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Recent Titles in Bibliographies and Indexes in Women's Studies Women and Work in Developing Countries: An Annotated Bibliography Parvin Ghorayshi, compiler Acquaintance and Date Rape: An Annotated Bibliography Sally K. Ward, Jennifer Dziuba-Leatherman, Jane Gerard Stapleton, and Carrie L. Yodanis, compilers French Women Playwrights before the Twentieth Century: A Checklist Cecilia Beach, compiler French Women Playwrights of the Twentieth Century: A Checklist Cecilia Beach, compiler Sexual Harassment: A Selected, Annotated Bibliography Lynda Jones Hartel and Helena M. Von Ville Women's History: A Guide to Sources at Hagley Museum and Library Lynn Ann Catanese Index to Translated Short Fiction by Latin American Women in English Language Anthologies Kathy S. Leonard, compiler Margaret Fuller: An Annotated Bibliography of Criticism, 1983-1995 Joel Myerson, compiler Kate Chopin: An Annotated Bibliography of Critical Works Suzanne Disheroon Green and David J. Caudle Women and Mass Communications in the 1990's: An International, Annotated Bibliography John A. Lent, compiler Women in Global Migration, 1945-2000: A Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Bibliography Eleanore O. Hofstetter Women and the American Civil War: An Annotated Bibliography Theresa McDevitt
Kathy S. Leonard
Bibliographies and Indexes in Women's Studies, Number 31
Westport, Connecticut London
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Leonard, Kathy S., 1952Bibliographic guide to Chicana and Latina narrative / Kathy S. Leonard. p. cm.—(Bibliographies and indexes in women's studies, ISSN 0742-6941 ; no. 31) Includes indexes. ISBN 0-313-31987-1 (alk. paper) 1. American literature—Mexican American authors—Bibliography. 2. American literature—Hispanic American authors—Bibliography. 3. Women and literature—United States—Bibliography. 4. Hispanic American women in literature—Bibliography. 5. Mexican American women in literature—Bibliography. 6. American literature—Women authors—Bibliography. 7. Hispanic Americans in literature—Bibliography. 8. Mexican Americans in literature—Bibliography. I. Title. II. Series. Z1229.M48 L46 2003 [PS153.M4] 016.8109/9287,08968—dc21 2002069607 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data is available. Copyright © 2003 by Kathy S. Leonard All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, by any process or technique, without the express written consent of the publisher. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2002069607 ISBN: 0-313-31987-1 ISSN: 0742-6941 First published in 2003 Praeger Publishers, 88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881 An imprint of Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc. www.praeger.com Printed in the United States of America
@r The paper used in this book complies with the Permanent Paper Standard issued by the National Information Standards Organization (Z39.48-1984). 10 987654321
Contents Acknowledgments
Author/Title Index
Title/Author Index
Anthology Index
Novel Index
Autobiography/Biography Index
Other Useful Resources
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Acknowledgments I wish to gratefully acknowledge Iowa State University for granting me a year of sabbatical in 2000-2001, thus providing me with uninterrupted time to work on this manuscript. I would also like to thank Arlene Morales and Adriana Santos, my student assistants at Iowa State University, who helped research materials for this volume and for data preparation. As always, I thank Michael Porter for reviewing many portions of this manuscript and for his continued understanding of my research activities that often require long absences from home.
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Preface Introduction In 19971 published a volume titled Index to Translated Short Fiction by Latin American Women in English Language Anthologies, and while reviewing countless volumes to be included in the book, I inevitably came across a great deal of work by Latina and Chicana authors, work that did not fit the criteria for the bibliography I was compiling, specifically because it did not involve Latin American authors whose work had been translated from Spanish to English. I initially discarded this material because it did not suit my needs, but was soon convinced by the sheer numbers of publications that another bibliographic guide detailing this work was needed. This motivated me to create this current volume, which I hope will serve as a useful resource for those who wish to further explore the richness and complexities of Latina and Chicana narrative. Purpose This guide was created to allow scholars, university instructors, students, and other interested readers quick, easy, and complete access to the narrative work by Chicana and Latina authors. As I complete this book at the close of 2002,1 can say with some authority that literature by Chicana and Latina writers is currently receiving a great deal of attention from publishers and readers alike; however, no reference guide such as this one was previously available, thus hindering access to specific pieces of narrative. If students and scholars are to make Chicana and Latina literature the focus of serious study and research, reference materials similar to this book are necessary.
Organization This volume contains five indices: Author/Title Index, Title/Author Index, Anthology Index (A), Novel Index (N), and Autobiography/Biography Index (AB). Each entry in the indices is accompanied by a code number which is used for crossreferencing in the other indices. There is no alpha-numeric code to indicate entries in the Title/Author and Author/Title indices since these are complete lists in alphabetical order of the work included in the other indices. There is a great deal of repetition and overlap among the indices, which is intentional. As a researcher, I found many of the bibliographies I consulted difficult to work with due to the constant necessity to flip from one index to another. This guide is organized for ease of use and each index provides a variety of information, often eliminating the need to refer to the others. If a reader is searching for a particular author name, s/he may find it listed in alphabetical order in the Author/Title Index which then guides them by code number to the other indices where that author's work appears. For example, if a work is an autobiography, the reader will see the code AB followed by the first letter of the author's last name and a number. Readers can then turn to the Autobiography Index and easily find the entry by the proper code number. If the reader is searching for a particular title, it may be found in the Title/Author Index which contains all individual pieces of short narrative, as well as novels, autobiographies, and anthologies, listed in alphabetical order according to title, followed by the author's name and the code number where the work is identified by genre and location in this guide. A reader interested in locating all works by a particular author can find them in the Author/Title Index where entries are organized by author name in alphabetical order followed by all her narrative pieces. Some works appear in more than one index; for example, several autobiographical and biographical works also appear in the Anthology Index where individual narrative pieces are listed in full. These include work such as Marjorie Agosin's The Alphabet in My Hands: A Writing Life (AB Al. 1 and A Al); Judith Ortiz Cofer's Bailando en silencio: escenas de una ninezpuertorriquena (AB 01 and A 07.1); and Sheila and Sandra Ortiz Taylor's Imaginary Parents (AB 02 and A 08), among others. Author names are alphabetized according to English-language conventions. For example, there are a number of surnames which begin with "de" or "de la," as found in Elba de Baca or Terri de la Pena. When alphabetizing such names, the convention in Hispanic countries is to list them as follows: Baca, Elba de. I have chosen to list these names under "D" considering the "de" the first element in the last name. This approach is taken due to the nature of the work, which I feel may be consulted by many readers who may not be speakers of Spanish and may not be familiar with the conventions of alphabetization of Spanish surnames. Included at the end of the volume is a bibliography of other useful resources dealing with Latino and Chicano literature, some of which are forthcoming at the time of completion of this volume.
Scope The indices in this volume include all forms of narrative: short story, autobiography, novel, and novel excerpt, written by both Chicana and Latina writers (women), in both Spanish and English (and at times a mixture of both) dating from the early 1940's to 2002. Over 2, 750 individual works are included by nearly 600 authors; this includes approximately 2,100 individual pieces of short narrative, 80 autobiographies, 190 anthologies, and 375 novels. There has been no attempt to group the works included here by theme, although some of the anthologies themselves are organized in such a manner. There has been an increase since the late 1980's in the number of anthologies dedicated to lesbian literature and a number of Latina and Chicana authors are represented in these volumes. See for example: Pat Califia, Doing Itfor Daddy, Short and Sexy Fiction about a Very Forbidden Fantasy (A Cl); Nisa Donnelly, Mom: Candid Memoirs by Lesbians about the First Woman in Their Lives (A Dl 1); Lillian Faderman, Chloe Plus Olivia: An Anthology of Lesbian Literature from the Seventeenth Century to the Present (A Fl); and Nicole Foster, Electric: Best Lesbian Erotic Fiction (A F8). However, the majority of the anthologies listed in this guide simply gather into one volume a variety of writers whose only commonality is that of being designated as Latina, Chicana, or Hispanic. Within those anthologies, the thematic content of the narrative may vary dramatically. The novels included in this guide are also very diverse in their thematic content. Of interest are a series of novels which creates a very interesting, though not surprising, addition to Latina literature. While browsing in a bookstore in Miami, I discovered a series of romance novels, some written in English, some in Spanish, and some published bilingually, by Pinnacle Books under their Encanto imprint. These novels are formulaic romances, some better written than others, all of approximately 200 pages in length, and all supposedly written by Latina authors. These novels are written specifically to appeal to Latina readers; they typically deal with Latina protagonists living in the United States who have ties to Latin American countries, or who become involved with men from one of these countries. Work that is not found in this guide includes narrative pieces published in periodicals or literary journals, with the exception of several journals which are special issues made into anthologies. Some of these include: Calyx: A Journal of Art and Literature by Women. Bearing Witness/Sobreviviendo, An Anthology of Native American/Latina Art and Literature (A C20); De colores: Journal of Chicano Expression and Thought (A A13); and The Archipelago: New Writing from and about the Caribbean (A Al 1). Although many interesting dissertations have appeared in the last few years dealing with Latina and Chicana narrative and autobiography, these are not included in this volume. Many of the anthologies listed in the Anthology Index contain an overwhelming number of pieces by male authors whose work is not included as it falls outside the scope of this volume. I have chosen to exclude children's literature (geared toward readers under 12 years of age) but have included adolescent literature (for readers 12 years of age and above) since there is a substantial number of publications in this area. Several types of
work which could be considered narrative, specifically folktales or stories based on oral traditions, are not included since my intent is for the reader to become familiar with the work of specific authors, and typically, folktales and oral stories are anonymous. My desire was to include in this volume all work published up until the moment the manuscript was due to the publisher. Although I have listed a number of works published in 2001 and 2002, some of these were unavailable for annotation, which is clearly indicated. There are a few older works that also were not available to me for various reasons and I was therefore unable to fully annotate them. A Word about Terminology The act of labeling is a very tricky business, and even more so when attempting to classify writers whose backgrounds and experiences may be similar, yet dissimilar enough to warrant the use of various terms to identify them. I have chosen to utilize in the title of this work the terms "Chicana" and "Latina," as most of the literature reviewed for inclusion makes use of those terms, which are also commonly accepted in the academic world. A number of anthologies, such as Under The Pomegranate Tree: The Best New Latino Erotica (A G7.2), combine the work of Latina, Chicana, and Latin American authors under the heading "Latina." Elena Poniatowska, who is Mexican, not Latina, appears with this group of authors, and although I have included her work in the annotation of this anthology, I have not listed her other work in this guide. A number of the anthologies listed in this volume do not adequately identify the authors as either Latina, Chicana, Hispanic, Mexican-American, or Latin American; in such cases, I drew from my knowledge and experience to determine if an author fit within the proper category. However, for the most part, this guide includes authors of Mexican-American, Cuban-American, Dominican-American, and Puerto Rican-American descent as well as other writers of Hispanic descent who were either born or raised in the United States. A number of Latin Americanborn authors who have resided in the United States for many years are also included (Marjorie Agosin and Isabel Allende, both Chileans, for example) because they refer to themselves as Latina or have been referred to as such by critics of their work. In most cases, without consulting directly with an author, it would be impossible to know how or if she categorizes herself. Rather than trying to second guess an author's desires, I prefer to err on the side of inclusion rather than exclusion. Language Use Many Latina and Chicana authors are completely bilingual and publish in both languages while others are monolingual and publish only in English. A number of works listed in this guide reflect the linguistic experimentation of their authors, incorporating elements of both Spanish and English. The result, which may be "Spanglish," or "code-switching" (two separate phenomena), is something that
characterizes the writers' private and public lives. The authors often utilize these linguistic forms to create a voice for themselves as well as for their characters, voices that reflect their realities. Edith Vasquez, a young Chicana writer who uses code-switching in her award-winning short story "Rosaura's Wings" (A M5), states, "...code-switching is not just the facile switch from Spanish to English, or vice versa, but is a marker of a larger transformation, which includes linguistic translation. And as much as a piece of writing contains the writer's presence in text, the code switch represents all of the available sources for knowledge that the writer has within reach." Vasquez's story is written in English but she utilizes a number of Spanish words to name what she calls "cultural objects" (tequila, mezcal, reboso, tia), objects which she says "convey a specific cultural milieu."1 We see a similar bending of the linguistic rules in Denise Chavez's novel The Last of the Menu Girls (N C6.1), where she employs multiple narrators and experiments with dialects and accents. This linguistic experimentation is also prevalent in Margarita CotaCardenas's novel Puppet (N C9), which is perhaps the best example of codeswitching. In work of this nature, some authors offer a Spanish-English glossary in the appendices of their books or footnote shorter works, others do not, forcing readers to use a dictionary when necessary. Some writers acknowledge that their use of two intertwined linguistic codes is intentional and even calculated. Their goal appears to be to force readers to acknowledge the use of Spanish and accept the fact that it has become part of the American landscape.2 This use of both Spanish and English has become so commonplace that we now see its use in many book titles, a very recent one being Wdchale: Poetry and Prose about Growing up Latino ("wdchale" is Spanglish for "watch out"). Some readers may not be aware of the importance of language use by these authors, but it should not be overlooked for it often focuses on cultural and national identity. Some critics argue that in order to be a U.S. writer, one must write in standard English, while others insist that in order to be a Latina writer, one must write in standard Spanish. However, the majority of critics since the 1980's have argued that Latina use of Spanish and English in all their vernacular forms is actually the most successful way in which to represent characters whose lives are enacted iri more than one language. Conclusion: The current situation of Latina and Chicana writers For many years Chicana and Latina authors faced great difficulties when attempting to publish their work, although a select few Chicana authors managed to have their work included in anthologies published in the late 1960's and throughout the 1970's. These collections, however, were predominantly edited by and filled with the work of male authors. I reviewed countless books from this era that included no women authors at all. However, as I complete this volume in the final months of 2002, Chicana and Latina authors seem to have come into their own. They are now highly sought after and are becoming more widely published. This is due, in part, to publishing houses like Arte Publico Press in Houston that calls itself "the oldest and most accomplished publisher of contemporary and recovered
literature by U.S. Hispanic authors." Indeed, Arte Publico Press, as well as a handful of other presses such as The Bilingual/Review Press, The University of California Press, and the University of New Mexico Press, have transformed the literary panorama for many Hispanic writers, which was bleak at best well into the 1970's and 1980's. In 1992, Arte Publico Press began a project titled Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage, a national program that offers funding to researchers with the goal of recovering, indexing, and publishing "lost" writing by Latinos dating from the American colonial period through 1960. According to their website,3 Arte Publico now publishes some 30 titles a year, including anthologies, novels, autobiographies, poetry, and drama, in both Spanish and English. In 1994 they created an imprint dedicated to publishing children's and adolescent literature, Pinata Books, which has been very active in the publication of books in both Spanish and English by Latina and Chicana authors. Latina writers who were once overlooked by the big New York publishing houses are now experiencing a sort of frenzy to publish their work, especially in anthologies. The number of anthologies of Hispanic literature published by trade publishers (as well as by university presses) in the last two decades has risen dramatically. A visit to almost any bookstore yields an impressive array of anthologies, as well as novels, often set off in special sections of Hispanic literature. It is also interesting to note that a significant number of works by Latina and Chicana authors have been translated into a variety of languages, attesting to their acceptance by diverse audiences. Work that was originally published in English, if popular enough, has been subsequently published in Spanish. Sandra Cisnero's The House on Mango Street, first published in English in 1984 by Arte Publico Press, was then translated into Spanish by Elena Poniatowska and published in that language in 1994. A few authors, such as Isabel Allende and Zoe Valdes, have had all or nearly all of their novels translated into numerous languages. Julia Alvarez, who writes in English, has seen her immensely popular novel In the Time of the Butterflies translated into eleven languages. There is no doubt that Chicana and Latina literature has expanded the canon; its effects can be seen in the creation of centers dedicated to the study of Hispanic literatures in all their splendor: Mexican-American, Cuban-American, Puerto Rican, Nuyorican, Dominican-American, and Caribbean. Many universities are committed to hiring academics versed in the field in order to expand their curricular offerings, and as a result, these literatures have become the focus of serious study. It is clear that there is an important movement taking place in North American cultural and literary studies; Latina and Chicana voices, along with those of other writers labeled "multicultural," are attaining a prominence in North American letters that clearly demonstrates the increased interest in diversity as it is reflected in the arts. It is now undeniable that literature created in the United States by multicultural writers has significant roots that reach beyond the country's borders. Women authors have taken up their pens and are writing the complex and multi-faceted North American story from an increasingly global perspective rather than from one that is narrowly or nationally focused.
NOTES 1. Personal communication with the author. 2. Bridget Kevane and Juanita Heredia, eds., Latina Self Portraits: Interviews with Contemporary Women Writers (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2000): 15. 3. See Arte Publico Press's website at: http://www.arte.uh.edu/.
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Author/Title Index Codes following each entry indicate the genre of the work and where it can be found in the other indices. "A" indicates Anthology, and the piece is most likely a short story and can be found in the Anthology Index. "AB" indicates that the work is an autobiography and "N" represents novel. These works are fully indexed and annotated in their respective indices. Narrative pieces appearing in more than one anthology may show slight variations in their titles. Author names may also show some variations from one work to another. All works and names are printed here as they were encountered in the books reviewed. Male authors listed are editors of anthologies that include Latina and Chicana writers. Abundiz, Sandra Sixteen and Older: A B5. Adolfita de Baca, Elvera Ben: A R4. Agosin, Marjorie A Basket of Books: A Al. A Basket of Love: A Al. A Bit of Luck: A Al. A Book of Faces: A Al. A Cat and a Chicken: A Al. A Corsage of Happiness: A Al. A Cross and a Star: Memories of a Jewish Girl in Chile: AB Al. A Day of Atonement: A Al. A Divided Heaven: A Al. A Foreigner's Nights: A Al A Glorious Body: A Al.
A Place of Memories: A Al. Abuelos: A ALL Adelina: A Al.l; A A1.2; A M13. Adolescent Literature: A D5. Afternoon Tea: A Al. Agua: A Al.l. The Alphabet in My Hands: A Writing Life: ABA1.1. Always from Somewhere Else: A Memoir of My Chilean Jewish Father: AB A 1.2. America and My Mother: A Al. Amigas: Letters of Friendship and Exile (with Emma SepulvedaPulvirenti): AB A2. The Amusement Park: A Al. An Immense Black Umbrella: A 1.2. An Invitation to Travel: A Al. Anna: A Al.l.
2 Anne: A Al. Apellidos: A Al.l. Arrivals: A Al. At First: A Al. AuntLucha: A Al. Autumn: A Al. Autumn and Lovers: A Al. Back to School: A Al. The Backrooms: A Al. The Balcony: A Al. Baptisms: A Al. Beds: A A 1.2. The Beggar Woman: A Al. Being Jewish: A Al. Berkeley: A Al. Birth: A Al. Birthday: A Al. Blood: A A 1.2. The Blue Uniform: A Al. The Bonfires: A Al. The Book of God: A Al. Books: A Al. Borrowed Furniture: A Al. Braids: A Al.2. Bread: A Al. The Burning of Judas: A Al. Calama: A Al. Camas: A Al.l. Carmen Carrasco: A Al. Cartographies: A A 1.2. Cecilia: A Al. Chepi: AA1. Christmas Eve at the Pacific: A Al. The City of Strangers: A Al. Ciudadanos ilustres: A A1.1. Clark Central High: A Al. Claudina: A Al. Colegios privados: A A1.1. Confessions: A Al. Copihue in Bloom: A Al. Country: A Al. Cumpleafios: A A1.1. Curfew: A Al. Dark Silence: A Al. Day of Atonement: A Al.
Author/Title Index Day off: A Al. The Dead: A A 1.2. Dead Languages: A Al. The Deaf: A Al. Death: A Al. Delfina: AA1. Desert Light: A Al. Desire: A Al. Dinner with the Aristocrats: A Al. Disappeared: A Al. Distant Root of Autumn Loves: AA1.2. Donlsaak: A Al.l. The Dreams of Van Gogh: A A 1.2. The Eiderdown: A A 1.2. El cementerio del Cerro Moyaca: AA1.1. El dia del perdon: A A1.1. El gesto de la ausencia: AB A 1.3. El hermano de mi padre: A A1.1. Elmiedo: A Al.l. El patio de mis abuelos: A Al. 1. Emma: AA1.1;AA1.2. Escape: A Al. Esclavas: A Al.l. Eva: A Al.l. The Exile: A Al. Exile Begins: A Al. Fat:AA1.2. The Fiesta: A A 1.2. The First Months: A Al. First Time to the Sea: A A 1.2. Fissures: A Al. The Flying Squirrel: A A1. Forests: A A 1.2. Frida and Moises: A Al. Frida, Friduca, Mami: A S2.2. Gabriela: A Al. Gardens: A Al. The Georgia House: A Al. Georgian Soil: A Al. Gitanas: A Al.l. The Godmothers: A Al. Godmother's Shoes: A Al. God's Place: A Al.
Author/Title Index The Gold Bracelet: A A1.2. Goodbye, Pablo Neruda: A Al. The Goyim: A Al. Grandmother's Shoes: A Al. Grasa: A Al.l: A Al. The Gringos: A Al. Guardian Angels: A Al. Guest: A Al. Gypsy Women: A A 1.2. Halloween: A Al. Hanna Josefina: A Al. 1. Happiness: A A 1.2. Happiness: A A 1.2. Hebrew: A Al. The Hebrew Institute: A Al. Helena: A Al.l. Helena of Vienna: A Al. The Hen: A Al.2. High Treason: A Al. Homecoming: A Al. Hoteles: A Al.l. The House: A Al. Houses by the Sea: A A 1.2. I Tell Them We Are from Here: AA1. Identities: A Al. The Immigrant Girls: A Al. Instrumentos de trabajo: A Al.l. IslaNegra: A Al. The Island of Swallows: A Al. Israel: A Al. Itinerants: A A 1.2. Jerusalem 1973: A Al. The Jewelry: A Al. Jewish Dog: A Al. Journey to the End of Coasts: AA1.2. Kiddush:AAl.l. KolNidre:AAl. La casa de mis abuelos: A A1.1. La casa iluminada: A A1.1. La dama de Viena: A Al. 1. La escuela publica: A A1.1. Lafelicidad: A Al.l. Laplaya: A Al.l.
3 La puerta: A A1.1. Latorre: A Al.l. Languages: A Al. The Last Goodbye: A A1. Last Names: A Al. Laura: A Al. The Leper Colony: A Al. Letters to Be Answered: A Al. Liesl: A Al.l. Linajes: A Al.l. The Little Souls: A Al. Long Live Life: A A 1.2. Long Live Saint Peter!: A Al. Looking-Glass Memory: A Al. Los cementerios de la paz: A Al.l. Los dientes de oro: A Al. 1. Losmuertos: A Al.l. Lostrenes: A Al.l. Love Letters: A A1.2. Magnolias: A Al. Mama: A Al. Mama Delfina: A Al. Maquinas de coser: A Al.l. March: A Al. The Marconi Theater: A Al. Maria: A Al. Maria Luisa: A Al. Matilde: AA1. Meditation on the Dead: A A 1.2. Memorial of Oblivion: A Al. Memorias: A Al.l. Memories: A Al. Mirrors: A A 1.2. Mis abuelos: A Al.l. Molly McArthur: A Al. Monserrat Ordofiez: A A 1.2. Moshe: A Al. The Movies: A Al. Mr. Watson: A Al. My Accent: A Al. My Apron: A Al. My Aunts: A Al. My Birthday: A Al. My Childhood: A Al. My Cousin Rafael: A Al.
4 My Desk: A Al. My Grandfather: A Al. My History Teacher: A Al. My House: A Al. Naked: A A 1.2. Names: A Al. Nana: A Al. Nape: A Al. Neighbors and Friends: A Al. New Year's by the Sea: A Al. New Year's Day 1997: A Al. Night: A Al. Norte: A Al.l. North: A A 1.2. Of Parties and Other Audacities: AA1. Old Age: A Al. Omama Helena: A Al. Orphanages: A A 1.2. The Other Women: A Al. Pablo Neruda: A Al. Passover: A Al. Photographs: A A 1.2. Photographs I: A Al. Photographs II: A Al. Photographs III: A Al. The Piano: A Al. Pisagua: A A 1.2. Poetry: A Al. The Pools: A Al. Pork Sausages: A A 1.2. Postales: A Al.l. Prairies: A A 1.2. Primera comunion: A A1.1. Protection: A A1. Pulchritude: A Al. Quillota ociosa y tranquila: A Al. 1. Rabbit Easter: A Al. The Raft Girl: A Al. Rain: AA1. Raquel: A Al.l. Raquel y Abraham: A A1.1. Religious Education: A Al. Rice Powder: A Al. Rio de la plata: A A 1.2.
Author/Title Index Rivers: A A 1.2. Rodolfo y Marcos: A Al. 1. The Roommate: A Al. Rosh Hashanah: A Al. The Rubber Tree: A A 1.2. Russian Lady: A Al. Sacred Song: A Al. Sagrada memoria: Reminiscenicas de una ninajudia en Chile: ABA 1.4. Samovar: A Al.l. Sangre: A Al.l Sargasso: A A 1.2. The Seamstress from St. Petersburg: A A 1.2. Sentada frente a la memoria envejecida: A Al.l. September 18: A Al. The Servants: A Al. Shabbat: AA1. Signs of Love: A A 1.2. Silences: A Al. Slaves: A A 1.2. Small Change. Small Change: A Al. Snow: A Al. Soledad: AA1. Sonia Helena: A Al. Souls: A Al. The Sound of Women: A A1. Spanish: A Al. Spring: A Al. St. John's Eve: A Al. The Star of David: A Al. The Stone House: A Al. The Street: A Al. Summers of Syrup: A Al. Summer's End in My Country: AA1. Sundays: A Al. Supersticiones: A Al. Superstitions: A Al. Tamara: A Al. Tatuaje: A Al.l. Tell Me a Story, Papa: A Al. The Texture of Fear: A Al.
Author/Title Index They Say: A Al. Thinking about Oblivion: A Al. TfasrAAl.l. Tidal Pools: A Al. To Be a Stranger: A Al. To Breathe: A Al. To Know the Night: A A1. To Set Foot in America: A A1. Train Station: A Al. Travelers: A Al. Traveling the Length of My Country: A Al. Travesia: A Al.l. Una infancia precaria: A A1.1. Violeta: AA1. Wanderings: A Al. Water: A Al.2. Wax Candles: A A 1.2. Wellesley College: A Al. White: A Al. Why Do I Write?: A Al Will: A Al.l. The Wind: A Al. Wisdom: A Al. With My Children: A Al. With the Nanas: AA1. Women Friends/Comadres: A Al. Words: A Al. You'll Learn It Tomorrow: A Al. 1940-LiceoEscutti: A Al.l. Aguilar, Rebeca Cristina 's Secret/ El secreto de Cristina: N A1. Aguilar, Ricardo Palabra nueva: cuentos chicanos (with Armando Armegol and Oscar U. Somoza): A A2. Alarc6n, Norma The Sexuality ofLatinas (with Cherrie Moraga and Ana Castillo): A A3.
Alberro, Elaine Forever True/Solo tuya: N A2. Heart of Gold/Cor azon de oro: NA2.1. Albi, F. E. Sighs and Songs ofAztldn: New Anthology ofChicano Literature (with Jesus G. Nieto): A A4. Alcala, Diana La frontera: A T5. Alcala, Kathleen A Pearl in the Desert: A A5. Amalia: A A5. The Canary Singer: A A5. Espiritus de las pequehas cos as: NA3. The Fire of San Marcos: A A5. Flora's Complaint: A A5; A SI6. The Flower in the Skull: N A3.1. Ghostwriting for the Archbishop: AA5. Gypsy Lover: A A5. La Esmeralda: A A5. Mrs. Vargas and the Dead Naturalist: A A5. Mrs. Vargas and the Dead Naturalist: A A5; A G7.1. Reading the Road: A A5. Reflection in the Eye of a Crow: AA5. Spirits of the Ordinary: A Tale of Casas Grandes: N A3.2 Sweetheart: A A5. Taking Inventory: A A5. The Transforming Eye: A A5. Treasures in Heaven: N A3.3. Alegria, Claribel Ashes oflzalco: N A4.4. Carcel pequena, carcel grande: AA6.
6 David contra Goliat: A A6. Death ofSomoza: The First Person Story of the Guerillas Who Assassinated the Nicaraguan Dictator: N A4.5 Detenido: A A6. El derecho a cantar: A A6. El milagro de los panes y los peces: AA6. Empezar de cero: A A6. En la Media Luna: A A6. En las garras del aguila: A A6. Estalla la bomba de tiempo: A A6. Family Album: Three Novellas: A A 6; N A4. Felices Pascuas y un aflo nuevo doloroso: A A6. "La Grabadora": A A6. La lucha reivindicativa: A A6. La prueba de Juan Jose Dalton: AA6. La segunda huelga de hambre: AA6. Las desventuras de Jaime: A A6. Luisa en elpais de la realidad: NA4.1 . Luisa in Realityland: N 4.2. No me agarran viva: la mujer salvadorena en la lucha: ABA3. Para romper el silencio: resistenciay lucha en las cdrceles salvadorehas: AA6.1;NA4.6. Poder popular: primeros pasos: A A6. Primera zona liberada: A A6. Pueblo de Diosy de Mandina: con el asesoriamiento cientifico de Slim: N A4.7. Story of the Guerillas Who Assassinated the Nicaraguan Dictator: NA5.3. The Talisman: A A6. Tardencilla novelista: A A6.
Author/Title Index They Won't Take Me Alive: Salvadoran Women Struggle for National Liberation: ABA3.1. Tono liberado: A A6. Traslado a Mariona: A A6. Triunfo del poder popular A6. Tunnel to Canto Grande: A Cross between the Great Escape and the Underground Railroad: NA4.3. Village of God and the Devil: AA6. Alegria Rosales, Victoria To All Women Who Have Traveled the Same Road As I: A A3. Ali, Amina Susan Memories of Her: A G5; A Tl. Teenage Zombie: A G5; A Tl. Allende, Isabel A Discreet Miracle: A A7. Afrodita: cuentos, recetas y toros afrodisiacos: N A5. And of Clay Are We Created: AA7. Aphrodite: A Memoir of the Senses: NA5.1. Aphrodite: The Love of Food and the Food of Love: N A5.2. Clarisa: A A7. Daughter of Fortune: N A5.3. De amory de sombras: N A5.4. El plan infinito: N A5.5. Ester Lucero: A A7. £vtfIww*:NA5.6,NA5.7. Gift for a Sweetheart: A A7. The Gold of Tomas Vargas: A A7. The House of the Spirits: N A5.8. If You Touched My Heart: A A7. The Infinite Plan: N A5.9. Interminable Life: A A7. The Judge's Wife: A A7.
Author/Title Index La casa de los espiritus: N A5.10. Letters of Betrayed Love: A A7. The Little Heidelberg: A A7. Of Love and of Shadows: N A5.11. Our Secret: A A7. /Wa:NA5.12,NA5.13. Phantom Palace: A A7. Portrait in Sepia: N A5.14. The Proper Respect: A A7. Retrato en sepia: una novela: NA5.15. Revenge: A A7. The Road North: A A7. The Schoolteacher's Guest: A A7. Simple Maria: A A7. The Stories of Eva Luna: A A7. Toad's Mouth: A A7. Tosca: A A7. Two Words: A A7. Wicked Girl: A A7. Wilimai: A A7. Alonso, Adela Virgencita Danos Chance: A A3. Alurista Southwest Tales: A Contemporary Collection (with Xelina RojasUrista): A AS. Alvarado, Elvira Don't Be Afraid, Gringo (excerpts from Don 7 Be Afraid Gringo: A Honduran Woman Speaks from the Heart): A A3. Alvarez, Gloria Desert Kiss/Besos en el desierto: NA6. Family Matters: N A6.1. Isabel, mi amor: N A 6.6 Milagro de amor: N A6.2. Miracle of Love-Milagro de amor: NA6.3. Tempting Delilah: N A6.4.
Tiisbokhet mishpahtit: N A6.5. Winning Isabel/Isabel, mi amor: N A6.6. Alvarez, Julia A Cafecito Story: N A7. Antojos: A W2. Before We Were Free: N A7.1. Consuelo's Letter: A A12. Cuando tia Lola vino de visita a quedarse: N A7.2. Customs: A P7. Daughter of Invention: A A18; A Rl.l. De como las chicas Garcia perdieron su acento: N A7.3. Del Nino Jesus a Santiclo: A S2. El doctor: A F6. En el tiempo de las mariposas: N A7.4. How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents: N 7.5. How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents (excerpt): A A13; A Kl. How Tia Lola Came to Visit/Stay: NA7.6. In the Name of Salome: N 7.7. In the Time of the Butterflies: NA7.8. Joe: A N4. The Kiss: AM13. Nel nome de Salome: N A7.9. New World: A C20. No tempo das borboletas: N A7.10. On Being a Translated Writer: AD2. Planting Sticks and Grinding Yucca: A D2. The Secret Footprints: N A7.10. Something to Declare: AB A4. The Summer of the Future: A C18. Switching to Santiclo: A S2.1. Yol: N A7.12; N A7.13; N A7.14.
8 Ambert, Alba A Perfect Silence: N A8. A Perfect Silence: A D4. Chupacabras/The Goat Sucker: AA9;AK3.1. The Curse: A A9. Daughter's Tale: A S2.2. Dusks: A A9. The Eighth Continent: A A9. The Goat Sucker: A A9; A K3.1. Letters to Mrs. Woods: A A9. Losses: A F6. The Old Language: A A9. Persephone's Quest at Waterloo: S2.2A Porque hay silencio: N A8.1. Rage Is a Fallen Angel: A A9. The Wound: A A9. You Ain't Black You Ain't White You Ain't Shit: A A9. Anaya, Rudolfo Cuentos Chicanos: A Short Story Anthology (with Antonio Marquez): A A l l . Voces: An Anthology ofNuevo Mexicano Writers: A A10.
Author/Title Index Ghost Trap: AG7; AT2.1. Hablar en lenguas: Una carta a escritoras tercermundistas: AM19. La historia de la marimacho: A A3. Laprieta: A A 12;AM19. Life Line: A S9; A W9. Linguistic Terrorism: A R3. Ms. Right, My True Love, My Soul Mate.AZl.l. My Soul Mate: AZ1.1. Puddles:AG7;AT2.1. Aparicio, Frances Latino Voices: A A13. Aponte de Zacklin, Lydia Dancing for Joy: A C6. Arana, Marie American Chica: Two Worlds, One Childhood: N A9. Armas, Jose De colores: Journal ofChicano Expression and Thought: AA14.
Antoni, Robert The Archipelago: New Writing from and about the Caribbean (with Bradford Morrow): AA12.
Arrastia, Maritza Amanuensis: A N2. Tripartita: Earth, Dreams, Power (with Myrna Nieves and Ana Lopez Betancourt): A N2
Antonia, Kita Autobiography of a Young One: ABA5.
Arteseros, Sally American Voices: Best Short Fiction by Contemporary: AA15.
Anzaldua, Gloria ATale:AZ1.3. By Your True Faces We Will Know You: A R3. El dia de la chicana: A R3. El paisano is a Bird of Good: A G5. Elretorno: AR3.
Atencio, Paulette A Deal with the Devil/Un pacto con eldiablo: A A16. The Adventures of Don Cacahuate and Dofla Cebolla/Las aventuras de don Cacahuate y
Author/Title Index dofia Cebolla: A A16. Amapola Fernandez/Amapola Fernandez: A A16. The Baby at Ghost Ranch/El niflo del Rancho Encantado: A A16. The Christmas Doll/La mufieca de Navidad: A A16. The Christmas Miracle/El milagro de la Navidad: A A16. Cuentos from Long Ago: A A16 Don Cacahuate and His Indian Friend/Don Cacahuate y su amigoindio: A A16. Don Simon/Don Simon: A A16. El penitente: A A16. The Hitchhiker/El que pedia paso encoche: A A16. In£z from the Country/Inez del campo: A A16. Isidoro Salfin/Isidoro Salfin: AA16. The Legend of El Tiradito/La leyenda del Tiradito: A A16. The Little Lost Boy/El niflo perdido: A A16. The Little Match Girl/La nina de los fosforos: A A16. The Magic Stone/Las piedras encantadas: A A16. The Pinon Tree/El arbol de pifion: AA16. The Priest's Cave/La cuevita del padre: A A16. The Princess and the Beggar/La princesa y el mendigo: A A16. The Princess Who Could Not Cry/La princesa que no lloraba: A A16. The Racing Horse/El caballo de carreras: A A16. The Storyteller/El cuentista: A A16. The Wake/El velorio: A A16. The Weeping Woman/La llorona: AA16.
Who Am 17/^Quien soy yo?: AA16. The Wounded Deer/El venado herido: A A16. Augenbraum, Harold Growing Up Latino: Memories and Stories (with Ilan Stavans): AA18. The Latino Reader: An American Literary Tradition from 1542 to the Present (with Margarite Fernandez): A A17. Avina, Kathleen Los viejitos chiquitos: A M5. Babin, Marina Teresa Dia de reyes: A J4. El abuelo ciego: A J4. El telefono: A J4. Baca, Ana Brown Hair: A G7.1. Baca, Kathleen M. Sterile Relationships: A Al 1. Baca Ackerman, Marian Vecino Vicente: A R4. Baez, Josefina Ci guapa aqui: A C18. La palabra/The Word: A C18. Balmaseda, Liz El aflo que viene en La: A S2. New Year in Havana: A S2.1. Travels with Mami: A S2.2. Barragan, Nina Losers and Keepers in Argentina: NB1. Barraza S&nchez, Irene Memorias de Tome, Irene Barraza
Author/Title Index
10 Sanchez: A R4. Barrientes de Maldonado, Leonor La mano negra: A C10. Becker, Flora Borinqueha: Puerto Rico in the Sixties: N B2. Behar, Ruth Translated Woman: Crossing the Border with Esperanza s Story: ABB1. Belli, Gioconda A Christmas Like No Other: AS2.1. Just a Woman: A S2.2. Una Navidad como ninguna otra: AS2. Belpre, Pura Firefly Summer: N B3. The Parrot Who Wouldn't Say "catano": A C6. Beltran Hernandez, Irene Across the Great River: N B4. Heartbeat Drumbeat: N B4.1. The Secret of Two Brothers: NB4.2. Woman Soldier: N B4.3. Benavides, Rosamel Antologia de cuentistas chicanas: Estados Unidos de los '60 a los '90:AB1. Benforado, Sally Bring Me a Story: A B2. Benitez, Sandra A Place Where the Sea Remembers: NB5.
A Place Where the Sea Remembers and Other Related Readings: NB5.1. Alii donde el mar recuerda: N B5.2. Aroma de cafe: N B5.3. Bitter Grounds: N B5.4. El pajarero, Sandra Benitez: A F6. The Weight of All Things: N B5.5. Bernardo, Anilu A Do-It-Yourself Project: A B3. American Girls: A B3.. Fitting In: A B3. Grandma Was Never Young: A B3. Jumping Off to Freedom: N B6. Hurricane Friends: A B3. Loves Me, Loves Me Not: N B6.1. Loves Me, Loves Me Not (excerpts): A K3.2. Multiple Choices: A B3. Berrocal Essex, Olga Delia's Way: N B7. Bertrand Gonzalez, Diane Alicia's Treasure: N G10. Carousel of Dreams: N G10.1. The Last Doll/La ultima mufieca: N10.2. Lessons of the Game: N G10.3. Sweet Fifteen: N G10.4. Trino's Choice: N G10.5. Trino 's Tiempo: N G10.6. Bevin, Teresa Havana Split: N B8. Blanco, Iris El arbol que no sabia lo que era (The Tree That No One Knew Anything About), Iris Blanco: AS1.1. Jose, Iris Blanco: A Sl.l.
Author/Title Index Blanco, Patricia The Mango's Core: A T2.3. Rosario Magdalena: A G7.1.
Women: A B7. Out for More Blood (with Judith M. Redding): A B8.
Blicksilver, Edith The Ethnic American Woman: Problems, Protests, Lifestyle: AB4.
Burunat, Silvia Veinte anos de literatura cubanoamericana: antologia 1962-1982 (Ofelia Garcia): AB9.
Bodeen, Jim With My Hands Full/Con mis manos llenas: Young Latino Writers in Yakima: A B5. Borges, Luz Debt ofLove/Deuda de amor: NB9. Borton de Trevifto, Elizabeth My Heart Lies South: The Story of My Mexican Marriage: ABB2. Boza, Maria del Carmen Scattering the Ashes: A Memoir: ABB3. Braschi, Giannina Blow Up: A S 10. Empire of Dreams: A B6; N BIO. I Don't Have It and I Wanted It (excerpt from Empire of Dreams): A R14. Imperio de los suenos: N B10.1. YoYoBoing!:NB\0.2. Brinson-Pineda, Barbara Tlaxcala: A A14. Brown, Stewart The Oxford Book of Caribbean Short Stories (with John Wickham): A B6. Brownworth, Victoria Night Bites: Vampire Stories by
Cabeza de Baca, Fabiola We Fed Them Cactus: AB Cl. The Women of New Mexico: A C5. Cabeza de Baca Gilbert, Fabiola The Herb Woman: A R3. Cabrera, Lydia Animals in Cuban Folklore and Magic: A H8. How the Monkey Lost the Fruit of His Labor: A H8. The Price of Freedom: A C22. Cade Bambara, Toni The Lesson: A B4. Cadilla de Martinez, Maria Indigenous Profile: A C22. Calero, Michelle I Thought You Loved Me: A Tl. Califia, Pat Belonging: A PI3. Blood and Silver: A C 1.1. Calyx of Isis: A C 1.2. The Chocolate Cake: A C3. The Cop and His Choirboy: A Cl.l. The Dash of Vanilla: A C 1.2. Doc and Fluff: the Dystopian Tale of a Girl and Her Biker: N C I . Doing It for Daddy, Short and Sexy Fiction about a Very
Author/Title Index
12 Forbidden Fantasy: A C1. Dolly:ACl.l. The Finishing School: A Fl. Forbidden Passages: Writings Banned in Canada: A C2. Frankie and Johnny: A C1.1. The Hustler: A C 1.2. Incense for the Queen of Heaven: AC1.1 It Takes a Good Boy to Make a Good Daddy: A C L Jessie: AC 1.2. Love Sees No Gender: A C1.1. Macho Sluts: A Cl .2. Mercy: AC1.1. No Mercy: AC1.1. No Mercy: AC1.1. Riding the Tyger: A C1.1. The Second Coming: A C3. Skinned Alive: A C 1.1. The Spoiler: A C 1.2. St. George and the Dragon: A F7. The Surprise Party: A C2. Too Much Is Almost Enough: AC1.1. The Vampire, Pat Califa: A Cl; AK4. Caltenco, Citlamina The World: A B5. Canales, Rita Maria The Awakening, Rita Maria Canales: A D7. Canales, Viola Orange Candy Slices and Other Secret Tales: A C4. Cantu, Norma Elia Canicula: imdgenes de una nihez fronteriza: AB C2. Canicula: Snapshots of a Girlhood en lafrontera: AB C2.1. Nun's Habit (excerpts from
Canicula: Snapshots of a Girlhood en la Frontera: AM3. Perpetuo Socorro: A M3. Se me enchina el cuerpo de oir tu cuento..., Norma Cantu: AT2.1. Tino, Norma Elia Cantu: A M3. Cardenas, Maria and Adriana Two Sisters Write about Their Mother: A B5. Cardenas de Dwyer, Carlota Chicano Voices: A C5. Carlson, Marie Lori Barrio Streets, Carnival Dreams: Hurray for Three Kings' Day!: NC2. The Sunday Tertulia: N C2.1. Three Generations of Latino Artistry: A C6. Carrillo, Leonard Canto al pueblo: An Anthology of Experiences (with Antonio Martinez, Carol Molina, and Marie Wood): A C7. Carrillo, Rosa M. Amor, libertad y calor, Rosa M. Carrillo: A 0 5 . Carter, Angela Wayward Girls & Wicked Women: Anthology of Stories: A C8. Carvajal, Lourdes Besame mucho: N C3. Only a Kiss Away: N C3.1. Casal, Lourdes Alfonso: A BIO. Juegos: A C9.
Author/Title Index Los fundadores: Alfonso: A C9. Los fundadores: Alfonso y otros cuentos: A C9. Los zapatitosme aprietan: A C9. Love Story segun Cyriano Prufrock: A C9. Maria Valdes o la colina de la Universidad: A C9. Rodrigo de Triana: A C9. Salvador en cuatro tiempos: A C9. Casarez Vasquez, Enedina The House of Quilts: A Ml 3. Recuerdos de una nina: AB C3. Castaneda, Natalie The Interview: A B5. Castaneda Shular, Antonia Literatura chicana: texto y contexto (with Tomas IbarraFausto and Joseph Sommers): AC10. Castafion, Ana Once Upon Many Times: A L4. Castedo, Elena Paradise (excerpt): A F2. The White Bedspread: A P7. Castilla, Julia Mercedes Aventuras de un niho de la calle, Castilla: A C l l . Caminos equivocados: A C11.1. Elcandidato: AC11.1. £w///o:NC4,NC4.1. Murmullos de pueblo: cuentos: AC11.1 Pasos: AC11.1. Pintura escrita: la cuadra: A C11.1. Pirinola the Street Master: N C4.2 Tramiltologia: A C11.1. Un acontecimiento: A C11.1.
13 Castillo, Ana A Kiss Errant: AC 12.2. A Lifetime: AC 12.2. A Perfect Romance: A C 12.2. A True Story: AC12.2. Again, Like Before: A C12; A W8. Being Indian, a Candle Flame, and SoMany:AC12.2;AM13. By Way of Acknowledgment: A C12.2. Carmen la coja: N C5. The Cavern: AC 12.1. Christmas Stories of the Golden Cockroach: A C12.2. Conversations with an Absent Lover on a Beachless Afternoon: A Cl2.2. Crawfish Love: A C 12.2. Dying Stars: A C12.2 Esta puente, mi espalda: voces de mujeres tercermundistas en los Estados Unidos, with Cherrie Moraga: A Ml9. Extraordinarily Woman: A C12. Flamingo: A C 12.1. Foreign Market: A C12.2. Ghost Talk: AC 12.2. Goddess of the Americas/La diosa de las Americas: A C12. If Not for the Blessing of a Son: AC12.2. The Invitation: A C12.1. Juan in a Million: A C12.2. Lalocasanta: A S12 La Miss Rose: A C 12.2. Las cartas de Mixquiahuala: N C5.1. The Law of Probabilities: A C12.2. Loverboys: AC12.2. Lover boys: Stories: A C 12.2. Maria Who Paints and Who Bore Jose: AC 12.2. Mi hijo, mi hija, el dguila, la paloma: un canto azteca: AC12.3.
14 The Mixquiahuala Letters: AC12.2;NC5.2. Mother's Wish: A C12.2. My Daughter, My Son, the Eagle, the Dove: An Aztec Chant: A C12.4. My Dream Last Night: A C 12.2. On Francisco el Penitente's First Becoming a Santero and Thereby Sealing His Fate: A P7. Peel My Love Like an Onion: N C5.3. Platica de fantasmas: A Bl; A N4. Sapogonia (excerpt): A H4.1. Sapogonia (An Anti-Romance in 3/8 Meter): A C12.2; N C5.4. The Sexuality ofLatinas (with Norma Alarcon, and Cherrie Moraga): A A3. So Far from God: A C12.2; N C5.5. Subtitles: A C 12.2; G7.1. Tan lejos de Dios: N C5.6. This: AC12.1. Two Children: A C 12.2. Vatolandia: AC 12.2. What Big Cities Are For: A C12.2. Who Was Juana Gallo: A C12.2. Cenen Hunger's Scent, Cenen: A G5. The Love Making, Cenen: A R2. Cerar, Melissa K. Teenage Refugees from Nicaragua Speak Out: AB C4. Cerda, Martha A Happy Family: A C13. A Time of Mourning: A C13. After Canaries:A C13. Amanda's Motives: A C13. And the Crows Cawed: A C13. At the Baptismal Font: A C13.
Author/Title Index The Best Night: A C 13. Between the Lines: A C13. Blame It on Hormones: A C13. Blue in the Family: A C13. City of Children: A C13. The Congregation in the Park: AC13. Eight: A C 13. Eighteen: A C 13. Eleven: A C 13. Epilogue: A C13. Fifteen: A C13. The First Time: A C 13. Five:AC13. Four: A C 13. Four Good Habits: A C 13. Fourteen: A Cl3. Geography Lesson: A C13. German Dollars: A C13. Good Habits: A C13. Heard in Passing: A C13. Hide-and-Seek: AC 13. In the Dream Clock: A C13. It's Their Fault: AC 13. Last Night, Mariana: A C13. Last Night at Night: A C13. Multiverse: AC 13. Nine: AC13. Nineteen: A C13. No One Knows For Whom One Works:AC13. No-Man's-Land:AC13. Office Machine: A C13. One:AC13. Right Place, Wrong Time: A C13. The Same Stock: A Cl3. Senora Rodriguez and Other Worlds: A C13. Seven: AC 13. Seventeen: A C13. Six: A C 13. Sixteen: A Cl3. Thirteen: A Cl Thirty: A C13. Three:AC13.
Author/Title Index Twelve: A C13. Twenty: A C 13. Twenty-eight: A C13. Twenty-five: A C13. Twenty-four: A C13. Twenty-nine: A C13. Twenty-one: A C 13. Twenty-seven, A C13. Twenty-six: AC13. Twenty-three: A C13. Twenty-two: A C 13. Two:AC13. With Respect to the Sky: A C13. Without Knowing That It Is You: A C13. Cervantes, Angela Scotland Street Angels: A M5. Cervantes, Lorna Dee Refugee Ship: A K2. Chacon, Herminia Samuel's Christmas Eve: A K3.2. Chavez, Denise Baby Krishna's All Night Special: AK7. Big Calzones: A S2.1. City of Angels: A K3.1. Chata: A P7. The Closet: A A18; A F6; A K3. Crossing "Bitter Creek": A R15. El pajarero: A F6. Evening in Paris: A K3.3; A R3. Face of an Angel: N C6. Face of an Angel (excerpts): A A3. Grand Slam: A A10. The King and Queen of Comezon (excerpt from Beatriz): A R4. The Last of the Menu Girls: N C6.1. Los colosales calzones: A S2. Loving Pedro Infante: N C6.2. The McCoy Hotel (1900): A L6;
AS8. Missss Rede!: A W6 Novenas narrativas y ofrendas nuevomexianas: A C12; A H4. Por el amor de Pedro Infante: una novella: N C6.3. Proximity to Mountain: Conversations with the Esquibel Family: A C14. Saints: A G7.1. The Wedding: A Ml3. Willow Game: A A l l . Writing Down the River: Into the Heart of the Grand Canyon (with Kathleen Jo Ryan): AR15. Chavez, Margo Je Revien: A R4. Manina: A R4. Cisneros, Sandra A House of My Own: A 0 1 . A Rice Sandwich: A M21. Acuerdate del Alamo: A C15. Anguiano Religious Articles, Rosaries, Statues...: A C15.1. Articulos religiosos Anguiano: AC 15. Barbie-coa: A C15. Barbie-Q: AC15.1. Bien Pretty (English version): AC15.1. Bien Pretty (Spanish version): AC15. Boys and Girls: A T2. Bread:AC15.1. Divine Providence: A T2.1. El arroyo de la Llorona: A C15. El arroyo de la Llorona: A C15. El hombre Marlboro: A C15. Eleven: A C15.1; A E2; A L6. Erase un hombre, erase una mujer: AC15. Esa Lucy mi amiga, que huela a
16 maiz: A C15. Eyes of Zapata: A C15.1; A M13. Ghosts and Voices: A T2. The House on Mango Street: N C7. The House on Mango Street: A 0 1 ; AT2. The House on Mango Street (excerpt): AD1. Geraldo no apellido: A Bl. Geraldo No Last Name: A S8. Ghosts and Voices: A T2 La casa en Mango Street: N C7.1. La Fabulosa: A Texas Operetta: AC15. La Fabulosa: una opereta tejana: AC15. Las tres hermanas: A B1. Linoleum Roses: A 0 1 . Little Miracles, Kept Promises: AC15.1;AH4.1;AR3. Little Miracles, Kept Promises (excerpt): A A13. Los Boxers (English version): CA15.1. Los Boxers (Spanish version): CA15. Milagritos, promesas cumplidas: AC15. The Marlboro Man: A C15.1. Mericans: AC15.1; AM9. Mericanos: AC 15. Mexican Movies: A C15.1. Mitocaya: A C15. Milagritos, promesas cumplidas: AC15. My Lucy Friend Who Smells Like Corn:AC15.1. My Name: A C22; A R3; A T2. My Tocaya: AC15.1. Never Marry a Mexican: A C15.1; AM2. Nunca te cases con un mexicano: AC15. Ojos de Zapata: A C15. Once: A C 15.
Author/Title Index One Holy Night: A A14; A C15.1; AS12. Pan: AC15. Peliculas mexicanas: A C15. Remember the Alamo: A C15.1. Salvador, Late or Early: A C15.1; AP7. Salvador, tarde o temprano: A C15. Tepeyac (English version): AC15.1;AG7.1. Tepeyac (Spanish version): A C15; AN4. There Was a Man, There Was a Woman:AC15.1. The Three Sisters: A R3. Three Wise Guys: Un cuento de Navidad/A Christmas Story: AT2. Tin Tan Tan (Enlgish version): AC15.1. Tin Tan Tan (Spanish version): AC15. Un poquito de tu amor: A S2.1. Una casa propia: A Bl. Una santa noche: A C15. What Sally Said: A 0 1 . Woman Hollering Creek: A C15.1. Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories: A C 15.1. Writing from Obsession: A T2. Clark, Patricia Worlds in Our Words: Contemporary American Women Writers (with Marilyn Kallet): A K2. Clarke, Velta Native Landscapes: An Anthology of Caribbean Short Stories: AC16. Clavijo, Uva Coito de alaridos: A C 17.1. Don Distraido: AC17.
Author/Title Index El mismo cuento de siempre: AC17.1. Fiesta para los sentidos: A C 17.1. Hagase su voluntad: A C17.1. Inexplicablemente.A C17. Laantorcha: AC17.1. La bicicleta de la peseta: A B9. La bicicleta de la peseta (A Iris aunque no la conozco): A Cl7. Lacopa: A C17. Laespera: A C 17. Lafuga: AC17.1. La leyenda de un aula: A C17. Lamancha: A C17. Ni verdad ni mentira: A C17. Ni verdad ni mentira y otros cuentos: A C17. No puedo mas: A C17.1, Nopuedo masy otros cuentos: AC17.1. Pequeflas muertes y una resureccion: A C 17.1. Peterson: A Cl7. Round Trip: A C 17.1. Tarde de domingo: A C17. Un punto en la nieve: A C17. Vaticinio: AC17.1. Vos envejeces...: A C17.1. Y de pronto un viernes: A C17.1. 1342 Park Road: A Cl7. Cocco de Filippis, Daisy Tertuliando/Hanging Out, Dominicnas y Amiga (o)s/Dominican Women and Friends: A C18. Codye, Corinn Vilma Martinez: AB C5. Colindres, Claudia A Letter to My Mother: A A3. Colomba, Ivy A Lost Friend: A T I .
Cordoba, Carol Stowaway: AB C6. Cordova, Josephine M. Bruja Story: A R4. The Heavy Cross: A R4. La bruja Alta Gracia: A R4. Cordova, Kathryn The Legacy of the Rainbow: A R4. Cordova, Perfilia Se hogo un muchacho (A Young Man Drowned): A G3. Corniel, Zaida The Word/La palabra: A C18. Coronel, Azucena Menudito: A R2. Corpi, Lucha Black Widow's Wardrobe: N C8. Cactus Blood: NCSA. Chapters 1, 2, 3 from her novel: Eulogy for a Brown Angel: AF2;AK3.1. Chapter 1: "City of Angels": AK3.1. Chapter 2: "Insidious Desires": AG7.1;AK3.1. Chapter 3: "Optical Illusions": AK3.1. City of Angels: A K3.3. Delia's Song (excerpts): A M3. Delia's Song: N C8.2; A M3. Eulogy for a Brown Angel: N C8.3. Eulogy for a Brown Angel (excerpts): A F2; A K3.1. Four, Free, and Illegal: A Ml3. Insidious Disease: A G7.1. Los cristos del alma: A A2. Shadows on Ebbing Water: A PI. 1.
18 Cochar, Jo Calyx: A Journal ofArt and Literature by Women. Bearing Witness/Sobreviviendo, An Anthology of Native American/Latina Arts and Literature: A C20. Corinne, Tee Intricate Passions: A Collection of Erotic Short Fiction: A C21. Cortina, Rodolfo Hispanic American Literature: An Anthology: A C22. Cota-Cardenas, Margarita Malinche's Discourse: A R3. Puppet: A Chicano Novella: N C9. Cotera, Marta When Women Speak: A C5. Cowell, Glynis Tapices literarios: Stories for Building Language Skills and Cultural Awareness (with Joan F.Turner): A C23. Cruz, Angie Soledad:^ C\0. Cuero, Delfina The Autobiography of Delfina Cuero, a Diegueho Indian: ABS6. The Autobiography of Delfina Cuero, a Diegueno Indian as Told to Florence C Shipek: ABB4. Delfina Cuero: Her Autobiography, an Account of Her Last Years, and Her Ethnobotanic Contributions: ABC7.
Author/Title Index Davidow, Joie Las Christmas: escritores latinos recuerdan las tradiciones navidenas (with Esmeralda Santiago): A S2. Las Christmas: Favorite Latino Authors Share Their Holiday Memories (with Esmeralda Santiago): A S2.1. Las Mamis, Favorie Latino Authors Remember Their Mothers (with Esmeralda Santiago): AB S2; AS De Anda, Diane The Christmas Spirit Tree: A D3; A K3.2. Dancing Miranda: A D3.1. The Ice Dove: A D3. The Ice Dove and Other Stories: AD3. The Immortal Rooster: A D3.1. The Immortal Rooster and Other Stories: A D3.1. Mari, Mari, Mariposa: A D3.1. Pinto: A D3. Something Special: A D3. Tia Luisa: AD3.1. Visions: Nineteen Short Stories by Outstanding Writers for Young Adults (with Donald R. Gallo): AG2.1. The Visitors: A D3.1. De Azevedo, Kathleen The Miracle of Santa Maria: A SI6. De Baca, Elba C. The Devil: A R4. The Lady in Blue: A R4. Witches: A R4. De Ferrari, Gabriella A Cloud on Sand: ND1. Gringa latina: AB Dl.
Author/Title Index Gringa Latina: Woman of Two Worlds: ABD1.1. De Jesus, Maria Carolina Childhood: A G5. De la Cruz, Sor Juana A Woman of Genius/La respuesta a Sor Filotea: The Intellectual Autobiography of Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz: AB D2. De la Cuesta, Barbara The Gold Mine: N D2. De la Garza, Beatriz Agnus Dei: A D5. Amada Means Beloved: A D5. The Candy Vendor's Boy: A D5. The Candy Vendor's Boy and Other Stories: A D5. The Kid from the Alamo: A D5. Margarita: A F2. Pilgrimage: A D5. Pillars of Gold and Silver: N D3. Pillars of Gold and Silver: A D5. Temporary Residents: A D5. De la Mar, Niki Letter to a Brother: A R2. De la Pefla, Terri At Home: A J3. Beyond El Camino Real: A T5. Blunt Cuts and Permanent Conditions: A D l l . Caballito del diablo: A B8. Chicana, Working Class and Proud: the Case of the Lopsided Tortilla: A P3. Eco de una amistad: A W4. Faults: N D4. Fiction into Fact: A R9. Frankie: A W7. Good-bye Ricky Ricardo, Hello
Lesbianism: A P5. Hormonic Convergence: con sangre/sin sangre: A L8. Lamaya: A C21. Labrys: A Z1.2. Latin Satins: ND4A. Margins: N D4.2. Mariposa: A W9. Mujeres morenas: A Z1.1. Nullipara, 44: A R5. Once a Friend: A M4. Pajaritos: A F10. Refugio: A B6. Sequences: A P4. The Surreal Answer the World Hands You: A W7. Tortilleras: A W9. De la Tierra, Tatiana A Latina Combat Femme, Her Shoes, & Ensuing Cultural Identity: A C3. Chocolate Cake: A C3. De Martinez, Morena No podemos regresar: A Ml9. De Vallbona, Rima Alma-en-Pena: A V5. An Ephemeral Star: A 6 Bajo pena de muerte: A D6.1. BetoyBetina: AD6.1. The Burden of Routine: A D6. Confirmation of the Obvious: A D6. Dia de tinieblas: A D6.1. Distributive Justice: A D6. El arbol del chumico: A D6.1. El arcangel del perdon: A D6.1. El impostor: A D6.1. El juego de los grandes: A D6.1. El monstruo de las cosas: A D6.1. En el reino de la basura: A D6.1. Flowering Inferno: Tales of Sinking Hearts: A D6. Future Sorrows: A D6.
20 Hell: A D6. History's Editor: A D6. Intergaiactic Crusade: A D6. La tejedora de palabras: A 0 3 ; A04. Las sombras que perseguimos: ND5. The Libel of Dismissal: A D6. Lo inconfesable: A D6.1. Mujeresy agonias: A D6.1. Mundo, demonioy mujer: N D5.1. Oid, Adan es sal: A D6.1. Once More Cain and Abel: A D6. Parabola del eden imposible: AD6.1. The Peace Brigade: A D6. Penelope en sus bodas de plata: AD6.1. Pythagoras' Illustrious Disciple: AD6. The Secret Life of Grandma Anacleta: A D6. The Word Weaver: A D6. De Zavala, Andina The Legend of the First Christmas at the Alamo: A K3.2. Del Barco, Mandalit "Hello, Dollinks," Letters from Mom: A S2.2. Navidad PeMex: A S2. PeMex Christmas: A S2.1. Del Fuego, Laura Maravilla: N D6. Deleon, Stel BrixtonHill: ALL It's Japanese Time...: A L L Mommy's Story-Part I: A LI. Mommy's Story-Part II: A LI. Mommy's Story-Part III: A LI. Tita Choling's Story: ALL
Author/Title Index Delgadillo, Karen T. Mamita te extraflo: A T5. Delgado, Ana Maria La habitacion depor medio: N D7. The Room In-Between: N D7.1. Diaz, Carla Marisol: A W5. Diaz, Debra The Red Camp, Debra Diaz: N D8. Diaz Bjorkquist, Elena A Christmas Story: A D9. The Arizona Cafe: A D9. Bless Me, Father: A D9. Blossom in the Wind: A D9. Breaking the Chain: A D9. Deliver Us from Evil: A D9. The Haunted Tunnel: A D9. The Hershey Bar Queen: A F6. The Hitchhiking Mariachi: A D9. Just Rewards: A D9. No Spanish on Playground: A D9. Please Don't Take the Refrigerator: AD9. Secret in the Show: A D9. Suffer Smoke: A D9. You Don't Need College Prep: AD9. Diaz-Diocaretz, Miriam Juani en tres tiempos: A G5. Didonno, Anna Isabel Anything Can Be Toasted, Anna Isabel Didonno: A I L Dumas Lachtman, Ofelia A Shell for Angela: N D9. Call Me Consuelo: N D9.1. The Girlfrom Playa Blanca: N D9.2. The Girl from Playa Blanca
Author/Title Index (excerpts): A K3.1. Leticia 's Secret: N D9.3. The Summer of El Pintor: N D9.4. Dur&n Trujillo, Marie Oralia Autumn Memories: My New Mexican Roots and Traditions: ABD3. Elizondo, Sergio Palabra nueva: cuentos chicanos //:D:AE1. Emra, Bruce Coming of Age: Short Stories about Youth & Adolescence: A E2. Engle, Margarita Buenaventura of the Fifteen Sisters: AF2. Cimarron: A F2. Escrito en el cielo: N El. On the Morning of His Arrest: AP8. Otiyot ba-shamayin: N E L L Singing to Cuba: N El.2. Skywriting: N El.3. Uncle Teo's Shorthand Cookbook: AM13. Escajeda, Josefina Tales from San Elizario: A 06. Escalera, Diane Dangerous Heat: N E2. Enchanted Isle: N E2.1. Innocent Lies: N E2.2. Jugando con candela: N E2.3. Escamill, Edna Daughter of the Mountain: N E4. Escandon, Maria Amparo A Sin without Repentance: A L L Esperanza 's Box of Saints: N E5.
My Mother in the Nude: A S2.2. Santitos:N E5.\. Esparza, Elia The Other Side of Paradise: N E6. Esparza, Phylis La llamada: A M12. Espinosa, Maria Dark Plums: N 7. Incognito: The Journey of a Secret Jew:NE7.1. Longing: N E7.2. Espinosa, Monica Y se fue (And She Was Gone: AS1.1. Espinosa, Paula Maria Three Day Flight: A F2. Esquibel Tywoniak, Frances Migrant Daughter: Coming of Age As a Mexican-American Woman: AB El. Faderman, Lillian Chloe Plus Olivia: An Anthology of Lesbian Literature from the Seventeenth Century to the Present: A F1. Fama, Maria The Captain of the Safeties, Maria Fama: AM9.1. Fernandez, Carole Sleep of the Innocents: N Fl. Fernandez, Margarite The Latino Reader: An American Literary Tradition from 1542 to the Present (with Harold Augenbraum): A A17.
22 Fernandez, Roberta Amanda: A G5; A K3.3; A 03; ATI. Andrea: A H4; A 04. Double Talk: A T2.3. Esmeralda: A G7.1. Filomena: A Dl. Fronterizas: una novela en seis cuentos: N F2. In Other Words: Literature by Latinas of the United States: AF2. Intaglio: A Novel in Six Stories: NF2.1. Zulema: A F2; A G5; A K3; A 03; AV5. Fernandez de Oliveira, Cicera We Women Suffer More Than Men: A G5. Ferre, Rosario A la sombra de tu nombre: AB Fl. Amalia: A F3.3;A F3.6. Bella durmiente: A RIO. The Bitches Colloquy: A R14. Boffil and Rivas de Santillana: AA12. Captain Candelario's Heroic Last Stand: A F3.5. Carta: A F3.3. Carta I: A F3. Carta II: A F3. Carta III: A F3. Carta IV: A F3. Comer sin haber comido: A F3.1. Cuando las mujeres quieren a los hombres: A F3.3. De tu lado al paraiso: A F3.3. Dom nad laguna: N F3. The Dreamer's PortraitA F3.6. The Dust Garden:A F3.6. Eccentric Neighborhoods: N F3.1. Eccentric Neighborhoods (excerpts): A A12.
Author/Title Index El abrigo del zorro azul: A F3.3. El collar de camandulas: A F3.3. El fumador: A F3.4. El hombre dormido: A F3.3. El infiltrado: AF3.3. El jardin de polvo: A F3.3. Elregalo: AF3.2. Eva Maria: AF3.3. Fabula de la joven Satira A F3.4. Fdbulas de la garza desangrada: A F3. Fording Rio Loco: A A12. The Fox Fur Coat A F3.6. TheGift:AD4;AF3.5. The Glass Box:A F3.6; A M13. Has perdido, me dicen, la cordura: A F3.3. The House on the Lagoon: N F3.2. The House That Vanished:A F3.6. How I Wrote "When Women Love Men": A F3.6. Isolda en el espejo: A F3.2. Isolda's Mirror: A F3.5. Juan Bobo se queda en casa: A F3.1. Juan Bobo va a la capital: A F3.1. Juan Bobo va a oir misa: A F3.1. Juan Bobo y las senoritas del manto prieto: A F3.1. Kristallzucker: Roman: N F3.3. Labailarina: AF3.3. La batalla de las virgenes: N F3.4 La bella durmiente: A F3.3. La caja de cristal: A F3.3. La casa delta laguna: N F3.5. La casa invisible: A F3.3. La extraha muerte del Capitancito Candelario: AF3.2;NF3.6. La luna ofendida: A F3.3. La maison de la lagune: N F3.7. La mufieca menor: A F3.3. La prisionera: A F3. Los cuentos de Juan Bobo: A F3.1. Los tres jorobados: A F3.4. Maldito amor: A F3.2. Maldito amor: N F3.8.
Author/Title Index Maldito amory otros cuentos: AF3.2. Maquinolandera: A F3.3. Marina and the Lion:A F3.6. Marina y el leon: A F3.3. Medea 1972: A F3.3. Mercedes Benz 220 SL: A F3.3; AF3.6;AF4. On Destiny, Language, and Translation, or Ophelia Adrift in the C. & O. Canal:A F3.6. The Other Side of Paradise:A F3.6. Papeles de Pandora: A F3.3. Pedro Animalia: A F3.4. Pico Rico Mandorico: A F3.4: AV4. Pico Rico Mandorico y otros cuentos: A F3.4. The Poisoned Story.A F3.6. The Seed Necklace:A F3.6. Sleeping Beauty:A F3.6; A V4. Sweet Diamond Dust: A Novel and Three Stories of Life in Puerto Rico: NF3.9. Vecindarios excentricos: N F3.10. Vicini eccentrici: Romanzo: NF3.11. When Women Love Men: A B6; A F3.6. The Youngest Doll: A F3.6; A Kl; AV4. The Youngest Doll: A F3.6. Feyder, Linda Marta del Angel: A F2. Fiol Matta, Liza Blanca (excerpt from Julia Rodriguez, MSW): A R14. Fishburn, Evelyn Short Fiction by Spanish-American Women: A F4.
Fisher, Dexter The Third Woman: Minority Women Writers of the United States: AF5. Flores, Innocencia The Diary of a Rent Striker: "Harlem and Hope": A S6. Flores, Lauro The Floating Borderlands: Twentyfive Years of US. Hispanic Literature: A F6. Forte-Escamilla, Kleya IA donde vive Dios?: A G7. Black Orchid: A W8.1. Mada: A Novel: N F4. Foster, David William Literatura chicana, 1965-1995: An Anthology in Spanish, English and Calo (with Manuel de Jesus Hernandez): A H3. Foster, Nicole Electric: Best Lesbian Erotic Fiction: A F8. Fox, Lucia Amelia Hearth desaparece: A F9. Cicrogenico: A F9. Constelacion: cuentos: A F9. En el templo de Wizbal: A F9. Estrella: A F9. Exit: A F9. Holographs: A F9. La dama vienesa: A F9. La marca luminosa: A F9. La mujer pajaro: A F9. The Old Movie: A F9. Orbita: A F9. Pavana por una princesa muerta: AF9. Tlazoltl: A F9.
24 Transferencias: A F9. Y Dios creo los osos polares: A F9. Fox Rogers, Susan Another Wilderness: Women Writing about the Outdoors: AF10. Frida, Dolores I Consider Myself a Theater Worker: A S6. Fuentes, Erica First Love/Primer amor: N F5. Island Dreams/Suenos: N F5.1. Galindo, Mary Sue A la otra te traigo flores: A Gl. Merienda Tejana: The Writings of Mary Sue Galindo, Maria Limon, and Jesse Johnson (with Maria Limon, and Jesse Johnson): A G1. No le digas a nadie: A Gl. Queaguite: AG1. Gallegos, Magdalena Florence and the New Shoes: A A8. Gallegos, Sallie Stone Horses: N G1. Gallo Donald Join In: Multiethnic Short Stories by Outstanding Writers for Young Adults: A G2. Galvan Rodriguez, Odilia Birthing, for Alison: A T2.3. Constitutional Remedies: A T2.3. Diosa: A T2.3. Snake Woman: A T2.3. To Marilyn: A T2.3.
Author/Title Index Gamez, Rocky Day After Day: A G5. Dona Marciana Garcia: A G5. The Gloria Stories (excerpts): AC8;AN1. Lucia: AG5. Who Killed Carmen's Cat?: A G5. Garcia, Bernice Young Thoughts: A B5. Garcia, Cristina A Natural History (excerpt): AA12. The Agiiero Sisters: N G2. Basket of Water (excerpt from Dreaming in Cuban): A G7. Dreaming in Cuban: N G2.1. Dreaming in Cuban (excerpt): AA17;AK1. Ines in the Kitchen: A K3.1; A P8. The Leatherback: A l l . The Nature of Parasites: A l l . Sonar en cubano: N G2.2. Tito's Goodbye: A P7. Tree Ducks: A A12. Garcia, Diana The Flat of the Land: A S12. Help Wanted-Aviso oportuno: NG3. Love Lessons/Lecciones amorosas: NG3.1. Stardust: N G3.2. Garcia, Marcella Lucinda Rosa blanca: A R4. Garcia, Maria Of Prejudice and Acceptance: AR1. Garcia, Nasario Pldticas: Conversations with Hispano Writers of New
Author/Title Index Mexico: ABG1. Recuerdos de los viejitos: Tales of the Rio Puerco: A G3. Garcia, Ofelia Veinte anos de literatura cubanoam ericana: antologia 1962-1982 (with Silvia Burunat): A B9. Garcia, Sanique Braces and Intelligence: A Tl. Garcia, Yolanda A. Ellipses: A R8. Garcia Aguilera, Carolina A Miracle in Paradise: N G4. Bitter Sugar: N G4.1. Bloody Secrets: N G4.2. Bloody Shame:NG43. Bloody Waters: N G4.4. Havana Heat: NG4.5. Garcia Ardalani, Elvira El vals de las hojas muertas: A El. Garcia Ramis, Magali Every Sunday: A R14. Happy Days, Uncle Sergio: A Kl. Happy Days, Uncle Sergio: N G5. Garibay, Lisa Y. Daddy: A SI3. Garzon, Luz El Sr. Dios Consul (Mr. God Consul): A S 1.1. Going for a Ride: A S 1.1. Lahielera: A S 1.1. £Porque?:ABl;ASl.l. Unpaseo: AB1;AS1.1. Why: A SI.1.
