizer for instant foods, dry mixes (sauces, gravies), bakery applics. (fruit pie fillings, glazes, pastry fillings), refrigerated/frozen foods Features: High performance; cold water swelling; exc. sheen, clarity, smoothness; very good resist. to heat, acid, shear; rec. for prods. exposed to high heat or stored under frozen or cold temps.; suitable in acid and neutral systems Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd.; pH ≈ 6; ≈ 8% moisture Ultra-Tex® 3 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from tapioca See Food starch, modified Uses: Texturizer, mouthfeel enhancer for instant foods (sauces, pastry fillings, Bavarian creams), dairy prods. (cheese sauces), frozen foods, baked goods Features: High performance; cold water swelling; good mouth meltaway chars.; provides smooth, short, glossy texture; tolerant to heating and acids; exc. cold temp. stability Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd.; starch odor; very bland flavor; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 8% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Ultra-Tex® 4 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, texturizer, mouthfeel enhancer for instant foods (salad Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
dressings), turnover fillings, microwavable sauces; cold temp. storage stabilizer for refrigerated/frozen foods Features: Cold water swelling; rec. for severe processing conditions; produces smooth, short texture, sheen; exc. resist. to heat, shear, acid Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd.; starch odor; sol. in water; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH ≈ 6 (1%); ≈ 8% moisture Toxicology: Possible physical irritant from dust particles; particulates may scratch eye surfs. and cause mech. irritation; possible nuisance dust by inh.; maintain below TWA 10 mg/m3; low oral toxicity; low toxicity by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Does not undergo spontaneous decomp.; typ. combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N, water Storage: Store @ ambient temps.; sensitive to static electricity Ultra-Tex® 2000 [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food starch modified derived from waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Thickener, texturizer, mouthfeel enhancer for instant foods, dry mixes (sauces, gravies, dairy prods.), microwavable cheese sauces, gravies, instant cream-style soups; particulate suspending agent and cold temp. storage stabilizer for refrigerated/frozen foods (frozen pot pies, frozen dinners) Features: Cold water swelling; exc. sheen; rec. for mild to mod. processing conditions; clean flavor profile Properties: Wh. to off-wh. fine powd.; pH ≈ 6; ≈ 8% moisture Uni-Malt [Am. Ingreds./Patco http://www.patcoadditives.com] Chem. Descrip.: Enzyme active cereal malt and sodium chloride See Malt Uses: Enzyme for breads, buns, rolls, English muffins Properties: Tan free-flowing powd.; 4.5-7.0% moisture Uniplex 84 [Unitex http://www.unitexchemical.com] Chem. Descrip.: Acetyl tributyl citrate 742
Part I: Trade Name Reference CAS 77-90-7; EINECS/ELINCS 201-067-0 Uses: Plasticizer for direct food contact applics.; plasticizer migrating from food pkg. Features: Produces resins with exc. heat stability and low toxicity Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 175.105, 175.300, 175.320, 175.380, 175.390, 176.170, 176.180, 177.1200, 177.1210, 178.3910, 181.27 Properties: APHA 30 max. color, essentially odorless; insol. in water; m.w. 402.5; sp.gr. 1.045-1.055; dens. 8.74 lb/gal; visc. 33 cps; b.p. 173 C (1 mm Hg); pour pt. -75 C; flash pt. (COC) 204 C; ref. index 1.441; 99% min. assay USG Terra Alba F&P [U.S. Gypsum http://www.usg.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium sulfate dihydrate (9098%) CAS 10101-41-4; EINECS/ELINCS 231-900-3 Uses: Filler for foods Regulatory: FCC, NF, GRAS compliance Properties: Off-wh. to wh. powd.; low to no odor; 12 µ median particle size; low odor; sol. in water ≈ 0.21 g/100 g sol'n.); sp.gr. 2.32-2.96; bulk dens. ≈ 45-150 lb/ft3; m.p. 1450 C (dec.); pH 7.3 Toxicology: Exposure to high dust levels may irritate the skin, eyes, nose, throat, or upper respiratory tract; TSCA listed Environmental: zero VOC content; no known adverse effect on the ecology Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CaO, SO2 NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ R.T. in dry location; keep containers closed when not in use Uterus Substance [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vacuum-dried defatted glandular prod. Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Powd. or freeze-dried form V-90® [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Coated monocalcium phosphate anhyd. FCC See Calcium phosphate monobasic anhydrous CAS 7758-23-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-837-1 Uses: Leavening agent for baking, cereal, cake mixes, self-rising flour and corn meal, pancake and waffle mixes, baking powd. Features: Delayed-action Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1217; FCC Properties: Wh. gran. free-flowing powd.; 1% max. on 140 mesh, 90% min. through 200 mesh; m.w. 234.1; bulk dens. 66 lb/ft3; neutralizing value 83; pH 4.2 (1%); 16.8-18.3% assay (Ca) Toxicology: OSHA TWA 15 mg/m3 (total dust); LD50 (dermal, rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg; severe eye irritant; skin and resp. irritant; ing. of large quantities may cause abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.; TSCA listed NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store in tightly closed containers in an area that is isolated from all toxic and harmful substances, sanitary, dry, cool V-1655 [Procter & Gamble http://www.pgchemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Octadecanoic acid (46.5%), hexandecanoic acid (51%) See Palmitic acid; Stearic acid CAS 57-11-4; 57-10-3; EINECS/ELINCS 200313-4 Uses: Humectant in food prods. Regulatory: Not regulated for transport; Canada DSL; Philippines; China; Korea; Australia; Japan ENCS Properties: Water wh. to yel. solid; musty, fatty odor; insol. in water; relative dens. 0.845; vapor pressure 0.99 mm Hg @ 165 C; b.p. 351.5-376 C; flash pt. > 200 C; autoignition temp. > 250 C; acid no. 205-210; iodine no. 0.5 max.; 0.3% max. moisture Toxicology: Causes mild, transient eye irritation; repeated, prolonged skin contact causes irritation; ing. may irritate GI tract; inh. may cause transient pulmonary irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear goggles or face shield with goggles, rubber gloves, respirator if mist, vapor is generated; avoid eye, skin contact; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. may produce CO, CO2 Storage: Store away from sources of ignition in acid resistant vessels such as aluminum, stainless steel or steel coated with resin lining V-1695 [Procter & Gamble http://www.pgchemicals.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hexadecanoic acid (95-100%) See Palmitic acid 743
Part I: Trade Name Reference CAS 57-10-3; EINECS/ELINCS 200-312-9 Uses: Humectant in food prods. Regulatory: Not regulated for transport; Canada DSL; Philippines; China; Korea; Australia; Japan ENCS Properties: Water wh. to yel. solid; musty, fatty odor; insol. in water; relative dens. 0.845; vapor pressure 0.99 mm Hg @ 165 C; b.p. 178-191 C; flash pt. > 200 C; autoignition temp. > 250 C; acid no. 217-222; iodine no. 0.5 max.; 0.3% max. moisture Toxicology: Causes mild, transient eye irritation; repeated, prolonged skin contact causes irritation; ing. may irritate GI tract; inh. may cause transient pulmonary irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear goggles or face shield with goggles, rubber gloves, respirator if mist, vapor is generated; avoid eye, skin contact; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. may produce CO, CO2 Storage: Store away from sources of ignition in acid resistant vessels such as aluminum, stainless steel or steel coated with resin lining Vanall [Am. Ingreds./Patco http://www.patcoadditives.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrated sorbitan stearate, monoglycerides, polysorbate 60, and propylene glycol Uses: Emulsifier, aerating agent in snack, sponge, and layer cakes, and muffins Properties: Cream plastic; pH 4.5-5.0; 67-70% volatiles Vanlite [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrated propylene glycol stearate, stearoyl lactylic acid, and monoglycerides, See Propylene glycol stearate Uses: Emulsifier for layer cakes, snack cakes and muffins Properties: Ivory wh. plastic; pH 3.3-4.3; 74-75% volatiles, 8-9.5% mono Vantalc® 6H [R.T. Vanderbilt http://www.rtvanderbilt.com] Chem. Descrip.: Talc (hydrous magnesium silicate) Chem. Analysis: SiO2 (61.8%), MgO (31.3%), Fe2O3 (1.3%) CAS 14807-96-6; EINECS/ELINCS 238-877-9 Uses: Migrating to food from paper/paperboard Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Features: High purity, hydrophobicity, brightness and oil absorp.; no ozone-depleting substances Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.300, 177.1210, 182.90 Properties: Wh. powd.; 2.0 µm median particle size; 99.9% < 325 mesh; dens. 2.7 mg/m3; bulk dens. 14 lb/ft3 (compacted); oil absorp. 52; brightness 87; pH 9.6 (10% aq. slurry) Toxicology: TSCA listed Vascan [Vaessen-Schoemaker http://www.vaessen-schoemaker.com] Uses: Antioxidant, preservative for cooked meats, sauces, salads, snack foods Vascomix 404 [Vaessen-Schoemaker http://www.vaessen-schoemaker.com] Chem. Descrip.: Spray-dried whey protein powd., cooking salt See Sodium chloride CAS 84082-51-9; 7647-14-5; EINECS/ELINCS 281-998-7; 231-598-3 Uses: Fat binder, water binder, texturizer in ground meat prods. like meat balls, meat patties Features: Reduces frying losses Properties: Powd.; 23.3% protein, 34.7% total sugars, 17.5% NaCl, 4% moisture Use Level: 2.5-3% Storage: Store cool and dry in unopened bags Vee Gee 100 B [Vyse Gelatin http://www.vyse.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Type B calfskin gelatin See Gelatin CAS 9000-70-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-554-6 Uses: Candies; clarifier for wine and juice; filler in capsules; food supplementation Features: Lowest bloom; economical Vee Gee 200 B [Vyse Gelatin http://www.vyse.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Type B calfskin gelatin, 200 bloom See Gelatin CAS 9000-70-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-554-6 Uses: Food additive Vee Gee Beef Hide Hydrolysate Gelatin [Vyse Gelatin http://www.vyse.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrolyzed gelatin derived from porkskin collagen CAS 68410-45-7; EINECS/ELINCS 270-082-2 Uses: Film-former in foods (microencapsulation of flavors and food colors); protein source in foods (protein drinks, protein energy bars); clarifier in 744
Part I: Trade Name Reference wine, beer and fruit juice Features: Nongelling Regulatory: USP/NF, GRAS Properties: Off-wh. to amber spray-dried powd.; typ. bouillon-like odor and flavor; sol. in cold water; bulk dens. 300-500 g/l; pH 5.0-6.5 (10% sol'n.); 8% max. moisture Vee Gee Bone Hydrolysate Gelatin [Vyse Gelatin http://www.vyse.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrolyzed gelatin derived from ossein CAS 68410-45-7; EINECS/ELINCS 270-082-2 Uses: Film-former in foods (microencapsulation of flavors and food colors); protein source in foods (protein drinks, protein energy bars); clarifier in wine, beer and fruit juice Features: Nongelling Regulatory: USP/NF, GRAS Properties: Off-wh. to amber spray-dried powd.; typ. bouillon-like odor and flavor; bulk dens. 300-500 g/l; sol. in cold water; pH 5-6 (10% sol'n.); 8% max. moisture Vee Gee Calf Hydrolysate Gelatin [Vyse Gelatin http://www.vyse.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrolyzed gelatin derived from beef skins CAS 68410-45-7; EINECS/ELINCS 270-082-2 Uses: Film-former in foods (microencapsulation of flavors and food colors); protein source in foods (protein drinks, protein energy bars); clarifier in wine, beer and fruit juice Features: Nongelling Properties: Yel. to amber; typ. bouillon-like odor and flavor; sol. in cold water; pH 4.7-5.7; 10% max. moisture Vee Gee Fish Hydrolysate Gelatin [Vyse Gelatin http://www.vyse.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrolyzed gelatin derived fromfish collagen CAS 68410-45-7; EINECS/ELINCS 270-082-2 Uses: Film-former in foods (microencapsulation of flavors and food colors); protein source in foods (protein drinks, protein energy bars); clarifier in wine, beer and fruit juice Features: Nongelling Regulatory: USP/NF, GRAS Properties: Off-wh. to lt. amber; bland to very mild piscine flavor and odor; sol. in cold water; bulk dens. 250-500 g/l; pH 5.0 - 6.5 (10% Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
sol'n.); 10% max. moisture Vee Gee Pharmaceutical Gelatins [Vyse Gelatin http://www.vyse.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Gelatin NF CAS 9000-70-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-554-6 Uses: Tablet binder, gellant, protective colloid, film-former, stabilizer, binder, dispersant, softener, tenderizer, foaming agent, whipping agent, water imbiber, flocculant, clarifier, protein source for foods, health foods Regulatory: USP/NF. GRAS Properties: Lt. straw coarse gran. to fine powds., sl. typ. bouillon-like odor and flavor; insol. in cold water, but swells and softens on immersion; dissolves in hot water; insol. in alcohol; sp.gr. 1.2; b.p. dec. > 100 C; complete combustion > 500 C; nonflamm. Toxicology: Nuisance dust limits apply, 15 mg/m3, 10 mg/m3 total dust Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Vee Gee Porkskin Hydrolysate Gelatin [Vyse Gelatin http://www.vyse.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrolyzed gelatin derived from porkskin collagen CAS 68410-45-7; EINECS/ELINCS 270-082-2 Uses: Film-former in foods (microencapsulation of flavors and food colors); protein source in foods (protein drinks, protein energy bars); clarifier in wine, beer and fruit juice Features: Nongelling Regulatory: USP/NF Properties: Lt. cream-colored powd.; no objectionable foreign odor; sol. in cold water; bulk dens. 200 - 500 g/l; pH 5-6 (10% sol'n.); 8% max. moisture Vegapure® 67 WDP [Cognis/Nutrition & Health] Chem. Descrip.: Glucose syrup, sodium caseinate, antioxidants and an anticaking agent See Corn syrup Chem. Analysis: 40% min. sterol content; < 5% moisture; ≈ 13% protein CAS 8029-43-4; 9004-36-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Uses: Dietary supplement in the food industry and functional foods (table spreads and dairy prods.) for reducing the absorption of cholesterol from the digestive tract Regulatory: FDA GRAS 745
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Cream powd.; mild, neutral to sl. fatty odor; sl, sweet fatty taste Precaution: 2 yr. shelf life when stored @ temp.< 25 C Storage: 2 yr. shelf life when stored in a tightly closed container @ R.T. protected from heat and light Veg-Blend 7 w/spice [Florida Food Prods. http://www.floridafood.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Pourable custom-blended veg. prods. Uses: Vegetable flavoring in beverages Veg-Blend 7 w/o spice [Florida Food Prods. http://www.floridafood.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Pourable custom-blended veg. prods. Uses: Vegetable flavoring in beverages Veg-Blend Meripoix [Florida Food Prods. http://www.floridafood.com/] Chem. Descrip.: carrot, onion, celery Chem. Analysis: Contains carrots, onions and celery Uses: Vegetable flavoring in soups, sauces, base Properties: 100% Veg-Con Beet [Florida Food Prods. http://www.floridafood.com/] Chem. Descrip.: vegetable juice conc. Chem. Analysis: 45%. 65% solids Uses: Flavoring, coloring agent in food Properties: 100% Veg-Con Cabbage [Florida Food Prods. http://www.floridafood.com/] Chem. Descrip.: vegetable juice conc. Chem. Analysis: 45% solids Uses: Flavoring agent for food and beverages Properties: 100% Veg-Con Carrot [Florida Food Prods. http://www.floridafood.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Carrot juice, carrot juice from conc., carrot juice conc., carrot extract See Carrot (Daucus carota) extract; Carrot (Daucus carota sativa) juice Chem. Analysis: 40%, 42%,a nd 60% solids Uses: Flavor and coloring agent used for beverages, baked goods, soups, dressings, dips, salsas, sauces, gravies, savory flavor enhancement, meat and poultry marinades, snack foods, rice and pasta dishes, food bases, cereal food Properties: Bright orange; pH 4.5-5.1; 100% Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Use Level: 1 gal/8.37 gal water yields 9.37 gal of 8° brix juice Storage: Keep frozen Veg-Con Celery [Florida Food Prods. http://www.floridafood.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Celery juice, celery juice from conc., celery juice conc., celery extract See Celery (Apium graveolens) extract Chem. Analysis: 40%, 45% solids Uses: Savory flavoring agent for beverages, baked goods, soups, dressings, dips, salsas, sauces, gravies, savory flavor enhancement, meat and poultry marinades, snack foods, rice and pasta dishes, food bases, cereal prods., food Properties: Green; pH 4.0-6.0; 100% Use Level: 1 gal/16.8 gal water yields 17.8 gal of 3° brix single-strength celery juice Storage: Keep frozen Veg-Con Cucumber [Florida Food Prods. http://www.floridafood.com/] Chem. Descrip.: vegetable juice conc. Chem. Analysis: 45% solids Uses: Flavoring in salad dressing Properties: 100% Veg-Con Garlic [Florida Food Prods. http://www.floridafood.com/] Chem. Descrip.: vegetable juice conc. Uses: Flavoring in foods and beverages Veg-Con Green Bell Pepper [Florida Food Prods. http://www.floridafood.com/] Chem. Descrip.: vegetable juice conc. Chem. Analysis: 45% solids Uses: Flavoring, coloring agent in food and beverages Properties: 100% Veg-Con Onion [Florida Food Prods. http://www.floridafood.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Onion juice, onion juice from conc., onion juice conc., and onion extract See Onion (Allium cepa) extract; Onion (Allium cepa) juice Chem. Analysis: 40%, 45%, 70% solids Uses: Used for beverages, baked goods, soups, dressings, dips, salsas, sauces, gravies, savory flavor enhancement, meat and poultry marinades, snack foods, rice and pasta dishes, food bases, cereal prods., health food, baby food Properties: Dull yel. appearance; pH 4.0-5.0; 100% Use Level: 1 gal/7.8 gal water yields 8.8 gal of 6° 746
Part I: Trade Name Reference brix single-strength onion juice Storage: Keep frozen Veg-Dry Beet [Florida Food Prods. http://www.floridafood.com/] Chem. Descrip.: vegetable juice conc. powd. Uses: Nutrient, coloring agent in foods and beverages Properties: Powd.; sol. in water Veg-Dry Cabbage [Florida Food Prods. http://www.floridafood.com/] Chem. Descrip.: vegetable juice conc. powd. Uses: Flavoring agent for food and beverages Properties: Powd.; sol. in water Veg-Dry Carrot, Roasted [Florida Food Prods. http://www.floridafood.com/] Chem. Descrip.: vegetable juice conc. powd. Uses: Flavoring and savory in foods Properties: Powd.; sol. in water; 100% Veg-Dry Carrot [Florida Food Prods. http://www.floridafood.com/] Chem. Descrip.: vegetable juice conc. powd. Uses: Flavor, nutrient, coloring agent in food and beverages Properties: Powd.; sol. in water Veg-Dry Celery, Roasted [Florida Food Prods. http://www.floridafood.com/] Chem. Descrip.: vegetable juice conc. powd. Uses: Flavor, savory for food and beverages Properties: Powd.; sol. in water; 100%
protectant for nutritional supplement tablets Properties: < 10% moisture Storage: Store in sealed containers under cool conditions (< 20 C) Vegetable All Purpose Shortening [ADM Refined Oils http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Soybean and cottonseed oils See Cottonseed (Gossypium) oil; Soybean (Glycine soja) oil Uses: Shortening for baking, frying, and cooking Properties: Lovibond 2.0R max. oil, bland flavor; m.p. 118±4 F; iodine no. 74-79 Velcorin® [Bayer AG http://www.bayer-ag.de; http://www.bayer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dimethyl dicarbonate (99.8% min.) CAS 4525-33-1; EINECS/ELINCS 224-859-8 Uses: Yeast inhibitor, bactericide, sterilizer for cold sterilization of beverages Features: Effective against typ. beveragespoiling microorganisms such as fermentative yeast, mycoderma, fermentative bacteria; dec. through hydrolysis, resulting in formation of sm. amts. of CO2 and methanol, natural
Veg-Dry Onion, Roasted [Florida Food Prods. http://www.floridafood.com/] Chem. Descrip.: vegetable juice conc. powd. Uses: Flavoring and savory in foods Properties: Sol. in water
Velsicure® BTF [Velsicol http://www.velsicol.com] Chem. Descrip.: Benzophenone CAS 119-61-9; EINECS/ELINCS 204-337-6 Uses: Food additive Regulatory: Clean Air Act §111 Potential Human Health Hazard (40CFR 60.489); Hazardous Organic NESHAP (HON) Synthetic Organic Chemicals (40CFR 63.100-106) Properties: APHA 0.1 max. off-wh. solid flake; insol. in cold water, sol. in chloroform, ethyl alcohol; m.w. 182.21; sp.gr. 1.08 (54/4 C); m.p. 47-49 C; b.p. 306.1 C; vapor pressure 1.1; flash pt. 138 C; 99.9% min. assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 1600-2895 mg/kg, (oral, rat) 1900-10,000 mg/kg , (skin, rabbit) 3535 mg/kg, (skin, guinea pig) > 1000 mg/kg; TSCA listed Environmental: LC50 (daphnia magna, 24h) 0.27 mg/l, (fathead minnow, 96h) 15 mg/l HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0
Vege-Coat [Garuda Int'l. http://www.garudaint.com] Chem. Descrip.: Maize protein See Corn protein Uses: Antioxidant glaze for nuts; antisticking agent for licorice, candies; coating,
Veron® 191 [AB Enzymes GmbH http://www.abenzymes.com] Chem. Descrip.: Conc. fungal xylanase CAS 9025-55-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-798-3 Uses: Dough conditioner in baking Features: Convert the insoluble hemicelluloses
Veg-Dry Garlic [Florida Food Prods. http://www.floridafood.com/] Chem. Descrip.: vegetable juice conc. powd. Uses: Flavoring in foods and beverages Properties: Sol. in water Veg-Dry Mirepoix [Florida Food Prods. http://www.floridafood.com/] Chem. Descrip.: vegetable juice conc. powd. Uses: Flavoring and savory in foods Properties: Sol. in water
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part I: Trade Name Reference of dough into soluble ones during the baking process Veron® N [AB Enzymes GmbH http://www.abenzymes.com] Chem. Descrip.: xylanase CAS 9025-55-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-798-3 Uses: Firming agent in noodles and pasta; and oil absorption inhibitor for instant noodles Features: Improve quality and is cost-saving Veron® N [AB Enzymes GmbH http://www.abenzymes.com] Chem. Descrip.: xylanase CAS 9025-55-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-798-3 Uses: Firming agent in noodles and pasta; and oil absorption inhibitor for instant noodles Features: Improve quality and is cost-saving Veron® TX [AB Enzymes GmbH http://www.abenzymes.com] Chem. Descrip.: Amylase, with xylanase and Transglutaminase CAS 9000-92-4; 9025-55-2; 81046-85-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-567-7; 232-798-3 Uses: Firming agent in noodles and pasta; and oil absorption inhibitor for instant noodles VersaCal™ DA [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium phosphate dibasic Chem. Analysis: 21% min. P, 27.5-29.0% Ca CAS 7757-93-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-826-1 Uses: Source of calcium and phosphorus in beverage and food Regulatory: FCC Properties: Wh. odorless, tasteless powd.; 20% thru #200 mesh, 25% thru #325 mesh; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 136.06; sp. gr. 1.6; hygroscopic; 7-8.5% loss on ignition Toxicology: OSHA TWA 15 mg/m3 (total dust); LD50 (oral, rat) > 10000 mg/kg; eye irritant; sl. skin irritant Precaution: Avoid dust and extreme humidity Storage: 36 mos. shelf life; store in tightly closed containers in an area that is isolated from all toxic and harmful substances, sanitary, dry, cool Versene™ CA [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium-disodium EDTA See Calcium disodium EDTA CAS 62-33-9; EINECS/ELINCS 200-529-9 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Direct food additive; chelating agent preventing metal catalyzed oxidative breakdown in foods, beverages Features: High purity Regulatory: FCC, USP, and kosher compliance Properties: Wh. powd.; m.w. 410; dens. 40 lb/ft3; pH 6.5-7.5 (1%); 97-102% act. Versene NA [Dow http://www.dow.com] Chem. Descrip.: Disodium EDTA dihydrate USP, FCC CAS 6381-92-6; EINECS/ELINCS 205-358-3 Uses: Direct food additive; chelating agent preventing metal catalyzed oxidative breakdown in foods, beverages Features: High purity Regulatory: FCC, USP, and Kosher compliance Properties: Wh. cryst.; m.w. 372; dens. 67 lb/ft3; pH 4.3-4.7 (1%); chel. value 267; 99% act. Verv® [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium stearoyl-2-lactylate See Calcium stearoyl lactylate CAS 5793-94-2; EINECS/ELINCS 227-335-7 Uses: Starch complexing agent, protein complexing agent, softener in yeastleavened bakery prods.; conditioner in dehydrated potatoes Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.844 Properties: Cream powd., mild caramel odor, sl. tart taste; acid no. 50-86; ester no. 124-164; anionic; 100% conc., 4.2-5.2% Ca Use Level: 4-8 oz/cwt flour; 0.3-0.5% Storage: Store under cool dry conditions, below 90 F Vestowax® AO 3533 [Degussa AG/Marl] Chem. Descrip.: Polyethylene wax CAS 9002-88-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-815-3 Uses: Citrus fruit coatings Properties: Nearly wh. pellets; sp.gr. 0.97 (23 C); visc. < 280 mPa·s; acid no. 16-19; sapon. no. 30-40; penetration no. 1; Mettler drop pt. 114120 C max. ViCALity Albafil® PCC [Mins. Tech. http://www.mineralstech.com] Chem. Descrip.: Precipitated calcium carbonate USP CAS 471-34-1; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Fortifier and nutritional supplement for beverages such as milk and soymilk, drinkable yogurts and probiotics; breakfast cereals, baked goods, snack foods, breakfast bars, crackers and dairy products such as 748
Part I: Trade Name Reference milk, ice cream, and yogurt Features: Preferred for its smoothness, taste, and feel Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §176.170, 176.180, GRAS, USP; FCC; American Institute of Baking certified; kosher; California Proposition 65 compliant Properties: Prismatic cryst.; avg. particle size 0.7 µ Toxicology: ACGIH TWA 10 mg/m3; LD50 (oral, rat) 6450 mg/kg; dust or powd. may cause eye and skin irritation; not toxic in small amts.; TSCA listed Environmental: not expected to be harmful to aq. life Precaution: Wear dust goggles; use impervious gloves Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CaO HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area ViCALity Albaglos® PCC [Mins. Tech. http://www.mineralstech.com] Chem. Descrip.: Precipitated calcium carbonate CAS 471-34-1; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Fortifier and nutritional supplement for beverages such as milk and soymilk, drinkable yogurts and probiotics; breakfast cereals, baked goods, snack foods, breakfast bars, crackers and dairy products such as milk, ice cream, and yogurt Features: Similar tapped dens. and surf. areas to ViCALity™ Medium Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §176.170, 176.180, GRAS; FCC; American Institute of Baking certified; kosher; California Proposition 65 compliant Properties: Prismatic cryst.; 0.8 µ size Toxicology: ACGIH TWA 10 mg/m3; LD50 (oral, rat) 6450 mg/kg; dust or powd. may cause eye and skin irritation; not toxic in small amts. Environmental: not expected to be harmful to aq. life Precaution: Wear dust goggles; use impervious gloves Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CaO HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 ViCALity® Extra Heavy PCC [Mins. Tech. http://www.mineralstech.com] Chem. Descrip.: Precipitated calcium carbonate Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CAS 471-34-1; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Fortifier and nutritional supplement for beverages such as milk and soymilk, drinkable yogurts and probiotics; breakfast cereals, baked goods, snack foods, breakfast bars, crackers and dairy products such as milk, ice cream, and yogurt Features: Low surf. area; high tapped dens. Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §176.170, 176.180, GRAS; FCC; American Institute of Baking certified; kosher; California Proposition 65 compliant Properties: Cubic cryst.; 4.5 µ median particle size Toxicology: ACGIH TWA 10 mg/m3; LD50 (oral, rat) 6450 mg/kg; dust or powd. may cause eye and skin irritation; not toxic in small amts. Environmental: not expected to be harmful to aq. life Precaution: Wear dust goggles; use impervious gloves Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CaO HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 ViCALity® Extra Light PCC [Mins. Tech. http://www.mineralstech.com] Chem. Descrip.: Precipitated calcium carbonate USP CAS 471-34-1; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Fortifier and nutritional supplement for beverages such as milk and soymilk, drinkable yogurts and probiotics; breakfast cereals, baked goods, snack foods, breakfast bars, crackers and dairy products such as milk, ice cream, and yogurt Features: High surf. area; low tapped dens. Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §176.170, 176.180, GRAS; FCC; American Institute of Baking certified; kosher; California Proposition 65 compliant Properties: Scalenohedral cryst.; 1.8-2.6 µ median particle sizes Toxicology: ACGIH TWA 10 mg/m3; LD50 (oral, rat) 6450 mg/kg; dust or powd. may cause eye and skin irritation; not toxic in small amts. Environmental: not expected to be harmful to aq. life Precaution: Wear dust goggles; use impervious gloves Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CaO HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 749
Part I: Trade Name Reference ViCALity® Heavy PCC [Mins. Tech. http://www.mineralstech.com] Chem. Descrip.: Precipitated calcium carbonate CAS 471-34-1; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Fortifier and nutritional supplement for beverages such as milk and soymilk, drinkable yogurts and probiotics; breakfast cereals, baked goods, snack foods, breakfast bars, crackers and dairy products such as milk, ice cream, and yogurt Features: Low surf. area; high tapped dens. Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §176.170, 176.180, GRAS; FCC; American Institute of Baking certified; kosher; California Proposition 65 compliant Properties: Cubic cryst.; 3 µ median particle size Toxicology: ACGIH TWA 10 mg/m3; LD50 (oral, rat) 6450 mg/kg; dust or powd. may cause eye and skin irritation; not toxic in small amts. Environmental: not expected to be harmful to aq. life Precaution: Wear dust goggles; use impervious gloves Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CaO HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 ViCALity® Light PCC [Mins. Tech. http://www.mineralstech.com] Chem. Descrip.: Precipitated calcium carbonate USP CAS 471-34-1; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Fortifier and nutritional supplement for beverages such as milk and soymilk, drinkable yogurts and probiotics; breakfast cereals, baked goods, snack foods, breakfast bars, crackers and dairy products such as milk, ice cream, and yogurt Features: High surf. area; low tapped dens. Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §176.170, 176.180, GRAS; FCC; American Institute of Baking certified; kosher; California Proposition 65 compliant Properties: Scalenohedral cryst.; 1.8-2.6 µ median particle sizes Toxicology: ACGIH TWA 10 mg/m3; LD50 (oral, rat) 6450 mg/kg; dust or powd. may cause eye and skin irritation; not toxic in small amts. Environmental: not expected to be harmful to aq. life Precaution: Wear dust goggles; use impervious gloves Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CaO HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 ViCALity® Medium PCC [Mins. Tech. http://www.mineralstech.com] Chem. Descrip.: Precipitated calcium carbonate USP CAS 471-34-1; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Fortifier and nutritional supplement for beverages such as milk and soymilk, drinkable yogurts and probiotics; breakfast cereals, baked goods, snack foods, breakfast bars, crackers and dairy products such as milk, ice cream, and yogurt Features: High surf. area; low tapped dens. Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §176.170, 176.180, GRAS; FCC; American Institute of Baking certified; kosher; California Proposition 65 compliant Properties: Scalenohedral cryst.; 1.8-2.6 µ median particle sizes Toxicology: ACGIH TWA 10 mg/m3; LD50 (oral, rat) 6450 mg/kg; dust or powd. may cause eye and skin irritation; not toxic in small amts. Environmental: not expected to be harmful to aq. life Precaution: Wear dust goggles; use impervious gloves Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CaO HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Vicron® FG 15-15 [Specialty Mins. http://www.mineralstech.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium carbonate FCC Chem. Analysis: < 3 ppm lead CAS 1317-65-3; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Masticating agent in chewing gum; fortifier in food,; dusting agent in frosting and confectionery Regulatory: FCC; American Institute of Baking certified; kosher Properties: Irreg. rhombohedron shape; avg. particle size 3.5 μ tapped dens. 0.99 g/cc; surf. area 3.1 m2/g; > 94.0% calcium carbonate Vicron® FG 25-11 [Specialty Mins. http://www.mineralstech.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium carbonate FCC Chem. Analysis: < 3 ppm lead CAS 1317-65-3; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Masticating agent in chewing gum; fortifier in food,; dusting agent in frosting and confectionery Regulatory: FCC; American Institute of Baking 750
Part I: Trade Name Reference certified; kosher Properties: Irreg. rhombohedron shape; avg. particle size 5.5 μ; tapped dens. 1.19 g/cc; surf. area 1.8 m2/g; > 94.0% calcium carbonate Vicron® FG 41-8 [Specialty Mins. http://www.mineralstech.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium carbonate FCC Chem. Analysis: < 3 ppm lead CAS 1317-65-3; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Masticating agent in chewing gum; fortifier in food,; dusting agent in frosting and confectionery Regulatory: FCC; American Institute of Baking certified; kosher Properties: Irreg. rhombohedron shape; avg. particle size 8.0 μ; tapped dens. 1.38 g/cc; surf. area 1.3 m2/g; > 94.0% calcium carbonate Vicron® FG 45-3 [Specialty Mins. http://www.mineralstech.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium carbonate FCC Chem. Analysis: < 3 ppm lead CAS 1317-65-3; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Masticating agent in chewing gum; fortifier in food,; dusting agent in frosting and confectionery Regulatory: FCC; American Institute of Baking certified; kosher Properties: Irreg. rhombohedron shape; avg. particle size 10.0 μ; tapped dens. 1.40 g/cc; surf. area 1.1 m2/g; > 94.0% calcium carbonate Vicron® FG 75-17 [Specialty Mins. http://www.mineralstech.com] Chem. Descrip.: Calcium carbonate FCC Chem. Analysis: < 3 ppm lead CAS 1317-65-3; EINECS/ELINCS 207-439-9 Uses: Masticating agent in chewing gum; fortifier in food,; dusting agent in frosting and confectionery Regulatory: FCC; American Institute of Baking certified; kosher Properties: Irreg. rhombohedron shape; avg. particle size 17.0 μ; tapped dens. 1.44 g/cc; surf. area 1.0 m2/g; > 94.0% calcium carbonate Victor Cream® [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium acid pyrophosphate, leavening, FCC CAS 7758-16-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-835-0 Uses: Leavening agent for baking, cereals, in mixes for institutional, bakery, and consumer applics. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1087; FCC Properties: Wh. odorless powd.; 100% through 60 mesh, 99% through 200 mesh; sol. 13 g/100 g saturated sol'n.; sol. in water; m.w. 221.94; bulk dens. 68 lb/ft3; m.p. > 900 C;pH 4.3 (1%) Toxicology: OSHA TWA 15 mg/m3 (total dust); severe eye irritant; sl. skin irritant; ing. may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid dusting conditions, open flame, spark, and static electricity, strong bases and oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: POx NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in tightly closed containers in an area that is isolated from all toxic and harmful substances, sanitary, dry, cool Victory® [Baker Petrolite/Polymers http://www.bakerhughes.com/bakerpetrolite/p olymers] Chem. Descrip.: Microcrystalline wax CAS 63231-60-7; EINECS/ELINCS 264-038-1 Uses: Chewing gum base; microcapsules for flavoring substances Features: Offers high ductility, flexibility at very low temps. Regulatory: Incl. FDA 21CFR §172.230, 172.615, 175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, 177.1200, 178.3710, 179.45 Properties: Wh., amber wax; dens. 0.93 g/cc; visc. 13 cps (99 C); m.p. 79 C; flash pt. 293 C Viobin® Defatted Wheat Germ [Viobin http://www.viobinusa.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Defatted wheat germ, toasted with corn syrup solids See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) germ Uses: Stabilizer, texturizer, nutrient, and flavor for crackers, cereals, cake/bread mixes, and snack foods Properties: Nutty flavor Viobin Wheat Germ Oil [Viobin http://www.viobinusa.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat germ oil See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) germ oil CAS 8006-95-9 Uses: Vitamin E source, nutritional supplement for foods; substitute for heavily processed veg. oils in salad oil, batter mixes, cake mixes, etc. Features: Natural; high protein, high fiber, low fat Properties: Oil 751
Part I: Trade Name Reference Viscarin® BK 1761 [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan, sucrose See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; 57-50-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232524-2; 200-334-9 Uses: Gellant, stabilizer, thickener for water, foodstuffs, cold instant bakery fillings, caramel fillings and toppings Features: Provides short texture, creamy mouthfeel Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Philippines PICCS Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. in water 10% max.; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 6-10.5 (1.5% sol'n.) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2970 mf/kg; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Sulfur oxides NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly closed container; avoid excessive exposure to heat Viscarin® GP-209NF [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: lambda-Carrageenan See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Fat replacement providing cling, creaminess, hot visc., and mouthfeel for cheese sauce Features: High visc.; nongelling; protein reactive; polyol reactive Viscarin® JC 1270 [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: microcrystalline cellulose, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, acacia gum, sucrose, trisodium citrate, xanthan gum See Acacia; Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-34-6; 9004-32-4; 9000-01-5; 57-50-1; 68-04-2; 11138-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232674-9; 232-519-5; 200-334-9; 200-675-3; 234394-2 Uses: Viscosifier for food, caramel fillings and toppings Features: Provides short texture, creamy mouthfeel Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Philippines PICCS; Korea Properties: Off-wh. powd.; odorless; disp. in water; bulk dens. 0.6; pH 6-8 (2% solids disp.); Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
volatiles ≈ 4% water Precaution: Slippery when wet Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Sulfur oxides on burning NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly closed container; avoid excessive exposure to heat Viscarin® ME 3397 [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan, sodium chloride, sodium tripolyphosphate See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Pentasodium triphosphate CAS 9000-07-1; 7647-14-5; 7758-29-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2; 231-598-3; 231838-7 Uses: Viscosifier for foodstuffs, caramel fillings and toppings Features: Provides short texture, creamy mouthfeel Regulatory: CERCLA reportable (sodium tripolyphosphate: 5000 lbs); Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Philippines PICCS Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. in water 10% max.; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 6.0-10.5 (1% sol'n.) Toxicology: May be irritating to eyes, skin Precaution: Slippery when wet NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly closed container Viscarin® PS 3377 [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan, potassium carbonate, calcium sulfate, dihydrate, sodium carbonate See Calcium sulfate dihydrate; Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; 584-08-7; 10101-41-4; 497-198; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2; 209-529-3; 207-838-8 Uses: Viscosifier for food, caramel fillings and toppings Features: Provides short texture, creamy mouthfeel Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; SARA §311 Acute Health Hazard; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Philippines PICCS Properties: Lt. tan to tan powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. in water 12% max.; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 8-12 (1.5% sol'n.) Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Slippery when wet NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 752
Part I: Trade Name Reference Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly closed container Viscarin® SA 439 [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan, dextrose See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Glucose CAS 9000-07-1; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232524-2; 200-075-1 Uses: Viscosifier for foodstuffs, caramel fillings and toppings Features: Provides short texture, creamy mouthfeel Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Philippines PICCS Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. in water 10% max.; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 6.0-10.5 (in sol'n.) Toxicology: Low oral, dermal and inh. toxicity; nonirritating to eyes and skin; noncarcinogenic Precaution: Slippery when wet Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly closed container; avoid exposure to excessive heat Viscarin® SD-389 [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan, dextrose See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus); Glucose CAS 9000-07-1; 50-99-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232524-2; 200-075-1 Uses: Fat replacement system for spoonable mayonnaise providing creamy mouthfeel, body structure, rheology, and opacity; in gravies, provides creaminess, cling, hot visc. and mouthfeel Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. in water 10% max.; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 6.0-10.5 (in sol'n.) Toxicology: Low oral, dermal and inh. toxicity; nonirritating to eyes and skin; noncarcinogenic Environmental: not expected to be toxic to aquatic organisms Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: SOx Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly closed container; avoid exposure to excessive heat Viscarin® TP 389 [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: Carrageenan, silica, amorphous See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; 112926-00-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 Uses: Viscosifier for foodstuffs, caramel Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
fillings and toppings Features: Provides short texture, creamy mouthfeel Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Philippines PICCS Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sol. in water 10% max.; sp.gr. ≈ 1; pH 6.0-10.5 (in sol'n.) Toxicology: Noncarcinogenic Environmental: not expected to be toxic to aquatic organisms Precaution: Slippery when wet Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: SOx NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly closed container; avoid exposure to excessive heat Viscarin® XP-3160 [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: carrageenan and sodium chloride See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; 7647-14-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2; 231-598-3 Uses: Fat replacement system for pork sausage; provides juiciness, tenderness Properties: Powd.; sl. marine odor; sp. gr. ≈ 1.0; sol. in water (10% max. by wt.); pH 7.5-10.5 (1.5% sol'n.) Toxicology: May be irritating to eyes and skin; noncarcinogenic Environmental: not expected to have significant toxicity on aquatic organisms NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry place Viscarin® XP 3399 [FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com] Chem. Descrip.: microcrystalline cellulose, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, maltodextrin, carrageenan See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium; Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9004-34-6; 9004-32-4; 9050-36-6; 9000-071; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9; 232-940-4; 232-524-2 Uses: Viscosifier for food, caramel fillings and toppings Features: Provides short texture, creamy mouthfeel Regulatory: CERCLA nonreportable; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; China; Philippines PICCS 753
Part I: Trade Name Reference Properties: Off-wh. powd.; odorless; sol. in water 10% max.; bulk dens. 0.6; pH 6-8 (2% solids disp.); volatiles ≈ 4% water Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Slippery when wet Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Sulfur oxides on burning NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly closed container; avoid excessive exposure to heat Viscocel® SC-200 [Blanver Farmoquimica http://www.blanver.com.br; Blanver USA http://www.blanver.com.br] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gel (microcrystalline cellulose and cellulose gum) See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Uses: Suspending agent, visc. builder, thickener, compatibilizer, stabilizer in foods (incl. ice cream, juices) Features: Hydrates rapidly; generates colloidal disp. with thixotropic props. in concs. as low as 1%; stable across wide temp. range Properties: Wh. to lt. cream fine powd.; ≤ 1% on 60 mesh, ≤ 45% on 200 mesh; odorless; insol. in water, org. solvs., dil. acids; pH 6-8 (1.2 g/100 ml water); ≤ 8% loss on drying Storage: Hygroscopic Viscocel® SC-580F [Blanver Farmoquimica http://www.blanver.com.br; Blanver USA http://www.blanver.com.br] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gel (microcrystalline cellulose and cellulose gum) See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Chem. Analysis: Microcrystalline cellulose (8692%), cellulose gum (8-14%) Uses: Suspending agent, visc. builder, thickener, compatibilizer, stabilizer, bulking agent, filler, fiber supplement, sec. emulsifier, fat replacer in foods, ice cream, juices, frozen desserts, salad dressings, drink mixes, lowfat and nonfat prods. Features: Hydrates rapidly; generates colloidal disp. with thixotropic props. in concs. as low as 1%; stable across wide temp. range Properties: Wh. to lt. cream fine powd.; ≤ 1% on 60 mesh, ≤ 45% on 200 mesh; odorless; insol. in water, org. solvs., dil. acids; visc. 72-168 cps (1.2% solids); pH 6-8 (1.2 g/100 ml water); 8.3-13.8% CMC content; ≤ 8% loss on drying Storage: Hygroscopic
http://www.blanver.com.br] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gel (microcrystalline cellulose and cellulose gum) See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Chem. Analysis: Microcrystalline cellulose (8993%), cellulose gum (7-11%) Uses: Suspending agent, visc. builder, thickener, compatibilizer, stabilizer, bulking agent, filler, fiber supplement, sec. emulsifier, fat replacer in foods, ice cream, frozen desserts, salad dressings, drink mixes, lowfat and nonfat prods. Features: Hydrates rapidly; generates colloidal disp. with thixotropic props. in concs. as low as 1%; stable across wide temp. range Properties: Wh. to lt. cream fine powd.; ≤ 1% on 60 mesh, ≤ 45% on 200 mesh; odorless; insol. in water, org. solvs., dil. acids; visc. 72-168 cps (2.1% solids); pH 6-8 (1.2 g/100 ml water); 6.8-11.3% CMC content; ≤ 8% loss on drying Storage: Hygroscopic Viscocel® SC-611 [Blanver Farmoquimica http://www.blanver.com.br; Blanver USA http://www.blanver.com.br] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gel (microcrystalline cellulose and cellulose gum) See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Uses: Suspending agent, visc. builder, thickener, compatibilizer, stabilizer in foods (incl. ice cream, juices) Features: Hydrates rapidly; generates colloidal disp. with thixotropic props. in concs. as low as 1%; stable across wide temp. range Properties: Wh. to lt. cream fine powd.; ≤ 1% on 60 mesh, ≤ 45% on 200 mesh; odorless; insol. in water, org. solvs., dil. acids; pH 6-8 (1.2 g/100 ml water); ≤ 8% loss on drying Storage: Hygroscopic
Viscocel® SC-601 [Blanver Farmoquimica http://www.blanver.com.br; Blanver USA
Viscocel® SC-612 [Blanver Farmoquimica http://www.blanver.com.br; Blanver USA http://www.blanver.com.br] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gel (microcrystalline cellulose and cellulose gum) See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Chem. Analysis: Microcrystalline cellulose (8189%), cellulose gum (11-19%) Uses: Suspending agent, visc. builder, thickener, compatibilizer, stabilizer, bulking agent, filler, fiber supplement, sec. emulsifier, fat replacer in foods, ice cream, frozen desserts, salad dressings, drink mixes, lowfat and nonfat prods.
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part I: Trade Name Reference Features: Hydrates rapidly; generates colloidal disp. with thixotropic props. in concs. as low as 1%; stable across wide temp. range Properties: Wh. to lt. cream fine powd.; ≤ 1% on 60 mesh, ≤ 45% on 200 mesh; odorless; insol. in water, org. solvs., dil. acids; visc. 51-150 cps (2.6% solids); pH 6-8 (1.2 g/100 ml water); 11.3-18.8% CMC content; ≤ 8% loss on drying Storage: Hygroscopic Viscocel® SC-613 [Blanver Farmoquimica http://www.blanver.com.br; Blanver USA http://www.blanver.com.br] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gel (microcrystalline cellulose and cellulose gum) See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Chem. Analysis: Microcrystalline cellulose (8189%), cellulose gum (11-19%) Uses: Suspending agent, visc. builder, thickener, compatibilizer, stabilizer, bulking agent, filler, fiber supplement, sec. emulsifier, fat replacer in foods, ice cream, frozen desserts, salad dressings, drink mixes, lowfat and nonfat prods. Features: Hydrates rapidly; generates colloidal disp. with thixotropic props. in concs. as low as 1%; stable across wide temp. range Properties: Wh. to lt. cream fine powd.; ≤ 1% on 60 mesh, ≤ 45% on 200 mesh; odorless; insol. in water, org. solvs., dil. acids; visc. 340-540 cps (2.6% solids); pH 6-8 (1.2 g/100 ml water); 11.3-18.8% CMC content; ≤ 8% loss on drying Storage: Hygroscopic Viscocel® SC-681 [Blanver Farmoquimica http://www.blanver.com.br; Blanver USA http://www.blanver.com.br] Chem. Descrip.: Cellulose gel (microcrystalline cellulose and cellulose gum) See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Chem. Analysis: Microcrystalline cellulose (8692%), cellulose gum (8-14%) Uses: Suspending agent, visc. builder, thickener, compatibilizer, stabilizer, bulking agent, filler, fiber supplement, sec. emulsifier, fat replacer in foods, ice cream, frozen desserts, salad dressings, drink mixes, lowfat and nonfat prods. Features: Hydrates rapidly; generates colloidal disp. with thixotropic props. in concs. as low as 1%; stable across wide temp. range Properties: Wh. to lt. cream fine powd.; ≤ 1% on 60 mesh, ≤ 45% on 200 mesh; odorless; insol. in water, org. solvs., dil. acids; visc. 72-168 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
cps (1.2% solids); pH 6-8 (1.2 g/100 ml water); 8.3-13.8% CMC content; ≤ 8% loss on drying Storage: Hygroscopic Viscosomimetic - 1, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: Flavor for mouth-feel builder, viscosomimetic, wine "legginess", artificially sweetened beverages Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510, 101.22; kosher Properties: Colorless to lt yel., cl. liq.; faint, pleasant taste; sol. in oil, PG, alcohol; sl. sol. in water Use Level: 1-3 ppm as consumed Viscosomimetic - 2, Natural [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Uses: flavor, mouth-feel builder, viscosomimetic, wine "legginess" for artificially sweetened beverages Regulatory: GRAS; CFR §172.510; 21 CFR §101.22; kosher Properties: Colorless to lt yel., cl. liq.; faint, pleasant taste; sol. in oil, PG, alcohol; sl. sol. in water Use Level: 1-5 ppm as consumed Vis*Quick® 11 [Primera Foods http://www.primerafoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Coagglomeration of xanthan gum and guar gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum Uses: Xanthan gum substitute, visc. builder, mouthfeel enhancer, flavor release aid, emulsion stabilizer, stabilizer, texturizer for gravies, sauces, toppings, syrups, confections, salad dressings, soups, broths, bakery fillings and icings, emulsions Features: High visc.; pseudoplastic; short texture; exc. performance in dry mixes Regulatory: Kosher approved Properties: Off-wh. powd.; 25% max. on 40 mesh, 80% min. on 20 mesh; bland odor/taste; rapidly disp. in cold and hot water; bulk dens. 0.22-0.32 g/cc; 14% max. moisture Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry place Vis*Quick® 21 [Primera Foods http://www.primerafoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Coagglomeration of guar gum and xanthan gum See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum Uses: Xanthan gum substitute, mouthfeel 755
Part I: Trade Name Reference enhancer, flavor release aid, emulsion stabilizer, stabilizer for gravies, sauces, toppings, syrups, confections, salad dressings, soups, broths, bakery fillings and icings, frozen dairy desserts Features: Pseudoplastic Regulatory: Kosher approved Properties: Off-wh. powd.; 25% max. on 40 mesh, 80% min. on 200 mesh; bland odor/taste; disp. in cold and hot water; bulk dens. 0.22-0.32 g/cc; 15% max. moisture Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry place Vitacel® AF 12 [J. Rettenmaier & Söhne http://www.jrs.de/wDeutsch/] Chem. Descrip.: Apple fiber Uses: Dietary fiber for tablets, foods Features: Only organically grown apples are used Properties: Beige brn. coarse powd.; 98% max. 200 µm residue; fruity, aromatic odor and flavor; bulk dens. 460 g/l; water-binding capacity: 500%; pH 3.7 (10%); 45% insol. dietary fiber, 15% sol. dietary fiber Vitacel® AF 400 [J. Rettenmaier & Söhne http://www.jrs.de/wDeutsch/] Chem. Descrip.: Apple fiber Uses: Dietary fiber for baked goods, long shelf life goods, muesli mixes, bars, fruit mixes Features: Only organically grown apples are used Properties: Beige brn. powd.; 80% max. 32 µm residue, 40% max. 150 µm residue; fruity, aromatic odor and flavor; bulk dens. 450 g/l; water-binding capacity 500%; pH 3.7 (10%); 45% insol. dietary fiber, 15% sol. dietary fiber Vitacel® AF 400/30 [J. Rettenmaier & Söhne http://www.jrs.de/wDeutsch/] Chem. Descrip.: Apple fiber Uses: Dietary fiber for beverages and yogurts Features: Only organically grown apples are used Properties: Beige brn. fine powd.; 40% max. 25 µm residue, 5% max. 32 µm residue; fruity, aromatic odor and flavor; bulk dens. 300 g/l; water-binding capacity 510%; pH 3.7 (10%); 45% insol. dietary fiber, 15% sol. dietary fiber Vitacel® AFE 400 [J. Rettenmaier & Söhne http://www.jrs.de/wDeutsch/] Chem. Descrip.: Apple fiber Uses: Dietary fiber for breads, gingerbreads, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
and fine baked goods Features: Only organically grown apples are used Properties: Beige brn. powd.; 80% max. 32 µm residue, 40% max. 150 µm residue; fruity, aromatic odor and flavor; bulk dens. 500 g/l; water-binding capacity 650%; pH pH 3.7 (10%); 35% insol. dietary fiber, 25% sol. dietary fiber Vitacel® AFF 12 [J. Rettenmaier & Söhne http://www.jrs.de/wDeutsch/] Chem. Descrip.: Apple fiber Uses: Dietary fiber for muesli mixes, fruit and cereal bars, and foods Features: Only organically grown apples are used Properties: Beige brn. solid flakes; 95% min. 1000 µm residue; fruity, aromatic odor and flavor; bulk dens. 320 g/l; pH 3.7 (10%); 45% insol. dietary fiber, 15% sol. dietary fiber Vitacel® Bamboo Fiber [J. Rettenmaier & Söhne http://www.jrs.de/wDeutsch/] Chem. Descrip.: Bamboo fiber Uses: Dietary fiber in used in fruit juices, beverages, spices, tablets, bakery goods, pasta, fragile products, batters, shredded cheese, sauces, mustards, and ketchups Properties: Inert, non-caloric, and tasteless Vitacel® Oat Fiber HF 101 [J. Rettenmaier & Söhne http://www.jrs.de/wDeutsch/] Chem. Descrip.: Oat fiber See Oat (Avena sativa) fiber Uses: Dietary fiber, flow aid for grated cheese, powdered cheese, and powdered foods; tableting aid Features: Pleasant mouthfeel Properties: Wh. to grayish wh. powd.; 50 µm particle size; neutral flavor and odor; bulk dens. 300 g/l; water-binding capacity 350%; oil absorp. 200%; pH 6.0±0.5 (10%); 90% min. dietary fiber Vitacel® Oat Fiber HF 200 [J. Rettenmaier & Söhne http://www.jrs.de/wDeutsch/] Chem. Descrip.: Oat fiber See Oat (Avena sativa) fiber Uses: Dietary fiber for baked goods, meats, sausages, poultry, and fish Features: Pleasant mouthfeel Properties: Wh. powd.; 250 µm fiber length; neutral flavor and odor; bulk dens. 110 g/l; water-binding capacity 710%; oil absorp. 500%; pH 6.0±0.5 (10%); 90% min. dietary 756
Part I: Trade Name Reference fiber Vitacel® Oat Fiber HF 600 [J. Rettenmaier & Söhne http://www.jrs.de/wDeutsch/] Chem. Descrip.: Oat fiber See Oat (Avena sativa) fiber Uses: Dietary fiber for baked goods, seasonings, pasta, cheese prods., panades, extruded prods., waffles, sausage prods. Features: Pleasant mouthfeel Properties: Wh. powd.; 80 µm fiber length; neutral flavor and odor; bulk dens. 180 g/l; water-binding capacity 400%; oil absorp. 300%; pH 6.0±0.5 (10%); 90% min. dietary fiber Vitacel® Oat Fiber HF 600/30 [J. Rettenmaier & Söhne http://www.jrs.de/wDeutsch/] Chem. Descrip.: Oat fiber See Oat (Avena sativa) fiber Uses: Dietary fiber for beverages, sauces, gravies, and instant products Features: Pleasant mouthfeel Properties: Wh. powd.; 35 µm fiber length; neutral flavor and odor; bulk dens. 190 g/l; water-binding capacity 300%; oil absorp. 280%; pH 6.0±0.5 (10%); 90% min. dietary fiber Vitacel® OF 400/30 [J. Rettenmaier & Söhne http://www.jrs.de/wDeutsch/] Chem. Descrip.: Orange fiber Uses: Dietary fiber for beverages, flavorings, sauces and gravies Features: Pleasant mouthfeel Properties: Lt. yel. fine powd.; 50% max. 25 µm residue, 15% max. 32 µm residue; orange, sl. bitter odor and flavor; bulk dens. 300 g/l; water-binding capacity 860%; pH 3.7 (10%); 32% insol. dietary fiber; 28% sol. dietary fiber Vitacel® Powdered Cellulose EPG 70 [J. Rettenmaier & Söhne http://www.jrs.de/wDeutsch/] Chem. Descrip.: Powdered cellulose CAS 9004-34-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9 Uses: Dietary fiber, separating agent, carrier for seasonings, condensed goods, and flavorings Features: Indigestible; high chemical and microbial purity Properties: Wh. gran.; 300 µm gran. size; neutral flavor and odor; bulk dens. 350 g/l; waterbinding capacity 388%; pH 5.0-7.5; 99.5% act.; ≈ 98% dietary fiber; 7% max. moisture Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Vitacel® Powdered Cellulose L 00 [J. Rettenmaier & Söhne http://www.jrs.de/wDeutsch/] Chem. Descrip.: Powdered cellulose CAS 9004-34-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9 Uses: Dietary fiber, separating agent, carrier for flavorings, and baked goods Features: Indigestible; high chemical and microbial purity Properties: Wh. powd.; 120 µm fiber length; neutral flavor and odor; bulk dens. 165 g/l; water-binding capacity 435%; pH 5.0-7.5; 99.5% act.; ≈ 98% dietary fiber; 7% max. moisture Vitacel® Powdered Cellulose L 600 [J. Rettenmaier & Söhne http://www.jrs.de/wDeutsch/] Chem. Descrip.: Powdered cellulose CAS 9004-34-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9 Uses: Dietary fiber, separating agent, carrier for grated cheese, baked goods, seasonings, panades, pasta, and extruded goods Features: Indigestible; high chemical and microbial purity Properties: Wh. powd.; 60 µm fiber length; neutral flavor and odor; bulk dens. 195 g/l; water-binding capacity 331%; pH 5.0-7.5; 99.5% act.; ≈ 98% dietary fiber; 7% max. moisture Vitacel® Powdered Cellulose L 600-30 [J. Rettenmaier & Söhne http://www.jrs.de/wDeutsch/] Chem. Descrip.: Powdered cellulose CAS 9004-34-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9 Uses: Dietary fiber, separating agent, carrier in instant and diet prods., and beverages Features: Indigestible; high chemical and microbial purity Properties: Wh. powd.; 30 µm fiber length; neutral flavor and odor; bulk dens. 220 g/l; water-binding capacity 375%; pH 5.0-7.5; 99.5% act.; ≈ 98% dietary fiber; 7% max. moisture Vitacel® Powdered Cellulose L101 [J. Rettenmaier & Söhne http://www.jrs.de/wDeutsch/] Chem. Descrip.: Powdered cellulose CAS 9004-34-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9 Uses: Dietary fiber, flow aid for grated cheese, powdered cheese, seasonings, powdered prods., and tablets 757
Part I: Trade Name Reference Features: Indigestible; high chemical and microbial purity Properties: Wh. fine powd.; 40 µm fiber length; neutral flavor and odor; bulk dens. 300 g/l; pH 5.0-7.5; 99.5% act.; ≈ 98% dietary fiber; 7% max. moisture Vitacel® Powdered Cellulose LC 200 [J. Rettenmaier & Söhne http://www.jrs.de/wDeutsch/] Chem. Descrip.: Powdered cellulose CAS 9004-34-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9 Uses: Dietary fiber, separating agent, carrier for meat and fish Features: Indigestible; high chemical and microbial purity Properties: Wh. fiber; 300 µm fiber length; neutral flavor and odor; bulk dens. 75 g/l; water-binding capacity 790%; pH 5.0-7.5; 99.5% act.; ≈ 98% dietary fiber; 7% max. moisture Vitacel® Prolac [J. Rettenmaier & Söhne http://www.jrs.de/wDeutsch/] Chem. Descrip.: Microencapsulated, probiotic lactobacillus cultures Uses: Probiotic enrichment of food Features: To improve the competitive properties of the microorganisms to the native intestinal flora and, in this manner, to achieve probiotic effectiveness at the active site that is as high as possible Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored at room temp. under dry conditions Vitacel® Wheat Fiber 101 [J. Rettenmaier & Söhne http://www.jrs.de/wDeutsch/] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat fiber Uses: Dietary fiber, flow aid for shredded cheese, cheese powders, spices and seasonings, powd. prods., tablets Properties: Fine powd.; 50 µm particle size; bulk dens. 310 g/l; water-binding capacity 350%; oil absorp. 200%; pH 6.5±1 (10%) Vitacel® Wheat Fiber 200 [J. Rettenmaier & Söhne http://www.jrs.de/wDeutsch/] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat fiber Uses: Dietary fiber for baked goods, meats, sausages, poultry, and fish Properties: Wh. fiber; 250 µm fiber length; 85% max. 32 µm residue, 20% max. 100 µm residue; bulk dens. 80 g/l; water-binding capacity 740%; oil absorp. 390%; pH 6.5±1 (10% susp.); 94.5% insol. dietary fiber, 2.5% sol. dietary fiber Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Vitacel® Wheat Fiber 600 [J. Rettenmaier & Söhne http://www.jrs.de/wDeutsch/] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat fiber Uses: Dietary fiber for baked goods, seasonings, spices, pasta, cheese, panades, extruded foods, waffles, sausages Properties: Fine powd.; 80 µm fiber length; 45% max. 32 µm residue, 2% max. 100 µm residue; bulk dens. 210 g/l; water-binding capacity 400%; oil absorp. 200%; pH 6.5±1 (10%) Vitacel® Wheat Fiber 600/30 [J. Rettenmaier & Söhne http://www.jrs.de/wDeutsch/] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat fiber Uses: Dietary fiber for beverages, sauces, gravies, and instant prods. Properties: Fine powd.; 30 µm fiber length; bulk dens. 255 g/l; water-binding capacity 350%; oil absorp. 190%; pH 6.5±1 (10%) Vitacel® Wheat Fiber Gel HS 73 [J. Rettenmaier & Söhne http://www.jrs.de/wDeutsch/] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat fiber gel Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, binder for calorieand/or fat-reduced foods Features: Pleasant mouthfeel Properties: Milky wh. gel, neutral flavor and odor; dens. (240 g/l±15%); pH 6±1 (10%) Vitacel® Wheat Fiber Gel WFG HS 73 [J. Rettenmaier & Söhne http://www.jrs.de/wDeutsch/] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat fiber (70%) and maltodextrin (30%) aq. disp. Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, binder, dietary fiber for reduced-calorie and reduced-fat foods Features: Pleasant mouthfeel Properties: Milky wh. powd.; 50 µm avg. particle size; 5% max. > 100 µm, 30% max. > 32 µm; neutral odor and taste; bulk dens. 240 g/l; visc. 1000-2000 mPa·s (2% disp.); pH 6±1 (10% susp.); 66% insol. dietary fiber, 2% sol. dietary fiber; 8% moisture Vitalex® A [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat flour, soy flour, ethoxylated monoglycerides, calcium dioxide See Calcium peroxide; Soybean (Glycine soja) flour; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) flour Uses: Dough conditioner improving quality and replacing a portion or all of gluten in bread, buns, rolls, and variety breads 758
Part I: Trade Name Reference Features: Synergistic; max. functionality added to sponge Properties: Lt. cream color; 17% ethoxylated mono Use Level: 2% on flour Storage: 12 mos. shelf life, best when used before 9 mos; store in dry location; maintain above 70 F at all times; keep containers closed when not in use Vitamin A and D-3 Blend [DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com] Chem. Descrip.: Retinyl palmitate, cholecalciferol, in corn (Zea mays) oiland dl-α-Tocopherol as an antioxidant See Cholecalciferol; Corn (Zea mays) oil unsaponifiables CAS 79-81-2; 67-97-0; 8001-30-7; 1406-18-4; EINECS/ELINCS 201-228-5; 200-673-2; 232281-2; 215-798-8 Uses: Vitamin supplement for food preps. Properties: Greenish yel. to golden yel., oil liq.; acid value 2.0 (max); Vitamin A 1.0 million UI/g and Vitamin D3 100,000 IU/g Toxicology: Sustained daily intakes of Vitamin A exceeding 50,000 IU in adults and 20,000 IU in infants and young children may cause toxic manifestations Storage: May crystallize on storage, sensitive to air, heat and light; keep container sealed tightly and store below 15 C Vitamin A Palmitate USP, FCC Type P1.7 [DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vitamin A palmitate USP-FCC See Retinyl palmitate CAS 79-81-2; EINECS/ELINCS 201-228-5 Uses: Used when max. vitamin A conc. required in soft gelatin capsules, multivitamins, to fortify foods (margarine), liq. infant formulas Regulatory: USP, FCC Properties: Greenish-yel. to golden-yel. oily liq., char. odor; misc. with edible oils and fats; sol. in hydrocarbons, chlorinated hydrocarbons; sl. sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 524.9; sp.gr. 0.90-0.95; 1,600,000 IU/g min. Toxicology: Sustained daily intakes exceeding 50,000 IU (adults), 20,000 IU (infants) may cause toxic effects (headache, vomiting, liver damage); US RDA 8000 IU (pregnant/lactating women) Storage: Store in cool place under refrigeration; contents may crystallize; warm to 40 C to Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
liquefy before use Vitamin B12 0.1% SD [DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cyanocobalamin stabilized in a matrix of modified food starch with sodium citrate, citric acid, preservatives (sodium benzoate, sorbic acid), silicon dioxide See Citric acid; Food starch, modified; Silica Uses: Easy blending and distribution in foods, premixes, dry prods., liq. mixts. or suspensions Properties: Pink fine powd.; sl. hygroscopic; 98% min. through 40 mesh; disperses in cold or warm water; insol. in org. solvs. Storage: Store in cool dry place in tightly closed container, optimally @ 46-59 C; avoid excessive heat Vitamin B12 1% Trituration [DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cyanocobalamin USP with carrier (calcium phosphate dibasic) Uses: Used in dry formulations, pharmaceutical tablets/capsules and food premixes where water sol. is not critical and reducing agents or moisture are not present Regulatory: USP, FCC, Ph. Eur. Properties: Lt. pink fine powd.; 99% min. through 100 mesh; insol. in water and org. solvs.; m.w. 1355.38 Storage: Store in cool dry place in tightly closed container, optimally @ 46-59 C. Vitamin E Acetate Dry Powd. 50% DC/GFP [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: Dl-α-Tocopheryl acetate EINECS/ELINCS 231-710-0 Uses: Antioxidant for foods, feeds Regulatory: Kosher and halal certified Properties: Wh. free-flowing, nondusting beadlet powd.; odorless; disperses in cold water; 50% act. Storage: 3 yr shelf life when stored in original containers in a dry place @ R.T. Vitamin E Acetate Dry Powd. SD 50 [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: Dl-α-Tocopheryl acetate EINECS/ELINCS 231-710-0 Uses: Antioxidant for foods, feeds Properties: Dry powd. Vitamin E dl-alpha Tocopheryl Acetate USP [Vitamins, Inc http://vitamins-inc.com] Chem. Descrip.: dl-α-Tocopheryl acetate USP CAS 7695-91-2; EINECS/ELINCS 231-710-0 759
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Antioxidant, vitamin source for foods Properties: Cl. yel. visc., nearly odorless liq.; water-insol; freely sol. in alcohol; miscible with water, acetone, chloroform, ether, and vegetable oils Vitamin K1 Dry Powd. 1% GFP [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: Vitamin K1 CAS 84-80-0; EINECS/ELINCS 201-564-2 Uses: Vitamin for foods, feeds Features: Gelatin-free Properties: Dry powd. Vitamin K1 Dry Powd. 5% GFP [BASF AG http://www.basf.de] Chem. Descrip.: Vitamin K1 CAS 84-80-0; EINECS/ELINCS 201-564-2 Uses: Vitamin for foods, feeds Features: Gelatin-free Properties: Dry powd. Vita Plus White Culture 6328 [Brolite Prods. http://www.bakewithbrolite.com] Chem. Descrip.: Natural dough conditioner and mineral yeast food Uses: Cultured conditioner that works at the mixer, during make-up, in the oven, and on the shelf; for all yeast-raised baked goods. Vitiben® [Cimbar Perf. Mins. http://www.cimbar.com] Chem. Descrip.: Natural bentonite Chem. Analysis: SiO2 (63.59%), Al2O3 (21.43%); moisture (7-9%) CAS 1302-78-9; EINECS/ELINCS 215-108-5 Uses: Clarifier, heat stabilizer, and processing aid for wine and juice production; adsorbent and coagulant for undesirable substances so they can be filtered out during fining or clarification Features: Superior dispersibility Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1155 Properties: 83-87% through 20 mesh, 29-33% through 30 mesh; sp.gr. 2.8; bulk dens. 70 lb/ft3; pH 9.6 (6% susp.) Use Level: 1-10 lb/1000 gal Storage: Store in tightly closed package Vitinc® Defatted Wheat Germ [Vitamins, Inc http://vitamins-inc.com] Chem. Descrip.: Defatted wheat (Triticum vulgare) germ Uses: Protein source, dietary fiber, vitamin source, mineral source, nutritional ingred. in baked prods., breakfast cereals, snack Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
and dietetic foods; flavor Features: Natural source of high quality protein, 20% dietary fiber, nutritionally significant amounts of certain vitamins and minerals Properties: Gran., flour, and extruded forms; nutty flavor Vitinc® Defatted Wheat Germ Nuggets [Vitamins, Inc http://vitamins-inc.com] Chem. Descrip.: Defatted wheat germ See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) germ Uses: Protein source, vitamin source, mineral source, texturizer, flavoring agent, nut replacement in crackers, cookies, cakes, confections, nutritional snack foods, other bakery prods. Features: Natural rich source of high quality protein, vitamins, and minerals; provides crunchy texture, mild nutty flavor, appealing bite; as total or partial replacement for nuts; no additives, low cost, stable shelf life Vitinc® Defatted Wheat Germ Type-6 Nuggets [Vitamins, Inc http://vitamins-inc.com] Chem. Descrip.: Defatted wheat germ See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) germ Chem. Analysis: 7.0% max. moisture; 30% min. protein; 1% max. fat; 5% max. crude fiber; 14.5% insol. fiber; 4.8% sol. fiber; 6.0% ash Uses: Source of dietary fiber, high quality protein, complex carbohydrates and specific essential vitamins and minerals; basic supplement for cookies, crackers, nut replacements, nutrition bars, snack mixes, salad toppings, ice cream, and yogurt toppings Features: Nearly fat-free; cholesterol-free, sodium-free; shelf stable Regulatory: Non-GMO Properties: Flour; nutty flavor; 1.0% thru #4 max. U.S. Standard Sieve Vitinc® Defatted Wheat Germ Type-630 Nuggets [Vitamins, Inc http://vitamins-inc.com] Chem. Descrip.: Defatted wheat germ See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) germ Chem. Analysis: 7.0% max. moisture; 30% min. protein; 1% max. fat; 5% max. crude fiber; 14.5% insol. fiber; 4.8% sol. fiber; 6.0% ash Uses: Source of dietary fiber, high quality protein, complex carbohydrates and specific essential vitamins and minerals; basic supplement for cookies, crackers, nutrition bars, snack mixes, salad toppings, ice cream, and yogurt toppings 760
Part I: Trade Name Reference Features: Nearly fat-free; cholesterol-free, sodium-free; shelf stable Regulatory: Non-GMO Properties: Flour; nutty flavor; 0.0% thru #6 max. U.S. Standard Sieve Vitinc® Defatted Wheat Germ Type-GI Flour [Vitamins, Inc http://vitamins-inc.com] Chem. Descrip.: Defatted wheat germ See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) germ Chem. Analysis: 7.0% max. moisture; 30% min. protein; 1% max. fat; 5% max. crude fiber; 14.5% insol. fiber; 4.8% sol. fiber; 6.0% ash Uses: Source of dietary fiber, high quality protein, complex carbohydrates and specific essential vitamins and minerals; basic supplement for cold and hot breakfast cereals, breads, muffins, bagels, cakes, donuts, and pies Features: Nearly fat-free; cholesterol-free, sodium-free; shelf stable Regulatory: Non-GMO Properties: Flour; nutty flavor; 10% thru #30 max. U.S. Standard Sieve Vitinc® Defatted Wheat Germ Type-GI Granules [Vitamins, Inc http://vitamins-inc.com] Chem. Descrip.: Defatted wheat germ See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) germ Chem. Analysis: 7.0% max. moisture; 30% min. protein; 1% max. fat; 5% max. crude fiber; 14.5% insol. fiber; 4.8% sol. fiber; 6.0% ash Uses: Source of dietary fiber, high quality protein, complex carbohydrates and specific essential vitamins and minerals; basic supplement for breads, muffins, bagels, cakes, nutrition bars, snack bars and mixes Features: Nearly fat-free; cholesterol-free, sodium-free; shelf stable Regulatory: Non-GMO Properties: Flour; nutty flavor; 0.0% thru #10 max. U.S. Standard Sieve Vitinc® Defatted Wheat Germ Type-R Flour [Vitamins, Inc http://vitamins-inc.com] Chem. Descrip.: Defatted wheat germ See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) germ Chem. Analysis: 7.0% max. moisture; 30% min. protein; 1% max. fat; 5% max. crude fiber; 14.5% insol. fiber; 4.8% sol. fiber; 6.0% ash Uses: Source of dietary fiber, high quality protein, complex carbohydrates and specific essential vitamins and minerals; basic supplement for cold and hot breakfast Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
cereals; carrier for seasonings; filler for meat prods.; dietary supplement Features: Nearly fat-free; cholesterol-free, sodium-free; shelf stable Regulatory: Non-GMO Properties: Flour; nutty flavor; 10% thru #30 max. U.S. Standard Sieve Vitinc® Defatted Wheat Germ Type-R Granules [Vitamins, Inc http://vitamins-inc.com] Chem. Descrip.: Defatted wheat germ See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) germ Chem. Analysis: 7.0% max. moisture; 30% min. protein; 1% max. fat; 5% max. crude fiber; 14.5% insol. fiber; 4.8% sol. fiber; 6.0% ash Uses: Source of dietary fiber, high quality protein, complex carbohydrates and specific essential vitamins and minerals; basic supplement for cold and hot breakfast cereal, nutrition bars, snack bars and mixes Features: Nearly fat-free; cholesterol-free, sodium-free; shelf stable Regulatory: Non-GMO Properties: Flour; nutty flavor; 0.0% thru #10 max. U.S. Standard Sieve Vitinc® Defatted Wheat Germ Type-R80R Flour [Vitamins, Inc http://vitamins-inc.com] Chem. Descrip.: Defatted wheat germ See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) germ Chem. Analysis: 7.0% max. moisture; 30% min. protein; 1% max. fat; 5% max. crude fiber; 14.5% insol. fiber; 4.8% sol. fiber; 6.0% ash Uses: Source of dietary fiber, high quality protein, complex carbohydrates and specific essential vitamins and minerals; carrier for seasonings; dietary supplement Features: Nearly fat-free; cholesterol-free, sodium-free; shelf stable Regulatory: Non-GMO Properties: Flour; nutty flavor; 0.0% thru #30 max. U.S. Standard Sieve Vitinc® Wheat Germ Oil [Vitamins, Inc http://vitamins-inc.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat germ oil, cold processed See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) germ oil CAS 8006-95-9 Uses: Source of vitamin E, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and omega-3 fatty acids, with zero cholesterol Properties: Sp.gr. 0.92; iodine no. 128; sapon. no. 186; ref. index 1.4753
Part I: Trade Name Reference Vitrafos® [Innophos http://www.innophos.com] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium polyphosphate CAS 68915-31-1; EINECS/ELINCS 256-779-4 Uses: Sequestrant and preservative adjunct for use in dairy, beverage, and miscellaneous foods Regulatory: FCC Properties: Wh. gran. solid; 1% max.thru #20 mesh, 5% max. thru #60 mesh, 60% min. thru #100 mesh; odorless; sol. in water; sp. gr. 1.6; m.p. 628 C; pH 6.7-7.2 Toxicology: OSHA TWA 15 mg/m3 (total dust); LD50 (oral, rat) 3053 mg/kg; eye irritant; sl. skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid dust and extreme humidity Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: POx, and SOx Storage: 24 mos. shelf life; store in tightly closed containers in an area that is isolated from all toxic and harmful substances, sanitary, dry, cool Vivacel® 12 [JRS Pharma http://www.jrspharma.com] Chem. Descrip.: Microcrystalline cellulose CAS 9004-34-6 Uses: Tablet binder for health foods Features: Very good flowability, suited for direct tableting Properties: 150 µm avg. particle size; 6% max. moisture Vivacel® 101 [JRS Pharma http://www.jrspharma.com] Chem. Descrip.: Microcrystalline cellulose NF, Ph.Eur., BP, DAB Chem. Analysis: 6% max. moisture CAS 9004-34-6 Uses: Tablet binder for health foods, esp. for tableting and spheronization Properties: 50 µm avg. particle size; bulk dens. 320 g/l, 2.2 ml/g (tapped) Storage: Nearly unlimited shelf life when stored dry in orig. sealed bags; 36 mos. guaranteed life Vivacel® 102 [JRS Pharma http://www.jrspharma.com] Chem. Descrip.: Microcrystalline cellulose NF, Ph.Eur., BP, DAB Chem. Analysis: 6% max. moisture CAS 9004-34-6 Uses: Tablet binder for health foods Features: Better flowability than Vivacel 101, suited for direct tableting Properties: 100 µm avg. particle size; bulk dens. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
350 g/l, 1.9 ml/g (tapped) Storage: Nearly unlimited shelf life when stored dry in orig. sealed bags; 36 mos. guaranteed life Vivacel® 112 [JRS Pharma http://www.jrspharma.com] Chem. Descrip.: Microcrystalline cellulose Chem. Analysis: 3% max. moisture CAS 9004-34-6 Uses: Tablet binder for health foods Features: Better flowability; suited for direct tableting of water-sensitive substances Properties: 100 µm avg. particle size Vivacel® 200 [JRS Pharma http://www.jrspharma.com] Chem. Descrip.: Microcrystalline cellulose Chem. Analysis: 6% max. moisture CAS 9004-34-6 Uses: Tablet binder for health foods Features: Best flowability; suited for direct tableting Properties: 190 µm avg. particle size Vivapur® 101 [JRS Pharma http://www.jrspharma.com] Chem. Descrip.: Microcrystalline cellulose CAS 9004-34-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9 Uses: Dietary fiber, dispersant, separating agent, carrier, flow aid for ground cheese, seasonings, instant prods. Features: Indigestible; high chemical and microbial purity; pleasant mouthfeel Regulatory: DAB, Ph.Eur., NF, JP compliances; kosher Properties: Wh. powd.; 50 µm particle size; neutral flavor and odor; bulk dens. 320 g/l; water-binding capacity 255%; pH 5.5-7.0 (10% susp.); 99.5% act. Vivapur® 102 [JRS Pharma http://www.jrspharma.com] Chem. Descrip.: Microcrystalline cellulose CAS 9004-34-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9 Uses: Tableting agent for extending food prods; flow aid Features: Indigestible; high chemical and microbial purity; pleasant mouthfeel Regulatory: DAB, Ph.Eur., NF, JP compliances; kosher Properties: Wh. powd.; 100 µm particle size; neutral flavor and odor; bulk dens. 350 g/l; water-binding capacity 244%; pH 5.5-7.0 (10% susp.); 99.5% act. Vivapur® 105 [JRS Pharma 762
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.jrspharma.com] Chem. Descrip.: Microcrystalline cellulose CAS 9004-34-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9 Uses: Dietary fiber, separating agent, carrier for instant sauces, gravies, and soups, and enriched diet beverages Features: Indigestible; high chemical and microbial purity; pleasant mouthfeel Regulatory: DAB, Ph.Eur., NF, JP compliances; kosher Properties: Wh. powd.; 20 µm particle size; neutral flavor and odor; bulk dens. 0.20-0.26 g/cm3; water-binding capacity 270%; pH 5.57.0 (10% susp.); 99.5% act. Vivapur® 200 [JRS Pharma http://www.jrspharma.com] Chem. Descrip.: Microcrystalline cellulose CAS 9004-34-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9 Uses: Dietary fiber, separating agent, flow aid in foods Features: Indigestible; high chemical and microbial purity; pleasant mouthfeel Regulatory: NF, EP, JP, GRAS Properties: Wh. powd.; 250 µm particle size; neutral flavor and odor; bulk dens. 0.31-0.37 g/lcm3; water-binding capacity 244%; pH 5.57.0 (10% susp.); 99.5% act. Volclay® KWK Agglomerated [Am. Colloid http://www.colloid.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food grade sodium bentonite Chem. Analysis: 63.02% SiO2; 21.08% Al2O3; 12% max. moisture Uses: Filter aid for clarification and fining of wine, beer, and vinegar Features: Prevents cloudiness and removes heat-sensitive proteins; high montmorillonite content, large surface area, and contains low grit; super-dispersing Properties: Dry paticle size 15.0% max. retained on 100 mesh, 20.0% max. retained on 30 mesh; visc. (5% solids) 10-50 cps; pH (5% solids) 8.5-10.5 Volclay® KWK Food Grade [Am. Colloid http://www.colloid.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food grade sodium bentonite Chem. Analysis: 63.02% SiO2; 21.08% Al2O3; 12% max. moisture Uses: Filter aid for clarification and fining of wine, beer, and vinegar Features: Prevents cloudiness and removes heat-sensitive proteins Properties: Grans.; dry particle size 1.0% max. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
retained on 16 mesh, 35.0% max. retained on 20 mesh; pH (5% solids) 8.0-10.0 Volclay® KWK Krystal Klear [Am. Colloid http://www.colloid.com] Chem. Descrip.: Food grade sodium bentonite Chem. Analysis: 64.10% SiO2; 19.89% Al2O3 Uses: Filter aid for clarification and cold fining of wine, beer, and vinegar Features: High montmorillonite content, large surface area, exhibits rapid cold-water dispersion and contains low grit; prevents cloudiness while removing heat-sensitive proteins Regulatory: FCC Properties: Dry particle size 1.0% max. retained on 16 mesh, 35.0% max. retained on 20 mesh; pH (5% solids) 8.5-10.5 V-V Artificial Vanilla® [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Flour; vanilllin; propenyl guaethol See Propenylguaethol; Vanillin Uses: Vanilla flavoring agent for foods Features: Lt. colored powd. will not discolor white batter or icing prods. Properties: Powd., rich aromatic odor Use Level: 1-2% based on flour or sugar Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location; best when used before 9 mos; keep containers closed when not in use V-V Vanilla [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Uses: Conc. artificial vanilla flavoring Properties: Dry powd. Vykamol 83G [Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Sorbitan stearate (Crill 3) and polysorbate 60 (Crillet 3) Uses: Emulsifier for cake mixes (improves hydration, volume, and shelf life), confectionery coatings (antibloom agent), icings/toppings (improves emulsification, volume), pastry fat; emulsion stabilizer in calf starters, syn. creams, whipped desserts Regulatory: UK clearance Properties: Solid; m.p. 50-55 C; HLB 6.2; acid no. 3-7; sapon. no. 130-135; nonionic; 100% conc. Use Level: 0.5-0.9% (cakes), 1% (chocolate), 0.5-0.6% (icings), 0.4-0.6% (cream), 0.2-0.4% (whipped dessert) Storage: Store under cool, dry conditions 763
Part I: Trade Name Reference WS-3, Artificial [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Chem. Descrip.: N-Ethyl-p-menthane-3carboxamide CAS 39711-79-0; EINECS/ELINCS 254-599-0 Uses: Flavor for beverages and gelatin desserts Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510; kosher Properties: Wh. crystalline powder; clean, cooling taste; sol. in alcohol; sol. in water (0.1%) Use Level: 5-100 ppm as consumed Walocel® CRT 30 A [Dow Wolff Cellulosics http://www.dow.com/dowwolff/de/] Chem. Descrip.: Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Chem. Analysis: 99.5% assay CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Visc. builder for food Properties: Grans. or powd.; Brookfield visc. 2535 mPa·s Walocel® CRT 70 A [Dow Wolff Cellulosics http://www.dow.com/dowwolff/de/] Chem. Descrip.: Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Chem. Analysis: 99.5% min. CMC content CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Visc. builder for food Properties: Grans. or powd.; Brookfield visc. 7090 mPa·s Walocel® CRT 100 A [Dow Wolff Cellulosics http://www.dow.com/dowwolff/de/] Chem. Descrip.: Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Chem. Analysis: 99.5% assay CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Visc. builder for food Properties: Grans. or powd.; Brookfield visc. 110-160 mPa·s Walocel® CRT 1000 A [Dow Wolff Cellulosics http://www.dow.com/dowwolff/de/] Chem. Descrip.: Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Chem. Analysis: 99.5% assay CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Visc. builder for food Properties: Grans. or powd.; Brookfield visc. 550-800 mPa·s
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Walocel® CRT 2000 A [Dow Wolff Cellulosics http://www.dow.com/dowwolff/de/] Chem. Descrip.: Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Chem. Analysis: 99.5% assay CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Visc. builder for food Properties: Grans. or powd.; Brookfield visc. 1900-2800 mPa·s Walocel® CRT 10000 A [Dow Wolff Cellulosics http://www.dow.com/dowwolff/de/] Chem. Descrip.: Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Chem. Analysis: 99.5% assay CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Visc. builder for food Properties: Grans. or powd.; Brookfield visc. 900-1500 mPa·s Walocel® CRT 15000 A [Dow Wolff Cellulosics http://www.dow.com/dowwolff/de/] Chem. Descrip.: Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Visc. builder for food Properties: Grans. or powd.; Brookfield visc. 1900-2600 mPa·s Walocel® CRT 20000 A [Dow Wolff Cellulosics http://www.dow.com/dowwolff/de/] Chem. Descrip.: Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Chem. Analysis: 99.5% assay CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Visc. builder for food Properties: Grans. or powd.; Brookfield visc. 1900-2600 mPa·s Walocel® CRT 30000 A [Dow Wolff Cellulosics http://www.dow.com/dowwolff/de/] Chem. Descrip.: Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Chem. Analysis: 99.5% assay CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 Uses: Visc. builder for food Properties: Grans. or powd.; Brookfield visc. 3000-4000 mPa·s Walocel® HM 15 PA [Dow Wolff Cellulosics http://www.dow.com/dowwolff/de/] Chem. Descrip.: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose CAS 9004-65-3 Uses: Rheology control agent for aq. sol'n.; fat/protein replacer, water binder for 764
Part I: Trade Name Reference extruded prods., deep fat fried prods., structured potato prods., marinades, soups, sauces, dressings, bakery goods, glazes and jelly coatings, coatings for pills/tablets Regulatory: Kosher; FDA 21 CFR §172.874; EU E 464 Properties: Odorless; tasteless; Brookfield visc. 12-18 mPa·s Walocel® HM 50 PA [Dow Wolff Cellulosics http://www.dow.com/dowwolff/de/] Chem. Descrip.: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose CAS 9004-65-3 Uses: Rheology control agent for aq. sol'n.; fat/protein replacer, water binder for extruded prods., deep fat fried prods., structured potato prods., marinades, soups, sauces, dressings, bakery goods, glazes and jelly coatings, coatings for pills/tablets Regulatory: Kosher; FDA 21 CFR §172.874; EU E 464 Properties: Odorless; tasteless; Brookfield visc. 40-60 mPa·s Walocel® HM 100 PA [Dow Wolff Cellulosics http://www.dow.com/dowwolff/de/] Chem. Descrip.: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose CAS 9004-65-3 Uses: Rheology control agent for aq. sol'n.; fat/protein replacer, water binder for extruded prods., deep fat fried prods., structured potato prods., marinades, soups, sauces, dressings, bakery goods, glazes and jelly coatings, coatings for pills/tablets Regulatory: Kosher; FDA 21 CFR §172.874; EU E 464 Properties: Odorless; tasteless; Brookfield visc. 80-120 mPa·s Walocel® HM 400 PA [Dow Wolff Cellulosics http://www.dow.com/dowwolff/de/] Chem. Descrip.: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose CAS 9004-65-3 Uses: Rheology control agent for aq. sol'n.; fat/protein replacer, water binder for extruded prods., deep fat fried prods., structured potato prods., marinades, soups, sauces, dressings, bakery goods, glazes and jelly coatings, coatings for Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
pills/tablets Regulatory: Kosher; FDA 21 CFR §172.874; EU E 464 Properties: Odorless; tasteless; Brookfield visc. 320-480 mPa·s Walocel® HM 1500 PA [Dow Wolff Cellulosics http://www.dow.com/dowwolff/de/] Chem. Descrip.: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose CAS 9004-65-3 Uses: Rheology control agent for aq. sol'n.; fat/protein replacer, water binder for extruded prods., deep fat fried prods., structured potato prods., marinades, soups, sauces, dressings, bakery goods, glazes and jelly coatings, coatings for pills/tablets Regulatory: Kosher; FDA 21 CFR §172.874; EU E 464 Properties: Odorless; tasteless; Brookfield visc. 1200-1800 mPa·s Walocel® HM 4000 PA [Dow Wolff Cellulosics http://www.dow.com/dowwolff/de/] Chem. Descrip.: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose CAS 9004-65-3 Uses: Rheology control agent for aq. sol'n.; fat/protein replacer, water binder for extruded prods., deep fat fried prods., structured potato prods., marinades, soups, sauces, dressings, bakery goods, glazes and jelly coatings, coatings for pills/tablets Regulatory: Kosher; FDA 21 CFR §172.874; EU E 464 Properties: Odorless; tasteless; Brookfield visc. 3200-4800 mPa·s Walocel® HM 15000 PA [Dow Wolff Cellulosics http://www.dow.com/dowwolff/de/] Chem. Descrip.: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose CAS 9004-65-3 Uses: Rheology control agent for aq. sol'n.; fat/protein replacer, water binder for extruded prods., deep fat fried prods., structured potato prods., marinades, soups, sauces, dressings, bakery goods, glazes and jelly coatings, coatings for pills/tablets Regulatory: Kosher; FDA 21 CFR §172.874; EU E 464 Properties: Odorless; tasteless; Brookfield visc. 765
Part I: Trade Name Reference 12,000-18,000 mPa·s Walocel® HM 100000 PA [Dow Wolff Cellulosics http://www.dow.com/dowwolff/de/] Chem. Descrip.: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose CAS 9004-65-3 Uses: Rheology control agent for aq. sol'n.; fat/protein replacer, water binder for extruded prods., deep fat fried prods., structured potato prods., marinades, soups, sauces, dressings, bakery goods, glazes and jelly coatings, coatings for pills/tablets Regulatory: Kosher; FDA 21 CFR §172.874; EU E 464 Properties: Odorless; tasteless; Brookfield visc. 80,000-120,000 mPa·s Walocel® HM 100000 PPA 2208 [Dow Wolff Cellulosics http://www.dow.com/dowwolff/de/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose CAS 9004-65-3 Uses: Emulsifier, film-former, protective colloid, suspending agent in foods Watermelon Treattarome 9724 [R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com] Chem. Descrip.: n-aldehydes, nonenols, and nonadienols Uses: Flavor for food Features: Overdosing leads to rind notes Properties: Watermelon flavor Use Level: 0.02-0.06 Waxy #1 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: starch Uses: Body/mouthfeel enhancer, suspension aid, visc. control agent for dry mix soups, sauces WECOBEE® FS [Stepan http://www.stepan.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated vegetable oil CAS 68334-28-1; EINECS/ELINCS 269-820-6 Uses: Cocoa butter replacement for foods (salad dressing, snack dips, confectionery coatings, dairy toppings, baked goods) Features: Exc. mold release Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §170.30, GRAS; kosher; Europe, Korea, Canada, Australia listed Properties: Wh. to off-wh. solid; bland odor and Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
taste; sp.gr. 0.90; dens.7.5 lb/gal; m.p. 39.8 C; iodine no. 2.8; sapon. no. 244; flash pt. (PMCC) > 282 C; 0% RVOC; 100 ppm moisture Toxicology: LD50 > 5 ml/kg; nontoxic; may cause minimal eye but no skin irritation Environmental: biodeg. Storage: Store in sealed containers below 32 C; avoid overheating WECOBEE® M [Stepan http://www.stepan.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated vegetable oil Chem. Analysis: 100% Hydrogenated vegetable oil CAS 68938-37-4; EINECS/ELINCS 269-820-6 Uses: Cocoa butter replacement for foods (coffee whiteners, whipped toppings, salad dressing, snack dips, confectionery coatings, dairy toppings, baked goods) Features: Exc. mold release Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §170.30, GRAS; kosher; conforms to USP/NF (hard fat); Europe, Korea, Canada, Australia listed Properties: Wh. to off-wh. soft solid; bland odor and taste; sp.gr. 0.908 (40 C); visc. 35.8 cSt (40 C); m.p. 35 C; acid no. 0.20 max.; iodine no. 1.2; sapon. value 242; flash pt. (PMCC) > 282 C; 0% RVOC; 200 ppm moisture Toxicology: LD50 > 5 ml/kg; may cause minimal eye but no skin irritation Environmental: biodeg. Storage: Store in sealed containers below 32 C; avoid overheating WECOBEE® S [Stepan http://www.stepan.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated vegetable oil CAS 68334-28-1; EINECS/ELINCS 269-820-6 Uses: Cocoa butter replacement for foods (coffee whiteners, whipped toppings, salad dressing, snack dips, confectionery coatings, dairy toppings, baked goods) Features: Exc. mold release Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §170.30, 175.105, 176.210, GRAS; kosher; Europe, Canada, Australia, Philippines, Korea listed Properties: Wh. to off-wh. flakes; bland odor and taste; sp.gr. 0.90 g/ml; dens. 7.5 lb/gal; visc. 14.0 cps (150 F); m.p. 44 C; acid no. 0.20 max.; iodine no. 3; sapon. value 240; flash pt. (PMCC) > 282 C; 0% RVOC; 300 ppm moisture Toxicology: LD50 > 5 ml/kg; may cause minimal eye but no skin irritation; TSCA listed 766
Part I: Trade Name Reference Environmental: biodeg. Storage: Store in sealed containers below 32 C; avoid overheating Wheatex™ [Midwest Grain Prods. http://www.midwestgrain.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat protein See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) protein Uses: Extender, meat substitute, water binder for chicken, beef and fish patties, chicken salad, pizza toppings, meatballs, meat loaf, chicken nuggets, ground beef, bologna, sausages, jerky, and surimi Features: Excellent fibrous structure possesses the look and texture of meat; low flavor profile with no aftertaste allows for decreased flavor usage; retorts extremely well without burn; maintains integrity better than other textured proteins Properties: Lt. cream or custom color; 10% max. moisture Storage: 1 yr. shelf life when stored in cool, dry and sanitary conditions Wheat-Eze® [Cain Food Industries http://www.cainfood.com] Chem. Descrip.: Active fungal enzyme deriv. of Aspergillus oryzae (protease) and other edible excipients CAS 9014-01-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-752-2 Uses: Dough conditioner for breads, buns, rolls, sweet goods Features: Reduces mixing requirements, improves machinability, gas retaining props., crust color, pan flow Properties: Tablet Use Level: 1/2 -2 tablets/cwt flour Storage: 6 mos. storage life under cool, dry conditions Whetpro®-75 [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vital wheat gluten See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) gluten Chem. Analysis: 7-8% max. moisture, 2% max. fat CAS 8002-80-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-317-7 Uses: Dough conditioner, formulation aid, nutrient supplement, processing aid, stabilizer, thickener in foods incl. baked goods, cereals, pet foods, pasta, and cheese analog prods. Features: Readily forms cohesive and elastic dough, absorbing about two parts of water Regulatory: GRAS-CFR 184.1322 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Lt. tan powd.; 82% protein Whetpro®-80 [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vital wheat gluten See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) gluten Chem. Analysis: 8% max.moisture; 2% max. fat CAS 8002-80-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-317-7 Uses: Ingred. for foods incl. baked goods, cereals, pet foods, pasta, and cheese analog prods. Features: High protein free-flowing Properties: Lt. tan powd.; 80% protein Whetstar® 3 Food Powd. Wheat Starch [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat starch See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch Chem. Analysis: 7% moisture, 0.3% protein CAS 9005-25-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Uses: For sugar grinding applics. Properties: Wh. powd.; pH 6.0 White Sour 2X [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Corn flour; wheat flour; lactic acid; starch; acetic acid; silicon dioxide; monocalcium phosphate; salt; dried yeast See Calcium phosphate monobasic anhydrous; Corn (Zea mays) flour; Silica; Sodium chloride; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) flour; Yeast, dried Uses: Flavoring agent, aroma for bread, rolls, specialty prods.; mold inhibitor for baked goods Properties: Powd. Use Level: 3-5% based on flour Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, dry location; best when used before 9 mos; keep containers closed when not in use White Sour [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat flour; corn flour; lactic acid; salt; dried yeast; tricalcium phosphate See Calcium phosphate tribasic; Corn (Zea mays) flour; Sodium chloride; Wheat (Triticum vulgare) flour; Yeast, dried Uses: Flavoring agent, aroma for bread, rolls, specialty prods.; mold inhibitor for baked goods Features: Tangy, natural fermentation flavor and aroma Properties: Powd. Use Level: 2-5% based on flour Storage: 12 mos. shelf life when stored in a cool, 767
Part I: Trade Name Reference dry location; best when used before 9 mos; keep containers closed when not in use Whole Egg Solids Type W-1 [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Egg solids Uses: Ingred. for flavor and texture for cookies, layer cakes, pound cakes, pies, sweet goods, egg noodles, mayonnaise, salad dressings Features: 45% min. protein, 40% min. fat Properties: Powd.; 100% through 16 mesh; pH 8.5±0.5 Use Level: 1 lb/3 lb water to replace 4 lb liq. or frozen whole egg Storage: Store in cooler @ 40-50 F Whole Egg Solids Type W-1-FF [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dehydrated whole egg with sodium silicoaluminate Uses: Ingred. for cookies, layer cakes, pound cakes, pies, sweet goods, egg noodles, mayonnaise, salad dressings Features: Similar to W-1 with anticaking agent added to enhance free-flowing props. and aid in rehydration Whole Egg Solids Type W-2 [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dehydrated whole egg stabilized by removing natural glucose Uses: Ingred. for dry mixes which require long shelf life Whole Egg Solids Type W-2-FF [Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com] Chem. Descrip.: Dehydrated whole egg stabilized by removing natural glucose Uses: Ingred. for dry mixes which require long shelf life Features: Similar to W-2 with free-flow agent Whole Pituitary Substance [Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com] Chem. Descrip.: Vacuum-dried defatted glandular prod. Uses: Nutritive food additive Properties: Powd. or freeze-dried form Winsense™-3 [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: N-Ethyl-p-menthane-3carboxamide CAS 39711-79-0; EINECS/ELINCS 254-599-0 Uses: Cooling agent and flavoring agent in confectionery prods. Regulatory: FDA GRAS; EU Commission Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Decision 1999/217/EC Properties: Wh., wh. crystalline powd..; menthollike odor; sol. in water (< 0,1% by wt.); m.p. 189-216 F; flash pt. (TCC) > 212 F; 99.4% Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 5300 mg/kg; may cause mild eye irritation; not a skin irritant; nonmutagenic; not a teratogen Environmental: nonozone depleting Precaution: Wear safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves, and apron when handling; avoid excessive exposure strong acids and bases,air, and heat HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 1 Storage: Store in a tightly closed container Winsense™ Extra 400 [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: N-Ethyl-p-menthane-3carboxamide, Menthyl lactate, and N,2,3Trimethyl-2-isopropylbutamide Chem. Analysis: 100% volatiles by wt. CAS 39711-79-0; 59259-38-0; 51115-67-4; EINECS/ELINCS 254-599-0; 261-678-3; 256974-4 Uses: Cooling agent and flavoring agent in alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages, confectionery, dairy prods., bakery goods Features: Enhanced sensory experience Regulatory: FDA GRAS; EU Commission Decision 1999/217/EC Properties: Liq.; faint, fruity odor; sp.gr. 0.893; sol. in water (7% by wt.); b.p. 519.9 F; flash pt. (TCC) > 200 F; pH 4.36 Toxicology: May cause mild eye irritation Precaution: Wear safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves, and apron when handling; avoid excessive exposure strong acids and bases,air, and heat Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx, NOx, and acrid fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 1 Storage: Store in a tightly closed container Winsense™ Extra 500 [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: N-Ethyl-p-menthane-3carboxamide, Menthyl lactate, and N,2,3Trimethyl-2-isopropylbutamide Chem. Analysis: 100% volatiles by wt. CAS 39711-79-0; 59259-38-0; 51115-67-4; EINECS/ELINCS 254-599-0; 261-678-3; 256974-4 Uses: Cooling agent and flavoring agent in alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages, 768
Part I: Trade Name Reference confectionery, dairy prods., bakery goods Features: Enhanced sensory experience Regulatory: FDA GRAS; EU Commission Decision 1999/217/EC Properties: Cl. colorless liq.; faint, fruity odor; sp.gr. 0.9490; sol. in water (7% by wt.); b.p. 515.1 F; flash pt. (TCC) > 212 F; ref. index 1.489 (20 C) Toxicology: May cause eye irritation Precaution: Wear safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves, and apron when handling; avoid excessive exposure strong acids and bases,air, and heat Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx, NOx, and acrid fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 1 Storage: Store in a tightly closed container WinSense WS-23 [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: N,2,3-Trimethyl-2isopropylbutamide CAS 51115-67-4; EINECS/ELINCS 256-974-4 Uses: Flavoring agent, cooling agent in confectionery prods. Features: No side effects such as burning, stinging, or tingling sensations Regulatory: DOT: Chemicals n.o.i. Properties: Wh. powd.; menthol-type odor; sol. in water (7.0 g/l); vapor pressure 0.004 mm Hg; m.p. 62-64 C;b.p. 252 C; flash pt. (TCC) > 212 F; 99% min. purity Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 500-1000 mg/kg; not a skin irritant; irritating to eyes; no evidence of contact hypersensitivity; harmful by inh. and if swallowed; nonmutagenic (Ames test) Environmental: no environmental exposure controls required under Community environmental protection laws; SARA Title III Section 311/312 Precaution: Avoid contact with strong acids, strong bases, and materials that react with organic amines Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, NOx, acrid fumes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 1 Storage: Do not store in close proximity to excessive heat, open flames, strong acids or strong bases; keep container tightly closed when not in use; exposure to air causes degradation Witafrol® 7420 [Sasol Germany Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Caprylic/capric glycerides CAS 85409-09-2; EINECS/ELINCS 287-075-5 Uses: Surfactant, emulsifier, solubilizer, dispersant, plasticizer, lubricant, consistency regulator, refatting agent, penetrant, carrier, adsorp. promoter for nutritional applics.; antifoam for prod. of sweets, preserves, jams, potato prods., and flavorings Properties: Sl. ylsh. oil; sol. in water/ethanol (50/50), acetone; sol. cloudy in ether, heptane; dens. 1.02 kg/dm3; visc. 190 mPa·s; acid no. 2 max.; iodine no. 1 max.; sapon. no. 230-260; flash pt. > 180 C; nonionic; 40-42% monoglycerides Witafrol® 7456 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fatty acid ester of polyalcohols Uses: Antifoam for processing of dairy prods. Features: Pronounced/spontaneous retardation effect on foam formation caused by proteins Properties: Liq.; dens. 1.04 kg/dm3; visc. 220 mPa·s; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 45-60; flash pt. > 180 C Witafrol® 7480 N [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Fatty acid ester of polyalcohols Uses: Defoamer, antifoam for sugar beet processing, dairy industries, jams, fruit flavors/juices, seasonings, other foods Properties: Liq.; dens. 0.98 kg/dm3; visc. 80 mPa·s; acid no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 175-195; flash pt. > 180 C Witarix® 200 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Coconut/palm kernel oil triglyceride 769
Part I: Trade Name Reference Uses: Hard fat for foods Features: Well-balanced consistency and melting chars. Properties: Block; m.p. 33-35 C; acid no. 0.2 max.; iodine no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 235-250 Witarix® 212 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated palm kernel oil CAS 68990-82-9; EINECS/ELINCS 273-627-2 Uses: Hard fat for chocolate, confectionery prods. Features: Soft consistency, good temp. stability Properties: Block; m.p. 36-38 C; acid no. 0.2 max.; iodine no. 5 max.; sapon. no. 240-255 Witarix® 440 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated soybean oil CAS 8016-70-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-410-2 Uses: Soft fat, filling fat for fillings, chocolate and confectionery prods. Features: Soft consistency Properties: Block; m.p. 35-37 C; acid no. 0.2 max.; iodine no. 70; sapon. no. 190 Witocan® 42/44 [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated cocoglycerides Uses: Hard fat for prod. of food articles with good temp. stability Features: High melting Regulatory: USP, Ph.Eur. Properties: Block, pellets; m.p. 42-44 C; acid no. 0.3 max.; iodine no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 220230; hydroxyl value 15 max. Witocan 42/44 [Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrogenated coconut oil CAS 84836-98-6; EINECS/ELINCS 284-283-8 Uses: Raw material for foods Witocan® H [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Coconut/palm kernel oil triglyceride Uses: Hard fat for foods, esp. for prod. of solid and hollow articles Properties: Block, pellets; m.p. 33-35 C; acid no. 0.1 max.; iodine no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 235245 Witocan® HS [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Coconut/palm kernel oil triglyceride Uses: Hard fat esp. for thin coatings Features: Exc. consistency and melting chars. Properties: Block, pellets; m.p. 33-35 C; acid no. 0.1 max.; iodine no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 235245 Witocan® P [Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasololefinssurfactants.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com] Chem. Descrip.: Coconut/palm kernel oil triglyceride Uses: Hard fat for a wide range of food applics. Features: Pleasant melting props. in the mouth Properties: Block, pellets; m.p. 34-36 C; acid no. 0.1 max.; iodine no. 2 max.; sapon. no. 235245 WNA [Nat'l. Starch & Chem./Food Innovation http://www.foodinnovation.com] Chem. Descrip.: Modified food starch derived from modified waxy maize See Food starch, modified Uses: Bodying agent, stabilizer, texturizer for salad dressings, HTST processed aseptically canned foods such as puddings, sauces, soups Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 nonreportable Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd., starch odor; m.w. > 10,000; sp.gr. 1.5; pH 6.5 (1%); ≈ 11% moisture Toxicology: TWA 10 mg/m3; nuisance dust; particulates may scratch eye surfaces and cause mech. irritation; low toxicity to skin and by ing.; TSCA listed 770
Part I: Trade Name Reference Precaution: Potential for dust explosion; sensitive to static elec.; minimize dust generation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion prods.: CO, CO2, N Storage: Store @ ambient temps. Worcestershire Sauce Powd. 4200 [Nikken Foods Co. Ltd. http://www.nikkenfoods.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: spray-dried blend of nat. ingreds. Uses: Flavoring agent for food WS-3 [Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com] Chem. Descrip.: Cyclohexanecarboxamide, Nethyl-5-methyl-2-(1-methylethyl)- See NEthyl-p-menthane-3-carboxamide CAS 39711-79-0; EINECS/ELINCS 254-599-0 Uses: Cooling agent for confectionery prods. Regulatory: DOT: Chemicals n.o.i. Properties: Wh. cryst.; sl. mentol-like odor; >0.1% sol. in water; 100% sol. in alcohol; 0.1% max. sol. in water; m.p. 87-102 C; flash pt. (TCC) 212 F; pH 6.1; nonmutagenic (Ames test); 99% min. purity Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 3000 mg/kg; similar menthane derivs. have caused temporary local anesthetic action on the eye Environmental: SARA Title III Section 311/312 Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, NOx, acrid fumes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 1 Storage: Do not store near excessive heat, open flames, strong acids or bases; avoid exposure to air; keep in tightly closed containers WS-23 [Rhodia Organics http://www.rhodiappa.com/ppa/home.jsp] Chem. Descrip.: N,2,3-Trimethyl-2isopropylbutamide CAS 51115-67-4; EINECS/ELINCS 256-974-4 Uses: Flavoring agent for food; provides a delayed and prolonged cooling effect Regulatory: FEMA; kosher Properties: Powd. WS-23, Artificial [Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net] Chem. Descrip.: N,2,3-Trimethyl-2isopropylbutamide CAS 51115-67-4; EINECS/ELINCS 256-974-4 Uses: Flavor for food, beverages, and confectionery Regulatory: FDA GRAS; 21CFR §172.510; kosher Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Wh. to off-wh. crystalline powder; cool taste; sol. in alcohol, oil, PG Use Level: 1-10 ppm Wundrol 100 [Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Vegetable oil-based Uses: Divider and dough transfer lubricant for large scale, fully automated bakeries Features: High efficiency; high stability; edible; contains no min. hydrocarbons (wh. oils) Wundrol Super [Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk] Chem. Descrip.: Vegetable oil-based Uses: Lubricant for lighter usage divider operations, e.g., in-store and craft bakeries; min. oil replacement Features: Edible; contains no min. hydrocarbons (wh. oils) Xpando [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Ethoxylated mono- and diglycerides, mono- and diglycerides See Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for foods, icings; dough strengthener for yeast-raised bakery prods. Properties: Votated cream-colored plastic; c.m.p. 125-135 F; iodine no. 14-18; 24-28% mono Xpando 70 [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Ethoxylated monodiglycerides, mono-diglycerides See Ethoxylated mono- and diglycerides; Monoand diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Dough strengthener for yeast-raised bakery prods. and mixes Properties: Votated cream-colored plastic; c.m.p. 110-120 F; i.v. 15-20; 16-18% mono Xpando Powder [Caravan Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Ethoxylated monodiglycerides, mono-diglycerides See Ethoxylated mono- and diglycerides; Monoand diglycerides of fatty acids Uses: Emulsifier for yeast-raised bakery prods. and mixes Properties: Wh. beads; c.m.p. 128-135 F; iodine no. 2 max.; 28-31% mono X-Pand'R® [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pregelatinized food starch modified (waxy corn starch) See Food 771
Part I: Trade Name Reference starch, modified Uses: Provides cohesiveness for extruded snack foods; expanding agent for snacks which are baked or fried; carrier for cereal flours, cheese/veg. powds., peanut butter, soy protein, etc.; visc. control agent for bakery, snacks Features: Forms pliable nonsticking doughs for cold processing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892 Properties: Wh. powd., bland flavor; 95% through 100 mesh, 75% through 200 mesh; pH 6.0; 5% moisture X-Pand'R® 612 [Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com] Chem. Descrip.: Pregelatinized waxy starch Uses: Dough binding agent, texturizer, extrusion tolerance aid, visc. control agent in bakery, snacks Xylitab® 100 [Danisco Sweeteners http://www.daniscosweeteners.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xylitol (95% min.) with polydextrose (3.5% max.) as binder Uses: Nutritive sweetener for foods Features: Stable to air and heat Regulatory: USP/NF, Ph. Eur, JP, FCC Properties: Wh. cryst. gran.; pract. odorless; very sweet, cool taste; highly sol. in water; pract. insol. in most org. solvs.; bulk dens. 0.50.7 g/ml; 0.5% max. moisture Toxicology: Relatively nontoxic by ing.; may cause skin/eye irritation; prolonged inh. (nuisance particle) may cause respiratory irritation; excessive consumption can cause laxation Precaution: Sl. fire hazard when exposed to heat or flame; may burn but does not ignite readily; dust-air mixts. may ignite or explode; avoid contact with strong oxidizers, excessive heat, sparks, flame Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. may release toxic/hazardous gases, CO, CO2, furfural Storage: 3 mos. shelf life when stored in original sealed pkg. below 25 C and < 65% r.h.; marginally hygroscopic Xylitab® 200 [Danisco Sweeteners http://www.daniscosweeteners.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xylitol (96.5% min.) with sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (2% max.) as binder See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Nutritive sweetener for foods Features: Stable to air and heat Regulatory: USP/NF, Ph. Eur, JP, FCC Properties: Wh. cryst. gran.; pract. odorless; very sweet, cool taste; highly sol. in water; pract. insol. in most org. solvs.; bulk dens. 0.50.7 g/ml; 0.5% max. moisture Toxicology: Relatively nontoxic by ing.; may cause skin/eye irritation; prolonged inh. (nuisance particle) may cause respiratory irritation; excessive consumption can cause laxation Precaution: Sl. fire hazard when exposed to heat or flame; may burn but does not ignite readily; dust-air mixts. may ignite or explode; avoid contact with strong oxidizers, excessive heat, sparks, flame Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. may release toxic/hazardous gases, CO, CO2, furfural Storage: 3 mos. shelf life when stored in original sealed pkg. below 25 C and < 65% r.h.; marginally hygroscopic Xylitab® 300 [Danisco Sweeteners http://www.daniscosweeteners.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xylitol (98.5-101%) CAS 87-99-0; EINECS/ELINCS 201-788-0 Uses: Nutritive sweetener for foods Features: Stable to air and heat Regulatory: USP/NF, Ph. Eur, JP, FCC Properties: Wh. cryst. gran.; pract. odorless; very sweet, cool taste; highly sol. in water; pract. insol. in most org. solvs.; bulk dens. 0.40.7 g/ml; 0.5% max. moisture Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 22 g/kg, (IP, mouse) 22,100 mg/kg; relatively nontoxic by ing.; may cause skin/eye irritation; prolonged inh. (nuisance particle) may cause respiratory irritation; excessive consumption can cause laxation Precaution: Sl. fire hazard when exposed to heat or flame; may burn but does not ignite readily; dust-air mixts. may ignite or explode; avoid contact with strong oxidizers, excessive heat, sparks, flame Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. may release toxic/hazardous gases, CO, CO2, furfural Storage: 3 mos. shelf life when stored in original sealed pkg. below 25 C and < 65% r.h.; marginally hygroscopic Xylitol CFP [Danisco Sweeteners 772
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.daniscosweeteners.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xylitol (96.5% min.) CAS 87-99-0; EINECS/ELINCS 201-788-0 Uses: Sweetener, cooling agent, flavor enhancer, bulking agent in sugar-free chewing gum, dietietic prods., and confections Regulatory: FCC, USP, NF, Ph.Eur. Properties: Wh. cryst. powd.; pract. odorless; very sweet Xylitol CG [Danisco Sweeteners http://www.daniscosweeteners.com] Chem. Descrip.: Xylitol (96.5% min.) CAS 87-99-0; EINECS/ELINCS 201-788-0 Uses: Sweetener for foods Features: Food grade; stable to air and heat Regulatory: FCC, USP, NF, Ph.Eur. Properties: Wh. cryst. gran.; pract. odorless; very sweet, cool taste; highly sol. in water; pract. insol. in most org. solvs.; bulk dens. 0.50.7g/ml; 96.5% assay Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 22 g/kg, (IV, mouse) 3770 mg/kg; relatively nontoxic by ing.; may cause skin/eye irritation; prolonged inh. (nuisance particle) may cause respiratory irritation; excessive consumption may cause laxation Precaution: Sl. fire hazard when exposed to heat or flame; may burn but does not ignite readily; dust-air mixts. may ignite or explode; avoid contact with strong oxidizers, excessive heat, open flame Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. may release toxic/hazardous gases Storage: 3 yr. shelf life when stored in original sealed pkg. below 25 C and < 65% r.h.; marginally hygroscopic D-Xylose CL [Danisco Sweeteners http://www.daniscosweeteners.com] Chem. Descrip.: D-Xylose See D(+)-Xylose CAS 58-86-6; EINECS/ELINCS 200-400-7 Uses: Sweetener for foods Features: Stable to heat and air; nonflamm. Regulatory: DOT nonhazardous; FEMA GRAS Properties: Off-wh. to wh. fine cryst. powd.; odorless; sweet taste, no discernible aftertaste; very sol. in water (≈ 117 g/100 ml @ 20 C); m.w. 150.13; dens. 1.52 g/ml (20 C); m.p. 156-158 C; pH 3-6 (10%); 98.5-101% assay; 0.5% max. moisture Toxicology: May cause skin/eye irritation; prolonged inh. (nuisance particle) may cause Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
respiratory irritation, sneezing, coughing; ing. may cause intestinal bloating, cramping, nausea, diarrhea Environmental: environmental damage is not anticipated under normal conditions of use Precaution: Dust may form explosive mixt. in air; avoid strong oxidizers, heat, moisture Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Under fire conditions or thermal decomp., may emit toxic fumes of CO, CO2; none formed on contact with water Storage: 1 yr. shelf life when stored in original sealed pkg. below 25 C and < 65% r.h.; marginally hygroscopic D-Xylose CT [Danisco Sweeteners http://www.daniscosweeteners.com] Chem. Descrip.: D-Xylose See D(+)-Xylose CAS 58-86-6; EINECS/ELINCS 200-400-7 Uses: Sweetener for foods Features: Stable to heat and air; nonflamm. Regulatory: DOT nonhazardous; FEMA GRAS Properties: Off-wh. to wh. fine cryst. powd.; odorless; sweet taste, no discernible aftertaste; very sol. in water (≈ 117 g/100 ml @ 20 C); m.w. 150.13; dens. 1.52 g/ml (20 C); m.p. 156-158 C; pH 3-6 (10%); 98.5-101% assay; 0.5% max. moisture Toxicology: May cause skin/eye irritation; prolonged inh. (nuisance particle) may cause respiratory irritation, sneezing, coughing; ing. may cause intestinal bloating, cramping, nausea, diarrhea Environmental: environmental damage is not anticipated under normal conditions of use Precaution: Dust may form explosive mixt. in air; avoid strong oxidizers, heat, moisture Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Under fire conditions or thermal decomp., may emit toxic fumes of CO, CO2; none formed on contact with water Storage: 1 yr. shelf life when stored in original sealed pkg. below 25 C and < 65% r.h.; marginally hygroscopic D-Xylose CTR [Danisco Sweeteners http://www.daniscosweeteners.com] Chem. Descrip.: D-Xylose See D(+)-Xylose CAS 58-86-6; EINECS/ELINCS 200-400-7 Uses: Sweetener for foods Features: Stable to heat and air; nonflamm. Regulatory: DOT nonhazardous; FEMA GRAS Properties: Off-wh. to wh. fine cryst. powd.; odorless; sweet taste, no discernible 773
Part I: Trade Name Reference aftertaste; very sol. in water (≈ 117 g/100 ml @ 20 C); m.w. 150.13; dens. 1.52 g/ml (20 C); m.p. 156-158 C; pH 3-6 (10%); 98.5-101% assay; 0.5% max. moisture Toxicology: May cause skin/eye irritation; prolonged inh. (nuisance particle) may cause respiratory irritation, sneezing, coughing; ing. may cause intestinal bloating, cramping, nausea, diarrhea Environmental: environmental damage is not anticipated under normal conditions of use Precaution: Dust may form explosive mixt. in air; avoid strong oxidizers, heat, moisture Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Under fire conditions or thermal decomp., may emit toxic fumes of CO, CO2; none formed on contact with water Storage: 1 yr. shelf life when stored in original sealed pkg. below 25 C and < 65% r.h.; marginally hygroscopic Yelkin® 1018 [ADM Lecithin http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Hydroxylated soya lecithin See Hydroxylated lecithin CAS 8029-76-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-440-6 Uses: Emulsifier for baked goods, whipped/dry toppings, instant dry beverage mixes, dairy prods., instant foods, release agents, confections Properties: Translucent turbid fluid; visc. 100 stokes; HLB 9.0; acid no. 38 max.; 1% max. water Yelkin® DS [ADM Lecithin http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Standardized soya lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Emulsifier for drink mixes, candies, animal feeds, pet foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1400 GRAS; E322 compliance; kosher Properties: Translucent fluid; visc. 65-85 stokes; HLB 4.0; acid no. 30 max.; 1% max. water Storage: 18 mos. min. shelf life when stored unopened in original pkg.; store below 35 C; avoid excessive exposure to light and moisture Yelkin® Gold [ADM Lecithin http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Purified soya lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Emulsifier for instantized foods, liq. emulsions, infant formulas, baked goods, confections, instant beverage mixes, dairy Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
prods. Properties: Transparent fluid; visc. 60 stokes; HLB 4.0; acid no. 30 max.; 0.5% max. water Yelkin® SS [ADM Lecithin http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Standardized soya lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Dough conditioner, pan lubricant for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1400 GRAS; E322 compliance; kosher Properties: Translucent fluid; visc. 65-85 stokes; HLB 4.0; acid no. 30 max.; 1% max. water Storage: 18 mos. min. shelf life when stored unopened in original pkg.; store below 35 C; avoid excessive exposure to light and moisture Yelkin® T [ADM Lecithin http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Standardized soya lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Emulsifier for candies, margarine, baked goods, icings, frostings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1400 GRAS; E322 compliance; kosher Properties: Opaque plastic; HLB 4.0; acid no. 25 max.; 1% max. water Storage: 18 mos. min. shelf life when stored unopened in original pkg.; store below 35 C; avoid excessive exposure to light and moisture Yelkin® TS [ADM Lecithin http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Standardized soya lecithin CAS 8030-76-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Emulsifier for chocolate, frosting, baked goods, icings, margarine Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1400 GRAS; E322 compliance; kosher Properties: Brn. to yel. visc. fluid; bland odor and flavor; insol. in water; sp.gr. 1.05; visc. 65-85 stokes; HLB 4.0; acid no. 30 max.; 1% max. water Toxicology: Approved for human consumption; sl. irritation may occur on direct eye contact; extremely low volatility makes inh. exposure unlikely; avoid if sensitive to soy prods. Storage: 18 mos. min. shelf life when stored unopened in original pkg.; store below 35 C; avoid excessive exposure to light and moisture Yelkinol® G [ADM Lecithin http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Deoiled lecithin 774
Part I: Trade Name Reference CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Emulsifier, dispersant, dietary supplement for foods, sauces, gravies, nondairy creamers, cake mixes, drink mixes, feeds Properties: Lt. gold gran.; HLB 7.0; 1% max. water Yelkinol® P [ADM Lecithin http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Deoiled lecithin CAS 8002-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-307-2 Uses: Emulsifier, dispersant, dietary supplement for foods, sauces, gravies, nondairy creamers, cake mixes, drink mixes, feeds Properties: Lt. gold powd.; HLB 7.0; 1% max. water Yellow Blend No. 3300 Powd. [ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com] Chem. Descrip.: Wheat starch, soybean oil, vegetable color extracted from annatto and turmeric See Annatto (Bixa orellana); Soybean (Glycine soja) oil; Turmeric (Curcuma longa); Wheat (Triticum vulgare) starch Uses: Colorant for baked goods, dry mixes, sauces Features: Natural colorant derived from pure veg. pigments; alternative to FD&C Yel. No. 5; more intense yel. than Yellow Blend No. 3100 Properties: Yel. powd.; 97% through 120 mesh; bland taste; fat-sol.; 10-14% moisture; 10% fat Use Level: 0.1-0.5% Storage: 12 mos. shelf life stored in original unopened container, best when used before 9 mos; store @ R.T. (65-75 F); avoid direct exposure to light; keep containers well closed when not in use Yucca Schidigera Extract NP Raw Material Food Grade) [Garuda Int'l. http://www.garudaint.com] Chem. Descrip.: Yucca schidigera extract Chem. Analysis: Moisture 10% max.; ash 3.0% max.; fat 1.0% max.; protein 1.0% max.; fiber 1.0% max.; carbohydrates 90% max.; arsenic 2 ppm max.; heavy metals 20 ppm max. Uses: Natural flavoring agent, foaming agent in foods, beers, frozen carbonated beverages, foamy bar mixes, wine coolers, schnapps, root beer, barley drinks, feeds Features: No preservatives Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510; organic Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
certified food Properties: Tan to brn. powd.; mild, sweet, caramel-like odor; bittersweet taste; easily diluted; 100% through US 50 mesh; pH 3.5-4.5 Storage: 2 yr. min. shelf life; keep packages tightly sealed protect from exposure to moisture Zeofree® 80 [Huber Engineered Materials http://www.hubermaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Silica, amorphous (96-99%) and sodium sulfate (0.1-4%) Chem. Analysis: Moisture 3-7% CAS 112926-00-8; 7757-82-6; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4; 231-820-9 Uses: Defoamer; carrier; anticaking agent, free-flow aid for powd. detergents; flow aid for food Properties: Powd.; 6.0 µ avg. particle size; bulk dens. 9 lbs/ft3; m.p. ≈ 1700 C; surf. area 140 m2/g; oil absorp. 190 cc/100 g; pH 6-8 (5% water suspension) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg, (dermal, rat) > 2000 mg/kg; dust may irritate the respiratory system; does not cause sensitization; TSCA listed Environmental: EC50 (fish) > 10000 mg/l, (Daphnia )> 10000 mg/l; biodegradable; inert Precaution: Avoid dust formation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in tightly closed containers in a dry area Zeofree® 5162 [Huber Engineered Materials http://www.hubermaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Silica, amorphous (96-99%) and sodium sulfate (0.1-4%) CAS 112926-00-8; 7757-82-6; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4; 231-820-9 Uses: Flow aid for food Properties: Wh. odorless powd.; insol. in water; dens. 2.0 g/cc; m.p. ≈ 1700 C; pH 6-8 (5% water suspension) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg, (dermal, rat) > 2000 mg/kg; dust may irritate the respiratory system; does not cause sensitization; TSCA listed Environmental: EC50 (fish) > 10000 mg/l, (Daphnia )> 10000 mg/l; biodegradable; inert Precaution: Avoid dust formation; wear safety glasses with side shields, protective 775
Part I: Trade Name Reference clothing, and impervious gloves Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in tightly closed containers in a dry area Zeolex® 7 [Huber Engineered Materials http://www.hubermaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium silicoaluminate See Sodium sulfate Chem. Analysis: Moisture 3-8% CAS 1344-00-9; 7757-82-6; EINECS/ELINCS 215-684-8; 231-820-9 Uses: Flow aid for food Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR food additive approval Properties: Wh. odorless powd.; 6 µ avg. particle size; bulk dens. 17 lbs/ft3; m.p. ≈ 1700 C;surf. area 115 m2/g; oil absorp. 115 cc/100 g; pH 6.5-7.5 (5% water suspension); noncombustible Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg, (dermal, rat) > 2000 mg/kg; nonirritating to eyes; may dry skin and mucous membranes; does not cause sensitization; noncarcinogenic; TSCA listed Environmental: not harmful to aquatic life; not degradable; inert Precaution: Dust can cause irritation to the respiratory system Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a tightly closed container in a dry place Zeolex® 7A [Huber Engineered Materials http://www.hubermaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium silicoaluminate CAS 1344-00-9; EINECS/ELINCS 215-684-8 Uses: Flow aid for food Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR food additive approval Properties: Wh. odorless powd.; 12 µ avg. particle size; dens. 1.9 g.cm3; m.p. ≈ 1700 C; pH 6.5-7.5 (5% water suspension); noncombustible Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg, (dermal, rat) > 2000 mg/kg; nonirritating to eyes; may dry skin and mucous membranes; does not cause sensitization; noncarcinogenic Environmental: not harmful to aquatic life; not degradable; inert Precaution: Dust can cause irritation to the respiratory system Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a tightly closed container in a dry place Zeolex® 23A [Huber Engineered Materials http://www.hubermaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Sodium silicoaluminate See Sodium sulfate Chem. Analysis: Moisture 4.5-8.0% CAS 1344-00-9; 7757-82-6; EINECS/ELINCS 215-684-8; 231-820-9 Uses: Flow aid for food Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR food additive approval Properties: Wh., odorless powd.; 8 µ avg. particle size; bulk dens. 18 lbs/ft3; m.p. ≈ 1700 C;surf. 73 m2/g; oil absorp. 120 cc/100 g; pH 10.2 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg, (dermal, rat) > 2000 mg/kg; nonirritating to eyes; may dry skin and mucous membranes; does not cause sensitization; noncarcinogenic; TSCA listed Environmental: not harmful to aquatic life; not degradable; inert Precaution: Dust can cause irritation to the respiratory system Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a tightly closed container in a dry place Zeolex® 201 [Huber Engineered Materials http://www.hubermaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: syn. sodium aluminosilicate (95-99%) and sodium sulfate See Sodium silicoaluminate Chem. Analysis: Moisture 4.5-8.0% CAS 1344-00-9; 7757-82-6; EINECS/ELINCS 215-684-8; 231-820-9 Uses: Flow aid for food Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR food additive approval Properties: Wh., odorless powd.; 15 µm avg. particle size; insol. in water; bulk dens. 18 lbs/ft3; m.p. ≈ 1700 C; surf. area 75 m2/g; oil absorp. 115 cc/100 g; pH 10; noncombustible Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg, (dermal, rat) > 2000 mg/kg; nonirritating to eyes; may dry skin and mucous membranes; does not cause sensitization; TSCA listed Environmental: not harmful to aquatic life; not degradable; inert Precaution: Dust can cause mechanical irritation to eyes; wear safety glasses with 776
Part I: Trade Name Reference side shields Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a tightly closed container in a dry place Zeolex® 5161 [Huber Engineered Materials http://www.hubermaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: syn. silicon dioxide See Novaculite Uses: Flow aid for food Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR food additive approval Properties: Powd.; 27 µm avg. particle size; bulk dens. 14 lbs/ft3; surf. area 160 m2/g; oil absorp. 220 cc/100 g; pH 7.0 Zeolex® 5162 [Huber Engineered Materials http://www.hubermaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: syn. silicon dioxide See Novaculite Uses: Flow aid for food Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR food additive approval Properties: Powd.; 19 µm avg. particle size; bulk dens. 9 lbs/ft3; surf. area 160 m2/g; oil absorp. 220 cc/100 g; pH 7.0 Zeon® Extra Green [Zeon http://www.zeon.co.jp] Chem. Descrip.: Cis-3-hexen-1-ol See 3Hexenol CAS 928-96-1; EINECS/ELINCS 213-192-8 Uses: Fragrance and flavoring agent in fruity flavors and green tea flavors Features: Refreshing top note of delicate floral fragrances such as muguet and lilac Regulatory: GRAS Properties: Colorless to pale yel. liq.; fresh, intensely grn. grassy odor; m.w. 100.2 Toxicology: TSCA listed Zeosyl® 110SD [Huber Engineered Materials http://www.hubermaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrated silica See Silica, hydrated Chem. Analysis: Moisture 3-7% CAS 1343-98-2; EINECS/ELINCS 215-683-2 Uses: Carrier; reinforcing agent; flow aid for food Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR food additive approval Properties: Powd.; 40 µm avg. particle size; bulk dens. 9 lbs/ft3; surf. area 140 m2/g; oil absorp. 190 cc/100 g; pH 7.0 Zeosyl® 200 [Huber Engineered Materials http://www.hubermaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Hydrated silica (96-99%) and Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
sodium sulfate (0.1-4%) See Silica, amorphous hydrated CAS 112926-00-8; 7757-82-6; EINECS/ELINCS 215-683-2 Uses: Flow aid for food Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §160.105, 160.185, 172.230, 172.480, 173.340, 175.105, 175.390, 176.170, 177.2250, 177.2420, 182.90, 573.940, 584.700; kosher; DOT not regulated; CERCLA nonreportable; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; China IECSC; Europe EINECS; Japan ENCS (1-548; 1-501); Korea KECI (KE31032; KE-31609); Philippines PICCS Properties: Wh. powd.; odorless; 10 µm avg. particle size; insol. in water; dens. 2.0; m.p. ≈ 1700 C; surf. area 250 m2/g; oil absorp. 200 cc/100 g; pH 7.0 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (dermal, rat) > 2 g/kg; dust may cause mechanical eye irritation Environmental: EC50 (fish) > 10 g/l, (daphnia) > 10 g/l; not considered harmful to aquatic life Precaution: Wear safety glasses with side shields, protective clothing, impervious gloves; avoid dust formation NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry area in closed container; protect from physical damage Zeothix® 265 [Huber Engineered Materials http://www.hubermaterials.com/] Chem. Descrip.: Precipitated amorphous silica (96-99%) and sodium silicate (0.1-4%) See Silica, amorphous; Sodium sulfate CAS 112926-00-8; 7757-82-6; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4; 231-820-9 Uses: Thickener, rheology control agent, thixotrope in food Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR food additive approval; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; China IECSC; Europe EINECS; Japan ENCS (1-548; 1-501); Korea KECI (KE-31032; KE-31609); Philippines PICCS Properties: Wh. powd.; 1.7 µ avg. particle size; odorless; fineness (Hegman) 7.0; insol. in water; dens. 2.0 g/ml; bulk dens. 17 lb/gal; m.p. ≈ 1700 C; surf. area 260 m2/g; oil absorp. 220 cc/100 g; ref. index 1.46; pH 7.0 (5%) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (dermal, rat) > 2 g/kg; dust may irritate respiratory system; ing. may cause discomfort; TSCA listed 777
Part I: Trade Name Reference Environmental: EC50 (fish) > 10 g/l, (daphnia) > 10 g/l Precaution: Wear safety glasses with side shields, protective clothing, impervious gloves; avoid dust formation NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in dry area in closed container at ambient temps.; protect from physical damage Zinc Oxide 66 [Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com] Chem. Descrip.: Zinc oxide USP Chem. Analysis: ZnO (99.0-100.5%) CAS 1314-13-2; EINECS/ELINCS 215-222-5 Uses: Nutrient, dietary supplement in foods Regulatory: USP, DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 reportable Properties: Wh. powd.; 99.5% through 325 mesh, 100% through 200 mesh; odorless; sol. 0.00016 g/cc in water; sp.gr. 5.61; dens. 62-68 lb/ft3 (tapped), 24-30 lb/ft3 (loose); oil absorp. 14-18; dry brightness 97-100; m.p. 3587 F; nonflamm.; pH 6.8-7.8; 0% volatiles Toxicology: ACGIH TWA (8 h) 10 mg/m3; inh. may cause metallic taste, cough, dizziness, fever, chills, headache, nausea; overexposure may produce metal fume fever; skin/eye irritant; chronic exposure may cause respiratory irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Reacts violently with magnesium when heated resulting in explosion; mixts. with chlorinated rubber explode when heated above 215 C Hazardous Ingredients: Zinc oxide (99.9%); lead (0.0025%); cadmium (0.005%) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None; toxic fumes are produced in fire HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area; keep containers tightly closed; handle in wellventilated areas only Zinc Oxide 6601 [Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com] Chem. Descrip.: Zinc oxide USP Chem. Analysis: ZnO (99.0-100.5%) CAS 1314-13-2; EINECS/ELINCS 215-222-5 Uses: Nutrient, dietary supplement in foods Regulatory: USP, DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 reportable Properties: Wh. powd.; 0.12 µ avg. particle size; 99.9% through 325 mesh, 100% through 200 mesh; odorless; sol. 0.00016 g/cc in water; sp.gr. 5.60; dens. 30 lb/ft3 (tapped); surf. area Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
9.0 m2/g; oil absorp. 14-18; dry brightness 97100; m.p. 3587 F; nonflamm.; pH 6.8-7.8; 0% volatiles Toxicology: ACGIH TWA (8 h) 10 mg/m3; inh. may cause metallic taste, cough, dizziness, fever, chills, headache, nausea; overexposure may produce metal fume fever; skin/eye irritant; chronic exposure may cause respiratory irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Reacts violently with magnesium when heated resulting in explosion; mixts. with chlorinated rubber explode when heated above 215 C Hazardous Ingredients: Zinc oxide (99.9%); lead (0.0025%); cadmium (0.005%) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None; toxic fumes are produced in fire HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area; keep containers tightly closed; handle in wellventilated areas only Zinc Oxide 6605 [Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com] Chem. Descrip.: Zinc oxide USP Chem. Analysis: ZnO (99.9%) CAS 1314-13-2; EINECS/ELINCS 215-222-5 Uses: Nutrient, dietary supplement in foods Regulatory: USP, FCC, BP, EP, JP, DOT nonregulated; SARA §313 reportable Properties: Wh. odorless powd.; 99.9% through 325 mesh; sol. 0.00016 g/cc in water; sp.gr. 5.61; dens. 30.0 lb/ft3 (apparent); m.p. 3587 F; nonflamm.; 0.20 max. moisture Toxicology: ACGIH TWA (8 h) 10 mg/m3; inh. may cause metallic taste, cough, dizziness, fever, chills, headache, nausea; overexposure may produce metal fume fever; skin/eye irritant; chronic exposure may cause respiratory irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Reacts violently with magnesium when heated resulting in explosion; mixts. with chlorinated rubber explode when heated above 215 C Hazardous Ingredients: Zinc oxide (99.9%); lead (0.0025%); cadmium (0.005%) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None; toxic fumes are produced in fire HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area; keep containers tightly closed; handle in wellventilated areas only Zinc Oxide CR-4 [G.H. Chems. Ltd 778
Part I: Trade Name Reference http://www.ghchemicals.com/; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com] Chem. Descrip.: Zinc oxide CAS 1314-13-2; EINECS/ELINCS 215-222-5 Uses: Nutrient for human consumption Regulatory: DOT nonregulated Properties: Wh. fine powd.; odorless; sol. 1.6 mg in water (29 C); sol. in ammonia, ammonium chloride, diluted acetic acid, or min. acids and strong bases; insol. in alcohol, ether, diluted sulfuric acid; m.w. 81.37; sp.gr. 5.6; m.p. 1975 C; pH 6 Toxicology: May irritate eyes; no skin irritation with short exposure; toxic by absorp. through peritoneum; inh. of fumes may cause fume fever Precaution: Incompat. with chlorinated rubber, flax oil, magnesium, and strong bases and acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: When heated can produce toxic fumes HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Storage: Store covered in cool, dry, wellventilated area Zymafilt® L-300 [Deerland Enzymes http://www.deerland-enzymes.com] Chem. Descrip.: Bacterial β-glucanase of Bacillus subtilis var. See β-Glucanase from Bacillus subtilis Uses: Reduces viscosity of aq. sol'ns. of beta-glucans, increasing filtration rates, reducing stickiness, foam and other handling problems in processing cereals Features: Food-grade; no activators or cofactors needed Properties: Wh. to lt. tan amorphous dry powd., free of offensive odor and taste; readily watersol. Use Level: 0.1-0.5% based on the weight of unmalted cereal Storage: Activity loss < 10% in 6 mos. stored in sealed containers under cool, dry conditions; 5 C storage extends life
Part II: Chemical Component CrossReference AA. See Adipic acid AA/AM. See Acrylates/acrylamide copolymer ABFA. See Azodicarbonamide Abies alba; Abies alba needles and twigs. See Silver fir (Abies alba) needles and twigs Abies balsamea; Abies balsamea balsam; Abies balsamea oleoresin. See Balsam Canada (Abies balsamea) Abies sibirica; Abies sibirica needle oil. See Fir (Abies sibirica) needle oil Abies sibirica needles and twigs. See Fir (Abies sibirica) needles and twigs Abies sibirica oil. See Fir (Abies sibirica) needle oil Absinthe oil. See Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) oil Absinthium. See Artemisia absinthium Absinthium oil. See Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) oil Absolute alcohol; Absolute ethanol. See Alcohol Acacia CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 FEMA 2001; INS414; E414 Synonyms: Acacia farnesiana; Acacia gum; Acacia senegal; Acacia syrup; Arabic gum; Australian gum; Gum Arabic; Gum hashab; Gum ovaline; Gum senegal; Indian gum; Kordofan gum; Senegal gum; Sudan gum Classification: Water-sol. gum Definition: Dried gummy exudate from stems and branches of Acacia farnesiana or A. senegal Properties: Ylsh.-wh. angular fragments, odorless; sol. in water; insol. in alcohol; m.w. 240,000 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 18 g/kg; very low toxicity by ing.; inh. or ing. may produce hives, eczema, angioedema, asthma; allergic responses; people prone to allergies should avoid acacia; severe eye irritant; experimental reproductive effects; mutation data; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener, flavoring agent, adjuvant, formulation aid, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
humectant, surface-finishing agent, firming agent, processing aid, foam stabilizer, texturizer, crystallization inhibitor in foods; thickener, stabilizer for soft drinks, cake mixes, confectionery; mfg. of spray-dried flavors; suspending agent in syrups; dietary fiber Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §169.179, 169.182, 172.230, 172.510, 184.1330, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved; Europe listed; UK approved; ADI not specified (JECFA); USP/NF, EP, BP compliance Manuf./Distrib.: AAA Int'l. http://www.aaainternational.com; AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; AEP Colloids http://www.aepcolloids.com; Agrisales Ltd http://www.agriproducts.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Alfred L. Wolff Inc http://www.alwolff.com; Alland & Robert http://www.allandetrobert.fr; Arthur Branwell http://www.branwell.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; Barrington http://www.barringtonchem.com; BioBotanica http://www.bio-botanica.com; Brenntag Southeast Brenntag Specialties; Budenheim USA http://www.gallard-schlesinger.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de Chr. Hansen Inc http://www.chrhansen.com; Colloides Naturels Int'l. http://www.cniworld.com; Cornelius Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.cornelius.co.uk; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Eggar & Co. http://www.eggar.co.uk/ Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com; Functional Foods
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.functionalfoods.com; Galbraith Labs http://www.galbraith.com Givaudan-Quest Int'l. http://www.givaudan.com/givcom/; Gumix Int'l.; Houghton Chem. http://www.houghtonchemical.com; Ikeda http://www.ikedabussan.com; Importers Service http://www.iscgums.com/ Integra http://www.integrachem.com; KIC Chems. http://www.kicchemicals.com; http://www.kicgroup.com; Lebermuth http://www.lebermuth.com; Liberty Natural Prods. http://www.libertynatural.com; Lucid Colloids http://www.lucidgroup.com/ Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Merck KGaA http://www.merck.de; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; NB Entrepreneurs http://www.nbent.com; P.L. Thomas http://www.plthomas.com Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polysciences http://www.polysciences.com; Primera Foods http://www.primerafoods.com; PureWorld Botanicals http://www.pureworld.com RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Rhodia http://www.rhodia.com; Robeco http://www.robecoinc.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sarcom http://www.sarcominc.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Spice King; TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com; Thew Arnott & Co. Ltd http://www.thewarnott.co.uk Tiger Chem. http://www.tigerchem.com/; Univar Ltd http://www.univar.co.uk; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; V.L. Clark http://www.vlclark.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names: EFICACIA™; Granular Gum Arabic Type A-1 NF Premium; Granular Gum Arabic Type A-2 NF Premium; Gum Arabic CSP Spray Dried; Gum Arabic G-150 Powdered
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Gum Arabic NF/FCC Clean Amber Sorts; Insta*Thick® Gum Arabic; Nutriloid® Gum Arabic; Oenogum™ S FiltraClear; Powdered Gum Arabic Type B-100 NF Premium Powdered Gum Arabic Type B-200 NF Premium; Premium Granular Gum Arabic; Premium Powdered Gum Arabic; Premium Spray Dried Gum Arabic; Spray Dried Gum Arabic NF/FCC CS-R Spray Dried Gum Arabic Type A-180 NF Premium; Spray Dried Gum Arabic Type A230 NF Extra; TIC Pretested® Arabic FT-1 Powder; TIC Pretested® Arabic PH SD; TIC Pretested® Bright Gum Arabic FCC/NF Powder TIC Pretested® Bright Gum Arabic NF/USP Powder; TIC Pretested® Bright Gum Arabic Pre-Hydrated®; TIC Pretested® Gum Arabic #1 Powder; TIC Pretested® Gum Arabic 6/60 FCC Granular; TIC Pretested® Gum Arabic BEV-101 GR Powder TIC Pretested® Gum Arabic BEV-202 Powder; TIC Pretested® Gum Arabic Extra Special Powder; TIC Pretested® Gum Arabic FT-1 Powd.; TIC Pretested® Gum Arabic FT Powder; TIC Pretested® Gum Arabic FT Pre-Hydrated® TIC Pretested® Gum Arabic Spray Dry FCC Powder; TIC Pretested® Gum Arabic Spray Dry NF/USP Powd.; TIC Pretested® Gum Arabic TP Powder; TIC Pretested® Gum Arabic White 3871 Powd.; TIC Pretested® Nutriloid® Arabic Spray Dry Powder TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Gum Arabic FT Powder; TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Gum Arabic Spray Dry FCC Powd.; TIC Pretested® Ticamulsion® A-2010; TIC Pretested® TICorganic™ Arabic Spray Dry Powd. Trade Names Containing: Beta Carotene 1% CWS; Covitol® 700; Covitol® 700 WD; Dry Vitamin D3 Type 100 SD; Merecol® FAL TIC Pretested® Aragum® 1067-T SS Powder; TIC Pretested® Aragum® 3173 Powder; TIC Pretested® Aragum® 9000 M Powder; TIC Pretested® Aragum® T-1998 Powder; TIC Pretested® Ticaloid® 102 S1 No Fat Powder TIC Pretested® Ticaloid® 102 S2 No Fat Powd.; Viscarin® JC 1270 Acacia catechu; Acacia catechu extract. See Black catechu (Acacia catechu) extract 781
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Acacia farnesiana CAS 9001-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Synonyms: Acacia farnesiana gum; Gum Arabic Definition: Plant material derived from dried, gummy exudate of Acacia farnesiana Toxicology: TSCA listed Uses: Emulsifier in beverages, gelatins, puddings, fillings, snack foods, soft candy; flavoring agent in chewing gum, hard candy, cough drops; formulation aid in confections, frostings, fats and oils, nuts, frozen confections Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §169.182, 184.1330 Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com Acacia farnesiana. See Cassie (Acacia farnesiana) flowers; Acacia Acacia farnesiana flowers. See Cassie (Acacia farnesiana) flowers Acacia farnesiana gum. See Acacia farnesiana Acacia gum. See Acacia Acacia senegal CAS 9000-01-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-519-5 Synonyms: Gum Arabic Definition: Plant material derived from the dried, gummy exudate of Acacia senegal Uses: Emulsifier in beverages, gelatins, puddings, fillings, snack foods, soft candy; flavoring agent in chewing gum, hard candy, cough drops; formulation aid in confections, frostings, fats and oils, nuts, frozen confections Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §169.179, 169.182, 184.1330; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com Acacia senegal; Acacia syrup. See Acacia Aceite de Algodon. See Cottonseed (Gossypium) oil Aceite de ricino. See Castor (Ricinus communis) oil Acer spicatum; Acer spicatum extract solid. See Mountain maple (Acer spicatum) extract solid Acesulfame K. See Acesulfame potassium Acesulfame potassium CAS 55589-62-3; EINECS/ELINCS 259-715-3 INS950 Synonyms: Acesulfame K; 6-Methyl-1,2,3oxathiazine-4 [3H]-one 2,2 dioxide, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
potassium salt; Potassium acesulfame; Potassium 6-methyl-1,2,3-oxathiazine4(3H)-1,2,2-dioxide; Sunnette Definition: Potassium salt of 6-methyl-1,2,3oxathiazine-4(3H)-one-2,2-dioxide Empirical: C4H4NO4S • K Properties: Wh. cryst. solid, odorless, sweet taste, very sl. bitter aftertaste; very sol. in water, DMF, DMSO; sol. in alcohol, glycerinwater; m.w. 201.24; about 200 times sweeter than sucrose; m.p. 250 C Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of SOx Uses: Nonnutritive sweetener in sugar substitutes, chewing gum, foods, dairy prods., confections, baked goods, yogurt, desserts, alcoholic beverages, and dry bases for beverages, instant coffee/tea, gelatins, puddings Regulatory: NF, EP, BP compliance; FDA 21CFR §172.800; Canada, UK approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AAA Int'l. http://www.aaainternational.com; AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; ADA Int'l. http://www.joinme.net/ada/index.htm; Adept Sol'ns.; Advanced Ingreds. http://www.advancedingredients.com Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Boith China http://www.boith.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Camida Ltd http://www.camida.com CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Dempsey http://www.dempseycorporation.com; Dietary Foods Ltd. http://sweetnlow.dietaryfoods.co.uk; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; KIC Chems. http://www.kicchemicals.com; http://www.kicgroup.com Nutrinova GmbH http://www.nutrinova.com; Parchem Trading http://www.par-chem.com; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechineychemicals.com; Tiger Chem. http://www.tigerchem.com/; Vanco Trading http://vancotrading.com Xinchem http://www.finechemnet.com Trade Names: Sunett® Food A; Sunett® Food B; Sunett® Food C; Sunett® Food D 782
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Acetal CAS 105-57-7; EINECS/ELINCS 203-310-6 UN 1088 (DOT); FEMA 2002 Synonyms: Acetaldehyde diethyl acetal; 1,1Diethoxyacetal; 1,1-Diethoxyethane; Diethyl acetal; Ethylidene diethyl ether Classification: Diether Empirical: C6H14O2 Formula: CH3CH(OC2H5)2 Properties: Colorless volatile liq.; agreeable green woody solvent odor; fruity green flavor; very sol. in ethanol, diethyl ether; sol. in heptane, methylcyclohexane, ethyl acetate, acetone, chloroform, propyl alcohol, butyl alcohol, IPA; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 118.18; dens. 0.831; vapor pressure 10 mm Hg (8 C); m.p. -100 C; b.p. 107-112 C; flash pt. (CC) 36 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 4.57 g/kg, (IP, rat) 900 mg/kg; moderately toxic by ingestion and IP route; skin and eye irritant; narcotic; TSCA listed Precaution: Highly flamm.; dangerous fire hazard exposed to heat or flames; tends to polymerize on standing; can react vigorously with oxidizers; forms heatsensitive explosive peroxides on contact with air; readily decomposed by dil. acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2; heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 3, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep away from ignition sources; lightsensitive, heat-sensitive, moisture-sensitive Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Ashley Polymers http://www.ashleypoly.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Chem-Supply http://www.chemsupply.com.au; Evonik Degussa GmbH http://www.evonik.com/en/chemicals/index. html; Evonik Degussa http://www.degussa.com Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; Givaudan Fragrances http://www.givaudan.com; Lambiotte http://www.lambiotte.com Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Ticona http://www.ticona.com Westlake Plastics http://www.westlakeplastics.com/ Acetal R. See Acetaldehyde phenethyl propyl acetal Acetaldehyde CAS 75-07-0; EINECS/ELINCS 200-836-8 UN 1089 (DOT); FEMA 2003 Synonyms: Acetic aldehyde; Ethanal; Ethyl aldehyde Classification: Aldehyde Empirical: C2H4O Formula: CH3CHO Properties: Colorless fuming liq. or gas; pungent fruity odor; misc. in water, alcohol, ether, oxygenated and aromatic solvs.; m.w. 44.06; dens. 0.788 (16/4 C); m.p. -123.5 C; b.p. 20.8 C; flash pt. (CC) -38 C; ref. index 1.3316 (20 C) Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 100 ppm; STEL 150 ppm; LD50 (oral, rat) 1930 mg/kg, (subcut., rat) 640 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 3540 mg/kg; poison by intratracheal/IV routes; human systemic irritant by inh.; narcotic; lachrymator; irritating to eyes, respiratory system; confirmed carcinogen; human mutagenic data; experimental tumorigen, teratogen; skin and severe eye irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. liq. (DOT); can react violently with acid anhydrides, alcohols, ketones, phenols, NH3, halogens, etc.; reaction with oxygen may lead to detonation; common air contaminant Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes NFPA: Health 3, Flammability 4, Reactivity 2 Storage: Air-sensitive; store below 4 C Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, adjuvant in foods, beverages, ice cream, ices, candy, 783
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §177.2410, 182.60, 27CFR §21.93, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; HAP; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com Astral Extracts http://www.astralextracts.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; BP Chemicals http://www.bp.com; Cargill Flavors & Fruit Systems USA http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/ Celanese http://www.celanesechemicals.com; http://www.chemvip.com; Chem-Supply http://www.chemsupply.com.au; Eastman http://www.eastman.com; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; Givaudan Fragrances http://www.givaudan.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Lonza http://www.lonza.com Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Total Spec. Chems. http://www.totaltsc.com; Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; WackerChemie AG http://www.wacker.com/cms/de/home/index .jsp Acetaldehyde benzyl β-methoxyethyl acetal. See Benzyl methoxyethyl acetal Acetaldehyde diethyl acetal. See Acetal Acetaldehyde, ((3,7-dimethyl-6-octenyl) oxy)-. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
See Citronelloxyacetaldehyde Acetaldehyde, methylethyl-. See 2Methylbutyraldehyde Acetaldehyde phenethyl propyl acetal CAS 7493-57-4; EINECS/ELINCS 231-327-9 FEMA 2004 Synonyms: Acetal R; Acetaldehyde phenyl ethyl propyl acetal; Benzene, (2-(1propoxyethoxy) ethyl)-; Pepital; 1Phenethoxy-1-propoxyethane; [2-(1Propoxyethoxy) ethyl] benzene; Propyl phenethyl acetal Definition: From acetaldehyde with a mixture of propyl and β-phenyl ethyl alcohols Empirical: C13H20O2 Properties: Colorless to pale yel. stable liquid; strong odor of green leaves; m.w. 208.30; dens. 0.951; flash pt. 95 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; low toxicity by ing. and skin contact; primary eye irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating vapors Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, candy, baked goods Use Level: 0.1-5% Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Lothar Streeck http://www.lothar-streeck.de; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Acetaldehyde phenyl ethyl propyl acetal. See Acetaldehyde phenethyl propyl acetal Acetaldehyde, trimer. See Paraldehyde Acetamide, 2,2-dibromo-2-cyano-. See 2,2Dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide 2-Acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose; 2Acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucose. See NAcetylglucosamine Acetanhydride. See Acetic anhydride Acetanisole CAS 100-06-1; EINECS/ELINCS 202-815-9 FEMA 2005 Synonyms: 4-Acetylanisole; p-Acetylanisole; Ethanone, 1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-; 4´Methoxyacetophenone; pMethoxyacetophenone; 4-Methoxyphenyl methyl ketone; p-Methoxyphenyl methyl ketone; Novatone 784
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Classification: aromatic ketone Definition: From anisole and acetic acid in the presence of boron trifluoride Empirical: C9H10O2 Formula: CH3OC6H4COCH3 Properties: Colorless to ylsh.-wh. cryst.; pleasant floral odor; bitter, unpleasant taste; sol. in fixed oils, propylene glycol, most org. solvs.; misc. with glycerin; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 150.18; dens. 1.08 kg/l (41 C); m.p. 38 C; b.p. 265 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1720 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; human systemic effects by inh. (pulse rate and blood pressure changes); primary skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum Features: Sweet buttery caramel, vanilla-like, fruity flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Fisher Scientific UK http://www.fisher.co.uk; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com Lancaster Synthesis UK http://www.lancastersynthesis.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; Rhodia Organics http://www.rhodiappa.com/ppa/home.jsp SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Suny Chem. Int'l. http://www.sunychem.com; Symrise USA http://www.symrise.com Acetate C-7. See Heptyl acetate Acetate C-8. See Octyl acetate Acetate C-9. See n-Nonyl acetate Acetate C-10. See Decyl acetate Acetate C-11. See Undecenyl acetate Acetate C-12. See Lauryl acetate Acetate of lime. See Calcium acetate Acetate PA. See Allyl phenoxyacetate Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Aceteugenol. See Eugenyl acetate Acetic acid CAS 64-19-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-580-7 UN 2789 (DOT); UN 2790 (DOT); FEMA 2006; INS260; E260 Synonyms: Ethanoic acid; Ethyllic acid; Methanecarboxylic acid; Pyroligneus acid; Vinegar acid Classification: Aliphatic organic acid Empirical: C2H4O2 Formula: CH3COOH Properties: Clear colorless liq.; pungent vinegarlike odor; sharply acid taste; misc. with water, alcohol, glycerol, ether; insol. in carbon disulfide; m.w. 60.03; dens. 1.0492 (20/4 C); m.p. 16.63 C; b.p. 118 C (765 mm); visc. 1.22 cps (20 C); vapor pressure 11.4 mm Hg (20 C); flash pt. (OC) 43 C; autoignition temp. 463 C; ref. index 1.3715 (20 C); surf. tens. 27.42 dynes/cm; dielec. const. 61.70 Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 10 ppm; STEL 15 ppm; LD50 (oral, rat) 3310 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 1060 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ingestion, inhalation; corrosive; strong irritant to eyes, skin, and tissue; caustic; can cause burns, lachrymation; human systemic effects by ing.; experimental reproductive effects; mutation data reported; TSCA listed Environmental: VOC; BOD5 0.65; COD 1.09; ThOD 1.07 Precaution: Flamm.; moderate fire and explosion hazard exposed to heat or flame; can react vigorously with oxidizers; explosive or violent reactions possible; incompat. with many chems.; a common air contaminant Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits irritating fumes NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 3, Reactivity 0 Uses: Prod. of food additives; acidulant, pH control agent, preservative, curing agent, pickling agent, solvent, vehicle, color diluent in foods; flavoring agent, flavor enhancer in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum, condiments; boiler water additive(food contact) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.85, 133.123, 133.124, 133.169, 133.173, 133.178, 133.179, 172.814, 178.1010, 184.1005, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; USDA 9CFR §318.7; CERCLA hazardous substance; Europe listed; UK 785
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference approved; USP/NF, BP compliance Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; AMC Chems.; AMRESCO http://www.amrescoinc.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Air Prods. http://www.airproducts.com Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Am. Biorganics; Amyl http://www.amyl.com Apollo http://www.apollochemical.com; Arch Chems. http://www.archchemicals.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; Astral Extracts http://www.astralextracts.com Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; BASF http://www.basf.com; BP Chemicals http://www.bp.com; BP Chems. Ltd http://www.bp.com/chemicals/ Brenntag AG http://www.brenntag.de; Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com; Brown http://www.brownchem.com; Celanese http://www.celanesechemicals.com; http://www.chemvip.com Chemical http://www.thechemco.com; Coyne http://www.coynechemical.com; Daicel Chem. Ind. http://www.daicel.co.jp; DuPont http://www.dupont.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com Eastman http://www.eastman.com; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Equistar http://www.equistarchem.com; Fisher Scientific https://www1.fishersci.com/index.jsp; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; General Chem. http://www.genchemcorp.com; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Jubilant Organosys http://www.jubilantorganosys.com; Keith Harris & Co. Ltd
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.keithharris.com.au; Lonza Ltd http://www.lonza.com Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Millennium http://www.millenniumchem.com; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; PMC Spec. http://www.pmcsg.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com; Prodasynth http://www.prodasynth.com; Quaker City; Rhodia http://www.rhodia.com Romil Ltd http://www.romil.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Seeler Ind. http://www.seeler.com; Showa Denko http://www.sdk.co.jp Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Sterling Chems. http://www.sterlingchemicals.com; Thomas Scientific http://www.thomassci.com; Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com; Veckridge; WackerChemie AG http://www.wacker.com/cms/de/home/index .jsp Xinchem http://www.finechemnet.com; Zeta Pharm. http://www.zetapharm.com Trade Names Containing: 2X White Sour; BFP White Sour; Panatex® K; Purac® Fresh S; Purac® Fresh S39 Ry-Fla-Vor; Ry-So; Sour Dough Base Acetic acid, allyl ester. See Allyl acetate Acetic acid, amino-s-butyl-. See L-Isoleucine Acetic acid ammonium salt. See Ammonium acetate Acetic acid amyl ester. See Amyl acetate Acetic acid, anhydride. See Acetic anhydride Acetic acid, benzoyl-, ethyl ester. See Ethyl benzoylacetate Acetic acid benzyl ester. See Benzyl acetate Acetic acid, butyl ester; Acetic acid n-butyl 786
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference ester. See n-Butyl acetate Acetic acid, cinnamyl ester. See Cinnamyl acetate Acetic acid, citronellyl ester. See Citronellyl acetate Acetic acid, cobalt (2+) salt. See Cobalt diacetate Acetic acid cyclohexyl ester. See Cyclohexyl acetate Acetic acid, cyclohexylethyl ester. See Cyclohexylethyl acetate Acetic acid, dimethyl-. See Isobutyric acid Acetic acid 3,7-dimethyl-octa-2,6-dienyl ester. See Neryl acetate Acetic acid-3,7-dimethyl-6-octen-1-yl ester. See Citronellyl acetate Acetic acid, dodecyl ester. See Lauryl acetate Acetic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides; Acetic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids. See Acetylated mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Acetic acid, ethenyl ester. See Vinyl acetate Acetic acid, ethenyl ester, homopolymer. See Polyvinyl acetate Acetic acid 2-ethylbutyl ester. See 2-Ethylbutyl acetate Acetic acid, (ethylene dinitrilo) tetra-, calcium disodium salt. See Calcium disodium EDTA Acetic acid, (ethylenedinitrilo) tetra-, sodium salt. See Sodium ferric EDTA Acetic acid, (ethylenedinitrilo) tetra-, tetrasodium salt. See Tetrasodium EDTA Acetic acid, (ethylenedinitrilo) tetra-, trisodium salt. See Trisodium EDTA Acetic acid, ethylene ether. See Vinyl acetate Acetic acid, ethyl ester. See Ethyl acetate Acetic acid furfuryl ester. See Furfuryl acetate Acetic acid geraniol ester. See Geranyl acetate Acetic acid, glacial CAS 64-19-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-580-7 UN 2789; UN 2790; FEMA 2006; INS260; E260 Synonyms: Concentrated acetic acid; Ethanoic acid; Ethanolic acid; Glacial acetic acid; Vinegar acid Classification: Aliphatic organic acid Definition: Pure compd. (99.8% min.) as distinguished from the usual aq. sol'ns. Empirical: C2H4O2 Formula: CH3COOH Properties: Clear colorless liq., pungent char. odor, acid taste when dil. with water; misc. with water, alcohol, acetone, glycerol, ether; insol. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
in chloroform; m.w. 60.05; dens. 1.049 (20/4 C); m.p. 16.2 C; b.p. 118 C; flash pt. 40 C; ref. index 1.3720 Toxicology: TLV/TWA 10 ppm; human poison by unspecified routes; mod. toxic by various routes; corrosive; severe eye and skin irritant; can produce lung obstruction; TSCA listed Precaution: DOT: Corrosive material NFPA: Health 3, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Uses: Preservative, pH control agent in foods Regulatory: USP/NF, BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Am. Biorganics; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Celanese http://www.celanesechemicals.com; http://www.chemvip.com Chemical http://www.thechemco.com; Eastman http://www.eastman.com; Equistar http://www.equistarchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/ Galbraith Labs http://www.galbraith.com; Houghton Chem. http://www.houghtonchemical.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Lonza http://www.lonza.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sal Chem. http://www.salchem.com; Seeler Ind. http://www.seeler.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Wacker-Chemie AG http://www.wacker.com/cms/de/home/index .jsp Trade Names: Eastman® Glacial Acetic Acid Food Grade, Kosher Acetic acid heptyl ester. See Heptyl acetate Acetic acid hexyl ester. See Hexyl acetate Acetic acid isobutyl ester. See Isobutyl acetate Acetic acid isopentyl ester. See Isoamyl acetate Acetic acid isopropyl ester. See Isopropyl acetate Acetic acid 2-isopropyl-5-methyl cyclohexyl 787
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference ester. See Menthyl acetate Acetic acid, linalool ester. See Linalyl acetate l-Acetic acid, p-menth-3-yl ester. See l-Menthyl acetate Acetic acid, p-menth-3-yl ester, DL-. See dlMenthyl acetate Acetic acid 4-methoxybenzyl ester. See pAnisyl acetate Acetic acid 2-methylbutyl ester. See 2Methylbutyl acetate Acetic acid methyl ester. See Methyl acetate Acetic acid 1-methylethyl ester. See Isopropyl acetate Acetic acid, 2-methylphenyl ester. See o-Cresyl acetate Acetic acid-4-methylphenyl ester. See p-Cresyl acetate Acetic acid 2-methylpropyl ester. See Isobutyl acetate Acetic acid nonyl ester; Acetic acid n-nonyl ester. See n-Nonyl acetate Acetic acid octyl ester. See Octyl acetate Acetic acid pentyl ester. See Amyl acetate Acetic acid perillyl ester. See Perillyl acetate Acetic acid, phenyl-, butyl ester. See Butyl phenylacetate Acetic acid, phenyl-, 3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl ester, (E)-. See Geranyl phenylacetate Acetic acid, phenyl-, 3,7-dimethyl-6-octenyl ester. See Citronellyl phenylacetate Acetic acid, phenyl-, 3,7-dimethyl-7-octenyl ester. See Rhodinyl phenylacetate Acetic acid, phenyl ester. See Phenyl acetate Acetic acid, 1-phenylethyl ester. See αMethylbenzyl acetate Acetic acid, 2-phenylethyl ester. See 2Phenylethyl acetate Acetic acid, phenyl-, isobutyl ester. See Isobutyl phenylacetate Acetic acid phenylmethyl ester. See Benzyl acetate Acetic acid potassium salt. See Potassium acetate Acetic acid, 2-propenyl ester. See Allyl acetate Acetic acid propyl ester; Acetic acid n-propyl ester. See Propyl acetate Acetic acid, retinyl ester. See Retinyl acetate Acetic acid sodium salt anhydrous. See Sodium acetate anhydrous Acetic acid sodium salt trihydrate. See Sodium acetate trihydrate Acetic acid, o-tolyl ester. See o-Cresyl acetate Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Acetic acid, vinyl ester. See Vinyl acetate Acetic acid, vinyl ester, polymer; Acetic acid vinyl ester polymers. See Polyvinyl acetate Acetic acid, zinc salt. See Zinc acetate Acetic aldehyde. See Acetaldehyde Acetic anhydride CAS 108-24-7; EINECS/ELINCS 203-564-8 UN 1715 (DOT) Synonyms: Acetanhydride; Acetic acid, anhydride; Acetic oxide; Acetyl anhydride; Acetyl ether; Acetyl oxide; Ethanoic anhydrate Classification: Carboxylic acid anhydride Empirical: C4H6O3 Formula: (CH3CO)2O Properties: Colorless liq., strong acetic odor; sol. in chloroform, ether; sol. in ethanol forming ethyl acetate; misc. in benzene, acetic acid; sl. sol. in water; dec. in hot water, hot alcohol; m.w. 102.09; dens. 1.08 (15/4 C); m.p. -73 C; b.p. 138-140 C; flash pt. 49 C; ref. index 1.3904 (20 C) Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/CL 5 ppm; LD50 (oral, rat) 1.78 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) 4000 mg/kg; corrosive; produces irritation and necrosis of tissues in liq. or vapor state; can cause severe lung damage, which could be fatal; mod. toxic by inh., ing., skin contact; skin and severe eye irritant; lachrymator; TSCA listed Precaution: DOT: Corrosive material; flamm.; fire/explosion hazard exposed to heat or flame; explosive and violent reactions possible; can react vigorously with oxidizers; incompat. with aniline, chlorosulfonic acid, ethylenediamine, HF, water, H2SO4, etc. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, ketone, ethane; heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes NFPA: Health 3, Flammability 2, Reactivity 1 Uses: Esterification agent for food starch modified; dehydrating agent, acetylating agent for flavors Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892, esterifier for food starch, in combination with adipic anhydride (0.12% max. adipic anhydride, 5% max. acetic anhydride); BP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMC Chems.; Advanced ChemTech http://www.advancedchemtech.com/; 788
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; BP Chemicals http://www.bp.com; Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties; Brown http://www.brownchem.com Celanese http://www.celanesechemicals.com; http://www.chemvip.com; Chisso http://www.chisso.co.jp/english/; Dow http://www.dow.com; Eastman http://www.eastman.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.js p; Houghton Chem. http://www.houghtonchemical.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Jubilant Organosys http://www.jubilantorganosys.com Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Parchem Trading http://www.par-chem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Thomas Scientific http://www.thomassci.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; WackerChemie AG http://www.wacker.com/cms/de/home/index .jsp Acetic ester; Acetic ether. See Ethyl acetate Acetic oxide. See Acetic anhydride Acetic, 1,2,3-propanetriyl ester; Acetin. See Triacetin Acetisoeugenol CAS 93-29-8; EINECS/ELINCS 202-236-1 FEMA 2470 Synonyms: 4-Acetoxy-3-methoxy-1propenylbenzene; Acetyl isoeugenol; Isoeugenol acetate; Isoeugenyl acetate; 2Methoxy-4-propenylphenyl acetate; 2Methoxy-4-prop-1-enylphenyl acetate Empirical: C12H14O3 Formula: C6H3(CHCHCH3)(OCH3)(OCOCH3) Properties: Wh. cryst.; spicy clove odor; sol. in alcohol, chloroform, ether; insol. in water; m.w. 206.26; flash pt. 153 F Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3450 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ingestion; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; NetQem http://www.netqem.us; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Yasho Ind. http://www.yashoindustries.com Acetoacetic acid, butyl ester. See Butyl acetoacetate Acetoacetic acid ethyl ester. See Ethylacetoacetate Acetoacetic acid isobutyl ester. See Isobutyl acetoacetate Acetoacetic ester. See Ethylacetoacetate Acetocumenel. See p-Isopropylacetophenone Acetodiphosphonic acid. See Etidronic acid Acetoglycerides. See Acetylated mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Acetoin. See Acetyl methyl carbinol β-Acetonaphthalene; Acetonaphthone. See 2´Acetonaphthone 2´-Acetonaphthone CAS 93-08-3; EINECS/ELINCS 202-216-2 FEMA 2723 Synonyms: β-Acetonaphthalene; Acetonaphthone; 2-Acetonaphthone; βAcetonaphthone; 2-Acetylnaphthalene; βAcetylnaphthalene; Methyl naphthyl ketone; Methyl 2-naphthyl ketone; Methyl βnaphthyl ketone; β-Methyl naphthyl ketone; 1-(2-Naphthalenyl) ethanone; 2-Naphthyl methyl ketone; β-Naphthyl methyl ketone; Orange crystals Classification: Aliphatic ketone Empirical: C12H10O Properties: Wh. or nearly wh. cryst. solid, orange blossom odor, strawberry-like flavor; sol. in most common org. solvs., fixed oils; sl. sol. in propylene glycol; insol. in water, glycerin; m.w. 170.21; m.p. 53 C; b.p. 301-303 C; flash pt. 789
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference 168 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 599 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; human skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: DOT: Flamm. liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved as flavoring; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Fisher Scientific UK http://www.fisher.co.uk; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Givaudan Fragrances http://www.givaudan.com L C United http://www.lcunited.com; Lancaster Synthesis UK http://www.lancastersynthesis.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com 2-Acetonaphthone; β-Acetonaphthone. See 2´Acetonaphthone Acetone CAS 67-64-1; EINECS/ELINCS 200-662-2 UN 1090 (DOT); UN 1091 (DOT); FEMA 3326 Synonyms: Acetone oils; Dimethyl formaldehyde; Dimethylketal; Dimethylketone; DMK; Ketone, dimethyl; Ketone propane; β-Ketopropane; Methyl ketone; Propanone; 2-Propanone; Pyroacetic acid; Pyroacetic ether Classification: Aliphatic ketone Empirical: C3H6O Formula: CH3COCH3 Properties: Colorless volatile transparent liq., sweetish odor, pungent sweetish taste; sol. in water, alcohol, chloroform, dimethylformamide, ether, most volatile oils; m.w. 58.09; sp.gr. 0.792 (20/20 C); vapor pressure 400 mm Hg (39.5 C); m.p. -94.3 C; b.p. 56.2 C; flash pt. (CC) -18 C Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 750 ppm; STEL 1000 ppm; LD50 (oral, mouse) 3000 mg/kg; narcotic in high conc.; moderately toxic by ingestion and inhalation; lg. doses may cause narcosis; extreme concs. may cause collapse, coma, death; inh. irritates lungs; ing. may cause throat, esophagus, and stomach irritation; peeling and splitting of Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
nails, skin rashes; eye irritant; common air contaminant; TSCA listed Environmental: BOD5 0.85; COD 1.12-2.07; ThOD 2.21 Precaution: DOT: flamm. liq.; dangerous fire risk; explosive limit in air 2.6-12.8%; reacts violently with oxidizing agents, chlorinated solv./alkali mixts.; reacts vigorously with sulfur dichloride, potassium t-butoxide, hexachloromelamine Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Complete combustion yields CO2, water vapor; incomplete combustion can produce CO NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 3, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area, out of direct sunlight Uses: Color diluent, flavoring agent, processing aid in foods, fruits, spice oleoresins, vegetables; extraction solvent for foods, essential oils Features: Apple-, grape-, pear-, pineapple-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1, 73.30, 73.345, 73.615, 173.210, 175.105, 175.320, 176.180, 176.300, 177.2600, 182.99; 40CFR §180.1001; 30 ppm tolerance in spice oleoresins; FEMA GRAS; SARA §313 reportable; CERCLA hazardous substance; Canada DSL; Japan approved with restrictions; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance; VOC-exempt Manuf./Distrib.: AAE Chemie NV http://www.aaechemie.com; AMC Chems.; AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.advbio.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com Amyl http://www.amyl.com; Arch Chems. http://www.archchemicals.com; Arkema http://www.arkema.fr; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de BASF http://www.basf.com; BP Chemicals http://www.bp.com; BP Chems. Ltd http://www.bp.com/chemicals/; Brenntag AG http://www.brenntag.de; Cargill Flavors & Fruit Systems USA http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/ Chem-Supply http://www.chemsupply.com.au; Chemcentral http://www.chemcentral.com; Chemical http://www.thechemco.com; 790
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Chevron http://www.chevron.com/; Columbus Chem. Ind. http://www.columbuschemical.com Dow http://www.dow.com; Eastman http://www.eastman.com; ExxonMobil http://www.exxonmobilchemical.com; Fisher Scientific https://www1.fishersci.com/index.jsp; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; General Chem. http://www.genchemcorp.com; Georgia Gulf http://www.ggc.com/; HallStar http://www.cphall.com; Haltermann Prods. UK http://www.haltermann.com Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com; Hatco http://www.hatcocorporation.com; Honeywell Perf. Polymers http://www.honeywellppc.com; http://www.honeywell-plastics.com; Houghton Chem. http://www.houghtonchemical.com; Hukill http://www.hukill.com/ INEOS Phenol http://www.ineosphenol.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Kyowa Hakko Kogyo http://www.kyowa.co.jp; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com Mitsubishi Chem. http://www.mkagaku.co.jp/index_en.htm; Nippon Petrochems. http://www.npcc.co.jp/english; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Primachem Quaker City; R.E. Carroll http://www.recarroll.com; Romil Ltd http://www.romil.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Sal Chem. http://www.salchem.com; Schenectady Herdillia Ltd http://www.siigroup.com/herdillia/index.htm l; Seeler Ind. http://www.seeler.com; Shell http://www.shellchemicals.com; http://www.shell-lubricants.com; SigmaAldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Sumitomo Chem. http://www.sumitomochem.co.jp; Sunnyside
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.sunnysidecorp.com/; Sunoco http://www.sunocochem.com Total Spec. Chems. http://www.totaltsc.com; Universal PreservA-Chem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Veckridge; Xinchem http://www.finechemnet.com Acetone oils. See Acetone Acetone peroxides CAS 1336-17-0 INS929 Definition: Derived from a mixture of monomeric and linear dimeric acetone peroxides (mainly 2,2-hydroperoxypropane), with minor proportions of higher polymers, usually mixed with an edible carrier such as cornstarch Properties: Liq. or absorbed on corn starch; trimeric form is cryst.; m.p. 97 C Toxicology: Severe skin and eye irritant Precaution: Flamm. by spontaneous chemical reaction; can react vigorously with reducing materials; trimeric form is shock-sensitive, static electricity-sensitive and may detonate Uses: Bleaching agent, flour treatment agent, dough conditioner, maturing agent in bread, flour, rolls Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §137.105, 172.802 Acetonic acid. See Lactic acid 4-Acetonylanisole; p-Acetonylanisole. See 1-(pMethoxyphenyl)-2-propanone Acetophenone CAS 98-86-2; EINECS/ELINCS 202-708-7 UN 1993; FEMA 2009 Synonyms: Acetylbenzene; Benzoyl methide; Hypnone; Ketone methyl phenyl; Methyl phenyl ketone; 1-Phenylethanone; 1Phenyl-1-ethanone; Phenyl methyl ketone Classification: Aromatic ketone Empirical: C8H8O Formula: C6H5COCH3 Properties: Colorless to lt. yel. liq. or plates; sweet pungent odor and taste; sol. in alcohol, chloroform, ether, fatty oils, glycerol; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 120.15; dens. 1.030 (20/20 C); vapor pressure 1 mm Hg (15 C); m.p. 20.5 C; b.p. 201.7 C; flash pt. 82.2 C; ref. index 1.5339 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 815 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 200 mg/kg; poison by IP, subcut. routes; moderate toxicity by ing.; skin and severe eye irritant; narcotic in high concs.; 791
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference a hypnotic; may cause allergic reaction; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: DOT: Combustible liq.; flamm. exposed to heat, flames, or oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Features: Sweet flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; HAP; Japan approved for flavoring; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMC Chems.; Adrian Amer. http://www.adrianusa.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Alemark http://www.amsyn.com Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Amber Syn. http://www.amsyn.com; BP Chems. Ltd http://www.bp.com/chemicals/; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com Cargill Flavors & Fruit Systems USA http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/; ChemPur http://www.ChemPur.de; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.js p; INEOS Phenol http://www.ineosphenol.com Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Lyondell http://www.lyondell.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com Mitsui Chems. http://www.mitsuichem.co.jp; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com; Polimerieuropa Am. http://www.polimerieuropa.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com R.W. Greeff http://www.pechineychemicals.com; Rhodia http://www.rhodia.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; SigmaAldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Symrise USA http://www.symrise.com; Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; Takasago Int'l. http://www.takasago.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ Whyte Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/ Acetophenone, 2´-hydroxy-. See oHydroxyacetophenone Acetophenone, 4´-isopropyl-. See pIsopropylacetophenone p-Acetotoluene. See 4´-Methyl acetophenone Acetoxybenzene. See Phenyl acetate 1-Acetoxy-caryolane. See Caryophyllene alcohol acetate 4-Acetoxy-2,5-dimethyl-3(2H)furanone. See Furaneol acetate Acetoxyethane. See Ethyl acetate 1-Acetoxyethylene. See Vinyl acetate 4-Acetoxy-2-hexyl-tetrahydrofuran. See 2Hexyl-4-acetoxytetrahydrofuran Acetoxyl. See Benzoyl peroxide 4-(Acetoxyl phenyl)-2-butanone. See 4-(pAcetoxyphenyl)-2-butanone 9-Acetoxy-1-para-menthene. See p-Menth-1-en9-yl acetate 1-Acetoxy-2-methoxy-4-allylbenzene. See Eugenyl acetate 4-Acetoxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde. See Vanillin acetate 3-(4-Acetoxy-3-methoxyphenyl) propene. See Eugenyl acetate 4-Acetoxy-3-methoxy-1-propenylbenzene. See Acetisoeugenol Acetoxymethylbenzene. See Benzyl acetate 2-Acetoxymethyl furan. See Furfuryl acetate 2-Acetoxypentane. See s-Amyl acetate 4-(p-Acetoxyphenyl)-2-butanone CAS 3572-06-3; EINECS/ELINCS 222-682-0 FEMA 3652 Synonyms: 4-(Acetoxyl phenyl)-2-butanone; 4(3-Oxobutyl)phenyl acetate; 4(Oxybutyl)phenyl Acetate; Raspberry ketone acetate Classification: Ketone Empirical: C12H14O3 Properties: Colorless liq.; rich, fruity odor; sp.gr. 1.00-1.11; b.p. 123-124 C @ 0.2 mm Hg; flash pt. 110 C; ref. index 1.505-1.520 Uses: Flavoring agent in food Regulatory: Japan approved as a flavoring agent Manuf./Distrib.: Jiangxi Zhangshu Crown 792
