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Handbook of Sailing
Sailing BOB BONO
Contents Introduction
8- 32
Project Editor Susan Berry Designers Sue Rawkins Steven Wooster Mark Richards Editors Cathy Meeus Julian Mannering Contributing Editor Stephen Sleight Consultants for Bill Robinson American edition E. Matthew Miller Mary Ann Adams DeGraw
Basic sailing
Managing Editor Jackie Douglas Art Director Roger Bristow Editorial Director Christopher Davis Copyright © 1980, 1992 by Dorling Kindersley Limited Text copyright © 1980, 1992 by Bob Bond
All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States by Alfred A. Knopf. Inc. , ew York, and simultaneously in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited Toronto. Distributed by Random House, Inc.. ew York. Published in Great Britain by Pelh am Books. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above. no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in. or introduced into a retrieval system. or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic. mechanical. photocopying, recording. or otherwise). without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the publisher of thi book. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Bond. Bob The handbook of sailing/Bob Bond. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 0-679-74063 -5 : $22 .00 ] . Sailing. J. Ti tle. GV811.BS81992 797. 1'24-
Latitude and longitude The horizontal and vertica l lines On Mercator charts are li nes of latitude and longitude. measured in degrees. minutes. and seconds. They make it possible to plot exact I)ositions and t hey also provid e a reference grid for use wi t h plotting instruments.
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NA VlGATION/Charts Chart datum This is the level from which all water depths and drying heights are measured (see pages 244 and 286 - 7) Different levels are used on charts of different areas and the system used is shown on the chart. I n the case of the chart. left. the level of chart datum is that of mean low water (the average of all the low waters over a certain period) . Depths are shown above chart datum and at present are usually shown in feet or fathoms. Some newer charts use meters and tenths of a meter. It is important to check which unit is used on the chart. Any areas wh ich are uncovered at chart datum are marked in green, and the height above chart datum is marked with an underlined figure. Most charts have contour lines joining p laces of equal depth, the actual depth being determined by the scale of the chart.
102 144 94 133
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Buoyage Some of the most important information on a chart is the type and position of buoys. Here the symbol for a lit. starboard· hand buoy is shown. with the add it io nal sym bol showing that the buoy carries a whistle signal.
34 44
AVIGATIO jMagnetic variation on charts
Magnetic variation on charts As has already been shown, the po ition of magnetic and true north are not the same. The directions shown by a magnetic compass will vary, therefore, from the true directions marked on the chart itself. This difference. known as variation, is measured in degrees; the amount differs according to the location. The compas rose, printed on the chart, gives the correct amount of variation for the year of publication and is used to con vert degrees true to magnetic or vice ver a. If magnetic north Ii s to the east or west of true north it i known as easterly or westerly variation. respectively. You can convert directions from magnetic to true (and vice versa) in two ways. The Simplest way to go from magnetic to true, for instance, is to lay a ruler across the compass rose on a chart. lining up one edge of the ruler with the center cross of the rose and the direction you
want to convert at the perimeter of the magnetic rose. You then read ofT the true direction where the ruler's edge intersects the true rose. If the chart is old, you may have to subtract or add a few seconds of variation, as indicated by a legend on the rose that reports the annual change in variation. The other method is to use calculation, but be careJul- it seems simple, but if you add where you should subtract. you end up with a disastrously wrong reading. Here's how to convert from true to magnetic and vice versa by calculation: when the variation is to westerly, to convert from true to magnetic you add the amount of variation; from magnetic to true you subtract the variation. If the variation is ea terly. you do the opposite: to go from true to magnetic you subtract the variation; from magnetic to true you add it.
Working on charts
Isogonic charts (detail of British Admiralty chart 5375) show magnetic variation over large areas . These charts are used in long- d istance cruising.
When plotting bearings and courses on a chart, you can work in true or magnetic, but you must be consistent-and others on board must know which system you are using. Tradi tionally. navigators are taught to work in degrees true, but io a small boat at sea. working in magnetic has many advantages. Since the boat's compass is magnetic, the helmsman and anyone taking bearings are working in magnetic to begin with. and you can plot their directions directly onto the chart after allowing for devia tion (see page 238 ). by using the magnetic compass rose with a plotting device. Most Loran sets will give magnetic read-outs if properly programmed. In thus eliminating the stages of conversion from magnetic to true, you reduce the risk of error and also save time. It is true that many tables and almanacs use true directions, so these figures will have to be converted before being plotted on the chart; but that is a minor part of the work.
