Yamaha TZR125 and DT125R Service and Repair Manual (Haynes Manuals)

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Yamaha TZR125 and DT125R Service and Repair Manual (Haynes Manuals)

Yamaha TZR125 & DT125R Service and Repair Manual by Mark Coombs with an aclditlonal chapter on the 1997,00 DT125A model

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Pages 163 Page size 192 x 246.72 pts Year 2006

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Yamaha TZR125 &

DT125R Service and Repair Manual by Mark Coombs with an aclditlonal chapter on the 1997,00 DT125A models by Phil Mather

Model. covered TZR125. 124«. M arch 1987 10 AugusI 1993

DT125 R. 124cc.April l 988on


Not..· rht/ TZR 125 R. IflltOducr!d in April 1993. IS nor

( 1655 - 11AB5)

Heyn" PYbl ishing Sparkford Nt Yeovil

Somerset BA22 7JJ England H.yn" Public'tion" Inc 861 Law rence Dfive Newbury Park California91320 USA


by this

AdlnowIedgem_ts Our IMnb _ due to APS MoIoteydeI; of w.... s-w.... n ~ MotooqodM of PoeM. 00rMI. wno IU!lPIied the ~ '-'nd in

1l1li Manuel ThIonI11 Yamaha TZ RI 2 S and

0T12S R mod.l, ModfIl dimensions and _'lIhts O,dllfing ' PI'" parll

Saletv ",.." ToolI and wOI'k,ng 1I,,;:"i,... Span,...,.

Ii., comPII"lOn

Standard 1000qutl letting. ChOOSIng Illd lott Ing accesso,,"

Faull diagnosis Roullne lnIIintenanc.

Ch I p", 1 Eng,ne, clutch and


Chlpte.2 Cooling system Chapter 3 FLIfI! Jy$tem and lubtiCition

"" "" " 39

" 78

Chapter 4

Ign,uon 1y$lem Chapt.r 5 F.ame am:! forks



Chapte r 8 Wheel., brakes Ind Iy\'M Chlpter 7 Elect!lcal system

Chapt.r 8 The 1997-on DT1 25 A models



Wiring diagram.


Convention factor.




v....aII. TZR12SIlPC1! modIl

v......... DT125 A IlANZ) model

About this manual The purpose of this manuel is to P-enthualest rideeM manufactuAlrs ,KPOOded with. seleclion of new modeiIlO OI 10< , _ . 1 Of ,nlllll."on E"", •• Ihll IhI ,_,'''' is applied .nd .eINSId in • conrrollfld manner. u"nll 1001. whreh preclud. lhe _,brl "y oil",," spr'''iI eseap,ng v,oifIfIlly DO ansu.e IIwn .... y Irl"ng 1CIt1. used ""a work'ng toed ,",ng adeQuate 10< lhe lOb. DO get someone 10 check P8 in vou' body under cem the .pecIoli~ed category when he leeI,the e.~ Ie jullilled by the amount of UH theae toob; wiN be put to. II is obuious/y r>OI possible tri bits &llpeIn~ - 21b

H~wqun/olJ S8H~ pJitn Pf~

Mole {Jfip& or va {Jfip&





1 Tools and working fa ci lities W,,,, brush (small) Safr·brisrledbrush

ShOp. An altsmativ8 is for a group of friend. or 8 motOfCYCle club to join in the purchsse.

Tyrepump FlvwhOf!I rotor pu/~r

Ty", preSSUffl gauge

TyffJ I"",d depth gauge

Clutch holding tool


Pis/on ring compressor Univf1fS8/ be/mng pu/~r Cylmder bore honing atriIChmtmt (for e/eneIIln the _ t .. and drum .wi ~, _y pUll ~L II lhe demIrge II !oght the effecled ..... ..,.., be dressed _h I r... He. Mottr ptOf>I)Uf>C«I d8fnIge d ~I'" '_"OiIthe~ ...

• Dutttl out.. dtum Mited 10 Ihett. Leek of tubriClltron,. _ _ _ Of d8fn1gecen_ lhedrum to ..... to the ""It. 0vemIuI dIlle dutch. and p8fhepIlht ,,.........,,.., "'IV be necessetV 10 repa .. damege. • CIu,ch , ...... meo;hanoem delOCI""," Wom Of dlmIged . IINM rMd\IniIm pan,. CIn .Ilck &rid lIiIIO p!ic.abie

,,.,. '0 ,.,,.,



""" ""

securety on 'elil1lng.11 is useful to keep" spare contolnerol oil with the machine so that a supply i. always available. Note : If the lo w oil warning Indicaror illum!",,!es when riding 1m mllChine 6I1$Ule lhill lhlloilllJntis repienishedwilhoul d/jlay. In Ihe evern of the oil level falling low enough for air to 8flter the pipe between lhe oil lank and pump, the system must be bled before the machine I, ridden. The bleeding OpIll"lllion i. described in Chapter 3.


