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Norbert Hornstein, Jairo Nunes, and Kleanthes K. Grohmann. 2005. Understanding Minimalism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
May 2005
[± interpretable] (un)interpretable [feature] ±an (non-)anaphoric ±pro (non-)pronominal 1/2/3 first/second/third [person] ∀ universal quantifier/scope ∃ existential quantifier/scope α placeholder β placeholder γ placeholder Δ empty position λ LF-object π PF-object φ – uninterpretable φ-features φ + interpretable φ-features φ-features phi-features [person, number, gender] σ [lexical] subarray θ-role theta- or thematic role A admissible convergent derivation A (A0) adjective (head) A’-movement non-argument movement [“A-bar”] AAEV African-American English Vernacular ABS absolutive ACC accusative Adj adjunct Agr (Agr0) agreement (head) AgrIO (AgrIO0) indirect object agreement (head) AgrIOP indirect object agreement phrase AgrO (AgrO0) [direct] object agreement (head) AgrOP [direct] object agreement phrase AgrP [general] agreement phrase AgrS (AgrS0) subject agreement (head) AgrSP subject agreement phrase A-movement argument movement A-P articulatory-perceptual [interface] AP adjective phrase ASL American Sign Language Asp (Asp0) aspect (head) AspP aspect phrase AUX auxiliary BEV Black English Vernacular C convergent derivation C(omp) (C0) complementizer (head)
causative c-command constituent-command CH chain C-I conceptual-intentional [interface] CL clitic Compl complement CP complementizer phrase D set of all possible derivations D(et) (D0) determiner (head) DAT dative DEF definite D-linking discourse-linking DP determiner phrase DS D-Structure [“deep”] E [some] expression e empty node ec empty category ECM exceptional Case-marking ECP Empty Category Principle EPP Extended Projection Principle ERG ergative EXPL expletive F1-F6 “big facts” FEM feminine FF formal features FIN finite Foc (Foc0) focus (head) FocP focus phrase FT future tense (particle) G gender GB Government-and-Binding [Theory] GEN genitive GF grammatical function GL grammar of a particular language H [some] head HAB habitual I(nfl) (I0) inflection (head) i/j/k/l/m index [sub- or superscripts] INF infinitival IO indirect object IP inflection phrase LCA Linear Correspondence Axiom CAUS
HORNSTEIN, NUNES, AND GROHMANN LF Logical Form [semantic component] LI lexical item LOC locative MASC masculine m-command maximal projection c-command MinD minimal domain Move F Move Feature Move-α “Move anything anywhere anytime” N number N numeration N (N0) noun (head) NEUT neuter NOM nominative NP noun phrase OB [direct] object OBJ objective OBL oblique OP null/zero/empty operator P person P&P Principles-and-Parameters [Theory] P (P0) preposition (head) PART participle PERF perfective PF Phonetic Form [phonetic component] PG parasitic gap PIC Phase Impenetrability Condition PISH Predicate-Internal Subject Hypothesis PL plural PLD primary linguistic data POSS possessive
PP preposition phrase PRES present tense PS phrase structure [rules] PUNC punctual perfect Q interrogative complementizer QP quantifier phrase R-expression referential expression S sentence S’ Comp-projection above S [“S-bar”] SC small clause SG singular SM sensorimotor [system] Spec specifier SS S-Structure [“surface”] SU subject SUBJ subjective SUP superessive t trace T (T0) tense (head) Top (Top0) topic (head) TopP topic phrase TP tense particle TP tense phrase TRAP Theta-Role Assignment Principle UG Universal Grammar v (v0) light verb V (V0) verb vP light verb phrase VP verb phrase X/X’/XP any head/intermediate projection/phrase