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Civil Avionics Systems
This book is dedicated to all those who contributed.
Civil Avionics Systems
Ian Moir Allan G Seabridge Display chapter contributed by Malcolm Jukes
Professional Engineering Publishing Limited, London and Bury St Edmunds, UK
This edition published 2003 by Professional Engineering Publishing, UK. Published in USA by American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. This publication is copyright under the Berne Convention and the International Copyright Convention. All rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism, or review, as permitted under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988, no part may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrical, chemical, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owners. Unlicensed multiple copying of this publication is illegal. Inquiries should be addressed to: The Publishing Editor, Professional Engineering Publishing Limited, Northgate Avenue, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP32 6BW, UK. ISBN 1 86058 342 3 Copyright © 2003 Ian Moir and Allan Seabridge. A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
The publishers are not responsible for any statement made in this publication. Data, discussion, and conclusions developed by the authors are for information only and are not intended for use without independent substantiating investigation on the part of the potential users. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers or its publishers. Printed and bound in Great Britain by St Edmundsbury Press Limited, Suffolk, UK
Cover image © Airbus
About the Authors Ian Moir BSc, CEng, FRAeS, FIEE served twenty years in the Royal Air Force as an Engineering Cadet/Officer, retiring with the rank of Squadron Leader. He then went on to work for eighteen years at Smiths Industries, Cheltenham, UK. Here he had responsibilities for the introduction of avionics technology into aircraft utilities systems on both military and civil aircraft. He was Programme Manager for the integrated Utilities Management System on the UK Experimental Aircraft Programme (EAP); and technology demonstrator for the European Fighter Aircraft. Ian’s principal successes at Smiths Industries included the selection and development of new integrated systems for the McDonnell Douglas/Boeing AH-64C/D Longbow Apache attack helicopter and Boeing 777 (Queens Award for Technology – 1998), both of which are major production programmes. Ian has over 40 years’ experience in the aerospace industry. He is currently an International Aerospace consultant, operating in the areas of aircraft electrical and utilities systems and avionics. Allan Seabridge BA, MPhil is currently the Chief Flight Systems Engineer at BAE SYSTEMS, a position held since 1998. Before that he was the Avionics Integrated Product Team Leader on the Nimrod MRA4 programme for five years. He has worked in the aerospace industry for over 30 years in flight systems and avionic systems engineering, business development, and project management. He has been involved in a wide range of military fast jet, trainer, and ground or maritime surveillance aircraft projects. Allan has worked in many international collaborative programmes in Europe and the United States, and he has led a number of national and international engineering teams. This has led to an interest in all aspects of system engineering capability – the practice of engineering, the processes and tools employed, and the people and skills required. Malcolm Jukes BSc, FRAeS, FIEE has over 35 years’ experience in the aerospace industry, mostly working for the Smiths Group at Cheltenham, UK. Among his many responsibilities as Chief Engineer for Defence Systems Cheltenham, Malcolm managed the design and experimental flight trials of the first UK Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) and subsequently the development and application of shadow-mask CRT technology for multi-function, head-down displays on the F/A-18, AV8B, Eurofighter Typhoon and EH101 aircraft. In this role, and subsequently as Technology Director, he was responsible for product technical strategy and the acquisition of new technology for Smiths UK aerospace products. One of his most significant activities was the application of AMLCD technology to civil and military aerospace applications. Malcolm is now an aerospace consultant operating in the areas of displays, display systems, and mission computing.
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Contents Acknowledgements
Foreword by B Tucker
Foreword by B Cosgrove
Authors’ Preface
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Chapter 1 – Introduction
Chapter 2 – Avionics Technology The nature of microelectronic devices Processors Memory devices Digital data buses Data bus examples – integration of aircraft systems Regional aircraft/business jets Fibre-optic buses Avionics packaging – Line Replaceable Units Typical LRU architecture Environmental conditions Integrated Modular Avionics Software References
5 7 10 11 11 21 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32
Chapter 3 – Systems Development System design Key agencies and documentation Design guidelines and certification techniques Equivalence of US and European Specifications Interrelation of processes Requirements capture Requirements capture example Fault Tree Analysis Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Component reliability Dispatch reliability Markov Analysis Development processes
33 34 34 34 37 37 40 42 43 45 46 47 48 50
Civil Avionics Systems
The produce life cycle Development programme ‘V’ diagram ETOPS and LROPS requirements References
50 57 58 59 62
Chapter 4 – Electrical Systems Aircraft electrical system characteristics Power generation DC power generation AC power generation Power generation control Modern electrical power generation types Electrical power quality Primary power distribution Power conversion and energy storage Batteries Secondary power distribution Power switching Load protection Solid state power controllers Electrical loads Motors and actuation Lighting Heating Subsystem controllers and avionics systems Ground power Emergency power generation Ram Air Turbine Back-up converters Permanent magnet generators Typical aircraft DC system Typical civil transport aircraft systems Civil aircraft electrical system examples Boeing 767 Boeing 747-400 Airbus A330/340 Boeing 777 Airbus A380 More-Electric Aircraft (MEA) Electrical system displays Aircraft wiring References
63 65 65 65 66 68 72 76 77 78 80 81 81 81 82 82 82 84 84 85 85 86 86 87 88 88 90 90 91 92 94 95 97 97 97 98 99
Chapter 5 – Sensors Air data Magnetic sensing Magnetic Heading Reference System (MHRS) Inertial navigation
101 101 110 112 115
Inertial sensing Inertial navigation Inertial platforms Strapdown systems Radar sensors Radar altimeter Doppler radar Weather radar References
115 118 119 121 122 122 125 126 128
Chapter 6 – Communications and Navigation Aids Radio Frequency spectrum Communications systems High Frequency Very High Frequency Satellite communications Air Traffic Control (ATC) transponder Traffic Collision and Avoidance System Communications control system Navigation aids Automatic Direction Finding Very High Frequency Omni-Range Distance Measuring Equipment TACAN VORTAC Satellite navigation systems Instrument Landing System Transponder Landing System (TLS) Microwave Landing System (MLS) Hyberbolic navigation systems References
129 130 132 134 135 138 141 144 146 146 147 147 148 149 150 150 153 156 156 157 159
Chapter 7 – Displays Introduction The electromechanical instrumented flight deck Early flight deck instruments The 1950s – piston-engined aircraft The 1970s – jet aircraft The Attitude Direction Indicator The Horizontal Situation Indicator The altimeter The Airspeed Indicator (ASI) Standby instruments The ‘glass’ flight deck Advanced civil flight deck research BAC 1-11 technology demonstrator Boeing 757 and 767 British Aerospace advanced turbo-prop Airbus A320/A330
161 161 161 161 162 164 166 168 168 169 171 171 171 172 175 175 176
Civil Avionics Systems
Boeing 747-400 Upgrade of ‘Classic’ aircraft flight decks Glass standby instruments Airworthiness regulations Regulatory requirements Certification guidelines Display format guidelines Display system architectures Display suite components Display systems Electronic flight instrument systems Combined EFIS and EICAS/ECAM systems Modular avionics display systems Display media Visual requirements Environmental requirements Electrical power supply transient immunity The Cathode Ray Tube The Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display Displays for the flight deck of the future Large area head-down displays Three-dimensional and four-dimensional display formats The Head-Up Display References
178 179 182 183 183 184 185 186 186 189 189 192 193 194 194 195 195 196 199 205 205 207 209 213
Chapter 8 – Navigation Basic navigation Radio navigation Oceanic crossings Inertial navigation Air Data and Inertial Reference Systems (ADIRS) Satellite navigation GPS error Differential GPS Integrated navigation Sensor usage – phases of flight GPS overlay programme Categories of GPS receiver Flight Management System (FMS) FMS Control and Display Unit (FMS CDU) FMS procedures FANS Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS) GPWS and EGPWS References
215 215 218 220 220 223 226 227 227 229 230 232 232 232 236 244 246 246 247 248
Chapter 9 – Flight Control Systems Inter-relationship of flight control functions Flight control – frames of reference Flight control systems
251 251 253 254
Mechanical back-up Flight control actuation Flight control and monitoring requirements Airbus FBW philosophy Boeing 777 flight control system Top-level Boeing 777 PFCS overview Autopilot Flight Director Systems (AFDSs) Autopilot modes Integrated autopilot system – Boeing 777 AFDS Autoland Flight Management System Future systems – Airbus A380 FBW Flight Data Recorders References
255 255 259 260 264 271 273 277 279 280 282 283 286 287
Chapter 10 – Engine and Utility Systems Engine systems Engine control on a modern civil aircraft Air and environmental systems Controlled environment for crew, passengers, and equipment Fuel systems Characteristics of fuel systems Fuel system components Integrated civil aircraft fuel systems Hydraulic systems Hydraulic system services Emergency hydraulic power sources Civil transport comparison Landing gear systems Central maintenance systems Airbus A330/340 Central Maintenance System Boeing 777 Central Maintenance Computing System In-Flight Entertainment In-Flight Entertainment (IFE) Rockwell Collins I2S References
289 289 290 293 293 300 301 301 302 309 309 311 311 315 317 318 321 322 322 324 327
Chapter 11 – Systems Integration Advantages Disadvantages Open architecture issues Component obsolescence Definition of IMA cabinets – first-, second-, and third-generation implementations First-generation IMA Second-generation IMA Third-generation IMA IMA Examples References
329 331 331 332 333 334 334 335 335 336 347
Civil Avionics Systems
Chapter 12 – Future Air Navigation System Communications Air–ground VHF data link Air–ground SATCOM communications HF data link 8.33 kHz VHF voice communications Navigation Classic method for defining navigation performance RNP RNAV RNAV standards within Europe RVSM RVSM implementation Differential GPS enhancements Protected ILS Introduction of the Microwave Landing System (MLS) Polar routes Surveillance TCAS ATC Mode S Automatic Dependent Surveillance – address mode (ADS-A) Automatic Dependent Surveillance – broadcast 367mode (ADS-B) Direct Routing Need for flight management systems (FMS) Boeing FANS 1 Implementation Airbus FANS-A Implementation High-precision approaches References
349 350 350 351 351 352 352 352 356 358 361 361 363 365 365 365 366 366 366 367 367 367 368 368 369 370 373
Chapter 13 – Military Aircraft Adaptation Avionic and mission system interface Navigation and flight management Navigation aids Flight deck displays Communications Aircraft systems Applications Personnel, matériel, and vehicle transport Air-to-air refuelling Maritime patrol Airborne early warning Ground surveillance Electronic warfare Flying classroom Range target/safety References
375 376 379 380 381 382 383 383 383 384 385 388 388 389 390 390 390
Acknowledgements The authors have been practising aerospace engineers with a collective experience approaching 80 years, much of that time spent in the specification, design, and development of avionics and utilities systems for high-performance military aircraft and civil aircraft. It is a truism that the more experience and knowledge gained with modern avionics systems, the more it is realized how extensive the subject is and how very much more there is to learn. The writing of this book would not have been possible without the generous support, advice, and guidance of many colleagues, specialists, and companies on both sides of the Atlantic. Special mention must be made of Malcolm Jukes, formerly of Smiths Aerospace, who added his considerable and specialized experience to the preparation of the book; especially in the Displays chapter – Chapter 7. The comprehensive nature of the book would not have been possible without the dedication and persistence of those who reviewed the book and offered advice as to how it could be improved: Michael I Braasch of Ohio University, US Derek Bracknell of QinetiQ, UK Mike Hirst of Loughborough University, UK Dr Amy Prichard of Georgia Institute of Technology, US During the writing and review of the book generous help has also been given by a wide range of individuals and specialists who have provided specialized support in their fields of expertise to ensure that the details of all the systems described are accurate. Invaluable support and assistance have been given by the following companies and organizations: Airbus BAE SYSTEMS Boeing Bombardier Aerospace CMC Electronics Duxford Imperial War Museum Honeywell Korry Electronics Micro Circuit Electronics
Northrop Grumman Corporation Parker Aerospace Raytheon Rockwell Collins Society of Automobile Engineers (SAE) Smiths Aerospace QinetiQ VDO Luftfahrtgerate Werk
by B Tucker
Over the past forty years, the development of aircraft for civil applications has been enhanced by the increasing introduction of electronic systems to enable greater operational freedom, safety, and efficiency to be achieved. These electronic systems, called avionics, have been at the heart of the creation of the sophisticated commercial airliners of today and they will play an important part in the succeeding generations of aircraft in the 21st century. Avionics systems have played a key role in the great advances in air safety, which have been a feature of the past few decades. They have played a major part in providing safe and affordable long-haul travel for business and leisure users. In addition, parallel developments for military aircraft have offered technologies for both civil and military applications, and techniques developed in one area have transferred to the other with rapidity and ease. Both civil and military avionics systems have utilized, to a very large extent, the revolution in computing that has so much changed the growth of technology since the 1950s. To keep up to date with these avionics systems can be a formidable task, made more complex by the architectural concepts within which avionics systems lie. Technological advances in processing, memory, displays, and data communication systems have made, and will continue to make, significant changes to individual systems and systems architectures in a constant striving for even better safety, maintainability, and operating costs. This book offers the reader an opportunity to understand the evolution of the systems being employed today, and it gives detailed explanations of the architecture within which they operate and the concept of operations of the avionics systems. As electronic systems began to emerge into the commercial aircraft, they essentially operated independently of each other and could be considered and certificated, from that viewpoint. This situation has changed very rapidly over the last two decades and today the interaction between systems is both complex and essential for safe aircraft operation. The reader will be able to understand these interactions from the text and this will enable a good basis for realizing the implications of even greater integration in new aircraft. The next generation of avionics systems will also achieve much greater integration with the whole Air Traffic Management infrastructure and this book will help in preparing the reader for these developing concepts. The field of avionics is extremely wide and it is commendable that this book manages to cover such a wide area, and yet give detailed information on many of today’s key systems. I hope that you will enjoy reading the book and that it will aid the reader’s understanding of the enormous progress that has been made over the past decades in the systems on aircraft and the opportunity that new avionics systems will bring to safety, operational efficiency, and the comfort and convenience of passengers. Brian G S Tucker OBE, BSc(Hons), FRAeS, CEng,. Senior Vice President, Business Acquisition & Customer Relations, BAE SYSTEMS
by B Cosgrove
There can be few of us who have not been touched in the last four decades by the modern miracle of air travel; the ability to step onto an aeroplane and alight in some exotic and distant location within a matter of hours. As well as serving the business traveller, the availability of cheap and safe air transport has brought worldwide mobility within the scope of most people who wish to travel. As the world becomes smaller, families can re-unite and young folk can travel the world and gain experiences that their parents – and certainly grand-parents – could hardly have dreamt of. The advances of air travel were caused by new developments in aerodynamics, airplane structures, propulsion systems, and the advances in aircraft avionics systems. Avionics systems embraced the application of electronics to control all the vital aircraft functions. These systems can involve the display of data to the flight crew, navigation of the aircraft, communications, flight control and fly-by-wire, and automatic control of the aircraft flight path. They also control many of the housekeeping functions on the aircraft: fuel, hydraulics, environmental, and other systems vital to the safe flight of the aircraft and the comfort of those on-board. To achieve a comprehensive understanding of this multitude of systems is a daunting task. In particular, aircraft could not operate in the crowded skies of today without the comprehensive and accurate knowledge of aircraft position, height, track, etc. that the avionics systems bring. The accurate navigation capability that modern systems bestow enable fuel economy to be maximized and adverse environmental effects and noise footprints to be minimized. Finally, the development of in-flight entertainment systems and rapidly improving air–ground broad-band connectivity enable the entertainment and business needs of the passengers to be satisfied. These systems also evolve swiftly as the enabling micro-electronic technology rapidly advances, and it is difficult to capture this development in a single reference. In Civil Avionics Systems Ian Moir and Allan Seabridge have succeeded in encapsulating all these topics in a single book, written in a clear, concise, and easily understood way. As well as documenting the newer developments, the authors have also presented a historical perspective to enable the reader to understand why systems have evolved in the way they have. This work will be of benefit to many throughout the Industry, whether they are students just embarking upon their career, or senior managers and engineers who wish to keep abreast of the latest technology improvements. Benjamin A. Cosgrove, NAE, Fellow of the AIAA and RAeS, 1991 recipient of the Wright Brothers Trophy, Retired Senior Vice President of Engineering, Boeing Commercial Airplane Group
Authors’ Preface Civil Avionics Systems is a companion to our book Aircraft Systems. Together the books describe the complete set of systems that form an essential part of modern military and commercial aircraft. There is much common ground – many basic aircraft systems such as fuel, air, flight control, and hydraulics are common to both types, and modern military aircraft are incorporating commercially available avionic systems such as liquid crystal cockpit displays and flight management systems. Avionics is an acronym that broadly applies to AVIation (and space) electrONICS. Civil avionic systems are a key component of the modern airliner and business jet. They provide the essential aspects of navigation, human–machine interface, and external communications for operation in the busy commercial airways. The civil avionic industry, like the commercial aircraft industry it serves, is driven by regulatory, business, commercial, and technology pressures and it is a dynamic environment in which risk must be managed carefully and balanced against performance improvement. The result of many years of improvement by systems engineers is better performance, improved safety, and improved passenger facilities. Civil Avionics Systems provides an explanation of avionic systems used in modern aircraft, together with an understanding of the technology and the design process involved. The explanation is aimed at workers in the aerospace environment – researchers, engineers, designers, maintainers, and operators. It is, however, aimed at a wider audience than the engineering population; it will be of interest to people working in marketing, procurement, manufacturing, commercial, financial and legal departments. Furthermore, it is intended to complement undergraduate and post graduate courses in aerospace systems to provide a path to an exciting career in aerospace engineering. The book is intended to operate at a number of levels: ● ●
providing a top-level overview of avionic systems with some historical background; providing a more in-depth description of individual systems and integrated systems for practitioners; providing references and suggestions for further reading for those who wish to develop their knowledge further.
We have tried to deal with a complex subject in a straightforward, descriptive manner. We have included aspects of technology and development to put the systems into a rapidly changing context. To fully understand the individual systems and integrated architectures of systems to meet specific customer requirements is a long and complicated business. We hope that this book makes a contribution to that understanding.
Ian Moir and Allan Seabridge 2003
Acronyms and Abbreviations A429 ARINC 429 A600 ARINC 600 A629 ARINC 629 A Amperes AC Advisory Circular (FAA) AC Alternating Current ACARS Aircraft Communications And Reporting System ACE Actuator Control Electronics (Boeing 777 flight control system) ACFD Advanced Civil Flight Deck ACM Air Cycle Machine ACMP AC Motor Pump A/D Analogue to Digital ADC Air Data Computer ADD Airstream Direction Detector ADF Automatic Direction Finding ADI Attitude Direction Indicator ADIRS Air Data and Inertial Reference System ADIRU Air Data and Inertial Reference Unit (Boeing 777) ADM Air Data Module ADP Air Driven Pump ADS-A Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Address Mode ADS-B Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast Mode Aero-C SATCOM operating configuration – PC capability Aero-H/H+ SATCOM operating configuration – high gain global capability Aero-I SATCOM operating configuration – medium gain over-land capability Aero-M SATCOM operating configuration – single channel AEW Airborne Early Warning AFCS Automatic Flight Control System AFDC Autopilot Flight Director Computer AFDS Autopilot Flight Director System AFDX Avionics Fast Switched Ethernet AGCU APU GCU AHARS Attitude and Heading Reference System
AIMS Airplane Information Management System (Boeing 777) ALT Barometric Altitude AM Amplitude Modulation AMJ Advisory Material Joint AMLCD Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display AMSL Above Mean Sea Level ANP Actual Navigation Performance AoA Angle of Attack AOC Airline Operation Centre AOR–E Azores Ocean Region - East AOR–W Azores Ocean Region - West APB Auxiliary Power Breaker APEX Application Executive API Application Implementation APU Auxiliary Power Unit ARINC Air Radio INC ARP Aerospace Recommended Practice AS Aerospace Standard (SAE) ASCB Avionics Standard Communication Bus ASI AirSpeed Indicator ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit ASTOR Airborne STand Off Radar ATA Air Transport Association ATC Air Traffic Control ATI Air Transport Instrument ATM Air Transport Management ATN Aeronautical Telecommunications Network ATP Advanced Turbo-Prop ATR Air Transport Radio ATSU Air Traffic Services Unit AVM Airframe Vibration Monitor AWACS Airborne Warning And Control System BAC British Aircraft Corporation (forefather of BAe) BAe British Aerospace (UK) BAES BAE SYSTEMS BC Bus Controller BCAG Boeing Commercial Airplane Group BCD Binary Coded Decimal BCU Bus Control Unit (Boeing 747-400) BIT Built-In Test BITE Built-In Test Equipment
BNR Binary BR Bus Request (1553B) BPCU Bus Power Control Unit BRNAV Basic RNAV BSCU Brake System Control Unit (Boeing 777) BTB Bus Tie Breaker BTC Bus Tie Contactor BTMU Brake Temperature Monitoring Unit C Centre CA Course/Acquisition (GPS code) CAA Civil Aviation Authority CADC Central Air Data Computer CAS Calibrated Airspeed Cat I Category I approach Cat II Category II approach Cat III Category III approach CBIT Continuous Built-In Test CBLTM Control-By-LightTM (Raytheon fibreoptic data bus) CCA Common Cause Analysis CCB Converter Control Breaker (Boeing 777) CCD Cursor Control Device CDI Course Deviation Indicator CDR Critical Design Review CD ROM Compact Disc Read Only Memory CDU Control and Display Unit CF Course to a fix CF Constant Frequency CFIT Controlled Flight Into Terrain CH Channel CIV Centre Interconnect Valve CMA Common Mode Analysis CMCS Central Maintenance Computing System (Boeing 777) CMM Capability Maturity Model CMS Central Maintenance System (Airbus) CNS Communications, Navigation, Surveillance C of G, CG Centre of Gravity COTS Commercial Off-The Shelf CPDLC Controller to Pilot Data Link Communications CPM Central Processing Module
Civil Avionics Systems
CPU Central Processing Unit CRT Cathode Ray Tube CSD Constant Speed Drive CSDB Commercial Standard Data Bus CTC Cabin Temperature Controller Cu in Cubic Inches CW Continuous Wave DA Decision Altitude – referenced to sea level D/A Digital to Analogue DAPS Data Access Protocol System (ATC mode S) DATAC Digital Autonomous Terminal Access Communication DC Direct Current DCDU Datalink Display and Control Unit (FANS A) Def Stan Defence Standard DEOS Digital Engine Operating System DF Direct to a Fix DFDR Digital Flight Data Recorder DFDRS Digital Flight Data Recording System DFDAU Digital Flight Data Acquisition Unit DFGC Digital Flight Guidance Computers DG Directional Gyro DGPS Differential GPS DH Decision Height – referenced to terrain DLP Digital Light Projector DMC Display Management Computer DMD Digital Micromirror Device DME Distance Measuring Equipment DoD Department of Defense DTI Department of Trade and Industry (UK) DU Display Unit DVOR Doppler VOR EADI Electronic Attitude Direction Indicator EAP Experimental Aircraft Programme EAS Equivalent Airspeed EBHA Electrical Back-up Hydraulic Actuator (A380 flight control system) EC European Community ECAM Electronic Centralised Aircraft Monitor (Airbus) ECCM Electronic Counter Counter Measures ECM Electronic Counter Measures ECS Environmental Control System EDP Engine Driven Pump EEC Electronic Engine Controller E2PROM Electrically Erasable ProgrammableRead-Only Memory EFA European Fighter Aircraft EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument System EGT Exhaust Gas Temperature EGNOS European Geo-stationary Navigation Overlay System
EGPWS Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System EHA ElectroHydrostatic Actuator EHF Extremely High Frequency EHSI Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator EICAS Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System (Boeing and others) ELAC Elevator/Aileron Computer (A320 flight control system) ELCU Electronic Load Control Unit elec electrical ELM Extended Length Messages (ATC mode S) ELMS Electrical Load Management System (Boeing 777) EMA Electro-Mechanical Actuator EMC ElectroMagnetic Compatibility EMI Electro-Magnetic Interference EMP Electrical Motor Pump EPC External Power Contactor EPIC Honeywell integrated avionics system EPR Engine Pressure Ratio EPROM Electrically Programmable Read Only Memory ESA European Space Agency ESM Electronic Support Measures ESS Environmental Stress Screening ETA Estimated Time of Arrival ETOPS Extended Range Twin Operations EU Electronic Unit EUROCAE European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment EW Electronics Warfare ext external FA Fix to an Altitude FAA Federal Aviation Administration FAC Flight Augmentation Computer (A320 flight control system) FADEC Full-Authority Digital Engine Control FANS Future Air Navigation System FANS 1 Boeing implementation of FANS functions FANS A Airbus implementation of FANS functions (A330/340) FANS B Airbus implementation of FANS functions (A320) FAR Federal Aviation Regulation FBW Fly-by-Wire FCC Flight Control Computer FCDC Flight Control Data Concentrator (A330/340 flight control system) FCMC Fuel Control and Monitoring Computer (Airbus A340-500/600) FCMS Fuel Control and Monitoring System (Airbus A340-500/600) FCPC Flight Control Primary Computer (A330/340 flight control system)
FCSC Flight Control Secondary Computer (A330/340 flight control system) FD Flight Director FDAU Flight Data Acquisition Unit FDC Fuel Data Concentrator (Airbus A340500/600) FDDI Fibre Distributed Data Interface FDR Flight Data Recorder FDX Fast Switched Ethernet FHA Functional Hazard Analysis FIS Flight Information Services FL Flight Level – altitudes defined above transition level FLIR Forward Looking Infra-Red FMEA Failure Modes and Effects Analysis FMES Failure Modes and Effects Summary FMGEC Flight Management Guidance and Envelope Computer (Airbus A330/340 flight control system) FMQGS Fuel Measurement and Quantity Gauging System (Bombardier Global Express) FMS Flight Management System FMSP Flight Mode Selector Panel FMU Fuel Metering Unit FOG Fibre-Optic Gyroscope FQIS Fuel Quantity Indication System FQPU Fuel Quantity Processing Unit (Boeing 777) FSEU Flap/Slats Electronics Unit (Boeing 777) FSK Frequency Shift Keying FSU File Server Unit FTA Fault Tree Analysis FTE Flight Technical Error Fwd Forward g Acceleration due to gravity GA General Aviation Gallileo Proposed European satellite navigation constellation GCB Generator Control Breaker GCR Generator Control Relay GCU Generator Control Unit GEC General Electric Company (UK) Gen Generator GEO Geo-stationary Earth Orbit GHz 1 x 109 cycles per second GLC Generator Line Contactor GLONASS GLObal NAvigation Satellite System – Russian equivalent to GPS GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System GNSS-1 EGNOS Concept GNSS-2 Gallileo System GPCU Ground Power Control Unit GPS Global Positioning System GPWS Ground Proximity Warning System GS Glide slope H Earth’s Magnet Field HDD Head-Down Display
Acronyms and Abbreviations Hex Heat Exchanger HF High Frequency HF Height to a fix HFDL High Frequency Data Link HIRF High Intensity Radio Frequency HMSU Hydraulic Systems Monitoring Unit (Airbus) HOL High Order Language HP High Pressure HSI Horizontal Situation Indicators HUD Head-Up Display HX Holding to Fix HYDIM Hydraulic system control card (Boeing) Hz Frequency – cycles per second I2t I Squared versus Time – electrical trip characteristic IAP Integrated Actuator Package IAS Indicated Airspeed IBIT Initiated Built In Test IC Integrated Circuit ICO Instinctive Cut-Out ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation IDG Integrated Drive Generator IF Initial Fix IFE In-Flight Entertainment IFF Identification Friend or Foe IFR Instrument Flight Rules IFSD In-Flight Shut-Down IGV Inlet Guide Vane I2S Integrated Information System (Rockwell Collins) ILS Instrument Landing System IMA Integrated Modular Avionics IN Inertial Navigator in Inch(es) INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite Organisation INS Inertial Navigation System Inv Inverter I/O Input/Output IOC Initial Operational Capability IOM Input/Output Module IOR Indian Ocean Region IP Intermediate Pressure (Rolls-Royce triple-shaft engines) IPT Integrated Product Team IR Infra-Red IRP Integrated Refuelling Panel IRS Inertial Reference System ISA Instruction Set architecture ISIS Integrated Standby Instrument System ISS Integrated Sensor Suite IT Information Technology ITO Indium Tin Oxide JAA Joint Aviation Authorities JAR Joint Aviation Regulation JSF Joint Strike Fighter JTIDS Joint Tactical Information
Distribution System kHz 1 x 103 cycles per second kVA Kilowatt Volts-Amperes kW Kilowatt L Left L Level (fluid) LAAS Local Area Augmentation System (GPS enhancement) LAN Local Area Network lb Pound(s) - mass LC Liquid Crystal LCoS Liquid Crystal on Silicon LED Light Emitting Diode LF Low Frequency LISA Limited Instruction Set Architecture LIV Left Interconnect Valve LNA Low Noise Amplifier (SATCOM) LNAV Lateral Navigation LORAN LOng RAnge Navigation (LORAN C is latest variant) LOX Liquid Oxygen LP Low Pressure LRM Line Replaceable Module LROPS Long Range Operations LRU Line Replaceable Unit LSB Lower Sideband LSI Large Scale Integration L Slat Left Slat (MD-80 AFDS) MA Markov Analysis Mach, M Mach Number MAD Magnetic Anomaly Detector MAT Maintenance Access Terminal (Boeing 777) MAU Modular Avionics Unit (Honeywell EPIC) mb milli-bar(s) Mb Mega Bit Mb/sec Mega Bits per second MCDU Multi-function Control and Display Unit MCM Multi-Chip Module MCU Modular Concept Unit MDA Minimum Decision Altitude MEA More-Electric Aircraft MF Medium Frequency MHRS Magnetic Heading Reference System MHz 1 x 106 cycles per second MIL-STD Military Standard MLS Microwave Landing System Mmo Maximum Operating Mach Number MMR Multi-Mode Receiver MNPS Minimum Navigation Performance Specification Mode A ATC Mode A (range and bearing) Mode C ATC Mode C (range, bearing and altitude) Mode S ATC Mode S (range, bearing, altitude and unique identifier) MOPS Minimum Operational Performance
Standard MPA Maritime Patrol Aircraft MSAS Multifunction Satellite Augmentation System (Japan) MSL Mean Sea Level MSI Medium Scale Integration MTBF Mean Time Between Failure MTI Moving Target Indication NAS National Airspace System NAT North Atlantic NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation NAV Navigation (Mode) ND Navigation Display NDB Non-Directional Beacon NOTAM Notice to Airmen nm Nautical Miles NH or N2 Engine speed – high pressure shaft Ni-Cd Nickel-Cadmium NL or N1 Engine speed – low pressure shaft OAT Outside Air Temperature OBOGs On-Board Oxygen Generating System OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer O/H Overheat OMS On-board Maintenance System OP Overhead Panel P Pressure Pc Capsule Pressure PC Personal Computer PCU Power Control Unit (Boeing 777 flight control system) Pd Dynamic Air Pressure PDA Power Distribution Assembly PDR Preliminary Design Review PFC Primary Flight Computer PFCS Primary Flight Control System (Boeing 777) PFD Primary Flight Display PMA Permanent Magnet Alternator PMAT Portable Maintenance Access Terminal PMG Permanent Magnet Generator POR Pacific Ocean Region PPS Precise Positioning System (GPS) PRA Particular Risks Analysis Pri Primary PRNAV Precision Area Navigation PROM Programmable Read-Only Memory PRSOV Pressure Reducing Shut-off Valve Ps Static Air Pressure PSEU Proximity Switch Electronics Unit (Boeing 777) PSR Primary Surveillance Radar PSSA Preliminary System Safety Analysis PSU Power Supply Unit Pt Total Air Pressure PTU Power Transfer Unit QFE Altimeter Setting relating to a specific feature eg airport
Civil Avionics Systems
QNH Altimeter Setting related to sea level R Right RA Resolution Advisory (TCAS II only) Rad Alt Radar Altimeter RAE Royal Aircraft Establishment (UK) RAF Royal Air Force RAIM Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitor RAM Random Access Memory RAT Ram Air Turbine RCT Rear Cargo Tank (Airbus A340-500) Rcv Receive R&D Research and Development RDCP Refuel/Defuel Control Panel (Bombardier Global Express) Recirc Recirculation RF Radio Frequency RF Route to a fix RFI Request For Information RFP Request For Proposal RFU Radio Frequency Unit (SATCOM) RGB Red; Green; Blue RISA Reduced Instruction Set Architecture RLG Ring Laser Gyro RMI Radio Magnetic Indicator RNAV Area Navigation RNP Required Navigation Performance ROM Read-Only Memory RS Electronic Industries Association Recommended Standard R Slat Right Slat (MD-80 AFDS) RSS Root Sum Squared RT Remote Terminal RTA Required Time of Arrival RTCA Radio Technical Committee Association RTZ Return to Zero RVR Runway Visual Range RVSM Reduced Vertical Separation Minima RW Runway SAARU Secondary Attitude Air Data Reference Unit (Boeing 777) SAE Society of Automobile Engineers SAFEbus® Proprietary Backplane Bus (Honeywell AIMS) SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar SAS Standard Altimeter Setting (29.92inHg/1013.2mb) SAT Static Air Temperature SATCOM SATellite COMmunications SB Sideband SCR Silicon Controlled Rectifier S/D Synchro to Digital SDR System Design Review SDU Satellite Data Unit (SATCOM) Sec Secondary
SEC Spoiler/Elevator Computers (A320 flight control system) SELCAL SELective CALling SFCC Slat/Flap Control Computer (A330/340 flight control system) SG Symbol Generator SG Synchronisation Gap (ARINC 629 data bus) SHF Super High Frequency SI Smiths Industries (UK), now Smiths Aerospace SIB System Isolation Breaker SID Standard Instrument Departure SIAP Standard Instrument Approach Procedure SIGINT SIGnals INTelligence SIM Serial Interface Module SIOM Standard Input/Output Module SIU Secure Interface Unit SLAR Sideways Looking Aperture Radar SLR Sideways Looking Radar SMP Systems Management Processor SOV Shut-Off Valve SPS Standard Positioning System (GPS) SRR System Requirements Review SS Sub-System (1553B) SSA System Safety Analysis SSB Single Sideband SSB Split System Breaker (Boeing 747-400) SSI Small Scale Integration SSPC Solid-State Power Controller SSR Secondary Surveillance Radar SSR Software Specification Review STAR Standard Terminal Approach Routes STC Supplementary Type Certificate STCM Stabiliser Trim Control Module (Boeing 777 flight control system) SV Solenoid Valve SW Switch T Temperature TA Traffic Advisory (TCAS I and II) TAB Tape Automated Bonding TACAN TACtical Air Navigation system TACCO TACtical COmmander TADS Triple Air Data System TAS True Airspeed TAT Total Air Temperature TAWS Terrain Avoidance Warning System TBD To Be Determined TCAS Traffic Collision and Avoidance System TDMA Time Division Multiple Access TF Track to a fix TFT Thin Film Transistor TG Terminal Gap THS Tailplane Horizontal Stabiliser
TLS Transponder Landing System TPMU Tyre Pressure Monitoring Unit T/R Transmit/Receive TRU Transformer Rectifier Unit TSO Technical Service Order (FAA) TURB Turbulence Mode – Weather Radar TV Television UHF Ultra High Frequency UK United Kingdom UPS United Parcels Service ULD Underwater Locating Device US United States usa Useable Screen Area USB Upper Sideband UV Ultra-Violet VAC Volts AC VCS Voice Command System VDC Volts DC VDL VHF Data Link ‘V’ Diagram Validation and Verification Procedure VDR VHF Digital Radio VF Variable Frequency VFR Visual Flight Rules VG Vertical Gyro VHF Very High Frequency VHFDL Very High Frequency Data Link VHPIC Very High Performance Integrated Circuit VLF Very Low Frequency VLSI Very Large Scale Integration Vmo Maximum Operating Speed VMS Vehicle Management System VNAV Vertical Navigation VOD Video On-Demand VOR Very High Frequency Omni-Range VOR/TAC VOR/TACAN VS Vertical Speed VSCF Variable Speed Constant Frequency VSI Vertical Speed Indicator VSV Variable Stator Vane W Watt WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System (GPS enhancement) WAP Wireless Access Protocol wef With effect from WGS World Geodetic System WOW Weight-On-Wheels Xmt Transmit Xfr Transfer XPC External Power Contactor (Boeing 747-400) XVGA X Video Graphics Adaptor ZSA Zonal Safety Analysis
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CHAPTER 1 Introduction
This book, Civil Avionics Systems, is intended to introduce the reader to an industry that has to deal with issues that are complex and sophisticated, market and technology driven, safety conscious, high integrity, and environmentally influenced. The industry is driven by market factors and trends in public mobility, global business travel needs, and domestic leisure needs. These factors can be seriously perturbed by changes in the world financial situation, terrorist activity, political tension, or public loss of confidence resulting from a perception of poor safety. Nevertheless, the industry has recently weathered some serious downturns and is spurred on to obtain ever-greater standards of performance, passenger convenience, and safety. The use of electronics on aircraft began in the 1930s, gaining increasing impetus during World War II, and a further increase in momentum from 1980 onwards, when digital technology became available for the first time in the civil transport arena. With the advent of jet-powered civil air transport in the late 1950s and early 1960s, aircraft had to rely upon analogue means of navigation, display, and flight control. Synchro-resolvers were the common method of signalling rotary position from one piece of equipment to another. Long-range navigation relied upon methods that would now be considered crude; for example, the VC10 that entered revenue service in the 1960s used a sextant and later LORAN as long-range navigation aids. The aircraft was flown by a four-man crew – captain, first officer, navigator, and flight engineer – compared with the two-man crew used today. The impetus for change and dramatic increase in performance and capability was the availability of digital electronics, initially developed for military aircraft, starting in the 1960s. The advent of relatively cheap and high-speed computation devices together with the introduction of digital data buses to link equipment enabled the introduction of digital data interchanges between system units. This technology was sufficiently mature and cost effective to be introduced into the Airbus A300 and A310 and the Boeing
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757/767 in the early 1980s. As well as the improvements in computation and accuracy that digital technology offered, the introduction of digital data buses using data multiplexing techniques enabled huge quantities of wiring to be removed from aircraft, saving weight, reducing cost, and improving reliability. It is worth examining the influences that the modern world in general exerts upon commercial aircraft avionics. Figure 1.1 illustrates some of the influences and prime drivers that affect and constrain the development of modern avionics systems in commercial aircraft. Many features of a civil avionics system have their origins in military avionics systems: inertial navigation systems and global satellite communication/navigation systems are good examples of early adoption of military technology in the civil field. Other features such as Head-Up Displays (HUDs) have taken much longer to gain acceptance, and their use is by no means widespread. Fig. 1.1 Typical drivers for commercial avionics
Data bus ARINC 429 ARINC 629 FDDI Video Bus ‘Firewire’
TYPICAL DRIVERS IT/Domestic markets Commercial/Military Interactions Availability/supportability Airline market forces
Semiconductors Processors Memory ASICs Chip set integration
MIL-STD1553B Fibre optic
Commercial Aircraft Avionics Pilot Interface
Display technology
Languages Standards Processes - CMM
Packaging ATR/ARINC 600 IMA
Human Factors Voice I/O Crew workload Safety
The civil aviation community has been driven primarily by cost constraints whereas the military have historically been more performance driven. However, the advent of highly accurate satellite navigation systems and the need to increase air traffic density while maintaining and improving safety margins have changed the emphasis. The Future Air Navigation System (FANS) concepts enabled by modern avionics technology and being progressively implemented worldwide mean that the airlines are also being performance as well as cost driven. VHF and HF data-link communications with greater bandwidth and information-bearing capabilities are beginning to augment and supplant conventional voice communications. Figure 1.1 also illustrates the technical factors that influence the civil avionics system. Digital technology in the form of semiconductors and digital data buses is
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increasingly relying upon the adoption of commercially available technology from the information technology and telecommunications industries rather than the development of bespoke applications, as in the past. This has drawbacks as well as advantages: while such technology, termed Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS), may be cheap and allow rapid prototyping, it also needs to be ruggedized to survive in demanding airborne applications. Piece parts such as Integrated Circuits (ICs) may not have been developed to the rigorous requirements specified by the aerospace industry and may need redesigning. Perhaps the most serious concern is the relatively short life cycle of commercial electronics compared with those of aircraft avionics systems: component obsolescence is a huge problem that the industry continually has to address. Many lessons have been learned in terms of the software languages, standards, and processes that need to be adopted and followed when designing, coding, and testing software for aerospace applications; in many cases the software is flight critical. Packaging means have generally been proven, but there are areas such as Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) where standards are not generally in place at the present time. The flight crew interface has improved with the introduction of the ‘glass cockpit’ in lieu of the conventional round dial instruments. Colour displays using active matrix liquid crystal display technology enable complex data to be displayed in an unambiguous manner to the flight crew for flight control and navigation purposes. The expansion of avionics technology into the management of aircraft systems such as fuel, environmental, and hydraulic systems means that information-rich system synoptic displays and status and maintenance data pages relating to these systems may be readily made available to the flight crew. More recently, HUD and voice command systems have been introduced into some of the top-level business jet avionics suites to assist in reducing crew workload. Finally, the introduction of systems such as the Traffic Collision and Avoidance System (TCAS) and Terrain Avoidance Warning System (TAWS) has improved and will continue to improve flight crew situational awareness, especially in and around airport approaches. The need for the flight crew to be aware of their aircraft location and flight path in relation to other aircraft and adjacent terrain is vital in preserving and improving flight safety. This book is intended to provide the basis of an appreciation of the magnitude and wide-ranging effects of the application of modern microelectronics to the safe and timely flight around the globe that we all take for granted, be it for business or pleasure. The growth of air transport in the past two decades, and that projected for the future, means that the airspace is becoming increasingly crowded. To continue to assure safe air travel, significant improvements will be required in systems that are already highly capable. These improvements will arise from even more effective and integrated avionics resulting from the application of systems engineering principles. They will be based upon the application of best practice and world standards to improve functional performance, physical design, and packaging, together with highly effective data communications.
