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To Love a Marine By Reana Malori
To Love a Marine © 2009 Reana Malori Cover Art © Valua Vitaly - Fotolia.com All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
Dedication To Mike, without you, this book wouldn’t have been possible. To all the ladies, and men, who still believe that love overcomes all things . . . this one’s for you.
To Love a Marine
Chapter One Imani Johnson looked at the tall and imposing gate of Henderson Hall, the location of the U.S. Marine Corps Headquarters, located in Arlington, VA. If she turned around she would be looking at Arlington National Cemetery and that alone gave her a feeling of pride and strength. Being a Marine was so badass, and Imani loved every minute of it. She was starting a new tour of duty at Henderson Hall and wanted to soak it all in. Imani had four more years to finish out her career and she’d probably get out with her Honorable Discharge and do something different with her life. Imani figured that when she left the Marines, that would be the time to begin looking for man in her life. It was just too hard to date while she was in the Marines. You were viewed as either a lesbian or someone who fell for every man who looked your way. Well, Imani was neither. Plus, she wasn’t going to do anything that would make her fellow Marines think less of her. She could run faster, shoot straighter, and was more hardcore than half the Marines she knew. They would respect her for what she did as a Marine, not because she opened her legs.
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Imani sighed when she realized she was about to go inside this gate and start the next chapter of her life. She was both excited and nervous at the same time, but she was ready to begin. As she began to straighten her uniform, she turned her head to the right and almost fell over. The man walking her way was one of the finest men she had ever seen. He was about 6’3”, 200 lbs of lean muscle, dark hair, blue eyes, and golden skin that looked as if he lived outdoors. He wasn’t a pretty boy, but he had a rugged, bad boy look about him that would make a woman stop in her tracks. Then he smiled. Oh God, she was about to cream her panties right where she stood. As she continued to stare at him, which she knew was rude, she noticed that he had on exercise gear, so she couldn’t tell if he was military. She figured he was a Marine because of his haircut and his bearing. Only a Marine could pull off a look that said, “Yes, I’m sexy, but I’m bad as hell too, so back the fuck up.” As she was trying to pull her eyes back into her head, she heard his friend say, “Scott, you have to tell these women to leave you alone, that woman was tripping all over herself and all you said was ‘thank you’. I don’t know how you do it.”
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As Scott responded, Imani felt his voice flow through her like honey and all she was capable of doing at that moment was to continue listening. Scott rubbed his hand down his face and sighed, “I’m not encouraging these women. I’d be happy if they just left me alone and let me be. Do you know how hard it is to find a nice woman in the midst of all the women just looking for a Marine officer to take care of them? I just want a nice woman that I can take care of and have babies with, is that so hard?” Imani picked her jaw up off the floor and shook her head to clear her mind. It felt like a cold glass of water had just been thrown in her face. He was an officer, a Marine officer at that. Being an enlisted person, an E-5, she knew he was completely out of her league and off limits. Then again, she thought to herself as she began walking to the front gate of Henderson Hall, she wasn’t here to find a boyfriend. He was nice eye candy, but he wasn’t what she needed right now. She had things to do and Marines to mold, and she would probably never see that fine ass Marine officer again. ************************************************ Scott had just finished working out with his good friend Captain Dave Luker. They were both Marine officers and had gone through Officer Candidate School together about six years ago in Quantico, VA. Dave was the one person that he could talk to about anything that was on his mind, and he knew Dave
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would give him an honest response, even if he didn’t necessarily want to hear it. However, at this moment, he wished Dave would quit making jokes at his expense. It was a running joke among Scott’s friends that he always attracted the women they wanted, even when he wasn’t trying to. They knew Scott had never wanted all the attention, but that didn’t stop them from poking fun at him. Scott had always preferred to be the aggressor in his relationships. He just wished someone would tell this to the women that kept hitting on him. As Scott and Dave continued walking towards the gym to shower and change, he turned his head towards the front gate of Henderson Hall and stopped in his tracks. His breath hitched and his eyes turn a deep, dark blue. He heard Dave mumbling something about Scott dating more and hooking Dave up with some of his dates’ friends. However, Scott didn’t really want to listen to those mundane things coming out of his friend’s mouth. He waved Dave off and hoped he got the message that Scott was no longer paying attention to him. Scott’s mind was screaming at him that he had found her, he had found the one. He’d noticed that she was enlisted, but he didn’t care, and God help him, he hoped she didn’t care that he was an Officer. It could get him kicked out if he went down this path, but he had to make sure she knew him and knew that she was going to be his. Her skin was like smooth chocolate and her lips had just
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enough pout in them that he could see himself kissing her until she begged him to take her. He could tell from the fit of her uniform that she was in great shape, but still had the womanly curves he loved. The longer he looked at her, the more he wondered what it felt like to wrap his hands around her hips. Since it looked like she was checking in for a new assignment, he was sure he would see her again. He would make sure of it. He didn’t know her name or anything else about her, yet – but this woman was going to be his. He would do whatever it took and spend whatever time necessary to make sure of it.
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3 years 10 months later . . . Chapter Two Imani was getting antsy, she only had two more weeks before she was to begin terminal leave and start her life outside of the Marines. She would have six weeks of vacation time to do whatever she wanted to do and she was going to have fun, even if it killed her. She was scared out of her mind and didn’t know how she would adjust to civilian life, but she was bound and determined to find out. She was ready to move on and do something different with her life. She had worked her butt off, well not all of it since her ass was pretty big, to get her degree in 3 years and now had a Bachelors degree in business, with a minor in Accounting. She was the first girl in her family to have her college degree and she felt really good about what she had accomplished. She had met some wonderful people over the years and was thankful for the strong relationships she had built. She had made sure to keep these relationships strong over the years, and as a result, some of them had passed along their connections to her. She knew that once she got out, she had a job waiting for her at an accounting firm of her choosing. It was a wonderful feeling. She was going to enjoy the ride out of the Marines, she had earned it. Imani knew she was still hardcore and could run faster and shoot straighter than