Gaspar de Alba, Alicia American Citizen, 1921: A G4. Cimarrona: A F2. Elpavo: A A 2 ; A B 1 ; A G 4 . Estrella Gonzalez: A G4. Facing the Mariachis: A G4. Juana Ines: A L6; A T2.1. La Mariscal: A G4. The Last Rite: AG4;AG7.1. Literary Wetback: A R3. Los derechos de Malinche: A G4. Malinche's Rights: A G7. The Mystery of Survival: A G4. The Mystery of Survival and Other Stories: A G4. The Piflata Dream: A G4. The Prediction: A G4. Sor Juana's Second Dream: N G6. They're Just Silly Rabbits: A El; AG4. Gillan Jennifer Growing Up Ethnic in America: Contemporary Fiction about Learning to Be American (with Maria Mazzioti Gillan): A M9. Identity Lessons: A Contemporary Writing about Learning to Be American (with Maria Mazzioti Gillan): A M9.1. Glickman, Nora A Day in New York: A F2. Dios salve a America: A T4. El ultimo de los colonos: A T4. Tag-Sale: A T4. Gomez, Alma Cuentos: Stories by Latinas (with Cherrie Moraga and Mariana Romo-Carmona): A G5. El sueflo perdido: A G5. Gomez, Jewelle Don't Explain: A K2.
Author/Title Index
26 The Gilda Stories: A Novel: N G7. Gomez, Leticia Dulce destino: N G8. Sweet Destiny: N G8.1. Gonzales, Adelina Cuando Dios no quiere, Santos no pueden (When God Is Unwilling, Saints Are Helpless): A G3. Dos padres (Two Priests): A G3. La corrida del gallo (The Rooster's Race): A G3. Los penitentes (The Penitents): AG3. Sonaron cadenas (Chains Rattled): AG3. Un tiroteo (A Shoot 'em Up): AG3. Gonzales, Marcia Gonzales & son, a minor, vs. Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department, a Political Subdivision, et al. LASCNo. NEC12431: AM10. Gonzalez, Gloria The Boy with Yellow Eyes: A G2.1 Viva New Jersey: A G2. The Woman Who Makes Belly Buttons: A R4.
Gonzalez, Luz Ride: A M5. Gonzalez, Ramona Cuando tienes comezon: A Bl. Gonzalez, Ray Currents from the Dancing River: Contemporary Latino Fiction, Nonfiction and Poetry: A Gl. Mirrors Beneath the Earth: Short Fiction by Chicano: A G7.1. Under the Pomegranate Tree: The Best New Latino Erotica: A G7.2. Gonzalez, Ver6nica Through the Raw Meat: A SI3. Gonzales-Berry, Erlinda Conversaciones con Sergio (excerpts): A A3; A R4. El tren de la ausencia: A A10. Las mujeres hablan: An Anthology ofNuevo Mexicana Writers (with Tey Diana Rebolledo and Teresa Marquez): A R4. Malinche's Past (Selections from Paletitas de Guayaba): A R3. Paletitas de guayaba: N G11. Rosebud (Excerpts: A R4.
Gonzalez, Ivette Canton dae amorie: N G9. Love's Song-Canto de amor: NG9.1. To Catch a Star/A Icanzar una estrella: N G9.2.
Gonzalez Bertrand, Diane Alicia's Treasure: N G10. Carousel of Dreams: N G10.1 The Last Doll/La ultima muneca: N G10.2 Lessons of the Game: N G10.3 Sweet Fifteen: NG\0A. Trino 's Choice: N G10.5. Trino 's Time: N G10.6
Gonzalez, La Verne Born to Suicide: A B4.
Gonzales-Flores, Judy Julieta's Muses: A R3.
Author/Title Index Guido de Vries, Rachel The Accordion: A M9.1.
Gonz&lez-Mena de LoCoco, Ver6nica El camion: A J4. La Navidad de: A J4. Pepin: A J4.
Guillen, Angelica Angie: A M5.
Gonzalez Wippler, Migene Yoruba: A S3.
Gurrola, Rosalee Woolworth's Bra: A A3.
Grana, Mari Begoso Cabin: A Pecos Country Retreat: AB G2.
Gutierrez, Franklin Stories from Washington Heights and Other Corners of the World: Short Stories Written by Dominicans in the United States (with Daisy Gutierrez Cocco de Filippis): AC19.
Granados, Elsa Haciendo conexiones: A Ml9. Guerra, Fermina Rancho Buena Vista: A P2. Guerra Cunninghma, Lucia Mds alia de las mascaras (Beyond the Masks): NG13. Guerrero, Lucrecia Blanca Rosa: A G8. The Butterfly: A G8. Chasing Shadows: Stories: A G8. Cloud Shadows: A G8. The Curse: A G8 Even in Heaven: A G8. The Girdle: A G8. Gloves of Her Own: A G8. Hotel Arco Iris: A G8. Love and Happiness: A G8. Memories in White: A G8. Return of the Spirit: A G8. Guerrero Milligan, Mary Daughters of the Fifth Sun: A Collection of Latina Fiction and Poetry (withBryce Milligan): A M13. Larosa: A M13. Loteria: A Ml3.
Gutierrez Cocco de Filippis , Daisy Stories from Washington Heights and Other Corners of the World: Short Stories Written by Dominicans in the United States (with Franklin Gutierrez): AC19. Guzman, Lila and Rick Lorenzo s Secret Mission: N G14. Hall, Melissa Mia Wild Women: A HI. Haslam, Alexandra and Gerald Whereoyotes Howl and Wind Blows Free: Growing Up in the West: AH2. Hepworth, James The Stories That Shape Us. Contemporary Women Write about the West: An Anthology (with Teresa Jordan): A 56. Heredia, Juanita Latina Self-Portraits: Interviews
Author/Title Index
28 with Contemporary Women Writers (with Bridget A. Kevane): AB HI. Hernandez, E. D. You as a Public Turn On: A T5. Hernandez, Ena Indo America Revisited: A T3. Hernandez, Jo Ann Yolanda White Bread Competition: N H1. Hernandez, Manuel de Jesus Literatura chicana, 1965-1995: An Anthology in Spanish, English and Calo (with David William Foster): AH3. Herrera, Estela Azabache: A S2. Nurturing the Wild Beast of Christmas: A S2.1. Herrera-Sobek, Maria Chicana Creativity and Criticism: Charting New Frontiers in American Literature (with Helena Maria Viramontes): AH4. Chicana (W)rites on Word and Film (with Helena Maria Viramontes): A H4.1. Hill, Billy Bob Texas Short Stories: A H5. Hill, Christine M. Ten Hispanic Authors: AB H2. Hinojosa, Maria Raising Raul: Adventures Raising Myself and My Son: AB H3.
Hogan, Victoria Peanuts & Alfalfa Sprouts: A L4. The Wall: A L4. Holoch, Naomi The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction (with Joan Nestle): A H6. Women on Women: An Anthology of American Lesbian Short Fiction (with Joan N. Holden Nestle): AN1. Hospital, Carolina A Century of Cuban Writers in Florida: Selected Prose and Poetry (with Jorge Canteras): AH8. Cuban-American Writers.Los atrevidos: A H7. Ikas, Karin Chicana Ways: Conversations with Ten Chicana Writers: AB II. Isado, Javier La voz: A l l . Jacobs, Barbara Apostilla Trece: A Jl. Apostilla Uno: A Jl. Carol dice: A Jl. Carol dicey otros textos: A Jl. Divertido, lo clasico: A Jl. El lapiz: A Jl. El tapiz flamenco: A Jl. Entrevista de Roberto Garcia Bonilla:AJl. Epilogo: A Jl. Escrito en el tiempo (dos cartas): AJ1. Las hojas muertas (excerpt): A Jl. Las siete fugas de Saab, alias El Rizos (excerpts): A Jl.
Author/Title Index Vida con mi amigo (excerpts): AJ1.
Jaramillo Lavadie, Juanita Gramita on the Road: A R4.
Jaramillo, Cleofas A Bit of New Mexico Folklore: AJ2. Dramas: A J2. El carroferril (The Iron Horse): AJ2. Games and Sports: A J2. Harvest Moons: A J2. Holy Week at Arroyo Hondo: A J2. Honeymoon among Bandits,: A J2. The Indian Feast of San Geronimo: AJ2. La funcion (Feast Day): A J2. La Villa Real Its Beggars and Interesting Places: A J2. Memorias, Wedding, Baptism and Other Ceremonies: A J2. Noche Buena and Religious Dramas: AK3.2. Old Customs Vanish: A J2. The Penitente Brotherhood: A J2. Romance of a Little Village Girl: ABJ1. Romance of a Little Village Girl (excerpt): A A17. Romance on the Chihuahua Trail: AJ2. Saints' Holy Days: A J2. Santos: A J2. Shadows of the Past: AB J1.2. Shadows of the Past-VI Memories: AJ2;AR3. Shadows of the Past/Sombras del pasado: A 52. Shadows over Arroyo Hondo: A J2. Spanish Pioneers: A J2. Wakes, Noche Buena and Religious Dramas: A J2.
Jay, Karla Dyke Life: A 53.
Jaramillo, Mari Luci The Shoemaker's Daughter: AB J2.
Jimenez, Francisco Hispanics in the United States: An Anthology of Creative Literature (with Gary D. Keller): A K5. Hispanics in the United States: An Anthology of Creative Literature Vol. II (with Gary D. Keller): A K5.1. Mosaico de la vida: prosa chicana, cubana y puertorriqueha: AJ4. Johnson, Rob Fantasmas: Supernatural Stories by Mexican-American Writers: AJ5. Jordan, Teresa The Stories That Shape Us. Contemporary Women Write about the West: An Anthology (with James Hepworth): A 56. Juarez, Tina Call No Man Master: N J1. South Wind Come: NJ1.1. Juarez Phipps, Helene Cuernavaca Sundown: A R I L Secret Weapon: A R I L Kafka, Phillipa "Saddling La Gringa. " Gatekeeping in Literature by Contemporary Latina Writers: AK1.
30 Kallet, Marilyn Sleeping with One Eye Open: Women Writers and the Art of Survival (with Judith Ortiz Cofer):ABKl. Worlds in Our Words: Contemporary American Women Writers (with Patricia Clark): A K2. Kanellos, Nicolas Herencia: The Anthology of Hispanic Literature of the United States (with Kenya Dworkin y Mendez and Alej Balestra): A K3.4. Hispanic American Literature: A Brief Introduction and Anthology: A K3. The Hispanic Literary Companion: AK3.1. Noche buena: Hispanic American Christmas Stories: A K3.2. Short Fiction by Hispanic Writers of the United States: A K3.3. Keesey, Pam Daughters of Darkness: Lesbian Vampire Stories: A K4. Keller, Gary D. Hispanics in the United States: An Anthology of Creative Literature (with Francisco Jimenez): A K5. Hispanics in the United States: An Anthology of Creative Literature Vol. II (with Francisco Jimenez): A K5.1. Kevane, Bridget A. Latina Self-Portraits: Interviews with Contemporary Women Writers: AB III.
Author/Title Index Kitchen, Judith In Short: A Collection of Brief Creative Nonfiction (with Mary Paumier Jones) A K6. Kopp, Karl Southwest: A Contemporary Anthology (Bart Lanier Stafford III): A K7. Koppelman, Susan Between a Mother & Daughter: Stories across a Generation: AK8. Kothari, Geeta Did My Mama Like to Dance? And Other Stores about Mothers and Daughters: A K9. Krauze, Ethel The Mule Going Round the Well: A G7.2. L. de Jesus, Joy Growing Up Puerto Rican: An Anthology: A D4. Lamazares, Ivonne Cousin Sarita, Ivonne Lamazares: AH8. Cousin Sarita: A H8 Lanier Stafford III, Bart Southwest: A Contemporary Anthology (with Karl Kopp): AK7. La Salle Caram, Eve Palm Readings: Stories from Southern California: A L L Leal, Fabiola Dinner with Dad: A M5.
Author/Title Index Leal, Vivian Mangoes: A SI3.
AM19. 1930:AL3;AT6.
Lechuga, Elida Bitter Dreams: A A10. Remembrances: A R4.
Liberman, Gloria Laconfesion: A G5.
Levins Morales, Aurora A Child's Christmas in Puerto Rico: A T6. A Remedy for Heartburn: A F2. A Story: A L3. African Creation: A R14. And:AL3. California: A L3. Distress Signals: A L3. Dofia Carmelita: A L3. Dulce de naranja: A S2; A S2.1. El bacalao viene de m£s lejos y se come aqui: A G5. The Flute: A L3. Gardens: AL3. Getting Home Alive (with Rosario Morales): A L2. Heart of My Heart, Bone of My Bone: A L3. Hurricane: A R14. If I Forget Thee: A L3. Immigrants: A D4; A G7; A L31; AT6. In My Grandmother's House: A L3. Kitchens: A G7; A L3; A T6. Letter to a Compafiero: A L3. Oh Jerusalem: A L3. Old Countries: A L3; A T6. The Other Heritage: A L3; A T6. Puertoricanness: A G7; A L3; AT6. Remedios: Stories of Earth and Iron from the History of Puertorriquenas: A L2. South:AL3;AT6. Storytelling: A L3. Tito: AL3. jY ni Fidel puede cambiar eso!:
Libro, Toni The Last Lesson: A M9.1. Limon, Graciela Day of the Moon: N L1. Erased Faces: N L1.1. In Search ofBernabe: N LI.2. In Search ofBernabe (excerpt): AF2. The Memories of Ana Calder on: NL1.3. The Memories of Ana Calder on (excerpt): A K3.1. Song of the Hummingbird: N LI .4. Limon, Maria Dew Drops, Lace Curtains, and Frosty Pink Fingernails: A Gl. Littlebear Morena, Naomi The Men in Your Life: A R2. Noche encantada: A C20. Lizarraga, Silvia Camino del lago (Silver Lake Road): A SI. 1. Dona Lola: A S 1.1. El momento: A Sl.l. Elregreso: AB1; AS1.1. The Gift: A R3. Management: A Sl.l. Monarquia: A R3; A Sl.l. Quinceaftera: AB1; A Sl.l. Lizarraga Duerfeldt, Martha Coming Out: A Sl.l. La mas santa profesion (Most Blessed Profession): A Sl.l.
Author/Title Index
Llano, Maria Elena In the Family: A Tl.
Lota, Louinn Dream I Scream: A L L
Lomeli, Francisco A. Nuevos horizontes de 15 minutos: AL4.
Loya, Catherine We Don't Need No Stinking Maps: AS13.
Lopez, Ana Tiffany Growing Up Chicana/o: An Anthology: A L6.
Loya, Olga The Alligator and the Dog (El perro y el caiman): A L7. Blanca Flor (Blanca Flor): A L7. Celina and El Sombreron (Celina y el sombreron: A L7. The Choi People (Cuento del pueblo chol): A L7. Cuando el mundo estaba en tinieblas: A L7. De como se creo la gente: A L7. El esqueleto volador (cuento del puebo chol): A L7. El mono y el cocodrilo: A L7. El tio Conejo y el tio Tigre: A L7. The Flying Skeleton (El esqueleto volador): A L7. How People Came to Be (De como se creo la gente): A L7. The Hungry Goddess (La diosa hambienta): A L7. La diosa hambrienta: A L7. La Llorona (The Wailing Woman): AL7. La madrina muerte (Godmother Death): A L7. Momentos mdgicos: Magic Moments: A L7. The Monkey and the Crocodile (El mono y el cocodrilo): A L7. Opossum and Coyote (La zarigiieya y el coyote): A L7. The Rooster's Claw (La pata de gallo): A L7. Tia Miseria (La tia Miseria): A L7. Uncle Rabbit and Uncle Tiger (El tio Conejo y el tio Tigre: A L7. The Virgin of Guadalupe (La virgen
L6pez, Lorraine M. A Tatting Man: A L5. After Dad Shot Jesus: A L5. The Crown on Prince: A L5. Frostbite: A L5. Ivor's People: A L5. Love Can Make You Sick: A L5. Mother-in-law's Tongue: A L5. Sophia: A L5. Soy la Avon Lady: A L5. Soy la Avon Lady and Other Stories: A L5. To Control a Rabid Rodent: A L5. Lopez Betancourt, Ana Tripartita: Earth, Dreams, Power (with Myrna Nieves, Ana Lopez and Maritza Arrastia): AN2 Lopez-Medina, Sylvia Cantora: N L2. Het lied van de Mexicana s: NL2.1. Necklace of Pearls: A Novel: NL2.3. Siguiriya: A Novel: N L2.4. L6pez-Stafford, Gloria A Place in El Paso: A Mexican American Childhood: AB L2. Loredo, Nancy Five: A M5.
Author/Title Index de Guadalupe): A L7. When the World Was Dark (Cuando el mundo estaba en tinieblas): A L7. Lubitch Domecq, Alcina Bottles: A S 16. Luna Roble, Margarita Urbano: Letters of the Horse-shoe Murder: A P 1.1. Lugo Filippi, Carmen Milagros, Mercurio Street: A R14; AV4. Pilar, Your Curls: A V4. Lynch, Lee Off the Rag: Lesbians Writing on Menopause (withAkia Woods): A L8. McEwan-Alvarado, Angela Naranjas: A 0 3 . Machado Padron, Margarita El automovil de Manuel: A J4. Madison, Soyini The Woman That I Am: The Literature and Culture of Contemporary Women of Color: A M2. Madresca, Maria Tool: A G7.2. Madr6n, Cindy For Maria: A R2. Malbas, Maria Uncle Johnny, Maria Malbas: AL4. Mariscal, George Aztldn and Viet Nam: Chicano and
Chicana Experiences of the War: AMI. Marquez, Maria Teresa Women's Tales from the New Mexico WPA: La Diabla en Pie (with Tey Diana Rebolledo): ABR1. Marquez, Teresa Las mujeres hablan: An Anthology ofNuevo Mexicana Writers (with Tey Diana Rebolledo and Erlinda Gonzales-Berry): AR4. Marquez, Victoria Holiday Heaven: N M1. In Hot Pursuit/Cortego cdlido: NM1.1. Wildfor You: NM\ 2. Martin, Allana Death of a Saint Maker: N M2. Death of an Evangelista: N M2.1. Martin, Carmen Do It to the Music: A T I . Martinac, Paula The One You Call Sister: A M4. Martinez, Antonio Canto al pueblo: An Anthology of Experiences (with Leonard Carrillo, Carol Molina, and Marie Wood): A C7. Martinez, Demetria Lengua madre: N M3. Mark:AS13. Mother Tongue: N M3.1. Mother Tongue (excerpt): A W6. Prayer for the Millennium: A C6. Sefat em: NM32.
Author/Title Index
Martinez, Margarita Images and Conversations: A A13.
Mayo, C. M. Chabela del Rio y de la Fuente Contreras, Thrice married (Once Divorced), Reflects on Her Relationship with Her Mother While Lying on Her Bed: A M7. Coyote Don't Bite: A M7. Davy Whittlespoon Rex: A M7. The Jaguarundi: A M7. O Majesty: A M7. Rainbow's End: A M7. Sky over El Nido: A Ml. The Third Day: A M7. Tzintzuntzan: A M7. The Wedding: A M7. What Fish This Fish?: A M7. Willow: A M7.
Martinez, Noemi ChicanaWriter. Short Story Contest, 2001: A M5.
Mazer, Anne America Street: A Multicultural Anthology of Stories: A M8.
Marvin, Isabel R. A Bride for Ana s Papa: N M4. Bridge to Freedom: N M4.1 Green Fire: N M4.2. Josefina and the Hanging Tree: NM4.3. The Mystery of the Ice Cream House: N M4.4. The Mystery of the Puerto Rican Penny: N M4.5. One ofFannin 's Men: N M4.6. Saving Joe Louis: N M4.7. Shipwrecked on Padre Island: N M4.8.
Mazzioti Gillan, Maria Growing Up Ethnic in America: Contemporary Fiction about Learning to Be American (with Jennifer Gillan): A M9. Identity Lessons: A Contemporary Writing about Learning to Be American (with Jennifer Gillan): AM9.1.
Martinez, Guadalupe Flight to Mexico: A Legend of Witches and Buried Treasure: AW3. How Saint Peter Lost the Keys to Heaven: A Saint's Legend: AW3. How San Cristobal Got His Name: A Saint's Legend: A W3. On Setting a Hen: Popular Beliefs: AW3. Martinez, Ines Roots: A M 12.1. The Singing Antilope: A M13.
Mata de Woodruff, Carolina Con el bote en la mano: A B1. Matiella, Ana Consuelo The Truth about Alicia and Other Stories: A M6.
Medina, C. C. A Little Love: N M5. Medina, Eufelia Me and My Helper, the Autobiography of Eufelia Medina 1914-1976: AB Ml. Medina, Roberta The Brown Woman: A G7.2.
Author/Title Index Medina, Tony Dictionary of Terminology: AM9.1. Mena, Jesus Homenaje a la ciudad de Los Angeles: Latino Experience in Literature and Art: A M10. Mena, Maria Cristina A Son of the Tropics: A D10 The Birth of the God of War: AD10. Dofla Rita's Rivals: A D10. The Education of Popo (1914): AS8. The Emotions of Maria Concepcion: AD10. The Gold Vanity Set (1947: A S8. John of God: A S8. Marriage by Miracle: A D10. The Sorcerer and General Bisco: AD10. The Soul of Hilda Brunei: A D10. The Vine-Leaf: A D10. The Water-Carrier (1913): A S8. Mendel!, Olga Calling the Spirits from Buffalo: ATI. Mendoza, Maria Luisa Ausencia's Tales: A G7.2. Mendoza, Sylvia On Fire/Al rojo vivo: N M6. Serenade/Serenata: N M6.1. MenSndez, Ana Confusing the Saints: A Ml 1. Her Mother's House: A Ml 1. In Cuba I Was a German Shepherd: A M i l . In Cuba I Was a German Shepherd: AMU.
The Last Rescue: A Ml 1. Miami Relatives: A Ml 1. The Party: A M i l . The Perfect Fruit: A M i l . Story of a Parrot: A M11. Why We Left: A Mil Mestas, Arlene How Pancho Was Nearly Late to HisOwn Funeral: A T2.2. Mi madrina: A T2.2. Mireles Gonzalez, Jovita Ambrosio the Indian: A G6. Among My People: A G6; A P2. Border Folklore: A G6. The Bullet-Swallower: A G6. Caballero: A Historical Novel: NG12. The Cardinal: A G6. The Cicada: A G6. The Devil on the Border: A G6. Dew on the Thorn: AB M2. Don Jose Maria: A G6. Don Tomas: A G6; A 06. The Dove: A G6. El cardo santo (The Thistle): AG6. El cenizo: A G6. The First Cactus Blossom: A G6. The Gift of the Pitahaya: A G6. The Good Eve: A K3.2. The Guadalupana Vine: A G6. Juan, el loco: A G6. Legends of Ghosts and Treasures: A G6. The Mail Carrier: A G6; A T2. The Mescal-Drinking Horse: A G6. The Mocking Bird: A G6. Nana Chita: A G6. The Paisano: A G6. Pedro the Hunter: A G6; A T2. The Perennial Lover: A G6. The Philosopher of the Brush Country: A G6.
36 Shades of the Tenth Muse: A G6. Shelling Corn by Moonlight: A G6; AT2. Tio Pancho Malo: A G6\ A T2. Tio Patrick): A G6. Without a Soul: A G6. The Woman Who Lost Her Soul: AG6. The Woman Who Lost Her Soul: Collected Tales and Short Stories: A G6. The Woodpecker: A G6 Milligan, Bryce Corazon del norte: A Selection of North Texas Latino Writing: AM12. Linking Roots. Writing by Six Women with Distinct Ethnic Heritages: A M12.1. Mirriam-Goldberg, Caryn Sandra Cisneros: Latina Writer and Activist: AB M3. Moffett, Elsa A. Crossing Borders: A M5. Mohr, Nicholasa A Lesson in Fortune-Telling: AM14.1. A Matter of Pride: A M14. A Matter of Pride and Other Stories: A M 14. A New Window Display: A M 14.1. A Thanksgiving Celebration (Amy):AM14.3. A Time with a Future (Carmela): AK3.1;AM14.3. A Very Special Pet: A B4; A Ml4; ATI. All for the Better: A Story of El Barrio: N M7. An Awakening...Summer 1956: A 04; A V5.
Author/Title Index The Artist (Inez): A Ml4.3. Aunt: A S3. Aunt Rosana's Rocker: A K3; AK3.3;AM14.3. Blessed Divination: A Ml4. Brief Miracle: A M14.3. Christmas Was a Time of Plenty: AK3.2;AT1. Coming to Terms: A Ml4.2. El Bronx Remembered: A Novella and Stories: A M14.1;N M7.1. The English Lesson: A M14.2. Esperanza (excerpt from Nilda): ATI. Felita: N M7.2. For Hilda Hidalgo: A C22. Going Home: N M7.3. "Happy Birthday": A F2. Happy Birthday (Lucia): A M14.3. Herman and Alice: A Novella: AM14.1. I Never Seen My Father: A G7; AM14.2. In Another Place in a Different Era: AM14. In New York: AM14.2. Lali: AM14.2. Love with Aleluya: A M 14.1. Memories: R.I.P.: A M14. Mr. Mendelsohn: A M14.1; A T6. My Newest Triumph: A Ml4. Nilda: N M7.4. Nilda (excerpt): A C22. Old Mary: AM14.2. Once Upon a Time...: A M14.1. The Operation: A Ml4.2. The Perfect Little Flower Girl: AM14.2. Princess: A M14.1. Rituals of Survival: A Woman's Portfolio: A M 14.3. The Robbery: A M14.2. Rosalina de los Rosarios: A M14. Shoes for Hector: A M14.1. Tell the Truth: A Ml4.1.
Author/Title Index Thirteen and a Turtle: A V4. Uncle Claudio: A M 14.1. Utopia and the Super: A Ml4. The Wrong Lunch Line: A M8; AM14.1;AT6. Molina, Carol Canto al pueblo: An Anthology of Experiences (with Leonard Carrillo, Antonio Martinez, and Marie Wood): A C7. Mondrus Engle, Margarita Nifla: AK3.3;AT1. Montalvo, Carmela El quetzal emplumece (with Leonardo Anguiano): A Ml5.
The Messenger: N M8.7. 77?*? Moon Line: N M8.8. Purpua profunda: N M8.9. The Red of His Shadow: N M8.10. Toi, I'obscurite: Roman: N M8.11. Tu, la oscuridad: N M8.12. Veintitresy una tortuga: A Ml6. Veintitres y una tortuga: A Ml6. Ya no estaremos a las seis veinticinco: A Ml6. You, Darkness: N M8.13. Montes, Amelia Maria de la Luz R for Ricura: A W8. While Pilar Tobillo Sleeps: A W8.2.
Montafio Army, Marie The Chaos Chronicles: A R4.
Montoya, Tracy Isabela 's Dreams/Suenos de Isabela, Tracy Montoya: NM9.
Montero, Mayra Anoche por la manafla: A Ml6. Como un mensajero tuyo: N M8. Corinne, Amiable Girl: ARM. Del rojo de su sombra: N M8.1. Delma: Mayra Montero: A Ml6. Est& lloviendo en San Juan: A Ml6. The Geese and the: A Ml6. "Halloween en Leonardo's": A M16. In the Palm of Darkness: N M8.2. La graciosa ira de los payasos: AM16. La trenza de la hermosa luna: N M8.3. La ultima noche que pase contigo: N M8.4. La vuelta del hombre: A Ml6. Last Night at Dawn: A V4. The Last Night I Spent with You: NM8.5. Le signe de la lune: Roman: N M8.6.
Mora, Pat A Conversation with My Three: AM17. A Glare of Truth: A M17. A Haze in Guatemala: A Ml7. A Poet for President: A Ml7. A Walk with My Father: A K2. Bienvenidos: A Ml7. The Border: A Ml7. The Dance within My Heart: AM17;AT2.2. Desert Women: A Ml7. The Dominican Republic: A Ml7. Emerging Voices: The Teaching of Writing: A Ml7. Endangered Species: A Ml7. Escribe, Escribe: A Ml7. Hands: A R3. House of Houses: AB M4. Island Images: A Ml7. The Itch: A G7. La Migra: A K2. The Legend of the Poinsettia:
38 AK3.2. My Fierce Mother: A Ml7. Nepantla: Essays form the Land in the Middle: A Ml7. Poet as Curandera: A Ml7. Puerto Vallarta: A Ml7. Reading Poetry in Pakistan: AM17. Remembering Lobo: A Ml7. Snapshots: A Ml7. To Gabriella, a Young Writer: AM17. Universities: A Mirage?: A M17. Unseen Teachers: A Ml7. Used Furniture: A Ml7. Moraga, Cherrie The Breakdown of the Bicultural Mind:AM18. Cuentos: Stories by Latinas (with Alma Gomez and Mariana Romo-Carmona): A G5. The Ecology of Women: A Ml 8. Estapuente, mi espalda: voces de mujeres tercermundistas en los Estados Unidos (with Ana Castillo): A Ml9 I Don't Know the Protocol: A Ml8. Indian Summer: A Ml8. It Is You, My Sister, Who Must Be Protected (excerpt from Loving in the War Years): AC20;AM18.1. LaGuera:AM18.1;AM19. Laofrenda: AM18;AT5. The Last Generation: A Ml 8. Loving in the War Years: AB M5. Loving in the War Years: Lo que nunca pas6 por sus labios: AM18.1. Pesadilla:AG5;AM18.1. Salvation, Jesus, and Suffer: AM18.1. The Sexuality of Latinas (with Norma Alarcon and Ana
Author/Title Index Castillo: A A3. Sin luz: A G5. The Slow Dance: A Ml8.1. Sueno: A Ml8. Tribute: A Ml8. Waiting in the Wings. Portrait of a Queer Motherhood: AB M5.1. TheWarbride:AM18.1. You Upset the Whole System of This Place: A Ml8.1. Morales, Rosario Bad Communist, Century Plant: AL3. Birth: A L3. Century Plant: A L3. Concepts of Pollution: A L3. Cosecha: A R14. Destitution: A L3. Diary Queen: A L3. The Dinner: AL3;AT6. Double Allegiance: A L3. El Salvador: A L3. The Grandmother Time: A L3. Hace tiempo: A L3. I Am the Reasonable One: A L3: AT6. I Am What I Am: A L3. I Didn't Go Home (Christmas 1941):AS2.1. I Didn't Hear Anything: A R14. I Never Told My Children Stories: AG5. I Recognize You; A L3; A T6. I'm on Nature's Side: A L3. Memory: A L3. No volvi a casa (Navidad 1941): AS2. Nostalgia: AL3. Of Course, She Read: A L3. Old, Century Plant: A L3. The Other Heritage: A L3. Puerto Rico Journal: A L3. Sketch: A L3. Synagogue: A L3.
Author/Title Index Todas corremos la misma suerte: AM19. Trees: A L3. Moreno, Raquel El milagrucho: A R12. Morrow, Bradford The Archipelago: New Writing from and about the Caribbean (with Robert Antoni): A A12. Mujica, Barbara Louise A Surprise for Dr. Goldfarb: AM20.1. The Baby-sitter Halfback: AM20.1. Bienvenue, Rosalia: A M20; AM20.1. Dear Erik Estrada, I Love You: AM20.1. The Deaths of Don Bernardo: NM10. Fairy Tale: A M20. Far from My Mother's Home: AM20. Francisca's Friends: A M20; AM20.1. Frida: A Novel: N M10.1. Gotlib, Bombero: A M20. How Josd Ignacio Maria de Jesus e Yndurain Learned to Dance the Hora: A M20; A M20.1. Lavoz: AM20.1. Mary and Magda: A M20. Mi hermana Frida: N Ml0.2. Mitrani: A M20. Preparations for the Wedding: AM20. S&nchez across the Street: A M20.1. Sanchez across the Street and Other Stories: A M20.1. The Scandalous Case of Diana
Salinas and Jorge Schapiro: AM20.1. Tenure: A M20.1. Women: A M20. Xelipe: A M20. Murray, Yxta Maya Locas: N M i l . What It Takes to Get to Vegas: NM11.1. Murrillo, Janet Treasure Hunt: A C16. Muse, Daphne Prejudice: Stories about Hate, Ignorance, Revelation, and Transformation: A M21. Naranjo Garces, Ximena An Empty Paradise: A II. The Maquiladoras: A II. Soy un indio inca: A II. Navarrete Marquis, Diana Day of the Dead: AM12. Nestle, Joan The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction (with Naomi Holoch): A H6. Women on Women: An Anthology of American Lesbian Short Fiction (with Naomi Holoch): A NI. Nicolopulos, James Lydia Mendoza: A Family Autobiography (with Chris Strachwitz): AB S6. Nieto, Jesus G. Sighs and Songs of Aztldn: New Anthology of Chicano Literature (with F. E. Albi): AA4.
40 Nieves, Myrna A Baltazar: A N2. A la muerte de Cuquito: A N2. A mis muertos familiares: A N2. El nene de mi tia: A N2. El Papa: A N2. Finale: A N2. Guardianes: A N2. Guardians: A N2. La cantante: A N2. La tienda de mi tia: A N2. Los espiritus de la bestia: A N2. Maremoto: A N2. Marine Vista: A N2. Mas sobre dragones: A N2. More about Dragons: A N2. Paisaje marino: A N2. Parakeets: A N2. Periquitos: A N2. Regarding Dragons: A N2. Sin titulo: A N2. The Singer: A N2. Sobre dragones: A N2. The Spirits of the Beast: A N2. To Garcia Marquez: A N2. Tripartita: Earth, Dreams, Power (with Ana Lopez and Maritza Arrastia): A N2 Untitled: A N2. Niggli, Josephina A Miracle for Mexico: N N1. The Engagement: A P2. Mexican Village: N N1.1. Mexican Village (excerpt): A A17. Mexikanishe Rhapsodic Roman: NN1.2 The Quarry: A T2. Step Down, Elder Brother: A Novel: Nm.3. The Street of the Carlon: A F5; AP2. The Street of the Three Crosses: AP2. Sunday Costs Five Pesos: A P2.
Author/Title Index Un pueblo mexicano: Selections from Mexican Village: N N1.4. Noble, Marguerite Filaree: A Novel of an American Life: N N2. Nocerino, Kathryn Language Difficulties: A M9.1. Nolla, Olga Dafne en el mes de marzo: N N3. El castillo de la memoria: N N3.1. El manuscrito de Miramar: N N3.2. Eyes of Sea and Sky: A R14. La segunda hija: N N3.3. Macaroon: A R14. Nonnelly, Nisa Mom: Candid Memories by Lesbians about the First Woman in Their Lives: AD11. Noriega Stein, Elizabeth Chilpancingo, And the Need to Know: A P I . Norris, Gloria The Seasons of Women: A N3. Novakovich, Josip Stories in the Stepmother Tongue (with Robert Shapard): A N4. Novas, Himilce Don't Look Back: N N4. Mangos, Bananas and Coconuts: A Cuban Love Story: N N4.1. Nunez, Elizabeth Beyond the Limbo Silence: N N5. Bruised Hibiscus: N N5.1. Nunez, Ysa T. Broadway: A S13.
Author/Title Index Nuftez-Harrell, Elizabeth When Rocks Dance: A C16. When Rocks Dance: N N6. Oates, Joyce Carol The Oxford Book of American Short Stories: A O l . Obejas, Achy Above All, A Family Man: A 02. The Cradleland: A 02. Forever: A 02. Man Oh Man: A 02. Memory Mambo: N 0 1 . The Spouse: A 02. Waters: A H6. We Came All the Way from Cuba So You Could Dress Like This?: A 02. We Came All the Way from Cuba So You Could Dress Like This?: A 02. Wrecks: A 02; A W8. Olivares, Julian Cuentos hispanos de los Estados Unidos: A 0 3 . O'Reilly Herrera, Andrea The Homecoming: A P8. The Pearl of the Antilles: N 02. Orijuela, Hector Second Chicano Literary Prize: Irvine 1972-1976: A 0 5 . Ornelas, Berta Come Down from the Mound: N03. Orozco Flores Deadly Union: N 04. Orta, Sandra Silence Within: A T I .
Ortega, Phillip D. We Are Chicanos: An Anthology of Mexican-American Literature: A 06. Ortega, Teresa Soul Secrets and Bean Lore: A S13. Ortiz, Reynalda Peregrination a la tierra del luminoso: A R4. Ortiz, Virginia Chistes.AAlO. Ortiz Cofer, Judith A Job for Valentin: A 07; A 07.4. Abuela Invents the Zero: A 07; A 07.4. Advanced Biology: A 07.2. Algunos de los personajes: A 07.1. American History: A Al7; A 07.2; AP7. An Hour with Abuelo: A 07; A 07.4. An Island Like You: Stories of the Barrio: A 08. Aquella que mira: A 07.5. Arturo's Flight: A 07; A 07.4. Atrapar la luna: A 07.5. Bad Influence: A 07; A 07.4. Bailando en silencio: A 07.1. Bailando en silencio: escenas de una nihez puertorriqueha: AB01;A07.1. Beauty Lessons: A 07; A 07.4. The Black Virgin: A F6; A G7; A 04; A 07.3. By Love Betrayed: A 07.2. Casa: A A13; A K3.1; A 07.1; A 07.3. Catch the Moon: A 07; A 07.4. Corazon's Cafe: A 07.2; A R14. Cuentos contados bajo el arbol de mango: A 07.1.
42 De regalo, un cuento: A S2. Dear Joaquin: A 07.2. Don Jose de La Mancha: A 07.5. Don Jose of La Mancha: A 07; A 07.4. El espejo de Matoa: A 07.5. El olvido: A 07.6. First Love: A 07.6; A T I . Fulana: AB 08.6. The Gift of a Cuento: A S2.1. Globos blancos: A 07.5. Gravity: AB 08.6. Hablando con los muertos: A 07.1. Home to El Building: A 07; A 07.4. I Just Met a Girl Named Maria: A 07.2. It Was a Special Treat: A K2. Kennedy in the Barrio: A 07.6; A S14. La abuela inventa el cero: A 07.5. La huida de Arturo: A 07.5. La linea del sol: N 05. La mala influencia: A 07.5. La ultima palabra: A 07.1. La verguenza del espejo: A 07.1. La virgen morena: A 07.1. The Last Word: A 07.3. The Latin Deli: A K2. The Latin Deli: Prose and Poetry: A 07.2. Lecciones de belleza: A 07.5. Lecciones de primaria: A 07.1. Letter from a Caribbean Island: A 07.2. The Line of the Sun: N 05.1. The Looking-Glass Shame: A 07.3. Lost Relatives: AB 08.6. Lydia: A 07.2. Making Love in Spanish, Circa 1969: A 07.6. Maria Sabida: A C22; A T I . Marina: A 07.1; A 07.3. Mas espacio: A 07.1. Matoa's Mirror: A 07; A 07.4.
Author/Title Index Monologue of the Spanish Gentleman: A F2. More Room: A 07.3. The Myth of the Latin Women: A 07.2. Nada:AM13;A07.2. Not for Sale A N4; A 07.2. One More Lesson: A 07.3. The One Peso Prediction: A 07.6. The One Who Watches: A 07; A 07.4. Origen: AB 08.6. The Paterson Public Library: A 07.2. Primary Lessons: A 07.3. Quinceaftera: A 07.1; A 07.3. Silent Dancing: A D4; A Kl; A K3.3;AM1;AN3;A07.3. Silent Dancing: A Partial Remembrance of a Puerto Rican Childhood: AB 01.1; A07.3. Sleeping with One Eye Open: Women Writers and the Art of Survival (with Marilyn Kallet): ABK1. Some of the Characters: A 07.3. Stories of the Barrio: A 07.4. The Story of My Body: A 07.2. Tales Told Under the Mango Tree: A K2; A 07.3. Talking to the Dead: A 07.3. Twist and Shout: A 07.2. Un hogar en el Building: A 07.5. Un trabajo para Valentin: A 07.5. Una hora con abuelo: A 07.5. Una isla como tit: historias del barrio: para mifamilia aquiy en la isla: A 07.5. Una leccion mas: A 07.1. Vida: A 0 7 . 6 ; A T 1 . Volar: A K6; A 07.6. White Balloons: A 07; A 07.4. The Witch's Husband: A G7; A 07.2.
Author/Title Index Woman in Front of the Sun: On Becoming a Writer: AB 01.2. The Year of Our Revolution: AB O8.6. The Year of Our Revolution: AB01.3. The Year of Our Revolution: New and Selected Stories and Poems: AB 08.6. 5:00 A.M.: Writing as Ritual: A 07.2. Ortiz Taylor, Sandra Imaginary Parents: A Memoir (with Sheila Ortiz Taylor): A 0 8 ; AB 02. Ortiz Taylor, Sheila A Dream: A 08. Afterlife: A 08. Amongst Women: A 08. And the Skies Are Not: A 08. Ants: A 08. Art Catalogue: A 08. Big Bear: A 08. The Birthday Party: A A10; A 08. Black Iris: A 08. California Rangers: A 08. Clock Town: A 08. Coachella: N 0 6 Convoy: A 08. Curandera: A 08. Days of the Verdugos: A 08. Electricity Tree: A 08. Equinox: A 0 8 . Esther William's Sister: A 08. Faultine: O 6.1. Front and Center: A 08. Games of Chance: A 08. Hearts: A 08. Holy Land: A 08. House of Mirrors: A 08. Housekeeping: A 08. Hunting Scene: A 08. Imaginary Parents: A Memoir
(with Sandra Ortiz Taylor): A 08; AB 02. Imaginary Parents: A Memoir (selections): A F6. In the Closet: A 08. Inventory: A 08. Iron Lung: A 08. La frontera: A 08. Latticework: A 08. Legends: A 08 Lives of Butterflies: A 08. Love Something: A 08. The Luna: A 08. Milagritos: A 08. Mirrors: A 08. Moving Pictures: A 08. Overheard of the Reforma: A 08. Perfect Understanding: A 08. Pocadillas: A 08. Polar Palace: A 08. Re/Collection: A 08. Rearview Mirror. Requiem for My Mama: A 08. River Ride: A 08. Riverside Drive: A 08. Shoe Trees: A 08. Siendo iguales todas las cosas: AN4. Singer: A 08. Southbound: N 06.2. Spring Forward Fall Back: N 06.3. Street Map: A 08. Tepotzlan: A 08. Texas Two-Step: A 08. Time Passes: A 08. Tin Man: A 08. Understanding The Window: A 08. Otero, Luz El Barrio: A T I . Getting to Know My Mom: A T I . Otero, Nina An Old Spanish Hacienda: A 09.
44 Animals: A 09. Asking for the Bride: A 09; A R3; A T2.The Beggar: A 09. The Bells of Santa Cruz: A 09; AT2. The Clown of San Cristobal: A 09. Count La Cerda's Treasure: A 06; A 09. Early Schooling in New Mexico: A09. The Field Crosses of the Farmers: A09;AR3. Flowers: A 09. Folk Songs: A 09. The Harvest: A 09. The Holy Child of Chimayo: A 09. Holy Week Processional: A 09. Juan Osito: A 09. The Margil Vine: A K3.2; A 09. Old Churches in New Spain: A 09.. Old Spain in Our Southwest: A 09. Our Lady of Victory: A 09. Saints' Days and Feasts: A 09. Spanish Place-Names: A 09. The Wagon-Pole Cross: A 09. Water: A 09. The Wind in the Mountains: A 09. The Woman in the Canyon: A 09. Otero, Rosalie Amelia: A A10. The Closet: A R4; A S 12. Las dos hermanas: A F5. Otero Peralta, Rosalee Las dos hermanas: A F5. Pacheco, Lana Sand: A W5. Padilla, Yvette Before (excerpt): A W7.1.
Author/Title Index Padilla-Garcia, Emilia La fteca (The Doll): AG3. Los navajoses (The Navajos): AG3. Tragedia tras tragedia (Tragedy after Tragedy): A G3. Padilla Heinemann, Alexandra Salvation: A G7.1. Palacios, Antonia A Gentleman on the Train: A G7.2. Paredes, Americo and Raymund Mexican-American Authors: A P2. Paredez, Deborah Tia Maria: A Ml3. Paumier Jones, Mary In Short: A Collection of Brief Creative Nonftction (with Judith Kitchen) A K6. Paz Soldan, Edmundo Se habla espanol: voces latinas en t/&4:AS10. Penelope, Julia The Coming Out Stories (with Susan Wolfe): A P5. Finding the Lesbians: Personal Accounts from Around the World (With Sarah Valentine): AP4. Out of the Class Closet: A P3. Perera, Hilda Paco: A H8. Perez, Emma GulfDreams:AFl;AT5. Gulf Dreams: NP1.
Author/Title Index Perez, Irma Amada My Diary from Here to There: NP2. P6rez, Loida Maritza Geographies of Home: A Novel: NP3. Perez, Soledad The Weeping Woman: A C10; AF5. Perez Trevino, Elva Character Sketch of a Woman Looking: A G5. Persons, Maria Losing Your Culture: A T I . Pijoan, Teresa The Angel from Alcalde (El angel de Alcalde): A P6. The Black Mare (La yegua negra): AP6. Blood Hungry (Avido de sangre): AP6.1. Casino Night (Noche de casino): AP6.1. The Chile Plant (La mata de chile): AP6.1. Cliff Children (Los nifios del barranco): A P6. Clowns (Los payasos): A P6. Count Your Blessings (T^ngase por dichosos): A P6. The Cross (La Cruz): A P6. Dead Wife's Revenge (La venganza de la difunta esposa): AP6.1. The Doctor (El medico): A P6. The Dream Bachelor (El suefio del soltero): AP6.1. Gavin's Story (La historia de Gavin): AP6.1. The Gloves (Los guantes): A P6.1.
45 The Heartsick Lover (Mai de amores): A P6.1. The Hooded Mass (La misa encapuchada): A P6. The House of Green: A P6. Idiots (Los idiotas): A P6. Josefita: A P6. The Kernel of Corn (El grano de maiz): A P6. The Kiss (El beso): A P6. La cuentista: Traditional Tales in Spanish and English: A P6. The Land of Those Who Sleep (La tierra de la gente que duerme): AP6. The Love of Gold (El amor de oro): AP6.1. The Lover's Mask (La mascara del amante): AP6.1. The Man with Worms (El hombre con gusanos): A P6. Marta (Marta): A P6. Master of Death (El maestro de la muerte): A P6.1. Night Hag (La bruja de noche): AP6.1. The Old Bullfrog (El viejo Rana Tora): A P6. The Old Magpie-Husband's Grief (El dolor del viejo esposocotorra): A P6. The Oscars (Los Oscares): A P6.1. Padre Martinez and San Jose (El Padre Martinez y San Jose): AP6. Rain Clouds (Nubarrones): A P6. San Ysidro's Neighbor (El vecino de San Ysidro): A P6. Shoemaker (El zapatero): A P6. The Spanish Sword (La espada espanola): A P6. Stories from a Dark and Evil World. Cuentos del mundo malvado: AP6.1. Stranger's Gift (El regalo del
Author/Title Index
46 extrafio): A P6. The Teacher (El maestro de la escuela): A P6. Those of Death (Los de la muerte) Teresa Pijoan: A P6. Water Sleeps (El agua duerme): AP6. The Well (El pozo): A P6. Pineda, Cecile Bardo99: N P4. Face: NP4.L Frieze: NP4.3. From Face: AM13. Fishlight: A Dream of Childhood: N P4.2. Love Queen of the Amazon: A Novel: N P4.4. Redoubt: N P4.5. Runes: A N4. Pinkola Estes, Clarissa Guadalupe: The Path of Broken Hearts: A C 12. The Wolfs Eyelash: A HI. Ponce, Arcelia Lapreferida: A A3. Ponce, Mary Helen Adios:AP9.1. Barbarita: AP9.1. Blizzard!!!: A P7. Calle Hoyt: recuerdos de una juventudchicana: AB PL TheCampout: AP9.1 Coming of Age: A J6. Concha: A L6. Cousin Mandy: A H2. The Day Rita Died: A G7. Elmarxista: AP9.1. Enero, Helen Ponce: A S12; A Wl. "Green? or Red?": A F2. How I Changed the War and Won the Game: A R3.
Hoyt Street: A J6. Hoyt Street: An Autobiography: AB Pl.l. Hoyt Street: Memories of a Chicana Childhood: AB PI.2. It:AH4.1. The Jewelry Collection of Marta la Guera: A R3. La Doctora Barn A V5. La Josie, Maria Helen Ponce: AB1;AP9.1. La familia: AB P2. Los calzones de la: A R4. Lospiojos: A M10. Los tisicos: A A8. The Marijuana Party: A G7.1. The New Affirmative Action Officer: A P9.1. The Painkillers: A P9.1. The Permanent: A P9.1. The Playgoers: A P9.1 Recuerdo: How I Changed the War and Won the Game: A T2; AV5. Recuerdo: los piojos: A V5. Recuerdos: Short Stories of the Barrio: A P9. Rosa la cantinera: A P9.1 Taking Control: N P6; A P9.1. The Wedding: NP6.1. Ponce, Martha La ilusion: A B5. Platas Fuller, Berta All ofMe/Todo de mi: N P5. Miami Heat/Pasion en Miami: NP5.1. Poey, Delia Iguana Dreams (with Virgil Su&rez: AP7. Little Havana Blues (with Virgil Suarez): A P8.
Author/Title Index Poniatowska, Elena Happiness: A G7.2. Pope Duarte, Stella Black Widow: A P10. Cinderella: A P10. Cobra: AP10. The Dangerous Game: A P10. Dofia Dolores: A P10. Fragile Night: A P10. Isabel's Judge: A P10. Let Their Spirits Dance: N P7. Losgemelos: A P10. Lucinda Maria: A P10. The Mango: A P10. Night:AP10. Once forPepito: API0. Pablo the Penitent: A P10. Penguin's Mother: A P10. The Remedy: API 0. What La Llorona Knew: A P10. Portillo Trambley, Estela Air of Farewell: A PI 1.1. The Blue Cottage: A PI 1.1. The Burning: A F2; A F5; A PI 1. Elbultito:APll.l. El vestido de Paris: A Bl; A N4. The Girl with No Name: A PI 1.1. The Goat: A PI 1.1. Gone!: A PI 1.1. Goodbye: A PI 1.1. If It Weren't for the Honeysuckle... AP11. Judrez:APll.l. La Jonfonteyn: A F6; A K3.3; A Pll. The Lamb and the Wolf: A PI 1.1. Land of the Tarahumara: A P11.1. Leaves: A P l l . Looking for God, Estela PortilloTrambleyAPll. Moonstone: A PI 1.1. The Paris Gown: A H3; A PI 1; AR3.
47 Pay the Criers: A F5; A P l l . Perla.APll.l. The Pilgrim: A PI 1.1; A S8. Rain of Scorpions: A PI 1. Rain of Scorpions and Other Stories: AP11. Revenge: A PI 1.1. Sabochi: AP11.1. San Domingo: A PI 1.1. Storm: A PI 1.1. Tonio and a Destiny: A P11.1. Trini: A PI 1.1. Valverde:AAPll.l. Village A P l l ; A S8. Wild Wind: A PI 1.1. Preciado Martin, Patricia Acknowledgments: AP12.1. Amor de acuerdo: A PI2. Amor de madre (Mother's Love): AP12. Amor desesperado (Desperate Love): A P12. Amor e ilusion (Love and Illusion): AP12. Amor encantado (Enchanted Love): AP12. Amor eterno (Eternal Love): AP12. Amor eterno: Eleven Lessons in Love: A Pll. Amor frustrado (Frustrated Love): AP12 Amor inolvidable (Unforgettable Love): A P12. Amor perdido: A PI2. Amor prohibido (Forbidden Love): AP12. Amor sufrido: A P12. Arranged Love: A PI2. Bordados (Embroidery: A P 12.1. The Dancer: A HI. Days of Plenty, Days of Want: AP12.L.AW6. Days of Plenty, Days of Want:
48 AP12.1. Dichos (Proverbs): A P12.1. Dreams: A P 12.1. Earth to Earth: A P 12.1. El creciente (The Flood): A P12.1. El milagro (The Miracle): A P12.2. The Farewell: A P 12.1. Images and Conversations: Mexican Americans Recall a Southwestern Past: AB P2. The Journey: A P12.1; A R3. La bailarina (The Dancer): AP12.1. La bendicion (The Blessing: AP12.1. La toreadora (The Bullfighter): AP12.1. La tortillera (The Tortilla Maker): AP12.1. La Virgen de la Soledad (The Virgin of Loneliness): AP12.1. The Legend of the Bellringer of SanAgustin: AP12.1. Long-suffering Love: A PI2. Lost Love: A PI2. Maria de las trenzas: A P12.1. The Miracle and Other Stories: AP12.2. Orgullo(Pride):AP12.1. Paraiso (Paradise): A P12.1. Plumas (Feather): A P 12.1. Reinas (Queens): A PI2.1. The Ruins: A A18; A L6; A P12.1. Tejidos y Bordados (Needlework and Embroidery): A P12.1. Prentice Hall Literature Library Biography and Autobiography: ABP3. Preston, John Flesh and the Word: An Anthology of Erotic Writing: A PI 3.
Author/Title Index Prieto Martinez, Piedad Cronicas del barrio: A El. Quezada, Louise Hearts Remember: N Ql. Quintana, Patricia A Remembrance of Itacate: A C6 Quintana Ranck, Katherine Portrait of Doiia Elena: N Q2. Portrait of Dofla Elena (excerpt): ARIL Relics: A R I L Quintanales, Mirtha Maybe You're Wrong, Papi: A R2. Rafkin, Louise Different Daugthers: A Book of Mothers of Lesbians: A Rl. New Women's Fiction. Unholy Alliances: A Rl.l. Ramirez de Armijo, Susanita El castigar a los santos (Punishing the Saints): A G3. Las vacas cat61icas (The Catholic Cows): AG3. Ramos, Juanita Companeras: Latina Lesbians: AR2. Ramos Rosales, Dolores Flight: A D7. Nightmare: A D7. Razo, Juana Ni pa...arriba ni pa abajo: A Ml5. Who Was It Then...: A M15. Rebolledo, Tey Diana Infinite Divisions: An Anthology of Chicana Literature (with Tey
Author/Title Index Diana Rebolledo): A R3. Las mujeres hablan: An Anthology ofNuevo Mexicana Writers (with Erlinda Gonzales-Berry and Teresa Marquez): A R4. Women's Tales from the New Mexico WPA: La Diabla en Pie (with Maria Teresa Marquez): ABR1. Redding, Judith M. Out for More Blood (with Victoria Brownworth): A B8. Reina, Bessy And This Blue Surrounding Me Again: A F2. Renaud Gonzalez, Barbara The Summer of Vietnam: A M3. Reti, Irene Childless by Choice: A Feminist Anthology: A R5. Reyna, Thelma A Bar of Soap: A R I L Limousine: A R l l . Una edad muy tierna: A L6: A Rl 1. Rios, Isabella A Dance with the Eucalyptus: N Rl. Victuum, Isabella Rios: N Rl. 1. Rios, Lara Conquest/La conquista: N R2. Winner Takes All: N R2.1. Rios, Reyna Destination: Love/Destino: Amor: NR3. Rivas, Rita Through the Crystal, Rita Rivas:
NR4. Rivera, Beatriz African Passions: A R6. African Passions and Other Stories: AR6. The Battery-Operated Drummer Bear: A R6. Bells: A R6. Grandmother's Secret: A R6. Life Insurance: A R6. Midnight Sandwiches at the Mariposa Express: N R5. Once in a Lifetime Offering: A R6. Paloma: A P8; A R6. Playing with Light: A Novel: NR5.1. Shango's Restaurant: A F6. What Miranda Lost: A R6. Rivera, Iliana Infinite Divisions: An Anthology of Chicana Literature (with Tey Diana Rebolledo): A R3. Rivera, Leslie A Day in the Life of Me: September 29, 1988: A T I . Rivera, Margarita Un dia: A A8. Rivera, Rowena A. Casimiro Mendoza, The improviser: A G7; A T2.2. El improvisador Casimiro Mendoza: A T2.2. Rivera-Valdes, Sonia Adela's Beautiful Eyes: A R7. Between Friends: A R7. Catching On: A R7. De verdad verdad ^Por que te fuiste de Cuba?: A M 19. El octavo pliegue: A C18.
50 The Fifth River: A R7. Five Windows on the Same Side: AR7. The Forbidden Stories of Marta Veneranda: A R7. Las historias prohibidas de Marta Veneranda (excerpt): A A3. Like Chinese Food: A C18. Little Poisons: A R7. Lunacy: A R7. The Most Forbidden of All: A R7. The Scent of Wild Desire: A R7. Robles, Edna Caught by Life, Edna Robles: ATI. Robles, Mireya In the Other Half of Time, Mireya Robles: A M13. Rodriguez, Aleida Bearing Witness: A C20. Bunco of Los Angeles: A W8.1. February Notebook: A Month in a Nut Shell: A G5. My Face in the Face of Others: AC20. October: A C20. Sleeping with One Eye Open (with Judith Ortiz Cofer): AB Kl. We Are Intimate: A C20. Rodriguez, Armando Rafael The Gypsy Woman: Un sancocho de cuentos sobre la experiencia chicana: A R8. Rodriguez, Lourdes Out in the Workplace (with Richard Rasi): A R9. Rodriguez, Sara Being Half Mexican: A T I . Dolores Rodriguez: A Tl.
Author/Title Index Interviewing My Mom: A Tl. Remembering Zebras: A Tl. Rodriguez-Milanes, Cecilia Abuela Marielita: A K9; A P7; AS13. Rojas-Urista, Xelina Southwest Tales: A Contemporary Collection (with Alurista): AA8. Rojo, Grinor Ritos de iniciacion: tres novelas cortas de Hispanoamerica (with Cynthia Steele): A RIO. Roman, Hebby The Best Bet: N R6. The Best Game: NR6.1. Betrayed: N R6.2. Border Heat/Pasion en lafrontera: NR6.3. La mejor apuesta: N R6.4 Love Me Only: N R6.5 Midnight Promise: N R6.6. Pasion en lafrontera: N R6.7. Summer Dreams/Suenos de verano: N R6.8. Tempt Fortune: N R6.9. Roman, Nereida Inequalities: A T I . Never Fitting In: A Tl. Romano, Octavio Ignacio El espejo-The Mirror: Selected Chicano Literature (with Herminio Rios): A Rl. Romano-V, Octavio L. The Grito del Sol Collection, Winter, 1984: An Anthology: ARIL
Author/Title Index Romero Cooper, Cecilia Pearl/Laperla: N R7. Stolen Love: NRl.l. Romo-Carmona, Mariana Conversaciones: relatos por padres y madres de hijas lesbianas e hijos gay. Talking with Parents of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Latinos: A R13. Cuentos: Stories by Latinas (with Alma Gomez and Cherrie Moraga): A G5. Disco Nights: A F8. Gabriela: A R2. La Virgen del Desierto: A G5. Living at Night: N R8. Roque, Teresa From a Town Called "Xaloctoc": AB5. Rosario, Nelly Song of the Water Saints: N R9. Rosel, Sare El viaje: A G5. Rosell6, Carmen G. Green Apples: A SI3. Rowell, Charles Callaloo: A Journal of AfricanAmerican and African Arts and Letters: A R14. Rubio, Monique Half-Cuban: A T I . Ruiz, Mona Two Badges: The Lives of Mona Ruiz, Mona Ruiz: AB R2.
Ruiz de Burton, Maria Amparo Conflicts of Interest: The Letters of Maria Amparo Ruiz de Burton: ABR3. The Squatter and the Don: N RIO, N R10.1. The Squatter and the Don (excerpt): AA17. Who Would Have Thought: NR10.2. Ryan, Bryan Hispanic Writers: A Selection of Sketches from Contemporary Authors: AB R4. Ryan Munoz, Pam Esperanza Rising: N Rl 1. Saavedra, Jose Guillermo Antologia retrospectiva del cuento chicano (with Juan Bruce Novoa): AN5. Sagaris, Lake The March: A G5. Salas, Freida I. The Wind in the Pepper Tree: N S1. Salazar, Ana Maria La ultima despedida: A PI. 1. Salazar, Julia Dream Sequence: A W7.1. Salcedo, Dianela Intrigue/Intriga: N S2. Salinas, Marta The Scholarship Jacket: A Al 1; AL6.
Author/Title Index
Sanchez, Carlotta Avocado Blues: A G7.2.
camino): A S1. Three Generations (Tres generaciones): A SI. Transparencias: A 05. Tres generaciones: A 0 3 ; A 04.
Sanchez, Perla Tongue Cakes: A G7.2.
Sanchez, Sonya Dear Mama: A K2; A M9.1.
Sanchez, Rosaura At the Meat-Packing Plant (En la empacadora): A SI. Barrio Chronicle (Cronica del barrio), Rosaura Sanchez: AS1. The Brand New Suit (El traje nuevo): A Si. CartasaRosa: A Bl; A Sl.l. Cronica del barrio: A E1. Dallas (Dallas): A SI; A Sl.l. The Ditch (La zanja): A SI; AS1.1. Don Salomon (Don Salomon): AS1;AS1.1. El Tejon (El tejon): A SI. Entro y se sento: A 0 3 . The Fields (Las granjas): A SI. He Rolled up His Sleeves (Se arremango las mangas: A SI. He Walked In and Sat Down (Entro y se sento): A SI. He Walked In and Sat Down, and Other Stories: A SI. Jac$in$the$bag (Jac$in$the$bag): AS1. La zanja: A Bl; A Sl.l. Like I Was Telling You (Como le decia): A SI. Lucho (Lucho): A S1; A S1.1. One Morning: 1952 (Una manana: 1952): A SI. One Night (Una noche): A SI. Requisa treintay dos: coleccion de cuentos: A S1.1. Road Detours (Desvios en el
Sanchez-Bello, Bertha Family Portrait: Reflection on Interior Decoration: A H7.
San Miguel, Susan La Llorona of Leon Creek: A H5.
Sanchez Hatch, Sheila Sin palabras: A M12.1; A M13. Sandoval, Daniela Unexpected:^ S3. Sandoval, Lynda A Short Trip Home: A R4. Dreaming of You/Sonando contigo: NS4. Look of Love/Miradas de amor: NS4.1. Thief of Hearts: N S4.2. Santana, Inez Monica: A Tl. Santana, Patricia Motorcycle Ride on the Sea of Tranquility: N S5. Santana-Bejar, Patricia In the Toolshed: AR3. Laughing Last: A T I . Santiago, Anita Irreversible Seasons: A LI. White Wings: ALL Santiago, Esmeralda A Baby Doll Like My Cousin Jenny's: A S2.1.
Author/Title Index Almost a Woman: AB SI. The American Invasion of Macun: A S3. America's Dream: N S6. Casi una mujer: AB Sl.l. Cuando era puertorriqueha: ABS1.2. El sueno de America N S6.1. First Born: A S2.2. Las Christmas: escritores latinos recuerdan las tradiciones navidefias (with Joie Davidow): A S2. Las Christmas: Favorite Latino Authors Share Their Holiday Memories (with Joie Davidow): A S2.1. Las Mamis, Favorite Latino Authors Remember Their Mothers (with Joie Davidow): ABS2. Una muneca como la de Jenny: AS2. When I Was Puerto Rican: ABS1.3. Santiago, Roberto Boricuas: Influential Puerto Rican Writing and Anthology: A S3. Santiago, Soledad Nightside: N S7. Room 9: N S7.1. Streets of Fire: NS7.2. Santos Febres, Mayra A Little Bit of Bliss: A S2.1. Sirena Selena vestida depena: NS8. Tren: AS10. Un poquito de alegria: A S2. Santos Silva, Loreina A pique: A S4. Ayfo: A S4.
Chandala: A S4. Colofo: A S4. Cubreme: A S4. Cuentos para perturbar el alma: AS4. El regalo: A S4. En memoria de...: A S4. Escupitazo: A S4. Este ojo que me mira: ciclo 1 memorias: AB S3. Juancho el Bobo: A S4. La Coquina enamorada: A S4. La sapa conche Pili: A S4. Maleficio: A S4. Marcela y las reinitas: A S4. Maya: A S4. Monarca: A S4. Obelisco: A S4. Pasion de bide: A S4. Selenia: A S4. This Eye That Looks at Me: First Cycle, Memoirs: AB S3.1 Trinidad: A S4. Sapia, Yvonne Sofia, Yvonne V. Sapia: A D4. Saralegui, Cristina Cristina: confidencias de una rubia: ABS4. Cristina! My Life as a Blonde: ABS4.1. Saucedo, Maria Yo, mexicana de mi barrio, vine (un homenaje): A Ml9. Scordato, Caridad All My Love: N S9. Better Than Ever/Mejor que nunca: NS9.1. Faith in You/Tengofe en ti: N S9.2. Feliz Navidad: N S9.3. Now and Always/Para siempre: N S9.4.
54 The Perfect Mix: N S9.5. Rookie of the Year: N S9.6. Seda, Julie Marie Una historia para contar: A II. Sedillo, Michele The Birthday Party: A A 9. Sepulveda, Enid ElbaNazario: A A8. Sepulveda-Pulvirenti, Emma Amigas: Letters of Friendship and Exile (with Marjorie Agosin): ABA2. From Border Crossings to Campaign Trail: Chronicle of a Latina in Politics: AB S5. Serna Hilda The Eagle's Destiny: A Saga of Mexican Americans Soaring to Excellence: N S10. Serros, Maria E. El Cielo or Bust: A S5. The Falling Sun, Maria E. Serros: AA4. Serros, Michelle A Belated Victory (for Us): A S5. Age Sixteen: A S5. Annie Says: A S5. Answer 11 fan Mail: A S5.1. Any Press Is Good Press: A S5.1. Attention Shoppers: A S5. The Best Years of My Life: A S5. TheBigDeal:AS5.1. Breaking the Major Rule: A S5.1. Buy American: A S5.1. Chicana Falsa and Other Stories of Death, Identity, and Oxnard: AS5. Counter Act: A S5.1.
Author/Title Index The Day My Sister Was on Television: A S5. Dead Pig's Revenge: A S5. Dear Diary: A S5. Discard Discontinued Text: A S5.1. Disco Gymnasium: A S5. Distinguish the Difference between a Great Contact and a Good Connection: A S5.1. El Cielo or Bust: A S5. First Call: A S5.1. Fourth Thursday in April: A S5.1. The Gift: A S5. Good Parking: A S5.1. The Grudge-Holders: A S5. Honor Thy Late-Night Phone Calls from Abuelita: A S5.1. JohnwannabeChicano: A S5. La Letty: A S5. Let's Go Mexico: A S5.1. Live Better, Work Union: A S5.1. Manos morenas: A S5. Mi problema: A S5. Mind Your Table Manners: A S5.1. Mr. and Mrs. White Guilt: A S5. Mr. BOOM BOOM Man: A S5. Never Give up an Opportunity to Eat for Free: AS5.1. Passport to Cross Overland: AS5.1. The Plaintiff, the Poet: A S5.1. Planned Parenthood: A S5. The Real Me: A S5. Reclaim Your Rights As a Citizen of Here, Here: AS5.1. Remember, Commerce Begins at Home: AS5.1. Respect the 1 Percent: A S5.1. Second Call: A S5.1. Seek Support from Sistas: A S5.1. Senior Picture Day: A S5.1. Shower Power Hippie Man: A S5. Special Assembly: A S5.1. Special Assembly, Part 2: A S5.1. Stuff: A S5.
Author/Title Index The Superhero Scam: A S5. Tag Banger's Last Can: A S5. Tenth Call: A S5.1. Third Call: A S5.1. Twelfth Call: A S5.1. Twentieth-Something Call: A S5.1. What Boyfriend Told Me at Age Seventeen: A S5. What Is Bad: A S5. White Owned: A S5. Shapard, Robert Stories in the Stepmother Tongue (with Josip Novakovich): AN4. Shipek, Florence C. The Autobiography of Delfina Cuero, a Diegueno Indian as Told to Florence C. Shipek: ABS6. Shwartz, Maxine Immigrant Women: A S6. Siddhartha Valdivi, Eva Interview with My Mother: A B5. Silva, Beverly A Small Western Town: A S7. The Artist: A S7. Bits & Pieces: A S7. The Cat: A H3; A S7. The Cat and Other Stories: A SI. Elgato: A B 1 . Happy Hour: A S7. Hell's Playground: A S7. Las tribulaciones de una soltera: AB1. No Joy in the Morning: A S7. P&jaro amarillo: A Bl. Poet: A S7. The Poster: A S7. Precious: A S7. Smile: A S7.
The Thesis: A S7. The Woes of a Single Woman and Her Car: A S7. Yellow Bird: A S7. Simmen, Edward North of the Rio Grande: The Mexican American Experience in Short Fiction: A S8. Singer, Bennett L. Growing Up Gay/Growing Up Lesbian: A Literary Anthology: AS9. Siqueiros, Mary First Time: A A3. My Other Self (Journal Entry, Fall 1970): A A3. Smith, Enike A Man So Special: A Tl. Somoza, Oscar Nueva narrativa chicana: A S H . Soto, Gary Pieces of the Heart: New Chicano Fiction: A SI2. Soto-Schestedt, Nell Private Views: A R4. Stavans, Ilan Growing Up Latino: Memories and Stories (with Harold Augenbraum): A A18. New World: Young Latino Writers: AS13. Wdchalel: Poetry and Prose about Growing Up Latino: A S13.1. Steele, Cynthia Ritos de iniciacion: tres novelas cortas de Hispanoamerica (with GrinorRojo): A RIO.
56 Stern, Jerome An Anthology of Really Short Stories: A S H . Strachwitz, Chris Lydia Mendoza: A Family Autobiography (with James Nicolopulos): AB S7. Sturgis, Susana J. Sonnets to Human Beings and Other Selected Works: AS15.1. Tales of Magic Realism by Women: Dreams in a Minor Key: AS15. Suarez, Virgil Iguana Dreams (with Delia Poey): AP7. Little Havana Blues (with Delia Poey): A P8. Tafolla, Carmen Baby Coyote and the Old Woman:AS15.1. Chencho's Cow: A M13; A S15.1. El mojado no existe: A S15.1. Esa casa ya no existe: A SI5.1. Federico y Elfiria: A A3; A SI5.1. Historia sin titulo: A S15.1. I Just Can't Bear It: A H5. Los Corts (excerpt): A M3. Quality Literature: A C7; A S15.1. Tacho, el Baby Tacuache: A SI5.1. You Don't Know Marta: A SI5.1. Tagle, Lillian Honorable Exiles: A Chilean Woman in the 20th Century: ABT1. Tashlik, Phyllis Hispanic, Female and Young: An Anthology: A Tl.
Author/Title Index Tatum, Charles Mexcian-American Literature: AT2. New Chicano/Chicana Writing II: A T2.2. New Chicano/Chicana Writing I: AT2.1. New Chicano/Chicana Writing: 3: AT2.3. Tavera Rivera, Margarita El dia de las madres: A B1; A N4. Sed/Thirst: A T2.2. Thirst: A G7. Vuelta a la izquierda: A El. Tenorio, Francisca H. Tata Fino: A A8. Third World Communications Third World Women: A T3. Tiburcio, Jeanette Anitia Lake Rojas: A Tl. Tijerina, Aleticia I Am the Lost Daughter of My Mama's House: A R2. Torres, Lidia Three Keys: A D2. Torres, Lorraine ;Ojala que no!: A Bl; A R4. Torres, Olga Beatriz Memorias de mi viaje/Recollections of My Trip: AB T2. Torres-Saillant, Silvio Hispanic Immigrant Writers and the Family/Escritores inmigrantes hispanosy lafamilia: A T4.
Author/Title Index Toscano, Carmen La Llorona: AF5.
The Valley of the Sun: A R3; A Sl.l.
Treviflo, Gloria V. Dimanche: A A8.
Valdes, Zoe A cuerpo de rey: A V1. Arriba de la bola: A VI. Bailarina de vientre y vomito: AV1. Cafe Nostalgia: N V2, N V2.1. Cartas a Los Reyes Magos: A VI. Cher premier amour: N V2.2. Colera de angeles: N V2.3. Das tdgliche Nichts: Roman: N V2.4. Dibujante de dunas: A VI. Dir gehort mein Leben: Roman: N V2.5. El node Noel: A VI. / Gave You All I Had: N V2.6. Juana lunera cascahabanera: A VI. La douleur du dollar: N V2.7. La hija del embajador: N V2.8. La luna y el baston: A VI. La nada cotidiana: N V2.9. La prima de Vera: A VI. La rage de anges: N V2.10. Le neant quotidien: roman: N V2.ll. Le pied de mon pere: N V2.12. Milagro en Miami: N V2.13. Nefertiti habanera: A VI. Querido primer novio: una historia proscrita de amory naturaleza: NV2.14. Retrato de una infancia habanaviejera: A VI. Rosas ken el "mal," Zoe Valdes: AV1. Sang blue: NV2A5. Sangre azul: N V2.16. Te di la vida enter a: N V2.17. Traficante de marfil, melones rojos, Zoe Valdes: A VI. Traficantes de belleza: A VI. Un paseo prometido: A VI.