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CHAPTER 2 Avionics Technology
The first major impetus for the use of electronics in aviation occurred during World War II. Communications were maturing and the development of airborne radar using the magnetron and associated technology occurred at a furious pace throughout the conflict (1). Transistors followed in the late 1950s and 1960s and supplanted thermionic valves for many applications. The improved cost effectiveness of transistors led to the development of digital aircraft systems throughout the 1960s and 1970s, initially in military combat aircraft where it was used for Nav/Attack systems (see Fig. 2.1). Fig. 2.1 Major electronics developments in aviation since 1930
Computer 'Revolution' VLSI/MCMs Microelectronics/LSI
Digital Aircraft Systems
Transistors Airborne Radar Developments
Thermionic Valves
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For many years the application of electronics to airborne systems was limited to analogue devices and systems, with signal levels and voltages generally being related in some linear or predictive way. This type of system was generally prone to heat soak, drift, and other non-linearities. The principles of digital computing had been understood for a number of years before the techniques were applied to aircraft. The development of thermionic valves (or vacuum tubes) enabled digital computing to be accomplished, but at the expense of vast amounts of hardware. During World War II a code-breaking machine called Colossus employed thermionic valves on a large scale. The machine was physically enormous and quite impracticable for use in any airborne application. The first aircraft to be developed in the United States using digital techniques was the North American A-5 Vigilante, a US Navy carrier-borne bomber that became operational in the 1960s. The first aircraft to be developed in the United Kingdom that was intended to use digital techniques on any meaningful scale was the ill-fated TSR 2, which was cancelled by the UK Government in 1965. The technology employed by the TSR 2 was largely based upon solid-state transistors, then in comparative infancy. In the United Kingdom it was not until the development of the Anglo-French Jaguar and the Hawker Siddeley Nimrod in the 1960s that weapon systems began seriously to embody digital computing. Since the late 1970s/early 1980s, digital technology has become increasingly used in the control of aircraft systems as well as for mission-related systems. A key driver in this application has been the availability of capable and cost-effective digital data buses such as ARINC 429, MIL-STD-1553B, and ARINC 629. This technology, coupled with the availability of cheap microprocessors and more advanced software development tools, has led to the widespread application of avionics technology throughout the aircraft. This has advanced to the point where virtually no aircraft system – including the toilet system – has been left untouched. The evolution and increasing use of avionics technology for civil applications of engine controls and flight controls since the 1950s is shown in Fig. 2.2. Engine Fig. 2.2 Evolution of electronics in flight and engine control Analogue Electronic Engine Controls
Part-digital Electronic Engine Control
Engine Control
Full Authority Digital Engine Control
Analogue Primary/Mechanical Backup Digital Secondary Control Digital Primary/Mechanical Backup
Flight Control
Digital Primary/ No Mechanical Backup 1950
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analogue controls were introduced by Ultra in the 1950s, which comprised electrical throttle signalling used on aircraft such as the Bristol Britannia. Full-Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC) became commonly used in the 1980s. Digital primary flight control with a mechanical back-up has been used on the Airbus A320 family, A330/A340 using side-stick controllers, and on the B777 using a conventional control yoke. Aircraft such as the A380 are adopting flight control without any mechanical back-up but with electrically signalled back-up. Research in the military field is looking at integration of propulsion and flight control to achieve more effective ways of demanding changes in attitude and speed that may lead to more fuel-efficient operations. The application of digital techniques to other aircraft systems – utilities systems – began later, as will be described in this chapter. Today, avionics technology is firmly embedded in the control of virtually all aircraft systems. Therefore, an understanding of the nature of avionics technology is crucial in understanding how the control of aircraft systems is achieved. Avionics technology is influenced strongly by external factors within the aerospace industry – commercial, military, and space – which drive towards ever more exacting standards of performance. This is measured in aircraft performance, crew workload reduction, and safety improvements, as well as supportability. This is perceived by passengers in terms of more reliable transport, fewer delays and cancellations, and more comfort. External factors also play an important role, with both the commercial and domestic electronic equipment markets dominated by the advances in telecommunications, miniaturization, computing, and display technologies, many of which become incorporated into aerospace systems design.
The nature of microelectronic devices The development of a wholly digital control system has to accommodate interfaces with the ‘real world’, which is analogue in nature. Figure 2.3 shows how the range of microelectronic devices is used in different applications within a digital system.
Physical parameters represented by digital words: 8 bit; 16 bit 32 bit etc Processors able to process and manipulate digital data extremely rapidly & accurately
Fig. 2.3 The nature of microelectronic devices
'Real World'
'Digital World'
D/A Conversion
D/A Chip
Analogue parameters have physical characteristics eg volts; degrees/hour; pitch rate; etc
16 Bit Data Word
Processor Chip
Memory Chip
8 Bit Flag /Address A/D Chip
A/D Conversion Digital ASIC
Hybrid Chip
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Hybrid chips and Input/Output (I/O) Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) are key technologies associated with interfacing to the analogue world. A/D and D/A devices undertake the conversion from analogue to digital and digital to analogue signals respectively. Processor and memory devices, together with digital ASICs, perform the digital processing tasks associated with the application (see Fig. 2.3). A typical interface Integrated Circuit (IC) used for FADEC application is shown in Fig. 2.4. Fig. 2.4 Typical engine interface hybrid IC (Smiths Aerospace – Micro Circuit Engineering)
1000 gate digital array
8 x Analogue ‘strips: 3 op amps/strip
Bonding Pads ~70
Voltage level shifting/test array
This IC chip comprises two distinct portions: the left side is analogue in nature while the right is digital. Eight analogue channels (‘strips’), each comprising three operational amplifiers (op-amps), condition the incoming signal. A voltage shifting/test array in the centre of the device matches the signal to the 1000-gate digital array on the right. Around the extremities of the IC are the bonding pads, of which there are around 70, whereby the device is connected to the host electronic module. Microelectronic devices are produced from a series of masks that shield various parts of the semiconductor during the processing stages. The resolution of most technology is of the order of 1–3 microns (1 micron is 10-6 metres, i.e. one-millionth of a metre or one-thousandth of a millimetre), so the physical attributes are minute. Thus, a device or die of about 0.4 inches square could have hundreds of thousands of transistors/gates to produce the functionality required of the chip. Devices are produced many at a time on a large circular semiconductor wafer. Some devices at the periphery of the wafer will be incomplete, and some of the remaining devices may be flawed and defective (Fig. 2.5). However, the remainder of the good dice may be trimmed to size, tested, and mounted within the device package. The size of the dice, the complexity and maturity of the overall semiconductor process, and the quality of the material will determine the number of good dice yielded by the wafer, and this yield will eventually be reflected in the cost and availability of the particular device.
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Semiconductor Wafer
Defective Die
Good Die
Microelectronics devices are environmentally screened according to the severity of the intended application; usually, three levels of screening are applied, in increasing levels of test severity: • • •
Commercial grade. Industrial grade. Aerospace military grade – also used in many cases for civil aerospace applications.
There is little doubt that in the past this screening technique has helped to improve the maturity of the manufacturing process and quality of the devices. However, as an increasingly small proportion of devices overall are used for aerospace applications, full military screening is difficult to assure for all devices. There is a body of opinion that believes that screening is not beneficial, and adds only to the cost of the device. It is likely that avionics vendors will have to take more responsibility in future for the quality of the devices used in their product. There is an increasing and accelerating trend for aerospace microelectronics to be driven by the computer and telecommunications industries. The extent of the explosion in IC developments can be judged by reference to Fig. 2.6. This shows a greater than tenfold increase per decade in the number of transistors per chip. Another factor to consider is the increase in the speed of device switching. The speed of operation is referred to as gate delay; gate delay for a thermionic valve is of the order of 1000ns (1ns is 10-9 or one-thousandth of one-millionth of a second); transistors are about 10 times quicker at 100ns. Silicon chips are faster again at ~ 1ns. This gives an indication of how powerful these devices are and why they have had such an impact upon our daily life. Another area of major impact for the IC relates to power consumption, which can vary depending upon the IC function; memory and processor devices tend to consume higher levels of power and may provide cooling challenges in some applications. Consumption is related to the technology type and speed of operation. The higher the
Fig. 2.5 Semiconductor wafer yield
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Fig. 2.6 Trends in integrated circuit development
107 Circuit Level Integration
Transistors per Chip
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Very High Performance (VHPIC)
Very Large Scale (VLSI)
Large Scale (LSI)
Medium Scale (MSI)
Small Scale (SSI)
1 1950
speed of operation, the greater is the power required, and vice versa. The main areas where avionics component technology has developed are: • • •
Processors. Memory. Data buses.
Processors Digital processor devices became available in the early 1970s as 4 bit devices. By the late 1970s 8 bit processors had been superceded by 16 bit devices; these led in turn to 32 bit devices such as the Motorola 68000, which have been widely used on the Typhoon and Boeing 777. The pace of evolution of processor devices does present a significant concern owing to the risk of the chips becoming obsolescent, leading to the prospect of an expensive redesign and recertification programme. Following adverse experiences with its initial ownership of microprocessor-based systems, the US Air Force pressed strong standardization initiatives based upon the MIL-STD-1750A microprocessor with a standardized Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), variously known as limited instruction set or Reduced Instruction Set Architectures (RISAs). The MIL-STD-1750A initiative was successful in that it did introduce standardization into the processing suites of several US Air Force applications but it was expensive to maintain and eventually led to the Department of Defense (DoD) adopting COTS applications. For some types of application, starting with the adoption of the Motorola 68020 on Typhoon, the industry is making extensive use of commercially developed microprocessor or microcontroller products when they are replaced.
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Memory devices Memory devices have experienced a similar explosion in capability. Memory devices comprise two main categories: Read Only Memory (ROM) represents the memory used to host the application software for a particular function; as the term suggests, this type of memory may only be read but not written to. A particular version of ROM used frequently was Electrically Programmable Read Only Memory (EPROM), but this suffered the disadvantage that memory could only be erased by irradiating the device with ultraviolet (UV) light. For the last few years, EPROM has been superceded by the more user-friendly Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (E2PROM). This type of memory may be reprogrammed electrically with the memory module still resident within the Line Replaceable Unit (LRU), and using this capability it is now possible to reprogram many units in situ on the aircraft via the aircraft digital data buses. Random Access Memory (RAM) is read–write memory that is used as program working memory storing variable data. Early versions required a power back-up in case the aircraft power supply was lost. More recent devices are less demanding in this regard. Portable memory means of data are also used using a Portable Maintenance Access Terminal (PMAT) (see Chapter 10). An example of this is the navigation database which may be updated each month to introduce new routes, obstructions, airfield limitations, and Notices To AirMen (NOTAM).
Digital data buses The advent of standard digital data buses began in 1974 with the specification by the US Air Force of MIL-STD-1553. The ARINC 429 data bus became the first standard data bus to be specified and used for civil aircraft, being applied throughout the Boeing 757 and 767 and Airbus A300/A310 in the late 1970s and early 1980s. ARINC 429 (A429) is widely used on a range of civil aircraft today, as will become apparent during this chapter. In the early 1980s, Boeing developed a more capable digital data bus termed Digital Autonomous Terminal Access Communication (DATAC) which later became an ARINC standard as A629; the Boeing 777 is the first and at present the only aircraft to use this more capable data bus. At the same time, these advances in digital data bus technology were matched by advancements in processor, memory, and other microelectronic devices such as A/D and D/A devices, logic devices, etc., which made the application of digital technology to aircraft systems possible. The largest single impact of microelectronics on avionic systems has been the introduction of standardized digital data buses, which greatly improve the intercommunication between aircraft systems. Previously, large amounts of aircraft wiring were required to connect each signal with the other equipment. As systems became more complex and more integrated, so this problem was aggravated. Digital data transmission techniques use links that send streams of digital data between equipment. These data links comprise only two or four twisted wires, and therefore the interconnecting wiring is greatly reduced.
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Common types of serial digital data transmission are: • •
Single source–single sink. This is the earliest application and comprises a dedicated link from one piece of equipment to another. This was developed in the 1970s for use on Tornado and Sea Harrier avionics systems. Single source–multiple sink. This describes a technique where one piece of transmitting equipment can send data to a number of recipient pieces of equipment (sinks). ARINC 429 is an example of this data bus which is widely used by civil transport and business jets. Multiple source–multiple sink. In this system, multiple transmitting sources may transmit data to multiple receivers. This is known as a full-duplex system and is widely employed by military users (MIL-STD-1553B) and by the B777 (ARINC 629).
The major digital data buses in widespread use today in avionics are: • • •
ARINC 429 (A429). MIL-STD-1553B, also covered by UK Def Stan 00-18/Parts 1 and 2 and NATO STANAG 3838. ARINC 629 (A629).
Other buses include: • • • •
Avionics Standard Communications Bus (ASCB), available in several forms and based upon Ethernet protocols. ASCB was developed by Honeywell and is used in General Aviation (GA) and business jet applications. Commercial Standard Data Bus (CSDB) developed by Rockwell Collins for use in GA applications. Avionics Full Duplex Ethernet (AFDX) based upon commercial Fast Switched Ethernet (FDX) technology and adopted for the Airbus A380. In some applications, commercial RS 232 and RS 422 buses are also used.
Of these, A429 and A629 are commonly in use on civil aircraft. MIL-STD-1553B is a military standard somewhat similar in bus topology, encoding, and data encoding to A629, though the command protocol is different. For reasons of brevity, only A429, A629, and MIL-STD-1553B will be described in detail.
A429 data bus The characteristics of ARINC 429 were agreed among the airlines in 1977–78, and it was first used throughout the B757/B767 and Airbus A300 and A310 aircraft. ARINC, short for Aeronautical Radio INC., is a corporation in the United States whose stockholders comprise US and foreign airlines and aircraft manufacturers. As such it is a powerful organization central to the specification of equipment standards for known and perceived technical requirements. The A429 bus operates in a single-source, multiple-sink mode, so that a source may transmit to a number of different terminals or sinks, each of which may receive the data message. However, if any pieces of the sink equipment need to reply, then they will each require their own transmitter and a separate physical bus to do so, and they cannot reply down the same wire pair. This half-duplex mode of operation has certain
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disadvantages. If it is desired to add additional equipment as shown in Fig. 2.7, a new set of buses may be required – up to a maximum of eight new buses in this example if each new link needs to operate in bidirectional mode. The A429 bus is by far the most common data bus in use on civil transport aircraft, regional jets, and executive business jets today. Since its introduction on the Boeing 757/767 and Airbus aircraft in the early 1980s, hardly an aircraft has been produced that does not utilize this data bus.
Source Node 1
Fig. 2.7 A429 topology and the effect of adding units
Sink Node 1
Sink Node 2 Source Node 2 Sink Node 3 Source Node 2 Sink Node 4
The physical implementation of the A429 data bus is a screened, twisted wire pair, with the screen earthed at both ends and at all intermediate breaks. The transmitting element shown on the left in Fig. 2.8 is embedded in the source equipment and may interface with up to 20 receiving terminals in the sink equipment. Information may be transmitted at a low rate of 12–14 kilobyte/s or a higher rate of 100 kilobit/s; the higher rate is by far the most commonly used. The modulation technique is bipolar Return To Zero (RTZ), as shown in the box in Fig. 2.8. The RTZ modulation technique has three signal levels: high, null, and low. A logic state 1 is represented by a high state returning Fig. 2.8 A429 data bus and encoding format
Signal Leads Source LRU
Sink LRU
Receiver Shields A429 RTZ Modulation Logic 1
Logic 0
Logic 1 High
To other Receivers (up to 20 maximum)
Low 1 Bit Period = 10microsecond (Clock Rate = 100kHz)
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to zero; a logic state 0 is represented by a low state returning to null. Information is transmitted down the bus as 32 bit words, as shown in Fig. 2.9. Fig. 2.9 A429 data word format
Source Data Identifier
'Data' - encoded depending upon message type Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) Binary (BNR)
Parity Signal Status Matrix
Discretes Alphanumeric Formats etc
Data Rate is 12 to 14 kHz or 100 kHz (100kHz is more usual)
The standard embraces many fixed labels and formats, so that a particular type of equipment always transmits data in a particular way. This standardization has the advantage that all manufacturers of particular equipment know what data to expect. Where necessary, additions to the standard may also be implemented. Further reading for A429 may be found in references (2)–(4).
MIL-STD-1553B MIL-STD-1553B has evolved since the original publication of MIL-STD-1553 in 1973. The standard has developed through the 1553A standard issued in 1975 to the present 1553B standard issued in September 1978. The basic layout of an MIL-STD-1553B data bus is shown in Fig. 2.10. The data bus comprises a screened, twisted wire pair along which data combined with clock information are passed. The standard generally supports multiple redundant operation, with dual-redundant operation being by far the most common configuration actually used.
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Bus A
Fig. 2.10 MIL-STD-1553B data bus
Bus B
Bus Controller
Data Data Data Data
Remote Terminal
Remote Terminal
Up to 30
Up to 30
Control of the bus is performed by a Bus Controller (BC) which communicates with a number of Remote Terminals (RTs) (up to a maximum of 31) via the data bus. The RTs only perform the data bus related functions and interface with the host (user) equipment they support. In early systems the RT comprised one or more circuit cards, whereas nowadays it is usually an embedded chip or hybrid module within the host equipment. Data are transmitted at 1 MHz using a self-clocked Manchester biphase digital format. The transmission of data in true and complement form down a twisted screened pair offers an error detection capability. Words may be formatted as data words, command words, or status words, as shown in Fig. 2.11. Data words encompass a 16 bit digital word, while the command and status words are associated with the data bus transmission protocol. Command and status words are compartmented to include various address, subaddress, and control functions as shown in the figure. MIL-STD-1553B is a command–response system in which transmissions are conducted under the control of a single bus controller at any one time; although only one bus controller is shown in these examples, a practical system will employ two bus controllers to provide control redundancy. Two typical transactions are shown in Fig. 2.12. In a simple transfer of data from RT A to the BC, the BC sends a transmit command to RT A, which replies after a short interval, known as the response time, with a status word, followed immediately by one or more data words up to a maximum of 32 data words. In the example shown in the upper part of Fig. 2.12, transfer of one data word from RT A to the BC will take approximately 70 µs (depending on the exact value of the response time plus propagation time down the bus cable). For the direct transfer of data between two RTs, as shown from RT A to RT B, the BC sends a receive command to RT B followed by a transmit command to RT A. RT A will send its status word plus the data (up to a maximum of 32 words) to RT B, which will then respond by sending its status word to the BC, thereby concluding the transaction. In the simple RT to RT transaction shown in Fig. 12.11, the total elapsed time is around 120 µs for the transmission of a single data
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word, which appears to be rather expensive owing to the overhead of having to transmit two command words and two status words as well. However, if the maximum number of data words had been transmitted (32), the same overhead of two command and two status words would represent a much lower percentage of the overall message time. For Fig. 2.11 MIL-STD1553B data bus word formats
20 bits = 20 microseconds 1
Bit Times
Data Word SYNC
Command Word RT Address (5)
T/R (1)
Sub-address Mode (5)
Data word count /mode code (5)
Status Word Terminal Address (5)
BR recd (1)
Message Service error Request (1) (1)
Busy (1)
Instrumention Reserved (1) (1)
Fig. 2.12 MIL-STD1553B typical data transactions
Term SS Flag Flag (1) Dyn (1) Bus Control Parity (1) (1)
Remote Terminal A to Bus Controller Transfer
~ 70 microseconds s Bus Controller
Transmit Command
Remote Terminal A
Status Word
Data Word
* Remote Terminal A to Remote Terminal B Transfer
~ 120 microseconds s Bus Controller
Receive Command
Transmit Command
Remote Terminal A
Status Word
Data Word
Remote Terminal B
Status Word
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further reading on MIL-STD-1553B, see reference (5). Most bus controllers and RTs nowadays use embedded chip sets or hybrid terminals available from a number of manufacturers. At the heart of these terminals is an IC that may perform either the RT or the BC MIL-STD-1553B function. A typical digital IC is illustrated in Fig. 2.13. Fig. 2.13 MIL-STD-1553B combined RT/BC IC (Smiths Aerospace – Micro Circuit Engineering)
1553B full Remote Terminal (RT) and Bus Controller Function Two transceiver die may be Mounted on top to drive the 1553 bus transformers Contains a lot of RAM for the storage of 1553 bus messages
ARINC 629 data bus Like MIL-STD-1553B, the A629 bus is a true data bus in that the bus operates as a multiple-source, multiple-sink system (see Fig. 2.14). That is, each terminal can transmit data to, and receive data from, every other terminal on the data bus. This allows much more freedom in the exchange of data between units in the avionics system than the single-source, multiple-sink A429 topology. Furthermore, the data rates are much higher than for the A429 bus, where the highest data rate is 100 kbit/s. The A629 data bus operates at 2 Mbit/s or 20 times that of A429 and twice the rate of 1553B. The true data bus topology is much more flexible in that additional units can be fairly readily accepted physically on the data bus. A further attractive feature of A629 is the ability to accommodate up to a total of 128 terminals on a data bus, though in a realistic implementation the high amount of data bus traffic would probably preclude the use of this large number of terminals. The first use of A629 was on the Boeing 777 and is described below. Figure 2.15 portrays a quadruple data bus implementation as opposed to the dualredundant MIL-STD-1553B format shown in Fig. 2.10. In fact, on the Boeing 777, A629 data buses are used in the following formats: • •
Quadruple-redundant: engine interfaces on to aircraft systems data buses (left, centre 1, centre 2, right). Triple-redundant: flight control data buses and a number of other systems on the aircraft systems buses (left, centre, right).
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Fig. 2.14 MIL-STD-1553 and A629 data bus topology
MIL-STD-1553B or A629 Bus A
Bus B 32 Terminals max for Mil-STD-1553B
Data Bus
128 Terminals max for ARINC 629
Bus Coupler
Multiple-Source Multiple-Sink
Fig. 2.15 A629 data bus
Bus 4
Data Data
Bus 1
Terminal Subsystems
Up to 128 Terminals
Terminal Subsystems
Dual-redundant: some systems on the aircraft systems data buses (left and right).
The protocol utilized by A629 is a time-based, collision-avoidance concept in which each terminal is allocated a particular time slot to access the bus and transmit data on to the bus. Each terminal will autonomously decide when the appropriate time slot is available through the use of several control timers embedded in the bus interfaces
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(described below) and transmit the necessary data (see Fig. 2.16). This protocol was the civil aircraft industry’s response to the military MIL-STD-1553B data bus that utilizes a dedicated controller to decide what traffic passes down the data bus. It was felt for civil aircraft that the centralized control philosophy of MIL-STD-1553B was inappropriate and difficult to certificate, whereas the A629 concept removes the centralized controller and distributes bus access control around all the terminals on the bus. After each terminal has transmitted its data package, a Terminal Gap (TG) message is transmitted by the next terminal in the sequence, followed by its data bus message. This procedure continues until all terminals have had a time slot allocated to them. At this point a Synchronization Gap (SG) message is transmitted, followed by a TG message; after a short interval the total sequence is repeated. The overall sequence (where every terminal has had access to the bus) equates to one major cycle on the data bus. The order in which terminals access the data bus is determined by the personality embedded in memory located in each terminal chip set. In a way, this technique represents a distributed message control protocol, as opposed to MIL-STD-1553B where message control protocol is centralized and effected only by the bus controller. Fig. 2.16 A629 message sequence
Terminal 1 TI - Transmit Interval M
Terminal 2 TI
TI - Transmit Interval TG
Terminal 3 TI
TI - Transmit Interval TG
Major Cycle
Because of the higher data rates and higher technology baseline, the A629 bus coupler arrangement is slightly more involved than for A429. Figure 2.17 shows how the host LRU connects to the A629 data bus via the Serial Interface Module (SIM), embedded in the LRU, and via a stanchion connector to the coupler itself. Owing to the transmit/receive nature of the A629 protocol, there are separate channels for transmit and receive. Transformer coupling is used owing to concern that a single bus failure could bring down all the terminals connected to the same data bus. Somewhat oddly, the bus couplers are all grouped in a fairly low number of locations to ease the installation issues.