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most of the men stationed with her, but that’s part of what made her so awesome. Plus, the fact that she could outrun them while still wearing size 12 pants as a result of her banging ass body, was enough to garner the respect of quite a few of the male Marines, and envy from a few of the women. Looking up from her screen while monitoring the front office of the Staff Judge Advocate, the Marine’s top lawyer, she turned to greet the person walking in the door and her face froze. It was him – again. This man never ceased to make her panties wet and had her wishing she could meet him alone in a dark alley on a lonely night. How was she to know that the man she had ogled at the front gate of Henderson Hall almost four years ago would be working so closely with her department? How could she have known that she would be forced to see him almost daily? It was torture, plain and simple. Plus, it wasn’t fair for him to look all hot and sexy every time she saw him, especially when she knew he would never be hers. Not once had Captain Henry ever looked at her with anything but pure professionalism. Not that he should. He was an officer and she was enlisted, and things just weren’t done that way, even in today’s modern military. However, a girl could still dream though, and dream she did, every damn night. ************************************************
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“Hi Captain Henry, what can I help you with?” Imani was bound and determined to get through this. Flashing that bright white smile, Captain Henry sat on the edge of the desk, “Hey Sgt. Johnson, is Major Pierce available? I need to talk with him, but I think he’s been in meetings all day.” “No, he won’t be back until later today. He has some meetings at the Pentagon that I think will last all day. I can let him know you were looking for him when I see him tomorrow. Do you want to leave a message?” Captain Henry sighed and shook his head, “No, don’t worry about it. I’ll leave him a message on his cell phone and will catch up with him when I can.” Imani noticed that he gave her an odd look, which he had been doing a lot lately. She was about to turn back around to her computer when he spoke again. “So, you’re time is almost up. You ready to be a civilian?” Imani looked at him and smiled. She had always been able to talk with Captain Henry about things like this. He always struck up these conversations with her when he stopped by. “Honestly, I’m not sure. I’ve been a Marine for so long, I’m not sure I can do anything else, but I’m ready to try. It’ll be good for me to wear regular clothes to work every day and not have to worry about everything I say or do. Plus, I’m
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ready to date again and it’s hard to do that when I have 15 Marines scaring away every guy who approaches me.” “You need a real man Sgt. Johnson, not some guy who doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the wall.” Imani couldn’t believe what she’d just heard. She raised shocked eyes up to him and didn’t know what to say at first. Captain Henry had never said anything like that before. He was usually very laid back when they had their oneon-one conversations. Was he serious? She didn’t think he was, or at the very least, she believed she had misunderstood. “You’re right, I do. Do you know anyone who wants the job?” Oh damn, that didn’t come out the way she wanted. Shit, shit, shit, Imani hoped he didn’t respond to that. However, as she looked up to him, she knew he had caught on. The sexy ass man had a smirk on his face that held all sorts of wicked thoughts. She didn’t dare hope that he was serious about cashing in on that smirk, but the look on his face was sending a very different message. The more they talked, the harder Imani had to squeeze her thighs together under the desk. She prayed he didn’t smell her arousal or notice her breathing had become more erratic. She’d be making a trip to the changing room after this
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conversation. This man got her so wet, she had to bring extra panties to work just in case she saw him. ************************************************ Imani missed the flash in Scott’s eyes when she mentioned dating other men, and it’s a good thing she did. He would have been hard pressed to explain why he reacted to her comment the way he did. He wasn’t ready to tell her about his plans for them, but he would soon. He couldn’t keep the growl out of his voice when he cut in. He knew she’d noticed how possessive he sounded, but he didn’t care at this point. Scott knew he had fucked up as soon as the words were out of his mouth, but damn, he’d had enough. She was his woman and he was damn glad that the Marines in the department were protective of her. It had saved him from embarrassing both him and her by knocking some dude on his ass if they tried to date her. Scott saw that she was embarrassed by what she had let slip, so he took pity on her and changed the subject. “Well, Sgt. Johnson, are you going to Sgt. Tank’s wedding the weekend after next? ************************************************ Whew! She was glad he let that one slide. “Yes, I can’t wait. I was going to drive with some of the guys from the department, but I think I’m going to go on
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my own and meet up with them. Since it’s downtown, I want to take some time to see the sights and enjoy DC for the weekend. I rented a room for an overnight stay at a very fancy hotel. I think I deserve a treat. So, will you be there as well? I know he invited everyone.” She couldn’t help looking at his mouth when he responded. “Sure, I think it’ll be great and I know Sgt. Tank is excited to finally be marrying his longtime girlfriend. She was finally able to nail him down and set a date, which is a surprise in itself. If you’ll be there as well, then I’m sure we’ll see each other. You’ll have to make sure you save me a dance.” He continued on, “Well, I’d better go back to work now before they come looking for me. Don’t work too hard Sgt. Johnson and I’m sure I’ll see you tomorrow.” Imani noticed that he gave her another odd look where he seemed to want to say something more. When he simply got up off the desk and left the office, she released a breath that she hadn’t realized she was holding. If only she had the courage to tell him that he was the man she wanted, she could have the one thing her heart desired. She didn’t see him outside of work since they didn’t run in the same circles, but she could only imagine that he had women lining up to be with him and spend one night in his arms.
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She knew she didn’t stand a chance with someone like him and didn’t think she was the type of women he would ever be interested in. She was a bit too thick, her skin too dark, and her attitude too “I don’t give a shit” for Captain Henry to be interested. He didn’t seem like the type of man to be interested in dating a black woman. His pedigree seemed a little too good for a relationship between the two of them. Hell, she didn’t even think the man found her attractive. Imani was going to focus on getting herself ready to be a civilian and while she would miss seeing Captain Henry on a regular basis, she was sure she’d be fine. She had to be. She sighed and turned back around so that she could continue her day. She had two weeks to prepare for her new life and she had to focus on that right now. Imani paused with her fingers over the keyboard for her computer. She wasn’t his type and just had to accept it. Not that her acceptance of that fact made it any easier to deal with.
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Chapter Three Scott hadn’t been able to stop thinking about Imani. The time was almost here for him to claim her and he couldn’t wait. She was almost out of the Marines and then she was his for taking. He didn’t really think she’d resist him. He’d seen the looks she gave him when she didn’t think he was looking. He’d seen her nipples pebble when they had their one on one conversations when no one else was around. Scott tried not to show too much interest in her when they came into contact at the office. While he knew she was attracted to him, he also knew she had her doubts about him. She didn’t know that he hadn’t been able to date anyone else for any length of time after he’d first laid eyes on her. There had been several chances for him to do so and Dave had tried to set him up on blind dates more times than he cared to count. They never seemed to work out though. He knew he was ruined for anyone other than Imani. He didn’t know how much longer he could wait. He thought about her all the time and he was becoming quite desperate. He was now making excuses to stop by her desk and talk with her almost every day. She had no idea how difficult it was to schedule his visits to her office just so he could spend some time with her.