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Capital http://www.crown-capital.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com 1-Acetoxypropane. See Propyl acetate 2-Acetoxypropane. See Isopropyl acetate 3-Acetoxy propene; 3-Acetoxy-1-propene. See Allyl acetate 4-Acetoxytoluene. See p-Cresyl acetate α-Acetoxytoluene. See Benzyl acetate o-Acetoxytoluene. See o-Cresyl acetate p-Acetoxytoluene. See p-Cresyl acetate Acetoyl butyrate. See Butan-3-one-2-yl butyrate N-[2-(5-Acetylamino-4,6-dihydroxy-2hydroxymethyl-tetrahydro-pyran-3-yloxy)-4,5-. See Chitin 4-(Acetylamino)-5-hydroxy-6-[[7-sulfo-4-[(4sulfophenyl) azo]-1-naphthalenyl] azo]-1,7naphthalenedisulfonic acid, tetrasodium salt. See Brilliant black 1 N-Acetyl-L-2-amino-4-(methylthio) butyric acid. See N-Acetyl-L-methionine Acetyl anhydride. See Acetic anhydride 4-Acetylanisole; p-Acetylanisole. See Acetanisole Acetylated distarch adipate CAS 63798-35-6; 68130-14-3 INS1422; E1422 Classification: Food starch modified Definition: Chemically modified and stabilized food starch crosslinked with adipic anhydride and esterified with acetic anhydride Properties: Wh. or nearly wh. powd. or gran.; flakes, amorphous powd., or coarse particles if pregelatinized Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, binder, emulsifier in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR§175.105; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg Trade Names: Bakels Thickener; Cargill Tex 06201; Cargill Tex 06231; Cargill TexInstant™ 12604 Acetylated distarch glycerol CAS 53123-84-5 INS1423 Synonyms: Starch, acetate, ether with 1,2,3propanetriol (2:1) Classification: Food starch modified Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, solvent, carrier/encapsulating agent, moisture control agent, texturizer and firming agent Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR§172.892 Acetylated distarch oxypropanol CAS 977120-10-7 Classification: Food starch modified Uses: Food additive; food starch modified Regulatory: FDA 21CFR§172.892, 175.105 Acetylated distarch phosphate CAS 68130-14-3 INS1414; E1414 Synonyms: Starch, acetate hydrogen phosphate Classification: Food starch modified Definition: Chemically modified food starch crosslinked with sodium trimetaphosphate or phosphorus oxychloride and esterified by acetic anhydride or vinyl acetate Properties: Wh. or nearly wh. powd. or gran.; flakes, amorphous powd., or coarse particles if pregelatinized Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, binder, emulsifier, solvent, carrier, encapsulating agent, moisture control agent, firming agent, texturizer in foods Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §172.892 Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg Trade Names: StabiTex-Instant™ 12625 Acetylated glycerides CAS 977051-34-5 Synonyms: Acetylated monoglycerides; Glycerides, acetates; Monoglycerides, acetylated Properties: Acid no. < 6 Uses: Food additive Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.828, 175.230 Acetylated glycerin monostearate. See Acetylated glyceryl stearate Acetylated glyceryl stearate Synonyms: Acetylated glycerin monostearate Uses: Food lubricant Trade Names: Monestriol DM Acetylated hydrogenated coconut glyceride. See Acetylated hydrogenated coconut oil glyceride Acetylated hydrogenated coconut glycerides Synonyms: Acetylated hydrogenated coconut oil glycerides Uses: Emulsifier, emollient, lubricant, and deaerating agent for foods; antidusting agent for powd. foods 793
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Acetylated hydrogenated coconut oil glyceride Synonyms: Acetylated hydrogenated coconut glyceride; Acetylated hydrogenated coconut oil monoglycerides Properties: Nonionic Uses: Emulsifier, emollient, lubricant, release agent in food processing; plasticizer, softener for chewing gum Trade Names: Myvacet® 9-08K Acetylated hydrogenated coconut oil glycerides. See Acetylated hydrogenated coconut glycerides Acetylated hydrogenated coconut oil monoglycerides. See Acetylated hydrogenated coconut oil glyceride Acetylated hydrogenated cottonseed glyceride CAS 165800-53-3 Synonyms: Glycerides, cottonseed-oil, mono-, hydrogenated, acetates Definition: Acetyl ester of the monoglyceride derived from hydrogenated cottonseed oil Properties: Nonionic Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, aerating agent for dry whipped toppings; protective film for foods; moisture and oxygen barrier; plasticizer and softener in chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.828, 175.230 Acetylated hydrogenated lard glyceride CAS 8029-91-2; 93572-31-7; EINECS/ELINCS 297-461-5 Synonyms: Glycerides, lard mono-, hydrogenated, acetates Definition: Acetyl ester of the monoglyceride derived from hydrog. lard Properties: Nonionic Uses: Food additive; lubricant, solvent, plasticizer, film-former, moisture barrier for foods Features: Good moisture vapor barrier properties Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.828 Acetylated hydrogenated soybean oil glyceride Synonyms: Glycerides, soybean oil, hydrogenated, acetates Properties: Nonionic Uses: Lubricant, emollient, solvent, deaerating agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.828 Trade Names: Myvacet® 9-45K Acetylated hydrogenated soybean oil glycerides Uses: Emulsifier, lubricant, deaerating agent Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
in foods; antidusting agent for powd. foods and mixes; defoamer for bottling operations (jams, jellies, puddings); lubricant, mold release agent for molded foods; plasticizer, softener for chewing gums Acetylated hydrogenated tallow glyceride CAS 68990-58-9; EINECS/ELINCS 273-612-0 Synonyms: Glycerides, tallow mono-, hydrogenated, acetates Definition: Acetyl ester of hydrog. tallow glyceride Uses: Emulsifier for edible coatings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.828, 175.230 Acetylated hydrogenated tallow glycerides CAS 91723-32-9; EINECS/ELINCS 294-538-5 Synonyms: Glycerides, tallow mono-, di- and tri-, hydrogenated, acetates Definition: Acetyl ester of hydrogenated tallow glycerides Uses: Emulsifier, plasticizer in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.828 Acetylated hydrogenated vegetable glyceride Synonyms: Acetylated hydrogenated vegetable oil glyceride; Glycerides, vegetable oil mono-, hydrogenated, acetates Definition: Acetyl ester of hydrogenated vegetable glyceride Properties: Nonionic Uses: Food additive; film-former, emulsifier in hot-melt strippable food coatings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.828, 175.230 Acetylated hydrogenated vegetable oil glyceride. See Acetylated hydrogenated vegetable glyceride Acetylated lard glyceride CAS 8029-92-3; EINECS/ELINCS 273-609-4 Synonyms: Glycerides, lard mono-, acetates Definition: Acetyl ester of lard glyceride Uses: Food additive; food emulsifier; filmformer, emulsifier in hot-melt strippable food coatings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.828, 175.230 Acetylated lecithin CAS 91053-50-8 Properties: Amphoteric Trade Names: Emulbesto 100 A Acetylated mono- and diglycerides. See Acetylated mono- and diglycerides of fatty 794
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference acids Acetylated mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids CAS 68990-55-6 INS472a; E472a Synonyms: Acetic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides; Acetic acid esters of monoand diglycerides of fatty acids; Acetoglycerides; Acetylated mono- and diglycerides; Mono- and diglycerides, acetic acid esters Definition: Partial or complete esters of glycerin with a mixture of acetic acid and edible fatforming fatty acids Properties: Wh. to pale yel. oily to waxy liq., bland taste; sol. in alcohol, acetone; disp. to sol. in edible oils and fats; insol. in water; HLB 2-3; nonionic; HLB 2.0-3.0 Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Coating agent, emulsifier, stabilizer, sequestrant, lubricant, solvent, texturizer in foods, baked goods, fruits, ice cream, meat products, peanut butter, pudding, shortening, whipped toppings; aerating agent; foam stabilizer; lubricant; release agent; chewing gum base Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.828; Europe listed; UK approved Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com; Adept Sol'ns.; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com Trade Names: Dynacet® 211P; Dynacet® 212P; Grindsted™ ACETEM; Lamegin® EE Range; Lamegin® EE 50 Lamegin® EE 70; Lamegin® EE 100 Trade Names Containing: Lamequick® CE 6630 Acetylated monoglycerides. See Acetylated glycerides Acetylated oxidized starch CAS 68187-08-6 INS1451; E1451 Synonyms: Starch acetate, oxidized; Starch, acetylated, oxidized Definition: Starch treated with sodium hypochlorite followed by esterification with acetic anhydride Properties: Wh. or nearly wh. powd. or gran.; flakes, amorphous powd., or coarse particles if pregelatinized; insol. in cold water if not Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
pregelatinized Uses: Stabilizer, thickener in foods Regulatory: EU approved Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg Acetylated palm kernel glycerides CAS 91744-63-7; EINECS/ELINCS 294-627-9 Synonyms: Glycerides, palm kernel oil mono-, di-, and tri-, acetates Definition: Acetyl ester of palm kernel glycerides Uses: Emulsifier in food Acetylated starch. See Starch acetate Acetylated tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids CAS 977093-27-8 INS472e; E472f Synonyms: Mono- and diglycerides, acetyltartaric acid esters Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, sequestrant in foods Regulatory: Europe listed; UK approved Trade Names Containing: Bacom; Liquid Monobac Acetylbenzene. See Acetophenone Acetylbenzoyl. See 1-Phenyl-1,2-propanedione Acetyl butyl citrate. See Acetyl tributyl citrate Acetyl butyryl CAS 3848-24-6; EINECS/ELINCS 223-350-8 UN 1993; FEMA 2558 Synonyms: Acetyl-n-butyryl; 2,3-Hexanedione; Hexane-2,3-dione; Methyl propyl diketone Classification: Nonaromatic ketone Empirical: C6H10O2 Formula: CH3CH2CH2COCOCH3 Properties: Yel. oily liq., powerful creamy sweet buttery odor, butter cheese taste; sol. in alcohol, propylene glycol; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 114.15; dens. 0.934 (20/4 C); b.p. 128 C; flash pt. 83 F; ref. index 1.412 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; primary irritant; irritating to eyes, skin, respiratory system; TSCA listed Precaution: Flammable Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Features: Creamy, butter-like, sweet flavoring Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; BASF http://www.basf.com; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Fluka 795
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/ Lancaster Synthesis UK http://www.lancastersynthesis.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Acetyl-n-butyryl. See Acetyl butyryl Acetyl-L-carnitine chloride; acetylcarnitine Lform hydrochloride. See Acetyl-L-carnitine hydrochloride Acetyl-L-carnitine hydrochloride CAS 5080-50-2 Synonyms: Acetyl-L-carnitine chloride; acetylcarnitine L-form hydrochloride; oAcetyl-L-carnitine hydrochloride; 1Propanaminium, 2-(acetyloxy)-3-carboxyN,N,N-trimethyl-chloride, (R)- (9CI) Classification: Carnitine derivative Empirical: C9H17NO4HCl Formula: HO2CCH2CH(O2CCH3)CH2N(CH3)3Cl Properties: Wh. crystalline powd.; sol. in water and alcohol; insol. in ether; m.w. 239.70; m.p. 187 C Toxicology: Eye, skin, and resp. tract irritant irritant Precaution: Avoid contact with moisture and strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx, NOx, and HCl gas HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 0, Reactivity 1 Uses: Antioxidant in dietary supplements Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com Trade Names: L-Carnipure® ALC o-Acetyl-L-carnitine hydrochloride. See AcetylL-carnitine hydrochloride N-Acetylchitosamine. See N-Acetylglucosamine Acetylcitric acid, tributyl ester. See Acetyl tributyl citrate Acetyl o-cresol. See o-Cresyl acetate Acetyl p-cresol. See p-Cresyl acetate p-Acetyl cumol. See p-Isopropylacetophenone 3-Acetyl-2,5-dimethylfuran CAS 10599-70-9; EINECS/ELINCS 234-216-3 FEMA 3391 Synonyms: 3-Acetyl-2,5-dimethyl furan; 2,5Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Dimethyl-3-acetylfuran; 1-(2,5Dimethylfuran-3-yl) ethanone; Furan, 3acetyl-2,5-dimethylClassification: 5-Membered aromatic heterocyclic; aromatic ketone Empirical: C8H10O2 Properties: Colorless to yel. liq.; strong roasted nut-like odor; sol. in alcohol, propylene glycol, fixed oils; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 138.16; dens. 1.027-1.048; b.p. 100 C (15 mm); flash pt. 82 C; ref. index 1.475-1.496 Toxicology: May be irritating to eyes and skin Environmental: Prevent contamination of soil, ground- and surf.-water Precaution: Combustible liq.; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2; heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, well-ventilated area Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Bedoukian Research http://www.bedoukian.com; Chemos GmbH http://www.chemos-group.com; Organica Trading R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com 3-Acetyl-2,5-dimethyl furan. See 3-Acetyl-2,5dimethylfuran Acetylene black. See Carbon black Acetylene trichloride. See Trichloroethylene Acetyl ether. See Acetic anhydride Acetyl eugenol. See Eugenyl acetate Acetyl formaldehyde. See Pyruvaldehyde Acetylformic acid. See Pyruvic acid Acetylformyl. See Pyruvaldehyde Acetylfuran. See 2-Acetylfuran 2-Acetylfuran CAS 1192-62-7; EINECS/ELINCS 214-757-1 FEMA 3163 Synonyms: Acetylfuran; α-Acetylfuran; Ethanone, 1-(2-furanyl)-; Furan, 2-acetyl-; 1(2-Furanyl) ethanone; 2-Furyl methyl ketone; Ketone, 2-furyl methyl; Methyl 2furyl ketone Classification: aliphatic ketone Empirical: C6H6O2 Properties: Colorless cryst. to yel.-brn. solid; sol. 796
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference in oxygenated solvs.; insol. in water; m.w. 110.11; dens. 1.0890-1.099 (20 C); m.p. 29-32 C; b.p. 67 C (10 mm); flash pt. 71 C; ref. index 1.5070 Toxicology: May be harmful by inh., ing., or skin absorption; may cause eye/skin/mucous membrane/upper respiratory tract irritation; mutagen; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm.; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents, strong bases, strong reducing agents; capable of creating a dust explosion in powd. form Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Toxic fumes of CO, CO2; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Store in a cool, dry place; keep tightly closed; store under nitrogen; keep away from heat, sparks, and open flame Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, baked goods, condiments, meats, soups Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Beyo Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.beyochem.com; Contract Chems. Ltd http://www.contractchemicals.com Epochem http://www.epochem.com/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Narchem http://www.narchem.com; Penn Spec. Chems. http://www.pschem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Wutong Aroma http://www.wu-tong.com α-Acetylfuran. See 2-Acetylfuran N-Acetylglucosamine CAS 7512-17-6; EINECS/ELINCS 231-368-2 Synonyms: 2-Acetamido-2-deoxy-Dglucopyranose; 2-Acetamido-2-deoxy-Dglucose; N-Acetylchitosamine; N-Acetyl-βD-glucosamine; N-Acetyl-D-glucosamine; N-Acetyl-D-glucosaminide; N-(1-Formyl2,3,4,5-tetrahydroxy-pentyl) acetamide; DGlucose, 2-(acetylamino)-2-deoxyClassification: Nonaromatic amide Empirical: C8H15NO6 Properties: Wh. powd. or needles; mod. sol. in Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
waterm.w. 221.21; m.p. 201-204 C Toxicology: LD50 (iv, mouse) 4170 mg/kg; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agent; avoid contact with eyes and skin Storage: Store below 4 C Uses: Natural sweetener in foods Regulatory: Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com Biosynth AG http://www.biosynth.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Charles Bowman http://www.charlesbowman.com; Ferro Pfanstiehl Europe; Fisher Scientific UK http://www.fisher.co.uk Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fortitech http://www.fortitech.com/; Lancaster Synthesis UK http://www.lancastersynthesis.com; Marcor Development http://www.marcordev.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com Shanghai Rokem Int'l. http://www.rokem.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Univar Ltd http://www.univar.co.uk; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com N-Acetyl-β-D-glucosamine; N-Acetyl-Dglucosamine; N-Acetyl-D-glucosaminide. See N-Acetylglucosamine Acetyl guaiacol; o-Acetyl guaiacol. See Guaiacyl acetate 2-Acetyl-1-hexanol. See 3-(Hydroxymethyl)-2heptanone Acetyl hydroperoxide. See Peracetic acid 3-Acetyl-5-hydroxy-3-oxo-4-hexenoic acid [GD]lactone. See Dehydroacetic acid Acetyl isobutyryl. See 4-Methyl-2,3pentanedione Acetyl isoeugenol. See Acetisoeugenol 1,4-Acetyl-isopropyl benzol. See pIsopropylacetophenone Acetyl methionine (INCI); N-Acetylmethionine. See N-Acetyl-L-methionine N-Acetyl-L-methionine CAS 65-82-7; 1115-47-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200617-7; 214-224-3 797
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Synonyms: N-Acetyl-L-2-amino-4-(methylthio) butyric acid; Acetyl methionine (INCI); NAcetylmethionine; Methionamine; LMethionine, N-acetylClassification: Substituted amino acid Definition: Deriv. of the amino acid methionine; free or anhyd. form, or as sodium or potassium salts Empirical: C7H13NO3S Formula: CH3SCH2CH2CH(NHCOCH3)COOH Properties: Colorless or lustrous wh. cryst. or powd., odorless; sol. in water, alcohol, alkali, dil. min. acids; insol. in ether; m.w. 191.24; m.p. 104-107 C Toxicology: LD50 (IV, mouse) 435 mg/kg; poison by IV route; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx Uses: Nutrient, dietary supplement, Lmethionine source in foods Features: Not for infant formulas Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.372 Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Fisher Scientific UK http://www.fisher.co.uk; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Lancaster Synthesis UK http://www.lancastersynthesis.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com Acetyl methyl carbinol CAS 513-86-0; EINECS/ELINCS 208-174-1 UN 2621 (DOT); FEMA 2008 Synonyms: Acetoin; 2,3-Butanolone; 2Butanol-3-one; Dimethylketol; 3-Hydroxy-2butanone; 1-Hydroxyethyl methyl ketone; γHydroxy-β-oxobutane Classification: Aliphatic organic compd. Empirical: C4H8O2 Formula: CH3COCH(OH)CH3 Properties: Colorless to sl. yel. liq. or cryst. solid, buttery odor; sol. in ethanol; sl. sol. in ether; misc. with water, alcohol, propylene glycol; insol. in veg. oil; m.w. 88.12; dens. 1.016; m.p. 15 C; b.p. 147-148 C; flash pt. 106 F; ref. index 1.417 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg; TDLo (oral, rat, 42 days) 12,600 mg/kg; LDLo (subcut., rat) 14 g/kg; mildly toxic by subcut. route; moderate skin irritant; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
experimental reproductive effects; TSCA listed Precaution: DOT: flamm. liq.; wear protective gloves, splash-proof eye goggles; incompat. with strong oxidizers, alkalies Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits COx, acrid smoke and fumes Storage: Keep in original, tightly closed container; keep away from heat, sparks, open flame Uses: Prep. of flavors and essences; aroma carrier, synthetic flavoring agent, adjuvant in foods, nonalcoholic beverages, ice cream, ices, candy, baked goods, gelatins, puddings, shortening, margarine, cottage cheese Features: Buttery creamy flavor Regulatory: FDA §182.60, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; Japan MITI Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Advanced BioTech http://www.advbio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; BASF AG http://www.basf.de; BASF http://www.basf.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Fisher Scientific UK http://www.fisher.co.uk; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk Grau Aromatics http://www.grauaromatics.de/; Hatco http://www.hatcocorporation.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Midori Kagaku http://www.midorikagaku.co.jp/m060713/e_start_fr.htm Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; Ogawa & Co. http://www.ogawa.net; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com 798
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference R S A http://www.rsa-corporation.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; Resource Chem. Ltd http://www.resourcechemical.co.uk; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Soda Aromatic http://www.soda.co.jp Supelco http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Thomas Scientific http://www.thomassci.com; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com; Wutong Aroma http://www.wu-tong.com 1-Acetyl-4-methyl-1,3-pentadiene. See 6-Methyl3,5-heptadien-2-one Acetyl 2-methyl propanoate. See Octyl isobutyrate 3-Acetyl-6-methyl-1,2-pyran-2,4(3H)-dione; 3Acetyl-6-methyl-2,4-pyrandione; 3-Acetyl-6methylpyrandione-2,4; 3-Acetyl-6-methyl-2Hpyran-2,4(3H)-dione. See Dehydroacetic acid β-1,4-N-acetylmuramidase. See Egg white lysozyme 2-Acetylnaphthalene; β-Acetylnaphthalene. See 2´-Acetonaphthone Acetyl nonanoyl; Acetyl nonyryl. See 2,3Undecadione Acetyl oxide. See Acetic anhydride (Acetyloxy) benzene. See Phenyl acetate 4-(Acetyl oxy)-3-methoxybenzaldehyde. See Vanillin acetate 2-(Acetyloxy)-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid, tributyl ester. See Acetyl tributyl citrate Acetyl pelargonyl. See 2,3-Undecadione Acetyl pentanoyl. See 2,3-Heptanedione Acetylphenol. See Phenyl acetate 2-Acetylphenol; o-Acetylphenol. See oHydroxyacetophenone Acetylpropionic acid; 3-Acetylpropionic acid; βAcetylpropionic acid. See Levulinic acid Acetylpropionyl. See Pentane-2,3-dione Acetyl pyrazine. See 2-Acetylpyrazine 2-Acetylpyrazine CAS 22047-25-2; EINECS/ELINCS 244-753-5 UN 1325; FEMA 3126 Synonyms: Acetyl pyrazine; Methyl pyrazinyl ketone; Methyl 2-pyrazinyl ketone; 1Pyrazinylethanone; Pyrazin-1-ylethan-1one; 1-Pyrazin-2-yl-ethanone Classification: pyrazine Empirical: C6H6N2O Properties: Colorless to pale yel. cryst. or liq.; nutty odor; sol. in acids, alcohol, ether, water Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
@ 230 C; m.w. 122.13; dens. 1.100-1.115 (20 C); m.p. 76-80 C; ref. index 1.530-1.540 Toxicology: Irritating to eyes, skin, respiratory system; TSCA listed Environmental: keep run-off water out of sewers, water sources Precaution: Flamm. solid; wear protective gloves, splash-proof eye goggles; incompat. with strong oxidizers, acids, alkalies Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep in original, tightly closed container; keep away from heat, sparks, open flame Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.advbio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com Beyo Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.beyochem.com; Cargill Flavors & Fruit Systems USA http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/; Chunking http://www.chunkingchem.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com Epochem http://www.epochem.com/; Eurolabs Ltd http://www.eurolabs.co.uk; Fisher Scientific UK http://www.fisher.co.uk; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/ Lancaster Synthesis http://www.alfa.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com TCI Am. http://www.tciamerica.com; Wutong Aroma http://www.wu-tong.com 2-Acetylpyridine CAS 1122-62-9; EINECS/ELINCS 214-355-6 FEMA 3251 Synonyms: Ethanone, 1-(2-pyridinyl)-; Methyl 2-pyridyl ketone; Popcorn pyridine; 2799
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference pyridyl methyl ketone Empirical: C7H7NO Properties: Pale yel. to brn. liq.; sol. in oxygenated solvs.; m.w. 121.13; dens. 1.082; f.p. 10.7 C; b.p. 76-79 C; flash pt. 164 F; ref. index 1.524 Toxicology: Irritant; TSCA listed Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Beyo Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.beyochem.com; ChemPur http://www.ChemPur.de; Epochem http://www.epochem.com/ Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; Raschig; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Vertellus Specialties http://www.vertellus.com/; Wutong Aroma http://www.wu-tong.com 3-Acetylpyridine CAS 350-03-8; EINECS/ELINCS 206-496-7 FEMA 3424 Synonyms: Methyl 3-pyridyl ketone; Methyl βpyridyl ketone; 1-(3-Pyridenyl) ethanone; 1Pyridin-3-yl ethanone Classification: 6-Membered aromatic heterocyclic Empirical: C7H7NO Properties: Colorless to yel. liq.; sweet, nutty, popcorn odor; sol. in acids, alcohol, ether, water; m.w. 121.14; dens. 1.102; m.p. 13-14 C; b.p. 220 C; flash pt. 302 F; ref. index 1.5340 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, quail) 422 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 182 mg/kg; highly toxic; irritating to eyes, skin, respiratory system; possible teratogen; target organs: nerves; TSCA listed Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, jams Features: Sweet flavor Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Eurolabs Ltd http://www.eurolabs.co.uk; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Penta Mfg. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com Raschig; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Wutong Aroma http://www.wu-tong.com 2-Acetylpyrrole CAS 1072-83-9; EINECS/ELINCS 214-016-2 FEMA 3202 Synonyms: Methyl 2-pyrrolyl ketone; 1-(1HPyrrol-2-yl) ethanone Classification: 5-Membered aromatic heterocyclic Empirical: C6H7NO Properties: Beige to yel. cryst., bread-like odor; sol. in acids, alcohol, ether, water @ 230 C; m.w. 109.12; m.p. 85-90 C; b.p. 220 C; flash pt. (CC) 116 C Toxicology: Irritating to eyes, skin, respiratory system; mutagen; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, puddings Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL; Australia; Japan ENCS (no. 5-101); Philippines PICCS Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Advanced BioTech http://www.advbio.com; Beyo Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.beyochem.com; Epochem http://www.epochem.com/; Eurolabs Ltd http://www.eurolabs.co.uk Fisher Scientific UK http://www.fisher.co.uk; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Lancaster Synthesis UK http://www.lancastersynthesis.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Takasago Int'l. http://www.takasago.com; Wutong Aroma http://www.wu-tong.com Acetyl red G. See Acid red 1 p-Acetyl toluene. See 4´-Methyl acetophenone Acetyl tributyl citrate CAS 77-90-7; EINECS/ELINCS 201-067-0 FEMA 3080 Synonyms: Acetyl butyl citrate; Acetylcitric acid, tributyl ester; 2-(Acetyloxy)-1,2,3propanetricarboxylic acid, tributyl ester; Acetyl tri-n-butyl citrate; ATBC; Citric acid, 800
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference tributyl ester, acetate; 1,2,3Propanetricarboxylic acid, 2-(acetyloxy)-, tributyl ester; Tributyl acetyl citrate; Tri-nbutyl O-acetylcitrate; Tributyl Oacetylcitrate; Tributyl 2-(acetyloxy)-1,2,3propanetricarboxylate; Tributyl citrate acetate; Tri-n-butyl citrate acetate Classification: Aliphatic ester Definition: Ester of citric acid Empirical: C20H34O8 Formula: CH3COOC3H4(COOC4H9)3 Properties: Colorless sl. visc. liq., sweet herbaceous odor; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 402.49; dens. 1.14; b.p. > 300 C; flash pt. 204 C; ref. index 1.4408 Toxicology: LD50 (IP, mouse) > 4 g/kg; low toxicity by ing., skin contact, and IP routes; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods; plasticizer migrating from food pkg. Features: Sweet flavor Regulatory: USP/NF compliance; FDA 21CFR §172.515, 175.105, 175.300, 175.320, 178.3910, 181.22, 181.27; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Allan http://www.allanchem.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; ChemService http://www.chemservice.com; Chemial SpA http://www.chemial.com Jungbunzlauer http://www.jungbunzlauer.com/w; Kyowa Hakko Kogyo http://www.kyowa.co.jp; Pechiney Chems. Div. http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Pfizer Int'l. http://www.pfizer.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sanken Chem. http://www.taoka-chem.co.jp; Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; Unitex http://www.unitexchemical.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com Vertellus Perf. Materials http://www.vertellus.com Trade Names: Citrofol® BII; Uniplex 84 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Acetyl tri-n-butyl citrate. See Acetyl tributyl citrate Acetyl valeryl. See 2,3-Heptanedione Acetyl vanillin. See Vanillin acetate Achillea millefolium; Achillea millefolium extract. See Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) extract Achillea millefolium oil. See Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) oil Achilleic acid. See Aconitic acid Achiote. See Annatto (Bixa orellana); Annatto (Bixa orellana) extract Acid amaranth. See Amaranth Acid ammonium carbonate. See Ammonium bicarbonate Acid blue 3 CAS 3536-49-0; EINECS/ELINCS 222-573-8 INS131; E131 Synonyms: Acid blue 3, calcium salt (2:1); CI 42051; N-[4-[[4-(Diethylamino) phenyl] (5hydroxy-2,4-disulfophenyl) methylene]-2,5cyclohexadien-1-ylidene]-Nethylethanaminium, hydroxide, inner salt, calcium salt (2:1); Ethanaminium, N-[4-[[4(diethylamino) phenyl] (5-hydroxy-2,4disulfophenyl) methylene]-2,5cyclohexadien-1-ylidene]-N-ethyl-, hydroxide, inner salt, calcium salt (2:1); Food blue 5; mHydroxytetraethyldiaminotriphenylcarbinol anhydride disulfonic acid calcium salt; Patent blue; Patent blue V; Patent blue violet Classification: Triphenylmethane color Empirical: C54H62CaN4O14S4 Properties: M.w. 1159.52 Toxicology: LD50 (IV, rat) 5 g/kg, (IV, mouse) 1200 mg/kg; mod. toxic by IV route; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic vapors of NOx and SOx Uses: Colorant in foods Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; Dudley http://www.dudley-chem.com/dudley.html; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com; Roha http://www.rohadyechem.com/
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium Acid blue 9 CAS 3844-45-9; EINECS/ELINCS 223-339-8 INS133; E133 Synonyms: Acid blue 9 disodium salt; Brilliant blue FCF; CI 42090; D&C Blue No. 4; NEthyl-N-[4-[[4-[ethyl[(3-sulfophenyl) methyl] amino] phenyl] (2-sulfophenyl) methylene]2,5-cyclohexadien-1-ylidene]-3sulfobenzenemethanaminium hydroxide inner salt, disodium salt; FD&C Blue No. 1 (INCI); Food blue 2; Patent blue AC Classification: Triphenylmethane color Empirical: C37H34N2O9S3 • 2Na Properties: Greenish-blue powd., gran.; sol. (oz/gal): 52 oz propylene glycol, 36 oz glycerin, 25 oz dist. water, 2 oz 95% ethanol; sol. in ether, conc. sulfuric acid; pract. insol. in veg. oils; m.w. 792.86; m.p. 283 C (dec.) Toxicology: LD50 (subcut., mouse) 4600 mg/kg; may cause allergic reactions; possible carcinogen; produces malignant tumors at site of injection and by ing. in rats; experimental neoplastigen; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits very toxic fumes of NOx, Na2O, and SOx Uses: Colorant in foods, beverages, candy, confections, baked goods, ice cream, dessert powds. Regulatory: Europe listed; UK approved; banned in France, Finland; FD&C Blue No. 1: FDA 21CFR §74.101, 74.1101, 74.2101, 82.101; FDA approved for buccals, orals, topicals; permanently listed Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Anar Int'l. http://www.anarchem.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sensient Tech. Colors http://www.triconcolors.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; TKB Trading http://www.wholesalecolors.com See also FD&C Blue No. 1 Acid blue 74 CAS 860-22-0; EINECS/ELINCS 212-728-8 INS132; E132 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Synonyms: Blue X; Ceruleinum; CI 73015; 2(1,3-Dihydro-3-oxo-5-sulfo-2H-indol-2ylidene)-2,3-dihydro-3-oxo-1H-indole-5sulfonic acid disodium salt; Disodium indigo-5,5-disulfonate; FD&C Blue No. 2; Food blue 1; Indigo carmine; Indigo carmine disodium salt; 5,5´-Indigotin disulfonic acid; Indigotine; Indigotine disodium salt; Sodium 5,5´indigotidisulfonate; Soluble indigo Classification: Indigoid color Definition: Disodium salt of 5,5´-indigotin disulfonic acid Empirical: C16H8N2O8S2 • 2Na Properties: Blue-brn. to red-brn. powd.; sol. in water, conc. sulfuric acid; sl. sol. in alcohol; m.w. 466.36 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2 g/kg, (IV, rat) 93 mg/kg; poison by IV route; mod. toxic by ing., subcut. routes; may cause brain tumors, asthma, rashes, hyperactivity; IV use may produce severe headache, acute pulmonary edema with cardiac arrest, hypertension; questionable carcinogen; experimental neoplastigen; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: Sensitive to oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits very toxic fumes of SOx, NOx, Na2O Storage: Light-sensitive Uses: Colorant in foods, candy, confections, beverages, dessert powds., pet foods; reagent for testing milk Regulatory: Europe listed; banned in Norway; FD&C Blue No. 2: FDA 21CFR §74.102, 74.1102, 81.1; FDA approved for orals, buccals; not permitted in food (EU) Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sensient Tech. Colors http://www.triconcolors.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com See also FD&C Blue No. 2 Acid blue 9 aluminum lake. See FD&C Blue No. 1 Aluminum Lake Acid blue 3, calcium salt (2:1). See Acid blue 3 Acid blue 9 disodium salt. See FD&C Blue No. 802
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference 1; Acid blue 9 Acid bright red; Acid brilliant red. See Acid red 1 Acid calcium phosphate. See Calcium phosphate monobasic monohydrate; Calcium phosphate monobasic anhydrous Acid calcium pyrophosphate, Monocalcium dihydrogen pyrophosphate. See Calcium dihydrogen diphosphate Acid magnesium citrate. See Magnesium citrate dibasic Acid magnesium phosphate. See Magnesium phosphate monobasic Acid orange 137. See Orange B Acid potassium carbonate. See Potassium bicarbonate Acid potassium sulfate. See Potassium bisulfate Acid potassium tartrate. See Potassium acid tartrate Acid quinine hydrochloride. See Quinine dihydrochloride Acid red 1 CAS 3734-67-6; EINECS/ELINCS 223-098-9 INS128; E128 Synonyms: Acetyl red G; Acid bright red; Acid brilliant red; Acid red 1, disodium salt; Acid red 2G; Amido naphthol red G; Azophloxin; Azophloxine; CI 18050; Ext. D&C Red No. 11; Food red 10; 2,7Naphthalenenedisulfonic acid, 5(acetylamino)-4-hydroxy-3-(phenylazo)-, disodium salt; Phloxine G; Red 2G Classification: Azobenzene Empirical: C18H15N3Na2O8S2 Properties: M.w. 511.46 Toxicology: Mutagenic data; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic vapors of NOx and SOx Uses: Colorant in foods; colorant in breakfast sausages, burger meat (EU) Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Anar Int'l. http://www.anarchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium Acid red 18 CAS 2611-82-7; EINECS/ELINCS 220-036-2 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
INS124; E124 Synonyms: CI 16255; Coccine; Coccin red; Cochineal; Cochineal Red A; Food red 7; 7Hydroxy-8-[(4-sulfo-1-naphthalenyl) azo]1,3-naphthalenedisulfonic acid, trisodium salt; 1,3-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 7hydroxy-8-[(4-sulfo-1-naphthalenyl) azo]-, trisodium salt; 1,3-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 7-hydroxy-8-((4-sulfo-1-naphthyl) azo), trisodium salt; New coccine; Ponceau 4R; 1-(4-Sulfo-1-naphthylazo)-2-naphthol-6,8disulfonic acid, trisodium salt; SX purple; Trisodium 1-(1-naphthylazo)-2hydroxynaphthalene-4´,6,8-trisulfonate Classification: Monoazo color; azobenzene Empirical: C20H14N2Na3O10S3 Properties: M.w. 607.51 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 8 g/kg, (IP, rat) 600 mg/kg, (IV, rat) 1 g/kg; may cause somnolence, convulsions, coma, changes in tubules, acute renal failure, blood changes, enzyme inhibition; tumorigen; mutagen; TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid strong oxidants Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Irritating and toxic fumes and gases Storage: Store in cool, dry place; keep container closed when not in use Uses: Colorant in foods Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Anar Int'l. http://www.anarchem.com; Dudley http://www.dudley-chem.com/dudley.html Dynemic Prods. http://www.foodcolor.net/; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Acid red 27 (INCI). See Amaranth Acid red 51. See FD&C Red No. 3 Acid red 1, disodium salt; Acid red 2G. See Acid red 1 Acid red 27, trisodium salt. See Amaranth Acid sodium phosphate. See Sodium phosphate Acid sodium pyrophosphate. See Sodium acid pyrophosphate Acid sodium sulfate. See Sodium bisulfate Acid sodium sulfite. See Sodium bisulfite Acids, soy. See Soy acid 803
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Acids, tallow. See Tallow acid Acids, tallow, hydrogenated. See Hydrogenated tallow acid Acid trisodium pyrophosphate. See Trisodium diphosphate Acid yellow 3 CAS 8004-92-0; EINECS/ELINCS 305-897-5 INS104; E104 Synonyms: CI 47005; D&C Yellow No. 10; Dye quinoline yellow; FD&C Yellow No. 10; Food yellow 3; Food yellow 13; 1H-Indene1,3(2H)-dione, 2-(2-quinolinyl)-, sulfonated, sodium salts; Quinoline yellow; 2-(2Quinolyl)-1,3-indandione disulfonic acid disodium salt Classification: Quinoline color Definition: Mixt. of the disodium salts of the mono- and disulfonic acids of 2-(2-quinolyl)1H-indene-1,3(2H)-dione Empirical: C18H9NNa2O8S2 Properties: Bright greenish yel.; sol. in water; sl. sol. in ethanol; pract. insol. in veg. oils; m.w. 477.37 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2 g/kg; low toxicity by ing.; irritant; potential allergen; mutagen; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic vapors of NOx and SOx Uses: Colorant in foods Regulatory: D&C Yellow No. 10: FDA 21CFR §74.2710, 74.3710, 82.1710; FDA approved for dentals, implants, orals, rectals, sublinguals, topicals Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Dynemic Prods. http://www.foodcolor.net/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; TKB Trading http://www.wholesalecolors.com Acid yellow 17 CAS 6359-98-4; EINECS/ELINCS 228-819-0 INS107 Synonyms: CI 18965; 2,5-Dichloro-4-(4,5dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-4-((4-sulfophenyl) azo)-1H-pyrazol-1-yl) benzenesulfonic acid, disodium salt; Lissamine fast yellow; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Yellow 2G Classification: Azobenzene Empirical: C16H10Cl2N4Na2O7S2 Properties: Solid; m.w. 551.30 Toxicology: May cause eye/skin/respiratory/digestive tract irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Irritating and toxic fumes and gases Storage: Store in a tightly closed container in cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from incompat. substances; keep container closed when not in use Uses: Colorant in foods Regulatory: Not permitted for food (EU); Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Anar Int'l. http://www.anarchem.com Dynemic Prods. http://www.foodcolor.net/; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium Acid yellow 23 (INCI). See FD&C Yellow No. 5; Tartrazine Acid yellow 23 aluminum lake (INCI). See FD&C Yellow No. 5 aluminum lake Acid yellow 23 trisodium salt. See FD&C Yellow No. 5; Tartrazine Acimetion. See DL-Methionine Aconitic acid CAS 499-12-7; EINECS/ELINCS 207-877-0 FEMA 2010 Synonyms: Achilleic acid; Citridic acid; Equisetic acid; 1-Propene-1,2,3tricarboxylic acid; 1,2,3Propenetricarboxylic acid Definition: Occurs in leaves and tubers of Aconitum napellus and other Ranunculaceae Empirical: C6H6O6 Formula: C3H3(COOH)3 Properties: Wh. or ylsh. cryst. solid; sol. in water, alcohol; sl. sol. in ether; m.w. 174.11; m.p. > 195 C; dec. 198-199 C Toxicology: LD50 (IV, mouse) 180 mg/kg; poison by IV route; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Natural flavoring agent, adjuvant in 804
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum, alcoholic beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1007, 582.60, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Biosynth Int'l. http://www.biosynth.com; CTC Orgs.; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Acorus calamus. See Calamus oil; Calamus Acorus calamus oil. See Calamus oil Acraldehyde. See Acrolein Acrolein CAS 107-02-8; EINECS/ELINCS 203-453-4 UN 1092 (DOT); UN 2607 Synonyms: Acraldehyde; Acrylaldehyde; Acrylic aldehyde; Allyl aldehyde; Ethylene aldehyde; Prop-2-enal; 2-Propenal; Propylene aldehyde Classification: Acrylic aldehyde Empirical: C3H4O Formula: CH2:CHCHO Properties: Colorless to yel. liq.; pungent, burnt sweet odor; sol. in water, ethanol, diethyl ether, petrol. ether, acetone, oil; m.w. 56.06; dens. 0.8389 (20 C); m.p. -88 C; b.p. 52.5 C (760 mm); flash pt. (OC) -18 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 46 mg/kg; ACGIH TLV/TWA 0.1 ppm; human poison by inh. and intradermal route; poison experimentally by most routes; vapors cause lacrimation; primary irritant; irritates skin and mucosa; TSCA listed Environmental: Biodeg.; VOC; BOD5 0; ThOD 2.00; environmental pollutant Precaution: Extremely flamm.; unstable; polymerizes in light or presence of alkali or strong acid; can react vigorously with oxidizing materials Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits highly toxic fumes, CO, CO2 NFPA: Health 4, Flammability 3, Reactivity 3 Uses: Etherification agent for food starch modified Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892, 176.300; SARA reportable; HAP; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Atofina UK http://www1.arkemagroup.com/uk/gb/f_elf_ Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
2.cfm Baker Petrolite http://www.bakerhughes.com/bakerpetrolite ; Daicel Chem. Ind. http://www.daicel.co.jp; Dow http://www.dow.com; Fisher Scientific UK http://www.fisher.co.uk; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com LKT Labs http://www.lktlabs.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Acrylaldehyde. See Acrolein Acrylamide/acrylic acid copolymer. See Acrylic acid/acrylamide copolymer; Acrylates/acrylamide copolymer Acrylamide/acrylic acid resin; Acrylamide/acrylic resin. See Acrylic acid/acrylamide copolymer Acrylamide homopolymer; Acrylamide, polymers. See Polyacrylamide Acrylamide/sodium acrylate copolymer CAS 25085-02-3 Synonyms: Acrylamide/sodium acrylate resin; Poly (acrylamide-sodium acrylate); 2Propenamide, polymer with 2-propenoic acid, sodium salt; 2-Propenoic acid, sodium salt, polymer with 2-propenamide Definition: Polymer of acrylamide and sodium acrylate monomers Formula: (C3H5NO • C3H4O2 • Na)x Properties: Wh., cryst., free-flowing powd; little to no odor; compeltely sol. in water; sp. gr. 0.81.0 Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid contact with strong oxidants HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Direct food additive; flocculant in clarification of beet sugar juice; scale control agent in beet or cane sugar juice and liquor; boiler water additive (food contact) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.710, 173.5, 173.310, 175.105, 177.1010; Canada DSL Acrylamide/sodium acrylate resin. See Acrylamide/sodium acrylate copolymer Acrylates/acrylamide copolymer Synonyms: AA/AM; Acrylamide/acrylic acid copolymer; Acrylic acid/acrylamide copolymer; Propenamide, polymer with propenoic acid, butenoic acid, and/or alkyl propenoates 805
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Definition: Polymer of acrylamide and one or more monomers of acrylic acid, methacrylic acid or one of their simple esters Properties: Nonionic Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Flocculant in clarification of beet sugar juice/liquor, cane sugar juice/liquor, corn starch hydrolysate; scale control agent in beet or cane sugar juice and liquor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.5, 175.105, 176.110 Trade Names: Amerfloc® 275 Acrylic acid/acrylamide copolymer CAS 9003-06-9 Synonyms: Acrylamide/acrylate copolymer; Acrylamide/acrylate polymer; Acrylamide/acrylic acid copolymer; Acrylamide/acrylic acid resin; Acrylamide/acrylic resin; Acrylic acid/acrylamide polymer; Acrylic acid, polymer with acrylamide; Hydrolyzed polyacrylamide; Poly (acrylamide-co-acrylic acid); Polyacrylamide, hydrolyzed; Poly (acrylic acid-acrylamide); 2-Propenamide, polymer with 2-propenoic acid; 2Propenamide-2-propenoic acid polymer; 2Propenoic acid, polymer with 2propenamide Classification: Acrylic Empirical: (C3H5NO • C3H4O2)x Formula: [CH2CH(CONH2)]x[CH2CH(CO2H)]y Properties: Solid; sol. in water and some protonic solvs.; m.w. (143.14)x; sp.gr. 0.750 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2500 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 10,000 mg/kg; LC50 (inh., rat, 4 h) 720 mg/l; irritating to eyes, skin, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract; severe eye irritant; may be harmful by inh., ing., or skin absorp.; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents, copper, copper alloys, aluminum; insolubilized by chromic salts; capable of creating dust explosion in powd. form Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, NOx, ammonia; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Store in cool, dry place; keep tightly closed Uses: Direct food additive; flocculant in clarification of beet sugar or cane sugar Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
juice and liquor or corn starch hydrolysate; scale control agent in beet or cane sugar juice and liquor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §57.3, 173.5, 175.105, 176.110, 176.180; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com See also Acrylates/acrylamide copolymer Acrylic acid/acrylamide polymer. See Acrylic acid/acrylamide copolymer Acrylic acid, ethyl ester. See Ethyl acrylate Acrylic acid homopolymer; Acrylic acid polymer. See Polyacrylic acid Acrylic acid, polymer with acrylamide. See Acrylic acid/acrylamide copolymer Acrylic acid, polymers; Acrylic acid resin. See Polyacrylic acid Acrylic aldehyde. See Acrolein Acrylic polymer; Acrylic polymer resins; Acrylic resin. See Polyacrylic acid Acrylonitrile/butadiene copolymer; Acrylonitrile/butadiene rubber; Acrylonitrile rubber. See Butadiene/acrylonitrile copolymer Activated alumina; Activated aluminum oxide. See Alumina Activated attapulgite. See Attapulgite Activated carbon. See Carbon, activated Active amyl alcohol. See 2-Methyl-1-butanol Active carbon. See Carbon, activated Active primary amyl alcohol. See 2-Methyl-1butanol Active valeric acid. See 2-Methylbutyric acid Acyl lactylates Properties: Anionic Uses: W/o emulsifiers, ingredients in food prods. ADA; ADC. See Azodicarbonamide Adeps bovis. See Tallow Adeps lanae. See Lanolin Adeps suillus. See Lard Adermine hydrochloride. See Pyridoxine HCl Adiantum capillus veneris; Adiantum capillus veneris extract; Adiantum pedatum extract. See Maidenhair fern (Adiantum capillusveneris) extract Adipic acid CAS 124-04-9; EINECS/ELINCS 204-673-3 UN NA 9077 (DOT); FEMA 2011; INS355 Synonyms: AA; 1,4-Butanedicarboxylic acid; Butane-1,4-dicarboxylic acid; Dicarboxylic 806
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference acid C6; Hexanedioic acid; 1,6-Hexanedioic acid Classification: Organic dicarboxylic acid Empirical: C6H10O4 Formula: HOOC(CH2)4COOH Properties: Wh. monoclinic prisms, pract. odorless; very sol. in alcohol; sol. in acetone, oxygenated solvs.; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 146.16; dens. 1.360 (25/4 C); vapor pressure 1 mm Hg (159.5 C); m.p. 152 C; b.p. 337.5 C; flash pt. (CC) 385 F Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 1900 mg/kg; ACGIH TLV/TWA 5 mg/m3; poison by IP route; mod. toxic by other routes; severe eye irritant; may cause occupational asthma; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible; can react with oxidizing material Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Flavoring agent, leavening agent, neutralizer, acidulant, pH control agent in foods, baked goods, baking powds., beverages, condiments, dairy prods., frozen desserts, edible oils, fats, gelatin, gravies, margarine, meat prods., oils, snacks; puddings; starch crosslinking agent Regulatory: NF, BP, EP compliance; FDA 21CFR §131.111, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 177.1200, 177.1390, 177.1500, 177.1630, 177.1680, 177.2420, 177.2600, 184.1009, 582.1009, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL; USDA 9CFR §318.7; Japan approved; Europe listed (ADI 0-5 mg/kg, free acid basis); UK approved Manuf./Distrib.: ADA Int'l. http://www.joinme.net/ada/index.htm; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Asahi Chem. Ind. http://www.asahi-kasei.co.jp Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com; BASF AG http://www.basf.de; BCH Brühl http://www.bch-bruehl.de; Bayer http://www.bayerus.com Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties; Brown http://www.brownchem.com; Chemical http://www.thechemco.com; Coyne http://www.coynechemical.com DuPont http://www.dupont.com; Evonik Degussa GmbH Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.evonik.com/en/chemicals/index. html; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; GMI Prods. http://www.gmioriginates.com/; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/ HallStar http://www.cphall.com; Honeywell Perf. Polymers http://www.honeywellppc.com; http://www.honeywell-plastics.com; Houghton Chem. http://www.houghtonchemical.com; ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com; Inolex http://www.inolex.com Integra http://www.integrachem.com; KIC Chems. http://www.kicchemicals.com; http://www.kicgroup.com; Kanto Denka Kogyo http://www.kantodenka.co.jp; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Miljac http://www.miljac.com Monsanto http://www.monsanto.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Rhodia http://www.rhodia.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Solutia http://www.solutia.com; http://www.coatings-solutia.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Sumitomo Chem. http://www.sumitomochem.co.jp; Total Spec. Chems. http://www.totaltsc.com; U.S. Chems. http://www.uschemicals.com United Min. & Chem. http://www.umccorp.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Whyte Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/ Trade Names: Adi-pure® Adipic acid diammonium salt. See Ammonium adipate Adipic acid, diethyl ester. See Diethyl adipate Adipic acid sodium salt. See Sodium adipate Adipic anhydride CAS 2035-75-8 Uses: Prep. of modified food starch Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; Canada DSL Adipic ketone. See Cyclopentanone 807
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference ADPA. See Etidronic acid Adronol acetate. See Cyclohexyl acetate AF red no. 1. See Ponceau 3R Agar CAS 9002-18-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-658-1 FEMA 2012; INS406; E406 Synonyms: Agar-agar; Agar agar flake; Agar agar gum; Bengal gelatin; Bengal isinglass; Ceylon isinglass; Chinese isinglass; Gelose; Japan agar; Japan isinglass Definition: A colloidal polygalactoside derived from Gelidium spp. or red algae, Rhodoyceae; polysaccharide mixture of agarose and agaropectin Properties: Wh. to pale yel. flake, powd., or gran., either odorless or sl. char. odor; sol. in boiling water; insol. in cold water, org. solvs. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 11 g/kg; mildly toxic by ing.; occasional allergen; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Stabilizer, emulsifier, thickener, drying agent, surface finishing agent, formulation aid, humectant, protective colloid in foods; antistaling agent in baking, confections, meats, poultry; stabilizer, gellant, thickener in processed foods, desserts, beverages; flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, baked goods, icings, meringue Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §150.141, 150.161, 184.1115, GRAS; USDA 9CFR §318.7; FEMA GRAS; Europe listed; UK approved; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AAA Int'l. http://www.aaainternational.com; AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; AEP Colloids http://www.aepcolloids.com; AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Adept Sol'ns. Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Alfred L. Wolff Inc http://www.alwolff.com; Am. Biorganics Anilax http://www.anilax.com/; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Cesalpinia Food http://www.cesalpiniafood.com Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Colloides Naturels; Colony Ind.; F. Gutkind & Co. Ltd http://www.fgutkind.com/ Fabrichem http://www.fabricheminc.com/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; GivaudanQuest Int'l. http://www.givaudan.com/givcom/ Gumix Int'l.; Healan Ingreds. Ltd http://www.healan.com/; Hercules Ltd; Hispanagar http://www.hispanagar.com; Honeywill & Stein http://www.honeywill.co.uk Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Lucid Colloids http://www.lucidgroup.com/; MLG Enterprises; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Marcor Development http://www.marcordev.com P.L. Thomas http://www.plthomas.com; Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Research Organics http://www.resorg.com/; Roche Diagnostics http://www.roche-appliedscience.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sarcom http://www.sarcominc.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Spice King TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com; Thew Arnott & Co. Ltd http://www.thewarnott.co.uk; Thomas Scientific http://www.thomassci.com; USB Spec. Biochems. http://www.usbweb.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com V.L. Clark http://www.vlclark.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Westco http://www.westcochemicals.com; ZenPharm Int'l. http://www.zenpharm.com/ Trade Names: Agar Agar NF MK-80-B Powdered; Agar Agar NF S-100 Powdered; Agar Agar NF S-150-B Powdered; Agar Agar S-100; MingQiong Brand Powdered Agar Agar Bacteriological Grade; Powdered Agar Agar Type K-60; Powdered Agar Agar Type K-80; Powdered Agar Agar 808
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Type K-100; Powdered Agar Agar Type K150 TIC Pretested® Agar Agar 100 FCC/NF Powder; TIC Pretested® Agar Agar 110 FCC/NF Powd.; TIC Pretested® Agar Agar 150 FCC/NF Powd.; TIC Pretested® Agar RS-100 Powder; TIC Pretested® Agaroid RS-500 Powder Trade Names Containing: Cameo® Showcase; Cameo Velvet®; Cameo Velvet WT; Glacier II; Paniset® Panistay®; Permitex Agar-agar; Agar agar flake; Agar agar gum. See Agar Agate. See Novaculite; Quartz Agricultural lime. See Calcium hydroxide Agricultural limestone. See Calcium carbonate ALA. See Thioctic acid Alabaster. See Calcium sulfate dihydrate Alanine (INCI). See L-Alanine α-Alanine. See DL-Alanine; L-Alanine DL-Alanine CAS 302-72-7; EINECS/ELINCS 206-126-4 Synonyms: α-Alanine; dl-2-Aminopropanoic acid; dl-α-Aminopropanoic acid; 2Aminopropionic acid; α-Aminopropionic acid Classification: Nonaromatic amino acid Definition: Racemic mixt. of D- and L-alanine Empirical: C3H7NO2 Properties: Wh. cryst. powd., odorless, sweet taste; sol. in water; sl. sol. in alcohol; m.w. 89.09; dens. 1.40 kg/l; m.p. 295 C (dec.); sublimes @ 200 C Toxicology: TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Dietary supplement, nutrient; sweetener for prepared foods; flavor enhancer for sweeteners in pickling mixts. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.540; Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Ajinomoto http://www.ajinomoto.co.jp; http://www.ajinomoto.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com Donboo Amino Acid http://www.donboo.com; Evonik Degussa Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.degussa.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; Interchem http://www.interchem.com Kyowa Hakko Kogyo http://www.kyowa.co.jp; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com L-Alanine CAS 56-41-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-273-8 FEMA 3818 Synonyms: Alanine (INCI); α-Alanine; L-αAlanine; 1,2-Aminopropanoic acid; 2Aminopropionic acid; L-2-Aminopropionic acid; L-α-Aminopropionic acid Classification: Amino acid Empirical: C3H7NO2 Formula: CH3CHNH2COOH Properties: Wh. cryst. powd., odorless, sweet taste; sol. in water; sl. sol. in alcohol; insol. in ether; m.w. 89.09; dens. 1.401; m.p. 297 C (dec.) Toxicology: Mutagen; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ R.T. Uses: Nutrient, dietary supplement in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.320, limitation 6.1% by wt.; Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ADA Int'l. http://www.joinme.net/ada/index.htm; AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Ajinomoto USA http://www.ajinomotousa.com; http://www.ajichem.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Boith China http://www.boith.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Evonik Degussa http://www.degussa.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Integra 809
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.integrachem.com; Kyowa Hakko Kogyo http://www.kyowa.co.jp Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Penn BioOrganics http://www.pennbio.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Premium Ingreds. http://www.premiumingredients.com; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Rochem Int'l. http://www.rochemintl.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com L-α-Alanine. See L-Alanine β-Alanine, N-(2,4-dihydroxy-3,3-dimethyl-1oxobutyl)-, monosodium salt (R)-. See Sodium pantothenate Alanine, phenyl-; Alanine, 3-phenyl-. See LPhenylalanine Alanine, phenyl-, D-. See D-Phenylalanine l-Alanine, phenyl-. See L-Phenylalanine Albacol. See Propyl alcohol Albumen CAS 9006-50-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-936-2 Synonyms: Albumin; Dried egg white; Egg albumin Definition: Dried whites of chicken eggs Properties: Yel. amorphous lumps, scales, or powd.; swells in water, then dissolves gradually; decomp. in moist air; dens. 1.035; m.p. -0.42 C; coagulating temp. 61 C; ref. index 1.356; pH 7.6 Toxicology: May cause allergic reactions in people allergic to milk or eggs; TSCA listed Uses: Protective colloid and emulsifier in food preps., confectionery, baking; clarifying agent, refining agent for wines and vinegar Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §160.145 Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Alfred L. Wolff GmbH http://www.alwolff.de; Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com; Am. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Tartaric Prods. http://www.americantartaric.com Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; British Bakels http://www.bakels.com; Farbest Brands http://www.farbest.com/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com Igreca http://www.igreca.com/; Mitsubishi Chem. http://www.mkagaku.co.jp/index_en.htm; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Spice King Trade Names: EE 90 FX; Egg White Solids Type P-18G; Egg White Solids Type P-19; Egg White Solids Type P-20; Egg White Solids Type P-21 Egg White Solids Type P-39; Egg White Solids Type P-110; Hentex Type P-100; Hentex Type P-1100; Sol-U-Tein EA Trade Names Containing: Egg White Solids Type P-18; Egg White Solids Type P-20 CMC; Hentex Type P-600 Albumin. See Albumin macro aggregates; Albumen Albumin macro aggregates CAS 70536-17-3 Synonyms: Albumin; MAA Toxicology: LD50 (IV, rat) 17 mg/kg; poison by IV route Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Binder, fining agent in foods, imitation sausage, soups, stews, wine Regulatory: BATF 27CFR §240.1051 Alcalase. See Protease Alcohol CAS 64-17-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-578-6 UN 1170 (DOT); UN 1986 (DOT); UN 1987 (DOT); FEMA 2419 Synonyms: Absolute alcohol; Absolute ethanol; Distilled spirits; Ethanol; Ethanol, undenatured; Ethyl alcohol; Ethyl alcohol, undenatured; Ethyl hydrate; Ethyl hydroxide; EtOH; Grain alcohol; IMS; 810
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Industrial methylated spirit; Methylcarbinol; Spirits of wine Definition: Undenatured ethyl alcohol Empirical: C2H6O Formula: CH3CH2OH Properties: Colorless limpid, volatile liq., vinous odor, pungent taste; misc. with water, methanol, ether, chloroform, 95% acetone, oxygenated/chlorinated solvs.; m.w. 46.08; dens. 0.816 (15.5 C); vapor pressure 44.6 mm Hg (20 C); f.p. -117.3 C; b.p. 78.3 C; flash pt. (CC) 12.7 C; autoignition temp. 362 C; ref. index 1.365 (15 C); surf. tens. 21.99 dynes/cm Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 1000 ppm; LD50 (oral, rat) 7060 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 3750 mg/kg; mod. toxic to humans by ing.; mod. toxic by IV and IP routes; mildly toxic by inh., skin contact; eye, skin, and mucous membrane irritant; severe skin irritant; human systemic effects; CNS depressant; ing. of lg. doses can cause alcohol poisoning; human carcinogen; experimental tumorigen, teratogen; human reproductive effects by ing., IV; human mutagenic data; TSCA listed Environmental: VOC; BOD5 1.27; COD 1.99; ThOD 2.09 Precaution: DOT: Flamm. liq.; dangerous fire and explosion hazard; can react vigorously with oxidizers; reacts violently with many chemicals NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 3, Reactivity 0 Storage: Hygroscopic Uses: Antimicrobial, extraction solvent, vehicle in foods, pizza crust, alcoholic beverages; flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum, maple syrup, alcoholic beverages, condiments, dairy prods.; processing aid (Japan) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.30, 73.345, 73.615, 169.3, 169.175, 169.176, 169.177, 169.178, 169.180, 169.181, 172.340, 172.560, 175.105, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1440, 177.1650, 178.1010, 184.1293, GRAS; 27CFR §2.5, 2.12; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL; NF compliance (alcohol diluted); SARA §311/312 acute health/chronic health/fire hazard; BP, EP compliance; Japan restricted Manuf./Distrib.: ADM Ethanol Sales; AMC Chems.; AMRESCO http://www.amrescoinc.com; AXO Chem. http://www.axochemical.com; Aldrich Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Amyl http://www.amyl.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; BP Chemicals http://www.bp.com; Boith China http://www.boith.com Brenntag AG http://www.brenntag.de; Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties; Carbery Food Ingreds. Ltd http://www.carbery.com; Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de Chemcentral http://www.chemcentral.com; Coyne http://www.coynechemical.com; Croda Chem. Europe Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk; DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com; Dow http://www.dow.com EMCO Chem. Distributors http://www.emcochem.com; Eastman http://www.eastman.com; Equistar http://www.equistarchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Galbraith Labs http://www.galbraith.com Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com; HallStar http://www.cphall.com; Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com; Houghton Chem. http://www.houghtonchemical.com; Hukill http://www.hukill.com/ Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Merck KGaA http://www.merck.de; Midwest Grain Prods. http://www.midwestgrain.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polysciences http://www.polysciences.com; Quaker City; Romil Ltd http://www.romil.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Sunnyside http://www.sunnysidecorp.com/; Symrise USA http://www.symrise.com Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com; Thomas Scientific http://www.thomassci.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; 811
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Veltek Assoc. http://www.sterile.com Trade Names: Alcohol Surfin Plus Trade Names Containing: Kleistase E5S; LacGlaze 20E; Lac-Glaze 20E-N; Lac-Glaze 25E; Lac-Glaze 25E-N Lac-Glaze 32E; Lac-Glaze 32E-N; Lemon Flavor WONF #8545; Oxynex® L; Phosal® 53 MCT Phosal® 75 SA; Ryoto Polyglycerol Ester SWA-15D; Ryoto Polyglycerol Ester SWA20D; Ryoto Sugar Ester LWA-1570; Shokusen SE Sustane SAIB ET-10 Alcohol C3. See Propyl alcohol Alcohol C-5. See n-Amyl alcohol Alcohol C6. See Hexyl alcohol Alcohol C7. See Heptyl alcohol Alcohol C8. See 2-Ethylhexanol; Caprylic alcohol Alcohol C-9. See Nonyl alcohol Alcohol C10. See Decyl alcohol Alcohol C11. See Undecyl alcohol Alcohol C12. See Lauryl alcohol Alcohol C16. See Cetyl alcohol Alcohol C-11 undecylenic. See Undecen-1-ol Alcohol C11 undecylic. See Undecyl alcohol Alcohol, denatured formula 23A. See SD alcohol 23-A Alcohols, tallow, hydrogenated. See Hydrogenated tallow alcohol Aldehyde 14. See Undecanal Aldehyde C1. See Formaldehyde Aldehyde C3. See Propionaldehyde Aldehyde C-5. See n-Valeraldehyde Aldehyde C-6. See Hexanal Aldehyde C-7. See Heptanal Aldehyde C-8. See n-Octanal Aldehyde C-9. See Nonanal Aldehyde C10. See Decanal Aldehyde C-12. See Lauric aldehyde; Methyl nonyl acetaldehyde Aldehyde C-14. See Myristaldehyde Aldehyde C14. See γ-Undecalactone Aldehyde C-16. See Ethyl methylphenylglycidate Aldehyde C18. See γ-Nonalactone Aldehyde C-7 dimethyl acetal. See Heptanal dimethyl acetal Aldehyde C-10 dimethyl acetal. See Decanal dimethyl acetal Aldehyde C-12 lauric; Aldehyde C-12 lauryl. See Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Lauric aldehyde Aldehyde C-12 MNA. See Methyl nonyl acetaldehyde Aldehyde C-14, myristic. See Myristaldehyde Aldehyde C14 pure. See γ-Undecalactone Aldehyde C-16 pure. See Ethyl methylphenylglycidate Aldehyde C-11 undecyclic. See Undecanal Aldehyde C-11 undecylenic. See 9-Undecenal; 10-Undecenal Aldehyde MNA. See Methyl nonyl acetaldehyde Alecost. See Costmary (Chrysanthemum balsamita) Aleurites moluccana; Aleurites moluccana oil. See Kukui (Aleurites moluccana) nut oil Alfalfa extract; Alfalfa herb extract. See Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) extract Alfalfa, herb and seed. See Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) CAS 977092-93-5 Synonyms: Alfalfa, herb and seed; Lucerne Definition: Herb and seed from Medicago sativa Toxicology: No known toxicity Uses: Natural flavoring agent and nutrient in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.10, GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) extract CAS 84082-36-0; EINECS/ELINCS 281-984-0 FEMA 2013 Synonyms: Alfalfa extract; Alfalfa herb extract; Lucerne extract; Medicago sativa; Medicago sativa extract; Purple medick extract Definition: Extract of alfalfa, Medicago sativa Uses: Natural flavoring agent in beverages, alcoholic beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; Bio-Botanica http://www.bio-botanica.com; Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com Grau Aromatics http://www.grauaromatics.de/ 812
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference
Algin CAS 9005-38-3 FEMA 2014, 2015; INS401; E401 Synonyms: Alginate, sodium salt; Alginic acid, monosodium salt; Alginic acid,
sodium salt; Algin (polysaccharide); Sodium alginate; Sodium polymannuronate Classification: Hydrophilic polysaccharide Definition: Purified carbohydrate prod. extracted from brown seaweed; sodium salt of alginic acid Empirical: (C6H7NaO6)n Properties: Cream-colored powd., pract. odorless and tasteless; sol. in water forming a gel; insol. in alcohol, ether, chloroform; m.w. 198.11; dens. 1.59 kg/l; dec. on heating above 150 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (IV, rat) 1000 mg/kg, (IP, cat) 250 mg/kg; poison by IV and IP routes; causes blood hemorrhage in mice; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of Na2O HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Uses: Stabilizer for ice cream; thickener, emulsifier, firming agent, flavor enhancer/adjuvant, formulation aid, processing aid, surfactant, texturizer for foods, hard candy, confections, frostings, fruit juice, gelatins, sauces, toppings, ice cream; stabilizer, gellant for prepared foods; boiler water additive (food contact) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §133.133, 133.134, 133.162, 133.178, 133.179, 150.141, 150.161, 173.310, 184.1724, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved; Europe listed; UK approved; FDA approved for orals; NF, BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AAA Int'l. http://www.aaainternational.com; AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; ABCR http://www.abcr.de; ADA Int'l. http://www.joinme.net/ada/index.htm; AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Adept Sol'ns.; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com Allchem Int'l. Ltd http://www.allchem.co.uk; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; BDH; Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com; Camida Ltd http://www.camida.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Chesham Chems. Ltd
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Algae Definition: Plant material obtained from various species of Algae Uses: Flavor enhancer in spices, seasonings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1120, 184.1121, GRAS Algae, brown Synonyms: Brown algae Definition: Seaweeds of Analipus japonicus, Eisenia bicyclis, Hizikia fusiforme, Kjellmaniella gyrata, Laminaria angustata, L. claustonia, L. digitata, L. japonica, L. longicruris, Macrocystis pyrifera, etc. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Flavor adjuvant, flavor enhancer for spices, seasonings, and flavorings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1120, GRAS Algae meal, dried CAS 977010-47-1 Definition: Mixt. of algae cells from Spongiococcum, molasses, corn steep liquor; max. 0.3% ethoxyquin Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Colorant for chicken feed Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.275; not permitted in food (EU) Algae, red CAS 977007-74-1 Synonyms: Red algae Definition: Seaweeds of Gloiopeltis furcata, Porphyra crispata, P. deutata, P. perforata, P. suborbiculata, P. tenera, Rhodymenia palmata Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Flavor adjuvant, flavor enhancer for spices, seasonings, and flavorings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1121, GRAS Algaroba. See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum Algerian geranium oil. See Geranium maculatum oil
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.cheshamchemicals.co.uk; Colony Ind. Danisco Cultor http://ingredients.danisco.com; FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com; Fallek; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com ICN Biomed. Research Prods. http://www.mpbio.com; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Lancaster Synthesis http://www.alfa.com; Monsanto http://www.monsanto.com Multi-Kem http://www.multikem.com/; Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com; Primera Foods http://www.primerafoods.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; San Yuan; Sanofi-aventis http://www.sanofiaventis.us; Sansho http://www.sansho.co.jp Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Tiger Chem. http://www.tigerchem.com/; Univar Ltd http://www.univar.co.uk; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com V.L. Clark http://www.vlclark.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names: Dariloid® QH; Grindsted™ Alginate FD 100; Kelcosol®; KELGIN® F; KELGIN® HV KELGIN® LV; KELGIN® MV; KELGIN® QL; KELGIN® XL; KELSET® Keltone®; KELTONE® HV; KELTONE® LVNF; Kelvis®; Manucol® DH Manucol® DM; Manucol® DMF; Manucol® LB; Manugel® DJX; Manugel® DMB Manugel® GHB; Manugel® GMB; Prime Alginate F-400; Prime Alginate F-500; Prime Alginate F-600 Prime Alignate F-25; Prime Alignate F-40; Prime Alignate F-200; Scogin™ HV; Scogin™ LV
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Scogin™ MV; Sodium Alginate HV; Sodium Alginate LV; TIC Pretested® Colloid 488T Powd. Trade Names Containing: Concentrated DARILOID® XL; DARILOID®; DP 40; Lacticol® CFT; Lacticol® F336 Manucol® JKT; MANUCOL® SMF; Manugel® C; Manugel® JKB; Manugel® L98 Manugel® PTJ; Textureze™ NB 100; Textureze™ MT 200 Alginate, sodium salt. See Algin Algin gum. See Calcium carrageenan Alginic acid CAS 9005-32-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232-680-1 INS400; E400 Synonyms: Landalgine; Norgine; Polymannuronic acid; Sazzio Definition: Hydrophilic colloidal carbohydrate derived from brown seaweed, Phaeophyceae; polysaccharide composed of β-d-mannuronic acid residues Empirical: (C6H8O6)n Properties: Wh. to yel. fibrous powd., odorless, tasteless; sol. in alkaline sol'ns.; very sl. sol. in water; insol. in org. solvs.; capable of absorbing 200-300 times its wt. of water; m.w. ≈ 240,000; acid no. ≥ 230; pH 1.5-3.5 (3% disp.) Toxicology: LD50 (IP, rat) 1600 mg/kg; moderately toxic by IP route; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener, gellant, binder, suspending agent, formulation aid for foods, soups, soup mixes; protective colloid in ice cream; thickener, binder in animal feeds Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1011, GRAS; Japan approved; Europe listed; UK approved; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com Arthur Branwell http://www.branwell.com; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com; Camida Ltd 814
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.camida.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de; Danisco Cultor http://ingredients.danisco.com; FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com ISP Alginates http://www.ispcorp.com/; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polysciences http://www.polysciences.com; Sanofiaventis http://www.sanofi-aventis.us Sansho http://www.sansho.co.jp; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Stauber Perf. Ingreds. http://www.stauberusa.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names: Grindsted™ Alginate FD 000; KELACID® NF Alginic acid, ammonium salt. See Ammonium alginate Alginic acid, calcium salt. See Calcium alginate Alginic acid, ester with 1,2-propanediol. See Propylene glycol alginate Alginic acid, monosodium salt. See Algin Alginic acid, potassium salt. See Potassium alginate Alginic acid, sodium salt; Algin (polysaccharide). See Algin Aliphatic petroleum distillate. See Naphtha, light aliphatic Alitame CAS 80863-62-3 (anhyd.); CAS 99016-42-9 (hyd.) INS956; E956 Synonyms: L-α-Aspartyl-N-(2,2,4,4tetramethyl-3-thietanyl)-D-alaninamide, hydrated Definition: Dipeptide made of two amin acids, Laspartic acid and D-alanine Empirical: C14H25N3O4S • 2.5 H2O Properties: Wh., crystalline powd., odorless or sl. characteristic odor; freely sol. in water and ethanol ; ≈ 2000 times sweeter than sucrose Uses: Sweetener for foods Manuf./Distrib.: Adept Sol'ns.; Advanced Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Ingreds. http://www.advancedingredients.com; Danisco Cultor http://ingredients.danisco.com; TasteTech Ltd http://www.tastetech.co.uk Trade Names: Aclame™ Alkane C4. See Butane Alkane C6. See Hexane Alkane C7. See Heptane Alkanes, C7-8-iso-. See C7-8 isoparaffin Alkanes, C8-9-iso-. See C8-9 isoparaffin Alkanes, C9-11-iso-. See C9-11 isoparaffin Alkanes, C9-13-iso-. See C9-13 isoparaffin Alkanes, C10-11-iso-. See C10-11 isoparaffin Alkanes, C11-12-iso-. See C11-12 isoparaffin Alkanes, C11-13-iso-. See C11-13 isoparaffin Alkanes, C12-14-iso-. See C12-14 isoparaffin Alkanes, C13-14-iso-. See C13-14 isoparaffin Alkanes, C13-16-iso-. See C13-16 isoparaffin Alkanes, C20-40-iso-. See C20-40 isoparaffin Alkanes, iso-, C8-9. See C8-9 isoparaffin Alkanes, iso-, C10-11. See C10-11 isoparaffin Alkanes, iso-, C11-12. See C11-12 isoparaffin Alkanes, iso-, C11-13. See C11-13 isoparaffin Alkanes, iso-, C13-14. See C13-14 isoparaffin Alkanet (Alkanna tinctoria) extract CAS 85251-58-7; 23444-65-7; EINECS/ELINCS 286-471-5 FEMA 2016; INS103 Synonyms: Alkanet extract; Alkanet root extract; Alkanna tinctoria; Alkanna tinctoria extract; Spanish bugloss extract Definition: Extract of the roots of Alkanna tinctoria Uses: Colorant for sausage casings, oleomargarine, shortenings, confectionery, wines Regulatory: Cleared by MID; not listed as approved colorant for cosmetics under FDA 21CFR §73 and 74; FEMA GRAS delisted; Japan approved; not permitted for food (EU) Alkanet extract; Alkanet root extract; Alkanna tinctoria; Alkanna tinctoria extract. See Alkanet (Alkanna tinctoria) extract Alkylbenzenesulfonate sodium. See Sodium Nalkylbenzenesulfonate Alkylbenzyldimethylammonium chloride. See Benzalkonium chloride Alkyl C16-18 methyl esters. See Methyl canolate Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride. See Benzalkonium chloride Alkyl dimethyl betaine. See Coco-betaine 815
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Alkyldimethyl (phenylmethyl) quaternary ammonium chlorides; Alkyl ((ethylphenyl) methyl) dimethyl quaternary ammonium chlorides. See Benzalkonium chloride Alletone. See 4-Hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-3(2H) furanone Allied whiting. See Calcium carbonate Alligator pear oil. See Avocado (Persea gratissima) oil Allium cepa; Allium cepa extract. See Onion (Allium cepa) extract Allium cepa oil. See Onion (Allium cepa) oil Allium sativum; Allium sativum extract. See Garlic (Allium sativum) extract Allium sativum oil. See Garlic (Allium sativum) oil DL-allo-Isoleucine. See DL-Isoleucine Allomaleic acid. See Fumaric acid Allomaleic acid dimethyl ester. See Dimethyl fumarate Allspice extract. See Pimenta (Pimenta officinalis) extract Allspice oleoresin. See Oleoresin allspice Allspice (Pimenal officinalis) oil CAS 8006-77-7; EINECS/ELINCS 284-540-4 FEMA 2018 Synonyms: Pimenta berries oil; Pimenta berry oil; Pimenta officinalis; Pimenta officinalis oil; Pimenta oil; Pimentoberry oil; Pimento berry oil; Pimento oil Definition: Volatile oil from fruit of Pimenta officinalis, contg. eugenol Properties: Colorless, yel. or reddish liq., allspice odor and taste; becomes darker with age; sol. in glac. acetic acid, 1 vol 90% alcohol; very sl. sol. in water; dens. 1.018-1.048; ref. index 1.527-1.540 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3600 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 2820 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing. and skin contact; severe skin and eye irritation; weak sensitizer; may cause dermatitis on local contact; mutation data reported; eugenol is mod. toxic; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Storage: Keep cool, well closed; protect from light Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum, alcoholic beverages, meats, condiments, pickles, soups Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Manuf./Distrib.: Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; Moellhausen http://www.moellhausen.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Phoenix Aromas http://www.phoenixaromas.com Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Allspice (Pimenta officinalis) CAS 977051-72-1 FEMA 2017 Synonyms: Pimenta oil; Pimento oil Definition: Distilled from the fruit of Pimenta officinalis Properties: Yel. to red-yel. liq., odor and taste of allspice; dens. 1.018-1.048; ref. index 1.5271.540 (20 C) Toxicology: Skin irritant Precaution: Combustible Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum, condiments, meats, cakes, fruit pies, mincemeat, plum pudding, sauces, soups Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §101.22, 182.10, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com Allura red; Allura red AC. See FD&C Red No. 40 Allyl acetate CAS 591-87-7; EINECS/ELINCS 209-734-8 UN 2333 (DOT) Synonyms: Acetic acid, allyl ester; Acetic acid, 2-propenyl ester; 3-Acetoxy propene; 3-Acetoxy-1-propene; 2-Propenyl acetate; 2Propenylethanoate Classification: Carboxylic acid ester Empirical: C5H8O2 Properties: Colorless liq.; acrid odor; sol. in acetone, alcohol, ether; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 100.13; dens. 0.928; m.p. -22 C; b.p. 103-104 816
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference C; flash pt. (OC) 22 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 130 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 1021 mg/kg; toxic by ing.; mod. toxic by inh. and skin contact; skin and eye irritant; causes liver damage; vapors can probably cause mod. to severe irritation to nose, throat, and upper respiratory tract; high concs. can cause CNS depression symptoms; may be harmful by skin absorption; TSCA listed Precaution: DOT: Flamm. liq.; dangerous fire hazard; may undergo polymerization in presence of polymerization initiators (e.g., peroxides) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2; heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 3, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Epochem http://www.epochem.com/; Fisher Scientific UK http://www.fisher.co.uk; Inoue Perfumery Mfg. http://www.ino-p.com/; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Richman http://www.richmanchemical.com; Showa Denko http://www.sdk.co.jp Allyl acetate; Allylacetic acid. See 4-Pentenoic acid Allyl aldehyde. See Acrolein Allyl 2-aminobenzoate; Allyl o-aminobenzoate. See Allyl anthranilate 4-Allylanisole; p-Allylanisole. See Estragole Allyl anthranilate CAS 7493-63-2; EINECS/ELINCS 231-331-0 UN 2810 (DOT); FEMA 2020 Synonyms: Allyl 2-aminobenzoate; Allyl oaminobenzoate; 2-Aminobenzoic acid, allyl ester; Benzoic acid, 2-amino-, 2-propenyl ester Empirical: C10H11NO2 Properties: Colorless to golden clear liq.; floral grape odor; sol. in alcohol, DMSO, benzene; insol. in water; m.w. 177.21; sp.gr. 1.11001.1200; b.p. 105 C (2 mm Hg); flash pt. (CC) 110 C; ref. index 1.566-1.576 (20 C) Toxicology: Toxic; may be irritating to skin and eyes; may cause liver damage; TSCA listed Environmental: Prevent contamination of soil, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
ground- and surf.-water Precaution: Probably combustible; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, NOx NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Protect from air and light; store in cool, well-ventilated area under an inert atmosphere; store in a freezer; keep away from ignition sources and naked flame Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Bedoukian Research http://www.bedoukian.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com 5-Allyl-1,3-benzodioxole. See Safrol Allyl butanoate. See Allyl butyrate Allyl butyrate CAS 2051-78-7; EINECS/ELINCS 218-129-8 FEMA 2021 Synonyms: Allyl butanoate; Butyric acid, allyl ester; 2-Propenyl butanoate; Vinyl carbinyl butyrate Empirical: C7H12O2 Properties: M.w. 128.17; dens. 0.902; b.p. 44-45 C; flash pt. 107 F; ref. index 1.4158 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 250 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 530 mg/kg; poison by ing.; mod. toxic by skin contact; primary irritant; human skin irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings Features: Apricot, peach-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: A&E Connock http://www.connock.co.uk; ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Lancaster Synthesis UK http://www.lancastersynthesis.com; Monomer-Polymer & Dajac Labs http://www.monomerpolymer.com 817
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Allyl caproate CAS 123-68-2; EINECS/ELINCS 204-642-4 UN 2810; FEMA 2032 Synonyms: Allyl capronate; Allyl hexanoate; Allyl hexoate; Caproic acid allyl ester; Hexanoic acid, 2-propenyl ester; 2-Propenyl hexanoate; 2-Propenyl-N-hexanoate Empirical: C9H16O2 Formula: CH3(CH2)4COOCH2CH=CH2 Properties: Colorless to lt. yel. liq., pineapple aroma; misc. with alcohol, ether; insol. in water; sol. in most org. solvs.; m.w. 156.23; dens. 0.887; vapor dens. 5.3; b.p. 75-76 C; flash pt. 151 F; ref. index 1.4243 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 218 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 300 mg/kg; poison by ing., skin contact; human skin irritant; mutation data; respiratory system irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear protective gloves, splashproof goggles Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes, COx NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep away from heat, sparks, open flame; keep in original, tightly closed container Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, fragrance in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Features: Pungent, fatty, fruity, pineapple-like flavor and fragrance (rum- and pineapple-like on dilution) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Australia AICS; Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: A&E Connock http://www.connock.co.uk; Adrian Amer. http://www.adrianusa.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Allan http://www.allanchem.com Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; BASF http://www.basf.com; Chinessence
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.chinessence.com; Chr. Hansen Inc http://www.chr-hansen.com Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grauaromatics.de/; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com Monomer-Polymer & Dajac Labs http://www.monomerpolymer.com; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Allyl capronate. See Allyl caproate Allyl caprylate. See Allyl octanoate Allylcatechol methylene ether. See Safrol Allyl cinnamate CAS 1866-31-5; EINECS/ELINCS 217-477-8 FEMA 2022 Synonyms: Allyl-3-phenylacrylate; Propenyl cinnamate; 3-Propenyl 3-phenyl-2propenoate; Vinyl carbinyl cinnamate Empirical: C12H12O2 Properties: Colorless to light yel. liq.; cherry odor; sol. in ether, alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 188.24; dens. 1.052 (25/25 C); b.p. 150-152 C (15 mm); flash pt. >230 F; ref. index 1.5661 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1520 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; human skin irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Peach-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Monomer-Polymer & Dajac Labs http://www.monomerpolymer.com; Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com 818
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Allyl cyclohexaneacetate CAS 4728-82-9; EINECS/ELINCS 225-230-0 FEMA 2023 Synonyms: Allyl cyclohexylacetate; Cyclohexylacetic acid allyl ester; 2Propenyl cyclohexaneacetate Empirical: C11H18O2 Properties: Liq., intense fruity aroma; m.w. 182.26; b.p. 66 C; ref. index 1.4574 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 900 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 1250 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing. and skin contact; human skin irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ChemSampCo http://www.chemsampco.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com Allyl cyclohexanebutyrate CAS 7493-65-4 FEMA 2024 Synonyms: Allyl cyclohexyl butyrate; Allyl 4cyclohexyl butyrate; Allyl hexahydrophenyl butyrate; Cyclohexane butanoic acid 2propenyl ester; Cyclohexane butyric acid allyl ester; 2-Propen-1-yl cyclohexane butyrate Empirical: C13H22O2 Properties: Colorless liq., pineapple odor; m.w. 210.31; b.p. 104 C (1 mm); ref. index 1.4608 (20 C) Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ChemSampCo http://www.chemsampco.com Allyl cyclohexanehexanoate CAS 7493-66-5 FEMA 2025 Synonyms: Allyl cyclohexylcaproate; Allyl cyclohexylcapronate; Cyclohexane hexanoic acid 2-propenyl ester; 2- Propen1-yl cyclohexane caproate; Prop-2-enyl 6cyclohexyl hexanoate Empirical: C14H28O2 Properties: Colorless, cl. liq.; sol. in oils and Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
ethanol; insol. in water; m.w. 238.37; sp. gr. 0.90000-0.90500; b.p. 128 C @ 1.5mm Hg; ref. index 1.462 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Weak, fatty, fruity odor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Allyl cyclohexanepropionate CAS 2705-87-5; EINECS/ELINCS 220-292-5 FEMA 2026 Synonyms: Allyl-3-cyclohexanepropionate; Allyl cyclohexylpropionate; 3Allylcyclohexyl propionate; Allyl 3cyclohexylpropionate; Allyl hexahydrophenylpropionate; Cyclohexylpropionic acid allyl ester; 2Propenyl 3-cyclohexanepropanoate Classification: cycloaliphatic ester Empirical: C12H20O2 Properties: Colorless liq.; pineapple odor; misc. in alcohol, chloroform, ether; insol. in glycerin, water; m.w. 196.32; dens. 0.945-0.950; b.p. 91 C (0.13 kPa); flash pt. 212 F; ref. index 1.4571.463 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 585 mg/kg, (oral, guinea pig) 380 mg/kg; poison by ingestion; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum, icings Features: Sweet pineapple-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com Givaudan Fragrances http://www.givaudan.com; Inoue Perfumery Mfg. http://www.ino-p.com/; Int'l. Flavors & Fragrances http://www.iff.com; Moellhausen http://www.moellhausen.com; Monomer-Polymer & Dajac Labs http://www.monomerpolymer.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; S. 819
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Black http://www.sblack.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Symrise Gbmh http://www.symrise.com/ T. Hasegawa http://www.t-hasegawa.co.jp Allyl-3-cyclohexanepropionate. See Allyl cyclohexanepropionate Allyl cyclohexanevalerate CAS 7493-68-7 FEMA 2027 Synonyms: Allyl cyclohexylpentanoate; Cyclohexane pentanoic acid 2-propenyl ester; Cyclohexane valeric acid allyl ester; 2- Propen-1-yl cyclohexane pentanoate Empirical: C14H24O2 Properties: Colorless, cl. liq., char. fruity aroma; m.w. 224.34; b.p. 119 C; ref. index 1.4605 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Allyl cyclohexylacetate. See Allyl cyclohexaneacetate Allyl cyclohexyl butyrate; Allyl 4-cyclohexyl butyrate. See Allyl cyclohexanebutyrate Allyl cyclohexylcaproate; Allyl cyclohexylcapronate. See Allyl cyclohexanehexanoate Allyl cyclohexylpentanoate. See Allyl cyclohexanevalerate Allyl cyclohexylpropionate; 3-Allylcyclohexyl propionate; Allyl 3-cyclohexylpropionate. See Allyl cyclohexanepropionate 1-Allyl-3,4-dimethoxybenzene. See Methyl eugenol 4-Allyl-1,2-dimethoxybenzene. See Methyl isoeugenol; Methyl eugenol Allyl trans-2,3-dimethylacrylate. See Allyl tiglate Allyldioxybenzene methylene ether. See Safrol Allyl disulfanyl-propene. See Allyl disulfide Allyl disulfide CAS 2179-57-9; EINECS/ELINCS 218-548-6 UN 2810; FEMA 2028 Synonyms: Allyl disulfanyl-propene; Diallyl disulfide; Disulfide, di-2-propenyl; 4,5Dithia-1,7-octadiene; 2-Propenyl disulfide Classification: Nonaromatic mercaptan Empirical: C6H10S2 Properties: Liq., char. garlic odor; sol. in most common org. solvs.; insol. in water; m.w. 146.28; dens. 1.008; b.p. 138-139 C; flash pt. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
144 F; ref. index 1.541 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 260 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 3600 mg/kg; toxic; severe irritant; stench; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible; wear protective gloves, splash-proof eye goggles; incompat. with strong oxidizers, acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx, SOx Storage: Refrigerate Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, condiments, meats Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; ChromaDex http://www.chromadex.com/; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Epochem http://www.epochem.com/; Eurolabs Ltd http://www.eurolabs.co.uk Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Interchim http://www.interchim.com; Jiangyin Healthway Intl. Trade http://www.healthwaychem.com; LKT Labs http://www.lktlabs.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Allyl enanthate. See Allyl heptanoate Allyl 2-ethylbutyrate CAS 7493-69-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-332-6 FEMA 2029 Synonyms: 2- Propenyl 2-ethylbutyrate Empirical: C9H16O2 Properties: Liq., ethereal, oily fruity odor; sol. in ethanol; misc. with essential oils and flavor materials; insol. in water; m.w. 156.23; sp. gr. 0.882-0.887; b.p. 165-167 C; acid no. 1 max.; ref. index 1.4240 Toxicology: TSCA listed Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, candy, puddings Features: Sl. fruit-like note Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Allyl 2-furancarboxylate; Allyl furoate. See Allyl 2-furoate 820
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Allyl 2-furoate CAS 4208-49-5; EINECS/ELINCS 224-128-3 FEMA 2030 Synonyms: Allyl 2-furancarboxylate; Allyl furoate; 2-Furancarboxylic acid, 2-propenyl ester; 2-Propenyl furan-2-carboxylate Empirical: C8H8O3 Properties: Colorless or pale straw liq.; caramel, fruity, jam odor; darkens on exposure to air and daylight; m.w. 152.15; sp.gr. 1.181 (23 C); b.p. 206-209 C; flash pt. 205 F; ref. index 1.4945 Toxicology: May be harmful by inh., ing., skin absorp.; may cause eye/skin irritation, irritation to mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents, strong bases Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 Storage: Store in cool, dry place; keep tightly closed Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; ICN Biomed. Research Prods. http://www.mpbio.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Allylguaiacol; 4-Allylguaiacol. See Eugenol Allyl hendecenoate. See Allyl 10-undecenoate Allyl heptanoate CAS 142-19-8; EINECS/ELINCS 205-527-1 FEMA 2031 Synonyms: Allyl enanthate; Allyl heptoate; Allyl heptylate; Allyl oenanthate; 2-Propenyl heptanoate Empirical: C10H18O2 Formula: CH3(CH2)5COOCH2CHCH2 Properties: Colorless to pale yel. liq., fruity sweet pineapple, ester-like odor; insol. in water; sol. in most org. solvs.; m.w. 170.28; dens. 0.880; vapor dens. 5.8; b.p. 210 C; flash pt. 154 F; ref. index 1.426 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 500 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 810 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ingestion, skin contact; human skin irritant; TSCA Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes, COx Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Features: Apricot, banana, berry, pineapple-like flavor Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Advanced BioTech http://www.advbio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Chinessence http://www.chinessence.com; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Eurolabs Ltd http://www.eurolabs.co.uk; Fisher Scientific UK http://www.fisher.co.uk; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Jiande City Xinhua http://www.xhchem.com Lancaster Synthesis UK http://www.lancastersynthesis.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Moellhausen http://www.moellhausen.com; Monomer-Polymer & Dajac Labs http://www.monomerpolymer.com Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Phoenix Aromas http://www.phoenixaromas.com R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Symrise Gbmh http://www.symrise.com/ Allyl heptoate; Allyl heptylate. See Allyl heptanoate Allyl 2,4-hexadienoate. See Allyl sorbate Allyl hexahydrophenyl butyrate. See Allyl cyclohexanebutyrate Allyl hexahydrophenylpropionate. See Allyl cyclohexanepropionate Allyl hexanoate; Allyl hexoate. See Allyl caproate 4-Allyl-1-hydroxy-2-methoxybenzene. See Eugenol Allyl ionone. See Allyl α-ionone 821
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Allyl α-ionone CAS 79-78-7; EINECS/ELINCS 201-225-9 FEMA 2033 Synonyms: Allyl ionone; Cetone V; 1,6Heptadien-3-one; 1-(2,6,6-Trimethyl-2cyclohexene-1-yl)-1,6-heptadiene-3-one; 1(2,6,6-Trimethyl-2-cyclohexenyl) hepta-1,6dien-3-one Empirical: C16H24O Properties: Colorless to yel. liq., fruity woody odor; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 232.40; dens. 0.928-0.935; b.p. 102-104 C; flash pt. > 100 C; ref. index 1.503-1.507 Toxicology: LD50 (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, toppings Features: Fruity flavor Use Level: Trace to 2% Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Givaudan Fragrances http://www.givaudan.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Lothar Streeck http://www.lothar-streeck.de; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Allyl isorhodanide; Allyl isosulfocyanate. See Allyl isothiocyanate Allyl isothiocyanate CAS 57-06-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-309-2 UN 1545 (DOT); FEMA 2034 Synonyms: Allyl isorhodanide; Allyl isosulfocyanate; Allyl mustard oil; Allyl thiocarbonimide; Artificial mustard oil; 3Isothiocyanato-1-propene; Isothiocyanic acid allyl ester; Mustard oil; 3-Propenyl isothiocyanate; Synthetic mustard oil; Volatile oil of mustard Classification: isothiocyanate Empirical: C4H5NS Formula: CH2=CHCH2NCS Properties: Colorless-pale yel. liq., pungent irritable odor, sharp pungent mustard taste; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
misc. with alcohol, carbon disulfide, ether, most org. solvs.; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 99.16; dens. 1.013-1.016; m.p. -80 C; b.p. 150.7 C; flash pt. 115 F; ref. index 1.5 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 339 mg/kg, (subcut., rat) 92 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 88 mg/kg; poison by ing., inh., skin contact, IV, subcut., and IP routes; lachrymator; allergen; eye irritant; may cause contact dermatitis; mutagen; suspected carcinogen; experimental teratogenic/reproductive effects; TSCA listed Precaution: Volatile; combustible liq.; fire risk; highly reactive Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp. or on contact with acid or acid fumes, emits highly toxic fumes of CN–, SOx, and NOx Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, condiments, meats, mustard oil, pickles, salad dressings, sauces Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved as flavoring; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Accurate Ingreds. http://www.acingiri.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.advbio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Chemical Inc http://www.chemicalsinc.com Fisher Scientific UK http://www.fisher.co.uk; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Int'l. Flavors & Fragrances http://www.iff.com; Lancaster Synthesis UK http://www.lancastersynthesis.com Monomer-Polymer & Dajac Labs http://www.monomerpolymer.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Symrise USA http://www.symrise.com Takasago Int'l. http://www.takasago.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com See also Mustard oil Allyl isovalerate CAS 2835-39-4; EINECS/ELINCS 220-609-7 822
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference FEMA 2045 Synonyms: Allyl isovalerianate; Allyl 3methylbutyrate; Isovaleric acid allyl ester; 3-Methylbutanoic acid, 2-propenyl ester; 3Methylbutyric acid, allyl ester; 2-Propenyl isovalerate; 2-Propenyl 3-methylbutanoate Empirical: C8H14O2 Properties: Colorless to pale yel. liq., apple aroma; m.w. 142.20; b.p. 89-90 C; ref. index 1.4162 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 230 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 560 mg/kg; poison by ing.; mod. toxic by skin contact; experimental carcinogen, tumorigen; skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear protective gloves, splashproof eye goggles; incompat. with strong oxidizers, acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp, emits COx, acrid smoke and fumes Storage: Keep in original, tightly closed container; keep away from heat, sparks, open flame Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Eastern Chem. http://www.easternchemicalcorp.com/index 3.php; Monomer-Polymer & Dajac Labs http://www.monomerpolymer.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Allyl isovalerianate. See Allyl isovalerate Allyl mercaptan CAS 870-23-5; EINECS/ELINCS 212-792-7 FEMA 2035 Synonyms: Allyl sulfhydrate; Allylthiol; 2Propene-1-thiol; Propene-3-thiol Empirical: C3H6S Formula: CH2:CHCH2SH Properties: Water-wh. liq.; strong garlic odor; darkens on standing; sol. in ether, alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 74.15; dens. 0.925 (23/4 C); b.p. 68 C; flash pt. 14 F; ref. index 0.925 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
(23 C) Toxicology: Poison by inh., ing.; strong irritant to skin, mucous membranes Precaution: Combustible; dangerous fire hazard Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp. emits highly toxic fumes of SOx Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, condiments, meats Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Atofina UK http://www1.arkemagroup.com/uk/gb/f_elf_ 2.cfm Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Epochem http://www.epochem.com/; Fisher Scientific UK http://www.fisher.co.uk; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Lancaster Synthesis UK http://www.lancastersynthesis.com Monomer-Polymer & Dajac Labs http://www.monomerpolymer.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com 4-Allyl-1-methoxybenzene. See Estragole 4-Allyl-2-methoxyphenol. See Eugenol 4-Allyl-2-methoxyphenyl acetate. See Eugenyl acetate 4-Allyl-2-methoxyphenyl benzoate. See Eugenyl benzoate 4-Allyl-2-methoxyphenyl formate. See Eugenyl formate Allyl trans-2-methyl-2-butenoate. See Allyl tiglate Allyl 3-methylbutyrate. See Allyl isovalerate 1-Allyl-3,4-methylenedioxybenzene; 4-Allyl-1,2methylenedioxybenzene. See Safrol Allyl monosulfide. See Allyl sulfide Allyl mustard oil. See Allyl isothiocyanate Allyl nonanoate CAS 7493-72-3; EINECS/ELINCS 231-334-7 FEMA 2036 Synonyms: Allyl pelargonate; 2-Propenyl nonanoate Empirical: C12H22O2 Formula: C3H5OOC(CH2)7CH3 823
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Properties: Mobile liq., pineapple odor; m.w. 198.31; b.p. 151 C; ref. index 1.4302 Precaution: Combustible Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, meats Features: Sweet, fruity flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Monomer-Polymer & Dajac Labs http://www.monomerpolymer.com; Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Allyl octanoate CAS 4230-97-1; EINECS/ELINCS 224-184-9 FEMA 2037 Synonyms: Allyl caprylate; Allyl octylate; Octanoic acid allyl ester; Octanoic acid-2propenyl ester Empirical: C11H20O2 Properties: Colorless liq., fruity odor; sol. in alcohol, fixed oils; sl. sol. in propylene glycol; insol. in glycerin, water; m.w. 184.31; dens. 0.8550; b.p. 87-88 C; flash pt. 151 F; ref. index 1.425 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 570 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; skin irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, dessert gels, puddings Features: Banana, pineapple-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Allyl octylate. See Allyl octanoate Allyl oenanthate. See Allyl heptanoate 1-(β-Allyloxy-2,4-dichlorophenethyl) imidazole. See Imazalil Allyl pelargonate. See Allyl nonanoate
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Allyl phenoxyacetate CAS 7493-74-5; EINECS/ELINCS 231-335-2 FEMA 2038 Synonyms: Acetate PA; 2-Propenyl phenoxy acetate Empirical: C11H12O3 Properties: Colorless to lt. yel. liq.; fruity, honey, pineapple-like, green odor; m.w. 192.22; b.p. 100-102 C; flash pt. > 100 C; ref. index 1.5131 (25.5 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 475 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 820 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ingestion and skin contact; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings Features: Honey, pineapple-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Fisher Scientific UK http://www.fisher.co.uk; Jiande City Xinhua http://www.xhchem.com Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Lothar Streeck http://www.lothar-streeck.de; Moellhausen http://www.moellhausen.com; Organica Aromatics http://www.organicaaroma.com; Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Symrise Gbmh http://www.symrise.com/; Yasho Ind. http://www.yashoindustries.com Allyl phenylacetate CAS 1797-74-6; EINECS/ELINCS 217-281-2 FEMA 2039 Synonyms: Allyl α-toluate; Benzeneacetic acid 2-propenyl ester; 2-Propenyl benzeneacetate Empirical: C11H12O2 Properties: Colorless to lt. yel. liq., fruit banana honey odor; m.w. 176.22; b.p. 89-93 C; ref. index 1.5122 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 650 mg/kg; mod. 824
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference toxic by ing.; human skin irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Sweet, honey-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Allyl-3-phenylacrylate. See Allyl cinnamate Allyl propanoate. See Allyl propionate Allyl propionate CAS 2408-20-0; EINECS/ELINCS 219-307-8 FEMA 2040 Synonyms: Allyl propanoate; 2-Propenyl propanoate Empirical: C6H10O2 Properties: Colorless liq.; apricot-apple odor; m.w. 114.15; sp.gr. 0.914; b.p. 122-123 C; ref. index 1.4105 (20 C), 1.4142 (14 C) Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Imitation apricot aroma Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Fontarome http://www.fontaromechemical.com Interchim http://www.interchim.com; Lancaster Synthesis UK http://www.lancastersynthesis.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Monomer-Polymer & Dajac Labs http://www.monomerpolymer.com; Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Allyl propyl disulfide CAS 2179-59-1; EINECS/ELINCS 218-550-7 UN 1993; UN 8027; FEMA 4073 Synonyms: Disulfide, 2-propenyl propyl; 4,5Dithia-1-octene; Onion oil; 2-Propenyl propyl disulfide; Propyl allyl disulfide Empirical: C6H12S2 Properties: Pale yel. to brnsh. yel. clear liq.; pungent garlic onion odor; sol. in DMSO, 95% ethanol, methanol, chloroform, CS2, ether, most org. solvs.; sol. < 1 mg/ml in water; m.w. 148.16; sp.gr. 0.970--0.985 (20 C); m.p. -15 C; b.p. 195-200 C (1013 mBar); flash pt. 56.3 C; ref. index 1.508-1.520 Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 2 ppm; STEL 3 ppm; TDLo (inh., human) 3 ppm; highly toxic by inh. and ing.; powerful irritant; esp. irritating to eyes and respiratory passages; skin irritant; defats the skin; lachrymator; ing. may cause stomach pain, vomiting Precaution: Combustible; incompat. with strong oxidizers, strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx, SOx; heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes; poisonous gases, incl. SOx, produced in fire Storage: Store refrigerated; keep away from oxidizing materials; store away from ignition sources Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Features: Chief volatile constituent of onion oil Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Epochem http://www.epochem.com/; Jiangyin Healthway Intl. Trade http://www.healthwaychem.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com m-Allylpyrocatechin methylene ether; Allylpyrocatechol methylene ether. See Safrol Allyl sorbate CAS 7493-75-6; 30895-79-5 FEMA 2041 Synonyms: Allyl 2,4-hexadienoate; 2-Propenyl hexa-2,4-dienoate Empirical: C9H12O2 Properties: Colorless to lt. yel. liq.; fruital 825
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference pineapple-like odor; sol. in ethanol; m.w. 152.19; sp. gr. 0.945 -0.947; ref. index 1.506 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com Allyl sulfhydrate. See Allyl mercaptan Allyl sulfide CAS 592-88-1; EINECS/ELINCS 209-775-1 FEMA 2042 Synonyms: Allyl monosulfide; Diallyl monosulfide; Diallyl sulfide; Diallylthioether; 'Oil garlic'; Thioallyl ether; 3,3´-Thiobis-1-propene Empirical: C6H10S Formula: (CH2:CHCH2)2S Properties: Colorless liq.; garlic odor; misc. with alcohol, ether, chloroform, CCl4; insol. in water; m.w. 114.20; dens. 0.887 (20/4 C); m.p. -83 C; b.p. 138 C; flash pt. 23 C; ref. index 1.4877 (27 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2980 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; poison by IV route; mod. toxic by ing.; irritating to skin, eyes, mucous membranes; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm.; explosive reaction with N-bromosuccinimide Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic SOx, CO, CO2 Storage: Store at 40-70 F in tightly sealed original containers with minimum head space; avoid prolonged exposure to light, heat, air Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, condiments, meats; component of artificial oil of garlic Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; Japan MITI Manuf./Distrib.: Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; ChromaDex http://www.chromadex.com/; Epochem http://www.epochem.com/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Jiangyin Healthway Intl. Trade Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.healthwaychem.com Monomer-Polymer & Dajac Labs http://www.monomerpolymer.com; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Wutong Aroma http://www.wu-tong.com Allyl thiocarbonimide. See Allyl isothiocyanate Allylthiol. See Allyl mercaptan Allyl tiglate CAS 7493-71-2; EINECS/ELINCS 231-333-1 FEMA 2043 Synonyms: Allyl trans-2,3-dimethylacrylate; Allyl trans-2-methyl-2-butenoate Empirical: C8H12O2 Properties: Fruity odor; m.w. 140.18; dens. 0.926; flash pt. 140 F Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Berry, jam-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Allyl α-toluate. See Allyl phenylacetate Allyl trisulfide; Allyl trisulphide. See Diallyl trisulfide Allyl 10-undecenoate CAS 7493-76-7; EINECS/ELINCS 231-337-3 FEMA 2044 Synonyms: Allyl hendecenoate; Allyl undecylenate; Allyl-2-undecylenate; Allyl undecylenoate; 2- Propen-1-yl 10undecenoate; 10- Undecenoic acid allyl ester Empirical: C14H24O2 Properties: Colorless, cl. liq., pineapple odor; misc. with most org. solvs.; insol. in water; m.w. 224.34; sp. gr. 1.012-1.020; b.p. 180 C; ref. index 1.4448 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL 826
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Allyl undecylenate; Allyl-2-undecylenate; Allyl undecylenoate. See Allyl 10-undecenoate 4-Allyl veratrole. See Methyl eugenol Almond artificial essential oil. See Benzaldehyde Almond, bitter, extract. See Bitter almond (Prunus amybdalus) extract Almond, bitter, oil. See Bitter almond (Prunus amygdalus amara) oil Almond extract, bitter. See Bitter almond (Prunus amybdalus) extract Almond oil. See Sweet almond (Prunus amygdalus dulcis) oil Almond oil, bitter. See Bitter almond (Prunus amygdalus amara) oil Almond oil, sweet. See Sweet almond (Prunus amygdalus dulcis) oil Alnose. See 4-Hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-3(2H) furanone Aloe barbadensis CAS 8001-97-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-295-9 Synonyms: Aloe vera Definition: Plant material derived from the leaves of the aloe, Aloe barbadensis Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (oral, mouse) > 10 g/kg; mutagen Storage: Store @ R.T. protected from oxidation Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510 Manuf./Distrib.: AXO Chem. http://www.axochemical.com; Aloe Labs http://www.aloelabs.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Jeen Int'l. http://www.jeen.com; Parchem Trading http://www.par-chem.com Parchem Trading http://www.parchem.com; Stauber Perf. Ingreds. http://www.stauberusa.com; Terry Labs http://www.terrylabs.com Trade Names: Aloe Gold Seal-Natural; Aloe Vera Whole Leaf Gel; Aloe Vera Whole Leaf Gel 3X; Aloe Vera Whole Leaf Gel 5X; Aloe Vera Whole Leaf Gel 20X Aloe Vera Whole Leaf Powder Organic Freeze Dried; Aloe Vera Whole Leaf Powder Organic See also Aloe barbadensis extract; Aloe barbadensis gel Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Aloe barbadensis extract CAS 85507-69-3; EINECS/ELINCS 287-390-8 Synonyms: Aloe barbadensis; Aloe extract; Aloe leaves extract; Barbados aloe extract; Curacao aloe extract Definition: Extract of the leaves of the aloe, Aloe barbadensis Uses: Natural flavoring agent, thickener, stabilizer in foods, beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510 Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com; Jeen Int'l. http://www.jeen.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com Trade Names: Aloe Vera Extract, Oil Sol. Liq. Trade Names Containing: Aloe Vera Oil Regular See also Aloe extract Aloe barbadensis gel CAS 8001-97-6; 94349-62-9; EINECS/ELINCS 305-181-2 Synonyms: Aloe barbadensis; Aloe gel; Aloe juice; Aloe vera gel; First aid plant Definition: Mucilage obtained from expression of juice from leaves of Aloe barbadensis Miller plant Toxicology: Cross-reacts with benzoin and balsam Peru in those who are allergic to these compds. Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, vegetable drinks, health foods; juice enhancer Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510 Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Aloe Labs http://www.aloelabs.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Bio-Botanica http://www.bio-botanica.com; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechineychemicals.com; HallStar http://www.hallstar.com; Stauber Perf. Ingreds. http://www.stauberusa.com; Terry Labs http://www.terrylabs.com Trade Names: Activera™ 10X; Activera™ 11FA (Filtered); Activera™ 1-1 UA (Unfiltered); Activera™ 1-200 A; Aloe Con UP 10
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Aloe Con UP 40; Aloe Con UP-200; Aloe Con WG 10; Aloe Con WG 40; Aloe Con WG 200 Aloe Con WLG 10; Aloe Con WLG 200; Aloe Vera Gel 1X; Aloe Vera Gel 10X; Aloe Vera Gel 40X Aloe Vera Gel Powd., Dehydrated; Aloe Vera Gel Spray Dried Powd.; Aloe Vera Whole Leaf Gel 1X; Terra-Dry™ Freeze Dried Aloe Vera Powder 100X; Terra-Pure™ Non-Preserved Spray Dried Regular 200X Aloe barbadensis leaf juice Synonyms: Barbadensis leaf juice Uses: Ingred. in health drinks Regulatory: BP, EP compliance Trade Names: Aloe Vera Gel - Natural; Aloe Vera Gel - Natural with Pulp; Aloe Vera Gel Regular 1X; Aloe Vera Gel Regular 10X; Aloe Vera Gel Regular 40X Terra-Pure™ Certified Freeze Dried Aloe Vera Powder 200X; Terra-Pure™ Certified Spray Dried Aloe Vera Powder, 200X; TerraPure™ Non-Preserved Spray Dried Aloe Vera Powder Regular, 200X; Terra-Pure™ Non-Preserved Freeze Dried Decolorized 200X Trade Names Containing: Terra-Dry™ Freeze Dried Aloe Vera Powder 100X Decolorized
Aloe vera gel. See Aloe barbadensis gel Alphadex. See Cyclodextrin Alpinia officinarum; Alpinia officinarum extract; Alpinia officinarum root extract; Alpinia root extract. See Galangal root extract Althea (Althea officinalis) flowers CAS 977052-71-3 Synonyms: Althea flowers; Althea officinalis; Marshmallow flowers Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510 Manuf./Distrib.: Bio-Botanica http://www.biobotanica.com Althea (Althea officinalis) root CAS 977005-75-6 Synonyms: Hibiscus moscheutos; Marshmallow Definition: Dried root of Althea officinalis Toxicology: Nontoxic Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510 Manuf./Distrib.: Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com Althea extract. See Althea officinalis extract Althea officinalis. See Althea (Althea officinalis) flowers; Althea officinalis extract Althea officinalis extract CAS 97676-24-9 FEMA 2048 Synonyms: Althea extract; Althea officinalis; Marshmallow root extract Definition: Extract of the roots of the marshmallow, Althea officinalis Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510 (roots and flowers); FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Bio-Botanica http://www.biobotanica.com; Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com
Aloe extract CAS 84837-08-1; 85507-69-3; EINECS/ELINCS 305-181-2 FEMA 2047 Synonyms: Aloe barbadensis extract; Barbados aloe extract; Curacao aloe extract Definition: Extract of leaves of one or more species of Aloe Properties: Bitter char. flavor Uses: Natural flavoring agent, thickener, stabilizer for foods, beverages, alcoholic beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com See also Aloe barbadensis extract
Alum. See Potassium alum dodecahydrate; Potassium alum anhydrous; Sodium alum; Aluminum sulfate Alum, ammonium. See Ammonium alum Alum carmine. See Carmine (Coccus cacti) Alum flour. See Potassium alum dodecahydrate
Aloe gel; Aloe juice. See Aloe barbadensis gel Aloe leaves extract. See Aloe barbadensis extract Aloe vera. See Aloe barbadensis
Alumina CAS 1344-28-1; 1333-84-2 (hydrate); EINECS/ELINCS 215-691-6 Synonyms: Activated alumina; Activated
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference aluminum oxide; Alumina, activated; Alumina, calcined; Alumina, tabular; Aluminium oxide alumite; Aluminium oxydes C; Aluminum oxide; Aluminum oxide (2:3); Alumite; Alundum; Calcined alumina; Tabular alumina Classification: Inorganic compd. Definition: Occurs in nature as the minerals bauxite, bayerite, boehmite, corundum, diaspore, gibbsite Empirical: Al2O3 Properties: Wh. cryst. powd., balls, or lumps, odorless, tasteless; pract. insol. in water; very sl. sol. in min. acids; m.w. 101.96; dens. 3.5-4; vapor pressure 1 mm Hg (2158 C); bulking value 0.032 gal/lb; m.p. 2050 C; b.p. 2977 C; oil absorp. 13; hardness (Mohs) 8.8 Toxicology: TLV/TWA 10 mg/m3 (dust); toxic by inhalation of dust; inh. may cause Shaver's disease; may be irritating to respiratory tract; eye irritant by mech. abrasion; skin drying, peeling; experimental tumorigen and neoplastigen by implant; TSCA listed Precaution: Noncombustible; incompat. with hot chlorinated rubber Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Exothermic reaction above 200 C with halocarbon vapors produces toxic HCl and phosgene Storage: Very hygroscopic Uses: Food additive; dispersant Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1010, 177.1460; exempt from certification, permanently listed; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Air Prods. http://www.airproducts.com; Alcan http://www.alcan.com; Alcoa http://www.aldoaco.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com AluChem http://www.aluchem.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Atlantic Equip. Engrs. http://www.micronmetals.com; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; Baikowski Int'l. http://www.baikowski.com Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com; Cambrex Karlskoga AB; Composition Materials http://compomat.com/home.asp; Evonik Degussa http://www.degussa.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; H.M. Royal http://www.hmroyal.com; Honeywell Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.js p; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Kahn & Co http://www.kahn.com Lonza Sarl; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; NetQem http://www.netqem.us; Nissan Chem. Ind. http://www.nissanchem.co.jp/; Noah http://www.noahtech.com PQ http://www.pqcorp.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Reade Advanced Materials http://www.reade.com; Rhodia http://www.rhodia.com; SPI Pharma http://www.spipharma.com San Yuan; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com; Selecto Scientific http://www.selectoinc.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Sumitomo Chem. http://www.sumitomochem.co.jp Symrise USA http://www.symrise.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Wilshire http://users.aol.com/wilshrchem/chmlist2.ht m; Zircar Zirconia http://www.zircarzirconia.com Alumina, activated; Alumina, calcined; Alumina, tabular. See Alumina Aluminium. See Aluminum Aluminium oxide alumite; Aluminium oxydes C. See Alumina Aluminophosphoric acid. See Aluminum orthophosphate Aluminosilicates, zeolites. See Zeolite Aluminosilicic acid, sodium salt. See Sodium silicoaluminate Aluminum CAS 7429-90-5; EINECS/ELINCS 231-072-3 UN 1309 (DOT); UN 1396 (DOT); UN NA 9260; INS173; E173 Synonyms: Aluminium; Aluminum bronze; Aluminum dehydrated; Aluminum flake; Aluminum metal; Aluminum powder (INCI); CI 77000; Pigment metal 1 Classification: Metallic element Empirical: Al Properties: Silvery wh. cryst. solid; sol. in HCl, sulfuric acid; insol. in water, alcohol; a.w. 26.98; dens. 2.708; m.p. 660 C; b.p. 2450 C Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 10 mg/m3 (dust), 2 mg/m3 (sol. salt), 5 mg/m3 (welding fumes); inh. of fine powds. can cause 829
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference pulmonary fibrosis; overexposure may cause skin, eye, and respiratory tract irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. in air; dust is explosive by heat, flame, or reaction with oxidizers; reactive; no stable isotopes; dangerous when wet HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 3 Storage: Moisture-sensitive Uses: Colorant in foods; colorant for external coating of sugar confectionery (EC) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1645, 73.2645, 175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 177.1460, 178.3297; exempt from certification, permanently listed for drug use; Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Atlantic Equip. Engrs. http://www.micronmetals.com; Belmont Metals http://www.belmontmetals.com; Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com Canbro; D.N. Lukens http://www.dnlukens.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Kaiser Aluminum http://www.kaiseral.com; Landers-Segal Color http://www.pigments.com/; Noah http://www.noahtech.com; Punda Mercantile http://www.punda.com Reade Advanced Materials http://www.reade.com; Royale Pigments & Chems. http://www.royalepigmentschem.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SPI Pharma http://www.spipharma.com; U.S. Aluminum Aluminum ammonium bis (sulfate); Aluminum ammonium sulfate. See Ammonium alum Aluminum bronze. See Aluminum Aluminum calcium lake. See Carmine (Coccus cacti) Aluminum calcium silicate CAS 1327-39-5 INS556 Synonyms: Calcium aluminosilicate; Calcium aluminum silicate Definition: Occurs in nature as the minerals: anorthite, didymolite, lawsonite, etc. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Empirical: Al2CaO8Si2; Al2Ca2SiO7 Formula: Common forms: CaAl2Si2O8 and Ca2Al2SiO7 Toxicology: Nuisance dust Uses: Anticaking agent in table salt, vanilla powd. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §169.179, 182.2122 (2% max.), GRAS; Europe listed; UK approved; Canada DSL Aluminum caprate CAS 22620-93-5 INS470 Uses: Binder, emulsifier, stabilizer, anticaking agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.863, 175.300 Aluminum caprylate CAS 6028-57-5; EINECS/ELINCS 227-902-9 INS470 Synonyms: Aluminum octanoate; Aluminum trioctanoate; Octanoic acid, aluminum salt Definition: Aluminum salt of caprylic acid Empirical: C8H16O2 • 1/3Al Uses: Binder, emulsifier, stabilizer, anticaking agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.863, 175.105, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.2260, 178.3910; Canada DSL Aluminum dehydrated. See Aluminum Aluminum, dihydroxy (octadecanoato-o-). See Aluminum stearate Aluminum distearate CAS 300-92-5; EINECS/ELINCS 206-101-8 Synonyms: Aluminum hydroxide distearate; Aluminum, hydroxybis (octadecanoato-o)-; Aluminum, hydroxybis (stearato)-; Aluminum hydroxydistearate; Hydroxyaluminum distearate; Monohydroxyaluminum distearate Definition: Aluminum salt of stearic acid Empirical: C36H71AlO5 Formula: [CH3(CH2)16COO]2Al(OH) Properties: Wh. powd.; insol. in water, alcohol, ether; forms gel w/ aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons; m.w. 611.05; dens. 1.009; m.p. 145 C Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 10 mg/m3; nuisance dust; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating vapors HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 830
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Uses: Binder, emulsifier, anticaking agent in foods; stabilizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.863, 173.340, 175.105, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1460, 177.2260, 178.3297, 178.3910, 179.45, 181.22, 181.29; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Jarchem Ind. http://www.jarchem.com/; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com Trade Names: Aluminum Stearate 22 Aluminum flake. See Aluminum Aluminum hexadecanoate. See Aluminum palmitate Aluminum hydroxide distearate; Aluminum, hydroxybis (octadecanoato-o)-; Aluminum, hydroxybis (stearato)-; Aluminum hydroxydistearate. See Aluminum distearate Aluminum-L-2-hydroxypropionate. See Aluminum lactate Aluminum lactate CAS 18917-91-4; EINECS/ELINCS 242-670-9 Synonyms: Aluminum-L-2-hydroxypropionate; Aluminum trilactate; Aluminum, tris (2hydroxypropanoato)-; Aluminum, tris (lactato)-; Tris (2-hydroxypropanoato) aluminum Classification: Nonaromatic acid salt Definition: Aluminum salt of L-lactic acid Empirical: C9H15AlO9 Formula: Al(CH3CHOHCOO)3 Properties: Wh. powd.; water-sol.; m.w. 294.18; m.p. > 300 C Toxicology: Irritating to eyes, skin, respiratory system; reproductive effector; TSCA listed Uses: Dietary supplement in foods Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; B.I. Chems. Barker Ind. http://www.barkerind.com; Boehringer Ingelheim http://www.boehringer-ingelheim.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; Generichem http://www.generichem.com/ Lohmann http://www.lohmannchemikalien.de; PURAC Am. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.purac.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Trade Names: Puramex® AL Aluminum laurate CAS 7230-93-5 INS470 Uses: Binder, emulsifier, stabilizer, anticaking agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.863, 175.300 Aluminum metal. See Aluminum Aluminum monobasic stearate. See Aluminum stearate Aluminum monopalmitate. See Aluminum palmitate Aluminum monostearate. See Aluminum stearate Aluminum myristate CAS 4040-50-0 INS470 Synonyms: Aluminum tetradecanoate; Myristic acid, aluminum salt; Tetradecanoic acid, aluminum salt Classification: Carboxylic acid salt Empirical: C42H81AlO6 Properties: Solid; m.w. 709.07 Uses: Binder, emulsifier, stabilizer, anticaking agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.863; Canada DSL Aluminum myristates/palmitates Synonyms: Aluminum trimyristate/tripalmitate; Myristic acid, palmitic acid, mixture, aluminum salt Uses: Binder, emulsifier, anticaking agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.863, 175.105, 175.320, 176.170, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.2260, 178.3910 Aluminum nicotinate CAS 1976-28-9 Synonyms: Nicotinic acid aluminum salt; 3Pyridinecarboxylic acid aluminum salt; Tris (nicotinato) aluminum Empirical: C18H12AlN3O6 Properties: Solid; m.w. 393.30 Precaution: Burning produces irritating fumes Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx Uses: Nutrient, dietary supplement, niacin source in foods for special dietary use 831
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.310 Manuf./Distrib.: MP Biomedicals http://www.mpbio.com Aluminum octanoate. See Aluminum caprylate Aluminum oleate CAS 688-37-9; EINECS/ELINCS 211-702-3 INS470 Synonyms: 9-Octadecenoic acid, aluminum salt; 9-Octadecenoic acid, (2)-, aluminum salt (3:1); Oleic acid aluminum salt Empirical: C54H99AlO6 Formula: [CH3(CH2)7CH=CH(CH2)7COO]3Al Properties: Ylsh. visc. mass; sol. in alcohol, benzene, ether, oil turpentine; pract. insol. in water; m.w. 871.36 Precaution: Combustible Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, anticaking agent in foods; migrating to foods from paper/paperboard Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.863, 175.300, 182.90, GRAS Aluminum orthophosphate CAS 7784-30-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232-056-9 UN 1760 (DOT) Synonyms: Aluminophosphoric acid; Aluminum phosphate; Aluminum phosphate tribasic; Aluphos; Phosphoric acid, aluminum salt (1:1) Empirical: AlO4P Formula: AlPO4 Properties: Wh. cryst.; insol. in water and alcohol; sl. sol. in HCl, nitric acid; m.w. 121.95; dens. 2.566; m.p. 1500 C; isomorphous with quartz Toxicology: Sol'ns. are corrosive to tissue; can cause severe irritation and burns to eyes and skin; inh. can irritate nose, throat, lungs and cause coughing, shortness of breath; avoid contact and inh.; prolonged/repeated exposure can irritate lungs, cause bronchitis; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Produces poisonous gases in fire Uses: Ingred. in food Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; Boscogen Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.boscogen.com; Esprit http://www.espritchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/ Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.js p; ICN Biomed. Research Prods. http://www.mpbio.com; Noah http://www.noahtech.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com; Rhodia/Phosphorus Perf. Derivs.; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Trade Names Containing: Py-ran® Aluminum oxide; Aluminum oxide (2:3). See Alumina Aluminum oxide silicate. See Aluminum silicate Aluminum palmitate CAS 555-35-1 INS470 Synonyms: Aluminum hexadecanoate; Aluminum monopalmitate; Hexadecanoic acid, aluminum salt; Hexadecanoic acid, aluminum salt (3:1); Palmitic acid, aluminum salt Empirical: C48H93AlO6 Formula: [CH3(CH2)14COO]3Al Properties: Wh. to yel. mass or powd.; pract. insol. in water or alcohol; dissolves in petrol. ether or oil turpentine when fresh; m.w. 793.25; dens. 1.072 Precaution: Combustible Uses: Binder, emulsifier, stabilizer, anticaking agent in foods; migrating to foods from paper Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.863, 175.300, 182.90, GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; ICN Biomed. Research Prods. http://www.mpbio.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com Aluminum phosphate; Aluminum phosphate tribasic. See Aluminum orthophosphate Aluminum potassium alum; Aluminum potassium disulfate. See Potassium alum anhydrous Aluminum potassium sulfate; Aluminum 832
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference potassium sulfate alum; Aluminum potassium sulfate, anhydrous. See Potassium alum anhydrous Aluminum powder (INCI). See Aluminum Aluminum silicate CAS 1327-36-2; EINECS/ELINCS 215-475-1 INS559 Synonyms: Aluminum oxide silicate; CI 77004; Pyrophyllite; Willinite Definition: Complex inorganic salt with 1 mole alumina, 1-3 moles silica; naturally occurring forms: andalusite, cyanite, sillimanite; other aluminum silicate mins. incl. kaolinite, kochite, mullite, newtonite, pyrophyllite, etc. Properties: Varying proportions of Al2O3 and SiO2; wh. mass, crystals, or whiskers; high str.; insol. in water; dens. 2.63; oil absorp. 35-45; GE brightness 82-92; ref. index 1.56; hardness (Mohs) 2 Toxicology: Essentially harmless when given orally or applied to skin; questionable carcinogen with experimental tumorigenic data by implantation Uses: Thickener in foods, beverages; anticaking agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.300, 177.1200, 177.1460, 177.2600, 184.1155; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Akrochem http://www.akrochem.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com Baikowski Int'l. http://www.baikowski.com; Boehle http://www.interpolymer.com/contentmgr/s howdetails.php/id/204; Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com; Burgess Pigment http://www.burgesspigment.com; Charles B. Chrystal http://www.cbchrystal.com Cimbar Perf. Mins. http://www.cimbar.com; D.N. Lukens http://www.dnlukens.com; Evonik Degussa http://www.degussa.com; HallStar http://www.cphall.com; IMERYS http://www.imerys.com INEOS Silicas Am. http://www.ineossilicas.com; Kaopolite; Kyowa Chem. Ind. http://www.kyowachem.co.jp; Lenape Ind. http://www.lenape.com/; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
R.E. Carroll http://www.recarroll.com; R.T. Vanderbilt http://www.rtvanderbilt.com; Selecto Scientific http://www.selectoinc.com; Solvay SA http://www.solvay.com; Southern Clay Prods. http://www.scprod.com Tamms Ind. http://www.tamms.com; Thiele Kaolin http://www.thielekaolin.com/; Tomita Pharmaceutical http://www.tomitaph.co.jp; U.S. Silica http://www.u-s-silica.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ Aluminum silicate dihydrate; Aluminum silicate hydrated; Aluminum silicate hydrous; Aluminum silicate hydroxide. See Kaolin Aluminum sodium bis (sulfate). See Sodium alum Aluminum sodium phosphate. See Sodium aluminum phosphate acidic Aluminum sodium silicate. See Sodium silicoaluminate Aluminum sodium sulfate. See Sodium alum Aluminum starch octenyl succinate CAS 9087-61-0 Synonyms: Starch aluminum octenyl succinate; Starch, hydrogen octenylbutanedioate, aluminum salt; Starch, octenylbutanedioate, aluminum salt Definition: Aluminum salt of the prod. of octenyl/succinic anhydride with starch Properties: Free-flowing wh. powd. Toxicology: TSCA listed Uses: Food starch modified Regulatory: FDA Inactive Ingredients Guide listed, FDA 21CFR §172.892, 175.105; Canada DSL Aluminum stearate CAS 7047-84-9; EINECS/ELINCS 230-325-5 INS470 Synonyms: Aluminum, dihydroxy (octadecanoato-o-); Aluminum monobasic stearate; Aluminum monostearate; Aluminum stearate, monobasic; Dihydroxyaluminum monostearate; Dihydroxyaluminum stearate; Octadecanoic acid, aluminum salt; Stearic acid, aluminum dihydroxide salt; Stearic acid, aluminum salt Classification: Aliphatic organic; sat. aliphatic carboxylic acid salt Definition: Aluminum salt of stearic acid Empirical: C18H37AlO4 833
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Formula: CH3(CH2)16COOAl(OH)2 Properties: Wh. to ylsh. fine powd., faint char. odor; sol. in alkali, petrol., turpentine oil; insol. in water, alcohol, ether; m.w. 344.48; dens. 1.070; m.p. 115 C Toxicology: ACGIH TWA 10 mg/m3; TLV/TWA 2 mg(Al)/m3; LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg; essentially nontoxic; nuisance dust; inh. of high concs. of dust may cause coughing and mild temporary irritation; sl. eye irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible dust; may form explosive dust-air mixts.; incompat. with acids (reacts vigorously) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. prods.: CO, CO2, aluminum oxide; heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool area away from ignition sources Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, anticaking agent in foods; in defoamers for beet sugar, yeast processing; stabilizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA §172.863, 173.340, 175.105, 175.210, 175.300, 176.170, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1460, 177.2260, 177.2800, 178.3297, 178.3910, 179.45, 181.22, 181.29; USP/NF compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Acme-Hardesty http://www.acme-hardesty.com; Aerchem http://www.aerchem.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com Arkema http://www.arkema.fr; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Brenntag Specialties; Fallek; Ferro http://www.ferro.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; Geo Spec. Chems. http://www.geosc.com; Halstab http://www.halstab.com; Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.js p; Lohmann http://www.lohmannchemikalien.de; Magnesia GmbH http://www.magnesia.de; NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/; Norac http://www.norac.com/ Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Norman, Fox http://www.norfox.ws/; Pechiney Chems. Div. http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com Sea-Land http://www.sealandchem.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Viva http://www.sodiumstearate.com Trade Names: Synpro® Aluminum Monostearate NF See also Aluminum tristearate Aluminum stearate, monobasic. See Aluminum stearate Aluminum sulfate CAS 10043-01-3 (anhyd.); 17927-65-0 (hydrate); EINECS/ELINCS 233-135-0 UN 1760 (sol'n.) (DOT); INS520 Synonyms: Alum; Aluminum trisulfate; Cake alum; Dialuminum sulfate; Dialuminum trisulfate; Papermakers' alum; Patent alum; Pearl alum; Sulfuric acid aluminum salt; Sulfuric acid, aluminum salt (3:2) Classification: Inorganic salt Empirical: Al2O12S3 Formula: Al2(SO4)3 • 14H2O Properties: Wh. cryst. powd., odorless, sweet taste; sol. 36.4% in water (20 C); insol. in alcohol; m.w. 342.14 (anhyd.); dens. 2.71; b.p. dec. @ 770 C; stable in air Toxicology: ACGIH TLV-TWA 2 mg/m3; LD50 (oral, mouse) 6207 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing. and IP routes; irritating to skin, eyes, respiratory tract; ing. causes nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain; hydrolyzes to form sulfuric acid which irritates tissue, esp. lungs; TSCA listed Precaution: Forms sulfuric acid with water; dec. to sulfur oxides at high temps. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: SOx HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Hygroscopic Uses: Firming agent in foods, pickle relish, pickles, potatoes, pkg. materials; esterification agent for food starch modified Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892, 182.1125, GRAS; BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AAE Chemie NV 834
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.aaechemie.com; AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; AXO Chem. http://www.axochemical.com; Albemarle http://www.albemarle.com; Alcan http://www.alcan.com Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Allan http://www.allanchem.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Altivia http://www.altivia.com Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; BK Giulini Chemie http://www.bkgiulini.com/e-index1.htm; Barker Ind. http://www.barkerind.com Bay Chem. & Supply http://www.baychemical.com/; Columbus Chem. Ind. http://www.columbuschemical.com; Delta http://www.deltachemical.com/; General Alum & Chem. http://www.gacchemical.com; General Chem. http://www.genchemcorp.com Geo Spec. Chems. http://www.geosc.com; Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com; Holland http://www.hollandcompany.com; Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.js p; Integra http://www.integrachem.com Lohmann http://www.lohmannchemikalien.de; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Melchemie bv http://www.melchemie.com/; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Rasa Ind. http://www.rasa.co.jp; Rhodia http://www.rhodia.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sal Chem. http://www.salchem.com San Yuan; Seeler Ind. http://www.seeler.com; Southern Ionics http://www.southernionics.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Symrise USA http://www.symrise.com Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Veckridge; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names Containing: BL-60® Aluminum tetradecanoate. See Aluminum Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
myristate Aluminum trilactate. See Aluminum lactate Aluminum trimyristate/tripalmitate. See Aluminum myristates/palmitates Aluminum trioctanoate. See Aluminum caprylate Aluminum, tris (2-hydroxypropanoato)-; Aluminum, tris (lactato)-. See Aluminum lactate Aluminum tristearate CAS 637-12-7; EINECS/ELINCS 211-279-5 Synonyms: Aluminum stearate; Octadecanoic acid, aluminum salt; Stearic acid, aluminum salt; Tribasic aluminum stearate Definition: Aluminum salt of stearic acid Empirical: C54H105O6 • Al Formula: [CH3(CH2)16COO]3Al Properties: Wh. powd.; sol. in alcohol, benzene, oil turpentine, min. oils; pract. insol. in water; m.w. 877.35; dens. 1.070; m.p. 117-120 C Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 10 mg/m3; nuisance dust; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating vapors Uses: Binder, emulsifier, anticaking agent in foods; defoamer in beet sugar and yeast processing; stabilizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.863, 173.340, 175.105, 175.210, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1460, 177.2260, 177.2800, 178.3297, 178.3910, 179.45, 181.22, 181.29; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Gelest http://www.gelest.com; Katsuta Kako http://www.katsuta-kako.co.jp; Kawamura Kasei Ind. Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com See also Aluminum stearate Alumite. See Alumina Alum lake; Alum lake of carminic acid. See Carmine (Coccus cacti) Alum, potassium. See Potassium alum dodecahydrate; Potassium alum anhydrous Alundum. See Alumina Aluphos. See Aluminum orthophosphate Amaranth CAS 915-67-3; EINECS/ELINCS 213-022-2 835
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference INS123; E123 Synonyms: Acid amaranth; Acid red 27 (INCI); Acid red 27, trisodium salt; Azorubin S; CI 16185; D&C Red No. 2; Fast red; FD&C Red No. 2; Food red 2; Food red 9; 2-Hydroxy1,1´-azonaphthalene-3,6,4´-trisulfonic acid trisodium salt; 3-Hydroxy-4-[(4-sulfo-1naphthalenyl) azo]-2,7naphthalenedisulfonic acid trisodium salt; 3-Hydroxy-4-((4-sulfo-1-naphthyl) azo)-2,7naphthalenedisulfonic acid, trisodium salt; Naphthol red; Naphthylamine red; Red cockscomb; Red dye no. 2; Red no. 2; 1-(4Sulfo-1-naphthylazo)-2-naphthol-3,6disulfonic acid trisodium salt Classification: Monoazo dye Empirical: C20H11N2Na3O10S3 Formula: NaSO3C10H5N=NC10H4(SO3Na)2OH Properties: Dk. red to purple powd.; pract. odorless; saline taste; sol. in water, glycerol, propylene glycol, citric acid, tartaric acid; very sl. sol. in alcohol, Cellosolve; insol. in oil, fat, most org. solvs.; m.w. 604.48; dens. ≈ 1.50; m.p. > 300 C; pH ≈ 10.8 (1% aq.); anionic Toxicology: LD50 (IP, rat) 1 g/kg, (IV, rat) 1 g/kg; harmful by inh., ing., skin contact; irritating to eyes, skin, respiratory system; may cause anaphylactic symptoms, urticaria; possible carcinogen; reproductive effector; tumorigen; mutagen; TSCA listed Precaution: Probably combustible Storage: Store at ambient temps. Uses: Absorbent, diluent, disintegrant, colorant in foods; formerly a certified colorant for foods (US); colorant for aperitif wines, spirit drinks (EC) Regulatory: Banned by FDA for use in foods, drugs, and cosmetics; UK approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Dynemic Prods. http://www.foodcolor.net/ Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Trade Names: Amaranth Oil; Pre-Gel Amaranth Powder
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Amaranthus cruentus Synonyms: Amaranthus hybridus hypochondriacus; Amaranthus hypochondriacus; Gentleman's cane; Prince's feather; Prince's plume; Purple amaranth; Red amaranth Definition: Tall showy tropical American annual with hair stems and long spikes of usually red flowers; seeds often used as cereal; 15% protein, 7% fat, 63% carbohydrates Uses: Nutrient, protein, dietary fiber, flavoring agent, texturizer, vitamin source for baked goods, snacks, flour, dressings, cereal Trade Names: Puffed Amaranth Amaranthus hybridus hypochondriacus; Amaranthus hypochondriacus. See Amaranthus cruentus Amber; Amber acid. See Succinic acid Ambergris CAS 8038-65-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-454-2 Synonyms: Ambergris oil; Physeter macrocephalus Definition: Waxy opaque mass obtained from intestinal tract of sperm whale and found on beaches or afloat in the ocean Uses: Natural flavoring agent, aroma in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.50, GRAS; Japan approved; Canada DSL Ambergris oil. See Ambergris Amber musk. See Musk ambrette Ambrette (Hibiscus abelmoschus) seed oil CAS 8015-62-1; 84455-19-6; EINECS/ELINCS 282-891-8 FEMA 2050; 2051 Synonyms: Ambrette seed absolute; Ambrette seed liq.; Hibiscus abelmoschus; Hibiscus abelmoschus seed absolute; Hibiscus abelmoschus seed oil Definition: Volatile oil distilled from seeds of Hibiscus abelmoschus Properties: Colorless to pale yel. oily liq.; brandy-like odor; sp.gr. 0.898-0.920; ref. index 1.4680 (20 C) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Storage: Store in 10-50% alcoholic sol'n. at reduced temps. to prevent rancid notes Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Biolandes 836
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.biolandes.com; Danisco Seillans http://www.danisco.com; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Liberty Natural Prods. http://www.libertynatural.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com Payan & Bertrand http://www.payanbertrand.com/; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Ambrette seed absolute; Ambrette seed liq. See Ambrette (Hibiscus abelmoschus) seed oil Ambrettolide CAS 123-69-3; 7779-50-2; EINECS/ELINCS 204644-5; 231-929-1 FEMA 2555 Synonyms: ω-6-Hexadecenlactone; 6Hexadecenolide; 6-Hexadecen-16-olide; 7Hexadec-7-en-16-olide; 16-Hydroxy-6hexadecenoic acid, ω-lactone; Natural musk ambrette; 1-Oxacycloheptadec-7-en-2-one; Oxacycloheptadec-8-en-2-one, (Z)Classification: lactone; macrocyclic musk Empirical: C16H28O2 Properties: Colorless liq.; powerful musk odor; m.w. 252.44; dens. 0.956; b.p. 185-190 C (16 mm); flash pt. > 110 C; ref. index 1.4790 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 339 mg/kg; LDLo (oral, mouse) 1600 mg/kg; poison by ing.; eye irritant; may be irritating to skin, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract; may be harmful by inh., ing., or skin absorp.; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents, strong acids, strong bases Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Toxic fumes of CO, CO2; heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating vapors; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Store in cool, dry place; keep tightly closed Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Givaudan Fragrances http://www.givaudan.com; Payan & Bertrand http://www.payanbertrand.com/; Penta Mfg. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.pentamfg.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com American ash. See Potassium carbonate American dill seed oil. See Dill (Anethum graveolens) seed oil American pennyroyal oil. See Pennyroyal (Hedeoma pulegiodes) oil Amethyst. See Quartz Amidated pectin. See Pectin, amidated Amide C18. See Stearamide (Amide-d) lysozyme. See Egg white lysozyme Amides, coco, N,N-bis (2-hydroxyethyl)-. See Cocamide DEA Amido naphthol red G. See Acid red 1 Amine C4. See n-Butylamine Amine γ-glutamyltransferase. See Transglutaminase Aminic acid. See Formic acid Aminoacetic acid. See Sodium glycinate; Glycine (S)-α-Aminobenzenepropanoic acid. See LPhenylalanine Aminobenzoic acid; 4-Aminobenzoic acid; γAminobenzoic acid. See p-Aminobenzoic acid p-Aminobenzoic acid CAS 150-13-0; EINECS/ELINCS 205-753-0 Synonyms: Aminobenzoic acid; 4Aminobenzoic acid; γ-Aminobenzoic acid; 1-Amino-4-carboxybenzene; Anticanitic vitamin; Antichromotrichia factor; Benzoic acid, 4-amino-; 4-Carboxyaniline; pCarboxyaniline; p-Carboxyphenylamine; Chromotrichia factor; PABA (INCI); Vitamin H; Vitamin BX Classification: Aromatic acid Definition: A compound of the vitamin B complex that is necessary for folic acid synthesis, but not essential for the human diet Empirical: C7H7NO2 Formula: NH2C6H4CO2H Properties: Colorless to yel. monoclinic prisms; sol. in oxygenated solvs., ethyl acetate, glac. acetic acid, water; sl. sol. in benzene; insol. in petrol. ether; m.w. 137.13; dens. 1.374; m.p. 187 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 2850 mg/kg, (IV, rabbit) 2000 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing., IV routes; ingesting lg. amts. can cause nausea, vomiting, skin rash, 837
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference methemoglobinemia, possibly toxic hepatitis; irritant; can cause allergic eczema and lt. sensitivity in susceptible persons; experimental reproductive effects; mutation data; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Light-sensitive Uses: Vitamin in nutrition Features: A compound of the vitamin B complex that is necessary for folic acid synthesis, but not essential for the human diet Regulatory: BP, EP compliance; GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Am. Biorganics; Anmar Int'l. http://www.anmarinternational.com Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; Austin http://www.austinchemical.com; Cambrex Karlskoga AB; Charles Bowman http://www.charlesbowman.com; ChemSupply http://www.chemsupply.com.au ChemPur http://www.ChemPur.de; Clariant/Functional Chems. http://fun.clariant.com/fun/internet.nsf/04fa 7deb65dc84f9c1256a6200552c10/e56809ab4 8026d1ec1256bf300; Dastech Int'l. http://www.dastech.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com Generichem http://www.generichem.com/; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Midori Kagaku http://www.midorikagaku.co.jp/m060713/e_start_fr.htm Morre-Tec Ind. http://www.morretec.com; Napp Tech. http://www.napptech.com; Nat'l. Starch & Chem. http://www.nationalstarch.com; Nippon Kayaku http://www.nipponkayaku.co.jp/english/; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com R.W. Greeff http://www.pechineychemicals.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; HallStar Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.hallstar.com; Richman http://www.richmanchemical.com; Rochem Int'l. http://www.rochemintl.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Shanghai Rokem Int'l. http://www.rokem.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Sinochem Tianjin http://www.sinochemtianjin.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; Universal PreservA-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Wego Chem. & Min. http://www.wegochem.com 2-Aminobenzoic acid, allyl ester. See Allyl anthranilate 2-Aminobenzoic acid, butyl ester. See Butyl anthranilate o-Aminobenzoic acid, ethyl ester. See Ethyl anthranilate 2-Aminobenzoic acid methyl ester; oAminobenzoic acid methyl ester. See Methyl anthranilate 2-Aminobenzoic acid, 2-methylpropyl ester. See Isobutyl anthranilate 2-Aminobenzoic acid phenethyl ester. See Phenethyl anthranilate 2-Aminobenzoic acid-3-phenyl-2-propenyl ester. See Cinnamyl anthranilate 1-Aminobutane. See n-Butylamine (S)-Aminobutanedioic acid. See L-Aspartic acid L-2-Amino-4-carbamoylbutanic acid; 2-Amino-4carbamoylbutanoic acid. See L-Glutamine 1-Amino-4-carboxybenzene. See pAminobenzoic acid 3-Amino-N-(α-carboxyphenethyl) succinamic acid N-methyl ester. See Aspartame 2-Amino-2-deoxy-(1-4)-β-D-glucopyranan. See Chitosan 2-Amino-2-deoxy-β-D-glucopyranose; 2-Amino2-deoxyglucose. See Glucosamine N-[4-[[(2-Amino-1,4-dihydro-4-oxo-6-pteridinyl) methyl] amino] benzoyl]-L-glutamic acid. See Folic acid 2-Aminoethanesulfonic acid. See Taurine Aminoethanoic acid. See Sodium glycinate 2-Aminoethanol; 2-Aminoethyl alcohol; βAminoethyl alcohol. See Ethanolamine Aminoethylethandiamine; N-(2-Aminoethyl)-1,2838
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference ethanediamine; N-(2-Aminoethyl) ethylenediamine. See Diethylenetriamine 2-Aminoethylsulfonic acid. See Taurine Aminoform. See Hexamethylenetetramine 1-2-Aminoglutaramidic acid. See L-Glutamine α-Aminoglutaric acid; L-2-Aminoglutaric acid. See L-Glutamic acid L-2-Aminoglutaric acid hydrochloride. See LGlutamic acid hydrochloride 2-Aminoglutarmaic acid. See L-Glutamine 1-1-Amino-4-guanidovaleric acid; L-Amino-4guanidovaleric acid. See L-Arginine L-1-Amino-4-guanidovaleric acid monohydrochloride. See L-Arginine monohydrochloride α-Aminohydrocinnamic acid. See LPhenylalanine; D-Phenylalanine 2-Amino-3-hydroxybutyric acid; α-Amino-βhydroxybutyric acid; L-2-Amino-3hydroxybutyric acid. See L-Threonine α-Amino-p-hydroxyhydrocinnamic acid; L-αAmino-β-(4-hydroxyphenyl) propionic acid; (S)-2-Amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl) propionic acid. See L-Tyrosine 1-Amino-2-hydroxypropane. See Isopropanolamine (+-2)-Amino-3-hydroxypropionic acid. See DLSerine 2-Amino-3-hydroxypropionic acid. See L-Serine 1-N-(p-(((2-Amino-4-hydroxy-6-pteridinyl) methyl) amino) benzoyl) glutamic acid. See Folic acid α-Amino-β-imidazolepropionic acid; L-α-Aminoβ-imidazolepropionic acid. See L-Histidine 1-α-Amino-4 (or 5)-imidazolepropionic acid monohydrochloride. See Histidine hydrochloride monohydrate α´-Amino-3-indolepropionic acid; l-α-Amino-3indolepropionic acid. See L-Tryptophan (±)-2-Amino-3-(3-indolyl)propionic acid. See DLα-Tryptophan 2-Amino-3-indol-3-yl-proprionic acid. See LTryptophan L-α-Aminoisocaproci acid; α-Aminoisocaproic acid. See L-Leucine α-Aminoisopropyl alcohol. See Isopropanolamine α-Aminoisovaleric acid. See DL-α-Valine; LValine DL-2-Aminoisovaleric acid. See DL-α-Valine l-(+)-α-Aminoisovaleric acid. See L-Valine (±)-α-Aminoisovaleric acid. See DL-α-Valine Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
L-2-Amino-3-mercaptopropanoic acid. See LCysteine L-2-Amino-3-mercaptopropanoic acid monohydrochloride. See Cysteine hydrochloride anhydrous L-2-Amino-3-mercaptopropanoic acid monohydrochloride monohydrate. See Cysteine hydrochloride monohydrate (+)-2-Amino-3-mercaptopropionic acid. See LCysteine 1-Amino-3-methylbutane. See Isoamylamine 1-α-Amino-γ-methylmercaptobutyric acid; (S)-2Amino-4-(methylmercapto) butyric acid. See L-Methionine (±)-2-Amino-4-(methylmercapto) butyric acid. See DL-Methionine 2-Amino-3-methylpentanoic acid. See LIsoleucine 2-Amino-4-methylpentanoic acid. See LLeucine L-2-Amino-3-methylpentanoic acid. See LIsoleucine 3-((4-Amino-2-methyl-5-pyrimidinyl) methyl)-5(2-hydroxyethyl)-4-methylthiazolium chloride. See Thiamine 3-[(4-Amino-2-methyl-5-pyrimidinyl)methyl]-4-(2hydroxyethyl)-4-methylthiazolium nitrate. See Thiamine nitrate DL-2-Amino-4-methylthiobutanaoic acid; DL-2Amino-4-(methylthio) butyric acid. See DLMethionine L-2-Amino-4-methylthiobutyric acid. See LMethionine 1,2-Amino-4-methylvaleric acid. See L-Leucine 2-Amino-3-methylvaleric acid. See L-Isoleucine 2-Amino-4-methylvaleric acid. See L-Leucine α-Amino-β-methylvaleric acid. See L-Isoleucine α-Amino-γ-methylvaleric acid. See L-Leucine DL-2-Amino-3-methylvaleric acid. See DLIsoleucine DL-2-Amino-4-methylvaleric acid. See DLLeucine 2-Aminopentanedioic acid; L-2Aminopentanedioic acid. See L-Glutamic acid 2-Aminopentanedioic acid hydrochloride. See L-Glutamic acid hydrochloride α-Amino-β-phenylpropionic acid. See DLPhenylalanine; L-Phenylalanine D-α-Amino-β-phenylpropionic acid. See DPhenylalanine DL-α-Amino-β-phenylpropionic acid. See DLPhenylalanine 839
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference L-α-Amino-β-phenylpropionic acid. See LPhenylalanine 1-Aminopropane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid. See LGlutamic acid 1,2-Aminopropanoic acid. See L-Alanine dl-2-Aminopropanoic acid; dl-α-Aminopropanoic acid. See DL-Alanine 1-Amino-2-propanol; 1-Aminopropan-2-ol. See Isopropanolamine 2-Aminopropionic acid. See DL-Alanine; LAlanine α-Aminopropionic acid. See DL-Alanine L-2-Aminopropionic acid; L-α-Aminopropionic acid. See L-Alanine 1-α-Aminosuccinamic acid; 2-Aminosuccinamic acid; L-α-Aminosuccinamic acid. See LAsparagine (-)-Aminosuccinic acid. See D-Aspartic acid (+)-Aminosuccinic acid. See L-Aspartic acid DL-Aminosuccinic acid. See DL-Aspartic acid L-Aminosuccinic acid; L-α-Aminosuccinic acid. See L-Aspartic acid α-Amino-β-thiopropionic acid; L-2-Amino-3thiopropionic acid. See L-Cysteine Amioca. See Amylopectin Ammonia CAS 7664-41-7; EINECS/ELINCS 231-635-3 UN 1005 (anhyd.); UN 2672; UN 2073 (sol'ns.) Synonyms: Ammonia anhydrous; Ammonia gas; Anhydrous ammonia Classification: Inorganic nitrogen compd. Empirical: H3N Formula: NH3 Properties: Colorless gas or liq., sharp, intensely irritating odor; easily liquefied by pressure; sol. in water, alcohol, ether; m.w. 17.03; sp.gr. 0.682 (-33.4 C); f.p. -77 C; b.p. -33.5 C; pH 11.6 (1N aq.) Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 25 ppm; STEL 35 ppm; LD50 (inh., mouse, 1 h) 4837 ppm, (oral, rat) 350 mg/kg (ammonium hydroxide); corrosive; inh. of conc. fumes may be fatal; irritating to eyes and mucous membranes; shown to produce cancer of the skin in human doses of 1000 mg/kg of body wt.; TSCA listed Precaution: Moderate fire risk; caustic Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Exposed to heat, emits toxic fumes of NH3 and NOx NFPA: Health 3, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Processing aid in foods; microbial fermentation nutrient Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: BP, EP compliance; FDA 27CFR §21.95; SARA reportable (anhyd.); Canada DSL; Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Agrium http://www.agrium.com; Air Prods. http://www.airproducts.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Arch Chems. http://www.archchemicals.com Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; BASF AG http://www.basf.de; BDH; Brenntag AG http://www.brenntag.de Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties; Brown http://www.brownchem.com; Chemical http://www.thechemco.com; ChevronPhillips http://www.cpchem.com Columbus Chem. Ind. http://www.columbuschemical.com; Coyne http://www.coynechemical.com; Cytec Ind. http://www.cytec.com; DPC Ind. http://www.dxsystemsco.com; DSM Fine Chems. Austria http://www.dsmfinechemicals.com Dakota Gasification http://www.dakotagas.com; Dow http://www.dow.com; DuPont http://www.dupont.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Galbraith Labs http://www.galbraith.com Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com; Holland http://www.hollandcompany.com; Honeywell Perf. Polymers http://www.honeywellppc.com; http://www.honeywell-plastics.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com Jilin Chem. Ind. http://www.jcic.com.cn; Kemira BV http://www.kemwater.nl/; Koch Nitrogen http://www.kochfertilizer.com/; Lonza http://www.lonza.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com Miljac http://www.miljac.com; Monsanto http://www.monsanto.com; Nissan Chem. Ind. http://www.nissanchem.co.jp/; Noah http://www.noahtech.com; Norsk Hydro ASA http://www.hydro.com/en/index.html Occidental http://www.oxychem.com; PPG Ind. http://www.ppg.com; http://www.ppgchloralkali.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Sal Chem. http://www.salchem.com; Seeler Ind. http://www.seeler.com 840
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Solutia http://www.solutia.com; http://www.coatings-solutia.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; U.S. Chems. http://www.uschemicals.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ Veckridge Ammonia anhydrous. See Ammonia Ammonia aqua; Ammonia aqueous. See Ammonium hydroxide Ammonia gas. See Ammonia Ammonia solution; Ammonia solution, strong. See Ammonium hydroxide Ammoniated glycyrrhizin. See Ammonium glycyrrhizate Ammonia water. See Ammonium hydroxide Ammonioformaldehyde. See Hexamethylenetetramine Ammonium acetate CAS 631-61-8; EINECS/ELINCS 211-162-9 INS264 Synonyms: Acetic acid ammonium salt Classification: Aliphatic organic compd. Empirical: C2H7NO2 Formula: CH3COONH4 Properties: Colorless or wh. crystals, sl. acetous odor; sol. in alcohol, oxygenated solvs.; sl. sol. in acetone; very sl. sol. in water; m.w. 77.08; dens. 1.07; m.p. 114 C; pH 6.7-7.3 (5%) Toxicology: LD50 (IP, rat) 632 mg/kg, (IV, mouse) 386 mg/kg; poison by IV route; mod. toxic by IP route; gastric irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx and NH3 HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Hygroscopic, deliq.; store @ 2-8 C Uses: pH control agent in foods; preservative for meats; animal feed supplement; microbial fermentation nutrient Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alemark http://www.amsyn.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Allan http://www.allanchem.com Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Am. Biorganics; Am. Int'l. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.aicma.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Cater Chems. http://www.caterchem.com Daito Chem. Ind. http://www.dcg.co.jp/english.html; Daiwa http://www.ogcorp.co.jp/en/group/daiwa.ht ml; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; Hawkins Chem. http://www.hawkinschemical.com/ Heico http://www.rutherfordchemicals.com; Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.js p; Integra http://www.integrachem.com Jarchem Ind. http://www.jarchem.com/; Johnson Matthey http://www.matthey.com; Kemira ChemSolutions BV http://www.kemira.com; Kishida Chem. http://www.kishida.co.jp; Lohmann http://www.lohmann-chemikalien.de Magnablend http://www.magnablend.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Min. R&D http://www.mrdc.com; Noah http://www.noahtech.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; St. Lawrence http://www.stlawrencechem.com; Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com Tomiyama Pure Chem. Ind. http://www.tomypure.co.jp; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ Ammonium acid phosphate. See Ammonium phosphate Ammonium adipate CAS 3385-41-9 INS359 Synonyms: Adipic acid diammonium salt; Hexanedioic acid, diammonium salt Empirical: C6H16N2O4 Properties: M.w. 180.20 Uses: pH control agent in foods Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; 841
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Ammonium alginate CAS 9005-34-9 FEMA 2015; INS403; E403 Synonyms: Alginic acid, ammonium salt; Ammonium polymannuronate Classification: Hydrophilic colloid Definition: Ammonium salt of alginic acid Empirical: (C6H7O6NH4)n Properties: Filamentous, grainy, granular, or powd.; colorless or sl. yel.; sl. smell or taste; slowly sol. in water forming visc. sol'n.; insol. in alcohol; pH 5-6 (1%) Toxicology: TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx Uses: Emulsifier, thickener, stabilizer, humectant, color diluent in foods, gelatins, frostings, jams/jellies, sauces, toppings, ice cream; boiler water additive (food contact); flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, baked goods, condiments, meats, toppings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.310, 178.3900, 184.1133, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; USDA 9CFR 318.7; Europe listed; UK approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Monsanto http://www.monsanto.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com Trade Names Containing: KELTOSE® Ammonium, alkyldimethyl (phenylmethyl)-, chloride. See Benzalkonium chloride Ammonium alum CAS 7784-25-0; 7784-26-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-055-3 INS523 Synonyms: Alum, ammonium; Aluminum ammonium bis (sulfate); Aluminum ammonium sulfate; Ammonium aluminum alum; Ammonium aluminum sulfate; Burnt ammonium alum; Exsiccated ammonium Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
alum; Sulfuric acid, aluminum ammonium salt (2:1:1), dodecahydrate Classification: Inorganic aluminum compd. Empirical: Al • H3N • 2H2O4S • 12H2O Formula: AlNH4(SO4)2 • 12H2O Properties: Wh. cryst. powd., odorless, strong sweet astringent taste; freely sol. in glycerol; pract. insol. in alcohol; sol. 1 g/7 ml in water; m.w. 453.33; dens. 1.645; m.p. 94.5 C; b.p. dec. > 280 C; noncombustible Toxicology: TLV/TWA 2 mg/m3 (sol. salts, as Al); irritating if inhaled or ingested; causes redness and irritation to skin and eyes when sulfuric acid forms in presence of moisture Precaution: Incompat. with strong bases (can react vigorously) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: On decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx and SOx HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry area in labeled dusttight containers; keep closed when not in use Uses: Stabilizer, firming agent, clarifier in foods; buffer, neutralizer in baking powd.; hardener for gelatin; migrating to food from paper/paperboard Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §178.3120, 182.90, 182.1127, GRAS; Japan approved except for miso; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Aerchem http://www.aerchem.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com Cooper Chem. http://www.cooperchemical.com/; Dudley http://www.dudley-chem.com/dudley.html; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; Holland http://www.hollandcompany.com Independent Chem. http://www.independentchemical.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Noah http://www.noahtech.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sal Chem. http://www.salchem.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem 842
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Wego Chem. & Min. http://www.wegochem.com Ammonium aluminum alum; Ammonium aluminum sulfate. See Ammonium alum Ammonium, benzyldiethyl ((2,6-xylylcarbamoyl) methyl)-, benzoate. See Denatonium benzoate Ammonium, benzyldimethyloctadecyl-, chloride. See Stearalkonium chloride Ammonium, benzylhexadecyldimethyl-, chloride. See Cetalkonium chloride Ammonium bicarbonate CAS 1066-33-7; EINECS/ELINCS 213-911-5 UN NA 9081 (DOT); INS503(ii); E503 Synonyms: Acid ammonium carbonate; Ammonium bicarbonate (1:1); Ammonium carbonate; Ammonium hydrogen carbonate; Carbonic acid monoammonium salt; Monoammonium carbonate Classification: Inorganic salt Empirical: CH2O3 • H3N Formula: NH4HCO3 Properties: Colorless or wh. hard cryst. or cryst. powd., faint ammonia odor; sol. 17.4% in water (20 C); dec. by hot water; insol. in alcohol, acetone; m.w. 79.1; dens. 1.586; m.p. dec. 3660 C; pH 7.0-7.8 (5%) Toxicology: LD50 (IV, mouse) 245 mg/kg; poison by intravenous route; TSCA listed Precaution: Can cause skin rashes of scalp, forehead, or hands; evolves irritating fumes on heating to 35 C Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx and NH3 HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Uses: Direct food additive; alkali, dough strengthener, leavening agent, pH control agent, texturizer in foods, cookies, crackers; baking powd. ingred.; yeast fermentation nutrient Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.85, 163.110, 163.111, 163.112, 182.1135, 184.1135, GRAS; Japan approved; Europe listed; UK approved; BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AAE Chemie NV http://www.aaechemie.com; AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; AXO Chem. http://www.axochemical.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.alfa.com Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Am. Biorganics; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; BASF http://www.basf.com Boith China http://www.boith.com; Church & Dwight http://www.ahperformance.com; Coyne http://www.coynechemical.com; EMCO Chem. Distributors http://www.emcochem.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com Ebonex http://www.ebonex.com/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; General Chem. http://www.genchemcorp.com; Independent Chem. http://www.independentchemical.com Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Nissan Chem. Ind. http://www.nissanchem.co.jp/; Noah http://www.noahtech.com Norsk Hydro ASA http://www.hydro.com/en/index.html; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Rhodia http://www.rhodia.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; San Yuan Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Sumitomo Chem. http://www.sumitomochem.co.jp; Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; Ube Ind. http://www.ubeind.co.jp/japanese/index.htm VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Westco http://www.westcochemicals.com See also Ammonium carbonate Ammonium bicarbonate (1:1). See Ammonium bicarbonate Ammonium biphosphate. See Ammonium phosphate Ammonium bisulfide. See Ammonium sulfide Ammonium bisulfite CAS 10192-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 233-469-7 UN 2693 (DOT) Synonyms: Ammonium hydrogen sulfite; Ammonium monosulfite; Monoammonium sulfite; Sulfurous acid, monoammonium salt 843
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Classification: Inorganic salt Empirical: H5NO3S Formula: H3N • H2O3S Properties: Solid; m.w. 99.11; commercially as pale yel. aq. sol'n. Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: DOT: Corrosive material Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic vapors of NH4– Uses: Catalyst in mfg. of ammoniated caramels; yeast improver in winemaking Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; Brotherton Ltd http://www.brotherton.co.uk; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Esseco SpA http://www.esseco.com FMC Foret http://www.fmcforet.com/; GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; General Chem. http://www.genchemcorp.com; Heico http://www.rutherfordchemicals.com; Hydrite http://www.hydrite.com Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; Tessenderlo Kerley http://www.tkinet.com/; Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ Wm. Blythe Ltd http://www.wmblythe.co.uk Ammonium caprate INS470 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, anticaking agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.863 Ammonium caprylate CAS 5972-76-9; EINECS/ELINCS 227-765-5 INS470 Synonyms: Ammonium octanoate; Octanoic acid, ammonium salt Empirical: C8H16O2 • H3N Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, anticaking agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.863 Ammonium carbonate CAS 506-87-6; 8000-73-5†; 10361-29-2; EINECS/ELINCS 233-786-0 UN 9084; INS503(i); E503 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Synonyms: Carbonic acid, ammonium salt; Carbonic acid, diammonium salt; Diammonium carbonate; Hartshorn Definition: Mixt. of ammonium bicarbonate and ammonium carbamate Empirical: CH8N2O3 Formula: (NH4)2CO3 Properties: Wh. powd. or wh. or translucent hard mass, strong ammonia odor, sharp taste; slowly sol. in 4 parts water; dec. by hot water; m.w. 96.11; m.p. 58 C Toxicology: LD50 (IV, mouse) 96 mg/kg; poison by subcutaneous and IV routes; TSCA listed Precaution: Dec. on exposure to air; volatilizes at 60 C; incompat. with acids, acid salts, salts of iron and zinc, alkaloids, alum, tartar emetic Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx and NH3 HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 0, Reactivity 1 Storage: Light-sensitive; keep tightly closed in cool place Uses: Direct food additive; buffer, neutralizer, leavening agent, pH control agent, yeast nutrient in foods, baked goods, caramel, gelatins, wine, baking powd.; fermentation accelerator in winemaking Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.85, 163.110, 163.111, 163.112, 184.1137, GRAS; BATF 27CFR 240.1051, limitation 0.2%; Japan approved; Europe listed; UK approved; USP/NF compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com BASF http://www.basf.com; CPI Chems. http://www.cpichem.com; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Ebonex http://www.ebonex.com/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.js p; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Keystone Universal http://www.keystoneuniversal.com Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Noah 844
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.noahtech.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com See also Ammonium bicarbonate Ammonium, (carboxymethyl) dodecyldimethyl-, hydroxide, inner salt. See Lauryl betaine Ammonium caseinate CAS 9005-42-9 Synonyms: Casein, ammonium salt Definition: Ammonium salt of casein Properties: Anionic Uses: Dispersant, leveling agent in foods, bakery prods.; prod. of ice cream Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §135.110, 135.140; granted prior sanction via clearance for optional use in food standards for frozen desserts; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Am. Casein http://www.americancasein.com; Somerset Cosmetic Co. http://www.makingcosmetics.com/ Ammonium chloride CAS 12125-02-9; EINECS/ELINCS 235-186-4 INS510 Synonyms: Ammonium muriate; Sal ammonia; Sal ammoniac; Salmiac Classification: Inorganic salt Empirical: H4ClN Formula: NH4Cl Properties: Colorless to wh. cryst. or powd., cooling saline taste; sol. 28.3% in water, glycerol; sol. in methanol, ethanol; m.w. 53.50; dens. 1.5274; m.p. 337.8 C; b.p. 520 C; pH 4.5-5.5 (1M water, 20 C) Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 10 mg/m3; STEL 20 mg/m3; LD50 (oral, rat) 1650 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 1439 mg/kg; LDLo (IV, rabbit) 78 mg/kg; poison by subcutaneous, IV and intramuscular routes; severe eye irritant; mutation data; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with alkalis and their carbonates, lead and silver salts; explosive Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
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reaction with potassium chlorate or bromine trifluoride; violent reaction with bromine pentafluoride, NH4, NO3, IF7 Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits very toxic fumes of NOx, Cl– , and NH3 HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Hygroscopic; store @ R.T. Uses: Direct food additive; yeast food, dough conditioner/strengthener, flavor enhancer, leavening agent, processing aid, flour treatment agent in foods, beer-brewing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §178.1010, 184.1138, GRAS; SARA reportable; Japan approved; Europe listed; UK approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; AXO Chem. http://www.axochemical.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Allan http://www.allanchem.com Arkema http://www.arkema.fr; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; BASF http://www.basf.com; Brown http://www.brownchem.com Cater Chems. http://www.caterchem.com; Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de; Dallas Group of Am. http://www.dallasgrp.com; Dastech Int'l. http://www.dastech.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com Ferro Pfanstiehl Labs http://www.pfanstiehl.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; General Chem. http://www.genchemcorp.com; Hawkins Chem. http://www.hawkinschemical.com/ Heico http://www.rutherfordchemicals.com; Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.js p; Independent Chem. http://www.independentchemical.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Min. R&D http://www.mrdc.com; Noah http://www.noahtech.com; O.C. Lugo http://www.oclugo.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com 845
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Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sal Chem. http://www.salchem.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Sinochem Liaoning http://www.sinochemliaoning.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Westco http://www.westcochemicals.com; Xiamen Topusing http://www.topusing.com; Zaclon http://www.zaclon.com Ammonium citrate CAS 7632-50-0 Synonyms: Citric acid, ammonium salt; 2Hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid, ammonium salt; Propanetricarboxylic acid, 2-hydroxy-, ammonium salt Empirical: C6H8O7 • xH3N Properties: Wh. gran. or cryst.; sol. in water; sl. sol. in alcohol; m.w. 311.42; dens. 1.48 Toxicology: LD50 (IV, mouse) 331 mg/kg; experimental poison by IV route; skin and eye irritant Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Store @ R.T. Uses: Stabilizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §181.29; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aerchem http://www.aerchem.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com Ammonium citrate dibasic CAS 3012-65-5; EINECS/ELINCS 221-146-3 UN 9087; INS380 Synonyms: Ammonium citrate secondary; Citric acid, diammonium salt; Diammonium citrate; Diammonium hydrogen citrate; 2Hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid, diammonium salt; 1,2,3Propanetricarboxylic acid, 2-hydroxy-, diammonium salt Definition: Diammonium salt of citric acid, prepared by partially neutralizing citric acid with ammonia Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Empirical: C6H14N2O7 Formula: (NH4)2HC6H5O7 Properties: Wh. fine gran. or cryst.; ammoniacal odor; sol. in ≈ 1 part water; sl. sol. in alcohol; m.w. 226.19; sp.gr. 1.48 Toxicology: Harmful if swallowed or inhaled; may cause irritation to skin, eyes, mucous membranes; may cause respiratory tract irritation, coughing, shortness of breath, GI tract irritation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; TSCA listed Environmental: May biodegrade to mod. extent; not expected to significantly bioaccumulate Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents, strong acids, strong bases; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions; closed containers exposed to heat may explode Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Burning may produce ammonia, CO, CO2, NOx NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry place in well-closed containers Uses: Food additive; flavor enhancer, pH control agent in foods (nonalcoholic beverages, cheeses); stabilizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 175.380, 175.390, 177.1350, 181.29, 184.1140, GRAS; SARA §302/313 nonreportable, §311/312 acute hazard; EC, Canada DSL, Australia, Korea listed Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Budenheim USA http://www.gallard-schlesinger.com; Fisher Scientific https://www1.fishersci.com/index.jsp; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com ICN Biomed. Research Prods. http://www.mpbio.com; Jost http://www.jostchemical.com; Kemira ChemSolutions BV http://www.kemira.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Noah http://www.noahtech.com Riedel-deHaën http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/Brands/Fluka ___Riedel_Home/About_Fluka_and_Riedel. html; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com 846
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Ammonium citrate secondary. See Ammonium citrate dibasic Ammonium, didecyldimethyl-, chloride. See Didecyldimonium chloride Ammonium dihydrogen orthophosphate; Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate. See Ammonium phosphate Ammonium, dimethyldioctadecyl-, chloride. See Distearyldimonium chloride Ammonium ferric citrate. See Iron ammonium citrate Ammonium fumarate INS368 Uses: pH control agent in foods Ammonium furcelleran CAS 977089-77-2 Definition: Ammonium salt of furcelleran Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener, gellant in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.660 Ammonium glutamate CAS 7558-63-6 INS624; E625 Synonyms: MAG; Monoammonium glutamate; Monoammonium L-glutamate Empirical: C5H9NO4 • H3N Properties: Wh. cryst. powd., odorless; sol. in water; insol. in common org. solvs.; m.w. 164.19 Toxicology: LD50 (IP, rat) 1000 mg/kg; mod. toxic by IP route; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx and NH3 Uses: Food ingred.; flavor enhancer, salt substitute in meat, poultry Features: Multipurpose Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1500, GRAS; USDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147 Manuf./Distrib.: Ajinomoto USA http://www.ajinomoto-usa.com; http://www.ajichem.com; Molekula Sarl http://www.molekula.co.uk/; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Ammonium glycyrrhizate CAS 53956-04-0; EINECS/ELINCS 258-887-7 Synonyms: Ammoniated glycyrrhizin; α-DGlucopyranosiduronic acid, (3β,20β)-20carboxy-11-oxo-30-norlean-12-en-3-yl-2-Oβ-D-glucopyranuronosyl-, ammoniate; α-DGlucopyranosiduronic acid, (3β,20β)-20Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
carboxy-11-oxo-30-norlean-12-en-3-yl-2-Oβ-D-glucopyranuronosyl-, monoammonium salt; Glycamil; Glycyrram; Glycyrrhizic acid, ammonium salt; Glycyrrhizic acid, monoammonium salt; Glycyrrhizin, ammoniated; MAG; Monoammonium glycyrrhizate; Monoammonium glycyrrhizinate Definition: Ammonium salt of glycyrrhizic acid Empirical: C42H62O16 • H3N Properties: Wh. powd.; m.w. 840.08; m.p. 209 C (dec.) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 10 g/kg, (IP, rat) > 300 mg/kg, (IV, mouse) 540 mg/kg; harmful by ing.; may be harmful by inh., skin absorp.; may cause eye/skin irritation, changes in heart/bladder/adrenal wt., hepatitis, changes in blood count; overexposure can cause sodium retention and potassium loss leading to hypertension, water retention, and electrolyte imbalance; mutagen; reproductive effector; target organs; adrenal cortex; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Toxic fumes of CO, CO2, NOx; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Hygroscopic; store in cool, dry place; keep tightly closed Uses: Flavoring agent, flavor enhancer, surfactant in foods Regulatory: BP, EP compliance; FDA 21CFR §184.1408, GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Adept Sol'ns.; Asiamerica Int'l.; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com Fisher Scientific UK http://www.fisher.co.uk; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com; MP Biomedicals http://www.mpbio.com; Mafco Worldwide http://www.magnasweet.com NetQem http://www.netqem.us; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; TCI Am. http://www.tciamerica.com Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com 847
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Ammonium glycyrrhizinate CAS 1407-03-0 FEMA 2528 Synonyms: Monoammonium glycyrrhizinate Definition: Obtained by extraction from ammoniated glycyrrhizin, derived from roots of Glycyrrhiza glabra Empirical: C42H65NO16 • 5H2O Properties: Wh. powder; sweet taste; sol. in ammonia; insol. in glacial acetic acid; m.w. 839.91 Toxicology: LD50 (IV, mouse) 540 mg/kg; mutagen; reproductive effector; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Flavoring agent, flavor enhancer, sweetness potentiator in foods, beverages, candy, baked goods; surfactant, masking agent for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1408, GRAS; not permitted for use as nonnutritive sweetener in sugar substitutes; FEMA GRAS; FDA approved for orals; BP compliance Manuf./Distrib.: ADA Int'l. http://www.joinme.net/ada/index.htm; Adept Sol'ns.; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; Mafco Worldwide http://www.magnasweet.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechineychemicals.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com Trade Names: Magnasweet® 100; Magnasweet® 110; Magnasweet® 115; Magnasweet® 118; Magnasweet® 120 Magnasweet® 125; Magnasweet® 135; Magnasweet® 136; Magnasweet® 150; Magnasweet® 165 Magnasweet® 180; Magnasweet® 185; Magnasweet® Ammonium hydrogen carbonate. See Ammonium bicarbonate Ammonium hydrogen sulfide. See Ammonium sulfide Ammonium hydrogen sulfite. See Ammonium bisulfite Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Ammonium hydrosulfide. See Ammonium sulfide Ammonium hydroxide CAS 1336-21-6; EINECS/ELINCS 215-647-6 UN NA 2672 (DOT); INS527; E527 Synonyms: Ammonia aqua; Ammonia aqueous; Ammonia solution; Ammonia solution, strong; Ammonia water; Aqua ammonia; Aqua ammonium; Aqueous ammonia; Spirit of Hartshorn; Strong ammonia solution Classification: Inorganic base Empirical: H5NO Formula: NH4OH Properties: Clear colorless liq., very pungent odor, acrid taste; sol. in water; m.w. 35.06; dens. 0.90; m.p. -77 C; flash pt. none; pH 13.6 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 350 mg/kg; LDLo (IV, rabbit) 10 mg/kg; human poison by ing.; experimental poison by inh. and ing.; inhalation irritant; severe eye irritant; liq. can inflict burns; mutation data; TSCA listed Precaution: DOT: Corrosive material; vapor will ignite, but not readily; incompat. with acrolein, nitromethane, acrylic acid, chlorosulfonic acid, dimethyl sulfate, halogens, HCl, HF, HNO3, propylene oxide, etc. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits NH3 and NOx NFPA: Health 3, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep cool in strong glass, plastic, or rubber-stoppered bottles not completely filled; store below 26 C Uses: Direct food additive; alkali, leavening agent, pH control agent, surface finishing agent, processing aid for foods, baked goods, caramel, cheese, processed fruits, puddings; diluent, solvent for food colors Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.85, 163.110, 163.111, 163.112, 177.1600, 182.90, 184.1139, GRAS; Europe listed; UK approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Agrium http://www.agrium.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alexander http://www.alexanderchemical.com Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alpharma http://www.alpharma.com; Ashland 848
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.ashchem.com; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; Brown http://www.brownchem.com Charkit http://www.charkit.com; ChemImpex Int'l. http://www.chemimpex.com; Chemical http://www.thechemco.com; Coyne http://www.coynechemical.com; Cytec Ind. http://www.cytec.com Fisher Scientific https://www1.fishersci.com/index.jsp; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; G.J. Chem. http://www.gjchemical.com/; GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; Honeywell Perf. Polymers http://www.honeywellppc.com; http://www.honeywell-plastics.com ICN Biomed. Research Prods. http://www.mpbio.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Lancaster Synthesis http://www.alfa.com; Lonza http://www.lonza.com Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Miljac http://www.miljac.com; Omya Peralta http://www.omya-peralta.de; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com Pharmco Prods. http://www.pharmcoprod.com; Romil Ltd http://www.romil.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sal Chem. http://www.salchem.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Ammonium-L-2-hydroxy propionate. See Ammonium lactate Ammonium isovalerate CAS 7563-33-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-458-1 FEMA 2054 Synonyms: Ammonium 3-methyl butanoate; Isovaleric acid ammonium salt; 3- Methyl butanoic acid ammonium salt Empirical: C5H13O2N Properties: Deliq. cryst.; sol. in alcohol, water; m.w. 109 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods for butter, nut, and cheese flavors, baked goods, syrups Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Interchim http://www.interchim.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com Ammonium lactate CAS 515-98-0; 52003-58-4; EINECS/ELINCS 208-214-8 INS328 Synonyms: Ammonium-L-2-hydroxy propionate; Lactic acid, ammonium salt; Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, ammonium salt Definition: Ammonium salt of lactic acid Empirical: C3H9NO3 Formula: CH3CHOHCOONH4 Properties: Colorless to yel. syrupy liq.; sol. in water, alcohol; m.w. 107.08; dens. 1.19-1.21 (15 C); m.p. 91-94 C Uses: pH control agent, flour treatment agent in foods Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Ferro Pfanstiehl Europe; GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/ Generichem http://www.generichem.com/; Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; Lohmann http://www.lohmannchemikalien.de; Magnablend http://www.magnablend.com; PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Reliable Biopharmaceutical http://www.reliablebiopharm.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com Trade Names: Purasal® NH/COS Ammonium laurate CAS 2437-23-2; EINECS/ELINCS 219-439-6 INS470 Formula: CH3(CH2)10COONH4 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, anticaking agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.863