NAVIGATION/Tides and tidal currents
Tides and tidal currents If you are making a passage in tidal waters the corrected information for subordinate stations. rise and fall of the tide and the direction and A table is supplied for calculating the strength of rate of flow of the tidal current will affect your the current between slack and high water. progress. In certain areas, the tidal current The tidal current charts consist of a booklet could be strong enough to set a boat off-course containing a set of 13 reproductions of smallby a considerable amount, if it were not scale charts of particular areas, in which the allowed for. direction and strength of the tidal current for The information needed for navigation in each hour of the tide cycle is shown using tidal areas is published annually by the U.S. arrows and numbers. Although some of the Department of Commerce in the form of tide charts must be used in conjunction with the tables (which detail the rise and fall of the tide, tidal current tables, others relate to the tide see pages 244-5) and the tidal current tables tables. The numbers indicating the strength of and tidal current charts. The latter publica- the current are those which apply at the time of tions give information on the direction and the mean range of the tide. At other times. conrate of flow of the tide, but whereas the tidal version has to be made using a table supplied at current tables are a comprehensive tabular the front of the booklet. guide to tidal currents, the charts, although The navigator should use the information easier to work from, only cover certain areas. contained in the tidal current tables and charts The system used by the tidal current tables is with care. Unusual conditions could vary the to give information about the times, directions current strength and direction from that and strengths of maximum flood and ebb predicted. As the predictions are generally for a currents plus the time of slack water for major spot location, the situation could well vary conreference stations around the coast, with siderably, even at another close location.
How to use tidal current charts To use the tidal current chart you must first check wh ther the chart has to be used with the tide tables or the tidal current tables and to which reference port the chart relates. In the example shown right, the chart refers to Newport, Rhode Island. and is used in conjunction with the tide tables. This information is given on the first page of the booklet. as is information on bow to use the charts. Using the chart shown, you should then consult the tide tables to discover the time of high water at Newport on the day in question. The page marked" High Water. Newport" then gives you the direction and strength of the current at this time. The succeeding pages give you the current information for any hour after the time of higb water. You should use the table provided on the first page to correct the strength of the stream for the range of the particular tide you are interested in.
~.I Currents", time 01 hiRh water at
NA VIGATION/Estimating tidal height
Estimating tidal height When sailing in shallow water or when leaving or returning to harbor. you will need to know how much water you have under the boat. Your first responsibility is, of course, to know how much water your boat requires (its draft) and then to work out whether the depth of water is adequate. You should never take unnecessary
risks and, if in doubt, should wait for the tide to rise. The area chart will give you the depths at chart datum (known as soundings) but to find out the height of tide above or, in some cases, below chart datum. you will need to use the tide tables. These are published by the National Ocean Survey.
Formal calculation The National Ocean Survey publish four volumes of tide tables which between them cover the world. Volume 2 covers the East coast of North and South America and Greenland, while voLume 3 covers the West coast of orth and South America. The tide table give the predicted times and heights of high and low water for each day of the year for a number of important points known as reference stations. Extra information is then tabulated howing the difference in time and height between these reference stations and many other points known as subordinate stations. This information enables you to find the tidal information for almost any point along the coast. The heights given in the table are all related to a plan of reference known as chart datum (see below). Th time in the tide tables is the local standard time and is indicated at the foot of each page. If you are in an area which uses daylight time you must remember to apply the necessary correction. Once you have extracted the necessary information on the time and heights of high and low water for the place you are interested in, you can use another table to find out tbe height of tide at any int rmediate time between high and low water.
Using the tables This example i a gUide to the use of the tables. Let us as ume that you wisb to know what the height of tide above chart datum wiU b at 13.30 Local Standard Time on the 16th August 1980 at the entrance to Cuttyhunk Pond, Mass. From the index to Vol. 2 of the tide tables you find that Cuttyhunk Pond i listed as a subordinate station. Turning to the appropriate page we find tbat the relevant reference station is ewport, R.I. The first step in the calculations is to extract from the predictions for ewpOlt (Fig. 2) the time and heights of the high and low water which straddle the time you are interested in. Write these down as shown below then turn to tbe page on which are shown the time and height differences which mu t be applied for Cuttyhunk Pond entrance (Fig. 1). Write the. e down a shown. By applying the differences to the times and heights for Newport you now have the time and height of high and low water at Cuttyhunk Pond entrance. Newport HW LW time height time height 11 .23 3.4ft 16.33 0.6ft Correction + 0.04 -O.1ft +0.06 0.0 Cuttyhunk Pond 11.27 3.3ft 16.39 0.6ft
',,- - - - - - - - r--- .---.;- - - - - - -
o E B
Hig h wate r Low water Cha rt datum
A co mmo n level fo r cha rt dat um is the leve l of mean low wa ter. A re prese nts the depth at chart dat um. B is t he tot al depth at high w at er. C t he he ig ht of high water. 0 the range of the t ide. E is t he tota l depth and F is th e dry ing height.