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He knew he had it bad, but he hoped she would put him out of his misery soon. He paused to think about the upcoming week. She told him that she would be checking out all week and he knew that he wouldn’t be able to see her again for six weeks after that. He didn’t know how he was going to hold on any longer, he wanted her so much right now that it hurt. His cock stood up at attention whenever he was around her and smelled her engaging and addictive scent. He knew he was going to ask her to dance tonight at the wedding reception, but knew he would have to be careful since a shitload of officer and enlisted Marines would be there as well. He didn’t want any water cooler talk about Imani when she was on her way out, but he knew he would have her in his arms before the night was over. His friend Dave nudged him as they were sitting in the church pews waiting for the ceremony to start. “Is that who I think it is? Isn’t that Sgt. Johnson walking this way?” As Scott turned his head, he saw a vision of beauty and perfection walking into the church. Then he got pissed. What the hell was she doing wearing a dress that fit her body like that. Didn’t she know that she was showing off what belonged to him? Right then and there Scott made up his mind. He wasn’t
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letting her leave the wedding reception without him. He was staking his claim and she’d better damn deal with it. “Sgt. Johnson, please sit here next to us. We have an empty space. Are you here by yourself?” “Hi Captain Henry.” As she made her way into the pew and sat in between Scott and Dave, Scott had to force himself not to grab her and pull her up close to his side. Scott waited for Imani to sit. “Yes, I’m staying in the hotel down the street, the Cliffview Suites, so I came by myself. Thanks for making room for me.” She smiled in his direction when she finished. Scott was still pissed as hell, but tried to hide it as best he could. He didn’t do too well. “So, do you always dress like this out of uniform?” At her sideways glance at him, he continued, “I think you need to get a shawl or a jacket. I don’t like you wearing that dress.” There, he’d said it. Scott began mumbling under his breath and was ready to pick her up and walk out of the church. He knew he couldn’t make a scene like that in front of their fellow Marines, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to let this pass. Loud enough for her ears only, he plowed forward and couldn’t stop the words coming out of his mouth. “Every man in here was staring at you when you
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walked in wearing that dress and you know it. If I have to rip someone’s head off because they look at you wrong, it’ll be your fault. Don’t wear the damn thing again!” Scott really didn’t give a shit if he’d shocked her or not. It was about time this woman knew who she belonged to and he was done hiding how he felt about her. ************************************************ Imani was a little nervous sitting next to Captain Henry knowing how her body responded to him. She really didn’t want to sit next to him, but didn’t have the courage to deny his request to join him in the church pew. Then he opened his mouth and made that stupid ass comment to her. Imani looked at him and had the nerve to shrug. Since she really didn’t give a damn whether he liked her dress or not, she wasn’t going to really pay attention to what he said. She knew she looked good and he would have to deal with it. “No, this dress doesn’t come with a jacket. Plus, excuse my tone Captain Henry, but I didn’t wear this dress for you. I like the way I look and if you don’t, then you don’t have to look at me.” Imani was pissed, and hurt. Damn, she thought this dress looked damn good on her. It was a deep maroon colored dress that flowed perfectly over her curves and landed right at her knees. The front and back of the dress dipped a
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bit to show her ample cleavage in the front and dipped low enough in the back that it tapered off right when her back began to curve. She couldn’t wear a bra with this dress, so she knew it was a bit risqué. Leave it to a man to ruin her good mood, even if he was damn sexy. Imani was too shocked to say another word. Here she was in this beautiful church, sitting next to a man that she has lusted after for almost four years and he was acting crazy. Did he really just say that? All she could do was smile and turn her head back to the front and await the nuptials. He kept throwing these curve balls at her. During the past week, he had stopped by the office every day, sometimes twice a day. It never seemed as if he wanted anything specific since he spent half his time at her desk talking about everyday things. She had been enjoying these conversations with him, because it gave her additional time to spend with him before she left. Casting a sideways glance at Scott, which is the name she called him in her head, she was still taken back that he had made those comments to her. She didn’t understand, but chalked it up to him being protective of her as a fellow Marine. Nothing else. ************************************************ Imani was having a great time at the wedding reception and was glad she had come to wish her friend well in his new marriage. Their ceremony had been absolutely beautiful and she had quite a few tears in her eyes as they read their
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personal vows to each other. She knew she was a romantic at heart and believed in the dream of happily ever after. Problem was, the happily ever after was always for someone else, never for her. She was watching all of the people mix and mingle with each other and doing the Chicken Dance on the dance floor. It never ceased to amaze her that the more alcohol people drank, the more they thought they could dance. Plus, the food was good, the drinks were flowing, and no less than 10 men had asked her dance. All in all, she thought things were going quite well. Well, all except for one thing. Every time she went on the dance floor she knew what was coming. Her dance partner would show their surprise that she was a Marine, and would then make a comment on how good she looked in the dress. She smirked at this thought. These men really believed their opinion mattered to her. However, no matter what dance partner made the comment, as soon as it was out of their mouth, she looked for Him. She felt his eyes on her no matter where she was and she knew he was pissed. She didn’t know how she knew, but she knew it like she knew herself. He was angry – at her - and he wasn’t hiding it. He hadn’t danced with anyone all night and she could usually find him standing off to the side with a drink in his hand. She didn’t think she had seen
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him take even one sip, so she didn’t believe his behavior could be excused away because he was drunk. He was upset about the dress, but she didn’t know why. He wasn’t interested in her and had no claim on her, so why did he care what she wore to the wedding. She had diligently tried to ignore the holes he was staring into her back, but she felt the heat of his gaze every where she turned. It was unnerving and she didn’t know what to do. She was so focused on her internal conversation that she didn’t notice her dance partner’s hands begin to slip down towards the top of her ass until it was too late. “You need to move your hand.” “Come on baby. I’m just trying to get a little closer to you.” Her dance partner flashed a smile that she was sure he thought was sexy. All she felt was another disappointment that this guy apparently thought a dance meant she was going to hop into bed with him. “You have 3 seconds to move your hand back up to my back or there’s going to be a scene. Your choice.” ************************************************ Scott had watched Imani dance all night with men who weren’t him and he was angry. Why did she have to wear that dress tonight, didn’t she know how she affected men? He’d been debating how to get her in his arms for a dance
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when he noticed her most recent dance partner begin to slide his hands down her back and towards the top of her ass. His friend Dave heard him growl under his breath and followed his gaze. “Scott, don’t go there, man. She’s off limits.” Scott turned to look at Dave, “What the hell are you talking about?” “Man, you’ve been staring a hole into her all night. You have to let it go. She’s not yours. She’s enlisted and you’re ass will be in a sling if you don’t slow your roll.” “Dave, you don’t know shit. I’m just worried some drunken ass wedding guest is going to begin mauling her because of that damn dress. As a matter of fact, I think I feel the need to dance. If you’ll excuse me.” “Scott, be careful, man. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Scott had already begun walking away from Dave and moving towards Imani. As he moved closer to them, he heard Imani tell the guy to move his hands off her ass. His nostrils flared and his hands balled into fists. She shouldn’t have to tell this guy to stop, hell, his hands didn’t belong there in the first place. He tapped on the shoulder of Imani’s dance partner, “May I cut in? I’d like to talk with Sgt. Johnson.” “Sure man. Imani, I’ll be sure to catch you later. Be sure to save something for me.” As her dance partner walked away and Scott took his place,
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he tried to calm down his anger. He knew she didn’t realize how watching her dance with other men was killing him inside. He wanted to rip into someone and while he knew Imani was not aware of how her actions affected him, he wasn’t being very rational right now. Scott took several deep breaths as they began moving to the music in an attempt to calm down. He didn’t quite trust himself to speak. His heart was beating double-time and he wanted to smash that guy’s face in, and probably would have if he hadn’t moved the hell out of the way. “Why did you let him touch you? I told you I didn’t like this dress, Imani. If you ever wear this dress in public again, I’ll spank that ass of yours. Do I make myself clear?” Scott’s jaw was so tight he felt his teeth begin to crack. “Did you just call me Imani? Why? You’ve never done that before. Wait, just who the hell do you think you are? You can’t say that to me, you don’t own me.” “Imani, I have been patient for almost four years and I will not sit by and let some other man feel your ass. I’m at my limit with you. I think the party’s over for you tonight.” “What do you mean? I’m not ready to leave yet, the party’s still going.”
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He noticed that Imani was looking at him as if he’d lost his mind. Maybe he had. “Are you pulling rank on me because some guy tried to cop a feel? This is unbelievable. What if I don’t want to leave?” “Imani, you will get your ass back to your hotel right now, and I do mean right . . . now. No more men will be looking at you tonight and I don’t feel like smashing someone’s face in because they try. You will pick up your purse and leave this reception immediately. You will get in a cab and go back to your hotel room and stay there all night. Do I make myself clear?” “And what if I don’t? Why are you being such an ass?” “You have 5 minutes Imani, don’t make me say it again. If you’re smart, you won’t test me. Get your ass to your hotel and out of that dress.” ************************************************ Imani was about to forget where she was and make a scene. This motherfucker was losing his mind and had the nerve to tell her what she could and could not do. She was about to let loose with a whole litany of curse words about him and disparagements about his momma, when an announcement came from the deejay booth that the bride and groom were leaving. She took a deep breath and realized she didn’t want to stay any longer after all. Not because of that ass Captain Scott Henry, but because she was suddenly tired and didn’t
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want to mingle anymore. She pulled herself out of Captain Henry’s arms and began to turn away when she decided to get the last word. She whispered in a voice only he could hear, “Captain Henry, you are not my man and you don’t tell me what to do. I’ll do whatever the hell I want, when I want and how I want. If I go back to my hotel, I may just find someone to go with me and keep me company. What do you think about that?” Imani thought her exit was flawless. She kept a smile on her face the entire time and managed not to look at Captain Henry as she walked out. She wasn’t really going to pick up another guy to take back to her room, but it felt good telling Scott that she would. How dare he talk to her that way, as if he was her man or had some claim on her? She couldn’t believe this shit. He finally shows some interest in her and she can’t even enjoy it. She wanted to scream at the unfairness of it all, but knew it wouldn’t do any good. She was wishing and hoping for something that would never be. So, yes, it was best that she leave the reception. She was no longer in the mood to celebrate and just wanted to go back to her room, read one of the erotic novels she had brought with her, and enjoy the rest of her weekend.