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Fig. 2.17 A629 bus coupler interface and encoding format Driver 1 Sum
Driver 2
Mangt & Cont
A629 Terminal Controller
Channel Arbitration
Receiver 1
Stanchion Connector
Serial Interface Module (SIM)
Receiver 2
A629 Manchester Biphase
Host LRU 0
A629 Data Bus
Bit is O.5 x 10-6 seconds or 2 Mbits/second
Also shown within the box in Fig. 2.17 is a simplified portrayal of the Manchester biphase encoding which the A629 data bus (and MIL-STD-1553B) uses. In this protocol a logic 0 is signified when there is a negative to positive change in signal; this change of state occurs mid-way during the particular bit duration. Similarly, logic 1 is denoted when there is a positive to negative change in signal during the bit period. This timing is aided by the fact that the first three bits in a particular data word act as a means of synchronization for the whole of the word. The data are said to be ‘self-clocked’ on a word by word basis, and therefore these rapid changes in signal state may be accurately and consistently recognized with minimal risk of misreads. Figure 2.18 shows the typical A629 20 bit data word format which is very similar to Fig. 2.18 A629 digital word format
Parity Data (depends upon word type) A629 Word Formats: General Format System Status Word Function Status Word Parameter Validity Word Binary (BNR) Word Discrete Word
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MIL-STD-1553B (see Fig. 2.11). The first three bits are related to word time synchronization, as already described. The next 16 bits are the data contents, and the final bit is a parity bit. The data words may have a variety of formats depending on the word function; there is provision for general formats, systems status, function status, parameter validity, and binary and discrete data words. Therefore, although the data format is simpler than for A429, the system capabilities are more advanced as the data rate is some 20 times faster than the fastest (100 kbit/s) option for A429. The only aircraft utilizing A629 data buses so far is the Boeing 777. The widespread application of technology such as A629 is important, as more widespread application drives component prices down and makes the technology more cost effective. Certainly that has been the case with A429 and MIL-STD-1553B, with A429 in almost all modern civil aircraft and MIL-STD-1553B in almost all military aircraft around the world. For more detail on A629, see references (6)–(8).
Data bus examples – integration of aircraft systems The increasing cost effectiveness offered by system integration using digital data buses and microelectronic processing technologies has led to a rapid migration of the technology into the control of aircraft systems. Three examples have been chosen below to discuss further and highlight how all-embracing this process has become: • • •
MIL-STD-1553B – Experimental Aircraft Programme (EAP) utilities management system A429 – Airbus A330/340 aircraft systems A629 – Boeing 777 aircraft systems
Experimental Aircraft Programme The first aircraft to utilize MIL-STD-1553B for the integration of aircraft utility systems as opposed to avionics systems was the UK Experimental Aircraft Programme which was a technology-demonstrator forerunner to the Typhoon. This aircraft first flew in August 1986 and was demonstrated at the Farnborough Air Show the same year, also being flown at the Paris Air Show the following year. This system is believed to be the first integrated system of its type, dedicated purely to the integration of aircraft utility systems. The system encompassed the following functions: • • • • • • •
Engine control and indication. Fuel management and fuel gauging. Hydraulic system control and indication, undercarriage indication and monitoring, wheel brakes. Environmental control systems, cabin temperature control, and later an On-Board Oxygen Generating System (OBOGS). Secondary power system. Liquid Oxygen (LOX) contents, electrical generation and battery monitoring, probe heating, emergency power unit. Interfaces with cockpit and avionic systems.
The system comprised four LRUs – Systems Management Processors (SMPs) – which also housed the power switching devices associated with operating motorized valves, solenoid valves, etc. These four units comprised a set of common modules or building
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blocks, replacing a total of 20–25 dedicated controllers and six power switching relay units that a conventional system would use. The system contained several novel features, offering a level of integration of the utilities system that has not been equalled since (Fig. 2.19). Fig. 2.19 EAP utilities system architecture
Avionics MIL-STD-1553B Data Bus
RT 10
Systems Management Processor A Aircraft Systems
Power Plant Control
Power Plant
Systems Management Processor B
RT 1
RT 2
RT 3
RT 4
Systems Management Processor C
Aircraft Systems
Systems Management Processor D
RT 5
Maintenance Data Panel
RT 10
RT 6
Reversionary Instruments
RT 7
Power Plant Control
Power Plant
Utilities MIL-STD-1553B Data Bus
The technology and techniques applied to aircraft utilities systems demonstrated on EAP have since been used successfully on Typhoon and Nimrod MRA4. The lessons learned on each aircraft have been passed on through the generations of utilities management systems, and are now being used on a number of aircraft projects under the heading of Vehicle Management Systems.
Airbus A330/340 The two-engined A330 and four-engined A340 make extensive use of A429 data buses to integrate aircraft utility systems with each other and with the avionics and displays. Table 2.1 lists some of the major subsystems and control units.
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Table 2.1
A330/A340 Typical Aircraft System Controllers
Control unit
Bleed air control
Fuel control
Landing gear control
Flight control primary computer
Flight control secondary computer
Flight control data concentrator
Slat/flap control computer
Remarks One per engine
Flight control:
Probe heat3
Zone controller
Window heat control
Cabin pressure control
Pack controller
Avionics ventilation computer
Generator control unit
One per engine
Full-Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC)
One per engine
Flight warning computer
Central maintenance computer
Hydraulic control
Boeing 777 The B777 makes extensive use of the A629 digital data bus to integrate the avionics, flight controls, and aircraft systems. Figure 2.20 depicts a simplified version of the B777 aircraft systems that are integrated using A629 buses. Most equipment is connected to the left and right aircraft system buses, but some are also connected to a centre bus. Exceptionally, the engine electronic engine controllers (EECs) are connected to left, right, centre 1, and centre 2 buses to give true dual–dual interface to the engines. The systems so connected embrace the following:
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Fig. 2.20 B777 aircraft systems integration using A629 data buses
Electrical Distribution/ Load Management
Bus Control
Landing Gear Generation
Brakes/ Antiskid
Tyre Pressure
Brake Temp
Cabin Temp
APU + Environmental
• •
• • • •
Card Card File Files
Aircraft System A629 Buses
Hydraulics, ECS, O/H Det
Flaps /Slats
Prox SW
Vib Mon
Fuel Quantity Indication System (FQIS). Electrical: – Electrical Load Management System (ELMS), – Bus Power Control Unit (BPCU), – Generator Control Unit (GCU). Landing gear: – Brakes and Antiskid Control Unit (BSCU), – Tyre Pressure Monitoring Unit (TPMU), – Brake Temperature Monitoring Unit (BTMU). Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) and environmental control: – APU controller, – Air System and Pressurization Control Unit (AS/PCU), – Cabin Temperature Control (CTC). Flap/slats Electronics Unit (FSEU). Proximity Switch Electronics Unit (PSEU). Card files: Boeing produced modules used for the management of hydraulics, overheat detection, and environmental and other functions (see Chapter 11). Airframe Vibration Monitor (AVM).
Regional aircraft/business jets The previous examples relate to fighter and civil transport aircraft. The development of regional aircraft and business jet integrated avionics systems is rapidly expanding to include the aircraft utilities functions. The Honeywell EPIC system being developed for the Hawker Horizon and Embraer ERJ-170/190 is an example of how higher levels of system integration are being achieved (see Fig. 2.21). This is a much more closed architecture than the ones already described, which utilize open, internationally agreed standards. This architecture uses a proprietary Avionics Standard Communication Bus (ASCB) – a variant D data bus developed exclusively by Honeywell, originally for GA applications. Previous users of ASCB
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Fig. 2.21 Honeywell EPIC system – typical
ASCB-D Aircraft Digital Data Buses: Dual Buses 10Mhz bit rate Up to 48 Terminals [Stations]
Cursor Control Device
Modular Avionics Unit (MAU)
Modular Avionics Unit (MAU)
Cursor Control Device
have been Cessna Citation, Dassault Falcon 900, DeHavilland Dash 8, and Gulfstream GIV. The Honeywell EPIC system is described in Chapter 11. The key characteristics of ASCB-D are: • • • •
Dual data bus architecture. 10 MHz bit rate – effectively 100 times faster than the fastest A429 rate (100 kbit/s). Up to 48 terminals may be supported. The architecture has been certified for flight-critical applications.
This example shows two Modular Avionics Units (MAUs), but it is more typical to use four such units to host all the avionics and utilities functions. It can be seen from this example that the ambitions of Honeywell in wishing to maximize the return on their EPIC investment is driving the levels of system integration in the regional aircraft and business jets to higher levels than the major Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) such as Boeing and Airbus. A publication that addresses ASCB and compares it with other data buses is reference (9). This reference contains much useful data regarding the certification of data bus systems. For an example of a fuel system integrated into the EPIC system, see reference (10), which describes the integration of the Hawker Horizon fuel system into the Honeywell EPIC system.
Fibre-optic buses The examples described so far relate to electrically signalled (conducting) data buses. Fibre-optic interconnections offer an alternative to the electrically signalled bus that is much faster and more robust in terms of electromagnetic interference (EMI). Fibreoptic techniques are widely used in the telecommunications industry, and those used in cable networks serving domestic applications may typically operate at around 50–100 MHz. A major problem with fibre-optic communication is that it is unidirectional (halfduplex). That is, the signal may only pass in one direction, and if bidirectional (full duplex) communication is required then two fibres are needed. There is also no ‘T-junction’ in fibre optics, and communication networks have to be formed by
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‘Y-junctions’ or ring topologies. An example of the ring topology is shown in Fig. 2.22, in which the bidirectional interconnection between four terminals requires a total of eight unidirectional fibres. This network does have the property that inter-unit communication is maintained should any terminal or fibre fail. Fibre optics also allow the use of wavelength division multiplexing, which allows many channels of data transfer including full duplex (bidirectional) transfers if required. Fig. 2.22 Fibre-optic ring topology
Terminal A
Terminal D
Terminal B
Fibre- Optic Ring Topology: Terminal C
- Each Link transmits Uni-directional Data - Ring Topology allows Data to be passed from Terminal to Terminal - Dual Ring Topology allows Data top be passed following a Terminal Failure - Data transfer @ 1.25 MBits/sec
This particular topology is similar to that adopted by the Raytheon Control-ByLight™ (CBL™) system which has been demonstrated in flight, controlling the engine and thrust reversers of a Raytheon business jet. In this application the data rate is a modest 1.25 Mbit/s, which is no real improvement over conventional buses such as MIL-STD-1553B and indeed is slower than A629. A fibre-optic bus does have the capability of operating at much higher data rates. It appears that the data rate in this case may have been limited by the protocol (control philosophy) which is an adaptation of a US PC/industrial Local Area Network (LAN) protocol widely used in the United States. Fibre-optic standards have been agreed and utilized on a small scale within the avionics community, usually for On-board Maintenance System (OMS) applications. The Boeing 777 uses a 10 Mbit/s FDDI, as described in Chapter 10.
Avionics packaging – Line Replaceable Units Line Replaceable Units (LRUs) were developed as a way of removing functional elements from an avionics system with minimum disruption. LRUs have logical functional boundaries associated with the task they perform in the aircraft. LRU formats were standardized to the following standards: 1. Air Transport Radio (ATR). The origins of ATR standardization may be traced back to the 1930s when United Airlines and ARINC established a standard racking system called the air transport radio (ATR) unit case. ARINC 11 identified three sizes defined by box width: 1/2 ATR, 1 ATR, 11/2 ATR, with the same height and length. In a similar time-scale, standard connector and pin sizes were specified for the wiring connections at the rear of the unit. The use of standardized form boxes
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led to the use of standard card sizes, connector types, mounting tray assemblies, and internal layout design. The US military and the military authorities in the United Kingdom adopted these standards although to differing degrees, and they are still in use in military parlance today. Over the period of usage, ATR ‘short’ ~ 12.5" length and ATR ‘long’ ~ 19.5" length have also been derived. ARINC 404A developed the standard to the point where connector and cooling duct positioning were specified to give true interchangeability between units from different suppliers. The relatively dense packaging of modern electronics means the ATR ‘long’ boxes are seldom used. The range of module sizes increased to include half-height boxes known as dwarf and elfin. 2. Modular Concept Unit (MCU). The civil airline community took the standardization argument further by developing the MCU. An 8 MCU box is virtually equivalent to 1 ATR width, and boxes are sized in MCU units. A typical small aircraft systems control unit today might be 2 MCU, while a larger avionics unit such as an Air Data and Inertial Reference System (ADIRS), combining the Inertial Reference System (IRS) with the air data computer function, may be 8 or 10 MCU (1 MCU is roughly equivalent to ~ 11/4", but the true method of sizing an MCU unit is given in Fig. 2.23). An 8 MCU box will therefore be 7.64" high 12.76" deep 10.37" wide. The adoption of this concept was in conjunction with the most recent ARINC 600 standard, which specifies connectors, cooling air inlets, etc., in the same way as ARINC 404A did earlier. Fig. 2.23 MCU sizing
7.64 in
12.76 in
Depth Width:
Depends upon LRU Form Number W = (N x 1.3) - 0.32 in = 10.37 in for N of 8 [8 MCU]
Typical LRU architecture The architecture of a typical avionics LRU is shown in Fig. 2.24. This shows the usual interfaces and component elements. The unit is powered by a Power Supply Unit (PSU) which converts either 115 VAC or 28 V DC aircraft electrical power to low-voltage DC levels (+5 V and 15 V are typical) for the predominant microelectronic devices. In some cases where commercially driven technology is used, +3.3 V may also be required. The processor/memory module communicates with the various I/O modules via the processor bus. The ‘real world’ to the left of the LRU interfaces with the processor bus via a variety of I/O devices which convert true analogue values to/from a digital format. The right portion of the LRU interfaces with other LRUs by means of digital data buses; in this example, A429 is shown, and it is certainly the most common data bus in use in civil avionics systems today.
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Fig. 2.24 Typical LRU architecture
Analogue Inputs
Analogue to Digital Conversion (A/D)
Analogue Outputs
Digital to Analogue Conversion (D/A)
Synchro to Digital Conversion (S/D)
Discrete Inputs Discrete Outputs
Processor & Memory
ARINC 429 Data Bus Output
Processor Bus
ARINC 426 Data Bus Input
+ 5v
Discrete Inputs & Outputs
+ 15v
Power Supply Unit
Aircraft Power Supply: 115v AC or 28v DC
Environmental conditions One of the shortcomings exhibited by microelectronics devices is their susceptibility to external voltage surges and static electricity. Extreme care must be taken when handling the devices outside the LRU, as the release of static electricity can irrevocably damage the devices. The environment that the modern avionics LRU has to withstand and be tested to withstand is onerous, as will be seen later. The environmental and EMI challenges faced by the LRU in the aircraft can be quite severe, typically including the following: •
Electromagnetic interference – EMI – produced by sources external to the aircraft; surveillance radars, highpower radio stations, and communications. This is also known as High-Intensity Radio Frequency (HIRF) in the civil aerospace community; – internal EMI – interference between on-board avionics equipment or by passenger-carried laptops, games machines, or mobile phones; – lightning effects. MIL-STD-461 and 462 are useful military references.
Physical effects due to one or more of the following: – Vibration – sinusoidal or random in three orthogonal axes, – temperature, – altitude, – temperature and altitude, – temperature, altitude, and humidity, – salt fog, – dust,
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– – – – –
sand, fungi, shock, decompression, contaminants – fuel, oils, etc.
Figure 2.25 illustrates the construction of a typical LRU; most avionics suppliers within the industry adopt this approach or similar techniques to meet the EMI requirements being mandated today. The EMI sensitive electronics is located in an enclosure on the left which effectively forms a screened enclosure ‘Faraday cage’. This enclosed EMI ‘clean’ area is shielded from EMI effects such that the sensitive microelectronics can operate in a protected environment. All signals entering this area are filtered to remove voltage spikes and surges. To the right of the EMI boundary are the EMI filters and other ‘dirty’ components such as the PSU. These components are more robust than the sensitive electronics and can successfully operate in this environment. Finally, in most cases the external wiring will be shielded and grounded to screen the wiring from external surges or interference induced by lightning and, more recently and perhaps more certainly, from emissions from passengers’ laptop computers, mobile telephones, and hand-held computer games. Standards exist for determining the EMI performance of on-board equipment and include tests for radiated susceptibility and conducted susceptibility, as well as testing the units for their ability to interfere with other on-board equipment. A typical test plan for modern avionics units will include some of the above tests as part of the LRU/system production test, as opposed to the aircraft certification process. Additionally, production units may be required to undergo an Environmental Stress Screening (ESS), a stress screening process carried out during production testing. This typically includes 50 h of testing involving temperature cycling and/or vibration testing to detect ‘infant mortality’ prior to units entering full-time service. Fig. 2.25 LRU EMI hazards
Internal EMI Interference Lightning
Electronic Modules
Radiated Susceptability
Power Supply Unit
Aircraft Wiring Connectors
Conducted Susceptability
Aircraft Wiring
EMI Filters
EMI 'Clean' Area
EMI 'Dirty' Area Lightning
External EMI Interference
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Integrated Modular Avionics Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) is a new avionics architecture and packaging technique that could move electronic packaging beyond the ARINC 600 era. ARINC 600, as described earlier, relates to the specification of recent transport aircraft LRUs, and this is the packaging technique used by many aircraft flying today. However, a move towards a more integrated solution is being sought as the avionics technology increasingly becomes smaller and the benefits to be attained by greater integration become very attractive. Therefore, the advent of IMA introduces an integrated cabinet approach where the conventional ARINC 600 LRUs are replaced by fewer units. The IMA concept is shown in Fig. 2.26. The diagram depicts how the functionality of ten ARINC 600 LRUs (LRUs A–J) may instead be installed in an integrated rack or cabinet as ten Line Replaceable Modules (LRMs) (LRMs A–J). In fact the integration process is likely to be more aggressive than this, specifying common modules and allowing multiple processing tasks within common processor modules. Therefore, the IMA approach is more than merely mapping old LRU functionality onto new smaller modules/LRMs. It is intended to map multiple functions onto one or more LRMs and to allow system reconfiguration to enable spare processing capacity to be used should one processor/LRM fail. An important aspect of this architecture is a well-designed standard back plane bus that is robust and expandable (see the comments on open architectures in Chapter 11). As Fig. 2.26 suggests, there are a number of obvious potential advantages to be realized by this integration: • • • •
Volume and weight savings. Sharing of resources, such as power supplies, across a number of functional modules. Standard module designs yielding a more unified approach to equipment design. LRMs are more reliable than LRUs.
These advantages must be weighed against the disadvantages: • • • • • • •
Possibly more expensive overall to procure. Possibly more difficult to certificate and more risky owing to additional certification requirements (not adopting or modifying an existing unit). May pose proprietary problems by having differing vendors working more closely together. Segregation considerations (more eggs in one basket). Will an ‘open’ or ‘closed’ architecture prevail? What standards will apply – given the fact that a lot of effort has been invested in ARINC 600? Who takes responsibility for systems integration?
Clearly, there are some difficult issues to be answered. Also, critics might ask: as the technology is becoming more reliable anyway, is the reliability increase due to the concept or the technology? Nevertheless, this approach is gaining credence in both military and civil fields, and the EPIC system described earlier has adopted this approach. The issues associated with IMA systems are examined more fully in Chapter 11.
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Integrated Rack
Line Replaceable Unit (LRU)
AB CD Power Supply UnitE D
ARINC 600 Discrete LRUs
F GH I J Power Supply Unit
Line Replaceable Module (LRM)
Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) Cabinet
Software Many avionic functions are supported by, or entirely provided by, software implementations. The uncertainty of exhaustive testing of software to ensure that there are no latent design errors has largely been overcome by a rigorous and systematic approach to design. The application of standards such as RTCA DO-178B (11), together with the application of sound systems engineering practices, has led to the certification of software for safety-critical systems such as propulsion control and flight control systems. Levels of criticality of software are defined by the development processes described in Chapter 3. Generally, software levels will be defined according to the effect of a software failure on the aircraft (Table 2.2). High-Order Languages (HOLs) have become widely accepted, and autocode generation techniques coupled with validated compilers are used to produce highquality software with higher productivity. The language becoming widely accepted for the generation of commercial avionic software is C or C++. The Capability Maturity Model (CMM) process is encouraging systems designers to set in place an organizational structure and a culture that support good software design. The process has been set up to enable organizations to advance through levels of demonstrated process and capability improvement (CMM levels 1–5) to ensure credibility in the overall software development process from prime contractor down to module suppliers.
Fig. 2.26 LRU and integrated modular cabinet comparison
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Table 2.2 Software levels according to the effect of software failure on the aircraft Level A B C D E
Contribution to resultant failure condition for the aircraft Catastrophic Hazardous Major Minor No effect
References (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
Lovell, B. (1991) Echoes of War – The Story of H2 S Radar, Adam Hilger, Bristol. Middleton, D. M., et al. (1989) – Avionics Systems, Longman Scientific and Technical, Harlow. Spitzer, C. R. (1993) Digital Avionics Systems – Principles and Practice, McGraw Hill. ARINC Specification 429: Mk 33 Digital Information Transfer System, (1977) Aeronautical Radio, Inc. MIL-STD-1553B (1986) Digital Time Division Command/Response Multiplex Data Bus, Notice 2. ARINC Characteristic 629, (1989) Multi-Transmitter Data Bus, Aeronautical Radio, Inc. Boeing 777 ARINC 629 Data Bus – Principles, Development, and Application, RaeS Conference – Advanced Avionics on the Airbus A330/A340 and the Boeing 777 Aircraft, 1993. Aplin, Newton and Warburton (1995) A Brief Overview of Databus Technology, RAeS Conference – The Design and Maintenance of Complex Systems on Modern Aircraft, April. Principles of Avionics Data Buses, Avionics Communications Inc. Tully, T. (1998) Fuel Systems as an Aircraft Utility, International Conference – Civil Aerospace Technologies, FITEC ’98. RTCA DO-178B, Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification, RTCA.
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CHAPTER 3 Systems Development
As the reader will judge from the contents of this book, aircraft systems are becoming more complex and more sophisticated for a number of technology and performance reasons. In addition, avionics technology, while bringing the benefits of improved control by using digital computing and greatly increased integration by the adoption of digital data buses, is also bringing greater levels of complexity to the development process. The disciplines of avionics system development, including hardware and software integration, are now being applied to virtually every aircraft system. The increasing level of system sophistication and the increased interrelation of systems are also making the development process more difficult. The ability to capture all of the system requirements and interdependences between systems has to be established at an early stage in the programme. Safety and integrity analyses have to be undertaken to ensure that the system meets the necessary safety goals, and a variety of other trades studies and analytical activities have to be carried out. These increasing strictures need to be met by following a set of rules, and this chapter gives a brief overview of the regulations, development processes, and analyses that are employed in the development of modern aircraft systems, particularly where avionics technology is also extensively employed. The design of an aircraft system is subject to many rigours and has to satisfy a multitude of requirements derived from specifications and regulations. There are also many development processes to be embraced. The purpose of this chapter is not to document these ad nauseam but to give the reader an appreciation of the depth and breadth of the issues that need to be addressed: 1. Systems design. There are not only references to some of the better known specifications and requirements, but also attempts to act as a tutorial in terms of giving examples of how the various design techniques and methods are applied. As
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the complexity of and increasing interrelationship and reliance between aircraft systems has progressed, it has become necessary to provide a framework of documents for the designer of complex aircraft systems. 2. Development processes. An overview of a typical life cycle for an aircraft or equipment is given, and the various activities are described. Furthermore, some of the programme management disciplines are briefly visited.
System design Key documentation is applied under the auspices of a number of agencies. A list of the major documents that apply are included in the reference section of this chapter, and it is not intended to dwell in great detail on those documents in this brief overview. There are several agencies that provide material in the form of regulations, advisory information, and design guidelines whereby aircraft and system designers may satisfy mandatory requirements.
Key agencies and documentation These agencies include: • • • • •
Society of Automobile Engineers (SAE): ARP 4754 (1), ARP 4761 (2). Federal Aviation Authority (FAA): AC 25.1309-1A (3). Joint Airworthiness Authority (JAA): AMJ 25.1309 (4). Air Transport Association (ATA): ATA-100 (5). Radio Technical Committee Association (RTCA): RTCA DO-160C, RTCA DO-178B (6), RTCA DO-254 (7).
This list should not be regarded as exhaustive but merely indicative of the range of documentation that exists. In addition, it is worth mentioning that for military aircraft both US MIL standards and UK Def standards apply.
Design guidelines and certification techniques References (1) and (2) offer a useful starting point in understanding the interrelationships of the design and development process: • • •
Reference (1) – ARP 4754: System Development Processes. Reference (2) – ARP 4761: Safety Assessment Process Guidelines and Methods. Def Stan 00-970 for military aircraft.
Figure 3.1 shows the interplay between the major techniques and processes associated with the design and development process. This figure, which is presented as part of the SAE ARP 4754 document, gives an overview of the interplay between some of the major references/working documents that apply to the design and development process.
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Fig. 3.1 SAE ARP 4754 system development process
Safety Assessment Process Guidelines & Methods (ARP 4761) Intended Aircraft Function
Function, Failure & Safety Information
System Design
System Development Processes (ARP 4754) Aircraft System Development Process
Functions & Requirements
Hardware Life-Cycle Process
Hardware Development Life-Cycle (DO-254)
Software Life-Cycle Process
Software Development Life-Cycle (DO-178B)
In summary: • SAE ARP 4754 is a set of development processes. • SAE ARP 4761 represents a set of tools and techniques. • RTCA DO-178B offers advice for the design and certification of software. • RTCA DO-254 offers guidance for hardware design and development. Serious students or potential users of this process are advised to procure an updated set of these documents from the appropriate authorities. The main subject headings are summarized below:
Certification considerations for complex aircraft systems – SAE ARP 4754 Key areas are: • • • • • • • • •
System development. Certification process and coordination. Safety assessment process. Validation of requirements. Implementation verification. Configuration management. Process assurance. Modified aircraft. Requirements determination and assignment of development level assurance.
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Guidelines and methods for assessment – SAE ARP 4761
Major elements include: • • • • • • • • • • • •
Functional Hazard Analysis (FHA). Preliminary System Safety Analysis (PSSA). System Safety Analysis (SSA). Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). Dependency Diagrams. Markov Analysis (MA). Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA). Failure Modes and Effects Summary (FMES). Zonal Safety Analysis (ZSA). Particular Risks Analysis (PRA). Common Mode Analysis (CMA). Contiguous safety assessment process example.
Software considerations – RTCA DO-178B Major development areas include: • • • • • • • • • • • •
Introduction. System software development. Software life cycle. Software planning process. Software development process. Software verification process. Software configuration management process. Software quality assurance process. Certification liaison process. Overview of aircraft and engine certification. Software life cycle data. Additional considerations.
Hardware development – RTCA DO-254 Key points in this recently released documentation map almost directly onto the RTCA DO-178B software equivalent. They are: • • • • • • • • • • •
Introduction. System aspects of hardware design assurance. Hardware design life cycle. Hardware planning process. Hardware design process. Validation and verification. Configuration management. Process assurance. Certification liaison. Design life cycle data. Additional considerations.
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Equivalence of US and European specifications To the uninitiated, the abundance of US and European development specifications can be most confusing. To alleviate this problem, Table 3.1 establishes equivalence between these specifications. Table 3.1.
Equivalence of US and European specifications
Specification topic Systems development process Safety assessment process guidelines and methods Software design Hardware design Environmental test
US Specification
European EUROCAE* specification
SAE ARP 4754
ED-12 ED-80 ED-14
Footnote * European Organization for Civil Aviation Equipment.
Interrelation of processes There are a number of interrelated processes that are applied during the safety assessment of an aircraft system. These are: • • • •
Functional Hazard Analysis (FHA). Preliminary System Safety Analysis (PSSA). System Safety Analysis (SSA). Common Cause Analysis (CCA).
Figure 3.2 shows a simplified version of the interplay between these processes as the system design evolves and eventually the system achieves certification. The diagram effectively splits into two sections: design activities on the right and analysis on the left. As the system evolves from aircraft level requirements, aircraft functions are evolved. These lead in turn to system architectures which in turn define software requirements and the eventual system implementation. At corresponding stages of the design, various analyses are conducted to examine the design in the light of the mandated and recommended practices. At every stage, the analyses and the design interact in an evolutionary manner as the design converges upon a solution that is both cost effective and able to be certificated, meeting all the safety requirements.
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Fig. 3.2 Simplified portrayal of safety processes
Aircraft Level FHA
Aircraft Level Requirement
System-Level FHAs
Aircraft Functions
System Architecture Common Cause Analysis
PSSAs Software Requirements
System Implementation
Functional Hazard Analysis (FHA) An FHA is carried out at both aircraft and system levels; one flows down from the other. The FHA identifies potential system failures and the effects of these failures. Failures are tabulated and classified according to their possible effects, and the safety objectives are assigned according to the criteria briefly listed in Table 3.2. Table 3.2. Overview of failure classification and safety objectives
Failure condition classification
Development assurance level
Safety objectives
Safety objectives quantitative requirement (probability per flight hour)
< 1 x 10-9
Hazardous/ severe/major
May be required
< 1 x 10-7
May be required
< 1 x 10-5
Not required
< 1 x 10-3
No safety effect
Not required
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The FHA identifies the data in the first two columns of the table: the failure condition classification and the development assurance level. These allow the safety objectives to be assigned for that particular condition and a quantitative probability requirement to be assigned. For a failure that is identified as having a catastrophic effect, the highest assurance level A will be assigned. The system designer will be required to implement fail-safe features in his or her design and will have to demonstrate by appropriate analysis that the design is capable of meeting or exceeding a probability of failure of less than 1 × 10-9 per flight hour. In other words, the particular failure should occur less than once per 1000 000 000 flight hours or once per 1000 million flight hours. This category of failure is assigned to systems such as flight controls, structure, etc., where a failure could lead to the loss of the aircraft and to death or serious injury to crew, passengers, or overflown population. The vast majority of aircraft systems are categorized at much lower levels where little or no safety concerns apply. A more user-friendly definition quoted in words as used by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) may be: • • • •
Catastrophic: less than 1 × 10 -9, extremely improbable. Hazardous: between 1 × 10-9 and 1× 10-7, extremely remote. Major: between 1 × 10-7 and 1 × 10-5, remote. Minor: between 1 × 10-5 and 1 × 10-3, reasonably probable; greater than 1 × 10-3, frequent.
Preliminary System Safety Analysis (PSSA) The PSSA examines the failure conditions established by the FHA(s) and demonstrates how the system design will meet the specified requirements. Various techniques such as FTA, Markov diagrams, etc., may be used to identify how the design counters the effects of various failures and may point towards design strategies that need to be incorporated in the system design to meet the safety requirements. Typical analyses may include the identification of system redundancy requirements – the number of channels, the control strategies that could be employed, and the need for dissimilarity of control, e.g. dissimilar hardware and/or dissimilar software implementation. The PSSA is therefore part of an iterative process that scrutinizes the system design and assists the system designers in ascribing and meeting risk budgets across one or a number of systems. Increasingly, given the high degree of integration and the interrelationship between major aircraft systems, this is likely to be a multisystem, multidisciplinary exercise coordinating the input of many systems specialists.
System Safety Analysis (SSA) The SSA is a systematic and comprehensive evaluation of the system design using similar techniques to those employed during the PSSA activities. However, whereas the PSSA identifies the requirements, the SSA is intended to verify that the proposed design does in fact meet the specified requirements as identified during the FHA and PSSA analyses conducted previously. As may be seen in Fig. 3.2, the SSA occurs at the point in the design cycle where the system implementation is concluded or finalized and prior to system certification.
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Common Cause Analysis (CCA) The CCA begins concurrently with the system FHA and is interactive with this activity and subsequent PSSA and SSA analyses. The purpose of the CCA is, as the name suggests, to identify common cause or common mode failures in the proposed design and assist in directing the designers towards strategies that will obviate the possibility of such failures. Such common cause failures may include: • • • • • • • •
Failure correctly to identify the requirement. Failure correctly to specify the system. Hardware design errors. Component failures. Software design and implementation errors. Software tool deficiencies. Maintenance errors. Operational errors.
The CCA is therefore intended to scrutinize a far wider range of issues than the system hardware or software process. Indeed, it is meant to embrace the whole process of developing, certifying, operating, and maintaining the system throughout the life cycle.