Treviiio, Natalia Cardinal Red: A G7.1. Treviflo Hart, Elva Barefoot Heart: Stories of a Migrant Child: AB T3 Trujillo, Carla Chicana Lesbians the Girls Our Mothers Warned Us About: AT5. Turner, Faythe Puerto Rican Writers at Home in the USA: An Anthology: A T6. Turner, Joan F. Tapices literarios: Stories for Building Language Skills and Cultural Awareness (with Glynis Cowell): A C23. Turrietta, Cecile Haciendo turismo en vidas ajenas: AR4. Umpierre, Luz Maria La veintiuna: A G5. Usner, Carol Tesoros escondidos: A R4. Valdes, Gina El valle del sol (The Valley of the Sun): A Sl.l. Josefina's Chickens: A R3. There Are No Madmen: A H3. There Are No Madmen Here: NV1.
58 Yocandra in the Paradise ofNada: A Novel of Cuba: N V2.18. Valdes Fallis, Guadalupe Recuerdo: A F5;A M2. Valentine, Sarah Finding the Lesbians: Personal Accounts from Around the World (with Julia Penelope): AP4. Valenzuela, Liliana Virgencita, Give Us a Chance: AC12. Valerio, Anita En la sangre, el rostro y el sudor esta la voz de mi madre: AM19. Valle, Carmen Diarios robados: N V3. Diary Entry #1: A V4. Diary Entry #6: A V4. Vargas, Dalia Blue Moon: N V4. Luna azul:NV4A.1. Vargas, Kika The Corpse: A A l l . Vasquez, Consuelo Leading Lady/Estrelia: N V5. Salsa Kiss/Besos ardientes: NV5.1. Sea Siren/La sirena: N V5.2. Segunda oportunidad: N V5.3. Vasquez, Edith Rosaura's Wings: A M5. Vasquez, Luz Selenia Como el cristal al romperse: A G5.
Author/Title Index Papi y el otro: A C23; A G5. Vasquez, Lourdes Gato: AC18. Monologo: AC18. Veciana Suarez, Ana Birthday Parties in Heaven: Thoughts of Love, Life, Grief, and Other Matters of the Heart: ABV1. The Chin Kiss King: N V6. El rey de los besos: N V6.1. Vega, Ana Lydia ADJ, Inc.: A V4. Aerobics for Love: A S3; A V3.3. Ahi viene Mama Yona: A V3. AjustesS.A.:AAV3:AV3.2. Caso omiso: A V3.2. Consolation Prize: A V3.3. Cosas de poetas: A V3. Cuento en camino: A V3. Cuentos calientes: A V3. Delito sin cuerpo: A V3.2. Deliverance from Evil: A V3.3. El dia de los hechos: A V3. Encancaranublado: A V3. Encancaranublado y otros cuentos de naufragio: A V3.1 Eye-Openers: A B6; A V3.3. Falsas cronicas del sur: N V7. Just One Small Detail: A V3.3. La alambrada: A V3. Letra para salsa y tres soneos por encargo: A V3. Liliane's Sunday: A D4; A R14. Mas aca: A V3.2. Miss Florence's Trunk: A V3.3. Pasion de historia: A AV3; A V3.2. Pasion de historia y otras historias de pasion: A V3.2. Premio de consolation: A V3. Puerto Principe abajo: A V3. Salto vital: A V3.2.
Author/Title Index Serie Noire: A V3.3. Sobre rumbas y heroes: A V3.2. Solutions, Inc.: A V3.3. Three Love Aerobics: A V4. Tres aerobicos para el amor: A V3.2. True and False Romances: Stories and a Novella: A V3.3 True Romances (novella): A V3.3. Vega, Johanna From the South Bronx to Groton: AC6. Veiga, Marisella Fresh Fruit: A P7. The Graduation: A G7. Liberation in Little: A P8. The Mosquito Net: A H8. Velasquez, Gloria Ankiza: N V8. Fugitive: A H3. Juanita Fights the School Board: NV8.1. Maya s Divided World: N V8.2. Rina s Family Secret: N V8.3. Tommy Stands Alone: N V8.4. Velasquez Treviflo, Gloria La carta Treviflo: A S H . Sunland Treviflo: A Bl. V£lez, Diana Reclaiming Medusa: Short Stories by Contemporary Puerto Rican Women: A V4. V6lez-Rom£n, Lydia Dioses, animalitos y maestros: A 03. Velilla, Ana Aloma Tema y variaciones: A B9.
Veron Galindo, Ester School: A R3. Vigil-Pinon, Evangelina Decade II: An Anniversary Anthology (with Julian Olivero): A04. Women of the Word: Hispanic Women Write: A V5. Vilar, Irene A Message from God in the Atomic Age: A Memoir: AB V2. The Ladies 'Gallery: AB V2.1. Villanueva, Alma Luz A Beautiful Hazard Design: A V6. A Prostitute Compassionate Am I: A V6. The Alma/The Soul, Four: A V6. The Alma/The Soul, One,: A V6. The Alma/The Soul, Three: A V6. The Alma/The Soul, Two: A V6. Birth of a Shell: A V6. The Burden: A V6. The Edge of Darkness: A V6. The Empress of Japan: A V6. Empty: A V6. Free Women: A V6. Goddess: A V6. Her Choice: A R3. Her Spiral Shell: A V6. Karma: A V6 La Llorona/Weeping Woman: AV6. Luna s California Poppies: N V9. Maya (excerpt from Dream: A Gl. Merman: A V6. Naked Ladies: NV9A. The Others: A V6. People of the Dog: A G7.1; A V6. Place of the Dead: A V6. The Price of Wonder: A V6. Real Rainbows: A V6. The Receiving Blanket: A G7.2.
60 Sabra: A V6. The Sand Castle: A V6. There Was a Time: A V6. Tree Woman: A G7.2. The Ultraviolet Sky: N V9.2. Virgin Birth: A V6. The Virgins: A V6. Weeping Woman: La Llorona and Other Stories: A V6. Villar, Ynoemia Buch' y pluma no' ma': A C18. Male Revenge: A C18. The Monkey Is Not As Painted: AC18. Venganza: A C18. Villarreal, Rosa Martha Chronicle of Air and Dreams: A Novel of Mexico: N V10. Doctor Magdalena: Novella: NV10.1. Villegas de Magnon, Leonor The Rebel: ABU. The Rebel (excerpt): A A17. Viramontes, Helena Maria Birthday: A V4. The Broken Web: A V5; A V4. The Cariboo Cafe: A K3; A V4. Chicana Creativity and Criticism: Charting New Frontiers in American Literature (with Maria Herrera-Sobek): A H4. Chicana (W)rites on Word and Film (with Maria HerreraSobek): AH4.1. Growing: A F2; A G5; A R3; A V4. The Jumping Bean: A H4.1; A SI2. Laspolillas:ABl;AN4. The Long Reconciliation: A V4. Miss Clairol: A F6; A H4; A M2; A 04.
Author/Title Index The Moths: A A17; A A18; A C22; AF2;AH3;AK3.1;AK3.3; AL6;AM10;AR3;AV4.. The Moths and Other Stories: AV4. Neighbors: A V4. Snapshots: A G5; A V4. Tears on My Pillow: A G7; A T2.1. Their Dogs Came with Them: A Novel: N V 11. Under the Feet of Jesus: N V11.1. Walker, Scott The Graywolf Annual Seven Stories from the American: A W L Waters, Erika New Writing from the Caribbean: A W2. Weigle, Marta Two Guadalupes: A W3. Weinstock, Jacqueline S. Lesbian Friendships: For Ourselves and Each Other: AW4. Wells, Jess Lipservice: Alluring New Lesbian Erotica: A W5. Wheatwind, Marie-Elsie Los perdidos: A T2.1. Wilder, Kathryn Walking the Twilight IT. Women Writers of the Southwest: AW6. Williams-Garcia, Rita Into the Game: A G2. Wolfe, Susan The Coming Out Stories (with Julia
Author/Title Index Penelope): A P5. Wolverton, Terry Blood Whispers: A W7. Blood Whispers, Vol. 2: L.A. Writers on AIDS: A W7.1. Circa 2000: Lesbian Fiction at the Millennium: A W8. Hers: Brilliant New Fiction by Lesbian Writers (with Robert Drake):AW8.1. Hers 3: Brilliant New Fiction by Lesbian Writers (with Robert Drake: A W8.2. Wood, Marie Canto al pueblo: An Anthology of Experiences (with Leonard Carrillo, Antonio Martinez, and Carol Molina): A C7. Wood, Silviana Dreams by Appointment: A V5. Woods, Akia Off the Rag: Lesbians Writing on Menopause (with Lee Lynch): AL8. Woodrow, Terry Lesbian Bedtime Stories: A W9. Y£flez, Emily Winston Reds: A M5. Yarbro-Bejarano, Yvonne The Wounded Heart: Writing on Cherrie Moraga: AB Yl.
Yzquierdo, Rosa Elena Abuela:AL6;ATl. Six Take Away: A T I . Zahava, Irene Lesbian Love Stories: A Z1. Lesbian Love Stories (Volume 2): AZ1.1. Word of Mouth, Short-Short Stories by 90 Women Writers: ATX2. Word of Mouth (Volume 2), ShortShort Stories by 90 Women Writers: AZ1.3. Zaldivar, Raquel Puiz Nothing in Our Hands but Age: NP8. Nothing in Our Hands but Age (excerpt): A K5. Women Don 7 Need to Write: NP8.1. Zamora Bernice Tere:AT2.1. Vergiienza: A A14. Zavala, Iris Kilagonia: A G5. Zendejas, Esperanza Infallibility: A Novel: N Zl. The Tame Cactus-El nopal manso: NZ1.2.
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Title/Author Index Entries are alphabetized according to English-language conventions. Titles beginning with "The" are alphabetized according to the following word. However, the Spanish definite articles "el" and "la" and the plurals "los" and "las" are treated as if they were English words and alphabetized accordingly. Codes following each entry indicate the genre of the work and where it can be found in the other indices. "A" indicates Anthology, and the piece is most likely a short story and can be found in the Anthology Index. "AB" indicates that the work is an autobiography and "N" represents novel. These works are fully indexed and annotated in their respective indices. Narrative pieces appearing in more than one anthology may show slight variations in their titles. Author names may also show some variations from one work to another. All works and names are printed here as they were encountered in the books reviewed. A Baby Doll Like My Cousin Jenny's, Esmeralda Santiago: AS2.1. A Baltazar, Myrna Nieves: A N2. A Bar of Soap, Thelma Reyna: ARIL A Basket of Books, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. A Basket of Love, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. A Beautiful Hazard Design, Alma Luz Villanueva: A V6. A Belated Victory (for Us), Michele Serros: A S5. A Bit of Luck, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.
A Bit of New Mexico Folklore, Cleofas Jaramillo: A J2. A Book of Faces, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. A Bride for Ana s Papa, Isabel Marvin: N M4. A Cafecito Story, Julia Alvarez: NA7. A Cat and a Chicken, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. A Century of Cuban Writers in Florida: Selected Prose and Poetry, Carolina Hospital and Jorge Canteras: A H8. A Child's Christmas in Puerto Rico,Aurora Levins Morales:
64 AT6. A Christmas Like No Other, Gioconda Belli: AS2.1. A Christmas Story, Elena Diaz Bjflrkquist: A D9. A Cloud on Sand, Gabriella De Ferrari: ND1. A Conversation with My Three, Pat Mora: AM17. A Corsage of Happiness, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. A Cross and a Star, Marjorie Agosin: AB Al. A cuerpo de rey, Zoe Valdes: A VI. A Dance with the Eucalyptus, Isabella Rios: N R 1 . A Day in New York, Nora Glickman: A F2. A Day in the Life of Me: September 29, 1988, Leslie Rivera: A Tl. A Day of Atonement, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. A Deal with the Devil/Un pacto con el diablo, Paulette Atencio: AA16. The Devil, Elba C. De Baca: A R4. The Devil on the Border, Jovita Gonzalez: A G6. A Discreet Miracle, Isabel Allende: AA7. A Divided Heaven, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. A Do-It-Yourself Project, Anilu Bernardo: A B3. lA donde vive Dios?, Kleya Forte Escamilla: A G7. A Dream, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. A Foreigner's Nights, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. A Gentleman on the Train, Antonia Palacios: A G7.2. A Glare of Truth, Pat Mora: A M17. A Glorious Body, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. A Happy Family, Martha Cerda:
Title/Author Index AC13. A Haze in Guatemala, Pat Mora: AM17. A House of My Own, Sandra Cisneros: A 0 1 . A Job for Valentin, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 0 7 ; A 07.4. A Kiss Errant, Ana Castillo: AC12.2. A la muerte de Cuquito, Myrna Nieves: A N2. A la otra te traigo flores, Mary Sue Galindo: A Gl. A la sombra de tu nombre, Rosario Ferre:ABFl. A Latina Combat Femme, Her Shoes, & Ensuing Cultural Identity, Tatiana de la Tierra: AC3. A Lesson in Fortune-Telling, Nicholasa Mohr: A Ml4.1. A Letter to My Mother, Claudia Colindres: A A3. A Lifetime, Ana Castillo: A C12.2. A Little Bit of Bliss, Mayra Santos Febres:AS2.1. A Little Love, C. C. Medina: N M5. A Lost Friend, Ivy Colomba: A Tl. A Man So Special, Enike Smith: ATI. A Matter of Pride, Nicholasa Mohr: AM14. A Matter ofPride and Other Stories, Nicholasa Mohr: A Ml4. A Message from God in the Atomic Age: A Memoir, Irene Vilar: ABV2. A Miracle for Mexico, Josephina NigglirNNl. A Miracle in Paradise, Carolina Garcia Aguilera: N G4. A mis muertos familiares, Myrna Nieves: A N2. A Natural History (excerpt), Cristina Garcia: A A12.
Title/Author Index A New Window Display, Nicholasa Mohr: AM14.1. A Pearl in the Desert, Kathleen Alcala: A A5. A Perfect Romance, Ana Castillo: AC12.2. A Perfect Silence, Alba Ambert: NA8. A Perfect Silence, Alba Ambert: AD4. A pique, Loreina Santos Silva: AS4. A Place of Memories, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. A Place in El Paso: A Mexican American Childhood, Gloria Lopez-Stafford: AB L2. A Place Where the Sea Remembers, Sandra Benitez: N B5. A Place Where the Sea Remembers and Other Related Readings, Sandra Benitez: NB5.1. A Poet for President, Pat Mora: AM17. A Prostitute Compassionate Am I, Alma Luz Villanueva: A V6. A Remedy for Heartburn, Aurora Levins Morales: A F2. A Remembrance of Itacate, Patricia Quintana: A C6 A Rice Sandwich, Sandra Cisneros: AM21. A Shell for Angela, Ofelia Dumas Lachtman: N D9. A Short Trip Home, Linda Sandoval: AR4. A Sin without Repentance, Maria Amparo Escandon: A LI. A Small Western Town, Beverly Silva: A S7. A Son of the Tropics, Cristina Mena: AD10. A Story, Aurora Levins Morales: AL3. A Surprise for Dr. Goldfarb, Barbara
65 Mujica: AM20.1. A Tale, Gloria Anzaldua: A Zl .3. A Tatting Man. Lorraine M. Lopez: AL5. A Thanksgiving Celebration (Amy), Nicholasa Mohr: AM14.3. A Time of Mourning, Martha Cerda:AC13. A Time with a Future (Carmela), Nicholasa Mohr: A K3.1; AM14.3. A True Story, Ana Castillo: AC12.2. A Very Special Pet, Nicholasa Mohr:AB4;AM14;ATl. A Walk with My Father, Pat Mora: AK2. A Woman of Genius/: La respuesta a Sor Filotea: The Intellectual Autobiography of Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Sor Juana de la Cruz: AB D2. Above All, A Family Man, Achy Obejas: A 02. Abuela, Rosa Elena Yzquierdo: AL6;AT1. Abuela Invents the Zero, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07; A 07.4. Abuela Marielita, Cecilia Rodriguez-Milanes: A K9; AP7;AS13. Abuela, Rosa Elena Yzquierdo: ATI. Abuelos, Marjorie Agosin: A A1.1. The Accordion, Rachel Guido de Vries: AM9.1. Acknowledgments, Patricia Preciado: API2.1. Across the Great River, Irene Beltran Hernandez: N B4. Acuerdate del Alamo, Sandra Cisneros: A C15. Adela's Beautiful Eyes, Sonia Rivera-Valdes: A R7.
66 Adelina, Marjorie Agosin: A Al.l; AA1.2;AM13. Adios, Mary Helen Ponce: A P9.1. ADJ, Inc., Ana Lydia Vega: A V4. Adolescent Literature: A D5. Advanced Biology, Judith OrtizCofer: A 07.2. The Adventures of Don Cacahuate and Dofia Cebolla/Las aventuras de don Cacahuate y dona Cebolla, Paulette Atencio: AA16. Aerobics for Love, Ana Lydia Vega: AS3;AV3.3. African Creation, Aurora Levins Morales: A Rl4. African Passions, Beatriz Rivera: AR6. African Passions and Other Stories, Beatriz Rivera: A R6. Afrodita: A Memoir of the Senses, Isabel Allende: N A6. Afrodita: cuentos, recetas y otros afrodisiacos, Isabel Allende: NA5. After Canaries, Martha Cerda: AC13. After Dad Shot Jesus, Lorraine M. Lopez: A L5. Afterlife, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. Afternoon Tea, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Again, Like Before, Ana Castillo: AC12;AW8. Age Sixteen, Michele Serros: A S5. Agnus Dei, Beatriz de la Garza: AD5. Agua, Marjorie Agosin: A A1.1. The Agiiero Sisters, Cristina Garcia: NG2. Ahi viene Mama Yona, Ana Lydia Vega: A V3. Air of Farewell, Estela PortilloTrambley: A P11.1. Ajustes S. A., Ana Lydia Vega:
Title/Author Index AAV3;AV3.2. Alfonso, Lourdes Casal: A BIO. Algunos de los personajes, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.1. Alicia's Treasure, Diane Gonzales Bertrand:NG10. All for the Better: A Story of El Barrio, Nicholasa Mohr: NM7. All My Love, Caridad Scordato: NS9. All ofMe/Todo de mi, Berta Platas Fuller, N P5. Alii donde el mar recuerda, Sandra Benitez: N B5.2. The Alligator and the Dog (El perro y el caiman), Olga Loya: A L7. Alma-en-Pena, Rima de Vallbona:A V5. The Alma/The Soul, Four, Alma Luz Villanueva: A V6. The Alma/The Soul, One, Alma Luz Villanueva: A V6. The Alma/The Soul, Three, Alma Luz Villanueva: A V6. The Alma/The Soul, Two, Alma Luz Villanueva: A V6. Almost a Woman, Esmeralda Santiago: AB SI. The Alphabet in My Hands: A Writing Life, Marjorie Agosin: ABA1. Always from Somewhere Else: A Memoir of My Chilean Jewish Father, Marjorie Agosin: ABA 1.2. Amada Means Beloved, Beatriz de la Garza: A D5. Amalia, Kathleen Alcala: A A5. Amalia, Rosario Ferre: A F3.3; AF3.6. Amanda, Roberta Fernandez: AG5;AK3.3;A03;AT1. Amanda's Motives, Martha Cerda: AC13.
Title/Author Index Amanuensis, Maritza Arrastia: AN2. Amapola Fernandez/Amapola Fern&ndez, Paulette Atencio: AA16. Ambrosio the Indian, Jovita Gonzalez: A G6. Amelia, Rosalie Otero: A A10. Amelia Hearth desaparece, Lucia Fox: A F9. America and My Mother, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. America Street: A Multicultural Anthology of Stories, Anne Mazer: A M8. American Chica, Marie Arana: NA9. American Citizen, 1921, Alicia Gaspar de Alba: A G4. American Girls, Anilu Bernardo: AB3. American History, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A A17; A 07.2; A P7. The American Invasion of Macun, Esmeralda Santiago: A S3. American Voices: Best Short Fiction by Contemporary Authors, Sally Arteseros: A A15. America's Dream, Esmeralda Santiago: N S6. Amigas: Letters of Friendship and Exile, Marjorie Agosin and Emma Sepulveda Pulvirenti: ABA2. Among My People, Jovita Gonzalez: A G6; A P2. Amongst Women, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. Amor de acuerdo (Arranged Love): Patricia Preciado Martin: A P12. Amor de madre (Mother's Love): Patricia Preciado Martin: AP12. Amor desesperado (Desperate Love): Patricia Preciado Martin:
67 AP12. Amor e ilusion (Love and Illusion): Patricia Preciado Martin: AP12. Amor encantado (Enchanted Love): Patricia Preciado Martin: AP12. Amor eterno (Eternal Love): Patricia Preciado Martin: AP12. Amor eterno: Eleven Lessons in Love, Patricia Preciado Martin: AP12. Amor frustrado (Frustrated Love): Patricia Preciado Martin: AP12 Amor inolvidable (Unforgettable Love): Patricia Preciado Martin: A P12. Amor, libertad y calor, Rosa M. Carrillo: A 0 5 . Amor perdido (Lost Love): Patricia Preciado Martin: A P12. Amor prohibido (Forbidden Love): Patricia Preciado Martin: AP12. Amor sufrido (Long-suffering Love): Patricia Preciado Martin: A PI2. The Amusement Park, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. An Anthology of Really Short Stories, Jerome Stern: ASM. An Awakening... Summer 1956, Nicholasa Mohr: A 04;A V5. An Empty Paradise, Ximena Naranjo Garces: AII. An Ephemeral Star, Rima de Vallbona: A D6. An Hour with Abuelo, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07; A 07.4. An Immense Black Umbrella, Marjorie Agosin: A A1.2. An Invitation to Travel, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. An Island Like You: Stories of the
68 Barrio, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 08. An Old Spanish Hacienda, Nina Otero: A 09. And, Aurora Levins Morales: A L3. And of Clay Are We Created, Isabel Allende: A A7. And the Crows Cawed, Martha Cerda:AC13. And the Skies Are Not, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. And this Blue Surrounding Me Again, Bessy Reina: A F2. Andrea, Roberta Fernandez: A H4; A 04. The Angel from Alcalde (El angel de Alcalde), Teresa Pijoan: A P6. Angi, Angelica Guillen: A M5. Anguiano Religious Articles Rosaries Statues..., Sandra Cisneros: A C15.1. Animals, Nina Otero: A 09. Animals in Cuban Folklore and Magic, Lydia Cabrera: A H8. Anitia Lake Rojas, Jeanette Tiburcio: A Tl. Ankiza, Gloria Velasquez: N V8. Anna, Marjorie Agosin: A A1.1. Anne, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Annie Says, Michele Serros: A S5. Anoche por la manana: Mayra Montero: A Ml6. Another Wilderness: Women Writing about the Outdoors, Susan Fox Rogers: AF10. Answer All Fan Mail, Michele Serros: A S5.1. Anteojos, Julia Alvarez: A W2. Antologia de cuentistas chicanas: Estados Unidos de los '60 a los '90, Rosamel Benavides: A Bl. Antologia retrospectiva del cuento chicano, Juan Bruce Novoa and Jose Guillermo Saavedra: A N5. Ants, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. Any Press Is Good Press, Michele
Title/Author Index Serros: A S5.1. Anything Can Be Toasted, Anna Isabel Didonno: A II. Apellidos, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.1. Aphrodite: A Memoir of the Senses, Isabel Allende: NA5.1. Aphrodite: The Love of Food and the Food of Love, Isabel Allende: N A5.2. Apostilla Trece, Barbara Jacobs: AJ1. Apostilla Uno, Barbara Jacobs: AJ1. Aquella que mira, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.5. The Archipelago: New Writing from and about the Caribbean, Robert Antoni and Bradford Morrow: A A12. The Arizona Cafe, Elena Diaz Bjorkquist: A D9. Aroma de cafe, Sandra Benitez: NB5.3. Arranged Love: Patricia Preciado Martin: A P12. Arriba de la bola, Zoe Valdes: AV1. Arrivals, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Art Catalogue, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. The Artist (Inez), Nicholasa Mohr: AM14.3. The Artist, Beverly Silva: A S7. Articulos religiosos Anguiano, Sandra Cisneros: A C15. Arturo's Flight, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07; A 07.4. Ashes oflzalco, Claribel Alegria: N A4.4. Asking for the Bride, Nina Otero: A09;AR3;AT2. At First, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. At Home, Terri de la Pefla: A J3. At the Baptismal Font, Martha Cerda: AC 13.
Title/Author Index At the Meat-Packing Plant (En la empacadora), Rosaura Sanchez: AS1. Atrapar la luna, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A07.5. Attention Shoppers, Michele Serros: AS5. Aunt, Nicholasa Mohr: A S3. Aunt Lucha, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Aunt Rosana's Rocker, Nicholasa Mohr: A K3; A K3.3; A M14.3. Ausencia's Tales, Maria Luisa Mendoza: A G7.2. Autobiography of a Young One, Kita Antonia: AB A5. The Autobiography of Delfina Cuero, a Diegueno Indian, Florence C. Shipek: AB S6. The Autobiography of Delfina Cuero, a Diegueno Indian as Told to Florence C. Shipek, Florence C. Shipek: AB S6. Autumn, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Autumn Memories: My New Mexican Roots and Traditions, Marie Oralia Duran Trujillo: ABD3. Autumn and Lovers, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Autumn Memories: My New Mexican Roots and Traditions, Marie Oralia Duran Trujillo: AB Aventuras de un nino de la calle, Julia Mercedes Castilla: A Cl 1. Avocado Blues, Carlotta Sanchez: A G7.2. The Awakening, Rita Maria Canales: AD7. Ayfo, Loreina Santos Silva: A S4. Azabache, Estela Herrera: A S2. Aztldn and Viet Nam: Chicano and Chicana Experiences of the War, George Mariscal: A M3. The Baby at Ghost Ranch/El niflo del Rancho Encantado, Paulette
69 Atencio: A A16. Baby Coyote and the Old Woman, Carmen Tafolla: A S15.1. Baby Krishna's All Night Special, Denise Chavez: A K7. The Baby-sitter Halfback, Barbara Mujica: AM20.1. Back to School, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. The Backrooms, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Bad Communist, Century Plant, Rosario Morales: A L3. Bad Influence, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07; A 07.4. Bailando en silencio, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.1. Bailando en silencio: escenas de una ninez puertorriquena, Judith Ortiz Cofer: AB 0 1 ; A07.1. The Bailarina (The Dancer), Patricia Preciado. Bailarina de vientre y vomito, Zoe Valdes: A VI. Bajo pena de muerte, Rima de Vallbona:AD6.1. The Balcony, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Baptisms, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Barbarita, Mary Helen Ponce: AP9.1. Barbie-coa, Sandra Cisneros: AC15. Barbie-Q, Sandra Cisneros: AC15.1. Bardo99, Cecile Pineda: N P4. Barefoot Heart: Stories of a Migrant Child, Elva Treviflo Hart: AB T3. Barrio Chronicle (Cronica del barrio), Rosaura Sanchez: AS1. Barrio Streets, Carnival Dreams: Three Generations of Latino Artistry, Lori M. Carlson:
70 AC6. Barrios and Borderlands: Cultures of Latinos and Latinas in the United States, Heyck Daly and Denis Lynn: A Dl. Baseball Dreams: Ana Menendez: AMU. Basket of Water (excerpt from Dreaming in Cuban), Cristina Garcia: A G7. The Bathetic Fallacy, Beverly Silva: AS7. The Battery-Operated Drummer Bear, Beatriz Rivera: A R6. The Beacon Best of 2000: Creative Writing by Women and Men of All Colors and Cultures, Edwidge Danticat: A D2. Bearing Witness, Aleida Rodriguez: AC20. Beauty Lessons, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07; A 07.4. Beds, Marjorie Agosin: A A 1.2. Before (excerpt), Yvette Padilla: AS7.1. Before We Were Free, Julia Alvarez: NA7.1. The Beggar, Nina Otero: A 09. The Beggar Woman, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Begoso Cabin: A Pecos Country Retreat, Mari Grana: AB G2. Being Half Mexican, Sara Rodriguez: A T I . Being Indian, a Candle Flame, and So Many Dying Stars, Ana Castillo: AC12.2;AM13. Being Jewish, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Bella durmiente, Rosario Ferre: A RIO. Bells, Beatriz Rivera: A R6. The Bells of Santa Cruz, Nina Otero: A 09; A T2. Belonging, Pat Califia: A PI3.
Title/Author Index Ben, Elvera Adolflta de Baca: AR4. Berkeley, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Besame mucho, Lourdes Carvajal: NC3. The Best Bet, Hebby Roman: N R6. The Best Game, Hebby Roman: NR6.1. Best New Chicano Literarture 1986, JulianPalley: A P I . Best New Chicano Literarture 1989, Julian Palley: A PLL The Best Night, Martha Cerda: AC13. The Best Years of My Life, Michele Serros: A S5. Beto y Betina, Rima de Vallbona: AD6.1. Betrayed, Hebby Roman: N R6.2. Better Than Ever/Mejor que nunca, Caridad Scordato: N S9.1. Between Mother & Daughter: Stories across a Generation, Susan Koppelman: A K8. Between Friends, Sonia RiveraValdes: A R7. Between the Lines, Martha Cerda: AC13. Beyond El Camino Real, Terri de la Pena: A T5. Beyond the Limbo Silence, Elizabeth Nunez, NN5. Bien Pretty, Sandra Cisneros (Spanish version): A C15. Bien Pretty, Sandra Cisneros (English version): A C15.1. Bienvenidos, Pat Mora: A Ml7. Bienvenue, Rosalia, Barbara Mujica: AM20;AM20.1. Big Bear, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. Big Calzones, Denise Chivez: AS2.1. The Big Deal, Michele Serros: AS5.1. Biography and Autobiography,
Title/Author Index Prentice Hall Literature Library: ABP3. Birth, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Birthday, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Birthday, Helena MariaViramontes: AV6. Birthday Parties in Heaven: Thoughts of Love, Life, Grief, and Other Matters of the Heart, Ana Veciana Suarez: AB VI. The Birthday Party, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: AA10;AO8. The Birthday Party, Michele Sedillo: AA9. Birth of a Shell, Alma Luz Villanueva: A V6. The Birth of the God of War, Cristina Mena: A D10. Birthing, for Alison, Odilia Galvan Rodriguez: A T2.3. The Bitches Colloquy, Rosario Ferre: A R14. Bits & Pieces, Beverly Silva: A S7. Bitter Dreams, Elida Lechuga: AA10. Bitter Grounds, Sandra Benitez: N B5.4. Bitter Sugar, Carolina Garcia Aguilera: N G4.1. Black Iris, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A08. The Black Mare (La yegua negra), Teresa Pijoan: A P6. Black Orchid, Kleya ForteEscamilla:AW8.1. The Black Virgin, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A F6; A G7; A 04; A 07.3. Black Widow, Stella Pope Duarte: AP10. Black Widow's Wardrobe, Lucha Corpi: N C8. Blame It on Hormones, Martha Cerda: A C 13. Blanca (excerpt from Julia Rodriguez, MSW), Liza Fiol
71 Matta: A R14. Blanca Flor (Blanca Flor), Olga Loya: A L7. Blanca Rosa, Lucrecia Guerrero: AG8. Bless Me, Father, Elena Diaz Bjorkquist: A D9. Blessed Divination, Nicholasa Mohr: A M 14. Blizzard!!!, Mary Helen Ponce: AP7. Blood, Marjorie Agosin: A A 1.2. Blood and Silver, Pat Califia: AC1.1. Blood Hungry (Avido de sangre), Teresa Pijoan: A P6.1. Blood Whispers, Terry Wolverton: AW7. Blood Whispers, Vol. 2: LA. Writers on AIDS, Terry Wolverton: A W7.1. Bloody Secrets, Carolina Garcia Aguilera: N G4.2. Bloody Shame, Carolina Garcia Aguilera: N G4.3. Bloody Waters, Carolina Garcia Aguilera: N G4.4. Blossom in the Wind, Elena Diaz Bjorkquist: A D9. Blow Up, Giannina Braschi: A SIO. The Blue Cottage, Estela Portillo Trambley: AP11.1. Blue in the Family, Martha Cerda: AC13. Blue Moon, Dalia Vargas: N V4. The Blue Uniform, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Blunt Cuts and Permanent Conditions, Terri de la Pefia: AD11. Boffil and Rivas de Santillana, Rosario Ferre: A A12. The Bonfires, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. The Book of God, Marjorie Agosin: A Al.
72 Books, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Bordados (Embroidery), Patricia Preciado: API2.1. The Border, Pat Mora: A Ml7. Border Folklore, Jovita Gonzalez: AG6. Border Heat/Pasion en lafrontera, Hebby Roman: NR6.3. Boricuas: Influential Puerto Rican Writing and Anthology, Roberto Santiago: A S3. Borinquena: Puerto Rico in the Sixties, Flora Becker: N B2. Born to Suicide, La Verne Gonzalez: AB4. Borrowed Furniture, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Bottles, Alcina Lubitch Domecq: AS16. The Boy with Yellow Eyes, Gloria Gonzalez: A G2.1 Boys and Girls, Sandra Cisneros: AT2. Braces and Intelligence, Sanique Garcia: A Tl. Braids, Marjorie Agosin: A A 1.2. The Brand New Suit (El traje nuevo), Rosaura Sanchez: A SI. Bread, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Bread, Sandra Cisneros: A C 15.1. The Breakdown of the Bicultural Mind, Cherrie Moraga: A Ml8. Breaking the Chain, Elena Bjorkquist Diaz. Breaking the Major Rule, Michele Serros: A S5.1. Bridge to Freedom, Isabel Marvin: NM4.1 Brief Miracle, Nicholasa Mohr: AM14.3. Bring Me a Story, Sally Benforado: AB2. Brixton Hill, Stel Deleon: A LI. Broadway, Ysa T. Nunez: A SI3. The Broken Web, Helena Maria Viramontes:A V5; A V6.
Title/Author Index Brown Hair, Ana Baca: A G7.1. The Brown Woman, Roberta Medina: A G7.2. Bruised Hibiscus, Elizabeth Nuflez, NN5.1. Bruja Story, Josephine M. Cordova: A R4. Buch' y pluma no' ma', Ynoemia Villar:AC18. Buenaventura of the Fifteen Sisters, Margarita Engle: A F2. The Bullet-Swallower, Jovita Gonzalez: A G6. Bunco of Los Angeles, Aleida Rodriguez: A W8.1. The Burden, Alma Luz Villanueva: AV6. The Burden of Routine, Rima de Vallbona: A D6. The Burning, Estela Portillo Trambley: A F2; A F5; A PI 1. The Burning of Judas, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. The Butterfly, Lucrecia Guerrero: AG8. Buy American, Michele Serros: AS5.1. By Love Betrayed, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.2. By Way of Acknowledgment, Ana Castillo: A C12.2. By Your True Faces We Will Know You, Gloria Anzaldua: AR3. Caballero: A Historical Novel, Jovita Gonzalez Mireles: NG12. Caballito del diablo, Terri de la Pena: A B8. Cactus Blood, Lucha Corpi: NC8.1. Cafe Nostalgia, Zoe Valdes: N V2, V2.1. Calama, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. California, Aurora Levins Morales: AL3.
Title/Author Index California Rangers, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 0 8 . Call Me Consuelo, Ofelia Dumas Lachtman:ND9.1. Call No Man Master, Tina Juarez: NJ1. Callaloo: A Journal of AfricanAmerican and African Arts and Letters, Charles Rowell: A R14. Calle Hoyt: recuerdos de una juventud chicana, Mary Helen Ponce: AB PI. Calling the Spirits from Buffalo, OlgaMendell: A T I . Calyx: A Journal of Art and Literature by Women. Bearing Witness/Sobreviviendo, An Anthology of Native American/Latina Arts and Literature, Jo Cochar: A C20. The Calyx of Isis, Pat Califia: NC1.2. Camas, Marjorie Agosin: A Al.l. Caminos equivocados, Julia Mercedes Castilla: A C11.1. Camino del lago (Silver Lake Road), Sylvia Lizarraga: A S1.1. The Campout, Mary Helen Ponce: AP9.1 The Canary Singer, Kathleen Alcala: AA5. The Candy Vendor's Boy, Beatriz de la Garza: A D5. The Candy Vendor's Boy and Other Stories, Beatriz de la Garza: AD5. Canicula: imdgenes de una nihez fronteriza, Norma Elia Cantu: ABC2. Canicula: Snapshots of a Girlhood en lafrontera, Norma Elia Cantu: ABC2.1. Canto al pueblo: An Anthology of Experiences, Leonard Carrillo, Antonio Martinez, Carol Molina, and Marie Wood:
73 AC7. Canton dae amorie, Ivette Gonzalez: N G9. Cantora, Sylvia Lopez-Medina, NL2. Captain Candelario's Heroic Last Stand, Rosario Ferre: A F3.5. The Captain of the Safeties, Maria Fama: AM9.1. Cdrcel pequena, carcel grande, Claribel Alegria: A A6. The Cardinal, Jovita Gonzalez: AG6. Cardinal Red, Natalia Treviflo: AG7.1. The Cariboo Cafe, Helena Maria Viramontes: A K3; A V6. Carmen Carrasco, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Carmen la coja, Ana Castillo: NC5. Carol dice, Barbara Jacobs: A Jl. Carol dice y otros textos, Barbara Jacobs: A Jl. Carousel of Dreams, Diane Gonzales Bertrand: N G10.1. Carta, Rosario Ferr6: A F3.3. Carta I, Rosario Ferre: A F3. Carta II, Rosario Ferre: A F3. Carta III, Rosario Ferre: A F3. Carta IV, Rosario Ferre: A F3. Cartas a Los Reyes Magos, Zoe Valdes: A VI. Cartas a Rosa, Rosaura Sanchez: AB1;AS1.1. Cartographies, Marjorie Agosin: A A 1.2. Casa, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A A13; AK3.1;A07.1;A07.3. Casi una mujer, Esmeralda Santiago: AB Sl.l. Casimiro Mendoza, The Improviser, Rowena A. Rivera: A G7; A T2.2. Casino Night (Noche de casino), Teresa Pijoan: A P6.1.
74 Caso omiso, Ana Lydia Vega: AV3.2. The Cat, Beverly Silva: A H3; A S7. The Cat and Other Stories, Beverly Silva: A S7. Catch the Moon, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07; A 07.4. Catching on, Sonia Rivera-Valdes: AR7. Caught by Life, Edna Robles: A T I . The Cavern, Ana Castillo: A C 12.1. Cecilia, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Celina and El Sombreron (Celina y el sombreron, Olga Loya: A L7. Century Plant, Rosario Morales: AL3. Chabela del Rio y de la Fuente Contreras, Thrice Married (Once Divorced), Reflects on Her Relationship with Her Mother While Lying on Her Bed, Mexico City, 1990, CM. Mayo: A M7. Chandala, Loreina Santos Silva: AS4. The Chaos Chronicles, Marie Montaflo Army: A R4. Chapter 1: "City of Angels," Lucha Corpi:AK3.1. Chapters 1, 2, 3 from her novel: Eulogy for a Brown Angel, Lucha Corpi: A F2; A K3.1. Chapter 2: "Insidious Desires," Lucha Corpi: A G7.1; A K3.1. Chapter 3: "Optical Illusions," Lucha Corpi: AK3.1. Character Sketch of a Woman Looking, Elva Perez Treviflo: AG5. Chasing Shadows: Stories, Lucrecia Guerrero: A G8. Chata, Denise Chavez: A P7. Chencho's Cow, Carmen Tafolla: A M13;AS15.1. Chepi, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Cher premier amour, Zoe Valdes: N
Title/Author Index V2.2. Chicana Creativity and Criticism: Charting New Frontiers in American Literature, Maria Herrera-Sobek and Helena Maria Viramones: A H4. Chicana Falsa and Other Stories of Death, Identity, and Oxnard, Michele Serros: A S5. Chicana Lesbians, the Girls Our Mothers Warned Us About, Carla Trujillo: A T5. Chicana Ways: Conversations with Ten Chicana Writers, Karin Ikas:ABIl. Chicana, Working Class and Proud: the Case of the Lopsided Tortilla, Terri de la Pefla: AP3. ChicanaWriter Short Story Contest, 2001, Noemi Martinez: A M5. Chicana (W)rites on Word and film, Maria Herrera-Sobek and Helena Maria Viramontes: AH4.1. Chicano Voices, Carlota Cardenas de Dwyer: A C5. Childhood, Maria Carolina de Jesus: A G5. Childless by Choice: A Feminist Anthology, Irene Reti: A R5. The Chile Plant (La mata de chile), Teresa Pijoan: A P6.1. Chilpancingo, and the Need to Know, Elizabeth Noriega Stein: A P I . The Chin Kiss King, Ana VecianaSuarez: N V6. Chistes, Virginia Ortiz: A A10. Chloe Plus Olivia: An Anthology of Lesbian Literature from the Seventeenth Century to the Present: A F1. Chocolate Cake,Tatiana de la Tierra: A C3. The Chol People (Cuento del
Title/Author Index pueblo chol), Olga Loya: A L7. Christina s Secret/El secreto de Cristina, Rebeca Aguilar: N Al. The Christmas Doll/La mufieca de Navidad, Paulette Atencio: AA16. Christmas Eve at the Pacific, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. The Christmas Miracle/El milagro de la Navidad, Paulette Atencio: AA16. The Christmas Spirit Tree, Diane de Anda: A D3; A K3.2. Christmas Stories of the Golden Cockroach, Ana Castillo: AC12.2. Christmas Was a Time of Plenty, Nicholasa Mohr: A K3.2; A Tl. Chronicle of Air and Dreams: A Novel of Mexico, Rosa Martha VillarreakNVlO. Chupacabras, Alba Ambert: A A8; AK3.1. Ci guapa aqui, Josefina Baez: AC18. The Cicada, Jovita Gonzalez: A G6. Cicrogenico, Lucia Fox: A F9. City of Angels, Lucha Corpi: AK3.3. Cimarron, Margarita Engle: A F2. Cimarrona, Alicia Gaspar de Alba: AF2. Cinderella, Stella Pope Duarte: AP10. Circa 2000: Lesbian Fiction at the Millennium, Terry Wolverton: AW8. City of Angels, Denise Chdvez: AK3.1. City of Children, Martha Cerda: AC13. The City of Strangers, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Ciudadanos ilustres, Marjorie Agosin: A Al.l. Clarisa, Isabel Allende: A A7.
75 Clark Central High, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Claudina, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Cliff Children (Los ninos del barranco), Teresa Pijoan: AP6. Clock Town, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A08. The Closet, Denise Chavez: A A18; A F6; A K3. The Closet, Rosalie Otero: A R4; AS12. Cloud Shadows, Lucrecia Guerrero: AG8. The Clown of San Cristobal, Nina Otero: A 09. Clowns (Los payasos), Teresa Pijoan: A P6. Coachella, Sheila Ortiz Tayor: N06. Cobra, Stella Pope Duarte: A P10. Coito de alaridos, Uva Clavijo: AC17.1. Colegios privados, Marjorie Agosin: A Al.l. Colera de dngeles, Zoe Valdes: N V2.3. Colofo, Loreina Santos Silva: A S4. Come Down from the Mound, Berta Ornelas, N 02. Comer sin haber comido, Rosario Ferre\AF3.1. Coming of Age, Mary Helen Ponce: A J6. Coming of Age: Short Stories about Youth & Adolescence, Bruce Emra: A E2. Coming Out, Martha Lizarraga Duerfeldt.ASLl. The Coming Out Stories, Julia Penelope and Susan Wolfe: AP5. Coming to Terms, Nicholasa Mohr: AM14.2. Como el cristal al romperse, Luz Selenia Vasquez: A G5.
76 Como un mensajero tuyo, Mayra Montero: N M8. Compaheras:Latina Lesbians, Juanita Ramos: A R2. Con el bote en la mano, Carolina Mata de Woodruff: A Bl. Concepts of Pollution, Rosario Morales: AL3. Concha, Mary Helen Ponce: A L6. Confessions, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Confirmation of the Obvious, Rima de Vallbona: A D6. Conflicts of Interest: The Letters of Maria Amparo Ruiz de Burton, Maria Amparo Ruiz de Burton: ABR3. Confusing the Saints: Ana Menendez: A M i l . The Congregation in the Park, Martha Cerda: A Cl3. Conquest/La conquista, Lara Rios: NR2. Consolation Prize, Ana Lydia Vega: AV3.3. Constelacion: cuentos, Lucia Fox: AF9. Constitutional Remedies, Odilia Galvan Rodriguez: A T2.3. Consuelo's Letter, Julia Alvarez: AA12. Conversaciones con Sergio (excerpts), Erlinda GonzalezBerry: A A3; A R4. Conversaciones: relatos por padres y madres de hijas lesbianas e hijos gay. Talking with Parents of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trangendered Latinos, Mariana Romo-Carmona: A R13. Conversations with an Absent Lover on a Beachless Afternoon, Ana Castillo: A C 12.2. Convoy, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. The Cop and His Choirboy, Pat Califia:ACl.l.
Title/Author Index Copihue in Bloom, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Corazon del norte: A Selection of North Texas Latino Writing, Bryce Milligan: A Ml2. Corazon's Cafe, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.2; ARM. Corinne, Amiable Girl, Mayra Montero: A R14. The Corpse, Kika Vargas: A Al 1. Cosas de poetas, Ana Lydia Vega: AV3. Cosecha, Rosario Morales: A R14. Count La Cerda's Treasure, Nina Otero: A 06; A 09. Count Your Blessings (Tengase por dichosos), Teresa Pijoan: AP6. Counter Act, Michele Serros: AS5.1. Country, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Cousin Mandy, Mary Helen Ponce: AH2. Cousin Sarita, Ivonne Lamazares: AH8. Coyote Don't Bite, CM. Mayo: AM7. The Cradleland, Achy Obejas: A02. Crawfish Love, Ana Castillo: AC12.2. Cristina: confidencias de una rubia, Cristina Saralegui: AB S4. Cristina! My Life as a Blonde, Cristina Saralegui: AB 4.1. Cronica del barrio, Rosaura Sanchez: A El. Cronicas del barrio, Piedad Prieto Martinez: A El. The Cross (La Cruz), Teresa Pijoan: A P6. Crossing "Bitter Creek," Denise Chavez: A Rl5. Crossing Borders, Elsa A. Moffett: AM5.
Title/Author Index The Crown on Prince, Lorraine M. Lopez: A L5. Cuando Dios no quiere, Santos no pueden (When God is Unwilling, Saints Are Helpless), Adelina Gonz&les: A G3. Cuando el mundo estaba en tinieblas, Olga Loya: A L7. Cuando era puertorriqueha, Esmeralda Santiago: AB 1.2. Cuando las mujeres quieren a los hombres, Rosario Ferre: A F3.3. Cuando tia Lola vino de visita a quedarse, Julia Alvarez: N A7.2. Cuando tienes comezon, Ramona Gonzalez: AB1. Cuban-American Writers: Los atrevidos, Carolina Hospital: AH7. Cubreme, Loreina Santos Silva: AS4. Cuento en camino, Ana Lydia Vega: AV3. Cuentos calientes, Ana Lydia Vega: AV3. Cuentos Chicanos: A Short Story Anthology, Rudolfo Anaya and Antonio M&rquez: A Al 1. Cuentos contados bajo el arbol de mango, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A07.1. Cuentos from Long Ago, Paulette Atencio: A A16 Cuentos hispanos de los Estados Unidos, Julian Olivares: A 0 3 . Cuentos para perturbar el alma, Loreina Santos Silva: A S4. Cuentos: Stories by Latinas, Alma Gomez, Cherrie Moraga, and Mariana Romo-Carmona: A G5. Cuernavaca Sundown, Helene Juarez Phipps: A R I L Cumpleaflos, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.1. Curandera, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08.
11 Curfew, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Currents from the Dancing River: Contemporary Latino Fiction, Nonfiction and Poetry, Ray Gonzalez: A G7. The Curse, Alba Ambert: A A8. The Curse, Lucrecia Guerrero: AG8. Customs, Julia Alvarez: A P7. Daddy, Lisa Y. Garibay: A SI3. Dafne en el mes de marzo, Olga Nolla:NN3. Dallas (Dallas), Rosaura Sanchez: AS1;AS1.1. The Dance within My Heart, Pat Mora: AM17;AT2.2. The Dancer, Patricia Preciado Martin: A HI. Dancing for Joy, Lydia Aponte de Zacklin: A C6. Dancing Miranda, Diane de Anda: AD3.1. The Dangerous Game, Stella Pope Duarte: API 0. Dangerous Heat, Diane Escalera: NE2. Dark Plums, Maria Espinosa, N E7. Dark Silence, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Das tdgliche Nichts: Roman, Zoe Valdes: N V2.4. The Dash of Vanilla, Pat Califia: AC1.2. Daughter of Fortune, Isabel Allende: NA5.3. Daughter of Invention, Julia Alvarez:AA18;ARl.l. Daughter of the Mountain, Edna Escamill: N E4. Daughters of Darkness: Lesbian Vampire Stories, Pam Keesey: AK4. Daughters of the Fifth Sun: A Collection of Latina Fiction andPoetry, Bryce Milligan and Mary Guerrero Milligan: A
78 M13. David contra Goliat, Claribel Alegria: A A6. Davy Whittlespoon Rex, C. M. Mayo: A M7. Day After Day, Rocky Gamez: AG5. The Day My Sister Was on Television, Michele Serros: AS5. Day of Atonement, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Day of the Dead, Diana Navarrete Marquis: A Ml2. Day of the Moon, Graciela Limon: NL1. The Day Rita Died, Mary Helen Ponce: A G7. Days of Plenty, Days of Want, Patricia Preciado Martin: AP12.;AW6. Days of Plenty, Days of Want, Patricia Preciado Martin: AP12.1. Days of the Verdugos, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. Day off, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. De amory de sombras, Isabel Allende: NA5.4. De colores: Journal of Chicano Expression and Thought, Jose Armas: A A14. De como se creo la gente, Olga Loya: A L7. De como las chicas Garcia perdieron su acento, Julia Alvarez: N A7.3. De regalo, un cuento, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A S2. De tu lado al paraiso, Rosario Ferre: AF3.3. De verdad verdad ^Por que te fuiste de Cuba?, Sonia Rivera Valdes: AM19. The Dead, Marjorie Agosin: A A 1.2. Dead Languages, Marjorie Agosin:
Title/Author Index AA1. Dead Pig's Revenge, Michele Serros: A S5. Dead Wife's Revenge (La venganza de la difunta esposa), Teresa Pijoan: A P6.1. Deadly Union, Anna Orozco Flores: N 04. The Deaf, Marjorie Agosin A Al. Dear Diary, Michele Serros: A S5. Dear Erik Estrada, I Love You, Barbara Mujica: A M20.1. Dear Joaquin, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.2. Dear Mama, Sonia Sanchez: A K2; AM9.1. Death, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Death of a Saint Maker, Allana Martin: N M2. Death of an Evangelista, Allana Martin: NM2.1. Death ofSomoza: The First Person Story of the Guerillas Who Assassinated the Nicaraguan Dictator, Claribel Alegria: N A4.5. The Deaths of Don Bernardo, Barbara Mujica: N M10. Debt ofLove/Deuda de amor, Luz Borges: N B9. Decade II: An Anniversary Anthology, Julian Olivero and Evangelina Vigil-Piflon: A 04. Del Nino Jesus a Santiclo, Julia Alvarez: A S2. Del rojo de su sombra, Mayra Montero: NM8.1. Delfina, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Delfina Cuero: Her Autobiography, an Account of Her Last Years, and Her Ethnobotanic Contributions, Delfina Cuero and Florence Connolly Shipek: AB C7. Delia's Song, Lucha Corpi: NC8.2;AM3.
Title/Author Index Delia's Song (excerpts), Lucha Corpi: A M3. Delia's Way, Olga Berrocal Essex: NB7. Delito sin cuerpo, Ana Lydia Vega: AV3.2. Deliver Us from Evil, Elena Bjorkquist Diaz: A D9. Deliverance from Evil, Ana Lydia Vega:AV3.3. Delma: Mayra Montero: A Ml6. Desert Kiss/Besos en el desierto, Gloria Alvarez: N A6. Desert Light, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Desert Women, Pat Mora: A Ml7. Desire, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Destination: Love/Destino: Amor, Reyna Rios: NR3. Destitution, Rosario Morales: A L3. Detenido, Claribel Alegria: A A6. Dew Drops, Lace Curtains, and Frosty Pink Fingernails, Maria Limon: A Gl. Dew on the Thorn, Jovita Gonzalez: ABM2. Dia de reyes, Maria Teresa Babin: AJ4. Dia de tinieblas, Rima de Vallbona: AD6.1. Diarios robados, Carmen Valle: NV3. Diary Entry #1, Carmen Valle: AV4. Diary Entry #6, Carmen Valle: AV4. The Diary of a Rent Striker: "Harlem and Hope, "Innocencia Flores: A S6. Diary Queen, Rosario Morales: AL3. Dibujante de dunas, Zoe Valdes: AV1. Dichos (Proverbs), Patricia Preciado Martin: AP12.1. Dictionary of Terminology, Tony
79 Medina: A M9.1. Did My Mama Like to Dance? And Other Stories about Mothers and Daughters, Geeta Kothari: AK9. Different Daugthers: A Book of Mothers of Lesbians, Louise Rafkin: AR1. Dimanche, Gloria V. Treviflo: AA8. The Dinner, Rosario Morales: A L3 Dinner with Dad, Fabiola Leal: AM5 Dinner with the Aristocrats, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Dios salve a America, Nora Glickman: A T4. Diosa, Odilia Galvan Rodriguez: AT2.3. Dioses, animalitos y maestros, Lydia Velez-Roman: A 0 3 . Dir gehort mein Leben: Roman, Zoe Valdes: N V2.5. Disappeared, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Discard Discontinued Text, Michele Serros: A S5.1. Disco Gymnasium, Michele Serros: AS5. Disco Nights, Mariana RomoCarmona: A F8. Distant Root of Autumn Loves, Marjorie Agosin: A A 1.2. Distinguish the Difference between a Great Contac and a Good Connection, Michele Serros: AS5.1. Distress Signals, Aurora Levins Morales: A L3. Distributive Justice, Rima de Vallbona: A D6. The Ditch (La zanja), Rosaura Sanchez: A SI; A Sl.l. Divertido, lo clasico, Barbara Jacobs: A Jl. Divine Providence, Sandra
80 Cisneros: A T2.1. Do It to the Music, Carmen Martin: ATI. Doc and Fluff: The Dystopian Tale of a Girl and Her Biker, Pat Califia:NCl. The Doctor (El medico), Teresa Pijoan: A P6. Doctor Magdalena: Novella, Rosa Martha Villarreal.N VI 0.1. Doing It for Daddy, Short and Sexy Fiction about a Very Forbidden Fantasy, Pat Califia: A C L Dolly, Pat Califia: A C 1.1. Dolores Rodriguez, Sara Rodriguez: ATI. Dom nad laguna, Rosario Ferre: NF3. The Domincan Repulic, Pat Mora: AM17. Don Cacahuate and His Indian Friend/Don Cacahuate y su amigo indio, Paulette Atencio: AA16. Don Distraido, Uva Clavijo: A C17. Don Isaak, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.1. Don Jose de La Mancha, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.5. Don Jose of La Mancha, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07; A 07.4. Don Jose Maria, Jovita Gonzalez: AG6. Don Salomon (Don Salomon), Rosaura Sanchez: A S1; A S1.1. Don Simon/Don Simon, Paulette Atencio: A A16. Don Tomas, Jovita Gonzalez: A G6; A06. Dofla Carmelita, Aurora Levins Morales: A L3. Dofla Dolores, Stella Pope Duarte: AP10. Dofla Lola, Sylvia Lizarraga: AS1.1. Dona Marciana Garcia, Rocky
Title/Author Index Gamez: A G5. Dona Rita's Rivals, Cristina Mena: AD10. Don't Be Afraid Gringo (excerpt from Don 7 Be Afraid Gringo: A Honduran Woman Speaking from the Heart), Elvira Alvarado; A A3. Don't Explain, Jewelle Gomez: AK2. Don't Look Back, Himilce Novas: NN4. Dos padres (Two Priests), Adelina Gonzales: A G3. Double Allegiance, Century Plant, Rosario Morales: A L3. Double Talk, Roberta Fernandez: AT2.3. The Dove, Jovita Gonzalez: A G6. The Dream Bachelor (El sueflo del soltero), Teresa Pijoan: AP6.1. Dream I Scream, Louinn Lota: ALL Dream Sequence, Julia Salazar: AW7.1. The Dreamer's Portrait, Rosario Ferre:A F3.6. Dreaming in Cuban, Cristina Garcia: NG2.1. Dreaming in Cuban (excerpt), Cristina Garcia: A A17; A Kl. Dreaming of You/Sonando contigo, Lynda Sandoval: N S4. Dreams, Patricia Preciado Martin: AP12.1. Dreams by Appointment, Silviana Wood.A V5. The Dreams of Van Gogh, Marjorie Agosin: A A 1.2. Dulce de naranja, Aurora Levins Morales: AS2; AS2.1. Dulce destino, Leticia G6mez: NG8. Dusks, Alba Ambert: A A8. The Dust Garden, Rosario Ferre:
Title/Author Index A F3.6. Dying Stars, Ana Castillo: A C12.2 Dyke Life, Karla Jay: A J3. The Eagle's Destiny: A Saga of Mexican Americans Soaring to Excellence, Hilda Serna: N SIO. Early Schooling in New Mexico, Nina Otero: A 09. Earth to Earth, Patricia Preciado Martin: API2.1. Eccentric Neighborhoods, Rosario Ferre: NF3.1. Eccentric Neighborhoods (excerpts), Rosario Ferre: A A12. Eco de una amistad, Terri de la Pefla: A W4. The Ecology of Women, Cherrie Moraga: A Ml8. The Edge of Darkness, Alma Luz Villanueva: A V6. The Education of Popo (1914), Maria Cristina Mena: A S8. The Eiderdown, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.2. Eight, Martha Cerda: A C13. Eighteen, Martha Cerda: A C13. The Eighth Continent, Alba Ambert: AA8. The Eighth Continent, Alba Ambert: AA8. El abrigo del zorro azul, Rosario Ferre: A F3.3. El abuelo ciego, Maria Teresa Babin: A J4. El Alma/The Soul, Four, Alma Luz Villanueva: A V6. El Alma/The Soul, One, Alma Luz Villanueva: A V6. El Alma/The Soul, Three, Alma Luz Villanueva: A V6. El Alma/The Soul, Two, Alma Luz Villanueva: A V6. El aflo que viene en La Habana, Liz Bahnaseda: A S2. El arbol del chumico, Rima de Vallbona: A D6.1.
81 El arbol que no sabia lo que era (The Tree That No One Knew Anything About), Iris Blanco: AS1.1. El arcangel del perdon, Rima de Vallbona: A D6.1. El arroyo de la Llorona, Sandra Cisneros: AC15. El arroyo de la Llorona, Sandra Cisneros: A Cl5. El automovil de Manuel, Margarita Machado Padron: A J4. El bacalao viene de mas lejos y se come aqui, Aurora Levins Morales: A G5. El barrio, Luz Otero: A T I . El Bronx Remembered: A Novella and Stories, Nicholasa Mohr: AM14.1;NM7.1. El bultito, Estela Portillo Trambley: AP11.1. El camion, Veronica GonzalezMena de LoCoco: A J4. El candidato, Julia Mercedes Castilla: A Cl 1.1. El cardo santo (The Thistle), Jovita Gonzalez: A G6. El carroferril (The Iron Horse) Cleof6s Jaramillo: A J2. El castigar a los santos (Punishing the Saints), Susanita Ramirez de Armijo: AG3. El castillo de la memoria, Olga Nolla:NN3.1. El cementerio del Cerro Moyaca, Marjorie Agosin: A Al.l. El cenizo, Jovita Gonzalez: A G6. El Cielo or Bust, Michele Serros: AS5. El collar de camandulas, Rosario Ferre: A F3.3. El creciente (The Flood), Patricia Preciado: AP12.1. El derecho a cantar, Claribel Alegria: A A6. El dia de la chicana, Gloria
82 Anzaldua: A R3. El dia de las madres, Margarita Tavera Rivera: A Bl; A N4. El dia de los hechos, Ana Lydia Vega: A V3. El dia del perdon, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.1. The Dinner, Rosario Morales: A L3; AT6. El doctor, Julia Alvarez: A F6. El espejo de Matoa, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.5. El espejo-The Mirror: Selected Chicano Literature, Octavio Ignacio Romano and Herminio Rios, AR1. El esqueleto volador (cuento del puebo chol), Olga Loya: A L7. El fiimador, Rosario Ferre: A F3.4. El gesto de la ausencia, Marjorie Agosin: AB Al.l. El hermano de mi padre, Marjorie Agosin: A Al.l. El hombre dormido, Rosario Ferre: AF3.3. El hombre Marlboro, Sandra Cisneros: AC15. El impostor, Rima de Vallbona AD6.1. El improvisador Casimiro Mendoza, Rowena A. Rivera: A T2.2. El infiltrado, Rosario Ferre: A F3.3. El jardin de polvo, Rosario Ferre: AF3.3. El juego de los grandes, Rima de Vallbona: A D6.1. El lapiz, Barbara Jacobs: A Jl. El manuscrito de Miramar, Olga Nolla:NN3.2. El marxista, Mary Helen Ponce: AP9.1. El miedo, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. 1. The Miracle and Other Stories, Patricia Preciado Martin: AP12.2. El milagro (The Miracle), Patricia
Title/Author Index Preciado Martin: A P12.2. El milagro de los panes y los peces, Claribel Alegria: A A6. El milagrucho, Raquel Moreno: AR12. El mismo cuento de siempre, Uva Clavijo:AC17.1. El mojado no existe, Carmen TafollaAS15.1. El momento, Sylvia Lizarraga: AS1.1. El mono y el cocodrilo, Olga Loya: AL7. El monstruo de las cosas, Rima de Vallbona: A D6.1. The Mystery of Survival and Other Stories, Alicia Gaspar de Alba: AG4. El nene de mi tia, Myrna Nieves: AN2. El no de Noel, Zoe Valdes: A VI. El octavo pliegue, Sonia Rivera Valdes: A Cl8. El olvido, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.6. El paisano is a Bird of Good Omen, Gloria Anzaldua: A G5. El pajarero, Denise Chavez: A F6., El Papa, Myrna Nieves: A N2. El patio de mis abuelos, Marjorie Agosin: A Al.l. El pavo, Alicia Gaspar de Alba: AA2;AB1;AG4. El penitente, Paulette Atencio: AA16. El perro y el caiman, Olga Loya. El plan infinito, Isabel Allende: NA5.5. El quetzal emplumece, Carmela Montalvo and Leonardo Anguiano: AM15. El regalo, Rosario Ferr6: A F3.2. El regalo, Loreina Santos Silva: AS4. El regreso, Sylvia Lizarraga: A Bl; AS1.1.
Title/Author Index El retorno, Gloria Anzaldua: A R3. El rey de los besos, Ana VecianaSuarez:N V6.1. El Salvador, Rosario Morales: A L3. El Sr. Dios Consul (Mr. God Consul), Luz Garzon: A S1.1. El sueno de America, Esmeralda Santiago NS6.1. El sueflo perdido, Alma Gomez: AG5. El tapiz flamenco, Barbara Jacobs: AJ1. El tejon (El Tejon), Rosaura Sanchez: A SI. El teleTono, Maria Teresa Babin: AJ4. El tio Conejo y el tio Tigre, Olga Loya: A L7. El tren de la ausencia, Erlinda Gonzalez-Berry: A A10. El ultimo de los colonos, Nora Glickman: A T4. El valle del sol (The Valley of the Sun), Gina Valdes: A Sl.l. El vals de las hojas muertas, Elvira Garcia Ardalani: A El. El vestido de Paris, Estela Portillo Trambley: A B 1 ; AN4. El viaje, Sare Rosel: A G5. Elba Nazario, Enid Sepulveda: AA8. Electric: Best Lesbian Erotic Fiction, Nicole Foster: A F8. Electricity Tree, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. Eleven, Martha Cerda: A C13. Eleven, Sandra Cisneros A C15.1; A E2; A L6. Ellipses, Yolanda A. Garcia: A R8. Emerging Voices: The Teaching of Writing, Pat Mora: A Ml7. Emilio, Julia Mercedes Castilla: NC4,NC4.1. The Emotions of Maria Concepcion, Cristina Mena: A D10. Empezar de cero, Claribel Alegria:
83 AA6. Empire of Dreams, Giannina Braschi: N BIO. The Empress of Japan, Alma Luz Villanueva: A V6. Empty, Alma Luz Villanueva: AV6. Emma, Marjorie Agosin: A Al.l; AA1.2. En el reino de la basura, Rima de Vallbona: A D6.1. En el templo de Wizbal, Lucia Fox: AF9. En el tiempo de las mariposas, Julia Alvarez: N A7.4. En la Media Luna, Claribel Alegria: AA6. En la sangre, el rostro y el sudor esta la voz de mi madre, Anita Valerio: A Ml9. En las garras del aguila, Claribel Alegria: A A6. En memoria de..., Loreina Santos Silva: A S4. Encancaranublado, Ana Lydia Vega: A V3. Encancaranublado y otros cuentos de naufragio, Ana Lydia Vega: AV3.1 Enchanted Isle, Diane Escalera: NE2.1. Endangered Species, Pat Mora: AM17. Enero, Helen Ponce: A SI2; A Wl. The Engagement, Josephina Niggli: AP2. The English Lesson, Nicholasa Mohr:AM14.2. Entrevista de Roberto Garcia Bonilla, Barbara Jacobs: A Jl. Entro y se sent6, Rosaura Sanchez: A 03. Epilogo, Barbara Jacobs: A Jl. Epilogue, Martha Cerda: A C13. Equinox, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08.
84 Erase un hombre, erase una mujer, Sandra Cisneros: A C15. Erased Faces, Graciela Limon: NL1.1. Esa casa ya no existe: Carmen TafollaAS15.1. Esa Lucy mi amiga, que huela a maiz, Sandra Cisneros: A C15. Escape, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Esclavas, Marjorie Agosin: A Al.l. Escribe, Escribe, Pat Mora: A Ml7. Escrito en el cielo, Margarita Engle: NE1. Escrito en el tiempo (dos cartas), Barbara Jacobs: A JL Escupitazo, Loreina Santos Silva: AS4. Esmeralda, Roberta Fernandez: AG7.1. Esperanza (excerpt from Nilda), Nicholasa Mohr: A T I . Esperanza Rising, Pam Ryan Munoz:NRll. Esperanza's Box of Saints, Maria Amparo Escandon: N E5. Espiritus de las pequenas cosas, Kathleen Alcala: N A3. Esta lloviendo en San Juan: Mayra Montero: A Ml6. Esta puente, mi espalda: voces de mujeres tercermundistas en los Estdos Unidos, Cherrie Moraga and Ana Castillo: A Ml9. Estalla la bomba de tiempo, Claribel Alegria: A A6. Este ojo que me mira, Loreina Santos Silva: AB S3. Ester Lucero, Isabel Allende: A A7. Esther William's Sister, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. Estrella, Lucia Fox: A F9. Estrella Gonzalez, Alicia Gaspar de Alba: A G4. The Ethnic American Woman: Problems, Protests, Lifestyle, Edith Blicksilver: A B4.
Title/Author Index Eulogy for a Brown Angel, Lucha Corpi: NC8.3. Eulogy for a Brown Angel (excerpts), Lucha Corpi: A F2; AK3.1. Eva, Marjorie Agosin: A Al.l. Eva Luna, Isabel Allende: N A5.6, NA5.7. Eva Maria, Rosario Ferre: A F3.3. Even in Heaven, Lucrecia Guerrero: A G8. Evening in Paris, Denise Chavez: AK3.3;AR3. Every Sunday, Magali Garcia Ramis: ARM. The Exile, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Exile Begins, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Exit, Lucia Fox: A F9. Extraordinarily Woman, Ana Castillo: A C12. Eye-Openers, Ana Lydia Vega: AB6;AV3.3. Eyes of Sea and Sky, Olga Nolla: ARM. Eyes of Zapata, Sandra Cisneros: AC15.1;AM13. Fabula de la joven Satira, Rosario Ferre: A F3.4. Fdbulas de la garza desangrada, Rosario Ferre: A F3. Face, Cecile Pineda: N P4.1. Face (excerpt), Cecile Pineda: AM13. Face of an Angel, Denise Chavez: NNC6. Face of an Angel (excerpts), Denise Chavez: A A3. Facing the Mariachis, Alicia Gaspar de Alba: A G4. Fairy Tale, Barbara Mujica: A M20. Faith in You/Tengofe en ti, Caridad Scordato: N S9.2. The Falling Sun, Maria E. Serros: AA4. Falsas cronicas del sur, Ana Lydia
Title/Author Index Vega: N V7. Family Album: Three Novellas, Claribel Alegria: A A6; N A4. Family Matters, Gloria Alvarez: NA6.1. Family Portrait: Reflection on Interior Decoration, Bertha Sanchez Bello: A H7. Fantasmas: Supernatural Stories by Mexican-American Writers, Rob Johnson: A J5. Far from My Mother's Home, Barbara Mujica: A M20. The Farewell, Patricia Preciado Martin: AP12.1. Fat, Marjorie Agosin: A A1.2. Faultine, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: O 6.1. Faults, Terri de la Pefla: N D4. February Notebook: A Month in a Nut Shell, Aleida Rodriguez: AG5. Federico y Elfiria, Carmen Tafolla: AA3;AS15.1. Felices Pascuas y un ano nuevo doloroso, Claribel Alegria: AA6. Felita, Nicholasa Mohr: N M7.2. Feliz Navidad, Caridad Scordato: N S9.3. Fiction into Fact, Terri de la Pefla: AR9. The Field Crosses of the Farmers, Nina Otero: A 0 9 ; A R 3 . The Fields (Las granjas), Rosaura S&nchez: A SI. The Fiesta, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.2. Fiesta para los sentidos, Uva Clavijo:AC17.1. Fifteen, Martha Cerda: A C13. The Fifth River, Sonia RiveraValdes: A R7. Filaree: A Novel of an American Life, Marguerite Noble: N N2. Filomena, Roberta Fernandez: Dl. Finale, Myrna Nieves: A N2.
85 Finding the Lesbians: Personal Accounts from Around the World, Julia Penelope and Sarah Valentine: A P4. The Finishing School, Pat Califia: AF1. The Fire of San Marcos, Kathleen Alcala: A A5. Firefly Summer, Pura Belpre: NB3. First Born, Esmeralda Santiago: A S2.2. The First Cactus Blossom, Jovita Gonzalez: A G6. First Call, Michele Serros: A S5.1. First Love/Primer amor, Erica Fuentes: N F5. First Love, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.6; A T I . The First Months, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. The First Time, Martha Cerda: AC13. First Time, Mary Siqueiros: A A3. First Time to the Sea, Marjorie Agosin: A A 1.2. Fishlight: A Dream of Childhood, Cecile Pineda: N P4.2. Fissures, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Fitting In, Anilu Bernardo: A B3. Five, Martha Cerda: A C13. Five, Nancy Loredo: A M5. Five Windows on the Same Side, Sonia Rivera-Valdes: A R7. Flamingo, Ana Castillo: A C 12.1. The Flat of the Land, Diana Garcia: AS12. Flesh and the Word: An Anthology of Erotic Writing, John Preston: A PI3. Flight 13-A, Dolores Ramos Rosales: A D7. Flight to Mexico: A Legend of Witches and Buried Treasure, Guadalupe Martinez: A W3. The Floating Borderlands: Twentyfive Years for U S. Hispanic
86 Literature, Lauro Flores: A F6. Florence and the New Shoes, Magdalena Gallegos: A A8. The Flying Skeleton (El esqueleto volador), Olga Loya: A L7. The Flying Squirrel, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Flora's Complaint, Kathleen Alcala: AA5;AS16. The Flower in the Skull, Kathleen Alcala: N A3.1. Flowering Inferno: Tales of Sinking Hearts, Rima de Vallbona: AD6. Flowers, Nina Otero: A 09. The Flute, Aurora Levins Morales: AL3. Folk Songs, Nina Otero: A 09. For Hilda Hidalgo, Nicholasa Mohr: AC22. For Maria, Cindy Madron: A R2. Forbidden Passages: Writings Banned in Canada, Pat Califia and Janine Fuller: A C2. The Forbidden Stories of Marta Veneranda, Sonia RiveraValdes: A R7. Fording Rio Loco, Rosario Ferre: AA12. Foreign Market, Ana Castillo: AC12.2. Forests, Marjorie Agosin: A A 1.2. Forever, Achy Obejas: A 02. Forever True/Solo tuya, Elaine Alberro: N A2. Four, Martha Cerda: A C13. Four, Free, and Illegal, Lucha Corpi: AM13. Four Good Habits, Martha Cerda: AC13. Fourteen, Martha Cerda: A C13. Fourth Thursday in April, Michele Serros: A S5.1. The Fox Fur Coat, Rosario Ferre: AF3.6. Francisca's Friends, Barbara Mujica:
Title/Author Index AM20;AM20.1. Frankie, Terri de la Pefla: A W7. Frankie and Johnny, Pat Califia: AC1.1. Free Women, Alma Luz Villanueva: A V6. Fresh Fruit, Marisella Veiga: A P7. Frida: A Novel, Barbara Mujica: NM10.1. Frida and Moises, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Frida, Friduca, Mami, Marjorie Agosin: A S2.2. From a Town Called "Xaloctoc," Teresa Roque: A B5. From Border Crossings to Campaign Trail: Chronicle of a Latina in Politics, Emma Sepulveda- Pulvirenti: AB S5. Frieze, Cecile Pineda: N P4.3. From the South Bronx to Groton, Johanna Vega: A C6. Front and Center, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. Fronterizas: Una novela en seis cuentos, Roberta Fernandez: NF2. Frostbite, Lorraine M. Lopez: AL5. Fugitive, Gloria Velasquez: A H3. Fulana, Judith Ortiz Cofer: AB 08.6. Future Sorrows, Rima de Vallbona: AD6. Gabriela, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Gabriela, Mariana Romo Carmona: AR2. Games and Sports, Cleofas Jaramillo: A J2. Games of Chance, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. Gardens, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Gardens, Aurora Levins Morales: AL3. Gato, Lourdes Vasquez: A C18. El gato, Beverly Silva: A Bl.