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Chapter Four Imani said goodbye to everyone she knew and slowly began making her way out of the reception. It was such a nice night outside, she decided to walk to her hotel. It wasn’t too late and the weather was a perfect, balmy 78 degrees, so she thought she would enjoy the night. She looked at all the people walking along the sidewalk with her. Everyone seemed to be rushing to and fro on their way to somewhere or someone. Imani sighed as she looked at the history surrounding her as she walked on the streets of downtown Washington, DC. She was enjoying herself so much she almost walked right past her hotel entrance. She greeted the doorman as she walked into the gorgeous lobby and made her way up to her room. She had never stayed in a hotel room in such a fancy hotel before. It felt really nice to pamper herself for once, but she wondered when she would find someone to do the pampering for her. Her mind immediately conjured up a picture of Captain Henry and she began mumbling under her breath. She couldn’t believe how he acted tonight. If only she knew why he was doing this to her. It wasn’t right and she didn’t want to begin thinking there was something more. He was still off limits and she couldn’t get her hopes up. She had to keep her dreams realistic and those dreams just didn’t include him.
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************************************************ Scott waited about twenty minutes after Imani left to depart the reception and make his way to her hotel. He had driven to the reception, so it took another 10 minutes for the valet to bring his car and another 10 minutes to drive to the hotel and turn his keys over to the new valet. He was thankful that Imani had mentioned what hotel she was staying at this weekend. He wondered if she realized she had sealed her fate. He checked with the front desk and told him that he had been separated from his girlfriend and couldn’t remember their room number. He gave her name to the clerk at the front desk and waited patiently while they retrieved the information. He didn’t want to seem too eager, but inside he was ready to reach over the counter and look at the computer himself. “Sir, you’re in room 7812. Please take the elevator to the right and it will take you right up to the 7th floor. Enjoy your stay.” As Scott got off the elevator and made his way to room 7812, he knew he should take it slow. He didn’t know how Imani would respond to his behavior tonight. He knew she had a million questions and if she gave him the chance, he would help her understand. He needed to let her know how things were going to be from now on. Scott strode up to the hotel room door and knocked. He had no
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doubt that she was here in the room. He knew she had listened to him and come back to her room for the night. ************************************************ Imani had ordered some delicious desserts to tide her over for the night and to help her enjoy this weekend. She had some soft jazz playing, the lights were down, an erotic novel by one of her favorite authors that she was excited to read, and she had let her hair down. She was ready for a night of relaxation and Imani-time and couldn’t wait to get started. When she heard the knock on the door, she didn’t even think twice and got up to answer. She had changed into some “too-short” shorts and a lace trimmed tank top when she got up to her hotel room. She looked down at her neon pink toes, her one vice, and giggled to herself. It wasn’t quite her usual style, but since this was a weekend of fun, she figured why not. She was still smiling when she pulled the door open and her face froze. “Captain Henry! What are you doing here?” All she could do was stand there in shock while he leaned against the door panel. He looked so good and his eyes were that deep, dark blue again. She knew that if given half a chance, she could get lost in his eyes. “So, are you going to let me in, Imani?”
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“S-S-Sure, come on in? What’s going on? Did something happen at the reception?” Why was he here in her room? This wasn’t a good thing and after his behavior tonight, she didn’t know if she wanted him here with her. “Were you sleeping? Did I interrupt you?” Imani saw his eyes take in her room with the music playing and lights down low. She saw him look at her skimpy clothes and peruse her from the tip of her pink painted toes to the top of her head. She noticed his jaw clench and could have sworn she heard his teeth grinding. He was getting pissed again and she was getting really tired of it. Scott couldn’t stop the thoughts running through his head. Did she really find someone to come back to the hotel with her? She couldn’t have. He wouldn’t allow it. He would throw the son of a bitch out, he didn’t care who he was. He turned slowly to her and let his anger show. “Who the hell are you waiting for? I swear on all that’s holy, if you found some man to bring back to your room, I’m going to throw the son of a bitch out on his ass. I don’t care who is. Damn, Imani, I won’t allow another man to be with you!” “What the fuck is your problem? I’m not waiting for anyone! Why do you keep doing that? Let me remind you that you’re here in my hotel room and I still don’t know why. Then you start acting all Alpha-male on me for no reason.
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What the hell is your problem dude? You’d better tell me why the fuck you’re here!” She was breathing heavy after that tirade and she noticed Scott’s gaze drop to her breasts. She hadn’t realized that he had moved closer to her until she looked up and realized he was within inches of her. He was so close to her that her nipples were grazing his dress shirt. Then he did something she had only dreamed about, but never thought would happen in a million years. He kissed her.
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Chapter Five Scott kissed her like his life depended on it. Hell, it probably did. He had waited so long for this moment. He needed to kiss Imani like he needed air to breathe. This woman had him all tied in knots and she didn’t even realize it. He’d only had a glimpse of her passionate nature before now and damn he found it sexy. Scott picked up Imani and pushed her up against the wall of the hotel room. “Put your legs around my waist. Now Imani!” She quickly did as she was told and knew that there were at the point of no return. Scott reached his hand under her tank top and slowly started to make his way up to her breast. He began kneading her left breast, and realized that it was a perfect fit. She was a perfect fit for him in every way, but then again, he had always known she would be. “Imani, I need you. Please don’t tell me to stop. Please.” “Stay Scott, I want you to stay.” He didn’t realize how much he had wanted – no – how much he needed her to not turn him away. He thought he would be able to take his time with her, but realized that was impossible. Scott pulled her off the wall and walked to the bed. He knew she would be impressed by this, since she had commented on several occasions that she
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wasn’t a small woman. He wanted Imani to realize that he was strong enough, in more ways than one, to be her man. He would try to be gentle with her tonight and take his time, but the more he tasted her and touched her smooth, silky skin, the more he knew he was fighting a losing battle. Scott couldn’t stop kissing Imani. He wanted her to never forget his taste and how she felt in his arms. If he could tie her down and keep her in bed all weekend, he would. He knew he should stop, but he couldn’t walk away from her if he tried. She was so beautiful and she was all his. She may not know it yet, but he wasn’t letting her go. The knocking on the door was like a cold splash of water and Scott knew he let out a low growl. He broke the kiss and looked at Imani with passion in his eyes. “Are you expecting someone?” “Just room service. I ordered a late night snack.” “Stay here. You’re not answering the door like that.” The room service attendant took one look at Scott’s face and knew he should hurry up. This guest did not look happy with the interruption. Looking over at the lady sitting in the bed with the look of being thoroughly kissed, he knew she was the reason. He quickly set the food tray on the counter and exited the room as soon as he could. He knew these folks needed their privacy.