Requirements capture It can be seen from the foregoing that requirements capture is a key activity in identifying and quantifying all the necessary strands of information that contribute to a complete and coherent system design. It is vital that the system requirements are established in a complete, consistent, and clear manner, or significant problems will be experienced during development and into the service life. There are a number of ways in which the requirements capture may be addressed. Two main methods are commonly used: • •
Top-down approach. Bottom-up approach.
Top-down approach The top-down approach is shown in Fig. 3.3. This represents a classical way of tackling the requirements capture by decomposing the system requirements into smaller functional modules. These functional modules may be further decomposed into functional submodules. This approach tends to be suited to the decomposition of large software tasks where overall requirements may be flowed down into smaller functional software tasks or modules. This would apply to a task where the hardware boundaries are fairly well understood or inferred from the overall system requirement. An example might be the definition of the requirements for an avionics system such as a Flight Management System (FMS). In such a system, the basic requirement – the need to improve the navigation function – is well understood, and the means by which the various navigation modes are implemented [Inertial Navigation System (INS), Global Positioning System (GPS), Very High Frequency OmniRange (VOR), etc.] are well defined.
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We need an FMS function to reduce workload and improve accuracy
We need the function of lateral guidance and navigation
We need the following modes of operation:
Fig. 3.3 Top-down approach
Top Level System Requirement
Subsystem Module 1
Subsystem Module 2
Subsystem Module 3
Subsystem Module 4
- VOR - Inertial - GPS ....etc
2a 2b
4a 4b
3a 3b
Bottom-up approach The bottom-up method is shown in Fig. 3.4. The bottom-up approach is best applied to systems where some of the lower level functions may be well understood and documented and represented by a number of submodules. An example of this is adding a new functional element to an established system design. However, the process of integrating these modules into a higher subset presents difficulties as the interaction between the individual subsystems is not fully understood. In this case, building up the top level requirements from the bottom may well enable the requirements to be fully captured. An example of this type might be the integration of aircraft systems into an integrated utilities management system. In this case the individual requirements of the fuel system, hydraulic system, environmental control system, etc., may be well Fig. 3.4 Bottom-up approach Top Level System Requirements Established
Module Functional Inter-action Defined
Subsystem Module 1
Subsystem Module 2
Subsystem Module 3
1a 1b
Subsystem Module 4
4b 3c
Individual Functional Sub-Modules and Behaviour Well Documented & Understood
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understood. However, the interrelationships between the candidate systems and the implications of adopting integration may be better understood and documented by working bottom up. In fact, most development projects may use a combination of these two approaches to best capture the requirements.
Requirements capture example The example given in Fig. 3.5 shows a functional mapping process that identifies the elements or threads necessary to implement a fuel jettison function. Two main functional subsystems are involved: the fuel quantity measurement function and the fuel management function. Note that this technique merely identifies the data threads that are necessary to perform the system function. No attempt is made at this stage to ascribe particular functions to particular hardware or software entities. Neither is any attempt made to determine whether signals are hardwired or whether they may be transmitted as multiplexed data as part of an aircraft system data bus network. Fig. 3.5 System requirements capture example
Fuel Jettison Valves (2) 'Open' Fuel Dump Valves (2) 'Open'
Fuel Jettison Select Min Fuel Quantity Set
Isolation Valves (2) Select
Power C
Isolation Valves (2) 'Open'
Power D Fuel Quantity
Fuel Quantity Function
Fuel Quantity
Fuel Management Function
Left Tank Probes (20) Centre Tank Probes (12) Right Tank Probes (20)
Fuel Dump Valves (2) 'Open' Fuel Dump Valves (2) Select Power A Power B
Fuel Transfer Valves (4) Select Fuel Transfer Valves (4) 'Open/Closed'
The system requirements from the flight crew perspective are: • • •
The flight crew need to jettison excess fuel in an emergency situation in order that the aircraft may land under the maximum landing weight. The flight crew wish to be able to jettison down to a preselected fuel quantity. The crew wish to be given indications that fuel jettison is under way.
The information threads associated with the flight crew requirements are shown in the upper-centre portion of the diagram. It may be seen that, although the system requirements are relatively simple when stated from the flight crew viewpoint, many other subsystem information strands have to be considered to achieve a cogent system design:
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1. Fuel quantity function. The fuel quantity function measures the aircraft fuel quantity by sensing fuel in the aircraft fuel tanks; in the example given in Fig. 3.5, a total of 52 probes are required to sense the fuel held in three tanks. The fuel quantity calculations measure the amount of fuel that the aircraft has on-board, taking account of fuel density and temperature. It is usual in this system, as in many others, to have dual power supply inputs to the fuel quantity function to assure availability in the event of an aircraft electrical system busbar failure. Finally, when the calculations have been completed, they are passed to the flight deck where the aircraft fuel quantity is available for display to the flight crew. Fuel quantity is also relayed to the fuel management function so that, in the event of fuel jettison, the amount of fuel on-board may be compared with the preset jettison value. The fuel quantity function interfaces to: – The fuel quantity system measurement probes and sensors. – The flight deck multifunction displays. – The fuel management system. – The aircraft electrical system. 2. Fuel management function: The fuel management function accepts information regarding the aircraft fuel state from the fuel quantity function. The flight crew inputs a ‘fuel jettison select’ command and the minimum fuel quantity that the crew wishes to have available at the end of fuel jettison. The fuel management function accepts flight crew commands for the fuel transfer valves (4), fuel dump (jettison) valves (2), and fuel isolation valves (2). It also provides ‘open’/‘closed’ status information on the fuel system valves to the flight crew. As before, two separate power inputs are received from the aircraft electrical system. The fuel management function interfaces with: – The fuel system valves. – The flight deck multifunction displays and overhead panel. – The fuel quantity function. – The aircraft electrical system. This example shows how a relatively simple function interfaces to various aircraft systems and underlines some of the difficulties that exist in correctly capturing system requirements in a modern integrated aircraft system. This simple example illustrates how this system, like most systems, can operate in different configurations or ‘modes’ of operation, and that the desired behaviour of a system needs to be specified for all eventualities.
Fault Tree Analysis Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) is one of the tools described in SAE document ARP 4761 (2). This analysis technique uses probability to assess whether a particular system configuration or architecture will meet the mandated requirements. For example, assume that the total loss of aircraft electrical power on-board an aircraft has catastrophic failure consequences as identified by the functional hazard analysis (Fig. 3.2 and Table 3.2). Then the safety objective quantitative requirement established by FAR/JAR 25.1309 and as amplified in ARP 4754 will be such that this event cannot occur with a probability greater than 1 × 10-9 per flight hour (or once per 1000 million flight hours). The ability of a system design to meet these requirements is established by an FTA using the following probability techniques.
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In the example it is assumed: • • •
That the aircraft has two independent electrical power generation systems, the main components of which are the generator and the Generator Control Unit (GCU) which governs voltage regulation and system protection. The aircraft has an independent emergency system such as a Ram Air Turbine (RAT). That the failure rates of these components may be established and agreed on account of the availability of in-service component reliability data or sound engineering rationale which will provide a figure acceptable to the certification authorities.
The FTA analysis (very much simplified) for this example is shown in Fig. 3.6. Fig. 3.6 Simplified FTA for an aircraft electrical system
Target Figure > 1 x 10-9 Probability of Total Power Loss
Analysis shows: Probabilityof Total Loss = 4.9 x 10-10 which = 0.49 x 10-9
4.9 x 10-10
which meets target
4.9 x 10-7
Probability of Loss of Both Main Buses
Probabilty of Failure of RAT to Deploy
1 x 10-3
7.0 x 10-4
Probability of Loss of Main Bus 1
Probability of Loss of Main Bus 2
7.0 x 10-4
Probability of Loss of Generator 1
Probabilty of Loss of GCU 1
Probability of Loss of Generator 2
Probability of Loss of GCU 2
5.0 x 10-4
2.0 x 10-4
5.0 x 10-4
2.0 x 10-4
Starting in the bottom left-hand portion of the diagram: the Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) of a generator is 2000 h – this means that the failure rate of generator 1 is 1/2000 or 5.0 × 10-4 per flight hour. Similarly, if the MTBF of the generator controller GCU 1 is 5000 h, then the failure rate of GCU 1 is 1/5000 or 2.0 × 10-4 per flight hour. The combined failure rate gives the probability of loss of electrical power to main bus 1. This is calculated by summing the failure rates of the generator and controller, as either failing will cause the loss of main bus 1 5.0 × 10-4 + 2.0 × 10-4 = 7 × 10-4 per flight hour (generator 1) (GCU 1) (main bus 1)
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Similarly, assuming that generator channels 1 and 2 are identical, the failure rate of main bus 2 is given by 5.0 × 10-4 + 2.0 × 10-4 = 7 × 10-4 per flight hour (generator 2) (GCU 2) (main bus 2) (Note that at this state the experienced aircraft systems designer would be considering the effect of a common cause or common mode failure.) The probability of the two independent channels failing (assuming no common cause failure) is derived by multiplying the respective failure rates. Thus, the probability of both main buses failing is (7 × 10-4) × (7 × 10-4) = 49 × 10-8 or 4.9 × 10-7 per flight hour (main bus 1) (main bus 2) Therefore, the two independent electrical power channels alone will not meet the requirement. Assuming the addition of the RAT emergency channel as shown in Fig. 3.6, the probability of total loss of electrical power is (4.9 × 10-7) × (1 × 10-3) = 4.9 × 10-10 per flight hour (main bus 1 (RAT failure) and main bus 2) which meets the requirements. This very simple example is illustrative of the FTA which is one of the techniques used during the PSSA and SSA processes. However, even this simple example outlines some of the issues and interactions that need to be considered. Real systems are very much more complex, with many more system variables and interlinks between a number of aircraft systems.
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) The example given is a useful tool for examining total system integrity using a bottomup approach. Certain parts of a system may be subject to scrutiny as they represent single-point failures and as such warrant more detailed analysis. The analysis used in this situation is the FMEA. Again, the process used in the FMEA is best illustrated by the use of a simple example – the case of an electrical generator feeding an aircraft main electrical busbar via an electrical power line contactor. The line contactor is operated under the control of the GCU as shown in Fig. 3.7. Fig. 3.7 Main generator, GCU, and power contactor relationship
Generator Control Unit (GCU) Generator Line Contactor
Main AC Bus
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An FMEA on this portion of the aircraft electrical system will examine the possible failures of all the elements: • • •
The generator failures and effects; in other words, examine in detail all the failures that contribute to the generator failure rate of 5 × 10-4 per flight hour, as used in the previous analysis and the effects of those failures. The GCU failures and effects: examining all the failures that contributed to the overall failure rate of 2 × 10-4 per flight hour, as used above, and the effects of those failures. The line contactor failures and effects. If a line contactor has an MTBF of 100000 h with a failure rate of 1 × 10-5 per flight hour, the ways in which the contactor may fail are ascribed portions of this failure rate for the different failures and effects: – the contactor may fail open, – the contactor may fail closed, – the contactor may fail with one contact welded shut but the others open – and so on until all the failures have been allocated a budget.
This process is conducted in a tabular form such that: • • • •
Failure modes are identified. Mode failure rates are ascribed. Failure effects are identified. The means by which the failure is detected is identified.
An FMEA should therefore respond to the questions asked of the system or element under examination in a quantitative manner.
Component reliability In the analyses described, a great deal of emphasis is placed upon the failure rate of a component or element within the system under review. This clearly calls into question how reliability values for different types of component are established. There are two main methods for determining component reliability: • •
Analytical by component count. Historical by means of accumulated in-service experience.
Analytical methods MIL-STD-781 was a standard – now superceded by MIL-HDBK-781 – developed by the US military over a period of years to use an analytical bottom-up approach to predicting reliability. This method uses a component count to build up an analysis of the reliability of a unit. This approach has probably best been applied to electronic equipment over the years, as the use of electronic components within a design tends to be replicated within a design and across a family of designs. This method uses type of component, environment, and quality factor as major discriminators in predicting the failure of a particular component, module, and ultimately subsystem. Component failure rates, λ, are extracted from the US military standard and then applied with the appropriate factors to establish the predicted value as shown in the simplified example: λ = πQ × (K1πT + K2 × πE) × πL
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where πQ is a device quality factor, πT is a temperature factor, πE is an environmental factor, πL is a maturity factor, and K1 and K2 are constants. There are a number of issues associated with this method: 1. It is only as good as the database of components and the factors used. 2. Experience has generally shown that, if anything, predicted values are generally pessimistic, thereby generating predicted failure rates worse than might be expected in real life. 3. The technique has merit in comparing competing design options in a quantitative manner when using a common baseline for each design – the actual numerical values are less important than the comparison. 4. It is difficult to continue to update the database, particularly with the growing levels of integration with ICs, which makes device failure rates difficult to establish. 5. The increasing number of COTS components also confuses the comparison. 6. The technique is particularly valuable when it can be compared with in-service experience and appropriate correction factors can be applied. Reference (8) is a paper presented at a recent international aerospace conference that gives a very good overview of this technique when applied to power electronics.
In-service data The use of in-service data is the best way of approaching the assessment of mechanical components used in the same environment. It does depend upon correspondence between the components that the design is contemplating with the in-service database being used. Any significant variation in component usage, technology baseline, or location in the aircraft/environment may nullify the comparison. Nevertheless, when used in conjunction with other methods, this is a valid method. The manufacturers of civil and fighter aircraft and helicopters and their associated suppliers will generally be able to make ‘industry standard’ estimates using this technique.
Dispatch reliability Dispatch availability is key to an aircraft fulfilling its mission, whether a military or civil aircraft, and is also known as dispatch reliability. The ability to be able to continue to dispatch an aircraft with given faults has been given impetus by the commercial pressures of the air transport environment, where multiple redundancy for integrity reasons has also been used to aid aircraft dispatch. On the Boeing 777 the need for high rates of dispatch availability was specified in many systems, and in some systems this led to the adoption of dual redundancy for dispatch availability reasons rather than for reasons of integrity. A simplified version of the dispatch requirements is shown in Fig. 3.8. This means of specifying the dispatch requirement of part of an aircraft system leads to an operational philosophy far beyond a ‘get-you-home’ mode of operation. In fact it is the first step towards a philosophy of no unscheduled maintenance. For an aircraft flying up to 14 h per day – a typical utilization for a wide-bodied civil transport – this definition dictates a high level of availability for up to a 120 h flying period. The ability to stretch this period in the future – perhaps to a 500 h operating period – as more reliable systems become available could lead to a true system of unscheduled maintenance. A 500 h operating period roughly equates to 7 weeks of flying, at which
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Fig. 3.8 Simplified dispatch criteria
Probability of Dispatch 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96
B777 Dispatch Criteria: ' in the event of a failure within a channel, the system shall continue to operate for a further 10 days with at least a 99% likelihood of a second failure not occurring'
5 10 Days without Maintenance Action
time the aircraft will probably be entering the hangar for other specified maintenance checks. This leads to a more subtle requirement to examine the ability of the system to meet integrity requirements when several failures have already occurred, and this requires different techniques.
Markov Analysis Another technique used to assist in system analysis is Markov Analysis (MA). This approach is useful when investigating systems where a number of states may be valid and are also interrelated. This could be the case in a multichannel system where certain failures may be tolerated but not in conjunction with some failure conditions. The question of whether a system is airworthy is not a simple mathematical calculation as in previous analyses but depends upon the relative states of parts of the system. The simple methods used are insufficient in this case, and another approach is required. Markov analysis is the technique to be applied in these circumstances when it is necessary to address the operation of a system in different modes and configurations. As before, a simple example will be used to illustrate the MA technique, in this case the dual-channel Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC) example outlined in Fig. 3.9 This simplified architecture is typical of many dual-channel FADECs. There are two independent lanes: lane A and lane B. Each lane comprises a command and a monitor portion, which are interconnected for cross-monitoring purposes, and undertakes the task of metering the fuel flow to the engine in accordance with the necessary control laws to satisfy the flight crew thrust command. The analysis required
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Fig. 3.9 Simplified FADEC architecture
FADEC Lane A Lane A Monitor Lane A Control
Engine Thrust Demand
Engine Fuel Demand Lane B Monitor Lane B Control
to decide upon the impact of certain failures in conjunction with others requires a Markov model in order to be able to understand the dependences. Figure 3.10 depicts a simple Markov model which equates to this architecture. By using this model, the effects of interrelated failures can be examined. The model has a total of 16 states, as shown by the number in the bottom right-hand corner of the appropriate box. Each box relates to the serviceability state of the lane A command (Ca) and monitor (Ma) channels and lane B command (Cb) and monitor (Mb) channels. These range from the fully serviceable state in box 1 through a series of failure conditions to the totally failed state in box 16. Clearly, most normal operating conditions are going to be in the left-hand region of the model. Concentrating on the left-hand side of the model, it can be seen that the fully serviceable state in box 1 can migrate to any one of six states: • • • • • •
Failure of command channel A results in state 2 being reached. Failure of monitor channel A results in state 3 being reached. Failure of command channel B results in state 4 being reached. Failure of monitor channel B results in state 5 being reached. Failure of the cross-monitor between command A and monitor A results in both being lost simultaneously and reaching state 6. Failure of the cross-monitor between command B and monitor B results in both being lost simultaneously and reaching state 11.
All of these failure states result in an engine that may still be controlled by the FADEC. However, further failures beyond this point may result in an engine that may not be controllable either because both control channels are inoperative or because the ‘good’ control and monitor lanes are in opposing channels. The model shown above is constructed according to the following rules: an engine may be dispatched as a ‘getyou-home’ measure provided that only one monitor channel has failed. This means that states 3 and 5 are dispatchable, but not states 2, 4, 6, or 11, as subsequent failures could result in engine shutdown.
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By knowing the failure rates of the command channels, monitor channels, and crossmonitors, quantitative values may be inserted into the model and probabilities assigned to the various states. Summing the probabilities so calculated enables numerical values to be derived. Fig. 3.10 Use of Markov analysis to examine engine dispatch reliability
CaMa.CbMb 6
CaMa.CbMb 1
CaMa.CbMb 11
No Failures
1 Failure
2 Failures
3 Failures
4 Failures
Ca - Control Lane A
Cb - Control Lane B
Controllable Engine
Ma - Monitor Lane A
Mb - Monitor Lane B
Engine Shut-Down
Ca - Control Lane A (failed)
Ma - Monitor Lane A (failed)
Dispatchable Engine
Development processes The product life cycle Figure 3.11 shows a typical aircraft product life cycle from concept through to disposal at the end of the product’s useful life. Individual products or equipment may vary from this model, but it is a sufficiently good portrayal to illustrate the role of systems engineering and the equipment life cycle. The major phases of this model are: • • • • • • •
Concept phase. Definition phase. Design phase. Build phase. Test phase. Operate phase. Refurbish or retire.
This model closely approximates to the Downey cycle used by the UK Ministry of Defence for the competitive procurement of defence systems. The model is as equally applicable for systems used in commercial aircraft as it is for military applications. It is used to describe the role of systems engineering in each phase of the product life cycle.
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Fig. 3.11 Typical aircraft product life cycle
Concept phase The concept phase is about understanding the customer’s emerging needs and arriving at a conceptual model of a solution to address those needs. The customer continuously assesses his or her current assets and determines their effectiveness to meet future requirements. The need for a new military system can arise from a change in the local or world political scene that requires a change in defence policy. The need for a new commercial system may be driven by changing national and global travel patterns resulting from business or leisure traveller demands. The customer’s requirement will be made available to industry so that solutions can be developed specifically for that purpose, or adapted from the current Research and Development (R&D) base. This is an ideal opportunity for industry to discuss and understand the requirements to the mutual benefit of customers and their industrial suppliers, and to understand the implications of providing a fully compliant solution or one that is aggressive and sympathetic to marketplace requirements (see Fig. 3.12). Typical considerations at this phase are: • •
Establishing and understanding the primary role and functions of the required system. Establishing and understanding desired performance and market drivers such as: – range, – endurance, Understand the customer’s emerging needs and arrive at a conceptual system solution. Typical considerations are: How many passengers/stores;What routes/missions; How many operating hours; turnaround time; despatch reliability; autonomous operation; Fleet size; export potential; Direct operating costs; initial purchase price; through life costs.
Fig. 3.12 Concept phase
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– – – – – – – – – – – –
routes or missions, technology baseline, operational roles, number of passengers, mass, number, and type of weapons, availability and dispatch reliability, fleet size to perform the role or satisfy the routes, purchase budget available, operating or through-life costs, commonality or model range, market size and export potential, customer preference.
This phase is focused on establishing confidence that the requirement can be met within acceptable commercial or technological risk. The establishment of a baseline of mature technologies may be first solicited by means of a Request For Information (RFI). This process allows possible vendors to establish their technical and other capabilities and represents an opportunity for the platform integrator to assess and quantify the relative strengths of competing vendors and also to capture mature technology of which he or she was previously unaware for the benefit of the programme. It is in this phase that important decisions are made that determine whether a type is modified or extended (e.g. Boeing 737-400, -500, -600) or whether a new type emerges (e.g. Airbus A380).
Definition phase See Fig. 3.13. Customers will usually consolidate all the information gathered during the concept phase to firm up their requirements. A common feature used more frequently by platform integrators is to establish engineering joint concept teams to establish the major system requirements. These teams are sometimes called Integrated Product Teams (IPTs). They may develop a cardinal points specification; perhaps even undertake a preliminary system or baseline design against which all vendors might bid. This results in the issue of a specification or a Request For Proposal (RFP). This allows industry to develop their concepts into a firm definition, to evaluate the technical, technological, and commercial risks, and to examine the feasibility of completing the design and moving to a series production solution. Typical considerations at this stage are: • • • • • •
Developing the concept into a firm definition of a solution. Developing system architectures and system configurations. Re-evaluating the supplier base to establish what equipment, components, and materials are available or may be needed to support the emerging design. Defining physical and installation characteristics and interface requirements. Developing operational and initial safety models of the individual systems. Quantifying key systems performance such as: – Mass, – Volume, – Growth capability, – Range/endurance.
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Define a system solution that meets the customer’s requirements, and establish feasibility of design and manufacture. Typical considerations are: Safety; Function, operational needs, performance, physical and installation characteristics, interface requirements, qualification and certification requirements.
The output from this phase is usually in the form of feasibility study reports, performance estimates, sets of mathematical models of the behaviour of individual systems, and an operational performance model. This may be complemented by breadboard or experimental models, or laboratory or technology demonstrators. Preliminary design is also likely to examine installation issues with mock-ups in threedimensional computer model form (using tools such as CATIA) which replaces in the main the former wooden and metal models.
Design phase If the outcome of the definition phase is successful and a decision is made to proceed further, then industry embarks on the design phase within the programme constraints as described later in the chapter. Design takes the definition phase architectures and schemes and refines them to a standard that can be manufactured (see Fig. 3.14). Detailed design of the airframe ensures that the structure is aerodynamically sound, is of appropriate strength, and is able to carry the crew, passengers, fuel, and systems that are required to turn it into a useful product. As part of the detailed design, cognizance needs to be taken of mandated rules and regulations that apply to the design of an aircraft or airborne equipment. Three-dimensional solid modelling tools are used to produce the design drawings in a format that can be used to drive machine tools to manufacture parts for assembly. Systems are developed beyond the block diagram architectural drawings into detailed wiring diagrams. Suppliers of bought-in equipment are selected, and they become an inherent part of the process start to design equipment that can be used in the aircraft or systems. Indeed, in order to achieve a fully certifiable design of many of the complex and integrated systems found on aircraft today, an integrated design team comprising platform integrators and supplier(s) is essential. In fact, many of these processes are iterative, extending into and even beyond the build and test phases.
Fig. 3.13 Definition phase
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Fig. 3.14 Design phase
Detailed design of airframe and systems leading to issue of drawings. Suppliers selected and designing equipment and components. Test, qualification & certification process defined and agreed. Modelling of design solutions to assist qualification.
Build phase The aircraft is manufactured to the drawings and data issued by the design as shown in Fig. 3.15. During the early stages of the programme, a delivery schedule would have been established. Some long lead time items – those which take a long time to build – may need to be ordered well ahead of aircraft build commencing. In the case of some of the more complex, software-driven equipment, design will be overlapping well into the test phase. This is usually accommodated by a phased equipment delivery embracing the following: •
Fig. 3.15 Build phase
Electrical models – equipment electrically equivalent to the final product but not physically representative. Manufacture of sub-assemblies, final assembly of aircraft. Delivery of equipment to build line. Testing of installed systems
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• •
Red label hardware – equipment that is physically representative but not cleared for flight. Black label hardware – equipment that is physically representative and is cleared for flight by virtue of the flightworthy testing carried out and/or the software load incorporated.
These standards are usually accompanied with a staged software release that enables the software load progressively to become more representative of the final functionality.
Test phase The aircraft and its components are subject to a rigorous test programme to verify their fitness for purpose, as shown in Fig. 3.16. This phase includes testing and integration of equipment, components, subassemblies, and, eventually, the complete aircraft. Functional testing of equipment and systems on the ground and flight trials verify that the performance and operation of the equipment is as specified. Conclusion of the test programme and the associated design, analysis, and documentation process lead to certification of the aircraft or equipment. In the event of a new aircraft, responsibility for the certification of the aircraft lies with the aircraft manufacturer. However, where equipment is to be improved or modified in the civil arena, equipment suppliers or other agencies can certify the equipment by means of the Supplementary Type Certificate (STC) in a process defined by the certification authorities. This permits discrete equipment, for example, more accurate fuel quantity gauging in a particular aircraft model, to be changed without affecting other equipment. Fig. 3.16 Test phase
Ground and flight test of the aircraft. Analysis of test data Collation of data to support release to service
Operate phase During the operate phase (Fig. 3.17) the customer is operating the aircraft on a routine basis. Its performance will be monitored by means of a formal defect reporting process, so that any defects or faults that arise are analysed by the manufacturer. It is possible to attribute causes to faults such as random component failures, operator mishandling, or
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design errors. The aircraft manufacturers and their suppliers are expected to participate in the attribution and rectification of problems arising during aircraft operations, as determined by the contract. Fig. 3.17 Operate phase
Ground and flight test of the aircraft. Analysis of test data Collation of data to support release to service
Disposal or refurbish At the end of the useful or predicted life of the aircraft, decisions have to be made about its future, as depicted in Fig. 3.18. The end of life may be determined by unacceptably high operating costs, unacceptable environmental considerations (noise, pollution, etc.), or predicted failure of mechanical or structural components determined by the supplier’s test rigs. If it is not possible to continue to operate the aircraft, then it may be disposed of – sold for scrap or for an alternative use, e.g. to an aircraft enthusiast or for use as a gate guardian at an operational base. Fig. 3.18 Disposal or refurbishment
Examine cost of ownership, reliability, obsolescence. Consider Mid-life updates, life extension, re-sale options.
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If the aircraft still has some residual and commercially viable life, then it may be refurbished. This latter activity is often known as a mid-life update, or even a conversion to a different role, e.g. a VC10 passenger aircraft converted to in-flight refuelling use, as has happened with the Royal Air Force. Similarly, in the civil arena, many former passenger aircraft are being converted to a cargo role.
Development programme So far, the processes, methods, and techniques used during aircraft system design have been described. However, these need to be applied and controlled within an overall programme management framework. Figure 3.19 shows the major milestones associated with the aircraft systems development process. It is assumed, as is the case for the majority of aircraft systems developed today, that the system has electronics associated with the control function and that the electronics has a software development content. Preliminary Design Review (PDR)
System Design Review (SDR) System Requirements Review (SRR)
Requirements Analysis
Preliminary Hardware Design
Critical Design Review (CDR)
Detailed Hardware Design
Hardware Development
Hardware Build
Preliminary System Design
Integration & Test
Requirements Analysis
Preliminary Software Design
Software Detailed Design
Software Preliminary Specification Design Review Review (SSR) (PDR)
Software Coding & Test
Critical Design Review (CDR)
Software Development
The main characteristic of the development is the bifurcation of hardware and software development processes into two separate paths, though it can be seen that there is considerable interaction between the two. The key steps in the avionics development programme that are primarily designed to contain and mitigate against risk are: 1. System Requirements Review (SRR). The SRR is the first top-level, multidisciplinary review of the perceived system requirements. It is effectively a sanity check upon what the system is required to achieve; a top-level overview of requirements and review against the original objectives. Successful attainment of this milestone leads to a preliminary system design leading in turn to the parallel development of hardware and software requirements analysis, albeit with significant coordination between the two. 2. System Design Review (SDR). The hardware SDR immediately follows the
Fig. 3.19 Typical development programme
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preliminary design phase and will encompass a top-level review of the system hardware characteristics such that preliminary design may proceed with confidence. Key hardware characteristics will be reviewed at this stage to ensure that there are no major mismatches between the system requirements and what the hardware is capable of supporting. 3. Software Specification Review (SSR). The SSR is essentially a similar process to the hardware SDR but applying to the software when a better appreciation of the software requirements has become apparent, and possibly embracing any limitations such as throughput, timing, or memory that the adopted hardware solution may impose. Both the SDR and SSR allow the preliminary design to be developed up to the preliminary design review (PDR). 4. Preliminary Design Review (PDR). The preliminary design review process is the first detailed review of the initial design (both hardware and software) versus the derived requirements. This is usually the last review before committing major design resource to the detailed design process. This stage in the design process is the last before major commitment to providing the necessary programme resources and investment. 5. Critical Design Review (CDR). By the time of the CDR, major effort will have been committed to the programme design effort. The CDR offers the possibility of identifying final design flaws or, more likely, trading the risks of one implementation path versus another. The CDR represents the last opportunity to review and alter the direction of the design before very large commitments and final design decisions are taken. Major changes in system design – both hardware and software – after the CDR will be very costly in terms of financial and schedule loss, to the total detriment of the programme. The final stages following CDR will realize the hardware build and software coding and test processes which bring together the hardware and software into the eventual product realization. Even following system validation and equipment certification, it is unusual for there to be a period free of modification either at this stage or later in service when airlines may demand equipment changes for performance, reliability, or maintainability reasons.
‘V’ diagram The rigours of software development are particularly strict and are dictated by reference (6). For obvious reasons, the level of criticality of software used in avionics systems determines the rigour applied to the development process. The levels of software are generally defined according to the operational impact of a software failure. These are defined in Table 3.3. Table 3.3. Software levels Level
Contribution to resultant failure condition for the aircraft
Catastrophic Hazardous Major Minor No effect
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The software development process is generally in the form presented in Fig. 3.20, which shows the development activities evolving down the left of the diagram and the verification activities down the right. This shows how the activities eventually converge in the software validation test at the foot of the diagram, that is, the confluence of hardware and software design and development activities. Down the centre of the diagram the various development software stages are shown. It can be seen that there is considerable interaction between all the processes that represent the validation of the requirements and of the hardware and software design at each level. Any problems or issues discovered during the software validation tests are fed back up the chain, if necessary back into the top level. Therefore, any minor deviations are reflected back into all the requirement stages to maintain a consistent documentation set and a consistent hardware and software design. Whereas the earlier stages of software development and testing might be hosted in a synthetic software environment, it is increasingly important as testing proceeds to undertake testing in a representative hardware environment. This testing represents the culmination of functional testing for the LRU or equipment short of flight testing. Fig. 3.20 'V' diagram System Requirement
Development Activities
Develop Software Requirement
Verification Activities Software Requirement
Design Software
Software Requirement Review
Design Review
Software Design
Code Review /Module Test
Code Software Module Code
Integrate Modules
Integrate Hardware/ Software
Module Integration Test
Integrated Module code
Total System Code
System Validation Test
Hardware/ Software Integration Test
System in Service
ETOPS and LROPS requirements Extended Range Twin Operations (ETOPS) allowing twin-engine aircraft to operate for up to 180 min from a suitable diversion airfield have been in force for a number of years. ETOPS operations are addressed by reference (9). The increasing long-range capability of some new transport aircraft and the ability to navigate accurately over the entire surface of the world is leading to the opening up of longe-range transpolar, oceanic, and wilderness routes that require the drafting of new regulations. At present, both the FAA and the JAA are preparing draft documents to discuss and
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develop the emerging regulations. The new regulations will address the factors associated with Long Range Operations (LROPS). The new regulations will categorize operations according to the severity of conditions that may be expected to prevail on the route in question. These categories are, in ascending order of severity: • • •
Benign. Demanding. Severe.
Figure 3.21 illustrates the categories that are perceived to exist at various locations around world, and Table 3.4. gives a precise geographical definition of the severe areas of operation. Fig. 3.21 Transport aircraft operating conditions around the world
Benign Demanding Demanding
Severe Benign
Benign Demanding
Table 3.4. Severe climatic areas – geographical boundaries Area North Atlantic North America Siberia Southern Polar Himalayas
Limits North of 70º N worldwide North of 55º N Landmass north of 40º N and east of 60º E South of 60º S Area bounded by: 40º N 66º E; 40º N 102º E; 26º N 105º E; 26º N 78º E; 40º N 66º E
The importance of the Himalayan region relates primarily to the height of the terrain. In the event of an engine loss or pressurization failure, which would cause the aircraft
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to descend to less than 10 000 ft, a catastrophic situation could occur as the valley floors can be higher than 10 000 ft in the region. Key issues and definitions that appear to be emerging include the following: • • •
ETOPS begin at a 60 min diversion time. ETOPS of up to 180 min will be controlled using the existing ETOPS advisory circular (9). LROPS will apply to all two- , three- , and four-engined aircraft beyond 180 min (realistically only 180 min will apply to two-engine aircraft, with the possible exception of 207 min (180 min plus 15 per cent).