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Ammonium DL-malate INS349 Properties: Lt. ylsh. liq.; m.w. 190.2 Uses: pH control agent in foods Ammonium mercaptan. See Ammonium sulfide Ammonium 3-methyl butanoate. See Ammonium isovalerate Ammonium monosulfide. See Ammonium sulfide Ammonium monosulfite. See Ammonium bisulfite Ammonium muriate. See Ammonium chloride Ammonium myristate INS470 Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, anticaking agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.863 Ammonium octadecanoate. See Ammonium stearate Ammonium 9-octadecenoate. See Ammonium oleate Ammonium octanoate. See Ammonium caprylate Ammonium oleate CAS 544-60-5; EINECS/ELINCS 208-873-1 INS470 Synonyms: Ammonium 9-octadecenoate; 9Octadecenoic acid, ammonium salt; Oleic acid ammonium salt Classification: Ammonium soap Definition: Ammonium salt of oleic acid Empirical: C18H37NO2 Formula: CH3(CH2)7CH=CH(CH2)7COONH4 Properties: Ylsh.-brn. paste; ammonia odor; sol. in water; sl. sol. in acetone, ethanol, methanol, benzene, CCl4, xylene, naphtha; m.w. 299.50; soften. pt. 50-55 F; m.p. 70-72 F; dec. on heating Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, anticaking agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.320, 176.170, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.2260; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Independent Chem. http://www.independentchemical.com; Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com; Original Bradford Soap Works Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.bradfordsoap.com Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com; Somerset Cosmetic Co. http://www.makingcosmetics.com/; Viva http://www.sodiumstearate.com Ammonium palmitate CAS 593-26-0 INS470 Synonyms: Hexadecanoic acid ammonium salt Empirical: C16H35NO2 Formula: C15H31COONH4 Properties: Ylsh. granules; sol. in water, hot alcohols, and benzene; m.w. 273.46; m.p. 20 C Precaution: Combustible Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, anticaking agent in foods Ammonium pectinate CAS 83046-90-6 Properties: Solid Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1588, GRAS Ammonium peroxydisulfate. See Ammonium persulfate Ammonium persulfate CAS 7727-54-0; EINECS/ELINCS 231-786-5 UN 1444 (DOT); INS923 Synonyms: Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Diammonium peroxodisulfate; Peroxydisulfuric acid diammonium salt Classification: Inorganic salt Empirical: H8N2O8S2 Formula: (NH4)2S2O8 Properties: Wh. cryst. solid; sol. in water; m.w. 228.20; dens. 1.982; m.p. dec. @ 120 C; dec. in water forming O2 Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 5 mg(S2O8)/m3; LD50 (oral, rat) 689 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 226 mg/kg, (IV, rabbit) 178 mg/kg; poison by IV and IP routes; mod. toxic by ing.; TSCA listed Precaution: Powerful oxidizer; corrosive; fire risk in contact with reducers; releases oxygen when heated; mixts. with sodium peroxide are explosive; violent reaction with iron or sol'ns. of ammonia + silver salts Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to 850
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference decomp., emits toxic fumes of SOx, NH3, and NOx Storage: Store @ R.T. Uses: Preservative for foods; bleaching agent for food starch; flour treatment agent (Japan); washing infected yeast Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892, 175.105, 176.170, 177.1200, 178.3520; Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; AXO Chem. http://www.axochemical.com; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; BCH Brühl http://www.bch-bruehl.de; Brown http://www.brownchem.com Chem One http://www.chemone.com; Chemical http://www.thechemco.com; Coyne http://www.coynechemical.com; Dastech Int'l. http://www.dastech.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com Evonik Degussa http://www.degussa.com; FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com; Hydrite http://www.hydrite.com Independent Chem. http://www.independentchemical.com; JTS Enterprises http://www.jtsenterprisesinc.com; Kaltron/Pettibone http://www.kaltron.com; Miljac http://www.miljac.com Mitsubishi Int'l. http://www.micusa.com; Monomer-Polymer & Dajac Labs http://www.monomerpolymer.com; Noah http://www.noahtech.com; Parchem Trading http://www.par-chem.com; Primachem Research Organics http://www.resorg.com/; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Total Spec. Chems. http://www.totaltsc.com; Westco http://www.westcochemicals.com Ammonium phosphate CAS 7722-76-1; EINECS/ELINCS 231-764-5 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Synonyms: Ammonium acid phosphate; Ammonium biphosphate; Ammonium dihydrogen orthophosphate; Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate; Ammonium phosphate monobasic; MAP; Monoammonium phosphate; Primary ammonium phosphate Empirical: H6NO4P Formula: NH4H2PO4 Properties: Brilliant wh. cryst. or powd., odorless; mildly acidic in reaction; moderately sol. in water; sl. sol. in alcohol; pract. insol. in acetone; m.w. 115.04; dens. 1.803; m.p. 190 C; pH 4.5 (1%, 20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3160-4500 mg/kg; irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with NaOCl NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ R.T. Uses: Direct food additive; mfg. of yeast, vinegar, yeast foods and bread improvers; buffer, pH control agent, dough strengthener, dough conditioner, leavening agent for baked goods, baking powd., margarine, whipped toppings, frozen desserts; yeast/microbial fermentation nutrient Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.85, 184.1141a, GRAS; Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; AXO Chem. http://www.axochemical.com; Agrium http://www.agrium.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Am. Biorganics; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com Budenheim USA http://www.gallardschlesinger.com; Cater Chems. http://www.caterchem.com; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Chisso Am.; Coyne http://www.coynechemical.com FMC Foret http://www.fmcforet.com/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; Heico http://www.rutherfordchemicals.com; ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Mallinckrodt Baker 851
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.mallbaker.com; Monsanto http://www.monsanto.com; Noah http://www.noahtech.com Occidental http://www.oxychem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Research Organics http://www.resorg.com/; Rhodia/Phosphorus Perf. Derivs.; Rhodia http://www.rhodia.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; San Yuan; Showa Denko http://www.sdk.co.jp; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Solutia http://www.solutia.com; http://www.coatings-solutia.com Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Surfachem Ltd http://www.surfachem.com; Thomas Scientific http://www.thomassci.com; Total Spec. Chems. http://www.totaltsc.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Xiamen Topusing http://www.topusing.com Trade Names Containing: Improved Paniplus M See also Ammonium phosphate, dibasic Ammonium phosphate, dibasic CAS 7783-28-0; EINECS/ELINCS 231-987-8 Synonyms: Ammonium phosphate; DAP; Diammonium hydrogen orthophosphate; Diammonium hydrogen phosphate; Diammonium phosphate; Dibasic ammonium phosphate; Phosphoric acid diammonium salt; Secondary ammonium phosphate Classification: Inorganic salt Empirical: H9N2O4P Formula: (NH4)2HPO4 Properties: Wh. cryst. or powd., odorless, cooling salty taste; mildly alkaline in reaction; sol. 1 g/1.7 ml in water; pract. insol. in alcohol, acetone; m.w. 132.07; dens. 1.619; m.p. 155 C (dec.); pH ≈ 8 (1%); noncombustible Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3160-4500 mg/kg; low to moderate toxicity; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits very toxic fumes of POx, NOx, and NH3 HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ R.T.; keep well closed Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Direct food additive; nutrient in mfg. of yeast, vinegar, bread improvers; buffer, pH control agent, dough strengthener, dough conditioner, leavening agent, firming agent, processing aid in foods, wines; purifying sugar; emulsifier (Japan) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.85, 184.1141b, 573.320, GRAS; BATF 27CFR 240.1051, limitation 0.17% as yeast nutrient in wine prod., 0.8% in sparkling wines; Japan approved; NF compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Agrium http://www.agrium.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Am. Biorganics Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties; Brown http://www.brownchem.com Budenheim USA http://www.gallardschlesinger.com; Cater Chems. http://www.caterchem.com; Chisso Am.; Coyne http://www.coynechemical.com; Dastech Int'l. http://www.dastech.com EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; Heico http://www.rutherfordchemicals.com; ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Monsanto http://www.monsanto.com; Noah http://www.noahtech.com; Occidental http://www.oxychem.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Research Organics http://www.resorg.com/; Rhodia/Phosphorus Perf. Derivs.; Rhodia http://www.rhodia.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com San Yuan; Seeler Ind. http://www.seeler.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Solutia http://www.solutia.com; http://www.coatings-solutia.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com 852
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Telechem Int'l. http://www.arrayit.com; Thomas Scientific http://www.thomassci.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Xiamen Topusing http://www.topusing.com Trade Names Containing: 2X Regular Paniplus®; Drize-P Powder See also Ammonium phosphate Ammonium phosphate monobasic. See Ammonium phosphate Ammonium phosphatides CAS 55965-13-4 INS442; E442 Synonyms: Phosphatidic acid, ammonium salt Definition: Ammonium salts of phosphatidic acids derived from edible fats and oils Properties: Unctuous semisolid; sol. in fats; partly sol. in ethanol; insol. in water Uses: Emulsifier in foods, dairy-based beverages (chocolate milk, cocoa, eggnog); visc. control agent for molten chocolate, substitute for soya lecithin in cocoa, chocolate prods., confectionery Features: Flavor-free Ammonium polymannuronate. See Ammonium alginate Ammonium polyphosphate CAS 14728-39-3; 68333-79-9 INS452(v) Synonyms: APP; Polyphosphoric acid, ammonium salt Empirical: H4NO3P Properties: Wh. powd.; m.w. 97.01; dec. @ 250 C, with rapid decomp. @ 300 C Toxicology: TSCA listed Environmental: environmentally friendly Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, pH control agent, raising agent, sequestrant, water retention agent in foods Manuf./Distrib.: Beyo Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.beyochem.com; Celanese http://www.celanesechemicals.com; http://www.chemvip.com; Fabrichem http://www.fabricheminc.com/; Miljac http://www.miljac.com; Monsanto http://www.monsanto.com Rhodia/Phosphorus Perf. Derivs.; Solutia http://www.solutia.com; http://www.coatings-solutia.com; Total Spec. Chems. http://www.totaltsc.com Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Ammonium polysulfide. See Ammonium sulfide Ammonium potassium hydrogen phosphate Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Stabilizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 181.29 Ammonium saccharin CAS 6381-61-9; EINECS/ELINCS 228-971-8 Synonyms: 1,2-Benzisothiazolin-3-one 1,1dioxide ammonium salt; Saccharin ammonium; Saccharinate ammonium Empirical: C7H8N2O3S Properties: Wh. cryst. or cryst. powd., intense sweet taste; sol. in water; m.w. 200.21 Toxicology: Severe eye irritant Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx Uses: Sweetener for special dietary foods, beverages, drink mixes, processed foods, chewable vitamin tablets, chewing gum, baked goods; sugar substitute for cooking or table use Features: Noncaloric Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §180.37; USDA 9CFR §318.7 (limitation 0.01%) Ammonium stearate CAS 1002-89-7; EINECS/ELINCS 213-695-2 INS470 Synonyms: Ammonium octadecanoate; Octadecanoic acid, ammonium salt; Stearic acid, ammonium salt Classification: Sat. aliphatic carboxylic acid salt Definition: Ammonium salt of stearic acid Empirical: C18H39NO2 Formula: C17H35COONH4 Properties: Wh. to tan wax-like solid, free from ammonia odor; sol. in boiling water, hot toluene; partly sol. hot in butyl acetate, ethanol; m.w. 301.50; dens. 0.89 (22 C); m.p. 73-75 C; anionic Toxicology: ACGIH TLV-TWA 10 mg/m3 (stearates); LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, guinea pig) > 3 g/kg; essentially nontoxic; nuisance dust; inh. of high concs. of dust may cause coughing and mild temporary irritation; sl. eye irritant; ing. may cause irritation, nausea, diarrhea; TSCA listed Precaution: Probable combustible dust; may form explosive dust-air mixts.; incompat. with acids (reacts vigorously) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. 853
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference prods.: CO, CO2, NOx, ammonia Storage: Store in cool area away from ignition sources Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, anticaking agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.320, 176.170, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.2260; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: A&E Connock http://www.connock.co.uk; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Davidson Labs; Huntsman http://www.huntsman.com Jarchem Ind. http://www.jarchem.com/; Magnesia GmbH http://www.magnesia.de; Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com; Original Bradford Soap Works http://www.bradfordsoap.com Parchem Trading http://www.parchem.com; Somerset Cosmetic Co. http://www.makingcosmetics.com/; Total Spec. Chems. http://www.totaltsc.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Viva http://www.sodiumstearate.com Ammonium sulfate CAS 7783-20-2; EINECS/ELINCS 231-984-1 UN 2506 (DOT); INS517; E517 Synonyms: Diammonium sulfate; Mascagnite; Sulfate of ammonia; Sulfuric acid diammonium salt Classification: Inorganic salt Empirical: H8N2O4S Formula: (NH4)2SO4 Properties: Colorless or wh. cryst. or gran., odorless; sol. in water; insol. in alcohol, acetone; m.w. 132.16; dens. 1.77; m.p. > 280 C (dec.) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2840 mg/kg, (oral, mouse) 640 mg/kg; moderately toxic by several routes; TSCA listed Precaution: Incandescent reaction on heating with potassium chlorate; reaction with sodium hypochlorite gives the unstable explosive nitrogen trichloride Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits very toxic fumes of NOx, NH3, and SOx HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ R.T. in dry location; sl. hygroscopic; keep container well sealed Uses: Food additive; dough strengthener, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
dough conditioner, flour treatment agent, yeast food, firming agent, processing aid, fermentation aid in foods, baked goods, gelatins, puddings; microbial fermentation nutrient Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.85, 177.1200, 184.1143, GRAS; Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ADM Arkady http://www.admworld.com; AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Accurate Chem. & Scientific http://www.accuratechemical.com; Advance Research Chems. http://www.fluoridearc.com; Agrium http://www.agrium.com Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Allan http://www.allanchem.com; Altivia http://www.altivia.com; Am. Biorganics Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Arkema http://www.arkema.fr; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; BASF AG http://www.basf.de BASF http://www.basf.com; Boith China http://www.boith.com; Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties; Brown http://www.brownchem.com Cater Chems. http://www.caterchem.com; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Dakota Gasification http://www.dakotagas.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; Galbraith Labs http://www.galbraith.com; General Alum & Chem. http://www.gacchemical.com; General Chem. http://www.genchemcorp.com; HallStar http://www.cphall.com Heico http://www.rutherfordchemicals.com; Holland http://www.hollandcompany.com; Honeywell Perf. Polymers http://www.honeywellppc.com; http://www.honeywell-plastics.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Nissan Chem. Ind. http://www.nissanchem.co.jp/; Noah http://www.noahtech.com; Penta Mfg. 854
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.pentamfg.com; QC Corp. http://www.qccorporation.com/ Research Organics http://www.resorg.com/; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sal Chem. http://www.salchem.com; San Yuan; Showa Denko http://www.sdk.co.jp Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Sparkford Chems. Ltd http://www.sparkford.co.uk; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Thomas Scientific http://www.thomassci.com; Total Spec. Chems. http://www.totaltsc.com VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names Containing: Arco B; Arco B NB; Fermaloid®; Ferment Buffer; KC Yeast Food - No Bromate KC Yeast Food - No Oxidants; N'Hance (Phase I) Powd. Ammonium sulfhydrate. See Ammonium sulfide Ammonium sulfide CAS 12135-76-1 (sol'n.); 12124-99-1; EINECS/ELINCS 235-223-4 UN 2683 (DOT; UN sol'n.); FEMA 2053 Synonyms: Ammonium bisulfide; Ammonium hydrogen sulfide; Ammonium hydrosulfide; Ammonium mercaptan; Ammonium monosulfide; Ammonium polysulfide; Ammonium sulfhydrate; Monoammonium sulfide Empirical: H8N2S Formula: (NH4)2S Properties: Yel. cryst.; liq. @ R.T.; sol. in alcohol, ammonia, cold water; m.w. 68.15; dens. 0.997 (20/4 C); m.p. dec.; flash pt. 90 F Toxicology: LDLo (oral, mouse) 80 mg/kg, (skin mouse) 2457 mg/kg, IP, mouse) 10 mg/kg; poison by ing., skin contact, subcut., IV, IP routes; corrosive; strong irritant to skin and mucous membranes; readily absorbed through skin; sol'n.: fatal poisoning has been reported from use in hair waves; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. liq.; unstable except in absence of moisture and below 0 C; incompat. with zinc Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits very toxic fumes of SOx, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
NOx, and NH3 Storage: Hygroscopic cryst. Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, baked goods, condiments Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Allan http://www.allanchem.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Columbus Chem. Ind. http://www.columbuschemical.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; Noah http://www.noahtech.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Ammonium sulfite CAS 10196-04-0; EINECS/ELINCS 233-484-9 Synonyms: Sulfurous acid, diammonium salt Classification: Inorganic salt Empirical: H8N2O3S Formula: (NH4)2SO3 • H2O (commercial form) Properties: Colorless cryst., acrid sulfurous taste; sol. in water; m.w. 116.14; dens. 1.41; sublimes @ 150 C with decomp. Storage: Hygroscopic Uses: Caramelization aid in caramel prod. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.85; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Camida USA http://www.camida.com; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; O.C. Lugo http://www.oclugo.com Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ Ammonium, trimethyloctadecyl-, chloride. See Steartrimonium chloride Amorphous silica. See Diatomaceous earth, amorphous; Silica, amorphous hydrated Amorphous silica dust. See Silica, fumed Amorphous silica gel. See Silica, amorphous Amygdalin. See Bitter almond (Prunus amygdalus amara) oil 855
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Amyl acetate CAS 628-63-7; EINECS/ELINCS 211-047-3 UN 1104 (DOT) Synonyms: Acetic acid amyl ester; Acetic acid pentyl ester; n-Amyl acetate; Amylacetic ester; Amylacetic ether; Pear oil; Pentacetate; 1-Pentanol acetate; Pentyl acetate; 1-Pentyl acetate; n-Pentyl acetate; Pentyl ethanoate; Primary amyl acetate Classification: Carboxylic acid ester Definition: Ester of amyl alcohol and acetic acid Empirical: C7H14O2 Formula: CH3COOC5H11 Properties: Colorless liq. (pure), yel. liq. (commercial); pear or banana-like odor; completely sol. in alcohol, ether; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 130.19; sp.gr. 0.876 (20 C); vapor pressure 3.5 mm Hg; m.p. -70.8 C; b.p. 149 C; flash pt. (CC) 25 C; autoignition temp. 360 C; ref. index 1.4013; surf. tens. 25.13 dynes/cm; dielec. const. 4.475 Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 100 ppm; LD50 (oral, rat) 6500 mg/kg; mod. toxic by IP route; skin and eye irritant; inh. of vapor can irritate nose/throat; higher exposure may cause breathing difficulty, increased heart rate, CNS depression; severe exposures may cause unconsciousness; low order of chronic toxicity; TSCA listed Environmental: VOC; BOD5 0.72; ThOD 2.34 Precaution: Flamm.; LEL 1.1%; UEL 7.5%; dangerous fire hazard exposed to heat or flame; mod. explosive as vapor exposed to flame; incompat. with reducing agents, strong acids, strong bases (decomp. can occur), oxidizing agents (increased risk of fire and explosion) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 3, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area, out of direct sunlight; avoid generating mist Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Features: Banana-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105; FEMA GRAS; CERCLA hazardous substance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
BP Chems. Ltd http://www.bp.com/chemicals/; Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Cargill Flavors & Fruit Systems USA http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/; Chemcentral http://www.chemcentral.com Chemial Group http://www.chemial.com; Coyne http://www.coynechemical.com; Creative Fragrances http://www.creativefragrances.com; Dow http://www.dow.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Grau Aromatics http://www.grauaromatics.de/; Houghton Chem. http://www.houghtonchemical.com; Hukill http://www.hukill.com/; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com Kyowa Hakko Kogyo http://www.kyowa.co.jp; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Osaka Org. Chem. Ind.; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com; Quaker City; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Toyo Gosei Kogyo http://www.toyogosei.co.jp n-Amyl acetate. See Amyl acetate s-Amyl acetate CAS 626-38-0 UN 1104 (DOT); FEMA 4012 Synonyms: 2-Acetoxypentane; 1-Methylbutyl acetate; 2-Pentanol acetate; pentan-2-yl acetate; 2-Pentyl acetate Classification: Carboxylic acid ester Empirical: C7H14O2 Formula: CH3COOCH(CH3)CH2CH2CH3 Properties: Colorless clear liq.; fruity odor; sol. in alcohol, ether; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 130.19; sp.gr. 0.862-0.866 (20/20 C); m.p. -78.5 C; b.p. 134 C; flash pt. (CC) 32 C Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 125 ppm; LCLo (inh., guinea pig, 5 h) 10,000 ppm; mild skin and eye irritant; inh. of vapor may cause nose/throat irritation; higher exposure may cause difficulty breathing, increased heart rate, CNS depression symptoms; ing. may 856
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference cause mouth/throat irritation, increased heart rate, headache, dizziness, weakness; unconsciousness on severe exposure; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm.; mod. explosive as vapor exposed to heat or flame; incompat. with oxidizing materials (increase fire/explosion hazard), strong acids, strong bases, reducing materials (decomp. can occur) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 3, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area, out of direct sunlight; avoid generating mist Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com Trade Names Containing: Banana Treattarome 9730 Amylacetic ester; Amylacetic ether. See Amyl acetate n-Amyl alcohol CAS 71-41-0; EINECS/ELINCS 200-752-1 UN 1105 (DOT); FEMA 2056 Synonyms: Alcohol C-5; Amyl alcohol, normal; n-Butyl carbinol; 1-Pentanol; Pentanol-1; Pentan-1-ol; n-Pentanol; Pentyl alcohol; n-Pentyl alcohol; Primary amyl alcohol Classification: Primary aliphatic alcohol Empirical: C5H12O Formula: CH3(CH2)4OH Properties: Colorless clear liq., somewhat sweet balsamic odor; sl. sol. in water; misc. with alcohol, ether; m.w. 88.15; sp.gr. 0.812 (20/4 C); vapor pressure 2.2 mm Hg; m.p. -79 C; b.p. 137-139 C; flash pt. (CC) 38 C; autoignition temp. 300 C; ref. index 1.409; surf. tens. 25.6 dynes/cm; dielec. const. 13.9 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3030 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 4490 mg/kg; highly toxic; corrosive; narcotic; ingestion of 30 mg can cause death in humans; irritating to respiratory tract; severe eye and skin irritant; can be absorbed through skin in toxic amts.; inh. can cause nose/throat irritation, CNS depression; extreme exposure may cause double vision, deafness, delirium, fatalities; may cause severe lung damage, respiratory/cardiac arrest, or death if Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
aspirated into lungs; TSCA listed Environmental: VOC; BOD5 1.55; ThOD 2.73 Precaution: DOT: Flamm. liq.; incompat. with oxidizing agents (increases fire/explosion risk) NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 3, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area, out of direct sunlight Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Features: Sweet flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 176.180, 176.210; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Adept Sol'ns.; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; BASF http://www.basf.com; Celanese http://www.celanesechemicals.com; http://www.chemvip.com; Chemial Group http://www.chemial.com Clariant http://www.clariant.com; http://www.clariant-northamerica.com; Dow http://www.dow.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Houghton Chem. http://www.houghtonchemical.com Hukill http://www.hukill.com/; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Jarchem Ind. http://www.jarchem.com/; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Prodasynth http://www.prodasynth.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference s-Amyl alcohol CAS 6032-29-7; EINECS/ELINCS 227-907-6 UN 1105 (DOT); FEMA 3316 Synonyms: 2-Hydroxypentane; 1-Methyl-1butanol; Methyl propyl carbinol; Pentan-2ol; 2-Pentanol; Pentanol-2; s-Pentyl alcohol Classification: Sec. aliphatic alcohol Empirical: C5H12O Formula: CH3CH2CH2CH(OH)CH3 Properties: Colorless liq.; mild winey, ethereal odor; sol. in water, alcohol, ether m.w. 88.15; sp.gr. 0.8098 (20 C); f.p. -50 C; m.p. -75 C; b.p. 118-119 C; flash pt. (CC) 33 C; ref. index 1.403-1.409 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1470 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing., IP route; narcotic; skin and severe eye irritant; can be absorbed through skin; inh. may cause nose/throat irritation, headache, dizziness, coughing, nausea, vomiting; severe exposure may cause double vision, deafness, delirium, severe nervous symptoms, fatalities; ing. may cause 'alcohol' intoxication symptoms; may cause severe lung damage, respiratory failure, cardiac arrest, death if aspirated into lungs; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. exposed to heat or flame; severe explosion hazard exposed to heat or flame; incompat. with oxidizing agents (increases fire/explosion hazard), hydrogen trisulfide (explosive reaction possible) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Air Prods. http://www.airproducts.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Amyl alcohol, active. See 2-Methyl-1-butanol Amyl alcohol, commercial. See Fusel oil refined Amyl alcohol, normal. See n-Amyl alcohol Amyl alcohols, mixed. See Fusel oil refined Amylaldehyde. See n-Valeraldehyde
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Amylase CAS 9000-92-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-567-7 INS1100 Synonyms: 1,4-D-Glucan glucanohydrolase; Glycogenase Classification: Enzyme Definition: Mixt. of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of glycosidic linkages of polysaccharides such as glycogen, starch, or their degradation prods. Properties: Off-wh. powd. or suspension Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 15 g/kg; may produce hypersensitivity reactions; TSCA listed Storage: Hygroscopic; keep under argon Uses: Enzyme for conversion of starch to glucose sugar in syrups (esp. corn syrups), baking (to improve crumb softness and shelf life), brewing, distilling, animal feeds; flour treatment agent Manuf./Distrib.: City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com Trade Names: Amflex; AMT 1.2L; Amylase DS; BAN 800 MG; Clarase® Conc. Multifect AA 16L; Multifect AA 23L; Novamyl™ L Trade Names Containing: Biodiastase 1000; CDC-10A (NB); Crust EZE; Enzobake®; Enzopharm® Pancreatin 3X USP Powder; Pancreatin 4X USP Granular; Pancreatin 4X USP Powder; Pancreatin 5X USP Powder; Pancreatin 6X USP Powder Pancreatin 8X USP Powder; Pancreatin BP 98; Pancreatin USP 23; Pancrelipase USP Powder; Proflex SPL Pancreatin 4X USP; SPL Pancreatin 6X USP; SPL Pancreatin 8X USP; SPL Pancrelipase USP; Veron® TX See also Diastase α-Amylase CAS 9000-90-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-565-6 Definition: Enzyme used to liquefy starch Properties: Colorless solid; sol. in water Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 7500 mg/kg; May cause eye irritation; not irritating to skin; ing. may cause GI irritation, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea 858
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Natural enzyme for foods (starch hydrolysis reagent) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1027 (from B. licheniformis), GRAS; GRAS for several other sources; UK, Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: B.I. Chems.; Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Roche Diagnostics http://www.roche-appliedscience.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium Whyte Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/ Trade Names: Enzeco® Fungal Alpha Amylase; Fresh-N®; Kleistase T10S; Liquamil-340; Liquamil-1200 Liquamil 7000 Concentrate; Nutrilife® Trade Names Containing: Fungamyl 800 L; Fungamyl Super BR; Kleistase E5S β-Amylase CAS 9001-91-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-566-1 Uses: Natural enzyme for foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS; Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com; B.I. Chems.; Bio-Cat http://www.bio-cat.com; Pharmline http://www.pharmlineinc.com; Spec. Enzymes & Biochems. http://www.specialtyenzymes.com Amyl benzoate CAS 2049-96-9; EINECS/ELINCS 218-077-6 Synonyms: n-Amyl benzoate; Benzoic acid, pentyl ester; Pentyl benzoate; n-Pentyl benzoate Definition: Ester of amyl alcohol and benzoic acid Empirical: C12H16O2 Properties: M.w. 192.28; flash pt. > 100 C Toxicology: Primary irritant; mild skin irritant; TSCA listed Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Use Level: 0.5% max. in finished cosmetics Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; Fontarome http://www.fontaromechemical.com Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Givaudan Fragrances http://www.givaudan.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Lancaster Synthesis http://www.alfa.com; TCI Am. http://www.tciamerica.com n-Amyl benzoate. See Amyl benzoate Amyl butyrate CAS 540-18-1; EINECS/ELINCS 208-739-2 UN 2620; FEMA 2059 Synonyms: n-Amyl butyrate; Butanoic acid pentyl ester; Pentyl butanoate; Pentyl butyrate Empirical: C9H18O2 Formula: CH3CH2CH2COOCH2(CH2)3CH3 Properties: Colorless liq.; strong, penetrating apricot-like odor, sweet taste; very sol. in alcohol, ether; sol. 0.54 g/l in water (50 C); m.w. 158.24; dens. 0.8713 (15/4 C); m.p. 73.2 C; b.p.185-186 C; ref. index 1.4110 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 12,210 mg/kg; mildly toxic by ing.; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum, syrups Features: Imitation banana flavor; also in apricot, cherry, pear, plum, and pineapple flavors Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com See also Isoamyl butyrate n-Amyl butyrate. See Amyl butyrate γ-N-Amylbutyrolactone. See γ-Nonalactone Amyl caproate; Amyl capronate. See Amyl hexanoate Amyl caprylate. See Amyl octanoate Amylcarbinol. See Hexyl alcohol 859
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Amyl cinnamal (INCI). See αAmylcinnamaldehyde α-Amylcinnamaldehyde CAS 122-40-7; EINECS/ELINCS 204-541-5 FEMA 2061 Synonyms: Amyl cinnamal (INCI); Amylcinnamaldeyhde; Amyl cinnamic aldehyde; α-Amyl cinnamic aldehyde; αAmyl β-phenylacrolein; 2Benzylideneheptanal; Heptanal, 2(phenylmethylene); Jasminaldehyde; Jasmine aldehyde; α-Pentylaldehyde; αPentylcinnamaldehyde; 3-Pentyl-3-phenyl2-propenal; 2-(Phenylmethylene) heptanal Classification: Organic aromatic compd. Empirical: C14H18O Formula: C6H4CH:C(CHO)CH2(CH2)3CH3 Properties: Yellow clear oily liq.; floral (jasmine) odor; sol. in most fixed oils; sol. in 6 vols. of 80% alcohol; m.w. 202.30; dens. 0.970; b.p. 153-154 C (10 mm); flash pt. > 230 F; ref. index 1.5552 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3730 mg/kg: mod. toxic by ing.; severe skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved as flavoring; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.advbio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Emerald Kalama Chem. http://www.emeraldmaterials.com; Int'l. Flavors & Fragrances US http://www.iff.com; Kao Corp. http://www.kao.co.jp; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.safcspecialties.com; Soda Aromatic http://www.soda.co.jp Takasago Int'l. http://www.takasago.com α-Amylcinnamaldehyde dimethyl acetal CAS 91-87-2; EINECS/ELINCS 202-104-3 FEMA 2062 Synonyms: Amylcinnamal dimethyl acetal; αN-Amyl cinnamal dimethyl acetal; α-NAmyl-β-phenyl acrolein dimethyl acetal; 1,1Dimethoxy-2-amyl-3-phenyl-2-propene; (2(Dimethoxymethyl)-1-heptenyl) benzene Empirical: C16H24O2 Formula: C6H5CH=C[(CH2)4CH3]CH(OCH3)2 Properties: Pale yel. liq.; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 248.37; sp. gr. 0.953-0.963; b.p. 300 C; acid no. 1.0 max.; ref. index 1.5081.513 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Lemon-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Amylcinnamaldeyhde. See αAmylcinnamaldehyde Amylcinnamal dimethyl acetal; α-N-Amyl cinnamal dimethyl acetal. See αAmylcinnamaldehyde dimethyl acetal Amyl cinnamic acetate. See α-Amylcinnamyl acetate α-Amyl cinnamic alcohol; n-Amyl cinnamic alcohol. See α-Amylcinnamyl alcohol Amyl cinnamic aldehyde; α-Amyl cinnamic aldehyde. See α-Amylcinnamaldehyde α-Amylcinnamyl acetate CAS 7493-78-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-339-4 FEMA 2064 Synonyms: Amyl cinnamic acetate; α-N-Amylβ-phenylacryl acetate; 2-Benzylidene-1heptanol acetate; Cinnamyl alcohol, αpentyl, acetate; α-Pentyl cinnamyl acetate; 2-(Phenylmethylene) heptyl acetate Empirical: C16H22O2 Formula: C6H5-CH=C([CH2]4-CH3)-CH2-OCO-CH3 Properties: Colorless to pale yel. liq.; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 246.35; sp. gr. 0.953-0.961; acid no. 1.0 max.; ref. index 1.4870-1.495 860
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Toxicology: Mod. toxic skin irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com α-Amylcinnamyl alcohol CAS 101-85-9; EINECS/ELINCS 202-982-8 FEMA 2065 Synonyms: α-Amyl cinnamic alcohol; n-Amyl cinnamic alcohol; 2-Amyl-3-phenyl-2propen-1-ol; 2-Benzylidene-heptanol; 2Benzylidene-1-heptanol; α-Pentylcinnamyl alcohol; 2-Pentyl-3-phenylprop-2-en-1-ol Empirical: C14H20O Properties: Ylsh. liq.; m.w. 204.31; flash pt. > 100 C; ref. index 1.5330-1.5400 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 4 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com α-Amylcinnamyl formate CAS 7493-79-0; EINECS/ELINCS 231-341-5 FEMA 2066 Synonyms: α-n-Amyl-β-phenylacryl formate; 2-Benzylidene-1-heptyl for; αPentylcinnamyl formate; 2-(Phenyl methylene) heptyl formate Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Empirical: C15H20O2 Properties: Colorless cl. liq., herbaceous odor; sol. in alcohol; m.w. 232.33 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL α-Amylcinnamyl isovalerate CAS 7493-80-3 FEMA 2067 Synonyms: α-n-Amyl-β-phenylacryl isovalerate; Floxin isovalerate; αPentylcinnamyl isovalerate Empirical: C19H28O2 Properties: Colorless liq., mild fruity odor, somewhat spicy flavor; sol. in alcohol; m.w. 288.43 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ChemSampCo http://www.chemsampco.com 2-Amylcyclopentanoneacetic acid methyl ester. See Methyl dihydrojasmonate Amyl ethyl carbinol. See 3-Octanol Amyl ethyl ketone; n-Amyl ethyl ketone. See 3Octanone Amyl formate CAS 638-49-3; EINECS/ELINCS 211-340-6 UN 1109 (DOT); FEMA 2068 Synonyms: n-Amyl formate; Formic acid, pentyl ester; Pentyl formate; n-Pentyl formate Empirical: C6H12O2 Formula: HCOOC5H11 Properties: Colorless liq.; plum-like odor; misc. with oils, hydrocarbons, alcohols, ether, ketones; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 116.16; dens. 0.880-0.885; m.p. -73.5 C; b.p. 123.5 C; flash pt. 26.6 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; toxic by inh. and ing.; mod. irritant by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm.; dangerous fire risk; reacts vigorously with heat, flame, oxidizing materials NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 3, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, 861
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference chewing gum Features: Ethereal, fruity, earthy flavoring Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Interchim http://www.interchim.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Amyl formate. See Isoamyl formate n-Amyl formate. See Amyl formate Amylfuran CAS 3777-69-3; EINECS/ELINCS 223-234-7 UN 1993; FEMA 3317 Synonyms: 2-n-Amylfuran; 2-Pentylfuran; 2-NPentylfuran Empirical: C9H14O Properties: Colorless to yel. liq.; fruity green earthy beany vegetable metallic odor; m.w. 138.21; sp.gr. 0.886; dens. 7.372 lb/gal; vapor dens. 4.7; b.p. 64-66 C (23 mm Hg); flash pt. 45.55 C; ref. index 1.447 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 1200 mg/kg; may be harmful by inh., ing., skin absorp.; may cause irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Store in cool, dry place; keep tightly closed; store under nitrogen; keep away from heat and open flame Uses: Flavoring agent in foods, beverages Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; BFA Labs http://www.bfa-lab.com; Bedoukian Research http://www.bedoukian.com; Cargill Flavors & Fruit Systems USA http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/ Epochem http://www.epochem.com/; ICN Biomed. Research Prods. http://www.mpbio.com; Lancaster Synthesis http://www.alfa.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; TCI Am. http://www.tciamerica.com 2-n-Amylfuran. See Amylfuran Amyl 2-furoate CAS 1334-82-3; 4996-48-9; EINECS/ELINCS 215-616-7 FEMA 2072 Synonyms: Furan-2-carboxylic acid pentyl ester; Pentyl-2-furoate Empirical: C10H14O3 Properties: M.w. 182.22; dens. 1.033; b.p. 95-97 C (1 mm); flash pt. > 230 F; ref. index 1.4740 Storage: Refrigerate; store under nitrogen Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, candy, baked goods, condiments Features: Fennel, mildly oily flavor Regulatory: FEMA GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Amyl heptanoate CAS 7493-82-5; EINECS/ELINCS 231-342-0 FEMA 2073 Synonyms: n-Amyl heptanoate; Heptanoic acid pentyl ester; Pentyl heptanoate Empirical: C12H24O2 Properties: Colorless to pale yel., cl. liq., fruity odor; sol. in most organic solvents; m.w. 200.32; b.p. 245.4 C; ref. index 1.42627 (20 C) Toxicology: TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Features: Ethereal, fruity, unripe banana, coconut, lemon odor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Interchim http://www.interchim.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com n-Amyl heptanoate. See Amyl heptanoate
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Amyl hexanoate CAS 540-07-8; EINECS/ELINCS 208-732-4 FEMA 2074 Synonyms: Amyl caproate; Amyl capronate; Amyl hexylate; Hexanoic acid, pentyl ester; Pentyl caproate; Pentyl hexanoate Empirical: C11H22O2 Formula: CH3(CH2)4COO(CH2)4CH3 Properties: Colorless liq.; banana odor; m.w. 186.30; sp.gr. 0.8612; m.p. -47 C; b.p. 226 C; flash pt. 89 C; ref. index 1.4202 (25 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; low toxicity by ing. and skin contact; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating vapors Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com See also Isoamyl hexanoate Amyl hexylate. See Amyl hexanoate Amyl isovalerate CAS 25415-62-7; EINECS/ELINCS 246-954-3 FEMA 2085 Synonyms: n-Amyl isovalerate; Isovaleric acid pentyl ester; Pentyl isovalerate; Pentyl 3methylbutanoate Empirical: C10H20O2 Properties: Colorless cl. liq.; sp. gr. 0.872; b.p. 169-170 C; flash pt. 72 C; ref. index .421 ± 0.02 Toxicology: TSCA listed Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods; tobacco additive (UK) Features: Apple, fresh fruity odor Regulatory: Canada approved (foods); Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Interchim Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.interchim.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; SRS Aromatics Ltd http://www.srsaromatics.com n-Amyl isovalerate. See Amyl isovalerate Amyl 2-methylbutyrate CAS 68039-26-9; EINECS/ELINCS 268-244-2 Synonyms: N-Amyl 2-methylbutyrate; 2Methyl butanoic acid pentyl ester; Pentyl 2methyl butanoate; Pentyl 2-methyl butyrate Empirical: C10H20O2 Properties: Colorless liq.; apple, fruity odor; sp. gr. 0.845-0.865; m.w. 172.27; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; b.p. 194-195 C; flash pt. (CC) 69 C; ref. index 1.413-1.416; acidity -1.000 Toxicology: TSCA listed Uses: Flavoring agent in food Regulatory: Japan approved as a flavoring agent; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; SRS Aromatics Ltd http://www.srsaromatics.com N-Amyl 2-methylbutyrate. See Amyl 2methylbutyrate Amyl methyl carbinol; n-Amyl methyl carbinol. See 2-Heptanol Amyl methyl ketone; n-Amyl methyl ketone. See Methyl n-amyl ketone Amyl octanoate CAS 638-25-5; EINECS/ELINCS 211-328-0 FEMA 2079 Synonyms: Amyl caprylate; n-Amyl octanoate; Amyl octylate; Pentyl octanoate; Pentyl octylate Empirical: C13H26O2 Properties: Colorless, cl. liq., orris odor; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water and glycerin; m.w. 214.35; sp.gr. 0.8562; m.p. -34 C; b.p. 260 C; flash pt. 121 C; ref. index 1.4262 (25 C) Toxicology: TSCA listed Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings Features: Sweet wine flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. 863
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Interchim http://www.interchim.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com SRS Aromatics Ltd http://www.srsaromatics.com
http://www.citychemical.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; ICN Biomed. Research Prods. http://www.mpbio.com Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; TCI Am. http://www.tciamerica.com Trade Names Containing: Nastar®
n-Amyl octanoate; Amyl octylate. See Amyl octanoate
Amylopectin 6-gluconohydrolase. See Pullulanase from [l]Klebsiella pneumoniae[r]
Amyloglucosidase CAS 9032-08-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-877-2 Synonyms: Glucoamylase; exo-1,4-αGlucosidase Definition: Exoamylase enzyme derived from Rhizopus niveus with diatomaceous silica as carrier; hydrolyzes α-1,4-glucoside bonds Properties: Powd.; m.w. ≈ 97,000 Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Hygroscopic; keep under argon Uses: Enzyme converting starches to dextrose for food processing; degrading agent for gelatinized starch into constituent sugars for use in distilled spirits, vinegar, low-carbohydrate beer Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.110, GRAS; Canada, Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Bio-Botanica http://www.biobotanica.com; Fluka http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Trade Names: AMG 800 BG; Enzeco® Glucoamylase Powder AN; Enzeco® Glucoamylase Powder RO Trade Names Containing: Fungamyl 800 L
Amylose CAS 9005-82-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232-685-9 Synonyms: (+)-Amylose Classification: Nonaromatic alcohol Definition: The inner, relatively soluble portion of starch granules Properties: Solid Toxicology: Harmful by inh., ing., skin contact; severe irritant; irritating to eyes, skin, respiratory system; TSCA listed Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §176.180 Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Apollo Scientific http://www.apolloscientific.co.uk; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium Trade Names Containing: Nastar®
Amylopectin CAS 9037-22-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-911-6 Synonyms: Amioca; Kosol Definition: Branched chain polysaccharide portion of starch, obtained from corn or potato Properties: Solid Toxicology: May be harmful by inh., ing., or skin absorp.; may cause irritation Storage: Store and use with adequate ventilation Uses: Visc. control agent in food Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; ChromaDex http://www.chromadex.com/; City Chem. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
(+)-Amylose. See Amylose α-Amylose. See Cellulose Amylotriose. See Maltotriose α-Amyl β-phenylacrolein. See αAmylcinnamaldehyde α-N-Amyl-β-phenyl acrolein dimethyl acetal. See α-Amylcinnamaldehyde dimethyl acetal α-N-Amyl-β-phenylacryl acetate. See αAmylcinnamyl acetate α-n-Amyl-β-phenylacryl formate. See αAmylcinnamyl formate α-n-Amyl-β-phenylacryl isovalerate. See αAmylcinnamyl isovalerate 2-Amyl-3-phenyl-2-propen-1-ol. See αAmylcinnamyl alcohol Amyl propanoate. See Amyl propionate Amyl propionate CAS 624-54-4; EINECS/ELINCS 210-852-7 Synonyms: Amyl propanoate; n-Amyl propionate; Pentyl propanoate; Pentyl propionate; n-Pentyl propionate; Propanoic 864
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference acid, pentyl ester Empirical: C8H16O2 Formula: CH3CH2COOC5H11 Properties: Colorless liq., fruity apricot-pineapple odor; sol. in alcohol, most fixed oils; insol. in glycerin, propylene glycol, water @ 160 C; m.w. 144.21; dens. 0.869-0.873; vapor pressure 1.5 mm Hg (20 C); b.p. 156 C; flash pt. 106 F; ref. index 1.405-1.409 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 14 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 14 g/kg; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm.; fire hazard Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: Japan approved as flavoring Manuf./Distrib.: Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Dow http://www.dow.com; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/ Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com n-Amyl propionate. See Amyl propionate Amyl salicylate CAS 2050-08-0; EINECS/ELINCS 218-080-2 Synonyms: 2-Hydroxybenzoic acid, pentyl ester; Pentyl 2-hydroxybenzoate; Pentyl salicylate; Salicylic acid pentyl ester Definition: Ester of amyl alcohol and salicylic acid Empirical: C12H16O3 Formula: C6H4OHCOOC5H11 Properties: Water-wh. liq., orchid-like odor; sol. in alcohol, ether; insol. in water, glycerol; m.w. 208.26; dens. 1.053; b.p. 277-278 C; flash pt. > 230 F; ref. index 1.5050-1.5080 (20 C) Toxicology: Severe skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Manuf./Distrib.: Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Creative Fragrances http://www.creativefragrances.com Dastech Int'l. http://www.dastech.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Int'l. Flavors & Fragrances US http://www.iff.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com Amyl-Δ-valerolactone. See Δ-Decalactone Amyl vinyl carbinol. See 1-Octen-3-ol Amyl vinyl carbinol acetate; Amyl vinyl carbinyl acetate. See 1-Octen-3-yl acetate Amyris. See Amyris (Amyris balsamifera) Amyris (Amyris balsamifera) CAS 977059-69-0 Synonyms: Amyris; Amyris balsamifera; Sandalwood, West Indian; West Indian sandalwood Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510 Amyris (Amyris balsamifera) oil CAS 8015-65-4 Synonyms: Amyris balsamifera; Amyris balsamifera oil; Amyris oil; Amyris oil, West Indian type; Sandalwood oil; Sandalwood oil, West Indian; West Indian rosewood oil; West Indian sandalwood oil Definition: Produced by steam distillation of wood from Amyris balsamifera tree, contg. caryophyllene, cadinene, cadinol Properties: Pale-yel. liq.; sandalwood odor; burning taste; sol. in alcohol; dens. 0.96 kg/l (20 C); ref. index 1.5035-1.5120 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 4540 mg/kg; low toxicity by ing.; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating vapors Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, liqueurs Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Asiamerica Int'l.; Astral Extracts http://www.astralextracts.com; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; 865
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Charabot USA http://www.charabot.com Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com; Symrise USA http://www.symrise.com Amyris balsamifera; Amyris balsamifera oil; Amyris oil; Amyris oil, West Indian type. See Amyris (Amyris balsamifera) oil Ananas comusus extract. See Pineapple (Ananas sativus) extract Ananase. See Bromelain Ananas sativus. See Pineapple (Ananas sativus) extract; Pineapple (Ananas sativus) juice Ananas sativus extract. See Pineapple (Ananas sativus) extract Ananas sativus juice. See Pineapple (Ananas sativus) juice Anchovyxanthin. See Zeaxanthin Andropogo nardus; Andropogon nardus oil. See Lemongrass oil East Indian Anethol. See Anethole trans-Anethol. See trans-Anethole Anethole CAS 104-46-1; EINECS/ELINCS 203-205-5 FEMA 2086 Synonyms: Anethol; Anetol; Anise camphor; Benzene, 1-methoxy-4-(1-propenyl)-; Isoestragole; p-Methoxy-β-methylstyrene; 1(p-Methoxyphenyl) propene; 1-Methoxy-4propenylbenzene; 4Methoxypropenylbenzene; pMethoxypropenylbenzene; 4Propenylanisole; p-Propenylanisole; p-1Propenylanisole; p-Propenylphenyl methyl ether Classification: Substituted aromatic ether Definition: Obtained from anise oil and other sources or prepared synthetically Empirical: C10H12O Formula: CH3CH:CHC6H4OCH3 Properties: Wh. cryst. or lt. yel. liq. above 23 C, anise odor, sweet taste; very sl. sol. in water; misc. with abs. alcohol, ether, chloroform; m.w. 148.22; dens. 0.991 (20/20 C); m.p. 22.5 C; b.p. 235.3 C; flash pt. 90 C; ref. index 1.5571.561 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2090 mg/kg; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
poison by ing.; skin contact may cause hives, scaling, blisters; may cause human intolerance reaction; questionable carcinogen; experimental tumorigen; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Light-sensitive Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, adjuvant in foods, beverages, ice cream, licorice candy, baked goods, chewing gum, alcoholic beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.60, GRAS; 27CFR §21.151; FEMA GRAS; USP/NF compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Acme-Hardesty http://www.acme-hardesty.com; Adrian Amer. http://www.adrianusa.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.advbio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Andrea Aromatics Arizona http://www.arizonachemical.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; B D Aromatics http://www.bdaromatics.com; BDH BFA Labs http://www.bfa-lab.com; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Chinessence http://www.chinessence.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Creative Fragrances http://www.creativefragrances.com Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Frutarom (UK) Fine Ingreds. http://www.frutarom.com/ Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Hindustan Mint & Agro Products http://www.hindustanmint.com/; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com Kishida Chem. http://www.kishida.co.jp; Kobayashi Perfumery 866
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.kobayashikoryo.co.jp; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com; Millennium http://www.millenniumchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com R.W. Greeff http://www.pechineychemicals.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sarcom http://www.sarcominc.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Soda Aromatic http://www.soda.co.jp; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Symrise USA http://www.symrise.com; Takasago Int'l. http://www.takasago.com; ZenPharm Int'l. http://www.zenpharm.com/ Trade Names: Anethole Extra USP 21/22, FCC p-Anethole. See trans-Anethole trans-Anethole CAS 4180-23-8; EINECS/ELINCS 224-052-0 FEMA 2086 Synonyms: trans-Anethol; p-Anethole; transAnise camphor; Anisole, p-propenyl-, (E); Anisole, p-propenyl-, trans-; Benzene, 1methoxy-4-(1-propenyl)-, (E)-; trans-pMethoxy-β-methylstyrene; trans-1-(pMethoxyphenyl) propene; (E)-1-Methoxy-4(1-propenyl) benzene; trans-1-Methoxy-4-(1propenyl) benzene; (E)-p-Propenylanisole; trans-p-Propenylanisole Definition: Naturally occurring essential oil Empirical: C10H12O Properties: Colorless to wh. cryst. solid; sweet anise odor; sol. in org. solvs., paraffin oil, ethyl acetate, acetone, ethanol; nonmisc. with water; m.w. 148; sp.gr. 0.985-0.991; m.p. 21-22 C; b.p. 234-237 C; flash pt. > 61 C; ref. index 1.559-1.563 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2090 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg, (IP, mouse) 593 mg/kg; irritant; may cause sensitization by skin contact; may cause irritation to eyes, skin, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract; may be harmful by inh., ing., skin absorp.; potential anti-carcinogen; TSCA Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
listed Environmental: Prevent contamination of soil, ground- and surf. waters Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents, strong reducing agents; avoid heat, open flames, ignition sources Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry place; keep tightly closed; keep away from heat and open flame Uses: Flavoring agent in foods, beverages Regulatory: Australia; Canada DSL; Philippines PICCS; Japan ENCS (no.3-572); FDA CFR §182.60 Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Good Scents http://www.thegoodscentscompany.com/ Int'l. Flavors & Fragrances US http://www.iff.com; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; LKT Labs http://www.lktlabs.com; Millennium http://www.millenniumchem.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Prodasynth http://www.prodasynth.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Takasago Int'l. http://www.takasago.com; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com Anethum graveolens oil; Anethum graveolens seed oil. See Dill (Anethum graveolens) seed oil Anethum sowa oil. See Dill (Anethum sowa) seed oil Anetol. See Anethole Aneurine. See Thiamine Aneurine hydrochloride. See Thiamine HCl Aneurine mononitrate. See Thiamine nitrate Angelica (Angelica archangelica) extract CAS 84775-41-7; 977032-49-7; 8015-64-3; EINECS/ELINCS 283-871-1 FEMA 2087 Synonyms: Angelica archangelica; Angelica archangelica extract; Angelica extract; Angelica root extract; Archangelica officinalis; European angelica extract; Garden angelica extract 867
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Definition: Extract of roots of Angelica archangelica Properties: Pale yel. to amber liq., pungent odor, bitter-sweet taste; sol. in fixed oils; sl. sol. in min. oil Toxicology: May cause skin rash or swelling when exposed to light Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, syrups Use Level: 0.78% max. in skin cosmetics likely exposed to sunlight Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Bio-Botanica http://www.bio-botanica.com; Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com Flavex Naturextrakte GmbH http://www.flavex.com; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com
Regulatory: BP, EP compliance; FDA 21CFR §182.20, 582.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Astral Extracts http://www.astralextracts.com; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Chemtex International http://www.chemtexinternational.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Janousek Industriale Srl http://www.janousek.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com
Angelica (Angelica archangelica) root oil CAS 8015-64-3; 84775-41-7; 8015-66-5; EINECS/ELINCS 283-871-1 FEMA 2088; 2089; 2091 Synonyms: Angelica archangelica; Angelica archangelica oil; Angelica archangelica root oil; Angelica oil, root; Angelica root oil Definition: Essential oil obtained from roots of Angelica archangelica, contg. mainly D-αphellandrene and cyclopentadecalactone Properties: Pale yel. to amber liq., pungent odor, bittersweet taste; sol. in alcohol, fixed oils; sl. sol. in min. oil; insol. in glycerin, propylene glycol, water; dens. 0.857-0.915 (15/15 C); acid no. 7 max.; ref. index 1.473-1.487 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 11,000 mg/kg, (oral, mouse) 2200 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Keep well closed; protect from light Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum, alcoholic beverages, liqueurs Use Level: 0.78% max. in skin cosmetics likely exposed to sunlight
Angelica (Angelica archangelica) seed oil CAS 977050-08-0; 8015-64-3 FEMA 2090 Synonyms: Angelica archangelica; Angelica archangelica seed oil; Angelica seed oil Definition: Extracted from seeds of Angelica archangelica Properties: Lt. yel. liq., sweet taste; sol. in fixed oils; sl. sol. in min. oil; insol. in glycerin, propylene glycol Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, alcoholic beverages Use Level: 0.78% max. in skin cosmetics likely exposed to sunlight Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Astral Extracts http://www.astralextracts.com; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Angelica archangelica; Angelica archangelica extract. See Angelica (Angelica archangelica) extract Angelica archangelica oil; Angelica archangelica root oil. See Angelica (Angelica archangelica) root oil Angelica archangelica seed oil. See Angelica (Angelica archangelica) seed oil Angelica extract. See Angelica (Angelica archangelica) extract Angelica lactone. See Pentadecalactone Angelica oil, root. See Angelica (Angelica archangelica) root oil Angelica root extract. See Angelica (Angelica archangelica) extract Angelica root oil. See Angelica (Angelica archangelica) root oil Angelica seed oil. See Angelica (Angelica archangelica) seed oil Angostura; Angostura bark. See Angostura (Galipea officinalis) Angostura extract. See Angostura (Galipea officinalis) extract Angostura (Galipea officinalis) CAS 977000-22-8 Synonyms: Angostura; Angostura bark; Carony bark; Cusparia bark; Galipea officinalis Definition: Bark of tree Galipea officinalis Properties: Ylsh. liq., aromatic unpleasant musty odor, burning bitter flavor Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.10, GRAS; Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Wm. Bernstein Angostura (Galipea officinalis) extract CAS 68916-12-1; EINECS/ELINCS 294-354-5 FEMA 2092 Synonyms: Angostura extract; Cusparia bark extract; Galipea officinalis; Galipea officinalis extract Definition: Extract derived from tree Galipea officinalis Uses: Natural flavoring agent in beverages, alcoholic beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Chart http://www.chartcorp.com Anhydrite (natural form). See Calcium sulfate 3,6-Anhydro-d-galactan. See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
1,4-Anhydro-D-glucitol, 6-hexadecanoate. See Sorbitan palmitate Anhydro-d-glucitol monooctadecanoate. See Sorbitan stearate 1,6-Anhydro-D-glucose CAS 498-07-7; EINECS/ELINCS 207-855-0 Synonyms: β-D-Glucopyranose, 1,6-anhydro-; D-Glucose, 1,6-anhydro-; Levoglucosan Empirical: C6H10O5 Properties: M.w. 162.14 Uses: Source of carbohydrates Manuf./Distrib.: Biosynth AG http://www.biosynth.com; Eurolabs Ltd http://www.eurolabs.co.uk; Molekula UK http://www.molekula.co.uk/; Sciencelab http://www.sciencelab.com; Senn Chem. AG http://www.sennchem.com Trade Names Containing: Litesse® Ultra™ Anhydrohexitol sesquioleate. See Sorbitan sesquioleate Anhydrosorbitol monolaurate. See Sorbitan laurate Anhydrosorbitol monooleate. See Sorbitan oleate Anhydrosorbitol monostearate. See Sorbitan stearate Anhydrosorbitol sesquioleate. See Sorbitan sesquioleate Anhydrosorbitol sesquistearate. See Sorbitan sesquistearate Anhydrosorbitol stearate. See Sorbitan stearate Anhydrosorbitol trioleate. See Sorbitan trioleate Anhydrosorbitol tristearate. See Sorbitan tristearate Anhydro-o-sulfaminebenzoic acid. See Saccharin Anhydrous ammonia. See Ammonia Anhydrous calcium sulfate; Anhydrous gypsum. See Calcium sulfate Anhydrous iron oxide. See Ferric oxide Anhydrous lanolin. See Lanolin Aniba rosaeodora; Aniba rosaeodora oil. See Bois de rose (Aniba rosaeodora) oil Animal oil, monoglycerides, diglycerides. See Lard glycerides Anisaldehyde. See p-Anisaldehyde 2-Anisaldehyde; o-Anisaldehyde. See oMethoxybenzaldehyde p-Anisaldehyde CAS 123-11-5; EINECS/ELINCS 204-602-6 FEMA 2670 869
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Synonyms: Anisaldehyde; Anisic aldehyde; pAnisic aldehyde; Aubepine; 4Methoxybenzaldehyde; pMethoxybenzaldehyde Empirical: C8H8O2 Formula: C6H4(OCH3)CHO Properties: Colorless oil, hawthorn odor; sol. in propylene glycol; misc. in alcohol, ether, fixed oils; insol. in glycerin, water; m.w. 136.15; dens. 1.123 (20/4 C); m.p. 2.5 C; b.p. 247-248 C; flash pt. 121 C; ref. index 1.571-1.574 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1510 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; skin irritant; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible; volatile in steam Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Store at 40-70 F in tightly sealed original containers with minimum head space; avoid prolonged exposure to light, heat, air Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, fragrance in foods Features: Sweetly floral, hawthorn-like fragrance and flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Australia AICS; Japan approved for flavoring; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ADA Int'l. http://www.joinme.net/ada/index.htm; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Asiamerica Int'l. Atul Ltd http://www.atul.co.in; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; BASF AG http://www.basf.de; BASF http://www.basf.com BFA Labs http://www.bfa-lab.com; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Biddle Sawyer http://www.biddlesawyer.com; Chinessence http://www.chinessence.com; CoKEM Assoc. D&O http://dochem.com; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Emerald Kalama Chem. http://www.emeraldmaterials.com; Epochem http://www.epochem.com/; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Honeywell Perf. Polymers http://www.honeywellppc.com; http://www.honeywell-plastics.com; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Jiangxi Zhangshu Crown Capital http://www.crown-capital.com; L C United http://www.lcunited.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Makhteshim Agan Group http://www.maindustries.com/ Midori Kagaku http://www.midorikagaku.co.jp/m060713/e_start_fr.htm; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; Nippon Shokubai http://www.shokubai.co.jp/eng/; Ogawa & Co. http://www.ogawa.net Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com; Prodasynth http://www.prodasynth.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com Rit-Chem http://www.ritchem.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Soda Aromatic http://www.soda.co.jp; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Takasago Int'l. http://www.takasago.com; Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com m-Anisaldehyde, 4-hydroxy-. See Vanillin Anise alcohol; p-Anise alcohol. See p-Anisyl alcohol Anise camphor. See Anethole trans-Anise camphor. See trans-Anethole Aniseed. See Anise (Pimpinella anisum) Aniseed extract. See Anise (Pimpinella anisum) extract Aniseed oil. See Anise (Pimpinella anisum) oil Anise extract. See Anise (Pimpinella anisum) extract Anise fruit. See Anise (Pimpinella anisum) Anise oil. See Anise (Pimpinella anisum) oil Anise (Pimpinella anisum) CAS 977007-65-0 FEMA 2093 Synonyms: Aniseed; Anise fruit; Anise seed; Pimpinella anisum 870
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Definition: Pimpinella anisum Properties: Sweet, soft, mild flavor Toxicology: Can cause contact dermatitis Storage: Protect from light Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, condiments, meats Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §101.22, 182.10, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Bio-Botanica http://www.biobotanica.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Herbarium; Whole Herb http://www.wholeherbcompany.com/ Anise (Pimpinella anisum) extract CAS 84775-42-8; 84650-59-9; EINECS/ELINCS 283-872-7 FEMA 2093 Synonyms: Aniseed extract; Anise extract; Pimpinella anisum; Pimpinella anisum extract Definition: Extract of dried ripe fruit and seeds of Pimpinella anisum Properties: Dk. grn. liq.; anise sweet, liquorice odor; flash pt. (TCC) 168 F Toxicology: LD50 (IP, mouse) 750 mg/kg Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com; Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Essential7 http://www.essential7.com; Jiangyin Healthway Intl. Trade http://www.healthwaychem.com NetQem http://www.netqem.us; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Anise (Pimpinella anisum) oil CAS 8007-70-3 UN ID8027; FEMA 2094 Synonyms: Aniseed oil; Anise oil; Hydroessential anissette; Oleum anisi; Pimpinella anisum; Pimpinella anisum oil Definition: Volatile oil derived from the dried ripe fruit and seeds of Pimpinella anisum, contg. 80-90% anethole, methylchavicol, anisaldehyde Properties: Colorless or pale yel. liq.; crushed fruit odor, sweet aromatic taste; freely sol. in chloroform, ether; sol. in DMSO, 95% ethanol, acetone; sol. in 3 vols. alcohol; sol. < 1 mg/ml Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
in water; dens. 0.978-0.988 (25/25 C); m.p. 17 C; solid. pt. 15 C min.; b.p. 232 C; flash pt. 92.8 C; ref. index 1.553-1.560; tenacity 20 hrs. on blotter Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2250 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; may be harmful by inh., ing., skin absorp.; may cause eye/skin/respiratory tract irritation; may cause allergic skin reaction; weak sensitizer; may cause contact dermatitis due to anethole content; anethole is quite toxic in animals, but considered safe in humans @ 2.5 mg/kg dose; mutation data reported; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible; exposure to air causes polymerization, some oxidation; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2; heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Store @ ambient temps. in well-closed containers; keep under inert atmosphere; may be light-sensitive; protect from light; do not store in PVC bottles Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum, confections, meat, soups, alcoholic beverages, liqueurs Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.10, 182.20, 582.20, GRAS; 27CFR §21.65, 21.151; FEMA GRAS; BP, EP compliance; Australia; Canada DSL; Philippines PICCS Manuf./Distrib.: AMC Chems.; Adept Sol'ns.; Advanced BioTech http://www.advbio.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com Astral Extracts http://www.astralextracts.com; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Chinessence http://www.chinessence.com Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Destilerias Munoz Galvez http://www.dmg.es/; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk 871
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Frutarom (UK) Fine Ingreds. http://www.frutarom.com/; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; Haldin Int'l. http://www.haldin-natural.com/; Integra http://www.integrachem.com Janousek Industriale Srl http://www.janousek.com; Lebermuth http://www.lebermuth.com; Liberty Natural Prods. http://www.libertynatural.com; Millennium http://www.millenniumchem.com NetQem http://www.netqem.us; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Takasago Int'l. http://www.takasago.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com Virginia Dare Extract http://www.virginiadare.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Anise seed. See Anise (Pimpinella anisum) Anise seed oil star terpeneless. See Star anise (Illicium verum) oil Anise, star. See Star anise (Illicium verum) 4-Anisic acid. See p-Anisic acid p-Anisic acid CAS 100-09-4; EINECS/ELINCS 202-818-5 FEMA 3945 Synonyms: 4-Anisic acid; Benzoic acid, 4methoxy; Draconic acid; 4-Methoxybenzoic acid; p-Methoxybenzoic acid Classification: Organic acid Empirical: C8H8O3 Formula: CH3OC6H4COOH Properties: Wh. cryst. or powd.; sol. in alcohol, ether, oxygenated solvs.; pract. insol. in water; m.w. 152.15; dens. 1.385 (4 C); m.p. 183-186 C; b.p. 275-280 C Toxicology: LD50 (subcut., mouse) 400 mg/kg; poison by subcut. route; irritating to eyes, skin, respiratory system; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating vapors Storage: Store @ ambient temps. and pressure Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Features: Sweet flavor Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.advbio.com; Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Atul Ltd http://www.atul.co.in Charkit http://www.charkit.com; D&O http://dochem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Gujarat Organics Ltd http://www.gujaratorganics.com; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Richman http://www.richmanchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com p-Anisic acid ethyl ester. See Ethyl-p-anisate o-Anisic acid, methyl ester. See Methyl omethoxybenzoate p-Anisic acid, methyl ester. See Methyl panisate Anisic alcohol. See p-Anisyl alcohol Anisic aldehyde. See p-Anisaldehyde o-Anisic aldehyde. See o-Methoxybenzaldehyde p-Anisic aldehyde. See p-Anisaldehyde Anisic ketone; Anisketone. See 1-(pMethoxyphenyl)-2-propanone p-Anisol alcohol. See p-Anisyl alcohol Anisole CAS 100-66-3; EINECS/ELINCS 202-876-1 UN 2222 (DOT); FEMA 2097 Synonyms: Benzene, methoxy; Ether, methyl phenyl; Methoxybenzene; Methylphenyl ether; Phenol methyl ether; Phenyl methylether Classification: Ether Empirical: C7H8O Formula: CH3OC6H5 Properties: Colorless or straw liq.; anise-like odor; sol. in alcohol, ether, oxygenated solvs.; insol. in water; m.w. 108.13; dens. 0.992; vapor pressure 10 mm (42.2 C); m.p. -37 C; b.p. 154 C; flash pt. 42 C; autoignition temp. 475 C; ref. index 1.515-1.518; surf. tens. 35 dynes/cm; dielec. const. 4.33 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3700 mg/kg; LC50 (inh., mouse, 2 h) 3021 mg/m3; mod. toxic by ing. and inh.; skin irritant; target organs: 872
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference CNS, respiratory system; TSCA listed Environmental: VOC; ThOD 2.52 Precaution: Flamm. liq.; mod. flamm. exposed to heat, flame, or oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid fumes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced ChemTech http://www.advancedchemtech.com/; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Blackman Uhler http://www.buchemical.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.js p; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Suny Chem. Int'l. http://www.sunychem.com Symrise USA http://www.symrise.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Xinchem http://www.finechemnet.com Anisole, p-methoxy-. See p-Dimethoxybenzene Anisole, o-methyl-. See o-Methylanisole Anisole, p-propenyl-, (E); Anisole, p-propenyl-, trans-. See trans-Anethole Anisyl acetate. See p-Anisyl acetate p-Anisyl acetate CAS 104-21-2; EINECS/ELINCS 203-185-8 FEMA 2098 Synonyms: Acetic acid 4-methoxybenzyl ester; Anisyl acetate; 4-Methoxybenzyl acetate; p-Methoxybenzyl acetate Classification: Aromatic ester Empirical: C10H12O3 Formula: CH3OC6H4CH2COCH3 Properties: Colorless to sl. yel. liq.; floral, fruitlike odor; sweet taste; sol. in org. solvs., alcohol, most oils; insol. in water, glycerin, propylene glycol; m.w. 180.21; dens. 1.104; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
b.p. 270 C; flash pt. 210 F; ref. index 1.5111.516 (20 C) Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Features: Vanilla, plum-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com Epochem http://www.epochem.com/; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Givaudan Fragrances http://www.givaudan.com; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Prodasynth http://www.prodasynth.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com Anisyl acetone. See 4-p-Methoxyphenyl-2butanone p-Anisyl alcohol CAS 105-13-5; EINECS/ELINCS 203-273-6 FEMA 2099 Synonyms: Anise alcohol; p-Anise alcohol; Anisic alcohol; p-Anisol alcohol; Benzenemethanol, 4-methoxy-; 4Methoxybenzenemethanol; 4Methoxybenzyl alcohol; p-Methoxybenzyl alcohol Empirical: C8H10O2 Formula: CH3OC6H4CH2OH Properties: Wh. to pale yel. cryst. or colorless to sl. yel. liq.; floral odor; fruity (peach) taste; sol. in most fixed oils, alcohol, ether; sl. sol. in glycerin; pract. insol. in water; m.w. 138.17; dens. 1.113 (15/15 C); m.p. 25 C; b.p. 259 C; flash pt. 146 C; ref. index 1.543-1.545 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1200 mg/kg; mod. 873
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference toxic by ing.; skin irritant; allergen; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, fragrance in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings Features: Mildly floral, sweet lilac-like fragrance and flavoring Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.advbio.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Givaudan Fragrances http://www.givaudan.com; ICN Biomed. Research Prods. http://www.mpbio.com Lancaster Synthesis http://www.alfa.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; TCI Am. http://www.tciamerica.com; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com Anisyl butyrate CAS 6963-56-0; 14617-95-9; EINECS/ELINCS 230-163-5 FEMA 2100 Synonyms: Anisyl-N-butyrate; p-Anisyl butyrate; p-Methoxybenzyl butyrate Empirical: C12H16O3 Properties: Colorless liq.; weak plum-like odor; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 208.26; b.p. ≈ 270 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3400 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; irritating to skin Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com Anisyl-N-butyrate; p-Anisyl butyrate. See Anisyl butyrate Anisyl formate CAS 122-91-8; EINECS/ELINCS 204-582-9 FEMA 2101 Synonyms: p-Anisyl formate; Formic acid 4methoxybenzyl ester; 4Methoxybenzenemethanol methanoate; 4Methoxybenzyl formate; p-Methoxybenzyl formate Classification: Aromatic ester Empirical: C9H10O3 Formula: CH3OC6H4CH2OCOH Properties: Colorless liq.; sweet floral faint balsamic odor; strawberry taste; sol. in most org. solvs.; sol. in 5.5 vols. 70% alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 166.18; dens. 1.035; b.p. 220 C; flash pt. 100 C ref. index 1.5220-1.5240 (20 C) Toxicology: Irritating to eyes, skin, and respiratory system Precaution: Combustible Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Eurolabs Ltd http://www.eurolabs.co.uk; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com p-Anisyl formate. See Anisyl formate Anisylmethyl ketone; p-Anisyl methyl ketone. See 1-(p-Methoxyphenyl)-2-propanone Anisyl phenylacetate CAS 102-17-0; EINECS/ELINCS 203-010-5 FEMA 3740 Synonyms: p-Anisyl phenylacetate; Anisyl αtoluate; p-Methoxybenzyl phenyl acetate; Phenylacetic acid, p-methoxybenzyl ester Empirical: C16H16O3 874
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Properties: Colorless, oily liq.; honey-like odor; sol. in alcohol; m.w. 256.30; b.p. 370 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; low toxicity by ing. and skin contact; skin irritant Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, baked goods, ice cream, soft candy, puddings, beverages, alcoholic beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com p-Anisyl phenylacetate. See Anisyl phenylacetate Anisyl propionate CAS 7549-33-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-433-5 FEMA 2102 Synonyms: p-Anisyl propionate; 4Methoxybenzyl propanoate; pMethoxybenzyl propionate Empirical: C11H14O3 Properties: Herbaceous odor; fruity taste; m.w.194.23; dens. 1.070; b.p. 277 C; flash pt. >230 F; ref. index 1.5490 (20 C) Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings Features: Fruity vanilla-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com p-Anisyl propionate. See Anisyl propionate Anisyl α-toluate. See Anisyl phenylacetate Annatto. See Annatto (Bixa orellana) Annatto (Bixa orellana) CAS 1393-63-1; 977157-28-0; EINECS/ELINCS 215-735-4 FEMA 2104; INS160b; E160b Synonyms: Achiote; Annatto; Annatto seed; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Annotta; Annotta seed; Arnatta; Arnotta; Arnotta seed; Bixin; CI 75120; CI natural orange 4; Natural orange 4 Definition: Vegetable dye from seeds of Bixa orellana Properties: Orange solid; sol. in alcohol, ether, oils Toxicology: LD50 (IP, mouse) 700 mg/kg; mod. toxic by IP route; human systemic effect by skin contact; mutagen Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Natural colorant, flavoring agent for foods, baked goods; extract as colorant for sausage casings, oleomargarine, cheese, beverages, cereal, ice cream, shortening, food-marking inks Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.30, 73.1030, 73.2030; USDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved (water-sol.); Europe listed; UK approved; Canada DSL; approved for use in ingested drugs in 1963 and for external drugs in 1977 Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; Adept Sol'ns.; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l. Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Chr. Hansen Inc http://www.chr-hansen.com; Extractos Andinos CA http://www.extractosandinos.com/; Food Ingred. Tech. Ltd http://www.fit-ltd.com; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Givaudan-Quest Int'l. http://www.givaudan.com/givcom/; Hoffmann-LaRoche http://www.rocheusa.com; Kalsec http://www.kalsec.com Kingfood Australia Pty. Ltd http://www.kingfood.com.au; Liberty Natural Prods. http://www.libertynatural.com; MLG Enterprises; Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Pfizer Int'l. http://www.pfizer.com; HallStar http://www.hallstar.com; Sensient Pharm. Tech. http://www.sensient-tech.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. 875
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Symrise Gbmh http://www.symrise.com/ Trade Names Containing: FloAm® 200C; FloAm® 210 HC; FloAm® 500 CF; FloAm® 500 TF; Qual Flo® C Yellow Blend No. 3300 Powd. Annatto (Bixa orellana) extract CAS 1393-63-1; 8015-67-6 FEMA 2103; INS160b; E160b Synonyms: Achiote; Annatto extract; Annatto tree extract; Annotta extract; Arnotta extract; Bixa orellana; Bixin; CI 75120; Natural orange 4 Definition: Carotenoid color contg. bixin (oil/fat extract) or norbixin (alkaline aq. extract), derived from Bixa orellana Properties: Yel.-red sol'ns. or powd. Toxicology: LD50 (IP, mouse) 700 mg/kg; mod. toxic by IP route; human systemic effects by skin contact; may cause asthma, rashes Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Natural colorant, flavoring agent for foods, beverages, ice cream, baked goods, butter, cheese, margarine, cooking oil, salad dressing, cereals, sausage casings, spices Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.30, 73.1030, 73.2030; permanently listed as a color in 1977; exempt from certification, permanently listed for drug use; FEMA GRAS; Japan restricted use Manuf./Distrib.: Bio-Botanica http://www.biobotanica.com; Chr. Hansen Inc http://www.chr-hansen.com; Jarchem Ind. http://www.jarchem.com/; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; Sensient Tech. Colors http://www.triconcolors.com Trade Names Containing: AFC AS 920; AFC OS 460; AFC OWS 550; AFC WOS 550; AFC WS 445 AFC WS 890; AFC WS 4600P See also Bixin; Norbixin Annatto extract. See Annatto (Bixa orellana) extract Annatto seed. See Annatto (Bixa orellana) Annatto tree extract. See Annatto (Bixa orellana) extract Annotta. See Annatto (Bixa orellana) Annotta extract. See Annatto (Bixa orellana) extract Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Annotta seed. See Annatto (Bixa orellana) Annulene. See Benzene Anogeissus latifolia gum. See Gum ghatti Anoxomer CAS 60837-57-2 INS323 Classification: Polymeric antioxidant Definition: 1,4-Benzenediol, 2-(1,1-dimethylethyl) polymer with diethenylbenzene, 4-(1,1dimethylethyl) phenol, 4-methoxyphenol, 4,4´(1-methylethylidene) bis (phenol), 4methylphenol Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Preservative, antioxidant in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.105 Anthemis nobilis; Anthemis nobilis extract. See Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) extract Anthemis nobilis flower. See Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) flower Anthemis nobilis oil. See Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) oil Anthenum sowa. See Dill (Anethum sowa) seed oil Anthium dioxide. See Chlorine dioxide Anthocyanins INS163(i); E163 Definition: A substance obtained by the physical processing of edible fruits or vegetables; a flavenoid plant pigment consisting of glucose plus anthocyanidins Properties: Water-sol. Uses: Colorant in foods Features: Violet, red, blue color Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.170 Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; Kingfood Australia Pty. Ltd http://www.kingfood.com.au Anthracite coal, sulfonated CAS 69013-20-3 Synonyms: Coal, sulfonated; Sulfonated anthracite coal Uses: Ion exchange resin for food treatment Regulatory: FDA 21CFR§173.25 Anthranilic acid cinnamyl ester. See Cinnamyl anthranilate Anthranilic acid, 1,5-dimethyl-1-vinyl-4-hexenyl ester; Anthranilic acid linalyl ester. See Linalyl anthranilate Anthranilic acid methyl ester. See Methyl 876
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference anthranilate Anthranilic acid 1-methyl-1-(4-methyl-3cyclohexen-1-yl) ethyl ester. See Terpinyl anthranilate Anthranilic acid, phenethyl ester. See Phenethyl anthranilate Anthriscus cerefolium; Anthriscus cerefolium extract. See Chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium) extract Anticanitic vitamin; Antichromotrichia factor. See p-Aminobenzoic acid Antihemorrhagic vitamin. See Vitamin K1 Anti-infective vitamin. See Retinol Anti-pellagra vitamin. See Nicotinic acid Antixerophthalmic vitamin. See Retinol Apium graveolens; Apium graveolens extract. See Celery (Apium graveolens) extract Apium graveolens oil; Apium graveolens seed oil. See Celery (Apium graveolens) seed oil APM. See Aspartame Apocarotenal. See β-Apo-8´-carotenal β-Apo-8´-carotenal CAS 1107-26-2; EINECS/ELINCS 214-171-6 INS160e; E160e Synonyms: Apocarotenal; β-Apo-8´-carotenal C30; CI 40820; Food orange 6 Classification: Carotenoid color Empirical: C30H40O Properties: Purplish-blk. cryst. fine powd.; sol. in chloroform; sl. sol. in acetone; insol. in water; disp. in warm water; m.w. 416.65; m.p. 136140 C (dec.) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Store in sealed containers under inert gas and preferably refrigeration Uses: Colorant in foods, pigmentation of egg yolks, chicken skin, beverages, juices, fruit drinks, soups, jams, jellies, gelatins; as vegetable oil sol'n. in fat-based foods incl. process cheese, margarine, salad dressings, fats, oils Features: Provitamin activity (1,200,000 IU vitamin A/g) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.90 (limitation 15 mg/lb of solid or /pint of liq. food); Europe listed; UK approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Fluka http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium β-Apo-8´-carotenal C30. See β-Apo-8´-carotenal Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
β-Apo-8´-carotenic acid, ethyl ester CAS 1109-11-1 INS160f; E160f Synonyms: CI 40825; CI Food Orange 7; Ethyl ester of β-apo-8´-carotenic acid Classification: Carotenoid Empirical: C32H44O2 Properties: Red to violet-red crystal or crystalline powd. Storage: Store in light-resistant container under inert gas because of sensitivity to lt. and O2 Uses: Colorant in foods β-Apo-8´-carotenic acid, methyl ester CAS 1109-11-1 INS160f Synonyms: CI food orange 7; Ethyl β-apo-8'carotenoate Classification: Carotenoid Empirical: C32H44O2 Properties: Red to violet-red crystals or srystalline powd.; sol. in chloroform; very sl. sol. in ethanol; sl. sol. in veg. oils; insol. in water; m.w. 460.70 Storage: Store in lt.-resistant containers under inert gas; sensitive to O2 and lt. Uses: Colorant in foods APP. See Ammonium polyphosphate Apple acid. See N-Hydroxysuccinic acid Apple essence. See Isoamyl isovalerate Apple fiber Properties: Water-sol. (80%) Uses: Dietary fiber; sweetness enhancer, moisture absorbent, thickener, texturizer in baking and tomato prods. Manuf./Distrib.: Dempsey http://www.dempseycorporation.com Trade Names: Vitacel® AF 12; Vitacel® AF 400; Vitacel® AF 400/30; Vitacel® AFE 400; Vitacel® AFF 12 Apple oil. See Isoamyl isovalerate Apricot kernel oil. See Apricot (Prunus armeniaca) kernel oil Apricot ketone. See Pentyl 2-furyl ketone Apricot nut oil. See Apricot (Prunus armeniaca) kernel oil Apricot (Prunus armeniaca) kernel oil CAS 72869-69-3 FEMA 2105 Synonyms: Apricot kernel oil; Apricot nut oil; Persic oil; Prunus armeniaca; Prunus armeniaca oil 877
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Classification: Oleochemical Definition: Fixed oil expressed from kernels of Prunus armeniaca Properties: Colorless or pale straw clear oily liq., nearly odorless, bland taste; sl. sol. in alcohol; misc. with chloroform, ether, petrol. spirit; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.910-0.923; acid no. 1 max.; iodine no. 90-115; sapon. no. 185-195; ref. index 1.4635-1.4655 (40 C) Toxicology: No known toxicity Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, soups Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, 182.40, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aarhus Karlshamn UK http://www.aak.com; Aldivia http://www.aldivia.com; Arch Personal Care Prods. http://www.archchemicals.com; Arista Ind. http://www.aristaindustries.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com; Desert Whale Jojoba http://www.desertwhale.com/; GR Davis http://www.grdavis.com.au/ George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/; Parchem Trading http://www.par-chem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Pokonobe Ind. http://www.pokonobe.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Welch, Holme & Clark http://www.welch-holme-clark.com Trade Names: Lipovol P Aqua. See Water Aqua ammonia; Aqua ammonium; Aqueous ammonia. See Ammonium hydroxide Aqueous hydrogen chloride. See Hydrochloric acid ARA. See Arachidonic acid Arabic gum. See Acacia Arabinogalactan CAS 9036-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-910-0 FEMA 3254; INS409 Synonyms: (+)-Arabinogalactan; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Arabinogalactoglycan; Larch gum; Larch turpentine; Polyarabinogalactan; Stractan; Venetian turpentine Classification: Natural oleoresin Definition: Polysaccharide extracted from Western larch wood, Larix occidentalis, having galactose and arabinose units in approx. ratio 6:1 Properties: Lt. yel. to amber very visc. liq.; balsam pine odor; sol. in water; m.p. > 200 C (dec.) Toxicology: TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Hygroscopic; keep under argon Uses: Dispersant, emulsifier, thickener, gellant, stabilizer, binder, bodying agent, flavoring agent in foods, candy, essential oils, nonnutritive sweeteners, flavor bases, nonstandardized dressings, pudding mixes; microcapsule for encapsulating flavoring substances Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.230, 172.610; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Fluka http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Kaden Biochems. http://www.kadenbio.com; P.L. Thomas http://www.plthomas.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium (+)-Arabinogalactan; Arabinogalactoglycan. See Arabinogalactan Arabino-2-hexulose. See Fructose Arabinose. See L-Arabinose L-Arabinose CAS 5328-37-0 FEMA 3255 Synonyms: Arabinose; Pectin sugar Empirical: C5H10O5 Properties: Wh. crystals; sol. in water; m.w. 150.13; sp. gr. 1.58; m.p. 157-160 C Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid heat, flames, ignition sources, and incompatibles Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep in a tightly closed container, stored in a cool, dry, ventilated area Uses: Natural sweetener in foods Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL; Japan 878
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference approved Manuf./Distrib.: CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Danisco Sweeteners http://www.daniscosweeteners.com; Ferro Pfanstiehl Europe; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Lonza http://www.lonza.com; P.L. Thomas http://www.plthomas.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Porta Ltd http://www.porta.cz Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Araboascorbic acid; d-Araboascorbic acid. See Erythorbic acid Arachidonic acid CAS 506-32-1; EINECS/ELINCS 208-033-4 Synonyms: ARA; Archidonate; 5,8,11,14Eicosatetraenoic acid; Eicosa5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z-tetraenoic acid Classification: Polyunsat. fatty acid Empirical: C20H32O2 Formula: CH3(CH2)4(CH=CHCH2)4CH2CH2COOH Properties: Colorless oily liq.; sol. in ethanol, DMSO; m.w. 304.52; m.p. -49.5 C; b.p. 163 C (1 mm) Toxicology: LD50 (IV, mouse) 33 mg/kg; poison by IV route; vasoconstrictor; platelet aggregator; may be harmful by ing., inh., skin absorp.; may be fatal if injected into bloodstream; experimental reproductive effects; mutation data Precaution: Subject to oxidation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes; combustion: CO, CO2 Storage: Store @ -20 C in tightly closed container; protect from exposure to air Uses: Infant formula supplement Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Biomol http://www.biomol.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium Vernon Walden Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Trade Names: Arasco® Trade Names Containing: Formulaid® Arachis hypogaea; Arachis oil. See Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) oil Arborvitae; Arborvitae oil. See Cedar leaf (Thuja occidentalis) oil Archangelica officinalis. See Angelica (Angelica archangelica) extract Archidonate. See Arachidonic acid Argentum. See Silver Argeol. See Santalol Arginine (INCI). See L-Arginine L-Arginine CAS 74-79-3; EINECS/ELINCS 200-811-1 FEMA 3819 Synonyms: 1-1-Amino-4-guanidovaleric acid; L-Amino-4-guanidovaleric acid; Arginine (INCI) Classification: Amino acid Empirical: C6H14N4O2 Formula: H2NCNHNHCH2CH2CH2CHNH2COOH Properties: Wh. cryst. powd.; sol. in water; sl. sol. in alcohol; insol. in ether; m.w. 174.20; m.p. 235 C (dec.); strongly alkaline Toxicology: Mutagen; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx Uses: Nutrient, dietary supplement, flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.320, limitation 6.6%; Japan approved; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Adept Sol'ns.; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Ajinomoto USA http://www.ajinomotousa.com; http://www.ajichem.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com Anmar Int'l. http://www.anmarinternational.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; Austin http://www.austinchemical.com Bachem http://bachem.com; Donboo Amino Acid http://www.donboo.com; Evonik Degussa http://www.degussa.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fortitech http://www.fortitech.com/ Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; Functional Foods 879
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.functionalfoods.com; Generichem http://www.generichem.com/; Hawkins Chem. http://www.hawkinschemical.com/; Helm NY http://www.helmnewyork.com Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Kyowa Hakko Kogyo http://www.kyowa.co.jp; M.W. Int'l.; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com R.W. Greeff http://www.pechineychemicals.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Arginine glutamate CAS 4320-30-3; EINECS/ELINCS 224-350-0 Synonyms: L-Argininine L-glutamate; LGlutamic acid, compd. with L-arginine (1:1) Definition: Mixt. of salts of arginine and glutamic acid Empirical: C11H23N5O6 Formula: C6H14N4O2 • C5H9NO4 Properties: M.w. 321.3 Uses: Dietary supplement (amino acid), flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: ; Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Ajinomoto http://www.ajinomoto.co.jp; http://www.ajinomoto.com; Evonik Degussa http://www.degussa.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Arginine HCl; Arginine hydrochloride; LArginine hydrochloride; Arginine monohydrochloride. See L-Arginine monohydrochloride L-Arginine monohydrochloride CAS 1119-34-2; EINECS/ELINCS 239-674-8 FEMA 3819 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Synonyms: L-1-Amino-4-guanidovaleric acid monohydrochloride; Arginine HCl; Arginine hydrochloride; L-Arginine hydrochloride; Arginine monohydrochloride; 1Hydrochloride arginine Empirical: C6H15ClN4O2 Formula: C6H14N4O2 • HCl Properties: Wh. cryst. powd., odorless; sol. in water, sl. sol in hot alcohol; insol. in ether; m.w. 210.66; dec. 235 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 12 g/kg, (IP, rat) 3793 mg/kg; mod. toxic by IP route; mildly toxic by ing.; experimental teratogen; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx and HCl Uses: Dietary supplement, nutrient in foods Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Adept Sol'ns.; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Ajinomoto http://www.ajinomoto.co.jp; http://www.ajinomoto.com Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Anmar Int'l. http://www.anmarinternational.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com Asiamerica Int'l.; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; Austin http://www.austinchemical.com; Bachem http://bachem.com; Boith China http://www.boith.com Donboo Amino Acid http://www.donboo.com; Evonik Degussa http://www.degussa.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fortitech http://www.fortitech.com/; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com Generichem http://www.generichem.com/; Hawkins Chem. http://www.hawkinschemical.com/; Helm NY http://www.helmnewyork.com; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com Kyowa Hakko Kogyo http://www.kyowa.co.jp; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; MonomerPolymer & Dajac Labs http://www.monomerpolymer.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Premium 880
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Ingreds. http://www.premiumingredients.com RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Seltzer http://www.seltzeringredients.com/; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com L-Argininine L-glutamate. See Arginine glutamate Argon CAS 7440-37-1; EINECS/ELINCS 231-147-0 UN 1006 (DOT); UN 1951 (DOT); INS938; E938 Synonyms: Argon, compressed; Argon gas Classification: Noble gas Empirical: Ar Properties: Colorless gas; odorless; tasteless; sol. in org. liqs., olive oil; sl. sol. in water; a.w. 39.948; dens. 1.394 (liq. @ -185.9 C); f.p. 189.3 C; b.p. -185.9 C; nonflamm. Toxicology: Nontoxic by inh. at normal temps. and pressure; simple asphyxiant; can displace oxygen and cause oxygen deficiency (inc. breathing and pulse rate, muscular incoordination, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, collapse, convulsions, death); can cause inert gas narcosis and decompression sickness at increased barometric pressures; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None known Uses: Packing gas in foods Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Air Liquide Am. http://www.us.airliquide.com; Air Prods. http://www.airproducts.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; BOC Gases Am. http://www.fuelcellmarkets.com/home.fcm? subsite=453; Praxair http://www.praxair.com Voltaix http://www.voltaix.com Argon, compressed; Argon gas. See Argon Arheol. See Sandalwood (Santalum album) oil Aristolochia clematitis; Aristolochia clematitis extract; Aristolochia extract. See Serpentaria Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
(Aristolochia clematitis) extract Aristolochia serpentaria. See Serpentaria (Aristolochia serpentaria) Armoise oil. See Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) oil Arnatta. See Annatto (Bixa orellana) Arnica. See Arnica montana Arnica montana Synonyms: Arnica; Arnica flowers; Leopard's bane; Mountain tobacco; Wolf's bane Definition: Plant material from dried flowerheads, roots, or rhizomes of Arnica montana Properties: Herbaceous sweet odor, sl. bitter flavor Toxicology: Poison by inh. and ing.; mod. irritant; allergen; may cause contact dermatitis, GI symptoms, nervous disturbances, and collapse Precaution: Combustible exposed to heat or flame; incompat. with oxidizing materials Uses: Natural flavoring agent in alcoholic beverages, liqueurs Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510; Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com Arnica extract. See Arnica montana extract Arnica flowers. See Arnica montana Arnica montana. See Arnica montana extract Arnica montana extract CAS 8057-65-6; 68990-11-4; EINECS/ELINCS 273-579-2 Synonyms: Arnica extract; Arnica montana Definition: Extract of dried flowerheads of Arnica montana Toxicology: TSCA listed Uses: Natural flavoring agent in alcoholic beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Bio-Botanica http://www.biobotanica.com; Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Flavex Naturextrakte GmbH http://www.flavex.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/ Arnotta. See Annatto (Bixa orellana) Arnotta extract. See Annatto (Bixa orellana) extract Arnotta seed. See Annatto (Bixa orellana) 881
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Aromatic castor oil. See Castor (Ricinus communis) oil Arrowroot starch. See Starch Artemesia pallens oil. See Davana (Artemisia pallens) oil Artemisia. See Artemisia absinthium Artemisia absinthium; Artemisia absinthium oil. See Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) oil Artemisia absinthium FEMA 3114 Synonyms: Absinthium; Artemisia; Wormwood Definition: Derived from Artemisia absinthium Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 960 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; allergen; causes contact dermatitis; chronic use may cause tremors, vertigo, vomiting, hallucinations; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: NetQem http://www.netqem.us Artemisia dracunculus; Artemisia dracunculus extract. See Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) extract Artemisia dracunculus oil. See Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) oil Artemisia oil. See Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) oil Artemisia pallens; Artemisia pallens oil. See Davana (Artemisia pallens) oil Artemisia vulgaris oil. See Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) oil Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) extract CAS 84012-14-6; EINECS/ELINCS 281-659-3 Synonyms: Artichoke extract; Cynara scolymus; Cynara scolymus extract Definition: Extract of the leaves of Cynara scolymus Toxicology: LD50 (IP, mouse) 1 g/kg Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510 Manuf./Distrib.: Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Motherland Herb-Pharm http://www.motherlandusa.com/ Artichoke extract. See Artichoke (Cynara Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
scolymus) extract Artificial almond oil. See Benzaldehyde Artificial ant oil. See Furfural Artificial cinnamon oil. See Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) oil Artificial gum. See Dextrin Artificial musk ambrette. See Musk ambrette Artificial mustard oil. See Allyl isothiocyanate Artificial oil of ants. See Furfural Arwood copper. See Copper Asafetida. See Asafetida (Ferula asafoetida) gum Asafetida extract. See Asafetida (Ferula foetida) extract Asafetida (Ferula asafoetida) gum CAS 9000-04-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-522-1 FEMA 2107 Synonyms: Asafetida; Asafetida gum; Asafoetida; Asafoetida oil; Asant; Devil's dung; Ferula; Ferula asafoetida; Ferula asafoetida gum; Food of the gods; Stinking gum Definition: Gum resin exudate from rhizome and roots from Ferula asafoetida Properties: Strong garlic odor; sl. bitter acrid taste Toxicology: Mutagen; TSCA listed Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, meats, condiments, soups, Worcestershire sauce Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, 582.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Bio-Botanica http://www.biobotanica.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Essential7 http://www.essential7.com; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Phoenix Aromas http://www.phoenixaromas.com; Thew Arnott & Co. Ltd http://www.thewarnott.co.uk; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com Asafetida (Ferula asafoetida) oil CAS 72869-70-6; 9000-04-8 FEMA 2108 Synonyms: Asafetida oil; Ferula asafoetida; Ferula asafoetida gum oil; Ferula asafoetida oil 882
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Definition: Essential oil obtained from the gum of the asafetida, Ferula asafoetida Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, candy, baked goods, condiments Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com Asafetida (Ferula foetida) extract CAS 90028-70-9; 9000-04-8; EINECS/ELINCS 297-382-6 FEMA 2106 Synonyms: Asafetida extract; Asafetida fluid extract; Ferula asafoetida; Ferula asafoetida extract; Ferula asafoetida gum extract; Ferula foetida; Ferula foetida extract Definition: Brown, gum resin obtained from the roots of Ferula foetida Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, condiments, meats, sauces, pickles (as purified resin, tincture, and oil) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Chart http://www.chartcorp.com Asafetida fluid extract. See Asafetida (Ferula foetida) extract Asafetida gum. See Asafetida (Ferula asafoetida) gum Asafetida oil. See Asafetida (Ferula asafoetida) oil Asafoetida; Asafoetida oil; Asant. See Asafetida (Ferula asafoetida) gum Asarum canadense; Asarum canadense oil. See Snakeroot (Asarum canadense) oil Ascorbic acid (INCI); 1-Ascorbic acid. See LAscorbic acid L-Ascorbic acid CAS 50-81-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-066-2 FEMA 2109; INS300; E300 Synonyms: Ascorbic acid (INCI); 1-Ascorbic acid; Cetivamin; Cevitamic acid; 3-Keto-Lgulofuranolactone; 1-3-Ketothreohexuronic acid lactone; L-Lyxoascorbic acid; 3-Oxo-1gulofuranolactone; Vitamin C; 1Xyloascorbic acid Classification: Organic compd. Empirical: C6H8O6 Properties: Wh. or sl. yel. cryst. or powd.; sol. in water; sl. sol. in alcohol; insol. in ether, chloroform, benzene, petrol. ether, oils, fats; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
m.w. 176.14; m.p. 192 C; flash pt. 99 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 11,900 mg/kg, (IV, mouse) 518 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing., IV routes; human blood systemic effects by IV route; extremely high repeated doses may cause nausea, diarrhea, GI disturbances, flatus; acute renal failure and tubular necrosis; experimental teratogen, reproductive effects; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Light-sensitive, oxygen-sensitive; store @ R.T. Uses: Nutrient, dietary supplement, color fixing agent, flavoring agent, preservative, raising agent, oxidant, antioxidant in foods, animal feeds; abscission of citrus fruit in harvesting; reducing agent; flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, fruit sauces, meats Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §101.9, 101,14, 107.100, 137.105, 137.155, 137.160, 137.165, 137.170, 137.175, 137.180, 137.185, 137.200, 137.205, 145.110, 145.115, 145.116, 145.135, 145.136, 145.170, 145.171, 146.185, 146.187, 150.141, 150.161, 155.200, 155.201, 156.145, 161.175, 172.280, 182.3013, 182.3041, 182.8013, GRAS; BATF 27CFR §240.1051; USDA 9CFR §318.7; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL; Japan approved; Europe listed; UK approved; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance Manuf./Distrib.: AAE Chemie NV http://www.aaechemie.com; AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; ADA Int'l. http://www.joinme.net/ada/index.htm; ADM http://www.admworld.com; AMC Chems. AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; AXO Chem. http://www.axochemical.com; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Allan http://www.allanchem.com; Allchem Int'l. Ltd http://www.allchem.co.uk; Am. Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com; Amalgamet http://www.amalgamet.com Anmar Int'l. http://www.anmarinternational.com; 883
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; BASF http://www.basf.com; BCH Brühl http://www.bch-bruehl.de Barrington http://www.barringtonchem.com; Boith China http://www.boith.com; Brenntag AG http://www.brenntag.de; Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties CPI Chems. http://www.cpichem.com; Camida Ltd http://www.camida.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Charles Bowman http://www.charlesbowman.com Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de; Chemco France http://www.chemcofrance.com/chemco/chemco.nsf/HTML/0E5 A87A7C8BCCC90C12570E00040301E; Chemcolloids Ltd http://www.chemcolloids.com; Chemical http://www.thechemco.com; CoKEM Assoc. Cornelius Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.cornelius.co.uk; DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com; DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com; Danisco Cultor http://ingredients.danisco.com; Dastech Int'l. http://www.dastech.com EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Food Ingred. Tech. Ltd http://www.fit-ltd.com; Forum Bioscience http://www.forum.co.uk; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; Gadot Biochem. Ind. http://www.gadotbio.com; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; H&A (Canada) Ind. http://www.hacanada.com/; Hawkins Chem. http://www.hawkinschemical.com/ Helm NY http://www.helmnewyork.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Jungbunzlauer http://www.jungbunzlauer.com/w; KIC Chems. http://www.kicchemicals.com; http://www.kicgroup.com Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; LKT Labs http://www.lktlabs.com; Lebermuth http://www.lebermuth.com; Magnesia GmbH http://www.magnesia.de; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com Merck KGaA http://www.merck.de; Omya Peralta http://www.omya-peralta.de; Parchem Trading http://www.parchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Peter Whiting Ltd http://www.whiting-chemicals.co.uk Pharmrite N. Am. http://pharmrite.com/; Polysciences http://www.polysciences.com; Premium Ingreds. http://www.premiumingredients.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Rochem Int'l. http://www.rochemintl.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sal Chem. http://www.salchem.com; Seltzer http://www.seltzeringredients.com/; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Symrise USA http://www.symrise.com; Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; Tiger Chem. http://www.tigerchem.com/; Total Spec. Chems. http://www.totaltsc.com; Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com Univar Ltd http://www.univar.co.uk; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; V.L. Clark http://www.vlclark.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Wako Chem. USA http://www.wakousa.com Trade Names: Ascorbic Acid USP, FCC; Ascorbo-120; Ascorbo-C Tablets Trade Names Containing: Acidified Aseptic Banana Puree Trobana®; Arco B NB; Ascorbic Acid Tablets 120; Ascorbo-160-2 Powder; Asset Bagel Base; Bioblend # 7; Bonus Blend; CVC™ Type A Coated Ascorbic Acid; Carbrea® Tabs CDC-10A; CDC-10A (NB); CDC-79; CDC2001; CDC-2001 CDC-2500; Coated Ascorbic Acid, Type EC; Crust EZE; Dependox AXC; Descote® Ascorbic Acid 60%
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Doughmaker; Doughmaker 4; Doughmaker 5; Imperial FD; KC Yeast Food - No Bromate N'Hance CM; N'Hance (Phase I) Powd.; N'Hance SD; Oxynex® K; Oxynex® L Panalite® 90D K; Snow Fresh® Ascorbic acid calcium salt. See Calcium ascorbate L-Ascorbic acid, 6-hexadecanoate. See Ascorbyl palmitate L-Ascorbic acid, monooctadecanoate. See Ascorbyl stearate L-Ascorbic acid monosodium salt. See Sodium ascorbate Ascorbic acid palmitate; L-Ascorbic acid palmitate; L-Ascorbic acid 6-palmitate. See Ascorbyl palmitate L(+)-Ascorbic acid sodium salt. See Sodium ascorbate Ascorbyl palmitate CAS 137-66-6; EINECS/ELINCS 205-305-4 INS304; E304 Synonyms: L-Ascorbic acid, 6-hexadecanoate; Ascorbic acid palmitate; L-Ascorbic acid palmitate; L-Ascorbic acid 6-palmitate; 6-OPalmitoylascorbic acid; Palmitoyl Lascorbic acid Definition: Ester of ascorbic acid and palmitic acid Empirical: C22H38O7 Properties: Wh. or yel.-wh. powd., citrus odor; sol. in alcohol, animal and veg. oils; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 414.54; m.p. 107-117 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 25 g/kg; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Preserve in tight containers in cool, dry place Uses: Antioxidant for fats and oils, color preservative, Vitamin C source, stabilizer, emulsifier, sequestrant, synergist with αtocopherol for foods, beverages, bread, lemon drinks, margarine, rolls, shortening, processed meats Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §166.110, 182.3149, 582.3149, GRAS; USDA 9CFR §318.7 (0.02% max. in margarine); Japan approved; Europe listed; UK approved; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Alfa Aesar Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l. Bimal Pharma Chem; Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com Danisco Cultor http://ingredients.danisco.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com Hawkins Chem. http://www.hawkinschemical.com/; LKT Labs http://www.lktlabs.com; Merck KGaA http://www.merck.de; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Westco http://www.westcochemicals.com Xinchem http://www.finechemnet.com Trade Names: Grindox™ Ascorbyl Palmitate Trade Names Containing: Antrancine® 342 Plus; Controx® VP; Lutein DC; LycoVit® 10% DC; Oxynex® 2004 Oxynex® AP; Oxynex® K; Oxynex® L; Oxynex® LM; Phosal® 53 MCT PhytroX® LT 10; PhytroX® LT 15; PhytroX® LTR 10; PhytroX® LTR 15; PhytroX® Tocomix L50 PhytroX® Tocomix L70 Ascorbyl stearate CAS 25395-66-8; EINECS/ELINCS 246-944-9 INS305 Synonyms: L-Ascorbic acid, monooctadecanoate; (Stearoyloxy)-Lascorbic acid Definition: Ester of ascorbic acid and stearic acid Empirical: C24H42O7 Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Antioxidant, dietary supplement in foods; antioxidant in margarine Regulatory: USDA 9CFR §318.7; FDA 21CFR 885
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference §166.110; Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Asparagic acid; L-Asparagic acid. See LAspartic acid Asparagine (INCI). See L-Asparagine L-Asparagine CAS 70-47-3 (anhyd.); 5794-13-8 (monohydrate); EINECS/ELINCS 200-735-9 Synonyms: 1-α-Aminosuccinamic acid; 2Aminosuccinamic acid; L-αAminosuccinamic acid; Asparagine (INCI); (+)-Aspartic acid 4-amide; Aspartic acid βmonoamide Classification: Amino acid Definition: Commonly occurs as the monohydrate Empirical: C4H8N2O3 Formula: H2NCOCH2CHNH2COOH Properties: Anhyd.: Wh. cryst. powd., sl. sweet taste; sol. in water; insol. in alcohol, ether; m.w. 132.12; m.p. 234 C; Monohydrate: Orthorhombic cryst.; sol. in acids, alkalis; pract. insol. in alcohols, ether, benzene; m.w. 150.14 Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx Uses: Nutrient, dietary supplement, flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.320, 7% max. by wt.; Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Evonik Degussa http://www.degussa.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; Kyowa Hakko Kogyo http://www.kyowa.co.jp; Nantong ChangChem http://www.changchem.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Wilshire http://users.aol.com/wilshrchem/chmlist2.ht m Asparaginic acid. See D-Aspartic acid Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Aspartame CAS 22839-47-0; EINECS/ELINCS 245-261-3 INS951 Synonyms: 3-Amino-N-(α-carboxyphenethyl) succinamic acid N-methyl ester; APM; Aspartylphenylalanine methyl ester; N-l-αAspartyl-l-phenylalanine l-methyl ester; Methyl aspartylphenylalanate; 1-Methyl N-Lα-aspartyl-L-phenylalanine Classification: Dipeptide Definition: Consists of L-aspartic acid and the methyl ester of L-phenylalanine; artificial sweetener Empirical: C14H18N2O5 Formula: HOOCCH2CH(NH2)CONHCH(CH2C6H5)COOC H3 Properties: Wh. cryst. powd. or colorless need., odorless, sweet taste, prolonged sweet aftertaste; sl. sol. in water, alcohol; m.w. 294.34; m.p. 246-248 C; 160 times sweeter than sucrose Toxicology: Human systemic effects by ingestion (allergic dermatitis); possible link to neural problems; headaches; experimental reproductive effects; should not be used by individuals with PKU; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx, CO, CO2 Storage: Preserve in well-closed containers; 5 yr. min. shelf life Uses: Artificial sweetener in sugar substitutes for table use, breakfast cereals, chewing gum, beverages, chewable multivitamin food supplements, frozen desserts, dry mixes for gelatins, puddings, dairy prods.; flavor enhancer in foods, beverages, chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.804; Japan, Canada approved; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AAA Int'l. http://www.aaainternational.com; AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; ADA Int'l. http://www.joinme.net/ada/index.htm; AMC Chems.; Aceto http://www.aceto.com Adept Sol'ns.; Ajinomoto http://www.ajinomoto.co.jp; http://www.ajinomoto.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Chem 886
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.alfachem1.com; Amalgamet http://www.amalgamet.com Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; Bachem http://bachem.com; Boith China http://www.boith.com; Brenntag Southeast Brenntag Specialties; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; CPI Chems. http://www.cpichem.com; Camida Ltd http://www.camida.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com Cerestar http://www.cargill.com/; Charles Bowman http://www.charlesbowman.com; Cornelius Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.cornelius.co.uk; Danisco Sweeteners http://www.daniscosweeteners.com; Dempsey http://www.dempseycorporation.com Donboo Amino Acid http://www.donboo.com; Fabrichem http://www.fabricheminc.com/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Forum Bioscience http://www.forum.co.uk; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Givaudan-Quest Int'l.; H&A (Canada) Ind. http://www.hacanada.com/; Helm NY http://www.helmnewyork.com Jungbunzlauer http://www.jungbunzlauer.com/w; KIC Chems. http://www.kicchemicals.com; http://www.kicgroup.com; Magnesia GmbH http://www.magnesia.de; NutraSweet http://www.nutrasweet.com; Omya Peralta http://www.omya-peralta.de Parchem Trading http://www.parchem.com; Pharmrite N. Am. http://pharmrite.com/; Premium Ingreds. http://www.premiumingredients.com; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechineychemicals.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com Rit-Chem http://www.ritchem.com; Rochem Int'l. http://www.rochemintl.com; Sanofiaventis http://www.sanofi-aventis.us; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Sweeteners Plus http://www.sweetenersplus.com; Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; Thew Arnott & Co. Ltd http://www.thewarnott.co.uk; Tiger Chem. http://www.tigerchem.com/; Tosoh http://www.tosoh.co.jp Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; V.L. Clark http://www.vlclark.com; Vanco Trading http://vancotrading.com; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Westco http://www.westcochemicals.com; Worlée-Chemie http://www.worlee.de/; Xinchem http://www.finechemnet.com Trade Names: Equal®; NutraSweet® Aspartic acid (INCI). See L-Aspartic acid D-Aspartic acid CAS 1783-96-6; EINECS/ELINCS 217-234-6 Synonyms: (-)-Aminosuccinic acid; Asparagic acid; Asparaginic acid Classification: Nonessential amino acid Empirical: C4H7NO4 Formula: COOHCH2CH(NH2)COOH Properties: Wh. cryst.; sol. in water; insol. in alcohol, ether; m.w. 133.11; dens. 1.6613; m.p. 269-271 C (dec.) Uses: Ingred. in aspartame Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Nantong ChangChem http://www.changchem.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Tanabe USA http://www.tanabeusa.com DL-Aspartic acid CAS 617-45-8; EINECS/ELINCS 210-513-3 Synonyms: DL-Aminosuccinic acid Classification: Nonessential amino acid Empirical: C4H7NO4 Properties: Colorless or wh. cryst., odorless, acid taste; sl. sol in water; insol. in alcohol, ether; m.w. 133.10; dens. 1.663 (12/12 C); m.p. 278-280 C (dec.) Toxicology: LD50 (IP, mouse) > 6 g/kg; very low toxicity by IP route; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to 887
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx Uses: Dietary supplement, nutrient in foods Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; DSM Fine Chems. Austria http://www.dsmfinechemicals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium L-Aspartic acid CAS 56-84-8; EINECS/ELINCS 200-291-6 FEMA 3656 Synonyms: (S)-Aminobutanedioic acid; (+)Aminosuccinic acid; L-Aminosuccinic acid; L-α-Aminosuccinic acid; Asparagic acid; LAsparagic acid; Aspartic acid (INCI); (S)Aspartic acid Classification: Amino acid Empirical: C4H7NO4 Formula: HOOCCH2CHNH2COOH Properties: Colorless to wh. cryst., acid taste; sol. in acids, alkalis; sl. sol. in water; insol. in alcohol, ether; m.w. 133.11; dens. 1.661 (12.5 C); m.p. 270 C Toxicology: LD50 (IP, mouse) 6 g/kg; low toxicity by IP route; possible brain damage; mutagen; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx Storage: Store @ R.T. Uses: Nutrient, dietary supplement, flavoring agent in foods, baked goods, meats, beverages, condiments, seasonings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.320, 7% max. by wt.; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved; BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Adept Sol'ns.; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Ajinomoto http://www.ajinomoto.co.jp; http://www.ajinomoto.com Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Anmar Int'l. http://www.anmarinternational.com
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; Bachem http://bachem.com; Boith China http://www.boith.com CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Changzhou Changmao Biochem. Eng. http://www.ccbec.com; DSM Fine Chems. Austria http://www.dsmfinechemicals.com; Dainippon Sumitomo Pharma http://www.ds-pharma.co.jp/english; Dastech Int'l. http://www.dastech.com Evonik Degussa http://www.degussa.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; Gadot Biochem. Ind. http://www.gadotbio.com Hawkins Chem. http://www.hawkinschemical.com/; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Kyowa Hakko Kogyo http://www.kyowa.co.jp; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Mitsubishi Chem. http://www.mkagaku.co.jp/index_en.htm Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Rochem Int'l. http://www.rochemintl.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; Tanabe Seiyaku http://www.tanabe.co.jp/english; Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Westco Fine Ingreds. http://www.westcofine.com (S)-Aspartic acid. See L-Aspartic acid (+)-Aspartic acid 4-amide. See L-Asparagine Aspartic acid, magnesium salt; DL-Aspartic acid, magnesium salt (2:1); L-Aspartic acid, magnesium salt (2:1). See Magnesium aspartate Aspartic acid β-monoamide. See L-Asparagine L-Aspartic acid, monopotassium salt; Aspartic 888
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference acid, potassium salt; L-Aspartic acid, potassium salt. See Potassium aspartate Aspartic acid sodium salt; L-Aspartic acid sodium salt; L-Aspartic acid sodium salt monohydrate. See Sodium aspartate Aspartylphenylalanine methyl ester; N-l-αAspartyl-l-phenylalanine l-methyl ester. See Aspartame L-α-Aspartyl-N-(2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-3-thietanyl)D-alaninamide, hydrated. See Alitame Aspergillus niger carbohydrase. See Carbohydrase Asperula odorata; Asperula odorata extract. See Woodruff (Asperula odorata) extract Aspic oil. See Spike lavender oil Astaxanthin CAS 472-61-7; EINECS/ELINCS 207-451-4 Synonyms: 3,3´-Dihydroxy-β,β-carotene-4,4´dione; 3,3´-Dihydroxy-4,4´-diketo-βcarotene; Ovoester Classification: Carotenoid pigment Definition: Carotenoid pigment found mostly in animal organsims, but also occurring in plants Empirical: C40H52O4 Properties: Solid needles or platelets; readily sol. in pyridine, from which it can be crystallized by addition of water; m.w. 596.85; m.p. 182-183 C Toxicology: May be harmful by inh., ing., or skin absorp.; may be irritating to eyes, skin, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Toxic fumes of CO, CO2; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Store in cool, dry area below 0 C; keep tightly closed Uses: Colorant in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR§73.35; not permitted in food (EU) Manuf./Distrib.: ChromaDex http://www.chromadex.com/; Eurolabs Ltd http://www.eurolabs.co.uk; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium Trade Names Containing: Caromix® Plus Astragalus gummifer; Astragalus gummifer gum. See Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer) gum Atactic poly(acrylic acid). See Polyacrylic acid Atactic polystyrene. See Polystyrene Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
ATBC. See Acetyl tributyl citrate Attapulgite CAS 1337-76-4; 12174-11-7 Synonyms: Activated attapulgite; Colloidal activated attapulgite; Dioctrahedral smectite; Fuller's earth; Palygorscite; Palygorskite; Palygorskite, calcined Definition: A hydrated aluminum-magnesium silicate, chief ingredient in Fuller's earth Properties: Wh. or gray cryst. Toxicology: Nuisance dust when < 1% cryst. silica is present (PEL 5.00 mg/m3, TLV/TWA 10 mg/m3 total dust, 5 mg/m3 respirable); tumorigen; questionable carcinogen with experimental neoplastigenic and tumorigenic data by implant route; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Dietary supplement in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §582.99, GRAS; USP/NF, BP compliance (activated) Manuf./Distrib.: Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com Attar of rose. See Rose oil Aubepine. See p-Anisaldehyde Australian gum. See Acacia Autarite. See Calcium iodate Autolyzed yeast Definition: Conc., nonextracted, partially sol. digest produced from food-grade yeast cells which are allowed to die and break up; the remains contain sm. amts. of protein, fats, vitamins, minerals, and MSG Uses: Flavoring agent, flavor enhancer in high temp. processed foods; protein source, binder in foods Features: Releases free glutamate Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com Trade Names: Lake States Autolyzed Type B; Lake States Autolyzed Type P Autolyzed yeast extract. See Bakers yeast extract Avena sativa; Avena sativa bran. See Oat (Avena sativa) bran Avocado oil. See Avocado (Persea gratissima) oil Avocado (Persea gratissima) oil CAS 8024-32-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-428-0 889
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Synonyms: Alligator pear oil; Avocado oil; Oils, avocado Definition: Oil obtained by pressing dehydrated avocado pear Persea americana; consists principally of glycerides of fatty acids Properties: Ylsh.-green to brownish-green oil, faint char. odor; sol. in min. oil, isopropyl esters, ethanol; insol. in water; dens. 0.9080.925; iodine no. 84-95; sapon. no. 177-198; ref. index 1.460-1.470 Toxicology: Primary irritant; severe skin and eye irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion produces CO2; heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating vapors Uses: Food ingred. Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AXO Chem. http://www.axochemical.com; Aarhus Karlshamn UK http://www.aak.com; Alban Muller http://www.albanmuller.com; Aldivia http://www.aldivia.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com Alzo http://www.alzointernational.com; Arista Ind. http://www.aristaindustries.com; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Centerchem http://www.centerchem.com; Charkit http://www.charkit.com Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Cognis/Care Chems.; Cosmetic Supplies USA http://www.cosmeticsuppliesusa.com; Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com; Desert Whale Jojoba http://www.desertwhale.com/ Fabrichem http://www.fabricheminc.com/; GR Davis http://www.grdavis.com.au/; Jeen Int'l. http://www.jeen.com; Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/; Natural Oils Int'l. http://www.naturaloils.com Parchem Trading http://www.parchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Pokonobe Ind. http://www.pokonobe.com; Provital; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com S. Black http://www.sblack.com; Welch, Holme & Clark http://www.welch-holmeclark.com Trade Names: Lipovol A Axerophthol. See Retinol Azabenzene. See Pyridine Azacyclohexane. See Piperidine Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
1-Aza-2,4-cyclopentadiene. See Pyrrole Azacyclotridecane-2-one, homopolymer; Azacyclotridecane-2-one polyamide. See Nylon 12 1-Azaindene. See Indole 1-Azanaphthalene. See Quinoline 2-Azanaphthalene. See Isoquinoline 3-Azapentane-1,5-diamine. See Diethylenetriamine Azeite. See Olive (Olea europaea) oil Azine. See Pyridine Azobisformamide; 1,1´-Azobisformamide. See Azodicarbonamide Azodicarbonamide CAS 123-77-3; EINECS/ELINCS 204-650-8 INS927a Synonyms: ABFA; ADA; ADC; Azobisformamide; 1,1´-Azobisformamide; Azodicarboxamide; Azoformamide; Diazenedicarboxamide; Formamide, 1,1´azobisEmpirical: C2H4N4O2 Formula: H2NCON=NCONH2 Properties: Pale yel. or orange-red crystals; sol. in hot water; insol. in cold water, alcohol, most org. solvs.; m.w. 116.08; dens. 1.65 kg/l; m.p. 225 C; starts decomposing @ 140 C producing 190 ml/g of N and CO Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 6400 mg/kg; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. solid Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx Uses: Flour treatment agent; bleaching agent in cereal flour; maturing agent for flour; dough conditioner in breads Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §136.110, 137.105, 137.200, 172.806, 177.1210, 177.2600, 178.3010; Europe listed; UK approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Arch Chems. http://www.archchemicals.com; Arkema http://www.arkema.fr; Austin http://www.austinchemical.com Bayer http://www.bayerus.com; Biddle Sawyer http://www.biddlesawyer.com; Century Multech http://www.centurymultech.com; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Chemtura/Rubber Chems. http://www.cromptoncorp.com 890
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com; Eiwa Chem. Ind. http://www.eiwachem.co.jp/en/index.html; Fabrichem http://www.fabricheminc.com/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Japan Hydrazine http://www.jfine.co.jp/ Maypro Ind. http://www.maypro.com; Otsuka Chem. http://www.otsukac.co.jp/; Rit-Chem http://www.ritchem.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names: Celogen® AZ 120; Celogen® AZ 130; Celogen® AZ 150; Celogen® AZ 180; Celogen® AZ 199 Trade Names Containing: ADA Tablets; Asset; Carbrea® Tabs; CDC-2001; Crust EZE KC Yeast Food - No Bromate; N'Hance CM; N'Hance (Phase I) Powd.; N'Hance (Phase II) Tablets; N'Hance SD Azodicarboxamide; Azoformamide. See Azodicarbonamide Azole. See Pyrrole Azophloxin; Azophloxine. See Acid red 1 Azorubin S. See Amaranth Aztec marigold extract. See Tagetes (Tagetes erecta) extract Babassu oil. See Babassu (Orbignya oleifera) oil Babassu (Orbignya oleifera) oil CAS 91078-92-1; EINECS/ELINCS 293-376-2 Synonyms: Babassu oil; Oils, babassu Definition: Fixed oil obtained from the nuts of Orbigyna oleifera Properties: Iodine no. 13-18; sapon. no. 247-251 Uses: Food ingred. Features: Supply limited Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com; Alban Muller http://www.albanmuller.com; Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com; Fabrichem http://www.fabricheminc.com/; Parchem Trading http://www.par-chem.com Pokonobe Ind. http://www.pokonobe.com; Thornley http://www.thornleycompany.com/ Bacillus subtilis Carlsberg. See Protease
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Bakers yeast extract CAS 8013-01-2 Synonyms: Autolyzed yeast extract Definition: Conc. of the solubles of mechanically ruptured cells of the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in conc. or dried form Properties: Liq., paste, or powd.; sol. in water Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Flavoring agent, adjuvant, emulsifier, nutrient supplement, stabilizer, thickener, yeast food, texturizer in foods, salad dressings, frozen desserts, sour cream prods., cheese spreads, snack dips Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.325, 172.896, 172.898, 184.1983, GRAS; BATF 27CFR §240.1051; USDA 9CFR §318.7, 318.147 Manuf./Distrib.: Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com; Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com; Sigma-Aldrich UK http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/uk Baker's yeast glycan CAS 977014-12-2 INS408 Definition: Comminuted, washed, pasteurized, and dried cell walls of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener, gellant, texturizer in foods, salad dressings, frozen desserts, sour cream, cheese spreads and dips Regulatory: FDA 21CFR§172.898 Baking soda. See Sodium bicarbonate Balm. See Balm mint (Melissa officinalis) Balm leaves extract. See Balm mint (Melissa officinalis) extract Balm mint. See Balm mint (Melissa officinalis) Balm mint extract; Balm mint leaf extract. See Balm mint (Melissa officinalis) extract Balm mint (Melissa officinalis) CAS 977051-08-3; 8014-71-9 FEMA 2111 Synonyms: Balm; Balm mint; Lemon balm; Melissa; Melissa officinalis Definition: Leaves of balm mint, Melissa officinalis contg. chiefly citral Properties: Citral odor, tonic-like flavor Toxicology: May cause hypersensitivity reactions Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.10, GRAS; FEMA 891
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Essential7 http://www.essential7.com Balm mint (Melissa officinalis) extract CAS 84082-61-1; 8014-71-9; EINECS/ELINCS 282-007-0 FEMA 2112 Synonyms: Balm leaves extract; Balm mint extract; Balm mint leaf extract; Lemon balm distallate; Lemon balm extract; Melissa officinalis; Melissa officinalis extract Definition: Extract of leaves and tops of Melissa officinalis Properties: Colorless; sp. gr. 1.0; pH 5.5-6.5 @ 35 C Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com Balm mint (Melissa officinalis) oil CAS 8014-71-9 FEMA 2113 Synonyms: Balm mint oil; Balm oil; Lemon balm; Melissa officinalis oil; Melissa oil Definition: Volatile oil obtained from leaves and tops of Melissa officinalis Properties: Yel. to ylsh.-grn. liq.; sol. in alcohol; pract. insol. in water; dens. 0.89-0.925 (15/15 C) Storage: Keep well closed, cool; protect from light Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, 582.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Essential7 http://www.essential7.com; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Phoenix Aromas http://www.phoenixaromas.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium Balm mint oil; Balm oil. See Balm mint (Melissa officinalis) oil Balsam Canada. See Balsam Canada (Abies balsamea) Balsam Canada (Abies balsamea) CAS 8007-47-4; 977017-81-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-362-2 FEMA 2115 Synonyms: Abies balsamea; Abies balsamea Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
balsam; Abies balsamea oleoresin; Balsam Canada; Balsam of fir; Balsam fir; Balsam fir oleoresin; Balsams, Abies balsamea; Balsams, Canada; Canada turpentine; Canadian balsam; Fir balsam absolute Definition: Liq. oleoresin obtained from Abies balsamea Properties: Ylsh.-grnsh. liq., pine-like odor, bitter taste; sol. in ether; misc. with benzene, chloroform; insol. in water; dens. 0.987-0.994; acid no. 80-95; ref. index 1.5190-1.5240 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; low toxicity by ing. and skin contact; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating vapors Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods; chewing gum base (Japan) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Balsam capivi; Balsam copaiba. See Balsam copaiba (Copaifera officinalis) Balsam copaiba (Copaifera officinalis) Synonyms: Balsam capivi; Balsam copaiba; Copaiba; Copaiba balsam; Copaiba oleoresin; Copaifera officinalis balsam; Jesuit's balsam Definition: Oleoresin obtained from Copaifera officinalis Properties: Pale yel. to brnsh.-yel. visc. transparent liq.; peculiar odor; bitter, acrid, nauseating taste; sol. in oxygenated, aromatic and chlorinated solvs., benzene, chloroform, ether, oils, carbon disulfide, abs. alcohol, petrol. ether; insol. in water; dens. 0.9300.995; acid no. 28-95 Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with min. acids, 892
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference magnesia, water Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods; chewing gum base (Japan) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510 Manuf./Distrib.: Frutarom (UK) Fine Ingreds. http://www.frutarom.com/; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com Balsam copaiba (Copaifera officinalis) oil CAS 8001-61-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-288-0 Synonyms: Balsam copaiba oil; Copaiba balsam; Copaiba oil; Copaifera officinalis; Copaifera officinalis oil; Jesuit's balsam Definition: Oil from steam distillation of Copaifera balsam Properties: Colorless to yel. liq., char. aromatic odor, sl. bitter taste; very sol. in alcohol, ether, CS2; sol. in fixed oils, min. oil; insol. in water; dens. 0.880-0.907; b.p. 250-275 C; acid no. 28-95; ref. index 1.493-1.500 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 5 g/kg; mildly toxic by ing.; large doses cause vomiting and diarrhea; may also cause dermatitis and kidney damage; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Light-sensitive; keep cool, well closed; protect from light Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods; chewing gum base (Japan) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510; Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Frutarom (UK) Fine Ingreds. http://www.frutarom.com/; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Balsam copaiba oil. See Balsam copaiba (Copaifera officinalis) oil Balsam of fir; Balsam fir; Balsam fir oleoresin. See Balsam Canada (Abies balsamea) Balsamodendro kafal oil. See Opopanax (Opopanax chironium) oil Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Balsam Peru. See Balsam Peru (Myroxylon pereirae) Balsam Peru (Myroxylon pereirae) CAS 8007-00-9; 8016-42-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-352-8 FEMA 2116 Synonyms: Balsam Peru; Balsams, Myroxylon pereirae; Black balsam; China oil; Indian balsam; Meroxylon pereirae; Myroxylon pereirae balsam; Myroxylon pereirae oleoresin; Peruvian balsam Definition: Oleoresin extracted from Myroxylon pereirae; mixt. of resins and chemicals incl. benzyl benzoate, benzyl cinnamate, cinnamic acid, benzoic acid, and vanillin Properties: Dk. brn. visc. liq., pleasant vanilla odor; sol. in fixed oils; sl. sol. in propylene glycol; insol. in water, glycerin; dens. 1.1501.170 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 10 g/kg; low toxicity by ing. and skin contact; skin irritant; mild allergen; can cause contact dermatitis and stuffy nose; common sensitizer; may cross-react with benzoin, rosin, benzoic acid, benzyl alcohol, cinnamic acid, essential oils, storax, etc.; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible when heated Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum, syrups Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved; BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Bio-Botanica http://www.bio-botanica.com; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com; Universal 893
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com Balsam Peru (Myroxylon pereirae) oil CAS 977136-92-7 FEMA 2117 Synonyms: Balsam Peru oil; Myroxylon pereirae; Myroxylon pereirae oil; Peru balsam oil Definition: Obtained by extraction or distillation of Peruvian balsam, Myroxylon pereirae, contg. mainly benzyl benzoate, benzyl cinnamate Properties: Yel. to pale brn. sl. visc. liq.; sweet, balsamic odor/taste; sol. in most fixed oils; sol. with turbidity in min. oil; partly sol. in propylene glycol; pract. insol. in glycerin Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Astral Extracts http://www.astralextracts.com; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Balsam Peru oil. See Balsam Peru (Myroxylon pereirae) oil Balsams, Abies balsamea; Balsams, Canada. See Balsam Canada (Abies balsamea) Balsams, Myroxylon balsamum. See Balsam tolu (Myroxylon balsamum) Balsams, Myroxylon pereirae. See Balsam Peru (Myroxylon pereirae) Balsams, tolu; Balsam tolu. See Balsam tolu (Myroxylon balsamum) Balsam tolu (Myroxylon balsamum) CAS 8011-89-0; 9000-64-0 ; EINECS/ELINCS 232-550-4 FEMA 3070 Synonyms: Balsams, Myroxylon balsamum; Balsams, tolu; Balsam tolu; Myroxylon balsamum balsam; Myroxylon toluiferum; Opobalsam; Resin tolu; Thomas balsam; Tolu balsam; Tolu balsam gum; Tolu balsam oil; Tolu balsam tincture; Toluifera balsamam resin; Tolu resin Definition: Oleoresin obtained from Myroxylon balsamum; main constituents are benzyl esters of cinnamic and benzoic acids Properties: Ylsh.-brn. solid, pleasant aromatic odor and taste; sol. in oxygenated, aromatic, and chlorinated solvs., alcohol, benzene, chloroform, ether; pract. insol. in water, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
hexane; acid no. 112-168; sapon. no. 154-220 Toxicology: Primary irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic and irritating fumes and smoke Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, confectionery, baked goods, syrups Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Foote & Jenks http://www.footeandjenks.com/; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Banana oil. See Isoamyl acetate BAPP. See Bis (aminopropyl) piperazine Barbadensis leaf juice. See Aloe barbadensis leaf juice Barbados aloe extract. See Aloe extract; Aloe barbadensis extract Barley extract. See Barley (Hordeum distichon) extract Barley (Hordeum distichon) extract CAS 94349-67-4; EINECS/ELINCS 305-187-5 Synonyms: Barley extract; Hordeum distichon extract Definition: Extract of the cereal grass Hordeum distichum Uses: Natural flavoring agent, colorant, humectant in foods Manuf./Distrib.: Kao Corp. http://www.kao.co.jp Barm. See Yeast Barosma betulina; Barosma betulina oil; Barosma crenulata; Barosma crenulata oil; Barosma serratifolia; Barosma serratifolia oil. See Buchu leaves oil Basic copper sulfate. See Cupric sulfate anhydrous Basic magnesium carbonate. See Magnesium carbonate hydroxide Basil. See Basil (Ocimum basilicum) Basil extract. See Basil (Ocimum basilicum) extract
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Basil (Ocimum basilicum) CAS 977050-14-8; 8015-73-4 FEMA 2118 Synonyms: Basil; Ocimum basilicum Definition: Ocimum basilicum Properties: Warm, intense, spicy aroma; mintlike flavor Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, condiments, meats Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.10, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Biolandes http://www.biolandes.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com Basil (Ocimum basilicum) extract CAS 84775-71-3; EINECS/ELINCS 283-900-8 Synonyms: Basil extract; Common basil extract; Ocimum basilicum; Ocimum basilicum extract; Sweet basil extract Definition: Extract of the leaves and flowers of Ocimum basilicum Properties: Lt. yel. mobile liq.; sol. in veg. oils; insol. in water; sp. gr. 0.9050-0.9550; flash pt. 75 C; ref. index 1.4870-1.5150 Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp.: COx, smoke, and acrid fumes Storage: 12 mos. shelf life; store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry place away from lt. and heat sources Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Features: Herbal odor with petitgrain-like and minty aspects Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Bio-Botanica http://www.biobotanica.com; Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Flavex Naturextrakte GmbH http://www.flavex.com Basil (Ocimum basilicum) oil CAS 8015-73-4 FEMA 2119 Synonyms: Basil oil; Basil oil, European type; Basil oil, sweet; Ocimum basilicum; Ocimum basilicum oil; Sweet basil oil Definition: Volatile oil obtained from leaves of Ocimum basilicum, contg. methylchavicol, eucalyptol, linalool, estragol Properties: Pale yel. to greenish liq., floral spicy odor; sol. in fixed oils, propylene glycol; misc. with ether, chloroform; insol. in glycerin, water; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
dens. 0.905-0.930 (20/20 C); vapor pressure 2; b.p. 410 F; flash pt. 167 F Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1400 mg/kg; moderately toxic by ing.; skin, eye irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Keep well closed; protect from light Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, condiments, meats Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Acme-Hardesty http://www.acme-hardesty.com; Adept Sol'ns.; Advanced BioTech http://www.advbio.com; Astral Extracts http://www.astralextracts.com; BDH Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Chemtex International http://www.chemtexinternational.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Danisco Seillans http://www.danisco.com Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Hindustan Mint & Agro Products http://www.hindustanmint.com/ Koster Keunen http://www.kosterkeunen.com/; Lebermuth http://www.lebermuth.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Zeta Pharm. http://www.zetapharm.com Basil oil; Basil oil, European type; Basil oil, 895
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference sweet. See Basil (Ocimum basilicum) oil Basil oleoresin. See Oleoresin basil Bay. See Laurel (Laurus nobilis) Bay laurel extract. See Laurel (Laurus nobilis) extract Bay leaf oil. See Laurel (Laurus nobilis) leaf oil; Bay (Pimenta acris) oil Bay leaves, sweet, extract. See Laurel (Laurus nobilis) extract Bay leaves, sweet, oil. See Laurel (Laurus nobilis) leaf oil Bay leaves, West Indian, oil. See Bay (Pimenta acris) oil Bay oil. See Laurel (Laurus nobilis) leaf oil; Bay (Pimenta acris) oil Bay oil sweet. See Laurel (Laurus nobilis) leaf oil Bay (Pimenta acris) oil CAS 8006-78-8 FEMA 2122 Synonyms: Bay leaf oil; Bay leaves, West Indian, oil; Bay oil; Myrica oil; Pimenta acris; Pimenta acris oil; Pimenta racemosa oil; West Indian bay leaf oil Definition: Volatile oil distilled from leaves of Pimenta acris, contg. 40-55% eugenol, myrcene, chavicol, etc. Properties: Yel. to brnsh.-yel. liq., pleasant odor, sharp spicy taste; very sol. in alcohol, CS2, glac. acetic acid; insol. in water; dens. 0.9620.990 (25/25 C); ref. index 1.500-1.520 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1800 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; may cause human skin irritation and intolerance reaction; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke Storage: Light-sensitive Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, condiments, meats, stews, soups; mfg. of bay rum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; 27CFR §21.65, 21.75, 21.151; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Asiamerica Int'l.; BDH; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Charabot USA http://www.charabot.com Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Creative Fragrances http://www.creativefragrances.com; Eramex Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Givaudan Fragrances http://www.givaudan.com; Lebermuth http://www.lebermuth.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com; Rona http://www.emdchemicals.com/rona/1000.a sp; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com; U.S. Synthetics; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Zeta Pharm. http://www.zetapharm.com See also Laurel (Laurus nobilis) leaf oil Bay, sweet. See Laurel (Laurus nobilis) Beechwood creosote CAS 8021-39-4 Synonyms: Wood creosote Definition: Mixt. of phenols (chiefly guaiacol, creosol, p-cresol) Properties: Colorless or ylsh. oily liq., smoky odor; sol. in glycerol; misc. with alcohol, chloroform, ether; insol. in water; b.p. 200-220 C Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; Canada DSL Beef tallow. See Tallow Beeswax CAS 8006-40-4 (white); 8012-89-3 (yellow); EINECS/ELINCS 232-383-7 FEMA 2126 (wh.); INS901; E901 Synonyms: Cera alba; White beeswax; White wax; Yellow beeswax; Yellow wax Definition: Purified wax from the honeycomb of the bee, Apis mellifera; commonly called white wax when bleached, yellow wax when not bleached Properties: Brown or wh. (bleached) solid with faint odor; sl. balsamic taste; pract. insol. in water; sl. sol. in cold alcohol; sol. in hot alcohol, chloroform, benzene, ether, CS2, and oils; dens. 0.95; m.p. 62-65 C; acid no. 17-24; sapon. no. 84 Toxicology: Essentially nontoxic; mild allergen; 896
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference may cause contact dermatitis, human intolerance reaction; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible when heated Storage: Store away from heat Uses: Food additive; flavoring agent, adjuvant, lubricant, glazing agent, surface-finishing agent, release agent in foods; candy glaze/polish; chewing gum base; natural flavoring agent in beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, honey Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1973, GRAS; FEMA GRAS (white); Japan approved; Europe listed; UK approved; FDA approved for orals, topicals Manuf./Distrib.: A&E Connock http://www.connock.co.uk; AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; Adept Sol'ns.; Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com; Baerlocher France; Biolandes http://www.biolandes.com Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com; British Wax Refining http://www.british-wax.com; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; CoKEM Assoc.; Cornelius Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.cornelius.co.uk Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com; Danisco Seillans http://www.danisco.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Eggar & Co. http://www.eggar.co.uk/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Fortitech http://www.fortitech.com/; Frank B. Ross http://www.frankbross.com; GMI Prods. http://www.gmi-originates.com/; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Kimpton Bros. Ltd http://www.kimpton.co.uk Koster Keunen http://www.kosterkeunen.com/; Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; MantroseHaeuser http://www.mbzgroup.com; Marlin Chems. Ltd http://www.marlinchemicals.co.uk; Merck KGaA http://www.merck.de Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Phoenix Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Nat. Prods. http://www.phoenixuk.com; Purcell Jojoba Int'l. http://www.purcelljojoba.com RITA http://www.ritacorp.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasolos.com/; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com Strohmeyer & Arpe http://www.strohmeyer.com; Thew Arnott & Co. Ltd http://www.thewarnott.co.uk; Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com; U.S. Synthetics; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names: Beeswax SP 6; Beeswax SP 11; Beeswax SP 44; Beeswax SP 45; Beeswax SP 139W Beeswax SP 139Y; Beeswax SP 154 ISO Beeswax®; Beeswax SP 420; Beeswax SP 422; Beeswax SP 424 Beeswax SP 426; Ross Beeswax Trade Names Containing: Mastercote FP 9002 See also Beeswax, white; Beeswax, yellow Beeswax, bleached. See Beeswax, white Beeswax, synthetic CAS 71243-51-1; 97026-94-0; 151661-95-9; EINECS/ELINCS 275-286-5 Synonyms: Modified beeswax; Synthetic beeswax (INCI) Definition: Synthetic wax with composition and properties generally indistinguishable from natural beeswax Uses: Wax for confections Features: Lipophilic; used where pure beeswax not required Regulatory: Canada DSL Beeswax, white CAS 8006-40-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-383-7 FEMA 2126; INS901; E901 Synonyms: Beeswax; Beeswax, bleached; Bleached beeswax; Bleached wax; White beeswax; White wax Definition: Bleached and purified yellow wax obtained from the honeycomb of the bee, Apis mellifera Properties: Ylsh.-wh. solid, char. odor, tasteless; sol. in chloroform, ether, fixed oils; insol. in water; dens. 0.95; m.p. 62-65 C 897
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Uses: Flavoring agent, adjuvant, lubricant, surf. finishing agent, glazing agent, release agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1973, GRAS; FDA approved for orals, topicals, vaginals; BP, EP compliance Manuf./Distrib.: Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Baerlocher France; Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com; CoKEM Assoc.; Frank B. Ross http://www.frankbross.com Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Koster Keunen http://www.kosterkeunen.com/; Mosselman NV http://www.mosselman.be; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com RITA http://www.ritacorp.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com Strohmeyer & Arpe http://www.strohmeyer.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names: Cerabeil White DAB; Koster Keunen Beeswax #100P Trade Names Containing: Koster Keunen Beeswax Beeswax, yellow CAS 8012-89-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-383-7 FEMA 2126; INS901; E901 Synonyms: Beeswax; Yellow beeswax; Yellow wax Definition: Purified wax from the honeycomb of the bee Apis mellifera Properties: Ylsh. to grayish brn. solid, honey-like odor, faint char. taste; sol. in chloroform, ether, fixed oils; sl. sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; dens. 0.95; m.p. 62-65 C Toxicology: Mild allergen Precaution: Combustible when heated Uses: Flavoring agent, adjuvant, lubricant, surf. finishing agent, glazing agent, release agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §101.4, 184.1973, GRAS; FDA approved for orals, topicals; BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Baerlocher France; Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com CoKEM Assoc.; Frank B. Ross http://www.frankbross.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Koster Keunen http://www.kosterkeunen.com/; Mosselman NV http://www.mosselman.be Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com Strohmeyer & Arpe http://www.strohmeyer.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names Containing: Koster Keunen Beeswax Beet powder CAS 89957-89-1; EINECS/ELINCS 289-610-8 INS162; E162 Synonyms: Beetroot red (INCI); Beets, dehydrated; Dehydrated beets Definition: Color additive from edible beets, contg. red pigments, betacyanins (principally betanine, CAS 7659-95-2) and yel. pigments, betaxanthins, collectively known as betalains Properties: Dk. red powd.; readily dissolves in water Precaution: Degrades readily at temps. as low as 50 C, esp. on air/light exposure Uses: Colorant in foods, hard candies, yogurt, ice cream, salad dressing, frostings, cake mixes, meat substitutes, soft drinks, gelatin desserts Features: Rec. for foods with short shelf lives that do not require heat treatment Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.40; Europe listed; UK approved; Japan restricted Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; Cham Foods (Israel) Ltd http://www.cham.co.il; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Food Ingred. Tech. Ltd http://www.fit-ltd.com; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; Givaudan-Quest Int'l. http://www.givaudan.com/givcom/; Kingfood Australia Pty. Ltd http://www.kingfood.com.au; Liberty Natural Prods. http://www.libertynatural.com Beetroot red (INCI); Beets, dehydrated. See Beet powder Beet sugar. See Sucrose BEHP. See s-Dioctyl phthalate Bengal gelatin; Bengal isinglass. See Agar Benne oil. See Sesame (Sesamum indicum) oil Bentanol. See Benzyl alcohol Bentone. See Kaolin Bentonite CAS 1302-78-9; EINECS/ELINCS 215-108-5 INS558 Synonyms: Bentonite clay; Bentonite magma; CI 77004; Mineral soap; Soap clay; Southern bentonite; Wilkinite Definition: Native hydrated colloidal aluminum silicate clay Formula: Al2O3 • 4SiO2 • nH2O Properties: Light to cream-colored impalpable powd., odorless, sl. earthy taste; forms colloidal suspension in water, thixotropic properties; insol. in water and org. solvs.; pH 9.5-10.5 Toxicology: LD50 (IV, rat) 35 mg/kg; poison by IV route causing blood clotting; inert and generally nontoxic; questionable carcinogen with experimental tumorigenic data; TSCA listed HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Hygroscopic; store away from moisture Uses: Direct food additive; anticaking agent, filtration aid, suspending agent, emulsifier in foods; colorant, pigment, processing aid, clarifier, stabilizer for wine Features: Hydrophilic Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 177.1460, 178.3297, 184.1155, GRAS; Japan restricted (0.5% max. residual); Europe listed; UK approved; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL; FDA approved for orals, topicals Manuf./Distrib.: A&E Connock http://www.connock.co.uk; Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Allchem Ind. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.allchem.com Am. Colloid http://www.colloid.com; Asbury Carbons http://www.asbury.com; BDH; Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com; Charles B. Chrystal http://www.cbchrystal.com Charles Bowman http://www.charlesbowman.com; Cimbar Perf. Mins. http://www.cimbar.com; Cornelius Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.cornelius.co.uk; D.N. Lukens http://www.dnlukens.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com H.M. Royal http://www.hmroyal.com; IMERYS http://www.imerys.com; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Kaopolite Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; L.V. Lomas http://www.lvlomas.com; Landers-Segal Color http://www.pigments.com/; Magnesia GmbH http://www.magnesia.de Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Norsk Hydro ASA http://www.hydro.com/en/index.html; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Phoenix Nat. Prods. http://www.phoenixuk.com; Punda Mercantile http://www.punda.com R.E. Carroll http://www.recarroll.com; R.T. Vanderbilt http://www.rtvanderbilt.com; Reade Advanced Materials http://www.reade.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sal Chem. http://www.salchem.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Southern Clay Prods. http://www.scprod.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; St. Lawrence http://www.stlawrencechem.com; SüdChemie AG http://www.sud-chemie.com Tamms Ind. http://www.tamms.com; Thew Arnott & Co. Ltd http://www.thewarnott.co.uk; U.S. Silica http://www.u-s-silica.com; Ubichem plc http://www.ubichem.com; Volclay Ltd http://www.volclay.com.au Wilfrid Smith http://www.wilfridsmith.co.uk/home.htm; Wyo-Ben http://www.wyoben.com; ZenPharm Int'l.
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.zenpharm.com/; Zeta Pharm. http://www.zetapharm.com Trade Names: Vitiben® Trade Names Containing: Colloidal Kaolin BC 825 Bentonite clay; Bentonite magma. See Bentonite Benylate. See Benzyl benzoate Benzalacetone. See Benzylidene acetone Benzal alcohol. See Benzyl alcohol Benzaldehyde CAS 100-52-7; EINECS/ELINCS 202-860-4 UN 1989 (DOT); UN 1990; UN NA 1993; FEMA 2127 Synonyms: Almond artificial essential oil; Artificial almond oil; Benzenecarbaldehyde; Benzene carbonal; Benzene carboxaldehyde; Benzene methylal; Benzic aldehyde; Benzoic aldehyde; Phenylmethanal; Synthetic oil of bitter almond Classification: Aromatic aldehyde Empirical: C7H6O Formula: C6H5CHO Properties: Colorless to yel. oily liq., bitter almond odor, burning taste; very sol. in alcohol, ether, benzene, acetone, petrol. ether, conc. sulfuric acid, liq. CO2, liq. ammonia; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 106.13; sp.gr. 1.041; vapor pressure 1 mm Hg (26.2 C); m.p. -26 C; b.p 179 C; flash pt. (CC) 62 C; ref. index 1.544 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1300 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 9 mg/kg, (subcut., rabbit) 5000 mg/kg; highly toxic; poison by ing. and IP routes; allergen; feeble local anesthetic; skin and eye irritant; vapors can irritate nose, throat, lungs; CNS depressant (nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, abdominal pain); 1 g/kg may be fatal in humans; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: DOT: Combustible liq.; a strong reducing agent; acts violently with oxidizers; incompat. with strong bases, strong reducing agents, alkaline cyanide sol'n., heavy metal salts NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Light-sensitive; store in cool, dry, wellventilated area, protected from light; store under nitrogen or other inert atm.; keep tightly closed when not in use Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, adjuvant, and fragrance in foods, beverages, ice cream, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum, alcoholic beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.60, GRAS; 27CFR §21.65, 21.151, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved as flavoring; USP/NF, BP compliance; Canada DSL; Australia AICS Manuf./Distrib.: ADA Int'l. http://www.joinme.net/ada/index.htm; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Adrian Amer. http://www.adrianusa.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com Arkema http://www.arkema.fr; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; BFA Labs http://www.bfa-lab.com Bayer http://www.bayerus.com; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Biddle Sawyer http://www.biddlesawyer.com; Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties Britannia Natural Prods. http://amcaningredients.com/pages/fca.htm; Celanese http://www.celanesechemicals.com; http://www.chemvip.com; Chemical http://www.thechemco.com; Chemisphere http://www.chemispherecorp.com; Chinessence http://www.chinessence.com Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; DSM NV http://www.dsm.com/nl_NL/html/home/dsm _home.cgi; Elan http://www.elanchemical.com; Emerald Kalama Chem. http://www.emeraldmaterials.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Foote & Jenks http://www.footeandjenks.com/; Frutarom (UK) Fine Ingreds. http://www.frutarom.com/; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Givaudan Fragrances http://www.givaudan.com; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Mitsubishi
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Chem. http://www.mkagaku.co.jp/index_en.htm Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; Naturex http://www.naturex.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Prodasynth http://www.prodasynth.com; Punda Mercantile http://www.punda.com Quimdis; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com; RitChem http://www.ritchem.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Whyte Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/ Xinchem http://www.finechemnet.com Benzaldehyde dimethyl acetal CAS 1125-88-8; EINECS/ELINCS 214-413-0 FEMA 2128 Synonyms: Dimethoxymethylbenzene; Dimethoxyphenylmethane; α,αDimethoxytoluene Empirical: C9H12O2 Formula: C6H5CH(OCH3)2 Properties: Liq.; floral odor; m.w. 152.19; dens. 1.014 (20/4 C); b.p. 198 C; flash pt. 55 C; ref. index 1.4950 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1220 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, alcoholic beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Benzaldehyde glyceryl acetal CAS 1319-88-6; 1708-39-0; EINECS/ELINCS 215-294-8 FEMA 2129 Synonyms: Benzaldehyde glyceryl 1,3-cyclic acetal; Benzal glyceryl acetal; Benzylidene glycerol; 1,3-O-Benzylidene glycerol; Butyl phenyl acetate; 5-Hydroxy-2-phenyl-1,3dioxane; 2-Phenyl-m-dioxan-5-ol Empirical: C10H12O3 Properties: Colorless to lt. yel. liq.; mild almond odor; m.w. 180.22; dens. 1.183-1.193; flash pt. 165 F; ref. index 1.535-1.541 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3150 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 1296 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 5000 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ingestion and IP routes; mildly toxic by skin contact Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Givaudan Fragrances http://www.givaudan.com; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Benzaldehyde glyceryl 1,3-cyclic acetal. See Benzaldehyde glyceryl acetal Benzaldehyde, 4-, hydroxy-3-methoxy-. See Vanillin Benzaldehyde, 2-methoxy-. See oMethoxybenzaldehyde Benzaldehyde propylene acetal. See Benzaldehyde propylene glycol acetal Benzaldehyde propylene glycol acetal CAS 2568-25-4; EINECS/ELINCS 219-906-4 FEMA 2130 Synonyms: Benzaldehyde propylene acetal; 4Methyl-2-phenyl-1,3-dioxolane; 4-Methyl-2phenyl-m-dioxolane Empirical: C10H12O2 Properties: Colorless to pale yel. oily liq.; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 164.21; sp. gr. 1.06-1.066;b.p. 83-85 C @ 4.00 mm; flash pt. 98 C; ref. index 1.500-1.506 Toxicology: TSCA listed 901
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Hofmen Int'l. http://www.hofmeninternational.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com SRS Aromatics Ltd http://www.srsaromatics.com Benzaldehyde, 3-thoxy-4-hydroxy-. See Ethyl vanillin Benzal glyceryl acetal. See Benzaldehyde glyceryl acetal Benzalkonium chloride CAS 8001-54-5; 61789-71-7; 63449-41-2; 6839101-5; 68424-85-1; 68989-00-4; 85409-22-9; EINECS/ELINCS 204-479-9; 263-080-8; 264151-6; 269-919-4; 270-325-2; 273-544-1; 287089-1 UN 1760 (DOT) Synonyms: Alkylbenzyldimethylammonium chloride; Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride; Alkyldimethyl (phenylmethyl) quaternary ammonium chlorides; Alkyl ((ethylphenyl) methyl) dimethyl quaternary ammonium chlorides; Ammonium, alkyldimethyl (phenylmethyl)-, chloride; Octyl-octadecyl dimethyl ethylbenzyl ammonium chlorides; Quaternary ammonium compds., benzyl-C8-18alkyldimethyl, chlorides Classification: Quaternary ammonium salt Definition: Mixt. of alkylbenzyldimethylammonium chlorides Formula: C6H5CH2N(CH3)2RCl, R = C8H17 to C18H37 Properties: Wh. or ylsh.-wh. amorphous powd. or gelatinous pieces; aromatic odor; bitter taste; very sol. in water, alcohol, acetone; sl. sol. in benzene; insol. in ether; m.p. 34-37 C; Cationic Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 240 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 14,500 µg/kg; highly toxic; poison by parenteral, ing., IP, IV routes; human poison by ing.; large systemic doses can cause nausea, vomiting, muscle paralysis, CNS depression, local tissue damage; human Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
skin and severe eye irritant; experimental teratogen, reproductive effects; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: DOT: Corrosive material; incompat. with anionic detergents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of Cl–, NH3, and NOx HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 0, Reactivity 1 Uses: Biocide, algicide, bactericide, fungicide, foaming agent, surfactant for food processing Use Level: 0.1-0.3% Regulatory: USA not restricted; FDA 21CFR §175.105, 176.300, 178.1010; FDA approved for ophthalmics, injectables, otics, topicals; Japan, Europe listed; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com Amyl http://www.amyl.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Camida Ltd http://www.camida.com; Chemron http://www.chemron.com; DeForest Enterprises http://www.deforest.net Dishman USA http://www.dishmanusa.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; FeF Chems. A/S http://www.fefchemicals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com Gresco Mfg.; Haltermann GmbH http://www.haltermann.com; Hawkins Chem. http://www.hawkinschemical.com/; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Interchem http://www.interchem.com JFC Technologies http://www.jfctechnologies.com; Lonza Ltd http://www.lonza.com; Mason http://www.maquat.com/; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polysciences http://www.polysciences.com RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Rhodia HPCII France http://www.hpcii.rhodia.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Schütz http://www.schuetz.de/schuetz/en/index.pht ml; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium 902
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Stepan Europe; Stepan http://www.stepan.com; Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com; Ubichem plc http://www.ubichem.com Univar Ltd http://www.univar.co.uk; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com Trade Names: NKC-610 Benzalkonium Chloride 1-Benzazine. See Quinoline 2-Benzazine. See Isoquinoline 1-Benzazole. See Indole Benzenacetic acid. See Phenylacetic acid Benzene CAS 71-43-2; EINECS/ELINCS 200-753-7 UN 1114 (DOT) Synonyms: Annulene; Benzol; Benzole; Benzolene; Bicarburet of hydrogen; Carbon oil; Coal naphtha; Cyclohexatriene; Mineral naphtha; Motor benzol; Nitration benzene; Phene; Phenyl hydride; Pyrobenzol; Pyrobenzole Classification: Aromatic hydrocarbon Empirical: C6H6 Properties: Colorless to light-yel. mobile nonpolar liq., aromatic hydrocarbon odor; misc. with alcohol, ether, chloroform, CCl4, acetone, oils; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 78.11; sp.gr. 0.8790 (20/4 C); vapor pressure 100 mm Hg (26 C); f.p. 5.5 C; b.p. 80.1 C; flash pt. (CC) -11 C; ref. index 1.50110 (20 C) Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 10 ppm; LD50 (oral, rat) 3.8 ml/kg, (skin, mouse) 48 mg/kg; very toxic; narcotic; poison by inh. causing CNS depression, dizziness, headache, nausea, unconsciousness; absorbed through the skin causing systemic effects; severe eye irritant; mod. skin irritant; chronic exposure can cause bone marrow damage, leukemia; human carcinogen; mutagenic effects; experimental neoplastigen, tumorigen, teratogen; common air contaminant; TSCA listed Precaution: Extremely flamm.; fire risk; incompat. with oxidizers, peroxides, chlorine, nitric acid, ozone, interhalogens, metal perchlorates, etc.; explosion risk; potential violent reactions Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: None known NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 3, Reactivity 0 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight, away from heat/ignition sources, away from corrosives Uses: Extraction solvent for modified hop extract for flavoring beer Use Level: 2 ppm (pharmaceuticals) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.560, 175.105; SARA reportable; HAP; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Arkema http://www.arkema.fr; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; BP Chemicals http://www.bp.com BP Chems. Ltd http://www.bp.com/chemicals/; ChevronPhillips http://www.cpchem.com; Dow http://www.dow.com; Equistar http://www.equistarchem.com; ExxonMobil http://www.exxonmobilchemical.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.js p; Hukill http://www.hukill.com/; Huntsman http://www.huntsman.com; Lyondell http://www.lyondell.com Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Nova Ltd http://www.novachem.com; Occidental http://www.oxychem.com; Petroquimica Uniao http://www.pqu.com.br/siteindex.htm; Romil Ltd http://www.romil.com Shell http://www.shellchemicals.com; http://www.shell-lubricants.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Sunoco http://www.sunocochem.com Benzeneacetaldehyde. See Phenylacetaldehyde Benzeneacetaldehyde, cyclic acetal with glycerol. See Phenylacetaldehyde glyceryl cyclic acetals Benzeneacetaldehyde, 4-methyl-. See pTolylacetaldehyde Benzeneacetaldehyde, 4-(1-methylethyl). See pIsopropylphenylacetaldehyde Benzeneacetic acid. See Phenylacetic acid Benzeneacetic acid, butyl ester. See Butyl phenylacetate Benzeneacetic acid, 3,7-dimethyl-2,6octadienylester, (E)-. See Geranyl 903
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference phenylacetate Benzeneacetic acid, 3,7-dimethyl-6-octenyl ester. See Citronellyl phenylacetate Benzeneacetic acid, 3,7-dimethyl-7-octenyl ester, (S)-. See Rhodinyl phenylacetate Benzeneacetic acid, ethyl ester. See Ethyl phenylacetate Benzeneacetic acid, 3-hexenyl ester, (Z)-. See cis-3-Hexenyl phenylacetate Benzeneacetic acid, 3-methylbutyl ester. See Isoamyl phenylacetate Benzeneacetic acid, methyl ester. See Methyl phenylacetate Benzene acetic acid 1-methyl ethyl ester. See Isopropyl phenylacetate Benzene acetic acid 4-methyl phenyl ester. See p-Tolyl phenylacetate Benzeneacetic acid, 2-methylpropyl ester. See Isobutyl phenylacetate Benzeneacetic acid, octyl ester. See Octyl phenylacetate Benzeneacetic acid, 2-phenylethyl ester. See Phenethyl phenylacetate Benzeneacetic acid 2-propenyl ester. See Allyl phenylacetate 1-Benzeneazo-2-naphthylamine; 1-Benzene-azoβ-naphthylamine. See 1-(Phenylazo)-2naphthylamine Benzene, 1-(benzyloxy)-2-methoxy-4-propenyl-. See Isoeugenyl benzyl ether Benzenebutanoic acid, methyl ester. See Methyl 4-phenylbutyrate Benzene, (butoxymethyl)-. See Benzyl butyl ether Benzenecarbaldehyde. See Benzaldehyde Benzenecarbinol. See Benzyl alcohol Benzene carbonal; Benzene carboxaldehyde. See Benzaldehyde Benzenecarboxylic acid. See Benzoic acid 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis (2-ethylhexyl) ester. See s-Dioctyl phthalate 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, 2-butoxy-2oxoethyl, butyl ester. See n-Butyl phthalyl-nbutyl glycolate 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid diethyl ester. See Diethyl phthalate Benzene, 1,3-dimethoxy-. See mDimethoxybenzene Benzene, 1,4-dimethoxy-. See pDimethoxybenzene Benzene, m-dimethoxy-. See mDimethoxybenzene Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Benzene, 1,2-dimethoxy-4-(2-propenyl)-. See Methyl eugenol Benzene, 1-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-2-methoxy-4methyl-3,5-dinitro-. See Musk ambrette 1,3-Benzenediol; m-Benzenediol. See Resorcinol Benzeneethanol. See Phenethyl alcohol Benzeneethanol, β-methyl-. See 2-Phenyl propanol-1 Benzene, ethenyl-, homopolymer. See Polystyrene Benzene, ethenyl-, polymer with 1,3-butadiene. See Styrene/butadiene polymer Benzene formic acid. See Benzoic acid Benzene, (2-isothiocyanatoethyl)-. See Phenethyl isothiocyanate Benzenemethanaminium, N-(2-((2,6dimethylphenyl) amino)-2-oxoethyl)-N,Ndiethyl-, benzoate. See Denatonium benzoate Benzenemethanaminium, N,N-dimethyl-Ntetradecyl-, chloride. See Myristalkonium chloride Benzenemethanaminium, N-ethyl-N-[4-[[4-[ethyl [(3-sulfophenyl) methyl] amino] phenyl] (2sulfophenyl) methylene]-2,5-cyclohexadien-1ylidene]-3-sulfo-, hydroxide, inner salt, aluminum salt. See FD&C Blue No. 1 Aluminum Lake Benzenemethanaminium, N-hexadecyl-N,Ndimethyl-, chloride. See Cetalkonium chloride Benzenemethanethiol. See Benzyl mercaptan Benzenemethanol. See Benzyl alcohol Benzenemethanol, 3,5-bis (1,1-dimethylethyl)-4hydroxy-. See 4-Hydroxymethyl-2,6-di-tbutylphenol Benzenemethanol, α-ethyl-. See 1-Phenyl-1propanol Benzenemethanol, 4-methoxy-. See p-Anisyl alcohol Benzenemethanol, α-methyl-. See αMethylbenzyl alcohol Benzenemethanol, α-methyl-, acetate. See αMethylbenzyl acetate Benzenemethanol, α,α,4-trimethyl-. See Trimethylbenzyl alcohol Benzene, methoxy. See Anisole Benzene, 1-methoxy-2-methyl-. See oMethylanisole Benzene, 2-methoxy-1-(phenylmethoxy)-4-(1propenyl)-. See Isoeugenyl benzyl ether Benzene, 1-methoxy-4-(1-propenyl)-. See Anethole 904
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Benzene, 1-methoxy-4-(1-propenyl)-, (E)-. See trans-Anethole Benzene methylal. See Benzaldehyde Benzene, 1,2-(methylenedioxy)-4-propenyl. See Isosafrole Benzene, 1-methyl-4-(1-methylethenyl)-. See pα-Dimethylstyrene Benzene, 1-methyl-4-(1-methylethyl)-. See pCymene Benzenepropanal. See Hydrocinnamaldehyde Benzenepropanal, α-methyl-4-(1-methylethyl)-. See Cyclamen aldehyde Benzenepropanoic acid. See Hydrocinnamic acid Benzenepropanoic acid, α-[[3-(3,4dihydroxyphenyl)-1-oxo-2-propenyl] oxy]-3,4dihydroxy-; Benzenepropanoic acid, α-[[(3,4dihydroxyphenyl)-1-oxo-2-propenyl] oxy]-3,4dihydroxy-. See Rosmarinic acid Benzenepropanoic acid, β-oxo-, ethyl ester. See Ethyl benzoylacetate Benzenepropanol; 3-Benzenepropanol. See Hydrocinnamic alcohol Benzenepropanol, propanoate. See 3Phenylpropyl propionate Benzenepropionic acid. See Hydrocinnamic acid Benzene, (2-(1-propoxyethoxy) ethyl)-. See Acetaldehyde phenethyl propyl acetal Benzenesulfonic acid, alkyl deriv., sodium salts. See Sodium N-alkylbenzenesulfonate Benzenesulfonic acid, dodecyl-, sodium salt. See Sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate Benzenethiol. See Thiophenol Benzenol. See Phenol Benzic aldehyde. See Benzaldehyde Benzilidene acetone. See Benzylidene acetone 4-(2-Benzimidazolyl) thiazol. See Thiabendazole Benzin; Benzine. See Naphtha 1-Benzine. See Quinoline Benzine (light petroleum distillate). See VM&P naphtha 1,2-Benzisothiazolin-3-one-1,1-dioxide; 3Benzisothiazolinone-1,1-dioxide. See Saccharin 1,2-Benzisothiazolin-3-one 1,1-dioxide ammonium salt. See Ammonium saccharin 1,2-Benzisothiazolin-3-one 1,1-dioxide, potassium salt. See Potassium saccharin 1,2-Benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one, 1,1-dioxide, calcium salt; 1,2-Benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one, 1,1-dioxide, calcium salt hydrate. See Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Calcium saccharin 1,2-Benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one, 1,1-dioxide, potassium salt. See Potassium saccharin 1,2-Benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one 1,1-dioxide, sodium salt. See Saccharin sodium anhydrous Benzoate of soda; Benzoate sodium. See Sodium benzoate Benzodihydropyrone; 1,2-Benzodihydropyrone. See Dihydrocoumarin 1,3-Benzodioxole. See 1,2Methylenedioxybenzene 1,3-Benzodioxole-5-carboxaldehyde; 3,4Benzodioxole-5-carboxaldehyde. See Heliotropine 1,3-Benzodioxol-5-ol. See Sesamol 4-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl) butan-2-one. See Piperonyl acetone 1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl methyl isobutyrate. See Piperonyl isobutyrate 1-[5-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)-1-oxo-2,4pentadienyl] piperidine (E,E)-; 1,3Benzodioxol-5-yl-oxo-2,4-pentadienyl piperine; 5-Benzo [1,3] dioxol-5-yl-1-piperidin1-yl-penta-2,4-dien-1-one. See Piperine Benzododecinium chloride. See Lauralkonium chloride Benzoic acid CAS 65-85-0; EINECS/ELINCS 200-618-2 FEMA 2131; INS210; E210 Synonyms: Benzenecarboxylic acid; Benzene formic acid; Carboxybenzene; Dracylic acid; Phenylcarboxylic acid; Phenylformic acid Classification: Aromatic acid Empirical: C7H6O2 Formula: C6H5COOH Properties: Wh. scales, needles, crystals, benzoin odor; sol. in alcohol, ether, chloroform, benzene, carbon disulfide; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 122.13; dens. 1.2659; m.p. 121.25 C; b.p. 249.2 C; subl. at 100 C; flash pt. 121.1 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2530 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 1460 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ingestion, IP routes; poison by subcut. route; severe eye/skin irritant; may cause human intolerance reaction, asthma, hyperactivity in children; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible when exposed to heat or flame; reactive with oxidizing materials Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to 905
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ R.T. Uses: Antimicrobial, preservative, buffer in foods; synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum, icings Use Level: 0.5% max. in finished cosmetics Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §150.141, 150.161, 166.40, 166.110, 175.300, 177.1390, 184.1021, GRAS 0.1% max. in foods; USA EPA registered; Japan 0.2% max.; Europe listed 0.5% max.; FEMA GRAS; cleared by MID to retard flavor reversion in oleomargarine at 0.1%; Japan approved with limitations; Europe listed; UK approved; approved for orals, rectals, topicals; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com Allan http://www.allanchem.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Arkema http://www.arkema.fr; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l. Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com; Boith China http://www.boith.com; Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties; Brown http://www.brownchem.com Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Camida Ltd http://www.camida.com; Chemical http://www.thechemco.com; Clariant/Functional Chems. http://www.fun.clariant.com; Cornelius Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.cornelius.co.uk Dastech Int'l. http://www.dastech.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Emerald Kalama Chem. http://www.emeraldmaterials.com; Fisher Scientific https://www1.fishersci.com/index.jsp; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Haltermann GmbH http://www.haltermann.com Helm NY http://www.helmnewyork.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Jan Dekker BV http://www.jandekker.com/; KIC Chems. http://www.kicchemicals.com; http://www.kicgroup.com Magnesia GmbH http://www.magnesia.de; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Merck KGaA http://www.merck.de; Miljac http://www.miljac.com; Mitsubishi Chem. http://www.m-kagaku.co.jp/index_en.htm Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Napp Tech. http://www.napptech.com; Parchem Trading http://www.parchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Polysciences http://www.polysciences.com; Prodasynth http://www.prodasynth.com; Punda Mercantile http://www.punda.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechineychemicals.com RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; HallStar http://www.hallstar.com; Richman http://www.richmanchemical.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Sparkford Chems. Ltd http://www.sparkford.co.uk; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Tennants Distrib. Ltd http://www.tennantsdistribution.com; Thomas Scientific http://www.thomassci.com Trigon Chemie GmbH http://www.trigonde.com/; Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com; U.S. Chems. http://www.uschemicals.com; Univar Ltd http://www.univar.co.uk; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com; Velsicol http://www.velsicol.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com;
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Whyte Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/ Trade Names: Purox B food/pharma Trade Names Containing: Dow Corning® Q72587 Benzoic acid, 4-amino-. See p-Aminobenzoic acid Benzoic acid, 2-amino-, butyl ester. See Butyl anthranilate Benzoic acid, 2-amino-, cyclohexyl ester. See Cyclohexyl anthranilate Benzoic acid, 2-amino-, methyl ester. See Methyl anthranilate Benzoic acid, 2-amino-, 2-phenylethyl ester. See Phenethyl anthranilate Benzoic acid, 2-amino-, 2-propenyl ester. See Allyl anthranilate Benzoic acid, benzyl ester. See Benzyl benzoate Benzoic acid calcium salt. See Calcium benzoate Benzoic acid, cinnamyl ester. See Cinnamyl benzoate Benzoic acid ethyl ester. See Ethyl benzoate Benzoic acid geraniol ester; Benzoic acid geranyl ester. See Geranyl benzoate Benzoic acid, hexahydro-. See Cyclohexanecarboxylic acid Benzoic acid, hexyl ester. See Hexyl benzoate Benzoic acid, 4-hydroxy-; Benzoic acid, phydroxy-. See 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid Benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, butyl ester. See Butyl salicylate Benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, 4-(1,1-dimethylethyl) phenyl ester. See p-t-Butylphenyl salicylate Benzoic acid, p-hydroxy-, heptyl ester. See Heptyl paraben Benzoic acid, p-hydroxy-, isopropyl ester. See Isopropylparaben Benzoic acid, 4-hydroxy-, phenylmethyl ester. See Benzylparaben Benzoic acid, isobutyl ester. See Isobutyl benzoate Benzoic acid, isopropyl ester. See Isopropyl benzoate Benzoic acid, 4-methoxy. See p-Anisic acid Benzoic acid, 2-methoxy-, methyl ester. See Methyl o-methoxybenzoate Benzoic acid, 4-methoxy-, methyl ester; Benzoic acid, p-methoxy-, methyl ester. See Methyl panisate Benzoic acid, 1-(3-methyl) butyl ester. See Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Isoamyl benzoate Benzoic acid methyl ester. See Methyl benzoate Benzoic acid, 1-methylethyl ester. See Isopropyl benzoate Benzoic acid, 2-methylpropyl ester. See Isobutyl benzoate Benzoic acid, pentyl ester. See Amyl benzoate Benzoic acid peroxide. See Benzoyl peroxide Benzoic acid phenethyl ester. See Phenethyl benzoate Benzoic acid phenylmethyl ester. See Benzyl benzoate Benzoic acid potassium salt. See Potassium benzoate Benzoic acid, n-propyl ester. See Propyl benzoate Benzoic acid sodium salt. See Sodium benzoate o-Benzoic acid sulfimide. See Saccharin Benzoic acid, 3,4,5-trihydroxy-, ethyl ester. See Ethyl gallate Benzoic acid, 3,4,5-trihydroxy-, methyl ester. See Methyl gallate Benzoic aldehyde. See Benzaldehyde Benzoic ether. See Ethyl benzoate Benzoin CAS 119-53-9; EINECS/ELINCS 204-331-3 FEMA 2132 Synonyms: Benzoylphenylcarbinol; Bitter almond oil camphor; Ethanone, 2-hydroxy1,2-diphenyl-; α-Hydroxybenzyl phenyl ketone; 2-Hydroxy-1,2-diphenylethanone; 2Hydroxy-2-phenylacetophenone; αHydroxy-α-phenylacetophenone; Ketone, αhydroxybenzyl phenyl Classification: Aromatic org. compd. Empirical: C14H12O2 Formula: C6H5CH(OH)COC6H5 Properties: Wh. or ylsh. cryst., sl. camphor odor; sol. in acetone, pyridine, hot water; sl. sol. in water, ether; m.w. 212.22; m.p. 137 C; b.p. 344 C (163 mm) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 10 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) 8870 mg/kg; sl. toxic by ing. and skin contact; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings; color diluent in fruits, vegetables 907
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Features: Medicinal, vanilla-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1, no residue, 172.515; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved; FDA approved for orals; BP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com Beyo Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.beyochem.com; Bio-Botanica http://www.bio-botanica.com; Biolandes http://www.biolandes.com; Chunking http://www.chunkingchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com; GCA; Generichem http://www.generichem.com/; Napp Tech. http://www.napptech.com; Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Suny Chem. Int'l. http://www.sunychem.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Wako Pure Chem. Ind. http://www.wakochem.co.jp/english/ See also Gum benzoin Benzoin extract. See Benzoin (Styrax benzoin) extract Benzoin gum; Benzoin resin. See Gum benzoin Benzoin (Styrax benzoin) extract CAS 84696-18-4; 84929-79-3; EINECS/ELINCS 284-557-7 Synonyms: Benzoin extract; Styrax benzoin extract; Styrax benzon; Styrax extract Definition: Extract of the balsamic resin of Styrax benzoin Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510 Manuf./Distrib.: Danisco Seillans http://www.danisco.com; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk Benzoin (Styrax benzoin) gum (INCI). See Gum benzoin Benzol; Benzole; Benzolene. See Benzene Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Benzoline. See VM&P naphtha Benzoperoxide. See Benzoyl peroxide Benzophenone CAS 119-61-9; EINECS/ELINCS 204-337-6 FEMA 2134 Synonyms: Benzoylbenzene; Diphenyl ketone; Diphenyl methanone; αOxodiphenylmethane; Phenyl ketone Classification: Organic compd.; aromatic ketone Empirical: C13H10O Formula: C6H5COC6H5 Properties: Wh. rhombic cryst., persistent roselike odor; sol. in fixed oils; sl. sol. in propylene glycol; m.w. 182.23; sp.gr. 1.0976 (α, 50/50 C), 1.108 (β, 23/40 C); m.p. 49 C (α), 26 C (β), 47 C (γ); b.p. 305 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 2895 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 727 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing. and IP routes; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible when heated; incompat. with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Apricot, peach-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 177.2600; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: 3V http://www.3v.com; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Arkema http://www.arkema.fr Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; BASF http://www.basf.com; BCH Brühl http://www.bch-bruehl.de; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com Biddle Sawyer http://www.biddlesawyer.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; ChemService http://www.chemservice.com; Chemetall Chem. Prods. http://www.chemetall.com Chemisphere http://www.chemispherecorp.com; Clariant/Functional Chems. http://fun.clariant.com/fun/internet.nsf/04fa 7deb65dc84f9c1256a6200552c10/e56809ab4 8026d1ec1256bf300; Dastech Int'l. http://www.dastech.com; EMD Chems.