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Scott tried to get his breathing under control. He needed to calm down before he faced Imani again. “Captain Henry?” “Scott.” “What?” “I think we’ve moved past the Captain Henry stage. Call me by my first name.” “Okay. Scott, what are you doing here? Why did you kiss me?” “Imani, I know I shouldn’t be here, but I can’t stay away from you one more day. Seeing you in that dress tonight and seeing those men leering at you, I can’t take it anymore.” “Scott, I don’t know what’s going on? Why do you care?” “Imani, I see how you look at me and if you think about it, you know that I look at you the same way.” “You’re crazy. You don’t know anything.” “Yes, I do.” He began walking toward her again and knew he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off of her. “You know you want me. You know you’ve wanted to be alone with me, in a room, just the two of us. Come on Imani. We don’t have anyone looking over our shoulder. We’re all alone and no one’s going to know what we’re doing. Admit you want me.”
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************************************************ She could do nothing but respond to his words and her body began to instinctively lean towards him. This man, this gorgeous ass man who could probably have any woman he wanted, was here with her. She didn’t want to think too much about his reasons for wanting her, that path could only lead to heartbreak. She was just going to enjoy the moment. She didn’t know what to say. What if she told him the truth? What would his response be? He seemed so sure of himself. Could he have really noticed the way she looked at him? She thought she had been so good. Should she just go for it and throw caution to the wind? Scott’s voice broke into her thoughts. “Imani, I’m going to be with you tonight. I’ve waited far too long to make you mine and I can’t go one more night without making love to you.” He paused and gave her a look that made her pussy clench. “So, I would recommend that you stop denying what you know to be true, and get your ass on that bed.” She couldn’t deny that her body was humming in anticipation. She knew she wouldn’t pass up this opportunity to be with Scott. If she was honest with herself, she would admit that she had wanted him for almost four years. She hadn’t been with a man since she came to Henderson Hall and her pussy was begging her to let him do what he pleased. ************************************************
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Scott saw the expressions fly across Imani’s face and knew the moment she had come to her decision. Imani began to slowly take off her tank top, but Scott’s hands stopped her. “No, let me.” Scott began trailing kisses across her collarbone and slowly started moving lower. He was pushing the tank top slowly down her shoulders as he trailed kisses across the upper part of her breasts. When he pulled the tank top below her breasts and they were bared to his gaze, he sucked in his breath. Her breasts were gorgeous. The nipple was the perfect size for him to suck on and it looked a deep dark chocolate. He ran his tongue around the lower part of her breast and then made his way to her nipple. He sucked her nipple into his mouth and began to suckle and nip gently with his teeth at the same time. He heard her breath catch and felt her heartbeat increase at his motion. “Scott, don’t stop.” He had no intention of stopping. He was going to savor this as long as he could. He lifted his head, blew on her nipple, and felt her body shudder from the feeling. Scott then gave his attention to the other breast and gently pulled her nipple between his teeth and gently bit down, just to give a jolt to her system. Scott knew he couldn’t wait much longer to feel her pussy. He needed to feel her wrapped around his cock, but had no problem making sure she was
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ready for him. He knew he wasn’t small by any means, his 9 ½” cock was also impressively quite thick, so she had to be ready for him. When Scott’s hand reached into her pants, he realized that she was completely smooth. Scott lifted his head and looked into her eyes. “Ahh, Imani, I’m going to enjoy this. Baby, let me in. Open your legs.” As she opened her legs wide for him, he couldn’t help putting his face close to her pussy and simply inhaling. Her scent was like no other and he couldn’t wait to taste her. The first swipe of his tongue on her pussy was like heaven to Scott. Her taste was sweet and tangy at the same time, and he couldn’t get enough. His tongue lapped at her pussy like it was ambrosia and he knew he could feast on her forever. He knew he didn’t want to stop and the moans of pleasure coming out of Imani’s mouth meant she didn’t want him to stop either. ************************************************ When Imani had let Scott into her hotel room, she never imagined she would be lying under him with his face buried between her thighs. She couldn’t believe the sensation from Scott’s mouth on her body. This man had a magic tongue and she was ready to come within minutes of his mouth sucking her breasts. As she glanced at him after he had laid her on the bed, she realized
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that Scott had taken off her shorts and tank top and that she was laid bare to him. Imani was no fool, and she definitely wasn’t a virgin. She knew what sex was all about, even good sex. But nothing could have prepared her for Scott’s mouth on her pussy. The first touch of his tongue felt like a jolt of electricity within her body. She felt like she was dreaming and if she was, she didn’t know if she wanted to wake up. Imani couldn’t breathe, the feelings were so intense. Scott’s mouth on her most intimate area was driving her crazy. His tongue began sucking on her clit at the same time he plunged two fingers into her and began stroking that ever elusive g-spot. Imani was so overwhelmed by the sensation, she began to cry. Not tears of pain, but tears of such intense pleasure and joy, because she knew in her heart that no man could ever make her feel like this again. Just when she didn’t think she could take anymore, her body clenched and her pussy began to suck at his fingers as if trying to pull them into her body. Her orgasm washed over her with such intensity that she screamed . . . and screamed again . . . and then everything went black. When Imani opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Scott’s face and he was kissing her cheeks, nose, and eyes. “Hey baby. Did you enjoy yourself?”
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“Oh my God Scott, what did you do to me?” “Sweetheart, I’ve been waiting to do that for almost 4 years. You have no idea how much I’ve wanted you since I first saw you. This is only the beginning of our adventure tonight. “Damn, Scott. I’ve never felt anything so intense.” She looked up at him shyly. She laughed at herself, not believing that she was becoming shy now, considering where his mouth had just been. “Oh baby, we’re just getting started.” Scott leaned over Imani and gave her a hot and demanding kiss, forcing her mouth to open and let him in. Their tongues began a duel and she knew she was destined to lose this battle of wills. She knew that after this night she would always remember his kisses and crave the taste of him. The kiss wasn’t tender, but carnal and full of desire, and she didn’t care. Imani couldn’t get enough of him and she never wanted him to stop. Her hands were roaming down his body, over his strong shoulders and defined back muscles, down to his ass that was rounded just enough for her to grab with both hands. When she squeezed tightly, Scott moaned deep in his throat, enjoying the feeling of her hands freely exploring his body. He broke the kiss, “I need you, Imani. I need you.” ************************************************
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Scott positioned his body in between her thighs, knowing he was too far gone to stop now. His pulsing cock was positioned at her entrance and he forced himself to give her the chance to back out. “If you want me to stop, tell me now. Once I take you, I’m not letting you go. Tell me you want this.” “Yes, yes, I understand. Please, fuck me.” At her words, Scott plunged into her with one swift movement of his hips. As his thick cock entered her body, he experienced a feeling unlike any other he had felt before. At this moment, he knew he could never let her go. She was his and he had to do everything in his power to keep her. Scott began to move his hips in a steady rhythm as he plunged into her liquid heat. Tight. Hot. Tight. Hot. His mind kept repeating the words in his head as he made love to the woman of his dreams for the first time. The woman he now knew would be his wife and bear his children. He knew that he was a big man and that his cock was larger than most. He tried to go slowly to give her time to adjust to him, but then she did something with her pussy that he had never felt before. She raised her knees to take him in deeper and squeezed her vaginal walls. Scott almost lost his mind. “Yes, yes, yes. Scott, don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”
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Scott’s thrusts became harder, more erratic. Scott’s breathing became harsh and he was mindless to anything but giving pleasure to Imani. When he felt her pussy start to vibrate with the beginnings of her orgasm, he couldn’t hold back anymore. The more she vibrated, the more intense the feeling became for him. Her moans of pleasure and erratic breathing told him she was going to come soon. “Come on baby. Come for me.” He felt a tingling in his back all through his balls and he knew he was going to come like never before. He wanted to wait, he couldn’t come without her. He took his hand and began playing with her clit and flicking it to further stimulate her. “Oh, oh, oh, oh, yes, Scott! Yes!!!” Imani’s orgasm was so hard, her legs went completely straight, her back arched, and she gave a hoarse scream. Her body convulsed around his cock like a vice and Scott couldn’t hold back anymore. “Baby, here I come. Take it, take it.” Four more rough pumps into her and Scott poured his seed into her with a loud groan. Scott rolled over to the side and pulled Imani with him. “Baby, that was amazing. I always knew it would be like this.” ************************************************
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Imani was focused on getting Scott inside of her. She heard his words about belonging to him, but she didn’t really register what he said. She would agree to anything at this moment, she just wanted him to make love to her. At the first plunge inside her body, she felt as if she was flying. She was so full, she had never felt this full before and it felt so good, she never wanted him to stop. Imani couldn’t think, she could hardly breathe. No man had ever made her feel such intense feelings. She glanced down at Scott’s gorgeous body and at the thick cock that had just given her so much pleasure. To her surprise, it started to harden and rise again. “Scott?” “Yes, baby?” “I think I enjoyed that. Want to go for round two?” “Oh yeah, I think I’m up for that.”