The major application is for four-engine aircraft with diversion times of up to 480 min (8 h). A simplified classification of the diversion time versus climatic severity is shown in Fig. 3.22. It can be seen that twin-engine aircraft using ETOPS rules can only fly for up to 180 min over benign or demanding climatic regions. Only four-engine aircraft will be allowed to operate for up to 480 min diversion over demanding and severe regions, and only then when an engine and aircraft systems assessment has been conducted to assure the integrity of operation of vital systems for such long exposure times. It is upon these systems that the LROPS regulations will have an impact. Although still in the early stages of formulation, it is anticipated that the regulations will address the following aircraft systems issues: • • • • • •
Engine reliability – In-Flight ShutDown (IFSD) of one or more engines. Conditioned air supply/bleed air system integrity and reliability. Cargo hold fire suppression capacity and integrity of smoke/fire alerting systems. Brake accumulator and emergency braking system capacity/integrity. Adequate capacity of time dependent functions. Pressurization/oxygen system integrity/reliability/capacity. Fig. 3.22 Relationship of diversion time and climatic severity
Diversion Time 480 Minutes
LROPS Four Engined
180 Minutes
ETOPS Twin Engined
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• • •
Integrity/reliability/capacity of back-up systems (electrical, hydraulic). Fuel system integrity and fuel accessibility. Fuel consumption with engine failure and other system failures. Fuel quantity and fuel used indications and alerts.
References (1) SAE ARP 4754, Certification Considerations for Highly-Integrated or Complex Aircraft Systems, Society of Automobile Engineers Inc. (2) SAE ARP 4761, Guidelines and Methods for Conducting the Safety Assessment Process on Civil Airborne Systems, Society of Automobile Engineers Inc. (3) Advisory Circular, AC 25.1309–1A (1988) System Design and Analysis. (4) Advisory Material Joint, AMJ 25.1309, System Design and Analysis. (5) ATA-100, ATA Specification for Manufacturer’s Technical Data. (6) RTCA DO-178B, Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification. (7) RTCA DO-254, Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware. (8) Bonneau, V. (1998) Dual-Use of variable speed constant frequency (VSCF) cyclo-converter technology, FITEC’ 98, London. (9) Advisory Circular, AC120-42A, (1988) Extended Range Operations with TwoEngine Airplanes.
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CHAPTER 4 Electrical Systems
Electrical systems have made significant advances over the years as aircraft have become more dependent upon electrically powered services. A typical electrical power system of the 1940s and 1950s was the twin 28 V DC system. This system was used a great deal on twin-engined aircraft; each engine powered a 28 V DC generator which could employ load sharing with its contemporary if required. One or two DC batteries were also fitted, and an inverter was provided to supply 115 VAC and then 26 VAC to the flight instruments. The advent of the V-bombers in the United Kingdom, and similar developments in the United States changed this situation radically owing to the much greater power requirements imposed by the wide range of systems in these aircraft. In the United Kingdom, one aircraft, the Vickers Valiant, incorporated electrically actuated landing gear. These aircraft were fitted with four 115VAC generators, one being driven by each engine. To provide the advantages of no-break power, these generators were paralleled which increased the amount of control and protection circuitry. The V-bombers had to power high-power military mission loads such as radar and electronic warfare jamming equipment. Most aircraft utilization equipment is accustomed to a constant frequency supply of 115VAC In order to generate constant-frequency 115VAC at 400 Hz, a Constant Speed Drive or CSD is required to negate the aircraft engine speed variation typically over approximately a 2:1 speed range (full power speed/flight idle speed). These are complex hydromechanical devices that by their very nature are not highly reliable without significant maintenance penalties. Therefore, the introduction of constantfrequency AC generation systems was not without accompanying reliability problems, particularly on fighter aircraft where engine throttle settings are changed very frequently throughout the mission. In modern aircraft the generator and CSD make up a combined unit called an Integrated Drive Generator (IDG).
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The advances in high-power, solid-state switching technology together with enhancements in the necessary control electronics have made Variable-Speed/ConstantFrequency (VSCF) systems a viable proposition in the last decade. The VSCF system removed the unreliable CSD portion, the variable-frequency or frequency-wild power from the AC generator being converted to 400 Hz constant-frequency 115 V AC power by means of a solid-state VSCF converter. VSCF systems are now becoming more commonplace: the F-18 fighter uses such a system, and some versions of the Boeing 737-500 did use such a system. In addition, the Boeing 777 airliner utilizes a VSCF system for back-up AC power generation. In US military circles, great emphasis is being placed by the US Air Force and the US Army on the development of 270 V DC systems. In these systems, high-power generators derive 270 V DC power, some of which is then converted into 115 V AC 400 Hz or 28 V DC required to power specific equipment and loads. This is claimed to be more efficient than conventional methods of power generation, and the amount of power conversion required is reduced with accompanying weight savings. These developments are allied to the ‘more-electric aircraft’ concept, where it is intended to ascribe more aircraft power system activities to electrical means rather than use hydraulic or high-pressure bleed air, as is presently the case. The fighter aircraft of tomorrow will therefore need to generate much higher levels of electrical power than at present. The use of higher voltages than 115 V AC for civil aircraft is not generally favoured by the certification authorities owing to wiring problems experienced on existing aircraft, but the need to move towards more-electric solutions is recognized. As a general point of interest, many of the electrical power system techniques that have been adopted by the civil community have evolved from military technology development. At the component level, advances in the development of high-power contactors and solid-state power switching devices are improving the way in which aircraft primary and secondary power loads are switched and protected. These advances are being married to microelectronic developments to enable the implementation of new concepts for electrical power management system distribution, protection, and load switching. The use of electrical power has progressed to the point where the generation, distribution, and protection of electrical power to the aircraft electrical services or loads now comprise one of the most complex aircraft systems. This situation was not always so. The move towards the higher AC voltage is really driven by the amount of power the electrical channel is required to produce. The sensible limit for DC systems has been found to be around 400A owing to the limitations of feeder size and high-power protection switchgear, known as contactors. Therefore, for a 28 VDC system delivering 400 A or just over, the maximum power the channel may deliver is about 12 kW, well below the requirements of most aircraft today. This level of power is sufficient for General Aviation (GA) aircraft and some of the smaller business jets. However, the requirements for aircraft power in business jets, regional aircraft, and larger transport aircraft is usually in the range 20–90 kVA per channel and higher. This requirement for more power has been matched in the military aircraft arena.
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Aircraft electrical system characteristics The generic parts of a typical AC aircraft electrical system are shown in Fig. 4.1 and comprise the following: • • • •
Power generation. Primary power distribution and protection. Power conversion and energy storage using a Transformer Rectifier Unit (TRU) and battery. Secondary power distribution and protection. Generator
Power Generation
Generator Control Unit (GCU)
Other Channel(s) GCB
ELCU or 'Smart Contactor'
High Power Loads
Primary Power Panel
Power Conversion
Primary Power Distribution
Secondary Power Panel
Secondary Power Distribution
Secondary Aircraft Loads
At this stage it is worth outlining the major differences between AC and DC power generation. Later in the chapter, more emphasis is placed upon more recent AC power generation systems.
Power generation DC power generation DC systems use generators to develop a DC voltage to supply aircraft system loads; usually the voltage is 28 V DC but there are 270 V DC systems in being which will be described later in the chapter. The generator is controlled – the technical term is regulated – to supply 28 V DC at all times to the aircraft loads such that any tendencies for the voltage to vary or fluctuate are overcome. DC generators are self-exciting, in that they contain rotating electromagnets that generate the electrical power. The conversion to DC power is achieved by using a device called a commutator that enables the output voltage, which would appear as a simple sine wave output, to be effectively half-wave rectified and smoothed to present a steady DC voltage with a ripple imposed. In aircraft applications, the generators are typically shunt wound, the high-resistance field coils being connected in parallel with the armature, as shown in Fig. 4.2.
Fig. 4.1 Generic aircraft AC electrical system
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Fig. 4.2 Shunt-wound DC generator
Shunt Field Winding
Terminal Voltage
The natural load characteristic of the shunt-wound generator is for the voltage to ‘droop’ with the increasing load current, whereas the desired characteristic is to control the output at a constant voltage – nominally 28 V DC For this purpose, a voltage regulator is used which modifies the field current to ensure that terminal voltage is maintained while the aircraft engine speed and generator loads vary. The principle of operation of the DC voltage regulator is shown in Fig. 4.3 and described later in the chapter. Fig 4.3 DC voltage regulator
Voltage Increase
Terminal Voltage Voltage Decrease
AC power generation An AC system uses a generator to generate a sine wave of given voltage and, in most cases, of constant frequency. The construction of the alternator is simpler than that of the DC generator in that no commutator is required. Early AC generators used slip rings to pass current to/from the rotor windings, but these suffered from abrasion and pitting, especially when passing high currents at altitude. High-altitude operations are more prone to arcing effects owing to the fact that the thinner air acts as a weaker dielectric; also, a phenomenon known as ‘corona’ can affect higher-voltage operation. Modern AC generators, commonly called compound machines, work on the principle shown in Fig. 4.4. This AC generator may be regarded as several machines
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sharing the same shaft. From left to right as viewed on the diagram they comprise: • • •
A Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG). An excitation stator surrounding an excitation rotor containing rotating diodes. A power rotor encompassed by a power stator.
Control & Regulation Raw AC Power
Regulated 3 Phase Power Output
Regulated DC Excitation
Excitation Rotor +
Engine Gearbox
Rotating Diodes
Power Rotor
Excitation Stator
Power Stator
Permanent Magnet Generator [PMG] Regulated DC Excitation
The flow of power through this generator is highlighted by the dashed line. The PMG generates ‘raw’ (variable-frequency, variable-voltage) power sensed by the control and regulation section that is part of the generator controller. This modulates the flow of DC current into the excitation stator windings and therefore controls the voltage generated by the excitation rotor. The rotation of the excitation rotor within the field produced by the excitation stator windings is rectified by means of diodes contained within the rotor and supplies a regulated and controlled DC voltage to excite the power rotor windings. The rotating field generated by the power rotor induces an AC voltage in the power stator that may be protected by the GCU, as explained later, and supplied to the aircraft systems when operating within acceptable criterian. Most AC systems used on aircraft use a three-phase system, that is, the generator supplies three sine waves, each phase positioned 120 degrees out of phase with the others. These phases are most often connected in a star configuration, with one end of each of the phases connected to a neutral point, as shown in Fig. 4.5. In this layout the phase voltage of a standard aircraft system is 115 V AC, whereas the line voltage measured between lines is 200 V AC The standard for aircraft frequency-controlled systems is 400 cycle/s or 400 Hz.
Fig. 4.4 Principle of operation of modern AC generator
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Fig. 4.5 Star connected 3 phase AC generator
Phase A Phase B
Phase Voltage = 115VAC
A Phase Neutral Point
Phase C
Line Voltage = 200VAC
Time C Phase B Phase
The descriptions given previously outline the two primary methods of power generation used on aircraft for many years. The main advantage of AC power is that it operates at a higher voltage – 115 VAC rather than 28 V DC for the DC system. The use of a higher voltage is not an advantage in itself, in fact higher voltages require better standards of insulation. It is in the transmission of power that the advantage of higher voltage is most apparent. For a given amount of power transmission, a higher voltage relates to an equivalent lower current. The lower the current, the lower are losses such as voltage drops (proportional to current) and power losses (proportional to current squared). Also, as current conductors are generally heavy, it can be seen that the reduction in current also saves weight, a very important consideration for aircraft systems.
Power generation control The primary elements of power system control are: •
DC systems: – Voltage regulation, – parallel operation, – protection functions.
AC systems: – Voltage regulation, – parallel operation, – supervisory functions.
DC system generation control Voltage regulation DC generation is by means of shunt-wound self-exciting machines, as already briefly outlined. The principle of voltage regulation has already been outlined in Fig. 4.3. This shows a variable resistor in series with the field winding such that variation in the resistor alters the combined total resistance and therefore the current flowing in the field winding; hence, the field current and output voltage may be varied. In actual fact the regulation is required to be an automatic function that takes account of load and engine speed. The voltage regulation needs to be in accordance with the standard used to specify aircraft power generation systems. The standards specify the voltage at the point of regulation and the nature of the acceptable voltage drops throughout the aircraft
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distribution, protection, and wiring system. Typical standards for commercial or military use are presented in the electrical power quality section below. DC systems are limited to a maximum of around 400 A or 12 kW per channel for two reasons: • •
The size of conductors and switchgear to carry the necessary current becomes prohibitive. The brush wear on brushed DC generators becomes excessive, with resulting maintenance costs if these levels are exceeded.
Parallel operation In multiengined aircraft, each engine will be driving its own generator, and in this situation it is desirable that ‘no-break’ or uninterrupted power is provided in cases of engine or generator failure. A number of sensitive aircraft instruments and navigation devices that comprise some of the electrical loads may be disturbed and may need to be restarted or re-initialized following a power interruption. In order to satisfy this requirement, generators are paralleled to carry an equal proportion of the electrical load between them. Individual generators are controlled by means of voltage regulators which automatically compensate for variations. In the case of parallel generator operation there is a need to interlink the voltage regulators such that any unequal loading of the generators can be adjusted by means of corresponding alterations in field current. This paralleling feature is more often known as an equalizing circuit and therefore provides ‘no-break’ power in the event of a major system failure. A simplified diagram showing the main elements of DC parallel operation being supplied by generator 1 (G1) and generator 2 (G2) is given in Fig. 4.6. Paralleling Contacts No 1 DC Bus
No 2 DC Bus
Equalising Coils
Protection functions The primary conditions for which protection needs to be considered in a DC system are as follows: 1. Reverse current. In a DC system it is evident that the current should flow from the generator to the busbars and distribution systems. In a fault situation it is possible for current to flow in the reverse direction, and the primary system components need
Fig. 4.6 DC generator parallel operation
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to be protected from this eventuality. This is usually achieved by means of reverse current circuit breakers or relays. These devices effectively sense reverse current and switch the generator out of circuit, thus preventing any ensuing damage. 2. Overvoltage protection. Faults in the field excitation circuit can cause the generator to overexcite and thereby regulate the supply voltage to an erroneous overvoltage condition. This could then result in the electrical loads being subject to conditions that could cause permanent damage. Overvoltage protection senses these failure conditions and opens the line contactor, taking the generator off-line. 3. Undervoltage protection. In a single-generator system, undervoltage is a similar fault condition to the reverse current situation already described. However, in a multigenerator configuration with paralleling by means of an equalizing circuit, the situation is different. Here, an undervoltage protection capability is essential as the equalizing circuit is always trying to raise the output of a lagging generator; in this situation the undervoltage protection is an integral part of the parallel load sharing function.
AC power generation control Voltage regulation As has already been described, AC generators differ from DC machines in that they require a separate source of DC excitation for the field windings, although the system described earlier does allow the generator to bootstrap the generation circuits. The subject of AC generator excitation is a complex topic for which the technical solutions vary according to whether the generator is frequency wild or constant frequency. Some of these solutions comprise sophisticated control loops with error detectors, preamplifiers, and power amplifiers. Parallel operation In the same way that DC generators are operated in parallel to provide ‘no-break’ power, AC generators may also be controlled in a similar fashion. This technique only applies to constant-frequency AC generation as it is impossible to parallel frequencywild or Variable Frequency (VF) AC generators. In fact, many of the aircraft loads such as anti/de-icing heating elements driven by VF generators are relatively frequency insensitive, and the need for ‘no-break’ power is not nearly so important. To parallel AC machines, the control task is more complex as both real and reactive (imaginary) load vectors have to be synchronized for effective load sharing. The sharing of real load depends upon the relative rotational speeds and hence the relative phasing of the generator voltages. Constant-speed or constant-frequency AC generation depends upon the tracking accuracy of the constant-speed drives of the generators involved. In practice, real load sharing is achieved by control laws that measure the degree of load imbalance by using current transformers and error detection circuitry, thereby trimming the constant-speed drives such that the torques applied by all generators are equal. The sharing of reactive load between the generators is a function of the voltage generated by each generator, as for the DC parallel operation case. The generator output voltages depend upon the relevant performance of the voltage regulators and field excitation circuitry. To accomplish reactive load sharing requires the use of special transformers called mutual reactors, error detection circuitry, and preamplifiers/power amplifiers to adjust the field excitation current. Therefore, by
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using a combination of trimming the speed of the Constant-Speed Drives (CSDs) and balancing the field excitation to the generators, real and reactive load components may be shared equally between the generators (see Fig. 4.7). This has the effect of providing a powerful single vector AC power supply to the aircraft AC system, providing a very ‘stiff ’ supply in periods of high power demand. Perhaps the biggest single advantage of paralleled operation is that all the generators are operating in phase synchronism, and therefore, in the event of a failure, there are no changeover transients. Fig. 4.7 AC generator parallel operation
Trim Gen1 Excitation
Error Detection A
Gen 1
Trim CSD 1 Speed
Error Detection
Trim Gen2 Excitation
Error Detection A
Gen 2
Real Load (Speed)
Trim CSD 2 Speed
Error Detection
Reactive Load (Voltage)
Supervisory and protection functions Typical supervisory or protection functions undertaken by a typical AC Generator Control Unit (GCU) are listed below: • • • • •
Over voltage. Under voltage. Under/overexcitation. Under/overfrequency. Differential current protection.
The overvoltage, undervoltage, and under/overexcitation functions are similar to the corresponding functions described for DC generation control. Under- or overfrequency protection is effectively executed by the real load-sharing function already described above for AC parallel operation. Differential current protection is designed to detect a short-circuit busbar or feeder line fault which could impose a very high current demand on the short-circuited phase. Differential current transformers sense the individual phase currents at different parts of the system. These are connected so that detection circuitry will sense any gross difference in phase current (say in excess of 20 A per phase) resulting from a phase imbalance and disconnect the generator from the busbar by tripping the Generator Control Breaker (GCB).
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Modern electrical power generation types So far, basic DC and AC power generating systems have been described. The DC system is limited by currents greater than 400A, and the constant-frequency AC method using an Integrated Drive Generator (IDG) has been mentioned. In fact, there are many more power generation types in use today. A number of recent papers have identified the issues and projected the growth in aircraft electric power requirements in a civil aircraft setting, even without the advent of more-electric systems. However, not only are aircraft electrical system power levels increasing but the diversity of primary power generation types is increasing. The different types of electrical power generation currently being considered are shown in Fig. 4.8. The constant-frequency (CF) 115 VAC , three-phase, 400Hz options are typified by the IDG, VSCF cycloconverter, and DC link options. The VF 115 V AC, three-phase power generation – sometimes termed ‘frequency wild’ - is also a more recent contender, but, although a relatively inexpensive form of power generation, it has the disadvantage that some motor loads may require motor controllers. Military aircraft in the United States are inclining towards 270VDC systems. Permanent Magnet Generators (PMGs) are used to generate 28 V DC emergency electrical power for highintegrity systems. Fig. 4.8 Electrical power generation types
Figure 4.8 is also interesting in that it shows the disposition between generation system components located on the engine and those within the airframe. Without being drawn into the partisan arguments regarding the pros and cons of the major types of power generation in use or being introduced today, it is worth examining the main contenders: • • •
Constant-Frequency power generation using an IDG. Variable-Frequency power generation. Variable-Speed/Constant-Frequency power generation.
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Constant frequency/IDG generation The main features of CF/IDG power are shown in Fig. 4.9. In common with all the other power generation types, this has to cater for a 2:1 ratio in engine speed between maximum power and ground idle. The CSD in effect acts as an automatic gearbox, maintaining the generator at a constant shaft speed which results in a constantfrequency output of 400Hz, usually within ~10Hz or less. The drawback of the hydromechanical CSD is that it needs to be correctly maintained in terms of oil charge level and oil cleanliness. Also, to maintain high reliability, frequent overhauls may be necessary. Fig. 4.9 Constant frequency/IDG generation
Constant Shaft Speed
Variable Engine Speed Approx 2 : 1 for Turbofan
Constant Speed Drive
Constant Frequency 3-Phase. 115VAC 400 Hz
Integrated Drive Generator (IDG)
Features: Constant frequency AC power is most commonly used on turbofan aircraft today System is expensive to purchase & maintain; primarily due to complexity of Constant Speed Drive (CSD) Single company monopoly on supply of CSD/IDG Alternate methods of power generation are under consideration
That said, the IDG is used to power the majority of civil transport aircraft today, as shown in Table 4.1 (page 75).
Variable-frequency generation Variable-Frequency power generation, as shown in Fig. 4.10, is the simplest and most reliable form of power generation. In this technique no attempt is made to nullify the effects of the 2:1 engine speed ratio, and the power output, though regulated to 115 V AC, suffers a frequency variation typically from 380 to 720Hz. This wide-band VF power has an effect on frequency-sensitive aircraft loads, the most obvious being the effect on AC electric motors that are used in many aircraft systems. There can therefore be a penalty to be paid in the performance of other aircraft systems such as fuel, Environmental Control System (ECS), and hydraulics. In many cases, variations in motor/pump performance may be accommodated, but in the worst cases a motor controller may be needed to restore an easier control situation.
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Fig. 4.10 Variable frequency power generation
Variable Speed Engine Drive Approx 2 : 1 for Turbofan
Variable Frequency 3-Phase 115VAC 380 - 720 Hz Power
Features: Simplest form of generating power, cheapest and most reliable Variable frequency has impact upon other aircraft subsystems Motor controllers may be needed for certain aircraft loads Beginning to be adopted for new programmes: gains outweigh disadvantages
Variable Frequency is being widely adopted in the business jet community as their power requirements take them above the 28 V DC/12 kW limit of twin 28 V DC systems. Aircraft such as Global Express had VF designed in from the beginning, and VF power has been established as the baseline for the Airbus A380 project.
VSCF generation Figure 4.11 shows the concept of the VSCF converter. In this technique the variable frequency power produced by the generator is electronically converted by solid-state power switching devices to constant-frequency 400Hz, 115 V AC power. Two options exist: 1. DC link. In the DC link the raw power is converted to an intermediate DC power stage – the DC link – before being electronically converted to three-phase AC power. DC link technology has been used on the B737, MD-90, and B777 but has yet to rival the reliability of CF or VF power generation. 2. Cycloconverter. The cycloconverter uses a different principle. Six phases are generated at relatively high frequencies in excess of 2000Hz and the solid-state devices switch between these multiple phases in a predetermined and carefully controlled manner. The effect is electronically to commutate the input and provide three phases of constant-frequency 400Hz power. Though this appears to be a complex technique, it is in fact quite elegant, and cycloconverter systems have been successfully used on military aircraft in the United States: F-18, U-2, and the F-117 Stealth fighter. There are no civil applications. As suggested earlier in Fig. 4.8, each of these techniques may locate the power conversion section on the engine or in the airframe. Reference (1) examines the implications of moving the VSCF converter from the engine to the airframe in a civil aircraft context.
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Fig. 4.11 VSCF power generation
Variable Speed Constant Frequency (VSCF) Variable Speed Shaft Speed Approx 2 : 1 for Turbofan
Converter Constant Frequency 3-Phase 115VAC 400Hz Power
Features: Conversion of VF electrical power to CF is accomplished by electronic controlled power switching DC Link & Cycloconverter options available Not all implementations have proved to be robust/reliable Cycloconverter shows most promise Still unproven in transport market
Table 4.1. Recent civil and military aircraft power system developments Generation type IDG/CF [115 V AC /400 Hz]
Civil application B777 A340 B737NG MD-12 B747-X B717 B767-400 Do728
2 × 60/65kVA
2 × 20kVA
VSCF (DC link) (115 V AC /400 Hz)
B777 (Backup) MD-90
2 × 75kVA
VF (115 V AC /380 – 760Hz typical)
Global Ex Horizon A380
4 × 40 kVA 2 × 20/25kVA 4 × 150kVA
270 V DC
Military application
2 × 120kVA 4 × 90kVA 2 × 90kVA 4 × 120kVA 4 × 120kVA 2 × 40kVA 2 × 120kVA 2 × 40kVA
VSCF (Cycloconverter) (115 V AC /400 Hz)
Boeing JSF 2 × 50kVA (X-32A/B/C) F-22 Raptor 2 × 70kVA Lockheed-Martin JSF (X-35A/B/C)2 × 50kVA
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Table 4.1 lists the power generation types developed and proposed for civil and military (fighter) aircraft platforms throughout the 1990s. Not only are the electrical power levels increasing in this generation of aircraft, but the diversity of electrical power generation methods introduces new aircraft system issues that need to be addressed. For example, the B777 standby VSCF and the MD-90 VCSF converters, being located in the airframe, increase the ECS requirements since waste heat is dissipated in the airframe, whereas the previous IDG solution rejected heat into the engine oil system. Similarly, the adoption of VF can complicate motor load and power conversion requirements. The adoption of 270 V DC systems by the US military has necessitated the development of a family of 270 V DC protection devices since conventional circuit breakers cannot be used at such high voltages.
Electrical power quality The quality of the electrical power on-board an aircraft is carefully controlled in a number of regards. Power quality will be defined by the nature of the electrical power generation system, the distribution system, and the nature of loads – particularly the high-power loads that are connected. Power quality is defined by a number of specifications that are similar in many regards: • • •
RTCA DO-160C. The generally recognized US civil specification described in reference (2). ADB-0100. The Airbus specification defined in reference (3). MIL-STD-704E. The US military specification defined in reference (4). Although apparently disassociated from either of the above, it becomes highly relevant when fitting military equipment on-board an aircraft that is predominantly civilian in origin (civil aircraft such as Boeing 767 or A330s) and that has been designed using a civil electrical power standard. A topical example is the UK or US military programmes in which these aircraft platforms are being seen as ideal candidates for adoption as military tanker aircraft. For an exposé on some of these issues, see Chapter 13.
These electrical power system references typically refer to specification of the following defined, though not exclusive, parameters: • • • • • • •
Voltage transients – both normal and abnormal – for AC and DC networks. Normal voltage excursions – 115 V AC and 28 V DC networks. Normal frequency excursions – CF systems. Voltage spikes – 115 V AC and 28 V DC networks. Power quality – harmonic distortion – AC systems. Power factor limits – AC systems. Emergency power requirements – both AC and DC. These requirements demand a rigorous assessment of the aircraft power electrical generation system, distribution system, and loading. Load assessments have to be conducted to assure that the system will meet or exceed the supply of electrical power at the necessary voltage and power levels while also meeting the integrity of certain flight-critical recipient equipment such as Fly-By-Wire (FBW) and others.
Many of the requirements are similar in concept though not necessarily identical in approach. For a detailed review of the differing requirements, readers are
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recommended to refer to the appropriate electrical power specifications for the aircraft type in mind.
Primary power distribution The primary power distribution system consolidates the aircraft electrical power inputs. In the case of a typical civil airliner, the aircraft may accept power from the following sources: • • • • • •
Main aircraft generator, by means of a Generator Control Breaker (GCB) under the control of the GCU. Alternate aircraft generator – in the event of generator failure – by means of a bus tie breaker under the control of a Bus Power Control Unit (BPCU). APU generator, by means of an APU breaker under the control of the BPCU. Ground power, by means of an external power contactor (EPC) under the control of the ground power monitor. Back-up converter, by means of a converter control breaker (CCB) under the control of the VSCF converter (B777 only). RAT generator when deployed by the emergency electrical system.
The power switching used in these cases is a power contactor or breaker. These are special high-power switches that usually switch power in excess of 20A per phase. As well as the power switching contacts, auxiliary contacts are included to provide contactor status – ‘open’ or ‘closed’ – to other aircraft systems. Higher-power aircraft loads are increasingly switched from the primary aircraft bus bars by using Electronic Load Control Units (ELCUs) or ‘smart contactors’ for load protection. Like contactors, these are used where normal rated currents are greater than 20 A per phase, i.e., for loads of around 7 kVA or greater. Figure 4.12a shows a line contactor such as a GCB, and an ELCU or ‘smart contactor’ is shown in Fig. 4.12b. The latter has in-built current-sensing coils which enable the current of all three phases to be measured. Associated electronics allow the device trip characteristics to be more closely matched to those of the load. Typical protection characteristics embodied within the electronics are I 2t, modified I 2t, and differential current protection. For a paper explaining more about ‘smart contactors’ refer to reference (5).
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Fig 4.12a Power contactor Power Contacts
Phase A
Generator or Power Source
High Power Electrical Load
Phase B
Phase C
Contactor Status Auxiliary Contacts
Contactor Control
Fig 4.12b ELCU or ‘smart contactor’
Contactor Coil
Power Contacts
Phase A
Generator or Power Source
Current Transformers
High Power Electrical Load
Phase B
Phase C
Contactor Status Auxiliary Contacts
Contactor Control
Contactor Coil
Sensing & Control Electronics
Contactor Trip
Phase Current [A, B, C]
Power conversion and energy storage This chapter so far has addressed the primary generation of electrical power and primary power distribution and protection. There are, however, many occasions within an aircraft electrical system where it is required to convert power from one form to another. Typical examples of power conversion are: 1. Conversion from DC to AC power. This conversion uses units called inverters to convert 28 V DC to 115 V AC single-phase or three-phase power. 2. Conversion from 115VAC to 28VDC power. This is a much-used conversion using units called Transformer Rectifier Units (TRUs). 3. Conversion from one AC voltage level to another; a typical conversion would be from 115 V AC to 26 V AC
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4. Battery charging. As previously outlined, it is necessary to maintain the state of charge of the aircraft battery by converting 115 V AC to a 28 V DC battery charge voltage.
Inverters Inverters convert 28 V DC power into 115 V AC single-phase electrical power. This is usually required in a civil application to supply the captain or first officer’s instruments following an AC failure. Alternatively, under certain specific flight conditions, such as autoland, the inverter may be required to provide an alternative source of power to the flight instruments in the event of a power failure occurring during the critical autoland phase. Some years ago the inverter would have been a rotary machine with a DC motor harnessed in tandem with an AC generator. More recently the power conversion is likely to be accomplished by means of a static inverter where the use of high-power, rapid switching, Silicon-Controlled Rectifiers (SCRs) will synthesize the AC waveform from the DC input. Inverters are therefore a minor though essential part of many aircraft electrical systems.
Transformer Rectifier Units TRUs are probably the most frequently used method of power conversion on modern aircraft electrical systems. Most aircraft have a significant 115 V AC three-phase AC power generation capability inherent within the electrical system, and it is usual to convert a significant portion of this to 28 V DC by the use of TRUs. TRUs comprise start primary and dual star/delta secondary transformer windings together with threephase full wave rectification and smoothing to provide the desired 115 V AC/28 V DC conversion. A typical TRU will convert a large amount of power, for example, the Boeing 767 uses two TRUs, each of which supplies a rated load of 120 A (continuous) with a 5 min rating of 180 A. TRUs dissipate a lot of heat and are therefore forced air cooled. The Boeing 767 unit is packaged in a 6 MCU ARINC 600 case and weighs around 24 lb. Figure 4.13 shows a typical TRU. Fig. 4.13 Transformer rectifier unit (TRU)
Phase A
Feed from Primary 115Vac Bus Bar
Phase B
Transformer Rectifier Unit (TRU)
To 28Vdc Bus Bar & DC Distribution
Phase C
Optional Temperature Status
TRUs are usually simple, unregulated units, that is, the voltage is not controlled to 28 V DC as load is increased, and accordingly the load characteristic tends to ‘droop’. In some specialist military applications this feature is not desirable and regulated TRUs are used. TRUs are usually operated in isolation, but when regulated they may also be configured to operate in parallel in a similar way to the parallel operation of DC generators. Reference (6) is a paper relating to the development of a regulated TRU.
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Autotransformers In certain parts of an electrical system, simple autotransformers may be used to provide a simple voltage step-up or step-down conversion. For example, the 115 V/26 V AC transformation used to provide 26 V AC aircraft lighting supplies direct from main 115 V AC busbars in the easiest way.
Battery chargers Battery chargers share many of the attributes of TRUs and are in fact dedicated units whose function is purely that of charging the aircraft battery. In some systems the charger may also act as a standby TRU providing a boosted source of DC power to the battery in certain system modes of operation. Usually, the task of the battery charger is to provide a controlled charge to the battery without overheating, and for this reason battery temperature is usually closely monitored.
Batteries The majority of this section has described power generation systems, both DC and AC However, it neglects an omnipresent element – the battery. This effectively provides an electrical storage medium independent of the primary generation sources. Its main purposes are: • • •
To assist in damping transient loads in the DC system. To provide power in system start-up modes when no other power source is available. To provide a short-term, high-integrity source during emergency conditions while alternative/back-up sources of power are being brought on line.