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.emdchemicals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com GCA; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Interchem http://www.interchem.com; Lamberti http://www.lamberti.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com Monomer-Polymer & Dajac Labs http://www.monomerpolymer.com; MorreTec Ind. http://www.morretec.com; Nantong ChangChem http://www.changchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com; Protameen http://www.protameen.com/; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com; Richman http://www.richmanchemical.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Suny Chem. Int'l. http://www.sunychem.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Velsicol http://www.velsicol.com; Whyte Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/; Xinchem http://www.finechemnet.com Trade Names: Velsicure® BTF 2H-1-Benzopyran-6-ol, 3,4-dihydro-2,5,7,8tetramethyl-2-(4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl)-, acetate. See dl-α-Tocopheryl acetate 2H-1-Benzopyran-2-one, 3,4-dihydro-. See Dihydrocoumarin 2H-1-Benzopyran-2-one, 6-methyl-. See 6Methylcoumarin Benzo[b]pyridine. See Quinoline Benzo(c)pyridine. See Isoquinoline Benzopyrrole; 1H-Benzo[b]pyrrole; 2,3Benzopyrrole. See Indole o-Benzosulfimide. See Saccharin Benzosulfonazole. See Benzothiazole Benzothiazole CAS 95-16-9; EINECS/ELINCS 202-396-2 FEMA 3256 Synonyms: Benzosulfonazole; 1-Thia-3azaindene Empirical: C7H5NS Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Yel., orange, or brn. liq.; sol. 4300 mg/l in water; m.w. 135.18; dens. 1.246; vapor pressure 0.0143 mm Hg; m.p. 2 C; b.p. 231 C; flash pt. > 110 C; ref. index 1.643 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 380 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 100 mg/kg, (IV, mouse) 95 mg/kg; toxic; harmful by ing., inh., skin contact; irritating to eyes, skin, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract; may cause irritability, food intake effects, vascular effects, pulmonary embolism, liver changes; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Store in cool, dry place; keep tightly closed Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, candy, baked goods, meats, soups, dairy prods. Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; ICN Biomed. Research Prods. http://www.mpbio.com Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Lancaster Synthesis http://www.alfa.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; TCI Am. http://www.tciamerica.com 1-Benzoxy-1-(2-methoxyethoxy)-ethane. See Benzyl methoxyethyl acetal Benzoylacetic acid ethyl ester. See Ethyl benzoylacetate Benzoylacetyl. See 1-Phenyl-1,2-propanedione Benzoyl alcohol. See Benzyl alcohol Benzoylbenzene. See Benzophenone Benzoyl eugenol. See Eugenyl benzoate Benzoyl methide. See Acetophenone Benzoyl methyl ketone. See 1-Phenyl-1,2propanedione Benzoyl peroxide CAS 94-36-0; EINECS/ELINCS 202-327-6 UN 2085 (DOT); UN 2086 (DOT); UN 2087 (DOT); UN 2088 (DOT); UN 2089 (DOT); UN 2090 (DOT); UN 3102; UN 3104; INS928 Synonyms: Acetoxyl; Benzoic acid peroxide; Benzoperoxide; Benzoyl superoxide; BP; 909
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference BPO; Dibenzoyl peroxide Classification: Aromatic organic peroxide Empirical: C14H10O4 Formula: [C6H5C(O)]2O2 Properties: Colorless to wh. cryst. or gran. powd.; faint odor of benzaldehyde; tasteless; sol. in nearly all org. solvs. incl. benzene, chloroform, ether; sl. sol. in alcohols, veg. oils, water; m.w. 242.23; dens. 1.3340; m.p. 103105 C; b.p. dec.; flash pt. (CC) 80 C Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 5 mg/m3; LD50 (oral, rat) 7710 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 250 mg/kg; highly toxic by inh.; poison by ingestion, IP routes; eye, skin, mucous membrane irritant; may cause sensitization by skin contact; human mutation data reported; tumorigen; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm.; ignites readily and burns rapidly; oxidizing agent; explosion hazard; can dec. explosively if confined when heated Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 3, Reactivity 4 Uses: Direct food additive; flour treatment agent, preservative in foods; bleaching agent, oxidizing agent in bleaching oils, flours, and in cheese prod. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §133.102, 133.106, 133.111, 133.141, 133.165, 133.181, 133.183, 133.195, 137.105, 172.814, 175.105, 176.170, 177.2420, 177.2600, 184.1157, GRAS; Canada DSL; Japan approved with limitations; FDA approved for ophthalmics; BP, EP compliance Manuf./Distrib.: Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Arkema/Organic Peroxides http://www.arkema.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com Eastman http://www.eastman.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Interchem http://www.interchem.com; KIC Chems. http://www.kicchemicals.com; http://www.kicgroup.com Kawaguchi Chem. http://www.kawaguchichemical.co.jp/; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; MonomerPolymer & Dajac Labs http://www.monomerpolymer.com; Norac Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.norac.com/; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com Sanken Chem. http://www.taokachem.co.jp; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Xinchem http://www.finechemnet.com Benzoylphenylcarbinol. See Benzoin Benzoyl superoxide. See Benzoyl peroxide Benzylacetaldehyde. See Hydrocinnamaldehyde Benzyl acetate CAS 140-11-4; EINECS/ELINCS 205-399-7 FEMA 2135 Synonyms: Acetic acid benzyl ester; Acetic acid phenylmethyl ester; Acetoxymethylbenzene; α-Acetoxytoluene; Benzyl ethanoate; Phenylmethyl acetate Classification: Carboxylic acid ester Definition: Ester of benzyl alcohol and acetic acid Empirical: C9H10O2 Formula: CH3COOCH2C6H5 Properties: Colorless liq., sweet floral fruity odor; sol. in alcohol, chloroform, benzene, most fixed oils, propylene glycol; pract. insol. in water, glycerin; m.w. 150.19; sp.gr. 1.06; m.p. -51.5 C; b.p. 213.5 C; flash pt. (CC) 90 C; ref. index 1.501 Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 10 ppm; LD50 (oral, rat) 2490 mg/kg; LCLo (inh., mouse, 22 h) 1300 mg/m3; mod. toxic by ingestion and subcutaneous routes; poison by inhalation; may be sl. absorbed through skin; mild eye irritant; antipsychotic; inh. of vapors can probably cause nose/throat irritation; high concs. can cause CNS depression, drowsiness, poor coordination, unconsciousness; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq.; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents (increases fire/explosion risk), acids, bases, reducing agents (decomp. can occur) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Benzyl alcohol, benzoic acid, acetic acid; heated to decomp., emits irritating fumes 910
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 24 mos. when stored at 40-70 F in tightly sealed original containers with minimum head space; avoid prolonged exposure to light, heat, air Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Features: Apple, apricot, cherry, plum-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Australia AICS; Japan approved as flavoring; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Adrian Amer. http://www.adrianusa.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.advbio.com; Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com Allan http://www.allanchem.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de BCH Brühl http://www.bch-bruehl.de; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Chemisphere http://www.chemispherecorp.com; Chinessence http://www.chinessence.com; Chr. Hansen Inc http://www.chrhansen.com Creative Fragrances http://www.creativefragrances.com; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Emerald Kalama Chem. http://www.emeraldmaterials.com; Epochem http://www.epochem.com/; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Givaudan-Quest Int'l. http://www.givaudan.com/givcom/; Haltermann GmbH http://www.haltermann.com Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; R.W. Greeff Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Sarcom http://www.sarcominc.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com; Vertellus Perf. Materials http://www.vertellus.com Whyte Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/ Benzylacetic acid. See Hydrocinnamic acid Benzyl acetoacetate CAS 5396-89-4; EINECS/ELINCS 226-416-4 FEMA 2136 Synonyms: Benzyl acetyl acetate; Benzyl βketobutyrate; Benzyl 3-oxobutanoate Empirical: C11H12O3 Formula: CH3COCH2COOCH2C6H5 Properties: Ylsh. oily liq.; weak odor; sol. in alkali solutions at room temp.; m.w. 192.22; dens. 1.112; b.p. 156-159 C (10 mm); flash pt. >230 F Toxicology: Irritating to skin, eyes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Features: Fruity flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Eurolabs Ltd http://www.eurolabs.co.uk; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; WackerChemie AG http://www.wacker.com/cms/de/home/index .jsp; Whyte Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/ Benzylacetone. See Benzylidene acetone Benzyl acetyl acetate. See Benzyl acetoacetate Benzyl alcohol CAS 100-51-6; EINECS/ELINCS 202-859-9 FEMA 2137 Synonyms: Bentanol; Benzal alcohol; Benzenecarbinol; Benzenemethanol; Benzoyl alcohol; (Hydroxymethyl) benzene; Hydroxytoluene; α-Hydroxytoluene; Phenolcarbinol; Phenylcarbinol; 911
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Phenylmethanol; Phenylmethyl alcohol; αToluenol Classification: Aromatic alcohol Empirical: C7H8O Formula: C6H5CH2OH Properties: Water-wh. liq., faint aromatic odor, sharp burning taste; misc. with alcohol, chloroform, ether, water @ 206 C (dec.); m.w. 108.15; sp.gr. 1.042; vapor pressure 1 mm Hg (58 C); m.p. -15.3 C; b.p. 205.7 C; flash pt. (CC) 93 C; ref. index 1.540 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1230 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 400 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 2000 mg/kg; poison by ing., IP, IV routes; mod. toxic by inh., skin contact; mod. skin and severe eye irritant; may cross-react with balsam Peru in sensitive persons; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq.; incompat. with oxidizers (increased fire and explosion risk), acids (exothermic polymerization), sulfuric acid Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Dec. explosively at 180 C with sulfuric acid; heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area, away from heat and ignition sources; lightsensitive Uses: Antimicrobial, preservative, solubilizer in foods; synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Features: Citrus berry cherry-like flavor Use Level: 10% (disinfectant, local anesthetic), 1% (additive to injectables), 1% max. (solvs., perfumes, and flavorings in finished prods.) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 175.105, 175.300, 177.1210; FEMA GRAS; USA EPA registered; Japan approved as flavoring; Europe listed; Canada DSL; FDA approved for use in injectables, parenterals, orals, topicals; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; AMC Chems.; AXO Chem. http://www.axochemical.com; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Adrian Amer. http://www.adrianusa.com Advanced BioTech http://www.advbio.com; Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com; Allan http://www.allanchem.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Arkema http://www.arkema.fr Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Astral Extracts http://www.astralextracts.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; BCH Brühl http://www.bch-bruehl.de Brown http://www.brownchem.com; Camida Ltd http://www.camida.com; Cargill Flavors & Fruit Systems USA http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; ChemService http://www.chemservice.com Chinessence http://www.chinessence.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Emerald Kalama Chem. http://www.emeraldmaterials.com; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; General Chem. http://www.genchemcorp.com; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Givaudan Iberica SA http://www.givaudan.com Givaudan-Quest Int'l. http://www.givaudan.com/givcom/; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; Lanxess http://www.lanxess.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com Merck KGaA http://www.merck.de; Miljac http://www.miljac.com; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Osaka Org. Chem. Ind.; Parchem Trading http://www.par-chem.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polysciences http://www.polysciences.com; Prodasynth http://www.prodasynth.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com Richman http://www.richmanchemical.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sarcom 912
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.sarcominc.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Symrise Gbmh http://www.symrise.com/; Takasago Int'l. http://www.takasago.com; Tennants Distrib. Ltd http://www.tennantsdistribution.com; Tessenderlo Chemie http://www.tessenderlo.com Tosoh http://www.tosoh.co.jp; U.S. Chems. http://www.uschemicals.com; Ubichem plc http://www.ubichem.com; Univar Ltd http://www.univar.co.uk; Universal PreservA-Chem http://www.upichem.com VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com; Velsicol http://www.velsicol.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Whyte Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/ ZenPharm Int'l. http://www.zenpharm.com/ Benzyl alcohol cinnamic ester. See Benzyl cinnamate Benzyl alcohol, 3,5-di-t-butyl-4-hydroxy-. See 4Hydroxymethyl-2,6-di-t-butylphenol Benzyl alcohol, ether with isoeugenol. See Isoeugenyl benzyl ether Benzyl alcohol, α-ethyl-. See 1-Phenyl-1propanol Benzyl alcohol formate. See Benzyl formate Benzyl alcohol, α-methyl-, acetate. See αMethylbenzyl acetate Benzyl benzene carboxylate. See Benzyl benzoate Benzyl benzoate CAS 120-51-4; EINECS/ELINCS 204-402-9 UN 2810; FEMA 2138 Synonyms: Benylate; Benzoic acid, benzyl ester; Benzoic acid phenylmethyl ester; Benzyl benzene carboxylate; Benzyl phenylformate; Phenylmethyl benzoate Classification: aromatic compd. Definition: Ester of benzyl alcohol and benzoic acid Empirical: C14H12O2 Formula: C6H5COOCH2C6H5 Properties: Colorless oily liq., sl. aromatic odor; sol. in oxygenated/chlorinated solvs.; misc. with alcohol, chloroform, ether; insol. in water, glycerin; m.w. 212.26; sp.gr. 1.116-1.120; m.p. 21 C; b.p. 324 C; flash pt. (CC) 298 F; ref. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
index 1.568 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 500 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 4000 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ingestion, skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq.; reactive with oxidizing materials Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits CO, CO2, acrid and irritating fumes and smoke NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 6 mos. when stored at 40-70 F in tightly sealed original containers with minimum head space; avoid prolonged exposure to light, heat, air Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum; solvent, vehicle in foods Features: Sweet, cherry, pineapple, strawberrylike flavor Use Level: 0.5% max. (finished cosmetics) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 175.105; FEMA GRAS; FDA approved for injectables, orals; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL; Australia AICS; Japan MITI Manuf./Distrib.: Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Adrian Amer. http://www.adrianusa.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.advbio.com; Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; BCH Brühl http://www.bch-bruehl.de Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Boehme Filatex http://www.boehmefilatex.com; Camida Ltd http://www.camida.com; Chinessence http://www.chinessence.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com Emerald Kalama Chem. http://www.emeraldmaterials.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; Haltermann GmbH http://www.haltermann.com; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com Integra http://www.integrachem.com; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Lebermuth http://www.lebermuth.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Magnesia GmbH http://www.magnesia.de Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Merck KGaA 913
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.merck.de; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; Ogawa & Co. http://www.ogawa.net Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com; Polysciences http://www.polysciences.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sarcom http://www.sarcominc.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Stason Pharmaceuticals http://www.stason.com/ Univar Ltd http://www.univar.co.uk; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Vertellus Perf. Materials http://www.vertellus.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; ZenPharm Int'l. http://www.zenpharm.com/ Benzyl butanoate; Benzyl n-butanoate. See Benzyl butyrate Benzyl-t-butanol. See Dimethyl phenethyl carbinol Benzyl but-2(trans)-enoate. See Benzyl crotonate Benzylbutyl alcohol. See α-Propylphenethyl alcohol Benzyl butyl ether CAS 588-67-0; EINECS/ELINCS 209-626-0 FEMA 2139 Synonyms: Benzene, (butoxymethyl)-; Benzyl n-butyl ether; Butyl benzyl ether; n-Butyl benzyl ether; Ether, benzyl butyl Empirical: C11H16O Properties: Colorless liq., misc. with alcohol, ether; insol. in water; m.w.164.25; sp.gr. 0.931 (10 C); b.p. 220-221 C (744 mm) Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Interchim http://www.interchim.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com Benzyl n-butyl ether. See Benzyl butyl ether
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Benzyl butyrate CAS 103-37-7; EINECS/ELINCS 203-105-1 FEMA 2140 Synonyms: Benzyl butanoate; Benzyl nbutanoate; Benzyl n-butyrate; Butyric acid, benzyl ester Empirical: C11H14O2 Properties: Colorless liq.; fruity odor; sol. in alcohol, fixed oils; insol. in glycerin, propylene glycol, water @ 239 C; m.w. 178.23; dens. 1.009; b.p. 240 C; flash pt. 225 F; ref. index 1.490-1.495 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2330 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Features: Apricot, berry, peach, pear, plum-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Epochem http://www.epochem.com/; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Int'l. Flavors & Fragrances US http://www.iff.com J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Stason Pharmaceuticals http://www.stason.com/; Symrise USA http://www.symrise.com Benzyl n-butyrate. See Benzyl butyrate Benzyl carbinol. See Phenethyl alcohol Benzylcarbinol isobutyrate. See Phenethyl 914
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference isobutyrate Benzylcarbinyl acetate. See 2-Phenylethyl acetate Benzyl carbinyl anthranilate. See Phenethyl anthranilate Benzyl carbinyl benzoate. See Phenethyl benzoate Benzylcarbinyl butyrate. See Phenethyl butyrate Benzyl carbinyl caproate. See Phenethyl hexanoate Benzyl carbinyl cinnamate. See Phenethyl cinnamate Benzylcarbinyl formate. See Phenethyl formate Benzyl carbinyl hexanoate. See Phenethyl hexanoate Benzyl carbinyl 2-hydroxybenzoate. See Phenethyl salicylate Benzylcarbinyl isobutyrate. See Phenethyl isobutyrate Benzyl carbinyl methanoate. See Phenethyl formate Benzylcarbinyl 2-methylbutyrate. See Phenethyl-2-methylbutyrate Benzylcarbinyl octanoate. See Phenethyl caprylate Benzyl carbinyl 3-phenyl propenoate. See Phenethyl cinnamate Benzylcarbinyl propionate. See Phenethyl propionate Benzyl carbinyl tiglate. See Phenethyl tiglate Benzylcarbinyl-α-toluate. See Phenethyl phenylacetate Benzyl cinnamate CAS 103-41-3; EINECS/ELINCS 203-109-3 FEMA 2142 Synonyms: Benzyl alcohol cinnamic ester; Benzyl γ-phenylacrylate; Benzyl 3phenylpropenoate; Benzyl 3-phenyl-2propenoate; Cinnamein; trans-Cinnamic acid benzyl ester; Phenylmethyl 3-phenyl-2propenoate; 3-Phenyl-2-propenoic acid phenylmethyl ester Definition: Ester of benzyl alcohol and cinnamic acid, found in balsams of Peru, Tolu, Styrax, Copaiba and others Empirical: C16H14O2 Properties: Wh. cryst., aromatic balsam-like odor; sol. in alcohol, fixed oils; insol. in glycerin, propylene glycol, water; m.w. 238.30; vapor pressure 1 mm (173.8 C); m.p. 39 C; b.p. 350 C; flash pt. 100 C Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Toxicology: LD50 (oral, guinea pig) 3760 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; mild allergen and skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, flavor enhancer, fragrance in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Features: Chocolate, apricot, cherry, peach, pineapple-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; BASF http://www.basf.com; Chemetall Chem. Prods. http://www.chemetall.com Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Nantong ChangChem http://www.changchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Symrise USA http://www.symrise.com Benzyl crotonate CAS 65416-24-2; EINECS/ELINCS 265-764-1 Synonyms: Benzyl but-2(trans)-enoate Classification: Ester Properties: Flash pt. (CC) > 100 C Toxicology: TSCA listed Uses: Flavoring agent in food Regulatory: Japan approved as a flavoring agent; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com; SRS Aromatics Ltd http://www.srsaromatics.com Benzyldiethyl [(2,6-xylylcarbomoyl) methyl] ammonium benzoate. See Denatonium benzoate Benzyl trans-2,3-dimethyl acrylate. See Benzyl 915
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference tiglate Benzyl 2,3-dimethyl-2-butenoate. See Benzyl 2,3-dimethylcrotonate Benzyl dimethyl carbinol. See Dimethylbenzyl carbinol Benzyl dimethyl carbinyl acetate. See Dimethylbenzyl carbinyl acetate Benzyl dimethylcarbinyl butyrate. See α,αDimethylphenethyl butyrate Benzyl dimethylcarbinyl formate. See α,αDimethylphenethyl formate Benzyl 2,3-dimethylcrotonate CAS 7492-69-5 FEMA 2143 Synonyms: Benzyl 2,3-dimethyl-2-butenoate; Benzyl methyl tiglate; 2,3-Dimethyl-2butenoic acid phenyl methyl ester; 2,3Dmethyl-2-butenoic acid benzyl ester; Phenyl methyl 2,3-dimethyl-2-butenoate Empirical: C13H16O2 Properties: Colorless to pale yel. liq.; warm, herbal, fruity spicy odor; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; sp. gr. 1.013 ± 0.06; b.p. 259 C; acid no. 1.0 max; flash pt. (TCC) 296 C; ref. index 1.5100-1.5170 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, adjuvant in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL 2- Benzyl-4,5-dimethyl-1,3-dioxolane. See Phenylacetaldehyde 2,3-butylene glycol acetal Benzyldimethyldodecylammonium chloride. See Lauralkonium chloride Benzyldimethylhexadecylammonium chloride. See Cetalkonium chloride Benzyldimethylstearyl ammonium chloride. See Stearalkonium chloride 2-Benzyl-1,3-dioxolan-4-ylmethanol. See Phenylacetaldehyde glyceryl acetal Benzyl dipropyl ketone CAS 7492-37-7; EINECS/ELINCS 231-317-4 FEMA 2146 Synonyms: 1-Benzyl dipropyl ketone; 3Benzyl-4-heptanone; 4-Heptanone, 3benzyl-; 4-Heptanone, 3-(phenylmethyl)-; Morellone Classification: Aromatic ketone Empirical: C14H20O Properties: Colorless pale liq.; m.w. 204.34 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 4400 mg/kg; low Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
toxicity by ing. Precaution: DOT: Flamm. liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating vapors Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com 1-Benzyl dipropyl ketone. See Benzyl dipropyl ketone Benzyl disulfide CAS 150-60-7; EINECS/ELINCS 205-764-0 FEMA 3617 Synonyms: α-(Benzyldithio)toluene; Bis(phenylmethyl) disulfide; Dibenzyl disulfide; Di (phenylmethyl) disulfide; Disulfide dibenzyl Empirical: C14H14S2 Formula: C6H5CH2SSCH2C6H5 Properties: Pale-yel. leaflets or pink flakes; burnt caramel odor; sol. in hot alcohol, ether, benzene, hydrocarbon solvs.; pract. insol. in water; m.w. 246.40; m.p. 71-72 C; b.p. > 270 C (with decomp.) Toxicology: Irritating to respiratory system, skin, and eyes; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of SOx Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Camida USA http://www.camida.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Epochem http://www.epochem.com/; Eurolabs Ltd http://www.eurolabs.co.uk; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Benzyldithiomethane. See Methyl benzyl disulfide α-(Benzyldithio)toluene. See Benzyl disulfide Benzyl ethanoate. See Benzyl acetate Benzyl ether CAS 103-50-4; EINECS/ELINCS 203-118-2 FEMA 2371 916
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Synonyms: Benzyl oxide; Dibenzyl ether; Dibenzyl oxide; 1,1´-[Oxybis (methylene)] bis [benzene] Empirical: C14H14O Formula: (C6H5CH2)2O Properties: Colorless to pale yel. unstable liq.; misc. with ethanol, ether, chloroform, acetone; pract. insol. in water; m.w. 198.28; dens. 1.043 (20/4 C); m.p. 5 C; b.p. 298 C (dec.); flash pt. (CC) 275 F; ref. index 1.557 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2500 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; vapors may be narcotic in high conc.; skin and eye irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible exposed to heat or flame; reactive with oxidizing materials; mod. explosion hazard by spontaneous chemical reaction NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum Features: Sweet chocolate-like, fruity flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Camida USA http://www.camida.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Benzylethyl alcohol. See Hydrocinnamic alcohol Benzyl ethyl ether CAS 539-30-0; EINECS/ELINCS 208-714-6 FEMA 2144 Synonyms: Benzyl ethyl oxide; (Ethoxymethyl)benzene; Ethyl benzyl ether Empirical: C9H12O Formula: C6H5CH2OC2H5 Properties: Colorless oily liq.; pineapple odor; misc. with alcohol, ether; pract. insol. in water; m.w. 136.19; dens. 0.949; b.p. 186 C; ref. index 1.4955 (20 C); volatile with steam Toxicology: Narcotic in high concs.; may be skin irritant Precaution: Combustible Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com Benzyl ethyl oxide. See Benzyl ethyl ether Benzyl formate CAS 104-57-4; EINECS/ELINCS 203-214-4 FEMA 2145 Synonyms: Benzyl alcohol formate; Benzyl methanoate; Formic acid benzyl ester; Formic acid phenylmethyl ester Empirical: C8H8O2 Formula: HCOOCH2C6H5 Properties: Colorless liq.; floral-fruity odor; misc. with alcohols, ketones, oils; pract. insol. in water; m.w. 136.15; dens. 1.081; b.p. 202-203 C; flash pt. 83 C; ref. index 1.5100-1.5120 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1400 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 2 g/kg; mod. toxic by ing. and skin contact; may be narcotic in high concs.; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid, irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Epochem http://www.epochem.com/; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com 3-Benzyl-4-heptanone. See Benzyl dipropyl ketone Benzylhexadecyldimethylammonium chloride. See Cetalkonium chloride Benzyl hydrosulfide. See Benzyl mercaptan Benzyl 2-hydroxybenzoate. See Benzylsalicylate Benzyl 4-hydroxybenzoate. See Benzylparaben Benzyl o-hydroxybenzoate. See Benzylsalicylate Benzyl p-hydroxybenzoate. See Benzylparaben 917
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference 2-Benzyl-4-hydroxymethyl-1,3-dioxane; 2Benzyl-4-hydroxymethyl-1,3-dioxolane. See Phenylacetaldehyde glyceryl acetal Benzylideneacetaldehyde. See Cinnamal Benzylidene acetone CAS 122-57-6; EINECS/ELINCS 204-555-1 FEMA 2881 Synonyms: Benzalacetone; Benzilidene acetone; Benzylacetone; Cinnamyl methyl ketone; Methyl styryl ketone; 4Phenylbutenone; 4-Phenyl-3-buten-2-one; trans-4-Phenyl-3-buten-2-one; Styryl methyl ketone Classification: Aromatic compd. Empirical: C10H10O Formula: C6H5CH:CHCOCH3 Properties: Colorless cryst., odor of coumarin, sweet pungent floral flavor; sol. in alcohol, ether, benzene, H2SO4, chloroform; insol. in water; m.w. 146.19; dens. 1.0097; m.p. 39-42 C; b.p. 260-262 C; flash pt. 150 F Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2031 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 1210 mg/kg, (IV, mouse) 112 mg/kg; poison by IV route; mod. toxic by IP route; primary skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Features: Sweet flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Clariant http://www.clariant.com; http://www.clariant-northamerica.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; PMC Spec. http://www.pmcsg.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; Raschig; Rit-Chem http://www.ritchem.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Symrise USA http://www.symrise.com; Whyte Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/ Benzylidene acetone methyl; 3-Benzylidene-2butanone. See 3-Methyl-4-phenyl-3-buten-2one Benzylidene glycerol; 1,3-O-Benzylidene glycerol. See Benzaldehyde glyceryl acetal 2-Benzylideneheptanal. See αAmylcinnamaldehyde 2-Benzylidene-heptanol; 2-Benzylidene-1heptanol. See α-Amylcinnamyl alcohol 2-Benzylidene-1-heptanol acetate. See αAmylcinnamyl acetate 2-Benzylidene-1-heptyl for. See αAmylcinnamyl formate 2-Benzylidene hexanal. See αButylcinnamaldehyde 2-Benzylidene-octanal. See αHexylcinnamaldehyde Benzyl isoamyl alcohol; Benzyl isobutyl carbinol. See α-Isobutylphenethyl alcohol Benzyl isobutyl ketone. See 4-Methyl-1-phenyl2-pentanone Benzyl isobutyrate CAS 103-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 203-095-9 FEMA 2141 Synonyms: Benzyl 2-methyl propanoate; Benzyl-2-methylpropionate; Isobutyric acid benzyl ester Empirical: C11H14O2 Properties: Colorless liq., fruity floral jasmine odor; sol. in alcohol, fixed oils; sl. sol. in propylene glycol; insol. in glycerin; m.w. 178.25; dens. 1.001-1.005; b.p. 105-108 C (4 mm); flash pt. 100 C; ref. index 1.489-1.4920 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2850 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp, emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Fruity flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Epochem 918
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.epochem.com/; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Benzyl isoeugenol; Benzylisoeugenol ether. See Isoeugenyl benzyl ether Benzyl isovalerate CAS 103-38-8; EINECS/ELINCS 203-106-7 FEMA 2152 Synonyms: Benzyl 3-methyl butanoate; Benzyl 3-methyl butyrate; Isopentanoic acid, phenylmethyl ester; Isopropyl acetic acid, benzyl ester; Isovaleric acid, benzyl ester; 3-Methylbutanoic acid, phenylethyl ester Classification: Aromatic compd. Empirical: C12H16O2 Properties: Colorless liq.; apple, pineapple odor; sol. in alcohol, most fixed oils; sl. sol. in propylene glycol; insol. in water, glycerin; m.w. 192.26; dens. 0.988; b.p. 245 C; flash pt. >230 F; ref. index 1.486-1.490 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; low toxicity by ing. and skin contact; primary skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Features: Apple, pineapple-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Benzyl β-ketobutyrate. See Benzyl acetoacetate Benzyl ketone. See 1,3-Diphenyl-2-propanone Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Benzyl mercaptan CAS 100-53-8; EINECS/ELINCS 202-862-5 UN 1228 (DOT); UN 3071 (DOT); FEMA 2147 Synonyms: Benzenemethanethiol; Benzyl hydrosulfide; Benzylthiol; (Mercaptomethyl) benzene; α-Mercaptotoluene; Methanethiol, phenyl-; Phenylmethanethiol; Phenylmethyl mercaptan; Thiobenzyl alcohol; αToluenethiol; α-Tolyl mercaptan Classification: Aromatic mercaptan; aromatic thiol Empirical: C7H8S Formula: C6H5CH2SH Properties: Colorless liq.; strong leek-like odor; very sol. in ethanol, ether; sol. in CS2; sol. in oxygenated solvs.; insol. in water; m.w. 124.19; dens. 1.058 (20 C); b.p. 194-195 C; flash pt. (CC) 70 C; ref. index 1.576 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 493 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 373 mg/kg; LC50 (inh., mouse, 4 h) 178 ppm; poison by ing., inh., IP routes; eye irritant; mild mucous membrane irritant; lachrymator; questionable carcinogen; experimental tumorigen; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. exposed to heat or flame; oxidizes in air to dibenzyl disulfide; vigorous reaction with oxidizers; wear safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves, apron Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, SOx, hydrogen sulfide; heated to decomp. or on contact with acid or acid fumes, emits highly toxic fumes of SOx NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 2, Reactivity 1 Storage: 6 mos. when stored at 40-70 F in tightly sealed original containers with minimum head space; avoid prolonged exposure to light, heat, air Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; Japan MITI Manuf./Distrib.: ChevronPhillips http://www.cpchem.com; Epochem http://www.epochem.com/; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com Natural Advantage http://www.naturaladvantage.net; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com 919
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Benzyl methanoate. See Benzyl formate 2-Benzyl-4-methanol-1,3-dioxane. See Phenylacetaldehyde glyceryl acetal Benzyl methoxyethyl acetal CAS 7492-39-9 FEMA 2148 Synonyms: Acetaldehyde benzyl βmethoxyethyl acetal; 1-Benzoxy-1-(2methoxyethoxy)-ethane; 1-Benzyloxy-1-(βmethoxy)ethoxy ethane Empirical: C12H18O3 Properties: Colorless liq.; fruity odor; sol. in alcohols; insol. in water; m.w.210.27; sp. gr. 1.019-1.025; b.p. 161.00-162.00 C @ 10.00 mm Hg; acid no. 1 max.; ref. index 1.484 ± 0.02 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Benzyl 2-methoxy-4-propenyl phenyl ether. See Isoeugenyl benzyl ether Benzyl-2-methylbutanoate. See Benzyl-2methylbutyrate Benzyl 3-methyl butanoate. See Benzyl isovalerate Benzyl trans-2-methyl-2-butenoate. See Benzyl tiglate Benzyl-2-methylbutyrate CAS 56423-40-6 Synonyms: Benzyl-2-methylbutanoate; Butanoic acid, 2-methyl-, phenylmethyl ester Classification: Ester Empirical: C12H16O2 Properties: M.w. 192.26; flash pt. (CC) > 130 C Toxicology: TSCA listed Uses: Flavoring agent in food Regulatory: Japan approved as a flavoring agent; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; SRS Aromatics Ltd http://www.srsaromatics.com Benzyl 3-methyl butyrate. See Benzyl isovalerate Benzyl 2-methylcrotonate; Benzyl trans-2methyl crotonate. See Benzyl tiglate Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Benzyl methyl disulfide. See Methyl benzyl disulfide Benzyl 2-methyl propanoate; Benzyl-2methylpropionate. See Benzyl isobutyrate Benzyl 2-methylpropyl ketone. See 4-Methyl-1phenyl-2-pentanone Benzyl methyl tiglate. See Benzyl 2,3dimethylcrotonate Benzyl 2-methyulbut-2(trans)-enoate. See Benzyl tiglate Benzyl oxide. See Benzyl ether Benzyl 3-oxobutanoate. See Benzyl acetoacetate 1-Benzyloxy-1-(β-methoxy)ethoxy ethane. See Benzyl methoxyethyl acetal 1-Benzyloxy-2-methoxy-4-propenyl benzene. See Isoeugenyl benzyl ether Benzylparaben CAS 94-18-8; EINECS/ELINCS 202-311-9 Synonyms: Benzoic acid, 4-hydroxy-, phenylmethyl ester; Benzyl 4hydroxybenzoate; Benzyl phydroxybenzoate; Phenylmethyl 4hydroxybenzoate Definition: Ester of benzyl alcohol and phydroxybenzoic acid Empirical: C14H12O3 Properties: Wh. powd.; m.w. 228.25; m.p. 111 C Toxicology: May cause eye and skin irritation; nontoxic; TSCA listed Environmental: Biodeg. prods. are nontoxic Precaution: Keep away from heat, sources of ignition, and oxidizing agents; do not breathe dust HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a cool, well-ventilated area in a tightly closed container @ ≤ 25 C Uses: Preservative, bactericide, fungicide for foods Regulatory: BP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; ChemDesign http://www.bayerus.com; Clariant/Functional Chems. http://www.fun.clariant.com; Dastech Int'l. http://www.dastech.com Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Napp Tech. http://www.napptech.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R S A http://www.rsa-corporation.com; Rochem Int'l. http://www.rochemintl.com 920
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Schütz http://www.schuetz.de/schuetz/en/index.pht ml; Thornley http://www.thornleycompany.com/; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com Benzyl phenylacetate CAS 102-16-9; EINECS/ELINCS 203-008-4 FEMA 2149 Synonyms: Benzyl α-toluate Empirical: C15H14O2 Properties: Colorless liq.; floral odor; honey-like taste; misc. with alcohol, chloroform, ether; m.w. 226.28; dens. 1.097-1.099; b.p. 320 C; flash pt. >100 C; ref. index 1.553-1.558 Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, toppings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Chr. Hansen Inc http://www.chrhansen.com; Elan http://www.elanchemical.com; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Benzyl γ-phenylacrylate. See Benzyl cinnamate Benzyl phenylformate. See Benzyl benzoate Benzyl 3-phenylpropenoate; Benzyl 3-phenyl-2propenoate. See Benzyl cinnamate Benzyl propanoate; Benzyl n-propanoate. See Benzyl propionate Benzyl propionate CAS 122-63-4; EINECS/ELINCS 204-559-3 FEMA 2150 Synonyms: Benzyl propanoate; Benzyl npropanoate Classification: aromatic compd. Empirical: C10H12O2 Properties: Cl., colorless liq.; floral-fruity odor; sol. in alcohol, most fixed oils; insol. in water; m.w. 164.20; dens. 1.036; b.p. 219-220 C; flash pt. 100 C; ref. index 1.496-1.500 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum, icings Features: Sweet, berry-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved as flavoring; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Emerald Kalama Chem. http://www.emeraldmaterials.com Epochem http://www.epochem.com/; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Int'l. Flavors & Fragrances US http://www.iff.com; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Symrise USA http://www.symrise.com Benzylpropyl acetate. See Dimethylbenzyl carbinyl acetate Benzylpropyl carbinol; Benzyl-n-propyl carbinol. See α-Propylphenethyl alcohol 2-Benzyl-2-propyl formate. See α,αDimethylphenethyl formate Benzylsalicylate CAS 118-58-1; EINECS/ELINCS 204-262-9 FEMA 2151 Synonyms: Benzyl 2-hydroxybenzoate; Benzyl o-hydroxybenzoate; Phenylmethyl 2hydroxybenzoate Definition: Ester of benzyl alcohol and salicylic acid Empirical: C14H12O3 Properties: Colorless visc. liq., pleasant balsamlike odor; sol. in fixed oils, oxygenated solvs. sl. sol. in water; insol. in glycerin, propylene glycol; m.w. 228.26; dens. 1.175; b.p. 208 C (26 mm); flash pt. 100 C; ref. index 1.579; acid value < 1 921
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2227 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ingestion; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible when heated or exposed to flame; incompat. with oxidizing materials Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Adrian Amer. http://www.adrianusa.com; Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com Asiamerica Int'l.; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Chinessence http://www.chinessence.com; Emerald Kalama Chem. http://www.emeraldmaterials.com Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Givaudan-Quest Int'l. Flavors and Fragrances USA/Fragrances; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Int'l. Flavors & Fragrances US http://www.iff.com Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Nantong ChangChem http://www.changchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sarcom http://www.sarcominc.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Symrise USA http://www.symrise.com Benzylstearyl dimethylammonium chloride. See Stearalkonium chloride Benzylthiol. See Benzyl mercaptan Benzyl tiglate CAS 37526-88-8; EINECS/ELINCS 253-544-8 FEMA 3330 Synonyms: Benzyl trans-2,3-dimethyl acrylate; Benzyl trans-2-methyl-2-butenoate; Benzyl 2-methylcrotonate; Benzyl trans-2-methyl crotonate; Benzyl 2-methyulbut-2(trans)Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
enoate; 2-Butenoic acid, 2-methyl-, phenylmethyl ester, (E)-; Phenylmethyl (E)2-methyl-2-butenoate Empirical: C12H14O2 Properties: Colorless liq.; vegetable earthy mushroom odor, rosy undertones; sol. in alcohol, ether; insol. in water; m.w. 190.24; sp.gr. 1.029-1.034; dens. 8.562-8.604 lb/gal; vapor pressure < 0.001 mm Hg (20 C); b.p. 139 C (9 mm Hg); flash pt. (CC) 110 C; ref. index 1.515-1.521 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; may be irritating to skin, eyes, respiratory system; may be harmful by inh., ing., skin absorp.; vapor or mist irritating to eyes, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract; TSCA listed Environmental: Prevent contamination of soil, ground- and surf. waters Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents, strong bases Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Toxic fumes of CO, CO2; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area; keep tightly closed; keep away from ignition sources, naked flame Uses: Flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: DOT nonregulated; DSL, AICS listed Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Bedoukian Research http://www.bedoukian.com; ICN Biomed. Research Prods. http://www.mpbio.com; Lancaster Synthesis http://www.alfa.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Benzyl α-toluate. See Benzyl phenylacetate Bergamal. See 2,6-Dimethyl-5-heptenal Bergamiol; Bergamol. See Linalyl acetate Bergamot (Citrus aurantium bergamia) oil CAS 8007-75-8; 85049-52-1; EINECS/ELINCS 289-612-9 UN 1197 (DOT); UN NA 1993 (DOT); FEMA 2153 Synonyms: Bergamot oil; Bergamot oil, Reggio Definition: Psoralen-free volatile oil obtained from the fruit of Citrus aurantium bergamia, contg. 36-45% l-linalyl acetate, 6% l-linalool, 922
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference and d-limonene, dipentene, bergaptene Properties: Yel.-grn. liq., agreeable odor, bitter taste; sol. in fixed oils; misc. with alcohol, glac. acetic acid; insol. in glycerin, propylene glycol; dens. 0.875-0.880 (25/25 C); ref. index 1.4641.467 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 11,520 mg/kg; mildly toxic by ing.; mild skin irritant and allergen; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep cool, well closed; protect from light Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum, icings, Earl Grey tea Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, 582.20, GRAS; 27CFR §21.65, 21.151; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved; Council of Europe listed; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Astral Extracts http://www.astralextracts.com; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com CoKEM Assoc.; Danisco Seillans http://www.danisco.com; De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk Flavex Naturextrakte GmbH http://www.flavex.com; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Frutarom (UK) Fine Ingreds. http://www.frutarom.com/; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Givaudan Fragrances http://www.givaudan.com Integra http://www.integrachem.com; J.C. Dudley http://www.jcdudley.co.uk/; Lebermuth http://www.lebermuth.com; Millennium http://www.millenniumchem.com; Moellhausen http://www.moellhausen.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Bergamot oil; Bergamot oil, Reggio. See Bergamot (Citrus aurantium bergamia) oil Bersera delpechiana; Bersera delpechiana wood oil. See Linaloe (Bersera delpechiana) wood oil Betadex. See β-Cyclodextrin; Cyclodextrin Betaine CAS 107-43-7; EINECS/ELINCS 203-490-6 Synonyms: (Carboxymethyl) trimethylammonium hydroxide, inner salt; 1-Carboxy-N,N,N-trimethylmethanaminium hydroxide, inner salt; Glycine betaine; Glycocoll betaine; Glycyl betaine; Oxyneurine; Trimethylglycine; Trimethylglycocoll Classification: Zwitterion Empirical: C5H11NO2 Formula: (CH3)3N+CH2COO– Properties: Wh. solid crystals or grans.; characteristic odor; easily sol. in cold water; m.w. 117.17; m.p. 300 C (decomposes) Toxicology: LD50 (IV, mouse) 830 mg/kg, (subcut., mouse) 10,800 mg/kg; mod. toxic by IV route; mildly toxic by subcut. route; skin or respiratory tract irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents; wear splash goggles, gloves, and lab coat Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic vapors of NOx HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Methyl donor for foods, fermentation Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMINO GmbH http://www.aminoactives.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Camida USA http://www.camida.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com Evonik Degussa http://www.degussa.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Somerset Cosmetic Co. http://www.makingcosmetics.com/ 923
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Trade Names: Nutristim® Betaine lauryldimethylaminoacetate. See Lauryl betaine Betaines, coco alkyldimethyl. See Coco-betaine Betanin. See Betanine Betanine CAS 7659-95-2 INS162; E162 Synonyms: Betanin; 4-[2-(2-Carboxy-5-(β-Dglucopyranosyloxy)-2,3-dihydrohydroxy1H-indol-1-yl)ethenyl)-2,3-dihydro-2,6pyridinedicarboxylic acid Definition: Coloring principal in beets Empirical: C24H26N2O13 Properties: M.w. 550.52 Toxicology: Mutagen Uses: Colorant in foods Features: Limited stability to heat, light, oxygen, and SO2 Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de See also Beet powder Betula. See Methyl salicylate Betula alba; Betula alba oil; Betula lenta; Betula lenta oil. See Birch (Betula alba) oil Betula oil. See Methyl salicylate Betula pendula tar oil. See Birch (Betula pendula) tar oil BHA CAS 25013-16-5; EINECS/ELINCS 246-563-8 FEMA 2183; INS320 Synonyms: Butylated hydroxyanisole; Butylhydroxyanisole; 2(3)-t-Butyl-4hydroxyanisole; t-Butylhydroxyanisole; tButyl-4-hydroxyanisole; t-Butyl-4methoxyphenol; (1,1-Dimethylethyl)-4methoxyphenol; Hydroxyanisole, butylated Definition: Mixture of isomers of tertiary butylsubstituted 4-methoxyphenols Empirical: C11H16O2 Properties: Wh. or sl. yel. cryst. or waxy solid, faint char. aromatic odor; sol. in ethanol, petrol. ether, 50% or higher alcohol, propylene glycol, chloroform, fats, oils; insol. in water; m.w. 180.27; m.p. 48-55 C; b.p. 264-270 C (733 mm) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 2000 mg/kg; mod. toxicity by ing., IP routes; may cause rashes, hyperactivity; confirmed carcinogen; experimental neoplastigen, tumorigen, reproductive effects; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid and irritating fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Antioxidant, preservative for foods; antioxidant for fats and oils; antioxidant in beet sugar and yeast defoamers; antioxidant for chewing gum; pkg. material for irradiated foods; Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum, potatoes, shortening; antioxidant migrating from food pkg. Use Level: 0.02% max. (preservation of fixed oils, fats, vitamin oil concs.) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §166.110, 172.110, 172.515, 172.615, 173.340, 175.105, 175.125, 175.300, 175.380, 175.390, 176.170, 176.210, 177.1010, 177.1210, 177.1350, 178.3120, 178.3570, 179.45; Canada DSL; 181.22, 181.24 (0.005% migrating from food pkg.), 182.3169 (0.02% max. of fat or oil), GRAS; FEMA GRAS; USDA 9CFR 318.7, 381.147; Japan approved 0.2-1 g/kg; Europe approved; UK approved; approved for orals, rectals, topicals; USP/NF, BP, EP compliant Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Allan http://www.allanchem.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Blagden Spec. Chems. Ltd http://www.blagdenspecchem.co.uk; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com Camida Ltd http://www.camida.com; Clariant/Functional Chems. http://www.fun.clariant.com; Eastman http://www.eastman.com; Eggar & Co. http://www.eggar.co.uk/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Specialties 924
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Sparkford Chems. Ltd http://www.sparkford.co.uk; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Tiger Chem. http://www.tigerchem.com/; UOP http://www.uop.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names: Avox™ BHA; Tenox® BHA Trade Names Containing: Antrancine® 20 CHP; Antrancine® 25; Antrancine® 52; Antrancine® 55; Atlas® 5520 Avox™ 2; Avox™ 4; Avox™ 4B; Avox™ 6; Avox™ 7 Avox™ 22; Avox™ 22; Avox™ 26; Avox™ 27; Avox™ A Avox™ R; Durkex 100BHA; Dur-Lo®; Export Masa Enrichment; Solec™ M Solec™ W; Tandem® 5; Tandem® 8; Tenox® 2; Tenox® 4 Tenox® 6; Tenox® 7; Tenox® 22; Tenox® 26; Tenox® A Tenox® R 3-BHA. See 3-t-Butyl-4-hydroxyanisole BHT CAS 128-37-0; EINECS/ELINCS 204-881-4 FEMA 2184; INS321 Synonyms: 2,6-Bis (1,1-dimethylethyl)-4methylphenol; Butylated hydroxytoluene; 2,6-t-butyl-4-methylphenol; DBPC; 2,6-Di-tbutyl-p-cresol; Di-t-butyl-p-cresol; 2,6-Di-tbutyl-4-methylphenol; Hydroxytoluene, butylated; 4-Methyl-2,6-di-t-butylphenol; Methyl di-t-butylphenol Classification: Substituted toluene Empirical: C15H24O Formula: [C(CH3)3]2CH3C6H2OH Properties: Wh. cryst. solid, faint char. odor; sol. in toluene, alcohols, MEK, acetone, Cellosolve, petrol. ether, chloroform, benzene, most HC solvs.; insol. in water, propylene glycol; m.w. 220.39; sp.gr. 1.048 (20/4 C); m.p. 68 C; b.p. 265 C; flash pt. (TOC) 260 F Toxicology: ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m3; LD50 (oral, rat) 890 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 138 mg/kg, IV, mouse) 180 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; poison by IP, IV routes; suspected carcinogen; human skin irritant; eye irritant; may cause rashes, hyperactivity; experimental teratogen, reproductive Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
effects; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible exposed to heat or flame; reactive with oxidizing materials Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Uses: Antioxidant, preservative for foods, animal feed; antioxidant for fats and oils; antioxidant in beet sugar and yeast defoamers; antioxidant migrating from food pkg.; antioxidant for chewing gum; flavoring agent; pkg. material for irradiated foods Features: Prevents flavor deterioration, rancidity Use Level: 0.02% max. (preservation of fixed oils, fats, vitamin oil concs.) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §137.350, 166.110, 172.115, 172.615 (0.1% max.), 172.185, 173.340 (0.1% of defoamer), 175.105, 175.125, 175.300, 175.380, 175.390, 176.170, 176.210, 177.1010, 177.1210, 177.1350, 177.2260, 177.2600, 178.2010, 178.3120, 178.3570, 179.45, 181.22, 181.24 (0.005% migrating from food pkg.), 182.3173 (0.02% max. of fat/oil), GRAS; USDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; FEMA GRAS; Japan 0.2-1 g/kg; Europe, UK; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Allan http://www.allanchem.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com; Blagden Spec. Chems. Ltd http://www.blagdenspecchem.co.uk Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Budenheim USA http://www.gallard-schlesinger.com; Camida Ltd http://www.camida.com; ChemService http://www.chemservice.com; Chemtura/Great Lakes http://www.chemtura.com/corporate/v/index .jsp?vgnextoid=2a497e765e59b010VgnVCM 10000052d7010aRCRD&vgn Chemtura/Rubber Chems. http://www.cromptoncorp.com; Clariant/Functional Chems. http://www.fun.clariant.com; Cognis Perf. 925
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Chems. http://www.cognis.com; Eastman http://www.eastman.com; Eggar & Co. http://www.eggar.co.uk/ Equistar http://www.equistarchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Helm NY http://www.helmnewyork.com; Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com Lanxess http://www.lanxess.com; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; PMC Spec. http://www.pmcsg.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Peter Whiting Ltd http://www.whitingchemicals.co.uk; Polysciences http://www.polysciences.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; R.T. Vanderbilt http://www.rtvanderbilt.com; Raschig Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sea-Land http://www.sealandchem.com; Shell http://www.shellchemicals.com; http://www.shell-lubricants.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Sparkford Chems. Ltd http://www.sparkford.co.uk; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Tiger Chem. http://www.tigerchem.com/; Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com; UOP http://www.uop.com Univar Ltd http://www.univar.co.uk; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Wako Pure Chem. Ind. http://www.wakochem.co.jp/english/ Trade Names: Avox™ BHT; Naftonox® BHT; Nipanox® BHT; Tenox® BHT Trade Names Containing: Antrancine® 14; Antrancine® 52; Antrancine® 55; Avox™ 4; Avox™ 6 Avox™ 8; Avox™ 25; Avox™ 26; Dimodan® O Kosher; Dimodan® S Dry Vitamin D3 Type 100 SD; Durem™ 114; Durem™ 204; EC-25® Export Masa Enrichment; Multiwax® 180-W; Multiwax® ML-445; Multiwax® W-835; Oxynex® 2004
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Tenox® 4; Tenox® 4B; Tenox® 6; Tenox® 8; Tenox® 25 Tenox® 26 Biacetyl. See Diacetyl Bibenzene. See Biphenyl Bicalcium phosphate. See Calcium phosphate dibasic Bicarbonate of soda. See Sodium bicarbonate Bicarburet of hydrogen. See Benzene 1,2-Bichloroethane. See Ethylene dichloride Bicyclo (2.2.1) heptane, 2,2-dimethyl-3methylene-. See Camphene Bicyclo[2.2.1]heptane, 7,7-dimethyl-2methylene-. See α-Fenchene Bicyclo [2.2.1] heptan-2-ol, 2-ethyl-1,3,3trimethyl-, endo-, (-)-. See 2-Ethyl fenchol Bicyclo (2.2.1) heptan-2-ol, 1,7,7-trimethyl-, endo-. See DL-Borneol Bicyclo (2.2.1) heptan-2-ol, 1,3,3-trimethyl-, acetate. See Fenchyl acetate Bicyclo (2.2.1) heptan-2-ol, 1,7,7-trimethyl-, acetate, endo-. See Bornyl acetate Bicyclo [2.2.1] heptan-2-ol, 1,7,7-trimethyl-, formate, endo-. See Bornyl formate Bicyclo (2.2.1) heptan-2-one, 1,3,3-trimethyl-. See d-Fenchone Bicyclo [2.2.1] heptan-2-one, 1,3,3-trimethyl-, (1R)-. See l-Fenchone Bicyclo (3.1.1.) hept-2-ene-2-methanol, 6,6dimethyl-, acetate (1S)-. See Myrtenyl acetate Biophyll. See Chlorophyll Biotin (INCI); (+)-Biotin. See d-Biotin d-Biotin CAS 58-85-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-399-3 Synonyms: Biotin (INCI); (+)-Biotin; d-(+)Biotin; Coenzyme R; [3aS-(3a-α,4b,6aα)]Hexahydro-2-oxo-1H-thieno [3,4-d] imidazole-4-pentanoic acid; cis-Hexahydro2-oxo-1H-thieno (3,4)-imidazole-4-valeric acid; 1H-Theino (3,4-d) imidazole-4pentanoic acid, hexahydro-2-oxo-, (3aS-(3aα-4-β,6a-α))-; Vitamin B7; Vitamin H Classification: Organic compd. Empirical: C10H16N2O3S Properties: Wh. cryst. powd.; sol. in water, alcohol; insol. in common org. solvs.; m.w. 244.31; m.p. 231-233 C Toxicology: No human toxic symptoms reported on heavy dosage; experimental teratogen, reproductive effects; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx, SOx 926
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Uses: Nutrient, dietary supplement in foods; microbial fermentation nutrient Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §101.9, 107.100, 182.8159, GRAS; BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Adept Sol'ns.; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Anmar Int'l. http://www.anmarinternational.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com BASF http://www.basf.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Charles Bowman http://www.charlesbowman.com; Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de; Clariant/Functional Chems. http://www.fun.clariant.com Clariant http://www.clariant.com; http://www.clariant-northamerica.com; Cornelius Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.cornelius.co.uk; DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com; Dainippon Sumitomo Pharma http://www.ds-pharma.co.jp; Dastech Int'l. http://www.dastech.com EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; Galbraith Labs http://www.galbraith.com; Generichem http://www.generichem.com/ George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Graymor http://www.graymorusa.com/; Helm NY http://www.helmnewyork.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; M.W. Int'l. Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Molecular BioSciences http://www.molbio.com; Omya Peralta http://www.omya-peralta.de; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Premium Ingreds. http://www.premiumingredients.com RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Roche Diagnostics http://www.roche-appliedscience.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; Tanabe USA http://www.tanabeusa.com; Thomas Scientific http://www.thomassci.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Westco Fine Ingreds. http://www.westcofine.com; Zeta Pharm. http://www.zetapharm.com Trade Names Containing: Bioblend # 7; Bitrit1™ (1% Biotin Trituration); Bonus Blend; Bonus Blend d-(+)-Biotin. See d-Biotin Biphenyl CAS 92-52-4; EINECS/ELINCS 202-163-5 FEMA 3129; INS230; E230 Synonyms: Bibenzene; 1,1´-Biphenyl; Diphenyl; Lemonene; Phenyl benzene; PHPH; Xenene Empirical: C12H10 Formula: C6H5C6H5 Properties: Wh. scales or colorless leaflets, pleasant odor; sol. in oxygenated/chlorinated solvs., alcohols, ether; insol. in water; m.w. 154.08; dens. 1.041; m.p. 70 C; b.p. 256 C; flash pt. (CC) 112.7 C; ref. index 1.588 Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 0.2 ppm; LD50 (oral, rat) 3280 mg/kg, (IV, mouse) 56 mg/kg; irritant; poison by IV route; mod. toxic by ing.; human systemic effects by inh. of very sm. amts.; CNS depression, paralysis, convulsions reported; experimental tumorigen; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible exposed to heat or flame; can react with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Preservative for foods; fungistat for citrus fruit wraps Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §178.2010; FEMA GRAS; SARA reportable; HAP; Europe listed; UK approved; Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Bayer/Industrial Chems./Textile http://bayermaterialscience.com; Fluka 927
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Merck Chimie S.A.S. http://www.merckchimie.fr/; Monsanto http://www.monsanto.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium 1,1´-Biphenyl. See Biphenyl Biphenyl disulfide. See Phenyl disulfide (1,1´-Biphenyl)-2-ol; 2-Biphenylol; o-Biphenylol. See o-Phenylphenol (1,1´-Biphenyl)-2-ol, sodium salt; 2-Biphenylol, sodium salt. See Sodium o-phenylphenate Biphenyl oxide. See Diphenyl oxide Birch (Betula alba) oil CAS 8001-88-5; 8027-43-8; 68917-50-0; EINECS/ELINCS 281-660-9 Synonyms: Betula alba; Betula alba oil; Betula lenta; Betula lenta oil; Birch oil; Birch tar oil; Black birch oil; Sweet birch oil Definition: Volatile oil obtained from Betula alba or B. lenta Properties: Brn. liq., leather-like odor; sol. in fixed oils; insol. in glycerin, min. oil, propylene glycol; sp.gr. 0.886-0.950 Toxicology: TSCA listed Uses: Natural flavoring agent in beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum, syrups, birch beer Manuf./Distrib.: Danisco Seillans http://www.danisco.com; Janousek Industriale Srl http://www.janousek.com; Moellhausen http://www.moellhausen.com; Payan & Bertrand http://www.payanbertrand.com/; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Birch (Betula pendula) tar oil CAS 8001-88-5; 68917-50-0 Synonyms: Betula pendula tar oil; Birch tar oil; Birch tar oil, rectified Definition: Derived from tar of bark and wood of Betula pendula Properties: Clear, dark brown liq.; leather-like or smoky odor; sol. in most fixed oils; insol. glycerin, mineral oil, propylene glycol; dens. 0.886-0.950; b.p. 175 C; ref. index 1.522001.59000 Toxicology: Skin irritant; mod. irritating to eyes and mucous membranes; mild allergen; TSCA listed Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Precaution: Combustible exposed to heat or flame; reactive with oxidizers Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Moellhausen http://www.moellhausen.com See also Birch (Betula alba) oil Birch oil. See Birch (Betula alba) oil Birch tar oil. See Birch (Betula pendula) tar oil; Birch (Betula alba) oil Birch tar oil, rectified. See Birch (Betula pendula) tar oil Birthwort extract. See Serpentaria (Aristolochia clematitis) extract Bisabolene. See γ-Bisabolene γ-Bisabolene CAS 495-62-5; EINECS/ELINCS 207-805-8 FEMA 3331 Synonyms: Bisabolene; 4-(1,5-Dimethyl-4hexylidene)-1-methylcyclohexene; 6-Methyl2-(4-methylcyclohex-3-enyl) hept-1,5-diene Classification: Hydrocarbon Empirical: C15H24 Properties: Colorless to pale yel. oily liq.; sweet, spicy, balsamic odor; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 204.35; b.p. 148 C (18 mm Hg); flash pt. > 100 C Toxicology: TSCA listed Uses: Flavoring agent in foods, beverages, baked goods, cigarettes Use Level: 1-5% Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Givaudan Fragrances http://www.givaudan.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Molekula UK http://www.molekula.co.uk/; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; S. Black http://www.sblack.com Bisabolmyrrh. See Opopanax gum Bisabolmyrrh oil. See Opopanax (Opopanax chironium) oil Bis (2-aminoethyl) amine; Bis (β-aminoethyl) amine. See Diethylenetriamine Bis (aminopropyl) piperazine CAS 7209-38-3 UN 1760 (DOT) 928
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Synonyms: BAPP; 1,4-Bis (aminopropyl) piperazine; 1,4-Bis-(3-aminopropyl) piperazine Classification: Heterocyclic organic compd. Empirical: C10H24N4 Properties: Clear liq.; m.w. 200.38; sp.gr. 0.97; m.p. 15 C; b.p. 295 C; flash pt. (COC) 325 F; ref. index 1.5001 Toxicology: LD50 (IV, mouse) 3500 µg/kg; poison by IV route; corrosive; irritating to eyes, skin, mucous membranes; TSCA listed Precaution: Corrosive Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx Uses: Dietary supplement in food Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; BASF AG http://www.basf.de 1,4-Bis (aminopropyl) piperazine; 1,4-Bis-(3aminopropyl) piperazine. See Bis (aminopropyl) piperazine Bis (n-butyl) sebacate. See Dibutyl sebacate Bis (2-carboxyethyl) sulfide. See 3,3´Thiodipropionic acid 3,6-Bis (carboxymethyl)-3,5-diazooctanedioic acid. See Edetic acid 1,4-Bis (3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-2,3dimethylbutane. See Nordihydroguaiaretic acid 2,6-Bis (1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methylphenol. See BHT Bis (dodecyloxycarbonylethyl) sulfide. See Dilauryl thiodipropionate Bis (2-ethylhexyl)-1,2-benzenedicarboxylate; Bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate. See s-Dioctyl phthalate Bis (2-ethylhexyl) sodium sulfosuccinate; 1,4Bis (2-ethylhexyl) sulfobutanedioic acid sodium salt. See Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate Bis (2-furfuryl) disulfide. See Difurfuryl disulfide Bis (D-gluconato) copper. See Copper gluconate (ic) Bis (D-gluconato-O1,O2)-iron. See Ferrous gluconate Bis (D-gluconato-O1,O2)-iron dihydrate. See Ferrous gluconate dihydrate Bis (D-gluconato-O1,O2) manganese. See Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Manganese gluconate Bis [2-(2-hydroxyethoxy) ethyl] ether. See PEG4 N,N-Bis (2-hydroxyethyl) coco amides; N,N-Bis (2-hydroxyethyl) coco fatty acid amide. See Cocamide DEA N,N-Bis (2-hydroxyethyl) dodecanamide; Bis (2hydroxyethyl) lauramide; N,N-Bis (2hydroxyethyl) lauramide; N,N-Bis (βhydroxyethyl) lauramide. See Lauramide DEA 1,7-Bis(4-hydroxymethoxyphenyl)-1,6heptadiene-3,5-dione. See Curcumin 1,7-Bis (4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1,6heptadiene-3,5-dione. See Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Bis (hydroxymethyl)-5,5-dimethylhydantoin; 1,3Bis (hydroxymethyl)-5,5dimethylimidazolidinedione; 1,3-Bis (hydroxymethyl)-5,5-dimethylimidazolidine2,4-dione; Bis (hydroxymethyl)-5,5-dimethyl2,4-imidazolidinedione. See DMDM hydantoin 4,5-Bis-hydroxymethyl-2-methylpyridin-3-ol. See Pyridoxine Bis (lactato) magnesium. See Magnesium lactate (2,2-Bis(2-methyl propoxy)ethyl) benzene. See Phenylacetaldehyde diisobutyl acetal 1,2-Bis (octadecanamido) ethane. See Ethylene distearamide 2,3-Bis [(9E)-9-octadecenoyloxy] propyl (9E)-9octadecenoate. See Triolein Bisodium carbonate. See Sodium carbonate Bisodium tartrate. See Sodium tartrate Bis(phenylmethyl) disulfide. See Benzyl disulfide 1,2-Bis (stearoylamino) ethane; N,N-Bisstearoylethylenediamide. See Ethylene distearamide Bisulfate; Bisulfite. See Sulfur dioxide Bitter almond extract. See Bitter almond (Prunus amybdalus) extract Bitter almond oil. See Bitter almond (Prunus amygdalus amara) oil Bitter almond oil camphor. See Benzoin Bitter almond (Prunus amybdalus) extract CAS 90320-35-7; EINECS/ELINCS 291-060-9 Synonyms: Almond, bitter, extract; Almond extract, bitter; Bitter almond extract; Prunus amygdalus; Prunus amygdalus amara extract; Prunus amygdalus extract Definition: Extract of the seeds of Prunus amygdalus 929
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com Bitter almond (Prunus amygdalus amara) oil CAS 8013-76-1; 8015-75-6; EINECS/ELINCS 291-060-9 (extract) UN 1990; FEMA 2046 Synonyms: Almond, bitter, oil; Almond oil, bitter; Amygdalin; Bitter almond oil; Prunus amygdalus; Prunus amygdalus amara oil; Prunus amygdalus oil Definition: The volatile essential oil distilled from ground kernels of bitter almonds Prunus amygdalus var. amara Properties: Colorless liq., strong almond odor; sol. in fixed oils, propylene glycol; sl. sol. in water; insol. in glycerin; dens. 1.045-1.070 (15 C); b.p. 179 C; flash pt. (TCC) 64 C; ref. index 1.5428-1.5439 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 960 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 1220 mg/kg; human poison by ing.; mod. toxic by skin contact; skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves, apron Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of CN– Storage: 6 mos. when stored at 40-70 F in tightly sealed original containers with minimum head space; avoid prolonged exposure to light, heat, air Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum, liqueurs, cakes, confections, gelatin desserts, maraschino cherries, pastries Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; must be treated and redistilled to remove hydrocyanic acid; 27CFR §21.65, 21.151; FEMA GRAS; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; Japan MITI Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Astral Extracts http://www.astralextracts.com; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk; Fleurchem Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.fleurchem.com; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; Naturex http://www.naturex.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Bitter ash. See Quassia Bitter fennel oil. See Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) oil Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium amara) extract Synonyms: Bitter orange extract; Citrus amara; Citrus aurantium; Citrus aurantium fruit extract; Orange, bitter, extract; Orange extract, bitter Definition: Extract of fruit of Citrus aurantium Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: AIDP http://www.aidp.com; Belmont Chems. http://www.belmontchemicals.com; Mini Star Int'l. http://www.ministar.com Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium amara) oil CAS 68916-04-1 FEMA 2823 Synonyms: Bitter orange oil; Bitter orange peel oil; Citrus amara; Citrus aurantium; Citrus aurantium amara; Neroli bigarde oil; Orange, bitter, oil; Orange oil, bitter; Orange peel, bitter, oil Definition: Volatile oil expressed from peel of Citrus aurantium, contg. about 90% dlimonene and citral, decyl aldehyde, methyl anthranilate, linalool, terpineol Properties: Pale yel. to yel.-brn. liq., char. orange odor, bitter taste; sol. in fixed oils, min. oil; misc. with abs. alcohol, in 1 vol. glac. acetic acid; very sl. sol. in water; dens. 0.8450.851; ref. index 1.470 (20 C) Toxicology: Skin irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Keep cool, well closed; protect from light Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Danisco Seillans http://www.danisco.com; De Monchy Aromatics 930
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Destilerias Munoz Galvez http://www.dmg.es/; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium amara) peel extract CAS 8028-48-6; 72968-50-4; 977081-87-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-433-8; 277-143-2 Synonyms: Bitter orange peel extract; Citrus amara; Citrus aurantium; Citrus aurantium amara; Citrus aurantium amara peel extract; Citrus aurantium peel extract; Orange peel, bitter, extract; Orange peel extract, bitter Definition: Extract of the peel of the bitter orange, Citrus aurantium amara Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Bio-Botanica http://www.biobotanica.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Essential7 http://www.essential7.com; Florachem http://www.florachem.com; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com Moellhausen http://www.moellhausen.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names: Folded Orange Oil 5-Fold; Folded Orange Oil 10-Fold Bitter orange extract. See Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium amara) extract Bitter orange oil. See Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium amara) oil Bitter orange peel. See Curacao orange peel Bitter orange peel extract. See Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium amara) peel extract Bitter orange peel oil. See Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium amara) oil Bitter root. See Gentian (Gentiana lutea) Bitter salts. See Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate Bitter wood. See Quassia Bixa orellana. See Annatto (Bixa orellana) extract Bixin CAS 6983-79-5 E160b Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Synonyms: α-Bixin; Isobixin Empirical: C25H30O4 Properties: Brownish-red cryst.; sl. sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 394.51; m.p. 198 C Uses: Colorant in foods See also Annatto (Bixa orellana); Annatto (Bixa orellana) extract Bixin. See Annatto (Bixa orellana); Annatto (Bixa orellana) extract α-Bixin. See Bixin Black balsam. See Balsam Peru (Myroxylon pereirae) Blackberry extract. See Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) extract; Blackberry (Rubus villosus) extract Blackberry fruit extract. See Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) extract Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) extract CAS 84787-69-9; EINECS/ELINCS 287-110-6 FEMA 2155 Synonyms: Blackberry extract; Blackberry fruit extract; Dewberry extract; Rubus extract; Rubus fruticosus; Rubus fruticosus extract Definition: Extract of fruit of Rubus fruticocus Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, alcoholic beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510; FEMA GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com; Symrise Gbmh http://www.symrise.com/ Blackberry (Rubus villosus) extract CAS 93165-71-0; EINECS/ELINCS 296-958-4 Synonyms: Blackberry extract; Rubus villosus extract Definition: Extract of fruit of Rubus villosus Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510; FEMA GRAS Black birch oil. See Birch (Betula alba) oil Black caraway (Nigella sativa) CAS 977017-84-7; 8000-42-8 FEMA 2237 Synonyms: Black carraway; Black cumin; Caraway, black; Nigella sativa Definition: Derived from Nigella sativa Properties: Dark yel.; flash pt. 55C Storage: Shelf life 6 mos.; store @16 C in dark 931
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference glass, aluminum. plastic, or steel containers Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.10, GRAS; FEMA GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Ferlow Botanicals http://www.ferlowbotanicals.com/ Black carraway. See Black caraway (Nigella sativa) Black catechu (Acacia catechu) extract CAS 8001-76-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-291-7 FEMA 2264 Synonyms: Acacia catechu; Acacia catechu extract; Black catechu extract; Catechu, black, extract Definition: Extract derived from Acacia catechu Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR§172.510; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Black catechu extract. See Black catechu (Acacia catechu) extract Black cumin. See Black caraway (Nigella sativa) Black currant extract. See Black currant (Ribes nigrum) extract Black currant (Ribes nigrum) extract CAS 68606-81-5; EINECS/ELINCS 271-749-0 INS163(iii) Synonyms: Black currant extract; Ribes nigrum; Ribes nigrum extract Definition: Extract of the fruit of the black currant, Ribes nigrum Properties: Cl. lt.-yel. liq.; characteristic odor; insol. in water; b.p. > 250 C; flash pt. 500 F Toxicology: May irritate eyes and skin; noncarcinogenic Precaution: Wear safety glasses, gloves, and protective clothing Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp.: acrid fumes Uses: Natural flavoring agent, colorant in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510 Manuf./Distrib.: Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Danisco Seillans http://www.danisco.com; Freeman Ind. http://www.freemanllc.com; Liberty Natural Prods. http://www.libertynatural.com Black haw bark extract. See Black haw (Viburnum prunifolium) bark extract Black haw (Viburnum prunifolium) bark extract CAS 84929-54-4; EINECS/ELINCS 284-537-8 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Synonyms: Black haw bark extract; Haw bark, black, extract; Viburnum prunifolium; Viburnum prunifolium extract Definition: Extract of the bark of Viburnum prunifolium Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR§172.510 Manuf./Distrib.: Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com Black magnetic oxide; Black oxide, precipitated. See Iron oxide black Black pepper oil. See Black pepper (Piper nigrum) oil Black pepper oleoresin, Pepper oleoresin. See Oleoresin black pepper Black pepper (Piper nigrum) oil CAS 8006-82-4; 84929-41-9; EINECS/ELINCS 284-524-7 FEMA 2844; 2845 Synonyms: Black pepper oil; Pepper, black, oil; Pepper oil, black; Piper nigrum; Piper nigrum oil Definition: Derived from Piper nigrum; main constituents incl. α and β-pinene, βcaryophyllene, l-limonene, d-hydrocarveol, piperidine Properties: Spicy, warm odor; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water Toxicology: Primary irritant; mod. skin irritant; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Storage: Store in lt.-resistant containers Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.10, 182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Biolandes http://www.biolandes.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Chemtex International http://www.chemtexinternational.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Danisco Seillans http://www.danisco.com De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk 932
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Black PN. See Brilliant black 1 Black rouge. See Iron oxide black Blackthorn berries. See Blackthorn berries (Prunus spinosa) Blackthorn berries (Prunus spinosa) CAS 977052-03-1 FEMA 3020 Synonyms: Blackthorn berries; Prunus spinosa; Prunus spinosa berries; Sloe berries Definition: Prunus spinosa Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS Bleached beeswax. See Beeswax, white Bleached deodorized tallow. See Tallow Bleached lard. See Lard Bleached shellac. See Shellac Bleached starch. See Starch, bleached Bleached wax. See Beeswax, white Bleaching sol'n. See Sodium hypochlorite BLO. See Butyrolactone Blood sugar. See Glucose Blue chamomile flower oil; Blue chamomile oil. See Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) flower oil Blue copper. See Cupric sulfate anhydrous Blue copperas. See Cupric sulfate pentahydrate Blue no. 1; Blue no. 3. See FD&C Blue No. 1 Aluminum Lake Bluestone. See Cupric sulfate pentahydrate; Cupric sulfate anhydrous Blue vitriol. See Cupric sulfate pentahydrate; Cupric sulfate anhydrous Blue X. See FD&C Blue No. 2; Acid blue 74 Bois de rose (Aniba rosaeodora) oil CAS 8015-77-8 FEMA 2156 Synonyms: Aniba rosaeodora; Aniba rosaeodora oil; Bois de rose oil; Bois de rose oil terpeneless; Boronia absolute; Callitropsis oil; Ginger root oil; Hyssop oil; Ivy absolute; Mace oil; Rosewood oil; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Sandalwood oil; Tolu balsam; Vetiver oil Definition: Oil derived from Aniba rosaeodora Properties: Colorless to pale yel. oily liq.; flowery sweet woody linalool odor; sol. in alcohol; sl. sol. in glycerin; insol. in water; dens. 0.88 kg/l (20 C); flash pt. (TCC) 74 C) Toxicology: May be irritating to eyes, skin, if inhaled; may be harmful if swallowed Precaution: Avoid contact or contamination with strong acids, alkalis, or oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO and unidentified org. compds. may be formed during combustion; heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; Good Scents http://www.thegoodscentscompany.com/; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Bois de rose oil; Bois de rose oil terpeneless. See Bois de rose (Aniba rosaeodora) oil Boletic acid. See Fumaric acid Boletic acid dimethyl ester. See Dimethyl fumarate Bolus alba. See Kaolin Boracic acid. See Boric acid Borage (Borago officinalis) seed oil Synonyms: Borage oil; Borage seed oil; Borago officinalis Definition: Fixed oil obtained from seeds of Borago officinalis Properties: Yel. golden clear oil, sl. fatty odor Uses: Food ingred. Manuf./Distrib.: Aldivia http://www.aldivia.com; Alzo http://www.alzointernational.com; Arista 933
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Ind. http://www.aristaindustries.com; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Desert Whale Jojoba http://www.desertwhale.com/ KIC Chems. http://www.kicchemicals.com; http://www.kicgroup.com; Mosselman NV http://www.mosselman.be; Pokonobe Ind. http://www.pokonobe.com Borage oil; Borage seed oil; Borago officinalis. See Borage (Borago officinalis) seed oil Borates, tetra, sodium salts, pentahydrate. See Sodium tetraborate pentahydrate Borax; Borax decahydrate. See Sodium borate decahydrate Boric acid CAS 10043-35-3; EINECS/ELINCS 233-139-2 E284 Synonyms: Boracic acid; Boron trihydroxide; Orthoboric acid Classification: Inorganic acid Empirical: H3BO3 Formula: BH3O3 Properties: Wh. or colorless cryst. powd., gran.; odorless; almost tasteless or sl. acidic taste; sol. in water, alcohol, glycerol; insol. in ether, benzene; m.w. 61.83; dens. 1.435; m.p. 171 C; b.p. 300 C; loses 1.5 H2O @ 300 C; nonflamm. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2660 mg/kg, (subcut., rat) 1400 mg/kg, (IV, rat) 1330 mg/kg; LDLo (IP, mouse) 800 mg/kg; poison by inh., subcut. routes; mod. toxic by IP, IV routes; human poison by ing.; mod. toxic to humans by skin contact, subcut. routes; human skin irritant; human systemic effects; acute poisoning causes digestive upsets in man, CNS stimulation, depression, renal damage, circulatory collapse; dose of 5-20 g in adults may be fatal; experimental reproductive effects; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: Hygroscopic Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Boric anhydride NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ R.T. Uses: Preservative for foods; preservative in adhesives, sizes, and coatings for food-contact paper; fungistat in citrus fruits Use Level: 0.01-1.0% Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 176.180, 178.2010, 181.22, 181.30; USA not restricted; Europe listed; permitted in Switzerland and Sweden as preservative in some processed seafood; Canada DSL; FDA approved for Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
ophthalmics, otics, topicals; NF, BP, EP compliance Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Advance Research Chems. http://www.fluoridearc.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; BCH Brühl http://www.bch-bruehl.de; Brenntag AG http://www.brenntag.de Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties; Brown http://www.brownchem.com; Coyne http://www.coynechemical.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; Galbraith Labs http://www.galbraith.com; HallStar http://www.cphall.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Nippon Denko http://www.nippondenko.co.jp; Noah http://www.noahtech.com; Occidental http://www.oxychem.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Research Organics http://www.resorg.com/; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sal Chem. http://www.salchem.com; San Yuan Seeler Ind. http://www.seeler.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Symrise USA http://www.symrise.com; Thomas Scientific http://www.thomassci.com U.S. Borax http://www.borax.com/; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com; Veckridge Boric acid disodium salt. See Sodium borate decahydrate Boric acid, disodium salt, pentahydrate. See Sodium tetraborate pentahydrate 2-Bornanol; 2-Bornanol, endo-. See DL-Borneol 2-Bornanone; Bornan-2-one. See Camphor Borneo camphor; Borneol. See DL-Borneol
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference DL-Borneol CAS 507-70-0; EINECS/ELINCS 208-080-0 UN 1312 (DOT); FEMA 2157 Synonyms: Bicyclo (2.2.1) heptan-2-ol, 1,7,7trimethyl-, endo-; 2-Bornanol; 2-Bornanol, endo-; Borneo camphor; Borneol; transBorneol; Bornyl alcohol; Camphane, 2hydroxy-; 2-Camphanol; Camphol; 2Hydroxycamphane; Mayalan camphor; Sumatra camphor; DL-1,7,7Trimethylbicyclo [2.2.1] heptan-2-ol; endo1,7,7-Trimethylbicyclo (2.2.1) heptan-2-ol Empirical: C10H18O Formula: C10H17OH Properties: Colorless plates; pungent, peppery/camphor-like odor; burning taste; sol. in alcohol, oxygenated/aromatic solvs., chloroform, ether; insol. in water; m.w. 154.24; sp.gr. 1.011 (20 C); m.p. 208 C; b.p. 212 C; flash pt. 150 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 500 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; mild irritant; may cause nausea, vomiting, mental confusion, dizziness, convulsions; mutagen; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm.; fire risk in presence of open flame; reactive with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum, syrups Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved as flavoring; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMC Chems.; Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Chinessence http://www.chinessence.com Chr. Hansen Inc http://www.chrhansen.com; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium trans-Borneol. See DL-Borneol Borneol acetate. See Bornyl acetate Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Borneol, formate. See Bornyl formate Borneol isovalerate. See Bornyl isovalerate Bornyl acetate CAS 76-49-3; EINECS/ELINCS 200-964-4 FEMA 2159 Synonyms: Bicyclo (2.2.1) heptan-2-ol, 1,7,7trimethyl-, acetate, endo-; Borneol acetate; levo-Bornyl acetate; Bornyl acetic ether; Bornyl ethanoate; 2-Camphanol acetate; endo-2-Camphanyl ethanoate; 1,7,7Trimethylbicyclo [2.2.1] heptan-2-ol acetate; endo-1,7,7-Trimethylbicyclo [2.2.1] hept-2-yl acetate Empirical: C12H20O2 Properties: Colorless liq. or wh. cryst. solid; piney odor; fresh, burning taste; sol. in alcohol, most fixed oils; sl. sol. in water; insol. in propyl glycol; m.w. 196.29; dens. 0.981-0.985; m.p. 27.5 C; b.p. 225-226 C; flash pt. 89 C; ref. index 1.462-1.466; tenacity 4 hrs. on blotter Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly sealed containers, protected from heat and light Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, solvent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum, syrups Use Level: < 10% Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Australia; Canada DSL; Japan ENCS (no. 4-1216); Philippines PICCS Manuf./Distrib.: Adrian Amer. http://www.adrianusa.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Chr. Hansen Inc http://www.chr-hansen.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Takasago Int'l. http://www.takasago.com levo-Bornyl acetate; Bornyl acetic ether. See Bornyl acetate Bornyl alcohol. See DL-Borneol Bornyl butanoate. See Bornyl butyrate Bornyl butyrate CAS 13109-70-1; EINECS/ELINCS 236-036-0 FEMA 3907 Synonyms: Bornyl butanoate; Butanoic acid, 935
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference 1,7,7-trimethylbicyclo -2.2.1] hept-2-yl ester, endo; Butyric acid, 2-bornyl ester; 1,7,7Trimethylbicyclo [2.2.1] heptan-2-yl butanoate Properties: Colorless liq.; herbaceous odor; sol. in oils; sl. sol. in water; sp. gr. 0.981-0.991; b.p. 247 C; ref. index 1.462-1.469 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com Bornyl ethanoate. See Bornyl acetate Bornyl formate CAS 7492-41-3; EINECS/ELINCS 231-319-5 FEMA 2161 Synonyms: Bicyclo [2.2.1] heptan-2-ol, 1,7,7trimethyl-, formate, endo-; Borneol, formate; Bornyl methanoate Empirical: C11H18O2 Formula: C10H17OOCH Properties: Colorless, oily liq.; piney odor; m.w. 182.26; dens. 1.007-1.009; b.p. 106-108 C (21 mm); ref. index 1.4689 Precaution: Combustible Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, syrups Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Bornyl isovalerate CAS 76-50-6 (D-); 53022-14-3; 59672-05-8; EINECS/ELINCS 200-966-5 (D-); 261-849-2 FEMA 2165 Synonyms: Borneol isovalerate; d-Bornyl isovalerate; 2-Bornyl 3-methylbutyrate; Bornyval; Isovaleric acid, 2-bornyl ester; (1R-endo)-3-Methylbutanoic acid 1,7,7trimethylbicyclo [2.2.1] hept-2-yl ester; (1Rendo)-1,7,7-Trimethylbicyclo [2.2.1] hept-2yl 3-methylbutanoate Empirical: C15H26O2 Formula: (CH3)2CHCH2COOC10H17 Properties: Liq.; odor and taste of valerian and camphor; sol. in alcohol, ether; pract. insol. in water; m.w. 238.36; dens. 0.955; b.p. 255-260 C Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, syrups Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com d-Bornyl isovalerate. See Bornyl isovalerate exo-Bornyl isovalerate. See Isobornyl isovalerate Bornyl methanoate. See Bornyl formate Bornyl 3-methylbutanoate. See Bornyl valerate exo-Bornyl 3-methylbutanoate isovalerate. See Isobornyl isovalerate 2-Bornyl 3-methylbutyrate. See Bornyl isovalerate Bornyl N-pentanoate. See Bornyl valerate Bornyl valerate CAS 7549-41-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-435-6 FEMA 2164 Synonyms: Bornyl 3-methylbutanoate; Bornyl N-pentanoate; Endo-2-bornyl valerate; Bornyl valerianate; Endo-2-camphanyl valerate; Endo-pentanoic acid 1,7,7trimethyl bicyclo(2.2.1)hept-2-yl ester; Endo-1,7,7-trimethyl bicyclo(2.2.1)hept-2-yl valerate Empirical: C15H26O2 Properties: Colorless oil; sol. in alcohol, ether; insol. in water; m.w. 238.37; dens. 0.951 (20 C); b.p. 255-260 C; ref. index 1.4605 (18 C) Precaution: Combustible Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Endo-2-bornyl valerate; Bornyl valerianate. See Bornyl valerate Bornyval. See Bornyl isovalerate Boronia absolute. See Boronia (Boronia megastigma) flowers; Bois de rose (Aniba rosaeodora) oil Boronia (Boronia megastigma) flowers CAS 8053-33-6; EINECS/ELINCS 294-926-4 (extract) FEMA 2167 Synonyms: Boronia absolute; Boronia flowers; Boronia megastigma; Boronia megastigma flowers Definition: Derived from Boronia megastigma 936
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Properties: Dk. grn., visc. liq.; sweet woody fruity odor; 0.95-1.02 @ 25 C, 7.905-8.487 lb/gal; insol in water and propylene glycol Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Boronia flowers; Boronia megastigma; Boronia megastigma flowers. See Boronia (Boronia megastigma) flowers Boron sodium oxide, pentahydrate. See Sodium tetraborate pentahydrate Boron trihydroxide. See Boric acid Boswellia carterii; Boswellia carterii bark extract. See Olibanum (Boswellia carterii) extract Boswellia carterii birdw. resinoid. See Olibanum (Boswellia carterii) oil Boswellia carterii extract. See Olibanum (Boswellia carterii) extract Boswellia carterii gum; Boswellia carterii resin. See Olibanum Bourbonal. See Ethyl vanillin Bovine rennet. See Rennet BP. See Benzoyl peroxide BPBG. See n-Butyl phthalyl-n-butyl glycolate BPO. See Benzoyl peroxide Bran absolute. See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) germ oil Bran, avena sativa; Bran, oat. See Oat (Avena sativa) bran Bran, rice. See Rice (Oryza sativa) bran Brassica campestris oil; Brassica oleifera. See Rapeseed (Brassica campestris) oil Brazil wax. See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax Bread sugar. See D-Glucose monohydrate Brevoortia; Brevoortia tyrannus oil. See Menhaden oil Brilliant black. See Brilliant black 1 Brilliant black 1 CAS 2519-30-4; EINECS/ELINCS 219-746-5 INS151; E151 Synonyms: 4-(Acetylamino)-5-hydroxy-6-[[7sulfo-4-[(4-sulfophenyl) azo]-1naphthalenyl] azo]-1,7naphthalenedisulfonic acid, tetrasodium salt; Black PN; Brilliant black; Brilliant black Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
BN; CI 28440; CI food black 1, tetrasodium salt; Food black 1; 1,7Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 4-acetamido-5hydroxy-6-((7-sulfo-4-((p-sulfophenyl) azo)1-naphthyl) azo)-, Na4 salt; 1,7Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 4(acetylamino)-5-hydroxy-6-[[7-sulfo-4-[(4sulfophenyl) azo]-1-naphthalenyl] azo]-, Na4 salt; Tetrasodium 1-acetamido-2-hydroxy-3(4-((4-sulfonatophenylazo)-7-sulfonato-1naphthylazo)) naphthalene-4,6-disulfonate Classification: Diazo color Empirical: C28H21N5O14S4 • 4Na Properties: M.w. 871.74 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (IP, rat) 900 mg/kg, (IV, rat) 2500 mg/kg; may be harmful by inh., ing., or skin absorp.; irritating to eyes, skin, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract; may cause wt. loss and changes in bladder/testicular wt. Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Toxic fumes of CO, CO2, NOx, SOx; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Store in cool, dry place; keep tightly closed Uses: Colorant in foods Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Dynemic Prods. http://www.foodcolor.net/; ICN Biomed. Research Prods. http://www.mpbio.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com TCI Am. http://www.tciamerica.com Brilliant black BN. See Brilliant black 1 Brilliant blue FCF. See FD&C Blue No. 1; Acid blue 9 Brilliant carmine 6B; Brilliant carmine 6BN. See Litholrubine BK Brine. See Sodium chloride British gum. See Dextrin Bromelain CAS 9001-00-7; 37189-34-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232-572-4; 253-387-5 INS1101(iii) Synonyms: Ananase; Bromelain juice; Bromelains; Bromelin; Bromelin ananase; Fruit bromelain; Plant protease concentrate 937
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Definition: Mixt. of enzymes found in pineapple (Ananas comosus) fruit and stems Properties: Wh. to tan amorphous powd.; sol. in water; insol. in alcohol, ether, chloroform Toxicology: LD50 (IP, rat) 85 mg/kg, (IV, mouse) 30 mg/kg; poison by IP and IV routes; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Milk-clotting proteolytic enzyme; flour treatment agent, stabilizer, flavor enhancer, processing aid in foods, beer, bread, cereals, meat, poultry, wine; dough conditioner; texturizer in baking; clarifier, chillproofing agent in beer; meat tenderizer, tissue softener; prep. of precooked cereals Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1024, GRAS; Canada, UK, Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Charles Bowman http://www.charlesbowman.com Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Marcor Development http://www.marcordev.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Bromelain juice; Bromelains. See Bromelain Bromelia. See β-Naphthyl ethyl ether Bromelin; Bromelin ananase. See Bromelain Bromic acid, potassium salt. See Potassium bromate Bromide salt of potassium. See Potassium bromide Brominated soybean oil CAS 68952-98-7 Synonyms: Brominated vegetable oil; BVO Properties: Clear yel. viscous oily liq., bland odor; sol. in alcohol, chloroform, ether, hexane, fixed oils; insol. in water; dec. without flash at 480 F Toxicology: Possible mild eye irritation; experimental reproductive effects Precaution: Avoid strong alkali, amines Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of Br– Uses: Visc. modifier, clouding agent, and Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
emulsifier in soft drinks; stabilizer for flavoring oils in fruit-flavored beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §180.30; Canada DSL Trade Names: Akwilox 133 Brominated vegetable oil CAS 8016-94-2 FEMA 2168; INS443 Properties: Pale yel. to dk. brn. visc. oily liq., bland or fruity odor, bland taste; sol. in alcohol, chloroform, ether, hexane, fixed oils; insol. in water Toxicology: Experimental reproductive effects Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of Br– Uses: Flavoring agent, emulsifier, stabilizer for foods, beverages, ice cream, baked goods; stabilizer for flavoring oils in fruitflavored beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §180.30; FEMA GRAS delisted; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Parchem Trading http://www.par-chem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com See also Brominated soybean oil Bromine CAS 7726-95-6; EINECS/ELINCS 231-778-1 UN 1744 (DOT) Synonyms: Dibromine Classification: Inorganic liq. nonmetallic halogen element Empirical: Br2 Properties: Dk. red fuming liq., pungent odor; sol. in CCl4, chloroform, methylene chloride, CS2, ether, methanol, conc. HCl; sol. 3.38% in water (20 C); a.w. 159.83; sp.gr. 3.119 (20/4 C); dens. 25.9 lb/gal; vapor pressure 175 mm (21 C); f.p. -7.27 C; b.p. 58.8 C; ref. index 1.6083 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2600 ppm; LDLo (inh., human) 1000 ppm; TLV 0.1 ppm in air; toxic by ingestion and inhalation; severe skin, eye and mucous membrane irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: DOT: Corrosive material; reactive and corrosive; strong oxidizing agent may ignite combustibles on contact; highly dangerous; attacks most metals (Pt, Pd); aluminum reacts vigorously; potassium reacts explosively 938
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: When heated, emits highly toxic fumes; will react with water or steam to produce toxic and corrosive fumes NFPA: Health 3, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Uses: Weighting agent for flavors and fragrances Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Albemarle http://www.albemarle.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com AmeriBrom http://www.ameribrom.com; Arkema http://www.arkema.fr; Chemtura/Great Lakes http://www.chemtura.com/corporate/v/index .jsp?vgnextoid=2a497e765e59b010VgnVCM 10000052d7010aRCRD&vgn; Columbus Chem. Ind. http://www.columbuschemical.com; Dow http://www.dow.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Hawks Chem. Co Ltd http://www.hawkschem.com/; ICL Industrial Prods. http://www.dsbg.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Morre-Tec Ind. http://www.morretec.com; Schumacher http://www.schumacher.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ Bronze powder. See Copper Brown acetate. See Calcium acetate Brown algae. See Algae, brown Brown FK CAS 8062-14-4 INS154; E154 Synonyms: Chocolate brown FK; CI Food Brown 1; Kipper brown Definition: Brown mixture of six synthetic azo dyes, with the addition of sodium chloride, and/or sodium sulfate Properties: Sol. in water; sparingly sol. in ethanol Uses: Colorant in foods; colorant in kippers (EC) Regulatory: Prohibited in Australia, Austria, Canada, Finland, Ireland, Japan, Norway, Sweden and the United States Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Brown HT CAS 4553-89-3; EINECS/ELINCS 224-924-0 INS155; E155 Synonyms: Chocolate brown HT; CI 20285; CI Food Brown 3 Empirical: C17H18N4Na2O9S2 Properties: M.w. 652.57 Toxicology: Can produce bad reactions in asthmatics and people allergic to aspirin Uses: Colorant in chocolate cake mixes Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Roha http://www.rohadyechem.com/ Brown rice syrup Definition: A product consisting of ≈ 50% soluble complex carbohydrates, 45% maltose, and 3% glucose derived from rice that still contains the bran Storage: 1 yr. shelf life in unopened containers; once opened, store in cool, dry place Uses: Sweetener, humectant in foods, esp. soy-based prods. Trade Names: BriesSweet™ Brown Rice Syrup 28DE; BriesSweet™ Brown Rice Syrup 42DE; BriesSweet™ Brown Rice Syrup 45DE High Maltose; BriesSweet™ Brown Rice Syrup 60DE; CNP BRSDE42CL CNP BRSHG40; CNP BRSHM; CNP BRSHMCL; CNP BRSMC10; CNP BRSMC20 CNP BRSMC35; CNP BRSMC35CL; CNP Fat Replacer; CNP OPPRSRDCL; CNP ORSHG40 CNP ORSHM; CNP ORSHMCL; CNP ORSMC10; CNP ORSMC20; CNP ORSMC35 CNP ORSMC35CL; CNP ORSMC40; CNP PPRSRDCL Brown rice syrup solids Synonyms: BRSS Properties: Creamy color; sl. caramel flavor note Storage: Store in cool, dry area, below 95 F, air conditioned preferred Uses: Sweetener, humectant, sol. complex carbohydrate, bulking agent, flavor carrier for foods, dry beverage mixes, hard candies, home brew beers, extruded bars/confections Manuf./Distrib.: Calif. Natural Prods. http://www.cnp.com/ Trade Names: CNP BRSSHG40; CNP BRSSHM; CNP BRSSHMCL BRSS. See Brown rice syrup solids Brucite. See Magnesium hydroxide 939
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference B/S. See Styrene/butadiene polymer Buchu leaf oil. See Buchu leaves oil Buchu leaves oil CAS 68650-46-4; 84649-93-4; EINECS/ELINCS 283-474-3 FEMA 2169 Synonyms: Barosma betulina; Barosma betulina oil; Barosma crenulata; Barosma crenulata oil; Barosma serratifolia; Barosma serratifolia oil; Buchu leaf oil Definition: Derived from Barosma betulina, B. crenulata, or B. serratifolia Properties: Yel. to brnsh. yel. visc. oily liq.; strong bitter sweet mint camphor woody fruity odor, fresh bitter flavor; sol. in ethanol, fixed oils; insol. in water, propylene glycol; sp.gr. 0.890-0.951; ref. index 1.467-1.480 (20 C) Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, alcoholic beverages, condiments Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Janousek Industriale Srl http://www.janousek.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Buckbean extract; Buckbean leaf extract. See Buckbean (Menyanthes trifoliata) extract Buckbean leaves. See Buckbean (Menyanthes trifoliata) leaves Buckbean leaves extract. See Buckbean (Menyanthes trifoliata) extract Buckbean (Menyanthes trifoliata) extract CAS 84082-63-3; 977038-52-0; EINECS/ELINCS 282-009-1 Synonyms: Buckbean extract; Buckbean leaf extract; Buckbean leaves extract; Menyanthes trifoliata; Menyanthes trifoliata extract Definition: Extract of the dried leaves of the Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
buckbean, Menyanthes trifoliata Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510 Buckbean (Menyanthes trifoliata) leaves CAS 977038-51-9 Synonyms: Buckbean leaves Definition: Derived from Menyanthes trifoliata Properties: Bitter tonic flavor Uses: Natural flavoring agent in alcoholic beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510 Bulgarian rose oil. See Rose oil Bulnesia sarmienti oil. See Guaiac (Guaiacum officinale) wood oil Burning bush. See Dittany (Dictamnus albus) roots Burnt alum. See Potassium alum anhydrous Burnt ammonium alum. See Ammonium alum Burnt lime. See Calcium oxide Burnt potassium alum. See Potassium alum anhydrous Burnt sienna. See Iron oxide red Burnt sugar; Burnt sugar coloring. See Caramel Butadiene/acrylonitrile copolymer CAS 9003-18-3 Synonyms: Acrylonitrile/butadiene copolymer; Acrylonitrile/butadiene rubber; Acrylonitrile rubber; 1,3-Butadiene, polymer with 2propenenitrile; NBR; Nitrile/butadiene rubber; Nitrile elastomer; Nitrile rubber; 2Propenenitrile, polymer with 1,3-butadiene Classification: Polymer Definition: Synthetic rubber made by random polymerization of acrylonitrile and butadiene by free-radical catalysis Empirical: (C7H9N)x Formula: [CH2CH=CHCH2]x[CHCNCH2]y Properties: Dens. 0.980; tens. str. 1000-3000 psi; elong. 100-700% Toxicology: Suspected carcinogen Precaution: Combustible Uses: Films and coatings for food contact Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.125, 175.300, 175.320, 177.1200, 177.1200, 177.2600, 181.32; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium 1,3-Butadiene-2-methyl polymer with 2-methyl-1propene. See Isobutylene/isoprene copolymer 940
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference 1,3-Butadiene, polymer with 2-propenenitrile. See Butadiene/acrylonitrile copolymer Butadiene/styrene copolymer; 1,3Butadiene/styrene copolymer; Butadiene/styrene polymer; 1,3Butadiene/styrene polymer; Butadiene/styrene resin; 1,3Butadiene/styrene resin; Butadiene/styrene rubber. See Styrene/butadiene polymer Butadione. See Diacetyl Butal; Butaldehyde; Butalyde; Butanal; nButanal. See n-Butyraldehyde Butanal, 2-ethyl-. See 2-Ethylbutyraldehyde 1-Butanal, 3-methyl-. See Isovaleraldehyde Butanal, 2-methyl-. See 2-Methylbutyraldehyde 1-Butanamine. See n-Butylamine Butane CAS 106-97-8; EINECS/ELINCS 203-448-7 UN 1011 (DOT); INS943a; E943a Synonyms: Alkane C4; n-Butane; Butyl hydride; Diethyl; Liquefied petroleum gas; Methylethylmethane Classification: Alkane; hydrocarbon Empirical: C4H10 Formula: CH3CH2CH2CH3 Properties: Colorless gas; faint disagreeable odor; easily liquefied under pressure @ R.T.; sol. in ethanol, ether, chloroform; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 58.12; sp.gr. 0.599; vapor pressure 1620 mm Hg (17 psig, 21 C); f.p. 138 C; b.p. -0.5 C; flash pt. (CC) -60 C Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 800 ppm; LC50 (inh., rat, 4 h) 658 g/m3; mildly toxic by inh.; causes drowsiness; anesthetic and asphyxiant props.; narcotic in high concs.; liq. may cause burns or frostbite to skin and eyes; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. gas; very dangerous fire hazard exposed to heat, flame, oxidizers; highly explosive; explosive limits 1.9-8.5%; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents (increases fire/explosion risk) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 4, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store at or above ground level in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area, out of direct sunlight; cylinder temp. should not exceed 51 C; limit quantities Uses: Direct food additive; propellant, aerating agent, gas for foamed and sprayed food prods. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.350, 184.1165, GRAS; approved for topicals; USP/NF compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aeropres http://www.aeropres.com; Air Prods. http://www.airproducts.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; BOC Gases http://www.boc.com; BP Chemicals http://www.bp.com ChevronPhillips http://www.cpchem.com; Merck KGaA http://www.merck.de n-Butane. See Butane 1-Butaneamine, 3-methyl-. See Isoamylamine Butanecarboxylic acid; 1-Butanecarboxylic acid. See n-Valeric acid 1,4-Butanedicarboxylic acid; Butane-1,4dicarboxylic acid. See Adipic acid Butane, 1,1-diethoxy-. See Butyraldehyde diethyl acetal Butanedioic acid; 1,4-Butanedioic acid. See Succinic acid Butanedioic acid diethyl ester. See Diethyl succinate Butanedioic acid, 2,3-dihydroxy-. See L-Tartaric acid Butanedioic acid, 2,3-dihydroxy-, calcium salt; Butanedioic acid, 2,3-dihydroxy-, [R-(R,R)]-, calcium salt (1:1). See Calcium tartrate Butanedioic acid, 2,3-dihydroxy-, monopotassium salt. See Potassium acid tartrate Butanedioic acid, dimethyl ester. See Dimethyl succinate Butanedioic acid disodium salt. See Sodium succinate Butanedioic acid, hydroxy-. See NHydroxysuccinic acid Butanedioic acid, sulfo-,1,4-bis( 2-ethylhexyl ) ester, sodium salt. See Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate Butanedioic anhydride. See Succinic anhydride 1,3-Butanediol; Butane-1,3-diol. See Butylene glycol Butanedione; 2,3-Butanedione. See Diacetyl 1,2,3,4-Butanetetrol; 2(r),3(s)-1,2,3,4Butanetetrol. See Erythritol Butanethiol; 1-Butanethiol; n-Butanethiol. See n-Butyl mercaptan Butanic acid; Butanoic acid; n-Butanoic acid. See n-Butyric acid Butanoic acid-2-butoxy-1-methyl-2-oxoethyl ester. See Butyl butyryl lactate 941
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Butanoic acid, cyclohexyl ester. See Cyclohexyl butyrate Butanoic acid decyl ester. See Decyl butyrate Butanoic acid (2Z)-3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl ester. See Neryl butyrate Butanoic acid, 3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl ester. See Geranyl butyrate Butanoic acid, 3,7-dimethyl-6-octenyl ester. See Citronellyl butyrate Butanoic acid 1-ethenyl-1,5-dimethyl-4-hexen-1yl ester. See Linalyl butyrate Butanoic acid, 1-ethenylhexyl ester. See 1Octen-3-yl butyrate Butanoic acid, 2-ethyl-. See Diethylacetic acid Butanoic acid, ethyl ester. See Ethyl butyrate Butanoic acid, 2-furanylmethyl ester. See Furfuryl butyrate Butanoic acid, heptyl ester. See Heptyl butyrate Butanoic acid, 3-hexenyl ester, (Z)-. See cis-3Hexenyl butyrate Butanoic acid, 3-hydroxy-, ethyl ester. See Ethyl 3-hydroxybutyrate Butanoic acid, 2-methyl-. See 2-Methylbutyric acid Butanoic acid, 3-methylbutyl ester. See Isoamyl butyrate Butanoic acid methyl ester. See Methyl butyrate Butanoic acid 1-methyl ethyl ester. See Isopropyl butyrate Butanoic acid, 3-methyl-, 3-hexenyl eser, (Z)-. See cis-3-Hexenyl isovalerate Butanoic acid, 2-methyl-, 3-hexenyl ester, (Z)-. See cis-3-Hexenyl 2-methylbutyrate Butanoic acid, 3-methyl-, hexyl ester. See Hexyl isovalerate Butanoic acid, 3-methyl-, 2-methylpropyl ester. See Isobutyl isovalerate Butanoic acid 1-methyl-2-oxopropyl ester. See Butan-3-one-2-yl butyrate Butanoic acid, 2-methyl-, 2-phenylethyl ester. See Phenethyl-2-methylbutyrate Butanoic acid, 2-methyl-, phenylmethyl ester. See Benzyl-2-methylbutyrate Butanoic acid, 3-methyl-, 3-phenyl-2-propenyl ester. See Cinnamyl isovalerate Butanoic acid, 3-methyl-, 1,7,7-trimethylbicyclo [2.2.1] hept-2-yl ester, ex-. See Isobornyl isovalerate Butanoic acid octyl ester. See Octyl butyrate Butanoic acid, 3-oxo-, 3-methylbutyl ester. See Isoamyl acetoacetate Butanoic acid pentyl ester. See Amyl butyrate Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Butanoic acid 1-phenyl propyl ester. See αEthylbenzyl butyrate Butanoic acid 1,2,3-propanetriyl ester. See Tributyrin Butanoic acid propyl ester. See Propyl butyrate Butanoic acid (tetrahydro-2-furanyl) methyl ester. See Tetrahydrofurfuryl butyrate Butanoic acid, 1,7,7-trimethylbicyclo -2.2.1] hept-2-yl ester, endo. See Bornyl butyrate Butanol; 1-Butanol; Butan-1-ol. See Butyl alcohol 2-Butanol CAS 78-92-2; EINECS/ELINCS 201-158-5 UN 1120 (DOT) Synonyms: Butan-2-ol; s-Butanol; 2-Butyl alcohol; s-Butyl alcohol; Butylene hydrate; Ethylmethyl carbinol; 2-Hydroxybutane; Methyl ethyl carbinol; 1-Methyl propanol; SBA; Secondary butyl alcohol Classification: Sec. aliphatic alcohol Empirical: C4H10O Formula: CH3CH2CH(OH)CH3 Properties: Colorless liq.; strong pleasant sweet odor; sol. in water, ethanol, ether, acetone, benzene; m.w. 74.12; sp.gr. 0.807 (20/4 C); vapor pressure 18.3 mm Hg; m.p. -89 C; b.p. 99-100 C; flash pt. 23 C; autoignition temp. 405 C; ref. index 1.3972 (20 C); surf. tens. 23.37 dynes/cm; dielec. const. 16.56 Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 100 ppm; LD50 (oral, rat) 6480 mg/kg, (IP, rabbit) 277 mg/kg; poison by IV and IP routes; mildly toxic by ing.; skin and eye irritant; excessive inh. may cause nose/throat irritation, headache, nausea, fatigue, dizziness; unconsciousness, coma in extreme cases; if aspirated into lungs, may cause severe lung damage, respiratory and cardiac arrest, possibly death; TSCA listed Environmental: VOC; BOD5 1.76; COD 2.49; ThOD 2.59 Precaution: Flamm.; incompat. with alkali metals (increases fire/explosion risk, forms flamm. hydrogen gas), acids, acid chlorides, acid anhydrides (vigorous reactions), chlorine, isocyanates, ethylene oxide Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Unstable peroxides may form after prolonged storage NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 3, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, well-ventilated area out of 942
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference direct sunlight Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods; extraction of fish protein Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 176.180; SARA §313 reportable; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Arkema http://www.arkema.fr; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Chemcentral http://www.chemcentral.com; ExxonMobil http://www.exxonmobilchemical.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Houghton Chem. http://www.houghtonchemical.com; Hukill http://www.hukill.com/; Quaker City; Shell http://www.shellchemicals.com; http://www.shell-lubricants.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Total Spec. Chems. http://www.totaltsc.com Butan-2-ol. See 2-Butanol n-Butanol. See Butyl alcohol s-Butanol. See 2-Butanol 1,2-Butanolide; 1,4-Butanolide. See Butyrolactone 1-Butanol, 2-methyl-, acetate. See 2-Methylbutyl acetate 2-Butanol, 2-methyl-4-phenyl-. See Dimethyl phenethyl carbinol 2,3-Butanolone; 2-Butanol-3-one. See Acetyl methyl carbinol Butanone; 2-Butanone; 3-Butanone. See Methyl ethyl ketone Butan-3-one-2-butyrate. See Butan-3-one-2-yl butyrate 2-Butanone, 4-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-. See Zingerone 2-Butanone, 4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-. See 4-(pHydroxyphenyl)-2-butanone 2-Butanone, 4-(p-methoxyphenyl)-. See 4-pMethoxyphenyl-2-butanone 2-Butanone, 4-(4-methylphenyl)-. See 4-(pTolyl)-2-butanone 2-Butanone, 4-2(2,6,6-trimethyl-1-cyclohexen-1yl)-. See Dihydro-β-ionone 2-Butanone, 4-(2,6,6-trimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1yl)-. See Dihydro-α-ionone Butan-3-one-2-yl butyrate CAS 84642-61-5; EINECS/ELINCS 283-438-7 FEMA 3332 Synonyms: Acetoyl butyrate; Butanoic acid 1methyl-2-oxopropyl ester; Butan-3-one-2Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
butyrate; sec-Butan-3-onyl butyrate; 1Methyl-2-oxopropyl butyrate; 3-Oxobutan-2yl butyrate Empirical: C8H14O3 Formula: CH3CH2CH2CO2CH(CH3)COCH3 Properties: Wh. to sl. yel. liq., red berry odor; sol. in alcohol, propylene glycol, most oils; insol. in water; m.w. 158.19; dens. 0.972-0.992; flash pt. 179 F; ref. index 1.408-1.429 Toxicology: May be harmful by inh., ing., skin absorp.; may cause irritation Precaution: Combustible liq.; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents, strong bases Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Toxic fumes of CO, CO2; heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Store in cool, dry place; keep tightly closed; keep away from heat and open flame Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Features: Berry-like flavor Regulatory: FDA GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com sec-Butan-3-onyl butyrate. See Butan-3-one-2yl butyrate 2-Butenedioic acid; (E)-Butenedioic acid; transButenedioic acid. See Fumaric acid 2-Butenedioic acid, diethyl ester, (E)-; transButenedioic acid dimethyl ester. See Dimethyl fumarate 2-Butenedioic acid ferrous salt. See Ferrous fumarate Z)-2-Butenedioic acid homopolymer. See Polymaleic acid 2-Butenoic acid; α-Butenoic acid. See Crotonic acid 2-Butenoic acid, butyl ester; (E)-2-Butenoic acid butyl ester. See Butyl crotonate 2-Butenoic acid, ethyl ester; trans-2-Butenoic acid ethyl ester. See Ethyl crotonate 2-Butenoic acid, hexyl ester. See Hexyl 2butenoate 2-Butenoic acid, 2-methyl-, (E)-. See Tiglic acid 2-Butenoic acid, methyl ester, (E)-; trans-2Butenoic acid methyl ester. See Methyl crotonate 2-Butenoic acid, 2-methyl-, ethyl ester, (E)-. See Ethyl tiglate 943
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference 2-Butenoic acid, 3-methyl-, ethyl ester. See Ethyl senecioate 2-Butenoic acid, 2-methyl-, 1-isopropyl ester, (E)-. See Isopropyl tiglate 2-Butenoic acid, 2-methyl-, phenylmethyl ester, (E)-. See Benzyl tiglate 2-Butenoic acid, 2-methylpropyl ester. See Isobutyl-2-butenoate 2-Butenoic acid propyl ester; (E)-2-Butenoic acid propyl ester. See Propyl crotonate 3-Butenol-2-ol, 4-(2,6,6-trimethyl-2-cyclohexen1-yl)-. See α-Ionol 3-Buten-2-ol, 4-(2,6,6-trimethyl-1-cyclohexen-1yl)-. See β-Ionol 3-Buten-2-one, 3-methyl-4-phenyl-. See 3Methyl-4-phenyl-3-buten-2-one 3-Buten-2-one, 3-methyl-4-(2,6,6-trimethyl-2cyclohexen-1-yl)-. See α-Isomethylionone 3-Buten-2-one, 4-(2,4,6,6-tetramethyl-2cyclohexen-1-yl)-. See α-Irone 2-Buten-1-one, 1-(2,6,6-trimethyl-1,3cyclohexadien-1-yl)-. See β-Damascenone (2-Butenylidene) acetic acid. See Sorbic acid Butoxyethanol CAS 111-76-2; EINECS/ELINCS 203-905-0 UN 2369 (DOT) Synonyms: 2-Butoxyethanol; 2-Butoxy-1ethanol; 2-n-Butoxyethanol; nButoxyethanol; o-Butyl ethylene glycol; Butyl glycol; n-Butyl glycol; EGMBE; Ethylene glycol butyl ether; Ethylene glycol n-butyl ether; Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether; Ethylene glycol mono-n-butyl ether; Glycol butyl ether; Glycol monobutyl ether; Monobutyl glycol ether; 3-Oxa-1-heptanol Classification: Glycol ether Empirical: C6H14O2 Formula: HOCH2CH2OC4H9 Properties: Colorless clear mobile liq.; mild pleasant odor; sol. in water, alcohol, ether; misc. wit most org. solvs.; m.w. 118.20; sp.gr. 0.9019 (20/20 C); vapor pressure 300 mm Hg (140 C); m.p. -74.8 C; b.p. 171.2 C; flash pt. 62 C Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 25 ppm (skin); LD50 (oral, rat) 1480 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 220 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 490 mg/kg; poison by ing., skin contact, IP, IV routes; mod. toxic by inh., subcut.; human systemic effects; skin/eye irritant; TSCA listed Environmental: BOD5 0.71; COD 2.20; ThOD 2.31 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Precaution: DOT: Poisonous material; flamm. exposed to heat or flame; incompat. with oxidizers, strong caustics; attacks some types of rubber, plastics, and coatings Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in tightly closed, grounded containers in cool, ventilated area, away from work areas; use in minimal quantities Uses: Flume wash water additive for washing sugar beets prior to slicing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.315, 175.105, 176.210, 177.1650, 178.1010, 178.3297, 178.3570; Canada DSL; SARA §313 reportable; HAP; VOC Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Brown http://www.brownchem.com; Dow http://www.dow.com Eastman http://www.eastman.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Lyondell http://www.lyondell.com; Mitsubishi Chem. http://www.m-kagaku.co.jp/index_en.htm; Occidental http://www.oxychem.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sal Chem. http://www.salchem.com; Shell http://www.shellchemicals.com; http://www.shell-lubricants.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com 2-Butoxyethanol; 2-Butoxy-1-ethanol; 2-nButoxyethanol; n-Butoxyethanol. See Butoxyethanol Butter acids CAS 85536-25-0; 91745-88-9 FEMA 2171 Synonyms: Fatty acids, butter Empirical: C8H14O3 Properties: Waxy solid; sol. in oils; poorly sol. in alcohol; low melting, variable; m.w. 158.20 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, butter, cream cheese, milk, cream Features: Typical odor and flavor of fatty acids; naturally occurs in butter Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL 944
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; Evonik Degussa http://www.degussa.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Butter esters CAS 977019-26-3; 97926-23-3 FEMA 2172 Definition: Synthesized by esterification of the mixed butter acids with ethanol Properties: Waxy solid; fruity, fatty, oily, waxy odor and flavor; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, popcorn oil, toppings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Buttermilk powder CAS 2246-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 310-127-6 Synonyms: Buttermilk solids; Butyris lac; Butyris lac powder Definition: Naturally occurring prod. obtained by dehydration of the liq. recovered from the churning of cow's milk or cream to prepare butter Uses: Food ingred. Trade Names Containing: Sour Dough Base Buttermilk solids. See Buttermilk powder Butter of zinc. See Zinc chloride Button lac. See Shellac Butyl acetate (INCI); 1-Butyl acetate. See nButyl acetate n-Butyl acetate CAS 123-86-4; EINECS/ELINCS 204-658-1 UN 1123 (DOT); FEMA 2174 Synonyms: Acetic acid, butyl ester; Acetic acid n-butyl ester; Butyl acetate (INCI); 1Butyl acetate; Butyl ethanoate Classification: Carboxylic acid ester Definition: Ester of butyl alcohol and acetic acid Empirical: C6H12O2 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Formula: CH3COOC4H9 Properties: Colorless liq., fruity odor; sol. in alcohol, ether, benzene, hydrocarbons; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 116.18; sp.gr. 0.8826 (20/20 C); vapor pressure 15 mm Hg; f.p. -75 C; b.p. 126.3 C; flash pt. (TOC) 36.6 C; ref. index 1.2951 (20 C) Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 150 ppm; STEL 200 ppm; LD50 (oral, rat) 14.13 g/kg, (IP, mouse) 1230 mg/kg; mildly toxic by inh., ing.; mod. toxic by IP route; skin irritant; severe eye irritant; mild allergen; inh. or ing. can cause CNS depression, headache, nausea, unconsciousness; experimental teratogen; TSCA listed Environmental: VOC; BOD5 0.52; COD 2.32; ThOD 2.21 Precaution: Flamm.; dangerous fire hazard exposed to flame; mod. explosive when exposed to flame; incompat. with strong oxidizers (increases fire risk), strong acids or strong bases (decomp. can occur), potassium t-butylate (ignition can occur) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 3, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area, out of direct sunlight; ground drums and bond transfer containers Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 175.105, 175.320, 177.1200; FEMA GRAS; CERCLA hazardous substance; Japan approved as flavoring; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AAE Chemie NV http://www.aaechemie.com; AMC Chems.; AP Resources http://www.apr.co.kr; Advanced BioTech http://www.advbio.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; Astral Extracts http://www.astralextracts.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de BASF http://www.basf.com; BP Chemicals http://www.bp.com; BP Chems. Ltd http://www.bp.com/chemicals/; Brenntag 945
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference AG http://www.brenntag.de; Budenheim USA http://www.gallard-schlesinger.com Celanese http://www.celanesechemicals.com; http://www.chemvip.com; Chemcentral http://www.chemcentral.com; Chisso Am.; Clariant/Functional Chems. http://www.fun.clariant.com; Clariant http://www.clariant.com; http://www.clariant-northamerica.com Coyne http://www.coynechemical.com; Dow http://www.dow.com; Eastman http://www.eastman.com; Evonik Degussa GmbH http://www.evonik.com/en/chemicals/index. html; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; General Chem. http://www.genchemcorp.com; Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com; Houghton Chem. http://www.houghtonchemical.com; Hukill http://www.hukill.com/ Independent Chem. http://www.independentchemical.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com Natural Advantage http://www.naturaladvantage.net; Nippon Syn. Chem. Ind.; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Sunnyside http://www.sunnysidecorp.com/; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Xinchem http://www.finechemnet.com Trade Names Containing: Banana Treattarome 9730 Butylacetic acid. See Caproic acid Butyl acetoacetate CAS 591-60-6; EINECS/ELINCS 209-722-2 FEMA 2176 Synonyms: Acetoacetic acid, butyl ester; Butyl-β-ketobutyrate; Butyl-3-oxobutanoate; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
3-Oxo-butanoic acid butyl ester Empirical: C8H14O3 Formula: CH3COCH2COOCH2CH2CH2CH3 Properties: Colorless liq.; sol. in alcohol, ether; insol. in water; m.w. 158.20; dens. 0.9694 (20/20 C); vapor pressure 0.19 mm Hg (20 C); b.p. 213.9 C; flash pt. 85 C; ref. index 1.4245 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 11,260 mg/kg; primary irritant; mildly toxic by ing.; eye irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Sweet, fruity, brandy, fermented odor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Austin http://www.austinchemical.com; Eastman http://www.eastman.com; Lonza http://www.lonza.com; Wacker Chems. http://www.wackersilicones.com Wacker-Chemie AG http://www.wacker.com/cms/de/home/index .jsp Butylacetone. See Methyl n-amyl ketone Butyl alcohol CAS 71-36-3; EINECS/ELINCS 200-751-6 UN 1120 (DOT); FEMA 2178 Synonyms: Butanol; 1-Butanol; Butan-1-ol; nButanol; n-Butyl alcohol; Butyl hydroxide; Butyric alcohol; 1-Hydroxybutane; Methylolpropane; Propyl carbinol; Propylmethanol Classification: Primary aliphatic alcohol Empirical: C4H10O Formula: CH3(CH2)2CH2OH Properties: Colorless clear mobile liq., char. penetrating vinous odor; sol. in water; misc. with alcohol, ether, many org. solvs.; m.w. 74.14; sp.gr. 0.8109 (20/20 C); vapor pressure 5.5 mm Hg (20 C); m.p. -90 C; b.p. 117.7 C; flash pt. 35 C; ref. index 1.3993 (20 C) Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/CL 50 ppm (skin); LD50 (oral, rat) 790 mg/kg, (IV, mouse) 377 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 3400 mg/kg; poison by IV route; mod. toxic by skin contact, ing., subcut., IP routes; skin and severe eye irritant; CNS depressant; TSCA listed 946
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Environmental: BOD5 1.66; COD 2.46; ThOD 2.59 Precaution: Flamm.; dangerous fire hazard exposed to heat, flame, oxidizers; mod. explosive exposed to flame; incompat. with oxidizing materials, aluminum, chromium trioxides; increased fire and explosion hazard; reacts at elevated temps. with Al Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 3, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, well-ventilated area, out of direct sunlight Uses: Diluent in colorants for confectionery, tableted food supplements, gum; solvent in prod. of hops for beer brewing; Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, alcoholic beverages, cream Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1, 172.515, 172.560, 175.105, 175.320, 176.180, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1440, 177.1650, 177.2800; 27CFR §21.99; FEMA GRAS; FDA approved for orals; USP/NF compliance; Canada DSL; SARA §313 reportable; CERCLA hazardous substance; VOC Manuf./Distrib.: AAE Chemie NV http://www.aaechemie.com; AMC Chems.; Advanced BioTech http://www.advbio.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Amyl http://www.amyl.com Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; BASF http://www.basf.com; BP Chems. Ltd http://www.bp.com/chemicals/ Brenntag AG http://www.brenntag.de; Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties; Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com; Cargill Flavors & Fruit Systems USA http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/ Celanese http://www.celanesechemicals.com; http://www.chemvip.com; Chemcentral http://www.chemcentral.com; Chisso Am.; Coyne http://www.coynechemical.com; Dow http://www.dow.com Eastman http://www.eastman.com; Fisher Scientific Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
https://www1.fishersci.com/index.jsp; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/ Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com; Houghton Chem. http://www.houghtonchemical.com; Hukill http://www.hukill.com/; Integra http://www.integrachem.com Jilin Chem. Ind. http://www.jcic.com.cn; Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Nippon Syn. Chem. Ind.; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Prodasynth http://www.prodasynth.com; Punda Mercantile http://www.punda.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; R.E. Carroll http://www.recarroll.com; Romil Ltd http://www.romil.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sal Chem. http://www.salchem.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com; Shell http://www.shellchemicals.com; http://www.shell-lubricants.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Sunnyside http://www.sunnysidecorp.com/; Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ 2-Butyl alcohol. See 2-Butanol n-Butyl alcohol. See Butyl alcohol s-Butyl alcohol. See 2-Butanol n-Butylaldehyde. See n-Butyraldehyde Butylaldehyde diethyl acetal. See Butyraldehyde diethyl acetal Butylamine. See n-Butylamine n-Butylamine CAS 109-73-9; EINECS/ELINCS 203-699-2 UN 1125 (DOT); FEMA 3130 Synonyms: Amine C4; 1-Aminobutane; 1Butanamine; Butylamine; MNBA; Monobutylamine; Mono-n-butylamine Classification: Saturated aliphatic amine Empirical: C4H11N Formula: CH3(CH2)3NH2 Properties: Colorless liq., amine odor; very sol. 947
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference in acetone; sol. in benzene, ethanol, ether, water; misc. with oxygenated solvs.; m.w. 73.14; dens. 0.7327; m.p. -50 C; b.p. 78 C; flash pt. (OC) -1.1 C; ref. index 1.4010 Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/CL 5 ppm; LD50 (oral, rat) 366 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 629 mg/kg, (IV, mouse) 198 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 850 mg/kg; poison by ing., skin contact, IV routes; mod. toxic by inh., IP routes; potent irritant to eyes, mucous membranes; direct skin contact causes severe primary irritation and blistering; experimental tumorigen; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Environmental: VOC; BOD5 2.24; ThOD 2.63 Precaution: DOT: Flamm. liq.; dangerous fire hazard exposed to heat, flame, or oxidizers; explodes on contact with perchloryl fluoride Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2; heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx NFPA: Health 3, Flammability 3, Reactivity 0 Storage: Refrigerate; may be heat- and airsensitive Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Features: Fishy pungent flavor Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; CERCLA hazardous substance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Air Prods. http://www.airproducts.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Arkema http://www.arkema.fr; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; BASF http://www.basf.com Celanese http://www.celanesechemicals.com; http://www.chemvip.com; Daicel Chem. Ind. http://www.daicel.co.jp; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.js p; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ Butyl-2-aminobenzoate; Butyl-o-aminobenzoate. See Butyl anthranilate Butyl anthranilate CAS 7756-96-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-816-7 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
FEMA 2181 Synonyms: 2-Aminobenzoic acid, butyl ester; Benzoic acid, 2-amino-, butyl ester; Butyl-2aminobenzoate; Butyl-o-aminobenzoate; nButyl anthranilate Empirical: C11H15NO2 Properties: Lt. yel. to dk. brn. liq.; pleasant grape odor, wh. flower note; sol. in alcohol, DMSO; insol. in water; m.w. 193.25; sp.gr. 1.060 (15.5 C); m.p. < 0 C; b.p. 182 C; flash pt. 110 C; ref. index 1.5420 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; irritating to eyes, skin, respiratory system; TSCA listed Environmental: Prevent contamination of soil, ground- and surf.-water Precaution: Probably combustible; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents; will hydrolyze under high and low pH conditions Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, NOx NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Sensitive to air and light; store in cool, well-ventilated area in tightly closed container under an inert atmosphere; refrigerate Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Sweet plum-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Bedoukian Research http://www.bedoukian.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; SRS Aromatics Ltd http://www.srsaromatics.com n-Butyl anthranilate. See Butyl anthranilate Butylated hydroxyanisole. See BHA Butylated hydroxymethyl phenol. See 4Hydroxymethyl-2,6-di-t-butylphenol Butylated hydroxytoluene. See BHT Butyl benzene acetate. See Butyl phenylacetate Butyl benzyl ether; n-Butyl benzyl ether. See Benzyl butyl ether n-Butyl n-butanoate. See Butyl butyrate Butyl O-butanoyl lactate. See Butyl butyryl lactate Butyl 2-butenoate; Butyl (2E)-2-butenoate. See Butyl crotonate Butyl butyrate CAS 109-21-7; EINECS/ELINCS 203-656-8 UN 3272; FEMA 2186 948
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Synonyms: n-Butyl n-butanoate; n-Butyl butyrate; n-Butyl n-butyrate; Butyric acid, butyl ester Classification: Ester Empirical: C8H16O2 Formula: CH3CH2CH2COO(CH2)3CH3 Properties: Colorless liq., pineapple odor; misc. with alcohol, ether, veg. oils; sl. sol. in propylene glycol, water; m.w. 144.24; dens. 0.67-0.871; vapor pressure 1.81 mm Hg; vapor dens. 4.9; b.p. 166 C; flash pt. 53 C; ref. index 1.405 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rabbit) 9520 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 2300 mg/kg; mod. toxic by IP; mildly toxic by ing.; mod. irritating to eyes, skin, mucous membranes; narcotic in high concs.; TSCA listed Environmental: VOC; ThOD 2.44 Precaution: Combustible liq.; incompat. with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: 6 mos. when stored at 40-70 F in tightly sealed original containers with minimum head space; avoid prolonged exposure to light, heat, air Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Features: Apple, banana, berry, peach, pear-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved as flavoring; Canada DSL; Australia AICS Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Epochem http://www.epochem.com/ Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Hercules http://www.herc.com; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Symrise USA http://www.symrise.com; Xinchem http://www.finechemnet.com n-Butyl butyrate; n-Butyl n-butyrate. See Butyl butyrate Butyl butyrolactate. See Butyl butyryl lactate Butyl γ-butyrolactone. See Butyl levulinate γ-n-Butyl-γ-butyrolactone. See γ-Octalactone Butyl butyrol lactate. See Butyl butyryl lactate Butyl butyryl lactate CAS 7492-70-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-326-3 FEMA 2190 Synonyms: Butanoic acid-2-butoxy-1-methyl2-oxoethyl ester; Butyl O-butanoyl lactate; Butyl butyrolactate; Butyl butyrol lactate; nButyl n-butyryl lactate; Butyric acid ester with butyl lactate; Butyryllactic acid butyl ester; Lactic acid, butyl ester, butyrate Classification: lactate ester Empirical: C11H20O4 Properties: Colorless liq., creamy buttery odor; sol. in oxygenated solvs., propylene glycol; misc. with alcohol, fixed oils; insol. in water; m.w. 216.28; dens. 0.970; vapor dens. 7.4; b.p. 90 C (2 mm); flash pt. > 100 C; ref. index 1.420 Toxicology: Primary irritant; skin, eye irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq.; wear protective gloves, splash-proof eye goggles Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits COx, acrid smoke and irritating fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep in original, tightly closed container; keep away from heat, sparks, open flame Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com 949
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com n-Butyl n-butyryl lactate. See Butyl butyryl lactate Butyl caproate; Butyl capronate. See Butyl hexanoate dl-s-Butylcarbinol. See 2-Methyl-1-butanol n-Butyl carbinol. See n-Amyl alcohol s-Butyl carbinol. See 2-Methyl-1-butanol Butyl carbobutoxymethyl phthalate. See n-Butyl phthalyl-n-butyl glycolate α-Butylcinnamaldehyde CAS 7492-44-6; EINECS/ELINCS 231-320-0 FEMA 2191 Synonyms: 2-Benzylidene hexanal; Butyl cinnamic aldehyde; α-Butyl cinnamic aldehyde; α-Butyl-β-phenylacrolein; 2(Phenylmethylene) hexanal Empirical: C13H16O Formula: C6H5CH=C(C4H9)CHO Properties: Pale yel. liq., lily-like odor; m.w. 188.27; sp.gr. 0.825 (15.5 C); b.p. 265 C; flash pt. > 200 F; ref. index 1.563-1.569 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 4400 mg/kg; mildly toxic by ing.; severe skin irritant Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Emerald Kalama Chem. http://www.emeraldmaterials.com Butyl cinnamate CAS 538-65-8; EINECS/ELINCS 208-699-6 FEMA 2192 Synonyms: n-Butyl cinnamate; Butyl β-phenyl acrylate; n-Butyl phenylacrylate; Butyl 3phenyl propenoate; Butyl 3-phenyl-2propenoate; Cinnamic acid-n-butyl ester Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Empirical: C13H16O2 Properties: Colorless, mobile liq., cocoa-like odor; sol. in 95% alcohol, chloroform, benzene, ether; insol. in water; m.w. 204.27; sp.gr. 1.007-1.013; vapor dens. 7; b.p. 279280 C (@ 1013 mBar); flash pt. (CC) > 99 C; ref. index 1.541-1.546 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; low toxicity by ing. and skin contact; skin, eye irritant Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers, acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Keep away from heat, sparks, open flame; keep in original, tightly closed container Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, alcoholic beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Zeta Pharm. http://www.zetapharm.com n-Butyl cinnamate. See Butyl cinnamate Butyl cinnamic aldehyde; α-Butyl cinnamic aldehyde. See α-Butylcinnamaldehyde Butyl crotonate CAS 7299-91-4 Synonyms: 2-Butenoic acid, butyl ester; (E)-2Butenoic acid butyl ester; Butyl 2butenoate; Butyl (2E)-2-butenoate; Butyl crotonate; Crotonic acid, n-butyl ester Classification: Ester Empirical: C8H14O2 Properties: M.w. 142.1974; flash pt. (CC) 61 C Uses: Flavoring agent in food Regulatory: Japan approved as a flavoring agent; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com; SRS Aromatics Ltd http://www.srsaromatics.com; TCI Am. 950
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.tciamerica.com Butyl crotonate. See Butyl crotonate Butyl 2-decenoate CAS 7492-45-7 FEMA 2194 Synonyms: n-Butyl decylenate; 2-Decenoic acid butyl ester Empirical: C14H26O2 Properties: Colorless liq., peach/apricot odor, fruity green taste; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 226.36 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, candy, baked goods, chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Fontarome http://www.fontaromechemical.com; Interchim http://www.interchim.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com n-Butyl decylenate. See Butyl 2-decenoate 5-Butyl-dihydro-furan-2-one. See γ-Octalactone 5-t-Butyl-1,3-dinitro-4-methoxy-2methylbenzene; 4-t-Butyl-2,6-dinitro-3methoxytoluene. See Musk ambrette Butyl dodecanoate; Butyl dodecylate. See Butyl laurate Butylene glycol CAS 107-88-0; EINECS/ELINCS 203-529-7 Synonyms: 1,3-Butanediol; Butane-1,3-diol; 1,3-Butylene glycol; β-Butylene glycol; 1,3Dihydroxybutane; Methyltrimethylene glycol Classification: Aliphatic diol; polyhydric alcohol Empirical: C4H10O2 Formula: HOCH2CH2CHOHCH3 Properties: Pract. colorless visc. liq., sweet flavor with bitter aftertaste; sol. in water, alcohol, oxygenated solvs.; m.w. 90.12; dens. 1.004-1.006 (20/20 C); vapor pressure 0.06 mm Hg (20 C); f.p. < -50 C; b.p. 207.5 C; flash pt. 121 C; ref. index 1.4401 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 23 g/kg, (subcut., rat) 20 g/kg, (IP, mouse) 10,276 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 20 g/kg; mildly toxic by ing. and subcut. routes; primary eye irritant; temp. nervous system stimulation, depression; may cause gastric upset, drowsiness, respiratory failure, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
convulsions, kidney damage; reproductive effector; TSCA listed Environmental: VOC; ThOD 1.07 Precaution: Combustible when exposed to heat or flame; incompat. with oxidizing materials Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Hygroscopic Uses: Food additive; solv. for natural and synthetic flavors in foods; formulation aid, processing aid in mfg. of sausage casings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.712, 173.220, 175.105, 175.300, 175.320, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1680, 177.2420, 178.2010; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com; Celanese http://www.celanesechemicals.com; http://www.chemvip.com; Evonik Degussa GmbH http://www.evonik.com/en/chemicals/index. html; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.js p; Kyowa Hakko USA http://www.kyowausa.com; Parchem Trading http://www.parchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Quaker City Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com 1,3-Butylene glycol; β-Butylene glycol. See Butylene glycol Butylene hydrate. See 2-Butanol Butyl ethanoate. See n-Butyl acetate Butyl ethyl carbinol. See 3-Heptanol Butyl ethylene. See 1-Hexene o-Butyl ethylene glycol. See Butoxyethanol Butyl ethyl ketone; n-Butyl ethyl ketone. See 3Heptanone Butyl ethyl malonate CAS 17373-84-1 FEMA 2195 Synonyms: Butyl ethyl propane dioate; Ethyl butyl malonate; Malonic acid butyl ethyl 951
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference ester; Propane dioic acid butyl ethyl ester Empirical: C9H16O4 Formula: (CH3)3CO2CCH2CO2C2H5 Properties: Colorless cl. liq.; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 188.22; dens. 0.994; b.p. 222 C; acid no. 1 max.; flash pt. 189 F Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, candy Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Fluka http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Lonza Ltd http://www.lonza.com t-Butyl ethyl malonate CAS 32864-38-3; EINECS/ELINCS 251-269-8 Synonyms: Ethyl t-butyl malonate; Malonic acid, t-butyl ethyl ester Empirical: C9H16O4 Formula: C2H5OOCCH2COOC(CH3)3 Properties: Colorless liq.; m.w. 188.22; sp. gr. 0.994; b.p. 83-85 C Toxicology: May cause eye and skin irritation Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 1 Storage: Store in a cool, dry place in a tightly sealed container away from oxidizing agents Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Eurolabs Ltd http://www.eurolabs.co.uk; Lancaster Synthesis http://www.alfa.com Butyl ethyl propane dioate. See Butyl ethyl malonate Butyl formal. See n-Valeraldehyde Butyl formate CAS 592-84-7; EINECS/ELINCS 209-772-5 UN 1128 (DOT); FEMA 2196 Synonyms: n-Butyl formate; Formic acid butyl ester Classification: Nonaromatic ester Empirical: C5H10O2 Formula: HCOO(CH2)3CH3 Properties: Colorless liq., plum-like odor; sl. sol. in water; misc. with alcohol, ether; m.w. 102.14; dens. 0.892; m.p. -90 C; b.p. 106.8 C; flash pt. (CC) 64 C; ref. index 1.3890-1.3891 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rabbit) 2656 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; mildly toxic by inh.; human systemic effects by inh.; irritant; narcotic in high concs.; TSCA listed Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Precaution: Flamm. liq.; dangerous fire risk; incompat. with oxidizing materials Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 3, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings Features: Plum-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/ Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; SRS Aromatics Ltd http://www.srsaromatics.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Xinchem http://www.finechemnet.com n-Butyl formate. See Butyl formate Butyl glycol; n-Butyl glycol. See Butoxyethanol Butyl glycolyl butyl phthalate. See n-Butyl phthalyl-n-butyl glycolate Butyl 10-hendecenoate. See Butyl 10undecenoate Butyl heptanoate CAS 5454-28-4; EINECS/ELINCS 226-707-6 FEMA 2199 Synonyms: Butyl heptoate; Butyl heptylate Empirical: C11H22O2 Properties: Colorless liq., sl. fruity odor; sol. in most org. solvs.; m.w. 186.30; sp.gr. 0.85553; m.p. -68.4 C; b.p. 226.2 C; flash pt. 91 C; ref. index 1.42280 (20 C) Toxicology: TSCA listed Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Apple-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; SRS 952
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Aromatics Ltd http://www.srsaromatics.com Butyl heptoate; Butyl heptylate. See Butyl heptanoate Butyl (2E,4E)-2,4-hexadienoate. See Butyl sorbate Butyl hexanoate CAS 626-82-4; EINECS/ELINCS 210-964-6 FEMA 2201 Synonyms: Butyl caproate; Butyl capronate; n-Butyl hexanoate; Butyl hexylate; Hexanoic acid, butyl ester Empirical: C10H20O2 Properties: Liq., pineapple-like odor; m.w. 172.27; sp.gr. 0.8623; m.p. -63 to -64 C; b.p. 208 C; flash pt. 76 C; ref. index 1.4153 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; low toxicity by ing. and skin contact; primary skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes, COx Storage: Keep away from heat, sparks, open flame; keep in original, tightly sealed container Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Fruity flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com n-Butyl hexanoate; Butyl hexylate. See Butyl hexanoate Butyl hydride. See Butane t-Butyl hydroquinone CAS 1948-33-0; EINECS/ELINCS 217-752-2 INS319 Synonyms: 2-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)-1,4benzenediol; Mono-t-butyl hydroquinone; Mono-tertiarybutylhydroquinone; MTBHQ; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
TBHQ Classification: Aromatic organic compd.; phenol; hydroquinone Empirical: C10H14O2 Properties: Wh. to lt. tan cryst. solid; sol. in ethyl alcohol, ethyl acetate, acetone, ether; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 166.24; m.p. 126.5-128.5 C; flash pt. (COC) 171 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 700 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 300 mg/kg; poison by IP route; mod. toxic by ing.; irritant; tumorigen and mutagen; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Food additive; antioxidant, preservative, stabilizer for foods, beef patties, dry cereals, edible fats, margarine, dried meat, margarine, pizza toppings, potato chips, poultry, sausage, vegetable oils Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.185 (limitation 0.02% of oil), 177.2420; USDA 9CFR §318.7 (limitation 0.003% in dry sausage, 0.006% with BHA/BHT, 0.01% in rendered animal fat, 0.02% with BHA and/or BHT, 0.02% in margarine), 381.147 (limitation 0.01% on fat in poultry; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AECI http://www.aafc.co.za; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Eastman http://www.eastman.com; Fallek; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Mitsui & Co. USA http://www.mitsui.com Pechiney Chems. Div. http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Showa Denko http://www.sdk.co.jp; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Skymart Enterprises Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; UOP http://www.uop.com; Universal Preserv-AChem http://www.upichem.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Yasho Ind. http://www.yashoindustries.com Trade Names: Tenox® TBHQ Trade Names Containing: Alphadim® 90VCK; Antrancine® 220; Avox™ 20; Avox™ 20A; Avox™ 20B 953
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Avox™ 21; Avox™ 21; Avox™ 22; Avox™ 25; Avox™ 27 BFP 64K; DPO™ 100; Novomega™; OmegaPure® Refined Menhaden Oil; ProKote™ C ProKote™ VS; Starplex® 90; Tenox® 20; Tenox® 20A; Tenox® 20B Tenox® 21; Tenox® 22; Tenox® 25; Tenox® 26; TroKote™ V 2-t-Butylhydroquinone methyl ether. See 3-tButyl-4-hydroxyanisole Butyl hydroxide. See Butyl alcohol Butylhydroxyanisole; 2(3)-t-Butyl-4hydroxyanisole. See BHA 3-t-Butyl-4-hydroxyanisole CAS 121-00-6; EINECS/ELINCS 204-442-7 Synonyms: 3-BHA; 2-t-Butylhydroquinone methyl ether; 2-t-Butyl-4-methoxyphenol; 2(1,1-Dimethylethyl)-4-methoxyphenol; 4Hydroxy-3-t-butylanisole; 4-Methoxy-2-tbutylphenol; Phenol, (1,1-dimethylethyl)-4methoxyEmpirical: C11H16O2 Properties: Solid; m.w. 180.27; m.p. 59-63 C; flash pt. > 110 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2910 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 32 mg/kg; poison by IP route; mod. toxic by ing.; may cause irritation to eyes, skin, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract; may be harmful by inh., ing., skin absorp.; tumorigen and mutagen; questionable carcinogen; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2; heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Store in cool, dry place; keep tightly closed Uses: Antioxidant for foods Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Eastman http://www.eastman.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium t-Butylhydroxyanisole; t-Butyl-4-hydroxyanisole. See BHA Butyl 4-hydroxybenzoate; n-Butyl 4hydroxybenzoate. See Butylparaben n-Butyl o-hydroxybenzoate. See Butyl salicylate Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
n-Butyl p-hydroxybenzoate. See Butylparaben Butyl o-hydroxybenzoate. See Butyl salicylate Butyl p-hydroxybenzoate. See Butylparaben n-Butyl-4-hydroxybenzoate potassium salt. See Potassium butyl paraben 4-Butyl-4-hydroxyoctanoic acid, γ-lactone. See 4,4-Dibutyl-γ-butyrolactone Butyl 2-hydroxypropanoate; Butyl αhydroxypropionate; n-Butyl-S(-)-2hydroxypropionate. See Butyl lactate Butyl-(S)-(-)-2-hydroxy propionate; Butyl-(S)-2hydroxy propionate. See Butyl-(S)-lactate 3-Butylidene-1(3H)-isobenzofuranone; Butylidene phthalide. See 3Butylidenephthalide 3-Butylidenephthalide CAS 551-08-6; EINECS/ELINCS 208-991-3 FEMA 3333 Synonyms: 3-Butylidene-1(3H)isobenzofuranone; Butylidene phthalide; 3n-Butylidene phthalide; n-Butylidene phthalide; 1(3H)-Isobenzofuranone, 3butylidene-; Ligusticum lactone Empirical: C12H12O2 Properties: Yel. oily liq.; celery-like odor and taste; sol. in alcohol; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 188.23; sp.gr. 1.1100-1.1102; dens. 9.2479.249 lb/gal; b.p. 319-321 C; flash pt. > 110 C; ref. index 1.577 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1850 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; harmful by ing.; may be harmful by inh., skin absorp.; may cause eye/skin irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Toxic fumes of CO, CO2; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Store in cool, dry place; keep tightly closed Uses: Flavoring agent in foods, spice flavors, soup flavors, cigarettes Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com; ICN Biomed. Research Prods. http://www.mpbio.com Interchim http://www.interchim.com; Lancaster Synthesis http://www.alfa.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd 954
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com 3-n-Butylidene phthalide; n-Butylidene phthalide. See 3-Butylidenephthalide Butyl isobutyrate CAS 97-87-0; EINECS/ELINCS 202-614-6 UN 3272; FEMA 2188 Synonyms: Butyl 2-methylpropanoate; n-Butyl 2-methyl propanoate; Butyl 2methylpropionate Empirical: C8H16O2 Properties: Colorless liq., fruity odor, pineapple taste; misc. with alcohol, ether, fixed oils; insol. in water, glycerin, propylene glycol; m.w. 144.21; dens. 0.862; vapor dens. 4.9; b.p. 155156 C; flash pt. 110 F; ref. index 1.4025 Toxicology: Eye, skin, respiratory system irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Storage: Keep away from heat, sparks, open flame; keep in original, tightly closed container Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum Features: Apple, banana-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Epochem http://www.epochem.com/; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Xinchem http://www.finechemnet.com n-Butyl isopentanoate. See n-Butyl isovalerate Butyl isophenyl acetate. See Isobutyl phenylacetate Butyl isovalerate; 1-Butyl isovalerate. See nButyl isovalerate n-Butyl isovalerate CAS 109-19-3; EINECS/ELINCS 203-654-7 UN 3272; FEMA 2218 Synonyms: n-Butyl isopentanoate; Butyl isovalerate; 1-Butyl isovalerate; Butyl Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
isovalerianate; Butyl 3-methylbutanoate; Butyl 3-methylbutyrate; Isovaleric acid butyl ester; 3-Methylbutanoic acid, butyl ester Empirical: C9H18O2 Properties: Colorless to pale yel. liq., fruity odor; misc. with alcohol, fixed oils; sl. sol. in propylene glycol; insol. in water; m.w. 158.27; dens. 0.851-0.857; vapor dens. 5.4; b.p. 150 C; flash pt. 58 C; ref. index 1.407 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 8200 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; low toxicity by ing. and skin contact; skin, eye, respiratory system irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear protective gloves, splashproof goggles; flamm. when exposed to heat, flames, sparks, oxidizers; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp, emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings Features: Apple, peach-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grauaromatics.de/; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Butyl isovalerianate. See n-Butyl isovalerate Butyl-β-ketobutyrate. See Butyl acetoacetate Butyl lactate CAS 138-22-7; EINECS/ELINCS 205-316-4 FEMA 2205 Synonyms: Butyl 2-hydroxypropanoate; Butyl α-hydroxypropionate; n-Butyl-S(-)-2hydroxypropionate; n-Butyl lactate; 2955
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Hydroxypropanoic acid butyl ester; Lactic acid butyl ester; Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy, butyl ester Classification: Lactate ester Empirical: C7H14O3 Formula: CH3CHOHCOOC4H9 Properties: Water-wh. liq., mild odor; misc. with many lacquer solvs., diluents, oils, alcohol, ether; sl. sol. in water; hydrolyzed in acids and alkalis; m.w. 146.19; dens. 0.974-0.984 (20/20 C); vapor pressure 0.4 mm Hg (20 C); m.p. -43 C; b.p. 188 C; flash pt. (TOC) 75.5 C Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 5 ppm; LD50 (subcut., rat) 12 g/kg; LDLo (IP, mouse) 200 mg/kg; poison by IP route; skin irritant; toxic conc. 4 ppm in air (humans); TSCA listed Environmental: VOC; COD 1.97; ThOD 1.97; Nonozone depleting Precaution: Flamm. exposed to heat or flame; can react with oxidizing materials Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, fragrance in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Sweet flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 175.105; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: A&E Connock http://www.connock.co.uk; Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; ChemService http://www.chemservice.com Ciba Spec. Chems./Water & Paper; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grauaromatics.de/; Haltermann Prods. UK http://www.haltermann.com; Kaltron/Pettibone http://www.kaltron.com Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com; PURAC biochem http://www.purac.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Xinchem http://www.finechemnet.com Butyl L-lactate. See Butyl-(S)-lactate n-Butyl lactate. See Butyl lactate n-Butyl-(S)-lactate. See Butyl-(S)-lactate Butyl-(S)-lactate CAS 34451-19-9; EINECS/ELINCS 252-036-3 Synonyms: Butyl-(S)-(-)-2-hydroxy propionate; Butyl-(S)-2-hydroxy propionate; Butyl Llactate; n-Butyl-(S)-lactate; Butyl-(S)-(-)lactate; Lactic acid butyl ester Classification: Lactate ester Empirical: C7H14O3 Properties: Colorless liq.; sweet fruity fermented odor; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 146.19; sp.gr. 0.97800-0.99200; dens. 8.1388.254 lb/gal; m.p. -28 C; b.p. 185-187 C; flash pt. 157 F; ref. index 1.4190-1.429 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (subcut., rat) 12 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; irritating to eyes, skin, respiratory system; may be harmful by ing., inh., skin absorp.; vapor/mist irritating to eyes, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents, strong bases Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Store in cool, dry place away from heat, open flame; keep tightly closed Uses: Solvent in foods Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Eurolabs Ltd http://www.eurolabs.co.uk; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com Trade Names: Purasolv® BL Butyl-(S)-(-)-lactate. See Butyl-(S)-lactate Butyl laevulinate; n-Butyl laevulinate. See Butyl levulinate Butyl laurate CAS 106-18-3; EINECS/ELINCS 203-370-3 FEMA 2206 Synonyms: Butyl dodecanoate; Butyl dodecylate; dodecanoic acid butyl ester; Lauric acid butyl ester Empirical: C16H32O2 Formula: CH3(CH2)10COO(CH2)3CH3 Properties: Colorless liq.; sol. in most org. solvs.; insol. in water; m.w. 256.43; dens. 0.860 (20/4 956
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference C); m.p. -7 C; b.p. 194 C (30 mm); ref. index 1.435 (20 C) Precaution: Combustible Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 177.2600; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; ChemService http://www.chemservice.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; NOF Am.; Pechiney Chems. Div. http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Butyl levulinate CAS 2052-15-5; EINECS/ELINCS 218-143-4 FEMA 2207 Synonyms: Butyl γ-butyrolactone; Butyl laevulinate; n-Butyl laevulinate; n-Butyl levulinate; Butyl 4-oxopentanoate; 4Ketopentanoic acid butyl ester; Levulinic acid, butyl ester; Pentanoic acid, 4-oxo-, butyl ester Empirical: C9H16O3 Properties: Liq., bitter taste; sol. in ether, alcohol, chloroform; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 172.23; dens. 0.974; b.p. 238 C; flash pt. 197 F; ref. index 1.4283 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; low toxicity by ing. and skin contact; primary skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating vapors Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Fruity flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Nantong ChangChem http://www.changchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
n-Butyl levulinate. See Butyl levulinate Butyl mercaptan; 1-Butyl mercaptan. See nButyl mercaptan n-Butyl mercaptan CAS 109-79-5; EINECS/ELINCS 203-705-3 UN 2347 (DOT); FEMA 3478 Synonyms: Butanethiol; 1-Butanethiol; nButanethiol; Butyl mercaptan; 1-Butyl mercaptan; n-Butyl thioalcohol; 1Mercaptobutane; Thiobutanol; Thiobutylalcohol Classification: Alkyl mercaptan Empirical: C4H10S Formula: n-C4H9SH Properties: Colorless to pale yel. liq.; strong offensive garlic or skunk-like odor; very sol. in alcohol, ether, liq. hydrogen sulfide; sl. sol. in oils; pract. insol. in water; m.w. 90.19; dens. 0.8365 (25/4 C); m.p. -116 C; b.p. 98 C; flash pt. (TCC) -7 C Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 0.5 ppm; LD50 (oral, rat) 1500 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 399 mg/kg; poison by IP route; mod. toxic by inh. and ing.; eye irritant; sl. skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm.; dangerous fire hazard exposed to heat, flame, sparks, oxidizers; incompat. with strong bases, strong oxidizing agents, reducing agents, strong acids, alkali metals, nitric acid; violent reactions possible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Reaction with strong acids can produce toxic fumes of hydrogen sulfide; heated to decomp., emits toxic SOx NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 3, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, well-ventilated area, out of direct sunlight; ground drums and bond transfer containers Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, meats, soups, condiments, pickles, seasonings Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Arkema http://www.arkema.fr; ChevronPhillips http://www.cpchem.com; Epochem http://www.epochem.com/ Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Natural Advantage http://www.naturaladvantage.net; Oxford Chems. Ltd 957
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com 2-t-Butyl-4-methoxyphenol. See 3-t-Butyl-4hydroxyanisole t-Butyl-4-methoxyphenol. See BHA Butyl 2-methylbutanoate. See N-Butyl-2methylbutyrate Butyl 3-methylbutanoate; Butyl 3methylbutyrate. See n-Butyl isovalerate N-Butyl-2-methylbutyrate CAS 15706-73-7; 51115-64-1; EINECS/ELINCS 239-798-2 UN 3272; UN 1993; FEMA 3393 Synonyms: Butyl 2-methylbutanoate Empirical: C9H18O2 Formula: C2H5CH(CH3)CO2(CH2)3CH3 Properties: Colorless liq.; green grassy, fruity cocoa odor; insol. in water; sol. in alcohol; m.w. 158.24; sp.gr. 0.859-0.866 (20 C); vapor dens. 5.4; dens. 7.156-7.214 lb/gal; m.p. 174176 C; b.p. 174-175 C; flash pt. (CC) 57 C; ref. index 1.405-1.411 (20 C) Toxicology: Eye irritant; may cause respiratory system irritation; causes defatting to skin; may cause stomach pain, vomiting; TSCA listed Environmental: do not discharge into lakes, streams, ponds, public waters Precaution: Flamm.; wear safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves, apron; incompat. with strong oxidizers, reducers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx, acrid fumes Storage: 6 mos. when stored at 40-70 F in tightly sealed original containers with minimum head space; avoid prolonged exposure to light, heat, air Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, preserves, spreads Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; Japan MITI Manuf./Distrib.: Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/ ICN Biomed. Research Prods. http://www.mpbio.com; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; Oxford Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com 6-t-Butyl-3-methyl-2,4-dinitroanisole. See Musk ambrette 2,6-t-butyl-4-methylphenol. See BHT Butyl 2-methylpropanoate; n-Butyl 2-methyl propanoate; Butyl 2-methylpropionate. See Butyl isobutyrate Butyl monosulfide. See Butyl sulfide Butyl octadecanoate; n-Butyl octadecanoate. See Butyl stearate Butyl oleate sulfate; Butyl oleate, sulfated. See Sulfated butyl oleate Butyloxepanone CAS 5579-78-2; EINECS/ELINCS 226-963-9 FEMA 3613 Synonyms: 7-Butyloxepan-2-one; εDecalactone; 6-Decanolide; 7-Oxepanone, 7-butylClassification: Lactone Empirical: C10H18O2 Properties: Colorless liq.; m.w. 170.25; dens. 0.976 g/ml; b.p. 117 C (3 mm Hg); flash pt. > 110 C; ref. index 1.461 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 5252 mg/kg; irritating to eyes, skin, respiratory system; may be harmful by inh., ing., or skin absorp.; vapor or mist is irritating to eyes, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Toxic fumes of CO, CO2; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Store in cool, dry place; keep tightly closed Uses: Flavoring agent in foods and beverages Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com 7-Butyloxepan-2-one. See Butyloxepanone Butyl-3-oxobutanoate. See Butyl acetoacetate Butyl 4-oxopentanoate. See Butyl levulinate
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Butylparaben CAS 94-26-8; EINECS/ELINCS 202-318-7 FEMA 2203 Synonyms: Butyl 4-hydroxybenzoate; n-Butyl 4-hydroxybenzoate; n-Butyl phydroxybenzoate; Butyl phydroxybenzoate; Butyl parasept; 4Hydroxybenzoic acid butyl ester; pHydroxybenzoic acid butyl ester; Parasept Definition: Ester of butyl alcohol and phydroxybenzoic acid Empirical: C11H14O3 Properties: Colorless or wh. cryst. powd.; freely sol. in acetone, alcohols, ether, chloroform, propylene glycol; very sl. sol. in water, glycerin; m.w. 194.22; m.p. 68-72 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 13,200 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 230 mg/kg; poison by IP route; skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Preserve in well-closed containers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Preservative for foods; synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, puddings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; EPA registered; Japan approved (0.012-1 g/kg as p-hydroxybenzoic acid); Europe listed; approved for injectables, orals, rectals, topicals; NF compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; AcmeHardesty http://www.acme-hardesty.com; Air Products San Fu http://www.airproducts.com.tw/; Alzo http://www.alzointernational.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com; Camida Ltd http://www.camida.com; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Clariant/Functional Chems. http://www.fun.clariant.com Eigenmann & Veronelli http://www.eigver.it; Emerald Kalama Chem. http://www.emeraldmaterials.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Helm NY http://www.helmnewyork.com; ISP Sutton Labs Inolex http://www.inolex.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Jeen Int'l. http://www.jeen.com; Kraft Chem. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.kraftchemical.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com Merck KGaA http://www.merck.de; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Napp Tech. http://www.napptech.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Protameen http://www.protameen.com/ HallStar http://www.hallstar.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Schütz http://www.schuetz.de/schuetz/en/index.pht ml; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Thornley http://www.thornleycompany.com/; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Vevy http://www.vevy.com/VevyEurope.aspx Trade Names: Nipabutyl Trade Names Containing: Nipastat® Butylparaben, potassium salt. See Potassium butyl paraben Butylparaben, sodium salt. See Sodium butylparaben Butyl parasept. See Butylparaben n-Butyl pentanoate. See Butyl valerate Butyl phenylacetate CAS 122-43-0; EINECS/ELINCS 204-543-6 FEMA 2209 Synonyms: Acetic acid, phenyl-, butyl ester; Benzeneacetic acid, butyl ester; Butyl benzene acetate; n-Butyl phenyl acetate; Butyl α-toluate; Phenylethanoic acid butyl ester Empirical: C12H16O2 Formula: C4H9OOCCH2C6H5 Properties: Colorless liq., honey-like odor; sol. in 2 vols. 80% alcohol; m.w. 192.26; dens. 0.9910.994 (25/25 C); b.p. 260 C; flash pt. 74 C; ref. index 1.488-1.490 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; low toxicity by ing.; primary skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, 959
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference puddings Features: Honey-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Chr. Hansen Inc http://www.chr-hansen.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com SRS Aromatics Ltd http://www.srsaromatics.com See also Benzaldehyde glyceryl acetal n-Butyl phenyl acetate. See Butyl phenylacetate 4-t-Butylphenylacetic acid, methyl ester. See Methyl p-t-butylphenylacetate α-Butyl-β-phenylacrolein. See αButylcinnamaldehyde Butyl β-phenyl acrylate; n-Butyl phenylacrylate; Butyl 3-phenyl propenoate; Butyl 3-phenyl-2propenoate. See Butyl cinnamate 4-t-Butylphenyl salicylate. See p-t-Butylphenyl salicylate p-t-Butylphenyl salicylate CAS 87-18-3 Synonyms: Benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, 4-(1,1dimethylethyl) phenyl ester; 4-t-Butylphenyl salicylate; TBS Empirical: C17H18O3 Formula: (CH3)3CC6H4OOCC6H4OH Properties: Off-wh. cryst., odorless; sol. in alcohol, ethyl acetate, toluene; insol. in water; m.w. 270.13; m.p. 62-64 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 2900 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Plasticizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 181.27 Manuf./Distrib.: ChemService http://www.chemservice.com Trade Names: Seesorb 202 Butyl phthalate butyl glycolate; Butyl phthalyl butyl glycolate (INCI). See n-Butyl phthalyl-nbutyl glycolate n-Butyl phthalyl-n-butyl glycolate CAS 85-70-1; EINECS/ELINCS 201-624-8 Synonyms: 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, 2Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
butoxy-2-oxoethyl, butyl ester; BPBG; Butyl carbobutoxymethyl phthalate; Butyl glycolyl butyl phthalate; Butyl phthalate butyl glycolate; Butyl phthalyl butyl glycolate (INCI); Dibutyl-o-(ocarboxybenzoyl) glycolate; Dibutyl-ocarboxybenzoyloxyacetate; Glycolic acid, butyl ester, butyl phthalate; Glycolic acid, phthalate, dibutyl ester; Phthalic acid, butoxycarbonylmethyl butyl ester; Phthalic acid, butyl ester, butyl glycolate Classification: Aromatic ester Empirical: C18H24O6 Formula: C4H9OOCC6H4COOCH2COOC4H9 Properties: Colorless liq., odorless; insol. in water; m.w. 336.42; dens. 1.093-1.103 (25/25 C); b.p. 219 C (5 mm); flash pt. 390 F; ref. index 1.4880; extremely light-stable Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 7 g/kg, (IP, rat) 6889 mg/kg; mildly toxic by IP; eye irritant; experimental teratogen, reproductive effects; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid and irritating fumes Uses: Plasticizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 175.320, 181.22, 181.27 Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; ChemService http://www.chemservice.com; Fabrichem http://www.fabricheminc.com/; Vertellus Perf. Materials http://www.vertellus.com Butyl propanoate; Butyl propionate. See n-Butyl propionate n-Butyl propionate CAS 590-01-2; EINECS/ELINCS 209-669-5 UN 1914 (DOT); FEMA 2211 Synonyms: Butyl propanoate; Butyl propionate; Propanoic acid butyl ester Empirical: C7H14O2 Formula: CH3CH2COOC4H9 Properties: Colorless liq., earthy faintly sweet odor, apricot-like taste; very sol. in alcohol, ether; sol. in oxygenated solvs.; very sl. sol. in water; m.w. 130.19; dens. 0.8754 (20/4 C); f.p. 32 C; m.p. -89 C; b.p. 145-146 C; flash pt. 90 F; ref. index 1.401 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 5000 mg/kg; mildly toxic by ing.; skin and eye irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm.; dangerously flamm. 960
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference exposed to heat or flame; incompat. with oxidizers, reducers; wear safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves, apron Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, acrid fumes NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 3, Reactivity 0 Storage: 6 mos. when stored at 40-70 F in tightly sealed original containers with minimum head space; avoid prolonged exposure to light, heat, air Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Banana-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; Japan MITI Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Dow http://www.dow.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/ Haltermann Prods. UK http://www.haltermann.com; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Shell http://www.shellchemicals.com; http://www.shell-lubricants.com Butyl rubber. See Isobutylene/isoprene copolymer Butyl salicylate CAS 2052-14-4; EINECS/ELINCS 218-142-9 FEMA 3650 Synonyms: Benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, butyl ester; n-Butyl o-hydroxybenzoate; Butyl ohydroxybenzoate; n-Butyl salicylate; 2Hydroxybenzoic acid, butyl ester; Nefolia; Salicylic acid n-butyl ester Empirical: C11H14O3 Properties: Colorless liq.; sol. in in organic solvents and oils; insol. in water and glycerol; sp. gr. 1.070-1.080; m.w. 194.23; ref. index 1.508-1.520 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, baked goods, ice cream, soft candy, puddings, beverages, chewing gum Features: Rough, herbaceous, chemical odor Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ICN Biomed. Research Prods. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.mpbio.com; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; TCI Am. http://www.tciamerica.com n-Butyl salicylate. See Butyl salicylate Butyl sorbate CAS 7367-78-4 Synonyms: Butyl (2E,4E)-2,4-hexadienoate; 2,4-Hexadienoic acid, butyl ester Classification: Ester Empirical: C10H16O2 Properties: M.w. 168.2352; flash pt. (CC) 100 C Uses: Flavoring agent in food Regulatory: Japan approved as a flavoring agent; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Butyl stearate CAS 123-95-5; EINECS/ELINCS 204-666-5 FEMA 2214 Synonyms: Butyl octadecanoate; n-Butyl octadecanoate; n-Butyl stearate; Octadecanoic acid butyl ester Definition: Ester of butyl alcohol and stearic acid Empirical: C22H44O2 Formula: CH3(CH2)16COO(CH2)3CH3 Properties: Colorless liq., solidifying @ 19 C; pract. odorless; sol. in alcohol, ether, hydrocarbon oils; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 340.60; dens. 0.86 (20/4 C); m.p. 17-22 C; b.p. 343 C; flash pt. (CC) 160 C; ref. index 1.4430 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 32 g/kg; low toxicity by ing.; skin irritant; experimental reproductive data; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Syn. flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum, alcoholic beverages; in defoamers for beet sugar and yeast processing; plasticizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 173.340, 175.105, 175.300, 175.320, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.2260, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.3910, 181.22, 181.27; FDA approved for topicals; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: A&E Connock 961
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.connock.co.uk; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alzo http://www.alzointernational.com Amerchol http://www.dow.com/ucc/amerchol/index.ht m; Anar http://anarsoapandchemical.com/; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com; ChemService http://www.chemservice.com Chemol; Chempri http://www.chempri.com; CoKEM Assoc.; Cognis/Chems. Group http://www.cognis-us.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; HallStar http://www.cphall.com; Independent Chem. http://www.independentchemical.com; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Inolex http://www.inolex.com Jarchem Ind. http://www.jarchem.com/; Kenrich Petrochems. http://www.westnet.com/~kpiemm/; Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com Mosselman NV http://www.mosselman.be; NOF Am.; Norman, Fox http://www.norfox.ws/; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Phoenix http://www.phoenix-chem.com/; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SeaLand http://www.sealandchem.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com St. Lawrence http://www.stlawrencechem.com; Stepan http://www.stepan.com; Thornley http://www.thornleycompany.com/; Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com; Unitex http://www.unitexchemical.com Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Yasho Ind. http://www.yashoindustries.com n-Butyl stearate. See Butyl stearate Butyl sulfide CAS 544-40-1; EINECS/ELINCS 208-870-5 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
FEMA 2215 Synonyms: Butyl monosulfide; n-Butyl sulfide; Butylthiobutane; Dibutyl sulfide; nDibutyl sulfide; Dibutyl thioether; 5Thianonane; 1,1´-Thiobisbutane Classification: Nonaromatic mercaptan Empirical: C8H18S Formula: CH3(CH2)3S(CH2)3CH3 Properties: Colorless to pale yel. liq.; very sol. in alcohol, ether; sol. in most org. solvs.; insol. in water; m.w. 146.30; sp. gr. 0.839; vapor dens. 5; m.p. -80 C; b.p. 182 C; flash pt. (CC) 76 C; ref. index 1.4530 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2220 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; LCLo (inh. mouse) 1800 mg/m3; mod. toxic by ing.; primary skin irritant; irritating to eyes, respiratory system; TSCA listed Environmental: keep out of sewers, water sources Precaution: Combustible liq.; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of SOx Storage: Keep away from heat, sparks, open flame Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Green, vegetative, onion garlic, horseradish, savory taste Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Chemos GmbH http://www.chemos-group.com; Epochem http://www.epochem.com/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Hofmen Int'l. http://www.hofmeninternational.com; Interchim http://www.interchim.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Wutong Aroma http://www.wu-tong.com n-Butyl sulfide. See Butyl sulfide n-Butyl thioalcohol. See n-Butyl mercaptan Butylthiobutane. See Butyl sulfide Butyl α-toluate. See Butyl phenylacetate Butyl undecenoate. See Butyl 10-undecenoate 962
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Butyl 10-undecenoate CAS 109-42-2; EINECS/ELINCS 203-670-4 FEMA 2216 Synonyms: Butyl 10-hendecenoate; Butyl undecenoate; Butyl undecylenoate; 10Undecenoic acid, butyl ester Empirical: C15H28O2 Properties: Colorless liq.; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 240.39; sp.gr. 0.8751 (20 C); b.p. 125-128 C (3 mm); ref. index 1.4426 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 5 g/kg; mildly toxic by ing.; skin irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum, alcoholic beverages, icings Features: Fatty butter, wine, floral, fruity odor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Fontarome http://www.fontaromechemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Butyl undecylenoate. See Butyl 10-undecenoate Butyl valerate CAS 591-68-4; EINECS/ELINCS 209-728-5 FEMA 2217 Synonyms: n-Butyl pentanoate; n-Butyl valerate; n-Butyl-n-valerianate Empirical: C9H18O2 Properties: Colorless liq.; fruity odor; sol. in propylene glycol, most org. solvs.; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 158.24; dens. 0.868 (20 C); vapor dens. 5.4; b.p. 186-187 C; flash pt. 152 F; ref. index 1.408-1.416 Toxicology: Eye, skin, respiratory system irritant; TSCA listed Environmental: keep run-off water out of sewers, water sources Storage: Keep away from heat, sparks, open flame; keep in original, tightly closed container Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Apple, raspberry-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Oxford Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com SRS Aromatics Ltd http://www.srsaromatics.com n-Butyl valerate; n-Butyl-n-valerianate. See Butyl valerate Butynoic acid, 3-phenyl-2-propenyl ester. See Cinnamyl butyrate Butyral; Butyraldehyde. See n-Butyraldehyde n-Butyraldehyde CAS 123-72-8; EINECS/ELINCS 204-646-6 UN 1129 (DOT); FEMA 2219 Synonyms: Butal; Butaldehyde; Butalyde; Butanal; n-Butanal; n-Butylaldehyde; Butyral; Butyraldehyde; Butyric aldehyde Classification: Aldehyde Empirical: C4H8O Formula: CH3CH2CH2CHO Properties: Colorless liq.; sol. in water; misc. with ether @ 75 C, org. solvs.; m.w. 72.10; sp.gr. 0.800; m.p. -99 C; f.p. 12 F; b.p. 75-76 C; flash pt. (CC) 20 F; ref. index 1.3843 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2490 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 800 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 3560 mg/kg; LCLo (inh., rat, 4 h) 8000 ppm; mod. toxic by ing., inh., skin contact, IP, and subcut. routes; severe skin and eye irritant; delayed hypersensitivity; suspected carcinogen; TSCA listed Precaution: DOT: Flamm. liq.; dangerous fire hazard when exposed to heat and flame; incompat. with oxidizing materials; reacts vigorously with chlorosulfonic acid, HNO3, H2SO4 Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes NFPA: Health 3, Flammability 3, Reactivity 2 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, alcoholic beverages, icings Features: Fruity flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 175.105, 176.170; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; BASF AG http://www.basf.de; Cargill Flavors & Fruit 963
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Systems USA http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/ Celanese http://www.celanesechemicals.com; http://www.chemvip.com; Chisso Am.; Dow http://www.dow.com; Eastman http://www.eastman.com; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Honeywell Perf. Polymers http://www.honeywellppc.com; http://www.honeywell-plastics.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Xinchem http://www.finechemnet.com Butyraldehyde diethyl acetal CAS 3658-95-5 Synonyms: Butane, 1,1-diethoxy-; Butylaldehyde diethyl acetal; nButyraldehyde diethyl acetal; 1,1Diethoxybutane Classification: Ether Empirical: C8H18O2 Properties: M.w. 146.229; flash pt. (CC) 30 C Toxicology: TSCA listed Uses: Flavoring agent in food Regulatory: Japan approved as a flavoring agent; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Eurolabs Ltd http://www.eurolabs.co.uk; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Hofmen Int'l. http://www.hofmeninternational.com; ICN Biomed. Research Prods. http://www.mpbio.com; SRS Aromatics Ltd http://www.srsaromatics.com n-Butyraldehyde diethyl acetal. See Butyraldehyde diethyl acetal Butyraldehyde, 2-ethyl-. See 2Ethylbutyraldehyde Butyraldehyde, 2-methyl-. See 2Methylbutyraldehyde Butyraldehyde propylene glycol acetal CAS 4352-99-2; EINECS/ELINCS 224-420-0 Synonyms: 4-Methyl-2-proyl-1,3-dioxolane; 2Propyl-4-methyl-1,3-dioxolane Classification: Ether Empirical: C7H14O2 Properties: M.w. 130.2; sp.gr. 0.906; b.p. 137 C; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
flash pt. (CC) 31.66 C; ref. index 1.412 (20 C) Toxicology: May be harmful by ing., inh., skin absorp.; may cause eye/skin irritation Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Toxic fumes of CO, CO2 Storage: Store in cool, dry place; keep tightly closed Uses: Flavoring agent in food Regulatory: Japan approved as a flavoring agent; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; SRS Aromatics Ltd http://www.srsaromatics.com Butyric acid. See n-Butyric acid n-Butyric acid CAS 107-92-6; EINECS/ELINCS 203-532-3 UN 2820 (DOT); FEMA 2221 Synonyms: Butanic acid; Butanoic acid; nButanoic acid; Butyric acid; Carboxylic acid C4; Ethylacetic acid; 1-Propanecarboxylic acid; Propylformic acid Classification: Aliphatic carboxylic acid Empirical: C4H8O2 Formula: CH3CH2CH2COOH Properties: Colorless liq., strong rancid butter odor; sol. in water, alcohol, ether; misc. with oxygenated solvs.; m.w. 88.12; dens. 0.9590 (20/20 C); vapor pressure 0.84 mm Hg (20 C); f.p. -5.5 C; m.p. -7.9 C; b.p. 163.5 C; flash pt. 72 C; ref. index 1.397 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2940 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 3180 mg/kg, (subcut., mouse) 3180 mg/kg, (IV, mouse) 800 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 530 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing., skin contact, subcut., IP, and IV routes; severe skin and eye irritant; human mutagenic data; TSCA listed Environmental: do not discharge into lakes, streams, ponds, public waters Precaution: Corrosive material; combustible liq.; may react with oxidizers; incandescent reaction with chromium trioxide above 100 C Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Combustion prods.: CO, CO2; heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 3, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: 12 mos. when stored at 40-70 F in tightly sealed original containers with minimum 964
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference head space; avoid prolonged exposure to light, heat, air Uses: Food additive; synthetic flavoring agent, adjuvant in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum, margarine, animal feeds Features: Pungent flavor, reminiscent of rancid butter Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §178.2010, 184.1784, 182.60, 582.60, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved as flavoring; Canada DSL; Australia AICS Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com Astral Extracts http://www.astralextracts.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; BASF http://www.basf.com; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com Celanese http://www.celanesechemicals.com; http://www.chemvip.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Eastman http://www.eastman.com; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Prodasynth http://www.prodasynth.com R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Whyte Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/; Xinchem http://www.finechemnet.com Butyric acid, allyl ester. See Allyl butyrate Butyric acid alpha-ethyl benzyl ester. See αEthylbenzyl butyrate Butyric acid, benzyl ester. See Benzyl butyrate Butyric acid, 2-bornyl ester. See Bornyl butyrate Butyric acid, butyl ester. See Butyl butyrate Butyric acid, cinnamyl ester. See Cinnamyl butyrate Butyric acid, cyclohexyl ester. See Cyclohexyl butyrate Butyric acid decyl ester. See Decyl butyrate Butyric acid, 3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl ester. See Geranyl butyrate Butyric acid, 3,7-dimethyl-6-octenyl ester. See Rhodinyl butyrate Butyric acid ester with butyl lactate. See Butyl butyryl lactate Butyric acid, ethyl ester. See Ethyl butyrate Butyric acid furfuryl ester. See Furfuryl butyrate Butyric acid, heptyl ester. See Heptyl butyrate Butyric acid, hexyl ester. See Hexyl butyrate Butyric acid, 3-hydroxy-, ethyl ester. See Ethyl 3-hydroxybutyrate Butyric acid isoamyl ester. See Isoamyl butyrate Butyric acid isopropyl ester. See Isopropyl butyrate Butyric acid lactone. See Butyrolactone Butyric acid linalyl ester. See Linalyl butyrate Butyric acid, 2-methyl-. See 2-Methylbutyric acid Butyric acid, methyl ester. See Methyl butyrate Butyric acid, 2-methyl-, phenethyl ester. See Phenethyl-2-methylbutyrate Butyric acid, 1-pentylallyl ester. See 1-Octen-3yl butyrate Butyric acid phenethyl ester. See Phenethyl butyrate Butyric acid, 4-phenyl-, methyl ester. See Methyl 4-phenylbutyrate Butyric acid, propyl ester. See Propyl butyrate Butyric acid tetrahydrofurfuryl ester. See Tetrahydrofurfuryl butyrate Butyric acid triester with glycerin. See 965
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Tributyrin Butyric acid, 1-vinylhexyl ester. See 1-Octen-3yl butyrate Butyric alcohol. See Butyl alcohol Butyric aldehyde. See n-Butyraldehyde Butyric ether. See Ethyl butyrate Butyrin. See Tributyrin Butyris lac; Butyris lac powder. See Buttermilk powder Butyroin. See 5-Hydroxy-4-octanone Butyrolactone CAS 96-48-0; EINECS/ELINCS 202-509-5 FEMA 3291 Synonyms: BLO; 1,2-Butanolide; 1,4Butanolide; Butyric acid lactone; 4Butyrolactone; α-Butyrolactone; γButyrolactone; Butyryl lactone; 4Deoxytetronic acid; Dihydro-2(3H)furanone; GBL; 4-Hydroxybutanoic acid lactone; γ-Hydroxybutyric acid cyclic ester; 4-Hydroxybutyric acid γ-lactone; γHydroxybutyric acid lactone; γHydroxybutyrolactone; Tetrahydro-2furanone Classification: Lactone Empirical: C4H6O2 Properties: Colorless oily liq., mild caramel odor; sol. in methanol, ethanol, acetone, ether, benzene; misc. with water; insol. in aliphatic hydrocarbons; m.w. 86.09; dens. 1.120; m.p. 45 C; b.p. 204-205 C; flash pt. (OC) 98 C; ref. index 1.4348; volatile with steam; hydrolyzed by hot alcohol sol'ns. Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1800 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 1000 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ingestion, IV, IP routes; suspected carcinogen, tumorigen; experimental reproductive effects; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Environmental: VOC; ThOD 1.67 Precaution: Combustible when exposed to heat or flame; reactive with oxidizing materials Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Hygroscopic Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, meats, soups, dairy prods., soy milk, cereals Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ADA Int'l. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.joinme.net/ada/index.htm; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com BASF http://www.basf.com; Chemical http://www.thechemco.com; Fabrichem http://www.fabricheminc.com/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; G.J. Chem. http://www.gjchemical.com/ Gelest http://www.gelest.com; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Honeywell Spec. Chems. http://www.honeywell.com/sites/sm/index.js p; Houghton Chem. http://www.houghtonchemical.com; ISP http://www.ispcorp.com/ Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Lyondell http://www.lyondell.com; Mitsubishi Chem. http://www.m-kagaku.co.jp/index_en.htm; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Quaker City R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Whyte Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/ 4-Butyrolactone; α-Butyrolactone; γButyrolactone. See Butyrolactone Butyrone. See 4-Heptanone Butyryllactic acid butyl ester. See Butyl butyryl lactate Butyryl lactone. See Butyrolactone Butyryl triglyceride. See Tributyrin Buxus chinensis. See Jojoba (Buxus chinensis) oil BVO. See Brominated soybean oil C-318. See Octafluorocyclobutane CA. See Cellulose triacetate; Carnosic acid Cacao butter. See Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) butter Cacao extract. See Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) extract Cacao resinoin. See Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) butter 966
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference C8 acid. See Caprylic acid
Cade oil rectified; Cade oils. See Cade oil
C8-10 acid triglyceride Uses: Lubricant for prod. of sausage casings and for machinery used in food and confectionery industries; emulsifier, stabilizer for sausages, soups, dressings, sauces; emulsifier for milk replacers (animal feed) Trade Names: Softenol® 3108
Cadinene CAS 29350-73-0; EINECS/ELINCS 249-580-9 Synonyms: Cadinenes; [1S-(1-α,4-α,4a-α,6α,8-[gab]]-Decahydro-1,6-dimethyl-4-(1methylethyl) naphthalene, didehydro deriv.; Sesquiterpene Classification: Sesquiterpene derived from essential oils Empirical: C15H26 Properties: Yel. clear oily liq.; char. odor; sol. (mg/ml): ≥ 100 mg/ml in 95% ethanol, acetone (21.5 C), 10-50 mg/ml in DMSO (21.5 C), < 1 mg/ml water (21 C); m.w. 206.41; sp.gr. 0.9080.925; vapor pressure 40 mm Hg (179.8 C); b.p. -120 C (9 mm Hg); flash pt. > 110 C; ref. index 1.51-1.52 (20 C) Toxicology: Possible eye irritant; mutagen; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible; incompat. with strong oxidizers Storage: Sensitive to prolonged exposure to light; store refrigerated Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, candies, baked goods, chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Florida Chem. http://www.floridachemical.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com
Cactus root extract. See Yucca schidigera extract Cade oil CAS 8013-10-3 Synonyms: Cade oil rectified; Cade oils; Cadmium oil; Caparlem; Essence de Cade; Haarlem oil; Harlem oil; Holland blasam; Juniper tar; Juniper tar oil; Juniperus oxycedrus; Juniperus oxycedrus oil; Juniperus oxycedrus tar (INCI); Kadeoel; Kaparlem; Oleum cadium; Silver balsam; Silver drops; Tar, juniper; Tar, juniperus oxycedrus; Tilly drops Definition: Volatile oil from wood of Juniperus oxycedrus L.; chief constituent is cadinene, a sesquiterpene Properties: Yel. to dk. brn. oily liq.; char. smoky tar-like phenolic acrid odor; bitter taste; sol. in chloroform, amyl alcohol, glac. acetic acid, oil turpentine; partly sol. in alcohol or petrol. ether; very sl. sol. in water; sp.gr. 0.952-0.961; ref. index 1.5110-1.5200 (25 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 8014 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; may cause gastritis, somnolence; mutagen; TSCA listed Precaution: DOT: Flamm. liq. Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Features: Gin-like smoky flavor Regulatory: Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Destilerias Munoz Galvez http://www.dmg.es/; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Janousek Industriale Srl http://www.janousek.com Jiangyin Healthway Intl. Trade http://www.healthwaychem.com; Moellhausen http://www.moellhausen.com; Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Cadinenes. See Cadinene Cadmium oil. See Cade oil Caffeine CAS 58-08-2; EINECS/ELINCS 200-362-1 FEMA 2224 Synonyms: Coffeine; 3,7-Dihydro-1,3,7trimethyl-1H-purine-2,6-dione; Guaranine; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; 1Methyltheobromine; 7-Methyltheophylline; 1H-Purine-2,6-dione, 3.7-dihydro-1,3,7trimethyl-; Theine; 1,3,7-Trimethyl-2,6dioxopurine; 1,3,7-Trimethylxanthine Classification: Heterocyclic organic compd. Empirical: C8H10N4O2 Properties: Wh. fleecy mass, powd. or need., odorless, bitter taste; freely sol. in chloroform; sl. sol. in water, alcohol, ether; m.w. 194.22; dens. 1.23; m.p. 238 C; sublimes @ 178 C; pH neutral; hydrate is efflorescent in air Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 192 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 260 mg/kg, (subcut., rat) 170 mg/kg, (IV, rat) 105 mg/kg; poison by ing., subcut., IV, IP, intramuscular, rectal routes; human poison 967
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference by ing.; human systemic effects; diuretic effect; can cause blood pressure/heart rate changes, heartburn, upset stomach, diarrhea; 200-500 mg can cause headache, tremors, nervousness, and irritability; human teratogen; mutagenic data; questionable carcinogen; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Flavoring agent for cola and orange beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.1180 (limitation 0.02%), GRAS; FEMA GRAS; BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMC Chems.; AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; AXO Chem. http://www.axochemical.com; Aarti Ind. Ltd http://www.aartigroup.com; Aceto http://www.aceto.com Adept Sol'ns.; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Allan http://www.allanchem.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com Anmar Int'l. http://www.anmarinternational.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; BASF http://www.basf.com; Barrington http://www.barringtonchem.com Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; Boehringer Ingelheim http://www.boehringeringelheim.com; Boith China http://www.boith.com; Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; CPI Chems. http://www.cpichem.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Charles Bowman http://www.charlesbowman.com; Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de CoKEM Assoc.; Danisco Cultor http://ingredients.danisco.com; Dastech Int'l. http://www.dastech.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Food Ingred. Tech. Ltd http://www.fit-ltd.com Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; GMI Prods. http://www.gmi-originates.com/; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
H&A (Canada) Ind. http://www.hacanada.com/; Hawkins Chem. http://www.hawkinschemical.com/ Helm NY http://www.helmnewyork.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Jungbunzlauer http://www.jungbunzlauer.com/w; M.W. Int'l.; MLG Enterprises Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Miljac http://www.miljac.com; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Natra US http://www.natraus.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Pfizer Int'l. http://www.pfizer.com; Pharmrite N. Am. http://pharmrite.com/; Premium Ingreds. http://www.premiumingredients.com; Quimdis R.W. Greeff http://www.pechineychemicals.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; SigmaAldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Stason Pharmaceuticals http://www.stason.com/; Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com V.L. Clark http://www.vlclark.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Xinchem http://www.finechemnet.com; ZenPharm Int'l. http://www.zenpharm.com/ Zeta Pharm. http://www.zetapharm.com Caffeine nut extract. See Kola (Cola acuminata) extract Cajeputene. See l-Limonene; d-Limonene; dlLimonene Cajeputi oil. See Cajeput (Melaleuca leucadendron) oil Cajeput (Melaleuca leucadendron) oil CAS 8008-98-8 UN NA 1993; FEMA 2225 Synonyms: Cajeputi oil; Cajeput oil; Melaleuca leucadendron; Melaleuca leucadendron oil; Tea tree; White tea tree 968
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Definition: Volatile oil from fresh leaves and twigs of Melaleuca leucadendron, contg. 5060% eucalyptol and l-pinene, terpineol, and aldehydes Properties: Colorless of ylsh. liq., agreeable camphor odor, bitter aromatic taste; misc. with alcohol, chloroform, ether, CS2; very sl. sol. in water; sol. in 1 vol. 80% alcohol; dens. 0.9120.925; ref. index 1.4660-1.4710 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3870 mg/kg Precaution: DOT: Flamm. liq. HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep well closed, cool, protected from light Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Frutarom (UK) Fine Ingreds. http://www.frutarom.com/; Haldin Int'l. http://www.haldin-natural.com/; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Janousek Industriale Srl http://www.janousek.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Cajeput oil. See Cajeput (Melaleuca leucadendron) oil Cajeputol. See Eucalyptol Cake alum. See Aluminum sulfate Calamus CAS 977022-90-4 FEMA 2226 Synonyms: Acorus calamus; Sweet flag Definition: Acorus calamus Uses: Flavoring agent prohibited in foods, formerly in beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, alcoholic beverages, bitters Regulatory: FDA 21CFR§189.110; prohibited in foods; FEMA GRAS delisted Calamus oil CAS 8015-79-0; EINECS/ELINCS 283-869-0 FEMA 2227 Synonyms: Acorus calamus; Acorus calamus oil; German calamus oil; Sweet flag oil Definition: Volatile oil from rhizome of Acorus calamus contg. eugenol, asarone, stearopten Properties: Yel. to ylsh.-brn. visc. liq., aromatic Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
odor, bitter taste; misc. with alcohol; very sl. sol. in water; dens. 0.960-0.970 (20/20 C); acid no. 4.0 max.; sapon. no. 16-20; flash pt. 200 F; ref. index 1.507-1.515 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 777 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 221 mg/kg; poison by IP route; mod. toxic by ing.; questionable carcinogen; experimental tumorigen; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Keep cool, well closed; protect from light Uses: Natural flavoring agent prohibited in foods, formerly in beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, alcoholic beverages, vermouth, fortified wines Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §189.110, prohibited from use in food; FEMA GRAS delisted; Japan approved (calamus); Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Acme-Hardesty http://www.acme-hardesty.com; BioBotanica http://www.bio-botanica.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Chemtex International http://www.chemtexinternational.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com Jiangyin Healthway Intl. Trade http://www.healthwaychem.com; Liberty Natural Prods. http://www.libertynatural.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Calcia. See Calcium oxide Calciate (2-), ((ethylenedinitrilo) tetraacetato)-, disodium. See Calcium disodium EDTA Calciferol. See Ergocalciferol Calcined alumina. See Alumina Calcined magnesia; Calcined magnesite. See Magnesium oxide Calcined soda. See Sodium carbonate Calciofon. See Calcium gluconate Calciol. See Cholecalciferol Calcite. See Calcium carbonate Calcium CAS 7440-70-2; EINECS/ELINCS 231-179-5 UN 1401 (DOT) Classification: Alkaline-earth element Empirical: Ca Properties: Silver-wh. soft crystals; sol. in acid; a.w. 40.08; dens. 1.57; vapor pressure 10 mm 969
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference (983 C); m.p. 845 C; b.p. 1480 C; sublimes above m.p. in vacuum; hardness (Brinell) 17 Toxicology: Skin, eyes, mucous membrane irritant (fumes); TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. in finely divided state; fire and explosion hazard when heated or on contact with strong oxidizing agents; dangerous when wet; dec. in water to liberate hydrogen; incompat. with air NFPA: Health 3, Flammability 1, Reactivity 2 Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Atlantic Equip. Engrs. http://www.micronmetals.com; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; Cerac http://www.cerac.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Noah http://www.noahtech.com; Pfizer Int'l. http://www.pfizer.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Trade Names Containing: COWCIUM® Natural Milk Calcium FG; TruCal® D7 Calcium abietate. See Calcium resinate Calcium acetate CAS 62-54-4 (anhyd.); 5743-26-0 (monohydrate); EINECS/ELINCS 200-540-9 FEMA 2228; INS263; E263 Synonyms: Acetate of lime; Brown acetate; Calcium diacetate; Gray acetate; Lime acetate; Lime pyrolignite; Vinegar salts Definition: Calcium salt of acetic acid Empirical: C4H6CaO4; C4H6CaO4 • H2O Formula: (CH3COO)2Ca (anhyd.) or (CH3COO)2Ca • H2O (monohydrate) Properties: Wh. powd., odorless or almost odorless, sl. bitter taste; sol. in water; sl. sol. in alcohol; pract. insol. in acetone, dehydrated alcohol, benzene; m.w. 158.18 (anhyd.), 176.17 (monohydrate); dens. 1.50; heated above 160 C, dec. to CaCO3 and acetone Toxicology: LD50 (IP, mouse) 75 mg/kg, (IV, mouse) 52 mg/kg; poison by IV and IP routes; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Hygroscopic Uses: Food additive; preservative, firming agent, pH control agent, processing aid, sequestrant, stabilizer, texturizer, thickener for foods, baked goods, cake mixes, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
fillings, gelatins, syrups, sauces, toppings, pkg. materials; stabilizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.300, 181.22, 181.29, 182.6197, 184.1185, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Europe listed; UK approved; approved for orals, topicals; BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Aerchem http://www.aerchem.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alemark http://www.amsyn.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com Allan http://www.allanchem.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Barium & Chems. http://www.bariumchemicals.com; Boith China http://www.boith.com; Budenheim USA http://www.gallard-schlesinger.com Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Independent Chem. http://www.independentchemical.com Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Jarchem Ind. http://www.jarchem.com/; Kemira ChemSolutions BV http://www.kemira.com; Lohmann http://www.lohmann-chemikalien.de; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com Niacet http://www.niacet.com; Noah http://www.noahtech.com; Pechiney Chems. Div. http://www.pechineychemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Richman http://www.richmanchemical.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; St. Lawrence http://www.stlawrencechem.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names: Niacet Calcium Acetate FCC See also Calcium diacetate Calcium acid pyrophosphate. See Calcium dihydrogen pyrophosphate Calcium acid sulfite. See Calcium hydrogen 970
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference sulfite Calcium alginate CAS 9005-35-0 FEMA 2015; INS404; E404 Synonyms: Alginic acid, calcium salt Classification: Aliphatic organic compd. Definition: Calcium salt of alginic acid Empirical: (C12H14CaO12)n Formula: [(C6H7O6)2Ca]n Properties: Wh. or cream-colored powd. or filaments, sl. odor and taste; sol. in alkaline sol'n.; insol. in water, acid, org. solvs.; m.w. 195.16 Toxicology: LD50 (IP, rat) 1407 mg/kg, (IV, rat) 64 mg/kg; poison by IV route; mod. toxic by IP route; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener, gellant, antifoam for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1187, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Europe listed (ADI 0-25 mg/kg, as alginic acid); UK approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Am. Biorganics; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Danisco Cultor http://ingredients.danisco.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; Hydro Pronova a.s. http://www.hydro.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Tomiyama Pure Chem. Ind. http://www.tomypure.co.jp Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com Trade Names: Grindsted™ Alginate FD 400 Trade Names Containing: KELTOSE® Calcium aluminosilicate; Calcium aluminum silicate. See Aluminum calcium silicate Calcium ascorbate CAS 5743-27-1; 5743-28-2 (dihydrate); EINECS/ELINCS 227-261-5 INS302; E302 Synonyms: Ascorbic acid calcium salt Empirical: C12H14CaO12 (anhyd.); C12H14CaO12 • 2H2O (dihydrate) Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Formula: Ca(C6H7O6)2 • 2H2O (dihydrate) Properties: Wh. to sl. yel. cryst. powd., pract. odorless; freely sol. in water; sl. sol. in alcohol; insol. in ether, methanol, ethanol; m.w. 390.31 (anhyd.), 426.35 (dihydrate); m.p. 16 C (dec.) (dihydrate); pH 6.8-7.4 (10% sol'n.) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Antioxidant, color fixing agent, preservative in foods; vitamin C source; color preservative in meats, conc. dairy prods. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.3189, GRAS; approved for orals; Europe listed; UK approved; BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Anmar Int'l. http://www.anmarinternational.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l. CPI Chems. http://www.cpichem.com; Charles Bowman http://www.charlesbowman.com; DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Fortitech http://www.fortitech.com/; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; Hawkins Chem. http://www.hawkinschemical.com/; M.W. Int'l.; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; V.L. Clark http://www.vlclark.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Zeta Pharm. http://www.zetapharm.com Trade Names: Calcium Ascorbate USP FCC Calcium bentonite Synonyms: Calcium montmorillonite; Pascalite Classification: Nonswelling bentonite Properties: Tan to yelsh. fine powd.; pH 7-9 Uses: Additive/aux., clarifier improving life span, digestibility and appearance of foods, beverages; binder, stabilizer for protein and other impurities in wines, beers, fruit juices, vinegar Manuf./Distrib.: Cimbar Perf. Mins. 971
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.cimbar.com Trade Names: Clarit® 100 Trade Names Containing: Clarit® 125; Clarit® 1100 Calcium benzoate CAS 2090-05-3; EINECS/ELINCS 218-235-4 INS213; E213 Synonyms: Benzoic acid calcium salt; Calcium dibenzoate Definition: Calcium salt of benzoic acid Empirical: C14H10CaO4 (anhyd.); C14H10CaO4 • 3H2O (trihydrate) Properties: Avail. as the trihydrate; wh. orthorhombic cryst. or powd.; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 282.31 (anhyd.), 374.26 (trihydrate); dens. 1.44 kg/l Toxicology: May cause an intolerance reaction in some people Precaution: Combustible exposed to heat or flame Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Preservative for foods, margarine Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §166.110, 178.2010; USDA 9CFR §318.7; Europe listed; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l. Chattem http://www.chattemchemicals.com; GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; Hawkins Chem. http://www.hawkinschemical.com/; Kemira ChemSolutions BV http://www.kemira.com; Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com Calcium 2-benzosulfimide; Calcium obenzosulfimide. See Calcium saccharin Calcium bicarbonate. See Calcium hydrogen carbonate Calcium biphosphate. See Calcium phosphate monobasic monohydrate; Calcium phosphate monobasic anhydrous Calcium bis(dihydrogenphosphate) monohydrate. See Calcium phosphate monobasic monohydrate Calcium bisulfite. See Calcium hydrogen sulfite Calcium borogluconate CAS 5743-34-0 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Synonyms: Calcium diborogluconate; DGluconic acid cyclic 4,5-ester with boric acid calcium salt Empirical: C12H20B2CaO16 Properties: Cryst.; freely sol. in water; m.w. 482.01 Uses: Mineral source in foods Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; Budenheim USA http://www.gallardschlesinger.com; Glucona Am.; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com Shan Par Ind. http://www.shanpar.com Calcium bromate CAS 10102-75-7; EINECS/ELINCS 233-278-9 UN 1450; INS924b Empirical: Br2CaO6; Br2CaO6 • H2O Formula: Ca(BrO3)2 or Ca(BrO3)2 • H2O Properties: Wh. cryst. powd.; very sol. in water; m.w. 295.88 (anhyd.), 313.90 (monohydrate); dens. 3.329; m.p. 179-181 C Toxicology: Nuisance dust Precaution: Contact with combustible material may cause fire; avoid reducing agents, organic material, and metal powds. NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 3, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep containers tightly sealed and stored in a cool, dry place Uses: Dough conditioner, flour maturing agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §136.110 Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Morre-Tec Ind. http://www.morretec.com; Morre-Tec Ind. http://www.morretec.com Calcium bromide CAS 7789-41-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-164-6 Synonyms: Calcium dibromide Empirical: Br2Ca; Br2Ca • 2H2O Formula: CaBr2 or CaBr2 • 2H2O Properties: Gran. or rhombic cryst., odorless, sharp saline taste; very sol. in water, methanol, ethanol; sol. in acetone; pract. insol. in ether; m.w. 199.91 (anhyd.), 235.93 (dihydrate); dens. 3.353 (25/4 C, anhyd.); m.p. 730 C (sl. decomp., anhyd.) Toxicology: LD50 (IP, rat) 437 mg/kg; mod. toxic by IP and subcut. routes; mutation data reported; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with potassium 972
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of Br– Storage: Deliq.; hygroscopic; keep well closed Uses: Preservative for foods Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Albemarle http://www.albemarle.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com Cerac http://www.cerac.com; Chemtura/Great Lakes http://www.chemtura.com/corporate/v/index .jsp?vgnextoid=2a497e765e59b010VgnVCM 10000052d7010aRCRD&vgn; GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; Great Western Inorg. http://www.greatwesterninorganics.com; Hawks Chem. Co Ltd http://www.hawkschem.com/ ICL Industrial Prods. http://www.dsbg.com; Morre-Tec Ind. http://www.morretec.com; Noah http://www.noahtech.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Tetra http://www.tetrachemicals.com Calcium caprate CAS 13747-30-3 INS470; E470a Uses: Binder, emulsifier, stabilizer, anticaking agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR§172.863, 175.300; Canada DSL Calcium caprylate CAS 6107-56-8 INS470; E470a Synonyms: Calcium octanoate; Caprylic acid calcium salt; Octanoic acid calcium salt Empirical: C16H30O4Ca • H2O Properties: Wh. to off-wh. powd.; soapy odor; m.w. 344.51 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1500-12000 mg/kg; skin irritant Precaution: Wear splash goggles, dust respirator, full suit and boots; keep away from heat and sauces of ignition; do not breathe dust HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Binder, emulsifier, stabilizer, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
anticaking agent, calcium source in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR§172.863, 175.300 Manuf./Distrib.: City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com; Shepherd http://www.shepchem.com Calcium carbonate CAS 471-34-1; 1317-65-3; EINECS/ELINCS 207439-9 INS170i; E170i Synonyms: Agricultural limestone; Allied whiting; Calcite; Calcium carbonate (INCI); Calcium carbonate (1:1); Calcium carbonate, precipitated; Calcium monocarbonate; Carbonic acid calcium salt; Carbonic acid calcium salt (1:1); Chalk; CI 77220; Dolomite; Drop chalk; English white; Franklin; Limestone; Lithographic stone; Marble; Monocalcium carbonate; Natural calcium carbonate; Paris white; Pigment white 18; Portland stone; Precipitated calcium carbonate; Precipitated chalk; Prepared chalk; Vaterite; Vienna white; White powder; Whiting Classification: Inorganic salt Definition: Found in nature as the minerals limestone, marble, aragonite, calcite, and vaterite Empirical: CCaO3 Formula: CO3 • Ca Properties: Wh. powd. or colorless crystals; odorless; tasteless; sol. in dil. acids; very sl. sol. in water; insol. in alcohol; m.w. 100.09; dens. 2.7-2.95; bulking value 0.045 gal/lb; oil absorp. 63; m.p. 825 C (dec.); stable in air; noncombustible Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 10 mg/m3 of air (nuisance particulate); LD50 (oral, rat) 6450 mg/kg; mildly toxic by ing.; severe eye and mod. skin irritant; irritating to respiratory system; common air contaminant; may cause kidney damage, CNS effects; TSCA listed Precaution: Ignites on contact with F2; Incompat. with acids, alum, ammonium salts Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating vapors HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Hygroscopic; store in a cool, dry, wellventilated area away from incompatible 973
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference substances Uses: Nutrient, dietary supplement, dough conditioner, firming agent, yeast food, calcium fortification, colorant, alkali, anticaking agent, buffer, stabilizer in foods; fortification of bread; release agent; stabilizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1070, 137.105, 137.155, 137.160, 137.165, 137.170, 137.175, 137.180, 137.185, 137.350, 169.115, 175.300, 176.170, 177.1460, 177.1600, 177.1680, 177.2260, 178.3297, 181.22, 181.29, 184.1191, 184.1409, GRAS; BATF 27CFR §240.1051, limitation 30 lb/1000 gal of wine; Japan approved (1-2%); Europe listed; UK approved; FDA approved for implants, orals, otics, permanently listed; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance Manuf./Distrib.: AAE Chemie NV http://www.aaechemie.com; AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; ABCR http://www.abcr.de; AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Acros Org. http://www.acros.com Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; AluChem http://www.aluchem.com; Am. Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com Archway Sales http://www.archwaysales.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; Austin http://www.austinchemical.com BASF http://www.basf.com; Barrington http://www.barringtonchem.com; Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com Brenntag Specialties; Budenheim USA http://www.gallard-schlesinger.com; Camida Ltd http://www.camida.com; Cerac http://www.cerac.com; Charkit http://www.charkit.com Charles B. Chrystal http://www.cbchrystal.com; Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de; Chr. Hansen Inc http://www.chr-hansen.com; Cornelius Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.cornelius.co.uk; DMV Int'l. http://www.dmv-international.com EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Fisher Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Scientific https://www1.fishersci.com/index.jsp; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fortitech http://www.fortitech.com/; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; Generichem http://www.generichem.com/; H.M. Royal http://www.hmroyal.com; HallStar http://www.cphall.com; Hawkins Chem. http://www.hawkinschemical.com/ Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Janssen-Cilag http://www.janssen-cilag.nl/; Landers-Segal Color http://www.pigments.com/; Lohmann http://www.lohmann-chemikalien.de; Luzenac Am. http://www.luzenac.com Magnesia GmbH http://www.magnesia.de; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Melchemie bv http://www.melchemie.com/; Merck KGaA http://www.merck.de; Miljac http://www.miljac.com Mississippi Lime http://www.mississippilime.com; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Noah http://www.noahtech.com; Parchem Trading http://www.par-chem.com; Particle Dynamics http://www.particledynamics.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Pfizer Int'l. http://www.pfizer.com; Punda Mercantile http://www.punda.com; R.E. Carroll http://www.recarroll.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SPI Pharma http://www.spipharma.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Solvay SA http://www.solvay.com; Specialty Mins. http://www.mineralstech.com Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; St. Lawrence http://www.stlawrencechem.com; Tamms Ind. http://www.tamms.com; Thew Arnott & Co. Ltd http://www.thewarnott.co.uk; Thomas Scientific http://www.thomassci.com Univar Ltd http://www.univar.co.uk; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l.