Check the coolant level

Although the cooling system is semi·sealed end should nol requirs frequent toppir.g up, II Is still necessary 10 che-c:k the ,,"vel at re-gular intervals. A separate e~panslon tank is fitted to allow for e~panslon of the coolant when Ihe engine Is hot. the displscfld liquid being drawn back into the system when il cools. It is Iherefore the level of coolanll" the eKpansion tank w hich is to be checked; the tank Is conat'uclcd of trans lucent plastic SO lhat Ihe coolant level can b-e seen eusily In 'elation to the upper and lower level lines marked On its side. Ch«* l/'eclJO/am level only whe" lhe engi"" is cold. On TZR modelS the expansion tank is siluated under the right. hand sidepanel. acees. to lhe tank can be gained by removing the .... al and sidepanel. On OT models il will be necessary to remove the left· hand si of Chapter I. bul note thltl the gearing may well heYe beer> aUe lubricanll can be .pphed. wh,~ the cha'I> is In ptace on lhe mlChine. II should be applied II lealt 0fICCI 8 week. aNI daoIy if the machine is used in wet _athe< condition •. Engine oil can be uted IOf this task, but remembe< that it il flung off the chain far more e_1y than grellSll. t""'- mak,ng the '88. end of the machine un_rily dirtv. and reqtJ"es motly in the motlen 'ub"eant 10 ensure ~hltl i~ panel'''H to .. bearing surlaces. Wipe off the SUfplUS belOfe refin'ng the chain to lhemachi ..... Although g.ease iI sealad inl0 the in.- beanngo of O-ring chain .. remov'ng lhe need IOf regula. immetlion in molten lubricant. these eha'I>1 must . Iill be lubricated at dally Of wlltlkly mtervall to klltlp the O·ringosupple and 10 prevent wear between the rollers and sprock.. teeth. With the machine supported so lhal the .ear wheel io clear of the ground. ,evofye the wheel and allow cillO dribble on to the .oIle", "nd between the sideplatH umil the ehain io CQrnp!elely oily ell along III length. Use only the IIP8Cllied oil for this PUfpolll. Wlfninll: some aerosol lubricantl conteil> chemicals which will anack the ().rmg.

causing 10M of SIIIIed_in lubrical>t and pretrl8tu. e chain wear. lake care to pun;hase 0fMI whM:h io dearly marked .. being IUitable fOf O·ring chai .... Ad!u ...... nl It is neceISMY to check the chain tension al .egular intervals to cornpensale fOf w ..... S'J'ICe thil wear doH not Ulke place evenly along the length of the d!", ... tighl_tl witl """'" which mUll be compen· saled for whfm adjustmftnt il made. Chain tensOon it checked with tha trlMmiuion in neutral and with tha machine standing on ill wheeII. Find the tightest spot on the chain by pushing the maehinealong Ind feeling the amount 01 f.ee play presem on the bol1orn run ollhe chli ... midway belWMI> the sprockel•. tHllng aIor>g the enti.e length of tha ehall>. When the lightHl1pol has beer> found. me8su.e the total up and down moveme... available; thil should be between the ~mill gi"",,1n the SpecifIClIIOnl if nQl tha chaln mult be IIdjusted as loIIowt. T2Jl modal Remove lhe splil pin and lIacIoen lhe .ea. wheellpindle nul by juSt eough to PII!I both d.awbolll equally to draw the spindle back by the fequi. ed amount to Ulke up e~cetllchaUl slack. To preserve 1ICCU,.te wheelaligl>mel>lansure that lhe notches lIamped in lhe chain Idjultech prolriJdes from the cenlre pivOI of Ihe pulley. If this Is nOI Ihe case.• IJcken the cab le edjuster locknut and turn the adjuster, situated on lap of the casln{/. to obtain the required setting. Open and close the Ihrottle a few times. then recheck tM setting. Aepeal the adjuslment procedura as described, Ihen lighten the pump cable adjusler locknut.