The capacity of the aircraft battery is limited and is measured in terms of ampere-hours. This parameter effectively describes a current/time capability or storage capacity. Thus a 40 Ah battery when fully charged would have the theoretical capacity of feeding a 1A load for 40 h or a 40A load for 1 h. In fact the capacity of the battery depends upon the charge sustained at the beginning of the discharge, and this is a notoriously difficult parameter to quantify. Most modern aircraft systems utilize battery chargers to maintain the battery charge at moderately high levels during normal system operation, thereby assuring a reasonable state of charge should solo battery usage be required. The battery most commonly used is the Nickel–Cadmium (Ni–Cd) type, which depends on the reaction between nickel oxides for the anode and cadmium for the cathode, and operates in a potassium hydroxide electrolyte. Lead–acid batteries are not favoured in modern applications owing to corrosive effects. To preserve battery health, it is usual to monitor its temperature which gives a useful indication of overcharging and if thermal runaway is likely to occur. Batteries are susceptible to cold temperatures and lose capacity rapidly. This can be a problem on autonomous operations in cold climates, after a cold soak or a prolonged period of operation at low temperature where starting APUs or engine starter motors can be troublesome.
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Secondary power distribution Power switching In order to reconfigure or to change the state of a system, it is necessary to switch power at various levels within the system. At the high power levels that prevail at the primary power part of the system, power switching is achieved by using high-power electromagnetic devices called contactors. These devices can switch hundreds of amperes and are used to switch generator power on to the primary busbars in both DC and AC systems. The devices may be arranged so that they magnetically latch, that is, they are magnetically held in a preferred state or position until a signal is applied to change the state. In other situations a signal may be continuously applied to the contactor to hold the contacts closed, and removal of the signal causes the contacts to open. Primary power contactors and ELCUs have been described earlier in the chapter. For switching currents below 20 A or so, relays are generally used. These operate in a similar fashion to contactors but are lighter, simpler, and less expensive. Relays may be used widely throughout the primary electrical system, usually for switching of medium- and high-power secondary aircraft loads or services. For lower currents still, where the indication of device status is required, simple switches can be employed. These switches may be manually operated by the crew or they may be operated by other physical means as part of the aircraft operation. Such switches are travel limit switches, pressure switches, temperature switches, and so on.
Load protection Circuit breakers Circuit breakers perform the function of protecting a circuit in the event of an electrical overload. Circuit breakers serve the same purpose as fuses or current limiters. A circuit breaker comprises a set of contacts that are closed during normal circuit operation. The device has a mechanical trip mechanism that is activated by means of a bimetallic element. When an overload current flows, the bimetallic element causes the trip mechanism to activate, thereby opening the contacts and removing power from the circuit. A push button on the front of the unit protrudes, showing that the device has tripped. Pushing in the push button resets the breaker, but, if the fault condition still exists, the breaker will trip again. Physically pulling the button outwards can also allow the circuit breaker to break the circuit, perhaps for equipment isolation or aircraft maintenance reasons. Circuit breakers are rated at different current values for use in differing current-carrying circuits. This enables the trip characteristic to be matched to each circuit. The trip characteristic also has to be selected to coordinate with the feeder trip device upstream. Circuit breakers are literally used by the hundred in aircraft distribution systems; it is not unusual to find 500–600 devices throughout a typical aircraft system. Circuit breakers have a finite trip time, being a thermal device. This time must be taken into account in systems design, especially with regard to switch contacts. Under fault conditions the contacts must carry the fault load until the breaker trips. A circuit breaker compatibility test is normally specified for switch and relay contacts.
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Solid state power controllers The availability of high-power solid-state switching devices has been steadily increasing for a number of years, both in terms of variety and rating. More recent developments have led to the availability of solid-state power-switching devices that provide a protection capability as well as switching power. These devices, known as Solid-State Power Controllers, or SSPCs, effectively combine the function of a relay or switch and a circuit breaker. There are disadvantages with the devices available at present; they are readily available up to a rating of 22.5A for use with DC loads, but the switching of AC loads may only be carried out at lower ratings and with a generally unacceptable power dissipation. Another disadvantage of SSPCs is that they are expensive and costwise may not be comparable with the relay/circuit breaker combination they replace. They are, however, predicted to be more reliable than conventional means of switching and protecting small and medium-sized electrical loads and are likely to become far more prevalent in use in some of the aircraft electrical systems presently under development. SSPCs are also advantageous when used in high duty cycle applications where a relay may wear out. Present devices are rated at 5, 7.5, 12.5 and 22.5 A and are available to switch 28V DC and 270V DC. A recent paper (7) summarizes the development and capabilities of SSPCs and power management units embodying SSPCs.
Electrical loads Once the aircraft electrical power has been generated and distributed, then it is available to the aircraft services. These electrical services cover a range of functions spread geographically throughout the aircraft depending upon their task. While the number of electrical services is legion, they may be broadly subdivided into the following categories: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Motors and actuation. Lighting services. Heating services. Subsystem controllers and avionics systems.
Motors and actuation Motors are obviously used where motive force is needed to drive a valve or an actuator from one position to another depending upon the requirements of the appropriate aircraft system. Typical uses for motors are: 1. Linear actuation: electrical position actuators for engine control; trim actuators for flight control systems. 2. Rotary actuation: electrical position actuators for flap/slat operation; fuel cocks. 3. Control valve operation: electrical operation of fuel control valves, hydraulic control valves, air control valves, and control valves for ancillary systems. 4. Starter motors: provision of starting for engines, APUs, and other systems that require assistance to reach self-sustaining operation. 5. Pumps: provision of motive force for fuel pumps and hydraulic pumps; pumping for auxiliary systems. 6. Gyroscope motors: provision of power to run gyroscopes for flight instruments and autopilots.
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7. Fan motors: provision of power to run cooling fans for the provision of air to passengers or equipment. Many of the applications for which electric motors are used are not continuously rated; that is, the motor can only be expected to run for a small proportion of the time. Others, such as the gyroscope and cooling fan motors may be run continuously throughout the period of operation of the aircraft, and the sizing/rating of the motor has to be chosen accordingly. The following categorizes the characteristics of the DC and AC motor types commonly used for aircraft applications.
DC motors A DC motor is the inverse of the DC generator described earlier in this chapter. It comprises armature field windings and commutator/brushgear and is similarly selfexcited. The main elements of importance in relation to motors are the speed and torque characteristics, i.e. the variations in speed and torque with load respectively. Motors are categorized by their field winding configuration (as for generators), and typical examples are series wound, shunt wound, and compound wound (a combination of series and shunt wound). Each of these types of motor offers differing performance characteristics that may be matched to the application for which they are intended. A specialized form of series motor is the split-field motor where two sets of series windings of opposite polarity are each used in series with the armature but parallel with each other. Either one set of field windings may receive power at any one time, and therefore the motor may run bidirectionally depending upon which winding is energized. When used in conjunction with suitable switches or relays, this type of motor is particularly useful for powering loads such as fuel system valves where there may be a requirement to change the position of various valves several times during flight. Limit switches at the end of the actuator travel prevent the motor/actuator from overrunning once the desired position has been reached. Split-field motors are commonly used for linear and rotary position actuators when used in conjunction with the necessary position feedback control. DC motors are most likely to be used for linear and rotary actuation, fuel valve actuation, and starter functions.
AC motors AC motors used for aircraft applications are most commonly of the ‘induction motor’ type. An induction motor operates upon the principle that a rotating magnetic field is set up by the AC field current supplied to two or more stator windings (usually threephase). A simple rotor, sometimes called a ‘squirrel cage’, will rotate under the effects of this rotating magnetic field without the need for brushgear or slip rings; the motor is therefore simple in construction and reliable. The speed of rotation of an induction motor depends on the frequency of the applied voltage and the number of pairs of poles used. The advantage of the induction motor for airborne uses is that there is always a source of constant-frequency AC power available, and for constant rated applications it offers a very cost-effective solution. Single-phase induction motors also exist, but these require a second set of phase windings to be switched in during the start phase, as single-phase windings can merely sustain and not start synchronous running. AC motors are most likely to be used for continuous operation, i.e. those applications where motors are continuously operating during flight, such as fuel booster
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pumps, flight instrument gyroscopes, and air conditioning cooling fans.
Lighting Lighting systems represent an important element of the aircraft electrical services. A large proportion of modern aircraft operating time occurs during night or low-visibility conditions. The availability of adequate lighting is essential to the safe operation of the aircraft. Lighting systems may be categorized as follows: 1. External lighting systems: (a) Navigation lights. (b) Strobe lights/high-intensity strobes/anti-collision beacons. (c) Landing/taxi lights. (d) Formation lights. (e) Inspection lights (wing/empennage/engine anti-ice). (f) Emergency evacuation lights. (g) Logo lights. (h) Searchlights (for search and rescue or police aircraft). 2. Internal lighting systems: (a) Cockpit/flight deck lighting (general, spot, flood, and equipment panel). (b) Passenger information lighting. (c) Passenger cabin general and personal lighting. (d) Emergency/evacuation lighting. (e) Bay lighting (cargo or equipment bays for servicing). (f) Floodlighting/emergency floods (usually red). (g) Wander lights. Lighting is generally powered by 28 V DC or by 26 VAC provided by autotransformer from the main AC buses and is mainly achieved by means of conventional filament bulbs. Specialized lights may use 115VAC supplies. These filaments vary from around 600 W for landing lights to a few watts for minor internal illumination uses. Some aircraft instrument panels or signs may use electroluminescent lighting which is a phosphor layer sandwiched between two electrodes, the phosphor glowing when supplied with AC power. Internal lighting systems must be designed to provide a balanced illumination across the flight deck, especially when dimming is used at night, so that all panels and display surfaces have an even distribution of illumination. This is to avoid eyestrain and to avoid the crew concentrating on any one display at the expense of any other.
Heating The use of electrical power for heating purposes on aircraft can be extensive. The highest power usage relates to electrically powered anti-icing or de-icing systems which can consume many tens of kVAs. This power does not have to be frequency stable and can be frequency wild and therefore much easier and cheaper to generate. Anti/de-icing elements are frequently used on the tailplane and fin leading edges, intake cowls, propellers, and spinners. The precise mix of electrical and hot air (using bleed air from the engines) anti/de-icing methods varies from aircraft to aircraft. Electrical anti/de-
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icing systems are high current consumers and require controllers to time, cycle, and switch the heating current between heater elements to ensure optimum use of the heating capability and to avoid local overheating. Windscreen heating is another important electrical heating service. In this system the heating element and the controlling thermostat are embedded in the windscreen itself. A dedicated controller maintains the temperature of the element at a predetermined value which ensures that the windscreen is kept free of ice at all times.
Subsystem controllers and avionics systems As aircraft have become increasingly complex, so has the sophistication of the aircraft subsystems also increased. Many have dedicated controllers for specific system control functions. For many years the aircraft avionics systems, embracing display, communication, and navigation functions, have been packaged into Line Replaceable Units (LRUs) which permit rapid removal should a fault occur. Many of the aircraft subsystem controllers are now packaged into similar LRUs owing to increased complexity and functionality and for the same reasons of rapid replacement following a failure. These LRUs may require DC or AC power depending upon their function and modes of operation. Many may utilize dedicated internal power supply units to convert the aircraft power to levels better suited to the electronics that require ±15 V DC and +5 V DC and also, more recently, +3.3 V DC. These LRUs represent fairly straightforward and, for the most part, fairly low-power, non-reactive loads. However, there are many of them and a significant proportion may be critical to the safe operation of the aircraft. Therefore, two important factors arise: first, the need to provide independence of function by distribution of critical LRUs across several aircraft busbars, powered by both DC and AC supplies to prevent a single power supply failure or fault leading to a loss of critical functions. Second, the need to provide adequate sources of emergency power such that, should a dire emergency occur, the aircraft has sufficient power to supply critical services to support a safe return and landing, including the safe evacuation of the crew and passengers.
Ground power For much of the period of aircraft operation on the ground, a supply of power is needed. Ground power may be generated by means of a motor–generator set where a prime motor drives a dedicated generator supplying electrical power to the aircraft power receptacle. The usual standard for ground power is 115 V AC three-phase 400 Hz, that is, the same as the aircraft AC generators. In some cases, and this is more the case at major airports, an electrical conversion set adjacent to the aircraft gate supplies 115 V AC three-phase power that has been derived from the national electricity grid. The description given later in this chapter of the Boeing 767 system explains how ground power can be applied to the aircraft by closing the EPC. The aircraft system is protected from substandard ground power supplies by means of a ground power monitor. This ensures that certain essential parameters are met before enabling the EPC to close. In this way the ground power monitor performs a similar function to a main generator GCU. Typical parameters that are checked are undervoltage, overvoltage, frequency, and correct phase rotation.
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Emergency power generation In certain emergency conditions the typical aircraft power generation system already described may not meet all the airworthiness authority requirements, and additional sources of power generation may need to be used to power the aircraft systems. The aircraft battery offers a short-term power storage capability, typically up to 30 min. However, for longer periods of operation the battery is insufficient. The operation of twin-engined passenger aircraft on Extended-Range Twin OperationS (ETOPS) flights means that the aircraft must be able to operate on one engine while up to 180 min from an alternative or diversion airfield. This has led to modification of some of the primary aircraft systems, including the electrical system, to ensure that sufficient integrity remains to accomplish the 180 min diversion while still operating with acceptable safety margins. The three standard methods for providing back-up power on civil transport aircraft are: • • •
Ram Air Turbine (RAT). Back-up converters. Permanent Magnet Generators (PMGs).
Ram Air Turbine The Ram Air Turbine (RAT) is deployed when most of the conventional power generation system has failed or is unavailable for some reason, such as total engine flame-out or the loss of all generators. The RAT is an air-driven turbine, normally stowed in the aircraft ventral or nose section, that is extended either automatically or manually when the emergency commences. The passage of air over the turbine is used to power a small emergency generator of limited capacity, usually enough to power the crew’s essential flight instruments and a few other critical services (see Fig. 4.14). Typical RAT generator sizing may vary from 5 to 15 kVA depending upon the aircraft. The RAT also powers a small hydraulic power generator for similar hydraulic system emergency power provision. Once deployed, the RAT remains extended for the duration of the flight and cannot be restowed without maintenance action on the ground. The RAT is intended to furnish the crew with sufficient power to fly the aircraft while attempting to restore the primary generators, reaching the engine relight envelope, or Fig. 4.14 Ram Air Turbine (RAT)
Aircraft Belly
Emergency AC Electrical Power
Ram Air Turbine (RAT) Emergency Hydraulic Power
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carry out a diversion to the nearest airfield. It is not intended to provide significant amounts of power for a lengthy period of operation. Owing to the importance of the supply of emergency power, the RAT will normally be expected to deploy and come on line in around 5 s.
Back-up converters The requirements for ETOPS have led to the need for an additional method of back-up power supply, short of deploying the RAT which should occur in only the direst emergency. The use of a back-up converter satisfies this requirement and is used on the B777. Back-up generators are driven by the same engine accessory gearbox but are quite independent of the main IDGs (see Fig. 4.15). Left Engine
Left Backup Generator
Right Backup Generator
Left IDG
Left VF Generator (~ 20kVA)
Fig. 4.15 Simplified back-up VSCF converter system
Right Engine
PMGs Right IDG
Flight Control DC Systemxx
Right VF Generator (~ 20kVA)
Backup VSCF Converter
3 Constant Frequency Backup Power
The back-up generators are VF and therefore experience significant frequency variation as engine speed varies. The VF supply is fed into a back-up converter which, using the DC link technique, first converts the AC power to DC by means of rectification. The converter then synthesizes three-phase 115 V AC 400 Hz power by means of sophisticated solid-state power switching techniques. The outcome is an alternative means of AC power generation that may power some of the aircraft AC busbars; typically, the 115 V AC transfer buses in the case of the Boeing 777. In this way, substantial portions of the aircraft electrical system may remain powered even though some of the more sizeable loads such as the galleys and other non-essential loads may need to be shed by the Electrical Load Management System (ELMS).
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Permanent magnet generators The use of PMGs to provide emergency power has become prominent over the last decade or so. As can be seen from the description of the back-up converter above, the back-up generator hosts PMGs which may supply several hundred watts of independent generated power to the flight control DC system where the necessary conversion to 28 V DC is undertaken. It was already explained earlier in the chapter that AC generators include a PMG to bootstrap the excitation system. Additionally, PMGs – also called Permanent Magnet Alternators (PMAs) – are used to provide dual independent on-engine supplies to each lane of the FADEC. As an indication of future trends, on an aircraft such as the B777 there are a total of 13 PMGs/PMAs across the aircraft critical control systems – flight control, engine control, and electrical systems (see Fig. 4.16.) Fig. 4.16 Boeing 777 PMG/PMA complement
Right Engine
Left Engine APU
Right Main Generator - 1
Left Main Generator - 1 APU Generator - 1
Right Backup (VSCF) Generator - 1
Left Backup (VSCF) Generator - 1
Right Flight Control DC - 2
Left Flight Control DC - 2
Right Main Engine FADEC; Channels A & B - 2
Left Main Engine FADEC; Channels A & B - 2
Total PMGs used on B777: 13
Reference (8) is an early paper describing the use of a PMG, and reference (9) describes some of the work undertaken in looking at higher levels of PMG power generation.
Typical aircraft DC system A generic distribution system is shown in Fig. 4.17. In this case a twin 28 V DC system is shown which might be typical for a twin-engine commuter aircraft requiring less than ~12 kW per channel. This type of system could typically also be used on smaller business jets. The main elements of this electrical system are: • • •
Two 28 V DC generators operating in parallel to supply No. 1 and No. 2 main DC busbars. These busbars feed the non-essential DC services. Two inverters operate, one off each of the DC busbars, to provide 115 VAC 400 Hz to non-essential AC services. Both No. 1 and No. 2 busbars feed power to a centre or essential busbar which provides DC power for the aircraft essential DC services. An inverter powered off this busbar feeds essential 115 V AC loads. A 28 V DC external power source may
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also feed this busbar when the aircraft is on the ground without the engines running. The aircraft battery feeds the battery busbar from which vital services are fed. The battery may also be connected to the DC essential busbar if required.
To enable a system such as this is to be provided with suitable protection, several levels of power switching and protection are required: •
• •
Primary power generation protection of the type described earlier, which includes reverse current and under/overvoltage protection under the control of the voltage regulator. This regulator controls the generator feed contactors which switch the generator output onto the No. 1/No. 2 DC busbars. The protection of feeds from the main buses, i.e. the protection of the feeds to the essential busbar. This may be provided by a circuit breaker, or a ‘smart’ contactor may be used to provide the protection. The use of circuit breakers to protect individual loads or groups of loads fed from the supply or feeder busbars.
The cardinal principle is that fault conditions should be contained with the minimum of disruption to the electrical system. Furthermore, faults that cause a load circuit breaker to trip should not cause the next level of protection to trip, causing a cascade failure. Thus, the trip characteristics of all protection devices should be coordinated to ensure that this does not occur. Fig. 4.17 Typical twin 28 VDC system Gen 1
Gen 1
No 1 Busbar
No 2 Busbar
Non-Essential Consumers
Inv 2
Inv 3
Non-Essential Consumers
Non-Essential AC
Battery Busbar
Ground Power
Inv 1
Centre Busbar
Essential Consumers
Essential AC Consumers
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Typical civil transport aircraft systems A typical civil transport electrical power system is shown in Fig. 4.18. This is a simplified example of a twin-engine transport aircraft and is useful to describe some generic aspects of the system. Fig. 4.18 Typical AC electrical power system
Gen 1
Gen 2
Ground Power
Left Main AC Bus
Aircraft AC Power: 115 Vac 3-Phase 400Hz Typically ~ 90Kva
Right Main AC Bus
AC Loads
Emer AC Bus
AC Loads
TRU 2 Batt Charger
Emer TRU
Left Main DC Bus
DC Loads
Right Main DC Bus
Aircraft DC Power: 28 Vdc
DC Loads Emer DC Bus
Notes: Most High power loads are 115 Vac Most Electronic/Avionic Loads are 28 Vdc
The key features of this system are common to many electrical power systems: • • • • • • •
Two 115 V AC, three-phase, 400 Hz generators feed left and right main AC buses. There is an ability to feed both AC buses on the ground from an external power source or from an APU generator. In some systems, the APU can be started in flight to provide an additional source of power. A RAT is provided to generate emergency power. Two TRUs convert 115 V AC to 28 V DC to supply the left and right DC buses. In most systems the DC supply is unregulated. A battery charger maintains battery charge. A second battery (not shown) is usually provided to start the APU. In some systems an emergency TRU may be provided to derive an emergency DC supply. Some systems may use a static inverter to supply back-up single- or three-phase AC, e.g. for essential flight instruments.
This generic architecture is also expanded to include four generators and AC buses on a four-engine aircraft.
Civil aircraft electrical system examples To examine the different architectures used on board modern transport aircraft, the following examples will be described: • • • • •
Boeing 767. Boeing 747-400. Airbus A330/340. Boeing 777. Airbus A380.
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This list is chronological in terms of when the aircraft was certified, with the exception of the A380 which is in early development. Therefore, the illustrations represent a historical perspective as well as outlining differing implementations.
Boeing 767 A simplified representation of the Boeing 767 aircraft electrical power system which is described in detail in reference (10) is given in Fig. 4.19. The primary AC system comprises identical left and right channels. Each channel has an Integrated Drive Generator (IDG) driven from the accessory gearbox of the respective engine. Each AC generator is a three-phase 115VAC400 Hz machine producing 90 kVA and is controlled by its own Generator Control Unit (GCU). The GCU controls the operation of the GCB, closing the GCB when all operating parameters are satisfactory and opening the GCB when fault conditions prevail. Two Bus Tie Breakers (BTBs) may be closed to tie both buses together in the event that either generating source is lost. The BTBs can also operate in conjunction with the External Power Contactor (EPC) or the Auxiliary Power Breaker (APB) to supply both main AC buses with power, or the 90 kVA APU generator may also feed the ground handling and ground servicing buses by means of changeover contactors. The control of the BTBs, EPB, and the ground handling and ground servicing contactors is carried out by a unit called a Bus Power Control Unit (BPCU).
Fig. 4.19 Simplified Boeing 767 electrical power system
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The APU may also be used as a primary power source in flight on certain aircraft in the event that either left or right IDG is lost. Each of the main AC buses feeds a number of sub-buses or power conversion equipment. TRUs convert 115 V AC to 28 V DC to feed the left and right DC buses respectively. In the event that either main AC bus or TRU should fail, a DC Bus Tie Contactor (BTC) closes to tie the left and right DC buses together. The main AC buses also feed the aircraft galleys (a major electrical load) by means of ‘smart’ contactors. The utility buses are also fed via contactors from each of the main AC buses. In the event of a major electrical system failure, the galley loads and non-essential utility bus loads may be shed under the supervision of the BPCU. Both main AC buses feed 26 VAC buses via autotransformers and 28 V DC buses via TRUs. Other specific feeds from the left main AC bus are a switched feed to the autoland AC bus (interlocked with a switched feed from the standby inverter) and a switched feed to the AC standby bus. Dedicated feeds from the right main AC bus are via the air/ground changeover contactor to the ground services bus feeding the APU TRU and battery charger, and via the main battery charger to the hot battery bus. The left DC bus also supplies a switched feed to the autoland DC bus (interlocked with a switched feed from the hot battery bus). The hot battery bus also has the capability of feeding the autoland AC bus via the standby inverter. To the uninitiated this may appear to be overly complex, but the reason for this architecture is to provide three independent lanes of AC and DC conversion for use during autoland conditions. These are: 1. Left main AC bus (disconnected from the autoland AC bus) via the left TRU to the left DC bus (which in this situation will be disconnected from the autoland DC bus). 2. Right main AC bus via the right TRU to the right DC bus. 3. Right main AC bus via the ground services bus and main battery charger to the hot battery bus and thence to the autoland DC bus (now disconnected from the left DC bus). Also, from the hot battery bus via the standby inverter to the autoland AC bus (now disconnected from the left main AC bus). This provides the three independent lanes of electrical power required. It might be argued that two lanes are initially derived from the right main AC bus and therefore the segregation requirements are not fully satisfied. In fact, as the hot battery is fed from the main aircraft battery, this represents an independent source of stored electricity, provided that an acceptable level of charge is maintained. This latter condition is satisfied as the battery charger is fed at all times when the aircraft is electrically powered from the ground services bus from either an air or ground source. The battery capacity is such that all standby loads may be powered for 30 min following primary power loss.
Boeing 747-400 The Boeing 747-400 system comprises four IDGs and two APU generators and has the capability of accepting two external power sources, as shown in Fig. 4.20. All four 115 VAC buses may be tied together via the BTBs and the Split System Breaker (SSB) to provide parallel operation of all four 90 kV A generators. The two APU generators and external ground power sources may be connected via APU power breakers APB 1 and APB 2 and external power contactors XPC 1 and XPC 2 controlled via Bus Control Units (BCUs) I and 2 respectively to apply APU or external ground power to all four
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Fig. 4.20 Boeing 747400 electrical power system (Boeing)
IDG 1/ GCU 1
IDG 2/ GCU 2
IDG 3/ GCU 3
IDG 4/ GCU 4
AC Bus 1
AC Bus 2
GCB 4 AC Bus 3
AC Bus 4
DC Bus 1
DC Bus 2
DC Bus 3
DC Bus 4
AC buses. Each 115 V AC bus feeds a 28 V DC bus via a dedicated TRU. Each GCU provides the following control functions: • • • • • • • • • •
Generator Control Relay (GCR) control and indication. Generator Control Breaker (GCB) control. BTB control and indication. Autoparalleling/dead bus control. Auto bus isolation (autoland) control. DC isolation relay control. Cooling valve control. Utility load management. Bus off indication for the Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System (EICAS). System no-break power transfers.
Each BCU is capable of performing the following: • • • • • • • • • • • •
APU generator field control and indication. APB control and power status. XPC power status and indication. Ground service and ground handling bus control (not shown in Fig. 4.20 for clarity). Utility and galley load management control. DC load management. Auto bus isolation (autoland) control. SSB control. APU and AGCU interface. Autoparalleling. Frequency reference. DC and standby system control.
Power transfers with the exception of APU to APU and ground power sources are
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no-break transfers where generator phases are synchronized to meet the paralleling requirements. The four GCUs and the two BCUs are interconnected via ARINC 429 data buses such that system control and fault may be readily interchanged and electrical system data gathered for display on the aircraft EICAS displays. For a more detailed description, see references (11) and (12).
Airbus A330/340 The A340 electrical power system (Fig. 4.21) is somewhat similar to that for the Boeing 747-400, with the exception that only one APU power source is provided. The names of the primary power breakers are different though their function is the same. The Generator Line Contactors (GLCs) connect the IDG and APU generators to their respective bus when all the necessary power quality and protection functions are satisfied. The Bus Tie Contactor (BTC) connects power to/from the AC bus to other power sources. The External Power Contractors (EPCs) connect the external power sources, and the System Interconnect Breaker (SIB) allows the two halves of the system to be connected as required. The A330 power architecture is similar, the difference being that only two generators are provided as the A330 is a twin-engine aircraft. Fig. 4.21 A330/340 electrical power system (Airbus)
IDG 2/ GCU 2
IDG 1/ GCU 1 GLC 1 AC Bus 1
GLC 3 AC Bus 3
GLC 2 AC Bus 2
IDG 4/ GCU 4
IDG 3/ GCU 3
GLC 4 AC Bus 4
The A330/340 systems also have the ability to achieve no-break power transfers between the main generators and the APU generator, though not between the external ground power source and the main generators/APU. An IDG to IDG transfer is effected once either of the IDG GCUs recognizes that a transfer is to take place. A common 400 Hz reference is sent from the Ground Power Control Unit (GPCU) to both GCUs which both report when synchronization has occurred. At this point the appropriate breakers are opened or closed to effect the power transfer which occurs within 100 ms. As the APU generator does not have the ability to trim generator frequency, an IDG to
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APU transfer can be completed, but an APU to IDG power transfer cannot. Similarly, an IDG to ground power transfer may be carried out, but not vice versa. It is possible, by trimming the APU speed governer, for the APU generator to be synchronized with the external power source to complete a no-break power transfer between the external source and the APU. During normal operation the IDGs are not paralleled as is the case on the Boeing 747-400. The digital GCUs are common between the A330/A340 and A321. However, because of the need to maintain certification commonality between the A321 and A320, with the latter not having a no-break power capability, the no-break power capability on the A321 is not used. For a more detailed explanation, see reference (13)
Boeing 777 The Boeing 777 electrical system is shown in Fig. 4.22, albeit with a different perspective. In this diagram an emphasis is placed upon the top-level LRUs which comprise the electrical system and which are located in the electrical equipment bay. By this means, some idea of the size of the system may be gained. For another perspective on the Boeing 777 Electrical Load Management System (ELMS), see Figs 11.6–11.8. in Chapter 11 and the accompanying text.
Left Primary Panel
Centre Primary Panel
Filter Assembl y #1
Filter Assembl y #2
I/O #1
Filter Assembl y #4
CPU #1
Standby Secondary Panel
Filter Assembl y #3
Filter Assembl y #2
Filter Assembl y #1
PSU #2
I/O #2 I/O #3 I/O #4
Filter Assembl y #3
Filter Assembl y #4
I/O #5 I/O #6 I/O #7 I/O #8 I/O #9 Dual ARINC 629 CPU #1 PSU #1
EU (P110)
Left Secondary Panel
Dual ARINC 629
PSU #2 CPU #1 Dual ARINC 629 I/O #1 I/O #2 I/O #3 I/O #4 I/O #5 I/O #6 I/O #7 I/O #8 I/O #9 Dual ARINC 629 CPU #1 PSU #1
EU (P310)
BPCU Right Primary Panel
CENTRE 2 TRU Ground Servicing Panel
RIGHT TRU Right Secondary Panel Filter Assembl y #2
Fig. 4.22 Boeing 777 electrical power system (Boeing)
Right IDG
Filter Assembl y #1
Ram Air Turbine
Filter Assembl y #4
APU Generator
Filter Assembl y #3
Left IDG
PSU #2 CPU #1 Dual ARINC 629 I/O #1 I/O #2 I/O #3 I/O #4 I/O #5 I/O #6 I/O #7 I/O #8 I/O #9 Dual ARINC 629 CPU #1 PSU #1
EU (P210)
The Boeing 777 units comprise: • • • •
Left, right, and APU GCUs. A Bus Power Control Unit (BPCU). A RAT GCU. Back-up converter which provides two channels of 20 kV A provided by a DC-link VSCF converter.
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• • •
Four TRUs. A battery charger Three Electronic Units (EUs) located in three of the secondary power panels as part of the ELMS described below.
For a comprehensive description of the B777 electrical power system, see reference (14).
Electrical Load Management System (ELMS) The Boeing 777 ELMS developed and manufactured by Smiths Aerospace sets new standards for the Industry in terms of electrical load management. The general layout of the ELMS is shown in Fig. 4.22. The system represents the first integrated electrical power distribution and load management system for a civil aircraft. The system comprises seven power panels, three of which are associated with primary power distribution: • • •
P100 – left primary power panel distributes and protects the left primary loads. P200 – right primary power panel distributes and protects the right primary loads. P300 – auxiliary power panel distributes and protects the auxiliary primary loads.
The secondary power distribution function is undertaken by four secondary power panels: • • • •
P110 – left power management panel distributes and protects power and controls loads associated with the left channel. P210 – right power management panel distributes and protects power and controls loads associated with the right channel. P310 – standby power management panel distributes and protects power and controls loads associated with the standby channel. P320 – ground servicing/handling panel distributes and protects power associated with ground handling.
Load management and utilities systems control is exercised by mean of EUs mounted within the P110, P210, and P310 power management panels. Each of these EUs interfaces with the left and right aircraft systems ARINC 629 digital data buses and contains a dual redundant architecture for reasons of dispatch availability. The EUs contain a modular suite of LRMs that can readily be replaced when the door is open. A total of six module types are utilized to build a system comprising an overall complement of 44 modules across the three EUs. This highly modular construction with multiple use of common modules reduced development risk and resulted in highly accelerated module maturity at a very early stage of airline service. LRMs typically have a mature in-service MTBF ~ 200 000 h, as reported in reference (15). The load management and utilities control features provided by ELMS are far in advance of any equivalent system in airline service. Approximately 17–19 electrical load control units ELCUs – depending upon aircraft configuration – supply and control loads directly from the aircraft main AC buses. These loads can be controlled by the intelligence embedded within the ELMS EUs. A major advance is the sophisticated load shed/load optimization function which closely controls the availability of functions should a major electrical power source fail or become unavailable. The system is able to reconfigure the loads to give the optimum distribution of available power. In the
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event that electrical power is restored, the system is able to reinstate loads according to a number of different schedules. The system is therefore able to make the optimum use of power at all times rather than merely shed loads in an emergency. The benefits conferred by ELMS have proved to be considerable, with significant reduction in volume, wiring and connectors, weight, relays, and circuit breakers. On account of the in-built intelligence, the use of digital data buses, maintainability features, and the extensive system Built-In Test (BIT), the system build and on-aircraft test time turned out to be ~30per cent of that experienced by contemporary systems.