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Chapter Six Imani sat on the window ledge overlooking L’Enfant Plaza and watched Scott wake up. When he reached out for her, her heart hitched. She had come to a decision while he had been sleeping and knew that her next actions would irrevocably break her heart. She hoped she had enough strength for what she was about to do. As he got out of bed and walked over to her without putting on any clothing, she took a deep breath and stiffened her spine. “Hey baby, come back to bed. I need you again.” Imani sighed as she felt his strong arms wrap around her waist. She couldn’t believe he was actually here with her. When she woke up this morning, she almost thought it had been a dream, until she opened her eyes and saw his golden tanned body in front of her. “Scott, we should talk.” She had to get this out before things got too far. She had wanted Scott for too long and didn’t want to get any closer to him than she already was. “Imani, don’t say it. Don’t try to analyze this. Just go with it. Give us another day before we have to go back to reality.” When Scott turned her around and looked into her eyes, she almost backed out. Almost. She knew that she was right about this and no matter how
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much he tried to convince her otherwise, and no matter how much she wanted to climb back in bed with him, she couldn’t. There was too much at stake. “Scott, I can’t do this with you. What happens if someone finds out? You’ll get kicked out and I can’t live with that. You love the Marines. Do you want to throw that all away just for a piece of ass?” “You’re more than a piece of ass and you know it. Imani, I told you how long I’ve wanted this. This isn’t a whim for me. I know what I’m doing.” “No Scott. I forgot myself last night because I wanted you so bad. I didn’t stop and think about the morning after. No matter how much I enjoyed last night and want you again this morning, you should probably leave.” “Imani, don’t deny what we felt or how you felt in my arms. You’ll be out in less than two months. You know you want me as much as I want you.” Imani was biting her lip and trying not to cry out. He was right. She had felt it. The feelings were so strong and she wanted to tell him that she felt it too. That she knew he was the one, but she couldn’t. She couldn’t have him risk his career just to be with her. It wasn’t worth it. He was a good man, a fine ass man with a sweet ass cock, but a good man and she couldn’t do anything that might hurt him or his career. Imani almost couldn’t believe she was really going to do this. Was she really going to turn him away? Was she strong enough to let him walk away like
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this? She knew he would see in the end that a fling with her wasn’t worth risking his career. “Scott, listen, you gave me a night to remember, but a one night stand is all we had. I can admit that it was good sex, actually it was great sex, but that’s all it was. You’re a sexy man. Any woman worth her salt would want the chance to sleep with you. Last night was my chance and I took it. Let’s not make it into anything more.” Her heart was breaking. She couldn’t believe she had said it. Oh God, she had to keep it together. “Imani, what are you doing? Why are you pushing me away? You know it was more than just sex. I told you how I felt about you. Do you really think you can feel that way with someone else? That someone else can give you the pleasure I gave you last night?” “Don’t do this Imani. Don’t fucking do this!” She knew Scott was angry. His jaw was clenching and hands and his face showed his anger at her words. He was shocked she was doing this and she could understand why, she was shocked at herself. She couldn’t take her eyes off of him when he pulled away and began pacing. “Scott, let’s not argue. I have another week at the office and I know you’ll have to stop by. Let’s at least end on good terms.” Imani couldn’t believe she could still form coherent sentences when her heart was breaking.
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“Fine, if you don’t want to argue, then we won’t. I can’t believe I bared my soul to you last night and this is how you act. Fuck!” Scott began gathering his clothing and preparing to leave. Imani couldn’t believe she was going to let him walk out like this. She was dying inside and there was nothing she could do to stop it. As Scott finished dressing and walked to the door, he paused to look at her. Imani wanted to tell him she didn’t mean it. She wanted to beg him to stay and forget everything she had just said. He looked so angry with her and she didn’t know how to fix it. The first seeds of doubt planted themselves in her mind. Had she done the right thing? Before she could open her mouth to take back her cruel words, he spoke and she knew it was too late. “Goodbye Imani, I hope you’re happy with the choice you’ve made.” Scott wrenched open the door and walked out. Imani jumped as the door slammed. The tears immediately began to fall and she fell to the floor, her body racking with sobs. “What have I done? What have I done?” ************************************************ Imani didn’t really feel like seeing the sights of DC anymore and slowly started to gather her personal belongings. She just wanted to go back to her lonely barracks room on base and shut herself off from everyone.
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As soon as Scott left, she knew she had made a mistake. She shouldn’t have sent him away like that. She should have given them another day to be together and just live for a bit. She had been waiting for this man to notice her for almost 4 years and when he does, she turned her back on him. What must he think of her now? She didn’t think she’d ever get another chance with him and maybe she didn’t deserve one. She checked out of the hotel and drove back to Henderson Hall and went to her room. She unpacked all of her clothes from the weekend, but had no real energy. Eventually she fell asleep, but even in her dreams, she couldn’t escape Scott and woke up sweating as she recalled the very vivid dream she had about making love to him in every possible way. Imani knew she was in trouble and she also knew that had given up the best thing that could have happened to her.
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Chapter Seven Well, today was Imani’s last day before starting her leave. She had six weeks of vacation time before she was truly a civilian and Scott hoped she would enjoy herself and relax a bit. He joined in the well wishes and congratulations as her fellow Marines had given her some great going away gifts, including a day at the spa and a gift card to her favorite boutique so that she could start her new civilian wardrobe. He knew they had always given her a hard time about wearing sweatpants and t-shirts when she wasn’t in uniform. Scott was watching Imani as she cut into her going away cake and opened her gifts. He knew he shouldn’t be here. He had tried to stay away, but couldn’t resist the urge to see her one last time. His buddy Dave just looked at him and shook his head slowly. After the night with Imani, Scott had broken down and told Scott that he’d spent the night with her and how things had ended the next morning. Dave didn’t give him too much hell at the time. He could tell that Scott was having a hard time dealing with this and just let him hang out and watch the game. Standing in the conference room watching Imani get ready to walk out of his life for good, Scott didn’t care what his friend thought. He knew he had to be here. He had to see what her response would be to him. Would she smile?