DTmodel The 011 pump selling is controlled by a cable connected via a junction box to Ihe Ihrottle cable. Thle junction box automallcally compensatel fa' wear in the cables and ensures thai the oil pump Is synchronised accurately with the carburettor al all times. As there is no need for adjustmenl. il is only possible to cheIlmp J>Ililoy closely. Tho J>Illiev Ihotrld stan 10 ,otate jusl as Ihe throttle cable lakfll up ilS free play and 118ns to lift lhe throllie valva. FuliV opIIn It.e Ihrollia. The pulley should rolala smoolhly to Ihe fully open posi· tion. Bnd should return equally smoothly to ils fullV closed position when the twistgrip is releaSffij end alloweIIluiv 1Od .....1 be tfIffIOYed it up Wllh I clun cloth. T"I c.e 10 prevent lIuod~. A;lpIv I IhIn ...- 01 c:ebPe< "''''10 lhe edges 1Od._ SlMfece of lhe pedI and. 00 TZR modeI&.lOlhe PId.It!""""pOna. T"'ecare 10 epplyceliper~ 10 lhe mela! IlIckl"ll 01 The peds ontv end not 10 allow any " ' _ to conl""',,-Ie the "ICIIOO mete"a!. FII lilt! Pldl by ,,,,,,iP"II lhe r&mOYaI~. Nole 11111 VlmllII recommend 11111 lhe shiml (wtMmt lilledlend Pldl\lfll"lllllhould be renewed neh tlme .... w pads ..e fiUed. On TZR modeIl -...e thai the pedl IocIle COJt8C11y ~I lhe Inli·SQueallhiml end thai lhe enli. fin" I-Pfrng ~ 00tf1tC11y ....11IIed in the ce6Pe0 adjuster, wher.,. on OT model, the bottom nut i.,he locknut and the pedal is adjusted ,-",ng the lop nul. Slao» wheel wiI produce. ~ elllC! Ihrough !he "1Ofing " high speed. Spin Ihi wheel _ I I I...... A well bIlanced wheel will come 10 resl in ...... posilron. en. Ihll ~ 10 ,..., in the .. me po&Ilion will hive it. helVieit pIIf\ dow ........ d and welghll mult btl Idded 10 I porrri diamelrically oppoe!te untH ~ iI echMIved Whe' 1 the ty'. hal I billarrce ....... k on IlIlkIIw!llliu_11y a coloured .pot!. check II " In ~ne wilh the vllve. Tocheck the wheel bnrings.II"ISP eech whlel li,mIy lithe lOP and botlom and Inampl 10 rock it from tide 10 IkII; II'IY I , " play indicat.. worn bNringi which ......, be _ e d .. detgh to WlNTTI the oil up to normal OPIIf'Iting temPllfllIlled regularly will not only 5t.>CCumb IesI s.peedily 10 lhe inevitable COfTOSion 01 exl""nat wrf-. and hence maintain its m&rlcel ~alue, but will be far more aJ>l)foach.ilble when lhe t,me comes lor maintenance or Mlmee work. furthermore. loose or lai~ng componan" are nwwe readily SPOl!ed when nol P&r1ially obscured by. mantla 01 ,oad grime and oil. Surface d,n should be removed us.ing • 1ponge and wann, soapy wateed Of eXlended as ne1_ wire blush. F;"ish the head and pillon worh melat polish,. polished surface will slow the subseQuem build-up 01 carbon. Clean out the barr~1 POff1 to ptevem !he r"tfICtion 0/ gas flow and clean the VPVS componenl1. Remove atl debril by washing each compon8fll in paraffin whilst observing lhe neceuary /i,e preeautoon ... Renew the pilton rings. if necassary, on Iing lhe engi....~ unit: refilling lhe flXlemll gear lOIIIIe1orcomponen" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



()peg the cr..,kcne openrng Wllh clean -.g to prev..,1 l he .,.Iry of din. 3 Refer 10 ChIrpIer 3 for del. of reer:f valv. axemrNlion.


11 Oitm..,tJing ttMr anglne' geltemple if I lauh Ippeatl tO have been caused by a failure of tM OIl s upply. all components should be dismantled 10 IN! lhe oilw8ylc.ln btl checked and cleared of any POI$ibll obstructions. Raf... tOChaptM 3 for delails of the lubricalion fytllem. Alwaytl use clean. lim-I'ee rag for cleaning and drying companenlS to p


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t"'!illi~i,j -.'h . - ljmmHH~ UI,hPI; :

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Inpurwh Inpur $I1.h 5rll (/Hr Thrust w.~ 2 off

Ctf;/ip 3011 Inputlhlft 3trI/41h fIN'" 9 InputWft6thgHr 10 fIIpuIlhlh2f1dgH' I 1 Input IhIh leh-hlnd bHnnfI 12 Outpurwhr>(Jhl·hMtd~

