Japan's foreign policy maturation: a quest for normalcy

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Japan's foreign policy maturation: a quest for normalcy

Edited by Edward Beauchamp University of Hawaii Copyright 2002 by Kevin J. Cooney EASTASIA:HISTORY, POLITICS,SOCIOLO

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Pages 237 Page size 432 x 648 pts Year 2004

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Edited by

Edward Beauchamp University of Hawaii

Copyright 2002 by Kevin J. Cooney

EASTASIA:HISTORY, POLITICS,SOCIOLOGY, CULTURE EDWARDBEAUCHAMP,General Editor E ~ G I N E E THE R I ~STATE G The Huai River and Reconstructio~z in Nntionnlist China, 1927-1 93 7 David A. Pietz

I U A N E V WORLD NEV CIILTIIRE The May Fozlrtl:, Movement and the Chmese Dmspora 212 Szngapore, 1919-1 932 D m id L. Kenlev

JAPANESE DIRECT IN\,ESTLIENT IY CHINA Locational Determinants and Characteristics John F. Cassidy

A L L I A ~I \C A E UXIET~ De'tente and the Smo-Amertcam Japanese Tr~angle G o It0

SHOI\O-KE~ A Late Medleval Daime Suk~yaStyle Iapanese Tea-House Robin Noel Walker

STATEAND SOCIETY IK CHIN?;S DEMOCRATIC TRAKSITION Confucianism, Leninism, and Economic Development Xiaoqin Guo

FROLL T R A ~ ~TO IPO\K O ER ~ ALTER~ATIO~ Democracy zn Sozltl:, Korea, 1957-1997 Carl J. Saxer HISTORYOF J I P A ~ E S E POLICIES IU EDUCATIOU AID TO DELELOPIUG C O I I ~ T R I E S , 19.50s-1990s The Role of the Subgovenzmental Processes Takao Kam~beppu A POLITICAL ECONOMY A ~ A L Y SO IF S C H ~ ~ ACIVIL ' S AVI,ATIOU I~DUSTRY LIark Dougan THE BIBLEI U D THE GUU Chnst~amtytn South Chtna, 1860-1 900 Joseph Tse-He1 Lee I U EDITORI h E I R L I Ah AMERIC REVOLUTIO~ IRY CHI^ I John W~lltamPowell and the China Weeklv/Montl~lvRe1 iew Neil L. O'Brien ,AND DESIRE BETWEEN SACRIFICE hlational Identity and the Governing of Femininity in Vietnam Ashley Pettus Copyright 2002 by Kevin J. Cooney

I u SEARCHOF ;\h IDEUTITY The Poltttcs of H~storyas a School Sublect ln Hong Kong, 1960s-2002 E d w x d V~ckers PITFALL OR PAKACEA The Irony of US Power in Occupied Japan, 194.i-19J2 Yoneyuki Sugita OF TXEFU THE REUAISSA~CE How People and the Local Past Changed the Cwlc Lzfe of a Regzonal Japanese Town G L Ien ~ Peter Witteveen FOR A R E G I O U A L THEPROSPECTS H U L L RIGHTS A~ ~ I E C H A U IISUL L EASTASIA Hidetoshi Hasl~imoto

AWERICA WUO L I E~ ~ ~ S S ~ O U AATR ~ E S KOBECOLLEGE, 1873-1909 New Dtmens~onsIn Gender Noriko I?C

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2. What political groups pushed for the passage of the PKO Law and what were their motives or reasons for desiring its passage?

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