Airbus A380 The Airbus A380, now in the early stages of development, will be the first large aircraft for many years to use VF electrical power. The aircraft will utilize a 150 kV A VF generator located on each of the four engines. Power from these generators will be organized to provide electrical power in two channels, as shown in Fig. 9.37 in Chapter 9. The flight control system will be a novel combination of conventional hydraulic actuators, Electro Hydrostatic Actuators (EHAs), and Electric Back-up Hydraulic Actuators (EBHAs) as also described in Chapter 9. As described earlier in this chapter, VF electrical power offers a cheap solution for generating large quantities of power, but the variable nature of the power can cause problems for some of the aircraft loads, particularly inductive and motor loads.
More-Electric Aircraft (MEA) For at least the last ten years a number of studies have been under way in the United States that have examined the all-electric aircraft. As stated earlier, aircraft developed in the United Kingdom in the late 1940s/early 1950s, such as the V-Bombers, utilized electric power to a greater extent than present-day aircraft. In the 1980s, a number of studies promoted by the NASA and US Navy and US Air Force development agencies, and undertaken by Lockheed and Boeing, examined the concept in detail. The concept addresses more energy-efficient ways of converting and utilizing aircraft power in the broadest sense and therefore has a far-reaching effect upon overall aircraft performance.
Electrical system displays The normal method for displaying electrical power system parameters to the flight crew has been via dedicated control and display panels. On a fighter or twin-engined commuter aircraft the associated panel is likely to be fairly small. On a large transport aircraft the electrical systems control and display would have been achieved by a large systems panel forming a large portion of the flight engineer’s panel showing the status of all the major generation and power conversion equipment. With the advent of two crew flight deck operations, of which the Boeing 757, 767, 747-400, and Airbus A320, and indeed most modern aircraft, are typical examples, the electrical system selection panel was moved into the flight crew overhead panel. EICAS or Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitor (ECAM) systems now permit the display of a significant amount of information by the use of: • • •
Synoptic displays. Status pages. Maintenance pages.
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These displays show in pictorial form the system operating configuration together with the status of major system components, key system operating parameters, and any degraded or failure conditions that apply. The maximum use of colour, as described in Chapter 7, greatly aids the flight crew in assimilating the information displayed. The overall effect is vastly to improve the flight crew/system interface, giving the pilots a better understanding of the system operation while reducing the crew workload.
Aircraft wiring Aircraft electrical wiring represents the sinew that ties the aircraft electrical system and all its recipient equipment together and as such requires a lot of attention. Wiring is usually categorized by different types, depending on the type of power or signal being carried. Typical categorizations are: • • • • • • •
Generation – generation power feeders. Power supply – loads greater than 15 A. Miscellaneous – non-sensitive wires. Sensitive – interference-sensitive wires. Audio – audio. Co-axial – antenna-related wiring. Bonding and earthing.
Wiring is also segregated in differing wiring runs or routes so that important functions are not carried in the same routing. This physical segregation prevents all of the key wiring being damaged if localized damage occurs by a fire or overheating. Certain critical wires such as the engine power feeders, fire detection and suppression, and hydraulic shut-off solenoids may be routed throughout the aircraft without a cable break to assure integrity and prevent breakdown or arcing within a connector. Routing will also be organized such that sensitive signal cable runs do not run alongside poweremitting cable types. Sensitive signal wires will also be screened to prevent unwanted signal interactions. The standards of bonding and earthing are carefully controlled so that unwanted effects do not occur. Bonding and earthing leads must be kept as short as possible, and bonding points must be made to provide the lowest practicable resistance to ground (fuselage). This is to reduce the risk of personnel hazard under fault conditions (electrical shock – potentially lethal with high voltages), and to reduce the possibility of earth loops and elevated common rail voltages which will lead to impaired or unpredictable system performance. The purpose of the load distribution protection devices – circuit breakers and SSPCs – is to protect the aircraft wiring and not the load, since, once installed in the aircraft, wiring is virtually impossible to replace. Wire sizes are calculated to ensure that the voltage drop between the busbar and the equipment terminal does not exceed 2 V. This calculation must take into account the self-heating effect of current-carrying cables in bundles which leads to higher resistance and hence a higher voltage drop. A considerable amount of effort is being exercised in surveying and assessing aged aircraft wiring to determine the impact of age on insulation and wire condition, insulation breakdown, and circuit breaker and fuse performance. This is to estimate how much risk there is of a short circuit and arcing leading to fire or the risk of igniting inflammable vapours in enclosed bays. This is a serious potential hazard as increasing reliability is leading to longer in-service lives of aircraft.
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Electrical Systems
References (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
Bonneau, V. (1998) Dual-use of VSCF cycloconverter, FITEC’98, London. RTCA DO-160C: Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment, (1989) RTCA Inc. ADB-0100: Airbus Directives (ABD) and Procedures, ADB0100, Electrical and Installation Requirements. MIL-STD-704E: Aircraft Electric Power Characteristics, (1991). Boyce, J.W. An introduction to smart relays, Paper presented at the SAE AE4 Symposium. Johnson, W., Casimir, B., Hanson, R. Fitzpatrick, J., and Pusey, G. ‘Development of 200 ampere-regulated transformer rectifier, SAE, Mesa. Layton, S.G. Solid state power control, ERA Avionics Conference, London Heathrow. Rinaldi, M.R. A Highly Reliable DC Power Source for Avionics Subsystems, SAE Conference. Mitcham, A.J. An integrated LP shaft generator for the more-electric aircraft, IEE Colloquium, London. Wall, M.B. Electrical power system of the Boeing 767 airplane. Thom, J. and Flick, J. (1990) New power system architecture for the 747-400 Aerospace Engineering. Thom, J. and Flick, J. Design features of the 747-400 electric power system. Barton, A. The A340 electrical power generation system. Tenning, C. B777 electrical system, RAeS Conference, London. Haller, J.P., Weale, D.V., and Loveday, R.G. Integrated utilities control for civil Aircraft, FITEC’98, London.
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CHAPTER 5 Sensors
The primary autonomous sensing methods available to the modern civil airliner are: • • • •
Air data. Magnetic. Inertial. Radar sensors.
Each of the on-board sensor families have their own attributes, and associated strengths and shortcomings. A modern system will take account of these attributes, matching the benefits of one particular sensor type against the deficiencies of another. On-board autonomous sensors are also used in conjunction with external navigation aids and systems to achieve the optimum performance for the navigation system. As will be seen, the capabilities of modern integrated navigation systems blend the inputs of multisensor types to attain high levels of accuracy that permit new navigation and approach procedures to be used. Indeed, in the crowded skies that prevail today, such highly integrated systems are becoming essential to assure safe and smooth traffic flow.
Air data Air data, as the name suggests, involve the sensing of the medium through which the aircraft is flying. Typical sensed parameters are dynamic pressure, static pressure, rate of change in pressure, and temperature. Derived data include barometric altitude (ALT), indicated airspeed (IAS), vertical speed (VS), Mach (M), Total Air Temperature (TAT), and True AirSpeed (TAS). Static Air Temperature (SAT) is derived. The simplest system provides ALT and IAS as a minimum, but modern jet aircraft require Mach, VS, maximum operating speed, V mo, maximum operating Mach, M mo, SAT, TAT, and TAS to satisfy the aircraft requirements. The evolution of the high-performance commercial and business jet aircraft of today, together with an increase in traffic on congested
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routes, has significantly influenced the design of the air data system in the following ways: • • • •
By extending the dynamic range of the sensors involved with higher altitudes, higher airspeeds, and greater temperatures. By increasing the use of air data on-board the aircraft, not just for navigation but for engine control, flight control, and a whole range of other aircraft subsystems. The adoption of higher cruise altitudes has introduced a more severe environment for equipment located outside the pressurized cabin. Increasing complexity, density, and functional requirements have also led to more complexity within the cabin. Demand for reduced vertical separation minima requires higher accuracy of height sensing and methods of maintaining height within strict limits.
Air data pressure parameters are sensed by means of pitot static probes and static sensors as shown in Fig. 5.1. Dynamic pressure is the head of pressure created by the forward movement of the aircraft during flight. The dynamic pressure varies according to the square of the forward velocity of the aircraft. Static pressure is the local pressure surrounding the aircraft at a given altitude and may be used to determine the aircraft altitude. Static pressure may be measured by means of ports in the side of the pitot static probe or by means of static ports in the side of the aircraft skin. The exact relationship between these parameters is shown later.
Pitot Static Probe
Pitot Tube
Static Port
Static Vent
Airflow Static Port
Aircraft Skin Aircraft Skin
Heater Pitot Pressure
Static Pressure
Static Pressure
Fig. 5.1 Air data probes
There are several types of error that affect these static pressure sensors. To avoid errors when the aircraft yaws and errors due to changes in the aircraft angle of attack, static ports are located on both sides of the aircraft. There is inevitably some error associated with the less than ideal positioning of the static ports – this is known as ‘static source error’ and will need correction as described later. Temperature sensing involves positioning a probe in the airflow and sensing the change in resistance associated with temperature (see Fig. 5.2). Outside Air Temperature (OAT) affects aircraft performance in a number of ways. During take-off it directly affects the thrust available from the engines and the lift due to air density, both of which can significantly affect the aircraft take-off distance and operational
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Fig. 5.2 Total temperature probe
Total Temperature Probe Sensor Element Airflow
Aircraft Skin
[resistance proportional to temperature]
Total Temperature
margins. In the cruise, engine performance and fuel consumption are affected, and TAT needs to be calculated. In adverse weather, SAT indicates the potential for icing, while TAT is closer to the leading edge temperature and is more indicative of icing accretion. The OAT has to be corrected to represent SAT or TAT. Both pitot and total temperature probes are susceptible to icing and so are equipped with heating elements to prevent this from happening without affecting the accuracy of the sensing elements. Since the blockage of a pneumatic pipe will lead to erroneous air data, the correct operation of the heating element needs to be continuously monitored. In a basic air data instrumentation system, the combination of sensed pitot and static pressure may be used to derive aircraft data as shown in Fig. 5.3. By using the capsule Fig. 5.3 Use of pitot and static pressure to derive simple indications
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arrangement shown in Fig. 5.3, dynamic pressure is fed into the capsule while static pressure is fed into the case surrounding the capsule. The difference between these two parameters, represented by the deflection of the capsule, represents the aircraft airspeed. This permits airspeed to be measured. In the centre capsule configuration, static pressure is fed into the case of the instrument while the capsule itself is sealed. Here, capsule deflection is proportional to changes in static pressure and therefore aircraft altitude. This allows aircraft barometric altitude to be measured. A typical aircraft altimeter is shown in Fig. 5.4. In the arrangement shown in the right of Fig. 5.3, static pressure is fed into the capsule. It is also fed via a calibrated orifice into the sealed case surrounding the capsule. In this situation the capsule deflection is proportional to the rate of change in altitude. This permits the aircraft rate of ascent or descent to be measured. Fig. 5.4 Typical mechanical altimeter display
Originally, the portrayal of aircraft airspeed, altitude, and rate of change in altitude was accomplished using discrete instruments: airspeed indicator, altimeter, and Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI). In these simple instruments any scaling required was accomplished by means of the mechanical linkages. Determination of altitude from pressure measurements is based upon a standard atmosphere in which pressure, density, and temperature are functions of altitude. The altitude resulting from these calculations is called the pressure altitude and represents the altitude above sea level under these standard atmospheric conditions. As a standard atmosphere rarely exists, certain steps are necessary to establish other useful and reliable operating datums for aircraft altitude and height. The particular example of an altimeter shown in Fig. 5.4 has a combination of rolling digits in the centre of the display, together with a pointer display, with increments of 100 ft, but there are many other portrayals and many varied display profiles exist. The barometric set knob at the bottom right allows various static datums to be set; the reason for this is described below. Figure 5.5. defines the basic criteria for the various altimeter and height settings: • • •
Altitude or QNH is defined as the barometric height between the aircraft and mean sea level (MSL). Therefore, an altimeter with a QNH setting indicates the height above mean sea level. Elevation relates to the height of a particular feature – in this case the height of an airfield above sea level. This is geographically fixed such that the height of the airfield will be fixed in relation to sea level. Height or QFE relates to the height of the aircraft above a particular feature
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Fig. 5.5 Altimeter settings
Flight Levels SAS
Transition Altitude
Height QFE Altitude QNH Airfield Elevation Sea Level
(airport). An altimeter with the QFE correctly set will read zero at the appropriate airfield. Above a transition altitude, which depends upon the country and the height of the local terrain, all aircraft altimeters are set to a nominal Standard Altimeter Setting (SAS) of 29.92 inHg/1013.2 mbar (see Fig. 5.5.), which ensures that all the altimeters of aircraft in a locality are set to a common datum and therefore altitude conflicts due to dissimilar datum settings may be avoided. Above the transitional altitude, all aircraft altitudes are referred to in terms of Flight Levels (FLs) to reduce further ambiguity.
The importance of these definitions will become more apparent in later sections when Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM) and autoland Decision Height (DH) and Decision Altitude (DA) criteria are described. As aircraft systems became more complex and more sophisticated propulsion and flight control laws were adopted, the number of systems that required air data increased. Therefore, the provision of air data in various aircraft navigation, flight control, and other subsystems required a more integrated approach. The computation tasks involved the following: • • •
Conversion of the sensed parameters into a more useful form, e.g. static pressure in terms of millibars or in inches of mercury into altitude (in feet), and dynamic pressure in inches of mercury into airspeed (in knots). Combination of two or more parameters to obtain a third parameter, e.g. airspeed and altitude to obtain Mach, or Mach and temperature to obtain true airspeed. To correct for known errors as far as possible.
This led to the introduction of one or more Air Data Computers (ADCs), which centrally measured air data and provided corrected data to the recipient subsystems.
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This had the advantage that, while the pilot still had the necessary air data presented, more accurate and more relevant forms of the data could be provided to the aircraft systems. Initially, this was achieved by analogue signalling means, but with the evolution of digital data buses in the late 1970s, data were provided to the aircraft subsystems by this means, notably by the use of standard ARINC 429 data buses. The function of an air data computer is to provide the outputs shown in Fig. 5.6. The unit contains the capsules necessary to measure the raw air data parameters and the computing means to calculate the necessary corrections. In earlier implementations, analogue computing techniques were utilized. With the advent of cost-effective digital processing, together with low-cost digital data buses, alternative methods of implementation became possible. The most effective combination of ADCs is the Triple Air Data System (TADS) which allows a majority voting technique to be used to isolate failures and use the best available information. Airspeed measurements in the ADC are derived according to the computations summarized in Fig. 5.7 and described below: 1. Indicated Airspeed. IAS is the parameter proportional to pitot minus static or dynamic pressure and is directly related to the aerodynamic forces acting on the wings (lift) and control surfaces. IAS is therefore very useful for defining aircraft aerodynamic performance and structural limitations. Mach number is derived from a combination of IAS and altitude and is expressed as a ratio of the aircraft speed to the speed of sound at that particular altitude. Typical reference speeds based upon IAS or Mach are listed below: Fig. 5.6 Air data computer
Pitot Pressure
Total Temperature
Static Pressure
Air Data Computer (ADC) Air Data Compututations & Corrections
Altitude Airspeed (IAS) Aircraft Power Supply
Mach Vertical Speed Other Parameters
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Pitot Pressure (Pt)
Mechanical Airspeed Indicator
Static Pressure (Ps)
Indicated Airspeed (IAS)
Pressure Error Correction
Airspeed Sensing Module
Computed Airspeed
Square Law
Square Law Compensation
Calibrated Airspeed (CAS)
Compressibility Compensation
Equivalent Airspeed (EAS)
Air Density Compensation
True Airspeed (TAS)
Mach Altitude
Total Air Temperature Static Pressure (Ps)
Vstall = aircraft stall speed Vrotation = aircraft rotation speed Vgear extend = aircraft gear extension maximum Vflaps extend = aircraft flaps extension maximum Vmaximum operating = aircraft maximum operating speed Mmaximum operating = aircraft maximum operating Mach number
2. 3. 4. 5.
These reference speeds are declared in the aircraft operating manual. They are used by the aircrew to operate the aircraft within its structural and performance limitations for continued safe operation. For crucial limiting speeds placards will be placed at prominent positions on the flight deck. Computed airspeed. Computed airspeed is the IAS corrected for static pressure errors. It is not used as a parameter in its own right but is used as a basis for further corrections and calculations. Calibrated airspeed (CAS). CAS is the computed airspeed with further corrections applied for non-linear/square law effects of the airspeed sensing module. Equivalent airspeed (EAS). EAS is achieved by modifying CAS to allow for the effects of compressibility at the pitot probe, thereby obtaining corrected airspeed for varying speeds and altitudes. True airspeed. The most meaningful parameter relating to navigation is TAS. TAS represents the true velocity of the aircraft in relation to the air mass and in still air
Fig. 5.7 Derivation of airspeed parameters
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would be representative of the aircraft speed over the ground (groundspeed). TAS is calculated from Mach using SAT. In practice, the air mass is seldom stationary and is almost always moving with reference to the ground, and one of the primary functions of the navigation system is to make the necessary allowances. Typical parameters provided by an ADC are: • Barometric correction. • Barometric corrected altitude. • Altitude rate. • Pressure altitude. • Computed airpeed. • Mach number. • True airspeed. • Static air temperature. • Total air temperature. • Impact pressure. • Total pressure. • Static pressure. • Indicated angle of attack. • Overspeed warnings. • Maximum operating speeds. • Maintenance information. Other air data parameters of interest included the Airstream Direction Detector (ADD). This measures the direction of the airflow relative to the aircraft and permits the angle of incidence – also referred to as angle of attack – to be detected. Typically, this information is of use in the flight control system to modify the pitch control laws or in a stall warning system to warn the pilot of an impending stall. A typical airstream detection sensor is shown in Fig. 5.8. Fig. 5.8 Airstream Direction Detector
Airsteam Direction Detector (ADD)
Aircraft Skin Heater Angle of Attack (AoA)
The small bore pneumatic sensing lines associated with routing the sensed pitot or static pressure throughout the aircraft posed significant engineering and maintenance
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penalties. As the air data system is critical to the safe operation of the aircraft, it was typical for 3 or 4 or more alternative systems to be provided. The narrow bore of the sensing lines necessitated the positioning of water drain traps at low points in the system where condensation could be drained off, avoiding the blockage of the lines as a result of moisture accumulation. Finally, following the replacement of an instrument or disturbance of any section of tubing, pitot–static leak checks were mandated to ensure that the sensing lines were intact and leak-free and that no corresponding instrumentation sensing errors were likely to occur. Correct flight instrumentation interpretation relating to air data derived is paramount to safe flight, though a number of accidents have occurred where the flight crew misinterpreted their instruments when erroneous data were presented. Reference (1) gives a good overview of how to understand and counter these effects. Angle of attack measurements and the associated display data have been used in the military fighter community for many years; reference (2) outlines how to get the best use of this parameter in an air transport setting. The advent of digital computing and digital data buses such as ARINC 429 meant that computation of the various air data parameters could be accomplished in Air Data Modules (ADMs) closer to the pitot–static sensing points. Widespread use of the ARINC 429 data buses enabled these data to be rapidly disseminated throughout all the necessary aircraft systems. Now, virtually all civil transport aircraft designed within the last 15 years or so have adopted the air data module implementation. Figure 5.9 shows a modern air data system for an Airbus aircraft, while Fig. 5.10 shows a typical ADM. The Airbus system comprises three pitot and six static sensors. Pitot sensors 1–3 and static sensors 1 and 2 on each side of the aircraft are connected to their own air data module. Each of these seven air data modules provides pitot or static derived air data to the display, flight control, and navigation systems, among others. Static sensors 3 on each side are connected to a common line and a further air data module. Pitot 3 and the combination of the static 3 sensors are also used to provide pitot and static pressure to the aircraft standby airspeed indicator and standby altimeter. Air data are generally regarded as accurate, but in the longer term rather than the short term. The fact that air data sensing involves the use of relatively narrow bore tubing and pneumatic capsules means that there are inherent delays in the measurement of air data as opposed to some other forms of air data. The use of ADMs situated close to, or integrated into, the probes will reduce such errors, as well as eliminating condensation and icing with consequent maintenance benefits.
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Fig. 5.9 Airbus data system
Pitot Line Standby ASI
Standby Altimeter
Static Line
Pitot 3
Pitot 1
Pitot 2 ADM
Static 1
Static 2
Static 3
Display & Navigation Systems
Static 1
Static 2 Static 3
Fig. 5.10 Typical air data module (Honeywell)
Magnetic sensing The use of the Earth’s magnetic field to sense direction and the use of north-seeking devices to establish the direction of magnetic north for the purposes of navigation is one of the oldest forms of sensor. The location of a magnetic sensing device – called a flux valve – is usually in the outer section of one of the aircraft wings, well clear of any aircraft-induced sources of spurious magnetism. As may be seen in Fig. 5.11, the axis of the Earth’s magnetic field may be considered to be analogous to a simple bar magnet. This magnetic dipole has its field lines originating at a point near the south pole and terminating at a point near the north pole, but the field is skewed from true geodetic north by ~11.5. The Earth’s field lines enter the earth at a considerable angle to the local horizontal plane, and this angle is called the magnetic angle of inclination (magnetic dip). In the United States and Europe this angle is around 70. The Earth’s magnetic field, H, is the vector sum of components Hx, Hy, Hz measured in the orthogonal axis set shown in Fig. 5.12, where the angles of inclination and declination are shown. The Hx and Hy components, which are in the local horizontal plane, are used to determine the compass heading with reference to the north magnetic pole. However, allowance has to be made for the fact that the magnetic and geodetic poles do not
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Fig. 5.11 Earth’s magnetic field
Fig. 5.12 Earth’s magnetic field components
Magnetic angle of Inclination (Magnetic Dip)
Magnetic angle of Declination (Magnetic Variation)
coincide, and also for the fact that there are considerable variations in the Earth’s magnetic characteristics across the globe. These factors are measured and mapped across the globe such that the necessary corrections may be applied. The correction term is called the angle of declination (magnetic variation) and is a corrective angle to be added to/subtracted from the magnetic heading to give a true (geodetic) compass heading. Positive angular declinations represent easterly corrections, while negative angles represent westerly corrections. These corrections are measured, charted, and periodically updated. Figure 5.13 shows the variation in declination from the world magnetic model for 2000, published by the British Geological Survey in conjunction with The United States Geological Survey [see reference (3)]. Perhaps easier to understand is a simplified North American map of declination derived a few years previously (Fig. 5.14). In this figure it may be readily noted that declination for the northeastern US seaboard in the vicinity of Boston would be in the region of 14 west (minus 14), and the corresponding correction for Seattle on the northwestern US seaboard would be 20 east (plus 20). When the flight time of
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Fig 5.13 World magnetic map 2000
~ 4.5–5 h for a typical modern airliner between these points is considered, the magnitude of the change in declination (variation) may be appreciated. Early-generation flux valves were commonly gimballed in two axes to allow a degree of freedom in pitch and roll but were fixed in azimuth. More recently, threedimensional solid-state magnetic sensors have become available, which offer a strapdown sensing capability that can fit within the footprint of the existing gimballed design. Figure 5.15 shows the Honeywell HMR2300 strapdown sensor which can resolve the magnetic field into X, Y, and Z components. Magnetic sensing therefore provides a very simple heading reference system that may be used by virtually all aircraft today, although, in transcontinental and transoceanic aircraft, inertial and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) navigation methods are likely to be preferred. In general aviation aircraft of limited range and performance it is likely to be the only heading reference available. This type of system was commonly used for navigation until the late 1960s/early 1970s, when inertial platforms became common, and it is still in use for many general aviation aircraft.
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Fig 5.14 North American declination map
Fig. 5.15 Honeywell solid state strapdown magnometer (Honeywell)
Magnetic Heading Reference System (MHRS) The magnetic sensor or flux valve described earlier will provide magnetic heading and, when combined with a Directional Gyro (DG), which provides an inertial heading reference, can provide a Magnetic Heading and Reference System (MHRS) as shown in Fig. 5.16. The flux valve and DG provide magnetic and inertial heading respectively to the magnetic heading and reference system. According to the heading mode of navigation being used, either magnetic or true (inertial) heading may be selected and displayed on the aircraft heading displays. The system includes a compensation element to provide the necessary corrections as the system encounters differing magnetic field conditions. The outputs from the MHRS may be fed to a Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI), to a Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) to provide display of heading information, or to the aircraft autopilot/flight director system either by synchro or ARINC 429 data buses. The Collins AHS-3000A is a smaller, lighter, and more reliable Attitude Heading Reference System (AHRS). The advanced AHRS delivers greater reliability than
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Fig. 5.16 Magentic heading reference system
Radio Navaids
Magnetic Detector (Flux Valve)
Magnetic Heading
Aircraft Heading
Magnetic Heading & Reference System Inertial Heading
Directional Gyro (DG)
Fig 5.17 (a) Rockwell Collins AHARS (Rockwell Collins)
Fig 5.17 (b) Miniature gyro (Rockwell Collins)
Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI)
Aircraft Flight Director System Aircraft Heading
Heading Selector Panel
Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI)
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conventional AHRS, with mean time between failures at greater than 10 000 h. The solid-state system has been selected for inclusion on many new airframes as well as retrofit application on existing aircraft.
Inertial navigation Inertial sensing Inertial sensors are associated with the detection of motion in a universal (non-earth) referenced set. Inertial sensors comprise: • • •
Position gyroscopes. Rate gyroscopes. Accelerometers.
Position gyroscopes Gyroscopes are most commonly implemented as spinning masses or wheels tending to hold their position in a space-referenced attitude set. Position gyroscopes or gyros use this property to provide a positional or attitude reference – typically, aircraft pitch position, roll position, or yaw position (heading). Position gyros are used in heading and reference systems to provide the aircraft with vital information regarding the aircraft attitude for a range of aircraft subsystems. A simple gyroscope may be represented by the simple spinning wheel in Fig. 5.18. The wheel is rotating in the direction shown around the X axis and, once it has been spun up to its operating speed, will preserve that orientation in space. The degree of ‘stiffness’ of the gyro will depend on its angular momentum, which in turn depends on mass and speed of rotation. In order to preserve the spatial position of a directional gyro, a gimballing system needs to be used as shown in Fig. 5.19. The simple system shown comprises an inner, centre, and outer gimbal mechanism. The vertical pivots between the inner and centre gimbals allow freedom of movement in rotational direction A. The horizontal pivots between the centre and outer gimbal allow freedom of movement in rotational direction B. Fig. 5.18 Simple gyroscope
Z Y Direction of Spin
X Arrow A
Arrow B
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Fig. 5.19 Position gyroscope with simple gimballing system
A Inner Gimbal
Outer Gimbal
Centre Gimbal
Therefore, if the outer gimbal is fixed to the aircraft frame of axes, the gyroscope will remain fixed in space as the aircraft moves. Hence, pitch, roll, and yaw (heading) attitude may be measured.
Rate gyroscopes The gyro also has the property of precession when an external force is applied. Referring back to Fig. 5.18, if a force is applied to the forward edge on the Y axis (shown by white arrow A), the actual force will not act, as might be imagined, by rotating the Z axes. Instead, owing to the properties of the gyro the force will actually act at the bottom of the wheel (shown by black arrow B). This force will cause the gyro X axis to tilt counterclockwise in the direction shown. This property of precession allows body rates to be sensed. Gyroscopes can therefore be used to provide information relating to the aircraft body rates: pitch rate, roll rate, and yaw rate. These rate gyros use the property of gyro precession described. When a gyro is rotating and the frame of the gyro is moved, the gyro moves or precesses owing to the effects of the angular momentum of the gyro. By balancing and measuring this precession force, the applied angular rate of movement applied to the gyroscope frame may be measured. This information, together with the attitude data provided by the position gyros, is crucial in the performance of modern flight control or Fly-By-Wire (FBW) systems, as is described in Chapter 9. In early systems, gyroscopes were air driven, but later electrically driven gyroscopes became the norm. As these were both rotating devices, bearing friction and wear were major factors in mitigating against high accuracies. In modern systems the gyroscopes used are likely to be fibre-optic devices. The principle of operation of a Ring Laser Gyroscope (RLG) is depicted in Fig. 5.20. The LRG uses laser light in the visible or near-infrared wavelength to sense angular motion. Using a coherent, highly stable laser source and a series of mirrors to create a continuous light path, two travelling-wave laser beams are formed independently, one moving in a clockwise and the other in a counterclockwise direction. When the sensor is stationary in inertial space, both beams
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Fig. 5.20 Ring laser gyroscope – principle of operation
Photodiode Detectors Prism
Input Rate
Clockwise & Counter Clockwise Laser Beams
Mirror Gas Discharge
have the same optical frequency. When the sensor is rotated around the axis perpendicular to the plane containing the beams and mirrors (shown in the figure), differences occur in the frequency of the two beams. The frequency of each beam alters to maintain the resonance necessary for laser action. The path difference between the beams is very small (~1 nm = 1 × 10-9 m), and therefore a source of high spectral purity and stability is required; typically, helium neon gas lasers are used. The rotational motion is sensed by allowing a small portion of light from each beam to ‘leak’ through one of the mirrors, and the two beams are combined using a prism to form an interference pattern on a set of photodiodes. The frequency difference between the two beams causes interference fringes to move across the detectors at a frequency proportional to the frequency difference between the beams and hence proportional to the input angular rate. At a very low angular rate the beams can effectively ‘lock in’ to the same frequency on account of optical backscattering within the device, and this can cause a dead band effect. This may be overcome by mechanically dithering or physically vibrating the entire cavity to obviate the ‘lock-in’ condition. Alternatively, four beams of differing frequencies may be used within the cavity, which enables the Fig. 5.21 Ring laser gyroscope (photograph courtesy of Northrop Grunman Corporation)
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‘lock-in’ effect to be overcome. RLGs can offer a performance in the region of 0.001/h of drift; less complex and cheaper Fibre-Optic Gyroscopes (FOGs) can produce drift rates of the order of 10/h or more. An example of an RLG produced by Litton is shown in Fig. 5.21.
Accelerometers Accelerometers are devices that measure acceleration along a particular axis. The measurement of acceleration can be integrated using computers used to derive aircraft velocity and position. All accelerometers use the principle of sensing the force on a loosely suspended mass, from which the acceleration may be calculated. A common accelerometer used today is the pendulous force feedback accelerometer shown in Fig. 5.22. The device is fixed to the body structure whose acceleration is to be taken (shown as the structure at the right). As the structure and the pendulous arm move, the pick-off at the end of the pendulous arm moves with respect to two excitation coils. By sensing this movement, a corrective current is applied to the restoring coil that balances the pick-off to the null position. As the restoring coil is balanced between two permanent magnets above and below, the resulting current in the restoring coil is proportional to the applied acceleration – in this example in the vertical direction. Typical accelerometer accuracies may vary from 50 mg (50 × 10-3 g) down to a few µg (1 µg = 1 × 10-6 g). Fig. 5.22 Pendulous force feedback accelerometer – principle of operation
Torque Motor
Permanent Magnet
Restoring Coil
Input Axis
Aircraft Structure
Excitation Coil
Excitation Coil
Permanent Magnet
Pendulous Arm
Inertial navigation As for the magnetic sensors, inertial sensors may be arranged such that inertial rates are sensed within an orthogonal axis set as shown in Fig. 5.23.