Title/Author Index Gavin's Story (La historia de Gavin), Teresa Pijoan: A P6.1. The Geese and the Ghost: Mayra Montero: A Ml6. Geographies of Home: A Novel, Loida Maritza Perez: N P3. Geography Lesson, Martha Cerda: AC13. The Georgia House, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Georgian Soil, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Geraldo no apellido, Sandra Cisneros: A Bl. Geraldo No Last Name, Sandra Cisneros: A S8. German Dollars, Martha Cerda: AC13. Getting Home Alive, Aurora Levins Morales and Rosario Morales: AL2. Getting to Know My Mom, Luz Otero: A T I . Ghost Talk, Ana Castillo: A C12.2. Ghost Trap, Gloria Anzaldua: A G7; AT2.1. Ghosts and Voices, Sandra Cisneros: A T2. Ghostwriting for the Archbishop, Kathleen Alcala: A A5. The Gift, Rosario Ferre: A D4; A F3.5. The Gift, Sylvia Lizarraga: A R3. The Gift, Michele Serros: A S5. Gift for a Sweetheart, Isabel Allende: A A7. The Gift of a Cuento, Judith Ortiz Cofer:AS2.1. The Gift of the Pitahaya, Jovita Gonzalez: A G6. The Gilda Stories, Jewelle Gomez: NG7. The Girdle, Lucrecia Guerrero: AG8. The Girl from Playa Blanca, Ofelia Dumas Lachtman: N D9.2.
87 The Girl from Playa Blanca (excerpts), Ofelia Dumas Lachtman: A K3.1. The Girl with No Name, Estela Portillo Trambley: A P11.1. Gitanas, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. 1. The Glass Box, Rosario Ferre.A F3.6;AM13. Globos blancos, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.5. The Gloria Stories (excerpts), Rocky Gamez: A C 8 ; A N 1 . The Gloves (Los guantes), Teresa Pijoan: A P6.1. Gloves of Her Own, Lucrecia Guerrero: A G8. The Goat, Estela Portillo Trambley: AP11.1. The Goat Sucker, Alba Ambert: AA8;AK3.1. Goddess, Alma Luz Villanueva: AV6. Goddess of the Americas/La diosa de las Americas, Ana Castillo: AC12. The Godmothers, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. God's Place, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Going for a Ride, Luz Garzon: AS1.1. Going Home, Nicholasa Mohr: NM7.3. The Gold Bracelet, Marjorie Agosin: A A 1.2. The Gold Mine, Barbara de la Cuesta: N D2. The Gold of Tomas Vargas, Isabel Allende: A A7. The Gold Vanity Set (1947), Maria Cristina Mena: A S8. Gone!, Estela Portillo Trambley: AP11.1. Gonzales & Son, a Minor, vs. Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department, a Political
88 Subdivision, et al. LASCNo, NEC12431, Marcia Gonzales: AM10. The Good Eve, Jovita Gonzalez: AK3.2. Good Habits, Martha Cerda: A C13. Good Parking, Michele Serros: AS5.1. Goodbye, Estela Portillo Trambley: AP11.1. Goodbye, Pablo Neruda, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Good-bye Ricky Ricardo, Hello Lesbianism, Terri de la Pefla: AP5. Goodbye, Wild Wind, Estela Portillo Trambley. Gotlib, Bombero, Barbara Mujica: AM20. The Goyim, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. The Graduation, Marisella Veiga: AG7. Gramita on the Road, Juanita Jaramillo Lavadie: A R4. Grand Slam, Denise Chavez: A A10. Grandma Was Never Young, Anilu Bernardo: A B3. The Grandmother Time, Rosario Morales: A L3. Grandmother's Secret, Beatriz Rivera: A R6. Grandmother's Shoes, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Grasa, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. 1. The Graywolf Annual Seven Stories from the American Mosaic, Scott Walker: AWL Great Expectations and Related Readings, McDougal Littell: AMI. Green Apples, Carmen G. Rosello: AS13. Green Fire, Isabel Marvin: N M4.2. "Green? or Red?" Mary Helen Ponce: A F2. Gringa latina, Gabriella De Ferrari,
Title/Author Index ABD1. Gringa Latina: Woman of Two Worlds, Gabriella De Ferrari: ABD1.1. The Gringos, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. The Grito del Sol Collection, Winter, 1984: An Anthology, Ocatvio L. Romano-V: ARIL Growing, Helen Maria Viramontes: AF2;AG5;AR3;AV6. Growing Up Chicana/o: An Anthology, Ana Tiffany Lopez: AL6. Growing Up Ethnic in America: Contemporary Fiction about Learning to Be American, Maria Mazzioti Gillan: A M9. Growing Up Gay/Growing Up Lesbian: A Literary Anthology, Bennett L. Singer: A S9. Growing Up Latino: Memories and Stories, Harold Augenbraum and Ilan Stavans: A A18. Growing Up Puerto Rican: An Anthology, Joy L. de Jesus: AD4. The Grudge-Holders, Michele Serros: A S5. The Guadalupana Vine, Jovita Gonzalez: A G6. Guadalupe: The Path of Broken Hearts, Clarissa Pinkola Est£s: AC12. Guardian Angels, MarjorieAgosin: AA1. Guardians, Myrna Nieves: A N2. Guardianes, Myrna Nieves: A N2. Guest, Marjorie Agosin: A AL Gulf Dreams, Emma Perez: A Fl; AT5. Gulf Dreams, Emma Perez: N PL Gypsy Lover, Kathleen Alcala: AA5. The Gypsy Woman: Un sancocho de cuentos sobre la
Title/Author Index experiencia chicana, Armando Rafael Rodriguez: A R8. Gypsy Women, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.2. Hablando con los muertos, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.1. Hablar en lenguas: una carta a escritoras tercermundistas, Gloria Anzaldua: A Ml9. Hace tiempo, Rosario Morales: AL3. Haciendo conexiones, Elsa Granados: A Ml9. Haciendo turismo en vidas ajenas, Cecile Turrietta: A R4. Hagase su voluntad, Uva Clavijo: AC17.1. Half-Cuban, Monique Rubio: A Tl. Halloween, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. "Halloween en Leonardo's": Mayra Montero: A Ml6. Hands, Pat Mora: A R3. Hanna Josefina, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.1. Happiness, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.2. Happiness, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.2. Happiness, Elena Poniatowska: A G7.2. "Happy Birthday," Nicholasa Mohr: AF2. Happy Birthday (Lucia), Nicholasa Mohr:AM14.3. Happy Days, Uncle Sergio, Magali Garcia Ramis: A Kl. Happy Days, Uncle Sergio, Magali Garcia Ramis: NG5. Happy Hour, Beverly Silva: A S7. The Harvest, Nina Otero: A 09. Harvest Moons, Cleofas Jaramillo: AJ2. Has perdido, me dicen, la cordura, Rosario Ferr£: A F3.3. The Haunted Tunnel, Elena Diaz Bjorkquist: A D9.
89 Havana Heat, Carolina Garcia Aguilera: N G4.5. Havana Split, Teresa Bevin: N B8. He Rolled up His Sleeves (Se arremango las mangas, Rosaura Sanchez: A SI. He Walked In and Sat Down (Entro y se sento), Rosaura S&nchez: AS1. He Walked in and Sat down, and Other Stories, Rosaura Sanchez: A SI. Heard in Passing, Martha Cerda: AC13. Heart of Gold/Corazon de oro, Elaine Alberro: N A2.1. Heart of My Heart, Bone of My Bone, Aurora Levins Morales: AL3. Heartbeat Drumbeat, Irene Beltran Hernandez: N B4.1. Hearts, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. Hearts Remember, Louise M. Quezada:NQl. The Heartsick Lover (Mai de amores), Teresa Pijoan: AP6.1. The Heavy Cross, Josephine M. Cordova: A R4. Hebrew, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. The Hebrew Institute, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Helena, Marjorie Agosin: A Al.l. Helena of Vienna, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Hell, Rima de Vallbona: A D6. "Hello, Dollinks," Letters from Mom, Mandalit del Barco: A S2.2. Hell's Playground, Beverly Silva: AS7. Help Wanted-Aviso oportuno, Diana Garcia: NG3. The Hen, Marjorie Agosin: A A 1.2. Her Choice, Alma Luz Villanueva: AR3.
90 Her Mother's House: Ana Menendez: A M i l . Her Spiral Shell, Alma Luz Villanueva: A V6. The Herb Woman, Fabiola Cabeza de Baca Gilbert: A R3. Herencia: The Anthology of Hispanic Literature of the United States, Nicolas Kanellos (with Kenya Dworkin y Mendez and Alej Balestra): A K3.4. Herman and Alice: A Novella, Nicholasa Mohr: A M14.1. Hers: Brilliant New Fiction by Lesbian Writers, Terry Wolverton and Robert Drake: AW8.1. Hers 3: Brilliant New Fiction by Lesbian Writers, Terry Wolverton and Robert Drake: A W8.2. The Hershey Bar Queen, Elena Diaz Bjorkquist: A F6. Het lied van de Mexicana s, Sylvia Lopez-Medina, N L2.1. Hide-and-Seek, Martha Cerda: AC13. High Treason, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Hispanic American Literature: A Brief Introduction and Anthology, Nicolas Kanellos: A K3. Hispanic American Literature: An Anthology, Rodolfo Cortina: AC22. Hispanic, Female and Young: An Anthology, Phyllis Tashlik: ATI. Hispanic Immigrant Writers and the Family/Escritores inmigrantes hispanosy lafamilia, Silvio Torres-Saillant: A T4. The Hispanic Literary Companion, Nicolas Kanellos: A K3.1. Hispanic Writers: A Selection of Sketches from Contemporary
Title/Author Index Authors, Bryan Ryan: AB R4. Hispanics in the United States: An Anthology of Creative Literature, Gary D. Keller and Francisco Jimenez, A K5. Hispanics in the United States: An Anthology of Creative Literature Vol. II, Gary D. Keller and Francisco Jimenez, AK5.1. Historia sin titulo, Carmen Tafolla AS15.1. History's Editor, Rima de Vallbona: A D6. The Hitchhiker/El que pedia paso en coche, Paulette Atencio: AA16. The Hitchhiking Mariachi, Elena Diaz Bjorkquist: A D9. Holiday Heaven, Victoria Marquez: NM1. Holographs, Lucia Fox: A F9. The Holy Child of Chimayo, Nina Otero: A 09. Holy Land, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. Holy Week at Arroyo Hondo, Cleofas Jaramillo: A J2. Holy Week Processional, Nina Otero: A 09. Home to El Building, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07; A 07.4. Homecoming, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. The Homecoming, Andrea O'Reilly Herrera: A P8. Homenaje a la ciudad de Los Angeles: Latino Experience in Literature and Art, Jesus Mena: AMI0. Honeymoon among Bandits, Cleofas Jaramillo: A J2. Honor Thy Late-Night Phone Calls from Abuelita, Michele Serros: AS5.1. Honorable Exiles: A Chilean
Title/Author Index Woman in the 20th Century, Lillian Tagle: ABT1. The Hooded Mass (La misa encapuchada), Teresa Pijoan: AP6. Hormonic Convergence: con sangre/sin sangre, Terri de la Pefla: A L8. Hotel Arco Iris, Lucrecia Guerrero: AG8. Hoteles, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. 1. The House, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. The House of Green, Teresa Pijoan: AP6. House of Houses, Pat Mora: AB M4. House of Mirrors, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. The House of Quilts, Enedina the Casarez Vasquez: A Ml3. The House of the Spirits, Isabel Allende: N A5.8. The House on the Lagoon, Rosario Ferre: NF3.2. The House on Mango Street, Sandra Cisneros: N C7. The House on Mango Street (excerpt), Sandra Cisneros: AD1. The House on Mango Street, Sandra Cisneros: A 0 1 ; A T2. The House That Vanished, Rosario Ferre:A F3.6. Housekeeping, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. Houses by the Sea, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.2. How I Changed the War and Won the Game, Mary Helen Ponce: AR3. How I Wrote "When Women Love Men," Rosario Ferre:A F3.6. How Jose" Ignacio Maria de Jesus e Yndurain Learned to Dance the Hora, Barbara Mujica: A M20; AM20.1. How Pancho Was Nearly Late to His
91 Own Funeral, Arlene Mestas: A T2.2. How People Came to Be (De como se creo la gente), Olga Loya: AL7. How Saint Peter Lost the Keys to Heaven: A Saint's Legend, Guadalupe Martinez: A W3. How San Cristobal Got His Name: A Saint's Legend, Guadalupe Martinez: A W3. How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents, Julia Alvarez: NA7.5. How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents (excerpt), Julia Alvarez: AA13;AK1. How the Monkey Lost the Fruit of His Labor, Lydia Cabrera: A H8. How Tia Lola Came to Visit/Stay, Julia Alvarez: N A7.6. How to Be a Chicana Role Model, Michele Serros: A S5.1. Hoyt Street, Mary Helen Ponce: AJ6. Hoyt Street: An Autobiography, Mary Helen Ponce: AB PLL Hoyt Street: Memories of a Chicana Childhood, Mary Helen Ponce: ABP 1.2. Hunger's Scent, Cenen: A G5. The Hungry Goddess (La diosa hambienta), Olga Loya: A L7. Hunting Scene, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. Hurray for Three Kings' Day!, Marie Lori Carlson: N C2. Hurricane, Aurora Levins Morales: ARM. Hurricane Friends, Anilu Bernardo: AB3. The Hustler, Pat Califia: N C1.2. I Am the Lost Daughter of My Mama's House, Aleticia Tijerina: A R2.
92 I Am the Reasonable One, Rosario Morales: AL3: AT6. I Am What I Am, Rosario Morales: AL3. I Consider Myself a Theater Worker, Dolores Frida: A S6. I Didn't Go Home (Christmas 1941), Rosario Morales: A S2.1. I Didn't Hear Anything, Rosario Morales: A R14. I Don't Have It and I Wanted It (excerptfromEmpire of Dreams), Giannina Braschi: ARM. I Don't Know the Protocol, Cherrie Moraga: A Ml8. / Gave You All I Had, Zoe Valdes: N V2.6. I Just Can't Bear It, Carmen Tafolla: AH5. I Just Met a Girl Named Maria, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.2. I Know What You Did Last Summer, Michele Serros: AS5.1. I Never Seen My Father, Nicholasa Mohr: AG7;AM14.2. I Never Told My Children Stories, Rosario Morales: A G5. I Recognize You, Rosario Morales; AL3;AT6. I Tell Them We ArefromHere, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. I Thought You Loved Me, Michelle Calero: ATI. The Ice Dove, Diane de Anda: AD3. The Ice Dove and Other Stories, Diane de Anda: A D3. Identities, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Identity Lessons: A Contemporary Writing about Learning to Be American, Maria Mazzioti Gillan and Jennifer Gillan: AM9.1. Idiots (Los idiotas), Teresa Pijoan:
Title/Author Index AP6. If I Forget Thee, Aurora Levins Morales: A L3. If It Weren't for the Honeysuckle..., Estela Portillo Trambley: AP11. If Not for the Blessing of a Son, Ana Castillo: A C12.2. If You Touched My Heart, Isabel Allende: A A7. Iguana Dreams, Delia Poey and Virgil Suarez: A P7. I'm on Nature's Side, Rosario Morales: A L3. Images and Conversations, Margarita Martinez: A A13. Images and Conversations: Mexican Americans Recall a Southwestern Past: Patricia Preciado Martin: AB P2. Imaginary Parents, Sheila Ortiz Taylor and Sandra Ortiz Taylor: A 08. Imaginary Parents: A Memoir (selections), Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A F6. Imaginary Parents: A Memoir, Sheila Ortiz Taylor & Sandra Ortiz: AB 02. Immigrants, Aurora Levins Morales:AD4;AG7;AL31; AT6. The Immigrant Girls, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Immigrant Women, Maxine Shwartz Seller: A S6. The Immortal Rooster, Diane de Anda,AD3.1. The Immortal Rooster and Other Stories, Diane de Anda, A D3.1. Imperio de los suenos, Giannina Braschi: N BIO. 1. The Improvisor (bilingual version), Rowena A. Rivera. In Another Place in a Different Era,
Title/Author Index Nicholasa Mohr: A Ml4. In Cuba I Was a German Shepherd, Ana Menendez: A Ml 1. In Cuba I Was a German Shepherd, Ana Men6ndez: A M 10. In Hot Pursuit, Victoria Marquez: NM1.1. In My Grandmother's House, Aurora Levins Morales: A L3. In New York, Nicholasa Mohr: AM14.2. In Other Words: Literature by Latinas of the United States, Roberta Fernandez: A F2. In Search ofBernabe, Graciela Limon: N LI.2. In Search ofBernabe (excerpt), Graciela Limon: A F2. In Short: A Collection of Brief Creative Nonfiction, Judith Kitchen and Mary Paumier Jones, A K6. In the Closet, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A08. In the Dream Clock, Martha Cerda: AC13. In the Family, Maria Elena Llano: ATI. In the Name of Salome: A Novel, Julia Alvarez: N A7.7. In the Other Half of Time, Mireya Robles: A Ml3. In the Palm of Darkness, Mayra Montero: N M8.2. In the Time of the Butterflies, Julia Alvarez: N A7.8. In the Toolshed, Patricia SantanaBejar: AR3. Incense for the Queen of Heaven, Pat Califia: A C 1.1. Incognito: The Journey of a Secret Jew, Maria Espinosa: N E7.1. The Indian Feast of San Geronimo, Cleof&s Jaramillo: A J2. Indian Summer, Cherrie Moraga: AM18.
93 Indigenous Profile, Maria Cadilla de Martinez: A C22. Indo America Revisited, Ena Hernandez: A T3. Inequalities, Nereida Roman: A Tl. Ines in the Kitchen, Cristina Garcia: AK3.1;AP8. Inexplicablemente, Uva Clavijo: AC17. Inez from the Country/Inez del campo, Paulette Atencio: AA16. Infallibility: A Novel, Esperanza Zendejas, N Zl. Infinite Divisions: An Anthology of Chicana Literature, Tey Diana Rebolledo and Eliana S. Rivero: A R3. The Infinite Plan, Isabel Allende: NA5.9. Innocent Lies, Diane Escalera: N E2.2. Insidious Disease, Lucha Corpi: AG7.1. Instrumentos de trabajo, Marjorie Agosin: A Al.l. Intaglio: A Novel in Six Stories, Roberta Fernandez: N F2.1. Intergalactic Crusade, Rima de Vallbona: A D6. Interminable Life, Isabel Allende: AA7. The Interview, Natalia Castaneda: AB5. Interview with My Mother, Eva Siddhartha Valdivia: A B5. Interviewing My Mom, Sara Rodriguez: A T I . Into the Game, Rita WilliamsGarcia: A G2. Intricate Passions: A Collection of Erotic Short Fiction, Tee Corinne: AC21. Intrigue/Intriga, Daniela Salcedo: NS2. Inventory, Sheila Ortiz Taylor:
94 A08. The Invitation, Ana Castillo: AC12.1. Iron Lung, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A08. Irreversible Seasons, Anita Santiago: ALL Isabel, mi amor, Gloria Alvarez: N A6.6. Isabela 's Dreams/Suenos de Isabela, Tracy Montoya: N M9. Isabel's Judge, Stella Pope Duarte: AP10. Isidoro Salfin/Isidoro Salfin, Paulette Atencio: A A16. Isla Negra, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Island Dreams/Suenos islenos, Erica Fuentes:NF5.1. Island Images, Pat Mora: A Ml7. The Island of Swallows, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Isolda en el espejo, Rosario Ferre: AF3.2. Isolda's Mirror, Rosario Ferre: AF3.5. Israel, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. It, Mary Helen Ponce A H4.1. It Is You, My Sister, Who Must Be Protected (excerpt from Loving in the War Years), Cherrie Moraga:AC20;AM18.1. It Takes a Good Boy to Make a Good Daddy, Pat Califia: A C L It Was a Special Treat, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A K2. The Itch, Pat Mora: A G7. Itinerants, Marjorie Agosin: A A 1.2. It's Japanese Time..., Stel Deleon: ALL It's Their Fault, Martha Cerda: AC13. Ivor's People, Lorraine M. Lopez: AL5. Jac$in$the$bag,(Jac$in$the$bag), Rosaura Sanchez: A SI. The Jaguarundi, C. M. Mayo:
Title/Author Index AM7. Je Revien, Margo Chavez: A R4. Jerusalem 1973, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Jessie, Pat Califia: NCI.2. The Jewelry, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. The Jewelry Collection of Marta la Guera, Mary Helen Ponce: AR3. Jewish Dog, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Joe, Julia Alvarez: A N4. John of God, Maria Cristina Mena: AS8. JohnwannabeChicano, Michele Serros: A S5. Join In: Multiethnic Short Stories by Outstanding Writers for Young Adults, Donald R. Gallo: A G2. Jose, Iris Blanco: A Sl.l. Josefina and the Hanging Tree, Isabel Marvin: N M4.3. Josefina's Chickens, Gina Valdes: AR3. Josefita, Teresa Pijoan: A P6. Journey to the End of Coasts, Marjorie Agosin: A A1.2. The Journey, Patricia Preciado Martin: AP12.1; A R3. Juan Bobo se queda en casa, Rosario Ferre: A F3.1. Juan Bobo va a la capital, Rosario Ferre: AF3.1. Juan Bobo va a oir misa, Rosario Ferr6:AF3.1. Juan Bobo y las sefioritas del manto prieto, Rosario Ferre: A F3.1. Juan, el loco, Jovita Gonzalez: AG6. Juan in a Million, Ana Castillo: AC12.2. Juan Osito, Nina Otero: A 09. Juana Ines, Alicia Gaspar de Alba: AL6;AT2.1.
Title/Author Index Juana lunera cascahabanera, Zoe Valdes: A VI. Juancho el Bobo, Loreina Santos Silva: A S4. Juani en tres tiempos, Miriam DiazDiocaretz: A G5. Juanita Fights the School Board, Gloria Velasquez: N V8.1. Juarez, Estela Portillo Trambley: AP11.1. The Judge's Wife, Isabel Allende: AA7. Juegos, Lourdes Casal: A C9. Jugando con candela, Diane Escalera: N E2.3. Julieta's Muses, Judy GonzalesFlores: A R3. The Jumping Bean, Helena Maria Viramontes A H4.1; A S12. Jumping off to Freedom, Anilu Bernardo: N B6. Just a Woman, Gioconda Belli: A S2.2. Just One Small Detail, Ana Lydia Vega: A V3.3. Just Rewards, Elena Diaz BjGrkquist: A D9. Karma, Alma Luz Villanueva: A V6. Kennedy in the Barrio, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.6; A S H . Kept Promises, Sandra Cisneros: AR3. The Kernel of Corn (El grano de maiz), Teresa Pijoan: A P6. The Kid from the Alamo, Beatriz de la Garza: A D5. Kiddush, Marjorie Agosin: A ALL Kilagonia, Iris Zavala: A G5. The King, and Queen of Comezon (excerpt from Beatriz), Denise Chavez: A R4. The Kiss, Julia Alvarez: A Ml3. The Kiss (El beso), Teresa Pijoan: AP6. Kitchens, Aurora Levins Morales: AG7;AL3;AT6.
95 Kol Nidre, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Kristallzucker: Roman, Rosario Ferre: N F3.3. La abuela inventa el cero, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.5. La alambrada, Ana Lydia Vega: AV3. La antorcha, Uva Clavijo: A C17.1. La bailarina, Rosario Ferr6: A F3.3. La bailarina (The Dancer), Patricia Preciado Martin: AP12.1. La batalla de las virgenes, Rosario Ferre:NF3.4 La bella durmiente, Rosario Ferre: AF3.3. La bendicion (The Blessing), Patricia Preciado: AP12.1. La bicicleta de la peseta, Uva Clavijo: A B9. La bicicleta de la peseta (A Iris aunque no la conozco), Uva Clavijo: A C17. La bruja Alta Gracia, Josephine M. Cordova: A R4. La caja de cristal, Rosario Ferre: AF3.3. La cantante, Myrna Nieves: A N2. La carta, Gloria Velasquez Treviflo: ASH. La casa della laguna, Rosario Ferrd: N F3.5. La casa de los espiritus, Isabel Allende: NA5.10. La casa de mis abuelos, Marjorie Agosin: A ALL La casa en Mango Street, Sandra Cisneros: NC7.1. La casa iluminada, Marjorie Agosin: A ALL La casa invisible, Rosario Ferre: AF3.3. La confesion, Gloria Liberman: AG5. La copa, Uva Clavijo: A C17. La coquina enamorada, Loreina Santos Silva: A S4.
96 La corrida del gallo (The Rooster's Race), Adelina Gonzales: A G3. La cuentista: Traditional Tales in Spanish and English, Teresa Pijoan: A P6. La dama de Viena, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.1. La dama vienesa, Lucia Fox: A F9. La diosa hambrienta, Olga Loya: AL7. La Doctora Barr, Mary Helen Ponce: A V5. La douleur du dollar, Zoe Valdes: N V2.7. La escuela publica, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.1. La esmeralda, Kathleen Alcala: AA5. La espera, Uva Clavijo: A C17. La extrana muerte del Capitancito Candelario, Rosario Ferre: A F3.2; N F3.6. La Fabulosa: A Texas Operetta, Sandra Cisneros: A C15. La Fabulosa: una opereta tejana, Sandra Cisneros: A C15. La familia, Mary Helen Ponce: ABP2. La felicidad, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.1. La frontera, Diana Alcala: A T5. La frontera, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. La fiiga, Uva Clavijo: A C17.1. La funcion (Feast Day), Cleofas Jaramillo: A J2. "La Grabadora," Claribel Alegria: AA6. La graciosa ira de los payasos: Mayra Montero: A Ml6. Gravity, Judith Ortiz Cofer: AB 08.6. La Guera, Cherrie Moraga: AM18.1;AM19. La habitacion de por medio, Ana Maria Delgado: N D7.
Title/Author Index La hielera, Luz Garzon: A S1.1. La hija del embajador, Zoe Valdes: N V2.8. La historia de la marimacho, Gloria Anzaldua; A A3. La huida de Arturo, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.5. La ilusion, Martha Ponce: A B5. La Jonfonteyn, Estela Portillo Trambley: A F6; A K3.3. La Josie, Maria Helen Ponce: AB1;AP9.1. La Letty, Michele Serros: A S5. La leyenda de un aula, Uva Clavijo: AC17. La linea del sol, Judith Ortiz Cofer: N05. La llamada, Phylis Esparza: AM12. La Llorona, Olga Loya. La Llorona, Carmen Toscano: AF5. La Llorona of Leon Creek, Susan San Miguel: A H5. La Llorona, The Wailing Woman, Olga Loya: A L7. La Llorona/Weeping Woman, Alma Luz Villanueva: A V6. La loca santa, Ana Castillo: A S12. La lucha reivindicativa, Claribel Alegria: A A6. La luna ofendida, Rosario Ferre: AF3.3. La luna y el baston, Zoe Valdes: AV1. La madrina muerte (Godmother Death), Olga Loya: A L7. La maison de la lagune, Rosario Ferre: N F3.7. La mala influencia, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.5. La mancha, Uva Clavijo: A C17. La mano negra, Leonor Barrientes deMaldonado: A C 10. La marca luminosa, Lucia Fox: AF9.
Title/Author Index La Mariscal, Alicia Gaspar de Alba: AG4. La mas santa profesion (Most Blessed Profession) Martha Liz&rraga Duerfeldt: A S1.1. La maya, Terri de la Pefla: A C21. La mejor apuesta, Hebby Roman: N R6.4. La Migra, Pat Mora: A K2. La Miss Rose, Ana Castillo: AC12.2. La mujer pajaro, Lucia Fox: A F9. La mufieca menor, Rosario Ferre: AF3.3. La nada cotidiana, Zoe Valdes: N V2.9. La Navidad de Miguelito,Veronica Gonzalez-Mena de LoCoco: AJ4. La fleca (The Doll), Emilia PadillaGarcia: A G3. La ofrenda, Cherrie Moraga: AM18;AT5. La palabra/The Word, Josefina Baez:AC18. La pata de gallo, Olga Loya. La playa, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. 1. La preferida, Arcelia Ponce: A A3. La prieta, Gloria Anzaldua: A A 12; AM19. La prima de Vera, Zoe Valdes: AV1. La prisionera, Rosario Ferre: A F3. The Prize of Freedom, Lydia Cabrera: A C22. La prueba de Juan Jos6 Dalton, Claribel Alegria: A A6. La puerta, Marjorie Agosin: A AL 1. La rage de anges, Zoe Valdes: NV2.10. La rosa, Mary. Guerrero Milligan: AM13. La sapa conche Pili, Loreina Santos Silva: A S4. La segunda hija, Olga Nolla: NN3.3.
97 La segunda huelga de hambre, Claribel Alegria: A A6. La tejedora de palabras, Rima de Vallbona: A 0 3 ; A 04. La tienda de mi tia, Myrna Nieves: AN2. La toreadora (The Bullfighter), Patricia Preciado Martin: AP12.1. La torre, Marjorie Agosin: A A1.1. La tortillera (The Tortilla Maker), Patricia Preciado: AP12.1. La trenza de la hermosa luna, Mayra Montero: N M8.3. La ultima despedida, Ana Maria Salazar: A P 1.1. La ultima noche que pase contigo, Mayra Montero: N M8.4. La ultima palabra, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.1. La veintiuna, Luz Maria Umpierre: AG5. La vergiienza del espejo, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.1. La Villa Real Its Beggars and Interesting Places, Cleofas Jaramillo: A J2. La Virgen de la Soledad (The Virgin of Loneliness), Patricia Preciado: API2.1. La Virgen del Desierto, Mariana Romo-Carmona: A G5. La virgen morena, Judith Ortiz Cofer:A07.1. La Virgen of Guadalupe, Olga Loya: A L7 La voz, Javier Isado: A l l . La voz, Barbara Mujica: A M20.1. La vuelta del hombre: Mayra Montero: A Ml6. La Yonfantayn, Estela Portillo Trambley: A P l l . La zanja, Rosaura Sanchez: A Bl; AS1.1. La zarigueya y el coyote, Olga Loya: A L7.
98 Labrys, Terri de la Pena: A Z1.2. The Ladies 'Gallery, Irene Vilar: ABV2.1. The Lady in Blue, Elba C. De Baca: AR4. Lali, Nicholasa Mohr: A M14.2. The Lamb and the Wolf, Estela Portillo Trambley: A PI 1.1. Land of the Tarahumara, Estela Portillo Trambley: A P11.1. The Land of Those Who Sleep (La tierra de la gente que duerme), Teresa Pijoan: A P6. Language Difficulties, Kathryn Nocerino: AM9.1. Languages, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Las cartas de Mixquiahuala, Ana Castillo: NC5.1. Las Christmas: escritores latinos recuerdan las tradiciones navidenas, Esmeralda Santiago and Joie Davidow: A S2. Las Christmas: Favorite Latino Authors Share Their Holiday Memories, Esmeralda Santiago and Joie Davidow: A S2.1. Las desventuras de Jaime, Claribel Alegria: A A6. Las dos hermanas, Rosalie Otero Peralta: A F5. Las historias prohibidas de Marta Veneranda (excerpt), Sonia Rivera Valdes: A A3. Las hojas muertas (excerpt), Barbara Jacobs: A Jl. Las polillas, Helen Maria Viramontes: A Bl; A N4. Las Mamis, Favorite Latino Authors Remember Their Mothers, Esmeralda Santiago & Joie Davidow: AB S2; A S2.2 Las mujeres hablan: An Anthology ofNuevo Mexicana Writers, Tey Diana Rebolledo, Erlinda Gonzales-Berry, and Teresa Marquez: A R4.
Title/Author Index Las siete fugas de Saab, alias El Rizos (excerpts), Barbara Jacobs: A Jl. Las sombras que perseguimos, Rima de Vallbona: N D5. Las tres hermanas, Sandra Cisneros: A Bl. Las tribulaciones de una soltera, Beverly Silva: A Bl. Las vacas catolicas (The Catholic Cows), Susanita Ramirez de Armijo: A G3. The Last Doll/La ultima muneca, Diane Gonzales Bertrand: NG10.2. The Last Generation, Cherrie Moraga: A Ml8. The Last Goodbye, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. The Last Lesson, Toni Libro: AM9.1. Last Names, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Last Night at Dawn, Mayra Montero: A V4. Last Night at Night, Martha Cerda: AC13. The Last Night I Spent with You, Mayra Montero: N M8.5. Last Night, Mariana, Martha Cerda: AC13. The Last of the Menu Girls, Denise Chavez: NC6.1. The Last Rescue: Ana Menendez: AMU. The Last Rite, Alicia Gaspar de Alba:AG4;AG7.1. The Last Word, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A07.3. The Latin Deli, Judith Ortiz Cofer: AK2. The Latin Deli: Prose and Poetry, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.2. Latin Satins, Terri de la Pena: ND4.1. Latina Self-Portraits: Interviews
Title/Author Index with Contemporary Women Writers, Juanita Heredia & Bridget A. Kevane: AB HI. The Latino Reader: An American Literary Tradition from 1542 to the Present, Harold Augenbraum and Margarite Fernandez: A A17. Latino Voices, Frances Aparicio: AA13. Latticework, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A08. Laughing Last, Inez Santana: A T I . Laura, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. The Law of Probabilities, Ana Castillo: A C 12.2. Le neant quotidien: roman, Zoe Valdes: NV2.11. Lepiedde monpere, Zo6 Valdes: NV2.12. Le signe de la lune: Roman, Mayra Montero: N M8.6. Leading Lady/Estrella, Consuelo Vasquez: N V5. The Leatherback, Cristina Garcia: All. Leaves, Estela Portillo Trambley: AP11. Lecciones de belleza, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.5. Lecciones de primaria, Judith Ortiz Cofer:A07.1. The Legacy of the Rainbow, Kathryn M. Cordova: A R4. The Legend of El Tiradito/La leyenda del Tiradito, Paulette Atencio: A A16. The Legend of the Bellringer of San Agustin, Patricia Preciado Martin: AP12.1. The Legend of the First Christmas at the Alamo, Adina de Zavala: AK3.2. The Legend of the Poinsettia, Pat Mora: A K3.2. Legends, Sheila Ortiz Taylor:
99 A08. Legends of Ghosts and Treasures, Jovita Gonzalez: A G6. Lengua madre, Demetria Martinez: NM3. The Leper Colony, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Lesbian Bedtime Stories, Terry Woodrow: A W9. Lesbian Friendships: For Ourselves and Each Other, Jacqueline S Weinstock: AW4. Lesbian Love Stories, Irene Zahava: AZ1. Lesbian Love Stories (Volume 2), Irene Zahava: A Z1.1. The Lesson, Toni Cade Bambara: AB4. Lessons of the Game, Diane Gonzdles Bertrand: N G10.3. Leticia 's Secret, Ofelia Dumas Lachtman: N D9.3. Let's Go Mexico, Michele Serros: AS5.1. Let Their Spirits Dance, Stella Pope Duarte: N P7. Letra para salsa y tres soneos por encargo, Ana Lydia Vega: AV3. Letter from a Caribbean Island, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.2. Letter to a Brother, Niki de la Mar: AR2. Letter to a Companero, Aurora Levins Morales: A L3. Letters of Betrayed Love, Isabel Allende: A A7. Letters to Be Answered, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Letters to Mrs. Woods, Alba Ambert: A A8. The Libel of Dismissal, Rima de Vallbona: A D6. Liberation in Little Havana, Marisella Veiga: A P8.
100 Liesl, Marjorie Agosin: A A1.1. Life Insurance, Beatriz Rivera: AR6. Life Line, Gloria Anzaldua: A S9; AW9. Like Chinese Food, Sonia RiveraVaktez:AC18. Like I Was Telling You (Como le decia), Rosaura Sanchez: A SI. Liliane's Sunday, Ana Lydia Vega: AD4;AR14. Limousine, Thelma Reyna: A Rl 1. Linajes, Marjorie Agosin: A Al.l. The Line of the Sun, Judith Ortiz Cofer: N 05.1. Linguistic Terrorism, Gloria Anzaldua: A R3. Linking Roots. Writing by Six Women with Distinct Ethnic Heritages, Bryce Milligan: AM12.1. Linoleum Roses, Sandra Cisneros: AOl. Lipservice: Alluring New Lesbian Erotica, Jess Wells: A W5. Literary Wetback, Alicia Gaspar de Alba: A R3. Literatura chicana, 1965-1995: An Anthology in Spanish, English and Calo, Manuel de Jesus Hernandez and David William Foster: A H3. Literatura chicana: texto y contexto, Antonia Castaneda Shular, Tomas Ibarra-Fausto, and Joseph Sommers: A C10. Little Havana Blues, Delia Poey and Virgil Suarez: A P8. The Little Heidelberg, Isabel Allende: A A7. The Little Lost Boy/El nino perdido, Paulette Atencio: A A16. The Little Match Girl/La nina de los fosforos, Paulette Atencio: AA16. Little Miracles, Kept Promises,
Title/Author Index Sandra Cisneros: A C15.1; AH4.1;AR3. Little Miracles, Kept Promises (excerpt), Sandra Cisneros: AA13. Little Poisons, Sonia RiveraValdes: A R7. The Little Souls, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Live Better, Work Union, Michele Serros: A S5.1. Lives of Butterflies, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. Living at Night, Mariana RomoCarmona: N R8. Lo inconfesable, Rima de Vallbona: A D6.L Locas, Yxta Maya Murray: N Ml 1. Long Live Life, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.2. Long Live Saint Peter!, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. The Long Reconciliation, Helena Maria Viramontes: A V5. Longing, Maria Espinosa, N E7.2. Long-suffering Love: Patricia Preciado Martin: A P12. Look of Love/Miradas de amor, Lynda Sandoval: N S4.1. Looking for God, Estela PortilloTrambleyAPll. Looking-Glass Memory, Marjorie Agosin: A AL The Looking-Glass Shame, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.3. Lorenzo s Secret Mission, Lila Guzman and Rick Guzman: NG14. Los Boxers (Spanish version), Sandra Cisneros: A C15. Los Boxers (English version), Sandra Cisneros: C A 15.1. Los calzones de la pifla, Merrihelen Ponce: A R4. Los cementerios de la paz, Marjorie Agosin: A ALL
Title/Author Index Los colosales calzones, Denise Chavez: A S2. Los Corts (excerpt), Carmen Tafolla: AM3. Los Cristos del alma, Lucha Corpi, AA2. Los cuentos de Juan Bobo, Rosario Ferre: A F3.1. Los derechos de Malinche, Alicia Gaspar de Alba: A G4. Los dientes de oro, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.1. Los espiritus de la bestia, Myrna Nieves: A N2. Los fundadores: Alfonso, Lourdes Casal: A C9. Los fundadores: Alfonso y otros cuentos, Lourdes Casal: A C9. Los gemelos, Stella Pope Duarte: AP10. Los navajoses (The Navajos), Emilia Padilla-Garcia: A G3. Los penitentes (The Penitents), Adelina Gonzales: A G3. Los perdidos, Marie-Elsie Wheatwind: AT2.1. Los piojos, Mary Helen Ponce: AM10. Los muertos, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.1. Los Tisicos, Mary Helen Ponce: AA8. Los trenes, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.L Los tres jorobados, Rosario Ferre: A F3.4. Los viejitos chiquitos, Kathleen Avifla: A M5. Los zapatitos me aprietan, Lourdes Casal: A C9. Losers and Keepers in Argentina, Nina Barragan: N B1. Losing Your Culture, Maria Persons: ATI. Losses, Alba Ambert: A F6. Lost Love: Patricia Preciado Martin:
101 AP12. Lost Relatives, Judith Ortiz Cofer: AB O8.6. Loteria, Mary Guerrero Milligan: AM13. Love and Happiness, Lucrecia Guerrero: A G8. Love Can Make You Sick, Lorraine M. Lopez: A L5. Love Lessons/Lecciones amorosas, Diana Garcia: N G3.1. Love Letters, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.2. The Love Making, Cenen: A R2. Love me Only, Hebby Roman: N R6.5. The Love of Gold (El amor de oro), Teresa Pijoan: A P6.1. Love Queen of the Amazon: A Novel, Cecile Pineda: N P4.4. Love Sees No Gender, Pat Califia: AC1.1. Love Something, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. Love Story segun Cyriano Prufrock, Lourdes Casal: A C9. Love with Aleluya, Nicholasa Mohr:AM14.1. Loverboys, Ana Castillo: A C 12.2. Loverboys: Stories, Ana Castillo: AC12.2. The Lover's Mask (La mascara del amante), Teresa Pijoan: AP6.1. Loves Me, Loves Me Not, Anilu Bernardo: NB6.1. Loves Me, Loves Me Not (excerpts), Anilu Bernardo: A K3.2. Love's Song-Canto de amor, Ivette Gonzalez: NG9.1. Loving in the War Years, Cherrie Moraga: AB M5. Loving in the War Years: Lo que nunca paso por sus labios, Cherrie Moraga: A M18.1. Loving Pedro Infante, Denise
102 Chavez: N C6.2. Lucho (Lucho), Rosaura Sanchez: AS1;AS1.1. Lucia, Rocky Gamez: A G5. Lucinda Maria, Stella Pope Duarte: AP10. Luisa en elpais de la realidad, Clairbel Alegria: N A4.1. Luisa in Realityland, Claribel Alegria: N A4.2. The Luna, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A08. Luna azul, Dalia Vargas, N V4.1. Lunacy, Sonia Rivera-Valdes: A R7. Luna s California Poppies, Alma Luz Villanueva: N V9. Lydia, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.2. Lydia Mendoza: A Family Autobiography, Chris Strachwitz & James Nicolopulos: AB S7. The McCoy Hotel (1900), Denise Chavez: A L6; A S8. Macaroon, Olga Nolla: ARM. Macho Sluts, Pat Califia: A C1.2. Mada: A Novel, Kleya ForteEscamilla: N F4. The Magic Stone/Las piedras encantadas, Paulette Atencio: AA16. Magnolias, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. The Maquiladoras, Ximena Naranjo Garces: A 11. The Mail Carrier, Jovita Gonzalez: A G6; A T2. Making Love in Spanish, Circa 1969, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.6. Maldito amor, Rosario Ferre: AF3.2. Maldito amor, Rosario Ferre: NF3.8. Maldito amory otros cuentos, Rosario Ferre: A F3.2. Male Revenge, Ynoemia Villar: AC18.
Title/Author Index Maleficio, Loreina Santos Silva: AS4. Malinche's Discourse, Margarita Cota-Cardenas: AR3. Malinche's Past (Selection from Paletitas de Guayaba, Erlinda Gonzales-Berry: A R3. Malinche's Rights, Alicia Gaspar de Alba: A G7. Mama, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Mama Delfina, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Mamita te extraflo, Karen T. Delgadillo: A T5. Man Oh Man, Achy Obejas: A 02. The Man with Worms (El hombre con gusanos), Teresa Pijoan: AP6. Management, Sylvia Lizarraga: AS1.1. The Mango, Stella Pope Duarte: A P10. Mangoes, Vivian Leal: A SI3. Mangos, Bananas and Coconuts: A Cuban Love Story, Himilce Novas: NN4.1. The Mango's Core, Patricia Blanco: A T2.3. Manina, Margo Chavez: A R4. Manos morenas, Michele Serros: AS5. Maquinolandera, Rosario Ferre: AF3.3. Maravilla, Laura del Fuego: N D6. March, Marjorie Agosin: A AL The March, Lake Sagaris: A G5. Maquinas de coser, Marjorie Agosin: A Al.l. Marcela y las reinitas, Loreina Santos Silva: A S4. The Marconi Theater, Marjorie Agosin Agosin: A Al. Maremoto, Myrna Nieves: A N2. Margarita, Beatriz de la Garza: AF2. The Margil Vine, Nina Otero:
Title/Author Index AK3.2;A09. Marina and the Lion, Rosario Ferre:A F3.6. Marina y el leon, Rosario Ferret AF3.3. Margins, Terri de la Pena: N D4.2. Mari, Mari, Mariposa, Diane de Anda:AD3.1. Maria, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Maria de las trenzas, Patricia Preciado Martin: API2.1. Maria Luisa, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Maria Sabida, Judith Ortiz Cofer: AC22;AT1. Maria Valdes o la colina de la Universidad, Lourdes Casal: AC9. Maria Who Paints and Who Bore Jose, Ana Castillo: A C12.2. The Marijuana Party, Maria Helen Ponce: AG7.1. Marina, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.1; A 07.3. Marine Vista, Myrna Nieves: A N2. Mariposa, Terri de la Pefla: A W9. Marisol, Carla Diaz: A W5. Mark, Demetria Martinez: A SI3. The Marlboro Man, Sandra Cisneros: A C15.1. Marriage by Miracle, Cristina Mena: AD10. Marta (Marta), Teresa Pijoan: A P6. Marta del Angel, Linda Feyder: AF2. Mary and Magda, Barbara Mujica: AM20. Mas aca, Ana Lydia Vega: A V3.2. Mds alia de las mascaras (Beyond the Masks), Lucia Guerra Cunningham: N G13. Mas espacio, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.1. Mas sobre dragones, Myrna Nieves: AN2. Master of Death (El maestro de la
103 muerte), Teresa Pijoan: A P6.1. Matilde, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Matoa's Mirror, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07; A 07.4. Maya, Loreina Santos Silva: A S4. Maya (excerpt from Dream), Ama Luz Villanueva: A G7. Maya s Divided World, Gloria Velasquez: N V8.2. Maybe You're Wrong, Papi, Mirtha Quintanales: A R2. Me and My Helper, the Autobiography of Eufelia Medina, Eufelia Medina: ABM1. Medea 1972, Rosario Ferre: AF3.3. Meditation on the Dead, Marjorie Agosin: A A 1.2. Memorial of Oblivion, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Memorias, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.1. Memorias de mi viaje/Recollections of My Trip, Olga Beatriz Torres: AB T2. Memorias de Tome, Irene Barraza Sanchez: A R4. Memorias, Wedding, Baptism and Other Ceremonies, Cleofas Jaramillo: A J2. Memories, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Memories in White, Lucrecia Guerrero: A G8. The Memories of Ana Calderon, Graciela Limon: N LI.3. The Memories of Ana Calderon (excerpt), Graciela Limon: AK3.1. Memories of Her, Amina Susan Ali:AG5;ATl. Memories: R.I.P., Nicholasa Mohr: AM14. Memory, Rosario Morales: A L3. Memory Mambo, Achy Obejas,
104 NOl. The Men in Your Life, Naomi Littlebear Morena: A R2. Menudito, Azucena Coronel: A R2. Mercedes Benz 220 SL, Rosario Ferre:AF3.3;AF3.6;AF4. Mercy, Pat Califia: A C1.1. Mericanos, Sandra Cisneros: A C15. Mericans, Sandra Cisneros: A C15.1. Merienda Tejana: The Writings of Mary Sue Galindo, Maria Limon, and Jesse Johnson, Mary Sue Galindo, Maria Limon, and Jesse Johnson: AGL Merman, Alma Luz Villanueva: AV6. The Mescal-Drinking Horse, Jovita Gonzalez: A G6. The Messenger, Mayra Montero: N M8.7. Mexican-American Authors, Americo Paredes and Raymund Paredes: A P2. Mexcian-American Literature, Charles Tatum: A T2. Mexican Movies, Sandra Cisneros: AC15.1. Mexican Village, Josephina Niggli: NN1.1. Mexican Village (excerpt), Josephina Niggli: A A17. Mexikanishe Rhapsodic Roman, Josephina Niggli: N N 1.2. Mi hermana Frida, Barbara Mujica: NM10.2. Mi hijo, mi hija, el dguila, la paloma: un canto azteca, Ana Castillo: A C12.3. Mi madrina, Arlene Mestas: A T2.2. Mi problema, Michele Serros: AS5. Mi tocaya, Sandra Cisneros: AC15. Miami Heat/Pasion en Miami, Berta
Title/Author Index Platas Fuller: NP5.1. Miami Relatives, Ana Menendez: AMU. Midnight Promise, Hebby Roman: N R6.6. Midnight Sandwiches at the Mariposa Express, Beatriz Rivera: N R5. Migrant Daughter: Coming of Age As a Mexican-American Woman, Frances Esquibel Tywoniak: AB El. Milagritos, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. Milagritos, promesas cumplidas, Sandra Cisneros: A C15. Milagro de amor, Gloria Alvarez: N A6.2. Milagro en Miami, Zoe Valdes: NV2.13. Milagros, Mercurio Street, Carmen Lugo Filippi: A R14; A V4. Mind Your Table Manners, Michele Serros: A S5.1. Miracle of Love/Milagro de amor, Gloria Alvarez: N A6.3. The Miracle of Santa Maria, Kathleen de Azevedo: A SI6. Mirrors, Marjorie Agosin: A A 1.2. Mirrors, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 0 8 . Mirrors Beneath the Earth: Short Fiction by Chicano Writers, Ray Gonzalez: A G7.1. Mis abuelos, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.1. Miss Clairol, Helen Maria Viramontes: A F6; A H4; A M2; A 04. Miss Florence's Trunk, Ana Lydia Vega: A V3.3. Missss Rede!: A W6. Mitrani, Barbara Mujica: A M20. The Mixquiahuala Letters, Ana Castillo: A C 12.2;NC5.2. The Mocking Bird, Jovita Gonzalez: A G6.
Title/Author Index Modern Day Hero, Cherrie Moraga. Molly McArthur, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Mom: Candid Memories by Lesbians about the First Woman in Their Lives, Nisa Nonnelly: A Dl 1. Momentos mdgicos: Magic Moments, Olga Loya: A L7. Mommy's Story-Part I, Stel Deleon: ALL Mommy's Story-Part II, Stel Deleon: ALL Mommy's Story-Part III, Stel Deleon: A LI. Monarca, Loreina Santos Silva: AS4. Monarquia, Sylvia Lizarraga: A R3; AS1.1. Monica, Inez Santana: A Tl. The Monkey and the Crocodile (El mono y el cocodrilo), Olga Loya: A L7. The Monkey Is Not As Painted, Ynoemia Villar: AC18. Monologo, Lourdes Vasquez: AC18. Monologue of the Spanish Gentleman, Judith Ortiz Cofer: AF2. Monserrat Ordonez, Marjorie Agosin: A A 1.2. The Moon Line, Mayra Montero: NM8.8. Moonstone, Estela Portillo Trambley: A PI 1.1. More about Dragons, Myrna Nieves: AN2. More Room, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.3. Mosaico de la vida: prosa chicana, cubana y puertorriquena, Francisco Jimenez: A J4. Moshe, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. The Mosquito Net, Marisella Veiga: AH8. The Most Forbidden of All, Sonia
Rivera-Valdes: A R7. Mother-in-law's Tongue, Lorraine M. Lopez: A L5. Mother Tongue, Demetria Martinez: N M3.1. Mother Tongue, Demetria Martinez (excerpt): A W6. Mother's Wish, Ana Castillo: AC12.2. The Moths, Helen Maria Viramontes: A A17; A A18; AC22;AF2;AH3;AK3.1; AK3.3;AL6;AM10;AR3; AV6. The Moths and Other Stories, Helena Maria Viramontes: AV6. Motorcycle Ride on the Sea of Tranquility, Patricia Santana: NS5. The Movies, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Moving Pictures, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. Mr. and Mrs. White Guilt, Michele Serros: A S5. Mr. BOOM BOOM Man, Michele Serros: A S5. Mr. Mendelsohn, Nicholasa Mohr: AM14.1;AT6. Mr. Watson, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Mrs. Vargas and the Dead Naturalist, Kathleen Alcala: AA5. Mrs. Vargas and the Dead Naturalist, Kathleen Alcala: AA5;AG7.1. Ms. Right, My True Love, My Soul:AZl.l. Mujer de alguien, Zoe Valdes: AV1. Mujeres morenas, Terri de la Pena: AZ1.1. Mujeres y agonias, Rima de Vallbona: A D6.1.
106 The Mule Going Round the Well, Ethel Krauze: A G7.2. Multiple Choices, Anilu Bernardo: AB3. Multiverse, Martha Cerda: A C13. Mundo, demonio y mujer, Rima de Vallbona: ND5.1. Murmullos de pueblo: cuentos, Julia Mercedes Castilla: A C11.1 My Accent, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. My Apron, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. My Aunts, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. My Birthday, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. My Childhood, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. My Cousin Rafael, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. My Daughter, My Son, the Eagle, the Dove: An Aztec Chant, Ana Castillo: A C12.4. My Desk, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. My Diary from Here to There, Irma Amada Perez: N P2. My Dream Last Night, Ana Castillo: AC12.2. My Face in the Face of Others, Aleida Rodriguez: A C20. My Fierce Mother, Pat Mora: A M17. My Grandfather, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. My Heart Lies South: The Story of My Mexican Marriage, Elizabeth Borton de Treviflo: ABB2. My History Teacher, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. My House, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. My Lucy Friend Who Smells Like Corn, Sandra Cisneros: AC15.1. My Mother in the Nude, Maria Amparo Escandon: A S2.2. My Name, Sandra Cisneros: AC22;AR3;AT2.
Title/Author Index My Newest Triumph, Nicholasa Mohr: AM 14. My Other Self (Journal Entry, Fall 1970), Mary Siqueiros: A A3. My Soul Mate, Gloria Anzaldua: AZ1.1. My Tocaya, Sandra Cisneros: AC15.1. The Mystery of Survival, Alicia Gaspar de Alba: A G4. The Mystery of the Ice Cream House, Isabel Marvin: N M4.4. The Mystery of the Puerto Rican Penny, Isabel Marvin: N M4.5. The Myth of the Latin Women, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.2. Nada, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A Ml3; A 07.2. Naked Ladies, Alma Luz Villanueva: NV9.1. Naked, Marjorie Agosin: A A 1.2. Names, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Nana, Marjorie Agosin: A A1.2. Nana Chita, Jovita Gonzalez: A G6. Nape, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Naranjas, Angela McEwanAlvarado: A 03. Native Landscapes: An Anthology of Caribbean Short Stories, VeltaClarke: AC 16. The Nature of Parasites, Cristina Garcia: A 11. Navidad PeMex, Mandalit del Barco: A S2. Necklace of Pearls: A Novel, Sylvia Lopez-Medina, N L2.3. Nefertiti habanera, Zoe Valdes: AV1. Neighbors, Helena Maria Viramontes: A V6. Neighbors and Friends, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Nel nome de Salome, Julia Alvarez: N A7.9. Nepantla: Essays from the Land in the Middle, Pat Mora: A Ml7.
Title/Author Index Never Fitting In, Nereida Roman: ATI. Never Give up an Opportunity to Eat for Free, Michele Serros: AS5.1. Never Marry a Mexican, Sandra Cisneros: A C15.1; A M2. The New Affirmative Action Officer, Mary Helen Ponce: AP9.1. New Chicano/Chicana Writing I, Charles Tatum: A T2.1. New Chicano/Chicana Writing II, Charles Tatum: A T2.2. New Chicano/Chicana Writing III, Charles Tatum: A T2.3. New World, Julia Alvarez: A C20. New World: Young Latino Writers, IlanStavans: A SI3. New Writing from the Caribbean, Erika Waters: A W2. New Women's Fiction. Unholy Alliances, Louise Rafkin: AR1.1. New Year's by the Sea, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. New Year in Havana, Liz Balmaseda: A S2.1. New Year's Day 1997, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Ni pa...arriba ni pa abajo, Juana Razo: AM15. Ni verdad ni mentira, Uva Clavijo: AC17. Ni verdad ni mentira y otros cuentos, Uva Clavijo: A C17. Night, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Night, Stella Pope Duarte: A P10. Night Bites: Vampire Stories by Women, Victoria Brownworth: AB7. Night Hag (La bruja de noche), Teresa Pijoan: A P6.1. Nightmare, Dolores Ramos Rosales: AD7. Nightside, Soledad Santiago: NS7.
107 Nilda, Nicholasa Mohr: N M7.4. Nilda (excerpt), Nicholasa Mohr: AC22. Nina, Margarita Mondrus Engle: AK3.3;AT1. Nine, Martha Cerda: A C13. Nineteen, Martha Cerda: A C13. No Joy in the Morning, Beverly Silva: A S7. No le digas a nadie, Mary Sue Galindo: A Gl. No-Man's-Land, Martha Cerda: AC13. No me agarran viva: la mujer salvadorena en la lucha, Claribel Alegria: AB A3. No Mercy, Pat Califia: A C1.1. No Mercy, Pat Califia: A C1.1. No One Knows for Whom One Works, Martha Cerda: A C13. No podemos regresar, Morena de Martinez: A Ml9. No puedo mas, Uva Clavijo: AC17.1. Nopuedo mdsy otros cuentos, Uva Clavijo: A C17.1. No Spanish on Playground, Elena Diaz Bjorkquist. No tempo das borboletas, Julia Alvarez: NA7.10. No volvi a casa (Navidad 1941): AS2. Noche Buena and Religious Dramas, Cleofas Jaramillo: AK3.2. Noche buena: Hispanic American Christmas Stories, Nicolas Kanellos: A K3.2. Noche encantada, Naomi Littlebear Morena: A C20. Norte, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. 1. North, Marjorie Agosin: A A 1.2. North of the Rio Grande: The Mexican American Experience in Short Fiction, Edward Simmen: A S8.
108 Nostalgia, Rosario Morales: A L3. Not for Sale, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A N4; A 07.2. Nothing in Our Hands but Age, Raquel Puig Zaldivar: N P8. Nothing in Our Hands but Age (excerpt), Raquel Puig Zaldivar: AK5. Novenas narrativas y ofrendas nuevomexianas, Denise Chavez: AC12;AH4. Now and Always/Para siempre, Caridad Scordato: N S9.4. Nueva narrativa chicana, Oscar Somoza: A S l l . Nuevos horizontes de 15 minutos, Francisco A. Lomeli: A L4. Nullipara, 44, Terri de la Pefla: AR5. Nunca te cases con un mexicano, Sandra Cisneros: A C15. Nun's Habit (excerpts from Canicula: Snapshots of a Girlhood en la Frontera), Norma Elia Cantu: A M3. Nurturing the Wild Beast of Christmas, Estela Herrera: AS2.1. O Majesty, C. M. Mayo: A M7. Obelisco, Loreina Santos Silva: AS4. October, Aleida Rodriguez: A C20. Of Course, She Read, Rosario Morales: A L3. Of Love and of Shadows, Isabel Allende: NA5.11. Of Parties and Other Audacities, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Of Prejudice and Acceptance, Maria Garcia: A Rl. Off the Rag: Lesbians Writing on Menopause, Lee Lynch and Akia Woods: A L8. Office Machine, Martha Cerda: AC13. Oh Jerusalem, Aurora Levins
Title/Author Index Morales: A L3. Oid, Adan es sal, Rima de Vallbona: A D6.1. jOjala que no!, Lorraine Torres: AB1;AR4. Ojos de Zapata, Sandra Cisneros: AC15. Old Age, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. The Old Bullfrog (El viejo Rana Tora), Teresa Pijoan: A P6. Old, Century Plant, Rosario Morales: AL3. Old Churches in New Spain, Nina Otero: A 09.. Old Countries, Aurora Levins Morales: A L3; A T6. Old Customs Vanish, Cleofas Jaramillo: A J2. The Old Language, Alba Ambert: AA8. The Old Magpie-Husband's Grief (El dolor del viejo esposocotorra), Teresa Pijoan: A P6. Old Mary, Nicholasa Mohr: AM14.2. The Old Movie, Lucia Fox: A F9. Old Spain in Our Southwest, Nina Otero: A 09. Omama Helena, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. On Being a Translated Writer, Julia Alvarez: A D2. On Destiny, Language, and Translation, or Ophelia Adrift in the C. & O. Canal, Rosario Ferre:A F3.6. On Fire/AI rojo vivo, Sylvia Mendoza: N M6. On Francisco el Penitente's First Becoming a Santero and Thereby Sealing His Fate, Ana Castillo: A P7. On Setting a Hen: Popular Beliefs, Guadalupe Martinez: A W3. On the Morning of His Arrest, Margarita Engle: A P8.
Title/Author Index Once, Sandra Cisneros: A C15. Once a Friend, Terri de la Pefla: AM4. Once for Pepito, Stella Pope Duarte: A P10. Once in a Lifetime Offering, Beatriz Rivera: A R6. Once More Cain and Abel, Rima de Vallbona: A D6. Once Upon a Time..., Nicholasa Mohr:AM14.1. Once Upon a Time: Erotic Fairy Tales for Women, Michael Ford: AF7. Once Upon Many Times, Ana Castaflon: A L4. One, Martha Cerda:A C13. One Holy Night, Sandra Cisneros: AA14;AC15.1;AS12. One More Lesson, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.3. One Morning: 1952 (Una maflana: 1952), Rosaura Sanchez: A SI. One Night (Una noche), Rosaura S£nchez:ASl. The One Peso Prediction, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.6. One ofFannin 's Men, Isabel Marvin: N M4.6. The One Who Watches, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07; A 07.4. The One You Call Sister, Paula Martinac: A M4. Only a Kiss Away, Lourdes Carvajal: NC3.1. The Operation, Nicholasa Mohr: AM14.2. Opossum and Coyote (La zarigiieya y el coyote), Olga Loya: A L7. Orange Candy Slices and Other Secret Tales, Viola Canales: AC4. Orbita, Lucia Fox: A F9. Orgullo (Pride), Patricia Preciado: AP12.1. Origen, Judith Ortiz Cofer: AB
109 08.6. Orphanages, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.2. The Oscars (Los Oscares), Teresa Pijoan: A P6.1. The Other Heritage, Aurora Levins Morales: A L3; A T6. The Other Side of Paradise, Elia Esparza: N E6. The Other Side of Paradise, Rosario Ferre:A F3.6. The Other Women, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. The Others, Alma Luz Villanueva: AV6. Otiyot ba-shamayin, Margarita EngleiNEl.l. Our Lady of Victory, Nina Otero: A 09. Our Secret, Isabel Allende: A A7. Out for More Blood, Victoria Brownwoth and Judith M. Redding: A B8. Out in the Workplace, Lourdes Rodriguez and Richard Rasi: AR9. Out of the Class Closet, Julia Penelope: A P3. Overheard of the Reforma, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. The Oxford Book of American Short Stories, Joyce Carol Oates: A 0 1 . The Oxford Book of Caribbean Short Stories, Stewart Brown and John Wickham: A B6. Pablo Neruda, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Pablo the Penitent, Stella Pope Duarte: A P10. Paco, Hilda Perera: A H8. Padre Martinez and San Jose (El Padre Martinez y San Jose), Teresa Pijoan: A P6. The Painkillers, Mary Helen Ponce: AP9.1.
110 Paisaje marino, Myrna Nieves: AN2. The Paisano, Jovita Gonzalez: A G6. Pajaritos, Terri de la Pefla: A F10. P&jaro amarillo, Beverly Silva: AB1. Palabra nueva: cuentos chicanos, Ricardo Aguilar, Armando Armegol, and Oscar U. Somoza: AA2. Palabra nueva: cuentos chicanos II, Sergio Elizondo D: A El. Paletitas de guayaba, Erlinda Gonzales-Berry: N Gl 1. Palm Readings: Stories from Southern California, Eve La SalleCaram: ALL Paloma, Beatriz Rivera: A P8; A R6. Pan, Sandra Cisneros: A C15. Papeles de Pandora, Rosario Ferre: AF3.3. Papi y el otro, Luz Selenia Vasquez: AC23;AG5. Para romper el silencio: resistencia y lucha en las cdrceles salvadorenas, Claribel Alegria: AA6.1;NA4.6. Parabola del eden imposible, Rima de Vallbona: A D6.1. Paradise (excerpt), Elena Castedo: AF2. Paraiso (Paradise), Patricia Preciado: AP12.1. Parakeets, Myrna Nieves: A N2. The Paris Gown, Estela Portillo Trambley: A H3; A Pll; A R3. The Parrot Who Wouldn't Say "catano," Pura Belpre: A C6. The Party: Ana Menendez: A Ml 1. Pasion de bide, Loreina Santos Silva: A S4. Pasion de historia, Ana Lydia Vega: AAV3;AV3.2. Pasion de historia y otras historias de pasion, Ana Lydia Vega: A V3.2.
Title/Author Index Pasion en lafrontera, Hebby Roman: N R6.7. Pasos, Julia Mercedes Castilla: AC11.1. Passover, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Passport to Cross Overland, Michele Serros: A S5.1. The Paterson Public Library, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.2. Paula, Isabel Allende: N A5.12; N A5.13. Pavana por una princesa muerta, Lucia Fox: A F9. Pay the Criers, Estela Portillo Trambley: A F5; A Pll. The Peace Brigade, Rima de Vallbona: A D6. Peanuts & Alfalfa Sprouts, Victoria Hogan: A L4. Pearl/La perla, Cecilia Romero Cooper: N R7. The Pearl of the Antilles, Andrea O'Reilly Herrera: N 02. Pedro Animalia, Rosario Ferre: AF3.4. Pedro the Hunter, Jovita Gonzalez: A G6; A T2. Peel My Love Like an Onion, Ana Castillo: NC5.3. Peliculas mexicanas, Sandra Cisneros: AC 15. PeMex Christmas, Mandalit del Barco: AS2.1. Penelope en sus bodas de plata, Rima de Vallbona: A D6.1. Penguin's Mother, Stella Pope Duarte: A P10. The Penitente Brotherhood, Cleofas Jaramillo: A J2. People of the Dog, Alma Luz Villanueva: A G7.1; A V6. Pepin, Veronica Gonzalez-Mena de LoCoco: A J4. Pequenas muertes y una resureccion, Uva Clavijo: AC17.1.
Title/Author Index Peregrinacion a la tierra del luminoso, Reynalda Ortiz: AR4. The Perennial Lover, Jovita Gonzalez: A G6. The Perfect Fruit, Ana Menendez: A M 10. The Perfect Little Flower Girl, Nicholasa Mohr: A M14.2. The Perfect Mix, Caridad Scordato: N S9.5. Perfect Understanding, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. Periquitos, Myrna Nieves: A N2. Perla, Estela Portillo Trambley: AP11.1. The Permanent, Mary Helen Ponce: AP9.1. Persephone's Quest at Waterloo: A Daughter's Tale, Alba Ambert: A S2.2. Pesadilla, Cherrie Moraga: A G5; AM18.1. Peterson, Uva Clavijo: A C17. Phantom Palace, Isabel Allende: AA7. The Philosopher of the Brush Country, Jovita Gonzalez: AG6. Photographs, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.2. Photographs I, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Photographs II, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Photographs III, Marjorie Agosin: AAL The Piano, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Pico Rico Mandorico, Rosario Ferre: A F3; A V4. Pico Rico Mandorico y otros cuentos, Rosario Ferr£: A F3.4. Pieces of the Heart: New Chicano Fiction, Gary Soto: A S12. Pilar, Your Curls, Carmen Lugo Filippi: A V4.
111 The Pilgrim, Estela Portillo Trambley: A PI 1.1; A S8. Pilgrimage, Beatriz de la Garza: AD5. Pillars of Gold and Silver, Beatriz de la Garza: ND3. Pillars of Gold and Silver, Beatriz de la Garza: A D5. Pinto, Diane de Anda: A D3. The Pinon Tree/El arbol de pinon, Paulette Atencio: A A16. The Pinata Dream, Alicia Gaspar de Alba: A G4. Pintura escrita: la cuadra, Julia Mercedes Castilla: A C11.1. Pirinola the Street Master, Julia Mercedes Castilla: N C4.2 Pisagua, Marjorie Agosin: A A 1.2. Place of the Dead, Alma Luz Villanueva: A V6. The Plaintiff, the Poet, Michele Serros: A S5.1. Planned Parenthood, Michele Serros: A S5. Planting Sticks and Grinding Yucca, Julia Alvarez: A D2. Platica de fantasmas, Ana Castillo: AB1;AN4. Pldticas: Conversations with Hispano Writers of New Mexico, Nasario Garcia: AB Gl. The Playgoers, Mary Helen Ponce: AP9.1 Playing with Light: A Novel, Beatriz Rivera: N R5.1. Please Don't Take the Refrigerator, Elena Diaz Bjorkquist: A D9. Plumas (Feather), Patricia Preciado: AP12.1. Pocadillas, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. Poder popular: primeros pasos, Claribel Alegria: A A6. Poet, Beverly Silva: A S7. Poet as Curandera, Pat Mora:
112 AM17. Poetry, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. The Poisoned Story, Rosario Ferre: AF3.6. Polar Palace, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A08. The Pools, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Por el amor de Pedro Infante: una novella, Denise Chavez: NC6.3. ^Por que?, Luz Garzon: A B1; AS1.1. Pork Sausages, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.2. Porque hay silencio, Alba Ambert: NA8.1. Portrait in Sepia, Isabel Allende: NA5.14. Portrait of Dona Elena, Katherine Quintana Ranck: N Q2. Portrait of Dona Elena (excerpt), Katherine Quintana Ranck: ARIL Postales, Marjorie Agosin: A A1.1. The Poster, Beverly Silva: A S7. Prairies, Marjorie Agosin: A A 1.2. Prayer for the Millennium, Demetria Martinez: A C6. Precious, Beverly Silva: A S7. The Prediction, Alicia Gaspar de Alba: A G4. Prejudice: Stories about Hate, Ignornace, Revelation, and Transformation, Daphne Muse: AM21. Premio de consolation, Ana Lydia Vega:AV3. Preparations for the Wedding, Barbara Mujica: A M20. The Price of Freedom, Lydia Cabrera: A C22. The Price of Wonder, Alma Luz Villanueva: A V6. The Priest's Cave/La cue vita del padre, Paulette Atencio: AA16.
Title/Author Index Primary Lessons, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A07.3. Primera comunion, Marjorie Agosin: A Al.l. Primera zona liberada, Claribel Alegria: A A6. Princess, Nicholasa Mohr: AM14.1. The Princess and the Beggar/La princesa y el mendigo, Paulette Atencio: A A16. The Princess Who Could Not Cry/La princesa que no lloraba, Paulette Atencio: A A16. Private Views, Nell Soso Schestedt: AR4. The Proper Respect, Isabel Allende: A A7. Protection, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Proximity to Mountain: Conversations with the Esquibel Family, Denise Elia Chavez: AC 14. Puddles, Gloria Anzaldua: A G7; AT2.1. Pueblo de Dios y de Mandinga: con el asesoriamiento cientifcio de Slim, Claribel Alegria: N A4.7. Puerto Principe abajo, Ana Lydia Vega: A V3. Puerto Rican Writers at Home in the USA: An Anthology, Faythe Turner: A T6. Puerto Rico Journal, Rosario Morales: A L3. Puerto Vallarta, Pat Mora: A Ml7. Puertoricanness, Aurora Levins Morales: A G7; A L3; A T6. Pulchritude, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Puppet: A Chicano Novella, Margarita Cota-Cardenas: NC9. Purpuaprofunda, Mayra Montero: N M8.9.
Title/Author Index Pythagoras' Illustrious Disciple, Rima de Vallbona: A D6. Quality Literature, Carmen Tafolla: AC7;AS15.1. The Quarry, Josephina Niggli: A T2. Que" agliite, Mary Sue Galindo: AG1. Querido primer novio: una historia proscrita de amory naturaleza, Zoe Vaktes: N V2.14. Quillota ociosa y tranquila, Marjorie Agosin: A ALL Quinceaflera, Silvia Lizarraga: AB1;AS1.1. Quinceaflera, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.1; A 07.3. R for Ricura, Amelia Maria de la Luz Montes: A W8. Rabbit Easter, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. The Racing Horse/El caballo de carreras, Paulette Atencio: AA16. The Raft Girl, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Rage Is a Fallen Angel, Alba Ambert: A A8. Rain, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Rain Clouds (Nubarrones), Teresa Pijoan: A P6. Rain of Scorpions, Estela Portillo Trambley A P l l . Rain of Scorpions and Other Stories, Estela Portillo Trambley: AP11. Rainbow's End, C. M. Mayo: A M7. Raising Raul: Adventures Raising Myself and My Son, Maria Hinojosa: AB H3. Rancho Buena Vista, Fermina Guerra: A P2. Raquel, Marjorie Agosin: A Al.l. Raquel y Abraham, Marjorie Agosin: A Al.l. Reading Poetry in Pakistan, Pat Mora: A Ml7.