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.vwrsp.com/; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names: Atomite®; Calcium Carbonate 2927 Extra Heavy; Calcium Carbonate 2928 Ultra Heavy; Calcium Carbonate BC 300 Light; Calcium Carbonate BC 2924 Extra Light Calcium Carbonate BC 2925 Medium; Calcium Carbonate BC 2926 Light; Calcium Carbonate Purified 2923 Heavy; CalEssence® 70 Enhanced Purity; CalEssence® 80 Enhanced Purity CalEssence® 160 Enhanced Purity; CalEssence® 300 Enhanced Purity; CalEssence® 450 Enhanced Purity; CalEssence® 1500 Enhanced Purity; CC™103 Creta Praeparata V; HuberCal 150 Elite; HuberCal 150 FG; HuberCal 250 FG; HuberCal 500 FG Micro-White® 10 Codex; Micro-White® 10 Slurry; Micro-White® 25 Codex; MicroWhite® 25 Slurry; Micro-White® 50 Codex Micro-White® 100 Codex; Multifex-MM™; Omya-Cal FG 4-AZ; Omya-Cal FG 6-AZ; Omya-Cal FG 10-AZ Omya-Cal FG 15-AZ; Sturcal® F PCC; Sturcal® H PCC; Sturcal® L PCC; ViCALity Albafil® PCC ViCALity Albaglos® PCC; ViCALity® Extra Heavy PCC; ViCALity® Extra Light PCC; ViCALity® Heavy PCC; ViCALity® Light PCC ViCALity® Medium PCC; Vicron® FG 15-15; Vicron® FG 25-11; Vicron® FG 41-8; Vicron® FG 45-3 Vicron® FG 75-17 Trade Names Containing: Assist LC-5; Bake Soft; Calci-Press™ MD; Cameo Velvet®; Cameo Velvet WT Creta Plus; Ferment Buffer; Isagel® PF 38; Ixper® 60 C Calcium Peroxide FCC; Ixper® 75 C Calcium Peroxide FCC Levn-Lite®; Paniset®; Panistay®; Pan-OLite®; Permitex Rikemal Agepet; Rikemal Super; Stabil® 9; Terra Alba Calcium carbonate (INCI); Calcium carbonate (1:1); Calcium carbonate, precipitated. See Calcium carbonate Calcium carboxymethyl cellulose CAS 9050-04-8 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Synonyms: Calcium cellulose glycolate; Carboxymethylcellulose calcium; Carmellose calcium; Cellulose carboxymethyl ether calcium salt Definition: Calcium salt of a polycarboxymethyl ether of cellulose Properties: Wh. to lt. yel. powd., odorless Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 4400 mg/kg, (oral, mouse) 6800 mg/kg; TSCA listed Storage: Preserve in tight containers Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, gellant, suspending agent in foods Regulatory: USP/NF compliance; Japan approved; restricted; 2% max. in foods; FDA approved for orals Manuf./Distrib.: Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Allchem Int'l. Ltd http://www.allchem.co.uk; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com Daicel Chem. Ind. http://www.daicel.co.jp; Dow Wolff Cellulosics http://www.dow.com/dowwolff/de/; Fortitech http://www.fortitech.com/; Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; Lehmann & Voss http://www.lehvoss.de Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Thew Arnott & Co. Ltd http://www.thewarnott.co.uk Calcium carrageenan CAS 9049-05-2 Synonyms: Algin gum; Calcium carrageenin; Calcium carragheenate; Carrageenan, calcium salt; Carrageenan, calcium (II) salt Definition: Calcium salt of carrageenan; mixt. of highly sulfated polygalactosides, extracted from seaweed Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 5140 mg/kg, (oral, mouse) 8710 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; experimental reproductive effects; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of SOx Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §136.110, 136.115, 136.130, 136.160, 136.180, 139.121, 139.122, 150.141, 150.161, 172.626, 176.170; approved for orals 975
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Calcium carrageenin; Calcium carragheenate. See Calcium carrageenan Calcium caseinate CAS 9005-43-0 Synonyms: Casein, calcium salt; Casseins, calcium complexes Definition: Calcium salt of casein Properties: Wh. or sl. yel. powd., nearly odorless; insol. in cold water Uses: Dietary supplement in foods, creamed cottage cheese, processed cheese, frozen desserts, nutritional beverages, powd. diet supplements Features: Milky appearance, smooth feel in the mouth Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §135.110, 135.140, 172.840, GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Am. Casein http://www.americancasein.com; Blossom Farm Prods.; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; DMV USA http://www.dmv-international.com Excelpro; Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com; Premium Ingreds. http://www.premiumingredients.com Trade Names: Calcium Caseinate R; Calcium Caseinate S; CC-901; CC-901; CC-902I Calcium cellulose glycolate. See Calcium carboxymethyl cellulose Calcium chloride CAS 10043-52-4 (anhyd.); 10035-04-8 (dihydrate); 7774-34-7 (hexahydrate); EINECS/ELINCS 233-140-8 INS509; E509 Synonyms: Calcium chloride anhydrous Classification: Inorganic salt Empirical: CaCl2 (anhyd.); CaCl2 • 2H2O (dihydrate) Properties: Grayish-wh. cryst., granules, lumps, or flakes; odorless; freely sol. in water and alcohol; m.w. 110.99 (anhyd.), 147.01 (dihydrate); dens. 2.16 (anhyd.), 1.83 (dihydrate); m.p. 772 C (anhyd.), 176 C (dihydrate); b.p. > 1600 C; pH 4.5-9.2 (5%) Toxicology: LD50 (oral rat) 1000 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 264 mg/kg; poison by IV, intramuscular, IP, subcut. routes; mod. toxic by ing. causing stomach and heart disturbances; severe eye irritant; human systemic effects; tumorigen; mutagen; questionable Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
carcinogen; TSCA listed Precaution: Reacts violently with BrF3, (B2O3 + CaO); reaction with zinc releases explosive hydrogen gas; exothermic reaction with water Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of Cl– HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Hygroscopic; deliq.; store @ R.T.; keep well closed Uses: Sequestrant, firming agent, anticaking agent, antimicrobial, curing agent, pickling agent, flavor enhancer, humectant, nutrient supplement, pH control agent, processing aid, stabilizer, surfactant, texturizer, thickener, synergist in foods; isomerization agent in prep. of hops for beer brewing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §133.102, 133.108, 133.111, 133.113, 133.118, 133.127, 133.136, 133.138, 133.141, 145.145, 150.141, 150.161, 172.560, 178.1010, 184.1193, GRAS; USDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147, 3% max.; Canada DSL; Japan approved (1% max.); Europe listed (ADI not specified); UK approved; WHO limitation: 350-800 mg/kg (canned fruits/veg.), 200 mg/kg (preserves, processed cheese); approved for injectables, ophthalmics, orals; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance Manuf./Distrib.: AAE Chemie NV http://www.aaechemie.com; AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Akzo Nobel Salt http://www.akzonobelsalt.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Allan http://www.allanchem.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Arkema http://www.arkema.fr; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com BCH Brühl http://www.bch-bruehl.de; Boith China http://www.boith.com; Brenntag AG http://www.brenntag.de; Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties Budenheim USA http://www.gallardschlesinger.com; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de; Chemtura/Great Lakes http://www.chemtura.com/corporate/v/index .jsp?vgnextoid=2a497e765e59b010VgnVCM 10000052d7010aRCRD&vgn; DC Chem. http://www.dcchem.co.kr/english/index.asp 976
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com; Dow http://www.dow.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; FBC Ind. http://www.fbcindustries.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Fortitech http://www.fortitech.com/; GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com; Hawkins Chem. http://www.hawkinschemical.com/; Honeywell Perf. Polymers http://www.honeywellppc.com; http://www.honeywell-plastics.com Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Jarchem Ind. http://www.jarchem.com/; Kemira Kemi UK; Lohmann http://www.lohmann-chemikalien.de; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com Morre-Tec Ind. http://www.morretec.com; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Noah http://www.noahtech.com; Occidental http://www.oxychem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Reade Advanced Materials http://www.reade.com; Reheis http://www.reheis.com/; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sal Chem. http://www.salchem.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Solvay SA http://www.solvay.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Tomita Pharmaceutical http://www.tomitaph.co.jp; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Vulcan Chems. http://www.vulcanmaterials.com/vc.asp; Wako Chem. USA http://www.wakousa.com Trade Names Containing: Snow Fresh® Calcium chloride anhydrous. See Calcium chloride Calcium citrate CAS 813-94-5 (anhyd.); 5785-44-4 (tetrahydrate); EINECS/ELINCS 212-391-7 INS333; E333 Synonyms: Calcium citrate tertiary; Citric acid calcium salt; Dicalcium citrate; Lime citrate; Tricalcium citrate; Tricalcium dicitrate Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Empirical: C12H10Ca3O14 • 4H2O Formula: Ca3(C6H5O7)2 • 4H2O (tetrahydrate) Properties: Wh. fine powd., odorless; sl. sol. in water; pract. insol. in alcohol; sol. in dil. HCl and nitric acid; m.w. 570.50 (tetrahydrate); loses water of cryst. @ 100 C, dec. @ 230 C Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Uses: Dietary supplement, nutrient (calcium source), sequestrant, buffer, pH control agent, antioxidant, stabilizer, and raising agent n foods; pH control agent in jams, jellies, marmalades, soft drinks, and wines; emulsifying salt; antioxidant synergist in foods; firming agent for fruits and vegetables; salt substitute in diet food; carrier in chewing gums, flavors Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §133.169, 133.173, 133.179, 150.141, 150.161, 184.1195, GRAS; Japan approved (1% max. as calcium); Europe listed; UK approved; approved for orals; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AAA Int'l. http://www.aaainternational.com; ADA Int'l. http://www.joinme.net/ada/index.htm; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; BCH Brühl http://www.bch-bruehl.de; Boehringer Ingelheim http://www.boehringer-ingelheim.com Boith China http://www.boith.com; Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties; Budenheim USA http://www.gallardschlesinger.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de; Clofine Dairy & Food Prods. http://www.clofinedairy.com; CoKEM Assoc.; Dastech Int'l. http://www.dastech.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fortitech http://www.fortitech.com/; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; Gadot Biochem. Ind. http://www.gadotbio.com Galbraith Labs http://www.galbraith.com; Generichem http://www.generichem.com/; 977
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Independent Chem. http://www.independentchemical.com; Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/; Integra http://www.integrachem.com Jost http://www.jostchemical.com; Jungbunzlauer Int'l. AG http://www.jungbunzlauer.com/; Jungbunzlauer http://www.jungbunzlauer.com/w; KIC Chems. http://www.kicchemicals.com; http://www.kicgroup.com; Lohmann http://www.lohmann-chemikalien.de Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Nutricepts http://www.nutricepts.com; Parchem Trading http://www.parchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Quimdis RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Rit-Chem http://www.ritchem.com; Rochem Int'l. http://www.rochemintl.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Tomita Pharmaceutical http://www.tomitaph.co.jp; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; V.L. Clark http://www.vlclark.com; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names: Gadocal+ Trade Names Containing: Gadocal Gold; Gadolin Calcium; Gado Multimin; Gadophit; Tang Calcium citrate tertiary. See Calcium citrate Calcium cyclamate CAS 139-06-0 INS952 Synonyms: Calcium cyclohexanesulfamate; Calcium cyclohexyl sulfamate; Cyclamate calcium; Cyclamate, calcium salt; Cyclamic acid calcium salt; Cyclamic acid hemicalcium salt; Cyclohexanesulfamic acid calcium salt; Sucaryl calcium Classification: Cyclamates Empirical: C6H12NO3S • ½Ca Formula: (C6H11NHSO3)2Ca • 2H2O Properties: Wh. cryst. powd.; odorless; sweet taste; freely sol. in water; pract. insol. in alcohol, benzene, chloroform; m.w. 198.3 Toxicology: LDLo (oral, rat) 10 mg/kg; poison by ing. and IV routes; questionable carcinogen; experimental tumorigen and Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
neoplastigen; experimental reproductive effects; human mutagenic data; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits very toxic fumes of SOx and NOx Uses: Nonnutritive sweetener prohibited in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §189.135; prohibited from direct addition or use in human food; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; CPI Chems. http://www.cpichem.com; Helm NY http://www.helmnewyork.com; ICN Biomed. Research Prods. http://www.mpbio.com Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com; Schütz http://www.schuetz.de/schuetz/en/index.pht ml; Sigma-Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Zhong Hua Fang Da http://www.fangda.com.hk/english/ Calcium cyclohexanesulfamate; Calcium cyclohexyl sulfamate. See Calcium cyclamate Calcium diacetate CAS 66905-25-7 (anhyd.); EINECS/ELINCS 226516-5 Empirical: C6H10CaO6 Uses: Sequestrant for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.6197, GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com See also Calcium acetate Calcium diacetate. See Calcium acetate Calcium dibenzoate. See Calcium benzoate Calcium diborogluconate. See Calcium borogluconate Calcium dibromide. See Calcium bromide Calcium di-D-gluconate. See Calcium gluconate Calcium diglutamate. See Calcium glutamate Calcium dihydrogen diphosphate CAS 14866-19-4; EINECS/ELINCS 238-933-2 INS450(vii) Synonyms: Acid calcium pyrophosphate, Monocalcium dihydrogen pyrophosphate; Monocalcium dihydrogen diphosphate Classification: Phosphate Empirical: CaH2P2O7 Properties: Wh. crystals or powd.; m.w. 215.97 978
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, pH control agent, raising agent, sequestrant, water retention agent in foods Manuf./Distrib.: Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com Calcium dihydrogen phosphate. See Calcium phosphate monobasic monohydrate; Calcium phosphate monobasic anhydrous Calcium dihydrogen pyrophosphate CAS 14866-19-4 INS450 (vii); E450 Synonyms: Calcium acid pyrophosphate; Monocalcium dihydrogen diphosphate Empirical: CaH2P2O7 Properties: Wh. crystals or powd.; m.w. 215.97 Uses: Dietary supplement, emulsifier, raising agent in foods Regulatory: 1% max. as calcium in foods; Japan approved; restricted Manuf./Distrib.: Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com; Budenheim USA http://www.gallardschlesinger.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com Symrise USA http://www.symrise.com Trade Names Containing: Dough-Rise™ Calcium dihydrogen sulfite. See Calcium hydrogen sulfite Calcium dihydroxide. See Calcium hydroxide Calcium d(+)-N-(α,γ-dihydroxy-β,βdimethylbutyryl)-β-alaninate; Calcium N-(2,4dihydroxy-3,3-dimethyl-1-oxobutyl-β-alanine. See Calcium D-pantothenate Calcium dilactate. See Calcium lactate Calcium dioxide. See Calcium peroxide Calcium diphosphate. See Calcium pyrophosphate Calcium dipropionate. See Calcium propionate Calcium disodium edathamil; Calcium disodium edetate. See Calcium disodium EDTA Calcium disodium EDTA CAS 62-33-9 (anhyd.); 23411-34-9; EINECS/ELINCS 200-529-9 INS385 Synonyms: Acetic acid, (ethylene dinitrilo) tetra-, calcium disodium salt; Calciate (2-), ((ethylenedinitrilo) tetraacetato)-, disodium; Calcium disodium edathamil; Calcium disodium edetate; Calcium disodium Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid; Calcium EDTA; Disodium calcium ethylenediaminetetraacetate; Edetate calcium disodium; Edetic acid calcium disodium salt; EDTA calcium disodium salt; Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, calcium disodium salt; Sodium calcium edetate Classification: Substituted diamine Definition: Mixt. of calcium disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate dihydrate (predominantly) and trihydrate Empirical: C10H12CaN2Na2O8 Formula: CaNa2C10H12N2O8 Properties: Wh. cryst. powd. or gran., odorless, faint salt taste; sol. in water; insol. in org. solvs.; m.w. 374.27 (anhyd.), 410.30 (dihydrate); bulk dens. 0.67; pH 6.5-8.0; stable in air Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 10 g/kg, (IP, rat) 3850 mg/kg; mod. toxic by IP route; mildly toxic by ing. and IV routes; possible link to liver damage in test animals; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic vapors of NOx Storage: Sl. hygroscopic Uses: Antioxidant, preservative, chelating agent, sequestrant, color retention agent, flavor retention agent, texture retention agent in foods; color stabilizer, clarifier in distilled alcohol beverages; antigushing agent in fermented malt beverages; hog scald agent Features: Prevents discoloration, rancidity, offodors; promotes color, flavor, and texture retention Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1, 155.200, 155.201, 161.173, 166.110, 169.115, 169.140, 169.150, 172.120, 172.135, 175.105, 176.170; USDA 9CFR §318.7; Canada DSL; Japan approved (0.035 g/kg max.); Europe listed; permitted in UK only in canned fish, shellfish; FDA approved for injectables (IM, IV), intravenous, orals; USP/NF compliance Manuf./Distrib.: Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com; Am. Biorganics; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; DanChem Tech. http://www.danchem.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com Hampshire; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; 979
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names: Dissolvine® E-CA-10; Versene™ CA Calcium disodium ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid. See Calcium disodium EDTA Calcium distearate. See Calcium stearate Calcium dodecanoate. See Calcium laurate Calcium EDTA. See Calcium disodium EDTA Calcium ferrocyanide EINECS/ELINCS 215-476-7 INS538 Synonyms: Calcium hexacyanoferrate; Yellow prussiate of calcium; Yellow prussiate of lime Empirical: C6Ca2FeN6 Formula: Ca2Fe(CN)6 or Ca2Fe(CN)6 • 12H2O Properties: Yel. cryst. or cryst. powd.; sol. 620 g/l water (20 C); insol. in alcohol; m.w. 292.12 (anhyd.), 508.3 (dodecahydrate) Uses: Anticaking agent in foods, table salt Calcium formate CAS 544-17-2; EINECS/ELINCS 208-863-7; 208376-3 INS238 Synonyms: Formic acid calcium salt Empirical: C2H2CaO4 Formula: (HCOO)2Ca Properties: Wh. orthorhombic cryst. or cryst. powd., sl. acetic acid-like odor; sol. in water, pract. insol. in alcohol; m.w. 130.12; dens. 2.015; m.p. 300 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2650 mg/kg, (IV, mouse) 154 mg/kg; poison by IV route; mod. toxic by ing.; primary eye irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Preservative for foods and silage; animal nutrition Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: BCH Brühl http://www.bchbruehl.de; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Evonik Degussa GmbH http://www.evonik.com/en/chemicals/index. html; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Lohmann http://www.lohmannchemikalien.de Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Miljac http://www.miljac.com; Parchem Trading http://www.par-chem.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Calcium fumarate CAS 3416-22-6; 19855-56-2; EINECS/ELINCS 243-376-3 INS367 Synonyms: Fumarate, calcium Empirical: C4H2CaO4 Properties: Wh. powd.; pract. odorless; sol. 1% in water; m.w. 154.14; pH 5.5-7.5 Uses: Dietary supplement for calcium fortification of foods; pH control agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.350 Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Gadot Biochem. Ind. http://www.gadotbio.com; ICN Biomed. Research Prods. http://www.mpbio.com; Lohmann http://www.lohmannchemikalien.de; Parchem Trading http://www.par-chem.com Calcium furcelleran Definition: Calcium salt of furcelleran Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.660 Calcium 4-(β-d-galactosido)-d-gluconate. See Calcium lactobionate Calcium gluconate CAS 299-28-5 (anhyd.); 18016-24-5 (monohydrate); EINECS/ELINCS 206-075-8 INS578; E578 Synonyms: Calciofon; Calcium di-Dgluconate; Calcium d-gluconate; Calcium hexagluconate; Calglucol; Calglucon; Glucal; Gluconic acid calcium salt; DGluconic acid calcium salt; d-Gluconic acid, calcium salt (2:1) Definition: Calcium salt of D-gluconic acid Empirical: C12H22O14 • Ca Formula: Ca[HOCH2(CHOH)4COO]2 Properties: Wh. fluffy powd. or gran., odorless, pract. tasteless; sol. in hot water; insol. in alcohol, acetic acid, other org. solvs.; sparingly and slowly sol. in water; stable in air; m.w. 430.4 (anhyd.), 448.39 (monohydrate); m.p. loses water @ 120 C; pH neutral Toxicology: LD50 (IV, rat) 950 mg/kg, (subcut., mouse) 2890 mg/kg; mod. toxic by subcut., IP, IV routes; human systemic effects in 980
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference infants by intramuscular route (dermatitis, fever); may cause GI and cardiac disturbances; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Uses: Food additive; mineral source (calcium) for foods, dietetic foods, beverages; buffer, pH control agent, firming agent, sequestrant, texturizer, stabilizer, thickener, formulation aid in foods; anticaking agent in coffee powds. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §150.141, 150.161, 184.1199, GRAS; Japan restricted (1% max. as calcium); Europe listed; UK approved; WHO limitation 350 ppm max. (fruits, veg.), 200 ppm (jams, jellies); BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AAA Int'l. http://www.aaainternational.com; AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; ACTA Pharmacal; Aastrid Int'l. http://www.aastrid.com; Aceto http://www.aceto.com Adept Sol'ns.; Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; Barrington http://www.barringtonchem.com; Boith China http://www.boith.com; Budenheim USA http://www.gallard-schlesinger.com Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de; CoKEM Assoc.; Dastech Int'l. http://www.dastech.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com Ferro Pfanstiehl Europe; Ferro Pfanstiehl Labs http://www.pfanstiehl.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fortitech http://www.fortitech.com/; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com Generichem http://www.generichem.com/; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Glucona Am.; Helm NY http://www.helmnewyork.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com Jarchem Ind. http://www.jarchem.com/; Jungbunzlauer Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.jungbunzlauer.com/w; Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/; Lohmann http://www.lohmann-chemikalien.de; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Napp Tech. http://www.napptech.com; Noah http://www.noahtech.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Pfizer Int'l. http://www.pfizer.com RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Seppic http://www.seppic.com; Shan Par Ind. http://www.shanpar.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Stason Pharmaceuticals http://www.stason.com/; Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; Tomita Pharmaceutical http://www.tomitaph.co.jp; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com V.L. Clark http://www.vlclark.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Wego Chem. & Min. http://www.wegochem.com; ZenPharm Int'l. http://www.zenpharm.com/ Trade Names: Gluconal® CA M Calcium d-gluconate. See Calcium gluconate Calcium glutamate CAS 19238-49-4 INS623; E623 Synonyms: Calcium diglutamate; Monocalcium di-L-glutamate Empirical: C10H16CaN2O8 • xH2O (x = 0, 1, 2 or 4) Properties: Wh., practically odorless crystals or crystalline powd.; freely sol. in water; m.w. 332.32 (anhydrous) Uses: Flavor enhancer and salt substitute in foods Manuf./Distrib.: City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com Calcium glycerinophosphate. See Calcium glycerophosphate Calcium glycerophosphate CAS 126-95-4; 1336-00-1; 27214-00-2 (hydrate); EINECS/ELINCS 204-813-3; 215-643-4; 248328-5 INS383 981
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Synonyms: Calcium glycerinophosphate; Calcium phosphoglycerate; 1-(Dihydrogen phosphate)-1,2,3-propanetriol, calcium salt; 2-(Dihydrogen phosphate)-1,2,3propanetriol, calcium salt (1:1); Glycerophosphate calcium; Glycerophosphate calcium salt; Glycerophosphoric acid calcium salt; 1,2,3Propanetriol, mono (dihydrogen phosphate), calcium salt (1:1) Classification: Organic compd. Empirical: C3H7CaO6P Properties: Wh. fine cryst. powd., odorless, almost tasteless; sol. in water; insol. in alcohol; m.w. 210.14; dec. above 170 C Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of POx HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Sl. hygroscopic Uses: Direct food additive; nutrient, dietary supplement, thickener, gellant, stabilizer in foods, gelatins, puddings, fillings, baking powd.; stabilizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.300, 181.29, 184.1201, GRAS; Japan restricted (1% max. as calcium); Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Adept Sol'ns.; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Am. Ingreds. Inc http://www.amer-ing.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Asiamerica Int'l. Austin http://www.austinchemical.com; Budenheim USA http://www.gallardschlesinger.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Fabrichem http://www.fabricheminc.com/; Fortitech http://www.fortitech.com/ George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Lohmann http://www.lohmann-chemikalien.de; MP Biomedicals http://www.mpbio.com; Maypro Ind. http://www.maypro.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Schütz http://www.schuetz.de/schuetz/en/index.pht ml; Seppic http://www.seppic.com Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; TCI Am. http://www.tciamerica.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Calcium 5´-guanylate CAS 38966-30-2 INS629; E629 Synonyms: Calcium guaosine-5´monophosphate Empirical: C10H12CaN5O8P • xH2O Properties: Wh. to off-wh. cryst. or powd.; odorless; sparingly sol. in water; m.w. 401.20 (anhyd.) Uses: Flavor enhancer in foods Calcium guaosine-5´-monophosphate. See Calcium 5´-guanylate Calcium hexacyanoferrate. See Calcium ferrocyanide Calcium 2,4-hexadienoate. See Calcium sorbate Calcium hexagluconate. See Calcium gluconate Calcium hexametaphosphate CAS 10102-76-8 Toxicology: Nuisance dust Uses: Sequestrant, pH control agent for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.6203, GRAS Calcium hydrate. See Calcium hydroxide Calcium hydrogen carbonate CAS 3983-19-5 INS170(ii); E170 Synonyms: Calcium bicarbonate Empirical: C2H2CaO6 Properties: M.w. 162.1142 Uses: Surface colorant, anticaking agent, stabilizer in foods Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg Calcium hydrogen malate INS352(i); E352 Synonyms: Monocalcium 2-DLhydroxysuccinate; Monocalcium DL-malate Definition: Monocalcium salt of DL-malic acid Formula: (C4H5O5)2Ca Properties: Wh. powd. Uses: pH control agent and seasoning in jams, fruits, and jellies Calcium hydrogen orthophosphate; Calcium hydrogen phosphate; Calcium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous. See Calcium phosphate dibasic Calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate. See Calcium phosphate dibasic dihydrate Calcium hydrogen sulfite CAS 13780-03-5 982
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference UN 1923 (DOT); INS227; E227 Synonyms: Calcium acid sulfite; Calcium bisulfite; Calcium dihydrogen sulfite Empirical: H2CaO6S2 Formula: Ca(HSO3)2 Properties: Ylsh. liq.; strong sulfur dioxide odor; m.w. 204.24; dens. 1.06 Toxicology: Irritating and corrosive to skin and tissue Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of SOx Uses: Preservative, antioxidant in foods Calcium hydrosilicate. See Calcium silicate Calcium hydroxide CAS 1305-62-0; EINECS/ELINCS 215-137-3 INS526; E526 Synonyms: Agricultural lime; Calcium dihydroxide; Calcium hydrate; Carboxide; Caustic lime; Hydrated lime; Lime, hydrated; Lime milk; Lime, slaked; Lime water; Milk of lime; Slaked lime Classification: Inorganic base Empirical: H2CaO2 Formula: Ca(OH)2 Properties: Wh. soft cryst. powd., alkaline sl. bitter taste; sl. sol. in water; sol. in glycerol, syrup, acid; insol. in alcohol; m.w. 74.10; dens. 2.34; m.p. loses water at 580 C; pH 12.4 (sat. sol'n. @ 25 C) Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 5 mg/m3; LD50 (oral, rat) 7.34 g/kg; mildly toxic by ing.; severe eye irritant; irritating to skin, mucous membrane, respiratory tract; dust is industrial hazard; causes dermatitis; mutation data reported; common air contaminant; TSCA listed Precaution: Corrosive material; violent reaction with maleic anhydride, nitroethane, nitromethane, nitroparaffins, etc.; reaction with polychlorinated phenols + potassium nitrate forms extremely toxic prods. HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 0, Reactivity 1 Uses: Food additive; buffer, neutralizer, pH control agent, firming agent, processing aid in foods; in malting process in beer-making Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.85, 135.110, 176.180, 176.210, 184.1205, GRAS; USDA 9CFR §318.7; Japan restricted (1% max. as calcium); Europe listed; UK approved; FDA approved for injectables, orals, topicals; BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Am. Biorganics; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com Asiamerica Int'l.; Boith China http://www.boith.com; Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com; Brenntag Specialties Charkit http://www.charkit.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fortitech http://www.fortitech.com/; GDL Int'l. http://www.gdlinternational.com Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; Lohmann http://www.lohmannchemikalien.de; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Mississippi Lime http://www.mississippilime.com Noah http://www.noahtech.com; O.C. Lugo http://www.oclugo.com; Parchem Trading http://www.par-chem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Pfizer Int'l. http://www.pfizer.com RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Specialty Mins. http://www.mineralstech.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com U.S. Gypsum http://www.usg.com/; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names Containing: Ixper® 60 C Calcium Peroxide FCC; Ixper® 75 C Calcium Peroxide FCC Calcium hydroxide phosphate CAS 12167-74-7 FEMA 3081; E341c Synonyms: Calcium phosphate tribasic; Precipitated calcium phosphate; Tricalcium phosphate Classification: Inorganic salt Definition: Variable mixt. of calcium phosphates Formula: (1) Ca5(OH)(PO4)3 or (2) 10CaO • 3P2O5 • H2O 983
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Properties: Wh. powd. or cryst.; sol. in dil. HCl; pract. insol. in water, alcohol; m.w. (1) 502.31, (2) 1004.64 Toxicology: Skin and eye irritant; nuisance dust Uses: Food ingred., nutrient, dietary supplement in cereal flours, dressings; stabilizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §137.105, 137.155, 137.160, 137.165, 137.170, 137.175, 137.180, 137.185, 169.179, 169.182, 175.300, 181.29, 182.1217, 182.8217, GRAS; USDA 9CFR §318.7; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL; Japan approved (1% max. as calcium), restricted; Europe listed; UK approved; FDA approved for orals Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Innophos; Integra http://www.integrachem.com Lohmann http://www.lohmannchemikalien.de; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Monsanto http://www.monsanto.com; Rhodia http://www.rhodia.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Trade Names Containing: Gadophit Calcium 2-hydroxypropanoate; Calcium-L-2hydroxypropionate. See Calcium lactate Calcium[α-hydroxysuccinate. See Calcium malate Calcium 5´-inosinate CAS 38966-29-9 (Ca salt anhyd.) INS633; E633 Synonyms: Calcium inosine-5'monophosphate Empirical: C10H11CaN4O8P • xH2O Properties: White or off-white, odorless crystals,or powd.; m.w. 386.19 (anhyd.) Uses: Flavor enhancer in foods Calcium inosine-5'-monophosphate. See Calcium 5´-inosinate Calcium iodate CAS 7789-80-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-191-3 INS916 Synonyms: Autarite; Iodic acid, calcium salt; Lautarite Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Empirical: CaI2O6 • H2O Formula: Ca(IO3)2 • H2O Properties: Wh. powd. or colorless cryst.; odorless or sl. odor; sl. sol. in water; insol. in alcohol; dec. on heating; m.w. 407.90 Toxicology: Nuisance dust; irritant Precaution: Oxidizer Uses: Food additive; dough strengthener, dough conditioner, oxidation agent, flour treatment agent, maturing agent for bread; iodine dietary supplement; iodine source for animal nutrition Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §136.110, 184.1206, 582.80, GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; Helm NY http://www.helmnewyork.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com; Robeco http://www.robecoinc.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Tomen Am. http://www.tomenamerica.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Wm. Blythe Ltd http://www.wmblythe.co.uk Trade Names: IDX-20 NB Trade Names Containing: Calib; N'Hance CM; N'Hance (Phase II) Tablets; N'Hance SD; Oxitabs Calcium isoascorbate INS318 Uses: Antioxidant for foods Calcium lactate CAS 814-80-2 (anhyd.); 5743-47-5; 41372-22-9 (monohydrate, trihydrate); 63690-56-2 (pentahydrate); 28305-25-1 (calcium S984
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference lactate); EINECS/ELINCS 212-406-7; 248-9533 INS327; E327 Synonyms: Calcium dilactate; Calcium 2hydroxypropanoate; Calcium-L-2hydroxypropionate; 2-Hydroxypropanoic acid, calcium salt; 2-Hydroxypropanoic acid, calcium salt (2:1); Propanoic acid, 2hydroxy-, calcium salt Empirical: C6H10CaO6 • xH2O Formula: [CH3CH(OH)COO]2Ca • xH2O, x < 5 Properties: Wh. to cream-colored cryst. powd. or granules containing up to 5 moles of water of crystallization, almost odorless; pentahydrate is somewhat efflorescent, is sol. in water, pract. insol. in alcohol; becomes anhyd. at 120 C; m.w. 218.22 (anhyd.), 236.24 (monohydrate), 272.27 (trihydrate), 308.30 (pentahydrate) Toxicology: LDLo (IV mouse) 140 mg/kg; poison by IV route; may cause GI and cardiac disturbances; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Uses: Buffer, pH control agent, dough conditioner, firming agent, flavor enhancer, flavoring agent, leavening agent, flour treatment agent, nutrient supplement, stabilizer, thickener, antioxidant, filmformer in foods; emulsifier in shortening; humectant in confectionery; yeast food Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §145.145, 150.141, 150.161, 184.1207, GRAS except for infant foods/formulas; USDA 9CFR §318.7 (0.6% max.); Japan approved (1% max. as calcium); Europe listed; UK approved; Canada DSL; BP, EP compliance (pentahydrate, trihydrate) Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; Aastrid Int'l. http://www.aastrid.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Am. Biorganics; Am. Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; BCH Brühl http://www.bch-bruehl.de; Boith China http://www.boith.com Budenheim USA http://www.gallardschlesinger.com; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; CoKEM Assoc.; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Ferro Pfanstiehl Labs http://www.pfanstiehl.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fortitech http://www.fortitech.com/; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; Generichem http://www.generichem.com/ Int'l. Fiber http://www.ifcfiber.com/; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Jungbunzlauer http://www.jungbunzlauer.com/w; Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; Lohmann http://www.lohmannchemikalien.de Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Nutricepts http://www.nutricepts.com; PURAC Am. http://www.purac.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Premium Ingreds. http://www.premiumingredients.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Reliable Biopharmaceutical http://www.reliablebiopharm.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Tomita Pharmaceutical http://www.tomitaph.co.jp; V.L. Clark http://www.vlclark.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Wilke Int'l. http://www.wilkeinternational.com; ZenPharm Int'l. http://www.zenpharm.com/ Trade Names: Galaxium; Galaxium Pentahydrate Powder; Pationic® 1233; Pationic® 1240; Pationic® 1250 Puracal® DC; Puracal® PP/FCC; Puracal® PP/USP Trade Names Containing: Purac® Powder H 60; Textureze™ MT 200 Calcium lactobionate CAS 5001-51-4; EINECS/ELINCS 225-668-2 INS399 Synonyms: Calcium 4-(β-d-galactosido)-dgluconate Definition: Calcium salt of lactobionic acid Empirical: C24H42CaO24 985
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Properties: Wh. to cream free-flowing powd.; bland taste; sol. in water; insol. in alcohol, ether; m.w. 754.66; m.p. 120 C (dec.); pH 6.57.5 (10% sol'n.) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Store in well -closed container in a dry place at ambient temperatures around 20 C; retest after storage for three yrs. Uses: Stabilizer, firming agent in foods, dry pudding mixes; accelerates the gelling process in reconstituted puddings Features: Use of excessive amounts can result in unexpected organoleptic props. of the pudding Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.720 Manuf./Distrib.: City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com; Reliable Biopharmaceutical http://www.reliablebiopharm.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Calcium laurate CAS 4696-56-4; EINECS/ELINCS 225-166-3 INS470; E470a Synonyms: Calcium dodecanoate; Dodecanoic acid, calcium salt; Lauric acid, calcium salt Definition: Calcium salt of lauric acid Empirical: C12H24O2 • ½Ca Formula: Ca(C12H23O2)2 • H2O Properties: Wh. needles; sl. sol. in water; sol. in alcohol; m.w. 456.71; m.p. 182 C Uses: Binder, emulsifier, stabilizer, anticaking agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.863; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Bärlocher GmbH http://www.baerlocher.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; NOF Am.; Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com Calcium malate CAS 17482-42-7 INS352(ii); E352 Synonyms: Calcium[α-hydroxysuccinate; Calcium DL-malate; Calcium salt of hydroxybutanedioic acid Definition: Calcium salt of malic acid Empirical: C4H4CaO5 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Formula: Ca(C4H4O5) Properties: Wh. powd.; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 172.14 Storage: Store in cool, dry place in well-closed containers Uses: Calcium supplement, pH control agent in foods Regulatory: Australia approved food additive Manuf./Distrib.: City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Jost http://www.jostchemical.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com Calcium DL-malate. See Calcium malate Calcium metasilicate CAS 10101-39-0; EINECS/ELINCS 233-250-6 Synonyms: Calcium silicate; Calcium silicate n-hydrate; Silicic acid, calcium salt; Silicic acid, calcium salt (1:1); Silicic acid (H2SiO3), calcium salt (1:1) Empirical: CaH2O3Si Properties: Wh. powd.; odorless; insol. in water; m.w. 118.18; m.p. 1540 C Toxicology: Dust is irritating to eyes, skin, and mucous membranes; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear safety glasses, impervious gloves, and protective clothing HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a cool, dry place in a tightly sealed container Uses: Anticaking agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Am. Colloid http://www.colloid.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Nyco Mins. http://www.nycominerals.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; R.T. Vanderbilt http://www.rtvanderbilt.com See also Calcium silicate Calcium monocarbonate. See Calcium carbonate Calcium monohydrogen phosphate. See Calcium phosphate dibasic Calcium monohydrogen phosphate dihydrate. See Calcium phosphate dibasic dihydrate Calcium monosilicate. See Calcium silicate Calcium montmorillonite. See Calcium bentonite Calcium myristate CAS 15284-51-2; EINECS/ELINCS 239-328-6 INS470; E470a Synonyms: Calcium tetradecanoate; Myristic 986
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference acid, calcium salt; Tetradecanoic acid, calcium salt Definition: Calcium salt of myristic acid Empirical: C14H28O2 • ½Ca Uses: Binder, emulsifier, stabilizer, anticaking agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.863, 178.2010; Canada DSL Calcium octadecanoate. See Calcium stearate Calcium octanoate. See Calcium caprylate Calcium oleate CAS 142-17-6 INS470; E470a Synonyms: 9-Octadecenoic acid, calcium salt; Oleic acid calcium salt Empirical: C36H66CaO4 Properties: Pale yel. transparent cryst. solid; sol. in benzene, chloroform; pract. insol. in water, alcohol, acetone, ether, petrol. ether; m.w. 602.97; m.p. 83 C; dec. above 140 C Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Binder, emulsifier, stabilizer, anticaking agent in foods; stabilizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.863, 175.300, 181.29; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com Calcium oleyl lactylate INS482(ii) Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer in foods Calcium orthophosphate. See Calcium phosphate tribasic Calcium oxide CAS 1305-78-8; EINECS/ELINCS 215-138-9 UN 1910 (DOT); INS529; E529 Synonyms: Burnt lime; Calcia; Calx; Fluxing lime; Lime; Pebble lime; Quicklime; Unslaked lime Classification: Alkaline earth oxide Empirical: CaO Properties: Wh. or gray cryst. or powd., odorless; sol. in acids, glycerol, sugar sol'n.; sol. in water forming Ca(OH)2 and generating heat; pract. insol. in alcohol; m.w. 56.08; dens. 3.40; m.p. 2570 C; b.p. 2850 C; noncombustible Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 2 mg/m3; strong Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
caustic; may cause severe irritation to skin, mucous membranes, eyes; a common air contaminant; TSCA listed Precaution: DOT: Corrosive material; powd. may react explosively with water; mixts. with ethanol may ignite if heated; violent reactions with B2O3 + CaCl2, interhalogens, F2, HF, P2O5 + heat; incandescent reaction with liq. HF NFPA: Health 3, Flammability 0, Reactivity 1 Storage: Moisture-sensitive Uses: Alkali, pH control agent, anticaking agent, nutrient, dietary supplement, dough conditioner in foods, sugar processing; flour treatment agent; yeast food; hog/poultry scald agent; prod. of citrus pulp pellets (animal feed) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1210, GRAS; USDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; Europe listed; UK approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; AluChem http://www.aluchem.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Ash Grove Cement http://www.ashgrove.com; Atlantic Equip. Engrs. http://www.micronmetals.com Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com; Cerac http://www.cerac.com; Fisher Scientific https://www1.fishersci.com/index.jsp; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Mins. Tech. http://www.mineralstech.com; Mississippi Lime http://www.mississippilime.com; Pfizer Int'l. http://www.pfizer.com; Reade Advanced Materials http://www.reade.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Specialty Mins. http://www.mineralstech.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; U.S. Gypsum http://www.usg.com/ Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names: Calcium Oxide 801 Calcium palmitate CAS 542-42-7 INS470; E470a 987
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Empirical: C32H62CaO4 Properties: M.w. 550.92 Uses: Binder, emulsifier, stabilizer, anticaking agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.863, 175.300; Canada DSL listed Manuf./Distrib.: City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com Calcium pantothenate. See Calcium Dpantothenate Calcium D-pantothenate CAS 137-08-6; EINECS/ELINCS 205-278-9 Synonyms: Calcium d(+)-N-(α,γ-dihydroxy-β,βdimethylbutyryl)-β-alaninate; Calcium N(2,4-dihydroxy-3,3-dimethyl-1-oxobutyl-βalanine; Calcium pantothenate; d-Calcium pantothenate; Calcium d-pantothenate; N(2,4-Dihydroxy-3,3-dimethylbutyryl-βalanine calcium; D-N-(2,4-Dihydroxy-3,3dimethyl-1-oxobutyl-β-alanine, calcium salt; Extro calcium pantothenate; Pantothenate calcium; Pantothenic acid, calcium salt; Vitamin B5; Vitamin B5, calcium salt Definition: Calcium salt of pantothenic acid Empirical: C19H34N2O10 • Ca Properties: Wh. powd., odorless, sweetish taste with sl. bitter aftertaste; stable in air; sol. in water, glycerol; insol. in alcohol, chloroform, ether; m.w. 490.63; m.p. 170-172 C; dec. 195196 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 10 g/kg, (IP, rat) 820 mg/kg, (IV, rat) 830 mg/kg; mod. toxic by IP, subcut., and IV routes; mildly toxic by ing.; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx Storage: Sl. hygroscopic Uses: Direct food additive; nutrient, dietary supplement in foods, infant formulas Features: Only D isomer has vitamin activity, both D and DL used in food Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1212, GRAS; Japan approved (1% max. as calcium); BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; BASF http://www.basf.com; Barrington http://www.barringtonchem.com; Charles Bowman http://www.charlesbowman.com; Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com; Daiichi Fine Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Chems. https://www.daiichi-fcj.co.jp/eng/; Fabrichem http://www.fabricheminc.com/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Galbraith Labs http://www.galbraith.com Helm NY http://www.helmnewyork.com; Hoffmann-LaRoche http://www.rocheusa.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com Rochem Int'l. http://www.rochemintl.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Unipex http://www.unipex.com Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Wego Chem. & Min. http://www.wegochem.com; ZenPharm Int'l. http://www.zenpharm.com/ Trade Names: Calcium Pantothenate USP, FCC Trade Names Containing: Arcon® SK Fortified; Bioblend # 7; Bonus Blend d-Calcium pantothenate; Calcium dpantothenate. See Calcium D-pantothenate Calcium pantothenate calcium chloride double salt (d or dl) CAS 6363-38-8 Definition: Calcium chloride double salt of dl- or d-calcium pantothenate Empirical: C19H34N2O10 • Ca2Cl2 Properties: Wh. powd., odorless, bitter taste; sol. in water, glycerin; insol. in alcohol, chloroform, ether; m.w. 601.61 Toxicology: Mod. toxic by IP, subcut., IV routes; mildly toxic by ingestion Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx Storage: Sl. hygroscopic Uses: Nutrient, dietary supplement, vitamin supplement in foods for special dietary uses Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.330, GRAS Calcium peroxide CAS 1305-79-9; EINECS/ELINCS 215-139-4 UN 1457 (DOT); INS930 Synonyms: Calcium dioxide; Calcium superoxide Empirical: CaO2 988
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Properties: Wh. or ylsh. powd. or granular material, odorless, almost tasteless; decomp. in moist air; pract. insol. in water; dissolves in acids, forming hydrogen peroxide; m.w. 72.08; m.p. dec. @ 275 C Toxicology: Irritating in conc. form; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. if hot and mixed with finely divided combustible material; oxidizer; reacts with moisture to form slaked lime; a strong alkali Uses: Flour treatment agent, dough conditioner, oxidizing agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §136.110; GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; B.I. Chems. Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties; Burlington Chem. http://www.burco.com; Eagle-Picher http://www.eaglepicher.com; FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com Independent Chem. http://www.independentchemical.com; Lohmann http://www.lohmannchemikalien.de; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Solvay Interox; Solvay SA http://www.solvay.com Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names Containing: 2X Regular Paniplus®; Asset; Dri-Do; Dri-Do Plus; Drize-P Powder Improved Paniplus M; Ixper® 60 C Calcium Peroxide FCC; Ixper® 75 C Calcium Peroxide FCC; Muffin Aid®; Vitalex® A Calcium phosphate (INCI). See Calcium phosphate monobasic anhydrous Calcium phosphate dibasic CAS 7757-93-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-826-1 INS341(ii) Synonyms: Bicalcium phosphate; Calcium hydrogen orthophosphate; Calcium hydrogen phosphate; Calcium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous; Calcium monohydrogen phosphate; DCP-0; Dicalcium orthophosphate; Dicalcium Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
orthophosphate anhydrous; Dicalcium phosphate; Phosphoric acid calcium salt (1:1); Secondary calcium phosphate Classification: Inorganic salt Empirical: HCaO4P Formula: CaHPO4 Properties: Wh. cryst. powd., odorless, tasteless; sol. in dilute HCl, nitric, and acetic acids; insol. in alcohol; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 136.07; dens. 2.306; loses water at 109 C; stable in air Toxicology: No known toxicity; skin and eye irritant; nuisance dust HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Deliq.; store @ R.T. Uses: pH control agent, flour treatment agent, nutrient, dietary supplement, dough conditioner, firming agent, texturizer, raising agent, anticaking agent, water retention agent, stabilizer, antioxidant synergist in foods, baked goods, cereal prods., dessert gels; yeast food; mineral supplement in foods, cereals, animal feed; stabilizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §137.105, 175.300, 181.29, 182.1217, 182.8217, GRAS; Japan approved (1% max. as calcium); Europe listed; UK approved; FDA approved for dentals, orals; USP/NF compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Innophos; AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Anmar Int'l. http://www.anmarinternational.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Boith China http://www.boith.com; Brenntag Southeast Brenntag Specialties; Brown http://www.brownchem.com; Budenheim USA http://www.gallard-schlesinger.com; CPI Chems. http://www.cpichem.com; Charkit http://www.charkit.com Coyne http://www.coynechemical.com; EMCO Chem. Distributors http://www.emcochem.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; FMC Foret http://www.fmcforet.com/; FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fortitech http://www.fortitech.com/; Fuji Chem. Ind. http://www.fujichemical.co.jp; Garuda Int'l. http://www.garudaint.com; ICL 989
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com Innophos http://www.rhodia.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; Lohmann http://www.lohmann-chemikalien.de; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Occidental http://www.oxychem.com; Pechiney Chems. Div. http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; San Yuan; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Surfachem Ltd http://www.surfachem.com Tomita Pharmaceutical http://www.tomitaph.co.jp; Univar Ltd http://www.univar.co.uk; Universal PreservA-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names: Albrite® Dicalcium Phosphate; VersaCal™ DA Trade Names Containing: 2X Regular Paniplus®; A-TAB®; Bioblend # 7; Bitrit-1™ (1% Biotin Trituration); Folic Acid 10% Trituration Improved Paniplus M; Py-ran®; Vitamin B12 1% Trituration Calcium phosphate dibasic dihydrate CAS 7789-77-7; EINECS/ELINCS 231-826-1 Synonyms: Calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate; Calcium monohydrogen phosphate dihydrate; DCP-2; Dicalcium orthophosphate dihydrate; Dicalcium phosphate; Dicalcium phosphate dihydrate Empirical: CaHO4P • 2H2O Properties: Monoclinic cryst.; sol. in dil. HCl or HNO3; sl. sol. in dil. acetic acid; pract. insol. in water, alcohol; m.w. 172.09; dens. 2.31 Toxicology: Skin and eye irritant; nuisance dust Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Deliq.; loses water of cryst. slowly below 100 C Uses: Dietary supplement, mineral Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
supplement in foods, cereals, animal feeds; stabilizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §181.29; FDA approved for orals; USP/NF compliance Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Anmar Int'l. http://www.anmarinternational.com Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties; Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com; Budenheim USA http://www.gallardschlesinger.com; CPI Chems. http://www.cpichem.com Camida Ltd http://www.camida.com; Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de; Cornelius Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.cornelius.co.uk; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Fortitech http://www.fortitech.com/; Forum Bioscience http://www.forum.co.uk; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; Honeywill & Stein http://www.honeywill.co.uk ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com; Innophos; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; Lehmann & Voss http://www.lehvoss.de Lohmann http://www.lohmannchemikalien.de; Magnesia GmbH http://www.magnesia.de; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Merck KGaA http://www.merck.de; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Peter Whiting Ltd http://www.whitingchemicals.co.uk; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Rhodia http://www.rhodia.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Univar Ltd http://www.univar.co.uk; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names: Caliment® Dicalcium Phosphate Milled Trade Names Containing: Dry Vitamin D3 Type 990
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference 100 SD Calcium phosphate monobasic. See Calcium phosphate monobasic anhydrous Calcium phosphate monobasic anhydrous CAS 7758-23-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-837-1 INS341(i); E341 (i) Synonyms: Acid calcium phosphate; Calcium biphosphate; Calcium dihydrogen phosphate; Calcium phosphate (INCI); Calcium phosphate monobasic; Calcium tetrahydrogen diorthophosphate; MCP/A; Monocalcium orthophosphate; Monocalcium phosphate; Monocalcium phosphate anhydrous; Phosphoric acid calcium salt (2:1) Empirical: H4CaO8P2 Formula: Ca(H2PO4)2 Properties: Wh. powd.; sl. sol. in water; insol. in alcohol; m.w. 234.05; dens. 2.22 kg/l (16 C); releases water of cryst. above 100 C; dec. @ 200 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 17,500 mg/kg; low toxicity by ing.; a nuisance dust; TSCA listed Uses: Leavening agent in baking powds., self-rising flour, self-rising corn meal, pancake flour, prepared cake and muffin mixes; buffer, pH control agent, flour treatment agent, firming agent, texturizer, anticaking agent, water retention agent in foods; pH control agent in malt; mineral supplement; animal feed supplement; stabilizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §136.110, 136.115, 136.130, 136.160, 136.180, 137.165, 137.175, 137.180, 137.270, 150.141, 150.161, 155.200, 175.300, 181.29, 182.1217, 182.6215, 182.8217; Europe listed; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; ADM Arkady http://www.admworld.com; AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; Boith China http://www.boith.com; Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties Budenheim USA http://www.gallardschlesinger.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fortitech Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.fortitech.com/; Fuji Chem. Ind. USA Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Rhodia http://www.rhodia.com; SigmaAldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com; Vernon Walden Trade Names: Aerophos® XA; V-90® Trade Names Containing: 2X White Sour; Actif8®; ADM Cream Acid Salt; Aerophos XA; Aerophos XA Arco B; BFP White Sour; Brew Aid B Without Oxidants; Brewloid®; DoughRise™ DP 325; Fermaloid®; Pro-Fam® 922; Pyran®; Royal Baking Powd. Ry-So; Sour Dough Base; Stabil® 9 Calcium phosphate monobasic monohydrate CAS 10031-30-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-837-1 INS341(i) Synonyms: Acid calcium phosphate; Calcium biphosphate; Calcium bis(dihydrogenphosphate) monohydrate; Calcium dihydrogen phosphate; Calcium tetrahydrogen diorthophosphate monohydrate; MCP; Monocalcium orthophosphate monohydrate; Monocalcium phosphate monohydrate Definition: Phosphoric acid calcium salt (2:1) Empirical: CaH4O8P2 • H2O Formula: CaH4(PO4)2 • H2O Properties: Colorless pearly scales or powd., strong acid taste; sol. in water and acids; m.w. 252.08; dens. 2.22 (18/4 C); m.p. loses water at 100 C, dec. 200 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 17,500 mg/kg, (oral, mouse) 15,250 mg/kg; nuisance dust Precaution: Hygroscopic 991
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Deliq. in air Uses: Leavening agent in foods; emulsifier, buffer, dough conditioner, firming agent, nutrient, dietary/mineral supplement, sequestrant, acidulant for foods, beverages; yeast food; pH control agent in malt; stabilizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §136.110, 136.115, 136.130, 136.160, 136.180, 137.165, 137.175, 137.270, 150.141, 150.161, 155.200, 175.300, 181.29, 182.1217, 182.6215, 182.8217, GRAS; Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: ADM Arkady http://www.admworld.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Budenheim USA http://www.gallard-schlesinger.com; FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com; Fortitech http://www.fortitech.com/ Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; Gadot Biochem. Ind. http://www.gadotbio.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Kemira Kemi UK Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Monsanto http://www.monsanto.com; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Occidental http://www.oxychem.com Parchem Trading http://www.parchem.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Rhodia/Phosphorus Perf. Derivs.; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names: Ajax®; HT® Monocalcium Phosphate; Regent® 12XX Trade Names Containing: Aerophos XA; PanO-Lite® Calcium phosphate tertiary. See Calcium phosphate tribasic Calcium phosphate tribasic CAS 7758-87-4; EINECS/ELINCS 231-840-8 FEMA 3081; INS341(iii) Synonyms: Calcium orthophosphate; Calcium phosphate tertiary; Phosphoric acid, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
calcium salt (2:3); Precipitated calcium phosphate; TCP; Tertiary calcium phosphate; Tribasic calcium phosphate; Tricalcium bis (orthophosphate); Tricalcium orthophosphate; Tricalcium phosphate Classification: Inorganic salt Definition: Variable mixt. of calcium phosphates; occurs in nature as minerals oxydapatit, voelicherite, whitlockite; tech. prod. is bone ash Empirical: Ca3O8P2 Formula: Ca3(PO4)2 Properties: Wh. cryst. powd., odorless, tasteless; sol. in dil. HCl or HNO3; pract. insol. in water, alcohol, acetic acid; m.w. 310.18; dens. 3.18; m.p. 1670 C; flash pt. (CC) 230 C; ref. index 1.63; stable in air; nonflamm. Toxicology: May cause irritation by ing., inh., eye/skin contact; inh. may cause flu-like illness; may cause eye redness, tearing, blurred vision, skin reddening, itching, inflamm.; overexposure may cause bone damage, nausea, vomiting, headache; may aggravate ulcers; target organs: stomach, kidneys, liver; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Phosphine, POx, calcium oxide; may emit toxic fumes under fire conditions HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ R.T. in cool, dry place; avoid excessive heat; keep tightly closed when not in use Uses: Nutrient, dietary supplement, dough conditioner, flour treatment agent, firming agent, leavening agent, buffer, pH control agent, sequestrant, texturizer, stabilizer, fat rendering aid, water retention agent in foods; meat tenderizer; yeast food; anticaking agent for food powds., dry beverages, table salt; yeast food, chewing gum base, raising agent, emulsifier (Japan) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §137.105, 137.155, 137.160, 137.165, 137.170, 137.175, 137.180, 137.185, 169.179, 169.182, 175.300, 181.29, 182.1217, 182.8217, GRAS; USDA 9CFR §318.7; FEMA GRAS; DOT nonregulated; Canada DSL; SARA §302/304/313 nonreportable; Japan approved (1% max. as calcium), restricted; Europe listed; UK approved; FDA approved for orals; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance 992
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; ADA Int'l. http://www.joinme.net/ada/index.htm; AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; AXO Chem. http://www.axochemical.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Brown http://www.brownchem.com Budenheim USA http://www.gallardschlesinger.com; Camida Ltd http://www.camida.com; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Chem One http://www.chemone.com; Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de Coyne http://www.coynechemical.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; Gadot Biochem. Ind. http://www.gadotbio.com; Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com; ICL Performance Prods. http://www.astaris.com; Independent Chem. http://www.independentchemical.com Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Kaltron/Pettibone http://www.kaltron.com; Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; Lohmann http://www.lohmannchemikalien.de Magnesia GmbH http://www.magnesia.de; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Merck KGaA http://www.merck.de; Monsanto http://www.monsanto.com; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Peter Whiting Ltd http://www.whitingchemicals.co.uk; PhytoTech. Labs http://www.phytotechlab.com; Rhodia/Phosphorus Perf. Derivs.; Rhodia http://www.rhodia.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sal Chem. http://www.salchem.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Stauber Perf. Ingreds. http://www.stauberusa.com
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Surfachem Ltd http://www.surfachem.com; Univar Ltd http://www.univar.co.uk; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Westco http://www.westcochemicals.com Trade Names: TRI-CAL WG; TRI-TAB Trade Names Containing: Alcolec® PS 20 P; Alcolec® PS 40 P; Alcolec® PS 50 P; Ascorbo-160-2 Powder; Assist LC-5 Bakery Enrichment Blend with Folic Acid; Bakery Enrichment Blend R with Folic Acid; Cain's PDC (Pizza Dough Conditioner); Cameo® Showcase; Domestic CM Enrichment with Folic Acid Drize-P Powder; Export Masa Enrichment; Export Mineral Blend with TCP; F E Blend K with Folic Acid; Imperial FD Lecigran™ C; Lecigran™ T; Lucarotin® 10 CWD O; Lucarotin® 20 CWD/R; Lucarotin® 20 CWD/R Lutein DC; LycoVit® 10% DC; Macaroni Enrichment Blend with Folic Acid; Morton® Flour Salt; Purity® FC Sodium Bicarbonate Treated Free Flowing; White Sour See also Calcium hydroxide phosphate Calcium phosphoglycerate. See Calcium glycerophosphate Calcium phytate CAS 7776-28-5 Synonyms: Hexacalcium phytate; Phytocalcium Empirical: C6H6Ca6O24P6 Formula: C6H6(CaPO4)6 Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd.; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 888.42; pH neutral (sat. sol'n.) Uses: Sequestrant in wine and vinegar prods.; calcium source in nutrition Features: Removes excess metals Manuf./Distrib.: City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Fabrichem http://www.fabricheminc.com/; Maypro Ind. http://www.maypro.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com Calcium polyphosphate INS452(iv) Classification: Polyphosphate Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, pH control agent, raising agent, sequestrant, water retention agent in foods Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg 993
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg Calcium polysilicate. See Calcium silicate Calcium propionate CAS 4075-81-4 (anhyd.); EINECS/ELINCS 223795-8 INS282; E282 Synonyms: Calcium dipropionate; Propanoic acid, calcium salt; Propionic acid, calcium salt Definition: Calcium salt of propionic acid Empirical: C6H10CaO4 Formula: Ca(OOCCH2CH3)2 Properties: Wh. cryst. or cryst. powd., faint odor of propionic acid; sol. in water; sl. sol. in alcohol; m.w. 186.23; m.p. > 300 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3920 mg/kg, (oral, mouse) 2350 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Hygroscopic Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry location; keep container closed when not in use Uses: Direct food additive; antimicrobial, mold inhibitor, preservative in foods, bread, cheese, confections, frostings, gelatins, puddings, fillings, jams, jellies, tobacco; antimycotic migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §133.123, 133.124, 133.169, 133.173, 133.179, 136.110, 136.115, 136.130, 136.160, 136.180, 150.141, 150.161, 179.45, 181.22, 181.23, 184.1221, GRAS; Canada DSL; USDA 9CFR §318.7, 0.32% max. on wt. of flour, 381.147, 0.3% max. on wt. of flour in fresh pie dough; Japan approved with limitations; Europe listed Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; ADM Arkady http://www.admworld.com; AXO Chem. http://www.axochemical.com; Aastrid Int'l. http://www.aastrid.com; Adept Sol'ns. Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Boith China http://www.boith.com DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Food Ingred. Tech. Ltd http://www.fit-ltd.com; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Independent Chem. http://www.independentchemical.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com Jungbunzlauer http://www.jungbunzlauer.com/w; Kemira ChemSolutions BV http://www.kemira.com; Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; Lohmann http://www.lohmannchemikalien.de; Niacet http://www.niacet.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Xinchem http://www.finechemnet.com Trade Names: Niacet Calcium Propionate FCC Trade Names Containing: C.P. 30; Sorbex Calcium pyrophosphate CAS 7790-76-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-221-5 Synonyms: Calcium diphosphate; Dicalcium pyrophosphate; Diphosphoric acid, calcium salt (1:2) Classification: Inorganic salt Empirical: Ca2O7P2 Formula: Ca2P2O7 Properties: Wh. fine powd., tasteless; sol. in dilute HCl; insol. in water; m.w. 254.10; dens. 3.09; m.p. 1230 C Toxicology: No known toxicity; nuisance dust Uses: Buffer, neutralizer, nutrient, dietary supplement in foods; animal feed supplement Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.8223, GRAS; approved for dentals, orals; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Budenheim USA http://www.gallard-schlesinger.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium Calcium resinate CAS 9007-13-0 UN 1313 (DOT); UN 1314 (DOT) 994
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Synonyms: Calcium abietate; Calcium rosinate; Limed rosin; Rosin, lime-hardened Empirical: C88H124CaO8 Formula: Ca(C44H62O4)2 Properties: Ylsh.-wh. amorphous powd. or lumps, rosin odor; sol. in acid, amyl acetate, butyl acetate, ether, amyl alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 1349.5; soften. pt. 115-165 C Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. solid; dangerous fire risk; spontaneous heating; reactive with oxidizing materials Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Diluent for colors in egg shells Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1, 175.105, 175.300, 178.3870; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Arakawa USA http://www.arakawa-usa.com; Barium & Chems. http://www.bariumchemicals.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Hummel Croton http://www.hummelcroton.com; Resinall http://www.resinall.com/ Calcium ribonucleotides. See Calcium 5´ribonucleotides Calcium 5´-ribonucleotides INS634; E634 Synonyms: Calcium ribonucleotides Definition: Mixture of calcium inosine-5'monophosphate and calcium guanosine-5'monophosphate Empirical: C10H11CaN4O8P • x H2O and C10H12CaN5O8P • xH2O Properties: Wh. or off-wh. crystals or powder; odorless; sparingly sol. in water Uses: Flavor enhancer in foods Calcium rosinate. See Calcium resinate Calcium saccharin CAS 6485-34-3 (anhyd.); 6381-91-5 (hydrate); EINECS/ELINCS 229-349-9 INS954 Synonyms: 1,2-Benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one, 1,1dioxide, calcium salt; 1,2-Benzisothiazol3(2H)-one, 1,1-dioxide, calcium salt hydrate; Calcium 2-benzosulfimide; Calcium obenzosulfimide; Calcium saccharinate; Saccharin calcium; Sulfobenzoic imide calcium salt Classification: Organic compd. Empirical: C14H10CaN2O6S2 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Wh. cryst. powd., faint aromatic odor, intensely sweet taste; sol. in water; sl. sol. in alcohol; m.w. 406.46 (anhyd.), 467.48 (hydrate) Toxicology: Confirmed carcinogen; tumorigen; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx and SOx HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Preserve in well-closed containers Uses: Nonnutritive sweetener for beverages, drink mixes, processed foods, chewable vitamin tablets, chewing gum, baked goods; sugar substitute for cooking or table use Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §150.141, 150.161, 180.37; USDA 9CFR §318.7 (limitation 0.01% in bacon); FDA approved for orals Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; Adept Sol'ns.; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com BASF MicroCheck http://www.basfbiocides.com; CoKEM Assoc.; Dastech Int'l. http://www.dastech.com; Gadot Biochem. Ind. http://www.gadotbio.com; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com Helm NY http://www.helmnewyork.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names: Syncal® CaS Calcium saccharinate. See Calcium saccharin Calcium salt of hydroxybutanedioic acid. See Calcium malate Calcium silicate CAS 1344-95-2; EINECS/ELINCS 215-710-8 INS552; E552 Synonyms: Calcium hydrosilicate; Calcium monosilicate; Calcium polysilicate; Okenite; Silicic acid, calcium salt Classification: Carbonates Definition: Hydrous or anhydrous silicate with 995
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference varying proportions of calcium oxide and silica Empirical: (1) CaO3Si; (2) Ca2O4Si; (3) Ca3O5Si Properties: Wh. or cream-colored powd.; odorless; sol. in nitrilotriacetic acid; pract. insol. in water; forms a gel with min. acids; m.w. 116.16 (1); dens. 2.10; bulk dens. 15-16 lb/ft3; absorp. power 600% (water); surf. area 95-175 m2/g; m.p. 1540 C; pH 8.4-10.2 (5% aq. susp.); nonflamm. Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 10 mg/m3 (total dust); nuisance particulate; pract. nontoxic orally, but inh. may cause respiratory tract irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid prolonged contact with water (sol'n. reverts to sol. calcium salts and amorphous silica) Uses: Anticaking agent, filter aid, suspending agent for foods, baking powd., table salt; glazing agent, polishing agent, release agent for sweets; dusting agent for chewing gum; coating agent for rice Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §169.179, 172.410, 175.300, 176.170, 177.1460, 177.1680, 177.2260, 177.2355, 178.3297, 182.2227, 182.2906, 573.260, GRAS (limitation 2% in table salt, 5% in baking powd.); Canada DSL; Europe listed; UK approved; approved for orals; USP/NF compliance Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Brenntag Specialties; Cary http://www.thecarycompany.com; Celite http://www.worldminerals.com/celite.html; Chem-Materials http://www.chemmaterials.com D.N. Lukens http://www.dnlukens.com; H.M. Royal http://www.hmroyal.com; INEOS Silicas Am. http://www.ineossilicas.com; Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.T. Vanderbilt http://www.rtvanderbilt.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Tomita Pharmaceutical http://www.tomitaph.co.jp Trade Names: Baysical® KN Trade Names Containing: Hubersorb® 600; Hubersorb® 5121; Lecigran™ Super A See also Calcium metasilicate Calcium silicate n-hydrate. See Calcium metasilicate Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Calcium sodium caseinate Classification: Milk protein Properties: Wh. to lt. cream powd.; clean, bland odor; highly soluble Uses: Solubilizer in foods, nutritional applics., bakery prods., imitation cheese, frozen dairy desserts, health foods, nutritional drinks Features: Good heat stability Trade Names: CS-922 Calcium/sodium stearoyl lactylate Classification: Acyl lactylate Definition: Calcium/sodium salt derived from stearic and lactic acids Uses: Dough strengthener, emulsifier, processing aid, surfactant, stabilizer, formulation aid, whipping agent, conditioner in foods Features: Contains no milk protein Trade Names: Pationic® 925 Calcium sorbate CAS 7492-55-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-321-6 INS203; E203 Synonyms: Calcium 2,4-hexadienoate; 2,4Hexadienoic acid, calcium salt Definition: Calcium salt of sorbic acid Empirical: C12H14CaO4 Formula: Ca(OOCC5H7)2 Properties: Solid; sl. sol. in water Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Preservative, mold inhibitor in foods, cheese, margarine, pkg. materials Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §166.110, 182.3225, GRAS; USDA 9CFR §318.7 (not allowed in cooked sausage); Europe listed Manuf./Distrib.: AAA Int'l. http://www.aaainternational.com; Adept Sol'ns.; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Boith China http://www.boith.com; Nutrinova GmbH http://www.nutrinova.com Calcium stearate CAS 1592-23-0; EINECS/ELINCS 216-472-8 INS470; E470a Synonyms: Calcium distearate; Calcium octadecanoate; Octadecanoic acid calcium salt; Stearic acid, calcium salt Classification: Aliphatic organic compd. Definition: Calcium salt of stearic acid Empirical: C36H70CaO4 996
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Formula: Ca(C18H35O2)2 Properties: Wh. impalpable powd., sl. char. odor; insol. in water, alcohol, ether; sl. sol. in hot alcohol, hot veg. and min. oils; m.w. 607.04; bulk dens. 20 lb/ft3; m.p. 149 C Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 10 mg/m3 (total dust); nuisance dust; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Uses: Direct food additive; anticaking agent, binder, emulsifier, flavoring agent, adjuvant, lubricant, release agent, stabilizer, thickener, conditioner in foods; in defoamers for beet sugar, yeast processing; stabilizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §169.179, 169.182, 172.863, 173.340; must conform to FDA specs for fats or fatty acids derived from edible oils, 175.105, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.2260, 177.2410, 177.2600, 178.1010,; Canada DSL; 178.2010, 179.45, 181.22, 181.29, 184.1229, GRAS; FDA approved for implants, orals, rectals, topicals; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance Manuf./Distrib.: Accurate Chem. & Scientific http://www.accuratechemical.com; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Adeka Fine Chem. http://www.adk.co.jp; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com Allan http://www.allanchem.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Arkema http://www.arkema.fr; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com Asiamerica Int'l.; Boith China http://www.boith.com; Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com; Budenheim USA http://www.gallardschlesinger.com; CPI Chems. http://www.cpichem.com CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; ChemService http://www.chemservice.com; Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de; Chemisphere http://www.chemispherecorp.com; Cognis/Chems. Group http://www.cognisus.com Cometals; Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.crodausa.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Eka Chems. Ltd; Evonik Degussa GmbH http://www.evonik.com/en/chemicals/index. html Fallek; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; In-Cide Tech. http://www.incidetech.net; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; James M. Brown Ltd http://www.jamesmbrown.co.uk KIC Chems. http://www.kicchemicals.com; http://www.kicgroup.com; Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; Lohmann http://www.lohmann-chemikalien.de; Magnesia GmbH http://www.magnesia.de; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com Merck KGaA http://www.merck.de; Miljac http://www.miljac.com; Mosselman NV http://www.mosselman.be; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; NOF http://www.nof.co.jp/ Norac http://www.norac.com/; PPG Ind. http://www.ppg.com; http://www.ppgchloralkali.com; Parchem Trading http://www.par-chem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.T. Vanderbilt http://www.rtvanderbilt.com RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sankyo Org. Chems. http://www.sankyo.co.jp; SeaLand http://www.sealandchem.com; Shandong Haihua Tianhe http://www.tianhe-chemical.com Sigma-Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Sparkford Chems. Ltd http://www.sparkford.co.uk; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Thew Arnott & Co. Ltd http://www.thewarnott.co.uk; Total Petrochemicals Bruxelles http://www.totalpetrochemicals.biz Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com; Univar Ltd http://www.univar.co.uk; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Viva http://www.sodiumstearate.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com ZenPharm Int'l. http://www.zenpharm.com/; Zeta Pharm. http://www.zetapharm.com Trade Names: Calcium Stearate 2307-G; 997
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Calcium Stearate 920-T; Struktol® Calcium Stearate; Synpro® Calcium Stearate Kosher Food Grade (LD) Trade Names Containing: Doh-Tone; Dri-Mol®; Dri-Mol® 604; Honi-Bake®; Honi-Bake® 705 Sweet'n'Neat® 2000; Sweet'n'Neat® Dry Roast Honey Nut Coating; Sweet'n'Neat® Oil Roast Honey Nut Coating Calcium stearoyl fumarate INS486 Uses: Emulsifier in foods; dough conditioner, whipping agent in breads Calcium stearoyl lactylate CAS 5793-94-2; EINECS/ELINCS 227-335-7 INS482(i); E482 Synonyms: Calcium stearoyl-2-lactylate; Calcium stearyl-2-lactylate; Calcium stelate; Octadecanoic acid, 2-(1-carboxyethoxy)-1methyl-2-oxoethyl ester, calcium salt; Stearic acid ester with lactate of lactic acid calcium salt Definition: Calcium salt of stearic acid ester of lactyl lactate Empirical: C48H86CaO12 Properties: Cream-colored nonhygroscopic powd., caramel odor; sparingly sol. in water; m.w. 895.30; m.p. 45-60 C; HLB 5.1; acid no. 50-86; pH 4.7 (2% aq. susp.); anionic Toxicology: No known toxicity; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Dough conditioner for bakery prods.; whipping agent, emulsifier, stabilizer in foods; conditioner for dehydrated potatoes; emulsifier (Japan) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.844, 176.170, 177.1200; must conform to FDA specs for fats or fatty acids derived from edible oils; Japan approved with restrictions; Canada DSL; Europe listed; UK approved Manuf./Distrib.: ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Eurolabs Ltd http://www.eurolabs.co.uk; RITA http://www.ritacorp.com Somerset Cosmetic Co. http://www.makingcosmetics.com/; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Wilshire Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://users.aol.com/wilshrchem/chmlist2.ht m Trade Names: Admul CSL 2010; Lactipol C; Paniplex CK; Pationic® 930; Pationic® 940 Prefera® CSL; Verv® Trade Names Containing: MG-S; Patco® 3 Calcium stearoyl-2-lactylate; Calcium stearyl-2lactylate; Calcium stelate. See Calcium stearoyl lactylate Calcium sulfate CAS 7778-18-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-900-3 INS516; E516 Synonyms: Anhydrite (natural form); Anhydrous calcium sulfate; Anhydrous gypsum; Calcium sulfate (1:1); Calcium sulfonate; Gypsum; Plaster of Paris; Sulfuric acid, calcium salt; Sulfuric acid, calcium salt (1:1) Classification: Inorganic salt Empirical: CaO4S Formula: Ca • H2O4S Properties: Wh. to sl. yel.-wh. powd. or crystals, odorless, tasteless; sl. sol. in water; sol. in 3 N HCl; m.w. 136.14; dens. 2.964; bulking value 0.052 gal/lb; oil absorp. 10; m.p. 1450 C; anionic Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 10 mg/m3 (total dust); nuisance dust; ingestion may result in intestinal obstruction because it absorbs water and hardens; no known toxicity on the skin; irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Reacts violently with aluminum when heated; mixts. with phosphorus ignite at high temps. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of SOx HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Hygroscopic; store in cool, dry location; keep containers well closed when not in use Uses: Nutrient, dietary supplement, dough conditioner, dough strengthener, firming agent, sequestrant, anticaking agent, colorant, leavening agent, pH control agent, processing aid, stabilizer, texturizer, thickener, drying agent, synergist in foods; yeast food, flour treatment agent Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §133, 133.102, 133.106, 133.111, 133.141, 133.165, 133.181, 133.183, 133.195, 137.105, 137.155, 137.160, 137.165, 137.170, 137.175, 137.180, 137.185, 150.141, 150.161, 155.200, 175.300, 176.170, 177.1460, 178.3297, 184.1230,; Canada DSL; 998
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference GRAS; BATF 27CFR §240.1051, limitation 16.69 lb/1000 gal; Japan approved with restrictions (1% max.); Europe listed; UK approved; FDA approved for orals; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance; not permitted in food (EU) Manuf./Distrib.: ADM Arkady http://www.admworld.com; AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Advance Research Chems. http://www.fluoridearc.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Allied Custom Gypsum http://www.alliedcustomgypsum.com; Am. Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com Asiamerica Int'l.; Biologos http://www.biologos.com/; Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com; Charles B. Chrystal http://www.cbchrystal.com; Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fortitech http://www.fortitech.com/; Forum Bioscience http://www.forum.co.uk; Franklin Ind. Mins. http://www.frankmin.com Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; H.M. Royal http://www.hmroyal.com; Honeywill & Stein http://www.honeywill.co.uk; Imperial-OELImport http://www.imperial-oel-import.de Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Kemira Kemi AB http://www.kemirakemi.com/; King Ind. http://www.kingindustries.com/; Koster Keunen http://www.kosterkeunen.com/; Lancaster Synthesis http://www.alfa.com Lohmann http://www.lohmannchemikalien.de; Lubrizol http://www.lubrizol.com; Magnesia GmbH http://www.magnesia.de; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Merck KGaA http://www.merck.de Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Particle Dynamics http://www.particledynamics.com; Penta Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com; R.E. Carroll http://www.recarroll.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Shell http://www.shellchemicals.com; http://www.shell-lubricants.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; St. Lawrence http://www.stlawrencechem.com; Stepan http://www.stepan.com Thew Arnott & Co. Ltd http://www.thewarnott.co.uk; U.S. Gypsum http://www.usg.com/; Universal Preserv-AChem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Zeta Pharm. http://www.zetapharm.com Trade Names: Calcium Sulfate Anhydrous NF 164; Calcium Sulfate BC 164; Snow White® F&P Trade Names Containing: 2X Regular Paniplus®; ADM Cream Acid Salt; Arco B NB; Ascorbo-160-2 Powder; Bagel Base Bake Soft; Basic Natural™ TM; Brew Aid B Without Oxidants; Brewloid®; Cain's PDC (Pizza Dough Conditioner) Cameo Velvet®; Cameo Velvet WT; Doughmaker 4; Dri-Do; Drize-P Powder Eversoft Plus Kosher; Extram® H; Ferment Buffer; Imperial FD; Improved Paniplus M KC Yeast Food - No Bromate; KC Yeast Food - No Oxidants; Merecol® R; MLO®; Monofresh Super Panicrust LC K; Paniset®; Panistay®; Reduce®-150; Sof-One Soft Cel®; Soft Cel® (Without Soy Flour); Super-Zyme; Terra Alba Calcium sulfate (1:1). See Calcium sulfate Calcium sulfate dihydrate CAS 10101-41-4; 13397-24-5; EINECS/ELINCS 231-900-3 Synonyms: Alabaster; Calcium (II) sulfate dihydrate (1:1:2); CI 77231; CI pigment white 25; Gypsum; Gypsum stone; Land plaster; Light spar; Magnesia white; Mineral white; Native calcium sulfate; Pigment white 25; Precipitated calcium sulfate; Terra alba Classification: Calcium compd.; sulfate salt 999
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Empirical: CaO4S • 2H2O Formula: CaSO4 • 2H2O Properties: Wh. lumps or powd.; odorless; sol. in water; very slowly sol. in glycerol; pract. insol. in most org. solvs.; m.w. 172.10; dens. 2.32; m.p. 128 C (loses 1.5 H2O); b.p. 163 C (loses 2 H2O) Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 10 mg/m3 (total dust); nuisance dust; irritant; human systemic effects by inh. (fibrosing alveolitis, respiratory system effects, effects on nose); questionable carcinogen Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of SOx HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Hygroscopic; store in cool, dry location; keep containers well closed when not in use Uses: Nutrient, calcium source, dietary supplement, filler, firming agent, sequestrant, stabilizer, thickener, pH control agent in foods; yeast food, dough conditioner in baked goods; carrier for bleaching agents Regulatory: FDA approved for orals; NF, BP, EP, JP compliance Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; ADM Arkady http://www.admworld.com; Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com Asiamerica Int'l.; Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com; CPI Chems. http://www.cpichem.com; Charles B. Chrystal http://www.cbchrystal.com; Dudley http://www.dudleychem.com/dudley.html EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Franklin Ind. Mins. http://www.frankmin.com; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/ ICN Biomed. Research Prods. http://www.mpbio.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Lancaster Synthesis http://www.alfa.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.E. Carroll http://www.recarroll.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Strem Chems. http://www.strem.com; Thomas Scientific http://www.thomassci.com; U.S. Gypsum http://www.usg.com/; Universal Preserv-AChem http://www.upichem.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names: Calcium Sulfate BC 166; USG Terra Alba F&P Trade Names Containing: Gelcarin® DG 5262; Lacticol® F336; Terra Alba; Viscarin® PS 3377 Calcium (II) sulfate dihydrate (1:1:2). See Calcium sulfate dihydrate Calcium sulfite CAS 10257-55-3 INS226; E226 Synonyms: Sulfurous acid, calcium salt (1:1) Empirical: CaO3S Formula: CaSO3 Properties: Wh. powd.; sol. in sulfurous acid; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 120.14 HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Uses: Preservative, antioxidant, color stabilizer in foods Manuf./Distrib.: Camida USA http://www.camida.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Tomita Pharmaceutical http://www.tomitaph.co.jp Calcium sulfonate. See Calcium sulfate Calcium superoxide. See Calcium peroxide Calcium tartarate (INCI). See Calcium tartrate Calcium tartrate CAS 3164-34-9 (dihydrate); 5892-21-7 (anhydrous); EINECS/ELINCS 221-621-5 INS354 Synonyms: Butanedioic acid, 2,3-dihydroxy-, calcium salt; Butanedioic acid, 2,3dihydroxy-, [R-(R,R)]-, calcium salt (1:1); Calcium tartarate (INCI); Calcium L-tartrate; Calcium tartrate dihydrate; Calcium tartrate tetrahydrate; 2,3-Dihydroxybutanedioic acid, calcium salt; Tartaric acid, calcium salt Definition: Calcium salt of tartaric acid; avail. as the dihydrate and tetrahydrate Empirical: C4H4CaO6 1000
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Formula: CaC4H4O6 • 2H2O (dihydrate); CaC4H4O6 • 4H2O (tetrahydrate) Properties: Anhyd.: wh. cryst.; m.w. 188.14; Dihydrate: m.w. 224.18; Tetrahydrate; wh. powd.; m.w. 260.23; sol. in HCl; sl. sol. in water and ethanol Uses: Preservative, pH control agent in foods Regulatory: Australian approved food additive Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Boith China http://www.boith.com; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk Calcium L-tartrate; Calcium tartrate dihydrate; Calcium tartrate tetrahydrate. See Calcium tartrate Calcium tetradecanoate. See Calcium myristate Calcium tetrahydrogen diorthophosphate. See Calcium phosphate monobasic anhydrous Calcium tetrahydrogen diorthophosphate monohydrate. See Calcium phosphate monobasic monohydrate C10 alcohol. See Decyl alcohol C8 alcohols. See Caprylic alcohol C-8 aldehyde. See n-Octanal C-9 aldehyde. See Nonanal C10 aldehyde. See Decanal C-16 aldehyde. See Ethyl methylphenylglycidate C-12 aldehyde, lauric. See Lauric aldehyde C-14 aldehyde, myristic. See Myristaldehyde Calendula. See Calendula officinalis Calendula extract. See Calendula officinalis extract Calendula officinalis CAS 977001-93-6 FEMA 2658 Synonyms: Calendula; Marigold, pot; Pot marigold Definition: Derived from flowers of Calendula officinalis Properties: Volatile oil Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.10, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; BP, EP compliance Manuf./Distrib.: Bio-Botanica http://www.biobotanica.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com See also Calendula officinalis extract Calendula officinalis extract CAS 84776-23-8; EINECS/ELINCS 283-949-5 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Synonyms: Calendula extract; Calendula officinalis; Marigold extract; Marigold flower extract Definition: Extract of flowers of Calendula officinalis Toxicology: LD50 (IP, mouse) 300 mg/kg Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA GRAS; not listed as approved colorant for cosmetics under FDA 21CFR §73 and 74 Manuf./Distrib.: Active Organics http://www.activeorganics.com; Alban Muller http://www.albanmuller.com; Alzo http://www.alzointernational.com; Arch Personal Care Prods. http://www.archchemicals.com; Barnet Prods. http://www.barnetproducts.com Bio-Botanica http://www.bio-botanica.com; Biosil Tech. http://www.biosiltech.com; Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com Cognis/Care Chems.; Cosmetochem Int'l. http://www.cosmetochem.com/; Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com; Gattefosse http://www.gattefossecorp.com; Symrise USA http://www.symrise.com Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com See also Calendula officinalis Calglucol; Calglucon. See Calcium gluconate California buckthorn. See Cascara (Rhamnus purshiana) extract Callitris quadrivalvis; Callitris quadrivalvis gum. See Sandarac (Callitris quadrivalvis) gum Callitropsis oil. See Bois de rose (Aniba rosaeodora) oil C12 alpha olefin. See Dodecene-1 Calumba. See Calumba (Jatrorrhiza palmata) root Calumba (Jatrorrhiza palmata) root CAS 977000-55-7 Synonyms: Calumba; Colombo; Jatrorhiza palmata; Jatrorhiza palmata root Definition: Derived from Jatrorhiza palmata, contg. columbamine, palmatine, jateorhizine, columbin Properties: Yel.; sl. odor; bitter tonic taste Uses: Natural flavoring agent in alcoholic beverages 1001
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510 Calumba (Jatrorrhiza palmata) root extract CAS 977000-74-0 Synonyms: Calumba root extract; Jatrorrhiza palmata; Jatrorrhiza palmata root extract Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR§172.510 Calumba root extract. See Calumba (Jatrorrhiza palmata) root extract Calx. See Calcium oxide Camellia oleifera. See Camellia oleifera extract Camellia oleifera extract CAS 84650-60-2 Synonyms: Camellia oleifera; Green tea extract; Tea leaf extract; Tea leaves extract Definition: Extract of the leaves of Camellia oleifera Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Cargill Flavors & Fruit Systems USA http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/; Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com; Gallaher Group http://www.gallahergroup.com; Parchem Trading http://www.par-chem.com Camellia sinensis. See Camellia sinensis extract Camellia sinensis extract CAS 84650-60-2; EINECS/ELINCS 283-519-7 Synonyms: Camellia sinensis; Camellia sinensis leaves extract; Green tea extract; Tea extract; Tea leaves extract; Thea sinensis extract Definition: Extract of the leaves of Camellia sinensis Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com; Gallaher Group http://www.gallaher-group.com; Sinochem Tianjin http://www.sinochemtianjin.com Camellia sinensis leaves extract. See Camellia sinensis extract Camomile extract. See Matricaria (Chamomilla recutita) extract; Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) extract Camomile flower. See Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) flower; Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) flower Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Camomile oil. See Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) flower oil; Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) oil Camphane, 2-hydroxy-; 2-Camphanol. See DLBorneol 2-Camphanol acetate. See Bornyl acetate 2-Camphanone. See Camphor 2-Camphanyl acetate. See Isobornyl acetate endo-2-Camphanyl ethanoate. See Bornyl acetate Endo-2-camphanyl valerate. See Bornyl valerate Camphene CAS 79-92-5; EINECS/ELINCS 201-234-8 UN 2319; UN 9011 (DOT); FEMA 2229 Synonyms: Bicyclo (2.2.1) heptane, 2,2dimethyl-3-methylene-; 2,2-Dimethyl-3methylenebicyclo [2.2.1] heptane; 2,2Dimethyl-3-methylenenorbornane; 3,3Dimethyl-2-methylene norcamphane Definition: Occurs in many essential oils such as turpentine, cypress oil, camphor oil from Lauraceae species, bergamot oil, etc. Empirical: C10H16 Properties: Colorless cubic cryst., oily odor, terpene camphoraceous taste; sol. in alcohol, ether, cyclohexane, chlorinated solvs.; misc. with fixed oils; insol. in water; m.w. 136.26; dens. 0.842 (54/4 C); m.p. 50-51 C; b.p. 159 C; ref. index 1.452 (55 C); tenacity 1 hr. on blotter Toxicology: Toxic by ing.; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible; yields flamm. vapors when heated; reacts with oxidizing materials Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly sealed containers, protected from heat and light Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Australia; Canada DSL; Japan ENCS (no. 4-613); Philippines PICCS Manuf./Distrib.: Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Camphor Allied Prods. http://www.camphor-allied.com; Chinessence http://www.chinessence.com; Chr. Hansen Inc http://www.chr1002
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference hansen.com Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Doingcom http://www.doingcom.com; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com Millennium http://www.millenniumchem.com; Nantong ChangChem http://www.changchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Takasago Int'l. http://www.takasago.com Trade Names: Camphene 46 Trade Names Containing: Camphene P&F, FCC Camphol. See DL-Borneol Camphor CAS 76-22-2; 464-49-3 (D-+); 21368-68-3 (DL); EINECS/ELINCS 200-945-0; 207-355-2 (D-+); 244-350-4 (DL) UN 1325; UN 2717 (DOT); FEMA 2230 (D-) Synonyms: 2-Bornanone; Bornan-2-one; 2Camphanone; Camphora; Cinnamomum camphora; Formosa camphor; Gum camphor; Japan camphor; 2-Keto-1,7,7trimethylnorcamphane; Laurel camphor; Matricaria camphor; 2-Oxobornane; 1,7,7Trimethylbicyclo (2.2.1)-2-heptanone; 1,7,7Trimethylbicyclo [2.2.1] heptan-2-one; 1,7,7Trimethylnorcamphor Classification: Aliphatic cyclohexyl compd. Definition: Ketone derived from wood of the camphor tree, Cinnamomum camphora or prepared synthetically Empirical: C10H16O Properties: Colorless or wh. translucent cryst. mass, char. fragrant penetrating odor, sl. bitter cooling taste; sol. in alcohol, chloroform, ether, fixed/volatile oils; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 152.24; dens. 0.992 (25/4 C); m.p. 179.7 C; b.p. 204 C; subl. @ ambient temp./pressure; flash pt. 150 F Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 1310 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 3000 mg/kg; LCLo (inh., mouse, 3 h) 400 mg/m3; human poison by ing.; experimental poison by inh., subcut., IP routes; local irritant; ingestion by humans Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
may cause nausea, vomiting, vertigo, mental confusion, delirium, convulsions, coma, respiratory failure, death; chronic exposure may cause transient hepatic and renal damage; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible; incompat. with potassium permanganate; can react with oxidizers; vapor is explosive exposed to heat, flame, or CrO3 HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep tightly closed away from heat Uses: Natural or synthetic flavoring agent in foods, ice cream, candy, baked goods, condiments Features: Medicinal-type flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510, 172.515, 175.105, 27CFR §21.65, 21.151; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved; banned in U.S. for internal use; BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMC Chems.; Adrian Amer. http://www.adrianusa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Andrea Aromatics; Asiamerica Int'l. Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Barnet Prods. http://www.barnetproducts.com; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Bio-Botanica http://www.bio-botanica.com; Boith China http://www.boith.com Buckton Scott Ltd http://www.buckton.com; Camphor Allied Prods. http://www.camphor-allied.com; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; ChemService http://www.chemservice.com Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de; Chinessence http://www.chinessence.com; CoKEM Assoc.; Creative Fragrances http://www.creativefragrances.com; Fanning http://www.fanncorp.com/ Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Frutarom (UK) Fine Ingreds. http://www.frutarom.com/; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Givaudan-Quest Int'l. http://www.givaudan.com/givcom/ Hawkins Chem. http://www.hawkinschemical.com/; Hunan Xinyu http://www.hunanxinyu.com/contact.html; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; 1003
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Lonza http://www.lonza.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com Mosselman NV http://www.mosselman.be; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com; Robeco http://www.robecoinc.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; San Yuan; Sarcom http://www.sarcominc.com; Schütz http://www.schuetz.de/schuetz/en/index.pht ml; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; U.S. Synthetics; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Wego Chem. & Min. http://www.wegochem.com; ZenPharm Int'l. http://www.zenpharm.com/ Camphora. See Camphor Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora) oil CAS 8008-51-3; EINECS/ELINCS 295-980-1 UN 1130 (DOT); FEMA 2231 Synonyms: Camphor, Japanese, white oil; Camphor oil; Camphor oil brown; Camphor oil light; Camphor oil, rectified; Camphor oil white; Camphor oil white Japanese; Camphor oil yellow; Camphor white oil; Cinnamomum camphora oil; Formosa camphor oil; Formose oil of campor; Japanese camphor oil; Light camphor oil; Liquid camphor; White camphor oil Definition: Oil extracted from the wood of the camphor tree, Cinnamomum camphora Properties: Colorless to yel.-brn. liq.; camphor or safrole odor; sol. in paraffin oil; insol. in water; dens. 0.87 kg/l (white), 0.97 kg/l (yel.), 1.07 kg/l (brown); b.p. > 200 C (yel.); flash pt. (TCC) 52 C; ref. index 1.46700-1.47200 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3730 mg/kg; TDLo (oral, human) 29 mg/kg; primary irritant; mild skin irritant; may be harmful if swallowed; may be irritating if inhaled; may cause Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
tremors, convulsions in humans; TSCA listed Precaution: DOT: Flamm. liq.; avoid contact or contamination with strong acids, alkalis, or oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO and unidentified org. compds. may be formed during combustion Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, baked goods, condiments Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; Boith China http://www.boith.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Chinessence http://www.chinessence.com F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com Good Scents http://www.thegoodscentscompany.com/; Janousek Industriale Srl http://www.janousek.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Shanghai Rokem Int'l. http://www.rokem.com; Universal PreservA-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Camphor, Japanese, white oil; Camphor oil; Camphor oil brown; Camphor oil light; Camphor oil, rectified; Camphor oil white; Camphor oil white Japanese; Camphor oil yellow; Camphor white oil. See Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora) oil Canada turpentine; Canadian balsam. See Balsam Canada (Abies balsamea) Canadian fir needle oil. See Fir (Abies alba) needle oil Canadian hemlock oil. See Spruce oil Canadian snakeroot oil. See Snakeroot (Asarum canadense) oil Cananga; Cananga odorata; Cananga odorata oil; Cananga oil. See Ylang ylang (Cananga odorata) oil Canarium commune gum oil; Canarium commune oil. See Elemi oil 1004
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Canarium indicum resinoid. See Elemi gum Canarium luzonicum oil; Canarium oil. See Elemi oil Candelilla; Candelilla cera. See Candelilla (Euphorbia cerifera) wax Candelilla (Euphorbia cerifera) wax CAS 8006-44-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-347-0 FEMA 3479; INS902; E902 Synonyms: Candelilla; Candelilla cera; Candelilla wax; Euphorbia cerifera wax Definition: Purified wax obtained from leaves of the candelilla plant, Euphorbia cerifera Properties: Yel.-brown to translucent solid; sol. in acetone, benzene, carbon disulfide, chloroform, hot petrol. ether, gasoline, oils, toluene, turpentine, CCl4; sparingly sol. in alcohol; pract. insol. in water; dens. 0.983; m.p. 67-68 C; acid no. 10-20; sapon. no. 5065; ref. index 1.4555 Toxicology: No known toxicity Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Direct food additive; glazing agent in foods, hard candy; lubricant, surfacefinishing agent, protective coating for citrus; masticatory substance in chewing gum base; natural flavoring agent in beverages, ice cream, confectionery, alcoholic beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.320, 176.180, 184.1976, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved; approved for orals, topicals; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Charlotte Chem. http://www.charlotte.com.mx; Darwin http://www.darwinchemical.com Eggar & Co. http://www.eggar.co.uk/; Frank B. Ross http://www.frankbross.com; Koster Keunen http://www.kosterkeunen.com/; Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com; Marlin Chems. Ltd http://www.marlinchemicals.co.uk Mosselman NV http://www.mosselman.be; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com; Penta Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; RITA http://www.ritacorp.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Stevenson Cooper http://www.stevensoncooper.com; Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com Trade Names: Candelilla Wax SP 50; Candelilla Wax SP 75; Candelilla Wax SP 78 Prime Quality Crude; Candelilla Wax SP 99; Candelilla Wax SP 350 Candelilla Wax Fine; Koster Keunen Candelilla; Ross Candelilla Wax Candelilla synthetic CAS 136097-95-5 Synonyms: Synthetic candelilla; Synthetic candelilla wax (INCI) Definition: Synthetic wax intended to be generally indistinguishable from natural candelilla wax Uses: Chewing gum base Manuf./Distrib.: Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com Trade Names: Candelilla Wax SP 24A; Candelilla Wax SP 803 Candelilla wax. See Candelilla (Euphorbia cerifera) wax Candida utilis. See Yeast, dried Candlenut oil. See Kukui (Aleurites moluccana) nut oil Cane sugar. See Sucrose Canola. See Canola oil Canola acid CAS 67701-08-0 Synonyms: Canola fatty acid; C16-18 and C18 unsaturated alkylcarboxylic acid; Fatty acids, C16-18 and C18 unsaturated Classification: Fatty acid Uses: Lubricant, binder, defoamer for foods Manuf./Distrib.: Peter Cremer N. Am. Trade Names: Glycon® CAN KFG; Industrene® 226 FG K Canola fatty acid. See Canola acid Canola methyl ester. See Methyl canolate Canola oil CAS 8002-13-9 ; 120962-03-0 Synonyms: Canola; Colza oil; Rapeseed; Rapeseed oil 1005
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Definition: Low-erucic rapeseed oil Properties: Yel.-brn. oily liq., odorless, bland flavor; insol. in water; dens. 0.913-0.917; m.p. 17-22 C; iodine no. 110-120; sapon. no. 180193; flash pt. (CC) 600 F Toxicology: Can cause acne-like skin eruptions Uses: Food ingred. (frying shortening, nondairy fat, salad oil) Features: Natural oil Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com; Aarhus Karlshamn A/S http://www.aak.com/; Aarhus Karlshamn UK http://www.aak.com; Alnor Oil http://www.alnoroil.com; Alzo http://www.alzointernational.com Anar http://anarsoapandchemical.com/; Arista Ind. http://www.aristaindustries.com; Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Chesham Chems. Ltd http://www.cheshamchemicals.co.uk Columbus Foods http://www.columbusfoods.com; Desert Whale Jojoba http://www.desertwhale.com/; GR Davis http://www.grdavis.com.au/; Jeen Int'l. http://www.jeen.com; KIC Chems. http://www.kicchemicals.com; http://www.kicgroup.com Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com; Parchem Trading http://www.par-chem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Pokonobe Ind. http://www.pokonobe.com; Protameen http://www.protameen.com/ Sea-Land http://www.sealandchem.com; Spectrum Naturals http://www.spectrumnaturals.com; St. Lawrence http://www.stlawrencechem.com Trade Names: Liquid Canola Oil; Pureco® Canola Trade Names Containing: Sta-Set RC™ See also Rapeseed (Brassica campestris) oil Canola oil glyceride CAS 226993-77-7 Definition: Monoglyceride derived from canola oil Uses: Emulsifier, emulsion stabilizer, antifoam, flavor enhancer, oil stabilizer in foods; emulsion stabilizer for diet spreads; aerating agent for icings Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Canola oil (low erucic acid rapeseed oil). See Rapeseed (Brassica campestris) oil Canola oil, methyl ester. See Methyl canolate Cantha; Canthaxanthin. See Canthaxanthine Canthaxanthine CAS 514-78-3; EINECS/ELINCS 208-187-2 INS161g; E161g Synonyms: Cantha; Canthaxanthin; βCarotene-4,4´-dione; CI 40850; 4,4´-Diketoβ-carotene; Food orange 8 Definition: Synthetic non-provitamin A carotenoid Empirical: C40H52O2 Properties: Violet cryst. solid; sol. in chloroform and various oils; very sl. sol. in acetone; insol. in water; easily absorbed by fat; m.w. 564.86; m.p. 211-213 C (dec.) Toxicology: Oral intake may cause loss of night vision; patients at risk for retinopathy should avoid excessive use Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Sensitive to light and oxygen; store under inert gas at low temps. Uses: Food additive; colorant for foods, pigmentation of egg yolks, broiler parts, tomato prods., salad dressings, fruit drinks, sausage prods., baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.75, 73.1075; exempt from certification, permanently listed for drug use; Europe listed; UK approved Manuf./Distrib.: ChromaDex http://www.chromadex.com/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Trade Names: Lucantin® Red Trade Names Containing: Canthaxanthin 10% CWS/N Caoutchouc. See Natural rubber CAP. See Cellulose acetate phthalate Caparlem. See Cade oil Cape jasmine extract. See Gardenia Florida extract Capraldehyde. See Decanal Capraldehyde dimethyl acetal. See Decanal dimethyl acetal Capric acid CAS 334-48-5; EINECS/ELINCS 206-376-4 FEMA 2364; INS570; E570 Synonyms: n-Capric acid; Caprinic acid; Caprynic acid; Carboxylic acid C10; Decanoic acid; n-Decanoic acid; Decoic acid; n-Decoic acid; Decylic acid; n-Decylic 1006
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference acid; 1-Nonanecarboxylic acid Classification: Fatty acid Empirical: C10H20O2 Formula: CH3(CH2)8COOH Properties: Wh. to pale yel. crystals, unpleasant odor; sol. in org. solvs. incl. ethanol, alkalis; insol. in water; m.w. 172.27; dens. 0.8858 (40 C); vapor dens. 5.9; m.p. 31.5 C; b.p. 270 C; flash pt (TCC) > 230 F; acid no. 320-330; ref. index 1.4288 (40 C) Toxicology: LD50 (IV, mouse) 129 mg/kg; poison by IV route; skin irritant; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Environmental: LC50 (fish, 96 h) 20 mg/kg Precaution: Combustible; wear safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves, apron; incompat. with strong oxidizers, reducers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits COx, acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Keep away from heat, sparks, open flame; keep in original, tightly closed container Uses: Component in mfg. of food-grade additives; in defoamers for beet sugar and yeast processing; defoamer, lubricant, binder, foam stabilizer, glazing agent in foods; coatings on fresh citrus fruit; flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, shortening Features: Citrus-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.210, 172.860, 173.340, 175.105, 175.320, 176.170, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1010, 177.1200, 177.2260, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.1010, 178.3570, 178.3910; FEMA GRAS; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; Japan MITI Manuf./Distrib.: Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Acme-Hardesty http://www.acmehardesty.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Austin http://www.austinchemical.com; Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; Berje Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.berjeinc.com; Chempri http://www.chempri.com; CoKEM Assoc.; Cognis/Chems. Group http://www.cognisus.com De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Independent Chem. http://www.independentchemical.com Jarchem Ind. http://www.jarchem.com/; KIC Chems. http://www.kicchemicals.com; http://www.kicgroup.com; Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com Mosselman NV http://www.mosselman.be; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Parchem Trading http://www.par-chem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Primachem Procter & Gamble http://www.pgchemicals.com/; Prodasynth http://www.prodasynth.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; Robeco http://www.robecoinc.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Sea-Land http://www.sealandchem.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; St. Lawrence http://www.stlawrencechem.com; Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com Trade Names: NAA-102 n-Capric acid. See Capric acid Capric acid ethyl ester. See Ethyl decanoate N-Capric acid isoamyl ester. See Isoamyl caprate Capric acid methyl ester. See Methyl caprate N-Capric acid, sodium salt. See Sodium caprate Capric alcohol. See Decyl alcohol Capric aldehyde. See Decanal Capric triglyceride Uses: Emulsifier in foods; solvent for flavors and oil-sol. food additives Features: Exc. fluidity Trade Names: Delios® C 1007
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Caprinaldehyde. See Decanal Caprinic acid. See Capric acid Caprinic alcohol. See Decyl alcohol Caproaldehyde. See Hexanal Caproic acid CAS 142-62-1; EINECS/ELINCS 205-550-7 UN 1760; UN 2829 (DOT); FEMA 2559 Synonyms: Butylacetic acid; n-Caproic acid; Capronic acid; Carboxylic acid C6; Hexanoic acid; 1-Hexanoic acid; n-Hexanoic acid; Hexoic acid; Pentiformic acid; Pentylformic acid Empirical: C6H12O2 Formula: CH3(CH2)4COOH Properties: Colorless oily liq., odor of Limburger cheese; very sol. in ether, fixed oils; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 116.18; dens. 0.9295 (20/20 C); f.p. -3.4 C; b.p. 205 C; flash pt. (COC) 215 F; ref. index 1.415-1.418 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3000 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 3180 mg/kg, (subcut., mouse) 3180 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 630 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing., skin contact, IP, and subcut. routes; corrosive; skin and severe eye irritant; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: DOT: Corrosive material; combustible exposed to heat or flame; can react with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 6 mos. when stored at 40-70 F in tightly sealed original containers with minimum head space; avoid prolonged exposure to light, heat, air Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods; washing/lye peeling of fruits and vegetables Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 173.315, 184.1025; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved as flavoring; Canada DSL; Australia AICS Manuf./Distrib.: Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Acme-Hardesty http://www.acmehardesty.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Austin http://www.austinchemical.com; Axxence Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de B.I. Chems.; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Chempri http://www.chempri.com; Chisso Am.; CoKEM Assoc. De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; Grau Aromatics http://www.grauaromatics.de/ Independent Chem. http://www.independentchemical.com; Jarchem Ind. http://www.jarchem.com/; KIC Chems. http://www.kicchemicals.com; http://www.kicgroup.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com Mosselman NV http://www.mosselman.be; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Parchem Trading http://www.par-chem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Primachem Procter & Gamble http://www.pgchemicals.com/; Prodasynth http://www.prodasynth.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; Robeco http://www.robecoinc.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Sea-Land http://www.sealandchem.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com; United Coconut Chem. http://www.cocochem.ph Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com Trade Names: NAA-60 n-Caproic acid. See Caproic acid Caproic acid allyl ester. See Allyl caproate N-Caproic acid isopropyl ester. See Isopropyl hexanoate Caproic aldehyde. See Hexanal δ-Caprolactone. See δ-Hexalactone γ-Caprolactone. See γ-Hexalactone Capronaldehyde. See Hexanal Capronic acid. See Caproic acid Caproyl alcohol. See Hexyl alcohol 1008
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference n-Caproylaldehyde. See Hexanal Caproyl ethanol. See 3-Octanon-1-ol Capryl acetate. See Decyl acetate Capryl alcohol. See 2-Octanol Caprylaldehyde. See n-Octanal Caprylic acid CAS 124-07-2; EINECS/ELINCS 204-677-5 UN 3265; FEMA 2799; INS570; E570 Synonyms: C8 acid; n-Caprylic acid; 1Heptanecarboxylic acid; Octanoic acid; nOctanoic acid; Octic acid; Octoic acid; nOctoic acid; n-Octylic acid Classification: Fatty acid Empirical: C8H16O2 Formula: CH3(CH2)6COOH Properties: Colorless leaf or oily liq.; unpleasant odor; burning rancid taste; sol. in alkalis, ethanol, chloroform, ether, carbon disulfide, petrol. ether, glac. acetic acid; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 144.21; dens. 0.91 (20/4 C); vapor dens. 4.9; m.p. 16 C; b.p. 237.5 C; flash pt. (TCC) 110 C; ref. index 1.4280 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 10,080 mg/kg, (IV, mouse) 600 mg/kg; mod. toxic by IV route; mildly toxic by ing.; skin irritant; yields irritating vapors which can cause coughing; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves, apron; incompat. with strong oxidizers, alkalies Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits CO, CO2, acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: 6 mos. when stored at 40-70 F in tightly sealed original containers with minimum head space; avoid prolonged exposure to light, heat, air Uses: Flavoring agent, adjuvant, antimicrobial, foam stabilizer, glazing agent, antifoam in foods; mfg. of food-grade additives, defoamers, lubricants; antimicrobial preservative in cheese wraps; coatings on fresh citrus fruit; washing/lye peeling of fruits and vegetables Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.210, 172.860, 173.315, 173.340, 175.105, 175.320, 176.170, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1010, 177.1200, 177.2260, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.1010, 178.3570, 178.3910, 184.1025, GRAS; GRAS as indirect additive; FEMA GRAS; BP, EP compliance; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; Japan MITI Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Manuf./Distrib.: ADA Int'l. http://www.joinme.net/ada/index.htm; AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; AcmeHardesty http://www.acme-hardesty.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Astral Extracts http://www.astralextracts.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Chempri http://www.chempri.com; Cognis/Chems. Group http://www.cognis-us.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Imperial-OEL-Import http://www.imperialoel-import.de; Independent Chem. http://www.independentchemical.com Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Jarchem Ind. http://www.jarchem.com/; KIC Chems. http://www.kicchemicals.com; http://www.kicgroup.com; Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; Mosselman NV http://www.mosselman.be; Napp Tech. http://www.napptech.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com Parchem Trading http://www.parchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Primachem; Procter & Gamble http://www.pgchemicals.com/; Prodasynth http://www.prodasynth.com R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; Robeco http://www.robecoinc.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sea-Land http://www.sealandchem.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; St. Lawrence 1009
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.stlawrencechem.com; Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com; United Coconut Chem. http://www.cocochem.ph; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com Trade Names: NAA-82 n-Caprylic acid. See Caprylic acid Caprylic acid calcium salt. See Calcium caprylate Caprylic acid, methyl ester. See Methyl caprylate Caprylic acid, monoester with 1,2-propanediol. See Propylene glycol caprylate Caprylic acid monoglyceride. See Glyceryl caprylate Caprylic acid, 1,2,3-propanetriyl ester. See Tricaprylin Caprylic acid sodium salt. See Sodium caprylate Caprylic acid triglyceride. See Tricaprylin Caprylic alcohol CAS 111-87-5; EINECS/ELINCS 203-917-6 FEMA 2800 Synonyms: Alcohol C8; C8 alcohols; Heptyl carbinol; 1-Hydroxyoctane; Octanol; 1Octanol; Octan-1-ol; n-Octanol; Octyl alcohol; n-Octyl alcohol; Primary octyl alcohol Classification: Primary aliphatic alcohol Empirical: C8H18O Formula: CH3(CH2)6CH2OH Properties: Colorless oily liq., fresh orange-rose odor, sl. herbaceous taste; sol. in oxygenated solvs.; misc. in alcohol, ether, chloroform; pract. insol. in water; m.w. 130.26; dens. 0.827; vapor pressure 0.0794 mm Hg; m.p. 16.7 C; b.p. 194.5 C; flash pt. 81 C; ref. index 1.429 (20 C); surf. tens. 26.92 dynes/cm; dielec. const. 10.34 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 1790 mg/kg, (IV, mouse) 69 mg/kg; poison by IV route; mod. toxic by ing.; skin and eye irritant; does not readily form a vapor; vapors may cause CNS depression; can probably cause 'alcohol' intoxication effects; may cause severe lung damage, respiratory and/or cardiac arrest and death if aspirated into lungs; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Environmental: VOC; BOD5 1.58; ThOD 2.95 Precaution: Flamm. exposed to heat or flame; can react with oxidizers Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. prods.: CO, CO2 NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry area away from heat and ignition sources Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, intermediate, solvent for beverages, candy, gelatin desserts, ice cream, pudding mixes; defoamer in microcapsules for encapsulating flavoring substances Features: Citrus flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.230, 172.515 (only for encapsulating lemon, dist. lime, orange, peppermint, and spearmint oils), 172.864, 173.280, 175.105, 175.300, 177.1010, 177.1200, 177.1390, 177.2800, 178.3480; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Albemarle http://www.albemarle.com; Arizona http://www.arizonachemical.com; Asiamerica Int'l. Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; Cognis/Chems. Group http://www.cognis-us.com; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Jarchem Ind. http://www.jarchem.com/; M. Michel http://www.mmichel.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Prodasynth http://www.prodasynth.com; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechineychemicals.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasolos.com/; Shandong Haihua Tianhe http://www.tianhe-chemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Symrise USA http://www.symrise.com VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ Caprylic aldehyde. See n-Octanal 1010
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Caprylic/capric acid CAS 67762-36-1; EINECS/ELINCS 267-013-3 Synonyms: Fatty acids, C6-12 Uses: Lubricant, release agent, binder, defoamer in foods; intermediate for food emulsifiers Manuf./Distrib.: Whyte Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/ Caprylic, capric acid, propylene glycol diester. See Propylene glycol dicaprylate/dicaprate Caprylic/capric glycerides CAS 85409-09-2; EINECS/ELINCS 287-075-5 E471 Synonyms: Glycerides, C8-10 Definition: Mixture of mono-, di-, and triglycerides of caprylic and capric acids Properties: Nonionic Uses: Antifoam for foods, prod. of sweets, preserves, jams, potato prods. and flavorings Regulatory: FDA 21, CFR § 184.1505; GRAS; Canada DSL Trade Names: Imwitor® 742; Witafrol® 7420 Caprylic/capric/lauric triglyceride CAS 68991-68-4 Synonyms: Dodecanoic acid, mixed triesters with octanoic acid, decanoic acid, and 1,2,3-propanetriol Definition: Mixed triester of glycerin with caprylic, capric and lauric acids Uses: Emollient, solvent, carrier, fixing agent, and extender for nutritional applics. Trade Names: Captex® 350 Caprylic/capric/linoleic triglyceride Synonyms: 9,12-Octadecadienoic acid, mixed triesters with octanoic acid, decanoic acid, and 1,2,3-propanetriol Definition: Mixed triester of glycerin with caprylic, capric, and linoleic acids Uses: Emollient, solvent, carrier, fixing agent, and extender for nutritional applics.; carrier for flavors and fragrances Trade Names: Captex® 810D Caprylic/capric/oleic triglyceride Uses: Emollient, solvent, and extender in nutritional applics.; carrier for flavors and fragrances Caprylic/capric/stearic triglyceride CAS 308067-08-5 Synonyms: Octadecanoic acid, mixed triesters with octanoic acid, decanoic acid, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
and 1,2,3-propanetriol Classification: Nonhydrogenated, low-trans structured lipid Definition: Mixed triester of glycerin with caprylic, capric and stearic acids Uses: Ingred. in food Trade Names: Captex® SBE Caprylic/capric triglyceride CAS 526220-27-2; 65381-09-1; 73398-61-5; EINECS/ELINCS 265-724-3, 277-452-2 Synonyms: Glycerides, mixed decanoyl and octanoyl; Glyceryl caprylate/caprate; Glyceryl tricaprylate/caprate; Medium chain triglycerides; Mixed decanoic and octanoic acid, monoester with 1,2,3-propanetriol; Mono decanoyl octanoyl glyceride; Octanoic/decanoic acid triglyceride; ODOL; Triglycerides, mixed decanoate and octanoate Definition: Mixed triester of glycerin and caprylic and capric acids Properties: Transparent or ylsh. cl. liq.; HLB 4 6; acid no. 0.5 max. ; iodine no. 1.0 max.; sapon. no. 260 - 290; nonionic Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) >2 g/kg; eye irritant Environmental: Biodeg. Precaution: Keep away from heat, sparks or open flames. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Emulsifier in foods; bakery lubricant; release agent, glazing agent for confectionery; solvent carrier for flavors and fragrances; emulsifier and softener of chewing gum matrix Regulatory: Approved for topicals Manuf./Distrib.: Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com; Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com; Inolex http://www.inolex.com; Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com; Lonza http://www.lonza.com Mosselman NV http://www.mosselman.be; Phoenix Nat. Prods. http://www.phoenixuk.com; Sea-Land http://www.sealandchem.com; Stepan http://www.stepan.com Trade Names: Aldo® MCT; Aldo® MCT KFG; Aldo® MCT Special KFG; Captex® 300; 1011
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Captex® 300 EP/NF Captex® 355 EP/NF; Captex® 355; Coconad RK; Crodamol GTCC; Delios® S Delios® V; Delios® VK; Estasan™ GT 8-60 3575; Estasan™ GT 8-60 3580 MCT Oil; Estasan™ GT 8-65 3577 Estasan™ GT 8-70 3579; Lexol® GT-865; Liponate GC-K; Miglyol® 810; Miglyol® 810 N Miglyol® 812; Miglyol® 812 N; Miglyol® 8108; NEOBEE® 1053; NEOBEE® M-5 Trade Names Containing: Captex® CA; DREWMULSE® GMC-810; Phosal® 53 MCT; Triol 91 Caprylic glycinate Trade Names Containing: Fermented Soy Sauce Powd. 5300 Caprylic triglyceride Properties: Nonionic Uses: Emulsifier in foods; coffee whitener; flavor diluent Trade Names: Coconad MT Capryloamphocarboxyglycinate; Capryloamphodiacetate. See Disodium capryloamphodiacetate Capryl propionate. See Decyl propionate Caprylyl acetate. See Octyl acetate Caprynic acid. See Capric acid Capsaicin synthetic analog. See Nonanoyl 4hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylamide Capsanthin/capsorubin E160c Definition: Coloring material derived from paprika oleoresin, consistg. predominantly of capsanthin and capsorubin Uses: Colorant in foods (including eggs and meat products Capsicin. See Oleoresin capsicum Capsicum CAS 977007-72-9; 977071-33-2; 8023-77-6 FEMA 2266, 2849 Synonyms: Capsicum annuum; Capsicum frutescens; Cayenne; Cayenne pepper; Red pepper Definition: Plant material derived from dried ripe fruit of Capsicum frutescens or C. annuum, contg. capsaicin Toxicology: In large doses, can cause diarrhea and weight loss Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
condiments, meats, pickles, soups Regulatory: BP, EP compliance; FDA 21CFR §73.340, 101.22, 182.10, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Bio-Botanica http://www.bio-botanica.com; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Steve Weiss http://www.steveweiss.com Capsicum annum. See Paprika (Capsicum annum) Capsicum annum oleoresin. See Oleoresin paprika Capsicum annuum. See Capsicum Capsicum extract. See Capsicum frutescens extract Capsicum frutescens. See Capsicum; Capsicum frutescens extract; Oleoresin capsicum Capsicum frutescens extract CAS 84625-29-6; 85940-30-3; 8023-77-6; EINECS/ELINCS 283-403-6; 288-920-0 FEMA 2233 Synonyms: Capsicum extract; Capsicum frutescens Definition: Extract of the dried fruit of the capsicum, Capsicum frutescens Toxicology: Mutagen Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, condiments, meats Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, 582.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Bio-Botanica http://www.biobotanica.com; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk; Kalsec http://www.kalsec.com; Phoenix Aromas http://www.phoenixaromas.com Capsicum frutescens oleoresin (INCI); Capsicum frutescens resin; Capsicum oleoresin. See Oleoresin capsicum Caramel CAS 8028-89-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-435-9 FEMA 2235; INS150abcd; E150abcd Synonyms: Burnt sugar; Burnt sugar coloring; Caramel color; Natural brown 10; Plain caramel Definition: Obtained from heating sucrose or glucose sol'ns.; with E numbers based on type: E150a- no ammonia or sulfite reactants, 1012
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference E150b- sulfite reactant but no ammonia, E150c- ammonia reactants but no sulfite, E150d- sulfite and ammonia reactants Properties: Dk. brn. to black liq. or solid, char. burnt sugar odor, pleasant bitter taste; sol. in water (colloidal); sol. in dil. alcohol up to 55% (v/v); insol. in most org. solvs.; sp.gr. 1.25-1.38 Toxicology: Mutagenic data; may reduce wh. blood cells and destroy vitamin B6; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Food additive; flavoring agent, sweetener, colorant for foods, soft drinks (esp. root beer, colas), blended whiskey, beer, baked goods, syrups, preserves, candies, pet food, canned meat prods.; processing aid Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.85, 73.1085, 73.2085, 182.1235, 582.1235, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Japan restricted; Europe listed; UK approved; FDA approved for orals, rectals, topicals, permanently listed; USP/NF compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; Adept Sol'ns.; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Boith China http://www.boith.com; Brenntag Southeast Brenntag Specialties; Cerestar Benelux http://www.cerestar.nl; Chr. Hansen Inc http://www.chr-hansen.com; Corn Prods. http://www.cornproductsUS.com; FONA Int'l. http://www.fona.com/ Foote & Jenks http://www.footeandjenks.com/; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com; Kingfood Australia Pty. Ltd http://www.kingfood.com.au; Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; HallStar http://www.hallstar.com; Roquette http://www.roquette.fr; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com Sensient Flavors http://www.sensienttech.com; Sensient Pharm. Tech. http://www.sensient-tech.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Triple Crown Am. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.triplecrownamerica.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com Trade Names: Acid Proof Caramel Powder; B&C Caramel Powder; Double Strength Acid Proof Caramel Colour; Sethness AP100; Sethness OC90 Sethness OC234; Sethness P060; Sethness P170; Sethness P212; Sethness RT80 Sethness RT120; Sethness SB115; Sethness SP50; Sethness SSC300; Sethness YT25 Caramel acetate. See Furaneol acetate Caramel color. See Caramel Caraway. See Caraway (Carum carvi) Caraway, black. See Black caraway (Nigella sativa) Caraway (Carum carvi) CAS 977001-27-6; 85940-31-4 FEMA 2236 Synonyms: Caraway; Carum carvi Definition: Dried fruit, often termed seeds, of Carum carvi Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, baked goods, condiments, cook cheese, rye bread, meats, vegetables Features: Strongly aromatic Regulatory: FDA 21CFR§101.22, 133.127, 182.10; FEMA GRAS Caraway (Carum carvi) oil CAS 8000-42-8; 85940-31-4; EINECS/ELINCS 288-921-6 FEMA 2238 Synonyms: Caraway oil; Carum carvi; Carum carvi fruit oil; Carum carvi oil Definition: Volatile oil distilled from the dried ripe fruit of Carum carvi, contg. carvone, dlimonene Properties: Colorless to pale yel. clear oily liq., caraway odor and taste; darkens and thickens with age; sol. in 8 vols. 80% alcohol; pract. insol. in water; dens. 0.900-0.910 (25/25 C); ref. index 1.485-1.497 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3500 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 1780 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing., skin contact; skin irritant; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 1013
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Storage: Keep cool, well closed; protect from light Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum, alcoholic beverages, condiments, meats, cookies, liqueurs Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.10, 182.20, 582.20 GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved; BP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Astral Extracts http://www.astralextracts.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Frutarom (UK) Fine Ingreds. http://www.frutarom.com/; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Janousek Industriale Srl http://www.janousek.com; Liberty Natural Prods. http://www.libertynatural.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com; Virginia Dare Extract http://www.virginiadare.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Caraway oil. See Caraway (Carum carvi) oil Carbamide; Carbamide resin; Carbamidic acid; Carbamimidic acid. See Urea Carbamodithioic acid, cyano-, disodium salt. See Disodium cyanodithioimidocarbonate Carbamodithioic acid, dimethyl-, sodium salt. See Sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate Carbethoxyacetic ester. See Diethyl malonate p-Carbethoxyphenol. See Ethylparaben Carbinol. See Methyl alcohol Carbohydrase EINECS/ELINCS 232-575-0 Synonyms: Aspergillus niger carbohydrase Definition: Enzyme prep. from varieties of Aspergillus niger; examples are amylase, invertase, and maltase Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 10 g/kg, (oral, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
mouse) 4 g/kg Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Production aid, enzyme for breakdown of complex carbohydrates for foods; removal aid for visceral mass in clams processing, shells in shrimp processing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.120 Trade Names: Brewers Fermex®; Brewers Mylase® Carbohydrase-protease Classification: Enzyme Definition: Obtained from fermentation of Bacillus licheniformis Properties: Brn. amorphous powd. or liq.; sol. in water; insol. i alcohol, chloroform, ether Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Enzyme for hydrolysis of proteins or carbohydrates for use in alcoholic beverages, nutritive sweeteners, protein hydrolysates, starch syrups, candy Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1027, GRAS Carbohydrate gum. See Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose 'Carbolic acid'. See Phenol 2-Carbomethoxyaniline; o-Carbomethoxyaniline. See Methyl anthranilate 3-(Carbomethoxymethyl)-2pentylcyclopentanone. See Methyl dihydrojasmonate 2-Carbomethoxyphenol. See Methyl salicylate 3-(Carbomethoxy) pyridine. See Methyl nicotinate Carbon, activated CAS 7440-44-0; 64365-11-3; EINECS/ELINCS 231-153-3 UN NA 1361 (DOT); UN 1362 (DOT) Synonyms: Activated carbon; Active carbon; CI 77265; Decolorizing carbon; Graphite; Pigment black 10 Empirical: C Properties: Black porous solid, coarse gran., or powd.; odorless; tasteless; insol. in water, org. solvs.; m.w. 12.01; dens. 0.08-0.5 Toxicology: Toxic by inh. of dust; dust irritant, esp. to eyes and mucous membranes; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. solid; DOT: spontaneously combustible; dust is flamm. and explosive when exposed to heat, flame, 1014
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference or oxides HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Decolorizing agent, taste/odor control agent, purification agent in food processing; processing aid, colorant, coloring adjunct in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §177.1210, 240.365, 240.401, 240.405, 240.527, 240.527a, GRAS; BATF 27CFR §240.1051; USDA 9CFR §318.7 Manuf./Distrib.: AXO Chem. http://www.axochemical.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Arkema http://www.arkema.fr; Asbury Carbons http://www.asbury.com; Calgon Carbon http://www.calgoncarbon.com Carbochem http://www.carbochem.com; Ceca SA http://www.ceca.fr; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Galbraith Labs http://www.galbraith.com; Graver Tech. http://www.gravertech.com/ Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com; Honeywell Perf. Polymers http://www.honeywellppc.com; http://www.honeywell-plastics.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com MeadWestvaco http://www.meadwestvaco.com; Melchemie bv http://www.melchemie.com/; Millipore http://www.millipore.com; Multi-Kem http://www.multikem.com/; NUCON Int'l. http://www.nucon-int.com NetQem http://www.netqem.us; Norit Am. http://www.norit-americas.com; O.C. Lugo http://www.oclugo.com; ProSciTech http://www.proscitech.com.au; Reade Advanced Materials http://www.reade.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Supelco http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Süd-Chemie Inc http://www.sudchemieinc.com VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Vara Int'l. http://www.calgoncarbon.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names: Acticarbone®; Anticromos®; Calgon® Carbon Type ADP; Calgon® Carbon Type APA; Calgon® Carbon Type APC
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Calgon® Carbon Type BL®; Calgon® Carbon Type C®; Calgon® Carbon Type CAL®; Calgon® Carbon Type Cane Cal®; Calgon® Carbon Type CPG® LF Calgon® Carbon Type GW; Calgon® Carbon Type GW 12x40; Calgon® Carbon Type OL®; Calgon® Carbon Type PWA®; Calgon® Carbon Type RB® Calgon® Carbon Type SGL®; Type CG6 8x30; Type CG6/AW 8x30; Type CG6/AW 12x40; Type PAC-TS Carbonate magnesium. See Magnesium carbonate Carbonate of potash. See Potassium carbonate Carbon black CAS 1333-86-4; EINECS/ELINCS 215-609-9 INS152 Synonyms: Acetylene black; Carbon black acetylene; Channel black; Charcoal; CI 77266; Furnace black; Lamp black; Oilfurnace black; Pigment black 6; Pigment black 7; Thermal acetylene black; Thermal atomic black; Thermal black; Vegetable carbon Definition: Finely divided particles of elemental carbon obtained by incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons (channel or impingement process) Properties: Insol. in water, ethanol, veg. oil Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 3.5 mg/m3; TCLo (inh., rat, 6 h) 50 mg/m3; TLV 3.5 mg/m3; low toxicity by ingestion, inhalation, and skin contact; nuisance dust in high concs.; suspected carcinogen; tumorigen, mutagen; TSCA listed Uses: Purification agent, colorant in food processing Regulatory: Banned by US FDA; channel carbon black: FDA 21CFR §176.170, 177.1650, 177.2400, 177.2600, 178.3297; not permitted for food (EU); Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Akrochem http://www.akrochem.com; Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Archway Sales http://www.archwaysales.com; Asbury Carbons http://www.asbury.com BASF http://www.basf.com; Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com; Cabot/Cab-O-Sil http://www.cabotcorp.com/cabosil/cabosil.nsf; Cabot 1015
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://w1.cabot-corp.com; Chem-Materials http://www.chem-materials.com Columbian Chems. http://www.columbianchemicals.com; Continental Carbon http://www.continentalcarbon.com; D.N. Lukens http://www.dnlukens.com; Degussa Engineered Carbons; Elementis Spec. http://www.elementisspecialties.com ExxonMobil http://www.exxonmobilchemical.com; Heucotech Ltd http://www.heubachcolor.de; Kingfood Australia Pty. Ltd http://www.kingfood.com.au; Landers-Segal Color http://www.pigments.com/; Marlin Chems. Ltd http://www.marlinchemicals.co.uk R.T. Vanderbilt http://www.rtvanderbilt.com; Reade Advanced Materials http://www.reade.com; Royale Pigments & Chems. http://www.royalepigments-chem.com; San Yuan; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com St. Lawrence http://www.stlawrencechem.com; Tamms Ind. http://www.tamms.com; Tiarco http://www.tiarco.com/; Zeochem http://www.zeochem.com/ See also Vegetable carbon Carbon black acetylene. See Carbon black Carbon difluoride oxide. See Carbonyl fluoride Carbon dioxide CAS 124-38-9; EINECS/ELINCS 204-696-9 UN 1013 (DOT); UN 1015 (DOT); UN 1041 (DOT); UN 1845 (DOT); UN 1952 (DOT); UN 2187 (DOT); INS290; E290 Synonyms: Carbonic acid anhydride; Carbonic acid gas; Carbonic anhydride; Dry ice Classification: Gas Empirical: CO2 Properties: Colorless gas; odorless; sol. 1 vol. dissolves in about 1 vol. of water; m.w. 44.01; m.p. subl. @ -78.5 C; nonflamm. Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 5000 ppm; STEL 30,000 ppm; LCLo, (inh., human, 1 min) 10 pph; asphyxiant at > 10%; skin contact can cause burns; experimental teratogen; TSCA listed Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Precaution: Various dusts explode in CO2 atmospheres; several bulk metals will burn in CO2; reacts vigorously with various chems.; incompat. with acrylaldehyde, aziridine, metal acetylides, sodium peroxide Uses: Direct food additive; preservative, aerating agent, carbonation agent, cooling agent, freezing agent, leavening agent, pH control agent, processing aid, propellant, aerating agent, packing gas in foods, carbonated beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §169.115, 169.140, 169.150 GRAS, USDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; BATF 27CFR 240.1051; Japan approved; Europe listed; UK approved; Canada DSL; FDA approved for inhalants; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance Manuf./Distrib.: ADM Ethanol Sales; AF Pharmaceuticals; Air Liquide Am. http://www.us.airliquide.com; Air Prods. http://www.airproducts.com; Airgas Carbonic http://www.airgas.com/carbonic Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; BOC Gases http://www.boc.com; Continental Carbonic Prods. http://www.continentalcarbonic.com/; Dow http://www.dow.com; Lonza http://www.lonza.com Messer http://www.messergroup.com; Nissan Chem. Ind. http://www.nissanchem.co.jp/; Norsk Hydro ASA http://www.hydro.com/en/index.html; Nova Ltd http://www.novachem.com; Praxair http://www.praxair.com Scott Spec. Gases http://www.scottgas.com; Showa Denko http://www.sdk.co.jp; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Carbon fluoride oxide. See Carbonyl fluoride Carbonic acid, ammonium salt. See Ammonium carbonate Carbonic acid anhydride. See Carbon dioxide Carbonic acid calcium salt; Carbonic acid calcium salt (1:1). See Calcium carbonate Carbonic acid, diammonium salt. See Ammonium carbonate Carbonic acid dipotassium salt. See Potassium carbonate Carbonic acid disodium salt. See Sodium carbonate Carbonic acid, disodium salt, compd. with hydrogen peroxide (2:3). See Sodium 1016
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference percarbonate Carbonic acid gas. See Carbon dioxide Carbonic acid magnesium salt; Carbonic acid magnesium salt (1:1); Carbonic acid magnesium salt (2:1). See Magnesium carbonate Carbonic acid monoammonium salt. See Ammonium bicarbonate Carbonic acid monopotassium salt. See Potassium bicarbonate Carbonic acid monosodium salt. See Sodium bicarbonate Carbonic acid, sodium salt (2:3). See Sodium sesquicarbonate Carbonic acid, zinc salt (1:1). See Zinc carbonate Carbonic anhydride. See Carbon dioxide Carbonic difluoride. See Carbonyl fluoride Carbon oil. See Benzene Carbon oxyfluoride. See Carbonyl fluoride Carbonyl diamide; Carbonyldiamine. See Urea Carbonyl difluoride. See Carbonyl fluoride Carbonyl fluoride CAS 353-50-4 UN 2417 (DOT) Synonyms: Carbon difluoride oxide; Carbon fluoride oxide; Carbonic difluoride; Carbon oxyfluoride; Carbonyl difluoride; Difluoroformaldehyde; Fluophosgene; Fluoroformyl fluoride; Fluorophosgene Empirical: CF2O Formula: COF2 Properties: Colorless gas; pungent; instantly hydrolyzed by water; m.w. 66.01; dens. 1.139 (-114 C); m.p. -114 C; b.p. -83.1 C; nonflamm. Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 2 ppm; STEL 5 ppm; LC50 (inh., rat, 1 h) 360 ppm; mod. toxic by inh.; strong irritant to eyes, skin, mucous membranes, respiratory tract; TSCA listed Precaution: Poison gas; hydrolyzes instantly to form HF on contact with moisture Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of CO and F– Storage: Hygroscopic Trade Names Containing: Descote® Thiamine Mononitrate 331/3%
Carboxycyclohexane. See Cyclohexanecarboxylic acid Carboxyethane. See Propionic acid 2-(1-Carboxyethoxy)-1-methyl-2-oxoethyl stearate. See Stearoyl lactylic acid 2-Carboxyfuran. See 2-Furoic acid 4-[2-(2-Carboxy-5-(β-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-2,3dihydrohydroxy-1H-indol-1-yl)ethenyl)-2,3dihydro-2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid. See Betanine 3-Carboxy-3-hydroxypentanedioic acid sodium salt. See Sodium citrate 3-Carboxy-5-hydroxy-1-p-sulfophenyl-4-psulfophenylazopyrazole trisodium salt. See FD&C Yellow No. 5; Tartrazine 3-Carboxy-2-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethyl-1propanaminium hydroxide, inner salt. See LCarnitine Carboxylic acid C4. See n-Butyric acid Carboxylic acid C5. See 2-Methylbutyric acid Carboxylic acid C5. See n-Valeric acid Carboxylic acid C-6. See Diethylacetic acid Carboxylic acid C6. See Caproic acid Carboxylic acid C7. See Heptanoic acid Carboxylic acid C9. See Nonanoic acid Carboxylic acid C10. See Capric acid Carboxylic acid C18. See Stearic acid
Carbonyl iron. See Iron Carboxide. See Calcium hydroxide 4-Carboxyaniline; p-Carboxyaniline. See pAminobenzoic acid Carboxybenzene. See Benzoic acid
Carboxymethylcellulose CAS 9000-11-7 FEMA 2239 Synonyms: Cellulose carboxymethyl ether Classification: Synthetic gum Toxicology: LD (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg; LD50 (IV, mouse) 47 mg/kg; shown to cause cancer in animals when ingested; toxicity on skin not known; may cause immune responses; TSCA listed Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, condiments, icings, toppings, meats; substance migrating from cotton/cotton fabrics in dry food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 182.70; FDA approved for orals; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com;
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Celanese http://www.celanesechemicals.com; http://www.chemvip.com; Chemcentral http://www.chemcentral.com; Colony Ind. Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com; Hercules http://www.herc.com; Inchema http://www.inchema-usa.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; P.L. Thomas http://www.plthomas.com Punda Mercantile http://www.punda.com; Robeco http://www.robecoinc.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com Wego Chem. & Min. http://www.wegochem.com Trade Names Containing: Cake STA; Textureze™ NB 100 See also Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Carboxymethylcellulose calcium. See Calcium carboxymethyl cellulose Carboxymethyl cellulose, enzymatically hydrolyzed. See Sodium carboxymethylcellulose, enzymatically hydrolyzed Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CAS 9004-32-4; EINECS/ELINCS 265-995-8 INS466; E466 Synonyms: Carboxymethylcellulose; Carboxymethylcellulose, sodium salt; Carboxymethyl ether cellulose sodium salt; Carmellose sodium; Cellulose carboxymethyl ether; Cellulose carboxymethyl ether sodium salt; Cellulose glycolic acid sodium salt; Cellulose gum (INCI); Cellulose, polyanionic; Cellulose sodium glycolate; CMC; CMC sodium salt; NaCMC; SCMC; Sodium carboxymethylcellulose; Sodium cellulose glycolate; Sodium CMC; Sodium CMcellulose Classification: Synthetic cellulose gum Definition: Sodium salt of the polycarboxymethyl ether of cellulose Formula: RnOCH2COONa Properties: Colorless or wh. powd. or gran., odorless; water sol. depends on degree of substitution; insol. in org. liqs.; m.w. 21,000500,000; visc. various; m.p. > 300 C; pH 6.58.5 (1%); Anionic Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 27,000 mg/kg; LC50 (inh., 4 h, rat) > 5800 mg/m3; mildly toxic by ing.; questionable carcinogen; experimental reproductive effects, neoplastigenic data; tumorigen; migrates to food from pkg. materials; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of Na2O HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Hygroscopic Uses: Food additive; stabilizer, binder, thickener, emulsifier, extender in foods; boiler water additive (food contact); migrating from cotton in dry food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §133.134, 133.178, 133.179, 150.141, 150.161, 173.310, 175.105, 175.300, 182.70, 182.1745, 582.1745, GRAS; USDA 9CFR 318.7, limitation 1.5%, must be added dry; 9CFR 381.147; Canada DSL; Japan restricted (2% max.); Europe listed; UK approved; approved for dentals, injectables, orals, topicals; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Adept Sol'ns.; Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Allchem Int'l. Ltd http://www.allchem.co.uk; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Arch Personal Care Prods. http://www.archchemicals.com; Arthur Branwell http://www.branwell.com Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; BASF http://www.basf.com; Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties CPI Chems. http://www.cpichem.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Chesham Chems. Ltd http://www.cheshamchemicals.co.uk; Cornelius Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.cornelius.co.uk; DMV Int'l. http://www.dmv-international.com Dow Wolff Cellulosics http://www.dow.com/dowwolff/de/; FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com; Fabrichem http://www.fabricheminc.com/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk Galbraith Labs http://www.galbraith.com; Gumix Int'l.; Hercules/Aqualon 1018
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.aqualon.com; Honeywill & Stein http://www.honeywill.co.uk; Integra http://www.integrachem.com J.W.S. Delavau http://www.delavau.com/; Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; Magnesia GmbH http://www.magnesia.de; Multi-Kem http://www.multikem.com/; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polysciences http://www.polysciences.com; Robeco http://www.robecoinc.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sansho http://www.sansho.co.jp Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Sinochem Tianjin http://www.sinochemtianjin.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Thew Arnott & Co. Ltd http://www.thewarnott.co.uk; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Wako Chem. USA http://www.wakousa.com Trade Names: Akucell® AF 0305; Akucell® AF 0705; Akucell® AF 1505; Akucell® AF 1605; Akucell® AF 1705 Akucell® AF 1985; Akucell® AF 2085; Akucell® AF 2085F; Akucell® AF 2205; Akucell® AF 2405 Akucell® AF 2782; Akucell® AF 2785; Akucell® AF 2805; Akucell® AF 2982; Akucell® AF 2985 Akucell® AF 3085; Akucell® AF 3295; Aqualon® 7H0F; Aqualon® 7H0XF; Aqualon® 7H3SF Aqualon® 7H3SXF; Aqualon® 7H4F; Aqualon® 7H4XF; Aqualon® 7HC4F; Aqualon® 7HCF Aqualon® 7HF; Aqualon® 7HXF; Aqualon® 7LF; Aqualon® 7LXF; Aqualon® 7M8SF Aqualon® 7MF; Aqualon® 9H4F; Aqualon® 9H4XF; Aqualon® 9M8F; Aqualon® 9M8XF Aqualon® 9M31F; Aqualon® 9M31XF; Aqualon® Cellulose Gum; Aqualon® CMCT; Cekol® 30 Cekol 150; Cekol® 300; Cekol® 500 T; Cekol® 700; Cekol® 2000 Cekol® 2000S; Cekol® 4000; Cekol® 10000; Cekol® 10000 I; Cekol® 30000
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Cekol® 50000; Cekol® 100000; Cellogen HP-5HS; Cellogen HP-6HS; Cellogen HP6HS.9 Cellogen HP-8A; Cellogen HP-12HS; Cellogen HP-SB; CMC Daicel; Insta*Thick® CMC 7LXF Insta*Thick® CMC (9M); Multi-Kem HP12HS; TIC Pretested® CMC 2500 S; TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Ticalose® CMC 15 Powder; TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Ticalose® CMC 2500 Powder TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Ticalose® CMC 2500 X Powder; TIC Pretested® PreHydrated® Ticalose® CMC 6000 Powder; TIC Pretested® Pre-Hydrated® Ticalose® CMC PH-2500 Powd.; TIC Pretested® Ticalose® CMC 15 Fine Powder; TIC Pretested® Ticalose® CMC 2500 Std. Powder TIC Pretested® Ticalose® CMC 6000 Fine Powder; TIC Pretested® Ticalose® CMC 15000 Powder; Tylopur® C 300 P2; Tylopur® C 600 G1; Tylopur® C 1000 P2 Tylopur® C 6000 G1; Tylopur® C 10000 P2; Tylopur® CB 30000 G1; Tylopur® CB 30000 P2; Walocel® CRT 30 A Walocel® CRT 70 A; Walocel® CRT 100 A; Walocel® CRT 1000 A; Walocel® CRT 2000 A; Walocel® CRT 10000 A Walocel® CRT 15000 A; Walocel® CRT 20000 A; Walocel® CRT 30000 A Trade Names Containing: Avicel® CL-611; Avicel® RC-581; Avicel® RC-591F; Crodacreme Range; Egg White Solids Type P-20 CMC Fat Replacer 785; Insta*Thick® CMC 10(12) HS; Lactarin® XP 3410; SeaGel® XP 3428; Tabulose® SC-200 Tabulose® SC-580; Tabulose® SC-601; Tabulose® SC-611; Tabulose® SC-612; Tabulose® SC-613 Tabulose® SC-681; Viscarin® JC 1270; Viscarin® XP 3399; Viscocel® SC-200; Viscocel® SC-580F Viscocel® SC-601; Viscocel® SC-611; Viscocel® SC-612; Viscocel® SC-613; Viscocel® SC-681 Xylitab® 200 See also Carboxymethylcellulose Carboxymethyl cellulose, sodium, partially enzymatically hydrolyzed. See Sodium carboxymethylcellulose, enzymatically 1019
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference hydrolyzed Carboxymethylcellulose, sodium salt; Carboxymethyl ether cellulose sodium salt. See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Carboxymethylmethylcellulose Synonyms: CMMC Classification: Water-sol. resin Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, rheology control agent, film-former, suspending agent, water-retention aid, binder in foods Carboxymethyl starch sodium salt. See Sodium starch glycolate (Carboxymethyl) trimethylammonium hydroxide, inner salt. See Betaine Carboxyphenol. See Ethylparaben 4-Carboxyphenol. See 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid p-Carboxyphenylamine. See p-Aminobenzoic acid 9-(o-Carboxyphenyl)-6-hydroxy-2,4,5,7tetraiodo-3-isoxanthone. See FD&C Red No. 3 3-Carboxypyridine. See Nicotinic acid 1-Carboxy-N,N,N-trimethylmethanaminium hydroxide, inner salt. See Betaine Cardam fruit; Cardamom. See Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) CAS 977005-95-0; 8000-66-6 FEMA 2240 Synonyms: Cardam fruit; Cardamom; Cardamom fruit; Cardamom seed; Cardamon; Elettaria cardamomum; Grains of paradise Definition: Dried ripe seeds of Elettaria cardamomum Toxicology: No known toxicity Uses: Aromatic, natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, condiments, meats Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §101.22, 182.10, 582.10, GRAS; FDA approved for orals; FEMA GRAS; BP, JP compliance Manuf./Distrib.: Bio-Botanica http://www.biobotanica.com Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) oil CAS 8000-66-6; 85940-32-5; EINECS/ELINCS 288-922-1 FEMA 2241 Synonyms: Cardamom oil; Cardamom seed oil; Cardamon oil; Elettaria cardamomum; Elettaria cardamomum oil Definition: Volatile oil obtained from the dried Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
ripe seeds of Elettaria cardamomum, contg. eucalyptol, sabinene, etc. Properties: Colorless to pale yel. oily liq., aromatic penetrating odor of cardamom, pungent taste; sol. in ether; misc. with alcohol; insol. in water; dens. 0.917-0.947 (25/4 C); ref. index 1.4630-1.4660 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; mildly toxic by ing.; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum, alcoholic beverages, pickles, condiments, curry sauces, confectionery, liqueurs Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, 582.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved; BP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Danisco Seillans http://www.danisco.com De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Millennium http://www.millenniumchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Sarcom http://www.sarcominc.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com; Virginia Dare Extract http://www.virginiadare.com Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Cardamom fruit. See Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) Cardamom oil. See Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) oil Cardamom seed. See Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) 1020
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Cardamom seed oil. See Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) oil Cardamon. See Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) Cardamon oil. See Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) oil Caricaxanthin. See Kryptoxanthin Carmellose calcium. See Calcium carboxymethyl cellulose Carmellose sodium. See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Carmine; Carmine alum lake; Carmine, certified. See Carmine (Coccus cacti) Carmine (Coccus cacti) CAS 1390-65-4; EINECS/ELINCS 215-724-4 FEMA 2242; INS120; E120 Synonyms: Alum carmine; Aluminum calcium lake; Alum lake; Alum lake of carminic acid; Carmine; Carmine alum lake; Carmine, certified; Carmine extract; Carmine, high purity biological stain; B Rose Liq. Definition: Aluminum lake of the coloring agent, cochineal; cochineal is a natural pigment derived from the dried female insect Coccus cacti Empirical: C22H20O13 Properties: Bright red cryst., easily powdered; sol. in alkali, borax; sl. sol. in hot water; pract. insol. in cold water, dilute acids; m.w. 492.39; decomp. @ 250 C Toxicology: May be harmful by inh., ing., or skin absorption; may cause eye/skin irritation; suspected of causing food intolerance; may cause allergic cheilitis, occupational asthma in sensitive patients Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Toxic fumes of CO, CO2, aluminum oxide; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Store in cool, dry place; keep tightly closed Uses: Colorant in foods, esp. for producing pink shades in retorted protein prods., candy, confections; natural flavoring agent in foods, candy, baked goods, condiments, meats Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.100, must be pasteurized to destroy Salmonella, 73.1100, 73.2087; FEMA GRAS; Europe listed; UK approved; FDA approved for orals, exempt from certification, permanently listed; JEFCA Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Allchem Int'l. Ltd http://www.allchem.co.uk; Am. Fruit Processors http://www.americanfruit.com; Anmar Int'l. http://www.anmarinternational.com; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com Burlington Bio-Medical; Chemetall Chem. Prods. http://www.chemetall.com; Chr. Hansen Inc http://www.chr-hansen.com; Dudley http://www.dudleychem.com/dudley.html; F. Gutkind & Co. Ltd http://www.fgutkind.com/ Fisher Scientific https://www1.fishersci.com/index.jsp; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Food Ingred. Tech. Ltd http://www.fit-ltd.com; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; Givaudan-Quest Int'l. http://www.givaudan.com/givcom/ Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Kingfood Australia Pty. Ltd http://www.kingfood.com.au; MLG Enterprises; MP Biomedicals http://www.mpbio.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; ProSciTech http://www.proscitech.com.au; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechineychemicals.com; HallStar http://www.hallstar.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sensient Flavors http://www.sensienttech.com; Sensient Pharm. Tech. http://www.sensient-tech.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com TCI Am. http://www.tciamerica.com; Thomas Scientific http://www.thomassci.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ Trade Names: Carmine PG; Carmine XY/UF 1021
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Carmine extract; Carmine, high purity biological stain. See Carmine (Coccus cacti) Carnauba. See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax CAS 8015-86-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-399-4 INS903; E903 Synonyms: Brazil wax; Carnauba; Carnauba wax; Cera carnauba; Copernica cerefera wax; Copernicia cerifera wax; Waxes, carnauba Definition: Wax obtained from leaves and leaf buds of the carnauba palm, Copernica cerifera Properties: Yel. greenish brown lumps, solid, char. odor; sol. in ether, alkalis, warm benzene, warm chloroform, toluene; sl. sol. in boiling alcohol; insol. in water; dens. 0.995 (15/15 C); m.p. 82-85.5 C; acid no. 2-7; sapon. no. 78-89; ref. index 1.4500 Toxicology: Essentially nontoxic; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Protect from light Uses: Direct food additive; anticaking agent, glazing agent, coating agent, formulation aid, lubricant, release agent, surfacefinishing agent in foods, baked goods, confections, fresh and processed fruits, gravies, soft candy; chewing gum base; glazing agent, polishing agent for candies Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.320, 184.1978, GRAS; Japan approved; Europe listed (permitted only in chocolate prods.); UK approved; approved for orals, topicals; USP/NF, BP, EP, JP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alland & Robert http://www.allandetrobert.fr; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; BASF http://www.basf.com; Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com; British Wax Refining http://www.british-wax.com; Charkit http://www.charkit.com Chemcor; CoKEM Assoc.; Cornelius Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.cornelius.co.uk; Eggar & Co. http://www.eggar.co.uk/; Frank B. Ross http://www.frankbross.com Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Freund Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.freund.co.jp; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Kimpton Bros. Ltd http://www.kimpton.co.uk; Koster Keunen http://www.kosterkeunen.com/; Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com Marlin Chems. Ltd http://www.marlinchemicals.co.uk; Maypro Ind. http://www.maypro.com; Mitsui & Co. USA http://www.mitsui.com; Mosselman NV http://www.mosselman.be; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Powdersize http://www.powdersize.com; Roeper GmbH http://www.roeper.de; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com Scheel http://www.scheelcorp.com/; Shamrock Tech. http://www.shamrocktechnologies.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Specialty Prods. http://www.specialtyproductsco.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Stevenson Cooper http://www.stevensoncooper.com; Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com; Strohmeyer & Arpe http://www.strohmeyer.com; Thew Arnott & Co. Ltd http://www.thewarnott.co.uk; Univar Ltd http://www.univar.co.uk Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Zeta Pharm. http://www.zetapharm.com Trade Names: Carnauba Wax SP 8; Carnauba Wax SP 59-2; Carnauba Wax SP 63; Carnauba Wax SP 63 NF; Carnauba Wax SP 64 (Extra Light) Carnauba Wax SP 135; Carnauba Wax SP 142; Carnauba Wax SP 200; Carnauba Wax Coarse; Carnauba Wax Fine Carnauba Wax Hard; Carnauba Wax Soft; Carnauba Wax Superfine; Koster Keunen Carnauba; Michem® Emulsion 62125AM Ross Carnauba Wax; S-Nauba #1-120; SNauba #1 Flake; S-Nauba #3-120; S-Nauba #3 Flake S-Nauba 5021 1022
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Trade Names Containing: Mastercote FP 9002; Slip-Ayd® SL 506; Slip-Ayd® SL 508 Carnauba wax. See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax Carnitine (INCI). See L-Carnitine L-Carnitine CAS 541-15-1; 7634-98-2; EINECS/ELINCS 208768-0 Synonyms: 3-Carboxy-2-hydroxy-N,N,Ntrimethyl-1-propanaminium hydroxide, inner salt; Carnitine (INCI); β-Hydroxy-γtrimethylaminobutyrate; 1-Propanaminium, 3-carboxy-2-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethyl-, hydroxide, inner salt; Vitamin B7 Classification: Organic compd. Empirical: C7H15NO3 Formula: (CH3)3N+CH2CH(OH)CH2COO– Properties: Cryst.; sol. in water; insol. in acetone, ether; m.w. 161.20; m.p. 197-212 C Toxicology: LD50 (subcut., mouse) 9 g/kg; irritant; target organ: GI system; no adverse human effects on excess intake Storage: Very hygroscopic; store under nitrogen Uses: Nutrient, dietary supplement in infant formulas Manuf./Distrib.: Ajinomoto http://www.ajinomoto.co.jp; http://www.ajinomoto.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Barrington http://www.barringtonchem.com; Changzhou Changmao Biochem. Eng. http://www.ccbec.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium Carnosic acid CAS 3650-09-7 Synonyms: CA; 4a(2H)Phenanthrenecarboxylic acid, 1,3,4,9,10,10a-hexahydro-5,6-dihydroxy-1,1dimethyl-7-(1-methylethyl)-, (4aR,10aS)(9CI); RoseOx; Salvin Classification: Polyphenolic compound Empirical: C20H28O4 Properties: Yel. powd.; m.w. 332.4 Storage: Store away from lt. @-20 C Uses: Antioxidant in food Features: Inhibits lipid absorption in the gastrointestinal tract by strongly inhibiting lipase, an enzyme that breaks down dietary fats Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Manuf./Distrib.: ChromaDex http://www.chromadex.com/ Trade Names Containing: Oxy’Less®.CS; Oxy’Less®.Clear; Oxy’Less®.Clear S; StabilEnhance® OSR Carob bean extract. See Carob (Ceratonia siliqua) extract Carob bean gum. See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum Carob (Ceratonia siliqua) extract CAS 84961-45-5; EINECS/ELINCS 284-634-5 FEMA 2243 Synonyms: Carob bean extract; Carob extract; Ceratonia siliqua; Ceratonia siliqua extract; Locust tree extract; St. John's bread extract Definition: Extract of the fruit of the carob, Ceratonia siliqua Properties: Sweet taste Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, icings, toppings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; Biolandes http://www.biolandes.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com Carob extract. See Carob (Ceratonia siliqua) extract Carob flour. See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum Carob galactomannan. See Galactomannan Carob gum. See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum Carony bark. See Angostura (Galipea officinalis) Carotene CAS 7235-40-7; EINECS/ELINCS 230-636-6 INS160a; E160a(ii) Synonyms: β-Carotene; Beta-carotene (INCI); CI 40800; CI 75130; Food orange 5; Natural yellow 26; Provitamin A Classification: Carotenoid pigment Definition: A precursor of Vitamin A occurring naturally in plants Empirical: C40H56 Properties: Purple hexagonal prisms, red leaflets; sol. in carbon disulfide, benzene, chloroform, veg. oils; mod. sol. in ether, petrol. ether, oils; pract. insol. in water; m.w. 536.89; 1023
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference m.p. 178-179 C Toxicology: Nontoxic on skin; massive doses may cause yellowing of the skin; mutagen; TSCA listed Precaution: Sensitive to alkali, air, and light Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Refrigerate Uses: Direct food additive; colorant, nutrient, dietary supplement, vitamin A precursor for foods, orange beverages, cheese, dairy prods., butter, ice cream, oleomargarine, puddings, fats and oils, processed fruits, fruit juices, infant formulas Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.95, 73.1095, 73.2095, 101.9, 166.110, 184.1245, GRAS; FDA exempt from certification, permanently listed for drug use; Japan restricted; Europe listed; UK approved Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Allchem Int'l. Ltd http://www.allchem.co.uk; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com BASF http://www.basf.com; Biosil Tech. http://www.biosiltech.com; Bronson & Jacobs Pty. Ltd http://www.bronsonandjacobs.com.au; Cognis http://www.cognis.de; Cornelius Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.cornelius.co.uk Fabrichem http://www.fabricheminc.com/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Givaudan-Quest Int'l. http://www.givaudan.com/givcom/; Hoffmann-LaRoche http://www.rocheusa.com; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com Kingfood Australia Pty. Ltd http://www.kingfood.com.au; O.C. Lugo http://www.oclugo.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Quimdis; Sensient Flavors http://www.sensienttech.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Spice King; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Wego Chem. & Min. http://www.wegochem.com Trade Names: Beta-Carotene 10% DC/GFP; CaroPure® Crystals; Lucarotin® 1 CWD/K; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Lucarotin® 10 CWD S/Y Trade Names Containing: Beta Carotene 30% FS; Beta Carotene 1% CWS; Beta-Carotene Dry Powd. 10% DC/GFP; CaroCare® Nat. βCarotene 30% S; Caromix® Plus Lucarotin® 10 CWD O; Lucarotin® 20 CWD/R; Lucarotin® 20 CWD/R; Lucarotin® 30 M; Lucarotin® 30 SUN Carotene. See α-Carotene α-Carotene CAS 7488-99-5 Synonyms: Carotene; R(+)-α-Carotene Definition: A form of carotene with a α-ring at one end and an ε-ring at the other Empirical: C40H56 Properties: M.w. 536.88 Uses: Colorant in foods Manuf./Distrib.: Southcot http://www.carotenestandards.com Trade Names Containing: Caromix® Plus β-Carotene; Beta-carotene (INCI). See Carotene R(+)-α-Carotene. See α-Carotene all trans-β-carotene-3,3´-diol; β,β-Carotene-3,3´diol. See Zeaxanthin β,ε-Carotene-3,3´-diol. See Xanthophyll β-Carotene-4,4´-dione. See Canthaxanthine (3R)β, β-Caroten-3-ol; (R)-all-trans-β-Caroten-3ol. See Kryptoxanthin Carrageen; Carrageenan. See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) Carrageenan, calcium salt; Carrageenan, calcium (II) salt. See Calcium carrageenan Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) CAS 9000-07-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-524-2 FEMA 2596; INS407 Synonyms: 3,6-Anhydro-d-galactan; Carrageen; Carrageenan; Carrageenan gum; Carrageenin; Carragheanin; Carraghennan; Chondrus; Gum carrageenan; Irish gum; Irish moss Classification: Sulfated polysaccharide Definition: Hydrocolloid obtained from various members of the Gigartinaceae or Solieriaceae families of the red seaweed, Rhodophyceae; consists of sulfite esters of galactose and 3,6anhydrogalactose copolymers Properties: Yel. wh. powd., odorless, tasteless; sol. in hot water, hot conc. NaCl sol'n.; insol. in oils and org. solvs. Toxicology: LDLo (IV, rabbit) 5 mg/kg; poison by IV route; experimental tumorigen; 1024
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference suspected carcinogen; linked to ulcers in colon, fetal damage in test animals; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Emulsifier, binder, extender, stabilizer, thickener, gellant, suspending agent in foods, milk/dairy prods., diet drinks; stabilizer in ice cream; protective colloid; flavor enhancer Use Level: 1-5% Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §133.133, 133.134, 133.162, 133.178,133.179, 136.110, 136.115, 136.130, 136.160, 136.180, 139.121, 139.122, 150.141, 150.161, 172.620, 172.623, 172.626, 176.170, 182.7255, GRAS; Canada DSL; USDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; Japan approved; JSCI, European listed; UK approved; FDA approved for orals, topicals; USP/NF compliance Manuf./Distrib.: A&E Connock http://www.connock.co.uk; AAA Int'l. http://www.aaainternational.com; AEP Colloids http://www.aepcolloids.com; Active Organics http://www.activeorganics.com; Adept Sol'ns. Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Arthur Branwell http://www.branwell.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Brenntag Southeast Brenntag Specialties; CEAMSA http://www.ceamsa.com; CP Kelco http://www.cpkelco.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Carrageenan Co. http://www.carrageenanco.com Cesalpinia Food http://www.cesalpiniafood.com; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Chemcolloids Ltd http://www.chemcolloids.com; Colloides Naturels Colony Ind.; Danisco Cultor UK; Danisco Cultor http://ingredients.danisco.com; Dastech Int'l. http://www.dastech.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com F. Gutkind & Co. Ltd http://www.fgutkind.com/; FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com; FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com; Fabrichem Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.fabricheminc.com/; Food Ingred. Tech. Ltd http://www.fit-ltd.com Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; GivaudanQuest Int'l. http://www.givaudan.com/givcom/; Gumix Int'l.; Healan Ingreds. Ltd http://www.healan.com/ Helm NY http://www.helmnewyork.com; Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com; Hercules http://www.herc.com; Hispanagar http://www.hispanagar.com; Honeywill & Stein http://www.honeywill.co.uk Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/; Lucid Colloids http://www.lucidgroup.com/; Mitsubishi Chem. http://www.mkagaku.co.jp/index_en.htm; Nitta Gelatin NA http://www.nitta-gelatin.com/; P.L. Thomas http://www.plthomas.com Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com; Phoenix Nat. Prods. http://www.phoenixuk.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Rochem Int'l. http://www.rochemintl.com; Sarcom http://www.sarcominc.com Seppic http://www.seppic.com; Shell http://www.shellchemicals.com; http://www.shell-lubricants.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Spice King TIC Gums http://www.ticgums.com; Thew Arnott & Co. Ltd http://www.thewarnott.co.uk; Tomen Am. http://www.tomenamerica.com; Toyota Tsusho Am. http://www.taiamerica.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com V.L. Clark http://www.vlclark.com Trade Names: Aquagel MP™; Aquagel WD™; CarraBind™ 27; CarraBind™ MPF-60B; CarraBind™ MPF-74I CarraBind™ Series; CarraFat™; CarraJell™ 27; CarraJell™ 34M; CarraJell™ 46AF CarraJell™ 69AF; CarraJell™ 70 SAG; CarraJell™ Series; CarraLite™; CarraVis™ 5
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference CarraVis™ 60CL; CarraVis™ 80B; CarraVis™ 150LC; CarraVis™ 612X; Ceamgel 1313™ Ceamgel 3383; Ceamgel M-9393; Gelcarin® GP-359; Gelcarin® GP-379NF; Gelcarin® GP-911NF Genugel® X-902-02; Genulacta® CP-100; Genulacta® CSM-2; Genuvisco®; Genuvisco® CSW-2 Grindsted™ Carrageenan CW 100; Lactarin® MV-406; Lactarin® PS-185X; Maco-O-Line 091; Marine Colloids™ Carrageenan Milkvis CM™; Stamere® CK NF FCC; Stamere® CKM FCC; Stamere® CK-S NF FCC; Stamere® N-325 NF FCC Stamere® N-350 E FCC; Stamere® N-350 NF FCC; Stamere® N-350 S NF FCC; Stamere® NI NF FCC; Stamere® NIC FCC Stamere® NK; TIC Pretested® Colloid 517 T Powder; TIC Pretested® Colloid 600 Powder; TIC Pretested® Colloid 601 Powder; TIC Pretested® Colloid 601-M Powd. TIC Pretested® Colloid 710 H Powder; TIC Pretested® Colloid 720 Powder; TIC Pretested® Colloid 775 Powder; TIC Pretested® Colloid 825 Powder; TIC Pretested® Colloid 881 M Powder TIC Pretested® Ticagel® 795 Powder; Viscarin® GP-209NF Trade Names Containing: Arcon® SF; CarraLizer™ C-1; CarraLizer™ C-2; CarraLizer™ C-3; CarraLizer™ C-4 Coyote Stabilizer CKLX-MS; Crodacreme Range; Fat Replacer 785; Gelcarin® DG 3252; Gelcarin® DG 5262 Gelcarin® DG 5264; Gelcarin® DX 4268; Gelcarin® GP 4265; Gelcarin® ME 8151; Gelcarin® PS 3439 Gelcarin® SQ 3290; Gelcarin® XP 3337; Gelcarin® XP 3435; Gelcarin® XP 3447; Isagel® PF 38 Kelgum® XK9; Lactarin® CM 2254; Lactarin® MV-306; Lactarin® MV-308; Lactarin® MV 2066 Lactarin® XP 3410; Lactogel® FX 7351; Merecol® IC; Merecol® LK; Merecol® R Merecol® RB; Merecol® S; Merecol® Y; Nutricol® XP 3413; SeaGel® DP 437
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
SeaGel® FL 644L; SeaGel® GP 713; SeaGel® PS 182; SeaGel® XP 3611; SeaKem® CM-611 SeaKem® GP-418; SeaKem® IC-611; SeaKem® IC-912; Viscarin® BK 1761; Viscarin® ME 3397 Viscarin® PS 3377; Viscarin® SA 439; Viscarin® SD-389; Viscarin® TP 389; Viscarin® XP-3160 Viscarin® XP 3399 Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) extract FEMA 2596; INS407 Synonyms: Carrageenan extract; Chondrus crispus; Chondrus crispus extract; Chondrus extract; Irish moss extract Definition: Extract of carrageenan, Chondrus crispus Properties: Ylsh. or tan to wh. powd., odorless, mucilaginous taste; sol. in water Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 5650 mg/kg, (oral, mouse) 8730 mg/kg; possible carcinogen; TSCA listed Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, gellant in foods, milk prods., jams, jellies, soft drinks, soups Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.7255, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; FDA approved for nasals, topicals Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; BioBotanica http://www.bio-botanica.com; Carrageenan Co. http://www.carrageenanco.com; Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Carrageenan extract. See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) extract Carrageenan gum. See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) Carrageenan, potassium salt. See Potassium carrageenan Carrageenan, sodium salt. See Sodium carrageenan Carrageenin; Carragheanin; Carraghennan. See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) Carrot (Daucus carota) extract CAS 84929-61-3; EINECS/ELINCS 284-545-1 Synonyms: Carrot extract; Daucus carota; Daucus carota sativa extract Definition: Extract of roots of Daucus carota Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Biolandes 1026
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.biolandes.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/ Trade Names Containing: Veg-Con Carrot Carrot (Daucus carota sativa) juice CAS 84929-61-3; EINECS/ELINCS 284-545-1 Synonyms: Carrot juice; Daucus carota; Daucus carota juice; Daucus carota sativa juice Definition: Juice expressed from fresh pulp of carrots, Daucus carota sativa Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com; Florida Food Prods. http://www.floridafood.com/; Jiangyin Healthway Intl. Trade http://www.healthwaychem.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com Trade Names Containing: Veg-Con Carrot Carrot (Daucus carota sativa) oil CAS 8015-88-1; EINECS/ELINCS 284-545-1 FEMA 2244 Synonyms: Carrot seed oil; Carrot seed oil terpeneless; Daucus carota; Daucus oil Definition: Oil obtained from the seeds of the carrot, Daucus carota sativa Properties: Lt. yel. to amber liq., aromatic odor, sweet piquant flavor; sol. in fixed oils, min. oil; insol. in glycerin, propylene glycol; sp.gr. 0.866-0.940 (20 C); b.p. 284 F; flash pt. 142 F; ref. index 1.4820-1.4910 Toxicology: Skin irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, condiments, soups Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.300, 182.20, 582.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Arista Ind. http://www.aristaindustries.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Chemtex International http://www.chemtexinternational.com Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Danisco Seillans http://www.danisco.com; F.D. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Janousek Industriale Srl http://www.janousek.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Carrot (Daucus carota) seed extract CAS 84929-61-3; EINECS/ELINCS 284-545-1 Synonyms: Carrot seed extract; Daucus carota; Daucus carota extract Definition: Extract of the seeds of Daucus carota Uses: Natural flavoring agent in liqueurs Regulatory: FDA GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Jiangyin Healthway Intl. Trade http://www.healthwaychem.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com Carrot extract. See Carrot (Daucus carota) extract Carrot juice. See Carrot (Daucus carota sativa) juice Carrot seed extract. See Carrot (Daucus carota) seed extract Carrot seed oil; Carrot seed oil terpeneless. See Carrot (Daucus carota sativa) oil Carthamus tinctorious oil. See Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) oil Carthamus tinctorius. See Hybrid safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) oil; Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) oil Carthamus tinctorius hybrid oil; Carthamus tinctorius oil. See Hybrid safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) oil Carum carvi; Carum carvi fruit oil; Carum carvi oil. See Caraway (Carum carvi) oil Carum petroselinum. See Parsley (Carum petroselinum) extract; Parsley (Carum petroselinum) seed oil Carum petroselinum extract; Carum petroselinum herb extract. See Parsley (Carum petroselinum) extract Carvacrol CAS 499-75-2; EINECS/ELINCS 207-889-6 FEMA 2245 Synonyms: 2-p-Cymenol; Cymophenol; 2Hydroxy-p-cymene; Isopropyl-o-cresol; 5Isopropyl-2-methylphenol; Isothymol; 2Methyl-5-isopropylphenol; 2-Methyl-5-(1methylethyl) phenol; o-Thymol 1027
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Empirical: C10H14O Properties: Colorless to pale yel. thick oily liq.; spicy thymol odor; freely sol. in oxygenated solvs., alcohol, ether; pract. insol. in water; m.w. 150.22; dens. 0.976 (20/4 C); m.p. 0-2 C; b.p. 234-236 C; ref. index 1.523 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 810 mg/kg, (subcut., mouse) 680 mg/kg, (IV, mouse) 80 mg/kg; LDLo (skin, rabbit) 2700 mg/kg; poison by ing. and subcut. route; mod. toxic by skin contact; severe skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq.; volatile with steam Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, condiments Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Carvacryl ethyl ether CAS 4732-13-2; EINECS/ELINCS 225-238-4 FEMA 2246 Synonyms: 2-Ethoxy-p-cymene; 2-Ethoxy-1methyl-4-(1-methyl ethyl) benzene; Ethyl carvacrol; Ethyl carvacryl ether; 5Isopropyl-2-methylethoxybenzene; Isopropyl methyl phenetole Empirical: C12H18O Properties: Pale yel. oily light liq., carrot-like odor; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 178.27; b.p. 235 C; flash pt. (TCC) 200 F ref. index 1.49650 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Carvene. See l-Limonene (+)-Carvene. See d-Limonene Carveol CAS 99-48-9; EINECS/ELINCS 202-757-4 FEMA 2247 Synonyms: p-Mentha-6,8-dien-2-ol; 1-Methyl4-isopropenyl-6-cyclohexen-2-ol; 2- Methyl5-(1-methyl ethenyl)-2-cyclohexen-1-o l Classification: Nonaromatic alcohol Empirical: C10H16O Properties: Colorless to pale yel. liq.; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 152.24; sp. gr. 0.9452-0.9486; b.p. 226-227 C (15 mm); flash pt. 209 F; ref. index 1.4960 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3 g/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; skin irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Minty flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ChromaDex http://www.chromadex.com/; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Carvol. See Carvone; l-Carvone 4-Carvomenthenol CAS 562-74-3; EINECS/ELINCS 209-235-5 FEMA 2248 Synonyms: (S)-1-Isopropyl-4-methyl-3cyclohexen-1-ol; 1-p-Menthen-4-ol; (S)-pMenth-1-en-4-ol; 1-Methyl-4-isopropyl-1cyclohexene-4-ol; 4-Methyl-1-(1methylethyl)-3-cyclohexen-1-ol; Origanol; Terpinene-4-ol; (+)-Terpinen-4-ol; 4Terpinenol; Terpinenol-4; Terpinen-4-ol; 4Terpineol Classification: cyclic terpene Empirical: C10H18O Properties: Colorless liq.; herbal, pepper, earthy, woody odor; very sl. sol. in water; sol. in PG, oils, 60% alcohol; m.w. 154.25; dens. 0.933 (20/4 C); b.p. 211-213 C; flash pt. 79 C; ref. index 1.479 (20 C) 1028
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1300 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; skin irritant; harmful; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly sealed containers, protected from heat, light Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Use Level: 1-5% Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Australia; Canada DSL; Japan ENCS (no. 3-3260); Philippines PICCS Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Chinessence http://www.chinessence.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; GR Davis http://www.grdavis.com.au/; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Takasago Int'l. http://www.takasago.com; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com 3-Carvomenthenone. See d-Piperitone Carvone CAS 99-49-0; EINECS/ELINCS 202-759-5 FEMA 2249 Synonyms: Carvol; 2-Cyclohexen-1-one, 2methyl-5-(1-methylethenyl)-; 6,8(9)-pMenthadien-2-one; [GD]-1-Methyl-4isopropenyl-6-cyclohexen-2-one; 2-Methyl5-(1-methylethenyl)-2-cyclohexen-1-one Classification: terpene ketone Empirical: C10H14O Properties: Pale yel. clear mobile liq.; sol. in ethanol, org. esters, aldehydes, ketones, min. oil, chlorinated solvs.; insol. in water; m.w. 150; sp.gr. 0.965 (20 C); b.p. 230 C; flash pt. (TCC) 83 C; ref. index 1.4989 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1640 mg/kg, (subcut., mouse) 2675 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing. and subcut. routes; TSCA listed Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, adjuvant in foods, liqueurs Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.60, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Adrian Amer. http://www.adrianusa.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; BFA Labs http://www.bfa-lab.com; ChromaDex http://www.chromadex.com/; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Moellhausen http://www.moellhausen.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com (-)-Carvone. See l-Carvone (+)-Carvone. See d-Carvone d-Carvone CAS 2244-16-8; EINECS/ELINCS 218-827-2 FEMA 2249 Synonyms: (+)-Carvone; d(+)-Carvone; (S)Carvone; d-p-Mentha-6,8,(9)-dien-2-one; d1-Methyl-4-isopropenyl-6-cyclohexen-2-one; (S)-2-Methyl-5-(1-methylethenyl)-2cyclohexen-1-one Empirical: C10H14O Properties: Colorless liq., caraway odor; sol. in propylene glycol, fixed oils; misc. in alcohol; insol. in glycerin; m.w. 150.24; dens. 0.9560.960; ref. index 1.496-1.499 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3170 µg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 4 mg/kg; poison by ingestion and skin contact; skin irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, adjuvant in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, alcoholic beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.60, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; 1029
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com d(+)-Carvone. See d-Carvone l-Carvone CAS 6485-40-1; EINECS/ELINCS 229-352-5 FEMA 2249 Synonyms: Carvol; (-)-Carvone; 1-6,8(9)-pMenthadien-2-one; (-)-1,8-p-Menthadien-6one; L-p-Mentha-1(6),8-dien-2-one; 1-1Methyl-4-isopropenyl-6-cyclohexen-2-one; (R)-2-Methyl-5-(1-methylethenyl)-2cyclohexen-1-one Empirical: C10H14O Properties: Colorless to pale yel. liq., spearmint odor; sol. in paraffin oil, propylene glycol, fixed oils; misc. in alcohol; insol. in water, glycerin; m.w. 150.22; dens. 0.956-0.960; b.p. 227-230 C; flash pt. 192 F; ref. index 1.495-1.499 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1640 mg/kg, (IV, mouse) 56 mg/kg; poison by IV route; mod. toxic by ingestion; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, adjuvant, and fragrance in foods, beverages, soft drinks, ice cream, candy, baked goods, confectionery Features: Minty flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 182.60, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Acme-Hardesty http://www.acme-hardesty.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; B D Aromatics http://www.bdaromatics.com Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com Good Scents http://www.thegoodscentscompany.com/; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Lluch Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Millennium/Perf. Chems. http://www.millenniumchem.com; Millennium http://www.millenniumchem.com R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Trade Names Containing: Spearmint Oil 603 (S)-Carvone. See d-Carvone Carvyl acetate CAS 97-42-7; EINECS/ELINCS 202-580-2 FEMA 2250 Synonyms: p-Mentha-6,8-dien-2-ol, acetate; 1p-Mentha-6(8,9)-dien-2-yl acetate; 2-Methyl5-(1-methylethenyl)-2-cyclohexen-1-ol acetate Empirical: C12H18O2 Properties: Colorless liq., spearmint-like odor; m.w. 194.27; sp. gr. 0.976; b.p. 115-116 C; flash pt. 208 F; ref. index 1.4750 Toxicology: Skin irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Minty flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; Interchim http://www.interchim.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Symrise Gbmh http://www.symrise.com/ Carvyl propionate CAS 97-45-0; EINECS/ELINCS 202-583-9 FEMA 2251 Synonyms: L-Carvyl propionate; p-Mentha6,8-dien-2-ol, propionate; 1-p-Mentha-6,8(9)dien-2-yl propionate; l-p-Mentha-6,8-dien-2yl propionate; 2-Methyl-5-(1-methylethenyl)2-cyclohexen-1-ol propionate Empirical: C13H20O2 Properties: Colorless liq., minty/fruity odor, sweet fruity minty taste; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 208.30; dens. 0.952; b.p. 239 C; flash pt. 226 F; ref. index 1.4740 1030
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Toxicology: Primary skin irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Sweet, minty flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com L-Carvyl propionate. See Carvyl propionate Caryophyllene. See β-Caryophyllene β-Caryophyllene CAS 87-44-5; EINECS/ELINCS 201-746-1 FEMA 2252 Synonyms: Caryophyllene; (-)-transCaryophyllene; 8-Methylene-4,11,11(trimethyl) bicyclo (7.2.0) undec-4-ene; trans-(1R,9S)-8-Methylene-4,11,11trimethylbicyclo[7.2.0] undec-4-ene; 4,11,11-Trimethyl-8-methylene, bicyclo [7.2.0] undec-4-ene Definition: A mix of sesquiterpenes occurring in many essential oils (clove oil, lavender oil, cinnamon leaves, copaiba balsam) Empirical: C15H24 Properties: Colorless oil, terpene odor; sol. in alcohol, ether; insol. in water; m.w. 204.36; dens. 0.902 (20/4 C); b.p. 262-264 C; flash pt. (CC) 116 C; ref. index 1.429 (20 C); tenacity 72 hrs. on blotter Toxicology: Skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly sealed containers, protected from heat and light Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum, condiments Features: Chief hydrocarbon component of clove oil Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Australia; Canada DSL; Japan ENCS (no. 4-592); Philippines PICCS Manuf./Distrib.: Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Axxence Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Takasago Int'l. http://www.takasago.com; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com; Yasho Ind. http://www.yashoindustries.com (-)-trans-Caryophyllene. See β-Caryophyllene Caryophyllene acetate. See Caryophyllene alcohol acetate Caryophyllene alcohol CAS 4586-22-5; 56747-96-7; EINECS/ELINCS 260-364-3 FEMA 3741 Synonyms: α-Caryophyllene alcohol; Decahydro-2,2,4,8-tetramethyl-4,8methanoazulen-9-ol Empirical: C15H26O Properties: Wh. cryst. solid, moss-like spicy odor, minty earthy flavor; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 222.36; dens. 0.986 (17 C) Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; Canada DSL α-Caryophyllene alcohol. See Caryophyllene alcohol Caryophyllene alcohol acetate CAS 32214-91-8; 57082-24-3; EINECS/ELINCS 250-960-1 Synonyms: 1-Acetoxy-caryolane; Caryophyllene acetate; β-Caryophyllene alcohol acetate; 4,11,11-Trimethyl-8methylenebicyclo [7.2.0] undec-3-en-5-yl acetate Classification: floral ester Empirical: C17H28O2 Properties: Cryst. solid; mild fruity, woody, earthy odor; insol. in water; sol. in 80% alcohol; m.w. 264.41; dens. 1.003 (17 C); m.p. 40 C; b.p. 149-152 C (10 mm); flash pt. 105 C; ref. index 1.4919 (17 C); tenacity 6 hrs. on blotter Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, 1031
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference rabbit) > 5 g/kg; low toxicity by ing. and skin contact; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating vapors Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly sealed containers, protected from heat and light Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Use Level: 1-8% Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; Australia; Canada DSL; Japan ENCS (no. 4-1228); Philippines PICCS Manuf./Distrib.: Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Lothar Streeck http://www.lothar-streeck.de; Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Takasago Int'l. http://www.takasago.com β-Caryophyllene alcohol acetate. See Caryophyllene alcohol acetate Caryophyllene epoxide; β-Caryophyllene epoxide. See β-Caryophyllene oxide β-Caryophyllene oxide CAS 1139-30-6; EINECS/ELINCS 214-519-7 FEMA 4085 Synonyms: Caryophyllene epoxide; βCaryophyllene epoxide; Epoxycaryophyllene; (-)Epoxydihydrocaryophyllene; 4-12,12Trimethyl-9-methylene-5-oxatricyclo [] dodecane Empirical: C15H24O Properties: Cryst.; m.w. 220.36; m.p. 45-59 C; flash pt. > 230 F Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 2 g/kg; low toxicity by ing. and skin contact; skin irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Chemos GmbH http://www.chemos-group.com; ChromaDex http://www.chromadex.com/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Caryophyllic acid. See Eugenol Caryophyllus oil. See Clove (Eugenia caryophyllus) oil Casamino acid. See Hydrolyzed protein Cascara bark extract; Cascara, bitterless, extract; Cascara extract. See Cascara (Rhamnus purshiana) extract Cascara (Rhamnus purshiana) extract CAS 8015-89-2; 84650-55-5; 8007-06-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-400-8; 283-515-5 UN 1197 (DOT); FEMA 2253 Synonyms: California buckthorn; Cascara bark extract; Cascara, bitterless, extract; Cascara extract; Cascara sagrada bark extract; Cascara sagrada extract; Chittembark; Rhamnus purshiana; Rhamnus purshiana bark extract; Rhamnus purshiana extract Definition: Extract of dried bark of Rhamnus purshiana HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Bio-Botanica http://www.biobotanica.com; Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com Cascara sagrada. See Cascara sagraga Cascara sagrada bark extract; Cascara sagrada extract. See Cascara (Rhamnus purshiana) extract Cascara sagraga Synonyms: Cascara sagrada Definition: Derived from Rhamnus purshiana Properties: Bitter tonic flavor Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510 Manuf./Distrib.: BDH; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Fortitech http://www.fortitech.com/; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com M.W. Int'l.; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com 1032
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Cascarilla bark oil. See Cascarilla oil Cascarilla oil CAS 8007-06-5; EINECS/ELINCS 284-284-3 FEMA 2255 Synonyms: Cascarilla bark oil; Croton bark oil; Croton cascarilla; Croton cascarilla oil; Croton eluteria; Croton eluteria oil; Croton extract; Sweetwood bark oil Definition: Volatile oil from bark of Croton eluteria or C. cascarilla Properties: Yel. to greenish liq.; pleasant spicy odor; very sol. in alcohol, ether; sol. in most fixed oils, min. oil; pract. insol. in glycerol, propylene glycol; dens. 0.890-0.925 Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Storage: Keep cool, well closed; protect from light Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, condiments Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Essential7 http://www.essential7.com; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Liberty Natural Prods. http://www.libertynatural.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Casein CAS 9000-71-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-555-1 Synonyms: Milk protein, casein; Proteins, milk Definition: Mixt. of phosphoproteins obtained from cow's milk Properties: Wh. powd.; sol. in alkaline sol'ns. Toxicology: Mild sensitive reactions in persons allergic to cow's milk; TSCA listed Storage: Hygroscopic Uses: Dietary supplement in frozen desserts, cheeses; migrating to food from paper/paperboard; animal feed ingred.; processing aid (Japan) Features: Low in fat and cholesterol Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §101.4, 135.110, 135.140, 166.110, 182.90, GRAS; Japan restricted; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Aabbitt Adhesives http://www.aabbitt.com; Adept Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Sol'ns.; Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Am. Biorganics; Am. Casein http://www.americancasein.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Blossom Farm Prods. Chemical http://www.thechemco.com; DMV Int'l. http://www.dmv-international.com; Dastech Int'l. http://www.dastech.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Havero Hoogwegt BV http://www.havero.nl Helm NY http://www.helmnewyork.com; Houghton Chem. http://www.houghtonchemical.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Nat'l. Casein http://www.nationalcasein.com; Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Research Organics http://www.resorg.com/; Roche Diagnostics http://www.roche-applied-science.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com St. Lawrence http://www.stlawrencechem.com; Ultra Additives http://www.ultraadditives.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ Trade Names: CE 90 GBT; CE 90 GMM; CE 90 STL See also Milk protein Casein, ammonium salt. See Ammonium caseinate Casein, calcium salt. See Calcium caseinate Casein hydrolysate. See Hydrolyzed casein Casein, potassium salt. See Potassium caseinate Casein-sodium; Casein-sodium complex; Casein sodium salt. See Sodium caseinate Caseins, potassium complexes. See Potassium caseinate Caseins, sodium complexes. See Sodium caseinate Cassava starch. See Tapioca starch Casseins, calcium complexes. See Calcium caseinate Cassel green. See Manganese oxide (ous) Cassia. See Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) 1033
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Cassia aldehyde. See Cinnamal Cassia bark extract. See Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) extract Cassia bark oil. See Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) oil Cassia gum E499 Synonyms: Gum cassia Classification: Galactomannan Definition: Purified flour from the endosperm of the seeds of Cassia tora/obtusifolia and is comprised of at least 75% polysaccharide consisting primarily of a linear chain of 1,4-_D-mannopyranose units with 1,6-linked_-Dgalactopyranose units. Properties: Swells in water and forms highviscosity aqueous colloids after it is boiled Uses: Thickener, stabilizer in foods Features: Natural Regulatory: Japan approved; FDA approved for buccals Manuf./Distrib.: Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com Trade Names Containing: Isagel® PF 38; Isagum® SB 35 N Cassia obovata; Cassia obovata extract. See Senna (Cassia obovata) extract Cassia oil. See Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) oil Cassie absolute. See Cassie (Acacia farnesiana) flowers Cassie (Acacia farnesiana) flowers CAS 977017-58-5; 89958-31-6 FEMA 2260 Synonyms: Acacia farnesiana; Acacia farnesiana flowers; Cassie absolute; Cassie flowers Definition: Flowers from Acacia farnesiana Properties: Warm floral intense odor with a balsamic undertone Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved Cassie flowers. See Cassie (Acacia farnesiana) flowers Castanea dentata; Castanea dentata leaves. See Chestnut (Castanea dentata) leaves Castanea sativa; Castanea vulgaris extract. See Chestnut (Castanea sativa) extract Castor; Castorem oil. See Castoreum Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Castoreum CAS 8023-83-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-427-5 Synonyms: Castor; Castorem oil; Castoreum absolute; Castoreum oil; Castoreum resinoid; Castoreum tincture; Hyperabsolute castoreum Definition: Dried preputial or vaginal follicles of the beaver,Castor fiber L. and C. canadensis Properties: Dk. brn. Semi-solid to solid; sol. in isopropyl myristate; insol. in water; flash pt. (TCC) > 200 F Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum, condiments, toppings Features: Leather smoky animal sweet odor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.50, GRAS; Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Payan & Bertrand http://www.payanbertrand.com/; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Castoreum absolute. See Castoreum extract; Castoreum Castoreum extract CAS 8023-83-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-427-5 FEMA 2261 Synonyms: Castoreum absolute; Castorium extract Definition: Derived from Castor fiber L. and C. canadensis Properties: Dk. brn. semi-solid to solid; leathery odor; sol. in isopropyl myristate; insol. in water; flash pt. (TCC) 300 F Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum, condiments, toppings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.50, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Payan & Bertrand http://www.payanbertrand.com/; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com Castoreum liquid CAS 977016-89-9 FEMA 2262 Definition: From Castor fiber and C. canadensis Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum, toppings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.50; FEMA GRAS Castoreum oil; Castoreum resinoid; Castoreum tincture. See Castoreum 1034
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Castorium extract. See Castoreum extract Castor oil; Castor oil aromatic. See Castor (Ricinus communis) oil Castor oil, hydrogenated. See Hydrogenated castor oil Castor (Ricinus communis) oil CAS 1323-38-2; 8001-79-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-293-8 FEMA 2263; INS1503 Synonyms: Aceite de ricino; Aromatic castor oil; Castor oil; Castor oil aromatic; Huile de ricini; Oil of Palma Christi; Oleum ricini; Ricini oleum; Ricinus communis oil; Ricinus oil; Tangantangan oil Classification: Vegetable oil Definition: Fixed oil obtained from seeds of Ricinus communis Properties: Colorless to pale yel. viscous oily liq., char. odor; sol. in alcohol; misc. with glac. acetic acid, chloroform, ether; negligible sol. in water; dens. 0.961; m.p. -12 C; b.p. 313 C; acid no. < 4; iodine no. 83-88; sapon. no. 176187; hyd. no. 160-168; flash pt. 230 C; ref. index 1.478; surf. tens. 39 dynes/cm (20 C) Toxicology: Moderately toxic by ing.; allergen; eye irritant; mild skin irritant; mist may cause sl. irritation of nose and throat; purgative, laxative in large doses; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible when exposed to heat; spontaneous heating may occur; incompat. with acids and bases (hydrolysis can occur), strong oxidizing agents (increased fire hazard) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: @ 340-400 C, pyrolysis occurs yielding heptaldehyde and undecylenic acids; further decomp. yields CO, CO2, possibly acrolein NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area, out of direct sunlight; avoid generating mist Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, foaming agent, antisticking agent, release agent, drying oil in foods; antisticking agent, release agent for hard candy prod.; component of protective coatings for vitamin/mineral tablets; natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Use Level: 0.08-23 mg (solid oral dosage forms); 5-12.5% (topicals) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1, 172.510, 172.876, 175.105, 175.300, 176.210, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