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Would she show any reaction at all? She had torn his heart out and acted as if she didn’t care, but he still craved her like she was a part of his soul. He knew he wouldn’t be the same after being with her. He had even broken down and called one of the many women that kept trying to go out with him. Thirty minutes into the date and he knew it had been a mistake. His date wasn’t Imani and he found fault with everything about her. She was too thin, too mousey, too agreeable, she ate her food too fast, on and on. They weren’t even on the main course of their dinner when he told her he was ready to leave. He didn’t care if he hurt her feelings or not. He knew he shouldn’t be there with her, so why give her false hopes. Coming back to the present, he drew his hand down his face, sighing deeply at the thought of Imani. If only she would have given them a chance. There was a bond between them that couldn’t simply be ignored. ************************************************ Imani saw Scott standing across the room and felt her body reacting to his physical presence. He was here. For her. The way he looked at her held such desire and passion. She almost ran to him and begged him to forgive her for turning him away and being so stupid the day at the hotel. She barely restrained herself from embarrassing both of them and tried her best to pay attention to what her boss, Brigadier General Morris was saying.
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In her mind, she was begging to whatever spiritual being that would listen, “Please let him stay. Please don’t let him leave until I talk to him.” However, as she turned in the direction where he was last standing, he was gone. Her eyes filled with tears and her breath caught. He had left. He didn’t wait for her. He had left without saying goodbye and her heart fell. But then again, why would he. She had turned him away after he’d begged her not to. She knew how she would feel if the shoe was on the other foot. As the tears began to fall, everyone thought she was upset about leaving the Marines and sought to console her. How could they know her heart was breaking? This was it. She had lost him and there was no way she could get him back. ************************************************ Scott couldn’t take it anymore. He couldn’t stand there and look at her smile while he was dying inside. He’d had enough, so he left the farewell celebration and decided to go home. He wasn’t fit company for anyone right now, especially Imani. He was tempted to put her over his shoulder and carry her out of the building. He wanted to take her to his home and keep her in bed until she agreed to never leave him again. “Hey, Scott, wait up.” Scott turned around and saw his buddy Dave coming up behind him.
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“Hey Dave, what’s up? I’m trying to head out of here for the weekend.” “Man, you have to listen to me. You have to let this go. I know you want her, but you have to give this some time.” At the look on Scott’s face, Dave paused and blew out a breath. “Shit. I shouldn’t tell you this, but she was looking around for you. You should have seen her face when she saw that you had left. Trust me, she’s not as cold hearted as you think. Just give her time. Let her get out of the Marines so that it’s no longer an issue between the two of you. If you want her, then get her, but do it the right way.” Scott’s heart stopped when his buddy told him that Imani had been looking for him. Did he read the situation all wrong? Did he give up too soon? “Thanks man. Maybe I need to slow down a bit. I’ve been waiting so long to be with her, now that I'm finally getting the chance, my patience is at an end. If I’m going to give her time, then apparently I need to be prepared to make some changes myself.” “What did you have in mind?” “Not sure yet, but I need to make sure that when I see her next, there’s nothing that can stand in our way. That woman may not realize it, but she’s going to be mine. She’d better get prepared to be Mrs. Scott Henry.” As Scott walked away from his long-time friend, he knew Dave didn’t quite understand the depth of his feelings for Imani. She was everything to him and he
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didn’t have a future if she wasn’t by his side. He was glad Dave had told him she was looking for him. That was the sign he was looking for. He would get a second chance with Imani, come hell or high water.
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Chapter Eight Scott had taken things into his own hands and he hoped to reap the benefits. As he waited outside Imani’s apartment, he hoped she wouldn’t get too freaked out. After all, it had been just over a month since he had last seen her at the farewell luncheon. Dave had kept him up-to-date on the news about Imani and he knew that she was busy getting acclimated to the civilian world and was about to start her new job at Smith, Martin, and Angelos in their accounting department. As he was waiting, he realized how much he’d missed seeing her. She had become a part of his normal routine, a part of his life, and he missed her. He wondered if she missed him just as much. Scott had already spoken with his mother about Imani and couldn’t wait to take her to meet his parents. His mom had heard the excitement in his voice when he talked about Imani, and she knew he was serious about her. He’d never wanted a woman as much as he wanted her and he was ready to fight for her. He noticed Imani’s car pulling into the parking lot and lifted himself off of his SUV. He went to stand by her door as she exited the car slowly. He knew she didn’t know what to think of him standing there waiting for her, but she would find out soon enough. “Scott! I mean, Captain Henry, what are you doing here?”
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“I came to see you Imani. I wanted to know if we could talk. Last time we were alone together, things didn’t end very good. Do you have time for me?” He noticed that she paused and bit her bottom lip. He prayed she wouldn’t turn him away. “Sure, come on in. I don’t have any plans.” As they made their way up to her apartment, Scott couldn’t help but admire the view. Her ass was so perfect. He remembered how her body fit against his and his cock started to harden. He didn’t really care if she noticed or not, he was here to get his woman, so she might as well realize that he wanted her – all of her. As they walked into Imani’s apartment, he watched Imani place her items on a side table near the opening to her living room. Scott stayed by the door after closing and locking it behind him. Scott noticed that Imani seemed to be nervous. Good. She was wringing her hands as she began to address him. “Would you like something to drink?” “No.” “Are you hungry? It will only take a few minutes to whip up something.” “No.” Scott began to walk over to where Imani stood. “Imani, I’m not here for food or drink and I think you know it.” “Then what are you here for?” “You.”
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Scott grabbed Imani and pulled her in for a kiss. This kiss wasn’t full of sugar and sweet, but was raw and untamed. Scott was letting her know, with his mouth, just how much he wanted her. He didn’t want there to be any doubt that she was his. As he kissed her, he thought she tasted like the sweetest dessert and he was going to make sure he got his fill. He knew he hadn’t yet explained what this was all about, but that would come later. “I’m not letting you give up on us. I’m going to make love to you all night if that’s what it takes to convince you that you’re mine. You’re not going to push me away this time. Point me to your room.” ************************************************ Imani knew she was lost. There was no way she could let him go again. She had missed him so much during the past few weeks and she knew she had only herself to blame. Scott was a part of her life, whether she wanted to accept it or not. He wanted her like no other man wanted her and she wasn’t willing to give that up just yet. She didn’t think he was here for the long haul, but she knew there was serious passion and she could accept that. If this was the only way to have him with her, she’d take it and deal with the heartbreak later. “Down the hall. The room on the right.” Scott picked her up and she placed her legs around his waist. He continued kissing her, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth and running his
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tongue around every crevice of her mouth that he could find. Imani was so happy that he was here with her again, that tears began to fall from her eyes. He found the room and headed straight for the king size bed. As Scott laid her down and placed his body on top of hers, she knew this was where she belonged. “Imani, don’t leave me again. I need you with me.” She wanted to respond, but couldn’t. His kisses and touch were overwhelming, but his words had completely blown her mind. He couldn’t mean them, could he? Scott began taking off her shirt and pants and threw them to side of the room. Once she was completely naked, he kissed and nibbled his way from her ankles to her knees, and all the way up to the inside of her thighs. “You smell so good. I have to taste you.” He ran his tongue up her slit and she felt a shudder pass through her body. His tongue delved deeper into her pussy and began to swirl around her clit, just enough to bring her to the edge. As her juices began to flow, the pressure from Scott’s mouth increased. She felt as if he was trying to devour her. He placed his hands under her ass to lift her up closer to his mouth and she felt her body begin to melt. “Scott, this feels so good. Please, please, don’t stop.”