113 Reading the Road, Kathleen Alcala: AA5. The Real Me, Michele Serros: AS5. Real Rainbows, Alma Luz Villanueva: A V6. Rearview Mirror, Sheila Ortiz Taylor. The Rebel, Leonor Villegas de Magnon: AB LI. The Rebel (excerpt), Leonor Villegas de Magnon: A A17. The Receiving Blanket, Alma Luz Villanueva: A G7.2. Reclaim Your Rights As a Citizen of Here, Here, Michele Serros: AS5.1. Re/Collection, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. Recuerdo, Guadalupe Valdes Fallis: A F5;A M2. Recuerdo: How I Changed the War and Won the Game, Mary Helen Ponce: A T2;A V5. Recuerdo: Los piojos, Mary Helen Ponce: A V5. Recuerdo, Guadalupe Valdez: AK8. Recuerdos de los viejitos: Tales of the Rio Puerco, Nasario Garcia: A G3. Recuerdos de una niha, Enedina Casarez Vasquez: AB C3. Recuerdos: Short Stories of the Barrio, Mary Helen Ponce: AP9. The Red Camp, Debra Diaz: N D8. The Red of His Shadow, Mayra Montero: NM8.10. Redoubt, Cecile Pineda: N P4.5. Reflection on the Eye of a Crow, Kathleen Alcala: A A5. Refugee Ship, Lorna Dee Cervantes: A K2. Refiigio, Teri de la Pena: A B6. Regarding Dragons, Myrna Nieves:
114 AN2. Reinas (Queens), Patricia Preciado: AP12.1. Relics, Katherine Quintana Ranck: ARIL Religious Education, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Remedios: Stories of Earth and Iron from the History of Puertorriquehas, Aurora Levins Morales: A L2. The Remedy, Stella Pope Duarte: AP10. Remember, Commerce Begins at Home, Michele Serros: A S5.1. Remember the Alamo, Sandra Cisneros: AC15.1. Remembering Lobo, Pat Mora: AM17. Remembering Zebras, Sara Rodriguez: A Tl. Remembrances, Elida Lechuga: AR4. Requiem for My Mama, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. Requisa treintay dos: coleccion de cuento, Rosaura Sanchez: AS1.1. Respect the 1 Percent, Michele Serros: A S5.1. Retrato de una infancia habanaviejera, Zoe Valdes: AV1. Retrato en sepia: una novela, Isabel Allende: NA5.15. Return of the Spirit, Lucrecia Guerrero: A G8. Revenge, Isabel Allende: A A7. Revenge, Estela Portillo Trambley: AP11.1. Rice Powder, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Ride, Luz Gonzalez: A M9. Riding the Tyger, Pat Califia: AC1.1. Right Place, Wrong Time, Martha
Title/Author Index Cerda: AC13. Rina s Family Secret, Gloria Velasquez: NV8.3. Rio de la Plata, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.2. Ritos de iniciacion: tres novelas cortas de Hispanoamerica, Cynthia Steele and Grinor Rojo: A RIO. Rituals of Survival: A Woman's Portfolio, Nicholasa Mohr: AM14.3. River Ride, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. Rivers, Marjorie Agosin: A A1.2. Riverside Drive, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. Road Detours (Desvios en en camino), Rosaura Sanchez: AS1. The Road North, Isabel Allende: AA7. The Robbery, Nicholasa Mohr: AM14.2. Rodolfo y Marcos, Marjorie Agosin: A Al.l. Rodrigo de Triana, Lourdes Casal: AC9. Romance of a Little Village Girl, Cleofas Jaramillo: AB Romance of a Little Village Girl (excerpt), Cleofas Jaramillo: AA17. Romance on the Chihuahua Trail, Cleofas Jaramillo: A J2. Rookie of the Year, Caridad Scordato: N S9.6 Room 9, Soledad Santiago: N S7.1. The Room In-Between, Ana Maria Delgado:ND7.1. The Roommate, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. The Rooster's Claw (La pata de gallo), Olga Loya: A L7. Roots, In&s Martinez: A Ml2.1. Rosa blanca, Marcella Lucinda
Title/Author Index Garcia: A R4. Rosa la cantinera, Mary Helen Ponce: AP9.1 Rosalina de los Rosarios, Nicholasa Mohr:AM14. Rosario Magdalena, Patricia Blanco: AG7.1. Rosas ken el "mal," Zoe Valdes: AVL Rosaura's Wings, Edith Vasquez: AM5. Rosebud (excerpts), Erlinda Gonzales-Berry: A R4. Rosh Hashanah, Marjorie Agosin : AA1. Round Trip, Uva Clavijo: A C17.1. The Rubber Tree, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.2. The Ruins, Patricia Preciado Martin: AA18;AL6;AP12.1. Runes, Cecile Pineda: A N4. Russian Lady, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Sabochi, Estela Portillo Trambley. Sabra, Alma Luz Villanueva: A V6. Sacred Song, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. "Saddling La Gringa." Gatekeeping in Literature by Contemporary Latina Writers, Phillipa Kafka: AK1. Sagrada memoria, Marjorie Agosin: ABA 1.4. Saints, Denise Chavez: A G7.1. Saints' Days and Feasts, Nina Otero: A 09. Saints' Holy Days, Cleofas Jaramillo: A J2. Salsa Kiss/Besos ardientes, Consuelo Vasquez: N V5.1. Salto vital, Ana Lydia Vega: A V3.2. Salvador en cuatro tiempos, Lourdes Casal: A C9. Salvador, Late or Early, Sandra Cisneros: A Cl5.1; A P7. Salvador, tarde o temprano, Sandra
115 Cisneros: A C15. Salvation, Alexandra Padilla Heinemann: A G7.1. Salvation, Jesus, and Suffer, Cherrie Moraga: A Ml8.1. The Same Stock, Martha Cerda: AC13. Samovar, Marjorie Agosin: A ALL Samuel's Christmas Eve, Herminia Chacon: A K3.2. San Domingo, Estela Portillo Trambley: A PI 1.1. San Ysidro's Neighbor (El vecino de San Ysidro), Teresa Pijoan: AP6. Sanchez across the Street, Barbara Mujica: A M20.1. Sanchez across the Street and Other Stories, Barbara Mujica: AM20.1. Sand, Lana Pacheco: A W5. The Sand Castle, Alma Luz Villanueva: A V6. Sandra Cisneros: Latina Writer and Activist: Caryn MirriamGoldberg: AB M3. Sang blue, Zoe Valdes: N V2.15. Sangre, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. 1. Sangre azul, Zoe Valdes: N V2.16. Santitos, Maria Amparo Escandon: NE5.1. Santos, Cleofas Jaramillo: A J2. Sapogonia (excerpt), Ana Castillo:AH4.1. Sapogonia (An Anti-Romance in 3/8 Meter), Ana Castillo: AC12.2;NC5.4. Sargasso, Marjorie Agosin: A Al .2. Saving Joe Louis, Isabel Marvin: N M4.7. The Scandalous Case of Diana Salinas and Jorge Schapiro, Barbara Mujica: A M20.1. Scattering the Ashes, Maria del Carmen Boza: AB B3. The Scent of Wild Desire, Sonia
116 Rivera-Valdes: A R7. The Scholarship Jacket, Marta Salinas: A Al 1; A L6. School, Ester Veron Galindo: A R3. The Schoolteacher's Guest, Isabel Allende: A A7. Scotland Street Angels, Angela Cervantes: A M5. Se habla espanol: voces latinas en USA, Edmundo Paz Soldan: A SIO. Se hogo un muchacho (A Young Man Drowned), Perfilia Cordova: A G3. Se me enchina el cuerpo de oir tu cuento, Norma Cantu: A T2.1. Sea Siren/La sirena, Consuelo Vasquez: N V5.2. The Seamstress from St. Petersburg, Marjorie Agosin: A A 1.2. The Seasons of Women, Gloria Norris: AN3. Second Call, Michele Serros: AS5.1. Second Chicano Literary Prize: Irvine 1972-1976, Hector Orijuela: A 05. The Second Coming, Pat Califia and Robin Sweeney: A C3. The Secret Footprints, Julia Alvarez: NA8.10. Secret in the Show, Elena Diaz Bjorkquist: A D9. The Secret Life of Grandma Anacleta, Rima de Vallbona: AD6. The Secret of Two Brothers, Irene Beltran Hernandez: N B4.2. Secret Weapon, Helene Juarez Phipps: ARIL Sed/Thirst, Margarita Tavera Rivera: A T2.2. The Seed Necklace, Rosario Ferre: AF3.6. Seek Support from Sistas, Michele Serros: A S5.1.
Title/Author Index Sefat em, Demetria Martinez: N M3.2. Segunda oportunidad, Consuelo Vasquez: N V5.3. Selenia, Loreina Santos Silva: A S4Senior Picture Day, Michele Serros: A S5.1. Sentadafrentea la memoria envejecida, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.1. Senora Rodriguez and Other Worlds, Martha Cerda: A C13. Senora Rodriguez and Other Worlds, Martha Cerda:A C13. September 18, Marjorie Agosin: Al. Sequences, Terri de la Pena: A P4. Serenade/Serenata, Sylvia Mendoza: N M6.1. Serie Noire, Ana Lydia Vega: AV3.3. The Servants, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Seven, Martha Cerda: A C13. Seventeen, Martha Cerda: A C13. The Sexuality of Latinas, Norma Alarcon, Ana Castillo, and Cherrie Moraga, A A3. Shabbat, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Shades of the Tenth Muse, Jovita Gonzalez: A G6. Shadows of the Past, Cleofas Jaramillo: ABJ 1.2. Shadows of the Past—VI Memories, Cleofas Jaramillo: AJ2;AR3. Shadows of the Past/Sombras del pasado, Cleofas Jaramillo: AJ2. Shadows on Ebbing Water, Lucha Corpi: A PLL Shadows over Arroyo Hondo, Cleofas Jaramillo: A J2. Shango's Restaurant, Beatriz Rivera: A F6. Shelling Corn by Moonlight, Jovita
Title/Author Index Gonzalez: A G6; A T2. Shipwrecked on Padre Island, Isabel Marvin: N M4.8. Shoe Trees, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A08. Shoemaker (El zapatero), Teresa Pijoan: A P6. The Shoemaker's Daughter, Mari Luci Jaramillo: AB J2. Shoes for Hector, Nicholasa Mohr: AM14.1. Short Fiction by Hispanic Writers of the United States, Nicolas Kanellos: A K3.3. Short Fiction by Spanish-American Women, Evelyn Fishburn: A F4. Shower Power Hippie Man, Michele Serros: A S5. Siendo iguales todas las cosas, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A N4. Sighs and Songs of Aztldn: New Anthology of Chicano Literature, F. E. Albi and Jesus G. Nieto: A A4. Signs of Love, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.2. Siguiriya: A Novel, Sylvia LopezMedina, N L2.4. Silence Within, Sandra Orta: A Tl. Silences, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Silent Dancing, Judith Ortiz Cofer: AD4;AK1;AK3.3;AM1; AN3;A07.3. Silent Dancing: A Partial Remembrance of a Puerto Rican Childhood, Judith Ortiz Cofer: AB 01.1; A 07.3. Simple Maria. Isabel Allende: A A7. Sin luz, Cherrie Moraga: A G5. Sin palabras, Sheila Sanchez Hatch: AM12.1;AM13. Sin titulo, Myrna Nieves: A N2. The Singer, Myrna Nieves: A N2. Singer, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. The Singing Antelope, Ines Martinez: A Ml3.
117 Singing to Cuba, Margarita Engle: NE1.2. Sirena Selena vestida depena, Mayra Santos-Febres: N S8. Six, Martha Cerda: A C13. Six Take Away One, Rosa Elena Yzquierdo: A Tl. Sixteen, Martha Cerda: A C13. Sixteen and Older, Sandra Abundiz: A B5. Sketch, Rosario Morales: A L3. Skinned Alive, Pat Califia: A C1.1. Sky over El Nido, C. M. Mayo: AM7. Skywriting, Margarita Engle: NE1.3. Slaves, Marjorie Agosin: A A1.2. Sleep of the Innocents, Carole Fernandez: N Fl. Sleeping Beauty, Rosario Ferre: AF3.6;AV4. Sleeping with One Eye Open, Sandra Benitez, Judith Ortiz Cofer, Aleida Rodriguez: AB Kl. Sleeping with One Eye Open: Women Writers and the Art of Survival, Marilyn Kallet & Judith Ortiz Cofer: AB Kl. The Slow Dance, Cherrie Moraga: AM18.1. Small Change, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Smile, Beverly Silva: A S7. Snake Woman, Odilia Galvan Rodriguez: A T2.3. Snapshots, Pat Mora: A Ml7. Snapshots, Helena Maria Viramontes: A G5; A V6. Snow, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. So Far from God, Ana Castillo: AC12.2;NC5.5. Sobre dragones, Myrna Nieves: AN2. Sobre tumbas y heroes, Ana Lydia Vega: A V3.2.
118 Sofia, Yvonne V. Sapia: A D4. Soledad, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Soledad, Angie Cruz: N C10. Solutions, Inc., Ana Lydia Vega: AV3.3. Some of the Characters, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.3. Something Special, Diane de Anda: AD3. Something to Declare, Julia Alvarez: ABA4. Sonar en cubano, Cristina Garcia: N G2.2. Sonaron cadenas (Chains Rattled), Adelina Gonzales: A G3. Sonia Helena, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Song of the Hummingbird, Graciela Limon: N L 1.4. Song of the Water Saints, Nelly Rosario: N R9. Sonnets to Human Beings and Other Selected Works, Susana Sturgis: AS15.1. Sophia, Lorraine M. Lopez: A L5. Sor Juana's Second Dream, Alicia Gaspar de Alba: N G6. The Sorcerer and Genereal Bisco, Cristina Mena: A D10. The Soul of Hilda Brunei, Cristina Mena: AD10. Soul Secrets and Bean Lore, Teresa Ortega: A S 13. Souls, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. The Sound of Women, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. South, Aurora Levins Morales: A L3; A T6. South Wind Come, Tina Juarez: NJ1.2. Southbound, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: N O 6.2. Southwest: A Contemporary Anthology, Karl Kopp and Bart Lanier Stafford III: A K7. Southwest Tales: A Contemporary
Title/Author Index Collection, Alurista and Xelina Rojas-Urista: A A8. Soy la Avon Lady, Lorraine M. Lopez: A L5. Soy la Avon Lady and Other Stories, Lorraine M. Lopez: AL5. Soy un indio inca, Ximena Naranjo Garces: A II. Spanish, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Spanish Pioneers, Cleofas Jaramillo: A J2. Spanish Place-Names, Nina Otero: A09. The Spanish Sword (La espada espanola), Teresa Pijoan: AP6. Special Assembly, Michele Serros: AS5.1. Special Assembly, Part 2, Michele Serros: A S5.1. The Spirits of the Beast, Myrna Nieves: A N2. The Spirits of the Ordinary: A Tale ofCasas Grandes, Kathleen Alcala: N A3.2. The Spoiler, Pat Califia: N C1.2. The Spouse, Achy Obejas: A 02. Spring, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Spring Forward Fall Back, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: N 06.3. The Squatter and the Don, Maria Amparo Ruiz de Burton: NR10;NR10.1. The Squatter and the Don (excerpt), Maria Amparo Ruiz de Burton: A A17. St. John's Eve, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. St. George and the Dragon, Pat Califia: A F7. The Star of David, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Stardust, Diana Garcia: N G3.2 Step Down, Elder Brother: A Novel, Josephina Niggli:
Title/Author Index NN1.3. Sterile Relationships, Kathleen M. Baca: A A l l . Stolen Love, Cecilia Romero Cooper: NR7.1. Stone Horses, Sallie Gallegos: N Gl. The Stone House, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Stories from a Dark and Evil World. Cuentos del mundo malvado, Teresa Pijoan: A P6.1. Stories from Washington Heights and Other Corners of the World: Short Stories Written by Dominicans in the United States, Daisy Gutierrez Cocco de Filippis and Franklin Gutierrez: A C 19. Stories in the Stepmother Tongue, Josip Novakovich and Robert Shapard: A N4. The Stories of Eva Luna, Isabel Allende: A A7. Stories of the Barrio, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.4. The Stories That Shape Us. Contemporary Women Write about the West: An Anthology, Teresa Jordan and James Hepworth: A J6. Storm, Estela Portillo Trambley: AP11.1. Story of a Parrot: Ana Menendez: AMU. The Story of My Body, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.2. The Storyteller/El cuentista, Paulette Atencio: A A16. Storytelling, Aurora Levins Morales: AL3. Stowaway, Carol C6rdoba: AB C6. Stranger's Gift (El regalo del extraflo), Teresa Pijoan: A P6. The Street, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Street Map, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A08.
119 The Street of the Caflon, Josefina Niggli: A F5; A P2. The Street of the Three Crosses, Josephina Niggli: A P2. Streets of Fire, Soledad Santiago: NS7.2. Stuff, Michele Serros: A S5. Subtitles, Ana Castillo: A C12.2; G7.1. Sueno, Cherrie Moraga: A Ml8. Suffer Smoke, Elena Diaz Bjorkquist: A D9. Summer Dreams/Suenos de verano, Hebby Roman: N R6.8. The Summer of El Pintor, Ofelia Dumas Lachtman: N D9.4. The Summer of the Future, Julia Alvarez: A Cl8. The Summer of Vietnam, Barbara Renaud Gonzalez: A M3. Summer's End in My Country, Marjorie : A Al. Summers of Syrup, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Sunday Costs Five Pesos, Josephina Niggli: A P2. The Sunday Tertulia, Marie Lori Carlson: NC2.1. Sundays, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Sunland, Gloria Velasquez Treviflo: A Bl. The Superhero Scam, Michele Serros: A S5. Supersticiones, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.1. Superstitions, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. The Surprise Party (excerpt from Macho Sluts, Pat Califia: AC2. The Surreal Answer the World Hands You, Terri de la Pena: AW7. Sweet Diamond Dust: A Novel and Three Stories of Life in Puerto Rico, Rosario Ferre: A F3.5; N
F3.9. Sweet Destiny, Leticia Gomez: N G8.1. Sweet Fifteen, Diane Gonzales Bertrand:NG10.4. Sweetheart, Kathleen Alcala: A A5. Switching to Santiclo, Julia Alvarez: AS2.1. Synagogue, Rosario Morales: A L3. Tacho, el Baby Tacuache, Carmen Tafolla A S15.1. Tag Banger's Last Can, Michele Serros: A S5. Tag-Sale, Nora Glickman: A T4. Taking Control, Mary Helen Ponce: NP6;AP9.1. Taking Inventory; Kathleen Alcala: AA5. Tales from San Elizario, Josefina Escajeda: A 06. Tales of Magic Realism by Women: Dreams in a Minor Key, Susana J. Sturgis: A SI5. Tales Told Under the Mango Tree, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A K2; A 07.3. The Talisman, Claribel Alegria: AA6. Talking to the Dead, Judith Ortiz Cofer Cofer: A 07.3. Tamara, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. The Tame Cactus-El nopal manso, Esperanza Zendejas, N Zl.2. Tan lejos de Dios, Ana Castillo: N C5.6. Tapices literarios: Stories for Building Language Skills and Cultural Awareness, Glynis Cowell and Joan F. Turner: AC23. Tarde de domingo, Uva Clavijo: AC17. Tardencilla novelista, Claribel Alegria: A A6. Tata Fino, Francisca H. Tenorio: AA8.
Title/Author Index Tatuaje, Marjorie Agosin: A Al.l. Te di la vida entera, Zoe Valdes: NV2.17. The Teacher (El maestro de la escuela), Teresa Pijoan: A P6. Tears on My Pillow, Helen Maria Viramontes: A G7; A T2.1. Teenage Refugees from Nicaragua Speak Out, Melissa K. Cerar: ABC4. Teenage Zombie, Amina Susan Ali: AG5;AT1. Tejidos y bordados (Needlework and Embroidery), Patricia Preciado: AP12.1. Tell Me a Story, Papa, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Tell the Truth, Nicholasa Mohr: AM14.1. Tema y variaciones, Ana Aloma Velilla: A B9. Temporary Residents, Beatriz de la Garza: A D5. Tempt Fortune, Hebby Roman: N R6.9. Tempting Delilah, Gloria Alvarez: N A6.4. Ten Hispanic American Authors, Christine M. Hill: AB H2. Tenth Call, Michele Serros: A S5.1. Tenure, Barbara Mujica: A M20.1. Tepeyac (English version), Sandra Cisneros: A Cl5.1; A G7.1. Tepeyac (Spanish version), Sandra Cisneros: A C15; A N4. Tepotzlan, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. Tere, Bernice Zamora: A T2.1. Tertuliando/Hanging Out, Dominicanas y Amiga(o)s/ Dominican Women and Friends, Daisy Cocco de Filippis: A Cl8. Tesoros escondidos, Carol Usner: AR4. Texas Short Stories, Billy Bob Hill:
Title/Author Index AH5. Texas Two-Step, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 0 8 . The Texture of Fear, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Their Dogs Came with Them: A Novel, Helena Maria Viramontes: N VI1. There Are No Madmen Here, Gina Valdes: A H3. There Are No Madmen Here, Gina Valdes: N VI. There Was a Man, There Was a Woman, Sandra Cisneros: AC15.1. There Was a Time, Alma Luz Villanueva: A V6. The Thesis, Beverly Silva: A S7. They Say, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. They Won t Take Me Alive, Claribel Alegria: N A5.6. They Won't Take Me Alive: Salvador Women Struggle for National Liberation, Claribel Alegria: AB A3. They're Just Silly Rabbits, Alicia Gaspar de Alba: A El; A G4. Thief of Hearts, Lynda Sandoval: N S4.2. Thinking about Oblivion, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Third Call, Michele Serros: A S5.1. The Third Day, C. M. Mayo: A M7. The Third Woman: Minority Women Writers of the United States, Dexter Fisher: A F5. Third World Women, Third World Communications: A T3. Thirst, Margarita Tavera Rivera: AG7. Thirteen, Martha Cerda: A C13. Thirteen and a Turtle, Mayra Montero: A V4. Thirty, Martha Cerda: A C13. This, Ana Castillo: A C12.1. This Eye That Looks at Me, Loreina
121 Santos Silva: AB S3.1. Those of Death (Los de la muerte), Teresa Pijoan: A P6. Thoughts of Love, Life, Grief, and Other Matters of the Heart, Ana Veciana Suarez: AB. Three, Martha Cerda:A C13. Three Day Flight, Paula Maria Espinosa: A F2. Three Generations (Tres generaciones), Rosaura Sanchez: A SI. Three Keys, Lidia Torres: A D2. Three Love Aerobics, Ana Lydia Vega: A V4. The Three Sisters, Sandra Cisneros: AR3. Three Wise Guys: Un cuento de Navidad/A Christmas Story, Sandra Cisneros: A T2. Through the Crystal, Rita Rivas: NR4. Through the Raw Meat, Veronica Gonzalez: A SI3. Tia Luisa, Diane de Anda: A D3.1. Tia Maria, Deborah Paredez: A M13. Tia Miseria (La tia Miseria), Olga Loya: A L7. Tidal Pools, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Tias, Marjorie Agosin: A Al.l. Tiisbokhet mishpahtit, Gloria Alvarez: N A6.5. Time Passes, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A08. Tin Man, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. Tin Tan Tan (Enlgish version), Sandra Cisneros: A C15.1. Tin Tan Tan (Spanish version), Sandra Cisneros: A C15. Tino, Norma Elia Cantu: A M3. Tio Pancho Malo, Jovita Gonzalez: A G6; A T2. Tio Patricio, Jovita Gonzalez:
122 AG6. Tita Choling's Story, Stel Deleon: ALL Tito, Aurora Levins Morales: A L3. Tito's Goodbye, Cristina Garcia: AP7. Tlaxcala, Barbara Brinson-Pineda: AA14. Tlazoltl, Lucia Fox: A F9. To All Women Who Have Traveled the Same Road As I, Victoria Alegria Rosales: A A3. To Be a Stranger, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. To Breathe, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. To Catch a Star/Alcanzar una estrella, Ivette Gonzalez: N G9.2. To Control a Rabid Rodent, Lorraine M. Lopez: A L5. To Gabriella, a Young Writer, Pat Mora:AM17. To Garcia Marquez, Myrna Nieves: AN2. To Know the Night, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. To Marilyn, Odilia Galvan Rodriguez: A T2.3. To Set Foot in America, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Toad's Mouth, Isabel Allende: A A7. Todas corremos la misma suerte, Rosario Morales: A Ml9. Toi, I 'obscurite: Roman, Mayra Montero: NM8.11. Tommy Stands Alone, Gloria Velasquez: N V8.4. Tongue Cakes, Perla Sanchez: A G7.2. Tonio and a Destiny, Estela Portillo Trambley: A PI 1.1. Toflo liberado, Claribel Alegria: AA6. Too Much Is Almost Enough, Pat Califia: A C 1.1. Tool, Maria Madresca: A G7.2.
Title/Author Index Tortilleras, Terri de la Pefla: A W9. Tosca, Isabel Allende: A A7. Traficante de marfil, melones rojos, Zoe Valdes: A VI. Traficantes de belleza, Zoe Valdes: AV1. Tragedia tras tragedia (Tragedy after Tragedy), Emilia Padilla Garcia: A G3. Train Station, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Tramiltologia, Julia Mercedes Castilla: A Cl 1.1. Transferencias, Lucia Fox: A F9. The Transforming Eye, Kathleen Alcala: A A5. Translated Woman: Crossing the Border with Esperanza s Story, Ruth Behar: AB Bl. Transparencias, Rosaura Sanchez: A 05. Traslado a Mariona, Claribel Alegria: A A6. Travelers, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Traveling the Length of My Country, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Travels with Mami, Liz Balmaseda: A S2.2. Travesia, Marjorie Agosin: A Al.l. Treasure Hunt, Janet Murillo: AC16. Treasures in Heaven, Kathleen Alcala: NA3.3. Tree Ducks, Cristina Garcia: A A12. Tree Woman, Alma Luz Villanueva: A G7.2. Trees, Rosario Morales: A L3. Tren, Mayra Santos-Febres: A SIO. Tres aerobicos para el amor, Ana Lydia Vega: A V3.2. Tres generaciones, Rosaura Sanchez: A 0 3 ; A 04. Tribute, Cherrie Moraga: A Ml8. Trini, Estela Portillo Trambley:
Title/Author Index AP11.1. Trinidad, Loreina Santos Silva: AS4. Trino's Choice, Diane Gonzales Bertrand:NG10.5. Trino's Tiempo, Diane Gonzales Bertrand:NG10.6. Tripartita: Earth, Dreams, Power, Myrna Nieves, Ana Lopez Betancourt, and Maritza Arrastia: A N2. Triunfo del poder popular, Claribel Alegria: A A6. True and False Romances: Stories and a Novella, Ana Lydia Vega: AV3.3 True Romances (novella), Ana Lydia Vega: A V3.3. The Truth about Alicia and Other Stories, Ana Consuelo Matiella: AM6. Tu, la oscuridad, Mayra Montero: NM8.12. Tunnel to Canto Grande: A Cross between the Great Escape and the Underground Railroad, Claribel Alegria: N A4.3. Twelfth Call, Michele Serros: AS5.1. Twelve, Martha Cerda: A C13. Twentieth-Something Call, Michele Serros: A S5.1. Twenty, Martha Cerda: A C13. Twenty-eight, Martha Cerda: A C13. Twenty-five, Martha Cerda: A C13. Twenty-four; Martha Cerda: A C13. Twenty-nine, Martha Cerda: A C13. Twenty-one, Martha Cerda: A C13. Twenty-seven, Martha Cerda: A C13. Twenty-six, Martha Cerda: A C13. Twenty-three, Martha Cerda: A C13. Twenty-two, Martha Cerda: A C13. Twist and Shout, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.2. Two, Martha Cerda:A C13.
123 Two Badges: The Lives of Mona Ruiz, Mona Ruiz: AB R2. Two Children, Ana Castillo: AC12.2. Two Guadalupes, Marta Weigle: AW3. Two Sisters Write about Their Mother, Maria and Adriana Cardenas: A B5. Two Words, Isabel Allende: A A7. Tzintzuntzan, C. M. Mayo: A M7. The Ultraviolet Sky, Alma Luz Villanueva: N V9.2. Un acontecimiento, Julia Mercedes Castilla: A Cl 1.1. Un dia, Margarita T. Rivera: A A8. Un hogar en el Building, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.5. Un paseo, Luz Garzon: A Bl; AS1.1. Un paseo prometido, Zoe Valdes: AV1. Un poquito de alegria, Mayra Santos Febres: A S2. Un poquito de tu amor, Sandra Cisneros: A S2.1. Un pueblo mexicano: Selections from Mexican Village, Josephina Niggli: N N 1.4. Un punto en la nieve, Uva Clavijo: AC17. Un tiroteo (A Shoot 'em up), Adelina Gonzalez: A G3. Un trabajo para Valentin, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.5. Una casa propia, Sandra Cisneros: AB1. Una edad muy tierna m'ija, Thelma Reyna: AL6; A R I L Una historia para contar, Julie Marie Seda: A II. Una hora con abuelo, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.5. Una infancia precaria, Marjorie Agosin: A Al.l. Una isla como tu: historias del
124 barrio: para mifamilia aquiy en la isla, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A07.5. Una lection mas, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A07.1. Una mufieca como la de Jenny, Esmeraldo Santiago: A S2. Una Navidad como ninguna otra, Gioconda Belli: A S2. Una santa noche, Sandra Cisneros: AC15. Uncle Claudio, Nicholasa Mohr: AM14.1. Uncle Johnny, Maria Malbas: A L4. Uncle Rabbit and Uncle Tiger (El tio Conejo y el tio Tigre, Olga Loya: A L7. Uncle Teo's Shorthand Cookbook, Margarita Engle: A M13. Under the Feet of Jesus, Helena Maria Viramontes: N V11.1. Under the Pomegranate Tree: The Best New Latino Erotica, Ray Gonzalez: A G7.2. Understanding, Sheila Ortiz Taylor. Unexpected, Daniela Sandoval: N S3. Universities: A Mirage?, Pat Mora: AM17. Unseen Teachers, Pat Mora: A Ml7. Untitled, Myrna Nieves: A N2. Urbano: Letters of the Horse-shoe Murder, Margarita Luna Roble: AP1.1. Used Furniture, Pat Mora: A Ml7. Utopia and the Super Estrellas, Nicholasa Mohr: A Ml4. The Valley of the Sun, Gina Valdes: AR3;AS1.1. Valverde, Estela Portillo Trambley: AAP11.1. The Vampire, Pat Califia:A C1;A K4. Vaticinio, Uva Clavijo: A C 17.1. Vatolandia, Ana Castillo: A C12.2. Vecindarios excentricos, Rosario
Title/Author Index Ferre: NF3.10. Vecino Vicente, Marian Baca Ackerman: A R4. Veinte ahos de literatura cubanoamericana: antologia 1962-1982, Silvia Burunat and Ofelia Garcia: A B9. Veintitres y una tortuga, Mayra Montero: A Ml6. Veintitres y una tortuga, Mayra Montero: A Ml6. Venganza, Ynoemia Villar: A C18. Verguenza, Bernice Zamora: AA14. Vicini eccentrici: Romanzo, Rosario Ferre: N F3.11. Victuum, Isabella Rios: N Rl.l. Vida, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07.6; ATI. Vida con mi amigo (excerpts), Barbara Jacobs: A JL Village, Estela Portillo Trambley: AP11;AS8. Village of God and the Devil, Claribel Alegria: A A6. Vilma Martinez, Corinn Codye: ABC5. The Vine-Leaf, Cristina Mena. The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction, Naomi Holoch and Joan Nestle: A H6. Violeta, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Virgencita, danos chance, Adela Alonso; A A3. Virgencita, Give Us a Chance, Liliana Valenzuela: A C12. Virgin Birth, Alma Luz Villanueva: AV6. The Virgin of Guadalupe (La virgen de Guadalupe), Olga Loya: A L7. The Virgins, Alma Luz Villanueva: AV6. Visions: Nineteen Short Stories by Outstanding Writers for Young Adults, Donald R. Gallo:
Title/Author Index Loya: A L7. The Virgins, Alma Luz Villanueva: AV6. Visions: Nineteen Short Stories by Outstanding Writers for Young Adults, Donald R. Gallo: AG2.1 The Visitors, Diane de Anda: AD3.1. Viva New Jersey, Gloria Gonzalez: AG2. Voces: An Anthology ofNuevo Mexicano Writers, Rudolfo A. Anaya: A A10. Volar, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A K6; A 07.6. Vos envejeces..., Uva Clavijo: AC17.1. Vuelta a la izquierda, Margarita Tavera Rivera: A E1. Wdchalel: Poetry and Prose about Growing Up Latino, Ilan Stavans: AS13.1. The Wagon-Pole Cross, Nina Otero: A 09. Waiting in the Wings, Cherrie Moraga: AB M5.1. The Wake/El velorio, Paulette Atencio: A A16. Wakes, Noche Buena and Religious Dramas, Cleofas Jaramillo: AJ2. Walking Home, Kathleen Alcala: AF6. Walking the Twilight II: Women Writers of the Southwest, Kathyrn Wilder: A W6. The Wall, Victoria Hogan: A L4. Wanderings, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. The Warbride, Cherrie Moraga: AM18.1. Water, Marjorie Agosin: A A 1.2. Water, Nina Otero: A 09. The Water-Carrier (1913), Maria Cristina Mena: A S8.
125 Waters, Achy Obejas: A H6. Water Sleeps (El agua duerme), Teresa Pijoan: A P6. Wayward Girls & Wicked Women: Anthology of Stories, Angela Carter: A C8. Wax Candles, Marjorie Agosin: AA1.2. We Are Chicanos: An Anthology of Mexican-American Literature, Phillip D. Ortega: A 06. We Are Intimate, Aleida Rodriguez: A C20, We Came All the Way from Cuba So You Could Dress Like This?, Achy Obejas: A 02. We Came All the Way from Cuba So You Could Dress Like This?, Achy Obejas: A 02. We Don't Need No Stinking Maps, Catherine Loya: A SI3. We Fed Them Cactus, Fabiola Cabeza de Baca: AB C1. We Women Suffer More Than Men, Cicera Fernandez de Oliveira: AG5. The Wedding, Denise Chavez: AM13. The Wedding, CM. Mayo: A M7. The Wedding, Mary Helen Ponce: NP6.1. The Weeping Woman, Soledad Perez: A C 10; A F5. The Weeping Woman/La llorona, Paulette Atencio: A A16. Weeping Woman: La Llorona and Other Stories, Alma Luz Villanueva: A V6. The Weight of All Things, Sandra: NB5.5. The Well (El pozo), Teresa Pijoan: AP6. Wellesley College, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. What Big Cities Are For, Ana Castillo: A C 12.2.
126 What Boyfriend Told Me at Age Seventeen, Michele Serros: AS5. What Fish This Fish?, C. M. Mayo: AM7. What Is Bad, Michele Serros: A S5. What It Takes to Get to Vegas, Yxta Maya Murray: N Ml 1.1. What La Llorona Knew, Stella Pope Duarte: API 0. What Miranda Lost, Beatriz Rivera: AR6. What Sally Said, Sandra Cisneros: AOl. When I Was Puerto Rican, Esmeralda Santiago: AB SI.3. When Rocks Dance, Elizabeth Nunez-Harrell:AC16. When Rocks Dance, Elizabeth Nunez-Harrell: N N6. When the World Was Dark (Cuando el mundo estaba en tinieblas), Olga Loya: A L7. When Women Love Men, Rosario Ferre:AB6;AF3.6. When Women Speak, Marta Cotera: AC5. Where Coyotes Howl and Wind Blows Free: Growing Up in the West, Alexandra Haslam and Gerald W. Haslam: A H2. While Pilar Tobillo Sleeps, Amelia Maria de la Luz Montes: A W8.2. White, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. White Balloons, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A 07; A 07.4. The White Bedspread, Elena Castedo: A P7. White Bread Competition, Jo Ann Yolanda Hernandez: N H L White Owned, Michele Serros: AS5. White Wings, Anita Santiago: A L L Who Am I?/^Quien soy yo?, Paulette Atencio: A A16.
Title/Author Index Who Killed Carmen's Cat?, Rocky Gamez: A G5. Who Was It Then..., Juana Razo: AM15. Who Was Juana Gallo, Ana Castillo: A C 12.2. Who Would Have Thought It?, Maria Amparo Ruiz de Burton: NR10.2. Why, Luz Garzon: A S1.1. Why Do I Write?, Marjorie Agosin: AA1. Why We Left, Ana Menendez: AMU. Wildfor You, Victoria Marquez: NM1.2. Wild Wind, Estela Portillo Trambley: A PI 1.1. Wild Women, Melissa Mia Hall: AH1. Will, Marjorie Agosin: A Al.l. Willow, C. M. Mayo: A M7. Willow Game, Denise Chivez: AA11. The Wind, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. The Wind in the Mountains, Nina Otero. The Wind in the Pepper Tree, Frieda I. Salas:NSl. The Wind in the Mountains, Nina Otero: A 09. The Window, Sheila Ortiz Taylor: A 08. Winner Takes All, Lara Rios: NR2.1. Winning Isabel/Isabel, mi amor, Gloria Alvarez: N A6.6. Winston Reds, Emily Yaflez: AM5. Wisdom, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Witches, Elba C. De Baca: A R4. The Witch's Husband, Judith Ortiz Cofer: A G7; A 07.2. With My Children, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. With My Hands Full/Con mis
Title/Author Index manos llenas: Young Latino Writers in Yakima, JimBodeen: AB5. With Respect to the Sky, Martha Cerda: A C 13. With the Nanas, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Without a Soul, Jovita Gonzalez: AG6. Without Knowing That It Is You, Martha Cerda: A C 13. The Woes of a Single Woman and Her Car, Beverly Silva: A S7. The Wolfs Eyelash, Clarissa Pinkola Estes: A HI. Women Don't Need to Write, Raquel Puig Zaldivar: NP8.1. Woman Hollering Creek, Sandra Cisneros: A C15.1. Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories, Sandra Cisneros: AC15.1. Woman in Front of the Sun: On Becoming a Writer, Judith Ortiz Cofer: AB 01.2. The Woman in the Canyon, Nina Otero: A 09. Woman Soldier, Irene Beltr&n Hernandez: N B4.3. The Woman That I Am: The Literature and Culture of Contemporary Women of Color: Soyini Madison: A M2. The Woman Who Lost Her Soul, Jovita Gonzalez: A G6. The Woman Who Lost Her Soul: Collected Tales and Short Stories, Jovita Mireles Gonzalez: A G6. The Woman Who Makes Belly Buttons, Gloria G. Gonzales: AR4. Women, Barbara Mujica: A M20. Women Don 't Need to Write, Raquel Puig Zaldivar: NP6.1. Women Friends/Comadres, Marjorie
127 Agosin: A Al. The Women of New Mexico, Fabiola Cabeza de Baca: A C5. Women of the Word: Hispanic Women Write, Evangelina Vigil: A V5. Women on Women: An Anthology of American Lesbian Short Fiction, Joan N. Holden Nestle and Naomi Holoch: A N1. Women's Tales from the New Mexico WPA: La Diabla en Pie, Tey Diana Rebolledo and Maria Teresa Marquez: ABR1. The Woodpecker, Jovita Gonzalez: AG6. The Woodpecker/El picaposte, Paulette Atencio: A A16. Woolworth's Bra, Rosalee Gurrola: A A3. The Word/La palabra, Zaida Corniel: AC18. Word of Mouth, Short-Short Stories by 90 Women Writers, Irene Zahava: AZ1.2. Word of Mouth (Volume 2), ShortShort Stories by 90 Women Writers, Irene Zahava: A Z1.3. The Word Weaver, Rima de Vallbona: A D6. Words, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. The World, Citlamina Caltenco: AB5. Worlds in Our Words: Contemporary American Women Writers, Marilyn Kallet and Patricia Clark: A K2. The Wound, Alba Ambert: A A8. The Wounded Deer/El venado herido, Paulette Atencio: AA16. The Wounded Heart: Writing on Cherrie Moraga, Yvonne Yarbro-Bejarano: AB Yl. Wrecks, Achy Obejas: A 02;
128 AW8. Writing Down the River: Into the Heart of the Grand Canyon, Kathleen Jo Ryan and Denise Chavez: A Rl5. Writing from Obsession, Sandra Cisneros: A T2. The Wrong Lunch Line, Nicholasa Mohr:AM8;AM14.1;AT6. Xelipe, Barbara Mujica: A M20. Y de pronto un viernes, Uva Clavijo: AC17.1. Y Dios creo los osos polares, Lucia Fox: A F9. jY ni Fidel puede cambiar eso!, Aurora Levins Morales: A Ml9. Y se rue (And She Was Gone), Monica Espinosa: A S1.1. Ya no estaremos a las seis veinticinco: Mayra Montero: AM16. The Year of Our Revolution, Judith Ortiz Cofer: AB 08.6. The Year of Our Revolution, Judith Ortiz Cofer: ABO 1.3. The Year of Our Revolution: New and Selected Stories and Poems, Judith Ortiz Cofer: AB 08.6. Yellow Bird, Beverly Silva: A S7. Yo!, Julia Alvarez: N A7.12; A7.13; NA7.14. Yo, mexicana de mi barrio, vine (un homenaje), Maria Saucedo: AM19. Yo Yo Boingl, Giannina Braschi: NB10.2. Yocandra in the Paradise ofNada: A Novel of Cuba, Zoe Valdes: NV2.18.
Title/Author Index Yoruba, Wippler Migene Gonzalez: A S3. You Ain't Black You Ain't White You Ain't Shit, Alba Ambert: AA8. You as a Public Turn on, E. D. Hernandez: A T5. You, Darkness, Mayra Montero: NM8.13. You Don't Know Marta, Carmen Tafolla: A S15.1. You Don't Need College Prep, Elena Diaz Bjftrkquist: A D9. You Upset the Whole System of This Place, Cherrie Moraga: AM18.1. You'll Learn It Tomorrow, Marjorie Agosin: A Al. Young Thoughts, Bernice Garcia: AB5. The Youngest Doll, Rosario Ferre: AF3.5;AK1;AV4. The Youngest Doll, Rosario Ferre: AF3.5. Zulema, Roberta Fernandez: A F2; AG5;AK3;A03;AV5. 5:00 A.M.: Writing as Ritual, Judith Ortiz-Cofer: A 07.2. 1342 Park Road, Uva Clavijo: AC17. 1930, Aurora Levins Morales: AL3;AT6. 1940-Liceo Escutti, Marjorie: Agosin: A Al.l.
Anthology Index The letter "A" indicates that the work is an anthology and the following letter represents the first letter of the author's or editor's last name. If there is more than one anthology per author or editor, this is indicated by 1.1,1.2, etc. These codes are used for cross-referencing in the other indices. A Al
Agosin, Marjorie. The Alphabet in My Hands: A Writing Life. Trans. Nancy Abraham Hall. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2000. Short fiction: Part I: Childhood. Chapter 1: Calendar. Spring; Birth; Passover; Back to School; March; The Blue Uniform; My Apron; My Desk; Rabbit Easter; St. John's Eve; My Birthday; Soledad; Rain; The Beggar Woman; Long Live Saint Peter!; September 18; The Marconi Theater; Rosh Hashanah; Kol Nidre; A Day of Atonement; Christmas Eve at the Pacific; New Year's by the Sea; Summers of Syrup; Tidal Pools; Gypsy Woman; The Movies; The Island of Swallows; Guardian Angels. Chapter 2: Being Jewish. Identities; Arrivals; Names; Last Names; The Goyim; Being Jewish; Religious Education; Frida and Moises; Sundays; Pulchritude; Tell Me a Story, Papa; Jewish Dog; The Hebrew Institute; My History Teacher; Hebrew; Dead Languages; The Book of God; Shabbat; My Grandfather; Train Station; Aunt Lucha; Dinner with the Aristocrats; The Star of David; Thinking about Oblivion; A Glorious Body; They Say; Confessions; The Godmothers; Photographs I; Photographs II; Photographs III.
Anthology Index Chapter 3: The Women. The Jewelry; Looking-Glass Memory; Helena of Vienna; A Book of Faces; Autumn; Omama Helena; A Bit of Luck; Grandmother's Shoes; Chepi; Travelers; The Deaf; My Aunts; Tamara; Small Change; My Cousin Rafael; You'll Learn It Tomorrow; Superstitions; To Breathe. Chapter 4: The Guardians of Childhood. Happiness; The Servants; Afternoon Tea; Women Friends/Comadres; The Other Women; Day Off; Claudina; A Corsage of Happiness; Delfina; Souls; Sacred Song; Nape; Nana; Wisdom; Mama Delfina; Carmen Carrasco; Baptisms; The Burning of Judas; The Little Souls; A Cat and a Chicken; Protection; Bread; With the Nanas; The Backrooms. Part 2: Journey to the Other America. Chapter 5: Time of Ire. Autumn and Lovers; Israel; Jerusalem 1973; Moshe; God's Place; The Balcony; White; Curfew; Dark Silence; The Texture of Fear; Disappeared; The House; The Wind. Chapter 6: Pilgrimages. The Gringos; Exile Begins; To Set Foot in America; A Foreigner's Nights; The First Months; The Flying Squirrel; Berkeley; Memories; Clark Central High; Mr. Watson; At First; Halloween; The Amusement Park; The Immigrant Girls; Neighbors and Friends; Of Parties and Other Audacities; Borrowed Furniture; The Piano; The Georgia House; Fissures; Gardens; Magnolias; Letters to Be Answered; America and My Mother; Wanderings; Georgian Soil; Country; The Exile; Wellesley College; Russian Lady; Matilde; Snow; Laura; The Raft Girl; Molly McArthur; Birthday; Mama; My House. Chapter 7: Words. A Basket of Love. A Basket of Books; Books; Silences; Languages; Spanish; My Accent; Why Do I Write?; The Leper Colony; Poetry; Words; To Know the Night; Anne; Gabriela; Maria Luisa; Sonia Helena; Isla Negra; Pablo Neruda; Goodbye, Pablo Neruda; The Stone House. Chapter 8: Returns. Memorial of Oblivion; Homecoming; The Street; To Be a Stranger; Escape; With My Children; An Invitation to Travel; My Childhood; Sonia Helena; I Tell Them We Are from Here; The Pools; Traveling the Length of My Country; Calama; Desert Light; The Bonfires; The City of Strangers; High Treason; Maria; Cecilia; Violeta; The Sound of Women; A Divided Heaven; Desire; Summer's End in My Country; New Year's Day 1997; A Place of Memories; Night; Old Age; Rice Powder; The Roommate; Death; The Last Goodbye; Copihue in Bloom; Guest.
Anthology Index Includes an introduction by Nancy Abraham Hall. A Al.l
. El gesto de la ausencia. Santiago de Chile: Editorial Cuarto Propio, 1999. 166 pp. Short fiction: From Las alfareras: Apellidos; La torre; La playa; Hoteles; El miedo; Postales; La casa iluminada; Primera comunion; El dia del perdon. From Lafelicidad: Esclavas; Gitanas; La felicidad; Grasa; Adelina; Norte; Emma; Los muertos; Agua; Sangre. From Sagrada memoria: Sentada frente a la memoria envejecida; Don Isaak; Los dientes de oro; Supersticiones; Eva; Tatuaje; La puerta; Liesl; Los trenes; Anna; Hanna Josefina; Tias; Camas; La dama de Viena; Helena; Travesia; Memorias; Mis abuelos; Raquel y Abraham; Linajes; Instrumentos de trabajo; Maquinas de coser; Cumpleafios; Abuelos; Raquel; El hermano de mi padre; Rodolfo y Marcos; Los cementerios de la paz; Kiddush; El sastre millonario; Quillota ociosa y tranquila; El cementerio del Cerro Moyaca; Una infancia precaria; La escuela publica; 1940 - Liceo Escutti; Colegios privados; La casa de mis abuelos; El patio de mis abuelos; Samovar; Ciudadanos ilustres; Willi. This volume contains a selection from Agosin's books Las alfareras, Lafelicidad, and Sagrada memoria. Includes a prologue by Marisol Vera.
A A1.2
. Happiness: Stories by Marjorie Agosin. Trans, and intro. Elizabeth Horan. Fredonia: White Pine Press, 1993. 237 pp. Short fiction: Slaves; Happiness; Fat; Braids; An Immense Black Umbrella; Adelina; Nana; Monserrat Ordofiez; Emma; Wax Candles; Gypsy Women; North; Photographs; The Gold Bracelet; The Fiesta; Orphanages; The Seamstress from Saint Petersburg; The Eiderdown; Pisagua; The Hen; Pork Sausages; Itinerants; Water; Signs of Love; Love Letters; First Time to the Sea; Mirrors; Meditation on the Dead; Rio de la Plata; Blood; Journey to the End of Coasts; Forests; Beds; Cartographies; The Dead; The Rubber Tree; Long Live Life; Prairies; Sargasso; Rivers; Distant Root of Autumn Loves; Naked; Houses by the Sea; The Dreams of Van Gogh.
A A2
Aguilar, Ricardo, Armando Armegol, and Oscar U. Somoza, eds. Palabra nueva: cuentos chicanos. El Paso: Texas Western Press, 1984.147 pp.
Anthology Index Short fiction: Lucha Corpi, Los cristos del alma. Alicia Gaspar de Alba, El pavo. Rosaura Sanchez, Cronica del barrio. Includes brief bio-bibliographic notes for contributors.
A A3
Alarcon, Norma, Ana Castillo, and Cherrie Moraga, eds. and intro. The Sexuality of Latinas. Berkeley: Third Woman Press, 1993.189 pp. Short fiction: Adela Alonso, Virgencita, danos chance. Elvira Alvarado, Don't Be Afraid, Gringo (excerpts from Don't Be Afraid Gringo: A Honduran Woman Speaks from the Heart). Julia Alvarez, The Summer of the Future. Gloria Anzaldua, La historia de la marimacho. Denise Chavez, The Face of an Angel (excerpts). Claudia Colindres, A Letter to My Mother. Erlinda Gonzales-Berry, Conversaciones con Sergio. Rosalee Gurrola, Woolworth's Bra. Arcelia Ponce, La preferida. Sonia Rivera-Valdes, Las historias prohibidas de Marta Veneranda (excerpt). Victoria Alegria Rosales, To All Women Who Have Traveled the Same Road as I. Mary Siqueiros, First Time; My Other Self (Journal entry, Fall 1970). Carmen Tafolla, Federico y Elfiria.
A A4
Albi, F. E., and Jesus G. Nieto, eds. Sighs and Songs of Aztldn: New Anthology of Chicano Literature. Bakersfield: Universal Press, 1975. 209 pp. Short fiction: Maria E. Serros, The Falling Sun. Includes an introduction by F. E. Albi.
A A5
Alcala, Kathleen. Mrs. Vargas and the Dead Naturalist. Corvallis: Calyx Books, 1992. 170 pp. Short fiction: The Transforming Eye; Sweetheart; Gypsy Lover; Reflection in the Eye of a Crow; Mrs. Vargas and the Dead Naturalist; The Fire of San Marcos; A Pearl in the Desert; Ghostwriting for the Archbishop; Reading the Road; The Canary Singer; Flora's Complaint; Taking Inventory; Amalia; La esmeralda. Includes a preface by the author.
Anthology Index A A6
Alegria, Claribel. Family Album. Trans. Amanda Hopkinson. Willimantic: Curbstone Press, 1991.191 pp. Novellas: The Talisman; Family Album; Village of God and the Devil.
A A6.1
Alegria, Claribel, and D. J. Flakoll. Para romper el silencio: resistenciay lucha en las cdrceles salvadoreiias. Mexico: Ediciones Era, 1984. 245 pp. Narrative: Detenido; En la Media Luna; El derecho a cantar; Primera zona liberada; Carcel pequena, carcel grande; Las desventuras de Jaime; El milagro de los panes y los peces; Poder popular: primeros pasos; Felices Pascuas y un afio nuevo doloroso; David contra Goliat; Empezar de cero; La lucha solitaria; La lucha reivindicativa; Tardencilla novelista; La segunda huelga de hambre; La prueba de Juan Jose Dalton; En las garras del aguila; Traslado a Mariona; Estalla la bomba de tiempo; Tono liberado; Triunfo del poder popular; "La Grabadora."
A A7
Allende, Isabel The Stories ofEva Luna. Trans. Margaret Sayers Peden. New York: Atheneum, 1991. 331 pp. Short stories: Two Words; Wicked Girl; Clarisa; Toad's Mouth; The Gold of Tomas Vargas; If You Touched My Heart; Gift for a Sweetheart; Tosca; Wilimai; Ester Lucero; Simple Maria; Our Secret; The Little Heidelberg; The Judge's Wife; The Road North; The Schoolteacher's Guest; The Proper Respect; Interminable Life; A Discreet Miracle; Revenge; Letters of Betrayed Love; Phantom Palace; And of Clay Are We Created. Includes a prologue by Rolf Carle.
Alurista, and Xelina Rojas-Urista, eds. Southwest Tales: A Contemporary Collection. Colorado Springs: Maize Press, 1986. 158 pp. Short fiction: Magdalena Gallegos, Florence and the New Shoes. Mary Helen Ponce, Los Tisicos. Margarita T. Rivera, Un dia. Enid Sepiilveda, ElbaNazario. Francisca H. Tenorio, TataFino. Gloria V. Trevino, Dimanche.
Anthology Index Includes an introduction by Juan Bruce-Novoa and bio-bibliographies for the contributors.
A A9
Ambert, Alba. The Eighth Continent and Other Stories. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1997. 190 pp. Short fiction: The Eighth Continent; Dusks; Chupacabras, The Goat Sucker; The Wound; Letters to Mrs. Woods; The Old Language; The Curse; Rage Is a Fallen Angel; "You Ain't Black You Ain't White You Ain't Shit."
A A10
Anaya, Rudolfo A., ed. and intro. Voces: An Anthology ofNuevo Mexicano Writers. Albuquerque: El Norte Publications, 1987.232 pp. Short fiction: Denise Chavez, Grand Slam. Erlinda Gonzalez-Berry, El tren de la ausencia. Elida Lechuga, Bitter Dreams. Virginia Ortiz, Chistes. Rosalie Otero, Amelia. Michele Sedillo, The Birthday Party. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors. Contains both prose and poetry.
A All
Anaya, Rudolfo, and Antonio M&rquez, eds. and intro. Cuentos Chicanos: A Short Story Anthology. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1984.186 pp. Short fiction: Kathleen M. Baca, Sterile Relationships. Ana Castillo, Ghost Talk. Denise Chavez, Willow Game. Marta Salinas, The Scholarship Jacket. Kika Vargas, The Corpse. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A A12
Antoni, Robert, and Bradford Morrow, eds. The Archipelago: New Writing from and about the Caribbean. Annandale-onHudson: Bard College, 1996. 352 pp. Short fiction: Julia Alvarez, Consuelo's Letter. Rosario Ferre\ Eccentric Neighborhoods (excerpt); Fording Rio Loco; Boffil and Rivas de Santillana. Cristina Garcia, A Natural History (excerpt); Tree Ducks; The Leatherback; The Nature of Parasites.
Anthology Index
This is no. 27 of the bi-annual journal Conjunctions. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors. A A13
Aparicio, Frances, ed. Latino Voices. Brookfield: Writers of America, 1994.143 pp. Short Fiction: Alvarez, Julia, How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents (excerpt). Gloria Anzaldua, Laprieta. Sandra Cisneros, Little Miracles, Kept Promises (excerpt). Margarita Martinez, Images and Conversations. Judith Ortiz Cofer, Casa. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors and a bibliography for further reading.
A A14
Armas, Jose, ed. De colores: Journal of Chicano Expression and Thought. Albuquerque: Pajarito Publications, 1978.182 pp. Short fiction: Barbara Brinson-Pineda, Tlaxcala. Bernice Zamora, Vergiienza. This is a special double issue of the journal, Vol. 4, Nos. 1 & 2.
Arteseros, Sally, ed. and intro. American Voices: Best Short Fiction by Contemporary Authors. New York: Hyperion, 1992.381 pp. Short fiction: Sandra Cisneros, One Holy Night. Includes comments by the authors.
A A16
Atencio, Paulette. Cuentos from Long Ago. Trans. Orlando Atencio. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1999. 131 pp. Short fiction: A Deal with the Devil/Un pacto con el diablo; The Legend of El Tiradito/La leyenda del Tiradito; The Adventures of Don Cacahuate and Dofia Cebolla/Las aventuras de don Cacahuate y dona Cebolla; Don Cacahuate and His Indian Friend/Don Cacahuate y su amigo indio; The Princess Who Could Not Cry/La princesa que no lloraba; The Little Match Girl/La nifia de los f6sforos; The Hitchhiker/El que pedia paseo en coche; The Baby at Ghost Ranch/El nino del Rancho Encantado; Don Simon/Don Simon; The Christmas Miracle/El
Anthology Index milagro de la Navidad; The Christmas Doll/La muneca de Navidad; Amapola Fernandez/Amapola Fernandez; The Storyteller/El cuentista; The Princess and the Beggar/La princesa y el mendigo; Isidoro Salfin/Isidoro Salfin; The Little Lost Boy/El niflo perdido; The Wounded Deer/El venadito herido; The Racing Horse/El caballo de carreras; The Woodpecker/El picaposte; Inez from the Country/Inez del Campo; The Weeping Woman/La Llorona; The Priest's Cave/La cuevita del padre; The Magic Stone/Las piedras encantadas; El Penitente/El Penitente; The Pinon Tree/El arbol de pifion; Who Am 17/^Quien soy yo?; The Wake/El velorio. Bilingual format.
A A17
Augenbraum, Harold, and Margarite Fernandez, eds. and intro. The Latino Reader: An American Literary Tradition from 1542 to the Present. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1997. 502 pp. Short fiction: Sandra Cisneros, Woman Hollering Creek. Cristina Garcia, Dreaming in Cuban (excerpt from the novel). Cleofas Jaramillo, Romance of a Little Village Girl (excerpt from her autobiography). Nicholasa Mohr, Nilda (excerpt from the novel). Josephina Niggli, Mexican Village (excerpt from the novel). Judith Ortiz Cofer, American History. Maria Amparo Ruiz de Burton, The Squatter and the Don (excerpt from the novel). Leonor Villegas de Magnon, The Rebel (excerpt from the novel). Helena Maria Viramontes, The Moths. The anthology is organized into three parts: Encounters, Prelude, and Latino United States, each with its own introduction which includes historical and thematic context. Includes notes on the editors.
A A18
Augenbraum, Harold, and Ilan Stavans, eds. and intro. Growing Up Latino: Memories and Stories. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1993.344 pp. Short fiction: Julia Alvarez, Daughter of Invention. Denise Chavez, The Closet. Judith Ortiz Cofer, Silent Dancing. Patricia Preciado Martin, The Ruins. Helena Maria Viramontes, The Moths. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors, a bibliography of suggestions for future reading, an introduction titled "Soldier of the Culture Wars" by Harold Augenbraum, and a foreword by Ilan Stavans.
Anthology Index A Bl
Benavides, Rosamel, ed. Antologia de cuentistas chicanas: Estados Unidos de los '60 a los '90. Chile: Editorial Cuarto Propio, 1993. 172 pp. Short fiction: Ana Castillo, Pl&tica de fantasmas. Sandra Cisneros, Tepeyac; Las tres hermanas; Geraldo no apellido; Una casa propia. Luz Garzon, ^Por que?; Un paseo; Alicia Gaspar de Alba, El pavo. Ramona Gonzalez, Cuando tienes comezon. Silvia Lizarraga, Quinceaflera; El regreso. Carolina Mata de Woodruff, Con el bote en la mano. Helen Maria Ponce, La Josie. Estela Portillo Trambley, El vestido de Paris. Rosaura Sanchez, Cronica del barrio; La zanja; Carta a Rosa. Beverly Silva, Las tribulaciones de una soltera; Pajaro amarillo; El gato. Margarita Tavera Rivera, El dia de las madres; Vuelta a la izquierda. Lorraine Torres, jOjala que no! Gloria Velasquez Trevino, Sunland. Helen Maria Viramontes, Las polillas. Includes a lengthy introduction by the editor titled "Cuentistas de los Estados Unidos de los aflos 70 a los afios 80." Also includes brief biobibliographies for contributors.
A B2
Benforado, Sally. Bring Me a Story. Encino: Floricanto Press, 1986. 66 pp. Short fiction: Stories dealing with a Sephardic community in Turkey, some of whom emigrated to America.
A B3
Bernardo, Anilu. Fitting In. Houston: Pinata Books, 1996.200 pp. Short fiction: Grandma Was Never Young; Hurricane Friends; A Do-It-Yourself Project; Multiple Choices; American Girls. Includes a bio-bibliography for the author.Suitable for young readers.
A B4
Blicksilver, Edith, ed. The Ethnic American Woman: Problems, Protests, Lifestyle. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing, 1978. 381 pp. Short fiction: Toni Cade Bambara, The Lesson. La Verne Gonzalez, Born to Suicide. Nicholasa Mohr, A Very Special Pet. Includes bio-bibliographies for contributors.
Anthology Index
138 A B5
Bodeen, Jim, ed. With My Hands Full/Con mis manos llenas: Young Latino Writers in Yakima. Yakima: Blue Begonia Press, 1999. 217 pp. Short fiction: Sandra Abundiz, Sixteen and Older. Citlamina Caltenco, The World. Maria and Adriana Cardenas, Two Sisters Write about Their Mother. Natalia Castaneda, The Interview. Martha Ponce, La ilusion. Teresa Roque, From a Town Called "Xaloctoc." Eva Siddhartha Valdivia, Interview with My Mother. Berenice Garcia, Young Thoughts. Includes a Spanish-English glossary, bio-bibliographies, and black and white photographs for contributors.
A B6
Brown, Stewart and John Wickham. The Oxford Book of Caribbean Short Stories. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. 476 pp. Short fiction: Rosario Ferre, When Women Love Men. Ana Lydia Vega, Eyeopeners. Includes bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A B7
Brownworth, Victoria A., ed. Night Bites: Vampire Stories by Women. Seattle: Seal Press, 1996. Short fiction: Terri de la Pefla, Refugio.
A B8
Brownworth Victoria A., and Judith M. Redding, eds. Out for More Blood. Chicago: Third Side Press, 1996. Short fiction: Terri de la Pena, Caballito del diablo.
A B9
Burunat, Silvia and Ofelia Garcia, eds. and intro. Veinte anos de literatura cubanoamericana: Antologia 1962-1982. Tempe: Bilingual Press, 1988.107 pp. Short fiction: Lourdes Casal, Los fundadores: Alfonso. Uva Clavijo, La bicicleta de la peseta; La mancha; Ni verdad ni mentira; Tarde de domingo. Ana Aloma Velilla, Tema y variaciones.
Anthology Index
Writers included in the volume have lived in the United States since 1970. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors. AC1
Califia, Pat. Doing It for Daddy, Short and Sexy Fiction about a Very Forbidden Fantasy. Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1994. 240 pp. Short fiction: Pat Califia, It Takes a Good Boy to Make a Good Daddy. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for the contributors. Lesbian erotica
A Cl.l
Califia, Pat. No Mercy. Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2000.280 pp. Short Fiction: Mercy; Dolly; Too Much Is Almost Enough; Skinned Alive; Frankie and Johnny; Blood and Silver; Love Sees No Gender; Riding the Tyger; Incense for the Queen of Heaven; The Cop and His Choirboy (with Matt Rice); No Mercy.
A C1.2
. Macho Sluts: Erotic Fiction. Boston: Alyson Publications, 1988. 296 pp. Short Fiction: Jessie; The Finishing School; The Calyx of Isis; The Hustler; The Surprise Party; The Vampire; The Spoiler; A Dash of Vanilla. Includes A Note on Lesbians, AIDS, and Safer Sex."
A C2
Califia, Pat, and Janine Fuller, eds. Forbidden Passages: Writings Banned in Canada. San Francisco: Cleis Press, 1995. 176 pp. Narrative: Pat Califia, The Surprise Party (excerpt from Macho Sluts). Contains excerpts from publications confiscated at the Canadian border due to their sexual nature.
A C3
Califia, Pat, and Robin Sweeney, eds. The Second Coming. Los Angeles: Alyson Publications, 1996.372 pp. Short fiction: Tatiana de la Tierra, A Latina Combat Femme, Her Shoes, & Ensuing Cultural Identity; Chocolate Cake.
Anthology Index Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A C4
Canales, Viola. Orange Candy Slices and Other Secret Tales. Houston: Pinata Books, 2001. 122 pp. Stories dealing with ties between the United States and Mexico. Adolescent literature.
A C5
Cardenas de Dwyer, Carlota, ed. Chicano Voices. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1975. 189 pp. Narrative: Fabiola Cabeza de Baca, The Women of New Mexico. Marta Cotera, When Women Speak. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A C6
Carlson, Lori M., ed. and intro. Barrio Streets, Carnival Dreams: Three Generations of Latino Artistry. New York: H. Holt, 1996. 127 pp. Short fiction: Lydia Aponte de Zacklin, Dancing for Joy. Pura Belpre, The Parrot Who Wouldn't Say "cataflo." Demetria Martinez, Prayer for the Millennium. Patricia Quintana, A Remembrance of Itacate. Johanna Vega, From the South Bronx to Groton. Includes illustrations by various artists.
A C7
Carrillo, Leonard, Antonio Martinez, Carol Molina, and Marie Wood, eds. Canto al pueblo: An Anthology of Experiences. San Antonio: Penca Books, 1974.107 pp. Short fiction: Carmen Tafolla, Quality Literature. Also contains poetry and artwork.
A C8
Carter, Angela, ed. and intro. Wayward Girls & Wicked Women: Anthology of Stories. London: Virago Press Limited, 1986. 339 pp. Short fiction: Rocky Gamez, The Gloria Stories (excerpts). Includes bio-bibliographies for contributors.
Anthology Index A C9
Casal, Lourdes. Los fundadores: Alfonso y otros cuentos. Miami: Ediciones Universal, 1973. 76 pp. Short fiction: Los fundadores: Alfonso; Los zapatitos me aprietan; Maria Valdes o la colina de la universidad; Juegos; Salvador en cuatro tiempos; Rodrigo de Triana; Love Story segun Cyriano Prufrock. Includes a prologue by Leonel A. de la Cuesta.
A C10
Castaneda Shular, Antonia, Tomas Ibarra-Fausto, and Joseph Sommers, eds., preface, and intro. Literatura Chicana: Texto y Contexto. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1972. 368 pp. Short fiction: Leonor Barrientes de Maldonado, La mano negra. Soledad Perez, The Weeping Woman. This is a bilingual edition that includes prose, poetry, essays, and songs. Includes bio-bibliographies for contributors.
Castilla, Julia Mercedes. Aventuras de un nino de lacalle. Barcelona: Coleccion Torre de Papel, 1994.196 pp. Adolescent literature. Illustrations by Daniel Garcia.
. Murmullos de pueblo: cuentos. Tolima, Colombia: Union Nacional de Escritores, 1990. 73 pp. Short fiction: Pasos; Pintura escrita: la cuadra; Tramiltologia; Un acontecimiento; El candidato; Caminos equivocados.
Castillo, Ana, ed. Goddess of the Americas/La diosa de las Americas: Writings on the Virgin of Guadalupe. New York: Riverhead Books, 1996. 231 pp. Short fiction: Ana Castillo, Extraordinarily Woman. Denise Chavez, Novenas narrativas y ofrendas nuevomexicanas. Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Guadalupe: The Path of Broken Hearts. Liliana Valenzuela, Virgencita, Give Us a Chance. Includes bio-bibliographies for contributors.
Anthology Index
142 A C12.1
. The Invitation. U.S.A.: n.p., 1979. 34 pp. Short fiction: This; The Cavern; Flamingo.
A C12.2
. Loverboys: Stories. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1996. 224 pp. Short fiction: Loverboys; Who Was Juana Gallo?; If Not for the Blessing of a Son; A Perfect Romance; Ghost Talk; Vatolandia; Juan in a Million; Again, Like Before; A Kiss Errant; What Big Cities Are For; Being Indian, a Candle Flame, and So Many Dying Stars; My Dream Last Night; Christmas Stories of the Golden Cockroach; Mother's Wish; The Law of Probabilities; A True Story; Maria Who Paints and Who Bore Jose; Two Children; Crawfish Love; A Lifetime; Conversations with an Absent Lover on a Beachless Afternoon; Foreign Market; Subtitles; La Miss Rose; By Way of Acknowledgment. Includes the novels The Mixquiahuala Letters, Sapogonia, and So far from God.
A C12.3
. Mi hija, mi hijo, el dguila, la paloma: Un canto azteca. New York: Dutton Books, 2000. 48 pp. Illustrated by S. Guevara. Spanish translation of My Daughter, My son, the Eagle, the Dove: An Aztec Chant. Juvenile literature.
A C12.4
. My Daughter, My Son, the Eagle, the Dove: An Aztec Chant. New York: Dutton Books, 2000. Juvenile literature. Illustrated by S. Guevara.
A C13
Cerda, Martha. Senora Rodriguez and Other Worlds. Trans. Sylvia Jimenez-Andersen. Durham: Duke University Press, 1997. 134 pp. Short fiction: One; Multiverse; Two; After Canaries; Three; A Happy Family; Four; Good Habits; Five; The First Time; Six; City of Children; Seven; In the Dream Clock; Eight; Last Night at Night; Nine; Hide-and-Seek; The Best Night; Eleven; No One Knows for Whom One Works; Twelve; Blue in the Family; Thirteen; German Dollars; Fourteen; Between the Lines; Fifteen; With Respect to the Sky; Sixteen; Without Knowing That It Is You; Seventeen; Office Machine; Eighteen; Geography Lesson; Nineteen; The Congregation in the
Anthology Index
Park; Twenty; No-Man's-Land; Twenty-one; And the Crows Cawed; Twenty-two; Heard in Passing; Twenty-three; The Same Stock; Twenty-four; At the Baptismal Font; Twenty-five; A Time of Mourning; Last Night, Mariana; Twenty-seven; It's Their Fault; Twenty-eight; Right Place, Wrong Time; Twenty-nine; Blame It on Hormones; Thirty; Amanda's Motives; Epilogue. A C14
Chavez, Denise Elia. Proximity to Mountain: Conversations with the Esquibel Family. M.A. thesis. University of New Mexico, 1984. 267 pp. A collection of seven fiction pieces set in New Mexico.
A C15
Cisneros, Sandra. El arroyo de la Llorona. Trans. Liliana Valenzuela. New York: Vintage Espanol, 1996.191 pp. Short fiction: Esa Lucy mi amiga, que huele a maiz; Once; Salvador tarde o temprano; Peliculas mexicanas; Barbie-coa; Mericanos; Tepeyac; Una santa noche; Mi tocaya; Erase un hombre, erase una mujer; El arroyo de la Llorona; El hombre Marlboro; La Fabulosa: una opereta tejana; Acuerdate del Alamo; Nunca te cases con un mexicano; Pan; Ojos de Zapata; Articulos religiosos Anguiano; Milagritos, promesas cumplidas; Los boxers; Tin tan tan; Bien Pretty. Spanish translation of Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories.
A C15.1
. Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories. New York: Random House, 1991.165 pp. Short fiction: My Lucy Friend Who Smells Like Corn; Eleven; Salvador Late or Early; Mexican Movies; Barbie-Q; Mericans; Tepeyac; One Holy Night; My Tocaya; Woman Hollering Creek; The Marlboro Man; La Fabulosa: A Texas Operetta; Remember the Alamo; Never Marry a Mexican; Bread; Eyes of Zapata; Anguiano Religious Articles Rosaries Statues...; Little Miracles, Kept Promises; Los Boxers; There Was a Man, There Was a Woman; Tin Tan Tan; Bien Pretty. Includes a brief bio-bibliography for the author.
A C16
Clarke, Velta, J., ed. Native Landscapes: An Anthology of Caribbean Short Stories. Brooklyn: Caribbean Research Center, Medgar Evers College, 1989.131 pp.
Anthology Index
Narrative: Janet Murillo, Treasure Hunt. Elizabeth Nuilez-Harrell, When Rocks Dance. Includes a preface by Arthur D. Drayton. A C17
Clavijo, Uva A. Ni verdad ni mentira y otros cuentos. Miami: Ediciones Universal, 1997. 135 pp. Short fiction: Ni verdad ni mentira; La mancha; La bicicleta de la peseta (A Iris, aunque no la conozco); La copa; Tarde de domingo; La leyenda de un aula; Un punto en la nieve; Inexplicablemente; Don Distraido; Peterson; La espera; 1342 Park Road. Includes a brief bio-bibliography for the author.
A C17.1
. Nopuedo mdsy otros cuentos. Miami: Ediciones Universal, 1989. 96 pp. Short fiction: No puedo mas; Hagase su voluntad; El mismo cuento de siempre; Y de pronto un viernes; Vos envejeces...; La antorcha; Coito de alaridos; Fiesta para los sentidos; Pequefias muertes y una resurreccion; La fiiga; Vaticinio; Round Trip. Includes a prologue by Carlos Alberto Montaner and a biobibliography for the author.
Cocco de Filippis, Daisy, ed. Tertuliando/Hanging Out, Dominicanas y Amiga(o)s/Dominican Women and Friends. Volumen 1. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: Comisi6n Permanente de la Feria Nacional del Libro, 1997. 280 pp. Short fiction: Josefina Baez, Ci guapa aqui. Zaida Corniel, La palabra/The Word. Sonia Rivera-Vald£s, Like Chinese Food; El octavo pliegue. Lourdes Vasquez, Gato; Monologo. Ynoemia Villar, Buch' y pluma no' ma'; The Monkey Is Not As Painted; Venganza; Male Revenge. Includes bio-bibliographies for contributors. Bilingual edition.
A C19
Cocco de Filippis, Daisy Gutierrez, and Franklin Gutierrez, eds. Storiesfrom Washington Heights and Other Corners of the World: Short Stories Written by Dominicans in the United States. Bronx: The Latino Press, 1994. 204 pp.