To find out what the height of tide will be at 13.30 you can use table 3 in the tide tables (Fig. 3) but first we need to work out the range of the tide. the interval from the nearest high or low water of the time we are interested in. and the duration of the rise or faU of that particular tide. The range of the tide is simply the height difference between high water and low water. In this ca e it is 3.3-0.6. that is. 2.7ft. By in pe tion you can ee that 13.30 is closer to the time of high water than low water and the time interval is HW+ 2hrs 03min . Finally the duration of the fall of this tide is the time interval between high water and low water which in this ca e i Shrs 12mins. Using this information you can now enter table 3 (Fig. 3) by fir t finding the figure in the column marked Duration of rise (or faU), nearest to Shrs 12rnin. Then follow this line across the page until you come to the figure close t to the time interval of 2hrs 03min. The correction figure you are looking for is now in the column below in line with the range of tide close t to the actual range of 2.7ft. The correction figure we obtain in this example i 0.9ft and it is subtra ted from the height of high water to give a height above chart datum at 13.30 to 2.4ft. Note that if the time of low water had been nearest to the time you "vere interested in, then the correction figure would have been added to the height of Low water. You must also realize that the figure you have obtained is the height above chart datum. To get the depth you must add to this figure the soundjng sbolfl/ll on tbe chart of the area.
Time Lar.
High Wdr.r
h. m .
Vineyard Sound Time meridian, 7S·W.
Low Wdt.r
High Wdter
low Wdr.r
h. m.
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1099 1101 1103
41 26 41 27 4-1 27
7051 7051 7051
-007 +003 -005
+0 14 +0 15 -003
-1.0 -0.5 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2.5 3.0 3.5
3. 1 3.7
1.2 1.5
4 .4
41 25 41 27
70 55 70 55
+004 -0 14
+006 -0 II
-0. 1 -0.1
0 .0 0.0
3.4 3.4
4.2 4.2
1.7 1.7
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1105 1107
L.----"' Fig 1 Tidal differences related to Newport. R I. TIMES AND HEIGHTS OF HI GH AND LOW WATERS
Twelfth's rule
0.1 3.5 0.4 3.5
0.0 1.1 0.1 1.1
0.6 3.3
0.1 1.0 0. 2 1.0
0. 1
1 0422 - C.4 - 0.1 F 1115 4.2 1.3 1654 -0.1 0.0 2339 3.9 1.2
16 0409 SA 1123 1633 2338
0.3 3.4 0.6 3. 1
0.1 1.0 0.2 0.9
2 0515 - O. 3 - O. 1 4.2 1.3 1757 0.1 0.0
17 0446 SU 1210 171 8
0.4 3.3 0.7
0. 1 1.0 0. 2
2 0120 TU 0652 1.3 53 202 2
3 0037
18 0027
3 0224
SA 1213
3. 6
1 0016 0547 1251 1856
Fig 2 Times and he igh t s of HW and LW for Newport. RI. TABLE 3 .-HEIGHT OF TIDE AT ANY TIME
Time from the nearest high water or 101'.' wHle, 1t. 1'n .
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Global positioning system latitude every second, A typical receiver has the facility to store up to 18 routes. GPS can be particularly useful when sailing close to the shore, making a landfall (arrival at a land destination ). and in foggy weather: situations where it may be essential to have accurate and immediate information about the surrounding waters. GPS is unique amongst electronic position fixers in that it ca n be operated anywhere in the world. in coastal waters or mid-ocean . Navigators need not rely so heavily on secondary data , such as Dead Reckoning, it enables all boats to possess an instant po ition-find ing capability at all times.
Tills system, commonly -ferred to as GPS, originated as a United States military ald, but can now be de-tuned for civilian purposes . In its military mode. GPS is required to be accurate to 1 meter. When de-tuned, its precision decreases slightly (although it is always accurate to within 100 meters/yards). The e standards of efficiency are ma intained at an exceptionally high level. There are 21 satellites around the world, and at least 6 of these are "visible" to the GPS receiver at any given position. The on-board satellite navigator picks up the signals and translates them to give read-outs of the yacht s position in longitude and
RDF Compared to Loran or Satnav. the RDF is a limited navigational tool, given the radio waves' usceptibility to distortion by land masses and atmospheric conditions. Yet in fog or at night, a handheld RDF can be useful . The set is tuned to receive an audible radio signal from a charted beacon, and the aerial is rotated until the operator hears a null. The bearing to the beacon is read off the set's magnetic compass. Two or three bearings wLLl give a fairly reliable fix. It is expected that during the 1990s. ROF will be dismantled.