To Love a Marine
Words from Scott weren’t necessary. He was so intent on licking every inch of her pussy, she was glad he wasn’t wasting time on words. His actions were speaking loud and clear and there was no way she could misinterpret what he was telling her. He sucked her clit into his mouth and began to suckle the tiny bud as if it were a piece of candy. Two of his fingers went into her pussy and began to stroke her at the same time he sucked on her clit as if his life depended on it. Imani’s breathing became even more erratic and she could no longer form a coherent thought. She felt like her body was splitting apart, the pleasure was so intense. She felt the build up of her orgasm and knew she couldn’t stop it even if she tried. “Scott, I’m coming, I’m coming! I can’t stop it. Please, don’t stop, don’t stop!!” Her body exploded. Her pussy gushed in Scott’s mouth and her body began shaking. Her hips lifted off of the bed and she began to pump her hips toward Scott’s mouth, forcing him to continue sucking her clit and giving her the most intense orgasm she’d ever had. ************************************************ Scott couldn’t wait any longer. As Imani was recovering from his very talented tongue, Scott quickly stripped out of his clothes and leaned over her.
To Love a Marine
“Imani, look at me. You’re mine and I’m not letting you go. I need you to understand that I’m not letting you go again.” As she began to speak, he plunged inside of her tight, contracting pussy and paused. She was still vibrating from the inside out and it felt so good he almost came right then and there. He had to give himself a minute to calm down. He wanted this to last as long as he could. Scott slowly began to stroke inside of Imani and lifted her right leg over the bend in his left arm. He knew he needed more leverage for what he wanted to do. Imani had her eyes open and was looking at him, but he could tell she was in a daze from his lovemaking. Scott bent down to kiss her and increased his stokes to a steady rhythm that took him deep inside her body. He was trying to brand this woman and make her his. He would keep her in bed all night if he had to. “Yes, Imani, yes. Mine, baby, please say you’re mine.” He leaned down and took one of her breasts into his mouth and sucked it, rolling his tongue around the nipple. This was all it took for Imani to reach her peak. He felt her body shoot off like a rocket and the ripples of her vaginal muscles from her orgasm vibrated over his cock like a tidal wave. He felt her juices start to slide down her pussy and force its way out as he continued to pump inside her. Scott knew his release was upon him and gave three more hard pumps inside her
To Love a Marine
before letting loose a roar as his seed rushed out of his body and coated the womb of the only woman he would ever love. ************************************************ Imani was enjoying every minute of Scott’s intense lovemaking. She could almost feel him touch her cervix and she lifted her body to try and get as close to him as possible. She knew if she could just stay like this for the entire night, she could live the rest of her life alone and would be happy. She didn’t know when it happened, but she loved him. She knew she would never love another man as much as she loved Scott Henry at this very moment. Scott’s rhythm began to increase and become stronger. She felt the sweat drip from his body and fall between them. She grabbed his ass and pulled him closer to her and kissed him back with as much passion and love that could be put in a kiss. Scott’s body rose up from her and he began pumping harder, grabbing her hips and bringing her body to his as he pushed even deeper inside her. After Scott brought both of them to stuttering orgasms, she knew they would need to talk. Scott rolled over to the side after catching his breath and gathered Imani in his arms. “Imani, I know you may not want to hear this, but I love you. I’ve
To Love a Marine
loved you for so long. I know I almost lost you after our night together in DC and I’m not willing to risk that again.” “Scott, you don’t know what you’re saying.” “Yes, I do. I want you in my life and I’m willing to do whatever I need to do so that I can be with you. I’m ready to give up my officer commission in the Marines if that will make you happy. I’ll gladly be a regular old lawyer in a stuffy law firm if that’s what I need to do. I’ve already started making arrangements if that’s what we decide. “We?” “Yes, we. Imani, you don’t seem to understand. I love you and you might as well accept the fact that you will be my wife one day. You need to know that I’m not letting you go.” Imani turned to look at him with tears in her eyes. Her words came out as a whisper. “You’re serious, aren’t you?” At his lopsided grin, she wrapped her arms around his waist and continued. “Do you know how long I’ve waited for this moment, but didn’t dare dream that you would ever want me as much as I want you? Scott, I love you too. I’ve loved you for so long, I don’t know how not to love you. I’m willing to be with you, wherever you are, Marine or not.” “Oh baby, you won’t regret this. I promise I’ll make you happy. I’ll show you every day that I’m the only man that can love you as much as I do.”
To Love a Marine
Imani rose over Scott and sat down in his lap with his cock jutting up in front of her. “Well, baby, we have all night and neither of us is going anywhere. Why don’t you start on some of that loving now?” Scott proceeded to show Imani just how serious he was.
To Love a Marine
Epilogue Imani woke up and realized that Scott wasn’t in bed with her. She knew immediately where he was and chuckled. As she got up and padded into the room across the hallway, she noticed her husband sitting in the rocker by the window holding their beautiful 6 month old daughter, Anya. She could always count on finding Scott in here at least 3-4 times a week. “Sweetheart, what are you doing? You should let her sleep in her crib, not on your chest.” “I know, but I thought I heard her cry. When I came to check on her, she looked cold, so I wanted to warm her up. I’ll put her down in a bit.” “Scott, you’re going to spoil her rotten. I’m going to tell your mother on you if you don’t quit.” “Hell, that woman would probably tell me to hold her more. Anya has her and Dad wrapped around her little pinky finger.” As Scott reluctantly placed Anya in her crib and they walked to their room, Imani thought about how much her life had changed. She and Scott had been married for four years now and had settled down in Boston, MA. Scott had stayed in the Marines for a few more years, but when they decided to start a family, he knew it was time to hang up his combat boots and trade them in for a briefcase.
To Love a Marine
Imani snuggled next to her husband and thanked whatever divine entity was listening to her tonight for bringing him into her life. She loved him so much and she was glad he hadn’t given up on them. “Baby, what are you thinking about?” Scott asked her as he began rubbing her thigh. “Nothing really. Just how much I love you. You and Anya are everything to me and I will always love you Scott.” “Imani, you are my heart, my soul, and my reason for being a better man. You will always be the love of my life.” Imani was thankful that she had Scott in her life. He was her lover, friend, confidante, and her rock when she needed him. She knew her life was now complete.
The End
About the Author Reana Malori is a pseudonym for a chick with dreams of world domination. However, if that’s not possible, I’m willing to settle for being one of the best interracial romance / erotica writers on the market (along with some of my favorite authors who already know who they are). While I’m new to the art of writing and putting my work out there for others to read, I’ve been reading romance novels since the age of 14 and know what appeals to me as reader. The goal is to provide that same experience for the people who read my work. I’m a former Marine and served for 8 years (So, yes, that means I’m a deadly force to be reckoned with) and have been stationed at Parris Island, SC, Camp Delmar, CA, Cherry Point, NC, and Arlington, VA. Strong military men will always be a favorite topic of mine, so my plan is to have a few more books with this as a general theme. I’m a fan of Highlanders, Alpha-males, and strong women who love with everything they have. I currently live in Northern Virginia and my day job is quite serious, so I won’t bore you with the details. I hope to write books that will help folks escape for bit and relax. I’m sure there will be plenty of additional books, and I think you’ll like what you get from me. Please send me an email at [email protected]. I’d love to hear from you. Website: www.reanamalori.webs.com Blog Site: www.reanamalori.blogspot.com Yahoo Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/reana_malori/