Anthology Index
Short fiction: Julia Alvarez, The Summer of the Future. Includes an introduction by Daisy Cocco de Filippis and biobibliographies for contributors. Bilingual edition. A C20
Cochar, Jo, et al., eds. Calyx: A Journal of Art and Literature by Women. Bearing Witness/Sobreviviendo, An Anthology of Native American/Latina Art and Literature. Corvallis: University of Oregon, 1984.128 pp. Short fiction: Julia Alvarez, New World. Naomi Littlebear Morena, Noche encantada. Cherrie Moraga, It Is You, My Sister, Who Must Be Protected. Aleida Rodriguez, We Are Intimate; October; Bearing Witness; My Face in the Face of Others. This is a special issue of the journal, vol. 8 no. 2. Includes biobibliographic information on the contributors and an introduciton by Margarita Connelly.
A C21
Corinne, Tee, ed. Intricate Passions: A Collection of Erotic Short Fiction. Austin: Banned Books, 1989. Short fiction: Terri de la Pena, La maya.
A C22
Cortina, Rodolfo, ed. and intro. Hispanic American Literature: An Anthology. Lincolnwood: NTC Publishing Group, 1998. 414 pp. Short fiction: Lydia Cabrera, The Price of Freedom. Maria Cadilla de Martinez, Indigenous Profile. Sandra Cisneros, My Name. Nicholasa Mohr, For Hilda Hidalgo; Nilda (excerpt). Judith Ortiz Cofer, Maria Sabida. Helena Maria Viramontes, The Moths. This volume is arranged according to major themes in the Hispanic American experience and is designed to be used as a classroom text. Includes a foreword by Rolando Hinojosa-Smith, bio-bibliographic information on the contributors, discussion questions, and writing topics.
A C23
Cowell, Glynis, S., and Joan F. Turner, eds. Tapices literarios: Storiesfor Building Language Skills and Cultural A wareness. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 197 pp.
Anthology Index
146 Short fiction: Luz Selenia Vasquez, Papi y el otro.
This is a text intended for Spanish students at the intermediate level. Includes author biographies, comprehension exercises, and a SpanishEnglish glossary. AD1
Daly, Heyck, and Denis Lynn, eds. Barrios and Borderlands: Cultures of Latinos and Latinas in the United States. New York: Routledge, 1994. 485 pp. Short fiction: Sandra Cisneros, From The House on Mango Street. Roberta Fernandez, Filomena. Includes a glossary of Spanish terms used in the selections, a preface, a lengthy introduction by the editor titled "Latinos past and present," bio-bibliographic notes for contributors, and a photo of each.
A D2
Danticat, Edwidge, ed. The Beacon Best of 2000: Creative Writing by Women and Men of All Colors and Cultures. Boston: Beacon Press, 2000. 232 pp. Narrative: Julia Alvarez, Planting Sticks and Grinding Yucca: On Being a Translated Writer. Lidia Torres, Three Keys.
A D3
De Anda, Diane. The Ice Dove and Other Stories. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1997. 64 pp. Short fiction: The Ice Dove; Pinto; Something Special; The Christmas Spirit Tree. Adolescent literature.
A D3.1
. The Immortal Rooster and Other Stories. Houston: Pinata Books, 1999. 67 pp. Short fiction: The Immortal Rooster; Dancing Miranda; Tia Luisa; Mari, Mari, Mariposa; The Visitors. Juvenile literature. Includes a bio-bibliography for the author and line drawings by Roberta Collier-Morales.
Anthology Index A D4
De Jesus, Joy L., ed. Growing Up Puerto Rican: An Anthology. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1997. Short fiction: Alba Ambert, A Perfect Silence. Rosario Ferre, The Gift. Aurora Levins Morales, Immigrants. Judith Ortiz Cofer, Silent Dancing. Yvonne V. Sapia, Sofia. Ana Lydia Vega, Liliane's Sunday. Includes bio-bibliographies for contributors and a foreword by Ed Vega.
A D5
De la Garza, Beatriz. The Candy Vendor's Boy and Other Stories. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1994. 220 pp. Short fiction: The Candy Vendor's Boy; Temporary Residents; Agnus Dei; Pilgrimage; Pillars of Gold and Silver; Amada Means Beloved; Margarita; The Kid from the Alamo. Adolescent literature.
A D6
De Vallbona, Rima. Flowering Inferno: Tales of Sinking Hearts. Trans. Lillian Lorca de Tagle. Pittsburgh: Latin American Literary Review Press, 1994. 92 pp. Short Fiction: The Word Weaver; The Secret Life of Grandma Anacleta; History's Editor; The Burden of Routine; Future Sorrows; The Peace Brigade; Hell; An Ephemeral Star; The Libel of Dismissal; Pythagoras' Illustrious Disciple; Intergalactic Crusade; Once More Cain and Abel; Confirmation of the Obvious; Distributive Justice.
A D6.1
. Mujeresy agonias. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1986.99 pp. Short fiction: Penelope en sus bodas de plata; Parabola del eden imposible; El impostor; Beto y Betina; El monstruo de las cosas; El juego de los grandes; Oid, Adan es sal; Bajo pena de muerte; El arbol del chumico; El arcangel del perdon; Dia de tinieblas; En el reino de la basura; Lo inconfesable. Includes a brief introduction by Luis Leal.
A D7
Department of Spanish and Portuguese, ed. Fourth Chicano Literary Prize: Irvine 1977-1978. Santa Ana: Quality Printers, 1978.168 pp.
Anthology Index
Short fiction: Rita Maria Canales, The Awakening. Dolores Ramos Rosales, Nightmare; Flight 13-A. A D8
Diaz, Tony, ed. Latino Heretics. Normal: Fiction Collective Two, 1999. 215 pp. Short Fiction: Tatiana de la Tierra, A Latina Lesbian Activist's Survival Guide: O, mejor dicho, activism de-mystified, de-glorified & de-graded; Jail Time for Beginners. Judith Ortiz Cofer, Gravity. Miriam R. Sachs Martin, Mixed. Includes bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A D9
Diaz Bjorkquist, Elena. Suffer Smoke. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1996. 188 pp. Short fiction: Just Rewards; The Hershey Bar Queen; The Arizona Cafe; Suffer Smoke; A Christmas Story; No Spanish on Playground; Breaking the Chain; The Haunted Tunnel; Secret in the Show; Please Don't Take the Refrigerator; You Don't Need College Prep; Blossom in the Wind; Deliver Us from Evil; The Hitchhiking Mariachi; Bless Me, Father. Includes a preface by the author and a brief bio-bibliography for her.
A D10
Doherty, Amy, ed. and intro. The Collected Stories of Maria Cristina Mena. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1997.150 pp. Short fiction: The Gold Vanity Set; John of God, the Water-Carrier; The Emotions of Maria Concepcion; The Education of Popo; The Birth of the God of War; Dona Rita's Rivals; The Vine-Leaf; The Sorcerer and General Bisco; Marriage by Miracle; The Soul of Hilda Brunei; A Son of the Tropics. The introduction details the life of the author within a historical context. Includes a bibliography of primary and secondary sources.
A Dl 1
Donnelly, Nisa, ed. Mom: Candid Memoirs by Lesbians about the First Woman in Their Lives. Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1998. Narrative: Terri de la Pena, Blunt Cuts and Permanent Conditions.
Anthology Index A El
Elizondo, Sergio D. et al., eds. Palabra nueva: cuentos chicanos II. El Paso: Dos Pasos Editores, Inc., 1987. 127 pp. Short fiction: Alicia Gaspar de Alba, They're Just Silly Rabbits. Elvira Garcia Ardalani, El vals de las hojas muertas. Piedad Prieto Martinez, Cronicas del barrio. Margarita Tavera Rivera, Vuelta a la izquierda. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors. All stories are in Spanish.
A E2
Emra, Bruce, ed. and preface. Coming ofAge: Short Stories about Youth & Adolescence. Lincolnwood: National Textbook Company, 1997. 294 pp. Short fiction: Sandra Cisneros, Eleven. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors and study questions after each story. This volume is directed towards young adults.
A Fl
Faderman, Lillian, ed., intro., and preface. Chloe Plus Olivia: An Anthology of Lesbian Literature from the Seventeenth Century to the Present. New York: Viking, 1994. 812 pp. Short fiction: Pat Califia, The Finishing School. Emma Pe>ez, Gulf Dreams. The book is divided into six sections, each with its own introduction: I. Kindred Spirits: The Literature of Romantic Friendship. II. A Man Trapped in a Woman's Body: The Literature of Sexual Inversion. III. Carnivorous Flowers: The Literature of Exotic and Evil Lesbians. IV. In the Closet: The Literature of Lesbian Encoding. V. Amazons: The Literature of Lesbian-Feminism. VI. Flowering: Post-Lesbian-Feminist Literature. Includes bio-bibliographic notes for contributors.
A F2
Fernandez, Roberta, ed. In Other Words: Literature by Latinas of the United States. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1994. 554 pp. Short fiction: Elena Castedo, Paradise (excerpt from the novel). Lucha Corpi, Eulogy for a Brown Angel (excerpt from the novel). Beatriz de la Garza, Margarita. Margarita Engle, Buenaventura and the Fifteen
Anthology Index
Sisters; Cimarron. Paula Maria Espinosa, Three Day Flight. Roberta Fernandez, Zulema. Linda Feyder, Marta del Angel. Alicia Gaspar de Alba, Cimarrona. Nora Glickman, A Day in New York. Aurora Levins Morales, A Remedy for Heartburn. Graciela Limon, In Search of Bernabe (excerpt from the novel). Nicholasa Mohr, "Happy Birthday." Judith Ortiz Cofer, Monologue of the Spanish Gentleman. Mary Helen Ponce, "Green? or Red?" Estela Portillo Trambley, The Burning. Bessy Reina, And This Blue Surrounding Me Again. Helen Maria Viramontes, Growing; The Moths. Includes a foreword by Jean Franco, bio-bibliographies for contributors, and photos of authors. Also includes a selected bibliography of Latina literature of the United States. A F3
Ferre, Rosario. Fdbulas de la garza desangrada. Mexico D. F.: Editorial Joaquin Moritz, 1982. 75 pp. Short fiction: Carta I; Carta II; Carta III; Carta IV; La prisionera.
A F3.1
. Los cuentos de Juan Bobo. Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico: Ediciones Huracan, 1981. 31 pp. Short fiction: Juan Bobo y las sefioritas del manto prieto; Juan Bobo va a oir misa; Comer sin haber comido; Juan Bobo se queda en casa; Juan Bobo va a la capital. Illustrations by Jose Rosa.
A F3.2
. Maldito amor y otros cuentos. New York: Vintage Books, 1998. 203 pp. Short fiction: Maldito amor; El regalo; Isolda en el espejo; La extrafia muerte del Capitancito Candelario.
A F3.3
. Papeles de Pandora. New York: Vintage Espanol, 2000. 244 pp. Short fiction: La mufieca menor; Eva Maria; La casa invisible; El hombre dormido; Has perdido, me dicen, la cordura; Cuando las mujeres quieren a los hombres; Mercedes Benz 220 SL; Amalia; Medea 1972; La caja de cristal; El abrigo del zorro azul; El jardin de polvo; Marina y el leon;
Anthology Index
La luna ofendida; El collar de camandulas; El infiltrado; Carta; La bailarina; La bella durmiente; De tu lado al paraiso; Maquinolandera. A F3.4
. Pico Rico Mandorico y otros cuentos. Mexico D. F.: Alfaguara, 1997. 58 pp. Short fiction: Los tres jorobados; El fumador; Fabula de la joven Satira; Pedro Animalia; Pico Rico Mandorico.
A F3.5
. Sweet Diamond Dust: A Novel and Three Stories of Life in Puerto Rico. Trans. Rosario Ferre. New York: Ballantine Books, 1988.198 pp. Short fiction: Sweet Diamond Dust (novel); The Gift; Isolda's Mirror; Captain Candelario's Heroic Last Stand.
A F3.6
. The Youngest Doll. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1991.169 pp. Short fiction: The Youngest Doll; The Poisoned Story; The Dust Garden; The Glass Box; The Fox Fur Coat; The Dreamer's Portrait; The House That Vanished; Amalia; Marina and the Lion; The Seed Necklace; The Other Side of Paradise; Sleeping Beauty; Mercedes Benz 220 SL; When Women Love Men; How I Wrote "When Women Love Men"; On Destiny, Language, and Translation, or Ophelia Adrift in the C. & O. Canal.
Fisburn, Evelyn, ed. & intro. Short Fiction by Spanish-American Women. Manchester & New York: Manchester University Press, 1998. 126pp Short Fiction: Rosario Ferre, Mercedes Benz 220 SL. Includes a critical introduction to each story, a select bibliography for contributors, "Temas de discusion" and "Temas de debate" for each story, and a Spanish glossary. Stories are in Spanish.
A F5
Fisher, Dexter, ed. The Third Woman: Minority Women Writers of the United States. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1980.594 pp.
Anthology Index
Short fiction: Josefina Niggli, The Street of the Canon. Rosalie Otero Peralta, Las dos hermanas. Soledad Pe>ez, The Weeping Woman. Estela Portillo Trambley, The Burning; Pay the Criers. Carmen Toscano, La Llorona. Guadalupe Valdes Fallis, Recuerdo. This volume is divided into sections on American Indian women writers, Black women writers, and Asian American women writers. Each section contains its own introduction titled "Historical Perspectives." A F6
Flores, Lauro, ed. and intro. The Floating Borderlands: Twentyfive Years of U.S. Hispanic Literature. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1998. 432 pp. Short fiction: Kathleen Alcala, Walking Home. Julia Alvarez, El doctor. Alba Ambert, Losses. Sandra Benitez, El pajarero. Denise Chavez, The Closet. Elena Diaz Bjorkquist, The Hershey Bar Queen. Judith Ortiz Cofer, The Black Virgin. Sheila Ortiz Taylor, Imaginary Parents: A Memoir (selections). Estela Portillo Trambley, La Jonfontayn. Beatriz Rivera, Shango's Restaurant. Helena Maria Viramontes, Miss Clairol.
A F7
Ford, Michael, ed. & intro. Once Upon a Time: Erotic Fairy Tales for Women. New York: Masquerade Books, Inc., 1996. 370 pp. Short fiction: Pat Califia, St. George and the Dragon. Includes bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A F8
Foster, Nicole. Electric: Best Lesbian Erotic Fiction. Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1999. 314 pp. Short Fiction: Mariana Romo-Carmona, Disco Nights. Includes bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A F9
Fox, Lucia. Constelacion: cuentos. East Lansing: Shamballa Publications, 1978. 21 pp. Short fiction: La mujer pajaro; Estrella; Exit; Y Dios creo los osos polares; Amelia Hearth desaparece; Cicrogenico; Orbita; Pavana por una princesa
Anthology Index
muerta; The Old Movie; Transferencias; La dama vienesa; Holographs; Tlazoltl; La marca luminosa; En el templo de Wizbal. Includes a bio-bibliography for the author. A Fl0
Fox Rogers, Susan, ed. Another Wilderness: Women Writing about the Outdoors. Seattle: Seal Press, 1994. Short fiction: Terri de la Pena, Pajaritos.
A Gl
Galindo Mary Sue, Maria Limon, and Jesse Johnson, eds. Merienda Tejana: The Writings of Mary Sue Galindo, Maria Limon, and Jesse Johnson. Austin: Relampago Books Press, 1985. 30 pp. Short fiction: Mary Sue Galindo, A la otra te traigo flores; Que aguite; No le digas a nadie. Maria Limon, Dew Drops, Lace Curtains, and Frosty Pink Fingernails. Includes bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A G2
Gallo, Donald R., ed. Join In: Multiethnic Short Stories by Outstanding Writers for Young Adults. New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell Books for Young Readers, 1993. 257 pp. Short fiction: Gloria Gonzalez, Viva New Jersey. Rita Williams-Garcia, Into the Game. Includes bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A G2.1
, ed. Visions: Nineteen Short Stories by Outstanding Writers for Young Adults. New York: Dell Books, 1988. 228 pp. Short fiction: Gloria Gonzalez, The Boy with Yellow Eyes. Includes bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A G3
Garcia, Nasario, ed. and intro. Recuerdos de los viejitos: Tales of the Rio Puerco. Albuquerque: University Mexico Press, 1987.266 pp.
Anthology Index Short fiction: Perfilia Cordova, Se hogo un muchacho (A Young Man Drowned). Adelina Gonzales, Cuando Dios no quiere, santos no pueden (When God Is Unwilling, Saints Are Helpless); Los penitentes (The Penitents); Un tiroteo (A Shoot 'em Up); Dos padres (Two Priests); La corrida del gallo (The Rooster's Race); Sonaron cadenas (Chains Rattled). Emilia Padilla-Garcia, Los navajoses (The Navajos); Tragedia tras tragedia (Tragedy after Tragedy). La fteca (The Doll). Susanita Ramirez de Armijo, Las vacas catolicas (The Catholic Cows); El castigar a los santos (Punishing the Saints). Includes a foreword by Myra Ellen Jenkins, a glossary of regionalstandard words, black and white photos, and bio-bibliographies for contributors. Bilingual Edition.
A G4
Gaspar de Alba, Alicia. The Mystery ofSurvival and Other Stories. Tempe: Bilingual Press, 1993.106 pp. Short fiction: The Mystery of Survival; El pavo; American Citizen, 1921; They 're Just Silly Rabbits; La Mariscal; Los derechos de la Malinche; The Pifiata Dream; Estrella Gonzalez; The Prediction; The Last Rite; Facing the Mariachis. Includes an introduction by Cordelia Candelaria and a brief biobibliography of the author.
Gomez, Alma, Cherrie Moraga, and Mariana Romo-Carmona, eds. and intro. Cuentos: Stories by Latinas. New York: Kitchen Table Women of Color Press, 1983. 241 pp. Short fiction: Uno: Rocky G£mez, Dona Marciana Garcia. Gloria Liberman, La confesion. Lake Sagaris, The March. Luz Selenia Vasquez, Como el cristal al romperse. Helena Maria Viramontes, Snapshots. Iris Zavala, Kiliagonia. Dos: Amina Susan Ali, Memories of Her; Teenage Zombie. Cenen, Hunger's Scent. Maria Carolina de Jesus, Childhood. Miriam Diaz-Diocaretz, Juani en tres tiempos. Roberta Fernandez, Amanda. Alma Gomez, El suefio perdido. Rosario Morales, I Never Told My Children Stories. Mariana Romo-Carmona, La virgen en el desierto. Luz Maria Umpierre, La veintiuna. Luz Selenia Vasquez, Papi y el otro. Helena Maria Viramontes, Growing.
Anthology Index
Tres: Gloria Anzaldua, El Paisano Is a Bird of Good Omen. Cicera Fernandes de Oliveira, We Women Suffer More than Men. Roberta Fernandez, Zulema. Rocky Gamez, Day after Day; Who Killed Carmen's Cat?; Lucia. Aurora Levins Morales, El bacalao viene de mas lejos y se come aqui. Cherrie Moraga, Sin luz; Pesadilla. Elva Perez-Trevifto, Character Sketch of a Woman Looking. Aleida Rodriguez, February Notebook: A Month in a Nutshell. Sare Rosel, El viaje. Includes a Spanish-English glossary and brief bio-bibliographies for contributors. AG6
Gonzalez Mireles, Jovita. The Woman Who Lost Her Soul: Collected Tales and Short Stories. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 2000. 157 pp. Short fiction: The Mocking Bird; The Woodpecker; The Paisano; The Cicada; The Cardinal; The Mescal-drinking Horse; Tio Patricio; Juan, el loco; Don Jose Maria; Don Tomas; Pedro the Hunter; The Mail Carrier; The Perennial Lover; Tio Pancho Malo; The Bullet-swallower; The Philosopher of the Brush Country; Border Folklore; El cardo santo (the thistle); The Guadalupe Vine; The Dove; El cenizo; Shelling Corn by Moonlight; The Gift of the Pitahaya; Ambrosio the Indian; The First Cactus Blossom; Shades of Tenth Muse; Legends of Ghosts and Treasures; The Devil on the Border; Without a Soul; The Woman Who Lost Her Soul; Nana Chita. Includes an introduction on the life and work of the author by Sergio Reyna, who is also the editor. A Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage Project.
A Gl
Gonzalez, Ray, ed. and preface. Currentsfrom the Dancing River: Contemporary Latino Fiction, Nonfiction and Poetry. New York: A Harvard Original Harcourt Brace & Company, 1994. 573 pp. Short fiction: Gloria Anzaldua, Ghost Trap; Puddles. Kleya Forte-Escamilla, A donde vive Dios? Cristina Garcia, Basket of Water (excerpt from Dreaming in Cuban). Alicia Gaspar de Alba, Malinche's Rights. Aurora Levins Morales, Puertoricanness; Immigrants; Kitchens. Nicholasa Mohr, I Never Seen My Father. Pat Mora, The Itch. Judith Ortiz Cofer, The Black Virgin; The Witch's Husband. Mary Helen Ponce, The Day Rita Died. Rowena A. Rivera, Casimiro
Anthology Index
Mendoza, The Improviser. Margarita Tavera Rivera, Thirst. Marisella Veiga, The Graduation. Alma Luz Villanueva, Maya (excerpt from Dream). Helena Maria Viramontes, Tears on My Pillow. Includes bio-bibliographies for contributors. A G7.1
, ed. and intro. Mirrors Beneath The Earth: Short Fiction by Chicano Writers. Willimantic: Curbstone Press, 1992.331 pp. Short fiction: Kathleen Alcala, Mrs. Vargas and the Dead Naturalist. Ana Baca, Brown Hair. Patricia Blanco, Rosario Magdalena. Ana Castillo, Subtitles. Denise Ch&vez, Saints. Sandra Cisneros, Tepeyac. Lucha Corpi, Insidious Disease. Roberta Fernandez, Esmeralda. Alicia Gaspar de Alba, The Last Rite. Alexandra Padilla Heinemann, Salvation. Mary Helen Ponce, The Marijuana Party. Natalia Trevino, Cardinal Red. Alma Luz Villanueva, People of the Dog. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A G7.2
, ed. and intro. Under The Pomegranate Tree: The Best New Latino Erotica. New York: Washington Square Press, 1996. 362 pp. Short fiction: Ethel Krauze, The Mule Going Round the Well. Maria Madresca, Tool. Roberta Medina, The Brown Woman. Maria Luisa Mendoza, Ausencia's Tales. Antonia Palacios, A Gentleman on the Train. Elena Poniatowska, Happiness. Carlotta Sanchez, Avocado Blues Avocado. Perla Sanchez, Tongue Cakes. Alma Luz Villanueva, Tree Woman; The Receiving Blanket.
A G8
Guerrero, Lucrecia. Chasing Shadows: Stories. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2000.175 pp. Short fiction: Even in Heaven; The Curse; The Girdle; Memories in White; Blanca Rosa; Gloves of Her Own; Butterfly; Hotel Arco Iris; Love and Happiness; Cloud Shadow; Return of the Spirit.
Hall, Melissa Mia, ed. and intro. Wild Women. New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers Inc., 1997. 373 pp.
Anthology Index
Short fiction: Clarissa Pinkola Estes, The Wolfs Eyelash. Patricia Preciado Martin, The Dancer. Includes illustrations by Jill Karla Schwarz and brief biobibliographies for contributors. A H2
Haslam, Alexandra R., and Gerald W. Haslam, eds. Where Coyotes Howl and Wind Blows Free: Growing Up in the West. Reno: University of Nevada Press, 1995. 201 pp. Short fiction: Mary Helen Ponce, Cousin Mandy. Includes bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A H3
Hernandez, Manuel de Jesus, and David William Foster, eds. Literatura chicana, 1965-1995: An Anthology in Spanish, English and Caid New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1997. 487 pp. Short fiction: Beverly Silva, The Cat. Estela Portillo Trambley, The Paris Gown. Gina Valdes, There Are No Madmen Here. Gloria Velasquez, Fugitive. Helena Maria Viramontes, The Moths.
A H4
Herrera-Sobek, Maria, and Helena Maria Viramontes, eds. Chicana Creativity and Criticism: Charting New Frontiers in American Literature. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1988.190 pp. Narrative: Denise Chavez, No vena narrativas y ofrendas nuevomexicanas. Roberta Fernandez, Andrea. Helena Maria Viramones, Miss Clairol. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A H4.1
, eds. Chicana (W)rites on Word and Film. (Series in Chicana/Latina Studies). Berkeley: Third Woman Press, 1995. 312 pp. Short fiction Ana Castillo, Sapogonia (excerpt). Sandra Cisneros, Little Miracles; Kept Promises. Mary Helen Ponce, It. Helena Maria Viramontes, The Jumping Bean.
Anthology Index Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors and a preface by Maria Herrera-Sobek.
A H5
Hill, Billy Bob, ed. Texas Short Stories. Dallas: Broweder Springs Publishing, 1997. 549 pp. Short fiction: Susan San Miguel, La Llorona of Leon Creek. Carmen Tafolla, I Just Can't Bear It. Includes an introduction by John H. Irsfeld and brief biobibliographies for contributors.
Holoch, Naomi, and Joan Nestle, eds. The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction. New York: Vintage Books, 1999. 349 pp. Short Fiction: Achy Obejas, Waters. Includes brief bio-bibliographic information on contributors, a bibliography of lesbian literature housed at the Lesbian Herstory Archives in Brooklyn, New York. Also includes a bibliography of suggested additional reading. Stories from twenty-seven countries.
A H7
Hospital, Carolina, ed. and intro. Cuban American Writers: Los atrevidos. Princeton: Ediciones Ellas/Linden Lane Press in Association with Co/Works, Inc., 1998.169 pp. Short fiction: Bertha Sanchez-Bello, Family Portrait: Reflection on Interior Decoration.
A H8
Hospital, Carolina, and Jorge Canteras, eds. and intro. A Century of Cuban Writers in Florida: Selected Prose and Poetry. Sarasota: Pineapple Press, Inc., 1996. 237 pp. Short fiction: Lydia Cabrera, How the Monkey Lost the Fruit of His Labor; Animals in Cuban Folklore and Magic. Ivonne Lamazares, Cousin Sarita. Hilda Perera, Paco. Marisella Veiga, The Mosquito Net.
Isado, Javier, ed. La voz. Ithaca: Cornell Graphics Purchasing, 1995.194 pp.
Anthology Index
Short fiction: Anna Isabel Didonno, Anything Can Be Toasted. Ximena Naranjo Garces, The Maquiladoras: An Empty Paradise; Soy un indio inca. Julie Marie Seda, Una historia para contar. La voz is a student-run magazine published yearly at Cornell University. No contributor information included. AJ1
Jacobs, Barbara. Carol dicey otros textos. Mexico City: UNAM, Era, 2000. 197 pp. Short Fiction: Carol dice; El lapiz; Escrito en el tiempo (dos cartas); Las hojas muertas (excerpt); Las siete fugas de Saab, alias El Rizos (excerpts); Vida con mi amigo (excerpts); El tapiz famenco; Apostilla Uno; Divertido, lo clasico; Apostilla Trece; Epilogo; Entrevista de Roberto Garcia Bonilla. Includes bibliographical references.
A J2
Jaramillo, Cleofas. Shadows of the Past/Sombras delpasado. Santa Fe: Seton Village Press, 1941. 115 pp. Narrative: Shadows over Arroyo Hondo; Spanish Pioneers; Romance on the Chihuahua Trail; El carroferril (The Iron Horse); Honeymoon among Bandits; Memorias, Wedding, Baptism and Other Ceremonies; Harvest Moons; The Indian Feast of San Geronimo; La funcion (Feast Day); Games and Sports; Santos; The Penitente Brotherhood; Holy Week at Arroyo Hondo; Wakes, Noche buena and Religious Dramas; Saints' Holy Days; La Villa Real Its Beggars and Interesting Places; Old Customs Vanish; A Bit of New Mexico Folklore. New Mexico Spanish folklore. Illustrated by the author.
A J3
Jay, Karla, ed. Dyke Life. New York: Basic Books, 1995. Short Fiction: Terri de la Pefla, At Home.
Jimenez, Francisco, ed. Mosaico de la vida: prosa chicana, cubana, y puertorriquena. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1981. 221 pp. Short fiction: Maria Teresa Babin, Dia de reyes; El telefono; El abuelo ciego.
Anthology Index
Veronica Gonzalez-Mena de LoCoco, El cami6n; Pepin; La Navidad de Miguelito. Margarita Machado Padrdn, El automovil de Manuel. This is a text for Spanish students at the intermediate level. Each story contains a biography of the author with comprehension questions and suggested topics following. Includes a Spanish-English glossary. A J5
Johnson, Rob, ed. Fantasmas: Supernatural Stories by MexicanAmerican Writers. Tempe: Bilingual Review Press, 2001.176 pp. Short fiction: Kathleen Alcaic . Carmen Tafolla. Elva Treviflo Hart. Unavailable for full annotation. Includes an introduction by Kathleen Alcala.
A J6
Jordan, Teresa, and James Hepworth, eds. The Stories That Shape Us. Contemporary Women Write about the West: An Anthology. New York: Norton, 1996. 396 pp. Short fiction: Mary Helen Ponce, Hoyt Street; Coming of Age.
Kafka, Phillipa, ed. "Saddling La Gringa." Gatekeeping in Literature by Contemporary Latina Writers. Westport: Greenwood Press, 2000. 192 pp. Narrative: Julia Alvarez, How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents. Rosario Ferre, The Youngest Doll. Cristina Garcia, Dreaming in Cuban (excerpts). Magali Garcia Ramis, Happy Days, Uncle Sergio. Judith Ortiz Cofer, Silent Dancing (excerpts).
A K2
Kallet, Marilyn, and Patricia Clark, eds. Worlds in Our Words: Contemporary American Women Writers. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1996. 770 pp. Short Fiction: Lorna Dee Cervantes, Refugee Ship. Judith Ortiz Cofer, Tales Told Under the Mango Tree; The Latin Deli; It Was a Special Treat. Jewelle Gomez, Don't Explain. Pat Mora, A Walk with My Father; La Migra. Sonia Sanchez, Dear Mama. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors, along with contextual notes for each reading selection.
Anthology Index A K3
Kanellos, Nicolas, ed. and intro. Hispanic American Literature: A Brief Introduction and Anthology. Berkeley: Harper Collins College Publishers, 1995. 339 pp. Short fiction: Denise Chavez, The Closet; Roberta Fernandez, Zulema; Nicholasa Mohr, Aunt Rosana's Rocker; Helena Maria Viramontes, The Cariboo Cafe. Includes a selected bibliography of Hispanic literature in the United States and bio-bibliographies for contributors. The excellent introduction traces the history of Spanish-language literature in the U.S. and offers notes on terminology such as "Hispanica," "Hispano America," "Chicano," "Mexicano," and "Nuyoricans." Includes a foreword by Ishmael Reed, the general editor. This volume also includes poetry and drama.
A K3.1
, ed. and intro. The Hispanic Literary Companion. Detroit: Visible Ink, 1997. 408 pp. Short fiction: Alba Ambert, Chupacabras, The Goat Sucker; Lucha Corpi, Chapters 1,2,3 from her novel: Eulogy for a Brown Angel. Chapter 1: "City of Angels." Chapter 2: "Insideous Desires." Chapter 3: "Optical Illusions." Ofelia Dumas Lachtman, The Girl from Playa Blanca (novel excerpt). Cristina Garcia, Ines in the Kitchen. Graciela Limon, The Memories of Ana Calderon (novel excerpt); Nicholasa Mohr, A Time with a Future (Carmela); Judith Ortiz Cofer, Casa. Helena Maria Viramontes, The Moths. A brief bio-bibliography for each author precedes their selection and a primary bibliography follows. Photographs are included for most contributors as well as addresses where authors may be contacted.
A K3.2
, ed. Noche buena: Hispanic American Christmas Stories. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.370 pp. Short fiction: Anilu Bernardo, Loves Me, Love Me Not (excerpt). Herminia Chacon, Samuel's Christmas Eve. Diane de Anda, The Christmas Spirit Tree. Adina de Zavala, Legend of the First Christmas at the Alamo. Jovita Gonz&lez, The Good Eve. Cleofas Jaramillo, Noche Buena and Religious Dramas. Nicholasa Mohr, Christmas Was a Time of Plenty. Pat Mora (and Charles Ramirez Berg), The Legend of the Poinsettia. Nina Otero, The Margil Vine.
Anthology Index Includes bibliographic references.
A K3.3
, ed. and intro. Short Fiction by Hispanic Writers of the United States. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1993. 285 pp. Short fiction: Denise Chavez, Evening in Paris. Lucha Corpi, City of Angels. Roberta Fernandez, Amanda. Nicholasa Mohr, Aunt Rosana's Rocker. Margarita Mondrus Engle, Nina. Judith Ortiz Cofer, Silent Dancing. Estella Portillo Trambley, La Jonfonteyn. Helen Maria Viramontes, The Moths. Includes bio-bibliographies and photos for each author.
A K3.4
Kanellos, Nicolas, Kenya Dworkin y Mendez, and Alej Balestra, eds. Herencia: The Anthology of Hispanic Literature of the United States. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.644 pp. Includes bio-bibliographies for the Chicano, Nuyorican, Cuban American, and Latino authors. The entries are organized chronologically.
A K4
Keesey, Pam, ed. and intro. Daughters of Darkness: Lesbian Vampire Stories. Pittsburgh: Cleis Press, 1993. 251 pp. Short fiction: Pat Califia, The Vampire. Includes a list of lesbian vampire films and a bibliography of other work (poems, short stories, essays, films, and literary criticism).
A K5
Keller, Gary D., and Francisco Jimenez, eds. Hispanics in the United States: An Anthology of Creative Literature. Ypsilanti: The Bilingual Review/Press^ 1979.165 pp. Short fiction: Raquel Puig Zaldivar, Nothing in Our Hands but Age. This is a special double issue of the journal, Vol. 6 No. 2 & 3, MayDec, 1979. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A K5.1
, eds. Hispanics in the United States: An Anthology of Creative Literature: Vol. II. Ypsilanti: The Bilingual Review/Press^ 1983. 192 pp. Unavailable for annotation.
Anthology Index A K6
Kitchen, Judith, and Mary Paumier Jones, eds. and intro. In Short: A Collection ofBrief Creative Nonfiction. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1996. 334 pp. Short fiction: Judith Ortiz Cofer, Volar. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors and a preface titled "The Disproportionate Power of the Small" by Bernard Cooper.
A K7
Kopp, Karl, Jane Kopp, and Bart Lanier Stafford III, eds. Southwest: A Contemporary Anthology. Albuquerque: Red Earth Press, 1977. 418 pp. Short fiction: Denise Chavez, Baby Krishna's All Night Special.
A K8
Koppelman, Susan, ed. and intro. Between Mother & Daughter: Stories across a Generation. Old Westbury: The Feminist Press, 1985. 293 pp. Short fiction: Guadalupe Valdes, Recuerdos. Includes bio-bibliographies for contribuors.
A K9
Kothari, Geeta, ed. Did My Mama Like to Dance? And Other Stories about Mothers and Daughters. New York: Avon Books, 1994. 172 pp. Short fiction: Cecilia Rodriguez, Abuela Marielita. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors.
La Salle Caram, Eve, ed. Palm Readings: Stories from Southern California. Austin: Plain View Press, 1998.139 pp. Short fiction: Stel Deleon, It's Japanese Time...; Mommy's Story—Part I; Mommy's Story-Part II; Tita Choling's Story; Mommy's Story-Part III; Brixton Hill. Maria Amparo Escandon, A Sin without Repentance. Louinn Lota, Dream I Scream. Anita Santiago, White Wings; Irreversible Seasons.
164 A L2
Anthology Index Levins Morales, Aurora. Remedios: Stories of Earth andiron from the History of Puertorriquehas. Boston: Beacon Press, 1998. 228 pp. Short fiction: This historical memoir presents medical folklore and the history of many women and many cultures.The following is a faithful representation of the table of contents. BlSABUELAS GlNGKO
First Mother-Sub-Saharan Africa:—200,000 Women of Yams—West Africa: 50,000 to 200 50,000:Kindling-African Continent; 8,ooo: Forests-Nigeria. WILD YAM
4,000: Colors-West Africa; 2,000 to 0: Bantu Women Cut Bananas-Africa. BANANA PEEL
200: Salt-Northwest Africa. Women of Bread—The Mediterranean: 12,000 to —1500 2,000: The Deer Mother—El Juyo, Spain; 6,500: The Peaceful Land—Southeastern Europe; 6,000: Pig Mother—Europe; 3,500: Mare's Milk—Ukraine; 2,700—2,000: Deserts—North Africa; 1,500: Cutting—Northeast Africa Scars Women of Yuca—America: 15,000 to 500 15,000: Pikimachay—The Andes. POTATOES
4,000: Rainforests-Upper Amazon and Orinoco Basins; 4,000: Corn-MesoAmerica; 1,000 to 500: Temples-Central and North America. TOBACCO
0: City Girls: Teotihuancan, Mexico; 0—5000: Turtle Women, Women of Trees; The Caribbean. ABUELAS
West African Women: 600 to 1400 600—1400: Market Women-West Africa; 700: Not All Tribes Build Upward Toward the Sky; Nigeria; 600 to 1400: Slave Road-Africa; 1352: Ibn Batuta Writes Home-Mali; 1440: People, Pepper, Ivory, Gold-West Africa. American Women: 700—1400 700: Mayas-MesoAmerica; 975: Against the Knife-Mexico; 1000: Bone and Hair and Shard-North America; 1400: Cacique-Boriken. Mediterranean Women 600—1400 620: Arabian Nights-Arabian Peninsula; 900—1300: Bread, Oil, Wine-Christian Spain.
Anthology Index
900 to 1200: Poets of Al-Andalus-Muslim Spain; 1097: Fire at the Gates-Syria; 900—1400: Juderias-Iberian Peninsula. POMEGRANTATES
1350: Working Santiago de Compostela-Galicia, Spain Premonitions 1478: Unfortunate Isles-Canary Islands; 1482: Elmina Castle-Ghana; 1487: Maleus Maleficarum-Germany; 1490: Stolen Women; Bad Dreams: The Prophets Speak-The Americas; 1490: Guabancex Stirs the Pot-Boriken; Calendars. DISCOVERY HURACAN: 1492—1600 BITTERS
1492: Penetration; 1492: Lamento sefardita-Spain. ROMERO
1493 to 1511: Leyendas-Puerto Rico; 1509 to 1521: La Marcaida-Cuba and Mexico; 1514: Manikongo Affonso's School for Bakongo Girls-Kongo, West Africa; 1515: Toa; 1515: Pifiones; 1515: Piflon Shopping List; 1515 Platano; 1515: Naborias-The Names of the Captives; 1519: The Speckled Death-Central America and the Caribbean. ALEGRIA
1525: Snakeskin-Mexico; 1526: Conejo's Brothel-San Juan, Puerto Rico; 1534: Slave Mothers-Puerto Rico; 1547: Limpeiza-The Spanish Empire; 1550: tonversas at the Stake-Lorca, Spain. CALENDULA
1560: Jigonsaseh-New York State; 1563: Indiera; 1564: Dona Gracia-Europe and the Ottoman Empire; 1575: Teresa de Avila Counts Demons; 1592: Flames-Puerto Rico. JENJIBRE: 1600—1699
1600: Catalina Steals Away-Spain and Panama; 1605: A Seed Falls in Pernambuco-Brazil; 1606: Caribes; 1607: Wild West; 1608: Gingerbread-San Juan de Puerto Rico and England. GINGER
1618: Nzinga's Stool-Angola; 1618: Witches Stool-Western Europe; 1623: Ana de Mendoza Unpacks-San Juan de Puerto Rico; 1625: S/he-Latin America; 1629; Manhattan-Mouth of the Hudson River; 1630: The Weavers of Dean-England; 1635: Playa Boqueron; 1636: I Believe It Is No Sin-Galicia; 1640: Paula de Eguiluz-Colombia; 1647: Stuyvesant-New Amsterdam; 1648: The House of Peace; 1650: On the Road to Veracruz-Mexico; 1663: Nzinga, the Warrior Queen-Angola; 1664: Decree; 1694: The Death of Palares-Brazil. LLANTEN
1695: News of Sor Juana-Mexico; 1695: The Weavers of Tayasal-Guatemala.
Anthology Index PARTERAS: 1700—1798
1700: The Forests Sail East-New England; White Pine; 1701: The Country of Women; 1706: Beatriz of Kongo-Central Africa; 1714: Cangrejos; 1720: Cecilia Ortiz; 1728: Nannytown-Jamaica; 1736L The First Cafeto; 1741: Many—Headed Hydra-New York; 1748: Escapees-St. Croix; 1765: The Song of the Forest; 1777: If Fray Iftigo Had a Sister; 1786: Parbulos; 1788: Reverse Slavery-Ste. Domingue. ANAMU
LAZOS: 1798—1898 Melao; 1804: News from Haiti; 1817: War Widows. YERBA BUENA
1820: Maestra Corder; 1824: We Treated Them Well; 1824; Runaways; 1825: Flora Tristan Reads in Bed-Paris, France; 1833: Maria Bibiana Writes; 1833: Voyages-Peru; 1833: Maria Barbanera; 1834: Autos de Anti-Fe-Spain; Yellow Dock; 1844: Some Lives Burn Like Quick Flame-France; 1868: Francisca Brignoni; 1873: The Freedwomen Contract Themselves; 1875: Campos de soledad-Galicia, Spain; 1880: Tortures-Tennessee and Puerto Rico; 1886: Damas; 1895: Charcas, or, the True Story of Cafe au Lait; 1897: Luisa in Love; 1895: Mercedes a caballo; 1898 to 1900: Guabancex Again. AGUACERO : 1899—1929 1899: Ghost Dancing; 1900: Civilization-Europe; 1901: The Death Train-Southwestern United States; 1903: Postcards of Colonialism; 1909: La otra Aurora; Ruda; 1909: Lessons; 1913: Opiniones; 1914: Delmira-Montevideo, Uruguay; 1917; War Effort; 1918: Lavanderas; 1918: Vidaalegre; Maguey; 1919: Lost Bird-Western United States; 1921: Harlem-New York; 1923: Tuberculosis MULLEIN
1927: Pasodoble; 1929: Journey; 1929: Hechos desconocidos. DERRUMBRE: 1930—1954
1930: El barrio; 1931: Tiempo muerto; Malanga; 1933: Pura Belpre-New York; 1934: Needleworkers; 1935: Bread upon the Waters', 1935: Julia in Naranjito. NARANJA
1937: The Jane Speed Bookstore-Birmingham, Alabama; 1937: Madre patria; 1942: Wartime at the PO-New York; 1943: The Ghetto Comes to the Barrio-New York; 1944: Nuestra guerra-New York; 1948 Julia Drinks a River of Sorrow-New York; 1950: Threads-New York, Puerto Rico, Illinois; 1950: Stories; 1953: No nascas-Puerto Rico and the United States; 1953: The Bad Mother-New York; 1953: 105th and Fifth Ave.-New York; 1953: Dime Capitan; 1954: Freedom Sings.
Anthology Index
1954: Transition. Includes a Spanish-English glossary of selected words, an index of historical persons, and a bibliography of medicinal resources consulted. Also includes a preface and introduction by the author. AL3
Levins Morales, Aurora, and Rosario Morales. Getting Home Alive. Ithaca: Firebrand Books, 1986. 213 pp. Short fiction: Aurora Levins Morales, Immigrants; Kitchens; 1930; South; Distress Signals; Puertoricanness; Old Countries; A Story; Heart of My Heart, Bone of My Bone; Tito; Dofla Carmelita; Gardens; Letter to a Compafiero; Storytelling; The Flute; And; In My Grandmother's House; California; If I Forget Thee; Oh Jerusalem. Rosario Morales, Hace tiempo; The Dinner; The Other Heritage; Concepts of Pollution; I'm on Nature's Side; El Salvador; Puerto Rico Journal; Nostalgia; Destitution; Diary Queen; Birth; The Grandmother Time; Of Course She Read; Synagogue; Trees; Memory; I Am What I Am; Sketch; I Recognize You; I Am the Reasonable One; Century Plant; Double Allegiance; Bad Communist; Old. Includes family photographs of the authors.
A L4
Lomeli, Francisco A., ed. and intro. Nuevos horizontes de 15 minutos. Santa Barbara: Chicano Studies Creative Writing UCBS, 1979. 84 pp. Short fiction: Ana Castafi6n, Once Upon Many Times. Victoria Hogan, The Wall; Peanuts & Alfalfa Sprouts. Maria Malbas, Uncle Johnny. Includes bio-bibliographies for contributors.
L6pez, Lorraine M. Soy la Avon Lady and Other Stories. Willimantic: Curbstone Press, 2002. Short stories: Sophia; Frostbite; A Tatting Man; Soy la Avon Lady; The Crown on Prince; After Dad Shot Jesus; Love Can Make You Sick; Ivor's People; To Control a Rabid Rodent; Mother-in-law's Tongue.
A L6
Lopez, Tiffany Ana, ed. and intro. Growing Up Chicana/o: An Anthology. New York: William Morrow and Company, 1993.272 pp.
Anthology Index Short fiction: Denise Chavez, The McCoy Hotel. Sandra Cisneros, Eleven. Alicia Gaspar de Alba, Juana Ines. Mary Helen Ponce, Concha. Patricia Preciado Martin, The Ruins. Thelma Reyna, Una edad muy tierna, m'ija. Marta Salinas, The Scholarship Jacket. Helena Maria Viramontes, The Moths. Rosa Elena Yzquierdo, Abuela. Includes bio-bibliographies for contributors and a foreword by Rudolfo Anaya.
A L7
Loya, Olga. Momentos mdgicos: Magic Moments. Trans. Carmen Lizardi-Rivera. Little Rock: August House Publishers Inc., 1997. 188 pp. Short fiction: Scary Stories/Cuentos de miedo The Flying Skeleton (The Chol People); El esqueleto volador (cuento del pueblo chol); The Wailing Woman; La llorona; Godmother Death; La Madrina Muerte; The Rooster's Claw; La pata de gallo. Tricksters/Cuentos de astucia The Monkey and the Crocodile; El mono y el cocodrilo; Opossum and Coyote; La zarigueya y el coyote; The Alligator and the Dog; El perro y el caiman; Uncle Rabbit and Uncle Tiger; El tio Conejo y el tio Tigre. Strong Women/Mujeres fuertes Blanca Flor; Blanca Flor; Tia Miseria; La tia Miseria; The Virgin of Guadalupe; La Virgen de Guadalupe; Celina and El Sombreron; Celina y el sombreron. Myths/Mitos The Hungry Goddess; La diosa hambrienta; When the World Was Dark; Cuando el mundo estaba en tinieblas; How People Came to Be; De como se creo la gente. Bilingual edition. Includes an introduction by the author and a brief bio-bibliography for her.
A L8
Lynch, Lee, and Akia Woods, eds. Off the Rag: Lesbians Writing on Menopause. Norwich: New Victoria Publishers, 1996. Short fiction: Terri de la Pefla, Hormonic Convergence: con sangre/sin sangre.
A Ml
McDougal Littell, ed. Great Expectations and Related Readings. Evanston: McDougal Littell, 1998. 699 pp.
Anthology Index
Short fiction: Judith Ortiz Cofer, Silent Dancing (selection) A M2
Madison, Soyini, ed. The Woman That I Am: The Literature and Culture of Contemporary Women of Color. New York: St Martin's Press, Inc., 1994. 709 pp. Short fiction: Sandra Cisneros, Never Marry a Mexican. Guadalupe Valdes Fallis, Recuerdo. Helen Maria Viramontes, Miss Clairol. Includes an introduction by Angela de Hoyos.
A M3
Mariscal, George, ed. Aztldn and Viet Nam: Chicano and Chicana Experiences of the War. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999.337 pp. Short fiction: Norma Elia Cantu, Tino; Perpetuo Socorro; Nun's Habit (excerpts from Canicula: Snapshots of a Girlhood en la Frontera). Lucha Corpi, Delia s Song (excerpt). Barbara Renaud Gonzalez, The Summer of Vietnam. Carmen Tafolla, Los Corts (excerpt).
A M4
Martinac, Paula, ed. The One You Call Sister. San Francisco: Cleis Press, 1989. Short fiction: Terri de la Pefla, Once a Friend.
A M5
Martinz, Noemi, ed. ChicanaWriter. Short Story Contest, 2001. ChicanaWriter.com, 2001. Short stories: Kathleen Avifla, Los viejitos chiquitos. Angela Cervantes, Scotland Street Angels. Luz Gonzalez, Ride. Angelica Guillen, Angie. Fabiola Leal, Dinner with Dad. Nancy Loredo, Five. Elsa A. Moffett, Crossing Borders. Edith Vasquez, Rosaura's Wings. Emily Yaflez, Winston Reds. Listed stories are the winning entries in the online journal's first short story contest. First place: Rosaura's Wings; second place: Winston Reds; third place Scotland Street Angels; fourth place: Dinner with Dad. Winning stories are forthcoming in a chapbook.
A M6
Matiella, Ana Consuelo. The Truth about Alicia and Other Stories. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2002.
Anthology Index Unavailable for annotation.
A M7
Mayo, C. M. Sky over El Nido. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 1995. 164 pp. Short fiction: Chabela del Rio y de la Fuente Contreras, Thrice Married (Once Divorced), Reflects on Her Relationship with Her Mother while Lying on Her Bed, Mexico City, 1990; Sky over El Nido; The Third Day; The Jaguarundi; Davy Whittiespoon Rex; The Wedding; Tzintzuntzan; Coyote Don't Bite; O Majesty; Willow; What Fish This Fish?; Rainbow's End. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A M8
Mazer, Anne, ed. and intro. America Street: A Multicultural Anthology of Stories. New York: Persea Books, 1993.152 pp. Short fiction: Nicholasa Mohr, The Wrong Lunch Line.
A M9
Mazzioti Gillan, Maria, and Jennifer Gillan, eds. Growing Up Ethnic in America: Contemporary Fiction about Learning to Be American. New York: Penguin, 1999.374 pp. Short stories: Sandra Cisneros, Mericans.
A M9.1
. Identity Lessons: A Contemporary Writing about Learning to Be American. New York: Penguin Books, 1999. 372 pp. Short fiction: Maria Fama, The Captain of the Safeties. Rachel Guido de Vries, The Accordion. Toni Libro, The Last Lesson. Tony Medina, Dictionary of Terminology. Kathryn Nocerino, Language Difficulties. Sonia Sanchez, Dear Mama. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A M10
Mena, Jesus, ed. Homenaje a la ciudad de Los Angeles: Latino Experience in Literature and Art. Los Angeles: Los Angeles Latino Writers Association, 1982. 67 pp. Short fiction: Marcia Gonzales, Gonzales & Son, a Minor, vs. Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department, a Political Subdivision, et al. LASCNo.
Anthology Index
NEC 12431. Mary Helen Ponce, Los piojos. Helen Maria Viramontes, The Moths. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors. A Mil
Menendez, Ana. In Cuba I was a German Shepherd. New York: Grove Press, 2001. 229 pp. Short fiction: In Cuba I was a German Shepherd; Hurricane Stories; The Perfect Fruit; Why We Left; Story of a Parrot; Confusing the Saints; Baseball Dreams; The Last Rescue; Miami Relatives; The Party; Her Mother's House.
A M12
Milligan, Bryce, ed. Corazdn del norte: A Selection of North Texas Latino Writings. San Antonio: Wings Press, 1996. 68 pp. Short fiction: Phylis Esparza, La Uamada. Diana Navarrete Marquis, Day of the Dead. Includes illustrations by various artists and bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A M12.1
, ed. Linking Roots. Writing by Six Women with Distinct Ethnic Heritages. San Antonio: M & A Editions, 1993. 56 pp. Short fiction: Sheila Sanchez Hatch, Sin palabras. In6s Martinez, Roots. Includes bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A M13
Milligan, Bryce, Mary Guerrero Milligan, and Angela de Hoyos, eds. Daughters of the Fifth Sun: A Collection ofLatina Fiction and Poetry. New York: Riverhead Books, 1995. 283 pp. Short fiction: Marjorie Agosin, Adelina. Julia Alvarez, The Kiss. Enedina Casarez V&squez, The House of Quilts. Ana Castillo, Being Indian; A Candle, and So Many Dying Stars. Denise Chavez, The Wedding. Sandra Cisneros, Eyes of Zapata. Lucha Corpi, Four, Free, and Illegal. Margarita Engle, Uncle Teo's Shorthand Cookbook. Rosario FerrS, The Glass Box. Mary Guerrero Milligan, Loteria; La rosa. Ines Martinez, The Singing Antelope. Judith Ortiz Cofer, Nada. Deborah Paredez, Tia Maria. Cecile Pineda, Face (excerpt).
Anthology Index Mireya Robles, In the Other Half of Time. Sheila Sanchez Hatch, Sin Palabras. Carmen Tafolla, Chencho's Cow. Includes bio-bibliographies for contributors, a foreword by Maria Hinojosa, and an introduction tracing the history of Latina literature.
A M14
Mohr, Nicholasa. A Matter of Pride and Other Stories. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1997. 191 pp. Short Stories: A Matter of Pride; In Another Place in a Different Era; My Newest Triumph; Memories: R.I.P.; Rosalina de los Rosarios; Blessed Divination; Utopia, and the Super Estrellas.
A M14.1
. El Bronx Remembered: A Novella and Stories. New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1975.179 pp. Short fiction: A Very Special Pet; A New Window Display; Tell the Truth; Shoes for Hector; Once Upon a Time...; Mr. Mendelsohn; The Wrong Lunch Line; A Lesson in Fortune-Telling; Uncle Claudio; Princess; Herman and Alice, a Novella; Love with Aleluya. Short stories about Puerto Rican immigrants and their struggles for survival in New York. Includes a preface by the author.
A M14.2
. In New York. New York: Dial Press, 1977.192 pp. Short fiction: Old Mary; I Never Seen My Father; The English Lesson; The Perfect Little Flower Girl; The Operation; Lali; The Robbery; Coming to Terms. Includes a brief bio-bibliography on the author.
A Ml4.3
. Rituals of Survival: A Woman's Portfolio. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1994.158 pp. Short fiction: Aunt Rosana's Rocker (Zoraida); A Time with a Future (Carmela); Brief Miracle (Virginia); A Thanksgiving Celebration (Amy); Happy Birthday (Lucia); The Artist (Inez).
Montalvo, Carmela, and Leonardo Anguiano, eds. El quetzal emplumece. San Antonio: Mexican Americna Cultural Center,
Anthology Index
1976. 488 pp. Narrative: Juana Razo, Who Was It Then...; Ni pa...arriba ni pa abajo. A M16
Montero, Mayra. Veintitrdsy una tortuga. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Instituto de Cultura Puertorriquena, 1981. 103 pp. Short fiction: The Geese and the Ghost; La graciosa ira de los payasos; Esta lloviendo en San Juan; Ya no estaremos a las seis veinticinco; La vuelta del hombre; Delma; "Halloween en Leonardo's"; Anoche por la mafiana; Veintitres y una tortuga.
Illustrations by Juan Alvarez O'Neill. Mora, Pat. Nepantla: Essays from the Land in the Middle. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1993.181 pp. Essays: Bienvenidos; The Border: A Glare of Truth; Endangered Species; Used Furniture; The Dance within My Heart; Desert Women; Remembering Lobo; My Fierce Mother; A Conversation with My Three; Snapshots: Puerto Vallarta; Reading Poetry in Pakistan; Island Images: The Dominican Republic; A Haze in Guatemala; Escribe, Escribe; Poet as Curandera; Unseen Teachers; To Gabriela, a Young Writer; Emerging Voices: The Teaching of Writing; Universities: A Mirage?; A Poet for President.
A M18
Moraga, Cherrie. The Last Generation. Boston: South End Press, 1993. 197 pp. Short fiction: The Ecology of Women; La ofrenda; Suefio; Indian Summer; The Breakdown of the Bicultural Mind; I Don't Know the Protocol; Tribute. Includes an introduction by the author and a brief bio-bibliography for her.
A Ml8.1
. Loving in the War Years: Lo que nunca paso por sus labios. Boston: South End Press, 1983.152 pp. Short fiction: It Is You, My Sister, Who Must Be Protected; You Upset the Whole System of this Place; The Slow Dance; Pesadilla; La Gtiera; Salvation, Jesus, and Suffer; Modern-Day Hero; The Warbride.
Anthology Index
174 Includes an introduction by the author. A M19
Moraga, Cherrie, and Ana Castillo, eds. Estapuente, mi espalda: voces de mujeres tercermundistas en los Estados Unidos. San Francisco: ISM Press, 1988. 281 pp. Short fiction: Gloria Anzaldua, La prieta; Hablar en lenguas: Una carta a escritoras tercermundistas. Elsa Granados, Haciendo conexiones. Aurora Levins Morales,... \ Y ni Fidel puede cambiar eso! Morena de Martinez, No podemos regresar. Cherrie Moraga, La Giiera. Rosario Morales, Todas corremos la misma suerte. Sonia RiveraValdes, De verdad verdad. ^Por que te fuiste de Cuba? Maria Saucedo, Yo, mexicana de mi barrio, vine (un homenaje). Anita Valerio, En la sangre, el rostro y el sudor esta la voz de mi madre. Includes a Spanish glossary, bio-bibliographies for contributors, and an introduction by Cherrie Moraga.
A M20
Mujica, Barbara. Farfrom My Mother's Home. Mountain View: Floricanto Press, 1999. 230 pp. Short fiction: Mitrani; Xelipe; Gotlib, Bombero; Women; How Jose Ignacio Maria de Jesus e Yndurain Learned to Dance the Hora\ Mary and Magda; Francisca's Friends; Preparations for the Wedding; Bienvenue, Rosalia; Fairy Tale. Includes a foreword by Mario Bencastro.
A M20.1
. Sanchez across the Street and Other Stories. Sarasota: FLF Press, 1997.137 pp. Short fiction: Sanchez across the Street; How Jose Ignacio Maria de Jesus San Juan e Yndurain Learned to Dance the Hora; Dear Erik Estrada, I Love You; Francisca's Friends; Bienvenue, Rosalia; The Baby-sitter Halfback; A Surprise for Dr. Goldfarb; Tenure; The Scandalous Case of Diana Salinas and Jorge Schapiro; La voz.
Muse, Daphne, ed. and intro. Prejudice: Stories about Hate, Ignorance, Revelation, and Transformation. New York: Hyperion Books for Children, 1995
Anthology Index
Short fiction: Sandra Cisneros, A Rice Sandwich. Adolescent literature. Includes bio-bibliographic information for contributors. A NI
Nestle, Joan, N. Holden, and Naomi Holoch, eds. Women on Women: An Anthology of American Lesbian Short Fiction. New York: A Plume Book, 1990. 309 pp. Short fiction: Rocky G&mez, The Gloria Stories (excerpt). Includes bio-bibliographic information for contributors.
A N2
Nieves, Myrna, Ana Lopez Betancourt, and Maritza Arrastia. Tripartita: Earth, Dreams, Power. New York: Collections Atabex, 1990. 197 pp. Short fiction: Maritza Arrastia, Amanuensis. Myrna Nieves, La tienda de mi tia; A la muerte de Cuquito, el nene de mi tia; A mis muertos familiares; Los espiritus de la bestia; The Spirits of the Beast; Paisaje marino; Marine Vista; Guardianes; Guardians; Maremoto; A Baltazar; To Garcia Marquez; Sobre dragones; Regarding Dragons; Mas sobre dragones; More about Dragons; El Papa; Sin titulo; Untitled; La cantante; Periquitos; Parakeets; The Singer; Finale. Includes bio-bibliographic information for contributors. This volume contains both prose and poetry in Spanish and English.
A N3
Norris, Gloria, ed. and intro. The Seasons of Women: An Anthology. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1996. 464 pp. Short fiction: Judith Ortiz Cofer, Silent Dancing.
A N4
Novakovich, Josip, and Robert Shapard, eds. and intro. Stories in the Stepmother Tongue. Buffalo: White Pine Press, 2000.254 pp. Short fiction: Julia Alvarez, Joe. Judith Ortiz Cofer, Not for Sale. Includes a brief bio-bibliography and a personal statement from each contributor.
176 A N5
Anthology Index Novoa, Juan Bruce, and Jose Guiliermo Saavedra, eds. Antologia retrospectiva del cuento chicano. Mexico D. F.: Consejo Nacional de Poblacion Mexico, 1988. 215 pp. Short fiction: Ana Castillo, Platica de fantasmas. Sandra Cisneros, Tepeyac. Sheila Ortiz Taylor, Siendo iguales todas las cosas. Cecile Pineda, Runes. Estela Portillo Trambley, El vestido de Paris. Margarita Tavera Rivera, El dia de las madres. Helena Maria Viramontes, Las polillas. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors and a prologue by Juan Bruce Novoa.
Oates, Joyce Carol, ed. The Oxford Book of American Short Stories. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. 768 pp. Short fiction: Sandra Cisneros, The House on Mango Street; What Sally Said; Linoleum Roses; A House of My Own.
A 02
Obejas, Achy. We Came All the Way from Cuba So You Could Dress Like This? Pittsburgh: Cleiss Press, 1994.133 pp. Short fiction: Wrecks; The Cradleland; Above All, A Family Man; Man Oh Man; The Spouse; Forever; We Came All the Way from Cuba So You Could Dress Like This? Includes a brief bio-bibliography for the author.
A 03
Olivares, Julian, ed. and intro. Cuentos hispanos de los Estados Unidos. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1993. 242 pp. Short fiction: Rima de Vallbona, La tejedora de palabras. Roberta Fernandez, Amanda; Zulema. Angela McEwan-Alvarado, Naranjas. Rosaura Sanchez, Entro y se sento; Tres generaciones. Lydia Velez-Rom£n, Dioses, animalitos y maestros. Includes a photograph and a brief autobiography of each author. Comprehension questions and suggestions for compositions follow each story.
A 04
Olivero, Julian, and Evangelina Vigil-Pinon, eds. Decade II: An Anniversary Anthology. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1993. 256
Anthology Index
pp. Short fiction: Rima de Valbona, La tejedora de palabras. Roberta Fernandez, Andrea. Nicholasa Mohr, An Awakening ...Summer 1956. Judith Ortiz Cofer, The Black Virgin. Rosaura Sanchez, Tres generaciones. Helen Maria Viramontes, Miss Clairol. This volume contains a selection from Revista Chicano-Riquena/The Americas Review from 1983-1992 and was published in celebration of the Twentieth Anniversary of the founding of the journal. Includes an introduction by Evangelina Vigil-Pinon. A 05
Orjuela, Hector, ed. Second Chicano Literary Prize: Irvine 19721976. Colombia: Ediciones El Dorado, 1976.164 pp. Short fiction: Rosa M. Carrillo, Amor, libertad y calor. Rosaura Sanchez, Transparencias.
Ortega, Phillip D., ed. We Are Chicanos: An Anthology of Mexican-American Literature. New York: Washington Square Press, 1973. 330 pp. Short fiction: Nina Otero, Count La Cerda's Treasure. Josefina Escajeda, Tales from San Elizario. Jovita Gonzalez, Don Tomas. Includes brief biographical information and black and white photographs for some of the contributors.
A 07
Ortiz Cofer, Judith. An Island Like You: Stories of the Barrio. New York: Orchard Books, 1995.165 pp. Short fiction: Bad Influence; Arturo's Flight; Beauty Lessons; Catch the Moon; An Hour with Abuelo; The One Who Watches; Matoa's Mirror; Don Jose of La Mancha; Abuela Invents the Zero; A Job for Valentin; Home to El Building; White Balloons.
A 07.1
. Bailando en silencio: escenas de una nihez puertorriquena. Trans. Elena Olazagasti-Segovia. Houston: Pinata Books, 1997. 159 pp. Short fiction: Casa; Mds espacio; Hablando con los muertos; La virgen morena;
Anthology Index
Lecciones de primaria; Una leccion mas; Cuentos contados bajo el arbol de mango; Bailando en silencio; Algunos de los personajes; La vergiienza del espejo; Quinceaflera; Marina; La ultima palabra. A 07.2
. The Latin Deli: Prose and Poetry. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 1993. 170 pp. Short fiction: American History; Not for Sale; Twist and Shout; By Love Betrayed; The Witch's Husband; Nada; Letter from a Caribbean Island; Dear Joaquin; Lydia; Corazon's Cafe; Advanced Biology; The Paterson Public Library; The Story of My Body; The Myth of the Latin Women: I Just Met a Girl Named Maria; 5:00 A.M.: Writing as Ritual.
A 07.3
. Silent Dancing: A Partial Remembrance of a Puerto Rican Childhood. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1990.167 pp. Short fiction: Casa; More Room; Talking to the Dead; The Black Virgin; Primary Lessons; One More Lesson; Tales Told under the Mango Tree; Silent Dancing; Some of the Characters; The Looking-Glass Shame; Quinceaflera; Marina; The Last Word.
A 07.4
. Stories of the Barrio. New York: Orchard Books, 1995.165 pp. Short fiction: Bad Influence; Arturo's Flight; Beauty Lessons; Catch the Moon; An Hour with Abuelo; The One Who Watches; Matoa's Mirror; Don Jose of La Mancha; Abuela Invents the Zero; A Job for Valentine; Home to El Building; White Balloons.
A 07.5
. Una isla como tu: historias del barrio: para mifamilia aquiy en la isla. Trans. Juan Elias Tovar Cross. Mexico D. F.: Fondo de Cuitura Econ6mica, 1997.199 pp. Short fiction: La mala influencia; La huida de Arturo; Lecciones de belleza; Atrapar la luna; Una hora con el abuelo; Aquella que mira; El espejo de Matoa; Don Jose de La Mancha; La abuela inventa el cero; Un trabajo para Valentin; Un hogar en El Building; Globos blancos. Spanish translation of An Island Like You. Illustrations by Felipe Ugalde.
Anthology Index A 07.6
. The Year of Our Revolution: New and Selected Stories and Poems. New York: Puffin, 2001.131 pp. Short fiction: Origen; Volar; Fulana; Kennedy in the Barrio; Lost Relatives; Gravity Making Love in Spanish, Circa 1969;The Year of Our Revolution; El Olvido; The One Peso Prediction; First Love; Vida. Adolescent literature. First published by Pinata Books in 1998.
A 08
Ortiz Taylor, Sheila, and Sandra Ortiz Taylor. Imaginary Parents. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1996.257 pp. Short fiction: Book 1. Equinox; Mirrors; Shoe Trees; Polar Palace; Afterlife; Hunting Scene; Singer; Tin Man; Pocadillas; Convoy; And the Skies Are Not; Latticework; Electricity Tree; Front and Center; Lives of Butterflies. Book 2. Black Iris; In the Closet; Legends; Riverside Drive; Street Map; The Birthday Party; Holy Land; La Frontera; Curandera; The Luna; Amongst Women; Requiem for My Mama; Housekeeping; Perfect Understanding; Ants; Texas Two-Step; Esther William's Sister; Games of Chance. Book 3. Hearts; California Rangers; Love Something; Clock Town; A Dream; Days of the Verdugos; House of Mirrors; River Ride; Big Bear; Re/Collection; Iron Lung; Time Passes; The Window; Milagritos; Overheard of the Reforma; Inventory; Moving Pictures; Tepotzlan; Art Catalogue. Includes a foreword by Sheila Ortiz Taylor in which she states that this volume is an autobiography, or memoir, or poetry, or creative nonfiction or pure fiction. It is an altar, an ofrenda. Explanations are provided for each piece of art included.
A 09
Otero, Nina. Old Spain in Our Southwest. New York: Harcourt, Brace, and Company, 1936.192 pp. Short fiction: The Wind in the Mountains; An Old Spanish Hacienda; Asking for the Bride; The Harvest; Flowers; Animals; Water; Old Churches in New Spain; Saints' Days and Feasts; Holy Week Processional; Our Lady of Victory; Spanish Place-Names; Early Schooling in New Mexico; Folk Songs; The Field Crosses of the Farmers; Count La
Anthology Index
Cerda's Treasure; The Woman in the Canyon; The Bells of Santa Cruz; The Holy Child of Chimayo; The Wagon-Pole Cross; The Margil Vine; The Beggar; Juan Osito; The Clown of San Cristobal. Includes a Spanish-English glossary, a list of proper names, and illustrations by Aileen Nusbaum. API
Palley, Julian, ed. Best New Chicano Binghamton: Bilingual Press, 1986. 84 pp.
Literature 1986.
Short fiction: Elizabeth Noriega Stein, Chilpancingo, and the Need to Know. This volume contains the award-winning stories and poems from the Ninth Chicago Literature Contest held at the University of California, Irvine. No author information included. A P 1.1
, ed. Best New Chicano Literature 1989. Tempe, Bilingual Press, 1989.124 pp. Short fiction: Lucha Corpi, Shadows on Ebbing Water. Margarita Luna Roble, Urbano: Letters of the Horse-shoe Murder. Ana Maria Salazar, La ultima despedida. Gloria Velasquez Treviflo, Sunland. This collection includes the winners of the 10th and 11th Chicano literature contest held at the University of California, Irvine. No author information included.
Paredes, Am£rico, and Raymund Paredes, eds. and intro. Mexican-American Authors. Dallas: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1972. 152 pp. Short fiction: Jovita Gonzalez, Among My People. Fermina Guerra, Rancho Buena Vista. Josephina Niggli, The Street of the Three Crosses; The Engagement; The Street of the Canon; Sunday Costs Five Pesos. Includes bio-bibliographies and a photograph for contributors. Each selection is followed by discussion questions.
Penelope, Julia, ed. Out of the Class Closet. Freedom: Crossing Press, 1994. Short fiction: Terri de la Pena, Chicana, Workingclass and Proud: The Case of the
Anthology Index
Lopsided Tortilla. AP4
Penelope, Julia, and Sarah Valentine, eds. Finding the Lesbians: Personal Accounts from Around the World. Freedom: Crossing Press, 1990. Short fiction: Terri de la Pefla, Sequences.
Penelope, Julia, and Susan Wolfe, eds. The Coming Out Stories. 2nd ed. Freedom: Crossing Press, 1989. Short fiction: Terri de la Pefla, Good-bye Ricky Ricardo, Hello Lesbianism.
A P6
Pijoan, Teresa. La cuentista: Traditional Tales in Spanish and English. Trans. Nancy Zimmerman. Santa Fe: Red Crane Books, 1994.185 pp. Short fiction: Marta (Marta); Water Sleeps (El agua duerme); Clowns (Los payasos); The Man with Worms (El hombre con gusanos); Rain Clouds (Nubarrones); Stranger's Gift (El regalo del extraflo); Cliff Children (Los niflos del barranco); Padre Martinez and San Jose (El Padre Martinez y San Jose); The Teacher (El maestro de la escuela); Idiots (Los idiotas); The Land of Those Who Sleep (La tierra de la gente que duerme); The Well (El pozo); The Cross (La cruz); The Angel from Alcalde (El angel de Alcalde); The House of Green (La casa verde); The Old Magpie-Husband's Grief (El dolor del viejo esposo-cotorra); The Kiss (El beso); The Spanish Sword (La espada espafiola); Josefita (Joseflta); The Doctor (El medico); San Ysidro's Neighbor (El vecino de San Ysidro); The Old Bullfrog (El viejo rana tora); The Black Mare (La yegua negra); Count Your Blessings (Tengase por dichosos); The Hooded Mass (La misa encapuchada); Shoemaker (El zapatero); The Kernel of Corn (El grano de maiz); Those of Death (Los de la muerte).
. Stories from a Dark & Evil World. Cuentos delmundo malvado. Trans. Sharon Franco. Santa Fe: Red Crane Books, 1999. 229 pp. Short fiction: The Dream Bachelor (El sueno del soltero); The Heartsick Lover (Mai de amores); The Gloves (Los guantes); Blood Hungry (Avido de sangre); Master of Death (El maestro de la muerte); Casino Night (Noche de casino); The Lover's Mask (La mascara del amante); Night
Anthology Index Hag (La bruja de noche); Dead Wife's Revenge (La venganza de la difunta esposa); Gavin's Story (La historia de Gavin); The Love of Gold (El amor de oro); The Oscars (Los Oscares); The Chile Plant (La mata de chile). Bilingual edition, translated into Spanish by Sharon Franco. Includes bio-bibliographic information on the author.
Poey, Delia, and Virgil Su&rez, eds and intro. Iguana Dreams. New York: Harper Perennial, 1992. 376 pp. Short fiction: Julia Alvarez, Customs. Elena Castedo, The White Bedspread. Ana Castillo, On Francisco el Penitente's First Becoming a Santero and Thereby Sealing His Fate. Denise Chavez, Chata. Sandra Cisneros, Salvador Late or Early. Cristina Garcia, Tito's Good-bye. Judith Ortiz Cofer, American History. Mary Helen Ponce, Blizzard!!! Cecilia Rodriguez-Milanes, Abuela Marielita. Marisella Veiga, Fresh Fruit. Includes a brief bio-bibliography and a black and white photograph for each author.
Poey, Delia, and Virgil Su£rez, eds. and intro. Little Havana Rules: A Cuban-American Literature Anthology. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1996. 444 pp. Short fiction: Margarita Engle, On The Morning of His Arrest. Cristina Garcia, Ines in the Kitchen. Andrea O'Reilly Herrera, The Homecoming. Beatriz Rivera, Paloma. Marisella Veiga, Liberation in Little Havana. Includes a bibliography of Cuban-American literature and biobibliographic information for contributors. Also includes poetry, drama, and essay.