1 8


14 Thnmw.m.r

15 16 11 18 19 20 21 22 23

Ol.lqwuh.ft ISfflN'" Outpurwh51hflN' ~ 40ff SpIin«IlhNslw~20ft

OuIPl.lflhlh3rdgHr Outpullhlh 41h gH' Outpur IhIh 6rh (}Hr ThruJr wMhlr 0u/pU1 IhIh 2f1d gt/"8f

U Ou/pufwh 25 Outputlhlhleh-hlndbHtiolg 26 0iI1HI 21 GHrl:>o.ot IPfOCA:ft .. 28 l.«bn(J pIM• . . 29 Belt 20" "

",_l> 31


32 T.tow.m.r

"MAl> .. TZR n\OdfIII






2 Make "',. 1M of old gaPet. t..v. been removed and thttltht mating ",tI\ICeII .re de,n and und.~. Great thouId be leten when "rnovirIg old gI.ket f;Ompound nol 10 darTllOge lhe .... llng ",tlacl. MoIII g"ht comPQUndt can t>II soh M>ed utlng I willbla sokIent IoUCh I I melhyllttd lpiri' a. acetone ... "elluloH thinl\lf. Tht type 01 sokI .... ' leQUiftd won d.tpend on tht type 01 compound UMd.




Engine. clutch .nd gllrbo.:


compound 01 1M ,-,·N.deoing type ean be removed using I soh brau-wire bnJt.h of lhe type UIfId 10< cleaning ....oe JhoeI.. A considerable amoum 01 scrubbing CIIn take place without fear 01 hMming the ....1;"11 surface.. Some difficulty mey be encoume;fa"',,::.e caotl"91 should bel clean and dry with

lIfIY damJgCI, I.IICn II WOfn threeds. r"p&ired. II any belarings ... " to bel

relined. the c.ankcau CII.til'>Sl mlill1 bel heated li"t I I described in Sec:tion 18. 2 PIIce the heated wooden

,I\&t the bearing ;'

33.1 fit c.anbhalt and gric:tled ..,.;I ~ lhe~ ..... ft Inloi\..OIec:k thol the.n.tI~"""'..,.;1 l..-!y. Chec:t ""I ItIt gtIIrbo>c InPliI ..,.;I OUlpUt ..... ft Itft·hJnd btaringl .., 1~lod Ind lhililhe oil ""' ....1 10 lhe OUlput .... ft belring h8II plenty 01 g'..lIon itt 1I.ling lips. Tempgr.rily WQlP' ~ver 01 LlpeoY'" the OUlpUl .... ft .pli.... to PfOIec:1 the 011 IIHI IIPI on Inll.IlII!on. lhen mtIh both ahaft_ 1.1111< COITIp(ll"Mlflil. II • f)If1lculor IhIh '- Iliff to 101111.' ......, liP on each end using .1oIt-11C1d .... nel wifl contral'" lhe .... '1 In II, btaring. If 1l1li; does nol if eny Olher problem II; encountertld. ItIt uenkca .... fTIInl be MPI'"od ~n 10 find ..,.;I 'ec:liIy lhe IwIt. PlN;k ct.... "II into the c . ...... _ moulh 10 prevenl\he enuy of dirt. Ilion ,,' il lhe u..miMIon oil dr ... plug. if remo'4d. tighlening it 10 lhe '9Kified lorque ... t~



won.. ....

fig. , .. Gear ... lIet.... .....,.......... 1


J 4

s-c,."Dhun s-c,." ton ftputwlt kdl4lh l1N'






I; R«""rptII"Ig 13 Gd!p /4 Oil ...

s./«,." ton ..." s./«,." ton tMPapter.

1 o.g._ the rolO< and c,lnkah81t lipefa Ind flfit the Wood.ulf kay IntO the cnonkWfI. 2 RaIoc&tl the ItltO< In its originel poalnon. tiling the wi""", . . . guodoI. and " ' _ tn. rubboIr winr MIllIng ~II intO their CUtOUll1n the crantCIM wal_ Relit and tJght .... the twO .t.tor rnc,..·,,"'9 screws to lhe speaf'1Iid IOtavily ~"""feI1eo;I lot wort. it mutl now be rebuilt and off&r1td up 10 1M CQn~ N 1 tingle unit. PIKe tilt kk:h1Mt pinion on I"" WOoI"ncII il i. necessary In arrange Ihe plales so Ihal Ihe ma-chined araas ara spa-ced evenly areur.d ils circumference. This can be achieved by arranging each cutaway arN 10 be approximalely 60 0 lOT models) and 72 0 (TlR models) away from the previous one. (See fig. 1.1 I.) Sianing wilh a friclion p481e, and thana plain plate, insen lhe plat" in succession unlil all are fi\ted. NOle on DT modoelsthallke friclion plale w ith the larger intemel diameler, should be the second friction p1atelo be inSlalled inlO Ike clUlch oule. drum. along with theclulch damper ring.