! ~t~J ~ I
A is the nu ll. B is where the
signal is strongest.
To fix you r posi tio n, plot the beari ngs of two or more beacons,
NAVIGATION/ Navigating in fog
Navigating in fog
Obtaining a fix In fog there are very few ways of obtaining a
Fog is as much a problem to the navigator as it position fix. If you have a Loran C receiver on your is to the kipper. If you are the navigator, you boat. it can be used to obtain an accurate Ii'(. need to know in advance whether to expect fog, IT you only have a radio direction finding set, however, it pays, when fog is forecast, to and you should make any necessary prepara- check it for accuracy against a number of visuaJ tions before it sets in. The most important point fixes. rf you have failed to do this in time, use the is to determine your position as accurately as method of closing with a buoy, if po sible, and possible before visibility is impaired. As pilotage take bearings from this point to check the accuracy. is impossiblp , you can only find your position by Tak as many bearings in fog as possible as it will help show up any wrong ones, and compare th e dead reckoning (see page 248) and by using RDF fixes with your estimated pOSition, starting to non-visual fixing techniques. Because fog is heck them if they appear to differ appreciably. usually accompanied by lack of wind, your RDF can be used as a homing aid to enter a dead reckoning could easily be innaccurate. harbo r or to arri ve in the approaches of one, as Most logs tend to under-read when the boat is some harbor enb"aoces have directional radio beacon s which will gUide you in provided you pick sailing slowly, and the course steered by the up a continuous sign al. on-directional b aeons helmsman may also be incorrect. as with little can be us d by taking repeated bearings and lining steerage way on. he has less control over the up your headjngs on these. Howev r. cbeck that boat. Although motoring would ease the prob- the line of approach obtained is a safe one. lem from the navigator's point of view it would exacerbate it from the skipper s, becaus Closing with a mark the noi 'e of the engine makes it impossible to In some situation , such a when forced to negohear if other vessel are approaching. tiate a harbor entrance in fog or when clarifying If you are using dead reckoning. you need to a position, you may have to find and identify a take great care to check all the tidal information navigation mark. This may bring the boat into to make sure that your estimated po itions are areas frequented by other srupping which should be avoided where ever po ible. Many navigation a accurate as possible. iteering errors can be marks have fog signals and the navigator hould minimized by putt in a crewman as a watch on have a list 01' these handy, so that the mark can the course steered. If fog suddenly descends in be id ntified accurately. Sometimes it is possible to navigable water, near a navigation buoy, the follow a contour line ( ee b low) . sing dead boat should be sailed over to it where it can be reckoning is a more risky operation. rr the buoy has not app ared at the expected time, the only kept in sight (known as closing with a buoy). solution may be to institute a square search for it, either by heaving-to close by or by sailing see page 209. Do not just carryon ailing blindly around it in circles until you have time to sort in the hope you will find the next buoy - you almost certainl y won't! out your plotting and to plan the next move.
Using a depth sounder A depth sounder see page 239) can be very llseful in fog. Obviously. this is only true if the equipment is accmate and it hould therefore b calibrated at the start of each season, and any error noted. When using the following methods, you must also know the exact height of the tide so that you can r duce the soundings to chart datum for com pari on with the chart. You can use the depth sound r either to check a position by confirming that the depth is correct for your position or by using it on its Ov\1TI to take a fix from frequent sounetings see page 251 ). Another very useful method is to follow a contour of th seabed. As you take the sound ings, th boat sails a slightly wavy course (right) to come back onto the contour line. It can be usefuJ as a method for fineting a required mark or buoy, or a harbour entrance, but make ur th route is a are one.
J Find an ap prop riate contou r line on t he c har1 of the area and take sound ings con ti nual ly, keeping t he boat as near as possible to t he position marked by the contou r line.
NA VIGATIONjNavigating to windward
Navigating to windward There is usually nothing a navigator of a small yacht dislikes more than a beat to windward, except perhaps fog. On all other points of sailing you shape a course towards your objective which the helmsman steers. But when beating, the heading is determined by the direction of the \