177.2600, 177.2800, 178.3120, 178.3520, 178.3570, 178.3910, 181.22, 181.26, 181.28; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL; FDA approved for injectables, orals, topicals; USP/NF, BP, EP, JP compliance Manuf./Distrib.: Acme-Hardesty http://www.acme-hardesty.com; Air Prods. http://www.airproducts.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Alzo http://www.alzointernational.com; Amber Syn. http://www.amsyn.com Arista Ind. http://www.aristaindustries.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com ChemService http://www.chemservice.com; Dastech Int'l. http://www.dastech.com; Degen http://www.degenoil.com; Fanning http://www.fanncorp.com/; Ferro Pfanstiehl Labs http://www.pfanstiehl.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; Geo. Pfau's Sons http://www.pfauoil.com; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; GeorgiaPacific/Actrachem http://www.gp.com/chemical Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; John L Seaton Ltd http://www.seatons-uk.co.uk KIC Chems. http://www.kicchemicals.com; http://www.kicgroup.com; Lanaetex Prods.; Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Marlin Chems. Ltd http://www.marlinchemicals.co.uk Mosselman NV http://www.mosselman.be; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Norman, Fox http://www.norfox.ws/; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com HallStar http://www.hallstar.com; Rhodia HPCII http://www.rhodia-hpcii.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sea-Land http://www.sealandchem.com
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; St. Lawrence http://www.stlawrencechem.com; Stevenson Cooper http://www.stevensoncooper.com; SüdChemie AG http://www.sud-chemie.com Thornley http://www.thornleycompany.com/; Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Vertellus Perf. Materials http://www.vertellus.com Vliengenthart BV http://www.vliegenthart.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Welch, Holme & Clark http://www.welch-holmeclark.com; Zeochem http://www.zeochem.com/ Trade Names: AA USP Trade Names Containing: AFC WS 445; AFC WS 890 Castorwax. See Hydrogenated castor oil Catalase CAS 9001-05-2; 9001-37-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-577-1; 232-601-0 Classification: Oxidizing enzyme Definition: Enzyme found in animals, plants, bacteria, and fungi Properties: M.w. ≈ 240,000; dens. 1.00 Toxicology: Mutagen; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Oxidizing enzyme in food preservation; production aid in cheese; enzyme in decomposing residual hydrogen peroxide in cheese mfg., bleaching and oxidizing processes Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.135; Canada, UK, Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com; Roche Diagnostics http://www.roche-appliedscience.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Wako Chem. USA http://www.wakousa.com Trade Names: Catalase NL Amano; Multifect CA 1000L Trade Names Containing: Hyderase HC; Hyderase L; Multifect GO 1500L Catechu, black, extract. See Black catechu (Acacia catechu) extract Caustic alcohol. See Sodium ethylate Caustic lime. See Calcium hydroxide Caustic potash. See Potassium hydroxide Caustic soda. See Sodium hydroxide Cayenne; Cayenne pepper. See Capsicum CCC. See Chlorophyllin-copper complex C16-18 and C18 unsaturated alkylcarboxylic acid. See Canola acid CDAC. See Cetalkonium chloride C-8 dimethylacetal. See Octanal dimethyl acetal Cedar leaf oil. See Cedar leaf (Thuja occidentalis) oil Cedar leaf (Thuja occidentalis) oil CAS 8007-20-3 FEMA 2267 Synonyms: Arborvitae; Arborvitae oil; Cedar leaf oil; Cedar, white, leaf oil; Thuja oil; White cedarleaf oil; White cedar oil Definition: Volatile oil obtained by steam distillation from fresh leaves of Thuja occidentalis, not a true cedar; mainly contg. dα-thujone Properties: Ylsh. oil, strong camphoraceous odor reminiscent of sage; sol. in fixed oils, min. oil, propylene glycol; insol. in water and glycerin; dens. 0.910-0.920; ref. index 1.4560-1.4590 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 830 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 4100 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing. and skin contact; skin irritant; ing. of large quantities causes hypertension, bradycardia, tachypnea, convulsions, death; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Light-sensitive Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, alcoholic beverages, meats Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; 1036
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Cedar (Thuja occidentalis) extract CAS 90131-58-1; EINECS/ELINCS 290-370-1 Synonyms: Cedar, white, extract; Thuja occidentalis; Thuja occidentalis bark extract; Thuya occidentalis; Thuya occidentalis bark extract; White cedar extract Definition: Extract of the bark of the thuja, Thuja occidentalis Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510 Manuf./Distrib.: Jiangyin Healthway Intl. Trade http://www.healthwaychem.com Cedar, white, extract. See Cedar (Thuja occidentalis) extract Cedar, white, leaf oil. See Cedar leaf (Thuja occidentalis) oil Cedarwood camphor. See Cedarwood oil alcohols Cedarwood oil alcohols CAS 68603-22-5 Synonyms: Cedarwood camphor Empirical: C15H26O Properties: Wh. cryst., mild odor of cedarwood; sol. in benzyl benzoate; sl. sol. in glycol, min. oil; m.w. 222.36; dens. 0.98; m.p. 75 C; ref. index 1.506-1.514 (20 C) Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com Cedarwood oil terpenes CAS 68608-32-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-257-7 Synonyms: Cedarwood terpenes Empirical: C15H24 Properties: Sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 204.34; ref. index 1.4983-1.4989 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMC Chems.; Chinessence Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.chinessence.com; Jiangxi Zhangshu Crown Capital http://www.crown-capital.com Cedarwood terpenes. See Cedarwood oil terpenes Cedro oil. See Lemon (Citrus medica limonum) oil Celery (Apium graveolens) extract CAS 89997-35-3; 8015-90-5; EINECS/ELINCS 289-668-4 FEMA 2269 Synonyms: Apium graveolens; Apium graveolens extract; Celery extract; Celery seed extract Definition: Extract of the herb, roots, and seeds of the celery, Apium graveolens Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, condiments, meats, soups Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Jiangyin Healthway Intl. Trade http://www.healthwaychem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Trade Names Containing: Veg-Con Celery Celery (Apium graveolens) seed CAS 977007-75-2; 8015-90-5 FEMA 2268 Synonyms: Apium graveolens Definition: Seeds of Apium graveolens Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, baked goods, condiments, meats, soups, pickles Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §101.22, 182.10; FEMA GRAS Celery (Apium graveolens) seed oil CAS 8015-90-5 FEMA 2271 Synonyms: Apium graveolens oil; Apium graveolens seed oil; Celery oil; Celery seed oil Definition: Volatile oil from celery seed, Apium graveolens; major constituent is (+)-limonene (> 50%) Properties: Ylsh. green to brown liq., very sol. in alcohol; insol. in water and glycerin; sp. gr. 0.870-0.895; b.p. 183.00 C @ 760.00 mm ; acid no. 3 max.; ref. index .47700-1.49300 1037
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; low toxicity by ing. and skin contact; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Keep cool, well closed; protect from light Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum, condiments, meats, pickles, soups, soft drinks Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Acme-Hardesty http://www.acme-hardesty.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Danisco Seillans http://www.danisco.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk; Fabrichem http://www.fabricheminc.com/ Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Sarcom http://www.sarcominc.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Celery extract. See Celery (Apium graveolens) extract Celery ketone. See 3-Methyl-5-propyl-2cyclohexen-1-one Celery oil. See Celery (Apium graveolens) seed oil Celery seed extract. See Celery (Apium graveolens) extract Celery seed oil. See Celery (Apium graveolens) seed oil Cellacephate. See Cellulose acetate phthalate 'Cellosolve'; 'Cellosolve' solvent. See Ethoxyethanol Cellulase CAS 9012-54-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-734-4 Classification: Enzyme complex Definition: Derived from Aspergillus niger Properties: Off-wh. powd.; m.w. ≈ 31,000 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Toxicology: May cause respiratory allergy in susceptible individuals, mild skin irritation on prolonged or direct contact Storage: Refrigerate; hygroscopic; keep under argon Uses: Enzyme which aids bacteria in the hydrolysis of cellulose; digestive aid in brewing industry; enzyme for removal of visceral masses during clam processing and of shells in shrimp processing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.120, GRAS; UK, Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Enzyme Development http://www.enzymedevelopment.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Whyte Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/ Trade Names: Cellulase DS; Cellulase TR; Enzeco® Cellulase FG Trade Names Containing: Biodiastase 1000 Cellulose CAS 9004-34-6; 65996-61-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-674-9 INS460(ii); E460 Synonyms: α-Amylose; α-Cellulose; Cellulose crystalline; Cellulose powder; Cellulose, powdered; Cellulose pulp; Cotton fiber; Crystalline cellulose; Hydroxycellulose; Powdered cellulose; Pyrocellulose; Wood pulp, bleached Definition: Natural polysaccharide derived from plant fibers Properties: Colorless to wh. solid, odorless; sl. sol. in sodium hydroxide sol'n.; insol. in water, dil. acids, and org. solvs.; m.w. 160,000560,000; dens. ≈ 1.5 Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 10 mg/m3 (total dust); nuisance dust; cannot be digested by humans; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Stabilizer, emulsifier, thickener, dispersant, anticaking agent, binder, 1038
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference bulking agent, disintegrant, filter aid, texturizer in foods; clarifier for beer Use Level: 5-20% (tablet binders, disintegrants), 30% (capsule diluent) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §177.2260; GRAS; Europe listed; use in baby foods not permitted in UK; FDA approved for buccals, dentals, orals; USP/NF compliance (powdered); BP, EP, JP compliance Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; Adept Sol'ns.; Akzo Nobel UK http://www.akzonobel.uk.com/; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com Allchem Int'l. Ltd http://www.allchem.co.uk; Am. Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com; Barrington http://www.barringtonchem.com; Bioengineering AG http://www.bioengineering.ch; Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com Briess Malting http://www.briess.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Celite http://www.worldminerals.com/celite.html; Clariant http://www.clariant.com; http://www.clariant-northamerica.com; Dastech Int'l. http://www.dastech.com Dow Europe; Eastman http://www.eastman.com; Evonik Degussa http://www.degussa.com; FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Food Ingred. Tech. Ltd http://www.fitltd.com; Fortitech http://www.fortitech.com/; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; Hercules BV; Hercules Ltd Honeywill & Stein http://www.honeywill.co.uk; J. Rettenmaier & Söhne http://www.jrs.de/wDeutsch/; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Merck KGaA http://www.merck.de; Multi-Kem http://www.multikem.com/ Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; NB Entrepreneurs http://www.nbent.com; Omya UK http://www.omya.co.uk/web/omya_uk.nsf/H omePage_Lang1?OpenForm&omya_langid =1&omya_navid=0000; Quimdis; Reed Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; U.S. Synthetics; Welding GmbH http://www.welding.de Trade Names: Alpha Cellulose, Powdered BH 200; Celish®; NutraFiber® NF 40; NutraFiber® NF 200; NutraFiber® NF 300 Qual Flo®; Solka-Floc®; Solka-Floc® 20 FCC; Solka-Floc® 20; Solka-Floc® 40 NF Solka-Floc® 200 FCC; Solka-Floc® 300 FCC; Solka-Floc® 300; Solka-Floc® 900 FCC; Solka-Floc® 1016 Vitacel® Powdered Cellulose EPG 70; Vitacel® Powdered Cellulose L 00; Vitacel® Powdered Cellulose L 600; Vitacel® Powdered Cellulose L 600-30; Vitacel® Powdered Cellulose L101 Vitacel® Powdered Cellulose LC 200 Trade Names Containing: FloAm® 200; FloAm® 200C; FloAm® 210 HC; FloAm® 221; FloAm® 240 FloAm® 740; FloAm® System; JustFiber® 20PS; Polyclar® Ultra K-100; Qual Flo® C Textureze™ NB 100 α-Cellulose. See Cellulose Cellulose, acetate, 1,2-benzenedicarboxylate. See Cellulose acetate phthalate Cellulose acetate phthalate CAS 9004-38-0 Synonyms: CAP; Cellacephate; Cellulose, acetate, 1,2-benzenedicarboxylate Classification: Polymer Definition: Reaction prod. of phthalic anhydride and a partial acetate ester of cellulose Properties: Wh. free-flowing powd., sl. odor of acetic acid; sol. in acetone, dioxane; insol. in water, alcohol Toxicology: Harmful solid; irritant; TSCA listed Uses: Enteric coating for nutritional prods. Regulatory: FDA approved for orals; USP/NF, BP, EP, JP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Allchem Int'l. Ltd http://www.allchem.co.uk; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Eastman http://www.eastman.com; FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com FeF Chems. A/S http://www.fefchemicals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Forum Bioscience http://www.forum.co.uk; 1039
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Honeywill & Stein http://www.honeywill.co.uk; Lehmann & Voss http://www.lehvoss.de Lonza http://www.lonza.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polysciences http://www.polysciences.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Univar Ltd http://www.univar.co.uk Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com Trade Names: Aquacoat® CPD Cellulose carboxymethyl ether. See Carboxymethylcellulose; Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Cellulose carboxymethyl ether calcium salt. See Calcium carboxymethyl cellulose Cellulose carboxymethyl ether sodium salt. See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Cellulose crystalline. See Cellulose Cellulose, diethylaminoethyl. See Diethylaminoethyl cellulose Cellulose ethyl; Cellulose ethylate; Cellulose ethyl ether. See Ethylcellulose Cellulose ethyl hydroxyethyl ether. See Ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose Cellulose gel. See Microcrystalline cellulose Cellulose glycolic acid sodium salt; Cellulose gum (INCI). See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Cellulose, 2-hydroxypropyl ether. See Hydroxypropylcellulose Cellulose hydroxypropyl methyl ether; Cellulose 2-hydroxypropyl methyl ether. See Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose Cellulose methyl; Cellulose methylate; Cellulose methyl ether. See Methylcellulose Cellulose, methyl ethyl. See Methyl ethyl cellulose Cellulose, polyanionic. See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Cellulose powder; Cellulose, powdered; Cellulose pulp. See Cellulose Cellulose sodium glycolate. See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Cellulose triacetate CAS 9012-09-3 Synonyms: CA; Triacetate; Triacetyl cellulose Classification: Thermoplastic Empirical: C12H16O8 Formula: C6H7O2(OOCCH3)3 Properties: Wh. flakes or ylsh. amorphous; insol. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
in water, alcohol, ether; sol. in glacial acetic acid, tetrachloroethane; m.w. approx. 72,00074,000 Uses: Fixing agent in immobilization of enzyme preps. (foods) Features: Resistant to most solvents Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.357; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Eastman http://www.eastman.com FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; MultiKem http://www.multikem.com/ Cephrol. See β-Citronellol Cera alba. See Beeswax Cera carnauba. See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax Cera microcristallina. See Microcrystalline wax Ceratonia. See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum Ceratonia siliqua. See Carob (Ceratonia siliqua) extract; Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum Ceratonia siliqua extract. See Carob (Ceratonia siliqua) extract Ceratonia siliqua gum. See Locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) gum Ceresin. See Ozokerite Ceruleinum. See FD&C Blue No. 2; Acid blue 74 Cerulignol. See Dihydroeugenol Ceryl alcohol. See 1-Hexacosanol Cetalkonium chloride CAS 122-18-9; EINECS/ELINCS 204-526-3 Synonyms: Ammonium, benzylhexadecyldimethyl-, chloride; Benzenemethanaminium, N-hexadecyl-N,Ndimethyl-, chloride; Benzyldimethylhexadecylammonium chloride; Benzylhexadecyldimethylammonium chloride; CDAC; Cetyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride; Dimethylhexadecylbenzylammonium chloride; N-Hexadecyl-N,Ndimethylbenzenemethanaminium chloride; Hexadecyl dimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride Classification: Quaternary ammonium salt 1040
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Empirical: C25H46ClN Formula: C6H5CH2N(CH3)2(C16H33)Cl Properties: Colorless crystalline powd. or leaflets; odorless; sol. in water, oxygenated solvs., alcohol, acetone, esters, propylene glycol, glycerol, CCl4; m.w. 396.12; m.p. 58-60 C; pH 7.2 (aq. sol'n.); cationic Toxicology: LD (oral, rat) > 500 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; eye irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic vapors of NOx and Cl– Uses: Antimicrobial in cane-sugar and beetsugar mills Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.320, 175.105, 178.1010; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Amyl http://www.amyl.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Dishman USA http://www.dishmanusa.com; Fluka http://www.sigmaaldrich.com Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com Cetivamin. See L-Ascorbic acid Cetone V. See Allyl α-ionone α-Cetone. See Methyl α-ionone; αIsomethylionone β-Cetone. See Methyl β-ionone Cetraria islandica extract; Cetraria islandicus. See Iceland moss (Cetraria islandicus) extract Cetrimonium chloride CAS 112-02-7; EINECS/ELINCS 203-928-6 Synonyms: Cetyl trimethyl ammonium chloride; Hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium chloride; Palmityl trimethyl ammonium chloride; N,N,N-Trimethyl-1hexadecanaminium chloride Classification: Quaternary ammonium salt Empirical: C19H42ClN Formula: C16H33(CH3)3NCl Properties: M.w. 320.01; Cationic Toxicology: TSCA listed Uses: Germicide in foods, fermentation Regulatory: FDA approved for topicals; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Accord http://www.accordchem.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; City Chem. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.citychemical.com; Dishman USA http://www.dishman-usa.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Trade Names: Nissan Cation PB-40; Nissan Cation PB-300 Cetyl alcohol CAS 124-29-8; 36653-82-4; EINECS/ELINCS 253-149-0 FEMA 2554 Synonyms: Alcohol C16; C16 linear primary alcohol; Ethal; Ethol; 1-Hexadecanol; Hexadecyl alcohol; Palmityl alcohol Classification: Fatty alcohol Empirical: C16H34O Formula: CH3(CH2)14CH2OH Properties: Wh. waxy solid; partially sol. in alcohol, chloroform, ether; pract. insol. in water; m.w. 242.27; dens. 0.8176 (49.5 C); m.p. 49.3 C; b.p. 344 C; acid no. ≤ 2; iodine no. ≤ 5; hyd. no. 218-238; flash pt. > 110 C; ref. index 1.4283; surface-active dispersant, wetting agent, and compatibility aid for enhancing color acceptance in high solids coatings (alkyds, epoxies, UV and EB-cured coatings); emulsifier for emulsion polymerization Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 6400 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing., IP routes; eye and human skin irritant; can cause hives; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. when exposed to heat or flame; can react with oxidizing materials Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 1 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, color diluent, intermediate for confectionery, food supplements in tablet form, gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1, 73.1001, 172.515, 172.864, 175.105, 175.300, 176.200, 177.1010, 177.1200, 177.2800, 178.3480, 178.3910; FEMA GRAS; FDA approved for ophthalmics, orals, otics, rectals, topicals; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance Manuf./Distrib.: A&E Connock http://www.connock.co.uk; AMC Chems.; AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Aarhus Karlshamn A/S http://www.aak.com/; Aceto http://www.aceto.com Albemarle http://www.albemarle.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Amerchol 1041
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.dow.com/ucc/amerchol/index.ht m; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com; Brown http://www.brownchem.com; Camida Ltd http://www.camida.com; Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de; Chempri http://www.chempri.com Chemron http://www.chemron.com; Chesham Chems. Ltd http://www.cheshamchemicals.co.uk; Cognis/Chems. Group http://www.cognisus.com; Cornelius Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.cornelius.co.uk; Croda Chem. Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Ecogreen Oleochems. http://www.ecogreenoleo.com; Efkay Chems. Ltd; Eggar & Co. http://www.eggar.co.uk/ Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; GMI Prods. http://www.gmi-originates.com/; Gattefosse http://www.gattefossecorp.com; HallStar http://www.cphall.com; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Jarchem Ind. http://www.jarchem.com/; Kimpton Bros. Ltd http://www.kimpton.co.uk; Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/ Lonza http://www.lonza.com; M. Michel http://www.mmichel.com; Merck KGaA http://www.merck.de; Mosselman NV http://www.mosselman.be; Multi-Kem http://www.multikem.com/ Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Norman, Fox http://www.norfox.ws/; Pechiney Chems. Div. http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Phoenix Nat. Prods. http://www.phoenixuk.com Procter & Gamble http://www.pgchemicals.com/; Protameen http://www.protameen.com/; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com; RITA http://www.ritacorp.com; HallStar http://www.hallstar.com Rhodia HPCII http://www.rhodia-hpcii.com; Robeco http://www.robecoinc.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasolos.com/ Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com; SeaLand http://www.sealandchem.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Stepan http://www.stepan.com Tomen Am. http://www.tomenamerica.com; Univar Ltd http://www.univar.co.uk; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Whyte Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/ Cetyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride. See Cetalkonium chloride Cetyl esters CAS 8002-23-1; 136097-97-7 INS909 Synonyms: Cetyl esters wax; Spermaceti; Spermaceti synthetic; Spermaceti wax; Spermaceti wax, refined; Synthetic spermaceti; Synthetic spermaceti wax Classification: Synthetic wax Definition: A mixt. of sat. fatty alcohols (C14 to C18) and sat. fatty acids (C14 to C18) Properties: Wh. to off. wh. translucent flakes, faint odor, bland mild taste; sol. in boiling alcohol, ether, chloroform; insol. in water; dens. 0.820; m.p. 43-47 C; acid no. 5 max.; iodine no. 1 max.; sapon. no. 109-120; Nonionic Toxicology: TSCA listed Uses: Glazing agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 175.320, 177.1200; FDA approved for orals, topicals; USP/NF compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: A&E Connock http://www.connock.co.uk; Alzo http://www.alzointernational.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com; Barnet Prods. http://www.barnetproducts.com Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties; Chesham Chems. Ltd http://www.cheshamchemicals.co.uk; CoKEM Assoc.; Cognis http://www.cognis.de Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com; Efkay Chems. 1042
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Ltd; Eggar & Co. http://www.eggar.co.uk/; Frank B. Ross http://www.frankbross.com; GMI Prods. http://www.gmi-originates.com/ Gattefosse http://www.gattefossecorp.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Koster Keunen http://www.kosterkeunen.com/; Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/ NOF Am.; Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Protameen http://www.protameen.com/; RITA http://www.ritacorp.com Robeco http://www.robecoinc.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Strahl & Pitsch http://www.strahlpitsch.com Univar Ltd http://www.univar.co.uk; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Vertellus Perf. Materials http://www.vertellus.com; Werner G. Smith http://www.wernergsmith.com Trade Names: Koster Keunen Synthetic Spermaceti Cetyl esters wax. See Cetyl esters Cetylic acid. See Palmitic acid Cetyl trimethyl ammonium chloride. See Cetrimonium chloride Cevadic acid. See Tiglic acid Cevitamic acid. See L-Ascorbic acid Ceylon cinnamon. See Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) Ceylon cinnamon leaf oil. See Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) leaf oil Ceylon cinnamon oil. See Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) bark oil Ceylon isinglass. See Agar C8-10 fatty acid triglyceride Uses: Lubricant for prod. of sausage casings C12 fatty alcohol ethoxylate. See Laureth CFC 12. See Dichlorodifluoromethane CFC 113. See Trichlorotrifluoroethane CFC 115. See Chloropentafluoroethane Chalcedony. See Novaculite; Quartz Chalk. See Calcium carbonate Chameleon mineral. See Potassium permanganate
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Chamomile Definition: Dried flowerheads derived from Chamomilla recutita or Chamaemelum nobile Uses: Aromatic bitter, natural flavoring agent in foods, alcoholic beverages, herbal teas Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.10, GRAS; Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Fortitech http://www.fortitech.com/; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) extract CAS 84649-86-5; 8015-92-7; EINECS/ELINCS 283-467-5 FEMA 2274 Synonyms: Anthemis nobilis; Anthemis nobilis extract; Camomile extract; Chamomile, English, extract; Chamomile extract; Chamomile flower extract; Chamomile, Roman, extract; English chamomile extract; Roman chamomile extract Definition: Extract of flowers of Anthemis nobilis Properties: Cl. amber liq.; sol. in cold water Toxicology: Irritating to eyes, skin, respiratory and GI tract Precaution: Reactive with oxidizing agents; do not breathe gas, fumes, vapor, spray; wear splash goggles, lab coat, and vapor respirator HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep container tightly closed in a cool, well-ventilated area Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: BP, EP compliance; FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; DSL listed Manuf./Distrib.: Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; Bio-Botanica http://www.bio-botanica.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) flower CAS 977007-26-3 Synonyms: Anthemis nobilis; Anthemis nobilis flower; Camomile flower; Chamomile flower; English chamomile flower; Roman chamomile flower Definition: Flowers from Anthemis nobilis Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods 1043
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.10, GRAS Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) oil CAS 8015-92-7 FEMA 2272, 2275 Synonyms: Anthemis nobilis; Anthemis nobilis oil; Camomile oil; Chamomile flower, English, oil; Chamomile flower oil; Chamomile oil; Chamomile oil, English; Chamomile oil, Roman; English chamomile oil; Roman chamomile oil Definition: Volatile oil distilled from dried flower heads of Anthemis nobilis; contg. amyl and butyl esters of angelic and tiglic acids, butyric acid, etc. Properties: Blue to brownish-yel. liq.; strong aromatic sweet herbal green cognac woody odor; sol. in fixed oils, min. oil, propylene glycol; sol. in 6 vols. 70% alcohol; sl. sol. in water; insol. in glycerin; dens. 0.905-0.915 (15/15 C); sapon. no. 260-296; ref. index 1.442-1.448 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; low toxicity by ing. and skin contact; mild allergen; skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible when heated Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, alcoholic beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Biolandes http://www.biolandes.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Danisco Seillans http://www.danisco.com; De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de F. Gutkind & Co. Ltd http://www.fgutkind.com/; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com Lebermuth http://www.lebermuth.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com Chamomile, English, extract; Chamomile Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
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extract. See Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) extract Chamomile extract, German; Chamomile extract Hungarian. See Matricaria (Chamomilla recutita) extract Chamomile flower. See Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) flower; Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) flower Chamomile flower, English, oil. See Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) oil Chamomile flower extract. See Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) extract Chamomile flower oil. See Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) flower oil; Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) oil Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) flower CAS 977001-96-9 Synonyms: Camomile flower; Chamomile flower; German chamomile flower; Hungarian chamomile flower; Matricaria chamomilla; Matricaria chamomilla flower Toxicology: No known toxicity Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.10 Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) flower oil CAS 8002-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 282-006-5 FEMA 2273 Synonyms: Blue chamomile flower oil; Blue chamomile oil; Camomile oil; Chamomile flower, Hungarian, oil; Chamomile flower oil; Chamomile oil, blue; Chamomile oil, German; Chamomile oil, Hungarian; German chamomile oil; Hungarian chamomile flower oil; Hungarian chamomile oil; Matricaria chamomilla; Matricaria chamomilla flower oil; Matricaria chamomilla oil; Matricaria oil; Wild chamomile oil Properties: Blue-ylsh.-brn. liq., butter-like consistency when cooled, strong odor, bitter aromatic taste; very sol. in alcohol; sol. in fixed oils, propylene glycol; insol. in min. oil, glycerin; dens. 0.905-0.915 (15/15 C); sapon. no. 45; flash pt. 200 F Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 10 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; low toxicity by ing. and skin contact; mild allergen, skin irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid and irritating fumes Storage: Keep cool, well closed; protect from light 1044
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Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum, alcoholic beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Astral Extracts http://www.astralextracts.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Chamomile oil. See Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) oil Chamomile oil, blue. See Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) flower oil Chamomile oil, English. See Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) oil Chamomile oil, German; Chamomile oil, Hungarian. See Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) flower oil Chamomile oil, Roman. See Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) oil Chamomile, Roman, extract. See Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) extract Chamomilla recutita; Chamomilla recutita extract. See Matricaria (Chamomilla recutita) extract Champacawood oil. See Guaiac (Guaiacum officinale) wood oil Channel black; Charcoal. See Carbon black Chavicol methyl ether; Chavicyl methyl ether. See Estragole Checkerberry extract. See Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) extract Checkerberry oil. See Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) oil Cherry butyate. See Isoamyl-2-methylbutyrate Cherry kernel oil. See Sweet cherry (Prunus avium) pit oil Cherry laurel leaf; Cherry laurel leaves. See Cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) leaves Cherry laurel oil. See Cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) oil Cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) leaves CAS 977052-78-0 Synonyms: Cherry laurel leaf; Cherry laurel leaves; English laurel leaves; Laurel cherry leaves; Prunus laurocerasus; Prunus laurocerasus leaves Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Toxicology: Highly toxic; may be fatal if ingested; may cause gasping, weakness, excitement, pupil dilation, spasms, convulsions, coma, respiratory failure Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510 Cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) oil CAS 8000-44-0 FEMA 2277 Synonyms: Cherry laurel oil; Prunus laurocerasus; Prunus laurocerasus oil Definition: Volatile oil derived from leaves of Prunus laurocerasus, contg. HCN, benzaldehyde, etc. Properties: Colorless to pale yel. liq., odor and taste similar to bitter almond oil; sol. in 2 vols 70% alcohol, in benzene, chloroform, ether; sl. sol. in water; dens. 1.054-1.066 (20/20 C) Toxicology: Very poisonous; contains hydrogen cyanide (very toxic) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of CN– Storage: Keep cool, well closed; protect from light Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, baked goods, maraschino cherries, extracts Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com Cherry pit extract CAS 977038-54-2; 8000-44-0 FEMA 2278 Synonyms: Cherry pit oil extract; Cherry pits, extract; Prunus avium; Prunus cerasus Definition: Extract derived from Prunus avium (sweet cherry) or P. cerasus (sour cherry) Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream; liqueurs Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510; FEMA GRAS Cherry pit oil. See Sweet cherry (Prunus avium) pit oil Cherry pit oil extract; Cherry pits, extract. See Cherry pit extract Cherry pit, sweet, oil. See Sweet cherry (Prunus avium) pit oil Chervil. See Chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium) Chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium) CAS 1338-80-3 FEMA 2279 1045
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Synonyms: Anthriscus cerefolium; Chervil Definition: Derived from Anthriscus cerefolium Properties: Sweet and aromatic Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, baked goods, condiments Features: Used like parsley Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §101.22, 182.10, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Reincke & Fichtner http://reincke-fichtner.de Chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium) extract CAS 85085-20-7; EINECS/ELINCS 285-352-5 Synonyms: Anthriscus cerefolium; Anthriscus cerefolium extract; Chervil extract Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com Chervil extract. See Chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium) extract Chestnut (Castanea dentata) leaves CAS 977052-79-1 Synonyms: Castanea dentata; Castanea dentata leaves; Chestnut leaf; Chestnut leaves Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510 Manuf./Distrib.: Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com Chestnut (Castanea sativa) extract CAS 84695-99-8; EINECS/ELINCS 283-619-0 Synonyms: Castanea sativa; Castanea vulgaris extract; Chestnut extract; Chestnut leaf extract Definition: Extract of leaves of Castanea sativa Toxicology: TSCA listed Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510 Manuf./Distrib.: Bio-Botanica http://www.biobotanica.com; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com Chestnut extract. See Chestnut (Castanea sativa) extract Chestnut leaf. See Chestnut (Castanea dentata) leaves Chestnut leaf extract. See Chestnut (Castanea sativa) extract Chestnut leaves. See Chestnut (Castanea dentata) leaves Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Chicorium intybus extract. See Chicory (Cichorium intybus) extract Chicory (Cichorium intybus) extract CAS 68650-43-1; EINECS/ELINCS 272-045-6 FEMA 2280 Synonyms: Chicorium intybus extract; Chicory extract; Cichorium intybus Definition: Extract of roots of the chicory, Chicorium intybus Properties: Bitter tonic flavor Toxicology: TDLo (oral, rat) 600 mg/kg; TSCA listed Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods; colorant in foods (Japan) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Japan restricted Manuf./Distrib.: Bio-Botanica http://www.biobotanica.com; Eurolabs Ltd http://www.eurolabs.co.uk; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com Chicory extract. See Chicory (Cichorium intybus) extract Chile saltpeter. See Sodium nitrate Chimaphila umbellata; Chimaphila umbellata leaf extract; Chimaphila umbellata leaves extract. See Pipsissewa (Chimaphila umbellata) leaves extract China bark extract. See Cinchona extract; Quillaja (Quillaja saponaria) China clay. See Kaolin China oil. See Balsam Peru (Myroxylon pereirae) Chinese bean oil. See Soybean (Glycine soja) oil Chinese cinnamon. See Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum); Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) Chinese cinnamon leaf oil. See Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) leaf oil Chinese cinnamon oil. See Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) oil Chinese ginger. See Galanga Chinese isinglass. See Agar Chinese seasoning. See MSG Chinese tea extract. See Tea (Thea sinensis) extract Chinese white. See Zinc oxide Chinoleine; Chinolin; Chinoline. See Quinoline Chirata. See Swertia chirata 1046
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Chitin CAS 1398-61-4; EINECS/ELINCS 215-744-3 Synonyms: N-[2-(5-Acetylamino-4,6dihydroxy-2-hydroxymethyl-tetrahydropyran-3-yloxy)-4,5-; β-Chitin; Poly (N-acetylD-glucosamine) Classification: Biopolymer Definition: Glucosamine polysaccharide; consists chiefly of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine residues; found in yeasts, fungi, marine invertebrates and arthropods Empirical: (C8H13NO5)n Properties: Wh., amorphous, semitransparent mass; sol. in conc. HCl, H2SO4; insol. in the common solvs.; m.w. ≈ 400,000 Toxicology: LD50 (IV, rat) 50 mg/kg; TSCA listed Storage: Hygroscopic Uses: Thickener, stabilizer in foods Features: Natural Regulatory: ; Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Ajinomoto USA http://www.ajinomoto-usa.com; http://www.ajichem.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Alzo http://www.alzointernational.com; Amerchol http://www.dow.com/ucc/amerchol/index.ht m Anmar Int'l. http://www.anmarinternational.com; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; Barrington http://www.barringtonchem.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Donboo Amino Acid http://www.donboo.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; H&A (Canada) Ind. http://www.hacanada.com/; Hawkins Chem. http://www.hawkinschemical.com/; Jedwards Int'l. http://www.codliveroil.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Shanghai Rokem Int'l. http://www.rokem.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Stason Pharmaceuticals http://www.stason.com/ Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; Universal PreservA-Chem http://www.upichem.com; ZenPharm Int'l. http://www.zenpharm.com/ Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
β-Chitin. See Chitin Chitinase. See Glucanase Chitin, deacylated. See Chitosan Chitobiase; Chitodextrinase. See Glucanase Chitosamine. See Glucosamine Chitosan CAS 9012-76-4; EINECS/ELINCS 222-311-2 Synonyms: 2-Amino-2-deoxy-(1-4)-β-Dglucopyranan; Chitin, deacylated; Poly (Dglucosamine) Definition: Deacylated derivative of chitin Properties: M.w. ≈ 70,000 Toxicology: TSCA listed Storage: Hygroscopic Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, dietary fiber in foods; binder for fats, protein Features: Natural ; lipophilic; may absorb fat-sol. vitamins Regulatory: Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Adept Sol'ns.; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Alzo http://www.alzointernational.com; Anmar Int'l. http://www.anmarinternational.com Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Charles Bowman http://www.charlesbowman.com Donboo Amino Acid http://www.donboo.com; Ferro Pfanstiehl Europe; Fluka http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; H&A (Canada) Ind. http://www.hacanada.com/ Hawkins Chem. http://www.hawkinschemical.com/; Jedwards Int'l. http://www.codliveroil.com; M.W. Int'l.; Marcor Development http://www.marcordev.com; Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Pharmrite N. Am. http://pharmrite.com/; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Shanghai Rokem Int'l. http://www.rokem.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Stason Pharmaceuticals http://www.stason.com/; Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; Universal Preserv1047
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com Wako Chem. USA http://www.wakousa.com; Wilke Int'l. http://www.wilkeinternational.com; ZenPharm Int'l. http://www.zenpharm.com/; Zeta Pharm. http://www.zetapharm.com Chittembark. See Cascara (Rhamnus purshiana) extract Chloor; Chlor. See Chlorine Chloramizol. See Imazalil Chlore. See Chlorine Chlorhydric acid. See Hydrochloric acid Chlorine CAS 7782-50-5; EINECS/ELINCS 231-959-5 UN 1017 (DOT); INS925 Synonyms: Chloor; Chlor; Chlore; Cloro; Molecular chlorine Classification: Halogen Empirical: Cl2 Formula: Cl • Cl Properties: Greenish-yel. gas, amber liq., or rhombic crystal, pungent nauseating odor; sol. in alkalis; sl. sol. in cold water; m.w. 70.90; sp.gr. (liq.) 1.47 (0 C, 3.65 atm); vapor pressure 4800 mm Hg (20 C); m.p. -101 C; b.p. -34.5 C Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 0.5 ppm; STEL 1 ppm; LC50 (inh., rat, 1 h) 293 ppm; highly toxic, corrosive; poison by inh.; strong irritant to eyes, mucous membranes; human respiratory system effects (chronic pulmonary edema, emphysema); human mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: Strong oxidizer that supports combustion of other org. materials; combines with moisture to liberate O2 and form HCl; explodes on contact with many chemicals; reactive with many common substances NFPA: Health 4, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Uses: Flour treatment agent, bleaching agent, antimicrobial, preservative, oxidizing agent in food processing Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §137.105, 137.200; GRAS; HAP; Europe listed; UK approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Adeka Fine Chem. http://www.adk.co.jp; Air Prods. http://www.airproducts.com; Albemarle http://www.albemarle.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Allied Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Universal http://www.allieduniversal.com Altivia http://www.altivia.com; Arch Chems. http://www.archchemicals.com; Arkema http://www.arkema.fr; Asahi Chem. Ind. http://www.asahi-kasei.co.jp; BASF http://www.basf.com Bayer http://www.bayerus.com; DPC Ind. http://www.dxsystemsco.com; Delta http://www.deltachemical.com/; Dow http://www.dow.com; DuPont http://www.dupont.com Finnish Chems. Oy http://www.finnishchemicals.com; Georgia Gulf http://www.ggc.com/; Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com; Hawkins Chem. http://www.hawkinschemical.com/; Hydrite http://www.hydrite.com Melchemie bv http://www.melchemie.com/; Occidental http://www.oxychem.com; Olin/Chlor Alkali http://www.olinchloralkali.com; PPG Ind. http://www.ppg.com; http://www.ppgchloralkali.com; Sal Chem. http://www.salchem.com Showa Denko http://www.sdk.co.jp; Solvay SA http://www.solvay.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Vulcan Chems. http://www.vulcanmaterials.com/vc.asp Wah Chang http://www.wahchang.com/ Chlorine dioxide CAS 10049-04-4; EINECS/ELINCS 233-162-8 UN NA 9191; INS926 Synonyms: Anthium dioxide; Chlorine oxide; Chlorine (IV) oxide; Chlorine peroxide; Chloroperoxyl; Chloryl radical Classification: Halogen oxide Empirical: ClO2 Formula: O=Cl-O Properties: Red to yel. gas, unpleasant odor; dec. in water; m.w. 67.46; dens. (liq.) 1.642; m.p. -59 C; b.p. 11 C; explodes when heated Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 0.1 ppm; STEL 0.3 ppm; LD50 (oral, rat) 292 mg/kg; LCLo (inh., rat, 15 min) 500 ppm; mod. toxic by inh.; primary irritant; very irritating to skin and mucous membranes; eye irritant; may cause pulmonary edema; mutagen; experimental reproductive effects; TSCA listed 1048
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Precaution: DOT hazard: forbidden; unstable; highly explosive; strong oxidizing agent; reacts violently with organic materials; reacts with water or steam to produce toxic and corrosive fumes of HCl Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., produces toxic fumes of Cl– Uses: Bleaching agent, oxidizing agent for foods, flour; flour treatment agent; purification of water; taste and odor control agent; bactericide Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §137.105, 137.200, 173.300, 178.1010; granted prior sanction via clearance for optional use as a bleaching agent for flour under food standards §15; Japan approved; Europe listed; UK approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Ashland/Drew Ind. Div. http://www.ashchem.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Eka Chems. http://www.eka.com; FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com; Finnish Chems. Oy http://www.finnishchemicals.com Int'l. Dioxcide http://www.idiclo2.com; Vulcan Chems. http://www.vulcanmaterials.com/vc.asp Trade Names: Anthium 200® Trade Names Containing: Oxine®; ProOxine® Chlorine oxide; Chlorine (IV) oxide; Chlorine peroxide. See Chlorine dioxide 1-Chloro-2,2-dichloroethylene. See Trichloroethylene Chlorodimethyl ether. See Chloromethyl methyl ether 1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane; 3-Chloro-1,2epoxypropane. See Epichlorohydrin Chlorofluorocarbon 113. See Trichlorotrifluoroethane Chlorofyl. See Chlorophyll 2-Chloroisopropyl alcohol. See 2-Chloro-1propanol Chloromethane. See Methyl chloride Chloromethoxymethane. See Chloromethyl methyl ether Chloromethylated aminated styrenedivinylbenzene resin CAS 60177-39-1 Synonyms: Poly (divinylbenzene-co-trimethyl (vinylbenzyl) ammonium chloride); Styrene/DVB resin, chloromethylated aminated Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of Cl– and NO2 Uses: Decolorizing agent and clarifier for treatment of refinery sugar liquors and juices Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.70; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium (Chloromethyl) ethylene oxide. See Epichlorohydrin Chloromethyl methyl ether CAS 107-30-2; EINECS/ELINCS 203-480-1 UN 1239 (DOT) Synonyms: Chlorodimethyl ether; Chloromethoxymethane; CMME; Dimethylchloroether; Methoxymethyl chloride; Methylchloromethyl ether; Monochlorodimethyl ether Classification: Halogenated aliphatic ether Empirical: C2H5ClO Properties: Colorless liq.; irritating odor; sol. in ethanol, ether, many org. solvs.; dec. in hot ethanol; hydrolyzes very fast in water; m.w. 80.52; dens. 1.07; m.p. -103.5 C; b.p. 59 C; flash pt. (CC) 15 C; surf. tens. 30 dynes/cm Toxicology: LD50 (oral) 1000 mg/kg; LC50 (inh., rat, 7 h) 55 ppm; mod. toxic; poison by inh.; mod. toxic by ing.; ing. can cause severe irritation to the mouth, throat, and stomach; inh. can cause severe irritation to nose, throat, upper respiratory tract; severe exposure may cause pulmonary edema and possibly death; can cause severe skin and eye irritation with burns and permanent scarring; lachrymator; confirmed human carcinogen; human mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: Very dangerous fire hazard exposed to heat or flame; corrosive; reacts with water to produce HCl, methanol, and formaldehyde; reacts with divalent metals to form very reactive prod. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO2, CO, hydrogen chloride, phosgene; heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of Cl– NFPA: Health 3, Flammability 3, Reactivity 2 Uses: Ion exchange membrane in prod. of grapefruit juice Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.20; HAP Manuf./Distrib.: Tokyo Kasei Kogyo http://www.tokyokasei.co.jp 1049
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Chloromethyloxirane; 2-(Chloromethyl) oxirane. See Epichlorohydrin Chloropentafluoroethane CAS 76-15-3; EINECS/ELINCS 200-938-2 UN 1020 (DOT); INS945 Synonyms: CFC 115; F 115; Fluorocarbon 115; Freon 115; Monochloropentafluoroethane; R 115 Classification: Nonaromatic halogenated hydrocarbons Empirical: C2ClF5 Formula: CClF2CF3 Properties: Colorless liquefied gas; odorless; sol. in alcohol, ether; insol. in water; m.w. 154.47; dens. 1.5678 (-42 C); vapor pressure 760 mm Hg; m.p. -106 C; b.p. -39.3 C; ref. index 1.290; surf. tens. 5 dynes/cm; dielec. const. 1.0; nonflamm. Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 1000 ppm; mildly toxic by inhalation; TSCA listed Environmental: ThOD 0.10 Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of F– and Cl– Storage: Store away from heat Uses: Propellant, aerating agent in foamed or sprayed food prods. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.345; SARA §313 reportable; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Air Prods. http://www.airproducts.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Matheson Gas Prods. http://www.mathesontrigas.com Chloroperoxyl. See Chlorine dioxide Chlorophyll CAS 1406-65-1; EINECS/ELINCS 215-800-7 INS140; E140 Synonyms: Biophyll; Chlorofyl; CI 75810; Green chlorophyl Properties: Dk. green liq. Toxicology: LD50 (IV, mouse) 285 mg/kg; poison by IV and IP routes Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx Uses: Colorant in foods, casings, rendered fats, oleomargarine, shortening, oils Regulatory: Green chlorophyll cleared by MID for coloring sausage casings, oleomargarine, and shortening, and in marking or branding inks for prods. in an amt. sufficient for the purpose; USDA 9CFR §318.7; Europe listed; UK approved; Canada DSL; may be mixed Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
with approved synthetic dyes or harmless inert materials such as common salt or sugar; Japan restricted Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; BDH Barnet Prods. http://www.barnetproducts.com; Barrington http://www.barringtonchem.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Fabrichem http://www.fabricheminc.com/; Food Ingred. Tech. Ltd http://www.fit-ltd.com Givaudan-Quest Int'l. http://www.givaudan.com/givcom/; Int'l. Flavors & Fragrances US http://www.iff.com; Kingfood Australia Pty. Ltd http://www.kingfood.com.au; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Wako Chem. USA http://www.wakousa.com Chlorophyllin-copper complex CAS 11006-34-1; EINECS/ELINCS 234-242-5 INS141(i); E141ii Synonyms: CCC; Chlorophyllin, copper sodium complex; CI 75815; Copper sodium chlorophyllin; Potassium sodium copper chlorophyllin; Sodium copper chlorophyllin Classification: Food starch modified Definition: Obtained from chlorophyll from dehydrated alfalfa by replacing the methyl and phytyl ester groups with alkali and replacing the magnesium with copper Properties: Grn.-blk. powd. Uses: Colorant in foods Features: Blue-green color Use Level: 0.1% max. (dentifrices); 0.003% max. (bone cement) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1125, 73.2125, 73.3110; exempt from certification, permanently listed for drug use and medical devices Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Anmar Int'l. 1050
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.anmarinternational.com; Asiamerica Int'l. Boith China http://www.boith.com; Charles Bowman http://www.charlesbowman.com; Generichem http://www.generichem.com/; Morre-Tec Ind. http://www.morretec.com; P.L. Thomas http://www.plthomas.com R.W. Greeff http://www.pechineychemicals.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; Universal PreservA-Chem http://www.upichem.com Chlorophyllin, copper sodium complex. See Chlorophyllin-copper complex Chloropotassuril. See Potassium chloride 2-Chloropropanol. See 2-Chloro-1-propanol 2-Chloro-1-propanol CAS 78-89-7 UN 2611 Synonyms: 2-Chloroisopropyl alcohol; 2Chloropropanol; 2-Chloropropyl alcohol; βChloropropyl alcohol; 1-Hydroxy-2chloropropane; 1-Propanol, 2-chloro-; Propylene chlorohydrin Empirical: C3H7ClO Formula: HOCH2CHClCH3 Properties: Colorless clear liq.; pleasant odor; sol. in water; sol. > 10% in ether, 95% ethanol; m.w. 94.54; sp.gr. 1.1; b.p. 133-134 C; flash pt. 52 C; ref. index 1.4390 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 218 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 529 mg/kg; LCLo (inh., rat, 4 h) 500 ppm; poison by ing.; mod. toxic by inh. and skin contact; skin and severe eye irritant; can burn eyes; may cause mucous membrane/lung irritation and hemolysis; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm.; incompat. with oxidizing agents; may be sensitive to prolonged exposure to light Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of chlorine NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store refrigerated; protect from light Uses: Prep. of food starch modified Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892; Canada DSL 2-Chloropropyl alcohol; β-Chloropropyl alcohol. See 2-Chloro-1-propanol Chloropropylene oxide; 3-Chloro-1,2-propylene oxide; γ-Chloropropylene oxide. See Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Epichlorohydrin Chlorous acid, sodium salt. See Sodium chlorite Chloryl radical. See Chlorine dioxide Chocolate brown FK. See Brown FK Chocolate brown HT. See Brown HT Cholalic acid; Cholalin. See Cholic acid Cholecalciferol CAS 67-97-0; EINECS/ELINCS 200-673-2 Synonyms: Calciol; 5,7-Cholestadien-3-β-ol; 7Dehydrocholesterol; 9,10-Secocholestra5,7,10(19)-trien-3-ol, (3β,5z,7e)-; 9,10Seco(5Z,7E)-5,7,10(19)-cholestratrien-3-ol; Vitamin D3 Classification: Organic compd.; sterol; vitamin Empirical: C27H44O Properties: Colorless to wh. cryst., odorless; unstable in light and air; sol. in acetone, alcohol, chloroform, fatty oils; insol. in water; m.w. 384.71; m.p. 84-88 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 42 mg/kg; poison by ing.; experimental teratogen; TSCA listed Precaution: Affected by air and light Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Dietary supplement, nutrient in foods, infant formulas, margarine; animal feed additive Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §107.10, 166.110, 184.1950, GRAS; Japan approved; BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Arista Ind. http://www.aristaindustries.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l. BASF AG http://www.basf.de; BASF http://www.basf.com; Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties; Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com; Daiichi Fine Chems. https://www.daiichi-fcj.co.jp/eng/; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fortitech http://www.fortitech.com/ Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; Helm NY http://www.helmnewyork.com; Omya Peralta http://www.omya-peralta.de;
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Parchem Trading http://www.parchem.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Solvay Pharmaceuticals BV http://www.solvayvitamins.nl/; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Stason Pharmaceuticals http://www.stason.com/; Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names Containing: Bioblend # 7; Bonus Blend; Dohyfral D3-2000 AG; Dry Vitamin D3 Type 100 SD; Liquid Vitamin D3 Rex® Vitamin Fortified Wheat Germ Oil; Vitamin A and D-3 Blend 5,7-Cholestadien-3-β-ol. See Cholecalciferol Cholest-5-en-3β-ol; 5-Cholesten-3-β-ol; Cholesteric esters; Cholesterin. See Cholesterol Cholesterol CAS 57-88-5; EINECS/ELINCS 200-353-2 Synonyms: Cholest-5-en-3β-ol; 5-Cholesten-3β-ol; Cholesteric esters; Cholesterin; Cholesteryl alcohol; 3-β-Hydroxycholest-5ene Classification: Steroid alcohol Definition: Mono-unsaturated sec. alcohol of the cyclopentenophenanthrene system Empirical: C27H46O Formula: C27H45OH Properties: Wh. or faintly yel. pearly granules or crystals, almost odorless; yel. to tan color on prolonged exposure to light; sol. in ethers, acetone, chloroform, dioxane, ethyl acetate, hexane, benzene, petrol. ether, oils, fats; sl. sol. in water, alcohol; m.w. 386.67; dens. 1.067; m.p. 148.5 C; b.p. 360 C (dec.) Toxicology: TDLo (oral, rabbit) 2100 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 800 mg/kg; nontoxic to skin; questionable carcinogen; tumorigen, mutagen; reproductive effector; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Light-sensitive; refrigerate Uses: Emulsifier in foods Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Features: Natural Regulatory: Japan approved; approved for ophthalmics, topicals; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: A&E Connock http://www.connock.co.uk; AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Adept Sol'ns.; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Arch Personal Care Prods. http://www.archchemicals.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; Bayer http://www.bayerus.com Camida Ltd http://www.camida.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Charles Bowman http://www.charlesbowman.com; Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de CoKEM Assoc.; Cornelius Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.cornelius.co.uk; Croda Chem. Europe Ltd; Croda Chem. Ltd http://www.croda.co.uk; Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Genzyme http://www.genzyme.com; Hawkins Chem. http://www.hawkinschemical.com/; Honeywill & Stein http://www.honeywill.co.uk Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Merck KGaA http://www.merck.de; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polysciences http://www.polysciences.com; RITA http://www.ritacorp.com HallStar http://www.hallstar.com; Robeco http://www.robecoinc.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Solvay Pharmaceuticals BV http://www.solvayvitamins.nl/ Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Ubichem plc http://www.ubichem.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ Cholesteryl alcohol. See Cholesterol 1052
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Cholesteryl oleate CAS 303-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 206-142-1 Classification: Steroid Empirical: C45H78O2 Properties: M.w. 651.12; m.p. 44-47 C Toxicology: TSCA listed Uses: Ingred. in food Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Nantong ChangChem http://www.changchem.com; Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium Trade Names: Nofable CO-90; Nofable CO-99 Cholic acid CAS 81-25-4; EINECS/ELINCS 201-337-8 INS1000 Synonyms: Cholalic acid; Cholalin; Colalin; 3,7,12-Trihydroxycholanic acid; 3α,7α,12αTrihydroxy-5-β-cholan-24-oic acid Classification: Steroid Empirical: C24H40O5 Properties: Wh. cryst. (monohydrate); bitter taste with sweetish aftertaste; sol. in glacial acetic acid, acetone, alcohol; sl. sol. in chloroform; insol. in water, benzene; m.w. 408.58; m.p. 198 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 4950 mg/kg, (IV, mouse) 330 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 330 mg/kg; poison by IP route; mod. toxic by ing.; mutagen; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Emulsifier in foods Regulatory: Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Marcor Development http://www.marcordev.com; Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.spectrumchemical.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ Cholic acid, monosodium salt; Cholic acid sodium salt. See Ox bile extract Choline acetate CAS 14586-35-7 INS1001(i) Uses: Emulsifier in foods Manuf./Distrib.: Sigma-Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Choline bitartrate CAS 87-67-2; EINECS/ELINCS 201-763-4 INS1001(v) Synonyms: Choline hydrogen tartrate; Choline tartrate; Choline, tartrate (1:1) salt; Ethanaminium, 2-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethyl, salt with (R-(R+,R+))-2,3dihydroxybutanedioic acid (1:1); Ethanaminium, 2-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethyl-, salt with (R-(R,R))-2,3-dihydroxybutanedioic acid (1:1); (2-Hydroxyethyl) trimethyl ammonium bitartrate Empirical: C9H19NO7 Formula: (C5H14NO) • C4H5O6 Properties: Wh. cryst. powd.; odorless or lt. trimethylamine odor; sour acetic taste; sol. in water; sl. sol. in alcohol; insol. in ether, chloroform, benzene; m.w. 253.25; m.p. 151153 C Toxicology: Irritant; high dosages may cause salivation, sweating, nausea, diarrhea, depression Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Uses: Dietary supplement, nutrient in foods; emulsifier in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.8250, GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Am. Biorganics; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Boith China http://www.boith.com Fallek; GMI Prods. http://www.gmioriginates.com/; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; 1053
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference United Pharma Ltd http://www.upltd.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Choline carbonate INS1001(ii) Classification: Choline compd. Uses: Emulsifier in foods Choline chlorhydrate. See Choline chloride Choline chloride CAS 67-48-1; EINECS/ELINCS 200-655-4 INS1001(iii) Synonyms: Choline chlorhydrate; Choline hydrochloride; Cholinium chloride; Hepacholine; (2-Hydroxyethyl) trimethylammonium chloride Empirical: C5H14NO • Cl Formula: (CH3)3N(Cl)CH2CH2OH Properties: Colorless to wh. cryst., sl. odor of trimethylamine; sol. in water and alcohol; m.w. 139.65 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 9 g/kg, (IP, rat) 400 mg/kg, (IV, mouse) 53 mg/kg; poison by IP and IV routes; moderately toxic by ing., subcut. routes; high dosages may cause adverse effects; suspected carcinogen; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of Cl–, NOx, NH3 HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Hygroscopic Uses: Emulsifier, nutrient, mineral supplement, dietary supplement in foods; animal feed additive Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.8252, GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Am. Biorganics; Budenheim USA http://www.gallardschlesinger.com Dastech Int'l. http://www.dastech.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fortitech http://www.fortitech.com/; Helm NY http://www.helmnewyork.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Tanabe USA http://www.tanabeusa.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Whyte Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/ Choline citrate INS1001(iv) Uses: Emulsifier in foods Manuf./Distrib.: TCI Am. http://www.tciamerica.com Choline hydrochloride. See Choline chloride Choline hydrogen tartrate. See Choline bitartrate Choline lactate INS1001(vi) Uses: Emulsifier in foods Choline phosphate CAS 107-73-3 Synonyms: Phosphocholine; OPhosphocholine; Phosphoryl choline Empirical: C5H14NO4P Properties: M.w. 183.14 Uses: Fermentation regulator; taste improver in sake Regulatory: 0.2 g/L in sake; Japan approved Choline tartrate; Choline, tartrate (1:1) salt. See Choline bitartrate Cholinium chloride. See Choline chloride Chondroitin polysulfate. See Chondroitin sulfate Chondroitin sulfate CAS 9007-28-7 Synonyms: Chondroitin polysulfate; Chondroitin sulfuric acid; Chondroitin sulfuric acids; Chonsurid Classification: Mucopolysaccharide Definition: Major constituent of the cartilaginous tissue in the body Properties: M.w. ≈ 50,000 Toxicology: LD50 (IV, mouse) 2340 mg/kg; TDLo (oral, rat, 26 wk intermittent) 455 g/kg, (IV, rat, 14 days intermittent) 1680 mg/kg; may cause wt. loss, change in liver wt.; TSCA listed Uses: Nutrient, dietary supplement Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Allan 1054
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.allanchem.com; Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com Anmar Int'l. http://www.anmarinternational.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; Austin http://www.austinchemical.com; Barrington http://www.barringtonchem.com Bioiberica http://www.bioiberica.com; Budenheim USA http://www.gallardschlesinger.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Celsus Labs http://www.heparin.com/; Charles Bowman http://www.charlesbowman.com Croda Chem. Europe Ltd; Dastech Int'l. http://www.dastech.com; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; H&A (Canada) Ind. http://www.hacanada.com/ Helm NY http://www.helmnewyork.com; Jedwards Int'l. http://www.codliveroil.com; Kraeber GmbH http://www.kraeber.de/; M.W. Int'l.; Marcor Development http://www.marcordev.com Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Shanghai Rokem Int'l. http://www.rokem.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Wako Chem. USA http://www.wakousa.com Westco Fine Ingreds. http://www.westcofine.com; Wilke Int'l. http://www.wilkeinternational.com; Zeta Pharm. http://www.zetapharm.com Trade Names Containing: Soluble Trachea CS 16 Substance Chondroitin sulfuric acid; Chondroitin sulfuric acids. See Chondroitin sulfate Chondrus. See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) Chondrus crispus; Chondrus crispus extract; Chondrus extract. See Carrageenan (Chondrus crispus) extract Chonsurid. See Chondroitin sulfate 6-Chromanol, 2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-(4,8,12trimethyl tridecyl)-. See DL-α-Tocopherol 6-Chromanol, 2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-(4,8,12trimethyltridecyl)-, acetate. See dl-αTocopheryl acetate 2-Chromanone. See Dihydrocoumarin Chromic oxide hydrated. See Chromium Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
hydroxide green Chromium hydroxide green CAS 12001-99-9; EINECS/ELINCS 215-160-9 Synonyms: Chromic oxide hydrated; Chromium oxide hydrate; CI 77289; Dichromium trioxide; Guignet's green; Hydrated chromic sesquioxide; Hydrated chromium oxide green; Hydrated chromium sesquioxide; Pigment green 18; Veridian Classification: Inorganic pigment Empirical: H4Cr2O5 Formula: Cr2O(OH)4 Properties: Bluish/brilliant green transparent powd.; m.w. 188.02; dens. 3.2 kg/l; dec. on heating above 250 C Toxicology: Applic. to skin may cause allergic reaction; ingestion results in violent gastrointestinal irritation Uses: Colorant in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1326, 73.2326; exempt from certification, permanently listed for drug use Manuf./Distrib.: Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Presperse http://www.presperse.com/; Presperse http://www.presperse.com/; TKB Trading http://www.wholesalecolors.com Chromium oxide hydrate. See Chromium hydroxide green Chromotrichia factor. See p-Aminobenzoic acid Chrystanthemum balsamita. See Costmary (Chrysanthemum balsamita) Chymosin. See Rennet CI 11380. See 1-(Phenylazo)-2-naphthylamine CI 12156. See Citrus red no. 2 CI 14700. See Ponceau SX; FD&C Red No. 4 CI 15850. See Litholrubine BK CI 15985. See FD&C Yellow No. 6 CI 15985:1. See FD&C Yellow No. 6 aluminum lake CI 16035. See FD&C Red No. 40 CI 16155. See Ponceau 3R CI 16185. See Amaranth CI 16255. See Acid red 18 CI 18050. See Acid red 1 CI 18965. See Acid yellow 17 CI 19140. See FD&C Yellow No. 5; Tartrazine CI 19140:1. See FD&C Yellow No. 5 aluminum lake CI 19235. See Orange B CI 20285. See Brown HT CI 28440. See Brilliant black 1 1055
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference CI 40800. See Carotene CI 40820. See β-Apo-8´-carotenal CI 40825. See β-Apo-8´-carotenic acid, ethyl ester CI 40850. See Canthaxanthine CI 42051. See Acid blue 3 CI 42053. See FD&C Green No. 3; Fast green FCF CI 42090. See FD&C Blue No. 1; Acid blue 9 CI 42090:2. See FD&C Blue No. 1 Aluminum Lake CI 45430. See FD&C Red No. 3 CI 47005. See Acid yellow 3 CI 73015. See FD&C Blue No. 2 Aluminum Lake; FD&C Blue No. 2; Acid blue 74 CI 75120. See Annatto (Bixa orellana); Annatto (Bixa orellana) extract CI 75125. See Lycopene CI 75130. See Carotene CI 75135. See Rubixanthin CI 75300. See Curcumin; Turmeric (Curcuma longa) CI 75810. See Chlorophyll CI 75815. See Chlorophyllin-copper complex CI 76505. See Resorcinol CI 77000. See Aluminum CI 77004. See Aluminum silicate; Kaolin; Bentonite CI 77007. See Ultramarine blue CI 77019. See Mica; Talc CI 77220. See Calcium carbonate CI 77231. See Calcium sulfate dihydrate CI 77265. See Carbon, activated CI 77266. See Carbon black; Vegetable carbon CI 77289. See Chromium hydroxide green CI 77320. See Cobalt CI 77400. See Copper CI 77480. See Gold CI 77489. See Iron oxides CI 77491. See Iron oxide red; Iron oxides; Ferric oxide CI 77499. See Iron oxides; Iron oxide black CI 77711. See Silica, fumed CI 77713. See Magnesium carbonate CI 77718. See Talc CI 77726. See Manganese oxide (ous) CI 77755. See Potassium permanganate CI 77775. See Nickel CI 77820. See Silver CI 77864. See Stannous chloride anhydrous CI 77891. See Titanium dioxide CI 77947. See Zinc oxide Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CI 77950. See Zinc carbonate Cichorium intybus. See Chicory (Cichorium intybus) extract CI food black 1, tetrasodium salt. See Brilliant black 1 CI Food Brown 1. See Brown FK CI Food Brown 3. See Brown HT CI food orange 7. See β-Apo-8´-carotenic acid, methyl ester CI Food Orange 7. See β-Apo-8´-carotenic acid, ethyl ester CI food red 6; CI food red 6, disodium salt. See Ponceau 3R CI natural orange 4. See Annatto (Bixa orellana) CI natural red 22. See Red sandalwood (Pterocarpus santalinus) CI natural red 28. See Orchil Cincholepidine. See Lepidine Cinchona bark extract. See Cinchona extract Cinchona extract CAS 68990-12-5 FEMA 2285 Synonyms: China bark extract; Cinchona bark extract; Peruvian bark extract; Quinine bark extract Definition: Extract derived from Cinchona spp. Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, candy Regulatory: FDA 21CFR§172.510; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Cinchonan-9-ol, 6´-mnethoxy-. See Quinine Cinene. See d-Limonene; dl-Limonene Cineol; 1,8-Cineol; Cineole. See Eucalyptol 1,4-Cineole CAS 470-67-7; EINECS/ELINCS 207-428-9 FEMA 3658 Synonyms: 1,4-Epoxy-p-menthane; Isocineole; p-Menthane, 1,4-epoxy-; 1-Methyl-4-(1methylethyl)-7-oxabicyclo [2.2.1] heptane; 7-Oxabicyclo (2.2.1) heptane, 1-methyl-4-(1methylethyl)Empirical: C10H18O Properties: Colorless liq., camphoraceous odor, spicy flavor; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 154.25; dens. 0.887; m.p. -46 C; b.p. 65 C (16 mm); flash pt. 118 F Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3100 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; TSCA listed Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, 1056
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference baked goods, ice cream, meats, hard and soft candy, puddings, beverages, alcoholic beverages, chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; ChromaDex http://www.chromadex.com/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Millennium http://www.millenniumchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com 1,8-Cineole. See Eucalyptol Cinnamal CAS 104-55-2; 14371-10-9; EINECS/ELINCS 203-213-9 FEMA 2286 Synonyms: Benzylideneacetaldehyde; Cassia aldehyde; Cinnamaldehyde; Cinnamic aldehyde; Cinnamyl aldehyde; Phenylacrolein; 3-Phenylpropenal; 3Phenyl-2-propenal; 2-Propenal, 3-phenylClassification: Aromatic aldehyde Definition: A syn. liq. with strong cinnamon odor isolated from a wood-rotting fungus; found in Ceylon and Chinese cinnamon oils Empirical: C9H8O Formula: C6H5CH:CHCHO Properties: Ylsh. oily liq., strong cinnamon odor, burning aromatic taste; misc. with oxygenated and chlorinated solvs., alcohol, ether, chloroform, fixed oils; very sl. sol. in water; m.w. 132.16; dens. 1.048-1.052; m.p. -7.5 C; b.p. 246 C; flash pt. 248 F; ref. index 1.6191.623 (20 C); thickens on exposure to air Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2220 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 200 mg/kg, (IV, mouse) 75 mg/kg; poison by IV and parenteral routes; mod. toxic by ing. and IP routes; severe human skin irritant; one of the most common allergens; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq.; may ignite after delay in contact with NaOH; volatile with steam; incompat. with strong oxidizers, reducers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits CO, CO2, acrid smoke and fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: 6 mos. when stored at 40 F in tightly Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
sealed original containers with minimum head space; avoid prolonged exposure to light, heat, air Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, adjuvant in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum, condiments, meats Features: Cinnamon-, vanilla-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.60, GRAS; 27CFR §21.65, 21.151; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved as flavoring; FDA approved for orals; Canada DSL; Australia AICS Manuf./Distrib.: Adrian Amer. http://www.adrianusa.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Allan http://www.allanchem.com; Astral Extracts http://www.astralextracts.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; BFA Labs http://www.bfa-lab.com; Cargill Flavors & Fruit Systems USA http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/; Chemtex International http://www.chemtexinternational.com; Chinessence http://www.chinessence.com Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Clariant/Functional Chems. http://www.fun.clariant.com; Doingcom http://www.doingcom.com; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Emerald Kalama Chem. http://www.emeraldmaterials.com Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Givaudan-Quest Int'l. http://www.givaudan.com/givcom/ Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Prodasynth http://www.prodasynth.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Symrise USA http://www.symrise.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com; Whyte Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/ Trade Names Containing: Cinnamon Oil 950 Cinnamaldehyde. See Cinnamal Cinnamaldehyde ethylene glycol acetal CAS 5660-60-6; EINECS/ELINCS 227-110-3 FEMA 2287 Synonyms: Cinnamic aldehyde ethylene glycol acetal; Cinncloval; 2-Styryl-1,3dioxolane; 2-Styryl-m-dioxolane Definition: From cinnamic aldehyde and ethylene glycol Empirical: C11H12O2 Properties: Colorless oily liq., cinnamon-like odor and flavor; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 176.22; b.p. 265 C Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, candy, baked goods, condiments Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Cinnamein. See Benzyl cinnamate Cinnamene; Cinnamenol. See Styrene Cinnamic acetate. See Cinnamyl acetate Cinnamic acid CAS 621-82-9; EINECS/ELINCS 210-708-3 FEMA 2288 Synonyms: Cinnamylic acid; 3-Phenylacrylic acid; β-Phenylacrylic acid; t-β-Phenylacrylic acid; 3-Phenylpropenoic acid; 3-Phenyl-2propenoic acid Empirical: C9H8O2 Formula: C6H5CH:CHCOOH Properties: Wh. monoclinic cryst., honey floral odor; sol. in benzene, ether, acetone, glac. acetic acid, carbon disulfide, fixed oils; m.w. 148.17; dens. 1.2475 (4/4 C); m.p. 133 C; b.p. 300 C; flash pt. > 212 F Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2500 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 1600 mg/kg, (IV, mouse) 380 mg/kg; poison by IV and IP routes; mod. toxic by ing.; skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum Features: Sweet, cinnamon-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved as flavoring; BP compliance; Canada DSL Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Manuf./Distrib.: Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.advbio.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; Raschig; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Sinochem Tianjin http://www.sinochemtianjin.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Symrise USA http://www.symrise.com; Whyte Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/; Xinchem http://www.finechemnet.com trans-Cinnamic acid benzyl ester. See Benzyl cinnamate Cinnamic acid-n-butyl ester. See Butyl cinnamate Cinnamic acid cinnamyl ester. See Cinnamyl cinnamate Cinnamic acid, cyclohexyl ester. See Cyclohexyl cinnamate Cinnamic acid, 3,4-dihydroxy-, 2-ester with 3(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl) lactic acid. See Rosmarinic acid Cinnamic acid-1,5-dimethyl-1-vinyl-4-hexenyl ester; Cinnamic acid-1,5-dimethyl-1-vinyl-4hexen-1-yl ester. See Linalyl cinnamate Cinnamic acid heptyl ester. See Heptyl cinnamate Cinnamic acid, 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy-. See Ferulic acid Cinnamic acid, isobutyl ester. See Isobutyl cinnamate Cinnamic acid, isopentyl ester. See Isoamyl cinnamate Cinnamic acid, linalyl ester. See Linalyl cinnamate Cinnamic acid phenethyl ester. See Phenethyl cinnamate 1058
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Cinnamic acid, 3-phenylpropyl ester. See 3Phenylpropyl cinnamate Cinnamic acid propyl ester. See Propyl cinnamate Cinnamic alcohol. See Cinnamyl alcohol Cinnamic aldehyde. See Cinnamal Cinnamic aldehyde ethylene glycol acetal. See Cinnamaldehyde ethylene glycol acetal Cinnamol. See Styrene Cinnamomum camphora. See Camphor Cinnamomum camphora oil. See Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora) oil Cinnamomum cassia. See Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) extract; Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia); Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) oil Cinnamomum cassia extract. See Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) extract Cinnamomum cassia oil. See Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) oil Cinnamomum cecidodaphne Meissn. See Zedoary (Curcuma zedoaria) extract Cinnamomum oleoresin. See Oleoresin cinnamon bark Cinnamomum zeylanicum. See Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) bark oil; Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum); Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) extract Cinnamomum zeylanicum bark oil. See Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) bark oil Cinnamomum zeylanicum extract. See Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) extract Cinnamon. See Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum); Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) Cinnamon bark extract CAS 977038-60-0 Definition: Extract of the bark of Cinnamomum spp. Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS See also Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) extract; Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) extract Cinnamon bark oil. See Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) bark oil; Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) oil Cinnamon bark oil, Ceylon. See Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) bark oil Cinnamon bark, oleoresin, Ceylon; Cinnamon bark, oleoresin, Chinese; Cinnamon bark, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
oleoresin, Saigon. See Oleoresin cinnamon bark Cinnamon, Chinese. See Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) FEMA 2256 Synonyms: Cassia; Chinese cinnamon; Cinnamomum cassia; Cinnamon; Cinnamon, Chinese Definition: Plant material derived from dried bark of Cinnamomum cassia Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.10, 182.20, 582.10, 582.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Adept Sol'ns.; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Biolandes http://www.biolandes.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) extract CAS 84961-46-6; 8015-91-6; EINECS/ELINCS 284-635-0 FEMA 2257; 2290 Synonyms: Cassia bark extract; Cinnamomum cassia; Cinnamomum cassia extract; Cinnamon bark extract; Cinnamon extract; Cinnamon oleroresin, nat. Definition: Extract of the dried bark of the cinnamon, Cinnamomum cassia Properties: Greenish-brown to reddish-brown, visc. liq.; spciy, sweet, cinnamon-like odor; sp.gr. 1.0308-1.0808; flash pt. (CC) > 140 C; ref. index 1.5944-1.6024 Storage: Store @ 40-70 F in tightly sealed original containers; protect from light Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Use Level: 0.2% max. of cassia oil in finished cosmetics Regulatory: FEMA GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) oil CAS 8007-80-5 FEMA 2258 Synonyms: Artificial cinnamon oil; Cassia bark oil; Cassia oil; Chinese cinnamon oil; Cinnamomum cassia; Cinnamomum cassia oil; Cinnamon bark oil; Cinnamon oil; Saigon cinnamon 1059
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Definition: Volatile oil distilled from the leaves and twigs of Cinnamomum cassia, contg. 8090% cinnamaldehyde, plus cinnamyl acetate, eugenol Properties: Ylsh. to brnsh. liq., cinnamon odor, spicy burning taste; darkens and thickens on exposure to air; sol. in alcohol, fixed oils, propylene glycol; sl. sol. in water; insol. in glycerin, min. oil; dens. 1.045-1.063; ref. index 1.6020-1.6060 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2800 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 500 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 320 mg/kg; poison by skin contact; mod. toxic by ing., IP routes; primary irritant; human skin irritant; may cause respiratory stimulation, acute pulmonary edema; suspected weak carcinogen; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep cool, well closed; protect from light Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum, condiments, meats Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §145.135, 145.140, 145.145, 145.180, 145.181, 182.20, GRAS, 27CFR §21.151; FEMA GRAS; FDA approved for orals; BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMC Chems.; Adept Sol'ns.; Asiamerica Int'l.; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com Chinessence http://www.chinessence.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk Ferro Pfanstiehl Labs http://www.pfanstiehl.com; Frutarom (UK) Fine Ingreds. http://www.frutarom.com/; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; Hunan Xinyu http://www.hunanxinyu.com/contact.html Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/; Millennium/F&F Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.aromachem.com; Millennium http://www.millenniumchem.com NetQem http://www.netqem.us; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; SKW Chems. http://www.skwchem.com/ Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com; Virginia Dare Extract http://www.virginiadare.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) FEMA 2289 Synonyms: Ceylon cinnamon; Chinese cinnamon; Cinnamomum zeylanicum; Cinnamon; Saigon cinnamon Definition: Cinnamomum zeylanicum Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, apple butter, condiments, meats Regulatory: FEMA GRAS Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) bark oil CAS 8015-91-6; EINECS/ELINCS 283-479-0 FEMA 2291 Synonyms: Ceylon cinnamon oil; Cinnamomum zeylanicum; Cinnamomum zeylanicum bark oil; Cinnamon bark oil; Cinnamon bark oil, Ceylon; Cinnamon oil, Ceylon; Cinnamon oil, Sri Lankan Definition: Volatile oil from bark of Ceylon cinnamon Cinnamomum zeylanicum, contg. 50-65% cinnamaldehyde, 4-8% eugenol, and phellandrene Properties: Lt. yel. liq., char. cinnamon odor; gradually becomes reddish; sol. in ethanol; insol. in water; dens. 1.000-1.030; ref. index 1.565-1.582 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50(oral, rat) 2650 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) >5000 mg/kg Precaution: Wear, gloves, lab coat, and vapor respirator; avoid contact with oxidizing agents HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum, condiments, meats Use Level: 0.1% max. in finished cosmetics Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §145.135, 145.140, 1060
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference 145.145, 145.181, 182.20, 582.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Alfred L. Wolff GmbH http://www.alwolff.de; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Cooke Aromatics Pty. Ltd http://www.cookearomatics.com.au; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Haldin Int'l. http://www.haldin-natural.com/; Ikeda http://www.ikedabussan.com Millennium http://www.millenniumchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) extract CAS 84649-98-9; 8015-91-6; EINECS/ELINCS 283-479-0 FEMA 2290 Synonyms: Cinnamomum zeylanicum; Cinnamomum zeylanicum extract; Cinnamon bark extract; Cinnamon, crude extract; Cinnamon extract Definition: Extract of the dried bark of the cinnamon, Cinnamomum zeylanicum Properties: Yel. liq.; char., sweet-spicy, burning, strong odor; essentially insol. in water; dens. 1.010-1.030; flash pt. ≈ 88 C; ref. index 1.5341.591 Toxicology: LD50 (IP, mouse) 4980 mg/kg; may cause convulsions, ataxia, respiratory stimulation Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, baked goods, condiments, meats Regulatory: FEMA 182.20, 582.20, GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Gallaher Group http://www.gallahergroup.com; Jiangyin Healthway Intl. Trade http://www.healthwaychem.com
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) leaf oil CAS 8015-91-6; EINECS/ELINCS 283-479-0 FEMA 2292 Synonyms: Ceylon cinnamon leaf oil; Chinese cinnamon leaf oil; Cinnamon leaf oil; Cinnamon leaf oil, Ceylon; Cinnamon leaf oil, Seychelles; Saigon cinnamon leaf oil; Seychelles cinnamon leaf oil Definition: Oil obtained by steam distillation of leaves from Cinnamomum zeylanicum Properties: Lt. to dk. brn. liq., spicy cinnamon, clove odor and taste; sol. in oxygenated solvs., fixed oils, propylene glycol, min. oil; insol. in glycerin, water; dens. 1.05 kg/l (20 C); flash pt. 194 F Toxicology: May irritate eyes, skin Precaution: Wear oil/solv. resistant gloves, chemical splash goggles or face shield Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Store in full, sealed containers in cool, dry place away from sources of ignition, heat, direct sunlight Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum, condiments, pickles, meats, spiced fruits Use Level: 0.1% max. in finished cosmetics Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, 582.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: AMC Chems.; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; Gallaher Group http://www.gallahergroup.com; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Moellhausen http://www.moellhausen.com Payan & Bertrand http://www.payanbertrand.com/; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com 1061
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Cinnamon, crude extract. See Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) extract Cinnamon extract. See Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) extract; Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) extract Cinnamon leaf oil; Cinnamon leaf oil, Ceylon; Cinnamon leaf oil, Seychelles. See Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) leaf oil Cinnamon oil. See Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) oil Cinnamon oil, Ceylon; Cinnamon oil, Sri Lankan. See Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) bark oil Cinnamon oleroresin, nat. See Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) extract Cinnamyl acetate CAS 103-54-8; EINECS/ELINCS 203-121-9 FEMA 2293 Synonyms: Acetic acid, cinnamyl ester; Cinnamic acetate; 3-Phenylallyl acetate; γPhenylallyl acetate; 2-Phenyl-2-propen-1-ol acetate; 3-Phenyl-2-propen-1-yl acetate Definition: Ester of cinnamyl alcohol and acetic acid Empirical: C11H12O2 Properties: Colorless liq., sweet floral odor; misc. with chloroform, ether, fixed oils; insol. in glycerin, water @ 264 C; m.w. 176.23; dens. 1.047-1.051; b.p. 265 C; flash pt. 244 F; ref. index 1.539-1.543 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3300 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 1200 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ingestion and IP routes; skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum, condiments Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved as flavoring; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Epochem http://www.epochem.com/; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Prodasynth Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.prodasynth.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Cinnamyl alcohol CAS 104-54-1; EINECS/ELINCS 203-212-3 FEMA 2294 Synonyms: Cinnamic alcohol; 3-Phenylallyl alcohol; γ-Phenylallyl alcohol; 3-Phenyl-2propenol; 3-Phenyl-2-propen-1-ol; Styrone; Styryl alcohol; Styryl carbinol Classification: Organic compd. Empirical: C9H10O Formula: C6H5CH:CHCH2OH Properties: Wh. to ylsh. needles or cryst. mass, hyacinth odor; sol. in water, glycerol, propylene glycol, alcohol, ether, other common org. solvs.; m.w. 134.19; dens. 1.0397 (35/35 C); vapor dens. 4.6; m.p. 33 C; b.p. 250 C; flash pt. 126 C; ref. index 1.58190 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2000 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; skin irritant; can cause allergic reaction; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Environmental: do not discharge into lakes, streams, ponds, public waters Precaution: Wear safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves, apron; incompat. with strong oxidizers, reducers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2; heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Storage: 6 mos. when stored at 40-70 F in tightly sealed original containers with minimum head space; avoid prolonged exposure to light, heat, air Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, fragrance in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum, alcoholic beverages Features: Balsamic, sweetly floral fragrance and flavor Use Level: 0.8% max. in finished cosmetics Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Australia AICS; Japan approved as flavoring; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; BASF http://www.basf.com; Emerald Kalama Chem. http://www.emeraldmaterials.com Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; 1062
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; Nantong ChangChem http://www.changchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Prodasynth http://www.prodasynth.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Symrise USA http://www.symrise.com; Whyte Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/ Cinnamyl alcohol anthranilate. See Cinnamyl anthranilate Cinnamyl alcohol, benzoate. See Cinnamyl benzoate Cinnamyl alcohol, cinnamate. See Cinnamyl cinnamate Cinnamyl alcohol, formate. See Cinnamyl formate Cinnamyl alcohol, α-pentyl, acetate. See αAmylcinnamyl acetate Cinnamyl aldehyde. See Cinnamal Cinnamyl-2-aminobenzoate; Cinnamyl-oaminobenzoate. See Cinnamyl anthranilate Cinnamyl anthranilate CAS 87-29-6 FEMA 2295 Synonyms: 2-Aminobenzoic acid-3-phenyl-2propenyl ester; Anthranilic acid cinnamyl ester; Cinnamyl alcohol anthranilate; Cinnamyl-2-aminobenzoate; Cinnamyl-oaminobenzoate; 3-Phenyl-2propenylanthranilate; 3-Phenyl-2-propen-1yl anthranilate Empirical: C16H15NO2 Properties: Reddish yel. powd., balsamic odor; sol. in alcohol, chloroform, ether; insol. in water; m.w. 253.32; dens. 1.180 (15.5 C); m.p. 60 C; b.p. 332 C; flash pt. > 100 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 5000 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 5000 mg/kg; suspected carcinogen; experimental neoplastigen; mutation data; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §189.113; prohibited from direct addition or use in human food; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com Cinnamyl benzoate CAS 5320-75-2; EINECS/ELINCS 226-180-2 Synonyms: Benzoic acid, cinnamyl ester; Cinnamyl alcohol, benzoate; 3-Phenylallyl benzoate; 3-Phenyl-2-propenyl benzoate Empirical: C16H14O2 Properties: Wh. cryst. powd.; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 238.29; dens. 1.04; m.p. 31 C; b.p. 209 C (13 mm) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 4 g/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; skin irritant Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Use Level: 0.5% max. in finished cosmetics Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Cinnamyl butyrate CAS 103-61-7; EINECS/ELINCS 203-128-7 FEMA 2296 Synonyms: Butynoic acid, 3-phenyl-2propenyl ester; Butyric acid, cinnamyl ester; 3-Phenylallyl butanoate; 3-Phenyl-2propenyl butanoate; Phenyl propenyl-nbutyrate Empirical: C13H16O2 Properties: Colorless to ylsh. liq., fruity sl. floral odor, honey-like taste; insol. in water; m.w. 204.27; dens. 1.010-1.015 (25/25 C); b.p. 300 C; flash pt. > 100 C Toxicology: Primary skin irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings Features: Fruity flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Grau 1063
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Cinnamyl cinnamate CAS 122-69-0; EINECS/ELINCS 204-566-1 FEMA 2298 Synonyms: Cinnamic acid cinnamyl ester; Cinnamyl alcohol, cinnamate; Cinnyl cinnamate; Phenylallyl cinnamate; 3Phenyl-2-propenoic acid 3-phenyl-2propenyl ester; 3-Phenyl-2-propen-1-yl cinnamate; 3-Phenyl-2-propenyl 3-phenyl-2propenoate; 2-Propenoic acid, 3-phenyl-, 3phenyl-2-propenyl ester; Styracin Empirical: C18H16O2 Formula: C5H5CH=CHCOOCH2CH=CHC6H5 Properties: Cryst.; sweet resinous odor; sol. in alcohol, benzene; m.w. 264.31; dens. 1.1565 (4 C); trans-trans: needles; pract. insol. in water; sol. 1 g/3 ml ether; m.p. 44 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 5 g/kg; mildly toxic by ing.; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating vapors Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; Nantong ChangChem http://www.changchem.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Cinnamyl formate CAS 104-65-4; EINECS/ELINCS 203-223-3 FEMA 2299 Synonyms: Cinnamyl alcohol, formate; Cinnamyl methanoate; Formic acid, cinnamyl ester; 3-Phenylallyl methanoate; 3-Phenyl-2-propen-1-yl formate Empirical: C10H10O2 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Colorless to ylsh. liq., balsamic fruityfloral odor; sol. in most org. solvs.; insol. in water; m.w. 162.19; dens. 1.080; b.p. 250-254 C; flash pt. > 230 F; ref. index 1.5500-1.5560 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2900 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ingestion; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Eurolabs Ltd http://www.eurolabs.co.uk; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Cinnamylic acid. See Cinnamic acid Cinnamyl isobutyrate CAS 103-59-3; EINECS/ELINCS 203-126-6 FEMA 2297 Synonyms: Isobutyric acid, cinnamyl ester; 2Methylpropanoic acid, 3-phenyl-2-propenyl ester; 3-Phenylallyl 2-methylpropanoate; 3Phenyl-2-propenyl 2-methylpropanoate Classification: Aromatic ester Empirical: C13H16O2 Properties: Colorless to ylsh. liq., sweet balsamic fruity odor; insol. in water; m.w. 204.27; dens. 1.01; vapor dens. 7; b.p. 254 C; flash pt. > 230 F; ref. index 1.5230-1.5280 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; low toxicity by ing. and skin contact; skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes; COx Storage: Keep away from heat, sparks, open flame; keep in original container tightly closed Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum, toppings Features: Sweet, fruity flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL 1064
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/ Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; SRS Aromatics Ltd http://www.srsaromatics.com Cinnamyl isovalerate CAS 140-27-2; EINECS/ELINCS 205-407-9 FEMA 2302 Synonyms: Butanoic acid, 3-methyl-, 3phenyl-2-propenyl ester; Cinnamyl 3-methyl butyrate; Isovaleric acid, cinnamyl ester; 3Methylbutanoic acid 3-phenyl-2-propenyl ester; 3-Phenylallyl isovalerate; 3Phenylallyl 3-methylbutanoate; 3-Phenyl-2propenyl 3-methylbutanoate Definition: Obtained by esterification of cinnamic alcohol with isovaleric acid Empirical: C14H18O2 Properties: Colorless to ylsh. liq., rose-like odor, apple-like taste; misc. with alcohol, ether, chloroform, most oils; insol. in water, glycerin, propylene glycol; m.w. 218.29; sp.gr. 0.9920.996; vapor dens. 7.5; b.p. 313 C; flash pt. > 100 C; ref. index 1.518-1.524 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; low toxicity by ing. and skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq.; incompat. with strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Features: Rose, spicy, balsamic flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Abaco http://www.abacoinc.net/; Advanced Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Cinnamyl methanoate. See Cinnamyl formate Cinnamyl 3-methyl butyrate. See Cinnamyl isovalerate Cinnamyl methyl ketone. See Benzylidene acetone Cinnamyl phenylacetate CAS 7492-65-1; EINECS/ELINCS 231-322-1 FEMA 2300 Synonyms: Cinnamyl α-toluate; 3-Phenylallyl phenylacetate; 3-Phenyl-2-propenyl benzeneacetate Empirical: C17H16O2 Properties: Colorless liq., honey-like flavor; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 252.32; dens. 1.09; b.p. 333-335 C Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Cinnamyl propionate CAS 103-56-0; EINECS/ELINCS 203-124-5 FEMA 2301 Synonyms: 3-Phenylallyl propionate; γPhenylallyl propionate; 3-Phenyl-2-propenyl propanoate; 3-Phenyl-2-propen-1-yl propionate; Propionic acid, cinnamyl ester Definition: Obtained by esterification of cinnamic alcohol with propionic acid Empirical: C12H14O2 Properties: Colorless to ylsh. liq., spicy fruity odor; misc. with alcohol, chloroform, ether, most oils; insol. in water, glycerin, propylene glycol; m.w. 190.24; dens. 1.0370-1.0410 (15 C); b.p. 289 C; flash pt. > 100 C; ref. index 1.5180-1.5240 (20 C) 1065
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3400 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; primary skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Features: Fruity flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Cinnamyl α-toluate. See Cinnamyl phenylacetate Cinncloval. See Cinnamaldehyde ethylene glycol acetal Cinnyl cinnamate. See Cinnamyl cinnamate CI pigment white 25. See Calcium sulfate dihydrate C7-8 isoalkanes. See C7-8 isoparaffin C8-9 isoalkanes. See C8-9 isoparaffin C9-11 isoalkanes. See C9-11 isoparaffin C9-13 isoalkanes. See C9-13 isoparaffin C10-11 isoalkanes. See C10-11 isoparaffin C11-12 isoalkanes. See C11-12 isoparaffin C11-13 isoalkanes. See C11-13 isoparaffin C12-14 isoalkanes. See C12-14 isoparaffin C13-14 isoalkanes. See C13-14 isoparaffin C13-16 isoalkanes. See C13-16 isoparaffin C20-40 isoalkanes. See C20-40 isoparaffin C7-8 isoparaffin CAS 64742-48-9 (generic); EINECS/ELINCS 274-273-1 Synonyms: Alkanes, C7-8-iso-; C7-8 isoalkanes; Isoalkanes, C7-8 Definition: Mixt. of branched chain aliphatic hydrocarbons with 7-8 carbons in the alkyl chain Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Environmental: Minimizes VOC Uses: Defoamer in processing foods; in coatings on fruits/vegetables/egg shells; in froth flotation cleaning of vegetables; in insecticides for processed foods Features: Extremely low surf. tens. to improve flow and wetting; minimizes VOC; virtually HAPs free Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.882, 173.340; virtually HAPs free C8-9 isoparaffin CAS 64742-48-9 (generic); EINECS/ELINCS 265-150-3 Synonyms: Alkanes, C8-9-iso-; Alkanes, iso-, C8-9; C8-9 isoalkanes; Isoalkanes, C8-9 Definition: Mixt. of branched chain aliphatic hydrocarbons with 8-9 carbons in alkyl chain Uses: Defoamer in processing foods; in coatings on fruits/vegetables/egg shells; in froth flotation cleaning of vegetables; in insecticides for processed foods Features: Extremely low surf. tens. to improve flow and wetting Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.882, 173.340 C9-11 isoparaffin CAS 68551-16-6; 64742-48-9 (generic); EINECS/ELINCS 271-365-3; 265-150-3 Synonyms: Alkanes, C9-11-iso-; C9-11 isoalkanes; Isoalkanes, C9-11 Definition: Mixt. of branched chain aliphatic hydrocarbons with 9-11 carbons in alkyl chain Uses: Defoamer in processing foods; in coatings on fruits/vegetables/egg shells; in froth flotation cleaning of vegetables; in insecticides for processed foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.882, 173.340 C9-13 isoparaffin CAS 64365-06-6 (generic) Synonyms: Alkanes, C9-13-iso-; C9-13 isoalkanes; Isoalkanes, C9-13 Definition: Mixt. of branched chain aliphatic hydrocarbons with 9-13 carbons in alkyl chain Uses: Defoamer in processing foods; in coatings on fruits/vegetables/egg shells; in froth flotation cleaning of vegetables; in insecticides for processed foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.882, 173.340 C10-11 isoparaffin CAS 64742-48-9 (generic) Synonyms: Alkanes, C10-11-iso-; Alkanes, iso-, C10-11; C10-11 isoalkanes; Isoalkanes, C10-11 1066
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Definition: Mixt. of branched chain aliphatic hydrocarbons with 10-11 carbons in the alkyl chain Environmental: Minimizes VOC Uses: Defoamer in processing foods; in coatings on fruits/vegetables/egg shells; in froth flotation cleaning of vegetables; in insecticides for processed foods Features: Extremely low surf. tens. to improve flow and wetting; minimizes VOC; virtually HAPs-free Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.882, 173.340; virtually HAPs-free C11-12 isoparaffin CAS 64742-48-9 (generic) Synonyms: Alkanes, C11-12-iso-; Alkanes, iso-, C11-12; C11-12 isoalkanes; Isoalkanes, C11-12 Definition: Mixt. of branched chain aliphatic hydrocarbons with 11-12 carbons in the alkyl chain Environmental: Minimizes VOC Uses: Defoamer in processing foods; in coatings on fruits/vegetables/egg shells; in froth flotation cleaning of vegetables; in insecticides for processed foods Features: Extremely low surf. tens. to improve flow and wetting; minimizes VOC; virtually HAPs-free Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.882, 173.340; virtually HAPs-free C11-13 isoparaffin CAS 64742-48-9 (generic) Synonyms: Alkanes, C11-13-iso-; Alkanes, iso-, C11-13; C11-13 isoalkanes; Isoalkanes, C11-13 Definition: Mixt. of branched chain aliphatic hydrocarbons with 11-13 carbons in the alkyl chain Environmental: Minimizes VOC Uses: Defoamer in processing foods; in coatings on fruits/vegetables/egg shells; in froth flotation cleaning of vegetables; in insecticides for processed foods Features: Extremely low surf. tens. to improve flow and wetting; minimizes VOC; virtually HAPs-free Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.882, 173.340; virtually HAPs-free C12-14 isoparaffin CAS 68551-19-9; EINECS/ELINCS 271-369-5 Synonyms: Alkanes, C12-14-iso-; C12-14 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
isoalkanes; Isoalkanes, C12-14 Definition: Mixt. of branched chain aliphatic hydrocarbons with 12-14 carbons in the alkyl chain Uses: Defoamer in processing foods; in coatings on fruits/vegetables/egg shells; in froth flotation cleaning of vegetables; in insecticides for processed foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.882, 173.340 C13-14 isoparaffin CAS 64742-48-9 (generic) Synonyms: Alkanes, C13-14-iso-; Alkanes, iso-, C13-14; C13-14 isoalkanes; Isoalkanes, C13-14 Definition: Mixt. of branched chain aliphatic hydrocarbons with 13-14 carbons in the alkyl chain Environmental: Minimizes VOC Uses: Defoamer in processing foods; in coatings on fruits/vegetables/egg shells; in froth flotation cleaning of vegetables; in insecticides for processed foods Features: Minimizes VOC; virtually HAPs-free Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.882, 173.340; virtually HAPs-free C13-16 isoparaffin CAS 68551-20-2; EINECS/ELINCS 271-370-0 Synonyms: Alkanes, C13-16-iso-; C13-16 isoalkanes; Isoalkanes, C13-16 Classification: Aliphatic hydrocarbon Definition: Mixt. of branched chain aliphatic hydrocarbons with 13-16 carbons in the alkyl chain Uses: Defoamer in processing foods; in coatings on fruits/vegetables/egg shells; in froth flotation cleaning of vegetables; in insecticides for processed foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.882, 173.340; Canada DSL C20-40 isoparaffin CAS 64365-06-6 Synonyms: Alkanes, C20-40-iso-; C20-40 isoalkanes; Isoalkanes, C20-40 Definition: Mixt. of branched chain aliphatic hydrocarbons with 20-40 carbons in the alkyl chain Uses: Defoamer in processing foods; in coatings on fruits/vegetables/egg shells; in froth flotation cleaning of vegetables; in insecticides for processed foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.882, 173.340 Cistus absolute; Cistus absolute decol; Cistus 1067
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference essential oil; Cistus labdaniferus. See Labdanum (Cistus labdaniferus) Citral CAS 5392-40-5; EINECS/ELINCS 226-394-6 FEMA 2303 Synonyms: Citral natural; 2,6Dimethyloctadien-2,6-al-8; 3,7-Dimethyl-2,6octadienal; 3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-al; Geranial; Neral; 2,6-Octadienal, 3,7dimethylClassification: Aldehyde Empirical: C10H16O Formula: (CH3)2C:CHCH2CHC(CH3)CHCHO Properties: Pale yel. mobile liq., strong lemon odor; sol. in oxygenated solvs., glycerin, propylene glycol, min. oil, fixed oils, 95% alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 152.24; dens. 0.891-0.987 (15 C); b.p. 220-225 C; flash pt. 198 F; ref. index 1.486-1.490; tenacity 24 hrs. on blotter Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 4960 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 460 mg/kg; mod. toxic by IP route; mildly toxic by ing.; severe human skin irritant; mutagenic data; experimental reproductive effects; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, adjuvant, flavor enhancer in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum Features: Fresh, lemon-like, green, sl. lime-like fragrance and flavor Use Level: 0.1-5% Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.60, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Australia; Japan approved as flavoring (ENCS no. 4-515); Canada DSL; Philippines Manuf./Distrib.: Adrian Amer. http://www.adrianusa.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; BASF AG http://www.basf.de; BASF http://www.basf.com BFA Labs http://www.bfa-lab.com; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Chemtex International http://www.chemtexinternational.com; Chinessence http://www.chinessence.com; Creative Fragrances http://www.creativefragrances.com Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Doingcom http://www.doingcom.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; GR Davis http://www.grdavis.com.au/; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Givaudan Fragrances http://www.givaudan.com Hunan Xinyu http://www.hunanxinyu.com/contact.html; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Lothar Streeck http://www.lotharstreeck.de; Lucta SA http://www.lucta.com Millennium http://www.millenniumchem.com; NetQem http://www.netqem.us; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Surco Prods. http://www.citrusandallied.com; Takasago Int'l. http://www.takasago.com Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com Trade Names: Citral FG; Citral Extra Trade Names Containing: Lemon Base; Lemon Flavor WONF #8545; Lime Oil 410 Citral diethyl acetal CAS 7492-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 231-323-7 FEMA 2304 Synonyms: Citral diethyl acetate; 1,1Diethoxy-3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadiene; 3,7Dimethyl-2,6-octadienal diethyl acetal; 2,6Octadienal, 3,7-dimethyl-, diethyl acetal; 2,6-Octadiene, 1,1-diethoxy-3,7-dimethylClassification: Nonaromatic acetal Empirical: C14H26O2 Properties: Colorless liq., mild green citrus odor; sol. in propylene glycol; insol. in water; m.w. 226.36; dens. 0.8745-0.8790 (15 C); b.p. 230 C; flash pt. 79 C; ref. index 1.4520-1.4545 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; low toxicity by ing. and skin contact; primary skin irritant; mutagen; 1068
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating vapors Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, candy, condiments Features: Citrus flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Citral diethyl acetate. See Citral diethyl acetal Citral dimethyl acetal CAS 7549-37-3; EINECS/ELINCS 231-434-0 FEMA 2305 Synonyms: 1,1-Dimethoxy-3,7-dimethyl-2,6octadiene; 3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienal dimethyl acetal; 3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien1-al dimethyl acetal Classification: Nonaromatic acetal Empirical: C12H22O2 Properties: Colorless to ylsh. liq., fresh lemonlike odor; m.w. 198.31; dens. 0.885; b.p. 198 C; flash pt. 180 F; ref. index 1.4560-1.4630 (20 C) Toxicology: Primary skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Moisture-sensitive Uses: Syn. flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum Features: Lemon-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; Int'l. Flavors & Fragrances US http://www.iff.com; Organica Trading http://www.organicaHandbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
trading.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Citral natural. See Citral Citral propylene glycol acetal CAS 10444-50-5; EINECS/ELINCS 233-929-7 Synonyms: Citral 1,2-propylene glycol acetal; 2-(2,6- Dimethyl hepta-1,5-dienyl)-4-methyl1,3-dioxolane Definition: Obtained by condensation of citral with propylene glycol, using a catalyst Empirical: C13H22O2 Properties: Colorless oily liq., lemon-orange odor, mild lemon flavor; sol. in propylene glycol, alcohol, oils; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 210.32 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; Canada DSL Citral 1,2-propylene glycol acetal. See Citral propylene glycol acetal Citrem. See Citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Citric acid CAS 77-92-9 (anhyd.); EINECS/ELINCS 201069-1 FEMA 2306; INS330; E330 Synonyms: 2-Hydroxy-1,2,3propanetricarboxylic acid; 2Hydroxypropane-1,2,3-tricarboxylic acid; βHydroxytricarballylic acid Classification: Organic acid Empirical: C6H8O7 Formula: HOC(COOH)(CH2COOH)2 Properties: Colorless translucent crystals or powd., odorless, strongly acidic tart taste; very sol. in water, alcohol, and ether; very sl. sol. in ether; m.w. 192.43; dens. 1.542; m.p. 153 C; flash pt. 212 F Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 6730 mg/kg; poison by IV; mod. toxic by subcut. and IP routes; poison by IV route; mildly toxic by ing.; primary irritant; severe eye, mod. skin irritant; some allergenic props.; erodes tooth enamel; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible; potentially explosive reaction with metal nitrates Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke, fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 1069
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Uses: Acidulant in beverages, foods, flavoring extracts, confections, soft drinks; antioxidant, chelating agent, sequestrant, trace metal scavenger, dispersant in foods; flavoring agent, flavor enhancer in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §131.111, 131.112, 131.138, 133, 145.131, 145.145, 146.187, 150.141, 150.161, 155.130, 161.190, 166.40, 166.110, 169.115, 169.140, 169.150, 172.755, 173.160, 173.165, 173.280, GRAS; Canada DSL; USDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; BATF 27CFR §240.1051, limitation 5.8 lb/1000 gal; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved; Europe listed; UK approved; FDA approved injectables, buccals, inhalants, nasals, ophthalmics, topicals, orals, otics; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance Manuf./Distrib.: AAA Int'l. http://www.aaainternational.com; AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; ADA Int'l. http://www.joinme.net/ada/index.htm; ADM Specialty Ingreds. http://www.admworld.com; AMC Chems. AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; AXO Chem. http://www.axochemical.com; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Allan http://www.allanchem.com Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com; BCH Brühl http://www.bch-bruehl.de Boith China http://www.boith.com; Brenntag AG http://www.brenntag.de; Brown http://www.brownchem.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; CPI Chems. http://www.cpichem.com Cargill Foods http://www.cargillfoods.com/; Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de; Chemcolloids Ltd http://www.chemcolloids.com; Chemical http://www.thechemco.com; CoKEM Assoc. DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com; Danisco Cultor http://ingredients.danisco.com; EMCO Chem. Distributors http://www.emcochem.com; EMD Chems. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.emdchemicals.com; FBC Ind. http://www.fbcindustries.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; Gadot Biochem. Ind. http://www.gadotbio.com; H&A (Canada) Ind. http://www.hacanada.com/ HallStar http://www.cphall.com; Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com; Hawkins Chem. http://www.hawkinschemical.com/; Helm NY http://www.helmnewyork.com; Hoffmann-LaRoche http://www.rocheusa.com Ikeda http://www.ikedabussan.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Jungbunzlauer Int'l. AG http://www.jungbunzlauer.com/; Jungbunzlauer http://www.jungbunzlauer.com/w; KIC Chems. http://www.kicchemicals.com; http://www.kicgroup.com Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Lohmann http://www.lohmann-chemikalien.de; Lucid Colloids http://www.lucidgroup.com/; M.W. Int'l. Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Miljac http://www.miljac.com; Norman, Fox http://www.norfox.ws/; Omya Peralta http://www.omya-peralta.de PMC Spec. http://www.pmcsg.com; Parchem Trading http://www.parchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Phelps Dodge Refining http://www.pdec.com/; Phoenix Nat. Prods. http://www.phoenixuk.com R.W. Greeff http://www.pechineychemicals.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Research Organics http://www.resorg.com/; Rhodia http://www.rhodia.com; Rona http://www.emdchemicals.com/rona/1000.a sp Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sal Chem. http://www.salchem.com; San Yuan; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Sinochem Tianjin http://www.sinochemtianjin.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Spice King; St. Lawrence http://www.stlawrencechem.com; Stason Pharmaceuticals http://www.stason.com/ Symrise Gbmh http://www.symrise.com/; Tate & Lyle N. Am. http://www.tlna.com; Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com; Thomas Scientific http://www.thomassci.com; Tiger Chem. http://www.tigerchem.com/ U.S. Petrochem. Ind. http://www.uspetrochemical.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; V.L. Clark http://www.vlclark.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Whyte Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/ Trade Names: Anhydrous Citric Acid; Citric Acid FCC Fine Granular; Citric Acid FCC Granular; Citric Acid FCC Powder; Citric Acid, USP FCC Anhydrous Granular Citric Acid Anhyd.FG; Citric Acid Anhyd.GR; Citrocoat®; Citrostabil® S; Liquinat® Trade Names Containing: Alomine 223; Alphadim® 90VCK; Antrancine® 19; Antrancine® 20 CH-P; Antrancine® 220 Atlas® 5520; Avox™ 2; Avox™ 6; Avox™ 7; Avox™ 20 Avox™ 20A; Avox™ 20B; Avox™ 21; Avox™ 22; Avox™ 25 Avox™ 26; Avox™ 27; Avox™ A; Avox™ R; Avox™ S-1 Avox™ S-2; BFP 64K; BFP 75K; Dimodan® O Kosher; Dimodan® S Durem™ 114; Durem™ 117; Durem™ 204; Durem™ 207; Durem™ 207-E Durlac® 100W; Dur-Lo®; EC-25®; Essiccum® Essiccum® K; Oxynex® 2004; Oxynex® AP; Oxynex® K; Oxynex® L Oxynex® LM; Promodan USV Kosher; Provon® A-190; Purac® CL 21 HiPure; Purac® CL 21/80 Snow Fresh®; Solec™ M; Solec™ W; Sporban Regular; Starplex® 90
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Tandem® 5; Tandem® 8; Tang; Tenox® 2; Tenox® 6 Tenox® 7; Tenox® 20; Tenox® 20A; Tenox® 20B; Tenox® 21 Tenox® 22; Tenox® 25; Tenox® 26; Tenox® A; Tenox® CA-30 Tenox® CA-50; Tenox® R; Tenox® S-1; Tenox® S-2; Vitamin B12 0.1% SD Citric acid, ammonium iron (3+) salt. See Iron ammonium citrate Citric acid, ammonium salt. See Ammonium citrate Citric acid calcium salt. See Calcium citrate Citric acid, diammonium salt. See Ammonium citrate dibasic Citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids CAS 68990-05-6; 91744-38-6 INS472c; E472c Synonyms: Citrem; Citroglycerides; Fatty acid mono- and diglycerides, citric acid esters; Mono- and diglycerides citrates; Mono- and diglycerides, citric acid esters Definition: Mixt. of esters of citric acid and edible fatty acids with glycerol Properties: Wh. to ivory oily to waxy material; sol. in edible oils and fats; disp. in hot water; insol. in cold water; HLB 10.0-12.0 Uses: Surfactant; emulsifier, stabilizer in mayonnaise, salad dressings, sauces; emulsifier, antispattering agent in margarine; fat replacement in high-fat foods; synergist and solubilizer for antioxidants; sequestrant in foods; flour improver for baked goods; protein-binder in sausages; stabilizer for fats, baking fat emulsions, margarine, shortening Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.832; Europe listed; UK approved Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg Trade Names: Axol® C 62; Cegemett® MZ 490; Grindsted™ CITREM; Imwitor® 361; Imwitor® 372 P Imwitor® 372; Imwitor® 373; Lamegin® ZE Range; Servit® Range Trade Names Containing: Imwitor® 380 Citric acid hydrous. See Citric acid monohydrate Citric acid, isopropyl ester. See Isopropyl citrate Citric acid, magnesium salt. See Magnesium 1071
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference citrate Citric acid monohydrate CAS 5949-29-1; EINECS/ELINCS 201-069-1 FEMA 2306 Synonyms: Citric acid hydrous; Hydrous citric acid; 2-Hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid monohydrate Empirical: C6H8O7 • H2O Properties: Wh. or colorless cryst. or powd., odorless; sol. in water, alcohol (1:1.5); sl. sol. in ether; m.w. 210.14; efflorescent in dry air Toxicology: LD50 (IP, rat) 375 mg/kg; irritant; may cause dental erosion or local irritation if ingested frequently or in large amts. Precaution: Airtight storage HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Uses: Acidulant in beverages, preserves, candies, desserts, dairy prods.; antioxidant and chelating agent in meat, seafood, fat and oils for flavor and color stability; synergist for antioxidants Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; FDA approved for ophthalmics, orals, topicals; USP, BP, EP, German Pharmacopoeia, JP compliance Manuf./Distrib.: AAE Chemie NV http://www.aaechemie.com; ADA Int'l. http://www.joinme.net/ada/index.htm; AMC Chems.; AMRESCO http://www.amrescoinc.com; AXO Chem. http://www.axochemical.com Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Boith China http://www.boith.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Camida Ltd http://www.camida.com; Cerestar http://www.cargill.com/ Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de; Chemco France http://www.chemcofrance.com/chemco/chemco.nsf/HTML/0E5 A87A7C8BCCC90C12570E00040301E; Cornelius Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.cornelius.co.uk; DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Fisher Scientific https://www1.fishersci.com/index.jsp; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Forum Bioscience http://www.forum.co.uk; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk Helm NY http://www.helmnewyork.com; Jungbunzlauer Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.jungbunzlauer.com/w; Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; Lebermuth http://www.lebermuth.com; Lohmann http://www.lohmannchemikalien.de Magnesia GmbH http://www.magnesia.de; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Merck KGaA http://www.merck.de; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Peter Whiting Ltd http://www.whitingchemicals.co.uk; Polysciences http://www.polysciences.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Takasago Int'l. http://www.takasago.com; Tennants Distrib. Ltd http://www.tennantsdistribution.com; Thew Arnott & Co. Ltd http://www.thewarnott.co.uk; Ubichem plc http://www.ubichem.com Univar Ltd http://www.univar.co.uk; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Whyte Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/ Citric acid monopotassium salt. See Potassium dihydrogen citrate Citric acid monosodium salt. See Sodium citrate Citric acid, octadecyl ester. See Stearyl citrate Citric acid sodium salt. See Sodium citrate Citric acid, tributyl ester, acetate. See Acetyl tributyl citrate Citric acid, trioctadecyl ester. See Tristearyl citrate Citric acid, tripotassium salt. See Potassium citrate Citric acid trisodium salt. See Trisodium citrate Citric acid, zinc salt; Citric acid, zinc salt (2:3). See Zinc citrate Citridic acid. See Aconitic acid Citroglycerides. See Citric acid esters of monoand diglycerides of fatty acids (±)-Citronallal. See Citronellal Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus) oil CAS 8000-29-1 1072
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference FEMA 2308 Synonyms: Citronella oil; Citronella oil, Ceylon; Citronella oil, Java; Cymbopogon nardus; Cymbopogon nardus oil Definition: Essential oil from citronella grass, Cymbopogon nardus, contg. citronellal, geraniol, citronellol Properties: Lt. ylsh. to brn. oil; pungent citrus-like odor; sol. in 80% alcohol; insol. in water; dens. 0.887-0.906; vapor pressure 1 mm Hg; flash pt. 170 F; ref. index 1.468-1.483 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 7200 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 713 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 4700 mg/kg; mod. toxic by IP route; mildly toxic by ing., skin contact; primary irritant; skin and severe eye irritant; may cause allergic reactions such as stuffy nose, hay fever, asthma, skin rash; mutagen; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: BP, EP compliance; FDA 21CFR §182.20, 582.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; not permitted on food crops; Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMC Chems.; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Astral Extracts http://www.astralextracts.com; BioBotanica http://www.bio-botanica.com Boith China http://www.boith.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Chemtex International http://www.chemtexinternational.com; Chinessence http://www.chinessence.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com Doingcom http://www.doingcom.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Frutarom (UK) Fine Ingreds. http://www.frutarom.com/ Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; GR Davis http://www.grdavis.com.au/; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; H&A (Canada) Ind. http://www.hacanada.com/; Haldin Int'l. http://www.haldin-natural.com/ Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Hunan Xinyu http://www.hunanxinyu.com/contact.html; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; KIC Chems. http://www.kicchemicals.com; http://www.kicgroup.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sarcom http://www.sarcominc.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Citronellal CAS 106-23-0; EINECS/ELINCS 203-376-6 FEMA 2307 Synonyms: (±)-Citronallal; 3,7-Dimethyl-6octenal; 3,7-Dimethyl-6-octen-1-al; Rhodinal Classification: Organic compd.; acrylic terpene aldehyde Empirical: C10H18O Properties: Colorless to sl. yel. liq., strong lemon-citronella-rose odor; sol. in alcohol, most oils; sl. sol. in propylene glycol; insol. in glycerin, water; m.w. 154.25; dens. 0.8500.860; b.p. 83-85 C (11 mm); flash pt. 170 F; ref. index 1.446-1.456; tenacity 8 hrs. on blotter Toxicology: TSCA listed Environmental: Do not discharge lakes, streams, ponds, public waters Precaution: Combustible liq.; wear safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves, apron; incompat. with strong oxidizers, reducers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly sealed containers, protected from heat and light Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, fragrance in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Features: Fresh, green, citrus-like fragrance and flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Australia; Japan approved as flavoring (ENCS no. 2-514); Japan MITI; Canada DSL; Philippines PICCS Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Augustus Oils Ltd 1073
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; BASF AG http://www.basf.de; BASF http://www.basf.com Chemtex International http://www.chemtexinternational.com; Chinessence http://www.chinessence.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Doingcom http://www.doingcom.com; Epochem http://www.epochem.com/ Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; GuiZhou Essence http://www.eschemical.com J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Millennium http://www.millenniumchem.com; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; PMC Spec. http://www.pmcsg.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Takasago Int'l. http://www.takasago.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com Trade Names: Citronellal 80 Citronellal hydrate; Citronellal, hydroxy-. See Hydroxycitronellal Citronella oil; Citronella oil, Ceylon; Citronella oil, Java. See Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus) oil Citronellol (INCI). See β-Citronellol α-Citronellol. See (-)-Rhodinol β-Citronellol CAS 106-22-9; EINECS/ELINCS 203-375-0 FEMA 2309 Synonyms: Cephrol; Citronellol (INCI); dCitronellol; dl-Citronellol; (±)-β-Citronellol; 2,6-Dimethyl-2-octen-8-ol; 3,7-Dimethyl-6octen-1-ol; 3,7-Dimethyl-oct-6-en-1-ol; 6Octen-1-ol, 3,7-dimethyl-; Rhodinol; Rodinol Classification: Nonaromatic alcohol Empirical: C10H20O Formula: (CH3)2C:CHCH2CH2CH(CH3)CH2CH2OH Properties: Colorless oily liq., rose odor; sol. in fixed oils, propylene glycol; sl. sol. in water; insol. in glycerin @ 225 C; m.w. 156.30; dens. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
0.850-0.860; b.p. 222 C; flash pt. 215 F; ref. index 1.454-1.462; tenacity 24 hrs. on blotter Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3450 mg/kg, (subcut., mouse) 880 mg/kg, (IM, mouse) 4 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) 2650 mg/kg; LDLo (IV, mouse) 100 mg/kg; poison by IV route; mod. toxic by ing., skin contact, intramuscular routes; primary irritant; severe skin irritant; may cause spastic paralysis; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq.; wear safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves, apron; incompat. with strong oxidizers, reducers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits CO, CO2, acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly sealed containers, protected from heat and light Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, fragrance in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Features: Fresh floral, rose-like fragrance and flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Australia; Canada DSL; Japan ENCS (no. 2-258); Japan MITI; Philippines PICCS Manuf./Distrib.: Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; BASF AG http://www.basf.de; BASF http://www.basf.com; Chemtex International http://www.chemtexinternational.com De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Hunan Xinyu http://www.hunanxinyu.com/contact.html Int'l. Flavors & Fragrances http://www.iff.com; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Jiande City Xinhua http://www.xhchem.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Lothar Streeck http://www.lothar-streeck.de Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com; Millennium http://www.millenniumchem.com; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com 1074
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Takasago Int'l. http://www.takasago.com; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com Trade Names: Citronellol 96 FCC; Citronellol AJ FCC d-Citronellol; dl-Citronellol. See β-Citronellol l-Citronellol. See (-)-Rhodinol; Rhodinol (±)-β-Citronellol. See β-Citronellol Citronellol, hydroxy-. See Hydroxycitronellol Citronelloxyacetaldehyde CAS 7492-67-3; EINECS/ELINCS 231-324-2 FEMA 2310 Synonyms: Acetaldehyde, ((3,7-dimethyl-6octenyl) oxy)-; ((3,7-Dimethyl-6-octenyl) oxy) acetaldehyde; 6,10-Dimethyl-3-oxa-9undecenal; 6,10-Dimethyl-3-oxa-9undecenal Empirical: C12H22O2 Formula: (CH3)2C=CHCH2CH2CHCH3CH2CH2OCH2CHO Properties: Colorless to pale yel. liq.; strong rose, aldehydic, ozone-like odor; m.w. 198.28; sp.gr. 0.921-1.020; b.p. 130 C (12 mm); flash pt. > 100 C; ref. index 1.450-1.490 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; low toxicity by ing. and skin contact; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating vapors Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods; beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Use Level: Up to 10% Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Int'l. Flavors & Fragrances http://www.iff.com; Interchim http://www.interchim.com Citronellyl acetate CAS 150-84-5; 67650-82-2; EINECS/ELINCS 205-775-0 FEMA 2311 Synonyms: Acetic acid, citronellyl ester; Acetic acid-3,7-dimethyl-6-octen-1-yl ester; 2,6-Dimethyl-2-octen-8-ol acetate; 3,7Dimethyl-6-octen-1-ol acetate; 3,7-Dimethyl6-octen-1-yl acetate; 6-Octen-1-ol, 3,7dimethyl-, acetate Classification: floral ester Definition: Ester of citronellol and acetic acid; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
found in oils of Citronella Ceylon, geranium, etc. Empirical: C12H22O2 Properties: Colorless liq., fruity rose-like odor; sol. in alcohol, fixed oils; insol. in glycerin, propylene glycol, water @ 229 C; m.w. 198.34; dens. 0.883-0.893; b.p. 240 C; flash pt. > 212 F; ref. index 1.440-1.450 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 6800 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 2 g/kg; mildly toxic by ing.; human skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq.; wear safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves, apron; incompat. with strong oxidizers, reducers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits CO, CO2, acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: 12 mos. when stored at 40-70 F in tightly sealed original containers with minimum head space; avoid prolonged exposure to light, heat, air Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Australia AICS; Japan approved as flavoring; Canada DSL; China listed; Philippines PICCS Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Anthea Aromatics http://www.anthea-aromatics.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; BASF AG http://www.basf.de Chemtex International http://www.chemtexinternational.com; Chr. Hansen Inc http://www.chr-hansen.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Millennium http://www.millenniumchem.com; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; Prodasynth http://www.prodasynth.com R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com 1075
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference α-Citronellyl acetate. See Rhodinyl acetate Citronellyl acetone. See Tetrahydro-pseudoionone Citronellyl butyrate CAS 141-16-2; EINECS/ELINCS 205-463-4 FEMA 2312 Synonyms: Butanoic acid, 3,7-dimethyl-6octenyl ester; 3,7-Dimethyl-6-octen-1-yl butyrate Classification: floral ester Empirical: C14H26O2 Properties: Colorless liq., rose-like odor, sweet plum-like taste; misc. with alcohol, ether, chloroform, most oils; insol. in water @ 245 C; m.w. 226.36; dens. 0.880-0.886; vapor dens. 7.7; b.p. 134-135 C (12 mm); flash pt. (CC) 110 C; ref. index 1.444-1.448; tenacity 24 hrs. on blotter Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 8400 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; primary irritant; may be irritating to eyes and skin; TSCA listed Environmental: Prevent contamination of soil, ground- and surf.-water Precaution: Combustible liq.; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2; heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, well-ventilated area Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, fruit flavors, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Features: Sweet, fruity flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Australia; Canada DSL; Philippines PICCS Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; Bedoukian Research http://www.bedoukian.com; Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grauaromatics.de/; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Takasago Int'l. USA http://www.takasago.com/; Takasago Int'l. http://www.takasago.com Citronellyl formate CAS 105-85-1; EINECS/ELINCS 203-338-9 FEMA 2314 Synonyms: l-Citronellyl formate; Citronellyl methanoate; 3,7-Dimethyl-6-octen-1-ol formate; 2,6-Dimethyl-2-octen-8-yl formate; 3,7-Dimethyl-6-octen-1-yl formate; Formic acid, citronellyl ester; Formic acid-3,7dimethyl-6-octen-1-yl ester Classification: Floral ester; acylic terpene ester Empirical: C11H20O2 Formula: C10H19OOCH Properties: Colorless oily liq., fruity rose-like odor, sweet fruity taste; sol. in alcohol, fixed oils; sl. sol. in propylene glycol; insol. in water, glycerin; m.w. 184.28; dens. 0.897; b.p. 235 C; flash pt. 198 F; ref. index 1.4430-1.4490; tenacity 6 hrs. on blotter Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 8400 mg/kg; mildly toxic by ing.; human skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly sealed containers, protected from heat and light Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum Use Level: < 10% Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Australia; Japan approved as flavoring (ENCS no. 2-762); Canada DSL; Philippines PICCS Manuf./Distrib.: Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Moellhausen http://www.moellhausen.com; Organica 1076
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Symrise Gbmh http://www.symrise.com/; Takasago Int'l. http://www.takasago.com l-Citronellyl formate. See Citronellyl formate Citronellyl isobutyrate CAS 97-89-2; EINECS/ELINCS 202-616-7 FEMA 2313 Synonyms: Citronellyl 2-methylpropionate; 3,7-Dimethyl-6-octen-1-yl isobutyrate; 3,7Dimethyl-6-octen-1-yl 2-methylpropanoate; 3,7-Dimethyloct-6-enyl 2-methylpropanoate Classification: Floral ester Definition: Obtained by direct esterification of citronellol with isobutyric acid via azeotropic conditions or using isobutyric anhydride Empirical: C14H26O2 Properties: Colorless liq., sweet fruity rose-like odor, apricot-like taste; misc. with alcohol, chloroform, ether, most oils; insol. in water; m.w. 226.36; dens. 0.8760-0.8830; vapor dens. 7.7; b.p. 249 C; flash pt. 100 C; ref. index 1.4400-1.4480 Toxicology: Skin, eye irritant; TSCA listed Environmental: keep run-off water out of sewers, water sources Precaution: Combustible liq.; incompat. with strong oxidizers, acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Keep away from heat, sparks, open flame; keep in original, tightly closed container Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings Use Level: < 5% Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Australia; Canada DSL; Japan ENCS (no. 2-762); Philippines PICCS Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Takasago Int'l. http://www.takasago.com Citronellyl isovalerate CAS 68922-10-1; EINECS/ELINCS 272-982-0 Synonyms: Dihydrogeranyl isovalerate; 3,7Dimethyloct-6-enyl 3-methylbutanoate Empirical: C15H28O2 Formula: (CH3)2C=CHCH2CH2CHCH3CHCH2OCOCH2C H(CH3)2 Properties: Colorless liq.; heavy floral odor; sol. in ethanol; m.w. 240.38; sp.gr. 0.88-0.89; dens. 7.322-7.406 lb/gal; b.p. 237 C; flash pt. > 100 C; ref. index 1.4435 Toxicology: TSCA listed Uses: Flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SRS Aromatics Ltd http://www.srsaromatics.com Citronellyl methanoate. See Citronellyl formate Citronellyl 2-methylpropionate. See Citronellyl isobutyrate Citronellyl phenylacetate CAS 139-70-8; EINECS/ELINCS 205-373-5 FEMA 2315 Synonyms: Acetic acid, phenyl-, 3,7-dimethyl6-octenyl ester; Benzeneacetic acid, 3,7dimethyl-6-octenyl ester; l-Citronellyl Phenylacetate; Citronellyl α-toluate; 3,7Dimethyl-6-octen-1-yl phenylacetate Classification: floral ester Empirical: C18H26O2 Properties: Color liq.; honey rose-like odor; insol. in water; sol. in alcohol, oils; m.w. 274.41; dens. 0.992 (15.5 C); b.p. 342 C; ref. index 1.5100; tenacity 24 hrs. on blotter Toxicology: Skin irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly sealed containers, protected from heat and light Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods 1077
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Use Level: < 5% Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Australia; Canada DSL; Japan ENCS (3-1754); Philippines PICCS Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Takasago Int'l. http://www.takasago.com l-Citronellyl Phenylacetate. See Citronellyl phenylacetate Citronellyl propionate CAS 141-14-0; EINECS/ELINCS 205-461-3 FEMA 2316 Synonyms: 3,7-Dimethyl-6-octenyl propanoate; 3,7-Dimethyl-6-octen-1-yl propionate Classification: Floral ester; acrylic terpene ester Definition: Obtained by direct esterification of citronellol with propionic acid under azeotropic conditions or using propionic anhydride Empirical: C13H24O2 Properties: Colorless liq., rose-like odor, bittersweet plum-like taste; misc. with alcohol, most oils; insol. in water; m.w. 212.33; dens. 0.8810-0.8840; b.p. 242 C; flash pt. > 100 C; ref. index 1.4430-1.4490; tenacity 24 hrs. on blotter Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly sealed containers, protected from heat and light Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum Use Level: < 5% Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Australia; Canada DSL; Philippines PICCS Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; Chr. Hansen Inc http://www.chr-hansen.com; Citrus and Allied Essences Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.citrusandallied.com; De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grauaromatics.de/; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Takasago Int'l. http://www.takasago.com See also Rhodinyl propionate Citronellyl α-toluate. See Citronellyl phenylacetate Citronellyl valerate CAS 7540-53-6 FEMA 2317 Synonyms: 3,7-Dimethyl-6-octen-1-yl valerate Classification: floral ester Empirical: C15H28O2 Properties: Liq., rose herb honey-like odor; m.w. 240.39; dens. 0.890; b.p. 237 C; flash pt. > 230 F; ref. index 1.4435 Toxicology: TSCA listed Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Honey-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Organica Trading http://www.organicatrading.com; Prodasynth http://www.prodasynth.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com SRS Aromatics Ltd http://www.srsaromatics.com Citrucel. See Methylcellulose Citrus amara. See Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium amara) extract; Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium amara) peel extract; Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium amara) oil Citrus aurantifolia; Citrus aurantifolia oil. See Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) oil Citrus aurantifolia oil terpeneless. See Lime oil terpeneless Citrus aurantium. See Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium amara) extract; Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium amara) peel extract; Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium amara) oil; Petitgrain oil Citrus aurantium amara. See Bitter orange 1078
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference (Citrus aurantium amara) peel extract; Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium amara) oil Citrus aurantium amara peel extract. See Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium amara) peel extract Citrus aurantium dulcis. See Orange (Ctrus aurantium dulcis) flower extract; Orange (Citrus aurantium dulcis) flower oil; Orange (Citrus aurantium dulcis) peel extract Citrus aurantium dulcis extract; Citrus aurantium dulcis flower extract. See Orange (Ctrus aurantium dulcis) flower extract Citrus aurantium dulcis flower oil. See Orange (Citrus aurantium dulcis) flower oil Citrus aurantium dulcis fruit extract. See Orange (Citrus aurantium dulcis) extract Citrus aurantium dulcis oil. See Orange (Citrus aurantium dulcis) flower oil Citrus aurantium dulcis peel extract. See Orange (Citrus aurantium dulcis) peel extract Citrus aurantium fruit extract. See Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium amara) extract Citrus aurantium oil. See Petitgrain oil Citrus aurantium peel extract. See Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium amara) peel extract Citrus decumana extract. See Grapefruit (Citrus grandis) extract Citrus dulcis. See Orange (Citrus aurantium dulcis) flower water; Orange (Ctrus aurantium dulcis) flower extract; Orange (Citrus aurantium dulcis) extract; Orange (Citrus aurantium dulcis) peel extract Citrus extract CAS 977038-62-2; 94266-47-4; EINECS/ELINCS 304-454-3 FEMA 2318 Synonyms: Citrus peels extract Definition: Extract derived from Citrus spp. Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, 582.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Moellhausen http://www.moellhausen.com Citrus grandis; Citrus grandis extract. See Grapefruit (Citrus grandis) extract Citrus grandis juice. See Grapefruit (Citrus grandis) juice Citrus grandis oil. See Grapefruit (Citrus grandis) oil Citrus grandis seed extract. See Grapefruit (Citrus grandis) seed extract Citrus limon. See Lemon oil, distilled; Lemon Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
oil terpeneless; Petitgrain, lemon oil Citrus limon extract. See Lemon (Citrus medica limonum) extract Citrus limon juice extract. See Lemon (Citrus medica limonum) juice extract Citrus limon oil. See Petitgrain, lemon oil; Lemon (Citrus medica limonum) oil Citrus limon oil, distilled. See Lemon oil, distilled Citrus limon oil terpeneless. See Lemon oil terpeneless Citrus limonum. See Lemon (Citrus medica limonum) juice powder; Lemon (Citrus medica limonum) juice extract; Lemon (Citrus medica limonum) peel extract; Lemon (Citrus medica limonum) extract; Lemon (Citrus medica limonum) oil; Lemon (Citrus medica limonum) juice Citrus medica limonum. See Lemon (Citrus medica limonum) juice powder; Lemon (Citrus medica limonum) peel extract; Lemon (Citrus medica limonum) extract; Lemon (Citrus medica limonum) oil Citrus medica limonum extract. See Lemon (Citrus medica limonum) extract Citrus medica limonum juice. See Lemon (Citrus medica limonum) juice Citrus medica limonum juice extract. See Lemon (Citrus medica limonum) juice extract Citrus medica limonum juice powder. See Lemon (Citrus medica limonum) juice powder Citrus medica limonum oil. See Lemon (Citrus medica limonum) oil Citrus medica limonum peel extract. See Lemon (Citrus medica limonum) peel extract Citrus nobilis; Citrus nobilis oil. See Mandarin orange oil Citrus oil. See Orange (Citrus aurantium dulcis) oil Citrus paradisi; Citrus paradisi extract. See Grapefruit (Citrus grandis) extract Citrus paradisi peel oil. See Grapefruit (Citrus grandis) oil Citrus paradisi seed extract. See Grapefruit (Citrus grandis) seed extract Citrus pectin. See Pectin Citrus peels extract. See Citrus extract Citrus red 2. See Orchil Citrus red no. 2 CAS 6358-53-8 INS121 Synonyms: CI 12156; Orcein; Solvent red 80 1079
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Classification: Monoazo color Empirical: C18H16N2O3 Properties: Mod. sol. in alcohol; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 308.36; m.p. 156 C Toxicology: LD50 (unreported, mouse) > 4 g/kg; experimental carcinogen; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx Uses: Colorant in oranges Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §74.302 (limitation 2 ppm); permanently listed; not permitted for food (EU) Manuf./Distrib.: Sensient Tech. Colors http://www.triconcolors.com Citrus reticulata. See Tangerine (Citrus reticulata) oil; Tangerine (Citrus reticulata) extract; Mandarin orange oil Citrus reticulata extract. See Tangerine (Citrus reticulata) extract Citrus reticulata oil. See Tangerine (Citrus reticulata) oil; Mandarin orange oil Citrus sinensis. See Orange oil, distilled; Orange oil terpeneless Citrus sinensis extract. See Orange (Citrus aurantium dulcis) extract Citrus sinensis oil. See Orange (Citrus aurantium dulcis) oil Citrus sinensis oil, distilled. See Orange oil, distilled Citrus sinensis oil terpeneless. See Orange oil terpeneless Citrus sinensis peel oil. See Orange (Citrus aurantium dulcis) oil Citrus vulgaris; Citrus vulgaris oil. See Petitgrain oil Citrus water extract Trade Names Containing: Adocloud N-100 Civet CAS 68916-26-7; EINECS/ELINCS 272-826-1 FEMA 2319 Synonyms: Civet absolute; Zibet; Zibeth; Zibetum Definition: Derived from civet cats, Viverra civetta and V. zibetha Properties: Amber to dk. amber semi-solid to solid; sol. in isopropyl myristate; insol. in water; flash pt. (TCC) > 200 F Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.50, GRAS; FEMA Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
GRAS; Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Payan & Bertrand http://www.payanbertrand.com/; Phoenix Aromas http://www.phoenixaromas.com Civet absolute. See Civet Clarified honey. See Honey Clary. See Clary (Salvia sclarea) Clary oil. See Clary (Salvia sclarea) oil Clary sage. See Clary (Salvia sclarea) Clary sage oil. See Clary (Salvia sclarea) oil Clary (Salvia sclarea) CAS 977051-94-7 FEMA 2320 Synonyms: Clary; Clary sage; Sage, clary; Salvia sclarea Definition: Salvia sclarea Uses: Natural flavoring agent in alcoholic beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.10, GRAS; FEMA GRAS Clary (Salvia sclarea) oil CAS 8016-63-5; 8022-56-8; EINECS/ELINCS 283-911-8 FEMA 2321 Synonyms: Clary oil; Clary sage oil; Muscatel oil; Muscatel sage oil; Sage oil clary; Salvia sclarea Definition: Oil from steam distillation of flowering tops and leaves of Salvia sclarea Properties: Pale yel. liq., herbaceous odor; sol. in fixed oils, min. oil; insol. in glycerin, propylene glycol; dens. ≈ 0.90 kg/l; vapor dens. > air; flash pt. > 174 F; ref. index 1.451.48 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 5600 mg/kg; low toxicity by ing.; primary skin irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: 24 mos. when stored in dk., fresh, dry place Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, alcoholic beverages, condiments Regulatory: BP, EP compliance; FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Chinessence http://www.chinessence.com; Danisco Seillans http://www.danisco.com; F.D. 1080
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Hunan Xinyu http://www.hunanxinyu.com/contact.html; NetQem http://www.netqem.us; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com C11 LAS. See N-Undecylbenzenesulfonic acid C18 linear alcohol. See Stearyl alcohol C6 linear alpha olefin. See 1-Hexene C12 linear primary alcohol. See Lauryl alcohol C16 linear primary alcohol. See Cetyl alcohol Cloro. See Chlorine Clove CAS 977007-79-6 FEMA 2327 Synonyms: Cloves Definition: Eugenia spp. Properties: Spicy, clove-like aroma; warm flavor Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, baked goods, spiced cherries, meats, Worcestershire sauce, five spice powder, curry powders, garam masala Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §101.22, 184.1257, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved; BP, EP compliance Manuf./Distrib.: Biolandes http://www.biolandes.com; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com; Maypro Ind. http://www.maypro.com Clove bud extract. See Clove (Eugenia caryophyllus) extract Clove bud oil. See Clove (Eugenia caryophyllus) oil Clove bud oleoresin. See Oleoresin clove bud Clove (Eugenia caryophyllus) extract CAS 84961-50-2; EINECS/ELINCS 284-638-7 FEMA 2322 Synonyms: Clove bud extract; Clove extract; Eugenia caryophyllus; Eugenia caryophyllus extract Definition: Extract derived from dried flower buds of the clove, Eugenia caryophyllus; the main constituents are eugenol, caryophyllene, eugenyl acetate and small quantities of furfural and traces of vanillin and methyl aryl ketone Properties: Clear, pale yel. to yel. liq.; spicy odor; sp. gr. 1.045-1.057; ref. index 1.513Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
1.533 Uses: Natural flavoring agent, adjuvant in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods; antioxidant in foods (Japan) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1257, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Jiangyin Healthway Intl. Trade http://www.healthwaychem.com Clove (Eugenia caryophyllus) leaf oil CAS 8015-97-2 FEMA 2325 Synonyms: Clove leaf oil; Clove leaf oil Madagascar; Eugenia caryophyllus; Eugenia caryophyllus leaf oil Definition: Volatile oil obtained by steam distillation of leaves of Eugenia caryophyllus, contg. mostly eugenol Properties: Pale yel. liq.; sol. in fixed oils, propylene glycol; insol. in glycerin, min. oil; sp. gr. 1.036-1.046; flash pt. (TCC) > 200 F; ref. index 1.527-1.538 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1370 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 1200 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing. and skin contact; severe skin irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: 24 mos. shelf life; store in cool, dry place in tightly sealed containers, protected from heat and light Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, apple butter, pickles, condiments, meats Features: Sweet, spicey clove odor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1257, GRAS; FEMA GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: AMC Chems.; Adept Sol'ns.; Arista Ind. http://www.aristaindustries.com; Astral Extracts http://www.astralextracts.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Doingcom http://www.doingcom.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; F.D. Copeland 1081
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.copelandoil.co.uk; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com GR Davis http://www.grdavis.com.au/; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Haldin Int'l. http://www.haldin-natural.com/; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sarcom http://www.sarcominc.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Virginia Dare Extract http://www.virginiadare.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Clove (Eugenia caryophyllus) oil CAS 8000-34-8; EINECS/ELINCS 215-185-5 FEMA 2323 Synonyms: Caryophyllus oil; Clove bud oil; Eugenia caryophyllus; Eugenia caryophyllus oil Definition: Volatile oil distilled from the dried flower buds of Eugenia caryophyllus, contg. 82-87% eugenol, 10% acetyleugenol, caryophyllene, etc. Properties: Colorless to pale yel. volatile liq.; char. odor and taste of clove; becomes darker and thicker with age; very sol. in strong alcohol, ether, glac. acetic acid; insol. in water; dens. 1.036-1.060; b.p. 250 C; ref. index 1.527-1.538 (20 C) Toxicology: Strongly irritating to skin; causes allergic skin rashes; may cause hypersensitivity; Bud: LD50 (oral, rat) 2650 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 5000 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; mildly toxic by skin contact; mutagenic data; Stem: LD50 (oral, rat) 2020 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating vapors Storage: Keep cool, well closed; protect from light Uses: Natural flavoring agent, adjuvant in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum, alcoholic beverages, meats, condiments, spiced fruits, jellies, confectionery Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1257, GRAS; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
27CFR §21.65, 21.151; FEMA GRAS; Council of Europe listed; FDA approved for buccals, orals; BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com Danisco Seillans http://www.danisco.com; De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com Frutarom (UK) Fine Ingreds. http://www.frutarom.com/; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Haldin Int'l. http://www.haldin-natural.com/; Integra http://www.integrachem.com NetQem http://www.netqem.us; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Yasho Ind. http://www.yashoindustries.com Clove extract. See Clove (Eugenia caryophyllus) extract Clove leaf oil; Clove leaf oil Madagascar. See Clove (Eugenia caryophyllus) leaf oil Clover CAS 977002-83-7 Synonyms: Clover tops; Trifolium Definition: Derived from Trifolium spp. Properties: Intense unpleasant odor Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.10, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved Clover blossom extract; Clover extract. See Clover (Trifolium pratense) extract Clover tops. See Clover Clover tops extract; Clover tops, red, extract solid. See Clover (Trifolium pratense) extract
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Clover (Trifolium pratense) extract CAS 85085-25-2; EINECS/ELINCS 285-356-7 FEMA 2326 Synonyms: Clover blossom extract; Clover extract; Clover tops extract; Clover tops, red, extract solid; Trifolium extract; Trifolium pratense; Trifolium pratense extract Definition: Extract of the flowers of Trifolium pratense Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Bio-Botanica http://www.biobotanica.com; Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com Cloves. See Clove Cluytyl. See Octacosanol CMC; CMC sodium salt. See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium CMMC. See Carboxymethylmethylcellulose CMME. See Chloromethyl methyl ether Coal naphtha. See Benzene Coal, sulfonated. See Anthracite coal, sulfonated Coal tar naphtha; Coal tar naphtha distillate. See Naphtha Cobalt CAS 7440-48-4; EINECS/ELINCS 231-158-0 Synonyms: CI 77320; Super cobalt Classification: Metallic element Empirical: Co Properties: Steel gray, shiny, hard, somewhat malleable metal; powd., cryst.; sol. in nitric acid; a.w. 58.93; dens. 8.9; m.p. 1493 C; b.p. 3100 C; ferromagnetic Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 0.02 mg(Co)/m3 (metal, dust, fume); LD50 (oral, rat) 6171 mg/kg; LDLo (IV, rat) 100 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 100 mg/kg; poison by IV, IP routes; mod. toxic by ing.; ing. may cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea; inh. of powd. may cause pulmonary damage; powd. can cause dermatitis; TSCA listed Precaution: Dust is flamm.; attacked by dil. hydrochloric and sulfuric acids; corrodes readily in air; explosive reaction with ammonium nitrate + heat; ignites on contact with bromine pentafluoride; incandescent reaction with acetylene, nitryl fluoride Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Processing aid in foods Features: Natural Regulatory: Japan approved; not permitted in certain foods; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Atlantic Equip. Engrs. http://www.micronmetals.com; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; Cerac http://www.cerac.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Noah http://www.noahtech.com; Powmet; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Thomas Scientific http://www.thomassci.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ Cobalt acetate; Cobalt (II) acetate; Cobalt (2+) acetate. See Cobalt diacetate Cobalt caprylate Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Drier migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.300, 181.25 Cobalt chloride (INCI); Cobalt (II) chloride. See Cobalt chloride (ous) Cobalt chloride (ous) CAS 7646-79-9 (anhyd.); EINECS/ELINCS 231589-4 Synonyms: Cobalt chloride (INCI); Cobalt (II) chloride; Cobalt dichloride; Cobalt muriate; Cobaltous chloride; Cobaltous chloride anhydrous; Cobaltous dichloride Classification: Inorganic salt Empirical: Cl2Co Formula: CoCl2 Properties: Blue powd. or cryst.; turns pink on exposure to moist air; sol. in water, alcohols, acetone, ether, glycerol, pyridine, polar org. solvs.; m.w. 129.83; dens. 3.367 (25/4 C); m.p. 724 C; b.p. 1049 C; dec. 400 C on long heating in air; sublimes @ 500 C in HCl gas Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 80 mg/kg, (IV, rat) 20 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 49 mg/kg; LDLo (subcut., mouse) 100 mg/kg; poison by ing., skin contact, IP, IV, subcut. routes; mod. toxic to humans by ing.; may cause death in children; human systemic effects by ing. (anorexia, goiter, wt. loss); experimental 1083
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference carcinogen, teratogen, reproductive effects; tumorigen; human mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with metals (e.g., sodium, potassium) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of Cl– Storage: Hygroscopic Uses: Foam stabilizer in fermented malt beverages (prohibited) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §189.120; prohibited from direct addition or use in human food; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Celtic Chems. Ltd http://www.celticchemicals.co.uk; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Hall Chem. http://www.hallchem.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Noah http://www.noahtech.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Cobalt diacetate CAS 71-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 200-755-8 Synonyms: Acetic acid, cobalt (2+) salt; Cobalt acetate; Cobalt (II) acetate; Cobalt (2+) acetate; Cobaltous acetate; Cobaltous diacetate Definition: Avail. commercially as the tetrahydrate Empirical: C4H6O4 • Co Formula: [CH3COO]2Co Properties: Lt. pink to red cryst.; sol. in water, acids, ethanol; m.w. 177.03; dens. 1.71 kg/l; loses water above 140 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 503 mg/kg, (IV, mouse) 31 mg/kg; poison by IV route; mod. toxic by ing.; mutagenic data; questionable carcinogen; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Deliq. Uses: Foam stabilizer for malt beverages Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alemark http://www.amsyn.com; Barker Ind. http://www.barkerind.com; Hall Chem. http://www.hallchem.com; McGean-Rohco Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.mcgean.com/; OM Group http://www.omgi.com Satyam Pharma-Chem http://www.satyam.co.in/; Shepherd http://www.shepchem.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Westdry Ind. Cobalt dichloride. See Cobalt chloride (ous) Cobalt gluconate CAS 71957-08-9; EINECS/ELINCS 276-206-1 Synonyms: Gluconic acid, cobalt salt Definition: Cobalt salt of gluconic acid Empirical: C12H22CoO14 Properties: Powd.; sol. in cold water; m.w. 449.3 Toxicology: Irritant by skin contact, ing., or inh. Precaution: Keep away from heat and sources of ignition; ground all equipment containing this material; do not breathe in dust; wear dust respirator, protective gloves, and lab coat HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, well-ventilated area Uses: Mineral source in foods Manuf./Distrib.: Adept Sol'ns.; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Organica Trading http://www.organica-trading.com; Shan Par Ind. http://www.shanpar.com Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Cobalt muriate. See Cobalt chloride (ous) Cobaltous acetate. See Cobalt diacetate Cobaltous chloride; Cobaltous chloride anhydrous. See Cobalt chloride (ous) Cobaltous diacetate. See Cobalt diacetate Cobaltous dichloride. See Cobalt chloride (ous) Cobaltous sulfate; Cobalt sulfate; Cobalt sulfate (1:1); Cobalt (II) sulfate; Cobalt (II) sulfate (1:1). See Cobalt sulfate (ous) Cobalt sulfate (ous) CAS 10124-43-3 (anhyd.); 10026-24-1 (hydrate); EINECS/ELINCS 233-334-2 Synonyms: Cobaltous sulfate; Cobalt sulfate; Cobalt sulfate (1:1); Cobalt (II) sulfate; Cobalt (II) sulfate (1:1); Sulfuric acid, cobalt (2+) salt (1:1) Definition: Obtained by action of sulfuric acid on cobaltous oxide; hexahydrate occurs in nature as the min. bieberite; commercial prod. is the 1084
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference hexahydrate or the monohydrate Empirical: O4S • Co Formula: CoSO4 Properties: Anhyd.: Red to lavender dimorphic, orthorhombic cryst.; dissolves slowly in boiling water; m.w. 154.99; dens. 3.71 (25/4 C); stable to 708 C; Monohydrate: Rose cryst.; dissolves slowly in boiling water; dens. 3.08 (25/4 C); Hexahydrate: Lt. red. cryst. solid; sol. 330 g/l in water; dens. 2.01 kg/l; Heptahydrate: Pink to red cryst.; sol. in water; sl. sol. in methanol, ethanol; dens. 2.03 (25/4 C) Toxicology: TLV/TWA 0.05 mg(Co)/m3; LD50 (oral, rat) 424 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 143 mg/kg; LDLo (IV, dog) 20 mg/kg; poison by IV, IP routes; mod. toxic by ing.; questionable carcinogen Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of SOx Uses: Catalyst in boiler water additive (food contact); foam stabilizer in fermented malt beverages (prohibited); micronutrient in animal feeds Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.310 (catalyst in boiler water), 189.120 (prohibited from direct addition or use in human food); Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Arkema http://www.arkema.fr; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; BCH Brühl http://www.bch-bruehl.de; Barker Ind. http://www.barkerind.com; Brandeis http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Hall Chem. http://www.hallchem.com; Johnson Matthey plc http://www.matthey.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; McGean-Rohco http://www.mcgean.com/ Noah http://www.noahtech.com; OM Group http://www.omgi.com; Pechiney Chems. Div. http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com; San Yuan; Shepherd http://www.shepchem.com Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Cocamide DEA CAS 8051-30-7; 61791-31-9; 68603-42-9; EINECS/ELINCS 263-163-9; 271-657-0 Synonyms: Amides, coco, N,N-bis (2hydroxyethyl)-; N,N-Bis (2-hydroxyethyl) coco amides; N,N-Bis (2-hydroxyethyl) coco fatty acid amide; Coco DEA; Coconut acid Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
diethanolamide; Coconut acid polydiethanolamide (2:1 type); Coconut acid superamide (1:1 type); Coconut diethanolamide; Cocoyl diethanolamide; Diethanolamine coconut fatty acid condensate Definition: Ethanolamides of coconut acid Formula: RCO–N(CH2CH2OH)2, RCO– represents the coconut acid radical Properties: Amber liq. Toxicology: May produce contact sensitivity; TSCA listed Uses: Delinting of cottonseed for prod. of cottonseed oil; byprods. for use in animal feed Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.710, 173.322 (0.2% max.), 175.105, 176.180, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.2260, 177.2800; FDA approved for topicals; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Cosmetic Supplies USA http://www.cosmeticsuppliesusa.com; Custom Ingreds. http://www.custoblend.com; JLK Ind. http://www.solae.com; McIntyre http://www.mcintyregroup.com; Mitsui & Co. USA http://www.mitsui.com Rhodia HPCII http://www.rhodia-hpcii.com; Surfachem Ltd http://www.surfachem.com; Venus Ethoxyethers http://www.venusgoa.com Trade Names: DeMIDE RCN-ME-100 Coccine; Coccin red. See Acid red 18 Cochin. See Lemongrass oil East Indian Cochineal; Cochineal Red A. See Acid red 18 Cocoa butter. See Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) butter Cocoa extract. See Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) extract Cocoalkonium chloride CAS 61789-71-7; EINECS/ELINCS 263-080-8 Synonyms: Cocoalkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride; Cocobenzyldimethylammonium chloride; Coco dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride; Coco dimonium chloride; Dimethyl cocobenzyl ammonium chloride; Quaternary ammonium compds., benzylcoco alkyldimethyl, chlorides Classification: Quaternary ammonium salt Formula: RN+(CH3)2CH2C6H5Cl–, R rep. mainly C12 + C14 alkyl straight chain Properties: Liq.; cationic 1085
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Uses: Germicide in foods, fermentation Manuf./Distrib.: Chemos GmbH http://www.chemos-group.com; Somerset Cosmetic Co. http://www.makingcosmetics.com/ Trade Names: Nissan Cation F2-40E; Nissan Cation F2-50; Nissan Cation F2-50E Cocoalkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride. See Cocoalkonium chloride Cocoamino betaine. See Coco-betaine Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) butter CAS 8002-31-1; EINECS/ELINCS 310-127-6 Synonyms: Cacao butter; Cacao resinoin; Cocoa butter; Theobroma cacao; Theobroma cacao butter; Theobroma oil Definition: Ylsh. wh. solid obtained from roasted seeds of Theobroma cacao; contains chiefly glycerides of stearic, palmitic, oleic, arachidic, and linoleic acids Properties: Ylsh.-wh. solid, chocolate-like odor and taste; very sol. in ether, chloroform, benzene, petrol. ether; sol. in boiling abs. alcohol; sl. sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; dens. 0.858-0.864 (100/25 C); m.p. 30-35 C; iodine no. 33-42; sapon. no. 188-195; ref. index 1.4537-1.4585 (40 C) Toxicology: May cause allergic skin reactions Precaution: Combustible HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Preserve in well-closed containers Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods; chewing gum base; mfg. of chocolate Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FDA approved for orals, rectals, topicals; NF, BP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com; Adept Sol'ns.; Alban Muller http://www.albanmuller.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Alzo http://www.alzointernational.com Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; CoKEM Assoc.; Fanning http://www.fanncorp.com/; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Jarchem Ind. http://www.jarchem.com/ Jeen Int'l. http://www.jeen.com; Kaufholz & Co.; Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; Mosselman NV http://www.mosselman.be; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com Nat'l. Starch & Chem. http://www.nationalstarch.com; Natra US http://www.natraus.com; Paulaur Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.paulaur.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Phoenix Nat. Prods. http://www.phoenixuk.com Protameen http://www.protameen.com/; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechineychemicals.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Stevenson Cooper http://www.stevensoncooper.com Thornley http://www.thornleycompany.com/; Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com; Whyte Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/ Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) extract CAS 84649-99-0; EINECS/ELINCS 283-480-6 Synonyms: Cacao extract; Cocoa extract; Theobroma cacao; Theobroma cacao extract Definition: Extract of Theobroma cacao Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; Biolandes http://www.biolandes.com; Cargill Flavors & Fruit Systems USA http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com; Gallaher Group http://www.gallahergroup.com; Haldin Int'l. http://www.haldinnatural.com/ Cocobenzyldimethylammonium chloride. See Cocoalkonium chloride Coco-betaine CAS 68424-94-2; 85409-25-2; EINECS/ELINCS 270-329-4 Synonyms: Alkyl dimethyl betaine; Betaines, coco alkyldimethyl; Cocoamino betaine; Cocodimethylamino betaine; Coco dimethyl betaine; Coco dimethyl glycine; Coconut betaine; Dimethylcocoamino betaine; Quaternary ammonium compds., carboxymethyl (coco alkyl) dimethyl hydroxides, inner salts Classification: Zwitterion (inner salt) 1086
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Formula: RN+(CH3)2CH2COO–, where R = alkyl groups derived from coconut oil Properties: Amphoteric Toxicology: TSCA listed Uses: Germicide in foods; extractant for fermentation Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Colonial Chem. http://www.colonialchem.com; DeWolf Chem. http://www.dewolfchem.com Coco DEA. See Cocamide DEA Cocodimethylamino betaine. See Coco-betaine Coco dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride. See Cocoalkonium chloride Coco dimethyl betaine; Coco dimethyl glycine. See Coco-betaine Coco dimonium chloride. See Cocoalkonium chloride Coco fatty acid. See Coconut acid Cocoglycerides CAS 92045-31-3; 85536-06-7; EINECS/ELINCS 295-412-2 Synonyms: Glycerides, coco; Glycerides, coconut, mono-, di-, and triDefinition: Mixture of mono-, di-, and triglycerides derived from coconut oil Uses: Fat for ice cream, chocolate, and confectionery prods. Coconut acid CAS 8037-14-7; 61788-47-4; 67701-05-7; 6893785-9; EINECS/ELINCS 262-978-7 Synonyms: Coco fatty acid; Coconut fatty acid; Coconut fatty acids; Coconut oil acids; Coconut oil fatty acids; Fatty acids, coco Definition: Mixtures of fatty acids Empirical: C12H24O2 Formula: RCOOH, R = coco Properties: Pale yel. solid; insol. in water; m.w. 200.32; m.p. 23-27 C; acid no. 260-270; sapon. no. 262-272 Toxicology: TSCA listed Uses: Food ingred. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.320, 176.200, 176.210, 177.1010, 177.2260, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.3570, 178.3910; approved for topicals Manuf./Distrib.: ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com; Acme-Hardesty http://www.acme-hardesty.com; Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Alnor Oil Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.alnoroil.com Arista Ind. http://www.aristaindustries.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Brenntag Specialties; KIC Chems. http://www.kicchemicals.com; http://www.kicgroup.com; Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com Magna-Kron http://www.magnakron.com; NOF Am.; Nat'l. Starch & Chem. http://www.nationalstarch.com; Norman, Fox http://www.norfox.ws/; Nottingham http://www.ppiinc.com Paulaur http://www.paulaur.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Procter & Gamble http://www.pgchemicals.com/; Sea-Land http://www.sealandchem.com; St. Lawrence http://www.stlawrencechem.com Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com Trade Names: Glycon® CLK KFG Coconut acid diethanolamide. See Cocamide DEA Coconut acid methyl ester. See Methyl cocoate Coconut acid polydiethanolamide (2:1 type); Coconut acid superamide (1:1 type). See Cocamide DEA Coconut aldehyde. See γ-Nonalactone Coconut betaine. See Coco-betaine Coconut butter. See Coconut (Cocos nucifera) oil Coconut (Cocos nucifera) oil CAS 8001-31-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-282-8 UN 1363 (DOT) Synonyms: Coconut butter; Coconut oil; Coconut palm oil; Cocos nucifera; Copra oil Classification: Saturated fat Definition: Fixed oil obtained from kernels of seeds of Cocos nucifera Properties: Wh. fatty solid or liq., sweet nutty taste; sol. in oxygenated and chlorinated solvs.; very sol. in chloroform, ether, CS2; pract. insol. in water; dens. 0.903 (0/4 C); m.p. 21-27 C; acid no. < 6; iodine no. 8-9.5; sapon. no. 255-258; ref. index 1.4485-1.4495; flash pt. (CC) 550 F; surf. tens. 33.4 dynes/cm Toxicology: May cause allergic skin reaction; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. solid when exposed to heat or flame; may spontaneously heat and 1087
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference ignite if stored wet and hot Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO2 from combustion HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Edible fat, coating agent, emulsifier, release agent, formulation aid, texturizer in foods, baked goods, candy, desserts, shortening, margarine; migrating to foods from cotton in dry food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 176.200, 176.210, 177.2800, 182.70; GRAS; FDA approved for orals, topicals; BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com; Aarhus Karlshamn A/S http://www.aak.com/; Aarhus Karlshamn UK http://www.aak.com; Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com; Alban Muller http://www.albanmuller.com Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alnor Oil http://www.alnoroil.com; Alzo http://www.alzointernational.com; Am. Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com; Amber Syn. http://www.amsyn.com Arista Ind. http://www.aristaindustries.com; Astral Extracts http://www.astralextracts.com; Chemron http://www.chemron.com; Croda Singapore http://www.croda.com.sg; Integra http://www.integrachem.com Jarchem Ind. http://www.jarchem.com/; Jeen Int'l. http://www.jeen.com; KIC Chems. http://www.kicchemicals.com; http://www.kicgroup.com; L.V. Lomas http://www.lvlomas.com; Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/; Mosselman NV http://www.mosselman.be; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Protameen http://www.protameen.com/; Rhodia HPCII http://www.rhodia-hpcii.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SeaLand http://www.sealandchem.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Naturals http://www.spectrumnaturals.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com St. Lawrence http://www.stlawrencechem.com; Stevenson Cooper http://www.stevensoncooper.com; Thornley Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.thornleycompany.com/; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Welch, Holme & Clark http://www.welchholme-clark.com Trade Names: Pureco® 76 Trade Names Containing: Bake-Well 52; Dry Vitamin D3 Type 100 SD; ProKote™ C; Solec™ M; Solec™ W Coconut diethanolamide. See Cocamide DEA Coconut fatty acid; Coconut fatty acids. See Coconut acid Coconut oil. See Coconut (Cocos nucifera) oil Coconut oil acids; Coconut oil fatty acids. See Coconut acid Coconut oil, hydrogenated. See Hydrogenated coconut oil Coconut oil triglycerides Uses: Soft fat and filling for prod. of cooling fillings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §176.210 Coconut palm oil; Cocos nucifera. See Coconut (Cocos nucifera) oil Cocoyl diethanolamide. See Cocamide DEA Cod liver oil CAS 8001-69-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-289-6 Synonyms: Gadidae oil; Gadi lecur; Gadus morrhua; Gadus morrhua liver oil; Morrhua oil Definition: Fixed oil expressed from fresh livers of Gadus morrhua and other species of codfish, contg. vitamins A and D, omega 3 fatty acid Properties: Amber thin oily liq., sl. fishy odor and taste; sol. in ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate, carbon disulfide, petroleum ether; sl. sol. in alcohol; negligible sol. in water; dens. 0.9180.927; iodine no. 145-180; sapon. no. 180-192; ref. index 1.4705-1.4745 Toxicology: No known toxicity Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO2 from combustion HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Uses: Dietary supplement in foods Regulatory: BP, EP compliance; FDA 21CFR §175.105, 176.200, 176.210, 177.2800; GRAS for use in dietary supplements; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Allan 1088
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.allanchem.com; Arista Ind. http://www.aristaindustries.com; F.H. Taussig http://fhtaussig.net/; GMI Prods. http://www.gmi-originates.com/ George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Jedwards Int'l. http://www.codliveroil.com; KIC Chems. http://www.kicchemicals.com; http://www.kicgroup.com Maypro Ind. http://www.maypro.com; Mosselman NV http://www.mosselman.be; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Coenzyme R. See d-Biotin Coffea arabica; Coffee bean extract. See Coffee (Coffea arabica) bean extract Coffee (Coffea arabica) bean extract CAS 8001-67-0; 84650-00-0; EINECS/ELINCS 283-481-1 Synonyms: Coffea arabica; Coffee bean extract Definition: Extract of beans of Coffea arabica Toxicology: LD50 (IP, mouse) 1 g/kg Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods; antioxidant in foods (Japan) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Essential7 http://www.essential7.com; Gallaher Group http://www.gallaher-group.com; Gallaher Group http://www.gallaher-group.com; Gallaher Group http://www.gallahergroup.com Moellhausen http://www.moellhausen.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com Coffeine. See Caffeine Cognac oil. See Ethyl heptanoate; Cognac oil, green or white Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Cognac oil, green or white CAS 8016-21-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-403-4 FEMA 2331 (green), 2332 (white) Synonyms: Cognac oil; 'Ethyl oenanthate'; Wine yeast oil Properties: Yel. liq.; char. cognac aroma with a fruity note; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; sp.gr. 0.87; ref. index 1.4275-1.4295 (20 C) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum, alcoholic beverages, condiments Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.50, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Danisco Seillans http://www.danisco.com; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Cognac oil, synthetic. See Ethyl heptanoate Cola acuminata; Cola acuminata nut extract. See Kola (Cola acuminata) extract Colalin. See Cholic acid Cola nut extract. See Kola (Cola acuminata) extract Collagen CAS 9007-34-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-697-4 Synonyms: Collagen fiber; Ossein Definition: Fibrous protein derived from connective tissues in animals; a polypeptide contg. three peptide chains; rich in proline and hydroxyproline Properties: Clear to hazy, colorless fibers; m.w. ≈ 130,000 Toxicology: May cause urticaria Storage: Sensitive to humidity; keep under argon Uses: Ingred. in sausage casing Regulatory: BP compliance (collagen suture, sterile reconstituted) Manuf./Distrib.: Alban Muller http://www.albanmuller.com; Alfa Chem 1089
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.alfachem1.com; Alzo http://www.alzointernational.com; Arch Personal Care Prods. http://www.archchemicals.com; Austin http://www.austinchemical.com Bioiberica http://www.bioiberica.com; Biosil Tech. http://www.biosiltech.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; CoKEM Assoc.; Cognis/Care Chems. Cosmetochem Int'l. http://www.cosmetochem.com/; Croda Chem. Europe Ltd; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Gattefosse http://www.gattefossecorp.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/ Inolex http://www.inolex.com; Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; Lanaetex Prods.; Maybrook; PB Leiner USA http://www.gelatin.com Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com; Protameen http://www.protameen.com/; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; RITA http://www.ritacorp.com; HallStar http://www.hallstar.com Roche Diagnostics http://www.rocheapplied-science.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Thornley http://www.thornleycompany.com/; UnitedGuardian http://www.u-g.com/ Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com Collagen fiber. See Collagen Collagen hydrolysates. See Hydrolyzed collagen Colloidal activated attapulgite. See Attapulgite Colloidal ferric oxide. See Ferric oxide Colloidal gold. See Gold Colloidal silica; Colloidal silicon dioxide. See Silica, fumed Cologel. See Methylcellulose Colombo. See Calumba (Jatrorrhiza palmata) root Colonial spirit. See Methyl alcohol Colophane; Colophonium; Colophony. See Rosin Columbian spirits. See Methyl alcohol Colza oil. See Canola oil; Rapeseed (Brassica campestris) oil Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Commiphora. See Myrrh gum Commiphora myrrha. See Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) extract; Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) oil Commiphora myrrha extract; Commiphora myrrha gum extract. See Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) extract Commiphora myrrha oil. See Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) oil Common basil extract. See Basil (Ocimum basilicum) extract Common salt. See Sodium chloride Common speedwell extract. See Veronica officinalis extract Common thyme. See Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) Concentrated acetic acid. See Acetic acid, glacial Concrete rose Bulgarian; Concrete rose Morocco; Concrete rose Turkish. See Rose oil Condy's crystals. See Potassium permanganate Confectioner's sugar. See Sucrose Coniferic acid. See Ferulic acid Copaiba. See Balsam copaiba (Copaifera officinalis) Copaiba balsam. See Balsam copaiba (Copaifera officinalis) oil; Balsam copaiba (Copaifera officinalis) Copaiba oil. See Balsam copaiba (Copaifera officinalis) oil Copaiba oleoresin. See Balsam copaiba (Copaifera officinalis) Copaifera officinalis. See Balsam copaiba (Copaifera officinalis) oil Copaifera officinalis balsam. See Balsam copaiba (Copaifera officinalis) Copaifera officinalis oil. See Balsam copaiba (Copaifera officinalis) oil Copal (INCI). See Copal resin Copal resin CAS 9000-14-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-527-9 Synonyms: Copal (INCI); Cowrie; Gum copal; Kaurie; Resin copal Definition: Resin obtained as a fossil or as an exudate from various species of Leguminosae Properties: Ylsh. to ylsh.-brn. hard or soft solids; odorless; tasteless; hard copals are pract. insol. in usual solvs.; soft copals are partly sol. in alcohol, chloroform, glac. acetic acid; both after fusion are sol. in oil turpentine and linseed oil Uses: Chewing gum base 1090
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Features: Natural Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1, 175.105, 175.300, 177.1200; Canada DSL; Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Alland & Robert http://www.allandetrobert.fr; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; P.L. Thomas http://www.plthomas.com; Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com Copals, Manila CAS 9000-42-4 Synonyms: Manila copals Definition: Obtained from a natural plant resin Toxicology: May cause an allergic reaction, particularly dermatitis Uses: Diluent in food colorants Regulatory: FDA 21CFR§73.1 Copernica cerefera wax; Copernicia cerifera wax. See Carnauba (Copernica cerifera) wax Copper CAS 7440-50-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-159-6 UN 3089 (DOT) Synonyms: Arwood copper; Bronze powder; CI 77400; Copper-airborne; Copper bronze; Copper-milled; Copper slag-airborne; Copper slag-milled; Gold bronze; Kafar copper; Pigment metal 2; Raney copper Classification: Element Empirical: Cu Properties: Reddish lustrous metal; insol. in water, org. solvs.; sol. in nitric acid (reacts); very slowly sol. with HCl, sulfuric acid; a.w. 63.54; dens. 8.96; vapor pressure 1 mm Hg (1628 C); m.p. 1083 C; b.p. 2595 C; high elec. and thermal conductivity Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 0.2 mg/m3 (fume), 1 mg(Cu)/m3 (dusts and mists); TDLo (oral, human) 120 µg/kg; poison to humans by ing., inh.; may cause damage to liver, kidneys, spleen, and blood; tumorigen; questionable carcinogen; experimental teratogenic and reproductive effects; TSCA listed Precaution: DOT: Flamm. solid; fine particles may burn in air; reacts violently with ammonium nitrate, bromates, iodates, chlorates, hydrogen peroxide, sodium peroxide, sulfuric acid; liq. copper explodes on contact with water; incandescent reaction with KO2 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Dietary supplement in foods; herbicide for potable water; processing aid (Japan) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR GRAS for use in dietary supplements; Japan restricted; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Am. Chemet; Asarco http://www.asarco.com; Atlantic Equip. Engrs. http://www.micronmetals.com Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; Atotech USA http://www.atotechusa.com; Belmont Metals http://www.belmontmetals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; ISP http://www.ispcorp.com/ Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Noah http://www.noahtech.com; Riedel-deHaën http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/Brands/Fluka ___Riedel_Home/About_Fluka_and_Riedel. html; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Thomas Scientific http://www.thomassci.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ Copper-airborne. See Copper Copperas. See Ferrous sulfate heptahydrate; Ferrous sulfate anhydrous Copperas red. See Iron oxide red Copper bronze. See Copper Copper digluconate; Copper di-D-gluconate; Copper gluconate (INCI). See Copper gluconate (ic) Copper gluconate (ic) CAS 527-09-3; EINECS/ELINCS 208-408-2 Synonyms: Bis (D-gluconato) copper; Copper digluconate; Copper di-D-gluconate; Copper gluconate (INCI); Cupric gluconate Definition: Copper salt of gluconic acid; avail. as the monohydrate Empirical: C12H22CuO14 Formula: [HOCOO– CHOHCHCHOHCHOHCH2OH]2Cu++ Properties: Lt. blue powd., odorless; sol. in water; sl. sol. in alcohol; insol. in acetone, ether; m.w. 453.85 Toxicology: TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Direct food additive; mineral source, 1091
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference nutrient, dietary supplement, synergist in foods; feed additive Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1260, GRAS; Japan approved (0.6 mg/L as copper in milk); Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ACTA Pharmacal; Adept Sol'ns.; Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; Budenheim USA http://www.gallard-schlesinger.com Generichem http://www.generichem.com/; Glucona Am.; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Lohmann http://www.lohmann-chemikalien.de; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Shan Par Ind. http://www.shanpar.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com Vernon Walden; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names: Gluconal® CU-P Trade Names Containing: Arcon® SK Fortified; Bioblend # 7 Copper (I) iodide. See Copper iodide (ous) Copper iodide (ous) CAS 7681-65-4; EINECS/ELINCS 231-674-6 Synonyms: Copper (I) iodide; Cuprous iodide Empirical: CuI Properties: Wh. cryst. powd.; sol. in ammonia and KI sol'ns.; insol. in water; dens. 5.653; m.p. 606 C; b.p. 1290 C Toxicology: May be harmful if inhaled or absorbed through the skin; harmful if swallowed; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompatible with oxidizing agents, alkali metals Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of I– Uses: Nutrient, dietary supplement in foods, animal feeds; source of dietary iodine in table salt Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §100.155, 101.155, 177.2470, 178.2010, 184.1265, 582.80, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Ajay http://www.ajaysqm.com; Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com Cerac http://www.cerac.com; Clariant/Functional Chems. http://www.fun.clariant.com; Cooper Chem. http://www.cooperchemical.com/; Deepwater Chems. http://www.deepwaterchemicals.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Noah http://www.noahtech.com; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com; Shepherd http://www.shepchem.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Wm. Blythe Ltd http://www.wmblythe.co.uk Copper-milled. See Copper Copper monosulfate. See Cupric sulfate anhydrous Copper slag-airborne; Copper slag-milled. See Copper Copper sodium chlorophyllin. See Chlorophyllin-copper complex Copper sulfate; Copper (II) sulfate. See Cupric sulfate anhydrous Copper sulfate (ic). See Cupric sulfate pentahydrate; Cupric sulfate anhydrous Copper sulfate pentahydrate; Copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate. See Cupric sulfate pentahydrate Copra oil. See Coconut (Cocos nucifera) oil Cordycepic acid. See D-Mannitol Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) oil CAS 8008-52-4; 84775-50-8; EINECS/ELINCS 283-880-0 FEMA 2334 Synonyms: Coriander oil; Coriandrum sativum; Coriandrum sativum oil Definition: Volatile oil from steam distillation of ripe fruit of Coriandrum sativum, contg. dlinalool and its acetate Properties: Colorless to pale yel. liq., char. odor and taste; very sol. in chloroform, ether, glac. acetic acid; sol. in stronger alcohol; pract. insol. in water; dens. 0.863-0.875 (25/25 C); 1092
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference ref. index 1.4620-1.4720 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 4130 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; skin irritant; can cause allergic reaction, esp. of the skin; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Storage: Keep cool, well closed; protect from light Uses: Natural flavoring agent, preservative in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum, alcoholic beverages, condiments, meats, sausages, curry powd. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved; Council of Europe listed; FDA approved for orals; BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMC Chems.; Astral Extracts http://www.astralextracts.com; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Danisco Seillans http://www.danisco.com; De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Frutarom (UK) Fine Ingreds. http://www.frutarom.com/; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Hunan Xinyu http://www.hunanxinyu.com/contact.html Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sarcom http://www.sarcominc.com Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Coriander oil; Coriandrum sativum; Coriandrum sativum oil. See Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) oil Corn bran. See Corn (Zea mays) bran Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Corn dextrin. See Dextrin Corn extract. See Corn (Zea mays) extract Corn gluten; Corn gluten meal. See Corn (Zea mays) meal Corn gluten protein. See Corn (Zea mays) gluten protein Corn glycerides CAS 85536-08-9; EINECS/ELINCS 287-489-6 Synonyms: Glycerides, corn, mono-, di-, and triDefinition: Mixture of mono, di, and triglycerides derived from corn oil Uses: Emulsifier in foods Trade Names: Maisine® Corn maltodextrin Uses: Thickener, bulking agent, crystallization inhibitor, mouthfeel enhancer, carrier for foods, nutritional beverages, sugar-free drink mixes, frostings, glaze mixes, cheese sauces, soup mixes Trade Names: Malta*Gran® 10; Malta*Gran® 18 M Corn meal. See Corn (Zea mays) meal Cornmint oil, partially dementholized. See Mentha arvensis oil Corn oil. See Corn (Zea mays) oil Corn oil, hydrogenated. See Hydrogenated corn oil Corn oil, nonsaponifiable fraction; Corn oil unsaponifiables. See Corn (Zea mays) oil unsaponifiables Corn protein Synonyms: Maize protein Uses: Antioxidant glaze for nuts; antisticking agent for licorice, candies; coating, protectant for nutritional supplement tablets Trade Names: Vege-Coat Corn silk extract. See Corn (Zea mays) silk extract Corn starch. See Starch; Corn (Zea mays) starch Corn starch, pregelatinized CAS 9005-25-8 Synonyms: Maize starch, pregelatinized Use Level: 3-15% (tablet disintegrant) Manuf./Distrib.: Adept Sol'ns.; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Cerestar USA http://www.cargill.com/; Chemacon GmbH 1093
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.chemacon.de Colorcon http://www.colorcon.com; Corn Prods. http://www.cornproductsUS.com; Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/ Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Nat'l. Starch & Chem. http://www.nationalstarch.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Roquette Am. http://www.roquette.fr; Universal Preserv-AChem http://www.upichem.com Trade Names: Merigel 100 Corn starch, waxy CAS 977050-52-4 Synonyms: Waxy corn starch; Waxy maize starch Definition: Variant of normal corn contg. nearly 100% amylopectin molecules, which are thick and easy to gelatinize Uses: Thickener, stabilizer, texturizer for foods Features: Very visc. and stringy Trade Names: Amioca™; Can-Fil®; C*EmCap; C*EmTex; C*HiForm 12715 C*HiForm 12716; C*HiForm 12742; C*HiForm 12747; C*HiForm 12748; C*HiForm 12791 C*Tex 06204; C*Tex 06218; Exp-Merigel 113; Farinex WM 55; Flo-Max 5 Instant Thickener; MAPS® 501; Merigel 310; National® 5730; Novation® 2300 Novation® 2600; Novation® 2700; Novation® 4600; Novation® 5600; Novation® 5600-OC Novation® 9230; Novation® 9260; Novation® 9270; Novation® 9460; Novation® Prima 300 Novation® Prima 600; Resistamyl 310; Resistamyl 330; Resistamyl 341; Resistamyl 342 Resistamyl 343; Resistamyl 345; Resistamyl 346; Resistamyl 347; Resistamyl 348 Resistamyl 349; Rezista® HV; Staley® 7350 Waxy No. 1 Starch; Ultra-Crisp™ CS; UltraSperse® A Corn steep liquor CAS 66071-94-1 Definition: Visc. conc. of corn solubles, rich in vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and other growth stimulants Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Toxicology: Believed to be nonhazardous Storage: Store @ R.T. Uses: Colorant in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR§73.275; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium Corn sugar. See Glucose Corn sugar gum. See Xanthan gum Corn sugar syrup. See Corn syrup Corn syrup CAS 8029-43-4; 977004-12-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-436-4 Synonyms: Corn sugar syrup; Glucose syrup; Syrups, hydrolyzed starch Definition: Mixture of D-glucose, maltose, and maltodextrins; obtained by partial hydrolysis of corn starch Properties: Aq. syrup Toxicology: May cause allergic reaction Uses: Nutritive sweetener, dietary supplement, thickener, bodying agent, texturizer, carrier in foods, soft drinks, beer, other beverages; feedstock in fermentation Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §131.112, 133.124, 133.178, 133.179, 145.3, 145.134, 145.180, 146.3, 146.145, 146.146, 155.200, 169.175, 184.1865, GRAS; cleared by MID to flavor sausage, hamburger, meat loaf, luncheon meat, chopped or pressed ham; for use alone at 2% or in combination with corn syrup solids or glucose syrup, with combination totaling 2% on dry basis; approved for orals Manuf./Distrib.: ADM http://www.admworld.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Cerestar USA http://www.cargill.com/; DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com; Jungbunzlauer http://www.jungbunzlauer.com/w Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com Trade Names: Avebe SPG 20; Avebe SPG 30; Cleardex® 25/42 EE Low SO2; Cleardex® 25/42 IX; Cleardex® 28/42 Cleardex® 36/43; Clearsweet® 25/42; Clearsweet® 25/42 IX; Clearsweet® 28/42; Clearsweet® 36/43 Clearsweet® 43% High Maltose; Clearsweet® 43/43; Clearsweet® 43/43 IX; Clearsweet® 43/43 Low SO2; Clearsweet® 43/44 IX
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Clearsweet® 43/44.5; Clearsweet® 43/45; Clearsweet® 43/45 IX; Clearsweet® 50% High Maltose; Clearsweet® 53/44 Clearsweet® 53/44 Low SO2; Clearsweet® 63/43; Clearsweet® 63/44; Clearsweet® 63/44 Low SO2; Clearsweet® 95% Dextrose Corn Syrup Clearsweet® Unrefined 95% Dextrose Corn Syrup; CornSweet® 42; CornSweet® 55; Cornsweet® 90; CornSweet® 95 42/43 Corn Syrup; 62/43 Corn Syrup; Corn Syrup 36/43; Corn Syrup 42/43; Corn Syrup 52/43 Corn Syrup 62/43; Corn Syrup 62/44; Corn Syrup 97/71; Globe® Corn Syrup Solids; Glucomalt 151 Glucomalt 161; Glucomalt 351; Glucomalt 361; Glucomalt 371; Glucomalt 451 Glucomalt 461; Glucomalt 551; Glucomalt 561; Glucomalt 571; Glucomalt 661 Glucomalt 710; Glucomalt 731; Glucomalt 760; Glucomalt 771; Glucoplus 161 Glucoplus 163; Glucoplus 173; Glucoplus 331; Glucoplus 351; Glucoplus 361 Glucoplus 371; Glucoplus 531; Glucoplus 561; Glucoplus 571; IsoClear® 42 High Fructose Corn Syrup IsoClear® 55 High Fructose Corn Syrup; Isosweet 100; Isosweet 180; Mylose 120; Mylose 150 Mylose 151; Mylose 220; Mylose 251; Mylose 451; Mylose 461 Mylose 471; Mylose 651; Mylose 658; Mylose 661; Mylose 671 NETO® 7300-43/43; NETO® 7350-50/43; Staley® 200-26/42; Staley® 300-36/42; Staley® 1300-42/43 Staley® 3370; Sweetose® 4300-63/43; Sweetose® 4325-63/43; Sweetose® 440063/44; Sweetose® 4425-63/44 Trade Names Containing: Glucosweet 251; Glucosweet 261; Glucosweet 341; Glucosweet 361; Glucosweet 371 Glucosweet 431; Glucosweet 451; Glucosweet 461; Glucosweet 471; Glucosweet 481 Glucosweet 611; Glucosweet 660; Glucosweet 661; Glucosweet 680; Glucosweet 681 Glucosweet 711; Glucosweet 731; Glucosweet 761; Glucosweet 931; Hentex10 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Hentex-20; Hentex-20A; Hentex-30; Hentex30A; Hentex-76 Honi-Bake®; Honi-Flake; Lucarotin® 10 CWD O; N-Lok®; N-Lok® 1930 Vegapure® 67 WDP See also Glucose, liquid Corn syrup, high fructose CAS 977042-84-4 Synonyms: HFCS; High fructose corn syrup Uses: Moisturizer, crystallization control agent, sweetener for foods, beverages, ice cream; microbiological growth control agent; provides controllable substrate Features: High osmotic pressure Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §131.111, 131.112, 131.170, 131.200, 131.203, 131.206, 184.1866, GRAS; FDA approved for orals Manuf./Distrib.: Glorybee Natural Sweeteners http://www.glorybee.com/glorybee/Index.ht ml Trade Names Containing: Dri-Mol® 604; HoniBake®; Honi-Flake Corn syrup solids CAS 68131-37-3; EINECS/ELINCS 268-616-4 Synonyms: Dried fructose-glucose syrup; Dried glucose syrup; Glucose syrup solids Definition: Dried syrups with a DE-value higher or equal to 20% Properties: Clear visc. syrup Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, sausage, hamburger, meat loaf, luncheon meat, chopped or pressed ham; visc. builder, bodying agent in foods Features: Directly compressible Regulatory: FDA 21 CFR §184.1865; EC council directive 2001/111/EEC; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Adept Sol'ns.; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; Cerestar USA http://www.cargill.com/; Corn Prods. http://www.cornproductsUS.com Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Kingfood Australia Pty. Ltd http://www.kingfood.com.au; Nat'l. Starch & Chem. http://www.nationalstarch.com; Roquette Am. http://www.roquette.fr Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com Trade Names: GD 2210; GD 2910; GD 3910; Glucodry 210; Glucodry 210 G Glucodry 310; Glucodry 350; Glucodry 380; Glucodry 430; Maltrin® M200 1095
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Maltrin® M250; Maltrin® QD M600; N-Tack®; Star-Dri® 20; Star-Dri® 42C Star-Dri® 42F; Star-Dri® 42R; Star-Dri® 200; Star-Dri® 240 Trade Names Containing: Crodacreme Range; Hi-Cap™ 200; Lamequick® CE 6630; Lesstanol™ Natural Octacosanol GF; Purity® HO Purity® Gum 539; Viobin® Defatted Wheat Germ Corn (Zea mays) bran Synonyms: Corn bran; Zea mays Uses: Dietary fiber in foods, beverages, highfiber formulations Features: Natural Trade Names: Canadian Harvest® Stabilized Corn Bran; Canadian Harvest® Stabilized Micro-Lite Corn Bran Corn (Zea mays) extract CAS 84696-06-0 Synonyms: Corn extract; Zea mays; Zea mays kernel extract Definition: Extract of the kernels of corn, Zea mays Trade Names Containing: Sweet'N'Neat® 7000 Dry Malt Flakes Corn (Zea mays) flour CAS 68525-86-0; EINECS/ELINCS 271-199-1 Synonyms: Flour, corn; Zea mays Definition: Powd. obtained from fine grinding of inner portion of seeds of Zea mays Uses: Food ingred. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §137.211, 137.215; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Hesco http://www.hescoinc.com/hesco/default.asp Trade Names Containing: 2X White Sour; Alcolec® 30-A; Golden Gate Sour; Goldex® II; White Sour Corn (Zea mays) gluten protein CAS 9010-66-6; 66071-96-3 Synonyms: Corn gluten protein; Protein, glutens, corn; Zea mays; Zea mays gluten Definition: Corn protein containing the starchy endosperm of the grain Uses: Nutrient, dietary supplement, texturizer in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1321, GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com; Sigma Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Corn (Zea mays) meal CAS 66071-96-3; EINECS/ELINCS 266-116-0 Synonyms: Corn gluten; Corn gluten meal; Corn meal; Glutens, corn; Maize gluten; Maize gluten meal; Zea mays Definition: Coarse flour from milling of Zea mays Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Direct food additive; nutrient supplement, texturizer in foods; animal feed ingred. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §137.250, 137.275, 184.1321, GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Hesco http://www.hescoinc.com/hesco/default.asp; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Corn (Zea mays) oil CAS 8001-30-7; EINECS/ELINCS 232-281-2 Synonyms: Corn oil; Maize oil; Zea mays; Zea mays oil Definition: Refined fixed oil obtained from wet milling of corn, Zea mays Properties: Pale yel. oily liq., faint char. odor and taste; sol. in ether, chloroform, amyl acetate, benzene, CS2, chlorinated and aromatic solvs.; sl. sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; dens. 0.9140.921; m.p. -10 C; acid no. 2-6; iodine no. 109133; sapon. no. 187-193; flash pt. 321 C; ref. index 1.470-1.474 Toxicology: Nontoxic; human skin irritant; experimental teratogen; may be an allergen; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible exposed to heat or flame; dangerous spontaneous heating may occur NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Light-sensitive Uses: Coating agent, emulsifier, formulation aid, texturizer, dietary supplement in foods, bakery prods., margarine; salad and cooking oil Features: Oleaginous Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 176.200, 176.210, GRAS; FDA approved for injectables, orals, topicals; USP/NF, BP, EP, JP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: A&E Connock http://www.connock.co.uk; ADM http://www.admworld.com; Aarhus Karlshamn A/S http://www.aak.com/; 1096