A P9
Ponce, Mary Helen. Recuerdos: Short Stories of the Barrio. Tujunga: Adame and Associates, 1983. 33 pp. Unavailable for annotation.
A P9.1
. Taking Control. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1987.128 pp. Short fiction: The Playgoers; The Campout; La Josie; Rosa la cantinera; El
Anthology Index
marxista; The New Affirmative Action Officer; The Painkillers; Adios, Barbarita; The Permanent. Includes a brief bio-bibliography for the author. A P10
Pope Duarte, Stella. Fragile Night. Tempe: Bilingual Press, 1997. 160 pp. Short fiction: What La Llorona Knew; Los gemelos; Fragile Night; The Remedy; The Mango; Cobra; Isabel's Judge; Pablo the Penitent; Penguin's Mother; Dona Dolores; Black Widow; Lucinda Maria; Cinderella Danced; The Dangerous Game; Once for Pepito. Includes a brief bio-bibliography for the author.
A Pll
Portillo Trambley, Estela. Rain of Scorpions and Other Stories. Tempe: Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingue, 1993.175 pp. Short fiction: Pay the Criers; The Paris Gown; If It Weren't for the Honeysuckle...; The Burning; Leaves; Looking for God; Village; La Yonfantayn; Rain of Scorpions. Includes an introduction by Vernon E. Lattin and Patricia Hopkins. Also includes a primary and secondary bibliography for the author.
A PI 1.1
. Trini. New York: Bilingual Press, 1986. 245 pp. Short fiction: El Bultito; Sabochi; Tonio and a Destiny; Goodbye, Wild Wind; The Goat; Gone!; Land of the Tarahumara; San Domingo; The Girl with No Name; Revenge; The Lamb and the Wolf; The Blue Cottage; Storm; Moonstone; Juarez; Perla; The Pilgrim; Valverde; Air of Farewell. Includes author notes.
A P12
Preciado Martin, Patricia. Amor eterno: Eleven Lessons in Love. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2000.105 pp. Short fiction: Amor de acuerdo; Arranged Love; Amor perdido; Lost Love; Amor sufrido; Long-suffering Love; Amor de madre; Mother's Love; Amor prohibido; Forbidden Love; Amor desesperado; Desperate Love; Amor encantado; Enchanted Love; Amor frustrado; Frustrated Love;
Anthology Index
Amor e ilusion; Love and Illusion; Amor inolvidable; Unforgettable Love; Amor eterno; Eternal Love. A P12.1
. Days of Plenty, Days of Want. Tempe: Bilingual Press, 1988. 66 pp. Short fiction: The Ruins; The Legend of the Bellringer of San Agustin; Dreams; Earth to Earth; Maria de las trenzas; Days of Plenty, Days of Want; The Farewell; The Journey. Includes an introduction by Carmen Tafolla.
A P12.2
. El Milagro and Other Stories. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1996. 92 pp. Short fiction: Tejidos y bordados (Needlework and Embroidery); Acknowledgements; El milagro (The Miracle); Dichos (Proverbs); La toreadora (The Bullfighter); Bordados (Embroidery); Paraiso (Paradise); Orgullo (Pride); La bendicion (The Blessing); Reinas (Queens); La bailarina (The Dancer); La tortillera (The Tortilla Maker); Plumas (Feathers); La Virgen de la Soledad (The Virgin of Loneliness); El creciente (The Flood). Includes a brief bio-bibliography for the author.
A P 13
Preston, John, ed. Flesh and The Word: An Anthology of Erotic Writing. New York: Plume Book, 1992. 334 pp. Short fiction: Pat Califia, Belonging. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors and an introduction by John Preston titled "My Life with Pornography."
A R1
Rafkin, Louise, ed. Different Daughters: A Book by Mothers of Lesbians. Pittsburgh: Cleis Press, 1987.154 pp. Short fiction: Maria Garcia, Of Prejudice and Acceptance. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors and a bibliography of selected resources about lesbianism.
Anthology Index A R 1.1
, ed. New Women's Fiction. Unholy Alliances. San Francisco: Cleis Press, 1988.160 pp. Short fiction: Julia Alvarez, Daughter of Invention. Includes bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A R2
Ramos, Juanita, ed. Companeras: Latina Lesbians. New York: Routledge, 1994. 276 pp. Short fiction: Cenen, The Love Making. Azucena Coronel, Menudito. Naomi Littlebear Morena, The Men in Your Life. Cindy Madron, For Maria. Niki de la Mar, Letter to a Brother.Mirtha Quintanales, Maybe You're Wrong, Papi. Mariana Romo-Carmona, Gabriela. Aleticia Tijerina, I Am the Lost Daughter of My Mama's House. Includes an introduction by Mariana Romo-Carmora, brief biobibliographic notes for contributors, and a selected bibliography on Latina lesbian resources.
A R3
Rebolledo, Tey Diana, and Eliana S. Rivero, eds. and intro. Infinite Divisions: An Anthology of Chicana Literature. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1993. 393pp. Short fiction: Gloria Anzaldua, El dia de la chicana; By Your True Faces We Will Know You; El retorno; Linguistic Terrorism. Fabiola Cabeza de Baca Gilbert, The Herb Woman. Denise Chavez, Evening in Paris. Sandra Cisneros, Little Miracles, Kept Promises; My Name; The Three Sisters. Margartia Cota-Cardenas, Malinche's Discourse. Alicia Gaspar de Alba, Literary Wetback. Erlinda Gonzales-Berry, Malinche's Past (selection from Paletitas de Guayaba); Rosebud (excerpts). Judy Gonz£les-Flores, Julieta's Muses. Cleofas M. Jaramillo, Shadows of the Past-VI Memories. Sylvia Lizarraga, The Gift; Monarquia. Pat Mora, Hands. Nina Otero-Warren, Asking for the Bride; The Field Crosses of the Farmers. Mary Helen Ponce, The Jewelry Collection of Marta la Gtiera; How I Changed the War and Won the Game. Estela Portillo Trambley, The Paris Gown. Patricia Preciado Martin, The Journey. Patricia Santana-Bejar, In the Toolshed. Gina Valdes, The Valley of the Sun; Josefma's Chickens. Ester Veron Galindo, School. Alma Villanueva, Her Choice. Helena Maria Viramontes, Growing; The Moths.
Anthology Index Includes a preface by the editors, brief bio-bibliographies for the editors and contributors, and a photograph of each. Includes a selected bibliography of primary and secondary sources and an excellent introduction tracing the history of Mexican-American women and Chicana literature. The book divides selections by theme: Foremothers Self and Identity; Self and others; Spaces; Myths and Archetypes; Writers on Language and Writing; Growing-up Celebrations.
A R4
Rebolledo, Tey Diana, Erlinda Gonzales-Berry, and Teresa Marquez, eds. Las mujeres hablan: An Anthology of Nuevo Mexicana Writers. Albuquerque: El Norte Publications, 1988.210 pp. Short fiction: Marian Baca Ackerman, Vecino Vicente. Irene Barraza Sanchez, Memorias de Tome. Elba C. de Baca, The Lady in Blue; Witches; The Devil. Denise Chavez, The King and Queen of Comezon (excerpt from Beatriz). Margo Chavez, Je Reviens; Manina. Josephine M. Cordova, Bruja Story; La bruja Alta Gracia; The Heavy Cross. Kathryn M. C6rdova, The Legacy of the Rainbow Elvera Adolfita de Baca, Ben. Marcella Lucinda Garcia, Rosa blanca. Gloria G. Gonzales, The Woman Who Makes Belly Buttons. Erlinda G6nzales-Berry, Rosebud (excerpts); Conversaciones con Sergio (excerpt). Juanita Jaramillo Lavadie, Gramita on the Road. Elida Lechuga, Remembrances. Marie Montano Army, The Chaos Chronicles. Reynalda Ortiz, Peregrination a la tierra del luminoso. Rosalie Otero, The Closet. Merrihelen Ponce, Los calzones de la pifla. Linda Sandoval, A Short Trip Home. Nell Soto Sehestedt, Private Views. Lorraine Torres, jOjala que no! Cecile Turrietta, Haciendo turismo en vidas ajenas. Carol Usner, Tesoros escondidos. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors and an introduction by Tey Diana Rebolledo.
A R5
Reti, Irene, ed. Childless by Choice: A Feminist Anthology. Santa Cruz: HerBooks, 1992. Short fiction: Terri de la Pena, Nullipara, 44.
A R6
Rivera, Beatriz. African Passions and Other Stories. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1995.168 pp.
Anthology Index
Short fiction: African Passions; Life Insurance; What Miranda Lost; Once in a Lifetime Offering; Bells; The Battery-Operated Drummer Bear; Grandmother's Secret; Paloma. A R7
Rivera-Valdes, Sonia. The Forbidden Stories of Marta Veneranda. Trans. Dick Cluster, Marina Harss, Mark Schafer, and Alan West Duran. New York: Seven Stories Press, 2001. 158 pp. Narrative: Five Windows on the Same Side; The Scent of Wild Desire; Between Friends; Lunacy; Catching On; Adela's Beautiful Eyes; Little Poisons; The Most Forbidden of All; The Fifth River. True stories collected for a doctoral dissertation. Includes brief biobibliographies for contributors.
A R8
Rodriguez, Armando Rafael, ed. The Gypsy Woman: Un sancocho de cuentos sobre la experiencia chicana. Los Angeles: Aztlan Publications, University of California, Los Angeles, 1974. 90 pp. Short fiction: Yolanda A. Garcia, Ellipses.
A R9
Rodriguez, Lourdes, and Richard Rasi, eds. Out in the Workplace. Boston: Alyson Press, 1995. Short fiction: Terri de la Pefta, Fiction into Fact.
Rojo, Grinor, and Cynthia Steele, eds. Ritos de iniciacidn: tres novelas cortas de Hispanoamerica. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1986. 233 pp. Short fiction: Rosario Ferre\ Bella durmiente. Bilingual format. Includes author bibliographies. Geared to intermediate and advanced students of college Spanish.
A Rl 1
Romano-V, Octavio I., ed. and intro. The Grito del Sol Collection, Winter, 1984: An Anthology. Berkeley: TQS Publications, 1984. 255 pp. Short fiction: Helene Ju&rez Phipps, Cuernavaca Sundown; Secret Weapon.
Anthology Index
Katherine Quintana Ranck, Relics; Portrait of Dofla Elena (excerpt). Thelma Reyna, A Bar of Soap; Una edad muy tierna, m'ija; Limousine. A R12
Romano, Octavio Ignacio, and Herminio Rios, eds. & intro. El espejo-The Mirror: Selected Chicano Literature. Berkeley: Quinto Sol Publications, 1972. 284 pp. Narrative: Raquel Moreno, El milagrucho. Includes bio-bibliographic information for contributors.
A R13
Romo-Carmona, Mariana, ed. Conversaciones: relatos por padres y madres de hijas lesbianas e hijos gay. Talking with Parents of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and TransgenderedLatinos. San Francisco: Cleis Press, 2001. The stories of twenty-three Latino mothers and fathers about thenlesbian and gay children. Includes narrative from the United States and several Latin American countries.
A R14
Rowell, Charles H. ed. Callaloo: A Journal of African-American and African Arts and Letters. Charlottesville: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. 954 pp. Short fiction: Giannina Braschi, I Don't Have It, and I Wanted It (excerpt from Empire of Dreams). Rosario Ferre, The Bitches Colloquy. Liza Fiol Matta, Blanca (excerptfromJulia Rodriguez, MSW). Magali Garcia Ramis, Every Sunday. Carmen Lugo Filippi, Milagros, Mercurio Street. Aurora Levins Morales, Hurricane; African Creation. Mayra Montero, Corinne, Amiable Girl. Rosario Morales, I Didn't Hear Anything; Cosecha. Olga Nolla, Macaroons, Eyes of Sea and Sky. Judith Ortiz Cofer, Corazon's Cafe. Ana Lydia Vega, Liliane's Sunday. This is volume 17.3 of the journal. Includes an introduction by Consuelo Lopez Springfield, the guest editor, and bio-bibliographies for the contributors.
A R15
Ryan, Kathleen Jo, and Denise Chavez, eds. Writing Down the River: Into the Heart of the Grand Canyon. Flagstaff: Northland, 1998.134 pp. Narrative: Denise Chavez, Crossing "Bitter Creek": Meditations on the
Anthology Index
Colorado River. Includes bio-bibliographies for the contributors, photographs by Kathleen Jo Ryan, and a foreword by Gretel Ehrlich. A SI
Sanchez, Rosaura. He Walked In and Sat Down, and Other Stories. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2000. 246 pp. Short fiction: He walked in and Sat down; Entro y se sento; Road Detours; Desvios en el camino; Don Salomon; Don Salomon; Three Generations; Tres generaciones; He Rolled up his Sleeves; Se arremango las mangas; The Fields; Las granjas; At the Meat-Packing Plant; En la empacadora; Dallas; Dallas; The Ditch; La zanja; Like I Was Telling You; Como le decia; El Tejon; El Tejon; The Brand New Suit; El traje nuevo; Lucho; Lucho; One Morning: 1952; Una mafiana: 1952; Jac$in$the$bag; Jac$in$the$bag; One Night; Una noche; Barrio Chronicle; Cronica del barrio. English translation by Beatrice Pita.
A Sl.l
, ed. Requisa treinta y dos: coleccion de cuentos. La Jolla: Chicano Research Publications, University of California, 1979. 184 pp. Short fiction: Iris Blanco, El arbol que no se sabia lo que era; The Tree That No One Knew Anything About; Jose. Monica Espinosa, Y se fue; And She Was Gone. Luz Garzon, La hielera; Un paseo; Going for a Ride; ^Por que?; Why; El Sr. Dios Consul; Mr. God Consul. Sylvia Lizarraga, Camino del lago; Silver Lake Road; Quinceaflera; El regreso; Monarquia; Management; El momento; The Moment; Dona Lola. Martha Lizarraga Duerfeldt, La mas santa profesion; The Most Blessed Profession; Coming Out. Rosaura Sanchez, Lucho; Don Salomon; Dallas; La zanja; The Ditch; Cartas a Rosa. Gina Valdes, El valle del sol; The Valley of the Sun. Bilingual edition.
A S2
Santiago, Esmeralda, and Joie Davidow, eds. Las Christmas: Escritores latinos recuerdan las tradiciones navidehas. New York: Knopf, 1998. 210 pp. Short fiction: Julia Alvarez, Del Nifio Jesus a Santiclo. Liz Balmaseda, El afio que
Anthology Index
viene, en jLa Habana! Mandalit del Barco, Navidad PeMex. Gioconda Belli, Una Navidad como ninguna otra. Denise Chavez, Los colosales calzones. Sandra Cisneros, Un poquito de tu amor. Estela Herrera, Azabache. Aurora Levins Morales, Dulce de naranja. Rosario Morales, No volvi a casa (Navidad 1941). Judith Ortiz Cofer, De regalo, un cuento. Esmeralda Santiago, Una mufieca como la de Jenny. Mayra Santos Febres, Un poquito de alegria. Illustrated by Jose Ortega. Spanish version. A S2.1
. eds. Las Christmas: Favorite Latino Authors Share Their Holiday Memories. New York: Knopf, 1998.198 pp. Short fiction: Julia Alvarez, Switching to Santiclo. Liz Balmaseda, New Year in Havana. Mandalit del Barco, PeMex Christmas. Gioconda Belli, A Christmsa Like No Other. Denise Chavez, Big Calzones. Sandra Cisneros, Un poquito de tu amor. Estela Herrera, Nurturing the Wild Beast of Christmas. Aurora Levins Morales, Dulce de Naranja. Rosario Morales, I Didn't Go Home (Christmas 1941). Judith Ortiz Cofer, The Gift of a Cuento. Esmeralda Santiago, A Baby Doll Like My Cousin Jenny's. Mayra Santos Febres, A Little Bit of Bliss. Includes bio-bibliographic information on the authors. Illustrated by Jose Ortega, introduction by Joie Davidow. English version.
A S2.2
. eds. Las Mamis: Favorite Latino Authors Remember Their Mothers. New York: Alfred. A. Knopf, 2000.189 pp. Narrative: Marjorie Agosin, Frida, Friduca, Mami. Alba Ambert, Persephone's Quest at Waterloo: A Daughter's Tale. Liz Balmaseda, Travels with Mami. Gioconda Belli, Just a Woman. Mandalit del Barco, "Hello, Dollinks," Letters from Mom. Maria Amparo Escandon, My Mother in the Nude. Esmeralda Santiago, First Born. Includes bio-bibliographic information photographs of the authors'mothers.
A S3
on the authors and
Santiago, Roberto, ed. Boricuas: Influential Puerto Rican Writing and Anthology. New York: One World Published by Ballantine Books, 1995. 355 pp.
Anthology Index
Short fiction: Migene Gonzales Wippler, Yoruba. Nicholasa Mohr, Aunt. Esmeralda Santiago, The American Invasion of Macun. Ana Lydia Vega, Aerobics for Love. Includes a brief bibliography and an introduction by Sandra Maria Esteves. A S4
Santos Silva, Loreina. Cuentos para perturbar el alma. San Juan de Puerto Rico: Instituto de Cultura Puertorriquena, 2000.70 pp. Short fiction: El regalo; En memoria de...; Marcela y las reinitas; La Coquifia enamorada; La sapa conche Pili; Pasion de bide; Maleficio; Chandala; Maya; Juancho el Bobo; Obelisco; Trinidad; Monarca; A pique; Selenia; Cubreme; Escupitazo; Colofo; Ayfo. Includes a bio-bibliography on the author.
A S5
Serros, Michele. Chicana Falsa and Other Stories of Death, Identity, andOxnard. New York: Riverhead Books, 1998. 79 pp. Short fiction: La Letty; Annie Says; Dead Pig's Revenge; Shower Power Hippie Man; Disco Gymnasium; What Is Bad; Tag Banger's Last Can; Attention Shoppers; White Owned; What Boyfriend Told Me at Age Seventeen; Mi problema; JohnwannabeChicano; The Day My Sister Was on Television; El Cielo or Bust; A Belated Victory (for Us); Dear Diary; The Superhero Scam; Stuff; Mr. And Mrs. White Guilt; Mr. BOOM BOOM Man; The Real Me; The Best Years of My Life; Planned Parenthood: Age Sixteen; The Grudge-Holders; Manos morenas; The Gift. Includes bio-bibliographic notes on the author.
A S5.1
. How to Be a Chicana Role Model. New York: Riverhead Books, 2000. New York: Riverhead Books, 2000. 222 pp. Narrative: Special Assembly; Never Give Up an Opportunity to Eat for Free; Senior Picture Day; Seek Support from Sistas; First Call; Remember, Commerce Begins at Home; Passport to Cross Overland; Second Call; Discard Discontinued Text; The Big Deal; Respect the 1 Percent; Third Call; Live Better, Work Union; Tenth Call; Breaking the Major Rule; Buy American; Let's Go Mexico; Reclaim Your Rights As a Citizen of Here, Here; I know What You Did Last
Anthology Index
Summer; Any Press Is Good Press; Counter Act; Twelfth Call; Distinguish the Difference between a Great Contact and a Good Connection; Twentieth-Something Call; Fourth Thursday in April; Honor Thy Late-Night Phone Calls from Abuelita; Good Parking; Mind Your Table Manners; The Plaintiff, the Poet; Answer All Fan Mail; Special Assembly, Part 2. A S6
Schwartz Seller, Maxine, ed. and intro. Immigrant Women. New York: State University of New York Press, 1994. 378 pp. Short fiction: Innocencia Flores, The Diary of a Rent Striker: "Harlem and Hope." Dolores Frida, "I Consider Myself a Theater Worker..." This volume is a collection of essays and narrative pieces dealing with immigration and how women have coped with the changes it brought to their lives. Includes an extensive bibliographic essay concerning literature about immigrant women.
A S7
Silva, Beverly. The Cat and Other Stories. Tempe: Bilingual Press, 1986.102 pp. Short fiction: The Cat; Poet; The Thesis; A Small Western Town; Yellow Bird; Smile; Happy Hour; The Woes of a Single Woman and Her Car; The Bathetic Fallacy; Bits & Pieces; The Poster; No Joy in the Morning; The Artist; Hell's Playground; Precious.
A S8
Simmen, Edward, ed. and intro. North of the Rio Grande: The Mexican American Experience in Short Fiction. New York: A Mentor Book, 1992. 431 pp. Short fiction: Denise Chavez, The McCoy Hotel (1990). Sandra Cisneros, Geraldo No Last Name. Maria Cristina Mena, John of God, The Water Carrier (1913); The Gold Vanity Set (1947); The Education of Popo (1914). Estela Portillo, The Pilgrim (1985); Village (1989). Includes lengthy bio-bibliographies for contributors and a preface by the author.
A S9
Singer, Bennett L, ed. Growing Up Gay/Growing Uri Lesbian: A Literary Anthology. New York: The New Press, 1994.317 pp. Short fiction: Gloria Anzaldua, Life Line.
Anthology Index
Includes a foreward by Martina Navratilova and appendices with information concerning sources for further investigation (books, magazines and newsletters, videos, mail order, organizations, pen pal programs, and scholarships). A SIO
Sold&n, Edmundo Paz, and Alberto Fuguet, eds. Se habla espaHol: voces latinas en USA. Miami: Alfaguara, 2000. 386 pp. Short fiction: Giannina Braschi, Blow Up. Mayra Santos-Febres, Tren. Includes bio-bibliographic notes on the contributors. Also includes Latin American women authors.
A Sll
Somoza, Oscar U., ed. Nueva narrativa chicana. Mexico D. F.: Editorial Diogenes, S.A., 1983.103 pp. Short fiction: Gloria Velasquez Treviflo, La carta. Includes bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A S12
Soto, Gary, ed. Pieces of the Heart: New Chicano Fiction. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1993.179 pp. Short fiction: Ana Castillo, La loca santa. Sandra Cisneros, One Holy Night. Diana Garcia, The Flat of the Land. Rosalie Otero, The Closet. Helen Ponce, Enero. Helena Maria Viramontes, The Jumping Bean. Includes bio-bibliographies for authors and a Spanish-English glossary.
A S13
Stavans, Ilan, ed. and intro. New World: Young Latino Writers. New York: Delta Book, 1997. 296 pp. Short fiction: Lisa Y. Garibay, Daddy. Veronica Gonzalez, Through the Raw Meat. Vivian Leal, Mangoes. Catherine Loya, We Don't Need No Stinking Maps. Demetria Martinez, Mark. Ysa T. Nunez, Broadway. Teresa Ortega, Soul Secrets and Bean Lore. Cecilia Rodriguez Milanes, Abuela Marielita. Carmen G. Rosello, Green Apples. Includes bio-bibliographies for contributors.
Anthology Index
194 A S13.1
. Wdchalel: Poetry and Prose about Growing Up Latino. Chicago: Cricket Books, 2001.146 pp. Intended for junior high school students. Includes folktales, stories, and poems in both English and Spanish. Also includes brief autobiographical essays. Unavailable for full annotation.
A S14
Stern, Jerome, ed. An Anthology of Really Short Stories. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1996. 141 pp. Short fiction: Judith Ortiz Cofer, Kennedy in the Barrio. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A S15
Sturgis, Susana J., ed. Tales ofMagic Realism by Women: Dreams in a Minor Key. Freedom: The Crossing Press, 1991. 235 pp. Short fiction: Kathleen Alcala, Flora's Complaint. Kathleen de Azevedo, The Miracle of Santa Maria. Alcina Lubitch Domecq, Bottles.
A S15.1
. Sonnets to Human Beings and Other Selected Works. Santa Monica: Lalo Press, 1992. 287 pp. Short fiction: Carmen Tafolla, Chencho's Cow; You Don't Know Marta; Quality Literature; Elmojado no existe; Federico y Elflria; Esa casa ya no existe; Historia sin titulo; Baby Coyote and the Old Woman; Tacho, el Baby Tacuache. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for the contributors and a preface by the editor, Ernesto Padilla.
A Tl
Tashlik, Phyllis, ed. & intro. Hispanic, Female and Young: An Anthology. Houston: Pinata Books, 1994. 217 pp. Short fiction: Amina Susan Ali, Teenage Zombie; Memories of Her. Michelle Calero, I thought You Loved Me. Ivy Colomba, A Lost Friend. Roberta Fernandez, Amanda (excerpt from Intaglio). Sanique Garcia, Braces and Intelligence. Maria Elena Llano, In the Family. Carmen Martin, Do It to the Music. Olga Mendell, Calling the Spirits from Buffalo. Nicholasa Mohr, A Very Special Pet; Esperanza (excerpt from Nilda); Christmas Was a Time of Plenty. Margarita Mondrus Engle, Nifia. Sandra Orta, Silence Within.
Anthology Index
Judith Ortiz Cofer, First Love; Vida; Maria Sabida. Luz Otero, Getting to Know My Mom; El Barrio. Maria Persons, Losing Your Culture. Leslie Rivera, A Day in the Life of Me: September 29, 1988. Edna Robles, Caught by Life. Sara Rodriguez, Being HalfMexican; Interviewing My Mom, Dolores Rodriguez; Remembering Zebras. Nereida Roman, Inequalities; Never Fitting In. Monique Rubio, Half-Cuban. In&z Santana, Laughing Last; Monica. Enike Smith, A Man So Special. Jeanette Tiburcio, Anitia Lake Rojas. Rosa Elena Yzquierdo, Six Take Away One; Abuela.. Many of the stories were written by eighth-grade girls. A T2
Tatum, Charles, ed. Mexican American Literature. Chicago: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1990. 720 pp. Short fiction: Sandra Cisneros, The House on Mango Street; My Name; Boys and Girls; Three Wise Guys: un cuento de Navidad/A Christmas Story; Ghosts and Voices: Writing from Obsession. Jovita Gonzalez, Shelling Corn by Moonlight; Pedro the Hunter; The Mail Carrier; Tio Pancho Malo. Josephina Niggli, The Quarry. Nina Otero, The Bells of Santa Cruz; Asking for the Bride. Mary Helen Ponce, Recuerdo: How I Changed the War and Won the Game. Includes a historical introduction, bio-bibliographic information on contributors, and a black and white photograph of each. Designed as a classroom text, this volume includes study and discussion questions and a glossary. Accompanied by a teacher's manual.
A T2.1
. ed. New Chicano/Chicana Writing I. Tucson and London: The University of Arizona Press, 1992.185 pp. Short fiction: Gloria Anzaldua, Ghost Trap; Puddles. Sandra Cisneros, Divine Providence. Norma Cantu, Se me enchina el cuerpo al oir tu cuento. Alicia Gaspar de Alba, Juana Ines. Helena Maria Viramontes, Tears on My Pillow. Marie-Elise Wheatwind, Los perdidos. Bernice Zamora, Tere. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A T2.2
, ed. New Chicana-Chicano WritingII. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1992.151 pp.
Anthology Index
Narrative: Arlene Mestas, Mi madrina; How Pancho Was Nearly Late to His Own Funeral. Pat Mora, The Dance within My Heart. Rowena A. Rivera, El improvisador Casimiro Mendoza; Casimiro Mendoza, the Improvisor. Margarita Tavera Rivera, Sed; Thirst. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors. A T2.3
, ed. New Chicana/Chicano Writing: 3. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1993. 164 pp. Narrative: Patricia Blanco, The Mango's Core. Roberta Fernandez, Double Talk. Odilia Galvan Rodriguez, Constitutional Remedies; Diosa; Snake Woman, To Marilyn; Birthing, for Alison.
A T3
Third World Communications, eds. and intro. Third World Women. San Francisco: Third World Communications, 1972.185 pp. Short fiction: Ena Hernandez, Indo America Revisited. No individual editors named.
A T4
Torres-Saillant, Silvio, ed. Hispanic Immigrant Writers and the Family/Escritores inmigrantes hispanos y la familia. Jackson Heights: OUantay Center for the Arts, Inc., 1989. 93 pp. Short fiction: Nora Glickman, El ultimo de los colonos; Tag-Sale; Dios salve a America. Includes a conversation with each writer.
A T5
Trujillo, Carla, ed. and intro. Chicana Lesbians: The Girls Our Mothers Warned Us About. Berkeley: Third Woman Press, 1991. 201 pp. Short fiction: Diana Alcala, La frontera. Terri de la Peiia, Beyond El Camino Real. Karen T. Delgadillo, Mamita te extraflo. E. D. Hernandez, You as a Public Turn On. Cherrie Moraga, La ofrenda. Emma Perez, Gulf Dreams. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for the contributors.
Anthology Index A T6
Turner, Fay the, ed. and intro. Puerto Rican Writers at Home in the USA: An Anthology. Seattle: Open Hand Publishing, 1991. 347 pp. Short fiction: Aurora Levins Morales, Immigrants; Puertoricanness; Kitchens; 1930; South; The Other Heritage; Old Countries; A Child's Christmas in Puerto Rico. Nicholasa Mohr, Mr. Mendelsohn; The Wrong Lunch Line. Rosario Morales, The Dinner; I Recognize You; I Am the Reasonable One. Includes a photo and a bio-bibliography for each author.
ValdSs, Gina. There Are No Madmen Here. San Diego: Maize Press, 1981.152 pp. Short fiction: Rhythms; Nobody Listens; There Are No Madmen Here; Maria Portillo.
A V2
Valdes, Zo6. Traficantes de belleza. Buenos Aires: Seix Barral, 1998. 246 pp. Short fiction: Traficante de marfil, melones rojos; La prima de Vera; La luna y el baston; Dibujante de dunas; Mujer de alguien; A cuerpo de rey; Retrato de una infancia habanaviejera; Bailarina de vientre y vomito; El no de Noel; Juana lunera cascahabanera; Arriba de la bola; Rosas en el "mal"; Carta a los Reyes Magos; Un paseo prometido; Nefertiti habanera.
A V3
Vega, Ana Lydia. Cuentos calientes. Mexico D. F.: Coordincion de Difusion Cultural, Direccion de Literatura/UNAM, 1992.141 pp. Short stories: Pasion de historia; Letra para salsa y tres soneos por encargo; Ajustes. S.A.; Premio de consolacion; Ahi viene Mama Yona; Encancaranublado; El dia de los hechos; Puerto Principe abajo; La alambrada; Cosas de poetas; Cuento en camino.
A V3.1
. Encancaranublado y otros cuentos de naufragio. Rio Piedas, Puerto Rico: Editorial Antillana, 1997.141 pp. Unavailable for annotation.
198 A V3.2
Anthology Index . Pasion de historia y otras historias de pasion. Buenos Aires: Ediciones de la Flor, 1994.145 pp. Short fiction: Pasion de historia; Ajustes S. A.; Tres aerobicos para el amor; Caso omiso; Delito sin cuerpo; Mas aca; Salto vital; Sobre tumbas y heroes.
A V3.3
. True and False Romances: Stories and a Novella. Trans. Andres Hurley. London: Serpent's Tail, 1994. 261 pp. Short fiction: Aerobics for Love; Deliverance from Evil; Solutions, Inc.; Just One Small Detail; Serie Noire; Consolation Prize; Eye-Openers; Miss Florence's Trunk; True Romances (novella).
A V4
Velez, Diana, ed., intro., and trans. Reclaiming Medusa: Short Stories by Contemporary Puerto Rican Women. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute Book Co., 1988. 161 pp. Short fiction: Rosario FerrS, The Youngest Doll; Sleeping Beauty; Pico Rico, Mandorico. Carmen Lugo Filippi, Milagros, on Mercurio Street; Pilar, Your Curls. Mayra Montero, Thirteen and a Turtle; Last Night at Dawn. Carmen Valle, Diary Entry #6; Diary Entry # 1. Ana Lydia Vega, Three Love Aerobics; ADJ, Inc. Includes the original Spanish versions of "Pico Rico, Mandorico" and "Thirteen and a Turtle."
A V5
Vigil, Evangelina, ed. and intro. Women of the Word: Hispanic Women Write. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1987.180 pp. Short fiction: Rima de Vallbona, Alma-en-pena. Roberta Fernandez, Zulema. Nicholasa Mohr, An A wakening... Summer 1956. Mary Helen Ponce, La Doctora Barr; Recuerdo: How I Changed the War and Won the Game; Recuerdo: Los Piojos. Helena Maria Viramontes, The Broken Web. Silviana Wood, Dreams by Appointment Only. Includes bio-bibliographies for contributors. This volume also contains poetry, criticism, and art.
A V6
Villanueva, Alma Luz. Weeping Woman: La Llorona and Other Stories. Tempe: Bilingual Press, 1994.161 pp.
Anthology Index
Short fiction: La llorona/Weeping Woman; The Virgins; There Was a Time; Place of the Dead; Real Rainbows; Birth of a Shell; The Burden; The Edge of Darkness; Merman; A Beautiful Hazard Design; Goddess; Free Women; Sabra; Empty; Her Spiral Shell; A Prostitute Compassionate Am I; The Others; Virgin Birth; Karma; People of the Dog; The Empress of Japan; The Sand Castle; The Price of Wonder; El Alma/The Soul, One; The Alma/The Soul, Two; The Alma/The Soul, Three; The Alma/The Soul, Four. A V7
Viramontes, Helena Maria The Moths and Other Stories. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1985. 118 pp. Short fiction: The Moths; Growing; Birthday; The Broken Web; The Cariboo Cafe; The Long Reconciliation; Snapshots; Neighbors. Includes an introduction by Yvonne Yarbro-Bejarano and biobibliographic notes on contributors.
A Wl
Walker, Scott, ed. and foreword. The Graywolf Annual Seven Stories from the American Mosaic. Saint Paul: Graywolf Press, 1990. 209 pp. Short fiction: Mary Helen Ponce, Enero. Includes bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A W2
Waters, Erika J., ed. and intro. New Writingfrom the Caribbean. London: The Macmillan Press Ltd., 1994. 116 pp. Short fiction: Julia Alvarez, Anteojos. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A W3
Weigle, Marta, ed. Two Guadalupes. Santa Fe: Ancient City Press, 1987.164 pp. Short fiction: Guadalupe Martinez, Flight to Mexico: A Legend of Witches and Buried Treasure; On Setting a Hen: Popular Beliefs; How San Cristobal Got His Name: A Saint's Legend; How Saint Peter Lost the Keys to Heaven: A Saint's Legend.
Anthology Index This volume includes legends and tales told by Guadalupe Martinez and Guadalupe Boca de Gallegos. These were collected for New Deal Projects and for the New Mexico Federal Writers' Project in the 1930's and 1940's. Includes an epilogue by Elba C. de Baca, granddaughter to Lupita Gallegos.
A W4
Weinstock, Jacqueline, S., and Esther D. Rothblum, eds. Lesbian Friendships: For Ourselves and Each Other. New York: New York University Press, 1996. Short fiction: Terri de la Pefla, Eco de una amistad.
A W5
Wells, Jess, ed. Lipservice: Alluring New Lesbian Erotica. Los Angeles: Allyson Books, 1999. 272 pp. Short fiction: Carla Diaz, Marisol. Lana Pacheco, Sand. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A W6
Wilder, Kathyrn. Walking the Twilight II: Women Writers of the Southwest. Flagstaff: Northland Pub., 1996. 245 pp. Narrative: Denise Chavez, Missss Rede! Demetria Martinez, Mother Tongue (excerpt). Patricia Preciado Martin, Days of Plenty, Days of Want. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A W7
Wolverton, Terry, ed. & intro. Blood Whispers. Los Angeles: Silverton Books: The Gay and Lesbian Community Services Center, 1991.104 pp. Short fiction: Terri de la Pefla, Frankie. Aleida Rodriguez, The Surreal Answer the World Hands You. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A W7.1
_ , ed. & intro. Blood Whispers. Vol. 2: L. A. Writers on AIDS. Los Angeles: Silverton Books: The Gay and Lesbian Community Services Center, 1994. Short fiction: Julia Salazar, Dream Sequence. Yvette Padilla, Before (excerpt).
Anthology Index
Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors. A W8
Wolverton, Terry, and Robert Drake, eds. Circa 2000: Lesbian Fiction at the Millennium. Los Angeles: Alyson, 2000. 331 pp. Short fiction: Ana Castillo, Again, Like Before. Amelia Maria de la Luz Montes, R for Ricura. Achy Obejas, Wrecks. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A W8.1
, eds. & intro. Hers: Brilliant New Fiction by Lesbian Writers. New York: Faber & Faber, 1999. 195 pp. Short fiction: Kleya Forte-Escamilla, Black Orchid. Aleida Rodriguez, Bunco of Los Angeles. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A W8.2
. Hers 3: Brilliant New Fiction by Lesbian Writers. New York: Faber & Faber, 1999. 270 pp. Short fiction: Amelia Maria de la Luz Montes, While Pilar Tobillo Sleeps. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for contributors.
A W9
Wood row, Terry, ed. Lesbian Bedtime Stories. Little River: Tough Dove Books, 1989. Short fiction: Terri de la Pefla, Mariposa; Tortilleras.
A Zl
Zahava, Irene, ed. and preface. Lesbian Love Stories. Freedom: The Crossing Press, 1989. 323 pp. Short fiction: Gloria E. Anzaldua, Life Line.
A Zl.l
, ed and preface. Lesbian Love Stories (Volume 2). Freedom: The Crossing Press, 1989. 204 pp. Short Ficition: Gloria Anzaldua, Ms. Right, My True Love, My Soul Mate. Terri de la Pefla, Mujeres morenas.
202 A Z1.2
Anthology Index Includes brief bio-bibliographies for the contributors. , ed. and preface. Word of Mouth, Short-Short Stories by 90 Women Writers. Freedom: The Crossing Press, 1990.175 pp. Short fiction: Terri de la Pefla, Labrys. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for the contributors.
A Z1.3
. ed. Word of Mouth (Volume 2), Short-Short Stories by 100 Women Writers. Freedom: The Crossing Press, 1991.158 pp. Short fiction: Gloria Anzaldua, A Tale. Includes brief bio-bibliographies for the contributors.
Novel Index The letter "N" indicates that the work is a novel and the following letter represents the first letter of the author's last name. If there is more than one work per author, this is indicated by 1.1, 1.2, etc. These codes are used for crossreferencing in the other indices. N Al
Aguilar, Rebeca. Christina's Secret/El secreto de Cristina. Trans. Aza Zatz. New York: Pinnacle Books, 1999.188 pp. A Salvadoran nurse falls in love with a policeman when she tends to his accident injuries.
N A2
Alberro, Elaine. Forever True/Solo tuya. Trans. Daniel Santacruz. New York: Pinnacle Books, 1999. 336 pp. An aristocratic Cuban woman falls in love with the illegitimate son of a cleaning woman.
N A2.1
. Heart of Gold/Corazdn de oro. Trans. Ramon Sola. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2000.189,174 pp. A TV show host falls in love with a Cuban exile and her co-host threatens to expose their affair.
N A3
Alcaic, Kathleen. Espiritus de las pequefias cosas. Trans. Eduardo Hojman. Buenos Aires: Emece, 1998. 252 pp. The author's first novel, set in Mexico in the 1870's. The story of a Jew who marries into a Catholic family and becomes estranged from both religions. Winner of the Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association Award. Spanish translation of Spirits of the Ordinary: A
Novel Index Tale ofCasas Grandes.
N A3.1
. The Flower in the Skull. San Diego: Harcourt Brace, 1999. 180 pp. The second part of the trilogy that began with Spirits of the Ordinary: A Tale ofCasas Grandes. Set in Mexico, this is the story of three women who struggle to adjust to their current lives while at the same time coming to terms with their past.
N A3.2
. Spirits of the Ordinary: A Tale of Casas Grandes. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1997. 244 pp. The author's first novel, set in Mexico in the 1870's, the story of a Jew who marries into a Catholic family and becomes estranged from both religions. Winner of the Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association Award.
N A3.3
. Treasures in Heaven. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2000. 224 pp. Set in Mexico City in the 1900's, the tale of a young mother and son caught up in the country's feminist movement. Sequel to The Flower in the Skull
N A4
Alegria, Claribel. Family Album: Three Novellas. Trans. Amanda Hopkinson. London: Women's Press, 1990.170 pp. Includes The Talisman, Family Album, and Village of God and the Devil. Translation of the collection previously published as Pueblo de Dios y de Mandinga.
N A4.1
. Luisa en elpais de la realidad. San Salvador: UCA Editores, 1997. 168 pp. A combination of prose and poetry dealing with Salvadoran politics.
N A4.2
. Luisa in Realityland. Curbstone Press, 1988. A combination of prose and poetry dealing with Salvadoran politics.
N A4.3
. Tunnel to Canto Grande: A Cross between the Great Escape and the Underground Railroad. Trans. Darwin Flakoll. Willimantic: Curbstone Press, 1996.193 pp. The Peruvian Tupac Amaru tunnels into a penitentiary in Canto
Novel Index Grande to free political prisoners. N A4.4
Alegria, Claribel and Darwin J. Flakoll. Ashes oflzalco. Trans. Darwin J. Flakoll. Willimantic: Curbstone Press, 1993. 173 pp. Translation of Cenizas de Izalco. Historical fiction dealing with the massacres in El Salvador.
N A4.5
. Death ofSomoza: The First Person Story of the Guerillas Who Assassinated the Nicaraguan Dictator. Willimantic: Curbstone Press, 1996.161 pp. Based on interviews conducted in 1983 with the commando team that assassinated the deposed Nicaraguan President Somoza in Asuncion, Paraguay.
N A4.6
. Para romper el silencio: resistencia y lucha en las cdrceles salvadoreHas. Mexico, D. F.: Ediciones Era, 1984. 245 pp. The story of political prisoners in El Salvador. Fully annotated in the Anthology Index.
N A4.7
. Pueblo de Dios y de Mandinga: con el asesoriamiento cientifico deSlim. Mexico D.F.: Ediciones Era, 1985. 80 pp. Translated into English as Family Album: Three Novellas.
N A5
Allende, Isabel. Afrodita: cuentos, recetasy otros afrodisiacos. New York: HarperPerennial Library, 1998. 335 pp. Combines personal narrative with erotic tales. Allende includes her mother's recipes, poems, and stories from a variety of sources.
N A5.1
Aphrodite: A Memoir of the Senses. Trans. Margaret Sayers Peden. New York: HarperCollins, 1998.315 pp. A cookbook and erotic memoir all rolled into one.
N A5.2
. Aphrodite: The Love of Food and the Food of Love. London: Flamingo, 1999. 272 pp. Combines personal narrative with erotic tales. Allende includes her mother's recipes, poems, and stories from a variety of sources. English translation of Afrodita: cuentos, recetasy otros afrodisiacos.
206 N A5.3
Novel Index . Daughter of Fortune. Trans. Margaret Sayers Peden. London: Flamingo, 1999. 352 pp. Set in the 1800's, a young woman follows her lover to California and searches for him in the midst of the Gold Rush.
. De amory de sombras. Barcelona: Plaza & Janes Editores, 2000. 266 pp. A love story between the daughter of a wealthy family and the son of a Spanish exile.
. El plan inflnito. New York: HarperCollins, 1995. 336 pp. Allende's first novel to be set in North America. The story of Gregory Reeves, the son of Charles Reeves, the "Doctor of Sciences," who travels the country revealing the secret of life: "The Infinite Plan."
N A5.6
. Eva Luna. Trans. Margaret Sayers Peden. New York: Knopf, 1988. 392 pp. The story of Eva Luna, from her childhood through her later years, and the people she encounters in life's path. English translation ofEva Luna.
N A5.7
. Eva Luna. New York: HarperCollins, 1995. 288 pp. The story of Eva Luna, from her childhood through her later years, and those she encounters in life's path. Spanish version.
N A5.8
. The House of the Spirits. Trans. Magda Bogin. New York: Knopf, 1985. 368 pp. The author's first novel, the story of three generations of a family in Chile during turbulent times. English translation of La casa de los espiritus.
N A5.9
. The Infinite Plan: A Novel. Trans. Margaret Sayers Peden. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1993. 382 pp. Allende's first novel to be set in North America. The story of Gregory Reeves, the son of Charles Reeves, the "Doctor of Sciences," who travels the country revealing the secret of life: "The Infinite Plan."
. La casa de los espiritus. New York: HarperCollins, 1995.450
Novel Index pp.
The author's first novel, the story of three generations of a family in Chile during turbulent times. N A5.ll
. Of Love and Shadows. Trans. Margaret Sayers Peden. New York: Knopf, 1987. 274 pp. A love story between the daughter of a wealthy family and the son of a Spanish exile.
N A5.12
. Paula. Trans. Margaret Sayers Peden. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1995. 330 pp. The author tells stories to her daughter who is in a coma. English translation of Paula.
. Paula. New York: HarperCollins, 1996. The author tells stories to her daughter who is in a coma. Spanish version.
N A5.14
. Portrait in Sepia. Trans. Margaret Sayers Peden. New York: HarperCollins, 2001. Set in the 19 th century, the story of Aurora, a young woman who returns to Chile. English translation of Retrato en sepia: una novela.
N A5.15
N A6
. Retrato en sepia: una novela. New York: Rayo, 2001.344 pp. Set in the 19 th century, the story of Aurora, a young woman who returns to Chile. Alvarez, Gloria. Desert Kiss/Besos en el desierto. Trans. Nancy Hedges. New York: Pinnacle Books, 1999. 367 pp. A field guide insists on knowing why a female client broke his heart years earlier.
N A6.1
. Family Matters. New York: Pinnacle Books, 1996.159 pp. A widow meets an entrancing stranger who has entered her restaurant. A Precious Gem Romance.
N A6.2
. Milagro de amor. Trans. Eva Garcia. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2000. 207 pp.
Novel Index After the death of her husband, Elena reunites with her former fiancee, who helps her and her son through the grieving process.
N A6.3
. Miracle ofLove/Milagro de amor. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2000. 208 pp. After the death of her husband, Elena reunites with her former fiancee, who helps her and her son through the grieving process.
N A6.4
. Tempting Delilah. New York: Encanto Books, 2001. A nanny falls in love with her employer and his daughter.
N A6.5
. Tiisbokhet mishpahtit. Trans. Shelomit Hendelsman. Tel Aviv: Ahalgi, 1998. 162 pp. A widow meets an entrancing stranger who has entered her restaurant. Hebrew translation of Family Matters.
N A6.6
. Winning Isabel/Isabel, mi amor. Trans. Nancy Hedges. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2000.189 pp. A feminist doctor travels to Texas to work in a clinic and clashes with the town's political activist.
N A7
Alvarez, Julia. A Cafecito Story. White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing Co., 2001. The story of a beverage that united people in a variety of ways.
N A7.1
. Before We Were Free. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2002. A young Dominican girls discovers that her family is involved in bringing down Trujillo, the Dominican dictator. For adolescent readers.
N A7.2
. Cuando tia Lola vino de visita a quedarse. Trans. Carolina Sanin Paz. Barcelona: RBA Editores, 2001.122 pp. Tia Lola comes to Vermont from the Dominican Republic to visit her family. Spanish translation of How Tia Lola Came to Visit/Stay.
N A7.3
. De como las chicas Garcia perdieron su acento. Barcelona: Ediciones B, 1994. 292 pp.
Novel Index
Four sisters from the Dominican Republic embrace American life in Miami and attempt to fully acculturate. Spanish translation of How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents. N A7.4
. En el tiempo de las mariposas. Trans. Rolando Costa Picazo. Santo Domingo: Editora Taller, 1997. 359 pp. Based on a true story, the tale of three sisters in the Dominican Republic who were murdered for taking part in a plot to overthrow the government. Spanish translation of In the Time of the Butterflies.
N A7.5
. How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents. New York: A Plume Book, 1992. 290 pp. Four sisters from the Dominican Republic embrace American life in Miami and attempt to fully acculturate.
N A7.6
. How Tia Lola Came to Visit/Stay. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2001. 145 pp. Tia Lola comes to Vermont from the Dominican Republic to visit her family.
N A7.7
. In the Name ofSalomi: A Novel. Chapel Hill: Algonquin Books, 2000. 368 pp. The story of the Dominican poet Salome Urefia and her daughter Camila, who are both revolutionaries.
N A7.8
. In the Time of the Butterflies. New York: Plume, 1995. 325
Based on a true story, the tale of three sisters in the Dominican Republic who were murdered for taking part in a plot to overthrow the government. N A7.9
. Nel nome de Salome'. Trans. Guido Zurlino. Milan: Marco Tropea Editore, 2001. 317 pp. The story of the Dominican poet Salome Urefia and her daughter Camila, who are both revolutionaries. Italian translation of In the Name of Salome.
N A7.10
. No tempo das borboletas. Trans. Lea Viveiros de Castro. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 2001. 315 pp.
Novel Index Based on a true story, the tale of three sisters in the Dominican Republic who were murdered for taking part in a plot to overthrow the government. Portuguese translation of In the Time of the Butterflies.
N A7.11
. The Secret Footprints. New York: Alfred Knopf, 2000.40 pp. The story of Ciguapas, a tribe of beautiful people who live under water. Dominican folklore. Illustrations by Fabian Negrin.
N A7.12
. Yo! New York: Plume, 1999. 414 pp. A story of the immigrant experience in New York. Sequel to How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents. English version.
N A7.13
. jYo! Trans. Dolores Prida. New York: Plume, 1999.414 pp. A story of the immigrant experience in New York. Sequel to How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents. Spanish version.
. Yo! Trans. Martine Larouceh. Paris: Ed. Metailte, 2000.302 pp. A story of the immigrant experience in New York. Sequel to How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents. French translation of Yo!
N A8
N A8.1
Ambert, Alba. A Perfect Silence. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1995.199 pp. A young immigrant woman suffers loneliness and despair in the South Bronx. . Porque hay silencio. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1998. 208 pp. A young immigrant woman suffers loneliness and despair in the South Bronx. Spanish translation of A Perfect Silence.
N A9
Arana, Marie. American Chica: Two Worlds, One Childhood. New York: Dell Press, 2001. 320 pp. A woman's story of growing up in Peru, the daughter of an American mother and a Peruvian father.
N Bl
Barragan, Nina. Losers and Keepers in Argentina. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico, 2001. 272 pp.
Novel Index
A portrait of early 20* century Argentina as seen through the experiences of Jewish immigrants. N B2
Becker, Flora. Borinqueha: Puerto Rico in the Sixties. Pittsburgh: Latin American Literary Review Press, 1996. Unavailable for annotation.
N B3
Belpre, Pura. Firefly Summer. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1996. 205 pp. The story of a young girl who faces life with an adventurous spirit.
N B4
Beltran Hernandez, Irene. Across the Great River. Houston: Pinata Books, 1989. 136 pp. A young girl assumes family responsibilities when her parents become separated while illegally entering the United States.
N B4.1
. Heartbeat Drumbeat. Houston: Pinata Books, 1992.134 pp. A young woman is influenced by her Mexican and Navajo heritage.
N B4.2
. The Secret of Two Brothers. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1995.181 pp. Two young Mexican brothers overcome difficulties after one is released from jail for a crime he did not commit. Adolescent literature.
N B4.3
. Woman Soldier. Waco: Blue Rose Books, 2000. 227 pp. A young girl attempts to distance herself from gangs in order to find a better life.
N B5
Benitez, Sandra. A Place Where the Sea Remembers. Minneapolis: Coffee House Press, 1993.163 pp. Vignettes of ordinary people in a Mexican village.
. A Place Where the Sea Remembers and Other Related Readings. Evanston: McDougal Littell, 1997.196 pp. Includes the novel A Place Where the Sea Remembers as well as poems by Louise Bogan, James Joyce, Judith Ortiz Cofer, and
Novel Index Margaret Atwood.
N B5.2
.Allidondeelmarrecuerda. Trans. Susana Benitez Lacy. New York: Simon and Schuster, Inc. 152 pp. Vignettes of ordinary people in a Mexican village. Originally published in English as A Place Where the Sea Remembers.
N B5.3
. Aroma de cafe amargo. Trans. Nora Watson. Buenos Aires: Editorial Atlantida, 1997. 422 pp. Three generations of women in El Salvador survive the decimation of the indigenous people in their country. Originally published in English as Bitter Grounds.
N B5.4
. Bitter Grounds. New York: Hyperion, 1997. 445 pp. Three generations of women in El Salvador survive the decimation of the indigenous people in their country.
N B5.5
. The Weight of All Things. New York: Hyperion, 2001. 256 pp. A tale of a young boy in war-torn El Salvador.
N B6
Bernardo, Anilu. Jumping offto Freedom. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1996. 198 pp. A father and son leave Cuba on a homemade raft. Adolescent literature.
N B6.1
. Loves Me, Loves Me Not Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1998. 224 pp. A young girl believes she is in love. Adolescent literature.
N B7
Berrocal Essex, Olga. Delia's Way. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1998. 320 pp. A coming-of-age story of a young girl in Panama in the 1950's.
N B8
Bevin, Teresa. Havana Split. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1998. 368 pp. A woman returns to Cuba and finds that it has dramatically changed since her departure.
Novel Index N B9
Borges, Luz. Debt ofLove/Deuda de amor. Trans. Asa Zatz. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2000.158,191 pp. An editor at a Spanish-language newspaper falls in love with her editor. A romance in English and Spanish.
Braschi, Giannina. Empire of Dreams. Trans. Tess O'Dwyer. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994. 219 pp. Stream-of-consciousness narrative on New York City. English translation of Imperio de los suenos. Includes the following pieces: Assault on Time; Book of Clowns and Buffoons; Poems of the World; or, The Book of Wisdom; Pastoral; or, The Inquisition of Memories; Song of Nothingness; Epilogue; The Adventures of Mariquita Samper; The Life and Works of Berta Singerman; The Things That Happen to Men in New York!; The Queen of Beauty, Charm, and Coquetry; Gossip; Portrait of Giannina Braschi; Mariquita Samper's Childhood; The Raise; Manifesto on Poetic Eggs; The Building of the Waves of the Sea; Requiem for Solitude.
N B10.1
. Imperio de los suenos. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1999. 233 pp. Stream-of-consciousness narrative on New York City.
N B10.2
. Yo-Yo Boing! Pittsburgh: Latin American Literary Review Press, 1998.206 pp. A story of cultural strife between Latino and American cultures in New York. In Spanish and English.
Califia, Pat. Doc and Fluff: The Dystopian Tale of a Girl and Her Biker. Boston: Alyson Publications, 1990. 319 pp. Set in the future, a tale of love, sex, and adventure. Erotic fiction.
N C2
Carlson, Marie Lori. Hurray for Three Kings9 Day! New York: Morrow Junior, 2000.32 pp. A group of children celebrate Three Kings' Day. Adolescent literature. Illustrations by Ed Martinez.
N C2.1
. The Sunday Tertulia: A Novel. New York: HarperCollins, 2000. 224 pp. A group of Hispanic women share their stories in a tertulia that meets
Novel Index every Sunday.
N C3
Carvajal, Lourdes. Besame mucho. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2001. 213 pp. A woman falls in love with her blind date from Costa Rica. Spanish translation of Only a Kiss Away.
N C3.1
. Only a Kiss Away. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2001.203 pp. A woman falls in love with her blind date from Costa Rica
N C4
Castilla, Julia Mercedes. Emilio. Houston: Pinata Books, 1999. 160 pp. A young boy attempts to adapt to life in the big city. Illustrations by Ricardo Vasquez. English version.
N C4.1
. Emilio. Barcelona: Grupo Editorial Norma, 1997.162 pp. A young boy attempts to adapt to life in the big city. Spanish version. Illustrations by Ricardo Vasquez.
N C4.2
. Pirinola the Street Master. Harare, Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe Publishing House, 1997. 93 pp. First published in Spanish. Adolescent literature.
N C5
Castillo, Ana. Carmen la coja. Trans. Dolores Prida. New York: Vintage Espanol, 2000. The story of Carmen, a flamenco dancer whose leg has been deformed by polio. Spanish translation of Peel My Love Like an Onion.
N C5.1
. Las cartas de Mixquiahuala. Trans. Monica Mansour. Mexico, D. F: Grijalbo, 1994.192 pp. Letters between an Indian/Mexican woman and her Anglo friend. Can be read from a number of viewpoints. Spanish translation of The Mixquiahuala Letters.
N C5.2
. The Mixquiahuala Letters. Binghamton: Bilingual Press, 1986.132 pp.; New York: Anchor Books, 1992. 138 pp. Letters between an Indian/Mexican woman and her Anglo friend. Can
Novel Index be read from a number of viewpoints. N C5.3
. Peel My Love Like an Onion. New York: Doubleday: 1999. 213 pp. The story of Carmen, a flamenco dancer whose leg has been deformed by polio.
.Sapogonia (An Anti-Romance in 3/8 Meter). Tempe: Bilingual Press, 1990.312 pp.; New York: Anchor Books, Doubleday, 1994. 358 pp. Sapogonia is a metaphorical country from which all mestizos originate.
N C5.5
. So Far from God. New York: W. W. Norton &Company, 1993. 252 pp. The story of a New Mexican mother and her four unusual daughters, some of whom return from the dead.
N C5.6
. Tan lejos de Dios. Trans. La Compania Flavia. New York: Plume, 1999. 299 pp. The story of a New Mexican mother and her four unusual daughters, some of whom return from the dead. Spanish translation of So Far from God.
N C6
Chavez, Denise. Face of an Angel. New York: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, 1994. 467 pp. A novel composed of vignettes narrated by a New Mexican waitress.
N C6.1
. The Last of the Menu Girls. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1986. 192 pp. Seven interrelated stories of cultural identity. Includes an introduction by Rodolfo Anaya.
N C6.2
. Loving Pedro Infante. New York: Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 2001. A divorced woman falls in love with a married loser and suffers heartbreak.
N C6.3.
. Por el amor de Pedro Infante: una novella. Trans. Ricardo
Novel Index Aguilar Melantz6n and Beth Pollack. New York: Vintage Espanol, 2002. A divorced woman falls in love with a married loser and suffers heartbreak. Spanish translation of Loving Pedro Infante.
N C7
Cisneros, Sandra. The House on Mango Street. New York: Knopf, 1999. A series of vignettes describing Esperanza's childhood in an Hispanic Chicago neighborhood.
N C7.1
. La casa en Mango Street. Trans. Elena Poniatowska. New York: Vintage Espanol, 1994. 112 pp. A series of vignettes describing Esperanza's childhood in an Hispanic Chicago neighborhood. Originally written in English, this is the Spanish translation of the The House on Mango Street.
N C8
Corpi, Lucha. Black Widow's Wardrobe. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1999. 240 pp. A female detective attempts to protect a mysterious woman (Black Widow) at a Day of the Dead celebration.
N C8.1
. Cactus Blood. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1995. 249 pp. Gloria Damasco, a Chicana detective, attempts to solve several murders in Los Angeles.
N C8.2
. Delia's Song. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1988. 224 pp. A young Mexican-American woman leaves home to enroll at UC Berkeley. The author's first novel.
N C8.3
. Eulogy for a Brown Angel: A Mystery Novel. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1992. 200 pp. Gloria Damasco, a Chicana detective, attempts to solve several murders in Los Angeles.
N C9
Cota-Cardenas, Margarita. Puppet: A Chicano Novella. Austin: Relampago Books Press, 1985.135 pp. A story revolving around the Chicano movement in the 1970's and 1980's.
Novel Index N C10
Cruz, Angie. Soledad. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2001. 256 pp. The story of Soledad, a Dominican-American, who returns home for the summer to care for her ill mother and learns more about the family's past. The author's first novel.
N Dl
De Ferrari, Gabriella. A Cloud on Sand. New York: Knopf, 1989. 323 pp.; New York: Washington Square Press, 1992. Set in Italy and South America, the story of a tyrannical mother who attempts to control her only daughter. Historical fiction. The author's first novel.
N D2
De la Cuesta, Barbara. The Gold Mine. Pittsburgh: Latin American Literary Review Press, 1989. 160 pp. A frustrated Latin American revolutionary turns to gold mining to fulfill his materialistic needs.
N D3
De la Garza, Beatriz. Pillars of Gold and Silver. Houston: Pinata Press, 1997. 260 pp. After a young girl's father is killed in the Korean war, she and her mother travel to Mexico to spend the summer.
N D4
De la Pefla, Terri. Faults. Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1999. 286 pp. The story of five Latina women as they struggle to accept their circumstances.
N D4.1
. Latin Satins. Seattle: Seal Press, 1994. 257 pp. The tale of a group of Chicana singers called the "Latin Satins" and their relationship to one another.
N D4.2
. Margins. Seattle: Seal Press, 1992.329 pp. Ver6nica Melendez, the protagonist, embraces life to the fullest. Includes a note from the author explaining the use of bilingual dialogue, typical of the speech of Chicanos in Southern California.
N D5
De Vallbona, Rima. Las sombras que perseguimos. San Jose, Costa Rica: Editorial Costa Rica, 1983.183 pp.
Novel Index Unavailable for annotation.
.Mundo,demonioymujer. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1991. 320 pp. Set in Houston, the story of an Hispanic intellectual who attempts to meet the expectations of two cultures.
N D6
Del Fuego, Laura. Maravilla. Encino: Floricanto Press, 1988. The story of a young Chicana who travels from the projects of East L.A. to San Francisco in the 1960's. The author's first novel.
N D7
Delgado, Ana Maria. La habitacion depor medio. N.p. N. d. 62 pp. The story of a woman who is haunted by memories of a troubled childhood. As her mother dies, she attempts to reconcile her past life. Winner of the 1988 Letras de Oro Prize for fiction.
. The Room In-Between. Trans. Sylvia Ehrlich Lipp. Pittsburgh: Latin American Literary Review Press, 1996.91 pp. The story of a woman who is haunted by memories of a troubled childhood. As her mother dies, she attempts to reconcile her past life. English translation of La habitacion de por medio. Winner of the 1988 Letras de Oro Prize for fiction.
N D8
Diaz, Debra. The Red Camp. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1996. 128 pp. Four Mexican sisters describe the conditions of migrant workers in California. The author's first novel.
Dumas Lachtman, Ofelia. A Shell for Angela. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1995. 214 pp. This volume is the second part of a trilogy. The first part is titled Papeles de mujer and contains correspondence and documents which relate the story of a family from 1880 to 1950. The third work is titled Cabahelas and continues the story to the end of the 20 t h century. This volumes includes a brief introduction by the author.
N D9.1
. Call me Consuelo. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1997.149 pp. Consuelo, a twelve year-old orphan, moves in with her American
Novel Index grandmother. Adolescent literature. N D9.2
. The Girl from Playa Blanca. Houston: Pinata Books, 1995. 295 pp. Two young siblings leave Mexico for Los Angeles to search for their father. Adolescent literature.
N D9.3
. Leticia's Secret. Houston: Pinata Books, 1997.128 pp. A young girl becomes close to her cousin and ultimately learns his secret. Adolescent literature.
N D9.4
. The Summer ofElPintor. Houston: Pinata Books, 2001.192 pp. A young girl moves into the barrio home of her mother and discovers mystery and intrigue while searching for El Pintor. Adolescent literature.
N El
Engle, Margarita. Escrito en el cielo. Trans. Rolando Costa Picazo. Buenos Aires: Editorial Atlantida, 1996. 223 pp. The attempts of the narrator's half-brother to flee Cuba and his subsequent imprisonment. Engle's second novel.
N El.l
. Otiyot ba-shamayim. Or Yehua, Israel: Hed Artsi, 1997. 247 pp. The attempts of the narrator's half-brother to flee Cuba and his subsequent imprisonment. Engle's second novel. Hebrew translation ofSkywriting: A Novel of Cuba.
N E1.2
. Singing to Cuba. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1993.164 pp. A woman returns to Cuba to discover the truth about her family. The author's first novel.
N E1.3
. Skywriting: A Novel of Cuba. New York: Bantam Books, 1996. 288 pp. The attempts of the narrator's half-brother to flee Cuba and his subsequent imprisonment. Engle's second novel.
N E2
Escalera, Diane. Dangerous Heat. New York: Kensington Publishing Corporation, 2001. 205 pp.
Novel Index A sizzling love story.
N E2.1
. Enchanted Isle. New York: Mass Market Paperback, Encanto Books, 2001. 256 pp. A formulaic romance.
N E2.2
. Innocent Lies. New York: Kensington Books, 2002. A school teacher receives a make-over and then meets a famous author while on vacation.
N E2.3
. Jugando con candela. New York: Mass Market Paperback, Encanto Books, 2001. 208 pp. A private investigator falls for her prime suspect.
N E4
Escamill, Edna. Daughter of the Mountain. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1991. 208 pp. Two people become friends as they struggle to withstand the arrival of gringos to their border town.
N E5
Escandon, Maria Amparo. Esperanza's Box ofSaints. New York: Scribner, 1999. 254 pp. A woman sees a vision of her favorite saint who tells her to find the daughter she had believed to be dead.
N E5.1
. Santitos. New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publications, 1999. 220 pp. A woman sees a vision of her favorite saint who tells her to find the daughter she had believed to be dead. Spanish translation of Esperanza's Box of Saints.
N E6
Esparza, Elia. The Other Side ofParadise. New York: Kensington Books, Encanto, 2002. A young woman purchases a used wedding dress and meets the owner's grandson, who wants the dress back.
N E7
Espinosa, Maria. Dark Plums. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1995. 220 pp. A young woman's sordid quest for love in Manhattan.
Novel Index N E7.1
. Incognito: The Journey of a Secret Jew. An historical novel about persecution under the Inquisition.
N E7.2
. Longing. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1995. 298 pp. A young woman trapped in a sado-masochistic relationship in Paris escapes to the United States with her daughter.
N Fl
Fernandez, Carole. Sleep of the Innocents. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1994. 238 pp. Traditional life is disrupted by civil war, the intrusion of American culture, and gender roles. The author's first novel.
N F2
Fernandez, Roberta. Fronterizas: Una novela en seis cuentos. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1900.192 pp. A coming-of-age story made up of the examination of six southwestern women. Spanish version of Intaglio: A Novel in Six Stories.
N F2.1
. Intaglio: A Novel in Six Stories. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1990.160 pp. A-coming-of-age story made up of the examination of six southwestern women.
N F3
Ferre, Rosario. Dom nad laguna. Trans. Halina Czarnocka. Warszawa: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1998. 464 pp. The exploration of the antagonism as well as the mutual dependence between literature and history. Polish translation of House on the Lagoon.
N F3.1
. Eccentric Neighborhoods. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1998; New York: Plume, 1999.336 pp.; London: Abacus, 2000. 352 pp. Puerto Rico's transformation from an agricultural society to an industrial one.
N F3.2
. The House on the Lagoon. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1995. 407 pp.
Novel Index The exploration of the antagonism as well as the mutual dependence between literature and history.
N F3.3
. Kristallzucker: Roman. Trans. Wolfgang Binder. Zurich: Rotpunktverlag, 1991. 200 pp. Maldito amor is a parody of "la novela de la tierra." The book includes the novel Maldito amor and the stories: "El regalo," "Isolda en el espejo," and "La extrafia muerte del Capitancito Candelario." German translation of Maldito amor.
N F3.4
. La batalla de las virgenes. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1995.119 pp. A religious satire.
N F3.5
. La casa delta laguna. Trans. Ursula Bedogni. Rome: Fazi Editore, 1999. 396 pp. The exploration of the antagonism as well as the mutual dependence between literature and history. Italian translation of The House on the Lagoon.
N F3.6
. La extrafia muerte del Capitancito Candelario. Barcelona: Plaza & Janes Editores, S.A., 1996. 94 pp. Criticism of Puerto Rican society. This story was taken from the book Maldito amor.
N F3.7
. La maison de la lagune. Trans. Isabelle Gugnon. Paris: Ed. Du Seuil, 1998. 404 pp. The exploration of the antagonism as well as the mutual dependence between literature and history. French translation of The House on the Lagoon.
N F3.8
. Maldito amor. Barcelona: Emece, 1998. 253 pp. Maldito amor is a parody of "la novela de la tierra." The book includes the novel Maldito amor and the stories: "El regalo," "Isolda en el espejo," and "La extrafia muerte del Capitancito Candelario."
N F3.9
. Sweet Diamond Dust: A Novel and Three Stories of Life in Puerto Rico. Trans. Rosario Ferr£. New York: Ballantine Books, 1988.197 pp.
Novel Index
Includes the novel Sweet Diamond Dust and the stories "The Gift," "Isolda's Mirror," and Captain Candelario's Heroic Last Stand. N F3.10
. Vecindarios exce'ntricos. Trans. Rosario Ferre. New York: Random House, 1999. 408 pp.
Puerto Rico's transformation from an agricultural society to an industrial one. Spanish translation of Eccentric Neighborhoods. N F3.11 . Vincini eccentrici: Romanzo. Trans. Barbara Bertoni. Casale Monferrato: Piemme, 1998. 335 pp. Puerto Rico's transformation from an agricultural society to an industrial one. Italian translation of Eccentric Neighborhoods. N F4
Forte-Escamilla, Kleya. Mada: A Novel. Toronto: Sister Vision Press, 1993.162 pp. Unavailable for annotation.
N F5
Fuentes, Erica. First Love/Primer amor. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2000. A woman is reunited with her first love, who she believed was lost forever.
N F5.1
. Island Dreams/Suenos islenos. Trans. Nancy Hedges. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2000.174,157 pp. A widowed mom meets a Cuban doctor on a flight to Havana. A bilingual romance.
N Gl
Gallegos, Sallie. Stone Horses. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1996. 272 pp. The story of Eduardo Ricardo Montez and his life in New Mexico.
N G2
Garcia, Cristina. The Agiiero Sisters. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1997. 300 pp. The story of two very different Cuban sisters who have been estranged for thirty years.
N G2.1
. Dreaming in Cuban. New York: Ballantine Books, 1992. 146 pp.
Novel Index Set in Havana and Brooklyn, a chronicle of three generations of a Cuban family.
N G2.2
. Sonar en cubano. Trans. Marisol Pales. New York: Ballantine Books, 1995. 322 pp. Set in Havana and Brooklyn, a chronicle of three generations of a Cuban family. Spanish translation of Dreaming in Cuban.
N G3
Garcia, Diana. Help Wanted/Aviso oportuno. Trans. Nancy J. Hedges. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2000.158,174 pp. A woman hires a male housekeeper and finds romance.
N G3.1
. Love Lessons/Lecciones amorosas. New York: Pinnacle Books, 1999. 174,173 pp. Two young girls play matchmaker for their parents. A bilingual romance.
N G3.2
. Stardust. New York: Kensington Publishing Corporation, 2001. 204 pp. A woman pilot must land her plane unexpectedly and meets a reclusive country singer and his children.
N G4
Garcia Aguilera, Carolina. A Miracle in Paradise. New York: Avon Books, Inc., 2000. 344 pp. Sister Lupe Solano investigates the story of a weeping statue of the virgin.
N G4.1
. Bitter Sugar. New York: William Morrow & Co., 2001. 320 pp. A Lupe Solano mystery.
N G4.2
. Bloody Secrets. New York: Berkley Prime Crime, 1999.324 pp. Lupe Solano attempts to solve the case of a Cuban refugee in Miami.
N G4.3
. Bloody Shame. New York: Berkley Prime Crime, 1997.307 pp. Lupe Solano, a Cuban-American private eye works in the Miami area
Novel Index to solve cases. N G4.4
. Bloody Waters. New York: Berkley Prime Crime, 1997. 292 pp. Lupe Solano, a Cuban-American private eye, hunts for the biological mother of a child in need of medical aid. The author's first novel.
N G4.5
. Havana Heat. New York: William Morrow: 2000. 358 pp. Lupe Solano, a Cuban-American private investigator, travels to Havana on an undercover job involving stolen art.
N G5
Garcia Ramis, Magali. Happy Days, Uncle Sergio. Trans. Carmen C. Esteves. Fredonia: White Pine Press, 1995. 175 pp. The story of a young Puerto Rican girl growing up in her homeland who is changed by her uncle's visit from New York.
Gaspar de Alba, Alicia. Sor Juana's Second Dream. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1999. 456 pp. The life of Sor Juan Ines de la Cruz. Illustrations by Francisco Benitez.
N G7
Gomez, Jewelle. The Gilda Stories: A Novel. Ithaca: Firebrand books, 1991. 252 pp. A lesbian vampire romance fantasy with an African-American protagonist who is a time traveler.
N G8
Gomez, Leticia. Dulce destino. New York: Mass Market Paperback, Encanto Books, 2001. 208 pp. A woman who runs a bed and breakfast falls for one of her guests. Spanish translation of Sweet Destiny.
N G8.1
. Sweet Destiny. New Corporation, 2001. 203 pp.
Kensington Publishing
A woman who runs a bed and breakfast falls for one of her guests. N G9
Gonzalez, Ivette. Canton dae amorie. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2000. A Mexican woman dreams of becoming a famous singer. A romance
Novel Index in English and Spanish.
N G9.1
. Love's Song/Canto de amor. Trans. Mercedes Lamamie. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2000.156 pp. A Mexican woman dreams of becoming a famous singer. A romance in English and Spanish.
N G9.2
. To Catch a Star/Alcanzar una estrella. New York: Pinnacle Books, 1999. 384 pp. A Cuban exile working as a limo driver falls in love with his boss who is an actress.
Gonzales Bertrand, Diane. Alicia's Treasure. Houston: Pinata Books, 1996.125 pp. A young girl takes a magical trip to the ocean. Adolescent literature.
N G10.1
. Carousel ofDreams. New York: Avalon Books, 1992.183 pp. A woman who dreams of restoring a carousel falls in love with a man who foils her attempts.
N G10.2
. The Last Doll/La ultima muneca. Houston: Pinata Books, 2000. A doll is given as a gift to a young girl who turns fifteen. Adolescent literature.
N G10.3
. Lessons of the Game. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1999.192 pp. The story of a student teacher who falls in love with the school's football coach. Adolescent literature.