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Three Rate Gyros & Accelerometers
Y Acceleration Y
Z Acceleration Z Orthogonal Axis Set stabilised in Space
X Acceleration
Features of an Inertial Platform: Platform is Gyro Stabilised in Space Sensitive Accelerometers detect acceleration in the direction of the orthogonal axes: Ox, Oy, Oz Accelerations are integrated to give first velocity and then position in the Ox, Oy, Oz axes Platform readings can be transformed to relate to earth rather than spatial axes and coordinates
Inertial platforms Early inertial navigation systems used a gimballed and gyro-stabilized arrangement to provide a stable platform on which the inertial sensors were located. The platform was stabilized using rate information from the gyros to drive torque motors which stabilized the platform in its original frame of axes, independently of movement of the aircraft. Resolvers provided angular information about the aircraft in relation to the platform, and hence aircraft attitude could be determined. A diagram representing a gimballed, stabilized platform is shown in Fig. 5.24. The inertial sensors located on the stable platform preserve their orientation in space and are X accelerometer Y accelerometer Z accelerometer
X gyro Y gyro Z gyro
The inertial platform uses a combination of gyros and accelerometers to provide a platform with a fixed reference in space. By using the combined attributes of position and rate gyros and accelerometers, a stabilized platform provides a fixed attitude reference in space and, when fitted in an aircraft, can provide information about aircraft body rates and acceleration in all three axes. Suitable computation can also provide useful information relating to velocity and distance travelled in all three axes. This is a significant achievement in establishing the movement of the aircraft, but it suffers a major disadvantage. That is, the aircraft body data are derived relative to a reference set in space, whereas to be useful in navigating on the Earth the system needs to be referenced to a global reference set. The development of the Inertial Navigation
Fig. 5.23 Inertial reference set
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Fig. 5.24 Threegimbal gyro-stabilized platform
Resolver Torque Motor
Y X, Y , Z Accelerometers
Torque Motor
Inner Gimbal Outer Gimbal X, Y , Z Gyros
Torque Motor Stable Platform
System (INS) provided the additional computation to provide this essential capability (see Fig. 5.25). The inertial navigation system performs a series of transformations such that the inertial platform is referenced to a meaningful Earth reference set. To do this, it performs the following operations: • Fig. 5.25 Earthreferenced inertial system
Aligns the vertical axis (Z axis) with the local Earth vertical. North
9O North
Aligned IN platform is referenced to earth co-ordinates
Line of Latitude
Vertical East Alignment Position:
O Equator
Latitude: 30 degrees North Longitude: 45 degrees West (approx)
Line of Longitude
9O South
180 Inertial Sensors are referenced in Space
90W 0
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• • •
Aligns the horizontal (Y axis) with north: the X axis will now point east. Calculates movement across the surface of the Earth. Allows for the Earth’s rotation variation with longitude. To do this, it needs an Earth starting point in terms of latitude and longitude.
The alignment of the INS platform follows power-up and usually takes several minutes. During this process, the orthogonal axis set is aligned with north and local vertical and, by implication, east. The platform initialization is undertaken by the flight crew by inserting the latitude and longitude coordinates provided at the aircraft departure gate. This process is completed before aircraft start-up, and the INS is therefore able to perform calculations deriving vital information regarding aircraft position, velocities, and accelerations throughout the flight. Typical information would include: • • • • • • •
Three-axis accelerations. Three-axis velocities. Present position – latitude and longitude. Distance along and across track. Angle of drift. Time to next waypoint and subsequent waypoints. Calculated wind speed and direction, etc.
Inertial systems have the advantage that they are very accurate in the short term – no settling time is required as for air data. Conversely, inertial sensors have a tendency to drift with time and so become progressively less accurate as the flight continues. Often, the flight crew will use other navigation sensors to update the INS during flight and minimize the effects of this characteristic. As will be seen in other chapters, GPS or other satellite-based systems can be used to provide an automatic periodic correction of high accuracy. The advent of digital computers greatly facilitated the ability to undertake this computation. On an aircraft such as a Boeing 747 Classic, three INSs would be provided and additional calculations performed to establish the best estimate of aircraft position according to information provided by all three systems.
Strapdown systems Many modern inertial systems are strapdown, in other words, the inertial sensors are mounted directly to the aircraft structure and no gimballed platform is required. The inertial signals are resolved mathematically using a computer prior to performing the necessary navigation calculations. The removal of the stabilized platform with its many high-precision, moving parts and the use of modern RLG sensor technology considerably increase the system reliability. Strapdown systems are claimed to be around five times more reliable than their stabilized platform predecessors. The Litton LTN-92 strapdown INS was designed to update aircraft from the earlier LTN-72 gyro-stabilized system. The system uses three RLGs, force rebalanced accelerometers, and three high-speed digital microprocessors to provide an RNP-10 (Required Navigation Performance – 95 per cent probability of being within 10 nautical miles of estimated position) navigation capability. The units comprising the LTN-92 system are shown in Fig. 5.26. With the advent of Air Data Modules (ADMs), a combined unit called the Air Data
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Fig. 5.26 Litton LTN-92 strapdown INS (phoyograph courtesy of Northrop Grumman Corporation)
and Inertial Reference System (ADIRS) performs all the necessary calculation on air data and inertial data to provide the navigational information that the aircraft requires. Examples of modern ADIRS systems are addressed in Chapter 8. See reference (4) for a more detailed overview of inertial techniques.
Radar sensors Civil aircraft carry a number of radar sensors that permit the aircraft to derive data concerning the flight of the aircraft. The principle radar sensors in use on civil aircraft are: • • •
Radar altimeter. Doppler radar. Weather radar.
Radar altimeter The radar altimeter (rad alt) uses radar transmissions to reflect off the surface of the sea or the ground immediately below the aircraft. The radar altimeter therefore provides an absolute reading of altitude with regard to the terrain directly beneath the aircraft – absolute distance above terrain. This contrasts with the barometric or air data altimeter where the altitude may be referenced to sea level (altitude) or some other datum such as the local terrain (height). The radar altimeter is therefore of particular value in warning pilots that they are close to the terrain and need to take corrective action. Alternatively, the radar altimeter may provide the flight crew with accurate altitude with respect to terrain during the final stages of a precision approach. Comparison of barometric and radar altitude is shown in Fig. 5.27. The radar altimeter principle of operation is shown in Fig. 5.28. The oscillator and modulator provide the necessary signals to the transmitter and transmit antennae which direct radar energy towards the terrain beneath the aircraft. Reflected energy is received by the receive antenna and received and passed to a frequency counter. The frequency counter demodulates the received signal and provides a radar altimeter reading to a dedicated display (see Fig. 5.29). Alternatively, the information may be presented on an Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS). In modern systems, radar altitude will be provided to a range of systems such as the Flight Management System (FMS), the Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS), autopilot, etc., as well as being displayed directly to the flight crew. Radar altimeters usually operate over a maximum range of 0–5000 ft; the display shown has a maximum reading of 2000 ft.
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Fig. 5.27 Radar altimeter compared to barometric altimeter
Radar Altitude Barometric Altitude
Sea Level
Most radar altimeters use a triangular modulated frequency technique on the transmitted energy as shown in Fig. 5.30. The transmitter/receiver generates a Continuous Wave (CW) signal varying from 4250 to 4350 MHz modulated at 100 MHz
Oscillator & Modulator
Fig. 5.28 Radar altimeter – principles of operation
Frequency Counter
Transmit Antenna
Receive Antenna
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(period = 0.01 s). Comparison of the frequency of the reflected energy with the transmitted energy – F1 versus F2 in the figure – yields a frequency difference that is proportional to the time taken for the radiated energy to return, and hence radar altitude may be calculated. Radar altimeter installations are calibrated to allow for the aircraft installation delay
Fig. 5.29 Stand-alone radar altimeter display
Fig. 5.30 Radar altimeter frequency modulation technique
Transmit Signal Frequency Mhz
Receive Signal
4350 F1 F2
T1 T
Time (sec)
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which varies from aircraft to aircraft. This allows compensation for the height of the antenna above the landing gear and any lengthy runs of coaxial cable in the aircraft electrical installation. The zero reading of the radar altimeter is set so that it coincides with the point at which the aircraft landing gear is just making contact with the runway.
Doppler radar Doppler radar transmits energy in three or four beams skewed to the front and rear of the aircraft, as shown in Fig. 5.31. In this example, a three-beam system is depicted. The beams are also skewed laterally to the sides of the aircraft track. As with the radar altimeter, Doppler radar depends upon the radiated energy being reflected from the terrain within the Doppler beams. As before, a frequency difference between the radiated and reflected energy carries vital information. Owing to the effects of the Doppler principle, energy reflected from beams facing forward will be returned with a higher frequency than the radiated energy. Conversely, energy from a rearward facing beam will have a lower frequency than that radiated. In Fig. 5.31, beams 2 and 3 will return higher frequencies where the frequency increase is proportional to the aircraft groundspeed, while beam 1 will detect a lower frequency where the frequency decrease is also proportional to groundspeed. This enables the aircraft groundspeed to be derived. If the aircraft is drifting across track on account of a crosswind, then the beams will also detect the lateral frequency difference component, and the cross-track velocity may be measured. Finally, by using computation within the radar, the aircraft Vx, Vy, and Vz velocity components may be determined, as may the overall aircraft velocity vector. Doppler radar velocity outputs may be compared with those from the inertial navigation system, thereby making possible a more accurate estimate of aircraft velocities and position. Doppler has a number of significant advantages. Velocity is measured directly with respect to the Earth’s surface, unlike air data systems which derive velocity relative to the air mass, and inertial systems which are located in an abstract (inertial) reference set. The equipment used is relatively inexpensive and accurate, and does not need an infrastructure of ground stations. It does not undergo an alignment process, as needed Fig. 5.31 Principles of Doppler radar
Vtotal Vy Vz Vx
Beam 3 Beam 1
Beam 2
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by an inertial system, and it can provide accurate data at low speeds, which is very useful in helicopter systems. Doppler radar suffers from one significant drawback. In certain circumstances the terrain over which the aircraft is flying may not reflect enough energy for the aircraft velocities to be determined. Such conditions may be presented while flying over an expanse of water where the surface is very smooth, giving a ‘millpond’ effect. Similarly, flying over snow-covered or glacial terrain may cause the Doppler radar to ‘lose lock’, and readings may become unreliable. For autonomous dead reckoning navigation, an external attitude reference source is needed such as an MHRS or the inertial system already described. As for inertial systems, velocity accuracy degrades with time, and there are obvious consequences for long-term navigation. The choice of the depression angle of the Doppler beams is a compromise between two major considerations. The first is high sensitivity to velocity – in terms of Hz per knot – in which lower values of depression give higher accuracy. This has to be balanced against the fact that, as the depression angle decreases, particularly over water or other terrain with low radar reflectivity, proportionately less energy is returned. Typical values of the depression angle vary from 65 to 80û depending upon the system requirements. For typical aircraft systems, the sensitivity of Doppler is 30 Hz per knot of speed. For the forward and aft beam geometries of the type shown in Fig. 5.31 – also known as a Janus configuration – the horizontal velocity error is of the order of 0.015 per cent per degree of error in pitch angle. Doppler may be used in either stabilized or strapdown configuration, in which case the overall system error will depend respectively on stabilization accuracy or computational accuracy available. Doppler radar was commonly used in the 1960s, but the advent of inertial systems and more recently GPS means that this technique is little used in the civil transport and business jet systems produced today. Doppler radar is still commonly used on helicopters.
Weather radar The weather radar has been in use for over 40 years to alert the flight crew to the presence of adverse weather or terrain in the aircraft’s flight path. The weather radar radiates energy in a narrow beam with a beamwidth of ~3 which may be reflected from clouds or terrain ahead of the aircraft. The radar beam is scanned either side of the aircraft centre-line to give a radar picture of objects ahead of the aircraft. The antenna may also be tilted in elevation by around ±15 from the horizontal to scan areas above and below the aircraft. The principle of operation of a weather radar is shown in Fig. 5.32. This shows a storm cloud directly ahead of the aircraft, with some precipitation below, and also steadily rising terrain. Precipitation can be indicative of severe vertical wind shear which can cause a hazard to the aircraft. The radar beam (shown in grey) is pointing horizontally ahead of the aircraft with the antenna in its mid- or datum position and will detect the storm cloud through which the aircraft is about to fly. By referring to the weather radar display, the pilot will be able to see if the storm cells can be avoided by altering course left or right. The use of the antenna tilt function is crucial. In the example given, if the antenna is fully raised, the crew will not gain any information relating to storm cloud, precipitation, or rising
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Antenna Tilt
Fig. 5.32 Operation of weather radar
Storm Cloud
Terrain Weather Radar Display
terrain. If the antenna is fully depressed, the radar will detect the rising terrain but not the storm cloud or precipitation ahead. For this reason, many weather radars incorporate an automatic tilt feature so that the radar returns are optimized for the flight crew in terms of the returns that are received. Most modern weather radars can use Doppler processing to detect turbulence ahead of the aircraft. This is a very useful feature as maximum wind shear does not necessarily occur coincidentally with the heaviest precipitation. In fact, some of the most dangerous wind shear can occur in clear air with the aircraft flying nowhere near any clouds or precipitation. The radar picture may be displayed on a dedicated radar display or overlaid on the pilot or first officer’s navigation display. Displays are typically in colour, which helps the flight crew to interpret the radar data. Displays have various selectable range markers and are usually referenced to the aircraft heading. Separate displays may be provided for weather or turbulence modes. A block diagram of a typical weather radar system is shown in Fig. 5.33. Figure 5.34 shows some typical components for the Honeywell RDR-4B weather radar. The transmitter operates at 9.345 GHz and the system has three basic modes of operation: • • •
Weather and map with a maximum range of 320 nm. Turbulence (TURB) mode out to 40 nm. Wind shear detection out to 5 nm.
The radar antenna is stabilized in pitch and roll using aircraft attitude data from an Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS) or inertial reference system. The pulse width and pulse repetition frequency vary depending upon mode of operation. Useful though the weather radar may be, its usefulness does greatly depend upon interpretation by the flight crew. As in other areas, the flight crew are unlikely to depend upon the information provided by the weather radar alone, but are likely to confer with air traffic controllers and take account of status reports from aircraft that have already flown through the area. Reference (5) gives a more detailed description of the operation of a modern weather radar.
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Fig. 5.33 Typical weather radar schematic Transmit
Transmitter/ Receiver Receive
Antenna Assembly
Control Panel Display Fig. 5.34 Weather radar units –Honeywell RDR-4B (Honeywell)
References (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Erroneous Flight Instruments, Boeing Aero 8, 1999. Operational use of Angle of Attack, Boeing Aero 12, 2000. The derivation of the World Magnetic Model 2000, January 2000, British Geological Survey – Technical Report WM/00/17R. Modern Inertial Navigation Technology and its Application. IEE Electronics and Communication Engineering Journal, 2000. Pilot’s Handbook – Honeywell Weather Radar RDR-4B.
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CHAPTER 6 Communications and Navigation Aids
The sensors described in Chapter 5 are those that are on-board or are autonomous to the aircraft and that do not require the assistance of a third party. However, the aircraft also uses a number of other systems, either for communications or for navigational assistance, that depend upon external agencies in terms of beacons, transmitters, and other support. Communications systems comprise the following: • • • • • • •
High-Frequency (HF) radio transmit/receive. Very High Frequency (VHF) radio transmit/receive and an Aircraft Communications And Reporting System (ACARS). Ultra High-Frequency (UHF) radio transmit/receive – mainly used in military communications. SATellite COMmunications (SATCOM) including passenger telephone communications. Aircraft transponder and Air Traffic Control (ATC) mode A/C and S [also known in the military environment as Identification Friend or Foe/Secondary Surveillance Radar (IFF/SSR)]. Traffic Collision and Avoidance System (TCAS). Communications control.
Common navigation aids are: • • • • • •
Very High Frequency OmniRange (VOR). Distance Measuring Equipment (DME). Automatic Direction Finding (ADF). TACtical Air Navigation system (TACAN). VOR/TACAN (VOR/TAC). Hyperbolic navigation systems – typically LORAN C.
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• • •
Instrument Landing System (ILS). Microwave Landing System (MLS). Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs), of which the Global Positioning System (GPS) is the most notable.
Radio Frequency spectrum The Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum from 10 kHz (1 × 104 Hz) up to 10 GHz (1 × 1010 Hz) is shown in a simplified form in Fig. 6.1. This spectrum, stretching over six decades, covers the range in which most of the civil aircraft communications and navigation equipment operate. For military aircraft the spectrum will be wider, as attack radars, Electronics Warfare (EW), and infrared sensors need also to be included. The wide frequency coverage of this spectrum and the nature of radio wave propagation mean that the performance of different equipment varies according to the conditions of operation. Figure 6.1 distinguishes between communications and navigation aids. It can be seen that the part of the spectrum at which aircraft equipment and wiring systems are most susceptible to emissions covers a wide band. Therefore, care has to be taken when designing and operating the aircraft to keep any mutual interference effects to a minimum. The figure also shows that various ground-based domestic equipment can have an adverse effect. This includes: HF communications, VHF TV and radio transmissions, UHF TV transmissions, and ground-based radars. Fig. 6.1 Simplified radio frequency spectrum – civil use
HF - VHF Spectrum
Key: Communications
Aircraft & wiring resonant frequencies Navigation Aid TACAN ILS Glideslope Radar Altimeter Weather DME Radar
VHF Comms Marker Beacon HF Communications
ILS Localiser HF Communications
6 7 89 1
6 7 89 1
6 7891
Ground Based Radars
6 7891
6 789
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The broad categorization of radio frequency bands is as shown in Table 6.1. Some of the higher frequencies are also categorized by a letter designation, as shown in Table 6.2. Note that this designation method is not contiguous as for the notation applied in Table 6.1. Several bands overlap, and this designation system, as well as being historical, tends to categorize bands with similar properties. Table 6.1. Broad categorization of radio frequency bands Name
Very low frequency Low frequency Medium frequency High frequency Very high frequency Ultrahigh frequency Super high frequency Extremely high frequency
Frequency 3–30 kHz 30–300 kHz 300–3000 kHz (3 Mhz) 3–30 MHz 30–300 MHz 300–3000 MHz (3GHz) 3–30 GHz 30–300 GHz
Table 6.2. Letter designation of higher-frequency bands Letter designation
Frequency range (GHz)
L Ls S C X Xb K1 Ku Ka Q
0.39–1.55 0.90–0.95 1.55–5.20 3.90–6.20 5.20–10.90 6.25–6.90 10.90–17.25 15.35–17.25 33.00–36.00 36.00–46.00
The number of antennae required on-board an aircraft to handle all the sensors, communications, and navigation aids is considerable. This is compounded by the fact that many of the key pieces of equipment may be replicated in duplicate or triplicate form. This is especially true of VHF, HF, VOR, and DME equipments. Figure 6.2 shows typical antenna locations on a Boeing 777 aircraft; this is indicative of the installation on most civil aircraft operating today, particularly those operating on transoceanic routes. Owing to their operating characteristics and transmission properties, many of these antennae have their own installation criteria. SATCOM antennae, which communicate with satellites, will have the antennae mounted on top of the aircraft so as to have the best coverage of the sky. ILS antennae, associated with the approach and landing phase, will be located on the forward, lower side of the fuselage. Others may require continuous coverage while the aircraft is manoeuvring and may have antennae located on both upper and lower parts of the aircraft; multiple installations are commonplace.
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Fig. 6.2 Boeing 777 antennae locations
SATCOM (Top Mounted)
Weather Radar
DME R Marker Beacon DME L ILS Glideslope Capture & Localiser
SATCOM (Side Mounted)
Rad Altimeter TCAS ATC ILS Glideslope Track
Communications systems In aviation, communications between the aircraft and the ground (air traffic/local approach/ground handling) have historically been by means of voice communication. More recently, data-link communications have been introduced owing to their higher data rates and in some cases superior operating characteristics. As will be seen, data links are becoming widely used in the HF and VHF bands for basic communications, but also to provide some of the advanced reporting features required by FANS. After selecting the appropriate communications channel on the channel selector, the pilot transmits a message by pressing the transmit button which connects the microphone to the appropriate radio. The voice message is used to modulate the carrier frequency, and it is this composite signal that is transmitted. A typical voice signal is shown in the lower part of Fig. 6.3, while the Amplitude Modulated (AM) signal that is transmitted is shown in the upper portion. The receiver demodulates the incoming signal to recover the original voice component. The advantage of this very simple method of transmission is that it is extremely easy to use – all the pilot has to do is speak. A disadvantage is that it occupies a wide bandwidth, typically ~5 kHz, and that speech is not a particularly efficient method of using time and bandwidth compared with data-link applications. The frequency components associated with amplitude modulation are summarized in Fig. 6.4. The simple AM case is shown on the left, where it can be seen that the carrier is accompanied by upper and lower sidebands (SBs). The example shows the spectrum that would be produced when a carrier of 2100 kHz (2.1 MHz) is being amplitude modulated by a 1 kHz tone. The three constituent elements are: 1. Lower SB (LSB) at (carrier tone) frequency = 2100 1 = 2099 kHz. 2. Carrier component at 2100 kHz.
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Fig. 6.3 Amplitude modulation (AM)
Voice Signal
Modulation RF Carrier
AM Signal
Fig. 6.4 Amplitude modulation and single sideband operation
Transmitted Power Single Sideband (Lower SB)
Upper SB
Suppressed Power CARRIER
Upper SB
Lower SB
Upper SB
Lower SB
Suppressed Power
Single Sideband (Upper SB)
Lower SB
Amplitude Modulation (AM)
3. Upper SB (USB) at (carrier + tone) frequency = 2100 + 1 = 2101 kHz. It can be seen that energy is wasted in that power is being transmitted on both SBs and carrier while the effective signal could be decoded from either LSB or USB. Therefore, the technique of Single SideBand (SSB) has been developed which transmits either the upper or lower SB while suppressing the carrier. This SSB operation can yield effectively 8 times more signal power than AM without any power increase at the transmitter. The SSB techniques are used especially in HF communications: the USB is used extensively for aviation, while the LSB is used for other services such as amateur radio. The principles of single-sideband LSB and USB operation are shown in the centre and right-hand diagrams respectively of Fig.6.4.
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Fig. 6.5 HF communication signal propogation
Aircraft or Ship
Ground Station Key: Sky Wave Ground Wave
High Frequency High Frequency covers the communications band between 3 and 30 MHz and is a very common communications means for land, sea, and air. The utilized band is HF SSB/AM over the frequency range 2.000–29.999 MHz using a 1 kHz (0.001 MHz) channel spacing. The primary advantage of HF communications is that this system offers communication beyond the line of sight. This method does, however, suffer from idiosyncrasies with regard to the means of signal propagation. Figure 6.5. shows that there are two main means of propagation, known as the sky wave and the ground wave. The sky wave method of propagation relies upon singleor multiple-path bounces between the Earth and the ionosphere until the signal reaches its intended location. The behaviour of the ionosphere is itself greatly affected by radiation falling upon the Earth, notably solar radiation. Times of high sunspot activity are known adversely to affect the ability of the ionosphere as a reflector. It may also be affected by the time of day and other atmospheric conditions. The sky wave as a means of propagation may therefore be severely degraded by a variety of conditions,occasionally to the point of being unusable. The ground wave method of propagation relies upon the ability of the wave to follow the curvature of the earth until it reaches its intended destination. As for the sky wave, the ground wave may on occasions be adversely affected by atmospheric conditions. Therefore, on occasions HF voice communications may be corrupted and prove unreliable, although HF data links are more resistant to these propagation upsets as described below. HF communications are one of the main methods of communicating over long ranges between air and ground during oceanic and wilderness crossings when there is no line of sight between the aircraft and ground communications stations. For reasons of availability, most long-range civil aircraft are equipped with two HF sets, with an increasing tendency also to use HF Data Link (HFDL) if polar operations are contemplated.
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HF Data Link (HFDL) offers an improvement over HF voice communications owing to the bit encoding inherent in a data link message format which permits the use of error-correcting codes. Furthermore the use of more advanced modulation and frequency management techniques allows the data link to perform in propagation conditions where HF voice would be unusable or incomphrehensible. An HFDL service is provided by ARINC using a number of ground stations. These ground stations provide coverage out to ~2700 nautical miles and on occasion provide coverage beyond that. Presently, HFDL ground stations are operating at the following locations (see also Fig. 6.6): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Reykjavik, Iceland. Shannon, Ireland. Auckland, New Zealand. Krasnoyarsk, Russia. Johannesburg, South Africa. Hat Yai, Thailand.
8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
Barrow, Alaska. Molokai, Hawaii, USA. Riverhead, New York, USA. San Francisco, California, USA. Bahrain. Gran Canaria, Canary Islands. Fig. 6.6 HF data-link ground stations
5 3
10 11
6 4
Very High Frequency Very High Frequency (VHF) voice communication is probably the most heavily used method of communication used by civil aircraft. The VHF band for aeronautical applications operates in the frequency range 118.000–135.975 MHz with a channel spacing in recent years of 25 kHz (0.025 MHz). In recent years, to overcome frequency congestion, and taking advantage of digital radio technology, channel spacing has been reduced to 8.33 kHz (0.00833 MHz), which permits 3 times more radio channels in the available spectrum. Some parts of the world are already operating on the tighter channel spacing – this will be discussed more in Chapter 12. The VHF band also experiences limitations in the method of propagation. Except in exceptional circumstances, VHF signals will only propagate over line of sight. That
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is, the signal will only be detected by the receiver when it has line of sight or can ‘see’ the transmitter. VHF transmissions possess neither of the qualities of HF transmission and accordingly neither sky wave nor ground wave properties apply. This line-of-sight property is affected by the relative heights of the radio tower and aircraft (see Fig. 6.7). Fig. 6.7 VHF signal propagation
Aircraft Transmitter/ Receiver
Ground Transmitter/ Receiver
R = Maximum Range
The formula that determines the line-of sight range for VHF transmissions is as follows R = 1.2√Ht + 1.2√Ha where R is the range (nautical miles), Ht is the height of the transmission tower (ft), and Ha is the height of the aircraft (ft). Therefore, for an aircraft flying at 35 000 ft, transmissions will generally be received by a 100 ft high radio tower if the aircraft is within a range of around 235 nautical miles. Additionally, VHF transmissions may be masked by terrain, by a range of mountains for example. These line-of-sight limitations also apply to equipment operating in higher-frequency bands and mean that VHF communications, and other equipment operating in the VHF band or above, such as the navigation aids VOR and DME, may not be used except over large land masses, and then only when there is adequate transmitter coverage. Most long-range aircraft have three pieces of VHF equipment, with one usually being assigned to ARINC ACARS transmissions though not necessarily dedicated to that purpose. The requirements for certifying the function of airborne VHF equipment are given in reference (1), while reference (2) specifies the necessary Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS). Both HF and VHF communications incorporate a feature termed SELective CALling (SELCAL). It enables a ground controller to place selective controls on an individual aircraft. If the ground controller wishes to establish communication with an aircraft on a selected frequency, he or she selects a code that relates specifically to the aircraft and initiates the transceiver on a frequency known to be monitored by the crew. When the encoded SELCAL message is received by the aircraft, the message is decoded and, if the correct coding sequence is detected, the crew are alerted by a visual or aural annunciator. The flight crew can then communicate normally with the ground station. A number of VHF Data Links (VHFDLs) may be used, and these are discussed in more detail in Chapter 12 – FANS. ACARS is a specific variant of VHF communications operating on 131.55 MHz which utilizes a data link rather than voice transmission. As will be seen during the discussion on future air navigation systems, data link rather than voice transmission will increasingly be used for air-to-ground, and air-to-air communications as higher data rates may be used while at the same time reducing flight crew workload. ACARS is dedicated to downlinking operational data to the airline operational control centre. The initial leg is by using VHF communications to an appropriate ground receiver, and thereafter the data may be
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routed via landlines or microwave links to the airline operations centre. At this point it will be allowed access to the internal airline storage and management systems: operational, flight crew, maintenance, etc. Originally, only four basic event parameters were transmitted: OUT–OFF–ON–IN, abbreviated to OOOI: OUT OFF ON IN
Aircraft is clear of the gate and ready to taxi Aircraft has lifted off the runway Aircraft has landed Aircraft has taxied to the ramp area
Now, data such as fuel state, aircraft serviceability, arrival and departure times, weather, crew status, and so on are also included in the data messages. ACARS was introduced to assist the operational effectiveness of an airline; future data-link applications will allow the transfer of more complex data relating to air traffic control routing and flight planning. On-board the aircraft, ACARS introduces a dedicated management unit, control panel, and printer to provide the interface with the flight crew for formatting, dispatching, receiving, and printing messages. This, together with existing VHF equipment and an interface with the Flight Management System (FMS), forms a typical system as shown in Fig. 6.8. All aircraft and air traffic control centres maintain a listening watch on the international distress frequency (121.5 MHz). In addition, military controllers maintain VHF Controller
VHF Antenna
VHF Transceiver
Digital Tuning Transmitter Keying Audio
ACARS Control Unit Data
Flight Management Computer
ACARS Management Unit
Fig. 6.8 Typical ACARS configuration
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a listening watch on 243.0 MHz in the UHF band. This is because the UHF receiver could detect harmonics of a civil VHF distress transmission and relay the appropriate details in an emergency (second harmonic of 121.5 MHz (×2) = 243.0 MHz; these are the international distress frequencies for VHF and UHF bands respectively).
Satellite communications Satellite communications provide a more reliable method of communications using the International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT) satellite constellation which was originally developed for maritime use. Now, satellite communications, abbreviated to SATCOM, form a useful component of aerospace communications. The principles of operation of SATCOM are shown in Fig. 6.9. The aircraft communicates via the INMARSAT constellation and remote ground earth station by means of C-band uplinks and downlinks to/from the ground stations and L-band links to/from the aircraft. In this way, communications are routed from the aircraft via the satellite to the ground station and on to the destination. Conversely, communications to the aircraft are routed in the reverse fashion. Therefore, provided the aircraft is within the area of coverage or footprint of a satellite, then communication may be established. The airborne SATCOM terminal transmits on frequencies in the range 1626.5–1660.5 MHz and receives messages on frequencies in the range 1530.0–1559.0 MHz. Upon power-up, the Radio Frequency Unit (RFU) scans a stored set of frequencies and locates the transmission of the appropriate satellite. The aircraft logs onto the ground earth station network so that any ground stations are able to locate the aircraft. Once logged onto the system-communications between the aircraft and any user may begin. The satellite-to-ground C-band uplink/downlink are invisible to the aircraft, as is the remainder of the Earth support network. The coverage offered by the INMARSAT constellation was a total of four satellites Fig. 6.9 SATCOM principles of operation
Inmarsat Satellite
Uplink L-Band Downlink L-Band
Downlink C-Band Uplink C-Band
Ground Earth Station
4 - 6 MHz
1530 - 1660 MHz
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in 2001. Further satellites are planned to be launched. The INMARSAT satellites are placed in Earth geostationary orbit above the equator in the locations shown in Fig. 6.10: • • •
Two satellites are positioned over the Atlantic: AOR-W at 54º west and AOR-E at 15.5º west. One satellite is positioned over the Indian ocean: IOR at 64º east. One satellite is positioned over the Pacific ocean: POR at 178º east.
~ 85 Degrees North
~ 85 Degrees South
54 W 15.5W AOR-W AOR-E
Blanket coverage is offered over the entire footprint of each of these satellites. In addition there is a spot beam mode which provides cover over most of the land mass residing under each satellite. This spot beam coverage is available to provide cover to lower-capability systems that do not require blanket oceanic coverage. The geostationary nature of the satellites does impose some limitations. Owing to low grazing angles, coverage begins to degrade beyond 80 north and 80 south and fades completely beyond about 85. Therefore, no coverage exists in the extreme polar regions, a fact assuming more prominence as airlines seek to expand northern polar routes. A second limitation may be posed by the performance of the on-board aircraft system in terms of antenna installation, and this is discussed shortly. Nevertheless, SATCOM is proving to be a very useful addition to the airborne communications suite and promises to be an important component as Future Air Navigation System (FANS) procedures are developed.
178E POR Fig. 6.10 INMARSAT satellite coverage – 2001
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Civil Avionics Systems
A number of different systems are available as described in Table 6.3. A SATCOM system typically comprises the following units: • • • • •
Satellite Data Unit (SDU). Radio Frequency Unit. Amplifiers, Diplexers/Splitters. Low-gain antenna. High-gain antenna. Table 6.3. SATCOM configurations
Configuration Aero-H/H+
Aero-I Aero-C Aero-M
Capabilities High gain. Aero-H offers a high-gain solution to provide a global capability and is used by long-range aircraft. Aero H+ was an attempt to lower cost by using fewer satellite resources. It provides cockpit data, cockpit voice, and passenger voice services Intermediate gain. Aero-I offers similar services to Aero-H/H+ for mediumand short-range aircraft. Aero-I uses the spot beam service Version that allows passengers to send and receive digital messages from a PC Single-channel SATCOM capability for general aviation users
A typical SATCOM system as installed on the B777 is shown in Fig. 6.11. This example uses extensive ARINC 429 data buses for control and communication between the major system elements. This configuration demonstrates the use of two high-gain conformal antennae which are mounted on the upper fuselage at positions approximately ±20 respectively from the vertical. Conformal antennae lie flush with the aircraft skin, offering negligible additional drag. Alternatively, the system may be configured such that a single top-mounted antenna may be mounted on the aircraft spine. Both systems have their protagonists and opponents. Claims and counterclaims are made for which antenna configuration offers the best coverage. Conformal configurations reportedly suffer from fuselage obscuration dead-ahead and dead-astern, while the top-mounted rival supposedly suffers from poor coverage at low grazing angle near the horizon. Whatever the relative merits, both configurations are widely used by airlines today. Figure 6.12 shows a top-mounted SATCOM antenna with its associated Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA)/diplexer.
Chapter 6
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Communications and Navigation Aids
A429 (4)
A429 (4)
Beam Steering Unit Port
Radio Frequency Unit A429 (2)
Satellite Data Unit
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