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Aarhus Karlshamn UK http://www.aak.com; Alba Int'l. Alban Muller http://www.albanmuller.com; Aldivia http://www.aldivia.com; Alzo http://www.alzointernational.com; Arista Ind. http://www.aristaindustries.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com; Camida Ltd http://www.camida.com; Cerestar Benelux http://www.cerestar.nl; Cerestar USA http://www.cargill.com/; Charkit http://www.charkit.com ChemService http://www.chemservice.com; Corn Prods. http://www.cornproductsUS.com; Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com; Eggar & Co. http://www.eggar.co.uk/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com; Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com; Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/; Mosselman NV http://www.mosselman.be; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Pokonobe Ind. http://www.pokonobe.com; Roquette http://www.roquette.fr; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sea-Land http://www.sealandchem.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Naturals http://www.spectrumnaturals.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Vandemoortele Bakery Prods. http://www.vandemoortelebakeryproducts.c om/; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Welch, Holme & Clark http://www.welchholme-clark.com Trade Names Containing: Beta Carotene 30% FS; Canthaxanthin 10% CWS/N; Hentex-35; Liquid Vitamin D3; Lucarotin® 30 M Tenox® 4; Tenox® 4B; Tenox® 6; Tenox® 8; Tenox® 25 Tenox® 26 Corn (Zea mays) oil unsaponifiables CAS 66587-54-0; EINECS/ELINCS 266-416-1 Synonyms: Corn oil, nonsaponifiable fraction; Corn oil unsaponifiables; Zea mays; Zea mays unsaponifiables Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Definition: Fraction of corn oil which is not saponified in the refining recovery of corn oil fatty acids Uses: Ingred. in food Trade Names Containing: Vitamin A and D-3 Blend Corn (Zea mays) silk CAS 977000-79-5 FEMA 2335 Definition: Fresh styles and stigmas of Zea mays Properties: Nearly odorless; faintly sweetish taste Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1262, GRAS; FEMA GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Am. Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Whole Herb http://www.wholeherbcompany.com/ Corn (Zea mays) silk extract CAS 977071-11-6 Synonyms: Corn silk extract; Stigmata maydis extract; Zea mays; Zea mays extract Definition: Extract of the stigmas of Zea mays Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1262, GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Bio-Botanica http://www.biobotanica.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com Corn (Zea mays) starch CAS 9005-25-8; 53112-52-0; 75138-75-9; 977050-51-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-679-6 Synonyms: Corn starch; Maize starch; Starch, corn; Starch, zea mays; Zea mays; Zea mays starch Definition: Granules obtained from mature grains of corn, Zea mays; carbohydrate polymer consisting primarily of amylose and amylopectin Formula: (C6H10O5)n Properties: Wh. powd. or spheroidal gran.; pract. insol. in cold water and in ethanol (95%) Toxicology: LD50 (IP, mouse) 6600 mg/kg; primary irritant; no ill effects unless massive doses are given; use of powd. in rubber 1097
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference gloves may cause contact urticaria; TSCA listed HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Glucose source, dietary supplement, thickener in foods; filler in baking powder; migrating to foods from cotton in dry food pkg., paper/paperboard Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 178.3520, 182.70, 182.90; GRAS for use in dietary supplements Manuf./Distrib.: ADM Corn Processing http://www.adm.org/naen/ahn/cornprocessi ng.asp; ADM http://www.admworld.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Blagden Spec. Chems. Ltd http://www.blagdenspecchem.co.uk; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com Cerestar UK http://www.cerestar.com; Cerestar USA http://www.cargill.com/; Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de; Chemstar Prods. http://www.chemstar.com; Corn Prods. http://www.cornproductsUS.com Galactic http://www.lactic.com/; Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com; Houghton Chem. http://www.houghtonchemical.com; NB Entrepreneurs http://www.nbent.com; Nalco http://www.nalco.com Nat'l. Starch & Chem. http://www.nationalstarch.com; Penford Prods. http://www.penx.com/products/products_d efault.asp; Roquette http://www.roquette.fr; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com; Westco http://www.westcochemicals.com Trade Names: AmyloGel™ 03001; AmyloGel™ 03003; Buffalo® Corn Starch; Canners TF; Cargill Gel™ 03420 Cargill Gel™ 03428; Cargill Gel™ 03458; Cargill Gel-Instant™ 12030; Cargill GelInstant™ 12410; Cargill Set 05030 Cargill Set 05032; Cargill Set 05033; Cargill Set 05034; DryGel™ 03417; DryGel™ 03418 Exp F 115; Exp F 117; Exp F 301; Exp F 303; Exp F 307 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Gelose® 80; Hoosier 5; Hylon® V; Hylon® VII; Melojel® Meritena 100; Meritena 141; Mira-Gel® 463; National® 1215; PolarTex 05732 PolarTex 05734; Pure-Dent® B700 NF; PureDent® B810 NF; Pure-Dent® B812 USP; Pure-Dent® B815 NF Pure-Dent® B816 USP; Pure-Dent® B880 NF; Pure-Dent® B890 NF; Purity® 825; Purity® 9200 Purity® TF; Resistamyl 131; Resistamyl 231; Salioca 05330; Salioca 06436 Salioca™ 06758; Staley® Pure Food Powd. (PFP); Sta-Rx® NF; Thibola 100; Thibola 230 Thibola 300; Ultra-Sperse®; Ultra-Tex® 1 Trade Names Containing: AccuCoat® 05520; AccuFlo 05602; ADM Cream Acid Salt; Arcon® SH; Assist LC-5 Canthaxanthin 10% CWS/N; CleanSet 03730; CleanSet 03736; CleanSet 03737; CleanSet 03738 Crispcoat™ UC; Dependox AXC; Domestic CM Enrichment with Folic Acid; Doughmaker; Doughmaker 5 Export Masa Enrichment; F E Blend K with Folic Acid; Fermaloid®; Hentex-12; Nu Mould™ Royal Baking Powd.; SeaGel® XP 3428 Corylone. See Methyl cyclopentenolone Corylus americana; Corylus americana nut oil. See Hazel (Corylus americana) nut oil Corylus avellana; Corylus avellana nut oil. See Hazel (Corylus avellana) nut oil Cosmetic talc. See Talc Costmary. See Costmary (Chrysanthemum balsamita) Costmary (Chrysanthemum balsamita) CAS 977017-86-9 Synonyms: Alecost; Chrystanthemum balsamita; Costmary Definition: From Chrysanthemum balsamita Properties: Pleasant clary sage, tansy, or mintlike odor Uses: Natural flavoring agent in alcoholic beverages, brewing beer Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510 Costus oil; Costus root oil. See Costus (Saussurea lappa) oil Costus (Saussurea lappa) oil CAS 8023-88-9 FEMA 2336 1098
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Synonyms: Costus oil; Costus root oil; Saussurea lappa Definition: Oil derived from Saussurea lappa Properties: Yel to brn. liq.; insol. in water; flash pt. 120 F Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3400 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; low toxicity by skin contact; skin irritant; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Acme-Hardesty http://www.acme-hardesty.com; Chemtex International http://www.chemtexinternational.com; Danisco Seillans http://www.danisco.com; Essential7 http://www.essential7.com; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com Phoenix Aromas http://www.phoenixaromas.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Cotton fiber. See Cellulose Cotton oil. See Cottonseed (Gossypium) oil Cottonseed glyceride CAS 8029-44-5; EINECS/ELINCS 232-438-5 Synonyms: Cottonseed oil monoglyceride; Glycerides, cottonseed oil, mono-; Glyceryl mono cottonseed oil Definition: Monoglyceride derived from cottonseed oil Properties: Nonionic Toxicology: TSCA listed Uses: Emulsifier in foods Regulatory: Canada DSL Trade Names: Dimodan® CP Trade Names Containing: Myvatex® Monoset® K Cottonseed (Gossypium) oil CAS 8001-29-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-280-7 Synonyms: Aceite de Algodon; Cotton oil; Cottonseed oil; Cottonseed oil, winterized; Deodorized winterized cottonseed oil; Gossypium; Oleum Gossypii seminis Definition: Refined fixed oil from seeds of various species of Gossypium Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Pale yel. oily liq., nearly odorless; sol. in ether, benzene, chloroform; sl. sol. in alcohol; negligible sol. in water; dens. 0.9150.921; f.p. 0-5 C; solid. pt. 31-33 C; iodine no. 109-120; sapon. no. 190-198; flash pt. (CC) 486 F Toxicology: Questionable carcinogen; experimental tumorigen and teratogen; allergen; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible exposed to heat or flame; may be dangerous hazard due to spontaneous heating Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO2 from combustion NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Light-sensitive Uses: Coating agent, emulsifier, lubricant, formulation aid, texturizer for foods, cooking oil, margarine, salad oil, shortening Features: Oleaginous Use Level: 56-92% (intramuscular preps.), 0.002-402 mg (solid oral dosage forms) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 176.200, 176.210, 177.2800, GRAS; FDA approved for intramuscular injectables, orals; USP/NF compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: A&E Connock http://www.connock.co.uk; ABITEC http://www.abiteccorp.com; AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alnor Oil http://www.alnoroil.com Alzo http://www.alzointernational.com; Amber Syn. http://www.amsyn.com; Arista Ind. http://www.aristaindustries.com; Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com; Camida Ltd http://www.camida.com Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com; Fisher Scientific https://www1.fishersci.com/index.jsp; Forum Bioscience http://www.forum.co.uk; Good Food Jeen Int'l. http://www.jeen.com; Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Natural Oils Int'l. http://www.naturaloils.com; Oilseeds Int'l. http://www.oilseedssf.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Pokonobe Ind. http://www.pokonobe.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sea1099
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Land http://www.sealandchem.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Thornley http://www.thornleycompany.com/; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Welch, Holme & Clark http://www.welchholme-clark.com Trade Names: Cottonseed Cooking Oil Trade Names Containing: PanEze™; PanEze™ W; Solec™ M; Solec™ W; Sta-Set RC™ Vegetable All Purpose Shortening Cottonseed oil. See Cottonseed (Gossypium) oil Cottonseed oil monoglyceride. See Cottonseed glyceride Cottonseed oil, winterized. See Cottonseed (Gossypium) oil Coumarone/indene copolymer. See Coumarone/indene resin Coumarone/indene resin CAS 35343-70-5; 63393-89-5 Synonyms: Coumarone/indene copolymer; Coumarone resin; Indene/coumarone resin; Poly (coumarone-co-indene); Polyindene resin Classification: Thermosetting resin Properties: Brn. solid; soft and sticky at R.T.; hardens on heating to solid; sol. in hydrocarbon solvs., pyridine, acetone, carbon disulfide, CCl4; insol. in water, alcohol; dens. 1.140; soften. pt. 126 C; flash pt. > 109 C; ref. index 1.63-1.64 Toxicology: May be harmful by inh., ing., or skin absorption; may cause eye/skin irritation; may be irritating to mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2; heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Keep tightly closed; store in a cool, dry place Uses: Protective coating on grapefruit, lemons, limes, oranges, tangelos, tangerines; in chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.215, 175.105, 175.300, 177.2600; Canada DSL Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; ChemService http://www.chemservice.com; Natrochem http://www.natrochem.com; Neville http://www.nevchem.com Coumarone resin. See Coumarone/indene resin Cowrie. See Copal resin C10-12 pareth-3 CAS 66455-15-0 (generic) Classification: Linear alcohol ethoxylate Properties: Nonionic Uses: Substance in mfg. of paper/paperboard for food pkg. Trade Names: Surfonic® L12-3 C10-12 pareth-6 CAS 66455-15-0 (generic) Classification: Linear alcohol ethoxylate Properties: Nonionic Uses: Substance in mfg. of paper/paperboard for food pkg. Trade Names: Surfonic® L12-6 C10-12 pareth-8 CAS 66455-15-0 (generic) Classification: Linear alcohol ethoxylate Properties: Nonionic Uses: Substance in mfg. of paper/paperboard for food pkg. Trade Names: Surfonic® L12-8 C12-14 pareth-3 CAS 68439-50-9 (generic) Synonyms: PEG-3 C12-14 alcohol Classification: Linear alcohol ethoxylate Definition: PEG ether of a mixt. of syn. C12-14 fatty alcohols with avg. 3 moles EO Properties: Nonionic Uses: Substance in mfg. of paper/paperboard for food pkg. Trade Names: Surfonic® L24-3 C12-14 pareth-4 CAS 68439-50-9 (generic) Synonyms: PEG-4 C12-14 alcohol Classification: Linear alcohol ethoxylate Definition: PEG ether of a mixt. of syn. C12-14 fatty alcohols with avg. 4 moles EO Properties: Nonionic Uses: Substance in mfg. of paper/paperboard for food pkg. Trade Names: Surfonic® L24-4 C12-14 pareth-7 CAS 68439-50-9 (generic) 1100
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Synonyms: PEG-7 C12-14 alcohol Classification: Linear alcohol ethoxylate Definition: PEG ether of a mixt. of syn. C12-14 fatty alcohols with avg. 7 moles EO Properties: Nonionic Uses: Substance in mfg. of paper/paperboard for food pkg. Trade Names: Surfonic® L24-7 C12-14 pareth-8 CAS 68439-50-9 (generic) Synonyms: PEG-8 C12-14 alcohol; PEG-8 C1214 fatty alcohol Classification: Linear alcohol ethoxylate Definition: PEG ether of a mixt. of syn. C12-14 fatty alcohols with avg. 8 moles EO Properties: Nonionic Uses: Substance in mfg. of paper/paperboard for food pkg. Trade Names: Surfonic® L24-9 C12-14 pareth-11 CAS 68439-50-9 (generic) Synonyms: PEG-11 C12-14 alcohol Classification: Linear alcohol ethoxylate Definition: PEG ether of a mixt. of syn. C12-14 fatty alcohols with avg. 11 moles EO Properties: Nonionic Uses: Substance in mfg. of paper/paperboard for food pkg. Trade Names: Surfonic® L24-12 C14-16 pareth-7 Classification: Linear alcohol ethoxylate Properties: Nonionic Uses: Substance in mfg. of paper/paperboard for food pkg. Trade Names: Surfonic® L46-7 C11 primary alcohol. See Undecyl alcohol Cranberry (vaccinum macrocarpon) fruit extract CAS 91770-88-6; EINECS/ELINCS 294-875-8 Uses: Nutritional supplement Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com Trade Names Containing: Origanox™ WS-CR Cranesbill extract. See Geranium maculatum extract Cream of tartar. See Potassium acid tartrate Creeping thyme extract. See Wild thyme (Thymus serpillum) extract Creosol; p-Creosol. See 2-Methoxy-4methylphenol 2-Cresol. See o-Cresol Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
3-Cresol. See m-Cresol 4-Cresol. See p-Cresol m-Cresol CAS 108-39-4; EINECS/ELINCS 203-577-9 UN 2076 (DOT); FEMA 3530 Synonyms: 3-Cresol; m-Cresylic acid; 1Hydroxy-3-methylbenzene; 3Hydroxytoluene; m-Hydroxytoluene; 3Methylphenol; m-Methylphenol; mOxytoluene; m-Toluol Classification: Phenol Empirical: C7H8O Formula: CH3C6H4OH Properties: Colorless to yel. liq., phenolic odor; sol. in water, ethanol, chloroform, diethyl ether, acetone, benzene, other common org. solvs.; misc. with glycerin; m.w. 108.14; dens. 1.034 (20/4 C); vapor pressure 1 mm (52 C); m.p. 12 C; b.p. 203 C; flash pt. (CC) 86 C; ref. index 1.5400 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2.02 g/kg, (skin, rat) 1100 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 168 mg/kg; poison by ing., IV, IP, subcut. routes; mod. toxic by skin contact; chronic poisoning may occur from oral ingestion or absorption through the skin; severe eye and skin irritant; can produce digestive disturbances, skin eruptions, jaundice, uremia; human mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: Corrosive; combustible; mod. explosive in form of vapor when exposed to heat or flame NFPA: Health 3, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Hygroscopic; sensitive to light and air Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, baked goods, meat prods., soups, snack foods, gravies, nut prods., instant coffee/tea, seasonings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.300, 177.2410; FEMA GRAS; FDA approved for injectables; SARA reportable; HAP; USP/NF, BP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Atul Ltd http://www.atul.co.in; Bayer http://www.bayerus.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Honeywell Perf. Polymers http://www.honeywellppc.com; http://www.honeywell-plastics.com Imperial-OEL-Import http://www.imperialoel-import.de; J.H. Calo 1101
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.jhcalo.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com o-Cresol CAS 95-48-7; EINECS/ELINCS 202-423-8 UN 2076 (DOT); FEMA 3480 Synonyms: 2-Cresol; o-Cresylic acid; 1Hydroxy-2-methylbenzene; oHydroxytoluene; 2-Methylphenol; oMethylphenol; Orthocresol; o-Oxytoluene; o-Toluol Classification: Aromatic phenol Empirical: C7H8O Properties: Cryst. or liq.; darkens on exposure to air or light; m.w. 108.14; dens. 1.048; vapor pressure 1 mm (38.2 C); m.p. 30-34 C; b.p. 191 C; flash pt. 178 F Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 5 ppm; LD50 (oral, rat) 121 mg/kg, (skin, rat) 620 mg/kg; highly toxic; poison by ing., inh., subcut., IV, IP routes; readily absorbed through skin; severe eye and skin irritant; experimental neoplastigen; questionable carcinogen; human mutagenic data; target organs: nerves, lungs, liver, kidneys; TSCA listed Precaution: Corrosive; flamm. exposed to heat, flame, or oxidizers NFPA: Health 3, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Air and light-sensitive Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, meats, meat sauces, soups, condiments, pickles, cereals, seasonings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.300, 177.2410; FEMA GRAS; SARA reportable; HAP; USP/NF, BP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Atul Ltd http://www.atul.co.in; Bayer http://www.bayerus.com; Crowley Tar Prods. http://www.crowleychemical.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Imperial-OEL-Import http://www.imperialoel-import.de; PMC Spec. http://www.pmcsg.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Whyte Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/ p-Cresol CAS 106-44-5; EINECS/ELINCS 203-398-6 UN 2076 (DOT); FEMA 2337 Synonyms: 4-Cresol; p-Cresylic acid; 1Hydroxy-4-methylbenzene; 4Hydroxytoluene; p-Hydroxytoluene; 1Methyl-4-hydroxybenzene; 4-Methylphenol; p-Methylphenol; p-Oxytoluene; Paramethyl phenol; p-Toluol; p-Tolyl alcohol Classification: Aromatic alcohol Empirical: C7H8O Formula: CH3C6H4OH Properties: Wh. cryst. mass, phenolic odor; sol. in alcohol, ether, chloroform, acetone, diethyl ether, benzene, CCl4, hot water, most org. solvs.; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 108.14; dens. 1.0341 (20/4 C); m.p. 32-35 C; b.p. 202 C; flash pt. (CC) 86 C; ref. index 1.5395 Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 5 ppm; LD50 (oral, rat) 1.8 g/kg, (IP, mouse) 25 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 301 mg/kg; poison by ing., skin contact, subcut., IV, and IP routes; severe skin and eye irritant; questionable carcinogen; experimental neoplastigen; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible exposed to heat or flames; mod. explosive as vapor when exposed to heat or flame NFPA: Health 3, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: USP/NF, BP compliance; FDA 21CFR §172.515, 175.300, 177.2410; FEMA GRAS; HAP; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Am. Biorganics; Atul Ltd http://www.atul.co.in; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Imperial-OEL-Import http://www.imperialoel-import.de; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; PMC Spec. http://www.pmcsg.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Whyte Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/ 1102
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference o-Cresol acetate. See o-Cresyl acetate p-Cresol acetate. See p-Cresyl acetate o-Cresol methyl ether. See o-Methylanisole p-Cresol methyl ether. See p-Methylanisole o-Cresyl acetate CAS 533-18-6; EINECS/ELINCS 208-556-8 FEMA 3072 Synonyms: Acetic acid, 2-methylphenyl ester; Acetic acid, o-tolyl ester; o-Acetoxytoluene; Acetyl o-cresol; o-Cresol acetate; oCresylic acetate; 2-Methylphenyl acetate; oMethylphenyl acetate; 2-Methylphenyl ester of acetic acid; o-Tolyl acetate Empirical: C9H10O2 Formula: CH3COOC6H4CH3 Properties: Colorless cl. liq.; sol. in hot water, org. solvs., oils; nearly insol. in cold water; m.w. 150.18; sp. gr. 1.05; b.p. 208 C; ref. index 1.4998 Precaution: Combustible Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Features: Fruitt, medicinal, sweet floral odor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com; TCI Am. http://www.tciamerica.com p-Cresyl acetate CAS 140-39-6; EINECS/ELINCS 205-413-1 FEMA 3073 Synonyms: Acetic acid-4-methylphenyl ester; 4-Acetoxytoluene; p-Acetoxytoluene; Acetyl p-cresol; p-Cresol acetate; p-Cresylic acetate; 4-Methylbenzoic acid methyl ester; 4-Methylphenyl acetate; p-Methylphenyl acetate; Paracresyl acetate; p-Tolyl acetate; p-Tolyl ethanoate Classification: Aromatic ester Empirical: C9H10O2 Formula: CH3CO2C6H4CH3 Properties: Colorless liq., anise sweet fragrant odor; sol. in fixed oils, propylene glycol; misc. with alcohol, ether; insol. in water, glycerin; m.w. 150.18; dens. 1.047; b.p. 210-211 C; dec. @ 360 C; flash pt. 90 C; ref. index 1.5010 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1900 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 2100 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing. and skin contact; irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
decomp., emits toxic smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Camida USA http://www.camida.com; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Eurolabs Ltd http://www.eurolabs.co.uk Gallaher Group http://www.gallahergroup.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Prodasynth http://www.prodasynth.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com p-Cresyl caprylate. See p-Cresyl octanoate p-Cresyl dodecanoate. See p-Tolyl laurate o-Cresylic acetate. See o-Cresyl acetate p-Cresylic acetate. See p-Cresyl acetate m-Cresylic acid. See m-Cresol o-Cresylic acid. See o-Cresol p-Cresylic acid. See p-Cresol Cresyl-4-isobutyrate. See p-Tolyl isobutyrate o-Cresyl isobutyrate. See o-Tolyl isobutyrate p-Cresyl isobutyrate. See p-Tolyl isobutyrate p-Cresyl isovalerate CAS 55066-56-3; EINECS/ELINCS 259-465-5 FEMA 3387 Synonyms: p-Cresyl 3-methylbutanoate; Isovaleric acid p-tolyl ester; p-Methylphenyl 3-methylbutanoate; p-Methylphenyl 3methylbutyrate; p-Tolyl isovalerate; p-Tolyl 3-methylbutyrate Empirical: C12H16O2 Properties: Colorless oily liq.; tobacco-like, animal, sweet herbaceous odor; sol. in oils; misc. with ethanol; insol. in water; m.w. 192.26; sp.gr. 0.977-0.987; b.p. 103 C (2 mm Hg); acid no. 1 max.; ref. index 1.485-1.489 Uses: Flavoring agent in foods and beverages Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Fontarome http://www.fontaromechemical.com; Interchim http://www.interchim.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; TCI Am. http://www.tciamerica.com p-Cresyl laurate. See p-Tolyl laurate p-Cresyl 3-methylbutanoate. See p-Cresyl isovalerate 1103
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference o-Cresyl methyl ether. See o-Methylanisole p-Cresyl methyl ether. See p-Methylanisole p-Cresyl octanoate CAS 59558-23-5; EINECS/ELINCS 261-803-1 FEMA 3733 Synonyms: p-Cresyl caprylate; pMethylphenyl octanoate; Octanoic acid, 4methylphenyl ester; n-Octanoic acid p-tolyl ester; Octanoic acid p-tolyl ester; p-Tolyl octanoate Empirical: C15H22O2 Properties: Colorless oily liq.; animal herbal floral indolic odor; sol. in alcohol, oils; insol. in water; m.w. 234.34; sp.gr. 0.950-0.960; dens. 7.9388.005 lb/gal; b.p. 265 C; acid no. 1 max.; flash pt. (CC) 110 C; ref. index 1.478-1.488 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1600 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; vapor/mist is irritating to eyes, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract; irritating to skin; harmful by ing.; may be harmful by inh., skin absorp.; TSCA listed Environmental: Prevent contamination of soil, ground- and surf.-waters Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Toxic fumes of CO, CO2; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from ignition sources, naked flame; keep tightly closed Uses: Flavoring agent in foods and beverages Regulatory: DOT nonregulated; DSL, AICS, EU, China listed Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Bedoukian Research http://www.bedoukian.com; ICN Biomed. Research Prods. http://www.mpbio.com; Interchim http://www.interchim.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com TCI Am. http://www.tciamerica.com p-Cresyl phenylacetate. See p-Tolyl phenylacetate o-Cresyl salicylate. See o-Tolyl salicylate Cretan dittany. See Dittany of Crete Crispmint oil. See Spearmint (Mentha viridis) oil Crocus sativus; Crocus sativus extract. See Saffron crocus (Crocus sativus) extract Croscarmellose (INCI). See Croscarmellose Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
sodium Croscarmellose sodium CAS 74811-65-7 INS468; E468 Synonyms: Croscarmellose (INCI); Crosslinked carboxymethyl cellulose; Crosslinked cellulose gum; Crosslinked CMC; Crosslinked NaCMC; Crosslinked sodium carboxymethylcellulose; Crosslinked sodium CMC; Sodium salt of crosslinked carboxymethyl ether cellulose Definition: Sodium salt of thermally crosslinked carboxymethylated cellulose Properties: Wh. to off-wh. free-flowing powd.; odorless; partly sol. in water; insol. in ether, alcohol, org. solvs.; pH 5-7 (1% disp.); hydrophilic Storage: Hygroscopic; store in a well-closed container in a cool, dry, place; 2 yr. shelf life Uses: Stabilizer, binder in foods Use Level: 2% w/w used in tablets prepared by direct compression; 3% w/w in tablets prepared by a wet-granulation process Regulatory: FDA approved for intramuscular injectables, orals; USP/NF compliance Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Allchem Int'l. Ltd http://www.allchem.co.uk; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; Avebe http://www.avebe.com Avebe http://www.avebe.com; Barrington http://www.barringtonchem.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de DMV Int'l. http://www.dmvinternational.com; FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com; Generichem http://www.generichem.com/; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Honeywill & Stein http://www.honeywill.co.uk J. Rettenmaier & Söhne http://www.jrs.de/wDeutsch/; Lehmann & Voss http://www.lehvoss.de; Ming Tai Chem. http://www.mingtai.com; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Omya Peralta http://www.omya-peralta.de RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Univar Ltd http://www.univar.co.uk 1104
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Crospolyvidone; Crospovidinum. See Crospovidone Crospovidone CAS 9003-39-8; 25249-54-1; 977043-97-2 INS1202; E1202 Synonyms: Crospolyvidone; Crospovidinum; Crosslinked PVP; 1-Ethenyl-2-pyrrolidinone homopolymer; Insoluble polyvidone; Insoluble PVP; Polyvidonum insoluble, crosslinked; Poly(vinylpolypyrrolidone); Polyvinylpyrrolidone, crosslinked; PVPP; 2Pyrrolidinone, 1-ethenyl-, homopolymer; 1Vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone homopolymer Definition: Water-insol. synthetic crosslinked homopolymer of N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone Empirical: (C6H9NO)n Properties: Wh. powd., faint odor; insol. in water but swells instantly on contact; insol. in most org. solvs.; m.p. > 300 C; hygroscopic Toxicology: May be harmful by inh., ing., skin absorption; may cause eye/skin irritation; avoid contact and inh.; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with oxidizing agents HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated place; keep tightly closed Uses: Clarifier, filter aid, shelf life enhancer in beer, wine, and vinegar; appearance control agent in food Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.50; FDA approved for implants, ophthalmics, orals, injectables, topicals; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance; OSHA nonhazardous Manuf./Distrib.: Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Allchem Int'l. Ltd http://www.allchem.co.uk Asiamerica Int'l.; BASF http://www.basf.com; Blagden Spec. Chems. Ltd http://www.blagdenspecchem.co.uk; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Galbraith Labs http://www.galbraith.com; ISP http://www.ispcorp.com/; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Univar Ltd http://www.univar.co.uk; Zeta Pharm. http://www.zetapharm.com Trade Names: Divergan® F; Divergan® RS; Kollidon® CL; Polyclar® 10; Polyclar® BV Polyclar® Super R; Polyclar® Ultra Fine Trade Names Containing: Polyclar® Ultra K100 Crosslinked carboxymethyl cellulose; Crosslinked cellulose gum; Crosslinked CMC; Crosslinked NaCMC. See Croscarmellose sodium Crosslinked PVP. See Crospovidone Crosslinked sodium carboxymethylcellulose; Crosslinked sodium CMC. See Croscarmellose sodium Croton bark oil; Croton cascarilla; Croton cascarilla oil; Croton eluteria; Croton eluteria oil; Croton extract. See Cascarilla oil Crotonic acid CAS 3724-65-0; EINECS/ELINCS 223-077-4 UN 2823 (DOT) Synonyms: 2-Butenoic acid; α-Butenoic acid; α-Crotonic acid; β-Methacrylic acid; 3Methylacrylic acid; β-Methylacrylic acid Classification: Aliphatic organic compd. Definition: The commercial prod. is a mixt. of the cis and trans isomers Empirical: C4H6O2 Formula: CH3CH:CHCOOH Properties: Colorless needle-like cryst.; sol. 555 g/l in water (20 C); m.w. 86.09; dens. 1.018 (15/4 C); vapor pressure 0.19 mm (20 C); m.p. 72 C; b.p. 185 C; flash pt. (COC) 190 F Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1000 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 100 mg/kg, (subcut., mouse) 3590 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 600 mg/kg; poison by IP route; mod. toxic by ing., skin contact, subcut. routes; powerful irritant to tissue; corrosive; TSCA listed Precaution: DOT: Corrosive material; flamm. when exposed to heat and flames Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 3, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; Celanese 1105
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.celanesechemicals.com; http://www.chemvip.com; Chisso Am. Eastman http://www.eastman.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Merck KGaA http://www.merck.de; Nantong ChangChem http://www.changchem.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com
decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Keep cool, well closed; protect from light Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, condiments, meats Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk; Jiangyin Healthway Intl. Trade http://www.healthwaychem.com; Moellhausen http://www.moellhausen.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com
α-Crotonic acid. See Crotonic acid Crotonic acid, n-butyl ester. See Butyl crotonate Crotonic acid, ethyl ester. See Ethyl crotonate Crotonic acid, 2-methyl-, (E)-. See Tiglic acid Crotonic acid, methyl ester, (E)-; (E)-Crotonic acid methyl ester. See Methyl crotonate Crotonic acid, 2-methyl-, ethyl ester, (E)-. See Ethyl tiglate Crotonic acid, 3-methyl-, ethyl ester. See Ethyl senecioate Crotonic acid, propyl ester. See Propyl crotonate Crotylidene acetic acid. See Sorbic acid Cryptoxanthin. See Kryptoxanthin Crystalline cellulose. See Cellulose Crystalline silica. See Quartz Crystol carbonate. See Sodium carbonate CSP. See Cupric sulfate pentahydrate Cube alum. See Potassium alum dodecahydrate Cubeb oil. See Cubeb (Piper cubeba) oil
Cubebs oil. See Cubeb (Piper cubeba) oil Cubic niter. See Sodium nitrate Cucumber alcohol. See 2-trans,6-cisNonadienol Cultivated rye. See Rye (Secale cereale) flour Cumaldehyde. See Cuminaldehyde o-Cumaric aldehyde methyl ether. See oMethoxycinnamaldehyde Cumene aldehyde. See 2-Phenylpropanal o-Cumenol. See o-Isopropylphenol 3-p-Cumenyl-2-methylpropionaldehyde. See Cyclamen aldehyde 3-(p-Cumenyl) propionaldehyde. See 3-(pIsopropylphenyl) propionaldehyde Cumic alcohol. See Cuminic alcohol Cumic aldehyde; p-Cumic aldehyde; Cuminal. See Cuminaldehyde Cumin alcohol. See Cuminic alcohol
Cubeb (Piper cubeba) oil CAS 8007-87-2; 90082-59-0; EINECS/ELINCS 290-148-4 FEMA 2339 Synonyms: Cubeb oil; Cubebs oil; Java pepper; Piper cubeba; Piper cubeba fruit oil; Piper cubeba oil; Tailed pepper Definition: Volatile oil from unripe fruit of Piper cubeba, contg. dipentene, cadinene, cubeb camphor Properties: Colorless, pale grn. or ylsh. liq.; spicy odor; sl. acrid taste; sol. in fixed oils, min. oil, 10 vols alcohol; misc. with abs. alcohol, chloroform; insol. in water, glycerin, propylene glycol; dens. 0.905-0.925; ref. index 1.4921.502 (20 C) Toxicology: Skin irritant Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to
Cuminaldehyde CAS 122-03-2; EINECS/ELINCS 204-516-9 FEMA 2341 Synonyms: Cumaldehyde; Cumic aldehyde; pCumic aldehyde; Cuminal; Cuminic aldehyde; p-Cuminic aldehyde; 4Isopropylbenzaldehyde; pIsopropylbenzaldehyde; pIsopropylbenzenecarboxaldehyde; 4-(1Methylethyl) benzaldehyde Definition: Constituent of eucalyptus, myrrh, cassia, cumin, and other essential oils or prepared synthetically Empirical: C10H12O Formula: (CH3)2CHC6H4CHO Properties: Colorless to ylsh. oily liq., strong persistent aromatic odor, acrid burning taste; sol. in alcohol, ether, toluene, oxygenated
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference solvs.; pract. insol. in water; m.w. 148.21; dens. 0.978 (20 C); b.p. 235-236 C; flash pt. (COC) 104 C; ref. index 1.5301 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1390 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 2800 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing. and skin contact; skin and eye irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum, condiments Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Interchim http://www.interchim.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Mitsubishi Gas http://www.mgc-a.com Moellhausen http://www.moellhausen.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) extract CAS 84775-51-9; EINECS/ELINCS 283-881-6 Synonyms: Cumin extract; Cuminum cyminum; Cuminum cyminum extract Definition: Extract of dried seeds of cumin, Cuminum cyminum Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Jiangyin Healthway Intl. Trade http://www.healthwaychem.com Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) oil CAS 8014-13-9; 84775-51-9; EINECS/ELINCS 283-881-6 FEMA 2343 Synonyms: Cumin oil; Cumin seed oil; Cuminum cyminum; Cuminum cyminum fruit oil; Cuminum cyminum oil; Cummin Definition: Volatile oil from fruit of Cuminum cyminum, contg. 30-40% cuminaldehyde, pcymene, β-pinene, dipentene Properties: Colorless to yel. liq.; strong odor; sol. in fixed oils, min. oil, 10 vols 80% alcohol; very sol. in chloroform, ether, glycerin, propylene glycol; pract. insol. in water; dens. 0.900-0.935 (25/25 C); ref. index 1.4950-1.5090 (20 C) Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2500 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 3560 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ingestion and skin contact; skin irritant; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Storage: Keep cool, well closed; protect from light Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum, condiments, meats, curry powders Use Level: 0.4% max. as cumin oil in skin cosmetics exposed to sunlight Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Danisco Seillans http://www.danisco.com; Destilerias Munoz Galvez http://www.dmg.es/; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com Sarcom http://www.sarcominc.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Cumin extract. See Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) extract Cuminic acetaldehyde. See pIsopropylphenylacetaldehyde Cuminic alcohol CAS 536-60-7; EINECS/ELINCS 208-640-4 FEMA 2933 Synonyms: Cumic alcohol; Cumin alcohol; Cuminol; Cuminyl alcohol; Cumyl alcohol; p-Cymen-7-ol; 4-Isopropylbenzyl alcohol; pIsopropylbenzyl alcohol Classification: Aromatic alcohol Empirical: C10H14O Formula: CH2OH(C6H4)CH(CH3)2 Properties: Colorless liq.; caraway-like odor; aromatic taste; sol. in oxygenated solvs.; misc. with alcohol, ether; insol. in water; m.w. 1107
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference 150.22; dens. 0.982; b.p. 135-136 C (26 mm); flash pt. > 230 F; ref. index 1.522 (24 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1020 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 2500 mg/kg; harmful liq.; mod. toxic by ing. and skin contact; primary skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; ChromaDex http://www.chromadex.com/; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Cuminic aldehyde; p-Cuminic aldehyde. See Cuminaldehyde Cumin oil. See Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) oil Cuminol. See Cuminic alcohol Cuminone. See p-Isopropylacetophenone Cuminum cyminum; Cuminum cyminum extract. See Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) extract Cuminum cyminum fruit oil; Cuminum cyminum oil. See Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) oil Cuminyl acetaldehyde. See 3-(pIsopropylphenyl) propionaldehyde Cuminyl alcohol. See Cuminic alcohol Cummin. See Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) oil Cumyl acetaldehyde. See pIsopropylphenylacetaldehyde Cumyl alcohol. See Cuminic alcohol Cupric gluconate. See Copper gluconate (ic) Cupric sulfate. See Cupric sulfate pentahydrate Cupric sulfate (INCI). See Cupric sulfate anhydrous Cupric sulfate anhydrous CAS 7758-98-7; EINECS/ELINCS 231-847-6 UN NA 9109 (DOT); INS519 Synonyms: Basic copper sulfate; Blue copper; Bluestone; Blue vitriol; Copper monosulfate; Copper sulfate; Copper (II) sulfate; Copper sulfate (ic); Cupric sulfate (INCI); Sulfuric acid, copper salt Classification: Inorganic copper salt Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Definition: Copper salt of sulfuric acid; avail. commercially as the monohydrate or pentahydrate Empirical: CuO4S Formula: CuSO4 Properties: Blue cryst. or cryst. gran. or powd.; odorless; nauseous metallic taste; sol. in water; insol. in alcohol; m.w. 159.60; dens. 3.6; m.p. dec. @ 560 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 300 mg/kg; strong irritant; experimental tumorigen; human poison, systemic effects by ingestion: gastritis, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, hemolysis; eye irritant; no known skin toxicity; mutagen; TSCA listed Environmental: Hazardous to the environment Precaution: Reacts violently with hydroxylamine, magnesium Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of SOx HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Hygroscopic Uses: Color fixing agent, preservative, nutrient supplement, processing aid in foods, brandy, distilling spirits, infant formula, wine; feed additive Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1261, GRAS, 582.80; FDA approved for orals; SARA reportable; Japan approved (0.6 mg/L as copper in milk); BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Adheswara Chems. Pvt. Ltd.; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com Allan http://www.allanchem.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; Dastech Int'l. http://www.dastech.com EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fortitech http://www.fortitech.com/; GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; Generichem http://www.generichem.com/ George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Helm NY http://www.helmnewyork.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com 1108
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Noah http://www.noahtech.com; Old Bridge http://www.oldbridgechem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Phelps Dodge Refining http://www.pdec.com/ Robeco http://www.robecoinc.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Thomas Scientific http://www.thomassci.com Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ Cupric sulfate pentahydrate CAS 7758-99-8; EINECS/ELINCS 231-847-6 Synonyms: Blue copperas; Bluestone; Blue vitriol; Copper sulfate (ic); Copper sulfate pentahydrate; Copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate; CSP; Cupric sulfate Classification: Inorganic copper salt Empirical: CuO4S • 5H2O Formula: CuSO4 • 5H2O Properties: Blue cryst. or cryst. gran. or powd., odorless; nauseous metallic taste; very sol. in water; sol. in methanol, glycerin; sl. sol. in ethanol; m.w. 249.70; dens. 2.286 (15.6/4 C); converts to monohydrate @ 110 C and to anhyd. salt @ 250 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 960 mg/kg; TLV/TWA 1 mg (Cu)/m3; harmful; irritant; human poison by unspecified routes; moderately toxic by ing.; corrosive to eyes; nontoxic dermally or by inh.; nonirritating to skin; tumorigen, mutagen Environmental: LC50 (rainbow trout) ≥ 1 mg/l; toxic to bees Precaution: Absorbs moisture readily when exposed to air Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of SOx HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ R.T. Uses: Direct food additive; nutrient supplement, processing aid in foods, infant formulas; animal feed additive Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1261, GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Allchem Ind. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.allchem.com; Chem One http://www.chemone.com; Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Galbraith Labs http://www.galbraith.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Old Bridge http://www.oldbridgechem.com Phelps Dodge Refining http://www.pdec.com/; Phibro-Tech http://www.phibro-tech.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Wako Pure Chem. Ind. http://www.wako-chem.co.jp/english/; Xiamen Topusing http://www.topusing.com Cuprous iodide. See Copper iodide (ous) Curacao aloe extract. See Aloe extract; Aloe barbadensis extract Curacao orange peel Synonyms: Bitter orange peel Definition: Citrus aurantium Properties: Char. orange odor, bitter flavor Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS Curcuma domestica extract. See Turmeric (Curcuma longa) extract Curcuma longa; Curcuma longa extract. See Turmeric (Curcuma longa) extract Curcuma longa oleoresin. See Oleoresin turmeric Curcuma longa powder. See Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Curcuma oil. See Curcumin Curcuma zedoaria; Curcuma zedoaria extract. See Zedoary (Curcuma zedoaria) extract Curcumin CAS 8024-37-1 INS100(i); E100 Synonyms: 1,7-Bis(4-hydroxymethoxyphenyl)1,6-heptadiene-3,5-dione; CI 75300; Curcuma oil; Curcumine; Turmeric oil; Turmeric oleoresin; Turmeric yellow Definition: The coloring principle from curcuma Empirical: C21H20O6 Formula: [CH3OC6H3(OH)CH:CHCO]2CH2 1109
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Properties: Orange-yel. needles; sol. in water, ether, alcohol; m.p. 183 C Toxicology: LD50 (IP, mouse) 1500 mg/kg; mod. toxic by IP route; skin irritant; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Colorant in foods Regulatory: Europe listed; UK approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; Am. Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com; B&D Nutritional Ingreds. http://www.bndni.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Essential7 http://www.essential7.com Fabrichem http://www.fabricheminc.com/; Reincke & Fichtner http://reinckefichtner.de; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com See also Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Curcumine. See Curcumin Curdlan CAS 54724-00-4 Synonyms: 1,3-β-D-Glucan Classification: Polysaccharide Definition: High m.w. polymer of glucose, β-1,3glucan Empirical: (C6H10O5)n Properties: Wh. to nearly wh. powd.; odorless or almost odorless; insol. in water, alcohol, most inorg. solvs. Storage: Store @ 2-8 C Uses: Firming agent, gellant, formulation aid, processing aid, stabilizer, thickener, texturizer in low-fat meats, vegetable dishes, reduced-fat dressings, sauces, gravies Features: Virtually 100% insol. total dietary fiber; forms elastic gel on heating its aq. suspension; gels are very stable over wide pH range and under severe food processing conditions Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.809 Manuf./Distrib.: Jarchem Ind. http://www.jarchem.com/; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Curled mint oil. See Spearmint (Mentha viridis) oil Curry red. See FD&C Red No. 40 Cusparia bark. See Angostura (Galipea Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
officinalis) Cusparia bark extract. See Angostura (Galipea officinalis) extract 1-Cyano-1-(t-butylazo) cyclohexane Cyanocobalamin CAS 68-19-9; EINECS/ELINCS 200-680-0 Synonyms: Cyanocon (III) alamin; Dimethylbenzimidazolycobamide; 5,6Dimethylbenzimidazolycobamide cyanide; α-(5,6-Dimethylbenzimidazolyl) cyanocobamide; Vitamin B12; Vitamin B12 complex Classification: Organic compd. Definition: Produced commercially from cultures of Streptomyces griseus Empirical: C63H88CoN14O14P Properties: Dark red cryst. or powd., odorless and tasteless; sol. in alcohol; sl. sol. in water; insol. in acetone, ether, chloroform; m.w. 1355.55 Toxicology: LDLo (subcut., mouse) 3 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 1364 mg/kg; poison by subcut. route, mod. toxic by IP route; no hazard to humans from excessive ing. in foods; experimental teratogen, reproductive effects; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits very toxic fumes of POx, NOx Storage: Very hygroscopic; light-sensitive Uses: Direct food additive; nutrient, dietary supplement, vitamin B12 source in foods, infant formulas, animal feed Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §101.9, 107.100, 172.775, 184.1945, GRAS; Japan approved; BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ADA Int'l. http://www.joinme.net/ada/index.htm; AMC Chems.; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Adept Sol'ns.; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com Anmar Int'l. http://www.anmarinternational.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; BASF AG http://www.basf.de; BASF http://www.basf.com Barrington http://www.barringtonchem.com; Boith China http://www.boith.com; Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties; 1110
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Budenheim USA http://www.gallardschlesinger.com CPI Chems. http://www.cpichem.com; Charles Bowman http://www.charlesbowman.com; Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de; Cornelius Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.cornelius.co.uk; DSM Nutritional Prods. USA http://www.nutraaccess.com Dastech Int'l. http://www.dastech.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fortitech http://www.fortitech.com/; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; GDL Int'l. http://www.gdlinternational.com; George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; H&A (Canada) Ind. http://www.hacanada.com/; Hawkins Chem. http://www.hawkinschemical.com/ Helm NY http://www.helmnewyork.com; Hoffmann-LaRoche http://www.rocheusa.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Omya Peralta http://www.omya-peralta.de; Particle Dynamics http://www.particledynamics.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Pharmrite N. Am. http://pharmrite.com/; Premium Ingreds. http://www.premiumingredients.com; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechineychemicals.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com Rochem Int'l. http://www.rochemintl.com; Roussel Uclaf; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Stason Pharmaceuticals http://www.stason.com/; Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Westco Fine Ingreds. http://www.westcofine.com; Zeta Pharm. http://www.zetapharm.com Trade Names Containing: Arcon® SK Fortified; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Vitamin B12 0.1% SD; Vitamin B12 1% Trituration Cyanocon (III) alamin. See Cyanocobalamin Cyanodithioimidocarbonate, disodium. See Disodium cyanodithioimidocarbonate Cyanopsis gum; Cyanopsis tetragonoloba; Cyanopsis tetragonoloba gum. See Guar (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba) gum Cyclamal. See Cyclamen aldehyde Cyclamate. See Cyclamic acid; Sodium cyclamate Cyclamate calcium; Cyclamate, calcium salt. See Calcium cyclamate Cyclamate sodium. See Sodium cyclamate Cyclamen aldehyde CAS 103-95-7; EINECS/ELINCS 203-161-7 FEMA 2743 Synonyms: Benzenepropanal, α-methyl-4-(1methylethyl)-; 3-p-Cumenyl-2methylpropionaldehyde; Cyclamal; pIsopropyl-α-methylhydrocinnamic aldehyde; p-Isopropyl-αmethylphenylpropyl aldehyde; α-Methyl-pisopropylhydrocinnamaldehyde; 2-Methyl3-(p-isopropylphenyl) propanal; 2-Methyl-3(p-isopropylphenyl)-propionaldehyde; Methyl-p-isopropylphenylpropionaldehyde; α-Methyl-4-(1-methylethyl) benzenepropanal Classification: aromatic aldehyde Empirical: C13H18O Properties: Colorless to pale yel. liq., strong floral odor; sol. in fixed oils, 1 vol. of 80% alcohol; insol. in propylene glycol, glycerin, water; dens. 0.946-0.952; ref. index 1.5031.508 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3810 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; human skin irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; Givaudan Fragrances http://www.givaudan.com 1111
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; SRS Aromatics Ltd http://www.srsaromatics.com Cyclamic acid CAS 100-88-9; EINECS/ELINCS 202-898-1 INS952 Synonyms: Cyclamate; Cyclohexanesulfamic acid; Cyclohexylamidosulfuric acid; Cyclohexylaminesulfonic acid; Cyclohexylsulfamic acid; Hexamic acid; Sucaryl; Sucaryl acid Empirical: C6H13NO3S Properties: Wh. cryst. solid, odorless, sweetsour taste; sol. in water, alcohol; insol. in oils; m.w. 179.24; m.p. 170 C; slowly hydrolyzed by hot water Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 12 g/kg, (IV, rat) 4 g/kg; poison by IV route; mildly toxic by ing.; suspected human carcinogen; may cause bladder tumors; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of SOx and NOx Uses: Nonnutritive sweetener, acidulant in foods Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Cyclamic acid calcium salt; Cyclamic acid hemicalcium salt. See Calcium cyclamate Cyclamic acid sodium salt. See Sodium cyclamate Cyclene. See Tricyclene Cycloamylase. See Cyclodextrin β-Cyclocitral CAS 432-25-7; EINECS/ELINCS 207-081-3 FEMA 3639 Synonyms: 2,6,6-Trimethyl-1 and 2cyclohexen-1-carboxaldehyde Empirical: C10H16O Properties: Colorless to pale cl. yel. liq.; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 152.24; dens. 0.943; b.p. 62--63 C (3 mm); flash pt. > 230 F Uses: Flavoring agent in foods, baked goods, hard and soft candy, puddings, beverages, fruit ices, confectionery, jams, jellies, chewing gum Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Manuf./Distrib.: Eurolabs Ltd http://www.eurolabs.co.uk; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium α-Cyclocitrylidene acetone. See α-Ionone β-Cyclocitrylideneacetone. See β-Ionone α-Cyclocitrylidenebutanone. See Methyl αionone α-Cyclocitrylidene butanone. See αIsomethylionone β-Cyclocitrylidenebutanone. See Methyl βionone α-Cyclocitrylidenemethyl ethyl ketone. See Methyl α-ionone Cyclodextrin CAS 7585-39-9 (β); 10016-20-3 (α); 17465-86-0 (γ); EINECS/ELINCS 231-493-2 (β); 233-007-4 (α); 241-482-4 (γ) Synonyms: Alphadex; Betadex; Cycloamylase; α-Cyclodextrin; β-Cyclodextrin; γCyclodextrin; Cycloheptaamylose; Cycloheptaglucosan; Cyclomaltoheptaose; Cyclomaltohexaose; Cyclomaltooctaose; Schardinger α-dextrin Definition: Cyclic polysaccharide comprised of six to eight glucopyranose units Empirical: C42H70O35 (β); C36H60O30 (α); C48H80O40 (γ) Properties: M.w. 1135.12 (β), 972.96 (α), 1297.14 (γ); m.p. 300 C (β), 278 C (α) Toxicology: β: LD50 (oral, rat) 18,800 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 356 mg/kg; poison by IP route; mod. toxic by IV and subcut. routes; mildly toxic by ing. α: LD50 (IV, rat) 788 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 1 g/kg; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Storage: Hygroscopic (γ) Uses: Complex hosting guest molecules; increases the sol. and bioavailability of other substances; masks flavor, odor, or coloration; stabilizes against light, oxidation, heat, and hydrolysis; turns liqs. or volatiles into stable solid powds.; processing aid in foods Regulatory: Japan approved; not permitted in certain foods Manuf./Distrib.: Adept Sol'ns.; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Ashland 1112
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.ashchem.com; CPI Chems. http://www.cpichem.com Camida Ltd http://www.camida.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Cerestar USA http://www.cargill.com/; Cyclodextrin Tech. Development http://www.cyclodex.com; Eastman http://www.eastman.com Ferro Pfanstiehl Labs http://www.pfanstiehl.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Forum Bioscience http://www.forum.co.uk; Roquette http://www.roquette.fr; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Univar Ltd http://www.univar.co.uk; Wacker Chems. http://www.wackersilicones.com Trade Names: Cavamax® W6; Cavamax® W6 Food; Cavamax® W7 Food; Cavamax® W8 Food α-Cyclodextrin. See Cyclodextrin β-Cyclodextrin CAS 7585-39-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-493-2 FEMA 4028; INS459; E459 Synonyms: Betadex; Cycloheptaamylose; Cycloheptaglucosan; Cyclomaltoheptaose; Schardinger β-dextrin Definition: Cyclic polysaccharide comprised of 7 glucopyranosyl units, produced by action of the enzyme cycloglycosyltransferase on partially hydrolyzed starch Empirical: C42H70O35 Formula: (C6H10O5)7 Properties: Wh. or almost wh. fine cryst. powd., pract. odorless, sl. sweet taste; freely sol. in hot water; sl. sol. in ethanol; sparingly sol. in water; m.w. 1135.12; m.p. 290-300 C (dec.) Toxicology: β: LD50 (oral, rat) 18,800 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 356 mg/kg; poison by IP route; mod. toxic by IV and subcut. routes; mildly toxic by ing.; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Complex hosting guest molecules; increases the sol. and bioavailability of other substances; masks flavor, odor, or coloration; stabilizes against light, oxidation, heat, and hydrolysis; turns liqs. or volatiles into stable solid powds.; processing aid in foods Regulatory: USP/NF compliance; Canada DSL Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Manuf./Distrib.: Biosynth AG http://www.biosynth.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Cerestar USA http://www.cargill.com/; Eurolabs Ltd http://www.eurolabs.co.uk; Ferro Pfanstiehl Europe Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Parchem Trading http://www.parchem.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Wacker Chems. http://www.wackersilicones.com See also Cyclodextrin β-Cyclodextrin; γ-Cyclodextrin. See Cyclodextrin γ-Cyclodextrin-2-hydroxypropyl ether. See Hydroxypropyl-γ-cyclodextrin Cyclo-1,13-ethylenedioxytridecan-1,13-dione; Cyclo-1,13-ethylenedioxytridecane-1,13dione. See Ethylene brassylate Cycloheptaamylose. See β-Cyclodextrin; Cyclodextrin Cycloheptaglucosan. See β-Cyclodextrin; Cyclodextrin 1,3-Cyclohexadiene, 1-methyl-4-isopropyl-. See α-Terpinene 1,4-Cyclohexadiene, 1-methyl-4-(1-methylethyl)-. See γ-Terpinene Cyclohexancarboxylic acid. See Cyclohexanecarboxylic acid Cyclohexaneacetic acid CAS 5292-21-7; EINECS/ELINCS 226-132-0 FEMA 2347 Synonyms: Cyclohexylacetic acid; Hexahydrophenyl acetic acid Classification: Nonaromatic carboxylic acid Definition: Obtained by catalytic reduction of phenylacetic acid Empirical: C8H14O2 Properties: Cryst. solid; sol. in most org. solvs.; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 142.19; dens. 1.007; m.p. 27-33 C; b.p. 244-246 C; flash pt. > 230 F; ref. index 1.4558 (30 C) Toxicology: LD50 (IV, mouse) 178 mg/kg; irritant; TSCA listed Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Alfa 1113
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Eurolabs Ltd http://www.eurolabs.co.uk; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Cyclohexaneacetic acid, ethyl ester. See Ethyl cyclohexylacetate Cyclohexane butanoic acid 2-propenyl ester; Cyclohexane butyric acid allyl ester. See Allyl cyclohexanebutyrate Cyclohexanecarboxamide, N-ethyl-5-methyl-2(1-methylethyl)-. See N-Ethyl-p-menthane-3carboxamide Cyclohexanecarboxylic acid CAS 98-89-5; EINECS/ELINCS 202-711-3 FEMA 3531 Synonyms: Benzoic acid, hexahydro-; Carboxycyclohexane; Cyclohexancarboxylic acid; Cyclohexanoic acid; Cyclohexylcarboxylic acid; Cyclohexylmethanoic acid; Hexahydrobenzoic acid Empirical: C7H12O2 Properties: Wh. solid or colorless visc. liq.; rum, raisin, fruity, fatty sweet flavor; m.w. 128.17; dens. 1.033; m.p. 30-32 C; b.p. 232-233 C; flash pt. > 230 F; ref. index 1.4610 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3265 mg/kg; may be harmful by inh., ing., skin absorp.; may cause irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents, strong bases Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Toxic fumes of CO, CO2; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Store in cool, dry place; keep tightly closed Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, baked goods, ice cream, puddings, beverages, confectionery, frostings, chewing gum Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Biosynth AG http://www.biosynth.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; ICN Biomed. Research Prods. http://www.mpbio.com; Lancaster Synthesis http://www.alfa.com; SAFC Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; TCI Am. http://www.tciamerica.com Cyclohexanecarboxylic acid ethyl ester. See Ethyl cyclohexanecarboxylate 1,3-Cyclohexanedione, 2-methyl-. See 2-Methyl1,3-cyclohexanedione Cyclohexane ethyl acetate. See Cyclohexylethyl acetate; Ethyl cyclohexylacetate Cyclohexane ethyl propionate. See Ethyl cyclohexanepropionate Cyclohexane hexanoic acid 2-propenyl ester. See Allyl cyclohexanehexanoate cis-1,2,3,5-trans-4,6-Cyclohexanehexol. See Inositol Cyclohexane pentanoic acid 2-propenyl ester. See Allyl cyclohexanevalerate Cyclohexanesulfamic acid. See Cyclamic acid Cyclohexanesulfamic acid calcium salt. See Calcium cyclamate Cyclohexanesulfamic acid, monosodium salt. See Sodium cyclamate Cyclohexane valeric acid allyl ester. See Allyl cyclohexanevalerate Cyclohexanoic acid. See Cyclohexanecarboxylic acid Cyclohexanol acetate. See Cyclohexyl acetate Cyclohexanol formate. See Cyclohexyl formate Cyclohexanol, 2-isopropyl-5-methyl-. See Menthol Cyclohexanol, 1-methyl-4-(1-methylethenyl)-. See β-Terpineol Cyclohexanol, 5-methyl-2-(1-methylethenyl)-, acetate, [1R-(1α,2β,5α)]-. See Isopulegyl acetate Cyclohexanol, 5-methyl-2-(1-methylethyl)-. See Menthol Cyclohexanol, 5-methyl-2-(1-methylethyl)-, [1S(α,2α,5β)]-. See d-Neomenthol Cyclohexanol, 5-methyl-2-(1-methylethyl)-, acetate. See l-Menthyl acetate; Menthyl acetate; dl-Menthyl acetate Cyclohexanol, 3,3,5-trimethyl-. See Trimethylcyclohexanol Cyclohexanone CAS 108-94-1; EINECS/ELINCS 203-631-1 UN 1915 (DOT); FEMA 3909 Synonyms: Cycloyhexyl ketone; Ketohexamethylene; Pimelic ketone; Pimelin ketone Classification: Cyclic ketone Empirical: C6H10O 1114
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Formula: CO(CH2)4CH2 Properties: Water-wh. to pale yel. oily liq., peppermint-acetone odor; sol. in alcohol, ether, common org. solvs.; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 98.08; sp.gr. 0.947 (20/4 C); vapor pressure 10 mm Hg (38.7 C); m.p. -32.1 C; b.p. 156.7 C; flash pt. (CC) 44 C; autoignition temp. 420 C; ref. index 1.4507; surf. tens. 35.05 dynes/cm; dielec. const. 16.10 Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 25 ppm (skin); LD50 (oral, rat) 1535 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 1000 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing., inh., subcut, IV, IP; corrosive; skin and severe eye irritant; inh. may cause throat irritation; ing. may cause GI tract irritation; extreme exposure by inh. or ing. may cause unconsciousness and death; human mutagenic data; experimental reproductive effects; TSCA listed Environmental: VOC; BOD5 1.50; ThOD 2.61 Precaution: Flamm. exposed to heat or flame; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents (increases fire and explosion hazard); sl. explosion hazard as vapor exposed to flame; explosive reaction with nitric acid @ 75 C; can form explosive peroxides Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area, out of direct sunlight, in tightly closed containers; limit quantities in use Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; SARA reportable; CERCLA hazardous substance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; BASF http://www.basf.com; Chemcentral http://www.chemcentral.com; Coyne http://www.coynechemical.com Dow http://www.dow.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; General Chem. http://www.genchemcorp.com; Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com; Honeywell Perf. Polymers http://www.honeywellppc.com; http://www.honeywell-plastics.com Houghton Chem. http://www.houghtonchemical.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Penta Mfg. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.pentamfg.com; Romil Ltd http://www.romil.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Sunnyside http://www.sunnysidecorp.com/; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Whyte Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/ Cyclohexanone, 5-methyl-2-(1-methylethyl)-. See p-Menthanone Cyclohexanone, 5-methyl-2-(1-methylethyl)-, (2S-trans)-. See l-Menthone Cyclohexanone, 5-methyl-2-(1methylethylidene)-, (R)-. See d-Pulegone Cyclohexanyl acetate. See Cyclohexyl acetate Cyclohexanyl formate. See Cyclohexyl formate Cyclohexatriene. See Benzene Cyclohexene. See Polydipentene Cyclohex-1-ene-1-methanol, 4-(1methylethenyl)-. See Perillyl alcohol 3-Cyclohexene-1-methanol, α,α, 4-trimethyl-. See α-Terpineol Cyclohexene, 1-methyl-4-(1-methylethenyl)-. See dl-Limonene Cyclohexene, 1-methyl-4-(1-methylethenyl)-, (S). See l-Limonene 2-Cyclohexen-1-one, 2-methyl-5-(1methylethenyl)-. See Carvone Cyclohexyl acetate CAS 622-45-7; EINECS/ELINCS 210-736-6 UN 2243 (DOT); FEMA 2349 Synonyms: Acetic acid cyclohexyl ester; Adronol acetate; Cyclohexanol acetate; Cyclohexanyl acetate; Hexalin acetate; Hexaline acetate Classification: Acetic acid ester Empirical: C8H14O2 Formula: CH3COOC6H11 Properties: Colorless to pale yel. oily liq.; fruity odor; sol. in alcohol, ether; pract. insol. in water; m.w. 142.20; sp.gr. 0.966; b.p. 172-173 C; flash pt. (CC) 58 C; ref. index 1.44001.4410 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 6730 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 10 g/kg; mod. toxic by subcut. route; mildly toxic by ing., skin contact; human systemic effects by inh. (conjunctiva irritation, unspecified respiratory changes); systemic irritant to humans; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. exposed to heat or flame; 1115
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference incompat. with strong oxidizing agents (increases risk of fire and explosion), strong bases (decomp. can occur) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Cyclohexanol, acetic acid; heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight; avoid generating mist; ground drums and bond transfer containers Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, fragrance in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Fruity flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved as flavoring; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com Prodasynth http://www.prodasynth.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Cyclohexylacetic acid. See Cyclohexaneacetic acid Cyclohexylacetic acid allyl ester. See Allyl cyclohexaneacetate Cyclohexylacetic acid ethyl ester. See Ethyl cyclohexylacetate Cyclohexylamidosulfuric acid; Cyclohexylaminesulfonic acid. See Cyclamic acid Cyclohexyl 2-aminobenzoate; Cyclohexyl oaminobenzoate. See Cyclohexyl anthranilate Cyclohexyl anthranilate CAS 7779-16-0; EINECS/ELINCS 231-920-2 FEMA 2350 Synonyms: Benzoic acid, 2-amino-, cyclohexyl ester; Cyclohexyl 2aminobenzoate; Cyclohexyl oaminobenzoate Definition: Obtained from isatoic anhydride and cyclohexanol Empirical: C13H17NO2 Properties: Colorless to pale yel. visc. liq.; mild orange blossom odor, grape-like taste; sol. in alcohol, methanol, toluene; sol. 10-50 mg/ml in DMSO; insol. in water; m.w. 219.28; sp.gr. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
1.0980-1.1080; b.p. 318 C; flash pt. > 104 C; ref. index 1.559-1.569 (20 C) Toxicology: May be irritating to eyes and skin; TSCA listed Environmental: Prevent contamination of soil, ground- and surf. water Precaution: Probably combustible; avoid strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, NOx NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, well-ventilated area; keep away from ignition sources and naked flame Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; DOT nonregulated; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Bedoukian Research http://www.bedoukian.com; Interchim http://www.interchim.com Cyclohexyl butanoate. See Cyclohexyl butyrate Cyclohexyl butyrate CAS 1551-44-6; EINECS/ELINCS 216-290-9 FEMA 2351 Synonyms: Butanoic acid, cyclohexyl ester; Butyric acid, cyclohexyl ester; Cyclohexyl butanoate Definition: Obtained from esterification of cyclohexanol with isobutyric acid Empirical: C10H18O2 Properties: Colorless liq., fresh floral odor, intense sweet taste; sol. in alcohol; almost insol. in water; m.w. 170.25; dens. 0.957; b.p. 212 C; flash pt. 173 F; ref. index 1.4490 Toxicology: LD50 (skin, guinea pig) > 5 g/kg; LDLo (oral, rat) 5 g/kg; low toxicity by ing. and skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating vapors Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings Features: Apple-, pineapple-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved as flavoring; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Bell 1116
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; Fontarome http://www.fontaromechemical.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Interchim http://www.interchim.com R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; SRS Aromatics Ltd http://www.srsaromatics.com Cyclohexylcarboxylic acid. See Cyclohexanecarboxylic acid Cyclohexyl cinnamate CAS 7779-17-1; EINECS/ELINCS 231-921-8 FEMA 2352 Synonyms: Cinnamic acid, cyclohexyl ester; Cyclohexyl β-phenylacrylate; Cyclohexyl 3phenylpropenoate; 2-Propenoic acid, 3phenyl-, cyclohexyl ester Definition: Obtained from cyclohexanol and cinnamic acid Empirical: C15H18O2 Properties: Colorless visc. liq., solidifies when cold; fruity peach cherry almond odor; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 230.31; sp.gr. 1.054; m.p. 82.4 C; b.p. 195 C (12 mm) Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Cyclohexyl disulfide; (Cyclohexyl) disulfide. See Dicyclohexyl disulfide Cyclohexylethyl acetate CAS 21722-83-8; EINECS/ELINCS 244-543-3 FEMA 2348 Synonyms: Acetic acid, cyclohexylethyl ester; Cyclohexaneethanol, acetate; Cyclohexane ethyl acetate; 2-Cyclohexylethyl acetate; Hexahydrophenethyl acetate; Hexahydrophenyl ethyl acetate Classification: Nonaromatic ester Definition: Obtained from the corresponding alcohol by acetylation with sodium acetate in acetic acid sol'n. Empirical: C10H18O2 Formula: CH3CO2CH2CH2C6H11 Properties: Colorless liq., sweet fruity odor; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 170.25; dens. 0.950; b.p. 104 C (15 mm); acid no. 1.0 max.; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
flash pt. 178 F; ref. index 1.4470 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3200 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 5 g/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; mildly toxic by skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, fragrance in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Sweet, fruity, floral, green, raspberry, apple fragrance and flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; BASF http://www.basf.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com 2-Cyclohexylethyl acetate. See Cyclohexylethyl acetate Cyclohexyl formate CAS 4351-54-6; EINECS/ELINCS 224-415-3 FEMA 2353 Synonyms: Cyclohexanol formate; Cyclohexanyl formate; Formic acid cyclohexyl ester Empirical: C7H12O2 Properties: Colorless liq.; fresh minty cherry-like odor; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 128.17; sp.gr. 0.990-0.999; b.p. 162-163 C; flash pt. (CC) 48 C; ref. index 1.4417 (24 C) Toxicology: May be irritating to eyes and skin; TSCA listed Environmental: Prevent contamination of soil, ground- and surf. water Precaution: Flamm. liq.; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, water NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 1 Storage: Store in cool, well-ventilated area; keep away from ignition sources and open flame Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; DOT nonregulated; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Bedoukian Research http://www.bedoukian.com; City Chem. 1117
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.citychemical.com; Interchim http://www.interchim.com Cyclohexyl isopentanoate. See Cyclohexyl isovalerate Cyclohexyl isovalerate CAS 7774-44-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-874-3 FEMA 2355 Synonyms: Cyclohexyl isopentanoate; Cyclohexyl 3-methylbutanoate Definition: Synthesized from cyclohexane and isovaleric acid in the presence of perchloric acid Empirical: C11H20O2 Properties: Colorless. cl. liq., apple-banana odor; m.w. 184.28; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; sp. gr. 0.925; b.p. 223 C; flash pt. 192 F; ref. index 1.4410 Toxicology: TSCA listed Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Fruity flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com SRS Aromatics Ltd http://www.srsaromatics.com Cyclohexylmethanoic acid. See Cyclohexanecarboxylic acid Cyclohexyl 3-methylbutanoate. See Cyclohexyl isovalerate Cyclohexyl β-phenylacrylate; Cyclohexyl 3phenylpropenoate. See Cyclohexyl cinnamate Cyclohexyl propanoate. See Cyclohexyl propionate Cyclohexyl propionate CAS 6222-35-1; EINECS/ELINCS 228-303-5 FEMA 2354 Synonyms: Cyclohexyl propanoate; Propanoic acid cyclohexyl ester; Propionic acid cyclohexyl ester Empirical: C9H16O2 Properties: Colorless. cl. liq.; apple-banana odor; m.w. 156.22; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; sp. gr. 0.954; b.p. 72-73 C (10 mm); flash pt. 154 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
F; ref. index 1.4430 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings Features: Sweet banana, pineapple-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Interchim http://www.interchim.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com SRS Aromatics Ltd http://www.srsaromatics.com Cyclohexylpropionic acid allyl ester. See Allyl cyclohexanepropionate Cyclohexyl sulfamate sodium. See Sodium cyclamate Cyclohexylsulfamic acid. See Cyclamic acid Cyclomaltoheptaose; Cyclomaltohexaose; Cyclomaltooctaose. See Cyclodextrin Cyclonol. See Trimethylcyclohexanol Cyclooctafluorobutane. See Octafluorocyclobutane Cyclopentadecanolide. See Pentadecalactone Cyclopentaneacetic acid, 3-oxo-2-(2-pentenyl)-, methyl ester. See Methyl jasmonate Cyclopentaneacetic acid, 3-oxo-2-pentyl-, methyl ester. See Methyl dihydrojasmonate Cyclopentanethiol CAS 1679-07-8 UN 1228 (DOT); UN 3071 (DOT); FEMA 3262 Synonyms: Cyclopentyl mercaptan; Cyclopentylthiol; Mercaptocyclopentane Classification: Sat. cyclic thioalcohol Empirical: C5H10S Properties: Liq.; foul, offensive odor; probably sol. in ethanol, diethyl ether, acetone, benzene, chloroform; probably insol. in water; m.w. 102.20; dens. 0.955 (20 C); b.p. 129-131 C (745 mm Hg); flash pt. (CC) 25 C; pH very sl. acidic Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 2680 mg/kg; human poison; ing. unlikely, but probably causes CNS depression; due to obnoxious odor, detectable before harmful airborne levels are reached; inh. may cause CNS depression; high concs. may cause convulsions, respiratory paralysis, coma, death; may cause mild eye and severe skin 1118
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, SOx, hydrogen sulfide gas Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, baked goods, meats, soups, dairy prods., condiments, pickles, cereals Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Eurolabs Ltd http://www.eurolabs.co.uk; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Cyclopentanone CAS 120-92-3; EINECS/ELINCS 204-435-9 UN 2245; FEMA 3910 Synonyms: Adipic ketone; Dumasin; Ketocyclopentane; Ketopentamethylene Empirical: C5H8O Properties: Liq.; agreeable odor, somewhat peppermint-like; sol. in acetone, alcohol, methanol, hexane; misc. with ether; insol. in water; m.w. 84.12; sp.gr. 0.94869 (20/4 C); m.p. -51.3 C; b.p. 130-131 C; flash pt. 30 C; ref. index 1.4366 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (IP, mouse) 1950 mg/kg; LDLo (subcut., mouse) 2600 mg/kg; mod. toxic by IP and probably ing. and inh.; harmful liq.; severe eye irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm.; dangerous exposed to flame; can react with oxidizing agents; polymerizes easily, esp. in presence of acids NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 3, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in freezer; keep away from oxidizing materials Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Austin http://www.austinchemical.com; CU Chemie Uetikon http://www.uetikon.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; General Chem. http://www.genchemcorp.com; GuiZhou Essence http://www.eschemical.com; Inabata Am. http://www.inabataamerica.com; Lancaster Synthesis http://www.alfa.com MP Biomedicals http://www.mpbio.com; Mallinckrodt Baker Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.mallbaker.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com; Rhodia http://www.rhodia.com Riedel-deHaën http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/Brands/Fluka ___Riedel_Home/About_Fluka_and_Riedel. html; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; TCI Am. http://www.tciamerica.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ 2-Cyclopenten-1-one, 2-hydroxy-3-methyl-. See 3-Methyl-2-cyclopenten-2-ol-1-one 2-Cyclopenten-1-one, 3-methyl-2-(2-pentenyl)-, (Z)-. See cis-Jasmone Cyclopentimine. See Piperidine Cyclopentyl mercaptan; Cyclopentylthiol. See Cyclopentanethiol Cyclotene. See 3-Methyl-2-cyclopenten-2-ol-1one; Methyl cyclopentenolone Cycloyhexyl ketone. See Cyclohexanone Cydonia oblonga; Cydonia oblonga seed. See Quince (Pyrus cydonia) seed Cymbogon martini; Cymbogon martini extract. See Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martini) extract Cymbopogon citratus. See Lemongrass extract; Lemongrass oil West Indian Cymbopogon citratus extract. See Lemongrass extract Cymbopogon citratus oil. See Lemongrass oil West Indian Cymbopogon flexosus; Cymbopogon flexosus oil. See Lemongrass oil East Indian Cymbopogon lexuosus; Cymbopogon lexuosus extract. See Lemongrass extract Cymbopogon martini oil. See Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martini) oil Cymbopogon nardus; Cymbopogon nardus oil. See Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus) oil Cymbopogon schoenanthus; Cymbopogon schoenanthus extract. See Lemongrass extract p-Cymen-7-carboxaldehyde. See pIsopropylphenylacetaldehyde Cymene. See p-Cymene p-Cymene CAS 99-87-6; EINECS/ELINCS 202-796-7 FEMA 2356 Synonyms: Benzene, 1-methyl-4-(1methylethyl)-; Cymene; Cymol; Dolcymene; 1119
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference 1-Isopropyl-4-methylbenzene; 4-Isopropyl1-methylbenzene; 4-Isopropyltoluene; pIsopropyltoluene; p-Methylcumene; 1Methyl-4-isopropylbenzene; pMethylisopropyl benzene; 1-Methyl-4-(1methylethyl) benzene; Paracymene; Paracymol Classification: Aromatic hydrocarbon Definition: Obtained chiefly from the wash water of sulfite paper Empirical: C10H14 Formula: (CH3)2CHC6H4CH3 Properties: Colorless to pale yel. liq., odorless; sol. in alcohol, ether, acetone, benzene, oxygenated and aromatic solvs.; insol. in water; m.w. 134.24; dens. 0.853; m.p. -68 C; b.p. 176 C; flash pt. (CC) 117 F; ref. index 1.489 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 4750 mg/kg; mildly toxic by ing.; human CNS effects at low doses; skin irritant; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. or combustible liq.; sl. explosion hazard in vapor form Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum, condiments Features: Citrus flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Marlin Chems. Ltd http://www.marlinchemicals.co.uk; Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com Millennium http://www.millenniumchem.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium
p-Cymen-8-ol. See Trimethylbenzyl alcohol Cymol. See p-Cymene Cymophenol. See Carvacrol p-Cymyl propanal. See 3-(p-Isopropylphenyl) propionaldehyde Cynara scolymus; Cynara scolymus extract. See Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) extract Cystein; Cysteine (INCI). See L-Cysteine
p-Cymene-7-carboxaldehyde. See pIsopropylphenylacetaldehyde 2-p-Cymenol. See Carvacrol 3-p-Cymenol. See Thymol 8-p-Cymenol. See Trimethylbenzyl alcohol p-Cymen-3-ol. See Thymol p-Cymen-7-ol. See Cuminic alcohol
L-Cysteine CAS 52-90-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-158-2 FEMA 3263; INS920; E920 Synonyms: L-2-Amino-3-mercaptopropanoic acid; (+)-2-Amino-3-mercaptopropionic acid; α-Amino-β-thiopropionic acid; L-2Amino-3-thiopropionic acid; Cystein; Cysteine (INCI); 3,3´-Dithiobis (2aminopropanoic acid); β-Mercaptoalanine; L-β-Mercaptoalanine; Tioserine Classification: A nonessential amino acid Empirical: C3H7NO2S Formula: HSCH2CH(NH2)COOH Properties: Colorless cryst.; sol. in water, ammonium hydroxide, acetic acid; insol. in ether, acetone, benzene, carbon disulfide, CCl4; m.w. 121.16; m.p. 220 C (dec.) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1870 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 1620 mg/kg, (subcut., rat) 1550 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing., IP, subcut. routes; irritant; harmful solid; human mutagenic data; experimental reproductive effects; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits very toxic fumes of SOx and NOx Storage: Refrigerate Uses: Nutrient, dietary supplement, flavor enhancer, reducing agent, dough strengthener in foods, yeast-leavened baked goods and mixes; reducing agent in bread doughs Features: Supplies up to 0.009 part of total Lcysteine/100 parts flour in dough Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.320 (2.3% max. by wt.), 184.1271, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; FDA approved for injectables; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ADA Int'l. http://www.joinme.net/ada/index.htm; AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Ajinomoto http://www.ajinomoto.co.jp; http://www.ajinomoto.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Asiamerica Int'l.; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; Austin http://www.austinchemical.com; Bachem http://bachem.com; Boith China http://www.boith.com Charles Bowman http://www.charlesbowman.com; Donboo Amino Acid http://www.donboo.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fortitech http://www.fortitech.com/; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com Generichem http://www.generichem.com/; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Kyowa Hakko Kogyo http://www.kyowa.co.jp; Marcor Development http://www.marcordev.com; Nippon Rikagakuyakuhin http://www.nipponrika.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Showa Denko http://www.sdk.co.jp; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; V.L. Clark http://www.vlclark.com Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com; Westco Fine Ingreds. http://www.westcofine.com Trade Names Containing: Assist LC-5; Cain's PDC (Pizza Dough Conditioner); CDC-10A; CDC-10A (NB) Cysteine chlorhydrate. See Cysteine hydrochloride anhydrous Cysteine chlorhydrate monohydrate. See Cysteine hydrochloride monohydrate Cysteine disulfide. See L-Cystine Cysteine HCl (INCI). See Cysteine hydrochloride anhydrous Cysteine HCl monohydrate. See Cysteine hydrochloride monohydrate Cysteine hydrochloride; L-Cysteine hydrochloride. See Cysteine hydrochloride anhydrous Cysteine hydrochloride anhydrous CAS 52-89-1; EINECS/ELINCS 200-157-7 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
INS920 Synonyms: L-2-Amino-3-mercaptopropanoic acid monohydrochloride; Cysteine chlorhydrate; Cysteine HCl (INCI); Cysteine hydrochloride; L-Cysteine hydrochloride; LCysteine hydrochloride anhydrous; LCysteine monohydrochloride Classification: Hydrochloride of an amino acid Empirical: C3H7NO2S • HCl Formula: HSCH2CH(NH2)COOH • HCl Properties: Wh. cryst. powd., char. acetic taste; sol. in water, alcohol; m.w. 157.62; m.p. 175 C (dec.) Toxicology: LD50 (IP, mouse) 1250 mg/kg, (IV, mouse) 771 mg/kg; mod. toxic by IP, IV routes; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits very toxic fumes of NOx, SOx, and Cl– Uses: Nutrient, dietary supplement, dough conditioner, dough strengthener, flour treatment agent, flavoring agent for yeastleavened baked goods, baking mixes Features: Supplies up to 0.009 parts total Lcysteine/100 parts of flour in dough Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.320, limitation 2.3%, 184.1272, GRAS; Japan approved; Europe listed; UK approved; FDA approved for orals; BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ADA Int'l. http://www.joinme.net/ada/index.htm; AMC Chems.; AMRESCO http://www.amrescoinc.com; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Adept Sol'ns. Ajinomoto http://www.ajinomoto.co.jp; http://www.ajinomoto.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Allan http://www.allanchem.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; Austin http://www.austinchemical.com; Bachem http://bachem.com Biddle Sawyer http://www.biddlesawyer.com; Boith China http://www.boith.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Budenheim USA http://www.gallard-schlesinger.com; Charles Bowman http://www.charlesbowman.com 1121
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Dastech Int'l. http://www.dastech.com; Donboo Amino Acid http://www.donboo.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Evonik Degussa http://www.degussa.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Fortitech http://www.fortitech.com/; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; Generichem http://www.generichem.com/; H&A (Canada) Ind. http://www.hacanada.com/ Hawkins Chem. http://www.hawkinschemical.com/; Helm NY http://www.helmnewyork.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Kyowa Hakko Kogyo http://www.kyowa.co.jp; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com Marcor Development http://www.marcordev.com; Nippon Rikagakuyakuhin http://www.nipponrika.com; Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com; Paulaur http://www.paulaur.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Premium Ingreds. http://www.premiumingredients.com; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechineychemicals.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Rochem Int'l. http://www.rochemintl.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; Tanabe USA http://www.tanabeusa.com; Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com; Westco Fine Ingreds. http://www.westcofine.com Trade Names Containing: Bagel Base; Crust EZE; Do Sure; Panicrust LC K L-Cysteine hydrochloride anhydrous. See Cysteine hydrochloride anhydrous
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Cysteine hydrochloride monohydrate CAS 7048-04-6; EINECS/ELINCS 200-157-7 INS920 Synonyms: L-2-Amino-3-mercaptopropanoic acid monohydrochloride monohydrate; Cysteine chlorhydrate monohydrate; Cysteine HCl monohydrate; L-Cysteine hydrochloride monohydrate; L-Cysteine monohydrochloride monohydrate Empirical: C3H7NO2S • HCl • H2O Formula: HSCH2CH(NH2)COOH • HCl • H2O Properties: Colorless to wh. powd.; sol. in water, alcohol, acetone; insol. in ether; m.w. 175.64 HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ R.T. Uses: Nutrient, dietary supplement in foods Regulatory: BP, EP compliance; approved for injectables Manuf./Distrib.: ADA Int'l. http://www.joinme.net/ada/index.htm; AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Ajinomoto http://www.ajinomoto.co.jp; http://www.ajinomoto.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Allan http://www.allanchem.com; Biddle Sawyer http://www.biddlesawyer.com; Boith China http://www.boith.com; Donboo Amino Acid http://www.donboo.com; Flamma Spa http://www.flamma.it Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; Kyowa Hakko Kogyo http://www.kyowa.co.jp; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Premium Ingreds. http://www.premiumingredients.com Rochem Int'l. http://www.rochemintl.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Tanabe Seiyaku http://www.tanabe.co.jp/english Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com L-Cysteine hydrochloride monohydrate. See Cysteine hydrochloride monohydrate L-Cysteine monohydrochloride. See Cysteine hydrochloride anhydrous L-Cysteine monohydrochloride monohydrate. See Cysteine hydrochloride monohydrate 1122
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Cystin; Cystine (INCI). See L-Cystine L-Cystine CAS 56-89-3; EINECS/ELINCS 200-296-3 INS921 Synonyms: Cysteine disulfide; Cystin; Cystine (INCI); Cystine acid; Di(α-amino-βthiolpropionic acid); Dicysteine; β,β´Dithiobisalanine; 3,3´-Dithiobis (2aminopropionic acid); (-)-3,3´-Dithiobis (2aminopropionic acid); β,β-Dithiodialanine; Gelucystine; Oxidized L-cysteine Classification: Amino acid Empirical: C6H12N2O4S2 Formula: HOOCCH(NH2)CH2SSCH2CH(NH2)COOH Properties: Colorless to wh. hexagonal tablets; sol. in hot water, min. acids, aq. alkali; sl. sol. in water, alcohol; m.w. 240.30; dec. 260-261 C Toxicology: LDLo (oral, rat) 25 g/kg; low toxicity by ing.; experimental reproductive effects; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of POx and SOx HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Nutrient, dietary supplement, flour treatment agent, dough strengthener in foods; flavoring agent (Japan) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.320, 2.3% max.; 184.1271; GRAS 0.009 parts/100 parts flour max.; Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ADA Int'l. http://www.joinme.net/ada/index.htm; AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Adept Sol'ns.; Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com Am. Biorganics; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Anmar Int'l. http://www.anmarinternational.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com Austin http://www.austinchemical.com; Bachem http://bachem.com; Boith China http://www.boith.com; Charles Bowman http://www.charlesbowman.com; Donboo Amino Acid http://www.donboo.com Evonik Degussa http://www.degussa.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fortitech http://www.fortitech.com/; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; Generichem http://www.generichem.com/
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; H&A (Canada) Ind. http://www.hacanada.com/; Hawkins Chem. http://www.hawkinschemical.com/; Helm NY http://www.helmnewyork.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com Kyowa Hakko Kogyo http://www.kyowa.co.jp; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Marcor Development http://www.marcordev.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Premium Ingreds. http://www.premiumingredients.com R.W. Greeff http://www.pechineychemicals.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com; Rochem Int'l. http://www.rochemintl.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; Tanabe USA http://www.tanabeusa.com; Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Westco Fine Ingreds. http://www.westcofine.com Cystine acid. See L-Cystine Dakins sol'n. See Sodium hypochlorite Dalmatian sage oil. See Sage (Salvia officinalis) oil Dalmatian sage oleoresin. See Oleoresin sage Damar; Damar gum; Damar (Shorea robusta) (INCI). See Dammar Damascenone. See β-Damascenone β-Damascenone CAS 23696-85-7; EINECS/ELINCS 245-833-2 UN 1197; FEMA 3420 Synonyms: 2-Buten-1-one, 1-(2,6,6-trimethyl1,3-cyclohexadien-1-yl)-; Damascenone; trans-Damascenone; Trimethyl cyclohexadienyl butenone; 4-(2,6,6Trimethyl cyclohexa-1,3-dienyl) but-2-en-4one Classification: aliphatic ketone Empirical: C13H18O Properties: Colorless to yel. liq.; sweet fruity odor and flavor; sol. in alcohol, water, oil, 1123
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference propylene glycol; m.w. 190.28; sp.gr. 0.9460.952; vapor dens. > 1; b.p. 78 C; flash pt. (CC) > 100 C; ref. index 1.51-1.514; acid value 0-1 Toxicology: May be harmful by ing., inh. skin contact; irritating to eyes, respiratory tract, mucous membranes; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. liq.; wear safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves, apron; incompat. with strong oxidizers, reducers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, acrid fumes Storage: 12 mos. when stored at 40-70 F in tightly sealed original containers with minimum head space; avoid prolonged exposure to light, heat, air Uses: Flavoring agent in foods, beverages Features: Constituent of tobacco, tea and rose oils Regulatory: Australia AICS; Canada DSL; Japan MITI Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Firmenich http://www.firmenich.com/ GuiZhou Essence http://www.eschemical.com; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; Natural Advantage http://www.naturaladvantage.net; Organica Aromatics http://www.organicaaroma.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com trans-Damascenone. See β-Damascenone Damiana; Damiana leaf; Damiana leaves. See Damiana (Turnera diffusa) Damiana (Turnera diffusa) CAS 977000-85-3 Synonyms: Damiana; Damiana leaf; Damiana leaves; Turnera diffusa; Turnera diffusa leaves Definition: Leaves of Turnera diffusa Properties: Bitter tonic, aromatic Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, liqueurs Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510 Manuf./Distrib.: Carrubba Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.carrubba.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com Dammar CAS 9000-16-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-528-4 Synonyms: Damar; Damar gum; Damar (Shorea robusta) (INCI); Gum Damar; Gum Dammar; Gum, Shorea Robusta; Shorea robusta gum Definition: Exuded oleoresin from Shorea trees Properties: Wh. to dk. brn. solid; sol. in aromatic, hydrocarbon, and chlorinated hydrocarbon solvs. and esters; partly sol. in alcohols; insol. in water; dens. ≈ 1.08 kg/l; m.p. ≈ 110 C; acid no. 20-35 Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Keep away from heat and sources of ignition; empty containers pose a fire risk, evaporate the residue under a fume hood; Wear splash goggles, full protective suit, dust respirator, gloves, and boots HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a tightly closed container in a cool dry place; ground all material containing the material Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer in foods; diluent in food colorants Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1, 175.105, 175.300, 177.1200, 177.1400; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alland & Robert http://www.allandetrobert.fr; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; P.L. Thomas http://www.plthomas.com; Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com Scheel http://www.scheelcorp.com/; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Thew Arnott & Co. Ltd http://www.thewarnott.co.uk Trade Names: Resinogum DD Dandelion extract; Dandelion fluid extract. See Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) extract Dandelion root. See Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) root Dandelion root extract, solid. See Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) extract Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) extract CAS 68990-74-9; 84775-55-3; 977038-71-3; EINECS/ELINCS 273-624-6 FEMA 2357, 2358 Synonyms: Dandelion extract; Dandelion fluid 1124
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference extract; Dandelion root extract, solid; Taraxacum extract; Taraxacum officinale; Taraxacum officinale extract Definition: Extract of rhizomes and roots of Taraxacum officinale Properties: Bitter tonic, aromatic Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS; FEMA GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Bio-Botanica http://www.biobotanica.com; Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) root Synonyms: Dandelion root; Taraxacum; Taraxacum officinale; Taraxacum officinale root Definition: Dried rhizome and roots of Taraxacum officinale Properties: Bitter tonic, aromatic Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Am. Ingreds. http://www.americaningredients.com; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com; Herbarium; Maypro Ind. http://www.maypro.com; Stryka Botanics http://www.stryka.com Whole Herb http://www.wholeherbcompany.com/ Danish agar. See Furcelleran DAP. See Ammonium phosphate, dibasic DATEM. See Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides Daucus carota. See Carrot (Daucus carota sativa) juice; Carrot (Daucus carota) seed extract; Carrot (Daucus carota) extract; Carrot (Daucus carota sativa) oil Daucus carota extract. See Carrot (Daucus carota) seed extract Daucus carota juice. See Carrot (Daucus carota sativa) juice Daucus carota sativa extract. See Carrot (Daucus carota) extract Daucus carota sativa juice. See Carrot (Daucus carota sativa) juice Daucus oil. See Carrot (Daucus carota sativa) oil Davana (Artemisia pallens) oil CAS 8016-03-3 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
FEMA 2359 Synonyms: Artemesia pallens oil; Artemisia pallens; Artemisia pallens oil; Davana oil Definition: Oil derived from Artemisia pallens Properties: Pale yel. to yel.-brown liq.; strong penetrating green odor; sp. gr. 0.942000.97030; ref. index 1.47900-1.49100 Toxicology: Mod. skin irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510; FEMA GRAS (oil); Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Astral Extracts http://www.astralextracts.com; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com Davana oil. See Davana (Artemisia pallens) oil DBNPA. See 2,2-Dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide DBPC. See BHT DBS. See Dibutyl sebacate D&C Blue No. 4. See FD&C Blue No. 1; Acid blue 9 DCCNa. See Sodium dichloroisocyanurate 1,2-DCE. See Ethylene dichloride DCM. See Methylene chloride DCP-0. See Calcium phosphate dibasic DCP-2. See Calcium phosphate dibasic dihydrate D&C Red No. 2. See Amaranth D&C Red No. 3. See FD&C Red No. 3 D&C Red No. 7 calcium lake Definition: Insoluble pigment composed of the calcium salt of D&C Red No. 7 extended on appropriate substrate Uses: Colorant in foods 1125
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §81.1, 82.1051 Manuf./Distrib.: HallStar http://www.hallstar.com D&C Red No. 15. See Ponceau 3R D&C Yellow No. 5. See FD&C Yellow No. 5; Tartrazine D&C Yellow No. 5 aluminum lake Definition: Insoluble pigment composed of the aluminum salt of FD&C Yellow No. 5 extended on an appropriate substrate Uses: Colorant in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §81.1, 82.1051 D&C Yellow No. 10. See Acid yellow 3 Deadburned magnesite. See Magnesium oxide DEAE-cellulose. See Diethylaminoethyl cellulose Deanol. See Dimethylethanolamine Debricin. See Ficin 2,4-Decadienoic acid, ethyl ester, (E,Z)-. See Ethyl decadienoate Decaglycerin dioleate. See Polyglyceryl-10 dioleate Decaglycerin distearate. See Polyglyceryl-10 distearate Decaglycerin monoisostearate. See Polyglyceryl-10 isostearate Decaglycerin monolaurate. See Polyglyceryl-10 laurate Decaglycerin monolinoleate. See Polyglyceryl10 linoleate Decaglycerin monomyristate. See Polyglyceryl10 myristate Decaglycerin monooleate. See Polyglyceryl-10 oleate Decaglycerin monostearate. See Polyglyceryl10 stearate Decaglycerin pentaoleate. See Polyglyceryl-10 pentaoleate Decaglycerin trioleate. See Polyglyceryl-10 trioleate Decaglycerin tristearate. See Polyglyceryl-10 tristearate Decaglycerol behenate. See Polyglyceryl-10 behenate Decaglycerol decaoleate. See Polyglyceryl-10 decaoleate Decaglycerol decastearate. See Polyglyceryl-10 decastearate Decaglycerol dioleate. See Polyglyceryl-10 dioleate Decaglycerol erucate. See Polyglyceryl-10 erucate Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Decaglycerol monolaurate. See Polyglyceryl-10 laurate Decaglycerol monoleate. See Polyglyceryl-10 oleate Decaglycerol octaoleate. See Polyglyceryl-10 octaoleate Decaglycerol stearate. See Polyglyceryl-10 stearate Decaglycerol tetraoleate. See Polyglyceryl-10 tetraoleate Decaglyceryl behenate. See Polyglyceryl-10 behenate Decaglyceryl decaoleate. See Polyglyceryl-10 decaoleate Decaglyceryl decastearate. See Polyglyceryl-10 decastearate Decaglyceryl diisostearate. See Polyglyceryl-10 diisostearate Decaglyceryl dioleate. See Polyglyceryl-10 dioleate Decaglyceryl dipalmitate. See Polyglyceryl-10 dipalmitate Decaglyceryl distearate. See Polyglyceryl-10 distearate Decaglyceryl erucate. See Polyglyceryl-10 erucate Decaglyceryl hexaoleate. See Polyglyceryl-10 hexaoleate Decaglyceryl monoisostearate. See Polyglyceryl-10 isostearate Decaglyceryl monolaurate. See Polyglyceryl-10 laurate Decaglyceryl monooleate. See Polyglyceryl-10 oleate Decaglyceryl monostearate. See Polyglyceryl10 stearate Decaglyceryl octaoleate. See Polyglyceryl-10 octaoleate Decaglyceryl stearate. See Polyglyceryl-10 stearate Decaglyceryl tetraoleate. See Polyglyceryl-10 tetraoleate Decaglyceryl trioleate. See Polyglyceryl-10 trioleate Decaglyceryl tristearate. See Polyglyceryl-10 tristearate [1S-(1-α,4-α,4a-α,6-α,8-[gab]]-Decahydro-1,6dimethyl-4-(1-methylethyl) naphthalene, didehydro deriv. See Cadinene Decahydro-2,2,4,8-tetramethyl-4,8methanoazulen-9-ol. See Caryophyllene alcohol 1126
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference [GD]-Decalactone CAS 705-86-2; EINECS/ELINCS 211-889-1 FEMA 2361 Synonyms: Amyl-[GD]-valerolactone; Decanolide-1,5; Decan-5-olide Classification: Heterocyclic compd.; lactone Empirical: C10H18O2 Properties: Colorless liq., coconut fruity odor, butter-like on dilution; very sol. in alcohol, propylene glycol; insol. in water; m.w. 170.28; dens. 0.954; m.p. -27 C; b.p. 117-120 C (0.02 mm); flash pt. > 230 F; ref. index 1.456-1.459 Toxicology: LD (oral, rat) > 4300 mg/kg; skin and eye irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Wear safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves, apron; incompat. with strong oxidizers, reducers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits CO, CO2, acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: 6 mos. when stored at 40-70 F in tightly sealed original containers with minimum head space; avoid prolonged exposure to light, heat, air Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, toppings, oleomargarine Features: Coconut, peach-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; Japan MITI Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; GuiZhou Essence http://www.eschemical.com; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com; Zeon http://www.zeon.co.jp ε-Decalactone. See Butyloxepanone Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
γ-Decalactone CAS 706-14-9; EINECS/ELINCS 211-892-8 FEMA 2360 Synonyms: γ-N-Decalactone; Decanolide-1,4; γ-N-Hexyl-γ-butyrolactone; 5-Hexyldihydro2(3H)-furanone; 4-Hydroxydecanoic acid lactone; 4-Hydroxydecanoic acid, γ-lactone; Hydroxydecanoic acid-γ-lactone Classification: Nonaromatic lactone Empirical: C10H18O2 Properties: Colorless liq., fruity peach odor; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 170.25 dens. 0.952; b.p. 281 C; flash pt. > 230 F; ref. index 1.4490 Toxicology: LD50 (IV, mouse) 56 mg/kg; poison by IV route; primary skin irritant; TSCA listed Environmental: do not discharge into lakes, streams, ponds, public waters Precaution: Wear safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves, apron Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Storage: 6 mos. when stored at 40-70 F in tightly sealed original containers with minimum head space; avoid prolonged exposure to light, heat, air Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings Features: Peach-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; Japan MITI Manuf./Distrib.: Acme-Hardesty http://www.acme-hardesty.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Aromor Flavors & Fragrances http://www.aromor.com; Astral Extracts http://www.astralextracts.com Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. 1127
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com γ-N-Decalactone. See γ-Decalactone Decanal CAS 112-31-2; EINECS/ELINCS 203-957-4 FEMA 2362 Synonyms: Aldehyde C10; C10 aldehyde; Capraldehyde; Capric aldehyde; Caprinaldehyde; n-Decanal; Decyl aldehyde; 1-Decyl aldehyde; n-Decyl aldehyde; Decylic aldehyde Empirical: C10H20O Formula: CH3(CH2)8CH3 Properties: Colorless to lt. yel. liq., floral fatty odor; sol. in 80% alcohol, fixed oils, volatile oils, min. oils; insol. in water, glycerin; m.w. 156.30; dens. 0.830 (15/4 C); m.p. 17-18 c; b.p. 208 C; flash pt. 185 F; ref. index 1.42601.4300 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3730 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 5040 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; mildly toxic by skin contact; severe skin irritant; mutagenic data; risk of serious damage to eyes; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq.; wear safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves, apron; incompat. with strong oxidizers, reducers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: 6 mos. when stored at 40-70 F in tightly sealed original containers with minimum head space; avoid prolonged exposure to light, heat, air Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, adjuvant, and fragrance in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Features: Citrus, wax-like, orange-peel fragrance and flavor; fresh citrus-like on dilution Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.60, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved as flavoring; Canada DSL; Australia AICS Manuf./Distrib.: Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.advbio.com; Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; BASF http://www.basf.com; BFA Labs http://www.bfa-lab.com; Cargill Flavors & Fruit Systems USA http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Florida Chem. http://www.floridachemical.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/ Givaudan Fragrances http://www.givaudan.com; Kao Corp. http://www.kao.co.jp; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; NetQem http://www.netqem.us Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com Trade Names Containing: Grapefruit Artificial Flavor 4115 See also Undecanal n-Decanal. See Decanal Decanal dimethyl acetal CAS 7779-41-1; EINECS/ELINCS 231-928-6 FEMA 2363 Synonyms: Aldehyde C-10 dimethyl acetal; Capraldehyde dimethyl acetal; Decylaldehyde DMA; 1,1-Dimethoxy decane; 10,10-Dimethoxydecane Classification: Nonaromatic acetal Definition: Synthesized from decanal and methyl alcohol Empirical: C12H26O2 Properties: Colorless liq., citrus-floral odor, brandy cognac flavor; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 202.34; dens. 0.830 (15.5 C); b.p. 218 C; flash pt. (CC) 62 C; ref. index 1.4244 (24 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; skin irritant; harmful by inh., ing.; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. 1128
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, alcoholic beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com See also Decyl alcohol 1-Decanamminium, N-decyl-N,N-dimethyl chloride. See Didecyldimonium chloride 1-Decanecarboxylic acid. See Undecanoic acid Decanedioic acid, dibutyl ester. See Dibutyl sebacate Decanoic acid; n-Decanoic acid. See Capric acid Decanoic acid, diester with 1,2,3-propanetriol. See Glyceryl dicaprate Decanoic acid ethyl ester. See Ethyl decanoate Decanoic acid 3-methyl butyl ester. See Isoamyl caprate Decanoic acid, methyl ester. See Methyl caprate Decanoic acid, 1-methyl-1,2-ethanediyl ester. See Propylene glycol dicaprate Decanoic acid, 1-methyl-1,2-ethanediyl ester mixed with 1-methyl-1,2-ethanediyl dioctanoate; Decanoic acid, mixed diesters with octanoic acid and propylene glycol. See Propylene glycol dicaprylate/dicaprate Decanoic acid, mixed pentaesters with octadecanoic acid and triglycerol. See Triglycerol penta(caprylate-caprate) Decanoic acid, monoester with 1,2,3propanetriol. See Glyceryl caprate Decanoic acid, potassium salt. See Potassium caprate n-Decanoic acid, 1,3-propanediyl ester. See Propylene glycol dicaprate Decanoic acid propyl ester. See Propyl caprate Decanoic acid, sodium salt. See Sodium caprate Decanol; 1-Decanol; Decan-1-ol; n-Decanol. See Decyl alcohol Decanolide-1,4. See γ-Decalactone Decanolide-1,5; Decan-5-olide. See ΔDecalactone 6-Decanolide. See Butyloxepanone 3-Decanone CAS 928-80-3; EINECS/ELINCS 213-183-9 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
FEMA 3966 Synonyms: Decan-3-one; Ethyl heptyl ketone Empirical: C10H20O Properties: Colorless, cl. liq.; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 156.27; dens. 0.825; m.p. -4 to -3 C; b.p. 204-205 C; flash pt. 80 F; 1.4220-1.4320 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Features: Citrus, orange flavor Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Apollo Scientific http://www.apolloscientific.co.uk; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Decan-3-one. See 3-Decanone Decanyl acetate. See Decyl acetate Decaoleic acid, decaester with decaglycerol. See Polyglyceryl-10 decaoleate 2-Decenal CAS 3913-71-1; EINECS/ELINCS 223-472-1 FEMA 2366 Synonyms: Decenaldehyde; Decylenic aldehyde Classification: Aliphatic higher aldehyde Empirical: C10H18O Formula: CH3(CH2)6CH=CHCHO Properties: Colorless to pale yel. liq.; fatty orange rose floral grn. odor; fatty fried taste; sol. in alcohol, fixed oils; insol. in water; m.w. 154.25; sp.gr. 0.836-0.846; b.p. 228-230 C; ref. index 1.452-1.457 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 5000 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 3400 mg/kg; mod. toxic by skin contact; mildly toxic by ing.; severe skin irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Japapn approved as a flavoring agent; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; ICN Biomed. Research Prods. http://www.mpbio.com; Interchim http://www.interchim.com 1129
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Vioryl http://www.vioryl.gr/ 4-Decenal; 4-cis-Decenal. See cis-4-Decen-1-al 9-Decenal CAS 39770-05-3; EINECS/ELINCS 254-624-5 FEMA 3912 Synonyms: Dec-9-enal; 9-Decen-1-al Properties: Cl. colorless liq.; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 154.25; sp. gr. 0.8410-0.8425; b.p. 211 C; flash pt. (TCC) 208 F; ref. index 1.4200-1.4500 Uses: Flavoring agent in foods Features: Aldehydic dewy rose, waxy, floral odor Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com Dec-9-enal; 9-Decen-1-al. See 9-Decenal cis-4-Decenal. See cis-4-Decen-1-al cis-4-Decen-1-al CAS 21662-09-9; EINECS/ELINCS 244-514-5 FEMA 3264 Synonyms: 4-Decenal; 4-cis-Decenal; cis-4Decenal; (Z)-4-Decenal Classification: Nonaromatic aldehyde Empirical: C10H18O Properties: Colorless to sl. yel. liq., orange-like fatty odor; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 154.28; dens. 0.847-0.848; b.p. 78-80 C (10 mm); ref. index 1.442-1.444 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) > 5 g/kg, (skin, guinea pig) > 5 g/kg; low toxicity by ing. and skin contact; primary skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Features: Orange-like flavor Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Eurolabs Ltd http://www.eurolabs.co.uk; Interchim http://www.interchim.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com (E)-2-Decenal; (E)-2-Decen-1-al. See trans-2Decenal (E)-4-Decenal. See trans-4-Decenal trans-2-Decenal CAS 3913-81-3; EINECS/ELINCS 223-474-2 FEMA 2366 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Synonyms: (E)-2-Decenal; (E)-2-Decen-1-al; trans-2-Decen-1-al Classification: Aliphatic higher aldehyde Empirical: C10H18O Formula: CH3(CH2)6CH=CHCHO Properties: Colorless to pale yel. liq.; herbaceous fruity fatty citrus orange peel odor; sol. in alcohol, fixed oils, most org. solvs.; insol. in water; m.w. 154.25; spgr. 0.836-0.850; dens. 6.956-7.040 lb/gal; b.p. 228-230 C; flash pt. (CC) 78 C; ref. index 1.454-1.458 Toxicology: Irritating to eyes, skin; defats the skin; ing. may cause stomach pain or vomiting Environmental: Prevent contamination of water sources or sewer Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents, strong acids, strong alkalis Storage: Keep away from heat, sparks, open flame; keep container tightly closed Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: Japan approved as a flavoring agent; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; ICN Biomed. Research Prods. http://www.mpbio.com; Interchim http://www.interchim.com; Lancaster Synthesis http://www.alfa.com Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; TCI Am. http://www.tciamerica.com trans-2-Decen-1-al. See trans-2-Decenal trans-4-Decenal CAS 65405-70-1; EINECS/ELINCS 265-741-6 Synonyms: (E)-4-Decenal; trans-4-Decen-1-al Empirical: C10H18O Formula: CH3(CH2)4CH=CHCH2CH2CHO Properties: Colorless to pale yel. liq.; fresh fruity citrus odor; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 154.25; sp.gr. 0.835-0.845; b.p. 105 C (10 mm Hg); flash pt. (CC) 78 C; ref. index 1.440-1.450 920 C) Toxicology: Irritating to eyes, skin, respiratory system; vapor/mists irritating to eyes, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract; may be harmful by inh., ing., or skin absorp.; TSCA listed 1130
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Environmental: Prevent contamination of soil, ground- and surf.-waters Precaution: Combustible; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents, strong bases Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area; keep tightly closed; keep away from heat, ignition sources, naked flame Uses: Flavoring agent in foods (orange, tangerine, mandarin flavors) Use Level: Traces-1% Regulatory: DOT nonregulated; DSL, AICS, China listed Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Bedoukian Research http://www.bedoukian.com; Givaudan Fragrances http://www.givaudan.com trans-4-Decen-1-al. See trans-4-Decenal (Z)-4-Decenal. See cis-4-Decen-1-al Decenaldehyde. See 2-Decenal Decene-1 CAS 872-05-9; EINECS/ELINCS 212-819-2 UN 1993 Synonyms: 1-Decene; Decylene; Linear C10 alpha olefin Empirical: C10H20 Formula: H2C:CH(CH2)7CH3 Properties: Colorless liq., mild hydrocarbon odor; sol. in alcohol, most org. solvs.; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 140.27; dens. 0.741 (20/4 C); f.p. 66.3 C; b.p. 166-171 C; flash pt. (Seta) 114 F; ref. index 1.421 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral) > 10,000 mg/kg, (dermal) > 10, 000 mg/kg; low acute inhalation toxicity; sl. toxic by ingestion Precaution: Flamm. liq.; avoid contact with air or oxygen (explosion danger, adverse effect on subsequent reactions) NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store under nitrogen Uses: Intermediate for flavors Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Albemarle http://www.albemarle.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; BP Chemicals http://www.bp.com; ChevronPhillips http://www.cpchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Monomer-Polymer & Dajac Labs http://www.monomerpolymer.com; Shell Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.shellchemicals.com; http://www.shell-lubricants.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium 1-Decene. See Decene-1 Decene, homopolymer. See Polydecene 2-Decenoic acid butyl ester. See Butyl 2decenoate 3-Decen-2-one CAS 10519-33-2; EINECS/ELINCS 234-059-0 FEMA 3532 Synonyms: Heptylidene acetone; Oenanthylidene acetone Classification: aliphatic ketone Empirical: C10H18O Properties: Needles, fruity-floral jasmine-like odor; sol. in alcohol, perfume oils; insol. in water; m.w. 154.25; m.p. 16-17 C; b.p. 125126 C (12 mm) Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Features: Fruity flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Cargill Flavors & Fruit Systems USA http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Decoic acid; n-Decoic acid. See Capric acid Decolorizing carbon. See Carbon, activated Decyl acetate CAS 112-17-4; EINECS/ELINCS 203-942-2 FEMA 2367 Synonyms: Acetate C-10; Capryl acetate; Decanyl acetate; Decyl ethanoate Definition: Synthesized by direct acetylation of ndecanol with acetic acid Empirical: C12H24O2 Formula: CH3(CH2)9OOCCH3 Properties: Liq., floral orange-rose odor; sol. in 80% alcohol, ether, benzene; insol. in water; m.w. 200.32; dens. 0.862-0.866; b.p. 187-190 C; flash pt. > 140 C; ref. index 1.4250-1.4300 Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Features: Orange-, pineapple-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. 1131
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium 3-Decylacrolein. See 2-Tridecenal Decyl alcohol CAS 112-30-1; 68526-85-2; EINECS/ELINCS 203-956-9 FEMA 2365 Synonyms: Alcohol C10; C10 alcohol; Capric alcohol; Caprinic alcohol; Decanal dimethyl acetal; Decanol; 1-Decanol; Decan-1-ol; nDecanol; n-Decyl alcohol; Decylic alcohol; 1-Hydroxydecane; Noncarbinol; Nonylcarbinol; Primary decyl alcohol Classification: Primary aliphatic alcohol Empirical: C10H22O Formula: CH3(CH2)8CH2OH Properties: Colorless to lt. yel. mod. visc. liq., sweet odor; sol. in alcohol, ether, acetone, benzene, chloroform, acetic acid; pract. insol. in water; m.w. 158.32; sp.gr. 0.8297 (20/4 C); m.p. 7 C; b.p. 232.9 C; flash pt. (OC) 82 C; ref. index 1.43587; surf. tens. 28.9 dynes/cm (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 4720 mg/kg; mod. toxic by skin contact; mildly toxic by ing., inh.; irritating to eyes, skin, respiratory system; inh. may cause nose/throat irritation; high concs. may cause CNS depression, headache, nausea, drowsiness; ing. may cause headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and unconsciousness or coma in severe cases; if aspirated into lungs, may cause severe lung damage and possibly death; possible carcinogen, tumorigen; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible; flamm. when exposed to heat or flame; incompat. with oxidizing agents (increases fire/explosion risk) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Thermal decomp. prods.: CO, CO2; heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry area Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
chewing gum; intermediate Features: Fruity flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 172.864, 175.300, 176.170, 177.1390, 178.3480, 178.3910; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved as flavoring; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Albemarle http://www.albemarle.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Brown http://www.brownchem.com; Chempri http://www.chempri.com; Cognis/Chems. Group http://www.cognis-us.com ExxonMobil http://www.exxonmobilchemical.com; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Jarchem Ind. http://www.jarchem.com/; Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; M. Michel http://www.mmichel.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com Mosselman NV http://www.mosselman.be; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasolos.com/ Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Symrise USA http://www.symrise.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ See also Decanal dimethyl acetal n-Decyl alcohol. See Decyl alcohol Decyl aldehyde. See Decanal 1-Decyl aldehyde; n-Decyl aldehyde. See Decanal Decylaldehyde DMA. See Decanal dimethyl acetal Decylbenzene sodium sulfonate; Decylbenzenesulfonic acid, sodium salt. See Sodium decylbenzene sulfonate Decyl butanoate. See Decyl butyrate
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Decyl butyrate CAS 5454-09-1; EINECS/ELINCS 226-700-8 FEMA 2368 Synonyms: Butanoic acid decyl ester; Butyric acid decyl ester; Decyl butanoate Empirical: C14H28O2 Formula: CH3CH2CH2CO2(CH2)9CH3 Properties: Oily liq., apricot-like odor; m.w. 228.37; dens. 0.862; b.p. 134-135 C (8 mm); flash pt. > 230 F Toxicology: TSCA listed Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Citrus flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Interchim http://www.interchim.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; SRS Aromatics Ltd http://www.srsaromatics.com Decyl carbinol. See Undecyl alcohol N-Decyl-N,N-dimethyl-1-decanaminium chloride. See Didecyldimonium chloride Decylene. See Decene-1 Decylenic aldehyde. See 2-Decenal Decyl ethanoate. See Decyl acetate Decylic acid; n-Decylic acid. See Capric acid Decylic alcohol. See Decyl alcohol Decylic aldehyde. See Decanal Decyl octyl alcohol. See Stearyl alcohol Decyl propanoate. See Decyl propionate Decyl propionate CAS 5454-19-3; EINECS/ELINCS 226-703-4 FEMA 2369 Synonyms: Capryl propionate; Decyl propanoate Empirical: C13H26O2 Properties: Liq., ethereal rum fruity odor; m.w. 214.35; dens. 0.864; b.p. 123-134 C (8 mm); flash pt. 225 F; ref. index 1.4291 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Fruity flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Degras. See Lanolin DEHP. See s-Dioctyl phthalate Dehydracetic acid. See Dehydroacetic acid Dehydrated beets. See Beet powder Dehydroacetic acid CAS 520-45-6; 771-03-9; EINECS/ELINCS 208293-9; 212-227-4 INS265 Synonyms: 3-Acetyl-5-hydroxy-3-oxo-4hexenoic acid [GD]-lactone; 3-Acetyl-6methyl-1,2-pyran-2,4(3H)-dione; 3-Acetyl-6methyl-2,4-pyrandione; 3-Acetyl-6methylpyrandione-2,4; 3-Acetyl-6-methyl2H-pyran-2,4(3H)-dione; Dehydracetic acid; DHA; DHS; Methylacetopyronone Classification: Cyclic ketone Empirical: C8H8O4 Properties: Wh. cryst. or cryst. powd.; sol. in oxygenated and aromatic solvs.; insol. in water; m.w. 168.16; vapor pressure 1 mm (91.7 C); m.p. 109-111 C; b.p. 269 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 500 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 922 mg/kg; poison by ing. and IV routes; mod. toxic by IP route; questionable carcinogen; experimental tumorigen; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible when exposed to heat or flame Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Preservative for cut or peeled squash Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.130, 65 ppm max. residue in or on prepared squash, GRAS; 175.105; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Boith China http://www.boith.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Goldlink Industries http://www.goldlinkindustries.com; Lonza http://www.lonza.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com Dehydroacetic acid sodium salt. See Sodium 1133
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference dehydroacetate 7-Dehydrocholesterol. See Cholecalciferol Dehydro p-cymene. See p-α-Dimethylstyrene Dehydroxymenthofurolactone. See Menthalactone Deionized water. See Water DEK. See Diethyl ketone Delphinic acid. See Isovaleric acid (+)-delta-Tocopherol. See d-δ-Tocopherol DEM. See Diethyl malonate Denatonium benzoate CAS 3734-33-6 (anhyd.); 86398-53-0 (monohydrate); EINECS/ELINCS 223-095-2 Synonyms: Ammonium, benzyldiethyl ((2,6xylylcarbamoyl) methyl)-, benzoate; Benzenemethanaminium, N-(2-((2,6dimethylphenyl) amino)-2-oxoethyl)-N,Ndiethyl-, benzoate; Benzyldiethyl [(2,6xylylcarbomoyl) methyl] ammonium benzoate; N-[2-[(2,6-Dimethylphenyl) amino]-2-oxoethyl]-N,Ndiethylbenzenemethanaminium benzoate; Lignocaine benzyl benzoate Classification: Organic compd. Empirical: C28H34N2O3; C28H34N2O3 • H2O Formula: C21H29N2O • C7H5O2 Properties: Wh. cryst. powd., odorless, extremely bitter taste; very sol. in chloroform, methanol; sol. in water, alcohol; sparingly sol. in acetone; pract. insol. in ether; m.w. 446.59 (anhyd.); m.p. 174-176 C; pH 6.5-7.5 (3%) Toxicology: Anhyd.: LD50 (oral, rat) 584 mg/kg; harmful solid; mod. toxic by ing.; irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic vapors of NOx Storage: Hygroscopic (anhyd.) Uses: Aversive bitterant added to toxic substances as a deterrent to ingestion Regulatory: FDA 27CFR §21.151; USP/NF compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com; B.I. Chems.; Barrington http://www.barringtonchem.com Burlington Bio-Medical; Ceres Chem. http://www.cereschemical.com/; Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Macfarlan Smith http://www.macsmith.com Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
PMC Spec. http://www.pmcsg.com; Robeco http://www.robecoinc.com; Sentinalco http://www.denatonium.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com Deodorized kerosene CAS 8008-20-6; EINECS/ELINCS 232-366-4 UN 1223 (DOT) Synonyms: Kerosene, deodorized; Kerosene, odorless; Odorless kerosene Definition: Mixt. of petrol.-derived hydrocarbons contg. 10 to 16 carbon atoms Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: DOT: Flamm. liq. HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 1 Uses: Solvent, defoamer in froth flotation of vegetables Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §176.200, 176.210 Manuf./Distrib.: Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com Trade Names: PD-23 Deodorized winterized cottonseed oil. See Cottonseed (Gossypium) oil β-D-2-o-(6-Deoxy-α-L-mannopyranosyl)-3,5dihydroxy-4-(3-hydroxy-4methoxyhydrocinnamoyl) phenyl glucopyranoside; 1-[4-[[2-o-(6-Deoxy-α-Lmannopyranosyl)-β-D-glucopyranosyl] oxy]2,6-dihydroxyphenyl]-3-(3-hydroxy-4methoxyphenyl)-1-propanone. See Neohesperidin dihydrochalcone 6-Deoxy-L-mannose. See Rhamnose Deoxytetraric acid. See N-Hydroxysuccinic acid 4-Deoxytetronic acid. See Butyrolactone DEP. See Diethyl phthalate DETA. See Diethylenetriamine Detergent enzyme. See Protease Devil's dung. See Asafetida (Ferula asafoetida) gum Devitalized wheat gluten. See Wheat (Triticum vulgare) gluten Dewberry extract. See Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) extract Dexpanthenol. See D-Panthenol; DL-Panthenol Dextran CAS 9004-54-0; EINECS/ELINCS 232-677-5 Synonyms: Glucose polymer; Macrose Definition: Polymers of glucose with chain-like 1134
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference structures and m.w. to 200,000 Empirical: (C6H10O5)n Properties: Wh. crystalline solid; water-sol.; m.w. ≈ 15,000-200,000 Toxicology: Histamine-releasing props.; may cause anaphylactoid reactions; questionable carcinogen; experimental tumorigen, teratogen, reproductive effects; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible; avoid heat and moisture Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes, COx Storage: Hygroscopic Uses: Food additive; in soft center confections; as partial substitute for barley malt; thickener, stabilizer in foods (Japan) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §186.1275, GRAS as indirect additive; Japan approved; BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Accurate Chem. & Scientific http://www.accuratechemical.com; Am. Biorganics; CPI Chems. http://www.cpichem.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Dextranase CAS 9025-70-1; EINECS/ELINCS 232-803-9 Classification: Enzyme Definition: From Penicillium lilacinum Uses: Natural enzyme for foods Regulatory: UK, Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Fluka http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium Trade Names: Dextranase L Amano Dextrans. See Dextrin Dextrin CAS 9004-53-9; EINECS/ELINCS 232-675-4 INS1400 Synonyms: Artificial gum; British gum; Corn dextrin; Dextrans; Dextrin corn; Dextrine; Dextrins; Pyrodextrin; Starch gum; Tapioca; Vegetable gum; White dextrin; Yellow dextrin Classification: Food starch modified Definition: Gum produced by incomplete Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
hydrolysis of starch Empirical: (C6H10O5)n • xH2O Properties: Wh., yel. or brn. powd. or gran.; odorless; sol. in water; insol. in alcohol, ether; forms colloids; sp.gr. 1.45; autoignition temp. 400 C Toxicology: ACGIH 10 mg/m3 (total dust); LD50 (IV, mouse) 350 mg(Fe)/kg; mildly toxic by IV route; may be harmful by ing., inh., skin absorp.; may cause irritation; if inhaled in sufficient amts., nuisance particulate will evoke some reversible cellular response in the lungs; TSCA listed Precaution: Potentially explosive as dust; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents; avoid excessive temps., excessive dusting Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Toxic fumes of CO, CO2; heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Hygroscopic; protect from moisture; store @ R.T. in cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, heat, incompat. materials; keep container closed Uses: Direct food additive; binder, colloidal stabilizer, extender, formulation aid, processing aid, surface-finishing agent, thickener for foods, pasta, pizza dough, confections, snacks Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1277, 186.1275, GRAS; USDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; FDA approved for orals, topicals; DOT nonregulated; SARA §302/311/312/313 nonreportable; Calif. Prop. 65 nonreportable; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Avebe http://www.avebe.com; Camida Ltd http://www.camida.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; Cerestar Benelux http://www.cerestar.nl Cerestar USA http://www.cargill.com/; Ferro Pfanstiehl Europe; Ferro Pfanstiehl Labs http://www.pfanstiehl.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Grain Processing http://www.grainprocessing.com Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Merck KGaA http://www.merck.de; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Nat'l. Starch & Chem. http://www.nationalstarch.com 1135
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Polysciences http://www.polysciences.com; Primera Foods http://www.primerafoods.com; Roquette UK; Roquette http://www.roquette.fr; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Tate & Lyle UK http://www.tateandlyle.com Trade Names: Nadex® 772; Nutriose® FB06; PenCling® 720B; Tapioca Dextrin 11; Tapioca Dextrin 12 Trade Names Containing: Beta Carotene 1% CWS; Cargill DrySet™ 07702; Crispcoat™ UC; DARILOID®; Encapsul® 855 Hentex-30; Hentex-30A; Lactarin® MV-306; Lactarin® MV-308; MoisturLok® Liquid MoisturLok® Powder; National® 46; TIC Pretested® Aragum® 9000 M Powder Dextrin corn; Dextrine; Dextrins. See Dextrin Dextro-limonene. See d-Limonene Dextronic acid. See D-Gluconic acid Dextrose; α-Dextrose. See Glucose Dextrose monohydrate. See D-Glucose monohydrate; D-(+)-Glucose monohydrate Dextrosol. See Glucose DHA. See Docosahexaenoic acid; Dehydroacetic acid DHA-Na. See Sodium dehydroacetate DHS. See Dehydroacetic acid Diacetic ether. See Ethylacetoacetate Diacetyl CAS 431-03-8; EINECS/ELINCS 207-069-8 UN 2346 (DOT); FEMA 2370 Synonyms: Biacetyl; Butadione; Butanedione; 2,3-Butanedione; 2,3-Diketobutane; Dimethyl diketone; Dimethylglyoxal Classification: Ketone Empirical: C4H6O2 Formula: CH3COCOCH3 Properties: Yel. to greenish-yel. liq., strong rancid butter odor; sol. in glycerin, water; misc. with alcohol, fixed oils, propylene glycol; m.w. 86.10; dens. 0.9904 (15/15 C); b.p. 88 C; flash pt. 80 F; ref. index 1.393-1.397 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, guinea pig) 990 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 400 mg/kg; poison by IP route; mod. toxic by ing.; skin irritant; human mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. liq.; dangerous fire hazard when exposed to heat or flame Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Direct food additive; aroma carrier, flavoring agent, adjuvant in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum, shortening, margarine; gelatin hardening agent Features: Pungent, sweet, butter-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1278, GRAS; USDA 9CFR §318.7; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; BASF AG http://www.basf.de; BASF http://www.basf.com Chemtura/Olefins & Styrenics; DSM Food Spec. http://www.dsm.com; De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Diacetylated monoglyceride. See Diacetylated monoglycerides Diacetylated monoglycerides Synonyms: Diacetylated monoglyceride Definition: Glycerin esterified with edible fatforming fatty acids and acetic acid Properties: Clear liq.; sol. in 80% aq. alcohol, veg. and min. oils; acid no. 3 max.; sapon. no. 365-395; hyd. no. 15 max. Storage: Preserve in tight, light-resist. containers Regulatory: FDA approved for orals; USP/NF compliance Manuf./Distrib.: R.T. http://www.rt-corp.com Trade Names: Dynacet® 285 Diacetylated tartaric acid ester glycerides. See Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides Diacetyl ether. See Ethylacetoacetate Diacetyl fatty acid monoglyceride tartrate. See Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and 1136
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference diglycerides Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides CAS 91052-81-2; 977051-29-8 FEMA 4092; INS472e; E472f Synonyms: DATEM; Diacetylated tartaric acid ester glycerides; Diacetyl fatty acid monoglyceride tartrate; Diacetyltartaric and fatty acid esters of glycerol; Mono- and diglycerides, diacetyl tartaric acid esters; Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids esterified with mono- and diacetyltartaric acid Definition: Esters of glycerol with mono- and diacetyl tartaric acids and fatty acids Properties: Sticky visc. liqs., amber paste, ivory to yel. waxy flake or powd.; sol. in methanol, ethanol, acetone; disp. in cold and hot water; m.p. 15-43 C; HLB 8.0; Nonionic Precaution: Hydrolyzes in moist air to liberate acetic acid Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, sequestrant, flavoring agent for foods, baked goods, mixes, beverages, coffee whiteners, confections, dairy prods., frostings, margarine, oils, chewing gum, meat and poultry prods., emulsified sauces; antistaling agent; starch complexing agent; controls starch gelation; dough conditioner for baked goods, esp. yeast-leavened prods.; carrier or solvent for colors and food antioxidants Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §136.110, 184.1101, GRAS; USDA 9CFR §318.7, 0.5% in margarine; 381.147; ADI 0-50 mg/kg body wt. Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; Adumim Food Ingreds. http://www.adumim.co.il; Food Ingred. Tech. Ltd http://www.fitltd.com Trade Names: Admul Datem 1005; Crodatem L; Imwitor® 1327 GR; Imwitor® 1339; Imwitor® 2020 Panodan™ 235; Panodan™ FDP; Panodan™ FDP Kosher; Panodan™ SDK Trade Names Containing: 21825 Bacom; Bealite™ 3558; CDC-10A; CDC-10A (NB); CDC-50
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
CDC-2001; CDC-2500; Crust EZE; Dependox AXC; Doughmaker Doughmaker 4; Doughmaker 5; Panodan™ 120 Series; Panodan™ 140 Series; Panodan™ 150 Panodan™ 150 Kosher; Panodan™ 205; Panodan™ 205 K Diacetyltartaric and fatty acid esters of glycerol. See Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides Dialkyl dimethyl ammonium chloride CAS 68514-95-4; 977065-95-4 Synonyms: Dimethyl dialkyl ammonium chloride Properties: Cationic Toxicology: TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Decolorizer in clarification of refinery sugar liquors Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.400, 177.1200 Diallyl disulfide. See Allyl disulfide Diallyl monosulfide; Diallyl sulfide; Diallylthioether. See Allyl sulfide Diallyl trisulfide CAS 2050-87-5; EINECS/ELINCS 218-107-8 FEMA 3265 Synonyms: Allyl trisulfide; Allyl trisulphide; Prop-2-enyl-trithio prop-2-ene Empirical: C6H10S3 Properties: Yel. liq.; garlic, onion odor; misc. with ether; insol in water and alcohol; m.w. 178.33; sp. gr. 1.135-1.170; b.p. 112-120 C (16 mm Hg); ref. index 1.600-1.620 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, baked goods, meats, soups, condiments, pickles Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ChromaDex http://www.chromadex.com/; Jiangyin Healthway Intl. Trade http://www.healthwaychem.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com Dialuminum dipotassium sulfate. See Potassium alum anhydrous Dialuminum sulfate; Dialuminum trisulfate. See Aluminum sulfate 1137
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference α,ε-Diaminocaproic acid; L-α,ε-Diaminocaproic acid. See L-Lysine 2,2´-Diaminodiethylamine. See Diethylenetriamine 1,2-Diaminoethane. See Ethylenediamine 2,6-Diaminohexanoic acid. See L-Lysine 2,6-Diaminohexanoic acid hydrochloride. See L-Lysine hydrochloride Di(α-amino-β-thiolpropionic acid). See LCystine Diammonium carbonate. See Ammonium carbonate Diammonium citrate; Diammonium hydrogen citrate. See Ammonium citrate dibasic Diammonium hydrogen orthophosphate; Diammonium hydrogen phosphate. See Ammonium phosphate, dibasic Diammonium peroxodisulfate. See Ammonium persulfate Diammonium phosphate. See Ammonium phosphate, dibasic Diammonium sulfate. See Ammonium sulfate 2,4-Di-t-amylphenol CAS 120-95-6 Synonyms: Di-t-amylphenol; 2,4-Di-tpentylphenol; 24DTAP; Phenol, 2,4-di-tpentylFormula: [C2H5C(CH3)2]2C6H3OH Properties: M.w. 234.38; dens. 0.930; m.p. 25 C; b.p. 169-170 C (22 mm); flash pt. > 110 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 330 mg/kg; toxic; poison by ing.; eye irritant Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Arkema http://www.arkema.fr Di-t-amylphenol. See 2,4-Di-t-amylphenol Diasmol. See 1,3-Nonanediol acetate, mixed esters Diastase CAS 9000-92-4; EINECS/ELINCS 232-567-7 Synonyms: Diastase malt; Diastase of malt; Diastatic enzyme; Maltin Definition: Commercial mixt. contg. amylolytic enzymes; enzyme that converts starch into sugar Properties: Ylsh.-wh. amorphous powd. or syrupy liq.; sol. in water; pract. insol. in alcohol Toxicology: TSCA listed HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Storage: Hygroscopic; keep under argon Uses: Enzyme for dietary supplement use, breadmaking, malted foods; enzyme which converts starch to sugar Manuf./Distrib.: Adept Sol'ns.; Am. Labs http://www.americanlaboratories.com; Ferro Pfanstiehl Labs http://www.pfanstiehl.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Trade Names: Diastase DS See also Amylase Diastase malt; Diastase of malt; Diastatic enzyme. See Diastase Diatomaceous earth CAS 6067-86-0; 7631-86-9; 68855-54-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-545-4 Synonyms: Diatomaceous silica; Diatomite; Fossil flour; Infusorial earth; Kieselguhr; Siliceous earth; Silicon dioxide, diatomaceous; Solum diatomeae Definition: Mineral material consisting chiefly of the siliceous frustules and fragments of various species of diatoms Properties: Wh. to pale buff soft bulky solid; insol. in water, acids except HF, dil. alkalis; sol. in strong alkalis; dens. 1.9-2.35; bulk dens. 8-15 lb/ft3; bulking value 0.06 gal/lb; oil absorp. 135-185%; GE brightness 87-90; ref. index 1.42-1.49; hardness (Mohs) 4.5-6.0; 88% silica Toxicology: TLV/TWA 10 mg/m3 (dust); poison by inhalation and ing.; dust may cause fibrosis of the lungs; tumorigen Precaution: Noncombustible HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Uses: Fat refining aid for rendered fats, filter aid in foods; migrating to foods from paper/paperboard; processing aid (Japan) Regulatory: USP/NF compliance; FDA 21CFR §73.1, 133.146, 160.105, 160.185, 172.230, 172.480, 173.340, 175.300, 176.170, 177.1460, 177.1680, 177.2260, 177.2410, 178.3297, 182.90, 573.340, 573.940; USDA 9CFR §318.7; Japan restricted (0.5% max. residual) Manuf./Distrib.: Alban Muller http://www.albanmuller.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Brenntag 1138
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com; CR Mins. http://www.crminerals.com Celite http://www.worldminerals.com/celite.html; Coyne http://www.coynechemical.com; D.N. Lukens http://www.dnlukens.com; Eagle-Picher http://www.eaglepicher.com; Gelest http://www.gelest.com Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; L.V. Lomas http://www.lvlomas.com; LandersSegal Color http://www.pigments.com/; Nyco Mins. http://www.nycominerals.com Sal Chem. http://www.salchem.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Tamms Ind. http://www.tamms.com Trade Names: Hyflo Super-Cel®; Standard Super-Cel Trade Names Containing: Py-ran® Diatomaceous earth, amorphous CAS 61790-53-2 Synonyms: Amorphous silica; Diatomaceous earth, natural; Diatomaceous silica; Diatomite; Infusorial earth; Kieselguhr Definition: Diatomaceous earth contg. < 1% cryst. silica Properties: Wh. to tan solid; sol. in hydrofluoric acid; insol. in water Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 10 mg/m3 (total dust); NIOSH REL:TWA 6 mg/m3; harmful dust; nuisance dust; may cause fibrosis of the lungs; irritating to eyes, respiratory system; possible carcinogen; tumorigen; TSCA listed Uses: Filler migrating to food from food pkg. paper/paperboard; carrier for lipase enzyme preps. Features: Inert Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.90, 184.1420, 573.340 Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium Trade Names: DiaFil® 525; DiaFil® 530; DiaFil® 570; DiaFil® 590 See also Diatomaceous earth; Silica, amorphous Diatomaceous silica. See Diatomaceous earth, amorphous; Diatomaceous earth Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Diatomite. See Diatomaceous earth, amorphous; Diatomaceous earth 1,4-Diazabenzene. See Pyrazine Diazenedicarboxamide. See Azodicarbonamide 1,4-Diazine; p-Diazine. See Pyrazine Diazotizing salts. See Sodium nitrite Dibam. See Sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate Dibasic ammonium phosphate. See Ammonium phosphate, dibasic Dibasic magnesium stearate. See Magnesium stearate Dibasic potassium phosphate. See Potassium phosphate dibasic Dibasic sodium phosphate. See Sodium phosphate dibasic anhydrous Dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate. See Sodium phosphate dibasic dihydrate Dibasic sodium phosphate dodecahydrate. See Sodium phosphate dibasic dodecahydrate Dibasic sodium phosphate heptahydrate. See Sodium phosphate dibasic heptahydrate Dibasic zinc stearate. See Zinc stearate Dibenzoyl peroxide. See Benzoyl peroxide Dibenzyl disulfide. See Benzyl disulfide Dibenzyl ether. See Benzyl ether Dibenzyl ketone. See 1,3-Diphenyl-2-propanone Dibenzyl oxide. See Benzyl ether DIBK. See Diisobutyl ketone Dibromine. See Bromine Dibromocyanoacetamide; α,α-Dibromo-αcyanoacetamide; Dibromonitrilopropionamide. See 2,2Dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide 2,2-Dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide CAS 10222-01-2; EINECS/ELINCS 233-539-7 Synonyms: Acetamide, 2,2-dibromo-2-cyano-; DBNPA; Dibromocyanoacetamide; α,αDibromo-α-cyanoacetamide; Dibromonitrilopropionamide Classification: Halogenated cyanoacetamide Empirical: C3H2Br2N2O Properties: Clear to amber liq.; antiseptic odor; misc. with water; m.w. 241.89; sp.gr. 1.25; b.p. > 120 C (dec.); flash pt. < 200 F Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mammal) 118 mg/kg, (IV, mouse) 10 mg/kg; poison by ing. and IV routes; primary irritant; severe skin and eye irritant; corrosive; inh. may cause sore throat and possible headaches; ing. may cause abdominal pain Precaution: Hazardous decomp. > 70 C; avoid strong bases 1139
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Above 160 C, bromide and hydrogen bromide fumes may be released; heated to decomp., emits very toxic fumes of Br– and NOx Storage: Store in a cool, well-ventilated area; keep from freezing; avoid temps. >140 F Uses: Antimicrobial in cane-sugar and beetsugar mills Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.320 (limitation 210 ppm), 175.105, 176.170, 176.300; DOT nonhazardous Manuf./Distrib.: Goldlink Industries http://www.goldlinkindustries.com; Hawks Chem. Co Ltd http://www.hawkschem.com/; Maypro Ind. http://www.maypro.com Dibutyl butyrolactone. See 4,4-Dibutyl-γbutyrolactone 4,4-Dibutyl-γ-butyrolactone CAS 7774-47-2; EINECS/ELINCS 231-875-9 FEMA 2372 Synonyms: 4-Butyl-4-hydroxyoctanoic acid, γlactone; Dibutyl butyrolactone; 4,4-Dibutyl4-hydroxybutyric acid, γ-lactone Definition: Synthesized from butyl pentanol and methyl acrylate using a catalyst Empirical: C12H22O2 Properties: Colorless oily liq., oily coconut-butter odor, coconut-like flavor; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 198.31 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada approved Dibutyl-o-(o-carboxybenzoyl) glycolate; Dibutylo-carboxybenzoyloxyacetate. See n-Butyl phthalyl-n-butyl glycolate 2,6-Di-t-butyl-p-cresol; Di-t-butyl-p-cresol. See BHT Dibutyl decanedioate. See Dibutyl sebacate 3,5-Di-t-butyl-4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol. See 4Hydroxymethyl-2,6-di-t-butylphenol 4,4-Dibutyl-4-hydroxybutyric acid, γ-lactone. See 4,4-Dibutyl-γ-butyrolactone 2,6-Di-t-butyl-4-(hydroxymethyl) phenol. See 4Hydroxymethyl-2,6-di-t-butylphenol Dibutyl ketone. See Diisobutyl ketone 2,6-Di-t-butyl-4-methylphenol. See BHT Dibutyl sebacate CAS 109-43-3; EINECS/ELINCS 203-672-5 FEMA 2373 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Synonyms: Bis (n-butyl) sebacate; DBS; Decanedioic acid, dibutyl ester; Dibutyl decanedioate; Di-n-butyl sebacate; Sebacic acid, dibutyl ester Definition: Diester of butyl alcohol and sebacic acid Empirical: C18H34O4 Formula: C4H9OCO(CH2)8OCOC4H9 Properties: Colorless clear liq., odorless; sol. in alcohol, IPA, min. oil; sl. sol. in propylene glycol; insol. in water; m.w. 314.47; dens. 0.936 (20/20 C); b.p. 349 C (760 mm); f.p. -11 C; acid no. 0.1 max.; sapon. no. 352-357; flash pt. 350 F; ref. index 1.429-1.441 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 16 g/kg; mildly toxic by ing.; experimental reproductive effects; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible when exposed to heat or flame; can react with oxidizing materials Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Preserve in tight containers Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods; plasticizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 175.105, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 177.2600, 178.3910, 181.22, 181.27; FEMA GRAS; FDA approved for orals; USP/NF compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com; ChemService http://www.chemservice.com; Dastech Int'l. http://www.dastech.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; HallStar http://www.cphall.com Haltermann Prods. UK http://www.haltermann.com; Jarchem Ind. http://www.jarchem.com/; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Phoenix http://www.phoenix-chem.com/; Richman http://www.richmanchemical.com Shandong Haihua Tianhe http://www.tianhe-chemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Unitex http://www.unitexchemical.com; Velsicol http://www.velsicol.com Vertellus Perf. Materials http://www.vertellus.com Di-n-butyl sebacate. See Dibutyl sebacate 1140
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Dibutyl sulfide; n-Dibutyl sulfide; Dibutyl thioether. See Butyl sulfide Dicalcium citrate. See Calcium citrate Dicalcium diphosphate INS450(vi) Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, pH control agent, raising agent, sequestrant, water retention agent in foods Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg Dicalcium orthophosphate; Dicalcium orthophosphate anhydrous. See Calcium phosphate dibasic Dicalcium phosphate. See Calcium phosphate dibasic dihydrate; Calcium phosphate dibasic Dicalcium phosphate dihydrate. See Calcium phosphate dibasic dihydrate Dicalcium pyrophosphate. See Calcium pyrophosphate Dicaprin. See Glyceryl dicaprate Dicaprylin. See Glyceryl dicaprylate Dicarbethoxymethane. See Diethyl malonate Dicarbomethoxy zinc. See Zinc acetate Dicarboxylic acid C6. See Adipic acid 1,1-Dichloro-2-chloroethylene. See Trichloroethylene 1,6-Dichloro-1,6-dideoxy-β-D-fructofuranosyl-4chloro-4-deoxy-α-D-galactopyranoside. See Sucralose Dichlorodifluoromethane CAS 75-71-8; EINECS/ELINCS 200-893-9 UN 1028 (DOT); INS940 Synonyms: CFC 12; Difluorodichloromethane; F 12; FC 12; Fluorocarbon 12; Food freezant 12; Halon; Propellant 12; R 12; Refrigerant 12 Classification: Halogenated aliphatic hydrocarbon Empirical: CCl2F2 Formula: ClCF2Cl Properties: Colorless gas; may be liquefied under pressure; odorless; noncorrosive; insol. in water; sol. in most org. solvs., alcohol, ether, acetic acid; m.w. 120.9; sp.gr. 1.325 (21 C, liq.); vapor pressure 5 atm (16 C); f.p. -158 C; b.p. -29.8 C; ref. index 1.290; surf. tens. 9 dynes/cm; dielec. const. 2.13; noncombustible Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 1000 ppm; LC50 (inh., rat, 30 min) 80 pph; human systemic effects by inh.; narcotic in high concs.; may cause nose/throat/respiratory irritation, lightheadedness, drowsiness, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
incoordination, liver changes; severe exposure may cause irregular heartbeat, cardiac arrest, death; contact with aerosol or liq. may cause frostbite to skin and eyes; TSCA listed Precaution: Compressed gas; incompat. with reactive metals, e.g., sodium, potassium, aluminum, magnesium, zinc (can react violently or explosively), water (can cause violent spattering or explosion) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits highly toxic fumes of phosgene, Cl–, and F– Storage: Store cylinders in a cool, dry, wellventilated area away from corrosive atmospheres, out of direct sunlight; leaked gas can accumulate in low areas Uses: Direct-contact freezing agent for foods; propellant in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §701.30; FDA approved for implants, inhalers, rectals, topicals; USP/NF compliance; SARA §313 reportable; CERCLA hazardous substance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Air Prods. http://www.airproducts.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Arkema http://www.arkema.fr; BOC Gases http://www.boc.com Dow http://www.dow.com; DuPont http://www.dupont.com; Fluorochem Ltd http://www.fluorochem.net; Matheson Gas Prods. http://www.mathesontrigas.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium UOP http://www.uop.com; Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com 2,5-Dichloro-4-(4,5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-4-((4sulfophenyl) azo)-1H-pyrazol-1-yl) benzenesulfonic acid, disodium salt. See Acid yellow 17 Dichloroethane; 1,2-Dichloroethane; Dichloro1,2-ethane; α,β-Dichloroethane; symDichloroethane; Dichloroethylene. See Ethylene dichloride Dichloroisocyanuric acid sodium salt. See Sodium dichloroisocyanurate Dichloromethane. See Methylene chloride ±1-[2-(2,4-Dichlorophenyl)-2-(2-propenyloxy) ethyl]-1H-imidazole. See Imazalil Dichromium trioxide. See Chromium hydroxide green 1141
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Dicyclohexyl disulfide CAS 2550-40-5; EINECS/ELINCS 219-851-6 FEMA 3448 Synonyms: Cyclohexyl disulfide; (Cyclohexyl) disulfide Empirical: C12H22S2 Formula: (C6H11S-)2 Properties: Sol. in fats, and alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 230.44; dens. 1.046; b.p. 162-163 C (6 mm); flash pt. > 230 F; ref. index 1.543001.55300 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, confectionery, baked goods, puddings, meats, soups Features: Berry-like flavor Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Dicysteine. See L-Cystine Didecanoic acid, diester with glycerol. See Glyceryl dicaprate Didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride. See Didecyldimonium chloride Didecyldimonium chloride CAS 7173-51-5; 91490-94-7; EINECS/ELINCS 230-525-2 Synonyms: Ammonium, didecyldimethyl-, chloride; 1-Decanamminium, N-decyl-N,Ndimethyl chloride; N-Decyl-N,N-dimethyl-1decanaminium chloride; Didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride; Dimethyl didecyl ammonium chloride; N,NDimethyldidecylammonium chloride; Quaternium-12 Classification: Quaternary ammonium chloride Empirical: C22H48ClN Formula: [CH3(CH2)9N(CH3)2(CH2)9CH3]+Cl– Properties: Liq.; sol. in acetone; extremely sol. in benzene; m.w. 362.08; cationic Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 84 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 45 mg/kg; poison by ing. and IP routes; primary irritant; causes eye damage and skin irritation; harmful if swallowed; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits very toxic fumes of NOx, NH3, and Cl– Uses: Bactericide, fungicide for food processing, breweries Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §177.1200; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Dishman USA http://www.dishman-usa.com; Lonza Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.lonza.com D-2,3-Didehydro-erythro-hexono-1,4-lactone. See Erythorbic acid N,N-Didodecyl-1-dodecanamine. See Trilaurylamine Didodecyl 3,3´-thiodipropionate. See Dilauryl thiodipropionate 3,7-Diemthyl-1,6-octadien-3-yl hexanoate. See Linalyl hexanoate Diethanolamine coconut fatty acid condensate. See Cocamide DEA Diethanolamine lauric acid amide; N,N-Diethanol lauramide; N,N-Diethanol lauric acid amide. See Lauramide DEA 1,1-Diethoxyacetal. See Acetal 1,1-Diethoxybutane. See Butyraldehyde diethyl acetal 1,1-Diethoxy-3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadiene. See Citral diethyl acetal 8,8-Diethoxy-2,6-dimethyl-octanol-2. See Hydroxycitronellal diethyl acetal 1,1-Diethoxyethane. See Acetal Diethyl. See Butane Diethyl acetal. See Acetal Diethyl acetaldehyde. See 2-Ethylbutyraldehyde Diethylacetic acid CAS 88-09-5; EINECS/ELINCS 201-796-4 FEMA 2429 Synonyms: Butanoic acid, 2-ethyl-; Carboxylic acid C-6; 2-Ethyl butanoic acid; Ethylbutyric acid; 2-Ethylbutyric acid; α-Ethylbutyric acid; 3-Pentanecarboxylic acid Empirical: C6H12O2 Formula: (C2H5)2CHCOOH Properties: Colorless volatile liq., rancid odor; sol. in alcohol, ether; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 116.18; dens. 0.917; vapor pressure 0.08 mm Hg (20 C); m.p. -15 C; b.p. 194-195 C; flash pt. (CC) 78 F Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2200 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 520 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing., skin contact; irritating to skin, mucous membranes; severe eye irritant; narcotic in high concs.; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Caramel or berry-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA 1142
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Celanese http://www.celanesechemicals.com; http://www.chemvip.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Whyte Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/ Diethyl adipatate. See Diethyl adipate Diethyl adipate CAS 141-28-6; EINECS/ELINCS 205-477-0 Synonyms: Adipic acid, diethyl ester; Diethyl adipatate; Diethyl hexanedioate; 1,6-Diethyl hexanedioate; Ethyl adipate; Ethyl δcarboethoxyvalerate; Hexanedioic acid, diethyl ester Classification: Ester Empirical: C10H18O4 Formula: (-CH2CH2COOC2H5)2 Properties: Colorless liq.; sol. in alcohol, many other org. solvs.; insol. in water; m.w. 202.25; sp.gr. 1.009; m.p. -18 C; b.p. 240-251 C; flash pt. (CC) > 100 C; ref. index 1.427 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 8100 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 2190 mg/kg; harmful by ing., inh., skin contact; may cause fetal death, other developmental abnormalities; limited evidence of carcinogenic effect; possible mutagen; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Toxic fumes of CO, CO2; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Store in cool, dry place; keep tightly closed Uses: Flavoring agent in food Regulatory: Japan approved as a flavoring agent; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Grau Aromatics http://www.grauaromatics.de/; ICN Biomed. Research Prods. http://www.mpbio.com; Lancaster Synthesis http://www.alfa.com; TCI Am. http://www.tciamerica.com
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Diethylaminoethyl cellulose CAS 9013-34-7 Synonyms: Cellulose, diethylaminoethyl; DEAE-cellulose Formula: RCH2CH2N(C2H5)2, R = cellulose Uses: Fixing agent in immobilization of glucose isomerase enzyme preps. for mfg. of high fructose corn syrup; weakly basic ion exchange resin for food purification Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.357; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium N-[4-[[4-(Diethylamino) phenyl] (5-hydroxy-2,4disulfophenyl) methylene]-2,5-cyclohexadien1-ylidene]-N-ethylethanaminium, hydroxide, inner salt, calcium salt (2:1). See Acid blue 3 Diethyl 1,2-benzenedicarboxylate. See Diethyl phthalate Diethyl butanedioate. See Diethyl succinate Diethyl decanedioate; Diethyl-1,10decanedioate. See Diethyl sebacate Diethyl 2,3-dihydroxybutanedioate; Diethyl 2,3dihydroxysuccinate. See Diethyl tartrate Diethyl diketone. See 3,4-Hexanedione Diethylene glycol distearate. See PEG-2 distearate Diethylene glycol, monoester with stearic acid; Diethylene glycol monostearate; Diethylene glycol stearate. See PEG-2 stearate Diethyleneimide oxide; Diethylene imidoxide; Diethylene oximide. See Morpholine Diethylenetriamine CAS 111-40-0; EINECS/ELINCS 203-865-4 UN 2079 (DOT) Synonyms: Aminoethylethandiamine; N-(2Aminoethyl)-1,2-ethanediamine; N-(2Aminoethyl) ethylenediamine; 3Azapentane-1,5-diamine; Bis (2-aminoethyl) amine; Bis (β-aminoethyl) amine; DETA; 2,2´-Diaminodiethylamine; DTA; 2,2´Iminobisethylamine; 2,2´-Iminodiethylamine Classification: Aliphatic polyamine Empirical: C4H13N3 Formula: NH2C2H4NHC2H4NH2 Properties: Colorless to yel. visc. liq.; ammoniacal odor; sol. in water and hydrocarbons; misc. with oxygenated and aromatic solvs.; immisc. with aliphatic solvs.; 1143
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference strongly alkaline; m.w. 103.17; dens. 0.9542 (20/20 C); vapor pressure 0.22 mm Hg (20 C); f.p. -39 C; b.p. 206.7 C; flash pt. (TOC) 99 C Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 1 ppm (skin); LD50 (oral, rat) 1080 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 74 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 1090 mg/kg; toxic by IP, ing., inh., and skin absorption; strong irritant to eyes and skin; high conc. of vapors causes respiratory tract irritation, nausea, vomiting; repeated exposure may cause asthma, skin sensitization; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible exposed to heat or flame; can react with oxidizers; mixt. with nitromethane is a shock-sensitive explosive; ignites on contact with cellulose nitrate; corrosive to copper and its alloys; absorbs CO2 from air to form carbamate salts Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx NFPA: Health 3, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Hygroscopic Uses: Ion exchange membrane in prod. of grapefruit juice Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.20, 175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 176.210, 177.1200; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alkyl Amines Chems. Ltd http://www.alkylamines.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com BASF AG http://www.basf.de; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Coyne http://www.coynechemical.com; Dow http://www.dow.com; Fabrichem http://www.fabricheminc.com/ Filo http://www.filochemical.com/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Houghton Chem. http://www.houghtonchemical.com; Rhodia HPCII http://www.rhodia-hpcii.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium Tosoh http://www.tosoh.co.jp Diethylenetriamine crosslinked with epichlorohydrin CAS 25085-17-0 Uses: Ion exchange resin for food treatment Regulatory: FDA 21CFR§173.25; Canada DSL Diethylenimide oxide. See Morpholine Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Diethyl ethanedicarboxylate. See Diethyl succinate Diethyl fumarate CAS 623-91-6; EINECS/ELINCS 210-819-7 Synonyms: Ethyl fumarate Empirical: C8H12O4 Formula: C2H5O2CCH=CHCO2C2H5 Properties: Wh. cryst. or liq.; m.w. 172.18; dens. 1.052; vapor pressure 1 mm (53.2 C); m.p. 1-2 C; b.p. 218-219 C; flash pt. 91 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1780 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible; can react with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Fungistat in tomato juice Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; ChemService http://www.chemservice.com; Wychem Ltd http://www.wychem.co.uk See also Ethyl fumarate Diethyl hexanedioate; 1,6-Diethyl hexanedioate. See Diethyl adipate Di (2-ethylhexyl) orthophthalate; Di (2ethylhexyl) phthalate. See s-Dioctyl phthalate Diethyl hydroxybutanedioate; Diethyl 2hydroxybutanedioate; Diethyl 2-hydroxy-1,4butanedioate; Diethyl hydroxysuccinate. See Diethyl malate Diethyl ketone CAS 96-22-0; EINECS/ELINCS 202-490-3 UN 1156 (DOT) Synonyms: DEK; Dimethylacetone; Metacetone; Methacetone; 3-Pentanone; Pentanone-3; Propione Empirical: C5H10O Formula: CH3CH2COCH2CH3 Properties: Colorless mobile liq.; acetone odor; misc. with alcohol, ether, oxygenated solvs.; sol. in 25 parts water; m.w. 86.14; dens. 0.814; m.p. -42 C; b.p. 99-103 C; flash pt. 55 F; ref. index 1.392 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2.1 g/kg, (IV, mouse) 513 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 20 g/kg; mod. toxic by ing., IP, IV routes; skin and eye irritant; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: Highly flamm.; dangerous fire hazard exposed to heat or flame; can react vigorously with oxidizing materials; reacts 1144
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference with hydrogen peroxide + nitric acid to form a shock- and heat-sensitive explosive peroxide Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 3, Reactivity 0 Uses: Flavor in food Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; BASF AG http://www.basf.de; BASF http://www.basf.com; Dow http://www.dow.com; Esprit http://www.espritchem.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; General Chem. http://www.genchemcorp.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Diethyl malate CAS 7554-12-3; EINECS/ELINCS 231-444-5 FEMA 2374 Synonyms: Diethyl hydroxybutanedioate; Diethyl 2-hydroxybutanedioate; Diethyl 2hydroxy-1,4-butanedioate; Diethyl hydroxysuccinate Classification: Malic acid deriv. Empirical: C8H14O5 Properties: Colorless liq.; m.w. 190.20; flash pt. 85 C Uses: Flavoring agent in foods, beverages Features: Wine, fruity odor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Fuso Chem. http://www.fusokk.co.jp; Givaudan Fragrances http://www.givaudan.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Diethyl malate. See Diethyl DL-malate Diethyl DL-malate CAS 626-11-9; EINECS/ELINCS 210-930-0 Synonyms: Diethyl malate; Ethyl malate; DLMalic acid diethyl ester Empirical: C8H14O5 Properties: Colorless to ylsh. liq.; fruity odor and flavor; m.w. 190.20; dens. 1.128 g/ml; b.p. 122-124 C (12 mm); flash pt. 85 C Toxicology: May be harmful by inh., ing., or skin absorp.; may cause eye/skin irritation; TSCA listed Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Precaution: Combustible; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Toxic fumes of CO, CO2; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Store in cool, dry place; keep tightly closed; keep away from heat, open flame Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings Features: Fruity flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; TCI Am. http://www.tciamerica.com Diethyl malonate CAS 105-53-3; EINECS/ELINCS 203-305-9 FEMA 2375 Synonyms: Carbethoxyacetic ester; DEM; Dicarbethoxymethane; Diethyl propanedioate; Ethyl malonate; Malonic acid, diethyl ester; Malonic ester; Methanedicarboxylic acid, diethyl ester; Propanedioic acid diethyl ester Classification: Aliphatic organic compd. Empirical: C7H12O4 Formula: CH2(COOC2H5)2 Properties: Colorless liq., sl. aromatic pleasant odor; sol. in fixed oils, propylene glycol, oxygenated solvs.; misc. with alcohol, ether; sol. 1 g/50 ml in water; insol. in glycerin, min. oil; m.w. 160.17; dens. 1.055 (20/4 C); vapor pressure 1 mm (40 C); f.p. -50 C; b.p. 94-95 C (11 mm); flash pt. 80 C; ref. index 1.413 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 15 g/kg; mildly toxic by ing.; skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible; can react with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings Features: Fruity flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Austin 1145
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.austinchemical.com; Biddle Sawyer http://www.biddlesawyer.com; Epochem http://www.epochem.com/ Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Filo http://www.filochemical.com/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com Juzen Chem. http://www.juzen-chem.co.jp; Kessler http://www.kesslerchemical.com; Lonza Ltd http://www.lonza.com; Mitsubishi Chem. http://www.mkagaku.co.jp/index_en.htm Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Tateyama Kasei http://www.tateyamakasei.com; Xinchem http://www.finechemnet.com Diethyl 1,8-octanedicarboxylate. See Diethyl sebacate Diethyl phthalate CAS 84-66-2; EINECS/ELINCS 201-550-6 Synonyms: 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid diethyl ester; DEP; Diethyl 1,2benzenedicarboxylate; Diethyl-o-phthalate; Ethyl phthalate; Phthalic acid, diethyl ester; Phthalol Definition: Aromatic diester of ethyl alcohol and phthalic acid Empirical: C12H14O4 Formula: C6H4(CO2C2H5)2 Properties: Water-wh. oily liq., odorless, bitter taste; misc. with alcohol, ketones, esters, oxygenated and aromatic solvs.; insol. in water; m.w. 222.24; dens. 1.120 (25/25 C); f.p. -40.5 C; b.p. 298 C; flash pt. (OC) 325 F; visc. 31.3 cs (0 C); ref. index 1.500-1.505; stable Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 5 mg/m3; LD50 (oral, rat) 8600 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 5058 mg/kg; poison by IV route; mod. toxic by ingestion, subcut., IP routes; human systemic effects; strong irritant to eyes and mucous membranes; narcotic in high concs.; experimental teratogen, reproductive effects; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible when exposed to Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
heat or flame Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Plasticizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 175.320, 178.3910, 181.22, 181.27; 27CFR §21.105; FDA approved for orals; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance; SARA reportable; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aarti Ind. Ltd http://www.aartigroup.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Allan http://www.allanchem.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; BASF http://www.basf.com; BP Chemicals http://www.bp.com; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Camida Ltd http://www.camida.com ChemService http://www.chemservice.com; Chemial SpA http://www.chemial.com; Chesham Chems. Ltd http://www.cheshamchemicals.co.uk; Creative Fragrances http://www.creativefragrances.com; Eastman http://www.eastman.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; Houghton Chem. http://www.houghtonchemical.com; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com Parchem Trading http://www.parchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polysciences http://www.polysciences.com; Proviron Ind. NV http://www.proviron.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Symrise Gbmh http://www.symrise.com/; Tennants Distrib. Ltd http://www.tennantsdistribution.com Ubichem plc http://www.ubichem.com; Unitex http://www.unitexchemical.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Vertellus Perf. Materials http://www.vertellus.com; Whyte 1146
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/ Trade Names: Eastman® DEP Diethyl-o-phthalate. See Diethyl phthalate Diethyl propanedioate. See Diethyl malonate 2,3-Diethylpyrazine CAS 15707-24-1; EINECS/ELINCS 239-800-1 FEMA 3136 Synonyms: Pyrazine, 2,3-diethylEmpirical: C8H12N2 Properties: Colorless to yel. liq.; raw nutty roast burnt green pepper odor; sol. in most org. solvs.; sol. 4460 mg/l in water; m.w. 136.20; sp.gr. 0.963; dens. 8.013 lb/gal; vapor pressure 0.192 mm Hg; b.p. 180-182 C; flash pt. 64 C; ref. index 1.500 ( 20 C) Toxicology: Vapor/mist irritating to eyes, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract; irritating, defatting to skin; may be harmful by inh., ing., or skin absorp.; ing. may cause stomach pain or vomiting; may cause nausea, headache; TSCA listed Environmental: Keep run-off water out of sewers and water sources Precaution: Combustible; stench; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents, strong acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Toxic fumes of CO, CO2, NOx; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Hygroscopic; store in cool, dry place; keep tightly closed; keep away from heat, sparks, open flame Uses: Flavoring agent in frozen foods, candies, drinks Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Beyo Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.beyochem.com; Cargill Flavors & Fruit Systems USA http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/ Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Interchim http://www.interchim.com; Lancaster Synthesis http://www.alfa.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; TCI Am. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.tciamerica.com; Vioryl http://www.vioryl.gr/ Wutong Aroma http://www.wu-tong.com Diethyl sebacate CAS 110-40-7; EINECS/ELINCS 203-764-5 FEMA 2376 Synonyms: Diethyl decanedioate; Diethyl1,10-decanedioate; Diethyl 1,8octanedicarboxylate; Dodecanedioic acid diethyl ester; Ethyl sebacate; Sebacic acid, diethyl ester Definition: Diester of ethyl alcohol and sebacic acid Empirical: C14H26O4 Formula: CH3CH2OCO(CH2)8COOCH2CH3 Properties: Colorless to sl. yel. liq., faint fruity odor; misc. with alcohol, ether, other org. solvs., fixed oils; insol. in water; m.w. 258.40; dens. 0.960-0.965; m.p. 1-3 C; b.p. 312 C; flash pt. > 230 F; ref. index 1.435 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 14,470 mg/kg; mildly toxic by ing.; skin irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Features: Oily; quince-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; FDA approved for topicals; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ChemService http://www.chemservice.com; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Firmenich http://www.firmenich.com/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium Diethyl succinate CAS 123-25-1; EINECS/ELINCS 204-612-0 FEMA 2377 Synonyms: Butanedioic acid diethyl ester; Diethyl butanedioate; Diethyl ethanedicarboxylate; Ethyl succinate; Succinic acid diethyl ester Empirical: C8H14O4 Formula: C2H5OCOCH2CH2COOC2H5 Properties: Colorless to lt. yel. clear mobile liq., pleasant odor; sol. in alcohol, fixed oils, ether, 1147
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference oxygenated solvs.; insol. in water; m.w. 174.22; dens. 1.039 (20/4 C); m.p. -20 C; b.p. 97-99 C (10 mm); flash pt. 230 F; ref. index 1.420 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 8530 mg/kg; mildly toxic by ing.; skin and eye irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq.; may cause fire or explosion on reaction with ethyl trifluoroacetate + sodium hydride Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Boith China http://www.boith.com; ChemService http://www.chemservice.com; DSM Fine Chems. Austria http://www.dsmfinechemicals.com; Epochem http://www.epochem.com/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Natural Advantage http://www.naturaladvantage.net; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Vertellus Perf. Materials http://www.vertellus.com; Wutong Aroma http://www.wu-tong.com Diethyl sulfide-2,2´-dicarboxylic acid. See 3,3´Thiodipropionic acid Diethyl tartrate CAS 87-91-2; EINECS/ELINCS 201-783-3 FEMA 2378 Synonyms: Diethyl 2,3dihydroxybutanedioate; Diethyl 2,3dihydroxysuccinate; (+)-Diethyl L-tartrate; (R)-2,3-Dihydroxybutanedioic acid diethyl ester; Ethyl tartrate Empirical: C8H14O6 Formula: C2H5OOCCH(OH)CH(OH)COOC2H5 Properties: Colorless thick oily liq.; sl. sol. in water; misc. with alcohol, ether; m.w. 206.19; dens. 1.204 (20/4 C); m.p. 17 C; b.p. 280 C; flash pt. 93 C; ref. index 1.4476 (20 C) Precaution: Combustible NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Fruity flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Fluka http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Natural Advantage http://www.natural-advantage.net; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium (+)-Diethyl L-tartrate. See Diethyl tartrate 2,5-Diethyltetrahydrofuran CAS 41239-48-9 FEMA 3743 Synonyms: Furan, 2,5-diethyltetrahydroEmpirical: C8H16O Properties: Colorless liq., sweet herbaceous caramellic odor; sol. in alcohol, propylene glycol; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 128.21; b.p. 116 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3400 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating vapors Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, esp. for reconstructing mint flavors, baked goods, ice cream, soft candy, puddings, beverages, alcoholic beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Evonik Degussa GmbH http://www.evonik.com/en/chemicals/index. html Difluorodichloromethane. See Dichlorodifluoromethane Difluoroformaldehyde. See Carbonyl fluoride Difurfuryl disulfide CAS 4437-20-1; EINECS/ELINCS 224-649-6 FEMA 3146 Synonyms: Bis (2-furfuryl) disulfide; 2,2Dithiobis (methylene) bisfuran; 2,2´(Dithiodimethylene) difuran; Furan, 2,2dithiobis (methylene) bis-; Furfuryl disulfide; 2-Furfuryl disulfide Empirical: C10H10O2S2 Properties: Pale yel. to brn. oily liq.; stench, unpleasant burnt caramel, coffee, meaty odor; sol. in alcohol; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 226.31; sp.gr. 1.23522-1.25000 (20 C); dens. 10.29010.413 lb/gal; m.p. 10-11 C; b.p. 229-230 C; flash pt. > 230 F; ref. index 1.585-1.600 (20 C) Toxicology: May be harmful by inh., ing., or skin absorp.; may cause irritation; TSCA 1148
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference listed Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents, strong bases Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Toxic fumes of CO, CO2, SOx; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Light-sensitive; store in cool, dry place; keep tightly closed; store under nitrogen Uses: Flavoring agent in foods, esp. coffee, meat, savory flavors Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510, GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Epochem http://www.epochem.com/; Givaudan Fragrances http://www.givaudan.com; Int'l. Flavors & Fragrances http://www.iff.com; Natural Advantage http://www.naturaladvantage.net NetQem http://www.netqem.us; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Wutong Aroma http://www.wu-tong.com Diglycerol monostearate. See Polyglyceryl-2 stearate Diglycerol tetrastearate. See Polyglyceryl-2 tetrastearate Diglyceryl diisostearate. See Polyglyceryl-2 diisostearate Diglyceryl distearate. See Polyglyceryl-2 distearate Diglyceryl monooleate. See Polyglyceryl-2 oleate Diglyceryl monostearate. See Polyglyceryl-2 stearate Diglyceryl tetrastearate. See Polyglyceryl-2 tetrastearate Diglyceryl triisostearate. See Polyglyceryl-2 triisostearate Diglycol monostearate; Diglycol stearate. See PEG-2 stearate Dihexyl ether. See Hexyl acetate Dihydroanethole. See p-Propyl anisole 3,4-Dihydro-2H-1-benzopyran-2-one. See Dihydrocoumarin Dihydrocarveol CAS 619-01-2; 17699-09-1; EINECS/ELINCS 210-575-1 FEMA 2379 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Synonyms: 1,6-Dihydrocarveol; 8-p-Menthen2-ol; 6-Methyl-3-isopropenylcyclohexanol; 2-Methyl-5-(1-methylvinyl) cyclohexanol; Tuberyl alcohol Definition: Synthesized by reducing carvone and separating the resulting isomers Empirical: C10H18O Properties: Almost colorless to straw-colored oily liq., floral woody odor, sweet somewhat spicy flavor; sol. in alcohol, fixed oils; insol. in water; m.w. 154.24; dens. 0.924; b.p. 224-225 C; flash pt. 197 F; ref. index 1.4770 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg; moderate skin and eye irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, alcoholic beverages Features: Minty flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Millennium http://www.millenniumchem.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com 1,6-Dihydrocarveol. See Dihydrocarveol Dihydrocarveol acetate. See Dihydrocarvyl acetate Dihydrocarvone. See d-Dihydrocarvone cis-Dihydrocarvone CAS 3792-53-8; 20777-49-5; EINECS/ELINCS 244-029-9 Synonyms: (1α,2β,5α)-2-Methyl-5-(1methylvinyl) cyclohexylacetate Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR§172.515 d-Dihydrocarvone CAS 5524-05-0; 7764-50-3; EINECS/ELINCS 231-857-0 FEMA 3565 Synonyms: Dihydrocarvone; p-Menth-8-en-2one; d-2-Methyl-5-(1-methylethenyl)cyclohexanone Classification: Nonaromatic ketone Empirical: C10H16O Properties: Cl. nearly colorless liq.; herbaceous spearmint odor; sol. in alcohol; m.w. 152.24; dens. 0.926; vapor dens. 5.2; b.p. 87-88 C (6 mm); flash pt. 178 F; ref. index 1.4710 1149
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (subcut., mouse) 2900 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; mod. toxic by subcutaneous route; primary irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq.; wear safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes, CO, CO2 HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 1 Storage: Store away from heat, open flames, strong acids, strong bases; keep container tightly closed when not in use Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Features: Minty flavor Use Level: 0.03-0.50% Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; Japan IEC; Philippines PICSS; China SEPA/CICS; EPA hazardous waste Manuf./Distrib.: Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Millennium/F&F http://www.aromachem.com; Millennium http://www.millenniumchem.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Trade Names Containing: Spearmint Oil 603; Spearmint Oil 660 Dihydrocarvyl acetate CAS 20777-49-5; EINECS/ELINCS 244-029-9 FEMA 2380 Synonyms: Dihydrocarveol acetate; lDihydrocarvyl acetate; Diydrocrveyl acetate; p-Menth-8-en-2-ol, acetate; 8-pMenthen-2-yl acetate; p-Menth-8-en-2-yl acetate; 6-Methyl-3-isopropenyl cyclohexyl acetate; 2-Methyl-5-(1-methylethenyl) cyclohexyl acetate Classification: Nonaromatic ester Definition: Acetylation of dihydrocarveol Empirical: C12H20O2 Properties: Colorless liq., sweet floral rose-like odor, sl. minty flavor; sol. in alcohol; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 196.29; dens. 0.96; b.p. 232-234 C; flash pt. 194 F; ref. index 1.4590 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg; primary skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, condiments Features: Medicinal, minty flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; ChromaDex http://www.chromadex.com/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com l-Dihydrocarvyl acetate. See Dihydrocarvyl acetate Dihydrochavicol. See 4-Propylphenol Dihydrocinnamaldehyde. See Hydrocinnamaldehyde Dihydrocinnamic acid. See Hydrocinnamic acid Dihydrocinnamic alcohol. See Hydrocinnamic alcohol Dihydrocinnamic aldehyde. See Hydrocinnamaldehyde Dihydrocinnamyl alcohol. See Hydrocinnamic alcohol Dihydrocitronellol. See 3,7-Dimethyl-1-octanol Dihydrocoumarin CAS 119-84-6; EINECS/ELINCS 204-354-9 FEMA 2381 Synonyms: Benzodihydropyrone; 1,2Benzodihydropyrone; 2H-1-Benzopyran-2one, 3,4-dihydro-; 2-Chromanone; 3,4Dihydro-2H-1-benzopyran-2-one; 3,4Dihydrocoumarin; Hydrocoumarin; oHydroxyhydrocinnamic acid-[GD]-lactone; Melilotin; 2-Oxochroman Classification: Heterocyclic compd.; lactone Empirical: C9H8O2 Properties: Colorless to pale yel. cryst., coconut odor; sol. in alcohol, chloroform, ether, chlorinated solvs.; insol. in water; m.w. 148.17; dens. 1.186; m.p. 24-25 C; b.p. 272 C; flash pt. 266 F; ref. index 1.555 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1460 mg/kg, (dermal, rabbit) > 5 g/kg, (IP, mouse) 200 mg/kg; poison by IP route; mod. toxic by ing.; skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, 1150
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Jiangxi Zhangshu Crown Capital http://www.crown-capital.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sarcom http://www.sarcominc.com 3,4-Dihydrocoumarin. See Dihydrocoumarin Dihydrocuminyl acetate. See Perillyl acetate Dihydrocuminyl alcohol. See Perillyl alcohol 3,7-Dihydro-3,7-dimethyl-1H-purine-2,6-dione. See Theobromine 1,2-Dihydro-6-ethoxy-2,2,4-trimethylquinoline. See 6-Ethoxy-1,2-dihydro-2,2,4trimethylquinoline Dihydroeugenol CAS 2785-87-7; EINECS/ELINCS 220-499-0 FEMA 3598 Synonyms: Cerulignol; Guaiacylpropane; 1-(4Hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl) propane; (4Hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl) propane; 4Hydroxy-3-methoxypropylbenzene; 2Methoxy-4-propylphenol; 2-Methoxy-4-(1propyl) phenol; 2-Methoxy-4-npropylphenol; Phenol, 2-methoxy-4-propyl-; 4-Propylguaiacol; p-Propylguaiacol; p-nPropylguaiacol; 4-Propylguaiacolcatechol; 5-Propyl-o-hydroxyanisole; 1-Propyl-3methoxy-4-hydroxybenzene; 4-Propyl-2methoxyphenol Classification: Aromatic alcohol Empirical: C10H14O2 Properties: Colorless liq.; clove balsamic sharp spicy sweet odor; m.w. 166.22; sp.gr. 1.038; dens. 8.621-8.633 lb/gal; b.p. 125-126 C (14 mm Hg); flash pt. > 110 C; ref. index 1.52431.5257 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2600 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 150 mg/kg, (subcut, mouse) 1450 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 310 mg/kg; toxic; toxic by inh., ing., skin contact; vapor/mist irritating to eyes, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract; skin irritant; readily absorbed thru skin; may cause spastic paralysis; TSCA listed Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Toxic fumes of CO, CO2; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Store in cool, dry place; keep tightly closed Uses: Flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ICN Biomed. Research Prods. http://www.mpbio.com; Lancaster Synthesis http://www.alfa.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Dihydro-2,5-furandione. See Succinic anhydride Dihydro-2(3H)-furanone. See Butyrolactone Dihydrogen (ethyl) [4-[4-[ethyl (3sulfonatobenzyl) amino] (4-hydroxy-2sulfonatobenzhydrylidene] cyclohexa-2,5dien-1-ylidene] (3-sulfonatobenzyl) ammonium, disodium salt. See Fast green FCF 1-(Dihydrogen phosphate)-1,2,3-propanetriol, calcium salt; 2-(Dihydrogen phosphate)-1,2,3propanetriol, calcium salt (1:1). See Calcium glycerophosphate Dihydrogeranyl acetone. See Tetrahydropseudo-ionone Dihydrogeranyl isovalerate. See Citronellyl isovalerate 7,8-Dihydro-α-ionone. See Dihydro-α-ionone Dihydro-α-ionone CAS 31499-72-6; EINECS/ELINCS 250-657-4 FEMA 3628 Synonyms: 2-Butanone, 4-(2,6,6-trimethyl-2cyclohexen-1-yl)-; 7,8-Dihydro-α-ionone; 4(2,6,6-Trimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1-yl)-2butanone; 4-(2,6,6-Trimethyl-2cyclohexenyl) butan-2-one Empirical: C13H22O Properties: Colorless liq.; highly diffusive, warm woody earthy herbal orris-violet odor; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 194.32; dens. 0.922 g/ml; b.p. 90 C (0.1 mm Hg); flash pt. (CC) 98 C; ref. index 1.477 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; irritating to eyes, skin, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract; may be harmful by inh., ing., or skin absorp.; TSCA listed 1151
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Environmental: Prevent contamination of soil, ground- and surf. waters Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Air-sensitive; store in cool, dry, wellventilated area; store under argon; keep tightly closed; keep away from ignition sources, naked flame Uses: Flavoring agent in foods, beverages Regulatory: DOT nonregulated; Australia, China, Canada DSL listed Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Bedoukian Research http://www.bedoukian.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Dihydro-β-ionone CAS 17283-81-7; EINECS/ELINCS 241-318-1 FEMA 3626 Synonyms: 2-Butanone, 4-2(2,6,6-trimethyl-1cyclohexen-1-yl)-; 4-(2,6,6-Trimethyl cyclohexene-1-yl)-butane-2-one; 4-(2,6,6Trimethyl-1-cyclohexen-1-yl) butan-2-one Empirical: C13H22O Properties: Colorless to pale yel. liq.; woody, floral, orris, sl. amber, fruity odor; sweet, fruity, berry-like, sl. woody, floral taste; m.w. 194.32; dens. 0.923; m.p. 311 C; flash pt. > 110 C; ref. index 1.4810 Toxicology: May be harmful by inh., ing., or skin absorp.; may cause irritation to eyes, skin, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract; may cause sensitization by inh. and skin contact; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Toxic fumes of CO, CO2; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Store in cool, dry place; keep tightly closed Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, fragrance in foods, baked goods, ice cream, hard and soft candy, puddings, beverages, dairy prods., confectionery, frostings, jams, jellies, chewing gum Features: Floral, woody fragrance and flavor Use Level: 0.5-5% Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; BASF http://www.basf.com; Givaudan Fragrances http://www.givaudan.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Dihydroisophorol. See Trimethylcyclohexanol 4,5-Dihydro-5-methyl-2(3H)-furanone. See γValerolactone Dihydronorguaiaretic acid. See Nordihydroguaiaretic acid Dihydro-3-(octenyl)-2,5-furandione. See Octenylsuccinic anhydride Dihydrooxirene. See Ethylene oxide 2-(1,3-Dihydro-3-oxo-5-sulfo-2H-indol-2-ylidene)2,3-dihydro-3-oxo-1H-indole-5-sulfonic acid disodium salt. See FD&C Blue No. 2; Acid blue 74 4,5-Dihydro-5-oxo-1-(4-sulfophenyl)-4-[(4sulfophenyl) azo]-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxylic acid trisodium salt. See FD&C Yellow No. 5; Tartrazine Dihydropseudoionone; α,βDihydropseudoionone. See Geranyl acetone 2,3-Dihydrosuccinic acid. See L-Tartaric acid 3,4-Dihydro-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-(4,8,12trimethyltridecyl)-2H-benzopyran-6-ol. See DL-α-Tocopherol 4,5- Dihydrotoluene. See 2-Methyl-1,3cyclohexadiene 1,2-Dihydro-2,2,4-trimethyl-6-ethoxyquinoline. See 6-Ethoxy-1,2-dihydro-2,2,4trimethylquinoline 2,5- Dihydro-2,4,5-trimethyl oxazole. See 2,4,5Trimethyl Δ-3-oxazoline 3,7-Dihydro-1,3,7-trimethyl-1H-purine-2,6-dione. See Caffeine 1,2-Dihydro-2,2,4-trimethylquinoline homopolymer; 1,2-Dihydro-2,2,4trimethylquinoline polymer. See 2,2,4Trimethyl-1,2-dihydroquinoline polymer Dihydroxyaluminum monostearate; Dihydroxyaluminum stearate. See Aluminum stearate 3,4-Dihydroxybenzaldehyde methylene ketal. See Heliotropine 1,3-Dihydroxybenzene; m-Dihydroxybenzene. See Resorcinol 2,3-Dihydroxy-1,2-benzothiazolin-3-one-1,1dioxide. See Saccharin 1,3-Dihydroxybutane. See Butylene glycol 1152
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Dihydroxybutanedioic acid; 2,3Dihydroxybutanedioic acid; L-2,3Dihydroxybutanedioic acid. See L-Tartaric acid 2,3-Dihydroxybutanedioic acid, calcium salt. See Calcium tartrate (R)-2,3-Dihydroxybutanedioic acid diethyl ester. See Diethyl tartrate 2,3-Dihydroxybutanedioic acid, monopotassium monosodium salt. See Potassium sodium tartrate (3R,3´R)-Dihydroxy-β-carotene. See Zeaxanthin 3,3´-Dihydroxy-β,β-carotene-4,4´-dione. See Astaxanthin 3,4-Dihydroxycinnamic acid 2-ester with 3-(3,4dihydroxyphenyl) lactic acid; R-(+)-2-(3,4Dihydroxycinnamoyloxy)-3-(3,4dihydroxyphenyl) propionic acid. See Rosmarinic acid 3,3´-Dihydroxy-4,4´-diketo-β-carotene. See Astaxanthin N-(2,4-Dihydroxy-3,3-dimethylbutyryl-β-alanine calcium. See Calcium D-pantothenate 2,5-Dihydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-3-hexyne. See Dimethyl hexynediol D-N-(2,4-Dihydroxy-3,3-dimethyl-1-oxobutyl-βalanine, calcium salt. See Calcium Dpantothenate 2,6-Dihydroxy-3,7-dimethylpurine. See Theobromine 1,3-Dihydroxy-4-hexylbenzene. See 4Hexylresorcinol 3,5-Dihydroxy-4-(3-hydroxy-4methoxyhydrocinnamoyl) phenyl-2-o-(6deoxy-α-L-mannopyranosyl)-β-Dglucopyranoside. See Neohesperidin dihydrochalcone 2,4-Dihydroxy-N-(3-hydroxypropyl)-3,3dimethylbutanamide. See D-Panthenol; DLPanthenol d-(+)-2,4-Dihydroxy-N-(3-hydroxypropyl)-3,3dimethylbutyramide. See D-Panthenol 1,3-Di (hydroxymethyl)-5,5-dimethylhydantoin. See DMDM hydantoin α-[[(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-1-oxo-2-propenyl] oxy]-3,4-dihydroxybenzenepropanoic acid. See Rosmarinic acid 1,2-Dihydroxypropane. See Propylene glycol 2,3-Dihydroxypropyl docosanoate. See Glyceryl behenate 2,3-Dihydroxypropyl octadecanoate. See Glyceryl stearate Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Dihydroxysuccinic acid; α,β-Dihydroxysuccinic acid. See L-Tartaric acid 2,3-Dihydroxysuccinic acid, potassium salt. See Potassium acid tartrate 3´,6´-Dihydroxy-2´,4´,5´,7´-tetraiodospiro [isobenzofuran-1(3H),9´-(9H) xanthen]-3-one disodium salt. See FD&C Red No. 3 1,1-Diisobutoxy-2-phenylethane. See Phenylacetaldehyde diisobutyl acetal Diisobutyl carbinol. See 2,6-Dimethyl heptanol4 Diisobutyl ketone CAS 108-83-8; EINECS/ELINCS 203-620-1 UN 1157 (DOT); FEMA 3537 Synonyms: DIBK; Dibutyl ketone; sDiisopropylacetone; 2,6-Dimethyl-4heptanone; 2,6-Dimethylheptan-4-one; Isobutyl ketone; Isovalerone; Valerone Classification: aliphatic ketone Empirical: C9H18O Formula: (CH3)2CHCH2COCH2CH(CH3)2 Properties: Colorless liq.; mild sweet peppermint odor; misc. with most org. liqs.; pract. insol. in water; m.w. 142.24; dens. 0.8076; vapor pressure 1.65 mm Hg; m.p. -46 C; b.p. 165 C; flash pt. (CC) 49 C; autoignition temp. 396 C; ref. index 1.4130 (20 C); pH neutral; surf. tens. 24.54 dynes/cm Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 25 ppm; LD50 (oral, rat) 4300 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 16 g/kg; mod. toxic by ing. and inh.; irritant to respiratory system; extremely high vapor concs. may cause dizziness, nausea, incoordination, possibly death; severe exposure unlikely; narcotic in high concs.; mild skin and eye irritant; ing. may cause irritation of mouth and stomach; may cause lung injury if aspirated; TSCA listed Environmental: VOC; BOD5 1.37; COD 2.88; ThOD 2.93 Precaution: Flamm. exposed to heat or flame; LEL 0.81%; UEL 7.1%; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents (increases fire and explosion hazard) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area, out of direct sunlight Uses: Flavoring agent in foods Features: Fruity flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105; FEMA 1153
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Cargill Flavors & Fruit Systems USA http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/; Chemcentral http://www.chemcentral.com; Coyne http://www.coynechemical.com Dow http://www.dow.com; Eastman http://www.eastman.com; Evonik Degussa GmbH http://www.evonik.com/en/chemicals/index. html; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com Houghton Chem. http://www.houghtonchemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Shell http://www.shellchemicals.com; http://www.shell-lubricants.com; Sunnyside http://www.sunnysidecorp.com/ Di (isooctadecanoic) acid, diester with oxydi (propanediol). See Polyglyceryl-2 diisostearate s-Diisopropylacetone. See Diisobutyl ketone Diisotridecyl adipate CAS 26401-35-4; EINECS/ELINCS 247-660-8 Synonyms: Diisotridecyl hexanedioate; Hexanedioic acid, diisotridecyl ester Empirical: C32H62O4 Properties: M.w. 510.84 Uses: Surfactant for foods, feed Manuf./Distrib.: Cognis Perf. Chems. http://www.cognis.com Trade Names: Hedipin-DITA
didodecyl ester; Thiodipropionic acid dilauryl ester Classification: Diester Definition: Diester of lauryl alcohol and 3,3´thiodipropionic acid Empirical: C30H58O4S Formula: (C12H25OOCCH2CH2)2S Properties: Wh. flakes, sweetish odor; sol. in benzene, toluene, acetone, ether, chloroform; sl. sol. in alcohols, ethyl acetate; insol. in water; m.w. 514.94; dens. 0.975; m.p. 40 C; b.p. 240 C (1 mm); acid no. < 1; flash pt. 110 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 10.3 g/kg; no known toxicity; eye irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes; thermal decomp. prods.: SOx Uses: Antioxidant, preservative for foods, edible fats and oils, vegetable oils, animal fats, fatty foods, food pkg.; antioxidant migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.300, 177.1010, 181.22, 181.24 (0.005% migrating from food pkg.), 182.3280 (0.02% max. fat/oil); Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; ChemService http://www.chemservice.com; Cytec Ind. http://www.cytec.com; Hampshire; Jarchem Ind. http://www.jarchem.com/ Morton Int'l. http://www.morton.com; http://www.rohmhaas.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Tulstar Prods. http://www.tulstar.com; Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com; Yoshitomi Pharmaceutical Ind. http://www.mt-pharma.co.jp/ Trade Names: Carstab® DLTDP; Cyanox® LTDP; Evanstab® 12; Seenox DL
Diisotridecyl hexanedioate. See Diisotridecyl adipate 2,3-Diketobutane. See Diacetyl 4,4´-Diketo-β-carotene. See Canthaxanthine 2,5-Diketotetrahydrofuran. See Succinic anhydride Dilaurin. See Glyceryl dilaurate
Dilauryl 3,3´-thiodipropionate. See Dilauryl thiodipropionate Dill. See Dill (Anethum graveolens)
Dilauryl thiodipropionate CAS 123-28-4; EINECS/ELINCS 204-614-1 INS389 Synonyms: Bis (dodecyloxycarbonylethyl) sulfide; Didodecyl 3,3´-thiodipropionate; Dilauryl 3,3´-thiodipropionate; DLT; DLTDP; DLTP; LTDP; Propionic acid, 3,3´-thiodi, didodecyl ester; Thiobis (dodecyl propionate); 3,3´-Thiobispropanoic acid,
Dill (Anethum graveolens) CAS 977050-60-4 FEMA 2382 Synonyms: Anethum graveolens; Dill; Dill leaf; Dill leaves; Dill seed Definition: Seeds and/or leaves of Anethum graveolens Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, baked goods, condiments, meats, pickles, sauces,
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference stews, vinegar, pastries, vegetables Regulatory: BP compliance; FDA 21CFR §184.1282, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Biolandes http://www.biolandes.com Dill (Anethum graveolens) seed oil CAS 8006-75-5; 8016-05-5; 8016-06-6 FEMA 2383 Synonyms: American dill seed oil; Anethum graveolens oil; Anethum graveolens seed oil; Dill fruit oil; Dill oil; Dill seed oil; Dill seed oil, European; European dill seed oil Definition: Volatile oil from dried ripe fruit of Anethum graveolens, contg. 50% carvone, dlimonene, phellandrene, other terpenes Properties: Colorless or pale yel. liq., char. odor; sol. in fixed oils, min. oil, propylene glycol; sol. in 1 vol. 90% alcohol; insol. in water, glycerin; dens. 0.900-0.915 (15/15 C); ref. index 1.4811.492 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 4040 mg/kg; mildly toxic by ing.; primary skin irritant; mutagen; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Storage: Keep cool, well closed; protect from light Uses: Natural flavoring agent, adjuvant in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum, alcoholic beverages, pickles, condiments, meats Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1282, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; BP compliance Manuf./Distrib.: Buckton Page Ltd http://www.bucktonpage.com; De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk; Lebermuth http://www.lebermuth.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Dill (Anethum graveolens) weed oil CAS 8006-75-5 Synonyms: Anethum graveolens; Anethum graveolens oil; Dill oil; Dill weed oil Definition: Oil from dill herb, contg. dphellandrene, terpinene, limonene, carvone, dillapiole, isomyristicin, and myristicin Properties: Sl. yel.; typical dill odor; flash pt. 118 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
F Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 4040 mg/kg; mildly toxic by ing.; skin irritant; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid contact with skin, wear protective clothing Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Natural flavoring agent, adjuvant in foods, seasoning blends, pickles Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §184.1282, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Europe listed, no restrictions; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com George Uhe http://www.uhe.com; Lebermuth http://www.lebermuth.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com; RCB Int'l. Sarcom http://www.sarcominc.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Dill (Anethum sowa) seed oil Synonyms: Anethum sowa oil; Anthenum sowa; Dill, Indian, oil; Dill seed oil, Indian type; Indian dill seed oil Definition: From Anethum sowa Properties: Caraway-like odor and flavor; sol. in alcohol and other org. solvents; sp. gr. 0.9280.980; ref. index 1.4860-1.4950 Uses: Natural flavoring agent, adjuvant in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510, 184.1282, GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Menthol & Allied Prods. http://www.essentialoilsandaromachemical s.com Dill fruit oil. See Dill (Anethum graveolens) seed oil Dill, Indian, oil. See Dill (Anethum sowa) seed oil Dill leaf; Dill leaves. See Dill (Anethum graveolens) Dill oil. See Dill (Anethum graveolens) weed oil; 1155
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Dill (Anethum graveolens) seed oil Dill seed. See Dill (Anethum graveolens) Dill seed oil; Dill seed oil, European. See Dill (Anethum graveolens) seed oil Dill seed oil, Indian type. See Dill (Anethum sowa) seed oil Dill weed oil. See Dill (Anethum graveolens) weed oil Dimagnesium diphosphate INS450(viii) Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, pH control agent, raising agent, sequestrant, water retention agent in foods Dimagnesium monohydrogen monophosphate; Dimagnesium orthophosphate; Dimagnesium phosphate. See Magnesium phosphate dibasic Dimagnesium trisilicate. See Magnesium trisilicate Dimethicone CAS 9006-65-9 Synonyms: Dimethicones; Dimethylpolysiloxane; Dimethyl silicone; Dimeticone; Polydimethylsiloxane; Poly (oxy (dimethylsilylene)), α-(trimethylsilyl)-ωmethyl-; α-(Trimethylsilyl)-ω-methylpoly [oxy (dimethylsilylene)] Definition: Silicone oil consisting of a mixt. of fully methylated linear siloxane polymers endblocked with trimethylsiloxy units Empirical: (C2H6OSi)xC4H12Si Properties: Colorless clear liq.; misc. with chloroform, ether; immisc. with water, alcohol; visc. inc. with degree of polymerization Uses: Defoamer in processing foods; chewing gum base; in canned fruits, canned fruit juices; mfg. of food pkg. materials; release agent migrating from food pkg. Features: Oleaginous Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §145.180, 145.181, 146.185, 173.340, 175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 176.200, 176.210, 177.2260, 177.2600, 177.2800, 178.3570, 178.3910, 181.22, 181.28; USDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; Europe listed; UK approved; Canada DSL; FDA approved for topicals; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance Manuf./Distrib.: Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Avatar Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.avatarcorp.com BASF http://www.basf.com; Biosil Tech. http://www.biosiltech.com; Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de; Dow Corning http://www.dowcorning.com; EMCO Chem. Distributors http://www.emcochem.com Evonik Goldschmidt; Fanning http://www.fanncorp.com/; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; GE Silicones http://www.gesilicones.com; Lanaetex Prods. Norman, Fox http://www.norfox.ws/; HallStar http://www.hallstar.com; Rhodia HPCII http://www.rhodia-hpcii.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Surfachem Ltd http://www.surfachem.com Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Wacker Silicones http://www.wackersilicones.com Trade Names: Dow Corning® 200 Fluid, Food Grade; Fluid AK; Foamkill® 810F; Foamkill® 830F; Masil® SF 5 Masil® SF 10; Masil® SF 100; Masil® SF 200; Masil® SF 350; Masil® SF 350 FG Masil® SF 500; Masil® SF 1000; Masil® SF 5000; Masil® SF 10,000; Masil® SF 60,000 Masil® SF 1,000,000; SF18-350; Silbione® Antifoam 70452 Compound Trade Names Containing: AF 9000; AF 9010; AF 9020; AF 9030; Sag 710 Dimethicone. See Dimethylsiloxane Dimethicones. See Dimethicone 1,2-Dimethoxy-4-allylbenzene. See Methyl eugenol 1,1-Dimethoxy-2-amyl-3-phenyl-2-propene. See α-Amylcinnamaldehyde dimethyl acetal 3,4-Dimethoxybenzaldehyde. See Veratraldehyde 1,2-Dimethoxybenzene. See oDimethoxybenzene 1,3-Dimethoxybenzene. See mDimethoxybenzene 1,4-Dimethoxybenzene. See pDimethoxybenzene m-Dimethoxybenzene CAS 151-10-0; EINECS/ELINCS 205-783-4 FEMA 2385 Synonyms: Benzene, 1,3-dimethoxy-; Benzene, m-dimethoxy-; 1,3Dimethoxybenzene; Dimethylether resorcinol; Dimethylresorcinol; 31156
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Methoxyanisole; Resorcinol dimethyl ether Definition: Synthesized from resorcinol by methylation using dimethyl sulfate and alkali Empirical: C8H10O2 Formula: C6H4(OCH3)2 Properties: Pale straw liq., acrid fruity odor reminiscent of nerolin; sol. in alcohol, ether, benzene; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 138.17; dens. 1.067 (20/4 C); b.p. 85-87 C (10 mm); flash pt. 190 F; ref. index 1.525 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (IP, mouse) 900 mg/kg; mod. toxic by IP route; skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating vapors Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Coconut-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Hofmen Int'l. http://www.hofmeninternational.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium o-Dimethoxybenzene CAS 91-16-7; EINECS/ELINCS 202-045-3 FEMA 3799 Synonyms: 1,2-Dimethoxybenzene; Pyrocatechol dimethyl ether; Veratrol; Veratrole Classification: Aromatic ether Empirical: C8H10O2 Formula: C6H4(OCH3)2 Properties: Colorless cryst. or liq.; sol. in alcohol, ether; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 138.17; dens. 1.084; m.p. 15 C; b.p. 205-207 C; flash pt. 189 F; ref. index 1.5330 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 890 mg/kg, (oral, mouse) 700 mg/kg; harmful liq.; mod. toxic by ing.; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Features: Vanilla-like flavor Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Fluka http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium p-Dimethoxybenzene CAS 150-78-7; EINECS/ELINCS 205-771-9 FEMA 2386 Synonyms: Anisole, p-methoxy-; Benzene, 1,4-dimethoxy-; 1,4-Dimethoxybenzene; Dimethyl ether hydroquinone; Dimethyl hydroquinone; Dimethylhydroquinone ether; DMB; DMHQ; HQDME; Hydroquinone dimethyl ether; p-Methoxyanisole; Quinol dimethyl ether Classification: Aromatic ether Definition: Obtained by methylation of hydroquinone using dimethyl sulfate and alkali Empirical: C8H10O2 Formula: C6H4(OCH3)2 Properties: Wh. flakes; sweet clover odor; very sol. in benzene, ether; sol. in 95% ethanol; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 138.17; dens. 1.053 (55/55 C); m.p. 54-56 C; b.p. 213 C; flash pt. 98 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3600 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 100 mg/kg; poison by IP route; mod. toxic by ing.; primary irritant; irritating to eyes, skin, respiratory system; may cause somnolence, muscle contraction or spasticity; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. exposed to heat or flame; can react with oxidizers Storage: Refrigerate Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Fluka http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Yasho Ind. http://www.yashoindustries.com 3,4-Dimethoxybenzenecarbonal. See Veratraldehyde 1,1-Dimethoxy decane; 10,10-Dimethoxydecane. See Decanal dimethyl acetal 1157