N G10.4
. Sweet Fifteen. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1995.296 pp. A coming-of-age ritual for young Hispanic girls. Adolescent literature.
N G10.5
. Trino's Choice. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1999.124 pp. A Latino boy struggles to avoid getting into trouble as he grows up. Adolescent literature.
Novel Index N G10.6
. Trino9s Time. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 2001. 128 pp. The sequel to Trino's Choice. A young boy struggles to cope with the loss of two friends.
N Gil
Gonz£les-Berry, Erlinda. Paletitas de guayaba. Albuquerque: El Norte Publications, 1991. 92 pp. The author's first novel.
N G12
Gonzalez Mireles, Jovita. Caballero: A Historical Novel. College Station: Texas A & M University Press, 1996. 350 pp. Written during the 1930's and 1940's, the story of a Mexican family and the effects the U. S. annexation of the Texas Territory has on them. Edited by Jose E. Limon and Maria Cotera. Foreword by Thomas H. Kreneck.
N G13
Guerra Cunningham, Lucia. Mds alia de la mascaras (Beyond the Masks). Pittsburgh: Latin American Literary Review Press, 1986. 88 pp. A young woman relates the story of her journey which takes her from being a responsible married woman, mother, and journalist, to her new life as a sexual rebel.
Guzm&n, Lila, and Rick Guzman. Lorenzo's Secret Mission. Houston: Pinata Press, 2001.144 pp. After his father's death, a young man, trained as a medic, sets out to fulfill his father's last wish.
Hernandez, Jo Ann Yolanda. White Bread Competition. Houston: Pinata Books, 1997. 208 pp. Linked stories set in San Antonio, Texas, chronicle a young Latina girl's trip to the state spelling bee and how this affects the various members of her family. Adolescent literature.
N Jl
Judrez, Tina. Call No Man Master. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1995. 334 pp. Set in the early 1800's in Mexico, a historical romance novel with a strong female protagonist of mixed heritage (Spanish and Indian).
N Jl.l
. South Wind Come. Houston: Arte Publico Press; 1998. 384
Novel Index
228 pp.
Sequel to Call No Man Master, a historical novel of Texas and Mexico, narrated by a young girl. N LI
Lim6n, Graciela. The Day of the Moon. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1999. 224 pp. A tale of forbidden love set in revolutionary Mexico.
N Ll.l
. Erased Faces. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 2001. 208 pp. A Latina journalist from Los Angeles travels to Chiapas, Mexico to make a documentary and becomes involved in the indigenous insurrection.
N L1.2
. In Search ofBernabe. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1993. 166 pp. A woman's search for her missing son in war-torn El Salvador. Awarded the 1994 Before Columbus Foundation Book Award.
N L1.3
. The Memories of Ana Calderon. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1994. 199 pp. The story of a Mexican immigrant woman and her struggles to survive in the United States through family problems and tragedies.
N L1.4
. Song of the Humming Bird. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1996. 217 pp. An old Mexican woman recounts tales of her ancestors to a young priest who is transformed by what he hears.
N L2
L6pez-Medina, Sylvia. Cantora. New York: Baliantine Books, 1993. 275 pp. The tale of four generations of Mexican women in their quest for selfdiscovery.
. Het lied van de Mexicana's. Trans. Babet Mossel. Amsterdam: M. Muntinga, 1995. 304 pp. The tale of four generations of Mexican women in their quest for selfdiscovery. Dutch translation of Cantora.
Novel Index
N L2.3 . Necklace of Pearls: A Novel. New York: HarperCollins, 2000. 320 pp. Unavailable for annotation. N L2.4
. Siguiriya: A Novel. New York: HarperCollins, 1997. Set in Moorish Andalusia, a story based on Lopez-Medina's mixedfaith family's dealings with the Spanish Inquisition.
N Ml
Marquez, Victoria. Holiday Heaven. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2001. A young doctor needs someone to act as his fiancee during his grandmother's visit from Venezuela.
N Ml.l
. In Hot Pursuit/Cortejo Calido. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2000. 368 pp. A woman who reports her late husband's criminal activity finds herself attracted to the detective who arrives to investigate.
N M1.2
. Wild for You. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2000. 201 pp. A young woman who is being stalked falls in love with the policeman sent to watch over her.
N M2
Martin, Allana. Death of a Saint Maker. Toronto: Worldwide, 1999. 253 pp. The adventures of Texana Jones, owner of a trading post on the U.S.Mexican Border.
N M2.1
. Death of an Evangelista. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999. 272 pp. The adventures of Texana Jones, owner of a trading post on the Mexican-U.S. Border.
N M3
Martinez, Demetria. Lengua madre. Trans. Ana Maria de la Fuente. Barcelona: Ediciones Seix Barral, 1996. A young woman in Albuquerque falls in love with a Salvadoran exile. Winner of the Western States Book Award for fiction. Spanish translation of Mother Tongue.
230 N M3.1
Novel Index . Mother Tongue. New York: One World, 1996. 194 pp.; Tempe: Bilingual Press, 1994.121 pp. A young woman in Albuquerque falls in love with a Salvadoran exile. Winner of the Western States Book Award for fiction.
N M3.2
. Sefat em. Trans. Shelomit Hendelsman. Tel-Aviv: Kineret, 1998.143 pp. A young woman in Albuquerque falls in love with a Salvadoran exile. Winner of the Western States Book Award for fiction. Hebrew translation of Mother Tongue.
N M4
Marvin, Isabel R. A Bride for Ana's Papa. Mt. Desert, Maine: Milkweed Publications, 1994.140 pp. A young girl attempts to find a wife for her widowed father in the mining town of Chisholm, Minnesota.
N M4.1
. Bridge to Freedom. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1992.148 pp. The story of a fifteen-year-old deserter from the German army who joins a young Jewish girl trying to reach safety by crossing the border into Belgium.
N M4.2
. Green Fire. Mt. Desert, Maine: Windswept Publishers, 1994. 72 pp. A young brother and sister find adventure in South America among jewel thieves. Adolescent literature.
N M4.3
. Josefina and the Hanging Tree. Fort Worth: Texas Christian University Press, 1992. 127 pp. Set in the late 1800's, a young Texas girl fears for her father's safety. Adolescent literature.
N M4.4
. The Mystery of the Ice Cream House. Mt. Desert, Maine: Windswept House Publishers, 1993. 64 pp. The adventure tale of a young brother and sister in Spain. Adolescent literature. Edited by Kate Whitaker.
N M4.5
. The Mystery of the Puerto Rican Penny. Mt. Desert, Maine: Windswept House Publishers, 1995. 72 pp.
Novel Index
231 A young boy finds a mysterious coin in the sand. Adolescent literature.
N M4.6
. One ofFannin'sMen. Houston: Hendrick-Long Publishing, 1997. 104 pp. Seen through the eyes of a history-hating seventh grader, the story of the 1836 Goliad massacre in Texas. Adolescent literature.
N M4.7
. Saving Joe Louis. Jamaica: Kingston Publishers Limited, 1992. 22 pp. A young Jamaican boy saves his rooster, Joe Louis. Illustrated by Cloris Brown. Adolescent literature.
N M4.8
. Shipwrecked on Padre Island. Houston: Hendrick Long Publishing Company, 1993. 160 pp. A story of the 1554 shipwreck of three Spanish vessels in the area called La Florida and the fate of the 300 passengers and crew members. Illustrations by Lyle L. Miller. Adolescent literature.
N M5
Medina, C. C. A Little Love. New York: Warner Books, 2000. 352 pp. The story of four wealthy Hispanic Miami women as they share the ups and downs of their romantic relationships.
N M6
Mendoza, Sylvia. On Fire/Alrojo vivo. Trans. Nancy Hedges. New York: Pinnacle Books, 1999. 201,171 pp. A Mexican movie star finds romance with a fire fighter. A bilingual romance.
N M6.1
. Serenade/Serenata. Trans. Belinda Cornejo Duckies. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2000.191,176 pp. A woman finds romance when she enrolls in a salsa dance class. A bilingual romance.
N M7
Mohr, Nicholasa. All for the Better: A Story of El Barrio. New York: Steck-Vaughn Company, 1993. 56 pp. A young girl is sent from Puerto Rico to New York to ease the financial burden on her family. Includes illustrations by Rudy Gutierrez. Alex Haley is the general editor. Adolescent literature.
232 N M7.1
Novel Index . El Bronx Remembered: A Novella and Stories. New York: HarperCollins, 1993. 263 pp. The life of Puerto Ricans in New York City. Fully annotated in the Anthology Index.
N M7.2
. Felita. New York: Penguin Group, 1999.112 pp. A young girl moves into a new neighborhood where she is taunted for being Puerto Rican. Illustrated by Ray Cruz.
N M7.3
. Going Home. New York: Dial Books, 1986.192 pp. When a young girl turns twelve, she travels to Puerto Rico to spend the summer with family members. Adolescent literature.
N M7.4
. Nilda. New York: Harper and Row, 1973. Reprint, Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1991. 292 pp. The story of a young Puerto Rican girl and her struggles growing up in New York. Adolescent literature.
N M8
Montero, Mayra. Como un mensajero tuyo. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama, 1998. 261 pp. Based on real events, the Italian tenor Caruso disappears for a weekend after a bomb explodes in the Teatro Nacional in Havana.
N M8.1
. Del rojo de su sombra. Barcelona: Tusquets, 1998.184 pp. Set in the Dominican Republic, the story of two powerful spiritual leaders, Mistress Zule, a Voudon priestess and Simite Bolosse, a rival Voudon priest.
N M8.2
. In the Palm of Darkness: A Novel. Trans. Edith Grossman. New York: HarperFlamingo, 1997.181 pp. Set in Haiti, the story of an American herpetologist who must deal with his emotional alienation. English translation of Tu, la oscuridad.
N M8.3
. La trenza de la hermosa luna. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama, 1993. 192 pp. Unavailable for annotation.
N M8.4
. La ultima noche que pase contigo. 4 t h ed. Barcelona:
Novel Index Tusquets Editores, 1995. 199 pp.
Marital problems develop between a couple haunted by past infidelities. N M8.5
. The Last Night I Spent with You. Trans. Edith Grossman. New York: HarperCollins, 2000. 128 pp. Marital problems develop between a couple haunted by past infidelities. English translation of La ultima noche quepase contigo.
N M8.6
. Le signe de la lune: Roman. Trans. Gerard Piloquet. Paris: Phebus, 1993.196 pp. French translation of La trenza de la hermosa luna.
N M8.7
. The Messenger. Trans. Edith Grossman. New York: HarperPerennial Library, 2000. 224 pp. Based on real events, the Italian tenor Caruso disappears for a weekend after a bomb explodes in the Teatro Nacional in Havana. English translation of Como un mensajero tuyo.
N M8.8
. The Moon Line. Trans. Kathryn Renee Dussan. M.A. Thesis, University of Puerto Rico, 1993. English translation of La trenza de la hermosa luna.
N M8.9
. Purpua profunda. Barcelona: Tusquets Editores, 2000. 172 pp. A retired music critic writes his memoirs which allow his former boss to live vicariously through the critic's eventful and passionate past. Awarded the XXII Premio de la Sonrisa Vertical.
N M8.10
. The Red of His Shadow. Trans. Edith Grossman. New York: HarperCollins, 2001. Set in the Dominican Republic, the story of two powerful spiritual leaders, Mistress Zule, a Voudon priestess and Simila Bolosse, a rival Voudon priest. English translation of Del rojo de su sombra.
. Toi, Vobscuriti: Roman. Trans. Francoise Rosset. Paris: Gallimard, 1997. 253 pp. Set in Haiti, the story of an American herpetologist who must deal
Novel Index with his emotional alienation. French translation of Tu, la oscuridad.
N M8.12
. Tu, la oscuridad. Barcelona: Tusquets Editores, 1995. 241 pp. Set in Haiti, the story of an American herpetologist who must deal with his emotional alienation.
N M8.13
. You, Darkness. Trans. Edith Grossman. London: The Harvill Press, 1997.182 pp. Set in Haiti, the story of an American herpetologist who must deal with his emotional alienation. English translation of Tu, la oscuridad.
N M9
Montoya, Tracy. Isabela 's Dreams/Suenos de Isabela. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2000. 207 pp. An archaeologist finds romance in the Honduran jungle.
N M10
Mujica, Barbara. The Deaths of Don Bernardo. Encino: Floricanto Press, 1990. 335 pp. Based on a true incident, the novel tells the story of Peru in 1917, and an upper-class business man who commits murder. Includes glossaries for Spanish and Indian terms.
N M10.1
. Frida: A Novel. Woodstock: Overlook Press, 2000. 320 pp. A fictionalized account of Frida Kahlo.
N M10.2
. Mi hermana Frida. Trans. Gemma Rovira Ortega. Barcelona: Plaza & Janes, 2001. 442pp. A fictionalized account of Frida Kahlo. Spanish translation of Frida: A Novel.
N Mil
Murray, Yxta Maya. Locas. New York: Grove Press, 1997. 248 pp. The story of two girls involved in a Chicano gang in Los Angeles. The author's first novel.
N Mll.l
. What It Takes to Get to Vegas. New York: Grove Press, 1999. 308 pp. A promiscuous woman becomes involved with a boxer hoping for a
Novel Index better life but is quickly disillusioned. N NI
Niggli, Josephina. A Miracle for Mexico. Greenwich: New York Graphic Society Publishers, 1964. 179 pp. A historical novel set in the 1500's when the Spaniards arrive in Mexico to conquer the Aztecs. Paintings by Alejandro Rangel Hidalgo. Juvenile fiction.
. Mexican Village. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1945. 491 pp; Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1994. 491 pp. Ten related stories of life in Mexico in the 1920's and 30's.
N N1.2
. Mexikanishe Rhapsodic Roman. Berlin: Lothar Blanvalet, 1951. 489 pp. Ten related stories of life in Mexico in the 1920's and 30's. German translation of Mexican Village.
N N1.3
. Step Down, Elder Brother: A Novel. New York: Rinehart and Co., 1947. 374 pp. A Mexican love story.
N N1.4
. Un pueblo mexicana: Selections from Mexican Village. Trans. & ed. Justina Ruiz de Conde. New York: Norton, 1949. 267 pp. Related stories of life in Mexico in the 1920's and 30's.
N N2
Noble, Marguerite. Filaree: A Novel of an American Life. New York: Random House, 1979. 243 pp. The struggles of a pioneer woman crossing Indian territory.
N N3
Nolla, Olga. Dafne en elmes demarzo. Madrid: Editorial Playor, 1989.106 pp. Unavailable for annotation.
N N3.1
. El Castillo de la memoria. Mexico D. F.: Alfaguara, 1996. 439 pp. The fictional account of the search for the Fountain of Youth by Juan
Novel Index Ponce de Leon.
N N3.2
. El manuscrito de Miramar. Mexico D. F.: Alfaguara, 1998. 211 pp. The parallel stories of a mother and daughter filled with secrets and hidden affairs.
N N3.3
. La segunda hija. San Juan: La Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1992. 93 pp. Unavailable for annotation.
Novas, Himilce. Don't Look Back. New York: Steck-Vaughn Company, 1995. 64 pp. Two friends experience an adventurous weekend. Adolescent literature.
. Mangos, Bananas and Coconuts: A Cuban Love Story. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1997.168 pp. The story of a Cuban farm worker with special healing powers.
N N5
Nunez, Elizabeth. Beyond the Limbo Silence. Seattle: Seal Press, 1998. 320 pp. A young woman from Trinidad travels to Wisconsin to attend college and struggles to find acceptance.
N N5.1
. Bruised Hibiscus. Seattle: Seal Press, 2000. 300 pp. Two female friends are reunited after a murder in Trinidad.
N N6
Nunez-Harrell, Elizabeth. When Rocks Dance. New York: Ba Ilan tine Books, 1992. 320 pp. The story of three Trinidadian women and the tragedies that befall them.
N Ol
Obejas, Achy. Memory Mambo. San Francisco: Cleis Press, 1996. 249 pp. Juani, a twenty-four year-old lesbian, is obsessed with memory as she struggles to deal with family relationships. Includes a Spanish-English glossary of Cuban terms.
Novel Index N 02
O'Reilly Herrera, Andrea. The Pearl of the Antilles. Tempe: Bilingual Review Press, 2001. 240 pp. The story of the lives of three generations of Cuban women.
N 03
Ornelas, Berta. Come Down from the Mound. Phoenix: Miter Publishing Co., 1975. 266 pp. Unavailable for annotation.
N 04
Orozco Flores, Anna. Deadly Union. Denver: Voices, Inc., 1999/ 239 pp. A story about the organization of labor unions in the Southwest.
N 05
Ortiz Cofer, Judith. La linea del sol. Trans. Elena OlazagastiSegovia. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1996. 302 pp. The author's first novel, the story of a Puerto Rican family's struggles to adapt to life in the United States. Spanish translation of The Line of the Sun.
N 05.1
. The Line of the Sun. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1988. 291 pp. The author's first novel, the story of a Puerto Rican family's struggles to adapt to life in the United States.
N 06
Ortiz Taylor, Sheila. Coachella. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1998.187 pp. A phlebotomist in Coachella Valley, California in the 1980's investigates the death of gay men, hemophiliacs and women who have undergone cosmetic surgery.
N 06.1
. Faultline. Shelbourne Falls: The Naiad Press, Inc., 1982.126 pp. The story of a lesbian mother with six children in Southern California.
N 06.2
. Southbound. The Sequel to Faultline. Tallahassee: The Naiad Press, Inc., 1990. 226 pp. A woman flees her ex-husband with her six children. Lesbian literature.
238 N 06.3
Novel Index . Spring Forward Fall Back. Tallahassee: The Naiad Press, Inc., 1985. 257 pp. Lesbian literature.
Perez, Emma. GulfDreams. Berkeley: Third Woman Press, 1996. 157 pp. The lesbian narrator falls in love with another woman. The author's first novel.
N P2
P£rez, Irma Amada. My Diaryfrom Here to There. San Francisco: Children's Book Press, 2002. The story of a young girl's emotions when her father leaves their Mexican home to look for work in the United States. Juvenile literature. Illustrations by Maya Christina Gonzalez.
N P3
Perez, Loida Maritza. Geographies of Home: A Novel. London: Viking, 1999. 321 pp. Haunted by a disembodied voice, a young woman returns to New York from college searching for her true "home."
N P4
Pineda, Cecile. Bardo99. iuniverse.com, 2000.112 pp. A comedy in which the protagonist travels through a series of catastrophes, real and imagined.
N P4.1
. Face. New York: Viking Penguin, Inc., 1985.194 pp. The story of a Brazilian barber whose face becomes disfigured by an accident and his attempts at plastic surgery.
N P4.2
. Fishlight: A Dream of Childhood. San Antonio: Wings Press, 2001.103 pp. The story of a young girl of Swiss and Mexican heritage growing up in New York.
N P4.3
. Frieze. San Francisco: Vikings, 1986. 224 pp. The story of Gopal, an enslaved man who must carve 120 panels on stone. Winner of the 1985 Sue Kaufman Prize for First Fiction from the Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters.
Novel Index N P4.4
. The Love Queen of The Amazon: A Novel. Boston: Little Brown and Company, 1992. 255 pp. A woman is kidnapped at her wedding and subsequently opens a brothel.
N P4.5
. Redoubt, iuniverse, 2000.108 pp. A meditation on gender.
N P5
Platas Fuller, Berta. All ofMe/Todo de mi. Trans. Omar Amador. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2000.174 pp. A beautiful vineyard owner falls in love with a Spanish visitor. A romance in English and Spanish.
N P5.1
. Miami Heat/Pasidn en Miami. New York: Pinnacle Books, 1999. 384 pp. A woman invites a friend to be her escort to her brother's wedding.
N P6
Ponce, Mary Helen. Taking Control. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1994.128 pp. The story of a bride-to-be who reveals much about cultural traditions that inhibit women's intellectual development.
N P6.1
. The Wedding. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1989. 199 pp. The author's first novel, a look at Mexican-American subculture through the eyes of a pregnant bride-to-be.
N P7
Pope Duarte, Stella. Let Their Spirits Dance. New York: Rayo, 2002. The story of the participation of Mexican-Americans in the Vietnamese War.
Puig Zaldivar, Raquel. Nothing in Our Hands but Age. Binghamton: Bilingual Press, 1980. 56 pp. Offprint of The Bilingual Review/La Revista Bilingue, v. 6, no. 2-3 (May/Dec. 1979).
N P8.1
. Women Don't Need to Write. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1998. 352 pp.
Novel Index A ninety-five-year-old woman looks back on her eventful life.
N Ql
Quezada, Louise M. Hearts Tango2/Genesis Press, 1998.183 pp.
Remember. Columbus:
A young Mexican-American woman living in Colorado meets a former lover who ultimately protects her from her current boyfriend. N Q2
Quintana Ranck, Katherine Portrait of Dona Elena. Berkeley: Tonatuih-Quinto Sol International, 1982. 89 pp. A woman artist travels to New Mexico to find her mother's home town and to learn to paint with feeling.
N Rl
Rios, Isabella. A Dance with the Eucalyptus. Lahaina, Maui: Whale Watch Publications, 1995. 148 pp. Unavailable for annotation.
N Rl.l
. Victuum. Ventura: Diana-Etna Incorporated, 1976.345 pp. Unavailable for annotation.
N R2
Rios, Lara. Conquest/La conquista. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2000. 207 pp. A woman believes her former fiancee is dead, but a return visit to the United States proves her wrong.
N R2.1
. Winner Takes All. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2002.256 pp. A formulaic romance.
N R3
Rios, Reyna. Destination: Love/Destino amor. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2000. 212 A clothing buyer travels to Patagonia with a co-worker and finds romance.
N R4
Rivas, Rita. Through the Crystal. El Paso: Sundance Press, 1999. 160 pp. Unavailable for annotation.
N R5
Rivera, Beatriz. Midnight Sandwiches at the Mariposa Express. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1997.118 pp.
Novel Index
Trish Izquierdo, a councilwoman in a small town, does her best to put the town on the map. N R5.1
. Playing with Light: A Novel. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 2000. 240 pp. A tale of Cuban-American women in Miami who meet in a reading group to discuss the novel Playing with Light about a family in 19 century Cuba.
N R6
Roman, Hebby. The Best Bet. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2000. 213 pp. A brother convinces his twin to impersonate him in Las Vegas, where he finds adventure and romance.
N R6.1
. The Best Game. New York: Mass Market Paperback, Encanto Books, 2001. 256 pp. A love story set in Texas.
N R6.2
. Betrayed. New York: Pinnacle Books, 1997. 320 pp. Historical fiction set in Puerto Rico in the 19* century.
N R6.3
. Border Heat. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2000.204,172 pp. A woman crosses into Mexico searching for legal advice and finds romance.
N R6.4
. La mejor apuesta. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2000.214 pp. A brother convinces his twin to impersonate him in Las Vegas, where he finds adventure and romance. Spanish translation of The Best Bet.
N R6.5
. Love Me Only. New York: Pinnacle Books, 1999. 382 pp. A woman travels to Mexico to find her father has died. She vows to continue his mining endeavors using his secret formula. An historical romance.
N R6.6
. Midnight Promise. New York: Pinnacle Books, 1998.348 pp. Historical fiction dealing with the Texas Revolution.
N R6.7
. Pasidn en lafrontera. Trans. Nancy Hedges. . New York:
Novel Index Pinnacle Books, 1999. 204 pp. A woman crosses into Mexico searching for legal advice and finds romance.
N R6.8
. Summer Dreams/Suenos de verano. Trans. Nancy J. Hedges. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2000. 204,172 pp. A school teacher finds romance with a baseball player in New Mexico.
N R6.9
. Tempt Fortune. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2000.352 pp. Two Cuban exiles in Key West find romance with one another.
N R7
Romero Cooper, Cecilia. Pearl/La perla. Trans. Ramon Soto. New York: Pinnacle Books, 1999.189 pp. A woman leaves her job to begin a boating business, hoping for adventure. A bilingual romance.
N R7.1
. Stolen Love. New York: Encanto, 2002. 256 p. A formulaic romance.
N R8
Romo-Carmona, Mariana. Living at Night. Duluth: Spinsters Ink, 1997. 257 pp. The story of a young Puerto Rican lesbian who goes to work in an institution for developmentally disabled people. Includes a brief biobibliography for the author. The author's first novel.
N R9
Rosario, Nelly. Song of the Water Saints. New York: Pantheon Books, 2002. 256 pp. The story of three generations of Dominican women.
N R10
Ruiz de Burton, Maria Amparo. The Squatter and the Don. A Novel. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1997. 381 pp. An early Hispanic historical romance, originally published in 1885 in San Francisco, California. Edited by Rosaura Sanchez and Beatrice Pita.
N R10.1
. The Squatter and the Don. A Novel Descriptive of Contemporary Occurrences in California. San Francisco: S.
Novel Index Carson & Co., 1885. 421 pp. An early Hispanic historical romance. N R10.2
. Who Would Have Thought It? Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1995. 298 pp. A satire set during the Civil War that offers insights into class and race. Includes a lengthy and excellent introduction to the novel by Rosaura Sanchez and Beatrice Pita.
Ryan Munoz, Pam. Esperanza Rising. New York: Scholastic Press, 2000. 262 pp. A mother and daughter must leave their privileged life in Mexico to work in the fields of Southern California. Adolescent literature.
Salas Frieda I. Wind in the Pepper Tree. New York: Exposition Press, 1969. 83 pp. A spirit watches over the development of Olvera Street in Los Angeles.
N S2
Salcedo, Daniela. Intrigue/Intriga. Trans. Ramon Soto. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2000.192 pp. A man sees a beautiful, naked woman from his apartment window.
N S3
Sandoval, Daniela. Unexpected. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2001. 212 pp. A young woman plays host to a sexy Dominican guest and finds romance.
N S4
Sandoval, Lynda. Dreaming of You/Sonando contigo. Trans. Nancy Hedges. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2000. 352 pp. A woman befriends her gardener and romance follows.
N S4.1
. Look of Love/Miradas de amor. New York: Pinnacle Books, 1999. 384 pp. An academic is invited to appear on a talk show under false pretenses.
N S4.2
. Thief of Hearts. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2001. 256 pp.
Novel Index A confirmed bachelor falls in love with a woman he rescues from a car accident.
Santana, Patricia. Motorcycle Ride on the Sea of Tranquility. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2002. When a young man returns from the Vietnam War with emotional problems, his younger sister attempts to help him.
N S6
Santiago, Esmeralda. America's HarperCollins, 1997. 325 pp.
New York:
A Puerto Rican housekeeper takes a job in New York to escape her problems, but encounters new ones. N S6.1
. El sueno de America. New York: HarperCollins, 1997. 325 pp. A Puerto Rican housekeeper takes a job in New York to escape her problems, but encounters new ones. Spanish translation of America's Dream.
N S7
Santiago, Soledad. Nightside. New York: Bantam Books, 1995. 341 pp. A mystery novel set in New York. A former nun teams with a policeman to solve the murders of young prostitutes.
N S7.1
. Room 9. New York: Bantam Books, 1992. 336 pp. The assistant to the New York mayor discovers corruption and finds romance with a Latino reporter.
N S7.2
. Streets of Fire. New York: Penguin Books USA, 1996. 342 pp. A Puerto Rican female cop takes a new job with the New York Police Department Public Information Office and encounters many new challenges in her job and personal life.
N S8
Santos-Febres, Mayra. Sirena Selena vestida depena. Barcelona: Grijalbo, 2000. 266 pp. An adolescent gay man earns his living on the streets and enters the world of drag queens in the Caribbean. This is the first novel by the
Novel Index Puerto Rican poet. N S9
Scordato, Caridad. All My Love. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2001. 208 pp. Co-workers fall in love and each wonders what the other sees in them.
N S9.1
. Better than Ever/Mejor que Nunca. Trans. Ram6n Soto. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2000.159,189 pp. Two doctors rekindle their romance that began when they were in medical school. A bilingual romance.
N S9.2
. Faith in YoulTengo fe en ti. Trans. Omar Amador. New York: Pinnacle Books, 1999.191,174 pp. A Cuban beauty and an FBI agent become engaged and then suffer setbacks in their relationship. A bilingual romance.
N S9.3
. Feliz Navidad. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2001. 256 pp. A young female attorney must spend Christmas snowbound in Manhattan, where she finds romance with the opposing attorney.
N S9.4
. Now and Always/Para siempre. Trans. Omar Amador. New York: Pinnacle Books, 1999.380 pp. A female FBI agent falls for a Cuban-American doctor.
N S9.5
. The Perfect Mix. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2001. 256 pp. The latest in the trilogy CellTech. It continues the story of Rey Ramos and Blanca Martinez.
N S9.6
. The Rookie of the Year. New York: Encanto, 2002.256 pp. A baseball romance that takes place in New Jersey.
N S10
Serna, Hilda. The Eagle's Destiny: A Saga of Mexican-Americans Soaring to Excellence. Mexico D. F.: Forser Publishing International, 1999. 456 pp. A young woman follows her destiny.
Valdes, Gina. There Are No Madmen Here. San Diego: Maize Press, 1981. (Revised in 1996).
Novel Index Unavailable for annotation.
N V2
Valdes, Zo6. Cafe Nostalgia. Barcelona: Planeta, 1998. 361 pp. A group of separated friends strive to maintain contact with one another.
N V2.1
. Cafe Nostaligia. Trans. Liliane Hasson. Aries, France: Actes Sud, 1999. 341 pp. A group of separated friends strive to maintain contact with one another. French translation of Cafe Nostalgia.
N V2.2
. Cher premier amour. Trans. Lilian Hasson. Aries, France: Actes Sud, 2000. 331 pp. The story of three adults in Cuba who remember their first love. French translation of Querido primer novio.
N V2.3
. Colera dedngeles. Barcelona: Editorial Lumen, 1996.204 pp. A lyrical treatment of rage. Includes a selections of paintings depicting rage.
N V2.4
. Das tagliche Nichts: Roman. Trans. Klaus Laabs. Munich: BTB, 1998.152 pp. German translation of La nada cotidiana.
N V2.5
. Dir gehbrt mein Leben: Roman. Trans. Susanne Lange. Zurich: Ammann Verlag, 1997. 328 pp. German translation of Te di la vida entera.
N V2.6
. I Gave You All I Had. Trans. Nadia Benabid. London: Arcade Publishing, 1999. The story of Cuca Martinez, born in pre-revolutionary Cuba, and her efforts to survive in Cuba from the 1940's to the present as she waits for her true love.
N V2.7
. La douleur du dollar. Trans. Liliane Hasson. Aries, France: Actes Sud, 1997,343 pp. French translation of Te di la vida enter a.
Novel Index N V2.8
. La hija del embajador. Buenos Aires: Emece Editores, 1998. 94 pp. The story of Daniela, the daughter of the Cuban ambassador in Paris, who rebels against all authority.
N V2.9
. La nada cotldlana. Barcelona: Ernece" Editores, 1998.171 pp. The story of a Cuban woman, bom in the year of the Cuban Revolution, who writes to make sense of her life.
N V2.10
. La rage de anges. Trans. Liliane Hasson. Paris: Textuel, 1996. 207 pp. French translation of Colera de dngeles.
N V2.11
. Leneantquotidien: roman. Trans. Carmen Val Julian. Aries, France: Actes Sud, 1997.161 pp. The story of a Cuban woman, bom in the year of the Cuban Revolution, who writes to make sense of her life. French translation of La nada cotidiana.
N V2.12
. Le pied de mon pere. Trans. Carmen Val Julian. Paris: Gallimard, 2000. 201 pp. A young woman attempts to find out the identity of her father. French translation of El pie de mi padre.
N V2.13 N V2.14
. Milagro en Miami. Barcelona: Planeta, 2001. 265 pp. Cuban literature. . Querido primer novio: una historia proscrita de amory naturaleza. Buenos Aires: Planeta, 2000. 315 pp. The story of three adults in Cuba who remember their first love.
N V2.15
. Sang blue. Trans. Michel Bibard. Aries, France: Actes Sud, 1994. 219 pp. A young woman in love with a painter follows him from Cuba to Paris. A surrealistic novel. French translation of Sangre azul
N V2.16
. Sangre azul. Barcelona: Emece Editores, 1998.184 pp.
Novel Index A young woman in love with a painter follows him from Cuba to Paris. A surrealistic novel.
N V2.17
. Te di la vida entera. Barcelona: Planeta, 1999. 362 pp. The story of Cuca Martinez, bom in pre-revolutionary Cuba, and her efforts to survive in Cuba from the 1940's to the present as she waits for her true love.
N V2.18
. Yocandra in the Paradise of Nada: A Novel of Cuba. Trans. Sabina Cienfuegos. LondonrArcade Publishing, 1999.192 pp. The story of Yocandra and her struggles to cope with life in Cuba.
N V3
Valle, Carmen. Diarios robados. Buenos Aires: Ediciones de la Flor, 1982. 76 pp. Unavailable for annotation.
N V4
Vargas, Dalia. Blue Moon. Trans. Michael J. Carr. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2001. 204 pp. A marine biologist and her crew stumble on poachers and find their lives in danger. English translation of Luna azul
N V4.1
. Luna azul. New York: Pinnacle Books, 20001. 204 pp. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2001. 208 pp. A marine biologist and her crew stumble on poachers and find their lives in danger.
N V5
Vasquez, Consuelo. LeadingLady/Estrella. Trans. Lia Burqueno. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2000.176,171 pp. A would-be actress decides to become a back-up singer and finds romance with one of her band mates. A bilingual romance.
N V5.1
. Salsa Kiss/Besos at dientes. Trans. Nancy Hedges. New York: Pinnacle Books, 1999. 201,174 pp. A woman finds romance with a newscaster who crashes into her car at a stoplight.
N V5.2
. Sea Siren/La sirena. Trans. Ramon Soto. New York: Pinnacle Books, 1999. 204 174 pp.
Novel Index
The story of Kiki and Tino, a "mermaid" and a sailor, who fall in love. N V5.3
. Segunda oportunidad. New York: Pinnacle Books, 2000, 201 pp. After a break-up with her boyfriend a woman vacations on the beach, only to be wooed back by the same man.
N V6
Veciana-Su£rez, Ana. The Chin Kiss King. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1997. 311 pp. The first novel for the Miami Herald columnist. A chronicle of the lives of three generations of Cuban-American women in Miami.
N V6.1
. Elrey delos besos. Trans. Cristina Pages. Barcelona: Planeta Publishing Corp., 1998. 404 pp. The first novel for the Miami Herald columnist. A chronicle of the lives of three generations of Cuban-American women in Miami. Spanish translation of the Chin Kiss King.
N V7
Vega, Ana Lydia. Falsas crdnicas del sur. Rio Piedras: Editorial Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1991.188 pp. A novel dealing with the Guayama region. Illustrated by Walter Torres.
N V8
Velasquez, Gloria. Ankiza. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 2000. 160 pp. Two high school students of different races begin to date and arouse the interest of their classmates. Roosevelt High School Series. Adolescent literature.
N V8.1
. Juanita Fights the School Board. Houston: Pinata Books, 1994.149 pp. Part of the Roosevelt High School series, the story of Juanita who is expelled for fighting with a white student. Includes a Spanish-English glossary. Adolescent literature.
N V8.2
. Maya'sDivided World. Houston: Pinata Books, 1995.125 pp. A young Mexican-American girl, troubled by her parents' divorce, receives help from a psychologist. Adolescent literature.
Novel Index
N V8.3
. Rina 's Family Secret. Houston: Pinata Books, 1998.112 pp. A young girl becomes pro-active when faced with an abusive home life.
N V8.4
. Tommy Stands Alone. Houston: Pinata Books, 1995.135 pp. A gay teenager faces rejections and humiliation and eventually attempts suicide. Adolescent literature.
Villanueva, Alma Luz. Luna's California Poppies. Tempe: Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingue, 2000. A young girl is taken in by a stranger who encourages her in life. The story is told through Luna's diary.
N V9.1
. Naked Ladies. Tempe: Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingue, 1994. 280 pp. The story of six women as they deal with racial prejudice, gay and straight relationships, and cultural differences.
N V9.2
. The Ultraviolet Sky. Tempe: The Bilingual Press, 1988.379 pp. A painter leaves her husband and an abusive relationship in order to regain her life.
N V10
Villarreal, Rosa Martha. Chronicle of Air and Dreams: A Novel of Mexico. Santa Maria: Archer Books, 1999. 235 pp. The story of the Mexican conquest by the Spaniards.
N V10.1
. Doctor Magdalena: Novella. Berkeley: TQS Publications, 1995. 89 pp. A woman doctor is haunted by guilt after her parents die in a fire.
Viramontes, Helena Maria. Their Dogs Came with Them: A Novel. New York: E. P. Dutton, 2000. Set in East Los Angeles in the 1960's, the story of several interesting characters in a neighborhood that is being torn down to make room for a new freeway.
N Vll.l
. Under the Feet of Jesus. New York: A Plume Book., 1996.
Novel Index 180 pp.
Estrella, the daughter of a Mexican migrant family, struggles to adapt to her life in the United States. N Zl
Zendejas, Esperanza. Infallibility: A Novel. Indianapolis: Ojo por Ojo, 1999. 218 pp. Unavailable for annotation.
N Z1.2
. The Tame Cactus-El nopal manso. Indianapolis: Ojo por Ojo, 1999. 284 pp. A tender romance between two young people of different cultures.
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Autobiography/Biography Index The letters "AB" indicate that the work is an autobiography or biography and the following letter represents the first letter of the author's last name. If there is more than one work per author, this is indicated by 1.1, 1.2, etc. These codes are used for cross-referencing in the other indices. AB Al
Agosin, Marjorie. A Cross and a Star: Memories of a Jewish Girl in Chile. Trans. Celeste Kostopulos-Cooperman. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1995. 479 pp. Agosin describes growing up in Chile as the daughter of Jewish immigrants. English translation of Sagrada memoria: reminiscencias de una nina judia en Chile. Includes an introduction by Celeste Kostopulos-Cooperman.
AB Al.l
. The Alphabet in My Hands: A Writing Life. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2000. 187 pp. A personal account of Agosin's life as a Jew in Chile. This work is fully annotated in the Anthology Index.
AB A1.2
AB A1.3
. Always From Somewhere Else: A Memoir of My Chilean Jewish Father. Trans. Celeste Kostopulos Cooperman. New York: The Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 1999.260 pp. The story of the author's grandparents and parents who encountered anti-Semitism in Chile. Includes an introduction by Elizabeth Rose Horan. . El gesto de la ausencia. Santiago: Cuarto Propio, 1999.166
Autobiography/Biography Index
254 pp.
Collected autobiographical narrativefromLas alfareras, Lafelicidad, and Sagrada memoria. AB A1.4
. Sagrada memoria: Reminiscencias de una nihajudia en Chile. Santiago: Editorial Cuarto Propio, 1994.115 pp. Agosin describes growing up in Chile as the daughter of Jewish immigrants.
Agosin, Marjorie, and Emma Sepulveda Pulvirenti. Amigas: Letters of Friendship and Exile. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2001.180 pp. The correspondence between two Chilean friends, Marjorie Agosin and Emma Sepulveda-Pulvirenti. Letters date from their adolescence when both resided in Chile, through their adult years, as residents of the United States.
Alegria, Claribel, and D. J. Flakoll. No me agarran viva: la mujer Salvadoreha en la lucha. San Salvador: UCA Editores, 1987.148 pp. Eugenia, a Salvadoran woman, tells the story of women's involvement in El Salvador's military politics.
AB A3.1
. They Won't Take Me Alive: Salvadoran Women Struggle for National Liberation. Trans. Amanda Hopkinson. London: Women's Press, 1986.145 pp. Eugenia, a Salvadoran woman, tells the story of women's involvement in El Salvador's military politics. English translation of No me agarran viva: la mujer Salvador eha en la lucha.
Alvarez, Julia. Something to Declare. Chapel Hill: Algonquin Books, 1998. 300 pp. Alvarez's insight into being a bi-cultural writer. Autobiographical essays: Part One: Customs Grandfather's Blessing; Our Papers; My English; My Second Opera; I want to Be Miss America; El Doctor; La Gringuita; Picky Eater; Briefly a Gardener; Imagining Motherhood; Genetics of Justice; Family Matters.
Autobiography/Biography Index
Part Two: Declarations First Muse; Of Maids and Other Muses; So Much Depends; Dofla Aida, with Your Permission; Have Typewriter, Will Travel; A Vermont Writer from the Dominican Republic; Chasing the Butterflies; Goodbye, Ms. Chips; In the Name of the Novel; Ten of My Writing Commandments; Grounds for Fiction; Writing Matters. AB A5
Antonia, Kita. Autobiography of a Young One. Tucson: Saxon West Publications, 1994. 86 pp. Unavailable for annotation.
Behar, Ruth. Translated Woman: Crossing the Border with Esperanza's Story. Boston: Beacon Press, 1993. 369 pp. The story of Esperanza Hernandez, a Mexican woman.
Borton de Treviflo, Elizabeth. My Heart Lies South: The Story of My Mexican Marriage. Bathgate, N. D.: Bethlehem Books, 2000. 228 pp. Originally written in the 1950's, this edition has been edited to better appeal to adolescent readers. This is the story of a young American writer who travels to Mexico to work for the Boston Herald and who a year later returned to marry a Mexican.
Boza, Maria del Carmen. Scattering the Ashes: A Memoir. Tempe: Bilingual Review Press, 1999. 320 pp. A Cuban memoir in which the author details her family's exile in Miami.
Cabeza de Baca, Fabiola. We Fed Them Cactus. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1954; 2nd ed. 1994,185 pp. A childhood remembrance of life in New Mexico. The second edition includes an excellent introduction on the author by Tey Diana Rebolledo.
Cantu, Norma Elia. Imdgenes de una nihez fronteriza. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2001. 238 pp. Cantu's fictionalized memoir of Laredo in the 1940s, 1950s, and early 1960s. Includes actual snapshots. Winner of the 1995 Premio Aztten. Spanish translation of Canicula: Snapshots of a Girlhood en la
Autobiography/Biography Index
256 frontera. ABC2.1
. Canicula: Snapshots of a Girlhood en lafrontera. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico, 1999.132 pp. Cantu's fictionalized memoir of Laredo in the 1940's, 1950's, and early 1960's. Includes actual snapshots. Winner of the 1995 Premio Aztlan.
Casarez Vasquez, Enedina. Recuerdos de una nina. San Antonio: Centro de Comunicaciones, Misioneros Oblatos de Maria Imaculada, 1980. 65 pp. Stories about growing up in San Antonio, Texas.
Cerar, Melissa K., ed. Teenage Refugees from Nicaragua Speak Out. New York: Rosen Publishing Group, 1994. 64 pp. Oral histories by Nicaraguan teenagers living in the United States and Canada.
Codye, Corinn. Vilma Martinez* Trans. Alma Flor Ada. Austin: Steck-Vaughn Co., 1990. 32 pp. The biography of a woman who became a lawyer and challenged laws that discriminated against Latinos. Bilingual edition. Illustrated by Susi Kilgore.
Cordoba, Carol. Stowaway. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1996. 284 pp. The true story of Nicol&s Cordoba, a stowaway from Colombia and the author's relationship to him.
Cuero, Delfina, and Florence Connolly Shipek. Delfina Cuero: Her Autobiography, an Account of Her Last Years, and Her Ethnobotanic Contributions. Menlo Park: Ballena Press, 1991.98 pp. A detailed account of Delfina Cuero's work in ethnobotany.
De Ferrari, Gabriella. Gringa latina. Trans. Carmen Bordeu de Smith Estrada. Buenos Aires: Emece, 1998. 205 pp. The life of the author who grew up in Peru as the daughter of
Autobiography/Biography Index
foreigners. Spanish translation of Gringa Latina: Woman of Two Worlds. AB Dl.l
. Gringa Latina: Woman of Two Worlds. New York: Kodansha International, 1996.176 pp. The life of the author who grew up in Peru as the daughter of foreigners.
De la Cruz, Sor Juana. A Woman of Genius/La respuesta a Sor Filotea: The Intellectual Autobiography of Sor Juana Inis de la Cruz* Trans. Margaret Sayers Peden. Tempe: Bilingual Review Press, 1999.108 pp. Spanish/English bilingual format.
Dur&n Trujillo, Marie Oralia. Autumn Memories: My New Mexican Roots and Traditions. Pueblo: El Escritorio, 1999. 120 pp.
Esquibel Tywoniak, Frances, and Mario T. Garcia. Migrant Daughter: Coming of Age As a Mexican-American Woman. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000. 237 pp. Frances Esquibel Tywoniak's coming-of-age story as a MexicanAmerican dealing with two cultures.
FerrS, Rosario. A la sombra de tu nombre. Mexico D. F.: Alfaguara, 2001. 222 pp. Essays dealing with the author's memories, reflections on the art of writing, trips through the Caribbean, and conversations with the dead.
Garcia, Nasario. Platicas: Conversations with Hispano Writers of New Mexico. Lubbock: Texas Technical University Press, 2000. 222 pp. Interviews with six Hispanic writers; includes Denise E. Chavez and Erlinda Gonzales-Berry.
Grana, Mari. Begoso Cabin: A Pecos Country Retreat. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1999.159 pp. The author's efforts to build a home and a life in remote northern New Mexico. Includes drawings by Rose Mary Steams.
Autobiography/Biography Index
258 ABH1
Heredia, Juanita, and Bridget A. Kevane, eds. Latina SelfPortraits: Interviews with Contemporary Women Writers. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2000.192 pp. Authors interviewed: Julia Alvarez, Denise Chavez, Sandra Cisneros, Rosario Ferre, Christina Garcia, Nicholasa Mohr, Cherrie Moraga, Judith Ortiz Cofer, Esmeralda Santiago, and Helena Maria Viramontes. Also includes bibliographies for each of the writers.
Hill, Christine M. Ten Hispanic Authors. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers, 2002.112 pp. Includes biographies of: Julia Alvarez, Sandra Cisneros, Judith Ortiz Cofer, Nicholasa Mohr, and Esmeralda Santiago.
Hinojosa, Maria. Raising Raul: Adventures Raising Myself and My Son. New York: Viking Press, 1999. 240 pp. A memoir of a woman raising a child in the 1990's while struggling with her identity as a Mexican-American.
Ikas, Karin. Chicana Ways: Conversations with Ten Chicana Writers. Reno: University of Nevada Press, 2001. 216 pp. Each chapter features a different writer and includes a biography and bibliography. Among the writers included are: Gloria Anzaldua, Denise Chavez, Pat Mora, and Cherrie Moraga.
Jaramillo, Cleofas M. Romance of a Little Village Girl. San Antonio: The Naylor Company, 1955. 200 pp. Jaramillo relates memories of her girlhood in northern New Mexico. Sequel to Jaramillo's first book, Shadows of the Past.
AB Jl. 1
. Romance of a Little Village Girl. (Paso por aqui: Series on the Nuevomexicano Heritage). Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2000. 224 pp. A glimpse of life in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in northern New Mexico. Introduction by Tey Diana Rebolledo.
AB J1.2
. Shadows of the Past. Santa Fe: Seton Village Press, 1941.115 pp. New Mexico Spanish folklore. Illustrated by the author.
Autobiography/Biography Index AB J2
Jaramillo, Mari Luci. The Shoemaker's Daughter. Tempe: The Bilingual Review Press, 2001. 200 pp. Jaramillo relates her story as the child of manual laborers who works her way up through life to eventually become a U.S. ambassador to Honduras and a celebrated civil rights worker. Kallet, Marilyn, and Judith Ortiz Cofer, eds. Sleeping with One Eye Open: Women Writers and the Art of Survival. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1999. 221 pp. Writers discuss their strategies for coping with life's demands and how this affects their writing. Essays by the Latina writers Judith Ortiz Cofer, Sandra Benitez, and Aleida Rodriguez. Includes biobibliographies for contributors.
Lomas, Clara, ed. The Rebel. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1994. 297 pp. The memoir of Leonor Villegas de Magnon (1876-1955), a woman opposed to the dictatorship of Porfirio Diaz. Originally written in the 1920's, this is the work's first publication.
L6pez-Stafford, Gloria. A Place in El Paso: A Mexican American Childhood. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1996. 212 pp. A memoir of growing up in El Paso in the 1940's and 1950's. Young Gloria loses her mother and is raised by her father.
Medina, Eufelia. Me and My Helper, the Autobiography of Eufelia Medina 1914-1976. Denver: Western History/Genealogy Dept., Denver Public Library, 1970. 7 pp. and related papers. Includes a typed autobiography, poems, clippings, photographs, a family tree, and copies of letters.
Mireles Gonzalez, Jovita. Dew on the Thorn. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1997.182 pp. Texas Mexican life on a ranch. Edited and introduced by Jose E. Limon. Includes a primary bibliography for the author.
Mirriam-Goldberg, Caryn. Sandra Cisneros: Latina Writer and Activist. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers, Inc., 1998.112 pp.
Autobiography/Biography Index A biography of Sandra Cisneros. Juvenile literature.
Mora, Pat. House ofHouses. Boston: Beacon Press, 1997.296 pp. A memoir of a Mexican-American family. Includes a glossary of Spanish sayings.
Moraga, Cherrie. Loving in the War Years. Cambridge: South End Press, 2000. 208 pp. The author deals with her self-acceptance.
AB M5.1
. Waiting in the Wings. Portrait ofa Queer Motherhood. Ithaca: Firebrand books, 1997.127 pp. The author's diary entries concerning her pregnancy and her son's first years of life.
Ortiz Cofer, Judith. Bailando en silencio: escenas de una ninez puertorriquena. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1997.160 pp. Autobiographical stories. Spanish translation of Silent Dancing: A Partial Remembrance of a Puerto Rican Childhood. This volume is fully annotated in the Anthology Index.
AB Ol.l
. Silent Dancing: A Partial Remembrance of a Puerto Rican Childhood. Houston: Pinata Books, 1991.168 pp. Autobiographical stories. This volume is fully annotated in the Anthology Index.
AB 01.2
. Woman In Front of the Sun: On Becoming a Writer. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2000.127 pp. A collection of prose and poetry that relates how Cofer Ortiz became a writer.
AB 01.3
. The Year of Our Revolution. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1998.128 pp. The process of growing up viewed through a young woman's eyes.
Ortiz Taylor, Sheila, and Sandra Ortiz Taylor. Imaginary Parents. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1996.206 pp.
Autobiography/Biography Index
The author tells the story of her mother and father through a series of vignettes by adopting their voice. Text by Sheila Ortiz Taylor and color plates by Sandra Ortiz Taylor. Fully annotated in the Anthology Index. ABP1
Ponce, Mary Helen. Calle Hoyt: recuerdos de unajuventud chicana. Trans. Monica Ruvalcaba. New York: Anchor Books, 1995. 470 pp. The author's memoir of growing up in Southern California as a Chicana. Spanish translation of Hoyt Street: An Autobiography.
AB Pl.l
. Hoyt Street: An Autobiography. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1993. 338 pp. The author's memoir of growing up in Southern California as a Chicana.
. Hoyt Street: Memories of a Chicana Childhood. New York: Anchor Books, 1995. The author's memoir of growing up in Southern California as a Chicana.
Preciado Martin, Patricia. Images and Conversations: Mexican Americans Recall a Southwestern Past. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1983. 110 pp. Thirteenfirst-personaccounts by southern Arizona residents. Includes photographs by Louis Carlos Bernal.
Prentice Hall Literature Library, ed. Biography and Autobiography. Upper Saddle River: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 2000. 154 pp. Includes various writers whose work is of an autobiographical nature. Includes bio-bibliographies of contributors.
Rebolledo, Tey Diana, and Maria Teresa Marquez, eds. Women's Talesfrom the New Mexico WPA: La Diabla en Pie. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 2000. 454 pp. The collected interviews of ancianos during the Depression as part of the Works Progress Administration.
262 AB R2
Autobiography/Biography Index Ruiz, Mona, and Geoff Bucher. Two Badges: The Lives of Mona Ruiz. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1997. 288 pp. A woman's efforts to escape involvement with street gangs.
Ruiz de Burton, Maria Amparo. Conflicts of Interest: The Letters of Marta Amparo Ruiz de Burton. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 2001. 647 pp. The first Hispanic novelist to write in English, this volume offers Maria Amparo Ruiz de Burton's correspondence which shows the conflicts of her life. Edited, with an introduction by Rosaura Sanchez and Beatrice Pita.
Ryan, Bryan. Hispanic Writers: A Selection of Sketches from Contemporary Authors. New York: Gale Group, 2000. 514 pp. Includes more than four hundred entries on twentieth-century Hispanic writers.
Santiago, Esmeralda. Almost a Woman. New York: Vintage Books, 1999 320 pp. Sequel to When I Was Puerto Rican. The author's life after she arrives in Brooklyn at the age of 13.
AB Sl.l
. Casi una mujer. Trans. Nina Torres-Vidal. New York: Vintage Books, 1999 384 pp. Sequel to When I Was Puerto Rican. The author's life after she arrives in Brooklyn at the age of 13.
. Cuando era puertorriquena. New York: Vintage Espanol, 1994. 296 pp. The author recalls her childhood in Puerto Rico and Brooklyn. Spanish translation of When I Was Puerto Rican.
AB S1.3
. When I Was Puerto Rican. New York: Vintage Books, 1993. 274 pp. The author recalls her childhood in Puerto Rico and Brooklyn. Includes a glossary of Spanish terms.
Santiago, Esmeralda, and Joie Davidow, eds. Las Mamis, Favorite Latino Authors Remember Their Mothers. New York: Knopf,
Autobiography/Biography Index
2000.189 pp. Fourteen authors talk about their mothers and their effect on their lives. This volume is fully annotated in the Anthology Index. AB S3
Santos Silva, Loreina. Este ojo que me mira: cielo 1 memorias. San Juan: Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1998.117 pp. A memoir of the Puerto Rican author. She explores her life in vignettes, beginning with her birth and ending with her escape to the United States.
AB S3.1
. This Eye That Looks at Me: First Cycle, Memoirs. Trans. Carys Evans-Corrales. Pittsburgh: Latin American Literary Review Press, 2000. 106 pp. A memoir of the Puerto Rican author. She explores her life in vignettes, beginning with her birth and ending with her escape to the United States. English translation of Este ojo que me mira: cielo 1 memorias.
Saralegui, Cristina. Cristina: confidencias de una rubia. New York: Warner Audio Books, 1998. (Audiocassette). The author, the host of "El Show de Cristina," offers her opinions on a variety of topics.
AB S4.1
. Cristina! My Life as a Blonde. Trans. Margaret Sayers Peden. New York: Warner Books, 1998. 273 pp. The author, the host of "El Show de Cristina," offers her opinions on a variety of topics.
Sepulveda-Pulvirenti, Emma. From Border Crossings to Campaign Trail: Chronicle of a Latina in Politics. Falls Church: Azul Editions, 1998. 268 pp. The Chilean-born author documents the trials and tribulations of running for the Nevada Senate.
Shipek, Florence C. The Autobiography of Delfina Cuero: A Diegefto Indian. Riverside: Malki Museum Press, 1970. 67 pp. Cuero's story as told to Florence Shipek and interpreted by Rosalie
Autobiography/Biography Index
264 Pinto Robertson. AB S7
Strachwitz, Chris, and James Nicolopulos. Lydia Mendoza: A Family Autobiography. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1993. 400 pp. The story of Lydia Mendoza, a famous Mexican-American singer, from the 1920's, the Great Depression, World War II, to the post-war period. Winner of the 1993 Southwest Book Award and the 1994 ARSC Award for Excellence.
Tagle, Lillian, Joy Bellington, and Chris Lucas, eds. Honorable Exiles: A Chilean Woman in the 2(fh Century. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2000. 232 pp. Lillian Lorca de Tagle's memoir, detailing her privileged life in Chile and other countries and her eventual exile to the United States.
Torres, Olga Beatriz. Memorias de mi viaje/Recollections of My Trip. Trans. Juanita Luna-Lawhn. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1994.156 pp. Originally published in 1919, this is a collection of letters from a young Mexican girl to her aunt. Bilingual format, designed by Juan Bruce-Novoa.
Treviflo Hart, Elva. Barefoot Heart: Stories of a Migrant Child. Tempe: Bilingual Review Press, 1999. 282 pp. The author relates her life as a migrant child in south Texas and Minnesota.
Veciana Suarez, Ana. Birthday Parties in Heaven: Thoughts of Love, Life, Grief, and Other Matters of the Heart. New York: Plume, 2000. 117 pp. Autobiographical essays by the Miami Herald columnist.
Vilar, Irene. A Message from God in the Atomic Age: A Memoir. Trans. Gregory Rabassa. New York: Pantheon Books, 1996.324 pp. The author's true account of attempted suicide and subsequent confinement to a psychiatric hospital.
Autobiography/Biography Index AB V2.1
. The Ladies' Gallery. Trans. Gregory Rabassa. New York: Vintage Books, 1996.324 pp. .A memoir of three generations of Puerto Rican women. This is Vintage's title for A Message from God in the Atomic Age: A Memoir.
Yarbro-Bejarano, Yvonne. The Wounded Heart: Writing on Cherrie Moraga. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2001.232 pp. A book-length study on the feminist, lesbian writer and her work.
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Other Useful Resources Acosta-Beten, Edna, and Barbara Sjostrom, eds. The Hispanic Experience in the United States: Contemporary Issues and Perspectives. New York: Praeger, 1988. Alarcon, Norma, and Sylvia Kossnar, eds. Bibliography of Hispanic Women Writers. Bloomington: Chicano-Riquefio Studies, 1980. Alvarez-Borland, Isabel. Cuban-American Literature of Exile: From Person to Persona. Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia, 1998. Andre, Maria Claudia. Chicanas and Latin American Women Writers Exploring the Realm of the Kitchen as a Self-empowering Site. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 2001. Augenbraum, Harold, and Margarite Fernandez Olmos, eds. U.S. Latino Literature: A Critical Guide for Students and Teachers. Westport: Greenwood Press, 2000. Augenbraum, Harold, Hilda Mundo-Lopez, and Terry Quin, eds. Latinos in English: A Selected Bibliography of Latino Fiction Writers of the United States. New York: Mercantile Library of New York, 1992. Augenbraum, Harold, Terry Quinn, and Ilan Stavans. Bendiceme, America: Latinos [i. e. Latino] Writers of the United States. New York: The Mercantile Library of New York 1993. 66 pp. Badger, Ann, ed. Many Voices: A Presentation of Books by African-American, American-Indian, Asian-American, and Latina Writers. Columbus, Ohio: Thurber House, 1994. Barretto, Joao C , Roberto G. Trujillo, and Andres Rodriguez, eds. A Bibliography of Creative and Critical Mexican American Writings Through 1996. San Francisco: Rosenbery Library, 1998. Bleznick, Donald, ed. A Sourcebook for Hispanic Literature and Language: A Selected, Annotated Guide to Spanish, Spanish-American, and United States Hispanic Bibliography, Literature, Linguistics, Journals, and Other Source
Other Useful Resources
Material. Third Ed. Lanham: Scarecrow Press, 1995. Bloom, Harold, ed. Hispanic-American Writers. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 1998. 285 pp. Brady, Mary Pat. Extinct Lands, Temporal Geographies: Chicana Literatures and the Urgency of Space. Durham: Duke University Press, 2002. Bravo, Enrique R., comp. An Annotated Selected Puerto Rican Bibliography: Bibliografia puertorriquena selecta anotada. New York: Urban Center of Columbia University, 1972. Bryant, Shasta M., ed. A Selective Bibliography of Bibliographies of Hispanic American Literature. Austin: Institute of Latin American Studies. The University of Texas Press at Austin, 1976. Caliz-Montoro, Carmen. Writingfrom the Borderlands: A Study of Chicana, AfroCaribbean and Native Literatures in North America. Toronto: Tsar, 2000. Cardenas de Dwyer, Carlota, ed. Chicano Literature: An Introduction and an Annotated Bibliography. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1974. Castro, Rafaela G. et al., eds. What Do I Read Next? Multicultural Literature. Detroit: Gale Research, 1997. Champion, Laurie, and Emmanuel S. Nelson, eds. American Women Writers, 19001945: A Bio-bibliographicalCritical Source book. Westport: Greenwood Press, 2000. Charnon-Deutsch, Lou. An Annotated Bibliography of Hispanic Feminist Criticism. Stony Brook: Feministas Unidas, 1994. Chicano Database. Mountain View: Research Libraries Group, 2000. Christian, Karen. Show and Tell: Identity As Performance in U.S. Latina/o Fiction. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1997. Christie, John S. Latino Fiction and the Modernist Imagination: Literature of the Borderlands (Latino Communities, Emerging Voices-Political, Social, Cultural and Legal). New York: Garland Publishing, 1998. Consortium of Latin American Studies Program, ed Books without Borders: Five Years of the Americas Award for Children and Adult Literature, 1993-1998. Milwaukee: Center for Latin America, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1998. Cotera, Martha, ed. Latina Sourcebook: Bibliography of Mexican American, Cuban, Puerto Rico and Other Hispanic Women Materials in the US. Austin: Information Systems Development, 1982. Covington, Paula H., ed. Latin America and the Caribbean: A Critical Guide to Research Sources. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1992. Day, Frances Ann, ed. Latina and Latino Voices in Literature for Children and Teenagers. Portsmouth: Heinemann, 1997. . Latina and Latino Voices in Literature: Lives and Works. Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2003. . Multicultural Voices in Contemporary Literature: A Resource for Teachers. Portsmouth: Heinemann, 1999. De La Torre, Adela, and Beatriz M. Pesquera, eds. Building with Our Hands: New Directions in Chicana Studies. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993.
Other Useful Resources
Dominguez, Antonia Miguela. Esa imagen que en mi espejo se detiene: la herencia femenina en la narrativa de latinas en Estados Unidos. Huelva: Universidad deHuelva, 2001. Duefias Gonzalez, Roseann, ed. Chicano Literature: An Annotated Bibliography and Other Resource Materials. Tucson: University of Arizona, 1974. Eger, Ernestina N., ed. A Bibliography of Criticism of Contemporary Chicano Literature. Berkeley: Chicano Studies Library Publications, University of California, 1982. Emmons, Judy, ed. An Annotated Bibliography ofSelected Chicano Literature. El Paso: El Paso County Community College District, 1994. Eysturoy, Annie O. Daughters ofSelf-creation: The Contemporary Chicana Novel. Albuquerque: University New Mexico Press, 1996. Fister, Barbara, ed. Third World Women's Literatures: A Dictionary and Guide to Materials in English. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1995. Flores, Juan, ed. Divided Arrival: Narratives of the Puerto Rican Migration, 19201950. New York: Centros de Estudios Puertorriquenos, Hunter College, City University of New York, 1987. Foster, David William, ed. Chicano/Latino Homoerotic Identities. New York: Garland Publishing, 1999. . Sourcebook of Hispanic Culture in the United States. Chicago: American Library Association, 1982. . U.S. Puerto Rican Literature: A Bibliography of Secondary Sources. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1983. Foster, David William, and Virginia Ramos Foster, eds. Manual of Hispanic Bibliography. 2nd ed. New York: Garland Publishers, 1977. Gabaccia, Donna, ed. Immigrant Women in the United States: A Selectively AnnotatedMultidisciplinary Bibliography. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1989. Garcia-Ayvens, Francisco, ed. Chicano Anthology Index: A Comprehensive Author, Title, and Subject Index to Chicano Anthologies, 1965-1987. Berkeley: Ethnic Studies Library, 1990. Golenberg, Amy, ed. Annotated Bibliography of Children's Literature Focusing on Latino People, History, and Culture. . Galindo, Letticia, and Maria Dolores Gonzales, eds. Speaking Chicana: Voice, Power, and Identity. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1999. Garza-Falcon, Leticia. Gente Decente: A Borderlands Response to the Rhetoric of Dominance. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1998. Gonzales, Maria. Contemporary Mexican-American Women Novelists: Toward a Feminist Identity. New York: Peter Lang, 1996. Gonzalez-T., Cesar A., and Jose F. Salgado, eds. A Selected Bibliography of Chicano/Latino Literature. N.p.: n. p., 1994. Heisley, Michael, comp. An Annotated Bibliography of Chicano Folklorefrom the Southwestern United States. Los Angeles: Center for the Study of Comparative Folklore and Mythology, UCLA, 1977. Hernandez, Carmen Dolores, Puerto Rican Voices in English: Interviews with
Other Useful Resources
Writers. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1997. Herrera-Sobek, Maria, ed. Beyond Stereotypes: The Critical Analysis of Chicana Literature. Binghampton: Bilingual Press, 1985. Hill, Christine M. Ten Hispanic American Authors. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers, 2002. Horno-Delgado, Asuncion, ed. Breaking Boundaries: Latina Writings and Critical Readings. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1989. Jimenez, Alfredo, Francisco Lomeli and Claudia Esteve-Gabregat, eds. Handbook of Hispanic Cultures in the United States: Literature and Art. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1993. Kanellos Nicolas, ed. Biographical Dictionary of Hispanic Literature in the United States: The Literature of Puerto Ricans, Cuban Americans, and Other Hispanic Writers. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989. , ed. The Hispanic Literary Companion. Detroit: Visible Ink, 1997. Kaup, Monika. Rewriting North American Borders in Chicano and Chicana Narrative. New York: Peter Lang, 2001. Keating, AnaLouise, ed. lnterviews-Entrevistas/Gloria Anzaldua. New York: Routledge, 2000. Knippling, Alpana Sharma, ed. New Immigrant Literatures in the United State: A Sourcebook to Our Multicultural Literary Heritage. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1996. Kossnar, Sylvia, ed. Bibliography of Hispanic Women Writers. Bloomington: Chicano-Riqueno Studies, 1980. Lattin, Vernon Ed., ed. Contemporary Chicano Fiction: A Critical Survey. Binghamton: Bilingual Review Press, 1986. Leal, Luis, Fernando De Necochea, Francisco Lomeli and Roberto G. Trujillo, eds. A Decade of Chicano Literature, 1970-1979: Critical Essays and Bibliography. Santa Barbara: Editorial de la Causa, 1982. Lee, Juan Tomas, ed. Latin American Literature Pathfinder. Salt Lake City: Reforma de Utah, 1998. 48 pp. Lomeli, Francisco, ed Chicano Perspectives in Literature: A Critical and Annotated Bibliography. Albuquerque: Pajarito Publications, 1976. Lomeli, Francisco, and Carl R. Shirley, eds. Chicano Writers: Third Series (Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 209). Detroit: Gale Research, 1999. Luis, William. Dance Between Two Cultures: Latino Caribbean Literature Written in the United States. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1997. Luis, William, and Ann Gonzalez, ed. Dictionary of Literary Biography. Detroit: Gale Research, 1994. McCracken, Ellen Marie, ed. New Latina Narrative: The Feminine Space of Postmodern Ethnicity. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1999. McKenna, Teresa. Migrant Song: Politics and Process in Contemporary Chicano Literature. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1997. Maciel, David R., Isidro D. Ortiz, and Maria Herrera-Sobek, eds. Chicano Renaissance: Contemporary Cultural Trends. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2000.
Other Useful Resources
Madsen, Deborah L. Understanding Contemporary Chicana Literature. Columbia: University of South Carolina, 2000. Martinez, Julio A., ed. Chicano Scholars and Writers: A Bio-Bibliographical Directory. Metuchen, N.J., Scarecrow Press, 1979. Martinez, Julio A., and Francisco A. Lomeli, eds. Chicano Literature: A Reference Guide. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1985. Marting, Diane, ed. Spanish American Women Writers: A Bio-Bibliographical Source Book. New York: Greenwood Press, 1990. . Women Writers of Spanish America: An Annotated Bio-Bibliographic Guide. New York: Greenwood Press, 1987. Mendoza, Louis Gerard. Historia: The Literary Making of Chicana and Chicano History. San Antonio: Texas A & M University, 2001. Menes, Orlando Ricardo. Renaming Ecstasy: Latino Writings on the Sacred. Tempe: Bilingual Press, 2002. Miller, Wayne, ed. A Comprehensive Bibliography for the Study of American Minorities. New York: NYU Press, 1976. Miller, Yvette and Rosemary Feal, eds. Isabel Allende Today. Pittsburgh: Latin American Literary Review Press, 2002. Minnesota Center for Arts Education. Multicultural Voices in Literature. Golden Valley: Minnesota Center for Arts Education, 1995. Mirande, Alfredo. La Chicana: The Mexican-American Woman. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979. Mitchell, Jane, and Gilbert R. Cruz. A Comprehensive Chicano Bibliography: 1960-1972. Austin: Jenkins Publishing Co., 1973. Muse, Daphne, ed. The New Press Guide to Multicultural Resources for Young Readers. New York: New Press, 1997. Neate, Wilson. Tolerating Ambiguity: Ethnicity and Community in Chicano/a Writing. New York: Peter Lang, 1998. Parks, George B., and Ruth Z. Temple, eds. The Literatures of the World in English Translation: A Bibliography. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1970. Peck, David R., ed. American Ethnic Literatures: Native American, African American, Chicano/Latino, and Asian American Writers and Their Backgrounds: An Annotated Bibliography. Pasadena: Salem Press, 1992. P£rez, Emma. The Decolonial Imaginary: Writing Chicanas into History. Bloomington, Indiana University Press: 1999. Perez, Janet, and Genaro Perez J., eds. Experimental Fiction by Hispanic Women Writers. Odessa State: Monographic Review, 1992. Pino, Frank, ed. Mexican-Americans: A Research Bibliography. Vols. 1 and 2. East Lansing, Mich.: Michigan State University (Latin American Studies Center), 1974. Poey, Delia. Latino American Literature in the Classroom: The Politics of Transformation. Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 2002. Quintana, Alvina. E. Home Girls: Chicana Literary Voices. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1996.
Other Useful Resources
Rebolledo, Tey Diana, ed. Nuestras Mujeres: Hispanas of New Mexico: Their Images and Their Lives. Albuquerque: El Norte Publications, 1992. Robinson, Cecil. Mexico and the Hispanic Southwest in American Literature. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1977. Rodriguez, Andres, ed. A Bibliography of Chicano Short Fiction, 1913-1986. Stanford: Stanford University Libraries, Dept. of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, 1986. Rodriguez, Rodgrigo Joseph, ed. Literature by Latinas and Latinos of the United States ofAmerica: Selected Bibliography. Austin: University of Texas, 1997. Rosales, Francisco A., David William Foster, and Carmen De Novais, ed Hispanics and the Humanities in the Southwest. A Directory of Resources. Tempe: Center for Latin American Studies, Arizona State University, 1983. Rudin, Ernst. Tender Accents of Sound: Spanish in the Chicano Novel in English. Tempe: Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingue, 1996. Ryan, Bryan, ed. Hispanic Writers: A Selection of Sketches from Contemporary Authors. 2nd ed. Detroit: Gale, 1999. Saldivar-Hull, Sonia. Feminism on the Border: Chicana Gender Politics and Literature. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000. Sanchez-Gonzalez, Lisa. Boricua Literature: A Literary History of the Puerto Rican Diaspora. New York: New York University Press, 2001. Schon, Isabel, ed. The Best of Latino Heritage: A Guide to the Best Juvenile Books about Latino People and Cultures. Lanham: The Scarecrow Press, 1997. Scott, Frank, et al., comp. Chicano Literature: A Selective Bibliography. El Paso: University of Texas Press, 1977. Shular, Antonia Castaneda. Literatura chicana: textoy contexto. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1972. Sirias, Silvio. Julia Alvarez: A Critical Companion. Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2001. Simone, Roberta, ed The Immigrant Experience in American Fiction: An Annotated Bibliography. Lanham: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1995. Stoner, K. Lynn. Latinas in the Americas: A Sourcebook. New York: Garland, 1989. Sullivan, Charles, ed. Here is My Kingdom: Hispanic-American Literature and Art for Young People. New York: H. N. Abrams, 1994. Tatum, Charles M, ed. A Selected and Annotated Bibliography of Chicano Studies. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1979. . Chicano Popular Culture: Que hable el pueblo. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2001. Torrans, Thomas. The Magic Curtain: The Mexican-American Border in Fiction, Film, and Song. Fort Worth: Texas Christian University Press, 2002. Trejo, Arnulfo D., ed. Bibliografia Chicana: A Guide to Information Sources. Detroit: Gale Research, 1975. Trujillo, Carla, ed. Living Chicana Theory. Berkeley: Third Woman Press, 1998. Trujillo, Robert G. and Andres Rodriguez, eds. Literatura Chicana: Creative and Critical Writings Through 1984. Oakland: Floricanto Press, 1985.
Other Useful Resources
Villa, Raul Homero. Barrio-Logos: Space and Place in Urban Chicano Literature and Culture. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2000. Walas, Guillermina, ed. Entre dos Americas: narrativas de latinas en los '90s. Lanham: University Press of America, 2000. Yarbo-Bejarano, Yvonne. The Wounded Heart: Writing on Cherrie Moraga. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2001. York, Sherry. Children's and Young Adult Literature by Latino Writers: A Guide for Librarians, Teachers, Parents and Students. Worthington: Linworth Publishers, 2002. Zimmerman, Enid, ed. An Annotated Bibliography of Chicano Literature: Novels, Short Fiction, Poetry and Drama, 1970-1980. Binghamton: Bilingual Press, 1983. Zimmerman, Marc, ed. US. Latino Literature: An Essay and Annotated Bibliography. Chicago: March/Abrazo Press, 1992.
About the Author KATHY S. LEONARD is Professor of Spanish and Hispanic Linguistics at Iowa State University. Her previous books include Index to Translated Short Fiction by Latin American Women in English-Language Anthologies (Greenwood, 1997).