12 IdJergN'

41 .1. fit dished wltSher to input shah righl·hand end ..

41 .1 b ... followed by -II thrust washer

41 .28 Refit clutch outer drum ..


When fitting IheclutclI preM.iJCi 46 of tIIiI ChIoiH...


Chapter 1

Engine. clutch and goorboll

, pressure plaia


R•• nembllng the 009;no/gu,bo. unit: ,elinlnglt.. YPVS


photographs) as II i, possible to lock the valve 180" OUt 01 pOt;ition which will drastically ."001 to dmp dowel pins

43.28 Ensure slot on blll55 sleevelociiuHI with peg on inside of left.hand end cap

Chl pt. /l

Engin • • clutch .nd lIeI/boa

dIM '~M . -.. 1tId 11'II11heir end 1IIfII_1ou11ld c:orrec:!Iy by !hi l'lleining pega. The top ring;' oIlhe KeyslOM 1YPI1tId;' of IIIP8o>c is ..,!ltled \0 the by revlDf'Sing lhe remova' aequenc • . PoI.ition tile m.,;:hine MlCur&ly, ptef".-,,!v uPright, rather lhen on it. side Itend, and ease tile engi .... inlO piece. Align the engine with ill mou."ings end relit the mouonling boIli from the 1

45.3 Refn gearcl\enge pedal using lhe marks made on dismeroUiog 10 position il correctly


Engi.,., dutch .nd go.mox

.s,7. ~ clutdl CIbIe to lift"", Ifm .,..;I bend up tab IIn'owedJ

·••• ;.

d d

d d

• d



3 Aefitlhe Ith ,t..nd C'riCIHtover. "';ng. new QMk.1 and tighlln the Ier8WII In • dilgonll S8QUfIIlCI. Ll$ing the mI..... mIde on dis.....,11Ing. relillhe ""teh.,. ptd.1 Of linQ.ge lronl arm III Ippropri• 1.)10 Ille gearehlnge thall apti.-.nd lighten Ille pinch boil. a Aoule lhe mlin gtnItlIlOf lead lrom tile C.-Melle up 10 lhe I.-me. -....:t It IOgIin to tI"IIt mlin loom .,..;I HCur' it with ""'" cIIlIng t1'4 mac:hine on Ille told. chICk 1"-, .. IIIe ge'rI IIIICI ~. and tllell .... controls lunction correclly. AI soon 1111'4 engine up 10 normal operating temperalure and if running ImODIlllyltopit.,..;lc'-l! lhe f~ a ThI ~ Ievet IhouId drop II the engine fUI'II. ~ II lOon IS the the hot cooI~nl ncaping under p ...........

Chapte r 2


Cooling I Vlte m

2 OoOTmodelsilwillbe.-urv 10'etnoYfIlhe left-hand .., KOOI). Thil is ffllalned!lv Ih,ee Ie,ews and can be rotted awey oncfIlhe SCfflws hive been removed. 3 Carefully retnoYfl lhe fldialor cap lIopper bolt. Noll Ihli iI lhe lOQine h8I been run recl. cy. due 10 lhe buikI·up of 1CIoIe. de"",,11 lrom lhe wate. and Olhe, lore;gn mattlr which w~llIdhera 10 lhe intemailUrllICM of lhe radiltor Ind watl. channell. Thi, will be partictJl&rIy 10 iI dil1111ed Wiler h8I nol been used 1110 limes. Removal oIthe de~fI'can be carried ool ...ily. using I lUilabie lIushing agent in lhe lollowi"" mlnner 2 Aftar allowing 11M cooIl"" .yltem 10 dr"'" relil!he drain plug.nd ,efillthe ,ys.em with clean wiler and e quantfly 01 nushing agaoL Any propr;a'irv lIushing agent in eilher IIQuod or d tri ~ 8nd it IMCU ensu.e Ih~t the jet 5iles. needle posilion and 110111 height are correct. which will requi.e the removal and dismantling of Iha carburanor as described in S\l0 0,



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