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference 1,1-Dimethoxy-3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadiene. See Citral dimethyl acetal 1,1-Dimethoxy-3,7-dimethyl-7-octanol; 8,8Dimethoxy-2,6-dimethyl-octanol-2. See Hydroxycitronellal dimethyl acetal (2,2-Dimethoxyethyl)-benzene. See Phenylacetaldehyde dimethyl acetal 1,1-Dimethoxy heptane. See Heptanal dimethyl acetal Dimethoxymethylbenzene. See Benzaldehyde dimethyl acetal (2,2-Dimethoxy-1-methylethyl)-benzene. See 2Phenylpropionaldehyde dimethylacetal (2-(Dimethoxymethyl)-1-heptenyl) benzene. See α-Amylcinnamaldehyde dimethyl acetal 1,1-Dimethoxyoctane. See Octanal dimethyl acetal 2,6-Dimethoxy phenol CAS 91-10-1; EINECS/ELINCS 202-041-1 FEMA 3137 Synonyms: 1,3-Dimethyl pyrogallate; Pyrogallol dimethyl ether; Pyrogallol 1,3dimethyl ether Classification: Aromatic phenol Empirical: C8H10O3 Formula: (CH3O)2C6H3OH Properties: Solid; m.w. 154.17; m.p. 53-56 C; b.p. 261 C; flash pt. > 230 F Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 550 mg/kg, (oral, mouse) 2500 mg/kg; LDLo (IV, cat) 100 mg/kg; harmful solid; poison by IV route; mod. toxic by ing.; irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Indofine http://www.indofinechemical.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com 1,1,-Dimethoxy-2-phenylethane. See Phenylacetaldehyde dimethyl acetal Dimethoxyphenylmethane. See Benzaldehyde dimethyl acetal 1,1-Dimethoxy-2-phenylpropane. See 2Phenylpropionaldehyde dimethylacetal Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
1-(3,4-Dimethoxyphenyl) propene. See Methyl isoeugenol 1-(3,4-Dimethoxyphenyl)-2-propene; 3-(3,4Dimethoxyphenyl) propene. See Methyl eugenol 1,2-Dimethoxy-4-propenylbenzene. See Methyl isoeugenol 1,2-Dimethoxy-4-(2-propenyl) benzene. See Methyl eugenol α,α-Dimethoxytoluene. See Benzaldehyde dimethyl acetal Dimethylacetic acid. See Isobutyric acid Dimethylacetone. See Diethyl ketone 2,4-Dimethylacetophenone CAS 89-74-7; EINECS/ELINCS 201-935-9 FEMA 2387 Synonyms: Methyl 2,4-dimethylphenyl ketone Classification: Aromatic ketone Definition: Obtained by condensation of acetyl chloride and m-xylene in presence of aluminum or ferric chloride Empirical: C10H12O Formula: CH3COC6H3(CH3)2 Properties: Colorless to ylsh. oil liq., floral sweet odor; m.w. 148.21; dens. 0.998 (20/4 C); b.p. 120 C (10 mm); flash pt. > 100 C; ref. index 1.543 (20 C) Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, alcoholic beverages Features: Sweet flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com 2,5-Dimethyl-3-acetylfuran. See 3-Acetyl-2,5dimethylfuran 2,3-Dimethylacrylic acid; (E)-2,3-Dimethylacrylic acid; trans-2,3-Dimethylacrylic acid; trans-α,βDimethylacrylic acid. See Tiglic acid Dimethylallyl alcohol. See 3-Methyl-2-buten-1-ol 1,1-Dimethylallyl alcohol. See 2-Methyl-3-buten2-ol 3,3-Dimethylallyl alcohol; γ,γ-Dimethylallyl alcohol. See 3-Methyl-2-buten-1-ol Dimethylamine CAS 124-40-3; EINECS/ELINCS 204-697-4 UN 1032 (DOT); UN 1160 (DOT) 1158
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Synonyms: Dimethylamine anhydrous; DMA; Methanamine, N-methyl-; NMethylmethanamine Classification: Sat. aliphatic amine Empirical: C2H7N Formula: CH3NHCH3 Properties: Colorless liquefied gas; strong fishy odor (below 100 ppm), ammonia-like odor (above 100 ppm); very sol. in water; sol. in ethanol, ether, oxygenated solvs.; m.w. 45.08; dens. 0.68 (0 C); vapor pressure 1520 mm Hg; m.p. -92.2 C; b.p. 6.9 C; flash pt. 20 C; autoignition temp. 400 C; pH 11.9 (0.1 M aq, sol'n.); surf. tens. 16.33 dynes/cm; dielec. const. 5.26 Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 5 ppm; STEL 15 ppm; LD50 (oral, rat) 698 mg/kg (33% aq. sol'n.); very toxic; poison on ing.; may cause skin irritation, burns on high exposure; lachrymator; can cause severe eye irritation, 'halo vision'; target organs: liver, skin, testes, respiratory system; TSCA listed Environmental: VOC; BOD5 1.47; ThOD 2.13 Precaution: Flamm., corrosive, very toxic, compressed gas; LEL 2.8%; UEL 14.4%; incompat. with mercury, acrylaldehyde, acids, acid chlorides, acid anhydrides, nitrosating agents, strong oxidizing agents, fluorine, maleic anhydride; violent/explosive reactions possible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Ammonia; reaction with nitrosating agents can form nitrosodimethylamine, a carcinogen; heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx NFPA: Health 3, Flammability 4, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, well-ventilated area, out of direct sunlight; protect from extreme temps.; never expose cylinders to temps. > 52 C or < 29 C Uses: Ion exchange membrane in prod. of grapefruit juice Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.20, 176.170; CERCLA hazardous substance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Air Prods. http://www.airproducts.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; BASF AG http://www.basf.de; Celanese http://www.celanesechemicals.com; http://www.chemvip.com Filo http://www.filochemical.com/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Mallinckrodt Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ Dimethylamine anhydrous. See Dimethylamine Dimethylamine/epichlorohydrin copolymer CAS 25988-97-0 Synonyms: Epichlorohydrin/dimethylamine copolymer; Methanamine, N-methyl-, polymer with (chloromethyl) oxirane; Poly (dimethylamine-co-epichlorohydrin) Formula: [N(CH3)2(Cl)CH2CH(OH)CH2]n Properties: Dens. 1.100; visc. 175 cps (50% aq.); ref. index 1.4270 Toxicology: Irritant Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Decolorizer, flocculant in clarification of refinery sugar liquors and juices; clarifier in beverages and vinegar Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.60, 176.170; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com Dimethylamine-epichlorohydrin copolymer. See Poly (2-hydroxypropyl-N,N-dimethyl ammonium chloride) 2-Dimethylaminoethanol; βDimethylaminoethanol; N,NDimethylaminoethanol; β-Dimethylaminoethyl alcohol. See Dimethylethanolamine Dimethyl anthranilate CAS 85-91-6; EINECS/ELINCS 201-642-6 FEMA 2718 Synonyms: 2-Methylamino methyl benzoate; N-Methylanthranilic acid, methyl ester; Methyl methylaminobenzoate; Methyl 2methylaminobenzoate; Methyl N-methyl-2aminobenzoate; N-Methyl methyl anthranilate; Methyl-N-methyl anthranilate; MMA Classification: aromatic compd. Empirical: C9H11NO2 Properties: Pale yel. liq. or solid; grape-like odor; sol. in fixed oils, oxygenated solvs.; sl. sol. in propylene glycol; insol. in water, glycerin; m.w. 1159
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference 165.21; dens. 1.126-1.132; m.p. 19 C; b.p. 256 C; flash pt. 196 F; ref. index 1.578-1.581 Toxicology: LD50 (IV, mouse) 180 mg/kg; LDLo (oral, rat) 3380 mg/kg; poison by IV route; mod. toxic by ing.; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: 6 mos. when stored at 40-70 F in tightly sealed original containers with minimum head space; avoid prolonged exposure to light, heat, air Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, baked goods, confectionery, ice cream, soft drinks Features: Orange, grape-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved as flavoring; Canada DSL; Australia AICS Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Givaudan Fragrances http://www.givaudan.com; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Treatt USA http://www.rctreatt.com; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com 2,4-Dimethylbenzaldehyde CAS 15764-16-6; EINECS/ELINCS 239-856-7 FEMA 3427 Classification: Aromatic aldehyde Empirical: C9H10O Properties: Liq.; m.w. 134.18; dens. 0.962; m.p. 9 C; b.p. 102-103 C (14 mm); flash pt. 192 F; ref. index 1.5490 Precaution: Combustible Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, confectionery, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
puddings, preserves, spreads Features: Sweet, cherry-like flavor Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Chemos GmbH http://www.chemosgroup.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com α,α-Dimethylbenzenepropanol. See Dimethyl phenethyl carbinol α,α-Dimethylbenzenepropanol acetate. See 2Methyl-4-phenyl-2-butyl acetate Dimethylbenzimidazolycobamide; 5,6Dimethylbenzimidazolycobamide cyanide; α(5,6-Dimethylbenzimidazolyl) cyanocobamide. See Cyanocobalamin Dimethylbenzyl carbinoacetate. See Dimethylbenzyl carbinyl acetate Dimethylbenzyl carbinol CAS 100-86-7; EINECS/ELINCS 202-896-0 FEMA 2393 Synonyms: Benzyl dimethyl carbinol; α,αDimethylphenethyl alcohol; 1,1-Dimethyl-2phenylethanol; DMBC; 1-Phenyl-2-methyl-2propanol Classification: aromatic alcohol Definition: Synthesized from acetone and benzyl magnesium chloride Empirical: C10H14O Properties: Wh. cryst. solid or liq.; fresh floral odor; bitter taste; sol. in oxygenated and aromatic solvs.; insol. in water; m.w. 150.22; dens. 0.98 kg/l (20 C); m.p. 24 C; b.p. 108 C (11 mm); flash pt. 92 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1280 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ingestion; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum, jellies Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com Dimethylbenzyl carbinyl acetate CAS 151-05-3; EINECS/ELINCS 205-781-3 1160
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference FEMA 2392 Synonyms: Benzyl dimethyl carbinyl acetate; Benzylpropyl acetate; Dimethylbenzyl carbinoacetate; α,α-Dimethylphenethyl acetate; α,α-Dimethylphenethyl alcohol acetate; 1,1-Dimethyl-2-phenyl acetate; DMBCA Classification: aromatic compd. Definition: Obtained by acetylation of dimethylbenzyl carbinol Empirical: C12H16O2 Formula: C6H5CH2C(CH3)2OOCCH3 Properties: Water-wh. liq. or solid; floral fruity odor; sol. in fixed oils; sol. in alcohol (4 parts/70%); sl. sol. in propylene glycol; insol. in water; m.w. 192.26; dens. 0.995-0.999 (supercooled); m.p. 29.5 C; flash pt. > 100 C; ref. index 1.4900-1.4940 (supercooled) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3300 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; skin irritant Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Dimethylbenzylcarbinyl butyrate. See α,αDimethylphenethyl butyrate Dimethylbenzylcarbinyl formate. See α,αDimethylphenethyl formate 4,5-Dimethyl-2-benzyl-1,3-dioxolan. See Phenylacetaldehyde 2,3-butylene glycol acetal α,α-Dimethylbenzyl isobutyrate CAS 7774-60-9; EINECS/ELINCS 231-876-4 FEMA 2388 Synonyms: α,α-Dmethyl benzyl 2-methyl propanoate; 1-Methyl-1-phenyl ethyl isobutyrate; Phenyldimethyl carbinyl isobutyrate; 2-Phenylpropan-2-yl Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
isobutyrate; 2-Phenyl propan-2-yl 2-methyl propanoate Definition: Obtained by esterification of dimethylphenyl carbinol with isobutyric acid Empirical: C13H18O2 Properties: Colorless cl. liq.; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 206.28 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Dimethylbenzyloctadecylammonium chloride. See Stearalkonium chloride 6,6-Dimethyl bicyclo (3.1.1) hept-2-ene-2methanol. See Myrtenol (1S)-6,6-Dimethylbicyclo [3.1.1] hept-2-ene-2methanol acetate; (1R)-6,6-Dimethylbicyclo [3.1.1] hept-2-ene-2-methyl acetate; (1S)-(6,6Dimethylbicyclo [3.1.1] hept-2-en-2-yl) methyl acetate. See Myrtenyl acetate β,γ-Dimethyl-α,[GD]-bis (3,4-dihydroxyphenyl) butane. See Nordihydroguaiaretic acid Dimethyl butanedioate. See Dimethyl succinate 4,4´-(2,3-Dimethyl-1,4-butanediyl) bis [1,2benzenediol]. See Nordihydroguaiaretic acid 2,3-Dimethyl-2-butenoic acid phenyl methyl ester. See Benzyl 2,3-dimethylcrotonate N-[N-(3,3-dimethylbutyl)-L-α-aspartyl]-Lphenalanine 1-methyl ester. See Neotame Dimethyl carbinol. See Isopropyl alcohol Dimethylchloroether. See Chloromethyl methyl ether Dimethylcocoamino betaine. See Coco-betaine Dimethyl cocobenzyl ammonium chloride. See Cocoalkonium chloride β-4-Dimethyl-3-cyclohexane-1-ethanol acetate. See p-Menth-1-en-9-yl acetate 3,4-Dimethyl-1,2-cyclopentadione. See 3,4Dimethylcyclopentane-1,2-dione 3,4-Dimethylcyclopentane-1,2-dione CAS 13494-06-9; EINECS/ELINCS 236-810-8 FEMA 3268 Synonyms: 3,4-Dimethyl-1,2-cyclopentadione; 3,4-Dimethyl-1,2-cyclopentanedione; 2Hydroxy-3,4-dimethyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one Classification: Aliphatic ketone Empirical: C7H10O2 Properties: Wh. to amber cryst. powd.; sweet maple caramel sugar fenugreek licorice odor; m.w. 126.15; m.p. 64-72 C; flash pt. > 100 C Toxicology: May be harmful by inh., ing., or skin absorp.; may cause eye/skin irritation; 1161
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Toxic fumes of CO, CO2; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Light-sensitive; refrigerate; store under nitrogen; keep tightly closed Uses: Flavoring agent in foods Features: Complements brown notes in sweet and savory flavors Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Gallaher Group http://www.gallaher-group.com; Givaudan Fragrances http://www.givaudan.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com 3,4-Dimethyl-1,2-cyclopentanedione. See 3,4Dimethylcyclopentane-1,2-dione Dimethyl dialkyl ammonium chloride. See Dialkyl dimethyl ammonium chloride 2,3-Dimethyl-1,4-diazine. See 2,3Dimethylpyrazine 2,5-Dimethyl-1,4-diazine. See 2,5Dimethylpyrazine Dimethyl dicarbonate CAS 4525-33-1; EINECS/ELINCS 224-859-8 INS242; E242 Synonyms: Dimethyl pyrocarbonate; DMDC; Pyrocarbonic acid dimethyl ester Classification: Nonaromatic ester Empirical: C4H6O5 Formula: (CH3OCO)2O Properties: Liq.; m.w. 134.09; dens. 1.254 (20/4 C); m.p. 15-17 C; b.p. 45-46 C (5 mm); ref. index 1.393 Toxicology: Irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Storage: Moisture sensitive; may develop pressure; refrigerate; handle and store under nitrogen Uses: Preservative, yeast inhibitor for foods, wine, dealcoholized and low alcohol wine, teas, beverages; flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.133; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Chemos GmbH http://www.chemos-group.com; Fluka Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Trade Names: Velcorin® Dimethyl didecyl ammonium chloride; N,NDimethyldidecylammonium chloride. See Didecyldimonium chloride 2,5-Dimethyl-2,5-dihydroxy-3-hexyne. See Dimethyl hexynediol Dimethyl diketone. See Diacetyl 8,8-Dimethyl-2,6-dimethyl-2-octanol. See Hydroxycitronellal dimethyl acetal 3,3-Dimethyl-8,9-dinorbornan-2-ol. See Fenchyl alcohol 3,3-Dimethyl-8,9-dinorbornan-2-one. See dFenchone 3,3-Dimethyl-8,9-dinorbornan-2-yl acetate. See Fenchyl acetate Dimethyldioctadecylammonium chloride. See Distearyldimonium chloride 1,4-Dimethyl-3,6-dioxa-1-heptanol. See PPG-2 methyl ether Dimethyl disulfide. See Methyl disulfide Dimethyldithiocarbamic acid sodium salt. See Sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate Dimethyl dithiodipropionate Empirical: C8H14O4S2 Formula: (SCH2CH2COOCH3)2 Uses: Germicide in foods N,N-Dimethyl-Ndodecylbenzenemethanaminium chloride; Dimethyl dodecyl benzyl ammonium chloride. See Lauralkonium chloride Dimethyl dodecyl betaine; N,NDimethyldodecylbetaine; N,N-Dimethyl-Ndodecylglycine. See Lauryl betaine Dimethylenediamine. See Ethylenediamine Dimethylene oxide. See Ethylene oxide Dimethylethanolamine CAS 108-01-0; EINECS/ELINCS 203-542-8 UN 2051 (DOT) Synonyms: Deanol; 2-Dimethylaminoethanol; β-Dimethylaminoethanol; N,NDimethylaminoethanol; βDimethylaminoethyl alcohol; N,N-Dimethyl ethanolamine; N,N-Dimethyl-2hydroxyethylamine; DMAE; DMEA; Ethanol, 2-(dimethylamino)-; βHydroxyethyldimethylamine Classification: Amino alcohol; alkanolamine Empirical: C4H11NO Formula: (CH3)2NCH2CH2OH 1162
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Properties: Colorless to pale yel. liq., amine odor; sol. in water, alcohol, ether; misc. with oxygenated and aromatic solvs.; m.w. 89.14; dens. 0.8866 (20/4 C); visc. 3.8 cps (20 C); vapor pressure 0.42 mm Hg (20 C); f.p. -64 C; b.p. 133 C; flash pt. (TCC) 39 C; autoignition temp. 295 C; ref. index 1.430; surf. tens. 28.3 dynes/cm Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2 g/kg, (IP, rat) 1080 mg/kg, (subcut., mouse) 961 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 1370 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing., inh., skin contact, IP, subcut. routes; skin and severe eye irritant; CNS stimulant; TSCA listed Environmental: VOC; ThOD 1.80 Precaution: Flamm.; corrosive; can form explosive mixts. with air ≥ 39 C; incompat. with oxidizing agents, strong acids, acid anhydrides, acid chlorides, nitrates, nitrous acid Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, NOx NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Hygroscopic; store in cool, dry, wellventilated area away from heat and ignition sources Uses: Ion exchange membrane in prod. of grapefruit juice Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.20, 175.105, 175.300; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Air Prods. http://www.airproducts.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Arkema http://www.arkema.fr Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; BASF AG http://www.basf.de; BASF http://www.basf.com; Dow http://www.dow.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Huntsman http://www.huntsman.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Nippon Nyukazai http://www.sankyo.co.jp; Pelron http://www.ele-pelron.com; Richman http://www.richmanchemical.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com N,N-Dimethyl ethanolamine. See Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Dimethylethanolamine Dimethyl ether hydroquinone. See pDimethoxybenzene Dimethyl ether protocatechualdehyde. See Veratraldehyde Dimethylether resorcinol. See mDimethoxybenzene 2-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)-1,4-benzenediol. See tButyl hydroquinone 1-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)-2-methoxy-4-methyl-3,5dinitrobenzene. See Musk ambrette (1,1-Dimethylethyl)-4-methoxyphenol. See BHA 2-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)-4-methoxyphenol. See 3-tButyl-4-hydroxyanisole 2,6-Dimethyl-3-ethylpyrazine. See 2-Ethyl-3,5(6)dimethylpyrazine Dimethyl formaldehyde. See Acetone Dimethyl fumarate CAS 624-49-7 Synonyms: Allomaleic acid dimethyl ester; Boletic acid dimethyl ester; 2-Butenedioic acid, diethyl ester, (E)-; trans-Butenedioic acid dimethyl ester; trans-1,2Ethylenedicarboxylic acid dimethyl ester; Fumaric acid, dimethyl ester Empirical: C6H8O4 Formula: CH3O2CCH=CHCO2CH3 Properties: M.w. 144.13; b.p. 102-103 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2240 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 1250 mg/kg; LC50 (inh., mouse, 10 min) > 3100 mg/m3; mod. toxic by ing. and skin contact; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Fungistat in tomato juice Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Chemos GmbH http://www.chemos-group.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Eurolabs Ltd http://www.eurolabs.co.uk; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com; Wychem Ltd http://www.wychem.co.uk 1-(2,5-Dimethylfuran-3-yl) ethanone. See 3Acetyl-2,5-dimethylfuran Dimethylglyoxal. See Diacetyl 2-(2,6- Dimethyl hepta-1,5-dienyl)-4-methyl-1,3dioxolane. See Citral propylene glycol acetal 1163
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference 2,6-Dimethyl heptanol-4 CAS 108-82-7; EINECS/ELINCS 203-619-6 FEMA 3140 Synonyms: Diisobutyl carbinol; 2,6-Dimethyl4-heptanol; 4-Heptanol, 2,6-dimethyl-; sNonyl alcohol Classification: Nonaromatic alcohol Empirical: C9H20O Formula: [(CH3)2CHCH2]2CH2O Properties: Colorless liq.; sol. in alcohol and ether; insol. in water; m.w. 144.29; sp.gr. 0.812; f.p. sets to glass at ≈ -65 C; b.p. 177.2180 C; flash pt. 66 C; ref. index 1.423 (21 C); surf. tens. 26 dynes/cm (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3560 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 800 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 4600 mg/kg; primary irritant; mild skin/eye irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, puddings, chewing gum Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §176.210; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Dow http://www.dow.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; TCI Am. http://www.tciamerica.com 2,6-Dimethyl-4-heptanol. See 2,6-Dimethyl heptanol-4 2,6-Dimethyl-4-heptanone; 2,6-Dimethylheptan4-one. See Diisobutyl ketone Dimethylheptenal. See 2,6-Dimethyl-5-heptenal 2,6-Dimethyl-5-heptenal CAS 106-72-9; EINECS/ELINCS 203-427-2 FEMA 2389 Synonyms: Bergamal; Dimethylheptenal; 2,6Dimethylhept-5-enal; 5-Heptenal, 2,6dimethyl-; Melomor; Melonal; Melonyl Empirical: C9H16O Formula: (CH3)2C:CH(CH2)2CH(CH3)CHO Properties: Pale yel. liq. or oil; melon odor; sol. in 2 parts 70% alcohol; m.w. 140.23; dens. 0.852-0.858; b.p. 80 C (19 mm); flash pt. (TOC) 62.2 C; ref. index 1.443-1.448 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; skin and eye irritant; TSCA listed Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits CO, CO2, acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: 6 mos. when stored in tightly sealed original containers with minimum head space; avoid prolonged exposure to light, heat, cold, air Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Features: Melon-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; Japan MITI Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Aromor Flavors & Fragrances http://www.aromor.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; Givaudan Fragrances http://www.givaudan.com Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; Natural Advantage http://www.naturaladvantage.net; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com 2,6-Dimethylhept-5-enal. See 2,6-Dimethyl-5heptenal Dimethylhexadecylbenzylammonium chloride. See Cetalkonium chloride 4-(1,5-Dimethyl-4-hexylidene)-1methylcyclohexene. See γ-Bisabolene Dimethyl hexynediol CAS 142-30-3; EINECS/ELINCS 205-533-4 Synonyms: 2,5-Dihydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-3hexyne; 2,5-Dimethyl-2,5-dihydroxy-3hexyne; 2,5-Dimethyl-3-hexyne-2,5-diol Definition: Di-tertiary acetylenic diol Empirical: C8H14O2 Formula: (CH3)2COHCCCOH(CH3)2 Properties: Wh. cryst.; very sol. in acetone, alcohol, ethyl acetate; sol. in water, oxygenated solvs.; sl. sol. in benzene, CCl4, naphtha; m.w. 142.20; sp. gr. 0.949 C; m.p. 94-95 C; b.p. 205-206 C Precaution: Avoid contact with eyes and skin Uses: Intermediate in synthesis of flavors Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Air Prods. http://www.airproducts.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com 2,5-Dimethyl-3-hexyne-2,5-diol. See Dimethyl hexynediol 1164
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Dimethyl hydroquinone; Dimethylhydroquinone ether. See p-Dimethoxybenzene N,N-Dimethyl-2-hydroxyethylamine. See Dimethylethanolamine Dimethylhydroxy furanone; 2,5-Dimethyl-4hydroxy-3-furanone; 2,5-Dimethyl-4-hydroxy3-(2H)-furanone. See 4-Hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl3(2H) furanone 2,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxy-3(2H)furanone. See Furaneol acetate 1,4-Dimethyl-7-(α-hydroxyisopropyl)-[GD]9,10octahydroazulene acetate. See Guaiol acetate 3,7-Dimethyl-7-hydroxyoctanal; 3,7-Dimethyl-7hydroxyoctan-1-al; 3,7-Dimethyl-7-hydroxyoctane-1-al. See Hydroxycitronellal 3,7-Dimethyl-7-hydroxy-1-octanol. See Hydroxycitronellol 5,6-Dimethyl-8-isopropenyl bicyclo [4.4.0]-dec-1en-3-one. See Nootkatone 1,4-Dimethyl-7-isopropenyl-[GD]9,10octahydroazulene; 2,8-Dimethyl-5isopropylidene-bicyclo [5.3.0] dec-1(7)-ene. See Guaiene Dimethylketal. See Acetone Dimethylketol. See Acetyl methyl carbinol Dimethylketone. See Acetone Dimethyl lauryl benzyl ammonium chloride. See Lauralkonium chloride Dimethyl lauryl betaine. See Lauryl betaine N,N-Dimethylmethanamine. See Trimethylamine Dimethylmethane. See Propane 2,2-Dimethyl-3-methylenebicyclo [2.2.1] heptane. See Camphene 6,6-Dimethyl-2-methylenebicyclo [3.1.1] heptane. See β-Pinene 7,7-Dimethyl-2-methylenebicyclo[2.2.1]heptane. See α-Fenchene 4-(2,2-Dimethyl-6-methylenecyclohexenyl)-3buten-2-one. See γ-Ionone 6,6-Dimethyl-2-methylene [3.1.1.] heptane. See β-Pinene (±)-7,7-Dimethyl-2-methylene-norbor. See αFenchene 2,2-Dimethyl-3-methylenenorbornane; 3,3Dimethyl-2-methylene norcamphane. See Camphene Dimethyl monosulfide. See Dimethyl sulfide Dimethyl myristyl benzylammonium chloride. See Myristalkonium chloride Dimethylnitromethane. See 2-Nitropropane N,N-Dimethyl-Noctadecylbenzenemethanaminium chloride; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Dimethyloctadecylbenzyl ammonium chloride. See Stearalkonium chloride N,N-Dimethyl-N-octadecyl-1-octadecanaminium chloride. See Distearyldimonium chloride 2,6-Dimethyloctadien-2,6-al-8; 3,7-Dimethyl-2,6octadienal; 3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-al. See Citral 3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienal diethyl acetal. See Citral diethyl acetal 3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienal dimethyl acetal; 3,7Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-al dimethyl acetal. See Citral dimethyl acetal 3,7-Dimethyl-octa-2,6-diene-1-thiol; 3,7Dimethyl-2 (trans),6-octadiene-1-thiol. See Thiogeraniol 2,6-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-8-ol. See Nerol 2,6-Dimethyl-2,7-octadien-6-ol. See Linalool 2-cis-3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-ol. See Nerol 3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-ol. See Linalool 3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-ol. See Geraniol 3,7-Dimethyl-octa-2,6-dien-1-ol; 3,7-Dimethylcis-2,6-octadien-1-ol. See Nerol 3,7-Dimethyl-trans-2,6-octadien-1-ol. See Geraniol 3,7-Dimethyl-(Z)-2,6-octadien-1-ol; cis-3,7Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-ol. See Nerol (E) 3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-ol; trans-3,7Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-ol. See Geraniol 3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-ol acetate. See Linalyl acetate cis-3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-ol acetate. See Neryl acetate (E)-3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-ol acetate; trans3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-ol acetate. See Geranyl acetate 3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-ol 2-aminobenzoate. See Linalyl anthranilate 3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-ol benzoate. See Linalyl benzoate 3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-ol cinnamate. See Linalyl cinnamate 3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-ol formate. See Linalyl formate cis-3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-ol formate. See Neryl formate trans-3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-ol formate. See Geranyl formate 3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-ol isobutyrate. See Linalyl isobutyrate trans-3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-ol isobutyrate. See Geranyl isobutyrate 4,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-ol isovalerate. See 1165
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Linalyl isovalerate 3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-ol propanoate. See Linalyl propionate cis-3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-ol propionate. See Neryl propionate (E)-3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-ol propionate. See Geranyl propionate (Z)-3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-ol propionate. See Neryl propionate 3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-thiol. See Thiogeraniol 3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-yl acetate. See Linalyl acetate 3,7-Dimethyl-2-trans-6-octadienyl acetate. See Geranyl acetate cis-3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-yl-acetate. See Neryl acetate (E)-3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl acetoacetate; trans-3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-yl acetoacetate. See Geranyl acetoacetate 3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-yl anthranilate. See Linalyl anthranilate 3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-yl benzoate. See Linalyl benzoate 3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-yl benzoate. See Geranyl benzoate 3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-yl butanoate. See Linalyl butyrate cis-3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl butanoate. See Neryl butyrate (E)-3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl butanoate. See Geranyl butyrate 3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-yl butyrate. See Linalyl butyrate 3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-yl butyrate; trans3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-yl butyrate. See Geranyl butyrate (E)-3,7-Dimethylocta-2,6-dien-1-yl ester, hexanoic acid. See Geranyl hexanoate (Z)-3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl ester isovaleric acid. See Neryl isovalerate trans-2,6-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-8-yl ethanoate. See Geranyl acetate 3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-yl formate. See Linalyl formate 3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-yl formate; (E)-3,7Dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl formate; trans-3,7Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-yl formate. See Geranyl formate Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-yl hexanoate; (E)-3,7Dimethylocta-2,6-dien-1-yl-n-hexanoate. See Geranyl hexanoate Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-yl isobutyrate. See Linalyl isobutyrate cis-3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-yl isobutyrate. See Neryl isobutyrate trans-3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl isobutyrate. See Geranyl isobutyrate trans-3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl isopentanoate. See Geranyl isovalerate 3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-yl isovalerate. See Linalyl isovalerate 3,7-Dimethyl-2-cis-6-octadien-1-yl isovalerate. See Neryl isovalerate 3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-yl mercaptan. See Thiogeraniol cis-3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl methanoate. See Neryl formate cis-3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl 3methylbutanoate. See Neryl isovalerate (E)-3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl 3methylbutanoate. See Geranyl isovalerate 3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-yl octanoa. See Linalyl octanoate 3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-yl phenylacetate. See Linalyl phenylacetate 3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-yl phenylacetate; (E)-3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl phenylacetate; trans-3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-yl phenylacetate. See Geranyl phenylacetate cis-3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl propanoate. See Neryl propionate (E)-3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl propanoate; 3,7Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-yl propionate. See Geranyl propionate 3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-3-yl propionate. See Linalyl propionate trans-3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-yl propionate. See Geranyl propionate 4α,5-Dimethyl-1,2,3,4,4α,5,6,7-octahydro-7-keto3-isopropenylnahthalen. See Nootkatone 2,6-Dimethyl octanal CAS 7779-07-9 FEMA 2390 Synonyms: 2,6-Dimethyl octanoic aldehyde; Isoaldehyde C-10; Isodecylaldehyde Empirical: C10H20O Properties: Colorless liq., sweet fruity odor, somewhat green flavor; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 156.26 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL 1166
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference 3,7-Dimethyloctane-1,7-diol; 3,7-Dimethyl-1,7octanediol. See Hydroxycitronellol 3,7-Dimethyloctane-3-ol. See Tetrahydrolinalool 2,6-Dimethyl octanoic aldehyde. See 2,6Dimethyl octanal Dimethyl octanol; 2,6-Dimethyl-8-octanol. See 3,7-Dimethyl-1-octanol 3,7-Dimethyl-1-octanol CAS 106-21-8; EINECS/ELINCS 203-374-5 FEMA 2391 Synonyms: Dihydrocitronellol; Dimethyl octanol; 2,6-Dimethyl-8-octanol; 3,7Dimethyloctan-1-ol; Geraniol tetrahydride; Perhydrogeraniol; Tetrahydrogeraniol Classification: acrylic terpene Definition: Usually prepared by hydrogenation of geraniol, citronellol, or citronellal Empirical: C10H22O Formula: (CH3)2CH(CH2)3CH(CH3)CH2CH2OH Properties: Colorless liq., sweet rosy odor, bitter taste; sol. in fixed oils, min. oil, propylene glycol, alcohol, hydrocarbon solvs.; insol. in glycerol; m.w. 158.29; dens. 0.828 (20/4 C); b.p. 98-99 C (9 mm); flash pt. 97 C; ref. index 1.435 (20 C); tenacity 12 hrs. on blotter Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) 2400 mg/kg; mod. toxic by skin contact; skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly sealed containers, protected from heat, light Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Sweet flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Australia; Canada DSL; Japan ENCS (no. 2-217); Philippines PICCS Manuf./Distrib.: Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; DRT http://www.drt.fr; http://www.drt.fr/en; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com Millennium http://www.millenniumchem.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Takasago Int'l. http://www.takasago.com Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Trade Names: Dimethyloctanol P&F 3,7-Dimethyloctan-1-ol. See 3,7-Dimethyl-1octanol 3,7-Dimethyl-3-octanol; 3,7-Dimethyloctan-3-ol. See Tetrahydrolinalool 3,7-Dimethyl-1,3,6-octatriene. See Ocimene 3,7-Dimethyl-6-octenal; 3,7-Dimethyl-6-octen-1al. See Citronellal 2,6-Dimethyl-2-octen-8-ol; 3,7-Dimethyl-6-octen1-ol; 3,7-Dimethyl-oct-6-en-1-ol. See βCitronellol 3,7-Dimethyl-7-octen-1-ol. See Rhodinol (3S)-3,7-Dimethyl-7-octen-1-ol; S-(-)-3,7Dimethyl-7-octen-1-ol. See (-)-Rhodinol 2,6-Dimethyl-2-octen-8-ol acetate; 3,7-Dimethyl6-octen-1-ol acetate. See Citronellyl acetate 3,7-Dimethyl-7-octen-1-ol acetate. See Rhodinyl acetate 2,6-Dimethyl-2-octen-8-ol butyrate; 3,7-Dimethyl6-octen-1-ol butyrate. See Rhodinyl butyrate 3,7-Dimethyl-6-octen-1-ol formate. See Citronellyl formate 3,7-Dimethyl-7-octen-1-ol formate. See Rhodinyl formate 3,7-Dimethyl-6-octen-1-yl acetate. See Citronellyl acetate 3,7-Dimethyl-7-octenyl butanoate; 2,6-Dimethyl2-octen-8-yl butyrate. See Rhodinyl butyrate 3,7-Dimethyl-6-octen-1-yl butyrate. See Citronellyl butyrate 2,6-Dimethyl-2-octen-8-yl formate; 3,7-Dimethyl6-octen-1-yl formate. See Citronellyl formate 3,7-Dimethyl-6-octen-1-yl isobutyrate. See Citronellyl isobutyrate 3,7-Dimethyl-6 or 7-octen-1-yl isobutyrate. See Rhodinyl isobutyrate (S)-3,7-Dimethyloct-7-enyl isovalerate. See Rhodinyl isovalerate 3,7-Dimethyl-6 or 7-octen-1-yl methanoate. See Rhodinyl formate 3,7-Dimethyloct-6-enyl 3-methylbutanoate. See Citronellyl isovalerate (S)-3,7-Dimethyloct-7-enyl 3-methylbutanoate. See Rhodinyl isovalerate 3,7-Dimethyl-6-octen-1-yl 2-methylpropanoate; 3,7-Dimethyloct-6-enyl 2-methylpropanoate. See Citronellyl isobutyrate 3,7-Dimethyl-6 or 7-octen-1-yl 2-methyl propanoate. See Rhodinyl isobutyrate ((3,7-Dimethyl-6-octenyl) oxy) acetaldehyde. See Citronelloxyacetaldehyde 3,7-Dimethyl-6-octen-1-yl phenylacetate. See 1167
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Citronellyl phenylacetate 3,7-Dimethyl-7-octenyl phenylacetate. See Rhodinyl phenylacetate 3,7-Dimethyl-6-octenyl propanoate; 3,7Dimethyl-6-octen-1-yl propionate. See Citronellyl propionate 3,7-Dimethyl-6-octen-1-yl valerate. See Citronellyl valerate Dimethylol dimethyl hydantoin; 1,3-Dimethylol5,5-dimethyl hydantoin; Dimethylol-5,5dimethylhydantoin. See DMDM hydantoin 4,5-Dimethylol-3-hydroxy-2-methylpyridine. See Pyridoxine 6,10-Dimethyl-3-oxa-9-undecenal. See Citronelloxyacetaldehyde 2,5-Dimethyl-4-oxo-4,5-dihydrofur-3-yl acetate. See Furaneol acetate α,α-Dimethylphenethyl acetate. See Dimethylbenzyl carbinyl acetate α,α-Dimethylphenethyl alcohol. See Dimethylbenzyl carbinol α,α-Dimethylphenethyl alcohol acetate. See Dimethylbenzyl carbinyl acetate α,α-Dimethylphenethyl butanoate. See α,αDimethylphenethyl butyrate α,α-Dimethylphenethyl butyrate CAS 10094-34-5; EINECS/ELINCS 233-221-8 FEMA 2394 Synonyms: Benzyl dimethylcarbinyl butyrate; Dimethylbenzylcarbinyl butyrate; α,αDimethylphenethyl butanoate; DMBC butyrate Classification: aromatic compd. Definition: Obtained by esterification of dimethyl benzyl carbinol with n-butyric acid Empirical: C14H20O2 Properties: Colorless liq., plum-prune odor, apricot/peach/plum-like taste; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 220.31 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; low oral toxicity; skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, puddings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Eramex Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Dimethyl phenethyl carbinol CAS 103-05-9; EINECS/ELINCS 203-074-4 FEMA 3629 Synonyms: Benzyl-t-butanol; 2-Butanol, 2methyl-4-phenyl-; α,αDimethylbenzenepropanol; Dimethyl phenylethyl carbinol; 1,1-Dimethyl-3phenylpropanol; 1,1-Dimethyl-3-phenyl-1propanol; α,α-Dimethyl-δ-phenylpropyl alcohol; 2-Methyl-4-phenyl-2-butanol; 2Methyl-4-phenylbutan-2-ol; Phenylethyl dimethyl carbinol; 2-(2-Phenylethyl)-2propanol; 4-Phenyl-2-methyl-2-butanol; 4Phenyl-2-methyl-butanol-2; 1-Propanol, 1,1dimethyl-3-phenylClassification: Aromatic alcohol Empirical: C11H16O Properties: Colorless cryst.; floral odor; sol. in oxygenated solvs.; insol. in water; m.w. 164.25; dens. 0.96 kg/l (20 C); m.p. 31-33 C; b.p. 144 C (85 mm); ref. index 1.5090 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2200 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 3500 mg/kg; TSCA listed Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, fragrance in foods Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; BASF http://www.basf.com; Moellhausen http://www.moellhausen.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Dimethyl phenethyl carbinyl acetate. See 2Methyl-4-phenyl-2-butyl acetate Dimethylphenethyl carbinyl isobutyrate. See 2Methyl-4-phenyl-2-butyl isobutyrate α,α-Dimethylphenethyl formate CAS 10058-43-2 FEMA 2395 Synonyms: Benzyl dimethylcarbinyl formate; 2-Benzyl-2-propyl formate; Dimethylbenzylcarbinyl formate; DMBC formate Definition: Synthesized from dimethyl benzyl carbinol and formic acid using acetic anhydride Empirical: C11H14O2 1168
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Properties: Colorless liq., lily-jasmine odor, spicy taste; sol. in alcohol; almost insol. in water; m.w. 178.23 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL 2,5-Dimethylphenol. See 2,5-Xylenol 2,6-Dimethylphenol. See 2,6-Xylenol 3,4-Dimethylphenol. See 3,4-Xylenol 3,6-Dimethylphenol. See 2,5-Xylenol 4,5-Dimethylphenol. See 3,4-Xylenol 1,1-Dimethyl-2-phenyl acetate. See Dimethylbenzyl carbinyl acetate N-[2-[(2,6-Dimethylphenyl) amino]-2-oxoethyl]N,N-diethylbenzenemethanaminium benzoate. See Denatonium benzoate 1,1-Dimethyl-2-phenylethanol. See Dimethylbenzyl carbinol Dimethyl phenylethyl carbinol. See Dimethyl phenethyl carbinol Dimethyl phenylethyl carbinyl acetate. See 2Methyl-4-phenyl-2-butyl acetate Dimethylphenylethyl carbinyl isobutyrate. See 2-Methyl-4-phenyl-2-butyl isobutyrate 4,5- Dimethyl-2-(phenyl methyl)-1,3-dioxolane. See Phenylacetaldehyde 2,3-butylene glycol acetal 1,1-Dimethyl-3-phenylpropanol; 1,1-Dimethyl-3phenyl-1-propanol. See Dimethyl phenethyl carbinol 1,1-Dimethyl-3-phenylpropyl acetate. See 2Methyl-4-phenyl-2-butyl acetate α,α-Dimethyl-δ-phenylpropyl alcohol. See Dimethyl phenethyl carbinol (1,1-Dimethyl-3-phenylpropyl) ester acetic acid. See 2-Methyl-4-phenyl-2-butyl acetate 1,1-Dimethyl-3-phenylpropyl isobutyrate; 1,1Dimethyl-3-phenylpropyl 2-methylpropanoate. See 2-Methyl-4-phenyl-2-butyl isobutyrate Dimethylpolysiloxane. See Polydimethylsiloxane; Dimethicone Dimethylpolysiloxane hydrolyzate. See Dimethylsiloxane 3,3-Dimethyl-1-propanethiol. See 3-Methyl-1butanethiol 2,2-Dimethylpropanoic acid ethyl ester; 2,2Dimethylpropionic acid, ethyl ester. See Ethyl pivalate 2,3-Dimethylpyrazine CAS 5910-89-4; EINECS/ELINCS 227-630-0 FEMA 3271 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Synonyms: 2,3-Dimethyl-1,4-diazine Classification: pyrazine Empirical: C6H8N2 Properties: Colorless to pale yel. liq., nutty cocoa odor; misc. with water, org. solvs.; m.w. 108.16; dens. 1.000-1.022 (20 C); vapor dens. 3.7; b.p. 182 C; flash pt. (OC) 147 F; ref. index 1.506-1.509 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 613 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 1390 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing. and IP routes; eye, skin, respiratory system irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq.; wear protective gloves, splash-proof goggles; incompat. with strong oxidizers, acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx, COx Storage: Keep in original, tightly closed container; keep away from heat, sparks, open flame Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, meats, soups Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Beyo Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.beyochem.com; Cargill Flavors & Fruit Systems USA http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/; Chunking http://www.chunkingchem.com; De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com Epochem http://www.epochem.com/; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Vioryl http://www.vioryl.gr/; Wutong Aroma http://www.wu-tong.com 2,5-Dimethylpyrazine CAS 123-32-0; EINECS/ELINCS 204-618-3 FEMA 3272 Synonyms: 2,5-Dimethyl-1,4-diazine Classification: pyrazine Empirical: C6H8N2 Properties: Colorless to ylsh. liq.; char. aminelike odor; misc. with water, ethanol, org. solvs.; m.w. 108.14; dens. 0.990; vapor dens. 3.7; m.p. 15 C; b.p. 155 C; flash pt. (OC) 147 F; ref. 1169
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference index 1.497-1.501 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1020 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 1350 mg/kg; irritant; mod. toxic by ingestion and IP routes; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. liq. exposed to heat, flame, or oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx, COx NFPA: Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: 6 mos. when stored at 40-70 F in tightly sealed original containers with minimum head space; keep away from heat, sparks, open flame Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, tobacco Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; Japan MITI Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; Beyo Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.beyochem.com; Cargill Flavors & Fruit Systems USA http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/ Epochem http://www.epochem.com/; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; WackerChemie AG http://www.wacker.com/cms/de/home/index .jsp Wutong Aroma http://www.wu-tong.com 2,6-Dimethylpyrazine CAS 108-50-9; EINECS/ELINCS 203-589-4 FEMA 3273 Classification: pyrazine Empirical: C6H8N2 Properties: Wh. to yel. cryst. or prisms; nutty coffee odor; sol. in water, ethanol; m.w. 108.14; dens. 0.965 (50 C); m.p. 35-40 C; b.p. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
154 C; flash pt. 127 F; ref. index 1.47481.5013 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 880 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 1080 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing. and IP route; mutagen; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx Storage: 6 mos. when stored at 40-70 F in tightly sealed original containers with minimum head space; avoid prolonged exposure to light, heat, air Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; Japan MITI Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; Beyo Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.beyochem.com; Cargill Flavors & Fruit Systems USA http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/; Epochem http://www.epochem.com/ Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Wutong Aroma http://www.wu-tong.com 2,6-Dimethylpyridine; α-α´-Dimethylpyridine. See 2,6-Lutidine Dimethyl pyrocarbonate. See Dimethyl dicarbonate 1,3-Dimethyl pyrogallate. See 2,6-Dimethoxy phenol 2,5-Dimethylpyrrole CAS 625-84-3 Classification: Pyrrole Empirical: C6H9N Properties: M.w. 95.15; dens. 0.935 g.ml; b.p. 165 C (740 mm); ref. index 1.505; flash pt. 130 F; flammable Toxicology: Eye, skin, and resp. tract irritant; toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin ,and if swallowed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Eurolabs Ltd http://www.eurolabs.co.uk Dimethylresorcinol. See m-Dimethoxybenzene 1170
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference 6,7-Dimethyl-9-d-ribitylisoalloxazine; 7,8Dimethyl-10-(d-ribityl) isoalloxazine; 7,8Dimethyl-1-(d-ribo-2,3,4,5-tetrahydroxypentyl) isoalloxazine. See Riboflavin Dimethyl salicylate. See Methyl omethoxybenzoate Dimethyl silicone. See Dimethicone Dimethyl silicones and siloxanes, reaction prods. with silica. See Siloxanes and silicones, dimethyl, reaction prods. with silica Dimethylsiloxane CAS 63148-62-9 Synonyms: Dimethicone; Dimethylpolysiloxane hydrolyzate; αMethyl-ω-methoxypolydimethylsiloxane; Polydimethylsiloxane, methyl end-blocked; Poly (oxy (dimethylsilylene)); Polyoxy (dimethylsilylene), α-(trimethylsilyl)-ωhydroxy; Silicone oil; Silicone oils; Siloxane, dimethyl-; Siloxanes and silicones, dimethyl-; α-(Trimethylsilyl) poly (oxy (dimethylsilylene))-ω-methyl; α(Trimethylsilyl)-ω-((trimethylsilyl) oxy) Classification: Silane Properties: Sp. gr. 0.963; b.p. > 140 C (0.002 mm); ref. index 1.4040 Toxicology: TDLo (subcut., mouse) 120 g/kg; questionable carcinogen; experimental tumorigen; mutagen; TSCA listed Uses: Antifoam for fermentation, foods (beverages, syrups, chewing gum bases, yeast mfg., wine, vinegar, jams, cooking oils, chocolate, etc.) Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com Trade Names: Dow Corning® Q7-2243 LVA; Hodag® CO-350; Hodag® FD-62 K; Hodag® FD-82K Trade Names Containing: Dow Corning® Antifoam 1500; DPO™ 100; Foam Buster™; ProKote™ C; ProKote™ VS SAF-119FG; SAF-129FG; SAF-139FG Dimethyl stearyl benzyl ammonium chloride. See Stearalkonium chloride α,4-Dimethylstyrene; α,p-Dimethylstyrene. See p-α-Dimethylstyrene p-α-Dimethylstyrene CAS 1195-32-0; EINECS/ELINCS 214-795-9 FEMA 3144 Synonyms: Benzene, 1-methyl-4-(1Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
methylethenyl)-; Dehydro p-cymene; α,4Dimethylstyrene; α,p-Dimethylstyrene; 4Isopropenyl toluene; p-Isopropenyl toluene; 1-Methyl-4-isopropenylbenzene; 1-Methyl-4(1-methylethenyl) benzene; 4-Methyl-αmethylstyrene; p-Methyl-α-methylstyrene; 2-(p-Methylphenyl) propene; Styrene, p,αdimethyl-; 2-p-Tolyl propene Empirical: C10H12 Formula: CH3C6H4C(CH3)CH2 Properties: Colorless liq.; citrus, pine-like odor on dil.; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 132.22; sp.gr. 0.894-0.904; m.p. -28 C; b.p. 186-190 C; flash pt. (CC) 62 C; ref. index 1.530-1.539 (20 C) Toxicology: Irritating to eyes, skin, respiratory system; may be harmful by ing., inh., skin absorp.; vapor/mist irritating to eyes, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract; TSCA listed Environmental: Prevent contamination of soil, ground- and surf. water Precaution: Combustible liq.; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Toxic fumes of CO, CO2; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from heat, ignition sources, naked flame; keep tightly closed Uses: Flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: DOT nonregulated; EINECS, AICS, China, DSL, ENCS, PICCS listed Manuf./Distrib.: Bedoukian Research http://www.bedoukian.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; ProSynth Ltd http://www.prosynth.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Dimethyl succinate CAS 106-65-0; EINECS/ELINCS 203-419-9 FEMA 2396 Synonyms: Butanedioic acid, dimethyl ester; Dimethyl butanedioate; Methyl succinate; Succinic acid, dimethyl ester Empirical: C6H10O4 Formula: CH3OCOCH2CH2COOCH3 Properties: Colorless liq., ethereal winey odor; sol. 8 g/l in water; m.w. 146.14; dens. 1.119 (20/4 C); m.p. 16-19 C; b.p. 190-193 C; flash pt. 90 C; ref. index 1.419 1171
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; sl. toxic by ing. and skin contact; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating vapors Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum Features: Fruity flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; DSM Chem. N. Am.; DSM Fine Chems. Austria http://www.dsmfinechemicals.com; DuPont http://www.dupont.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Dimethyl sulfide CAS 75-18-3; EINECS/ELINCS 200-846-2 UN 1164 (DOT); FEMA 2746 Synonyms: Dimethyl monosulfide; DMS; Methyl sulfide; Methyl thioether; Methylthiomethane; 2-Thiapropane; Thiobismethane; Thiopropane; 2Thiopropane Empirical: C2H6S Formula: (CH3)2S Properties: Colorless to straw-colored liq., disagreeable cabbage-like odor; sol. in alcohol, ether, oxygenated solvs.; insol. in water; m.w. 62.14; dens. 0.8458; m.p. -83.2 C; b.p. 37.5-38 C; flash pt. -38 C; autoignition temp. 206 C; ref. index 1.435 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3300 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 8 g/kg; LC50 (inh., rat) 40,250 ppm; poison by inh.; mod. toxic by ing.; skin and severe eye irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm.; dangerous fire hazard; flamm. limits in air 2.2-19.7%; explosive as vapor; vigorous reactions with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits highly toxic fumes of SOx and may explode NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 4, Reactivity 0 Storage: 12 mos. when stored at 40-70 F in tightly sealed original containers with minimum head space; avoid prolonged exposure to light, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
heat, air Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; Japan MITI Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; ChevronPhillips http://www.cpchem.com Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Epochem http://www.epochem.com/; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Gaylord http://www.gaylordchem.com I. P. Callison http://www.ipcallison.com; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; Natural Advantage http://www.naturaladvantage.net; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Wutong Aroma http://www.wu-tong.com Trade Names Containing: Tomato Oil 010 3-[(2,4-Dimethyl-5-sulfophenyl) azo]-4-hydroxy1-naphthalenesulfonic acid disodium salt. See Ponceau SX; FD&C Red No. 4 N,N-Dimethyl-Ntetradecylbenzenemethanaminium chloride. See Myristalkonium chloride 3,6-Dimethyl-5,6,7,7a-tetrahydro-2(4H)benzofuranone. See Menthalactone 4,4´-(2,3-Dimethyltetramethylene) dipyrocatechol. See Nordihydroguaiaretic acid Dimethyl p-tolyl carbinol. See Trimethylbenzyl alcohol 5-(2,3-Dimethyltricyclo [,6] hept-3-yl)-2methylpent-2-en-1-ol. See Santalol 5-(2,3-Dimethyltricyclo [,6] hept-3-yl)-2methylpent-2-en-1-ol acetate. See Santalyl acetate 3,7-Dimethyl-9-(2,6,6-trimethyl-1-cyclohexen-1yl)-2,4,6,8-nonatretraen-1-ol. See Retinol 1172
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Dimethyl trisulfate. See Dimethyl trisulfide Dimethyl trisulfide CAS 3658-80-8; EINECS/ELINCS 222-910-9 FEMA 3275 Synonyms: Dimethyl trisulfate; Methyl trisulfide; Methyl trithio methane; Trisulfide, dimethyl; 2,3,4-Trithiapentane Empirical: C2H6S3 Formula: CH3SSSCH3 Properties: Colorless to lt. yel. clear liq.; stench, strong onion-garlic meat odor; sol. in alcohol, propylene glycol, oil; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 126.25; dens. 1.202 g/ml; m.p. -68 C; b.p. 41 C (6 mm Hg); flash pt. 43 C; ref. index 1.602 Toxicology: May be harmful by inh., ing., or skin absorp.; may cause irritation; exposure may cause nausea, headache, vomiting; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, SOx; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Store in cool, dry place; keep tightly closed; keep away from ignition sources, heat, open flame Uses: Flavoring agent in foods (garlic, onion, spice, meat, soup, savory flavors Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510, GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Cargill Flavors & Fruit Systems USA http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/; Epochem http://www.epochem.com/; Natural Advantage http://www.naturaladvantage.net; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com 6,10-Dimethyl-5,9-undecadien-2-one; 6,10Dimethyl-undeca-5,9-dien-2-one; (E)-6,10Dimethylundeca-5,9-dien-2-one; trans-6,10Dimethyl-5,9-undecadien-2-one. See Geranyl acetone 6,10-Dimethyl-9-undecen-2-one. See Tetrahydro-pseudo-ionone 1,5-Dimethyl-1-vinyl-4-hexen-1-ol benzoate. See Linalyl benzoate 1,5-Dimethyl-1-vinyl-4-hexen-1-ol cinnamate. See Linalyl cinnamate 1,5-Dimethyl-1-vinyl-4-hexen-1-yl-oaminobenzoate; 1,5-Dimethyl-1-vinylhex-4Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
enyl anthranilate. See Linalyl anthranilate 1,5-Dimethyl-1-vinylhex-4-enyl benzoate; 1,5Dimethyl-1-vinyl-4-hexen-1-yl benzoate. See Linalyl benzoate 1,5-Dimethyl-1-vinyl hex-4-enyl butanoate. See Linalyl butyrate 1,5-Dimethyl-1-vinyl-4-hexen-1-yl cinnamate. See Linalyl cinnamate 1,5-Dimethyl-1-vinyl-4-hexenyl ester, isobutyric acid. See Linalyl isobutyrate 1,5-Dimethyl-1-vinylhex-4-enyl formate. See Linalyl formate 1,5-Dimethyl-1-vinyl hex-4-enyl hexanoate. See Linalyl hexanoate 1,5-Dimethyl-1-vinylhex-4-enyl isovalerate; 1,5Dimethyl-1-vinylhex-4-enyl 3methylbutanoate. See Linalyl isovalerate 1,5-Dimethyl-1-vinylhex-4-enyl 2methylpropanoate. See Linalyl isobutyrate 1,5-Dimethyl-1-vinyl-4-hexenyl octanoate. See Linalyl octanoate 1,5-Dimethyl-1-vinylhex-4-enyl phenylacetate. See Linalyl phenylacetate 1,5-Dimethyl-1-vinylhex-4-enyl 3-phenyl-2propenoate. See Linalyl cinnamate 1,5-Dimethyl-1-vinylhex-4-enyl propionate. See Linalyl propionate 3,7-Dimethylxanthine. See Theobromine 2,6-Dimethypyridine. See 2,6-Lutidine Dimeticone. See Dimethicone (E)-3,7-Dimetyyl-2,6-octadienyl benzoate. See Geranyl benzoate Dinitrogen monoxide; Dinitrogen oxide. See Nitrous oxide 2,6-Dinitro-3-methoxy-4-t-butyltoluene; 2,6Dinitro-3-methoxy-1-methyl-4-t-butylbenzene. See Musk ambrette Dinkum oil. See Eucalyptus globulus oil Dioctadecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride. See Distearyldimonium chloride Dioctadecyl thiodipropionate; 3,3´-Dioctadecyl thiodipropionate; Di-n-octadecyl 3,3´thiodipropionate. See Distearyl thiodipropionate Dioctrahedral smectite. See Attapulgite Dioctyl phthalate. See s-Dioctyl phthalate s-Dioctyl phthalate CAS 117-81-7; EINECS/ELINCS 204-211-0 Synonyms: BEHP; 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis (2-ethylhexyl) ester; Bis (2ethylhexyl)-1,2-benzenedicarboxylate; Bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate; DEHP; Di (21173
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference ethylhexyl) orthophthalate; Di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate; Dioctyl phthalate; Di-s-octyl phthalate; Ethylhexyl phthalate; 2Ethylhexyl phthalate; Phthalic acid, bis (2ethylhexyl) ester; Phthalic acid, dioctyl ester Definition: Diester of 2-ethylhexyl alcohol and phthalic acid Empirical: C24H38O4 Formula: C6H4[COOCH2CH(C2H5)C4H9]2 Properties: Lt. colored liq.; odorless; misc. with min. oil; insol. in water; m.w. 390.56; dens. 0.985 (20/4 C); vapor pressure 1.32 mm Hg (200 C); pour pt. -46 C; b.p. 231 C (5 mm); flash pt. 199 C; ref. index 1.486 (20 C) Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 5 mg/m3; STEL 10 mg/m3; LD50 (oral, rat) 30 g/kg, (IP, rat) 30,700 mg/kg, (IV, rat) 250 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 25 g/kg; poison by IV route; GI effects on ing.; primary irritant; may cause irritation of eyes and mucous membranes on overexposure; experimental teratogen; tumorigen, mutagen, reproductive effector; confirmed carcinogen; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Plasticizer migrating from food pkg. (for foods of high water content only) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 175.380, 175.390, 176.170, 176.210, 177.1010, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1400, 177.2600, 178.3120, 178.3910, 181.22, 181.27; FDA approved for ophthalmics, injectables; Canada DSL; HAP Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Chisso Am.; Eastman http://www.eastman.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Di-s-octyl phthalate. See s-Dioctyl phthalate Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate CAS 577-11-7; 1369-66-3; EINECS/ELINCS 209406-4 INS480 Synonyms: Bis (2-ethylhexyl) sodium sulfosuccinate; 1,4-Bis (2-ethylhexyl) sulfobutanedioic acid sodium salt; Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Butanedioic acid, sulfo-,1,4-bis( 2ethylhexyl ) ester, sodium salt; Dioctyl sulfosodiumsuccinate; Dioctyl sulfosuccinate sodium salt; Docusate sodium; DSS; 2-Ethylhexyl sulfosuccinate sodium; NaDOSS; Sodium 1,4-bis (2ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate; Sodium bis (2ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate; Sodium di (2ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate; Sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate; Sulfobutanedioic acid 1,4bis (2-ethylhexyl) ester sodium salt; Sulfosuccinic acid 1,4-bis (2-ethylhexyl) ester sodium salt Definition: Sodium salt of the diester of 2ethylhexyl alcohol and sulfosuccinic acid Empirical: C20H37NaO7S Formula: C8H17OOCCH2CH(SO3Na)COOC8H17 Properties: Wh. wax-like solid, char. octyl alcohol odor; slowly sol. in water; freely sol. in alcohol, glycerol, CCl4, acetone, xylene, hexane; m.w. 445.63; m.p. 173-179 C; anionic Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1900 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 590 mg/kg, (IV, mouse) 60 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing., IP routes; poison by IV route; skin, severe eye irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of SOx and Na2O HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Hygroscopic; preserve in well-closed containers Uses: Emulsifier, processing aid for cane sugar; wetting agent, dispersant, emulsifier, solubilizer in foods; emulsifier for cocoa fat; diluent in food colorants; flavoring agent for dry beverage mixes (with cocoa); wetting agent in fumaric acidacidulated foods, drinks; processing aid, wetting agent for fumaric acid (with EO/PO copolymers) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1, with cocoa, 131.130, 133.124, 133.133, 133.134, 133.162, 133.178, 133.179, 163.114, 163.117, 169.115, 169.150, 172.520, 172.808, 172.810, 175.105, 175.300, 175.320, 176.170, 176.180, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.2800, 178.1010, 178.3400; USDA 9 CFR §318.7, 381.147; FDA approved for injectables (IM), orals, topicals; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alco http://www.alcochemical.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Ashland 1174
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.ashchem.com; Atlas Refinery http://www.atlasrefinery.com Brotherton Ltd http://www.brotherton.co.uk; Budenheim USA http://www.gallard-schlesinger.com; Burlington Chem. http://www.burco.com; Ceres Chem. http://www.cereschemical.com/; Chemax http://www.chemaxperformancesolutions.c om Chemial SpA http://www.chemial.com; CoKEM Assoc.; Cognis/Chems. Group http://www.cognis-us.com; Croda Inc http://www.croda.com; http://www.crodausa.com; Cytec Ind. http://www.cytec.com DeForest Enterprises http://www.deforest.net; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Eastern Color & Chem. http://easterncolor.net; Finetex http://www.finetexinc.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; Independent Chem. http://www.independentchemical.com; Lambent Tech. http://www.lambentcorp.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com McIntyre http://www.mcintyregroup.com; Norman, Fox http://www.norfox.ws/; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com HallStar http://www.hallstar.com; Rhodia HPCII http://www.rhodia-hpcii.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Thornley http://www.thornleycompany.com/; Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Venchem http://www.venchem.co.uk; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names: Complemix® 100 Dioctyl sulfosodiumsuccinate; Dioctyl sulfosuccinate sodium salt. See Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate Dioleic acid, diester with decaglycerol. See Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Polyglyceryl-10 dioleate Dioleic acid, diester with hexaglycerol. See Polyglyceryl-6 dioleate 1,4-Dioxacycloheptadecane-5,17-dione. See Ethylene brassylate 1,3-Dioxaindane. See 1,2Methylenedioxybenzene 1,1-Dioxide-1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one sodium salt. See Saccharin sodium anhydrous 1,3-Dioxolane, 4-methyl-2-pentyl-. See Hexanal propylene glycol acetal m-Dioxybenzene. See Resorcinol Dioxymethyleneprotocatechuic aldehyde. See Heliotropine Dipanol. See dl-Limonene Dipentene. See l-Limonene Dipentene (INCI). See dl-Limonene Dipentene polymer. See Polydipentene 2,4-Di-t-pentylphenol. See 2,4-Di-t-amylphenol Diphenyl. See Biphenyl Diphenyl disulfide. See Phenyl disulfide Diphenyl ether. See Diphenyl oxide Diphenyl-2-ethylhexyl phosphate. See Diphenyl octyl phosphate Diphenyl ketone; Diphenyl methanone. See Benzophenone Di (phenylmethyl) disulfide. See Benzyl disulfide Diphenyl octyl phosphate CAS 1241-94-7 Synonyms: Diphenyl-2-ethylhexyl phosphate; DPOF; 2-Ethyl-1-hexanol ester with diphenyl phosphate; 2-Ethylhexyl diphenyl ester phosphoric acid; 2-Ethylhexyl diphenyl phosphate; Octyl diphenyl phosphate Empirical: C20H27O4P Properties: Colorless liq.; nonvolatile; insol. in water; m.w. 362.44; dens. 1.088-1.093; visc. 25 mPa•s (20 C); flash pt. (COC) 224 C; ref. index 1.507-1.510 Toxicology: LD50 (IP, mouse) 930 mg/kg; LDLo (IV, rabbit) 272 mg/kg; poison by IV route; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of POx Uses: Plasticizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 175.320, 181.27; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com; Ashland 1175
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.ashchem.com; Bayer http://www.bayerus.com; Monsanto http://www.monsanto.com Trade Names: Santicizer® 141 o-Diphenylol. See o-Phenylphenol Diphenyl oxide CAS 101-84-8; EINECS/ELINCS 202-981-2 FEMA 3667 Synonyms: Biphenyl oxide; Diphenyl ether; Geranium crystals; 1,1´-Oxybisbenzene; Phenoxybenzene; Phenyl ether Classification: Aromatic ether Empirical: C12H10O Formula: (C6H5)2O Properties: Colorless cryst.; geranium odor; sol. in ethanol, benzene, diethyl ether, glac. acetic acid; misc. with oxygenated solvs.; insol. in water; m.w. 170.21; dens. 1.073;' vapor pressure 0.0213 mm Hg; m.p. 26-30 C; b.p. 259 C; flash pt. 96 C; autoignition temp. 618 C; ref. index 1.5790; surf. tens. 38.82 dynes/cm Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 1 ppm; STEL 2 ppm (vapor); LD50 (oral, rat) 3370 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; harmful vapor; avoid contact and inh.; primary skin and eye irritant; prolonged exposure causes liver/spleen/kidney/thyroid damage, GI upset; target organs: eyes, skin, respiratory system, liver, kidneys, spleen, thyroid; TSCA listed Environmental: VOC; ThOD 2.63 Precaution: Combustible exposed to heat or flame; LEL 0.8%; UEL 1.5%; can react with oxidizing materials Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, soft candy, beverages Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ADA Int'l. http://www.joinme.net/ada/index.htm; Adrian Amer. http://www.adrianusa.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com D&O http://dochem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; Haltermann
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
GmbH http://www.haltermann.com; Monsanto http://www.monsanto.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Schenectady Herdillia Ltd http://www.siigroup.com/herdillia/index.htm l 1,3-Diphenyl-2-propanone CAS 102-04-5; EINECS/ELINCS 203-000-0 FEMA 2397 Synonyms: Benzyl ketone; Dibenzyl ketone Classification: aromatic ketone Empirical: C15H14O Formula: (C6H5CH2)2CO Properties: Low-melting solid, bitter almond odor; sol. in ether; insol. in water; m.w. 210.28; m.p. 32-34 C; b.p. 330 C; flash pt. > 230 F Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Fluka http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Diphosphoric acid, calcium salt (1:2). See Calcium pyrophosphate Diphosphoric acid disodium salt. See Sodium acid pyrophosphate Diphosphoric acid tetrapotassium salt. See Tetrapotassium pyrophosphate Diphosphoric acid tetrasodium salt. See Tetrasodium pyrophosphate Dipotassium (E)-but-2-enedioate. See Potassium fumarate Dipotassium carbonate. See Potassium carbonate Dipotassium dichloride. See Potassium chloride Dipotassium diphosphate INS450(iv) Uses: Emulsifier, stabilizer, pH control agent, raising agent, sequestrant, water retention agent in foods Dipotassium disulfite. See Potassium metabisulfite Dipotassium EDTA dihydrate CAS 25102-12-9 Synonyms: Edetate dipotassium; EDTA 1176
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference dipotassium; Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, dipotassium salt dihydrate; (Ethylenedinitrilo) tetraacetic acid, dipotassium salt Classification: Nonaromatic amino acid Empirical: C10H14K2N2O8 • 2H2O Properties: Wh. powd.; sol. in water; m.w. 404.47; m.p. 272 C (dec.) Toxicology: Irritating to eyes, skin, respiratory system; TSCA listed Storage: Store @ R.T. in tightly closed container Uses: Antioxidant for foods Manuf./Distrib.: Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fisher Scientific https://www1.fishersci.com/index.jsp; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Interchem http://www.interchem.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium Dipotassium guanosine-5´-monophosphate. See Dipotassium 5´-guanylate Dipotassium 5´-guanylate CAS 3254-39-5 INS628; E628 Synonyms: Dipotassium guanosine-5´monophosphate; Potassium guanylate; Potassium 5´-guanylate Empirical: C10H12K2N5O8P Properties: Colorless or wh. cryst. or wh. cryst. powd.; odorless; freely sol. in water; pract. insol. in ethanol; m.w. 439.40 Uses: Flavor enhancer in foods Dipotassium hydrogen orthophosphate; Dipotassium hydrogen phosphate. See Potassium phosphate dibasic Dipotassium inosine-5'-monophosphate. See Potassium inosinate Dipotassium DL-malate. See Potassium malate Dipotassium monophosphate; Dipotassium orthophosphate. See Potassium phosphate dibasic Dipotassium persulfate. See Potassium persulfate Dipotassium phosphate. See Potassium phosphate dibasic Dipotassium pyrosulfite. See Potassium metabisulfite Dipotassium salt of hydroxybutanedioic acid. See Potassium malate Dipotassium L-(+)-tartrate. See Potassium acid Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
tartrate Dipropionyl. See 3,4-Hexanedione Dipropyl disulfide. See Propyl disulfide Dipropylene glycol methyl ether; Dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether. See PPG-2 methyl ether Dipropyl ketone. See 4-Heptanone Dipropyl methane. See Heptane Dipropyl trisulfide CAS 6028-61-1; EINECS/ELINCS 227-903-4 FEMA 3276 Synonyms: Propyl trisulfide; Propyl trithio propane Empirical: C6H14S3 Properties: Pale to sl. yel. liq.; onion, sulfur, garlic odor; m.w. 182.36; flash pt. 75 C Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, baked goods, meats, soups, condiments, pickles Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Cargill Flavors & Fruit Systems USA http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/; Givaudan Fragrances http://www.givaudan.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com Disodium acid phosphate. See Sodium phosphate dibasic anhydrous Disodium butanedioate. See Sodium succinate Disodium calcium ethylenediaminetetraacetate. See Calcium disodium EDTA Disodium capryloamphodiacetate CAS 7702-01-4; 68298-18-0; 68608-64-0; EINECS/ELINCS 231-721-0; 269-544-6; 271792-5 Synonyms: Capryloamphocarboxyglycinate; Capryloamphodiacetate; Disodium N-[2(carboxylatomethoxy) ethyl]-N-[2-[(1oxooctyl) amino] ethyl] glycinate; 1HImidazolium, 1-[2-(carboxymethoxy)ethyl]1-(carboxymethyl)-2-heptyl-4,5-dihydro-, hydroxide, disodium salt Classification: Amphoteric organic compd. Empirical: C16H31N2O6 • 2Na Properties: Amphoteric Uses: Emulsifier, washing and peeling aid in foods Features: Low foaming Regulatory: Canada DSL Trade Names: Miranol® J2M Conc. 1177
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Disodium carbonate. See Sodium carbonate Disodium carbonate, compd. with hydrogen peroxide (2:3); Disodium carbonate, hydrogen peroxide (2:3). See Sodium percarbonate Disodium N-[2-(carboxylatomethoxy) ethyl]-N-[2[(1-oxooctyl) amino] ethyl] glycinate. See Disodium capryloamphodiacetate Disodium citrate CAS 144-33-2 INS331(ii); E331 Synonyms: Disodium hydrogen citrate; Disodium monohydrogen citrate; Sodium citrate Empirical: C6H6O7 • 2Na Properties: Wh. cryst. or gran. powd., odorless; sol. in water; insol. in alcohol; m.w. 236.10; m.p. loses water @ 150 C; b.p. dec. @ red heat Toxicology: LD50 (IP, rat) 1724 mg/kg, (IV, mouse) 71 mg/kg, (subcut., mouse) 2580 mg/kg; poison by IV route; mod. toxic by IP and subcut. routes; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke, toxic fumes of Na2O Uses: Buffer, pH control agent, nutrient, sequestrant, curing accelerator, emulsifier, stabilizer, antioxidant, antioxidant synergist in foods, cultured buttermilk, poultry, cured meat prods., coffee whiteners, margarine, evaporated milk, pork; stabilizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §181.29, GRAS; USDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; Europe listed; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Disodium cyanodithioimidocarbonate CAS 138-93-2 Synonyms: Carbamodithioic acid, cyano-, disodium salt; Cyanodithioimidocarbonate, disodium; Imidocarbonic acid, cyanodithio, disodium salt Empirical: C2N2Na2S2 Properties: Orangish powd.; m.w. 162.1 Uses: Antimicrobial in cane-sugar and beetsugar mills Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.320, 175.105, 176.300, 178.3120, 181.30 Disodium dihydrogen diphosphate. See Sodium acid pyrophosphate Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Disodium dihydrogen ethylenediaminetetraacetate. See Disodium EDTA Disodium dihydrogen pyrophosphate; Disodium diphosphate. See Sodium acid pyrophosphate Disodium disulfite. See Sodium metabisulfite Disodium dithionate; Disodium dithionite. See Sodium hydrosulfite Disodium edetate. See Disodium EDTA Disodium EDTA CAS 139-33-3 (anhyd.); 6381-92-6 (dihydrate); EINECS/ELINCS 205-358-3 INS386 Synonyms: Disodium dihydrogen ethylenediaminetetraacetate; Disodium edetate; Disodium ethylenediamine tetraacetate; Edetate disodium; Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt; (Ethylenedinitrilo) tetraacetic acid, sodium salt; Glycine, N,N´-1,2ethanediylbis[N-(carboxymethyl)-, disodium salt dihydrate Classification: Substituted diamine Empirical: C10H14N2Na2O8 Formula: (–OOCCH2)2NCH2CH2N(CH2COO–)2 2H+ • 2Na+ Properties: Wh. cryst. powd.; odorless; freely sol. in water; m.w. 336.24 (anhyd.), 372.24 (dihydrate); m.p. 252 (dec.); pH 4-6 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2 g/kg, (IV, mouse) 56 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 260 mg/kg; poison by IP and IV route; mod. toxic by ing.; experimental teratogen, reproductive effects; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx and Na2O HMIS: Health 2, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store @ R.T. Uses: Preservative, preservative synergist, antioxidant, stabilizer, chelating agent in foods; sequestrant in nonnutritive sweeteners; color retention aid in canned peas; stabilizer for Vitamin B12 in multivitamin preps. (with iron salts); hog scald agent; antioxidant (Japan) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1, 155.200, 169.115, 169.140, 169.150, 172.120, 172.135, 175.105, 176.150, 176.170, 177.1200, 177.2800, 178.1010, 178.3570, 178.3910, 573.360; USDA 9CFR §318.7; Canada DSL; 1178
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Japan approved (0.25 g/kg max. as calcium disodium EDTA); FDA approved for injectables, inhalants, IV, ophthalmics, orals, otics, rectals, topicals; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com; Bimal Pharma Chem Chemacon GmbH http://www.chemacon.de; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; Hampshire Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Jarchem Ind. http://www.jarchem.com/; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.W. Greeff http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names: Dissolvine® NA-2-P; Protacide™ NA2 P; Versene NA Disodium 1,2-ethanebis (carbamodithioate); Disodium ethylene bisdithiocarbamate; Disodium ethylene-1,2-bisdithiocarbamate. See Nabam Disodium ethylenediamine tetraacetate. See Disodium EDTA Disodium glycyrrhizin. See Disodium glycyrrhizinate Disodium glycyrrhizinate CAS 71277-79-7 Synonyms: Disodium glycyrrhizin; Glycyrrhizinic acid disodium salt Empirical: C42H62O16 • 2Na Properties: M.w. 869.02 Toxicology: LD50 (IP, mouse) 144 mg/kg; poison by IP route; mutagen Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of Na2O Uses: Sweetener for foods Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: ; Japan approved Disodium GMP; Disodium guanosine-5´monophosphate. See Disodium guanylate Disodium guanylate CAS 5550-12-9 (anhyd.) FEMA 3668; INS627; E627 Synonyms: Disodium GMP; Disodium guanosine-5´-monophosphate; Disodium 5´-guanylate; GMP; GMP disodium salt; GMP sodium salt; G-5´-P; Guanosine 5´disodium phosphate; Guanosine monophosphate disodium salt; Guanosine 5´-monophosphate disodium salt; Guanylic acid sodium salt; Sodium GMP; Sodium guanosine-5´-monophosphate; Sodium guanylate; Sodium-5´-guanylate Empirical: C10H12N5O8P • 2Na Formula: Na2C10H12N5O8P • 2HOH Properties: Colorless to wh. cryst., char. taste; sol. in cold water, very sol. in hot water; sl. sol. in alcohol; insol. in ether; m.w. 407.18 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 15 g/kg, (IP, rat) 3880 mg/kg, (subcut., rat) 3400 mg/kg, (IV, rat) 2720 mg/kg; mod. toxic by IP, subcut., IV routes; mildly toxic by ing.; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of POx, NOx, Na2O Storage: Moisture-sensitive; keep under argon Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, flavor enhancer in foods, baked goods, ice cream, canned foods, meats, poultry, sauces, snack foods, soups, soft candy, puddings, beverages, fats and oils, dairy prods., condiments, seasonings, etc. Features: 200 times stronger than MSG Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §155.120, 155.130, 155.170, 155.200, 155.201, 170.60, 172.530; USDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved; Europe listed; UK approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Kyowa Hakko Kogyo http://www.kyowa.co.jp; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium Trade Names: Ajitide™ GMP Trade Names Containing: Ajitide™ I+G Disodium 5´-guanylate. See Disodium guanylate 1179
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Disodium hydrogen citrate. See Disodium citrate Disodium hydrogen orthophosphate; Disodium hydrogen phosphate. See Sodium phosphate dibasic anhydrous Disodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate. See Sodium phosphate dibasic dihydrate Disodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate. See Sodium phosphate dibasic dodecahydrate Disodium hydrogen phosphate heptahydrate. See Sodium phosphate dibasic heptahydrate Disodium 3-hydroxy-4-((2,4,5-trimethylphenyl) azo)-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonate; Disodium 3hydroxy-4-((2,4,5-trimethylphenyl) azo)-2,7naphthalenedisulfonic acid. See Ponceau 3R Disodium IMP. See Disodium inosinate Disodium indigo-5,5-disulfonate. See FD&C Blue No. 2; Acid blue 74 Disodium inosinate CAS 4691-65-0 FEMA 3669; INS631; E631 Synonyms: Disodium IMP; Disodium 5´inosinate; Disodium inosine 5´monophosphate; Disodium inosine-5´phosphate; IMP; IMP disodium salt; IMP sodium salt; Inosine 5´-disodium phosphate; Inosine-5´-monophosphate disodium; Sodium inosinate; Sodium 5´inosinate Definition: A 5´-nucleotide derived from seaweed or dried fish Empirical: C10H11N4O8P • 2Na Properties: Colorless to wh. cryst., char. taste; sol. in water; sl. sol. in alcohol; insol. in ether; m.w. 392.17 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 15,900 mg/kg, (IV, rat) 2730 mg/kg, (subcut., rat) 3900 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 4850 mg/kg; mod. toxic by several routes; experimental teratogen; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of POx, NOx, Na2O Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, flavor enhancer in foods, baked goods, ice cream, soft candy, soups, snack foods, beverages, gravies, fats and oils, dairy prods., hams, cured meat, poultry, sausage, fish, seasonings, etc. Features: 100 times stronger than MSG Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §155.120, 155.130, Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
155.170, 155.200, 155.201, 170.60, 172.535, must contain ≤ 150 ppm sol. barium; USDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; FEMA GRAS; UK, Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Ajinomoto http://www.ajinomoto.co.jp; http://www.ajinomoto.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Trade Names: Ajitide™ IMP Trade Names Containing: Ajitide™ I+G Disodium 5´-inosinate; Disodium inosine 5´monophosphate; Disodium inosine-5´phosphate. See Disodium inosinate DL-Disodium malate; Disodium DL-malate. See Sodium malate Disodium metasilicate. See Sodium metasilicate Disodium monohydrogen citrate. See Disodium citrate Disodium monohydrogen orthophosphate; Disodium monohydrogen phosphate. See Sodium phosphate dibasic anhydrous Disodium monosilicate. See Sodium metasilicate Disodium orthophosphate. See Sodium phosphate dibasic dihydrate Disodium orthophosphate dodecahydrate. See Sodium phosphate dibasic dodecahydrate Disodium orthophosphate heptahydrate. See Sodium phosphate dibasic heptahydrate Disodium orthophosphatephosphate. See Sodium phosphate dibasic anhydrous Disodium peroxodisulfate; Disodium peroxydisulfate. See Sodium persulfate Disodium phosphate. See Sodium phosphate dibasic anhydrous Disodium phosphate dihydrate. See Sodium phosphate dibasic dihydrate Disodium phosphate dodecahydrate. See Sodium phosphate dibasic dodecahydrate Disodium phosphate heptahydrate. See Sodium phosphate dibasic heptahydrate Disodium phosphoric acid. See Sodium phosphate dibasic anhydrous Disodium pyrophosphate (INCI). See Sodium acid pyrophosphate Disodium pyrosulfite. See Sodium metabisulfite Disodium salt of hydroxybutanedioic acid. See Sodium malate Disodium succinate (INCI). See Sodium succinate 1180
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Disodium sulfate. See Sodium sulfate Disodium sulfide. See Sodium sulfide Disodium sulfite. See Sodium sulfite Disodium tartrate; Disodium L-(+)-tartrate. See Sodium tartrate Disodium thiosulfate. See Sodium thiosulfate anhydrous Disproportionated rosin. See Rosin Distarch phosphate CAS 55963-33-2; 977088-74-6; 977088-75-7 INS1412; E1412 Synonyms: Phosphate crosslinked starch Classification: Food starch modified Definition: Prod. from crosslinking of starch with sodium metaphosphate, sodium trimetaphosphate, or phosphorus oxychloride Properties: Wh. or nearly wh. powd. or gran.; flakes, amorphous powd. or coarse particles if pregelatinized Toxicology: No known toxicity Uses: Stabilizer, thickener, binder, emulsifier in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AB R Lundberg http://www.norfoods.se/lundberg Trade Names: StabiTex 06330; StabiTexInstant™ 12620; StabiTex-Instant™ 12624 Distearic acid, diester with hexaglycerol. See Polyglyceryl-6 distearate N,N´-Distearoylethylenediamine. See Ethylene distearamide Distearyl citrate Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Flavor preservative, plasticizer, sequestrant in foods, oleomargarine, food pkg.; plasticizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.300, 178.3910, 181.27 Distearyl dimethyl ammonium chloride. See Distearyldimonium chloride Distearyldimonium chloride CAS 107-64-2; EINECS/ELINCS 203-508-2 Synonyms: Ammonium, dimethyldioctadecyl-, chloride; Dimethyldioctadecylammonium chloride; N,N-Dimethyl-N-octadecyl-1octadecanaminium chloride; Dioctadecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride; Distearyl dimethyl ammonium chloride; Octadecanaminium, N,N-dimethyl-NHandbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
octadecyl-, chloride; Quaternium-5 Classification: Quaternary ammonium salt Empirical: C38H80N • Cl Properties: Paste; m.w. 586.52; m.p. 36-44 C; cationic Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 11,300 mg/kg; mildly toxic by ing.; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic vapors of NOx and Cl– Uses: Surfactant, adjuvant for pesticide use dilutions on growing crops Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.710, 177.1200; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Fluka http://www.sigmaaldrich.com Distearyl palmityl tartrate. See Stearyl tartrate Distearyl thiodipropionate CAS 693-36-7; EINECS/ELINCS 211-750-5 INS390 Synonyms: Dioctadecyl thiodipropionate; 3,3´Dioctadecyl thiodipropionate; Di-noctadecyl 3,3´-thiodipropionate; Distearyl 3,3´-thiodipropionate; Distearyl βthiodipropionate; Distearyl β,β´thiodipropionate; Distearyl thiopropionate; DSTDP; DSTP; Propanoic acid, 3,3´-thiobis-, dioctadecyl ester; Propionic acid, 3,3´thiobis-, dioctadecyl ester; 3,3´Thiobispropanoic acid, dioctadecyl ester; Thiodipropionic acid, distearyl ester Classification: Aliphatic organic compd.; thioether Definition: Diester of stearyl alcohol and 3,3´thiodipropionic acid Empirical: C42H82O4S Formula: (C18H37OOCCH2CH2)2S Properties: Wh. flakes; insol. in water; sol. in benzene, toluene, chloroform, and olefin polymers; m.w. 683.18; dens. 0.90 kg/l; m.p. 58-62 C; b.p. 360 C (dec.) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2500 mg/kg, (IP, rat) > 2 g/kg; mod. toxic by ing. and IP routes; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of SOx Uses: Antioxidant for foods; antioxidant migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 181.22, 181.24 (0.005% migrating from food pkg.); Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Celanese 1181
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.celanesechemicals.com; http://www.chemvip.com; ChemService http://www.chemservice.com; Cytec Ind. http://www.cytec.com; Hampshire Morton Int'l. http://www.morton.com; http://www.rohmhaas.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Skymart Enterprises; Sumitomo Chem. http://www.sumitomo-chem.co.jp; Tulstar Prods. http://www.tulstar.com Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com; Yoshitomi Pharmaceutical Ind. http://www.mt-pharma.co.jp/ Trade Names: Carstab® DSTDP; Cyanox® STDP; Evanstab® 18; Seenox DS Distearyl 3,3´-thiodipropionate; Distearyl βthiodipropionate; Distearyl β,β´thiodipropionate; Distearyl thiopropionate. See Distearyl thiodipropionate Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light. See Petroleum distillates, hydrotreated light Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated middle. See Petroleum distillates, hydrotreated middle Distilled lime oil. See Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) oil Distilled spirits. See Alcohol Distilled water. See Water Disulfide dibenzyl. See Benzyl disulfide Disulfide, diphenyl. See Phenyl disulfide Disulfide, di-2-propenyl. See Allyl disulfide Disulfide, 2-propenyl propyl. See Allyl propyl disulfide Disulfurous acid dipotassium salt. See Potassium metabisulfite Disulfurous acid disodium salt. See Sodium metabisulfite 4,5-Dithia-1,7-octadiene. See Allyl disulfide 4,5-Dithiaoctane. See Propyl disulfide 4,5-Dithia-1-octene. See Allyl propyl disulfide β,β´-Dithiobisalanine. See L-Cystine 3,3´-Dithiobis (2-aminopropanoic acid). See LCysteine 3,3´-Dithiobis (2-aminopropionic acid); (-)-3,3´Dithiobis (2-aminopropionic acid). See LCystine 2,2-Dithiobis (methylene) bisfuran. See Difurfuryl disulfide 2,3-Dithiobutane. See Methyl disulfide β,β-Dithiodialanine. See L-Cystine 2,2´-(Dithiodimethylene) difuran. See Difurfuryl disulfide Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
1,2-Dithiolane-3-pentanoic acid; 1,2-Dithiolane3-valeric acid; 5-(1,2-Dithiolan-3-yl) valeric acid. See Thioctic acid Dithionous acid disodium salt. See Sodium hydrosulfite Dithionous acid, zinc salt (1:1). See Zinc hydrosulfite 6,8-Dithiooctanoic acid. See Thioctic acid Dittany. See Dittany (Dictamnus albus) roots Dittany of Crete CAS 977017-92-7 FEMA 2399 Synonyms: Cretan dittany; Origanum dictamnus; Spanish hops Definition: From Origanum dictamnus Properties: Intense pleasant odor, bitter aromatic flavor Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510; FEMA GRAS Dittany (Dictamnus albus) roots CAS 977047-65-6 Synonyms: Burning bush; Dittany; Dittany roots; Fraxinella; Gas plant Definition: Roots of Dictamnus albus Properties: Tonic, aromatic flavor Uses: Natural flavoring agent in alcoholic beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510 Dittany roots. See Dittany (Dictamnus albus) roots Diuretic salt. See Potassium acetate Diurobromine. See Theobromine Divinylbenzene-ethylstyrene copolymer CAS 9043-77-0 Synonyms: Poly (divinylbenzene-coethylstyrene); Poly (4-ethylstyrene-codivinylbenzene) Toxicology: Toxic by inh., ing., skin contact; irritating to eyes, skin, respiratory system; may cause headaches; target organs: CNS, liver, bladder, kidneys, brain; TSCA listed Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Toxic fumes of CO, CO2; may also form alkylbenzenes, vinylbenzenes, naphthalene, benzaldehydes, and phenol; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Store in cool, dry place; keep tightly 1182
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference closed Uses: Secondary direct food additive; removal of organic substances from aq. foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.65; SARA §313 reportable Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com Divinylenimine. See Pyrrole Diydrocrveyl acetate. See Dihydrocarvyl acetate DKP. See Potassium phosphate dibasic DLT; DLTDP; DLTP. See Dilauryl thiodipropionate DMA. See Dimethylamine DMAE. See Dimethylethanolamine DMB. See p-Dimethoxybenzene DMBC. See Dimethylbenzyl carbinol DMBCA. See Dimethylbenzyl carbinyl acetate DMBC butyrate. See α,α-Dimethylphenethyl butyrate DMBC formate. See α,α-Dimethylphenethyl formate DMDC. See Dimethyl dicarbonate DMDH; DMDMH. See DMDM hydantoin DMDM hydantoin CAS 6440-58-0; EINECS/ELINCS 229-222-8 Synonyms: Bis (hydroxymethyl)-5,5dimethylhydantoin; 1,3-Bis (hydroxymethyl)-5,5dimethylimidazolidinedione; 1,3-Bis (hydroxymethyl)-5,5-dimethylimidazolidine2,4-dione; Bis (hydroxymethyl)-5,5dimethyl-2,4-imidazolidinedione; 1,3-Di (hydroxymethyl)-5,5-dimethylhydantoin; Dimethylol dimethyl hydantoin; 1,3Dimethylol-5,5-dimethyl hydantoin; Dimethylol-5,5-dimethylhydantoin; DMDH; DMDMH; Hydantoin, 1,3-bis (hydroxymethyl)-5,5-dimethyl-; Imidazolidinedione, 1,3-bis (hydroxymethyl)-5,5-dimethyl-; 2,4Imidazolidinedione, 1,3-bis (hydroxymethyl)-5,5-dimethylClassification: Organic compd. Empirical: C7H12N2O4 Properties: M.w. 188.21 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2 g/kg; primary irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: May release formaldehyde Uses: Ingred. in food Regulatory: USA CIR approved, EPA registered; Europe listed 0.6% max.; FDA approved for topicals; Canada DSL Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Manuf./Distrib.: Acme-Hardesty http://www.acme-hardesty.com; High Polymer Labs http://www.highpolymerlabs.com; Jan Dekker BV http://www.jandekker.com/; Parchem Trading http://www.parchem.com Trade Names: Protacide™ DMDM DMDS. See Methyl disulfide DMEA. See Dimethylethanolamine α,α-Dmethyl benzyl 2-methyl propanoate. See α,α-Dimethylbenzyl isobutyrate 2,3-Dmethyl-2-butenoic acid benzyl ester. See Benzyl 2,3-dimethylcrotonate DMHQ. See p-Dimethoxybenzene DMK. See Acetone 2,5-DMP. See 2,5-Xylenol 2,6-DMP. See 2,6-Xylenol 3,4-DMP. See 3,4-Xylenol DMP/T. See Magnesium phosphate dibasic DMS. See Dimethyl sulfide Docosahexaenoic acid CAS 25167-62-8; 6217-54-5 UN NA1993 Synonyms: DHA; 4,7,10,13,16,19Docosahexaenoic acid Classification: Unsaturated acid Empirical: C22H32O2 Formula: CH3(CH2CH=CH)6CH2CH2COOH Properties: Lt. yel. liq.; m.w. 328.50; sp. gr. 0.950; m.p. -44.5 to -44.1 C; flash pt. (CC) 144 F; ref. index 1.5049 Precaution: Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing; avoid breathing vapor; avoid strong oxidizing agents; combustible liq. HMIS: Health 0, Flammability 2, Reactivity 1 Storage: Store in a tight ly closed container under nitrogen away from heat, lt., and open flame @ -20C Uses: Mfg. of food premixes; infant formula supplement Manuf./Distrib.: Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Somerset Cosmetic Co. http://www.makingcosmetics.com/ Trade Names: DHA Beadlets Type 15; Dhasco® Trade Names Containing: Epax 1050 TG; Epax 4510 TG; Epax 5500 EE; Epax 6000 EE; Epax 6000 TG Formulaid®; Incromega DHA 500TG SR; Incromega DHA700E SR; Incromega TG3322 1183
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference 4,7,10,13,16,19-Docosahexaenoic acid. See Docosahexaenoic acid Docosanoic acid, 2,3-dihydroxypropyl ester. See Glyceryl behenate Docosanoic acid, 1,2,3-propanetriyl ester. See Tribehenin Docusate sodium. See Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate δ-Dodecalactone CAS 713-95-1; EINECS/ELINCS 211-932-4 FEMA 2401 Synonyms: Dodecan-5-olide; 5Hydroxydodecanoic acid, δ-lactone Classification: Nonaromatic lactone Definition: Obtained by lactonization of 5hydroxydodecanoic acid Empirical: C12H22O2 Properties: Colorless to very pale straw-yel. visc. liq., fresh-fruit oily odor; sol. in alcohol, propylene glycol, veg. oil; insol. in water; m.w. 198.31; dens. 0.942; m.p. -12 C; b.p. 140-141 C (1 mm); flash pt. > 230 F; ref. index 1.4600 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; primary irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq.; wear safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves, apron; incompat. with strong oxidizers, reducers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits CO, CO2, acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, candy, baked goods, toppings, oleomargarine Features: Coconut, peach-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; Japan MITI Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; GuiZhou Essence
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.eschemical.com; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Zeon http://www.zeon.co.jp γ-Dodecalactone CAS 2305-05-7; EINECS/ELINCS 218-971-6 FEMA 2400 Synonyms: Dodecanolide-1,4; 2(3H)Furanone, dihydro-5-octyl-; 4Hydroxydodecanoic acid γ-lactone; γ-Octylγ-butyrolactone; γ-n-Octyl-γ-n-butyrolactone Classification: Nonaromatic lactone Empirical: C12H22O2 Properties: Colorless oily liq., fatty peachy odor, butter peach-like flavor; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 198.31; dens. 0.936; m.p. 17-18 C; b.p. 258 C; ref. index 1.4520 Toxicology: Primary skin irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating vapors Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, jellies Features: Fruity flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Acme-Hardesty http://www.acme-hardesty.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Aromor Flavors & Fragrances http://www.aromor.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com 1184
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Dodecanal; 1-Dodecanal; n-Dodecanal. See Lauric aldehyde 1-Dodecanaminium, N-(carboxymethyl)-N,Ndimethyl-, hydroxide, inner salt. See Lauryl betaine Dodecanedioic acid diethyl ester. See Diethyl sebacate Dodecanoic acid; n-Dodecanoic acid. See Lauric acid dodecanoic acid butyl ester. See Butyl laurate Dodecanoic acid, calcium salt. See Calcium laurate Dodecanoic acid, diester with 1,2,3-propanetriol. See Glyceryl dilaurate Dodecanoic acid, 2,3-dihydroxypropyl ester. See Glyceryl laurate Dodecanoic acid, ethyl ester. See Ethyl laurate Dodecanoic acid, 2-hydroxypropyl ester. See Propylene glycol laurate Dodecanoic acid, magnesium salt. See Magnesium laurate Dodecanoic acid, 3-methylbutyl ester. See Isoamyl laurate Dodecanoic acid methyl ester. See Methyl laurate Dodecanoic acid 4-methyl phenyl ester. See pTolyl laurate Dodecanoic acid, mixed triesters with octanoic acid, decanoic acid, and 1,2,3-propanetriol. See Caprylic/capric/lauric triglyceride Dodecanoic acid, monoester with decaglycerol. See Polyglyceryl-10 laurate Dodecanoic acid, monoester with 1,2propanediol. See Propylene glycol laurate Dodecanoic acid, monoester with 1,2,3propanetriol. See Glyceryl laurate Dodecanoic acid, potassium salt. See Potassium laurate Dodecanoic acid, 1,2,3-propanetriyl ester. See Trilaurin Dodecanoic acid, sodium salt. See Sodium laurate 1-Dodecanol; Dodecan-1-ol; n-Dodecanol; nDodecan-1-ol. See Lauryl alcohol Dodecanol acetate; 1-Dodecanol acetate. See Lauryl acetate Dodecanolide-1,4. See γ-Dodecalactone Dodecan-5-olide. See δ-Dodecalactone Dodecanyl acetate. See Lauryl acetate 2,6,10-Dodecatrienol, 3,7,11-trimethyl-. See Farnesol
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
2-Dodecenal CAS 4826-62-4; EINECS/ELINCS 225-402-5 FEMA 2402 Synonyms: Dodec-2-en-1-al; 3-Nonyl acrolein; β-Octyl acrolein Empirical: C12H22O Properties: Colorless oily liq., orange-like odor, mandarin taste; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 182.31; b.p. 272 C Toxicology: LDLo (skin, rabbit) 5 g/kg; severe skin irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Vioryl http://www.vioryl.gr/ Dodec-2-en-1-al. See 2-Dodecenal Dodecene-1 CAS 112-41-4; EINECS/ELINCS 203-968-4 UN NA 1933 Synonyms: C12 alpha olefin; 1-Dodecene; Dodec-1-ene; α-Dodecene; n-Dodec-1-ene; α-Dodecylene; Tetrapropylene Empirical: C12H24 Formula: H2C:CH(CH2)9CH3 Properties: Colorless liq.; insol. in water; sol. in alcohol, acetone, ether, petrol., coal tar solvs.; m.w. 168.32; dens. 0.764; m.p. -31.5 C; b.p. 213-215 C; flash pt. (Seta) 168 F; ref. index 1.430 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg; low acute inhalation toxicity; sl. toxic by ing.; narcotic in high concs.; irritating to eyes, skin, respiratory system; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq.; avoid contact with air or oxygen (explosion danger, adverse effect on subsequent reactions) Storage: Store under nitrogen Uses: Flavor for food Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Albemarle http://www.albemarle.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; ChevronPhillips http://www.cpchem.com 1185
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; Shell http://www.shellchemicals.com; http://www.shell-lubricants.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Supelco http://www.sigma-aldrich.com 1-Dodecene; Dodec-1-ene; α-Dodecene; nDodec-1-ene. See Dodecene-1 Dodecoic acid. See Lauric acid Dodecyl acetate. See Lauryl acetate Dodecyl alcohol; 1-Dodecyl alcohol; n-Dodecyl alcohol. See Lauryl alcohol Dodecyl alcohol acetate. See Lauryl acetate Dodecyl alcohol, hydrogen sulfate, sodium salt. See Sodium lauryl sulfate 1-Dodecyl aldehyde; n-Dodecyl aldehyde. See Lauric aldehyde Dodecylbenzene sodium sulfonate; Dodecylbenzenesulfonate, sodium salt; Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid sodium salt. See Sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate Dodecylbetaine; (Dodecyldimethylammonio) acetate. See Lauryl betaine Dodecyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride. See Lauralkonium chloride Dodecyldimethylbetaine. See Lauryl betaine Dodecyl dimethyl ethylbenzyl ammonium chloride. See Quaternium-14 α-Dodecylene. See Dodecene-1 Dodecyl (ethylbenzyl) dimethylammonium chloride; N-Dodecyl-ar-ethyl-N,Ndimethylbenzenemethanaminium chloride. See Quaternium-14 Dodecyl gallate CAS 1166-52-5; EINECS/ELINCS 214-620-6 INS312 Synonyms: Dodecyl-3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoate; Gallic acid dodecyl ester; Gallic acid lauryl ester; Lauryl gallate; 3,4,5Trihydroxybenzoic acid, dodecyl ester Definition: Ester of gallic acid Empirical: C19H30O5 Properties: Wh. cryst. solid; sol. in ethanol, oxygenated solvs.; insol. in water; m.w. 338.49; m.p. 96-97 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 6500 mg/kg, (oral, mouse) 1600 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 100 mg/kg; poison by IP route; mod. toxic by ing.; may cause intolerance and liver damage; can irritate intestines; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
fumes Uses: Antioxidant for foods, oils, fats, cream cheese, cereals, margarine, instant mashed potatoes Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §166.110; USDA 9CFR §318.7; not approved for food use in USA; Europe listed; UK approved; BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Dudley http://www.dudley-chem.com/dudley.html; Eurolabs Ltd http://www.eurolabs.co.uk; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium Dodecyl isobutyrate CAS 6624-71-1 FEMA 3452 Synonyms: Dodecyl 2-methylpropanoate Empirical: C16H32O2 Properties: Liq.; sl. fruity or pract. odorless; sol. in org. solvents; insol. in water; sp. gr. 0.8540.860; b.p. 299 C; acid no. 1 max.; ref. index 1.432-1.436 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, confectionery, baked goods, puddings Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com Dodecyl 2-methylpropanoate. See Dodecyl isobutyrate Dodecyl sodium sulfate; Dodecylsulfate sodium salt. See Sodium lauryl sulfate Dodecyl-3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoate. See Dodecyl gallate Dodecyl trimethyl ammonium chloride. See Laurtrimonium chloride Dog rose hips extract. See Dog rose (Rosa canina) hips extract Dog rose (Rosa canina) hips extract CAS 84696-47-9 FEMA 2990 Synonyms: Dog rose hips extract; Rosa canina; Rosa canina hips extract; Rose hips extract Definition: Extract of the hips of the dog rose, Rosa canina Properties: Brown to dark brown powd.; sol. in water; pH 2.5-4. (10% sol'n.) Toxicology: Skin irritant 1186
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Precaution: Wear safety glasses, dust respirator, protective gloves, and lab coat HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, well-ventilated area @ ≤ 24 C Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FEMA GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; Bio-Botanica http://www.bio-botanica.com; Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com; Mini Star Int'l. http://www.ministar.com Pharmachem Labs http://www.pharmachemlabs.com; Pharmline http://www.pharmlineinc.com; Vege-Tech http://www.vegetech.com Dolcymene. See p-Cymene Dolomite. See Calcium carbonate 1-Dotriacontanol CAS 6624-79-9 Synonyms: Lacceryl alcohol Classification: Aliphatic alcohol Empirical: C32H66O Properties: M.w. 466.90; m.p. 120 C; b.p. 89 C Uses: Ingred. in dietary supplements, health foods Manuf./Distrib.: Sasol Germany http://www.sasol.com; http://www.sasolos.com/ Trade Names Containing: Lesstanol™ Natural Octacosanol 30% DPGME; DPM; DPMG. See PPG-2 methyl ether DPOF. See Diphenyl octyl phosphate Draconic acid. See p-Anisic acid Dracylic acid. See Benzoic acid Dried egg white. See Albumen Dried egg yolk Synonyms: Ovum Definition: Obtained by dehydration of chicken egg yolks Uses: Protein source in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §160.185 Manuf./Distrib.: Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com Trade Names: Egg Yolk Solids Type Y-1; Egg Yolk Solids Type Y-2; Egg Yolk Solids Type Y-2-FF Trade Names Containing: Egg Yolk Solids Type Y-1-FF; Hentex-20; Hentex-20A; Hentex-30; Hentex-30A Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Hentex-85 Dried ferrous sulfate. See Ferrous sulfate monohydrate Dried fructose-glucose syrup; Dried glucose syrup. See Corn syrup solids Dried irradiated yeast. See Yeast, dried irradiated Dried torula yeast. See Yeast, dried Dried whey. See Whey, dry Dried yeast. See Yeast, dried Drop chalk. See Calcium carbonate Drupwort extract. See Meadowsweet (Spiraea ulmaria) extract Dry ice. See Carbon dioxide Dry whey. See Whey, dry DSE. See Nabam DSP. See Sodium phosphate dibasic anhydrous DSP-2. See Sodium phosphate dibasic dihydrate DSP-7. See Sodium phosphate dibasic heptahydrate DSP-12. See Sodium phosphate dibasic dodecahydrate DSP-O. See Sodium phosphate dibasic anhydrous DSPP. See Sodium acid pyrophosphate DSS. See Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate DSTDP; DSTP. See Distearyl thiodipropionate DTA. See Diethylenetriamine 24DTAP. See 2,4-Di-t-amylphenol Dulcin CAS 150-69-6 Synonyms: Dulcine; 4-Ethoxyphenylurea; (pEthoxyphenyl) urea; p-Phenetolcarbamide; p-Phenetolecarbamide; p-Phenetylurea; Sucrol; Urea, (p-ethoxyphenyl)Empirical: C9H12N2O2 Formula: H2NOCNHC6H4OC2H5 Properties: Wh. needle cryst. or powd.; taste approx. 200 times as sweet as sugar; very sol. in ethyl acetate; sol. in DMSO, 95% ethanol, acetone, ether; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 180.21; m.p. 173-174 C; b.p. dec. Toxicology: TDLo (oral, wmn) 600 mg/kg; ing. of 20-40 g in adults has produced dizziness, nausea, methemoglobinemia with cyanosis and hypotension Precaution: Partially dec. on heating in water; hydrolyzes in 0.1 N acetic acid Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: When heated, produced hazardous decomp. prods. 1187
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Storage: Store refrigerated Uses: Artificial nonnutritive sweetener in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §189.145; prohibited from direct addition or use in human food Manuf./Distrib.: ICN Biomed. Research Prods. http://www.mpbio.com; Pfaltz & Bauer http://www.pfaltzandbauer.com Dulcine. See Dulcin Dumasin. See Cyclopentanone Duodecyl alcohol. See Lauryl alcohol Duodecylic acid. See Lauric acid Duodecylic aldehyde. See Lauric aldehyde Dutch liquid; Dutch oil. See Ethylene dichloride Dwarf pine needle oil. See Pine (Pinus pumilio) needle oil Dye quinoline yellow. See Acid yellow 3 EAA. See Ethylacetoacetate; Ethylene/acrylic acid copolymer EAK. See 3-Octanone Earthnut oil. See Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) oil East Indian geranium extract. See Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martini) extract East Indian geranium oil. See Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martini) oil East Indian lemongrass oil. See Lemongrass oil East Indian East Indian nutmeg oil. See Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) oil East Indian sandalwood. See Sandalwood (Santalum album) East Indian sandalwood extract. See Sandalwood (Santalum album) extract East Indian sandalwood oil. See Sandalwood (Santalum album) oil Eau d'oranger. See Orange (Citrus aurantium dulcis) flower water EC. See Ethylcellulose ECH. See Epichlorohydrin EDA. See Ethylenediamine Edathamil. See Edetic acid Edathamil monosodium ferric salt. See Sodium ferric EDTA Edathanil tetrasodium. See Tetrasodium EDTA EDC. See Ethylene dichloride Edetate. See Edetic acid Edetate calcium disodium. See Calcium disodium EDTA Edetate dipotassium. See Dipotassium EDTA dihydrate Edetate disodium. See Disodium EDTA Edetate sodium. See Tetrasodium EDTA Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Edetate trisodium. See Trisodium EDTA Edetic acid CAS 60-00-4; EINECS/ELINCS 200-449-4 UN 9117 Synonyms: 3,6-Bis (carboxymethyl)-3,5diazooctanedioic acid; Edathamil; Edetate; EDTA (INCI); EDTA acid; N,N´-1,2Ethanediylbis[N-(carboxymethyl) glycine]; Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; (Ethylenedinitrilo) tetraacetic acid Classification: Substituted diamine Empirical: C10H16N2O8 Formula: (HOOCCH2)2NCH2CH2N(CH2COOH)2 Properties: Colorless or wh. cryst. powd.; odorless; sol. in alkali hydroxide sol'ns.; pract insol. in water; insol. in common org. solvs.; m.w. 292.28; sp.gr. 0.721; m.p. dec. @ 240 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 30 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 397 mg/kg; irritant; poison by IP route; mutagenic data; experimental teratogenic and reproductive effects; TSCA listed Environmental: Environmentally hazardous substance; VOC; BOD5 0.01; ThOD 0.93 Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits very toxic fumes of NOx Storage: Store @ R.T. Uses: Antioxidant, preservative for foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 176.170; FDA approved for otics, rectals, topicals; USP/NF compliance; CERCLA hazardous substance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMRESCO http://www.amresco-inc.com; Akzo Nobel http://www.akzonobel.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Avatar http://www.avatarcorp.com; BASF http://www.basf.com; Bimal Pharma Chem Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Chemplex Chems. http://www.chemplexchemicals.com; Ciba Spec. Chems. Switzerland http://www.cibasc.com Ciba Spec. Chems./Water & Paper; Contract Chems. Ltd http://www.contractchemicals.com; Dow http://www.dow.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com 1188
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Hampshire; Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com; Independent Chem. http://www.independentchemical.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Jarchem Ind. http://www.jarchem.com/ Kraft Chem. http://www.kraftchemical.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Merck KGaA http://www.merck.de; Mosselman NV http://www.mosselman.be; O.C. Lugo http://www.oclugo.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Phoenix Nat. Prods. http://www.phoenixuk.com; Protex Int'l. http://www.protex-international.com; Rhodia HPCII http://www.rhodia-hpcii.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com Showa Denko http://www.sdk.co.jp; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Ubichem plc http://www.ubichem.com; Univar Ltd http://www.univar.co.uk Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ Edetic acid calcium disodium salt. See Calcium disodium EDTA Edetic acid tetrasodium salt. See Tetrasodium EDTA EDTA (INCI); EDTA acid. See Edetic acid EDTA calcium disodium salt. See Calcium disodium EDTA EDTA dipotassium. See Dipotassium EDTA dihydrate EDTA Na4; EDTA sodium salt; EDTA tetrasodium salt. See Tetrasodium EDTA EDTA trisodium; EDTA trisodium salt. See Trisodium EDTA EE; 2-EE. See Ethoxyethanol EEA. See Ethylacetoacetate EGDS. See Glycol distearate EGEE. See Ethoxyethanol Egg albumin. See Albumen Egg powder Synonyms: Egg solids; Ovum; Whole dried egg Definition: Powder obtained from the dried whole chicken egg Properties: Sol. in water Uses: Protein source in foods Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §42.30 Manuf./Distrib.: Cham Foods (Israel) Ltd http://www.cham.co.il; Clofine Dairy & Food Prods. http://www.clofinedairy.com; Cornelius Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.cornelius.co.uk; Croda Food Services Ltd http://www.croda-foods.co.uk; Farbest Brands http://www.farbest.com/ Framptons Ltd http://www.framptons.ltd.uk; Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com; Mitsubishi Chem. http://www.mkagaku.co.jp/index_en.htm; Nordmann Rassmann GmbH http://www.nrc.de/; Sanovo Foods A/S http://www.sanovo.dk/ Spice King Trade Names Containing: Hentex-10; Hentex12; Hentex-20; Hentex-20A; Hentex-35 Hentex-70; Hentex-76; Hentex-85 Egg solids. See Egg powder Egg white lysozyme CAS 9001-63-2; EINECS/ELINCS 232-620-4 Synonyms: β-1,4-N-acetylmuramidase; (Amide-d) lysozyme Properties: Wh. to lt. beige solid Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents; avoid inh. Uses: Food additive Regulatory: FDA 21CFR GRAS Egg whites Uses: Nutrient for foods and beverages; gellant, water binder for meats, meat analogues, and breadings; whipping agent in aerated confections Manuf./Distrib.: Framptons Ltd http://www.framptons.ltd.uk Trade Names: Egg White Solids Type EP-1; Egg White Solids Type K-200; Egg White Solids Type P-18-J Egg yolk extract Synonyms: Ovum Definition: Extract of egg yolk Properties: Yel. semisolid mass; dens. 0.95; m.p. 22 C Uses: Ingred. in baking, dairy prods. Manuf./Distrib.: Henningsen Foods http://www.henningsenfoods.com Eglantine. See Isobutyl benzoate EGMBE. See Butoxyethanol EGME. See Methoxyethanol EGMEE. See Ethoxyethanol 1189
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference EGMS. See Glycol stearate 2-EH. See 2-Ethylhexanol EHEC. See Ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose Eicosanoic acid methyl ester. See Methyl eicosanoate Eicosapentaenoic acid CAS 10417-94-4 Synonyms: 5,8,11,14,17-Eicosapentaenoic acid; EPA; Timnodonic acid Classification: Unsaturated acid Empirical: C20H30O2 Formula: CH3(CH2CH=CH)5CH2CH2CH2COOH Properties: Cl. colorless liq.; m.w. 302.46; sp. gr. 0.943; m.p. -54 to 53 C; flash pt. (CC) 200 F; ref. index 1.4977 Precaution: Causes burns; avoid contact with strong bases and strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: COx HMIS: Health 3, Flammability 0, Reactivity 1 Storage: Light-sensitive; store in a tightly closed container under nitrogen @-20 C Uses: Food ingred. Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Trade Names Containing: Epax 1050 TG; Epax 4510 TG; Epax 5500 EE; Epax 6000 EE; Epax 6000 TG Incromega DHA 500TG SR; Incromega TG3322 5,8,11,14,17-Eicosapentaenoic acid. See Eicosapentaenoic acid 5,8,11,14-Eicosatetraenoic acid; Eicosa5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z-tetraenoic acid. See Arachidonic acid Elaeis guineensis; Elaeis guineensis oil. See Palm (Elaeis guineensis) oil Elaeis guineensis seed oil. See Palm (Elaeis guineensis) kernel oil Elaic acid. See Oleic acid Elaldehyde. See Paraldehyde Elder flower extract. See Elder (Sambucus nigra) flower extract Elder flowers CAS 977002-47-3 FEMA 2406 Synonyms: Sambucus; Sambucus canadensis; Sambucus nigra; Sweet elder Definition: From Sambucus canadensis or S. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
nigra Properties: Aromatic bitter tonic Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, alcoholic beverages Regulatory: BP, EP compliance; FDA 21CFR §182.10, GRAS; FEMA GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Chart http://www.chartcorp.com; Herbarium Elder flowers extract CAS 977010-39-1; EINECS/ELINCS 294-458-0 (S. canadensis extract); 283-259-4 (S. nigra extract) Synonyms: Sambucus canadensis extract; Sambucus nigra extract Definition: From Sambucus canadensis or S. nigra Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.20, GRAS Elder flowers oil. See Sambucus nigra oil Elder (Sambucus nigra) flower extract CAS 84603-58-7; EINECS/ELINCS 283-259-4 Synonyms: Elder flower extract; Sambucus extract; Sambucus nigra; Sambucus nigra extract; Sambucus nigra flower extract Definition: Extract of flowers of the elder, Sambucus nigra Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510, 182.20, GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com; Frutarom http://www.frutarom.com Elecampane. See Elecampane (Inula helenium) Elecampane extract. See Elecampane (Inula helenium) extract Elecampane (Inula helenium) Synonyms: Elecampane; Inula; Inula helenium; Inula helenium rhizome and roots; Scabwort Definition: Rhizome and roots of Inula helenium Properties: Bitter aromatic flavor Uses: Natural flavoring agent in alcoholic beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510; Japan approved Elecampane (Inula helenium) extract CAS 84012-20-4; EINECS/ELINCS 281-666-1 Synonyms: Elecampane extract; Inulahelenium; Inula helenium extract Definition: Extract of roots of the elecampane, 1190
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Inula helenium Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510 Manuf./Distrib.: Carrubba http://www.carrubba.com Elecampane (Inula helenium) root oil CAS 1397-83-7 Synonyms: Elecampane root oil; Inula helenium; Inula helenium oil; Inula helenium root oil Definition: Derived from the roots and rhizomes of Inula helenium Properties: Dk. yel. to brn. visc. liq. or semisolid; woody rooty dry sweet amber costus odor Toxicology: Severe sensitizing potential Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR§172.510 Elecampane root oil. See Elecampane (Inula helenium) root oil Elemental iodine. See Iodine Elemi; Elemi absolute; Elemi anhydrol. See Elemi gum Elemi gum CAS 8023-89-0; 9000-75-3; EINECS/ELINCS 232-557-2 FEMA 2407 Synonyms: Canarium indicum resinoid; Elemi; Elemi absolute; Elemi anhydrol; Elemi oil; Elemi resin; Elemi resinoid; Gum elemi; Manila elemi copal; Manila elemi resin; Resins, Manila elemi Definition: A soft, balsam-like resin obtained from a tree in the Philippines, Canarium commune .or. C. luzonicum Properties: Pale yel. to yel. visc. liq. or solid; peppery lemony woody balsam odor; sol. in coal tar hydrocarbons, alcohols; insol. in petrol. solvs., ketones, water; m.p. 28-30 C; flash pt. > 230 F; ref. index 1.5100-1.5300 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3370 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 5 g/kg; primary irritant; may be harmful by inh., ing., skin absorp.; may be irritating to eyes, skin, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract; prolonged/repeated skin contact may cause allergic dermatitis; TSCA listed Precaution: Will ignite if moderately heated; incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Store in cool, dry place; keep tightly Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
closed Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510, 175.105, 175.300; FEMA GRAS; DOT hazardous material; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alland & Robert http://www.allandetrobert.fr; Charkit http://www.charkit.com; Liberty Natural Prods. http://www.libertynatural.com; P.L. Thomas http://www.plthomas.com; Pangaea Sciences http://www.pangaeasciences.com Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Polarome Int'l. http://www.polarome.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Thew Arnott & Co. Ltd http://www.thewarnott.co.uk; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com See also Elemi oil Elemi oil CAS 8023-89-0; 97675-63-3; EINECS/ELINCS 307-636-0 FEMA 2408 Synonyms: Canarium commune gum oil; Canarium commune oil; Canarium luzonicum oil; Canarium oil; Manila elemi oil Definition: Essential oil obtained from elemi, Canarium commune Properties: Pale yel. liq.; sol. in water and org. solvents; sp. gr. 0.850 - 0.890; ref. index 1.470 - 1.485 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3370 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 5 g/kg Storage: 24 mos. shelf life; store in a dry place away from sunlight Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, soups Features: Fresh, citrus, balsamic; taste: fresh, terpeny, bitter-spicy; slightly woody-balsamic odor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR§172.510; FEMA GRAS Manuf./Distrib.: Biolandes http://www.biolandes.com; Essential7 http://www.essential7.com; Essential7 http://www.essential7.com; F.D. Copeland http://www.copelandoil.co.uk; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com 1191
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Jiangyin Healthway Intl. Trade http://www.healthwaychem.com; Payan & Bertrand http://www.payanbertrand.com/; Reincke & Fichtner http://reinckefichtner.de See also Elemi gum Elemi resin; Elemi resinoid. See Elemi gum Elettaria cardamomum; Elettaria cardamomum oil. See Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) oil Emanol. See Ethyl-2-furanpropionate EMG. See Ethoxylated mono- and diglycerides EMPG. See Ethyl methylphenylglycidate EMQ. See 6-Ethoxy-1,2-dihydro-2,2,4trimethylquinoline Emulsin. See β-Glucosidase Enanthal; Enanthaldehyde. See Heptanal Enanthic acid. See Heptanoic acid Enanthic alcohol. See Heptyl alcohol Enanthic aldehyde. See Heptanal Enanthic anhydride. See Heptanoic acid Enanthole. See Heptanal Enanthyl alcohol. See Heptyl alcohol Enanthylic acid. See Heptanoic acid Enanthylic ether. See Ethyl heptanoate English chamomile extract. See Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) extract English chamomile flower. See Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) flower English chamomile oil. See Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) oil English laurel leaves. See Cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) leaves English oak extract. See English oak (Quercus robur) extract English oak (Quercus robur) extract CAS 71011-28-4; EINECS/ELINCS 275-129-0 Synonyms: English oak extract; Oak, English, extract; Quercus robur extract; Quercus robus Definition: Extract of the bark of Quercus robur Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510 English oak (Quercus robur) wood CAS 977089-90-9 Synonyms: English oak wood; Oak wood, English; Quercus robur Definition: Quercus robur Toxicology: Dust may be carcinogenic Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR§172.510 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
English oak wood. See English oak (Quercus robur) wood English white. See Calcium carbonate Enilconazole. See Imazalil Enocianina; Enocyanin. See Grape skin extract Enzactin. See Triacetin Enzymatically hydrolyzed carboxymethylcellulose. See Sodium carboxymethylcellulose, enzymatically hydrolyzed EO. See Ethylene oxide EO/PO block polymer or copolymer CAS 9003-11-6 (generic); 106392-12-5 Synonyms: Ethylene glycol/propylene glycol block copolymer; POE/POP copolymer; Polyoxyethylene/polyoxypropylene copolymer; Polyoxypropylene/polyoxyethylene block polymer; Polyoxypropylene/polyoxyethylene copolymer; POP/POE copolymer Formula: (C3H6O • C2H4O)x Properties: Liq., powd., or flake; 10-80% EO content; m.w. 1100-10,000; HLB 9.5-18.7; Nonionic Toxicology: LD50 (IV, mouse) 129 mg/kg; TSCA listed Uses: Solubilizer, stabilizer in flavors; processing aid, wetting agent in foods; surfactant, defoamer in poultry scald baths; defoamer, rinse adjuvant in hog dehairing; dough conditioner in yeast-leavened bakery prods.; defoamer in processing foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.808, 173.340, 176.170, 176.210, 177.1200, 177.1210, 177.1680, 178.1010, 178.3570 Trade Names: Monolan® PL; Pluronic® PE 6100; Pluronic® PE 6200; Pluronic® PE 6400; Pluronic® PE 8100 Pluronic® RPE 2520 See also Meroxapol Series; Poloxamer Series EP. See p-Ethylphenol EPA. See Eicosapentaenoic acid Epichlorohydrin CAS 106-89-8; EINECS/ELINCS 203-439-8 UN 2023 (DOT) Synonyms: 1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane; 3Chloro-1,2-epoxypropane; (Chloromethyl) ethylene oxide; Chloromethyloxirane; 2(Chloromethyl) oxirane; Chloropropylene oxide; 3-Chloro-1,2-propylene oxide; γ1192
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Chloropropylene oxide; ECH; αEpichlorohydrin; 1,2-Epoxy-3chloropropane; 2,3-Epoxypropyl chloride; Glycerol epichlorhydrin Classification: Chlorinated epoxide Empirical: C3H5ClO Properties: Colorless, highly volatile unstable liq., chloroform-like odor; sol. in ethanol, diethyl ether, chloroform, trichloroethylene, CCl4; misc. with oxygenated solvs.; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 92.53; dens. 1.17 kg/l; f.p. -25 C; b.p. 115.2 C; flash pt. 33.9 C; ref. index 1.4358 Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 2 ppm (skin); LD50 (oral, rat) 90 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 13 mg/kg, (subcut., rat) 150 mg/kg, (IV, rat) 154 mg/kg; poison by ing., skin contact, IV, and IP routes; mod. toxic by inh.; readily absorbed through skin; corrosive; sensitizer; primary skin and eye irritant; human systemic effects by inh.; confirmed carcinogen; tumorigen; mutagen; experimental teratogen; human mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm.; mod. fire risk; explosive reaction with aniline; violent reaction with sulfuric acid or isopropylamine; exothermic polymerization with strong acids, caustic alkalis, aluminum, zinc, etc.; heating may cause polymerization Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, hydrogen chloride gas, phosgene gas; heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of Cl– NFPA: Health 3, Flammability 3, Reactivity 2 Uses: Mfg. of copolymers for decolorization, flocculation, clarification of refinery sugar liquors and juices; crosslinking agent for food starch modified Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.892, 173.60, 175.300, 176.170, 176.180, 177.1440, 177.2280, 177.2550; SARA reportable; HAP; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AP Resources http://www.apr.co.kr; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; BASF http://www.basf.com; Dow http://www.dow.com Filo http://www.filochemical.com/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; ICC Chem. http://www.iccchem.com; Jarchem Ind. http://www.jarchem.com/; Kessler http://www.kesslerchemical.com Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Richman http://www.richmanchemical.com; RitChem http://www.ritchem.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Solvay SA http://www.solvay.com Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; United Min. & Chem. http://www.umccorp.com α-Epichlorohydrin. See Epichlorohydrin Epichlorohydrin/dimethylamine copolymer. See Dimethylamine/epichlorohydrin copolymer Epoxidized soya oil. See Epoxidized soybean oil Epoxidized soybean oil CAS 8013-07-8; EINECS/ELINCS 232-391-0 Synonyms: Epoxidized soya oil; ESBO; ESO; Soybean oil, epoxidized Definition: Modified oil obtained from soybean oil by epoxidation Properties: Clear pale yel. liq., low odor; sol. < 0.1% in water; sp.gr. 0.99; dec. 550 F; m.p. 25 F; iodine no. 6 max.; flash pt. (CC) 430 F Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 23 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 20 g/kg; low toxicity by ing. and skin contact; skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Avoid oxidizing agents, strong acids, bases and amines Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Halogen stabilizer in brominated soybean oil; plasticizer migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.723, 175.105, 175.300, 177.1650, 178.3910, 181.22, 181.27; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AP Resources http://www.apr.co.kr; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Arista Ind. http://www.aristaindustries.com; Arkema http://www.arkema.fr; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com ChemService http://www.chemservice.com; Cognis http://www.cognis.de; Dow http://www.dow.com; FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com; Fallek Ferro/Polymer Addit. http://www.ferro.com; HallStar http://www.cphall.com; ICC Chem. http://www.iccchem.com; Marlin Chems. Ltd http://www.marlinchemicals.co.uk; 1193
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Pechiney Chems. Div. http://www.pechiney-chemicals.com Sea-Land http://www.sealandchem.com Trade Names: Drapex® 6.8 Epoxycaryophyllene. See β-Caryophyllene oxide 1,2-Epoxy-3-chloropropane. See Epichlorohydrin (-)-Epoxydihydrocaryophyllene. See βCaryophyllene oxide Epoxyethane; 1,2-Epoxyethane. See Ethylene oxide Epoxylinalool. See Linalool oxide 1,4-Epoxy-p-menthane. See 1,4-Cineole 1,8-Epoxy-p-menthane. See Eucalyptol α-β-Epoxy-β-methylhydrocinnamic acid, ethyl ester. See Ethyl methylphenylglycidate Epoxypropane; 1,2-Epoxypropane; 2,3Epoxypropane. See Propylene oxide 2,3-Epoxypropyl chloride. See Epichlorohydrin Epsom salts. See Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate; Magnesium sulfate anhydrous EQ. See 6-Ethoxy-1,2-dihydro-2,2,4trimethylquinoline Equisetic acid. See Aconitic acid Ercalciol. See Ergocalciferol Ergocalciferol CAS 50-14-6; EINECS/ELINCS 200-014-9 Synonyms: Calciferol; Ercalciol; Ergorone; Ergosterol, activated; Ergosterol, irradiated; Irradiated ergosta-5,7-22-trien-3-β-ol; Oleovitamin D; 9,10-Secoergosta5,7,10(19),22-tetraen-3-β-ol; 9,10-Seco (5Z,7E,22E)-5,7,10(19),22-ergostatetraen-3ol; Viosterol; Vitamin D2 Definition: Derived from ergosterol by irradiation with UV light Empirical: C28H44O Properties: Wh. cryst., odorless; sol. in alcohol, chloroform, ether, fatty oils; insol. in water; m.w. 396.72; m.p. 115-118 C Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 56 mg/kg; LDLo (IP, dog) 10 mg/kg, (IV, dog) 5 mg/kg, (intramuscular, dog) 5 mg/kg; poison by ing. IP, IV, and intramuscular routes; human systemic effects by ingestion (anorexia, nausea, etc.); experimental teratogen, reproductive effects; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Light-sensitive Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Uses: Dietary supplement, nutrient for foods, cereals, grain prods., pastas, margarine, milk and milk prods., infant formula Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §166.110, 184.1950, GRAS; SARA reportable; Japan approved; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Anmar Int'l. http://www.anmarinternational.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l. BASF AG http://www.basf.de; BASF http://www.basf.com; Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties; Daiichi Fine Chems. https://www.daiichi-fcj.co.jp/eng/ Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fortitech http://www.fortitech.com/; Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; Hawkins Chem. http://www.hawkinschemical.com/; RIA Int'l. http://www.riausa.com Rochem Int'l. http://www.rochemintl.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Solvay Pharmaceuticals BV http://www.solvayvitamins.nl/; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Stason Pharmaceuticals http://www.stason.com/ Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; Triple Crown Am. http://www.triplecrownamerica.com; Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com Trade Names Containing: Rex® Vitamin Fortified Wheat Germ Oil Ergorone; Ergosterol, activated; Ergosterol, irradiated. See Ergocalciferol Ergot sugar. See Trehalose Eriodictyon californicum; Eriodictyon californicum extract. See Yerba santa (Eriodictyon californicum) extract Erycorbin. See Erythorbic acid Erythorbic acid CAS 89-65-6; EINECS/ELINCS 201-928-0 FEMA 2410; INS315 Synonyms: Araboascorbic acid; dAraboascorbic acid; D-2,3-Didehydroerythro-hexono-1,4-lactone; Erycorbin; dErythorbic acid; D-Erythro-ascorbic acid; DErythro-hex-2-enonic acid, γ-lactone; DErythro-3-ketohexonic acid lactone; 1194
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Glucosaccharonic acid; Isoascorbic acid; D-Isoascorbic acid; Isovitamin C; Saccharosonic acid Definition: Isomer of ascorbic acid Empirical: C6H8O6 Properties: Wh. or sl. yel. cryst. or powd.; darkens on exposure to light; sol. in water, alcohol, pyridine, oxygenated solvs.; mod. sol. in acetone; sl. sol. in glycerin; m.w. 176.14; m.p. 164-171 C (dec.) Toxicology: Nontoxic; mutagenic; causes DNA damage; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Light-sensitive Uses: Antioxidant, preservative in foods, brewing; curing accelerator for nitrites on meat; color stabilizer, flavor stabilizer in meat, meat prods., fruit; flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, baked goods, meats Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §145.110, 155.200, 175.105, 182.3041, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; USDA 9CFR §318.7, 381.147; Japan restricted for purpose of anti-oxidation; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AAA Int'l. http://www.aaainternational.com; ADA Int'l. http://www.joinme.net/ada/index.htm; AMC Chems.; AMRESCO http://www.amrescoinc.com; AXO Chem. http://www.axochemical.com Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Anmar Int'l. http://www.anmarinternational.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Atomergic Chemetals http://www.atomergic.com Chem One http://www.chemone.com; Danisco Cultor http://ingredients.danisco.com; Fabrichem http://www.fabricheminc.com/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Food Ingred. Tech. Ltd http://www.fit-ltd.com Functional Foods http://www.functionalfoods.com; Independent Chem. http://www.independentchemical.com; KIC Chems. http://www.kicchemicals.com; http://www.kicgroup.com; Mays http://www.mayschem.com/; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Spice King; Tiger Chem. http://www.tigerchem.com/; Tilley http://www.tilleychem.com Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Wego Chem. & Min. http://www.wegochem.com Trade Names Containing: National® 77-1744; National® 150; National® 1545 d-Erythorbic acid. See Erythorbic acid Erythorbic acid sodium salt. See Sodium erythorbate Erythrite. See Erythritol Erythritol CAS 149-32-6; EINECS/ELINCS 205-737-3 Synonyms: 1,2,3,4-Butanetetrol; 2(r),3(s)1,2,3,4-Butanetetrol; Erythrite; L-Erythritol; Erythritol, meso-; Erythroglucin; Erythrol; meso-Erythritol; Tetrahydroxybutane Classification: Organic compd. Empirical: C4H10O4 Formula: CH2OH(CHOH)2CH2OH Properties: Wh. powd.; m.w. 122.12; m.p. 121.5 C; b.p. 330.5 C Toxicology: LD50 (IP, mouse) 7 g/kg; LDLo (IV, dog) 5 g/kg; irritating to eyes, skin, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract; may be harmful by inh., ing., or skin absorp. Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents, strong bases Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Storage: Store in cool, dry place below 0 C; keep tightly closed Uses: Sweetener for beverages, chewing gum, candy, chocolate Features: Low-calorie Regulatory: BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AAA Int'l. http://www.aaainternational.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Camida USA http://www.camida.com; Cerestar http://www.cargill.com/; Eurolabs Ltd http://www.eurolabs.co.uk Jungbunzlauer http://www.jungbunzlauer.com/w; Mitsubishi-Kagaku Foods http://www.mfc.co.jp; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium 1195
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Trade Names: C*Eridex; Eridex 16952; Eridex 16955 L-Erythritol; Erythritol, meso-. See Erythritol D-Erythro-ascorbic acid. See Erythorbic acid Erythroglucin. See Erythritol D-Erythro-hex-2-enonic acid, γ-lactone. See Erythorbic acid D-Erythro-hex-2-enonic acid, γ-lactone, monosodium salt. See Sodium erythorbate D-Erythro-3-ketohexonic acid lactone. See Erythorbic acid Erythrol. See Erythritol Erythrosine; Erythrosine bluish. See FD&C Red No. 3 ESBO. See Epoxidized soybean oil Esdragol. See Estragole Esdragol extract. See Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) extract Esdragol oil. See Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) oil Esdragon extract. See Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) extract Esdragon oil. See Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) oil ESO. See Epoxidized soybean oil Essence de Cade. See Cade oil Essence of niobe. See Ethyl benzoate; Methyl benzoate Essence of rose. See Rose oil Essential oil of Sughanda kokila. See Zedoary (Curcuma zedoaria) extract Esterase CAS 9013-79-0 Definition: From hog liver Uses: Natural enzyme for foods Regulatory: Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com Trade Names Containing: Enzeco® Esterase/Lipase Esterase, jojoba wax. See Jojoba wax Esterase-lipase Classification: Enzyme Definition: Derived from Mucor miehei with maltodextrin or sweet whey as carrier Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Enzyme for hydrolysis of fats; flavor enhancer in cheeses, fats, oils Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.140 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Ester gum Definition: Ester of natural resins (especially rosin) and polyhydric alcohols (principally glycerol) Properties: Hard, semisynthetic resin; flash pt. 375 F (190 C) Precaution: Combustible Uses: Chewing gum base Regulatory: ; Japan approved Manuf./Distrib.: Arizona http://www.arizonachemical.com Estragole CAS 140-67-0; EINECS/ELINCS 205-427-8 FEMA 2411 Synonyms: 4-Allylanisole; p-Allylanisole; 4Allyl-1-methoxybenzene; Chavicol methyl ether; Chavicyl methyl ether; Esdragol; Isoanethole; p-Methoxyallylbenzene; 1Methoxy-4-(2-propenyl) benzene; Methyl chavicol Definition: Main constituent of tarragon oil derived from Artemisia dracunculus Empirical: C10H12O Formula: C6H4(C3H5)(OCH3) Properties: Colorless to sl. yel. liq.; anise odor; sol. in alcohol, chloroform; forms azeotropic mixts. with water; m.w. 148.20; dens. 0.9645 (21/4 C); b.p. 216 C (764 mm); flash pt. 178 F; ref. index 1.5230 (17.5 C); tenacity 4 hrs. on blotter Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1820 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 1030 mg/kg; mod. acute toxicity by many routes; primary irritant; skin irritant; questionable carcinogen; mutagen; tumorigen; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum, condiments, liqueurs Features: Sweet, minty flavor Use Level: < 1% Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 186.60; FEMA GRAS; Australia; Canada DSL; Japan ENCS (no. 3-572); Philippines PICCS Manuf./Distrib.: Adrian Amer. http://www.adrianusa.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; B D Aromatics http://www.bdaromatics.com; BFA Labs 1196
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference http://www.bfa-lab.com Chinessence http://www.chinessence.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Takasago Int'l. http://www.takasago.com See also Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) Estragol extract. See Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) extract Estragol oil; Estragon absolute. See Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) oil Estragon extract. See Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) extract Estragon oil. See Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) oil Ethal. See Cetyl alcohol Ethanal. See Acetaldehyde Ethanaminium, N-[4-[[4-(diethylamino) phenyl] (5-hydroxy-2,4-disulfophenyl) methylene]-2,5cyclohexadien-1-ylidene]-N-ethyl-, hydroxide, inner salt, calcium salt (2:1). See Acid blue 3 Ethanaminium, 2-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethyl, salt with (R-(R+,R+))-2,3-dihydroxybutanedioic acid (1:1); Ethanaminium, 2-hydroxy-N,N,Ntrimethyl-, salt with (R-(R,R))-2,3dihydroxybutanedioic acid (1:1). See Choline bitartrate Ethanecarboxylic acid. See Propionic acid 1,2-Ethanediamine. See Ethylenediamine 1,2-Ethanedicarboxylic acid. See Succinic acid Ethane dichloride. See Ethylene dichloride 1,2-Ethanediylbiscarbamodithioic acid disodium salt. See Nabam N,N´-1,2-Ethanediylbis[N-(carboxymethyl) glycine]. See Edetic acid N,N´-1,2-Ethanediylbis (N-(carboxymethyl)) glycine tetrasodium salt. See Tetrasodium EDTA N,N´-1,2-Ethanediylbis [N-(carboxymethyl) glycine], trisodium salt. See Trisodium EDTA N,N´-1,2-Ethanediylbisoctadecanamide. See Ethylene distearamide Ethane-1-hydroxy-1,1-diphosphonate. See Etidronic acid Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Ethane, (methylthio)-. See Methyl ethyl sulfide Ethaneperoxic acid. See Peracetic acid Ethanesulfonic acid, 2-amino-. See Taurine Ethanesulfonic acid, 2-(1-(difluoro((trifluoroethenyl) oxy] methyl]-1,2,2,2tetrafluoroethoxy]-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, polymer with tetrafluoroethane CAS 31175-20-9 Classification: Perfluorinated ion exchange membrane Definition: Copolymer of ethanesulfonylfluoride, 2-[1-[difluoro-[(trifluoroethenyl) oxy] methyl]1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy]-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, with tetrafluoroethylene Toxicology: Harmful; target organs: lungs, nerves, liver; TSCA listed Uses: Ion exchange membrane for treatment of liq. foods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR§173.21 Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro. See Trichlorotrifluoroethane 1,1,1-Ethanetriol diphosphonate. See Etidronic acid Ethanoic acid. See Acetic acid, glacial; Acetic acid Ethanoic acid, ethenyl ester. See Vinyl acetate Ethanoic anhydrate. See Acetic anhydride Ethanol. See Alcohol Ethanolamine CAS 141-43-5; EINECS/ELINCS 205-483-3 UN 2491 (DOT) Synonyms: 2-Aminoethanol; 2-Aminoethyl alcohol; β-Aminoethyl alcohol; βEthanolamine; Ethylolamine; Glycinol; 2Hydroxyethylamine; β-Hydroxyethylamine; MEA; MELA; Monoethanolamine Classification: Aliphatic amino alcohol; alkanolamine Empirical: C2H7NO Formula: NH2CH2CH2OH Properties: Colorless clear mod. visc. liq.; ammoniacal odor; misc. with water, alcohol, acetone, glycerin; sol. in chloroform; sl. sol. in benzene; m.w. 61.10; dens. 1.012; vapor pressure 0.26 mm Hg; m.p. 10.5 C; b.p. 170 C; flash pt. 93 C; autoignition temp. 410 C; ref. index 1.4540; pH 12.1; surf. tens. 48.89 dynes/cm; dielec. const. 37.72 Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 3 ppm; LD50 (oral, rat) 2140 mg/kg, (skin, rat) 1500 1197
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference mg/kg; poison by IP route; mod. toxic by ingestion, skin contact, subcut., IV routes; corrosive irritant to eyes, skin, mucous membranes; TSCA listed Environmental: VOC; BOD5 0.85; COD 1.28; ThOD 1.31 Precaution: DOT: Corrosive material; flamm. exposed to heat or flame; powerful reactive base; incompat. with sulfuric acid, HCl, CO2 in air, copper and alloys, aluminum, acrylic acid, nitric acid, etc. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, NOx NFPA: Health 3, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Hygroscopic; store in cool, dry wellventilated area away from heat and ignition sources Uses: Flume water wash additive for washing sugar beets prior to slicing; paring (antibrowning) agent for peeled fruit and vegetables Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.315, 175.105, 176.180, 176.210, 176.300, 178.3120; not permitted for use in foods intended for babies and young infants in UK; USP/NF, BP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AAE Chemie NV http://www.aaechemie.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; BASF http://www.basf.com BP Chems. Ltd http://www.bp.com/chemicals/; Brenntag AG http://www.brenntag.de; Camida Ltd http://www.camida.com; Chevron http://www.chevron.com/; Cosmetic Supplies USA http://www.cosmeticsuppliesusa.com Dow http://www.dow.com; EMD Chems. http://www.emdchemicals.com; Evonik Degussa GmbH http://www.evonik.com/en/chemicals/index. html; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Honeywill & Stein http://www.honeywill.co.uk Houghton Chem. http://www.houghtonchemical.com; Huntsman http://www.huntsman.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Merck KGaA http://www.merck.de; Mosselman NV http://www.mosselman.be Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com; Occidental http://www.oxychem.com; Oxiteno http://www.oxiteno.com.br/in/index.htm; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Research Organics http://www.resorg.com/ Romil Ltd http://www.romil.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sal Chem. http://www.salchem.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Surfachem Ltd http://www.surfachem.com; Tennants Distrib. Ltd http://www.tennantsdistribution.com; Univar Ltd http://www.univar.co.uk; Universal Preserv-A-Chem http://www.upichem.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/ Varsal Instruments http://www.varsal.com; Whyte Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/ β-Ethanolamine. See Ethanolamine Ethanol, 2-(dimethylamino)-. See Dimethylethanolamine Ethanol, 2-ethoxy-. See Ethoxyethanol Ethanolic acid. See Acetic acid, glacial Ethanol, 1-phenyl-. See α-Methylbenzyl alcohol Ethanol, 2-phenyl-. See Phenethyl alcohol Ethanol, undenatured. See Alcohol Ethanone, 1-(2-furanyl)-. See 2-Acetylfuran Ethanone, 2-hydroxy-1,2-diphenyl-. See Benzoin Ethanone, 1-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-. See oHydroxyacetophenone Ethanone, 1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-. See Acetanisole Ethanone, 1-[4-(1-methylethyl) phenyl]-. See pIsopropylacetophenone Ethanone, 1-(4-methylphenyl)-. See 4´-Methyl acetophenone Ethanone, 1-(2-pyridinyl)-. See 2-Acetylpyridine Ethavan. See Ethyl vanillin trans-1,2-Ethenedicarboxylic acid. See Fumaric acid Ethene, homopolymer. See Polyethylene Ethene, homopolymer, oxidized. See Polyethylene, oxidized Ethene oxide. See Ethylene oxide Ethene polymer. See Polyethylene Ethenol homopolymer. See Polyvinyl alcohol Ethenyl acetate. See Vinyl acetate 1198
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Ethenyl acetate, homopolymer. See Polyvinyl acetate Ethenylbenzene. See Styrene Ethenylbenzene homopolymer. See Polystyrene Ethenylbenzene polymer with 1,3-butadiene. See Styrene/butadiene polymer 1-Ethenyl-1,5-dimethyl-4-hexenyl benzeneacetate. See Linalyl phenylacetate 1-Ethenyl-1,5-dimethyl-4-hexen-1-yl butanoate. See Linalyl butyrate 1-Ethenyl-1,5-dimethyl-4-hexenyl hexanoate. See Linalyl hexanoate 1-Ethenyl-1,5-dimethyl-4-hexenyl octanoate. See Linalyl octanoate 1-Ethenyl-1,5-dimethyl-4-hexenyl 3-phenyl-2propenoate. See Linalyl cinnamate Ethenyl ethanoate. See Vinyl acetate 4- Ethenyl phenol. See p-Vinylphenol 1-Ethenyl-2-pyrrolidinone homopolymer; 1Ethenyl-2-pyrrolidinone polymers. See PVP 5 Ethenyl tetrahydro-α,α-5 trimethyl 2 furan methanol. See Linalool oxide Ether, benzyl butyl. See Benzyl butyl ether Ether, isobutyl (2-naphthyl)-. See β-Naphthyl isobutyl ether Ether, methyl phenyl. See Anisole Ethinyl trichloride. See Trichloroethylene Ethiops iron. See Iron oxide black Ethocel. See Ethylcellulose Ethol. See Cetyl alcohol Ethone. See 1-(p-Methoxyphenyl)-1-penten-3one Ethovan. See Ethyl vanillin 6-Ethoxy-m-anol. See Propenylguaethol Ethoxybenzaldehyde; 4-Ethoxybenzaldehyde. See p-Ethoxybenzaldehyde p-Ethoxybenzaldehyde CAS 10031-82-0; EINECS/ELINCS 233-093-3 FEMA 2413 Synonyms: Ethoxybenzaldehyde; 4Ethoxybenzaldehyde Definition: Obtained by ethylation of phydroxybenzaldehyde using aluminum chloride catalyst Empirical: C9H10O2 Properties: Red-brn., sweet floral odor and taste; sol. in alcohol; misc. with ether; pract. insol. in water; m.w. 150.18; dens. 1.081 (20/4 C); m.p. 13-16 C; b.p. 255 C; flash pt. 75 C; ref. index 1.559 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2100 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; severe skin irritant; TSCA Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Air-sensitive; store under nitrogen Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Sweet flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Eurolabs Ltd http://www.eurolabs.co.uk; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Fontarome http://www.fontaromechemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Ethoxycarbonylethylene. See Ethyl acrylate 2-Ethoxy-p-cymene. See Carvacryl ethyl ether 6-Ethoxy-1,2-dihydro-2,2,4-trimethylquinoline CAS 91-53-2; EINECS/ELINCS 202-075-7 INS324 Synonyms: 1,2-Dihydro-6-ethoxy-2,2,4trimethylquinoline; 1,2-Dihydro-2,2,4trimethyl-6-ethoxyquinoline; EMQ; EQ; Ethoxyquin; Ethoxyquine; 6-Ethoxy-2,2,4trimethyl-1,2-dihydroquinoline; ETMQ; Santoquine; 2,2,4-Trimethyl-6-ethoxy-1,2dihydroquinoline Classification: Dihydroquinoline Empirical: C14H19NO Properties: Yel. liq.; m.w. 217.34; dens. 1.0291.031 (25 C); m.p. ≈ 0 C; b.p. 125 C (2 mm); ref. index 1.569-1.572 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 800 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 200 mg/kg; poison by IP route; mod. toxic by ing.; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible when exposed to heat or flame; can react with oxidizing materials Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx Uses: Post-harvest preservative for foods (human or animal); antioxidant for foods, apples, pears; scald inhibitor; stabilizer, preservative; antioxidant for preservation of color in prod. of chili powd., paprika, ground chili Regulatory: FDA §73.275, 73.295, 172.140 (limitation 100 ppm in chili powd., 100 ppm in paprika, 5 ppm in uncooked meat fat, 3 ppm in uncooked poultry fat, 0.5 ppm in eggs, zero 1199
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference tolerance in milk), 177.2600; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: ChemService http://www.chemservice.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Lanxess http://www.lanxess.com; Monsanto http://www.monsanto.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Ethoxyethanol CAS 110-80-5; EINECS/ELINCS 203-804-1 UN 1171 (DOT) Synonyms: 'Cellosolve'; 'Cellosolve' solvent; EE; 2-EE; EGEE; EGMEE; Ethanol, 2-ethoxy; 2-Ethoxyethanol; Ethyl 'Cellosolve'; Ethylene glycol ethyl ether; Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether; Ethyl glycol; Glycol ether EE; Glycol ethyl ether; Glycol monoethyl ether; Hydroxy ether Classification: Aliphatic ether alcohol; glycol ether Empirical: C4H10O2 Formula: CH3CH2OCH2CH2OH Properties: Colorless liq.; mild sweet ether odor; misc. with hydrocarbons, alcohol, ether, acetone, liq. esters, water; m.w. 90.14; dens. 0.9311 (20/20 C); vapor pressure 5.31 mm Hg; m.p. -70 C; b.p. 135.6 C; flash pt. 48.9 C; ref. index 1.4060; surf. tens. 28.2 dynes/cm; dielec. const. 29.6 Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 5 ppm (skin); LD50 (oral, rat) 3 g/kg, (IP, rat) 2800 mg/kg, (IV, rat) 2400 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 3300 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing., skin contact, IV, IP routes; mildly toxic by inhalation, subcut. routes; mild eye/skin irritant; experimental teratogen, reproductive effects; TSCA listed Environmental: VOC; BOD5 1.03; COD 1.92; ThOD 1.96 Precaution: Flamm.; reacts with oxidizing materials; mod. explosion hazard in form of vapor when exposed to flames; may form explosive peroxides on exposure to light Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2 NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Uses: Diluent in food colorants Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1, 175.105, 177.2600; SARA §313 reportable; CERCLA hazardous substance; Calif. Prop. 65 reportable; HAP; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Brown Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.brownchem.com; Dow http://www.dow.com Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Lyondell http://www.lyondell.com; Occidental http://www.oxychem.com; Oxiteno http://www.oxiteno.com.br/in/index.htm; Romil Ltd http://www.romil.com Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com 2-Ethoxyethanol. See Ethoxyethanol 3-Ethoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde. See Ethyl vanillin 1- Ethoxy-4-hydroxybenzene. See Hydroquinone ethyl ether 1-(4-Ethoxy-3-hydroxyphenyl) propene; 1Ethoxy-2-hydroxy-4-propenylbenzene. See Propenylguaethol Ethoxylated mono- and diglycerides CAS 61163-33-5 INS488 Synonyms: EMG; Mono- and diglycerides, ethoxylated; Polyoxyethylene monoglycerides Classification: 60.5-65.0% oxyethylene Properties: Acid no. 0-2; sapon. no. 65-75; hyd. no. 65-80 Uses: Emulsifier in pan release agents and dough conditioner in yeast-raised prods.; emulsifier in cakes, cake mixes, whipped vegetable toppings, icings, frozen desserts, nondairy creamers Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.834 Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com Trade Names: Avapol™ EMD; EMG 20 K Trade Names Containing: Amfal-46; CDC-10A; CDC-10A (NB); CFI-10; Do Crest 60 Do Crest Gold; MG-F; Solec™ E; Top Mate Kosher; Xpando Xpando 70; Xpando Powder 1-Ethoxy-2-methoxy-4-propen-1-yl benzene. See Isoeugenyl ethyl ether (Ethoxymethyl)benzene. See Benzyl ethyl ether 2-Ethoxy-1-methyl-4-(1-methyl ethyl) benzene. See Carvacryl ethyl ether 2-Ethoxynaphthalene; β-Ethoxynaphthalene. See β-Naphthyl ethyl ether 4-Ethoxyphenylurea; (p-Ethoxyphenyl) urea. 1200
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference See Dulcin 2-Ethoxy-5-propenyl anisole. See Isoeugenyl ethyl ether Ethoxy propenylphenol; 2-Ethoxy-5propenylphenol; 2-Ethoxy-5-prop-1enylphenol. See Propenylguaethol Ethoxyquin; Ethoxyquine; 6-Ethoxy-2,2,4trimethyl-1,2-dihydroquinoline. See 6-Ethoxy1,2-dihydro-2,2,4-trimethylquinoline Ethyl 2-acetal-3-phenylpropionate. See Ethyl-2acetyl-3-phenylpropionate Ethyl acetate CAS 141-78-6; EINECS/ELINCS 205-500-4 UN 1173 (DOT); FEMA 2414 Synonyms: Acetic acid, ethyl ester; Acetic ester; Acetic ether; Acetoxyethane; Ethyl acetic ester; Ethyl ethanoate; Vinegar naphtha Classification: Sat. aliphatic carboxylic acid ester Definition: Ester of ethyl alcohol and acetic acid Empirical: C4H8O2 Formula: CH3COOC2H5 Properties: Colorless liq., fragrant fruity odor, acetous burning taste; sol. in chloroform, alcohol, ether, acetone, benzene, fixed and volatile oils; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 88.12; dens. 0.902 (20/4 C); bulk dens. 0.8945 g/ml; f.p. 83.6 C; b.p. 77 C; flash pt. -4.4 C; ref. index 1.3723; surf. tens. 24 dynes/cm (20 C) Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 400 ppm; LD50 (oral, rat) 5620 mg/kg, (IP, mouse) 709 mg/kg; LC50 (inh., rat, 8 h) 1600 ppm; poison by inh.; mod. toxic by IP and subcut. routes; mildly toxic by ing.; irritant to eyes, skin, mucous membranes; human systemic effects by inh.; mildly narcotic; CNS depressant; can cause dermatitis; high concs. can cause liver/kidney congestion; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Environmental: VOC; BOD5 1.00; COD 1.69; ThOD 1.82 Precaution: DOT: Flamm. liq.; very dangerous fire hazard exposed to heat or flame; can react vigorously with oxidizers; incompat. with strong oxidizers, strong acids, bases, potassium t-butoxide Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Ethanol, acetic acid; heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 3, Reactivity 0 Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area, out of direct sunlight, away from heat/ignition Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
sources Uses: Color diluent in foods; synthetic flavoring agent, adjuvant in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum, alcoholic beverages; extraction solvent for decaffeination of coffee and tea Features: Pineapple-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1, 172.560, 172.859, 173.228, 175.320, 177.1200, 182.60, GRAS; 27CFR §21.106; FEMA GRAS; FDA approved for ophthalmics, orals, topicals; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance; Australia AICS; Canada DSL; CERCLA hazardous substance; Japan approved with restrictions Manuf./Distrib.: AAE Chemie NV http://www.aaechemie.com; AMC Chems.; AP Resources http://www.apr.co.kr; Aastrid Int'l. http://www.aastrid.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Astral Extracts http://www.astralextracts.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de BP Chemicals http://www.bp.com; BP Chems. Ltd http://www.bp.com/chemicals/; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Brenntag AG http://www.brenntag.de; Brown http://www.brownchem.com Cargill Flavors & Fruit Systems USA http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/; Celanese http://www.celanesechemicals.com; http://www.chemvip.com; Chemcentral http://www.chemcentral.com; Chisso Am.; Chisso Petrochem. http://www.chissoeng.co.jp/ENGProfile.htm Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Daicel Chem. Ind. http://www.daicel.co.jp; Dow http://www.dow.com; Eastman http://www.eastman.com; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Evonik Degussa GmbH http://www.evonik.com/en/chemicals/index. html; Fisher Scientific https://www1.fishersci.com/index.jsp; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com 1201
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference GFS http://www.gfschemicals.com/; General Chem. http://www.genchemcorp.com; Harcros http://www.harcroschem.com; Houghton Chem. http://www.houghtonchemical.com; Hukill http://www.hukill.com/ Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Lonza Ltd http://www.lonza.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Monsanto http://www.monsanto.com Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; Punda Mercantile http://www.punda.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com Romil Ltd http://www.romil.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sal Chem. http://www.salchem.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Sunnyside http://www.sunnysidecorp.com/; Synasia Fine Chem. http://www.synasia.com; Thomas Scientific http://www.thomassci.com; Vinchem http://www.vinchem.com Xinchem http://www.finechemnet.com Ethylacetic acid. See n-Butyric acid Ethyl acetic ester. See Ethyl acetate Ethylacetoacetate CAS 141-97-9; EINECS/ELINCS 205-516-1 UN 1993 (DOT); FEMA 2415 Synonyms: Acetoacetic acid ethyl ester; Acetoacetic ester; Diacetic ether; Diacetyl ether; EAA; EEA; Ethyl acetyl acetate; Ethyl acetylacetonate; Ethyl benzyl acetoacetate; Ethyl 3-oxobutanoate; Ethyl 3-oxobutyrate; 3-Oxobutanoic acid ethyl ester Classification: Aliphatic organic compd. Empirical: C6H10O3 Formula: CH3COCH2COOC2H5 Properties: Colorless liq., fruity odor; sol. in ≈ 35 parts water; misc. with oxygenated, chlorinated, and aromatic solvs.; m.w. 130.14; dens. 1.0213 (25/4 C); m.p. -45 C; b.p. 180.8 C; flash pt. (CC) 184 F; ref. index 1.4180Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
1.4195 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3.98 g/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; mod. irritating to skin, mucous membranes, eyes; TSCA listed Precaution: DOT: Flamm. liq.; combustible liq. when exposed to heat or flame; can react with oxidizing materials; explosive reactions possible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum; intermediate for vitamins, feed additives Features: Sweet flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 175.300; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved as flavoring; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aceto http://www.aceto.com; Advanced BioTech http://www.advbio.com; Berje http://www.berjeinc.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Daicel Chem. Ind. http://www.daicel.co.jp Eastman http://www.eastman.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Honeywill & Stein http://www.honeywill.co.uk; Integra http://www.integrachem.com Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Lonza http://www.lonza.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Nippon Syn. Chem. Ind.; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com Prodasynth http://www.prodasynth.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Symrise USA http://www.symrise.com; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Wacker Chems. http://www.wackersilicones.com; Wacker-Chemie AG http://www.wacker.com/cms/de/home/index .jsp Ethyl acetone. See Methyl propyl ketone 1202
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference
Ethyl acrylate CAS 140-88-5; EINECS/ELINCS 205-438-8 UN 1917 (DOT); FEMA 2418
Synonyms: Acrylic acid, ethyl ester; Ethoxycarbonylethylene; Ethyl propenoate; Ethyl 2-propenoate; 2-Propenoic acid, ethyl ester Definition: Esterification of acrylic acid Empirical: C5H8O2 Formula: CH2:CHCOOC2H5 Properties: Colorless liq., penetrating and persistent odor; sol. in alcohol, ether, oxygenated solvs.; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 100.12; sp.gr. 0.918; m.p. -71 to -75 C; f.p. 60 F; b.p. 99-100 C; ref. index 1.4068 Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 5 ppm; STEL 15 ppm; LD50 (oral, rat) 800 mg/kg, (IP, rat) 450 mg/kg; LC50 (inh., mouse) 16,200 mg/m3; poison by ing. and inh.; mod. toxic by skin contact and IP routes; skin and eye irritant; human systemic effects by inh.; pulmonary changes; can severely irritate gastroenteric tract; may cause dyspnea, cyanosis, convulsions; migrates to food from pkg.; delisted as human carcinogen; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. liq.; very dangerous fire hazard exposed to heat/flame; can react vigorously with oxidizers; readily polymerized; violent reaction with chlorosulfonic acid Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 3, Reactivity 2 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum Features: Fruity flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515, 175.105, 175.300, 175.320, 175.360, 176.170, 177.1010, 177.1200, 177.1630, 178.3790; FEMA GRAS; SARA reportable; HAP; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Celanese http://www.celanesechemicals.com; http://www.chemvip.com; Dow http://www.dow.com Filo http://www.filochemical.com/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; G.J. Chem. http://www.gjchemical.com/; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Whyte
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Ethyl acetyl acetate; Ethyl acetylacetonate. See Ethylacetoacetate Ethyl α-acetylhydrocinnamate; Ethyl αacetylhydroxycinnamate. See Ethyl-2-acetyl3-phenylpropionate Ethyl-2-acetyl-3-phenylpropionate CAS 620-79-1; EINECS/ELINCS 210-651-4 FEMA 2416 Synonyms: Ethyl 2-acetal-3-phenylpropionate; Ethyl α-acetylhydrocinnamate; Ethyl αacetylhydroxycinnamate; Ethylbenzyl acetoacetate; Ethyl-3-oxo-2benzylbutanoate Definition: Obtained by reacting benzyl chloride over hot sodium acetoacetate Empirical: C13H16O3 Formula: CH3COCH(CH2C6H5)CO2C2H5 Properties: Colorless liq.; balsamic fruity jasmine odor; misc. with alcohol, ether; insol. in water; m.w. 220.27; dens. 1.036; b.p. 276 C; flash pt. > 230 F Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy Features: Fruity flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; ProSynth Ltd http://www.prosynth.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Ethyl 3-acetylpropionate. See Ethyl levulinate Ethyl aconitate, mixed esters CAS 1321-30-8 FEMA 2417 Synonyms: Ethyl-2-carboxyglutaconate; Ethyl 1-propene-1,2,3-tricarboxylate; Mono-ethyl 1-propene-1,2,3-tricarboxylate; 1Ppropene1,2,3-tricarboxylic acid ethyl ester Properties: Colorless oily liq., sweet fruity winey odor and flavor; sol. in alcohol; sl. sol. in water; dens. 1.0961; b.p. 260 C; ref. index 1.45771 (14.5 C) Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/ Ethyl adipate. See Diethyl adipate Ethyl alcohol; Ethyl alcohol, undenatured. See Alcohol Ethyl aldehyde. See Acetaldehyde Ethyl 2-aminobenzoate; Ethyl o-aminobenzoate. See Ethyl anthranilate Ethyl amyl carbinol; Ethyl n-amyl carbinol. See 3-Octanol Ethyl amyl ketone; Ethyl n-amyl ketone. See 3Octanone Ethyl anisate. See Ethyl-p-anisate Ethyl-p-anisate CAS 94-30-4; EINECS/ELINCS 202-320-8 FEMA 2420 Synonyms: p-Anisic acid ethyl ester; Ethyl anisate; Ethyl-4-methoxybenzoate; Ethyl-pmethoxybenzoate Definition: Obtained by esterification of anisic acid with ethanol in presence of an acid catalyst Empirical: C10H12O3 Properties: Colorless liq., fruity anise odor; sol. in alcohol, ether; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 180.21; dens. 1.103; m.p. 7-8 C; b.p. 269-270 C; flash pt. > 100 C; ref. index 1.522-1.526 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2040 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ingestion; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Features: Fruity flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Cargill Flavors & Fruit Systems USA http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Ethyl anthranilate CAS 87-25-2; EINECS/ELINCS 201-735-1 FEMA 2421 Synonyms: o-Aminobenzoic acid, ethyl ester; Ethyl 2-aminobenzoate; Ethyl oHandbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
aminobenzoate Definition: Obtained by esterification of anthranilic acid with ethanol in presence of acid catalysts Empirical: C9H11NO2 Formula: NH2C6H4COOC2H5 Properties: Colorless to amber liq.; fruity odor; sol. in alcohol, propylene glycol, fixed oils; m.w. 165.19; dens. 1.118 (20/4 C); m.p. 13-15 C; b.p. 264-268 C; ref. index 1.564 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3750 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Features: Sweet grape-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Ethyl β-apo-8'-carotenoate. See β-Apo-8´carotenic acid, methyl ester 4-Ethylbenzaldehyde. See p-Ethylbenzaldehyde p-Ethylbenzaldehyde CAS 4748-78-1; EINECS/ELINCS 225-268-8 FEMA 3756 Synonyms: 4-Ethylbenzaldehyde Empirical: C9H10O Formula: C2H5C6H4CHO Properties: Liq., aromatic odor; sol. in ethanol, ether, toluene; insol. in water; m.w. 134.2; dens. 0.979; b.p. 221 C; flash pt. 92 C; ref. index 1.5390 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 1700 mg/kg; eye and skin irritant Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, baked goods, ice cream, meats, hard and soft candy, puddings, beverages, alcoholic beverages, cereals, dairy prods., poultry, jams, jellies, chewing gum, instant coffee/tea, condiments, confectionery, seasonings, nut prods. 1204
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Features: Sweet flavor Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; Esprit http://www.espritchem.com; Eurolabs Ltd http://www.eurolabs.co.uk; Jonas; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Ethyl benzeneacetate. See Ethyl phenylacetate Ethyl benzenecarboxylate. See Ethyl benzoate α-Ethylbenzenemethanol. See 1-Phenyl-1propanol Ethyl benzoate CAS 93-89-0; EINECS/ELINCS 202-284-3 FEMA 2422 Synonyms: Benzoic acid ethyl ester; Benzoic ether; Essence of niobe; Ethyl benzenecarboxylate Definition: Ester of ethyl alcohol and benzoic acid Empirical: C9H10O2 Formula: C6H5COOC2H5 Properties: Colorless liq., green grassy, fruity ester-like, aromatic odor; sol. in alcohol, fixed oils, propylene glycol; misc. with chloroform, ether, petroleum ether; insol. in water, glycerin; m.w. 150.18; dens. 1.046 (20/4 C); m.p. -34 C; b.p. 211-214 C; flash pt. 184 F; ref. index 1.505 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 2100 mg/kg; LDLo (skin, cat) 10 g/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; mildly toxic by skin contact; skin and eye irritant; vapors cause cough; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq.; can react with oxidizers Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum, alcoholic beverages Features: Banana-, cherry-, plum-like flavor Use Level: 0.5% max. as benzoic acid in finished cosmetics Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Allan http://www.allanchem.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; Chemial SpA http://www.chemial.com; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com Lluch Essence http://www.lluchessence.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Trade Names Containing: Kiwifruit Treattarome 9770 Ethyl benzoylacetate CAS 94-02-0; EINECS/ELINCS 202-295-3 FEMA 2423 Synonyms: Acetic acid, benzoyl-, ethyl ester; Benzenepropanoic acid, β-oxo-, ethyl ester; Benzoylacetic acid ethyl ester; Ethyl β-ketoβ-phenylpropionate; Ethyl βoxobenzenepropanoate; Ethyl 3-phenyl-3oxopropanoate; β-Oxobenzenepropanoic acid ethyl ester Definition: Obtained by condensation of ethyl benzoate with ethyl acetate using sodium ethoxide Empirical: C11H12O3 Formula: C6H5COCH2COOC2H5 Properties: Lt. yel. oily liq., pleasant odor; becomes yel. on exposure to air and light; misc. with alcohol, ether; insol. in water; m.w. 192.21; dens. 1.122 (15 C); m.p. < 0 C; b.p. 265-270 C (dec.); flash pt. 140 C; ref. index 1.5270 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, mouse) 6800 mg/kg; mildly toxic by ing.; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible; volatile with steam Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating vapors NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep protected from air and light Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA 1205
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; City Chem. http://www.citychemical.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Hofmen Int'l. http://www.hofmeninternational.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Ethylbenzyl acetoacetate. See Ethyl-2-acetyl-3phenylpropionate Ethyl benzyl acetoacetate. See Ethylacetoacetate α-Ethylbenzyl alcohol; ±α-Ethylbenzyl alcohol. See 1-Phenyl-1-propanol α-Ethylbenzyl butyrate CAS 10031-86-4; EINECS/ELINCS 233-094-9 FEMA 2424 Synonyms: Butanoic acid 1-phenyl propyl ester; Butyric acid alpha-ethyl benzyl ester; α-Ethyl benzyl butyrate; Ethyl phenyl carbinyl butyrate; α-Phenylpropyl butyrate Empirical: C13H18O2 Properties: Liq., floral fruity odor, sweet plum-like taste; m.w. 206.28; dens. 0.9875-0.9905 (15 C); b.p. 282 C; flash pt. 118 C; ref. index 1.4875-1.4895 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL α-Ethyl benzyl butyrate. See α-Ethylbenzyl butyrate Ethyl benzyl ether. See Benzyl ethyl ether Ethyl brassylate. See Ethylene brassylate 2-Ethylbutanal; 2-Ethyl-1-butanal. See 2Ethylbutyraldehyde Ethyl butanoate. See Ethyl butyrate 2-Ethyl butanoic acid. See Diethylacetic acid Ethyl trans-2-butenoate. See Ethyl crotonate Ethyl butylacetate. See Ethyl caproate 2-Ethylbutyl acetate CAS 10031-87-5; EINECS/ELINCS 233-095-4 FEMA 2425 Synonyms: Acetic acid 2-ethylbutyl ester Definition: Obtained by reacting 2-ethylbutanol with acetic anhydride in the presence of sulfuric acid Empirical: C8H16O2 Formula: C2H5CH(C2H5)CH2OOCCH3 Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Properties: Colorless liq.; mild odor; m.w. 144.21; dens. 0.876; b.p. 160-163 C; flash pt. 52 C; ref. index 1.4109 Toxicology: TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible; moderate fire risk NFPA: Health 1, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy Features: Fruity flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com 2-Ethyl-3-butylacrolein; α-Ethyl-β-butyl acrolein. See 2-Ethyl-2-heptenal Ethyl butyl carbinol. See 3-Heptanol Ethyl butyl ketone; Ethyl-n-butyl ketone. See 3Heptanone Ethyl butyl malonate. See Butyl ethyl malonate Ethyl t-butyl malonate. See t-Butyl ethyl malonate Ethyl butyraldehyde. See 2-Ethylbutyraldehyde 2-Ethylbutyraldehyde CAS 97-96-1; EINECS/ELINCS 202-623-5 UN 1178 (DOT); FEMA 2426 Synonyms: Butanal, 2-ethyl-; Butyraldehyde, 2-ethyl-; Diethyl acetaldehyde; 2Ethylbutanal; 2-Ethyl-1-butanal; Ethyl butyraldehyde; α-Ethylbutyraldehyde; 2Ethylbutyric aldehyde; α-Ethylbutyric aldehyde; Ethylethylacetaldehyde Classification: Nonaromatic aldehyde Empirical: C6H12O Formula: (C2H5)2CHCHO Properties: Colorless liq., pungent odor; misc. with alcohol, ether; sl. sol. in water; m.w. 100.16; dens. 0.811; vapor pressure 13.7 mm Hg (20 C); m.p. -89 C; b.p. 117 C; flash pt. (OC) 70 F; ref. index 1.40398 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3980 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 5990 µl/kg; mod. toxic by ing.; mildly toxic by inh.; skin and eye irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. liq.; dangerous fire risk; can react vigorously with oxidizing materials Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and fumes NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 3, Reactivity 1 Storage: Store under nitrogen 1206
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Celanese http://www.celanesechemicals.com; http://www.chemvip.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com α-Ethylbutyraldehyde. See 2Ethylbutyraldehyde Ethyl butyrate CAS 105-54-4; EINECS/ELINCS 203-306-4 UN 1180 (DOT); FEMA 2427 Synonyms: Butanoic acid, ethyl ester; Butyric acid, ethyl ester; Butyric ether; Ethyl butanoate; Ethyl n-butyrate Classification: Butanoic acid ester Definition: Obtained by esterification of n-butyric acid with ethyl alcohol in presence of Twitchell's reagent or MgCl2 Empirical: C6H12O2 Formula: CH3CH2CH2COOC2H5 Properties: Colorless liq., banana-pineapple odor; sol. in water, fixed oils, propylene glycol; misc. with alcohol, ether; insol. in glycerin @ 121 C; m.w. 116.18; dens. 0.874; m.p. -100.8 C; b.p. 121.6 C; flash pt. (CC) 24 C; ref. index 1.391 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 13 g/kg; mildly toxic by ing.; skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. liq.; can react vigorously with oxidizing materials Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 3, Reactivity 0 Storage: 12 mos. when stored at 40-70 F in tightly sealed original containers with minimum head space; avoid prolonged exposure to light, heat, air Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, adjuvant, flavor enhancer, and fragrance in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum; mfg. of rum Features: Ethereal, banana-, strawberry-, pineapple-like flavor and fragrance Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §182.60, GRAS; FEMA GRAS; Australia AICS; Japan approved as flavoring; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Adrian Amer. http://www.adrianusa.com; Advanced Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Astral Extracts http://www.astralextracts.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de BASF http://www.basf.com; Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; Boith China http://www.boith.com; Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; De Monchy Aromatics http://www.demonchyaromatics.com Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/ Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk; Haltermann Prods. UK http://www.haltermann.com; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; Natural Advantage http://www.naturaladvantage.net; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Sarcom http://www.sarcominc.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com; Xinchem http://www.finechemnet.com Trade Names Containing: Guava Treattarome 9740; Kiwifruit Treattarome 9770; Passion Fruit Treattarome 9750 Ethyl n-butyrate. See Ethyl butyrate Ethylbutyric acid; 2-Ethylbutyric acid; αEthylbutyric acid. See Diethylacetic acid 2-Ethylbutyric aldehyde; α-Ethylbutyric aldehyde. See 2-Ethylbutyraldehyde Ethyl butyrolactone; γ-Ethylbutyrolactone. See γ-Hexalactone Ethyl caprate; Ethyl caprinate. See Ethyl decanoate Ethyl caproate CAS 123-66-0; EINECS/ELINCS 204-640-3 UN 3272; FEMA 2439 Synonyms: Ethyl butylacetate; Ethyl capronate; Ethyl hexanoate; Ethyl hexoate; Ethyl hexylate; Hexanoic acid ethyl ester 1207
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Definition: Obtained by esterification of caproic acid with ethyl alcohol in presence of conc. H2SO4 or HCl Empirical: C8H16O2 Formula: CH3(CH2)4COOC2H5 Properties: Colorless to ylsh. liq.; fruity ester-like, tropical, mild wine odor; sol. in fixed oils, most org. solvs.; sl. sol. in propylene glycol; misc. with alcohol, ether; insol. in water, glycerin; m.w. 144.24; dens. 0.867-0.871; vapor dens. 4.9; b.p. 163; ref. index 1.406-1.409 Toxicology: Skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm. or combustible liq.; can react with oxidizing materials Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: 12 mos. when stored at 40-70 F in tightly sealed original containers with minimum head space; avoid prolonged exposure to light, heat, air Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent, flavor enhancer, fragrance in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum, jellies; mfg. of artificial fruit flavors Features: Fruity, sl. fermented, apple, banana, pineapple-like flavor and fragrance Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved as flavoring; Canada DSL; Australia AICS Manuf./Distrib.: A&E Connock http://www.connock.co.uk; Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Astral Extracts http://www.astralextracts.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; BASF http://www.basf.com; Bell Flavors & Fragrances http://www.bellff.com; Boith China http://www.boith.com; Cargill Flavors & Fruit Systems USA http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/ Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/ Grau Aromatics http://www.grauaromatics.de/; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com Natural Advantage http://www.naturaladvantage.net; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com Trade Names Containing: Guava Treattarome 9740; Kiwifruit Treattarome 9770; Passion Fruit Treattarome 9750 Ethyl capronate. See Ethyl caproate Ethyl caprylate. See Ethyl octanoate 4-Ethyl caprylic acid. See 4-Ethyloctanoic acid Ethyl carbinol. See Propyl alcohol Ethyl δ-carboethoxyvalerate. See Diethyl adipate Ethyl-2-carboxyglutaconate. See Ethyl aconitate, mixed esters Ethyl carvacrol; Ethyl carvacryl ether. See Carvacryl ethyl ether Ethyl 'Cellosolve'. See Ethoxyethanol Ethylcellulose CAS 9004-57-3 INS462 Synonyms: Cellulose ethyl; Cellulose ethylate; Cellulose ethyl ether; EC; Ethocel Definition: Ethyl ether of cellulose Properties: Wh. to lt. tan powd.; sol. in most org. liqs., alcohol, aromatic solvs.; insol. in water, glycerol, propylene glycol; dens. 1.07-1.18; ref. index 1.47 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; low toxicity by ing. and skin contact; skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Storage: Hygroscopic Uses: Food additive; binder, filler, color diluent, flavor fixing agent, bulking agent in foods; migrating to food from paper/paperboard Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.1, 172.868, 1208
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference 175.300, 182.90, 573.420, GRAS; FDA approved for orals, topicals; USP/NF, BP, EP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Alfa Chem http://www.alfachem1.com; Allchem Int'l. Ltd http://www.allchem.co.uk; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; CarboMer http://www.carbomer.com Celanese http://www.celanesechemicals.com; http://www.chemvip.com; Chemcentral http://www.chemcentral.com; Colorcon http://www.colorcon.com; Dow http://www.dow.com; FMC Biopolymer http://www.fmcbiopolymer.com FMC http://www.fmcchemicals.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Hercules/Aqualon http://www.aqualon.com; Honeywill & Stein http://www.honeywill.co.uk; Mutchler http://www.mutchlerchem.com Punda Mercantile http://www.punda.com; Ruger http://www.rugerchemical.com; Sansho http://www.sansho.co.jp; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com Uniqema http://www.uniqema.com; Univar Ltd http://www.univar.co.uk; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Trade Names: Aqualon® N-7; Aqualon® N-10; Aqualon® N-14; Aqualon® N-22; Aqualon® N-50 Aqualon® N-100; Ethocel™ Standard 4 Premium; Ethocel™ Standard 7 FP Premium; Ethocel™ Standard 7 Premium; Ethocel™ Standard 10 Premium Ethocel™ Standard 14 Premium; Ethocel™ Standard 20 Premium; Ethocel™ Standard 45 Premium; Ethocel™ Standard 100 Premium Trade Names Containing: CVC™ Type A Coated Ascorbic Acid; Coated Ascorbic Acid, Type EC Ethyl cinnamate CAS 103-36-6; EINECS/ELINCS 203-104-6 FEMA 2430 Synonyms: Ethyl-trans-cinnamate; Ethyl phenylacrylate; Ethyl-β-phenylacrylate; Ethyl-3-phenylpropenoate; Ethyl 3-phenyl2-propenoate; Ethyl (E)-3-phenylprop-2Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
enoate; 3-Phenyl-2-propenoic acid, ethyl ester; 2-Propenoic acid, 3-phenyl-, ethyl ester Definition: Ester of ethyl alcohol and cinnamic acid; obtained by heating cinnamic acid, alcohol, and sulfuric acid to 100 C in presence of aluminum sulfate Empirical: C11H12O2 Properties: Nearly colorless oily liq., faint cinnamon odor; misc. with alcohol, ether, fixed oils; insol. in glycerin, water; m.w. 176.23; dens. 1.049 (20/4 C); m.p. 9 C; b.p. 271 C; flash pt. > 212 F; ref. index 1.558-1.561 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 4000 mg/kg; mod. toxic by ingestion; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq. Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, chewing gum Features: Sweet cinnamon, plum-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved as flavoring; BP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: A&E Connock http://www.connock.co.uk; Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustusoils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de Elan http://www.elan-chemical.com; Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com Ethyl-trans-cinnamate. See Ethyl cinnamate Ethyl citrate. See Triethyl citrate Ethyl crotonate CAS 623-70-1; 10544-63-5 (trans); EINECS/ELINCS 210-808-7; 234-125-9 (trans) UN 1862 (DOT); FEMA 3486 1209
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Synonyms: 2-Butenoic acid, ethyl ester; trans2-Butenoic acid ethyl ester; Crotonic acid, ethyl ester; Ethyl trans-2-butenoate; Ethyl α-crotonate; Ethyl β-methylacrylate Definition: Obtained by esterification of crotonic acid with ethyl alcohol in presence of conc. H2O4 Empirical: C6H10O2 Formula: CH3CH:CHCOOC2H5 Properties: Water-wh. solid or liq., char. pungent persistent odor; sol. in alcohol, ether, oxygenated solvs.; insol. in water; m.w. 114.15; dens. 0.916 (20/4 C); m.p. 45 C; b.p. 126 C (cis), 145 C (trans); flash pt. 2 C; ref. index 1.425 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3 g/kg; corrosive; sl. toxic by ing.; lachrymator; strong irritant to eyes, skin, respiratory system; TSCA listed Precaution: Highly flamm.; dangerous fire risk; incompat. with oxidizers, acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes, COx NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 3, Reactivity 0 Storage: Keep away from ignition sources Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, confectionery, baked goods, puddings, alcoholic beverages Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Alzo http://www.alzointernational.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/ Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Ethyl α-crotonate. See Ethyl crotonate Ethyl cyclohexaneacetate. See Ethyl cyclohexylacetate Ethyl cyclohexanecarboxylate CAS 3289-28-9; EINECS/ELINCS 221-945-7 FEMA 3544 Synonyms: Cyclohexanecarboxylic acid ethyl ester; Ethyl cyclohexylmethanoate Empirical: C9H16O2 Properties: Colorless liq.; m.w. 156.22 Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) 3962 mg/kg; TSCA Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
listed Precaution: Avoid contact with eyes and skin; avoid inhaling vapor or mist; avoid heat, flames, sparks, oxidizing agents, and bases Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO Storage: Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry ventilated area Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, baked goods, ice cream, puddings, beverages, confectionery, frostings Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com; ICN Biomed. Research Prods. http://www.mpbio.com; Lancaster Synthesis http://www.alfa.com Ethyl cyclohexanepropionate CAS 10094-36-7; EINECS/ELINCS 233-222-3 FEMA 2431 Synonyms: Cyclohexane ethyl propionate; Ethyl 3-cyclohexylpropanoate; Ethyl cyclohexylpropionate; Hexahydro phenylethyl propionate Definition: Obtained by esterification of ethyl cyclohexanol with propionic acid or anhydride Empirical: C11H20O2 Properties: Colorless oily liq., fruity sweet pineapple-like odor; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water; m.w. 184.28; dens. 0.940; b.p. 91-94 C (8 mm); flash pt. 122 F; ref. index 1.4480 Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, candy, baked goods Features: Sweet peach, pear-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com Ethyl cyclohexylacetate CAS 5452-75-5; EINECS/ELINCS 226-695-2 FEMA 2348 Synonyms: Cyclohexaneacetic acid, ethyl ester; Cyclohexane ethyl acetate; Cyclohexylacetic acid ethyl ester; Ethyl cyclohexaneacetate Empirical: C1-H18O2 Properties: Colorless liq.; .w. 170.2; sp.gr. 0.948; b.p. 211-212 C; flash pt. 80 C; ref. index 1.444 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (IV, mouse) 56 mg/kg; may be harmful by ing., inh., skin absorp.; may cause irritation; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible; incompat. with acids, bases, oxidizing agents, reducing 1210
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Toxic fumes of CO, CO2 Storage: Store in cool, dry place away from heat, open flame; keep tightly closed Uses: Flavoring agent in foods and beverages Regulatory: Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Fluka http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; ICN Biomed. Research Prods. http://www.mpbio.com; Molekula Sarl http://www.molekula.co.uk/; Oakwood Prods. http://www.oakwoodchemical.com TCI Am. http://www.tciamerica.com Ethyl cyclohexylmethanoate. See Ethyl cyclohexanecarboxylate Ethyl 3-cyclohexylpropanoate; Ethyl cyclohexylpropionate. See Ethyl cyclohexanepropionate Ethyl decadienoate CAS 3025-30-7; EINECS/ELINCS 221-178-8 FEMA 3148 Synonyms: 2,4-Decadienoic acid, ethyl ester, (E,Z)-; Ethyl 2,4-decadienoate; Ethyl (2E,4Z) decadienoate; Ethyl (2E,4Z)-2,4decadienoate; Ethyl 2-trans-4-cisdecadienoate; E,Z-Ethyl 2,4-decadienoate; Ethyl trans-2-cis-4-decadienoate; Ethyl trans-2-cis-4-decadienoate, mixt. of isomers; Pear ester Definition: One of the principle components of pear Empirical: C12H20O2 Formula: CH3(CH2)4CH=CHCH=CHCOOCH2CH3 Properties: Colorless to pale yel. oily liq.; char. pear-like odor and flavor; sol. in alcohol; insol. in water, oil, propylene glycol; m.w. 196.29; sp.gr. 0.898-0.906; vapor pressure 0.04 mm Hg; m.p. -60 C; b.p. 260 C; flash pt. 110 C; ref. index 1.481-1.490 (20 C) Toxicology: LD50 (oral, rat) > 5 g/kg, (skin, rabbit) > 5 g/kg; may be irritating to skin, eyes, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract; may be harmful by ing., inh., skin absorp.; TSCA listed Environmental: Prevent contamination of soil, ground- and surf.-waters Precaution: Incompat. with strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2; emits toxic fumes under fire conditions Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
HMIS: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: Air-sensitive; store under cool, dark conditions; keep under nitrogen; keep away from ignition sources, naked flame; keep tightly closed Uses: Natural flavoring agent in foods, pear and peach formulations, brandy and liquor flavors Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.510, GRAS; DOT nonregulated; DSL, AICS, China listed Manuf./Distrib.: Acros Org. http://www.acros.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de; Bedoukian Research http://www.bedoukian.com; CU Chemie Uetikon http://www.uetikon.com Citrus and Allied Essences http://www.citrusandallied.com; Evonik Degussa http://www.degussa.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; Interchim http://www.interchim.com Natural Advantage http://www.naturaladvantage.net; Penta Mfg. http://www.pentamfg.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Wilshire http://users.aol.com/wilshrchem/chmlist2.ht m Ethyl 2,4-decadienoate; Ethyl (2E,4Z) decadienoate; Ethyl (2E,4Z)-2,4-decadienoate; Ethyl 2-trans-4-cis-decadienoate; E,Z-Ethyl 2,4-decadienoate; Ethyl trans-2-cis-4decadienoate; Ethyl trans-2-cis-4decadienoate, mixt. of isomers. See Ethyl decadienoate Ethyl decanoate CAS 110-38-3; EINECS/ELINCS 203-761-9 FEMA 2432 Synonyms: Capric acid ethyl ester; Decanoic acid ethyl ester; Ethyl caprate; Ethyl caprinate; Ethyl decylate Definition: Obtained by esterification of decanoic acid and ethyl alcohol in presence of HCl or H2SO4 Empirical: C12H24O2 Formula: CH3(CH2)8COOC2H5 Properties: Colorless liq.; fragrant, green grassy, fruity ester-like odor; sol. in fixed oils; misc. with alcohol, chloroform, ether; insol. in water, 1211
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference glycerin, propylene glycol; m.w. 200.32; dens. 0.862 (20 C); m.p. -20 C; b.p. 243-245 C; flash pt. 216 F; ref. index 1.425 (20 C) Toxicology: Skin irritant; TSCA listed Precaution: Combustible liq.; reacts with oxidizing materials Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes NFPA: Health 0, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0 Storage: 6 mos. when stored at 40-70 F in tightly sealed original containers with minimum head space; avoid prolonged exposure to light, heat, air Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, puddings, alcoholic beverages Features: Grape, pear-like flavor Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Japan approved as flavoring; Canada DSL; Australia AICS Manuf./Distrib.: A&E Connock http://www.connock.co.uk; ABCR http://www.abcr.de; Advanced BioTech http://www.adv-bio.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Axxence Aromatic GmbH http://www.axxence.com; http://www.axxence.de Fleurchem http://www.fleurchem.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Grau Aromatics http://www.grau-aromatics.de/; J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com Moore Ingreds. http://www.moorelab.com; Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium V. Mane Fils SA http://www.mane.com Ethyl decylate. See Ethyl decanoate Ethyl dimethylacrylate; Ethyl 3,3dimethylacrylate; Ethyl β,β-dimethylacrylate. See Ethyl senecioate Ethyl trans-2,3-dimethyl acrylate. See Ethyl tiglate Ethyl 2,2-dimethylpropanoate; Ethyl 2,2dimethylpropionate. See Ethyl pivalate 2-Ethyl-3,5-dimethylpyrazine. See 2-Ethyl-3,5(6)dimethylpyrazine
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
2-Ethyl-3,5(6)-dimethylpyrazine CAS 13925-07-0; 27043-05-6; 55031-15-7; 13360-65-1; EINECS/ELINCS 237-694-1; 236417-1; 248-182-2 UN 2810; FEMA 3149; 3150 Synonyms: 2,6-Dimethyl-3-ethylpyrazine; 2Ethyl-3,5-dimethylpyrazine; 2-Ethyl-3(5/6)dimethyl pyrazine Classification: pyrazine Empirical: C8H12N2 Properties: Colorless to sl. yel. liq.; pungent, nutty, roasted cocoa odor; sol. in water, org. solvs.; m.w. 136.20; dens. 0.965; vapor dens. 4.6; b.p. 180-181 C; flash pt. 157 F; ref. index 1.500 Toxicology: Harmful by ing., inh.; skin, eye, respiratory system irritant Environmental: do not contaminate sewers, water sources Precaution: Combustible liq.; wear protective gloves, splash-proof eye goggles; incompat. with strong oxidizers, acids Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2; heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx Storage: Keep in original, tightly closed container; keep away from heat, sparks, open flame Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods, beverages, candy, baked goods, puddings, cereals, condiments, meats, dairy prods. Features: Chocolate flavor Regulatory: FEMA GRAS; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Beyo Chem. Co. Ltd http://www.beyochem.com; Cargill Flavors & Fruit Systems USA http://www.cargillflavorsystems.com/; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; Givaudan Fragrances http://www.givaudan.com Oxford Chems. Ltd http://www.oxfordchemicals.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com; SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com 2-Ethyl-3(5/6)-dimethyl pyrazine. See 2-Ethyl3,5(6)-dimethylpyrazine Ethyl dodecanoate; Ethyl dodecylate. See Ethyl laurate Ethyl enanthate. See Ethyl heptanoate Ethylene/acrylic acid copolymer CAS 9010-77-9 1212
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Synonyms: EAA; Poly (ethylene-co-acrylic acid); 2-Propenoic acid with ethene; 2Propenoic acid, polymer with ethene Definition: Copolymer of ethylene and acrylic acid monomers Formula: (CH2CH2)x[CH2CH(CO2H)]y Properties: Solid; dens. 0.960 Toxicology: Irritant; TSCA listed Uses: Wax for fruit coating Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §176.170, 177.1310, 178.1005; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com Trade Names: Lakewax 52 Ethylene aldehyde. See Acrolein Ethylenebis (dithiocarbamate) disodium salt; Ethylenebis (dithiocarbamic acid) disodium salt. See Nabam Ethylenebis (iminodiacetic acid) tetrasodium salt. See Tetrasodium EDTA Ethylene bis (stearamide); N,N´-Ethylene bisstearamide; Ethylenebisstearoamide; Ethylenebis (stearylamide). See Ethylene distearamide Ethylene brassylate CAS 105-95-3; EINECS/ELINCS 203-347-8 FEMA 3543 Synonyms: Cyclo-1,13-ethylenedioxytridecan1,13-dione; Cyclo-1,13ethylenedioxytridecane-1,13-dione; 1,4Dioxacycloheptadecane-5,17-dione; Ethyl brassylate; Ethylene glycol brassylate; Ethylene glycol brassylate cyclic diester; Ethylene undecane dicarboxylate; Musk T; Tridecanedioic acid cyclic ethylene glycol diester; 1,13-Tridecanedioic acid, 1,2ethanediol ester; 1,13-Tridecanedioic acid ethylene ester; Tridecanoic acid, cyclic ethylene ester; 1,1´-Undecanedicarboxylic acid ester with ethylene glycol Classification: Cyclic ester; macrocyclic musk Definition: Obtained by esterification of brassylic acid Empirical: C15H26O4 Properties: Wh. to lt. yel. liq., sweet musk-like odor; sol. in alcohol, most org. solvs.; insol. in water; m.w. 270.37; dens. 1.05; b.p. 332 C; flash pt. > 100 C; ref. index 1.4690-1.4730; tenacity 1 wk. on blotter Toxicology: Primary skin irritant; TSCA listed Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits acrid smoke and irritating Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
fumes Storage: Store in cool, dry place in tightly sealed containers, protected from heat, light Uses: Synthetic flavoring agent in foods Use Level: < 10% Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §172.515; FEMA GRAS; Australia; Canada DSL; Japan ENCS (no. 5-3880); Philippines PICCS Manuf./Distrib.: Adrian Amer. http://www.adrianusa.com; Augustus Oils Ltd http://www.augustus-oils.ltd.uk; Eramex Aromatics http://www.eramex.de; Frutarom Ltd http://www.frutarom.com/; Fuerst Day Lawson http://www.fdl.co.uk J.H. Calo http://www.jhcalo.com; Jiande City Xinhua http://www.xhchem.com; Lluch Essence http://www.lluch-essence.com; R.C. Treatt & Co. Ltd http://www.rctreatt.com SAFC Specialties http://www.safcspecialties.com; Takasago Int'l. http://www.takasago.com Ethylene chloride. See Ethylene dichloride Ethylenediamine CAS 107-15-3 (anhyd.); 6780-13-8 (monohydrate); EINECS/ELINCS 203-468-6 UN 1604 (DOT) Synonyms: 1,2-Diaminoethane; Dimethylenediamine; EDA; 1,2Ethanediamine Classification: Aliphatic organic compd.; aliphatic polyamine Empirical: C2H8N2 Formula: NH2CH2CH2NH2 Properties: Colorless to sl. yel. clear volatile liq., ammonia-like odor; sol. in acetone, ethanol, dimethylsulfoxide, benzene, water; sl. sol. in diethyl ether, heptane; misc. with water, alcohol, oxygenated and aromatic solvs.; m.w. 60.12; dens. 0.8994 (20/4 C); m.p. 8.5 C; b.p. 117.2 C; flash pt. (CC) 42 C; ref. index 1.4565 Toxicology: TLV/TWA 10 ppm; LD50 (oral, rat) 500 mg/kg; human irritant poison by inh.; mod. toxic by ingestion, skin contact; corrosive; severe skin and eye irritant; lachrymator; allergen, sensitizer; mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: DOT: Corrosive material; flamm. exposed to heat, flame, oxidizers; can react violently with acetic acid, acetic anhydride, acrylic acid, epichlorohydrin, many others; absorbs CO2 from air to form the carbamate 1213
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference salt Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: CO, CO2, hydrogen cyanide, volatile amines; heated to decomp., emits toxic fumes of NOx and NH3 NFPA: Health 3, Flammability 2, Reactivity 0 Storage: Hygroscopic; air-sensitive Uses: Antimicrobial in cane-sugar and beetsugar mills; flume wash water additive for food processing; mfg. of food-contact paper/paperboard Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §173.320 (1 ppm max.), 175.105, 175.300, 175.320, 176.180, 176.300, 178.1010, 178.3120, 181.30, 556.270; FDA approved for IV, injectables, orals, rectals, topicals; BP, EP, JP compliance; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: AMC Chems.; Accurate Chem. & Scientific http://www.accuratechemical.com; Advanced Synthesis Tech. http://www.advancedsynthesis.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com Alkyl Amines Chems. Ltd http://www.alkylamines.com; Allchem Ind. http://www.allchem.com; BASF AG http://www.basf.de; BASF http://www.basf.com; Coyne http://www.coynechemical.com Dow http://www.dow.com; Filo http://www.filochemical.com/; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Houghton Chem. http://www.houghtonchemical.com; Integra http://www.integrachem.com Kanto Denka Kogyo http://www.kantodenka.co.jp; Nova Molecular Tech. http://www.novamolecular.com; Sigma http://www.sigma-aldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Sumitomo Seika http://www.sumitomoseika.co.jp Tosoh http://www.tosoh.co.jp; VWR Int'l. http://www.vwrsp.com/; Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com Ethylenediamine acetic acid trisodium salt. See Trisodium EDTA Ethylenediamine bisstearamide. See Ethylene distearamide N,N´-Ethylenediaminediacetic acid tetrasodium Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
salt. See Tetrasodium EDTA Ethylenediamine steardiamide. See Ethylene distearamide Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. See Edetic acid Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, calcium disodium salt. See Calcium disodium EDTA Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, dipotassium salt dihydrate. See Dipotassium EDTA dihydrate Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt. See Disodium EDTA Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, ferric-sodium salt; Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, sodium ferric salt. See Sodium ferric EDTA Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, sodium salt; Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, tetrasodium salt. See Tetrasodium EDTA Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, trisodium salt. See Trisodium EDTA 1,2-Ethylenedicarboxylic acid; trans-1,2Ethylenedicarboxylic acid. See Fumaric acid trans-1,2-Ethylenedicarboxylic acid dimethyl ester. See Dimethyl fumarate Ethylene dichloride CAS 107-06-2; EINECS/ELINCS 203-458-1 UN 1184 (DOT) Synonyms: 1,2-Bichloroethane; 1,2-DCE; Dichloroethane; 1,2-Dichloroethane; Dichloro-1,2-ethane; α,β-Dichloroethane; sym-Dichloroethane; Dichloroethylene; Dutch liquid; Dutch oil; EDC; Ethane dichloride; Ethylene chloride; 1,2-Ethylene dichloride; Glycol dichloride Classification: Halogenated aliphatic hydrocarbon; chlorinated alkane Empirical: C2H4Cl2 Formula: Cl • CH2CH2 • Cl Properties: Colorless oily liq., chloroform-like odor, sweet taste; misc. with ethanol, chloroform, diethyl ether, acetone, benzene, oxygenated and chlorinated solvs.; very sl. sol. in water; m.w. 98.96; dens. 1.2554 (20/4 C); vapor pressure 100 mm Hg (29.4 C); f.p. -35.5 C; b.p. 83.5 C; flash pt. 56 C; ref. index 1.445 Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 10 ppm; LD50 (oral, rat) 670 mg/kg, (skin, rabbit) 3890 mg/kg; poison by IV, subcut. route; human poison by ing.; mod. toxic by inh., skin contact, IP route; strong narcotic; skin/severe eye irritant; may cause dermatitis; human systemic effects by ing., 1214
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference inh. (somnolence, cough, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach ulceration, cardiac rate change, cyanosis, coma); carcinogen; tumorigenic data; experimental teratogen, reproductive effects; human mutagenic data; TSCA listed Precaution: Flamm.; dangerous fire hazard exposed to heat, flame, or oxidizers; mod. explosive as vapor exposed to flame; violent reaction with Al, NH3; can react vigorously with oxidizers and emit vinyl chloride and HCl; dec. on contact with steam (forms HCl) Hazardous Decomp. Prods.: Heated to decomp., emits highly toxic fumes of Cl–, phosgene NFPA: Health 2, Flammability 3, Reactivity 0 Uses: Extraction solvent for food colorants, flavors, spices, fish protein conc., hops; flume water additive for washing sugar beets; surfactant, adjuvant for pesticide use dilutions on growing crops Use Level: 5 ppm (pharmaceuticals) Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §73.30, 73.345, 73.615, 172.385, 172.560, 172.710, 173.230, 173.315, 175.105, 176.170, 177.1580, 177.1585, 177.2550, 573.440; SARA reportable; HAP; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Albemarle http://www.albemarle.com; Aldrich http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Ashland http://www.ashchem.com; Asiamerica Int'l.; BASF http://www.basf.com BP Chems. Ltd http://www.bp.com/chemicals/; Brenntag Southeast; Brenntag Specialties http://www.brenntagspecialties.com; Fluka http://www.sigma-aldrich.com; Georgia Gulf http://www.ggc.com/ Houghton Chem. http://www.houghtonchemical.com; Hukill http://www.hukill.com/; Integra http://www.integrachem.com; Mallinckrodt Baker http://www.mallbaker.com; Norsk Hydro ASA http://www.hydro.com/en/index.html Occidental http://www.oxychem.com; PPG Ind. http://www.ppg.com; http://www.ppgchloralkali.com; Rhodia/Phosphorus Perf. Derivs.; Rhodia http://www.rhodia.com; Romil Ltd http://www.romil.com Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Sal Chem. http://www.salchem.com; Sasol N. Am. http://www.sasolnorthamerica.com; Sigma http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/belgium; Spectrum Quality Prods. http://www.spectrumchemical.com; Thomas Scientific http://www.thomassci.com Voigt Global Distrib. http://www.vgdllc.com; Vulcan Chems. http://www.vulcanmaterials.com/vc.asp; Whyte Chems. Ltd http://www.whytechemicals.co.uk/ 1,2-Ethylene dichloride. See Ethylene dichloride ((Ethylene dinitrilo) tetraacetato)-ferate (1-), sodium. See Sodium ferric EDTA (Ethylenedinitrilo) tetraacetic acid. See Edetic acid (Ethylenedinitrilo) tetraacetic acid, dipotassium salt. See Dipotassium EDTA dihydrate (Ethylenedinitrilo) tetraacetic acid, sodium salt. See Disodium EDTA Ethylene distearamide CAS 110-30-5; 68955-45-3; EINECS/ELINCS 203-755-6; 273-277-0 Synonyms: 1,2-Bis (octadecanamido) ethane; 1,2-Bis (stearoylamino) ethane; N,N-Bisstearoylethylenediamide; N,N´Distearoylethylenediamine; N,N´-1,2Ethanediylbisoctadecanamide; Ethylene bis (stearamide); N,N´-Ethylene bisstearamide; Ethylenebisstearoamide; Ethylenebis (stearylamide); Ethylenediamine bisstearamide; Ethylenediamine steardiamide; N,N´-Ethylenedistearamide; N,N´-Ethylene distearylamide; Octadecanamide, N,N´-1,2-ethanediylbis-; Octadecanamide, N,N´-ethylenebis-; Stearic acid, ethylenediamine diamide Classification: Diamide Empirical: C38H76N2O2 Formula: CH3(CH2)16CONH(CH2)2NHCO(CH2)16CH3 Properties: Solid; insol. in water; m.w. 593.04; bulk dens. 0.6 g/ml; m.p. 143 C; flash pt. (COC) 290 C; nonionic Toxicology: TSCA listed Uses: Release agent migrating from food pkg. Regulatory: FDA 21CFR §175.105, 175.300, 176.170, 177.1200; Canada DSL Manuf./Distrib.: Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com; Am. Int'l. http://www.aicma.com; Brenntag 1215
Part II: Chemical Component Cross-Reference Specialties; Chemax http://www.chemaxperformancesolutions.c om; Fabrichem http://www.fabricheminc.com/ H & C Ind.; Lipo http://www.lipochemicals.com/; Lonza http://www.lonza.com; Mercator http://mercatorinc.com/; Rhodia HPCII http://www.rhodia-hpcii.com SCI Int'l. USA; Thornley http://www.thornleycompany.com/; Uniqema Am. http://www.uniqema.com; Venus Ethoxyethers http://www.venusgoa.com Trade Names: Kemamide® W-39 N,N´-Ethylenedistearamide; N,N´-Ethylene distearylamide. See Ethylene distearamide Ethylene glycol brassylate; Ethylene glycol brassylate cyclic diester. See Ethylene brassylate Ethylene glycol butyl ether; Ethylene glycol nbutyl ether. See Butoxyethanol Ethylene glycol distearate. See Glycol distearate Ethylene glycol ethyl ether. See Ethoxyethanol Ethylene glycol methyl ether. See Methoxyethanol Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether; Ethylene glycol mono-n-butyl ether. See Butoxyethanol Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether. See Ethoxyethanol Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether. See Methoxyethanol Ethylene glycol monostearate. See Glycol stearate Ethylene glycol octyl phenyl ether. See Octoxynol-1 Ethylene glycol/propylene glycol block copolymer. See EO/PO block polymer or copolymer Ethylene glycol stearate. See Glycol stearate Ethylene homopolymer; Ethylene latex. See Polyethylene Ethylene oxide CAS 75-21-8; EINECS/ELINCS 200-849-9 UN 1040 (DOT); FEMA 2433 Synonyms: Dihydrooxirene; Dimethylene oxide; EO; Epoxyethane; 1,2-Epoxyethane; Ethene oxide; ETO; Oxacyclopropane; Oxane; Oxidoethane; α,β-Oxidoethane; Oxirane Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition
Classification: Ether Empirical: C2H4O Properties: Colorless gas or liq.; ether-like odor; very sol. in ether; sol. in org. solvs.; misc. with water, alcohol, oxygenated solvs.; m.w. 44.06; dens. 0.8711 (20/20 C); vapor pressure 1310 mm Hg; m.p. -111.3 C; b.p. 10.73 C; flash pt. 29 C; ref. index 1.359; dielec. const. 13.0 Toxicology: ACGIH TLV/TWA 1 ppm; LD50 (oral, rat) 72 mg/kg; poison by ing., IP, subcut., IV routes; mod. toxic by inh.; irritating to eyes, skin, respiratory tract; human systemic effects by inh. (convulsions, nausea, vomiting,